
Sample records for celulas solares fotovoltaicas

  1. Projecte d'implantació d'energia solar fotovoltaica al municipi d'Albanyà


    Molins i Galas, Albert


    Disseny d’una instal·lació d’energia solar fotovoltaica per als edificis públics del municipi d’Albanyà (Alt Empordà) per connectar-la a la xarxa i amb un estudi sobre la substitució dels actuals fanals de l’enllumenat públic per fanals alimentats amb energia solar fotovoltaica

  2. Celulas solares e sensores de filme fino de silicio depositados sobre substratos flexiveis = (United States)

    Pinto, Emilio Sergio Marins Vieira

    Celulas solares flexiveis de filmes finos de silicio sao geralmente fabricadas a baixa temperatura sobre substratos de plastico ou a mais elevadas temperaturas sobre folhas de aco. Esta tese reporta o estudo da deposicao de filmes finos sobre diferentes substratos de plastico, transparentes e coloridos, para celulas solares do tipo sobrestrato e substrato, respectivamente. Como objetivo co-lateral, os filmes dopados depositados sobre plastico foram usados como sensores de deformacao, utilizando as suas propriedades piezo-resistivas. Elevadas taxas de deposicao dos filmes de silicio depositados sobre plastico foram obtidas a baixa temperatura do substrato (150ºC) por rf-PECVD. A influencia de diferentes parametros de deposicao sobre as propriedades e taxa de deposicao dos filmes resultantes foram estudados e correlacionados. Celulas solares de filmes finos de silicio amorfo e microcristalino foram desenvolvidas a baixas temperaturas sobre plasticos. Eficiencias de 5 - 6.5% foram alcancadas para as celulas amorfas e 7.5% para as celulas microcristalinas. Efeitos de aprisionamento da luz foram estudados atraves da texturizacao por ablacao laser de substratos de plastico e corrosao umida de TCO sobre plastico. Filmes finos de silicio microcristalino, depositados por HW-CVD, com fator piezoresistivo de -32.2, foram usados para fabricar sensores de deformacao em uma membrana plastica muito fina (15 μm). Estruturas de teste em textil e a miniaturizacao dos sensores piezoresistivos depositados sobre substratos flexiveis de poliimida foram abordados.

  3. Projecte d’una instal•lació solar fotovoltaica per a un sistema de bombes de reg


    Batllori Alvarez, Eduard


    Instal.lació d’una explotació agrícola amb funcionament per energia solar fotovoltaica a Torregrossa (Tarragona). Disseny i definició de les parts necessàries que conformaran la instal•lació solar fotovoltaica que subministrarà energia elèctrica a les bombes de reg

  4. Projecte d’una instal•lació solar fotovoltaica per a un sistema de bombes de reg


    Batllori Alvarez, Eduard


    Instal.lació d’una explotació agrícola amb funcionament per energia solar fotovoltaica a Torregrossa (Tarragona). Disseny i definició de les parts necessàries que conformaran la instal•lació solar fotovoltaica que subministrarà energia elèctrica a les bombes de reg

  5. Instalación solar fotovoltaica aislada


    Martínez Cerro, Bianca


    El objetivo de este proyecto es la creación e implementación de una instalación solar fotovoltaica aislada, con una autonomía de 5 días y un índice de ocupación del 100% durante todos los meses del año. Se prevé el consumo de una potencia diaria (Ed) de 7732W, para abastecer las necesidades primarias y energéticas de las 38 familias que conforman el poblado indígena EL PROGRESO, ubicado en el trapecio amazónico colombiano. De cara a futuras ampliaciones del sistema,...

  6. Estudio del diseño de una planta solar fotovoltaica de 10 Megavatios en Gaborone, Botsuana


    Jiménez Prieto, Carlos


    El diseño de una planta solar fotovoltaica en Gaborone, Botsuana, está ligado a dos objetivos: desarrollar una aplicación real de ingeniería que resulte beneficiosa para la sociedad batswana como conjunto y utilizar esta aplicación como impulso para conseguir un mayor acercamiento de Botsuana a los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS) marcados por la ONU. Este propósito principal de diseñar una instalación fotovoltaica va acompañado de objetivos adicionales, centrados en crear impactos po...

  7. Instalación solar fotovoltaica aislada para una industria de artes gráficas




    El alumno diseñará una instalación solar fotovoltaica aislada de la red eléctrica, para suministrar los consumos necesarios a una industria de artes gráficas. Realizando tanto el diseño de la instalación como su presupuesto y amortización. TFGM

  8. Avaliação da conversão da energia fotovoltaica em sistemas isolados


    Carneiro de Oliveira, Kleber


    Esta dissertação apresenta a importância do uso da energia solar fotovoltaica em relação ao impacto ambiental causado pelas fontes de energia convencionais. O fato da energia solar fotovoltaica ser uma energia livre de poluentes e crescente devido à diminuição dos preços dos painéis fotovoltaicos a deixa em condições de competir com as outras fontes de energia. São apresentados aspectos gerais sobre geração fotovoltaica e são discutidos o princípio de funcionamento, o processo ...

  9. Adoção da energia solar fotovoltaica em hospitais: revisando a literatura e algumas experiências internacionais

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    Juliane Barbosa dos Santos


    Full Text Available O Sol possui um papel de extrema importância para a existência dos seres humanos e o Brasil possui uma posição geográfica privilegiada para explorar a luz solar. A união desses dois fatores favorece o uso de células solares para conversão de energia solar em energia elétrica por meio da tecnologia fotovoltaica, tornando-se ótima alternativa de energia, principalmente por ser uma fonte limpa, gerando menores danos ao meio ambiente. Este trabalho tem por objetivo abordar a tecnologia fotovoltaica tendo como foco analítico os hospitais, por meio de casos de sucesso encontrados na literatura internacional. Os hospitais, mesmo executando serviços de total importância à sociedade, apresentam potencial poluidor capaz de causar danos à saúde das pessoas e ao meio ambiente que se localiza ao seu redor. Há estimativas de que as reservas brasileiras de petróleo sejam suficientes para 22 anos, tornando-se necessária a busca por novas fontes alternativas para a geração de energia.

  10. Iluminación con Energía Solar Fotovoltaica para Autoservicios en Bogotá

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    Wilmar Giovani Santamaría


    Full Text Available Este artículo presenta un estudio técnico y económico sobre el uso de energía fotovoltaica para iluminación en dos (2 autoservicios en la ciudad de Bogotá. Se analizan diferentes aspectos a tener en cuenta, como la radiación solar mínima sobre el área considerada y los consumos en iluminación con energía convencional. Se estima que, al realizar el cambio de iluminación de bombillos fluorescentes a bombillos LED y establecer como fuente primaria las baterías previamente alimentadas con energía fotovoltaica, se reduce el consumo de energía eléctrica de manera considerable en iluminación. Con esta hipótesis, se plantean tres opciones de sistemas fotovoltaicos autónomos para cada uno de los autoservicios con todos los elementos necesarios para el mejor funcionamiento, el estudio económico de cada opción y un estimativo del ahorro energético.


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    Amaury de Souza


    In this paper, we developed a study of a photovoltaic system (PV with energy storage installed at the Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul, campus of Campo Grande, during 2014. It has been evaluated the efficiency of photovoltaic panels according to the data of the solar radiation components in the horizontal plane of incidence, the local and operating temperatures, and the current - voltage response of the PV system. The results show that the average monthly efficiency oscillated between 8.65% and 9.17%, with an annual average of 8.84%. The modules showed an average efficiency that is 50% smaller compared to the values provided by manufacturers. Keywords: Photovoltaic Cell Efficiency; Solar Irradiation; Conversion of Solar Irradiation; Photovoltaic Cell Temperature. ESTUDIO DE LA EFICIENCIA ENERGÉTICA DE CÉLULAS FOTOVOLTAICAS COMO FUNCIÓN DE LA RADIACIÓN SOLAR EN LA REGIÓN CENTRAL DE BRASIL RESUMEN En el presente trabajo se ha desarrollado un estudio para un sistema fotovoltaico con almacenamiento de energía, durante el año 2014 en el campus de Campo Grande de la Universidad Federal de Mato Grosso do Sul. Se evaluó la eficiencia de paneles fotovoltaicos en función de los valores de la componente de radiación solar global en el plano horizontal de incidencia; de las temperaturas ambiente y de funcionamiento del panel; y de la tensión y corriente generada en el sistema fotovoltaico. Los resultados muestran que la eficiencia media mensual osciló entre 8.65% y 9.17%, con una media anual de 8.84%. El módulo ha presentado una eficiencia media 50% inferior a los valores propuestos por los fabricantes. Palabras clave: Eficiencia de Células Fotovoltaicas; Irradiación Solar; Conversión de Irradiación Solar; Temperatura de las Células Fotovoltaicas.

  12. Millora de l’eficiència energètica d’un edifici mitjançant energia solar fotovoltaica i aerotèrmica. Comparativa amb l’energia solar tèrmica


    Casellas Sanz, Lluís


    Aquest projecte pretén realitzar un anàlisi de l’impacte que suposa la implantació d’una instal·lació fotovoltaica conjuntament amb una bomba de calor aerotèrmica sobre la qualificació energètica d’un habitatge. Per això, es dissenya una solució que combina les dues tecnologies esmentades (fotovoltaica i aerotèrmica) i posteriorment es compara amb el cas estàndard homòleg, que és l’energia solar tèrmica. En primer lloc es realitza l’avaluació energètica de l’habitatge en qüestió, on es car...


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    Augusto César Fialho Wanderley


    Full Text Available A geração de energia elétrica no Brasil é predominantemente renovável, com a geração interna hidráulica sendo superior a 74% do total de sua matriz energética. O racionamento de energia elétrica ocorrido em 2001, devido à falta de chuvas, levou o país a incrementar a participação de fontes alternativas de energia. Esta necessidade por novas fontes de energia faz com que as potencialidades regionais sejam aproveitadas, o que configura a mudança do modelo de geração, passando de geração centralizada para geração distribuída. Dentre as fontes alternativas de energia, a solar apresenta-se como uma fonte bastante promissora para o Brasil, tendo em vista que a maior parte do seu território está localizada próximo à linha do equador, o que acarreta em um dia de maior duração solar. O Rio Grande do Norte (RN tem um dos maiores índices de incidência solar do território brasileiro, o que o torna apto a receber investimentos para a instalação de usinas solares fotovoltaicas. Este artigo analisará o potencial de geração da energia solar fotovoltaica no RN através de medições solarimétricas realizadas em Natal, capital do estado.

  14. Características energéticas de una placa fotovoltaica, por variación de ángulo de inclinación, frente a la radiación solar en Ecuador.

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    Germán Alfredo Mora Trujillo


    Igualmente se implementara un sistema de control de la producción diaria de energía (Kw/h y el ahorro de emisiones de CO2 a la atmósfera, con el fin de hacer las comparaciones del uso de energía renovable frente a la convencional, lo que permitirá estimar el beneficio económico y ambiental. Esta investigación, permitirá registrar información precisa para diseñar instalaciones solares fotovoltaicas teniendo en cuenta la incidencia de la radiación solar en una placa fotovoltaica por variación de ángulo de inclinación frente al sol y determinar el ahorro de emisiones de CO2 a la atmósfera.

  15. Implementación multimedia sobre energía fotovoltaica


    Álvarez Santos, Alejandro; Giménez Oró, Nèstor


    El presente proyecto consiste en un programa informático que explica qué es la energía fotovoltaica, qué componentes tecnológicos se utilizan para su obtención y qué cálculos previos son necesarios para realizar la implementación de un campo de paneles solares. La herramienta elegida para realizar el programa informático, ha sido Macromedia Flash MX, versión 6.

  16. Analisis tecnico, socioeconomico y ambiental de la electrificación con energía solar fotovoltaica aislada para vivienda rural en Hato Corozal, Casanare, Colombia


    Edwin Blasnilo Rúa Ramírez; Andrea Isabel Barrera Siabato; Martín Gómez Orduz


    La electrificación con energía solar fotovoltaica aislada es la opción más viable para vivienda rural, en especial si se encuentra muy distante del sistema nacional interconectado. Hato Corozal, Casanare, Colombia, es un municipio estructurado en su área rural por fincas muy alejadas entre sí. Su mayor inconveniente de desarrollo social y económico es la falta de electricidad como servicio de primera necesidad.  La gobernación de Casanare a través del fondo nacional de regalías aprobó la inst...



    Moya Forero, Mónica Mercedes


    En esta tesis se centra en el estudio de capas delgadas basadas en óxido de zinc (ZnO) para aplicaciones fotovoltaicas, en concreto células solares sensibilizadas con colorante (DSSC). Se optimizaron los parámetros de crecimiento de estas nanoestructuras hibridas depositadas mediante la técnica de electrodeposición catódica para posteriormente desarrollar un dispositivo eficiente para la conversión de la luz. OBJETIVOS Los objetivos principales de la tesis son: - Establecer las co...

  18. Sistema de generación de electricidad mediante la conversión fotovoltaica de la energía solar : aplicación a una bomba de calor


    Adeva Rivero, Álvaro


    La generación de electricidad mediante la conversión fotovoltaica de la energía solar para aplicaciones térmicas es un campo relativamente desconocido a día de hoy, sobre el cual existen pocas investigaciones. La diferencia fundamental con las aplicaciones típicas de los sistemas fotovoltaicos es la variabilidad de la demanda térmica del edificio, lo que se traduce en una demanda eléctrica variable a lo largo del día y de la temporada. Este aspecto es el que constituye el principal cuello de ...

  19. Instalación fotovoltaica aislada para una instalación deportiva




    El alumno realizará un completo estudio para diseñar una instalación fotovoltaica aislada de la red, que suministre la energía eléctrica a un centro deportivo. Incluyendo tanto el diseño de la instalación como el presupuesto para su ejecución. Bleda Valero, JJ. (2017). Instalación fotovoltaica aislada para una instalación deportiva. TFGM

  20. Estudio de viabilidad de una instalación fotovoltaica para una vivienda unifamiliar situada en Cabo de Palos


    Sánchez Ros, Adrián Antonio


    El presente proyecto tiene por objetivo el análisis técnico y económico de una instalación fotovoltaica en una vivienda unifamiliar ubicada en Cabo de Palos (Cartagena), planteando distintas alternativas de conexión o no a la red: - Instalación fotovoltaica conectada a red, dedicadas a la inyección a la red y venta de la energía eléctrica. - Instalación fotovoltaica aislada, dedicadas al autoconsumo de la electricidad generada. - Instalación fotovoltaica de autoconsumo in...





    [ES] Se van a diseñar las instalaciones necesarias para que una vivienda unifamiliar sea energéticamente sostenible. La única fuente de energía disponible es la solar Se calcualrán las instalaciones para dos opciones. 1. Vivienda conectada a la red eléctrica general. 2. Vivienda aislada de la red eléctrica. Dana Martin, A. (2015). PROYECTO DE VIVIENDA ENERGÉTICAMENTE SOSTENIBLE SITUADA EN SAN VICENTE DEL RASPEIG (ALICANTE). INSTALACIÓN FOTOVOLTAICA.

  2. Proyecto de vivienda energéticamente sostenible situada en Almería. Instalación fotovoltaica.




    [ES] Se van a diseñar las instalaciones necesarias para que una vivienda unifamiliar sea energéticamente sostenible. La única fuente de energía disponible es la solar Se calcualrán las instalaciones para dos opciones. 1. Vivienda conectada a la red eléctrica general. 2. Vivienda aislada de la red eléctrica. Corberá Ferrando, JM. (2015). Proyecto de vivienda energéticamente sostenible situada en Almería. Instalación fotovoltaica. TFGM

  3. Proposição de uma metodologia para análise de viabilidade econômica de uma usina fotovoltaica

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    Renata Guedes Almeida Ribeiro


    Full Text Available Uma metodologia para fins didáticos, de estudos de viabilidade econômica de uma usina solar fotovoltaica é proposta. O estudo foi realizado considerando o custo de operação e a instalação no período de 25 anos de uma usina de 3 MWp. A metodologia foi organizada em etapas, desde o estudo da irradiação solar na região, até o estudo de viabilidade econômica do investimento. A metodologia proposta foi validada por meio de um estudo de caso, no qual foram analisados três cenários de investimentos.

  4. Prospective of the photovoltaic solar technology for electricity generation (Annexe 7 in 'A vision of year 2030 on the use of the renewable energies in Mexico'); Prospectiva de la tecnologia solar fotovoltaica para la generacion de electricidad (Anexo 7 en 'Una vision al 2030 de la utilizacion de las energias renovables en Mexico')

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    Agredano Diaz, Jaime [Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas, Cuernavaca, Morelos (Mexico)


    The first experience where it was found the relationship between the light of the sun and its conversion to electricity was reported by the French physicist Edmund Bequerel in 1839, nevertheless the development of the modern photovoltaic cell, as it is known now, occurred until the middle of the last century in the Bell labs of the United States, that in year 1955 presented the first patent of photovoltaic silicon cells. The main elements of a photovoltaic system are: the photovoltaic cells, (some times referred to as solar cells), interconnected and encapsulated to form one photovoltaic module, the structure of assembly for the module or modules, the inversor (essential for systems connected to the network and for systems outside the network that require provision of alternating current), storage battery and a load controller (required solely for systems outside the network). [Spanish] La primera experiencia donde se encontro la relacion entre la luz del sol y su conversion a electricidad la reporto el fisico Frances Edmund Bequerel en 1839, sin embargo el desarrollo de la celda fotovoltaica moderna tal y como se conoce ahora, se dio hasta mediados del siglo pasado en los laboratorios Bell en los Estados Unidos, quienes en 1955 presentaron la primera patente de celdas fotovoltaicas de silicio. Los elementos principales de un sistema fotovoltaico son: las celdas fotovoltaicas, (algunas veces referidas como celdas solares), interconectadas y encapsuladas para formar un modulo fotovoltaico, la estructura de montaje para el modulo o modulos, el inversor (esencial para sistemas conectados a red y necesario para sistemas fuera de red que requieren suministro de corriente alterna), bateria de almacenamiento y un controlador de carga (requerido unicamente para sistemas fuera de red).

  5. Electric power generation using photovoltaic solar cells for low income rural population; Geracao de energia eletrica com celula solar fotovoltaica para populacao rural de baixa renda

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Gastaldi, Andre Fava; Souza, Teofilo Miguel de; Mesquita, Rafael Pimenta [Universidade Estadual Paulista Julio de Mesquita Filho (UNESP), Guaratingueta, SP (Brazil). Centro de Energias Renovaveis], e-mail:


    With the growing electric energy use demand and almost not expansion of the energy mesh (basically composed by hydroelectric plants) existing in the country, several others methods of alternative energy generation may be necessary. Beyond that, the usually employed energy is becoming much more costly, rarer and politically more impracticable like burn fuels as oil and coal. The use of renewable approaches of energy, that are 'infinite' energies (as the wind and the light of the sun, for example), can become an excellent alternative. In this new energy group, the solar energy transformed by the use of photo voltage cells is becoming very important. The 'clear' solar radiation tends to be a more intelligent and practical option, and the future technology of energy storage will be able to solve the problem of the regions that have less sunny days. Its main advantages on the other alternative sources of energy are the trustworthiness and the previsibility. Its biggest disadvantage consists on the fact that technical limitations can not allow a solar energy generator to distribute electricity for a city. It is interesting to notice that with the development of projects as this in alternative energy, isolated areas that does not access electricity distribution network (as some far regions), it has become the most viable option of generation of electric energy. Another point is that even with the distribution network it has to be checked if it is possible to use this electricity consulting the company credential that work at those localities of consumption. Moreover, many regions of the country already installed the solar energy system for water heating, confirming that, the existing structure allows the installation of a a solar cells generation energy system without many problems. In this project, we introduce a method for electric energy generation by solar cells for rural population of low gains. This option uses low cost materials but with a good

  6. Evaluación del comportamiento de un sistema de refrigeración de leche alimentado con energía solar fotovoltaica en distintas condiciones climáticas y optimización de su diseño y modo de funcionamiento


    Eguaras Martínez, José Javier


    Este trabajo consiste en realizar un seguimiento del funcionamiento continuado del sistema autónomo de refrigeración y conservación de leche alimentado de forma directa por energía solar fotovoltaica en el emplazamiento en el que se encuentra con el fin de examinar su comportamiento e introducir mejoras en su caso. El interés de este proyecto radica en comprobar que se puedan emplear fuentes de energía renovables para alimentar sistemas que permitan mantener leche en condiciones adecuadas ...

  7. Desenvolvimento de um protótipo de rastreador solar de baixo custo e sem baterias


    Antonio Alves de Oliveira, Carlos


    Nos últimos cinqüenta anos, o uso da energia solar no mundo tem crescido consideravelmente em suas principais modalidades de aproveitamento: térmica e fotovoltaica. Apesar da significativa evolução da tecnologia fotovoltaica ao longo das últimas décadas, o custo da energia produzida por esses sistemas continua sendo elevado quando comparado à energia produzida por sistemas convencionais. Diversos meios que tendem a reduzir esses custos têm sido experimentados, dentre os quais s...

  8. Financial alternatives to enable distributed microgeneration projects with photovoltaic solar power / Alternativas financeiras para viabilizar projetos de microgeração distribuída com energia solar fotovoltaica

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    Francisco Ivanhoel Aguiar de Carvalho


    Full Text Available Purpose: To explore financial alternatives to implement PV power generation projects based on the provisions of Normative Resolution n. 482/2012 of the Brazilian Electricity Regulatory Agency (Aneel. This regulation sets forth the general conditions to the access of micro- and minigeneration granted to the electric energy distribution systems through the energy product offset method. Originality/gap/relevance/implications: This paper discusses the need for regulatory changes, greater government participation in the granting of financial and tax incentives so that PV solar power technology in distributed generation can be financially viable for residential consumers. Key methodological aspects: Investment analysis in PV systems used the Net Present Value (NPV valuation method. The research assessed two scenarios for Grid-Connected PV Systems (GCPVSs, with different solar power usage levels for a residential consumer. Summary of key results: The results point to a low financial viability in the implementation of distributed microgeneration projects, suggesting the need to remove the tax burden and reduce financing costs. Key considerations/conclusions: The study shows the need of flexibilization of the Brazilian regulatory model, with changes that enable the expansion of renewable energy offers, with positive economic outcomes for tariff affordability. Tariff benefits from distributed microgeneration can positively reflect on captive customers, provided that investment risks are reduced. Objetivo: Explorar alternativas financeiras para implantar projetos de geração de energia fotovoltaica tomando por base a determinação da Resolução Normativa n. 482/2012 da Agência Nacional de Energia Elétrica (Aneel. Esta norma estabelece as condições gerais para o acesso de microgeração e minigeração conferidas aos sistemas de distribuição de energia elétrica por meio do método de compensação do produto energético. Originalidade

  9. Diseño de la instalación de climatización y agua caliente de un edificio residencial con bomba de calor aire-agua y energía solar térmica y fotovoltaica


    Jiménez López, Laura


    El proyecto que a continuación se relata tiene objetivo evaluar y calificar energéticamente una vivienda basada en un sistema energético todo eléctrico. La tecnología de climatización y producción de Agua caliente utilizada será la Bomba de Calor aire-agua. Se incorporará la aportación de energía solar térmica y energía fotovoltaica. La realización del proyecto contará con la integración de ambas tecnologías en el edificio estudiado. El sistema de climatización y producción de Agua c...

  10. Development of solar thermophotovoltaic systems = Desarrollo de sistemas termofotovoltaicos solares


    Datas Medina, Alejandro


    Esta tesis aborda el análisis, tanto teórico como experimental, de los sitemas termofotovoltaicos solares. En estos sistemas, un material (emisor) se calienta hasta la incandescencia mediante radiaci ón solar. La radiación térmica emitida por dicho material se dirige hacia una célula fotovoltaica, que convierte dicha radiación en electricidad. En esta configuración, se pueden emplear elementos de control espectral para lograr que los fotones no útiles para el proceso de conversión fotovoltáic...

  11. Sistema de radiació solar via USB


    Villanueva López, José Vicente


    L’objectiu d’aquest projecte és implementar un sistema de mesura de la irradiació solar a la Terra basat en una placa solar fotovoltaica. S’ha dissenyat i construït un sistema de mesura de la radiació solar que pot ser útil per aquells que instal·len sistemes fotovoltaics, que pot permetre l’estudi pràctic de les variables energètiques i econòmiques que ens poden indicar quin sistema és mes rentable construir, si un sistema de pannell solar fix, un sistema de pannell solar o...

