
Sample records for centrais da retina

  1. Maturação funcional da retina em bebês prematuros

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    Adriana Berezovsky


    Full Text Available A retina humana ainda não está totalmente desenvolvida no nascimento. Só após o nascimento é que ocorrem mudanças anatômicas como o aumento na densidade de cones centrais e o alongamento do segmento externo dos fotorreceptores. As mudanças funcionais que ocorrem na retina com a maturação no primeiro ano de vida podem ser avaliadas pela técnica do eletrorretinograma de campo total, que representa a atividade somada da retina distal em resposta à luz. Abordaremos aspectos da maturação funcional da retina avaliada pelo eletrorretinograma em bebês prematuros.

  2. Meduloepitelioma teratóide da retina: relato de caso Teratoid medulloepithelioma of the retina: case report

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    Ramon Coral Ghanem


    Full Text Available O meduloepitelioma é um tumor intra-ocular congênito originário do epitélio medular primitivo que, por sua vez, é responsável pela formação do epitélio não pigmentado do corpo ciliar. Ocorre geralmente na infância, de forma unilateral, acometendo o corpo ciliar. O objetivo deste trabalho é documentar um caso raro de meduloepitelioma teratóide originário da retina. Paciente de nove anos, feminina, apresentava baixa acuidade visual (AV, estrabismo e leucocoria no olho esquerdo (OE. A AV era de 1,0 no olho direito e movimentos de mão no OE. Foi observada tumoração retrocristaliniana branco-acinzentada no OE, aparentemente subretiniana, vascularizada, de grande extensão, com alterações císticas na sua superfície. Foram realizadas tomografia de crânio e órbitas e ecografia ocular. A paciente foi submetida à enucleação com suspeita clínica de retinoblastoma. Pelo aspecto histopatológico foi feito o diagnóstico de meduloepitelioma teratóide benigno originário da retina. Na maioria dos casos apresentados na literatura o meduloepitelioma tem origem a partir do epitélio não pigmentado do corpo ciliar. No nosso caso, a neoplasia parece ter tido origem a partir da retina, já que os cortes revelaram epitélio do corpo ciliar preservado e não foi reconhecida a estrutura normal da retina. Embora o tumor apresentado neste relato tenha sido classificado como benigno, o fato de ser lesão de grandes proporções e de crescimento aparentemente recente, justifica a conduta cirúrgica empregada. O tratamento do meduloepitelioma deve objetivar a intervenção cirúrgica precoce, na tentativa de se evitar a disseminação extra-ocular.Medulloepithelioma is a congenital intraocular tumor that usually arises from the primitive medullary epithelium that is destined to form the nonpigmented ciliary epithelium of the ciliary body. It occurs most frequently in early childhood and is unilateral. This report documents a rare case of

  3. Myopathy associated with pigmentary degeneration of the retina and high protein content of cerebrospinal fluid Miopatia associada a degeneração pigmentar da retina e hiperproteinorraquia

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    José Antonio Levy


    Full Text Available The cases of two brothers suffering from a myopathy associated with pigmentary degeneration of the retina and increase of protein content of the cerebrospinal fluid are reported.Foram estudados dois pacientes, filhos de pais não consanguíneos, com quadro miopático, iniciado na segunda década da vida, com predomínio na musculatura das cinturas e da face. Em ambos os casos havia degeneração pigmentar da retina e aumento da taxa protéica no líquido cefalorraqueano.

  4. Degenerações periféricas da retina do olho míope X LASIK

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    Nassaralla Jr. João J.


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste artigo é apresentar as degenerações periféricas mais comuns na retina dos olhos míopes, discutindo aquelas que oferecem maiores riscos para o descolamento regmatogênico da retina, seu relacionamento com a cirurgia de LASIK e a indicação para o tratamento profilático.

  5. Governança Corporativa: um estudo de caso na Eletrosul Centrais Elétricas S.A.

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    Tássia Grudtner Basilio


    Full Text Available O estudo de caso na empresa Eletrosul Centrais Elétricas S.A. propicia o entendimento da forma como ocorre a governança corporativa. A empresa atua na região sul do Brasil, no Mato Grosso do Sul e no estado de Rondônia na geração e transmissão independente de energia elétrica. A pesquisa considerou a natureza da organização, que é classificada como de economia mista com capital fechado, e por isso utiliza-se de práticas de governança corporativa, para ter transparência de informações e cuidar dos interesses de todas as partes interessadas. A segunda etapa da pesquisa constituiu-se da coleta de dados por meio de uma entrevista com a supervisora da área afim. Como resultado de pesquisa, foi possível observar que a Eletrosul Centrais Elétricas S.A. além de atender os requisitos estruturais sugeridos pelo IGBC possui as seguintes ações e práticas para a disseminação e fomento da Governança Corporativa: responsabilidade com partes interessadas da organização, canais de comunicação, transparência e preocupação com seus clientes.

  6. Análise comparada da estrutura e desempenho dos bancos centrais de três países da América Latina através de um modelo de vetor auto-regressivo (VAR/VEC

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    Sílvia Letícia Bampi


    Full Text Available Esse artigo tem como objetivo analisar o desempenho dos Bancos Centrais (BC de três países da América Latina, verificando a sua política de atuação e identificando os modelos monetários que obtiveram um melhor desempenho econômico frente aos diversos ciclos no período de 2000 a 2014. Estimou-se um modelo de Vetor Auto-regressivo (VAR/VEC onde os coeficientes evidenciaram que para Brasil e Chile, as variáveis comumente utilizadas para se avaliar a interferência dos BC, tiveram influência significativa nas demais variáveis da economia consideras no estudo. Para o México, no entanto, essas variáveis não apresentaram significância. As evoluções financeiras atreladas a globalização e a abertura comercial restringiram a atuação dos agentes reguladores promovendo mudanças com relação a atuação destes para o futuro. Desta forma, a redução de incertezas políticas e econômicas, relacionada a maior inserção dos países no sistema internacional, refletem mudanças nas estratégias dos bancos centrais.

  7. Analgesia preemptiva com dipirona versus ibuprofeno na fotocoagulação a laser da retina

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    Artur Macaferri Del Santo


    Full Text Available RESUMO Objetivo: Comparar a efetividade da dipirona versus o ibuprofeno para a redução da dor na fotocoagulação da retina (FR. Método: Foi realizado um estudo controlado, duplo cego e randomizado englobando trinta e quatro pacientes com retinopatia diabética separados em dois grupos. Grupo A recebeu 1000mg de dipirona e o grupo B recebeu 600mg de ibuprofeno. A dor foi avaliada pela escala visual analógica. Resultado: A média do escore da dor nos grupos A e B foi de 5,2 ± 2.6 e 4,5 ± 1,4, respectivamente. Não houve diferença estatística entre os grupos (p=0,34. O mesmo foi observado quanto à analise entre dor leve, moderada e grave (p=0,09. Os grupos foram semelhantes quanto à idade e sexo. Conclusão: Os medicamentos foram equivalentes ou equipotentes em reduzir a dor ocular durante a fotocoagulação a laser da retina.

  8. Commercial statistical bulletin of the Brazilian electric utility Centrais Eletricas de Santa Catarina S.A; Boletim estatistico comercial da CELESC: Centrais Eletricas de Santa Catarina S.A

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    Statistical data concerning the Brazilian Centrais Eletricas de Santa Catarina S.A. utility relative to April 1996 are presented. They include, among other things, electricity consumption, number and class of consumers and electricity rates 6 figs., 50 tabs.

  9. A administração clássica: um estudo aplicado a centrais de atendimento (call center

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    Jairo Moran Carvalho Ribeiro


    Full Text Available As organizações modernas, a exemplo de operações de centrais de atendimento, ou call centers, tem atuado em diversas áreas de negócios, que pode ser do simples atendimento, como os serviços de atendimento a clientes - SAC, a grandes empresas com foco em cobrança, televendas ou operações diversas. Assim, a pesquisa buscou apresentar evidências do emprego das teorias clássicas da administração, através de estudo de casos, em dois Call Centers de empresas do Rio Grande do Sul vinculados à rede varejista de eletroeletrônicos e a distribuidora de energia elétrica. Embora, a natureza de atuação diversa entre as duas centrais analisadas, os princípios clássicos da administração se mostraram evidenciados em ambas as operações, a exemplo da racionalização do trabalho, controle das atividades, supervisão atuante, jornadas definidas, prêmios por produção, dentre outros elementos característicos dos princípios defendidos por Taylor, Fayol, Ford entre outros clássicos da administração.

  10. Avaliação ocular multimodal em doenças heredodistróficas e degenerativas da retina Multimodal fundus imaging in heredodystrophic and degenerative diseases of the retina

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    Daniela Cavalcanti Ferrara


    Full Text Available A tomografia de coerência óptica incorporou-se gradativamente ao contemporâneo arsenal diagnóstico em Oftalmologia, passando a exercer papel fundamental na investigação e condução de doenças oculares, particularmente na especialidade de Retina e Vítreo. A disponibilização comercial da nova geração de aparelhos, chamada de tomografia de coerência óptica "espectral", baseada em conceito físico distinto que permite a aquisição de imagens em alta velocidade, marcou o início de uma nova era desta tecnologia de investigação auxiliar. Adicionalmente, sua recente combinação com o oftalmoscópio de varredura a laser confocal (confocal scanning laser ophthalmoscope vem propiciando a aquisição de imagens tomográficas guiadas em tempo real pelos diferentes modos de imagem (autofluorescência de fundo, reflectância com luz "infravermelha" e angiografia com fluoresceína ou indocianina verde. A avaliação ocular multimodal (multimodal fundus imaging permite a correlação real e minuciosa de achados da morfologia retiniana e do epitélio pigmentar com dados de estudos angiográficos e de autofluorescência ou reflectância, propiciando assim inferências valiosas sobre a fisiologia do tecido. Neste artigo, discutimos brevemente as possíveis implicações da avaliação ocular multimodal na prática da especialidade de Retina e Vítreo.Optical coherence tomography was progressively incorporated to the contemporary diagnostic arsenal in Ophthalmology, playing a crucial role in the diagnosis and management of eye diseases, particularly in the specialty of retina and vitreous. The commercial availability of the new generation of devices, coined "spectral" optical coherence tomography, which is based in a distinct physical concept that permits high-speed image acquisition, launched a new era for this investigative ancillary tool. In addition, the recent combination of this new technology with a confocal scanning laser ophthalmoscope

  11. Patrimônio Ferroviário: em busca dos seus lugares centrais

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    Maria Emília Lopes Freire


    Full Text Available Resumo O patrimônio ferroviário é formado por estruturas complexas, em interações socioespaciais – implantadas como uma rede –, vinculadas à história do desenvolvimento científico-tecnológico e à memória social. Assim, elas carregam atributos valorativos portadores de interesse patrimonial. Entretanto, não é possível preservar tudo, é necessário fazer uma seleção criteriosa pautada em argumentos relevantes. Este artigo propõe um arranjo teórico – inspirado na abordagem sistêmica, associada às noções de rede, nodalidade e centralidade –, capaz de fornecer fundamentos analíticos imprescindíveis à identificação, em uma rede ferroviária, das estruturas espaciais e suas relações, caracterizadas como lugares centrais. Tais estruturas, por serem as mais importantes à dinâmica funcional dessa rede, são detentoras de potencial à preservação. É uma proposta, instigada pela iminente perda de estruturas ferroviárias, símbolos representativos de identidades coletivas. A discussão centra-se no primitivo sistema ferroviário implantado no Recife, como parte da Rede Ferroviária Nordeste (Brasil. Esse sistema polarizou funções essenciais, conformando centralidades, em relação aos demais pátios da Rede e nodalidades, ante as inter-relações estabelecidas com as demais redes que recobrem o território. Figuram, portanto, como Lugares Centrais.

  12. The external impacts of Central Bank independence Os impactos externos da independência dos Bancos Centrais

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    Carroll Howard Griffin


    , tanto desenvolvidos como em desenvolvimento. Desde a primeira literatura acadêmica a respeito no final dos anos 80, muitos países começaram a adotar essa política e muitos governos a reconheceram como padrão. Assim, muitos países ao redor do mundo concederam autonomia a seus bancos centrais nos anos 80 e 90. A maior parte dos estudos existentes investigou principalmente o impacto da independência do banco central na inflação. Porém, os benefícios teóricos adicionais vão muito além, resultado de um ambiente macroeconômico mais estável e próspero. Ademais, somente agora há dados suficientes para a determinação empírica da veracidade de muitas dessas alegações. Este estudo investiga a independência dos bancos centrais em países em desenvolvimento na América Latina e na Ásia, além de determinados países desenvolvidos, para determinar o real impacto de um banco central autônomo. Também examina fenômenos como crises financeiras (inclusive a crise global em curso no período 2008-2009, estabelecimento de metas de inflação, sistemas legais, desenvolvimento dos países e política fiscal para determinar os efeitos destes itens não somente na inflação, mas no espectro amplo de resultados macroeconômicos. Apesar de haver evidências empíricas para apoiar os benefícios da independência do banco central, seu escopo é limitado a determinadas áreas.

  13. Vitrectomy with and without scleral buckling for retinal detachment Vitrectomia com e sem "scleral buckling" para descolamento da retina

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    Rubens Camargo Siqueira


    Full Text Available PURPOSE: To compare the surgical results of vitrectomy with and without scleral buckling for rhegmatogenous retinal detachment (RD. METHODS: Fifty-one patients with rhegmatogenous retinal detachment with proliferative vitreoretinopathy (PVR at different stages were submitted to pars plana vitrectomy as the primary surgery, 23 patients (45.09% with scleral buckle (group I and 28 (54.90% without scleral buckle (group II. Visual acuity, anterior segment complications, intraocular pressure, strabismus and retina reattachment rate were evaluated in both groups. RESULTS: The anatomical success and postoperative complications were similar in both groups. Retinal reattachment was achieved in 20 of 23 eyes (87% of group I and in 24 of 28 eyes (85.7% of group II after the initial surgery (p=1.000. Elevated intraocular pressure was noted in 2 eyes (8.7% of group I and 1 eye (3.6% of group II (p=0.583. Corneal abnormalities were seen in 3 eyes (13% of group I and 2 eyes (7.19% of the group II (p=0.647. Visual acuity improved from a preoperative median of 20/200 to a median of 20/100 in group 1 and from 20/400 to 20/100 in group 2; the difference between the two groups was statistically significant (pOBJETIVOS: Comparar os resultados cirúrgicos da vitrectomia com e sem "buckle" escleral para descolamento da retina regmatogênico (DR. MÉTODOS: Cinqüenta e um pacientes com descolamento da retina regmatogênico com proliferação vitreorretiniana (PVR em diferentes estádios foram submetidos a vitrectomia pars plana como cirurgia primária; 23 pacientes (45,09% com buckle escleral (grupo 1 e 28 pacientes (54,90% sem "buckle" escleral (grupo 2. Acuidade visual, complicações do segmento anterior, pressão intra-ocular, estrabismo e razão do redescolamento da retina foram avaliados em ambos os grupos. RESULTADOS: O sucesso anatômico e complicações pós-operatórias foram semelhantes em ambos os grupos. A reaplicação da retina foi obtida em 20 dos 23

  14. Existe Diferença no Desempenho Financeiro das Cooperativas Centrais de Crédito no Brasil?

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    Paulo Henrique Magalhães de Oliveira


    Full Text Available As demonstrações contábeis têm por objetivo apresentar informações que viabilizem a compreensão dos fatos ocorridos nas entidades e, assim, auxiliam a tomada de decisões dos agentes econômicos. Neste contexto, a avaliação da estrutura financeira das cooperativas centrais de crédito, que são responsáveis por auxiliar a gestão das cooperativas singulares, pode fornecer subsídios às políticas e intervenções por parte do Banco Central, além de auxiliar gestores e agentes econômicos que operam com estas instituições, uma vez que a procura por serviços prestados pelas cooperativas de crédito vem aumentando de forma significativa, principalmente pelo fato de oferecerem taxas de juros e custos de serviços sensivelmente mais baixos quando comparados aos praticadas pelo sistema bancário. Nesse sentido, o presente estudo teve como objetivo avaliar a situação financeira das 14 cooperativas centrais de crédito filiadas ao SICOOB utilizando a metodologia PEARLS. Os estudos sobre as cooperativas de crédito no Brasil focam nas cooperativas singulares e, até o presente momento, não se verificou na literatura uma análise financeira das cooperativas centrais por meio do sistema PEARLS. A presente pesquisa pode ser caracterizada como descritiva, pois apresenta as características econômico-financeiras das cooperativas centrais a partir das demonstrações financeiras cedidas pelo Banco Central do Brasil. Os resultados indicam o destaque de uma cooperativa central de crédito que sobressaiu positivamente em relação às demais, e uma negativamente, que merece uma análise minuciosa do processo de gestão. Adicionalmente, os resultados demonstraram a viabilidade das cooperativas centrais de crédito implementarem o sistema PEARLS como ferramenta de auxílio à gestão que é, nos dias de hoje, um dos grandes desafios para o sistema cooperativista de crédito.

  15. Avaliação da autofluorescência do fundo de olho nas distrofias de retina com o aparelho Heidelberg Retina Angiograph2 Evaluation of fundus autofluorescence in hereditary retinal diseases using Heidelberg Retina Angiograph2

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    Monique Côco


    Full Text Available OBJETIVOS: Definir características do exame de autofluorescência, verificando sua utilidade no diagnóstico e acompanhamento de distrofias retinianas. MÉTODOS: Participaram do estudo, 28 pacientes, adultos, divididos igualmente em quatro grupos com diagnósticos de doença de Stargardt, distrofia de Cones, retinose pigmentar e voluntários saudáveis para estabelecimento do padrão de normalidade. Em média foram obtidas nove imagens com o filtro para angiofluoresceinografia para a formação da imagem autofluorescente no Heidelberg Retina Angiograph2. As imagens de cada grupo de pacientes foram analisadas para verificar características comuns. RESULTADOS: As imagens fundoscópicas autofluorescentes dos voluntários do grupo controle mostraram área foveal hipoautofluorescente em relação à retina do pólo posterior. As imagens dos portadores de doença de Stargardt, em geral, apresentaram lesão hipoautofluorescente, correspondendo à área macular. As principais alterações da autofluorescência em pacientes com distrofia de cones foram hipoautofluorescência macular com halo hiperautofluorescente. Nos portadores de retinose pigmentar, foram encontrados pigmentos periféricos causando hipoautofluorescência. Na região macular, hipoautofluorescência ou apenas desorganização do pigmento. CONCLUSÃO: O estudo mostrou a existência de padrões de autofluorescência de fundo nas distrofias de retina que permitem o diagnóstico e melhor interpretação da fisiopatogenia destas doenças.PURPOSE: To define characteristics of the fundus autofluorescence examination, verifying usefulness in the diagnosis and care of hereditary retinal diseases. METHODS: 28 patients, adults, divided equally into four groups with diagnoses of Stargardt macular dystrophy, cone dystrophy, retinitis pigmentosa and healthy volunteers for the establishment of the normality pattern. An average of nine images with the filter for fluorescein angiography was obtained

  16. Atrofia girata de coróide e retina : relato de caso

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    Oyamaguchi Emerson Kenji


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Relatar um caso de atrofia girata de coróide e retina com confirmação por meio da bioquímica do plasma. MÉTODO: Aferiu-se a melhor acuidade visual corrigida de ambos olhos (AO em tabela de Snellen. Foram realizados biomicroscopia do segmento anterior, refração, mapeamento de retina, angiografia fluoresceínica, campo visual e dosagem da ornitina sérica (aminoacidograma. RESULTADOS: Paciente de 22 anos, sexo feminino, cor branca, apresentando alta miopia e acuidade visual (AV 20/100 em AO. À biomicroscopia do segmento anterior apresentava catarata subcapsular posterior em AO. À oftalmoscopia foram verificadas lesões atróficas da coróide e da retina bem delimitadas em meia periferia de AO. O aminoacidograma constatou elevação correspondente ao complexo da ornitina. CONCLUSÃO: Relata-se um caso típico de atrofia girata, distrofia retiniana rara associada a hiperornitinemia.

  17. Oclusão de ramo venoso da retina associado ao uso de infliximabe: relato de caso

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    Bruno Diniz


    Full Text Available Descrevemos o caso de uma paciente, de 53 anos, com quadro de oclusão de ramo venoso da retina após receber seis infusões de infliximabe (3 mg/kg/dose, para tratamento de artrite reumatóide. A investigação clínica e laboratorial sobre distúrbios de coagulação, cardiopatias e sinais de hipertensão arterial crônica foi negativa. A relação temporal do uso de infliximabe e o desenvolvimento do quadro de oclusão de ramo pode indicar um possível efeito adverso da medicação.

  18. Degenerações periféricas da retina em pacientes candidatos à cirurgia refrativa Peripheral retina degeneration in patients who are candidates for refractive surgery

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    Paulo Henrique de Avila Morales


    Full Text Available Objetivo: O objetivo desse estudo é verificar em indivíduos míopes candidatos à cirurgia refrativa a prevalência dos diferentes tipos de lesões retinianas periféricas degenerativas de acordo com o tipo de miopia. Métodos: De forma prospectiva, no período de um ano, foram examinados os olhos dos pacientes no Setor de Cirurgia Refrativa do Departamento de Oftalmologia da Universidade Federal de São Paulo - Escola Paulista de Medicina que durante a sua consulta inicial apresentassem refração com equivalente esférico superior ou igual a -1,00 dioptria esférica, e não tivessem antecedentes pessoais de doença ou cirurgia ocular no período. Foi investigada a existência de lesões e/ou degenerações periféricas predisponentes ao descolamento regmatogênico de retina. Resultados: O grupo foi composto, em sua maioria, por adultos jovens (média de idade de 31 anos. Foram observados olhos com miopia baixa (263 olhos, 31%, moderada (300 olhos, 36% e alta (277 olhos, 33%; em 35,4% dos pacientes (27% dos olhos foram encontradas degenerações periféricas, sendo o branco com e sem pressão a alteração mais freqüente (23,4% dos pacientes ou 17,5% dos olhos. Entre as lesões predisponentes ao descolamento regmatogênico da retina, a mais encontrada foi a degeneração em treliça (8,6% dos pacientes ou 6% dos olhos. Conclusões: As alterações periféricas predisponentes ou não ao descolamento regmatogênico de retina apresentaram aumento de prevalência de acordo com o aumento do grau de miopia, com exceção das roturas. Todos os pacientes com miopia alta e candidatos à cirurgia refrativa devem ter a periferia retiniana de ambos os olhos examinada.Purpose: To verify, in myopic individuals who are candidates for refractive surgery, the prevalence of different types of peripheral degenerative lesions of the retina, according to the type of myopia. Methods: Prospectively, during a one-year interval, we examined the eyes of patients in

  19. Oclusão da artéria central da retina em paciente com poliangeíte microscópica

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    Cláudia Gallicchio Domingues


    Full Text Available RESUMO A poliangeíte microscópica é uma vasculite necrotizante sistêmica que acomete arteríolas, capilares e vênulas, mas também pode atingir pequenas e médias artérias. É considerada uma doença rara, idiopática e autoimune. Diversas anormalidades oculares e sistêmicas estão associadas às oclusões arteriais retinianas. Dentre as doenças vasculares do colágeno, a literatura cita como possíveis causas de obstrução das artérias retinianas o lúpus eritematoso sistêmico, a poliarterite nodosa, a arterite de células gigantes, a granulomatose de Wegener e a granulomatose linfóide de Liebow. Até o presente momento, não se encontrou na literatura relatos da associação de casos de oclusão arterial retinana associados à PAM. Os autores relatam o caso de um paciente com poliangeíte microscópica que apresentou comprometimento renal importante e oclusão da artéria central da retina unilateral. Atenta-se para a inclusão de pesquisa da PAM, através do p-ANCA, na avaliação de possível origem sistêmica em pacientes acometidos por oclusão arterial retiniana.

  20. Annual Report - Furnas Centrais Eletricas S.A. - 1997

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The annual report of 1998 of Furnas Centrais Eletricas S A - Brazilian electric power generation and transmission company - introduces the following main topics: Furnas system; production and supply; economic and financial data; personnel; transmission system in operation; electricity market; market, planning and construction; and generation expansion

  1. Análise da camada de fibras nervosas da retina em usuários crônicos do tabaco e álcool Analysis of retinal nerve fiber layer in chronic tobacco and alcohol users

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    Rita de Cássia Ramos de Lima


    Full Text Available OBJETIVOS: Avaliar a camada de fibras nervosas (CFN da retina, através da polarimetria a laser (GDx, em usuários crônicos do tabaco e álcool. MÉTODOS: Foram estudados 46 olhos de 23 indivíduos alcoólatras e tabagistas crônicos triados do Ambulatório de Oftalmologia da Fundação Altino Ventura (grupo estudo. Como grupo controle foram incluídos 32 olhos de 16 voluntários não-usuários do álcool e tabaco, com idade, gênero e raça similares, também triados da Fundação Altino Ventura. Ambos os olhos de todos os indivíduos foram submetidos à análise da camada de fibras nervosas da retina, com aparelho "GDx nerve fiber analyses" pelo mesmo examinador. RESULTADOS: No gráfico Deviation from normal, no grupo estudo ocorreu perda de fibras nervosas da retina em 43,4%, enquanto que no grupo controle houve perda apenas em 18,7%. Quanto aos parâmetros que analisam o GDx, quando comparados o grupo estudo com o grupo controle, observou-se diferença estatisticamente significante nos parâmetros: Ellipse modulation, Inferior ratio e Max modulation. CONCLUSÕES: Os dados comprovam a associação entre o uso crônico do tabaco e álcool e a alteração na camada de fibras nervosas da retina, podendo contribuir para o diagnóstico precoce desta neuropatia.PURPOSES: To evaluate the retinal nerve fiber layer using GDx in chronic alcohol and tobacco users. METHODS: Twenty-three chronic alcohol and tobacco users were studied (study group. As a control group, sixteen volunteers without use of alcohol and tobacco with similar characteristics (age, gender and race were included. Both eyes were tested for analysis of the retinal nerve fiber layer with GDx. RESULTS: There was alteration in the Deviation from normal graph with a loss of nerve fibers in 43.4% of patients in the study group. In the control group this alteration was observed in 14 eyes (18.7%. As regards the parameters that allow comparison between the study and control groups there was

  2. Annual statistic report - Furnas Centrais Eletricas S.A. - 1995

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    In this report, extensive statistical data concerning the 1994 activities of the electric utility Furnas Centrais Eletricas S.A. are presented. They include the consumer's market, the generation and supply of electricity and economic and personal information. 106 figs., 71 tabs

  3. Alteração da camada de fibras nervosas da retina em usuários crônicos de cloroquina Retinal nerve fiber layer alteration in chronic users of chloroquine

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    Daniela de Almeida Lyra Antunes


    Full Text Available OBJETIVOS: Avaliar a camada de fibras nervosas da retina (CFN por meio da polarimetria a laser, em pacientes em uso crônico de cloroquina. MÉTODOS: Foram estudados 44 olhos de 22 pacientes em uso de cloroquina por doenças reumatológicas, por pelo menos um ano. Como controle, foram incluídos vinte indivíduos sem uso de cloroquina com idade, gênero e raça similares. Foram excluídos os pacientes que apresentavam história familiar de hipertensão ocular ou glaucoma. Ambos os olhos foram submetidos à análise da camada de fibras nervosas da retina, com o aparelho GDx® Nerve Fiber Analyser, pelo mesmo examinador. RESULTADOS: Nos usuários crônicos de cloroquina, verificou-se alteração em mais de dois parâmetros do GDx em 28 olhos (63,6%. Ocorreu também alteração no gráfico "Deviation from normal" com perda de fibras nervosas em 11 olhos (25%. Quando comparado com o grupo controle, os parâmetros que demonstraram diferença estatisticamente significante foram: Superior Ratio, Inferior Ratio, Superior Nasal, Elipse Modulation, The Number, Superior Average e Superior Integral. Houve também associação estatisticamente significante entre o tempo de uso de cloroquina e perda da CFN. CONCLUSÕES: Comprovou-se a associação entre o uso crônico da cloroquina e a alteração da CFN detectada pelo GDx. Desta forma, esses resultados podem contribuir para o diagnóstico precoce da perda de fibras nervosas na retinopatia por cloroquina.PURPOSES: To evaluate the retina nerve fiber layer by laser polarimetry in patients in chronic use of chloroquine. METHODS: Forty-four eyes of twenty-two patients were studied. These were in use of chloroquine due to rheumatic diseases during at least one year. As a control group, twenty patients without use of chloroquine with similar characteristics (age, gender and race were included. Patients who had a family history of ocular hypertension or glaucoma were not included in this group. Both eyes were

  4. Tratamento da necrose aguda de retina: revisão sistemática Treatment of acute retinal necrosis: systematic review

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    Moysés Eduardo Zajdenweber


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: O objetivo deste estudo foi pela realização de revisão sistemática, determinar o melhor tratamento para a necrose aguda de retina. MÉTODOS: Seguindo a orientação metodológica da Colaboração Cochrane e de seu subgrupo editorial "Eye and Vision Group", o autor, por meio de mecanismos de busca, selecionou trabalhos sobre o tratamento da necrose aguda de retina. RESULTADO: Foram selecionadas 146 referências bibliográficas, sendo considerados como relevantes 13 estudos. Destes estudos 2 foram considerados como preenchendo os critérios de inclusão. O primeiro estudo aponta a possibilidade de o tratamento para necrose aguda de retina, com aciclovir endovenoso associado a corticóide sistêmico, proteger o olho contralateral de acometimento. Foram estudados 54 pacientes, 31 tratados e 23 não tratados, sendo observada incidência de doença no olho contralateral de 12,9% no grupo tratado e de 69,5% no grupo não tratado. O segundo estudo incluído mostra 19 olhos acometidos com necrose aguda de retina, sendo que 12 destes olhos foram submetidos à fotocoagulação com laser de argônio, com o objetivo de prevenir o descolamento de retina. Dos 12 olhos, 2 desenvolveram descolamento de retina (16,6% ao passo que, no grupo não tratado, composto por 7 olhos, 4 desenvolveram descolamento de retina (57,1%. CONCLUSÃO: O autor conclui que os dois tipos de intervenção propostos se mostraram eficazes, porém, como os estudos são metodologicamente fracos, torna-se necessária a realização de estudos clínicos randomizados para que se possa estabelecer o melhor tratamento para a necrose aguda de retina.PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to identify, according to an sistematic review, the best treatment for acute retinal necrosis. METHODS: Following the methodologic guidance of the Cochrane Collaboration and its editorial subgroup "Eye and Vision Group", using search strategy for study identification, articles about the treatment

  5. Adenosine as a signaling molecule in the retina: biochemical and developmental aspects

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    neurotransmissores tais como dopamina ou glutamato, liberam o nucleosídeo através de mecanismos dependentes de cálcio e mediados por transportador. A presença de adenosina no meio extracelular e a ativação duradoura dos receptores de adenosina regula a sobrevivência de neurônios da retina e bloqueia a excitoxicidade mediada por glutamato. Desse modo, a adenosina, além de apresentar a função de neurotransmissor ou neuromodulador na retina desenvolvida, é considerada como uma molécula importante durante o desenvolvimento da retina, apresentando funções como a regulação da sobrevivência e diferenciação neuronal.


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    Diego Pautasso


    Full Text Available O objetivo do presente artigo é analisar o lugar da África na construção da Nova Rota da Seda Marítima. Este é justamente um dos vetores do ambicioso projeto chinês de integração da Ásia, Europa e África, lançada em 2013 sob título de Iniciativa OBOR (One Belt, One Road. Na medida que os desafios da reconstrução nacional são superados, a China torna-se mais assertiva e dá forma à sua estratégia de inserção mundial. Nesse sentido, a Nova Rota da Seda agrega os objetivos centrais da diplomacia da China para o século XXI, reservando à África a condição de trampolim para que o projeto se torne global.

  7. Heterogeneous transgene expression in the retinas of the TH-RFP, TH-Cre, TH-BAC-Cre and DAT-Cre mouse lines. (United States)

    Vuong, H E; Pérez de Sevilla Müller, L; Hardi, C N; McMahon, D G; Brecha, N C


    Transgenic mouse lines are essential tools for understanding the connectivity, physiology and function of neuronal circuits, including those in the retina. This report compares transgene expression in the retina of a tyrosine hydroxylase (TH)-red fluorescent protein (RFP) mouse line with three catecholamine-related Cre recombinase mouse lines [TH-bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC)-, TH-, and dopamine transporter (DAT)-Cre] that were crossed with a ROSA26-tdTomato reporter line. Retinas were evaluated and immunostained with commonly used antibodies including those directed to TH, GABA and glycine to characterize the RFP or tdTomato fluorescent-labeled amacrine cells, and an antibody directed to RNA-binding protein with multiple splicing to identify ganglion cells. In TH-RFP retinas, types 1 and 2 dopamine (DA) amacrine cells were identified by their characteristic cellular morphology and type 1 DA cells by their expression of TH immunoreactivity. In the TH-BAC-, TH-, and DAT-tdTomato retinas, less than 1%, ∼ 6%, and 0%, respectively, of the fluorescent cells were the expected type 1 DA amacrine cells. Instead, in the TH-BAC-tdTomato retinas, fluorescently labeled AII amacrine cells were predominant, with some medium diameter ganglion cells. In TH-tdTomato retinas, fluorescence was in multiple neurochemical amacrine cell types, including four types of polyaxonal amacrine cells. In DAT-tdTomato retinas, fluorescence was in GABA immunoreactive amacrine cells, including two types of bistratified and two types of monostratified amacrine cells. Although each of the Cre lines was generated with the intent to specifically label DA cells, our findings show a cellular diversity in Cre expression in the adult retina and indicate the importance of careful characterization of transgene labeling patterns. These mouse lines with their distinctive cellular labeling patterns will be useful tools for future studies of retinal function and visual processing. Published by Elsevier

  8. Immunohistochemical Localization of an Isoform of TRK-Fused Gene-Like Protein in the Rat Retina

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Masuda, Chiaki; Takeuchi, Shigeko; Bisem, Naomi J.; Vincent, Steven R.; Tooyama, Ikuo


    The TRK-fused gene (TFG) was originally identified in chromosome translocation events, creating a pair of oncogenes in some cancers, and was recently demonstrated as the causal gene of hereditary motor and sensory neuropathy with proximal dominant involvement. Recently, we cloned an alternative splicing variant of Tfg from a cDNA library of the rat retina, tentatively naming it retinal Tfg (rTfg). Although the common form of Tfg is ubiquitously expressed in most rat tissues, rTfg expression is localized to the central nervous system. In this study, we produced an antibody against an rTFG-specific amino acid sequence and used it to examine the localization of rTFG-like protein in the rat retina by immunohistochemistry and Western blots. Western blot analysis showed that the antibody detected a single band of 24 kDa in the rat retina. When we examined rTFG recombinant protein, the antibody detected two bands of about 42 kDa and 24 kDa. The results suggest that the 24 kDa rTFG-like protein is a fragment of rTFG. In our immunohistochemical studies of the rat retina, rTFG-like immunoreactivity was observed in all calbindin D-28K-positive horizontal cells and in some syntaxin 1-positive amacrine cells (ACs). In addition, the rTFG-like immunopositive ACs were actually glycine transporter 1-positive glycinergic or glutamate decarboxylase-positive GABAergic ACs. Our findings indicate that this novel 24 kDa rTFG-like protein may play a specific role in retinal inhibitory interneurons

  9. A política monetária e a crise financeira: podem os Bancos Centrais se antecipar?

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    Marcelo Milan

    Full Text Available Resumo Este trabalho investiga o comportamento dos bancos centrais (BCs dos EUA e do Brasil frente à recente crise financeira global. O artigo avalia a atuação das autoridades monetárias por meio de uma leitura sistemática das atas dos respectivos comitês de política monetária entre 2004 e 2011. Procura também identificar conceitos necessários para uma correta leitura e reconhecimento da conjuntura macroeconômica e logo uma possível antecipação ou reação adequada à eclosão da crise. Em ambos os casos os BCs não parecem ter sido capazes de diagnosticar corretamente a evolução da conjuntura macroeconômica, principalmente em termos de detectar a bolha no setor imobiliário dos EUA e se antecipar ao estouro da mesma quando esta adquiriu proporções preocupantes. Quando os mercados financeiros entraram em pânico, os BCs tiveram de reagir pragmaticamente de reagir, mas de forma desorganizada, emergencial e, possivelmente, despreparada, em função da complexidade dos sistemas monetário e financeiro e provavelmente dos respectivos interesses financeiros envolvidos. Finalmente, argumenta-se também que parte desta incapacidade de antecipação pode derivar, entre outros, dos modelos macroeconômicos convencionais empregados pelos BCs e de uma confiança absoluta na hipótese dos mercados eficientes.

  10. Representações sociais da educação em saúde pelos profissionais da equipe de saúde da família

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    Maria Flávia Carvalho Gazzinelli

    Full Text Available Este estudo discute a forma como os profissionais da equipe de saúde da família pensam e representam a educação em saúde e a prática educativa que realizam. Os sujeitos da pesquisa (n=248 - médico, enfermeiro, auxiliar de enfermagem e agente comunitário de saúde de 20 unidades básicas de saúde de Belo Horizonte - foram entrevistados mediante a utilização da técnica de evocação livre e da teoria das representações sociais. Solicitou-se aos sujeitos que verbalizassem cinco palavras que lhes ocorressem imediatamente em relação à educação em saúde, classificando-as em positiva ou negativa. Utilizou-se o software Evoc e calculou-se a frequência simples de ocorrência, a média ponderada de ocorrência em função da ordem de evocação e a média das ordens ponderadas do conjunto dos termos evocados. Construiu-se o quadro de quatro casas composto do núcleo central, elementos de contraste e periféricos da representação. Médicos e enfermeiros compartilham conteúdos representacionais entre si, expressando representações sociais similares, ao apresentarem nos possíveis núcleos centrais 'capacitação' e 'prevenção'. Auxiliares de enfermagem e agentes comunitários de saúde se assemelham por meio dos possíveis elementos centrais 'educação' e 'prevenção'. O foco recai na transmissão de orientações com o objetivo de persuadir os indivíduos à adoção de modos de vida saudáveis.

  11. Avaliação da reprodutibilidade das medidas da camada de fibras nervosas retiniana e da cabeça do nervo óptico pela tomografia de coerência óptica

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    Ricardo Rau


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Determinar a reprodutibilidade da espessura da camada de fibras nervosas da retina peripapilar e dos parâmetros da cabeça do nervo óptico em olhos normais, utilizando a tomografia de coerência óptica de domínio espectral (SD-OCT. MÉTODOS: Trinta e quatro olhos de 34 indivíduos saudáveis foram incluídos no estudo. O protocolo do cubo do disco óptico 200x200 do OCT Cirrus foi utilizado para gerar 3 imagens de cada olho para avaliar a reprodutibilidade. O coeficiente de correlação intraclasse (ICC foi calculado para as medidas da espessura da camada de fibras nervosas da retina e da cabeça do nervo óptico. RESULTADOS: A correlação foi excelente para todas as medidas da espessura da camada de fibras nervosas da retina (ICC entre 0,87 e 0,98. O mesmo ocorreu com os parâmetros da cabeça do nervo óptico que, com exceção da razão E/D vertical (ICC 0,56, apresentou ICC entre 0,83 e 0,99. CONCLUSÃO: As medidas de espessura da camada de fibras nervosas da retina peripapilar e os parâmetros da cabeça no nervo óptico demonstraram uma excelente reprodutibilidade com o OCT Cirrus, indicando que este aparelho poderá ser uma ferramenta útil no estudo do glaucoma. Este estudo apresenta algumas limitações, como o pequeno número de casos avaliados, sendo necessários maiores estudos para corroborar nossos achados.

  12. Doplervelocimetria das artérias oftálmica e central da retina em gestantes normais Dopplervelocimetry of ophthalmic and central retinal arteries in normal pregnancies

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    Angélica Lemos Debs Diniz


    Full Text Available OBJETIVOS: avaliar os padrões dos índices doplervelocimétricos das artérias oftálmica e central da retina durante o segundo e terceiro trimestres da gestação normal e comparar os valores obtidos do olho direito e esquerdo das gestantes. MÉTODOS: estudo transversal no qual se avaliaram seis índices doplervelocimétricos das artérias central da retina e oftálmica em 51 gestantes normais, com idades gestacionais entre a 20ª e a 38ª semana. As variáveis analisadas foram os índices de resistência e pulsatilidade (IR, IP, os picos de velocidade sistólica e diastólica (PVS, PVD e a razão entre picos de velocidade (RPV. A análise dos índices doplervelocimétricos dos olhos direito e esquerdo foi realizada utilizando-se a mediana dos valores. Para a comparação dos valores dos índices entre os dois olhos das gestantes, utilizou-se o teste t de Student para dados pareados. A associação entre a idade gestacional e os índices foi testada empregando-se o coeficiente de correlação linear de Pearson. Adotou-se o nível de significância de 5% para os testes estatísticos. RESULTADOS: a mediana dos índices doplervelocimétricos das artérias oftálmica e central da retina foram, respectivamente: IP=1,83; IR=0,78; PVS=34,20; PVD=6,80; RPV=0,48 e IP=1,34; IR=0,70; PVS=7,40; PVD=2,10. Não houve diferenças na análise comparativa dos índices doplervelocimétricos entre os olhos direito e esquerdo das gestantes normais. O coeficiente de correlação linear entre a idade gestacional e os índices de ambas as artérias não mostrou diferença significante durante a gestação normal. CONCLUSÃO: é factível a análise unilateral dos índices doplervelocimétricos das artérias oftálmica e central da retina no estudo de doenças maternas sistêmicas. Não há mudança significativa dos índices doplervelocimétricos das artérias oftálmica e central da retina ao longo da gestação normal entre a 20ª e a 38ª semana.PURPOSE: to

  13. Variação do fluxo sanguíneo da artéria central da retina durante as diferentes fases do ciclo menstrual ovulatório Central retinal artery blood flow variation during menstrual cycle

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    Luiz Carlos Viana


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: avaliar a resistência vascular da artéria central da retina, por meio do fluxo Doppler, nas diferentes fases do ciclo menstrual ovulatório. MÉTODOS: estudo observacional, longitudinal e prospectivo com avaliação de 34 mulheres saudáveis, submetidas a estudo dopplerfluxométrico do fundo do olho para avaliação da resistência vascular da artéria central da retina nas posições sentada e deitada, durante quatro fases do ciclo menstrual: fase folicular inicial, fase folicular média, fase periovulatória e fase lútea média. A confirmação da ovulação no ciclo de estudo foi feita pela dosagem de progesterona sérica na fase lútea média. Foram avaliados os índices de pulsatilidade (IP e de resistência, e as velocidades máxima, mínima e média. RESULTADOS: a idade média foi de 29,7 anos. Não foram observadas diferenças entre os índices obtidos para ambos os olhos; assim, utilizamos as médias dos índices para realizar o cálculo estatístico. Quando comparadas às posições de realização do exame, detectou-se um IP maior na posição sentada; assim, as análises foram avaliadas em separado, respeitando-se a posição da paciente. O IP da artéria central da retina, avaliado com a paciente deitada, variou durante o ciclo menstrual, apresentando-se significativamente mais baixo nas fases folicular média (1,5±0,3 e periovulatória (1,5±0,3 quando comparadas às fases folicular precoce (1,7±0,4 e lútea média (1,7±0,4. Quando a avaliação foi feita com a paciente sentada não foram observadas diferenças para as diferentes fases do ciclo. CONCLUSÕES: num ciclo menstrual ovulatório ocorre diminuição da resistência vascular na artéria central da retina e posterior reversão do efeito, como demonstrado pelas variações do IP.PURPOSE: to evaluate the vascular blood flow of the central retinal arteries using dopplervelocimetry in the different phases of the ovulatory menstrual cycle. METHODS: we performed

  14. Delineamentos compostos centrais duplos "Double central composite" designs

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    Armando Conagin


    Full Text Available O presente artigo trata de um tipo de delineamento denominado "composto central duplo", basicamente simétrico, constituído de dois fatoriais (ou fatoriais fracionados nos níveis ±1 e ±W, duas estrelas nos níveis ±a e ±ga para cada fator e pontos centrais, e podendo apresentar cinco, sete ou nove níveis para cada fator. Devido à maior flexibilidade desse tipo de delineamento em relação ao composto central, propriedades como ortogonalidade dos coeficientes, subdivisão ortogonal em blocos e rotacionalidade são mais facilmente integradas no mesmo delineamento. Como podem ser estabelecidos com uma parte fracionada de um fatorial completo, esses delineamentos podem explorar um maior número de níveis na amplitude de variação que se pretende pesquisar, com um número um pouco maior de pontos que o delineamento composto central correspondente. Na Agricultura, em contraste com os experimentos tecnológicos e, principalmente, nas pesquisas com fertilizantes, devido à variabilidade do solo e do clima, os experimentos devem ser efetuados com a utilização dos tratamentos do delineamento colocados, todos, de uma só vez. As respostas obtidas podem ser mais altas, na amplitude estudada, nos anos bons, e, nos anos ruins, de menor magnitude, ascendente e com resposta em uma amplitude menor, apresentando, em certos casos, uma "resposta em platô" para as dosagens mais altas. O delineamento composto central duplo pode adaptar-se melhor a essa peculiaridade, porque, pela sua estrutura, utiliza maior número de pontos na amplitude de dosagens utilizada. Se uma calibração adequada foi originalmente adotada e o ano agrícola muito bom, a amplitude maior utilizada capta a resposta aos fertilizantes em toda a extensão pesquisada; se o ano foi ruim, a resposta aos fertilizantes é de menor magnitude e, provavelmente, com resposta da "curva em platô" para as dosagens mais altas; a análise do delineamento como um todo pode causar, nesse caso, um

  15. Retina-Inspired Filter. (United States)

    Doutsi, Effrosyni; Fillatre, Lionel; Antonini, Marc; Gaulmin, Julien


    This paper introduces a novel filter, which is inspired by the human retina. The human retina consists of three different layers: the Outer Plexiform Layer (OPL), the inner plexiform layer, and the ganglionic layer. Our inspiration is the linear transform which takes place in the OPL and has been mathematically described by the neuroscientific model "virtual retina." This model is the cornerstone to derive the non-separable spatio-temporal OPL retina-inspired filter, briefly renamed retina-inspired filter, studied in this paper. This filter is connected to the dynamic behavior of the retina, which enables the retina to increase the sharpness of the visual stimulus during filtering before its transmission to the brain. We establish that this retina-inspired transform forms a group of spatio-temporal Weighted Difference of Gaussian (WDoG) filters when it is applied to a still image visible for a given time. We analyze the spatial frequency bandwidth of the retina-inspired filter with respect to time. It is shown that the WDoG spectrum varies from a lowpass filter to a bandpass filter. Therefore, while time increases, the retina-inspired filter enables to extract different kinds of information from the input image. Finally, we discuss the benefits of using the retina-inspired filter in image processing applications such as edge detection and compression.

  16. Literatura Wushia, Budismo, marcialidade e ascese: da arte da guerra à historiografia sobre o mosteiro de Shaolin

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    José Otávio Aguiar

    Full Text Available O ensaio reúne as contribuições da historiografia recente para a compreensão das relações entre Budismo, marcialidade e ascese na tradição marcial do Mosteiro de Shaolin, tradicional centro de cultivo de artes marciais e um dos berços da espiritualidade Chan, localizado no Norte da China. Para responder às interrogações centrais sobre a relação entre marcialidade, espiritualidade budista Chan e cultura chinesa, recorreu-se à literatura épica, a chamada Wushia, à filmografia que abordou o tema e a entrevistas com mestres chineses migrantes e praticantes de Kung-Fu no Brasil.

  17. A trajetória da introdução e regulamentação da acupuntura no Brasil: memórias de desafios e lutas

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    Sabrina Pereira Rocha


    Full Text Available O presente estudo objetivou explorar, a partir de relatos de vida de acupunturistas, a luta pela regulamentação da prática da acupuntura no Brasil. Utilizamos a História Oral de Vida como método, tendo como proposta central a dimensão das experiências humanas envolvidas nesta trajetória de lutas e desafios. Realizamos dez entrevistas, seguindo o conjunto de procedimentos exigidos pela História Oral. As informações contidas nas narrativas foram analisadas e, tomando como referencial a abordagem de interpretação denominada imersão/cristalização, foram estabelecidos os temas centrais do trabalho, a partir dos quais a discussão foi desenvolvida. Os resultados apontaram a emergência de temas extremamente controversos que envolvem aspectos políticos, corporativos e de âmbito cultural, que se apresentam como elementos centrais dentro de um processo histórico ainda em desenvolvimento.

  18. Influência da redução medicamentosa da pressão intra-ocular na medida da espessura da camada de fibras nervosas da retina de olhos hipertensos e glaucomatosos pela polarimetria de varredura a laser The influence of intraocular pressure reduction with medication on retinal nerve fiber layer thickness measurements obtained with scanning laser polarimetry in glaucomatous and hypertensive eyes

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    Rodrigo Rezende Gomes Avelino


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Avaliar o efeito da redução da pressão intra-ocular (PIO obtido com o uso de terapia medicamentosa na espessura da camada de fibras nervosas da retina medida pela polarimetria de varredura a laser (PVL em pacientes glaucomatosos ou hipertensos oculares. MÉTODOS: Trinta e sete olhos de 37 pacientes foram prospectivamente incluídos no estudo e avaliados com a PVL sem uso de medicação ocular hipotensora e num período entre 15 e 30 dias após a instituição de medicação ocular hipotensora, que resultou em redução da PIO de pelo menos 25%. Os parâmetros medidos pela PVL antes e após a redução da PIO foram comparados com o teste t de Student pareado. RESULTADOS: A PIO média dos 37 pacientes diminuiu significativamente de 26,57±4,23 mmHg para 16,54±2,92 mmHg (p0,05. CONCLUSÃO: A redução da PIO com o uso de medicação ocular hipotensora não altera a medida da espessura da camada de fibras nervosas da retina pela PVL em pacientes com glaucoma ou hipertensão ocular.PURPOSE: To evaluate changes in retinal nerve fiber layer thickness as measured by scanning laser polarimetry (SLP after the use of medication to reduce intraocular pressure (IOP in glaucomatous or ocular hypertensive patients. METHODS: The authors prospectively enrolled 37 eyes of 37 patients in whom IOP was reduced by more than 25% after the use of medication. The images were obtained before and 15 to 30 days after the introduction of medication. The SLP parameters measured before and after the use of medication were compared using paired Student's t Test. RESULTS: The mean IOP was significantly reduced from 26.57±4.23 mmHg to 16.54 ±2.92 mmHg after the use of medication (p0.05. CONCLUSION: The retinal nerve fiber layer thickness, as measured by SLP, is not affected by the reduction of IOP with medication in patients with glaucoma or ocular hypertension.

  19. O processo de renovação das áreas centrais na cidade contemporânea: O caso do conjunto arquitetônico e paisagístico da Praça do Congresso, em Criciúma (SC

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    Gustavo Rogério De Lucca


    Full Text Available A expansão urbana desordenada no Brasil e a consolidação da cidade corporativa têm estimulado, com a conivência do Estado neoliberal, a propagação de modos de ocupação cada vez mais vinculados a interesses imobiliários imediatos. A ausência de planejamento urbano de caráter social é percebida principalmente nos médios e grandes centros urbanos, onde se registra um agressivo processo de renovação das áreas centrais, cada vez mais ousado, alterando inclusive, irreversivelmente, a paisagem de núcleos históricos. É o caso de setores da centralidade urbana de Criciúma/SC, cidade produzida sob influências econômicas da mineração de carvão e, posteriormente, por outras atividades industriais. É destaque o conjunto arquitetônico e paisagístico da Praça do Congresso, objeto de estudo deste artigo, formado a partir das primeiras décadas do século XX com residências em estilos variados, desde chalés com influências no Romantismo europeu a exemplares da arquitetura modernista. Juntas com a praça, configuravam um espaço de referência em qualidade de vida e importante para a preservação de vínculos identitários e de memória. Considera-se, no entanto, que as transformações mais recentes são parte de um quadro nacional de empobrecimento da urbanização e demonstram que a subserviência das políticas públicas a interesses econômicos imediatos tendem a desaparecer, em breve, com parte importante da diversidade dos conjuntos históricos brasileiros.

  20. Commercial statistical bulletin of the Brazilian electric utility Centrais Eletricas de Santa Catarina S.A

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    Statistical data concerning the Brazilian Centrais Eletricas de Santa Catarina S.A. utility relative to April 1996 are presented. They include, among other things, electricity consumption, number and class of consumers and electricity rates

  1. Participação das vias aéreas centrais na doença vibroacústica

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    José Reis Ferreira


    Full Text Available Resumo: Nos últimos vinte cinco anos constatou-se que o aparelho respiratório constitui um alvo do ruído de baixa frequência (RFB <500Hz, incluindo infra-sons. Denomina-se doença vibroacústica (VAD a patologia sistémica causada pela exposição excessiva a RBF. Em ratos Wistar expostos a RBF, as alterações morfológicas observadas nos tecidos das vias aéreas centrais explicam, parcialmente, os sintomas apresentados pelos doentes com a VAD. Apesar disso, muitas perguntas permanecem por responder. Recentemente, voluntários com a doença vibroacústica submeteram-se a exames broncos cópicos para esclarecer e, se possível, demonstrar possíveis lesões das vias aéreas centrais que estariam associadas com as queixas respiratórias. Treze doentes voluntários, exaustivamente esclarecidos sobre este exame, submeteram-se a broncoscopias, durante as quais se colheram fragmentos para exame histológico e ultra-estrutural. Em todos os indivíduos se observaram lesões de tipo vascular na submucosa próximas das bifurcações das vias aéreas. Estas lesões caracterizavam-se por numerosos pequenos vasos com paredes espessadas, mergulhados em feixes de colagénio e algumas fibras de elastina. Em cinco indivíduos as lesões evidenciavam degenerescência e ruptura do colagénio. Histologicamente, na mucosa normal observaram-se alterações ciliares, hiperplasia da membrana basal e espessamento dos vasos sanguíneos. Em nenhum caso se observaram infiltrados celulares de natureza inflamatória. O estudo da ultra-estrutura revelou numerosos axonemas (de dois a oito contidos numa membrana ciliar comum, algumas vesículas emanando dos cílios, imagens de apoptose com reforço do citosqueleto celular e das ligações intercelulares. Não se observaram diferenças entre fumadores e não fumadores. Estes dados estão de acordo com o que já fora observado nas vias aéreas centrais de oito doentes com carcinoma pavimento-celular do pulmão e também com

  2. A redescoberta da Infância e da Criança

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    Gabriela Trevisan


    Full Text Available A(s reconstrução (ões da (s imagen(s produzida (s sobre a Infância e sobre as crianças continuam a assumir-secomo desafio actual e necessário, à consideração de uma criança-cidadã, sujeita de direitos e deveres, ecompetente para o seu exercício. O modo como estas imagens influenciam essas possibilidades é visível emdiferentes contextos de vida quotidiana da criança sendo, a escola, local por excelência de exercício democrático ede aprendizagem dos direitos das crianças. Os professores, por sua vez, constituem-se como agentes centrais napromoção, defesa, e leitura crítica dos direitos da criança, nomeadamente, o de expressar a sua voz pelos seuspróprios meios e de participar activamente na comunidade educativa.

  3. Diagnostic classification of retinal degenerative diseases São Paulo and Vale Retina groups


    Unonius, Nichard; Farah, Michel Eid; Sallum, Juliana M. Ferraz


    OBJETIVO:Organizar um banco de dados regional de todos os indivíduos portadores de doenças degenerativas da retina, com o objetivo de classificar cada paciente de acordo com o tipo de distrofia e padrão de herança. MÉTODOS: Durante o encontro do Grupo Retina São Paulo no dia 5 de maio de 2001, duzentas e quarenta e três pessoas foram registradas, sendo que parte forneceu dados de antecedentes oculares, pessoais e familiares e árvore genealógica. Noventa e três pacientes foram questionados qua...

  4. Estudo dos parâmetros periodontais para a avaliação morfológica da papila gengival interdental na região anterior da maxila


    Marinho, Carlos Frederico de Carvalho


    O alto grau de exigência estética de pacientes e profissionais no atual estágio da implantodontia implica num exame de diagnóstico extremamente apurado, devido as possíveis alterações na margem gengival e na papila interproximal advindas do tratamento com implantes unitários. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito dos parâmetros periodontais sobre a altura da papila interdental na região de incisivos centrais, incisivos laterais, caninos e primeiros pré-molares superior...

  5. Desprendimiento de retina


    L. Jaime Claramunt, Dr.


    El desprendimiento de retina (DR) consiste en la separación entre la retina neurosensorial y el epitelio pigmentario subyacente. Su forma más frecuente es el DR regmatógeno, causado por una rotura en la retina. Se manifiesta generalmente como un defecto en el campo visual o mala visión. Si se pesquisa y trata oportunamente tiene buenas posibilidades de éxito. No obstante, sigue siendo una causa importante de mala visión y ceguera, por lo que su prevención tiene un rol fundamental.

  6. Desprendimiento de retina

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    L. Jaime Claramunt, Dr.


    Full Text Available El desprendimiento de retina (DR consiste en la separación entre la retina neurosensorial y el epitelio pigmentario subyacente. Su forma más frecuente es el DR regmatógeno, causado por una rotura en la retina. Se manifiesta generalmente como un defecto en el campo visual o mala visión. Si se pesquisa y trata oportunamente tiene buenas posibilidades de éxito. No obstante, sigue siendo una causa importante de mala visión y ceguera, por lo que su prevención tiene un rol fundamental.

  7. Correlação e correspondência topográfica entre espessura da camada de fibras nervosas da retina e campo visual no glaucoma primário de ângulo aberto Correlation and topographic match between nerve fiber layer thickness and visual field in primary open angle glaucoma

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    Paula Boturão de Almeida


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Verificar a correlação e a correspondência topográfica entre a espessura da camada de fibras nervosas da retina, medidas pelo polarímetro de varredura a laser GDxTM Scanning Laser System® e o campo visual, medido pelo perímetro automatizado Humphrey® ("white-white" em portadores de glaucoma primário de ângulo aberto. Métodos: Foram investigadas as seguintes correlações: 1- Correlação entre a média da sensibilidade dos quadrantes e do ponto de fixação do campo visual, em decibéis, e a média da espessura da camada de fibras nervosas da retina correspondente, em micra, sem classificação dos olhos dos pacientes quanto ao estadio do comprometimento perimétrico. 2- A mesma correlação anterior, porém, com os olhos dos pacientes distribuídos em classes quanto à alteração perimétrica. 3- Correlação entre os índices globais do campo visual e os índices numéricos do analisador de espessura da camada de fibras nervosas da retina. 4- Correlação entre a média dos valores do gráfico "total deviation" do campo visual e o desvio da normalidade da camada de fibras nervosas da região correspondente. 5- Investigou-se a freqüência de correspondência topográfica entre os defeitos perimétricos e as alterações da camada de fibras nervosas da retina. Utilizou-se o coeficiente de correlação de Spearman, sendo o nível de rejeição para a hipótese de nulidade fixado num valor menor ou igual a 0,05 (5%. Resultados: Observou-se as seguintes correlações estatisticamentes significantes, mas de forma muito pouco intensa: 1- GDX total e Campo visual total; GDX superior e Campo visual nasal inferior; GDX inferior e Campo visual nasal superior; GDX nasal e Campo visual temporal; GDX superior e Campo visual inferior; GDX inferior e Campo visual superior. 2- GDX inferior e Campo visual nasal (medial superior dos pacientes classificados como graves. 3- Nos olhos classificados como normais: PSD e EM; CPSD e SI.Nos olhos

  8. Trombose de veia central da retina em paciente usuária de interferon e ribavirina: relato de caso Central vein occlusion in a patient using interferon and ribavirin: case report

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    John Helal Jr.


    Full Text Available O interferon alfa (INF alfa é droga atualmente utilizada no tratamento de várias doenças sistêmicas, como a hepatite C crônica. A ribavirina quando associada ao interferon alfa aumenta muito a resposta ao tratamento. Estima-se que a infecção crônica pelo vírus da hepatite C afete 170 milhões de pessoas no mundo, muitas delas em uso dessas medicações. A forma típica da retinopatia associada ao interferon alfa apresenta exsudatos algodonosos e hemorragias intra-retinianas. Há vários relatos de alterações oculares associadas ao uso do interferon alfa. Este trabalho descreve um caso de oclusão de veia central da retina em olho direito, com hemorragias no olho contralateral, em paciente usuária dessas medicações por dois anos. O caso descrito expõe em um dos olhos o quadro mais freqüente da retinopatia associada ao uso de interferon alfa (hemorragias de fundo e no olho contralateral, uma apresentação muito mais atípica (trombose de veia central da retina. O quadro fundoscópico apresentou melhora com a interrupção da medicação.Interferon and ribavirin are medications widely used in the treatment of some systemic diseases, mainly hepatitis C. Ribavirin when associated with interferon increases the rate of success of this treatment. There are about 170 million patients with chronic hepatitis C in the world, many in use of these medications. The classic associated retinopathy is described as cotton wool exudates and hemorrhages. Since the first reports, several different ocular disturbances were described in association with interferon. The present case shows a patient whose right eye presented with central retinal vein occlusion and whose left eye presented the typical findings of hemorrhages; prompt resolution after the medications were discontinued.

  9. Armadilhas da Nova Era: natureza e maternidade no ideário da humanização do parto

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    Tornquist Carmen Susana


    Full Text Available RESUMO Este artigo trata de caracterizar brevemente o Movimento pela Humanização do Parto e do Nascimento no Brasil, o qual tem buscado promover modificações na assistência ao parto e ao nascimento, sobretudo no âmbito da saúde coletiva. Busca também refletir sobre as noções de Natureza e Maternidade, centrais no ideário do Movimento, bem como os limites de uma noção de empoderamento das mulheres nesse contexto.

  10. Angiogênese e doenças da retina Angiogenesis and retinal diseases

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    Francisco Max Damico


    Full Text Available Angiogênese é o processo de formação de vasos sangüíneos a partir de vasos preexistentes, que ocorre em condições fisiológicas e patológicas. É fenômeno complexo no qual participam inúmeras moléculas que estimulam e inibem a formação dos neovasos. O aumento da permeabilidade vascular e a neovascularização sub-retiniana são as causas da perda visual nas doenças proliferativas da retina, como a degeneração macular relacionada à idade e a retinopatia diabética, e o fator de crescimento do endotélio vascular ("vascular endothelial growth factor", VEGF desempenha um papel muito importante nesse processo. Existem quatro isoformas da molécula de VEGF biologicamente ativas em seres humanos, das quais o VEGF165 é a isoforma predominante no olho humano, e existem evidências de que seja a isoforma responsável pela neovascularização patogênica no olho. Além de ser potente mitógeno de células endoteliais, o VEGF aumenta a permeabilidade vascular, inibe a apoptose das células endoteliais e promove migração de precursores de células endoteliais. O VEGF não é a única molécula cuja expressão está aumentada na angiogênese patológica. O fator de crescimento de fibroblasto ("basic fibroblast growth factor", bFGF, as angiopoetinas, o fator derivado do epitélio pigmentado ("pigment epithelium-derived factor", PEDF e os fatores de adesão relacionados à matriz extracelular também exercem papel importante no balanço entre fatores pró- e antiangiogênicos. Todo o conhecimento adquirido sobre o mecanismo da angiogênese ocular patológica tem possibilitado o desenvolvimento de vários inibidores desse processo. Atualmente existem dois anticorpos anti-VEGF para uso intravítreo e outras abordagens terapêuticas do bloqueio da angiogênese ocular estão em fase de desenvolvimento. As novas drogas deverão ser armas poderosas no tratamento das principais causas de cegueira legal irreversível em indivíduos com mais de 65

  11. Fotocoagulação a laser em pacientes portadores de descolamento de retina regmatogênico periférico

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    Paulo Escarião


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Relatar uma série de casos de descolamento de retina sem envolvimento macular tratados com fotocoagulação a laser. MÉTODOS: Estudo tipo série de casos envolvendo 14 olhos de 12 pacientes com descolamento de retina regmatogênico sem envolvimento macular, retrospectivo, de intervenção. Olhos com procedimentos cirúrgicos prévios foram excluídos. A fotocoagulação a laser foi aplicada com três fileiras confluentes de spot de 300μm, posterior ao descolamento de retina, se extendendo até a ora serrata. A melhor acuidade visual corrigida pré e pós-operatória e a progressão do descolamento de retina foram registrados durante o estudo. RESULTADOS: Treze olhos necessitaram de apenas uma sessão de laser para conter o descolamento de retina. Apenas um olho necessitou de intervenção adicional por causa da evolução do descolamento de retina. Miopia foi encontrada em 7 olhos. Todos os pacientes mantiveram acuidade visual corrigida igual ou melhor que 20/30. CONCLUSÃO:Em casos bem selecionados, a fotocoagulação a laser pode ser considerada para o tratamento de descolamento de retina regmatogênico.

  12. Expression and Localization of TRK-Fused Gene Products in the Rat Brain and Retina

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Maebayashi, Hisae; Takeuchi, Shigako; Masuda, Chiaki; Makino, Satoshi; Fukui, Kenji; Kimura, Hiroshi; Tooyama, Ikuo


    The TRK-fused gene (TFG in human, Tfg in rat) was originally identified in human papillary thyroid cancer as a chimeric form of the NTRK1 gene. It has been reported that the gene product (TFG) plays a role in regulating phosphotyrosine-specific phosphatase-1 activity. However, no information regarding the localization of Tfg in rat tissues is available. In this study, we investigated the expression of Tfg mRNA in normal rat tissues using reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR). We also produced an antibody against Tfg gene products and examined the localization of TFG in the rat brain and retina. The RT-PCR experiments demonstrated that two types of Tfg mRNA were expressed in rat tissues: the conventional form of Tfg (cTfg) and a novel variant form, retinal Tfg (rTfg). RT-PCR analyses demonstrated that cTfg was ubiquitously expressed in rat tissues, while rTfg was predominantly expressed in the brain and retina. Western blot analysis demonstrated two bands with molecular weights of about 30 kDa and 50 kDa in the rat brain. Immunohistochemistry indicated that TFG proteins were predominantly expressed by neurons in the brain. In the rat retina, intense TFG-immunoreactivity was detected in the layer of rods and cones and the outer plexiform layer

  13. Estudo comparativo entre estrelas centrais de nebulosas planetárias deficientes em hidrogênio (United States)

    Marcolino, W. L. F.; de Araújo, F. X.


    Apresentamos neste trabalho o resultado de um estudo das principais características espectrais das estrelas centrais de nebulosas planetárias (ECNP) deficientes em hidrogênio. A origem e a evolução dessas estrelas ainda constitui um problema em aberto na evolução estelar. Geralmente esses objetos são divididos em [WCE], [WCL] e [WELS]. Os tipos [WCE] e [WCL] apresentam um espectro típico de uma estrela Wolf-Rayet carbonada de população I e as [WELS] apresentam linhas fracas de carbono e oxigênio em emissão. Existem evidências que apontam a seguinte sequência evolutiva : [WCL] = > [WCE] = > [WELS] = > PG 1159 (pré anã-branca). No entanto, tal cenário apresenta falhas como por exemplo a falta de ECNP entre os tipos [WCL] e [WCE]. Baseados em uma amostra de 24 objetos obtida no telescópio de 1.52m em La Silla, Chile (acordo ESO/ON), ao longo do ano 2000, apresentamos os resultados da comparação das larguras equivalentes de diversas linhas relevantes entre os tipos [WCL], [WCE] e [WELS]. Verificamos que nossos dados estão de acordo com a sequência evolutiva. Baseado nas linhas de C IV, conseguimos dividir pela primeira vez as [WELS] em dois grupos principais. Além disso, os dados reforçam a afirmação de que as [WCE] são as estrelas que possuem a maior temperatura entre as ECNP deficientes em hidrogênio. Discutimos ainda, a escassez de dados disponíveis na literatura e a necessidade da obtenção de parametros físicos para estes objetos.

  14. Representações sociais da sexualidade entre idosos

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    Maria Amélia Crisóstomo Queiroz


    Full Text Available RESUMOObjetivo:conhecer a representação social sobre sexualidade de idosos, com base na Teoria das Representações Sociais.Método:estudo desenvolvido em Unidade Básica de Saúde da Família de Maracanaú-CE, Brasil, com 30 idosos. A coleta de dados ocorreu de março a abril de 2013, por meio da aplicação da técnica de evocação livre de palavras. Os dados coletados foram organizados e processados através do software EVOC 2000.Resultados:os sujeitos evocaram 150 palavras associadas ao termo indutor sexualidade e, destas, 43 diferentes. No possível núcleo central da representação dos idosos sobre sexualidade, foram encontradas as palavras: amor, carinho e respeito. Sexo, companheirismo, compreensão e convivência compuseram os elementos intermediários da representação.Conclusão:amor, respeito e carinho foram apontados como elementos centrais que estruturavam e organizavam a representação social da sexualidade na terceira idade pelo grupo estudado.

  15. A programmable artificial retina

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bernard, T.M.; Zavidovique, B.Y.; Devos, F.J.


    An artificial retina is a device that intimately associates an imager with processing facilities on a monolithic circuit. Yet, except for simple environments and applications, analog hardware will not suffice to process and compact the raw image flow from the photosensitive array. To solve this output problem, an on-chip array of bare Boolean processors with halftoning facilities might be used, providing versatility from programmability. By setting the pixel memory size to 3 b, the authors have demonstrated both the technological practicality and the computational efficiency of this programmable Boolean retina concept. Using semi-static shifting structures together with some interaction circuitry, a minimal retina Boolean processor can be built with less than 30 transistors and controlled by as few as 6 global clock signals. The successful design, integration, and test of such a 65x76 Boolean retina on a 50-mm 2 CMOS 2-μm circuit are presented

  16. O controlo interno na área financeira de uma instituição de Ensino Superior Politécnico : estágio nos Serviços Centrais do Instituto Politécnico de Viana do Castelo


    Barros, José Miguel Henriques


    Mestrado em Contabilidade e Finanças (parceria com a APNOR) na Escola Superior de Tecnologia e Gestão do Instituto Politécnico de Viana do Castelo O presente relatório é resultado do estágio realizado nos Serviços Centrais do Instituto Politécnico de Viana do Castelo entre os dias 17 de outubro de 2016 à 16 de dezembro de 2016 e 16 de janeiro à 24 de fevereiro de 2017, no âmbito do controlo interno, especificamente nas áreas da Gestão Económico-Financeira, incluindo os subprocesso...

  17. Neurotransmitter-Regulated Regeneration in the Zebrafish Retina

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    Mahesh B. Rao


    Full Text Available Summary: Current efforts to repair damaged or diseased mammalian retinas are inefficient and largely incapable of fully restoring vision. Conversely, the zebrafish retina is capable of spontaneous regeneration upon damage using Müller glia (MG-derived progenitors. Understanding how zebrafish MG initiate regeneration may help develop new treatments that prompt mammalian retinas to regenerate. We show that inhibition of γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA signaling facilitates initiation of MG proliferation. GABA levels decrease following damage, and MG are positioned to detect decreased ambient levels and undergo dedifferentiation. Using pharmacological and genetic approaches, we demonstrate that GABAA receptor inhibition stimulates regeneration in undamaged retinas while activation inhibits regeneration in damaged retinas. : Unlike mammals, zebrafish regenerate following retina damage from a resident adult stem cell (Müller glia. Dissecting the mechanisms that zebrafish use could lead to new therapeutic targets to treat retinal diseases. Patton and colleagues have discovered a mechanism by which decreased GABA levels are sensed by Müller glia to initiate a regenerative response. Keywords: zebrafish, retina, regeneration, Müller glia, GABA

  18. Corpus vitreum, retina og chorioidea biopsi

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Scherfig, Erik Christian Høegh


    oftalmology, biopsy, choroid, corpus vitreum, retina, malignant melanoma, biopsy technic, retinoblastoma......oftalmology, biopsy, choroid, corpus vitreum, retina, malignant melanoma, biopsy technic, retinoblastoma...

  19. Acetylcholine receptors in the human retina

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hutchins, J.B.; Hollyfield, J.G.


    Evidence for a population of acetylcholine (ACh) receptors in the human retina is presented. The authors have used the irreversible ligand 3 H-propylbenzilylcholine mustard ( 3 H-PrBCM) to label muscarinic receptors. 3 H- or 125 I-alpha-bungarotoxin (alpha-BTx) was used to label putative nicotinic receptors. Muscarinic receptors are apparently present in the inner plexiform layer of the retina. Autoradiographic grain densities are reduced in the presence of saturating concentrations of atropine, quinuclidinyl benzilate or scopolamine; this indicates that 3 H-PrBCM binding is specific for a population of muscarinic receptors in the human retina. Binding sites for radiolabeled alpha-BTx are found predominantly in the inner plexiform layer of the retina. Grain densities are reduced in the presence of d-tubocurarine, indicating that alpha-BTx may bind to a pharmacologically relevant nicotinic ACh receptor. This study provides evidence for cholinergic neurotransmission in the human retina

  20. A inserção do Brasil no mercado mundial de alumínio: incorporando contribuições da Ecologia Política para a Saúde Coletiva

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    Alen Batista Henriques


    Full Text Available O presente artigo discute a inserção do Brasil no mercado mundial de alumínio a partir dos referenciais teóricos da ecologia política, da economia política do território e da saúde coletiva. A conjuntura contemporânea da economia mundial tem sido pautada pela desregulamentação e liberalização, característicos do ideário neoliberal propalado pelas nações centrais. A maior participação do Brasil nesse mercado tem sido realizada a partir do aumento da produção e exportação de commodities agrárias e metálicas, como o alumínio. Nesse sentido, a partir dos paradigmas da ecologia política, o texto propõe uma análise das consequências socioambientais, assim como sobre novas territorialidades que se produzem e reproduzem dentro de uma lógica econômica que privilegia as nações centrais. Do mesmo modo, procura-se compreender os dilemas da saúde coletiva sob uma perspectiva holística e integradora na qual se articula aos modelos de desenvolvimento econômico. Percebe-se que a produção e exportação de alumínio primário, apesar de apresentar um valor agregado maior, esconde um conjunto difuso de impactos que afetam o ambiente e a saúde coletiva.

  1. Proteomic interactions in the mouse vitreous-retina complex.

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    Jessica M Skeie

    Full Text Available Human vitreoretinal diseases are due to presumed abnormal mechanical interactions between the vitreous and retina, and translational models are limited. This study determined whether nonstructural proteins and potential retinal biomarkers were expressed by the normal mouse vitreous and retina.Vitreous and retina samples from mice were collected by evisceration and analyzed by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry. Identified proteins were further analyzed for differential expression and functional interactions using bioinformatic software.We identified 1,680 unique proteins in the retina and 675 unique proteins in the vitreous. Unbiased clustering identified protein pathways that distinguish retina from vitreous including oxidative phosphorylation and neurofilament cytoskeletal remodeling, whereas the vitreous expressed oxidative stress and innate immunology pathways. Some intracellular protein pathways were found in both retina and vitreous, such as glycolysis and gluconeogenesis and neuronal signaling, suggesting proteins might be shuttled between the retina and vitreous. We also identified human disease biomarkers represented in the mouse vitreous and retina, including carbonic anhydrase-2 and 3, crystallins, macrophage inhibitory factor, glutathione peroxidase, peroxiredoxins, S100 precursors, and von Willebrand factor.Our analysis suggests the vitreous expresses nonstructural proteins that functionally interact with the retina to manage oxidative stress, immune reactions, and intracellular proteins may be exchanged between the retina and vitreous. This novel proteomic dataset can be used for investigating human vitreoretinopathies in mouse models. Validation of vitreoretinal biomarkers for human ocular diseases will provide a critical tool for diagnostics and an avenue for therapeutics.

