
Sample records for centre hospitalier universitaire

  1. La cardiomyopathie dilatee au centre hospitalier Universitaire ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    But : Afin d'améliorer la prise en charge, d'éviter l'évolution rapide vers une insuffisance cardiaque réfractaire au traitement, nous avons entrepris cette étude en milieu hospitalier. Méthode : il s'est agi d'une étude rétrospective et descriptive dans le service de cardiologie du Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Tokoin de Lomé.

  2. Sequelles de Brulures au Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Ibn Rochd de Casablanca: Aspects Epidemio-Cliniques (United States)

    Chafiki, N.; Fassi Fihri, J.; Boukind, E.H.


    Summary Il s'agit d'une étude épidémiologique des séquelles de brûlures à propos de 100 cas colligés au service de chirurgie réparatrice et de brûlés du centre hospitalier universitaire Ibn Rochd (Casablanca). Les adultes représentent 55% de la population étudiée, l'âge moyen global est de 20 ans. Le sexe féminin est le plus touché avec 61% des cas. Les brûlures survenues à domicile sont les plus fréquentes avec 80%. L'agent causal le plus incriminé est la petite bouteille de butane avec 44,4%. Plus de la moitié de la population brûlée (55%) sont accueillis initialement au niveau d'hôpitaux régionaux. Le délai de cicatrisation moyen de 7 mois et 11 jours et par conséquent les séquelles mineures (dyschromie dans 90% des cas et prurit dans 49% des cas) et majeures (rétractions dans 86% et l'hypertrophie dans 51%) sont fréquentes. La répartition globale des séquelles montre une prédominance du segment cervicocéphalique avec 89% des cas et des membres supérieurs dans 82% des cas. Les différents aspects anatomocliniques essentiels ont été décrits au niveau de chaque segment corporel. Nos résultats ont été comparés aux données de la littérature, ce qui nous amène à considérer qu'une large campagne de prévention couplée à une meilleure prise en charge initiale, précoce, bien conduite et multidisciplinaire permet non seulement de réduire le nombre de séquelles mais aussi de diminuer leur sévérité. PMID:21991060

  3. Douleurs induites par les soins: la réalité au Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Befelatanana Antananarivo, Madagascar (United States)

    Mahavivola, Ernestho-Ghoud Indretsy; Olivah, Razanaparany Miarisoa Mireille; Mihary, Dodo; Hendriniaina, Rakotoharivelo; Lalao, Randriamboavonjy Rado; Henintsoa, Rakotonirainy Oliva; Fahafahantsoa, Rapelanoro Rabenja


    La douleur induite par les soins correspond à la douleur survenant lors des actes à visé diagnostique et/ou thérapeutique. A notre connaissance, nous n'avons pas encore des données disponibles pour les douleurs induites par les soins à l'Hôpital de Befelatanana. Nos objectifs étaient de décrire le profil épidémiologique de la douleur induite par les soins, d'identifier les principaux facteurs influençant sur l'intensité de la douleur et leurs retentissements chez les patients. Il s'agissait d'une étude rétrospective, transversale type un jour donné menée dans les douze services de Médecines au Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Befelatanana en Novembre 2013. Cent deux patients ont été retenus dans l’étude et trois cent vingt trois actes douloureux étaient enregistrés. La fréquence de la douleur induite par les soins était de 69,86%. Le genre féminin prédominait dans 52% des cas (n = 53) avec un sex-ratio à 0,92. L’âge moyen était de 46 ans. Les ponctions vasculaires étaient l'acte prédominant dans 49,54% (n = 109) des cas. Les infirmiers réalisaient les soins dans 47,05% (n = 48) des cas. L'information verbale était la mesure préventive utilisée dans 57,84% des cas (n = 59). Le transport par marche à pied et au dos représentait 16,67% des cas (n = 17). Les patients naïfs des gestes étaient plus anxieux. Ces patients gardaient de mauvais souvenir dans 64,71% des cas (n = 66). La fréquence de douleur induite par les soins était trop élevée. Un effort important est nécessaire pour réduire la douleur induite par les soins PMID:25932071

  4. La Greffe de Peau dans le Traitement des Sequelles de la Main Brulee. A Propos de 152 Cas - Experience du Service de Chirurgie Plastique du Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Ibn-Sina, Rabat, Maroc (United States)

    El Mazouz, S.; Fejjal, N.; Hafidi, J.; Cherkab, L.; Mejjati, H.; Belfqih, R.; Gharib, N.; Abbassi, A.


    Summary La main est fréquemment exposée aux brûlures, entraînant des séquelles esthétiques et fonctionnelles. Le traitement de ces séquelles est surtout chirurgical et consiste en la greffe de peau, dont le type dépend de la localisation de la brûlure et du type des séquelles. Dans ce travail rétrospectif, nous rapportons une série de 152 cas de brûlures des mains colligés au service de chirurgie plastique du Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Ibn-Sina de Rabat sur une période de dix ans, allant de 1998 à 2007. Les indications thérapeutiques dépendent du type de séquelles et de la localisation de la brûlure. En tout, 97 patients ont bénéficié d'une greffe cutanée, dont 76% par greffe de peau totale, 21% par greffe de peau demi-épaisse et 3% par peau fine. Les séquelles des brûlures des mains posent un problème thérapeutique majeur, malgré la diversité des procédés chirurgicaux, d'où l'intérêt de la prévention. PMID:21991196

  5. Case report

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    30 mars 2016 ... Moustapha Dieng4, Papa Macoumba Gaye4, Ahmadou Dem5. 1Département de Chirurgie, Service de Chirurgie Viscérale et Digestive, Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Yalgado Ouédraogo, Ouagadougou, Burkina. Faso, 2Service de Gynécologie Obstétrique, Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Yalgado ...


    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    autresantibiotiques utilisésle traitement des infections urinaires. Type de l'étude : Etude prospective et expérimentale. Méthodologie : Lieu et période : Centre Hospitalier Universitaire YalgadoOuedraogo, Centre Hospitalier. UniversitairePédiatrique Charles De Gaulle, Hôpital Saint Camille et Laboratoire National de Santé ...

  7. Depistage clinique des infections sexuellement transmissibles chez ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Depistage clinique des infections sexuellement transmissibles chez les personnes vivant avec le VIH suivies au Centre de Traitement Ambulatoire du Centre National Hospitalier Universitaire Hubert Koutoukou Maga de Cotonou.

  8. Prévalence et caractéristiques des effets indésirables des antihypertenseurs chez les patients suivis en ambulatoire au Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Yalgado Ouédraogo (United States)

    Millogo, Georges Rosario Christian; Zongo, Ragomzingba Frank Edgard; Benao, Anita; Youl, Estelle Noëla Hoho; Bassoleth, Blaise Alexandre Bazona; Ouédraogo, Moussa; Zabsonré, Patrice; Guissou, Innocent Pierre


    La prise en charge médicamenteuse de l'hypertension artérielle (HTA) entraine des effets indésirables qui peuvent être gênants et ainsi influencer l'observance du patient. Nous avons étudié ces effets indésirables dans le service de cardiologie du Centre hospitalier universitaire Yalgado Ouédraogo afin de déterminer leurs fréquences et leurs caractéristiques. Il s'agissait d'une étude transversale de juillet à septembre 2015 chez les patients suivis en ambulatoire pour HTA. Les données ont été obtenues à partir de l'interrogatoire, des carnets de suivi des patients et des fiches de consultations. Au total 278 patients ont été inclus. La population d'étude incluait 69,1% de femmes. L'âge moyen était de 52,2 ans avec des extrêmes de 23 et 86 ans. Quatre vingt et sept virgule huit pourcent (87,8%) vivaient en milieu urbain. Le tabagisme, la dyslipidémie et les antécédents familiaux d'HTA représentaient respectivement 9%, 35,6% et 57,2%. Au plan thérapeutique, 43,2% étaient sous monothérapie, 35,6% sous bithérapie à l'initiation du traitement. Les inhibiteurs calciques (59,7%) étaient la classe thérapeutique la plus utilisée. La prévalence globale des effets indésirables était de 60,1%. Les inhibiteurs calciques étaient impliqués dans 53,6% suivis des diurétiques (48,6%) dans la survenue de l'effet indésirable. La prévalence spécifique par molécule était 28,1% pour l'amlodipine et 24,5% pour l'hydrochlorothiazide. La diurèse excessive (13,7%), la toux (12,9%) et les vertiges (11,5%) étaient les effets indésirables les plus fréquemment évoqués par les patients. Le système nerveux central et périphérique et le système ostéo-musculaire étaient les systèmes les plus atteints. Les effets indésirables sont un déterminant majeur de l'adhésion aux traitements antihypertenseur, car leur impact sur la vie quotidienne des patients peut s'avérer significatif. PMID:29875965

  9. L'infection a virus de l'Immunodeficience Humaine (VIH), facteur ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    L'infection a virus de l'Immunodeficience Humaine (VIH), facteur predictif de gravite et de mortalite des accidents vasculaires cerebraux au Centre National Hospitalier et Universitaire-Hubert Koutoukou Maga (CNHU-HKM) de Cotonou, Benin.

  10. Author Details

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Dembélé, A. Vol 39, No 1-2 (2016) - Articles Tuberculose du col utérin simulant un cancer du col utérin : à propos d'un cas, au Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Souro Sanou de Bobo-Dioulasso, Burkina Faso Abstract · Vol 39, No 1-2 (2016) - Articles Cardiomyopathie du péri-partum prise en charge en milieu Hospitalier ...

  11. Browse Title Index

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Vol 6, No 2 (2009), L'eclampsie au centre hospitalier et Universitaire de Brazzaville, Congo, Abstract PDF .... AL Bella, LE Mama, MC Ebana, P Ndom ... MSSACCWG Members Of The Sub-Saharan Africa Cervical Cancer Working Group.

  12. La dialyse péritonéale chez les patients de moins de vingt ans ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    La dialyse péritonéale chez les patients de moins de vingt ans: expérience d'un centre hospitalier universitaire marocain. Intissar Haddiya, Hakima Rhou, Fatima Ezaitouni, Naima Ouzeddoun, Rabia Bayahia, Loubna Benamar ...

  13. Etiologies des anémies chez les adultes dans le service de ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Objectif: Déterminer les étiologies des anémies dans le service de médecine interne du centre hospitalier universitaire Sylvanus Olympio (CHU-SO) de Lomé. Méthodologie: Etude rétrospective portant sur des sujets âgés de 15 ans et plus, hospitalisés dans le service de médecine interne du CHU-SO du 1er janvier 2011 ...

  14. Author Details

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    cia) chez l'enfant au Togo: Aspects epidemiologiques, diagnostiques et prise en charge. Abstract · Vol 8, No 1 (2006): Serie D - Articles Etiologies et evolution des comas non-traumatiques de l'enfant au Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Lome

  15. Author Details

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    2005) - Articles Asphyxie neonatale au centre hospitalier et Universitaire de Yaounde, Cameroun Abstract · Vol 4, No 1 (2007) - Articles L\\'antibiotherapie de premiere intention dans le traitement de l\\'empyeme pleural de l\\'enfant en milieu Africain ...

  16. Roles et taches des accompagnateurs des patients hospitalises ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Roles et taches des accompagnateurs des patients hospitalises dans le service de pneumo-phtysiologie au Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Yalgado Ouedraogo de ... Logistical support represented by material support, drug supply, cleaning of premises, and littering occupied respectively 100%, 91%, 42% and 73%.

  17. Dosimeter calibration facilities and methods at the Radiation Measurement Laboratory of the Centre d'etudes nucleaires, Grenoble

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Choudens, H. de; Herbaut, Y.; Haddad, A.; Giroux, J.; Rouillon, J.; CEA Centre d'Etudes Nucleaires de Grenoble, 38


    At the Centre d'etudes nucleaires, Grenoble, the Radiation Measurement Laboratory, which forms part of the Environmental Protection and Research Department, serves the entire Centre for purposes of dosimetry and the calibration of dose meters. The needs of radiation protection are such that one must have facilities for checking periodically the calibration of radiation-monitoring instruments and developing special dosimetry techniques. It was thought a good idea to arrange for the dosimetry and radiation protection team to assist other groups working at the Centre - in particular, the staff of the biology and radiobiology laboratories - and also bodies outside the framework of the French Commissariat a l'energie atomique. Thus, technical collaboration has been established with, for example, Grenoble's Centre hospitalier universitaire (university clinic), which makes use of the facilities and skills available at the Radiation Measurement Laboratory for solving special dosimetry problems. With the Laboratory's facilities it is possible to calibrate dose meters for gamma, beta and neutron measurements

  18. Author Details

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Allah-kouadio, E. Vol 4, No 1 (2014) - Articles Pratique de la coloscopie à Abidjan (Côte d'Ivoire) : résultats d'une enquête descriptive au Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Cocody. Abstract · Vol 5, No 1 (2015) - Articles Coloscopie des patients de 75 ans et plus : faisabilité, indications et rentabilité : Expérience du centre ...

  19. La recherche de l'antigene D faible au Togo: etat des lieux | Kolou ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Matériel et méthodes: Nous avons analysé à travers une étude transversale la recherche du RH:W1 par la méthode sérologique dans trois laboratoires publics : le Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Campus, l'Institut National d'Hygiène et le Centre National de Transfusion Sanguine. Parmi les 6737 groupages sanguins ...

  20. Research Article

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    Jan 1, 2017 ... Infection du tractus urinaire chez l'enfant: aspect épidémiologiqueset bactériologiques au centre hospitalier universitaire pédiatrique Charles de Gaule de Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso). 2009. [18] Ghuysen J.M. Molecular structures of penicillin-bending proteins and beta-lactamases.l. Trends Microbio.

  1. Pan African Medical Journal - Vol 25, No 1 (2016)

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Hémodialyse chronique et dépression au Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Sylvanus Olympio de Lomé (Togo). Mawufemo Yawovi Tsevi, Saliou Salifou, Akomola Kossi Sabi .... Complication inhabituelle de la radiothérapie: la perforation cornéenne: à propos d'un cas. Taha Elghazi, Youssef Omor, Zouheir Hafidi, Amine Eljai, ...

  2. Revue de Médecine et de Pharmacie - Vol 5, No 1 (2015)

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Coloscopie des patients de 75 ans et plus : faisabilité, indications et rentabilité : Expérience du centre hospitalier universitaire de Cocody (Abidjan) · EMAIL FULL TEXT EMAIL FULL TEXT DOWNLOAD FULL TEXT DOWNLOAD FULL TEXT. AJB Okon, AS Thot'o, D Soro, A Ouattara, M Diakite, A Kone, S Kone, BSAF ...

  3. Author Details

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Tebeu, PM. Vol 16, No 2 (2013) - Articles Recherche et Titrage des Hémolysines Anti-A et Anti-B Chez Les Femmes en periode du postpartum immédiat au Centre Hospitalier et Universitaire de Yaoundé Abstract. ISSN: 1560-8646. AJOL African Journals Online. HOW TO USE AJOL... for Researchers · for Librarians ...

  4. 1758-IJBCS-Article-Hoekou Yao

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    albicans, une levure isolée du prélèvement vaginal chez une malade atteinte de candidose au Laboratoire de Microbiologie du Centre. Hospitalier Universitaire Sylvanus Olympio. (Togo). Extraction. L'extraction a été réalisée dans le. Laboratoire de chimie de l'Ecole Supérieure des Techniques Biologiques et Alimentaires.

  5. Browse Title Index

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Vol 13, No 2 (2011): Series B, La caracterizacio n lingüística del negro esclavo en la literatura hispanoamericana Según Nicolas Guillen, Amado Alonso y Adalberto Ortiz, Abstract. V Hermann. Vol 13, No 1 (2011): Serie D, La cardiomyopathie dilatee au centre hospitalier Universitaire Tokoin de Lome : A propos de 74 cas ...

  6. Pattern of chronic liver disease in Omani children – A ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Objectif: Déterminer la tendance de la maladie du culin foie chronique chez des enfants Omani. Plan d'étude: Soixante quartoze enfant (43M:33F)âgés entre 4 jours et 10 ans envoyés au service de la Pédiatrie gastroentrologie de centre hospitalier universitaire du Sultant Qaboos, Muscat, Oman entre 1995 -2000. Pour une ...

  7. Case report

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    27 août 2015 ... familiaux, a été admis le 03 Mars 2012 aux urgences chirurgicales du Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Aristide le Dantec de Dakar, pour des douleurs .... mélanome, le sarcome d'Ewing, l'angiosarcome, le séminome, le carcinome adénoïde kystique et le carcinome bronchique. Il s'agit du marqueur ...

  8. Mise en place des préalables aux essais randomisés d'interventions ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    L'Université d'Abomey-Calavi en partenariat avec le Centre hospitalier affilié universitaire de Québec (Canada) souhaitent assurer les conditions propices à la réalisation d'activités futures d'interventions préventives du VIH au Bénin. Tel que recommandé par l'Entreprise mondiale pour un vaccin contre le VIH, le projet ...

  9. Génétique Clinique dans le Service de Pédiatrie et de Génétique ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    2Service de Pédiatrie, de Génétique Médicale et de Néonatologie, Centre National Hospitalier et Universitaire, 01 BP 386, Cotonou, ... Received 10 December 2010 ; Accepted 15 February 2011 .... rencontrées avec leur cause probable sont présentées dans .... médiane fréquente dans le syndrome de Di George d'o`u.

  10. Browse Title Index

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Items 1 - 33 of 33 ... Vol 16, No 2 (2013), Recherche et Titrage des Hémolysines Anti-A et Anti-B Chez Les Femmes en periode du postpartum immédiat au Centre Hospitalier et Universitaire de Yaoundé, Abstract. D Fopa, CT Tagny, PM Tebeu, A Ndoumba, D Mbanya. Vol 17, No 2 (2015), Red Cell Antibodies Post Transfusion ...

  11. Effets de l'audit clinique basé sur des critères sur de la qualité de la ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Effets de l'audit clinique basé sur des critères sur de la qualité de la prise en charge de la prééclampsie sévère dans le Département de Gynécologie Obstétrique du Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Yalgado Ouédraogo, Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso). Sibraogo Kiemtoré, Adama Dembélé, Adama Ouattara, Hyacinthe1,2 ...

  12. Tuberculose du col utérin simulant un cancer du col utérin : à propos ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Tuberculose du col utérin simulant un cancer du col utérin : à propos d'un cas, au Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Souro Sanou de Bobo-Dioulasso, Burkina Faso. A. Dembélé, V. Konségré, E. Birba, D.A. Somé, H. Zamané, A.S. Ouédraogo, S. Kiemtoré, S. Ouattara, A. Lamien-Sanou, M. Bambara, B. Bonané/Thiéba ...

  13. Evaluation de la qualité de la tenue des dossiers médicaux des ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Evaluation de la qualité de la tenue des dossiers médicaux des patientes en gynécologie et en obstétrique dans un Centre hospitalier universitaire de référence, Burkina Faso. H. Zamané, S. Kiemtoré, I. Ouédraogo, P.D. Kaïn, Y.A. Sawadogo, S.D. Sanou, A. Ouattara, A. Dembélé, J. Lankoandé ...

  14. Bisoprolol in the treatment of chronic heart failure


    Pascal de Groote; Pierre-Vladimir Ennezat; Fréderic Mouquet


    Pascal de Groote1, Pierre-Vladimir Ennezat2, Fréderic Mouquet11Service de Cardiologie C, 2Service des soins intensifs cardiologiques, Hôpital Cardiologique, Centre Hospitalier Régional et Universitaire de Lille, FranceAbstract: Bisoprolol fumarate is a highly selective beta-1 receptor blocker. Bisoprolol has been extensively studied in three large mortality trials in stable chronic heart failure (CHF) patients. The CIBIS trial enrolled 641 patients and demonstrated the goo...

  15. The Frederic Joliot hospital department; Le service hospitalier Frederic Joliot

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The Service Hospitalier Frederic Joliot (SHFJ) of the CEA, has got a scientific and a medical mission: to develop techniques allowing the functional study of human organs. The paper presents the main activities of this department: the positron emission tomography to visualize in real time markers in the organism in neurology and cardiology, researches on epilepsy to localize the epileptic centre, the nuclear medicine in cardiology with the use of the gamma photon emission tomography and the radiopharmacology to visualize the drugs effects in the organism. (A.L.B.)

  16. Des options politico-stratégiques pour le développement professionnel des enseignants universitaires


    Paquay, Léopold


    Le texte qui suit est un résumé des témoignages d’experts de quatre institutions universitaires. Tout au long de ce numéro, ont été présentés et analysés différents dispositifs développés dans les universités pour permettre et soutenir le développement professionnel des enseignants-chercheurs, particulièrement au sein de structures institutionnelles spécifiques (centres de pédagogie universitaire, par exemple). Ces dispositifs sont variés : des formations instituées, des modalités diverses d’...

  17. High Prevalence of Hepatitis B Virus Infection in the Age Range of 20-39 Years Old Individuals in Lome


    Kolou, Malewe; Katawa, Gnatoulma; Salou, Mounerou; Gozo-Akakpo, Komlan Selom; Dossim, Sika; Kwarteng, Alexander; Prince-David, Mireille


    Background: Hepatitis B is a liver infection caused by the hepatitis B virus (HBV). It affects all women and men irrespective of age. Although sub-Saharan Africa is an area of high prevalence of this disease, data on the prevalence of acute and chronic HBV infections in this region remain to be widely documented. Objective: This study aimed to investigate the prevalence of HBV in relation to age in Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Campus (CHU-C), one of the two teaching hospitals of Lome, Tog...

  18. Patient dosimetry in computed tomography and mammography: the case of CENHOSOA (Centre Hospitalier Soavinandriana) and Polyclinic Ilafy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    Medical exposures are among the largest artificial source of exposure to ionizing radiation of the population. It is necessary that the protection measures should be taken to prevent over or under exposure of patients. The aim of this work is to assess the delivered dose to patient in computed tomography and in mammography. The study was performed at the Service of Radiology and Medical Imaging of the Centre Hospitalier de Soavinandriana and the Polyclinic d'Ilafy. This work is a part of The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) project (RAF/9/033) untitled S trengthening Radiological Protection Of Patient and Control of Medical Exposure . Results showed that the measured doses are lower than the reference standard established by the IAEA and the Commission of the European Communities, except for the examination realized at 40 kV and 50 kV in mammography. We performed also comparison of the dose measured by the ionizing chamber and the Thermoluminescent Dosimeter (TLD). Deviation between these two measurements is less than 5%. This is due to the uncertainty during the calibration procedures of the TLD. In conclusion, results of this work are useful for the implementation of the regulation in radiation protection in Madagascar. [fr

  19. Pratique de l’électroconvulsivothérapie dans un hôpital universitaire Tunisien (United States)

    Mechri, Anwar; Zaafrane, Hana; Khalifa, Monia Hadj; Toumi, Samir; Zaafrane, Férid; Gaha, Lotfi


    Les objectifs de cette étude étaient de décrire les modalités pratiques de l’électroconvulsivothérapie (ECT) à l’hôpital universitaire de Monastir (Tunisie). Il s'agit d'une étude rétrospective portant sur tous les patients traités par ECT à l’hôpital universitaire de Monastir entre 2002 et 2013. Le nombre des patients était de 80 patients (60 hommes et 20 femmes, d’âge moyen de 42,1±15,7 ans), représentant 1,4% de l’ensemble des patients hospitalisés en psychiatrie durant la période d’étude. Le nombre total des séances d’ECT était de 784. Le diagnostic principal était le trouble dépressif majeur isolé ou récurrent chez 50% des patients. La majorité des patients (78,8%) avait reçu une seule cure d’ECT avec un nombre moyen de séances de 8,1 ± 4,9. Le produit anesthésique le plus utilisé était le propofol (97,4%). L’énergie délivrée était comprise entre 40 et 80 joules dans 71% des cas et elle était positivement corrélée à l’âge des patients. La durée moyenne de la crise motrice était de 22,3 ± 7,2 secondes et elle était négativement corrélée à l’âge des patients. Le taux de réponse le plus élevé a été constaté au niveau des scores de dépression (64,3%). Des effets indésirables immédiats ont été mentionnés chez 51,2% des patients. Enfin, 20% des patients poursuivaient des séances d’ECT d’entretien avec un rythme uni ou bimensuel. La pratique de l’ECT à l’hôpital universitaire de Monastir reste peu développée en termes de nombre des patients et des séances d’ECT. Des efforts doivent être déployés pour promouvoir l’utilisation de cette méthode. PMID:29632628

  20. Multi-omics analysis provides insight to the Ignicoccus hospitalis-Nanoarchaeum equitans association. (United States)

    Rawle, Rachel A; Hamerly, Timothy; Tripet, Brian P; Giannone, Richard J; Wurch, Louie; Hettich, Robert L; Podar, Mircea; Copié, Valerie; Bothner, Brian


    Studies of interspecies interactions are inherently difficult due to the complex mechanisms which enable these relationships. A model system for studying interspecies interactions is the marine hyperthermophiles Ignicoccus hospitalis and Nanoarchaeum equitans. Recent independently-conducted 'omics' analyses have generated insights into the molecular factors modulating this association. However, significant questions remain about the nature of the interactions between these archaea. We jointly analyzed multiple levels of omics datasets obtained from published, independent transcriptomics, proteomics, and metabolomics analyses. DAVID identified functionally-related groups enriched when I. hospitalis is grown alone or in co-culture with N. equitans. Enriched molecular pathways were subsequently visualized using interaction maps generated using STRING. Key findings of our multi-level omics analysis indicated that I. hospitalis provides precursors to N. equitans for energy metabolism. Analysis indicated an overall reduction in diversity of metabolic precursors in the I. hospitalis-N. equitans co-culture, which has been connected to the differential use of ribosomal subunits and was previously unnoticed. We also identified differences in precursors linked to amino acid metabolism, NADH metabolism, and carbon fixation, providing new insights into the metabolic adaptions of I. hospitalis enabling the growth of N. equitans. This multi-omics analysis builds upon previously identified cellular patterns while offering new insights into mechanisms that enable the I. hospitalis-N. equitans association. Our study applies statistical and visualization techniques to a mixed-source omics dataset to yield a more global insight into a complex system, that was not readily discernable from separate omics studies. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  1. Une géographie de la coopération universitaire France-Brésil, analyse des accords Capes-Cofecub

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Hervé Théry


    Full Text Available L’analyse et la cartographie des 750 accords de coopération universitaire entre la France et le Brésil fait apparaître, au-delà de l’effet évident des hiérarchies urbaines (les villes les plus peuplées sont aussi les grands centres universitaires, des spécialisations qui renvoient à des traditions locales et la résultante des réseaux des équipes candidates.The analysis and mapping of the 750 agreements for academic cooperation between France and Brazil shows, beyond the obvious effect of urban hierarchies (the most populous cities are also the major academic centers, specializations wich refer to local traditions and the result of networking made by the candidate teams.

  2. Poster "Maladies rares & sciences sociales"


    Duysens, Fanny


    Le poster "Maladies rares & sciences sociales" visait à présenter la recherche doctorale de l'auteure au grand public dans le cadre de la Journée des Maladies Rares du Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Liège dont le thème était "la recherche sur les maladies rares". Réalisé spécialement pour l'occasion, le poster explicitait de manière synthétique le sujet de recherche, la méthodologie, certains résultats, ainsi que les apports possibles des échanges entre chercheurs en sciences et sociales...

  3. A genomic analysis of the archael system Ignicoccus hospitalis-Nanoarchaeum equitans

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sun, Hui; Anderson, Iain; Makarova, Kira S.; Elkins, James G.; Ivanova, Natalia; Wall, Mark A.; Lykidis, Athanasios; Mavromatis, Konstantinos; Podar, Mircea; Hudson, Matthew E.; Chen, Wenqiong; Deciu, Cosmin; Hutchinson, Don; Eads, Jonathan R.; Anderson, Abraham; Fernandes, Fillipe; Szeto, Ernest; Lapidus, Alla; Kyrpides, NikosC.; Saier Jr., Milton G.; Richardson, Paul M.; Rachel, Reinhard; Huber, Harald; Eisen, Jonathan A.; Koonin, Eugene V.; Keller, Martin; Stetter, Karl O.


    BACKGROUND: The relationship between the hyperthermophiles Ignicoccus hospitalis and Nanoarchaeum equitans is the only known example of a specific association between two species of Archaea. Little is known about the mechanisms that enable this relationship. RESULTS: We sequenced the complete genome of I. hospitalis and found it to be the smallest among independent, free-living organisms. A comparative genomic reconstruction suggests that the I. hospitalis lineage has lost most of the genes associated with a heterotrophic metabolism that is characteristic of most of the Crenarchaeota. A streamlined genome is also suggested by a low frequency of paralogs and fragmentation of many operons. However, this process appears to be partially balanced by lateral gene transfer from archaeal and bacterial sources. CONCLUSIONS: A combination of genomic and cellular features suggests highly efficient adaptation to the low energy yield of sulfur-hydrogen respiration and efficient inorganic carbon and nitrogen assimilation. Evidence of lateral gene exchange between N. equitans and I. hospitalis indicates that the relationship has impacted both genomes. This association is the simplest symbiotic system known to date and a unique model for studying mechanisms of interspecific relationships at the genomic and metabolic levels.

  4. [The organizational benefits of the Kaizen approach at the Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Sherbrooke (CHUS)]. (United States)

    Comtois, Jonathan; Paris, Yvon; Poder, Thomas G; Chaussé, Sylvain


    The purpose of this study was to calculate the cost savings associated with using the kaizen approach in our hospital. Originally developed in Japan, the kaizen approach, based on the idea of continuous improvement, has considerable support in North America, including in the Quebec health care system. This study assessed the first fifteen kaizen projects at the CHUS. Based on an economic evaluation, we showed that using the kaizen approach can result in substantial cost savings. The success of the kaizen approach requires compliance with specific prerequisites. The future of the approach will depend on our ability to comply with these prerequisites. More specifically, such compliance will determine whether the approach is merely a passing fad or a strategy for improving our management style to promote greater efficiency.

  5. Projector-based virtual reality dome environment for procedural pain and anxiety in young children with burn injuries: a pilot study

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Khadra C


    Full Text Available Christelle Khadra,1,2 Ariane Ballard,1,2 Johanne Déry,1,3 David Paquin,4 Jean-Simon Fortin,5 Isabelle Perreault,6 David R Labbe,7 Hunter G Hoffman,8 Stéphane Bouchard,9 Sylvie LeMay1,2 1Faculty of Nursing, University of Montreal, Montreal, QC, Canada; 2Research Center, Centre Hospitalier Universitaire (CHU Sainte-Justine, Montreal, QC, Canada; 3Direction of Nursing, Centre Hospitalier Universitaire (CHU Sainte-Justine, Montreal, QC, Canada; 4Department in Creation and New Media, Université du Québec en Abitibi-Témiscamingue, Rouyn-Noranda, QC, Canada; 5Emergency Department, Hôpital de Granby, Granby, QC, Canada; 6Department of Surgery, Centre Hospitalier Universitaire (CHU Sainte-Justine, Montreal, QC, Canada; 7Department of Software and IT Engineering, École de Technologie Supérieure, Montreal, QC, Canada; 8Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Washington, Seattle, WA, USA; 9Department of Psychoeducation and Psychology, Université du Québec en Outaouais, Gatineau, QC, Canada Background: Virtual reality (VR is a non-pharmacological method to distract from pain during painful procedures. However, it was never tested in young children with burn injuries undergoing wound care.Aim: We aimed to assess the feasibility and acceptability of the study process and the use of VR for procedural pain management.Methods: From June 2016 to January 2017, we recruited children from 2 months to 10 years of age with burn injuries requiring a hydrotherapy session in a pediatric university teaching hospital in Montreal. Each child received the projector-based VR intervention in addition to the standard pharmacological treatment. Data on intervention and study feasibility and acceptability in addition to measures on pain (Face, Legs, Activity, Cry, Consolability scale, baseline (Modified Smith Scale and procedural (Procedure Behavior Check List anxiety, comfort (OCCEB-BECCO [behavioral observational scale of comfort level for child burn

  6. Resenha de: Miguel de Unamuno, universitaire.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Eurípedes Simões de Paula


    Full Text Available TURIN (Yvonne. Miguel de Unamuno, universitaire. Paris. S. E. V. P. E. N. Collection Bibliothèque Générale de l'École Pra-tique des Hautes Études. VI' Section. 1962. VII 145 pp.

  7. Proteomic characterization of cellular and molecular processes that enable the Nanoarchaeum equitans--Ignicoccus hospitalis relationship.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Richard J Giannone

    Full Text Available Nanoarchaeum equitans, the only cultured representative of the Nanoarchaeota, is dependent on direct physical contact with its host, the hyperthermophile Ignicoccus hospitalis. The molecular mechanisms that enable this relationship are unknown. Using whole-cell proteomics, differences in the relative abundance of >75% of predicted protein-coding genes from both Archaea were measured to identify the specific response of I. hospitalis to the presence of N. equitans on its surface. A purified N. equitans sample was also analyzed for evidence of interspecies protein transfer. The depth of cellular proteome coverage achieved here is amongst the highest reported for any organism. Based on changes in the proteome under the specific conditions of this study, I. hospitalis reacts to N. equitans by curtailing genetic information processing (replication, transcription in lieu of intensifying its energetic, protein processing and cellular membrane functions. We found no evidence of significant Ignicoccus biosynthetic enzymes being transported to N. equitans. These results suggest that, under laboratory conditions, N. equitans diverts some of its host's metabolism and cell cycle control to compensate for its own metabolic shortcomings, thus appearing to be entirely dependent on small, transferable metabolites and energetic precursors from I. hospitalis.

  8. Research

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    23 juin 2012 ... hospitalier universitaire marocain ... C'est une dialyse douce, continue, qui préserve la fonction rénale résiduelle, et qui peut–être effectuée à domicile ... chez des enfants et adolescents suivis dans notre formation, de décrire.

  9. Ostéogenèse imparfaite: à propos de quatre cas à Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso) (United States)

    Kaboré, Aïssata; Cissé, Aissata; Yonaba, Caroline; Savadogo, Hamidou; Ouédraogo, Sylvie Armelle; Dao, Lassina; Kaboret, Sonia; Nagalo, Kisito; Koueta, Fla; Bandré, Emile; Yé, Diarra; Kam, Ludovic


    L'ostéogenèse imparfaite (OI) regroupe un ensemble d'affections constitutionnelles de gravité variable dû à une anomalie de la production du collagène et de la matrice de l'os entraînant une fragilité osseuse. La présente étude rapporte quatre cas d'ostéogenèse imparfaite suivis aux Centres Hospitaliers Universitaires Charles de Gaulle et Yalgado Ouédraogo. Le but de ce travail était d'analyser les aspects cliniques, thérapeutiques et évolutifs de la maladie. Cette étude souligne la nécessité d'améliorer la prise en charge de cette maladie rare mais non exceptionnelle et handicapante. PMID:26834922

  10. Infection respiratoire aigüe et statut nutritionnel chez les enfants de 0-5 ans: cas des cliniques universitaires de Lubumbashi, République Démocratique du Congo (United States)

    Ngombe, Léon Kabamba; Mbombo-Ditunga; Kameya, Nduwa; Malingo, Aimé Abasiko; Kayomb, Nathalie Kaj; ea Ngolomba, Jean Ngolomba; Nday, David Kakez; Numbi, Luboya


    Les auteurs rapportent les données d'une étude rétrospective de 153 dossiers d'enfants hospitalisés dans le service de pédiatrie des Cliniques Universitaires de Lubumbashi/RD Congo pour IRA. En ce qui nous concerne, les IRA chez les enfants de moins de 5 ans représentent 26,11% de l'effectif, dont 17,75% âgés de moins d'un an. Le sexe masculin est légèrement prédominant (85 contre 68) et près de 70% des enfants ont un statut nutritionnel précaire. La répartition mensuelle connaît des pics en mars et octobre. Les diagnostiques notifiés sont: rhinite(16,3%),Amygdalite(5,9%),Otite Moyenne Aigue(0,7%),Laryngite (3,3%), Rhinopharyngite (39,2%), Pharyngite (6,5%), Bronchite (7,2%), Bronchopneumonie (5,9%), Pneumonie(2,6%) et Bronchiolite (12,4%).Tous les cas ont bien évolués sous traitement. Le but de ce travail est de déterminer la fréquence des IRA et le statut nutritionnel des enfants ayant été admis dans le service des pédiatries aux C.U.L. PMID:25995789

  11. Science et Technique, Sciences de la Santé - Vol 39, No 1-2 (2016)

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Cardiomyopathie du péri-partum prise en charge en milieu Hospitalier Universitaire de Bobo-Dioulasso : aspects thérapeutiques et évolutifs · EMAIL FULL TEXT EMAIL FULL TEXT · DOWNLOAD FULL TEXT DOWNLOAD FULL TEXT. S. J-B. Tougouma, A.A. Yaméogo, A. Dembélé, G. Kinda, N.V. Yaméogo, G.R.C. Millogo, ...

  12. Radio-contaminated patients intake at the Nancy teaching hospital: study of the resources and implication possibilities of radiation protection referent personnel

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Guionnet, Christophe


    In the events implying radioactive materials, the organization of care in the health facilities requires both the implementation of some skills, which go beyond the usual trade and professional duties of each of the partners, and the identification of the departments and referent staff that are likely to be most affected by these risks. This study, which was conducted within the Radiologie and Medecine Nucleaire Departments of the Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Nancy, highlights the existence of reference material as means of detecting radiation, the conditions under which they will be developed remain to be defined. Human means can be called for for missions of information, detection, patient screening and decontamination. Volunteering persons, with competences in radiation protection (Personnes Competentes en Radioprotection), and radiographers can lead to the realization of their missions, after an practical training. (author) [fr

  13. Six-minute stepper test: a valid clinical exercise tolerance test for COPD patients

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Grosbois JM


    Full Text Available JM Grosbois,1,2 C Riquier,3 B Chehere,4 J Coquart,5 H Béhal,6 F Bart,2 B Wallaert,2,3 C Chenivesse3 1FormAction Santé, Pérenchies, France; 2Department of Respiratory Medicine, Centre Hospitalier Germon et Gauthier, Béthune, France; 3Department of Respiratory Medicine Immunology and Allergy, Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Lille, Competence Center for rare lung diseases, University Lille 2, Lille, France; 4EA 7369, URePSSS, Multidisciplinary Research Unit in Sport Health Society, University Lille 2, Lille, France; 5Faculty of Sport Sciences, Sports and Physical Activity, Center for Ecology and Transformation, University of Rouen, Mont Saint Aignan, France; 6Department of Statistical Methods and Biostatistics, Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Lille, University of Lille Nord, Lille, France Introduction: Exercise tolerance testing is an integral part of the pulmonary rehabilitation (PR management of patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD. The 6-minute stepper test (6MST is a new, well-tolerated, reproducible exercise test, which can be performed without any spatial constraints.Objective: The aim of this study was to compare the results of the 6MST to those obtained during a 6-minute walk test (6MWT and cardiopulmonary exercise testing (CPET in a cohort of COPD patients.Methods: Ninety-one COPD patients managed by outpatient PR and assessed by 6MST, 6MWT, and CPET were retrospectively included in this study. Correlations between the number of steps on the 6MST, the distance covered on the 6MWT, oxygen consumption, and power at the ventilatory threshold and at maximum effort during CPET were analyzed before starting PR, and the improvement on the 6MST and 6MWT was compared after PR.Results: The number of steps on the 6MST was significantly correlated with the distance covered on the 6MWT (r=0.56; P<0.0001, the power at maximum effort (r=0.46; P<0.0001, and oxygen consumption at maximum effort (r=0.39; P<0

  14. Les universitaires ivoiriens et Internet | Bahi | Africa Development

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Le développement des TIC , activant la formation de « la société de la connaissance », bouleverse l'université ivoirienne et la met en compétition plus accrue avec les autres systèmes universitaires. Le constat de retard technologique est tel que relever ce défi peut sembler une gageure. Mais les TIC s'insinuent dans le ...

  15. La communication de recrutement dans le milieu hospitalier


    Medina, Pablo


    Le développement de la communication institutionnelle et du marketing au sein des institutions hospitalières est très influencé par les changements qui ont lieu dans le milieu sanitaire. La communication de recrutement est l’une des activités les plus stratégiques dans ce cadre, non seulement parce qu’elle répond à des objectifs organisationnels très précis, mais aussi parce qu’elle contribue au développement du champ de la communication institutionnelle dans les hôpitaux. Mais, pour y réussi...

  16. Traditional bonesetters in South Western Nigeria - Friends or Foes ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    ... dislocations et déformités du membre qui avaient été traités auparavant par TERO et qui s'étaient par la suite presentés au collège hospitalier universitaire, Ibadan (en raison de complications à la suite du traitement chez TERO) entre le premier octobre 1999 et 31 mars 2000 ont été évalués. Résultats: Quatorze malades ...

  17. Cardiomyopathie du péri-partum prise en charge en milieu ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Cardiomyopathie du péri-partum prise en charge en milieu Hospitalier Universitaire de Bobo-Dioulasso : aspects thérapeutiques et évolutifs. S. J-B. Tougouma, A.A. Yaméogo, A. Dembélé, G. Kinda, N.V. Yaméogo, G.R.C. Millogo, J.K. Kologo, A. Héma, Y. Kambiré, L. Savadogo, M.S. Ouédraogo, P. Zabsonré ...

  18. La Cité Universitaire Internationale de Paris

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    Sébastien Bureau


    Full Text Available La Cité Internationale Universitaire de Paris est le lieu où se concentrent le plus de résidences universitaires en Île-de-France avec une vocation affichée d’accueillir les étudiants et chercheurs du monde entier, et ce depuis 1925. Elle leur offre un ensemble de services centralisés et un cadre privilégié mais se considère avant tout comme un creuset pour la rencontre des cultures et la diffusion de la culture française parmi les élites intellectuelles internationales. Au-delà des intentions, nous avons cherché, par la rencontre de ses dirigeants et des résidents, à saisir d’une part, la réalité actuelle des échanges culturels promus par une politique du « brassage » et d’autre part, la dynamique de « l’espace vécu » des résidents.The Cité Internationale of Paris is the place where concentrate most university halls of residence in the French capital with a displayed vocation to welcome the students and the researchers of the whole world since 1925. It offers to them a set of centralized services and a privileged living environment but considers itself above all as a melting pot for the meeting of cultures and the spreading of French culture among international intellectual elites. Beyond intentions, we tried, by the meeting of managements and residents, to grasp the current reality of cultural exchanges thanks to the policy of the "mixing" and the dynamic of "the space lived" on residents.

  19. CERN signs with the Hôpitaux Universitaires de Genève

    CERN Multimedia


    Signature of the CERN-HUG agreements. From left to right: J. van der Boon, CERN Director of Administration, P. Pachoud (H.U.G.), M. Vieli (H.U.G.), A.-S. Cerne (CERN) and W. Kindl, Director of UNIQA Assurances S.A. On 4 July 2002, Mario Vieli, the Finance Director of the Hôpitaux Universitaires de Genève (H.U.G.), Pierre Pachoud, the vice-chairman of the H.U.G. Board of Directors and Anne-Sylvie Cerne, who is responsible for the Organization's health insurance contract, signed agreements on tariffs between the Organization and the Hôpitaux Universitaires de Genève. The main hospital of the H.U.G. group is the Cantonal Hospital. These agreements, approved by the Republic of Geneva's State Council last April, are the outcome of extensive negotiations. In fact, CERN is the first international organization to arrange for tariff agreements for the members of its Health Insurance Scheme (CHIS) with the H.U.G. directly. Moreover, these agreements are fully in line with CHIS's new tariff agreement policy, with ...

  20. Untargeted metabolomics studies employing NMR and LC-MS reveal metabolic coupling between Nanoarcheum equitans and its archaeal host Ignicoccus hospitalis. (United States)

    Hamerly, Timothy; Tripet, Brian P; Tigges, Michelle; Giannone, Richard J; Wurch, Louie; Hettich, Robert L; Podar, Mircea; Copié, Valerie; Bothner, Brian


    Interspecies interactions are the basis of microbial community formation and infectious diseases. Systems biology enables the construction of complex models describing such interactions, leading to a better understanding of disease states and communities. However, before interactions between complex organisms can be understood, metabolic and energetic implications of simpler real-world host-microbe systems must be worked out. To this effect, untargeted metabolomics experiments were conducted and integrated with proteomics data to characterize key molecular-level interactions between two hyperthermophilic microbial species, both of which have reduced genomes. Metabolic changes and transfer of metabolites between the archaea Ignicoccus hospitalis and Nanoarcheum equitans were investigated using integrated LC-MS and NMR metabolomics. The study of such a system is challenging, as no genetic tools are available, growth in the laboratory is challenging, and mechanisms by which they interact are unknown. Together with information about relative enzyme levels obtained from shotgun proteomics, the metabolomics data provided useful insights into metabolic pathways and cellular networks of I. hospitalis that are impacted by the presence of N. equitans , including arginine, isoleucine, and CTP biosynthesis. On the organismal level, the data indicate that N. equitans exploits metabolites generated by I. hospitalis to satisfy its own metabolic needs. This finding is based on N. equitans 's consumption of a significant fraction of the metabolite pool in I. hospitalis that cannot solely be attributed to increased biomass production for N. equitans . Combining LC-MS and NMR metabolomics datasets improved coverage of the metabolome and enhanced the identification and quantitation of cellular metabolites.

  1. [Continuing education in ethics: from clinical ethics to institutional ethics]. (United States)

    Brazeau-Lamontagne, Lucie


    The mandate of the Ethics Committee of the Conseil de médecins, dentistes et pharmaciens (CMDP) at the Centre hospitalier universitaire de Sherbrooke (CHUS), Sherbrooke, Quebec is three-fold: to guide the clinical decision; to address the institutional ethical function; to create the program for continuing education in ethics (Formation éthique continue or FEC). Might FEC be the means of bridging from individual ethics to institutional ethics at a hospital? To take the FEC perspectives considered appropriate for doctors and consider them for validation or disproving in the context of those of other professionals. Situate the proposed FEC mandate in a reference framework to evaluate (or triangulate) the clinical decision and the institutional ethic. CONVICTION: Sustainable professional development for doctors (DPD) includes ethics; it cannot be ignored. Without constant attention to upgrading one's abilities in professional ethics, these suffer the same fate as other professional aptitudes and competences (for example, techniques and scientific knowledge): decay.

  2. Étude des bactéries multirésistantes des effluents hospitaliers d'un ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    30 sept. 2013 ... J. Appl. Biosci. 2013. Étude des bacteries multiresistantes des effluents hospitaliers de la ville d, Abidjan. 5459. Imipénème (10). IPM. 22. 17. Acinetobacter baumanii. Ticarcilline (75). TIC. 22. 22. Cefepime (30). FEP. 19. 19. Imipénème (10). IPM. 22. 17. Ciprofloxacine (5). CIP. 22. 19. Gentamicine (15). GM.

  3. In vivo analysis at the Service Hospitalier Frederic Joliot (1965-1981)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Maziere, B.


    In the first chapter, historical development of In-vivo Neutron Activation Analysis (I.V.N.A.A.) at the Service Hospitalier Frederic Joliot is presented. Then after having reviewed the preliminary animal experiments, the author explains the choice of the irradiation facilities used for human partial I.V.N.A.A. The clinical applications of this technique in the field of thyroid and bone metabolisms are described. The clinical results obtained in patients suffering from various demineralizing bone diseases (osteoporosis, renal osteodystrophy) are given in detail. (author)

  4. Les TIC au coeur des pédagogies universitaires diversité des enjeux pédagogiques et administratifs

    CERN Document Server

    Karsenti, Thierry


    Cet ouvrage illustre en quoi les TIC jouent un rôle si important en pédagogie universitaire et pourquoi ce virage technologique est devenu incontournable. Les auteurs font une place tant aux expériences qu'aux théories sur l'intégration des TIC. Il est question de la diversité des formes de recours aux TIC, des enjeux de leur intégration en milieu universitaire, des défis sociaux sous-jacents à cette incursion technologique, des cours sur le Web, de l'apprentissage collaboratif, de la supervision des stagiaires et de la réforme scolaire.

  5. Adoption et retombées d'une nouvelle technologie de dépistage des infections à ERV en contexte hospitalier québécois


    Attieh, Randa


    La « Polymerase Chain Reaction» (PCR) est une technologie moléculaire qui se veut performante pour détecter les entérocoques résistants à la vancomycine (ERV) en contexte hospitalier. La traduction de cette technologie dans les pratiques professionnelles des acteurs est conceptualisée comme un processus d’adaptation et d’ajustements des rôles entre la technologie et le milieu hospitalier. Par souci de mieux comprendre la traduction de la nouvelle technologie de dépistage PCR dans les pratique...

  6. Images in medicine

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    26 avr. 2016 ... Thumb trapeziometacarpal arthrosis treated with a prosthesis. Adil El Alaoui1,&, Ilyas Rabhi1. 1Service de Chirurgie Orthopédique du Centre Hospitalier de Chambéry, France. &Corresponding author: El Alaoui Adil, Service de Chirurgie Orthopédique du Centre Hospitalier de Chambéry, France. Mots clés: ...

  7. Genomic analysis of Acidianus hospitalis W1 a host for studying crenarchaeal virus and plasmid life cycles

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    You, X. Y.; Liu, Chao; Wang, S. Y.


    The Acidianus hospitalis W1 genome consists of a minimally sized chromosome of about 2.13 Mb and a conjugative plasmid pAH1 and it is a host for the model filamentous lipothrixvirus AFV1. The chromosome carries three putative replication origins in conserved genomic regions and two large regions ...

  8. Cultural Internationalism at the Cite Universitaire: International Education between the First and Second World Wars (United States)

    Reis, Jehnie I.


    In the 1920s, French scholars and bureaucrats created the Cite Universitaire in Paris. The institution housed university students from around the world. The Cite founders formulated a model for the Cite that reflected ideological concerns in interwar Europe with a focus on pacifism, international education and cultural internationalism. The…

  9. La question des usages pédagogiques du numérique en contexte universitaire : comment accompagner les enseignants?

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    Isabelle Chênerie


    Full Text Available Depuis plusieurs décennies, les enseignants universitaires sont fortement encouragés à utiliser les technologies de l’information et de la communication pour l’enseignement (TICE. Cependant, si l’usage de ces outils se développe progressivement, on observe malgré tout que de nombreux enseignants n’adhèrent pas à cette démarche. Nous tentons ici d’analyser cette situation, à la lumière de l’expérience de l’accompagnement d’enseignants sur le terrain dans le contexte du Service universitaire de pédagogie de l’Université Paul Sabatier ToulouseIII. Nous exposons en particulier les stratégies que cette analyse nous a amenée à choisir pour promouvoir un usage raisonné des TICE.

  10. Management : pour une recherche de la qualité en milieu hospitalier


    Aldo Perissino


    Avec l’avènement de la technologie médicale, l’hôpital est devenu le symbole d’une médecine de pointe, que la sécurité sociale se devait de rendre accessible à tous. Sur cette vision de progrès développée dans l’après-guerre et les « golden sixties » s’est construite une inflation hospitalière que l’évolution économique a progressivement rendue de plus en plus intenable, imposant au secteur des mesures de contrôle budgétaire sévères. Parallèlement, le souci de la qualité des services offerts,...