  12. Integração de tecnologia fotovoltaica em edifícios públicos : estudo de caso do Fórum de Palmas - TO


    Vianna, Elen Oliveira


    A questão energética acompanha a história da humanidade e atualmente tem gerado uma polêmica de caráter multidisciplinar, no interior da qual situa-se o tema central deste estudo: o enfoque ao alto consumo de energia elétrica em edifícios públicos. A abordagem vai, então, de encontro à sustentabilidade na arquitetura e a utilização de energia solar fotovoltaica como tecnologia que alia fontes alternativas renováveis de energia integradas a edifícios conectados à rede elétrica urbana. O presen...

  13. Materiales en lámina delgada sobre sustratos cerámicos para aplicaciones fotovoltaicas

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    Guillén, C.


    Full Text Available Various ceramic supports besides standard soda-lime glass have been utilized as substrates for deposition of molybdenum and copper indium diselenide layers (substrate/Mo/CuInSe2 heterostructures for application in thin film photovoltaic solar cells. Molybdenum layers have been prepared simultaneously onto the different substrates by electron gun assisted evaporation. Subsequently, CuInSe2 thin films have been obtained by direct electrodeposition onto the Mo-coated substrates. The influence of the substrate characteristics onto the optical and structural properties of the developed materials has been determined to evaluate the possibility of substituting the commonly utilized glass by ceramics that can wide the applications of these photovoltaic systems. The obtained results indicate that the scattering factor and the structural stress in the layers are minimized when the morphological characteristics of the ceramic are close to those of the standard glass substrates.

    Se han probado distintos tipos de soportes cerámicos y vidrio sodocálcico convencional como sustratos sobre los que se han depositado películas de molibdeno y seleniuro de cobre e indio (heteroestructuras de la forma sustrato/Mo/CuInSe2 para su aplicación en células solares fotovoltaicas de lámina delgada. Las películas de Mo se han preparado simultáneamente sobre los distintos sustratos mediante evaporación asistida por cañón de electrones. A continuación, las láminas delgadas de CuInSe2 se han obtenido mediante electrodepósito directo sobre los sustratos cubiertos con Mo. Se ha determinado la influencia del tipo de sustrato empleado sobre las propiedades ópticas y estructurales de los materiales preparados, con objeto de evaluar las posibilidades de sustitución del soporte de vidrio usualmente utilizado por materiales cerámicos que permitan diversificar las aplicaciones fotovoltaicas de este tipo de sistemas. Los resultados obtenidos indican que el factor

  14. Caracterización de las antocianinas de la flor de ceibo como sensibilizadores naturales para su uso en celdas fotovoltaicas

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    María Paula Enciso


    Full Text Available La energía solar es la fuente de energía más promisoria del futuro, ya que la conversión directa de luz solar en energía eléctrica mediante el uso de celdas solares posee muchas ventajas sobre los métodos usados en la actualidad, debido a que no genera desechos o contaminantes.En particular, las celdas solares sensibilizadas con pigmentos (DSSC o celdas de Graetzel representan una alternativa a las convencionales celdas solares de silicio. En las últimas tres décadas han atraído considerable atención como una forma de producir celdas fotovoltaicas de bajo costo debido a la posibilidad de alcanzar una alta eficiencia de conversión (de aprox. 12% y su alto rendimiento durante períodos de luz prolongados e incluso en condiciones de stress térmico.En este trabajo se evalúan pigmentos de origen natural, la mezcla de antocianinas provenientes de la flor del ceibo, como sensibilizadores de estas celdas. Se utilizan medidas de absorbancia UV-visible, voltamperometría cíclica y espectroscopía de impedancia electroquímica como forma de caracterización.

  15. Instalación fotovoltaica aislada para una urbanización de viviendas




    El alumno realizará una instalación aislada para garantizar la alimentación eléctrica de las viviendas de una urbanización que están aisladas de la red eléctrica. Signes Mulet, V. (2016). Instalación fotovoltaica aislada para una urbanización de viviendas. TFGM


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    Deivisson Rodrigues Santos


    Full Text Available Este trabalho tem como tema uma fonte de energia renovável não poluidora que poderá ser mais uma prática sustentável nos próximos anos. A fonte de energia estudada foi o Sistema Fotovoltaico e foi realizado uma análise do aproveitamento do recurso solar para o propósito de geração de eletricidade. Foi apresentado um estudo de viabilidade ambiental para uma instituição de ensino profissionalizante, a fim de explanar as dificuldades e benefícios ambientais do uso da energia fotovoltaica para a alimentação do sistema de iluminação. Para tal foi utilizado a pesquisa aplicada com analises qualitativas e quantitativas e quanto aos meios de pesquisa foi aplicado o estudo de caso. Os procedimentos utilizados para coleta e análise dos dados foram a entrevista informal e observação do participante. Os resultados foram obtidos através de um estudo teórico de viabilidade para a implantação de um sistema fotovoltaico e foi apresentado como resultado uma economia tanto no consumo de energia quanto no gasto mensal com o sistema convencional utilizado.

  17. Diseño de placas solares e implementación de un transmisor experimental AX.25 para el 3Cat-1


    Gonzalvez Foguet, Ricard


    Explains the design and construction of two types of solar panels for the 3cat1, one type based on commercial high efficiency multi-junction solar cells and other based in UPC Electronic Engineering Department in-house developed solar cells. Also describes the design and implementation of a microcontroller based experimental transmitter to send data packets to the 3cat1 ground station. Diseño y construcción de dos tipos de paneles solares para el 3cat1, el primero basado en celulas solares...

  18. O Solar Fotovoltaico de Concentração


    Joyce, António


    Os sistemas fotovoltaicos de concentração (CPV) utilizam espelhos ou lentes para concentrar a radiação solar em células fotovoltaicas. O objectivo é baixar o custo da produção de electricidade destes sistemas ao substituir área de células ou de módulos fotovoltaicos, em geral de custo elevado, por ópticas de concentração de menor custo.São sistemas que podem atingir eficiências superiores a 25% na produção de electricidade a partir de Energia Solar, e atingir valores da ordem dos 75% de efici...

  19. Analisis tecnico, socioeconomico y ambiental de la electrificación con energía solar fotovoltaica aislada para vivienda rural en Hato Corozal, Casanare, Colombia

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    Edwin Blasnilo Rúa Ramírez


    Full Text Available La electrificación con energía solar fotovoltaica aislada es la opción más viable para vivienda rural, en especial si se encuentra muy distante del sistema nacional interconectado. Hato Corozal, Casanare, Colombia, es un municipio estructurado en su área rural por fincas muy alejadas entre sí. Su mayor inconveniente de desarrollo social y económico es la falta de electricidad como servicio de primera necesidad.  La gobernación de Casanare a través del fondo nacional de regalías aprobó la instalación de 206 sistemas solares fotovoltaicos (SFV a las familias más alejadas y más vulnerables del municipio. El objetivo principal de esta investigación fue realizar una evaluación socio-económica de las familias de la zona rural del municipio, beneficiadas con la instalación de estos sistemas SFV. Además, se realizó un análisis técnico de simulación de la operación del SFV dimensionado con 2 días sin sol y luego 12 días con sol, también se hizo una simulación de la operación del SFV dimensionado con 14 días con sol. Esta investigación se abordó desde el enfoque metodológico descriptivo y de investigación aplicada de campo que incluyó visita a las viviendas, aplicación, análisis de instrumentos y registro fotográfico.  Los resultados presentan gran incidencia desde un enfoque social, económico y ambiental que puede llegar a ser implementado en otras áreas rurales del país como ejemplo de uso de tecnologías limpias en favor del desarrollo rural sostenible.



    Antonio Luiz P. S. Campos; Aécio Vinícius Amorim Farias; Leandro Alves de Farias; Valter Nogueira Pereira Júnior; Bruno Palhano da Costa; Idelcácio Paulino de Macedo


    Os painéis solares fotovoltaicos são dispositivos desenvolvidos para a geração de energia elétrica. Este trabalho aborda conceitos envolvidos na fabricação e funcionamento desses dispositivos tais como: histórico da energia solar fotovoltaica, tipos de painéis solares e aplicação de painéis solares em sistemas isolados. Foi feito um estudo de eficiência de geração elétrica de um painel solar existente no Campus Natal – Zona Norte do IFRN. Nesse estudo, foram levadas em consideração a incidênc...

  1. Estimación de la cantidad de potencia suministrada por las celdas fotovoltaicas de un CubeSat

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    Jesús D. González Llorente


    Full Text Available Los CubeSat son pequeños satélites que, debido a las restricciones propias de sus dimensiones, tienen como única fuente de energía celdas foto-voltaicas sobre su superficie. El propósito de este artículo es estimar la cantidad máxima de potencia que puede obtenerse de estas celdas solares, de manera que sea posible realizar un balance de energía cuando se diseñan misiones espaciales con este tipo de satélites. En el escenario analizado, un CubeSat de 10cm x 10cm x 10cm (1U tiene una cara siempre orientada hacia la Tierra. Se consideran las pérdidas por el coseno del ángulo y la variación de la temperatura debido a la órbita del satélite. Para la estimación se usa un modelo matemático de las celdas solares, con el cual se calcula el punto de máxima potencia según el ángulo de incidencia de la radiación solar y la temperatura sobre una órbita baja alrededor de la Tierra. Los resultados muestran la variación de la potencia eléctrica máxima suministrada por los paneles sobre la porción iluminada de la órbita, sin considerar el albedo de la Tierra. Además de la potencia, se estiman las curvas corriente-voltaje para diferentes ubicaciones sobre la órbita del CubeSat.


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    Antonio Luiz P. S. Campos


    Full Text Available Os painéis solares fotovoltaicos são dispositivos desenvolvidos para a geração de energia elétrica. Este trabalho aborda conceitos envolvidos na fabricação e funcionamento desses dispositivos tais como: histórico da energia solar fotovoltaica, tipos de painéis solares e aplicação de painéis solares em sistemas isolados. Foi feito um estudo de eficiência de geração elétrica de um painel solar existente no Campus Natal – Zona Norte do IFRN. Nesse estudo, foram levadas em consideração a incidência solar e a hora do dia. Por fim, são apresentadas conclusões sobre o estudo desenvolvido.

  3. Instalación Fotovoltaica Aislada para una Academia de Inglés




    El objetivo de este trabajo final de grado, consiste en la elaboración de una instalación fotovoltaica aislada de una academia de inglés situada en la localidad valenciana de Masarrochos. Para ello, por mediación de contacto con el director del establecimiento y las facturas del último año facilitadas por el mismo, se ha podido determinar mediante la previsión de cargas una distribución aproximada de los consumos durante el ciclo anual. Marqués Muñoz, E. (2017). Instalaci...

  4. Estimación de los Parámetros de un Modelo de una Celda Fotovoltaica Utilizando un Algoritmo de Optimización de Búsqueda de Patrones

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    Andrés Felipe Tobón-Mejía


    Full Text Available En este artículo se propone un nuevo método para la estimación de los parámetros del modelo matemático de una celda fotovoltaica de un solo diodo. El trabajo está basado en el algoritmo de optimización llamado Pattern Search Method (MPS, por sus siglas en inglés. Los parámetros estimados son: corriente de diodo, corriente de saturación, resistencia en serie, resistencia en paralelo y el factor del diodo ideal. Los resultados muestran que es posible obtener el modelo equivalente a través de la identificación de los parámetros. Adicionalmente, los resultados obtenidos son comparados con datos obtenidos mediante un emulador de celdas fotovoltaicas. Para realizar los experimentos se asumió condiciones controladas, es decir, temperatura e irradiación constantes. De esta manera, se puede deducir que el método propuesto se puede utilizar en aplicaciones de control para el seguimiento del máximo punto de potencia (MPPT, por sus siglas en inglés de celdas fotovoltaicas.

  5. Influência da configuração urbana na geração fotovoltaica com sistemas integrados às fachadas

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    Laura Rendón Gaviria

    Full Text Available O processo de adensamento das cidades e o aumento no consumo de energia fazem dos centros urbanos um dos setores de maior impacto no balanço energético mundial, sendo responsável por 70% do consumo total e energia. A geração de energia fotovoltaica apresenta uma grande vantagem, visto que geração e consumo podem ter coincidência espacial e temporal. Além disso, no caso das grandes cidades, as edificações apresentam formatos principalmente verticais e existe escassez de áreas horizontais disponíveis para a instalação de painéis fotovoltaicos. O objetivo do presente trabalho é, então, avaliar o potencial de aplicação de painéis fotovoltaicos em fachadas de edificações dentro de diferentes configurações urbanas, considerando o impacto do entorno construído. Foram analisados diferentes modelos, variando parâmetros arquitetônicos e urbanos, por meio de simulações dinâmicas no plug-in Diva, dentro do programa Rhinoceros. Estabeleceu-se para cada configuração urbana o potencial de geração fotovoltaica das superfícies verticais opacas e, finalmente, foram identificados os modelos uniformes como aqueles que apresentam a melhor relação entre demanda e geração. Os resultados deste estudo indicam que a determinação da eficiência dos modelos depende em grande medida da disponibilidade de superfícies para a geração FV (fachadas ou fachadas e cobertura. Comprovou-se um comportamento similar entre os modelos uniformes e mistos, e um decréscimo no desempenho dos cenários miolo de quadra, devido à reduzida área de cobertura, embora o vazio central ofereça altos níveis de acessibilidade solar nas fachadas.

  6. Recuperació de metalls en l’aigua residual de la indústria galvànica mitjançant l’electròlisi i l’energia solar


    Santaló Rius, Alba; Altarriba Alberch, M. Lluïsa; Viñolas Boix, Xavier


    Proposta del procés d’electròlisi com a mètode de recuperació de metalls pesants presents en les aigües de rentat de la indústria galvànica i l’obtenció de l’energia necessària a través de l’energia solar fotovoltaica

  7. Photovoltaic energy: environmental and economic analysis of axis solar trackers for photovoltaic installations; Energia fotovoltaica: analise economica ambiental de seguidores solares para instalacoes fotovoltaicas

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    Paes, Andrea Galvao; Bertolon, Expedito; Pacca, Sergio [Universidade de Sao Paulo (EACH/USP), SP (Brazil). Escola de Artes, Ciencias e Humanidades. Curso de Gestao Ambiental


    In this work we present an economic assessment photovoltaic systems using single axis and dual axis solar trackers. The analysis was carried out for the city of Sao Paulo and the results show that in comparison with fixed installations, the single axis system and the dual axis system produce respectively 19.6% and 24.7% more power. The power output of the dual axis system is 4.3% greater than the power output of the single axis system. Considering an annual discount rate of 12% and the equipment cost, the cost of the surplus energy due to the use of the single axis and the dual axis trackers was R$0.25/kWh and R$0.18/kWh. Because the average cost of electricity produced by photovoltaic modules is R$3/kWh, we recommend the installation of solar trackers. (author)

  8. Optimization pathways to improve GaInP/GaInAs/Ge triple junction solar cells for CPV applications


    Barrutia Poncela, Laura


    La tecnología de concentración fotovoltaica (en inglés, Concentration Photovoltaics, CPV) ha experimentado un intenso desarrollo desde principios de los años 2000. En particular, las células solares de triple unión (GaInP/GaInAs/Ge) ajustadas en red siguen dominando el mercado CPV. Esta tesis pretende contribuir en la investigación de este tipo de célula multiunión desarrollada previamente en el Grupo de Semiconductores III-V del Instituto de Energía Solar de la Universidad Politécnica de Mad...

  9. Use of refraction to increase the efficiency of solar panels; Uso de la refraccion para el incremento de la eficiencia en paneles solares

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    Martinez Patino, J [Universidad de Guanajuato, Campus Irapuato-Salamanca, Salamanca, Guanajuato (Mexico)]. E-mail:; Hernandez Figueroa, M. A; Lozano Garcia, J.M; Ireta Moreno, F; Rubio Maya, C [Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolas de Hidalgo Morelia, Michoacan (Mexico)]. E-mails:;;;


    With the increased use of photovoltaic systems in dwellings and other areas, it is important the growing concern in sustainable development, as well as the tax benefits gotten by the acquisition of this type of systems. In this context, technical aspects of trading systems should be considered, as well as characteristics of sunlight, humidity, etc., where the photovoltaic equipment will be installed. This article seeks to increase the efficiency of commercial solar panels from a simple and economical perspective using refraction. Through three different tests, first normal operating conditions and two more tests with different conditions of temperature, humidity and water vapor the authors seek to understand the behavior of electric power generation of the PV system used. With the results obtained in this work set the tone by opening new opportunities to investigate more deeply the thermal and moisture characteristics of solar panels based on their efficiency and materials involved in the design. [Spanish] Con el incremento del uso de instalaciones fotovoltaicas en casas habitacion y en otros ambitos, es importante la creciente concientizacion del desarrollo sustentable, ademas de la utilizacion de los beneficios de impuestos que se tienen al comprar este tipo de sistemas. Bajo este contexto, se debe de considerar aspectos tecnicos de los sistemas comerciales, asi como caracteristicas de insolacion, humedad, etc., donde se instalen los equipos fotovoltaicos. En este articulo se busca incrementar la eficiencia de paneles solares comerciales desde una perspectiva sencilla y economica haciendo uso de la refraccion. A traves de tres diferentes pruebas; primeramente las condiciones normales de operacion y dos pruebas mas con diferentes condiciones de temperatura, humedad y vapor de agua los autores buscan conocer el comportamiento de la generacion de energia electrica de la instalacion fotovoltaica utilizada. Con los resultados obtenidos en este trabajo dan la pauta

  10. Estudio de viabilidad de un sistema de generación de energía eléctrica basado en energías renovables para países en vías de desarrollo


    Villanueva Fernández, Gemma


    En este proyecto, primero se realiza una pequeña introducción para que el lector adquiera unos conocimientos mínimos sobre las energías renovables. Posteriormente, se describe los conceptos básicos de la energía solar fotovoltaica y los materiales usados en la misma. La energía solar fotovoltaica, es una transformación de la energía luminosa en energía eléctrica. El material más utilizado en la fabricación de los paneles solares es el silicio. De igual forma, se describe conceptos básicos de ...

  11. Políticas públicas de fomento de la energía solar en España / Public policies for fostering solar energy in Spain


    De Cuenca Barella, Inés


    Este trabajo otorga una visión global de la situación de las políticas de fomento de las energías renovables en España, dando especial énfasis a la energía solar fotovoltaica debido a su crecimiento exponencial en estos últimos años. Se explicarán los diferentes instrumentos utilizados en esta política pública y se hará un recorrido por la numerosa legislación. Teniendo muy en cuenta los diferentes actores que intervienen en dicha política. Al tratarse de un tema de suma actual...

  12. Sistema seguidor solar microcontrolado

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    Daiane Maria Mendes Duarte


    Full Text Available A demanda de energia elétrica é cada vez maior devido ao grande crescimento da população e do novo estilo de vida adotado pela sociedade moderna, cada vez mais industrializada. Nesse sentido, o consumo de energia vem apresentando um crescimento acelerado. Concomitantemente, a sociedade se movimenta no sentido de se conscientizar das alterações ocasionadas na natureza, e, assim, surge a necessidade de novos meios de geração de energia, menos impactantes ao meio ambiente, denominadas energias renováveis. Este artigo vem apresentar um sistema seguidor solar microcontrolado, que possibilita uma maior captação de energia em placas solares, pois as posiciona sempre com sua face voltada para o sol. O sistema de controle é baseado nas equações matemáticas cujos resultados são as posições do sol num dado dia e em uma dada hora. Estas coordenadas são calculadas e resultam no deslocamento da célula fotovoltaica por meio de um motor.

  13. Wind, photovoltaic and fuel cell energy for communication stations; Energia eolica, fotovoltaica e de celula a combustivel para estacoes de comunicacao

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    Sousa, Iolanda; Pereira, Jose; Alcobia, Hernani [Net Plan Telecomunicacoes e Energia, Lisboa (Portugal); Pereirinha, Paulo [Instituto Politecnico de Coimbra (Portugal); Instituto para Engenharia de Sistemas e Computadores de Coimbra (Portugal)


    This paper presents a hybrid system that provides power to a remote and autonomously telecommunications station by means of electrical solar generators, wind and hydrogen fuel cell. In the absence of sufficient sun and wind, a bank of batteries and hydrogen produced on-site guarantee the power supply. The station can still be remote monitored and managed.

  14. Rural electrification with photovoltaic solar technology using solar home system; Eletrificacao rural com tecnologia solar fotovoltaica utilizando sistemas isolados autonomos

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    Salviano, Carlos Jose Caldas


    The utilization of solar energy, inexhaustible on the earthly scale of time, as heat and light source, today is one of the energetics alternatives more to confront the challenges of the new millennium. Remarkable is the impulse that power generation photovoltaic has received in Brazil. In Pernambuco, state of Brazil, the CELPE - Electric Power Company of Pernambuco, already implanted more than 750 photovoltaic solar home system (95 kW installed) for power supply to rural communities far from the grid connection that come across in commercial operation since 1994. Eight configurations were studied with modifications in their components (panel, battery and charge) with the objective to evaluate the performance and the adequacy of the size these configurations. The parameters utilized for this evaluation were: solar energy diary incident on the panel plat, diary efficiency generator, output voltage on the generator and state of charge the batteries bank. A system of data acquisition automated was fined to measure in real conditions the function of each components, the following parameters: solar radiation incident and temperature on the photovoltaic generator, voltage and generator current, batteries bank and charge and ambient temperature. About the configurations studied, it follows that analysis the operational of characteristics capacity and battery capacity of the SHS utilized, simulating the rural electrification conditions. It was possible to certify the adequate configurations for the load profile will be supply. (author)

  15. Potencial solar activo en techumbres de viviendas inmobiliarias

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    Esteban Felipe Zalamea León


    Full Text Available El presente artículo analiza las características geométricas de las techumbres de viviendas unifamiliares pertenecientes a conjuntos inmobiliarios recientes en Concepción (Chile y su potencial de captación solar. Para ello, se ejecuta un registro de 2.139 casas construidas posteriores al año 2006, correspondientes a 68,3% del total. Al describir las cubiertas existentes, se detecta una superficie media de techumbre inclinada de 84,7 m2 y fragmentada, entre 3 y 12 alas o faldones, con inclinación media de 37,48°, que generan al menos un ala mayor o secundaria con superficie promedio de 33,9 m2 orientada al norte, este u oeste. Esta superficie recibe una radiación anual total de entre 954 kWha/m2 a 1.732,8 kWha/m2, según azimut e inclinación, lo que con paneles fotovoltaicos integrados produce potencialmente una media de 6.317,4 kWha. Además, se estudian casos extremos acorde a máxima y mínima superficie captadora por superficie construida, demostrando que la producción energética alcanzaría a abastecer eléctricamente con la tecnología fotovoltaica (PV integrada. Finalmente, se evalúa el potencial de la tecnología híbrida térmica-fotovoltaica con fluido calotransportador de aire (PVTa. 

  16. Development of a solar tracker for photovoltaic applications; Desenvolvimento de um rastreador solar para aplicacoes fotovoltaicas

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    Carvalho, Daniel Rizzo; Lacerda Filho, Adilio Flauzino de; Resende, Ricardo C. [Universidade Federal de Vicosa (UFV), MG (Brazil). Dept. Engenharia Agricola], E-mail:; Possi, Maurilio A [Universidade Federal de Vicosa (UFV), MG (Brazil). Dept. de Ciencia da Computacao; Ferreira, Ana Paula S [Universidade Federal de Vicosa (UFV), MG (Brazil). Dept. de Fitotecnia


    In this work are presented the design, construction and relevant results related to the production of electricity using a photovoltaic panel attached to the solar tracking mechanism. The objective was to develop a tracking device with high accuracy, reliable, low cost, high efficiency and easy operation, aiming at the possibility of residential, agricultural and industrial use of solar photovoltaic technologies with high efficiency of conversion. Was evaluated the performance of the tracker, comparing it to a fixed system and based on results analyzed, was observed a significant increase in energy production of photovoltaic panel attached to the tracking system, in relation to the fixed system the slope of the local latitude. Its performance was satisfactory, electromechanical structure requires no maintenance during the trial even when exposed to various weather conditions. The system showed great potential for application, usability and effectivity. (author)

  17. Understanding and improving the chemical vapor deposition process for solar grade silicon production


    Ramos Cabal, Alba


    Esta Tesis Doctoral se centra en la investigación del proceso de producción de polisilicio para aplicaciones fotovoltaicas (FV) por la vía química; mediante procesos de depósito en fase vapor (CVD). El polisilicio para la industria FV recibe el nombre de silicio de grado solar (SoG Si). Por un lado, el proceso que domina hoy en día la producción de SoG Si está basado en la síntesis, destilación y descomposición de triclorosilano (TCS) en un reactor CVD -denominado reactor Siemens-. El materia...