  2. Proteomic interactions in the mouse vitreous-retina complex. (United States)

    Skeie, Jessica M; Mahajan, Vinit B


    Human vitreoretinal diseases are due to presumed abnormal mechanical interactions between the vitreous and retina, and translational models are limited. This study determined whether nonstructural proteins and potential retinal biomarkers were expressed by the normal mouse vitreous and retina. Vitreous and retina samples from mice were collected by evisceration and analyzed by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry. Identified proteins were further analyzed for differential expression and functional interactions using bioinformatic software. We identified 1,680 unique proteins in the retina and 675 unique proteins in the vitreous. Unbiased clustering identified protein pathways that distinguish retina from vitreous including oxidative phosphorylation and neurofilament cytoskeletal remodeling, whereas the vitreous expressed oxidative stress and innate immunology pathways. Some intracellular protein pathways were found in both retina and vitreous, such as glycolysis and gluconeogenesis and neuronal signaling, suggesting proteins might be shuttled between the retina and vitreous. We also identified human disease biomarkers represented in the mouse vitreous and retina, including carbonic anhydrase-2 and 3, crystallins, macrophage inhibitory factor, glutathione peroxidase, peroxiredoxins, S100 precursors, and von Willebrand factor. Our analysis suggests the vitreous expresses nonstructural proteins that functionally interact with the retina to manage oxidative stress, immune reactions, and intracellular proteins may be exchanged between the retina and vitreous. This novel proteomic dataset can be used for investigating human vitreoretinopathies in mouse models. Validation of vitreoretinal biomarkers for human ocular diseases will provide a critical tool for diagnostics and an avenue for therapeutics.

  3. Análise da camada de fibras nervosas da retina em portadores de enxaqueca com aura Retinal nerve fiber layer measurements in patients with migraine with aura

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    Felipe Andrade Medeiros


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Avaliar as possíveis alterações na camada de fibras nervosas da retina (CFNR em pacientes com enxaqueca com aura, detectada por meio da polarimetria de varredura a laser. Métodos: Vinte pacientes com enxaqueca com aura e vinte indivíduos normais foram estudados. Os critérios de inclusão para os dois grupos compreenderam: idade de pelo menos 18 anos; ausência de história de doenças oculares, exceto erro refracional ou estrabismo; e ausência de história familiar de hipertensão ocular ou glaucoma. Foram excluídos pacientes com erro refracional maior que 5 DE e/ou 2 DC; acuidade visual corrigida menor que 20/40; pressão intra-ocular maior que 21 mmHg; discos ópticos anômalos ou com escavação maior que 0,5 ou assimetria de escavação maior que 0,2; ou com presença de doenças retinianas concomitantes. Os pacientes foram submetidos a exame de campo visual (Humphrey 30-2 e análise da CFNR com a polarimetria a laser (GDx - Nerve Fiber Analyzer. Um olho de cada paciente foi randomizado para análise estatística. Resultados: Nenhum dos pacientes do grupo controle apresentou defeitos de campo visual. Nove olhos (45% dos pacientes com enxaqueca tiveram anormalidades de campo visual além de 95% do intervalo de confiança do normal, como indicado pelos índices MD, CPSD ou GHT. Os valores de retardo no setor superior da CFNR dos pacientes com enxaqueca foram significativamente menor que no grupo controle (p=0,005. Não houve diferença significativa entre os valores de retardo dos dois grupos nas medidas globais e nos setores inferior, nasal e temporal. Conclusão: As medidas de retardo obtidas com a polarimetria a laser foram significativamente menores na porção superior da CFNR dos pacientes com enxaqueca com aura, sugerindo possível dano isquêmico às fibras nervosas, relacionadas à enxaqueca.Purpose: To evaluate the possible alterations of the retinal nerve fiber layer (RNFL, as detected by scanning laser polarimetry

  4. Produção da enfermagem psiquiátrica no Brasil, 1932-1993

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    Maria Conceição Bernardo de Mello e Souza


    Full Text Available A proposta deste trabalho foi realizar um estudo bibliográfico da produção da enfermagem psiquiátrica no Brasil, no período de 1932 a 1993. Para isso, foram levantadas as publicações da área contidas em periódicos nacionais, Anais dos Congressos Brasileiros de Enfermagem, Seminários Nacionais de Pesquisa em Enfermagem e Catálogos do Centro de Estudos e Pesquisas em Enfermagem da Associação Brasileira de Enfermagem. Além destes foram selecionadas publicações dos seguintes eventos: III Encontro de Pesquisadores em Saúde Mental e II Encontro de Especialistas em Enfermagem Psiquiátrica, Jubileu de Ouro de Graduação em Enfermagem e Encontro Nacional dos Hospitais de Ensino. Concluído o levantamento, as discussões se pautaram pelas temáticas centrais dos textos e pelo desenvolvimento histórico da Enfermagem Psiquiátrica no país.


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    Francisco José Lima Sales


    Full Text Available O texto aborda a problemática apresentada pelas profundas transformações ocorridas no mundo do trabalho e na estrutura do Estado regulador, voltado para o bem-estar social. Objetiva discutir o processo de reestruturação produtiva capitalista, ocorrido a partir das últimas décadas do século passado, e as suas conseqüências sobre o modelo de desenvolvimento à época dominante, o fordismo. Para caracterizar a crise do modelo de desenvolvimento fordista, são utilizados aspectos da perspectiva adotada pela escola francesa da regulação, com destaque das principais características deste modelo que emergiu no pós-guerra e que adquiriu configuração mundial no ocidente industrializado, e, principalmente, do processo de reestruturação industrial que ocorreu no âmbito das economias centrais e as características do novo modelo de desenvolvimento.

  6. Selective retina therapy (SRT); Selektive Retina-Therapie (SRT)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Brinkmann, R.; Birngruber, R. [Luebeck Univ. (Germany). Inst. fuer Biomedizinische Optik; Medizinisches Laserzentrum Luebeck GmbH, Luebeck (Germany)


    Selective Retina Therapy (SRT) is a new and very gentle laser method developed at the Medical Laser Center Luebeck. It is currently investigated clinically in order to treat retinal disorders associated with a decreased function of the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE). SRT is designed to selectively effect the RPE while sparing the neural retina and the photoreceptors as well as the choroid. Aim of the therapy is the rejuvenation of the RPE in the treated areas, which should ideally lead to a long term metabolic increase at the chorio-retinal junction. In contrast to conventional laser photocoagulation, which is associated with a complete thermal necrosis of the treated site, SRT completely retains full vision. This paper reviews the methods and mechanisms behind selective RPE effects and reports the first clinical results. An online dosimetry technique to visualize the ophthalmoscopically invisible effects is introduced. (orig.)

  7. Produção de trabalhos científicos em eventos nacionais da área de ciência da informação

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    Aline Elis Arboit

    Full Text Available Analisa diacronicamente a produção de trabalhos apresentados nos principais eventos nacionais no campo da Ciência da Informação. Recorre ao método cientométrico, levando em consideração a questão social e histórica do desenvolvimento do campo no País, nas etapas de levantamento, análise e interpretação dos dados. Como fonte de informação utiliza a Base de Dados de Literatura Cinzenta, na qual é cadastrada e indexada grande parte das comunicações apresentadas nos eventos. Representa graficamente e analisa a quantidade de trabalhos apresentados em relação às temáticas centrais de cada edição dos eventos selecionados, cobrindo o período entre 1954 e 2008. Relaciona os índices obtidos em cada período com o contexto histórico e político estabelecido no país, bem como o contexto relacionado ao desenvolvimento cognitivo da Ciência da Informação.

  8. Whole-Retina Reduced Electrophysiological Activity in Mice Bearing Retina-Specific Deletion of Vesicular Acetylcholine Transporter.

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    Jake Bedore

    Full Text Available Despite rigorous characterization of the role of acetylcholine in retinal development, long-term effects of its absence as a neurotransmitter are unknown. One of the unanswered questions is how acetylcholine contributes to the functional capacity of mature retinal circuits. The current study investigates the effects of disrupting cholinergic signalling in mice, through deletion of vesicular acetylcholine transporter (VAChT in the developing retina, pigmented epithelium, optic nerve and optic stalk, on electrophysiology and structure of the mature retina.A combination of electroretinography, optical coherence tomography imaging and histological evaluation assessed retinal integrity in mice bearing retina- targeted (embryonic day 12.5 deletion of VAChT (VAChTSix3-Cre-flox/flox and littermate controls at 5 and 12 months of age. VAChTSix3-Cre-flox/flox mice did not show any gross changes in nuclear layer cellularity or synaptic layer thickness. However, VAChTSix3-Cre-flox/flox mice showed reduced electrophysiological response of the retina to light stimulus under scotopic conditions at 5 and 12 months of age, including reduced a-wave, b-wave, and oscillatory potential (OP amplitudes and decreased OP peak power and total energy. Reduced a-wave amplitude was proportional to the reduction in b-wave amplitude and not associated with altered a-wave 10%-90% rise time or inner and outer segment thicknesses.This study used a novel genetic model in the first examination of function and structure of the mature mouse retina with disruption of cholinergic signalling. Reduced amplitude across the electroretinogram wave form does not suggest dysfunction in specific retinal cell types and could reflect underlying changes in the retinal and/or extraretinal microenvironment. Our findings suggest that release of acetylcholine by VAChT is essential for the normal electrophysiological response of the mature mouse retina.

  9. Information processing in the outer retina of fish

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Endeman, D.


    The retina translates light into neuronal activity. Thus, it renders visual information of the external environment. The retina can only send a limited amount of information to the brain within a given period. To use this amount optimally, light stimuli are strongly processed in the retina. This

  10. Corpos e ciclos da vida sanumá-yanomami

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    Sílvia Guimarães


    Full Text Available Esta etnografia sobre os Sanumá, subgrupo yanomami do alto rio Auaris, estado de Roraima, explora aspectos centrais de sua vasta e complexa cosmologia. Discute a noção de corpo e os ciclos de vida onde estados especiais devem ser observados no processo de construção da pessoa.This ethnography focuses on the Sanumá, a Yanomami subgroup located on the upper Auaris River, in the northernmost state of Roraima in Brazil. It explores central aspects of their vast and complex cosmology by discussing the concept of body and life cycles where special states related with the construction of the person must be observed.

  11. Tomografia de coerência óptica na commotio retinae: relato de caso Optical coherence tomography imaging in commotio retinae: case report

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    Celso Morita


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste relato é correlacionar achados à tomografia de coerência óptica e prognóstico visual de pacientes com commotio retina e de gravidades diferentes. Dois pacientes do sexo masculino, de 20 e 23 anos com baixa visual unilateral após trauma ocular contuso atribuível a edema de Berlin foram avaliados pela retinografia e tomografia de coerência óptica. A acuidade visual no olho afetado era de 20/25 no primeiro paciente e conta dedos a 2 metros no segundo. O exame oftalmológico revelou uveíte traumática e, na fundoscopia, evidenciaram-se opacificação retiniana moderada no primeiro caso e grave no segundo. A tomografia de coerência óptica confirmou discreta diminuição da depressão foveal no primeiro caso e desorganização das camadas retinianas no segundo. Houve resolução anatômica e funcional completa a tomografia de coerência óptica no primeiro paciente, enquanto o segundo evoluiu com baixa visual permanente e desorganização da arquitetura retiniana. A tomografia de coerência óptica é um exame complementar útil na avaliação do trauma retiniano, ajudando a entender sua fisiopatologia e predizer prognóstico a partir da análise anatômica da região acometida.The purpose of this case report was to correlate optical coherence tomography findings and visual outcomes of patients with different degrees of commotio retinae. A 20-year-old male and a 23-year-old male that presented with decreased vision due to Berlin's edema after blunt ocular trauma were evaluated by optical coherence tomography and retinography. The visual acuity in the affected eye was 20/25 in the first patient and counting fingers in the second one. The ophthalmic examination showed traumatic uveitis and fundoscopy revealed mild retinal opacification in the first case and severe opacification in the latter. The optical coherence tomography confirmed the reduction of foveal depression on the first case and the disarrangement of all retinal

  12. An analog silicon retina with multichip configuration. (United States)

    Kameda, Seiji; Yagi, Tetsuya


    The neuromorphic silicon retina is a novel analog very large scale integrated circuit that emulates the structure and the function of the retinal neuronal circuit. We fabricated a neuromorphic silicon retina, in which sample/hold circuits were embedded to generate fluctuation-suppressed outputs in the previous study [1]. The applications of this silicon retina, however, are limited because of a low spatial resolution and computational variability. In this paper, we have fabricated a multichip silicon retina in which the functional network circuits are divided into two chips: the photoreceptor network chip (P chip) and the horizontal cell network chip (H chip). The output images of the P chip are transferred to the H chip with analog voltages through the line-parallel transfer bus. The sample/hold circuits embedded in the P and H chips compensate for the pattern noise generated on the circuits, including the analog communication pathway. Using the multichip silicon retina together with an off-chip differential amplifier, spatial filtering of the image with an odd- and an even-symmetric orientation selective receptive fields was carried out in real time. The analog data transfer method in the present multichip silicon retina is useful to design analog neuromorphic multichip systems that mimic the hierarchical structure of neuronal networks in the visual system.

  13. CaracterizaÃÃo discursiva da Bossa Nova no discurso literomusical brasileiro


    MÃnica Dourado Furtado Block


    Nesta pesquisa; investigamos as principais caracterÃsticas discursivas do Movimento Bossa Nova; no discurso literomusical brasileiro; nas composiÃÃes de JoÃo Gilberto; AntÃnio Carlos Jobim; VinÃcius de Moraes; Roberto Menescal; Carlos Lyra; Ronaldo BÃscoli e Newton MendonÃa; Nosso suporte teÃrico à o da AnÃlise de Discurso de linha francesa; conforme delineada por Dominique Maingueneau (1997; 2001b); SÃo conceitos centrais neste trabalho; posicionamento e investimentos cenogrÃfico; Ãtico e li...

  14. A geração de sedimentos e seus reflexos no assoreamento da PCH Piedade - Monte Alegre de Minas MG


    Cruz, Lísia Moreira


    As Pequenas Centrais Hidrelétricas tem se mostrado uma alternativa na contribuição para geração de energia no Brasil. Apesar de tratar-se de uma obra de menor porte em relação às grandes Usinas Hidrelétricas, os reservatórios das PCH s, bem como seu entorno, requerem um cuidado quanto às questões da preservação ambiental. Nesse sentido, o objetivo desse trabalho foi avaliar o potencial de geração de sedimentos na área de contribuição do reservatório da PCH Piedade por meio da identificação, m...

  15. A emancipação psicopolítica frente ao trauma epistêmico e a teoria da comunicação

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    Evandro Vieira Ouriques


    Full Text Available Neste artigo trato de como a constituição epistêmica da teoria da comunicação depende do pensamento crítico compreender que a emancipação é desdobramento da superação do trauma epistêmico do dualismo, superação que é o fundamento da perspectiva psicopolítica da teoria. Tal trauma tende a estar embodied and embedded de maneira hegemônica no território mental do filósofo, do cientista social, do comunicólogo, do profissional de comunicação e do ativista, bem como, de maneira geral, nas ciências, nas artes e nos indivíduos das sociedades centrais da globalização e naquelas fixadas no dualismo, nos quais se expressa teórica, metodológica e vivencialmente.

  16. Paradoxo e medo da morte: dimensões tanatológicas na obra de SØren Kierkegaard

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    Alessandro Gonçalves Campolina


    Full Text Available A morte enquanto possibilidade é uma das questões centrais problematizadas pela filosofia existencial de Soeren A. Kierkegaard. Assumir a responsabilidade por “tornar-se o que se é”, em um mergulho corajoso nas múltiplas possibilidades da existência, parece ser a grande conquista dos que acreditam na vida, afirmando a cada instante, o apelo inadiável da decisão. Para tanto, um pensamento profundo do desespero é necessário para encontrar o paradoxo absoluto e a superação do medo da morte. A partir dos conceitos de angústia, desespero, “doença até a morte” e “mortalmente doente”, o presente estudo pretende investigar as dimensões tanatológicas que atravessam a obra do filósofo dinamarquês.

  17. A Pesquisa Design Science no Brasil segundo as Publicações em Administração da Informação

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    José Osvaldo De Sordi


    Full Text Available Este artigo realiza uma revisão da literatura das pesquisas publicadas pela academia brasileira de administração da informação com o objetivo de analisar o quanto se aplica e como se pratica os princípios da pesquisa design science (DS. A amostra da pesquisa foi extraída de 257 artigos publicados por esta área, nos anais do EnANPAD, no período 2008-2012. Observou-se o interesse manifesto dos pesquisadores pela DS, considerando que há publicações referentes ao desenvolvimento de novos artefatos. Estas pesquisas, porém, não observaram aspectos centrais da DS, como: associação do artefato a problemas do ambiente de negócios e evidenciação da utilidade do artefato por meio de testes com variáveis associadas ao problema.

  18. Processo dialógico entre bibliotecários e usuários: reflexão em torno da utilização dos dispositivos de comunicação da web social

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    Raquel do Rosário Santos


    Full Text Available A utilização dos dispositivos de comunicação da web social pelas bibliotecas universitárias públicas brasileiras, como um recurso que pode potencializar a mediação da informação por meio da interação entre usuários e bibliotecários é o tema deste trabalho, que teve por objetivo identificar e analisar como as bibliotecas das universidades federais e estaduais têm explorado os recursos de comunicação nos websites para ampliar suas ações voltadas à mediação para o acesso e uso da informação. A técnica da observação direta e intensiva dos websites foi adotada para análise do uso dos dispositivos de comunicação da web social e se o mesmo tem ampliado a mediação realizada pelas bibliotecas centrais e/ou sistemas de bibliotecas das IES Estaduais e IFES para o acesso e uso da informação. Constatou-se neste trabalho que, ainda são poucos os casos de bibliotecas que, além de disponibilizarem conteúdos relevantes para auxiliar os usuários no acesso e uso da informação, bem como conteúdos sobre a biblioteca, também vêm explorando os dispositivos para favorecer a participação ativa dos usuários na troca de informações, debates, comentários e manifestação de sugestões. Assim, concluiu-se que, embora em menor quantidade e ainda necessitando de maior planejamento nas ações, há uma parcela das bibliotecas centrais e/ou sistemas de bibliotecas das IES Estaduais e das IFES analisadas que têm procurado avançar no modo de aproximação e de relacionamento com os usuários, como também vêm apresentando uma nova conduta de comunicação por parte dos bibliotecários que se mostraram mais acolhedores e amigáveis na interlocução com os usuários por meio dos dispositivos de comunicação da web social.

  19. Analysis of the 3’ untranslated regions of α-tubulin and S-crystallin mRNA and the identification of CPEB in dark- and light-adapted octopus retinas (United States)

    Kelly, Shannan; Yamamoto, Hideki


    Purpose We previously reported the differential expression and translation of mRNA and protein in dark- and light-adapted octopus retinas, which may result from cytoplasmic polyadenylation element (CPE)–dependent mRNA masking and unmasking. Here we investigate the presence of CPEs in α-tubulin and S-crystallin mRNA and report the identification of cytoplasmic polyadenylation element binding protein (CPEB) in light- and dark-adapted octopus retinas. Methods 3’-RACE and sequencing were used to isolate and analyze the 3’-UTRs of α-tubulin and S-crystallin mRNA. Total retinal protein isolated from light- and dark-adapted octopus retinas was subjected to western blot analysis followed by CPEB antibody detection, PEP-171 inhibition of CPEB, and dephosphorylation of CPEB. Results The following CPE-like sequence was detected in the 3’-UTR of isolated long S-crystallin mRNA variants: UUUAACA. No CPE or CPE-like sequences were detected in the 3’-UTRs of α-tubulin mRNA or of the short S-crystallin mRNA variants. Western blot analysis detected CPEB as two putative bands migrating between 60-80 kDa, while a third band migrated below 30 kDa in dark- and light-adapted retinas. Conclusions The detection of CPEB and the identification of the putative CPE-like sequences in the S-crystallin 3’-UTR suggest that CPEB may be involved in the activation of masked S-crystallin mRNA, but not in the regulation of α-tubulin mRNA, resulting in increased S-crystallin protein synthesis in dark-adapted octopus retinas. PMID:18682811

  20. The retina

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    van Reyk, David M; Gillies, Mark C; Davies, Michael Jonathan


    A prominent and early feature of the retinopathy of diabetes mellitus is a diffuse increase in vascular permeability. As the disease develops, the development of frank macular oedema may result in vision loss. That reactive oxygen species production is likely to be elevated in the retina, and tha...

  1. “Spiegel im Spiegel” Uma análise psicanalítica da trilogia de Samuel Beckett, pela teoria de Wilfred Bion


    Vilhena, Manuel Lampreia


    Dissertação de Mestrado apresentada ao Instituto Superior de Psicologia Aplicada para obtenção de grau de Mestre na especialidade de Psicologia Clínica. A psicanálise estabeleceu desde cedo uma relação com a literatura, logo pela mão do seu fundador Sigmund Freud. Este trabalho tem como objectivo fazer uma leitura psicanalítica da trilogia de Samuel Beckett, Molloy, Malone está a morrer e O Inominável. Para tal recorre a não só nome centrais da psicanálise como Freud, Klein, Bi...

  2. The infrared retina

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Krishna, Sanjay


    As infrared imaging systems have evolved from the first generation of linear devices to the second generation of small format staring arrays to the present 'third-gen' systems, there is an increased emphasis on large area focal plane arrays (FPAs) with multicolour operation and higher operating temperature. In this paper, we discuss how one needs to develop an increased functionality at the pixel level for these next generation FPAs. This functionality could manifest itself as spectral, polarization, phase or dynamic range signatures that could extract more information from a given scene. This leads to the concept of an infrared retina, which is an array that works similarly to the human eye that has a 'single' FPA but multiple cones, which are photoreceptor cells in the retina of the eye that enable the perception of colour. These cones are then coupled with powerful signal processing techniques that allow us to process colour information from a scene, even with a limited basis of colour cones. Unlike present day multi or hyperspectral systems, which are bulky and expensive, the idea would be to build a poor man's 'infrared colour' camera. We use examples such as plasmonic tailoring of the resonance or bias dependent dynamic tuning based on quantum confined Stark effect or incorporation of avalanche gain to achieve embodiments of the infrared retina.


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    Full Text Available Utilizando os resultados de uma etnografia midiática realizada em uma comunidade on-line de fãs do reality show Big Brother Brasil (BBB este artigo discute algumas questões centrais acerca da “cultura da convergência”. As análises trazidas aqui apresentam um contraponto à ideia de que as dinâmicas entre fãs de produtos como o BBB necessariamente implicariam na formação de uma “inteligência coletiva”, conforme defendido por acadêmicos como Henry Jenkins e Pierre Lévy. Os fãs da versão nacional do formato, por exemplo, parecem estar mais preocupados com disputas por prestígio, hierarquia e capital subcultural do que com o desenvolvimento de um conhecimento comum, capaz de desafiar interesses econômicos e corporativos.

  4. Comunicação Integrada de Marketing e Valor de Marca: um Estudo em Empresas de Tecnologia da Informação


    Santana, Shirley Arruda


    A comunicação integrada de marketing (CIM) tornou-se um dos temas centrais entre acadêmicos e profissionais a partir da década de 90, sendo considerada um importante caminho para facilitar e para manter fortes estruturas de memória de marca através do tempo, podendo harmonizar e reforçar as impressões desta junto ao públicoalvo. As organizações ainda não descobriram de um modo geral o poder da comunicação, que é capaz de renovar o ambiente de marketing, facilitar as relações e ...


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    Felipe Costa Silva


    Full Text Available Os relatos da infância de Jesus contidos no evangelho de Mateus, nos capítulos 1 e 2, refletem o plano teológico do autor sagrado, que situa Jesus de Nazaré, o Messias esperado, na história do povo de Israel, e, por conseguinte, na história da humanidade. O objetivo desta breve investigação bíblica e revisão bibliográfica é evidenciar os elementos centrais da infância do Nazareno como coordenadas necessárias para uma compreensão da historicidade dos acontecimentos frente à reflexão teológica, bem como da articulação entre os dados da fé e da história. A metodologia utilizada é a de uma leitura crítica da Bíblia com análise da bibliografia exegética sobre o tema. Esperamos com este método lançar uma luz sobre a leitura do texto com ênfase nos elementos históricos como forma de complementação à investigação cristológica. Acreditamos que a investigação da pessoa histórica de Jesus não contradiz sua qualidade de Cristo da fé, quando feita em respeito dos textos sagrados.

  6. Retina neural circuitry seen with particle detector technology

    CERN Multimedia

    CERN Bulletin


    Using particle physics techniques, high energy physics researchers have recently provided new insight into neural circuits inside the retina. After uncovering a new type of retinal cell and mapping how the retina deals with colours, the team from Santa Cruz (US), Krakow and Glasgow is now turning its attention to more complex issues such as how the retina gets wired up and how the brain deals with the signals it receives from the retina. All this using technology derived from high-density, multistrip silicon detectors…   Seen from the point of view of a particle physicist, eyes are image detectors that can gather many different types of data: light and dark, different colours, motion, etc. In particular, the retina, a thin tissue that lines the back of the eye, is a biological pixel detector that detects light and converts it to electrical signals that travel through the optic nerve to the brain. Neurobiologists know that many different cell types are involved in these processes, but they...

  7. Da Missão Histórico-pedagógica dos Museus


    Magalhães, Justino


    Ao publicar, em 1903, a obra Der moderne Denkmalkultus [o culto moderno dos monumentos] Aloïs Riegl abriu o debate sobre património histórico, distinguindo valor histórico-artístico e valor de rememoração, cujos contornos se revelaram estruturais para um cruzamento interdisciplinar. Deixando de lado os aspectos centrais da preservação e do restauro, áreas em constante inovação, com destaque designadamente para a obra e a acção de Cesare Brandi; tomando como referência, entre outros aspectos, ...

  8. Fine structure of the retinal pigment epithelium and cones of Antarctic fish Notohenia coriiceps Richardson in light and dark-conditions Ultraestrutra do epitélio pigmentar da retina e dos cones do peixe Antártico Notothenia coriiceps Richardson submetido à luz e ao escuro

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    Lucélia Donatti


    Full Text Available The Antarctic fish Notothenia coriiceps Richardson, 1844 lives in an environment of daily and annual photic variation and retina cells have to adjust morphologically to environmental luminosity. After seven day dark or seven day light acclimation of two groups of fish, retinas were extracted and processed for light and transmission electron microscopy. In seven day dark adapted, retina pigment epithelium melanin granules were aggregated at the basal region of cells, and macrophages were seen adjacent to the apical microvilli, between the photoreceptors. In seven day light adapted epithelium, melanin granules were inside the apical microvilli of epithelial cells and macrophages were absent. The supranuclear region of cones adapted to seven day light had less electron dense cytoplasm, and an endoplasmic reticulum with broad tubules. The mitochondria in the internal segment of cones adapted to seven day light were larger, and less electron dense. The differences in the morphology of cones and pigment epithelial cells indicate that N. coriiceps has retinal structural adjustments presumably optimizing vision in different light conditions.O peixe Antártico Notothenia coriiceps Richardson, 1844 habita meios com variações fóticas diária e anual e as células da retina se adaptam morfologicamente a esta luminosidade ambiental. Dois grupos de peixes foram aclimatados durante sete dias à luz constante ou ao escuro constante. Após secção medular, as retinas foram extraídas e processadas para microscopia de luz e microscopia eletrônica de transmissão. No epitélio pigmentar da retina adaptado sete dias ao escuro, os pigmentos de melanina agregam-se na base coroidal das células epiteliais pigmentares e macrófagos são encontrados no interior do processos apicais entre as células fotorreceptoras. No epitélio adaptado sete dias à luz os pigmentos de melanina se dispõem ao longo das projeções apicais das células epiteliais pigmentares e os

  9. Tecendo identidades, os fios da memória em Adonias Filho = Weaving identities, the threads of memory in Adonias Filho

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    Cordeiro, Verbena Maria Rocha


    Full Text Available Este artigo, a partir da leitura do romance As velhas, do escritor baiano Adonias Filho, analisa como cada uma das quatro mulheres, personagens centrais, revivificam, em meio a paisagem exuberante e temerária da selva tropical, a história do mundo hostil e masculino, o universo cacaueiro baiano e a história da conquista territorial de uma região, ao mesmo tempo em que narram suas dores, sofrimentos e vinganças. Tendo como signo a memória e a constituição da identidade de seus personagens, mulheres e homens, o propósito dessa análise é entender como essa narrativa memorialista se constrói, materializando as tensões que se modelam nas experiências e nas marcas da história individual e coletiva de cada sujeito e sua cultura


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    Pedro Pires


    Full Text Available O presente estudo consiste em uma revisão da literatura sobre a pesquisa em Ecocentrismo. O termo foi cunhado com o objetivo de especificar um conjunto de valores e crenças do ser humano sobre o seu relacionamento com o meio ambiente. Especialmente a partir da década de 1970, a ciência psicológica se interessou por essas crenças e valores como objeto de estudo. Com o fim de realizar a revisão da literatura, foram consultados indexadores nacionais (BVS-PSI e Scielo e internacionais (ISI Web of Knowledge e Scopus, reunindo investigações em cinco temas centrais: 1- o papel da informação; 2- personalidade; 3- consumo verde; 4- aspectos culturais e papéis sociais; 5- a medida em ecocentrismo. A presente revisão conclui que é necessário um maior empenho em contribuições nacionais no campo, enquanto no cenário internacional há uma escassez de estudos sobre desenvolvimento humano e estratégias concretas de intervenção para a promoção de comportamentos pro-ambientais.

  11. Radioadaptive Cytoprotective Pathways in the Mouse Retina (United States)

    Zanello, Susana B.; Wotring, V.; Theriot, C.; Ploutz-Snyder, R.; Zhang, Y.; Wu, H.


    Exposure to cosmic radiation implies a risk of tissue degeneration. Radiation retinopathy is a complication of radiotherapy and exhibits common features with other retinopathies and neuropathies. Exposure to a low radiation dose elicits protective cellular events (radioadaptive response), reducing the stress of a subsequent higher dose. To assess the risk of radiation-induced retinal changes and the extent to which a small priming dose reduces this risk, we used a mouse model exposed to a source of Cs-137-gamma radiation. Gene expression profiling of retinas from non-irradiated control C57BL/6J mice (C) were compared to retinas from mice treated with a low 50 mGy dose (LD), a high 6 Gy dose (HD), and a combined treatment of 50 mGy (priming) and 6 Gy (challenge) doses (LHD). Whole retina RNA was isolated and expression analysis for selected genes performed by RTqPCR. Relevant target genes associated with cell death/survival, oxidative stress, cellular stress response and inflammation pathways, were analyzed. Cellular stress response genes were upregulated at 4 hr after the challenge dose in LHD retinas (Sirt1: 1.5 fold, Hsf1: 1.7 fold, Hspa1a: 2.5 fold; Hif1a: 1.8 fold, Bag1: 1.7). A similar trend was observed in LD animals. Most antioxidant enzymes (Hmox1, Sod2, Prdx1, Cygb, Cat1) and inflammatory mediators (NF B, Ptgs2 and Tgfb1) were upregulated in LHD and LD retinas. Expression of the pro-survival gene Bcl2 was upregulated in LD (6-fold) and LHD (4-fold) retinas. In conclusion, cytoprotective gene networks activation in the retina suggests a radioadaptive response to a priming irradiation dose, with mitigation of the deleterious effects of a subsequent high dose exposure. The enhancement of these cytoprotective mechanisms has potential value as a countermeasure to ocular alterations caused by radiation alone or in combination with other factors in spaceflight environments.

  12. Retina image–based optic disc segmentation

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    Ching-Lin Wang


    Full Text Available The change of optic disc can be used to diagnose many eye diseases, such as glaucoma, diabetic retinopathy and macular degeneration. Moreover, retinal blood vessel pattern is unique for human beings even for identical twins. It is a highly stable pattern in biometric identification. Since optic disc is the beginning of the optic nerve and main blood vessels in retina, it can be used as a reference point of identification. Therefore, optic disc segmentation is an important technique for developing a human identity recognition system and eye disease diagnostic system. This article hence presents an optic disc segmentation method to extract the optic disc from a retina image. The experimental results show that the optic disc segmentation method can give impressive results in segmenting the optic disc from a retina image.

  13. Vigilância do desenvolvimento da linguagem da criança: conhecimentos e práticas de profissionais da atenção básica à saúde

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    Raquel Aparecida Pizolato

    Full Text Available RESUMO Objetivo: analisar os conhecimentos e as práticas dos enfermeiros, médicos e cirurgiões-dentistas que atuam na Atenção Básica em relação ao desenvolvimento da linguagem da criança nos primeiros anos de vida. Métodos: tratou-se de uma pesquisa qualitativa com 30 profissionais de uma rede de Atenção Básica dentre eles, médicos, enfermeiros e cirurgiões-dentistas. Uma consulta individual foi realizada mediante um questionário semiestruturado. Empregou-se a técnica de análise temática de discurso, utilizando-se três figuras metodológicas: a Ideia Central, as Expressões-Chaves e o Discurso do Sujeito Coletivo. Resultados: os conhecimentos que os profissionais têm sobre o desenvolvimento da linguagem da criança estavam ancorados às ideias centrais de conhecer alguns marcos do desenvolvimento, a linguagem da criança depende do estímulo do meio, da família e da audição normal, saber muito pouco ou não saber nada sobre o assunto. Os profissionais relataram que gostariam de obter mais informações sobre o assunto em relação aos marcos do desenvolvimento da linguagem da criança, desvios da normalidade e orientações para pais de forma a aprimorar o atendimento da saúde infantil. Conclusão: o conhecimento dos profissionais sobre o assunto apresentou-se limitado, havendo necessidade de ampliar práticas de educação em saúde pela Fonoaudiologia, em parceria com as Instituições de Ensino e os profissionais dos Núcleos de Apoio Saúde da Família, junto aos profissionais da Equipe de Estratégia Saúde da Família, destacando-se o trabalho sobre os marcos do desenvolvimento da linguagem da criança.

  14. Imaging of the peripheral retina

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    Marcus Kernt


    Full Text Available The technical progress of the recent years has revolutionized imaging in ophthalmology. Scanning laser ophthalmoscopy (SLO, digital angiography, optical coherence tomography (OCT, and detection of fundus autofluorescence (FAF have fundamentally changed our understanding of numerous retinal and choroidal diseases. Besides the tremendous advances in macular diagnostics, there is more and more evidence that central pathologies are often directly linked to changes in the peripheral retina. This review provides a brief overview on current posterior segment imaging techniques with a special focus on the peripheral retina.

  15. A questão da universidade e da formação em ciências sociais

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    Sylvia Gemignani Garcia


    Full Text Available A análise histórica dos processos sociais e intelectuais que caracterizam a formação cultural e científica na modernidade contemporânea permite a reconstrução de questões culturais e educacionais que se fazem constantemente presentes hoje no dia-a-dia da vida universitária na forma de problemas acadêmicos e administrativos. Situada na intersecção das áreas de história intelectual, sociologia da ciência e das instituições científicas e sociologia da educação e da cultura, essa perspectiva de investigação aborda, primeiro, os amplos processos institucionais nas esferas da política, da economia e da cultura que situam a questão contemporânea da universidade e da formação em ciências sociais; em seguida, expõe alguns aspectos centrais do debate sociológico acerca da natureza da disciplina e do perfil da formação em ciência social; e, finalmente, discute certos pressupostos e categorias básicas das atuais propostas de reforma universitária.The historical analysis of the social and intellectual processes that characterise the cultural and scientific education in contemporary modernity allows for the reconstruction of cultural and educational questions, which are perceived as academic and administrative problems in our daily lives at the university. The approach adopted in this paper is situated at the intersection between intellectual history, the sociology of science and scientific institutions and the sociology of education and culture. It discusses, firstly, the wide institutional processes in the political, economic and cultural spheres that circumscribe the contemporary questions of the university and the education in social sciences; secondly, it analyses some of the central aspects of the sociological debate on the nature of the discipline and the profile of the education in social sciences; finally it looks at a few premises and basic categories of the present proposals for the reform of the university.

  16. A Subjetividade Social da Escola e os Desafios da Inclusão de Alunos com Desenvolvimento Atípico

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    Geandra Cláudia Silva SANTOS

    Full Text Available RESUMO: a presente pesquisa objetivou analisar os principais elementos da subjetividade social de uma instituição de ensino público, para refletir sobre os desafios concretos a serem enfrentados ante a inclusão escolar de alunos com desenvolvimento atípico. A inclusão escolar constitui-se um desafio de natureza organizacional, política, pedagógica, cultural e subjetiva dos atores e das instituições que compõem os sistemas de ensino. A subjetividade social, uma das categorias centrais da Teoria da subjetividade, é o arcabouço teórico definido para fundamentar este estudo. Para atingir o objetivo proposto, optamos pela Epistemologia Qualitativa com o propósito de ancorar as construções teórico-metodológicas. A pesquisa foi realizada por meio de estudo de caso, que correspondeu ao acompanhamento da experiência pedagógica de uma escola pública de ensino fundamental. Optamos por instrumentos escritos e não escritos, dentre os quais citamos: entrevista, dinâmica conversacionais, observações, análise dos documentos da escola. Participaram da investigação membros do núcleo gestor e professores da escola. Tendo em vista o estudo de caso analisado, entendemos que a tendência dominante da subjetividade social da instituição de ensino mostrou-se desfavorável ao enfrentamento dos desafios propostos pela educação inclusiva à escola. Concluímos, assim, que o enfrentamento dessa realidade requer uma produção de sentidos subjetivos dos atores da escola que favoreça repensar concepções e ações educativas.

  17. Regulamentação da internet: perspectiva comparada entre Brasil, Chile, Espanha, EUA e França

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    Rosemary Segurado


    Full Text Available A governança global ocupa lugar privilegiado na agenda de debates sobre o funcionamento da rede mundial de computadores, e o Brasil assumiu um papel de destaque nesse processo, principalmente após a aprovação do Marco Civil da Internet (lei n.12.965, de 23 de abril de 2014, que contém princípios, garantias, direitos e deveres para internautas e provedores no país. O estudo comparado foi desenvolvido a partir da seleção de categorias consideradas fundamentais para a análise: a neutralidade de rede, o direito à privacidade dos cidadãos internautas e a discussão sobre direitos autorais sob a lógica da propriedade intelectual. Foram esses os aspectos centrais que utilizamos para a análise das regulamentações em cinco países, Brasil, Chile, Espanha, EUA e França.

  18. Imagen de retina de campo ultra-amplio

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    Gerardo García-Aguirre


    Conclusión: Las imágenes de campo ultra-amplio han revolucionado la forma en la que estudiamos y entendemos la enfermedad de la retina. A medida que la tecnología para obtenerlas se haga más accesible, formará parte del armamentario de rutina para estudiar las enfermedades de la retina.

  19. Da poética e da política: uma exploração do tropicalismo de Gilberto Gil e o vínculo entre artistas e movimentos sócio-culturais na década de 60.


    Campos, Paulo Mariano Eulálio; UFMG; Campos, Rogério Cunha de; UFMG


    Nosso objetivo é compreender a trajetória de Gilberto Gil, um dos personagens centrais que ajudou a movimentar a história da cultura brasileira durante os últimos 50 anos, investigando as características de sua obra nos anos imediatamente anteriores e posteriores ao lançamento do disco-manifesto Tropicália, de 1968.  Este estudo busca apresentar, ainda, resultados parciais de uma pesquisa mais abrangente que visa uma compreensão mais profunda das relações entre música e processos sócio-educat...

  20. Terapia gênica em distrofias hereditárias de retina Gene therapy for inherited retinal dystrophies

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    Monique Côco


    Full Text Available As distrofias hereditárias de retina abrangem um amplo número de doenças caracterizadas por lenta e progressiva degeneração da retina. São o resultado de mutações em genes expressos em fotorreceptores e no epitélio pigmentado da retina. A herança pode ser autossômica dominante, autossômica recessiva, ligada ao X recessiva, digênica ou herança mitocondrial. Atualmente não há tratamento para essas doenças e os pacientes convivem com a perda progressiva da visão. O aconselhamento genético e o suporte para reabilitação têm indicação nestes casos. Pesquisas envolvendo a base molecular e genética dessas doenças está continuamente em expansão e ampliam as perspectivas para novas formas de tratamento. Dessa forma, a terapia gênica, que consiste na inserção de material genético exógeno em células de um indivíduo com finalidade terapêutica, tem sido a principal forma de tratamento para as distrofias hereditárias de retina. O olho é um órgão peculiar para a terapia gênica, pois é anatomicamente dividido em compartimentos, imunologicamente privilegiado e com meios transparentes. A maioria das doenças oculares tem defeitos em genes conhecidos. Além disso, há modelo animal bem caracterizado para algumas condições. Propostas para pesquisa clínica em terapia gênica nas degenerações retinianas hereditárias com defeito no gene RPE65, recentemente tiveram aprovação ética e os resultados preliminares obtidos trouxeram grandes expectativas na melhora da qualidade de vida dos pacientes.The inherited retinal dystrophies comprise a large number of disorders characterized by a slow and progressive retinal degeneration. They are the result of mutations in genes that express in either the photoreceptor cells or the retinal pigment epithelium. The mode of inheritance can be autosomal dominant, autosomal recessive, X linked recessive, digenic or mitochondrial DNA inherited. At the moment, there is no treatment for these

  1. Topography of ganglion cell production in the cat's retina

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Walsh, C.; Polley, E.H.


    The ganglion cells of the cat's retina form several classes distinguishable in terms of soma size, axon diameter, dendritic morphology, physiological properties, and central connections. Labeling with [ 3 H]thymidine shows that the ganglion cells which survive in the adult are produced as several temporally shifted, overlapping waves: medium-sized cells are produced before large cells, whereas the smallest ganglion cells are produced throughout the period of ganglion cell generation. Large cells and medium-sized cells show the same distinctive pattern of production, forming rough spirals around the area centralis. The oldest cells tend to lie superior and nasal to the area centralis, whereas cells in the inferior nasal retina and inferior temporal retina are, in general, progressively younger. Within each retinal quadrant, cells nearer the area centralis tend to be older than cells in the periphery, but there is substantial overlap. The retinal raphe divides the superior temporal quadrant into two zones with different patterns of cell addition. Superior temporal retina near the vertical meridian adds cells only slightly later than superior nasal retina, whereas superior temporal retina near the horizontal meridian adds cells very late, contemporaneously with inferior temporal retina. The broader wave of production of smaller ganglion cells seems to follow this same spiral pattern at its beginning and end. The presence of the area centralis as a nodal point about which ganglion cell production in the retinal quadrants pivots suggests that the area centralis is already an important retinal landmark even at the earliest stages of retinal development

  2. Helping the Retina Regenerate (United States)

    ... the retina News Brief 03/30/17 A new report gives recommendations for regenerating retinal ganglion cells (RGCs), crucial neurons in the back of the eye that carry visual information to the brain. Authored ...

  3. O Controle da Gestão dos Recursos Públicos: Bases Conceituais e o Falso Dilema “Regularidade Versus Resultados”

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    Paulo Roberto Simão Bijos


    Full Text Available Este artigo apresenta os fundamentos teóricos do controle, retratando-o, de início, como função administrativa organicamente articulada em uma estrutura piramidal de controle, constituída pelas instâncias de controles internos, auditoria interna e auditoria externa. Em paralelo, traca a distinção entre: controle e auditoria; controles internos e auditoria interna; e auditoria interna e auditoria externa. Adicionalmente, explora a conexão entre auditoria e os conceitos de teoria da agência, governança corporativa e accountability. Em particular, expõe os elementos centrais do sistema brasileiro de accountability horizontal, pertinente ao controle da gestão dos recursos públicos, com ênfase no modelo federal, e analisa a inter-relacão entre as principais vertentes desse sistema de controle, abrangendo o dilema regularidade x resultados.

  4. Why has Nature Chosen Lutein and Zeaxanthin to Protect the Retina?


    Widomska, Justyna; Subczynski, Witold K


    Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is associated with a low level of macular carotenoids in the eye retina. Only two carotenoids, namely lutein and zeaxanthin are selectively accumulated in the human eye retina from blood plasma where more than twenty other carotenoids are available. The third carotenoid which is found in the human retina, meso-zeaxanthin is formed directly in the retina from lutein. All these carotenoids, named also macular xanthophylls, play key roles in eye health and ...

  5. Rhythmic ganglion cell activity in bleached and blind adult mouse retinas. (United States)

    Menzler, Jacob; Channappa, Lakshmi; Zeck, Guenther


    In retinitis pigmentosa--a degenerative disease which often leads to incurable blindness--the loss of photoreceptors deprives the retina from a continuous excitatory input, the so-called dark current. In rodent models of this disease this deprivation leads to oscillatory electrical activity in the remaining circuitry, which is reflected in the rhythmic spiking of retinal ganglion cells (RGCs). It remained unclear, however, if the rhythmic RGC activity is attributed to circuit alterations occurring during photoreceptor degeneration or if rhythmic activity is an intrinsic property of healthy retinal circuitry which is masked by the photoreceptor's dark current. Here we tested these hypotheses by inducing and analysing oscillatory activity in adult healthy (C57/Bl6) and blind mouse retinas (rd10 and rd1). Rhythmic RGC activity in healthy retinas was detected upon partial photoreceptor bleaching using an extracellular high-density multi-transistor-array. The mean fundamental spiking frequency in bleached retinas was 4.3 Hz; close to the RGC rhythm detected in blind rd10 mouse retinas (6.5 Hz). Crosscorrelation analysis of neighbouring wild-type and rd10 RGCs (separation distance rhythmic RGC spiking in these retinas is driven by a network of presynaptic neurons. The inhibition of glutamatergic ganglion cell input or the inhibition of gap junctional coupling abolished the rhythmic pattern. In rd10 and rd1 retinas the presynaptic network leads to local field potentials, whereas in bleached retinas additional pharmacological disinhibition is required to achieve detectable field potentials. Our results demonstrate that photoreceptor bleaching unmasks oscillatory activity in healthy retinas which shares many features with the functional phenotype detected in rd10 retinas. The quantitative physiological differences advance the understanding of the degeneration process and may guide future rescue strategies.

  6. Descolamento regmatogênico de retina: avaliação pós-operatória da mácula Rhegmatogenous retinal detachment: a postoperative study of the macula

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    Otacílio de Oliveira Maia Júnior


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Avaliar função e estrutura macular de pacientes submetidos a cirurgia de descolamento regmatogênico da retina. MÉTODOS: Estudo prospectivo de pacientes submetidos a retinopexia pneumática ou introflexão escleral com seguimento feito por meio de exame oftalmológico completo e tomografia de coerência óptica. RESULTADOS: A amostra foi composta por 14 olhos (14 pacientes, sendo 10 (71,4% submetidos a introflexão escleral e 4 (28,6%, a retinopexia pneumática. A idade variou entre 24 e 59 anos, média de 39,3 anos. Houve correlações negativas entre a acuidade visual final e a idade (r= -0,64 e p= 0,0127 e entre a acuidade visual final e o tempo de descolamento (r= -0,54 e p= 0,0447. Houve correlação positiva entre as acuidades visual do seguimento inicial e final (r= 0,69 e p= 0,0059. Na tomografia de coerência óptica, quatro olhos (28,6% apresentaram descolamento residual na fóvea, com resolução espontânea e melhora na acuidade visual (p= 0,031; não houve relação entre tempo de resolução e acuidade final (p= 0,5546. CONCLUSÃO: Os resultados mostram que quanto mais jovem o paciente e mais precoce a intervenção cirúrgica, melhor acuidade visual final. Adicionalmente, quanto maior acuidade no início do pós-operatório, melhor acuidade final. Todos os casos de descolamento foveal evidenciados por meio da tomografia de coerência óptica, no pós-operatório, cursaram com reabsorção do líquido subfoveal e melhora da visão.PURPOSE: To evaluate the structure and function of the macula following rhegmatogenous retinal detachment surgery. METHODS: Prospective study of patients submitted to scleral buckle surgery or pneumatic retinopexy. The follow-up comprised a complete ophthalmologic exam and optical coherence tomography. RESULTS: The sample was composed of 14 eyes (14 patients, 71.4% operated with the scleral buckle technique, and 28.6% with the pneumatic retinopexy. The age range was from 24 to 59 years (mean

  7. An experimental platform for systemic drug delivery to the retina.

    LENUS (Irish Health Repository)

    Campbell, Matthew


    Degenerative retinopathies, including age-related macular degeneration, diabetic retinopathy, and hereditary retinal disorders--major causes of world blindness--are potentially treatable by using low-molecular weight neuroprotective, antiapoptotic, or antineovascular drugs. These agents are, however, not in current systemic use owing to, among other factors, their inability to passively diffuse across the microvasculature of the retina because of the presence of the inner blood-retina barrier (iBRB). Moreover, preclinical assessment of the efficacies of new formulations in the treatment of such conditions is similarly compromised. We describe here an experimental process for RNAi-mediated, size-selective, transient, and reversible modulation of the iBRB in mice to molecules up to 800 Da by suppression of transcripts encoding claudin-5, a protein component of the tight junctions of the inner retinal vasculature. MRI produced no evidence indicative of brain or retinal edema, and the process resulted in minimal disturbance of global transcriptional patterns analyzed in neuronal tissue. We show that visual function can be improved in IMPDH1(-\\/-) mice, a model of autosomal recessive retinitis pigmentosa, and that the rate of photoreceptor cell death can be reduced in a model of light-induced retinal degeneration by systemic drug delivery after reversible barrier opening. These findings provide a platform for high-throughput drug screening in models of retinal degeneration, and they ultimately could result in the development of a novel "humanized" approach to therapy for conditions with little or no current forms of treatment.

  8. [Degenerative lesions of the peripheral retina]. (United States)

    Conart, J-B; Baron, D; Berrod, J-P


    Degenerative lesions of the peripheral retina are present from teenage years onwards and increase with age. These abnormabilities are frequent, some of them being benign while others predispose to retinal tears and detachment. In the latter case, the lesions are rhegmatogenous and may justify prophylactic treatment by laser photocoagulation. We distinguish congenital lesions of the peripheral retina and intraretinal, chorioretinal and vitreoretinal degenerations. The holes and tears observed in 2% of the population consist of round atrophic holes, "horseshoe" tears, oral dialyses and giant tears. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.

  9. FPGA-Based Real Time, Multichannel Emulated-Digital Retina Model Implementation

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    Zsolt Vörösházi


    Full Text Available The function of the low-level image processing that takes place in the biological retina is to compress only the relevant visual information to a manageable size. The behavior of the layers and different channels of the neuromorphic retina has been successfully modeled by cellular neural/nonlinear networks (CNNs. In this paper, we present an extended, application-specific emulated-digital CNN-universal machine (UM architecture to compute the complex dynamic of this mammalian retina in video real time. The proposed emulated-digital implementation of multichannel retina model is compared to the previously developed models from three key aspects, which are processing speed, number of physical cells, and accuracy. Our primary aim was to build up a simple, real-time test environment with camera input and display output in order to mimic the behavior of retina model implementation on emulated digital CNN by using low-cost, moderate-sized field-programmable gate array (FPGA architectures.

  10. Neurotransmitter properties of the newborn human retina

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hollyfield, J.G.; Frederick, J.M.; Rayborn, M.E.


    Human retinal tissue from a newborn was examined autoradiographically for the presence of high-affinity uptake and localization of the following putative neurotransmitters: dopamine, glycine, GABA, aspartate, and glutamate. In addition, the dopamine content of this newborn retina was measured by high pressure liquid chromatography. Our study reveals that specific uptake mechanisms for 3 H-glycine, 3 H-dopamine, and 3 H-GABA are present at birth. However, the number and distribution of cells labeled with each of these 3 H-transmitters are not identical to those observed in adult human retinas. Furthermore, the amount of endogenous dopamine in the newborn retina is approximately 1/20 the adult level. Photoreceptor-specific uptake of 3 H-glutamate and 3 H-aspartate are not observed. These findings indicate that, while some neurotransmitter-specific properties are present at birth, significant maturation of neurotransmitter systems occurs postnatally

  11. A digital retina-like low-level vision processor. (United States)

    Mertoguno, S; Bourbakis, N G


    This correspondence presents the basic design and the simulation of a low level multilayer vision processor that emulates to some degree the functional behavior of a human retina. This retina-like multilayer processor is the lower part of an autonomous self-organized vision system, called Kydon, that could be used on visually impaired people with a damaged visual cerebral cortex. The Kydon vision system, however, is not presented in this paper. The retina-like processor consists of four major layers, where each of them is an array processor based on hexagonal, autonomous processing elements that perform a certain set of low level vision tasks, such as smoothing and light adaptation, edge detection, segmentation, line recognition and region-graph generation. At each layer, the array processor is a 2D array of k/spl times/m hexagonal identical autonomous cells that simultaneously execute certain low level vision tasks. Thus, the hardware design and the simulation at the transistor level of the processing elements (PEs) of the retina-like processor and its simulated functionality with illustrative examples are provided in this paper.

  12. The mammalian retina as a clock (United States)

    Tosini, Gianluca; Fukuhara, Chiaki


    Many physiological, cellular, and biochemical parameters in the retina of vertebrates show daily rhythms that, in many cases, also persist under constant conditions. This demonstrates that they are driven by a circadian pacemaker. The presence of an autonomous circadian clock in the retina of vertebrates was first demonstrated in Xenopus laevis and then, several years later, in mammals. In X. laevis and in chicken, the retinal circadian pacemaker has been localized in the photoreceptor layer, whereas in mammals, such information is not yet available. Recent advances in molecular techniques have led to the identification of a group of genes that are believed to constitute the molecular core of the circadian clock. These genes are expressed in the retina, although with a slightly different 24-h profile from that observed in the central circadian pacemaker. This result suggests that some difference (at the molecular level) may exist between the retinal clock and the clock located in the suprachiasmatic nuclei of hypothalamus. The present review will focus on the current knowledge of the retinal rhythmicity and the mechanisms responsible for its control.

  13. Músicas em movimento. Dos contextos, tempos e geografias da performance musical em Portugal

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    Paula Abreu


    Full Text Available O texto propõe-se desenvolver uma reflexão acerca das dinâmicas territoriais dos mercados culturais, discutindo a forma como essas dinâmicas reflectem tensões inerentes à lógica própria da produção/criação cultural, às prioridades impostas pelo crescimento dos mercados da cultura (concorrência e disputa de públicos escassos e a exigências de legitimação social e política das actividades culturais. A discussão far-se-á a partir da análise do caso particular do mercado do espectáculo musical no nosso país, recorrendo a dados produzidos no âmbito de um projecto de investigação realizado no CES/FEUC e recentemente finalizado. Os resultados produzidos possibilitam a identificação de traços marcantes relativos à geografia, aos tempos e aos contextos da produção de espectáculos musicais, permitindo a sua discussão no âmbito das principais linhas de estruturação das actuais políticas culturais (centrais e locais e da esfera cultural no nosso país.

  14. Selective retina therapy (SRT)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Brinkmann, R.; Birngruber, R.


    Selective Retina Therapy (SRT) is a new and very gentle laser method developed at the Medical Laser Center Luebeck. It is currently investigated clinically in order to treat retinal disorders associated with a decreased function of the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE). SRT is designed to selectively effect the RPE while sparing the neural retina and the photoreceptors as well as the choroid. Aim of the therapy is the rejuvenation of the RPE in the treated areas, which should ideally lead to a long term metabolic increase at the chorio-retinal junction. In contrast to conventional laser photocoagulation, which is associated with a complete thermal necrosis of the treated site, SRT completely retains full vision. This paper reviews the methods and mechanisms behind selective RPE effects and reports the first clinical results. An online dosimetry technique to visualize the ophthalmoscopically invisible effects is introduced. (orig.)

  15. Expression of nitric oxide synthase during the development of RCS rat retinas. (United States)

    Sharma, R K; Warfvinge, K; Ehinger, B


    Nitric oxide (NO) has been reported to be both neurodestructive and neuroprotective in the central nervous system and could possibly play an important role in neurodegenerative disorders. On the assumption that NO synthesis may influence degenerative processes in the retina, we have examined the development and distribution of nitric-oxide-synthase(NOS)-immunoreactive cells in developing Royal College of Surgeons (RCS) rat retinas, which is an animal model for retinal degeneration. An antibody against constitutive neuronal NOS was used for immunocytochemistry on RCS rat retinas from postnatal (PN) days 3, 7, 10, 14, 35, 70 and 281 and compared with that in the normal rats of PN days 3, 7, 10, 14, 54 and adults. Immunoreactive cells were not seen in PN 3 retinas but were distinctly seen in the PN 7 retina along with a plexus in the inner plexiform layer. In both groups (normal and RCS rats) a distinct sublayering of the plexus in the inner plexiform layer could be seen at PN 10, which became more distinct at PN 14. The immunoreactive cells were detected also in the oldest retina examined, which was PN 281 in the case of RCS rats. In both groups, certain amacrine cells, certain bipolar cells and certain horizontal cells were found to be immunoreactive. In conclusion, the developmental timetable of the NOS immunoreactivity was identical in the normal and the RCS rat retinas. The NOS-immunoreactive cells persisted in the RCS retinas even when the retina had degenerated extensively. Abnormalities with the inducible isoforms of NOS cannot be ruled out from this study. We conclude that the chronological and qualitative development of the constitutive neuronal NOS immunoreactivity is normal in RCS rat retinas. Copyright 2001 S. Karger AG, Basel

  16. Alterações oftálmicas associadas à intoxicação experimental por closantel em caprinos Ophthalmic changes associated with the experimental poisoning by closantel in caprine

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    R. Ecco


    Full Text Available Alterações oftálmicas foram experimentalmente induzidas em caprinos após superdosagem com o anti-helmíntico closantel. Foram usados cinco caprinos com sete a oito meses de idade, produtos do cruzamento da raça Saanen com a Pardo Alpino. Os animais mostraram sinais de intoxicação entre quatro e cinco dias após a administração do closantel. Os sinais clínicos caracterizaram-se principalmente por distúrbios neurológicos centrais e cegueira. Ao exame clínico, observaram-se midríase bilateral, perda do reflexo pupilar à luz e cegueira bilateral. À oftalmoscopia indireta, foram observadas degeneração aguda de retina e papiledema. As alterações crônicas mostravam disco óptico acinzentado, atrofia de vasos e da retina. Nos fundos tapetal e não-tapetal notavam-se áreas de despigmentação e lesões irregulares castanho-amareladas. As alterações histológicas consistiam em perda dos neurônios da camada ganglionar e das células da camada nuclear interna e externa da retina. As alterações agudas no nervo óptico e na substância branca do encéfalo foram de degeneração espongiforme. As alterações crônicas do nervo óptico caracterizavam-se por extensa necrose e infiltração de células Gitter.Ophthalmic alterations were experimentally induced after overdose with the anthelmintic closantel. Five seven to eight- months-old, Saanen x Alpine caprine were used. The animals showed clinical signs of toxicosis four to five days after the administration of closantel. Clinical signs were primarily characterized by central nervous disturbances and blindness. Clinically, bilateral mydriasis, loss of pupillary light reflex, and blindness were observed. At indirect ophthalmoscopic examination, there was acute retinal degeneration and papilledema. Chronic ocular changes consisted of paleness of the optic disc, vascular atrophy, and retinal atrophy. Areas of pigment loss and irregular yellowish-brown foci were present in the tapetal

  17. Real-time simulation of the retina allowing visualization of each processing stage (United States)

    Teeters, Jeffrey L.; Werblin, Frank S.


    The retina computes to let us see, but can we see the retina compute? Until now, the answer has been no, because the unconscious nature of the processing hides it from our view. Here the authors describe a method of seeing computations performed throughout the retina. This is achieved by using neurophysiological data to construct a model of the retina, and using a special-purpose image processing computer (PIPE) to implement the model in real time. Processing in the model is organized into stages corresponding to computations performed by each retinal cell type. The final stage is the transient (change detecting) ganglion cell. A CCD camera forms the input image, and the activity of a selected retinal cell type is the output which is displayed on a TV monitor. By changing the retina cell driving the monitor, the progressive transformations of the image by the retina can be observed. These simulations demonstrate the ubiquitous presence of temporal and spatial variations in the patterns of activity generated by the retina which are fed into the brain. The dynamical aspects make these patterns very different from those generated by the common DOG (Difference of Gaussian) model of receptive field. Because the retina is so successful in biological vision systems, the processing described here may be useful in machine vision.

  18. Avaliação da espessura da camada de fibras nervosas da retina e mácula em pacientes com ambliopia Thickness of the retinal nerve fiber layer, macular thickness, in patients with amblyopia

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    Juliana Mitre


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Avaliar a espessura da camada de fibras nervosas da retina em olhos amblíopes e comparar com olhos normais e certificar se há correlação com a redução da acuidade visual. Além disso, este estudo se propõe avaliar a eficácia e eficiência em uma série de casos do protótipo de um equipamento nacional de magnificação para leitura. MÉTODOS: Participaram deste estudo 30 pacientes na faixa etária entre 9 e 80 anos (17 do sexo masculino. Foi desenvolvido um aparelho portátil, patenteado pela Unifesp (PI#020050145260, com um sistema de captura de imagens acoplado a um monitor de 5,6 polegadas proporcionando um aumento de 15 x. Foram analisadas a eficácia da acuidade visual e a eficiência de leitura após a utilização do protótipo proposto. RESULTADOS: Seis pacientes (20% apresentaram AV 8M, 12 pacientes (40% apresentaram AV 6M, 7 pacientes (23,3% apresentaram 5 M, 5 pacientes (16,7% apresentaram 4M. A média de acuidade visual antes da utilização do SLP medida pela tabela LHNV-1 logMAR foi de 5,75M e após a utilização 100% dos pacientes atingiram a eficácia de AV J1. CONCLUSÃO: O protótipo do SLP mostrou-se um recurso alternativo no processo de inclusão social das pessoas com baixa visão com diferentes níveis de resíduo visual. Também pode proporcionar incentivo psicológico, permitir conforto, mobilidade e independência àqueles que necessitam de uma leitura mais prolongada e maior distância de trabalho.OBJECTIVE: To compare the thickness of the retinal nerve fiber layer (RNFLand the macular thickness of the amblyopic eye with those of the non-amblyopic eye in patients with unilateral amblyopia using optical coherence tomography (OCT. METHODS: OCT was performed for13 patients with unilateral amblyopia who had no neurologic disease. Nine male andfour female patients, whose ages ranged from 23 to 63 years, were enrolled in the study. The RNFL thickness average analysis program was used to evaluate mean

  19. Functional Architecture of the Retina: Development and Disease (United States)

    Hoon, Mrinalini; Okawa, Haruhisa; Santina, Luca Della; Wong, Rachel O.L.


    Structure and function are highly correlated in the vertebrate retina, a sensory tissue that is organized into cell layers with microcircuits working in parallel and together to encode visual information. All vertebrate retinas share a fundamental plan, comprising five major neuronal cell classes with cell body distributions and connectivity arranged in stereotypic patterns. Conserved features in retinal design have enabled detailed analysis and comparisons of structure, connectivity and function across species. Each species, however, can adopt structural and/or functional retinal specializations, implementing variations to the basic design in order to satisfy unique requirements in visual function. Recent advances in molecular tools, imaging and electrophysiological approaches have greatly facilitated identification of the cellular and molecular mechanisms that establish the fundamental organization of the retina and the specializations of its microcircuits during development. Here, we review advances in our understanding of how these mechanisms act to shape structure and function at the single cell level, to coordinate the assembly of cell populations, and to define their specific circuitry. We also highlight how structure is rearranged and function is disrupted in disease, and discuss current approaches to re-establish the intricate functional architecture of the retina. PMID:24984227

  20. Modeling laser damage to the retina (United States)

    Clark, Clifton D.

    This dissertation presents recent progress in several areas related to modeling laser damage to the retina. In Chapter 3, we consider the consequences of using the Arrhenius damage model to predict the damage thresholds of multiple pulse, or repetitive pulse, exposures. We have identified a few fundamental trends associated with the multiple pulse damage predictions made by the Arrhenius model. These trends differ from what would be expected by non-thermal mechanisms, and could prove useful in differentiating thermal and non-thermal damage. Chapter 4 presents a new rate equation damage model hypothesized to describe photochemical damage. The model adds a temperature dependent term to the simple rate equation implied by the principle of reciprocity that is characteristic of photochemical damage thresholds. A recent damage threshold study, conducted in-vitro, has revealed a very sharp transition between thermal and photochemical damage threshold trends. For the wavelength used in the experiment (413 nm), thermal damage thresholds were observed at exposure levels that were twice the expected photochemical damage threshold, based on the traditional understanding of photochemical damage. Our model accounts for this observed trend by introducing a temperature dependent quenching, or repair, rate to the photochemical damage rate. For long exposures that give a very small temperature rise, the model reduces to the principle of reciprocity. Near the transition region between thermal and photochemical damage, the model allows the damage threshold to be set by thermal mechanisms, even at exposure above the reciprocity exposure. In Chapter 5, we describe a retina damage model that includes thermal lensing in the eye by coupling beam propagation and heat transfer models together. Thermal lensing has recently been suggested as a contributing factor to the large increase in measured retinal damage thresholds in the near infrared. The transmission of the vitreous decreases

  1. The ciliary margin zone of the mammalian retina generates retinal ganglion cells (United States)

    Marcucci, Florencia; Murcia-Belmonte, Veronica; Coca, Yaiza; Ferreiro-Galve, Susana; Wang, Qing; Kuwajima, Takaaki; Khalid, Sania; Ross, M. Elizabeth; Herrera, Eloisa; Mason, Carol


    Summary The retina of lower vertebrates grows continuously by integrating new neurons generated from progenitors in the ciliary margin zone (CMZ). Whether the mammalian CMZ provides the neural retina with retinal cells is controversial. Live-imaging of embryonic retina expressing eGFP in the CMZ shows that cells migrate laterally from the CMZ to the neural retina where differentiated retinal ganglion cells (RGCs) reside. As Cyclin D2, a cell-cycle regulator, is enriched in ventral CMZ, we analyzed Cyclin D2−/− mice to test whether the CMZ is a source of retinal cells. Neurogenesis is diminished in Cyclin D2 mutants, leading to a reduction of RGCs in the ventral retina. In line with these findings, in the albino retina, the decreased production of ipsilateral RGCs is correlated with fewer Cyclin D2+ cells. Together, these results implicate the mammalian CMZ as a neurogenic site that produces RGCs and whose proper generation depends on Cyclin D2 activity. PMID:28009286

  2. Illumination-invariant face recognition with a contrast sensitive silicon retina

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Buhmann, J.M. [Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Univ., Bonn (Germany). Inst. fuer Informatik II; Lades, M. [Bochum Univ. (Germany). Inst. fuer Neuroinformatik; Eeckman, F. [Lawrence Livermore National Lab., CA (United States)


    Changes in lighting conditions strongly effect the performance and reliability of computer vision systems. We report face recognition results under drastically changing lighting conditions for a computer vision system which concurrently uses a contrast sensitive silicon retina and a conventional, gain controlled CCD camera. For both input devices the face recognition system employs an elastic matching algorithm with wavelet based features to classify unknown faces. To assess the effect of analog on-chip preprocessing by the silicon retina the CCD images have been digitally preprocessed with a bandpass filter to adjust the power spectrum. The silicon retina with its ability to adjust sensitivity increases the recognition rate up to 50 percent. These comparative experiments demonstrate that preprocessing with an analog VLSI silicon retina generates image data enriched with object-constant features.

  3. Stratus optical coherence tomography findings in patients with retinopathy of prematurity Tomografia de coerência óptica em pacientes com retinopatia da prematuridade

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    Aline do Lago


    Full Text Available PURPOSE: To describe morphological features of the macula in patients with retinopathy of prematurity. METHODS: Twelve premature babies with retinopathy of prematurity grades I, II and III underwent dilated fundus examination and optical coherence tomography evaluation. RESULTS: In all thirteen eyes of the twelve premature patients optical coherence tomography revealed a condensed retinal pigmented epithelial layer in the macular-foveal area shown by increased reflectivity. In these eyes the retinal layers were not well differentiated. Foveal depression was clearly evident in 23%. CONCLUSIONS: In premature patients with retinopathy of prematurity, optical coherence tomography revealed poorly differentiated layers in the macular region with increased reflectivity in retinal pigmented epithelial-choriocapillaris zone.OBJETIVO: Descrever os aspectos morfológicos da mácula em pacientes com retinopatia da prematuridade (ROP. MÉTODOS: Doze pacientes com retinopatia da prematuridade graus I, II and III foram submetidos a mapeamento de retina e avaliação por tomografia de coerência óptica. RESULTADOS: Em todos os treze olhos de 12 pacientes a tomografia de coerência óptica mostrou a camada do epitélio pigmentar hiperrefletiva, sendo a área macular com maior intensidade. Nesses olhos as camadas da retina não estavam totalmente diferenciadas. A depressão foveal ficou claramente evidente pela tomografia de coerência óptica em 23%. CONCLUSÃO: Nos pacientes prematuros com retinopatia da prematuridade, a tomografia de coerência óptica mostrou as camadas da retina pouco diferenciadas com aumento da refletividade na área macular do complexo epitélio retiniano pigmentar-coriocapilar.

  4. Paradigmas para o Ensino da Composição Musical nos séculos XX e XXI

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    Liduino Pitombeira


    Full Text Available Neste artigo, são examinados seis textos do século XX, paradigmáticos para o ensino da composição: [1] Learning to Compose, de Larry Austin e Thomas Clark, [2] Materials and Techniques of Twentieth-Century Music, de Stefan Kostka, [3] Techniques of Twentieth-Century Composition, de Leon Dallin, [4] Creative Music Composition, de Margaret Lucy Wilkins, [5] Techniques of the Contemporary Composer, de David Cope e [6] Simple Composition, de Charles Wuorinen. Busca-se, através desse exame, sintetizar os conceitos centrais e os enfoques pedagógicos, bem como revelar conexões com a teoria e a história. Propõe-se, então, uma discussão sobre as possíveis perspectivas no ensino da composição, face ao estabelecimento cada vez maior de abordagens texturais, espectrais, ultracomplexas e sistêmicas no campo da composição musical.

  5. Connecting the Retina to the Brain

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    Lynda Erskine


    Full Text Available The visual system is beautifully crafted to transmit information of the external world to visual processing and cognitive centers in the brain. For visual information to be relayed to the brain, a series of axon pathfinding events must take place to ensure that the axons of retinal ganglion cells, the only neuronal cell type in the retina that sends axons out of the retina, find their way out of the eye to connect with targets in the brain. In the past few decades, the power of molecular and genetic tools, including the generation of genetically manipulated mouse lines, have multiplied our knowledge about the molecular mechanisms involved in the sculpting of the visual system. Here, we review major advances in our understanding of the mechanisms controlling the differentiation of RGCs, guidance of their axons from the retina to the primary visual centers, and the refinement processes essential for the establishment of topographic maps and eye-specific axon segregation. Human disorders, such as albinism and achiasmia, that impair RGC axon growth and guidance and, thus, the establishment of a fully functioning visual system will also be discussed.

  6. Giddens: da ontologia social ao programa político, sem retorno

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    Saul Renato P.


    Full Text Available O texto examina as relações entre a teoria social de Anthony Giddens e o programa da terceira via que marca a inserção do autor como intelectual do Novo Trabalhismo britânico. O objetivo é mostrar que, na construção desse programa, os elementos centrais da crítica da "política democrática ortodoxa" tem sua fundamentação naquela teoria social. O processo de globalização é visto pelo autor como um novo modelo de integração social orientado por laços que se estendem muito além das fronteiras tradicionais das comunidades e das nações, levando em si um novo sentido de organização social e política que desafia as atuais gerações a repensarem as raízes da experiência democrática. Esse é o sentido do programa da terceira via e também o sentido da teoria social de Giddens. Num plano mais geral, observa-se que a teoria e seu programa político delineiam-se no interior da tendência que parece dominar a cena na atualidade, a percepção de um novo ambiente sociológico, onde a indução pelo mercado domina como centro ético-político a partir do qual se processa uma ampla redefinição das relações sociais, políticas e econômicas, tanto no plano local quanto no plano global.

  7. Benign familial fleck retina: multimodal imaging including optical coherence tomography angiography. (United States)

    Garcia, Jose Mauricio Botto de Barros; Isaac, David Leonardo Cruvinel; Sardeiro, Tainara; Aquino, Érika; Avila, Marcos


    This report presents multimodal imaging of a 27-year-old woman diagnosed with benign familial fleck retina (OMIM 228980), an uncommon disorder. Fundus photographs revealed retinal flecks that affected her post-equatorial retina but spared the macular area. Fundus autofluorescence and infrared imaging demonstrated a symmetrical pattern of yellow-white fleck lesions that affected both eyes. Her full-field electroretinogram and electrooculogram were normal. An optical coherence tomography B-scan was performed for both eyes, revealing increased thickness of the retinal pigmented epithelium leading to multiple small pigmented epithelium detachments. The outer retina remained intact in both eyes. Spectral-domain optical coherence tomography angiography with split-spectrum amplitude decorrelation algorithm and 3 × 3 mm structural en face optical coherence tomography did not show macular lesions. Benign familial fleck retina belongs to a heterogenous group of so-called flecked retina syndromes, and should be considered in patients with yellowish-white retinal lesions without involvement of the macula.

  8. Benign familial fleck retina: multimodal imaging including optical coherence tomography angiography

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    Jose Mauricio Botto de Barros Garcia

    Full Text Available ABSTRACT This report presents multimodal imaging of a 27-year-old woman diagnosed with benign familial fleck retina (OMIM 228980, an uncommon disorder. Fundus photographs revealed retinal flecks that affected her post-equatorial retina but spared the macular area. Fundus autofluorescence and infrared imaging demonstrated a symmetrical pattern of yellow-white fleck lesions that affected both eyes. Her full-field electroretinogram and electrooculogram were normal. An optical coherence tomography B-scan was performed for both eyes, revealing increased thickness of the retinal pigmented epithelium leading to multiple small pigmented epithelium detachments. The outer retina remained intact in both eyes. Spectral-domain optical coherence tomography angiography with split-spectrum amplitude decorrelation algorithm and 3 × 3 mm structural en face optical coherence tomography did not show macular lesions. Benign familial fleck retina belongs to a heterogenous group of so-called flecked retina syndromes, and should be considered in patients with yellowish-white retinal lesions without involvement of the macula.