  11. La fibroscopie digestive haute chez 2795 patients au centre hospitalier universitaire-campus de Lomé: les particularités selon le sexe (United States)

    Lawson-Ananissoh, Laté Mawuli; Bouglouga, Oumboma; Bagny, Aklesso; Kaaga, Laconi; Redah, Datouda


    Introduction Notre étude consistera à rapporter les indications et les lésions objectivées à la fibroscopie digestive haute et relever les particularités selon le sexe. Méthodes Étude rétrospective, descriptive sur des résultats de compte-rendu de la fibroscopie digestive haute menée en unité d'endoscopie digestive du service d'hépato-gastro-entérologie du CHU Campus de Lomé du 15 Mai 2009 au 31 Décembre 2013. Résultats La fibroscopie digestive haute a été réalisée chez 2795 patients dont 1188 hommes et 1607 femmes. L’âge moyen était de 40,65 ans (Extrêmes: 5 et 93 ans). La fibroscopie digestive haute était normale chez les femmes que chez les hommes avec une différence statistiquement significative (p = 0,000). Les principales indications étaient: les épigastralgies chez les femmes (p = 0,000); les hémorragies digestives hautes (p = 0,000) et l'hypertension portale (p = 0,000) chez les hommes; 3485 lésions pathologiques ont été observées. La pathologie inflammatoire prédominait (56,3%), la pathologie ulcéreuse (13,89%), la pathologie tumorale (2,01%). Les varices et la candidose œsophagiennes étaient significativement notées chez les hommes. Les ulcérations gastriques (p = 0,000), le reflux biliaire duodéno-gastrique (p = 0,017) étaient plus retrouvés chez les femmes et la gastropathie hypertensive beaucoup plus chez les hommes (p = 0,000). Que les lésions duodénales soient inflammatoires ou ulcéreuses associées ou non à une sténose bulbaire, elles étaient plus fréquentes chez les hommes. Conclusion De manière générale, il y avait une prédominance des lésions inflammatoires chez les femmes, les lésions tumorales et ulcéreuses chez les hommes PMID:25852805

  12. Attitude towards reciprocity as a motive for oocyte donation. (United States)

    Pennings, Guido; Ravel, Célia; Girard, Jean-Maxime; Domin-Bernhard, Mathilde; Provoost, Veerle


    Finding out whether patients would be motivated by reciprocity when considering donating oocytes to others. This is a prospective monocentric study in the CECOS of the Centre Hospitalier Universitaire (CHU) of Rennes (France) on the opinion of patients regarding reciprocity. Couples who had a child with donor sperm were asked whether they would consider oocyte donation as a way of giving something back. Twenty six couples and one man answered the questionnaire. About half of the respondents (49%) felt that they should contribute to the system from which they benefitted. Although the patients would benefit from a reduction in waiting time, this advantage was only important for one in four persons. The only items on which the answers between men and women were significantly different concerned the results of the donation: women would think more often about the potential recipient and the child and they more often wanted to know whether children were born from their donation. The results show that beside altruism, reciprocity may be an important moral reason for people to donate gametes. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  13. Etude de la prévalence des infections nosocomiales et des facteurs associes dans les deux hopitaux universitaires de Lubumbashi, République Démocratique du Congo: cas des Cliniques Universitaires de Lubumbashi et l’Hôpital Janson Sendwe (United States)

    Kakupa, Danny Kasongo; Muenze, Prosper Kalenga; Byl, Baudouin; Wilmet, Michèle Dramaix


    Introduction Estimer la prévalence « un jour donné » des infections nosocomiales et déterminer leurs facteurs associés, ensuite estimer la prévalence des micro-organismes responsables des infections nosocomiales de Lubumbashi, République Démocratique du Congo. Méthodes Une étude transversale descriptive a été menée dans les deux hôpitaux de Lubumbashi au sein de cinq services d’hospitalisation (Chirurgie, Gynéco-Obstétrique, Médecine interne, Pédiatrie et Réanimation). L’échantillon était constitué de 171 patients hospitalisés et qui ont été interrogés à l’aide d’un questionnaire standardisé. La fiche médicale nous a permit de connaitre le type d’antibiotique administré au patient 48 heures après d’admission. Notre étude s’est déroulée durant le mois de février 2010 dans le cadre de la première enquête locale de prévalence des infections nosocomiales. Résultats Notre étude a permis de recenser 59 patients atteints d’une infection nosocomiale. La prévalence globale est de 34,5% (dont 17,0% pour une infection nosocomiale acquise et 17,5% pour une infection importée). L’infection nosocomiale a été définie selon l’Organisation Mondiale de la Santé comme toute infection acquise pendant un séjour à l’hôpital et qui n’était ni présente ni en incubation au moment de l’admission du patient. Les facteurs de risque suivants ont été associés aux infections nosocomiales acquises: durée d’hospitalisation (les patients admis en long séjour, séjour de plus de sept jours d’hospitalisation avaient un risque plus élevé que ceux admis en séjour court, séjour inférieur ou égal à sept jours d’hospitalisation (Ratio de prévalence: RP =3,6 [IC a 95% 1,4-8,9]). Parmi les infections nosocomiales, les infections du site opératoire étaient les plus fréquentes (27,1%), suivies des infections pulmonaires (22,0%) et des infections urinaires (17,0%). L’examen microbiologique a permis de mettre

  14. Occurrence des traumatismes alvéolo-dentaires aux cliniques universitaires de Kinshasa: deuxième partie, étude préliminaire de 93 cas (United States)

    Foche, Adelin Nzudjom; Bushabu, Fidele Nyimi; Mana, Charles Mfutu; Haruna, Ramazani; Masin, Steve Sekele; Nsudila, Monique; Alifi, Paul Bobe; Muinamiyi, Pierre Muyembi; Burley, Jean Paul Sekele Isourady


    Introduction L'objectif de cette étude était d'analyser les caractéristiques épidémiologiques cliniques des fractures alvéolo-dentaires aux cliniques universitaires de Kinshasa/RDC. Méthodes Étude transversale de 7 ans, réalisée dans le département d'odontostomatologie, service de stomatologie et de chirurgie maxillo-faciale/cliniques universitaires de Kinshasa de Janvier 2007 à Décembre 2014. Résultats Sur les 93 dossiers colligés, le sexe masculin était prédominant (66,7%) et l'âge le plus prévalent se situait entre 20 ans et 29 ans. Les causes les plus fréquentes ont été les agressions/rixes (52,7%) et la luxation dentaire a été le type des lésions la plus fréquente avec 52,7%. La RX retro-alvéolaire été réalisée dans 75,7%, et le blocage mono-maxillaire fut le type de traitement le plus réalisé (60,2%). Conclusion L'analyse de profil clinique des traumatismes alvéolo-dentaires aux cliniques universitaires de Kinshasa est celui d'un adulte jeune de sexe masculin, présentant des luxations dentaires des maxillaires dont les causes sont les agressions/rixes. PMID:29875931

  15. Organisation de la transfusion Sanguine Thérapeutique : Etude des modalités alternatives de la transfusion sanguine hérapeutique organisable en ambulatoire


    Buthion, Valérie; Denechaud, Clémence; Remonnay, Raphaël


    233p; Ce rapport présente les résultats d'une recherche pilote sur l'organisation d'un soin de santé, la transfusion sanguine thérapeutique. Majoritairement organisée au sein des services hospitalier, elle peut être assurer dans des conditions de sécurité satisfaisante dans des centres de santé ou à domicile avec des équipes mobile. Pourtant, les grands centres hospitaliers sont majoritaires dans sa prise en charge, malgré des demandes répétées, notamment de l'Etablissement Français du Sang, ...

  16. Prophylactic ampicillin versus cefazolin for the prevention of post-cesarean infectious morbidity in Rwanda. (United States)

    Mivumbi, Victor N; Little, Sarah E; Rulisa, Stephen; Greenberg, James A


    To evaluate the efficacy of ampicillin versus cefazolin as prophylactic antibiotics prior to cesarean delivery in Rwanda. In a prospective, randomized, open-label, single-site study conducted between March and May 2012, the effects of prophylactic ampicillin versus cefazolin were compared among women undergoing cesarean delivery at the Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Kigali, Rwanda. Postoperatively, participants were evaluated daily for infectious morbidity while in the hospital. Follow-up was done by phone and by appointment at the hospital within 2 weeks of delivery. During the study period, there were 578 total deliveries and 234 cesarean deliveries (40.4%). Overall, 132 women were enrolled in the study and randomized to receive either ampicillin (n=66) or cefazolin (n=66). No women were lost to follow-up. The overall infection rate was 15.9% (21/132). The infection rate in the ampicillin group and the cefazolin group was 25.8% (17/66) and 6.1% (4/66), respectively. Implementing a universal protocol in Rwanda of prophylactic cefazolin prior to cesarean delivery might reduce postoperative febrile morbidity, use of postoperative antibiotics, and number of postoperative days in hospital. Copyright © 2013 International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics. Published by Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.

  17. l'otite externe nécrosante place de l'oxygénothérapie hyperbare

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    HÔPITAL UNIVERSITAIRE FARHAT HACHED SOUSSE. * CENTRE ... Keywords : Necrotizing otitis externa; hyperbaric oxygen therapy; treatment. CAS CLINIQUES .... rapie hyperbare, mais la disponibilité d'un seul centre en. Tunisie. Auteurs.

  18. Case series

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    29 févr. 2012 ... l'administration du sérum antitétanique, du diazépam, de la pénicillinothérapie, au parage de la plaie et à l'isolement de la lumière et des bruits. ... En dehors des études menées dans certains centres hospitaliers, son épidémiologie est ... En milieu hospitalier africain il était de 38,9% à Kigali, [11].

  19. Enseigner dans un programme universitaire innovant : de nouveaux rôles à apprivoiser, des actes pédagogiques à diversifier

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    Nathalie Lefebvre


    Full Text Available Cette recherche vise à décrire, à partir d’observations empiriques, les rôles exercés et les actes pédagogiques effectués par les enseignantes et les enseignants engagés dans quatre programmes universitaires canadiens jugés innovants. L’observation directe en classe a permis de recueillir leurs propos qui ont été analysés à l’aide de deux grilles construites progressivement au cours de l’étude: la liste des dimensions théoriques et la grille des niveaux de centration sur l’apprentissage. Les résultats obtenus démontrent que les rôles et les actes pédagogiques observés apparaissent moins diversifiés et moins centrés sur l’apprentissage que ce qui est attendu dans un contexte novateur de formation.This research, based on empirical observations, describes the roles and teaching acts carried out by professors engaged in four innovative university programs in Canada. Classrooms observations were used to collect data, which were then analyzed using two grids built progressively during the study: a list of theoretical dimensions and a grid showing degrees of focus on learning. In terms of results, the roles and actions of the four university professors were found to be less diversified and less centered on student learning than was expected from their innovative instructional context.

  20. Evolution de la frequence et des problemes lies aux evacuations

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    EVOLUTION OF THE FREQUENCY AND PROBLEMS ASSOCIATED WITH ... peripheral health facility, inappropriate transportation and the initial management by midwife assistants and .... qualité au Centre Hospitalier Yalgado Ouagadougou.

  1. [Skin grafting in the treatment of hand burns sequelae in relation to 152 cases. Report from Department of Plastic Surgery, University Hospital Ibn Sina]. (United States)

    El Mazouz, S; Fejjal, N; Hafidi, J; Cherkab, L; Mejjati, H; Belfqih, R; Gharib, N; Abbassi, A


    La main est fréquemment exposée aux brûlures, entraînant des séquelles esthétiques et fonctionnelles. Le traitement de ces séquelles est surtout chirurgical et consiste en la greffe de peau, dont le type dépend de la localisation de la brûlure et du type des séquelles. Dans ce travail rétrospectif, nous rapportons une série de 152 cas de brûlures des mains colligés au service de chirurgie plastique du Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Ibn-Sina de Rabat sur une période de dix ans, allant de 1998 à 2007. Les indications thérapeutiques dépendent du type de séquelles et de la localisation de la brûlure. En tout, 97 patients ont bénéficié d'une greffe cutanée, dont 76% par greffe de peau totale, 21% par greffe de peau demi-épaisse et 3% par peau fine. Les séquelles des brûlures des mains posent un problème thérapeutique majeur, malgré la diversité des procédés chirurgicaux, d'où l'intérêt de la prévention.

  2. Lambeaux autofermants pour le traitement des brulures electriques du scalp par haut voltage (United States)

    Hafidi, J.; El Mazouz, S.; El Mejatti, H.; Fejjal, N.; Gharib, N.E.; Abbassi, A.; Belmahi, A.M.


    Summary Les brûlures électriques par haut voltage sont responsables de gros dégâts tissulaires en immédiat et dans les jours suivant l’accident du fait de la chaleur importante dégagée par effet joule et de la thrombose microvasculaire évolutive. Les pertes de substances du scalp secondaires à ces brûlures nécessitent une couverture par lambeaux vu la destruction du périoste et du calvarium en regard. De juin 1997 à juin 2008, 15 patients ont été traités pour des pertes de substance du scalp secondaires à des brûlures électriques par haut voltage de diamètre allant de 8 à 11 cm et siégeant dans la région tonsurale. Ces patients ont été opérés dans la première semaine suivant l’accident. Les pertes de substance du scalp de taille moyenne secondaires à ces brûlures peuvent être couvertes per primam de façon fiable par des lambeaux locaux axialisés et multiples. Nous relatons l’expérience du Service de Chirurgie Plastique du Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Ibn-Sina, Rabat, Maroc, dans la gestion et la prise en charge de ces brûlures. PMID:22262963

  3. Remediation of context-processing deficits in schizophrenia: preliminary data with ambiguous sentences

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    Besche-Richard C


    Full Text Available Chrystel Besche-Richard,1,2 Sarah Terrien,1 Marion Lesgourgues,3,4 Célia Béchiri-Payet,5 Fabien Gierski,1,3 Frédéric Limosin6–8 1Laboratory Cognition, Santé, Socialisation, University of Reims Champagne-Ardenne, France; 2Institut Universitaire de France, Paris, France; 3Centre Hospitalier Universitaire, Pôle de Psychiatrie des Adultes, Reims, France; 4Service Universitaire de Médecine Préventive et de Promotion de la Santé, University of Reims Champagne-Ardenne, Reims, France; 5Etablissement Public de Santé mentale départemental de l’Aisne, Prémontré, France; 6Department of Adult and Geriatric Psychiatry, Hôpitaux Universitaires Paris, Ouest (Assistance publique-Hôpitaux de Paris, Hôpital Corentin-Celton, Issy-les-Moulineaux, France; 7Faculty of Medicine, University Paris Descartes, Sorbonne Paris Cité, Paris, France; 8Psychiatry and Neurosciences Center, French National Institute of Health and Medical Research, Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale U894, Paris, France Background: Processing of contextual information is essential for the establishment of good interpersonal relations and communicational interactions. Nevertheless, it is known that schizophrenic patients present impairments in the processing of contextual information. The aim of this study is to explore the influence of the remediation of context processing in schizophrenic patients. Methods: Thirty-one schizophrenic patients and 28 matched healthy participants were included in this study. All participants were assessed on verbal knowledge (Mill-Hill test and depression intensity (Beck Depression Scale 21 items. Schizophrenic patients were also assessed on thought, language, and communication disorders (Thought, Language and Communication scale. All participants completed a disambiguation task with two different levels of contextualization (high or low context and a context-processing remediation task containing social scenarios that

  4. Assessment of safety culture within the radiotherapy department of the Bordeaux University Hospital Centre; Evaluation de la culture de securite au sein du service de radiotherapie du centre hospitalier universitaire de Bordeaux

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Leysalle, A.; Vendrely, V.; Sarrade, C.; Boutolleau, J.B.; Vitry, E.; Trouette, R.; Maire, J.P. [Hopital Saint-Andre, 33 - Bordeaux (France)


    The assessment of the safety culture within a radiotherapy department has been performed by using a Safety Attitudes Questionnaire (SAQ). It assesses the safety environment, the team cooperation quality, the satisfaction related to professional activity, the approval of management actions, the perception of the work environment quality and of logistic support, and the acknowledgment of the influence of stress on performance. The survey has been performed before and after the support intervention of a hospital audit and expertise mission in relationship with the National cancer Institute (Inca). The comparison of results before and after this support intervention shows a general score improvement for the SAQ. Short communication

  5. Development and pilot testing of 24/7 in-ambulance telemedicine for acute stroke : prehospital stroke study at the Universitair Ziekenhuis Brussel-project


    Espinoza, Alexis Valenzuela; Van Hooff, Robbert-Jan; De Smedt, Ann; Moens, Maarten; Yperzeele, Laetitia; Nieboer, Koenraad; Hubloue, Ives; de Keyser, Jacques; Convents, Andre; Tellez, Helio Fernandez; Dupont, Alain; Putman, Koen; Brouns, Raf


    Abstract: Background: In-ambulance telemedicine is a recently developed and a promising approach to improve emergency care. We implemented the first ever 24/7 in-ambulance telemedicine service for acute stroke. We report on our experiences with the development and pilot testing of the Prehospital Stroke Study at the Universitair Ziekenhuis Brussel (PreSSUB) to facilitate a wider spread of the knowledge regarding this technique. Methods: Successful execution of the project involved the develop...

  6. Development and Pilot Testing of 24/7 In-Ambulance Telemedicine for Acute Stroke: Prehospital Stroke Study at the Universitair Ziekenhuis Brussel-Project


    Espinoza, Alexis Valenzuela; Van Hooff, Robbert-Jan; De Smedt, Ann; Moens, Maarten; Yperzeele, Laetitia; Nieboer, Koenraad; Hubloue, Ives; de Keyser, Jacques; Convents, Andre; Tellez, Helio Fernandez; Dupont, Alain; Putman, Koen; Brouns, Raf


    Background: In-ambulance telemedicine is a recently developed and a promising approach to improve emergency care. We implemented the first ever 24/7 in-ambulance telemedicine service for acute stroke. We report on our experiences with the development and pilot testing of the Prehospital Stroke Study at the Universitair Ziekenhuis Brussel (PreSSUB) to facilitate a wider spread of the knowledge regarding this technique. Methods: Successful execution of the project involved the development and v...

  7. HUG sets up an emergency operations centre on the CERN site

    CERN Multimedia

    Antonella Del Rosso


    Discussions between CERN and the Hôpitaux universitaires de Genève (HUG), under the aegis of the Swiss authorities, have resulted in the setting-up of an emergency operations centre on the CERN site. This will be the operations base for an emergency doctor, a medical emergency vehicle and a driver. Located on the Swiss part of the Meyrin site, close to Building 57, it will be inaugurated on 20 May.   SMUR team based at CERN. CERN’s medical staff and fire-fighters dispense first aid but in medical emergencies they are obliged to call on outside services to treat and transfer patients to hospital. In the Canton of Geneva, this service is provided by HUG via the 144 emergency line. But HUG is based on the eastern side of Geneva, a long way from CERN, and response times can be substantial. In order to improve the safety of the growing number of people on the site, CERN asked Switzerland, as one of its Host States, to help it reduce the medical emergency response t...

  8. Particularites radio-cliniques et bacteriologique de la tuberculose ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Particularites radio-cliniques et bacteriologique de la tuberculose pulmonaire chez les patients infectees par le vih au centre hospitalier Sylvanus Olympio de Lome. Radio-clinical and bacteriologial peculiarities of the pulmonary tuberculosis in hiv infe.

  9. Résultats de recherche | Page 39 | CRDI - Centre de recherches ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Étape de planification : Renforcement de la communauté du continuum de soins hospitaliers à Marrere, au Mozambique. Le Mozambique s'était fixé l'objectif de réduire son taux de mortalité des mères et son taux de grossesse chez les adolescentes.

  10. Résultats de recherche | Page 40 | CRDI - Centre de recherches ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Étape de planification : Renforcement de la communauté du continuum de soins hospitaliers à Marrere, au Mozambique. Le Mozambique s'était fixé l'objectif de réduire son taux de mortalité des mères et son taux de grossesse chez les adolescentes. Projet.

  11. les urgences urologiques au centre hospitalier de louga, senegal

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Ibrahima Diabaté

    1 juin 2010 ... (n = 1) ce qui a conduit respectivement à une reprise de l'hémostase et à un débridement de tous les tissus nécrotiques. Toutes les études sur les complications de la circoncision [11,12] ont montré que l'hémorragie et l'infection sont au premier plan, suivies par d'autres complications parfois plus graves.

  12. Insuffisance cardiaque de l'adulte dans les centres hospitaliers ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    %) were the main symptoms found. The rate of laboratory explorations achievement is very low due to the financial straits. Cardiomyopathies (85.7%), valvular heart disease (68%) and arterial hypertension (59.6) were the most frequent causes.

  13. Insuffisance cardiaque de l'adulte dans les centres hospitaliers ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    There was a male predominance with malefemale ratio of 1.48. Exertional dyspnea (75%), pulmonary rales (62.5%), edema (60.6%) were the main symptoms found. The rate of laboratory explorations achievement is very low due to the financial straits. Cardiomyopathies (85.7%), valvular heart disease (68%) and arterial ...

  14. Les urgences urologiques au centre hospitalier de Louga, Senegal ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Urological emergencies at the hospital of Louga, Senegal: Epidemiologic features and evaluation of the management. Abstract ... The managements were: installation of a urethral catheter (n = 255), extraction of urinary bladder clot (n = 06), medical treatment (n = 82) and surgical treatment (n = 152). During surgery, 170 ...

  15. Les meningites bacteriennes de l'adulte au centre Hospitalier ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Objectifs: Etudier les aspects épidémiologiques, cliniques, biologiques, thérapeutiques et évolutifs des méningites bactériennes chez l'adulte. Matériel et méthode: Il s'agit d'une étude rétrospective portant sur 97 cas de méningites purulentes recueillies en 6ans de janvier 2006 à décembre 2012 dans le service de ...

  16. Urétrotomie Interne Endoscopique au Centre Hospitalier National ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Complete stone fragmentation was achieved in 37 cases, while in one case the stone migrated to the kidney and was treated by ESWL. In Group II, 19 patients underwent 20 procedures. Re-treatment after three weeks was necessary in one case due to ureteral wall injury and minimal extravasation. Four patients presented ...

  17. Résultats de recherche | Page 22 | CRDI - Centre de recherches ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Étape de planification : Renforcement de la communauté du continuum de soins hospitaliers à Marrere, au Mozambique. Le Mozambique s'était fixé l'objectif de réduire son taux de mortalité des mères et son taux de grossesse chez les adolescentes. Projet ...

  18. [History of the renovation of the hôtel-Dieu of Bourges]. (United States)

    Gitton, Philippe


    From the 16th to the 20th century "hôtel-Dieu" was the main hospital in the Berry capital. In the 30's the mayor decided to renovate the building but in 1994 the construction of a new hospital--"Centre Hospitalier Jacques-Coeur"--freed the ancient building which became a historical centre for culture et tourism in the region.

  19. Terbinafine Resistance of Trichophyton Clinical Isolates Caused by Specific Point Mutations in the Squalene Epoxidase Gene. (United States)

    Yamada, Tsuyoshi; Maeda, Mari; Alshahni, Mohamed Mahdi; Tanaka, Reiko; Yaguchi, Takashi; Bontems, Olympia; Salamin, Karine; Fratti, Marina; Monod, Michel


    Terbinafine is one of the allylamine antifungal agents whose target is squalene epoxidase (SQLE). This agent has been extensively used in the therapy of dermatophyte infections. The incidence of patients with tinea pedis or unguium tolerant to terbinafine treatment prompted us to screen the terbinafine resistance of all Trichophyton clinical isolates from the laboratory of the Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois collected over a 3-year period and to identify their mechanism of resistance. Among 2,056 tested isolates, 17 (≈1%) showed reduced terbinafine susceptibility, and all of these were found to harbor SQLE gene alleles with different single point mutations, leading to single amino acid substitutions at one of four positions (Leu 393 , Phe 397 , Phe 415 , and His 440 ) of the SQLE protein. Point mutations leading to the corresponding amino acid substitutions were introduced into the endogenous SQLE gene of a terbinafine-sensitive Arthroderma vanbreuseghemii (formerly Trichophyton mentagrophytes ) strain. All of the generated A. vanbreuseghemii transformants expressing mutated SQLE proteins exhibited obvious terbinafine-resistant phenotypes compared to the phenotypes of the parent strain and of transformants expressing wild-type SQLE proteins. Nearly identical phenotypes were also observed in A. vanbreuseghemii transformants expressing mutant forms of Trichophyton rubrum SQLE proteins. Considering that the genome size of dermatophytes is about 22 Mb, the frequency of terbinafine-resistant clinical isolates was strikingly high. Increased exposure to antifungal drugs could favor the generation of resistant strains. Copyright © 2017 American Society for Microbiology.

  20. Psychosocial determinants of nurses' intention to practise euthanasia in palliative care. (United States)

    Lavoie, Mireille; Godin, Gaston; Vézina-Im, Lydi-Anne; Blondeau, Danielle; Martineau, Isabelle; Roy, Louis


    Most studies on euthanasia fail to explain the intentions of health professionals when faced with performing euthanasia and are atheoretical. The purpose of this study was to identify the psychosocial determinants of nurses' intention to practise euthanasia in palliative care if it were legalised. A cross-sectional study using a validated anonymous questionnaire based on an extended version of the Theory of Planned Behaviour. A random sample of 445 nurses from the province of Quebec, Canada, was selected for participation in the study. The study was reviewed and approved by the Ethics Committee of the Centre hospitalier universitaire de Québec. The response rate was 44.2% and the mean score for intention was 4.61 ± 1.90 (range: 1-7). The determinants of intention were the subjective (odds ratio = 3.08; 95% confidence interval: 1.50-6.35) and moral (odds ratio = 2.95; 95% confidence interval: 1.58-5.49) norms. Specific beliefs which could discriminate nurses according to their level of intention were identified. Overall, nurses have a slightly positive intention to practise euthanasia. Their family approval seems particularly important and also the approval of their medical colleagues. Nurses' moral norm was related to beneficence, an ethical principle. To our knowledge, this is the first study to identify nurses' motivations to practise euthanasia in palliative care using a validated psychosocial theory. It also has the distinction of identifying the ethical principles underlying nurses' moral norm and intention. © The Author(s) 2014.

  1. Browse Title Index

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    2017), Profils clinique, biologique et therapeutique des enfants infectes par le VIH au centre hospitalier regional chr) de Lome - Commune (Togo) de 2009 a 2016. Abstract. F. Agbeko, M.T. Kpegouni, T. Guedehoussou, O.E. Takassi, M. Fiawoo, ...

  2. Le français du tourisme dans le contexte universitaire chinois : analyse comparative des besoins

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    LI Lu


    Full Text Available Cette recherche vise à dévoiler la situation de l’enseignement du français du tourisme dans le contexte universitaire chinois. A travers une analyse des besoins, nous tâchons de vérifier si la formation actuelle correspond aux besoins des apprenants ainsi qu’à la demande du marché du travail. Des enquêtes ont été menées auprès d’étudiants, d’enseignants et de professionnels. Les résultats montrent que les publics se diversifient avec des besoins variés et que la rupture de l’ensei gnement avec le secteur professionnel est évidente. Trois propositions sont ainsi formulées en vue de fournir des conseils à l’amélioration et à l’innovation de la formation du français du tourisme dans les universités chinoises.

  3. Points cardinaux pour la conception de formations universitaires pluridisciplinaires en épistémologie et histoire des sciences pour les enseignants du secondaire, ou comment s'appuyer sur des dilemmes

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    Bernard Alain


    Full Text Available Cet article s'intéresse à quelques uns des problèmes qui sous-tendent la conception des formations en épistémologie et histoire des sciences aujourd'hui offertes en France aux enseignants du second degré, en réponse à la demande croissante qui leur est faite. Ayant relevé plusieurs points communs incontournables à toute entreprise de formation universitaire s'adressant à ce type de public, notre objet principal est de proposer quelques points cardinaux, c'est-à-dire quelques principes d'orientation permettant de guider la conception de ce type de formation, pour autant qu'il entende concilier les exigences de pertinence, c'est-à-dire d'être adapté au public visé, et de rester ancré dans la recherche universitaire. Concernant le problème de la pertinence des formations, nous proposons préalablement deux points de vue complémentaires pour cerner ces contraintes: (1 le premier s'intéresse aux structures institutionnelles ainsi qu'aux sources disponibles qui conditionnent le travail des enseignants ; (2 le second se concentre sur l'activité des enseignants et résume les principaux dilemmes professionnels qu'ils doivent affronter alors qu'ils investissent au cœur de leur enseignement un champ interdisciplinaire comme l'est l'histoire et l'épistémologie des sciences. (3 Ce double point de vue nous permet alors de proposer un ensemble de points cardinaux pour la conception de formations universitaires permettant aux enseignants ou futurs enseignants de développer leur pouvoir d'agir dans ce domaine.

  4. New options in the treatment of Cushing’s disease: a focus on pasireotide

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    Poullot AG


    Full Text Available Anne-Gaëlle Poullot,1 Nicolas Chevalier1,21Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Nice, Hôpital de l’Archet, Service d’Endocrinologie, Diabétologie et Médecine de la Reproduction, Nice, France; 2Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale (INSERM UMR U1065/UNS, Centre Méditerranéen de Médecine Moléculaire (C3M, Equipe 5, Environnement, Reproduction et Cancers Hormono-Dépendants, Nice, FranceAbstract: Cushing’s disease is caused by a corticotroph pituitary adenoma secreting adrenocorticotropin and can be fatal in the absence of adequate treatment. Transsphenoidal surgery remains the treatment of choice in almost all cases. However, remission rates are relatively low, and recurrence is usual and can be diagnosed up to decades after the initial diagnosis. Repeat surgery or radiation can be useful in these cases, although both have clear limitations with respect to efficacy and/or side effects. Hence, there is a clear unmet need for an effective medical treatment in patients with recurrent or persistent Cushing’s disease. Pasireotide is a novel multireceptor-targeted somatostatin analog with a high affinity for somatostatin receptor (sstr-1, sstr-2, sstr-3, and sstr-5. Compared with octreotide, pasireotide has an in vitro binding affinity 40-fold higher for sstr-5, which is the major receptor subtype expressed by corticotroph pituitary adenoma. Recent studies have suggested a role for this new multireceptor somatostatin analog in Cushing’s disease. We review in this article the current data available regarding pharmacokinetics, clinical efficiency, and tolerance of pasireotide in patients with de novo, persistent, or recurrent Cushing’s disease, with a special focus on the disturbances of glucose metabolism induced by such a treatment.Keywords: pasireotide, SOM230, somatostatin analog, Cushing’s disease, Cushing’s syndrome, pituitary adenoma, hypercortisolism

  5. Agreement for depression diagnosis between DSM-IV-TR criteria, three validated scales, oncologist assessment, and psychiatric clinical interview in elderly patients with advanced ovarian cancer

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    Rhondali W


    Full Text Available Wadih Rhondali,1 Gilles Freyer,2 Virginie Adam,3 Marilène Filbet,4 Martine Derzelle,5 Gaelle Abgrall-Barbry,6 Sophie Bourcelot,7 Jean-Louis Machavoine,8 Muriel Chomat-Neyraud,9 Olivier Gisserot,10 Rémi Largillier,11 Annick Le Rol,12 Frank Priou,13 Pierre Saltel,14 Claire Falandry15 1Clinique Mon Repos, Clinea, Marseille, France; 2Medical Oncology Unit, Centre Hospitalier Lyon Sud, Université Lyon 1, Pierre-Benite, France; 3Institut de Cancérologie de Lorraine Alexis Vautrin, Vandoeuvre-lès-Nancy, France; 4Palliative Unit, Centre Hospitalier Lyon Sud, Université Lyon 1, Pierre-Benite, France; 5Institut Jean Godinot, Reims, France; 6Tenon Hospital, Assistance Publique Hôpitaux de Paris, Paris, France; 7Centre Léon Bérard, Lyon, France; 8Centre François Baclesse, Caen, France; 9Centre Hospitalier de la région d’Annecy, Pringy, France; 10Hôpital d’Instruction des Armées Sainte-Anne, Toulon, France; 11Centre Azuréen de Cancérologie, Mougins, France; 12Medical Oncology, Hôpital Perpétuel Secours, Levallois-Perret, France; 13Medical Oncology, Centre Hospitalier Départemental Les Oudairies, La Roche-sur-Yon, France; 14Supportive Care Department, Centre Léon Bérard, Lyon, France; 15Geriatrics and Oncology Unit, Centre Hospitalier Lyon Sud, Université Lyon 1, Pierre-Bénite, France Background: Depression, a major outcome in cancer patients, is often evaluated by physicians relying on their clinical impressions rather than patient self-report. Our aim was to assess agreement between patient self-reported depression, oncologist assessment (OA, and psychiatric clinical interview (PCI in elderly patients with advanced ovarian cancer (AOC.Methods: This analysis was a secondary endpoint of the Elderly Women AOC Trial 3 (EWOT3, designed to assess the impact of geriatric covariates, notably depression, on survival in patients older than 70 years of age. Depression was assessed using the Geriatric Depression Scale-30 (GDS, the Hospital

  6. Japan's System of Official Development Assistance | CRDI - Centre ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Une contribution des plus précieuses non seulement aux milieux de la coopération au service du développement dans le monde, mais aussi aux milieux universitaires en général qui aident à comprendre l'APD du Japon – Kimio Fujita, Président, Agence japonaise de coopération internationale (JICA)

  7. Publications | Page 146 | CRDI - Centre de recherches pour le ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Escalonando la agroecologia : Procesos y aprendizajes de cuatro experiencias en Chile, Cuba, Honduras y Perú. Voilà deux décennies que l'approche agroécologique se répand tranquillement en Amérique latine, attirant progressivement l'attention de divers secteurs, dont le milieu universitaire, diverses institutions ...

  8. Describing the association between socioeconomic inequalities and cancer survival: methodological guidelines and illustration with population-based data

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    Belot A


    Full Text Available Aurélien Belot,1-3 Laurent Remontet,3,4 Bernard Rachet,1 Olivier Dejardin,5,6 Hadrien Charvat,7 Simona Bara,8 Anne-Valérie Guizard,5,9 Laurent Roche,3,4 Guy Launoy,5,6 Nadine Bossard3,4 1Cancer Survival Group, Department of Non-Communicable Disease Epidemiology, Faculty of Epidemiology and Population Health, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom; 2Non-Communicable Diseases and Trauma Direction, The French Public Health Agency, Saint-Maurice, France; 3Department of Biostatistics and Bioinformatics, Hospices Civils de Lyon, Lyon, France; 4UMR 5558, Biometry and Evolutionary Biology Laboratory, Biostatistics Health Group, CNRS, University Lyon 1, Lyon, France; 5National Institute of Health and Medical Research U1086 ANTICIPE, Caen, France; 6Calvados Digestive Cancer Registry, Centre Hospitalier Universitaire, Caen, France; 7Prevention Division, Center for Public Health Sciences, National Cancer Center, Tokyo, Japan; 8Manche General Cancer Registry, Centre Hospitalier Public du Cotentin, Cherbourg-en-Cotentin, France; 9Calvados General Cancer Registry, Centre François Baclesse, Caen, France Background: Describing the relationship between socioeconomic inequalities and cancer survival is important but methodologically challenging. We propose guidelines for addressing these challenges and illustrate their implementation on French population-based data. Methods: We analyzed 17 cancers. Socioeconomic deprivation was measured by an ecological measure, the European Deprivation Index (EDI. The Excess Mortality Hazard (EMH, ie, the mortality hazard among cancer patients after accounting for other causes of death, was modeled using a flexible parametric model, allowing for nonlinear and/or time-dependent association between the EDI and the EMH. The model included a cluster-specific random effect to deal with the hierarchical structure of the data. Results: We reported the conventional age-standardized net survival (ASNS

  9. Research

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    3 sept. 2015 ... 1Service d'Anesthésie-réanimation, Hôpital des Spécialités, Centre Hospitalier .... anesthésique était essentiellement du a la disponibilité du produit et .... Changes of blood pressure and cerebral arterio-venous oxygen.

  10. Case report

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    4 déc. 2015 ... 1Service d'Anesthésie–Réanimation, Hôpital Maternité Souissi, Centre Hospitalier ... parturiente présentant une maladie de Von Willebrand de type 1 ... se lie également et stabilise le facteur de coagulation sanguine VIII.

  11. india : tous les projets | Page 12 | CRDI - Centre de recherches pour ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    'initiative Casablanca rassemble des militantes et des universitaires du Sud, afin d'intégrer les connaissances des femmes à la question de la pauvreté mondiale, dont le fardeau de plus en plus lourd afflige surtout les femmes. Date de début ...

  12. Résultats de recherche | Page 115 | CRDI - Centre de recherches ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Les pratiques commerciales ou concurrentielles inéquitables constituent une part importante des lois antitrust de nombreux pays. ... le soutien du CRDI, a créé un projet de recherche concertée sur le droit administratif international (Global Administrative Law [GAL] Project) dans le but de faire en sorte que les universitair.

  13. Case series

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    31 août 2015 ... 1Service de Chirurgie Générale, Centre Hospitalier Régional de Kafrrine, .... auxquels viennent s'ajouter les traumatismes primaires résultant de ... aussi aux soins médicaux prolongés et chers. ... Le congrès Médecins.

  14. Approche de l’état podologique du patient diabétique hémodialysé chronique dans un centre hospitalier Marocain


    Benabdellah, Nawal; Karimi, Ilham; Bentata, Yassamine; Haddiya, Intissar


    De plus en plus de patients diabétiques sont pris en charge en HDC. Les conséquences sont multiples, notamment les problèmes de pied diabétique qui demeurent mal connus du patient diabétique et des soignants ce qui retentit considérablement sur la qualité de prise en charge. Nous avons réalisé une Etude transversale en Novembre 2011 au centre d'hémodialyse de l'hôpital Al Farabi d'Oujda, incluant tous nos patients diabétiques HDC. Nous avons relevé les données démographiques, clinico-biologiq...

  15. Publications | Page 159 | CRDI - Centre de recherches pour le ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Japan's System of Official Development Assistance. Une contribution des plus précieuses non seulement aux milieux de la coopération au service du développement dans le monde, mais aussi aux milieux universitaires en général qui aident à comprendre l'APD du Japon – Kimio Fujita, Président, Agence japonaise de ...

  16. : tous les projets | Page 299 | CRDI - Centre de recherches pour le ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    ... d'un programme national de biocarburants reposant sur une huile végétale extraite des graines du pourghère (Jatropha curcas), une plante pouvant être cultivée sur des terres peu hospitalières. Date de début : 2 septembre 2010. End Date: 12 février 2013. Sujet: RENEWABLE ENERGY SOURCES, BIOMASS ENERGY, ...

  17. Awareness of cytomegalovirus and risk factors for susceptibility among pregnant women, in Montreal, Canada. (United States)

    Wizman, Sarah; Lamarre, Valérie; Coic, Lena; Kakkar, Fatima; Le Meur, Jean-Baptiste; Rousseau, Céline; Boucher, Marc; Tapiero, Bruce


    Advances in diagnostic and therapeutic modalities for congenital cytomegalovirus (CMV) infection have generated a mounting interest in identifying mothers susceptible to CMV. The objectives of this study were to evaluate the prevalence and socio-demographic determinants of CMV susceptibility and CMV awareness, among pregnant women, in Montreal, Quebec. Between April and December 2012, women delivering at Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Sainte Justine were recruited for the study. Stored serum from the first trimester of pregnancy was tested for CMV IgG. Knowledge about CMV and socio-demographic characteristics were collected via standardized questionnaire. Four hundred and ninety one women were enrolled in the study. Overall, 225 mothers (46%) were seronegative for CMV, and 85% (n = 415) were unaware of CMV or the associated risks in pregnancy. Significant risk factors for CMV seronegative status included Canadian vs. foreign born (aOR 6.88, 95% CI 4.33-10.94), and high vs. low family income (aOR 4.68, 95% CI 2.09-10.48). Maternal employment status was the only significant predictor of CMV unawareness, with unemployed mothers at the highest risk (aOR 85.6, 95% CI 17.3-421.3). Nearly half of pregnant women studied were at risk of primary infection, and yet, the majority was unaware of potential risks associated with CMV. Canadian born mothers and those with a high socioeconomic status were more likely to be CMV seronegative. Increased education about CMV infection, through public health interventions and obstetrician/pediatric counseling, is needed for all pregnant women.

  18. Les facteurs de motivation infirmière assurant la pérennité d'un soin de qualité afin de prévenir les infections nosocomiales en mileur hospitalier: une revue de littérature étoffée


    Repond, Tracy; Rossier, Jean-Michel; Scrima, Katia


    Le but de cette revue de littérature est de relever les facteurs de motivation infirmière qui garantissent la pérennisation d’un comportement d’observance en ce qui concerne les mesures d’hygiène hospitalière afin de diminuer le taux d’infections nosocomiales.

  19. Research

    African Journals Online (AJOL)



    Jun 21, 2016 ... Néonatologie du centre hospitalier National de Ouagadougou,. Burkina Faso. Burkina Médical. 1998;2(Suppl 1):44-. 7. PubMed | Google Scholar. 7. Kamath BD, Macguire ER, McClure EM, Goldenberg RL, Jobe. AH. Neonatal mortality from respiratory distress syndrome: lessons for low-resource countries.

  20. Résultats de recherche | Page 417 | CRDI - Centre de recherches ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Japan's System of Official Development Assistance. Une contribution des plus précieuses non seulement aux milieux de la coopération au service du développement dans le monde, mais aussi aux milieux universitaires en général qui aident à comprendre l'APD du Japon. Publication Date. 1 janvier 1999 ...

  1. Abolir les barrières entre recherche et action | CRDI - Centre de ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    8 juin 2016 ... ... SAS2;; Participatory Action Research: Theory and Methods for Engaged Inquiry, un ouvrage qui propose de nouveaux outils et de nouveaux fondements conceptuels propres à la tradition de la recherche-action participative. Cette publication, destinée aux universitaires et aux praticiens professionnels, ...

  2. International Journal of Modern Anthropology: Journal Sponsorship

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Therefore this journal could represent a model of volunteering or rather of voluntarism. However, the 'Centre National Universitaire de Documentation Scientifique et Technique' in Tunisia, has just begun to plan to encourage international scientific journals developed in Tunisia. Tunisian Association of Anthropology.

  3. Publications | Page 64 | CRDI - Centre de recherches pour le ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Un projet financé par le CRDI a contribué à abolir les barrières entre la pratique de la recherche-action participative et la formation et la pensée universitaires sur le terrain. Le projet a aussi encouragé des intervenants du Sud à exercer un leadership au regard de communautés régionales et thématiques de praticiens se ...

  4. Publications | Page 65 | CRDI - Centre de recherches pour le ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Un projet financé par le CRDI a contribué à abolir les barrières entre la pratique de la recherche-action participative et la formation et la pensée universitaires sur le terrain. Le projet a aussi encouragé des intervenants du Sud à exercer un leadership au regard de communautés régionales et thématiques de praticiens se ...

  5. Research

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    24 juin 2015 ... Page number not for citation purposes. 1. Epaisseur de l'intima-média carotidienne et facteurs de risque cardio-vasculaires. Nicolas Fanantenana Herinirina1, Lova Hasina Ny Ony Narindra Rajaonarison2,&, Andry Roussel Herijoelison3, Ahmad Ahmad2. 1Service Imagerie Médicale, Centre Hospitalier ...

  6. Résultats de recherche | Page 29 | CRDI - Centre de recherches ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Quatre éléments clés pour favoriser la santé et le bien-être pour tous. Cinq consultations régionales ont permis d'explorer le rôle des instituts de recherche et des établissements universitaires en ce qui a trait à la mise en oeuvre et au suivi des objectifs. Date de publication. 14 septembre 2017. Projet.

  7. Résultats de recherche | Page 135 | CRDI - Centre de recherches ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    La subvention permettra au Collège d'agriculture et de foresterie de l'Université de Huê de se pencher sur des questions reliées à la gestion des ressources ... et des praticiens issus de diverses disciplines et entités (milieu universitaire, société civile, administration publique) dans l'optique de faire en sorte que la recher.

  8. Analyse de L'université et les TIC – Chronique d'une innovation annoncée

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    Jean Uebersfeld


    Full Text Available Date de réception et d'acceptation : octobre 2010. 1. Champ couvert par l'ouvrage L'ouvrage, comme l'indique son sous-titre, se présente comme une chronique de l'introduction des TIC (technologies de l'information et de la communication dans l'enseignement universitaire. On remarquera d'emblée que, même si le titre est très général, il faut entendre qu'il s'agit d'analyser des expériences s'organisant dans le cadre précis du Ruca (réseau universitaire des centres d'autoformation et des proj...

  9. Managing infective endocarditis in the elderly: new issues for an old disease

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    Forestier E


    Full Text Available Emmanuel Forestier,1 Thibaut Fraisse,2 Claire Roubaud-Baudron,3 Christine Selton-Suty,4 Leonardo Pagani5 1Infectious Diseases Department, Centre Hospitalier Métropole Savoie, Chambéry, France; 2Acute Geriatric Department, Centre Hospitalier, Alès, France; 3Geriatric Department, University Hospital, Bordeaux, France; 4Department of Cardiology, University Hospital, Nancy, France; 5Infectious Diseases Department, Centre Hospitalier Annecy-Genevois, Annecy, France Abstract: The incidence of infective endocarditis (IE rises in industrialized countries. Older people are more affected by this severe disease, notably because of the increasing number of invasive procedures and intracardiac devices implanted in these patients. Peculiar clinical and echocardiographic features, microorganisms involved, and prognosis of IE in elderly have been underlined in several studies. Additionally, elderly population appears quite heterogeneous, from healthy people without past medical history to patients with multiple diseases or who are even bedridden. However, the management of IE in this population has been poorly explored, and international guidelines do not recommend adapting the therapeutic strategy to the patient’s functional status and comorbidities. Yet, if IE should be treated according to current recommendations in the healthiest patients, concerns may rise for older patients who suffer from several chronic diseases, especially renal failure, and are on polypharmacy. Treating frailest patients with high-dose intravenous antibiotics during a prolonged hospital stay as recommended for younger patients could also expose them to functional decline and toxic effect. Likewise, the place of surgery according to the aging characteristics of each patient is unclear. The aim of this article is to review the recent data on epidemiology of IE and its peculiarities in the elderly. Then, its management and various therapeutic approaches that can be considered

  10. [Integrate the surgical hand disinfection as a quality indicator in an operating room of urology]. (United States)

    Francois, M; Girard, R; Mauranne, C C; Ruffion, A; Terrier, J E


    The surgical hand disinfection by friction (SDF) helps to reduce the risk of surgical site infections. For this purpose and in order to promote good compliance to quality care, the urology service of Centre Hospitalier Lyon Sud achieved a continuous internal audit to improve the quality of the SDF. An internal audit executed by the medical students of urology was established in 2013. The study population was all operators, instrumentalists and operating aids of urology operating room (OR). Each student realized 5-10 random observations, of all types of professionals. The criteria measured by the audit were criteria for friction. The evolution of indicators was positive. Particularly, the increasing duration of the first and second friction was statistically significant during follow-up (P=0.001). The total duration of friction shows a similar trend for all professionals. The surgical hand disinfection by friction in the urology OR of the Centre Hospitalier Lyon Sud has gradually improved over the iterative audits. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.

  11. Performances des équipements utilisés en liaison froide en liaison froide en restauration hospitalière - Suivi des températures des entrées froides


    Rosset , Philippe; Morelli , Elisabeth; Noël , Véronique; Poumeyrol , Gérard


    La restauration hospitalière présente un système de distribution des repas qui lui est spécifique : assemblage des denrées préparées et constitution des plateaux-repas dans un local dédié (dit d'allotissement) ; transport des plateaux-repas vers les unités de soins dans des enceintes mobiles permettant le maintien au froid des denrées consommées froides et la remise en température des aliments à consommer chauds. La présente étude concerne le suivi des températures de hors-d'œuvre dans trois ...

  12. La professionnalisation de la formation universitaire d’enseignants de français : quelles compétences visées ?

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    PHAM Duy Thien


    Full Text Available Bien former à un métier est devenu une préoccupation de la société vietnamienne. Car la qualité de la formation professionnelle laisse toujours à désirer. L’université dispensant traditionnellement des formations dites académiques les repense dans une perspective de professionnalisation. La logique académique et la logique professionnelle peuvent-elles être compatibles l’une avec l’autre ? Si la formation universitaire se professionnalise, qu’est-ce qu’elle apportera aux étudiants pour que ceux-ci, une fois diplômés, soient reconnus comme étant compétents et aptes à travailler ? Notre article propose de répondre à ces questions. Les réflexions qui y sont présentées proviennent de notre travail de thèse, portant sur la professionnalisation des guides touristiques vietnamiens.

  13. 1416-IJBCS-Article-Bessimbaye Nadlaou+

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    6Unité de Formation et de Recherche en Sciences de la Santé (UFR/SDS), Université de Ouagadougou,. Centre Hospitalier ... les tests de filamentation et biochimiques ont permis de caractériser et de déterminer les taux des infestations parasitaires, fongiques et ..... VIH/SIDA et 76 (37,07%) cas d'autres affections (Otites ...

  14. Management of invasive aspergillosis in patients with COPD: rational use of voriconazole

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    Florence Ader


    Full Text Available Florence Ader1, Anne-Lise Bienvenu2, Blandine Rammaert3, Saad Nseir41Service des Maladies Infectieuses et Tropicales; 2Service de Parasitologie et Mycologie Médicale, Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1, Hospices Civils de Lyon, Hôpital de La Croixrousse, Lyon, France; 3Service des Maladies Infectieuses et Tropicales, Université Paris Descartes, Hôpital Necker Enfants Malades, Centre d’infectiologie Necker-Pasteur, Paris, France; 4Service de Réanimation Médicale, Hôpital A. Calmette, Centre Hospitalier Régional Universitaire, Lille, FranceAbstract: Invasive pulmonary aspergillosis (IPA is an important cause of mortality in patients with hematologic malignancies. The reported incidence of IPA in the context of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD seems to increase. Approximately 1%–2% of overall fatal cases of IPA occur in COPD patients. The combination of factors such as lung immune imbalance, long-term corticosteroid use, increasing rate of bacterial exacerbations over time, and malnutrition are responsible for the emergence of IPA in these patients. The diagnosis of IPA is difficult to establish, which explains the delay in implementing accurate antifungal therapy and the high mortality rate. Persistent pneumonia nonresponsive to appropriate antibiotic treatment raises the concern of an invasive fungal infection. Definite diagnosis is obtained from tissue biopsy evidencing Aspergillus spp. on microscopic examination or in culture. Culture and microscopy of respiratory tract samples have a sensitivity and specificity of around 50%. Other diagnostic tools can be useful in documenting IPA: computed tomography (CT scan, nonculture-based tests in serum and/or in bronchoalveolar lavage such as antibody/antigen tests for Aspergillus spp. More recent tools such as polymerase chain reaction or [1→3]-β-D-glucan have predictive values that need to be further investigated in COPD patients. Antifungal monotherapy using azole

  15. Identifying gaps in the surgical training curriculum in Rwanda through evaluation of operative activity at a teaching hospital. (United States)

    Rickard, Jennifer L; Ntakiyiruta, Georges; Chu, Kathryn M


    To define the operations performed by surgical residents at a tertiary referral hospital in Rwanda to help guide development of the residency program. Cross-sectional study of all patients operated by surgical residents from October 2012 to September 2013. University Teaching Hospital of Kigali (Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Kigali [CHUK]), a public, tertiary referral hospital in Kigali, Rwanda. All patient data were entered into the operative database by surgical residents at CHUK. A total of 2833 cases were entered into the surgical database. Of them, 53 cases were excluded from further analysis because no surgical resident was listed as the primary or assistant surgeon, leaving 2780 cases for analysis. There were 2780 operations involving surgical residents. Of them, 51% of procedures were classified under general surgery, 38% orthopedics, 7% neurosurgery, and 4% urology. Emergency operations accounted for 64% of the procedures, with 56% of those being general surgery and 35% orthopedic. Further, 50% of all operations were trauma, with 71% of those orthopedic and 21% general surgery. Surgical faculty were involved in 45% of operations as either the primary or the assistant surgeons, while the remainder of operations did not involve surgical faculty. Residents were primary surgeons in 68% of procedures and assistant surgeons in 84% of procedures. The operative experience of surgery residents at CHUK primarily involves emergency and trauma procedures. Although this likely reflects the demographics of surgical care within Rwanda, more focus should be placed on elective procedures to ensure that surgical residents are broadly trained. Copyright © 2015 Association of Program Directors in Surgery. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  16. Maladie de Biermer : étude de quatre cas au Centre Hospitalier ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Les troubles neurologiques constituaient un tableau de sclérose combinée de la moelle (SCM) dans tous les trois cas, avec un déficit moteur observé chez deux patients, une atteinte des nerfs crâniens chez un patient, et des troubles de la mémoire chez deux patients. Tous les patients avaient reçu une supplémentation en ...

  17. Economic evaluation of first-line and maintenance treatments for advanced non-small cell lung cancer: a systematic review

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    Chouaïd C


    Full Text Available Christos Chouaïd,1 Perinne Crequit,2 Isabelle Borget,3 Alain Vergnenegre4 1Service de Pneumologie et de Pathologie Professionnelle, Centre Hospitalier Intercommunal Créteil et Université de Paris Est Créteil, Paris, France; 2Service de Pneumologie, Hôpital Tenon, Assistance Publique-Hôpitaux de Paris, Paris, France; 3Service de Biostatistique et d’Epidémiologie, Institut Gustave Roussy, Villejuif, France; 4Unité d’Oncologie Thoracique et Cutanée, Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Limoges, Limoges, France Abstract: During these last years, there have been an increased number of new drugs for non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC, with a growing financial effect on patients and society. The purpose of this article was to review the economics of first-line and maintenance NSCLC treatments. We reviewed economic analyses of NSCLC therapies published between 2004 and 2014. In first-line settings, in unselected patients with advanced NSCLC, the cisplatin gemcitabine doublet appears to be cost-saving compared with other platinum doublets. In patients with nonsquamous NSCLC, the incremental cost-effectiveness ratios (ICERs per life-year gained (LYG were $83,537, $178,613, and more than $300,000 for cisplatin-pemetrexed compared with, respectively, cisplatin-gemcitabine, cisplatin-carboplatin-paclitaxel, and carboplatin-paclitaxel-bevacizumab. For all primary chemotherapy agents, use of carboplatin is associated with slightly higher costs than cisplatin. In all the analysis, bevacizumab had an ICER greater than $150,000 per quality-adjusted life-year (QALY. In epidermal growth factor receptor mutated advanced NSCLC, compared with carboplatin-paclitaxel doublet, targeted therapy based on testing available tissue yielded an ICER of $110,644 per QALY, and the rebiopsy strategy yielded an ICER of $122,219 per QALY. Compared with the triplet carboplatin-paclitaxel-bevacizumab, testing and rebiopsy strategies had ICERs of $25,547 and $44,036 per QALY

  18. Différencier les pairs. Mise en gestion du travail universitaire et encastrement organisationnel des carrières académiques (Royaume-Uni, 1970-2010)


    Payé, Simon


    En considérant le cas britannique, cette thèse étudie les mutations du travail universitaire dans un contexte marqué par la montée en puissance des pratiques de gestion du personnel et l'instauration de mécanismes de « quasi-marchés » par des politiques inspirées du New Public Management. À partir d'une enquête dans deux universités britanniques croisant entretiens biographiques, analyse de séquences des mobilités académiques et dépouillement d'archives, cette thèse révèle un important « trav...

  19. Création d’un espace collaboratif dans Moodle : retour d’expérience des bibliothèques universitaires de Paris Descartes

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    Aurélie Coig


    Full Text Available Les environnements numériques d’apprentissage peuvent servir d’appui aux formations documentaires offertes par les bibliothèques universitaires tant à leur personnel qu’à leurs usagers. Ainsi, à l’Université Paris Descartes, la mise en place de la plateforme Moodle a permis aux formateurs des bibliothèques de disposer d’un espace commun contenant l’ensemble des outils nécessaires à la réalisation des cours de recherche documentaire et favorisant les retours d’expériences entre formateurs. Résultant de ces échanges, une base de questions accessible dans tous les cours de la plateforme a été créée pour accompagner les formations aux étudiants et personnels de l’Université et favoriser l’appropriation des contenus.

  20. Les TIC(E) dans une démarche de soins-études. Enquête auprès d’équipes pédagogiques et d’élèves hospitalisés


    Colinet, Séverine


    L’objectif de cette recherche est de comprendre les usages et les utilisations des TIC(E) à destination d’élèves suivant un parcours de soins-études. Plus qu’à connaître les usages des TIC(E) propres aux élèves hospitalisés, nous nous sommes surtout attachée à comprendre les rapports qu’entretiennent les enseignants et directeurs d’établissement qui accompagnent ces élèves dans leur usage des TIC(E). La méthodologie repose sur une dizaine d’observations et une soixantaine d’entretiens conduit...