  18. Diseño de una instalación fotovoltaica autónoma para la finca "Mis Delirios" en Pereira - Colombia


    Santa García, Pedro Andrés


    El objetivo principal del trabajo estará enfocado al diseño, dimensionado y estudio de viabilidad económica de una instalación fotovoltaica aislada, soportada por baterías de plomo-ácido. El emplazamiento para el cual se hará el diseño, es una pequeña finca de descanso de uso privado, la cual también sostiene pequeñas actividades agropecuarias. La ubicación de este emplazamiento se encuentra en Pereira, Colombia, zona de clima templado. El interés de realizar este proyecto, ...

  19. Short-term solar irradiance forecasting and photovoltaic systems performance in a tropical climate in Singapore


    Nobre, André Maia


    Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnológico, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia Civil, Florianópolis, 2015. A humanidade usou e continua consumindo em grande quantidade os recursos não-renováveis do planeta como petróleo, gás natural e carvão mineral para suprir suas necessidades energéticas. Somente nas últimas duas décadas que outras fontes de energia renováveis, como a solar fotovoltaica e a eólica, passaram a se tornar relevantes na...

  20. Modelado del espectro solar y su influencia en el funcionamiento de módulos fotovoltaicos de lámina delgada


    Moreno Sáez, Rafael Jesús


    El incremento en la producción de módulos fotovoltaicos de lámina delgada plantea como reto, de cara a su instalación en plantas de energía solar fotovoltaica, el poder conocer la variación de los parámetros de eficiencia energética en función de las diferentes variables meteorológicas. Los fabricantes de módulos fotovoltaicos proporcionan parámetros de funcionamiento referidos a las condiciones estándar (STC) sin tener en cuenta una variable que está ganando importancia para el estudio d...

  1. Análise da expansão da geração elétrica fotovoltaica e emissões de dióxido de carbono

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    Cássio Rangel Paulista


    Full Text Available Esse trabalho tem o objetivo de analisar a expansão da energia elétrica fotovoltaica e dados recentes do comportamento das emissões de CO2 no Brasil e alguns países selecionados. Os dados foram coletados em diferentes bases como: Agência Internacional de Energia, Ministério de Minas e Energia e Empresa de Pesquisa Energética, além de artigos da área. A Identidade de Kaya foi utilizada como base para avaliar as emissões de CO2. Como resultado, percebeu-se o domínio da Alemanha e Itália no setor de geração fotovoltaica, com fortes investimentos no desenvolvimento e disseminação dessa tecnologia. O Brasil apresentou uma matriz energética de baixo carbono, porém com tendência de aumento de emissões per capita ao longo dos anos. Foi verificado o efeito de desacoplamento entre as emissões de gases do efeito estufa e o desenvolvimento econômico em escala mundial. Percebeu-se que tal fenômeno tende a se intensificar no passo em que as tecnologias de energias renováveis atinjam patamares mais altos de utilização.

  2. Plataforma de ensayo de inductancias para convertidores estáticos


    Román Lumbreras, Manuel; Velasco Quesada, Guillermo; Conesa Roca, Alfons; Pérez Delgado, Raúl; Codina, Albert; González, Jaime


    Reproducido con autorización del Grupo Tecnipublicaciones Este artículo presenta una plataforma para la realización de ensayos, en condiciones reales, sobre las inductancias que se instalarán en serie entre los convertidores estáticos y la red eléctrica en centrales solares fotovoltaicas con un consumo mínimo sin necesidad de convertidores y paneles para la generación fotovoltaica. Su finalidad es servir tanto para el ensayo y el control de la calidad de las inductancias fabric...

  3. Diseño y simulación de inversor monofásico en puente completo modulado mediante PWM para un sistema fotovoltaico


    Luna Merino, Marco Antonio


    El objetivo principal de este proyecto es el desarrollo de un inversor de corriente y tensión para un sistema de placas fotovoltaicas, con sus correspondientes sub-sistemas. Un inversor es un dispositivo de potencia que convierte la corriente continua en corriente alterna, esta conversión es necesaria para poder inyectar la corriente producida por un sistema de placas solares, en la red eléctrica. Dichas células fotovoltaicas producen una señal eléctrica formada por una única c...

  4. Dimensionado de una instalación solar fotovoltaica autonoma en un velero


    Vazquez Morillo, Jorge


    El objetivo principal es realizar un estudio para complementar el sistema encargado del suministro de energía a los servicios, con un sistema solar fotovoltaico; consiguiendo así un ahorro de combustible considerable y una mejora en el medio ambiente. Para esta finalidad se ha realizado un estudio en el velero de la Facultad de Náutica de la UPC en Barcelona. Para ello, hemos realizado un estudio concienzudo de los tipos, funcionamiento y características de diseño de los ele...

  5. Photostability Assessment in Amorphous-Silicon Solar Cells; Determinacion de la Fotoestabilidad en Celulas Solares de Silicio Amorfo

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Gandia, J. J.; Carabe, J.; Fabero, F.; Jimenez, R.; Rivero, J. M. [Ciemat, Madrid (Spain)


    The present status of amorphous-silicon-solar-cell research and development at CIEMAT requires the possibility to characterise the devices prepared from the point of view of their stability against sunlight exposure. Therefore a set of tools providing such a capacity has been developed. Together with an introduction to photovoltaic applications of amorphous silicon and to the photodegradation problem, the present work describes the process of setting up these tools. An indoor controlled-photodegradation facility has been designed and built, and a procedure has been developed for the measurement of J-V characteristics in well established conditions. This method is suitable for a kinds of solar cells, even for those for which no model is still available. The photodegradation and characterisation of some cells has allowed to validate both the new testing facility and method. (Author) 14 refs.

  6. Disseny d'una microxarxa amb generació renovable


    Durich Serra, Ruben


    El present projecte pretén abordar l’estudi dels costs de generació d’energia elèctrica renovable de la tecnologia solar-fotovoltaica per tal de formar part del disseny d’una microxarxa de generació d’energia elèctrica. Durant la realització del projecte s’ha realitzat una breu introducció a les microxarxes de distribució d’energia elèctrica i als seus reptes. Per estudiar el cost de generació d’energia fotovoltaica s’ha utilitzat la metodologia del Levelized Cost of Energy ...

  7. Diseño de una instalación fotovoltaica para una vivienda aislada con posibilidad de compra-venta a red


    Subiza Betelu, Sara


    Este proyecto fin de carrera tiene como objetivo el diseño de una instalación fotovoltaica para una vivienda aislada con conexión a red, y la evaluación de la viabilidad tanto técnica como económica de la instalación. Esta instalación estará situada en el tejado de una vivienda aislada, que se encuentra en el término municipal de Ariz (Navarra). El proyecto tiene como finalidad la autonomía energética de dicha vivienda y la posibilidad de compra-venta a red de la energía eléctrica. Se a...





    L A ENERGÍA solar fotovoltaica es una fuente de energía renovable donde, por medio de paneles fotovoltaicos, se convierte la luz solar en energía eléctrica. Actualmente es una energía costosa pero tiene un gran potencial debido al elevado precio de los co 91p.

  9. Rediseño, optimización y producción de fuente fotovoltaica portatil (Fase II

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    Jaime Hernán Rojas Parra


    Full Text Available Este artículo presenta los resultados de la investigación institucional desarrollada por la Escuela de Telemática y Electrónica de la Policía Nacional de Colombia en el año 2010, proceso científico y tecnológico que tuvo como objetivo central de estudio el rediseño, optimización y producción de una fuente fotovoltaica portátil (Fase II que permitirá que los operativos o procedimientos en área rural se desarrollen con más precisión y autonomía porque brinda herramientas al personal, garantiza la sostenibilidad de las comunicaciones, así como la de los demás de equipos electrónicos que por su naturaleza son indispensables en este tipo de eventos y que por imperiosa necesidad requieren una fuente generadora de energía eléctrica.

  10. Análisis de un inversor fotovoltaico según la norma ENTSO-E y características de la misma


    Sanz Sánchez, Óscar


    Este proyecto pretende analizar un inversor fotovoltaico bajo la norma ENTSO-E de conexión a red. Se comenzará con una introducción sobre el origen del uso de la energía fotovoltaica, el principio por el que se rige un panel para crear energía y las primeras aplicaciones. Se hablará de algo muy relacionado con este tipo de energía y es la radiación solar. También se expone este capítulo las ventajas y desventajas de la energía fotovoltaica y la situación en la que se encuentra de forma glo...


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    Jorge Enrique Salamanca Céspedes


    Full Text Available El presente documento presenta el resultado parcial de la investigación acerca de las tecnologías de celdas solares multijuntura para uso espacial. Asimismo, se presenta una recopilación de los pasos que se han seguido hasta la fecha en el diseño de un prototipo de paneles fotovoltaicos de acuerdo a los requerimientos físicos, eléctricos y financieros  del picosatélite Cubesat Colombia 1 de la Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas.

  12. Pv rural electrification programme at the Bolivian high plateau

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lorenzo, E.; Aguilera, J. [Instituto de Energia Solar, ETSI Telecomunicacion, (Spain)


    Since 1988 the Institute of Solar Energy of the Universidad Politecnica de Madrid is carrying out a pv rural electrification programme at the Bolivian high plateau. This programme has been focused in three aspects: the domestic electrification, users participation and transfer technology. At present, there are about 1,500 electrified dwellings distributed in the Bolivian high plateau. We have got deep knowledge about life style and organization of the aymara Indians who are the inhabitants of the working zone. We think that this knowledge can be very useful for a large scale introduction of PV solar energy in this region. Finally, we present a new way to transfer PV technology to developing countries. Thanks to this programme a group of aymara Indians is able to manufacture charge regulators and electronic ballast to use in the PV installations of the programme. [Espanol] Desde 1988 el Instituto de Energia Solar de la Universidad Politecnica de Madrid esta llevando a cabo un programa fotovoltaico de electrificacion rural en la altiplanicie Boliviana. Este programa ha sido enfocado a tres aspectos: la electrificacion domestica, la participacion de los usuarios y la transferencia de la tecnologia. Actualmente, hay alrededor de 1500 conjuntos habitacionales electrificados distribuidos en la altiplanicie Boliviana. Hemos obtenido un profundo conocimiento del estilo de vida y de la organizacion de los indios aymara que son los habitantes de la zona de trabajo. Pensamos que este conocimiento puede ser muy util para una introduccion en gran escala de la energia solar fotovoltaica en esta region. Finalmente, presentamos una nueva forma de transferir la tecnologia fotovoltaica a paises en desarrollo. Gracias a este programa un grupo de indios aymara pueden fabricar reguladores de carga y balastros electronicos para ser usados en instalaciones fotovoltaicas del programa.

  13. Pv rural electrification programme at the Bolivian high plateau

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lorenzo, E; Aguilera, J [Instituto de Energia Solar, ETSI Telecomunicacion, (Spain)


    Since 1988 the Institute of Solar Energy of the Universidad Politecnica de Madrid is carrying out a pv rural electrification programme at the Bolivian high plateau. This programme has been focused in three aspects: the domestic electrification, users participation and transfer technology. At present, there are about 1,500 electrified dwellings distributed in the Bolivian high plateau. We have got deep knowledge about life style and organization of the aymara Indians who are the inhabitants of the working zone. We think that this knowledge can be very useful for a large scale introduction of PV solar energy in this region. Finally, we present a new way to transfer PV technology to developing countries. Thanks to this programme a group of aymara Indians is able to manufacture charge regulators and electronic ballast to use in the PV installations of the programme. [Espanol] Desde 1988 el Instituto de Energia Solar de la Universidad Politecnica de Madrid esta llevando a cabo un programa fotovoltaico de electrificacion rural en la altiplanicie Boliviana. Este programa ha sido enfocado a tres aspectos: la electrificacion domestica, la participacion de los usuarios y la transferencia de la tecnologia. Actualmente, hay alrededor de 1500 conjuntos habitacionales electrificados distribuidos en la altiplanicie Boliviana. Hemos obtenido un profundo conocimiento del estilo de vida y de la organizacion de los indios aymara que son los habitantes de la zona de trabajo. Pensamos que este conocimiento puede ser muy util para una introduccion en gran escala de la energia solar fotovoltaica en esta region. Finalmente, presentamos una nueva forma de transferir la tecnologia fotovoltaica a paises en desarrollo. Gracias a este programa un grupo de indios aymara pueden fabricar reguladores de carga y balastros electronicos para ser usados en instalaciones fotovoltaicas del programa.

  14. Solar photovoltaic. Competitiveness and economic evaluation. Comparative and models; Energia solar fotovoltaica. Competitividad y evaluacion economica. comparativa y modelos

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Collado Fernandez, E.; Colmenar Santos, A.; Peire Arroba, J.; Carpio Ibanez, J.; Castro Gil, M. A.


    Limits have been evaluated in the medium and long term economic competitiveness of solar photovoltaic energy in general and Spain in particular, considering the level of evolution that must have this form of energy production, until it become cevitamin with the other traditional energy sources and other emerging growth. to conduct the study, has developed a scenario-based methodology photovoltaic, which has taken account of the Spanish state regulation because it is vital operation on the road to real competitiveness relative to other types of energy. (Author) 10 refs.

  15. Análisis del factor de rendimiento y eficiencia para centrales de generación de energía solar fotovoltaica


    Salazar Alava, Eduardo Javier


    In the present paper it shows the analysis of Performance and Efficiency for Power Generation Photovoltaic Solar Energy and Photovoltaic Systems (PV) detailed calculating the Performance Factor (PR) with variable weather conditions that directly or indirectly, changing the relationship between solar energy and electric power generation available in terminals, on the key points: the increase of temperature and its variation in the solar panel (solar cell). In addition, the PR is calculated by ...

  16. Study of the effects of the irradiation on pancreatic cells `in vivo` and `in vitro`; Estudio de los efectos de la irradiacion de celulas pancreaticas `in vivo` e `in vitro`

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Rivera, E; Cricco, G; Martin, G; Cocca, C; Bergoc, R M [Buenos Aires Univ. (Argentina). Facultad de Farmacia y Bioquimica; Croci, M [Fundacion Dr. Ernesto Crescenti, Buenos Aires (Argentina)


    los mayores danos despues de la irradiacion de cuerpo entero. En roedores, dosis de 2 a 10 Gy, producen la muerte entre 10 y 30 dias post-irradiacion, siendo el pancreas uno de los organos mas tolerantes a la radiacion ionizante. En nuestro laboratorio hemos irradiado lotes de ratas Sprague-Dawley adultas, de entre 360 y 420 g de peso, con una fuente de cesio 137 de 1,1 x10{sup 16} Bq con 2, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 12 y 15 Gy, empleandose 8 animales por dosis. La {sup 30}DL{sub 50} resultante fue de 7,14 Gy. Todos los pancreas fueron removidos cuando los animales murieron o bien cuando los sobrevivientes fueron sacrificados a los 60 dias post-irradiacion. Especimenes de 3-5 mm fueron fijados en formol-buffer, cortes de 3-4 {mu}m fueron tenidos con hematoxilina-eosina y observados microscopicamente. A dosis de 2-5 Gy no se observaron danios histologicos. A dosis mas altas, en los animales muertos a los 4-5 dias post-irradiacion se evidencio congestion capilar y en los sobrevivientes, afluencia de linfocitos en la periferia de los islotes de Langerhans. Por otra parte, se caracterizaron `in vitro` los parametros de radiosensiblidad D{sub 0} y N de celulas malignas PANC-1 derivadas de pancreas humanos, que retienen las caracteristicas tipicas de celulas ductales diferenciadas; las celulas se mantuvieron en medio RPMI 1640 suplementado con suero fetal bovino al 10%, en estufa a 37 grados C, 5% de CO{sub 2} y humedad adecuada. Las celulas se dejaron crecer a 70-80% de confluencia y en esas condiciones se las irradio con la misma fuente de cesio 137 con: 0,5; 1; 1,5; 2; 2,5; 3; 5; 8; 10; 12; 15 y 18 Gy. Los resultados obtenidos fueron: N=2 y D{sub 0}=0,75 {+-}0,12 Gy. Los resultados obtenidos permitieron caracterizar el tipo de lesiones histologicas a altas dosis y la radiosensibilidad de las celulas PANC-1. (autor)


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    Antonio Sarmiento Sera


    Full Text Available En el reporte se expone un modelo para el proceso cinético de inactivación de microorganismos en unsistema de desinfección del agua que utiliza luz ultravioleta y energía solar fotovoltaica. Se presentanlos resultados de dos experimentos y el comportamiento del modelo propuesto para la caracterizacióncinética del proceso. El sistema está analizado como una posibilidad para la desinfección del aguacon luz ultravioleta en tanques o recipientes domésticos, donde no es factible el uso de sistemas aflujo.  In the report, a model is exposed for the kinetic process of microorganisms inactivation in awater disinfecting system that uses ultraviolet light and photovoltaic solar energy. The resultsof two experiments and the behavior of the proposed model for the kinetic characterization ofthe process are presented. The system is analyzed as a possibility for the water disinfecting withultraviolet light in tanks or domestic recipients, where it is not feasible the use of flow systems.

  18. Introdução a novos processos de produção de energias renováveis no ensino secundário : célula fotovoltaica orgânica e pilha de combustível


    Lucas, João António Tolentino dos Reis


    Dissertação de Mestrado, Física para Ensino, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade do Algarve, 2004 O presente estudo foi elaborado com o principal objectivo de ser uma base de trabalho para o estudo da célula fotovoltaica e da pilha de combustível no Ensino Secundário. The present study was designed as a work basis for the study of the photovoltaic and fuel cell at High Schools.

  19. Corte de placas solares con láser. Estudio de modificaciones microestructurales

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    Ramírez Del Valle, A. J.


    Full Text Available In photovoltaic solar cells manufacturing process, system breaks are produced. Recycling improves the material profitability. In this sense, manufacturing of components with non-straight shapes is not feasible using traditional methods. The processing of these materials through Nd-YAG laser, allows manufacturing with any geometric shape. This work shows a study of solar cells cutting process with laser. First of all, it is necessary to carry out a parameter optimization in order to make an accurate material cutting. The microstructure of the cutting area and possible microcompositional changes were studied by scanning electronic miscroscopy (SEM and X-ray analysis (EDX.

    En el proceso de fabricación de placas fotovoltaicas se producen roturas de las células solares, por tanto, el reciclaje es necesario para mejorar la rentabilidad de este proceso, además, la fabricación de piezas de formas curvas no es factible por los métodos tradicionales. El procesado de estos materiales mediante un láser de Nd-YAG, permitirá la fabricación en cualquier forma geométrica además del mejor aprovechamiento de las placas desechadas por estar rotas. El presente trabajo muestra un estudio del proceso de corte de placas solares con láser. En primer lugar se procede a la optimización de los parámetros necesarios para realizar el corte de este material. La microestructura de la zona de corte y los posibles cambios microcomposicionales que se hayan podido producir, se estudian mediante microscopía electrónica de barrido, con microanálisis de energías dispersivas de Rayos X.

  20. Development of a battery-free solar refrigerator

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ewert, Michael K; Bergeron, David J. III [Houston, TX (United States)


    was replaced with a Danfoss DC compressor slightly larger than the one used in the laboratory unit. The control system was integrated onto a single electronics card and packaged with its starting capacitors. The water for thermal storage was placed behind a liner that was made to fit inside the original factory liner. The original condenser was also augmented with additional surface area to improve performance. PV panels with a total rated power of 180 watts were used. The unit was tested with very successful results in an outside ambient environment, demonstrating its potential for widespread use in many off-grid applications for solar refrigeration. [Spanish] Desarrollos tecnologicos recientes y una opcion de diseno de ingenieria de sistemas han conducido al desarrollo de un refrigerador solar practico libre de baterias como un lanzamiento de la investigacion espacial de refrigeracion de la NASA. La refrigeracion lejos de la red electrica es una buena aplicacion de la energia solar fotovoltaica (PV). El almacenamiento de energia termica esta incorporado y se hace una conexion directa entre el sistema de enfriamiento y el panel fotovoltaico. Esto se logro mediante la integracion del agua como material de cambio de fase en un gabinete de refrigerador bien aislado y desarrollando sistemas de control basados en microprocesadores, lo que permite una conexion directa de un panel de PV a un compresor de velocidad variable. Esta segunda innovacion tambien permitio el rastreo de punto de potencia maxima del panel de PV y la eliminacion de baterias de sistema. Primero se desarrollo una unidad de laboratorio para demostrar el concepto y luego se produjo una unidad comercial y se demostro en una prueba de campo. La unidad de laboratorio se uso para probar muchas configuraciones diferentes incluyendo el efecto termoelectrico, los sistemas de enfriamiento de compresion de vapor y el Stirling. La configuracion final utilizo un ciclo de enfriamiento de compresion de vapor

  1. Water pumping system using solar photovoltaic induction motor; Sistema de bombeamento de agua com energia solar fotovoltaica utilizando motor de inducao trifasico

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Andrade, Eduardo Henrique Pereira de; Bezerra, Luiz Daniel Santos; Antunes, Fernando Luiz Marcelo [Universidade Federal do Ceara (DEE/PPGEE/UFC), Fortaleza, CE (Brazil). Dept. de Engenharia Eletrica. Programa de Pos -Graduacao em Engenharia Eletrica; Borges Neto, Manuel Rangel [Centro Federal de Educacao Tecnologica de Petrolina (CEFET), PE (Brazil)


    One of the main difficulties to people who live in remote areas or isolated community and not grid connected, certainly is to access potable drink water. In the world, more than 6000 children dies everyday by some kind of illnesses associated to non-potable drink water. At state of Ceara, during the dry weather periods, remain water reservoir becomes practically a mud puddle, as a result, people and animals are forced to drink this inappropriate water. To minimize this consequences in this periods some water is distributed by tankers but, sometimes, even this water is not enough potable. Underground water is an alternative to mitigate this problem. The most common technique is the use of direct current (DC) pumps set supplied by solar photovoltaic systems. However, this kind of pump-set is relatively expensive and too hard to maintain. This paper brings an alternative lower expensive and sustainable to water pumping system, it uses a three phase induction machine coupled to an underwater centrifugal pump supplied by solar photovoltaic energy system. (author)

  2. Placa cerámica fotovoltaica para fachadas ventiladas

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    Pastrana, A.


    Full Text Available Gres de la Mancha, in response to the increasing demand for friendly with the environment products, and realizing towards the use of renewable energies and the energy efficiency in the construction, has developed his new ceramic ecological photovoltaic panel ECOCERAVOLT developed for its use in systems of Ventilated Façade. ECOCERAVOLT joins the benefits of the ventilated façade (energy saving, thermal - acoustic isolation, increase of the comfort in the buildings, reduction of the emission of CO2, etc. and the generation of electrical energy without compromising neither the aesthetics of the frontage, not of the building. This way, it puts itself in value on the direct and indirect exhibition to the sun of the frontages, which happen of being passive elements of closing and decoration, to be generators of a clean energy for proper or commercial use. ECOCERAVOLT, due to its design, does not need to be hidden, as it happens with other photovoltaic generators. These technical and innovative merits imply the entire optimization of the installed revetment in addition to creating a criterion of sustainability and energy efficiency.