  9. Monte Carlo simulation of zinc protoporphyrin fluorescence in the retina (United States)

    Chen, Xiaoyan; Lane, Stephen


    We have used Monte Carlo simulation of autofluorescence in the retina to determine that noninvasive detection of nutritional iron deficiency is possible. Nutritional iron deficiency (which leads to iron deficiency anemia) affects more than 2 billion people worldwide, and there is an urgent need for a simple, noninvasive diagnostic test. Zinc protoporphyrin (ZPP) is a fluorescent compound that accumulates in red blood cells and is used as a biomarker for nutritional iron deficiency. We developed a computational model of the eye, using parameters that were identified either by literature search, or by direct experimental measurement to test the possibility of detecting ZPP non-invasively in retina. By incorporating fluorescence into Steven Jacques' original code for multi-layered tissue, we performed Monte Carlo simulation of fluorescence in the retina and determined that if the beam is not focused on a blood vessel in a neural retina layer or if part of light is hitting the vessel, ZPP fluorescence will be 10-200 times higher than background lipofuscin fluorescence coming from the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) layer directly below. In addition we found that if the light can be focused entirely onto a blood vessel in the neural retina layer, the fluorescence signal comes only from ZPP. The fluorescence from layers below in this second situation does not contribute to the signal. Therefore, the possibility that a device could potentially be built and detect ZPP fluorescence in retina looks very promising.

  10. Interações entre o planejamento e o projeto U. H. E's : o caso das pequenas centrais hidreletricas no Brasil


    Carlos Barreira Martinez


    Resumo: Este trabalho tem por objetivo a análise crítica das etapas de planejamento e projeto de centrais hidrelétricas, dando-se uma ênfase especial ao caso das PCH's no país, à luz dos procedimentos aceitos pelo Setor Elétrico Brasileiro. Foram desenvolvidos estudos visando a identificação das diversas tecnologias apropriadas para a implantação de PCH's. Revisou-se, a seguir, criticamente os passos preconizados pela ELETROBRÁS para o estudo e projeto de UHE's, em geral. Foram sugeridos, ent...

  11. Genetics of lattice degeneration of the retina. (United States)

    Murakami, F; Ohba, N


    First-degree relatives of proband patients with lattice degeneration of the retina revealed a significantly higher prevalence of the disease than the prevalence in the general population: the former had the disease about three times as frequently as the latter. The observed data were analyzed in terms of their accordance with recognized genetic models. The inheritance pattern did not fit well to a monogenic mode of inheritance, and it was hypothesized that a polygenic or multifactorial mode of inheritance is the most likely for lattice degeneration of the retina.

  12. Multiculturalismo e o campo da surdez: dialogando acerca das identidades e culturas das pessoas surdas

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    Aline Cleide Batista


    Full Text Available O presente trabalho apresenta uma pesquisa bibliográfica que visa discutir a surdez, as culturas e identidades surdas a partir do campo do multiculturalismo. Nesse sentido, destaca conceitos centrais para a discussão: multiculturalismo, como movimento teórico e político que busca respostas para os desafios da pluralidade cultural nos campos do saber, incluindo não só a educação, como também em outras áreas; a Cultura, como teia de significados, na qual os indivíduos estabelecem e interpretam as relações sociais e com a natureza; identidade, enquanto provisória e contingencial; a surdez como diferença política e cultural e os surdos como indivíduos que se constituem como sujeitos na Língua de Sinais, em uma perspectiva bilíngue. No primeiro momento, construímos uma reflexão sobre a perspectiva multicultural; logo a seguir, discutimos algumas compreensões acerca da surdez e da pessoa surda, bem como refletimos acerca da identidade( s e da cultura(s surdas(s. Por fim, apresentamos algumas considerações, tensões e inquietações que perpassam esse diálogo.

  13. Damage and functional recovery of the mouse retina after exposure to genotoxic agents

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Vinogradova, Yu.V.; Tronov, V.A.; Lyakhova, K.N.; Ostrovskij, M.A.


    As is known, the mature retina is characterized by high radiation resistance. We showed earlier that ionizing radiation at a dose of ≥25 Gy and the chemical genotoxic agent methylnitrosourea (MNU) in a concentration of ≥60 mg/kg induce acute retinal degeneration, combined with proapoptotic protein expression. The process has a high genotoxic threshold, below which no degeneration signs were traced. The aim of this work was to study the damaging effect of ionizing radiation and MNU on the functional activity of the retina and its ability to recover after exposure to these genotoxicants. The functional activity of the mouse retina was evaluated with electroretinograms (ERG). In parallel, morphological changes in the retina were controlled, and the TUNEL detection of the death of its cell elements was performed. It has been shown that gamma rays or accelerated proton irradiation below 15 Gy cause no structural or functional changes in the mouse retina, which confirms the mature retina's high radiation resistance. Irradiation with a higher dose of 25 Gy leads to photoreceptor layer destruction. This goes along with an increase in the number of the TUNEL-positive photoreceptors, among which are cells with fragmented nuclei, which are typical of apoptosis. MNU in a concentration of 70 mg/kg caused the irreversible loss of the retina's physiological activity, and the morphological degeneration of photoreceptors and their mass death. In a concentration of 35 mg/kg, however, MNU had no cytotoxic effect on the retina. Moreover, this dose caused a reversible ERG amplitude decrease. Also, adaptive response was observed in the retina, which became apparent after two consecutive MNU injections - first, at a dose of 17 mg/kg; then, at a cytotoxic dose of 70 mg/kg. These results point to the possibility of the neurohormesis effect, which was described concerning the retina's exposure to ionizing radiation and some chemicals.

  14. Em que medida é possível integrar a Cooperação Descentralizada na dimensão Sul-Sul da política externa brasileira? / To what extent is it possible to integrate decentralized cooperation into the South-South dimension of Brazil's foreign policy?


    Salomón, Mónica; Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina


    Nas últimas duas décadas, os governos subnacionais brasileiros têm sido cada vez mais ativos nas estruturas e práticas da chamada “Cooperação Descentralizada” (cooperação para o desenvolvimento e outras modalidades de cooperação internacional bilateral ou multilateral entre governos não centrais). O governo federal, especialmente desde a chegada do PT à Presidência da República, tem estimulado a Cooperação Descentralizada dos estados e municípios como instrumento de desenvolvimento nacional. ...

  15. Distribution of tubulin, kinesin, and dynein in light- and dark-adapted octopus retinas. (United States)

    Martinez, J M; Elfarissi, H; De Velasco, B; Ochoa, G H; Miller, A M; Clark, Y M; Matsumoto, B; Robles, L J


    Cephalopod retinas exhibit several responses to light and dark adaptation, including rhabdom size changes, photopigment movements, and pigment granule migration. Light- and dark-directed rearrangements of microfilament and microtubule cytoskeletal transport pathways could drive these changes. Recently, we localized actin-binding proteins in light-/dark-adapted octopus rhabdoms and suggested that actin cytoskeletal rearrangements bring about the formation and degradation of rhabdomere microvilli subsets. To determine if the microtubule cytoskeleton and associated motor proteins control the other light/dark changes, we used immunoblotting and immunocytochemical procedures to map the distribution of tubulin, kinesin, and dynein in dorsal and ventral halves of light- and dark-adapted octopus retinas. Immunoblots detected alpha- and beta-tubulin, dynein intermediate chain, and kinesin heavy chain in extracts of whole retinas. Epifluorescence and confocal microscopy showed that the tubulin proteins were distributed throughout the retina with more immunoreactivity in retinas exposed to light. Kinesin localization was heavy in the pigment layer of light- and dark-adapted ventral retinas but was less prominent in the dorsal region. Dynein distribution also varied in dorsal and ventral retinas with more immunoreactivity in light- and dark-adapted ventral retinas and confocal microscopy emphasized the granular nature of this labeling. We suggest that light may regulate the distribution of microtubule cytoskeletal proteins in the octopus retina and that position, dorsal versus ventral, also influences the distribution of motor proteins. The microtubule cytoskeleton is most likely involved in pigment granule migration in the light and dark and with the movement of transport vesicles from the photoreceptor inner segments to the rhabdoms.

  16. Clonal origins of cells in the pigmented retina of the zebrafish eye

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Streisinger, G.; Coale, F.; Taggart, C.; Walker, C.; Grunwald, D.J.


    Mosaic analysis has been used to study the clonal basis of the development of the pigmented retina of the zebrafish, Brachydanio rerio. Zebrafish embryos heterozygous for a recessive mutation at the gol-1 locus were exposed to gamma-irradiation at various developmental stages to create mosaic individuals consisting of wild-type pigmented cells and a clone of pigmentless (golden) cells in the eye. The contribution of individual embryonic cells to the pigmented retina was measured and the total number of cells in the embryo that contributed descendants to this tissue was determined. Until the 32-cell stage, almost every blastomere has some descendants that participate in the formation of the pigmented retina of the zebrafish. During subsequent cell divisions, up to the several thousand-cell stage, the number of ancestral cells is constant: approximately 40 cells are present that will give rise to progeny in the pigmented retina. Analysis of the size of clones in the pigmented retina indicates that the cells of this tissue do not arise through a rigid series of cell divisions originating in the early embryo. The findings that each cleavage stage cell contributes to the pigmented retina and yet the contribution of such cells is highly variable are consistent with the interpretation that clonal descendants of different blastomeres normally intermix extensively prior to formation of the pigmented retina

  17. A Análise da Sustentabilidade Ambiental Urbana das Áreas Centrais da Cidade de Taguatinga

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    Thânia Priscila Silva Bonifácio


    Full Text Available Resumo: Taguatinga é uma cidade jovem, sua fundação data de 1958 e, cuja população evoluiu de 26 mil habitantes para 361 mil em menos de 50 anos. Enquanto em várias regiões do mundo algumas medidas já começaram a ser tomadas – como as exigências de alguns países europeus de se instalar telhado-verde em suas edificações – as soluções sustentáveis ainda não são vistas no Brasil. Nesse sentido, este estudo propõe a análise do Plano Diretor Local para saber se nele foi previsto o desenvolvimento urbano sustentável, especialmente quanto à promoção da qualidade de vida ecologicamente equilibrada ou se será necessário uma interferência para adequar a norma vigente à nova realidade do nosso planeta. Os resultados mostraram que as propostas eram ineficazes, inconsistentes e não seguiram a maioria dos requisitos, além de haverem contradições. Abstract Taguatinga is a recent city, it was established by the year of 1958, and advanced from a nearly 26 thousand inhabitants to 361 thousand. While in many other countries some disciplinary measures are happening –like the Green-roof policies at Switzerland and Germany– here in Brazil these solutions are still unseen. Therefore, this present study proposes the Planning Directive analysis to know if sustainable urban development was predicted, especially when it comes to promote life quality that isecologically balanced, or if it will be necessary an intervention to fit the actual standards to our planet’s new reality. The results show us the proposals were ineffective, inconsistent and did not meet most of the requirements, besides there were a few contradictions.

  18. Da obediência ao consentimento: reflexões sobre o experimento de Milgram à luz das instituições modernas

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    Sandra Leal de Melo Dahia


    Full Text Available O objetivo do presente ensaio é fornecer uma leitura sobre os resultados do clássico experimento de Stanley Milgram em torno da obediência à autoridade a partir de algumas categorias extraídas dos estudos teóricos do sociólogo Anthony Giddens e da filósofa Hannah Arendt. O texto está estruturado em torno de dois aspectos centrais. O primeiro afirma o contexto das tendências culturais e as características das instituições modernas como fatores decisivos para a compreensão dos resultados experimentais. Enfatiza, para tanto, a modalidade de confiança que os sistemas sociais, como os sistemas peritos, instauram na vida hodierna, capaz de produzir uma peculiar subordinação ao conhecimento científico e técnico, concomitante a uma plena desinformação sobre seus princípios de funcionamento. O segundo aspecto do artigo visa realçar a importância da responsabilidade moral dos sujeitos experimentais, propondo, com base nas reflexões de Hannah Arendt, o deslocamento do eixo central da análise do experimento da categoria obediência para a categoria consentimento.

  19. Pneumonia associada à ventilação mecânica: discursos de profissionais acerca da prevenção

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    Sabrina Guterres da Silva


    Full Text Available Objetivou-se identificar os cuidados que os profissionais de enfermagem e fisioterapia de uma Unidade de Terapia Intensiva conhecem e consideram importantes para prevenção da Pneumonia Associada à Ventilação Mecânica (PAV. Métodos: Trata-se de uma pesquisa descritiva de natureza qualitativa. Realizou-se entrevista semiestruturada de maio a setembro de 2011, com 25 profissionais de um hospital público de Santa Catarina. Para o tratamento dos dados utilizou-se o Discurso do Sujeito Coletivo (DSC. Resultados: Os relatos deram origem a quatro discursos relacionados à prevenção da PAV que tiveram como ideias centrais: higiene oral e das mãos; a prevenção da broncoaspiração; cuidados com a aspiração das secreções e circuito ventilatório, e avaliação diária da possibilidade de extubação. Conclusão: A análise dos DSC sugere que os profissionais têmum bom conhecimento teórico acerca de medidas preventivas da PAV; contudo, revela o desafio para implementação de alguns cuidados na rotina assistencial.

  20. Análise de centrais termelétricas para a geração distribuída e centralizada


    Ferreira, Elzimar Tadeu de Freitas [UNESP


    Atualmente, a grande preocupação relacionada ao meio ambiente e redução do uso de combustíveis fósseis levou a comunidade acadêmica/científica a se concentrar em novas tecnologias de conversão de energia que possam garantir sua produção nos níveis necessários ao atendimento das necessidades humanas, mas considerando também os meios para minimizar os impactos ambientais. Propõe-se estabelecer o estado da arte da estrutura de geração termelétrica, conceituando a estrutura tecnológica de ciclos ...

  1. [Lattice degeneration of the peripheral retina: ultrastructural study]. (United States)

    Bec, P; Malecaze, F; Arne, J L; Mathis, A


    The ultrastructural study of a case of snail track degeneration shows the presence of lipid inclusions in both the glial and the macrophage cells in every layer of the retina, and the existence of intraretinal fibers different from collagen fibers appearing to be glial filaments similar to those found in astrocytic gliomes and to the Rosenthal fibers observed in senile nervous cells. Other features were thinning of the retina and absence of blood vessels in the retina. There are no abnormalities of the vitreo-retinal juncture. All the lesions are in agreement with those observed by Daicker [Ophthalmologica, Basel 165: 360-365, 1972; Klin. Mbl. Augenheilk. 172: 581-583, 1978] with some differences, however. They are different from those found in lattice degeneration. They show that snail track degeneration is a specific form of peripheral retinal degeneration which is quite different from lattice degeneration and must not be considered similar.

  2. Impact of MCT1 Haploinsufficiency on the Mouse Retina

    KAUST Repository

    Peachey, Neal S.


    The monocarboxylate transporter 1 (MCT1) is highly expressed in the outer retina, suggesting that it plays a critical role in photoreceptors. We examined MCT1+/− heterozygotes, which express half of the normal complement of MCT1. The MCT1+/− retina developed normally and retained normal function, indicating that MCT1 is expressed at sufficient levels to support outer retinal metabolism.

  3. Impact of MCT1 Haploinsufficiency on the Mouse Retina

    KAUST Repository

    Peachey, Neal S.; Yu, Minzhong; Han, John Y. S.; Lengacher, Sylvain; Magistretti, Pierre J.; Pellerin, Luc; Philp, Nancy J.


    The monocarboxylate transporter 1 (MCT1) is highly expressed in the outer retina, suggesting that it plays a critical role in photoreceptors. We examined MCT1+/− heterozygotes, which express half of the normal complement of MCT1. The MCT1+/− retina developed normally and retained normal function, indicating that MCT1 is expressed at sufficient levels to support outer retinal metabolism.

  4. Impact of bronchopulmonary dysplasia on brain and retina

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    Annie Wing Hoi Poon


    Full Text Available Many premature newborns develop bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD, a chronic lung disease resulting from prolonged mechanical ventilation and hyperoxia. BPD survivors typically suffer long-term injuries not only to the lungs, but also to the brain and retina. However, currently it is not clear whether the brain and retinal injuries in these newborns are related only to their prematurity, or also to BPD. We investigated whether the hyperoxia known to cause histologic changes in the lungs similar to BPD in an animal model also causes brain and retinal injuries. Sprague Dawley rat pups were exposed to hyperoxia (95% O2, ‘BPD’ group or room air (21% O2, ‘control’ group from postnatal day 4–14 (P4–14; the rat pups were housed in room air between P14 and P28. At P28, they were sacrificed, and their lungs, brain, and eyes were extracted. Hematoxylin and eosin staining was performed on lung and brain sections; retinas were stained with Toluidine Blue. Hyperoxia exposure resulted in an increased mean linear intercept in the lungs (P<0.0001. This increase was associated with a decrease in some brain structures [especially the whole-brain surface (P=0.02], as well as a decrease in the thickness of the retinal layers [especially the total retina (P=0.0008], compared to the room air control group. In addition, a significant negative relationship was observed between the lung structures and the brain (r=−0.49, P=0.02 and retina (r=−0.70, P=0.0008 structures. In conclusion, hyperoxia exposure impaired lung, brain, and retina structures. More severe lung injuries correlated with more severe brain and retinal injuries. This result suggests that the same animal model of chronic neonatal hyperoxia can be used to simultaneously study lung, brain and retinal injuries related to hyperoxia.

  5. Programa Saúde da Família: viabilizando a saúde pública universalizada no Brasil

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    Fuhrmann, Nadia Lucia


    Full Text Available O tema exposto neste artigo aborda a implantação do Programa Saúde da Família como estratégia de conversão do Sistema de Saúde no Brasil. No campo da saúde pública, o PSF configura-se, atualmente, na mais ampla política assistencial do setor. Está disseminado por todo o território nacional, tendo como meta principal reorganizar os serviços e ações em saúde ao nível da atenção primária. Elegemos três aspectos que nos parecem centrais para o entendimento do processo de implantação do PSF nos municípios brasileiros, a saber: a origem e os antecedentes do Programa, a implantação e o impacto desse Projeto no nível local e, finalmente, a especificidade da formação das equipes multiprofissionais que constituem as unidades de saúde. Buscamos, assim, socializar parte dos estudos que temos realizado sobre o PSF, desde 1997, no Núcleo de Pesquisas em Demandas e Políticas Sociais no Programa de Pós-Graduação em Serviço Social da PUCRS

  6. Spontaneous activity in the developing mammalian retina: Form and function (United States)

    Butts, Daniel Allison

    Spontaneous neuronal activity is present in the immature mammalian retina during the initial stages of visual system development, before the retina is responsive to light. This activity consists of bursts of action potentials fired by retinal ganglion cells, and propagates in a wavelike manner across the inner plexiform layer of the retina. Unlike waves in other neural systems, retinal waves have large variability in both their rate and direction of propagation, and individual waves only propagate across small regions of the retina. The unique properties of retinal activity arise from dynamic processes within the developing retina, and produce characteristic spatiotemporal properties. These spatiotemporal properties are of particular interest, since they are believed to play a role in visual system development. This dissertation addresses the complex spatiotemporal patterning of the retinal waves from two different perspectives. First, it proposes how the immature circuitry of the developing retina generates these patterns of activity. In order to reproduce the distinct spatiotemporal properties observed in experiments, a model of the immature retinal circuitry must meet certain requirements, which are satisfied by a coarse-grained model of the developing retina that we propose. Second, this dissertation addresses how the particular spatiotemporal patterning of the retinal waves provides information to the rest of the visual system and, as a result, can be used to guide visual system development. By measuring the properties of this information, we place constraints on the developmental mechanisms that use this activity, and show how the particular spatiotemporal properties of the retinal waves provide this information. Together, this dissertation demonstrates how the apparent complexity of retinal wave patterning can be understood both through the immature circuitry that generates it, and through the developmental mechanisms that may use it. The first three

  7. Müller glia provide essential tensile strength to the developing retina (United States)

    MacDonald, Ryan B.; Randlett, Owen; Oswald, Julia; Yoshimatsu, Takeshi


    To investigate the cellular basis of tissue integrity in a vertebrate central nervous system (CNS) tissue, we eliminated Müller glial cells (MG) from the zebrafish retina. For well over a century, glial cells have been ascribed a mechanical role in the support of neural tissues, yet this idea has not been specifically tested in vivo. We report here that retinas devoid of MG rip apart, a defect known as retinoschisis. Using atomic force microscopy, we show that retinas without MG have decreased resistance to tensile stress and are softer than controls. Laser ablation of MG processes showed that these cells are under tension in the tissue. Thus, we propose that MG act like springs that hold the neural retina together, finally confirming an active mechanical role of glial cells in the CNS. PMID:26416961

  8. Qualidade de vida e dinâmicas de conflito na população da península de Paracas, costa sul do Peru durante o final do Horizonte Temprano (400 a.C - 100 d.C)


    Juliana Gómez Mejía


    Este trabalho avalia, desde uma perspectiva bioarqueológica, diversos indicadores ósseos de estresse e de violência física nas populações que foram sepultadas na península de Paracas, costa sul do Peru, durante o final do Horizonte Temprano (400 a.C - 100 d.C). Tal período é essencial na história da complexificação social dos Andes Centrais, porque coincide com o colapso da tradição Chavín que previamente integrava diversas organizações políticas, causando fragmentação regional e surgimento d...

  9. Avaliação da onda b do eletrorretinograma na Athene cunicularia Evaluation of the b-wave electroretinogram in Athene cunicularia

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    Márcio Penha Morterá Rodrigues


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Avaliar a onda b do eletrorretinograma da coruja buraqueira (Athene cunicularia, diferenciando a resposta elétrica retiniana em ambiente fotópico e escotópico. MÉTODOS: Foi realizado estudo observacional transversal, com o registro do eletrorretinograma full field de quatorze olhos, sendo sete estimulados em ambiente fotópico e sete em ambiente escotópico sob estímulo com luz branca seguindo protocolo da ISCEV. RESULTADOS: As respostas elétricas da retina da espécie estudada para o espectro de luz aplicado mostraram-se presentes em ambos ambientes, não havendo diferença estatisticamente significativa da resposta elétrica da retina da Athene cunicularia quando estimulada com luz branca, tanto em ambiente escotópico quanto fotópico. CONCLUSÃO: Os dados nos permitem, portanto, inferir que a percepção pela Athene cunicularia da cor branca é a mesma, no claro e no escuro, o que pode ser responsável pela capacidade adaptativa da espécie no seu habitat natural.PURPOSE: To evaluate b-wave of the electroretinogram of the burrowing owl (Athene cunicularia, differentiating the retinal electric reply in photopic and scotopic environment. METHODS: Transversal observational study was carried through, with the register of the full field electroretinogram of fourteen eyes; seven were stimulated in photopic environment and seven in scotopic environment using with white light according to the ISCEV protocol. RESULTS: The electrical responses of the retina of the species studied showed no statistically significant difference for the applied spectrum of white light in both scotopic photopic environments. CONCLUSION: The data allow us, therefore, to infer that the perception of the Athene cunicularia of the white color is the same one, in clear and dark environments, what it can be responsible for the adaptive capacity of the species in their natural habitat.

  10. Identification of endogenous flurophores in the layered retina (United States)

    Xu, Gaixia; Chen, Danni; Sun, Yiwen; Qu, Junle; Lin, Ziyang; Ding, Zhihua; Niu, Hanben


    In this paper, we measured and analyzed the characteristic of endogenous fluorophores in porcine layered retina by using advanced fluorescence spectroscopy and microscopy imaging technology. It was found that there were obvious contrasts corresponding to the different layers of retina, which may be important for fundus disease diagnosis. The retinal pigment epithelium cells exhibited strong autofluorescence with as emission peak of 600+/-10nm when excited with 860-nm light. The emission peak of photoreceptors was at 652+/-5nm, and the emission peak of retinal vessels layer was weak and at 640~700nm, when excited with 488-nm light. Autofluorescence images of three layers of retina were obtained using the same setup. We concluded that the main endogenous fluorophore in PRE was lipofuscin and that in retinal vessels was porphyrin. What's more, the FMHW (full width at half. maximum) of retinal fluorescence spectrum was broad, which suggested that there wasn't only one endogenous fluorophores of tissues excited.

  11. A profecia dos desertos da Líbia: conservação da natureza e construção nacional no pensamento de José Bonifácio

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    Pádua José Augusto


    Full Text Available O artigo demonstra que as preocupações manifestadas por José Bonifácio quanto ao uso destrutivo dos recursos naturais, especialmente das florestas, representam um elemento básico e recorrente no seu pensamento político. A análise da evolução dos seus escritos, entre 1790 e 1823, revela uma permanente ligação do autor com a corrente científica conhecida como "economia da natureza", que se originou na Europa do século XVIII e é considerada um dos elos genealógicos mais imediatos na formação posterior da "ecologia". A reforma profunda na relação com o meio natural no Brasil, superando o padrão predatório de exploração herdado do colonialismo, configurou um dos eixos centrais do projeto nacional de Bonifácio, que incluía uma indicação bastante precisa das políticas públicas que seriam necessárias para realizar este objetivo. Sua principal contribuição foi demonstrar a existência de uma relação de causalidade entre o escravismo e a destruição ambiental.

  12. Standard anatomical and visual space for the mouse retina: computational reconstruction and transformation of flattened retinae with the Retistruct package.

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    David C Sterratt

    Full Text Available The concept of topographic mapping is central to the understanding of the visual system at many levels, from the developmental to the computational. It is important to be able to relate different coordinate systems, e.g. maps of the visual field and maps of the retina. Retinal maps are frequently based on flat-mount preparations. These use dissection and relaxing cuts to render the quasi-spherical retina into a 2D preparation. The variable nature of relaxing cuts and associated tears limits quantitative cross-animal comparisons. We present an algorithm, "Retistruct," that reconstructs retinal flat-mounts by mapping them into a standard, spherical retinal space. This is achieved by: stitching the marked-up cuts of the flat-mount outline; dividing the stitched outline into a mesh whose vertices then are mapped onto a curtailed sphere; and finally moving the vertices so as to minimise a physically-inspired deformation energy function. Our validation studies indicate that the algorithm can estimate the position of a point on the intact adult retina to within 8° of arc (3.6% of nasotemporal axis. The coordinates in reconstructed retinae can be transformed to visuotopic coordinates. Retistruct is used to investigate the organisation of the adult mouse visual system. We orient the retina relative to the nictitating membrane and compare this to eye muscle insertions. To align the retinotopic and visuotopic coordinate systems in the mouse, we utilised the geometry of binocular vision. In standard retinal space, the composite decussation line for the uncrossed retinal projection is located 64° away from the retinal pole. Projecting anatomically defined uncrossed retinal projections into visual space gives binocular congruence if the optical axis of the mouse eye is oriented at 64° azimuth and 22° elevation, in concordance with previous results. Moreover, using these coordinates, the dorsoventral boundary for S-opsin expressing cones closely matches

  13. Localization and Developmental Expression Patterns of CSPG in the RCS Rat Retina

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    Li-Feng Chen


    Full Text Available Purpose: Investigate changes in chondroitin sulfate proteoglycan (CSPG distribution in Royal College of Surgeons (RCS rat retinae. Could CSPGs distribution act as a physical barrier to transplanted cell migration in degenerating retinae? Methods: CSPG expression was examined in RCS and Long-Evans rat retinae from birth to postnatal day 150 (PND150 using immunofluorescence and western-blots. Results: Both groups showed a rapid rise in CSPG expression on PND14, which peaked on PND21 before declining to lower levels by PND35. CSPG expression had risen again by PND90 and remained elevated for the duration of the study (PND150. However, from PND21, CSPG expression was significantly higher (p ≤ 0.05, n = 5 in Long-Evans rat retinae. CSPG-positive cells were localized in the ganglion cell layer (GCL and the photoreceptor outer segment debris zone (DZ; CSPG expression in the DZ was the main contributor to the higher expression in older animals for both groups. Conclusions: Increased expression of CSPGs in the DZ may act as a physical barrier following retinal cellular transplantation. CSPGs in the GCL is probably related to dendritic changes. CSPG accumulation in the older retinae suggests that aging influences the microenvironment in the retina, which may affect the efficacy of cell transplantation.

  14. Reconhecimento do potencial para produção hidroeléctrica distribuída: nota metodológica


    Figueiredo, Tomás de; Pereira, Fernando M.


    A produção hidro-eléctrica distribuída, em centrais mini ou micro-hídricas, é um modelo interessante, e por vezes imperioso, de produção de energia num contexto em que se impõe a minimização dos impactos, sobre ecossistemas e populações, dos empreendimentos projectados para responder a crescente procura energética. O reconhecimento do potencial para a produção hidro-eléctrica numa região requer informação de natureza topográfica e hidrológica, esta com extensão temporal garantindo fiabilidade...

  15. Bcl-2 expression during the development and degeneration of RCS rat retinae. (United States)

    Sharma, R K


    In various hereditary retinal degenerations, including that in Royal College of Surgeons (RCS) rats, the photoreceptors ultimately die by apoptosis. Bcl-2 is one of the genes, which regulates apoptosis and is thought to promote survival of cells. This study has investigated the developmental expression of Bcl-2 in RCS rat, which is a well-studied animal model for hereditary retinal degeneration. An antibody against Bcl-2 was used for its immunohistochemical localization in dystrophic RCS rat retinae from postnatal (PN) days 4, 7, 13, 35, 45, 70, 202 and 14 months. Results were compared with Bcl-2 localization in congenic non-dystrophic rats from PN 4, 7, 13, 44, 202 and 14 months. Bcl-2 immunoreactivity in non-dystrophic retinae was already present in PN 4 retinae in the nerve fiber layer (presumably in the endfeet of immature Müller cells) and in the proximal parts of certain radially aligned neuroepithelial cells/immature Müller cell radial processes. With increasing age the immunoreactivity in relatively more mature Müller cell radial processes spread distally towards the outer retina and between PN 13 and 44 it reached the adult distribution. No cell bodies in the ganglion cell layer were found to be immunoreactive. Expression of Bcl-2 immunoreactivity in dystrophic RCS rat retinae closely resembled that of non-dystrophic retinae. No immunoreactivity was seen in photoreceptors or retinal pigment epithelium in dystrophic or non-dystrophic retinae. In conclusion, Bcl-2 expression is not altered, either in terms of its chronology or the cell type expressing it, during retinal degeneration in RCS rats.

  16. Progranulin regulates neurogenesis in the developing vertebrate retina. (United States)

    Walsh, Caroline E; Hitchcock, Peter F


    We evaluated the expression and function of the microglia-specific growth factor, Progranulin-a (Pgrn-a) during developmental neurogenesis in the embryonic retina of zebrafish. At 24 hpf pgrn-a is expressed throughout the forebrain, but by 48 hpf pgrn-a is exclusively expressed by microglia and/or microglial precursors within the brain and retina. Knockdown of Pgrn-a does not alter the onset of neurogenic programs or increase cell death, however, in its absence, neurogenesis is significantly delayed-retinal progenitors fail to exit the cell cycle at the appropriate developmental time and postmitotic cells do not acquire markers of terminal differentiation, and microglial precursors do not colonize the retina. Given the link between Progranulin and cell cycle regulation in peripheral tissues and transformed cells, we analyzed cell cycle kinetics among retinal progenitors following Pgrn-a knockdown. Depleting Pgrn-a results in a significant lengthening of the cell cycle. These data suggest that Pgrn-a plays a dual role during nervous system development by governing the rate at which progenitors progress through the cell cycle and attracting microglial progenitors into the embryonic brain and retina. Collectively, these data show that Pgrn-a governs neurogenesis by regulating cell cycle kinetics and the transition from proliferation to cell cycle exit and differentiation. © 2017 The Authors. Developmental Neurobiology Published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Develop Neurobiol 77: 1114-1129, 2017. © 2017 The Authors. Developmental Neurobiology Published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  17. Protein changes in the retina following experimental retinal detachment in rabbits

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Mandal, Nakul; Lewis, Geoffrey P.; Fisher, Steven K.


    Retinal detachment leads to the widespread cellular remodeling of the retina. The purpose of this study was to identify protein changes that accompany these cellular alterations by comparing the proteomic profiles of sham and experimentally detached rabbit retina. Elucidation of the proteins most...

  18. Genetic and immunohistochemical analysis of HSPA5 in mouse and human retinas. (United States)

    Chintalapudi, Sumana R; Wang, XiaoFei; Li, Huiling; Lau, Yin H Chan; Williams, Robert W; Jablonski, Monica M


    Photoreceptor degenerative diseases are among the leading causes of vision loss. Although the causative genetic mutations are often known, mechanisms leading to photoreceptor degeneration remain poorly defined. We have previously demonstrated that the photoreceptor membrane-associated protein XAP-1 antigen is a product of the HSPA5 gene. In this study, we used systems genetic methods, statistical modeling, and immunostaining to identify and analyze candidate genes that modulate Hspa5 expression in the retina. Quantitative trait locus (QTL) mapping was used to map the genomic region that regulates Hspa5 in the cross between C57BL/6J X DBA/2J mice (BXD) genetic reference panel. The stepwise refinement of candidate genes was based on expression QTL mapping, gene expression correlation analyses (direct and partial), and analysis of regional sequence variants. The subcellular localization of candidate proteins and HSPA5 in mouse and human retinas was evaluated by immunohistochemistry. Differences in the localization of extracellular HSPA5 were assessed between healthy human donor and atrophic age-related macular degeneration (AMD) donor eyes. In the eyes of healthy mice, extracellular HSPA5 was confined to the area around the cone photoreceptor outer segments. Mapping variation in Hspa5 mRNA expression levels in the retina revealed a statistically significant trans -acting expression QTL (eQTL) on Chromosome 2 (Chr 2) and a suggestive locus on Chr 15. Sulf2 on Chr 2 was the strongest candidate gene based on partial correlation analysis, Pearson correlation with Hspa5 , expression levels in the retina, a missense variant in exon 14, and its reported function in the extracellular matrix and interphotoreceptor matrix. SULF2 is localized to the rod and cone photoreceptors in both human and mouse retinas. In human retinas with no pathology, extracellular HSPA5 was localized around many cones within the macular area. In contrast, fewer HSPA5-immunopositive cones were


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    Lutz Muche


    Full Text Available This paper investigates histological tissues by means of image analysis and spatial statistics. For the quantification of cell frequencies and accumulations two statistical characteristics, intensity function and cluster density, are suggested. The samples are histological sections of human articular cartilage and human retina considered in view of changes during the ageing process. The articular cartilage is characterized by continuous changes of both functions, the cell intensity as well as the clusterization. In contrast, the retina is a trilaminar structure formed in the early embryonic stage without changes by ageing.

  20. Pannexin1 in the outer retina of the zebrafish, Danio rerio

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Prochnow, N.; Hoffmann, S.; Vroman, R.; Klooster, J.; Bunse, S.; Kamermans, M.; Dermietzel, R.; Zoidl, G.


    In the retina, chemical and electrical synapses couple neurons into functional networks. New candidates encoding for electrical synapse proteins have recently emerged. In the present study, we determined the localization of the candidate protein pannexin1 (zfPanx1) in the zebrafish retina and

  1. Optic nerve signals in a neuromorphic chip I: Outer and inner retina models. (United States)

    Zaghloul, Kareem A; Boahen, Kwabena


    We present a novel model for the mammalian retina and analyze its behavior. Our outer retina model performs bandpass spatiotemporal filtering. It is comprised of two reciprocally connected resistive grids that model the cone and horizontal cell syncytia. We show analytically that its sensitivity is proportional to the space-constant-ratio of the two grids while its half-max response is set by the local average intensity. Thus, this outer retina model realizes luminance adaptation. Our inner retina model performs high-pass temporal filtering. It features slow negative feedback whose strength is modulated by a locally computed measure of temporal contrast, modeling two kinds of amacrine cells, one narrow-field, the other wide-field. We show analytically that, when the input is spectrally pure, the corner-frequency tracks the input frequency. But when the input is broadband, the corner frequency is proportional to contrast. Thus, this inner retina model realizes temporal frequency adaptation as well as contrast gain control. We present CMOS circuit designs for our retina model in this paper as well. Experimental measurements from the fabricated chip, and validation of our analytical results, are presented in the companion paper [Zaghloul and Boahen (2004)].

  2. Thyroid Hormone Signaling in the Mouse Retina.

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    Patrick Arbogast

    Full Text Available Thyroid hormone is a crucial regulator of gene expression in the developing and adult retina. Here we sought to map sites of thyroid hormone signaling at the cellular level using the transgenic FINDT3 reporter mouse model in which neurons express β-galactosidase (β-gal under the control of a hybrid Gal4-TRα receptor when triiodothyronine (T3 and cofactors of thyroid receptor signaling are present. In the adult retina, nearly all neurons of the ganglion cell layer (GCL, ganglion cells and displaced amacrine cells showed strong β-gal labeling. In the inner nuclear layer (INL, a minority of glycineric and GABAergic amacrine cells showed β-gal labeling, whereas the majority of amacrine cells were unlabeled. At the level of amacrine types, β-gal labeling was found in a large proportion of the glycinergic AII amacrines, but only in a small proportion of the cholinergic/GABAergic 'starburst' amacrines. At postnatal day 10, there also was a high density of strongly β-gal-labeled neurons in the GCL, but only few amacrine cells were labeled in the INL. There was no labeling of bipolar cells, horizontal cells and Müller glia cells at both stages. Most surprisingly, the photoreceptor somata in the outer nuclear layer also showed no β-gal label, although thyroid hormone is known to control cone opsin expression. This is the first record of thyroid hormone signaling in the inner retina of an adult mammal. We hypothesize that T3 levels in photoreceptors are below the detection threshold of the reporter system. The topographical distribution of β-gal-positive cells in the GCL follows the overall neuron distribution in that layer, with more T3-signaling cells in the ventral than the dorsal half-retina.

  3. Modeling and Simulation of Microelectrode-Retina Interactions

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Beckerman, M


    The goal of the retinal prosthesis project is the development of an implantable microelectrode array that can be used to supply visually-driven electrical input to cells in the retina, bypassing nonfunctional rod and cone cells, thereby restoring vision to blind individuals. This goal will be achieved through the study of the fundamentals of electrical engineering, vision research, and biomedical engineering with the aim of acquiring the knowledge needed to engineer a high-density microelectrode-tissue hybrid sensor that will restore vision to millions of blind persons. The modeling and simulation task within this project is intended to address the question how best to stimulate, and communicate with, cells in the retina using implanted microelectrodes.

  4. Estado da arte: gestão, autonomia da escola e órgãos colegiados (2000/2008 State of the art: management, school autonomy and collegial organizations (2000/2008

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    Angela Maria Nartins


    Full Text Available Este artigo resulta de Estado da Arte que sistematizou a produção científica em torno do tema da gestão, da autonomia e do funcionamento de órgãos colegiados em escolas da educação básica, entre 2000 e 2008. O levantamento, contendo 753 fontes documentais, foi realizado com base no banco de teses da Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior, em artigos de periódicos da área de ciências humanas e sociais e em anais de eventos. Após a sistematização das fontes em banco de dados, estas foram agrupadas em quatro categorias centrais. Neste texto, discutem-se os dados quantitativos provenientes dos três tipos de fontes e os focos de interesse das investigações. Procura-se identificar os desenhos metodológicos e os referenciais teóricos adotados por estudiosos de políticas educacionais quando focalizam o tema da gestão escolarThis article results of the review of scientific production on the subject of management, autonomy and the operation of collegial organizations within basic school institutions between 2000 and 2008. The survey, was carried on the Capes dissertation database, on Human Sciences periodicasl and on the historical records of events. A database of 753 source documents grouped into four basic categories was constructed. This paper discusses the quantitative data from the three types of sources and the main concerns of the researches. It aims to identify the methodological designs and the theoretical references adopted by educational policy experts regarding school management

  5. Os três modelos da leitura entre os séculos XVI e XXI: como as práticas sociais transformam os métodos de ensino

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    Anne-Marie Chartier


    Full Text Available Neste artigo, busca-se cruzar duas áreas geralmente dissociadas: o fenômeno sócio-histórico da alfabetização e o ensino escolar da leitura. Recorrendo-se a memórias pessoais e à produção acadêmica, apresentam-se reflexões centrais do debate nessas áreas. Nos anos 1970, as reformas para lutar contra o fracasso escolar provocaram polêmicas sobre os métodos de leitura. Ao mesmo tempo, pesquisas históricas sobre a difusão da escrita colocavam em questão o papel da escola na erradicação do analfabetismo. Tais pesquisas eram corroboradas pela volta de um iletrismo dos adultos em sociedades em que a escola era obrigatória há mais de cem anos. Esses dados, todavia, permaneceram separados. Para compreendê-los, foi preciso rejeitar a ideia de um modelo estável do ato de ler e reconstruir a história da leitura escolar.

  6. Direct transdifferentiation in the vertebrate retina. (United States)

    Opas, M; Dziak, E


    Transdifferentiation is the process by which differentiated cells alter their identity to become other, distinct cell types. The conversion of neural retina into lens epithelium is one of the most spectacular examples of transdifferentiation. We show that the redirection of cell fate from neural retina to lens and subsequent transdifferentiation is independent of cell replication as it occurs in growth-arrested cell populations. Using DNA ratiometry of individual cells in these cultures we show that, indeed, individual amitotic cells do transdifferentiate. Hence, choice of fate in transdifferentiating cells does not rely on a "community effect" but instead can be categorized as a leadership effect> For lack of overt lens progenitors, and most importantly, for its mitotic independence, we conclude that lens colony formation in vitro does occur by direct transdifferentiation and not by clonal proliferation of progenitor cells.

  7. Distribution of photon absorption rates across the rat retina. (United States)

    Williams, T P; Webbers, J P; Giordano, L; Henderson, R P


    1. An investigation into the distribution of light intensity across the rat retina was carried out on excised, intact rat eyes exposed to Ganzfeld illumination from a helium-neon laser (543 nm). 2. Some of the light entering the eyes exits through the sclera where its intensity can be monitored with an optical 'pick-up' that samples the intensity coming from a small region of external sclera and underlying retina. The spatial resolution of the pick-up is such that it samples light that has passed through ca 2 % of the rods in the rat eye. 3. Some of the laser light is absorbed by the rod pigment, rhodopsin, which gradually bleaches. Bleaching in the retina, in turn, causes an exponential increase in intensity emanating from the sclera. By monitoring this intensity increase, we are able to measure two important parameters in a single bleaching run: the local rhodopsin concentration and the local intensity falling on the rods. 4. With an ocular transmission photometer, we have measured both the local intensity and the local rhodopsin concentration across wide regions of rat retina. Both pigmented and albino rats were studied. 5. The distributions of rhodopsin and intensity were both nearly uniform; consequently, the product, (rhodopsin concentration) x (intensity), was similarly nearly equal across the retina. This means that the initial rate of photon absorption is about the same at all retinal locations. 6. Interpreted in terms of photostasis (the regulation of daily photon catch), this means that the rate of photon absorption is about the same in each rod, viz. 14 400 photons absorbed per rod per second. Since this rate of absorption is sufficient to saturate the rod, one possible purpose of photostasis is to maintain the rod system in a saturated state during daylight hours.

  8. Reprodutibilidade do exame de medida da camada de fibras nervosas da retina por meio da polarimetria de varredura a laser Reproducibility of retinal nerve fiber layer measurement by scanning laser polarimetry

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    Fernanda Bon Duarte


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Analisar a reprodutibilidade das medidas da espessura da camada de fibras nervosas da retina intra e inter-observador. Material e Métodos: As medidas da camada de fibras nervosas foram realizadas em 26 olhos normais por três examinadores diferentes, os quais tomaram três imagens de cada olho. Com base nestas imagens foi executada a média das imagens pelo programa do aparelho. A cada examinador foi solicitado que escolhesse a melhor imagem para cada exame. Foram analisados os resultados obtidos com a melhor imagem, bem como os da média das imagens. Foi calculada a média da espessura da camada de fibras nervosas nas regiões superior, nasal, temporal e inferior e suas relações. Determinou-se a reprodutibilidade nestas circunstâncias tanto inter como intra-observador por meio de teste de análise de variância por postos de Friedman. Resultados: Na análise intra-observador houve ótima reprodutibilidade do exame. Para o examinador G (glaucomatólogo os valores de p foram os seguintes: região superior = 0,48; inferior = 0,89; temporal = 0,30 e nasal = 0,89. Para o examinador R (residente os valores de p foram os seguintes: região superior = 0,89; inferior = 0,24; temporal = 0,89 e nasal = 0,30 e para o examinador T (tecnóloga os valores de p foram os seguintes: região superior = 0,76; inferior = 0,70; temporal = 0,22 e nasal = 0,63. Na análise inter-observador, não foi observada diferença estatisticamente significante das variáveis isoladas considerando-se a média das imagens (p superior = 0,52; inferior = 0,37; temporal = 0,43 e nasal = 0,52. Considerando-se as relações entre as regiões temos que apenas a relação S/I mostrou diferença estatisticamente significante. As demais relações: S/T, S/N, I/T, I/N e T/N não mostraram diferença estatisticamente significante. Para a melhor imagem observou-se diferença estatisticamente significante entre os três examinadores para as variáveis superior/temporal (p = 0

  9. Transscleral diode laser retinopexy in retinal reattachment surgery Retinopexia com laser de diodo transescleral na cirurgia de descolamento de retina

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    João Carlos de Miranda Gonçalves


    houve reaplicação da retina após um único procedimento cirúrgico com diopexia aplicada em todos os casos. CONCLUSÃO: Fotocoagulação com laser de diodo transescleral foi uma forma tecnicamente fácil, controlada, efetiva, reprodutível e segura na obtenção de adesão coriorretiniana na cirurgia de descolamento de retina.

  10. Cuidar integral da equipe multiprofissional: discurso de mulheres em pré-operatório de mastectomia

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    Karla Tamyres Santos do Nascimento


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Investigar a atuação da equipe multiprofissional, no que tange a preparação de mulheres em pré-operatório de mastectomia. Métodos: Trata-se de uma pesquisa exploratória com abordagem qualitativa, realizada na clínica cirúrgica de um hospital público, em João Pessoa - PB. A amostra foi composta por sete mulheres que iriam se submeter à mastectomia. A coleta de dados foi iniciada após parecer favorável do Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa nº 751/10 e CAAE nº 0578.0.126.000-10, no período de fevereiro a maio de 2011, por meio da técnica de entrevista gravada. Resultados: Os dados obtidos foram analisados mediante a técnica do Discurso do sujeito coletivo, gerando quatro ideias centrais, destacando a atuação da equipe multiprofissional, contemplando orientações pertinentes ao procedimento cirúrgico, pré-operatórias, apoio psicológico, espiritual e nutricional. Conclusão: Conclui-se que existe a necessidade de uma maior integração da equipe multiprofissional, para propiciar melhor assistência à mulher no período pré-operatório de mastectomia.

  11. Avaliação de três protocolos antibióticos na qualidade do sêmen bovino quanto ao seu efeito sobre a microbiota autóctone e na destruição da Leptospira spp. sorovares Hardjo (estirpes Hardjoprajitno e Hardjobovis) e Wolffi (estirpe 3705)


    Tatiana Barrionuevo Gotti


    Considerando-se que a leptospirose pode ser transmitida pela inseminação artificial e a existência de possíveis falhas na Instrução Normativa vigente do Ministério da Agricultura, Pecuária e Abastecimento-MAPA, quanto ao controle desta enfermidade em touros em serviço reprodutivo em Centrais de lnseminação Artificial -CIA, e ainda pelas baixas taxas na FIV em vista da presença de microbiota autóctone no sêmen industrializado, o presente trabalho propôs avaliar: l-a microbiota autóctone presen...

  12. Genetic and immunohistochemical analysis of HSPA5 in mouse and human retinas (United States)

    Chintalapudi, Sumana R.; Wang, XiaoFei; Li, Huiling; Lau, Yin H. Chan; Williams, Robert W.; Jablonski, Monica M.


    Purpose Photoreceptor degenerative diseases are among the leading causes of vision loss. Although the causative genetic mutations are often known, mechanisms leading to photoreceptor degeneration remain poorly defined. We have previously demonstrated that the photoreceptor membrane-associated protein XAP-1 antigen is a product of the HSPA5 gene. In this study, we used systems genetic methods, statistical modeling, and immunostaining to identify and analyze candidate genes that modulate Hspa5 expression in the retina. Methods Quantitative trait locus (QTL) mapping was used to map the genomic region that regulates Hspa5 in the cross between C57BL/6J X DBA/2J mice (BXD) genetic reference panel. The stepwise refinement of candidate genes was based on expression QTL mapping, gene expression correlation analyses (direct and partial), and analysis of regional sequence variants. The subcellular localization of candidate proteins and HSPA5 in mouse and human retinas was evaluated by immunohistochemistry. Differences in the localization of extracellular HSPA5 were assessed between healthy human donor and atrophic age-related macular degeneration (AMD) donor eyes. Results In the eyes of healthy mice, extracellular HSPA5 was confined to the area around the cone photoreceptor outer segments. Mapping variation in Hspa5 mRNA expression levels in the retina revealed a statistically significant trans-acting expression QTL (eQTL) on Chromosome 2 (Chr 2) and a suggestive locus on Chr 15. Sulf2 on Chr 2 was the strongest candidate gene based on partial correlation analysis, Pearson correlation with Hspa5, expression levels in the retina, a missense variant in exon 14, and its reported function in the extracellular matrix and interphotoreceptor matrix. SULF2 is localized to the rod and cone photoreceptors in both human and mouse retinas. In human retinas with no pathology, extracellular HSPA5 was localized around many cones within the macular area. In contrast, fewer HSPA5

  13. Nutritional manipulation of primate retinas, III: Effects of lutein or zeaxanthin supplementation on adipose tissue and retina of xanthophyll-free monkeys. (United States)

    Johnson, Elizabeth J; Neuringer, Martha; Russell, Robert M; Schalch, Wolfgang; Snodderly, D Max


    Macular pigment (MP) is composed of the xanthophylls lutein (L) and zeaxanthin (Z) and may help to prevent age-related macular degeneration or retard its progression. In this study the effects of L or Z supplementation on carotenoid levels was examined in serum, adipose tissue, and retina in rhesus monkeys with no previous intake of xanthophylls. From birth to 7 to 16 years of age, 18 rhesus monkeys were fed semipurified diets containing all essential nutrients but no xanthophylls. Six were supplemented with pure L and 6 with pure Z at 3.9 micromol/kg per day for 24 to 101 weeks. At baseline and at 4- to 12-week intervals, carotenoids in adipose tissue were measured by HPLC. At study completion, carotenoids in serum and retina (central 4 mm, 8-mm annulus, and the periphery) were determined. Results were compared with data from control monkeys fed a standard laboratory diet. Monkeys fed xanthophyll-free diets had no L or Z in serum or tissues. After L or Z supplementation, serum and adipose tissue concentrations significantly increased in the supplemented groups. Both L and 3R,3'S-Z (RSZ or meso-Z, not present in the diet) were incorporated into retinas of monkeys supplemented with L, with RSZ present only in the macula (central 4 mm). All-trans Z, but no RSZ, accumulated in retinas of monkeys supplemented with Z. L is the precursor of RSZ, a major component of macular pigment. Xanthophyll-free monkeys can accumulate retinal xanthophylls and provide a valuable model for examining their uptake and conversion.

  14. Frequency of Toxoplasma gondii in the retina in eye banks in Brazil. (United States)

    Costa, Deise F; Nascimento, Heloisa; Sutili, Aline; Nobrega, Fernando A J; Fowler, Flavio; Nobrega, Mario Junqueira; Garrido, Cristina; de Oliveira Dias, Janaina; Adán, Consuelo B D; Rizzo, Luiz Vicente; Silveira, Claudio; Belfort, Rubens; Commodaro, Alessandra G


    Ocular toxoplasmosis is the main cause of posterior uveitis worldwide frequently leading to vision loss. In Brazil, the seroprevalence of Toxoplasma gondii infection ranges from 50 to 80% depending of the region studied. The frequency of toxoplasmic retinal scar may reach 18% of the adults in the South of Brazil. Our goal was to determine the frequency of T. gondii DNA in retinas from eye banks from different regions in Brazil. A total of 162 eyes were obtained from eye banks in Manaus (n = 60), Sao Paulo (n = 60), Chapeco (n = 26), and Joinville (n = 16). The retinas were macroscopically analyzed and collected for DNA extraction. Real-time PCR (qPCR) was performed using the T. gondii B1 marker. By qPCR, a higher frequency of T. gondii DNA in the retinas from the eye bank of Joinville (25%) was found when compared to Manaus (5%). The retinas from Sao Paulo and Chapeco were qPCR negative. Clinical examination determined the retina lesions to be compatible with toxoplasmosis in the following frequencies: Joinville (62.5%), Manaus (10%), Sao Paulo (6.7%), and Chapeco (15.4%).

  15. Some indications of structural damage in retina by heavy ion radiation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nelson, A.C.; Hayes, T.L.; Tobias, C.A.; Yang, T.C.


    At the Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory Bevalac Facility, iron nuclei were accelerated to an energy of 600 MeV/amu. The beam of iron thus obtained was used to irradiate living biological specimens in order to study possible microscopic tissue damage with the aid of SEM. The experiments involved total head irradiation of live rats which were subsequently returned to their cages to remain for 1 day and 30 days before further examination. After the 1 day and 30 day waits, both eyes were enucleated and placed in chemical fixative followed by ethanol dehydration and critical point drying. Retinas were carefully removed from the eye cups and loaded separately on aluminum stubs which were sputter coated. SEM of the 1 day and 30 day retinas revealed lesions which were not found at all in control retinas. The 1 day and 30 day retinas manifest regions where outer rod segments were missing or rearranged. A single energetic iron nucleus may be capable of generating a retinal lesion which becomes enlarged as biological processes intervene during the 1 day and 30 day waits. Being composed of highly specialized nerve cells, retinas cannot regenerate following irradiation which severely damages the rod cells. Thus one would expect the observed radiation induced retinal lesions to correspond to permanent tissue damage and possible loss of visual acuity in the intact animal

  16. Perfluoroctano líquido como tamponante vitreorretiniano de curta duração no pós-operatório de portadores de descolamento de retina por ruptura gigante Perfluoroctane liquid as a short-term vitreous-retinal tamponade in the postoperative period in patients with retinal detachment due to giant tears

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    Marcelo Carvalho Ventura


    Full Text Available OBJETIVOS: Relatar os resultados de vitrectomia via pars plana com utilização de perfluocarbono líquido (Perfluoroctano-Ophtalmos®, como tamponante vítreo-retiniano de curta duração, no pós-operatório de portadores de descolamento de retina, por ruptura gigante. MÉTODOS: Estudaram-se dez desses pacientes. Todos os casos eram complicados por vitreorretinopatia proliferativa grau B ou pior com rupturas que variavam em extensão de 90º a 210º. O perfluorocarbono líquido foi introduzido, por via pars plana, com o volume necessário para ultrapassar o limite posterior da ruptura, permanecendo no pós-operatório por cinco dias, estando os pacientes em decúbito dorsal. Após esse período submetiam-se a segunda intervenção para troca do perfluorocarbono líquido para gás ou óleo de silicone. RESULTADOS: Após período de acompanhamento médio de 16,2 ± 12,4 meses (2 a 43 meses, 80% das retinas estavam aplicadas, sendo necessária a repetição desta técnica em 1 caso (10% caso e em 2 casos (20% não houve reaplicação da retina por vitreorretinopatia avançada. Houve melhora da acuidade visual em 5 casos (50%. CONCLUSÃO: Observaram-se bons resultados quanto à aplicação da retina (80% e melhora da acuidade visual (50% quando do uso do perfluorocarbono líquido como tamponante vitreorretiniano de curta duração no pós-operatório de cirurgias de descolamento de retina por rupturas gigantes.PURPOSE: To report pars plana vitrectomy results of intravitreous use of liquid perfluorocarbon as a short-term postoperative tamponade in retinal detachment due to giant tears in a series of patients. METHODS: Ten of those patients, all of them complicated by proliferative vitreoretinopathy grade B or worse, with tear extension varying from 90º to 210º were studied. Perfluorocarbon liquid was injected via pars plana until the posterior tear limit, remaining in the postoperative period during five days, with the patients in supine position

  17. Polissemias da desigualdade no Livro V das Ordenações Filipinas: o escravo integrado

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    Ricardo Alexandre FERREIRA


    Full Text Available Resumo O presente artigo problematiza um dos pontos centrais da crítica dirigida por diferentes integrantes do chamado movimento das Luzes ao mundo do Antigo Regime. Trata-se da noção, já abordada pela historiografia especializada, de "desigualdade perante a lei", compreendida como atributo intrínseco e negativo de diferentes Estados europeus até o final do Setecentos. Parte-se aqui do pressuposto de que é imprescindível ao trabalho do historiador interessado no estudo das formas de exercício da justiça compreender os significados conferidos a conceitos e estatutos jurídicos dentro dos limites das épocas e lugares em que foram elaborados e utilizados cotidianamente pelos contemporâneos. Especificamente, pretende-se, a partir da análise dos dispositivos legais presentes no Livro V do Código Filipino, ou, Ordenações e Leis do Reino de Portugal - compilação de 1603 que no Brasil continuou, em grande medida, vigente até 1830 -, realizar um estudo das ambivalências e simultaneidades de sentido presentes nas penas impostas a pessoas de diferentes qualidades ou condições que integraram o Estado Português entre os séculos XVII e XVIII, com especial enfoque nas punições previstas exclusivamente aos escravos, tidos simultaneamente como coisas e pessoas.

  18. Efeitos do exercicio físico em parâmetros moleculares da via de sinalização da insulina e obesidade

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    Joni Marcio de Farias


    Full Text Available A prevalência da obesidade e diabetes mellitus tem aumentado significativamente nos últimos anos e o conhecimento de que o tecido adiposo tem atividade endócrina e desempenha funções importantes na regulação da inflamação e no metabolismo energético por meio de mecanismos moleculares entre outros é fonte de novas pesquisas. Este trabalho versa sobre os mecanismos moleculares envolvidos na obesidade e diabetes principalmente em tecidos periféricos bem como a relação do exercício físico neste contexto, em forma de revisão bibliográfica. A metodologia foi levantamento bibliográfico nas principais bases de dados: Scielo e PubMed, publicados no período de 1998 a 2012. Os estudos tem demonstrado uma inter-relação entre os mecanismos moleculares envolvidos no desenvolvimento da obesidade e diabetes em tecidos periféricos e centrais. Do ponto de vista do exercício físico, vários estudos demonstram uma contribuição muito grande na diminuição da prevalência, no controle e até mesmo no tratamento da obesidade e diabetes. No entanto há necessidade de estudos mais aprofundados relacionando diversos tipos de exercício físico, em volumes e intensidades diferentes e preferencialmente com humanos, bem como o modelo de estudo, que quando utilizado animais, os programas de exercício devem ser desenvolvidos concomitantemente com alimentação rica em gordura, verificando mais intensamente o exercício físico e o seu real papel na prevenção destas doenças.

  19. Insulin-like activity in the retina

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Das, A.


    A number of studies have recently demonstrated that insulin or a homologous peptide may be synthesized outside the pancreas also. The present study was designed to investigate whether insulin-like activity exists in the retina, and if it exists, whether it is due to local synthesis of insulin or a similar peptide in the retina. To determine whether the insulin-like immunoreactivity in retinal glial cells is due to binding and uptake or local synthesis of insulin, a combined approach of immunocytochemistry and in situ DNA-RNA hybridization techniques was used on cultured rat retinal glial cells. Insulin-like immunoreactivity was demonstrated in the cytoplasma of these cells. In situ hybridization studies using labeled rat insulin cDNA indicated that these cells contain the mRNA necessary for de novo synthesis of insulin or a closely homologous peptide. Since human retinal cells have, as yet, not been conveniently grown in culture, an ocular tumor cell line, human Y79 retinoblastoma was used as a model to extend these investigations. The presence of insulin-like immunoreactivity as well as insulin-specific mRNA was demonstrated in this cell line. Light microscopic autoradiography following incubation of isolated rat retinal cells with 125 I-insulin showed the presence of insulin binding sites on the photoreceptors and amarcine cells. On the basis of these observations that rat retina glial cells, including Muller cells are sites of synthesis of insulin or a similar peptide, a model for the pathogenesis of dabetic retinopathy is proposed

  20. Rod photoreceptors express GPR55 in the adult vervet monkey retina

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bouskila, Joseph; Javadi, Pasha; Casanova, Christian


    . Yet, its formal classification is still a matter of debate. CB1R and CB2R expression patterns are well described for rodent and monkey retinas. In the monkey retina, CB1R has been localized in its neural (cone photoreceptor, horizontal, bipolar, amacrine and ganglion cells) and CB2R in glial...

  1. Functional and Cellular Responses to Laser Injury in the Rat Snake Retina

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library

    Glickman, Randolph D; Elliott, III, W. R; Kumar, Neeru


    .... This animal is of interest for vision research because its eye has an all-cone retina. A linear array of 5 thermal lesions was placed in the retina of anesthetized animals, near the area centralis, using a Nd:VO4 laser (532 nm...

  2. O escudo da América: o discurso patriótico na revista Captain America Comics (1941-1954)


    Priscilla Ferreira Cerencio


    Quando nos deparamos com a imagem do personagem Capitão América tendemos a relacioná-lo com um herói confiante, tão patriótico que veste a bandeira de seu país. O super-herói, criado por Joe Simon e Jack Kirby na década de 1940, ao longo do século XX se transformou em um ícone tão representativo da nação americana quanto o próprio Tio Sam. Nesta dissertação nos propomos a analisar os aspectos centrais do discurso patriótico contido na revista Captain America Comics, publicada nos Estados Unid...

  3. The Neural Retina in Retinopathy of Prematurity (United States)

    Hansen, Ronald M.; Moskowitz, Anne; Akula, James D.; Fulton, Anne B.


    Retinopathy of prematurity (ROP) is a neurovascular disease that affects prematurely born infants and is known to have significant long term effects on vision. We conducted the studies described herein not only to learn more about vision but also about the pathogenesis of ROP. The coincidence of ROP onset and rapid developmental elongation of the rod photoreceptor outer segments motivated us to consider the role of the rods in this disease. We used noninvasive electroretinographic (ERG), psychophysical, and retinal imaging procedures to study the function and structure of the neurosensory retina. Rod photoreceptor and post-receptor responses are significantly altered years after the preterm days during which ROP is an active disease. The alterations include persistent rod dysfunction, and evidence of compensatory remodeling of the post-receptor retina is found in ERG responses to full-field stimuli and in psychophysical thresholds that probe small retinal regions. In the central retina, both Mild and Severe ROP delay maturation of parafoveal scotopic thresholds and are associated with attenuation of cone mediated multifocal ERG responses, significant thickening of post-receptor retinal laminae, and dysmorphic cone photoreceptors. These results have implications for vision and control of eye growth and refractive development and suggest future research directions. These results also lead to a proposal for noninvasive management using light that may add to the currently invasive therapeutic armamentarium against ROP. PMID:27671171

  4. Retina-like sensor image coordinates transformation and display (United States)

    Cao, Fengmei; Cao, Nan; Bai, Tingzhu; Song, Shengyu


    For a new kind of retina-like senor camera, the image acquisition, coordinates transformation and interpolation need to be realized. Both of the coordinates transformation and interpolation are computed in polar coordinate due to the sensor's particular pixels distribution. The image interpolation is based on sub-pixel interpolation and its relative weights are got in polar coordinates. The hardware platform is composed of retina-like senor camera, image grabber and PC. Combined the MIL and OpenCV library, the software program is composed in VC++ on VS 2010. Experience results show that the system can realizes the real-time image acquisition, coordinate transformation and interpolation.

  5. A comparison of some organizational characteristics of the mouse central retina and the human macula. (United States)

    Volland, Stefanie; Esteve-Rudd, Julian; Hoo, Juyea; Yee, Claudine; Williams, David S


    Mouse models have greatly assisted our understanding of retinal degenerations. However, the mouse retina does not have a macula, leading to the question of whether the mouse is a relevant model for macular degeneration. In the present study, a quantitative comparison between the organization of the central mouse retina and the human macula was made, focusing on some structural characteristics that have been suggested to be important in predisposing the macula to stresses leading to degeneration: photoreceptor density, phagocytic load on the RPE, and the relative thinness of Bruch's membrane. Light and electron microscopy measurements from retinas of two strains of mice, together with published data on human retinas, were used for calculations and subsequent comparisons. As in the human retina, the central region of the mouse retina possesses a higher photoreceptor cell density and a thinner Bruch's membrane than in the periphery; however, the magnitudes of these periphery to center gradients are larger in the human. Of potentially greater relevance is the actual photoreceptor cell density, which is much greater in the mouse central retina than in the human macula, underlying a higher phagocytic load for the mouse RPE. Moreover, at eccentricities that correspond to the peripheral half of the human macula, the rod to cone ratio is similar between mouse and human. Hence, with respect to photoreceptor density and phagocytic load of the RPE, the central mouse retina models at least the more peripheral part of the macula, where macular degeneration is often first evident.

  6. Cold Shock Proteins Are Expressed in the Retina Following Exposure to Low Temperatures.

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    Ignacio M Larrayoz

    Full Text Available Hypothermia has been proposed as a therapeutic intervention for some retinal conditions, including ischemic insults. Cold exposure elevates expression of cold-shock proteins (CSP, including RNA-binding motif protein 3 (RBM3 and cold inducible RNA-binding protein (CIRP, but their presence in mammalian retina is so far unknown. Here we show the effects of hypothermia on the expression of these CSPs in retina-derived cell lines and in the retina of newborn and adult rats. Two cell lines of retinal origin, R28 and mRPE, were exposed to 32°C for different time periods and CSP expression was measured by qRT-PCR and Western blotting. Neonatal and adult Sprague-Dawley rats were exposed to a cold environment (8°C and expression of CSPs in their retinas was studied by Western blotting, multiple inmunofluorescence, and confocal microscopy. RBM3 expression was upregulated by cold in both R28 and mRPE cells in a time-dependent fashion. On the other hand, CIRP was upregulated in R28 cells but not in mRPE. In vivo, expression of CSPs was negligible in the retina of newborn and adult rats kept at room temperature (24°C. Exposure to a cold environment elicited a strong expression of both proteins, especially in retinal pigment epithelium cells, photoreceptors, bipolar, amacrine and horizontal cells, Müller cells, and ganglion cells. In conclusion, CSP expression rapidly rises in the mammalian retina following exposure to hypothermia in a cell type-specific pattern. This observation may be at the basis of the molecular mechanism by which hypothermia exerts its therapeutic effects in the retina.

  7. Autofluorescence from the outer retina and subretinal space: hypothesis and review. (United States)

    Spaide, Richard


    To review the pathophysiologic principles underlying increased autofluorescence from the outer retina and subretinal space using selected diseases as examples. The ocular imaging information and histopathologic features, when known, were integrated for diseases causing increased autofluorescence from the outer retina and subretinal space. Inferences were taken from this information and used to create a classification scheme. These diseases are principally those that cause separation of the outer retina from the retinal pigment epithelium, thereby preventing proper phagocytosis of photoreceptor outer segments. The separation can arise from increased exudation into the subretinal space or inadequate removal of fluid from the subretinal space. Lack of normal outer segment processing initially leads to increased accumulation of outer segments on the outer retina and subretinal space. Over time, this material is visible as an increasingly thick coating on the outer retina, is yellow, and is autofluorescent. Over time, atrophy develops with thinning of the deposited material and decreasing autofluorescence. The accumulated material is ultimately capable of inducing damage to the retinal pigment epithelium. Diseases causing accumulation of the material include central serous chorioretinopathy, vitelliform macular dystrophy, acute exudative polymorphous vitelliform maculopathy, choroidal tumors, and vitreomacular traction syndrome. The physical separation of the retinal outer segments from the retinal pigment epithelium hinders proper phagocytosis of the outer segments. Accumulation of the shed but not phagocytized outer segments plays a role in disease manifestations for a number of macular diseases.

  8. Aspectos da tomografia de coerência óptica na doença de Stargardt: relato de caso Optical coherence tomography aspects of Stargardt's disease: case report

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    Enéias Bezerra Gouveia


    Full Text Available O termo fundus flavimaculatus (doença de Stargardt descreve um grupo de distrofias maculares hereditárias caracterizadas por múltiplos "flecks" amarelados em nível do epitélio pigmentar da retina. Os autores descrevem os achados de tomografia de coerência óptica (OCT em paciente portador de doença de Stargardt e sugerem que a OCT tem validade como exame subsidiário no estudo das características da retina de pacientes portadores da doença de Stargardt, embora estudos envolvendo maior número de pacientes sejam indicados para permitir traçar-se o perfil das alterações mais comuns nestes casos.The term fundus flavimaculatus (Stargardt disease describes a group of inherited macular dystrophies characterized by multiple yellow to yellow-white flecks at the level of the retinal pigment epithelium. The authors describe findings in the patient with Stargardt's disease using optical coherence tomography (OCT, and suggest the examination to be valid as subsidiary method in the study of the characteristics of the retina in Stargardt's disease patients, but studies involving a series of patients should be able to show the most frequent findings in these cases.

  9. Um estudo da competitividade dos diferentes canais de distribuição de hortaliças A study of the competitiveness of different fresh produce distribution channels

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    Ana Elisa Bressan Smith Lourenzani


    Full Text Available As cadeias de suprimentos de hortaliças enfrentam, nos dias atuais, o desafio de alinhar a demanda e a oferta de produtos de maneira eficiente. Do lado da demanda, clientes exigentes, interessados em produtos com qualidade e sempre disponíveis nos pontos de venda. Do lado da oferta, a dificuldade em garantir o produto certo, na hora certa e no local adequado. Percebendo a dificuldade em ligar demanda e oferta, por problemas relacionados, principalmente, à logística e à qualidade, as grandes redes de auto-serviço têm abandonado o sistema tradicional de suprimento de produtos hortícolas, por meio das Centrais Estaduais de Abastecimento Sociedade Anônima (CEASA, e criado centrais próprias de compras onde a aquisição dos produtos é feita diretamente de produtores rurais e atacadistas especializados. No entanto, este novo canal deve ser examinado com cuidado já que, sob certas circunstâncias, pode representar ameaças e oportunidades para o produtor rural. Assim, propõe-se uma análise da competitividade dos principais canais de distribuição de hortaliças, em especial, do tomate in natura, sob a ótica da gestão da cadeia de suprimentos. De forma a alcançar esse objetivo, foi utilizado um método que consiste em estabelecer direcionadores de competitividade para todos os elos da cadeia. Conhecendo as vantagens e limitações de cada canal de distribuição, é possível estudar formas de torná-los mais eficientes. Os resultados, obtidos por meio de pesquisa de campo com os agentes dos canais, demonstram que as cadeias de suprimentos, que optam pela distribuição por meio das centrais de compras de grandes redes de auto-serviço, apresentam melhor desempenho competitivo do que a distribuição por meio das CEASAs. No entanto, o desempenho superior não se mostra sustentável à medida que o diferencial de poder entre os varejistas e os produtores rurais aumenta a rivalidade vertical e permite comportamentos conflitantes e

  10. Complement anaphylatoxin C3a is a potent inducer of embryonic chick retina regeneration (United States)

    Haynes, Tracy; Luz-Madrigal, Agustin; Reis, Edimara S.; Echeverri Ruiz, Nancy P.; Grajales-Esquivel, Erika; Tzekou, Apostolia; Tsonis, Panagiotis A.; Lambris, John D.; Del Rio-Tsonis, Katia


    Identifying the initiation signals for tissue regeneration in vertebrates is one of the major challenges in regenerative biology. Much of the research thus far has indicated that certain growth factors have key roles. Here we show that complement fragment C3a is sufficient to induce complete regeneration of the embryonic chick retina from stem/progenitor cells present in the eye, independent of fibroblast growth factor receptor signaling. Instead, C3a induces retina regeneration via STAT3 activation, which in turn activates the injury- and inflammation-responsive factors, IL-6, IL-8 and TNF-α. This activation sets forth regulation of Wnt2b, Six3 and Sox2, genes associated with retina stem and progenitor cells. Thus, our results establish a mechanism for retina regeneration based on injury and inflammation signals. Furthermore, our results indicate a unique function for complement anaphylatoxins that implicate these molecules in the induction and complete regeneration of the retina, opening new avenues of experimentation in the field. PMID:23942241

  11. (Buscando Os efeitos sociais da morfologia arquitetônica (Looking for The social effects of architectural morphology

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    Renato T. de Saboya


    Full Text Available Uma das ideias mais centrais e talvez menos esclarecidas em arquitetura e estudos urbanos – sobretudo desde o trabalho seminal de Jacobs até as recentes ênfases da economia urbana – diz respeito ao papel da forma arquitetônica na “vitalidade urbana”, um conjunto de qualidades sociais e microeconômicas de nossas cidades. Entretanto, edifícios podem realmente afetar seus entornos urbanos? Teriam morfologias distintas efeitos também distintos sobre o que ocorre nos espaços públicos? Este artigo investiga a forma construídacomo condição da copresença e a atividade social e econômica no espaço urbano – dinâmicas locais com implicações de ampla escala na cidade. Propõe uma abordagem para identificar os efeitos da forma arquitetônica,de modo a distingui-los dos efeitos de outros aspectos da estrutura urbana como a acessibilidade, everificar de fato sua existência e, se confirmada, sua extensão. A abordagem é aplicada em um estudo empíricoem 24 áreas no Rio de Janeiro. Finalmente, o artigo lança os fundamentos de uma teoria probabilística dos efeitos da arquitetura que visa contribuir para uma resposta mais precisa a uma questão que captura a imaginação espacial: o quanto a arquitetura importa para a vitalidade urbana?

  12. Tirosina hidroxilase como marcador da atividade simpática em artérias musculares esqueléticas e renais de ratos normotensos: efeitos do treinamento fisico.


    Katia Burgi


    Apesar de não alterar a pressão de normotensos, o treinamento físico (T) promove importantes ajustes periféricos e adapatações centrais do controle cardiovascular mediados pelo vago e simpático. Neste trabalho investigamos os efeitos do T (55% da capacidade máxima) sobre a inervação simpática vascular para os territórios muscular esquelético (locomotor e não locomotor) e renal e adrenais, através de imunohistoquimica e Western Blot para Tirosina-Hidroxilase (TH). T aumentou a capacidade físic...

  13. Desemprego e informalidade na Argentina: uma análise das diretrizes e recomendações da OIT e da Cepal para geração de trabalho e renda à população juvenil = Unemployment and Informality in Argentina: a review of guidelines and recommendations of the ILO and ECLAC to generate jobs and income to the youth

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    Cabral, José Pedro Cabrera


    Full Text Available O artigo traz a reflexão acerca do período de recuperação econômica na Argentina (2003-2007, considerado pelos economistas argentinos como período de consolidação. Os postos de trabalho perdidos, a partir da profunda crise que assolou a década de 90, passam a ser restituídos, segundo as análises econômicas da Organização Internacional do Trabalho – OIT –, Comissão Econômica para América Latina e o Caribe – Cepal – e governo argentino. Utilizamos como referências os relatórios da situação de emprego na América Latina elaborados pela OIT e pela Cepal, como também estudos e pesquisas acerca da situação do emprego e desemprego juvenil na Argentina. Esse processo de recuperação econômica traz como preocupações centrais, de um lado, as altas taxas de desemprego juvenil; de outro, a necessidade de diminuição da informalidade do trabalho para esse segmento.