  1. Compte-rendu du Congrès RANACLÈS 2001

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    Cécile Poussard


    Full Text Available Les 9èmes Journées Nationales de RANACLÈS (1999-2001 se sont tenues au CALUP (Centre d'Apprentissage des Langues de l'Université de Provence, faculté St Charles, Marseille, du 29 novembre au 1er décembre 2001. RANACLÈS (Rassemblement National des Centres de Langues de l'Enseignement Supérieur, association créée en 1992, est la branche française de CERCLES, Confédération Européenne des Centres de Langues de l'Enseignement Supérieur.  Le congrès RANACLÈS réunit des responsables de centres ayant pour mission de fournir des formations en langues à des étudiants spécialistes d'autres disciplines (universités, écoles, Instituts Universitaires de Technologie, Instituts Universitaires Professionnalisés.... Les participants, essentiellement des pédagogues de terrain, trouvent, lors du congrès annuel, une occasion de partager leurs expériences, de s'informer et de réfléchir sur leur pratique. Le thème retenu cette année était celui de la motivation. Les ateliers ont présenté des expérimentations "motivantes" intégrant les TICE, essentiellement dans une perspective de pédagogie de projet. L'atelier des exposants a certainement souffert de questions de calendrier (Salon de l'Éducation, tout proche, à Paris et n'a rassemblé que quelques constructeurs (équipement et quelques diffuseurs. Les conférences ont permis d'approcher la motivation sous différents angles, motivation et politiques linguistiques (Jacques Darras, université de Picardie, motivation et certification (Claude Springer, université Marcel Bloch de Strasbourg, motivation et mondialisation (Louis-Jean Calvet, université de Provence, motivation et histoire de la pensée éducative (Philippe Meirieu, Institut Universitaire de Formation des Maîtres de Lyon, motivation et autonomie dans les dispositifs d'apprentissage autodirigé (Mia Victori, université autonome de Barcelone.

  2. Author Details

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Haddiya, I. Vol 6, No 1 (2010) - Articles Les complications chirurgicales de la transplantation rénale à partir du donneur vivant: expérience du CHU Ibn Sina de Rabat Abstract PDF · Vol 15, No 1 (2013) - Articles Le sujet âgé en hémodialyse chronique: expérience d'un centre hospitalier marocain. Abstract PDF · Vol 15, No 1 ...

  3. La neurotoxoplasmose congenitale du nourrisson : a propos d'une ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Les auteurs rapportent un cas isolé d'une Toxoplasmose cérébrale congénitale chez un enfant de 02 ans hospitalisé dans le service de neurologie du centre hospitalouniversitaire (C.H.U) Campus de Lomé. La revue de la littérature permet d'insister sur les formes cliniques, l'imagerie médicale, la biologie ainsi que les ...

  4. Profils clinique, biologique et therapeutique des enfants infectes par ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Introduction : La prise en charge du VIH pédiatrique reste un maillon faible de la riposte au Togo. Le but de notre travail est de décrire les caractéristiques cliniques, immunologiques et thérapeutiques des enfants infectés au Centre Hospitalier Régional de Lomé-Commune (CHR-LC). Matériels et méthode : Cette étude ...

  5. Et le gagnant est... Brendan Baker en entrevue | CRDI - Centre de ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    2 févr. 2011 ... lancé par le CRDI dans la période menant au troisième Forum urbain mondial. ... Après avoir obtenu mon diplôme universitaire, je me suis engagé pour une affectation de longue durée avec Ingénieurs sans frontières, qui m'a envoyé au Sénégal afin de participer à un projet de transformation des noix de ...

  6. The Journal as a European Space in Post-War Paris: the Fédération des étudiants nationalistes and Cahiers universitaires, 1961-1963

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    Hugh McDonnell


    Full Text Available This article examines the Fédération des étudiants nationalistes (FEN and its journal Cahiers universitaires between 1961 and 1963 in the context of post-war Parisian political and intellectual life. These dates encompass the launch of the journal and the loss of French Algeria - a fundamental preoccupation of the group. The group's militancy on behalf of the maintenance of France's three North African départements was interwoven with its far right political orientation and its striking conceptualisation of Europe. This article analyses five strands of discourse about Europe that recur in the journal: a Europe of nationalism, a Europe of imperialism, a Europe of hierarchy, a Europe defined against materialism, and a Europe of youth. I will argue that these different conceptions of Europe are closely interconnected.

  7. Application in the STRATHE trial of a score system to compare the efficacy and the tolerability of different therapeutic strategies in the management of hypertension

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    Bernard Waeber


    Full Text Available Bernard Waeber1, Jean-Jacques Mourad21Division de Physiopathologie Clinique, Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois et Université de Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland; 2Hôpital Avicienne, Bobigny, FranceAbstract: A score system integrating the evolution of efficacy and tolerability over time was applied to a subpopulation of the STRATHE trial, a trial performed according to a parallel group design, with a double-blind, random allocation to either a fixed-dose combination strategy (perindopril/indapamide 2 mg/0.625 mg, with the possibility to increase the dose to 3 mg/0.935 mg, and 4 mg/1.250 mg if needed, n = 118, a sequential monotherapy approach (atenolol 50 mg, followed by losartan 50 mg and amlodipine 5 mg if needed, n = 108, or a stepped-care strategy (valsartan 40 mg, followed by valsartan 80 mg and valsartan 80 mg+ hydrochlorothiazide 12.5 mg if needed, n = 103. The aim was to lower blood pressure below 140/90 mmHg within a 9-month period. The treatment could be adjusted after 3 and 6 months. Only patients in whom the study protocol was strictly applied were included in this analysis. At completion of the trial the total score averaged 13.1 ± 70.5 (mean ± SD using the fixed-dose combination strategy, compared with –7.2 ± 81.0 using the sequential monotherapy approach and –17.5 ± 76.4 using the stepped-care strategy. In conclusion, the use of a score system allows the comparison of antihypertensive therapeutic strategies, taking into account at the same time efficacy and tolerability. In the STRATHE trial the best results were observed with the fixed-dose combination containing low doses of an angiotensin enzyme converting inhibitor (perindopril and a diuretic (indapamide.Keywords: antihypertensive therapy, tolerability, antihypertensive efficacy, fixed-dose combination, sequential monotherapy, stepped-care treatment

  8. Physical activity assessment and counseling in Quebec family medicine groups. (United States)

    Baillot, Aurélie; Baillargeon, Jean-Patrice; Paré, Alex; Poder, Thomas G; Brown, Christine; Langlois, Marie-France


    To determine how often primary health care providers (PHCPs) in family medicine groups (FMGs) assess physical activity (PA) levels, provide PA counseling (PAC), and refer patients to exercise professionals; to describe patients' PA levels, physical fitness, and satisfaction regarding their PA management in FMGs; to describe available PA materials in FMGs and PHCPs' PAC self-efficacy and PA knowledge; and to identify characteristics of patients and PHCPs that determine the assessment of PA and PAC provided by PHCPs. Cross-sectional study using questionnaires and a medical chart audit. Ten FMGs within the Integrated University Health Network of the Centre hospitalier universitaire de Sherbrooke in Quebec. Forty FPs, 24 nurses, and 439 patients. Assessment of PA level and PAC provided by PHCPs. Overall, 51.9% of the patients had had their PA level assessed during the past 18 months, but only 21.6% received PAC from at least 1 of the PHCPs. Similar percentages were found among the inactive (n = 244) and more active (n = 195) patients. The median PAC self-efficacy score of PHCPs was 70.2% (interquartile range 52.0% to 84.7%) and the median PA knowledge score was 45.8% (interquartile range 41.7% to 54.2%), with no significant differences between nurses and FPs. In multivariate analysis, 34% of the variance in PAC provided was explained by assessment of PA level, overweight or obese status, type 2 diabetes or prediabetes, less FP experience, lower patient annual family income, more nurse encounters, and a higher patient physical component summary of quality of life. The rates of assessment of PA and provision of PAC in Quebec FMGs were low, even though most of the patients were inactive. Initiatives to support PHCPs and more resources to assess PA levels and provide PAC should be implemented. Copyright© the College of Family Physicians of Canada.

  9. Métastase pleurale et pulmonaire d’une polyadénofibromatose dégénéréé: à propos d’un cas (United States)

    El Hachimi, Kawtar; Benjelloun, Hanane; Zaghba, Nahid; Yassine, Najiba


    La polyadénofibromatose ou l’adénofibromatose est définie par la présence d’au moins 3 adénofibromes, uni ou bilatéraux atteignant une taille importante responsable de troubles trophiques. Nous rapportons une observation colligée au service des maladies respiratoires du Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Ibn Rochd de Casablanca. Il s’agit d’une patiente âgée de 46ans, suivie depuis l’âge de 30 ans pour une adénofibromatose bilatérale opérée à 4 reprises. Suite à un bilan préopératoire d’une mastectomie bilatérale, une radio du thorax a été réalisée objectivant un hémithorax droit opaque avec refoulement des éléments du médiastin. L’examen clinique retrouvait un syndrome d’épanchement liquidien de l’hémithorax droit et une adénopathie cervicale sus claviculaire gauche. La ponction biopsie pleurale confirmait la localisation pleurale d’un carcinome peu différencié et invasif compatible avec une origine mammaire. La bronchoscopie après évacuation pleurale objectivait un aspect infiltré de tout l’arbre bronchique, dont les biopsies concluaient au même résultat anatomopathologique. Le traitement préconisé était une polychimiothérapie. L’évolution était marquée par l’apparition de métastases hépatiques. A travers cette observation, nous concluons que les adénofibromes nécessitent une surveillance régulière vu le risque de dégénérescence vers le cancer du sein qui est une cause fréquente de métastases pleuropulmonaires. PMID:29515733

  10. Improving flow in the OR. (United States)

    Blouin-Delisle, Charles Hubert; Drolet, Renee; Gagnon, Serge; Turcotte, Stephane; Boutet, Sylvie; Coulombe, Martin; Daneau, Eric


    Purpose The purpose of this paper is to increase efficiency in ORs without affecting quality of care by improving the workflow processes. Administrative processes independent of the surgical act can be challenging and may lead to clinical impacts such as increasing delays. The authors hypothesized that a Lean project could improve efficiency of surgical processes by reducing the length of stays in the recovery ward. Design/methodology/approach Two similar Lean projects were performed in the surgery departments of two hospitals of the Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Québec: Hôtel Dieu de Quebec (HDQ) and Hôpital de l'Enfant Jesus (HEJ). The HDQ project designed around a Define, Measure, Analyse, Improve and Control process revision and a Kaizen workshop focused on patients who were hospitalized in a specific care unit after surgery and the HEJ project targeted patients in a post-operative ambulatory context. The recovery ward output delay was measured retrospectively before and after project. Findings For the HDQ Lean project, wasted time in the recovery ward was reduced by 62 minutes (68 percent reduction) between the two groups. The authors also observed an increase of about 25 percent of all admissions made in the daytime after the project compared to the time period before the project. For the HEJ Lean project, time passed in the recovery ward was reduced by 6 min (29 percent reduction). Originality/value These projects produced an improvement in the flow of the OR without targeting clinical practices in the OR itself. They demonstrated that change in administrative processes can have a great impact on the flow of clinical pathways and highlight the need for comprehensive and precise monitoring of every step of the elective surgery patient trajectory.

  11. Case series

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    4 juin 2014 ... Neurochirurgie de l'Hôpital Avicenne du Centre Hospitalo-. Universitaire de Rabat, entre 1996 et 2009. Tous les patients ont bénéficié d'un examen clinique et scannographique à l'admission. Les choix thérapeutiques variaient selon le tableau clinique à l'admission : traitement médical seul ou associé à ...

  12. Dimensions rénales en Service de Néphrologie Clinique ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Il s'agit d'une étude rétrospective, s'étalant sur une période de 3 ans, effectuée dans le service de Néphrologie du centre hospitalier de Befelatanana, Antananarivo, recrutant 200 patients non diabétiques, sans maladie rénale chronique. L'âge moyen de nos patients était de 45 ans ±16, avec un sex ratio de 0,9.

  13. AFJU OFC 18(4).indd

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    Laboratoire d'Anatomie Pathologique de l'Hôpital Avicenne de Rabat. Faculté de Médecine et de Pharmacie de Rabat, Université. Mohamed V Souissi, Centre Hospitalier Ibn Sina, Agdal Ryad, Rabat, 10000, Maroc. Reçu le 30 juillet 2011; reçu sous la forme révisée le 19 août 2011; accepté le 5 juin 2012. MOTS CLÉS.

  14. Une enquête réalisée en Jamaïque contribue à améliorer la santé ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    23 mai 2012 ... On a procédé au dépistage de l'hypertension et au dépistage – et au traitement rapide – de la syphilis chez les femmes, et l'on a encouragé les femmes enceintes présentant des facteurs de risque ou habitant dans des régions éloignées à accoucher dans un centre hospitalier. Des campagnes de ...

  15. Rapport d’étape – Le Système canadien hospitalier d’information et de recherche en prévention des traumatismes : un système de surveillance des blessures dynamique et novateur

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    J. Crain


    Full Text Available Ce rapport d’étape sur le Système canadien hospitalier d’information et de recherche en prévention des traumatismes (SCHIRPT, un système de surveillance des blessures et des empoisonnements utilisé par les services d’urgence, décrit le résultat de la migration d’un processus d’entrée et de codage des données centralisé vers le processus décentralisé de l’eSCHIRPT, réalisée en 2011. Ce système sécurisé accroît la souplesse et la rapidité globales du SCHIRPT, attributs clés d’un système de surveillance efficace. La plate-forme intégrée de l’eSCHIRPT permet une entrée de données et un accès aux données en temps quasi réel, comprend des outils conviviaux de gestion et d’analyse des données et facilite la communication et la connectivité au sein du réseau du SCHIRPT grâce à un centre de collaboration en ligne. L’essai pilote mené actuellement sur les outils automatisés de contrôle de données et d’analyse des tendances – destinés à surveiller et à mettre en évidence les données d’entrée à partir de critères prédéfinis (par exemple un nouveau produit de consommation – révèle le potentiel de détection rapide des nouveaux dangers, enjeux et tendances que possède l’eSCHIRPT.

  16. Réception des cours magistraux avec support projeté en contexte universitaire

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    Dufour Sophie


    Full Text Available Les cours magistraux sont mixtes, utilisant à la fois l’oral et l’écrit. Comme dans d’autres formes d’enseignement universitaire, de nouveaux écrits y prennent une place de plus en plus importante. Ce sont des genres écrits spécifiques générés en particulier par les Tice et les logiciels de type PowerPoint. Ces supports ont une influence sur l’activité des étudiants exposés à ce double flux d’informations écrites et orales. Il s’agit d’une part de mieux observer le fonctionnement dynamique de ces combinaisons synchrones oralographiques, et, d’autre part, d’en observer les conséquences sur le travail de réception et de stabilisation, par les étudiants. Nous nous inscrivons ici dans la lignée des travaux menés depuis plusieurs années au sein de notre laboratoire sur l’analyse des cours magistraux, qui ont mis en évidence un certain nombre de phénomènes discursifs et contextuels susceptibles d’avoir un impact sur leur réception par les étudiants. L'enquête réalisée en entretiens semis-guidés auprès d’étudiants de cursus divers qui a fourni les données à la base du travail que nous proposons, permettra dans un premier temps d'approcher les comportements de réception des étudiants en CM. Nous aborderons ensuite la complémentarité discursive existant entre le discours oral de l’enseignant en CM et l’écrit public qu’il projette à son auditoire sous forme de PPT. Enfin nous évaluerons l’intérêt que les étudiants peuvent entrevoir dans la mise à disposition via des plateformes de cours de type BV soit avant, soit après le cours du PPT proposé par l’enseignant.

  17. 1805-IJBCS-Article-Kan Jean Kouame

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    2Centre Universitaire de Recherche et d'Application en Télédétection (CURAT), UFR des Sciences de la Terre et des Ressources Minières ...... Outil. Particulièrement Adopté pour la. Définition des Périmètres de Protection d'un Captage. Fondation Scientifique de la Géologie et de ses Applications : Vandoeuvre lès, France ...

  18. Case report

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    2 déc. 2011 ... 3Service d'Anesthésie-réanimation, Hôpital Régional de Thiès, Sénégal, 4Service de Chirurgie Générale, Hôpital Général de Grand Yoff Dakar,. Sénégal. &Corresponding author: Papa Abdoulaye Bâ, Service de Chirurgie Générale, Centre Hospitalier Régional de Thiès avenue Malick Sy prolongée BP:.

  19. Milnacipran and venlafaxine at flexible doses (up to 200 mg/day) in the outpatient treatment of adults with moderate-to-severe major depressive disorder: a 24-week randomized, double-blind exploratory study


    Briley, Mike


    Jean-Pierre Olié1, David Gourion2, Agnès Montagne3, Michel Rostin4, Marie-France Poirier11Service de Santé Mentale et Thérapeutique, Centre Hospitalier Sainte-Anne, Paris, France; 217 rue des Marronniers, 75016 Paris, France; 3Pierre Fabre Médicament, Labège, France; 4Pierre Fabre Médicament, Castres, FranceAbstract: The objective of this exploratory, multicenter, randomized, double-blind study, was to evaluate the e...

  20. L’alternance dans une formation professionnelle universitaire. De l’idéal épistémologique aux contradictions pédagogiques

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    Hugues Pentecouteau


    Full Text Available L’ouverture de l’université française sur le monde du travail constitue l’un des faits marquants de l’histoire du système universitaire au cours des deux dernières décennies. Le développement des formations professionnelles, du nombre de stages effectués par des étudiants et des conventions passées avec des partenaires professionnelles ont contribué à modifier le paysage de la formation diplômante. En développant des formations par alternance, l’université s’est engagée dans des formes pédagogiques qui nécessitent de penser autrement l’articulation entre la théorie et la pratique. L’objet de cette contribution est de questionner de manière critique différentes formes d’alternance et d’illustrer à partir d’une expérience d’alternance intégrative menée dans une formation aux métiers de la formation.

  1. Cardiopathies congénitales: aspects épidémiologiques et échocardiographies à propos de 109 cas au centre hospitalier universitaire pédiatrique Charles de Gaulle (CHUP-CDG) de Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso (United States)

    Kinda, Georges; Millogo, Georges Rosario Christian; Koueta, Fla; Dao, Lassina; Talbousouma, Sollimy; Cissé, Hassane; Djiguimdé, Aristide; Yé, Diarra; Sorgho, Claudine Lougue


    Notre travail avait pour objectif d’étudier les aspects épidémiologiques et écho-cardiographiques des cardiopathies congénitales au CHUP-CDG afin d'y faire l’état des lieux. Pour se faire, nous avons mené sur une période de 27 mois d'aout 2009 à mai 2010 et d'octobre 2011 à décembre 2011, une étude rétrospective des comptes rendus d’échocardiographies Doppler des patients admis dans le service d'imagerie médicale. Nous avons utilisé une sonde cardiaque de 5MHz sur appareil Aloka Prosound 4000 Plus. Durant la période d’étude, 380 examens écho-cardiographiques ont été réalisés et ont permis de mettre en évidence 109 cas de cardiopathies congénitales avec 138 entités nosologiques différentes. Les cardiopathies congénitales représentaient 0,98% des 11169 entrées. Les souffles étaient au premier rang des motifs de demande de l’échographie Doppler cardiaque (121 cas sur 380) soit 39,53%. Les CIV étaient au premier plan des cardiopathies congénitales (28,26%), suivies des CIA (23,19%), des sténoses pulmonaires (19,57%), des Tétralogie de Fallot (9,42%). Dans leur forme isolée, les CIA étaient les plus fréquentes avec 21,95% des cas, suivies des CIV avec 20,73%. Sur 138 cas de cardiopathies congénitales (chez 109 enfants), 53 cas ont été observés chez des enfants de sexe féminin et 56 cas chez des enfants de sexe masculin soit un sexe ration de 1,1. La tranche d’âge présentant une fréquence élevée de cardiopathie congénitale est celle de 1mois- 30 mois avec 55% des cas. Les cardiopathies congénitales de l'enfant sont une réalité en Afrique, leurs fréquences dans toutes les séries rapportées sont certainement sous estimées en raison de l'inaccessibilité de l’échocardiographie doppler. PMID:26090039

  2. Discours manifestant et contestation universitaire (2009 Demonstration Discourse and University Contention in France (2009

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    Yana Grinshpun


    Full Text Available Au cours du deuxième semestre 2009 l’université française connaît une grève quasi générale accompagnée par une série de manifestations. La manifestation est une situation de communication qu’on peut appréhender à la fois comme construction d’une communauté de conviction transitoire et comme espace de production et de « monstration » d’énoncés oraux et écrits. Dix manifestations contre les réformes de l’université et de la formation des maîtres, organisées dans la région parisienne, ont mis en scène ce que nous appelons le « discours universitaire manifestant ». Nous abordons ici ce discours comme une pratique inscrite dans une certaine conjoncture socio-politique. Ce travail se situe donc dans une perspective d’analyse du discours et vise à articuler fonctionnements linguistiques et situations de communication à travers les dispositifs d’énonciation.During the second semester of the year 2009, the French academic community went on an almost universal strike. Ten street demonstrations against the governmental reforms concerning academic research and the training of future school teachers - took place. We consider street demonstration as a particular situation of communication that can be perceived as a “place” of production and an exposition of oral and written enunciations. In this article, we analyze these enunciations as a type of discourse that emerged in a particular socio-political context. Thus we adapt the discourse analysis perspective in order to articulate linguistic functions and communication situations through different modi of enunciation.

  3. Motivation, volition et performances universitaires: Modèles d’intégration structurale de quelques déterminants des marqueurs de performance aux épreuves académiques de janvier auprès d’une cohorte d’étudiants primants de première candidature en sciences psychologiques et de l’éducation : orientations de buts d’accomplissement, comportement planifié, intentions de contrôle de l’apprentissage et contrôle de l’apprentissage


    Broonen, Jean-Paul


    Motivation, volition et performances universitaires Résumé L’échec ou la réussite en première année universitaire est lié à des facteurs multiples et intriqués les uns dans les autres. Pour certains d’entre eux, cristallisés par l’ontogenèse individuelle, il n’y a guère, à partir de l’engagement dans une filière d’études supérieures, d’intervention psychopédagogique possible pour éviter l’éviction de cette filière : milieu socioéconomique d’origine, traits de personnalité, capacités cog...

  4. Agreement for depression diagnosis between DSM-IV-TR criteria, three validated scales, oncologist assessment, and psychiatric clinical interview in elderly patients with advanced ovarian cancer


    Rhondali, Wadih; Freyer, Gilles; Adam, Virginie; Filbet, Maril?ne; Derzelle, Martine; Abgrall-Barbry, Gaelle; Bourcelot, Sophie; Machavoine, Jean-Louis; Chomat-Neyraud, Muriel; Gisserot, Olivier; Largillier, R?mi; Le Rol, Annick; Priou, Frank; Saltel, Pierre; Falandry, Claire


    Wadih Rhondali,1 Gilles Freyer,2 Virginie Adam,3 Marilène Filbet,4 Martine Derzelle,5 Gaelle Abgrall-Barbry,6 Sophie Bourcelot,7 Jean-Louis Machavoine,8 Muriel Chomat-Neyraud,9 Olivier Gisserot,10 Rémi Largillier,11 Annick Le Rol,12 Frank Priou,13 Pierre Saltel,14 Claire Falandry15 1Clinique Mon Repos, Clinea, Marseille, France; 2Medical Oncology Unit, Centre Hospitalier Lyon Sud, Université Lyon 1, Pierre-Benite, France; 3Institut de Cancérologie ...

  5. « Constituer un sérieux dossier d’archives de la Cité » : le fonds d’archives de la Cité internationale universitaire de Paris

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    Damien Richard


    Full Text Available Versées aux Archives nationales en 2009, après un important travail de tri et d’inventaire, les archives de la Cité internationale universitaire de Paris restituent dans toutes ses dimensions l’histoire, depuis sa création en 1920, de cette institution hors du commun. Le patrimoine architectural en représente un pan majeur, eu égard au panorama architectural du XXe siècle que constitue la Cité et aux grands noms qui se sont succédé à la signature des constructions. Mais le fonds met également en avant la vie quotidienne de la Cité, dans ses dimensions les plus joyeuses, par exemple les activités culturelles, comme les plus tragiques, tels les affrontements en factions politiques rivales à la Maison de l’Iran après la révolution khomeiniste. À travers trois exemples, le Collège franco-britannique (1937, la Maison du Brésil (1959 et celle de l’Iran (1969, cet article souhaite montrer la richesse de cette source nouvellement offerte à la recherche.Given to the National Archives in 2005, after an important effort of classifying and listing, the archives of the Cité internationale universitaire de Paris offer a complete account of the history of this most remarkable institution since its creation in 1920. The architectural patrimony is one of its most important aspects, given the architectural roundup of the 20th century displayed by the Cité and the famous architects successively responsible for the construction of its buildings. However the collection also shows everyday life in the Cité in its most joyful aspects, for example the cultural activities, but also its most tragic ones, such as the confrontations between rival political factions at the Iran House after the Khomeinist Revolution. Using three examples, the French-British College (1937, the Brazil House (1959 and the Iran House (1969, this article aims at showing the interest of this source recently open to research.

  6. Les traductions russes de La Légende de Saint Julien L’Hospitalier

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    Svetlana Maire


    Full Text Available Les œuvres de Gustave Flaubert étaient et restent toujours populaires auprès du lectorat russe. La Légende de Saint Julien l’Hospitalier, parue en 1876, a suscité l’intérêt d’un grand nombre de traducteurs. Ivan Turgenev fut le premier à réaliser une traduction officielle en russe de la Légende en 1877. Par la suite, d’autres versions ont suivi. Cet article propose l’analyse de trois traductions réalisées à trois périodes différentes par trois grandes personnalités de la littérature russe, Ivan Turgenev, Alexandr Blok et Maximilian Vološin. Chacun d’eux a sa propre méthode de traduction, utilise ses propres procédés afin de restituer au mieux l’effet de stylisation créé par Gustave Flaubert. La distance temporelle qui existe entre les trois traductions suppose que chacune d’elles suive les tendances littéraires propres à son époque. Ainsi, l’analyse comparative des traductions sera menée sous un angle diachronique. Par ailleurs, la traduction de chacun d’eux reflète les tendances dominantes dans le développement des différentes conceptions du métier du traducteur et plus particulièrement sur le travail de stylisation historique.The Russian reader has always been lost in admiration at Gustave Flaubert’s production, which is particularly style-worked and of a high literary quality. The Legend of St. Julian the Hospitaller, wrote in 1876, is marked out by stylistic treasures where the form is also important as the content. Consequently, this text represents a difficult translation exercise. However, the text has always aroused interest of translators. It was in the year 1877 that Ivan Turgenev first translated it into Russian and after that various versions with distinctive features have been turning up. This paper consists on examining three versions carried out for the three different periods by three eminent personalities of the Russian literature, Ivan Turgenev, Alexandr Blok, Maximilian

  7. La chapelle de la résidence universitaire Jean-Zay à Antony (Hauts-de-Seine) par Eugène Beaudouin : matériau traditionnel de l’architecture religieuse et création contemporaine


    Florence Margo-Schwoebel


    Après avoir mené à Antony la construction de la résidence universitaire Jean Zay en dix-huit mois (1954-1955), grâce à des procédés de construction industrialisés, Eugène Beaudouin compléta son projet d’une chapelle indépendante, réalisée selon des procédés traditionnels et consacrée en 1961. Dans cette chapelle Sainte-Croix, l’architecte renouait avec une certaine approche historiciste, sans pour autant rompre avec la création contemporaine. Son goût affirmé pour la prédominance du dessin s’...

  8. D'une ouverture de la voyelle /epsilon/ en finale absolue en francais quebecois : analyse acoustique et perceptive (United States)

    Riverin-Coutlee, Josiane

    Cette contribution est consacree a l'ouverture du /epsilon/ en finale absolue, un phenomene phonetique repute etre en declin en francais quebecois et caracteristique de locuteurs âges, peu scolarises, issus de milieux populaires et s'exprimant en situation de communication informelle. Une analyse acoustique de 480 voyelles /epsilon/ issues de la parole formelle de 40 jeunes etudiants universitaires originaires des centres urbains de Saguenay et de Quebec revele toutefois que le phenomene est encore bien vivant en francais quebecois et qu'il est plus frequent chez les locuteurs de Saguenay, une tendance validee auditivement par accord inter-juges. Les resultats d'un test de discrimination et d'identification mene aupres de 26 etudiants universitaires originaires de ces deux memes villes indiquent que les auditeurs naifs de Saguenay semblent moins sensibles a la variation et moins enclins a juger de l'origine geographique d'un locuteur a partir de sa prononciation de la voyelle /epsilon/ en fin de mot.

  9. Images to visualize the brain. PET: Positron Emission Tomography

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    Diagnosis instrument and research tool, Positron Emission Tomography permits advanced technological developments on positron camera, on molecule labelling and principally on very complex 3D image processing. Cyceron Centre in Caen-France works on brain diseases and try to understand the mechanism of observed troubles and to assess the treatment efficiency with PET. Service Hospitalier Frederic Joliot of CEA-France establishes a mapping of cognitive functions in PET as vision areas, anxiety regions, brain organization of language, different attention forms, voluntary actions and motor functions

  10. L’effet de la personnalité sur la performance des étudiants universitaires en sciences de l’administration à l’examen écrit, au test à choix multiple et aux travaux pratiques

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    Sawsen Lakhal


    Full Text Available Plusieurs programmes universitaires en sciences de l’administration au Canada ont implanté des réformes majeures, suite aux demandes des organismes d’agrément tels que l’Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB. Conséquemment, de plus en plus de méthodes d’évaluation des apprentissages sont utilisées. Toutefois, l’introduction de ces méthodes dans les programmes d’études pourrait engendrer des biais aux résultats de l’évaluation des apprentissages. L’étude des facteurs pouvant avoir un effet sur la performance des étudiants aux différentes méthodes d’évaluation devient pertinente dans ce contexte. Ainsi, l’objectif de cette étude consiste à vérifier si la personnalité telle que définie par le modèle des cinq facteurs influence la performance à l’examen écrit, au test à choix multiples et aux travaux pratiques. Deux variables contrôle, le genre et l’âge, sont inclus dans les analyses. Un échantillon de 378 étudiants inscrits à un cours de premier cycle universitaire en sciences de l’administration a répondu à un questionnaire en ligne. Les résultats des analyses des régressions linéaires multiples indiquent que ce ne sont pas toujours les mêmes facteurs de la personnalité qui sont sollicités d’une méthode d’évaluation à l’autre, indiquant l’existence potentielle de biais à l’évaluation des apprentissages. Ces résultats sont discutés au regard de la littérature plus large dans le domaine et touchant à d’autres programmes d’études universitaires. In Canada, a number of university programs in business administration have imbedded major reforms, following requests from accreditation bodies such as the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB. Consequently, more and more learning assessment methods are used. However, the introduction of these methods in curricula could lead to bias to the results of learning assessment. In

  11. Electroencephalography Predicts Poor and Good Outcomes After Cardiac Arrest: A Two-Center Study. (United States)

    Rossetti, Andrea O; Tovar Quiroga, Diego F; Juan, Elsa; Novy, Jan; White, Roger D; Ben-Hamouda, Nawfel; Britton, Jeffrey W; Oddo, Mauro; Rabinstein, Alejandro A


    The prognostic role of electroencephalography during and after targeted temperature management in postcardiac arrest patients, relatively to other predictors, is incompletely known. We assessed performances of electroencephalography during and after targeted temperature management toward good and poor outcomes, along with other recognized predictors. Cohort study (April 2009 to March 2016). Two academic hospitals (Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois, Lausanne, Switzerland; Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN). Consecutive comatose adults admitted after cardiac arrest, identified through prospective registries. All patients were managed with targeted temperature management, receiving prespecified standardized clinical, neurophysiologic (particularly, electroencephalography during and after targeted temperature management), and biochemical evaluations. We assessed electroencephalography variables (reactivity, continuity, epileptiform features, and prespecified "benign" or "highly malignant" patterns based on the American Clinical Neurophysiology Society nomenclature) and other clinical, neurophysiologic (somatosensory-evoked potential), and biochemical prognosticators. Good outcome (Cerebral Performance Categories 1 and 2) and mortality predictions at 3 months were calculated. Among 357 patients, early electroencephalography reactivity and continuity and flexor or better motor reaction had greater than 70% positive predictive value for good outcome; reactivity (80.4%; 95% CI, 75.9-84.4%) and motor response (80.1%; 95% CI, 75.6-84.1%) had highest accuracy. Early benign electroencephalography heralded good outcome in 86.2% (95% CI, 79.8-91.1%). False positive rates for mortality were less than 5% for epileptiform or nonreactive early electroencephalography, nonreactive late electroencephalography, absent somatosensory-evoked potential, absent pupillary or corneal reflexes, presence of myoclonus, and neuron-specific enolase greater than 75 µg/L; accuracy was highest for

  12. A simple semipaced 3-minute chair rise test for routine exercise tolerance testing in COPD

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    Aguilaniu B


    Full Text Available Bernard Aguilaniu,1,2 Hubert Roth,3 Jesus Gonzalez-Bermejo,4 Marie Jondot,5 Jocelyne Maitre,5 François Denis,6 Thomas Similowski4,7 1Medicine Faculty, Université Joseph Fourier, Grenoble, France; 2McGill University, Montreal, Canada; 3Centre de Recherche en Nutrition Humaine Rhône-Alpes, CHU Grenoble, France; 4Assistance Publique-Hôpitaux de Paris, Groupe Hospitalier Pitié-Salpêtrière, Respiratory and Intensive Care Medicine, Paris, France; 5Clinique Universitaire de Pneumologie, CHU Grenoble, France, Grenoble, France; 6Boehringer Ingelheim, 7Université Paris, Paris, France Abstract: The functional work capacity of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD patients is usually assessed with walk tests such as the 6-minute walk test (6MWT or the shuttle test. Because these exercise modalities require a controlled environment which limits their use by pulmonologists and severely restricts their use among general practitioners, different modalities of a short (1 minute or less sit-to-stand test were recently proposed. In this study, we evaluated a new modality of a semipaced 3-minute chair rise test (3CRT in 40 patients with COPD, and compared the reproducibility of physiological responses and symptoms during the 3CRT and their interchangeability with the 6MWT. The results demonstrate that physiological variables, heart rate, pulse oxygen saturation, work done, and symptoms (Borg dyspnea and fatigue scores, during the 3CRT were highly reproducible, and that the physiological responses and symptoms obtained during the 3CRT and the 6MWT were interchangeable for most patients. Moreover, these preliminary data suggest that patients able to perform more than 50 rises during 3 minutes had no significant disability. The simplicity and ease of execution of the 3CRT will facilitate the assessment of exercise symptoms and disability in COPD patients during routine consultations with pulmonologists and general practitioners, and will thus contribute

  13. Indications for and clinical procedures resulting from magnetic resonance imaging of the knee in older patients: Are we choosing wisely? (United States)

    Parent, Marc-Etienne; Vézina, François; Carrier, Nathalie; Masetto, Ariel


    To analyze the indications for and clinical procedures resulting from knee magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in older patients. We retrospectively analyzed 215 medical records of patients 50 years of age and older who had undergone a unilateral knee MRI in 2009. Centre hospitalier universitaire de Sherbrooke in Quebec. Patients 50 years of age and older who underwent a knee MRI in 2009. The main outcome measure was an invasive procedure in the same knee that underwent an MRI. Medical charts were reviewed up to 2014 for patient characteristics, MRI indication, ordering physician specialty, radiography before MRI, MRI findings, and clinical procedures resulting from the MRI. The patients' mean (SD) age was 60.6 (7.5) years. The main MRI indications were meniscopathy (148 [68.8%]) and chronic pain (92 [42.8%]). The main MRI findings were osteoarthritis (OA) (185 [86.0%]) and meniscal lesions (170 [79.1%]). Only 82 (38.1%) patients had a plain radiograph in the 24 months preceding the MRI, usually without a standing anteroposterior view. Findings on pre-MRI radiography (n = 201) demonstrated OA in 144 (71.6%) patients. Overall, 87 (40.5%) patients were seen by an orthopedic surgeon and 27 (31.0%) of these patients underwent an invasive intervention. Among the 81 patients with moderate to severe OA on MRI, 36 (44.4%) had radiographic evidence of moderate to severe OA and only 3 (3.7%) underwent arthroscopic meniscectomy. Our study reproduces the known association between OA and degenerative meniscal changes in older patients. We have found a surprising underuse of the standing anteroposterior view on radiography. Most patients in our cohort could have been appropriately diagnosed and treated based on such radiographic information, as demonstrated by pre-MRI findings, thus avoiding the MRI and subsequent evaluation by an orthopedic surgeon. Meniscectomy was rarely performed, particularly in patients with advanced OA. Educational and pragmatic measures must be emphasized

  14. Indications for and clinical procedures resulting from magnetic resonance imaging of the knee in older patients (United States)

    Parent, Marc-Etienne; Vézina, François; Carrier, Nathalie; Masetto, Ariel


    Abstract Objective To analyze the indications for and clinical procedures resulting from knee magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in older patients. Design We retrospectively analyzed 215 medical records of patients 50 years of age and older who had undergone a unilateral knee MRI in 2009. Setting Centre hospitalier universitaire de Sherbrooke in Quebec. Participants Patients 50 years of age and older who underwent a knee MRI in 2009. Main outcome measures The main outcome measure was an invasive procedure in the same knee that underwent an MRI. Medical charts were reviewed up to 2014 for patient characteristics, MRI indication, ordering physician specialty, radiography before MRI, MRI findings, and clinical procedures resulting from the MRI. Results The patients’ mean (SD) age was 60.6 (7.5) years. The main MRI indications were meniscopathy (148 [68.8%]) and chronic pain (92 [42.8%]). The main MRI findings were osteoarthritis (OA) (185 [86.0%]) and meniscal lesions (170 [79.1%]). Only 82 (38.1%) patients had a plain radiograph in the 24 months preceding the MRI, usually without a standing anteroposterior view. Findings on pre-MRI radiography (n = 201) demonstrated OA in 144 (71.6%) patients. Overall, 87 (40.5%) patients were seen by an orthopedic surgeon and 27 (31.0%) of these patients underwent an invasive intervention. Among the 81 patients with moderate to severe OA on MRI, 36 (44.4%) had radiographic evidence of moderate to severe OA and only 3 (3.7%) underwent arthroscopic meniscectomy. Conclusion Our study reproduces the known association between OA and degenerative meniscal changes in older patients. We have found a surprising underuse of the standing anteroposterior view on radiography. Most patients in our cohort could have been appropriately diagnosed and treated based on such radiographic information, as demonstrated by pre-MRI findings, thus avoiding the MRI and subsequent evaluation by an orthopedic surgeon. Meniscectomy was rarely performed

  15. Manche centre

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    After a general presentation of radioactivity and radioactive wastes and of the French national agency for the management of radioactive wastes (ANDRA), this brochure gives a general overview of the Manche low- and medium-level radioactive waste disposal centre: principles of storage safety, waste containers (first confinement barrier), storage facility and cover (second confinement barrier), the underground (third confinement barrier), the impact of the centre on its environment, and the control of radioactivity in the vicinity of the centre. (J.S.)

  16. The Frederic Joliot hospital department

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The Service Hospitalier Frederic Joliot (SHFJ) of the CEA, has got a scientific and a medical mission: to develop techniques allowing the functional study of human organs. The paper presents the main activities of this department: the positron emission tomography to visualize in real time markers in the organism in neurology and cardiology, researches on epilepsy to localize the epileptic centre, the nuclear medicine in cardiology with the use of the gamma photon emission tomography and the radiopharmacology to visualize the drugs effects in the organism. (A.L.B.)

  17. The ideal Atomic Centre; Le Centre Atomique ideal

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Mas, R [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Saclay (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    The author presents considerations which should prove to be of interest to all those who have to design, to construct and to operate a nuclear research centre. A large number of the ideas presented can also be applied to non-nuclear scientific research centres. In his report the author reviews: various problems with which the constructor is faced: ground-plan, infrastructure, buildings and the large units of scientific equipment in the centre, and those problems facing the director: maintenance, production, supplies, security. The author stresses the relationship which ought to exist between the research workers and the management. With this aim in view he proposes the creation of National School for Administration in Research which would train administrative executives for public or private organisations; they would be specialised in the fields of fundamental or applied research. (author) [French] L'auteur propose une base de reflexions a tous ceux qui doivent concevoir, realiser et faire vivre un Centre d'Etudes Nucleaires. Un grand nombre des idees exprimees peut d'ailleurs s'appliquer a un Centre d'Etudes Scientifiques non nucleaires. Dans son ouvrage, l'auteur passe en revue les differents problemes qui se posent au constructeur: plan, masse, infrastructure, batiments et grands appareils du Centre, et ceux qu'a a resoudre le directeur: entretien, fabrication, approvisionnements, securite. L'auteur insiste sur l'aspect des rapports qui doivent exister entre les chercheurs et ceux qui les administrent. Il propose a cette fin la creation d'une Ecole Nationale d'Administration de la Recherche qui formerait des cadres administratifs pour les organismes publics ou prives, specialises dans la Recherche fondamentale ou appliquee. (auteur)

  18. Enseigner la Francophonie dans les cours de Français Langue Seconde au niveau universitaire : expériences et défis

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    Sébastien Sacré


    Full Text Available En cette époque de mondialisation, la mise en valeur des cultures minoritaires est, dans les milieux universitaires, de plus en plus importante. Cependant, ce développement d’une conscience culturelle est bien moins évidents dans le cadre de cours de langue, dont objectif principal n’est pas l’apprentissage d’une culture, mais celui d’une langue-cible. Ainsi, les langues et leurs cultures associées ont beau être indissociables par nature, il est cependant les enseigner séparément. Enseigner la langue en ne parlant de culture que superficiellement n’est cependant pas sans conséquences et il n’est pas rare de remarquer, dans manuels de langue par exemple, une représentation superficielle, voire stéréotypée du monde. Comment peut-on conjuguer l’apprentissage d’une langue à celui de ses richesses culturelles ? Basé sur des expériences d’enseignement et sur de récents manuels d’apprentissage, cet article se proposera d’analyser les difficultés et les défis de l’intégration d’éléments culturels dans des cours de type Français Langue Seconde.

  19. Costs of moderate to severe chronic pain in primary care patients – a study of the ACCORD Program

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    Lalonde L


    Full Text Available Lyne Lalonde,1–4 Manon Choinière,3,5 Élisabeth Martin,2,3 Djamal Berbiche,2,3 Sylvie Perreault,1,6 David Lussier7–91Faculty of Pharmacy, Université de Montréal, Montreal, QC, Canada; 2Équipe de recherche en soins de première ligne, Centre de santé et de services sociaux de Laval, Laval, QC, Canada; 3Centre de recherche du Centre hospitalier de l'Université de Montréal (CRCHUM, Montreal, QC, Canada; 4Sanofi Aventis Endowment Chair in Ambulatory Pharmaceutical Care, Université de Montréal and Centre de santé et de services sociaux de Laval, QC, Canada; 5Department of Anesthesiology, Faculty of Medicine, Université de Montréal, Montreal, QC, Canada; 6Sanofi Aventis Endowment Research Chair in Optimal Drug Use, Université de Montréal, Montreal, QC, Canada; 7Institut universitaire de gériatrie de Montréal, Montreal, QC, Canada; 8Division of Geriatric Medicine and Alan-Edwards Centre for Research on Pain, McGill University, Montreal, QC, Canada; 9Department of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Université de Montréal, Montreal, QC, CanadaBackground: The economic burden of chronic noncancer pain (CNCP remains insufficiently documented in primary care.Purpose: To evaluate the annual direct health care costs and productivity costs associated with moderate to severe CNCP in primary care patients taking into account their pain disability.Materials and methods: Patients reporting noncancer pain for at least 6 months, at a pain intensity of 4 or more on a 0 (no pain to 10 (worst possible pain intensity scale, and at a frequency of at least 2 days a week, were recruited from community pharmacies. Patients' characteristics, health care utilization, and productivity losses (absenteeism and presenteeism were documented using administrative databases, pharmacies' renewal charts, telephone, and self-administered questionnaires. Patients were stratified by tertile of pain disability measured by the Brief Pain Inventory questionnaire

  20. Recherche de contaminations d'origine fongique dues à Candida non albicans sur les cathéters veineux périphériques aux services d'hématologie clinique et de maternité (Etablissement Hospitalier Spécialisé mère et enfant) du C.H.0 de Tlemcen


    Zouaber, Rabab


    Les infections fongiques prennent place parmi les complications des sujets à haut risque hospitalisé. En effet, l'augmentation de ces infections et particulièrement aux levures pathogènes tels Candida au cours des dernières décennies est presque parallèle à l'augmentation de l'utilisation généralisée d'une large gamme de dispositifs médicaux implantés tels les cathéters. C'est pourquoi, nous avons envisagé de rechercher des contaminations nosocomiales d'origine fongique liée...

  1. Effects of combined physical and cognitive training on fitness and neuropsychological outcomes in healthy older adults

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Desjardins-Crépeau L


    Full Text Available Laurence Desjardins-Crépeau,1,2 Nicolas Berryman,2,3 Sarah A Fraser,4 Thien Tuong Minh Vu,5,6 Marie-Jeanne Kergoat,2,6 Karen ZH Li,7 Laurent Bosquet,8 Louis Bherer2,7 1Department of Psychology, University of Quebec at Montreal, Montreal, QC, Canada; 2Research Center, Institut universitaire de gériatrie de Montréal, Montreal, QC, Canada; 3Department of Sports Studies, Bishop’s University, Sherbrooke, QC, Canada; 4Interdisciplinary School of Health Sciences, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, ON, Canada; 5Research Center, Centre hospitalier de l’Université de Montréal, Montreal, QC, Canada; 6Faculty of Medicine, Université de Montréal, Montreal, QC, Canada; 7Department of Psychology and PERFORM Centre, Concordia University, Montréal, QC, Canada; 8Faculté des sciences du sport, Université de Poitiers, Poitiers, France Purpose: Physical exercise and cognitive training have been shown to enhance cognition among older adults. However, few studies have looked at the potential synergetic effects of combining physical and cognitive training in a single study. Prior trials on combined training have led to interesting yet equivocal results. The aim of this study was to examine the effects of combined physical and cognitive interventions on physical fitness and neuropsychological performance in healthy older adults.Methods: Seventy-six participants were randomly assigned to one of four training combinations using a 2×2 factorial design. The physical intervention was a mixed aerobic and resistance training program, and the cognitive intervention was a dual-task (DT training program. Stretching and toning exercises and computer lessons were used as active control conditions. Physical and cognitive measures were collected pre- and postintervention.Results: All groups showed equivalent improvements in measures of functional mobility. The aerobic–strength condition led to larger effect size in lower body strength, independently of cognitive training

  2. Systemic inflammatory response syndrome and model for end-stage liver disease score accurately predict the in-hospital mortality of black African patients with decompensated cirrhosis at initial hospitalization: a retrospective cohort study

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    Mahassadi AK


    Full Text Available Alassan Kouamé Mahassadi,1 Justine Laure Konang Nguieguia,1 Henriette Ya Kissi,1 Anthony Afum-Adjei Awuah,2 Aboubacar Demba Bangoura,1 Stanislas Adjeka Doffou,1 Alain Koffi Attia1 1Medicine and Hepatogastroenterology Unit, Centre Hospitalier et Universitaire de Yopougon, Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire; 2Kumasi Centre for Collaborative Research in Tropical Medicine, Kumasi, Ghana Background: Systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS and model for end-stage liver disease (MELD predict short-term mortality in patients with cirrhosis. Prediction of mortality at initial hospitalization is unknown in black African patients with decompensated cirrhosis.Aim: This study aimed to look at the role of MELD score and SIRS as the predictors of morbidity and mortality at initial hospitalization.Patients and methods: In this retrospective cohort study, we enrolled 159 patients with cirrhosis (median age: 49 years, 70.4% males. The role of Child–Pugh–Turcotte (CPT score, MELD score, and SIRS on mortality was determined by the Kaplan–Meier method, and the prognosis factors were assessed with Cox regression model.Results: At initial hospitalization, 74.2%, 20.1%, and 37.7% of the patients with cirrhosis showed the presence of ascites, hepatorenal syndrome, and esophageal varices, respectively. During the in-hospital follow-up, 40 (25.2% patients died. The overall incidence of mortality was found to be 3.1 [95% confidence interval (CI: 2.2–4.1] per 100 person-days. Survival probabilities were found to be high in case of patients who were SIRS negative (log-rank test= 4.51, p=0.03 and in case of patients with MELD score ≤16 (log-rank test=7.26, p=0.01 compared to the patients who were SIRS positive and those with MELD score >16. Only SIRS (hazard ratio (HR=3.02, [95% CI: 1.4–7.4], p=0.01 and MELD score >16 (HR=2.2, [95% CI: 1.1–4.3], p=0.02 were independent predictors of mortality in multivariate analysis except CPT, which was not relevant in our study

  3. Canadian Irradiation Centre

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The Canadian Irradiation Centre is a non-profit cooperative project between Atomic Energy of Canada Limited, Radiochemical Company and Universite du Quebec, Institut Armand-Frappier, Centre for Applied Research in Food Science. The Centre's objectives are to develop, demonstrate and promote Canada's radiation processing technology and its applications by conducting applied research; training technical, professional and scientific personnel; educating industry and government; demonstrating operational and scientific procedures; developing processing procedures and standards, and performing product and market acceptance trials. This pamphlet outlines the history of radoation technology and the services offered by the Canadian Irradiation Centre

  4. CMS Centre at CERN

    CERN Multimedia


    A new "CMS Centre" is being established on the CERN Meyrin site by the CMS collaboration. It will be a focal point for communications, where physicists will work together on data quality monitoring, detector calibration, offline analysis of physics events, and CMS computing operations. Construction of the CMS Centre begins in the historic Proton Synchrotron (PS) control room. The historic Proton Synchrotron (PS) control room, Opened by Niels Bohr in 1960, will be reused by CMS to built its control centre. TThe LHC@FNAL Centre, in operation at Fermilab in the US, will work very closely with the CMS Centre, as well as the CERN Control Centre. (Photo Fermilab)The historic Proton Synchrotron (PS) control room is about to start a new life. Opened by Niels Bohr in 1960, the room will be reused by CMS to built its control centre. When finished, it will resemble the CERN Contro...

  5. Human-centred Governance

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bason, Christian


    Design approaches are now being applied all over the world as a powerful approach to innovating public policies and services. Christian Bason, author of Leading public design: Discovering human-centred governance, argues that by bringing design methods into play, public managers can lead change...... with citizens at the centre, and discover a new model for steering public organisations: human-centred governance....

  6. RTEMS Centre - Support and Maintenance Centre to RTEMS Operating System (United States)

    Silva, H.; Constantino, A.; Freitas, D.; Coutinho, M.; Faustino, S.; Mota, M.; Colaço, P.; Sousa, J.; Dias, L.; Damjanovic, B.; Zulianello, M.; Rufino, J.


    RTEMS CENTRE - Support and Maintenance Centre to RTEMS Operating System is a joint ESA/Portuguese Task Force initiative to develop a support and maintenance centre to the Real-Time Executive for Multiprocessor Systems (RTEMS). This paper gives a high level visibility of the progress, the results obtained and the future work in the RTEMS CENTRE [6] and in the RTEMS Improvement [7] projects. RTEMS CENTRE started officially in November 2006, with the RTEMS version. A full analysis of RTEMS operating system was produced. The architecture was analysed in terms of conceptual, organizational and operational concepts. The original objectives [1] of the centre were primarily to create and maintain technical expertise and competences in this RTOS, to develop a website to provide the European Space Community an entry point for obtaining support (, to design, develop, maintain and integrate some RTEMS support tools (Timeline Tool, Configuration and Management Tools), to maintain flight libraries and Board Support Packages, to develop a strong relationship with the World RTEMS Community and finally to produce some considerations in ARINC-653, DO-178B and ECSS E-40 standards. RTEMS Improvement is the continuation of the RTEMS CENTRE. Currently the RTEMS, version 4.8.0, is being facilitated for a future qualification. In this work, the validation material is being produced following the Galileo Software Standards Development Assurance Level B [5]. RTEMS is being completely tested, errors analysed, dead and deactivated code removed and tests produced to achieve 100% statement and decision coverage of source code [2]. The SW to exploit the LEON Memory Management Unit (MMU) hardware will be also added. A brief description of the expected implementations will be given.

  7. Development and Pilot Testing of 24/7 In-Ambulance Telemedicine for Acute Stroke: Prehospital Stroke Study at the Universitair Ziekenhuis Brussel-Project. (United States)

    Valenzuela Espinoza, Alexis; Van Hooff, Robbert-Jan; De Smedt, Ann; Moens, Maarten; Yperzeele, Laetitia; Nieboer, Koenraad; Hubloue, Ives; de Keyser, Jacques; Convents, Andre; Fernandez Tellez, Helio; Dupont, Alain; Putman, Koen; Brouns, Raf


    In-ambulance telemedicine is a recently developed and a promising approach to improve emergency care. We implemented the first ever 24/7 in-ambulance telemedicine service for acute stroke. We report on our experiences with the development and pilot testing of the Prehospital Stroke Study at the Universitair Ziekenhuis Brussel (PreSSUB) to facilitate a wider spread of the knowledge regarding this technique. Successful execution of the project involved the development and validation of a novel stroke scale, design and creation of specific hardware and software solutions, execution of field tests for mobile internet connectivity, design of new care processes and information flows, recurrent training of all professional caregivers involved in acute stroke management, extensive testing on healthy volunteers, organisation of a 24/7 teleconsultation service by trained stroke experts and 24/7 technical support, and resolution of several legal issues. In all, it took 41 months of research and development to confirm the safety, technical feasibility, reliability, and user acceptance of the PreSSUB approach. Stroke-specific key information can be collected safely and reliably before and during ambulance transportation and can adequately be communicated with the inhospital team awaiting the patient. This paper portrays the key steps required and the lessons learned for successful implementation of a 24/7 expert telemedicine service supporting patients with acute stroke during ambulance transportation to the hospital. © 2016 S. Karger AG, Basel.