    Gres de La Mancha, en respuesta a la demanda creciente por productos medioambientalmente amigables, y su concienciación hacia el uso de energías renovables y la eficiencia energética en la construcción, ha lanzado su nueva placa cerámica ecológica fotovoltaica ECOCERAVOLT concebida para su uso en sistemas de fachada ventilada. ECOCERAVOLT aúna los beneficios de la fachada ventilada (ahorro energético, asilamiento térmico-acústico, aumento del confort en los edificios, reducción de las emisiones de CO2, etc. y la generación de energía eléctrica sin comprometer la estética de la fachada, ni del edificio. De este modo, se pone en valor la exposición directa e indirecta al sol de las fachadas, que pasan de ser elementos pasivos de cerramiento y decoración, a ser generadores de una

  3. Energy saving plan: use of solar energy in the university of Valencia (Spain); Uso de la energia solar en la universidad de Valencia (Espana) para ahorrar energia electrica

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Gomez Gomez Amo, J.L.; Tena, F.; Martinez Lozano, J.A.; Utrillas, M.P. [Grupo de Radiacion Solar, Universidad de Valencia (Spain)


    The University of Valencia financed a pilot project that would study the installation's feasibility of a generating station with photovoltaic energy, solar type, in order to replace or complement conventional sources of energy. This paper presents some of the preliminary results of the study's application in an University building, along with the analysis of the initial situation and the proposals for the handling of reactive energy and the outer and inner lighting as solutions for energy saving. This experimental project entitled Study of the Energy Saving Strategies and the Viability of Installing Solar Energy equipment in the Buildings of the University of Valencia throws preliminary data specifying the amount of investment necessary to obtain real annual benefits, as well as the recovery time of the investment and the beneficial ecological impact in quantitative terms of a measurable CO{sub 2} reduction. [Spanish] La Universidad de Valencia financio un proyecto piloto que estudiaria la factibilidad de instalacion de una estacion generadora de energia fotovoltaica de tipo solar para sustituir o complementar fuentes convencionales de energia. Este trabajo presenta algunos de los resultados preliminares de la aplicacion del estudio en un edificio de la Universidad junto con el analisis de la situacion inicial y las propuestas del manejo de energia reactiva, de iluminacion exterior e interior como soluciones para el ahorro de energia. Este proyecto experimental titulado Estudio de las estrategias del ahorro de la energia y de la viabilidad de instalar energia solar en los edificios de la Universidad de Valencia arroja datos preliminares que especifican el monto de la inversion necesaria para obtener beneficios anuales reales, asi como el tiempo de recuperacion de la inversion y el impacto ecologico benefico en terminos cuantitativos de una reduccion cuantificable de CO{sub 2}.

  4. Modelo genérico de celdas fotovoltaicas


    Fernández, Herman; Martínez, Abelardo; Guzmán, Víctor Manuel; Giménez, María Isabel


    Este trabajo presenta el modelado y la simulación en PSpice de un circuito que se comporta eléctricamente como un panel solar. El modelo permite seleccionar un circuito que representa una única celda o combinaciones de múltiples celdas solares conectadas en serie y paralelo. La evaluación del modelo se realiza mediante una herramienta computacional, que permite ingresar parámetros relacionados con el número de celdas conectadas en distintas configuraciones serie-paralelo, las resistencias de ...

  5. Autonomous system for wireless network communication powered by photovoltaic solar energy; Sistema autonomo de comunicacao sem fio em malha alimentado por energia solar fotovoltaica

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Alonso, Rafael Herrero


    The wireless mesh network communication technology, based on the IEEE802.11 standard, has been a relevant technology solution for wireless networking in the recent years. However, even with the elimination of cables for data communication, the wireless mesh networks have to be connected to a voltage source using an electrical cable that may not be available at the local installation. In this scenario, being Brazil a country located in a tropical zone that receives large annual solar irradiation, the conversion of photons to electricity can be an alternative to eliminate the needs of wiring to the mesh access points. This work contributes to the development of autonomous wireless mesh communication systems powered by solar energy, with easy installation in urban or rural areas. This work also describes its evaluations in aspects such as autonomy, wireless coverage, number of users supported, installation height and throughput. (author)

  6. The Sun, our prosperity; El Sol, nuestra prosperidad

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Nair, P. Karunakaran [Centro de Investigacion en Energia (CIE) de la UNAM, Temixco, Morelos (Mexico)


    In the collection of solar radiation for the photo thermal conversion or photovoltaic solar energy, the challenge is to find the materials own technologies, in particular for semiconductor materials. These materials must be in the form of thin films able to cover large areas with little material to lower the cost of solar technology. In the photovoltaic conversion emerge the cell technologies in thin films. These materials interact with solar radiation on a selective basis: they have to absorb, transmit and reflect in a different way in the ultraviolet region, visible and infrared solar radiation. For optical coatings of this type, the challenge is that they are stable under the solar radiation. When a layer of optical absorption of solar radiation in the semiconductor coating results in an electronic effect, as in solar cells, this is an opto-electronic coating. We present here some progress on the subject in the Center of Energy Research of the Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico. [Spanish] En la captacion de la radiacion solar para la conversion fototermica o fotovoltaica de la energia solar, el reto es encontrar tecnologias propias de materiales, en particular para los materiales semiconductores. Estos materiales deben ser en forma de peliculas delgadas capaces de cubrir grandes areas con poco material para abatir el costo de la tecnologia solar. En la conversion fotovoltaica surgen las tecnologias de celdas solares en peliculas delgadas. Estos materiales interactuan con la radiacion solar de manera selectiva: deben absorber, transmitir y reflejar de manera distinta en la region ultravioleta, visible e infrarrojo de la radiacion solar. Para los recubrimientos opticos de este tipo, el reto es que sean estables bajo la radiacion solar. Cuando una capa optica de absorcion de la radiacion solar en el recubrimiento semiconductor resulta en un efecto electronico, como en las celdas solares, se trata de un recubrimiento opto-electronico. Se presentan aqui algunos

  7. Life-cycle optimization model for distributed generation in buildings (United States)

    Safaei, Amir

    principal objetivo desta tese de doutoramento foi desenvolver um modelo para otimizar o desenho e operacao de sistemas de GD para o setor da construcao de edificios comerciais em Portugal, considerando os respetivos Impactes de Ciclo de Vida (IAVC) e Custos de Ciclo de Vida (CCV), de modo a satisfazer as necessidades energeticas do edificio. Tres tipos de tecnologias de cogeracao (Micro-Turbinas, Motores de combustao interna, e Celulas combustiveis de Oxido solido), e dois tipos de tecnologias de energia solar, solar termica e fotovoltaica, constituem os sistemas de GD que sao acoplados aos sistemas convencionais. Foi desenvolvido um modelo de CV, tendo em conta todos os impactes relacionados com a construcao e operacao dos sistemas de energia, bem como os processos a montante relacionados com a producao do GN. Em particular, o mix de GN consumido em Portugal em 2011 foi identificado (60% da Nigeria, 40% da Argelia) e os impactes relativos a cada uma das vias de abastecimento foram avaliados separadamente para quatro categorias de impacte ambiental: Consumo de Energia Primaria (CEP), Gases com Efeito de Estufa (GEE), acidificacao, e eutrofizacao. Devido a importancia das emissoes de GEE na formulacao de politicas, foi tambem realizada uma analise de incerteza as emissoes de GEE do GN fornecido a Portugal. Foi desenvolvido um modelo matematico, em linguagem de Programacao General Algebraic Modeling System (GAMS), que utiliza os resultados da ACV dos sistemas de energia e as suas implicacoes economicas para minimizar o CCV e IACV ao longo de um horizonte de planeamento definido pelo decisor. Foram derivadas fronteiras otimas de Pareto, representando as relacoes entre o tipo de IACV (CEP, GEE, acidificacao, eutrofizacao) e CCV decorrentes da satisfacao das necessidades energeticas do edificio. Para aumentar a robustez do modelo, dada a incerteza dos precos dos combustiveis (GN e eletricidade), foi desenvolvido um modelo de custos robusto para os sistemas de GD, que e menos

  8. Photovoltaic solar energy like an alternative in the urban spaces; La energia solar fotovoltaica como una alternativa en los espacios urbanos

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bosque, G. S.; Domingo, M. N.; Puig, J.


    The present report is a study about the possibility and viability of installing photovoltaic panels at the roof of neighbourhood buildings in the Districte de l'Eixmple of Barcelona. Its purpose is to raise awareness among the population about the actual problem of climate change, having the cities as a key element to encourage energy saving and reducing emissions of carbon dioxide (CO{sub 2}). The results show and approximate value of surface and power needed to satisfy the household energy consumption for the inhabitants in Barcelona and Catatonia with solar energy. The results also show a comparative in the Districte de l'Eixample in its three main dimensions: socio-economic, environmental and politic. (Author)


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    Samuel Alves Boitrago


    Full Text Available RESUMO: Este estudo teve como objetivo verificar a viabilidade técnica e econômica de implantação de um sistema de bombeamento utilizando a energia solar fotovoltaica para captação de água. Caracterizou-se como local do estudo a comunidade de Ilha Caiapós, situada no Norte de Minas Gerais, devido à ausência de energia elétrica para o suprimento do bombeamento de água. A localidade apresentou características favoráveis para implantação do sistema de captação utilizando a energia solar fotovoltaica, visto que há grande intensidade de sol e calor durante todo o ano. O sistema de captação estudado apresentou eficiência para atender a demanda da localidade em um horizonte de 20 anos, além de ser uma tecnologia limpa e renovável. ABSTRACT: This study aimed to verify the technical and economic implementing viability of a pumping system using photovoltaic solar energy for water abstraction. For this, the study was conducted in Caiapós Island community, located in North of Minas Gerais, and the choice of this location is due to lack of electricity supply to the water pump. This site showed favorable characteristics for capture system implantation using photovoltaic solar energy, since there is high solar and heat intensity throughout the year. Thus, the capture system studied showed efficiency to meet the local demand in a 20-year horizon, in addition to being a clean and renewable technology.

  10. Compensación de sobretensiones en redes eléctricas con generadores fotovoltaicos


    Albarracín Sánchez, Ricardo


    El presente documento está estructurado según sigue. En el capítulo 1 se hace una exposición sobre el estado del arte referente al problema de sobretensiones que presentan los sistemas eléctricos con presencia de generadores fotovoltaicos. En el capítulo 2 se explica brevemente qué se entiende por energía solar fotovoltaica y se presenta un estudio detallado sobre recurso solar. En el capítulo 3 se presenta el modelo completo de un sistema fotovoltaico conectado a la red elé...

  11. Las nuevas cadenas de agroenergía


    Fraguío, Martín


    La visión moderna de la energía asume que la fuente de energía es el sol y no los fósiles. Esta energía solar se manifiesta de distintas formas: el viento que puede generar electricidad moviendo molinos en granjas eólicas, la lluvia que forma los ríos que circulan por usinas hidroeléctricas o hidrokinéticas, los rayos solares que activan células fotovoltaicas o calentadores solares y, sobre todo, el mecanismo más eficiente y base de la cadena trófica terrestre, la fotosíntesis. En los últi...

  12. Contribuição ao desenvolvimento de tecnologia de fabricação de celulas solares utilizando "dopant papers"


    Alexandre Guass Junior


    Resumo: Este trabalho teve como objetivo o desenvolvimento de um conjunto de processos de baixo custo para fabricação de células solares. As células solares foram fabricadas utilizando lâminas de silício monocristalino, com orientação cristalografica e resistividade típica de 4.1 à 9.0, tipo p dopadas com boro. Ajunção n-p foi obtida por difusão usando papéis dopantes. Estes papéis são de dois tipos, os que possuem boro e os com fósforo.A montagem de um conjunto de lâminas de s...


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    Antonio Sarmiento Sera


    Full Text Available En un reporte anterior, se expusieron resultados de la aplicación de la energía solar fotovoltaica y la luzultravioleta para la desinfección del agua en el ámbito de experimentos de laboratorio.En el presente informe se presentan características energéticas solares vinculadas con la captación deenergía por los paneles fotovoltaicos y relacionadas con las facilidades energéticas que poseen lasescuelas primarias rurales en Cuba.También se reportan los resultados de la primera etapa experimental en condiciones naturales de tresescuelas primarias rurales del Municipio de Consolación del Sur, Pinar del Río, en la desinfección delagua que utilizan los alumnos para el consumo directo.Los resultados expuestos reflejan el comportamiento satisfactorio del método utilizado, así como susposibilidades para la proyección o generalización en todo el municipio.  In a previous report, results of the application of the photovoltaic solar energy and ultravioletlight were showed for laboratory disinfecting water experiments.In this paper, solar energy characteristics are presented linked with the energy reception by thephotovoltaic panels and related with the energy facilities that the rural primary schools have inCuba.The results of the first experimental stage are also reported under natural conditions of threerural primary schools of the Municipality of Consolación del Sur, Pinar del Río, in the waterdisinfection of the water that the students use for the direct consumption.The exposed results reflect the satisfactory behavior of the utilized method, as well as theirpossibilities for the projection or generalization in the whole municipality.

  14. Expresión de las moléculas del Complejo Mayor de Histocompatibilidad clase II y moléculas co-estimuladoras en carcinomas orales in vitro


    Villarroel, Mariana; Speight, Paul M.; Barrett, A. William


    El descubrimiento de que el epitelio escamoso estratificado que cubre la mucosa oral podia expresar moleculas del Complejo Mayor de Histocompatibilidad clase II en varias condiciones patologicas de tipo inflamatorio abrio la posibilidad de que los queratinocitos orales sean celulas inmunologicamente activas, las cuales pueden funcionar con .celulas presentadoras de antigenos'ñ. Para una efectiva activacion de los linfocitos T, las celulas presentadoras de antigenos requie...

  15. Estudio de la influencia de la refrigeracion con aire de forma natural e inducida en el comportamiento de instalaciones fotovoltaicas (United States)

    Mazon Hernandez, Rocio

    The aim is to analyse the negative influence of high panel temperatures on electrical production when they are placed on steel roofs of industrial buildings and greenhouse roofs. Different configurations have been tested in order to allow cooling of photovoltaic panels to decrease panel temperature and improve electrical performance. To research this problem two experimental facilities have been built. The first facility includes two panels fixed on a structure. A panel is integrated on a parallel steel plate which does not allow sufficient cooling. Between both surfaces, there is an open air channel in which an air flow is created by the chimney effect thus cooling the panel by natural convection or inducing air, using a fan, by forced convection. The other panel has not any plate underneath it and is used as a referent. The electrical behaviour of the integrated panel has been studied for different air gaps and induced velocities, being also compared with the reference panel. An experimental model was developed to establish correlations which allow determine the panel temperature depending on the influential variables on the cooling ability. This research also analyses the data of a working solar plant, with the same panel model, obtaining the correlations between electrical variables and panel temperature. A comparison with the electrical behaviour in the experimental facility and the solar plant is also presented. The second experimental facility is a replica of a photovoltaic greenhouse. It consists of four photovoltaic panels placed on the plastic roof, providing an open and divergent channel between both surfaces thus creating an air flow by natural convection. This research studies the effect of high temperatures within the greenhouse which is transferred by the roof and thus affects the electrical production. In addition, two air gaps were used and the effect of adding insulating material to the plastic roof was studied. The electrical variables of the

  16. Evolución hacia la cerámica fotovoltaica

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    Sánchez-Muñoz, L.


    respuestas físico-químicas específicas frente a las radiaciones y a los campos electromagnéticos, y sus principales beneficios económicos están ligados sobre todo con las necesidades humanas secundarias tales como las telecomunicaciones. Como consecuencia de la actual crisis de carácter global, las construcciones tradicionales pudieran ser rehabilitadas y/o sustituidas por edificios con eficiencia energética, también denominados edificios de energía cero. En ellos existe equilibrio entre la energía consumida y la producida “in situ”, y utilizan materiales respetuosos con el Medioambiente. La consecuencia directa de esta tendencia será la evolución de la cerámica por hibridación parcial de sus dos ancestros, con especial protagonismo de los semiconductores, hacia la producción de energía eléctrica, materiales a los que en este trabajo denominamos cerámica fotovoltaica.


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    Pedro Alves Fontes


    Full Text Available No mundo atual os tipos de produção de energias são, em sua maioria, muito poluentes e degradam o meio ambiente. A busca por energias não poluentes tornou-se a principal linha de pesquisa junto às energias alternativas, porque são abundantes na natureza e não degradam o meio ambiente, como por exemplo, a Fotovoltaica (FV. O nordeste brasileiro é uma região promissora nesse tipo de geração de energia, devido a grande incidência de irradiação solar. Bacabal, cidade central do Maranhão, encontra-se em uma boa localização em relação à Linha do Equador o que a torna favorável para o estudo de energia solar. Mostra-se neste trabalho a análise da possível implantação de um sistema FV no Instituto Federal do Maranhão (IFMA. Comprovando-se, com gráficos e tabelas simulados em plataformas nacionais, a viabilidade e a eficiência desta forma de obtenção de energia, bem como a contribuição para a preservação do meio ambiente com a não emissão de dióxido de carbono (CO2, quando se deixa de usar as energias advindas de hidrelétricas.

  18. Adhesive market develops new technologies. The thin-film solar cells gain ground; El mercado de adhesivos desarrolla nuevas tecnologias. Las celulas solares de capa fina ganan terreno

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kluke, M.


    The solar industry is booming. thin-film technology is experiencing a high demand as promised cost advantages and currently is providing excellent results, while a range of efficiency reaches acceptable. (Author)

  19. Estudio energético del sistema eléctrico en Ecuador. Impulso a la Energía Solar Fotovoltaica


    Eras Almeida, Andrea Alejandra


    La realización de este proyecto en base a la legislación que promueve el desarrollo de la energía limpia, pretende mostrar los cambios que tendrá la matriz energética del Ecuador si se impone un aporte renovable a la producción de energía y sus beneficios con sus futuros proyectos emblemáticos. Así también, pretende el impulso a la energía solar fotovolataica a nivel de construcciones fijas, con inversión privada y para beneficio de la sociedad misma.

  20. The photovoltaic solar technology in a semi-arid Piaui region: case study; A tecnologia solar fotovoltaica no semi-arido piauiense: estudo de caso

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Moraes, Albemerc Moura de; Trigoso, Federico B. Morante [Universidade Federal do ABC (UFABC), Santo Andre, SP (Brazil). Centro de Engenharia, Modelagem e Ciencias Sociais Aplicadas. Programa de Pos Graduacao em Energia


    The following work has as objective to present some results of a research of field carried through in the Piaui semi-arid region that it aimed at to verify the use of the photovoltaic solar technology. For this six questionnaires in three rural communities of three municipal territories of the State in the valley of the river Caninde had been applied. It was verified that due to lack of maintenance of these systems good part of them left to still function in the first years of its installation. Although this almost all the interviewed ones had revealed signal of approval to the electric energy proceeding from these systems for the community use, however they had questioned the lack of maintenance of these and had revealed interested in possessing access in its residences of this so important good is useful, the electricity. (author)

  1. Desarrollo de sustratos conductores sin corrosión para aplicaciones fotovoltaicas sobre gres porcelánico mediante el proceso “libre de electrodos”

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    Reyes-Tolosa, M. D.


    Full Text Available In the incipient world of functional industrial ceramics with photovoltaic applications, there is a need to reduce production costs while maximizing the systems’ useful life. The thin contact layers currently being manufactured are based on vacuum systems with high production costs and major problems of accelerated corrosion in photovoltaic applications. The electroless process produces very even and compact layers with very low costs through chelate-based chemicals. These layers have been formulated in this study with a view to obtaining appropriate electric characteristics for an optimum photoelectric performance in the assemblies. The morphological requirements are previously fitted through a glaze that acts as a barrier layer between the deposited coating and the porcelain tile, applied through tape casting. The characterisation of the metal layers obtained is started by SEM, an AFM and the Hall effect in order to determine the morphology and chemical characteristics required for these contact layers. The electric characterisation also allows their capacity for offering an optimum performance in the assemblies to be assessed. Finally, the performance of these layers with respect to corrosion is assessed in order to complete the assessment of their industrial suitability.

    En el incipiente mundo de las cerámicas industriales funcionales con aplicaciones fotovoltaicas existe la necesidad de reducir costes de producción al tiempo que se maximiza la vida útil de los sistemas. Las capas delgadas para contactos que se fabrican en la actualidad se basan en sistemas a vacio con altos costes de producción y una fuerte problemática de corrosión acelerada en aplicaciones fotovoltaicas. El proceso “libre de electrodos” (“electroless” produce por vía química a partir de quelatos capas muy uniformes y compactas con costes muy reducidos. En el presente trabajo se formulan estas capas con vistas a conseguir características el

  2. The solar energy photovoltaic one option to the Cuban rural electrification

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Alabart, J. A. [Centro de Investigaciones de Energia Solar (CIES), (Cuba); Friedman, D. [ECOSOL (COPEXTELL S. A.), (Cuba); Ramos, R.; Moreira, J.; Batista, I.; Garcia, R.; Rodriguez, M. [Centro de Investigaciones de Energia Solar (CIES), (Cuba)


    celdas solares a partir de oblea importada (1997-2005); 3. Produccion de obleas de silicon monocristalino a partir de silicon policristalino (1998-2005); 4. Produccion de silicon policristalino a partir de arena silicea cubana (2000-2005); 5. Desarrollo e introduccion de nuevas tecnologias para la produccion de celdas solares (2000-2005). La combinacion del Programa de Desarrollo Fotovoltaico y el Programa de Electrificacion Rural asegurara el suministro de electricidad al 100% de la poblacion cubana y al mismo tiempo acelerara la infraestructura tecnologica, industrial y de investigacion sobre la cual una industria fotovoltaica de gran escala se apoyara. La puesta en practica de tal programa hara impacto en la Red Electrica Nacional (REN), evitando la necesidad de nuevas instalaciones de generacion basadas en combustibles fosiles.

  3. The solar energy photovoltaic one option to the Cuban rural electrification

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Alabart, J A [Centro de Investigaciones de Energia Solar (CIES), (Cuba); Friedman, D [ECOSOL (COPEXTELL S. A.), (Cuba); Ramos, R; Moreira, J; Batista, I; Garcia, R; Rodriguez, M [Centro de Investigaciones de Energia Solar (CIES), (Cuba)


    celdas solares a partir de oblea importada (1997-2005); 3. Produccion de obleas de silicon monocristalino a partir de silicon policristalino (1998-2005); 4. Produccion de silicon policristalino a partir de arena silicea cubana (2000-2005); 5. Desarrollo e introduccion de nuevas tecnologias para la produccion de celdas solares (2000-2005). La combinacion del Programa de Desarrollo Fotovoltaico y el Programa de Electrificacion Rural asegurara el suministro de electricidad al 100% de la poblacion cubana y al mismo tiempo acelerara la infraestructura tecnologica, industrial y de investigacion sobre la cual una industria fotovoltaica de gran escala se apoyara. La puesta en practica de tal programa hara impacto en la Red Electrica Nacional (REN), evitando la necesidad de nuevas instalaciones de generacion basadas en combustibles fosiles.

  4. Casos de integración arquitectónica de sistemas fotovoltaicos. Un abordaje matricial desde las formas, los usos y los significados.

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    Mg. Arq. Claudia Alejandra Pilar


    Full Text Available La posibilidad de que los edificios generen una parte de la energía que consumen, significa un cambio paradigmático. Una de las características de la energía solar fotovoltaica (FV es su capacidad de integrarse en la envolvente edilicia protegiendo del exceso de ganancia solar y generando energía simultáneamente, restituyendo la conexión entre lo construido y los flujos de la naturaleza, aunque sea parcialmente. El presente artículo aborda casos de obras de distintas escalas con integración solar arquitectónica, a partir de matrices analítico valorativas en la que se interrelaciona las categorías formas, usos y significados con las variables practicabilidad, espacialidad, materialidad y habitabilidad.

  5. ISES International Solar Energy Society working committee report. Comitati di lavoro ISES: Rapporto del Comitato Energia Fotovoltaica della Sezione Italiana dell'ISES

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Belcastro, G.N. (Ente Nazionale per l' Energia Elettrica, Rome (Italy)); De Lillo, A.; Messana, C. (ENEA, Casaccia (Italy). Area Energetica)

    In Italy, the potential for photovoltaic power production has been estimated at about 40,000 billion kWh/year. Given that this nation's total power demand is about 200 billion kWh/year, it's obvious that even the limited use of this renewable energy source would significantly reduce national dependency on foreign energy supplies. In this context, this paper assesses the prospects for the development of photovoltaic energy in Italy. The various aspects covered include: the current level of technology and national manufacturing capabilities; planned R D investments to the year 2000; current and future solar cell and module efficiency levels; the most promising solar cell materials; photovoltaic equipment manufacturing costs; grid connected demonstration plants operating world-wide; photovoltaic power production costs; environmental impacts; world market structure and major manufacturers; suitable applications; and legislated Italian national development incentives.