  14. LASIK X PRK após cirurgia de descolamento de retina

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    Rodovalho Adriano Jorge Mattoso


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Comparar os resultados obtidos pelas técnicas de "laser in situ keratomileusis" (LASIK e "photorefractive keratectomy" (PRK na correção de miopia e astigmatismo em olhos previamente submetidos à cirurgia de descolamento de retina (DR com "buckle" escleral. MÉTODOS: Vinte e cinco olhos de 22 pacientes com alterações refracionais significativas após a cirurgia de DR foram submetidos à cirurgia refrativa. Em 14 olhos de 13 pacientes foi realizado LASIK e em 11 olhos de 9 pacientes, PRK. O intervalo mínimo entre a cirurgia de DR e a cirurgia refrativa foi de 12 meses. O tempo de seguimento foi de, pelo menos, 12 meses. RESULTADOS: Doze meses após a cirurgia, a média do equivalente esférico (EE no grupo submetido ao LASIK diminuiu de -6,49 D antes da cirurgia para -0,17 D e a média do cilindro de -1,10 D para -0,23 D. A média do EE no grupo submetido ao PRK foi reduzida de -5,35 D para +0,02 D e a média do cilindro, de -1,38 D para -0,54D. Em ambos os grupos, 11 olhos apresentaram melhora da acuidade visual sem correção de pelo menos 4 linhas. CONCLUSÃO: Tanto o LASIK quanto o PRK foram seguros e eficazes para a correção do erro refracional induzido após a cirurgia de DR. Nossos resultados não apresentaram diferenças significativas entre os procedimentos. Estudos posteriores envolvendo maior amostragem e seguimento mais prolongado contribuirão para melhor avaliação da cirurgia refrativa em pacientes submetidos à cirurgia com "buckle" escleral.

  15. Training and professional profile of retinologists in Spain: Retina 2 project, Report 4. (United States)

    Pastor, J Carlos; Fernández, Itziar; Rojas, Jimena; Coco, Rosa; Sanabria, Maria R; Rodríguez-de la Rúa, Enrique; Sánchez, Diego; Valverde, Carmen; Sala-Puigdollers, Anna


    Uniform postresidency systems to train medical specialists have not been developed in most European countries. Before developing a framework for such a system, we established the learning and professional profiles of Spanish ophthalmologists dedicated to medical retina and vitreoretina subspecialties. After identification of presumed subspecialists by experts from different autonomous regions, a self-administered questionnaire was mailed in 2006. A reminder was sent three weeks later. Postal mail was used. Nonresponder bias was determined. Of 492 possible retina subspecialists, 261 replied to the questionnaires. While about 86% received specific retinal training, standardized fellowship programs were uncommon for both medical retina and vitreoretina (around 10%). Of the responders, 24.5% performed only medical retina, 11.8% vitreoretina, and 63.6% both. Most (60.5%) practiced anterior segment surgery, and 78.7% declared skills in vitrectomy. We have developed a database of Spanish ophthalmologists dedicated to retinal pathologies and identified some characteristics of their professional profile. Although most of them have received specific retinal training, standardized mastership programs are still uncommon. These data will be useful in creating a standardized Retina Mastership, an important goal of the European Higher Education Area.

  16. Retinal peripheral changes after LASIK Alterações da retina periférica após LASIK

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    João Jorge Nassaralla Junior


    26,5 anos, foram submetidos ao exame completo do pólo posterior, antes e após 1 semana, 1, 3 e 12 meses do LASIK bilateral simultâneo para a correção de miopia. A média do equivalente esférico foi 7,75D (variando entre -1,00 a 17,25D. Tratamento profilático foi realizado em lesões predisponentes a complicações retinianas, com fotocoagulação a laser, antes do LASIK. RESULTADOS: Antes da cirurgia, as características oftalmoscópicas foram: 86 olhos (43% não apresentavam nenhuma anormalidade periférica; 49 olhos (24,5% apresentavam degeneração em paliçada; 18 olhos (9%, branco sem pressão; 5 olhos (2,5%, branco com pressão; 33 (16,5%, degeneração orocoroidal; 6 (3%, degeneração pavimentosa; 45 (22,5%, descolamento de vítreo posterior; 20 (10%, tração vítreo-retiniana; e 12 (6%, buracos retinianos. Comparando a incidência de características oftalmoscópicas antes e um ano após a cirurgia, não houve diferença estatisticamente significativa (p>0.05. CONCLUSÃO: Embora condições patológicas da retina tenham sido descritas como complicações após o LASIK, nossos dados não revelaram uma relação de causa-efeito entre o procedimento para correção do erro refrativo e complicações retinianas. As alterações retinianas encontradas após o LASIK, nesta série de pacientes, parecem refletir a predisposição natural dos míopes. Paciente e cirurgião devem estar atentos aos riscos de complicações relacionadas aos olhos míopes, que persistem mesmo após o LASIK.

  17. Image Signal Transfer Method in Artificial Retina using Laser

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    Yoon, I.Y.; Lee, B.H.; Kim, S.J. [Seoul National University, Seoul (Korea)


    Recently, the research on artificial retina for the blind is active. In this paper a new optical link method for the retinal prosthesis is proposed. Laser diode system was chosen to transfer image into the eye in this project and the new optical system was designed and evaluated. The use of laser diode array in artificial retina system makes system simple for lack of signal processing part inside of the eyeball. Designed optical system is enough to focus laser diode array on photodiode array in 20X20 application. (author). 11 refs., 7 figs., 2 tabs.

  18. A escola da vida The school of life

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    Pedro Abrantes


    Full Text Available O artigo discute as complexas relações entre educação, identidade e mudança social através da história de vida de Simon Bolívar, Benito Juárez e Ernesto Guevara. Reconstituindo seus percursos biográficos, à luz de teorias sociológicas recentes sobre a constituição dos atores sociais, torna-se possível, a um só tempo, discernir alguns traços fundamentais das identidades dessas três figuras centrais da história da América Latina e repensar o modo como as diferentes experiências socializadoras se combinam na produção da identidade e das disposições dos indivíduos em formas criativas não isentas de tensões. A tese central deste artigo é que essa combinação identitária de referências sociais díspares não só é possível, como é impulsionada por (e representa transformações sócio-históricas de grandes proporções.This paper discusses the complex relations between education, identity and social change, focusing specifically on the life-histories of Simon Bolívar, Benito Juárez and Ernesto Guevara. The reconstitution of their biographical pathways, supported by recent sociological theories on the constitution of social actors, allows us to identify some of the key features of their identities and, simultaneously, to rethink how different socializing experiences are combined in the formation of individual identities and dispositions in creative and tension-provoking ways. The article's main thesis is that this combination of divergent social reference points is not only possible, but is promoted by (and represents broad sociohistorical transformations.

  19. Contrato psicológico e desempenho organizacional: o caso dos Serviços Centrais do Instituto Politécnico de Viana do Castelo


    Lima, Ana Patrícia Quintas


    Mestrado em Gestão das Organizações: Ramo de Gestão de Empresas (parceria com a APNOR) na Escola Superior de Tecnologia e Gestão do Instituto Politécnico de Viana do Castelo O objetivo principal deste estudo consiste em caracterizar o contrato psicológico dos colaboradores dos Serviços Centrais do Instituto Politécnico de Viana do Castelo, quanto às dimensões “rutura” e “violação” do respetivo contrato e explorar a sua eventual relação com desempenho organizacional, num momento de...

  20. Maria da Conceição Tavares

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    Maria Silvia Possas


    Full Text Available MARIA da Conceição Tavares exerceu grande influência sobre o pensamento econômico brasileiro. Tratou de assuntos variados, mas há uma preocupação que perpassa toda a sua obra: o desenvolvimento de países "periféricos" (com especial ênfase no caso brasileiro e a sorte de grandes contingentes da sua população, excluídos economicamente. Seu ponto de partida foi o pensamento cepalino, com ênfase nas relações econômicas e de poder entre nações centrais e periféricas. Porém procurou repensar essa matriz, ampliando a importância de questões como: variáveis internas a cada país, em especial a presença do setor produtor de bens de capital; as necessidades de financiamento do desenvolvimento e como os modos historicamente específicos de atendê-las repercutem.MARIA da Conceição Tavares has had a great influence on Brazilian economic thought. Among the various subjects she treated, there has been a major concern present in all her work, namely, the development of "peripheral" countries (especially Brazil and the fate of large contingents of its peoples that are economically excluded. Her theoretical matrix was the ideas originated in ecla, which emphasized power and economic relations among "central" and "peripheral" nations. She tried to rebuild this matrix, augmenting the importance of questions such as: variables that were internal to each country, specially the presence of a capital goods department; the need of funds to finance development and the consequences of the historical specific institutions and ways used to provide them.

  1. HB-EGF is necessary and sufficient for Müller glia dedifferentiation and retina regeneration (United States)

    Wan, Jin; Ramachandran, Rajesh; Goldman, Daniel


    Summary Müller glia (MG) dedifferentiation into a cycling population of multipotent progenitors is crucial to zebrafish retina regeneration. The mechanisms underlying MG dedifferentiation are unknown. Here we report that heparin-binding epidermal-like growth factor (HB-EGF) is rapidly induced in MG residing at the injury site and that proHB-EGF ectodomain shedding is necessary for retina regeneration. Remarkably, HB-EGF stimulates the formation of multipotent MG-derived progenitors in the uninjured retina. We show that HB-EGF mediates its effects via an EGFR/MAPK signal transduction cascade that regulates the expression of regeneration-associated genes, like ascl1a and pax6b. We also uncover an HB-EGF/Ascl1a/Notch/hb-egfa signaling loop that helps define the zone of injury-responsive MG. Finally, we show that HB-EGF acts upstream of the Wnt/β-catenin signaling cascade that controls progenitor proliferation. These data provide a link between extracellular signaling and regeneration-associated gene expression in the injured retina and suggest strategies for stimulating retina regeneration in mammals. PMID:22340497

  2. Dual cameras acquisition and display system of retina-like sensor camera and rectangular sensor camera (United States)

    Cao, Nan; Cao, Fengmei; Lin, Yabin; Bai, Tingzhu; Song, Shengyu


    For a new kind of retina-like senor camera and a traditional rectangular sensor camera, dual cameras acquisition and display system need to be built. We introduce the principle and the development of retina-like senor. Image coordinates transformation and interpolation based on sub-pixel interpolation need to be realized for our retina-like sensor's special pixels distribution. The hardware platform is composed of retina-like senor camera, rectangular sensor camera, image grabber and PC. Combined the MIL and OpenCV library, the software program is composed in VC++ on VS 2010. Experience results show that the system can realizes two cameras' acquisition and display.

  3. Frequency spectrum might act as communication code between retina and visual cortex I. (United States)

    Yang, Xu; Gong, Bo; Lu, Jian-Wei


    To explore changes and possible communication relationship of local potential signals recorded simultaneously from retina and visual cortex I (V1). Fourteen C57BL/6J mice were measured with pattern electroretinogram (PERG) and pattern visually evoked potential (PVEP) and fast Fourier transform has been used to analyze the frequency components of those signals. The amplitude of PERG and PVEP was measured at about 36.7 µV and 112.5 µV respectively and the dominant frequency of PERG and PVEP, however, stay unchanged and both signals do not have second, or otherwise, harmonic generation. The results suggested that retina encodes visual information in the way of frequency spectrum and then transfers it to primary visual cortex. The primary visual cortex accepts and deciphers the input visual information coded from retina. Frequency spectrum may act as communication code between retina and V1.



    Inzunza, Oscar; Barros B., Zitta; Bravo, Hermes


    In this paper we analyze the topographic distribution and cell body size of neurons (ganglion and displaced amacrine) of layer 8 of the retina in the chilean reptile Callopistes palluma; using whole mount retinaswith nissl stain. Callopistes palluma retina has an area centralis without fovea in which the ganglion cell density amounts 20.000 cells / µm2 while the displaced amacrine neurons is about 7.000 cells / µm2. This neural density decreased gradually towards the peripheral retina. A hor...

  5. Estudo de operações city logistics para aumento da competitividade em uma empresa de aparelhos auditivos na cidade de Campinas-SP

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    David Costa Monteiro


    Full Text Available Discute-se no presente artigo as possibilidades de operação logística viabilizada a partir das necessidades e das ideias patrocinadas por uma empresa que comercializa aparelhos auditivos na cidade de Campinas, no interior paulista, que para enfrentar os sérios problemas logísticos de distribuição de aparelhos auditivos nessa cidade, precisou inovar no campo da distribuição de seus produtos. Contextualiza-se que a logística muitas vezes é algo intuitivo, o que, na prática, costuma levar o gestor justamente ao estudo da temática, merecedora sempre de ratificação e permanente estudo. Objetivou-se rever questões centrais da logística, especificamente objetivando-se expor como a disciplina de fato auxiliou determinada organização a resolver problema concreto de distribuição de seus produtos. O percurso metodológico passa por revisão de literatura e estudo de caso, justificando-se a pesquisa pelo seu elevado valor prático. Os resultados obtidos apontam a validade da solução adotada por determinada empresa, esta constante de dirigir-se até onde o cliente estava por intermédio de vendedores especializados, apresentando a medida a recuperação e um aumento significativo da clientela da companhia estudada.

  6. Avaliação de uma Unidade de Geração de Energia Através da Teoria de Opções Reais

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    Alexandre Caporal


    Full Text Available Desde o final da década de 1990, o setor elétrico brasileiro vem sofrendo fortes mudanças estruturais, cujo principal objetivo é o de aumentar a competição e permitir ao setor crescer através do investimento privado. Em função disso, a Agência Nacional de Energia Elétrica (ANEEL tem oferecido uma multiplicidade de oportunidades de investimentos, principalmente através de leilões de unidades geradoras de energia (em sua maioria hidrelétricas, de linhas de transmissão e incentivos ao investimento em Pequenas Centrais Hidrelétricas (PCH. Neste artigo, propomos um modelo de avaliação de uma unidade de geração de energia em condições de incerteza, incorporando a flexibilidade de escolha do mecanismo de venda da energia gerada através da metodologia das Opções Reais, e aplicamos este modelo ao caso de uma PCH. Os resultados indicam que o projeto flexível tem um valor significativamente maior do que o valor obtido através da análise de fluxo de caixa tradicional.

  7. Breves considerações sobre a concepção do objeto de estudo da Psicologia para Wundt e para Brentano

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    Jan Luiz Leonardi


    Full Text Available O século XIX testemunhou diversas tentativas de constituição de uma Psicologia científica, com o aparecimento de diferentes sistemas psicológicos. Entre eles, destacam-se o de Wilhelm Wundt e o de Franz Brentano. Ambos buscam imputar cientificidade à Psicologia, mas discordam quanto ao ponto de partida para a elaboração de um projeto de Psicologia. Este artigo tem por objetivo introduzir a concepção do objeto de estudo da Psicologia conforme apresentada em suas obras centrais. Wundt defende que o objeto de estudo da Psicologia é a experiência consciente imediata, composta de elementos mentais básicos que podem ser divididos em sensações e sentimentos. Brentano postula que a Psicologia é a ciência dos fenômenos psíquicos, atos mentais que têm direção para objetos cuja existência depende de tais atos

  8. Frequency spectrum might act as communication code between retina and visual cortex I

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    Xu Yang


    Full Text Available AIM: To explore changes and possible communication relationship of local potential signals recorded simultaneously from retina and visual cortex I (V1. METHODS: Fourteen C57BL/6J mice were measured with pattern electroretinogram (PERG and pattern visually evoked potential (PVEP and fast Fourier transform has been used to analyze the frequency components of those signals. RESULTS: The amplitude of PERG and PVEP was measured at about 36.7 µV and 112.5 µV respectively and the dominant frequency of PERG and PVEP, however, stay unchanged and both signals do not have second, or otherwise, harmonic generation. CONCLUSION: The results suggested that retina encodes visual information in the way of frequency spectrum and then transfers it to primary visual cortex. The primary visual cortex accepts and deciphers the input visual information coded from retina. Frequency spectrum may act as communication code between retina and V1.

  9. Towards photovoltaic powered artificial retina

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    Santiago Silvestre


    Full Text Available The aim of this article is to provide an overview of current and future concepts in the field of retinal prostheses, and is focused on the power supply based on solar energy conversion; we introduce the possibility of using PV minimodules as power supply for a new concept of retinal prostheses: Photovoltaic Powered Artificial Retina (PVAR. Main characteristics of these PV modules are presented showing its potential for this application.

  10. Training and professional profile of retinologists in Spain: Retina 2 project, Report 4

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    Pastor JC


    Full Text Available J Carlos Pastor1,3, Itziar Fernández2, Jimena Rojas1, Rosa Coco1, Maria R Sanabria1, Enrique Rodríguez-de la Rúa1,3, Diego Sánchez3, Carmen Valverde3, Anna Sala Puigdollers1,31University Institute of Applied Ophthalmobiology (IOBA, Retina Group, 2Ministry of Science and Innovation CIBER-BBN, Statistics Department, 3Clinic University Hospital, University of Valladolid, Valladolid, SpainBackground: Uniform postresidency systems to train medical specialists have not been developed in most European countries. Before developing a framework for such a system, we established the learning and professional profiles of Spanish ophthalmologists dedicated to medical retina and vitreoretina subspecialties.Methods: After identification of presumed subspecialists by experts from different autonomous regions, a self-administered questionnaire was mailed in 2006. A reminder was sent three weeks later. Postal mail was used. Nonresponder bias was determined.Results: Of 492 possible retina subspecialists, 261 replied to the questionnaires. While about 86% received specific retinal training, standardized fellowship programs were uncommon for both medical retina and vitreoretina (around 10%. Of the responders, 24.5% performed only medical retina, 11.8% vitreoretina, and 63.6% both. Most (60.5% practiced anterior segment surgery, and 78.7% declared skills in vitrectomy.Conclusion: We have developed a database of Spanish ophthalmologists dedicated to retinal pathologies and identified some characteristics of their professional profile. Although most of them have received specific retinal training, standardized mastership programs are still uncommon. These data will be useful in creating a standardized Retina Mastership, an important goal of the European Higher Education Area.Keywords: clinical activity, fellowship, mastership, professional profile, retinologist training

  11. Avaliação de dois testes auditivos centrais em idosos sem queixas Assessment of two central auditory tests in elderly patients without hearing complaints

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    Alina Sanches Gonçales


    Full Text Available Na população idosa, distúrbios da inteligibilidade de fala podem ter causas periféricas ou centrais. A assimetria em testes dicóticos verbais aumenta com a idade e reflete falha na transferência inter-hemisférica e nas funções cognitivas. OBJETIVO: Investigar o desempenho de idosos, sem queixas auditivas, em dois testes de processamento auditivo. FORMA DO ESTUDO: Clínico prospectivo. MATERIAL E MÉTODO: Foram avaliados 22 voluntários, com idades entre 55 e 75 anos, com limiares auditivos máximos de 40 dB NA até 4000Hz, índice de reconhecimento de fala acima de 80% e audição simétrica bilateralmente. Aplicaram-se testes de fala com ruído e dicótico de dissílabos alternados (SSW. A análise dos dados comparou gênero, orelhas e grupos etários. RESULTADOS: Não houve diferença entre os gêneros para nenhum dos testes. A orelha esquerda teve desempenho inferior à orelha direita na condição competitiva do teste SSW. Os participantes com idade acima de 65 anos apresentaram desempenho pior em ambos os testes quando comparados com indivíduos de 55 a 64 anos. CONCLUSÃO: O desempenho dos testes auditivos centrais piora com a idade. A introdução de testes dicóticos na bateria de avaliação auditiva de idosos pode contribuir para a identificação precoce de processos degenerativos característicos do envelhecimento.Speech understanding disorders in the elderly may be due to peripheral or central auditory dysfunctions. Asymmetry of results in dichotic testing increases with age, and may reflect on a lack of inter-hemisphere transmission and cognitive decline. AIM: To investigate auditory processing of aged people with no hearing complaints. STUDY DESIGN: clinical prospective. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Twenty-two voluntary individuals, aged between 55 and 75 years, were evaluated. They reported no hearing complaints and had maximal auditory thresholds of 40 dB HL until 4 KHz, 80% of minimal speech recognition scores and peripheral

  12. Erythropoetin receptor expression in the human diabetic retina

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    Tsang Stephen H


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Recent evidence suggests erythropoietin (EPO and the erythropoietin receptor (EPOR may play a direct role in the pathogenesis of diabetic retinopathy. Better characterization of the EPO-EPOR signaling system in the ischemic retina may offer a new therapeutic modality for ischemic ophthalmic diseases. This study was performed to identify EPOR mRNA expression in the human diabetic eye. Findings EPOR antisense RNA probes were validated on human pancreas tissue. In the normal eye, EPOR was expressed in the retinal ganglion cell layer. Minimal expression was observed in the inner and outer nuclear layer. Under conditions of diabetic retinopathy, EPOR expression shifted to photoreceptor cells. Increased expression was also observed in the peripheral retina. Conclusion EPOR expression may be a biomarker or contribute to disease mechanisms in diabetic retinopathy.

  13. Sobre la terapia génica para enfermedades de la retina. (United States)

    Fischer, M Dominik


    Las mutaciones en un gran número de genes provocan degeneración de la retina y ceguera sin que exista actualmente cura alguna. En las últimas décadas, la terapia génica para enfermedades de la retina ha evolucionado y se ha convertido en un nuevo y prometedor paradigma terapéutico para estas enfermedades poco comunes. Este artículo refleja las ideas y los conceptos que parten de la ciencia básica hacia la aplicabilidad de la terapia génica en el ámbito clínico. Se describen los avances y las reflexiones actuales sobre la eficacia de los ensayos clínicos en la actualidad y se discuten los posibles obstáculos y soluciones de cara al futuro de la terapia génica para enfermedades de la retina. © 2017 S. Karger AG, Basel.

  14. A produção de cultura urbana: práticas espaciais e imaginários em disputa

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    Paolo Colosso


    Full Text Available Trata-se de uma resenha do Livro de Arte, Cultura e Cidade: aspectos estético políticos contemporâneos, de autoria da professora da FAUUSP Vera Pallamin, publicado no fim de 2015. A resenha visa reconstituir os pontos centrais da obra, evidenciando suas contribuições para os debates da estética e teoria da arquitetura contemporâneas, bem como  para as práticas urbanas recentes.

  15. CLRN1 is nonessential in the mouse retina but is required for cochlear hair cell development.

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    Scott F Geller


    Full Text Available Mutations in the CLRN1 gene cause Usher syndrome type 3 (USH3, a human disease characterized by progressive blindness and deafness. Clarin 1, the protein product of CLRN1, is a four-transmembrane protein predicted to be associated with ribbon synapses of photoreceptors and cochlear hair cells, and recently demonstrated to be associated with the cytoskeleton. To study Clrn1, we created a Clrn1 knockout (KO mouse and characterized the histological and functional consequences of Clrn1 deletion in the retina and cochlea. Clrn1 KO mice do not develop a retinal degeneration phenotype, but exhibit progressive loss of sensory hair cells in the cochlea and deterioration of the organ of Corti by 4 months. Hair cell stereocilia in KO animals were longer and disorganized by 4 months, and some Clrn1 KO mice exhibited circling behavior by 5-6 months of age. Clrn1 mRNA expression was localized in the retina using in situ hybridization (ISH, laser capture microdissection (LCM, and RT-PCR. Retinal Clrn1 transcripts were found throughout development and adulthood by RT-PCR, although expression peaked at P7 and declined to undetectable levels in adult retina by ISH. LCM localized Clrn1 transcripts to the retinas inner nuclear layer, and WT levels of retinal Clrn1 expression were observed in photoreceptor-less retinas. Examination of Clrn1 KO mice suggests that CLRN1 is unnecessary in the murine retina but essential for normal cochlear development and function. This may reflect a redundancy in the mouse retina not present in human retina. In contrast to mouse KO models of USH1 and USH2, our data indicate that Clrn1 expression in the retina is restricted to the Müller glia. This is a novel finding, as most retinal degeneration associated proteins are expressed in photoreceptors, not in glia. If CLRN1 expression in humans is comparable to the expression pattern observed in mice, this is the first report of an inner retinal protein that, when mutated, causes retinal

  16. O núcleo da inflação como a tendência comum dos preços

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    Fiorencio Antonio


    Full Text Available Nos últimos anos, diversos bancos centrais adotaram o regime de metas de inflação, dando início a um intenso debate sobre que medida de inflação adotar. Esse debate reflete a suspeita de que os índices de inflação tradicionais possam ser excessivamente ''nervosos'', no sentido de não discriminar entre choques de preços generalizados e idiossincráticos e entre choques permanentes e temporários. Este artigo define uma medida de núcleo de inflação - core inflation - como a tendência comum dos preços em um modelo dinâmico multivariado que, por construção, filtra choques transitórios e idiossincráticos e antecipa o nível futuro da inflação. O artigo mostra que o conhecido estimador de médias truncadas para o núcleo da inflação pode ser visto como uma proxy para o estimador de mínimos quadrados generalizados para dados heteroscedásticos. Foi utilizada uma média truncada assimétrica suavizada e obtida uma medida para o núcleo da inflação não condicional aos parâmetros do modelo.

  17. Representação política como congruência entre as preferências dos cidadãos e as políticas públicas: uma revisão da literatura internacional

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    Yan de Souza Carreirão


    Full Text Available ResumoEste artigo apresenta uma revisão da literatura internacional referente a estudos empíricos sobre representação política no âmbito das instituições centrais da democracia representativa, denominados em parte dessa literatura como estudos de "congruência política". Trata-se da análise do grau de correspondência entre, de um lado, as preferências políticas dos eleitores e, de outro, as preferências dos representantes ou as políticas aprovadas por eles no processo decisório. No Brasil esse tipo de análise empírica é quase inexistente. Uma significativa literatura sobre esses temas, no entanto, foi produzida nos últimos 50 anos - especialmente nos Estados Unidos e na Europa. Ao final é apresentada uma proposta de agenda de pesquisa empírica no país que se aproxima desse debate, contribuindo para uma melhor compreensão do processo de representação no âmbito da democracia brasileira.

  18. Para além da autoconsciência moderna: a historiografia de Hans Ulrich Gumbrecht Beyond modern self-consciousness: the historiography of Hans Ulrich Gumbrecht

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    Valdei Lopes de Araujo


    Full Text Available Neste artigo, apresento uma análise dos aspectos historiográficos da obra de Hans Ulrich Gumbrecht. Acompanhado o desenvolvimento de sua teoria da modernidade e das conseqüências dessa teoria para a escrita da história e para a auto-consciência disciplinar. Por fim, proponho uma releitura da história da historiografia através dos dois tipos de culturas propostas por Gumbrecht, ou seja, culturas de sentido e culturas de presença. Argumento que mesmo que a historiografia moderna possa ser caracterizada como predominantemente ancorada na produção de sentido, aspectos centrais de sua história só podem ser explicados através de elementos típicos da produção de presença.This paper analyses some historiographical aspects of Hans Ulrich Gumbrecht's work, particularly his theory of modernity and its consequences to the writing of history and its disciplinary self-conscious. Finally, it is proposed a reinterpretation of the history of historiography based on the distinction between cultures of presence and cultures of meaning. It is argued that despite the fact that the elements of meaning are predominant in the constitution of modern historiography, the forces acting in its constitution cannot be explained without typical elements of a culture of presence.

  19. Analysis of MTHFR, CBS, Glutathione, Taurine, and Hydrogen Sulfide Levels in Retinas of Hyperhomocysteinemic Mice. (United States)

    Cui, Xuezhi; Navneet, Soumya; Wang, Jing; Roon, Penny; Chen, Wei; Xian, Ming; Smith, Sylvia B


    Hyperhomocysteinemia (Hhcy) is implicated in certain retinal neurovascular diseases, although whether it is causative remains uncertain. In isolated ganglion cells (GCs), mild Hhcy induces profound death, whereas retinal phenotypes in Hhcy mice caused by mutations in remethylation (methylene tetrahydrofolatereductase [Mthfr+/-]) or transsulfuration pathways (cystathionine β-synthase [Cbs+/-]) demonstrate mild GC loss and mild vasculopathy. The current work investigated compensation in vivo of one pathway for the other, and, because the transsulfuration pathway yields cysteine necessary for formation of glutathione (GSH), taurine, and hydrogen sulfide (H2S), they were analyzed also. Retinas isolated from wild-type (WT), Mthfr+/-, and Cbs+/- mice (12 and 22 weeks) were analyzed for methylene tetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR), cystathionine-β-synthase (CBS), and cystathionase (CTH) RNA/protein levels. Retinas were evaluated for levels of reduced:oxidized GSH (GSH:GSSG), Slc7a11 (xCT), taurine, taurine transporter (TAUT), and H2S. Aside from decreased CBS RNA/protein levels in Cbs+/- retinas, there were minimal alterations in remethylation/transsulfuration pathways in the two mutant mice strains. Glutathione and taurine levels in Mthfr+/- and Cbs+/- retinas were similar to WT, which may be due to robust levels of xCT and TAUT in mutant retinas. Interestingly, levels of H2S were markedly increased in retinas of Mthfr+/- and Cbs+/- mice compared with WT. Ganglion cell loss and vasculopathy observed in Mthfr+/- and Cbs+/- mouse retinas may be milder than expected, not because of compensatory increases of enzymes in remethylation/transsulfuration pathways, but because downstream transsulfuration pathway products GSH, taurine, and H2S are maintained at robust levels. Elevation of H2S is particularly intriguing owing to neuroprotective properties reported for this gasotransmitter.

  20. Adaptive colour contrast coding in the salamander retina efficiently matches natural scene statistics.

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    Genadiy Vasserman

    Full Text Available The visual system continually adjusts its sensitivity to the statistical properties of the environment through an adaptation process that starts in the retina. Colour perception and processing is commonly thought to occur mainly in high visual areas, and indeed most evidence for chromatic colour contrast adaptation comes from cortical studies. We show that colour contrast adaptation starts in the retina where ganglion cells adjust their responses to the spectral properties of the environment. We demonstrate that the ganglion cells match their responses to red-blue stimulus combinations according to the relative contrast of each of the input channels by rotating their functional response properties in colour space. Using measurements of the chromatic statistics of natural environments, we show that the retina balances inputs from the two (red and blue stimulated colour channels, as would be expected from theoretical optimal behaviour. Our results suggest that colour is encoded in the retina based on the efficient processing of spectral information that matches spectral combinations in natural scenes on the colour processing level.

  1. The Retina Algorithm

    CERN Multimedia

    CERN. Geneva; PUNZI, Giovanni


    Charge particle reconstruction is one of the most demanding computational tasks found in HEP, and it becomes increasingly important to perform it in real time. We envision that HEP would greatly benefit from achieving a long-term goal of making track reconstruction happen transparently as part of the detector readout ("detector-embedded tracking"). We describe here a track-reconstruction approach based on a massively parallel pattern-recognition algorithm, inspired by studies of the processing of visual images by the brain as it happens in nature ('RETINA algorithm'). It turns out that high-quality tracking in large HEP detectors is possible with very small latencies, when this algorithm is implemented in specialized processors, based on current state-of-the-art, high-speed/high-bandwidth digital devices.

  2. Glycinergic pathways in the goldfish retina

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Marc, R.E.; Lam, D.M.


    Autoradiographic localization of high affinity [3H]glycine uptake in the retina of the goldfish has been used to study some anatomical and physiological properties of potentially glycinergic neurons. There are two classes of retinal cells exhibiting high affinity glycine uptake: Aa amacrine cells and I2 interplexiform cells. Aa amacrine cells constitute about 20% of the somas in the amacrine cell layer and send their dendrites to the middle of the inner plexiform layer. There they are both pre- and postsynaptic primarily to other amacrine cells. Photic modulation of glycine uptake indicates that they are probably red-hyperpolarizing/green-depolarizing neurons. I2 interplexiform cells are a newly discovered type of interplexiform cell; in the outer plexiform layer, they receive direct synaptic input from the somas of red-dominated GABAergic H1 horizontal cells and are apparently presynaptic to dendrites of unidentified types of horizontal cells. The connections of I2 interplexiform cells have not been successfully characterized in the inner plexiform layer. These findings extend our knowledge of neurochemically specific pathways in the cyprinid retina and indicate that glycine, like GABA, is a neurotransmitter primarily involved with circuits coding ''red'' information

  3. Linezolid-induced optic neuropathy with a rare pathological change in the inner retina. (United States)

    Ishii, Nobuhito; Kinouchi, Reiko; Inoue, Masatomo; Yoshida, Akitoshi


    We report a case of linezolid-induced optic neuropathy with transient microcystic spaces in the inner retina. We observed the retina using Fourier-domain optical coherence tomography (FD-OCT) in a patient with linezolid-induced optic neuropathy. A 49-year-old woman presented to our department with a 1-week history of bilateral photophobia. At the first visit, her best-corrected visual acuity (VA) was 0.6 in the right eye and 0.5 in the left eye. She had moderate optic disk edema and central scotomas bilaterally. FD-OCT showed bilateral microcystic spaces in the retina. Microcystic spaces were seen in the retinal nerve fiber layer (RNFL) and at the border of the RNFL and the retinal ganglion cell layer. Magnetic resonance imaging and laboratory tests showed no positive findings except for an elevated lactic acid level. One week after the first visit, the VA levels decreased to 0.06 and 0.07 in the right and left eyes, respectively. Because the patient had a 7-month history of linezolid treatment for persistent pyogenic arthritis, we suspected linezolid-induced optic neuropathy and immediately terminated treatment with this drug. The optic disk edema and the microcystic spaces in the retina resolved, and the VA improved to 1.2 at 6 weeks after linezolid withdrawal. Microcystic spaces, which resolved with linezolid withdrawal, were observed in linezolid-induced optic neuropathy. The microcystic spaces in the inner retina can be the first retinal sign of some optic neuropathies.

  4. Comparative proteomic analyses of macular and peripheral retina of cynomolgus monkeys (Macaca fascicularis). (United States)

    Okamoto, Haru; Umeda, Shinsuke; Nozawa, Takehiro; Suzuki, Michihiro T; Yoshikawa, Yasuhiro; Matsuura, Etsuko T; Iwata, Takeshi


    The central region of the primate retina is called the macula. The fovea is located at the center of the macula, where the photoreceptors are concentrated to create a neural network adapted for high visual acuity. Damage to the fovea, e.g., by macular dystrophies and age-related macular degeneration, can reduce central visual acuity. The molecular mechanisms leading to these diseases are most likely dependent on the proteins in the macula which differ from those in the peripheral retina in expression level. To investigate whether the distribution of proteins in the macula is different from the peripheral retina, proteomic analyses of tissues from these two regions of cynomolgus monkeys were compared. Two-dimensional gel electrophoresis and mass spectrometry identified 26 proteins that were present only in the macular gel spots. The expression levels of five proteins, cone photoreceptor specific arrestin-C, gamma-synuclein, epidermal fatty acid binding protein, tropomyosin 1alpha chain, and heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoproteins A2/B1, were significantly higher in the macula than in the peripheral retina. Immunostaining of macula sections by antibodies to each identified protein revealed unique localization in the retina, retinal pigment epithelial cells and the choroidal layer. Some of these proteins were located in cells with higher densities in the macula. We suggest that it will be important to study these proteins to determine their contribution to the pathogenesis and progression of macula diseases.

  5. Ultrasound-mediated nanoparticle delivery across ex vivo bovine retina after intravitreal injection. (United States)

    Huang, Di; Chen, Ying-Shan; Thakur, Sachin S; Rupenthal, Ilva D


    Intravitreal injection is the most common administration route for the treatment of retinal diseases. However, the vitreous and some of the retinal layers themselves act as significant barriers to efficient delivery of drugs administered intravitreally. This study aimed to improve the diffusive mobility of nanoparticles (NPs) in the vitreous and enhance their permeation across the retina after intravitreal injection by application of ultrasound (US). Ex vivo posterior bovine eye cups were used and the vitreous was either left intact or removed gently from the neural retina. Hyaluronic acid coated human serum albumin NPs were administered into the eye cups and continuous US with a frequency of 1MHz, an intensity of 0.5W/cm 2 , and a duration of 30s was applied once or repeatedly via the transscleral route. After pre-determined time points, fluorescence intensities in the vitreous and the retina were analyzed. Short pulses of US significantly improved the diffusive mobility of NPs through the vitreous as well as their penetration across the neural retina into the retinal pigment epithelium and choroid without causing any detectable damage to the ocular tissues. Therefore, transscleral US could be a powerful and safe tool to enhance retinal delivery of intravitreally injected NPs. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  6. Financeirização do Estado, erosão da democracia e empobrecimento da cidadania: tendências globais? Marketizing of the State, erosion of democracy and impoverishment of citizenship: global tendencies?

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    Karen Mary Giffin


    Full Text Available Este artigo aborda a questão do avanço internacional do regime neoliberal, contexto da formulação de políticas que focalizam a pobreza, inclusive em países centrais. Em debates recentes, termos como 'cidadania' e 'democracia' têm sido sujeitos à interrogação crítica, revelando mudanças na relação cidadão/Estado que acompanham a hegemonia de critérios econômicos e a financeirização dos Estados nacionais. Argumentamos que tais processos globais requerem uma abordagem ampla, de uma perspectiva de economia política, capaz de iluminar como a substância da democracia e a legitimidade da autoridade estatal têm sido condicionadas pelo avanço de novos atores globais que representam os interesses do capital, favorecendo a concentração da riqueza e o aumento da pobreza, da desigualdade e da exclusão, e instaurando uma insegurança vital que atinge a maioria da população em nível mundial.This article analyses the advance of the neo-liberal regime, in order to contextualise the international formulation of policies focussed on poverty reduction. In recent debates, terms such as 'citizenship' and 'democracy' have been subject to critical scrutiny, revealing changes in the relations between citizens and the State which accompany the hegemony of economic criteria that put financial considerations at the centre of national states. We argue that analyses of such global processes require an ample political economy perspective, capable of illuminating how the substance of democracy and the legitimacy of state authority have been conditioned by the advance of new global entities that represent the interests of capital, favouring the concentration of wealth and the increase of poverty, inequality and exclusion, and installing a state of vital insecurity that affects the majority of the world's population.

  7. Análise quantitativa da camada de fibras nervosas da retina de cães normais e glaucomatosos através da polarimetria a laser

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    Ana Lucia Braga Martins


    Full Text Available As lesões glaucomatosas são progressivas e irreversíveis. Estudos sobre o aparecimento e comportamento desta enfermidade vêm sendo discutidos na oftalmologia em geral. O diagnóstico precoce é de extrema importância para o tratamento e estabilização da mesma. A análise da espessura da camada de fibras nervosas retinianas ''in vivo'' foi proposta na oftalmologia humana, para estabelecer as alterações produzidas pelo glaucoma, e tem demonstrado que tais alterações podem ser detectadas até seis anos antes de alterações de campo visual e aumento de pressão intraocular. Entretanto, na Medicina Veterinária, estes dados carecem de estudo e discussão. Neste experimento foram utilizados dois grupos de cães, com olhos normais e olhos glaucomatosos, que foram submetidos à análise das fibras nervosas retinianas através do Analisador de Fibras Nervosas GDx. Os resultados estatísticos demonstraram que a camada de fibras nervosas dos olhos dos cães glaucomatosos estava mais delgada (p < 0,05 quando comparados aos olhos de cães normais, confirmando a perda de axônios das células ganglionares em olhos de cães com glaucoma.

  8. Tratamento cirúrgico da retinopatia diabética

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    Nelson Alexandre Sabrosa


    Full Text Available A retinopatia diabética é a causa mais frequente de cegueira na população ativa nos países desenvolvidos. A prevalência da retinopatia diabética aumenta com a duração da diabetes, e praticamente 100% dos pacientes com diabetes tipo I (DM I e mais do que 60% dos pacientes com o tipo II (DM II apresentarão algum sinal de retinopatia após 20 anos. Além de um controle sistêmico rigoroso dos níveis glicêmicos, lipídicos, colesterol e da pressão arterial, o exame oftalmológico de rotina, com a identificação precoce da retinopatia diabética, podem detectar anormalidades em estágios primários, o que possibilita o tratamento ainda na fase inicial do problema; o uso adequado da fotocoagulação e a utilização da terapia antiangiogênica pode reduzir o número de pacientes com hemorragia vítrea ou descolamento tracional da retina. Infelizmente, em vários pacientes, a retinopatia progride mesmo com as melhores condutas tomadas pelo paciente e pelo oftalmologista, embora vários olhos podem se beneficiar com o tratamento cirúrgico, a vitrectomia posterior via pars plana. Esta revisão apresenta as indicações atuais para cirurgia vitreorretiniana em pacientes portadores de retinopatia diabética proliferativa.

  9. Defects in the outer limiting membrane are associated with rosette development in the Nrl-/- retina.

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    Michael W Stuck

    Full Text Available The neural retinal leucine zipper (Nrl knockout mouse is a widely used model to study cone photoreceptor development, physiology, and molecular biology in the absence of rods. In the Nrl(-/- retina, rods are converted into functional cone-like cells. The Nrl(-/- retina is characterized by large undulations of the outer nuclear layer (ONL commonly known as rosettes. Here we explore the mechanism of rosette development in the Nrl(-/- retina. We report that rosettes first appear at postnatal day (P8, and that the structure of nascent rosettes is morphologically distinct from what is seen in the adult retina. The lumen of these nascent rosettes contains a population of aberrant cells protruding into the subretinal space that induce infolding of the ONL. Morphologically adult rosettes do not contain any cell bodies and are first detected at P15. The cells found in nascent rosettes are photoreceptors in origin but lack inner and outer segments. We show that the adherens junctions between photoreceptors and Müller glia which comprise the retinal outer limiting membrane (OLM are not uniformly formed in the Nrl(-/- retina and thus allow protrusion of a population of developing photoreceptors into the subretinal space where their maturation becomes delayed. These data suggest that the rosettes of the Nrl(-/- retina arise due to defects in the OLM and delayed maturation of a subset of photoreceptors, and that rods may play an important role in the proper formation of the OLM.

  10. Effects of mercury intoxication on the response of horizontal cells of the retina of thraira fish (Hoplias malabaricus

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    C.L. Tanan


    Full Text Available Methyl mercury (MeHg is highly neurotoxic, affecting visual function in addition to other central nervous system functions. The effect of mercury intoxication on the amplitude of horizontal cell responses to light was studied in the retina of the fish Hoplias malabaricus. Intracellular responses were recorded from horizontal cells of fish previously intoxicated with MeHg by intraperitoneal injection (IP group or by trophic exposure (T group. Only one retina per fish was used. The doses of MeHg chloride administered to the IP group were 0.01, 0.05, 0.1, 1.0, 2.0, and 6.0 mg/kg. The amplitudes of the horizontal cell responses were lower than control in individuals exposed to 0.01 (N = 4 retinas, 0.05 (N = 2 retinas and 0.1 mg/kg (N = 1 retina, whereas no responses were recorded in the 1.0, 2.0, and 6.0 mg/kg groups. T group individuals were fed young specimens of Astyanax sp previously injected with MeHg corresponding to 0.75 (N = 1 retina, 0.075 (N = 8 retinas or 0.0075 (N = 4 retinas mg/kg fish body weight. After 14 doses, one every 5 days, the amplitude of the horizontal cell response was higher than control in individuals exposed to 0.075 and 0.0075 mg/kg, and lower in individuals exposed to 0.75 mg/kg. We conclude that intoxication with MeHg affects the electrophysiological response of the horizontal cells in the retina, either reducing or increasing its amplitude compared to control, and that these effects are related to the dose and/or to the mode of administration.

  11. Two-photon excited autofluorescence imaging of freshly isolated frog retinas. (United States)

    Lu, Rong-Wen; Li, Yi-Chao; Ye, Tong; Strang, Christianne; Keyser, Kent; Curcio, Christine A; Yao, Xin-Cheng


    The purpose of this study was to investigate cellular sources of autofluorescence signals in freshly isolated frog (Rana pipiens) retinas. Equipped with an ultrafast laser, a laser scanning two-photon excitation fluorescence microscope was employed for sub-cellular resolution examination of both sliced and flat-mounted retinas. Two-photon imaging of retinal slices revealed autofluorescence signals over multiple functional layers, including the photoreceptor layer (PRL), outer nuclear layer (ONL), outer plexiform layer (OPL), inner nuclear layer (INL), inner plexiform layer (IPL), and ganglion cell layer (GCL). Using flat-mounted retinas, depth-resolved imaging of individual retinal layers further confirmed multiple sources of autofluorescence signals. Cellular structures were clearly observed at the PRL, ONL, INL, and GCL. At the PRL, the autofluorescence was dominantly recorded from the intracellular compartment of the photoreceptors; while mixed intracellular and extracellular autofluorescence signals were observed at the ONL, INL, and GCL. High resolution autofluorescence imaging clearly revealed mosaic organization of rod and cone photoreceptors; and sub-cellular bright autofluorescence spots, which might relate to connecting cilium, was observed in the cone photoreceptors only. Moreover, single-cone and double-cone outer segments could be directly differentiated.

  12. Circulating Reactive Oxidant Causes Apoptosis of Retinal Pigment Epithelium and Cone Photoreceptors in the Mouse Central Retina

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    Wei Wang


    Full Text Available Reactive oxidants damage the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE, which is required for viability of overlying photoreceptors. Smoking which leads to chronic accumulation of reactive oxidants in the circulation is linked to age-related macular degeneration (AMD where RPE death is seen along with photoreceptor loss in the central macular region of the retina. It is unclear why this damage is concentrated in the central retina. We asked whether circulating oxidant might specifically target the central retina. Mice were administered the classic reactive oxidant iodate through tail vein injection, and visual acuity was followed by optokinetic response. Histology and apoptosis was examined by H&E and immunostaining. Iodate indeed selectively damaged the central retina, and this damage was highlighted by early apoptosis of RPE in the central retina followed by apoptosis of photoreceptors adjacent to the region of RPE loss–-cones were lost preferentially. The pattern and extent of this damage was independent of exposure to light. We then conclude that circulating oxidant is sufficient to selectively damage the central retina highlighted by sequential apoptosis of RPE and photoreceptors, with cones being the most sensitivity to this RPE loss.

  13. Preservation of Retina Ganglion Cell Function by Morphine in a Chronic Ocular-Hypertensive Rat Model


    Husain, Shahid; Abdul, Yasir; Crosson, Craig E.


    Morphine, a broad range opioid-receptors agonist, provides retina neuroprotection against glaucomatous injury in chronic experimental rat model. Morphine-induced retina neuroprotection in glaucoma model is mediated partly via inhibition of TNF-alpha production and caspase-3 and caspase-8 activation.

  14. Simulating the Effects of Laser Damage to the Retina

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library


    This Phase II SBIR brought vision and signal processing researchers from the Air Force, academia and the public sector together to develop a visualization tool for modeling laser damage to the retina...

  15. Excess lead in the neural retina in age-related macular degeneration. (United States)

    Erie, Jay C; Good, Jonathan A; Butz, John A


    To measure lead and cadmium in retinal tissues of human donor eyes with and without age-related macular degeneration (AMD). Laboratory investigation. Lead and cadmium concentrations in retinal tissues (neural retina and retinal pigment epithelium [RPE]-choroid complex) in 25 subjects with AMD (50 donor eyes) and 36 normal subjects (72 donor eyes) were determined by using inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry. Severity of AMD was graded by using color fundus photographs and the Minnesota Grading System. Differences in metal concentrations were compared by using Wilcoxon rank-sum tests. The neural retinas of subjects with AMD had increased lead concentrations (median, 12.0 ng/g; 25% to 75% interquartile range, 8 to 18 ng/g; n = 25) compared with normal subjects (median, 8.0 ng/g; 25% to 75% interquartile range, 0 to 11 ng/g; P = .04; n = 36). There was no difference in lead concentration in the RPE-choroid complex between subjects with AMD (median, 198 ng/g; 25% to 75% interquartile range, 87 to 381 ng/g) and normal subjects (median, 172 ng/g; 25% to 75% interquartile range, 100 to 288 ng/g; P = .25). Cadmium concentration in the neural retina (median, 0.9 microg/g; 25% to 75% interquartile range, 0.7 to 1.8 microg/g) and RPE-choroid complex (median, 2.2 microg/g; 25% to 75% interquartile range, 1.8 to 3.7 microg/g) in subjects with AMD was not different from concentrations in the neural retina (median, 0.9 microg/g; 25% to 75% interquartile range, 0.7 to 1.4 microg/g; P = .32) and RPE-choroid complex (median, 1.5 microg/g; 25% to 75% interquartile range, 0.9 to 2.5 microg/g; P = .12) of normal subjects. AMD is associated with excess lead in the neural retina, and this relationship suggests that metal homeostasis in AMD eyes is different from normal.

  16. Temas centrales de la antropología de la educación contemporánea Temas centrais da antropologia da educac á o contempor á nea Central Topics in Contemporary Educational Anthropology

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    Aurora Bernal- Martínez de Soria


    Full Text Available La breve historia de la antropología de la educación como disciplina científica -en comparación con otras divisiones de la antropología- muestra un elenco de contenidos apropiados para la formación de los educadores. La adopción de metodologías distintas enfoca la atención científica hacia dimensiones también diversas del objeto de la antropología de la educación. Las categorías clave en el estudio son: la educabilidad y la cultura. La antropología de la educación con un método empírico se centra en la temática de la cultura. La antropología de la educación con un método filosófico se centra en la educabilidad. Se propone en estas páginas, para la formación de los educadores, la opción por una antropología de la educación con un método filosófico, que abarque tanto la educabilidad como la cultura, acogiendo los resultados de la investigación empírica. Esta perspectiva integradora permite al educador conocer cómo se distinguen y se relacionan educación y cultura, en el crecimiento de las personas protagonistas del proceso de educación. Se necesitan otras nociones, como naturaleza y persona, para comprender a fondo el fenómeno educativo desde la perspectiva de la antropología.A breve história da antropologia da educação como disciplina científica, comparada com a de outras disciplinas da antropologia, mostra um elemento de contidos apropriados para a formação dos educadores. A adoção de metodologias dis­ tintas centra a atenção científica para dimensões também diversas do objeto da antropologia da educação. As categorias clave no estudo são: a educabilidade e a cultura. Quando utiliza um método empírico, a antropologia da educação centrase na temática da cultura; a antropologia da educação, utilizando um método filosófico, centrase na educabilidade. Para a formação dos educadores, neste artigo propõe-se a alternativa de uma antropologia da educação com um método filosófico que

  17. Light regulation of the insulin receptor in the retina. (United States)

    Rajala, Raju V S; Anderson, Robert E


    The peptide hormone insulin binds its cognate cell-surface receptors to activate a coordinated biochemical-signaling network and to induce intracellular events. The retina is an integral part of the central nervous system and is known to contain insulin receptors, although their function is unknown. This article, describes recent studies that link the photobleaching of rhodopsin to tyrosine phosphorylation of the insulin receptor and subsequent activation of phosphoinositide 3- kinase (PI3K). We recently found a light-dependent increase in tyrosine phosphorylation of the insulin receptor-beta-subunit (IR beta) and an increase in PI3K enzyme activity in isolated rod outer segments (ROS) and in anti-phosphotyrosine (PY) and anti-IR beta immunoprecipitates of retinal homogenates. The light effect, which was localized to photoreceptor neurons, is independent of insulin secretion. Our results suggest that light induces tyrosine phosphorylation of IR beta in outer-segment membranes, which leads to the binding of p85 through its N-terminal SH2 domain and the generation of PI-3,4,5-P3. We suggest that the physiological role of this process may be to provide neuroprotection of the retina against light damage by activating proteins that protect against stress-induced apoptosis. The studies linking PI3K activation through tyrosine phosphorylation of IR beta now provide physiological relevance for the presence of these receptors in the retina.

  18. Analysis of transcriptional regulatory pathways of photoreceptor genes by expression profiling of the Otx2-deficient retina. (United States)

    Omori, Yoshihiro; Katoh, Kimiko; Sato, Shigeru; Muranishi, Yuki; Chaya, Taro; Onishi, Akishi; Minami, Takashi; Fujikado, Takashi; Furukawa, Takahisa


    In the vertebrate retina, the Otx2 transcription factor plays a crucial role in the cell fate determination of both rod and cone photoreceptors. We previously reported that Otx2 conditional knockout (CKO) mice exhibited a total absence of rods and cones in the retina due to their cell fate conversion to amacrine-like cells. In order to investigate the entire transcriptome of the Otx2 CKO retina, we compared expression profile of Otx2 CKO and wild-type retinas at P1 and P12 using microarray. We observed that expression of 101- and 1049-probe sets significantly decreased in the Otx2 CKO retina at P1 and P12, respectively, whereas, expression of 3- and 4149-probe sets increased at P1 and P12, respectively. We found that expression of genes encoding transcription factors involved in photoreceptor development, including Crx, Nrl, Nr2e3, Esrrb, and NeuroD, was markedly down-regulated in the Otx2 CKO at both P1 and P12. Furthermore, we identified three human retinal disease loci mapped in close proximity to certain down-regulated genes in the Otx2 CKO retina including Ccdc126, Tnfsf13 and Pitpnm1, suggesting that these genes are possibly responsible for these diseases. These transcriptome data sets of the Otx2 CKO retina provide a resource on developing rods and cones to further understand the molecular mechanisms underlying photoreceptor development, function and disease.

  19. Analysis of transcriptional regulatory pathways of photoreceptor genes by expression profiling of the Otx2-deficient retina.

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    Yoshihiro Omori

    Full Text Available In the vertebrate retina, the Otx2 transcription factor plays a crucial role in the cell fate determination of both rod and cone photoreceptors. We previously reported that Otx2 conditional knockout (CKO mice exhibited a total absence of rods and cones in the retina due to their cell fate conversion to amacrine-like cells. In order to investigate the entire transcriptome of the Otx2 CKO retina, we compared expression profile of Otx2 CKO and wild-type retinas at P1 and P12 using microarray. We observed that expression of 101- and 1049-probe sets significantly decreased in the Otx2 CKO retina at P1 and P12, respectively, whereas, expression of 3- and 4149-probe sets increased at P1 and P12, respectively. We found that expression of genes encoding transcription factors involved in photoreceptor development, including Crx, Nrl, Nr2e3, Esrrb, and NeuroD, was markedly down-regulated in the Otx2 CKO at both P1 and P12. Furthermore, we identified three human retinal disease loci mapped in close proximity to certain down-regulated genes in the Otx2 CKO retina including Ccdc126, Tnfsf13 and Pitpnm1, suggesting that these genes are possibly responsible for these diseases. These transcriptome data sets of the Otx2 CKO retina provide a resource on developing rods and cones to further understand the molecular mechanisms underlying photoreceptor development, function and disease.

  20. Effects of hyperbaric oxygen on crystalline lens and retina in nicotine-exposed rats. (United States)

    Ari, Seyhmus; Nergiz, Yusuf; Cingü, Abdullah Kürşat; Atay, Ahmet Engin; Sahin, Alparslan; Cinar, Yasin; Caca, Ihsan


    To determine histopathological changes on crystalline lens and retina of rats after subcutaneous injection of nicotine and to examine the effects of hyperbaric oxygen (HBO) on these changes related to nicotine exposure. Twenty-eight female Sprague-Dawley rats were enrolled in the study and the rats were divided into four equal sized groups randomly (Group N: the rats exposed only to nicotine, group HB: the rats received only HBO, group N+HB: the rats that underwent to nicotine injection and subsequently received HBO, group C: the control group that neither exposed to nicotine nor received HBO). The rats were sacrificed by decapitation method and all were enucleated immediately after scarification. Tissue samples from crystalline lens, lens capsule, and the retina from the right eyes of the rats were examined by light microscopy. While the histological appearances of the retina and the lens was similar in group HB, group N+HB, and the control group; group N showed some pathological changes like decrement in the retinal ganglion cell density, atrophy of the retinal nerve fiber layer, congestion of the vessels in the optic nerve head, thinning of the internal plexiform layer, thinning of the lens capsule, and transformation of the anterior subcapsular epithelium into squamous epithelia. Subcutaneous injection of nicotine was found to be related with some pathological changes in the retina and lens of the Sprague-Dawley rats. However HBO caused no significant negative effect. Furthermore, the histopathological changes related to nicotine exposure in the lens and retina of the rats recovered by the application of HBO.

  1. Effect of ozone therapy on cell apoptosis and angiogenesis in retina tissue of diabetic retinopathy rats

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)

    Xiao Liu


    ABSTRACT Objective:To study the effect of ozone therapy on cell apoptosis and angiogenesis in retina tissue of diabetic retinopathy rats.Methods:SD rats were selected as experimental animals and divided into control group, model group and ozone group, and after diabetic models were built, ozone enema was conducted. Retina tissue was collected, TUNEL kits were used to detect the number of apoptotic cells, and Elisa kits were used to detect the contents of nerve damage molecules, angiogenesis-related molecules and endoplasmic reticulum stress molecules. Results:The number of apoptotic cells in retina tissue of model group was significantly more than that of control group, and the number of apoptotic cells in retina tissue of ozone group was significantly less than that of model group; NgR, NR2B, ERK1, ERK2, GFAP, VEGF, STAT-3, HIF-1α, Apelin, APJ, PERK, IRE-1α, ATF-6, eIF2α and XBP-1 contents in retina tissue of model group were significantly higher than those of control group, and PEDF content was lower than that of control group; NgR, NR2B, ERK1, ERK2, GFAP, VEGF, STAT-3, HIF-1α, Apelin, APJ, PERK, IRE-1α, ATF-6, eIF2α and XBP-1 contents in retina tissue of ozone group were significantly lower than those of model group, and PEDF content was higher than that of model group.Conclusion:Ozone therapy can reduce the number of apoptotic cells while reduce nerve cell injury and inhibit angiogenesis and endoplasmic reticulum stress in retina tissue of diabetic rats.

  2. Effects and Responses to Spaceflight in the Mouse Retina (United States)

    Zanello, Susana B.; Theriot, Corey; Westby, Christian; Boyle, Richard


    Several stress environmental factors are combined in a unique fashion during spaceflight, affecting living beings widely across their physiological systems. Recently, attention has been placed on vision changes in astronauts returning from long duration missions. Alterations include hyperoptic shift, globe flattening, choroidal folds and optic disc edema, which are probably associated with increased intracranial pressure. These observations justify a better characterization of the ocular health risks associated with spaceflight. This study investigates the impact of spaceflight on the biology of the mouse retina. Within a successful tissue sharing effort, eyes from albino Balb/cJ mice aboard STS-133 were collected for histological analysis and gene expression profiling of the retina at 1 and 7 days after landing. Both vivarium and AEM (Animal Enclosure Module) mice were used as ground controls. Oxidative stress-induced DNA damage was higher in the flight samples compared to controls on R+1, and decreased on R+7. A trend toward higher oxidative and cellular stress response gene expression was also observed on R+1 compared to AEM controls, and these levels decreased on R+7. Several genes coding for key antioxidant enzymes, namely, heme-oxygenase-1, peroxiredoxin, and catalase, were among those upregulated after flight. Likewise, NF B and TGFbeta1, were upregulated in one flight specimen that overall showed the most elevated oxidative stress markers on R+1. In addition, retinas from vivarium control mice evidenced higher oxidative stress markers, NF B and TGFbeta1, likely due to the more intense illumination in vivarium cages versus the AEM. These preliminary data suggest that spaceflight represents a source of environmental stress that translates into oxidative and cellular stress in the retina, which is partially reversible upon return to Earth. Further work is needed to dissect the contribution of the various spaceflight factors (microgravity, radiation) and to

  3. Increased expression of IRE1α and stress-related signal transduction proteins in ischemia-reperfusion injured retina

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    Natsuyo Hata


    Full Text Available Natsuyo Hata1, Toshiyuki Oshitari1,2, Akiko Yokoyama1,3, Yoshinori Mitamura1, Shuichi Yamamoto11Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Science, Chiba University Graduate School of Medicine, Chuo-ku, Chiba, Japan; 2Department of Ophthalmology, Kimitsu Central Hospital, Kisarazu City, Chiba, Japan; 3Department of Ophthalmology, Inoue Memorial Hospital, Chuo-ku, Chiba, JapanAbstract: The purpose of this study was to determine whether the expression of ER stress-related factors IRE1α, apoptosis signal-regulating kinase 1 (ASK1, SAPK/ERK kinase 1 (SEK1 and c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK is associated with the damaged retinal neurons induced by ischemia-reperfusion injury. After 60 minutes of ischemia, the rat retinas were reperfused, and retinas were isolated and fixed after 6, 9, 12, 18, and 24 hours, and 2, 5, and 9 days of reperfusion. Cryosections were immunostained with Fluoro-Jade B, a degenerating neuron marker to label degenerating neurons. Semi-quantitative analysis of the expression of IRE1α, ASK1, SEK1, and JNK were performed in both control and ischemic retinas. In ischemic retinas, the intensities of IRE1α immunoreactivity in the ganglion cell layer (GCL were significantly higher than in the control retinas. In ischemic retinas, the numbers of SEK1-, ASK1-, and JNK-positive cells were significantly increased in the GCL compared to those in the control retinas. In addition, the cells that were positive for SEK1-, ASK1-, and JNK were also positive for Fluoro-Jade B-positive cells. These results indicate that the increased expression of ER stress-related factors was, in part, associated with the retinal neuronal abnormalities after ischemia-reperfusion injury in rat retinas.Keywords: endoplasmic reticulum, IRE1α, apoptosis signal-regulating kinase 1, SAPK/ERK kinase 1, c-Jun N-terminal kinase, Fluoro-Jade B, ischemia-reperfusion injury

  4. Bipolar cell gap junctions serve major signaling pathways in the human retina. (United States)

    Kántor, Orsolya; Varga, Alexandra; Nitschke, Roland; Naumann, Angela; Énzsöly, Anna; Lukáts, Ákos; Szabó, Arnold; Németh, János; Völgyi, Béla


    Connexin36 (Cx36) constituent gap junctions (GJ) throughout the brain connect neurons into functional syncytia. In the retina they underlie the transmission, averaging and correlation of signals prior conveying visual information to the brain. This is the first study that describes retinal bipolar cell (BC) GJs in the human inner retina, whose function is enigmatic even in the examined animal models. Furthermore, a number of unique features (e.g. fovea, trichromacy, midget system) necessitate a reexamination of the animal model results in the human retina. Well-preserved postmortem human samples of this study are allowed to identify Cx36 expressing BCs neurochemically. Results reveal that both rod and cone pathway interneurons display strong Cx36 expression. Rod BC inputs to AII amacrine cells (AC) appear in juxtaposition to AII GJs, thus suggesting a strategic AII cell targeting by rod BCs. Cone BCs serving midget, parasol or koniocellular signaling pathways display a wealth of Cx36 expression to form homologously coupled arrays. In addition, they also establish heterologous GJ contacts to serve an exchange of information between parallel signaling streams. Interestingly, a prominent Cx36 expression was exhibited by midget system BCs that appear to maintain intimate contacts with bistratified BCs serving other pathways. These findings suggest that BC GJs in parallel signaling streams serve both an intra- and inter-pathway exchange of signals in the human retina.

  5. Expression and Function of the Endocannabinoid System in the Retina and the Visual Brain

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    Jean-François Bouchard


    Full Text Available Endocannabinoids are important retrograde modulators of synaptic transmission throughout the nervous system. Cannabinoid receptors are seven transmembrane G-protein coupled receptors favoring Gi/o protein. They are known to play an important role in various processes, including metabolic regulation, craving, pain, anxiety, and immune function. In the last decade, there has been a growing interest for endocannabinoids in the retina and their role in visual processing. The purpose of this review is to characterize the expression and physiological functions of the endocannabinoid system in the visual system, from the retina to the primary visual cortex, with a main interest regarding the retina, which is the best-described area in this system so far. It will show that the endocannabinoid system is widely present in the retina, mostly in the through pathway where it can modulate neurotransmitter release and ion channel activity, although some evidence also indicates possible mechanisms via amacrine, horizontal, and Müller cells. The presence of multiple endocannabinoid ligands, synthesizing and catabolizing enzymes, and receptors highlights various pharmacological targets for novel therapeutic application to retinal diseases.

  6. [Lattice degeneration of the retina]. (United States)

    Boĭko, E V; Suetov, A A; Mal'tsev, D S


    Lattice degeneration of the retina is a clinically important type of peripheral retinal dystrophies due to its participation in the pathogenesis of rhegmatogenous retinal detachment. In spite of extensive epidemiological, morphological, and clinical data, the question on causes of this particular type of retinal dystrophies currently remains debatable. Existing hypotheses on pathogenesis of retinal structural changes in lattice degeneration explain it to a certain extent. In clinical ophthalmology it is necessary to pay close attention to this kind of degenerations and distinguish between cases requiring preventive treatment and those requiring monitoring.

  7. Da criança-cidadã ao fim da infância From children citizen to the end of childhood

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    Flávio Brayner


    Full Text Available O artigo discute a experiência de embaralhamento de fronteiras entre o espaço público e o espaço privado, de um lado, e, de outro, entre o adulto e a criança, com decisivas e, talvez, catastróficas conseqüências para a permanência de um mundo comum e sua transmissibilidade. A relação entre escola e cidadania serve como fio vermelho desta discussão que, em um de seus argumentos centrais, discorda da existência de algo que chamamos de "aluno-cidadão" para, no final, ensaiar uma breve nota sobre uma escola ("conservadoramente" democrática.This paper discusses the experience of erased frontiers between public and private spaces, on the one hand, and between adults and children, on the other, which encompasses decisive, if not catastrophic consequences on the permanence of a common world and its transmissibility. The relationship between school and citizenship comes as the unifying thread in this discussion whose main argument denies the existence of the so-called "student-citizen". Finally, it brings forward a brief note on a (conservative democratic school.

  8. Lipid nanoparticles as drug/gene delivery systems to the retina. (United States)

    del Pozo-Rodríguez, Ana; Delgado, Diego; Gascón, Alicia R; Solinís, Maria Ángeles


    This review highlights the application of lipid nanoparticles (Solid Lipid Nanoparticles, Nanostructured Lipid Carriers, or Lipid Drug Conjugates) as effective drug/gene delivery systems for retinal diseases. Most drug products for ocular disease treatment are marketed as eye drop formulations but, due to ocular barriers, the drug concentration in the retina hardly ever turns out to be effective. Up to this date, several delivery systems have been designed to deliver drugs to the retina. Drug delivery strategies may be classified into 3 groups: noninvasive techniques, implants, and colloidal carriers. The best known systems for drug delivery to the posterior eye are intravitreal implants; in fact, some of them are being clinically used. However, their long-term accumulation might impact the patient's vision. On the contrary, colloidal drug delivery systems (microparticles, liposomes, or nanoparticles) can be easily administered in a liquid form. Nanoparticular systems diffuse rapidly and are better internalized in ocular tissues than microparticles. In comparison with liposomes, nanoparticles have a higher loading capacity and are more stable in biological fluids and during storage. In addition, their capacity to adhere to the ocular surface and interact with the endothelium makes these drug delivery systems interesting as new therapeutic tools in ophthalmology. Within the group of nanoparticles, those composed of lipids (Solid Lipid Nanoparticles, Nanostructred Lipid Carriers, and Lipid Drug Conjugates) are more biocompatible, easy to produce at large scale, and they may be autoclaved or sterilized. The present review summarizes scientific results that evidence the potential application of lipid nanoparticles as drug delivery systems for the retina and also as nonviral vectors in gene therapy of retina disorders, although much more effort is still needed before these lipidic systems could be available in the market.

  9. Teorias da lei natural: Pufendorf e Rousseau Natural law theories: Pufendorf and Rousseau

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    Luiz Felipe Netto de Andrade e Silva Sahd


    Full Text Available O presente artigo tem como objetivo reconstruir argumentos centrais desenvolvidos por Jean-Jacques Rousseau. Contra Samuel Pufendorf, Rousseau defende que a justiça não é natural. Ele recusa todo compromisso com a lei natural tradicional para voltar à posição de Thomas Hobbes. Ora, no estado originário de natureza, os princípios racionais da lei natural que expõe Pufendorf não podem ser conhecidos, e, por conseguinte, quando puderem ser conhecidos, não serão aplicados por natureza.The present article aims at reconstructing Jean-Jacques Rousseau’s central arguments. Against Samuel Pufendorf, Rousseau maintains that justice is not natural, thereby rejecting the compromise with traditional natural law and wholly returning to the position of Thomas Hobbes. Now, in the original state of nature, Pufendorf’s rational principles of natural law cannot be known; later, when they may be known, they are not by nature enforced.

  10. An analog VLSI chip emulating polarization vision of Octopus retina. (United States)

    Momeni, Massoud; Titus, Albert H


    Biological systems provide a wealth of information which form the basis for human-made artificial systems. In this work, the visual system of Octopus is investigated and its polarization sensitivity mimicked. While in actual Octopus retina, polarization vision is mainly based on the orthogonal arrangement of its photoreceptors, our implementation uses a birefringent micropolarizer made of YVO4 and mounted on a CMOS chip with neuromorphic circuitry to process linearly polarized light. Arranged in an 8 x 5 array with two photodiodes per pixel, each consuming typically 10 microW, this circuitry mimics both the functionality of individual Octopus retina cells by computing the state of polarization and the interconnection of these cells through a bias-controllable resistive network.

  11. Curcumin Delays Retinal Degeneration by Regulating Microglia Activation in the Retina of rd1 Mice

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    Yanhe Wang


    Full Text Available Background/Aims: Retinitis pigmentosa (RP is characterized by degeneration of photoreceptors, and there are currently no effective treatments for this disease. However, curcumin has shown neuroprotectant efficacy in a RP rat and swine model, and thus, may have neuroprotective effects in this disease. Methods: Immunofluorescence staining, electroretinogram recordings, and behavioral tests were used to analyze the effects of curcumin and the underlying mechanism in retinal degeneration 1 (rd1 mice. Results: The number of apoptotic cells in the retina of rd1 mice at postnatal day 14 significantly decreased with curcumin treatment and visual function was improved. The activation of microglia and secretion of chemokines and matrix metalloproteinases in the retina were inhibited by curcumin. These effects were also observed in a co-culture of BV2 microglial cells and retina-derived 661W cells. Conclusions: Curcumin delayed retinal degeneration by suppressing microglia activation in the retina of rd1 mice. Thus, it may be an effective treatment for neurodegenerative disorders such as RP.

  12. Modelación y simulación de la retina humana


    Andrés Castaño; Camilo Montenegro; Carlos Molina; Sergio Mejía


    Las enfermedades de la retina causan pérdida de la visión de varios
    grados de severidad; las causas son múltiples y en la mayoría de los casos irreversibles. En los últimos años se ha venido desarrollando investigación en el campo de la visión artificial y la visión por computador, alrededor de todo el mundo. Nuestro proyecto pretende desarrollar un modelo matemático de la retina, implementar la solución numérica en MATLAB™ y posteriormente construir un dispositivo electró...

  13. Os reformadores empresariais da educação: da desmoralização do magistério à destruição do sistema público de educação

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    Luiz Carlos de Freitas


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho é reunir evidência empírica costumeiramente sonegada pelos reformadores empresariais da educação no Brasil e apresentar algumas das características que marcam a proposta destes "novos reformadores". As categorias centrais que definem esta política educacional envolvem uma combinação de responsabilização, meritocracia e privatização. Estuda-se a produção americana privilegiadamente porque é neste país que estas ideias foram mais largamente testadas com resultados que as caracterizam como uma verdadeira década perdida para a educação americana. No Brasil estas ideias estão crescendo, em especial ao nível das secretarias estaduais e municipais de Educação. Pretende-se alertar para os riscos destas políticas já evidenciados na pesquisa e na prática educacional.

  14. Repensando a escolha racional e a teoria da agência: fazendeiros de gado e capatazes no século XIX

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    Monsma Karl


    Full Text Available O artigo explora o valor e os limites da teoria da agência por meio da comparação das relações entre fazendeiros de gado e capatazes no Rio Grande do Sul e em Buenos Aires nas primeiras décadas do século XIX. Considera que a teoria da agência e a abordagem da escolha racional baseiam-se em uma teoria da ação deficiente, pressupondo atores pré-sociais, que usam uma racionalidade universal, embora possam ser úteis para identificar certos dilemas centrais na relação entre principal e agente e para delimitar o conjunto das soluções viáveis. Como os atores geralmente não tentam otimizar suas escolhas, mas buscam soluções satisfatórias para os problemas que encontram, somente a história e a cultura explicam a "escolha" de um dos arranjos viáveis e não de outro. O contexto e a experiência se internalizam no habitus e na consciência prática dos atores, que moldam a definição dos problemas e as estratégias para resolvê-los. Os fazendeiros estudados neste artigo abordavam questões semelhantes de agência de maneiras diferentes. Parte da divergência devia-se aos contextos, mas muito dela se relacionava aos habitus distintos, decorrentes da origem do portenho na classe dos grandes comerciantes coloniais, sem experiência rural, e da origem do gaúcho na elite dos militares fazendeiros, dependentes do Estado. Nos dois casos, a interação repetida através do tempo levou a mudanças importantes na relação entre fazendeiro e capataz, dificilmente explicáveis pela escolha racional.

  15. Adaptation of the Central Retina for High Acuity Vision: Cones, the Fovea and the Avascular Zone (United States)

    Provis, Jan M; Dubis, Adam M; Maddess, Ted; Carroll, Joseph


    Presence of a fovea centralis is directly linked to molecular specification of an avascular area in central retina, before the fovea (or `pit') begins to form. Modeling suggests that mechanical forces, generated within the eye, initiate formation of a pit within the avascular area, and its later remodeling in the postnatal period. Within the avascular area the retina is dominated by `midget' circuitry, in which signals are transferred from a single cone to a single bipolar cell, then a single ganglion cell. Thus in inner, central retina there are relatively few lateral connections between neurons. This renders the region adaptable to tangential forces, that translocate of ganglion cells laterally / centrifugally, to form the fovea. Optical coherence tomography enables live imaging of the retina, and shows that there is greater variation in the morphology of foveae in humans than previously thought. This variation is associated with differences in size of the avascular area and appears to be genetically based, but can be modified by environmental factors, including prematurity. Even when the fovea is absent (foveal hypoplasia), cones in central retina adopt an elongated and narrow morphology, enabling them to pack more densely to increase the sampling rate, and to act as more effective waveguides. Given these findings, what then is the adaptive advantage of a fovea? We suggest that the advantages of having a pit in central retina are relatively few, and minor, but together work to enhance acuity. PMID:23500068

  16. Minocycline counter-regulates pro-inflammatory microglia responses in the retina and protects from degeneration. (United States)

    Scholz, Rebecca; Sobotka, Markus; Caramoy, Albert; Stempfl, Thomas; Moehle, Christoph; Langmann, Thomas


    retina and down-regulated the expression of the microglial activation marker translocator protein (18 kDa) (TSPO), CD68, and activated microglia/macrophage whey acidic protein (AMWAP) already 1 day after light exposure. Furthermore, RNA-seq analyses revealed the potential of minocycline to globally counter-regulate pro-inflammatory gene transcription in the light-damaged retina. The severe thinning of the outer retina and the strong induction of photoreceptor apoptosis induced by light challenge were nearly completely prevented by minocycline treatment as indicated by a preserved retinal structure and a low number of apoptotic cells. Minocycline potently counter-regulates microgliosis and light-induced retinal damage, indicating a promising concept for the treatment of retinal pathologies.