  8. Birth centre confinement at the Queen Victoria Medical Centre. I. Obstetric and neonatal outcome. (United States)

    Campbell, J; Hudson, H; Lumley, J; Morris, N; Rao, J; Spensley, J


    A review of hte first 175 confinements at the Queen Victoria Medical Centre Birth Centre is presented. The design, structure and function of hte Birth Centre is described and the safety of the programme demonstrated. Seventy-four pregnancies (42%) accepted for Birth Centre confinement required transfer because of antepartum or intrapartum complications. There were satisfactory obstetric and neonatal outcomes in all pregnancies. The first year's experience has allowed a reassessment of the risk factors, which will permit greater use of the Birth Centre without any increases risk to mothers or babies.

  9. The Search for Centre (United States)

    Nunes, April


    This paper acknowledges the importance of a dancer's centre but likewise highlights the problematic nature of the communication of this concept from dance teacher to student. After a brief introduction of orthodox approaches in finding centre, this paper suggests a method of locating centre through the ancient somatic technique.

  10. Value of 3-dimensional (3D) imaging in rheumatology

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fredy, D.


    The whole body scanner (Exel 2.400) of the Centre Hospitalier Sainte-Anne enables the three-dimensional reconstruction, with visualization, of the object in its real volume in less than 10 minutes after taking 20 to 40 radiological sections. The exploration can be complete at all levels. Bone lesions can be perfectly shown, the study of osteoarticular or intraspinal abnormalities is facilitated, all solution of continuity can be detected. A soft parts program as well as a colour program enable a clear and rapid visualization of organic lesions. Three-dimensional imaging can be of great value in rheumatology [fr

  11. Acquisitions de la Bibliothèque Géographie

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Bernadette Joseph


    Full Text Available AfriqueAngola : oil, broad-based growth, and equity, Washington, D.C., World Bank, cop. 2007, G 19-3337BATTISTINI, René, Géographie de l’Afrique orientale, Kenya, Uganda et Tanzanie, Paris, Centre de documentation universitaire, 1969, BCOURS 314BEN YAHMED, Gabon , un pari d’avenir, Paris, les Éd. du Jaguar, DL 2007, G 19-3336BEN YAHMED, HOUSTIN, NDIAYE, WADE, Atlas du Sénégal, Paris, les Éd. J.A., impr. 2007, G 19-3353CHARTON, H., L’Afrique orientale : annuaire 2005, G 19-3289IOP, NIANG DIENE...

  12. The Aube centre; Le Centre de l`Aube

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    This educational booklet is devoted to a general presentation of the Aube radioactive wastes storage centre. After a short presentation of the Andra, the French national agency for the management of radioactive wastes, it gives some general information about radioactive wastes (origin, classification), containers (quality assurance and different types), wastes transportation (planning, safety), and about the Aube centre itself: description, treatment and conditioning of drums (compacting and injection), storage facilities, geological situation of the site, and environmental controls. (J.S.)

  13. Client Centred Desing

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ørngreen, Rikke; Nielsen, Janni; Levinsen, Karin


    In this paper we argue for the use of Client Centred preparation phases when designing complex systems. Through Client Centred Design human computer interaction can extend the focus on end-users to alse encompass the client's needs, context and resources....

  14. SAP Nuclear Competence Centre

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Andrlova, Z.


    In this issue we continue and introduce the SAP Nuclear Competence Centre and its head Mr. Igor Dzama. SAP Nuclear Competence Centrum is one of the fi rst competence centres outside ENEL headquarters. It should operate in Slovakia and should have competencies within the whole Enel group. We are currently dealing with the issues of organisation and funding. We are trying to balance the accountability to the NPP directors and to the management of the competence centres at Enel headquarters; we are looking at the relations between the competence centres within the group and defining the services that we will provide for the NPPs. author)

  15. Large-scale fuel cycle centres

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Smiley, S.H.; Black, K.M.


    The US Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) has considered the nuclear energy centre concept for fuel cycle plants in the Nuclear Energy Centre Site Survey 1975 (NECSS-75) Rep. No. NUREG-0001, an important study mandated by the US Congress in the Energy Reorganization Act of 1974 which created the NRC. For this study, the NRC defined fuel cycle centres as consisting of fuel reprocessing and mixed-oxide fuel fabrication plants, and optional high-level waste and transuranic waste management facilities. A range of fuel cycle centre sizes corresponded to the fuel throughput of power plants with a total capacity of 50,000-300,000MW(e). The types of fuel cycle facilities located at the fuel cycle centre permit the assessment of the role of fuel cycle centres in enhancing the safeguard of strategic special nuclear materials - plutonium and mixed oxides. Siting fuel cycle centres presents a smaller problem than siting reactors. A single reprocessing plant of the scale projected for use in the USA (1500-2000t/a) can reprocess fuel from reactors producing 50,000-65,000MW(e). Only two or three fuel cycle centres of the upper limit size considered in the NECSS-75 would be required in the USA by the year 2000. The NECSS-75 fuel cycle centre evaluation showed that large-scale fuel cycle centres present no real technical siting difficulties from a radiological effluent and safety standpoint. Some construction economies may be achievable with fuel cycle centres, which offer opportunities to improve waste-management systems. Combined centres consisting of reactors and fuel reprocessing and mixed-oxide fuel fabrication plants were also studied in the NECSS. Such centres can eliminate shipment not only of Pu but also mixed-oxide fuel. Increased fuel cycle costs result from implementation of combined centres unless the fuel reprocessing plants are commercial-sized. Development of Pu-burning reactors could reduce any economic penalties of combined centres. The need for effective fissile

  16. Effects of unstratified and centre-stratified randomization in multi-centre clinical trials. (United States)

    Anisimov, Vladimir V


    This paper deals with the analysis of randomization effects in multi-centre clinical trials. The two randomization schemes most often used in clinical trials are considered: unstratified and centre-stratified block-permuted randomization. The prediction of the number of patients randomized to different treatment arms in different regions during the recruitment period accounting for the stochastic nature of the recruitment and effects of multiple centres is investigated. A new analytic approach using a Poisson-gamma patient recruitment model (patients arrive at different centres according to Poisson processes with rates sampled from a gamma distributed population) and its further extensions is proposed. Closed-form expressions for corresponding distributions of the predicted number of the patients randomized in different regions are derived. In the case of two treatments, the properties of the total imbalance in the number of patients on treatment arms caused by using centre-stratified randomization are investigated and for a large number of centres a normal approximation of imbalance is proved. The impact of imbalance on the power of the study is considered. It is shown that the loss of statistical power is practically negligible and can be compensated by a minor increase in sample size. The influence of patient dropout is also investigated. The impact of randomization on predicted drug supply overage is discussed. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

  17. Sacroiliites infectieuses dans le centre tunisien: étude rétrospective de 25 cas (United States)

    Bellazreg, Foued; Alaya, Zeineb; Hattab, Zouhour; Lasfar, Nadia Ben; Ayeche, Mohamed Laziz Ben; Bouajina, Elyes; Letaief, Amel; Hachfi, Wissem


    Les sacroiliites infectieuses sont rares mais peuvent se compliquer de séquelles fonctionnelles invalidantes. Décrire les caractéristiques cliniques et bactériologiques des sacroiliites infectieuses chez les patients suivis à Sousse, Centre Tunisien. Etude rétrospective, descriptive, des cas de sacroiliites infectieuses chez les patients hospitalisés à Sousse entre 2000 et 2015. Le diagnostic a été retenu devant des signes cliniques, d'imagerie, et microbiologiques évocateurs. Vingt-cinq patients, 10 hommes et 15 femmes, d’âge moyen 41 ans (19-78) ont été inclus. Les sacroiliites étaient dues à des bactéries pyogènes dans 14 cas (56%), brucelliennes dans 6 cas (24%), et tuberculeuses dans 5 cas (20%). La durée moyenne d’évolution était de 61, 45 et 402 jours respectivement. Les signes cliniques les plus fréquents étaient les douleurs fessières (92%) et la fièvre (88%). La radiographie standard était anormale dans 75% des cas. La TDM et l'IRM sacro-iliaques dans tous les cas. Le diagnostic a été confirmé bactériologiquement dans 24 cas (96%). La durée moyenne d'antibiothérapie était de 83 jours dans les sacroiliites à pyogènes, et de 102 jours dans les SI brucelliennes. L’évolution était favorable chez 12 patients (48%), 9 patients (36%) ont gardé une douleur sacro-iliaque séquellaire, et 4 patients (16%) sont décédés. Dans notre étude, la durée d’évolution de la sacroiliite infectieuse ne permettait pas de prédire la bactérie responsable, d'où la nécessité d'obtenir une documentation bactériologique afin de prescrire une antibiothérapie appropriée. PMID:27583067

  18. Defining and describing birth centres in the Netherlands - a component study of the Dutch Birth Centre Study. (United States)

    Hermus, M A A; Boesveld, I C; Hitzert, M; Franx, A; de Graaf, J P; Steegers, E A P; Wiegers, T A; van der Pal-de Bruin, K M


    During the last decade, a rapid increase of birth locations for low-risk births, other than conventional obstetric units, has been seen in the Netherlands. Internationally some of such locations are called birth centres. The varying international definitions for birth centres are not directly applicable for use within the Dutch obstetric system. A standard definition for a birth centre in the Netherlands is lacking. This study aimed to develop a definition of birth centres for use in the Netherlands, to identify these centres and to describe their characteristics. International definitions of birth centres were analysed to find common descriptions. In July 2013 the Dutch Birth Centre Questionnaire was sent to 46 selected Dutch birth locations that might qualify as birth centre. Questions included: location, reason for establishment, women served, philosophies, facilities that support physiological birth, hotel-facilities, management, environment and transfer procedures in case of referral. Birth centres were visited to confirm the findings from the Dutch Birth Centre Questionnaire and to measure distance and time in case of referral to obstetric care. From all 46 birth locations the questionnaires were received. Based on this information a Dutch definition of a birth centre was constructed. This definition reads: "Birth centres are midwifery-managed locations that offer care to low risk women during labour and birth. They have a homelike environment and provide facilities to support physiological birth. Community midwives take primary professional responsibility for care. In case of referral the obstetric caregiver takes over the professional responsibility of care." Of the 46 selected birth locations 23 fulfilled this definition. Three types of birth centres were distinguished based on their location in relation to the nearest obstetric unit: freestanding (n = 3), alongside (n = 14) and on-site (n = 6). Transfer in case of referral was necessary for all

  19. Birth centre confinement at the Queen Victoria Medical Centre: four years' experience. (United States)

    Morris, N; Campbell, J; Biro, M A; Lumley, J; Rao, J; Spensley, J


    A review of the first four years of the functioning of the birth centre at the Queen Victoria Medical Centre is presented. In that time, 1040 pregnant women were accepted for confinement there. Of these, 52 withdrew for non-obstetric reasons, while 470 were transferred to alternative obstetrical care--274 because of antepartum complications and 196 because of intrapartum problems. Therefore, 518 women were delivered in the birth centre. The care of the women is entrusted almost entirely to a team of midwives and this review demonstrates an enviable safety record.

  20. International research centre launched

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    Full text: The first scientific research and educational institution to be set up on a completely international basis was officially inaugurated in Trieste on 5 October 1964 by the Director General of IAEA, Dr. Sigvard Eklund, when he opened the first seminar of the International Centre for Theoretical Physics. As evidence of the international nature of the institution he noted that the scientists who would work and teach there during the first year represented sixteen different countries. By the end of 1964, the Centre building was nearing completion and three of the five floors were occupied. A successful symposium had been held on the subject of plasma physics, and a score of professors and fellows were at work, from Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Greece, India, Japan, Jordan, the Netherlands, Norway, Pakistan, Poland, the United Kingdom, and the United States. A dozen scientific papers had been issued as preprints. The main purpose of the Centre is to foster the advancement of theoretical physics through training and research; at first the chief subject will be high-energy and elementary particle physics. Plasma physics, low energy physics and solid-state physics will also be dealt with. Special attention is paid to the needs of the developing countries. Of the 25 fellows selected for the academic year 1964-65, more than half are from South America, Africa and Asia. In conjunction with the Research Centre, there is an Advanced School for theoretical Physics to provide graduate training for fellows who need such preparation before they embark upon research. The Centre works under the guidance of a Scientific Council comprising the president, Prof. M. Sandoval-Vallarta (Nuclear Energy Commission of Mexico); Prof. A. Abragam (Saclay, France); Prof. R. Oppenheimer (Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, USA); Dr. V. Soloviev (Dubna, USSR); Prof V.F. Weiskopf (Director General, CERN) ; Prof Abdus Salam (Imperial College, London) ; Prof. P. Budini (University of Trieste

  1. Les télécentres, centres de communications polyvalents | CRDI ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    12 juil. 2011 ... ... la raison de leur absence et beaucoup répondent qu'ils ont eu une ... fournisseur de service Internet du télécentre, qui se trouve à Maputo ... Le télécentre s'est révélé être un fournisseur de services utile et recherché par les ...

  2. Olivier Caïra, Jeux de rôle. Les forges de la fiction

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Antoine Dauphragne


    Full Text Available Les forges de la fiction, d’Olivier Caïra, est à ranger parmi les rares ouvrages francophones en sciences humaines s’attachant au jeu de rôles. L’ouvrage en propose une analyse fine et dynamique centrée sur la pratique des joueurs. La démarche annoncée, qui entend proposer un texte accessible aussi bien aux rôlistes qu’aux universitaires, semble renvoyer autant à un souci de clarté qu’au profil de l’auteur. Olivier Caïra est sociologue ; ses travaux portent sur l’industrie du divertissement e...

  3. Contribution a l'étude des infections nosocomiales "service de chirurgie A "C.H.UTlemcen




    Les infections nosocomiales (fl%) posent un véritable problème de santé publique du fait de leur fréquence, leur gravité, et Idur cout socio-économique, notre travail réalisé dans le cadre de «Contribution à l'étude des infections nosocomiales au niveau chirurgie A » qui s'est déroulée en centre Hospitalo- Universitaire Tlemcen en 2012. Qui avait pour objectifs de déterminer la fréquence globale des infections nosocomiales dans le service de chirurgie A et d'évçquer les princip...

  4. Training centres - organization and management

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kovar, P.


    In the lecture 'Training centres - organization and management' some principles and requirements which influence the organization, management and activity pattern of nuclear training centres, are briefly introduced. It is demonstrated, step by step, how these general principles are implemented in the development of the Czechoslovak nuclear power programme, it means, how the training of the NPP personnel proceeds in Czechoslovak nuclear training centres. General principles which are selected: a connection between the capacity of the training centre and the scope and needs of the nuclear power programme, a position of the training center within the institutional set-up, a structure and organization of the training system which complies with the system of NPP construction, reflect the pattern and the activity of the nuclear training centre and nuclear power technical level, a research group of workers in the nuclear training centre, main tasks and technical facilities, management of the training process and a transfer of knowledge and research results into the training process. The lecture is supplemented by pictures and slides. (orig.)

  5. Call Centre- Computer Telephone Integration

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Dražen Kovačević


    Full Text Available Call centre largely came into being as a result of consumerneeds converging with enabling technology- and by the companiesrecognising the revenue opportunities generated by meetingthose needs thereby increasing customer satisfaction. Regardlessof the specific application or activity of a Call centre, customersatisfaction with the interaction is critical to the revenuegenerated or protected by the Call centre. Physical(v, Call centreset up is a place that includes computer, telephone and supervisorstation. Call centre can be available 24 hours a day - whenthe customer wants to make a purchase, needs information, orsimply wishes to register a complaint.

  6. Addressing the challenges of patient-centred design

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Karen LaBat


    Full Text Available Patient-centred design is a relatively new term, but a longstanding concept in clinical practice. This discussion looks at patient-centred design and explores the relationships of patient-centred design to universal design, user-centred design and the newer human-centred design. It also explores why interdisciplinary approaches are needed for patient-centred design and how interdisciplinary collaboration works to address the challenges of patient centred design. Successful patient-centred solutions can grow from collaborations which include shared visions, understanding of both the nature and degree of variation in the patient,materials, and the designed solution, clear regular communication among all parties with careful definition of terms, and respect for the inherent cultures of all disciplines involved.

  7. Prognostic factors in adult soft tissue sarcoma treated with surgery combined with radiotherapy: a retrospective single-center study on 164 patients

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ling Cai


    Full Text Available The aim of the present study is to assess the disease profile, outcome and prognostic factors in patients treated with surgery combined with radiotherapy (RT, with or without chemotherapy (CXT, for soft-tissue sarcoma (STS in a multidisciplinary setting. One hundred and sixty-four patients with STS treated between 1980 and 2010 at the Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois were enrolled in this retrospective study. Seventy-six percent of patients underwent postoperative RT with (24%, or without (52% CXT, 15% preoperative RT with (5%, or without (10% CXT, surgery alone (7%, or RT alone (2% with or without CXT. The median follow-up was 60 months (range 6-292. Local failure was observed in 18%, and distant failure in 21% of the patients. Overall survival (OS, disease-free survival (DFS, local control (LC and distant metastases-free survival (DMFS were 88%, 68%, 83%, and 79% at 5 years, and 80%, 56%, 76%, and 69% at 10 years, respectively. In univariate analyses, favorable prognostic factors for OS, DFS, and DMFS were tumor size 6 cm or less, World Health Organization (WHO/Zubrod score 0, and stage 2 or less. Age and superficial tumors were favorable only for OS and DMFS respectively. STS involving the extremities had a better outcome regarding DFS and LC. Histological grade 2 or less was favorable for DFS, DMFS, and LC. Radical surgery was associated with better LC and DMFS. RT dose more than 60 Gy was favorable for OS, DFS, and LC. In multivariate analyses, independent factors were age for OS; tumor size for OS, DFS and DMFS; WHO/Zubrod score for OS, DFS and LC; hemoglobin level for DFS; site for DFS and LC; tumor depth for DMFS; histological grade for DFS and LC; surgical procedure for LC and DMFS; and RT dose for OS. This study confirms that in a multidisciplinary setting, STS have a fairly good prognosis. A number of prognostic and predictive factors, including the role of surgery combined with RT, were identified. Regarding RT, a dose of

  8. Prognostic Factors in Adult Soft Tissue Sarcoma Treated with Surgery Combined with Radiotherapy: A Retrospective Single-Center Study on 164 Patients (United States)

    Cai, Ling; Mirimanoff, René-Olivier; Mouhsine, Elyazid; Guillou, Louis; Leyvraz, Pierre-Francois; Leyvraz, Serge; Gay, Beatrice; Matzinger, Oscar; Ozsahin, Mahmut; Zouhair, Abderrahim


    The aim of the present study is to assess the disease profile, outcome and prognostic factors in patients treated with surgery combined with radiotherapy (RT), with or without chemotherapy (CXT), for soft-tissue sarcoma (STS) in a multidisciplinary setting. One hundred and sixty-four patients with STS treated between 1980 and 2010 at the Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois were enrolled in this retrospective study. Seventy-six percent of patients underwent postoperative RT with (24%), or without (52%) CXT, 15% preoperative RT with (5%), or without (10%) CXT, surgery alone (7%), or RT alone (2%) with or without CXT. The median follow-up was 60 months (range 6-292). Local failure was observed in 18%, and distant failure in 21% of the patients. Overall survival (OS), diseasefree survival (DFS), local control (LC) and distant metastases-free survival (DMFS) were 88%, 68%, 83%, and 79% at 5 years, and 80%, 56%, 76%, and 69% at 10 years, respectively. In univariate analyses, favorable prognostic factors for OS, DFS, and DMFS were tumor size 6 cm or less, World Health Organization (WHO)/Zubrod score 0, and stage 2 or less. Age and superficial tumors were favorable only for OS and DMFS respectively. STS involving the extremities had a better outcome regarding DFS and LC. Histological grade 2 or less was favorable for DFS, DMFS, and LC. Radical surgery was associated with better LC and DMFS. RT dose more than 60 Gy was favorable for OS, DFS, and LC. In multivariate analyses, independent factors were age for OS; tumor size for OS, DFS and DMFS; WHO/Zubrod score for OS, DFS and LC; hemoglobin level for DFS; site for DFS and LC; tumor depth for DMFS; histological grade for DFS and LC; surgical procedure for LC and DMFS; and RT dose for OS. This study confirms that in a multidisciplinary setting, STS have a fairly good prognosis. A number of prognostic and predictive factors, including the role of surgery combined with RT, were identified. Regarding RT, a dose of more than

  9. Neighbourhood Centres – Organisation, Management and Finance

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Larsen, Jacob Norvig

    to identify different financial models and analyse economic sustainability. As regards organisational and management models data were collected through documentary sources and by means of personal interviews and field visits to ten centres. Even within the analysed limited population of centres economic...... public subsidy. Some of the centres have high number of users on a daily basis, whereas others are only rarely used. It is explored how organisation, management and financial set-up differs among the centres. Quantitative data on financial issues and annual accounts of fifteen centres were analysed...... and institutional sustainability varies significantly. In organisational terms centres range from fully-integrated in the municipal administration to independent voluntary managed centres. In terms of financial, or economic, models variation is less pronounced as all centres to some degree are dependent on current...

  10. Energy centre microgrid model

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Pasonen, R.


    A simulation model of Energy centre microgrid made with PSCAD simulation software version 4.2.1 has been built in SGEM Smart Grids and Energy Markets (SGEM) work package 6.6. Microgrid is an autonomous electric power system which can operate separate from common distribution system. The idea of energy centre microgrid concept was considered in Master of Science thesis 'Community Microgrid - A Building block of Finnish Smart Grid'. The name of energy centre microgrid comes from a fact that production and storage units are concentrated into a single location, an energy centre. This centre feeds the loads which can be households or industrial loads. Power direction flow on the demand side remains same compared to the current distribution system and allows to the use of standard fuse protection in the system. The model consists of photovoltaic solar array, battery unit, variable frequency boost converter, inverter, isolation transformer and demand side (load) model. The model is capable to automatically switch to islanded mode when there is a fault in outside grid and back to parallel operation mode when fault is removed. The modelled system responses well to load changes and total harmonic distortion related to 50Hz base frequency is kept under 1.5% while operating and feeding passive load. (orig.)

  11. RTEMS CENTRE- Support and Maintenance CENTRE to RTEMS Operating System (United States)

    Silva, H.; Constantino, A.; Coutunho, M.; Freitas, D.; Faustino, S.; Mota, M.; Colaço, P.; Zulianello, M.


    RTEMS stands for Real-Time Operating System for Multiprocessor Systems. It is a full featured Real Time Operating System that supports a variety of open APIs and interface standards. It provides a high performance environment for embedded applications, including a fixed-priority preemptive/non-preemptive scheduler, a comprehensive set of multitasking operations and a large range of supported architectures. Support and maintenance CENTRE to RTEMS operating system (RTEMS CENTRE) is a joint initiative of ESA-Portugal Task force, aiming to build a strong technical competence in the space flight (on- board) software, to offer support, maintenance and improvements to RTEMS. This paper provides a high level description of the current and future activities of the RTEMS CENTRE. It presents a brief description of the RTEMS operating system, a description of the tools developed and distributed to the community [1] and the improvements to be made to the operating system, including facilitation for the qualification of RTEMS (4.8.0) [2] for the space missions.

  12. The politics of patient-centred care. (United States)

    Kreindler, Sara A


    Despite widespread belief in the importance of patient-centred care, it remains difficult to create a system in which all groups work together for the good of the patient. Part of the problem may be that the issue of patient-centred care itself can be used to prosecute intergroup conflict. This qualitative study of texts examined the presence and nature of intergroup language within the discourse on patient-centred care. A systematic SCOPUS and Google search identified 85 peer-reviewed and grey literature reports that engaged with the concept of patient-centred care. Discourse analysis, informed by the social identity approach, examined how writers defined and portrayed various groups. Managers, physicians and nurses all used the discourse of patient-centred care to imply that their own group was patient centred while other group(s) were not. Patient organizations tended to downplay or even deny the role of managers and providers in promoting patient centredness, and some used the concept to advocate for controversial health policies. Intergroup themes were even more obvious in the rhetoric of political groups across the ideological spectrum. In contrast to accounts that juxtaposed in-groups and out-groups, those from reportedly patient-centred organizations defined a 'mosaic' in-group that encompassed managers, providers and patients. The seemingly benign concept of patient-centred care can easily become a weapon on an intergroup battlefield. Understanding this dimension may help organizations resolve the intergroup tensions that prevent collective achievement of a patient-centred system. © 2013 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  13. Communications strategy for the Chernobyl Centre

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kurilchik, Mykola; Green, Len


    This Communications Strategy was developed for the International Chernobyl Centre (ICC) as part of a joint UK/Ukraine project, sponsored by the Department of Trade and Industry and NNC Limited. The Plan was developed during four weeks of workshop discussions in the UK between staff from the centre and experienced PR Professionals from NNC Limited. The requirements for a sustained communications activity at the ICC go much further than simply enhancing or promoting the Centre's scientific and technical activities. Raising sufficient awareness of the Centre among potential funding agents and commercial partners is critical to its future development as a major centre for international co-operation and research. It is only through establishing and developing effective communications that the Centre will become well enough known and understood both within the Ukraine, and internationally, to secure its long term future. However, as the workshop programme unfolded, it also became clear that communications was in itself a legitimate and necessary function of the Centre, and part of the foundations of its existence. The Centre has a fundamental role as an 'information exchange', collecting and communicating information from within the Ukraine to the rest of the world, and interpreting world interest and attitudes to the Ukraine Government and nuclear industry. As such compliments the efforts of individual power plant and corporate PR functions within the Ukraine nuclear energy sector

  14. Discussion on 'Centres of excellence' in Africa

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Riad, S.


    In Africa, Centres of Excellence should be oriented to build up scientific and technological capacity in the four topics of international Monitoring System related technologies, namely, seismic monitoring, hydro acoustic monitoring, infrasound monitoring and radionuclides monitoring. Training programs on these topics should be a major objective. A network of such centres should be established in a number of African countries. Centres should be equipped with means and materials for on-line course dispatch to interested training centres or research institutions. African centres should develop strong relationship among themselves through information and data exchange and sharing, harmonization of training programs. National data centres may be established as a component of the African Centre of Excellence. States Signatories may authorize the establishment of a specific fund to support the activities of the African center

  15. The Aube centre

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This educational booklet is devoted to a general presentation of the Aube radioactive wastes storage centre. After a short presentation of the Andra, the French national agency for the management of radioactive wastes, it gives some general information about radioactive wastes (origin, classification), containers (quality assurance and different types), wastes transportation (planning, safety), and about the Aube centre itself: description, treatment and conditioning of drums (compacting and injection), storage facilities, geological situation of the site, and environmental controls. (J.S.)

  16. Centre for urban ecotechnology in ``Oeksnehallen``

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)


    The Lord Mayor`s Department of the municipality of Copenhagen, Denmark, has with support from this project made a proposal for the establishment of the Centre for Urban Ecotechnology in ``Oeksnehallen``, located in the Vesterbro area of the city. The centre should contribute to the dissemination of knowledge on ecological techniques (regarding passive solar energy etc.) to the inhabitants of Vesterbro and other citizens of Copenhagen, and also serve as a centre in an European context. The ecological demonstration centre will cover an area of two thousand square meters and will also include a cafe, a room for showing coloured slides, facilities for exhibitions created by the center and interested firms etc. The centre should play an important role as part of the ecological concept of urban renewal in Vesterbro. (author).

  17. Netherlands Reactor Centre

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    Briefly reviews the last year's work of the twenty year old Netherlands Reactor Centre (RCN) in the fields of reactor safety, fissile material, nuclear fission, non-nuclear energy systems and overseas co-operation. The annual report thus summarised is the last one to appear under the name of RCN. The terms of reference of the organisation having been broadened to include research into energy supply in general, it is to be known in future as the Netherlands Energy Research Centre (ECN). (D.J.B.)

  18. Mal être et souffrance psychique : un défi pour le système de santé ?


    Grand, Alain


    Dans un contexte socio-économique qui se durcit, on peut observer l’apparition d’un “effet ciseau” vis-à-vis de la santé. La dette sociale et le déficit de la sécurité sociale se creusent de manière abyssale (30,6 milliards d’euros de déficit prévu pour l’exercice 2010) ce qui affecte notamment les hôpitaux publics, et tout particulièrement les Centres Hospitaliers Régionaux. Dans ce contexte, l’objectif général de notre système de santé est d’adapter l’offre aux besoins. Or, avec le vieillis...

  19. Fuel cycle centres

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hagen, M.


    The concept of co-locating and integrating fuel cycle facilities at one site is discussed. This concept offers considerable advantages, especially in minimizing the amount of radioactive material to be transported on public roads. Safeguards and physical protection as relating to such an integrated system of facilities are analysed in detail, also industrial and commercial questions. An overall risk-benefit evaluation turns out to be in favour of fuel cycle centres. These centres seem to be specifically attractive with regard to the back end of the fuel cycle, including on-site disposal of radioactive wastes. The respective German approach is presented as an example. Special emphasis is given to the site selection procedures in this case. Time scale and cost for the implementation of this concept are important factors to be looked at. Since participation of governmental institutions in these centres seems to be indispensable their respective roles as compared to industry must be clearly defined. The idea of adjusting fuel cycle centres to regional rather than national use might be an attractive option, depending on the specific parameters in the region, though results of existing multinational ventures are inconclusive in this respect. Major difficulties might be expected e.g. because of different national safety regulations and standards as well as commercial conditions among partner countries. Public acceptance in the host country seems to be another stumbling block for the realization of this type of multinational facilities

  20. L'intermédialité au Portugal: bilan des rencontres scientifiques à l'ISMAI


    Vieira, Célia; Rio Novo, Isabel


    Dans cet article nous nous proposons de dresser un bilan des apports critiques sur l’intermédialité issus des rencontres scientifiques que nous avons organisées, à l’Institut Universitaire de Maia (ISMAI), au Portugal. Lors de la première édition du Colloque International en Études d’Intermédialité, en 2009, le concept d’intermédialité avait déjà fait l’objet d’une réflexion systématique au Canada, surtout dans le contexte du CRI (Centre de Recherche sur l’Intermédialité), alors qu’il était, ...

  1. Preparation of emergency care centre exercises

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Schnadt, H.; Miska, H.


    Setup and operation of emergency care centres (sometimes also addressed as emergency reception centres) are part of emergency response in the environs of nuclear power plants. The preparation of an exercise scenario for such a centre is very demanding on the responsible agency. Therefore, a computer code has been developed which helps to translate the exercise objectives into instructions for figurants which simulate the affected population. These instructions are intended to steer a determined flow of people through the emergency care centre by providing fictitious radiological readings and by injecting the demand for additional actions of response personnel by statements and questions. (orig.)

  2. Council celebrates CERN Control Centre

    CERN Multimedia


    With the unveiling of its new sign, the CERN Control Centre was officially inaugurated on Thursday 16 March. To celebrate its startup, CERN Council members visited the sleek centre, a futuristic-looking room filled with a multitude of monitoring screens.

  3. The Australian centre for RF bioeffects research (ACRBR) - an NHMRC centre of research excellence

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wood, A.; Croft, R.; Abramson, M.; Anderson, V.; Cosic, I.; Finnie, J.; McKenzie, R.


    Full text: The Australian Centre for Radiofrequency Bioeffects Research (ACRBR) is a newly established multi-institutional research centre which seeks to research questions pertaining to possible health effects of exposure to radiofrequency devices, such as mobile phones and which is funded under the Australian National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) Centres of Research Excellence funding program. The Centre of Research Excellence in Electromagnetic Energy is combining the efforts of engineers, epidemiologists, physicists, psychophysiologists and veterinary pathologists from RMIT University, the Institute of Medical and Veterinary Science in South Australia (IMVS), Monash University, Swinburne University of Technology and Telstra Research Laboratories (TRL). The centre is funded at $2.5 M over five years and will undertake a program of research to address the issue of exposure to radiofrequency (RF) devices and health. It will also train new scientists, keep the community informed of ongoing developments and help the development of government policies in this area of considerable public concern. The 5-year program has the following components: Neurobiology: One important area where there is a perceived research gap is in the area of potential neurological effects, which will hence be a major focus of this Centre. The proposed studies range from in vitro and in vivo research studies of RF effects on neuron and neural system functioning in rodents, to that of RF effects on simple neural function, cognition and subjective report in humans. The latter series of studies have been developed to account for the consensus view that more emphasis needs to be placed on possible differences in RF population sensitivity (e.g. youth versus aged, and ' electromagnetic hypersensitives'). Epidemiological studies are an important tool in studying the impact on public health from exposure of whole populations to modern radio technologies. Cancer outcomes in this area of

  4. Training centres in Latin America

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    Early 1958 the Brazilian representative on the Board of Governors of the International Atomic Energy Agency - supported by the Governors from Argentina and Guatemala -proposed that a study should be made of the possibility of setting up one or more atomic energy training centres in Latin America. On the Board's recommendation, the Director General of the Agency appointed a fact-finding team to make anon-the-spot study. In drafting this report the team was invited to consider the following points: (a) The need for establishing one or more regional training centres; (b) Existing facilities that are being or could be used for training, together with technical data concerning them; (c) The general scientific technological and industrial conditions of the countries visited insofar as they have a bearing on their training needs and capabilities. The authors of the report conclude that 'a training centre in radio-botany should provide vitally needed knowledge and vitally needed specialists to all the agricultural installations in Latin America. A training centre like this might provide an excellent model upon which to base training centres in other areas'. The report recommends that: 1. The Agency should meet the requests of Latin American universities by, for example, supplying equipment and sending experts; 2. At least one specialized training centre should be established as soon as possible. Taking as an example the field of radio-botany, such a centre would provide trained specialists in radio-botany to agricultural institutions throughout Latin America and also provide basic research results vital to agriculture. The cost of new facilities might be of the order of $7 500 000, with an annual budget of approximately $650 000. Staff required: 40 scientists and 175 employees; 3. Whenever it appears feasible to gather necessary staff of high creative ability and established productivity and when funds can be made available for facilities, equipment and operating costs, at

  5. Training centres in Latin America

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    Early 1958 the Brazilian representative on the Board of Governors of the International Atomic Energy Agency - supported by the Governors from Argentina and Guatemala -proposed that a study should be made of the possibility of setting up one or more atomic energy training centres in Latin America. On the Board's recommendation, the Director General of the Agency appointed a fact-finding team to make anon-the-spot study. In drafting this report the team was invited to consider the following points: (a) The need for establishing one or more regional training centres; (b) Existing facilities that are being or could be used for training, together with technical data concerning them; (c) The general scientific technological and industrial conditions of the countries visited insofar as they have a bearing on their training needs and capabilities. The authors of the report conclude that 'a training centre in radio-botany should provide vitally needed knowledge and vitally needed specialists to all the agricultural installations in Latin America. A training centre like this might provide an excellent model upon which to base training centres in other areas'. The report recommends that: 1. The Agency should meet the requests of Latin American universities by, for example, supplying equipment and sending experts; 2. At least one specialized training centre should be established as soon as possible. Taking as an example the field of radio-botany, such a centre would provide trained specialists in radio-botany to agricultural institutions throughout Latin America and also provide basic research results vital to agriculture. The cost of new facilities might be of the order of $7 500 000, with an annual budget of approximately $650 000. Staff required: 40 scientists and 175 employees; 3. Whenever it appears feasible to gather necessary staff of high creative ability and established productivity and when funds can be made available for facilities, equipment and operating costs, at

  6. The Centres for Environment-friendly Energy Research (FME)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    High expectations for Norway's Centres for Environment-friendly Energy Research (FME).The FME centres address a broad range of areas, allcentral to developing the energy sector of the future. The activities of the eight centres established in 2009 focus on renewable energy, raising energy efficiency, energy planning, and carbon capture and storage (CCS). In 2011 three new FME centres were established which focus on social science-related energy research. The FME scheme is a direct follow-up of the broad-based political agreement on climate policy achieved in the Storting in January 2008, and of the national RandD Energi21 strategy submitted in February 2008 to the Ministry of Petroleum and Energy. In April 2008 the Research Council of Norway's Executive Board decided to launch a process to establish centres for environment-friendly energy research, and a funding announcement was issued that same year. In 2010 it was decided that additional FME centres would be established in the field of social science-related energy research. After a thorough assessment of each project (based on feasibility, scientific merit, potential to generate value creation and innovation, and composition of the consortium) eight applicants were selected to become FME centres in February 2009. A new call for proposals was issued in 2010, and three more centres were awarded FME status in February 2011. The objective of the FME scheme is to establish time-limited research centres which conduct concentrated, focused and long-term research of high international calibre in order to solve specific challenges in the energy sphere. The selected centres must exhibit higher goals, a longer-term perspective and a more concentrated focus than is required under other funding instruments for the same scientific area. The make-up of the centres is critical to achieving this objective. The centres bring together Norway's leading research institutions and key players in private enterprise, the

  7. The centre of mass of a triangular plate

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sluesarenko, Viktor; Rojas, Roberto; Fuster, Gonzalo


    We present a derivation for the coordinates of the centre of mass-or centre of gravity-of a homogeneous triangular plate by using scaling and symmetry. We scale the triangular plate by a factor of 2 and divide its area into four plates identical to the original. By symmetry, we assert that the centre of mass of two identical masses lies at the midpoint of the line joining their centres of mass. By relating the centres of mass of the original to those of the scaled plates, we find the coordinates of the centre of mass as the solution of an algebraic equation

  8. The Bruce Energy Centre

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jones, R.I.


    The Bruce Energy Centre Development Corporation is a joint venture of the Ontario Energy Corporation and 6 private companies formed to market surplus steam from the Bruce Nuclear Power Development. The corporation will also sell or lease land near Bruce NPD. The Bruce Energy Centre has an energy output of 900 BTU per day per dollar invested. Potential customers include greenhouse operators, aquaculturalists, food and beverage manufacturers, and traditional manufacturers

  9. Visits to Tier-1 Computing Centres

    CERN Multimedia

    Dario Barberis

    At the beginning of 2007 it became clear that an enhanced level of communication is needed between the ATLAS computing organisation and the Tier-1 centres. Most usual meetings are ATLAS-centric and cannot address the issues of each Tier-1; therefore we decided to organise a series of visits to the Tier-1 centres and focus on site issues. For us, ATLAS computing management, it is most useful to realize how each Tier-1 centre is organised, and its relation to the associated Tier-2s; indeed their presence at these visits is also very useful. We hope it is also useful for sites... at least, we are told so! The usual participation includes, from the ATLAS side: computing management, operations, data placement, resources, accounting and database deployment coordinators; and from the Tier-1 side: computer centre management, system managers, Grid infrastructure people, network, storage and database experts, local ATLAS liaison people and representatives of the associated Tier-2s. Visiting Tier-1 centres (1-4). ...

  10. Patient-centred outcomes research: perspectives of patient stakeholders. (United States)

    Chhatre, Sumedha; Gallo, Joseph J; Wittink, Marsha; Schwartz, J Sanford; Jayadevappa, Ravishankar


    To elicit patient stakeholders' experience and perspectives about patient-centred care. Qualitative. A large urban healthcare system. Four patient stakeholders who are prostate cancer survivors. Experience and perspectives of patient stakeholders regarding patient-centred care and treatment decisions. Our patient stakeholders represented a diverse socio-demographic group. The patient stakeholders identified engagement and dialogue with physicians as crucial elements of patient-centred care model. The degree of patient-centred care was observed to be dependent on the situations. High severity conditions warranted a higher level of patient involvement, compared to mild conditions. They agreed that patient-centred care should not mean that patients can demand inappropriate treatments. An important attribute of patient-centred outcomes research model is the involvement of stakeholders. However, we have limited knowledge about the experience of patient stakeholders in patient-centred outcomes research. Our study indicates that patient stakeholders offer a unique perspective as researchers and policy-makers aim to precisely define patient-centred research and care.

  11. Smart work centres in rural areas

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lorentzen, Anne Birte

    This paper discusses the establishment of telework centres as an element in local development strategies in rural areas, with a particular view to two new telework centres in region North Denmark. The paper argues that telework centres do not represent an easy solution to problems of local...... development and environmental sustainability, and further, that technology may not even be the most important feature needed to make them function as such....

  12. The ideal Atomic Centre

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mas, R.


    The author presents considerations which should prove to be of interest to all those who have to design, to construct and to operate a nuclear research centre. A large number of the ideas presented can also be applied to non-nuclear scientific research centres. In his report the author reviews: various problems with which the constructor is faced: ground-plan, infrastructure, buildings and the large units of scientific equipment in the centre, and those problems facing the director: maintenance, production, supplies, security. The author stresses the relationship which ought to exist between the research workers and the management. With this aim in view he proposes the creation of National School for Administration in Research which would train administrative executives for public or private organisations; they would be specialised in the fields of fundamental or applied research. (author) [fr


    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    De Chiffre, Leonardo

    The objective of this Annual Report is to give a general introduction to CGM as well as to give an account of the tasks carried out using the facilities of CGM's Instrument Centre during 1998 and 1999.......The objective of this Annual Report is to give a general introduction to CGM as well as to give an account of the tasks carried out using the facilities of CGM's Instrument Centre during 1998 and 1999....

  14. The "magic" of tutorial centres in Hong Kong: An analysis of media marketing and pedagogy in a tutorial centre (United States)

    Koh, Aaron


    Why do more than three-quarters of Hong Kong's senior secondary students flock to tutorial centres like moths to light? What is the "magic" that is driving the popularity of the tutorial centre enterprise? Indeed, looking at the ongoing boom of tutorial centres in Hong Kong (there are almost 1,000 of them), it is difficult not to ask these questions. This paper examines the phenomenon of tutorial centres in Hong Kong and seeks to understand what draws students to these centres. Combining theories of marketing semiotics and emotion studies, the author investigates the pivotal role of media marketing in generating the "magic" of tutorial centres, whose advertising strategy includes, for example, a display of billboard posters featuring stylishly-dressed "celebrity teachers". The author reviews some of the literature available on the subject of tutorial centres. In a case study approach, he then maps out the pedagogy he observed in an English tutorial class, seeking heuristic insights into the kind of teaching students in the study were looking for. He argues that part of the "magical" attraction of what are essentially "cram schools" is their formulaic pedagogy of teaching and reinforcing exam skills. Finally, the paper considers the social implications of the tutorial centre industry in terms of media marketing of education and unequal access to tutorial services.

  15. Norway's centres for environment-friendly energy research (CEERs)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)


    In February 2009 Norway's Minister of Petroleum and Energy announced the establishment of eight new Centres for Environment-friendly Energy Research (CEERs). The centres form national teams within the areas of offshore wind energy, solar energy, energy efficiency, bio energy, energy planning and design, and carbon capture and storage. These centres are: BIGCCS Centre - International CCS Research Centre; Centre for Environmental Design of Renewable Energy (CEDREN); Bioenergy Innovation Centre (CenBio); Norwegian Centre for Offshore Wind Energy (NORCOW E); Norwegian Research Centre for Offshore Wind Technology (NOWITECH); The Norwegian Research Centre for Solar Cell Technology; SUbsurface CO{sub 2} storage - Critical Elements and Superior Strategy (SUCCESS) The Research Centre on Zero Emission Buildings - ZEB (AG)

  16. Introducing the PET Centre Prague

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Belohlavek, O.


    The PET Centre Prague ( was established in 1999 as the outcome of a joint project of the public Na Homolce Hospital and the Nuclear Research Institute Rez, plc, the Czech radiopharmaceutical producer. Technical and financial assistance was provided by the International Atomic Energy Agency, which perceived the Centre as its model project that could serve as a guide for the development of PET centres in countries sharing a comparable level of development with the Czech Republic. The article maps the history of the project, its design, workplace lay-out and equipment, radiation protection arrangements and spectrum of the first approx. 3000 investigations. (author)

  17. Logistics centres development in Latvia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    I. Kabashkin


    Full Text Available In the situation where a large increase in trade and freight transport volumes in the Baltic Sea region (BSR is expected and in which the BSR is facing a major economic restructuring, eff orts to achieve more integrated and sustainable transport and communication links within the BSR are needed. One of these eff orts is the development of logistics centres (LCs and their networking, which will continue to have an impact on improving communication links, spatial planning practices and approaches, logistics chain development and the promotion of sustainable transport modes. These factors will refl ect on logistics processes both in major gateway cities and in remote BSR areas. The importance of logistics systems as a whole is not seen clearly enough. Logistics actors see that logistics operations are not appreciated as much as other fi elds of activity. In addition, logistics centres and the importance of logistics activities to the business life of areas and the employment rate should be brought up better. In the paper main goal and tasks of national approach to LCs development are discussed. Strategic focus of new activities in this area is on the integration of various networks within and between logistics centres in order to improve and develop the quality of logistics networks as well as to spatially widen the networking activities. The key objectives are to integrate the links between logistics centres, ports and other logistics operators in a functional and sustainable way, to promote spatial integration by creating sustainable and integrated approaches to spatial planning of logistics centres and transport infrastructure, to improve ICT-based networking and communication practices of the fi elds of transport and logistics and to increase the competence of logistics centres and associated actors by organising educational and training events. The current activities include, for example, the creation of measures for transport networking and

  18. Trends in Data Centre Energy Consumption under the European Code of Conduct for Data Centre Energy Efficiency

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Maria Avgerinou


    Full Text Available Climate change is recognised as one of the key challenges humankind is facing. The Information and Communication Technology (ICT sector including data centres generates up to 2% of the global CO2 emissions, a number on par to the aviation sector contribution, and data centres are estimated to have the fastest growing carbon footprint from across the whole ICT sector, mainly due to technological advances such as the cloud computing and the rapid growth of the use of Internet services. There are no recent estimations of the total energy consumption of the European data centre and of their energy efficiency. The aim of this paper is to evaluate, analyse and present the current trends in energy consumption and efficiency in data centres in the European Union using the data submitted by companies participating in the European Code of Conduct for Data Centre Energy Efficiency programme, a voluntary initiative created in 2008 in response to the increasing energy consumption in data centres and the need to reduce the related environmental, economic and energy supply security impacts. The analysis shows that the average Power Usage Effectiveness (PUE of the facilities participating in the programme is declining year after year. This confirms that voluntary approaches could be effective in addressing climate and energy issue.

  19. Secure of the bi-site radiotherapy activity as part of the resumption of treatments in the Hospital of Epinal by the team of Alexis Vautrin Nancy Cancer Center;Securisation de l'activite de radiotherapie bi-site dans le cadre de la reprise des traitements au centre hospitalier d'Epinal par l'equipe du centre Alexis-Vautrin de Nancy

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Marchesi, V.; Aigle, D.; Peiffert, D.; Noel, A. [Centre Alexis-Vautrin, 54 - Vandoeuvre-les-Nancy (France); Noel, A. [Institut national Polytechnique de Lorraine, CNRS UMR7039, laboratoire CRAN, 54 - Nancy (France); Simon, J.M. [Groupe hospitalier Pitie-Salpetriere, 75 - Paris (France)


    In February 2007, the radiation therapy department of the Jean Monnet Hospital in Epinal (France) has stopped the radiotherapy treatments after the discovery of a radiotherapy accident and bad practices leading to overexposure of patients between 1987 and 2006. The Regional Cancer Center 'Centre Alexis Vautrin' in Nancy (France) was given the task of the new start of treatment activity. From February 2007 to January 2008, actions of training, updates of equipment and practices have been performed in the Epinal Hospital, guided by the quality approach, allowing the treatment of new patients in February 2008, with the radiation oncologists and the medical physicists of the Centre Alexis Vautrin, with the highest conditions of security and confidence

  20. Colour centres in germanosilicate glass and optical fibres

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Neustruev, V.B.


    This review presents the state of the art of the study of germanium-related colour centres in silica glass and silica-based fibres. Most attention is concentrated on the dominant colour centres such as the Ge-related oxygen-deficient centres and paramagnetic Ge(n) centres, all of them having ultraviolet absorption bands. The hypothetical models and formation mechanisms proposed so far for these colour centres are discussed in detail. The origins of the models and formation mechanisms and their weak and strong points are analysed. The origin of the less well studied Ge-related colour centres in the visible spectral range (GeH, GeX, drawing-dependent defects) is also discussed. (author)


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Verónica Martínez Robles


    The model of compact city that Barcelona aims, has required the renewal of its historical areas, and in order to improve their level of centrality, taking into account, that in addition of its historical centre “Ciutat Vella”, Barcelona contains diverse traditional neighborhoods each of them having their own historical centre. The difference centre‐periphery should also be perceived among these other historical centers. Integration should not be confused with standardization, neither differentiation with segregation.

  2. Person-centred healthcare research: a personal influence

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    * Corresponding author: University of Windesheim, Zwolle, The Netherlands Email: Submitted for publication: 3rd November 2017 Accepted for publication: 12th March 2018 Published: 16th May 2018 Abstract Context: This critical reflection is about the positive effects for educational and research settings of participation in a two-day programme entitled ‘Using participatory action research and appreciative inquiry to research healthcare practice’. Aims: To reflect on the journey of positive developments in research and education that started with participation in this programme. Using Caring Conversations (Dewar, 2011 as a reflective framework of questions, this article discusses the journey in order to encourage others to consider the approach of appreciative inquiry to bring to life the concept of co-creation in research and education. Conclusions and implications for practice: Participation in this programme has led to the implementation of a variety of actions in educational and research settings. Central to all these actions is an appreciative approach to co-creation as a counterpart to today’s prevailing problem-based viewpoint. A possible factor behind these developments was the power of vulnerability experienced during the programme, a shared process of transformational learning. Implications for practice: This critical reflection: Provides an invitation to shift from a problem-based focus to a positive revolution Provides an appreciative reflective story about the power of vulnerability as an inspiration for others to move out of their comfort zone and seek to discover their own exceptionality Supports a shift from a facilitator-led to a co-creation approach in doing research and teaching with older adults Keywords: Emotional touchpoints, appreciative inquiry, Caring Conversations, practice development, co-creation, transformational learning theory   IDEAS AND INFLUENCES Person-centred healthcare research: a personal influence Hazel M. Chapman


    Full Text Available This commentary assesses the contribution made by the person-centred healthcare research of McCormack et al (2017 to research methodology and our ability to evaluate an organisation’s claims to be person-centred. It discusses the importance of person-centred ethical approaches within rigorous research methodologies.

  3. The CCCB is a cultural centre, not a tourist centre

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Elena Xirau


    Full Text Available Last February, Barcelona's Centre of Contemporary Culture (CCCB celebrated its first ten years in existence. During this time, this institution has looked to be a showcase to the most modern and innovative cultural expressions focused on reflecting on the concept of the city. In this interview, Josep Ramoneda offers his personal view, as the CCCB's director. He talks of how this cultural project was born, of how the concept of the institution took shape in the CCCB, of its relations with Barcelona's Strategic Plan, of how the project has evolved, of the architectural remodelling of the Casa de la Caritat building for its conversion into a cultural centre, of the relations with other institutions and its future.

  4. Presentation of TVO's visitor's centre

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Aemmaelae, V.M.


    There are four nuclear power plant units in Finland, two of which are PWR's owned by Imatran Voima Oy. The two BWR units are located at Olkiluoto and owned by Teollisuuden Voima Oy. This presentation tells about TVO's concept of informing the visitors at Olkiluoto. At the site there are located, in addition to the two nuclear power plant units, the intermediate storage for spent fuel, the repository for low and medium-active waste as well as the training centre. At the Olkiluoto Visitor's Centre all the activities of the company are presented using varied audio-visual aids. The centre has several exhibits and there are also different installations to show how the plant works. (author)

  5. Technical support and emergency centre

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bohun, L.; Kapisovsk y, M.


    This paper presents technical support and emergency management center which will be on two places: Mochovce NPP Emergency Centre (Technical support center and Support working center) and Reserve Emergency Centre in Levice (Reserve emergency center and Environmental Evaluation Center). The main aims of the emergency management centers are: the management and coordination of all persons and organisations; provision of the all information needed to evaluation of the accident and its mitigation; continuous evaluation of the potential or real radiological consequences; taking measure for an early notification of the governmental bodies and the organizations, warning and protection of the public; and other aims. In the next part the data for technical support and emergency centre are discussed

  6. Patient-centred care: a review for rehabilitative audiologists. (United States)

    Grenness, Caitlin; Hickson, Louise; Laplante-Lévesque, Ariane; Davidson, Bronwyn


    This discussion paper aims to synthesise the literature on patient-centred care from a range of health professions and to relate this to the field of rehabilitative audiology. Through review of the literature, this paper addresses five questions: What is patient-centred care? How is patient-centred care measured? What are the outcomes of patient-centred care? What are the factors contributing to patient-centred care? What are the implications for audiological rehabilitation? Literature review and synthesis. Publications were identified by structured searches in PubMed, Cinahl, Web of Knowledge, and PsychInfo, and by inspecting the reference lists of relevant articles. Few publications from within the audiology profession address this topic and consequently a review and synthesis of literature from other areas of health were used to answer the proposed questions. This paper concludes that patient-centred care is in line with the aims and scope of practice for audiological rehabilitation. However, there is emerging evidence that we still need to inform the conceptualisation of patient-centred audiological rehabilitation. A definition of patient-centred audiological rehabilitation is needed to facilitate studies into the nature and outcomes of it in audiological rehabilitation practice.

  7. The Aube centre. 1997 statement

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    Since January 1992 the Aube centre ensures the storage of 90% of the short life radioactive wastes produced in France. This educational booklet describes the organization of the activities in the centre from the storage of wastes to the radioactivity surveillance of the environment (air, surface and ground waters, river sediments, plants and milk). (J.S.)

  8. Review of CERN Data Centre Infrastructure

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Andrade, P; Bell, T; Van Eldik, J; McCance, G; Panzer-Steindel, B; Coelho dos Santos, M; Traylen and, S; Schwickerath, U


    The CERN Data Centre is reviewing strategies for optimizing the use of the existing infrastructure and expanding to a new data centre by studying how other large sites are being operated. Over the past six months, CERN has been investigating modern and widely-used tools and procedures used for virtualisation, clouds and fabric management in order to reduce operational effort, increase agility and support unattended remote data centres. This paper gives the details on the project's motivations, current status and areas for future investigation.