  6. Photovoltaic energy: global market perspectives; Energia fotovoltaica: perspectivas de mercado mundial

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Moreira, Jose G.S.; Fabrizy, Marie P. [Sao Paulo Univ., SP (Brazil). Inst. de Eletrotecnica e Energia


    The global market of the solar photovoltaic energy has been mainly concentrated in the residential sector. However, there is a strong tendency to apply solar photovoltaic panels linked to the utilities power systems. Besides, that is the only case in which an increase in the cells production scale would be justified because it would reduce the production and new technologies research costs 3 figs., 1 tab.; e-mail: gui at

  7. Aplicación electrónica para el ahorro de energía eléctrica utilizando una energía alternativa

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    Juan Carlos Cruz-Ardila


    Full Text Available El artículo presenta un trabajo orientado a disminuir el consumo de energía eléctrica entregada por la red eléctrica convencional, a través del aprovechamiento de la energía solar fotovoltaica. Se propone el diseño de un sistema de transferencia electrónica que facilita el uso de la energía eléctrica DC proveniente del panel solar, suprimiendo de esta manera, la utilización del inversor de voltaje, comúnmente usado en este tipo de aplicaciones y que eleva el costo de utilización de la energía solar. Se da a conocer inicialmente una revisión del estado del arte, que permite contextualizar el problema resuelto a partir de una energía renovable como la fotovoltaica, destacándose que actualmente España es el país con mayor desarrollo en este tema. Luego, se muestra el desarrollo secuencial del sistema de alimentación y la transferencia electrónica, haciendo una descripción de las variables identificadas y explicación, con el uso de diagramas de flujo, del sistema embebido implementado. También se da una descripción de los dispositivos usados tal como el sensor de corriente, la regulación y la rectificación. Se muestra el esquemático de la transferencia implementada. Finalmente, se revelan los resultados y las pruebas operacionales realizadas al sistema para demostrar la funcionalidad de la aplicación electrónica en el ahorro de la energía eléctrica utilizando una energía alternativa.

  8. Photovoltaic power plants maintenance; El mantenimiento en plantas fotovoltaicas

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Suanzes, F.; Rodelgo, I.


    It is reviewed the evolution of the maintenance contracts in solar facilities in a young environment and with a large projection. Thus, is described the preventive maintenance in this kind of facilities, and are also analyzed the most relevant cases of corrective maintenance. (Author)

  9. A bone tissue engineering strategy based on starch scaffolds and bone marrow cells cultured in a flow perfusion bioreactor (United States)

    Gomes, Maria Manuela Estima

    A Engenharia de Tecidos e uma area cientifica em continua expansao. Os desenvolvimentos conseguidos por esta area tem contribuido significativamente para diversos avancos no campo da Medicina Regenerativa. Esta ciencia interdisciplinar combina os conhecimentos de diversas outras areas, tao distintas como a Engenharia de Materiais e a Biologia, com o objectivo de desenvolver substitutos sinteticos para tecidos humanos. Para se atingir este objectivo utilizam-se, de uma forma generica, combinacoes especificas de celulas e de um material de suporte tridimensional com propriedades adequadas, gerando um material hibrido cujas caracteristicas podem ainda ser moduladas atraves do sistema de cultura usado. A presente tese e centrada no desenvolvimento de estrategias de engenharia de tecido osseo baseadas na cultura in vitro de celulas previamente "semeadas" num suporte tridimensional ("scaffold"). Esta estrategia permite que as celulas adiram ao suporte, proliferem e segreguem matriz extracelular especifica do tecido osseo, ate se obter um substituto artificial funcional com caracteristicas do tecido original, que pode finalmente ser transplantado para tratar o defeito em causa. Para que uma estrategia deste tipo seja bem sucedida, pelo menos tres componentes fundamentais devem ser cuidadosamente estudados: o material de suporte (scaffold), as celulas a usar e o sistema de cultura in vitro. Dai que os principais objectivos desta tese estejam relacionados com estes tres aspectos, nomeadamente: • Desenvolvimento de scaffolds biodegradaveis a partir de polimeros a base de amido de milho que induzam a adesao e proliferacao celular e que apresentem propriedades adequadas, tais como a porosidade e interconectividade entre poros, de forma a proporcionar um ambiente que favoreca o desenvolvimento in vitro de um material hibrido com caracteristicas similares ao osso humano. • Estudo da utilizacao de celulas da medula ossea como uma potencial fonte de celulas para engenharia do

  10. Comparação do desempenho de duas bombas acopladas diretamente a geradores fotovoltaicos


    Marco Antônio Steigleder


    No Brasil, assim como em outros países que recebem abundantes quantidades de radiação solar durante todo o ano, há um grande potencial para os sistemas que usam a tecnologia fotovoltaica para promover o bombeamento de água. Entretanto, a escolha dos conjuntos de motores e bombas mais adequados para cada situação passa pela análise do desempenho dos sistemas de bombeamento. Portanto, devem ser analisadas tanto as melhores configurações de geradores fotovoltaicos destinados a operar os conjunto...

  11. Energia solar aplicada al bombeig hidràulic en una central hidroelèctrica


    Fernández Reig, Pau


    El present projecte té com a objectiu fonamental convertir la coberta d’una nau industrial en un element actiu de captació i transformació de l’energia fotovoltaica per a posteriorment ser utilitzada en l’accionament d’una bomba hidràulica que impulsarà aigua cap a un embassament superior, possibilitant-ne una futura obtenció d’energia elèctrica turbinant aquesta aigua que ha sigut bombejada. Si bé l’abast del projecte es centra fonamentalment en el polígon industrial de Berga i en la pres...

  12. Opioid system manipulation during testicular development: results on sperm production and sertoli cells population = Manipulação do sistema opioidérgico durante o desenvolvimento testicular: consequência sobre a produção espermática e a população de células de sertoli

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    Fernanda Mafra Cajú


    Full Text Available The Sertoli cell has fundamental importance to the development andmaintenance of spermatogenesis, as well as it has a directly proportional numerical relationship to sperm production. The proliferative period of this cell in rats occurs between 13 days pre-natal and 21 days pos-natal, when is established the final population in adult animals. The Leydig cell can modulate the Sertoli cell proliferation during fetal and neonatal periodƒn throughƒnƒnƒÒ-endorphin. The manipulation of opioidergic system can promote changes in parameters related to development of nervous, endocrine andreproductive systems. By the way, the main purpose of this present work was to compare the effects of the blockade of opioid receptor blocking in Sertoli cells using naltrexone (50 mg kg-1 during fetal and neonatal period in Wistar rats. According to the results, themanipulation of opioidergic system during pre-natal period reduced the total length of seminiferous tubule and Sertoli cell population in adult rats, but sperm production was normal because this cell has had a compensatory response for spermatozoids support capacity.As celulas de Sertoli tem fundamental importancia para o desenvolvimento e manutencao da espermatogenese, bem como possuem uma relacao numerica diretamente proporcional com a producao espermatica. O periodo proliferativo destas celulas em ratos ocorre entre 13 dias pre-natal e 21 dias pos-natal, resultando na definicao da populacao decelulas de Sertoli nos animais adultos. As celulas de Leydig podem modular a proliferacao das celulas de Sertoli durante o periodo fetal e neonatal por meio da ƒÒ-endorfina. A manipulacao do sistema opioidergico durante esta fase pode promover alteracoes em parametros relacionados com o desenvolvimento dos sistemas nervoso, endocrino ereprodutivo. Em virtude disto, o objetivo do presente trabalho foi comparar os efeitos do bloqueio de receptores opioides nas celulas de Sertoli, utilizando o naltrexone (50 mg kg

  13. Nucleic Acids and Protein Metabolism of Bone Marrow Cells Studied by Means of Tritiumlabelled Precursors; Etude du Metabolisme des Acides Nucleiques et des Proteines dans les Cellules de la Moelle Osseuse, a l'Aide de Precurseurs Trities; 0418 0437 0443 0414 ; Estudio con Ayuda de Precursores Tritiados del Metabolismo de los acidos Nucleicos y de las Proteinas en las Celulas de la Medula Osea;

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Gavosto, F. [Istituto di Clinica Medica Generale e Centro di Studi Fisico-Biologici, Universita de Turin, Turin (Italy)


    . L'auteur examine ensuite la diminution et la dissociation du metabolisme de l'ARN et des proteines, dans les cellules de sujets atteints de leucemie aiguee, par rapport aux anomalies bien connues que presente le processus de maturation de ces cellules. (author) [Spanish] El autor examina las ventajas que presenta el empleo de los compuestos marcados con tritio en la tecnica autorradiografica. En efecto, los electrones emitidos por el tritio tienen una energia maxima de 0,018 MeV, que corresponde, aproximadamente, a un alcance de 1 miera en una emulsion fotografica y permiten, por lo tanto, lograr el maximo poder de resolucion al nivel celular y subcelular. Ello es particularmente util para estudiar fenomenos metabolicos en tejidos que se componen, como en el caso de la medula osea, de celulas de varios tipos en diversos estados de diferenciacion. Esta tecnica se ha aplicado al estudio del metabolismo de los acidos nucleicos y de las proteinas en las celulas normales y leucemicas de la medula osea. El metabolismo del acido desoxirribonucleico se ha estudiado utilizando un precursor especifico, la timidina-{sup 3}H. Comparando los elementos normales y leucemicos que han alcanzado un grado de madurez analogo, se han observado diferencias significativas en el porcentaje de celulas marcadas. Especialmente, en los casos de leucemia aguda, se ha comprobado que la incorporacion de timidina en las celulas leucemicas disminuye muy notablemente. Se estima que estos resultados constituyen una prueba de que la capacidad de proliferacion de estas celulas disminuye en comparacion con la de los mieloblastos normales. Por este mismo procedimiento, se ha estudiado el metabolismo del acido ribonucleico y de las proteinas, utilizando como precursores uridina-{sup 3}H, leucina-{sup 3}H y fenilalanina-{sup 3}H. Actualmente, en biologia celular se admite sin reservas la existencia de una estrecha relacion entre el metabolismo del acido ribonucleico y el de las proteinas. Ademas, se ha

  14. ORF Alignment: NC_002570 [GENIUS II[Archive

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available NC_002570 gi|15613166 >1ceo0 7 334 45 353 9e-20 ... dbj|BAB04322.1| endo-beta-1,4-glucanase ( B) [Bacillus halodurans C-125] ... ref|NP_241469.1| endo-beta-1,4-glucanase (celulas...e B) ... [Bacillus halodurans C-125] pir||C83725 ... endo-beta-1,4-glucanase (celulase B) BH06

  15. Solar radiation in the Brazilian northeast

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Tiba, Chigueru [Federal University of Pernambuco, Pernambuco (Brazil)


    which is the Northeast region. The relevant kriging estimate error maps were also obtained. The general objective of this paper is to improve the amount of the currently existing information on the solar radiation in the Northeast of Brazil. Regarding this, the contour maps of coefficients a and b have made possible estimating solar radiation in 82 additional locations, were only sunshine hours data were available. [Spanish] El incremento significativo en anos recientes del numero de sistemas de electrificacion rural (existen algunos cientos de ellos) utilizando la tecnologia fotovoltaica instalados en el noreste de Brasil (1,500,000 km{sup 2}, aproximadamente 42 millones de personas) utilizados para iluminacion o bombeo de agua, demanda una mejora en los procedimientos de disel de tal manera que se reduzca la carga del costo de capital por unidad de energia generada. Tal objetivo puede alcanzarse siempre y cuando se obtenga un mejor conocimiento acerca de recursos solares, considerando que muchas de estas aplicaciones dependen de ello. Las fuentes de informacion sobre radiacion solar en Brasil son muy variadas tanto a niveles institucionales como de publicaciones. Entre ellas se encuentran: La Meteorologia institucional (INMET), los departamentos de estado de agricultura, los institutos de investigacion, universidades y empresas de generacion de energia electrica y distribucion. Los informes en proceso o los articulos tecnicos y cientificos son las publicaciones principales donde esta informacion se puede encontrar. De esta manera, la calidad de los datos varia considerablemente, mostrando discontinuidades espaciales y temporales, sumado al hecho de que los instrumentos de medicion y las unidades fisicas de los datos registrados no estan estandarizados. Recientemente se publico en el Atlas de Brasil el cual contiene esta informacion, y esta agrupada, evaluada, calificada y presentada de un modo estandarizado. Es una de las mejores fuentes de informacion existentes

  16. Estimativa de radiação solar via modelagem atmosférica de mesoescala aplicada à região nordeste do Brasil Estimation of solar radiation by mesoscale atmospheric modeling applied to the northeast Brazil region

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Otacilio Leandro De Menezes Neto


    Full Text Available A utilização de fontes alternativas de energias, como a solar, a eólica e a biomassa, vem crescendo significativamente nos últimos anos, sendo a energia solar, em particular, uma fonte abundante na região Nordeste do Brasil. O conhecimento preciso da radiação solar incidente é, assim, de grande importância para o planejamento energético brasileiro, servindo de base para o desenvolvimento de futuros projetos de plantas fotovoltaicas e de aproveitamento da energia solar. Este trabalho apresenta uma metodologia para o mapeamento da energia solar incidente ao nível do solo para a região Nordeste do Brasil, utilizando um modelo atmosférico de mesoescala (Regional Atmospheric Modeling System - RAMS, validado e ajustado por meio dos dados medidos pela rede de plataformas de coleta de dados (PCDs da Fundação Cearense de Meteorologia e Recursos Hídricos (FUNCEME. Os resultados mostraram que o modelo apresenta erros sistemáticos, sobreestimando a radiação na superfície, porém após as devidas correções estatísticas, utilizando-se uma relação entre a fração de cobertura de nuvens prevista pelo modelo e a radiação observada na superfície e estimada no topo da atmosfera, encontram-se correlações de 0,92 com intervalos de confiança de 13,5 W/m² para dados com base mensal. Usando essa metodologia, a estimativa do valor médio anual (após ajustes da radiação solar incidente no estado do Ceará é de 215 W/m² (máximo em outubro: 260 W/m².The use of renewable energy sources, like solar, wind and biomass is rapidly increasing in recent years, with solar radiation being a particularly abundant energy source over Northeast Brazil. Thus, the proper quantitative knowledge of the incoming solar radiation is of great importance for energy generation planning in Brazil, serving as basis for developing future projects of photovoltaic power plants and solar energy exploration. This work presents a methodology for mapping the

  17. Design and energetical feasibility study of a refrigerated trailer with photovoltaic solar energy; Diseno y estudio de viabilidad energetica de un trailer refrigerado mediante energia solar fotovoltaica

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Callen, S.; Ibanez, M.; Cabeza, L. F.


    In this study we have tried to show the energetic viability and the design of a refrigerated trailer, in which it has changed the traditional oil generator from the refrigeration system to a photovoltaic generator. Due to restrictions of design limited by trailer dimensions and the horizontal positions of modules, as one of the first conclusion has been necessary to reduce the refrigeration charge, to obtain the necessary energy savings to have technical viability of the project. The propositions to get the energy savings are to improve the thermal insulation of the trailer and to limit the kind and amount of products to transport. Finally, to apply the technology of solar refrigeration in the cooling unit of the trailer to optimise its performance. (Author)

  18. Structural and optical properties of electrodeposited culnSe{sub 2} thin films for photovoltaic solar cells; Propiedades estructurales y opticas de laminas delgadas de CulnSe2 electrodepositadas para su aplicacion en celulas solares fotovoltaicas

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Guillen, C; Herrero, J; Galiano, F


    Optical an structural properties of electrodeposited copper indium diselenide, CulnSe2, thin films were studied for its application in photovoltaic devices. X-ray diffraction patterns showed that thin films were grown in chalcopyrite phase after suitable treatments. Values of Eg for the CulnSe2 thin films showed a dependence on the deposition potential as determined by optical measurements. (Author) 47 refs.

  19. Preparación y estudio de los sulfuros del sistema Cu-Sn-Zn en lámina delgada para su aplicación fotovoltaíca


    Robles Valero, Víctor


    Tesis doctoral inédita leída en la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Facultad de Ciencias, Departamento de Física de Materiales. Fecha de lectura: 06-06-2016 Entre los mayores desafíos que tiene que afrontar la humanidad en los próximos años están el calentamiento global, la creciente demanda energética y el agotamiento de las fuentes de energía fósiles. Para combatirlos, existen como alternativa las energías renovables, siendo la energía solar fotovoltaica una de ellas, además de la única d...

  20. Advanced Fresnel Köhler concentrators for photovoltaic applications


    Zamora Herranz, Pablo


    La concentración fotovoltaica (CPV) es una de las formas más prometedoras de reducir el coste de la energía proveniente del sol. Esto es posible gracias a células solares de alta eficiencia y a una significativa reducción del tamaño de la misma, que está fabricada con costosos materiales semiconductores. Ambos aspectos están íntimamente ligados ya que las altas eficiencias solamente son posibles con materiales y tecnologías de célula caros, lo que forzosamente conlleva una reducción del tamañ...

  1. Optimization by simulation and development of solar cells with aluminium paste rear emitter and diffusion in conveyor furnace; Otimizacao por simulacao e desenvolvimento de celulas solares com emissor posterior formado por pasta de aluminio e difusao em forno de esteira

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Mallmann, Ana Paula


    Photovoltaic solar energy is the direct conversion of solar energy into electricity and it has low impact to the environment during electric energy production. The main device of this technology is the solar cell and silicon is the substrate most used. The solar cells are electrically connected and encapsulated in order to form the photovoltaic module. The aims of this thesis are to optimize, develop and to analyse n{sup +}np{sup +} solar cells processed in n type Si-PV-FZ and with aluminum rear emitter formed in belt furnace. The optimization of solar cells by simulation is an important step before the device development. The software PC-1D and another program developed using Visual Basic language were used. Considering a metal grid formed by evaporation technique in vacuum ambient an efficiency of 16.8 % may be achieved. With screen printed grid, 15.8 % efficient solar cells were obtained. From the simulation results it was found that the screen printing metallization may become more viable than evaporation technique because there is low difference in the efficiency and the screen printing is a simpler technique. The experimental optimization of silicon wafers texture process resulted in reflectance of 12 %. This value is typical for monocrystalline silicon with textured surface. Experimental optimization of phosphorus front surface field shows a sheet resistance of (36 {+-} 4) {omega}/ for this region. This region was formed in a thermal step in a conventional furnace with POCl{sub 3}. It was found that after the phosphorus diffusion occurred gettering to specific temperature and time. It was verified that the minority carrier lifetime in the final of processing is similar to the initial value. The influence of steps sequence of front silver paste firing and rear diffusion/firing aluminium paste, of surface passivation and the influence of dry air flow during the aluminium paste diffusion/firing, of aluminium paste diffusion/firing temperature and of belt speed

  2. Projeto e implementação de uma unidade de controle de potência para o satélite universitário ITASAT.


    Claudinei de Jesus Donato


    Com o início do projeto do satélite universitário ITASAT tornaram-se necessárias pesquisas sobre os diversos subsistemas que compõem um satélite, entre elas a área de suprimento de energia. Esta dissertação procura apresentar um estudo sobre unidades de controle de potência utilizadas no suprimento de energia de satélites que têm a energia solar, através da conversão fotovoltaica, como fonte de energia. Após uma breve revisão dos subsistemas e da história dos satélites, são apresentadas e ana...

  3. Therapeutic Effect of Exosomes on Ischemic Stroke in Experimental Animals


    Carvallo, P; Astudillo, P


    La posibilidad de que los exosomas funcionen como una nueva forma de comunicación intercelular para establecer y mantener circuitos cerebrales está comenzando a ser explorada. Los exosomas son liberados desde células e interactúan con otras células receptoras para mediar cambios fisiológicos. Todas las células cerebrales liberan exosomas incluyendo las celulas madre neuronales, las neuronas, astrocitos, microglia, oligodendrocitos y las celulas endoteliales. El objetivo de esta revisión es re...

  4. Influence of photon recycling effects in the operation and design of GaAs solar cells; Influencia del reciclaje de fotones en el funcionamiento y del diseno de las celulas solares de Arsenico de Galio

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Balenzategui Manzanares, J. L.


    Photon recycling (PR) is the process by which photons internally emitted in a semiconductor can be re-absorbed by the material, giving as result new electron-hole pairs. Although this process has been receiving some international research from the Sixties, because their effects revealed as relevant in certain devices and materials (as in gallium arsenide), its influence in the operation of solar cells has been scarcely considered in the past. Thus deposited it has been demonstrated that one of its major effects is an enhancement of the radiative carrier lifetine, photon recycling is not usually taken into account in photovoltaic, neither in device modelling and simulation, nor from the perspective of taking advantage of the phenomenon to improve the efficiency of solar cells. This work describes the results of our investigations in the field of photon recycling. (Author)

  5. Development of GaInP/GaInAs/Ge TRIPLE-junction solar cells for CPV applications


    Barrigón Montañés, Enrique


    La concentración fotovoltaica (CPV) es una de las estrategias más prometedoras para reducir el coste de la electricidad de origen fotovoltaico, y está basada en células multiunión de alta eficiencia. En este contexto, esta Tesis trata sobre el desarrollo de células monolíticas de triple unión (GaInP/Ga(In)As/Ge) para sistemas de CPV. Para ello, se ha transferido una estructura de doble unión de GaInP/GaAs —previamente desarrollada en el grupo de Semiconductores III-V del IESUPM— a un sustrato...

  6. Sistemas fotovoltaicos y la ordenación territorial;The photovoltaic systems and territorial ordination

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    María Rodríguez Gámez


    Full Text Available La generación fotovoltaica con sistemas conectados a red eléctrica en el esquema de generación distribuida, es una alternativa que contribuye con beneficios a la reducción del pico de demanda vespertina, a la disminución de pérdidas por distribución; siendo una opción en el desarrollo de las inversiones que incrementan la capacidad de la red de distribución en un escenario a gran escala, pudiendo sustituir inversiones en capacidad de generación y transmisión. Esta idea supone la penetración de la tecnología fotovoltaica aumentando su presencia en la generación eléctrica.Los resultados presentados forman parte de la elaboración de los estudios de prefactibilidad para determinar la incidencia de la radiación solar, considerando la ordenación del territorio a partir de las condiciones de la ubicación geográfica, haciendo la selección de los sitios adecuados por las características de potencial solar, eficiencia de la infraestructura eléctrica y disponibilidad del espacio para la introducción de los sistemas fotovoltaicos.The photovoltaic generation with connected systems to electric grid in the outline of distributed generation, is an alternative that contributes with benefits to the reduction of the pick of evening demand, to the decrease of losses for distribution; being an option in the development of the investments that it increase the capacity of the distribution grid in a scenario to great scale, being able to substitute investments in generation capacity and transmission. This idea supposes the penetration of the photovoltaic technology increasing in the electric generation.The presented results are part of the elaboration of the studies of feasibility to determine the incidence of the solar radiation, considering the ordination of the territory starting from the conditions of the geographical location, making the selection of the places adapted by the characteristics of solar potential, the electric efficiency

  7. Operating Cell Temperature Determination in Flat-Plate Photovoltaic Modules; Calculo de la Temperature de Operacion de Celulas Solares en un Panel Fotovoltaico Plano

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Chenlo, F.