  17. Stereotyped Synaptic Connectivity Is Restored during Circuit Repair in the Adult Mammalian Retina. (United States)

    Beier, Corinne; Palanker, Daniel; Sher, Alexander


    Proper function of the central nervous system (CNS) depends on the specificity of synaptic connections between cells of various types. Cellular and molecular mechanisms responsible for the establishment and refinement of these connections during development are the subject of an active area of research [1-6]. However, it is unknown if the adult mammalian CNS can form new type-selective synapses following neural injury or disease. Here, we assess whether selective synaptic connections can be reestablished after circuit disruption in the adult mammalian retina. The stereotyped circuitry at the first synapse in the retina, as well as the relatively short distances new neurites must travel compared to other areas of the CNS, make the retina well suited to probing for synaptic specificity during circuit reassembly. Selective connections between short-wavelength sensitive cone photoreceptors (S-cones) and S-cone bipolar cells provides the foundation of the primordial blue-yellow vision, common to all mammals [7-18]. We take advantage of the ground squirrel retina, which has a one-to-one S-cone-to-S-cone-bipolar-cell connection, to test if this connectivity can be reestablished following local photoreceptor loss [8, 19]. We find that after in vivo selective photoreceptor ablation, deafferented S-cone bipolar cells expand their dendritic trees. The new dendrites randomly explore the proper synaptic layer, bypass medium-wavelength sensitive cone photoreceptors (M-cones), and selectively synapse with S-cones. However, non-connected dendrites are not pruned back to resemble unperturbed S-cone bipolar cells. We show, for the first time, that circuit repair in the adult mammalian retina can recreate stereotypic selective wiring. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  18. Post-translational processing of synaptophysin in the rat retina is disrupted by diabetes.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Travis S D'Cruz

    Full Text Available Synaptophysin, is an abundant presynaptic protein involved in synaptic vesicle recycling and neurotransmitter release. Previous work shows that its content is significantly reduced in the rat retina by streptozotocin (STZ-diabetes. This study tested the hypothesis that STZ-diabetes alters synaptophysin protein turnover and glycosylation in the rat retina. Whole explant retinas from male Sprague-Dawley rats were used in this study. Rats were made diabetic by a single intraperitoneal STZ injection (65 mg/kg body weight in 10 mM sodium citrate, pH 4.5. mRNA translation was measured using a (35S-methionine labeling assay followed by synaptophysin immunoprecipitation and autoradiography. A pulse-chase study was used to determine the depletion of newly synthesized synaptophysin. Depletion of total synaptophysin was determined after treatment with cycloheximide. Mannose rich N-glycosylated synaptophysin was detected by treating retinal lysates with endoglycosidase H followed by immunoblot analysis. Synaptophysin mRNA translation was significantly increased after 1 month (p<0.001 and 2 months (p<0.05 of STZ-diabetes, compared to age-matched controls. Newly synthesized synaptophysin degradation was significantly accelerated in the retina after 1 and 2 months of diabetes compared to controls (p<0.05. Mannose rich glycosylated synaptophysin was significantly increased after 1 month of STZ-diabetes compared to controls (p<0.05.These data suggest that diabetes increases mRNA translation of synaptophysin in the retina, resulting in an accumulation of mannose rich glycosylated synaptophysin, a transient post-translational state of the protein. This diabetes-induced irregularity in post-translational processing could explain the accelerated degradation of retinal synaptophysin in diabetes.

  19. Can Xanthophyll-Membrane Interactions Explain Their Selective Presence in the Retina and Brain? (United States)

    Widomska, Justyna; Zareba, Mariusz; Subczynski, Witold Karol


    Epidemiological studies demonstrate that a high dietary intake of carotenoids may offer protection against age-related macular degeneration, cancer and cardiovascular and neurodegenerative diseases. Humans cannot synthesize carotenoids and depend on their dietary intake. Major carotenoids that have been found in human plasma can be divided into two groups, carotenes (nonpolar molecules, such as β-carotene, α-carotene or lycopene) and xanthophylls (polar carotenoids that include an oxygen atom in their structure, such as lutein, zeaxanthin and β-cryptoxanthin). Only two dietary carotenoids, namely lutein and zeaxanthin (macular xanthophylls), are selectively accumulated in the human retina. A third carotenoid, meso-zeaxanthin, is formed directly in the human retina from lutein. Additionally, xanthophylls account for about 70% of total carotenoids in all brain regions. Some specific properties of these polar carotenoids must explain why they, among other available carotenoids, were selected during evolution to protect the retina and brain. It is also likely that the selective uptake and deposition of macular xanthophylls in the retina and brain are enhanced by specific xanthophyll-binding proteins. We hypothesize that the high membrane solubility and preferential transmembrane orientation of macular xanthophylls distinguish them from other dietary carotenoids, enhance their chemical and physical stability in retina and brain membranes and maximize their protective action in these organs. Most importantly, xanthophylls are selectively concentrated in the most vulnerable regions of lipid bilayer membranes enriched in polyunsaturated lipids. This localization is ideal if macular xanthophylls are to act as lipid-soluble antioxidants, which is the most accepted mechanism through which lutein and zeaxanthin protect neural tissue against degenerative diseases. PMID:27030822

  20. Can Xanthophyll-Membrane Interactions Explain Their Selective Presence in the Retina and Brain?

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Justyna Widomska


    Full Text Available Epidemiological studies demonstrate that a high dietary intake of carotenoids may offer protection against age-related macular degeneration, cancer and cardiovascular and neurodegenerative diseases. Humans cannot synthesize carotenoids and depend on their dietary intake. Major carotenoids that have been found in human plasma can be divided into two groups, carotenes (nonpolar molecules, such as β-carotene, α-carotene or lycopene and xanthophylls (polar carotenoids that include an oxygen atom in their structure, such as lutein, zeaxanthin and β-cryptoxanthin. Only two dietary carotenoids, namely lutein and zeaxanthin (macular xanthophylls, are selectively accumulated in the human retina. A third carotenoid, meso-zeaxanthin, is formed directly in the human retina from lutein. Additionally, xanthophylls account for about 70% of total carotenoids in all brain regions. Some specific properties of these polar carotenoids must explain why they, among other available carotenoids, were selected during evolution to protect the retina and brain. It is also likely that the selective uptake and deposition of macular xanthophylls in the retina and brain are enhanced by specific xanthophyll-binding proteins. We hypothesize that the high membrane solubility and preferential transmembrane orientation of macular xanthophylls distinguish them from other dietary carotenoids, enhance their chemical and physical stability in retina and brain membranes and maximize their protective action in these organs. Most importantly, xanthophylls are selectively concentrated in the most vulnerable regions of lipid bilayer membranes enriched in polyunsaturated lipids. This localization is ideal if macular xanthophylls are to act as lipid-soluble antioxidants, which is the most accepted mechanism through which lutein and zeaxanthin protect neural tissue against degenerative diseases.

  1. Autonomia estratégica em cooperativas de crédito


    Grzeszczeszyn, Geverson


    Resumo: Este estudo analisou a autonomia estratégica de Cooperativas de Crédito Singulares em relação às suas respectivas Cooperativas de Crédito Centrais. O problema de pesquisa foi alicerçado no fato de que as Cooperativas de Crédito Centrais, criadas pelas Cooperativas de Crédito Singulares, tornam-se as organizações que concentram o poder de decisão estratégica e uma série de controles sobre as Cooperativas de Crédito Singulares. Diante do exposto, o objetivo geral da pesquisa foi "Analis...

  2. Localization, distribution, and connectivity of neuropeptide Y in the human and porcine retinas - a comparative study

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Christiansen, Anders Tolstrup; Kiilgaard, Jens Folke; Klemp, Kristian


    retinal signaling. These findings extend existing knowledge on NPY and NPY-expressing cells in the human and porcine retina showing a high degree of comparability. The extensive distribution and connectivity of NPY-ir cells described in the present study further highlights the potential importance of NPY......Neuropeptide Y (NPY) is a peptide neurotransmitter abundantly expressed in the mammalian retina. Since its discovery, NPY has been studied in retinas of several species, but detailed characterization of morphology, cell-type, and connectivity has never been conducted in larger mammals including...... humans and pigs. As the pig due to size and cellular composition is a well-suited animal for retinal research, we chose to compare the endogenous NPY system of the human retina to that of pigs to support future research in this field. In the present study, using immunohistochemistry, confocal microscopy...

  3. Correlations between specific patterns of spontaneous activity and stimulation efficiency in degenerated retina.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Christine Haselier

    Full Text Available Retinal prostheses that are currently used to restore vision in patients suffering from retinal degeneration are not adjusted to the changes occurring during the remodeling process of the retina. Recent studies revealed abnormal rhythmic activity in the retina of genetic mouse models of retinitis pigmentosa. Here we describe this abnormal activity also in a pharmacologically-induced (MNU mouse model of retinal degeneration. To investigate how this abnormal activity affects the excitability of retinal ganglion cells, we recorded the electrical activity from whole mounted retinas of rd10 mice and MNU-treated mice using a microelectrode array system and applied biphasic current pulses of different amplitude and duration to stimulate ganglion cells electrically. We show that the electrical stimulation efficiency is strongly reduced in degenerated retinas, in particular when abnormal activity such as oscillations and rhythmic firing of bursts of action potentials can be observed. Using a prestimulus pulse sequence, we could abolish rhythmic retinal activity. Under these conditions, the stimulation efficiency was enhanced in a few cases but not in the majority of tested cells. Nevertheless, this approach supports the idea that modified stimulation protocols could help to improve the efficiency of retinal prostheses in the future.

  4. Expression of Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress-Related Factors in the Retinas of Diabetic Rats

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    Shu Yan


    Full Text Available Recent reports show that ER stress plays an important role in diabetic retinopathy (DR, but ER stress is a complicated process involving a network of signaling pathways and hundreds of factors, What factors involved in DR are not yet understood. We selected 89 ER stress factors from more than 200, A rat diabetes model was established by intraperitoneal injection of streptozotocin (STZ. The expression of 89 ER stress-related factors was found in the retinas of diabetic rats, at both 1- and 3-months after development of diabetes, by quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction arrays. There were significant changes in expression levels of 13 and 12 ER stress-related factors in the diabetic rat retinas in the first and third month after the development of diabetes, Based on the array results, homocysteine- inducible, endoplasmic reticulum stress-inducible, ubiquitin-like domain member 1(HERP, and synoviolin(HRD1 were studied further by immunofluorescence and Western blot. Immunofluorescence and Western blot analyses showed that the expression of HERP was reduced in the retinas of diabetic rats in first and third month. The expression of Hrd1 did not change significantly in the retinas of diabetic rats in the first month but was reduced in the third month.

  5. Msx1 is expressed in retina endothelial cells at artery branching sites


    Miguel Lopes; Olivier Goupille; Cécile Saint Cloment; Benoît Robert


    Summary Msx1 and Msx2 encode homeodomain transcription factors that play a role in several embryonic developmental processes. Previously, we have shown that in the adult mouse, Msx1lacZ is expressed in vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMCs) and pericytes, and that Msx2lacZ is also expressed in VSMCs as well as in a few endothelial cells (ECs). The mouse retina and choroid are two highly vascularized tissues. Vessel alterations in the retina are associated with several human diseases and the ret...

  6. Análise sociométrica da rede de relacionamento das bibliotecas que constituem o Consórcio das Universidades Federais do Sul-Sudeste de Minas Gerais

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    Nivaldo Oliveira

    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho foi identificar a estrutura da rede de relacionamentos das Bibliotecas que constituem o Consórcio das Universidades Federais do Sul-Sudeste de Minas Gerais e verificar quais instituições se mostram mais centrais na estrutura de relacionamentos. Para isto, foi adotada a metodologia de estudo de caso, considerando abordagens qualitativas (aspectos relacionais e quantitativas (indicadores estruturais, com auxílio dos softwares Ucinet® e Netdraw®, para a elaboração das matrizes sociométricas, proporcionando análises de centralidade de cada ator na rede, a presença de laços fracos/fortes e a existência de buracos estruturais na rede. Como resultado de pesquisa, foi evidenciada grande centralidade da UFJF e UFV, o que representa uma posição favorável para a busca e trocas de informações com melhores condições para gerar inovação na rede.

  7. Análise da dissipação das tensões em dentes humanos restaurados com facetas laminadas de cerâmica, com três tipos de preparos, através do método dos elementos finitos


    Arthur Bessone da Cruz Ferreira


    O objetivo deste trabalho é analisar in vitro a dissipação de tensões em incisivos centrais superiores humanos restaurados com facetas de cerâmica feldspática, através da análise do método dos elementos finitos, considerando cargas funcionais de mastigação e corte dos alimentos, em função de três tipos de preparos utilizados: sem proteção incisal; com proteção incisal em ângulo e com proteção incisal em degrau palatino. Foram utilizadas modelagens bidimensionais de um incisivo central superio...

  8. O Surgimento Das Pequenas Centrais Hidrelétricas E O Processo De Urbanização No Interior De São Paulo (1890-1930)


    André Munhoz de Argollo Ferrão; Débora Marques de Almeida Nogueira Mortati


    O período do trabalho é de 1890 a 1930, em que o estado de São Paulo começa seu processo de industrialização, a economia cafeeira está no auge e é fundada a companhia de energia elétrica que fará a primeira usina hidrelétrica do estado de São Paulo; este panorama vai evoluindo até 1930, quando a economia cafeeira entra em crise, a indústria já está estabelecida e a construção de hidrelétricas após 1930 assume outro caráter: o das grandes hidrelétricas, encerrando o ciclo das pequenas centrais...

  9. The Retinome – Defining a reference transcriptome of the adult mammalian retina/retinal pigment epithelium

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Goetz Thomas


    Full Text Available Abstract Background The mammalian retina is a valuable model system to study neuronal biology in health and disease. To obtain insight into intrinsic processes of the retina, great efforts are directed towards the identification and characterization of transcripts with functional relevance to this tissue. Results With the goal to assemble a first genome-wide reference transcriptome of the adult mammalian retina, referred to as the retinome, we have extracted 13,037 non-redundant annotated genes from nearly 500,000 published datasets on redundant retina/retinal pigment epithelium (RPE transcripts. The data were generated from 27 independent studies employing a wide range of molecular and biocomputational approaches. Comparison to known retina-/RPE-specific pathways and established retinal gene networks suggest that the reference retinome may represent up to 90% of the retinal transcripts. We show that the distribution of retinal genes along the chromosomes is not random but exhibits a higher order organization closely following the previously observed clustering of genes with increased expression. Conclusion The genome wide retinome map offers a rational basis for selecting suggestive candidate genes for hereditary as well as complex retinal diseases facilitating elaborate studies into normal and pathological pathways. To make this unique resource freely available we have built a database providing a query interface to the reference retinome 1.

  10. La retina para el médico no oftalmólogo

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    Clara Leonor Varón Plata, MD


    Full Text Available La retina es un tejido fundamental en el órgano de la visión.En este artículo hacemos una revisión sobre la anatomía yfisiología de esta estructura así como sobre las principalespatologías que la pueden afectar, entre ellas: despren-dimiento de retina, retinopatía diabética y la enfermedadmacular relacionada con la edad. Aunque actualmentecontamos con técnicas médicas y quirúrgicas seguras yefectivas para el manejo de estas patologías, aúnrepresentan un reto para la ciencia médica, y en estadosavanzados comprometen seriamente la función visual, porello es de gran importancia que el médico general tengaclaros los conceptos básicos sobre el diagnóstico de estasenfermedades, para realizar una remisión adecuada y así poder evitar al máximo secuelas visuales en el paciente. En este artículo revisamos libros de texto reconocidos y empleando MEDLINE, algunos artículos representativos sobre este tema, para mostrar un panorama general del estado actual, clínico e investigativo, del diagnóstico y tratamientode las enfermedades más importantes que afectan la retina y el vítreo. ______________________________________________________________________The retina is a fundamental tissue of the visual organ. In this article we make a review of the anatomy and physiology of this structure as well as the main pathologies that may affect it like: retinal detachment, diabetic retinopathy, and age related macular degeneration. Although currently there are safe medical and surgical alternatives for the management of these diseases, they still represent a challenge for the medical science, and in advanced stagesthey seriously compromise visual function. For this reason it is of vital importance that the primary care physician has clear concepts about the diagnosis of these diseases, to perform an adequate referral, avoiding visual sequelae as much as possible. In this article we reviewed recognized textbooks and using MEDLINE we found some

  11. Human cadaver retina model for retinal heating during corneal surgery with a femtosecond laser (United States)

    Sun, Hui; Fan, Zhongwei; Yun, Jin; Zhao, Tianzhuo; Yan, Ying; Kurtz, Ron M.; Juhasz, Tibor


    Femtosecond lasers are widely used in everyday clinical procedures to perform minimally invasive corneal refractive surgery. The intralase femtosecond laser (AMO Corp. Santa Ana, CA) is a common example of such a laser. In the present study a numerical simulation was developed to quantify the temperature rise in the retina during femtosecond intracorneal surgery. Also, ex-vivo retinal heating due to laser irradiation was measured with an infrared thermal camera (Fluke Corp. Everett, WA) as a validation of the simulation. A computer simulation was developed using Comsol Multiphysics to calculate the temperature rise in the cadaver retina during femtosecond laser corneal surgery. The simulation showed a temperature rise of less than 0.3 degrees for realistic pulse energies for the various repetition rates. Human cadaver retinas were irradiated with a 150 kHz Intralase femtosecond laser and the temperature rise was measured withan infrared thermal camera. Thermal camera measurements are in agreement with the simulation. During routine femtosecond laser corneal surgery with normal clinical parameters, the temperature rise is well beneath the threshold for retina damage. The simulation predictions are in agreement with thermal measurements providing a level of experimental validation.

  12. Light-modulated release of RFamide-like neuropeptides from nervus terminalis axon terminals in the retina of goldfish. (United States)

    Fischer, A J; Stell, W K


    The nervus terminalis of teleosts, a cranial nerve anatomically associated with the olfactory system, projects to visual system targets including retina and optic tectum. It is known to contain gonadotropin-releasing hormone and RFamide-like peptides, but its function remains unknown. We have probed nervus terminalis function in goldfish by measuring peptide content in retina and tectum with a radioimmunoassay for A18Famide (neuropeptide AF; bovine morphine-modulating peptide). We found that retinal peptide content increased in the dark and decreased in the light, whereas tectal peptide content decreased in the dark and increased in the light. In addition, RFamide-like peptide content in the retina was transiently decreased by severing both olfactory tracts, increased in light-adapted eyes treated with a GABAergic agonist (isoguvacine), and decreased in dark-adapted eyes treated with GABAergic antagonists (bicuculline and picrotoxin). We also found that RFamide-like peptide release could be induced in dark-adapted isolated-superfused retinas by exposure to light or a high concentration (102.5 mM) of potassium ions. We interpret the increase and decrease in peptide content as reflecting a decrease and increase, respectively, in rate of peptide release. We propose that the release and accumulation of RFamide-like peptides in axon terminals of nervus terminalis processes in the retina are modulated primarily by neurons intrinsic to the retina and regulated by light. Peptide release appears to be inhibited tonically in the dark by GABA acting through GABAA receptors; light facilitates peptide release by disinhibition due to a reduction in GABA release. In addition, we propose that electrical signals originating outside the retina can override these intrinsic release-modulating influences.

  13. Taurine biosynthesis in frog retina: effects of light and dark adaptations

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nishimura, C.; Ida, S.; Kuriyama, K.


    The retinal uptake and metabolism of cysteine, a precursor for taurine biosynthesis, were analysed using the bull frog. The [ 14 C] cysteine uptake into isolated retina had some specific properties: It was rather temperature independent, required Na ions, was inhibited by ouabain but not by dinitrophenol, and exhibited saturation kinetics composed of two components. When retinal homogenate was incubated with 12-30 microM of L-[U- 14 C]cysteine, the accumulation of labeled alanine, cysteine sulfinic acid (CSA), cysteic acid (CA), hypotaurine, and taurine was detected. The metabolic conversions of [ 14 C] cysteine to labeled alanine, hypotaurine, and taurine were linear over 90 minutes. Prolonged light adaptation (3 weeks) induced a significant reduction in the formation of labeled CA, CSA, hypotaurine, and taurine from [ 14 C] cysteine. On the other hand, it was found that in dark-adapted retinae, the formation of labeled taurine from [ 14 C] cysteine increased significantly in spite of the reduction in the formation of labeled CA. These results indicate that biosynthetic pathways exist for taurine from cysteine in frog retina, and that these metabolic pathways are involved in the regulation of retinal taurine content under continuous visual adaptation

  14. Simple Experiments on the Physics of Vision: The Retina (United States)

    Cortel, Adolf


    Many simple experiments can be performed in the classroom to explore the physics of vision. Students can learn of the two types of receptive cells (rods and cones), their distribution on the retina and the existence of the blind spot.

  15. Distribution of [35S] taurine in mouse retina after intravitreal and intravascular injection

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pourcho, R.G.


    The distribution of [ 35 S] taurine in mouse retinae was studied by autoradiographic techniques after either intravitreal or intravascular injection. The route of injection did not affect the final localization. The major sites of label accumulation were the outer nuclear layer, the inner nuclear layer, and Mueller cell processes adjacent to the vitreal surface. The distribution was consistent with the interpretation that taurine was localized within two cellular compartments of mouse retina, photoreceptor cells and Mueller cells. (author)

  16. Testbeam results of the first real-time embedded tracking system with artificial retina

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Neri, N., E-mail:; Abba, A.; Caponio, F.; Citterio, M.; Coelli, S.; Fu, J.; Merli, A.; Monti, M.; Petruzzo, M.


    We present the testbeam results of the first real-time embedded tracking system based on artificial retina algorithm. The tracking system prototype is capable of fast track reconstruction with a latency of the response below 1 μs and track parameter resolutions that are comparable with the offline results. The artificial retina algorithm was implemented in hardware in a custom data acquisition board based on commercial FPGA. The system was tested successfully using a 180 GeV/c proton beam at the CERN SPS with a maximum track rate of about 280 kHz. Online track parameters were found in good agreement with offline results and with the simulated response. - Highlights: • First real-time tracking system based on artificial retina algorithm tested on beam. • Fast track reconstruction within one microsecond latency and offline like quality. • Fast tracking algorithm implemented in commercial FPGAs.

  17. Adaptive optics parallel spectral domain optical coherence tomography for imaging the living retina (United States)

    Zhang, Yan; Rha, Jungtae; Jonnal, Ravi S.; Miller, Donald T.


    Although optical coherence tomography (OCT) can axially resolve and detect reflections from individual cells, there are no reports of imaging cells in the living human retina using OCT. To supplement the axial resolution and sensitivity of OCT with the necessary lateral resolution and speed, we developed a novel spectral domain OCT (SD-OCT) camera based on a free-space parallel illumination architecture and equipped with adaptive optics (AO). Conventional flood illumination, also with AO, was integrated into the camera and provided confirmation of the focus position in the retina with an accuracy of ±10.3 μm. Short bursts of narrow B-scans (100x560 μm) of the living retina were subsequently acquired at 500 Hz during dynamic compensation (up to 14 Hz) that successfully corrected the most significant ocular aberrations across a dilated 6 mm pupil. Camera sensitivity (up to 94 dB) was sufficient for observing reflections from essentially all neural layers of the retina. Signal-to-noise of the detected reflection from the photoreceptor layer was highly sensitive to the level of cular aberrations and defocus with changes of 11.4 and 13.1 dB (single pass) observed when the ocular aberrations (astigmatism, 3rd order and higher) were corrected and when the focus was shifted by 200 μm (0.54 diopters) in the retina, respectively. The 3D resolution of the B-scans (3.0x3.0x5.7 μm) is the highest reported to date in the living human eye and was sufficient to observe the interface between the inner and outer segments of individual photoreceptor cells, resolved in both lateral and axial dimensions. However, high contrast speckle, which is intrinsic to OCT, was present throughout the AO parallel SD-OCT B-scans and obstructed correlating retinal reflections to cell-sized retinal structures.

  18. Curcumin Delays Retinal Degeneration by Regulating Microglia Activation in the Retina of rd1 Mice. (United States)

    Wang, Yanhe; Yin, Zhiyuan; Gao, Lixiong; Sun, Dayu; Hu, Xisu; Xue, Langyue; Dai, Jiaman; Zeng, YuXiao; Chen, Siyu; Pan, Boju; Chen, Min; Xie, Jing; Xu, Haiwei


    Retinitis pigmentosa (RP) is characterized by degeneration of photoreceptors, and there are currently no effective treatments for this disease. However, curcumin has shown neuroprotectant efficacy in a RP rat and swine model, and thus, may have neuroprotective effects in this disease. Immunofluorescence staining, electroretinogram recordings, and behavioral tests were used to analyze the effects of curcumin and the underlying mechanism in retinal degeneration 1 (rd1) mice. The number of apoptotic cells in the retina of rd1 mice at postnatal day 14 significantly decreased with curcumin treatment and visual function was improved. The activation of microglia and secretion of chemokines and matrix metalloproteinases in the retina were inhibited by curcumin. These effects were also observed in a co-culture of BV2 microglial cells and retina-derived 661W cells. Curcumin delayed retinal degeneration by suppressing microglia activation in the retina of rd1 mice. Thus, it may be an effective treatment for neurodegenerative disorders such as RP. © 2017 The Author(s). Published by S. Karger AG, Basel.

  19. A biochemical basis for induction of retina regeneration by antioxidants. (United States)

    Echeverri-Ruiz, Nancy; Haynes, Tracy; Landers, Joseph; Woods, Justin; Gemma, Michael J; Hughes, Michael; Del Rio-Tsonis, Katia


    The use of antioxidants in tissue regeneration has been studied, but their mechanism of action is not well understood. Here, we analyze the role of the antioxidant N-acetylcysteine (NAC) in retina regeneration. Embryonic chicks are able to regenerate their retina after its complete removal from retinal stem/progenitor cells present in the ciliary margin (CM) of the eye only if a source of exogenous factors, such as FGF2, is present. This study shows that NAC modifies the redox status of the CM, initiates self-renewal of the stem/progenitor cells, and induces regeneration in the absence of FGF2. NAC works as an antioxidant by scavenging free radicals either independently or through the synthesis of glutathione (GSH), and/or by reducing oxidized proteins through a thiol disulfide exchange activity. We dissected the mechanism used by NAC to induce regeneration through the use of inhibitors of GSH synthesis and the use of other antioxidants with different biochemical structures and modes of action, and found that NAC induces regeneration through its thiol disulfide exchange activity. Thus, our results provide, for the first time, a biochemical basis for induction of retina regeneration. Furthermore, NAC induction was independent of FGF receptor signaling, but dependent on the MAPK (pErk1/2) pathway. Copyright © 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  20. Light pollution: the possible consequences of excessive illumination on retina. (United States)

    Contín, M A; Benedetto, M M; Quinteros-Quintana, M L; Guido, M E


    Light is the visible part of the electromagnetic radiation within a range of 380-780 nm; (400-700 on primates retina). In vertebrates, the retina is adapted to capturing light photons and transmitting this information to other structures in the central nervous system. In mammals, light acts directly on the retina to fulfill two important roles: (1) the visual function through rod and cone photoreceptor cells and (2) non-image forming tasks, such as the synchronization of circadian rhythms to a 24 h solar cycle, pineal melatonin suppression and pupil light reflexes. However, the excess of illumination may cause retinal degeneration or accelerate genetic retinal diseases. In the last century human society has increased its exposure to artificial illumination, producing changes in the Light/Dark cycle, as well as in light wavelengths and intensities. Although, the consequences of unnatural illumination or light pollution have been underestimated by modern society in its way of life, light pollution may have a strong impact on people's health. The effects of artificial light sources could have direct consequences on retinal health. Constant exposure to different wavelengths and intensities of light promoted by light pollution may produce retinal degeneration as a consequence of photoreceptor or retinal pigment epithelium cells death. In this review we summarize the different mechanisms of retinal damage related to the light exposure, which generates light pollution.

  1. Regulação técnica para se obter melhor eficiência na motorização de pequenas centrais hidrelétricas no Brasil


    Miranda, Roberto Lobo


    O propósito deste estudo é discutir um eventual aumento na produção de energia elétrica que é definida para as pequenas centrais hidrelétricas (PCH), tornando a escolha do tipo de turbina uma ferramenta para ampliar a oferta de energia de um mesmo aproveitamento hidrelétrico. O trabalho está voltado para as chamadas baixas quedas d água e destaca essas usinas em um cenário cada vez maior de exploração de usinas do tipo fio d água, em substituição àquelas de formação de grandes reservatórios. ...

  2. Alterations in energy metabolism, neuroprotection and visual signal transduction in the retina of Parkinsonian, MPTP-treated monkeys.

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    Laura Campello

    Full Text Available Parkinson disease is mainly characterized by the degeneration of dopaminergic neurons in the central nervous system, including the retina. Different interrelated molecular mechanisms underlying Parkinson disease-associated neuronal death have been put forward in the brain, including oxidative stress and mitochondrial dysfunction. Systemic injection of the proneurotoxin 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine (MPTP to monkeys elicits the appearance of a parkinsonian syndrome, including morphological and functional impairments in the retina. However, the intracellular events leading to derangement of dopaminergic and other retinal neurons in MPTP-treated animal models have not been so far investigated. Here we have used a comparative proteomics approach to identify proteins differentially expressed in the retina of MPTP-treated monkeys. Proteins were solubilized from the neural retinas of control and MPTP-treated animals, labelled separately with two different cyanine fluorophores and run pairwise on 2D DIGE gels. Out of >700 protein spots resolved and quantified, 36 were found to exhibit statistically significant differences in their expression levels, of at least ± 1.4-fold, in the parkinsonian monkey retina compared with controls. Most of these spots were excised from preparative 2D gels, trypsinized and subjected to MALDI-TOF MS and LC-MS/MS analyses. Data obtained were used for protein sequence database interrogation, and 15 different proteins were successfully identified, of which 13 were underexpressed and 2 overexpressed. These proteins were involved in key cellular functional pathways such as glycolysis and mitochondrial electron transport, neuronal protection against stress and survival, and phototransduction processes. These functional categories underscore that alterations in energy metabolism, neuroprotective mechanisms and signal transduction are involved in MPTP-induced neuronal degeneration in the retina, in similarity to

  3. Estudos anatômicos e histológicos sôbre a subfamília Triatominae (Heteroptera, Reduviidae: Parte XXII. A estrutura da córnea de Triatoma Infestans

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    Rudolf Barth


    Full Text Available Descreve-se a composição da córnea do ôlho de Triatoma infestans, chegando-se aos seguintes resultados: 1 - A faceta de um omatídeo consta de uma lente quitinosa central, incluída dentro de um prima hexagonal cuticular que, em virtude da sua construção, contribui decisivamente para o isolamento ótico da lente. 2 - A lente é formada (1 pela epicutícula superficial, muito fina, (2 pela exocutícula quase homogênea e (3 pela endocutícula lamelada. A exocutícula apresenta-se em forma de uma lente coletora, sem qualquer pigmento. A endocutícula, também sem pigmentos, compõe-se de numerosas (50 a 80 lamelas cuticulares, em forma de cones encaixados, um no outro, de modo que as extremidades dos cones se encontram no eixo ótico da lente. A lente corresponde à um cristal monaxial. 3 - A córnea é a continuação da cutícula da cabeça; as camadas desta, compostas de tiras quitinosas, coladas por proteínas entre si, desintegram0se em numerosas lamelas. 4 - As propriedades óticas das lentes correspondem às de um cilindro de lentes no sentido de EXNER (1891. 5 - Os omatídeos centrais do ôlho são homocêntrico, os periféricos heterocêntricos com eixo ótico curvado.

  4. Two-Photon Autofluorescence Imaging Reveals Cellular Structures Throughout the Retina of the Living Primate Eye. (United States)

    Sharma, Robin; Williams, David R; Palczewska, Grazyna; Palczewski, Krzysztof; Hunter, Jennifer J


    Although extrinsic fluorophores can be introduced to label specific cell types in the retina, endogenous fluorophores, such as NAD(P)H, FAD, collagen, and others, are present in all retinal layers. These molecules are a potential source of optical contrast and can enable noninvasive visualization of all cellular layers. We used a two-photon fluorescence adaptive optics scanning light ophthalmoscope (TPF-AOSLO) to explore the native autofluorescence of various cell classes spanning several layers in the unlabeled retina of a living primate eye. Three macaques were imaged on separate occasions using a custom TPF-AOSLO. Two-photon fluorescence was evoked by pulsed light at 730 and 920 nm excitation wavelengths, while fluorescence emission was collected in the visible range from several retinal layers and different locations. Backscattered light was recorded simultaneously in confocal modality and images were postprocessed to remove eye motion. All retinal layers yielded two-photon signals and the heterogeneous distribution of fluorophores provided optical contrast. Several structural features were observed, such as autofluorescence from vessel walls, Müller cell processes in the nerve fibers, mosaics of cells in the ganglion cell and other nuclear layers of the inner retina, as well as photoreceptor and RPE layers in the outer retina. This in vivo survey of two-photon autofluorescence throughout the primate retina demonstrates a wider variety of structural detail in the living eye than is available through conventional imaging methods, and broadens the use of two-photon imaging of normal and diseased eyes.

  5. Effect of high-intensity irradiation from dental photopolymerization on the isolated and superfused vertebrate retina. (United States)

    Rassaei, Mohammad; Thelen, Martin; Abumuaileq, Ramzi; Hescheler, Jürgen; Lüke, Matthias; Schneider, Toni


    Light or electromagnetic radiation may damage the neurosensory retina during irradiation of photopolymerizing resinous materials. Direct and indirect effects of irradiation emitted from polymerisation curing light may represent a severe risk factor for the eyes and the skin of the lamp operators, as well as for the patient's oral mucosa. Bovine superfused retinas were used to record their light-evoked electroretinogram (ERG) as ex vivo ERGs. Both the a- and the b-waves were used as indicators for retinal damage on the functional level. The isolated retinas were routinely superfused with a standard nutrient solution under normoglycemic conditions (5 mM D-glucose). The change in the a- and b-wave amplitude and implicit time, caused by low and high intensity irradiation, was calculated and followed over time. From the results, it can be deduced that the irradiation from LED high-power lamps affects severely the normal physiological function of the bovine retina. Irradiations of 1,200 lx irreversibly damaged the physiological response. In part, this may be reversible at lower intensities, but curing without using the appropriate filter will bleach the retinal rhodopsin to a large extent within 20 to 40 s of standard application times. Constant exposure to intense ambient irradiation affects phototransduction (a-wave) as well as transretinal signalling. The proper use of the UV- and blue-light filtering device is highly recommended, and may prevent acute and long lasting damage of the neurosensory retina.

  6. Avian cone photoreceptors tile the retina as five independent, self-organizing mosaics.

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    Yoseph A Kram


    Full Text Available The avian retina possesses one of the most sophisticated cone photoreceptor systems among vertebrates. Birds have five types of cones including four single cones, which support tetrachromatic color vision and a double cone, which is thought to mediate achromatic motion perception. Despite this richness, very little is known about the spatial organization of avian cones and its adaptive significance. Here we show that the five cone types of the chicken independently tile the retina as highly ordered mosaics with a characteristic spacing between cones of the same type. Measures of topological order indicate that double cones are more highly ordered than single cones, possibly reflecting their posited role in motion detection. Although cones show spacing interactions that are cell type-specific, all cone types use the same density-dependent yardstick to measure intercone distance. We propose a simple developmental model that can account for these observations. We also show that a single parameter, the global regularity index, defines the regularity of all five cone mosaics. Lastly, we demonstrate similar cone distributions in three additional avian species, suggesting that these patterning principles are universal among birds. Since regular photoreceptor spacing is critical for uniform sampling of visual space, the cone mosaics of the avian retina represent an elegant example of the emergence of adaptive global patterning secondary to simple local interactions between individual photoreceptors. Our results indicate that the evolutionary pressures that gave rise to the avian retina's various adaptations for enhanced color discrimination also acted to fine-tune its spatial sampling of color and luminance.

  7. In vivo two-photon imaging of retina in rabbits and rats. (United States)

    Jayabalan, Gopal Swamy; Wu, Yi-Kai; Bille, Josef F; Kim, Samuel; Mao, Xiao Wen; Gimbel, Howard V; Rauser, Michael E; Fan, Joseph T


    The purpose of this study was to evaluate the retina using near-infrared (NIR) two-photon scanning laser ophthalmoscopy. New Zealand white rabbits, albino rats, and brown Norway rats were used in this study. An autofluorescence image of the retina, including the retinal cells and its associated vasculatures was obtained by a real-time scan using the ophthalmoscope. Furthermore, the retinal vessels, nerve fiber layers and the non-pigmented retina were recorded with two-photon fluorescein angiography (FA); and the choroidal vasculatures were recorded using two-photon indocyanine green angiography (ICGA). Two-photon ICGA was achieved by exciting a second singlet state at ∼398 nm. Simultaneous two-photon FA and two-photon ICGA were performed to characterize the retinal and choroidal vessels with a single injection. The minimum laser power threshold required to elicit two-photon fluorescence was determined. The two-photon ophthalmoscope could serve as a promising tool to detect and monitor the disease progression in animal models. Moreover, these high-resolution images of retinal and choroidal vessels can be acquired in a real-time scan with a single light source, requiring no additional filters for FA or ICGA. The combination of FA and ICGA using the two-photon ophthalmoscope will help researchers to characterize the retinal diseases in animal models, and also to classify the types (classic, occult or mixed) of choroidal neovascularization (CNV) in macular degeneration. Furthermore, the prototype can be adapted to image the retina of rodents and rabbits. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  8. Kinesiographic study of complete denture movement related to mucosa displacement in edentulous patients Estudo cinesiográfico da movimentação da prótese total resultante da deformação da fibromucosa em desdentados totais

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    Marco Antonio Compagnoni


    utilizado o sistema eletrônico K6-I Diagnostic System®, sendo o dispositivo eletromagnético fixado na região vestibular dos incisivos centrais da prótese superior, de acordo com uma adaptação do método sugerido por Maeda et al.7 (1984. Foram obtidos registros gráficos em duas condições experimentais: (A 3 ciclos de apertamento máximo voluntário e (B mastigação unilateral simulada por um período de 20 segundos. Os resultados mostraram um padrão uniforme de movimentação durante o apertamento máximo e a mastigação simulada. Sob a ação de cargas, a fibromucosa apresenta uma deformação rápida e uma recuperação mais lenta e incompleta, de forma que a ação repetida da aplicação de carga reduz gradualmente a quantidade de movimentação e retorno da prótese; na mastigação simulada não há a completa recuperação da fibromucosa durante os ciclos mastigatórios.


    To understand mechanisms of neurotoxicity in susceptible populations, we examined age-related changes in constitutive gene expression in the retinas of young (4mos), middle-aged (11 mos) and aged (23 mos) male Long Evans rats. Derived from a pouch of the forebrain during develop...

  10. The effects of microwave radiation on rabbit's retina

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    Mohammad R. Talebnejad


    Conclusions: Histopathologically, cell phone simulated MW irradiation had no significant detrimental effect on the retina. However, ciliary body congestion was observed in greater fraction of those who received higher MW doses. Although there was no significant difference between post-treatment mean ERG values, there were statistically non-significant trends toward greater changes in the MW irradiated eyes.

  11. Morphological characterization and topographic analysis of multiple photoreceptor types in the retinae of mesopelagic hatchetfishes with tubular eyes

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    Lauren Michelle Biagioni


    Full Text Available Marine hatchetfishes, Argyropelecus spp., are one of the 14 genera of mesopelagic teleosts, which possess tubular eyes. The tubular eyes are positioned dorsally on the head and consist of a main retina, which subtends a large dorsal binocular field, and an accessory retina, which subtends the lateral monocular visual field. The topographic distribution of photoreceptors in the retina of Argyropelecus sladeni, A. affinis and A. aculeatus was determined using a random, unbiased and systematic stereological approach, which consistently revealed a region of high density (area centralis in the central region of the main retina (up to a peak of 96,000 receptors per mm2 and a relatively homogeneous density of photoreceptors in the accessory retina (of approximately 20,000 receptors per mm2. The position of the area centralis in the main retina indicates this retinal region subserves greater spatial resolution in the centre of the dorsal binocular visual field. Light microscopy and transmission electron microscopy also revealed the presence of multiple photoreceptor types (two rod-like and one cone-like based on the size and shape of the inner and outer segments and ultrastructural differences in the ellipsoidal region. The presence of multiple photoreceptor types in these tubular-eyed, mesopelagic hatchetfishes may reflect the need for the visual system to function under different lighting conditions during vertical migratory behavior, especially given their unique dorsally-facing eyes.

  12. Lattice degeneration of the retina. (United States)

    Byer, N E


    Lattice degeneration of the retina is the most important of all clinically distinct entities that effect the peripheral fundus and are related to retinal detachment. The purpose of this review is to survey the extensive literature, to evaluate the many diverse opinions on this subject, and to correlate and summarize all the known facts regarding this disease entity. The disease is fully defined and described, both clinically and histologically. Some aspects of the disease are still poorly understood, and some remain controversial, especially in the area of management. For this reason, the indications for treatment are discussed under eight subsections, with a view toward providing practical guidelines for recommendations in management.

  13. Potassium-stimulated release of radiolabelled taurine and glycine from the isolated rat retina

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Smith, L.F.; Pycock, C.J.


    The release of preloaded (/sup 3/H)glycine and (/sup 3/H)taurine in response to a depolarising stimulus (12.5-50 mM KCl) has been studied in the superfused rat retina. High external potassium concentration immediately increased the spontaneous efflux of (/sup 3/H)glycine, the effect of 50 mM K+ apparently being abolished by omitting calcium from the superfusing medium. In contrast, although high potassium concentrations increased the spontaneous efflux of (/sup 3/H)taurine from the superfused rat retina, this release was not evident until the depolarising stimulus was removed from the superfusing medium. The magnitude of this late release of (/sup 3/H)taurine was dependent on external K+ concentrations, and appeared immediately after cessation of the stimulus irrespective of whether it was applied for 4, 8, or 12 min. Potassium (50 mM)-induced release of taurine appeared partially calcium-dependent, being significantly reduced (p less than 0.01) but not abolished by replacing calcium with 1 mM EDTA in the superfusate. High-affinity uptake systems for both (/sup 3/H)glycine and (/sup 3/H)taurine were demonstrated in the rat retina in vitro (Km values, 1.67 microM and 2.97 microM; Vmax values, 19.3 and 23.1 nmol/g wet weight tissue/h, respectively). The results are discussed with respect to the possible neurotransmitter roles of both amino acids in the rat retina.

  14. Eye Controlled Simulation of Scotoma Effects on the Retina (United States)


    movements since the central region of the viewing. The PRLs were positioned near the retina, the macula , and its center, the fovea, have scotoma boundary...scotoma area; as macular degeneration increases in size. near to the fovea as possible to maximize acuity, Feedback of failures to detect targets might

  15. Avaliação da liquidez das empresas através da análise da demonstração de fluxos de caixa

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    Roberto Braga


    Full Text Available Dentre as principais alterações previstas na legislação societária inclui-se a substituição da demonstração das origens e aplicações de recursos pela demonstração de fluxos de caixa (DFC, que apresentam finalidades até certo ponto distintas. Apenas divulgada no país por algumas raras companhias, a DFC permanece pouco explorada no tocante a seu formato de exposição por categorias de atividades, seus métodos de elaboração do fluxo de caixa gerado pelas operações e, principalmente, sua utilização para fins de análise da liquidez das organizações. A utilização de quocientes extraídos de relações entre valores da DFC facilita a interpretação da situação financeira da empresa, sendo o fluxo de caixa operacional a medida absoluta mais relevante mostrada no relatório. Esses índices foram classificados em quatro categorias distintas, cujos propósitos variam da avaliação da capacidade de pagamento do negócio até a determinação das taxas de recuperação (retorno de caixa. De modo a demonstrar a viabilidade da análise financeira com base na DFC, foram calculados e interpretados os quocientes extraídos dos relatórios publicados pelas empresas - Companhia Vale do Rio Doce (CVRD e Centrais Elétricas de Minas Gerais S/A (CEMIG, para dois anos consecutivos. Por fim, foram expostas algumas linhas de pesquisa, e ressaltada a questão inerente à classificação dos fluxos de caixa entre as atividades operacionais, de financiamento e de investimento, um problema que os órgãos normativos terão de enfrentar em momento próximo.Among the various changes expected in the upcoming version of the Brazilian corporate law, the substitution of the statement of changes in financial position by the cash flow statement (CFS stands as one of the most impacting innovations. The CFS is published by few companies in the country and its format, its potential as an instrument for liquidity analysis, as well as possible methods of

  16. Transcriptomic analysis across nasal, temporal, and macular regions of human neural retina and RPE/choroid by RNA-Seq (United States)

    Whitmore, S. Scott; Wagner, Alex H.; DeLuca, Adam P.; Drack, Arlene V.; Stone, Edwin M.; Tucker, Budd A.; Zeng, Shemin; Braun, Terry A.; Mullins, Robert F.; Scheetz, Todd E.


    Proper spatial differentiation of retinal cell types is necessary for normal human vision. Many retinal diseases, such as Best disease and male germ cell associated kinase (MAK)-associated retinitis pigmentosa, preferentially affect distinct topographic regions of the retina. While much is known about the distribution of cell-types in the retina, the distribution of molecular components across the posterior pole of the eye has not been well-studied. To investigate regional difference in molecular composition of ocular tissues, we assessed differential gene expression across the temporal, macular, and nasal retina and retinal pigment epithelium (RPE)/choroid of human eyes using RNA-Seq. RNA from temporal, macular, and nasal retina and RPE/choroid from four human donor eyes was extracted, poly-A selected, fragmented, and sequenced as 100 bp read pairs. Digital read files were mapped to the human genome and analyzed for differential expression using the Tuxedo software suite. Retina and RPE/choroid samples were clearly distinguishable at the transcriptome level. Numerous transcription factors were differentially expressed between regions of the retina and RPE/choroid. Photoreceptor-specific genes were enriched in the peripheral samples, while ganglion cell and amacrine cell genes were enriched in the macula. Within the RPE/choroid, RPE-specific genes were upregulated at the periphery while endothelium associated genes were upregulated in the macula. Consistent with previous studies, BEST1 expression was lower in macular than extramacular regions. The MAK gene was expressed at lower levels in macula than in extramacular regions, but did not exhibit a significant difference between nasal and temporal retina. The regional molecular distinction is greatest between macula and periphery and decreases between different peripheral regions within a tissue. Datasets such as these can be used to prioritize candidate genes for possible involvement in retinal diseases with

  17. Transcriptomic analysis across nasal, temporal, and macular regions of human neural retina and RPE/choroid by RNA-Seq. (United States)

    Whitmore, S Scott; Wagner, Alex H; DeLuca, Adam P; Drack, Arlene V; Stone, Edwin M; Tucker, Budd A; Zeng, Shemin; Braun, Terry A; Mullins, Robert F; Scheetz, Todd E


    Proper spatial differentiation of retinal cell types is necessary for normal human vision. Many retinal diseases, such as Best disease and male germ cell associated kinase (MAK)-associated retinitis pigmentosa, preferentially affect distinct topographic regions of the retina. While much is known about the distribution of cell types in the retina, the distribution of molecular components across the posterior pole of the eye has not been well-studied. To investigate regional difference in molecular composition of ocular tissues, we assessed differential gene expression across the temporal, macular, and nasal retina and retinal pigment epithelium (RPE)/choroid of human eyes using RNA-Seq. RNA from temporal, macular, and nasal retina and RPE/choroid from four human donor eyes was extracted, poly-A selected, fragmented, and sequenced as 100 bp read pairs. Digital read files were mapped to the human genome and analyzed for differential expression using the Tuxedo software suite. Retina and RPE/choroid samples were clearly distinguishable at the transcriptome level. Numerous transcription factors were differentially expressed between regions of the retina and RPE/choroid. Photoreceptor-specific genes were enriched in the peripheral samples, while ganglion cell and amacrine cell genes were enriched in the macula. Within the RPE/choroid, RPE-specific genes were upregulated at the periphery while endothelium associated genes were upregulated in the macula. Consistent with previous studies, BEST1 expression was lower in macular than extramacular regions. The MAK gene was expressed at lower levels in macula than in extramacular regions, but did not exhibit a significant difference between nasal and temporal retina. The regional molecular distinction is greatest between macula and periphery and decreases between different peripheral regions within a tissue. Datasets such as these can be used to prioritize candidate genes for possible involvement in retinal diseases with

  18. Photonic crystal light collectors in fish retina improve vision in turbid water. (United States)

    Kreysing, Moritz; Pusch, Roland; Haverkate, Dorothee; Landsberger, Meik; Engelmann, Jacob; Ruiter, Janina; Mora-Ferrer, Carlos; Ulbricht, Elke; Grosche, Jens; Franze, Kristian; Streif, Stefan; Schumacher, Sarah; Makarov, Felix; Kacza, Johannes; Guck, Jochen; Wolburg, Hartwig; Bowmaker, James K; von der Emde, Gerhard; Schuster, Stefan; Wagner, Hans-Joachim; Reichenbach, Andreas; Francke, Mike


    Despite their diversity, vertebrate retinae are specialized to maximize either photon catch or visual acuity. Here, we describe a functional type that is optimized for neither purpose. In the retina of the elephantnose fish (Gnathonemus petersii), cone photoreceptors are grouped together within reflecting, photonic crystal-lined cups acting as macroreceptors, but rod photoreceptors are positioned behind these reflectors. This unusual arrangement matches rod and cone sensitivity for detecting color-mixed stimuli, whereas the photoreceptor grouping renders the fish insensitive to spatial noise; together, this enables more reliable flight reactions in the fish's dim and turbid habitat as compared with fish lacking this retinal specialization.

  19. Utilization of glutamine by the retina: an autoradiographic and metabolic study

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Voaden, M J; Lake, N; Marshall, J; Morjaria, B [Institute of Ophthalmology, London (UK). Dept. of Visual Science


    The cells able to accumulate exogenously applied (/sup 3/H) glutamine in rat, cat, frog, pigeon and guinea pig retinas have been located by autoradiography, and the fate of the labelled glutamine, as regards its incorporation into aspartic, glutamic and ..gamma..-amino-butyric acids, followed for 60 min. The results support the notion of glutamine as a precursor of transmitter amino acids in some neurones. In particular, it would appear to be a source of a relatively stable pool of GABA which may be located, with species variation, in amacrine or ganglion cells. In the pigeon retina glutamate pool incorporates and retains a major percentage of the label, and perikarya in the middle of the inner nuclear layer of the tissue are predominantly labelled.

  20. Estudo da síndrome de tração macular vítreo-retiniana idiopática por meio da tomografia de coerência óptica: relato de casos A study of idiophatic vitreomacular traction syndrome with optical coherence tomography images: cases report

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    Hélio Paulo Primiano Júnior


    Full Text Available OBJETIVOS: Avaliar alterações estruturais observadas na síndrome de tração macular vítreo-retiniana idiopática (STMI pela tomografia de coerência óptica (OCT, antes e depois da vitrectomia; identificar situações em que a tomografia de coerência óptica fornece informações adicionais da morfologia e patogênese desta doença. MÉTODOS: Imagens tomográficas (OCT Stratus comparativas da estrutura vítreo-retiniana foram realizadas em quatro pacientes, em estágios variados da síndrome de tração macular vítreo-retiniana idiopática. RESULTADOS: A tomografia de coerência óptica Stratus apresenta imagens vítreo-retinianas que auxiliam na conduta e tratamento da síndrome de tração macular vítreo-retiniana idiopatica. CONCLUSÃO: O exame da tomografia de coerência óptica permite boa visualização da arquitetura morfológica do vítreo e da retina na síndrome de tração macular vítreo-retiniana idiopática. Este exame nos auxilia na compreensão da patogênese, no planejamento do tratamento, clínico ou cirúrgico, e na avaliação pós-operatória das alterações estruturais retinianas.PURPOSE: To evaluate the features of idiophatic vitreomacular traction syndrome (VMT with ocular coherence tomography (OCT - Stratus, before and after vitrectomy; to identify situations where ocular coherence tomography provides additional information on disease morphology and pathogenesis. METHODS: Comparative retinal ocular coherence tomography imaging was performed in four patients with different stages of vitreomacular traction syndrome. RESULTS: Standard-resolution ocular coherence tomography Stratus provides vitreous-retinal images that help the management and treatment of vitreomacular traction syndrome. CONCLUSIONS: Standard-resolution ocular coherence tomography allows good visualization of the architectural morphology of the vitreous and retina in vitreomacular traction syndrome. It helps understanding its pathogenesis, planning

  1. O Ensino de Filosofia como “questão clássica” na tradição do pensamento filosófico

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    Filipe Ceppas


    Full Text Available artigo, procuro mostrar que ensinar e aprender filosofia são questões centrais e recorrentes para a tradição filosófica Ocidental. Procuro argumentar em favor desta tese em duas direções. Num primeiro momento, ela é analisada em termos da relação entre o pensar, o juízo e o ensino-aprendizado da filosofia. Num segundo momento, procuro defender esta tese a partir da importância da relação mestre-discípulo para a história da filosofia.

  2. Local edge detectors: a substrate for fine spatial vision at low temporal frequencies in rabbit retina. (United States)

    van Wyk, Michiel; Taylor, W Rowland; Vaney, David I


    Visual acuity is limited by the size and density of the smallest retinal ganglion cells, which correspond to the midget ganglion cells in primate retina and the beta-ganglion cells in cat retina, both of which have concentric receptive fields that respond at either light-On or light-Off. In contrast, the smallest ganglion cells in the rabbit retina are the local edge detectors (LEDs), which respond to spot illumination at both light-On and light-Off. However, the LEDs do not predominate in the rabbit retina and the question arises, what role do they play in fine spatial vision? We studied the morphology and physiology of LEDs in the isolated rabbit retina and examined how their response properties are shaped by the excitatory and inhibitory inputs. Although the LEDs comprise only approximately 15% of the ganglion cells, neighboring LEDs are separated by 30-40 microm on the visual streak, which is sufficient to account for the grating acuity of the rabbit. The spatial and temporal receptive-field properties of LEDs are generated by distinct inhibitory mechanisms. The strong inhibitory surround acts presynaptically to suppress both the excitation and the inhibition elicited by center stimulation. The temporal properties, characterized by sluggish onset, sustained firing, and low bandwidth, are mediated by the temporal properties of the bipolar cells and by postsynaptic interactions between the excitatory and inhibitory inputs. We propose that the LEDs signal fine spatial detail during visual fixation, when high temporal frequencies are minimal.

  3. Fundamentos epistemológicos da teoria modular da mente de Jerry A. Fodor Epistemological fundaments of Jerry A. Fodor's modular theory of mind

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    Kleber Bez Birolo Candiotto


    Full Text Available Este artigo é uma apresentação dos fundamentos da teoria modular desenvolvida por Jerry A. Fodor e uma reflexão sobre seus principais desafios. A noção de modularidade da mente de Fodor, por um lado, procura superar as insuficiências metodológicas e epistemológicas do associacionismo e do localizacionismo a respeito das explicações da estrutura e do funcionamento mental; por outro lado, é uma oposição à postura culturalista de Vygotsky, para o qual as funções superiores da mente, como a cognição, são produtos artificiais, culturais. A psicologia cognitiva de Chomsky converteu esse produto "artificial" em "natural", postulando a existência de módulos inatos para desempenhar funções cognitivas específicos. Com base nessa ideia de Chomsky, Fodor procura explicar a mente como um conjunto de módulos. No entanto, sua principal contribuição para as ciências cognitivas é a apresentação da arquitetura mental em dois níveis e a afirmação da existência de módulos centrais responsáveis pelas atividades cognitivas superiores, como criatividade, reflexão ou imaginação.The aim of this paper is to present the basic elements regarding the modular theory developed by Jerry A. Fodor and some considerations about its main challenges. Fodor's notion of mind modularity, on the one hand, aims at overcoming the methodological and epistemological gaps of associationism and localizationism concerning the explanations of the structure and functioning of the mind; on the other hand, Fodor's notion stands as an opposition to Vygotsky's culturalist posture, since for the latter the higher functions of the mind, such as cognition, are artificial and cultural products. Chomsky's cognitive psychology has converted this "artificial" product into a "natural" one, postulating the existence of innate modules to perform specific cognitive functions. Based on Chomsky's idea, Fodor describes the mind as a group of modules. However, his main

  4. Flash photolysis of rhodopsin in the cat retina

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ripps, H.; Mehaffey, L.; Siegel, I.M.; Ernst, W.; Kemp, C.M.


    The bleaching of rhodopsin by short-duration flashes of a xenon discharge lamp was studied in vivo in the cat retina with the aid of a rapid, spectral-scan fundus reflectometer. Difference spectra recorded over a broad range of intensities showed that the bleaching efficacy of high-intensity flashes was less than that of longer duration, steady lights delivering the same amount of energy. Both the empirical results and those derived from a theoretical analysis of flash photolysis indicate that, under the conditions of these experiments, the upper limit of the flash bleaching of rhodopsin in cat is approximately 90%. Although the fact that a full bleach could not be attained is attributable to photoreversal, i.e., the photic regeneration of rhodopsin from its light-sensitive intermediates, the 90% limit is considerably higher than the 50% (or lower) value obtained under other experimental circumstances. Thus, it appears that the duration (approximately 1 ms) and spectral composition of the flash, coupled with the kinetic parameters of the thermal and photic reactions in the cat retina, reduce the light-induced regeneration of rhodopsin to approximately 10%

  5. Tumor da região do terceiro ventrículo diagnóstico eletrencefalográfico

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    Paulino W. Longo


    Full Text Available Depois de rápidas considerações sobre as dificuldades do diagnóstico topográfico dos tumores da região do terceiro ventrículo e sobre as aquisições recentes da eletrencefalografia nesse sentido, os AA. apresentam a observação de uma paciente de 36 anos de idade, com história de 4 meses, portadora de uma síndrome de hipertensão intracraniana grave, acompanhada de hemiparesia esquerda muito discreta e alterações psíquicas. O exame do liqüido cefalorraquidiano revelou hipertensão e a eletrencefalografia evidenciou alterações difusas e bilaterais, ao lado de surtos persistentes e repetidos de ritmo teta, simétrica e sincronicamente reproduzidos, em áreas centrais e parietais de ambos os hemisférios, bem como ondas de ritmo delta focal, no lobo frontal direito, com típicas figuras de reversão. Os primeiros foram atribuídos ao edema cerebral e à hipertensão intracraniana, enquanto que estas (as ondas de ritmo teta acompanhadas de ritmo delta focal frontal direito foram interpretadas como dependentes de tumor cerebral profundamente situado, mediano, da região do terceiro ventrículo, comprometendo secundariamente o lobo frontal direito. A ventriculografia, em parte, e a intervenção cirúrgica subseqüente, confirmaram o diagnóstico, revelando a existência de um tumor cístico pediculado, que, da sela turca invadia o terceiro ventrículo e a parte profunda do lobo frontal direito (craniofaringioma.

  6. Vasculopatia polipoidal idiopática da coróide: aspectos extremos da evolução da doença em um paciente - Relato de caso Idiopathic polypoidal choroidal vasculopathy: its extreme aspects in one patient - Case report

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    Ieda Maria Alexandre Barreira


    Full Text Available O artigo descreve um caso de vasculopatia polipoidal idiopática da coróide (VPIC e demonstra o papel relevante da indocianinografia no diagnóstico diferencial com outras causas de neovascularização subretiniana, particularmente degeneração macular relacionada à idade (DMRI, bem como avalia os aspectos extremos na evolução da doença em um único paciente. Paciente de 54 anos, sexo masculino, cor parda, com queixas de baixa de acuidade visual súbita em OD, foi submetido a exame oftalmológico, pelo qual se constatou hemorragia vítrea em OD e, posteriormente, descolamento sero-hemorrágico do epitélio pigmentário da retina em OE. A angiofluoresceinografia e indocianinografia mostraram quadro compatível com vasculopatia polipoidal idiopática da coróide. O paciente foi submetido a vitrectomia via pars plana em OD e foi acompanhado por período de 5 meses, evoluindo com perda de visão secundária a descolamento de retina e cicatriz macular disciforme em OD. No olho contralateral, ocorreu involução da vasculopatia com preservação de acuidade visual 20/25. A vasculopatia polipoidal idiopática da coróide é entidade clínica cujas anormalidades do fundo de olho se sobrepõem às manifestações da degeneração macular relacionada à idade exsudativa. A indocianinografia é de vital importância no diagnóstico diferencial entre as duas doenças que tem evolução e prognóstico distintos. Além disso, consideramos este caso muito ilustrativo pelas diferentes nuances com que a doença se manifestou e evoluiu em um único paciente.To describe a case of idiopathic polypoidal choroidal vasculopathy and the role of indocyanine green angiography findings in the differential diagnosis of exsudative maculopathies, particularly with age-related macular degeneration, and the extreme evolution of idiopathic polypoidal choroidal vasculopathy in one patient. A patient with vitreous hemorrhage was examined and evaluated by fluorescein and

  7. Economia criativa e trabalho imaterial: a indústria da moda sob uma perspectiva informacional | Creative economy and immaterial labour: the fashion industry under an informational perspective

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    Vladimir Sibylla Pires


    Full Text Available Resumo Este artigo visa refletir sobre a construção de identidades de marca na economia criativa a partir das dinâmicas informacionais de seus atores. Propõe um modelo de análise baseado em uma nova metáfora organizacional e na opção por uma abordagem em diferentes níveis daquela dinâmica. Demonstra sua aplicabilidade a partir do exemplo de uma empresa atuante na indústria da moda. Palavras-chave: economia criativa; trabalho imaterial; indústria da moda; centrais de criatividade; dinâmicas informacionais. Abstract This article aims to reflect on the development of brand identities in the creative economy from the point of view of its actors’ informational dynamics. It proposes a model of analysis based on a new organizational metaphor and on a multi-level approach to that dynamic. It also demonstrates its applicability using the example of an active company in the fashion industry. Keywords: creative economy; immaterial labour; fashion industry; creativity centrals; informational dynamics.


    Neriyanuri, Srividya; Rao, Chetan; Raman, Rajiv


    To report structural and functional features in a case series of benign fleck retina using multimodal imaging. Four cases with benign fleck retina underwent complete ophthalmic examination that included detailed history, visual acuity, and refractive error testing, FM-100 hue test, dilated fundus evaluation, full field electroretinogram, fundus photography with autofluorescence, fundus fluorescein angiography, and swept-source optical coherence tomography. Age group of the cases ranged from 19 years to 35 years (3 males and 1 female). Parental consanguinity was reported in two cases. All of them were visually asymptomatic with best-corrected visual acuity of 20/20 (moderate astigmatism) in both the eyes. Low color discrimination was seen in two cases. Fundus photography showed pisciform flecks which were compactly placed on posterior pole and were discrete, diverging towards periphery. Lesions were seen as smaller dots within 1500 microns from fovea and were hyperfluorescent on autofluorescence. Palisading retinal pigment epithelium defects were seen in posterior pole on fundus fluorescein angiography imaging; irregular hyper fluorescence was also noted. One case had reduced cone responses on full field electroretinogram; the other three cases had normal electroretinogram. On optical coherence tomography, level of lesions varied from retinal pigment epithelium, inner segment to outer segment extending till external limiting membrane. Functional and structural deficits in benign fleck retina were picked up using multimodal imaging.

  9. Heidelberg Retina Tomograph for the Detection of Glaucoma

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    Barbara Cvenkel


    Full Text Available Heidelberg Retina Tomograph (HRT is a confocal scanning laser ophthalmoscope which acquires and analyzes 3-dimensional images of the optic nerve head. The latest instrument HRT3 includes software with larger ethinic-specific normative database. This review summarizes relevant published literature on HRT in diagnosing glaucoma, detecting glaucoma progression, the diagnostic accuracy of HRT among other imaging devices and its role in clinical practice.

  10. A transmissão da psicanálise na universidade a partir do estudo de casos clínicos

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    Henrique Figueiredo Carneiro


    Full Text Available A teoria psicanalítica se sustenta da transmissão conceitual baseada no que de mais particular existe na história de um sujeito que sofre. Dessa forma, é de grande importância para os alunos de cursos universitários o exercício de pensar e refletir a prática em torno dos conceitos da posição subjetiva e estrutura psíquica. São conceitos centrais para o estudo da psicopatologia psicanalítica. Servem de suporte e suplementam satisfatoriamente o que se transmite em uma aula, uma vez que os alunos não desenvolvem ainda uma prática clínica. Neste trabalho, fazemos uma investigação bibliográfica que, aliada à apresentação de uma experiência realizada no Curso de Psicopatologia Psicanalítica ministrado na Universidade de Fortaleza, destaca a discussão de estudos de casos na transmissão de conceitos fundamentais da clínica psicanalítica e sua relação com a prática de ensino pautada no discurso universitário. Concluímos com a análise sobre a repercussão dessa prática e por recomendar o uso de estudos de casos clínicos para a fundamentação de um curso teórico de Psicopatologia Psicanalítica aos que trabalham com a psicanálise no contexto universitário.

  11. Localization and characterization of immunocompetent cells in the human retina

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Yang, P.; Das, P. K.; Kijlstra, A.


    Recent studies have shown that experimental uveitis can be induced by the appropriate administration of various retinal antigens. Little is known about the in-situ interactions between immune cells in the retina as a prerequisite for understanding the mechanisms involving the presentation of

  12. Retina Image Analysis and Ocular Telehealth: The Oak Ridge National Laboratory-Hamilton Eye Institute Case Study

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Karnowski, Thomas Paul [ORNL; Giancardo, Luca [ORNL; Li, Yaquin [University of Tennessee, Knoxville (UTK); Tobin Jr, Kenneth William [ORNL; Chaum, Edward [University of Tennessee, Knoxville (UTK)


    Automated retina image analysis has reached a high level of maturity in recent years, and thus the question of how validation is performed in these systems is beginning to grow in importance. One application of retina image analysis is in telemedicine, where an automated system could enable the automated detection of diabetic retinopathy and other eye diseases as a low-cost method for broad-based screening. In this work we discuss our experiences in developing a telemedical network for retina image analysis, including our progression from a manual diagnosis network to a more fully automated one. We pay special attention to how validations of our algorithm steps are performed, both using data from the telemedicine network and other public databases.

  13. Infrared reflectance as a diagnostic adjunct for subclinical commotio retinae

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    Nicholas H Andrew


    Full Text Available Commotio retinae (CR is an outer retinal disorder following blunt trauma to the eye. Histologically it is characterized by disruption of the photoreceptor outer segments (OS, typically without injury to other retinal layers. Using spectral-domain optical coherence tomography (OCT the condition is visible as hyper-reflectivity of the OS. Most cases of CR are associated with transient grey-white discoloration of the retina and are easily diagnosed clinically, but there have been reports of OCT-confirmed CR without retinal discoloration. It is likely that this subclinical variant of CR is under-recognized as the OCT features of CR are subtle. Here, we report a case of OCT-confirmed subclinical CR that demonstrated prominent infrared hypo-reflectance, using the infrared protocol of the SPECTRALIS® OCT, Heidelberg Engineering. This case suggests that infrared reflectance may have a role in diagnosing cases of subclinical CR.

  14. PGC-1α determines light damage susceptibility of the murine retina.

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    Anna Egger

    Full Text Available The peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor γ coactivator 1 (PGC-1 proteins are key regulators of cellular bioenergetics and are accordingly expressed in tissues with a high energetic demand. For example, PGC-1α and PGC-1β control organ function of brown adipose tissue, heart, brain, liver and skeletal muscle. Surprisingly, despite their prominent role in the control of mitochondrial biogenesis and oxidative metabolism, expression and function of the PGC-1 coactivators in the retina, an organ with one of the highest energy demands per tissue weight, are completely unknown. Moreover, the molecular mechanisms that coordinate energy production with repair processes in the damaged retina remain enigmatic. In the present study, we thus investigated the expression and function of the PGC-1 coactivators in the healthy and the damaged retina. We show that PGC-1α and PGC-1β are found at high levels in different structures of the mouse retina, most prominently in the photoreceptors. Furthermore, PGC-1α knockout mice suffer from a striking deterioration in retinal morphology and function upon detrimental light exposure. Gene expression studies revealed dysregulation of all major pathways involved in retinal damage and apoptosis, repair and renewal in the PGC-1α knockouts. The light-induced increase in apoptosis in vivo in the absence of PGC-1α was substantiated in vitro, where overexpression of PGC-1α evoked strong anti-apoptotic effects. Finally, we found that retinal levels of PGC-1 expression are reduced in different mouse models for retinitis pigmentosa. We demonstrate that PGC-1α is a central coordinator of energy production and, importantly, all of the major processes involved in retinal damage and subsequent repair. Together with the observed dysregulation of PGC-1α and PGC-1β in retinitis pigmentosa mouse models, these findings thus imply that PGC-1α might be an attractive target for therapeutic approaches aimed at retinal

  15. Functional characterization of rs2229094 (T>C polymorphism in the tumor necrosis factor locus and lymphotoxin alpha expression in human retina: the Retina 4 project

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    Pastor-Idoate S


    Full Text Available Salvador Pastor-Idoate,1,2 Irene Rodríguez-Hernández,2,3 Jimena Rojas,1 Lucia Gonzalez-Buendia,1 Santiago Delgado-Tirado,1,4 Jose Carlos López,1 Rogelio González-Sarmiento,2,3 Jose C Pastor1,4 1IOBA Eye Institute, University of Valladolid, Valladolid, 2Molecular Medicine Unit, Department of Medicine, 3Molecular and Cellular Cancer Biology Institute, High Council of Scientific Research, Biomedical Research Institute of Salamanca, University of Salamanca, Salamanca, 4Department of Ophthalmology, Hospital Clínico Universitario, Valladolid, Spain Purpose: The objective of this study is to determine the expression and localization of lymphotoxin alpha (LTA in human retinas and the functionality of one of its polymorphisms rs2229094 (C13R (T>C, previously associated with proliferative vitreoretinopathy (PVR development.Materials and methods: Total RNA from three healthy human retinas were extracted and subjected to reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR analysis, using flanking primers of LTA cDNA. In addition, three human eyes with retinal detachment (RD and three healthy control eyes were subjected to immunohistochemistry (IHC with a specific antibody against LTA. The functionality of T and C alleles was assessed by using pCEFL-Flag expression vector and transient transfection assays in COS-1 cell line. In addition, expression analysis by RT-PCR, Western blot and subcellular localization of both alleles and by immunofluorescence assay was performed.Results: RT-PCR analysis revealed no significant levels of messenger RNA (mRNA LTA in healthy human retinas. Sequential IHC staining showed differences between healthy human and RD retinas. No differences in mRNA and protein expression levels and in subcellular localization between both alleles were found. Both alleles were located in the cytoplasm of COS-1 cells.Conclusion: Although results suggest lack of functionality, the differences found in IHC study and its strong association

  16. Heparin-Binding EGF-like Growth Factor (HB-EGF) stimulates the proliferation of Müller glia-derived progenitor cells in avian and murine retinas (United States)

    Todd, Levi; Volkov, Leo I.; Zelinka, Chris; Squires, Natalie; Fischer, Andy J.


    Müller glia can be stimulated to de-differentiate, proliferate and form Müller glia-derived progenitor cells (MGPCs) that regenerate retinal neurons. In the zebrafish retina, Heparin-Binding EGF-like Growth Factor (HB-EGF) may be one of the key factors that stimulate the formation of proliferating MGPCs. Currently nothing is known about the influence of HB-EGF on the proliferative potential of Müller glia in retinas of birds and rodents. In the chick retina, we found that levels of both hb-egf and egf-receptor are rapidly and transiently up-regulated following NMDA-induced damage. Although intraocular injections of HB-EGF failed to stimulate cell-signaling or proliferation of Müller glia in normal retinas, HB-EGF stimulated proliferation of MGPCs in damaged retinas. By comparison, inhibition of the EGF-receptor (EGFR) decreased the proliferation of MGPCs in damaged retinas. HB-EGF failed to act synergistically with FGF2 to stimulate the formation of MGPCs in the undamaged retina and inhibition of EGF-receptor did not suppress FGF2-mediated formation of MGPCs. In the mouse retina, HB-EGF stimulated the proliferation of Müller glia following NMDA-induced damage. Furthermore, HB-EGF stimulated not only MAPK-signaling in Müller glia/MGPCs, but also activated mTor- and Jak/Stat-signaling. We propose that levels of expression of EGFR are rate-limiting to the responses of Müller glia to HB-EGF and the expression of EGFR can be induced by retinal damage, but not by FGF2-treatment. We conclude that HB-EGF is mitogenic to Müller glia in both chick and mouse retinas, and HB-EGF is an important player in the formation of MGPCs in damaged retinas. PMID:26500021

  17. 3D finite element modeling of epiretinal stimulation: Impact of prosthetic electrode size and distance from the retina. (United States)

    Sui, Xiaohong; Huang, Yu; Feng, Fuchen; Huang, Chenhui; Chan, Leanne Lai Hang; Wang, Guoxing


    A novel 3-dimensional (3D) finite element model was established to systematically investigate the impact of the diameter (Φ) of disc electrodes and the electrode-to-retina distance on the effectiveness of stimulation. The 3D finite element model was established based on a disc platinum stimulating electrode and a 6-layered retinal structure. The ground electrode was placed in the extraocular space in direct attachment with sclera and treated as a distant return electrode. An established criterion of electric-field strength of 1000 Vm-1 was adopted as the activation threshold for RGCs. The threshold current (TC) increased linearly with increasing Φ and electrode-to-retina distance and remained almost unchanged with further increases in diameter. However, the threshold charge density (TCD) increased dramatically with decreasing electrode diameter. TCD exceeded the electrode safety limit for an electrode diameter of 50 µm at an electrode-to-retina distance of 50 to 200 μm. The electric field distributions illustrated that smaller electrode diameters and shorter electrode-to-retina distances were preferred due to more localized excitation of RGC area under stimulation of different threshold currents in terms of varied electrode size and electrode-to-retina distances. Under the condition of same-amplitude current stimulation, a large electrode exhibited an improved potential spatial selectivity at large electrode-to-retina distances. Modeling results were consistent with those reported in animal electrophysiological experiments and clinical trials, validating the 3D finite element model of epiretinal stimulation. The computational model proved to be useful in optimizing the design of an epiretinal stimulating electrode for prosthesis.

  18. Simultaneous optical coherence tomography and lipofuscin autofluorescence imaging of the retina with a single broadband light source at 480nm


    Jiang, Minshan; Liu, Tan; Liu, Xiaojing; Jiao, Shuliang


    We accomplished spectral domain optical coherence tomography and auto-fluorescence microscopy for imaging the retina with a single broadband light source centered at 480 nm. This technique is able to provide simultaneous structural imaging and lipofuscin molecular contrast of the retina. Since the two imaging modalities are provided by the same group of photons, their images are intrinsically registered. To test the capabilities of the technique we periodically imaged the retinas of the same ...