  9. Review of CERN Data Centre Infrastructure

    CERN Document Server

    Andrade, P; van Eldik, J; McCance, G; Panzer-Steindel, B; Coelho dos Santos, M; Traylen, S; Schwickerath, U


    The CERN Data Centre is reviewing strategies for optimizing the use of the existing infrastructure and expanding to a new data centre by studying how other large sites are being operated. Over the past six months, CERN has been investigating modern and widely-used tools and procedures used for virtualisation, clouds and fabric management in order to reduce operational effort, increase agility and support unattended remote data centres. This paper gives the details on the project’s motivations, current status and areas for future investigation.

  10. Comparison of planned menus and centre characteristics with foods and beverages served in New York City child-care centres. (United States)

    Breck, Andrew; Dixon, L Beth; Kettel Khan, Laura


    The present study evaluated the extent to which child-care centre menus prepared in advance correspond with food and beverage items served to children. The authors identified centre and staff characteristics that were associated with matches between menus and what was served. Menus were collected from ninety-five centres in New York City (NYC). Direct observation of foods and beverages served to children were conducted during 524 meal and snack times at these centres between April and June 2010, as part of a larger study designed to determine compliance of child-care centres with city health department regulations for nutrition. Child-care centres were located in low-income neighbourhoods in NYC. Overall, 87 % of the foods and beverages listed on the menus or allowed as substitutions were served. Menu items matched with foods and beverages served for all major food groups by >60 %. Sweets and water had lower match percentages (40 and 32 %, respectively), but water was served 68 % of the time when it was not listed on the menu. The staff person making the food and purchasing decisions predicted the match between the planned or substituted items on the menus and the foods and beverages served. In the present study, child-care centre menus included most foods and beverages served to children. Menus planned in advance have potential to be used to inform parents about which child-care centre to send their child or what foods and beverages their enrolled children will be offered throughout the day.

  11. Comparison of planned menus and centre characteristics with foods and beverages served in New York City child-care centres (United States)

    Breck, Andrew; Dixon, L Beth; Khan, Laura Kettel


    Objective The present study evaluated the extent to which child-care centre menus prepared in advance correspond with food and beverage items served to children. The authors identified centre and staff characteristics that were associated with matches between menus and what was served. Design Menus were collected from ninety-five centres in New York City (NYC). Direct observation of foods and beverages served to children were conducted during 524 meal and snack times at these centres between April and June 2010, as part of a larger study designed to determine compliance of child-care centres with city health department regulations for nutrition. Setting Child-care centres were located in low-income neighbourhoods in NYC. Results Overall, 87% of the foods and beverages listed on the menus or allowed as substitutions were served. Menu items matched with foods and beverages served for all major food groups by > 60%. Sweets and water had lower match percentages (40 and 32%, respectively), but water was served 68% of the time when it was not listed on the menu. The staff person making the food and purchasing decisions predicted the match between the planned or substituted items on the menus and the foods and beverages served. Conclusions In the present study, child-care centre menus included most foods and beverages served to children. Menus planned in advance have potential to be used to inform parents about which child-care centre to send their child or what foods and beverages their enrolled children will be offered throughout the day. PMID:27280341

  12. A reference regional nuclear fuel centre

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    A nuclear fuel centre groups the facilities for spent fuel reprocessing, plutonium fuel fabrication, waste conditioning, and interim storage on a single site. The technical aspects of safety and protection, and the socio-economic consequences of two types of centre have been studied. The reference centre has an initial reprocessing capacity of 1500 tonnes. This capacity is quadrupled by the construction of two new units in 15 years. The other centre considered is a quarter of this size. A description is given of the processes used, the personal and capital requirements for construction and operation of the plant, the transport of radioactive waste and products, and the quantities involved. The local radiological impact is low and could be further reduced to a level well below that of natural radioactivity. The resulting increase in economic activity, employment, income redistribution and the new infrastructure requirements are estimated for a rural or semi-rural region. Measures to prevent tension are proposed. The impact of the host country's balance of payments, finances, employment situation and technological knowhow is evaluated. The original centre is compared with equivalent facilities scattered geographically

  13. The Aube storage centre: Annual report 2010

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    After a presentation of the Aube storage centre, a storage centre for low and intermediate activity nuclear wastes, this report gives an overview of measures related to nuclear security, to radioprotection and to nuclear safety. It indicates the incidents and accidents which occurred in 2010, describes how the centre's wastes are managed, and indicates the actions performed in terms of public information

  14. CANDU 9 Control Centre Mockup

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Webster, A.; Macbeth, M.J.


    This paper provides a summary of the design process being followed, the benefits of applying a systematic design using human factors engineering, presents an overview of the CANDU 9 control centre mockup facility, illustrates the control centre mockup with photographs of the 3D CADD model and the full scale mockup, and provides an update on the current status of the project. (author)

  15. Leveraging management information in improving call centre productivity

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Manthisana Mosese


    Objectives: This research explored the use of management information and its impact on two fundamental functions namely, improving productivity without compromising the quality of service, in the call centre of a well-known South African fashion retailer, Edcon. Following the implementation of the call centre technology project the research set out to determine how Edcon can transform their call centre to improve productivity and customer service through effective utilisation of their management information. Method: Internal documents and reports were analysed to provide the basis of evaluation between the measures of productivity prior to and post the implementation of a technology project at Edcon’s call centre. Semi-structured in-depth and group interviews were conducted to establish the importance and use of management information in improving productivity and customer service. Results: The results indicated that the availability of management information has indeed contributed to improved efficiency at the Edcon call centre. Although literature claims that there is a correlation between a call centre technology upgrade and improvement in performance, evident in the return on investment being realised within a year or two of implementation, it fell beyond the scope of this study to investigate the return on investment for Edcon’s call centre. Conclusion: Although Edcon has begun realising benefits in improved productivity in their call centre from their available management information, information will continue to play a crucial role in supporting management with informed decisions that will improve the call centre operations. [pdf to follow

  16. Centre for Building Simulation. Basis for establishing a centre; Center for Bygningssimulering - Idegrundlag for etablering af center

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Christensen, Joergen Erik; Karlshoej, J.; Bacher, P.; Johnsen, K.; Olesen, B.W.; Rode, C.; Heller, A.


    The purpose of the project was to create the basis for the establishment of a Centre for Building Simulation focusing on the use of advanced building energy simulations to obtain electricity and heat savings. The project of trying to make a Centre for Building Simulation in Denmark was based on interviews with future users and partners with an interest in further development of Denmark's leading position in this field. Friday 29th October, 2010, a ''Workshop on the establishment of the Centre for Building Simulation'' was organized at DTU. Approximately 90 national and international participants were present. The workshop structure and results are described in enclosure 1. The primary purpose of the workshop was to establish consensus on the needs of architects and consultants in Denmark in relation to building simulation, and create the concept for a Danish Centre for Building Simulation. As a result of the workshop the idea grew that the centre will combine research and development activities of the Danish building simulation and develops future intelligent simulation tools with a focus on the use of advanced building energy simulations to achieve sustainable construction. These programs need to interact closely with Building Information Modelling, BIM, where the construction process is connected to a digital building model. In addition, various financing options were considered for the operation of the centre with an initial time horizon of 5-10 years. Based on results from the workshop, interviews with future users and partners, a large application was written to the Danish National Research Council, 7th application round - Centre of Excellence, 29 November 2011 (enclosure 3) entitled ''Centre for Intelligent Building Information Modelling iBIM''. The work on the application resulted in a great deal of knowledge gathered and adapted during the whole process of preparing the application. Unfortunately, the application

  17. The Imperial College Thermophysical Properties Data Centre (United States)

    Angus, S.; Cole, W. A.; Craven, R.; de Reuck, K. M.; Trengove, R. D.; Wakeham, W. A.


    The IUPAC Thermodynamic Tables Project Centre in London has at its disposal considerable expertise on the production and utilization of high-accuracy equations of state which represent the thermodynamic properties of substances. For some years they have been content to propagate this information by the traditional method of book production, but the increasing use of the computer in industry for process design has shown that an additional method was needed. The setting up of the IUPAC Transport Properties Project Centre, also at Imperial College, whose products would also be in demand by industry, afforded the occasion for a new look at the problem. The solution has been to set up the Imperial College Thermophysical Properties Data Centre, which embraces the two IUPAC Project Centres, and for it to establish a link with the existing Physical Properties Data Service of the Institution of Chemical Engineers, thus providing for the dissemination of the available information without involving the Centres in problems such as those of marketing and advertising. This paper outlines the activities of the Centres and discusses the problems in bringing their products to the attention of industry in suitable form.


    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    centres in South Africa revealed that some field .... psychomotor goals suitable for each age group? * Did the officer have a proper ..... education centres, spending two to four weeks at a ... you must be willing to suspend judgement, to hold in ...

  19. Formaldehyde in the Galactic Centre

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cohen, R.J.; Few, R.W.


    Formaldehyde 6-cm absorption in the direction of the Galactic Centre has been surveyed using the Jodrell Bank MK II radio telescope (beam-width 10 x 9 arcmin). The observations sample the region - 2 0 = 0 and - 0 0 .5 = 0 .5, with a velocity range of 620 km s -1 , a velocity resolution of 2.1 km s -1 and an rms noise level of approximately 0.03 K. The data are presented as contour maps showing line temperature as a function of latitude and velocity (b-V maps) and as a function of longitude and velocity (l-V maps). Similar maps of the line-to-continuum ratio are also presented. The radial distribution of formaldehyde (H 2 CO) in the Galactic Centre region is derived using two different kinematic models which give similar results. Formaldehyde is strongly concentrated in the Galactic Centre in a layer of latitude extent approximately 0 0 .5 and longitude extent approximately 4 0 which contains one quarter of all the H 2 CO in the Galaxy. The distribution is centred on l approximately 1 0 . The individual H 2 CO features are described in detail. (author)

  20. Regional Centres for Space Science and Technology Education and ICG Information Centres affiliated to the United Nations (United States)

    Gadimova, S.; Haubold, H. J.


    Based on resolutions of the United Nations General Assembly, Regional Centres for Space Science and Technology Education were established in India, Morocco, Nigeria, Brazil and Mexico. Simultaneously, education curricula were developed for the core disciplines of remote sensing, satellite communications, satellite meteorology, and space and atmospheric science. This paper provides a brief summary on the status of the operation of the regional centres with a view to use them as information centres of the International Committee on Global Navigation Satellite Systems (ICG), and draws attention to their educational activities.

  1. The Structural Integrity Centre

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tomkins, B.


    The paper concerns the development and work of the Structural Integrity Centre (SIC) at Risley Nuclear Laboratories, United Kingdom. The centre was set up to provide authoritative advice to plant designers and operators on the integrity and life assessment of structures and components across the reactor projects in the United Kingdom. A description is given of the structure and role of the SIC, as well as the Structural Integrity Assessment work. The assessment methods are described for thermally loaded structures and welded structures. Finally, defect significance assessment and environmental effects are outlined. (U.K.)

  2. Offre numérique et politique d’acquisitions en bibliothèques publiques et universitaires


    Camber-Koechlin, Martine


    Quelques éléments du contexte • L’enseignement et la recherche à Dauphine sont centrés sur l’Économie et la Gestion, dans un environnement pluridisciplinaire : (Mathématiques appliquées, Informatique de gestion, Droit, Sciences sociales et humaines). • La Bibliothèque est cadist et Pôle associé de la BnF pour l’Économie et la Gestion. Elle acquiert de la documentation électronique depuis douze ans. • Sur cette période le développement de l’Internet a fait exploser l’usage de la documentation ...

  3. How European centres diagnose, treat, and prevent CIED infections

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bongiorni, Maria Grazia; Marinskis, Germanas; Lip, Gregory Y H


    in most centres and is substantially under 2% in the majority of centres interviewed. However, there are still differences in terms of prophylactic antibiotic therapy: 8.9% of the centres administer oxacillin as preoperative treatment, 4.4% of them do not give any antibiotic therapy, all centres use some...


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ervin Kovačević


    Full Text Available This research will explore teaching styles of university professors. Teaching style is an umbrella term for teaching decisions made during the entire teaching process – planning, delivery, and evaluation. Contemporary university teachers are advised to adopt the learner-centred teaching style which is assumed to produce remarkable possibilities. In the Fall Semester 2015 fifty-two respondents in different faculties of International University of Sarajevo were surveyed using The Principles of Adult Learning Scale inventory designed by Gary J. Conti. Inventory scores were calculated according to guidelines suggested by the author of the inventory. The scores revealed that majority of respondents strongly supported teacher-centred rather than learner-centred styles of instruction. Scores were analysed on gender lines and across three different faculties, namely: Arts and Social Sciences; Business and Administration; Engineering and Natural Sciences. In all five groups none of the seven teaching style indicators was found to conform with the learner-centred teaching criteria. There was no statistically significant difference between the two genders’ preference for a teaching style. And there was no statistically significant difference between teaching style preference across the three different faculties.The results of this research imply that the learner-centred style of instruction is not frequently implemented. Secondly, the results indicate that the requirements necessary for proper application of the learner-centred teaching style are not easy to meet in current written and unwritten norms. Finally, the results show that traditional teaching styles, which have been preserved in different scientific fields, still predominate in universities.

  5. Tien jaar Nijmeegs onderzoek naar het leren van leraren op de werkplek

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Bergen, T.C.M.


    Toen ik in 1994 de verantwoordelijkheid kreeg om een interfacultair onderzoekprogramma op te zetten dat relevant was voor de universitaire lerarenopleiding, kreeg ik van het toenmalige College van Bestuur ook de opdracht om te zorgen dat een groot deel van de universitaire lerarenopleiders in een

  6. Scavenger hunt in the CERN Computing Centre

    CERN Multimedia

    CERN Bulletin


    Hidden among the racks of servers and disks in the CERN Computing Centre, you’ll find Hawaiian dancers, space aliens, gorillas… all LEGO® figurines! These characters were placed about the Centre for the arrival of Google’s Street View team for the world to discover.   PLEASE NOTE THAT THE COMPETITION IS OVER. ONLY FOR REFERENCE, HERE IS THE ORIGINAL ARTICLE. We’re pleased to announce our first global scavenger hunt! Spot three LEGO® figurines using Google’s Street View and you’ll be entered to win a gift of your choice from our CERN Gift Guide. A LEGO® figurine in the CERN Computing Centre, as seen on Google Street View. Here are the details: Find at least three LEGO® figurines hidden around the CERN Computing Centre using Google Street View.   Take screencaps of the figurines and e-mail the pictures to This email is no longer active.   The...

  7. The role of the sexual assault centre.

    LENUS (Irish Health Repository)

    Eogan, Maeve


    Sexual Assault Centres provide multidisciplinary care for men and women who have experienced sexual crime. These centres enable provision of medical, forensic, psychological support and follow-up care, even if patients chose not to report the incident to the police service. Sexual Support Centres need to provide a ring-fenced, forensically clean environment. They need to be appropriately staffed and available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to allow prompt provision of medical and supportive care and collection of forensic evidence. Sexual Assault Centres work best within the context of a core agreed model of care, which includes defined multi-agency guidelines and care pathways, close links with forensic science and police services, and designated and sustainable funding arrangements. Additionally, Sexual Assault Centres also participate in patient, staff and community education and risk reduction. Furthermore, they contribute to the development, evaluation and implementation of national strategies on domestic, sexual and gender-based violence.

  8. Histoire d’une institution au cœur de la Francophonie


    Gendreau-Massaloux, Michèle


    L’histoire de l’AUF, institution universitaire et francophone, est marquée à la fois par l’évolution de la Francophonie institutionnelle et par sa dimension proprement universitaire. C’est au début des années 1960 qu’est fondée l’association des universités partiellement ou entièrement de langue française, l’AUPELF, réseau mis en place par quelques universitaires de divers pays soucieux d’échanges et de coopération. Le caractère associatif de cette instance, qui regroupe rapidement une quaran...

  9. Visitor centres at nuclear facility sites

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    Communications strategies in the nuclear field are often based on the creation of visitor centres at nuclear facility sites. Today, the design, as well as the realization and management of such centres has become a specialized function, and its role is very complementary to the nuclear operator's. It also uses the latest technology in the field of audio-visual, experiment and interactivity. This publication contains the proceedings of an international seminar organized by the OECD Nuclear Energy Agency on the role of visitor centres at nuclear facility sites. It includes the main papers presented at this Seminar

  10. Student-Centred and Teacher-Centred Learning Environment in Pre-Vocational Secondary Education: Psychological Needs, and Motivation (United States)

    Smit, Karin; de Brabander, Cornelis J.; Martens, Rob L.


    In this study the perception of psychological needs and motivation in a student-centred and a teacher-centred learning environment are compared, using Self Determination Theory as a framework. The self-report Intrinsic Motivation Inventory was completed by 230 students (mean age 16.1 years) in pre-vocational secondary education. School records on…

  11. The centre of the action

    CERN Multimedia


    The CERN Control Centre (CCC) has all the ingredients of an action movie control room: hundreds of screens, technicians buzzing in and out, huge floor-to-ceiling windows revealing the looming vista of a mountain range, flashing lights, microphones… This is the place where not just the LHC, but the whole of CERN’s accelerator complex and technical support is based - truly the centre of the action at CERN.

  12. Defining and describing birth centres in the Netherlands - a component study of the Dutch Birth Centre Study.

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Hermus, M.A.A.; Boesveld, I.C.; Hilzert, M.; Franx, A.; Graaf, J.P. de; Steegers, E.A.P.; Wiegers, T.A.; Pal-de Bruin, K.M. van der


    Background: During the last decade, a rapid increase of birth locations for low-risk births, other than conventional obstetric units, has been seen in the Netherlands. Internationally some of such locations are called birth centres. The varying international definitions for birth centres are not

  13. Defining and describing birth centres in the Netherlands - a component study of the Dutch Birth Centre Study

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Hermus, Marieke A. A.; Boesveld, I. C.; Hitzert, Marrit M; Franx, A.; de Graaf, J. P.; Steegers, E. A P; Wiegers, Therese A.; van der Pal-de Bruin, Karin M.


    Background: During the last decade, a rapid increase of birth locations for low-risk births, other than conventional obstetric units, has been seen in the Netherlands. Internationally some of such locations are called birth centres. The varying international definitions for birth centres are not

  14. International Development Research Centre Act Loi sur le Centre de ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    1 juin 2009 ... research includes any scientific or technical inquiry or experimentation that is .... data centres and facilities for research and other activ- ities;. (b) initiate and ..... Loi sur la pension de la fonction publique ne s'applique pas aux ...

  15. Thermoluminescence of Z1 centres in Sr-doped KCl

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kamavisdar, V.S.; Moholkar, S.C.; Deshmukh, B.T.


    It is well known for alkali halides doped with divalent metal impurities that exposure to high energetic radiation and subsequent F band bleaching leads to the formation of Z 1 centres. Optical absorption measurements have shown that a low concentration of Z 1 centres is produced along with F centres during irradiation without any optical bleaching. Now the question is whether Z 1 centres are really formed along with F centres during irradiation. The aim of the present paper was to study the formation of a small amount of Z 1 centres during irradiation with the help of optical absorption and thermoluminescence measurements. The crystals of KCl:Sr were exposed to γ-rays for different doses. The TL curve for the crystal exposed to a minimum dose of γ-rays shows a TL peak at 457 K and a weak shoulder in the region 400 K to 408 K. The TL curve of the crystal exposed to maximum dose of rays shows the peak at 408 K with a greater intensity. Upon F band bleaching 408 K peak increases in intensity and optical absorption is also broadened. It is shown that the peak at 457 K is due to F centres and the peak at 408 K is due to Z 1 centres. These results clearly show that a small anount of Z 1 centres is really formed along with F centres during irradiation. (author)

  16. Elderly Care Centre (United States)

    Wagiman, Aliani; Haja Bava Mohidin, Hazrina; Ismail, Alice Sabrina


    The demand for elderly centre has increased tremendously abreast with the world demographic change as the number of senior citizens rose in the 21st century. This has become one of the most crucial problems of today's era. As the world progress into modernity, more and more people are occupied with daily work causing the senior citizens to lose the care that they actually need. This paper seeks to elucidate the best possible design of an elderly care centre with new approach in order to provide the best service for them by analysing their needs and suitable activities that could elevate their quality of life. All these findings will then be incorporated into design solutions so as to enhance the living environment for the elderly especially in Malaysian context.

  17. Colour centre-free perovskite single crystals

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Petit, Pierre-Olivier; Petit, Johan; Goldner, Philippe; Viana, Bruno


    Yb 3+ :YAlO 3 (YAP) and Yb 3+ :GdAlO 3 (GAP) are interesting 1 μm high-power laser media thanks to their very good thermo-mechanical properties. However, as-grown perovskite single crystals exhibit colour centres. Parasitic thermal load generated by these centres is deleterious for high-power laser action and can lead to crystal damages. Moreover these defects decrease Yb 3+ lifetime. They are related to trapped holes on the oxygen network. In the present work, several schemes to remove colour centres are presented. Attention is focused on cerium codoping, thermal annealing under reducing atmosphere and growth of non-stoechiometric compounds.

  18. Elm Farm Organic Research Centre December 2006


    Sanders, Richard; Whiltley, Andrew; Haigh, Zoe; Clarke, Sarah; Hitchings, Roger; O'Brien, Josie


    The Organic Research Centre. Elm Farm Research Centre Bulletin with Technical Updates from The Organic Advisory Service is a regular publication from The Organic Research Centre. The current issue covers: Report from 2006 Cirencester Conference; Quest for more home produced organic food; in a world where bread matters; Improving wheat with plenty of parents; Unlocking the secrets of the ancient (cereal varieties); Brain food- a good read; Not to late to protect the future: The organic...

  19. Documentation Centre of the Association of African Universities. (United States)

    Chateh, Peter

    This report presents the results of a study of the Documentation Centre of the Association of African Universities (AAU) undertaken to work out proposals for the rational organization of the Centre, and to explore the possibility of computerizing the Centre and linking it with other centers which provide automated documentation services. The…

  20. Higgs Reconstructed at CERN’s Computer Centre

    CERN Multimedia


    Thanks to the enormous computing capacity of the CERN Computer Centre, which hosts about 12,000 servers with 16,000 CPUs (i.e. 64,000 computing cores) and 64,000 hard-disks distributed over 1,100 racks and storing another 22 PB (PetaByte, i.e. 22 million billion bytes) of LHC data during 2011, CERN computing specialists have managed for the first time to reconstruct the “Higgs” (see photo below in which the newly installed racks are highlighted).   In fact, as clear physics evidence of the Higgs is still pending and expected to be established in 2012, the CERN Computer Centre operators have instead rearranged their computer racks in the Computer Centre (Building 513) to spell the word “Higgs”. Bruce Peppa, group leader of the IT/CC group who manages the Computer Centre, said “As many people have noticed, for a few months serious construction work has been going on in the annex to the CERN Computer Centre. With the installation of more servers ...

  1. Centre for urban ecotechnology in ''Oeksnehallen''. [Copenhagen, Denmark

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)


    The Lord Mayor's Department of the municipality of Copenhagen, Denmark, has with support from this project made a proposal for the establishment of the Centre for Urban Ecotechnology in ''Oeksnehallen'', located in the Vesterbro area of the city. The centre should contribute to the dissemination of knowledge on ecological techniques (regarding passive solar energy etc.) to the inhabitants of Vesterbro and other citizens of Copenhagen, and also serve as a centre in an European context. The ecological demonstration centre will cover an area of two thousand square meters and will also include a cafe, a room for showing coloured slides, facilities for exhibitions created by the center and interested firms etc. The centre should play an important role as part of the ecological concept of urban renewal in Vesterbro. (author).

  2. Robust high-yield ~1 TBq production of cyclotron based sodium [99mTc]pertechnetate. (United States)

    Andersson, J D; Thomas, B; Selivanova, S V; Berthelette, E; Wilson, J S; McEwan, A J B; Gagnon, K


    This paper presents the irradiation and processing of high-current 100 Mo targets at the University of Alberta (UofA) in a GMP compliant setting. For purpose of comparison with a second production facility, additional studies at Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Sherbrooke (CHUS) are also described. More than 70% of today's diagnostic radiopharmaceuticals are based on 99m Tc, however the conventional supply chain for obtaining 99m Tc is fragile. The aim of this work was to demonstrate reliable high yield production and processing of 99m Tc with medium-energy, high-current, cyclotrons. We used two cyclotrons (TR-24, Advanced Cyclotron Systems, Inc) for irradiations with 22 MeV or 24 MeV incident energy and 400 μA current up to a maximum of 6 h. The irradiated 100 Mo was dissolved using peroxide, basified using ammonium carbonate, and purified using a PEG-based solid phase extraction technique. High-yield productions with 22 MeV (400 μA, 6 h) yielded an average isolated [ 99m Tc]TcO 4 - yield of 878 GBq ± 99 GBq (23.7 Ci ± 2.7 Ci) decay corrected to EOB, n = 8 (isolated saturation yield: 4.36 ± 0.49 GBq/μA). Irradiations with 24 MeV (400 μA, 6 h) resulted in an average isolated [ 99m Tc]TcO 4 - yield of 993 GBq ± 100 GBq (26.8 Ci ± 2.7 Ci) decay corrected to EOB, n = 7 (isolated saturation yield: 4.97 ± 0.50 GBq/μA). These yields corresponds to 600-700 GBq (16-19 Ci) of [ 99m Tc]TcO 4 - at release (i.e. 3 hour post-EOB). For all tested batches, the QC results were within the recently published specifications in the European Pharmacopoeia. Reliable near-TBq production yields for 99m Tc can be obtained using medium-energy cyclotrons. This work presents evidence that medium-energy high-current cyclotrons can provide high yields of [ 99m Tc]TcO 4 - with radionuclidic impurities levels within the specifications of the existing European Pharmacopoeia monograph, indicating that this

  3. Activity of daptomycin- and vancomycin-loaded poly-epsilon-caprolactone microparticles against mature staphylococcal biofilms

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Santos Ferreira I


    Full Text Available Inês Santos Ferreira,1 Ana F Bettencourt,1 Lídia MD Gonçalves,1 Stefanie Kasper,2 Bertrand Bétrisey,3 Judith Kikhney,2 Annette Moter,2 Andrej Trampuz,4 António J Almeida1 1Research Institute for Medicines (iMed.ULisboa, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Lisbon, Lisbon, Portugal; 2Biofilmcenter, German Heart Institute Berlin, Berlin, Germany; 3Infectious Diseases Service, Department of Medicine, Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois, Lausanne, Switzerland; 4Center for Musculoskeletal Surgery, Charité – University Medicine Berlin, Berlin, Germany Abstract: The aim of the present study was to develop novel daptomycin-loaded poly-epsilon-caprolactone (PCL microparticles with enhanced antibiofilm activity against mature biofilms of clinically relevant bacteria, methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA and polysaccharide intercellular adhesin-positive Staphylococcus epidermidis. Daptomycin was encapsulated into PCL microparticles by a double emulsion-solvent evaporation method. For comparison purposes, formulations containing vancomycin were also prepared. Particle morphology, size distribution, encapsulation efficiency, surface charge, thermal behavior, and in vitro release were assessed. All formulations exhibited a spherical morphology, micro­meter size, and negative surface charge. From a very early time stage, the released concentrations of daptomycin and vancomycin were higher than the minimal inhibitory concentration and continued so up to 72 hours. Daptomycin presented a sustained release profile with increasing concentrations of the drug being released up to 72 hours, whereas the release of vancomycin stabilized at 24 hours. The antibacterial activity of the microparticles was assessed by isothermal microcalorimetry against planktonic and sessile MRSA and S. epidermidis. Regarding planktonic bacteria, daptomycin-loaded PCL microparticles presented the highest antibacterial activity against both strains. Isothermal

  4. Teaching and training programmes in nuclear medicine for medical and paramedical personnel at the Radiation Medicine Centre, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sharma, S.M.; Raikar, U.R.


    Prior to 1976, the Radiation Medicine Centre had conducted 12 short courses of five weeks' duration on medical uses of radioisotopes. A total of 162 medical and scientific personnel attended the courses from various parts of India. Owing to the rapid advances made in nuclear medicine these courses were becoming inadequate, and in 1973 the Centre introduced one-year full time training courses for doctors and science graduates, peparing them for examinations for the Diploma in Radiation Medicine (DRM) and the Diploma in Medical Radioisotope Techniques (DMRIT) of the University of Bombay. By March 1984, 64 doctors and 53 technologists had obtained the DRM and DMRIT. A recent survey indicated that 70% of the DRM physicians and 68% of the DMRIT technologists are employed in nuclear medicine departments. Besides the formal one-year training courses, the Centre has conducted advanced courses of two weeks' duration on scintigraphy and thyroid function tests. The Radiation Medicine Centre has been the regional reference centre in nuclear medicine for the World Health Organization and International Atomic Energy Agency for more than ten years. The Centre has trained sponsored personnel from other countries of the region. The Centre has also organized seven symposia, workshops and seminars, four of them in collaboration with WHO and one with the IAEA. (author)

  5. Centre for nuclear engineering University of Toronto annual report 1984

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The annual report of the Centre for Nuclear Engineering, University of Toronto covers the following subjects: message from the Dean; Chairman's message; origins of the centre; formation of the centre; new nuclear appointments; and activities of the centre, 1984

  6. Centre of the Cell: Science Comes to Life. (United States)

    Balkwill, Frances; Chambers, Katie


    Centre of the Cell is a unique biomedical science education centre, a widening participation and outreach project in London's East End. This article describes Centre of the Cell's first five years of operation, the evolution of the project in response to audience demand, and the impact of siting a major public engagement project within a research laboratory.

  7. Développer et personnaliser les compétences info-communicationnelles des enseignants de français langue étrangère – un impératif face à une mutation des publics apprenant au Centre du Vietnam

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    HOANG Thi Thu Hanh


    Full Text Available Selon notre témoignage, le nombre d’apprenants de FLE au centre du Vietnam ne baisse pas mais les objectifs et les motivations ont changé et bien varié. Vu les débouchés francophones, il y a moins d’étudiants qui choisissent comme leur première option d’études universitaires les sciences du langage français et la didactique du FLE, mais de plus en plus nombreux sont ceux qui étudient le français comme un moyen de se professionnaliser et ou pour un objectif personnel (étudier ou faire un stage dans un pays francophone, consulter les documents en français, communiquer avec la clientèle francophone, participer à des réseaux sociaux, etc.. Cette situation témoigne d’une évolution des attentes où s’expriment un pouvoir d’action élargie et l’intégration dans un monde global largement numérisé. Se dessine ainsi progressivement une nouvelle voie pour l’apprentissage du FLE,résultat d’une convergence entre notre héritage culturel complexe et un milieu technique devenu un lieu de sociabilité sans précédent. Ces dernières années, plusieurs courants de pensée se sont intéressés à l’essor des TICE et à l’explosion des pratiques info-communicationnelles. Deux concepts dominent : l’information litéracy anglo-saxonne et nord-américaine et la culture de l’information francophone et européenne. La première, plus utilitariste, est centrée sur l’opérationnel dans une société de la connaissance ; la seconde propose de sortir d’une vision techniciste de la communication et vise le développement non seulement de compétences mais aussi de connaissances pour un monde ouvert. Compétences et connaissances que les enseignants doivent dorénavant maitriser avant de les transmettre.

  8. The nuclear research centre at Bariloche, Argentina

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Abriata, J.P.


    The nuclear research centre at Bariloche (CAB) is one of the four centres under the Atomic Energy Commission of Argentina (CNEA). The research programme of CAB addresses various issues like nuclear reactor development, nuclear fuel and fuel cycle, applications of radioisotopes and radiation, and waste management. There is also a basic nuclear science component. The human resource development in the areas of physics and nuclear engineering is done in an associated Balseiro Institute which has undergraduate and graduate programmes as well as doctoral and postdoctoral research. The Centre interacts well with the society and provides services in the nuclear area. It has a close interaction with the nuclear sector of Argentina as also with many international organisations. Regulatory control over the Centre is carried out by the Nuclear Regulatory Authority of Argentina. (author)

  9. Potential of Natural Ventilation in Shopping Centres

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Diederichsen, Alice; Friis, Kristina; Brohus, Henrik


    The indoor environmental quality (IEQ) is a fundamental requirement for a well performing shopping centre. This paper contains a pilot study of the potential of using hybrid ventilation (a combination of automatically controlled natural and mechanical ventilation - respectively NV and MV) in shop......The indoor environmental quality (IEQ) is a fundamental requirement for a well performing shopping centre. This paper contains a pilot study of the potential of using hybrid ventilation (a combination of automatically controlled natural and mechanical ventilation - respectively NV and MV......) in shopping centres with focus on both the achieved IEQ and energy consumptions for air movement. By thermal building simulations it is found that there exists an interesting potential for hybrid ventilation of shopping centres, which can lead to great savings in the electrical energy consumptions...

  10. User-Centred BCI Videogame Design


    Loup-Escande , Emilie; Lotte , Fabien; Loup , Guillaume; Lécuyer , Anatole


    International audience; This chapter aims to offer a user-centred methodological framework to guide the design and evaluation of Brain-Computer Interface videogames. This framework is based on the contributions of ergonomics to ensure these games are well suited for their users (i.e., players). It provides methods, criteria and metrics to complete the different phases required by ae human-centred design process. This aims to understand the context of use, specify the user needs and evaluate t...

  11. The Belgian nuclear research centre

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Moons, F.


    The Belgian Nuclear Research Centre is almost exclusively devoted to nuclear R and D and services and is able to generate 50% of its resources (out of 75 million Euro) by contract work and services. The main areas of research include nuclear reactor safety, radioactive waste management, radiation protection and safeguards. The high flux reactor BR2 is extensively used to test fuel and structural materials. PWR-plant BR3 is devoted to the scientific analysis of decommissioning problems. The Centre has a strong programme on the applications of radioisotopes and radiation in medicine and industry. The centre has plans to develop an accelerator driven spallation neutron source for various applications. It has initiated programmes to disseminate correct information on issues of nuclear energy production and non-energy nuclear applications to different target groups. It has strong linkages with the IAEA, OECD-NEA and the Euratom. (author)

  12. Institutional Support : Centre for Research and Technology ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    year-old science and technology research centre at Maseno University in western Kenya. The Centre focuses on science and technology research to influence both national policies and development practices at the community level. Currently ...

  13. Pharmacotherapeutic management of chronic noncancer pain in primary care: lessons for pharmacists

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jouini G


    Full Text Available Ghaya Jouini,1–3 Manon Choinière,3,4 Elisabeth Martin,2,3 Sylvie Perreault,1,5 Djamal Berbiche,2,3 David Lussier,6–8 Eveline Hudon,2,3,9 Lyne Lalonde1–3,101Faculty of Pharmacy, Université de Montréal, Montreal, Quebec, Canada; 2Équipe de recherche en soins de première ligne, Centre de santé et de services sociaux de Laval, Laval, Quebec, Canada; 3Centre de recherche du Centre hospitalier de l'Université de Montréal (CRCHUM, Montreal, Quebec, Canada; 4Department of Anesthesiology, Faculty of Medicine, Université de Montréal, Montreal, Quebec, Canada; 5Sanofi-Aventis Endowment Research Chair in Optimal Drug Use, Université de Montréal, Montreal, Quebec, Canada; 6Institut universitaire de gériatrie de Montréal, Montreal, Quebec, Canada; 7Division of Geriatric Medicine and Alan-Edwards Center for Research on Pain, McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada; 8Department of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Université de Montréal, Montreal, Quebec, Canada; 9Department of Family Medicine and Emergency, Faculty of Medicine, Université de Montréal, Montreal, Quebec, Canada; 10Sanofi-Aventis Endowment Research Chair in Ambulatory Pharmaceutical Care, Université de Montréal and Centre de santé et de services sociaux de Laval, Quebec, CanadaPurpose: Describe the pharmacotherapeutic management of primary-care patients with chronic noncancer pain, assess their satisfaction with pain treatment, and identify the determinants of their satisfaction.Methods: A cohort study was conducted in Quebec (Canada. Patients reporting chronic noncancer pain with an average pain intensity of at least 4 on a 0–10 scale (10= worst possible pain and having an active analgesic prescription from a primary-care physician were recruited. They completed a telephone interview and a self-administered questionnaire to document their pain, emotional well-being, satisfaction with treatment, and barriers/beliefs/attitudes about pain and its treatment. Information

  14. Waste management in primary healthcare centres of Iran. (United States)

    Mesdaghinia, Alireza; Naddafi, Kazem; Mahvi, Amir Hossein; Saeedi, Reza


    The waste management practices in primary healthcare centres of Iran were investigated in the present study. A total of 120 primary healthcare centres located across the country were selected using the cluster sampling method and the current situation of healthcare waste management was determined through field investigation. The quantities of solid waste and wastewater generation per outpatient were found to be 60 g outpatient(-1) day(-1) and 26 L outpatient(-1) day(-1), respectively. In all of the facilities, sharp objects were separated almost completely, but separation of other types of hazardous healthcare solid waste was only done in 25% of the centres. The separated hazardous solid waste materials were treated by incineration, temporary incineration and open burning methods in 32.5, 8.3 and 42.5% of the healthcare centres, respectively. In 16.7% of the centres the hazardous solid wastes were disposed of without any treatment. These results indicate that the management of waste materials in primary healthcare centres in Iran faced some problems. Staff training and awareness, separation of healthcare solid waste, establishment of the autoclave method for healthcare solid waste treatment and construction of septic tanks and disinfection units in the centres that were without access to a sewer system are the major measures that are suggested for improvement of the waste management practices.

  15. The Manche Storage Centre: 2009 annual report

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    After a brief presentation of the ANDRA (the French national agency for the management of radioactive wastes), this report presents the CSM installations (CSM stands for Centre de Stockage de la Manche, the Manche storage centre), recalls results and actions in the field of nuclear safety and in the field of radioprotection. It indicates incidents and accidents which occurred in the installations, presents data about the Centre's releases. It presents the waste management and evokes other pollution. It indicates the various actions undertaken for information transparency

  16. Gestion du Centre | CRDI - Centre de recherches pour le ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Le Comité de gestion du Centre (CGC) est composé des membres de la haute direction du CRDI, notamment les directeurs de nos quatre bureaux régionaux et de nos principaux secteurs de programme. Le CGC travaille en collaboration avec le président afin de soutenir la recherche pour le développement, lui fournissant ...

  17. The Role of Parents' Educational Level and Centre Type in Parent Satisfaction with Early Childhood Care Centres: A Study in Greece (United States)

    Kelesidou, Sofia; Chatzikou, Maria; Tsiamagka, Evmorfia; Koutra, Evangelia; Abakoumkin, Georgios; Tseliou, Eleftheria


    This research examines specific facets of parent satisfaction with childcare centres, namely satisfaction with parent-centre communication and the educational services they provide, as well as respective parent beliefs. These were investigated in relation to centre type (private vs public) and parents' education. Parents of different educational…

  18. Le VIH chez le malade neurologique aux CHU de Lome ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Etude prospective à propos de 397 malades hospitalisés du 1er Janvier au 31 Décembre 2015. Objectifs: Evaluer l'évolution de la séroprévalence hospitalière et les manifestations cliniques neurologiques de l'infection à VIH. Méthodologie: Notre étude s'est déroulée du 1er Janvier au 31 Décembre 2015 dans les services ...

  19. Distribution des durées de séjour par Diagnosis Related Group


    Eggli, Yves; Koehn, Véronique; Paccaud, Fred; Moyard M. (Collab.),


    Ce cahier fournit les principales informations concernant les durées de séjour et le nombre de sorties observées dans 33 hôpitaux suisses pour l'années 1984. La description des clientèles hospitalières est fondée sur les "Diagnosis Related Groups" (DRG), qui forment une classification de 472 groupes de patients hospitalisés. [Auteurs, p. 1

  20. Addiction research centres and the nurturing of creativity The Norwegian Centre for Addiction Research (SERAF). (United States)

    Bramness, Jørgen G; Clausen, Thomas; Duckert, Fanny; Ravndal, Edle; Waal, Helge


    The Norwegian Centre for Addiction Research (SERAF) at the University of Oslo is a newly established, clinical addiction research centre. It is located at the Oslo University Hospital and has a major focus on opioid dependency, investigating Norwegian opioid maintenance treatment (OMT), with special interest in OMT during pregnancy, mortality, morbidity and criminality before, during and after OMT and alternatives to OMT, such as the use of naltrexone implants. The well-developed health registries of Norway are core assets that also allow the opportunity for other types of substance abuse research. This research includes health services, abuse of prescription drugs and drugs of abuse in connection with traffic. The centre also focuses upon comorbidity, investigating the usefulness and limitations of psychometric instruments, drug abuse in different psychiatric treatment settings and internet-based interventions for hazardous alcohol consumption. © 2010 The Authors, Addiction © 2010 Society for the Study of Addiction.

  1. International Network of Nuclear Reaction Data Centres

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Otsuka, Naohiko; Dunaeva, Svetlana


    The activities of fourteen nuclear data centres are summarized, and their cooperation under the auspices of the International Atomic Energy Agency is described. Each of the centres provides coverage for different geographical zones and/or specific types of nuclear data, thus together providing a complete service for users worldwide. The International Network of Nuclear Reaction Data Centres (NRDC) was established with the objective of providing nuclear physics databases that are required for nuclear technology (encompassing energy and non-energy applications) by coordinating the collection, compilation and dissemination of nuclear data on an international scale. (author)

  2. Japanese maintenance centres strive for greater realism

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nedderman, J.


    Japanese utilities have devoted considerable efforts to ensuring that realistic plant conditions are simulated at their maintenance centres. In some centres, eg that of Kansai Electric Power Co, realism extends to difficult access, limited lighting and restricted ventilation. (author)

  3. La Co - Infection Paludisme - Salmonellose Une Realite Dans La Ville De Bukavu The Co - Infection Malaria - Salmonellose The Reality In Bukavu Town

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mulumeoderhwa Balamba Ghislain Md Ombeni Bashwira Luc Md


    Full Text Available In the area with stable tramission malaria and salmonellose cause death of many senible group children and mather also consomation of family badget prevision. The stady of co-infection paludisme-salmonellose has been done since january 2014 till december 2015 at the Hospital center of Nyamugo in bukavu city. The stady stand for to determine the prevalence of this pathological association malaria-salmonellose in the urban environment of the East of Republic democratic of the Congo. The method consisted of deducting capular and intravenous blood and test it of all the patients who have been consulted at the hospital during that period. A total of 7515 patients have been recorded so 1070 cases of co-infection malaria-salmonellose confirmed so 14.23.other diagnostics concerned only malaria confirmed with 1621 so 21.57 and the salmonellose confirmed with 1058 so 14.07 Other diagnostics may be 50.01. The co-infection malaria-salmonellose is a reality in our town and it can cause the death any time. The clinical signes of malaria- salmonellose association are almost similar to those of malaria due to that the persons who are in charge of treating people should make a systematic diagnostics for well being of the patients.The above ages are concerned and are touched by the malaria-salmonellose association therefor a significativedifference exist among the age of 10 to 1924.67 and the tranch above 800.9t6.524 p0.0001. The co-infection malaria-salmonellose is a great reality for Bukavu town. Resume Dans les zones transmission stable le paludisme et la salmonellose sont particulirement redoutable chez certains groupe cibles notamment les enfants et les femmes en ceintes. Les signes cliniques et les complications varient en fonction des conditions locales de transmission. Cette etude qui sest effectue au Centre Hospitalier de Nyamugo ville de bukavu de janvier 2014 decembre 2015 a consiste determiner la prevalence de la co-infection en milieu urbain lEst de

  4. Energy efficiency in U.K. shopping centres (United States)

    Mangiarotti, Michela

    Energy efficiency in shopping centres means providing comfortable internal environment and services to the occupants with minimum energy use in a cost-effective and environmentally sensitive manner. This research considers the interaction of three factors affecting the energy efficiency of shopping centres: i) performance of the building fabric and services ii) management of the building in terms of operation, control, maintenance and replacement of the building fabric and services, and company's energy policy iii) occupants' expectation for comfort and awareness of energy efficiency. The aim of the investigation is to determine the role of the above factors in the energy consumption and carbon emissions of shopping centres and the scope for reducing this energy usage by changing one or all the three factors. The study also attempts to prioritize the changes in the above factors that are more cost-effective at reducing that energy consumption and identify the benefits and main economic and legal drivers for energy efficiency in shopping centres. To achieve these targets, three case studies have been analysed. Using energy data from bills, the performance of the selected case studies has been assessed to establish trends and current energy consumption and carbon emissions of shopping centres and their related causes. A regression analysis has attempted to break down the energy consumption of the landlords' area by end-use to identify the main sources of energy usage and consequently introduce cost-effective measures for saving energy. A monitoring and occupants' survey in both landlords' and tenants' areas have been carried out at the same time to compare the objective data of the environmental conditions with the subjective impressions of shoppers and shopkeepers. In particular, the monitoring aimed at assessing the internal environment to identify possible causes of discomfort and opportunities for introducing energy saving measures. The survey looked at

  5. Rectors of European universities

    CERN Multimedia

    Maximilien Brice


    Several rectors of European universities visited CERN recently while in Geneva for a conference on coordination between their institutions. The visit began with a welcome by Roger Cashmore, CERN Director of Collider Programmes,and continued with tours of CMS, ALICE and the LHC magnet assembly hall. Photos 01, 02: The visitors in the ALICE assembly hall: (left to right) Dr. Raymond Werlen, Deputy Secretary-General of the Conference of Rectors of Swiss Universities; visit guide Prof. Alain Blondel, Department of Nuclear and Corpuscular Physics, University of Geneva; Prof. Adriano Pimpão, Rector of the University of Algarve, President of the Council of Rectors of Portuguese Universities; Prof. Jean-Pierre Finance, Conference of University Presidents, France; Prof. Jean-Paul Lehners, Vice-President of the Centre Universitaire, Luxemburg.

  6. Addiction research centres and the nurturing of creativity: National Drug Dependence Treatment Centre, India--a profile. (United States)

    Ray, Rajat; Dhawan, Anju; Chopra, Anita


    The National Drug Dependence Treatment Centre (NDDTC) is a part of the All India Institute of Medical Sciences, a premier autonomous medical university in India. This article provides an account of its origin and its contribution to the field of substance use disorder at the national and international levels. Since its establishment, the NDDTC has played a major role in the development of various replicable models of care, the training of post-graduate students of psychiatry, research, policy development and planning. An assessment of the magnitude of drug abuse in India began in the early 1990s and this was followed by a National Survey on Extent, Patterns and Trends of Drug Abuse in 2004. Several models of clinical care have been developed for population subgroups in diverse settings. The centre played an important role in producing data and resource material which helped to scale up opioid substitution treatment in India. A nationwide database on the profile of patients seeking treatment (Drug Abuse Monitoring System) at government drug treatment centres has also been created. The centre has provided valuable inputs for the Government of India's programme planning. Besides clinical studies, research has also focused on pre-clinical studies. Capacity-building is an important priority, with training curricula and resource material being developed for doctors and paramedical staff. Many of these training programmes are conducted in collaboration with other institutions in the country. The NDDTC has received funding from several national and international organizations for research and scientific meetings, and, most recently (2012), it has been designated as a World Health Organization Collaborating Centre on Substance Abuse. © 2012 The Authors, Addiction © 2012 Society for the Study of Addiction.

  7. Interaction of centres on nucleate boiling

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chekanov, V.V.


    An experimental set-up is described which enables to analyse the growth of a bubble on a heater, the frequency of succession of the bubbles, etc., by the change in the electric signal from a photomultiplier, onto whose photocathode the bubble is projected. The change in the first moments of the statistical distribution of the corresponding parameters (growth time, frequency of succession, and so on) is adopted as the measure of the external effect on the vapour formation centre. It is shown that for single-bubble boiling the greatest effect is exerted by the acoustic waves produced by the bubble in the growth period; during developed boiling one observes mutual suppression of centres spaced at a distance of the order of the detachment diameter. As the heat flux increases, the correlation of the motion of the interface over the heater surface increases as well. When the correlation radius becomes equal to the centre-to-centre distance, the first crisis sets in. It is suggested that heaters with a variable coefficient of temperature conductance along the heat-releasing surface must withstand high subcritical heat fluxes

  8. Proposal for an ecoradiological centre model

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Perovic, S.M.; Zunic, Z.; Demajo, M.; Konjevic, N.


    The problem of establishing an optimal Ecoradiological Centre Model is studied in some detail for the town of Kotor which is under the protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage. The proposed structure of the Centre is analyzed from the view of Engineering, Education and Scientific parameters. This Model is suitable for implementation as a network Centre Model for the state of Montenegro. Further, the modelling strategy of the ecoradiological condition control of natural, construction, bio and technological systems is elaborated. The proposal includes the ecoradiological monitoring, radioactive and electromagnetic radiation processing and protection for different natural zones as well as their different geostructures, aerial and hydrogeological conditions. The programme also includes all housing objects (hotels, flats, houses, office premises etc.). Here will also be presented the radiation protection and recommendations for the implementation of Title VII of the European Basic Safety Standards Directive (BSS), concerning significant increase in exposure due to natural radiation sources. Also, the proposal of Local Radiation Protection for the town of Kotor is presented. Our proposal for an Ecoradiological Centre Model presented here is in a form of a pilot programme, applicable also for other towns and states. (author)

  9. Official Centre Hospitality

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Sylvain Dufour

    Approved by the Management Executive Committee. - 1 -. Version 3.1.0 effective 2017-06-28. Official Centre Hospitality. 1. Objective. 2. Application. 3. Definitions. 4. Roles and Responsibilities. 5. Authorization. 6. Consultants and Contractors. 7. Reimbursement. 1. Objective. To define the circumstances under which ...

  10. Role of centre vortices in dynamical mass generation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Leinweber, Derek B.; Bowman, Patrick O.; Heller, Urs M.; Kusterer, Daniel-Jens; Langfeld, Kurt; Williams, Anthony G.


    The mass and renormalization functions of the nonperturbative quark propagator are studied in SU(3) gauge field theory with a Symanzik-improved gluon action and the AsqTad fermion action. Centre vortices in the gauge field are identified by fixing to maximal centre gauge. The role of centre vortices in dynamical mass generation is explored by removing centre vortices from the gauge fields and studying the associated changes in the quark propagator. We find that dynamical mass generation survives in the vortex-removed SU(3) gauge field theory despite the vanishing of the string tension and suppression of the gluon propagator in the infrared suggesting the possibility of decoupling dynamical mass generation from confinement

  11. Reducing cooling energy consumption in data centres and critical facilities (United States)

    Cross, Gareth

    Given the rise of our everyday reliance on computers in all walks of life, from checking the train times to paying our credit card bills online, the need for computational power is ever increasing. Other than the ever-increasing performance of home Personal Computers (PC's) this reliance has given rise to a new phenomenon in the last 10 years ago. The data centre. Data centres contain vast arrays of IT cabinets loaded with servers that perform millions of computational equations every second. It is these data centres that allow us to continue with our reliance on the internet and the PC. As more and more data centres become necessary due to the increase in computing processing power required for the everyday activities we all take for granted so the energy consumed by these data centres rises. Not only are more and more data centres being constructed daily, but operators are also looking at ways to squeeze more processing from their existing data centres. This in turn leads to greater heat outputs and therefore requires more cooling. Cooling data centres requires a sizeable energy input, indeed to many megawatts per data centre site. Given the large amounts of money dependant on the successful operation of data centres, in particular for data centres operated by financial institutions, the onus is predominantly on ensuring the data centres operate with no technical glitches rather than in an energy conscious fashion. This report aims to investigate the ways and means of reducing energy consumption within data centres without compromising the technology the data centres are designed to house. As well as discussing the individual merits of the technologies and their implementation technical calculations will be undertaken where necessary to determine the levels of energy saving, if any, from each proposal. To enable comparison between each proposal any design calculations within this report will be undertaken against a notional data facility. This data facility will

  12. Australian International Food Security Research Centre | IDRC ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Australian International Food Security Research Centre. Australian International Food Security Research Centre. Cultivate Africa's Future. The Cultivate Africa's Future research partnership is designed to support applied research to combat hunger in sub-Saharan Africa by harnessing the potential ...

  13. Building an applied activation analysis centre

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bartosek, J.; Kasparec, I.; Masek, J.


    Requirements are defined and all available background material is reported and discussed for the building up of a centre of applied activation analysis in Czechoslovakia. A detailed analysis of potential users and the centre's envisaged availability is also presented as part of the submitted study. A brief economic analysis is annexed. The study covers the situation up to the end of 1972. (J.K.)

  14. Nuclear Power Plant Temelin Technical Support Centre

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Krizek, K.


    The erection of the Technical Support Centre for the Nuclear Power Plant Temelin has been a relatively sophisticated and costly issue. It was by proper use of the existing systems, as e.g. I and C, ISE and other systems, that a robust system has been created that is able to meet any requirements laid on the performance of the Technical Support Centre. The decision of the utility CEZ, a.s. that made it possible to establish the Technical Support Centre at the Nuclear Power Plant Temelin has been a right step which shows the level of safety culture within the utility. (author)

  15. EPR of VHal centres in SrS

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Seeman, V.; Danilkin, M.; Must, M.; Ots, A.; Paernoja, E.; Pung, L.; Tarkpea, K.


    V Hal centres were studied by EPR in SrS doped with halogens after X-raying the samples at 77 K. V Hal centre arises when a hole is captured by sulphide-ion next to a cation vacancy with a halogen ion substituting the opposite sulphide-ion. EPR parameters and thermal decay characteristics are measured for V Cl , V Br , and V I centres. The efficiency of different halogens to produce and stabilise cation vacancies is shown to vary for different alkaline earth sulphides. (copyright 2006 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH and Co. KGaA, Weinheim) (orig.)

  16. Associating science and development - the Trieste Centre

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hamende, A.


    The International Centre for Theoretical Physics, located in Trieste, Italy, is supported by income from the Italian Government, from UNESCO and from the IAEA. The Centre organizes research sessions, workshops and extended courses on advanced topics in the physical and mathematical sciences and encourages scientists, especially from developing countries, to visit the ICTP for extended periods. With the aim of facilitating the transfer of knowledge to scientists from developing countries, the Centre's current scientific programme is divided up into five major disciplines: physics and energy; physics and frontiers of knowledge; physics and technology; physics and the environment and natural resources; applicable mathematics

  17. Conceptual design and equipment of visitor centres

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Huettinger, K.