    Two procedures (simplified and complete) to determine the operating cell temperature in photovoltaic modules operating in real conditions assuming isothermal stationary modules are presented in this work. Some examples are included that show the dependence of this temperature on several environment (sky, ground and ambient temperatures, solar irradiance, wind speed, etc.) and structural (module geometry and size, encapsulating materials, antirreflexive optical coatings, etc) factors and also on electrical module performance. In a further step temperature profiles for non-isothermal modules are analysed besides transitory effects due to variable irradiance and wind gusts. (Author)

  8. First discussion for fostering the photovoltaic energy in Mexico; Primer coloquio para el fomento de la energia fotovoltaica en Mexico

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The varied spheres (political, environmental, economic, scientific and social) day by day are looking for the key issues, which are going to make them to preserve or disappear either in the present or in the future. Therefore, it was carried out the first conversation in the State of Zacatecas, Mexico. Here there were shown different advances related to the renewable energies by those spheres. Generally speaking, it was in this event where there were gather together private and government organs in order to present every issue related to the use and to the promotion of the renewable energies. By these means, it was probed that the renewable energies are: the current market, the groundbreaking technology, the best option friendly-environment, the panacea for the society and for the improvement of the economy of many countries both developing countries and developed countries. The renewable energy topic is seen from different point of views. [Spanish] Las diferentes esferas que rigen el dia a dia; es decir, la politica, el medio ambiente, la economia, las ciencias y la sociedad, siempre estan en busca de cuestiones que las hagan crecer y evolucionar para asi seguir ocupando un espacio no solo en el presente sino tambien en el futuro. En esta ocasion fue en el primer coloquio, realizado en el Estado de Zacatecas, Mexico, donde dichas esferas se reunieron con el fin de mostrar sus diversos avances acerca de las energias fotovoltaicas. En otras palabras, fue en este coloquio donde se reunieron organos privados y gubernamentales con el fin de mostrar todo lo relacionado con el uso y la promocion de las energias renovables. Comprobando que las energias renovables son tanto: el mercado de hoy, la tecnologia de punta, la mejor opcion ambiental, la panacea para la sociedad y para la mejora de la economia de muchos paises en vias de desarrollo y de primer mundo. En estas ponencias no solo se habla de las energias renovables desde un aspecto cientifico, sino tambien financiero

  9. Study of apoptotic mechanisms induced by all-trans retinoic acid and its 13-cis isomer on cellular lines of human hepato carcinoma Hep3B and HepG2; Estudio de los mecanismos apoptoticos inducidos por el acido retinoico todo-trans y su isomero 13-cis en las lineas celulares de hepatocarcinoma humano Hep3B y HepG2

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Arce Vargas, Frederick [Costa Rica


    of these cells to different chemotherapeutic agents. Survivin might decrease the answer of treatment by to be anti-apoptotic and even to change the apoptosis by other forms of cellular death (necrosis, mitotic catastrophe, etc.) doing that therapy be less efficient. Hep3B cells were sensitized with ATRA before to be treated with 5-FU and it was observed a more cytotoxicity than when every drug was used separately. Also there were required concentrations lower of both agents to produce cellular death. This effect didn't see with HepG2 cells. Although retinoids seem to be promising in the hepato carcinoma treatment, it must do more studies to improve the bioavailability and to decrease the unspecific toxicity of these drugs, including combinations with other agents, use of liposomes or synthesis of compounds with effects more selective that might be even directed to certain specific routes of cellular death. (author) [Spanish] Dos lineas celulares de cancer de higado (Hep3B and HepG2) se incubaron durante diferentes periodos de tiempo con varias concentraciones de dos isomeros del acido retinoico (ATRA y 13-cis AR) y con los agentes quimioterapeuticos 5-FU, cisplatino y paclitaxel. Se determino si estas sustancias inducian citotoxicidad, apoptosis y si modificaban la expresion de diferentes genes relacionados con la muerte celular por apoptosis, en parte para poder explicar la resistencia del carcinoma hepatocelular a estas drogas. Las celulas HepG2 mostraron mayor resistencia que las celulas Hep3B a las 72 horas de tratamiento, tanto el ATRA como el 13-cis AR fueron toxicos. Tambien se demostro que producian apoptosis en las dos lineas celulares. Este tipo de muerte celular parece estar mediada por una disminucion en la concentracion de Bcl-xL en las celulas Hep3B tratadas con ambos retinoides y un aumento en la concentracion de Bax en las celulas HepG2 tratadas con 13-cis AR. Se observo proteolisis de procaspasas 3 y 8 en las celulas Hep3B, sugiriendo activacion de

  10. Development of solar cells with back surface field made by aluminum paste and belt furnace diffusion; Desenvolvimento de celulas solares com campo retrodifusor formado por pasta de aluminio e difusao em forno de esteira

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Marcolino, Juliane Bernardes


    Photovoltaics is based on the direct conversion of solar energy into electricity and is a promising alternative to diversify the world's energy matrix. This work aims to develop and analyse the deposition of Al paste by screen printing and firing/diffusion in a belt furnace to produce a BSF region in monocrystalline Si wafers. The diffusion of Al into the substrate was implemented by two different processes. In the first process the diffusion/firing of the Al paste and the firing of the Ag paste was carried out in independent steps. In this case, solar cells with an average efficiency ({eta}{sub average}) of 11.5 % and a maximum of 12.0 % were produced, but with the formation Al clusters in the back surface of the devices. In the second process firing/diffusion of such pastes was done on the same step. In this case, the best results were obtained for a firing/diffusion temperature of 860 deg C and belt furnace speed (V{sub E}) of 150 cm/min and also for 890 deg C and 180 cm/min. For the former parameters, {eta}{sub average} was 12.4 % and the maximum was 12.8 %. For the later, {eta}{sub average} was 12.5 % and the maximum was 12.6 %. Considering a temperature of 900 deg C and V{sub E} of 190 cm/min, {eta}{sub average} was 12.4 %. It was observed that minority carriers diffusion lengths were smaller than the thickness of silicon wafers. Open circuit voltages were 30 mV lower than that from similar cells fabricated at NT-Solar by using high purity Al deposited by e-beam evaporation indicating that the developed process produced low quality BSF. (author)

  11. Effects of Radiation on Germ Cells of Insects: Dominant Lethals, Gamete Inactivation and Gonial-Cell Killing; Effets des rayonnements sur les cellules germinales des insectes: letalite dominante, inactivation des gametes et destruction des cellules des gonades; Vozdejstvie radiatsii na polovye kletki nasekomykh: dominantnye letali, inaktivatsiya gamet i umershchvlenie polovykh kletok; Efectos de las radiaciones sobre las celulas germinales de los insectos: elementos letales dominantes, inactivacion de los gametos y exterminacion de las celulas gonadicas

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Von Borstel, R. C. [Biology Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN (United States)


    en calculant la viabilite des gametes, au moyen d'experiences comparatives avec des populations non irradiees ainsi que par l'examen histologique des gonades. (author) [Spanish] Las radiaciones y los productos quimicos mutagenos pueden matar las celulas de modos diversos, a saber: mediante la induccion de uno o varios tipos de elementos letales dominantes, por inactivacion directa de una funcion, como la produccion de esperma, y por procedimientos geneticamente indefinibles de exterminacion que pueden o no estar relacionados con la letalidad dominante intrinseca. Por otra parte, los productos quimicos mutagenos parecen provocar un curioso aumento de la capacidad fertilizante de la esperma. La radiosensibilidad varia segun las diferentes etapas de la oogenesis y de la espermatogenesis, y las celulas pasan por fases en que dicha sensibilidad llega a ser 50 veces superior o inferior que en otras. En la medida en que distintas especies de dipteros, himenopteros y coleopteros son comparables, puede observarse una sorprendente analogia en la radiosensibilidad, tanto segun las etapas como segun las dosis. La radiosensibilidad de las celulas germinales del gusano de seda Bombyx mori (Lepidopt. ) parece similar en muchos aspectos a la de los insectos de otros ordenes, pero en cambio hay grandes diferencias en cuanto a los tipos de elementos letales dominantes que en el pueden inducirse. Las especies con mecanismos geneticos atipicos (por ejemplo, el sistema lecanoideo del Planococcus citri (Hemipt. ; Coccidae) constituyen casos especiales y su radiosensibilidad varia considerablemente en relacion con la de otras especies. Para la lucha contra los insectos por el metodo de irradiacion de los machos, la creacion de un elemento letal dominante ofrece en las especies donde las copulas son multiples las mismas ventajas que en las especies que copulan solo iva vez. La inactivacion de la esperma y la exterminacion de las celulas gonadicas pueden considerarse como casos de autentica

  12. Obtainment of TiO{sub 2} powders solar cells photo electrodes dye sensitized; Obtencao de pos de TiO{sub 2} para fotoeletrodos de celulas solares sensibilizados por corante

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Forbeck, Guilherme; Folgueras, Marilena V., E-mail: [Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina (PGCE/UDESC), SC (Brazil). Programa de Pos Graduacao em Ciencia e Engenharia de Materiais; Chinelatto, Adilson L. [Universidade Estadual de Ponta Grossa (UEPG), PR (Brazil). Programa de Mestrado em Engenharia e Ciencia dos Materiais


    Titanium dioxide in its polymorphic anatase phase, presents interesting properties for solar cells photo electrodes dye sensitized such as the forbidden energy band, high refractive index and high constant dielectric. In this study, powders of nanometric titanium dioxide were produced with predominantly the anatase phase and high surface area. We used the sol-gel method, and titanium tetraisopropoxide as a precursor, which was hydrolyzed in nitric acid solution. The obtained powder was heated to 450 ° C, varying the time for each lot (0, 20 or 120 minutes). The powders were characterized by X-ray diffraction, atomic force microscopy and surface area analysis. For all lots nanosized crystallites predominated. It was observed that in the batch with 120min heating an increase rutile content. The TiO{sub 2} with 20min heating showed high surface area, greater than that of TiO{sub 2} as taken reference.

  13. Glow discharge preparation and electrooptical characterisation of amorphous silicon alloys for solar cells. Preparacion por descarga luminiscente y caracterizacion electrooptica de aleaciones de silicio amorfo para celulas solares

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Carabe, J


    A study is presented, focused on the preparation and characterisation of hydrogenated amorphous silicon alloy thin films for their application as p type window layers in pin silicon solar cells. The preparation technique used was radio frequency glow discharge. The samples were characterised optically (visible, near infrared and infrared absorption spectrophotometry) and electrically (dark and photoconductivities at ambient temperature and as functions of temperature). The influence of each of the preparation parameters on film properties has been systematically studied. The results have been analysed according to the existing models. Chapter 1 is an introduction to the material in question and its photovoltaic applications. Chapter 2 describes the experimental procedure used. Capter 3 shows and discusses the most relevant results obtained in the study of intrinsic amorphous silicon, p type amorphous silicon and p type amorphous silicon carbide window layers, with special emphasis on the influence of the use of an alternative dopant gas: boron trifluoride. Finally, chapter 4 summarises the most relevant conclusions drawn from this research work. (Author)

  14. Desarrollo de tecnologías de baja temperatura para la fabricación de células solares de heterounión de silicio


    Morales Vilches, Anna Belén


    El desarrollo de la tecnología fotovoltaica de silicio cristalino ha llegado al punto en que la mejora de los dispositivos pasa, no tanto por un aumento de la eficiencia, como por la reducción del coste de fabricación. En este tipo de dispositivos el coste más importante se debe al propio sustrato de silicio cristalino. De manera que una reducción en el grosor de la oblea se reflejaría directamente en costes de producción más bajos, al disminuir la cantidad de material utilizado como sustrato...

  15. Optimal design of a hybrid photovoltaic and fuel cell power generation system, to supply isolated communities in the Brazilian Amazon; Dimensionamento otimo de sistemas hibridos, com geracao fotovoltaica e celula a combustivel, para atendimento a comunidades isoladas na Amazonia

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Silva, Sergio Batista da


    The lack of electricity in isolated communities in the Brazilian Amazon has become one of the greatest barrier for the development of the region. Currently, the main technologies that provide electricity to these communities are diesel generators, batteries and dry cells. These non-renewable energy sources may pose serious problems to the environment and human health and have high maintenance and operational costs. Therefore, the search for renewable energy sources, such as water and sunlight, which are highly abundant in the region, has become a great challenge. This thesis presents the studies on application of solar photovoltaic (PV) and fuel cell (FC) technologies to supply electric power in an uninterrupted manner. Outlined are the technical and cost issues of a pilot project set up in an environmentally protected area, next to Bananal island, located in the Southwestern region of the state of Tocantins. The pilot project relies on PV solar power as the primary source of energy for the production of electricity. The surplus energy is stored in the form of hydrogen produced by electrolysis of the water supplied locally, which is reconverted into electric power by fuel cells during periods when there is little or no sunlight. In this context, the aim of the study was to propose a sizing of a hybrid distributed generation system (HDGS), comprised of a PV system, FC and batteries, that optimizes implementation and operational costs, as a potential source of energy for isolated communities in the Amazon. The work was carried out with the help of simulation software HOMER (Hybrid Optimization Model for Electric Renewable) developed by National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL). Simulations and a comparative study were carried out of the technologies and potential configurations that meet the needs of these isolated communities. The results showed an optimal solution of HGDS PV-FC batteries with a reduction in the initial cost of the project in about 60% compared to

  16. Estudio de la reaccion de sulfurizacion de precursores Cu/In para la formacion de capas delgadas policristalinas de CuInS2 para celulas solares


    Barcones Campo, Beatriz; Álvarez García, Jacobo; Calvo-Barrio, L.; Pérez Rodríguez, Alejandro; Romano Rodríguez, Alberto; Morante i Lleonart, Joan Ramon; Scheer, R.; Klenk, R.; Pietzker, Ch.


    En este trabajo se presenta un estudio detallado de los procesos implicados en la sulfurización de capas metálicas de Cu-In para la fabricación de células solares de CuInS2. Con este objeto, se ha desarrollado un experimento de sulfurización parcial de las capas, que han sido sometidas posteriormente a un tratamiento de selenización. El estudio de estas estructuras mediante Espectroscopía Raman y Espectroscopía de Electrones Auger (AES) ha permitido conocer algunos de los detalles de la reacc...

  17. Concentrating Solar Power Projects - Planta Solar 20 | Concentrating Solar (United States)

    Power | NREL 20 This page provides information on Planta Solar 20, a concentrating solar power Solar's Planta Solar 20 (PS20) is a 20-megawatt power tower plant being constructed next to the PS10 tower and increasing incident solar radiation capture will increase net electrical power output by 10

  18. Choice and the cost and benefit analysis of one solar system of renewable energy for the Tepozan Park; Seleccion y analisis costo-beneficio de un sistema de energia renovable para el parque Tepozan

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lopez P, J. Manuel A; Sheinbaum P, Claudia [Instituto de Ingenieria de la UNAM, Mexico, D. F. (Mexico)


    This article is about the choice process and the cost and benefit analysis of one solar photovoltaic system for the Tepozan Park, which is a space of ecoturism and ecological education, it is at the Tlalpan District in Mexico, D.F. According to this objective, we start with an introduction related to general conditions in the Park and we talk about the energy requirement. Next, the method for the better option choice is shown, this is based on decision analysis of Kepner and Tregoe. The choice option is evaluated according to the main financial tools of the Cost and Benefit Analysis private evaluation. This shows the decision analysis including issued about ecology. Finally, we add a point for the result synthesis, so we can have a complete approach in order to choice a renewable energy. As conclusion is shown the most important costs and benefits, thinking on future decisions about operation and maintenance of the system. [Spanish] En este articulo se presenta el proceso de seleccion y analisis Costo-Beneficio de un sistema de energia solar fotovoltaica para las instalaciones del Parque Tepozan, un espacio de ecoturismo y educacion ambiental, ubicado en la delegacion Tlalpan de Mexico, D.F. Para ello, se da una introduccion de las condiciones generales del parque y de los requerimientos de energia. Posteriormente se presenta un apartado del metodo para la seleccion de la alternativa mas adecuada, sustentado en un analisis de decisiones. La alternativa seleccionada, se somete a una evaluacion de los principales criterios de la evaluacion privada derivada del Analisis Costo Beneficio, con lo que se ilustra el proceso de toma de decision, incluyendo los factores de impacto ambiental. Finalmente, se incorpora un apartado de sintesis de resultados, para aportar un panorama completo en cuanto a la operacion y mantenimiento del sistema dentro del parque.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    José Molina Ruiz


    Full Text Available Desde hace unos años se buscan en España soluciones a la dependencia respecto a los recursos energéticos no renovables. En nuestra Comunidad, la energía eólica se convierte en una energía alternativa real, conjuntamente con otras energías renovables, en especial, la solar fotovoltaica. El contar con una política de apoyo que favorece el desarrollo energético regional de una manera sostenible y la disponibilidad de zonas en nuestra región donde desarrollarla son la base de este trabajo, cuyo objetivo es la identifi cación de los emplazamientos idóneos para la instalación de parques eólicos en el municipio de Jumilla, considerando criterios ambientales.

  20. Hybrids of Solar Sail, Solar Electric, and Solar Thermal Propulsion for Solar-System Exploration (United States)

    Wilcox, Brian H.


    Solar sails have long been known to be an attractive method of propulsion in the inner solar system if the areal density of the overall spacecraft (S/C) could be reduced to approx.10 g/sq m. It has also long been recognized that the figure (precise shape) of useful solar sails needs to be reasonably good, so that the reflected light goes mostly in the desired direction. If one could make large reflective surfaces with reasonable figure at an areal density of approx.10 g/sq m, then several other attractive options emerge. One is to use such sails as solar concentrators for solar-electric propulsion. Current flight solar arrays have a specific output of approx. 100W/kg at 1 Astronomical Unit (AU) from the sun, and near-term advances promise to significantly increase this figure. A S/C with an areal density of 10 g/sq m could accelerate up to 29 km/s per year as a solar sail at 1 AU. Using the same sail as a concentrator at 30 AU, the same spacecraft could have up to approx. 45 W of electric power per kg of total S/C mass available for electric propulsion (EP). With an EP system that is 50% power-efficient, exhausting 10% of the initial S/C mass per year as propellant, the exhaust velocity is approx. 119 km/s and the acceleration is approx. 12 km/s per year. This hybrid thus opens attractive options for missions to the outer solar system, including sample-return missions. If solar-thermal propulsion were perfected, it would offer an attractive intermediate between solar sailing in the inner solar system and solar electric propulsion for the outer solar system. In the example above, both the solar sail and solar electric systems don't have a specific impulse that is near-optimal for the mission. Solar thermal propulsion, with an exhaust velocity of the order of 10 km/s, is better matched to many solar system exploration missions. This paper derives the basic relationships between these three propulsion options and gives examples of missions that might be enabled by

  1. Concentrating Solar Power Projects - Khi Solar One | Concentrating Solar (United States)

    Power | NREL Khi Solar One This page provides information on Khi Solar One, a concentrating solar power (CSP) project, with data organized by background, parcipants and power plant configuration . Status Date: February 8, 2016 Project Overview Project Name: Khi Solar One Country: South Africa Location

  2. Concentrating Solar Power Projects - Nevada Solar One | Concentrating Solar (United States)

    Power | NREL Nevada Solar One This page provides information on Nevada Solar One, a concentrating solar power (CSP) project, with data organized by background, participants, and power plant configuration. Acciona Energy's Nevada Solar One is the third largest CSP plant in the world and the first plant

  3. Instalación solar fotovoltaica -20 Kw para conexión a red


    Sacristán Benito, Silvia


    Este TFG trata sobre el diseño de una instalación de generación eléctrica de una potencia nominal de 20 kW mediante paneles fotovoltaicos. Estos paneles se situarán sobre la cubierta de una nave industrial en la localidad de Soria. Toda la energía producida será vertida a la red eléctrica de baja tensión, abasteciendo al entorno cercano. Se describe, el funcionamiento de una instalación de este tipo, en la cual el componente más destacado es el panel fotovoltaico, que genera...

  4. Solar neutrinos and nonradial solar oscillations

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zatsepin, G.T.; Gavryuseva, E.A.; Kopysov, Yu.S.


    The problem of origin of surface solar oscillations is considered. It is assumed that generation of oscillations is performed by the solar nucleus. The necessary excitation condition for gravitational oscillations of the solar nucleus is a sharp decrease of the oscillation amplitude outside the nucleus, where the nuclear reaction rates are small and only radiation losses are considerable. It is shown that the specific singularities of gravitational wave propagation in solar entrails permit to attain a significant reduction of the oscillation amplitude. The solar entrails can serve as an effective trap for gravitational waves, if the substance of the solar nucleus is close to the state of convectional equilibrium. In order that the g 1 quadrupole mode of the solar nucleus has a period of 2h 40 min and sharply decreases in the solar mantle, it is enough that only the external part of the solar nucleus is close to the state of convectional equilibrium. Closeness of the solar nucleus to the state of convectional equilibrium is an argument in favour of its periodic mixing. Periodic mixing of the solar nucleus can serve as a cause of a low counting rate of solar neutrinos in R.Davis chlorous detector

  5. Concentrating Solar Power Projects - KaXu Solar One | Concentrating Solar (United States)

    Power | NREL KaXu Solar One This page provides information on KaXu Solar One, a concentrating solar power (CSP) project, with data organized by background, parcipants and power plant configuration . Status Date: April 14, 2015 Project Overview Project Name: KaXu Solar One Country: South Africa Location

  6. Solar India - 82: national solar energy convention

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)


    This document is the proceedings of the Solar India - 82 conference, which was held 17-19 December 1982. The papers are organized into functional groupings which include: (1) solar radiation, (2) flat plate solar collectors and solar water heaters, (3) solar concentrators, (4) solar air heaters and dryers, (5) solar ponds and energy storage, (6) solar cookers, (7) solar stills, (8) selective coatings, (9) photovoltaics, (10) space heating and cooling, (11) bio-energy, and (12) miscellaneous papers. The vast majority of the papers describe work carried out in India, the vast majority of the papers also contain relatively readable abstracts.

  7. Solar constant values for estimating solar radiation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Li, Huashan; Lian, Yongwang; Wang, Xianlong; Ma, Weibin; Zhao, Liang


    There are many solar constant values given and adopted by researchers, leading to confusion in estimating solar radiation. In this study, some solar constant values collected from literature for estimating solar radiation with the Angstroem-Prescott correlation are tested in China using the measured data between 1971 and 2000. According to the ranking method based on the t-statistic, a strategy to select the best solar constant value for estimating the monthly average daily global solar radiation with the Angstroem-Prescott correlation is proposed. -- Research highlights: → The effect of the solar constant on estimating solar radiation is investigated. → The investigation covers a diverse range of climate and geography in China. → A strategy to select the best solar constant for estimating radiation is proposed.

  8. Solar Energy Innovation Network | Solar Research | NREL (United States)

    Energy Innovation Network Solar Energy Innovation Network The Solar Energy Innovation Network grid. Text version The Solar Energy Innovation Network is a collaborative research effort administered (DOE) Solar Energy Technologies Office to develop and demonstrate new ways for solar energy to improve



    Arenas Aquino, Ángel Raúl; Matsumoto Kuwabara, Yasuhiro; Kleiche-Dray, Mina


    RESUMEN Nezahualcóyotl es el segundo municipio más poblado del Estado de México. La marginación es una cuestión social de gran influencia para el desarrollo urbano. Se planteó un estudio para analizar la intervención de la percepción social en la factibilidad de una transición energética basada en tecnología fotovoltaica para el municipio, por medio de técnicas socioestadísticas. La hipótesis supone diferentes tendencias de la población (dependiendo del nivel de marginación), para aceptar nue...


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    M. Norhafana


    Full Text Available Solar water heating systems is one of the applications of solar energy. One of the components of a solar water heating system is a solar collector that consists of an absorber. The performance of the solar water heating system depends on the absorber in the solar collector. In countries with unsuitable weather conditions, the indoor testing of solar collectors with the use of a solar simulator is preferred. Thus, this study is conducted to use a multilayered absorber in the solar collector of a solar water heating system as well as to evaluate the performance of the solar collector in terms of useful heat of the multilayered absorber using the multidirectional ability of a solar simulator at several values of solar radiation. It is operated at three variables of solar radiation of 400 W/m2, 550 W/m2 and 700 W/m2 and using three different positions of angles at 0º, 45º and 90º. The results show that the multilayer absorber in the solar collector is only able to best adapt at 45° of solar simulator with different values of radiation intensity. At this angle the maximum values of useful heat and temperature difference are achieved. KEYWORDS: solar water heating system; solar collector; multilayered absorber; solar simulator; solar radiation 

  11. Photovoltaic network connection portraits (XIV): The issue of hot cells; Retraso de la conexion fotovoltaica a la red (XIV): El asunto de las celulas calientes

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lorenzo, E.; Martinez, F.; Moreton, R.


    In some cases due to plants performance is not as correct as hoped, and in some other, simply because the nice colors of the thermographs resulted very attractive to plenty of people; many photovoltaic generators have been profusely thermography within the current year. It has caused a special interest on hot cells phenomenon, that is to say those cells which operate at a significantly higher temperature than other placed in the same panel. (Author) 4 refs.