  19. Estrutura morfológica do fígado de tambaqui Colossoma macropomum (Cuvier, 1818

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    Gerlane de Medeiros Costa


    Full Text Available Este trabalho teve como objetivo descrever macro e microscopicamente o fígado do Tambaqui Colossoma macropomum, Teleósteo de água doce da Família Characidae, de grande interesse econômico da bacia Amazônica. Foram utilizados seis (6 exemplares jovens com idade entre seis meses e um ano, oriundos da Chácara Esteio, Alta Floresta, MT, que desenvolve principalmente a prática da piscicultura. O órgão foi fotodocumentado in situ e descrito macroscopicamente, em seguida procedeu-se a retirada de fragmentos deste, que foram processados pelas técnicas histológicas rotineiras para inclusão em parafina e coloração de HE. O fígado localizou-se ventral à bexiga natatória e craniodorsalmente ao estômago, apresentou coloração amarronzada a vermelho, constituído por três lobos hepáticos, o lobo lateral direito, o lobo lateral esquerdo e o lobo ventral. Microscopicamente, o parênquima era constituído por hepatócitos com formato que variou do arredondado irregular hexagonal ao redondo com núcleo grande e central, arranjados em cordões lineares limitados por sinusóides que irradiam para veias centrais, e com ausência de lóbulos hepáticos. As veias centrais estavam distribuídas pelo parênquima, enquanto que o espaço porta, na maioria das vezes, era constituído apenas por uma veia hepática e o ducto biliar, em outros locais foi observado, uma artéria e um ducto. Não foi observada a formação de tríades portais. Foram frequentemente observados melano macrófagos centrais dispersos pelo parênquima. O estudo morfofuncional do Aparelho Digestório de peixes da bacia Amazônica, se faz pertinente com vistas ao conhecimento do aproveitamento de ganho de peso e produção em alta escala para consumo humano e preservação da espécie, além da importância de estarem sendo utilizados como bioindicadores atualmente.

  20. [VEGF expression in dog retina after chorioretinal venous anastomosis]. (United States)

    Lu, Ning; Li, Zhihui; Sun, Xianli; Wang, Guanglu; Zhang, Feng; Peng, Xiaoyan


    To identify changes in vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) expression in the dog retina after laser-induced chorioretinal venous anastomosis (CRVA), in order to find out the relationship between CRVA treatment and the related neovascular complications. Immediately after branch retinal vein occlusion (BRVO) model was made in 5 eyes of 5 normal dogs, CRVA treatment was done over a small tributary vein in the drainage distribution of the occluded vein. In each eye, there were 2 - 3 treatment sites. Four to six weeks later, a repeated treatment was given if the first treatment failed to show the anastomosis. The treatment sites with successful CRVA were divided into two groups: the small laser spot group, which received one treatment and the big laser spot group, which received more than one treatment. The expression of VEGF was investigated immunohistochemically in the treatment sites with successful anastomoses and in the 5 normal fellow eyes (control). There were totally 10 successful anastomoses in the 5 experimental eyes, among which, five received one treatment and the other 5 received more than one treatment. On fundus examination, the small laser spots were round and small, and the big laser spots were large with local proliferation. VEGF immunoreactivity was absent/weak in the normal dog retina, and remained unchanged in the small laser spot group, but somewhat increased in the big laser spot group. No neovascular complications occurred. All immunostaining experiments were accompanied by proper controls and none of the negative controls showed any immunoreactivity. Proper laser treatment can induce CRVA quite safely in nonischemic dog retina, which does not cause changes in the expression of VEGF, but severe laser damage in the treatment site can cause increased VEGF expression which may be related to neovascular complications.

  1. Simulated human eye retina adaptive optics imaging system based on a liquid crystal on silicon device

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jiang Baoguang; Cao Zhaoliang; Mu Quanquan; Hu Lifa; Li Chao; Xuan Li


    In order to obtain a clear image of the retina of model eye, an adaptive optics system used to correct the wave-front error is introduced in this paper. The spatial light modulator that we use here is a liquid crystal on a silicon device instead of a conversional deformable mirror. A paper with carbon granule is used to simulate the retina of human eye. The pupil size of the model eye is adjustable (3-7 mm). A Shack–Hartman wave-front sensor is used to detect the wave-front aberration. With this construction, a value of peak-to-valley is achieved to be 0.086 λ, where λ is wavelength. The modulation transfer functions before and after corrections are compared. And the resolution of this system after correction (691p/m) is very close to the dirraction limit resolution. The carbon granule on the white paper which has a size of 4.7 μm is seen clearly. The size of the retina cell is between 4 and 10 mu;m. So this system has an ability to image the human eye's retina. (classical areas of phenomenology)

  2. Segmentasi Pembuluh Darah Retina Pada Citra Fundus Menggunakan Gradient Based Adaptive Thresholding Dan Region Growing

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    Deni Sutaji


    Full Text Available AbstrakSegmentasi pembuluh darah pada citra fundus retina menjadi hal yang substansial dalam dunia kedokteran, karena dapat digunakan untuk mendeteksi penyakit, seperti: diabetic retinopathy, hypertension, dan cardiovascular. Dokter membutuhkan waktu sekitar dua jam untuk mendeteksi pembuluh darah retina, sehingga diperlukan metode yang dapat membantu screening agar lebih cepat.Penelitian sebelumnya mampu melakukan segmentasi pembuluh darah yang sensitif terhadap variasi ukuran lebar pembuluh darah namun masih terjadi over-segmentasi pada area patologi. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan metode segmentasi pembuluh darah pada citra fundus retina yang dapat mengurangi over-segmentasi pada area patologi menggunakan Gradient Based Adaptive Thresholding dan Region Growing.Metode yang diusulkan terdiri dari 3 tahap, yaitu segmentasi pembuluh darah utama, deteksi area patologi dan segmentasi pembuluh darah tipis. Tahap segmentasi pembuluh darah utama menggunakan high-pass filtering dan tophat reconstruction pada kanal hijau citra yang sudah diperbaiki kontrasnya sehingga lebih jelas perbedaan antara pembuluh darah dan background. Tahap deteksi area patologi menggunakan metode Gradient Based Adaptive Thresholding. Tahap segmentasi pembuluh darah tipis menggunakan Region Growing berdasarkan informasi label pembuluh darah utama dan label area patologi. Hasil segmentasi pembuluh darah utama dan pembuluh darah tipis kemudian digabungkan sehingga menjadi keluaran sistem berupa citra biner pembuluh darah. Berdasarkan hasil uji coba, metode ini mampu melakukan segmentasi pembuluh darah retina dengan baik pada citra fundus DRIVE, yaitu dengan akurasi rata-rata 95.25% dan nilai Area Under Curve (AUC pada kurva Relative Operating Characteristic (ROC sebesar 74.28%.                           Kata Kunci: citra fundus retina, gradient based adaptive thresholding, patologi, pembuluh darah retina, region growing

  3. Adaptive Optical System for Retina Imaging Approaches Clinic Applications (United States)

    Ling, N.; Zhang, Y.; Rao, X.; Wang, C.; Hu, Y.; Jiang, W.; Jiang, C.

    We presented "A small adaptive optical system on table for human retinal imaging" at the 3rd Workshop on Adaptive Optics for Industry and Medicine. In this system, a 19 element small deformable mirror was used as wavefront correction element. High resolution images of photo receptors and capillaries of human retina were obtained. In recent two years, at the base of this system a new adaptive optical system for human retina imaging has been developed. The wavefront correction element is a newly developed 37 element deformable mirror. Some modifications have been adopted for easy operation. Experiments for different imaging wavelengths and axial positions were conducted. Mosaic pictures of photoreceptors and capillaries were obtained. 100 normal and abnormal eyes of different ages have been inspected.The first report in the world concerning the most detailed capillary distribution images cover ±3° by ± 3° field around the fovea has been demonstrated. Some preliminary very early diagnosis experiment has been tried in laboratory. This system is being planned to move to the hospital for clinic experiments.

  4. Amyloid precursor protein is required for normal function of the rod and cone pathways in the mouse retina.

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    Tracy Ho

    Full Text Available Amyloid precursor protein (APP is a transmembrane glycoprotein frequently studied for its role in Alzheimer's disease. Our recent study in APP knockout (KO mice identified an important role for APP in modulating normal neuronal development in the retina. However the role APP plays in the adult retina and whether it is required for vision is unknown. In this study we evaluated the role of APP in retinal function and morphology comparing adult wildtype (WT and APP-KO mice. APP was expressed on neuronal cells of the inner retina, including horizontal, cone bipolar, amacrine and ganglion cells in WT mice. The function of the retina was assessed using the electroretinogram and although the rod photoreceptor responses were similar in APP-KO and WT mice, the post-photoreceptor, inner retinal responses of both the rod and cone pathways were reduced in APP-KO mice. These changes in inner retinal function did not translate to a substantial change in visual acuity as assessed using the optokinetic response or to changes in the gross cellular structure of the retina. These findings indicate that APP is not required for basic visual function, but that it is involved in modulating inner retinal circuitry.

  5. GABA sensitivity of spectrally classified horizontal cells in goldfish retina

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Verweij, J.; Kamermans, M.; Negishi, K.; Spekreijse, H.


    We studied the GABA sensitivity of horizontal cells in the isolated goldfish retina. After the glutamatergic input to the horizontal cells was blocked with DNQX, GABA depolarized the monophasic and biphasic horizontal cells. The pharmacology of these GABA-induced depolarizations was tested with the

  6. Avaliação da indústria de equipamentos para aproveitamento de fontes renováveis de energia

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    Fernando Sérgio Bonanni


    Full Text Available O presente trabalho, incentivado pelo Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico - CNPq, procurou avaliar e identificar o "estado da arte" da tecnologia industrial brasileira de equipamentos de pequeno e médio porte para aproveitamento de fontes renováveis de energia. O projeto atuou nas seguintes áreas: Pequenas Centrais Hidrelétricas (PCH, Energia Solar, Energia Eólica, Biodigestores e Equipamentos de Biogás e Gaseificadores de combustíveis sólidos (Gasogênios, não somente "identificando" como "localizando" os atuais fabricantes de equipamentos utilizados no aproveitamento e renovação da energia. O projeto focalizou ainda os aspectos econômicos e financeiros das indústrias pesquisadas, tais como: caracterização e evolução recente, sua produção industrial em mercado atual e futuro, além das suas dificuldades na produção e comercialização de seus produtos.This work, sponsored by the Brazilian Research Council, carried out a sectorial appraisal of the manufacturers of equipment that use renewable energy sources. The survey was executed in Small Hydroelectric Plants, Solar Energy, Eolic Energy, Biogas and Gasification of solid combustible identifying the manufacturers and their localization. The survey pointed out the industries economical and financial aspects, as well as, the difficulties in producing and trading their products.

  7. Repertórios de ação coletiva e confrontos políticos: Entrevista com Sidney Tarrow

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    Angela Alonso


    Full Text Available Nesta entrevista Sidney Tarrow fala sobre a importância de Charles Tilly e de sua sociologia histórica da ação coletiva. Lembra de sua parceria com Tilly e discute aspectos centrais do seu próprio trabalho em curso sobre o confronto político. Com esta entrevista, Sociologia & Antropologia procura contribuir para o esclarecimento da relação entre o legado de Charles Tilly e a sociologia da ação coletiva no Brasil.

  8. Evaluation of the central macula in commotio retinae not associated with other types of traumatic retinopathy. (United States)

    Park, Joo Youn; Nam, Woo Ho; Kim, Seung Hoon; Jang, Sun Young; Ohn, Young-Hoon; Park, Tae Kwann


    To report on the anatomical and functional changes to the macula in nine patients suffering from commotio retinae not accompanied by any other types of traumatic retinopathy. Nine injured eyes with commotio retinae were evaluated soon after ocular trauma with ophthalmic examination, including Spectral-domain optical coherence tomography (SD-OCT). In 12 eyes of 6 patients, Humphrey visual field (HVF) and multifocal electroretinogram (mfERG) were performed. Re-examinations were periodically performed for a mean of 26 days. Data from 9 injured eyes were collected and compared to data collected from the 9 non-affected eyes of the same patients. SD-OCT revealed no significant differences in the foveal thickness and total macular volume between traumatized and intact eyes in all 9 patients. Only 3 out of the 9 injured eyes showed abnormal findings in SD-OCT images such as discontinuity of the inner/outer segment (IS/OS) junction or abnormal hyper-reflectivity from the IS/OS and retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) lines in the macula. HVF and mfERG results did not show any functional deterioration in the injured eyes compared with intact eyes. During follow-up, the commotio retinae resolved in all 9 eyes. The changes to the outer retinal region detected in 3 patients by SD-OCT were also resolved. Acute retinal changes in commotio retinae, not associated with other retinal pathologies, were resolved without histological and functional sequelae. In a few cases of commotio retinae, SD-OCT revealed transient abnormalities mainly observed at the IS/OS and RPE complexes.

  9. Quantitative analysis of retina layer elasticity based on automatic 3D segmentation (Conference Presentation) (United States)

    He, Youmin; Qu, Yueqiao; Zhang, Yi; Ma, Teng; Zhu, Jiang; Miao, Yusi; Humayun, Mark; Zhou, Qifa; Chen, Zhongping


    Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is an eye condition that is considered to be one of the leading causes of blindness among people over 50. Recent studies suggest that the mechanical properties in retina layers are affected during the early onset of disease. Therefore, it is necessary to identify such changes in the individual layers of the retina so as to provide useful information for disease diagnosis. In this study, we propose using an acoustic radiation force optical coherence elastography (ARF-OCE) system to dynamically excite the porcine retina and detect the vibrational displacement with phase resolved Doppler optical coherence tomography. Due to the vibrational mechanism of the tissue response, the image quality is compromised during elastogram acquisition. In order to properly analyze the images, all signals, including the trigger and control signals for excitation, as well as detection and scanning signals, are synchronized within the OCE software and are kept consistent between frames, making it possible for easy phase unwrapping and elasticity analysis. In addition, a combination of segmentation algorithms is used to accommodate the compromised image quality. An automatic 3D segmentation method has been developed to isolate and measure the relative elasticity of every individual retinal layer. Two different segmentation schemes based on random walker and dynamic programming are implemented. The algorithm has been validated using a 3D region of the porcine retina, where individual layers have been isolated and analyzed using statistical methods. The errors compared to manual segmentation will be calculated.

  10. “Lembra-te da primeira vez?” Um processo de investigação de paternidade entre a escrita e o Ensino de História

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    Katani Maria Nascimento Monteiro


    Full Text Available Neste artigo, apresentamos algumas conclusões obtidas a partir da análise de uma das atividades de ações educativas desenvolvidas junto ao Centro de Memória Regional do Judiciário (CMRJU/IMHC/UCS voltada à formação do professor-pesquisador, nomeadamente os acadêmicos do curso de História da Universidade de Caxias do Sul. Para isso, através de um estudo de caso, apresentamos, discutimos e aplicamos a metodologia criada especialmente para o trabalho de desenvolver em conjunto as habilidades e competências de pesquisa e de ensino. Assim, ao analisarmos uma Ação de Investigação de Paternidade, conduzimos a algumas discussões sobre: 1 o lugar social da fonte e de suas personagens, 2 as relações entre as vozes de pessoas e instituições, 3 as temáticas centrais e periféricas e 4 as apropriações didáticas que surgem diante do pesquisador. Dessa forma, demonstramos que o uso de processos judiciais em sala de aula configura-se como um fértil recurso intermediador de olhares renovados sobre o saber histórico escolar e acadêmico.

  11. Interacionismo simbólico: origens, pressupostos e contribuições aos estudos em Psicologia Social

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    Virgínia Donizete de Carvalho

    Full Text Available O estudo aborda a perspectiva teórica denominada interacionismo simbólico, com o objetivo de resgatar suas origens, consolidação, pressupostos centrais e contribuições ao campo da Psicologia social. com base em revisão de literatura, são examinadas algumas concepções de pensadores reconhecidos como precursores dessa corrente, com destaque para o trabalho de George Mead. Os marcos iniciais da estruturação do movimento interacionista simbólico (cujo nome e principais pressupostos foram estabelecidos por Herbert Blumer e as diferentes possibilidades de operacionalização do conceito, representadas pelas divergências conceituais e metodológicas das Escolas de chicago e Iowa, constituem os pontos centrais da discussão. No intuito de identificar os principais desdobramentos oriundos das concepções interacionistas, são brevemente expostas as abordagens de estudiosos como Strauss, Shibutani, Berger e Luckmann, e Stryker. Por fim, com base na revisão empreendida, que permitiu identificar diferentes pontos de vista acerca da abordagem interacionista simbólica, conclui-se que sua evolução e fortalecimento ao longo do tempo contribuíram para que pudesse se sustentar como uma perspectiva teórica com amplas possibilidades de aplicação nos estudos da vida social.


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    Renata Carrero Cardoso


    Full Text Available Os movimentos urbanos de retomada de áreas centrais e pericentrais de grandes cidades, outrora abandonadas e negligenciadas tanto pelo mercado imobiliário como pelo poder público no decurso dos processos de desindustrialização operam, atualmente, a partir de mudanças valorativas, a instauração de novos referenciais estéticos, de estilos de vida e padrões familiares. A aceitabilidade de tais movimentos pelo mainstream produz novos conjuntos de valores sociais e culturais da cidade, que se refletem em mudanças paradigmáticas nas formas de consumo e de apropriação do espaço intraurbano, resultando em transformações significativas para a construção e percepção da paisagem. Jovens profissionais urbanos, categorizados sob o conceito da classe criativa, com frequência tomam a frente nos processos de ressignificação e legitimação simbólica de áreas industriais esvaziadas, o que evidencia a importância e o valor econômico de suas atividades na transição da era industrial para a era da economia do conhecimento, apoiados fortemente no desenvolvimento do setor de serviços e na demanda por produtos com alto teor simbólico e elevado valor econômico. Estabelecem-se assim, as bases para uma forma de intervenção no território impulsionada pelo capital cultural, capaz de promover a transformação radical de uma paisagem urbana de produção em uma paisagem de consumo. Neste trabalho, buscou-se verificar mudanças na paisagem e nas suas formas de fruição, colocadas em marcha no atual processo de requalificação do chamado Quarto Distrito da cidade de Porto Alegre a partir de uma análise do bairro Floresta. Ainda, buscou-se depreender em que medida as práticas criativas sobre determinada área detêm a capacidade de produzir novos valores sociais e econômicos a elementos constituidores da paisagem urbana.

  13. Near UV radiation effect on the lens and retina

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zigman, S.


    The discussion presented in this paper indicates that the retina of a diurnal animal with a natural UV-absorbing lens (ie: the gray squirrel) is susceptible to near-UV damage from environmental sources only after the lens has been removed. This suggests that it is very important to protect against near-UV exposure of human eyes after cataract surgery

  14. Cannabinoid Receptor Type 1 Expression in the Developing Avian Retina: Morphological and Functional Correlation With the Dopaminergic System

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    Luzia da Silva Sampaio


    Full Text Available The avian retina has been used as a model to study signaling by different neuro- and gliotransmitters. It is unclear how dopaminergic and cannabinoid systems are related in the retina. Here we studied the expression of type 1 and 2 cannabinoid receptors (CB1 and CB2, as well as monoacylglycerol lipase (MAGL, the enzyme that degrades 2-arachidonoylglycerol (2-AG, during retina development. Our data show that CB1 receptor is highly expressed from embryonic day 5 (E5 until post hatched day 7 (PE7, decreasing its levels throughout development. CB1 is densely found in the ganglion cell layer (GCL and inner plexiform layer (IPL. CB2 receptor was also found from E5 until PE7 with a decrease in its contents from E9 afterwards. CB2 was mainly present in the lamination of the IPL at PE7. MAGL is expressed in all retinal layers, mainly in the IPL and OPL from E9 to PE7 retina. CB1 and CB2 were found both in neurons and glia cells, but MAGL was only expressed in Müller glia. Older retinas (PE7 show CB1 positive cells mainly in the INL and co-expression of CB1 and tyrosine hydroxylase (TH are shown in a few cells when both systems are mature. CB1 co-localized with TH and was heavily associated to D1 receptor labeling in primary cell cultures. Finally, cyclic AMP (cAMP was activated by the selective D1 agonist SKF38393, and inhibited when cultures were treated with WIN55, 212–2 (WIN in a CB1 dependent manner. The results suggest a correlation between the endocannabinoid and dopaminergic systems (DSs during the avian retina development. Activation of CB1 limits cAMP accumulation via D1 receptor activation and may influence embryological parameters during avian retina differentiation.

  15. Action of UV-A and blue light on enzymes activity and accumulation of lipid peroxidation products in attached and detached frog retinas (United States)

    Lapina, Victoria A.; Doutsov, Alexander E.


    The effect of the UV-A and blue light on the accumulation of lipid peroxidation products and activities of succinate dehydrogenase and superoxide dismutase in the retina was examined in eye cup model of dark and light adapted frogs R. temporaria. Retinas were exposed to UV-A radiation (8 mW/cm2) and blue light (10 to 150 mW/cm2) for periods from 5 min to 1 hr. We have measured TBA-active products both in the retina homogenates and in the reaction media. Enzyme activities was measured in the retina homogenates only. The measurements revealed a significant increase in the endogenous and exogenous forms of lipid peroxidation products in the retina of dark adapted frog (1.6+/- 0.4; 1.4+/- 0.3 nmole TBA-active products per mg protein, respectively) compared to light adapted (0.85+/- 0.16; 0.32+/- 0.06 nmole TBA-active products per mg protein, respectively). In the same conditions succinate dehydrogenase activity was decline more than 50% but superoxide dismutase activity didn't decrease. Disorganized inner and outer segments were observed after 40 min exposures. No light microscopic changes were detected after 5 min exposures. Light damage was significantly higher in the retina of dark adapted frog. The results indicate that the retina from eye cup of dark adapted frog is more susceptible to UV-A and blue light damages.

  16. Early changes in retinal structure and BMP2 expression in the retina and crystalline lens of streptozotocin-induced diabetic pigs. (United States)

    Jeong, Jae Seung; Lee, Woon-Kyu; Moon, Yeon Sung; Kim, Na Rae


    This study aims to evaluate early changes in retinal structure and BMP2 expression in the retina and crystalline lens by comparing streptozotocin-induced diabetic pigs and normal control group pigs. Five eye samples from five diabetic Micro-pigs (Medikinetics, Pyeongtaek, Korea) and five eye samples from five control pigs bred in a specific pathogen-free area were used. Diabetes was developed through intravenous injection of nicotinamide and streptozotocin, and the average fasting glucose level was maintained at 250 mg/dL or higher for 16 weeks. To evaluate BMP2 expression in the retina and crystalline lens, Western blotting was performed. In Hematoxylin and Eosin staining, most diabetic pigs showed structural abnormalities in the inner plexiform layer. The number of nuclei in the ganglion cell layer within the range of 10 4 µm 2 was 3.78±0.60 for diabetic pigs and 5.57±1.07 for control group pigs, showing a statistically significant difference. In immunohistochemical staining, diabetic retinas showed an overall increase in BMP2 expression. In Western blotting, the average BMP2/actin level of diabetic retinas was 1.19±0.05, showing a significant increase compared to the 1.06±0.03 of the control group retinas ( P =0.016). The BMP2/actin level of diabetic crystalline lenses was similar to the control group crystalline lenses ( P =0.730). Compared to control group pigs, the number of nuclei in the inner nuclear layer of retinas from streptozotocin-induced diabetic pigs decreased, while an increase in BMP2 expression was observed in the retina of diabetic pigs.

  17. Design of a MEMS-based retina scanning system for biometric authentication (United States)

    Woittennek, Franziska; Knobbe, Jens; Pügner, Tino; Schelinski, Uwe; Grüger, Heinrich


    There is an increasing need for reliable authentication for a number of applications such as e commerce. Common authentication methods based on ownership (ID card) or knowledge factors (password, PIN) are often prone to manipulations and may therefore be not safe enough. Various inherence factor based methods like fingerprint, retinal pattern or voice identifications are considered more secure. Retina scanning in particular offers both low false rejection rate (FRR) and low false acceptance rate (FAR) with about one in a million. Images of the retina with its characteristic pattern of blood vessels can be made with either a fundus camera or laser scanning methods. The present work describes the optical design of a new compact retina laser scanner which is based on MEMS (Micro Electric Mechanical System) technology. The use of a dual axis micro scanning mirror for laser beam deflection enables a more compact and robust design compared to classical systems. The scanner exhibits a full field of view of 10° which corresponds to an area of 4 mm2 on the retinal surface surrounding the optical disc. The system works in the near infrared and is designed for use under ambient light conditions, which implies a pupil diameter of 1.5 mm. Furthermore it features a long eye relief of 30 mm so that it can be conveniently used by persons wearing glasses. The optical design requirements and the optical performance are discussed in terms of spot diagrams and ray fan plots.

  18. Synaptic Remodeling Generates Synchronous Oscillations in the Degenerated Outer Mouse Retina

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    Wadood eHaq


    Full Text Available During neuronal degenerative diseases, neuronal microcircuits undergo severe structural alterations, leading to remodeling of synaptic connectivity. The functional consequences of such remodeling are mostly unknown. For instance, in mutant rd1 mouse retina, a common model for Retinitis Pigmentosa, rod bipolar cells (RBCs establish contacts with remnant cone photoreceptors (cones as a consequence of rod photoreceptor cell death and the resulting lack of presynaptic input. To assess the functional connectivity in the remodeled, light-insensitive outer rd1 retina, we recorded spontaneous population activity in retinal wholemounts using Ca2+ imaging and identified the participating cell types. Focusing on cones, RBCs and horizontal cells (HCs, we found that these cell types display spontaneous oscillatory activity and form synchronously active clusters. Overall activity was modulated by GABAergic inhibition from HCs. Many of the activity clusters comprised both cones and RBCs. Opposite to what is expected from the intact (wild-type cone-ON bipolar cell pathway, cone and RBC activity was positively correlated and, at least partially, mediated by glutamate transporters expressed on RBCs. Deletion of gap junctional coupling between cones reduced the number of clusters, indicating that electrical cone coupling plays a crucial role for generating the observed synchronized oscillations. In conclusion, degeneration-induced synaptic remodeling of the rd1 retina results in a complex self-sustained outer retinal oscillatory network, that complements (and potentially modulates the recently described inner retinal oscillatory network consisting of amacrine, bipolar and ganglion cells.

  19. Uptake and release of [14C] GABA from rabbit retina synaptosomes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Redburn, D.A.


    A partial separation of two synaptosomal fractions was achieved using modifications of conventional homogenization and centrifugation techniques. The two fractions contained morphologically distinct synaptosomal populations, receptor cell synaptosomes (large synaptosomes, P 1 ), and synaptosomes from the other cell types (smaller, conventional-sized synaptosomes, P 2 ). [ 14 C]GABA was bound and released from subcellular fractions from retina under conditions which support its role as a neurotransmitter in retina. On the other hand, [ 3 H]leucine, which is very likely a non-transmitter compound, was bound by retinal fractions but not released to the appropriate stimulation. [ 14 C]GABA binding and release sites were more prevalent in P 2 fractions. [ 14 C]GABA was bound by P 1 fractions containing photoreceptor synaptosomes; however, the K + stimulated release of [ 14 C]GABA appeared to be insensitive to external Ca 2+ . Possible mechanisms are discussed. (author)

  20. Α-Melanocyte-Stimulating Hormone Protects Early Diabetic Retina from Blood-Retinal Barrier Breakdown and Vascular Leakage via MC4R. (United States)

    Cai, Siwei; Yang, Qianhui; Hou, Mengzhu; Han, Qian; Zhang, Hanyu; Wang, Jiantao; Qi, Chen; Bo, Qiyu; Ru, Yusha; Yang, Wei; Gu, Zhongxiu; Wei, Ruihua; Cao, Yunshan; Li, Xiaorong; Zhang, Yan


    Blood-retinal barrier (BRB) breakdown and vascular leakage is the leading cause of blindness of diabetic retinopathy (DR). Hyperglycemia-induced oxidative stress and inflammation are primary pathogenic factors of this severe DR complication. An effective interventional modality against the pathogenic factors during early DR is needed to curb BRB breakdown and vascular leakage. This study sought to examine the protective effects of α-Melanocyte-stimulating hormone (α-MSH) on early diabetic retina against vascular hyperpermeability, electrophysiological dysfunction, and morphological deterioration in a rat model of diabetes and probe the mechanisms underlying the α-MSH's anti-hyperpermeability in both rodent retinas and simian retinal vascular endothelial cells (RF6A). Sprague Dawley rats were injected through tail vein with streptozotocin to induce diabetes. The rats were intravitreally injected with α-MSH or saline at Week 1 and 3 after hyperglycemia. In another 2 weeks, Evans blue assay, transmission electron microscopy, electroretinogram (ERG), and hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) staining were performed to examine the protective effects of α-MSH in diabetic retinas. The expression of pro-inflammatory factors and tight junction at mRNA and protein levels in retinas was analyzed. Finally, the α-MSH's anti-hyperpermeability was confirmed in a high glucose (HG)-treated RF6A cell monolayer transwell culture by transendothelial electrical resistance (TEER) measurement and a fluorescein isothiocyanate-Dextran assay. Universal or specific melanocortin receptor (MCR) blockers were also employed to elucidate the MCR subtype mediating α-MSH's protection. Evans blue assay showed that BRB breakdown and vascular leakage was detected, and rescued by α-MSH both qualitatively and quantitatively in early diabetic retinas; electron microscopy revealed substantially improved retinal and choroidal vessel ultrastructures in α-MSH-treated diabetic retinas; scotopic ERG suggested

  1. The utilization of glutamine by the retina: an autoradiographic and metabolic study

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Voaden, M.J.; Lake, N.; Marshall, J.; Morjaria, B.


    The cells able to accumulate exogenously applied [ 3 H] glutamine in rat, cat, frog, pigeon and guinea pig retinas have been located by autoradiography, and the fate of the labelled glutamine, as regards its incorporation into aspartic, glutamic and γ-amino-butyric acids, followed for 60 min. The results support the notion of glutamine as a precursor of transmitter amino acids in some neurones. In particular, it would appear to be a source of a relatively stable pool of GABA which may be located, with species variation, in amacrine or ganglion cells. In the pigeon retina glutamate pool incorporates and retains a major percentage of the label, and perikarya in the middle of the inner nuclear layer of the tissue are predominantly labelled. (author)

  2. Localization of glycine-containing neurons in the Macaca monkey retina

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hendrickson, A.E.; Koontz, M.A.; Pourcho, R.G.; Sarthy, P.V.; Goebel, D.J.


    Autoradiography following 3H-glycine (Gly) uptake and immunocytochemistry with a Gly-specific antiserum were used to identify neurons in Macaca monkey retina that contain a high level of this neurotransmitter. High-affinity uptake of Gly was shown to be sodium dependent whereas release of both endogenous and accumulated Gly was calcium dependent. Neurons labeling for Gly included 40-46% of the amacrine cells and nearly 40% of the bipolars. Synaptic labeling was seen throughout the inner plexiform layer (IPL) but with a preferential distribution in the inner half. Bands of labeled puncta occurred in S2, S4, and S5. Both light and postembedding electron microscopic (EM) immunocytochemistry identified different types of amacrine and bipolar cell bodies and their synaptic terminals. The most heavily labeled Gly+ cell bodies typically were amacrine cells having a single, thick, basal dendrite extending deep into the IPL and, at the EM level, electron-dense cytoplasm and prominent nuclear infoldings. This cell type may be homologous with the Gly2 cell in human retina and the AII/Gly2 of cat retina. Gly+ amacrines synapse most frequently onto Gly- amacrines and both Gly- and Gly+ bipolars. Gly+ bipolar cells appeared to be cone bipolars because their labeled dendrites could be traced only to cone pedicles. The pattern of these labeled dendritic trees indicated that both diffuse and midget types of biopolars were Gly+. The EM distribution of labeled synapses showed Gly+ amacrine synapses throughout the IPL, but these composed only 11-23% of the amacrine population. Most of the Gly+ bipolar terminals were in the inner IPL, where 70% of all bipolar terminals were labeled

  3. Assessment of apoptosis and oxidative stress in retina tissue of rats with diabetic retinopathy after grape polyphenols intervention

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)

    Sheng-Li Zhang


    Objective:To study the effect of grape polyphenols intervention on apoptosis and oxidative stress in retina tissue of rats with diabetic retinopathy (DR).Methods: SPF male SD rats were selected as experimental animals and divided into control group, diabetes group and grape polyphenols group, intraperitoneal injection of streptozotocin was adopted to establish diabetic rat models, and grape polyphenols group received intragastric administration of grape polyphenols. 60 d after model establishment, the rats were executed, and the retina tissue was collected to determine apoptosis molecules and oxidative stress indexes.Results:Bax, Caspase-3, c-fos, c-jun, ROS, MDA, 8-OHdG, PARP, Cyclophilin D, Nrf-2, ARE, ERK and PI3K content in retina tissue of diabetes group were significantly higher than those of control group while Bcl-2, CAT, SOD, GSH-Px, HO-1 and NQO1 content were significantly lower than those of control group; Bax, Caspase-3, c-fos, c-jun, ROS, MDA, 8-OHdG, PARP and Cyclophilin D content in retina tissue of grape polyphenols group were significantly lower than those of diabetes group while Bcl-2, CAT, SOD, GSH-Px, HO-1, NQO1, Nrf-2, ARE, ERK and PI3K content were significantly higher those of diabetes group.Conclusions:Grape polyphenols intervention can relieve the apoptosis and oxidative stress in retina tissue of rats with diabetic retinopathy.

  4. EBUS: Uma nova dimensão na broncoscopia EBUS: A new dimension in bronchoscopy

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    H D Becker


    Full Text Available O autor revê neste artigo, sob a forma de editorial, a implementação da ecografia endobrônquica na broncologia, as suas indicações e futuras aplicações. No começo dos anos 90, com o início do desenvolvimento da ecografia endobrônquica, o seu primeiro objectivo era avaliar a infiltração das vias aéreas centrais por tumores externos. A TAC torácica permanece o exame standard de avaliação e estadiamento pré-operatório do cancro do pulmão. Contudo, sabe-se actualmente que este exame imagiológico não é totalmente fidedigno na análise do envolvimento ganglionar e totalmente insuficiente na detecção de infiltração da parede das vias aéreas. O desenvolvimento da EBUS (endobronchial ultrasound, foi inicialmente complicado por motivos técnicos e anatómicos relacionados com as diferentes interfaces da estrutura pulmonar, e, posteriormente, dificilmente aceite pelos pneumologistas, dado o seu reduzido contacto prévio com a ecografia. O primeiro reconhecimento da utilidade desta técnica partiu dos cirurgiões cardiotorácicos ao tentarem saber de antemão a eventual invasão da parede das vias aéreas, nomeadamente da traqueia, antes de cada cirurgia. Actualmente, a ecografia endobrônquica é executada em mais de cem centros de broncoscopia a nível mundial. A ecografia endobrônquica pode ser realizada com uma sonda de 20- MHz, o que permite analisar as diferentes camadas teciduais das vias aéreas centrais, estruturas peritraqueais ou peribrônquicas, avaliação da permeabilidade pós-estenótica da árvore brônquica, ou através de um broncofibroscopio com transducer incorporado de 7,5- MHz que apenas analisa as estruturas adjacentes das vias aéreas centrais, com a possibilidade de puncionar em tempo real essas mesmas estruturas. Estas duas técnicas são complementares, sendo a utilização de uma ou outra dependente das necessidades de cada centro. Apesar de apresentar uma curva de aprendizagem lenta, a EBUS ser

  5. Spatial organization of lipids in the human retina and optic nerve by MALDI imaging mass spectrometry. (United States)

    Zemski Berry, Karin A; Gordon, William C; Murphy, Robert C; Bazan, Nicolas G


    MALDI imaging mass spectrometry (IMS) was used to characterize lipid species within sections of human eyes. Common phospholipids that are abundant in most tissues were not highly localized and observed throughout the accessory tissue, optic nerve, and retina. Triacylglycerols were highly localized in accessory tissue, whereas sulfatide and plasmalogen glycerophosphoethanolamine (PE) lipids with a monounsaturated fatty acid were found enriched in the optic nerve. Additionally, several lipids were associated solely with the inner retina, photoreceptors, or retinal pigment epithelium (RPE); a plasmalogen PE lipid containing DHA (22:6), PE(P-18:0/22:6), was present exclusively in the inner retina, and DHA-containing glycerophosphatidylcholine (PC) and PE lipids were found solely in photoreceptors. PC lipids containing very long chain (VLC)-PUFAs were detected in photoreceptors despite their low abundance in the retina. Ceramide lipids and the bis-retinoid, N-retinylidene-N-retinylethanolamine, was tentatively identified and found only in the RPE. This MALDI IMS study readily revealed the location of many lipids that have been associated with degenerative retinal diseases. Complex lipid localization within retinal tissue provides a global view of lipid organization and initial evidence for specific functions in localized regions, offering opportunities to assess their significance in retinal diseases, such as macular degeneration, where lipids have been implicated in the disease process.

  6. Abnormal levels of histone methylation in the retinas of diabetic rats are reversed by minocycline treatment

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Wang, Wenjun; Sidoli, Simone; Zhang, Wenquan


    67% of these marks had their relative abundance restored to non-diabetic levels after minocycline treatment. Mono-and di-methylation states of histone H4 lysine 20 (H4K20me1/me2), markers related to DNA damage response, were found to be up-regulated in the retinas of diabetic rats and restored......In this study we quantified the alterations of retinal histone post-translational modifications (PTMs) in diabetic rats using a liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) approach. Some diabetic rats were subsequently treated with minocycline, a tetracycline antibiotic, which has...... been shown to inhibit the diabetes-induced chronic inflammation in the retinas of rodents. We quantified 266 differentially modified histone peptides, including 48 out of 83 methylation marks with significantly different abundancein retinas of diabetic rats as compared to non-diabetic controls. About...

  7. Estratégias empresariais, dinâmicas informacionais e identidade de marca na economia criativa

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    Vladimir Sibylla Pires

    Full Text Available Estudo centrado nas dinâmicas informacionais do processo de construção de identidades de marcas por centrais de criatividade, que se valem de redes originadas das interações comunicacionais empreendidas entre grupos de trabalho internos e os atores e grupos sociais externos a elas. Considera-se a informação em sua dimensão performativa. Vale-se de uma abordagem poliepistêmica da Ciência da Informação. Apresenta uma pesquisa empírica realizada em uma empresa da indústria da moda (Osklen, complementada por entrevistas com duas outras empresas da economia criativa.

  8. Movimentos turísticos


    Lopes, Policarpo


    Os movimentos turísticos são um dos eixos centrais do relacionamento entre povos, culturas e países. O turista é simultaneamente importador e exportador de bens e de influências. O turismo pode ser definido como a procura colectiva da alteridade social, marcada pelo prazer, pela diversão e descompressão, centrada na abertura e na descoberta do "Mundo" e do "outro". Ao longo dos tempos foram as "mirabilia" da natureza, da História e do sobrenatural que mobilizaram os homens a viajar na des...

  9. Walras no Journal Des Économistes: 1860-65

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    Paula João Antonio de


    Full Text Available Este texto pretende discutir certa parte da obra de Walras pouco conhecida. Trata-se de sua colaboração no Journal des Économistes entre os anos 1860 e 1865. Nestes trabalhos, que estão entre os primeiros publicados por Walras, já aparecem temas decisivos de sua obra da maturidade. No artigo que se vai ler busca-se discutir aspectos centrais da obra de Walras a partir de um diálogo com intérpretes importantes como Jaffé, Schumpeter e Mirowski.

  10. Editorial

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    Fábio Vergara Cerqueira


    Full Text Available O quarto número dos Cadernos procura trazer estudos concernentes às três temáticas centrais da publicação, Patrimônio, Antropologia e Arqueologia. Composto por seis artigos e uma resenha, a composição autoral deste volume mescla, intencionalmente, autores consagrados em suas áreas de  pesquisa, como os historiadores Sandra Pesavento e Francisco Marshall, com jovens pesquisadores, formados na própria UFPEL, como Rafael Guedes Milheira, Welcsoner Silva da Cunha e Luiz Carlos da Silva Júnior.

  11. Cytogenesis in the monkey retina

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    La Vail, M.M.; Rapaport, D.H.; Rakic, P.


    Time of cell origin in the retina of the rhesus monkey (Macaca mulatta) was studied by plotting the number of heavily radiolabeled nuclei in autoradiograms prepared from 2- to 6-month-old animals, each of which was exposed to a pulse of 3H-thymidine (3H-TdR) on a single embryonic (E) or postnatal (P) day. Cell birth in the monkey retina begins just after E27, and approximately 96% of cells are generated by E120. The remaining cells are produced during the last (approximately 45) prenatal days and into the first several weeks after birth. Cell genesis begins near the fovea, and proceeds towards the periphery. Cell division largely ceases in the foveal and perifoveal regions by E56. Despite extensive overlap, a class-specific sequence of cell birth was observed. Ganglion and horizontal cells, which are born first, have largely congruent periods of cell genesis with the peak between E38 and E43, and termination around E70. The first labeled cones were apparent by E33, and their highest density was achieved between E43 and E56, tapering to low values at E70, although some cones are generated in the far periphery as late as E110. Amacrine cells are next in the cell birth sequence and begin genesis at E43, reach a peak production between E56 and E85, and cease by E110. Bipolar cell birth begins at the same time as amacrines, but appears to be separate from them temporally since their production reaches a peak between E56 and E102, and persists beyond the day of birth. Mueller cells and rod photoreceptors, which begin to be generated at E45, achieve a peak, and decrease in density at the same time as bipolar cells, but continue genesis at low density on the day of birth. Thus, bipolar, Mueller, and rod cells have a similar time of origin

  12. MEMS scanner mirror based system for retina scanning and in eye projection (United States)

    Woittennek, Franziska; Knobbe, Jens; Pügner, Tino; Dallmann, Hans-Georg; Schelinski, Uwe; Grüger, Heinrich


    Many applications could benefit from miniaturized systems to scan blood vessels behind the retina in the human eye, so called "retina scanning". This reaches from access control to sophisticated security applications and medical devices. High volume systems for consumer applications require low cost and a user friendly operation. For example this includes no need for removal of glasses and self-adjustment, in turn guidance of focus and point of attraction by simultaneous projection for the user. A new system has been designed based on the well-known resonantly driven 2-d scanner mirror of Fraunhofer IPMS. A combined NIR and VIS laser system illuminates the eye through an eye piece designed for an operating distance allowing the use of glasses and granting sufficient field of view. This usability feature was considered to be more important than highest miniaturization. The modulated VIS laser facilitates the projection of an image directly onto the retina. The backscattered light from the continuous NIR laser contains the information of the blood vessels and is detected by a highly sensitive photo diode. A demonstrational setup has been realized including readout and driving electronics. The laser power was adjusted to an eye-secure level. Additional security features were integrated. Test measurements revealed promising results. In a first demonstration application the detection of biometric pattern of the blood vessels was evaluated for issues authentication in.

  13. Neurite regeneration in adult rat retinas exposed to advanced glycation end-products and regenerative effects of neurotrophin-4. (United States)

    Bikbova, Guzel; Oshitari, Toshiyuki; Yamamoto, Shuichi


    The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of low concentrations of advanced glycation end-products on neurite regeneration in isolated rat retinas, and to determine the effects of neurotrophin-4 on regeneration in advanced glycation end-products exposed retinas. Retinal explants of 4 adult Sprague-Dawley rats were cultured on collagen gel and were incubated in; (1) serum-free control culture media, (2) glucose-advanced glycation end-products-bovine serum albumin media, (3) glycolaldehyde-advanced glycation end-products-bovine serum albumin media, (4) glyceraldehyde-advanced glycation end-products-bovine serum albumin media, (5) glucose-advanced glycation end-products+neurotrophin-4 media, (6) glycolaldehyde-advanced glycation end-products+neurotrophin-4 media, or (7) glyceraldehyde-advanced glycation end-products+neurotrophin-4 supplemented culture media. After 7 days, the number of regenerating neurites from the explants was counted. Then, explants were fixed, cryosectioned, and stained for TUNEL. The ratio of TUNEL-positive cells to all cells in the ganglion cell layer was determined. Immunohistochemical examinations for the active-form of caspase-9 and apoptosis-inducing factor were performed. In retinas incubated with advanced glycation end-products containing media, the number of regenerating neurites were fewer than in retinas without advanced glycation end-products, and the number of TUNEL-positive cells and caspase-9- and apoptosis-inducing factor-immunopositive cells was significantly higher than in control media. Neurotrophin-4 supplementation increased the numbers of regenerating neuritis, and the number of TUNEL-positives, caspase-9-, and apoptosis-inducing factor-immunopositive cells were significantly fewer than that in advanced glycation end-products without neurotrophin-4 media. Low doses of advanced glycation end-products impede neurite regeneration in the rat retinas. Neurotrophin-4 significantly enhances neurite regeneration in

  14. Heat shock protein 70 and heat shock protein 90 expression in light- and dark-adapted adult octopus retinas. (United States)

    Ochoa, Gina H; Clark, Ying Mei; Matsumoto, Brian; Torres-Ruiz, Jose A; Robles, Laura J


    Light- and dark-adaptation leads to changes in rhabdom morphology and photopigment distribution in the octopus retina. Molecular chaperones, including heat shock proteins (Hsps), may be involved in specific signaling pathways that cause changes in photoreceptor actin- and tubulin-based cytoskeletons and movement of the photopigments, rhodopsin and retinochrome. In this study, we used immunoblotting, in situ RT-PCR, immunofluorescence and confocal microscopy to localize the inducible form of Hsp70 and the larger Hsp90 in light- and dark-adapted and dorsal and ventral halves of adult octopus retinas. The Hsps showed differences in distribution between the light and dark and in dorsal vs. ventral position in the retina. Double labeling confocal microscopy co-localized Hsp70 with actin and tubulin, and Hsp90 with the photopigment, retinochrome. Our results demonstrate the presence of Hsp70 and Hsp90 in otherwise non-stressed light- and dark-adapted octopus retinas. These Hsps may help stabilize the cytoskeleton, important for rhabdom structure, and are perhaps involved in the redistribution of retinochrome in conditions of light and dark.

  15. Distribution of light in the human retina under natural viewing conditions (United States)

    Gibert, Jorge C.

    Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is the leading cause of blindness inAmerica. The fact that AMD wreaks most of the damage in the center of the retina raises the question of whether light, integrated over long periods, is more concentrated in the macula. A method, based on eye-tracking, was developed to measure the distribution of light in the retina under natural viewing conditions. The hypothesis was that integrated over time, retinal illumination peaked in the macula. Additionally a possible relationship between age and retinal illumination was investigated. The eye tracker superimposed the subject's gaze position on a video recorded by a scene camera. Five informed subjects were employed in feasibility tests, and 58 naive subjects participated in 5 phases. In phase 1 the subjects viewed a gray-scale image. In phase 2, they observed a sequence of photographic images. In phase 3 they viewed a video. In phase 4, they worked on a computer; in phase 5, the subjects walked around freely. The informed subjects were instructed to gaze at bright objects in the field of view and then at dark objects. Naive subjects were allowed to gaze freely for all phases. Using the subject's gaze coordinates, and the video provided by the scene camera, the cumulative light distribution on the retina was calculated for ˜15° around the fovea. As expected for control subjects, cumulative retinal light distributions peaked and dipped in the fovea when they gazed at bright or dark objects respectively. The light distribution maps obtained from the naive subjects presented a tendency to peak in the macula for phases 1, 2, and 3, a consistent tendency in phase 4 and a variable tendency in phase 5. The feasibility of using an eye-tracker system to measure the distribution of light in the retina was demonstrated, thus helping to understand the role played by light exposure in the etiology of AMD. Results showed that a tendency for light to peak in the macula is a characteristic of some

  16. Neuroprotective effect of bilberry extract in a murine model of photo-stressed retina.

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    Hideto Osada

    Full Text Available Excessive exposure to light promotes degenerative and blinding retinal diseases such as age-related macular degeneration and retinitis pigmentosa. However, the underlying mechanisms of photo-induced retinal degeneration are not fully understood, and a generalizable preventive intervention has not been proposed. Bilberry extract is an antioxidant-rich supplement that ameliorates ocular symptoms. However, its effects on photo-stressed retinas have not been clarified. In this study, we examined the neuroprotective effects of bilberry extract against photo-stress in murine retinas. Light-induced visual function impairment recorded by scotopic and phototopic electroretinograms showing respective rod and cone photoreceptor function was attenuated by oral administration of bilberry extract through a stomach tube in Balb/c mice (750 mg/kg body weight. Bilberry extract also suppressed photo-induced apoptosis in the photoreceptor cell layer and shortening of the outer segments of rod and cone photoreceptors. Levels of photo-induced reactive oxygen species (ROS, oxidative and endoplasmic reticulum (ER stress markers, as measured by real-time reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction, were reduced by bilberry extract treatment. Reduction of ROS by N-acetyl-L-cysteine, a well-known antioxidant also suppressed ER stress. Immunohistochemical analysis of activating transcription factor 4 expression showed the presence of ER stress in the retina, and at least in part, in Müller glial cells. The photo-induced disruption of tight junctions in the retinal pigment epithelium was also attenuated by bilberry extract, repressing an oxidative stress marker, although ER stress markers were not repressed. Our results suggest that bilberry extract attenuates photo-induced apoptosis and visual dysfunction most likely, and at least in part, through ROS reduction, and subsequent ER stress attenuation in the retina. This study can help understand the mechanisms of photo

  17. Finestructure of the retina in Garra rufa (cypriniae, Teleostei)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Al-Adhami, A. M.; Mir, S.


    The light - and dark-adapted retina of the freshwater, bottom-dweller tele ost, Ga rra rufa (Heck el, 1843) was studied under light and electron microscopes. The fish is a fist record in having both falcifrom process and vit real blood circulation and the hyaloid artery from which it developers. A number of acute vision areas represented by increased density of ganglion cell soma ta are evident. The dark-adapted retina is characterized by notably large photoreceptor terminals (rod spherules and cone placidas). A rod spherules has single synaptic ribbon, whereas a cone pedicle has three to four. The inner nuclear layer is composed of the so meta of horizontal, bipolar and amsacrine cells in addition to nuclei of Muller cells. The outer nuclear layer, on the other hand, is composed of two-three rows of rod nuclei and one row of cone nuclei. The photoreceptor cells include rods and single and double cones. The rod outer segments have deep and/or shallow incisor. Cone ellipsoid may have ellipsosomes. These are shown to develop from one of the apical mitochondria of the ellipsoid- Retinomotor movement involves both the photoreceptor cells and the pigment epithelium. (authors). 11 refs., 14 figs

  18. Msx1 is expressed in retina endothelial cells at artery branching sites

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    Miguel Lopes


    Msx1 and Msx2 encode homeodomain transcription factors that play a role in several embryonic developmental processes. Previously, we have shown that in the adult mouse, Msx1lacZ is expressed in vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMCs and pericytes, and that Msx2lacZ is also expressed in VSMCs as well as in a few endothelial cells (ECs. The mouse retina and choroid are two highly vascularized tissues. Vessel alterations in the retina are associated with several human diseases and the retina has been intensely used for angiogenesis studies, whereas the choroid has been much less investigated. Using the Msx1lacZ and Msx2lacZ reporter alleles, we observed that Msx2 is not expressed in the eye vascular tree in contrast to Msx1, for which we establish the spatial and temporal expression pattern in these tissues. In the retina, expression of Msx1 takes place from P3, and by P10, it becomes confined to a subpopulation of ECs at branching points of superficial arterioles. These branching sites are characterized by a subpopulation of mural cells that also show specific expression programs. Specific Msx gene inactivation in the endothelium, using Msx1 and Msx2 conditional mutant alleles together with a Tie2-Cre transgene, did not lead to conspicuous structural defects in the retinal vascular network. Expression of Msx1 at branching sites might therefore be linked to vessel physiology. The retinal blood flow is autonomously regulated and perfusion of capillaries has been proposed to depend on arteriolar precapillary structures that might be the sites for Msx1 expression. On the other hand, branching sites are subject to shear stress that might induce Msx1 expression. In the choroid vascular layer Msx1lacZ is expressed more broadly and dynamically. At birth Msx1lacZ expression takes place in the endothelium but at P21 its expression has shifted towards the mural layer. We discuss the possible functions of Msx1 in the eye vasculature.

  19. Msx1 is expressed in retina endothelial cells at artery branching sites. (United States)

    Lopes, Miguel; Goupille, Olivier; Saint Cloment, Cécile; Robert, Benoît


    Msx1 and Msx2 encode homeodomain transcription factors that play a role in several embryonic developmental processes. Previously, we have shown that in the adult mouse, Msx1(lacZ) is expressed in vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMCs) and pericytes, and that Msx2(lacZ) is also expressed in VSMCs as well as in a few endothelial cells (ECs). The mouse retina and choroid are two highly vascularized tissues. Vessel alterations in the retina are associated with several human diseases and the retina has been intensely used for angiogenesis studies, whereas the choroid has been much less investigated. Using the Msx1(lacZ) and Msx2(lacZ) reporter alleles, we observed that Msx2 is not expressed in the eye vascular tree in contrast to Msx1, for which we establish the spatial and temporal expression pattern in these tissues. In the retina, expression of Msx1 takes place from P3, and by P10, it becomes confined to a subpopulation of ECs at branching points of superficial arterioles. These branching sites are characterized by a subpopulation of mural cells that also show specific expression programs. Specific Msx gene inactivation in the endothelium, using Msx1 and Msx2 conditional mutant alleles together with a Tie2-Cre transgene, did not lead to conspicuous structural defects in the retinal vascular network. Expression of Msx1 at branching sites might therefore be linked to vessel physiology. The retinal blood flow is autonomously regulated and perfusion of capillaries has been proposed to depend on arteriolar precapillary structures that might be the sites for Msx1 expression. On the other hand, branching sites are subject to shear stress that might induce Msx1 expression. In the choroid vascular layer Msx1(lacZ) is expressed more broadly and dynamically. At birth Msx1(lacZ) expression takes place in the endothelium but at P21 its expression has shifted towards the mural layer. We discuss the possible functions of Msx1 in the eye vasculature.

  20. Microscopic hyperspectral imaging studies of normal and diabetic retina of rats

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)


    A microscopic hyperspectral imager was developed based on the microscopic technology and the spectral imaging technology. Some microscopic hyperspectral images of retina sections of the normal, the diabetic, and the treated rats were collected by the new imager. Single-band images and pseudo-color images of each group were obtained and the typical transmittance spectrums were ex-tracted. The results showed that the transmittance of outer nuclear layer cells of the diabetic group was generally higher than that of the normal. A small absorption peak appeared near the 180th band in the spectrum of the diabetic group and this peak weakened or disappeared in the spectrum of the treated group. Our findings indicate that the microscopic hyperspectral images include wealthy information of retina sections which is helpful for the ophthalmologist to reveal the pathogenesis of diabetic reti-nopathy and explore the therapeutic effect of drugs.

  1. [Expression of vimentin and GFAP and development of the retina in the trout]. (United States)

    De Guevara, R; Pairault, C; Pinganaud, G


    The glial cell development was studied during the edification of the retina and the optic tract, in a teleost, the rainbow trout. The intermediate filament proteins, vimentin and glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) were visualized by an indirect immunohistochemical method. Results show that both vimentin and GFAP are early expressed in the developing retina and, particularly in the Müller cells, a coexpression of vimentin and GFAP is observed from embryonic to adult stages. The ganglion cell layer and the optic fiber layer both exhibit GFAP-positive structures. The deep staining for GFAP is also seen in the optic nerve and induces us to credit astrocyte-like cells with a leading role in the pattern formation of this tract.

  2. Mechanical Stress and Antioxidant Protection in the Retina of Hindlimb Suspended Rats (United States)

    Glass, Aziza; Theriot, Corey A.; Alway, Stephen E.; Zanello, Susana B.


    It has been postulated that hindlimb suspension (HS) causes a cephalad fluid shift in quadrupeds similar to that occurring to humans in microgravity. Therefore, HS may provide a suitable animal model in which to recapitulate the ocular changes observed in the human Visual Impairment and Intracranial Pressure (VIIP) syndrome. This work reports preliminary results from a tissue sharing project using 34 week-old Brown Norway rats. Two different experiments compared normal posture controls and HS rats for 2 weeks and rats exposed to HS for 2 weeks but allowed to recover in normal posture for 2 additional weeks. The effects of two nutritional countermeasures, green tea extract (GT) and plant polyphenol resveratrol (Rv), were also evaluated. Green tea contains the antioxidant epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG). qPCR gene expression analysis of selected targets was performed on RNA from isolated retinas, and histologic analysis was done on one fixed eye per rat. The transcription factor early growth response protein 1 (Egr1) was upregulated almost 2-fold in HS retinas relative to controls (P = 0.059), and its expression returned to control levels after 2 weeks of recovery in normal posture (P = 0.023). HS-induced upregulation of Egr1 was attenuated (but not significantly) in retinas from rats fed an antioxidant rich (GT extract) diet. In rats fed the GT-enriched diet, antioxidant enzymes were induced, evidenced by the upregulation of the gene heme oxygenase 1 (Hmox1) (P = 0.042) and the gene superoxide dismutase 2 (Sod2) (P = 0.0001). Egr1 is a stretch-activated transcription factor, and the Egr1 mechanosensitive response to HS may have been caused by a change in the translaminal pressure and/or mechanical deformation of the eye globe. The observed histologic measurements of the various retinal layers in the HS rats were lower in value than those of the control animal (n = 1), however insufficient data were available for statistical analysis. Aquaporin 4, a water

  3. Radicals excess in the retina: A model for light flashes in space

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Narici, L.; De Martino, A.; Brunetti, V.; Rinaldi, A.; Sannita, W.G.; Paci, M.


    The risk due to cosmic radiation is a major issue in planning future missions to the Moon or Mars and would be critical if inadequately addressed. Functional risks must also be considered. The perception of light flashes reported by astronauts in space, and ascribed mostly to the action of ionizing radiation in the eye (retina), is an evidence for radiation functional interaction. No detailed model of the ion/retina interaction is yet available. Here we present the first model for a generation mechanism compatible with light flashes in space, and the results of in vitro tests supporting it. The model can be a common end point for the interactions between ionizing radiation and visual system in space. It would also support the assessment of functional radiation risks in space.

  4. A economia como objeto socialmente construído nas análises regulacionista e da Economia Social de Mercado

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    Full Text Available RESUMO O artigo discute os argumentos ontológicos em defesa das especificidades dos fenômenos econômicos, comparativamente àqueles encontrados nos sistemas inorgânico e orgânico. Sua posição epistemológica é antipositivista e antineoclássica, sustentando que a tentativa de naturalizar os sistemas socioeconômicos, que marca a Economia, desde os fisiocratas, tem contribuído para enfraquecer seu potencial heurístico, explicativo e preditivo. A problemática é desenvolvida partindo-se de uma análise comparativa entre a Teoria da Regulação e a Economia Social de Mercado, correntes teóricas onde o conceito de instituição e a historicidade inerente às relações de produção e de distribuição são consideradas centrais. Diferentemente dos objetos da natureza, cujas regularidades e processos não foram originalmente criados pela práxis humana, o objeto econômico é social e politicamente construído e precisa ter, portanto, estatuto teórico-metodológico específico. Em consequência, a pertinência das teorias em face das regularidades micro e macroeconômicas observadas não pode ser alcançada por uma abordagem axiomática que faz da Economia uma ciência essencialmente lógico-dedutiva e a-histórica por construção, tampouco pela pressuposição da existência de leis gerais invariantes, puramente econômicas e inescapáveis.

  5. Protocolo de avaliação da amusia: exemplo português Evaluation protocol for amusia: portuguese sample

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Maria Conceição Peixoto


    Full Text Available A amusia é uma disfunção que compromete o processamento musical. Parte desse processamento é feito a nível do cortéx auditivo primário. O estudo dessa afecção permite-nos avaliar também as vias auditivas centrais. OBJETIVO: Explorar os testes de avaliação diagnóstica da amusia. MÉTODO: Os autores propõem um protocolo de avaliação para doentes com suspeita de amusia (após lesão cerebral ou por queixas de má percepção musical, paralelamente com a avaliação do processamento auditivo central, já implementada no serviço. A base dos testes de avaliação assenta na Montreal Battery of Evaluation of Amusia. Desta ampla bateria de testes, foram selecionados alguns dos exemplos musicais para avaliação de diferentes vertentes da área musical, nomeadamente memória e percepção musical, capacidade de reconhecimento e discriminação musical. Em termos de memória, foi criado um teste de avaliação da memória tardia, adaptado à cultura portuguesa. Estudo prospectivo. RESULTADOS e CONCLUSÕES: Embora ainda em fase experimental e com possibilidades de ajustes na avaliação realizada, considera-se que esta avaliação, aliada ao estudo do processamento auditivo central, permitirá compreender algumas lesões e disfunções centrais, congênitas ou adquiridas, que limitam a percepção auditiva.Amusia is a disorder that affects the processing of music. Part of this processing happens in the primary auditory cortex. The study of this condition allows us to evaluate the central auditory pathways. OBJECTIVE: To explore the diagnostic evaluation tests of amusia. METHOD: The authors propose an evaluation protocol for patients with suspected amusia (after brain injury or complaints of poor musical perception, in parallel with the assessment of central auditory processing, already implemented in the department. The Montreal Evaluation of Battery of amusia was the basis for the selection of the tests. From this comprehensive battery of

  6. Ontogenetic expression of the Otx2 and Crx homeobox genes in the retina of the rat

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Rath, Martin F; Morin, Fabrice; Shi, Qiong


    . This confirmed the presence of Otx2 mRNA in both the embryonic retinal pigment epithelium and the developing neural retina. During development, the expression of Otx2 persists in the pigment epithelium, whereas Otx2 expression of the neural retina becomes progressively restricted to the outer nuclear layer......Otx2 and Crx are vertebrate orthologs of the orthodenticle family of homeobox genes, which are involved in retinal development. In this study, the temporal expression patterns of Otx2 and Crx in the rat retina during embryonic and postnatal stages of development were analyzed in detail...... and the outer part of the inner nuclear layer. Immunohistochemistry revealed that Otx2 protein is also present in cell bodies of the ganglion cell layer, which does not contain the Otx2 transcript, suggesting that Otx2 protein is synthesized in cell bodies of the bipolar neurons and then transported...

  7. The Endocannabinoid System in the Retina: From Physiology to Practical and Therapeutic Applications

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    Thomas Schwitzer


    Full Text Available Cannabis is one of the most prevalent drugs used in industrialized countries. The main effects of Cannabis are mediated by two major exogenous cannabinoids: ∆9-tetrahydroxycannabinol and cannabidiol. They act on specific endocannabinoid receptors, especially types 1 and 2. Mammals are endowed with a functional cannabinoid system including cannabinoid receptors, ligands, and enzymes. This endocannabinoid signaling pathway is involved in both physiological and pathophysiological conditions with a main role in the biology of the central nervous system. As the retina is a part of the central nervous system due to its embryonic origin, we aim at providing the relevance of studying the endocannabinoid system in the retina. Here, we review the distribution of the cannabinoid receptors, ligands, and enzymes in the retina and focus on the role of the cannabinoid system in retinal neurobiology. This review describes the presence of the cannabinoid system in critical stages of retinal processing and its broad involvement in retinal neurotransmission, neuroplasticity, and neuroprotection. Accordingly, we support the use of synthetic cannabinoids as new neuroprotective drugs to prevent and treat retinal diseases. Finally, we argue for the relevance of functional retinal measures in cannabis users to evaluate the impact of cannabis use on human retinal processing.

  8. Gramsci between Machiavelli and Marx: from negative determination of human to ontonegative determination of politics Gramsci entre Maquiavel e Marx: da negatividade do homem a ontonegatividade da política

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    Claudinei Cássio Rezende


    Full Text Available In one of his central categories, Gramsci establishes a connection between the Machiavellian and Marxian political conceptions, in a manner that each one writes to the revolutionary class of their time. Nevertheless, a more rigorous critic at Marx’s propositions unveils to us that the proletarian class isn’t just the progressist class of his time, in the same manner that the bourgeois was in the Iluminism, like Gramsci thinks, but it is, actually, the universal sphere and the only one qualifi ed to accomplish a human emancipation. Consequently, the connection between Machiavelli and Marx does not exist, once Marx conceives the ontological work as the central attribute of humanization, and conceives the politics as temporary; while Machiavelli conceives the politics as the founder act of all sociability. Keywords: Machiavelli. Marx. Gramsci. Ontonegative determination of politics. Human emancipation. Em uma de suas categorias centrais, Gramsci estabelece uma identidade direta entre as politicidades maquiaveliana e marxiana, de sorte que cada um escreve para a classe da vanguarda política de sua época. No entanto, uma crítica mais rigorosa aos escritos marxianos nos revela que o proletariado não é somente a classe progressista de sua época, da maneira que a burguesia fora no iluminismo, como quer Gramsci, mas é, em verdade, a esfera universal e a única capaz de levar a cabo uma emancipação humana total. Doravante, a identidade entre Marx e Maquiavel inexiste na medida em que o primeiro, de magnitude filosófica distinta, concebe o trabalho ontologicamente como atributo central da humanização, apreendendo a política como uma figura transitória superável, enquanto o segundo concebe a política como o ato fundador de toda sociabilidade. Palavras-chave: Maquiavel. Marx. Gramsci. Ontonegatividade da política. Emancipação humana.

  9. Bevacizumab (Avastin® no tratamento da membrana neovascular coroidal secundária à degeneração macular relacionada à idade: relato de caso Bevacizumab (Avastin® in treatment of choroidal neovascularization secondary to age-related macular degeneration: a case report

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    Tiago Eugênio Faria e Arantes


    Full Text Available As drogas anti-angiogênicas foram introduzidas recentemente no arsenal terapêutico das membranas neovasculares coroidais. O objetivo deste relato é descrever um caso de membranas neovasculares coroidais oculta com extenso descolamento do epitélio pigmentado da retina, tratada com bevacizumab (Avastin® intravítrea. A eficácia da medicação foi avaliada por meio da acuidade visual e de exames complementares (angiografia fluoresceínica, videoangiografia com indocianina verde e tomografia de coerência óptica. Após três injeções intravítreas de bevacizumab, obteve-se uma resposta anatômica e visual satisfatória, denotando benefícios da droga, apesar do extenso descolamento do epitélio pigmentado da retina associada a membranas neovasculares coroidais oculta.The antiangiogenic drugs have been recently introduced in the therapeutic armamentarium of choroidal neovascularization. The purpose of this report is to describe a case of occult choroidal neovascularization with extensive retinal pigment epithelial detachment treated with intravitreal bevacizumab (Avastin®. The efficacy of the medication was evaluated by means of visual acuity and complementary exams (fluorescein angiography, indocyanine green video angiography and optical coherence tomography. After three intravitreal injections of bevacizumab a satisfactory anatomic and visual response was achieved, showing benefits of the drug, despite the extensive retinal pigment epithelial detachment associated with occult choroidal neovascularization.

  10. Possible influences of lutein and zeaxanthin on the developing retina. (United States)

    Zimmer, J Paul; Hammond, Billy R


    The carotenoids lutein and zeaxanthin (LZ) are found throughout the central nervous system but reach their highest concentration within the macular region of the primate retina where they are commonly referred to as the macular pigments. Although LZ are a major integral feature of the central fovea, no information currently exists regarding the effects of variability in the concentration of these pigments on the developing retina. In particular, the long-term effects of very low levels of macular pigment are not known and potentially meaningful. Macular pigment levels depend upon dietary intake since LZ cannot be synthesized de novo. Infants with low intake of LZ (eg, infants receiving unfortified infant formula or breast milk from mothers with low carotenoid diets) would be expected to have considerably lower macular pigment compared with infants with high LZ intake (eg, breast-fed infants with mothers on carotenoid-rich diets). In this paper we discuss possible implications of this difference and the available evidence suggesting that LZ could influence the developing visual system.

  11. Changes in acetylcholine release from the chick retina are not associated with myopia development

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Vessey, K.A.; Cotriall, C.L.; McBrien, N.A.


    Full text: The effectiveness of muscarinic receptor antagonists in inhibiting myopia progression in animal models and humans implicates cholinergic signalling in ocular growth regulation. Therefore to determine if changes in the release of acetylcholine from the retina are involved in myopia development, the efflux of acetylcholine from the in vitro retina of normal and myopic chick eyes was investigated. Chicks were monocularly deprived (MD) of pattern vision with translucent occluders for 2 or 7 days and refractive error of MD groups and age matched normals was monitored using retinoscopy (n=6 each group). 3 H-choline-Cl (1 Ci in 7μL) was injected into the vitreous of each eye under 2.5% halothane anaesthesia. After 1hr, the eyes were enucleated, under terminal anaesthesia (sodium pentobarbital, 120 mg/kg, im). Retinas were flat-mounted on acetate filter discs and superfused with oxygenated physiological saline solution (PSS) for 30min at 0.4mL/min. Five baseline fractions were collected (B1-B5), then three stimulated fractions were collected in the presence of PSS containing 50mM KCl (K1-K3) at 2min intervals. 3 H-acetylcholine ( 3 H-ACh) in each fraction was quantified by liquid scintillation counting. Significant amounts of myopia were induced in MD eyes after 2 (-5.1±0.8D) and 7 days (-18.8±2.4D) relative to control eyes (paired t-test p 3 H-ACh release was 146±15% above basal levels (K2/B1%) from retinas of normal animals. After 2 days MD, there was no significant difference between KCl-evoked release of 3 H-ACh from deprived eyes (147 39%) compared to control eyes (198±61%, paired t-test, p=0.27) or the eyes of normal animals (ANOVA, p>0.5). Similar results were obtained following 7 days MD. The results demonstrate that evoked acetylcholine release from the chick retina of myopic eyes is unaltered relative to control or normal eyes using an in vitro approach. Copyright (2002) Australian Neuroscience Society

  12. Pivotal roles of Fezf2 in differentiation of cone OFF bipolar cells and functional maturation of cone ON bipolar cells in retina. (United States)

    Suzuki-Kerr, Haruna; Iwagawa, Toshiro; Sagara, Hiroshi; Mizota, Atsushi; Suzuki, Yutaka; Watanabe, Sumiko


    During development of the retina, common retinal progenitor cells give rise to six classes of neurons that subsequently further diversify into more than 55 subtypes of neuronal subtypes. Here, we have investigated the expression and function of Fezf2, Fez zinc finger family of protein, in the developing mouse retina. Expression of Fezf2 transcripts was strongly observed in the embryonic retinal progenitors at E14.5 and declined quickly in subsequent development of retina. Then, in postnatal stage at around day 8, Fezf2 was transiently expressed then declined again. Loss-of-function analysis using retinas from mice in which Fezf2 coding region was substituted with β-galactosidase showed that Fezf2 is expressed in a subset of cone OFF bipolar cells and required for their differentiation. Using electroretinogram, we found that Fezf2 knockout retina exhibited significantly reduced photopic b-wave, suggesting functional abnormality of cone ON bipolar cells. Furthermore, reduced expression of synaptic protein Trpm1 and structural alteration of ON bipolar cell invagination, both of which affected cone photoreceptor terminal synaptic activity, was identified by transmission electron microscopy and immunohistochemistry, respectively. Taken together, our results show that Fezf2 is indispensable in differentiation of bipolar precursors into cone OFF bipolar cells and in functional maturation of cone ON bipolar cells during development of mouse retina. These results contribute to our understanding of how diversity of neuronal subtypes and hence specificity of neuronal connections are established in the retina by intrinsic cues. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  13. Targeting iodothyronine deiodinases locally in the retina is a therapeutic strategy for retinal degeneration. (United States)

    Yang, Fan; Ma, Hongwei; Belcher, Joshua; Butler, Michael R; Redmond, T Michael; Boye, Sanford L; Hauswirth, William W; Ding, Xi-Qin


    Recent studies have implicated thyroid hormone (TH) signaling in cone photoreceptor viability. Using mouse models of retinal degeneration, we found that antithyroid treatment preserves cones. This work investigates the significance of targeting intracellular TH components locally in the retina. The cellular TH level is mainly regulated by deiodinase iodothyronine (DIO)-2 and -3. DIO2 converts thyroxine (T4) to triiodothyronine (T3), which binds to the TH receptor, whereas DIO3 degrades T3 and T4. We examined cone survival after overexpression of DIO3 and inhibition of DIO2 and demonstrated the benefits of these manipulations. Subretinal delivery of AAV5-IRBP/GNAT2-DIO3, which directs expression of human DIO3 specifically in cones, increased cone density by 30-40% in a Rpe65 -/- mouse model of Lebers congenital amaurosis (LCA) and in a Cpfl1 mouse with Pde6c defect model of achromatopsia, compared with their respective untreated controls. Intravitreal and topical delivery of the DIO2 inhibitor iopanoic acid also significantly improved cone survival in the LCA model mice. Moreover, the expression levels of DIO2 and Slc16a2 were significantly higher in the diseased retinas, suggesting locally elevated TH signaling. We show that targeting DIOs protects cones, and intracellular inhibition of TH components locally in the retina may represent a novel strategy for retinal degeneration management.-Yang, F., Ma, H., Belcher, J., Butler, M. R., Redmond, T. M., Boye, S. L., Hauswirth, W. W., Ding, X.-Q. Targeting iodothyronine deiodinases locally in the retina is a therapeutic strategy for retinal degeneration. © FASEB.

  14. Adaptive optics imaging of the retina

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rajani Battu


    Full Text Available Adaptive optics is a relatively new tool that is available to ophthalmologists for study of cellular level details. In addition to the axial resolution provided by the spectral-domain optical coherence tomography, adaptive optics provides an excellent lateral resolution, enabling visualization of the photoreceptors, blood vessels and details of the optic nerve head. We attempt a mini review of the current role of adaptive optics in retinal imaging. PubMed search was performed with key words Adaptive optics OR Retina OR Retinal imaging. Conference abstracts were searched from the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO and American Academy of Ophthalmology (AAO meetings. In total, 261 relevant publications and 389 conference abstracts were identified.

  15. Circadian rhythms and light responsiveness of mammalian clock gene, Clock and BMAL1, transcripts in the rat retina. (United States)

    Namihira, M; Honma, S; Abe, H; Tanahashi, Y; Ikeda, M; Honma, K


    Circadian expression and light-responsiveness of the mammalian clock genes, Clock and BMAL1, in the rat retina were examined by in situ hydbribization under constant darkness. A small but significant daily variation was detected in the Clock transcript level, but not in BMAL1. Light increased the Clock and BMAL1 expressions significantly when examined 60 min after exposure. The light-induced gene expression was phase-dependent for Clock and peaked at ZT2, while rather constant throughout the day for BMAL1. These findings suggest that Clock and BMAL1 play different roles in the generation of circadian rhytm in the retina from those in the suprachiasmatic nucleus. Different roles are also suggested between the two genes in the photic signal transduction in the retina.

  16. X-ray microprobe analysis of the retina and RPE in sheep with ovine ceroid-lipofuscinosis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Samuelson, D.A.; Armstrong, D.; Jolly, R.


    Ovine ceroid-lipofuscinosis (OCL) is one animal model for the human condition, and because autofluorescent lipopigments are prominent in the brain and eye, it may also prove useful as a model for aging. For example, a progressive decline in electrical recording from brain and retina are observed in both aging and OCL. Samples of retinal and retinal pigment epithelial (RPE) tissues were obtained from a young control. 2 animals with OCL and a normal aged sheep. Specimens were cryo-fractured and examined by scanning electron microscopy/x-ray microanalysis. Measurements made of 6 individual cells in the ganglion layer of OCL specimens, the remainder of the retina, and RPE showed age-related changes in zinc, iron, and copper which were associated with lipopigment accumulation in the RPE. There was marked decrease in phosphate, sulfur, and manganese levels, as photoreceptor cells and their outer segments are lost in the disease process. This is the first report of metal analysis in the retina and RPE in a disease entity, and as a function of normal aging

  17. Electroretinography: A biopotential to assess the function/dysfunction of the retina (United States)

    Quintana, Quinteros; Benedetto, M. L.; Maldonado, M. M.; de Payer E., A. C. Vera; Contin, M. A.