    Discussing the needs to be met by a visitor centre, the author develops the strategies to be adopted and defines the items to be included in the information program. The procedure in preparing the layout and design are explained and the media available to provide various levels of information are listed. Principles of selecting and mixing the media are discussed and the functions of the various sections of the centre described. Also included are examples of the costs and time requirements for the establishment of a typical centre. The importance of regular maintenance and updating is emphasized. (author)

  18. Improving Accessibility to Services and Increasing Efficiency Through Merger and Centralization in Québec

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Amélie Quesnel-Vallée


    Full Text Available On 25 September 2014, Bill 10 was tabled to reorganize Québec’s health and social services network through the abolition of an administrative layer at the regional health authority level and institutional mergers of health and social services facilities under a new governance structure. Thus, the province’s 182 health and social services facilities were merged into 34 Centre intégré de santé et des services sociaux (CISSS / Centre intégré universitaire de santé et des services sociaux (CIUSSS. CISSS/CIUSSS are responsible for delivering a range of health and social services in a designated territory through the administrative integration of facilities including: local community health centres, generalized and specialized hospitals, psychiatric hospitals, child and youth protection centres, residential and long-term care centres, and rehabilitation centres. These mergers were operationalized notably by a new governance structure whereby the minister-appointed board of directors in each CISSS/CIUSSS reports directly to the Minister of Health and Social Services. As such, a centralization of powers was also achieved. While formal evaluations of reform performance have yet to be completed, analyses projecting potential difficulties of the reform were presented during special consultation hearings. Among the key concerns identified was whether there was evidence to support claims that administrative mergers increased efficiency by achieving economies of scale. Additionally, implicit to Bill 10 is the assumption that continuity of care will follow from administrative mergers. Strategic mergers through professional networks can promote more streamlined approaches to information sharing.

  19. Tele-centres as a way of achieving universal access

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Falch, Morten; Anyimadu, Amos


    The success of tele-centres in Ghana is discussed. The tele-centres offer a low cost opportunity to empower local communities in developed and developing countries to meet the challenges of the information society. The tele-centres can also contribute more directly to the supply of non-commercial...

  20. Need and feasibility of telemedicine in non-urban day care centres. (United States)

    Setia, Monika; DelliFraine, Jami L


    There appear to have been no studies of telemedicine in rural day care centres. We have assessed the feasibility of using telemedicine in eight rural day care centres in Pennsylvania, from the day care centres' perspective. The average number of children in these centres was 76 (range 20-150). The centres sent an average of 4.7 children home each month because of illness. Using telephone and face-to-face interviews, we assessed their perceived need for and familiarity with telemedicine, as well as their openness and preparedness for implementing telemedicine. Most day care centres reported a need for telemedicine and were open to learning how to use it. Some centres were concerned about adequate space for the equipment, but overall, the centres felt that their resources were adequate. Telemedicine in rural day care centres appears to be feasible, and would have the potential to save time and money for parents, as well as perhaps improving health care for children in rural areas.

  1. Treatment of effluent at the Saclay Centre d'Etudes Nucleaires (1960); Le traitement des effluents du Centre d'Etudes Nucleaires de Saclay (1960)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Wormser, G [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Saclay (France).Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    The Centre d'Etudes Nucleaires at Saclay possesses several installations from which liquid radioactive effluent is rejected, and it has thus been found necessary to construct a station for the purification of radioactive liquids and to settle various chemical, analytical and technological problems. This report describes, in the following order: - the disposal possibilities at the Centre d'Etudes Nucleaires, Saclay, - the effluents produced at the centre, - the set-up for collecting effluent, - treatment of the effluent, - results of these treatments. (author) [French] La presence, au Centre d'Etudes Nucleaires de Saclay, de plusieurs installations susceptibles de rejeter des effluents liquides radioactifs a necessite la construction d'une station d'epuration d'eaux radioactives et la mise au point de differents problemes chimiques, analytiques et technologiques. Dans ce rapport, nous exposerons successivement: - les possibilites de rejet du Centre d'Etudes Nucleaires de Saclay, - les effluents du centre, - le dispositif de collecte des effluents, - le traitement de ces effluents, - les resultats de ces traitements. (auteur)

  2. Psycho-oncological care in certified cancer centres--a nationwide analysis in Germany. (United States)

    Singer, Susanne; Dieng, Sebastian; Wesselmann, Simone


    Over the last few years, a nationwide voluntary certification system for cancer centres has been established in Germany. To qualify for certification, cancer centres must provide psycho-oncological care to every patient who needs it. The aim of this study was to find out how many patients have been treated by a psycho-oncologist in the certified centres. All cancer centres in Germany that were re-certified in 2010 provided data documenting how many patients with primary cancer received at least 30 min of psycho-oncological consultation in 2009. Data from n = 456 certified cancer centres were available. In the centres, a total of 36,165 patients were seen by a psycho-oncologist for at least 30 min, representing 37.3% of all patients in the centres. The highest percentage of patients who received psycho-oncological care was found in breast cancer centres (66.7%), and the lowest in prostate cancer centres (6.8%). Half of the patients (50.0%) in gynaecological cancer centres, 37.7% in colon cancer centres and 25.4% in lung cancer centres received psycho-oncological care. Compared with non-certified centres, the proportion of patients receiving psycho-oncological care in certified cancer centres has increased. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

  3. Medical applications of accelerators at Tata Memorial Centre

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dinshaw, K.A.


    The Tata Memorial Centre constitutes the national comprehensive cancer centre for the prevention, diagnosis, treatment and research on cancer. It is well equipped with sophisticated state-of-the-art equipment capable of delivering External Beam Radiotherapy (Ebert) and Brachytherapy. Nearly 400 patients receive Ebert daily at the institute from a team of highly skilled and dedicated radiation oncologists, medical physicists and technologists, making it one of the busiest centres in the country

  4. Occupational deprivation in an asylum centre:

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Morville, Anne-Le; Erlandsson, Lena-Karin


    This article presents a study of three asylum-seeking men from Iran and Afghanistan. It aimed to explore how and if they experienced occupations as occupations in a Danish asylum centre and how their life experience shaped their choice and value of current occupations. In-depth narrative interviews...... explored the participants’ occupational history and its influence on their occupations in the asylum centre. A thematic analysis showed that the participants had been subjected to occupational disruption and deprivation by politically oppressive systems even before their flight. Their occupations...... in Denmark were to a certain extent influenced by their earlier occupations and the current occupational deprivation they all experienced was due to limited possibilities in the centre. Although they tried their best to fill their days and create structure, there was a loss of valued occupations...

  5. Optimal catchment area and primary PCI centre volume revisited

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Schoos, Mikkel Malby; Pedersen, Frants; Holmvang, Lene


    AIMS: The currently stated optimal catchment population for a pPCI centre is 300,000-1,100,000, resulting in 200-800 procedures/year. pPCI centres are increasing in number even within small geographic areas. We describe the organisation and quality of care after merging two high-volume centres...

  6. Empowerment, patient centred care and self-management. (United States)

    Pulvirenti, Mariastella; McMillan, John; Lawn, Sharon


    Patient or person centred care is widely accepted as the philosophy and practice that underpins quality care. An examination of the Australian National Chronic Disease Strategy and literature in the field highlights assumptions about the self-manager as patient and a focus on clinical settings. This paper considers patient or person centred care in the light of empowerment as it is understood in the health promotion charters first established in Alma Ata in 1977. We argue that patient or person centred care can be reconfigured within a social justice and rights framework and that doing so supports the creation of conditions for well-being in the broader context, one that impacts strongly on individuals. These arguments have broader implications for the practice of patient centred care as it occurs between patient and health professional and for creating shared responsibility for management of the self. It also has implications for those who manage their health outside of the health sector. © 2011 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  7. Fabrication of single optical centres in diamond-a review

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Orwa, J.O.; Greentree, A.D.; Aharonovich, I.; Alves, A.D.C.; Van Donkelaar, J.; Stacey, A.; Prawer, S.


    Colour centres in diamond are rapidly becoming one of the leading platforms for solid-state quantum information processing applications. This is due in large part to the remarkable properties of the nitrogen-vacancy colour centre. From initial demonstrations of room-temperature single photon generation and spin single spin readout and quantum control, diamond nanocrystals are also finding application in magnetometry and biosensing. This review discusses the state of the art in the creation of isolated and small ensembles of optically active diamond defect centres, including nitrogen and nickel-related centres.

  8. Family-Centred Care in Paediatric and Neonatal Nursing- A Literature Review

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    L.K. Irlam


    Full Text Available A literature review of family-centred care in paediatric and neonatal nursing was undertaken as part of a research project. This research intended to ascertain the knowledge and attitudes of paediatric and neonatal qualified nurses and nurse educators towards family-centred care as it pertains to infants and children in hospitals in the Gauteng Province. A definition of family-centred care is difficult to formulate mainly due to the lack of consensus about its meaning. Additionally, the diverse societal contexts within which family-centred care is applied further complicate its definition. Internationally in developed countries, family-centred care is viewed as care, which is parent-led in consultation with the nurse practitioner. A family-centred care model for the South African context needs to be developed with the focus on parent participation, a precursor of family-centred care. This article traces the early developments in parental care for hospitalised children with specific reference to the USA, the UK and South Africa. Precursor concepts in family-centred care are described followed by a cursory overview of the reality of family-centred care, its cultural dimensions and matters of family strengths and choices in family-centred care.

  9. Multi-technology control centre to integrate 460 MW renewables

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The new RWE Innogy Aersa Control Centre that has been certified to act as an interface with CECRE (the Renewable Energy Control Centre) since February 2015, connects RWE’s 20 renewable energy facilities with REE, the Spanish Electricity Grid. As a result, it ensures that wind farms, in addition to hydropower and solar plants, can inject the energy generated by its 460 MW installed safely and with no penalties. Green Eagle Solutions, a provider of software solutions for renewable energy companies, has collaborated with RWE in the development of this Control Centre, meeting the high standards of quality and safety required by RWE. This centre uses CompactSCADA® technology to integrate power generation facilities that need to be integrated in a Control Centre to communicate with REE’s CECRE. (Author)

  10. The Future of Leisure Time Centres in Decin


    Hochwalderová, Světluše


    This Bachelor thesis deals with the issue of extracurricular education in Decin. The goal of the thesis is to find out whether the conditions for providing extracurricular education in leisure time centres and basic schools can influence the future of leisure time centres. Another goal of the thesis is to map and analyse the offer ot extracurricular activities in leisrue time centres and basic schools. The theoretical part is based on literature, laws, regulations and available resources. The...

  11. Images in medicine

    African Journals Online (AJOL)



    May 4, 2016 ... 1Service Universitaire des Urgences et de Réanimation Médicale, Hôpital Régional de Zaghouan, Faculté de médecine de Tunis, Tunisie, 2Service. Universitaire de Chirurgie Générale, Hôpital Régional de Zaghouan, Faculté de médecine de Tunis, Tunisie. &Corresponding author: Hassen Ben Ghezala, ...

  12. The DIY Digital Medical Centre. (United States)

    Timmis, James Kenneth; Timmis, Kenneth


    Healthcare systems worldwide are confronted with major economic, organizational and logistical challenges. Historic evolution of health care has led to significant healthcare sector fragmentation, resulting in systemic inefficiencies and suboptimal resource exploitation. To attain a sustainable healthcare model, fundamental, system-wide improvements that effectively network, and ensure fulfilment of potential synergies between sectors, and include and facilitate coherent strategic planning and organisation of healthcare infrastructure are needed. Critically, they must be specifically designed to sustainably achieve peak performance within the current policy environment for cost-control, and efficiency and quality improvement for service delivery. We propose creation of a new healthcare cluster, to be embedded in existing healthcare systems. It consists of (i) local 24/7 walk-in virtually autonomous do-it-yourself Digital Medical Centres performing routine diagnosis, monitoring, prevention, treatment and standardized documentation and health outcome assessment/reporting, which are online interfaced with (ii) regional 24/7 eClinician Centres providing on-demand clinical supervision/assistance to Digital Medical Centre patients. Both of these are, in turn, online interfaced with (iii) the National Clinical Informatics Centre, which houses the national patient data centre (cloud) and data analysis units that conduct patient- and population-level, personalized and predictive(-medicine) intervention optimization analyses. The National Clinical Informatics Centre also interfaces with biomedical research and prioritizes and accelerates the translation of new discoveries into clinical practice. The associated Health Policy Innovation and Evaluation Centre rapidly integrates new findings with health policy/regulatory discussions. This new cluster would synergistically link all health system components in a circular format, enable not only access by all arms of the health

  13. The negatively charged nitrogen-vacancy centre in diamond: the electronic solution

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Doherty, M W; Hollenberg, L C L; Manson, N B; Delaney, P


    The negatively charged nitrogen-vacancy centre is a unique defect in diamond that possesses properties highly suited to many applications, including quantum information processing, quantum metrology and biolabelling. Although the unique properties of the centre have been extensively documented and utilized, a detailed understanding of the physics of the centre has not yet been achieved. Indeed, there persist a number of points of contention regarding the electronic structure of the centre, such as the ordering of the dark intermediate singlet states. Without a detailed model of the centre's electronic structure, the understanding of the system's unique dynamical properties cannot effectively progress. In this work, the molecular model of the defect centre is fully developed to provide a self-consistent model of the complete electronic structure of the centre. The application of the model to describe the effects of electric, magnetic and strain interactions, as well as the variation of the centre's fine structure with temperature, provides an invaluable tool to those studying the centre and a means of designing future empirical and ab initio studies of this important defect.

  14. Attitude of Farmers towards Kisan Call Centres

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Shely Mary Koshy


    Full Text Available The present study was conducted to measure the attitude of farmers in Kerala, India towards Kisan Call Centre (KCC. Kisan Call Centre provides free agricultural advisory services to every citizen involved in agriculture through a toll free number. One hundred and fifty farmers who have utilized the Kisan Call Centre service were selected from the database of KCC. The results showed that the respondents had moderately favourable attitude towards KCC followed by highly favourable attitude. The variables digital divide, temporal awareness on KCC, satisfaction towards KCC and utilization of KCC were found to have a positive correlation with the attitude of respondents towards KCC.

  15. Nano-engineered pinning centres in YBCO superconducting films

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Crisan, A., E-mail: [National Institute for Materials Physics Bucharest, 105 bis Atomistilor Str., 077125 Magurele (Romania); School of Metallurgy and Materials, University of Birmingham, Edgbaston, B15 2TT Birmingham (United Kingdom); Dang, V.S. [School of Metallurgy and Materials, University of Birmingham, Edgbaston, B15 2TT Birmingham (United Kingdom); Nano and Energy Center, VNU Hanoi University of Science, 334 Nguyen Trai, Thanh Xuan, Hanoi (Viet Nam); Mikheenko, P. [School of Metallurgy and Materials, University of Birmingham, Edgbaston, B15 2TT Birmingham (United Kingdom); Department of Physics, University of Oslo, P.O. Box 1048 Blindern, N-0316 Oslo (Norway)


    Highlights: • Power applications of YBCO films/coated conductors in technological relevant magnetic fields requires nano-engineered pinning centre. • Three approaches have been proposed: substrate decoration, quasi-multilayers, and targets with secondary phase nano-inclusions. • Combination of all three approaches greatly increased critical current in YBCO films. • Bulk pinning force, pinning potential, and critical current density are estimated and discussed in relation with the type and strength of pinning centres related to the defects evidenced by Transmission Electron Microscopy. - Abstract: For practical applications of superconducting materials in applied magnetic fields, artificial pinning centres in addition to natural ones are required to oppose the Lorentz force. These pinning centres are actually various types of defects in the superconductor matrix. The pinning centres can be categorised on their dimension (volume, surface or point) and on their character (normal cores or Δκ cores). Different samples have been produced by Pulsed Laser Deposition, with various thicknesses, temperatures and nanostructured additions to the superconducting matrix. They have been characterized by SQUID Magnetic Properties Measurement System and Physical Properties Measurement System, as well as by Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM). Correlations between pinning architecture, TEM images, and critical currents at various fields and field orientations will be shown for a large number of YBa{sub 2}Cu{sub 3}O{sub x} films with various types and architectures of artificial pinning centres.

  16. The EPFL Plasma Physics Research Centre

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The Plasma Physics Research Centre (CRPP) is a non-departmental unit of the EPFL, and currently employs about 130 people, about 105 on the EPFL site and the rest at the Paul Scherrer Institute, PSI, in Villigen, Switzerland. The CRPP is a National Competence Centre in the field of Plasma Physics. In addition to plasma physics teaching, its missions are primarily the pursuit of scientific research in the field of controlled fusion within the framework of the EURATOM-Swiss Confederation Association and the development of its expertise as well as technology transfer in the field of materials research. As the body responsible for all scientific work on controlled fusion in Switzerland, the CRPP plays a national role of international significance. This document of 6 pages presents the explanation of the Plasma Physics Research Centre' activities (CRPP). (author)

  17. Tax haven or international financial centre? The case of Kenya


    Waris, Attiya


    International financial centres are geared to provide optimal conditions for the financial services industry. They encourage activities that can improve a country’s economy, but they may also facilitate money laundering, tax evasion, tax avoidance, and other harmful practices. The Nairobi International Financial Centre and similar centres in Africa can foster development, but also pose significant challenges. Legal and regulatory arrangements determine what types of capital a financial centr...

  18. Historical centres: changing definitions

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Roberta Lazzarotti


    Full Text Available Since the end of the Second World War, the architectural and planning culture has been showing a fluctuating attention to the theme of historical centres and their enhancement. First of all this uneven progress explains the difficulty to reach a homogeneous definition and this is still lacking. During a long phase of this period, the historical parts of the town were considered as objects to be preserved in an integral way, as urban monuments. This is mostly due to the high symbolic value of these settlements, that represent fundamental landmarks. Identity building and empowerment of local communities are indispensable conditions for any development programme, especially in the case of centres or other historic environments at risk of abandonment. The progressive evolution of this concept brings awareness of the impossibility of separating – either in analytical or in planning terms ­ historical centres from their urban and territorial contexts, which are linked by mutual, deep relationships. This article attempts to retrace the steps signaled by the publication of international documents and conventions, from the Charter of Gubbio (1960 to the Charter of Krakow and the European Landscape Convention (2000; they obviously represent particular points of view, not exhaustive of the richness of the positions in the debate, but extremely significant in terms of diffusion and consensus.

  19. Crystalline roof glazing - Westside shopping centre, Berne; Kristalline Dachverglasungen

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Enkerli, W.


    This illustrated article takes a look at the new shopping and leisure centre on the western outskirts of Berne, Switzerland. In particular, the roof of this unusual building over the motorway with its sloping walls and zig-zag design is looked at. The centre's shopping mall, adventure baths and spa, a multiplex cinema, an old peoples' home and a hotel are briefly discussed, as is the embedding of the centre in its suburban environment. The roof construction with its crystalline skylights is examined and discussed in detail. The centre's building technical services are also briefly commented on.

  20. White-centred retinal haemorrhages (Roth spots).


    Ling, R.; James, B.


    Roth spots (white-centred retinal haemorrhages) were classically described as septic emboli lodged in the retina of patients with subacute bacterial endocarditis. Indeed many have considered Roth spots pathognomonic for this condition. More recent histological evidence suggests, however, that they are not foci of bacterial abscess. Instead, they are nonspecific and may be found in many other diseases. A review of the histology and the pathogenesis of these white-centred haemorrhages will be p...

  1. Scheduling participants of Assessment Centres

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lysgaard, Jens; Løber, Janni

      Assessment Centres are used as a tool for psychologists and coaches to observe a number of dimensions in a person's behaviour and test his/her potential within a number of chosen focus areas. This is done in an intense course, with a number of different exercises which expose each participant...... Centres usually last two days and involve 3-6 psychologists or trained coaches as assessors. An entire course is composed of a number of rounds, with each round having its individual duration. In each round, the participants are divided into a number of groups with prespecifed pairing of group sizes...

  2. New Cyber Policy Centres for the Global South | CRDI - Centre de ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    13 avr. 2018 ... The Cyber Policy Centres initiative was established in 2017 to strengthen independent policy research institutions in sub-Saharan Africa, Asia, and Latin America by providing support and mentorship to build research and policy capacity in the key areas of digital rights, cybersecurity, and innovation policy.

  3. Adjoint administratif (h/f) - Politiques et planification | CRDI - Centre ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    à‑d. les informer au sujet des programmes et des procédures du Centre, des systèmes et des programmes informatiques, organiser des rendez-vous avec des membres clés du personnel du Centre, réacheminer les questions aux personnes-ressources compétentes au Centre, et organiser la création de comptes de ...

  4. The negatively charged nitrogen-vacancy centre in diamond: the electronic solution

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Doherty, M W; Hollenberg, L C L [School of Physics, University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Victoria 3010 (Australia); Manson, N B [Laser Physics Centre, Research School of Physics and Engineering, Australian National University, Canberra, Australian Capital Territory 0200 (Australia); Delaney, P, E-mail: [School of Mathematics and Physics, Queen' s University Belfast, Belfast BT7 1NN (United Kingdom)


    The negatively charged nitrogen-vacancy centre is a unique defect in diamond that possesses properties highly suited to many applications, including quantum information processing, quantum metrology and biolabelling. Although the unique properties of the centre have been extensively documented and utilized, a detailed understanding of the physics of the centre has not yet been achieved. Indeed, there persist a number of points of contention regarding the electronic structure of the centre, such as the ordering of the dark intermediate singlet states. Without a detailed model of the centre's electronic structure, the understanding of the system's unique dynamical properties cannot effectively progress. In this work, the molecular model of the defect centre is fully developed to provide a self-consistent model of the complete electronic structure of the centre. The application of the model to describe the effects of electric, magnetic and strain interactions, as well as the variation of the centre's fine structure with temperature, provides an invaluable tool to those studying the centre and a means of designing future empirical and ab initio studies of this important defect.

  5. Information Centre Radioactivity Switzerland; Beratungsstelle Radioaktivitaet Schweiz

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Mosimann, N.; Balsiger, B.; Burger, M. [Bundesamt fuer Bevoelkerungsschutz (Switzerland). LABOR SPIEZ


    The Information Centre Radioactivity Switzerland is meant to assess the radiological condition and serves for psychological-medical care of affected members of the Swiss public following an event of increased radioactivity in the environment. The Centre is structured in a modular way consisting of the following modules: ''Entry Measurement'': The visitors are registered and measured for contamination, ''Decontamination'': Contaminated visitors are decontaminated, ''Additional Measurements'': If required, thyroid and whole body measurements are performed, ''Information'': The visitors are informed about radioactivity, radiation protection, the current situation and their individual next steps, ''Exit'': Administrative release from the Information Centre.

  6. Automatic centring and bonding of lenses (United States)

    Krey, Stefan; Heinisch, J.; Dumitrescu, E.


    We present an automatic bonding station which is able to center and bond individual lenses or doublets to a barrel with sub micron centring accuracy. The complete manufacturing cycle includes the glue dispensing and UV curing. During the process the state of centring is continuously controlled by the vision software, and the final result is recorded to a file for process statistics. Simple pass or fail results are displayed to the operator at the end of the process.

  7. F-centre luminescence in nanocrystalline CeO2

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Aškrabić, S; Dohčević-Mitrović, Z D; Araújo, V D; Ionita, G; De Lima, M M Jr; Cantarero, A


    Nanocrystalline CeO 2 powders were synthesized by two cost-effective methods: the self-propagating room temperature (SPRT) method and the precipitation method. Differently prepared samples exhibited different temperature-dependent photoluminescence (PL) in the ultraviolet and visible regions. The PL signals originated from different kinds of oxygen-deficient defect centres with or without trapped electrons (F 0 , F + or F ++ centres). The temperature-dependent PL spectra were measured using different excitation lines, below (457, 488 and 514 nm) or comparable (325 nm) to the ceria optical band gap energy, in order to investigate the positions of intragap localized defect states. Evidence for the presence of F + centres was supported by the signals observed in electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) measurements. Based on PL and EPR measurements it was shown that F + centres dominate in the CeO 2 sample synthesized by the SPRT method, whereas F 0 centres are the major defects in the CeO 2 sample synthesized by the precipitation method. The luminescence from F ++ states, as shallow trap states, was registered in both samples. Energy level positions of these defect states in the ceria band gap were proposed. (paper)

  8. F-centre luminescence in nanocrystalline CeO2 (United States)

    Aškrabić, S.; Dohčević-Mitrović, Z. D.; Araújo, V. D.; Ionita, G.; de Lima, M. M., Jr.; Cantarero, A.


    Nanocrystalline CeO2 powders were synthesized by two cost-effective methods: the self-propagating room temperature (SPRT) method and the precipitation method. Differently prepared samples exhibited different temperature-dependent photoluminescence (PL) in the ultraviolet and visible regions. The PL signals originated from different kinds of oxygen-deficient defect centres with or without trapped electrons (F0, F+ or F++ centres). The temperature-dependent PL spectra were measured using different excitation lines, below (457, 488 and 514 nm) or comparable (325 nm) to the ceria optical band gap energy, in order to investigate the positions of intragap localized defect states. Evidence for the presence of F+ centres was supported by the signals observed in electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) measurements. Based on PL and EPR measurements it was shown that F+ centres dominate in the CeO2 sample synthesized by the SPRT method, whereas F0 centres are the major defects in the CeO2 sample synthesized by the precipitation method. The luminescence from F++ states, as shallow trap states, was registered in both samples. Energy level positions of these defect states in the ceria band gap were proposed.

  9. The CERN Control Centre is up and running!

    CERN Multimedia


    The CERN Control Centre (CCC) that combines all the control rooms for the accelerators, the cryogenic system and the technical infrastructure came into operation on 1st February. This is not a mock-up but the real thing! The CERN Control Centre has been built and put into operation in only 15 months.On 1st February, at 2.00 p.m., Patrick Villeton Pachot started the first Technical Infrastructure shift at the brand new CERN Control Centre. From now on, when you dial 72201 to report a leak or an electrical fault, your call will ring out in the brand new CERN Control Centre. The much anticipated CCC came on line on 1st February, exactly as planned. The 2.00 p.m. shift by the operators of the former Technical Control Room (TCR), now renamed TI for Technical Infrastructure, marked the start of operations at the Centre. The PCR, MCR, TCR and QCR are no more, and all the individual control rooms have been merged into one. And what a control room it is! True to the streamlined image announced when the project was f...

  10. Assessment of ART centres in India: client perspectives. (United States)

    Sogarwal, Ruchi; Bachani, Damodar


    Drug adherence and quality of antiretroviral therapy (ART) services are the keys for the successful ART programme. Hence, an attempt has been made to assess ART centres in India from client perspectives that are receiving services from the centres. Data were gathered through exit interviews with 1366 clients from 27 ART centres that were selected on the basis of drug adherence and client load. Analyses revealed that more than 80 per cent of the clients reported overall satisfaction with the services availed from the centre and 60 per cent reported that the quality of life has improved to a great extent after getting ART. Most of the clients strongly demanded to open ART centre in each district for better access as that will increase drug adherence and eventually control the HIV progression. It has been found that as many as 14% of respondents, ever been on ART, reported non-adherence and 70% of them cited distance and economic factors as the reasons for non-adherence. Study concludes that while majority of the clients were satisfied with ART services, shortage of staff, high level of non-drug adherence, long distances and poor referring system are the weak areas requiring attention.

  11. Rapid health assessments of evacuation centres in areas affected by Typhoon Haiyan

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ruth Alma Ramos


    Full Text Available Introduction: Typhoon Haiyan caused thousands of deaths and catastrophic destruction, leaving many homeless in Region 8 of the Philippines. A team from the Philippine Field Epidemiology Training Program conducted a rapid health assessment survey of evacuation centres severely affected by Haiyan. Methods: A descriptive study was conducted whereby a convenience sample of evacuation centres were assessed on the number of toilets per evacuee, sanitation, drinking-water, food supply source and medical services. Results: Of the 20 evacuation centres assessed, none had a designated manager. Most were located in schools (70% with the estimated number of evacuees ranging from 15 to 5000 per centre. Only four (20% met the World Health Organization standard for number of toilets per evacuee; none of the large evacuation centres had even half the recommended number of toilets. All of the evacuation centres had available drinking-water. None of the evacuation centres had garbage collection, vector control activities or standby medical teams. Fourteen (70% evacuation centres had onsite vaccination activities for measles, tetanus and polio virus. Many evacuation centres were overcrowded. Conclusion: Evacuation centres are needed in almost every disaster. They should be safely located and equipped with the required amenities. In disaster-prone areas such as the Philippines, schools and community centres should not be designated as evacuation centres unless they are equipped with adequate sanitation services.

  12. Psychiatric rehabilitation in community-based day centres: motivation and satisfaction. (United States)

    Eklund, Mona; Tjörnstrand, Carina


    This study investigated attendees' motivation and motives for participation in day centres and their satisfaction with the rehabilitation, while also addressing the influence of day centre orientation (work- or meeting-place orientation), gender and age. Ninety-three Swedish day centre attendees participated in a cross-sectional study and completed questionnaires about motivation, motives, and satisfaction with the rehabilitation. Data were analysed with non-parametric statistics. The participants were highly motivated for going to the day centre and set clear goals for their rehabilitation. Female gender, but not age, was associated with stronger motivation. The strongest motives for going to the day centre were getting structure to the day and socializing. Attendees at work-oriented day centres more often expressed that they went there to get structure to the day and gain social status. Satisfaction with the rehabilitation was high, and the most common wishes for further opportunities concerned earning money and learning new things. The rehabilitation largely seemed to meet the attendees' needs, but the findings indicated that further developments were desired, such as participation in work on the open market and more work-like occupations in the day centre, accompanied by some kind of remuneration.

  13. Using customer contact centres as relationship marketing instruments

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    van der Aa, Zanna; Bloemer, Josée; Henseler, Jörg


    This article investigates whether, to what extent and how customer contact centres influence customer–firm relationships through customer contact centre quality. The proposed model compiles direct and indirect effects of this form of quality on focal relationship marketing constructs, including

  14. Nuclear research centres - The Egyptian experiment

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Abdelrazek, I.D.


    The Atomic Energy Authority of Egypt has four research centres located at two sites. Its research reactors are devoted to the production of isotopes, neutron beam experiments, activation analysis and materials research. The accelerators are devoted to the production of short lived isotopes for medical applications and materials R and D. Irradiation technology is used for sterilization of medical supplies and food preservation. High level of expertise in those centres is also useful for other developmental activities in Egypt. (author)

  15. Joint Research Centre. Ispra establishment-Italy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Angelini, Antonio


    A comprehensive review of the work carried out during 1974 and 1975 in the Ispra establishment of the Joint Research Centre is presented. A description of the activity carried out within the context of the running programmes is given. Some of the most relevant scientific and technical achievement are described from the viewpoints of the Scientific Departments of the Centre. The technical and administrative support activities are also presented. A list of publications issued by the Ispra Scientific staff is given

  16. White-centred retinal haemorrhages (Roth spots). (United States)

    Ling, R; James, B


    Roth spots (white-centred retinal haemorrhages) were classically described as septic emboli lodged in the retina of patients with subacute bacterial endocarditis. Indeed many have considered Roth spots pathognomonic for this condition. More recent histological evidence suggests, however, that they are not foci of bacterial abscess. Instead, they are nonspecific and may be found in many other diseases. A review of the histology and the pathogenesis of these white-centred haemorrhages will be provided, along with the work-up of the differential diagnosis.

  17. Family-centred care delivery (United States)

    Mayo-Bruinsma, Liesha; Hogg, William; Taljaard, Monica; Dahrouge, Simone


    Abstract Objective To determine whether models of primary care service delivery differ in their provision of family-centred care (FCC) and to identify practice characteristics associated with FCC. Design Cross-sectional study. Setting Primary care practices in Ontario (ie, 35 salaried community health centres, 35 fee-for-service practices, 32 capitation-based health service organizations, and 35 blended remuneration family health networks) that belong to 4 models of primary care service delivery. Participants A total of 137 practices, 363 providers, and 5144 patients. Main outcome measures Measures of FCC in patient and provider surveys were based on the Primary Care Assessment Tool. Statistical analyses were conducted using linear mixed regression models and generalized estimating equations. Results Patient-reported FCC scores were high and did not vary significantly by primary care model. Larger panel size in a practice was associated with lower odds of patients reporting FCC. Provider-reported FCC scores were significantly higher in community health centres than in family health networks (P = .035). A larger number of nurse practitioners and clinical services on-site were both associated with higher FCC scores, while scores decreased as the number of family physicians in a practice increased and if practices were more rural. Conclusion Based on provider and patient reports, primary care reform strategies that encourage larger practices and more patients per family physician might compromise the provision of FCC, while strategies that encourage multidisciplinary practices and a range of services might increase FCC. PMID:24235195

  18. Electrically active sodium-related defect centres in silicon

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Dahl, Espen; Madsbøll, J.; Søiland, A.-K.


    Electrically active defect centres related to sodium in silicon have been examined with deep level transient spectroscopy, and their recombination potential analysed with the microwave photoconductive decay technique. In order to investigate the entire silicon band gap for defect centres, both p-...

  19. SSC RIAR is the largest centre of research reactors

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kalygin, V.V.


    The State Scientific Centre (SSC) ''Research Institute of Atomic Reactors'' (RIAR) is situated 100 km to the south-east from Moscow, in Dimitrovgrad, the Volga Region of the Russian Federation. SSC RIAR is the largest centre of research reactors in Russia. At present there are 5 types of reactor facilities in operation, including two NPP. One of the main tasks the Centre is the investigations on safety increase for power reactors. Broad international connections are available at the Institute. On the basis of the SSC RIAR during 3 years work has been done on the development of the branch training centre (TC) for the training of operation personnel of research and pilot reactors in Russia. (author). 3 tabs

  20. SSC RIAR is the largest centre of research reactors

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kalygin, V V [State Scientific Centre, Research Inst. of Atomic Reactors (Russian Federation)


    The State Scientific Centre (SSC) ``Research Institute of Atomic Reactors`` (RIAR) is situated 100 km to the south-east from Moscow, in Dimitrovgrad, the Volga Region of the Russian Federation. SSC RIAR is the largest centre of research reactors in Russia. At present there are 5 types of reactor facilities in operation, including two NPP. One of the main tasks the Centre is the investigations on safety increase for power reactors. Broad international connections are available at the Institute. On the basis of the SSC RIAR during 3 years work has been done on the development of the branch training centre (TC) for the training of operation personnel of research and pilot reactors in Russia. (author). 3 tabs.

  1. [Trends in the prevalence of malaria and anemia at delivery in Libreville from 1995 to 2011]. (United States)

    Bouyou-Akotet, Marielle Karine; Nzenze-Afène, Solange; Mawili-Mboumba, Denise Patricia; Owono-Medang, Mathieu; Guiyedi, Vincent; Kombila, Maryvonne


    In 1995, 2005 and 2011, cross-sectional studies of 611 parturients at the Centre Hospitalier de Libreville in Gabon assessed the prevalence of maternal malaria and anaemia; two indicators of poor pregnancy outcomes. The prevalence of Plasmodium falciparum infection in maternal peripheral blood decreased from 25% in 2005 to 6% in 2011. Parasite density was significantly lower in 2005 (31 p/μL) than in 1995 (1,240 p/μL) or 2011 (35,055 p/μL). Anaemia prevalence was high (>50%) in 1995 and in 2005, but fell by more than 50% (24%) in 2011. After implementation of new malaria prevention strategies during pregnancy, the prevalence of both maternal peripheral P. falciparum infection and anaemia fell. Studies are necessary to assess the efficacy of these strategies and to seek other causes of anaemia.

  2. Unified storage systems for distributed Tier-2 centres

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cowan, G A; Stewart, G A; Elwell, A


    The start of data taking at the Large Hadron Collider will herald a new era in data volumes and distributed processing in particle physics. Data volumes of hundreds of Terabytes will be shipped to Tier-2 centres for analysis by the LHC experiments using the Worldwide LHC Computing Grid (WLCG). In many countries Tier-2 centres are distributed between a number of institutes, e.g., the geographically spread Tier-2s of GridPP in the UK. This presents a number of challenges for experiments to utilise these centres efficaciously, as CPU and storage resources may be subdivided and exposed in smaller units than the experiment would ideally want to work with. In addition, unhelpful mismatches between storage and CPU at the individual centres may be seen, which make efficient exploitation of a Tier-2's resources difficult. One method of addressing this is to unify the storage across a distributed Tier-2, presenting the centres' aggregated storage as a single system. This greatly simplifies data management for the VO, which then can access a greater amount of data across the Tier-2. However, such an approach will lead to scenarios where analysis jobs on one site's batch system must access data hosted on another site. We investigate this situation using the Glasgow and Edinburgh clusters, which are part of the ScotGrid distributed Tier-2. In particular we look at how to mitigate the problems associated with 'distant' data access and discuss the security implications of having LAN access protocols traverse the WAN between centres

  3. Operational experience of UNESCO centres for psychosocial rehabilitation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Garnets, O.


    Community Centres of social and psychological rehabilitation for the population suffered from Chernobyl catastrophe have been created in Ukraine, Russia and Belarus. Objectives assigned to the Community Centres for psychosocial rehabilitation on the affected population were as follows: improving mental health of all age and social groups in the community; encouraging interactions within the community; empowering community members to take control over their lives; developing social responsibility; promoting problem-solving skills. The Community Centres network has developed psychosocial assistance models relevant to post-catastrophe period (aggravated by social and economic crisis) that might be applied to different types of crises in communities

  4. Tests for qualitative treatment-by-centre interaction using a 'pushback' procedure. (United States)

    Ciminera, J L; Heyse, J F; Nguyen, H H; Tukey, J W


    In multicentre clinical trials using a common protocol, the centres are usually regarded as being a fixed factor, thus allowing any treatment-by-centre interaction to be omitted from the error term for the effect of treatment. However, we feel it necessary to use the treatment-by-centre interaction as the error term if there is substantial evidence that the interaction with centres is qualitative instead of quantitative. To make allowance for the estimated uncertainties of the centre means, we propose choosing a reference value (for example, the median of the ordered array of centre means) and converting the individual centre results into standardized deviations from the reference value. The deviations are then reordered, and the results 'pushed back' by amounts appropriate for the corresponding order statistics in a sample from the relevant distribution. The pushed-back standardized deviations are then restored to the original scale. The appearance of opposite signs among the destandardized values for the various centres is then taken as 'substantial evidence' of qualitative interaction. Procedures are presented using, in any combination: (i) Gaussian, or Student's t-distribution; (ii) order-statistic medians or outward 90 per cent points of the corresponding order statistic distributions; (iii) pooling or grouping and pooling the internally estimated standard deviations of the centre means. The use of the least conservative combination--Student's t, outward 90 per cent points, grouping and pooling--is recommended.

  5. Environmental gamma radiation levels around various DAE research centres

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Takale, R.A.; Swarnakar, M.; Shetty, P.G.; Sahu, S.K.; Pandit, G.G.


    This paper presents the gamma radiation levels of four research centres viz. Bhabha Atomic Research Centre (BARC), Trombay; Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research (IGCAR), Kalpakkam; Variable Energy Cyclotron Centre (VECC), Kolkata; Raja Ramanna Centre for Advanced Technology (RRCAT), Indore; and an industry Board of Radiation and Isotope Technology (BRIT), Vashi. BARC is India's premier nuclear research facility and is a multi-disciplinary research centre with extensive infrastructure for advanced research and development (R and D). IGCAR, Kalpakkam is engaged in scientific research and advanced engineering programme towards the development of Fast Breeder Reactor technology. VECC Kolkata is dedicated to carry out frontier R and D in the fields of Accelerator Science and Technology, Nuclear Science (Theoretical and Experimental), and Material Science etc. RRCAT, Indore has rapidly grown into a premier institute for R and D in lasers, accelerators and their applications. BRIT, Vashi unit is involved in production, development, and supply of radioisotope based products and provision of isotope applications, radiation processing, radio analytical services etc. With an objective to keep a watch on the prevailing environmental background gamma radiation level around all the DAE installations, routine monitoring programme are being carried out using the Thermo Luminescent Dosimeters (TLDs). TLDs provide the simple, inexpensive and precise measurement of small, integrated, external gamma radiation dose rate. The general practice of this programme is to observe the outdoor gamma radiation levels. This paper summarizes the methodology and gamma radiation levels of four research centres viz. BARC, IGCAR, VECC, RRCAT and an industry BRIT, Vashi

  6. The oral food desensitization in the Italian allergy centres. (United States)

    Meglio, P; Caminiti, L; Pajno, G B; Dello Iacono, I; Tripodi, S; Verga, M C; Martelli, A


    Attempts aimed at inducing food tolerance through oral food desensitization (OFD) for the treatment of IgE-mediated food allergies are increasing. In Italy, a number of allergy centres offer this procedure. To collect information on how these centres are organized, how patients are selected, the methods used to administer OFD and how adverse reactions are managed. A questionnaire was e-mailed to all the Italian allergy centres offering OFD. The survey shows a high degree of variability between centres. A correct diagnosis of food allergy is crucial for selecting patients for OFD. In the Italian allergy centres, oral food challenges are mostly open label (84%), but in 16% of cases they are single-blind (8%) or double-blind (8%). A high proportion of allergy centres (83%) offer OFD to children presenting forms of anaphylaxis triggered by traces--or very low doses--of food allergen. The majority of allergy centres (76%) enroll patients over 3 years of age, with 44% enrolling patients above the age of 5. Not-controlled asthma, unreliability of parents in the management of OFD and/or risk of adverse events, are the main reasons for exclusion from the procedure. Although OFD may sometimes be successful and may be considered a valid alternative to an elimination diet, further randomized controlled trials are needed, in order to clarify some controversial points, such as the characteristics of the child undergoing OFD, and the methods of food preparation and administration. Moreover, further studies should further investigate OFD safety, efficacy and costs.

  7. Spatial aspects of planning logistical centres: The case of the economic centre Feniks in the Posavje Region

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jure Zavrtanik


    Full Text Available Spatial planning of logistics centres follows specific spatial and infrastructural requirements, conditioned by desired traffic flux and scope. Spatial and environmental limitations of the usual freight handling sites are forcing logistical activities to search for areas that can ensure undisturbed expansion and practically unlimited traffic flows. The consequence of this trend is suburbanisation coupled with all the spatial and environmental effects. Within this framework, set against the awareness of the uniqueness of any particular site, the article points out the significance of a comprehensive and timely spatial and environmental planning of logistical centres. Therefore clear spatial objectives, transparent analytical starting blocks and adequate planning regulation prove to be the imperative in the spatial planning of logistical centres and formulation of the spatial concept. Simultaneously, and with respect to the complexity of spatial developments, the significance of territorial cohesion is emphasised, which is manifested as territorial identity, territorial quality and territorial efficiency.

  8. The CSN's Information Centre: a necessary venture

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Calvo, A.


    Every year, around 10,000 pupils will visit the CSN's Information Centre, an exposition area which was created with the intention of explaining simply but strictly, what radiations are, for what they are used, what risks they hold and how they are controlled. Opened in October, 1998, encouraged by Parliamentary urging, the Centre is a path to CSN Information for citizens to use. (Author)

  9. Optimizing Data Centre Energy and Environmental Costs (United States)

    Aikema, David Hendrik

    Data centres use an estimated 2% of US electrical power which accounts for much of their total cost of ownership. This consumption continues to grow, further straining power grids attempting to integrate more renewable energy. This dissertation focuses on assessing and reducing data centre environmental and financial costs. Emissions of projects undertaken to lower the data centre environmental footprints can be assessed and the emission reduction projects compared using an ISO-14064-2-compliant greenhouse gas reduction protocol outlined herein. I was closely involved with the development of the protocol. Full lifecycle analysis and verifying that projects exceed business-as-usual expectations are addressed, and a test project is described. Consuming power when it is low cost or when renewable energy is available can be used to reduce the financial and environmental costs of computing. Adaptation based on the power price showed 10--50% potential savings in typical cases, and local renewable energy use could be increased by 10--80%. Allowing a fraction of high-priority tasks to proceed unimpeded still allows significant savings. Power grid operators use mechanisms called ancillary services to address variation and system failures, paying organizations to alter power consumption on request. By bidding to offer these services, data centres may be able to lower their energy costs while reducing their environmental impact. If providing contingency reserves which require only infrequent action, savings of up to 12% were seen in simulations. Greater power cost savings are possible for those ceding more control to the power grid operator. Coordinating multiple data centres adds overhead, and altering at which data centre requests are processed based on changes in the financial or environmental costs of power is likely to increase this overhead. Tests of virtual machine migrations showed that in some cases there was no visible increase in power use while in others power use

  10. Institutional Support: Centre for Economic and Social Research ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Institutional Support: Centre for Economic and Social Research, Education and Documentation (Burkina Faso). The Centre d'études de documentation et de ... innovations to improve lives and livelihoods. Five world-class research teams are working to develop vaccines for neglected livestock diseases in the Global South.

  11. Cooling solutions in an operational data centre: A case study

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fakhim, B.; Behnia, M.; Armfield, S.W.; Srinarayana, N.


    The rapid growth in data centres - large computing infrastructures containing vast quantities of data processing and storage equipment - has resulted in their consumption of up to 100 times more energy per square metre than office accommodation. The decrease in processing server sizes and the more efficient use of space and server processing are challenging data centre facilities to provide more power and cooling, significantly increasing energy demands. Energy consumption of data centres can be severely and unnecessarily high due to inadequate localised cooling and densely packed server rack layouts. However, as heat dissipation in data centres rises by orders of magnitude, inefficiencies such as air recirculation causing hot spots and flow short-circuiting will have a significant impact on the thermal manageability and energy efficiency of the cooling infrastructure. Therefore, an efficient thermal management of high-powered electronic equipment is a significant challenge for cooling of data centres. To highlight the importance of some of these issues, in this project, an operational data centre has been studied. Field measurements of temperature have been performed. Numerical analysis of flow and temperature fields is conducted in order to evaluate the thermal behaviour of the data centre. A number of undesirable hot spots have been identified. To rectify the problem, a few practical design and remedial solutions to improve the cooling effectiveness have been proposed and examined to allow a reduced air-conditioning power requirement. The findings lead to a better understanding of the cooling issues and the respective proposed solutions allow an improved design for future data centres. - Highlights: → Study of flow and temperature distribution in an operational data centre. → Both field measurements and numerical simulations are conducted. → Numerical simulations are validated by field measurements. → Various modifications to improve the thermal

  12. Politique sociale en Afrique de l'Ouest et du Centre | CRDI - Centre ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Initiative Think tank - Fondation Hewlett. Le CRDI et la Fondation William et Flora Hewlett unissent leurs efforts dans le cadre d'une nouvelle initiative destinée à renforcer les groupes de réflexion et centres de recherche sur les... Voir davantageInitiative Think tank - Fondation Hewlett ...

  13. ATLAS Visitors Centre

    CERN Multimedia

    claudia Marcelloni


    ATLAS Visitors Centre has opened its shiny new doors to the public. Officially launched on Monday February 23rd, 2009, the permanent exhibition at Point 1 was conceived as a tour resource for ATLAS guides, and as a way to preserve the public’s opportunity to get a close-up look at the experiment in action when the cavern is sealed.

  14. The storage of nuclear wastes; General problematic of radioactive waste management; The currently operated ANDRA's storage centres in France; The Aube storage centre (CSA) and the industrial centre for gathering, warehousing and storage (Cires); The Cigeo project - Industrial centre of radioactive waste storage in deep geological layers; From R and D to innovation within the ANDRA

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Abadie, Pierre-Marie; Tallec, Michele; Legee, Frederic; Krieguer, Jean-Marie; Plas, Frederic


    This publication proposes a set of four articles which address various aspects related to the storage of nuclear wastes. The authors respectively propose an overview of the general problematic of nuclear waste management, a detailed description of existing storage sites which are currently operated by the ANDRA with a focus on the Aube storage centre or CSA, and on the industrial centre for gathering, warehousing and storage or Cires (The currently operated ANDRA's storage centres in France - The Aube Storage Centre or CSA, and the Industrial Centre for Regrouping, Warehousing and Storage or CIRES), a comprehensive overview of the current status of the Cigeo project which could become one of the most important technological works in France (The Cigeo project - Industrial centre of radioactive waste storage in deep geological layers), and a presentation showing how the ANDRA is involved in R and D activities and innovation (From R and D to innovation within the ANDRA)

  15. Danish Anaesthesia Allergy Centre - preliminary results

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Garvey, L H; Roed-Petersen, J; Menné, T


    BACKGROUND: Anaphylactoid reactions in anaesthesia are rare and should ideally be investigated in specialist centres. At Gentofte University Hospital, we established such a centre in 1998 as a joint venture between the Departments of Anaesthesiology and Dermatology. We present the methodology...... for chlorhexidine. Only one patient has tested positive to a neuromuscular blocking drug (NMBD) so far. DISCUSSION: Our preliminary results appear to differ in two ways from results usually found in this field. Firstly, only one patient has tested positive for a NMBD and secondly, we have had four patients...

  16. Pickering education centre aids nuclear acceptance

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    Activities at the new education centre at Pickering are described. The opening of the Nuclear Communications Centre, in 1978, resulting from a search for an effective means of maintaining public acceptance of Ontario Hydro's extensive nuclear power programme. Activities include participation in the interactive computer games, guided tours of educational exhibits including a model of Pickering A generating station, and displays depicting the Candu fuel cycle, outdoor exhibits of renewable energy sources, and tours of the plant. Outside activities include lectures to schools and citizen, business, or professional groups. (U.K.)

  17. Design Considerations for an Intensive Autism Treatment Centre (United States)

    Deochand, Neil; Conway, Alissa A.; Fuqua, R. Wayne


    Individuals with autistic spectrum disorder (ASD) who display severe and challenging behaviour sometimes require centre-based intensive applied behaviour analysis (ABA) therapy to meet their health, safety and educational needs. Unfortunately, despite the need for centre-based treatment, there is a paucity of empirical research on building and…

  18. Person-centred care in nursing documentation.

    LENUS (Irish Health Repository)

    Broderick, Margaret C


    BACKGROUND: Documentation is an essential part of nursing. It provides evidence that care has been carried out and contains important information to enhance the quality and continuity of care. Person-centred care (PCC) is an approach to care that is underpinned by mutual respect and the development of a therapeutic relationship between the patient and nurse. It is a core principle in standards for residential care settings for older people and is beneficial for both patients and staff (International Practice Development in Nursing and Healthcare, Chichester, Blackwell, 2008 and The Implementation of a Model of Person-Centred Practice in Older Person Settings, Dublin, Health Service Executive, 2010a). However, the literature suggests a lack of person-centredness within nursing documentation (International Journal of Older People Nursing 2, 2007, 263 and The Implementation of a Model of Person-Centred Practice in Older Person Settings, Dublin, Health Service Executive, 2010a). AIMS AND OBJECTIVES: To explore nursing documentation in long-term care, to determine whether it reflected a person-centred approach to care and to describe aspects of PCC as they appeared in nursing records. METHOD: A qualitative descriptive study using the PCN framework (Person-centred Nursing; Theory and Practice, Oxford, Wiley-Blackwell, 2010) as the context through which nursing assessments and care plans were explored. RESULTS: Findings indicated that many nursing records were incomplete, and information regarding psychosocial aspects of care was infrequent. There was evidence that nurses engaged with residents and worked with their beliefs and values. However, nursing documentation was not completed in consultation with the patient, and there was little to suggest that patients were involved in decisions relating to their care. IMPLICATIONS FOR PRACTICE: The structure of nursing documentation can be a major obstacle to the recording of PCC and appropriate care planning. Documentation

  19. Clarifying the role of mean centring in multicollinearity of interaction effects. (United States)

    Shieh, Gwowen


    Moderated multiple regression (MMR) is frequently employed to analyse interaction effects between continuous predictor variables. The procedure of mean centring is commonly recommended to mitigate the potential threat of multicollinearity between predictor variables and the constructed cross-product term. Also, centring does typically provide more straightforward interpretation of the lower-order terms. This paper attempts to clarify two methodological issues of potential confusion. First, the positive and negative effects of mean centring on multicollinearity diagnostics are explored. It is illustrated that the mean centring method is, depending on the characteristics of the data, capable of either increasing or decreasing various measures of multicollinearity. Second, the exact reason why mean centring does not affect the detection of interaction effects is given. The explication shows the symmetrical influence of mean centring on the corrected sum of squares and variance inflation factor of the product variable while maintaining the equivalence between the two residual sums of squares for the regression of the product term on the two predictor variables. Thus the resulting test statistic remains unchanged regardless of the obvious modification of multicollinearity with mean centring. These findings provide a clear understanding and demonstration on the diverse impact of mean centring in MMR applications. ©2011 The British Psychological Society.

  20. Ordinance on the Finnish Centre of Radiation and Nuclear Safety

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This Ordinance was adopted in implementation of the 1983 Act setting up the Finnish Centre for Radiation and Nuclear Safety and the 1987 Nuclear Energy Act and entered into force on 1 November 1990. The Ordinance specifies the tasks of the Centre, as provided under both Acts, and gives it several supplementary responsibilities. In addition to its overall competence in respect of radiation safety, the Centre will carry out research into and supervise the health effects of radiation and maintain a laboratory for national measurements in that field. The Ordinance also sets out the Centre's organisation chart and the staff duties [fr

  1. TTI Phase 2 Institutional Support: Economic Policy Research Centre ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    TTI Phase 2 Institutional Support: Economic Policy Research Centre ... the Economic Policy Research Centre's (EPRC) role as a credible public policy institution in ... IWRA/IDRC webinar on climate change and adaptive water management.

  2. Training of selected categories of personnel in VUJE branch training centre

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jacko, J. et al.


    The educational and research activity is described of the training centre which trains personnel for nuclear power plants in Czechoslovakia. Educational work includes training of personnel, the development of instructional and training aids, the assignment of tutors, curriculum development and the organization of final examinations. The results of the centre's educational work for the years 1979 to 1982 are tabulated. The research work of the centre is aimed at improving and increasing the effectiveness of the educational and training process. The spaces and equipment of the centre are described as are personnel conditions, the approach of trainees to education and the attitude of managerial staff to the centre's activities. (J.P.)