  12. Coupled solar still, solar heater

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Davison, R R; Harris, W B; Moor, D H; Delyannis, A; Delyannis, E [eds.


    Computer simulation of combinations of solar stills and solar heaters indicates the probable economic advantage of such an arrangement in many locations if the size of the heater is optimized relative to that of the still. Experience with various low cost solar heaters is discussed.

  13. The solarPACES strategy for the solar thermal breakthrough

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Burch, G.D.; Grasse, W.


    IEA(International Energy Agency)/SolarPACES(Solar Power and Chemical Energy systems)represents a world wide coalition for information sharing and collaboration on applications of concentrated solar energy. The current SolarPACES community has built up solar thermal system know-how over 15 years, is operating the three main solar test centres in the world. Its main activities are in the following four fields: solar thermal electric power systems, solar chemistry, solar technology and advanced applications and non-technical activities. The article presents the talk on the strategy of solarPACES given at the International Workshop on applied solar energy held in Tashkent(Uzbekistan) in June 1997. (A.A.D.)

  14. Solar Market Research and Analysis | Solar Research | NREL (United States)

    Analysis Solar Market Research and Analysis Through rigorous data collection, analysis, and stakeholder engagement, NREL's Solar Market Research and Analysis efforts further solar technologies' role in solar panels. Key areas for NREL's solar market research and analysis portfolio include the following



    M. Norhafana; Ahmad Faris Ismail; Z. A. A. Majid


    Solar water heating systems is one of the applications of solar energy. One of the components of a solar water heating system is a solar collector that consists of an absorber. The performance of the solar water heating system depends on the absorber in the solar collector. In countries with unsuitable weather conditions, the indoor testing of solar collectors with the use of a solar simulator is preferred. Thus, this study is conducted to use a multilayered absorber in the solar collector of...

  16. Solar building


    Zhang, Luxin


    In my thesis I describe the utilization of solar energy and solar energy with building integration. In introduction it is also mentioned how the solar building works, trying to make more people understand and accept the solar building. The thesis introduces different types of solar heat collectors. I compared the difference two operation modes of solar water heating system and created examples of solar water system selection. I also introduced other solar building applications. It is conv...

  17. Concentrated solar power generation using solar receivers (United States)

    Anderson, Bruce N.; Treece, William Dean; Brown, Dan; Bennhold, Florian; Hilgert, Christoph


    Inventive concentrated solar power systems using solar receivers, and related devices and methods, are generally described. Low pressure solar receivers are provided that function to convert solar radiation energy to thermal energy of a working fluid, e.g., a working fluid of a power generation or thermal storage system. In some embodiments, low pressure solar receivers are provided herein that are useful in conjunction with gas turbine based power generation systems.

  18. A solar neutrino loophole: standard solar models

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Rouse, C A [General Atomic Co., San Diego, Calif. (USA)


    The salient aspects of the existence theorem for a unique solution to a system of linear of nonlinear first-order, ordinary differential equations are given and applied to the equilibrium stellar structure equations. It is shown that values of pressure, temperature, mass and luminosity are needed at one point - and for the sun, the logical point is the solar radius. It is concluded that since standard solar model calculations use split boundary conditions, a solar neutrino loophole still remains: solar model calculations that seek to satisfy the necessary condition for a unique solution to the solar structure equations suggest a solar interior quite different from that deduced in standard models. This, in turn, suggests a theory of formation and solar evolution significantly different from the standard theory.

  19. Solar Systems (United States)


    The solar collectors shown are elements of domestic solar hot water systems produced by Solar One Ltd., Virginia Beach, Virginia. Design of these systems benefited from technical expertise provided Solar One by NASA's Langley Research Center. The company obtained a NASA technical support package describing the d e sign and operation of solar heating equipment in NASA's Tech House, a demonstration project in which aerospace and commercial building technology are combined in an energy- efficient home. Solar One received further assistance through personal contact with Langley solar experts. The company reports that the technical information provided by NASA influenced Solar One's panel design, its selection of a long-life panel coating which increases solar collection efficiency, and the method adopted for protecting solar collectors from freezing conditions.

  20. Clean generation of electric energy; Generacion limpia de energia electrica

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ramirez, Juan M.; Torres, Emmanuel [Centro de Investigacion y de Estudios Avanzados (CINVESTAV), Unidad Guadalajara (Mexico)


    This article deals on the existing alternatives of renewable energy for generation of electricity free from polluting sequels within the Mexican territory and presents a global overview on the electricity generation in Mexico. Wind power, hydraulic energy, biomass, photovoltaic and fuel cells are sources of renewable energy that could contribute to Mexico's sustainable development, for this reason it is discussed on the main sources of renewable energy in Mexico - solar and wind energy, mini-hydraulic, biomass and geothermal -, on their development and evolution, cost, insertion projects and obstacles for their correct development in this country. [Spanish] Este articulo versa sobre las alternativas de energia renovable existentes para una generacion de electricidad libre de secuelas contaminantes dentro del territorio mexicano y presenta un panorama global sobre la generacion de electricidad en Mexico. La energia eolica, hidraulica, biomasa, fotovoltaica y las celdas de combustible son fuentes de energia renovable que podrian contribuir al desarrollo sustentable de Mexico, por esto se arguye sobre las principales fuentes de energia renovable en Mexico -energia solar, eolica, minihidraulica, biomasa y geotermia-, sobre su desarrollo y evolucion, costo, proyectos de insercion y obstaculos para su correcto desarrollo en ese pais.

  1. Solar electricity and solar fuels (United States)

    Spiers, David J.


    The nature of solar radiation and its variation with location is described. The distribution of energy in the solar spectrum places immediate limits on the theoretical efficiency of conversion processes, since practical absorbers cannot convert all wavelengths received to useful energy. The principles of solar energy conversion methods are described. Absorption of solar energy can give rise to direct electrical generation, heating, or chemical change. Electrical generation from sunlight can be achieved by photovoltaic systems directly or by thermal systems which use solar heat to drive a heat engine and generator. The technology used and under research for promising ways of producing electricity or fuel from solar energy is described. Photovoltaic technology is established today for remote area, small power applications, and photovoltaic module sales alone are over 100 million dollars per year at present. The photovoltaic market has grown steadily since the mid-1970's, as prices have fallen continuously. Future energy options are briefly described. The merits of a sustainable energy economy, based on renewable energy resources, including solar energy, are emphasized, as this seems to provide the only hope of eliminating the problems caused by the build-up of atmospheric carbon dioxide, acid rain pollution and nuclear waste disposal. There is no doubt that clean fuels which were derived from solar energy and either did not involve carbon dioxide and used atmospheric carbon dioxide as the source dioxide as the source of carbon would be a worthy ideal. Methods described could one day achieve this.

  2. Solar irridiance variations and solar activity

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Willson, R.C.


    A mean value for the 1 AU total solar irradiance of 1368.2 W/m 2 and a downward trend of 0.05% per year were derived from measurements by the Active Cavity Radiometer Irradiance Monitor (ACRIM) experiment on the Solar Maximum Mission during 1980. Distinct temporary solar irradiance decreases associated with solar activity maxima were observed with a series of nine dips from April to October recurring at fairly regular intervals averaging 24 days. The decreases correlate inversely with sunspot area, 2800-MHz flux, and Zurich sunspot number. Dominant periods common to the irradiance and sunspot area power spectra link the irradiance decreases to sunspot flux deficit in solar active regions. Evidence of significant total irradiance modulation by facular flux excess is cited. A persistent radiative cycle of active regions consistent with the ACRIM irradiance results and the morphology of solar active regions was found. The pattern of regularly recurrent active region maxima between April and October suggests an asymmetry in solar activity generation during this period

  3. Solar Training Network and Solar Ready Vets

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Dalstrom, Tenley Ann


    In 2016, the White House announced the Solar Ready Vets program, funded under DOE's SunShot initiative would be administered by The Solar Foundation to connect transitioning military personnel to solar training and employment as they separate from service. This presentation is geared to informing and recruiting employer partners for the Solar Ready Vets program, and the Solar Training Network. It describes the programs, and the benefits to employers that choose to connect to the programs.

  4. Solar Indices - Solar Flares (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — Collection includes a variety of indices related to solar activity contributed by a number of national and private solar observatories located worldwide. This...

  5. Solar Indices - Solar Ultraviolet (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — Collection includes a variety of indices related to solar activity contributed by a number of national and private solar observatories located worldwide. This...

  6. Solar Indices - Solar Corona (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — Collection includes a variety of indices related to solar activity contributed by a number of national and private solar observatories located worldwide. This...

  7. Solar Indices - Solar Irradiance (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — Collection includes a variety of indices related to solar activity contributed by a number of national and private solar observatories located worldwide. This...

  8. Solar air conditioning. Dresden colloquium; Solare Klimatisierung. Dresdner Kolloquium

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    Subjects: R + D activities in solar air conditioning; dessicative and evaporative cooling (DEC) - systems and components; Chances of solar air conditioning in Europe; Practical experience with solar-assisted air conditioning; Performance of a solar system at Lissabon; DEC system in the Alsenblock building, Berlin; Does solar air conditioning require specially designed buildings; Performance of solar heated adsorption refrigerators; Low-capacity absacity absorption systems for solar air conditioning. [German] Die Kolloquiumsschrift beinhaltet Unterlagen ueber die abgehandelten Themen. Sie lauten: F and E-Aktivitaeten im Bereich Solare Klimatisierung; SGK(DEC-Technik) - ausgefuehrte Anlagen und deren Komponenten; Chancen der solaren Klimatisierung in Europa; Erfahrungen mit der solarunterstuetzten Klimatisierung; Energieverbrauch und Regelung von SGK-Anlagen; Betriebserfahrungen einer Solaranlage in Lissabon; Realisierung der SGK im Alsenblock Berlin; Erfordert die solare Klimatisierung besondere Gebaeude?; Betriebserfahrungen mit solar beheizten Adsorptionskaeltemaschinen; Absorptionsanlagen kleiner Leistung fuer solare Klimatisierung. (orig.)

  9. Solar charge controller in solar street light


    Dong, Haibo


    Recently, with the rapid development of scientific technology, the conventional energy cannot meet the requirement of human beings. People are looking for the utilization of renew energy. Solar en-ergy as a new clean energy has attract the eyes of people. The applications of solar energy are popular to human society. Solar street light is a good example. This thesis will focus on a deeper research of the popular and ubiquitous solar street light in China. However, solar charge controll...

  10. The 3-D solar radioastronomy and the structure of the corona and the solar wind. [solar probes of solar activity (United States)

    Steinberg, J. L.; Caroubalos, C.


    The mechanism causing solar radio bursts (1 and 111) is examined. It is proposed that a nonthermal energy source is responsible for the bursts; nonthermal energy is converted into electromagnetic energy. The advantages are examined for an out-of-the-ecliptic solar probe mission, which is proposed as a means of stereoscopically viewing solar radio bursts, solar magnetic fields, coronal structure, and the solar wind.

  11. Collecting Solar Energy. Solar Energy Education Project. (United States)

    O'Brien, Alexander

    This solar energy learning module for use with junior high school students offers a list of activities, a pre-post test, job titles, basic solar energy vocabulary, and diagrams of solar energy collectors and installations. The purpose is to familiarize students with applications of solar energy and titles of jobs where this knowledge could be…

  12. Solar energy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    This chapter discusses the role solar energy may have in the energy future of the US. The topics discussed in the chapter include the solar resource, solar architecture including passive solar design and solar collectors, solar-thermal concentrating systems including parabolic troughs and dishes and central receivers, photovoltaic cells including photovoltaic systems for home use, and environmental, health and safety issues

  13. Solar Innovation Infographic | Solar Research | NREL (United States)

    Innovation Infographic Solar Innovation Infographic Scientists have been working to harness power from the sun for about 200 years. Over the past 40 years, solar energy technologies have made research developments and industry milestones that helped shape our U.S. solar industry. Infographic Embed

  14. Geometry of solar corona expansion and solar wind parameters

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Krajnev, M.B.


    The character of the parameter chanqe of solar wind plasma in the region of the Earth orbit is studied. The main regularities in the parametep behaviour of solar wind (plasma velocity and density) are qualitatively explained in the framework of a model according to which solar corona expansion stronqly differs from radial expansion, that is: the solar wind current lines are focused towards helioequator during the period of low solar activity with gradual transfer to radial expansion during the years of high solar activity. It is shown that the geometry of the solar wind current tubes and its change with the solar activity cycle can not serve an explanation of the observed change of the solar wind parameters

  15. Prepared thin laminae of CuInS{sub 2} by means of evaporation in flow modulated for its application like absorbents in solar cells; Laminas delgadas de CuInS{sub 2} preparadas mediante evaporacion en flujo modulado para su aplicacion como absorbentes en celulas solares

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bollero, A.; Trigo, J. F.; Herrero, J.; Gutierrez, M. T.


    The Department of energy of CIEMAT focuses one of its research lines on the preparation of CuInS{sub 2} films to be used as absorber in solar cells. this work shows the influence of the different process parameters (deposition sequence, modulation of the evaporation flux of the constituent elements,...) on the morphology and the optical properties of the final films. A simplified evaporation procedure has allowed the preparation of CuInS{sub 2} films with a low Cu content. this avoids the necessity of applying subsequent toxic treatment for removal of the CuS phase prior to implementation of the film as absorber in the solar cell device. (Author)

  16. Parameterization models for solar radiation and solar technology applications

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Khalil, Samy A. [National Research Institute of Astronomy and Geophysics, Solar and Space Department, Marsed Street, Helwan, 11421 Cairo (Egypt)


    Solar radiation is very important for the evaluation and wide use of solar renewable energy systems. The development of calibration procedures for broadband solar radiation photometric instrumentation and the improvement of broadband solar radiation measurement accuracy have been done. An improved diffuse sky reference and photometric calibration and characterization software for outdoor pyranometer calibrations are outlined. Parameterizations for direct beam, total hemispherical and diffuse sky radiation and solar radiation technology are briefly reviewed. The uncertainties for various broadband solar radiations of solar energy and atmospheric effects are discussed. The varying responsivities of solar radiation with meteorological, statistical and climatological parameters and possibility atmospheric conditions was examined. (author)

  17. Parameterization models for solar radiation and solar technology applications

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Khalil, Samy A.


    Solar radiation is very important for the evaluation and wide use of solar renewable energy systems. The development of calibration procedures for broadband solar radiation photometric instrumentation and the improvement of broadband solar radiation measurement accuracy have been done. An improved diffuse sky reference and photometric calibration and characterization software for outdoor pyranometer calibrations are outlined. Parameterizations for direct beam, total hemispherical and diffuse sky radiation and solar radiation technology are briefly reviewed. The uncertainties for various broadband solar radiations of solar energy and atmospheric effects are discussed. The varying responsivities of solar radiation with meteorological, statistical and climatological parameters and possibility atmospheric conditions was examined

  18. Variation of the solar wind velocity following solar flares

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Huang, Y.; Lee, Y.


    By use of the superposed epoch method, changes in the solar wind velocity following solar flares have been investigated by using the solar wind velocity data obtained by Pioneer 6 and 7 and Vela 3, 4, and 5 satellites. A significant increase of the solar wind velocity has been found on the second day following importance 3 solar flares and on the third day following importance 2 solar flares. No significant increase of the solar wind velocity has been found for limb flares. (auth)

  19. Solar Market Research and Analysis Projects | Solar Research | NREL (United States)

    Market Research and Analysis Projects Solar Market Research and Analysis Projects Solar market research and analysis efforts at NREL seek to further solar technologies' role in supporting a more . Midscale Commercial Market Solar Analysis NREL experts are providing analysis to expand the midscale solar

  20. Solar energy (United States)

    Rapp, D.


    The book opens with a review of the patterns of energy use and resources in the United States, and an exploration of the potential of solar energy to supply some of this energy in the future. This is followed by background material on solar geometry, solar intensities, flat plate collectors, and economics. Detailed attention is then given to a variety of solar units and systems, including domestic hot water systems, space heating systems, solar-assisted heat pumps, intermediate temperature collectors, space heating/cooling systems, concentrating collectors for high temperatures, storage systems, and solar total energy systems. Finally, rights to solar access are discussed.

  1. Solar Combisystems

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Thür, Alexander


    This note first introduces what is a solar combisystem, the structure how a solar combisystem is build up and what are criteria’s to evaluate a solar combisystem concept. Further on the main components of a solar combisystem, the main characteristics and possible advantages and disadvantages...... compared to each other are described. It is not the goal of this note to explain the technical details how to design all components of a solar combisystem. This is done during other lectures of the solar course and in other basic courses as well. This note tries to explain how a solar combisystem...

  2. Solar energy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kruisheer, N.


    In five brief articles product information is given on solar energy applications with special attention to the Netherlands. After an introduction on solar energy availability in the Netherlands the developments in solar boiler techniques are dealt with. Solar water heaters have advantages for the environment, and government subsidies stimulate different uses of such water heaters. Also the developments of solar cells show good prospects, not only for developing countries, but also for the industrialized countries. In brief the developments in solar energy storage and the connection of solar equipment to the grid are discussed. Finally attention is paid to the applications of passive solar energy in the housing construction, the use of transparent thermal insulation and the developments of translucent materials. 18 figs., 18 ills

  3. Golden Rays - July 2017 | Solar Research | Solar Research | NREL (United States)

    , subscribe to the Solar Newsletter. SUBSCRIBE Hot Topics Two solar installers secure solar panels on the roof that has the potential to improve the efficiency of solar panels while leveraging existing

  4. Solar Special

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Van Roekel, A.; Osborne, J.; Schroeter, S.; De Jong, R.; De Saint Jacob, Y.


    Solar power is growing much faster than most policymakers and analysts realise. As costs come down and feed-in tariffs go up across Europe, a number of countries have started in pursuit of market leader Germany. But in Germany criticism is growing of the multi-billion-euro support schemes that keep the solar industry booming. In this section of the magazine several articles are dedicated to developments in solar energy in Europe. The first article is an overview story on the strong growing global market for solar cells, mainly thanks to subsidy schemes. The second article is on the position of foreign companies in the solar market in Italy. Article number three is dedicated to the conditions for solar technology companies to establish themselves in the German state of Saxony. Also the fifth article deals with the development of solar cells in Saxony: scientists, plant manufacturers and module producers in Saxony are working on new technologies that can be used to produce solar electricity cost-effectively. The goal is to bring the price down to match that of conventionally generated electricity within the next few years. The sixth article deals with the the solar power market in Belgium, which may be overheated or 'oversubsidized'. Article seven is on France, which used to be a pioneer in solar technology, but now produces only a fraction of the solar output of market leader Germany. However, new attractive feed-in-tariffs are changing the solar landscape drastically

  5. Solar Indices - Solar Radio Flux (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — Collection includes a variety of indices related to solar activity contributed by a number of national and private solar observatories located worldwide. This...

  6. Variations in Solar Parameters and Cosmic Rays with Solar Magnetic Polarity

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Oh, S. [Department of Earth Science Education, Chonnam National University, Gwangju, 61186 (Korea, Republic of); Yi, Y., E-mail: [Department of Astronomy, Space Science and Geology, Chungnam National University, Daejeon, 34134 (Korea, Republic of)


    The sunspot number varies with the 11-year Schwabe cycle, and the solar magnetic polarity reverses every 11 years approximately at the solar maximum. Because of polarity reversal, the difference between odd and even solar cycles is seen in solar activity. In this study, we create the mean solar cycle expressed by phase using the monthly sunspot number for all solar cycles 1–23. We also generate the mean solar cycle for sunspot area, solar radio flux, and cosmic ray flux within the allowance of observational range. The mean solar cycle has one large peak at solar maximum for odd solar cycles and two small peaks for most even solar cycles. The odd and even solar cycles have the statistical difference in value and shape at a confidence level of at least 98%. For solar cycles 19–23, the second peak in the even solar cycle is larger than the first peak. This result is consistent with the frequent solar events during the declining phase after the solar maximum. The difference between odd and even solar cycles can be explained by a combined model of polarity reversal and solar rotation. In the positive/negative polarity, the polar magnetic field introduces angular momentum in the same/opposite direction as/to the solar rotation. Thus the addition/subtraction of angular momentum can increase/decrease the motion of plasma to support the formation of sunspots. Since the polarity reverses at the solar maximum, the opposite phenomenon occurs in the declining phase.

  7. Solar Proton Events in Six Solar Cycles (United States)

    Vitaly, Ishkov

    Based on materials the catalogs of solar proton events (SPE) in 1955 ‒ 2010 and list SPE for the current 24 solar cycle (SC) are examined confirmed SPE with E> 10 MeV proton flux in excess of 1 proton cm-2 s ster-1 (pfu) from Švestka and Simon’s (1955 - 1969) and 5 volumes Logachev’s (1970 - 2006) Catalogs of SPE. Historically thus it was formed, that the measurements of the proton fluxes began in the epoch “increased” solar activity (SC 18 ‒ 22), and includes transition period of the solar magnetic fields reconstruction from epoch “increased” to the epoch “lowered” solar activity (22 ‒ 23 SC). In current 24 SC ‒ first SC of the incipient epoch of “lowered” SA ‒ SPE realize under the new conditions, to that of previously not observed. As showed a study of five solar cycles with the reliable measurements of E> 10 MeV proton flux in excess of 1 pfu (1964 - 2013): ‒ a quantity of SPEs remained approximately identical in SC 20, 21, somewhat decreased in the initial solar cycle of the solar magnetic fields reconstruction period (22), but it returned to the same quantity in, the base for the period of reconstruction, SC 23. ‒ Into the first 5 years of the each solar cycle development the rate of the proton generation events noticeably increased in 22 cycles of solar activity and returned to the average in cycles 23 and 24. ‒ Extreme solar flare events are achieved, as a rule, in the solar magnetic fields reconstruction period (August - September 1859; June 1991; October ‒ November 2003.), it is confirmed also for SPE: the extreme fluxes of solar protons (S4) except one (August 1972) were occurred in period of perestroika (SC 22 and 23). This can speak, that inside the epochs SA, when the generation of magnetic field in the convective zone works in the steady-state regime, extreme SPE are improbable. ‒ The largest in the fluxes of protons (S3, S4) occur in the complexes of the active regions flare events, where magnetic field more

  8. Early solar physics

    CERN Document Server

    Meadows, A J


    Early Solar Physics reviews developments in solar physics, particularly the advent of solar spectroscopy and the discovery of relationships between the various layers of the solar atmosphere and between the different forms of solar activity. Topics covered include solar observations during 1843; chemical analysis of the solar atmosphere; the spectrum of a solar prominence; and the solar eclipse of December 12, 1871. Spectroscopic observations of the sun are also presented. This book is comprised of 30 chapters and begins with an overview of ideas about the sun in the mid-nineteenth century, fo

  9. SolarChill - a solar PV refrigerator without battery

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Pedersen, P.H.; Poulsen, S.; Katic, I. [Danish Technological Inst., Taastrup (Denmark)


    A solar powered refrigerator (SolarChill) has been developed in an international project involving Greenpeace International, GTZ, UNICEF, UNEP, WHO, industrial partners and Danish Technological Institute. The refrigerator is able to operate directly on solar PV panels, without battery or additional electronics, and is therefore suitable for locations where little maintenance and reliable operation is mandatory. The main objective of the SolarChill Project is to help deliver vaccines and refrigeration to the rural poor. To achieve this objective, the SolarChill Project developed - and plans to make freely available a versatile refrigeration technology that is environmentally sound, technologically reliable, and affordable. SolarChill does not use any fluorocarbons in its cooling system or in the insulation. For domestic and small business applications, another type of solar refrigerator is under development. This is an upright type, suitable for cool storage of food and beverages in areas where grid power is non-existent or unstable. The market potential for this type is thus present in industrialised countries as well as in countries under development. The unique feature of SolarChill is that energy is stored in ice instead of in batteries. An ice compartment keeps the cabinet at desired temperatures during the night. The paper describes the product development, possible SolarChill applications and experience with the two types of solar refrigerators, as well as results from the laboratory and field test. (orig.)

  10. SOLAR-ISS: A new reference spectrum based on SOLAR/SOLSPEC observations (United States)

    Meftah, M.; Damé, L.; Bolsée, D.; Hauchecorne, A.; Pereira, N.; Sluse, D.; Cessateur, G.; Irbah, A.; Bureau, J.; Weber, M.; Bramstedt, K.; Hilbig, T.; Thiéblemont, R.; Marchand, M.; Lefèvre, F.; Sarkissian, A.; Bekki, S.