    The Electroretinography (ERG) is a noninvasive technique that allows the assessment of functional integrity of the retina. The ERG recordings are biopotencials acquired in the corneal surface as a response of retinal tissue against controlled light stimuli. In clinical ophthalmology ERG is not commonly used but nowadays, because of the high incidence of degenerative diseases of the retina (RD), its use should be increased. Like other biopotentials as electrocardiography (ECG), electroencephalogram (EEG) and electromyography (EMG), ERG is a low amplitude signal, in this case a few hundred of microvolts (µV), which must be fitted and processed. The ERG signals are affected in morphology in the presence of pathologies that affects the integrity of the different retinal cell groups, for example due to some RD. In advanced cases of RD recordings can be abolished in the time domain; and yet in them it is believed that there is relevant clinical information making the ERG a great potential diagnostic tool.

  18. Lactate Transport and Receptor Actions in Retina

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kolko, Miriam; Vosborg, Fia; Henriksen, Jens Ulrik Lütken


    known as HCAR1, may contribute importantly to the control of retinal cell functions in health and disease. GPR81, a G-protein coupled receptor, is known to downregulate cAMP both in adipose and nervous tissue. The receptor also acts through other down-stream mechanisms to control functions......In retina, like in brain, lactate equilibrates across cell membranes via monocarboxylate transporters and in the extracellular space by diffusion, forming a basis for the action of lactate as a transmitter of metabolic signals. In the present paper, we argue that the lactate receptor GPR81, also...

  19. Caracterización molecular de las formas precoces de distrofia de retina recesivas y esporádicas en población española: amaurosis congénita de Leber y Retinosis pigmentaria de inicio precoz


    Tatu, Sorina Daniela


    Tesis doctoral inédita leída en la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Facultad de Ciencias, Departamento de Biología Molecular. Fecha de lectura: 27-01-2016 Esta tesis tiene embargado el acceso al texto completo hasta 27-07-2017 Las distrofias hereditarias de la retina (DR) son un conjunto de trastornos que se producen por una degeneración primaria y progresiva de fotorreceptores. Entre ellas, la amaurosis congénita de Leber (LCA) representa la forma más precoz y severa, ocasionando ...

  20. A Retina-Like Dual Band Organic Photosensor Array for Filter-Free Near-Infrared-to-Memory Operations. (United States)

    Wang, Hanlin; Liu, Hongtao; Zhao, Qiang; Ni, Zhenjie; Zou, Ye; Yang, Jie; Wang, Lifeng; Sun, Yanqiu; Guo, Yunlong; Hu, Wenping; Liu, Yunqi


    Human eyes use retina photoreceptor cells to absorb and distinguish photons from different wavelengths to construct an image. Mimicry of such a process and extension of its spectral response into the near-infrared (NIR) is indispensable for night surveillance, retinal prosthetics, and medical imaging applications. Currently, NIR organic photosensors demand optical filters to reduce visible interference, thus making filter-free and anti-visible NIR imaging a challenging task. To solve this limitation, a filter-free and conformal, retina-inspired NIR organic photosensor is presented. Featuring an integration of photosensing and floating-gate memory modules, the device possesses an acute color distinguishing capability. In general, the retina-like photosensor transduces NIR (850 nm) into nonvolatile memory and acts as a dynamic photoswitch under green light (550 nm). In doing this, a filter-free but color-distinguishing photosensor is demonstrated that selectively converts NIR optical signals into nonvolatile memory. © 2017 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  1. Common Variants in the COL4A4 Gene Confer Susceptibility to Lattice Degeneration of the Retina


    Meguro, Akira; Ideta, Hidenao; Ota, Masao; Ito, Norihiko; Ideta, Ryuichi; Yonemoto, Junichi; Takeuchi, Masaki; Uemoto, Riyo; Nishide, Tadayuki; Iijima, Yasuhito; Kawagoe, Tatsukata; Okada, Eiichi; Shiota, Tomoko; Hagihara, Yuta; Oka, Akira


    Lattice degeneration of the retina is a vitreoretinal disorder characterized by a visible fundus lesion predisposing the patient to retinal tears and detachment. The etiology of this degeneration is still uncertain, but it is likely that both genetic and environmental factors play important roles in its development. To identify genetic susceptibility regions for lattice degeneration of the retina, we performed a genome-wide association study (GWAS) using a dense panel of 23,465 microsatellite...

  2. O crescimento da informalidade nas cidades do pós-fordismo e a mudança do paradigma das políticas de habitação social

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    Nelson Baltrusis


    Full Text Available Este trabalho discute a informalidade no ambiente urbano do ponto de vista do mercado imobiliário informal em favelas. Em um primeiro momento realizamos uma reflexão sobre o aumento dos assentamentos habitacionais informais nos países do Terceiro Mundo, passando pela situação das cidades latino-americanas, para finalizar com uma análise da problemática nas cidades brasileiras. Para esta reflexão apoiaremo-nos em documentos da Cities Alliance, e da UN-Habital, bem como nos trabalhos de Gilbert, Smolka, de Soto, entre outros. O foco principal desta análise se baseia na questão da mudança de paradigma das ações dos governos em relação ao tratamento concedido à problemática habitacional para a população de baixa renda. De acordo com Durand-Lasserve (2003, Cardoso (2003, Abramo (2003, o tratamento dado pelos governos mudou, porque as agências internacionais de fomento passaram a incentivar um novo enfoque no tratamento do financiamento de políticas para a habitação de baixa renda, visando ao combate à exclusão territorial e ao crescimento da produção de assentamentos informais. No novo modelo as cidades passam a receber financiamentos diretos das agências internacionais (sem a mediação dos governos centrais para realizarem programas e projetos focalizados de combate à pobreza e à exclusão territorial.

  3. Um filho quando eu quiser?: o caso da França contemporânea A child if I want when I want… Reviewing women's aspiration through IVF uses in a French Hospital

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Laurence Tain


    Full Text Available A livre escolha da maternidade e do momento de vivê-la foram reivindicações centrais e unânimes do movimento de mulheres nos anos 1970. Em uma primeira fase, esse embate foi amplamente acompanhado por profissionais da área médica, com a difusão de práticas medicalizadas de contracepção e de aborto. Em contrapartida, as tecnologias reprodutivas que permitem adiar a idade da maternidade foram acolhidas com controvérsias pelas feministas: será que essa medicalização da procriação contribuiria para libertar as mulheres dos limites cronológicos ou, pelo contrário, as confinaria a um destino maternal? É essa questão que esse artigo pretende esclarecer, a partir da experiência social da fecundação in vitro nas duas últimas décadas, sobretudo a realizada em um hospital francês.Choosing freely motherhood and its calendar was a central and unanimous claim of the women's lib in the seventies. First, women and professionals belonging to the medical circle fought together to make contraception and abortion available. Nevertheless, feminists have been divided before reproductive technologies that could allow to delay pregnancies: would this medicalization of procreation contribute to emancipate women from time constraints or, on the contrary, contribute to lock them into a maternal destiny? This paper will try to shed light on this problem by discussing IVF social experience in France during the last two decades.

  4. Sympathetic ophthalmia - histopathological correlation with fluorescein and indocyanine green angiography: case report Oftalmia simpática - correlação da histopatologia com a angiografia por fluoresceína e indocianina verde: relato de caso

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Antônio Marcelo Barbante Casella


    reas de hipofluorescência na fase inicial à tardia. A histopatologia foi realizada após evisceração do olho direito e demonstrou difuso edema da coriocapilar, inflamação da coróide, áreas focais de hiperplasia do epitélio pigmentar da retina, focos de células epitelióides entre a coróide e o epitélio pigmentar da retina, além da infiltração linfocitária das veias episclerais e descolamento de retina. A hiperfluorescência observada na AF foi correlacionada com o descolamento de retina e inflamação do nervo óptico. A hipofluorescência na AF e AIV correspondeu à presença de células inflamatórias (nódulos de Dalen-Fuchs e edema coriocapilar difuso.

  5. Estudio de la capa de fibras nerviosas de la retina mediante tomografía de coherencia óptica y polarimetría láser en pacientes con esclerosis múltiple: correlación con la función visual y los hallazgos de la resonancia magnética


    Abalo Lojo, José Manuel


    Introducción: La tomografía de coherencia óptica (OCT) y la polarimetría láser (GDx) son técnicas exploratorias de la capa de fibras nerviosas de la retina (CFNR). Hipótesis: En los pacientes con EM, el posible daño estructural de la CFNR y su correspondiente alteración de la función visual sería un reflejo del daño del SNC y por lo tanto se correlacionaría con las alteraciones de la resonancia magnética (RM) y la discapacidad Material y métodos: El estudio se ha realizado con 96 paci...

  6. Pushing the limits of photoreception in twilight conditions: The rod-like cone retina of the deep-sea pearlsides

    KAUST Repository

    Busserolles, Fanny de


    Most vertebrates have a duplex retina comprising two photoreceptor types, rods for dim-light (scotopic) vision and cones for bright-light (photopic) and color vision. However, deep-sea fishes are only active in dim-light conditions; hence, most species have lost their cones in favor of a simplex retina composed exclusively of rods. Although the pearlsides, Maurolicus spp., have such a pure rod retina, their behavior is at odds with this simplex visual system. Contrary to other deep-sea fishes, pearlsides are mostly active during dusk and dawn close to the surface, where light levels are intermediate (twilight or mesopic) and require the use of both rod and cone photoreceptors. This study elucidates this paradox by demonstrating that the pearlside retina does not have rod photoreceptors only; instead, it is composed almost exclusively of transmuted cone photoreceptors. These transmuted cells combine the morphological characteristics of a rod photoreceptor with a cone opsin and a cone phototransduction cascade to form a unique photoreceptor type, a rod-like cone, specifically tuned to the light conditions of the pearlsides\\' habitat (blue-shifted light at mesopic intensities). Combining properties of both rods and cones into a single cell type, instead of using two photoreceptor types that do not function at their full potential under mesopic conditions, is likely to be the most efficient and economical solution to optimize visual performance. These results challenge the standing paradigm of the function and evolution of the vertebrate duplex retina and emphasize the need for a more comprehensive evaluation of visual systems in general.

  7. Mecanomorfia educacional: uma crítica a partir da teoria comportamentalista de Alberto Guerreiro Ramos

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Everton Marcos Batistela


    Full Text Available A crítica da modernidade se tornou debate comum nas últimas décadas do século XX, empreendida por autores preocupados com a construção de alternativas societárias. Uma das linhas teóricas centrais do debate refere-se ao conceito de racionalidade, tendo sido preocupação central em Weber, Mannheim, Horkheimer, Adorno e outros. Alberto Guerreiro Ramos, expoente sociólogo brasileiro da segunda metade do século XX, propõe uma crítica da modernidade pela perspectiva de sua racionalidade organizacional, condensada em sua Teoria da Síndrome Comportamentalista. Essa teoria tenta compreender os fundamentos e as dimensões básicas da razão moderna: Individualismo, Perspectivismo, Formalismo e Operacionalismo. Em suma, a teoria mostra que vivemos imersos numa razão centrada no mercado, que fomenta comportamentos em detrimento da ação (criativa e que reduz a capacidade racional humana aos seus aspectos instrumentais e mercadológicos. A partir disso, tentaremos compreender em que medida a racionalidade moderna acaba forjando um paradigma educacional funcionalista, reprodutivista e mecanomórfico. The critic of the modernity became common debate in the last decades of the century XX, undertaken by authors worried with the construction of alternative partners. One of the central theoretical lines of the debate refers to the concept of rationality of the modernity, having been central concern in Weber, Mannheim, Horkheimer, Adorno and others. Alberto Guerreiro Ramos, exponent Brazilian sociologist of the second half of the century XX, proposes a critic of the modernity for the perspective of its rationality organizacional, condensed in its Syndrome Theory Behavioral. That theory tries to understand the foundations and the basic dimensions of the modern reason: individualism, perspectivism, formalism and operationalism. In highest, the theory shows that lived immerged in a reason centered in the market, that foments behaviors in detriment of

  8. Fechamento de Diastema com resina composta

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Vanessa Schwarz


    Full Text Available A presença de diastemas na região de incisivos centrais e laterais superiores é considerado um fator antiestético altamente prejudicial do ponto de vista social. Os diastemas podem ser decorrentes da presença de inserção baixa do freio labial, presença de mesiodens, fatores genéticos ou mesmo estar ligado a doenças periodontais associadas ao tabagismo ou não. Contudo, podem comprometer a estética do sorriso substancialmente em função de sua extensão. Este trabalho descreve, através de um relato de caso clínico, a técnica de fechamento de diastema entre incisivos centrais e laterais superiores por meio de resinas compostas, realizado na faculdade de Odontologia da Faculdade Meridional (IMED. Concluiu-se que o uso de sistemas adesivos e resinas compostas, através de mínimas intervenções, podem proporcionar um melhor contorno aos dentes, resultando em um sorriso com aspecto mais estético e agradável.

  9. Simultaneous in vivo imaging of melanin and lipofuscin in the retina with multimodal photoacoustic ophthalmoscopy (United States)

    Zhang, Xiangyang; Zhang, Hao F.; Zhou, Lixiang; Jiao, Shuliang


    We combined photoacoustic ophthalmoscopy (PAOM) with autofluorescence imaging for simultaneous in vivo imaging of dual molecular contrasts in the retina using a single light source. The dual molecular contrasts come from melanin and lipofuscin in the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE). Melanin and lipofuscin are two types of pigments and are believed to play opposite roles (protective vs. exacerbate) in the RPE in the aging process. We successfully imaged the retina of pigmented and albino rats at different ages. The experimental results showed that multimodal PAOM system can be a potentially powerful tool in the study of age-related degenerative retinal diseases.

  10. Three dimensional reconstruction of tomographic images of the retina

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Glittenberg, C.; Zeiler, F.; Falkner, C.; Binder, S.; Povazay, B.; Hermann, B.; Drexler, W.


    The development of a new display system for the three-dimensional visualization of tomographic images in ophthalmology. Specifically, a system that can use stacks of B-mode scans from an ultrahigh resolution optical tomography examination to vividly display retinal specimens as three-dimensional objects. Several subroutines were programmed in the rendering and raytracing program Cinema 4D XL 9.102 Studio Bundle (Maxon Computer Inc., Friedrichsburg, Germany), which could process stacks of tomographic scans into three-dimensional objects. Ultrahigh resolution optical coherence tomography examinations were performed on patients with various retinal pathologies and post processed with the subroutines that had been designed. All ultrahigh resolution optical coherence tomographies were performed with a titanium: sapphire based ultra broad bandwidth (160 nm) femtosecond laser system (INTEGRAL, Femtolasers Productions GmbH. Vienna Austria) with an axial resolution of 3 μm. A new three dimensional display system for tomographic images in ophthalmology was developed, which allows a highly vivid display of physiological and pathological structures of the retina. The system also distinguishes itself through its high interactivity and adaptability. This new display system allows the visualization of physiological and pathological structures of the retina in a new way, which will give us new insight into their morphology and development. (author) [de

  11. Inner neural retina loss in central retinal artery occlusion. (United States)

    Ikeda, Fumiko; Kishi, Shoji


    To report morphologic retinal changes and visual outcomes in acute and chronic central retinal artery occlusion (CRAO). We reviewed ten eyes of ten patients with CRAO (age, 65.3 ± 10.2 years) and measured retinal thicknesses at the central fovea and the perifovea using optical coherence tomography (OCT) over 8 ± 4 months. During the acute phase (within 10 days), the mean inner retinal thicknesses were 148% and 139% of normal values at 1 mm nasal and temporal to the fovea. They decreased to 22% and 11% of normal inner retinal thickness during the chronic phase (3 months or later). The retinal thickness at the perifovea decreased linearly until 3 months but was stable during the chronic phase. In contrast, the foveal thickness increased slightly in the acute phase but was equivalent to the normal level during the chronic phase. As a result of inner retinal atrophy, the foveal pit was shallow during the chronic phase. The final visual acuity was correlated positively with retinal thickness at the perifovea during the chronic CRAO phase. OCT showed that inner retinal necrosis with early swelling and late atrophy occurred in CRAO. The fovea and outer retina appeared to be excluded from ischemic change. The residual inner retina at the perifovea determined the final visual outcomes.

  12. Subthreshold transpupillary thermotherapy reduces experimental choroidal neovascularization in the mouse without collateral damage to the neural retina. (United States)

    Ming, Yue; Algvere, Peep V; Odergren, Anne; Berglin, Lennart; van der Ploeg, Ingeborg; Seregard, Stefan; Kvanta, Anders


    Transpupillary thermotherapy (TTT) is currently being evaluated for treatment of choroidal neovascularization (CNV) in age-related macular degeneration. To optimize TTT for CNV, the effect was analyzed of invisible (subthreshold) or visible (threshold) doses of TTT on the normal mouse retina and on experimental CNV. TTT was delivered to the normal retina of 42 mice with a diode laser at increasing power settings (50, 60, 70, or 80 mW), to obtain thermal lesions ranging from invisible (subthreshold) to visible (threshold) burns. CNV was induced in 53 mice by krypton laser photocoagulation of the fundus, after which the CNV lesions were treated with TTT (50, 60, or 80 mW). Eyes were enucleated 7 days after TTT and prepared for histology, and the CNV complex was evaluated on hematoxylin-eosin stained serial sections by measuring the maximum height of the CNV lesions. Ultrastructural changes were examined by transmission electron microscopy. Increasing the TTT laser power yielded gradually more visible effects. At 50 mW, which induced subthreshold burns, no damage was seen in the neural retina, retinal pigment epithelium (RPE), or choroid at any time point. By contrast, eyes treated with higher power exhibited progressively more damage to the neural retina, including a complete disruption of the outer nuclear layer. When TTT was applied to the laser-induced CNV lesions, the height of lesions was significantly reduced (P response to all three power settings at 7 days after treatment. The mean relative thickness of the CNV lesion was 3.29 +/- 0.89 in untreated mice, whereas in TTT-treated mice it was 1.69 +/- 0.35, 1.69 +/- 0.41 and 1.70 +/- 0.17 at power settings of 50, 60, and 80 mW, respectively. The overlying neural retina showed no apparent damage with the 50- or 60-mW settings, whereas outer nuclear layer disruption occurred with a power of 80 mW. Electron microscopy confirmed the presence of vascular occlusion at 1 day and a fibrotic scar at 7 days after TTT

  13. Automatic and manual segmentation of healthy retinas using high-definition optical coherence tomography. (United States)

    Golbaz, Isabelle; Ahlers, Christian; Goesseringer, Nina; Stock, Geraldine; Geitzenauer, Wolfgang; Prünte, Christian; Schmidt-Erfurth, Ursula Margarethe


    This study compared automatic- and manual segmentation modalities in the retina of healthy eyes using high-definition optical coherence tomography (HD-OCT). Twenty retinas in 20 healthy individuals were examined using an HD-OCT system (Carl Zeiss Meditec, Inc.). Three-dimensional imaging was performed with an axial resolution of 6 μm at a maximum scanning speed of 25,000 A-scans/second. Volumes of 6 × 6 × 2 mm were scanned. Scans were analysed using a matlab-based algorithm and a manual segmentation software system (3D-Doctor). The volume values calculated by the two methods were compared. Statistical analysis revealed a high correlation between automatic and manual modes of segmentation. The automatic mode of measuring retinal volume and the corresponding three-dimensional images provided similar results to the manual segmentation procedure. Both methods were able to visualize retinal and subretinal features accurately. This study compared two methods of assessing retinal volume using HD-OCT scans in healthy retinas. Both methods were able to provide realistic volumetric data when applied to raster scan sets. Manual segmentation methods represent an adequate tool with which to control automated processes and to identify clinically relevant structures, whereas automatic procedures will be needed to obtain data in larger patient populations. © 2009 The Authors. Journal compilation © 2009 Acta Ophthalmol.

  14. Comparative immunolocalization of the plasma membrane calcium pump and calbindin D28K in chicken retina during embryonic development

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    N. Tolosa de Talamoni


    Full Text Available The immunolocalization of the plasma membrane calcium pump (PMCA was studied in 4-week-old chick retina in comparison with calbindin D28K (CaBP immunostaining. We have demonstrated that the monoclonal anti-PMCA antibody 5F10 from human erythrocyte plasma membrane crossreacts with a Ca2+ pump epitope of the cells from the neural retina. The immunolocalization of both proteins was also studied during the embryonic development of the chicken retina. At age 4.5 days, the cells of the retina were faintly immunoreactive to PMCA and CaBP antibodies, but the lack of cellular aggregation and differentiation did not allow discrimination between the two proteins. A clear difference in the localization was seen from the tenth day of development through post-hatching with slight variation. PMCA localized mainly in the outer and inner plexiform layers, in some cells in the ganglion layer, in the nerve fiber layer and slightly in the photoreceptor cells. CaBP was intensely stained in cones, cone pedicles and some amacrine cells. The number of CaBP positive amacrine cells declined after hatching. A few ganglion cells and several nerve fibers were CaBP 333 immunoreactive. The role of these proteins in the early stages of retinal development is unknown, but the results suggest that Ca2+ homeostasis in the retina is well regulated, probably to avoid excessive accumulation of Ca2+, which often leads to neurodegeneration.

  15. Localization, distribution, and connectivity of neuropeptide Y in the human and porcine retinas-A comparative study. (United States)

    Christiansen, Anders Tolstrup; Kiilgaard, Jens Folke; Klemp, Kristian; Woldbye, David Paul Drucker; Hannibal, Jens


    Neuropeptide Y (NPY) is a peptide neurotransmitter abundantly expressed in the mammalian retina. Since its discovery, NPY has been studied in retinas of several species, but detailed characterization of morphology, cell-type, and connectivity has never been conducted in larger mammals including humans and pigs. As the pig due to size and cellular composition is a well-suited animal for retinal research, we chose to compare the endogenous NPY system of the human retina to that of pigs to support future research in this field. In the present study, using immunohistochemistry, confocal microscopy and 3D reconstructions, we found NPY to be expressed in GABAergic and calretinin-immunoreactive (-ir) amacrine cells of both species as well as parvalbumin-ir amacrine cells of humans. Furthermore, we identified at least two different types of medium- to wide-field NPY-ir amacrine cells. Finally, we detected likely synaptic appositions between the NPY-ir amacrine cells and melanopsin- and nonmelanopsin-ir ganglion cells, GABAergic and dopaminergic amacrine cells, rod bipolar cells, and horizontal cells, suggesting that NPY-ir cells play diverse roles in modulation of both image and non-image forming retinal signaling. These findings extend existing knowledge on NPY and NPY-expressing cells in the human and porcine retina showing a high degree of comparability. The extensive distribution and connectivity of NPY-ir cells described in the present study further highlights the potential importance of NPY signaling in retinal function. © 2018 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  16. Constrição campimétrica causada por vigabatrin Visual field constriction caused by vigabatrin

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    Mário Luiz Ribeiro Monteiro


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Descrever dois pacientes que apresentaram constrição campimétrica importante e determinar a origem desta alteração visual causada pelo uso de vigabatrin, um anticonvulsivante que atua aumentando a concentração do ácido gama-aminobutírico no sistema nervoso central. Métodos: Os pacientes foram submetidos a exame e neuroftalmológico completo, avaliação cuidadosa da retina, campo visual com perímetro de Goldmann, tomografia computadorizada de crânio e órbitas, eletrorretinograma (ERG, imagem por ressonância magnética (1 paciente e potencial visual evocado (1 paciente. Resultados: A acuidade visual se mostrou preservada; o primeiro paciente apresentava campo visual restrito à área central de 20 a 30 graus centrais e o segundo uma constrição leve a moderada. Os exames de neuroimagem foram normais assim como o potencial visual evocado. Observou-se palidez discreta de papila em 3 olhos estudados e estreitamento arteriolar muito discreto dos vasos retinianos. O ERG revelou alterações importantes caracterizada por redução da onda b (caso 1 e dos potenciais oscilatórios (caso 2. Conclusões: As alterações visuais causadas pelo vigabatrin são devidas a uma alteração retiniana, envolvendo provavelmente as células amácrimas, bipolares e ganglionares mas não se acompanham de uma alteração significativa à fundoscopia. Pacientes recebendo esta medicação devem ser seguidos de perto especialmente através da avaliação do campo visual central e periférico.Purpose: To describe two patients who presented with severe campimetric constriction and to determine the source of visual symptoms caused by vigabatrin, an anticonvulsant medication that increases brain gamma-aminobutyric acid. Methods: Patients were submitted to a complete neuroophthalmologic evaluation as well as a careful retina examination, Goldmann perimetry, computerized tomography of the brain and orbits, electroretinograms (ERG, magnetic ressonance

  17. Complex computation in the retina (United States)

    Deshmukh, Nikhil Rajiv

    Elucidating the general principles of computation in neural circuits is a difficult problem requiring both a tractable model circuit as well as sophisticated measurement tools. This thesis advances our understanding of complex computation in the salamander retina and its underlying circuitry and furthers the development of advanced tools to enable detailed study of neural circuits. The retina provides an ideal model system for neural circuits in general because it is capable of producing complex representations of the visual scene, and both its inputs and outputs are accessible to the experimenter. Chapter 2 describes the biophysical mechanisms that give rise to the omitted stimulus response in retinal ganglion cells described in Schwartz et al., (2007) and Schwartz and Berry, (2008). The extra response to omitted flashes is generated at the input to bipolar cells, and is separable from the characteristic latency shift of the OSR apparent in ganglion cells, which must occur downstream in the circuit. Chapter 3 characterizes the nonlinearities at the first synapse of the ON pathway in response to high contrast flashes and develops a phenomenological model that captures the effect of synaptic activation and intracellular signaling dynamics on flash responses. This work is the first attempt to model the dynamics of the poorly characterized mGluR6 transduction cascade unique to ON bipolar cells, and explains the second lobe of the biphasic flash response. Complementary to the study of neural circuits, recent advances in wafer-scale photolithography have made possible new devices to measure the electrical and mechanical properties of neurons. Chapter 4 reports a novel piezoelectric sensor that facilitates the simultaneous measurement of electrical and mechanical signals in neural tissue. This technology could reveal the relationship between the electrical activity of neurons and their local mechanical environment, which is critical to the study of mechanoreceptors

  18. Molecular Characterization of Notch1 Positive Progenitor Cells in the Developing Retina.

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    Galina Dvoriantchikova

    Full Text Available The oscillatory expression of Notch signaling in neural progenitors suggests that both repressors and activators of neural fate specification are expressed in the same progenitors. Since Notch1 regulates photoreceptor differentiation and contributes (together with Notch3 to ganglion cell fate specification, we hypothesized that genes encoding photoreceptor and ganglion cell fate activators would be highly expressed in Notch1 receptor-bearing (Notch1+ progenitors, directing these cells to differentiate into photoreceptors or into ganglion cells when Notch1 activity is diminished. To identify these genes, we used microarray analysis to study expression profiles of whole retinas and isolated from them Notch1+ cells at embryonic day 14 (E14 and postnatal day 0 (P0. To isolate Notch1+ cells, we utilized immunomagnetic cell separation. We also used Notch3 knockout (Notch3KO animals to evaluate the contribution of Notch3 signaling in ganglion cell differentiation. Hierarchical clustering of 6,301 differentially expressed genes showed that Notch1+ cells grouped near the same developmental stage retina cluster. At E14, we found higher expression of repressors (Notch1, Hes5 and activators (Dll3, Atoh7, Otx2 of neuronal differentiation in Notch1+ cells compared to whole retinal cell populations. At P0, Notch1, Hes5, and Dll1 expression was significantly higher in Notch1+ cells than in whole retinas. Otx2 expression was more than thirty times higher than Atoh7 expression in Notch1+ cells at P0. We also observed that retinas of wild type animals had only 14% (P < 0.05 more ganglion cells compared to Notch3KO mice. Since this number is relatively small and Notch1 has been shown to contribute to ganglion cell fate specification, we suggested that Notch1 signaling may play a more significant role in RGC development than the Notch3 signaling cascade. Finally, our findings suggest that Notch1+ progenitors--since they heavily express both pro-ganglion cell (Atoh7

  19. Effect of chronic administration of sildenafil citrate (Viagra) on the histology of the retina and optic nerve of adult male rat. (United States)

    Eltony, Sohair A; Abdelhameed, Sally Y


    Abnormal vision has been reported by 3% of patients treated with sildenafil citrate (Viagra). Although many men use Viagra for an extended period for treatment of erectile dysfunction, the implications of the long term-daily use of it on the retina and optic nerve are unclear. To investigate the effect of chronic daily use of sildenafil citrate in a dose equivalent to men preferred therapeutic dose on the histology of the retina and optic nerve of adult male rat. Eighteen adult male Wistar rats were equally divided into three groups. Group I: control. Group II: treated with sildenafil citrate orally (10mg/kg/day) for 8 weeks. Group III (withdrawal): treated as group II and then left for 4 weeks without treatment. Specimens from the retina and optic nerve were processed for light and electron microscopy. In sildenafil citrate treated group, the retina and optic nerve revealed vacuolations and congested blood capillaries with apoptotic endothelial and pericytic cells, and thickened basal lamina. Caspase-3 (apoptotic marker) and CD31 (endothelial marker) expression increased. Glial cells revealed morphological changes: Müller cells lost their processes, activated microglia, astrocytic clasmatodendrosis, degenerated oligodendrocytes surrounded by disintegrated myelin sheathes of the optic nerve fibers. The retina and optic nerve of the withdrawal group revealed less vacuolations and congestion, and partial recovery of the glial cells. Chronic treatment with sildenafil citrate (Viagra) caused toxic effect on the structure of the retina and optic nerve of the rat. Partial recovery was observed after drug withdrawal. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  20. Pathological alterations typical of human Tay-Sachs disease, in the retina of a deep-sea fish (United States)

    Fishelson, L.; Delarea, Yacov; Galil, Bella S.

    Micrographs of retinas from the deep-sea fish Cataetyx laticeps revealed visual cells containing membranous whorls in the ellipsoids of the inner segments resulting from stretching and modifications of the mitochondria membranes and their cristae. These pathological structures seem to be homologous to the whorls observed in retinas of human carriers of Tay-Sachs disease. This disease, a genetic disorder, is found in humans and some mammals. Our findings in fish suggest that the gene responsible can be found throughout the vertebrate evolutionary tree, possibly dormant in most taxa.

  1. Totalitarismo y dictadura: Arendt para leer la historia reciente de Chile = Totalitarismo e ditadura: Arendt para ler a história recente do Chile = Totalitarianism and dictatorship: Arendt to read chilean’s recent history

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    Lopez Merino, María Jose


    Full Text Available Este artigo visa a apresentar e discutir a pertinência ou a impertinência de dois conceitos-chave no pensamento do Hannah Arendt para descrever e compreender processos fundamentais da história recente do Chile: ‘totalitarismo’, como regime fundado no Terror para referir a ditadura de Augusto Pinochet, que teve lugar entre os anos 1973 e 1989, e ‘sociedade de trabalhadores’, como forma pós-totalitária da sociedade de massas, orientada para o trabalho e consumo, para descrever um dos aspectos centrais da sociedade neoliberal que a ditadura chilena instala

  2. Two classes of astrocytes in the adult human and pig retina in terms of their expression of high affinity NGF receptor (TrkA). (United States)

    Ruiz-Ederra, Javier; Hitchcock, Peter F; Vecino, Elena


    Astrocytes have been implicated in axon guidance and synaptic regeneration in the retina and these processes involve activation of the high affinity nerve growth factor receptor, known as the tyrosine kinase A (TrkA) receptor. The purpose of the present study was to characterize the expression of TrkA in astrocytes of the adult pig and human retina. To this end, sections of human and pig retinas were immunolabeled with a combination of antibodies to glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) and TrkA. Our study revealed that most of the GFAP-positive cells express TrkA, whereas a rare, novel subpopulation of astrocytes was found to be devoid of TrkA. Our results support the idea that astrocytes play an important neurotrophic role in the retina.

  3. An artificial retina processor for track reconstruction at the LHC crossing rate (United States)

    Bedeschi, F.; Cenci, R.; Marino, P.; Morello, M. J.; Ninci, D.; Piucci, A.; Punzi, G.; Ristori, L.; Spinella, F.; Stracka, S.; Tonelli, D.; Walsh, J.


    The goal of the INFN-RETINA R&D project is to develop and implement a computational methodology that allows to reconstruct events with a large number (> 100) of charged-particle tracks in pixel and silicon strip detectors at 40 MHz, thus matching the requirements for processing LHC events at the full bunch-crossing frequency. Our approach relies on a parallel pattern-recognition algorithm, dubbed artificial retina, inspired by the early stages of image processing by the brain. In order to demonstrate that a track-processing system based on this algorithm is feasible, we built a sizable prototype of a tracking processor tuned to 3 000 patterns, based on already existing readout boards equipped with Altera Stratix III FPGAs. The detailed geometry and charged-particle activity of a large tracking detector currently in operation are used to assess its performances. We report on the test results with such a prototype.

  4. Sonic hedgehog promotes stem-cell potential of Mueller glia in the mammalian retina

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wan Jin; Zheng Hua; Xiao Honglei; She Zhenjue; Zhou Guomin


    Mueller glia have been demonstrated to display stem-cell properties after retinal damage. Here, we report this potential can be regulated by Sonic hedgehog (Shh) signaling. Shh can stimulate proliferation of Mueller glia through its receptor and target gene expressed on them, furthermore, Shh-treated Mueller glia are induced to dedifferentiate by expressing progenitor-specific markers, and then adopt cell fate of rod photoreceptor. Inhibition of signaling by cyclopamine inhibits proliferation and dedifferentiation. Intraocular injection of Shh promotes Mueller glia activation in the photoreceptor-damaged retina, Shh also enhances neurogenic potential by producing more rhodopsin-positive photoreceptors from Mueller glia-derived cells. Together, these results provide evidences that Mueller glia act as potential stem cells in mammalian retina, Shh may have therapeutic effects on these cells for promoting the regeneration of retinal neurons

  5. Sonic hedgehog promotes stem-cell potential of Mueller glia in the mammalian retina

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Jin, Wan; Hua, Zheng; Honglei, Xiao; Zhenjue, She [Department of Anatomy, Histology and Embryology, Shanghai Medical School, Fudan University, 200032 Shanghai (China); Zhou Guomin [Department of Anatomy, Histology and Embryology, Shanghai Medical School, Fudan University, 200032 Shanghai (China)], E-mail:


    Mueller glia have been demonstrated to display stem-cell properties after retinal damage. Here, we report this potential can be regulated by Sonic hedgehog (Shh) signaling. Shh can stimulate proliferation of Mueller glia through its receptor and target gene expressed on them, furthermore, Shh-treated Mueller glia are induced to dedifferentiate by expressing progenitor-specific markers, and then adopt cell fate of rod photoreceptor. Inhibition of signaling by cyclopamine inhibits proliferation and dedifferentiation. Intraocular injection of Shh promotes Mueller glia activation in the photoreceptor-damaged retina, Shh also enhances neurogenic potential by producing more rhodopsin-positive photoreceptors from Mueller glia-derived cells. Together, these results provide evidences that Mueller glia act as potential stem cells in mammalian retina, Shh may have therapeutic effects on these cells for promoting the regeneration of retinal neurons.

  6. Expression of neurotransmitters and neurotrophins in neurogenic inflammation of the rat retina

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    E Bronzetti


    Full Text Available Antidromic stimulation of the rat trigeminal ganglion triggers the release of substance P (SP and calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP from sensory nerve terminals of the capsaicin sensitive C-fibers. These pro-inflammatory neuropeptides produce a marked hyperemia in the anterior segment of the eye, accompanied by increased intraocular pressure, breakdown of the blood-aqueous barrier and myosis. To assess the effects of neurogenic inflammation on the retina, specifically on the immunostaining of neurotransmitters and neurotrophins, as well as on the expression of neurotrophin receptors in the retina. RT-PCR was also accomplished in control and stimulated animals to confirm the immunohistochemical results. In the electrically stimulated eyes, immunostaining for SP, CGRP, VIP and nNOS demonstrated a marked increase in the RPE/POS (Retinal Pigment Epithelium/Photoreceptor Outer Segments, in the inner and outer granular layers and in the ganglion cells in comparison to the control eyes. CGRP and SP were found increased in stimulated animals and this result has been confirmed by RT- PCR. Changes in neurotrophin immunostaining and in receptor expression were also observed after electric stimulation of trigeminal ganglia. Decrease of BDNF and NT4 in the outer and inner layers and in ganglion cells was particularly marked. In stimulated rat retinas immunostaining and RT-PCR showed a NGF expression increase. Neurotrophin receptors remained substantially unchanged. These studies demonstrated, for the first time, that antidromic stimulation of the trigeminal ganglion and subsequent neurogenic inflammation affect immunostaining of retinal cell neurotransmitter/ neuropeptides and neurotrophins as well as the expression of neurotrophin receptors.

  7. Vision drives correlated activity without patterned spontaneous activity in developing Xenopus retina. (United States)

    Demas, James A; Payne, Hannah; Cline, Hollis T


    Developing amphibians need vision to avoid predators and locate food before visual system circuits fully mature. Xenopus tadpoles can respond to visual stimuli as soon as retinal ganglion cells (RGCs) innervate the brain, however, in mammals, chicks and turtles, RGCs reach their central targets many days, or even weeks, before their retinas are capable of vision. In the absence of vision, activity-dependent refinement in these amniote species is mediated by waves of spontaneous activity that periodically spread across the retina, correlating the firing of action potentials in neighboring RGCs. Theory suggests that retinorecipient neurons in the brain use patterned RGC activity to sharpen the retinotopy first established by genetic cues. We find that in both wild type and albino Xenopus tadpoles, RGCs are spontaneously active at all stages of tadpole development studied, but their population activity never coalesces into waves. Even at the earliest stages recorded, visual stimulation dominates over spontaneous activity and can generate patterns of RGC activity similar to the locally correlated spontaneous activity observed in amniotes. In addition, we show that blocking AMPA and NMDA type glutamate receptors significantly decreases spontaneous activity in young Xenopus retina, but that blocking GABA(A) receptor blockers does not. Our findings indicate that vision drives correlated activity required for topographic map formation. They further suggest that developing retinal circuits in the two major subdivisions of tetrapods, amphibians and amniotes, evolved different strategies to supply appropriately patterned RGC activity to drive visual circuit refinement. Copyright © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  8. Characterisation of the metabolome of ocular tissues and post-mortem changes in the rat retina. (United States)

    Tan, Shi Z; Mullard, Graham; Hollywood, Katherine A; Dunn, Warwick B; Bishop, Paul N


    Time-dependent post-mortem biochemical changes have been demonstrated in donor cornea and vitreous, but there have been no published studies to date that objectively measure post-mortem changes in the retinal metabolome over time. The aim of the study was firstly, to investigate post-mortem, time-dependent changes in the rat retinal metabolome and secondly, to compare the metabolite composition of healthy rat ocular tissues. To study post-mortem changes in the rat retinal metabolome, globes were enucleated and stored at 4 °C and sampled at 0, 2, 4, 8, 24 and 48 h post-mortem. To study the metabolite composition of rat ocular tissues, eyes were dissected immediately after culling to isolate the cornea, lens, vitreous and retina, prior to storing at -80 °C. Tissue extracts were subjected to Gas Chromatograph Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS) and Ultra High Performance Liquid Chromatography Mass Spectrometry (UHPLC-MS). Generally, the metabolic composition of the retina was stable for 8 h post-mortem when eyes were stored at 4 °C, but showed increasing changes thereafter. However, some more rapid changes were observed such as increases in TCA cycle metabolites after 2 h post-mortem, whereas some metabolites such as fatty acids only showed decreases in concentration from 24 h. A total of 42 metabolites were identified across the ocular tissues by GC-MS (MSI level 1) and 2782 metabolites were annotated by UHPLC-MS (MSI level 2) according to MSI reporting standards. Many of the metabolites detected were common to all of the tissues but some metabolites showed partitioning between different ocular structures with 655, 297, 93 and 13 metabolites being uniquely detected in the retina, lens, cornea and vitreous respectively. Only a small percentage (1.6%) of metabolites found in the vitreous were only detected in the retina and not other tissues. In conclusion, mass spectrometry-based techniques have been used for the first time to compare the metabolic composition of

  9. Localisation of the Putative Magnetoreceptive Protein Cryptochrome 1b in the Retinae of Migratory Birds and Homing Pigeons.

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    Petra Bolte

    Full Text Available Cryptochromes are ubiquitously expressed in various animal tissues including the retina. Some cryptochromes are involved in regulating circadian activity. Cryptochrome proteins have also been suggested to mediate the primary mechanism in light-dependent magnetic compass orientation in birds. Cryptochrome 1b (Cry1b exhibits a unique carboxy terminus exclusively found in birds so far, which might be indicative for a specialised function. Cryptochrome 1a (Cry1a is so far the only cryptochrome protein that has been localised to specific cell types within the retina of migratory birds. Here we show that Cry1b, an alternative splice variant of Cry1a, is also expressed in the retina of migratory birds, but it is primarily located in other cell types than Cry1a. This could suggest different functions for the two splice products. Using diagnostic bird-specific antibodies (that allow for a precise discrimination between both proteins, we show that Cry1b protein is found in the retinae of migratory European robins (Erithacus rubecula, migratory Northern Wheatears (Oenanthe oenanthe and pigeons (Columba livia. In all three species, retinal Cry1b is localised in cell types which have been discussed as potentially well suited locations for magnetoreception: Cry1b is observed in the cytosol of ganglion cells, displaced ganglion cells, and in photoreceptor inner segments. The cytosolic rather than nucleic location of Cry1b in the retina reported here speaks against a circadian clock regulatory function of Cry1b and it allows for the possible involvement of Cry1b in a radical-pair-based magnetoreception mechanism.

  10. Using induced pluripotent stem cell-derived conditional medium to attenuate the light-induced photodamaged retina of rats

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    Hua-Ming Chang


    Conclusion: The conditional medium of iPSCs contains plenty of cytoprotective, immune-modulative and rescue chemicals, contributing to the maintenance of neuronal function and retinal layers in light-damaged retina compared with apoptotic iPSC-CM and PBS. The antiapoptotic effect of iPSC-CM also shows promise in restoring damaged neurons. This result demonstrates that iPSC-CM may serve as an alternative to cell therapy alone to treat retinal light damage and maintain functional and structural integrity of the retina.

  11. O espaço da energia nuclear no Brasil

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    Joaquim Francisco de Carvalho


    Full Text Available Este artigo repassa a história e descreve a experiência acumulada em energia nuclear no Brasil, mostrando que as aplicações biomédicas, industriais e agrícolas desenvolveram-se bem no país, a partir dos anos 1950. Em seguida, o artigo demonstra que o país pode cobrir seu consumo de energia elétrica apenas com fontes renováveis de energia, sem recorrer a usinas nucleares de potência. Por fim, são analisados os argumentos comuns na imprensa, a favor e contrários às centrais nucleares, e são discutidos alguns aspectos comerciais e políticos do problema. São também examinadas as estratégias de vendas da indústria nuclear no Brasil.This article reviews the history and describes the experience on nuclear energy in Brazil, showing that nuclear technology applied to biomedical sciences, industry and agriculture has been largely developed in this country, from the year 1950 on. Then the paper shows that Brazil can cover its electricity consumption with only renewable energy sources, without nuclear power plants. Finally the arguments usually employed in the press, pro and against nuclear power plants are analyzed and some commercial and political aspects of the problem are commented. The sales strategy of the nuclear industry in Brazil is also commented.

  12. The noncoding RNA taurine upregulated gene 1 is required for differentiation of the murine retina. (United States)

    Young, T L; Matsuda, T; Cepko, C L


    With the advent of genome-wide analyses, it is becoming evident that a large number of noncoding RNAs (ncRNAs) are expressed in vertebrates. However, of the thousands of ncRNAs identified, the functions of relatively few have been established. In a screen for genes upregulated by taurine in developing retinal cells, we identified a gene that appears to be a ncRNA. Taurine Upregulated Gene 1 (TUG1) is a spliced, polyadenylated RNA that does not encode any open reading frame greater than 82 amino acids in its full-length, 6.7 kilobase (kb) RNA sequence. Analyses of Northern blots and in situ hybridization revealed that TUG1 is expressed in the developing retina and brain, as well as in adult tissues. In the newborn retina, knockdown of TUG1 with RNA interference (RNAi) resulted in malformed or nonexistent outer segments of transfected photoreceptors. Immunofluorescent staining and microarray analyses suggested that this loss of proper photoreceptor differentiation is a result of the disregulation of photoreceptor gene expression. A function for a newly identified ncRNA, TUG1, has been established. TUG1 is necessary for the proper formation of photoreceptors in the developing rodent retina.

  13. Peripheral Avascular Retina in a Term Male Neonate With Microvillus Inclusion Disease and Pancreatic Insufficiency. (United States)

    Paulus, Yannis M; Alcorn, Deborah M; Gaynon, Michael; Moshfeghi, Darius M


    The authors present the first case of peripheral avascular retina in a term male neonate with pancreatic exocrine insufficiency, atypical microvillus inclusion disease, flat tympanograms, and recurrent urinary tract infections. Clinical examination showed avascular peripheral retina to posterior zone II temporally, with a flat stage 1-like demarcation line, and no plus disease. Genetic testing results were normal. The patient developed peripheral neovascularization and underwent panretinal photocoagulation. This case likely represents mild Norrie disease, familial exudative vitreoretinopathy, or incontinentia pigmenti due to a Wnt signaling abnormality. While these conditions are usually more severe, a variable spectrum of Wnt abnormalities exists throughout the body. Copyright 2015, SLACK Incorporated.

  14. Cellular disturbance in the rats retina after irradiation and metabolic errors during the postnatal period

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lierse, W.; Franke, H.D.


    During the first five days of the postnatal period the retina has been vulnerable following administration of DNA blocking drugs and irradiation with conventional X-rays and fast neutrons. During this period the disturbance of lamination accompanied with pycnosis of neurons and neuroblasts has been the important morphologic reaction. During the same phase metabolic errors, like experimental phenylketonuria, have produced a swelling of photoreceptor cells and pigmentepithelium cells. The other neurons of the retina were pycnotic. Structural alterations like rosettes persisted during the rest of life. The relative minor error during the first phase of rats life may result in a persistent disease. (orig.)

  15. Simultaneous optical coherence tomography and lipofuscin autofluorescence imaging of the retina with a single broadband light source at 480nm. (United States)

    Jiang, Minshan; Liu, Tan; Liu, Xiaojing; Jiao, Shuliang


    We accomplished spectral domain optical coherence tomography and auto-fluorescence microscopy for imaging the retina with a single broadband light source centered at 480 nm. This technique is able to provide simultaneous structural imaging and lipofuscin molecular contrast of the retina. Since the two imaging modalities are provided by the same group of photons, their images are intrinsically registered. To test the capabilities of the technique we periodically imaged the retinas of the same rats for four weeks. The images successfully demonstrated lipofuscin accumulation in the retinal pigment epithelium with aging. The experimental results showed that the dual-modal imaging system can be a potentially powerful tool in the study of age-related degenerative retinal diseases.

  16. Survey of intravitreal injection techniques among retina specialists in Israel

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    Segal O


    Full Text Available Ori Segal,1,2 Yael Segal-Trivitz,1,3 Arie Y Nemet,1,2 Noa Geffen,1,2 Ronit Nesher,1,2 Michael Mimouni4 1Department of Ophthalmology, Meir Medical Center, Kfar Saba, 2The Sackler School of Medicine, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, 3Department of Psychiatry, Geha Psychiatric Hospital, Petah Tikva, 4Department of Ophthalmology, Rambam Health Care Campus, Haifa, Israel Purpose: The purpose of this study was to describe antivascular endothelial growth factor intravitreal injection techniques of retinal specialists in order to establish a cornerstone for future practice guidelines. Methods: All members of the Israeli Retina Society were contacted by email to complete an anonymous, 19-question, Internet-based survey regarding their intravitreal injection techniques. Results: Overall, 66% (52/79 completed the survey. Most (98% do not instruct patients to discontinue anticoagulant therapy and 92% prescribe treatment for patients in the waiting room. Three quarters wear sterile gloves and prepare the patient in the supine position. A majority (71% use sterile surgical draping. All respondents apply topical analgesics and a majority (69% measure the distance from the limbus to the injection site. A minority (21% displace the conjunctiva prior to injection. A majority of the survey participants use a 30-gauge needle and the most common quadrant for injection is superotemporal (33%. Less than half routinely assess postinjection optic nerve perfusion (44%. A majority (92% apply prophylactic antibiotics immediately after the injection. Conclusion: The majority of retina specialists perform intravitreal injections similarly. However, a relatively large minority performs this procedure differently. Due to the extremely low percentage of complications, it seems as though such differences do not increase the risk. However, more evidence-based medicine, a cornerstone for practice guidelines, is required in order to identify the intravitreal injection techniques

  17. Interfaces da relação entre o médico e a dupla mãe-filho em um hospital público

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    Ondina Lúcia Ceppas Resende


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Investigar a percepção dos médicos sobre a experiência de atenderem ambulatorialmente crianças com doença ocular grave e como compreendem sua interferência na relação mãe-filho. MÉTODOS: Foram realizadas entrevistas semiestruturadas com os oftalmologistas (setores de retina, glaucoma, segmento anterior e oftalmopediatria e observação das consultas ambulatoriais durante três meses. RESULTADOS: Idealização da figura do médico e da mãe; dificuldades na hora de transmitir o diagnóstico; e reconhecimento de que o profissional interfere na relação da dupla durante seus encontros. CONCLUSÃO: O desafio do médico está em dar as informações sobre diagnóstico e tratamento; ter disponibilidade para escutar, esclarecer e orientar e nos casos graves mostrar que a criança tem outras potencialidades além da visão.

  18. Distribution of FMRFamide-like immunoreactivity in the brain, retina and nervus terminalis of the sockeye salmon parr, Oncorhynchus nerka. (United States)

    Ostholm, T; Ekström, P; Ebbesson, S O


    Neurons displaying FMRFamide(Phe - Met - Arg - Phe - NH2)-like immunoreactivity have recently been implicated in neural plasticity in salmon. We now extend these findings by describing the extent of the FMRF-like immunoreactive (FMRF-IR) system in the brain, retina and olfactory system of sockeye salmon parr using the indirect peroxidase anti-peroxidase technique. FMRF-IR perikarya were found in the periventricular hypothalamus, mesencephalic laminar nucleus, nucleus nervi terminalis and retina (presumed amacrine cells), and along the olfactory nerves. FMRF-IR fibers were distributed throughout the brain with highest densities in the ventral area of the telencephalon, in the medial forebrain bundle, and at the borders between layers III/IV and IV/V in the optic tectum. High densities of immunoreactive fibers were also observed in the area around the torus semicircularis, in the medial hypothalamus, median raphe, ventromedial tegmentum, and central gray. In the retina, immunopositive fibers were localized to the inner plexiform layer, but several fiber elements were also found in the outer plexiform layer. The olfactory system displayed FMRF-IR fibers in the epithelium and along the olfactory nerves. These findings differ from those reported in other species as follows: (i) FMRF-IR cells in the retina have not previously been reported in teleosts; (ii) the presence of FMRF-IR fibers in the outer plexiform layer of the retina is a new finding for any species; (iii) the occurrence of immunopositive cells in the mesencephalic laminar nucleus has to our knowledge not been demonstrated previously.

  19. A redefinição do perfil político da Europa de estatal-social para econômico-liberal: uma análise crítica a partir de Jürgen Habermas

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    Jorge Adriano Lubenow


    Full Text Available O artigo trata da análise crítica de Jürgen Habermas da redefinição do papel político da Europa, mais voltada para a justiça social e a solidariedade, para um viés predominantemente econômico, de versão mais econômico-liberal, mais próxima da produtividade e da concorrência. A mudança política da integração europeia busca reforçar o pilar econômico da união monetária pela implementação de programas de ajustamento econômico do FMI. A consequência da opção da União Europeia por uma Europa-mercado de formato neoliberal é o desmonte do Estado social (mais voltado para justiça social e a corrosão do elemento democrático das democracias nacionais (o esvaziamento da democracia. A consequência política dessa opção pelo neoliberalismo é a centralização supranacional de competências reguladoras para agências e organismos transnacionais europeus (Banco Central Europeu, Comissão Europeia, Tribunal Europeu, Parlamento Europeu, que lidam com acordos, contratos e tratados internacionais que deveriam funcionar como equivalentes de uma regulação política. O problema é a aprovação, a portas fechadas, de medidas que visam o controle da política econômica em detrimento da coordenação política. Isso implica a imposição de resoluções em áreas centrais de responsabilidade dos parlamentos dos Estados membros, potencializando nos Estados nacionais os problemas de legitimação necessária para implementar as políticas recomendadas de cima, explicitando a falha na construção da união monetária pela ausência dos instrumentos de uma política econômica comum.

  20. Modulation of horizontal cell receptive fields in the light adapted goldfish retina

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Verweij, J.; Kamermans, M.; van den Aker, E. C.; Spekreijse, H.


    In the isolated goldfish retina, 700 nm background illumination increases the horizontal cell receptive field size, as measured with 565 nm slits of light, but decreases the receptive field size, when measured with 660 nm slits. These background-induced changes in receptive field size are absent

  1. Non-mydriatic video ophthalmoscope to measure fast temporal changes of the human retina (United States)

    Tornow, Ralf P.; Kolář, Radim; Odstrčilík, Jan


    The analysis of fast temporal changes of the human retina can be used to get insight to normal physiological behavior and to detect pathological deviations. This can be important for the early detection of glaucoma and other eye diseases. We developed a small, lightweight, USB powered video ophthalmoscope that allows taking video sequences of the human retina with at least 25 frames per second without dilating the pupil. Short sequences (about 10 s) of the optic nerve head (20° x 15°) are recorded from subjects and registered offline using two-stage process (phase correlation and Lucas-Kanade approach) to compensate for eye movements. From registered video sequences, different parameters can be calculated. Two applications are described here: measurement of (i) cardiac cycle induced pulsatile reflection changes and (ii) eye movements and fixation pattern. Cardiac cycle induced pulsatile reflection changes are caused by changing blood volume in the retina. Waveform and pulse parameters like amplitude and rise time can be measured in any selected areas within the retinal image. Fixation pattern ΔY(ΔX) can be assessed from eye movements during video acquisition. The eye movements ΔX[t], ΔY[t] are derived from image registration results with high temporal (40 ms) and spatial (1,86 arcmin) resolution. Parameters of pulsatile reflection changes and fixation pattern can be affected in beginning glaucoma and the method described here may support early detection of glaucoma and other eye disease.

  2. The area centralis in the chicken retina contains efferent target amacrine cells (United States)

    Weller, Cynthia; Lindstrom, Sarah H.; De Grip, Willem J.; Wilson, Martin


    The retinas of birds receive a substantial efferent, or centrifugal, input from a midbrain nucleus. The function of this input is presently unclear but previous work in the pigeon has shown that efferent input is excluded from the area centralis, suggesting that the functions of the area centralis and the efferent system are incompatible. Using an antibody specific to rods, we have identified the area centralis in another species, the chicken, and mapped the distribution of the unique amacrine cells that are the postsynaptic partners of efferent fibers. Efferent target amacrine cells are found within the chicken area centralis and their density is continuous across the border of the area centralis. In contrast to the pigeon retina then, we conclude that the chicken area centralis receives efferent input. We suggest that the difference between the 2 species is attributable to the presence of a fovea within the area centralis of the pigeon and its absence from that of the chicken. PMID:19296862

  3. Cultura, preconceito e indivíduo: análise crítica do bullying escolar


    Wascheck, Murilo de Camargo


    Esta dissertação vincula-se à linha de pesquisa Cultura e Processos Educacionais e discute o bullying escolar na perspectiva da teoria crítica frankfurtiana (mais detidamente, na produção de Theodor W. Adorno e Max Horkheimer). Para tanto, analisamos algumas definições centrais relativas ao bullying escolar e à sociedade, como: preconceito, escola, cultura, mundo do trabalho, indivíduo, violência, narcisismo, estereotipia, ideologia da racionalidade tecnológica, alienação, emancipação, esclar...

  4. Protective effect of melatonin in the diabetic rat retina. (United States)

    Mehrzadi, Saeed; Motevalian, Manijeh; Rezaei Kanavi, Mozhgan; Fatemi, Iman; Ghaznavi, Habib; Shahriari, Mansoor


    Diabetic retinopathy (DR) is one of the most common and serious microvascular complications of diabetes. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of melatonin (MEL) on retinal injury in diabetic rats. In this study, 21 rats were randomly divided into three groups: control, diabetic, and diabetic + MEL. Streptozotocin was used to induce diabetes at a dose of 50 mg/kg, i.p., and blood glucose was measured to choose the diabetic rats for the study. MEL (20 mg/kg) was given orally for 7 weeks in diabetic rats starting 1 week after induction of diabetes. After 8 weeks, the groups were compared in terms of mean scores of fluorescein leakage, using fluorescein angiography. Reactive oxygen species (ROS) and malondialdehyde (MDA) levels were estimated in retina using commercially available assays. Structural changes in retinas were evaluated by light microscopy. Results showed that diabetes significantly increased the mean scores of fluorescein leakage, and MDA and ROS levels compared to control group. Treatment of the diabetic rats with MEL for 7 weeks prevented the alterations induced by diabetes in comparison with the diabetic control group.Based on these findings, it can be concluded that MEL might have beneficial effects in prevention of DR. © 2018 Société Française de Pharmacologie et de Thérapeutique.

  5. "Anything goes"?: o diálogo implícito de Paul Feyerabend com dois pesquisadores brasileiros, Maurício da Rocha e Silva e Newton Freire-Maia "Anything goes"?: the implicit dialogue between Paul Feyerabend and two Brazilian researchers, Maurício da Rocha e Silva and Newton Freire-Maia

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    Francisco Inácio Bastos


    Full Text Available O filósofo Paul Feyerabend e os cientistas brasileiros Maurício da Rocha e Silva e Newton Freire-Maia foram contemporâneos e viram-se às voltas com dilemas fundamentais da ciência. A proposta anarquista de Feyerabend, então embrionária, foi formulada em paralelo por Rocha e Silva, em sua crítica ao método científico. Transcorridas duas décadas, as ideias de Feyerabend parecem motivar implicitamente Newton Freire-Maia nas reflexões sobre a ciência. A teia de inter-relações das ideias desses três homens - que jamais interagiram - toca questões centrais da ciência brasileira de 1960 a 1980, período em que ela se consolida, em diálogo com a nascente reflexão sobre a ciência e o método científico no país.The philosopher Paul Feyerabend and Brazilian scientists Maurício da Rocha e Silva and Newton Freire-Maia were contemporaries and lived surrounded by the fundamental dilemnas of science. The anarchist proposal of Feyerabend, then embryonic, was formulated in parallel by Rocha e Silva in his criticism of the scientific method. Two decades later, Feyerabend's ideas seemed implicitly to stimulate Newton Freire-Maia in his reflections on science. The web of interrelationships in the ideas of these three men - who never interacted - touches on central issues for Brazilian science from 1960 to 1980, a period in which the latter is consolidated in a dialogue with the nascent reflection on science and the scientific method in Brazil.

  6. Temporal resolution of misfolded prion protein transport, accumulation, glial activation, and neuronal death in the retinas of mice inoculated with scrapie (United States)

    Currently, there is a lack of pathologic landmarks to describe the progression of prion disease in vivo. The goal of this work was to determine the temporal relationship between the transport of misfolded prion protein from the brain to the retina, the accumulation of PrPSc in the retina, the respon...

  7. Expanded progenitor populations, vitreo-retinal abnormalities, and Müller glial reactivity in the zebrafish leprechaun/patched2 retina

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    Bibliowicz Jonathan


    Full Text Available Abstract Background The roles of the Hedgehog (Hh pathway in controlling vertebrate retinal development have been studied extensively; however, species- and context-dependent findings have provided differing conclusions. Hh signaling has been shown to control both population size and cell cycle kinetics of proliferating retinal progenitors, and to modulate differentiation within the retina by regulating the timing of cell cycle exit. While cell cycle exit has in turn been shown to control cell fate decisions within the retina, a direct role for the Hh pathway in retinal cell fate decisions has yet to be established in vivo. Results To gain further insight into Hh pathway function in the retina, we have analyzed retinal development in leprechaun/patched2 mutant zebrafish. While lep/ptc2 mutants possessed more cells in their retinas, all cell types, except for Müller glia, were present at identical ratios as those observed in wild-type siblings. lep/ptc2 mutants possessed a localized upregulation of GFAP, a marker for 'reactive' glia, as well as morphological abnormalities at the vitreo-retinal interface, where Müller glial endfeet terminate. In addition, analysis of the over-proliferation phenotype at the ciliary marginal zone (CMZ revealed that the number of proliferating progenitors, but not the rate of proliferation, was increased in lep/ptc2 mutants. Conclusion Our results indicate that Patched2-dependent Hh signaling does not likely play an integral role in neuronal cell fate decisions in the zebrafish retina. ptc2 deficiency in zebrafish results in defects at the vitreo-retinal interface and Müller glial reactivity. These phenotypes are similar to the ocular abnormalities observed in human patients suffering from Basal Cell Naevus Syndrome (BCNS, a disorder that has been linked to mutations in the human PTCH gene (the orthologue of the zebrafish ptc2, and point to the utility of the lep/ptc2 mutant line as a model for the study of BCNS

  8. Modelo assistencial e estratégia saúde da família no nível local: análise de uma experiência

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    Mônica de Castro Maia Senna


    Full Text Available Este artigo examina o impacto produzido pela implantação da estratégia saúde da família na organização dos serviços locais, tomando como referência a experiência do Programa Médico de Família (PMF em Niterói/ RJ. Parte-se do entendimento de que a adoção do PMF foi impulsionada pelo avanço do processo de descentralização setorial em curso no país. Discute-se a perspectiva de inauguração de um novo modelo assistencial com base em três temas centrais: a a relação com o sistema local de saúde; b a questão do controle social; e c a gestão de recursos humanos em saúde. Entende-se que o modelo assistencial não é dado a priori, mas construído no cotidiano das relações políticas entre atores sociais com graus diferenciados de incorporação de suas demandas pelo poder público, o que dá lugar a retraduções diversas do modelo proposto por esta política.

  9. Unidirectional photoreceptor-to-Müller glia coupling and unique K+ channel expression in Caiman retina.

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    Astrid Zayas-Santiago

    Full Text Available Müller cells, the principal glial cells of the vertebrate retina, are fundamental for the maintenance and function of neuronal cells. In most vertebrates, including humans, Müller cells abundantly express Kir4.1 inwardly rectifying potassium channels responsible for hyperpolarized membrane potential and for various vital functions such as potassium buffering and glutamate clearance; inter-species differences in Kir4.1 expression were, however, observed. Localization and function of potassium channels in Müller cells from the retina of crocodiles remain, hitherto, unknown.We studied retinae of the Spectacled caiman (Caiman crocodilus fuscus, endowed with both diurnal and nocturnal vision, by (i immunohistochemistry, (ii whole-cell voltage-clamp, and (iii fluorescent dye tracing to investigate K+ channel distribution and glia-to-neuron communications.Immunohistochemistry revealed that caiman Müller cells, similarly to other vertebrates, express vimentin, GFAP, S100β, and glutamine synthetase. In contrast, Kir4.1 channel protein was not found in Müller cells but was localized in photoreceptor cells. Instead, 2P-domain TASK-1 channels were expressed in Müller cells. Electrophysiological properties of enzymatically dissociated Müller cells without photoreceptors and isolated Müller cells with adhering photoreceptors were significantly different. This suggests ion coupling between Müller cells and photoreceptors in the caiman retina. Sulforhodamine-B injected into cones permeated to adhering Müller cells thus revealing a uni-directional dye coupling.Our data indicate that caiman Müller glial cells are unique among vertebrates studied so far by predominantly expressing TASK-1 rather than Kir4.1 K+ channels and by bi-directional ion and uni-directional dye coupling to photoreceptor cells. This coupling may play an important role in specific glia-neuron signaling pathways and in a new type of K+ buffering.


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    Mauro Lima de Paula


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste artigo é discutir as novas formas de atuação do Estado contemporâneo especialmente no tocante à configuração das políticas públicas de educação no Brasil a partir da década de 1990 inseridas no contexto da chamada globalização e das reformas neoliberais, bem como, de forma mais específica, analisar as políticas educacionais implementadas no estado de São Paulo durante o mesmo período. Para tanto, dividimos este trabalho em duas partes. Na primeira, apresentamos uma discussão conceitual sobre os elementos centrais que compõem texto, quais sejam, Estado, Globalização e Neoliberalismo e suas relações com as políticas públicas à luz do debate marxista atual. Numa segunda etapa, pretendemos apresentar um mapeamento das políticas educacionais realizadas pelo estado de São Paulo a partir dos anos 1990 e sua relação com estes elementos chaves na elaboração e implementação destas. 

  11. Coherent anti-stokes Raman scattering (CARS) microscopy: a novel technique for imaging the retina. (United States)

    Masihzadeh, Omid; Ammar, David A; Kahook, Malik Y; Lei, Tim C


    To image the cellular and noncellular structures of the retina in an intact mouse eye without the application of exogenous fluorescent labels using noninvasive, nondestructive techniques. Freshly enucleated mouse eyes were imaged using two nonlinear optical techniques: coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering (CARS) and two-photon autofluorescence (TPAF). Cross sectional transverse sections and sequential flat (en face) sagittal sections were collected from a region of sclera approximately midway between the limbus and optic nerve. Imaging proceeded from the surface of the sclera to a depth of ∼60 μm. The fluorescent signal from collagen fibers within the sclera was evident in the TPAF channel; the scleral collagen fibers showed no organization and appeared randomly packed. The sclera contained regions lacking TPAF and CARS fluorescence of ∼3 to 15 μm in diameter that could represent small vessels or scleral fibroblasts. Intense punctate CARS signals from the retinal pigment epithelial layer were of a size and shape of retinyl storage esters. Rod outer segments could be identified by the CARS signal from their lipid-rich plasma membranes. CARS microscopy can be used to image the outer regions of the mammalian retina without the use of a fluorescent dye or exogenously expressed recombinant protein. With technical advancements, CARS/TPAF may represent a new avenue for noninvasively imaging the retina and might complement modalities currently used in clinical practice.

  12. Immunocytochemical localization of the glutamate transporter GLT-1 in goldfish (Carassius auratus) retina

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Vandenbranden, C. A.; Yazulla, S.; Studholme, K. M.; Kamphuis, W.; Kamermans, M.


    Glutamate is the major excitatory neurotransmitter in the retina of vertebrates. Electrophysiological experiments in goldfish and salamander have shown that neuronal glutamate transporters play an important role in the clearance of glutamate from cone synaptic clefts. In this study, the localization

  13. Retina damage after exposure to UVA radiation on the early developmental stages of the Egyptian toad Bufo regularis Reuss

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    Alaa El-Din H. Sayed


    Full Text Available The present study was carried out to investigate the histological and histochemical changes in the retina on different developmental stages of Egyptian toad Bufo regularis. Our experiment started when tadpoles begin to feed. The adapted embryos are divided into 3 large tanks of 200 embryos each, collections of samples started from feeding age every three days. Both histological and histochemical results showed that the general architecture of the retina organ is correlated with the state of development. Therefore, it displayed different characteristic features depending on the investigated developmental stage starting from the larval stage (feeding began, stage 44 and ending with the post-metamorphic stage 66. Also, the present work aimed to study the chronic effects of UVA on the retina structure of B. regularis during development and metamorphosis for the first time.

  14. Synaptic Mechanisms Generating Orientation Selectivity in the ON Pathway of the Rabbit Retina. (United States)

    Venkataramani, Sowmya; Taylor, W Rowland


    Neurons that signal the orientation of edges within the visual field have been widely studied in primary visual cortex. Much less is known about the mechanisms of orientation selectivity that arise earlier in the visual stream. Here we examine the synaptic and morphological properties of a subtype of orientation-selective ganglion cell in the rabbit retina. The receptive field has an excitatory ON center, flanked by excitatory OFF regions, a structure similar to simple cell receptive fields in primary visual cortex. Examination of the light-evoked postsynaptic currents in these ON-type orientation-selective ganglion cells (ON-OSGCs) reveals that synaptic input is mediated almost exclusively through the ON pathway. Orientation selectivity is generated by larger excitation for preferred relative to orthogonal stimuli, and conversely larger inhibition for orthogonal relative to preferred stimuli. Excitatory orientation selectivity arises in part from the morphology of the dendritic arbors. Blocking GABAA receptors reduces orientation selectivity of the inhibitory synaptic inputs and the spiking responses. Negative contrast stimuli in the flanking regions produce orientation-selective excitation in part by disinhibition of a tonic NMDA receptor-mediated input arising from ON bipolar cells. Comparison with earlier studies of OFF-type OSGCs indicates that diverse synaptic circuits have evolved in the retina to detect the orientation of edges in the visual input. A core goal for visual neuroscientists is to understand how neural circuits at each stage of the visual system extract and encode features from the visual scene. This study documents a novel type of orientation-selective ganglion cell in the retina and shows that the receptive field structure is remarkably similar to that of simple cells in primary visual cortex. However, the data indicate that, unlike in the cortex, orientation selectivity in the retina depends on the activity of inhibitory interneurons. The

  15. Effect of intravitreal injection of bevacizumab-chitosan nanoparticles on retina of diabetic rats

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    Yan Lu


    Full Text Available AIM:To investigate the effects of intravitreal injection of bevacizumab-chitosan nanoparticles on pathological morphology of retina and the expression of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF protein and VEGF mRNA in the retina of diabetic rats.METHODS: Seventy-two 3-month aged diabetic rats were randomly divided into 3 groups, each containing 24 animals and 48 eyes. Both eyes of the rats in group A were injected into the vitreous at the pars plana with 3μL of physiological saline, while in groups B and C were injected with 3μL (75μg of bevacizumab and 3μL of bevacizumab-chitosan nanoparticles (containing 75μg of bevacizumab, respectively. Immunohistochemistry was used to assess retinal angiogenesis, real-time PCR assay was used to analyse the expression of VEGF mRNA, and light microscopy was used to evaluate the morphology of retinal capillaries.RESULTS:Real-time PCR assay revealed that the VEGF mRNA expression in the retina before injection was similar to 1 week after injection in group A (P>0.05, while theVEGF mRNA expression before injection significantly differed from those 4 and 8 weeks after injection (P<0.05. Retinal expression of VEGF protein and VEGF mRNA was inhibited 1 week and 4 weeks after injection (P<0.05 in group B, and the expression of VEGF protein and VEGF mRNA was obviously inhibited until 8 weeks after injection (P<0.05 in group C. Using multiple comparisons among group A, group B, and group C, the VEGF expression before injection was higher than at 1, 4 and 8 weeks after injection (P<0.05. The amount of VEGF expression was higher 8 weeks after injection than 1 week or 4 weeks after injection, and also higher 1 week after injection compared with 4 weeks after injection (P<0.05. No toxic effect on SD rats was observed with bevacizumab-chitosan nanoparticles injection alone.CONCLUSION: The results offer a new approach for inhibiting angiogenesis of diabetic retinopathy and indicate that the intravitreal injection of

  16. Vsx2 in the zebrafish retina: restricted lineages through derepression

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    Higashijima Shin-ichi


    Full Text Available Abstract Background The neurons in the vertebrate retina arise from multipotent retinal progenitor cells (RPCs. It is not clear, however, which progenitors are multipotent or why they are multipotent. Results In this study we show that the homeodomain transcription factor Vsx2 is initially expressed throughout the retinal epithelium, but later it is downregulated in all but a minor population of bipolar cells and all Müller glia. The Vsx2-negative daughters of Vsx2-positive RPCs divide and give rise to all other cell types in the retina. Vsx2 is a repressor whose targets include transcription factors such as Vsx1, which is expressed in the progenitors of distinct non-Vsx2 bipolars, and the basic helix-loop-helix transcription factor Ath5, which restricts the fate of progenitors to retinal ganglion cells, horizontal cells, amacrine cells and photoreceptors fates. Foxn4, expressed in the progenitors of amacrine and horizontal cells, is also negatively regulated by Vsx2. Conclusion Our data thus suggest Vsx2-positive RPCs are fully multipotent retinal progenitors and that when Vsx2 is downregulated, Vsx2-negative progenitors escape Vsx2 repression and so are able to express factors that restrict lineage potential.

  17. Müller Glial Cell-Provided Cellular Light Guidance through the Vital Guinea-Pig Retina (United States)

    Agte, Silke; Junek, Stephan; Matthias, Sabrina; Ulbricht, Elke; Erdmann, Ines; Wurm, Antje; Schild, Detlev; Käs, Josef A.; Reichenbach, Andreas


    In vertebrate eyes, images are projected onto an inverted retina where light passes all retinal layers on its way to the photoreceptor cells. Light scattering within this tissue should impair vision. We show that radial glial (Müller) cells in the living retina minimize intraretinal light scatter and conserve the diameter of a beam that hits a single Müller cell endfoot. Thus, light arrives at individual photoreceptors with high intensity. This leads to an optimized signal/noise ratio, which increases visual sensitivity and contrast. Moreover, we show that the ratio between Müller cells and cones—responsible for acute vision—is roughly 1. This suggests that high spatiotemporal resolution may be achieved by each cone receiving its part of the image via its individual Müller cell-light guide. PMID:22261048

  18. Inhibition of non-neuronal cell proliferation in the goldfish visual pathway affects the regenerative capacity of the retina

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Neuman, D.; Yerushalmi, A.; Schwartz, M.


    Proliferating cells associated with the visual pathway were found in the present study of affect the regenerative capacity of the goldfish retina following optic nerve injury. The contribution of these cells to the process of regeneration was investigated in the goldfish visual system by reducing their proliferation in the optic tract and tecta, using X-irradiation. The regenerative ability of the retina was then evaluated by the following parameters: sprouting from retinal explants, protein synthesis in the retina and accumulation of radiolabeled transported components in the tectum. X-irradiation of the visual system at an early stage of the regeneration process had a promoting effect whereas irradiation at a later stage resulted in a reduced capacity to regenerate. The results are discussed with respect to the possibility that proliferating cells, possibly glia, exert two contradictory contributions: an inhibitory effect at the site of injury, whereas distal to it, a supportive, perhaps trophic effect. (Auth.)

  19. Inhibition of non-neuronal cell proliferation in the goldfish visual pathway affects the regenerative capacity of the retina

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Neuman, D.; Yerushalmi, A.; Schwartz, M. (Weizmann Inst. of Science, Rehovoth (Israel))


    Proliferating cells associated with the visual pathway were found in the present study of affect the regenerative capacity of the goldfish retina following optic nerve injury. The contribution of these cells to the process of regeneration was investigated in the goldfish visual system by reducing their proliferation in the optic tract and tecta, using X-irradiation. The regenerative ability of the retina was then evaluated by the following parameters: sprouting from retinal explants, protein synthesis in the retina and accumulation of radiolabeled transported components in the tectum. X-irradiation of the visual system at an early stage of the regeneration process had a promoting effect whereas irradiation at a later stage resulted in a reduced capacity to regenerate. The results are discussed with respect to the possibility that proliferating cells, possibly glia, exert two contradictory contributions: an inhibitory effect at the site of injury, whereas distal to it, a supportive, perhaps trophic effect.