  3. Wind energy centre at Gujarat State, India. Business plan

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Van Hulle, F.; Jansen, J.C.; Prasad, N.S.; Suresh, R.


    The report describes the business plan for the establishment of a Wind Energy Centre in Gujarat. This Wind Energy Center has to provide a reliable delivery of a range of development and technical quality assurance services to the wind energy industry in northern India on the basis of sustained operations and recovery of all operating costs and - contingent on the way the Centre is financed - at least part of the initial investment costs. Core activities of the Wind Energy Centre are: Research and development supporting activities for the wind energy sector; Testing and certification of wind energy equipment; Consultancy, monitoring and information services; and Training courses on wind energy technology and implementation. The wind energy centre aims with its services at a number of customers: the manufacturing industry, wind farm developers and governmental authorities. An exploration of the market for the services of the envisaged wind energy centre shows that the concept is financially viable. A set of assumptions has been made about the growth rate of the installed wind power capacity in Northern India and about the number of wind turbine manufacturing companies in the target area of the centre. From these assumptions the total number of new wind turbine types coming on the Indian market annually is derived for a period of ten years. These figures have served as a basis for the determination of the required manpower and facilities of the centre for design and development support activities, feasibility and siting studies, testing and certification. Furthermore a projection has been made for providing expert manpower capacity for carrying out R and D, consultancy and other services. 14 tabs., 1 ref

  4. Family-centred care of children in hospital - a concept analysis

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Mikkelsen, Gitte; Frederiksen, Kirsten


    from 1951 to 2009 resulted in a sample of 25 research articles. Review methods.  A theoretical concept analysis influenced by Risjord's distinction between theoretical and colloquial analyses and based on the principles developed by Morse, Hupcey and Penrod was used to examine the structure...... of professionals and families, mostly represented by mothers. Few attempts have been made to operationalize the concept. Conclusion.  Family-centred care is a partially mature and highly abstract concept. Developing a theory of family-centred care could position the concept in a theoretical context and should also......mikkelsen g. & frederiksen k. (2011) Family-centred care of children in hospital - a concept analysis. Journal of Advanced Nursing67(5), 1152-1162. ABSTRACT: Aim.  This paper reports a concept analysis of family-centred nursing care of hospitalized children. Background.  Family-centred care...

  5. Centre for Political and

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    and definitions will be published and the data translated into the official ... The Centre provides a terminological and subject-related service to lecturers and ... postgraduate students in international politics, political studies and .... obtain financial contributions (cf. .... making of authoritative and enforceable rules (laws) for.

  6. Implementing Responsibility Centre Budgeting (United States)

    Vonasek, Joseph


    Recently, institutes of higher education (universities) have shown a renewed interest in organisational structures and operating methodologies that generate productivity and innovation; responsibility centre budgeting (RCB) is one such process. This paper describes the underlying principles constituting RCB, its origin and structural elements, and…

  7. The Karlsruhe Nuclear Research Centre is being re-equipped

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Boehm, H.; Koerting, K.; Huncke, W.; Knapp, W.


    The Nuclear Research Centre in Karlsruhe was established over 25 years ago for the express purpose of studying nuclear engineering and its peaceful use. This goal has been achieved - what now. For some time a change has been taking place at the Research Centre: in the direction of man and environmental engineering. 'Bild der Wwissenschaft' has talked to Professor Horst Boehm, the chairman of the Nuclear Centre, about this change and the new areas of research to be concentrated on. (orig.) [de

  8. India | Page 52 | IDRC - International Development Research Centre

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Language French. Read more about Startup : Philippine Community eCentres Network. Language English. Read more about Mise sur pied d'un réseau philippin de télécentres communautaires. Language French. Read more about Compétences, gouvernance et nanotechnologies : pleins feux sur l'Inde. Language French.

  9. A new visitor centre for CMS

    CERN Document Server


    At the inauguration of the new CMS visitor centre. The CMS experiment inaugurated a new visitor centre at its Cessy site on 14 June. This will allow the thousands of people who come to CERN each year to follow the construction of one the Laboratory's flagship experiments first-hand. CERN receives over 20,000 visitors each year. Until recently, many of them were taken on a guided tour of one of the LEP experiments. With the closure of LEP, however, trips underground are no longer possible, and the Visits' Service has put in place a number of other itineraries (Bulletin 46/2000). Since the CMS detector will be almost entirely constructed in a surface hall, it is now taking a big share of the limelight. The CMS visitor centre has been built on a platform overlooking CMS construction. It contains a set of clear descriptive posters describing the experiment, along with a video projection showing animations and movies about CMS construction. In the coming weeks, a display of CMS detector elements will be added, as...

  10. The CERN Control Centre is up and running!

    CERN Multimedia

    Maximilien Brice


    The CERN Control Centre (CCC) that combines all the control rooms for the accelerators, the cryogenic system and the technical infrastructure came into operation on 1st February. On 1st February, at 2.00 p.m., Patrick Villeton Pachot started the first Technical Infrastructure shift at the brand new CERN Control Centre.

  11. Centre for Educational Technology: The Neglected Basic in ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    In view of the significance of centre for educational technology as the basis for teacher training programme in the colleges of education, precise understanding of the purpose of establishing the centre and its functions needs to be brought to the knowledge of the concern group. Therefore, this paper discusses the functions ...

  12. Aspects of Structure and Dynamics at a Refugee Centre in Denmark

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Mackrill, Thomas Edward


    This article presents an empirical analysis that is part of a practice research project carried out at a Danish Red Cross refugee centre in Copenhagen. It focuses on the relation between the individual refugee and the receiving institution. It points out how the organizational structure...... of a particular refugee centre enables discord between refugees and centre workers as well as among the centre staff. It analyses some of the dynamics of the conflicts that are facilitated by the structure...

  13. Academic Drug Discovery Centres

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kirkegaard, Henriette Schultz; Valentin, Finn


    Academic drug discovery centres (ADDCs) are seen as one of the solutions to fill the innovation gap in early drug discovery, which has proven challenging for previous organisational models. Prior studies of ADDCs have identified the need to analyse them from the angle of their economic...

  14. Karlsruhe Nuclear Research Centre. Programme budget 1988

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    Following a general survey of tasks, planned activities and developmental trends of the nuclear research centre, the report gives an account of the activities to be performed in the subject fields of main interest, showing the budgeting figures for annual expenditure (for personnel, investments, operating costs) up to the year 1991. Further information explains the infrastructure of the centre and the distribution of overall expenditure as well as the budgetary planning. (UA) [de

  15. Proximity to the treating centre and outcomes following subarachnoid hemorrhage. (United States)

    O'Kelly, Cian J; Spears, Julian; Urbach, David; Wallace, M Christopher


    In the management of subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH), the potential for early complications and the centralization of limited resources often challenge the delivery of timely neurosurgical care. We sought to determine the impact of proximity to the accepting neurosurgical centre on outcomes following aneurysmal SAH. Using administrative data, we analyzed patients undergoing treatment for aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage at neurosurgical centres in Ontario between 1995 and 2004. We compared mortality for patients receiving treatment at a centre in their county (in-county) versus those treated from outside counties (out-of-county). We also examined the impact of distance from the patient's residence to the treating centre. The mortality rates were significantly lower for in-county versus out-of-county patients (23.5% vs. 27.6%, p=0.009). This advantage remained significant after adjusting for potential confounders (HR=0.84, p=0.01). The relationship between distance from the treating centre and mortality was biphasic. Under 300 km, mortality increased with increasing distance. Over 300 km, a survival benefit was observed. Proximity to the treating neurosurgical centre impacts survival after aneurysmal SAH. These results have significant implications for the triage of these critically ill patients.

  16. Colour centre recovery in yttria-stabilised zirconia: photo-induced versus thermal processes (United States)

    Costantini, Jean-Marc; Touati, Nadia; Binet, Laurent; Lelong, Gérald; Guillaumet, Maxime; Beuneu, François


    The photo-annealing of colour centres in yttria-stabilised zirconia (YSZ) was studied by electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy upon UV-ray or laser light illumination, and compared to thermal annealing. Stable hole centres (HCs) were produced in as-grown YSZ single crystals by UV-ray irradiation at room temperature (RT). The HCs produced by 200-MeV Au ion irradiation, as well as the F+-type centres (? centres involving oxygen vacancies) were left unchanged upon UV illumination. In contrast, a significant photo-annealing of the latter point defects was achieved in 1.4-MeV electron-irradiated YSZ by 553-nm laser light irradiation at RT. Almost complete photo-bleaching was achieved by laser irradiation inside the absorption band of ? centres centred at a wavelength 550 nm. Thermal annealing of these colour centres was also followed by UV-visible absorption spectroscopy showing full bleaching at 523 K. Colour-centre evolutions by photo-induced and thermally activated processes are discussed on the basis of charge exchange processes between point defects.

  17. Centre de Spectrometrie Nucleaire et de Spectrometrie de Masse - CSNSM/Centre for nuclear and mass spectroscopy, Activity Report 2007-2009

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The Centre for nuclear and mass spectroscopy (CSNSM) is a CNRS (National Centre for Scientific Research) laboratory affiliated with Paris-Sud University. The CSNSM is involved in pluri-disciplinary activities covering various scientific domains: Nuclear Structure (SNO), Nuclear Astrophysics (AN), Solid State Astrophysics (AS), Solid State Physics (PS) and Chemical Physics of Irradiation. This document presents the activity of the Centre during the 2007-2009 years: Nuclear Astrophysics; Solid State Astrophysics; Physics and Chemistry of Irradiation; Solid State Physics and cryogenic detectors; Solid State Physics, Condensed Matter and Irradiation; Structure of the Atomic Nucleus; Teaching and training activities; Spreading scientific culture; Administrative services; Electronics Group; Computer Department; Mechanics Department; RESET Service (Radiation-Environment-Safety- Maintenance-Work); SEMIRAMIS (ion source and ion beam handling)

  18. Centre de Spectrometrie Nucleaire et de Spectrometrie de Masse - CSNSM/Centre for nuclear and mass spectroscopy, Activity Report 2010-2012

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The Centre for nuclear and mass spectroscopy (CSNSM) is a CNRS (National Centre for Scientific Research) laboratory affiliated with Paris-Sud University. The CSNSM is involved in pluri-disciplinary activities covering various scientific domains: Nuclear Structure (SNO), Nuclear Astrophysics (AN), Solid State Astrophysics (AS), Solid State Physics (PS) and Chemical Physics of Irradiation. This document presents the activity of the Centre during the 2010-2012 years: Nuclear Astrophysics; Solid State Astrophysics; Physics and Chemistry of Irradiation; Solid State Physics Group; Condensed Matter and Irradiation: from fundamental to functional; Structure of the Atomic Nucleus; Teaching activities; Spreading scientific culture; Administrative services; Electronics Group; Computer Department; Mechanics Department; RESET Service (Radiation-Environment-Safety- Maintenance-Work); SEMIRAMIS (ion source and ion beam handling)

  19. Centre de Spectrometrie Nucleaire et de Spectrometrie de Masse - CSNSM/Centre for nuclear and mass spectroscopy, Activity Report 1992-1994

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The Centre for nuclear and mass spectroscopy (CSNSM) is a CNRS (National Centre for Scientific Research) laboratory affiliated with Paris-Sud University. The CSNSM is involved in pluri-disciplinary activities covering various scientific domains: Nuclear Structure (SNO), Nuclear Astrophysics (AN), Solid State Astrophysics (AS), Solid State Physics (PS) and Chemical Physics of Irradiation. This document presents the activity of the Centre during the 1992-1994 years: 1 - Nuclear structure; 2 - Nuclear astrophysics; 3 - Basic symmetries; 4 - Accelerator-based mass spectroscopy; 5 - Solid State Astrophysics; 6 - Physics and Chemistry of Irradiation; 7 - Solid State Physics; 8 - SEMIRAMIS (ion source and ion beam handling); 9 - Computer Department; 10 - Electronics Group; 11 - Mechanics Department; 12 - Permanent training; 13 - Health and safety; 14 - Seminars; 15 - Dissertations; 16 - Publications; 17 - Staff

  20. The Application of Computer Systems Used in Logistics Centres by Courier Companies

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Tomasz Szczepanik


    Full Text Available In the era of pervasive computerization, the need for rapid and uninterrupted transmission and receiving information handling systems is an essential component of business operations. The use of information technology to use the full capabilities of systems supporting the implementation of the basic processes in the logistics centres ensures proper implementation of tasks. Hence, courier companies cooperating with logistic centres have the opportunity to use the information systems used in logistics centres for the execution of the courier business. The purpose of this article is to identify the impact of information systems used in logistics centres for courier companies services. The article presents a class of information systems used in logistics centres and the number of systems used by courier companies. Characterized the impact of information systems to improve the operation of logistics centres and assesses the extent to which the use of the information system of logistics centres affects the information flow in courier companies. The study showed that the use of the IT systems offered by the logistics centres streamlines the efficiency of information flow in the courier service. Research has shown which IT systems logistics centres are use and how their use by courier companies affects the information flow in courier services.

  1. Community Documentation Centre on Industrial Risk. Bulletin no. 8

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Masera, M.; Rasmussen, K.


    The Directorate-General for Environment, Nuclear Safety and Civil Protection of the Commission of the European Communities is responsible for the effective and harmonized implementation of the Directive 82/501/EEC on the major-accident hazards of certain industrial activities. To this end, the Commission, in collaboration with the Committee of Competent Authorities responsible for the implementation of this Directive in the twelve Member States, carries out a whole range of activities. One of the most essential areas for action identified was the need for a systematic diffusion of information concerning the practical implementation of the Directive in the Member States, including the technical rules and guidelines applied, the safety practices and the lessons learnt from major accidents. Therefore, the Commission decided to set up a Community Documentation Centre on Industrial Risks (CDCIR). This Documentation Centre is run by the European Commission, Joint Research Centre, Institute for Systems Engineering and Informatics (ISEI), at Ispra, Italy, among its support activities on the implementation of the Directive. The Documentation Centre will collect, classify and review technical rules, guidelines and documents concerning the requirements of the Directive, as well as the safety of industrial installations produced by governments, administrative, scientific or technical bodies, national or international organizations and industrial or professional associations. Documents on major accidents in the form of reports, videotapes will also be collected and reviewed. The Centre is accessible to interested visitors, documents which are not covered by copyright and are not restricted can be obtained from the Documentation Centre on request. Periodical volumes which will feature the inventory, including abstracts, of the collected material will be published and made available to all interested parties. The Centre will also publish documents devoted to compare existing

  2. Community Documentation Centre on Industrial Risk. Bulletin no. 4

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gow, H.B.F.


    The Directorate-General for Environment, Nuclear Safety and Civil Protection of the Commission of the European Communities is responsible for the effective and harmonized implementation of the Directive 82/501/EEC on the major-accident hazards of certain industrial activities. To this end, the Commission, in collaboration with the Committee of Competent Authorities responsible for the implementation of this Directive in the twelve Member States, carries out a whole range of activities. One of the most essential areas for action identified was the need for a systematic diffusion of information concerning the practical implementation of the Directive in the Member States, including the technical rules and guidelines applied, the safety practices and the lessons learnt from major accidents. Therefore, the Commission decided to set up a Community Documentation Centre on Industrial Risks (CDCIR). This Documentation Centre is run by the European Commission, Joint Research Centre, Institute for Systems Engineering and Informatics (ISEI), at Ispra, Italy, among its support activities on the implementation of the Directive. The Documentation Centre will collect, classify and review technical rules, guidelines and documents concerning the requirements of the Directive, as well as the safety of industrial installations produced by governments, administrative, scientific or technical bodies, national or international organizations and industrial or professional associations. Documents on major accidents in the form of reports, videotapes will also be collected and reviewed. The Centre is accessible to interested visitors, documents which are not covered by copyright and are not restricted can be obtained from the Documentation Centre on request. Periodical volumes which will feature the inventory, including abstracts, of the collected material will be published and made available to all interested parties. The Centre will also publish documents devoted to compare existing

  3. Community Documentation Centre on Industrial Risk. Bulletin no. 10

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Perschke, A.; Kirchsteiger, C.


    The Directorate-General for Environment, Nuclear Safety and Civil Protection of the Commission of the European Communities is responsible for the effective and harmonized implementation of the Directive 82/501/EEC on the major-accident hazards of certain industrial activities. To this end, the Commission, in collaboration with the Committee of Competent Authorities responsible for the implementation of this Directive in the twelve Member States, carries out a whole range of activities. One of the most essential areas for action identified was the need for a systematic diffusion of information concerning the practical implementation of the Directive in the Member States, including the technical rules and guidelines applied, the safety practices and the lessons learnt from major accidents. Therefore, the Commission decided to set up a Community Documentation Centre on Industrial Risks (CDCIR). This Documentation Centre is run by the European Commission, Joint Research Centre, Institute for Systems Engineering and Informatics (ISEI), at Ispra, Italy, among its support activities on the implementation of the Directive. The Documentation Centre will collect, classify and review technical rules, guidelines and documents concerning the requirements of the Directive, as well as the safety of industrial installations produced by governments, administrative, scientific or technical bodies, national or international organizations and industrial or professional associations. Documents on major accidents in the form of reports, videotapes will also be collected and reviewed. The Centre is accessible to interested visitors, documents which are not covered by copyright and are not restricted can be obtained from the Documentation Centre on request. Periodical volumes which will feature the inventory, including abstracts, of the collected material will be published and made available to all interested parties. The Centre will also publish documents devoted to compare existing

  4. Community Documentation Centre on Industrial Risk. Bulletin no. 5

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gow, H.B.F.


    The Directorate-General for Environment, Nuclear Safety and Civil Protection of the Commission of the European Communities is responsible for the effective and harmonized implementation of the Directive 82/501/EEC on the major-accident hazards of certain industrial activities. To this end, the Commission, in collaboration with the Committee of Competent Authorities responsible for the implementation of this Directive in the twelve Member States, carries out a whole range of activities. One of the most essential areas for action identified was the need for a systematic diffusion of information concerning the practical implementation of the Directive in the Member States, including the technical rules and guidelines applied, the safety practices and the lessons learnt from major accidents. Therefore, the Commission decided to set up a Community Documentation Centre on Industrial Risks (CDCIR). This Documentation Centre is run by the European Commission, Joint Research Centre, Institute for Systems Engineering and Informatics (ISEI), at Ispra, Italy, among its support activities on the implementation of the Directive. The Documentation Centre will collect, classify and review technical rules, guidelines and documents concerning the requirements of the Directive, as well as the safety of industrial installations produced by governments, administrative, scientific or technical bodies, national or international organizations and industrial or professional associations. Documents on major accidents in the form of reports, videotapes will also be collected and reviewed. The Centre is accessible to interested visitors, documents which are not covered by copyright and are not restricted can be obtained from the Documentation Centre on request. Periodical volumes which will feature the inventory, including abstracts, of the collected material will be published and made available to all interested parties. The Centre will also publish documents devoted to compare existing

  5. Community Documentation Centre on Industrial Risk. Bulletin no. 7

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gow, H.B.F.; Carditello, I.


    The Directorate-General for Environment, Nuclear Safety and Civil Protection of the Commission of the European Communities is responsible for the effective and harmonized implementation of the Directive 82/501/EEC on the major-accident hazards of certain industrial activities. To this end, the Commission, in collaboration with the Committee of Competent Authorities responsible for the implementation of this Directive in the twelve Member States, carries out a whole range of activities. One of the most essential areas for action identified was the need for a systematic diffusion of information concerning the practical implementation of the Directive in the Member States, including the technical rules and guidelines applied, the safety practices and the lessons learnt from major accidents. Therefore, the Commission decided to set up a Community Documentation Centre on Industrial Risks (CDCIR). This Documentation Centre is run by the European Commission, Joint Research Centre, Institute for Systems Engineering and Informatics (ISEI), at Ispra, Italy, among its support activities on the implementation of the Directive. The Documentation Centre will collect, classify and review technical rules, guidelines and documents concerning the requirements of the Directive, as well as the safety of industrial installations produced by governments, administrative, scientific or technical bodies, national or international organizations and industrial or professional associations. Documents on major accidents in the form of reports, videotapes will also be collected and reviewed. The Centre is accessible to interested visitors, documents which are not covered by copyright and are not restricted can be obtained from the Documentation Centre on request. Periodical volumes which will feature the inventory, including abstracts, of the collected material will be published and made available to all interested parties. The Centre will also publish documents devoted to compare existing

  6. Community Documentation Centre on Industrial Risk. Bulletin no. 9

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Perschke, A.


    The Directorate-General for Environment, Nuclear Safety and Civil Protection of the Commission of the European Communities is responsible for the effective and harmonized implementation of the Directive 82/501/EEC on the major-accident hazards of certain industrial activities. To this end, the Commission, in collaboration with the Committee of Competent Authorities responsible for the implementation of this Directive in the twelve Member States, carries out a whole range of activities. One of the most essential areas for action identified was the need for a systematic diffusion of information concerning the practical implementation of the Directive in the Member States, including the technical rules and guidelines applied, the safety practices and the lessons learnt from major accidents. Therefore, the Commission decided to set up a Community Documentation Centre on Industrial Risks (CDCIR). This Documentation Centre is run by the European Commission, Joint Research Centre, Institute for Systems Engineering and Informatics (ISEI), at Ispra, Italy, among its support activities on the implementation of the Directive. The Documentation Centre will collect, classify and review technical rules, guidelines and documents concerning the requirements of the Directive, as well as the safety of industrial installations produced by governments, administrative, scientific or technical bodies, national or international organizations and industrial or professional associations. Documents on major accidents in the form of reports, videotapes will also be collected and reviewed. The Centre is accessible to interested visitors, documents which are not covered by copyright and are not restricted can be obtained from the Documentation Centre on request. Periodical volumes which will feature the inventory, including abstracts, of the collected material will be published and made available to all interested parties. The Centre will also publish documents devoted to compare existing

  7. Community Documentation Centre on Industrial Risk. Bulletin no. 6

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gow, H.B.F.


    The Directorate-General for Environment, Nuclear Safety and Civil Protection of the Commission of the European Communities is responsible for the effective and harmonized implementation of the Directive 82/501/EEC on the major-accident hazards of certain industrial activities. To this end, the Commission, in collaboration with the Committee of Competent Authorities responsible for the implementation of this Directive in the twelve Member States, carries out a whole range of activities. One of the most essential areas for action identified was the need for a systematic diffusion of information concerning the practical implementation of the Directive in the Member States, including the technical rules and guidelines applied, the safety practices and the lessons learnt from major accidents. Therefore, the Commission decided to set up a Community Documentation Centre on Industrial Risks (CDCIR). This Documentation Centre is run by the European Commission, Joint Research Centre, Institute for Systems Engineering and Informatics (ISEI), at Ispra, Italy, among its support activities on the implementation of the Directive. The Documentation Centre will collect, classify and review technical rules, guidelines and documents concerning the requirements of the Directive, as well as the safety of industrial installations produced by governments, administrative, scientific or technical bodies, national or international organizations and industrial or professional associations. Documents on major accidents in the form of reports, videotapes will also be collected and reviewed. The Centre is accessible to interested visitors, documents which are not covered by copyright and are not restricted can be obtained from the Documentation Centre on request. Periodical volumes which will feature the inventory, including abstracts, of the collected material will be published and made available to all interested parties. The Centre will also publish documents devoted to compare existing

  8. Community Documentation Centre on Industrial Risk. Bulletin no. 11

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Perschke, A.; Kirchsteiger, C.; Carnevali, C.


    The Directorate-General for Environment, Nuclear Safety and Civil Protection of the Commission of the European Communities is responsible for the effective and harmonized implementation of the Directive 82/501/EEC on the major-accident hazards of certain industrial activities. To this end, the Commission, in collaboration with the Committee of Competent Authorities responsible for the implementation of this Directive in the twelve Member States, carries out a whole range of activities. One of the most essential areas for action identified was the need for a systematic diffusion of information concerning the practical implementation of the Directive in the Member States, including the technical rules and guidelines applied, the safety practices and the lessons learnt from major accidents. Therefore, the Commission decided to set up a Community Documentation Centre on Industrial Risks (CDCIR). This Documentation Centre is run by the European Commission, Joint Research Centre, Institute for Systems Engineering and Informatics (ISEI), at Ispra, Italy, among its support activities on the implementation of the Directive. The Documentation Centre will collect, classify and review technical rules, guidelines and documents concerning the requirements of the Directive, as well as the safety of industrial installations produced by governments, administrative, scientific or technical bodies, national or international organizations and industrial or professional associations. Documents on major accidents in the form of reports, videotapes will also be collected and reviewed. The Centre is accessible to interested visitors, documents which are not covered by copyright and are not restricted can be obtained from the Documentation Centre on request. Periodical volumes which will feature the inventory, including abstracts, of the collected material will be published and made available to all interested parties. The Centre will also publish documents devoted to compare existing

  9. Review of CERN Computer Centre Infrastructure

    CERN Multimedia

    CERN. Geneva


    The CERN Computer Centre is reviewing strategies for optimizing the use of the existing infrastructure in the future, and in the likely scenario that any extension will be remote from CERN, and in the light of the way other large facilities are today being operated. Over the past six months, CERN has been investigating modern and widely-used tools and procedures used for virtualisation, clouds and fabric management in order to reduce operational effort, increase agility and support unattended remote computer centres. This presentation will give the details on the project’s motivations, current status and areas for future investigation.

  10. Methods in Mapping Usability of Malaysia’s Shopping Centre

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Abdul Ghani Aida Affina


    Full Text Available With more than 200 number of shopping centre in Klang Valley itself, we the consumer actually have vast of choices. Instead of the machineries varieties from the lower class product till the posh one, each of those shopping centres eventually offers the typical product same as others. Those shopping centers are competing with each other and in great endeavour to attract more consumers, to visit and spend. As for the visitor, the typical product and boring ambience seems similar in all malls, and is looking something beyond the standard. Something that promising quality embedded in shopping centre which evokes the various emotions of the user along their journey in malls. This quality is known as usability. Usability; as defined generally is a global user’s experience response with product, environment, service or facilities. It is an assessment in extracting the qualities of shopping centre design. In mapping it, there are a few synthesizing methods to implement it. Therefore, this paper purposely to review the method that been used in usability of Malaysia’s shopping centre research with a few references on previous research done in usability assessment by predecessor’s scholars. With the accentuation on three elements that anchoring what the usability is: effectiveness, efficient and satisfaction, it is hope that this overview can lead other researcher in portraying its relationship with the quality and ‘user friendly’ design of shopping centre.

  11. Culture managers education: system dynamics model of the coworking design centre


    Šviráková, Eva; Soukalová, Radomila; Bednář, Pavel; Danko, Lukáš


    Coworking Centre is a concept of joint use of space by individuals working in related spheres that seek their chance in the labour market as freelancers. The strategy for the development of creative region mentions coworking centres as one of its tools. This article aims to create a business model of the Coworking Design Centre. By simulating a coworking centre model we are increasing knowledge of the culture managers about this type of business. We have introduced teaching business using the...

  12. Wind energy centre at Mithapur, Gujarat, India. Technical report

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Van Hulle, F.; Van der Borg, N.; Prasad, N.S.; Suresh, R.; Rajsekhar, B.


    The report describes the design and set-up of a Wind Energy Centre in Gujarat. This Wind Energy Centre has to provide a reliable delivery of a range of development and technical quality assurance services to the wind energy industry in northern India. Infrastructural and organizational requirements of the centre have been defined as per the demands expressed by the industry. This include, site and land, building, equipment - hardware/software, manpower, etc. A suitable site has been identified on the western coast of Gujarat (in the vicinity of Mithapur). Based on the feedback from the industry and keeping in mind the possibilities and state-of-the-art followed in intemationally accepted centres, a range of activities including research and development, support to indigenisation, testing and certification, as well as training have been addressed. Facilities include the following: (1) Test site: test pads, building, roads, power collection system, meteo-towers etc; (2) Mobile test equipment: basic measurement sets, transportable meteo-towers, auxiliary equipment; and (3) Blade test facility: building, foundation, loading and measuring facilities. At full capacity the centre will employ approximately 20 people. 3 figs., 4 tabs

  13. Lexicologie als universitaire vakopleiding

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    O.m. was vastgesteld geworden dat er een aantoonbare behoefte bestond aan lexicologen en terminologen bij: de vertaal- en terminologiediensten van de Europese Commissie en het. Europese Parlement; de vertaal- en informatiediensten van grote, intemationaal opererende bedrijven, waaronder DAF-trucks, Fokker, ...

  14. Victims' use of professional services in a Dutch sexual assault centre

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Bicanic, I.; Snetselaar, H.; de Jongh, A.; van de Putte, E.


    Background: Prior research endorsed the establishment of sexual assault centres in the Netherlands because of the potential benefit for victims’ mental recovery. In 2012, the first Dutch sexual assault centre was founded at the University Medical Center Utrecht. The aim of the centre is to provide

  15. IAEA To Launch Centre On Ocean Acidification

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    Full text: The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) is to launch a new centre this summer to address the growing problem of ocean acidification. Operated by the Agency's Monaco Environmental Laboratories, the Ocean Acidification International Coordination Centre will serve the scientific community - as well as policymakers, universities, media and the general public - by facilitating, promoting and communicating global actions on ocean acidification. Growing amounts of carbon dioxide in the Earth's atmosphere are being absorbed in the planet's oceans which increases their acidity. According to the experts, ocean acidification may render most regions of the ocean inhospitable to coral reefs by 2050 if atmospheric carbon dioxide levels continue to increase. This could lead to substantial changes in commercial fish stocks, threatening food security for millions of people as well as the multi-billion dollar fishing industry. International scientists have been studying the effect and possible responses, and the new centre will help coordinate their efforts. ''During the past five years, numerous multinational and national research projects on ocean acidification have emerged and significant research advances have been made,'' said Daud bin Mohamad, IAEA Deputy Director General for Nuclear Sciences and Applications. ''The time is now ripe to provide international coordination to gain the greatest value from national efforts and research investments.'' The centre will be supported by several IAEA Member States and through the Peaceful Uses Initiative, and it will be overseen by an Advisory Board consisting of leading institutions, including the U.N. Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission, the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, the U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization, the Fondation Prince Albert II de Monaco, the OA-Reference User Group, as well as leading scientists and economists in the field. The new centre will focus on international

  16. Development of the Advanced CANDU Reactor control centre

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Malcolm, S.; Leger, R.


    The next generation CANDU control centre is being designed for the Advanced CANDU Reactor (ACR) station. The design is based upon the recent Qinshan control room with further upgrades to meet customer needs with respect to high capacity factor with low Operation, Maintenance and Administration (OM and A) costs. This evolutionary design includes the long proven functionality at several existing CANDU control centres such as the 4-unit station at Darlington, with advanced features made possible by new control and display technology. Additionally, ACR control centres address characteristics resulting from Human Factors Engineering (HFE) analysis of control centre operations in order to further enhance personnel awareness of system and plant status. Statistics show that up to 70% of plant significant events, which have caused plant outages, have a root cause attributable to the human from such sources as complex interfaces, procedures, maintenance and management practices. Consequently, special attention is made for the application of HFE throughout the ACR design process. The design process follows a systematic analytical approach to define operations staff information and information presentation requirements. The resultant human-system interfaces (HSI) such as those for monitoring, annunciation and control information are then verified and validated against the system design requirements to provide a high confidence level that adequate and correct information is being provided in a timely manner to support the necessary operational tasks. The ACR control centre provides plant staff with an improved operability capability due to the combination of systematic design and enhanced operating features. Significant design processes (i.e. development) or design features which contribute to this improved operability, include: Design Process: Project HFE Program Plan - intent, scope, timeliness and interfacing; HFE aspects of design process - procedures and instructions

  17. Development of the advanced CANDU reactor control centre

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Malcolm, S.; Leger, R.


    The next generation CANDU control centre is being designed for the Advanced CANDU Reactor (ACR) station. The design is based upon the recent Qinshan control room with further upgrades to meet customer needs with respect to high capacity factor with low Operation, Maintenance and Administration (OM and A) costs. This evolutionary design includes the long proven functionality at several existing CANDU control centres such as the 4-unit station at Darlington, with advanced features made possible by new control and display technology. Additionally, ACR control centres address characteristics resulting from Human Factors Engineering (HFE) analysis of control centre operations in order to further enhance personnel awareness of system and plant status. Statistics show that up to 70% of plant significant events, which have caused plant outages, have a root cause attributable to the human from such sources as complex interfaces, procedures, maintenance and management practices. Consequently, special attention is made for the application of HFE throughout the ACR design process. The design process follows a systematic analytical approach to define operations staff information and information presentation requirements. The resultant human-system interfaces (HSI) such as those for monitoring, annunciation and control information are then verified and validated against the system design requirements to provide a high confidence level that adequate and correct information is being provided in a timely manner to support the necessary operational tasks. The ACR control centre provides plant staff with an improved operability capability due to the combination of systematic design and enhanced operating features. Significant design processes (i.e. development) or design features which contribute to this improved operability, include: Design Process: Project HFE Program Plan - intent, scope, timeliness and interfacing; HFE aspects of design process - procedures and instructions

  18. Forme mixte de gale grave sur terrain de depigmentation cosmetique volontaire: A propos d’un cas au Centre Hospitalier Universitaire (CHU de Parakou (Benin [Mixed form of grave scabies on voluntary cosmetic depigmation land: About a case at the Parakou (Benin University Hospital Center (UHC

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Christiane Koudoukpo


    Full Text Available Severe forms of scabies are rare. They are more contagious, posing a public health problem during an epidemy in institution. The magnitude of the depigmenting cosmetic practice, a true phenomenon of society today, is at the origin of the recrudescence of certains infectious diseases in their rare forms like severe scaby. We report the first case of mixed form of severe at Parakou University Hospital Center. The body treatment with an antiscabious medicine associated with the disinfection of bedding, led to a total recovering. RÉSUMÉ Les formes graves de la gale sont rares. Elles sont plus contagieuses, posant un problème de santé publique lors d’épidémie en institution. L’ampleur de la pratique cosmétique dépigmentante, véritable phénomène de société de nos jours est à l’origine de la recrudescence de certaines pathologies infectieuses dont des formes rares de gale grave. Nous rapportons le premier cas de forme mixte de gale grave sur terrain de dépigmentation cosmétique volontaire chez une jeune femme de 21 ans au CHU de Parakou. Le traitement corporel par un antiscabieux associé à la désinfection de la literie, a conduit à une guérison totale.

  19. Do flow principles of operations management apply to computing centres?

    CERN Document Server

    Abaunza, Felipe; Hameri, Ari-Pekka; Niemi, Tapio


    By analysing large data-sets on jobs processed in major computing centres, we study how operations management principles apply to these modern day processing plants. We show that Little’s Law on long-term performance averages holds to computing centres, i.e. work-in-progress equals throughput rate multiplied by process lead time. Contrary to traditional manufacturing principles, the law of variation does not hold to computing centres, as the more variation in job lead times the better the throughput and utilisation of the system. We also show that as the utilisation of the system increases lead times and work-in-progress increase, which complies with traditional manufacturing. In comparison with current computing centre operations these results imply that better allocation of jobs could increase throughput and utilisation, while less computing resources are needed, thus increasing the overall efficiency of the centre. From a theoretical point of view, in a system with close to zero set-up times, as in the c...

  20. Intermodal Logistics Centres and Freight Corridors – Concepts and Trends

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Norbert Wagener


    Full Text Available . Background: The development of international freight corridors, as the Trans European Network and new rail and inland shipping corridors in Asia and Africa, require efficient logistics centres along these corridors which serve as intermodal interfaces and provide a variety of different logistics service functions. The definition of the term logistics centre differs between countries and implies different functionalities. Locations are often selected randomly and business models are opportunity driven, especially in highly dynamic and less regulated new emerging economies. In particular Freight Villages as a special form of logistics centres have a high impact on regional development and serve as cargo generator for freight corridors. Consideration of general principles how to establish Freight Villages could improve the effectiveness of these logistics centres along freight corridors. Methods: Based on a literature review a comprehensive and hierarchical definition of logistics centres will be discussed and applied. From experiences in the development of logistics centres in several countries, especially in Germany and Lithuania, challenges and concepts concerning regulatory framework, determination of location and business and financing models are discussed. Results: Concerning the definition of logistics centres a hierarchical definition is applied which comprises different levels of logistics centres depending on the scope of the value adding and the functionality. As general principles for the development of Freight Villages the active role of the state, master planning, objective location finding, participation and co-operation of different stakeholders in the business model and a stepwise scheme for financing are introduced. Major trends for the future development of Freight Villages are the digitalization of supply chains, the application of new intermodal technologies and of innovative telematics systems, solutions for low emission and

  1. Atomic energy training centres in Latin America. Report of IAEA Mission

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    In January 1958, the Brazilian representative on the Board of Governors of the International Atomic Energy Agency - supported by the Governors from Argentina and Guatemala - proposed that a study should be made of the possibility of setting up one or more atomic energy training centres in Latin America. Countries now having facilities that could be used for co-operative training are Argentina, where rapid strides are being made in building up an integrated atomic energy centre in the Buenos Aires; Brazil, which has successfully established a physical science nuclear laboratory and a radio-biology centre; Venezuela, with a medico-biological centre from which much may be expected; and Mexico, where nuclear science courses are to be provided by the University of Mexico. The report discusses two alternatives for the establishment of training centres: 'specialized centres' or 'integrated centres' and concludes that the integrated centre is the preferable one however specialized centres stand a much higher chance of being staffed successfully. They are inherently smaller and consequently costs for facilities and equipment are much less. In addition use might be made of existing facilities. It is stated that one of the specialized atomic energy training centres to be established might well be in the field of radio-botany. Agriculture is a major source of income throughout Latin America. There are many agricultural schools and experimental stations throughout the region and also the Inter-American Institute of Agricultural Science at Turrialba, Costa Rica. The authors of the report concluded that a training centre in radio-botany should provide vitally needed knowledge and vitally needed specialists to all the agricultural installations in Latin America. The report recommends that (1) the Agency should meet the requests of Latin American universities by, for example, supplying equipment and sending experts; (2) at least one specialized training centre should be established

  2. Atomic energy training centres in Latin America. Report of IAEA Mission

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    In January 1958, the Brazilian representative on the Board of Governors of the International Atomic Energy Agency - supported by the Governors from Argentina and Guatemala - proposed that a study should be made of the possibility of setting up one or more atomic energy training centres in Latin America. Countries now having facilities that could be used for co-operative training are Argentina, where rapid strides are being made in building up an integrated atomic energy centre in the Buenos Aires; Brazil, which has successfully established a physical science nuclear laboratory and a radio-biology centre; Venezuela, with a medico-biological centre from which much may be expected; and Mexico, where nuclear science courses are to be provided by the University of Mexico. The report discusses two alternatives for the establishment of training centres: 'specialized centres' or 'integrated centres' and concludes that the integrated centre is the preferable one however specialized centres stand a much higher chance of being staffed successfully. They are inherently smaller and consequently costs for facilities and equipment are much less. In addition use might be made of existing facilities. It is stated that one of the specialized atomic energy training centres to be established might well be in the field of radio-botany. Agriculture is a major source of income throughout Latin America. There are many agricultural schools and experimental stations throughout the region and also the Inter-American Institute of Agricultural Science at Turrialba, Costa Rica. The authors of the report concluded that a training centre in radio-botany should provide vitally needed knowledge and vitally needed specialists to all the agricultural installations in Latin America. The report recommends that (1) the Agency should meet the requests of Latin American universities by, for example, supplying equipment and sending experts; (2) at least one specialized training centre should be established

  3. Centre de Spectrometrie Nucleaire et de Spectrometrie de Masse - CSNSM/Centre for nuclear and mass spectroscopy, Activity Report 2001-2002

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The Centre for nuclear and mass spectroscopy (CSNSM) is a CNRS (National Centre for Scientific Research) laboratory affiliated with Paris-Sud University. The CSNSM is involved in pluri-disciplinary activities covering various scientific domains: Nuclear Structure (SNO), Nuclear Astrophysics (AN), Solid State Astrophysics (AS), Solid State Physics (PS) and Chemical Physics of Irradiation. This document presents the activity of the Centre during the 2001-2002 years: 1 - Foreword; 2 - Research topics: Nuclear structure; EFIX: study of exotic nuclei-induced fission; Nuclear Astrophysics; Accelerator-based mass spectroscopy; Solid State Astrophysics; Physics and Chemistry of Irradiation; Solid State Physics; SEMIRAMIS (ion source and ion beam handling); Digest science; 3 - Publications; 4 - Dissertations; 5 - Seminars; 6 - Technical services: Computer Department; Electronics Group; Mechanics Department; Permanent training; Health and safety; 7 - Staff

  4. The effluent problem in a plutonium production centre; Probleme des effluents d'un centre de production de plutonium

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Galley, R; Cantel, J [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Saclay (France).Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    The first part of the report is devoted to generalities: the geographical situation of the Marcoule Centre, the sources of radio-active effluent, methods of treating this effluent. In the second part the authors gives a detailed description of the various installations in the Radio-active Effluent Treatment Station at the Marcoule Centre, and outline the conditions governing the rejection of treated effluent into the Rhone. A few lines are given to comparisons between the results obtained from the use of these installations up till may 1959 and the expected results published by the same authors at the Brussels Conference (1956). In conclusion the authors lay down some of the essential principles, applicable to the study of new installations. (author) [French] La premiere partie du rapport est consacree a quelques generalites: situation geographique du Centre de Marcoule, provenance des effluents radioactifs, methodes de traitement de ces effluents. Dans la seconde partie, les auteurs presentent une description detaillee des diverses installations de la Station de Traitement des Effluents radioactifs du Centre de Marcoule et precisent les conditions de rejet dans le Rhone des effluents radioactifs traites. Quelques lignes sont consacrees aux comparaisons entre les resultats de l'exploitation des installations jusqu'en mai 1959 et les previsions publiees par les memes auteurs a l'occasion de la Conference de Bruxelles (1956). En conclusion, les auteurs donnent quelques principes essentiels, applicables a l'etude de nouvelles installations. (auteur)

  5. New and innovative exhibition concepts at science centres using communication technologies

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Quistgaard, Nana; Kahr-Højland, Anne


    Will new communication technologies mean the death of science centres, as Bradburne predicted 12 years ago-or are they alive and kicking? And if science centres do survive, what role could they possibly play in today's society? What mechanisms underlie the development of science centres...... direction, e.g., regarding the emphasised importance of facilitating scientific literacy and critical reflection. We argue that new communication technologies hold potential to accommodate new trends and that science centres have shown to be enterprising in their use of such technologies, e.g., mobile...

  6. India | Page 90 | IDRC - International Development Research Centre

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Une série d'exposés de politique, fondés sur des recherches effectuées par le Centre for Urban Equity de la Centre for Environmental Planning and Technology University (CEPT University), en Inde, contient des recommandations tangibles afin d'améliorer les conditions de vie de centaines de milliers de résidents ...

  7. ICT and the location of call centres: regional and local patterns

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Bruinsma, Frank; Rietveld, Piet; Beekman, Michiel


    One of the sectors that gained most of the boost in ICT developments is the call centres sector. The focus in this paper is on spatial diffusion patterns of call centres in the Netherlands. The number of call centres has increased rapidly in the last decade and it seems that impacts of call

  8. International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Trieste Scientific activities in 1991

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The document contains three parts. Part 1 is a general review of the scientific activities of the Centre in 1991, including a statistical digest. Part II presents the scientific programme of the Centre in the following fields: Fundamental Physics, Condensed Matter Physics, Mathematics, Physics and Energy, Physics and Environment, Applied Physics, Adriatico Research Conferences, as well as other aspects of the Centre activities in 1991. Part III lists the publications issued in 1991. Tabs

  9. International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Trieste. Scientific activities in 1990

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The document contains three parts: Part I is a general review of the scientific activities of the Centre in 1990, including a statistical digest. Part II describes the scientific programme of the Centre in the following fields: Fundamental physics, condensed nuclear physics, mathematics, physics and energy, physics and environment, physics of the living state, applied physics Adriatico research conferences and other aspects of the Centre activities. Part III lists the publications issued in 1990

  10. Importance of patient centred care for various patient groups.

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Rademakers, J.J.D.J.M.; Delnoij, D.M.J.; Boer, D. de


    Background: Though patient centred care is a somewhat ‘fuzzy’ concept, in general it is considered as something to strive for. However, preliminary evidence suggests that the importance of elements of patient-centred care (PCC), such as communication, information and shared decision making, may vary

  11. Mathematics in Student-­Centred Inquiry Learning: Student Engagement (United States)

    Calder, Nigel


    This paper examines how mathematical understandings might be facilitated through student-centred inquiry. Data is drawn from a research project on student-centred inquiry learning that situated mathematics within authentic problem-solving contexts and involved students in a collaboratively constructed curriculum. A contemporary interpretive frame…

  12. Budapest Training Technology Centre. (United States)

    Budapest Training Technology Centre (Hungary).

    The Budapest Training Technology Centre (BTTC) grew out of a 1990 agreement calling for Great Britain to help Hungary develop and implement open and flexible training methods and technology-based training to support the labor force development and vocational training needs resulting from Hungary's transition to a market economy. The BTTC would be…

  13. Description of the Nuclear Training Centre

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wagadarikar, V.K.


    The Department of Atomic Energy, Government of India has developed an on-going programme for constructing and operating heavy water moderated, natural uranium fuelled power stations of the CANDU-type. With the view to train personnel required for operation and maintenance of these stations, a Nuclear Training Centre has been set up at the site of the Rajasthan Atomic Power Station. A description of the nuclear training centre with its facilities is given. The training programme for engineers, operators, mechanical, electrical and control maintainers etc. is given in detail, along with the actual syllabi for respective courses. Examples of the typical field check list are provided. (K.B.)

  14. Byurakan Astrophysical Observatory as Cultural Centre (United States)

    Mickaelian, A. M.; Farmanyan, S. V.


    NAS RA V. Ambartsumian Byurakan Astrophysical Observatory is presented as a cultural centre for Armenia and the Armenian nation in general. Besides being scientific and educational centre, the Observatory is famous for its unique architectural ensemble, rich botanical garden and world of birds, as well as it is one of the most frequently visited sightseeing of Armenia. In recent years, the Observatory has also taken the initiative of the coordination of the Cultural Astronomy in Armenia and in this field, unites the astronomers, historians, archaeologists, ethnographers, culturologists, literary critics, linguists, art historians and other experts. Keywords: Byurakan Astrophysical Observatory, architecture, botanic garden, tourism, Cultural Astronomy.

  15. Discharged of the nuclear wastes by health service centres

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mazur, G.; Jednorog, S.


    In this paper Polish national regulation in radiation protection on nuclear medical domain was discussed. The method of utilized nuclear wastes in medical and science centres was deliberate. From many years activity of wastes from Nuclear Medicine Department of Central Clinical Hospital Armed Forces Medical Academy and Radiation Protection Department of Armed Forces Institute of Hygiene and Epidemiology was measured. In debate centres radiation monitoring was performed. In this purpose the beta global activity and gamma spectrometry measurement of discharged wastes occurred. From last year in discussed centres wastes activity do not increased permissible levels. (author). 3 refs, 5 tabs

  16. Effluent treatment plant and decontamination centre, Trombay

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kaushik, C.P.; Agarwal, K.


    The Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Trombay, has a number of plants and laboratories, which generate Radioactive Liquid Waste and Protective Wears. Two facilities have been established in late 1960s to cater to this requirement. The Centre, on the average generates about 50,000 m"3 of active liquid effluents of varying specific activities. The Effluent Treatment Plant was setup to receive and process radioactive liquids generated by various facilities of BARC in Trombay. It also serves a single-point discharge facility to enable monitoring of radioactive effluents discharged from the Trombay site. About 120-150 Te of protective wears and inactive apparel are generated annually from various radioactive facilities and laboratories of BARC. In addition, contaminated fuel assembly components are generated by DHRUVA and formerly by CIRUS. These components require decontamination before its recycle to the fuel assembly process. The Decontamination Centre, setup in late 1960s, is mandated to carry out the above mentioned decontamination activities

  17. Medical applications in a nuclear research centre

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Vanhavere, F.; Eggermont, G.


    In these days of public aversion to nuclear power, it can be important to point at the medical applications of ionising radiation. Not only the general public, but also the authorities and research centres have to be aware of these medical applications, which are not without risk for public health. Now that funding for nuclear research is declining, an opening to the medical world can give new opportunities to a nuclear research centre. A lot of research could be done where the tools developed for the nuclear power world are very useful. Even new applications for the research reactors like BNCT (boron neutron capture therapy) can be envisaged for the near future. In this contribution an overview will be given of the different techniques used in the medical world with ionising radiation. The specific example of the Belgian Nuclear Research Centre will be given where the mission statement was changed to include a certain number of medical research topics. (authors)

  18. A day in the CERN Control Centre

    CERN Multimedia

    Rosaria Marraffino


    The CERN Control Centre (CCC) is the nerve centre of the CERN beam systems. From this room, the experts prepare, monitor, adjust, and control the particle beams that circulate throughout the accelerator complex while ensuring that the services and the technical infrastructure work flawlessly. Buttons, screens, telephones, lights (but no sound): in the CCC, everything is ready to make it possible for the LHC to reach the unprecedented energies expected at Run 2.   Seen from above, the CERN Control Centre resembles the shape of a quadrupole magnet. The consoles are distributed in four circles, called “islands”, dedicated to the LHC, the SPS, the PS Complex and the Technical Infrastructure (TI) respectively. Spread between TI and LHC are the Cryogenics consoles. Being in the same room allows the 24h-manned islands to be constantly in touch with one another, thus ensuring the best performance of the machines. At the LHC island, operators are currently busy training the magnet...

  19. VV.AA.: Vers un ailleurs prometteur...

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Paloma Gómez Crespo


    Full Text Available l’émigration, une réponse universelle à une situation de crise?, Cahiers de l’Institut Universitaire d’Etudes du Développement en colaboración con el Laboratoire de Démographie Economique et Sociale, de la Université de Genève; Presses Universitaires de France, París; Cahiers de l’ IUED, Ginebra, 1993.

  20. Cultural Centre, Destination Cultural Offer and Visitor Satisfaction

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Benxiang Zeng


    Full Text Available This paper aims to establish the link between tourists’ perceptions on cultural offers and their overall satisfaction, and explore the implication of this link for sustainable tourist destination management. Assessing online customers’ reviews, this study identifies a positive correlation between visitors’ perspectives and experiences at the on-site cultural centre and visitors’ destination satisfaction. It suggests that the on-site cultural centre plays a critical role in building up visitors’ perception on cultural attributes of the destination, and its impact on visitor satisfaction is a double-edged sword. Visitors’ positive perspectives on the cultural centre enhance visitors’ experiences and contribute to their destination satisfaction; however, not only does a negative perspective on their cultural and spiritual experience compromise visitors’ satisfaction, but also subsequent negative online reviews damage the destination image and discourage visitor return/visit. The findings help destination management organisations to better understand visitors’ preference for cultural centres and therefore to improve visitors’ cultural experience. This paper appeals for further study of on-site cultural centres’ role in forming destination cultural attributes, and of social media’s potential in enriching cultural experience.

  1. Contribution to the development of a primary standard for high energy neutron beams

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mancaux, M.


    A tissue equivalent calorimeter, made of Shonka A-150 plastic, has been constructed in order to create a primary standard for high energy neutrons and to establish a calibration procedure for ionization chambers used in neutrontherapy. After a detailed description of the calorimeter and the associated measuring system, the preliminary tests are presented, in particular, the evolution of the response as a function of accumulated dose. The measurements of the total absorbed dose (n + γ) by calorimetry in a neutron beam, in order to determine chambers' calibration factors in terms of absorbed dose to A-150 plastic, have been performed at the Neutrontherapy Unit of the Centre Hospitalier Regional d'Orleans. The uncertainty in the determination of the total absorbed dose to the tissu equivalent material using the new procedure is 3% lower than that obtained with the usual procedure, derived from an exposure calibration [fr

  2. English language writing centres in Japanese universities: What do students really need?

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jim McKinley


    Full Text Available The installation of English language writing centres in Japanese universities is a relatively recent event—the first ones established with funding from the Ministry of Education in 2004. Because of the EFL writing context, setting up a writing centre requires consideration of students’ needs and cultural expectations of writing and writing centres. In general, writing centres that have been established in Japanese universities follow a structure similar to those in the US. This raises the question as to whether or not this is appropriate for the particular needs of EFL students and the obstacles they face. For this study, in order to explore students’ attitudes toward writing centres and the role they play in writing education, interview data was collected from students of English composition in two different departments at a university in Japan well known for its English language education: the English department, which does not have a writing centre, and the liberal arts department, which has one of the first writing centres established in Japan.

  3. Cost-effectiveness of planned birth in a birth centre compared with alternative planned places of birth: Results of the Dutch Birth Centre study

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    M.F. Hitzert (Marit); M.A.A. Hermus (Marieke A.A.); Boesveld, I.I.C. (Inge I.C.); A. Franx (Arie); K.M. van der Pal-De Bruin (Karin); E.A.P. Steegers (Eric); Van Den Akker-Van Marle, E.M.E. (Eiske M.E.)


    textabstractObjectives To estimate the cost-effectiveness of a planned birth in a birth centre compared with alternative planned places of birth for low-risk women. In addition, a distinction has been made between different types of locations and integration profiles of birth centres. Design

  4. Soft X-ray excited colour-centre luminescence and XANES studies of calcium oxide

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ko, J.Y.P.; Heigl, F.; Yiu, Y.M.; Zhou, X.-T.; Regier, T.; Blyth, R.I.R.; Sham, T.-K.


    In this study, we show that colour centres can be produced by irradiating calcium oxide with soft X-rays from a synchrotron radiation source. Using the X-ray excited optical Iuminescence (XEOL) technique, two colour centres, F-centre, and F + -centre can be identified. These colour centres emit photons at characteristic wavelengths. In addition, by performing time-resolved XEOL (TRXEOL), we are able to reveal timing and decay characteristics of the colour centres. We also present X-ray absorption near-edge structure (XANES) spectra collected across oxygen K-edge, calcium L 3,2 -edge, and calcium K-edge. Experimental results are compared with density functional theory (DFT) calculations. (author)

  5. The programme benefits of improving project team communication through a contact centre

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Bond-Barnard, T. J.