  20. Modified saponification and HPLC methods for analyzing carotenoids from the retina of quail: implications for its use as a nonprimate model species. (United States)

    Toomey, Matthew B; McGraw, Kevin J


    To investigate carotenoid content in the retina of Japanese quail (Coturnix japonica), for comparison with carotenoids in human retina, and to assess the effects of different saponification procedures on the recovery of quail retinal carotenoids. Extracted retinal carotenoids were saponified with methods adapted from recent studies, then identified and quantified with reverse-phase high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). To assess the effects of saponification conditions on carotenoid recovery from quail retina, we varied base concentration and the total time of saponification across a wide range and again used HPLC to compare carotenoid concentrations among conditions. Astaxanthin and galloxanthin were the dominant carotenoids recovered in the quail retina, along with smaller amounts of five other carotenoids (lutein, zeaxanthin, 3'-epilutein, epsilon-carotene, and an unidentified carotenoid). Astaxanthin was sensitive to saponification conditions; recovery was poor with strong bases (0.2 and 0.5 M KOH) and best with weak bases (0.01 and 0.2 M KOH). In contrast, xanthophyll carotenoids (galloxanthin, zeaxanthin, lutein, 3'-epilutein, and the unknown) were best recovered with strong base after 6 hours of saponification at room temperature. The recovery of epsilon-carotene was not affected by saponification conditions. Separate chemical hydrolysis procedures--using a strong base to recover xanthophylls and a weak base to recover astaxanthin--should be used for maximizing recovery of quail retinal carotenoids. Because the dominant carotenoids in quail retina are absent in human retina, and because of their different packaging (e.g., esterified in oil droplets) and light-absorbance properties compared with xanthophylls in the human eye, use of the quail as a model organism for studying human retinal carotenoids should be approached with caution.

  1. A endogeneidade da crise fiscal do estado

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    Pichai Chumvichitra


    Full Text Available In the wake of the sharp and sudden petroleum price increase in 1973, Brazil opted to pursue a high rate of economic growth as a main strategy, managing the consequent strain on the balance of payments through a combination of renewad import substitution, export subsidies, and foreign borrowing However in order to reach this objective in the minimum period, there was an increase in the participation of the government activity to influence aggregate demand, besides its monetary and fiscal activities. The intervention of the government in the process of economic adjustment has been active for several years and continuously increases its role. Therefore, there was a big increase in a function of the public, acting through a large variety of subsidized credit programs, tax incentives, tariff preferences, etc., as well as its own direct investments, progressively substituted for the market as the principal allocator of investment in the economy. The consequence of this activity weakened the overall budgetary control of the central economic authorities and did not yield the desired results after 1980.Um dos fatores principais influenciando o problema de iliquidez na atual economia brasileira é a intervenção estatal na atividade econômica. Inicialmente a intervenção do Estado pode ser vista sob dois prismas: como regulador da economia com suas atividades de política econômica, e como empresário, quer participando diretamente como produtor e agente financeiro, quer participando indiretamente como implementador de programas setoriais da atividade econômica. Na aplicação de sua estratégia de crescimento, o setor público, agindo por meio de uma grande variedade de programas de crédito subsidiado, incentivos fiscais, preferências tarifárias, etc, e com seus próprios investimentos diretos, substituiu progressiva-mente o mercado como principal distribuidor do investimento na economia. A conseqüente proliferação e crescimento da institui

  2. Classificação diagnóstica dos portadores de doenças degenerativas de retina, integrantes dos grupos Retina São Paulo e Retina Vale do Paraíba Diagnostic classification of retinal degenerative diseases São Paulo and Vale Retina groups

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    Nichard Unonius


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO:Organizar um banco de dados regional de todos os indivíduos portadores de doenças degenerativas da retina, com o objetivo de classificar cada paciente de acordo com o tipo de distrofia e padrão de herança. MÉTODOS: Durante o encontro do Grupo Retina São Paulo no dia 5 de maio de 2001, duzentas e quarenta e três pessoas foram registradas, sendo que parte forneceu dados de antecedentes oculares, pessoais e familiares e árvore genealógica. Noventa e três pacientes foram questionados quanto a idade, origem, tipo de distrofia, história familiar e árvore genealógica, tipo de herança, outras anomalias sistêmicas e exames complementares. Foram classificados quanto ao diagnóstico e padrão de herança. RESULTADOS: Dos duzentos e quarenta e três pacientes registrados, as distrofias encontradas foram retinose pigmentária, doença de Stargardt, síndrome de Usher, amaurose congênita de Leber e coroideremia. Quanto à divisão por doença dos 93 pacientes argüidos, havia 62 pacientes com retinose pigmentária, 13 com doença de Stargardt, 13 com síndrome de Usher, três com amaurose congênita de Leber e dois com coroideremia. Dos pacientes com retinose pigmentária, o padrão de herança detectado foi autossômico dominante em quatro casos (7%, autossômico recessivo em vinte casos (32%, ligado ao cromossomo X recessivo em sete casos (11%, caso isolado em vinte e nove (47% e padrão indeterminado em dois (3%. Para a doença de Stargardt três indivíduos (23% seguiam o padrão de herança autossômico recessivo e dez (77% eram casos isolados. Dos treze pacientes com síndrome de Usher, oito (61,5% apresentavam herança autossômica recessiva, quatro (31% eram casos isolados e um (7,5% tinha o padrão de herança indeterminado. Os dois pacientes com coroideremia seguiam o padrão de herança ligado ao X recessivo. Para amaurose congênita de Leber, um paciente (33,5% tinha padrão autossômico recessivo de herança e dois (66

  3. ¿Puede ser considerada la pedagogía crítica como una teoría general de la educación?


    Ramírez-Romero, José-Luis; Quintal-García, Nancy-Angelina


    En este trabajo caracterizamos algunos de las premisas centrales de la pedagogía crítica y analizamos si reúne los requisitos señalados por Moore (1987) para ser considerada una teoría general de la educación. Neste trabalho caracterizamos algumas das premissas centrais da pedagogia crítica e analisamos se reúne os requisitos destacados por Moore (1987) para ser considerada como uma teoria geral da educação. This work characterizes some of the core principles of critical pedagogy and we...

  4. Evaluación y conducta recomendada en presencia de precursores vítreorretinianos del desprendimiento de retina

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    Ceija Molina Cisneros

    Full Text Available Los cambios y las variaciones anatómicas vítreorretinianas predisponen al desprendimiento de retina regmatógeno, por lo que su conocimiento es de vital importancia para el tratamiento adecuado de los pacientes. Por ello se decidió realizar una revisión acerca de los elementos más importantes al respecto, con el objetivo de actualizar los conocimientos existentes sobre el tema. Estos precursores comprenden tres entidades que, por su fisiopatología, pueden estar presentes en la historia natural de esta afección: Desprendimiento de vítreo posterior, degeneraciones periféricas y desgarro de retina (sintomáticos y asintomáticos. Además, algunas situaciones de riesgo como la cirugía de catarata, la capsulotomía posterior con YAG-láser, los traumatismos y la miopía alta pueden favorecer también al desprendimiento de retina. Estos precursores, por lo general, se hacen más evidentes después de los 40 años, sin predilección por sexo o características raciales y están muy relacionadas con cambios vítreos o su licuefacción. El conocimiento básico y actualizado de estas entidades, así como de los factores de riesgo asociados al desprendimiento de retina es importante para el adecuado manejo y el control de las complicaciones. En la revisión se describen con claridad los pilares fundamentales para el diagnóstico y tratamiento de este tipo de situaciones clínicas.

  5. Lateral feedback from monophasic horizontal cells to cones in carp retina. I. Experiments

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Kamermans, M.; van Dijk, B. W.; Spekreijse, H.; Zweypfenning, R. C.


    The spatial and color coding of the monophasic horizontal cells were studied in light- and dark-adapted retinae. Slit displacement experiments revealed differences in integration area for the different cone inputs of the monophasic horizontal cells. The integration area measured with a 670-nm

  6. Macular pigment carotenoids in the retina and occipital cortex are related in humans (United States)

    Objectives: Lutein and zeaxanthin are dietary carotenoids that preferentially accumulate in the macular region of the retina. Together with mesozeaxanthin, a conversion product of lutein in the macula, they form the macular pigment. Lutein is also the predominant carotenoid in human brain tissue and...

  7. Sustentabilidade na revitalização de centros urbanos: análise do Plano de Reabilitação do Hipercentro de Belo Horizonte sob os critérios do LEED


    Albrecht, Clarissa Ferreira


    Os projetos de revitalização em áreas centrais são cada vez mais comuns no planejamento urbano contemporâneo, pois além de preservarem o valioso conteúdo histórico-cultural, de localização e simbologia para a memória e referência da cidade são um instrumento valioso para a busca da sustentabilidade urbana. Com o objetivo de relacionar a problemática da importância dos projetos de revitalização para a sustentabilidade urbana é que se posiciona este trabalho. Nesse contexto, foi traçada a histó...

  8. Violência Urbana e Sentimento de Insegurança


    Lourenço, Nelson


    Violência e insegurança urbanas são questões societais centrais ocupando, em todo o Mundo, um espaço significativo no quadro da preocupação dos indivíduos e da vivência democrática. A sua análise pressupõe uma leitura ampla das dinâmicas urbanas e dos processos de metropolização que caracterizam a modernidade tardia nas suas dimensões social, cultural, política e económica. Não esgotando o universo das criminalidades da sociedade actual, a violência e insegurança urbanas impõem a necess...

  9. Justificação epistêmica: prima e ultima facie


    Fusari, Lionara


    A investigação e a análise relativa ao problema da justificação epistêmica são realizadas desde a Antiga Grécia, sendo a justificação um dos assuntos bem centrais no estudo da epistemologia contemporânea. Nesse sentido, este trabalho aborda inicialmente o conceito de justificação, algumas fontes de justificação para as crenças e algumas teorias da justificação epistêmica. Um pressuposto que deve ser levado em conta é que sempre a ideia de “justificação”, sobre a qual se trabalha aqui, é a de ...

  10. Up-regulation of DRP-3 long isoform during the induction of neural progenitor cells by glutamate treatment in the ex vivo rat retina

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Tokuda, Kazuhiro, E-mail: [Department of Ophthalmology, Yamaguchi University Graduate School of Medicine, Ube, Yamaguchi (Japan); Department of Biochemistry and Functional Proteomics, Yamaguchi University Graduate School of Medicine, Ube, Yamaguchi (Japan); Kuramitsu, Yasuhiro; Byron, Baron; Kitagawa, Takao [Department of Biochemistry and Functional Proteomics, Yamaguchi University Graduate School of Medicine, Ube, Yamaguchi (Japan); Tokuda, Nobuko [Faculty of Health Sciences, Yamaguchi University Graduate School of Medicine, Ube (Japan); Kobayashi, Daiki; Nagayama, Megumi; Araki, Norie [Department of Tumor Genetics and Biology, Graduate School of Medical Sciences, Kumamoto University, Kumamoto (Japan); Sonoda, Koh-Hei [Department of Ophthalmology, Yamaguchi University Graduate School of Medicine, Ube, Yamaguchi (Japan); Nakamura, Kazuyuki [Department of Biochemistry and Functional Proteomics, Yamaguchi University Graduate School of Medicine, Ube, Yamaguchi (Japan)


    Glutamate has been shown to induce neural progenitor cells in the adult vertebrate retina. However, protein dynamics during progenitor cell induction by glutamate are not fully understood. To identify specific proteins involved in the process, we employed two-dimensional electrophoresis-based proteomics on glutamate untreated and treated retinal ex vivo sections. Rat retinal tissues were incubated with 1 mM glutamate for 1 h, followed by incubation in glutamate-free media for a total of 24 h. Consistent with prior reports, it was found that mitotic cells appeared in the outer nuclear layer without any histological damage. Immunohistological evaluations and immunoblotting confirmed the emergence of neuronal progenitor cells in the mature retina treated with glutamate. Proteomic analysis revealed the up-regulation of dihydropyrimidinase-related protein 3 (DRP-3), DRP-2 and stress-induced-phosphoprotein 1 (STIP1) during neural progenitor cell induction by glutamate. Moreover, mRNA expression of DRP-3, especially, its long isoform, robustly increased in the treated retina compared to that in the untreated retina. These results may indicate that glutamate induces neural progenitor cells in the mature rat retina by up-regulating the proteins which mediate cell mitosis and neurite growth. - Highlights: • Glutamate induced neuronal progenitor cells in the mature rat retina. • Proteomic analysis revealed the up-regulation of DRP-3, DRP-2 and STIP1. • mRNA expression of DRP-3, especially, its long isoform, robustly increased.

  11. Foxg1 regulates retinal axon pathfinding by repressing an ipsilateral program in nasal retina and by causing optic chiasm cells to exert a net axonal growth-promoting activity. (United States)

    Tian, Natasha M; Pratt, Thomas; Price, David J


    Mammalian binocular vision relies on the divergence of retinal ganglion cell axons at the optic chiasm, with strictly controlled numbers projecting contralaterally and ipsilaterally. In mouse, contralateral projections arise from the entire retina, whereas ipsilateral projections arise from ventrotemporal retina. We investigate how development of these patterns of projection is regulated by the contralateral determinant Foxg1, a forkhead box transcription factor expressed in nasal retina and at the chiasm. In nasal retina, loss of Foxg1 causes increased numbers of ipsilateral projections and ectopic expression of the ipsilateral determinants Zic2, Ephb1 and Foxd1, indicating that nasal retina is competent to express an ipsilateral program that is normally suppressed by Foxg1. Using co-cultures that combine Foxg1-expressing with Foxg1-null retinal explants and chiasm cells, we provide functional evidence that Foxg1 promotes contralateral projections through actions in nasal retina, and that in chiasm cells, Foxg1 is required for the generation of a hitherto unrecognized activity supporting RGC axon growth.

  12. Competência virtual para a mediação da informação e do conhecimento (virtual literacy/Virtual competences to mediate the information of knowledge (literacy virtual

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    Daniela Melaré Vieira Barros


    Full Text Available O presente trabalho tem por objetivo apresentar possibilidades de uso da tecnologia na gestão da informação científica, em sua divulgação e na transformação do conhecimento em forma digital, acessível a todas as pessoas, sem restrição. Para tanto, as teorias que subsidiam este trabalho são a information literacy, a virtual literacy, a media literacy e a digital literacy. Essas teorias são as bases da competência de uso da tecnologia com seus elementos centrais para o processo de divulgação científica mediante recursos educativos. A seguir, destacaremos as referências e os padrões de uso dessa competência para esse trabalho, sua aplicação e a viabilização de procedimentos. The present work has for objective to present possibilities of use of the technology in the management of the scientific information, in its spreading and the transformation of the knowledge in digital, accessible form to all the people, without restriction. For in such a way, the theories that subsidize this work are information literacy, virtual literacy, it measured it literacy and digital literacy. These theories are the bases of the ability of use of the technology with its elements central offices for the process of scientific spreading by means of educative resources. To follow, we will detach the references and the standards of use of this ability for this work, its application and the viabilização of procedures.

  13. Simultaneous in vivo imaging of melanin and lipofuscin in the retina with photoacoustic ophthalmoscopy and autofluorescence imaging (United States)

    Zhang, Xiangyang; Zhang, Hao F.; Puliafito, Carmen A.; Jiao, Shuliang


    We combined photoacoustic ophthalmoscopy (PAOM) with autofluorescence imaging for simultaneous in vivo imaging of dual molecular contrasts in the retina using a single light source. The dual molecular contrasts come from melanin and lipofuscin in the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE). Melanin and lipofuscin are two types of pigments and are believed to play opposite roles (protective versus exacerbate) in the RPE in the aging process. We have successfully imaged the retina of pigmented and albino rats at different ages. The experimental results showed that multimodal PAOM system can be a potentially powerful tool in the study of age-related degenerative retinal diseases.

  14. Impact of type 1 diabetes mellitus and sitagliptin treatment on the neuropeptide Y system of rat retina

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Campos, Elisa J.; Martins, João; Brudzewsky, Dan


    1 diabetes mellitus (DM) and sitagliptin, a DPP-IV inhibitor, on the NPY system in the retina using an animal model.  Methods: Type 1 DM was induced in male Wistar rats by an intraperitoneal injection of streptozotocin. Starting 2weeks after DM onset, animals were treated orally with sitagliptin (5...... of NPY to all receptors. Sitagliptin alone reduced retinal NPY mRNA levels. The effects of DM on the NPY system were not affected by sitagliptin.  Conclusion: DM modestly affects the NPY system in the retina and these effects are not prevented by sitagliptin treatment. These observations suggest that DPP...

  15. Automated pathologies detection in retina digital images based on complex continuous wavelet transform phase angles. (United States)

    Lahmiri, Salim; Gargour, Christian S; Gabrea, Marcel


    An automated diagnosis system that uses complex continuous wavelet transform (CWT) to process retina digital images and support vector machines (SVMs) for classification purposes is presented. In particular, each retina image is transformed into two one-dimensional signals by concatenating image rows and columns separately. The mathematical norm of phase angles found in each one-dimensional signal at each level of CWT decomposition are relied on to characterise the texture of normal images against abnormal images affected by exudates, drusen and microaneurysms. The leave-one-out cross-validation method was adopted to conduct experiments and the results from the SVM show that the proposed approach gives better results than those obtained by other methods based on the correct classification rate, sensitivity and specificity.

  16. Designing and testing scene enhancement algorithms for patients with retina degenerative disorders

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    Downes Susan M


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Retina degenerative disorders represent the primary cause of blindness in UK and in the developed world. In particular, Age Related Macular Degeneration (AMD and Retina Pigmentosa (RP diseases are of interest to this study. We have therefore created new image processing algorithms for enhancing the visual scenes for them. Methods In this paper we present three novel image enhancement techniques aimed at enhancing the remaining visual information for patients suffering from retina dystrophies. Currently, the only effective way to test novel technology for visual enhancement is to undergo testing on large numbers of patients. To test our techniques, we have therefore built a retinal image processing model and compared the results to data from patient testing. In particular we focus on the ability of our image processing techniques to achieve improved face detection and enhanced edge perception. Results Results from our model are compared to actual data obtained from testing the performance of these algorithms on 27 patients with an average visual acuity of 0.63 and an average contrast sensitivity of 1.22. Results show that Tinted Reduced Outlined Nature (TRON and Edge Overlaying algorithms are most beneficial for dynamic scenes such as motion detection. Image Cartoonization was most beneficial for spatial feature detection such as face detection. Patient's stated that they would most like to see Cartoonized images for use in daily life. Conclusions Results obtained from our retinal model and from patients show that there is potential for these image processing techniques to improve visual function amongst the visually impaired community. In addition our methodology using face detection and efficiency of perceived edges in determining potential benefit derived from different image enhancement algorithms could also prove to be useful in quantitatively assessing algorithms in future studies.

  17. Developmental and adult characterization of secretagogin expressing amacrine cells in zebrafish retina.

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    Stefanie Dudczig

    Full Text Available Calcium binding proteins show stereotypical expression patterns within diverse neuron types across the central nervous system. Here, we provide a characterization of developmental and adult secretagogin-immunolabelled neurons in the zebrafish retina with an emphasis on co-expression of multiple calcium binding proteins. Secretagogin is a recently identified and cloned member of the F-hand family of calcium binding proteins, which labels distinct neuron populations in the retinas of mammalian vertebrates. Both the adult distribution of secretagogin labeled retinal neurons as well as the developmental expression indicative of the stage of neurogenesis during which this calcium binding protein is expressed was quantified. Secretagogin expression was confined to an amacrine interneuron population in the inner nuclear layer, with monostratified neurites in the center of the inner plexiform layer and a relatively regular soma distribution (regularity index > 2.5 across central-peripheral areas. However, only a subpopulation (~60% co-labeled with gamma-aminobutyric acid as their neurotransmitter, suggesting that possibly two amacrine subtypes are secretagogin immunoreactive. Quantitative co-labeling analysis with other known amacrine subtype markers including the three main calcium binding proteins parvalbumin, calbindin and calretinin identifies secretagogin immunoreactive neurons as a distinct neuron population. The highest density of secretagogin cells of ~1800 cells / mm2 remained relatively evenly along the horizontal meridian, whilst the density dropped of to 125 cells / mm2 towards the dorsal and ventral periphery. Thus, secretagogin represents a new amacrine label within the zebrafish retina. The developmental expression suggests a possible role in late stage differentiation. This characterization forms the basis of functional studies assessing how the expression of distinct calcium binding proteins might be regulated to compensate for the loss

  18. Developmentally Regulated Production of meso-Zeaxanthin in Chicken Retinal Pigment Epithelium/Choroid and Retina. (United States)

    Gorusupudi, Aruna; Shyam, Rajalekshmy; Li, Binxing; Vachali, Preejith; Subhani, Yumna K; Nelson, Kelly; Bernstein, Paul S


    meso-Zeaxanthin is a carotenoid that is rarely encountered in nature outside of the vertebrate eye. It is not a constituent of a normal human diet, yet this carotenoid comprises one-third of the primate macular pigment. In the current study, we undertook a systematic approach to biochemically characterize the production of meso-zeaxanthin in the vertebrate eye. Fertilized White Leghorn chicken eggs were analyzed for the presence of carotenoids during development. Yolk, liver, brain, serum, retina, and RPE/choroid were isolated, and carotenoids were extracted. The samples were analyzed on C-30 or chiral HPLC columns to determine the carotenoid composition. Lutein and zeaxanthin were found in all studied nonocular tissues, but no meso-zeaxanthin was ever detected. Among the ocular tissues, the presence of meso-zeaxanthin was consistently observed starting at embryonic day 17 (E17) in the RPE/choroid, several days before its consistent detection in the retina. If RPE/choroid of an embryo was devoid of meso-zeaxanthin, the corresponding retina was always negative as well. This is the first report of developmentally regulated synthesis of meso-zeaxanthin in a vertebrate system. Our observations suggest that the RPE/choroid is the primary site of meso-zeaxanthin synthesis. Identification of meso-zeaxanthin isomerase enzyme in the developing chicken embryo will facilitate our ability to determine the biochemical mechanisms responsible for production of this unique carotenoid in other higher vertebrates, such as humans.

  19. Frentes de ondas (wavefronts e limites da visão humana Parte 2: aplicações

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    Jankov Mirko


    Full Text Available Os valores médios de todos os coeficientes de Zernike são de aproximadamente zero, ao passo que a variabilidade individual é muito grande, o que significa que os seres humanos, como espécie em geral, têm sistema óptico muito bom, mas individualmente imperfeito. Certa instabilidade temporal das aberrações de alta ordem foi descrita em função da acomodação. Este fato leva a uma nova pergunta: a correção de todas as aberrações para visão em estado não acomodado será benéfica para visão de perto também? É possível modificar e diminuir as aberrações ópticas por meio de foto-ablação por "scanning spot LASER" tendo os dados das frentes de ondas como a base para perfil de ablação individualizado. É fundamental a fixação perfeita do feixe de "LASER" em relação ao olho, obtida com os "eye-trackers" de alta freqüência. O benefício visual teórico da correção das aberrações de alta ordem seria de até 12 vezes. A meta principal dos tratamentos guiados pelas frentes de onda é de não permitir a piora da visão depois do tratamento cirúrgico refrativo, como pode ocorrer hoje em dia com os tratamentos tradicionais a "LASER"; em seguida, a meta se es-tenderia aos melhoramentos visuais, bem como ao tratamento dos casos de córneas extremamente irregulares (ablações primárias irregulares, pequenas ou descentradas, a presença das ilhas centrais ou irregularidades após transplante de córnea. O entendimento da terminologia e das bases da nova evolução tecnológica, bem como o constante acompanhamento crítico dos resultados publicados é fundamental para a abordagem moderna dos problemas relativos à refração e à cirurgia refrativa.

  20. Histologic correlation of in vivo optical coherence tomography images of the human retina

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Chen, T.; Cense, B.; Miller, J.S.; Rubin, P. A. D.; Deschler, D. G.; Gragoudas, E. S.; de Boer, J.F.


    Purpose: To correlate in vivo human retina optical coherence tomography (OCT)3 images with histology. Design: Case series. Methods: Linear OCT3 scans through the macula and optic nerve were obtained in three eyes of three patients who then underwent exenteration surgery for orbital cancers. OCT3

  1. Adaptation in Coding by Large Populations of Neurons in the Retina (United States)

    Ioffe, Mark L.

    A comprehensive theory of neural computation requires an understanding of the statistical properties of the neural population code. The focus of this work is the experimental study and theoretical analysis of the statistical properties of neural activity in the tiger salamander retina. This is an accessible yet complex system, for which we control the visual input and record from a substantial portion--greater than a half--of the ganglion cell population generating the spiking output. Our experiments probe adaptation of the retina to visual statistics: a central feature of sensory systems which have to adjust their limited dynamic range to a far larger space of possible inputs. In Chapter 1 we place our work in context with a brief overview of the relevant background. In Chapter 2 we describe the experimental methodology of recording from 100+ ganglion cells in the tiger salamander retina. In Chapter 3 we first present the measurements of adaptation of individual cells to changes in stimulation statistics and then investigate whether pairwise correlations in fluctuations of ganglion cell activity change across different stimulation conditions. We then transition to a study of the population-level probability distribution of the retinal response captured with maximum-entropy models. Convergence of the model inference is presented in Chapter 4. In Chapter 5 we first test the empirical presence of a phase transition in such models fitting the retinal response to different experimental conditions, and then proceed to develop other characterizations which are sensitive to complexity in the interaction matrix. This includes an analysis of the dynamics of sampling at finite temperature, which demonstrates a range of subtle attractor-like properties in the energy landscape. These are largely conserved when ambient illumination is varied 1000-fold, a result not necessarily apparent from the measured low-order statistics of the distribution. Our results form a consistent

  2. Distribution and protective function of pituitary adenylate cyclase-activating polypeptide (PACAP in the retina

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    Tomoya eNakamachi


    Full Text Available Pituitary adenylate cyclase-activating polypeptide (PACAP, which is found in 27- or 38-amino acid forms, belongs to the VIP/glucagon/secretin family. PACAP and its three receptor subtypes are expressed in neural tissues, with PACAP known to exert a protective effect against several types of neural damage. The retina is considered to be part of the central nervous system, and retinopathy is a common cause of profound and intractable loss of vision. This review will examine the expression and morphological distribution of PACAP and its receptors in the retina, and will summarize the current state of knowledge regarding the protective effect of PACAP against different kinds of retinal damage, such as that identified in association with diabetes, ultraviolet light, hypoxia, optic nerve transection, and toxins. This article will also address PACAP-mediated protective pathways involving retinal glial cells.

  3. Instant website optimization for retina displays how-to

    CERN Document Server

    Larson, Kyle J


    Written in an accessible and practical manner which quickly imparts the knowledge you want to know. As a How-to book it will use applied examples and teach you to optimize websites for retina displays. This book is for web designers and developers who are familiar with HTML, CSS, and editing graphics who would like to improve their existing website or their next web project with high-resolution images. You'll need to have a high-definition device to be able to test the examples in this book and a server to upload your code to if you're not developing it on that device.

  4. Profile of the genes expressed in the human peripheral retina, macula, and retinal pigment epithelium determined through serial analysis of gene expression (SAGE) (United States)

    Sharon, Dror; Blackshaw, Seth; Cepko, Constance L.; Dryja, Thaddeus P.


    We used the serial analysis of gene expression (SAGE) technique to catalogue and measure the relative levels of expression of the genes expressed in the human peripheral retina, macula, and retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) from one or both of two humans, aged 88 and 44 years. The cone photoreceptor contribution to all transcription in the retina was found to be similar in the macula versus the retinal periphery, whereas the rod contribution was greater in the periphery versus the macula. Genes encoding structural proteins for axons were found to be expressed at higher levels in the macula versus the retinal periphery, probably reflecting the large proportion of ganglion cells in the central retina. In comparison with the younger eye, the peripheral retina of the older eye had a substantially higher proportion of mRNAs from genes encoding proteins involved in iron metabolism or protection against oxidative damage and a substantially lower proportion of mRNAs from genes encoding proteins involved in rod phototransduction. These differences may reflect the difference in age between the two donors or merely interindividual variation. The RPE library had numerous previously unencountered tags, suggesting that this cell type has a large, idiosyncratic repertoire of expressed genes. Comparison of these libraries with 100 reported nonocular SAGE libraries revealed 89 retina-specific or enriched genes expressed at substantial levels, of which 14 are known to cause a retinal disease and 53 are RPE-specific genes. We expect that these libraries will serve as a resource for understanding the relative expression levels of genes in the retina and the RPE and for identifying additional disease genes. PMID:11756676

  5. PAX6 MiniPromoters drive restricted expression from rAAV in the adult mouse retina

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jack W Hickmott


    Full Text Available Current gene therapies predominantly use small, strong, and readily available ubiquitous promoters. However, as the field matures, the availability of small, cell-specific promoters would be greatly beneficial. Here we design seven small promoters from the human paired box 6 (PAX6 gene and test them in the adult mouse retina using recombinant adeno-associated virus. We chose the retina due to previous successes in gene therapy for blindness, and the PAX6 gene since it is: well studied; known to be driven by discrete regulatory regions; expressed in therapeutically interesting retinal cell types; and mutated in the vision-loss disorder aniridia, which is in need of improved therapy. At the PAX6 locus, 31 regulatory regions were bioinformatically predicted, and nine regulatory regions were constructed into seven MiniPromoters. Driving Emerald GFP, these MiniPromoters were packaged into recombinant adeno-associated virus, and injected intravitreally into postnatal day 14 mice. Four MiniPromoters drove consistent retinal expression in the adult mouse, driving expression in combinations of cell-types that endogenously express Pax6: ganglion, amacrine, horizontal, and Müller glia. Two PAX6-MiniPromoters drive expression in three of the four cell types that express PAX6 in the adult mouse retina. Combined, they capture all four cell types, making them potential tools for research, and PAX6-gene therapy for aniridia.

  6. PAX6 MiniPromoters drive restricted expression from rAAV in the adult mouse retina. (United States)

    Hickmott, Jack W; Chen, Chih-Yu; Arenillas, David J; Korecki, Andrea J; Lam, Siu Ling; Molday, Laurie L; Bonaguro, Russell J; Zhou, Michelle; Chou, Alice Y; Mathelier, Anthony; Boye, Sanford L; Hauswirth, William W; Molday, Robert S; Wasserman, Wyeth W; Simpson, Elizabeth M


    Current gene therapies predominantly use small, strong, and readily available ubiquitous promoters. However, as the field matures, the availability of small, cell-specific promoters would be greatly beneficial. Here we design seven small promoters from the human paired box 6 (PAX6) gene and test them in the adult mouse retina using recombinant adeno-associated virus. We chose the retina due to previous successes in gene therapy for blindness, and the PAX6 gene since it is: well studied; known to be driven by discrete regulatory regions; expressed in therapeutically interesting retinal cell types; and mutated in the vision-loss disorder aniridia, which is in need of improved therapy. At the PAX6 locus, 31 regulatory regions were bioinformatically predicted, and nine regulatory regions were constructed into seven MiniPromoters. Driving Emerald GFP, these MiniPromoters were packaged into recombinant adeno-associated virus, and injected intravitreally into postnatal day 14 mice. Four MiniPromoters drove consistent retinal expression in the adult mouse, driving expression in combinations of cell-types that endogenously express Pax6: ganglion, amacrine, horizontal, and Müller glia. Two PAX6-MiniPromoters drive expression in three of the four cell types that express PAX6 in the adult mouse retina. Combined, they capture all four cell types, making them potential tools for research, and PAX6-gene therapy for aniridia.

  7. Tlx, an orphan nuclear receptor, regulates cell numbers and astrocyte development in the developing retina. (United States)

    Miyawaki, Takaya; Uemura, Akiyoshi; Dezawa, Mari; Yu, Ruth T; Ide, Chizuka; Nishikawa, Shinichi; Honda, Yoshihito; Tanabe, Yasuto; Tanabe, Teruyo


    Tlx belongs to a class of orphan nuclear receptors that underlies many aspects of neural development in the CNS. However, the fundamental roles played by Tlx in the control of eye developmental programs remain elusive. By using Tlx knock-out (KO) mice, we show here that Tlx is expressed by retinal progenitor cells in the neuroblastic layer during the period of retinal layer formation, and it is critical for controlling the generation of appropriate numbers of retinal progenies through the activities of cell cycle-related molecules, cyclin D1 and p27Kip1. Tlx expression is restricted to Müller cells in the mature retina and appears to control their proper development. Furthermore, we show that Tlx is expressed by immature astrocytes that migrate from the optic nerve onto the inner surface of the retina and is required for their generation and maturation, as assessed by honeycomb network formation and expression of R-cadherin, a critical component for vasculogenesis. The impaired astrocyte network formation on the inner retinal surface is accompanied by the loss of vasculogenesis in Tlx KO retinas. Our studies thus indicate that Tlx underlies a fundamental developmental program of retinal organization and controls the generation of the proper numbers of retinal progenies and development of glial cells during the protracted period of retinogenesis.

  8. Novos objetos e novos desafios para a antropologia da saúde na contemporaneidade New objects and new challenges for medical anthropology nowadays

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    Jorge Alberto Bernstein Iriart


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste artigo é tecer uma reflexão sobre os objetos emergentes e os desafios teórico-metodológicos e éticos que se apresentam para a antropologia da saúde na contemporaneidade, abordando dois temas em particular: os desafios suscitados pelos avanços da biologia molecular, biotecnologias e medicina preditiva, e a análise da saúde e da doença no contexto de globalização. A antropologia da saúde nos parece chamada a se expandir nos próximos anos em redes temáticas ao redor desses dois grandes eixos centrais: por um lado, as novas definições da doença e da saúde associadas aos avanços das ciências da vida e a forma como o corpo humano é construído, transformado e redefinido como locus da gestão do risco e da incerteza; por outro, o contexto cada vez mais complexo, globalizado e desigual em que estamos vivendo tornam necessária uma abordagem antropológica igualmente mais global, no qual o processo saúde-doença deve ser analisado, cada vez mais dentro de um conjunto complexo de políticas econômicas, de relações internacionais e de mobilidade de populações, através de novas abordagens de pesquisa de natureza transdisciplinar.This paper aims to reflect on the emerging objects and theoretical, methodological and ethical challenges in contemporary medical anthropology, addressing two issues in particular: the challenged placed by advances in molecular biology, bio-technologies and predictive medicine, and the analysis of health and illness in the context of globalization. Medical anthropology seems to expand in the coming years in thematic networks around these two major centers: on the one hand, the new definitions of disease and health associated with advances in life sciences and how the human body is built, transformed and redefined as the locus of management of risk and uncertainty; on the other, an increasingly complex, globalized and unequal context we are living in make a more global anthropological

  9. Métodos para abandono do tabagismo e tratamento da dependência da nicotina Methods for smoking cessation and treatment of nicotine dependence

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    Aracy Pereira Silveira Balbani


    Full Text Available O tabagismo está relacionado a 30% das mortes por câncer. É fator de risco para desenvolver carcinomas do aparelho respiratório, esôfago, estômago, pâncreas, cérvix uterina, rim e bexiga. A nicotina induz tolerância e dependência pela ação nas vias dopaminérgicas centrais, levando às sensações de prazer e recompensa mediadas pelo sistema límbico. É estimulante do sistema nervoso central (SNC, aumenta o estado de alerta e reduz o apetite. A diminuição de 50% no consumo da nicotina pode desencadear sintomas de abstinência nos indivíduos dependentes: ansiedade, irritabilidade, distúrbios do sono, aumento do apetite, alterações cognitivas e fissura pelo cigarro. O aconselhamento médico é fundamental para o sucesso no abandono do fumo. A farmacoterapia da dependência de nicotina divide-se em: primeira linha (bupropiona e terapia de reposição da nicotina, e segunda linha (clonidina e nortriptilina. A bupropiona é um antidepressivo não-tricíclico que age inibindo a recaptação de dopamina, cujas contra-indicações são: epilepsia, distúrbios alimentares, hipertensão arterial não-controlada, abstinência recente do álcool e uso de inibidores da monoaminoxidase (MAO. A terapia de reposição de nicotina pode ser feita com adesivos e gomas de mascar. Os efeitos da acupuntura no abandono do fumo ainda não estão completamente esclarecidos. As estratégias de interrupção abrupta ou redução gradual do fumo têm a mesma probabilidade de sucesso.Smoking is related to 30% of cancer deaths. It is a risk factor for respiratory tract, esophagus, stomach, pancreas, uterine cervix, kidney and bladder carcinomas. Nicotine induces tolerance and addiction by acting on the central dopaminergic pathways, thus leading to pleasure and reward sensations within the limbic system. It stimulates the central nervous system (CNS, enhances alertness and reduces the appetite. A 50% reduction of nicotine consumption may trigger withdrawal

  10. Circadian expression of clock genes and clock-controlled genes in the rat retina

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Kamphuis, Willem; Cailotto, Cathy; Dijk, Frederike; Bergen, Arthur; Buijs, Ruud M.


    The circadian expression patterns of genes encoding for proteins that make up the core of the circadian clock were measured in rat retina using real-time quantitative PCR (qPCR). Transcript levels of several genes previously used for normalization of qPCR assays were determined and the effect of

  11. P3-7: On Prototyping a Visual Prosthesis System with Artificial Retina and Optic Nerve Based on Arrayed Microfibers

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    Jian Hong Chen


    Full Text Available The traditional visual prosthesis system combines both a camera and a microelectrode array implanted on the visual neural network including retina, optic nerve, and visual cortex. Here, we introduce a new visual prosthesis system in which an artificial retina and optic nerve are demonstrated. The prototype of optic nerve for image transmission is comprised of arrayed PMMA microfibers with both ends connected with two planes, one functioned as retina for light reception and another attached to visual cortex. The microfibers are drawn from the thin film prepared by PMMA/chlorobenzene solution. Each micro fiber serves as an optical waveguide for the delivery of a single image pixel. It is demonstrated that with proper imaging optics, arrayed micro fibers could be lit as discrete light spots in accordance with the input image. Each micro fiber is expected to function as a stimulation unit for optical neural modulation in a visual prosthesis system.

  12. Spontaneous oscillatory rhythms in the degenerating mouse retina modulate retinal ganglion cell responses to electrical stimulation

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    Yong Sook eGoo


    Full Text Available Characterization of the electrical activity of the retina in the animal models of retinal degeneration has been carried out in part to understand the progression of retinal degenerative diseases like age-related macular degeneration (AMD and retinitis pigmentosa (RP, but also to determine optimum stimulus paradigms for use with retinal prosthetic devices. The models most studied in this regard have been the two lines of mice deficient in the β-subunit of phosphodiesterase (rd1 and rd10 mice, where the degenerating retinas exhibit characteristic spontaneous hyperactivity and oscillatory local field potentials (LFPs. Additionally, there is a robust ~10 Hz rhythmic burst of retinal ganglion cell (RGC spikes on the trough of the oscillatory LFP. In rd1 mice, the rhythmic burst of RGC spikes is always phase-locked with the oscillatory LFP and this phase-locking property is preserved regardless of postnatal ages. However, in rd10 mice, the frequency of the oscillatory rhythm changes according to postnatal age, suggesting that this rhythm might be a marker of the stage of degeneration. Furthermore when a biphasic current stimulus is applied to rd10 mice degenerate retina, distinct RGC response patterns that correlate with the stage of degeneration emerge. This review also considers the significance of these response properties.

  13. Direct localised measurement of electrical resistivity profile in rat and embryonic chick retinas using a microprobe

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    Harald van Lintel


    Full Text Available We report an alternative technique to perform a direct and local measurement of electrical resistivities in a layered retinal tissue. Information on resistivity changes along the depth in a retina is important for modelling retinal stimulation by retinal prostheses. Existing techniques for resistivity-depth profiling have the drawbacks of a complicated experimental setup, a less localised resistivity probing and/or lower stability for measurements. We employed a flexible microprobe to measure local resistivity with bipolar impedance spectroscopy at various depths in isolated rat and chick embryo retinas for the first time. Small electrode spacing permitted high resolution measurements and the probe flexibility contributed to stable resistivity profiling. The resistivity was directly calculated based on the resistive part of the impedance measured with the Peak Resistance Frequency (PRF methodology. The resistivity-depth profiles for both rat and chick embryo models are in accordance with previous mammalian and avian studies in literature. We demonstrate that the measured resistivity at each depth has its own PRF signature. Resistivity profiles obtained with our setup provide the basis for the construction of an electric model of the retina. This model can be used to predict variations in parameters related to retinal stimulation and especially in the design and optimisation of efficient retinal implants.

  14. Os efeitos da redução da jornada de trabalho de 48 para 44 horas semanais em 1988

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    Gustavo M. Gonzaga


    Full Text Available A redução da jornada de trabalho de 44 para 40 horas semanais tem sido freqüentemente proposta pelas centrais sindicais como solução para a escassa geração de empregos no país. A idéia, conhecida como partilha do trabalho (work-sharing, é que a redução de jornada permitiria que o mesmo trabalho fosse repartido por mais trabalhadores. No entanto, a maior parte dos artigos contesta a base teórica e a observação empírica de ocorrência de partilha do trabalho. O objetivo deste artigo é estudar os efeitos da redução de jornada prescrita pela Constituição de 1988, de 48 para 44 horas por semana, sobre o mercado de trabalho no Brasil. Os resultados do exercício empírico mostram que as alterações da Constituição, referentes à jornada de trabalho, provocaram uma queda da jornada efetiva de trabalho, não aumentaram a probabilidade de o trabalhador afetado pela mudança ficar desempregado em 1989 (quando comparada a outros anos, diminuíram a probabilidade de o trabalhador afetado de ficar sem emprego em 1989 (o que inclui os que saíram da força de trabalho e implicaram um aumento do salário real horário (apesar de menor do que o observado para trabalhadores que reduziram a jornada em outros anos. Esses resultados indicam que, no curto prazo (nos 12 meses seguintes à mudança constitucional, a redução de jornada não teve efeitos negativos sobre o emprego.The reduction of standard weekly working time from the current level of 44 hours to 40 hours has recently been proposed by the main central unions as a way to create jobs and reduce unemployment in Brazil. The idea, known as work-sharing, is that the reduction in average hours per worker would allow the same tasks to be performed by more employees, a notion which has been challenged in the theoretical and empirical literature. The objective of this paper is to study the effects of the workweek reduction from 48 to 44 hours prescribed by the 1988 Constitution on the

  15. Retinal pathology is associated with increased blood-retina barrier permeability in a diabetic and hypercholesterolaemic pig model: Beneficial effects of the LpPLA2 inhibitor Darapladib. (United States)

    Acharya, Nimish K; Qi, Xin; Goldwaser, Eric L; Godsey, George A; Wu, Hao; Kosciuk, Mary C; Freeman, Theresa A; Macphee, Colin H; Wilensky, Robert L; Venkataraman, Venkat; Nagele, Robert G


    Using a porcine model of diabetes mellitus and hypercholesterolaemia, we previously showed that diabetes mellitus and hypercholesterolaemia is associated with a chronic increase in blood-brain barrier permeability in the cerebral cortex, leading to selective binding of immunoglobulin G and deposition of amyloid-beta 1-42 peptide in pyramidal neurons. Treatment with Darapladib (GlaxoSmithKline, SB480848), an inhibitor of lipoprotein-associated phospholipase-A2, alleviated these effects. Here, investigation of the effects of chronic diabetes mellitus and hypercholesterolaemia on the pig retina revealed a corresponding increased permeability of the blood-retina barrier coupled with a leak of plasma components into the retina, alterations in retinal architecture, selective IgG binding to neurons in the ganglion cell layer, thinning of retinal layers due to cell loss and increased glial fibrillary acidic protein expression in Müller cells, all of which were curtailed by treatment with Darapladib. These findings suggest that chronic diabetes mellitus and hypercholesterolaemia induces increased blood-retina barrier permeability that may be linked to altered expression of blood-retina barrier-associated tight junction proteins, claudin and occludin, leading to structural changes in the retina consistent with diabetic retinopathy. Additionally, results suggest that drugs with vascular anti-inflammatory properties, such as Darapladib, may have beneficial effects on eye diseases strongly linked to vascular abnormalities such as diabetic retinopathy and age-related macular degeneration.

  16. Correlation of Optical Coherence Tomography and Autofluorescence in the Outer Retina and Choroid of Patients With Choroideremia. (United States)

    Xue, Kanmin; Oldani, Marta; Jolly, Jasleen K; Edwards, Thomas L; Groppe, Markus; Downes, Susan M; MacLaren, Robert E


    To evaluate the relationships between RPE, photoreceptor, and choroidal degeneration in choroideremia. Enhanced-depth imaging optical coherence tomography (EDI-OCT), scanning laser ophthalmoscopy (SLO), and autofluorescence (AF) were performed on 39 patients (78 eyes) with choroideremia. The edges of surviving outer retina on OCT and residual AF were aligned. The distribution of outer retinal tubulations was mapped over a range of ages (16-71 years), and comparison made between pre- and postsubretinal gene therapy. Subfoveal choroidal thickness (SFCT) was compared between 23 choroideremia patients (42 eyes) and 20 age- and refraction-matched male controls (40 eyes). The edges of RPE AF aligned with a reduction in outer nuclear layer thickness (Spearman's rho = 0.9992). Correlation was also found between the quality of AF and integrity of ellipsoid zone within islands of surviving retina. Tubulations existed in 71 of 78 (91%) eyes with choroideremia and remained stable following gene therapy. Subfoveal choroidal thickness was reduced at baseline in choroideremia (179.7 ± 17.2 μm) compared with controls (302.0 ± 4.8 μm; P retina and hence being potentially light responsive (, NCT01461213).


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    V. S. Zadionchenko


    Full Text Available Aim. To study the retina state by functional methods in patients with arterial hypertension (HT of various degrees. Material and methods. Patients with uncomplicated HT of 1-3 degrees (n=81 and healthy subjects (n=20 of control group were examined. Routine (direct ophthalmoscopy and functional (evaluation of contrast and color sensitivity of the retina, electroretinography methods were used. Results. Functional retinal changes (reduction in color and contrast sensitivity progressed with increasing HT degree. These changes were located in the area of central retinal artery (paramacular area and area of choroidal blood flow (macular region. Retinal bioelectrical activity disturbance was also found by the electroretinography. Conclusion. The identified functional disorders suggest the retina involvement in the pathological process even in the early HT and may be associated with its severity. It confirms a relationship of HT with disorders of eye as a target organ in HT. Published data and results of our studies can refute the point of view about impossibility of changes assessment on the eye fundus in patients with uncomplicated HT, and indicates that it was premature exclusion of the eye from the list of target organs in HT.

  18. O papel da visão na aversão aos espaços abertos no labirinto em cruz elevado

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    Silvio Morato


    Full Text Available O labirinto em cruz elevado é um dos modelos mais usados no estudo da ansiedade, medo e fármacos que alteram esses estados. Apesar da simplicidade aparente do modelo, diversos são os fatores que afetam o comportamento de ratos submetidos a esse modelo. Além disso, não se conhece exatamente quais os estímulos ambientais são os desencadeadores da aversão nesse modelo. O presente trabalho sugere que, em estudos onde os estímulos auditivos e olfativos são controlados, a aversão em ratos é desencadeada pela visão. A hipótese de trabalho é que os mecanismos mediadores da aversão (e estados emocionais concomitantes são deflagrados pela entrada de luz e pela formação de imagens na retina dos animais. Para fundamentar essas hipóteses complementares, vários experimentos são analisados, cujos resultados favorecem uma, outra ou ambas as hipóteses. Finalmente, resultados obtidos com marcação da proteína c-Fos fornecem evidência neurofuncional que apóia as duas hipóteses sugeridas.

  19. A difícil cartografia da geoeconomia


    Moita, Luís


    No texto anterior vimos como as distintas modalidades de regionalização têm a particularidade de existirem por iniciativa ou concordância dos poderes centrais, o que lhes dá quase sempre um carácter institucional. Mas há novos espaços que se têm constituído à margem dos governos (mesmo quando estes os encorajam), e que se estabelecem por força de dinâmicas económicas pouco controláveis pelos centros de decisão polí- tica. Quer dizer que a geoeconomia determina a ...

  20. Ocular distribution of antioxidant enzyme paraoxonase & its alteration in cataractous lens & diabetic retina

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    Subramaniam Rajesh Bharathidevi


    Interpretation & conclusions: Distribution of PON enzyme and its activity in ocular tissues is reported here. The study revealed maximal PON activity in lens and retina, which are prone to higher oxidative stress. Differential activities of PON were observed in the lens and retinal tissues from cataractous and diabetic patients, respectively.

  1. Projeto pedagógico do programa de graduação em nutrição da Escola de Nutrição da Universidade Federal da Bahia: uma proposta em construção The pedagogical project for the undergraduate program on nutrition at the Nutrition School, Universidade Federal da Bahia, Brazil: a proposal in-the-making

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    Ligia Amparo da Silva Santos


    Full Text Available Esse projeto pedagógico fundamenta-se em princípios que estão vinculados a oito eixos educacionais, a saber: perfil profissional, competências, objetivos educacionais, eixos temáticos, organização curricular, estratégias educacionais, sistema de avaliação da aprendizagem e processo de acompanhamento e avaliação do curso. Esses eixos educacionais baseiam-se na prática multiprofissional, bem como na integração do conhecimento, visando à superação das dicotomias: biológico versus social, teoria versus prática, ciclo básico versus ciclo profissional e abordagem individual versus abordagem coletiva. A busca da flexibilização curricular e a utilização de metodologias inovadoras, que visam a uma nova forma de aprender, pautadas na autonomia e independência do aluno, são também elementos centrais do projeto. Para tanto, o aprimoramento científico-pedagógico do corpo docente e o processo de avaliação - tanto do curso, quanto dos alunos - também são incorporados ao projeto. Pretende-se socializar esta discussão com vistas a contribuir para o aprimoramento da formação do nutricionista no Brasil.The pedagogical project principles are based on eight educational issues: professional profile, competency, educational strategies, topic issues, curriculum organization, learning assessment system and course evaluation. The fundamental aim of these issues is the integration of knowledge(s, in order to overcome dichotomies such as those of the biological versus the social, the theory versus practice, the basic cycle versus the professional, and the individual approach versus the collective and the multiprofessional practices. The searches for curricular flexibility and methodological innovation imply a new way of learning which is based on the autonomy and independence of the students. Incorporated in the project, as its central elements, are the scientific and pedagogical training of teachers and the course evaluation process

  2. Orphan receptor GPR179 forms macromolecular complexes with components of metabotropic signaling cascade in retina ON-bipolar neurons. (United States)

    Orlandi, Cesare; Cao, Yan; Martemyanov, Kirill A


    In the mammalian retina, synaptic transmission between light-excited rod photoreceptors and downstream ON-bipolar neurons is indispensable for dim vision, and disruption of this process leads to congenital stationary night blindness in human patients. The ON-bipolar neurons use the metabotropic signaling cascade, initiated by the mGluR6 receptor, to generate depolarizing responses to light-induced changes in neurotransmitter glutamate release from the photoreceptor axonal terminals. Evidence for the identity of the components involved in transducing these signals is growing rapidly. Recently, the orphan receptor, GPR179, a member of the G protein-coupled receptor (GPCR) superfamily, has been shown to be indispensable for the synaptic responses of ON-bipolar cells. In our study, we investigated the interaction of GPR179 with principle components of the signal transduction cascade. We used immunoprecipitation and proximity ligation assays in transfected cells and native retinas to characterize the protein-protein interactions involving GPR179. The influence of cascade components on GPR179 localization was examined through immunohistochemical staining of the retinas from genetic mouse models. We demonstrated that, in mouse retinas, GPR179 forms physical complexes with the main components of the metabotropic cascade, recruiting mGluR6, TRPM1, and the RGS proteins. Elimination of mGluR6 or RGS proteins, but not TRPM1, detrimentally affects postsynaptic targeting or GPR179 expression. These observations suggest that the mGluR6 signaling cascade is scaffolded as a macromolecular complex in which the interactions between the components ensure the optimal spatiotemporal characteristics of signal transduction.

  3. Proteomic profiling of early degenerative retina of RCS rats. (United States)

    Zhu, Zhi-Hong; Fu, Yan; Weng, Chuan-Huang; Zhao, Cong-Jian; Yin, Zheng-Qin


    To identify the underlying cellular and molecular changes in retinitis pigmentosa (RP). Label-free quantification-based proteomics analysis, with its advantages of being more economic and consisting of simpler procedures, has been used with increasing frequency in modern biological research. Dystrophic RCS rats, the first laboratory animal model for the study of RP, possess a similar pathological course as human beings with the diseases. Thus, we employed a comparative proteomics analysis approach for in-depth proteome profiling of retinas from dystrophic RCS rats and non-dystrophic congenic controls through Linear Trap Quadrupole - orbitrap MS/MS, to identify the significant differentially expressed proteins (DEPs). Bioinformatics analyses, including Gene ontology (GO) and Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes (KEGG) pathway annotation and upstream regulatory analysis, were then performed on these retina proteins. Finally, a Western blotting experiment was carried out to verify the difference in the abundance of transcript factor E2F1. In this study, we identified a total of 2375 protein groups from the retinal protein samples of RCS rats and non-dystrophic congenic controls. Four hundred thirty-four significantly DEPs were selected by Student's t -test. Based on the results of the bioinformatics analysis, we identified mitochondrial dysfunction and transcription factor E2F1 as the key initiation factors in early retinal degenerative process. We showed that the mitochondrial dysfunction and the transcription factor E2F1 substantially contribute to the disease etiology of RP. The results provide a new potential therapeutic approach for this retinal degenerative disease.

  4. Proteomic profiling of early degenerative retina of RCS rats

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    Zhi-Hong Zhu


    Full Text Available AIM: To identify the underlying cellular and molecular changes in retinitis pigmentosa (RP. METHODS: Label-free quantification-based proteomics analysis, with its advantages of being more economic and consisting of simpler procedures, has been used with increasing frequency in modern biological research. Dystrophic RCS rats, the first laboratory animal model for the study of RP, possess a similar pathological course as human beings with the diseases. Thus, we employed a comparative proteomics analysis approach for in-depth proteome profiling of retinas from dystrophic RCS rats and non-dystrophic congenic controls through Linear Trap Quadrupole - orbitrap MS/MS, to identify the significant differentially expressed proteins (DEPs. Bioinformatics analyses, including Gene ontology (GO and Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes (KEGG pathway annotation and upstream regulatory analysis, were then performed on these retina proteins. Finally, a Western blotting experiment was carried out to verify the difference in the abundance of transcript factor E2F1. RESULTS: In this study, we identified a total of 2375 protein groups from the retinal protein samples of RCS rats and non-dystrophic congenic controls. Four hundred thirty-four significantly DEPs were selected by Student’s t-test. Based on the results of the bioinformatics analysis, we identified mitochondrial dysfunction and transcription factor E2F1 as the key initiation factors in early retinal degenerative process. CONCLUSION: We showed that the mitochondrial dysfunction and the transcription factor E2F1 substantially contribute to the disease etiology of RP. The results provide a new potential therapeutic approach for this retinal degenerative disease.

  5. Ethambutol induces impaired autophagic flux and apoptosis in the rat retina

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    Shun-Ping Huang


    Full Text Available Ethambutol (EMB, an effective first-line antituberculosis agent, can cause serious visual impairment or irreversible vision loss in a significant number of patients. However, the mechanism underlying this ocular cytotoxicity remains to be elucidated. In this study, we found that there were statistically significant dose- and time-dependent increases in the number of cytoplasmic vacuoles and the level of cell death in EMB-treated RGC-5 cells (retinal ganglion cells. The protein kinase C (PKCδ inhibitor rottlerin markedly reduced the EMB-induced activation of caspase-3 and the subsequent apoptosis of RGC-5 cells. Western blot analysis revealed that the expression levels of class III PI3K, Beclin-1, p62 and LC3-II were upregulated, and LC3 immunostaining results showed activation of the early phase and inhibition of the late stage of autophagy in retinas of the EMB-intraperitoneal (IP-injected rat model. We further demonstrated that exposure to EMB induces autophagosome accumulation, which results from the impaired autophagic flux that is mediated by a PKCδ-dependent pathway, inhibits the PI3K/Akt/mTOR signaling pathway and leads to apoptotic death in retina neuronal cells. These results indicate that autophagy dysregulation in retinal neuronal cells might play a substantial role in EMB-induced optic neuroretinopathy.

  6. Efferent influences on the bioelectrical activity of the retina in primates. (United States)

    Ortiz, Gonzalo; Odom, J Vernon; Passaglia, Christopher L; Tzekov, Radouil T


    The existence of retinopetal (sometimes referred to as "efferent" or "centrifugal") axons in the mammalian optic nerve is a topic of long-standing debate. Opposition is fading as efferent innervation of the retina has now been widely documented in rodents and other animals. The existence and function of an efferent system in humans and non-human primates has not, though, been definitively established. Such a feedback pathway could have important functional, clinical, and experimental significance to the field of vision science and ophthalmology. Following a comprehensive literature review (PubMed and Google Scholar, until July 2016), we present evidence regarding a system that can influence the bioelectrical activity of the retina in primates. Anatomical and physiological evidences are presented separately. Improvements in histological staining and the advent of retrograde nerve fiber tracers have allowed for more confidence in the identification of efferent optic nerve fibers, including back to their point of origin. Even with the accumulation of more modern anatomical and physiological evidence, some limitations and uncertainties about crucial details regarding the origins and role of a top-down, efferent system still exist. However, the summary of the evidence from earlier and more modern studies makes a compelling case in support of such a system in humans and non-human primates.

  7. A Novel Nanoparticle Mediated Selective Inner Retinal Photocoagulation for Diseases of the Inner Retina. (United States)

    Singh, Rupesh; Rajaraman, Srinivas; Balasubramanian, Madhusudhanan


    A novel nanoparticle mediated methodology for laser photocoagulation of the inner retina to achieve tissue selective treatment is presented. Transport of 527, 577, and 810 nm laser, heat deposition, and eventual thermal damage in vitreous, retina, RPE, choroid, and sclera were modeled using Bouguer-Beer-Lambert law of absorption and solved numerically using the finite volume method. Nanoparticles were designed using Mie theory of scattering. Performance of the new photocoagulation strategy using gold nanospheres and gold-silica nanoshells was compared with that of conventional methods without nanoparticles. For experimental validation, vitreous cavity of ex vivo porcine eyes was infused with gold nanospheres. After ~6 h of nanoparticle diffusion, the porcine retina was irradiated with a green laser and imaged simultaneously using a spectral domain optical coherence tomography (Spectralis SD-OCT, Heidelberg Engineering). Our computational model predicted a significant spatial shift in the peak temperature from RPE to the inner retinal region when infused with nanoparticles. Arrhenius thermal damage in the mid-retinal location was achieved in ~14 ms for 527 nm laser thereby reducing the irradiation duration by ~30 ms compared with the treatment without nanoparticles. In ex vivo porcine eyes infused with gold nanospheres, SD-OCT retinal images revealed a lower thermal damage and expansion at RPE due to laser photocoagulation. Nanoparticle infused laser photocoagulation strategy provided a selective inner retinal thermal damage with significant decrease in laser power and laser exposure time. The proposed treatment strategy shows possibilities for an efficient and highly selective inner retinal laser treatment.

  8. Bases neurofisiológicas da dependência do tabaco Neurophysiological basis of tobacco dependence

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    Cleopatra S. Planeta


    Full Text Available A maioria dos estudos pré-clínicos e clínicos aponta a nicotina como o principal agente responsável pelo desenvolvimento da dependência ao tabaco. Muitos trabalhos têm demonstrado que as bases neurais da dependência à nicotina são semelhantes àquelas das outras drogas de abuso. A nicotina induz preferência condicionada por lugar e auto-administração e, portanto, atua como reforçador positivo, esse efeito parece ser mediado pelo sistema dopaminérgico mesolímbico. A nicotina também induz à sensibilização comportamental que é provavelmente resultante de alterações da expressão gênica do núcleo acumbens induzidas pela exposição prolongada a essa substância. A suspensão do uso de nicotina resulta em síndrome de abstinência. As evidências indicam que esses sinais e sintomas sejam mediados por receptores colinérgicos nicotínicos centrais e periféricos. Outros neurotransmissores, como por exemplo a serotonina e os peptídeos opióides, também podem estar envolvidos na mediação da dependência e síndrome de abstinência à nicotina. A revisão da literatura mostra a complexidade dos efeitos da nicotina no organismo. A integração entre as abordagens comportamental, neuroquímica e molecular possibilitará a compreensão dos mecanismos neurais da dependência ao tabaco e fornecerá as bases para o desenvolvimento racional de agentes terapêuticos que possam ser utilizados para o tratamento da dependência e síndrome de abstinência ao tabaco.It is generally accepted that nicotine is the major component in tobacco smoke responsible for addiction. Several studies have demonstrated that the neural mechanisms underlying nicotine addiction have much in common with those underlying the mechanisms of addiction to other drugs. Thus, it has been shown that nicotine induces conditioning place preference and self-administration across many species. Repeated treatment with nicotine also induces behavioral sensitization in

  9. Tratamento de resíduos sólidos de centrais de abastecimento e feiras livres em reator anaeróbio de batelada Treatment of solid waste from supply centers and free markets in batch anaerobic reactor

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    Valderi D. Leite


    Full Text Available Em feiras livres e centrais de abastecimento são produzidas quantidades bastante significativas de resíduos sólidos, com características favoráveis ao aproveitamento integral em processo de bioestabilização anaeróbia. O processo de bioestabilização é realizado em reatores anaeróbios de batelada (RAB, com tempo de detenção de sólidos variando de 250 a 300 dias originando, como produtos finais, o biogás, com cerca de 60% de gás metano, além de composto orgânico parcialmente bioestabilizado. Neste trabalho, foram utilizados resíduos sólidos orgânicos tipicamente vegetais, advindos de centrais de abastecimento, feiras livres e lodo de esgoto sanitário. O sistema experimental utilizado era constituído basicamente por um reator anaeróbio de batelada, com capacidade unitária de 2200 litros, além de outros dispositivos complementares. O sistema experimental foi instalado e monitorado na Estação Experimental de Tratamento Biológico de Esgoto Sanitário, situada no Bairro do Tambor, na cidade de Campina Grande, Estado da Paraíba, no período de janeiro a setembro de 2001. No processo de monitoração foram realizadas caracterizações sistemáticas das frações sólidas, líquidas e gasosas. Após análise dos dados, ficou evidenciada a viabilidade desta alternativa de tratamento, restando ser investigada ainda a viabilidade econômica, quando comparada com outras alternativas tecnológicas de tratamento de resíduos sólidos orgânicos.Significant quantity of organic solid waste with favorable characteristics for integral utilization in anaerobic biostabilization is produced in free markets and supply centers. The process is conducted in anaerobic batch reactors (ABR, with detention time of solids varying from 250 to 300 days, producing biogas with about 60% of methane, besides the partially biostabilized organic compost as the final product. In this study, the organic solid waste used was typically of vegetables

  10. Os pressupostos filosóficos do maquiavelismo e o surgimento da via moderna em política = The philosophical assumptions of the machiavellianism and the emergence of the modern via in politics

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    Jacarandá, Rodolfo de Freitas


    Full Text Available No cenário intelectual do renascimento italiano o pensamento político de Nicolau Maquiavel antecedeu e influenciou grandes inovações que fundaram a modernidade. Um movimento geral de ideias definido no século XVI e XVII pelo conceito de maquiavelismo engendrou mudanças profundas na arquitetura conceitual dos pensadores e articulistas dos assuntos públicos, afetando a obra de grandes filósofos, de Bodin e Lipsius até Hobbes. A partir de pesquisas desenvolvidas no programa de doutorado em filosofia da Unicamp pretendo demonstrar neste trabalho quais foram os pressupostos filosóficos centrais dessa ruptura e como Maquiavel reconstruiu em suas principais obras, O Príncipe e Os discursos sobre a primeira década de Tito Lívio, uma série de conceitos antigos para dar-lhes um sentido completamente novo e radical

  11. The retina of Spalax ehrenbergi: novel histologic features supportive of a modified photosensory role.

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Cernuda-Cernuda, R.; Grip, W.J. de; Cooper, H.M.; Nevo, E.; Garcia-Fernandez, J.M.


    PURPOSE: The retina of the blind mole rat Spalax ehrenbergi was compared with other vertebrate photosensitive organs in an attempt to correlate its histologic organization with a presumptive nonvisual photoreceptor role. METHODS: The eyes of eight adult animals were analyzed by light and electron

  12. Chloride currents in cones modify feedback from horizontal cells to cones in goldfish retina

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Endeman, Duco; Fahrenfort, Iris; Sjoerdsma, Trijntje; Steijaert, Marvin; ten Eikelder, Huub; Kamermans, Maarten


    In neuronal systems, excitation and inhibition must be well balanced to ensure reliable information transfer. The cone/horizontal cell (HC) interaction in the retina is an example of this. Because natural scenes encompass an enormous intensity range both in temporal and spatial domains, the balance

  13. Qualitative and quantitative autoradiographic investigations on DNA-repair in the pars optica retinae of the rabbit

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kellner, G.; Reindl, E.; Pichler, L.; Hofer, H.


    In vitro and in vivo investigations into the incorporation of 3 H-thymidine into the nuclei of pars optica retinae of rabbits after β-irradiation with 60 krad were performed. The results of the in vitro and in vivo experiments are comparable with the in vitro data showing smaller statistical deviations. The rate comparable with the in vitro data showing smaller statistical deviations. The rate of incorporation of 3 H-thymidine into the nuclei of Ggl. opticum and Ggl. retinae is about the same, but it is significantly lower in the nuclei of photoreceptor cells by one order of magnitude. The in vitro experiment demonstrates that ganglion cells are capable of DNA repair even after circulation has been stopped for 15 or more minutes. (author)

  14. George Herbert Mead: contribuições para a história da psicologia social George Herbert Mead: contributions to history of the social psychology

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    Renato Ferreira de Souza


    Full Text Available Com este artigo pretende-se contribuir para a compreensão histórica de um autor/personagem da Psicologia. Analisamos e acrescemos conhecimento sobre George Herbert Mead e os desdobramentos de sua teoria psicossocial. Para esse propósito, explicitaremos, no texto, uma das vertentes analíticas utilizadas em nossa dissertação, qual seja: por meio da abordagem social em história da psicologia, confrontamos a vida de Mead com momentos de constituição da psicologia, colocando em relevo aspectos centrais dessa interlocução nem sempre identificados. Correlacionamos a história de Mead com questões sociais, políticas, econômicas e científicas, assim como suas conexões com práticas e valores culturais específicos de sua época. Buscamos compreender sua limitada difusão na ciência psicológica, dando, assim, continuidade ao processo de (revolta do autor.This article intends to contribute to historical understanding of author/character of Psychology. We analyzed and enlarged knowledge about George Herbert Mead and the developing of his psychosocial theory. For this reason, we will explain in the text as analytical side used in our dissertation, in other words: through of the social approach in history of psychology we confront the life of Mead with facts of constitution of the psychology, emphasizing central aspects of this discussion not always identified. We correlate the history of Mead with social, politic, economic and scientific questions as well as his connections with practices and specific cultural values of his time. We look to understand his limited diffusion in the psychological science, giving, so, continuity to the process of returns of the author.

  15. Optimal wavelet transform for the detection of microaneurysms in retina photographs


    Quellec, Gwénolé; Lamard, Mathieu; Josselin, Pierre Marie; Cazuguel, Guy; Cochener, Béatrice; Roux, Christian


    11 pages; International audience; In this paper, we propose an automatic method to detect microaneurysms in retina photographs. Microaneurysms are the most frequent and usually the first lesions to appear as a consequence of diabetic retinopathy. So, their detection is necessary for both screening the pathology and follow up (progression measurement). Automating this task, which is currently performed manually, would bring more objectivity and reproducibility. We propose to detect them by loc...

  16. Abordagem sociocultural: algumas vertentes e autores Sociocultural approach: some perspectives and authors

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    Adriana Ferreira Paes Ribas


    Full Text Available A necessidade de enfocar aspectos socioculturais nas investigações em psicologia tem sido destacada por diferentes autores, em diferentes épocas, e a abordagem sociocultural representa uma fonte conceitual proveitosa neste sentido. Este artigo tem como objetivo apresentar e discutir algumas idéias centrais da abordagem sociocultural, mudanças pelas quais esta abordagem passou nas últimas décadas, algumas de suas vertentes e autores. Os conceitos aqui discutidos não esgotam o tema, mas podem ser úteis para tentativas de articular investigações de diferentes temas em psicologia à abordagem sociocultural. As considerações finais apontam no sentido da necessidade de incluir as investigações em psicologia em um cenário conceitual que considere a cultura e o contexto social como elementos centrais, articulando as contribuições da psicologia transcultural e da cultura.The need to approach sociocultural aspects in psychological investigations has been emphasized by different authors in different times, and the sociocultural approach represents a profitable conceptual source in this sense. The purpose of this article was to discuss some concepts of the sociocultural approach, changes by which this approach went through last decades, some of their perspectives and authors. The concepts here discussed can be useful in the attempts to articulate psychological investigations in a sociocultural approach. The conclusions point to the need of including the investigations in psychology into a conceptual approach that considers the culture and the social context as central elements, articulating the contributions of the cross-cultural psychology, and of the culture.

  17. Evidence for RPE65-independent vision in the cone-dominated zebrafish retina. (United States)

    Schonthaler, Helia B; Lampert, Johanna M; Isken, Andrea; Rinner, Oliver; Mader, Andreas; Gesemann, Matthias; Oberhauser, Vitus; Golczak, Marcin; Biehlmaier, Oliver; Palczewski, Krzysztof; Neuhauss, Stephan C F; von Lintig, Johannes


    An enzyme-based cyclic pathway for trans to cis isomerization of the chromophore of visual pigments (11-cis-retinal) is intrinsic to vertebrate cone and rod vision. This process, called the visual cycle, is mostly characterized in rod-dominated retinas and essentially depends on RPE65, an all-trans to 11-cis-retinoid isomerase. Here we analysed the role of RPE65 in zebrafish, a species with a cone-dominated retina. We cloned zebrafish RPE65 and showed that its expression coincided with photoreceptor development. Targeted gene knockdown of RPE65 resulted in morphologically altered rod outer segments and overall reduced 11-cis-retinal levels. Cone vision of RPE65-deficient larvae remained functional as demonstrated by behavioural tests and by metabolite profiling for retinoids. Furthermore, all-trans retinylamine, a potent inhibitor of the rod visual cycle, reduced 11-cis-retinal levels of control larvae to a similar extent but showed no additive effects in RPE65-deficient larvae. Thus, our study of zebrafish provides in vivo evidence for the existence of an RPE65-independent pathway for the regeneration of 11-cis-retinal for cone vision.

  18. The protective effects of the proteasome inhibitor bortezomib (velcade on ischemia-reperfusion injury in the rat retina.

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    Fang-Ting Chen

    Full Text Available PURPOSE: To evaluate the protective effects of bortezomib (Velcade on ischemia-reperfusion (IR injury in the rat retina. METHODS: The rats were randomized to receive treatment with saline, low-dose bortezomib (0.05 mg/kg, or high-dose bortezomib (0.2 mg/kg before the induction of IR injury. Electroretinography (ERG was used to assess functional changes in the retina. The expression of inflammatory mediators (iNOS, ICAM-1, MCP-1, TNF-α, anti-oxidant proteins (heme oxygenase, thioredoxin, peroxiredoxin, and pro-apoptotic proteins (p53, bax were quantified by PCR and western blot analysis. An immunofluorescence study was performed to detect the expression of iNOS, oxidative markers (nitrotyrosine, 8-OHdG, acrolein, NF-κB p65, and CD 68. Apoptosis of retinal cells was labeled with in situ TUNEL staining. Neu-N staining was performed in the flat-mounted retina to evaluate the density of retinal ganglion cells. RESULTS: ERG showed a decreased b-wave after IR injury, and pretreatment with bortezomib, especially the high dosage, reduced the functional impairment. Bortezomib successfully reduced the elevation of inflammatory mediators, anti-oxidant proteins, pro-apoptotic proteins and oxidative markers after IR insult in a dose-dependent manner. In a similar fashion, NF-κB p65- and CD 68-positive cells were decreased by bortezomib treatment. Retinal cell apoptosis in each layer was attenuated by bortezomib. The retinal ganglion cell density was markedly decreased in the saline and low-dose bortezomib groups but was not significantly changed in the high-dose bortezomib group. CONCLUSIONS: Bortezomib had a neuro-protective effect in retinal IR injury, possibly by inhibiting the activation of NF-κB related to IR insult and reducing the inflammatory signals and oxidative stress in the retina.

  19. Differences in Pre and Post Vascular Patterning of Retinas from ISS Crew Members and HDT Subjects by VESGEN Analysis (United States)

    Murray, M. C.; Vizzeri, G.; Taibbi, G.; Mason, S. S.; Young, M. H.; Zanello, S. B.; Parsons-Wingerter, P. A.


    Accelerated research by NASA [1] has investigated the significant risks for visual and ocular impairments Spaceflight Associated Neuro-Ocular Syndrome /Visual Impairment/Intracranial Pressure (SANS/VIIP) incurred by microgravity spaceflight, especially long-duration missions. Our study investigates the role of blood vessels in the incidence and etiology of SANS/VIIP within the retinas of Astronaut crewmembers pre-and post-flight to the International Space Station (ISS) by NASA's VESsel GENeration Analysis (VESGEN). The response of retinal vessels in crewmembers to microgravity was compared to that of retinal vessels to Head-Down Tilt (HDT) in subjects undergoing 70-Day Bed Rest. The study tests the proposed hypothesis that cephalad fluid shifts missions, resulting in ocular and visual impairments, are necessarily mediated in part by retinal blood vessels, and are therefore accompanied by significant remodeling of retinal vasculature.Vascular patterns in the retinas of crew members and HDTBR subjects extracted from 30° infrared (IR) Heidelberg Spectralis® images collected pre/postflight and pre/post HDTBR, respectively, were analyzed by VESGEN (patent pending). a mature, automated software developed as a research discovery tool for progressive vascular diseases in the retina and other tissues [2]. The weighted, multi-parametric VESGEN analysis generates maps of branching arterial and venous trees and quantification by parameters such as the fractal dimension (Df, a modern measure of vascular space-filling capacity), vessel diameters, and densities of vessel length and number classified into specific branching generations by vascular physiological branching rules [2,3]. The retrospective study approved by NASA’s Institutional Review Board included six HDT subjects (NASA Flight Analogs Research Unit [FARU] Campaign 11; for example, [4]) and eight ISS crewmembers monitored by routine occupational surveillance who provided their study consents to NASA’s Lifetime

  20. Spectral sensitivity of the feedback signal from horizontal cells to cones in goldfish retina

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Kraaij, D. A.; Kamermans, M.; Spekreijse, H.


    The spectral sensitivity of cones in isolated goldfish retina was determined with whole-cell recording techniques. Three spectral classes of cones were found with maximal sensitivities around 620 nm, 540 nm, and 460 nm. UV-cones were not found because our stimulator did not allow effective