    Full Text Available A South African national programme to repair government infrastructure uses a contact centre (or call centre to facilitate and manage communication. An important question is: How does the contact centre benefit the programme and its projects? This study discusses the findings of a survey that quantified the benefits of the programme when the communication between team members in the programme was improved by using a contact centre. The results show that, by using a contact centre to improve the communication between project team members, their perception of communication effectiveness, quality of project deliverables, service delivery, and customer satisfaction of the programme dramatically increases.

  6. Centre de Spectrometrie Nucleaire et de Spectrometrie de Masse - CSNSM/Centre for nuclear and mass spectroscopy, Activity Report 2002-2004

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The Centre for nuclear and mass spectroscopy (CSNSM) is a CNRS (National Centre for Scientific Research) laboratory affiliated with Paris-Sud University. The CSNSM is involved in pluri-disciplinary activities covering various scientific domains: Nuclear Structure (SNO), Nuclear Astrophysics (AN), Solid State Astrophysics (AS), Solid State Physics (PS) and Chemical Physics of Irradiation. This document presents the activity of the Centre during the 2002-2004 years: 1 - Foreword; 2 - Nuclear structure; 3 - EFIX: study of exotic nuclei-induced fission; 4 - Nuclear Astrophysics; 5 - Atomic mass; 6 - Solid state astrophysics; 7 - Accelerator-based mass spectroscopy; 8 - Solid State Physics; 9 - Physics and Chemistry of Irradiation; 10 - Activities of general interest; 11 - SEMIRAMIS (ion source and ion beam handling); 12 - Computer Department; 13 - Electronics Group; 14 - Mechanics Department; 15 - Health and safety; 16 - Permanent training; 17 - Seminars; 18 - PhDs; 19 - Staff

  7. Coordonnateur du bureau d'assistance | CRDI - Centre de ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Résumé des fonctions. En tant que membre de l'équipe du Bureau d'assistance au sein de la Section du service à la clientèle (SSC), le coordonnateur du Bureau d'assistance offre au personnel du Centre et aux autres utilisateurs reconnus des installations TI du Centre un soutien de première ligne en matière d'utilisation ...

  8. Cirque du Monde as a health intervention: perceptions of medical students and social circus experts. (United States)

    Fournier, Cynthia; Drouin, Mélodie-Anne; Marcoux, Jérémie; Garel, Patricia; Bochud, Emmanuel; Théberge, Julie; Aubertin, Patrice; Favreau, Gil; Fleet, Richard


    To present Cirque du Soleil's social circus program, Cirque du Monde, to explore its potential as a primary health care tool for family physicians. A review of the literature in PubMed, the Cochrane Library, PsycINFO, LaPresse, Eureka, Google Scholar, and Érudit using the key words circus, social circus, Cirque du Monde, and Cirque du Soleil; a Montreal-based initiative, Espace Transition, modeled on Cirque du Monde; and personal communication with Cirque du Soleil's Social Circus Training Advisor. The first 50 articles or websites identified for each key word in each of the databases were examined on the basis of their titles and abstracts in the case of articles, and on the basis of their titles and page content in the case of websites. Articles and websites that explored an aspect of social circuses or that described an intervention that involved circuses were then retained for analysis. Because all literature on social circuses was searched, no criterion for year of publication was used. No articles on the social circus as a health intervention were found. One study on the use of the circus as an intervention in schools was identified. It demonstrated an increase in self-esteem in the children who took part. One study on the use of the circus in a First Nations community was found; it contained nonspecific, qualitative findings. The other articles identified were merely descriptions of social circuses. One website was identified on the use of the social circus to help youth who had been treated in a hospital setting for major psychiatric disorders to re-enter the community. The team in the pediatric psychiatry department at Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Sainte-Justine, the children's hospital in Montreal, Que, was contacted; they were leading this project, called Espace Transition. The unpublished preliminary findings of its pilot project demonstrate substantial improvements in overall patient functioning. According to Cirque du Soleil, there are several

  9. Cirque du Monde as a health intervention (United States)

    Fournier, Cynthia; Drouin, Mélodie-Anne; Marcoux, Jérémie; Garel, Patricia; Bochud, Emmanuel; Théberge, Julie; Aubertin, Patrice; Favreau, Gil; Fleet, Richard


    Abstract Objective To present Cirque du Soleil’s social circus program, Cirque du Monde, to explore its potential as a primary health care tool for family physicians. Data sources A review of the literature in PubMed, the Cochrane Library, PsycINFO, LaPresse, Eureka, Google Scholar, and Érudit using the key words circus, social circus, Cirque du Monde, and Cirque du Soleil; a Montreal-based initiative, Espace Transition, modeled on Cirque du Monde; and personal communication with Cirque du Soleil’s Social Circus Training Advisor. Study selection The first 50 articles or websites identified for each key word in each of the databases were examined on the basis of their titles and abstracts in the case of articles, and on the basis of their titles and page content in the case of websites. Articles and websites that explored an aspect of social circuses or that described an intervention that involved circuses were then retained for analysis. Because all literature on social circuses was searched, no criterion for year of publication was used. Synthesis No articles on the social circus as a health intervention were found. One study on the use of the circus as an intervention in schools was identified. It demonstrated an increase in self-esteem in the children who took part. One study on the use of the circus in a First Nations community was found; it contained nonspecific, qualitative findings. The other articles identified were merely descriptions of social circuses. One website was identified on the use of the social circus to help youth who had been treated in a hospital setting for major psychiatric disorders to re-enter the community. The team in the pediatric psychiatry department at Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Sainte-Justine, the children’s hospital in Montreal, Que, was contacted; they were leading this project, called Espace Transition. The unpublished preliminary findings of its pilot project demonstrate substantial improvements in overall patient

  10. Identification of trisomy 18, trisomy 13, and Down syndrome from maternal plasma

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Gekas J


    Full Text Available Jean Gekas,1,2 Sylvie Langlois,3 Vardit Ravitsky,4 François Audibert,5 David-Gradus van den Berg,6 Hazar Haidar,4 François Rousseau2,71Prenatal Diagnosis Unit, Department of Medical Genetics and Pediatrics, Faculty of Medicine, Laval University, Québec City, Quebec, Canada; 2Department of Medical Biology, Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Québec, Québec City, Quebec, Canada; 3Department of Medical Genetics, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada; 4Bioethics Program, Department of Social and Preventive Medicine, School of Public Health, University of Montreal, Montreal, Canada; 5Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Sainte Justine Hospital, Montreal, Canada; 6Department of Social and Preventive Medicine, 7Department of Molecular Biology, Medical Biochemistry and Pathology, Faculty of Medicine, Laval University, Québec City, Quebec, CanadaAbstract: Current prenatal diagnosis for fetal aneuploidies (including trisomy 21 [T21] generally relies on an initial biochemical serum-based noninvasive prenatal testing (NIPT after which women who are deemed to be at high risk are offered an invasive confirmatory test (amniocentesis or chorionic villi sampling for a fetal karyotype, which is associated with a risk of fetal miscarriage. Recently, genomics-based NIPT (gNIPT was proposed for the analysis of fetal genomic DNA circulating in maternal blood. The diffusion of this technology in routine prenatal care could be a major breakthrough in prenatal diagnosis, since initial research studies suggest that this novel approach could be very effective and could reduce substantially the number of invasive procedures. However, the limitations of gNIPT may be underappreciated. In this review, we examine currently published literature on gNIPT to highlight advantages and limitations. At this time, the performance of gNIPT is relatively well-documented only in high-risk pregnancies for T21 and trisomy 18. This additional screening test may be an

  11. Démarche pour la mise à niveau d’un secteur de soins pharmaceutiques : le cas de l’hémato-oncologie pédiatrique (United States)

    Bussières, Jean-François; Robelet, Antoine; Therrien, Roxane; Touzin, Karine


    Contexte : Bien que le concept de pharmacie clinique ait été développé dans les années soixante, il existe une grande variété de programmes et une grande disparité entre les programmes en clinique externe et en hospitalisation, bénéficiant de la présence d’un pharmacien dans un secteur de soins. Objectif: Éprouver une méthode de mise à niveau des secteurs de soins pharmaceutiques en établissement de santé. Méthode : Il s’agit d’une étude descriptive se déroulant au Centre hospitalier universitaire Sainte-Justine, un établissement mère-enfant de 500 lits. Le secteur de soins pharmaceutiques ciblé pour illustrer la méthode de mise à niveau est l’hématologie-oncologie pédiatrique. La méthode comporte trois étapes, soit une revue de la documentation scientifique, un profil du secteur et une mise à jour du niveau de pratique selon un profil des activités pharmaceutiques dans le secteur avant et après la mise à niveau. Résultats : Au total, 108 articles ont été recensés et 22 ont été retenus à partir d’une recherche dans PubMed. Après une recherche manuelle complémentaire, 36 articles ont finalement été évalués. Parmi les articles retenus, on compte trois lignes directrices, 11 études de développement, une revue de la littérature scientifique, six études pré- et post-interventions et 15 études quasi expérimentales. Bien que les patients de ce secteur ne comptent que pour 5 % des admissions de l’hôpital, la complexité des cas est élevée tant sur le plan de la codification de l’épisode de soins que du potentiel d’intervention pharmaceutique par admission. Conclusion : Il existe peu de données illustrant une démarche de mise à niveau de la pratique dans un secteur de soins pharmaceutiques. Cette étude a éprouvé une méthode de mise à niveau dans un service d’hématologie-oncologie pédiatrique et comporte une revue de la documentation scientifique, un profil du secteur et une description des t

  12. The DEMETER Science Mission Centre

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Lagoutte, D.; Brochot, J.; Y.; de Carvalho, D.; Elie, F.; Harivelo, F.; Hobara, Y.; Madrias, L.; Parrot, M.; Pincon, J. L.; Berthelier, J. J.; Peschard, D.; Seran, E.; Gangloff, M.; Sauvaud, J. A.; Lebreton, J. P.; Štverák, Štěpán; Trávníček, Pavel M.; Grygorczuk, J.; Slominski, J.; Wronowski, R.; Barbier, S.; Bernard, P.; Gaboriaud, A.; Wallut, J. M.


    Roč. 54, č. 5 (2006), s. 428-440 ISSN 0032-0633 Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z30420517 Keywords : Mission Centre * Data processing Subject RIV: BN - Astronomy, Celestial Mechanics, Astrophysics Impact factor: 1.509, year: 2006

  13. Thermoluminiscence and thermal annealing of F centres in KCL gamma irradiated

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ausin Alonso, Vicente.


    The thermoluminiscence spectrum and phosphorescence decays of Harshaw KCl samples gamma irradiated at room temperature have been studied up to 400 0 C. For the six peaks found, the order of recombination kinetics, the pre-exponential factor and the activation energy have been obtained. It has been observed that the area under the thermoluminiscence curve is always proportional to the F centre concentration in the sample before heating. It was also found that there is an annealing step of F centres corresponding to each thermoluminiscence peak, when the temperature of the sample is raised at a constant rate. It is concluded that the F centres play the role of recombination centres in the annealing process, the interstitials being the mobile entities moving towards there combination centre. At some stage in the process light is emitted. (author)

  14. Experience building and operating the CMS Tier-1 computing centres (United States)

    Albert, M.; Bakken, J.; Bonacorsi, D.; Brew, C.; Charlot, C.; Huang, Chih-Hao; Colling, D.; Dumitrescu, C.; Fagan, D.; Fassi, F.; Fisk, I.; Flix, J.; Giacchetti, L.; Gomez-Ceballos, G.; Gowdy, S.; Grandi, C.; Gutsche, O.; Hahn, K.; Holzman, B.; Jackson, J.; Kreuzer, P.; Kuo, C. M.; Mason, D.; Pukhaeva, N.; Qin, G.; Quast, G.; Rossman, P.; Sartirana, A.; Scheurer, A.; Schott, G.; Shih, J.; Tader, P.; Thompson, R.; Tiradani, A.; Trunov, A.


    The CMS Collaboration relies on 7 globally distributed Tier-1 computing centres located at large universities and national laboratories for a second custodial copy of the CMS RAW data and primary copy of the simulated data, data serving capacity to Tier-2 centres for analysis, and the bulk of the reprocessing and event selection capacity in the experiment. The Tier-1 sites have a challenging role in CMS because they are expected to ingest and archive data from both CERN and regional Tier-2 centres, while they export data to a global mesh of Tier-2s at rates comparable to the raw export data rate from CERN. The combined capacity of the Tier-1 centres is more than twice the resources located at CERN and efficiently utilizing this large distributed resources represents a challenge. In this article we will discuss the experience building, operating, and utilizing the CMS Tier-1 computing centres. We will summarize the facility challenges at the Tier-1s including the stable operations of CMS services, the ability to scale to large numbers of processing requests and large volumes of data, and the ability to provide custodial storage and high performance data serving. We will also present the operations experience utilizing the distributed Tier-1 centres from a distance: transferring data, submitting data serving requests, and submitting batch processing requests.

  15. Experience building and operating the CMS Tier-1 computing centres

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Albert, M; Bakken, J; Huang, Chih-Hao; Dumitrescu, C; Fagan, D; Fisk, I; Giacchetti, L; Gutsche, O; Holzman, B; Bonacorsi, D; Grandi, C; Brew, C; Jackson, J; Charlot, C; Colling, D; Fassi, F; Flix, J; Gomez-Ceballos, G; Hahn, K; Gowdy, S


    The CMS Collaboration relies on 7 globally distributed Tier-1 computing centres located at large universities and national laboratories for a second custodial copy of the CMS RAW data and primary copy of the simulated data, data serving capacity to Tier-2 centres for analysis, and the bulk of the reprocessing and event selection capacity in the experiment. The Tier-1 sites have a challenging role in CMS because they are expected to ingest and archive data from both CERN and regional Tier-2 centres, while they export data to a global mesh of Tier-2s at rates comparable to the raw export data rate from CERN. The combined capacity of the Tier-1 centres is more than twice the resources located at CERN and efficiently utilizing this large distributed resources represents a challenge. In this article we will discuss the experience building, operating, and utilizing the CMS Tier-1 computing centres. We will summarize the facility challenges at the Tier-1s including the stable operations of CMS services, the ability to scale to large numbers of processing requests and large volumes of data, and the ability to provide custodial storage and high performance data serving. We will also present the operations experience utilizing the distributed Tier-1 centres from a distance: transferring data, submitting data serving requests, and submitting batch processing requests.

  16. Directeur, administration des subventions (h/f) | CRDI - Centre de ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Diriger l'élaboration de politiques régissant l'administration de projets du Centre ... Tenir à jour un aperçu stratégique des activités de projet du Centre afin d'en .... Gérer le recrutement du personnel de l'administration des subventions dans ...

  17. Role of Stakeholders at Cape Coast PPAG Youth Centre ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    The study investigated whether the activities or the roles performed by the various stakeholders at the Cape Coast Planned Parenthood Association of Ghana (PPAG) youth centre impacted positively on the youth behaviour and performance at the centre. The sample comprised 22 teachers, 50 parents and 3 social welfare ...

  18. Centres and limit cycles for an extended Kukles system

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jane M. Pearson


    Full Text Available We present conditions for the origin to be a centre for a class of cubic systems. Some of the centre conditions are determined by finding complicated invariant functions. We also investigate the coexistence of fine foci and the simultaneous bifurcation of limit cycles from them.

  19. A woman-centred childbirth model | Maputle | Health SA Gesondheid

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    A model for woman-centred childbirth was developed through four phases in accordance with the objectives of the study, namely, a description of mothers' experiences of childbirth and that of attending midwives of managing mothers during childbirth concept analysis of woman-centred care, model development, and an ...

  20. Cost-effectiveness of planned birth in a birth centre compared with alternative planned places of birth: results of the Dutch Birth Centre study

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Hitzert, M.; Hermus, M.M.; Boesveld, I.I.; Franx, A.; Pal-de Bruin, K.K. van der; Steegers, E.E.; Akker-van Marle, E.M. van den


    Objectives To estimate the cost-effectiveness of a planned birth in a birth centre compared with alternative planned places of birth for low-risk women. In addition, a distinction has been made between different types of locations and integration profiles of birth centres. Design Economic evaluation

  1. Cost-effectiveness of planned birth in a birth centre compared with alternative planned places of birth : Results of the Dutch Birth Centre study

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Hitzert, Marit F.; Hermus, Marieke A. A.; Boesveld, Inge I.C.; Franx, Arie; van der Pal-de Bruin, Karin M.; Steegers, Eric A. P.; Van Den Akker-Van Marle, Eiske M.E.


    Objectives To estimate the cost-effectiveness of a planned birth in a birth centre compared with alternative planned places of birth for low-risk women. In addition, a distinction has been made between different types of locations and integration profiles of birth centres. Design Economic evaluation

  2. Developing and testing the patient-centred innovation questionnaire for hospital nurses. (United States)

    Huang, Ching-Yuan; Weng, Rhay-Hung; Wu, Tsung-Chin; Lin, Tzu-En; Hsu, Ching-Tai; Hung, Chiu-Hsia; Tsai, Yu-Chen


    Develop the patient-centred innovation questionnaire for hospital nurses and establish its validity and reliability. Patient-centred care has been adopted by health care managers in their efforts to improve health care quality. It is regarded as a core concept for developing innovation. A cross-sectional study was employed to collect data from hospital nurses in Taiwan. This study was divided into two stages: pilot study and main study. In the main study, 596 valid responses were collected. This study adopted reliability analysis, exploratory factor analysis, confirmatory factor analysis and selected nurse innovation scale as a criterion to test criterion-related validity. Five-dimension patient-centred innovation questionnaire was proposed: access and practicability, co-ordination and communication, sharing power and responsibility, care continuity, family and person focus. Each dimension demonstrated a reliability of 0.89-0.98. All dimensions had acceptable convergent and discriminate validity. The patient-centred innovation questionnaire and nurse innovation scale exhibited a significantly positive correlation. Patient-centred innovation questionnaire not only had a good theoretical basis but also had sufficient reliability and construct validity, and criterion-related validity. Patient-centred innovation questionnaire could give a measure for evaluating the implementation of patient-centred care and could be used as a management tool during the process of nurse innovation. © 2017 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.


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    Full Text Available The centre of the main interests of the debtor is a legal tool meant to settle conflicts that can arise between jurisdictions in cross-border insolvencies, based on the principles of mutual recognition and co-operation.

  4. The Australian Centre for Minesite Rehabilitation Research

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bell, L.C.


    The Australian Centre for Minesite Rehabilitation Research (ACMRR) is a joint venture between the Australian mining industry through the Australian Mineral Industries Research Association Ltd. (AMIRA) and three of the organizations working most actively in this area in Australia: CSIRO Minesite Rehabilitation Research Program; University of Queensland Centre for Mined Land Rehabilitation; and Curtin University Mulga Research Centre. The ACMRR was established in July 1993 to provide a national framework to conduct Strategic Research into minesite rehabilitation. It is an industry led and funded initiative. The Goals of the Centre include: to conduct strategic research into minesite rehabilitation to provide sustainable environmental solutions which are acceptable to industry, government and the community; to be recognized as a center of excellence undertaking commissioned research on minesite rehabilitation in an independent and thorough manner; to provide scientific and technological foundations to facilitate industry and government in setting acceptable standards; to act as networking and communications focus; and to enhance education and training in minesite rehabilitation. Strategic Research Programs in: Water Systems--downstream surface and groundwater quality; Land--the long-term behavior and stability of constructed landforms; Ecosystems--the long-term sustainability of constructed landforms; Waste--the long-term treatment and disposal of waste products; will allow the ACMRR to achieve these goals through specific research projects in these areas, developed with industry sponsors. This paper will discuss their progress to date, research projects underway, and plans for the future

  5. The experience of work in a call centre environment

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sanet Hauptfleisch


    Full Text Available This qualitative research study explored the work experience in a call centre environment in an information technology call centre based in South Africa, which service foreign customers exclusively. Three data collection methods were used, namely narratives, in-depth interviews with call centre consultants, and observation. Following a grounded theory approach, four themes were elicited, namely the perceptions of team members, uncertainty created by a constantly changing environment, perceived distances due to management practices, and depersonalisation experienced while actually dealing with customers. In addition to this, the reported impact of these themes on work performance was explored and compared to existing research.

  6. A national benchmarking survey of student counselling centres/units ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    The present study further found that the majority of counselling centres/units had one or more staff members with specialised training in areas such as HIV/AIDS counselling, sexual abuse counselling and multicultural counselling. In 2007, these counselling centres/units saw on average 18 per cent of enrolled students as ...

  7. Call Centres in Denmark 2004 - Strategy, HR Practices & Performance

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sørensen, Ole H.; El-Salanti, Nadia

    This survey is the first scientifically based benchmarking study of the Danish call centre industry. The main results from the study are based on answers from 128 call centres, which correspond to a response rate of 65%. The Danish study is part of a global project coordinated by researchers at C...

  8. Work experiences among attendees of day centres for people with psychiatric disabilities. (United States)

    Eklund, Mona; Sandlund, Mikael


    It is possible that people with psychiatric disabilities who visit day centres have previous work experiences that may be seen as resources for their current engagement in day centre activities. Research in this respect seems to lack, however. To investigate work experiences among attendees at day centres for people with psychiatric disabilities and relationships with current type of day centre (work-oriented, meeting place-oriented or mixed), engagement in day centre activities, motivation and socio-demographic and health-related factors. Seventy-seven attendees responded to questionnaires. Global Assessment of Functioning, GAF, was also used. Work was categorised into Group I (professionals, semi-professionals), Group II (clerical support, services workers) and Group III (e.g. craft workers, elementary occupations). Almost everyone had previously had open-market employment; more than half for ≥ 10 years. Group I was more common in mixed centres, Group II in meeting place-oriented ones and Group III in work-oriented ones. Group I more frequently had college degree and was rated high on GAF functioning. Women were over-represented in Group II, and men in Group III and in meeting place-oriented centres. Attending mixed centres was more likely when having a college degree, scoring high on GAF functioning and being highly engaged in activities. Attendees at work-oriented day centres were characterised by being motivated for spending time alone and reporting a diagnosis of psychosis. The participants had unused working capacity. No clear-cut relationships were found between work experiences and the investigated correlates.

  9. Bureaucracy, professionalization and school centred innovation strategies (United States)

    Morris, Paul


    This paper examines an attempt to promote a school centred innovation strategy within a highly centralized educational system. The School Based Curriculum Project Scheme, which was introduced into Hong Kong in 1988, is analysed in terms of a professional-bureaucratic dichotomy. It is argued that the operational details of the scheme are designed to satisfy a range of bureaucratic concerns and these are not conducive to promoting the professional work ethic which is required for school centred innovation. Finally the paper identifies the implications which arise for policies designed to promote curriculum innovation.

  10. Closing the gender leadership gap: a multi-centre cross-country comparison of women in management and leadership in academic health centres in the European Union. (United States)

    Kuhlmann, Ellen; Ovseiko, Pavel V; Kurmeyer, Christine; Gutiérrez-Lobos, Karin; Steinböck, Sandra; von Knorring, Mia; Buchan, Alastair M; Brommels, Mats


    Women's participation in medicine and the need for gender equality in healthcare are increasingly recognised, yet little attention is paid to leadership and management positions in large publicly funded academic health centres. This study illustrates such a need, taking the case of four large European centres: Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin (Germany), Karolinska Institutet (Sweden), Medizinische Universität Wien (Austria), and Oxford Academic Health Science Centre (United Kingdom). The percentage of female medical students and doctors in all four countries is now well within the 40-60% gender balance zone. Women are less well represented among specialists and remain significantly under-represented among senior doctors and full professors. All four centres have made progress in closing the gender leadership gap on boards and other top-level decision-making bodies, but a gender leadership gap remains relevant. The level of achieved gender balance varies significantly between the centres and largely mirrors country-specific welfare state models, with more equal gender relations in Sweden than in the other countries. Notably, there are also similar trends across countries and centres: gender inequality is stronger within academic enterprises than within hospital enterprises and stronger in middle management than at the top level. These novel findings reveal fissures in the 'glass ceiling' effects at top-level management, while the barriers for women shift to middle-level management and remain strong in academic positions. The uneven shifts in the leadership gap are highly relevant and have policy implications. Setting gender balance objectives exclusively for top-level decision-making bodies may not effectively promote a wider goal of gender equality. Academic health centres should pay greater attention to gender equality as an issue of organisational performance and good leadership at all levels of management, with particular attention to academic enterprises

  11. Pakistan’s national Centre of Excellence contributes to sustaining nuclear security

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dixit, Aabha


    Pakistani front line officers and first responders are in a better position to fight illicit trafficking in nuclear and other radioactive materials, as well as to use advanced radiation detection and monitoring equipment, thanks to training they have received at the country’s Centre of Excellence for Nuclear Security. This is just one of the benefits the country has reaped from the Centre, which is collaborating with the growing International Network for Nuclear Security Training and Support Centres (NSSC Network), building national capacity through training and strengthening technical and scientific support programmes. Since the establishment of the Centre of Excellence, Pakistan has organized training courses on nuclear security for personnel from national and regional organizations. The Centre of Excellence also offers technical support to personnel involved in the maintenance and upgrade of facilities, with a focus on enhancing technical and scientific skills and quality control of equipment.

  12. Tâches et coopération dans deux dispositifs universitaires de formation à distance Tasks and cooperation within two university level open and distance learning environments

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    François Mangenot


    Full Text Available Cette étude sur les apprentissages à distance via Internet au niveau universitaire se focalise sur deux aspects : les tâches d'apprentissage et les formes d'apprentissage collectif. Elle s'appuie sur l'étude qualitative de deux formations ouvertes et à distance ayant fonctionné en grandeur réelle, l'une sur un mode entièrement à distance, l'autre sur un mode hybride. Après une discussion sur le terme très polysémique de "tâche", le corpus est présenté, puis une typologie des tâches est proposée ; une réflexion sur les notions d'apprentissage collectif, coopératif et collaboratif clôt le propos, tentant de caractériser les relations entre les étudiants lors de la réalisation des tâches. Bien que les interactions entre étudiants ne relèvent certainement pas de la collaboration, on avance néanmoins qu'elles peuvent être étudiées dans le cadre des apprentissages collaboratifs assistés par ordinateur.This study deals with distance learning through the Internet in university context. The focus lies on two topics: learning tasks and collective learning. It is based on the qualitative case study of two open and distance learning (ODL courses, one case of fully distance learning and one case of blended learning. After having discussed the concept of "task", the data are then presented and a task typology is proposed. The paper ends with a discussion about collective, cooperative and collaborative learning, trying to characterize the kind of relationship between the students during the fulfillment of the tasks. Although it seems impossible to consider the interactions between the students as collaboration, we suggest that studying them nevertheless belongs to the domain of computer supported collaborative learning.

  13. Student Perceptions of Using Tablet Technology in Post-Secondary Classes / Perceptions des étudiants quant à l’utilisation des tablettes électroniques dans les classes universitaires

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Colin F Mang


    Full Text Available This paper assesses students’ attitudes towards using tablets, such as the Apple iPad, in university classes. Tablets are found to be a substitute for laptop computers. Students initially expressed a great deal of optimism regarding the technology, and, although their views diminished slightly as they gained experience with using a tablet, their attitude towards the technology remained overwhelmingly positive. Most students experienced an easy transition from using a laptop to using a tablet. Furthermore, once students adopted the tablets in place of their laptops for in-class use, the types of tasks they performed with the tablets differed from the types of tasks they had previously performed with the laptop. Overall, the tablets reduced the incidence of off-task behaviour during lectures such as using chat and social networking applications. Cet article évalue les attitudes des étudiants quant à l’utilisation de tablettes électroniques telles que le iPad d’Apple dans les classes universitaires. Les tablettes sont considérées comme des substituts aux ordinateurs portables. Les étudiants ont d’abord exprimé beaucoup d’optimisme à l’égard de cette technologie, et bien que leur perception se soit légèrement dégradée avec l’expérience de la tablette, leur attitude envers la technologie est restée très positive. La plupart des étudiants ont effectué une transition facile entre l’utilisation d’un ordinateur portable et celle d’une tablette. En outre, une fois que les étudiants ont adopté en classe les tablettes à la place de leurs ordinateurs portables, les types de tâches qu’ils accomplissaient avec les tablettes ont différé des celles qu’ils effectuaient précédemment avec l’ordinateur portable. Dans l’ensemble, les tablettes ont réduit les cas de comportements hors tâche durant les cours, comme l’utilisation du tchat et des réseaux sociaux.

  14. Nuclear Electric Visitor Centres - Innovation and inspiration

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fenton, Bob


    Full text: This eight minute video demonstrates the approach taken by Nuclear Electric to exhibitions that are open to the public. The information is given both visually - with excerpts from some of the attractions on display at the centres - and in comments from interviews with visitors, the centre guides and the man responsible for many of the exhibits featured in the video. on one side are the schoolchildren who are visiting the exhibition and are seen both playing and learning as they press buttons, watch videos, 'meet' Michael Faraday, and learn about radiation - its disposal and its safe transportation. The headmaster of the school is interviewed and explains that the exhibition is helping his children understand the importance of electricity to their world. on the other side is Jackie Lucas, the visitor centre manager, explaining what the public make of the exhibition. We see her staff greeting the children and helping them to understand the show. The designer of the exhibition, Len Upton explains how you go about making an exhibition such as this both informative and fun. Also interviewed is the man behind many of the exhibitions featured at Nuclear Electric's visitor centres up and down the country, Nicholas Mullane. He explains the purpose of the exhibition and what messages it imparts. The video is presented in split-screen or composite format, whereby the interviewee and children are often presented together. Excerpts from the various videos on display are presented as both how they are seen from the floor, as well as the full screen effect of the various programmes. The video gives much of the feeling of fun to be gained at the exhibition, as well as showing the educational benefits to be gained from a couple of hours at one of Nuclear Electric's visitor centres. Copies of the video can be obtained from Bob Fenton at Nuclear Electric. (Fax: ++44 1 452 652 443). (author)

  15. Bhabha Atomic Research Centre: annual report 1986-87

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The Research and Development (R and D) work and achievements of the Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Bombay, during the financial year 1986-1987 are reported. The R and D activities of BARC cover the entire nuclear fuel cycle, production and use of radioisotopes, radiation protection and also basic research in several disciplines. The report is presented in the chapters entitled: Physical Sciences, Chemical Sciences, Materials and Materials Science, Life Sciences, Radioisotopes, Reactors, Fuel Cycle, Health and Safety, Electronics and Instrumentation, Engineering and General Services. At the end of each chapter are listed the journal articles published, the paper presented at conferences, symposia etc. and technical reports issued by the scientists of BARC in the subject field indicated by the title of the chapter. The R and D work of the outstation units of BARC, namely, Nuclear Research Laboratory at Srinagar, High Altitute Research Laboratory at Gulmarg, Variable Energy Cyclotron Centre at Calcutta and Gauribidanur Seismic Array near Bangalore are also described in the report. The report concludes with a brief account of: (1) transfer of technologies developed at the Centre, (2) activities related to human resource development for nuclear programmes of the country, and (3) progress of design and construction work of Centre for Advanced Technology at Indore. (M.G.B.)

  16. Nuclear research centres in Pakistan: Status and prospects

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Akhtar, K.M.; Khan, H.A.


    Nuclear research centres (NRCs) played an important role in the introduction of nuclear techniques in their respective countries. These centres are now faced with changes in public and government attitudes, pressures from anti-nuclear groups, competition from non-nuclear technologies, budget cuts and privatization, etc. These NRCs are still making useful contribution in the field of science and technology but need to change their strategy to operate under these pressures. The Pakistan Institute of Nuclear Science and Technology (PINSTECH) has a record of 34 years of successful operation. Salient features and achievements of this Institute are presented as a model for a research centre in a developing country. The elements that are contributed for the success are described. The IAEA and other cooperative agencies can help to overcome the negative factors posed to these NRCs. (author)

  17. A relational conceptual framework for multidisciplinary health research centre infrastructure

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Johnson Joy L


    Full Text Available Abstract Although multidisciplinary and team-based approaches are increasingly acknowledged as necessary to address some of the most pressing contemporary health challenges, many researchers struggle with a lack of infrastructure to facilitate and formalise the requisite collaborations. Specialised research centres have emerged as an important organisational solution, yet centre productivity and sustainability are frequently dictated by the availability and security of infrastructure funds. Despite being widely cited as a core component of research capacity building, infrastructure as a discrete concept has been rather analytically neglected, often treated as an implicit feature of research environments with little specification or relegated to a narrow category of physical or administrative inputs. The terms research infrastructure, capacity, and culture, among others, are deployed in overlapping and inconsistent ways, further obfuscating the crucial functions of infrastructure specifically and its relationships with associated concepts. The case is made for an expanded conceptualisation of research infrastructure, one that moves beyond conventional 'hardware' notions. Drawing on a case analysis of NEXUS, a multidisciplinary health research centre based at the University of British Columbia, Canada, a conceptual framework is proposed that integrates the tangible and intangible structures that interactively underlie research centre functioning. A relational approach holds potential to allow for more comprehensive accounting of the returns on infrastructure investment. For those developing new research centres or seeking to reinvigorate existing ones, this framework may be a useful guide for both centre design and evaluation.

  18. The challenges facing the European Union Centres of Excellence

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dupre, Bruno; )


    On 19 April 2012, the United Nation Security Council congratulated the European Union for its initiative on centres of excellence in the nuclear, radiological, biological, and chemical fields. The time for glowing reports is over. Three years after its creation, the support of EU Member Sates, the Security Council, the G8, the IEAE, the WHO, the USA, Interpol, the ICRC, has been obtained. Other diplomatic, organisational, and communicative challenges have now arisen regarding implementation. The manifest challenges include: 1/Political exploitation of the centres. Following a recent round table in Algiers, the Algerian press ran headlines such as 'terrorism, the Malian crisis arrives in Algiers' CBRN centres of excellence' and 'Bouteflika, the centres of excellence slight'. 2/Communication errors. A unanimously approved expert in South East Asia became a persona non grata over the last six months despite not making any fundamental mistake, aside from his inability to evaluate the degree of a country's sensitivity and pride. The countries in the region went so far as to threaten to pull out of the Manila centre as a result of this ultimately minor error in communication. 3/The scope of the centres' role complicates the grasp of its objectives. To date, the focus has essentially been on non-proliferation and the fight against CBRN terrorism, under the well-established theme of Resolution 1540. The shift of CBRN focus, at the behest of certain regions, on to real natural risks (pandemics) or industrial risks (protection of crucial infrastructure following an earthquake, flooding, or a tsunami) fundamentally changes the teams' make-up and the mobilization of resources. The emergency services culture is different to that of nonproliferation. However, they both very much address CBRN risks and threats. 4/The limits of the 'bottom-up' approach. To date, the centres' success has been due to the lack of restrictive rules. The policy is to enlist willing third-party States

  19. Upcoming opening of CERN's new Mobility Centre

    CERN Multimedia


    On 29 February, CERN’s brand new Mobility Centre opened in the Globe car park. The Centre has been created to cater to the transport needs of everyone at CERN, to simplify procedures and to centralise all the transport services on offer: the rental of CERN bikes and cars, the CERN car-sharing scheme and SIXT car rental.   From 29 February onwards, the Mobility Centre in the Globe car park will be the place to go for all your duty travel needs: rental of CERN cars (with or without the CERN logo), SIXT car rental, CERN bike rental, distribution of cards allowing the use of CERN’s self-service bike- and car-sharing schemes. That same day, the premises currently housing the Car Pool in Building 130 will become the CERN garage, responsible for: upkeep and repairs on CERN bikes, minor maintenance work on CERN vehicles (e.g. replacing windscreen wipers, bulbs and fuses, refilling windscreen washer fluid, pumping up tyres, etc.), arranging and following up the repair and maintenan...

  20. Thyroid cancer: experiences at the Regional Cancer Centre, Trivandrum

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pradeep, V.M.; Gangadharan, P.; Nair, Krishnan M.


    Above 300 thyroid cancers are seen at the Regional Cancer Centre annually. There has been an increase in the number of TC registered over the years. This is at least partly due to improved diagnostic services and availability of 131 I therapy. Almost 90 % of the cases seen at the Centre are well-differentiated cancers

  1. Spectroscopic features of dimer and dangling bond E' centres in amorphous silica

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mukhopadhyay, Sanghamitra; Sushko, Peter V; Mashkov, Vladimir A; Shluger, Alexander L


    We performed first-principle embedded cluster calculations of the hyperfine parameters, g-tensors and optical excitation energies for the dimer and back-projected configurations of the E' centre in amorphous silica. The optical transition energies of these defects are calculated for the first time. We predict a strong optical transition at about 6.3 eV for the dimer configuration and a relatively weak transition at 5.6 eV for the back-projected configuration of the E' centre. These predictions could be used for further experimental identification of these centres. Our results support the dimer model of the E' δ centre, and for the first time provide a full range of spectroscopic parameters for the back-projected configuration of the E' centre in amorphous silica

  2. Science Information Centre and Nuclear Library of 'Jozef Stefan' Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Stante, A.; Smuc, S.


    The 'Jozef Stefan' Institute Science Information Centre is the central Slovene physics library and one of the largest special libraries in Slovenia. Our collection covers the fields of physics, chemistry, biochemistry, electronics, information science, artificial intelligence, energy management, environmental science, material science, robotics etc. The Nuclear Library at the Reactor Centre Podgorica is a part of the Science Information Centre. It collects and keeps literature from the field of reactor and nuclear energy and provides information to scientists employed at the Reactor Centre and users from the Nuclear Power Plant Krsko as well as other experts dealing with nuclear science and similar fields. The orders subscribed are sent by the Science Information Centre to other libraries included in inter-library lending in Slovenia and abroad. (author)

  3. Dynamic Modal Analysis of Vertical Machining Centre Components


    Anayet U. Patwari; Waleed F. Faris; A. K. M. Nurul Amin; S. K. Loh


    The paper presents a systematic procedure and details of the use of experimental and analytical modal analysis technique for structural dynamic evaluation processes of a vertical machining centre. The main results deal with assessment of the mode shape of the different components of the vertical machining centre. The simplified experimental modal analysis of different components of milling machine was carried out. This model of the different machine tool's structure is made by design software...

  4. Investigating Teacher Leadership in ECE Centres in Finland


    Heikka, Johanna; Halttunen, Leena; Waniganayake, Manjula


    This study was aimed at investigating the enactment of teacher leadership in early childhood education (ECE) centres in Finland. Theoretically, the study was informed by the emerging scholarship of early childhood distributed pedagogical leadership and school based research on teacher leadership as well as classical theorizing of ECE leadership. Staff from three ECE centres participated as a purposive sample of informants in this study. The study involved participative observations of ECE sta...

  5. System-centred tobacco management: from 'whole-person' to 'whole-system' change. (United States)

    Bonevski, Billie


    Patient-centred tobacco management is a pragmatic approach for helping smokers achieve their goals in terms of either cessation or harm reduction. However, the success of the approach is dependent on clinicians embracing and delivering it as intended. There are a number of structural and systemic organisational barriers which are limiting clinician-delivered patient-centred tobacco dependence. In response, 'whole system' approaches which help support clinicians in the delivery of patient-centred tobacco management are required. Health system changes to support clinicians and facilitate the delivery of patient-centred tobacco management are worth further investigation, particularly in settings where tobacco smoking rates are high. © 2013 Australasian Professional Society on Alcohol and other Drugs.

  6. President | IDRC - International Development Research Centre

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    International Development Research Centre Selection Criteria Education A ... or an acceptable combination of education, job-related training and/or experience. ... Knowledge of current corporate governance and human resource issues; ...

  7. Centre de Spectrometrie Nucleaire et de Spectrometrie de Masse - CSNSM/Centre for nuclear and mass spectroscopy, Activity Report 1995-1997

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The Centre for nuclear and mass spectroscopy (CSNSM) is a CNRS (National Centre for Scientific Research) laboratory affiliated with Paris-Sud University. The CSNSM is involved in pluri-disciplinary activities covering various scientific domains: Nuclear Structure (SNO), Nuclear Astrophysics (AN), Solid State Astrophysics (AS), Solid State Physics (PS) and Chemical Physics of Irradiation. This document presents the activity of the Centre during the 1995-1997 years: 1 - Nuclear structure: structure of first well states, superdeformation, high-spin state populations of stable or neutron-rich nuclei, high-k isomers physics, theoretical works, technical developments; 2 - Nuclear astrophysics; 3 - Basic symmetries; 4 - Accelerator-based mass spectroscopy; 5 - Solid State Astrophysics; 6 - Physics and Chemistry of Irradiation; 7 - Solid State Physics; 8 - SEMIRAMIS (ion source and ion beam handling); 9 - Computer Department; 10 - Electronics Group; 11 - Mechanics Department; 12 - Permanent training; 13 - Health and safety; 14 - Seminars and communications; 15 - Dissertations; 16 - Publications; 17 - Staff

  8. Colour centres in LiF for measurement of abssorbed doses up to 100 MGy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    McLaughlin, W.L.


    Radiation damage studies on electronic components, polymers, composites, ceramics, metals and insulating materials exposed to very large doses of ionising photons and particles (i.e. electrons, protons, and neutrons) require reproducible and accurate passive dosimetry. Absorbed doses in the range 10 2 -2 x 10 6 Gy have previously been measured with optical quality, undoped LiF by spectrophotometry of radiation-induced absorption bands of stable colour centres. These include the relatively stable F centre (247 nm), M centre (443 nm), R 1 centre (315 nm), R 2 centre (374 nm), and N 2 centre (547 nm). It is now possible to extend this range to 10 8 Gy by spectrophotometry of the N 1 centre (517 nm) and an 'X' centre (785 nm). These dosemeters can be used from cryogenic (4 K) to relatively high radiation temperatures (up to 500 K). The radiation-induced coloration can be bleached for re-use of the dosemeters by a two hour thermal annealing treatment at 830 K. (Author)

  9. Factors that trigger emergency physicians to contact a poison centre: findings from a Swiss study. (United States)

    Schurter, David; Rauber-Lüthy, Christine; Jahns, Maximilian; Haberkern, Monika; Kupferschmidt, Hugo; Exadaktylos, Aristomenis; Eriksson, Urs; Ceschi, Alessandro


    Poison centres offer rapid and comprehensive support for emergency physicians managing poisoned patients. This study investigates institutional, case-specific and poisoning-specific factors which influence the decision of emergency physicians to contact a poison centre. Retrospective, consecutive review of all poisoning-related admissions to the emergency departments (EDs) of a primary care hospital and a university hospital-based tertiary referral centre during 2007. Corresponding poison centre consultations were extracted from the poison centre database. Data were matched and analysed by logistic regression and generalised linear mixed models. 545 poisonings were treated in the participating EDs (350 (64.2%) in the tertiary care centre, 195 (35.8%) in the primary care hospital). The poison centre was consulted in 62 (11.4%) cases (38 (61.3%) by the tertiary care centre and 24 (38.7%) by the primary care hospital). Factors significantly associated with poison centre consultation included gender (female vs male) (OR 2.99; 95% CI 1.69 to 5.29; p1 vs 1) (OR 2.84; 95% CI 1.65 to 4.9; ppoison centre consultation. Poison centre consultation was significantly higher during the week, and significantly less during night shifts. The poison centre was consulted significantly more when patients were admitted to intensive care units (OR 5.81; 95% CI 3.25 to 10.37; ppoison centre consultation by emergency physicians. It appears that intensive care unit admission and other factors reflecting either complexity or uncertainty of the clinical situation are the strongest predictors for poison centre consultation. Hospital size did not influence referral behaviour.

  10. Nurse middle managers contributions to patient-centred care: A 'managerial work' analysis. (United States)

    Lalleman, Pcb; Smid, Gac; Dikken, J; Lagerwey, M D; Schuurmans, M J


    Nurse middle managers are in an ideal position to facilitate patient-centred care. However, their contribution is underexposed in literature due to difficulties to articulate this in practice. This paper explores how nurse middle managers contribute to patient-centred care in hospitals. A combination of time-use analysis and ethnographic work was used to disclose their contribution to patient-centred care at a micro level. Sixteen nurse managers were shadowed for over 560 hours in four hospitals. Some nurse middle managers seldom contribute to patient-centred care. Others are involved in direct patient care, but this does not result in patient-centred practices. At one hospital, the nurse middle managers did contribute to patient-centred care. Here balancing between "organizing work" and "caring work" is seen as a precondition for their patient-centeredness. Other important themes are feedback mechanisms; place matters; with whom to talk and how to frame the issues at stake; and behavioral style. Both "hands-on" and "heads-on" caring work of nurse middle managers enhances their patient-centeredness. This study is the first of its kind to obtain insight in the often difficult to articulate "doings" of nurse middle managers with regard to patient-centred care through combining time-use analysis with ethnographic work. © 2017 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  11. Imperial College Reactor Centre annual report. 1984

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The following new equipment is noted; for atomic absorption spectrometry to supplement the neutron activation analysis, and an additional nuclear data analysis system to improve the quality and speed of the service to users of the Centre's facilities. Users include undergraduates from the University of London, outside bodies such as the British Musueum, as well as departments of Colleges of the University of London. The reactor lost only three days through failures or faults. Two replacement fuel elements were put into the reactor during the year. The report contains brief accounts of 34 research programmes at the Centre. (U.K.)

  12. Tangible Results of Nuclear Information Centre in Slovenia

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jencic, I.


    Nuclear Training Centre Ljubljana was established in 1989 and a few years later its activity expanded from pure professional training to public information, as well. The goal was to achieve better social acceptance of nuclear power in Slovenia which was very low in early 1990's. We focused on schoolchildren and other organized groups and since then we had more than 120,000 visitors. The mainstays of our activity are a live lecture and a permanent exhibition. In the recent years the Nuclear Information Centre and its web site has also become a respected source of information for the media and the general public. In the first few years it was quite hard to notice any improvement in public attitude and even later, when nuclear power became less controversial, it was difficult to link this change to the activities of the Nuclear Information Centre. Recently, however, several independent polls on a representative sample of general population proved that in a long term, our activities did have tangible results and that Nuclear Information Centre as part of Jozef Stefan Institute is regarded as trusted source of information. An Eurobarometer poll showed that Slovenia ranked among the first three countries in Europe regarding knowledge of nuclear waste issues in Europe. Another poll showed that Jozef Stefan Institute is the most trusted institution on radioactive waste issues. A third independent poll showed that the knowledge and the attitude towards nuclear is most favorable in the youngest age group of general population, i.e., many of whom have previously visited the Nuclear Information Centre. These are all indications that the activities of the Nuclear Information Centre have contributed to a measurable change in the public opinion and knowledge of nuclear issues in Slovenia. Furthermore this shows that informing youngsters is a very long term activity and that first tangible results can only be expected in 15 years or so. On the other hand, however

  13. Home-based versus centre-based cardiac rehabilitation. (United States)

    Taylor, Rod S; Dalal, Hayes; Jolly, Kate; Moxham, Tiffany; Zawada, Anna


    The burden of cardiovascular disease world-wide is one of great concern to patients and health care agencies alike. Traditionally centre-based cardiac rehabilitation (CR) programmes are offered to individuals after cardiac events to aid recovery and prevent further cardiac illness. Home-based cardiac rehabilitation programmes have been introduced in an attempt to widen access and participation. To determine the effectiveness of home-based cardiac rehabilitation programmes compared with supervised centre-based cardiac rehabilitation on mortality and morbidity, health-related quality of life and modifiable cardiac risk factors in patients with coronary heart disease. We updated the search of a previous review by searching the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL) in The Cochrane Library (2007, Issue 4), MEDLINE, EMBASE and CINAHL from 2001 to January 2008. We checked reference lists and sought advice from experts. No language restrictions were applied. Randomised controlled trials (RCTs) that compared centre-based cardiac rehabilitation (e.g. hospital, gymnasium, sports centre) with home-based programmes, in adults with myocardial infarction, angina, heart failure or who had undergone revascularisation. Studies were selected independently by two reviewers, and data extracted by a single reviewer and checked by a second one. Authors were contacted where possible to obtain missing information. Twelve studies (1,938 participants) met the inclusion criteria. The majority of studies recruited a lower risk patient following an acute myocardial infarction (MI) and revascularisation. There was no difference in outcomes of home- versus centre-based cardiac rehabilitation in mortality risk ratio (RR) was1.31 (95% confidence interval (C) 0.65 to 2.66), cardiac events, exercise capacity standardised mean difference (SMD) -0.11 (95% CI -0.35 to 0.13), as well as in modifiable risk factors (systolic blood pressure; diastolic blood pressure; total cholesterol

  14. Dietary management practices in phenylketonuria across European centres

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ahring, Kirsten; Bélanger-Quintana, Amaya; Dokoupil, Katharina


    , and the definition of foods that could be eaten without restriction ('free foods'). Eighty percent (n=8/10) of centres encouraged breastfeeding together with protein substitute in infants with PKU. CONCLUSIONS: Important differences exist among centres across Europe in the dietary management of PKU, and in support...... systems designed to assist patients in managing their diets. Further studies are needed to compare different dietary treatments with the aim of identifying best practice to optimise phenylalanine control and dietary adherence....

  15. Medical data transmission system for remote healthcare centres

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gonzalez, E A; Cagnolo, F J; Olmos, C E; Centeno, C A; Riva, G G; Zerbini, C A


    The main motivation of this project is to improve the healthcare centres equipment and human resources efficiency, enabling those centres for transmission of parameters of medical interest. This system facilitates remote consultation, in particular between specialists and remote healthcare centres. Likewise it contributes to the qualification of professionals. The electrocardiographic (ECG) and electroencephalographic (EEG) signals are acquired, processed and then sent, fulfilling the effective norms, for application in the hospital network of Cordoba Province, which has nodes interconnected by phone line. As innovative aspects we emphasized the low cost of development and maintenance, great versatility and handling simplicity with a modular design for interconnection with diverse data transmission media (Wi-Fi, GPRS, etc.). Successfully experiences were obtained during the acquisition of the signals and transmissions on wired LAN networks. As improvements, we can mention: energy consumption optimization and mobile communication systems usage, in order to offer more autonomy

  16. Limitation of Piston Centre Shift in Free Piston Stirling Engines

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Van der Woude, R.R. [ECN Energy in the Built Environment and Networks, Petten (Netherlands)


    Piston centre shift is one of the phenomena setting Free Piston engines apart from traditional kinematic engines. In kinematic engines the piston centre position is determined by the design of the engine's internal mechanisms. In Free Piston engines however, the piston's mid-stroke position is determined by the balance of forces acting on the piston, in particular flexure and gas pressure forces. As a result, a mean pressure difference across the piston emerging during engine operation will cause the piston mid-stroke position to shift away from the geometrical centre. This process will continue until a new balance is reached with the flexure forces counteracting the new mean pressure balance. Yet, before the new equilibrium is reached, the resulting piston centre shift may have grown to such an extent that piston overstrokes have become inevitable. In order to limit piston centre shift and prevent piston overstrokes, several solutions have been proposed in the past. Popular solutions include ingenious mechanisms to vent gas between the spaces separated by the piston, in an attempt to limit the pressure difference. Enatec however has adopted a different approach by applying a precisely determined clearance between the piston and cylinder. With the right shape the clearance effectively limits the mean pressure difference across the piston and therefore limits the extent of the piston centre drift. Taking benefit of tightly controlled tolerances of both piston and cylinder, Enatec has demonstrated the effectiveness of this simple concept in series produced engines.

  17. A macro perspective for client-centred practice in curricula: Critique and teaching methods. (United States)

    Fleming-Castaldy, Rita P


    Client-centred practice is often eclipsed by social, economic, and political inequities. Ignoring these realities obstructs clients' goal attainment. The author advocates for the integration of a macro perspective inclusive of participation barriers and supports in occupational therapy curricula and seeks to motivate educators to adopt teaching approaches that develop students' abilities to address the complexities of client-centred practice. This article integrates a critical analysis of the literature on client-centred practice with reflexivity on disability studies and autoethnography. Educational standards require students to learn about the social, economic, and political contexts that impact on client-centred practice and the need for advocacy to enable participation. Theoretical support of a macro perspective for client-centred practice is strongly evident in the literature. Information on methods for teaching students how to actualize these concepts in practice is scant. Thus, strategies to inform the integration of a macro perspective into curricula and concrete activities to develop students' competencies for empowered client-centred practice are required. Educators have an ethical responsibility to critique their pedagogy to determine whether they are adequately preparing students for client-centred practice. The focus must move from teaching a micro perspective of client-centred practice to a macro perspective that enables occupational justice and empowerment.

  18. The new AMS control centre

    CERN Multimedia

    Anaïs Schaeffer


    Construction work for the future AMS control room began in November 2010 and should be finished this June. The new building, which will have been completed in record time thanks to the professionalism of the project team, will soon be ready to receive the initial data from the AMS experiment.     Luigi Scibile and Michael Poehler, from the GS department, at the AMS control centre construction site.   The Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer (AMS) is due to wing its way towards the International Space Station (ISS) on board the shuttle Discovery in April. Mainly intended for research on antimatter and dark matter, the data collected by AMS will be sent to Houston in the United States and then directly to CERN’s new Building 946. Construction work for the AMS control centre building on the Route Gentner at CERN’s Prévessin site started in November 2010 and must be completed in time to receive the first data from the spectrometer in June. “It normall...

  19. Résultats de recherche | Page 173 | CRDI - Centre de recherches ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Cette recherche s'inscrit dans le contexte d'une superposition de deux faits ... de technologies de l'information et de la communication (TIC), ou télécentre, dans ... Le Centro de Tecnologia e Sociedade (CTS - centre pour la technologie et la ...

  20. Report on the IAEA technical meeting on network of nuclear reaction data centres

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Schwerer, O [IAEA Nuclear Data Section, Vienna (Austria)


    An IAEA Technical Meeting on the Network of Nuclear Reaction Data Centres (biennial Data Centre Heads Meeting) was held at IAEA Headquarters, Vienna, Austria, from 25 to 28 September 2006. The meeting was attended by 19 participants from 10 cooperating data centres of six Member States and two international organizations. A summary of the meeting is given in this report, along with the conclusions, actions, and status reports of the participating data centres. (author)