    Context. Since April 5, 2008 and up to February 15, 2017, the SOLar SPECtrometer (SOLSPEC) instrument of the SOLAR payload on board the International Space Station (ISS) has performed accurate measurements of solar spectral irradiance (SSI) from the middle ultraviolet to the infrared (165 to 3088 nm). These measurements are of primary importance for a better understanding of solar physics and the impact of solar variability on climate. In particular, a new reference solar spectrum (SOLAR-ISS) is established in April 2008 during the solar minima of cycles 23-24 thanks to revised engineering corrections, improved calibrations, and advanced procedures to account for thermal and aging corrections of the SOLAR/SOLSPEC instrument. Aims: The main objective of this article is to present a new high-resolution solar spectrum with a mean absolute uncertainty of 1.26% at 1σ from 165 to 3000 nm. This solar spectrum is based on solar observations of the SOLAR/SOLSPEC space-based instrument. Methods: The SOLAR/SOLSPEC instrument consists of three separate double monochromators that use concave holographic gratings to cover the middle ultraviolet (UV), visible (VIS), and infrared (IR) domains. Our best ultraviolet, visible, and infrared spectra are merged into a single absolute solar spectrum covering the 165-3000 nm domain. The resulting solar spectrum has a spectral resolution varying between 0.6 and 9.5 nm in the 165-3000 nm wavelength range. We build a new solar reference spectrum (SOLAR-ISS) by constraining existing high-resolution spectra to SOLAR/SOLSPEC observed spectrum. For that purpose, we account for the difference of resolution between the two spectra using the SOLAR/SOLSPEC instrumental slit functions. Results: Using SOLAR/SOLSPEC data, a new solar spectrum covering the 165-3000 nm wavelength range is built and is representative of the 2008 solar minimum. It has a resolution better than 0.1 nm below 1000 nm and 1 nm in the 1000-3000 nm wavelength range. The new

  11. Solar Thermal Energy; Energia Solar Termica

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Perez-Martinez, M; Cuesta-Santianes, M J; Cabrera Jimenez, J A


    Approximately, 50 % of worldwide primary energy consumption is done in the form of heat in applications with a temperature lower than 250 degree centigree (low-medium temperature heat). These data clearly demonstrate the great potential of solar thermal energy to substitute conventional fossil fuels, which are becoming more expensive and are responsible for global warming. Low-medium temperature solar thermal energy is mainly used to obtain domestic hot water and provide space heating. Active solar thermal systems are those related to the use of solar thermal collectors. This study is dealing with low temperature solar thermal applications, mainly focusing on active solar thermal systems. This kind of systems has been extensively growing worldwide during the last years. At the end of 2006, the collector capacity in operation worldwide equalled 127.8 GWth. The technology is considered to be already developed and actions should be aimed at favouring a greater market penetration: diffusion, financial support, regulations establishment, etc. China and USA are the leading countries with a technology based on evacuated tube collectors and unglazed collectors, respectively. The rest of the world markets are dominated by the flat glazed collectors technology. (Author) 15 refs.

  12. Solar cycle distribution of strong solar proton events and the related solar-terrestrial phenomena (United States)

    Le, Guiming; Yang, Xingxing; Ding, Liuguang; Liu, Yonghua; Lu, Yangping; Chen, Minhao


    We investigated the solar cycle distribution of strong solar proton events (SPEs, peak flux ≥1000 pfu) and the solar-terrestrial phenomena associated with the strong SPEs during solar cycles 21-23. The results show that 37 strong SPEs were registered over this period of time, where 20 strong SPEs were originated from the super active regions (SARs) and 28 strong SPEs were accompanied by the X-class flares. Most strong SPEs were not associated with the ground level enhancement (GLE) event. Most strong SPEs occurred in the descending phases of the solar cycles. The weaker the solar cycle, the higher the proportion of strong SPES occurred in the descending phase of the cycle. The number of the strong SPEs that occurred within a solar cycle is poorly associated with the solar cycle size. The intensity of the SPEs is highly dependent of the location of their source regions, with the super SPEs (≥20000 pfu) distributed around solar disk center. A super SPE was always accompanied by a fast shock driven by the associated coronal mass ejection and a great geomagnetic storm. The source location of strongest GLE event is distributed in the well-connected region. The SPEs associated with super GLE events (peak increase rate ≥100%) which have their peak flux much lower than 10000 pfu were not accompanied by an intense geomagnetic storm.


    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nitta, Nariaki V.; Mason, Glenn M.; Wang, Linghua; Cohen, Christina M. S.; Wiedenbeck, Mark E.


    Using high-cadence EUV images obtained by the Atmospheric Imaging Assembly (AIA) on board the Solar Dynamics Observatory, we investigate the solar sources of 26 3 He-rich solar energetic particle events at ≲1 MeV nucleon −1 that were well-observed by the Advanced Composition Explorer during solar cycle 24. Identification of the solar sources is based on the association of 3 He-rich events with type III radio bursts and electron events as observed by Wind. The source locations are further verified in EUV images from the Solar and Terrestrial Relations Observatory, which provides information on solar activities in the regions not visible from the Earth. Based on AIA observations, 3 He-rich events are not only associated with coronal jets as emphasized in solar cycle 23 studies, but also with more spatially extended eruptions. The properties of the 3 He-rich events do not appear to be strongly correlated with those of the source regions. As in the previous studies, the magnetic connection between the source region and the observer is not always reproduced adequately by the simple potential field source surface model combined with the Parker spiral. Instead, we find a broad longitudinal distribution of the source regions extending well beyond the west limb, with the longitude deviating significantly from that expected from the observed solar wind speed

  14. Proyecto de vivienda energéticamente sostenible situada en Ontinyent (Valencia). Instalación fotovoltaica.




    [ES] Se van a diseñar las instalaciones necesarias para que una vivienda unifamiliar sea energéticamente sostenible. La única fuente de energía disponible es la solar Se calcualrán las instalaciones para dos opciones. 1. Vivienda conectada a la red eléctrica general. 2. Vivienda aislada de la red eléctrica. [ES] El objeto de este trabajo es el diseño y comparación, de las instalaciones necesarias para que una vivienda unifamiliar sea energéticamente sostenible, con la única fuen...

  15. A High Rated Solar Water Distillation Unit for Solar Homes

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Abhishek Saxena


    Full Text Available India is presently focusing on complete utilization of solar energy and saving fossil fuels, which are limited. Various solar energy systems like solar cookers, solar water heaters, solar lanterns, solar PV lights, and solar lamps are continuously availing by the people of India at a low cost and on good subsidies. Apart from this, India is a solar energy promising country with a good number of solar homes (carrying solar energy systems in its various locations. The present paper focuses on a unique combination of solar dish cooker (SDC and solar water heater (SWH to produce distilled water with a high distillate and a high daily productivity. The procedure has been discussed on the basis of experimental testing to produce distilled water by combining an evacuated type SWH and a SDC. Experimentation has been carried out in MIT, Moradabad (longitude, 28.83°N, and latitude, 78.78°E by developing the same experimental setup on behalf of solar homes. The daily productivity of distilled water was found around 3.66 litres per day in full sunshine hours for an approximated pH value of 7.7 and a ppm value of 21. The payback period (PBP has been estimated around 1.16 years of the present system.

  16. Midscale Commercial Solar Market | Solar Research | NREL (United States)

    States To help prospective solar customers understand and use the policies of their state for midsized Customers, which equips prospective solar customers with the tools necessary to understand and use the solar corporate customers (Alabama Power's Renewable Procurement Program), and a company with approval to sell

  17. The Solar Energy Trifecta: Solar + Storage + Net Metering | State, Local, (United States)

    and Tribal Governments | NREL The Solar Energy Trifecta: Solar + Storage + Net Metering The Solar Energy Trifecta: Solar + Storage + Net Metering February 12, 2018 by Benjamin Mow Massachusetts (DPU) seeking an advisory ruling on the eligibility of pairing solar-plus-storage systems with current

  18. DIY Solar Market Analysis Webinar Series: Solar Resource and Technical (United States)

    Series: Solar Resource and Technical Potential DIY Solar Market Analysis Webinar Series: Solar Resource and Technical Potential Wednesday, June 11, 2014 As part of a Do-It-Yourself Solar Market Analysis Potential | State, Local, and Tribal Governments | NREL DIY Solar Market Analysis Webinar

  19. Solar Sailing (United States)

    Johnson, Les


    Solar sailing is a topic of growing technical and popular interest. Solar sail propulsion will make space exploration more affordable and offer access to destinations within (and beyond) the solar system that are currently beyond our technical reach. The lecture will describe solar sails, how they work, and what they will be used for in the exploration of space. It will include a discussion of current plans for solar sails and how advanced technology, such as nanotechnology, might enhance their performance. Much has been accomplished recently to make solar sail technology very close to becoming an engineering reality and it will soon be used by the world s space agencies in the exploration of the solar system and beyond. The first part of the lecture will summarize state-of-the-art space propulsion systems and technologies. Though these other technologies are the key to any deep space exploration by humans, robots, or both, solar-sail propulsion will make space exploration more affordable and offer access to distant and difficult destinations. The second part of the lecture will describe the fundamentals of space solar sail propulsion and will describe the near-, mid- and far-term missions that might use solar sails as a propulsion system. The third part of the lecture will describe solar sail technology and the construction of current and future sailcraft, including the work of both government and private space organizations.

  20. Preliminary design package for solar collector and solar pump (United States)


    A solar-operated pump using an existing solar collector, for use on solar heating and cooling and hot water systems is described. Preliminary design criteria of the collector and solar-powered pump is given including: design drawings, verification plans, and hazard analysis.

  1. Solar shading how to integrate solar shading in sustainable buildings

    CERN Document Server

    Dolmans, Dick; Dutoo, Gonzague; Hall, Anders; Seppänen, Olli


    Solar Shading Guidebook gives a solid background on the physics of solar radiation and its behaviour in window with solar shading systems. Major focus of the Guidebook is on the effect of solar shading in the use of energy for cooling, heating and lighting. The book gives also practical guidance for selection, installation and operation of solar shading as well as future trends in integration of HVAC-systems with solar control.

  2. Performances of solar water pumping station with solar tracker

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Buniatyan, V.V.; Vardanyan, A.A.


    For the solar water pumping stations ? solar tracking system with phototransistor is developed. On the basis of the experimental investigations the utility and efficiency of the PV water pumping station with solar tracker under different conditions of varying solar radiation in Armenia is shown

  3. Solar Energy. (United States)

    Eaton, William W.

    Presented is the utilization of solar radiation as an energy resource principally for the production of electricity. Included are discussions of solar thermal conversion, photovoltic conversion, wind energy, and energy from ocean temperature differences. Future solar energy plans, the role of solar energy in plant and fossil fuel production, and…

  4. Absorbing materials of thin film for photovoltaic structures prepared by the process of pyrolytic spraying; Materiales absorbedores en pelicula delgada para estructuras fotovoltaicas preparados por el proceso de rocio pirolitico

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Calixto Rodriguez, Manuela


    InS{sub 2}, SnS{sub 2} y SnS por la tecnica de rocio pirolitico. Se analizaron las propuestas estructurales, opticas y electricas de estas peliculas para determinar el conjunto de parametros de deposito con los cuales se obtienen las mejores propiedades fisicas para la aplicacion de las mismas en estructuras fotovoltaicas. Se encontro que la relacion molar en solucion de los compuestos de partida y la temperatura de deposito son los parametros dominantes en el proceso de crecimiento de las peliculas. Para el deposito de peliculas delgadas se sulfuro de indio se usaron acetato de indio y N, N-dimetil tiourea como compuestos precursores de In y S, respectivamente. Se obtuvieron peliculas policristalinas del compuesto In{sub 2}S{sub 3} empleando temperaturas de substrato, Ts, entre 400 y 450 grados centigrados, y soluciones de acetato de indio y N, N-dimetil tiourea con relaciones molares (In:S) de 1:8 y 1:1. La brecha de energia, Eg, de estas peliculas varia de 2.04 a 2.67 eV, y el valor de la conductividad en obscuridad, D, varia de 10-7 a 1 (cm)-1 en funcion de la relacion molar en solucion. Se encontro que las peliculas depositadas empleando una relacion molar de In:S 1:8 son de naturaleza intrinseca independientemente de Ts, mientras que las depositadas empleando una relacion molar de In:S =1:1 y Ts 400 grados Celsius poseen conductividad tipo-n. Empleando una relacion molar de In:S = 1:1 y Ts = 500 grados centigrados se obtiene el compuesto In{sub 2}O{sub 3} policristalino cuyas propiedades opticas y electricas son: Eg 3 eV y D=11 (cm)-1, con conductividad electrica tipo-n. Las peliculas depositadas empleando una relacion molar de In:S = 1:1 y Ts 450 grados centigrados son las que tienen las caracteristicas apropiadas para su uso como material tipo-n en estructuras fotovoltaicas (Eg=2 eV y D=1-1 com-1).

  5. Solar Energy Systems (United States)


    Calibrated in kilowatt hours per square meter, the solar counter produced by Dodge Products, Inc. provides a numerical count of the solar energy that has accumulated on a surface. Solar energy sensing, measuring and recording devices in corporate solar cell technology developed by Lewis Research Center. Customers for their various devices include architects, engineers and others engaged in construction and operation of solar energy facilities; manufacturers of solar systems or solar related products, such as glare reducing windows; and solar energy planners in federal and state government agencies.

  6. Solar energy: photovoltaics

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Goetzberger, A.; Voss, B.; Knobloch, J.


    This textbooks covers the following topics: foundations of photovoltaics, solar energy, P-N junctions, physics of solar cells, high-efficiency solar cells, technology of Si solar cells, other solar cells, photovoltaic applications. (orig.)

  7. Solar Adaptive Optics

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Thomas R. Rimmele


    Full Text Available Adaptive optics (AO has become an indispensable tool at ground-based solar telescopes. AO enables the ground-based observer to overcome the adverse effects of atmospheric seeing and obtain diffraction limited observations. Over the last decade adaptive optics systems have been deployed at major ground-based solar telescopes and revitalized ground-based solar astronomy. The relatively small aperture of solar telescopes and the bright source make solar AO possible for visible wavelengths where the majority of solar observations are still performed. Solar AO systems enable diffraction limited observations of the Sun for a significant fraction of the available observing time at ground-based solar telescopes, which often have a larger aperture than equivalent space based observatories, such as HINODE. New ground breaking scientific results have been achieved with solar adaptive optics and this trend continues. New large aperture telescopes are currently being deployed or are under construction. With the aid of solar AO these telescopes will obtain observations of the highly structured and dynamic solar atmosphere with unprecedented resolution. This paper reviews solar adaptive optics techniques and summarizes the recent progress in the field of solar adaptive optics. An outlook to future solar AO developments, including a discussion of Multi-Conjugate AO (MCAO and Ground-Layer AO (GLAO will be given.

  8. Solar radiophysics

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    McLean, D.J.; Labrum, N.R.


    This book treats all aspects of solar radioastronomy at metre wavelengths, particularly work carried out on the Australian radioheliograph at Culgoora, with which most of the authors have been associated in one way or another. After an introductory section on historical aspects, the solar atmosphere, solar flares, and coronal radio emission, the book deals with instrumentation, theory, and details of observations and interpretations of the various aspects of metrewave solar radioastronomy, including burst types, solar storms, and the quiet sun. (U.K.)

  9. Nanostructured Solar Irradiation Control Materials for Solar Energy Conversion (United States)

    Kang, Jinho; Marshall, I. A.; Torrico, M. N.; Taylor, C. R.; Ely, Jeffry; Henderson, Angel Z.; Kim, J.-W.; Sauti, G.; Gibbons, L. J.; Park, C.; hide


    Tailoring the solar absorptivity (alpha(sub s)) and thermal emissivity (epsilon(sub T)) of materials constitutes an innovative approach to solar energy control and energy conversion. Numerous ceramic and metallic materials are currently available for solar absorbance/thermal emittance control. However, conventional metal oxides and dielectric/metal/dielectric multi-coatings have limited utility due to residual shear stresses resulting from the different coefficient of thermal expansion of the layered materials. This research presents an alternate approach based on nanoparticle-filled polymers to afford mechanically durable solar-absorptive and thermally-emissive polymer nanocomposites. The alpha(sub s) and epsilon(sub T) were measured with various nano inclusions, such as carbon nanophase particles (CNPs), at different concentrations. Research has shown that adding only 5 wt% CNPs increased the alpha(sub s) and epsilon(sub T) by a factor of about 47 and 2, respectively, compared to the pristine polymer. The effect of solar irradiation control of the nanocomposite on solar energy conversion was studied. The solar irradiation control coatings increased the power generation of solar thermoelectric cells by more than 380% compared to that of a control power cell without solar irradiation control coatings.

  10. Deciphering Solar Magnetic Activity: Spotting Solar Cycle 25

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    McIntosh, Scott W. [High Altitude Observatory, National Center for Atmospheric Research, Boulder, CO (United States); Leamon, Robert J., E-mail: [Department of Astronomy, University of Maryland, College Park, MD (United States)


    We present observational signatures of solar cycle 25 onset. Those signatures are visibly following a migratory path from high to low latitudes. They had starting points that are asymmetrically offset in each hemisphere at times that are 21–22 years after the corresponding, same polarity, activity bands of solar cycle 23 started their migration. Those bands define the so-called “extended solar cycle.” The four magnetic bands currently present in the system are approaching a mutually cancelling configuration, and solar minimum conditions are imminent. Further, using a tuned analysis of the daily band latitude-time diagnostics, we are able to utilize the longitudinal wave number (m = 1) variation in the data to more clearly reveal the presence of the solar cycle 25 bands. This clarification illustrates that prevalently active longitudes (different in each hemisphere) exist at mid-latitudes presently, lasting many solar rotations, that can be used for detailed study over the next several years with instruments like the Spectrograph on IRIS, the Spectropolarimeter on Hinode, and, when they come online, similar instruments on the Daniel K. Inouye Solar Telescope (DKIST) as we watch those bands evolve following the cancellation of the solar cycle 24 activity bands at the equator late in 2019.

  11. Photovoltaic solar concentrator (United States)

    Nielson, Gregory N.; Cruz-Campa, Jose Luis; Okandan, Murat; Resnick, Paul J.; Sanchez, Carlos Anthony; Clews, Peggy J.; Gupta, Vipin P.


    A process including forming a photovoltaic solar cell on a substrate, the photovoltaic solar cell comprising an anchor positioned between the photovoltaic solar cell and the substrate to suspend the photovoltaic solar cell from the substrate. A surface of the photovoltaic solar cell opposite the substrate is attached to a receiving substrate. The receiving substrate may be bonded to the photovoltaic solar cell using an adhesive force or a metal connecting member. The photovoltaic solar cell is then detached from the substrate by lifting the receiving substrate having the photovoltaic solar cell attached thereto and severing the anchor connecting the photovoltaic solar cell to the substrate. Depending upon the type of receiving substrate used, the photovoltaic solar cell may be removed from the receiving substrate or remain on the receiving substrate for use in the final product.

  12. Solarbundesliga (Solar League) and SolarLokal. Competition and campaign for communities

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Vollmer, C. [Deutsche Umwelthilfe e.V., Radolfzell (Germany)


    Summary: Currently more solar power plants are built in Germany than ever before. Citizens, farmers, companies, initiatives and local authorities are participating. Solarbundesliga (Solar League), launched in April 2001, offers a forum for these solar minded actors. It ensures that the local commitment of these actors is known all over Germany and in doing so awakens the competitive drive in many people. The Solarbundesliga is organised by Deutsche Umwelthilfe and the specialist journal Solarthemen. It is a very good instrument to show the outcome of the solar energy supply at the local level in media friendly means. The image campaign SolarLokal of the Deutsche Umwelthilfe and SolarWorld, one of the biggest solar companies worldwide, is a very good approach for municipalities to inform their citizens about the benefits of solar energy. According to a recent opinion poll, SolarLokal contributes to an increase in solar current plants in the participating cities and towns. Additionally, it brings craftspeople having experience in installing solar power plants and interested citizens together. So, SolarLokal provides incentives to the local economy. The idea of SolarLokal is transferable to other countries. In January 2006 the partner campaign IsIaSolar was started in Teneriffa. (orig.)

  13. Solar Adaptive Optics. (United States)

    Rimmele, Thomas R; Marino, Jose

    Adaptive optics (AO) has become an indispensable tool at ground-based solar telescopes. AO enables the ground-based observer to overcome the adverse effects of atmospheric seeing and obtain diffraction limited observations. Over the last decade adaptive optics systems have been deployed at major ground-based solar telescopes and revitalized ground-based solar astronomy. The relatively small aperture of solar telescopes and the bright source make solar AO possible for visible wavelengths where the majority of solar observations are still performed. Solar AO systems enable diffraction limited observations of the Sun for a significant fraction of the available observing time at ground-based solar telescopes, which often have a larger aperture than equivalent space based observatories, such as HINODE. New ground breaking scientific results have been achieved with solar adaptive optics and this trend continues. New large aperture telescopes are currently being deployed or are under construction. With the aid of solar AO these telescopes will obtain observations of the highly structured and dynamic solar atmosphere with unprecedented resolution. This paper reviews solar adaptive optics techniques and summarizes the recent progress in the field of solar adaptive optics. An outlook to future solar AO developments, including a discussion of Multi-Conjugate AO (MCAO) and Ground-Layer AO (GLAO) will be given. Supplementary material is available for this article at 10.12942/lrsp-2011-2.

  14. Generación de energía eléctrica en la edificación mediante tecnología de disco Stirling =Electrical energy generation in building by means of Stirling dish technology

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Carlos Morón


    Full Text Available La creciente demanda de energía acompañada de los elevados niveles de emisión de gases contaminantes a la atmosfera hace patente la necesidad de encontrar nuevos sistemas de producción de energía. Una de las posibles alternativas se encuentra en la energía solar de concentración, y más concretamente en la tecnología termosolar con motor Stirling que alcanza unos niveles de rendimiento muy superiores a la energía solar fotovoltaica en cuanto a producción de energía eléctrica. En este trabajo se muestra el diseño y la caracterización de un prototipo de captador paraboloidal con motor Stirling, que permite obtener datos reales del funcionamiento de este tipo de sistemas. Esto permitirá modelizar de manera real el comportamiento esperado de equipos comerciales reales antes de abordar su implantación en edificios y viviendas unifamiliares. Abstract The increasing demand for energy accompanied by high level of emission of the contaminating gases into the atmosphere underscores the need to find new energy production systems. One of the possible alternatives is concentrating solar power and, more specifically, solar thermal technology with a Stirling engine that reaches higher performance levels than photovoltaic solar energy in terms of electricity generation. This paper shows the design and characterization of a prototype paraboloidal collector with a Stirling engine that allows obtaining real data of this type of systems functioning. This will allow modelling in a real way of expected performance of real commercial devices before approaching their introduction in buildings and single-family houses.

  15. Monitoring of the solar activity and solar energetic particles

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Akioka, Maki; Kubo, Yuki; Nagatsuma, Tsutomu; Ohtaka, Kazuhiro


    Solar activity is the source of various space weather phenomena in geospace and deep space. Solar X-ray radiation in flare, energetic particles, coronal mass ejection (CME) can cause various kind of disturbance near earth space. Therefore, detailed monitoring of the solar activity and its propagation in the interplanetary space is essential task for space weather. For example, solar energetic particle which sometimes affect spacecraft operation and manned space flight, is considered to be produced by solar flares and travelling shockwave caused by flares and CME. The research and development of monitoring technique and system for various solar activity has been an important topic of space weather forecast program in NICT. In this article, we will introduce the real time data acquisitions of STEREO and optical and radio observations of the Sun at Hiraiso Solar Observatory. (author)

  16. Solar Newsletter | Solar Research | NREL (United States)

    more about work by this consortium, which crosses national laboratories, on new materials and designs information on NREL's research and development of solar technologies. To receive new issues by email prize, focused on solar energy technologies, and will release the prize rules and open registration

  17. Photovoltaic. Solar thermal. Solar thermal electricity

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The year 2008 was excellent for solar energy in the European Union. The growth of the installed capacity for photovoltaic was +159% (it means +4747.018 MW) to reach 9689.952 MW and that for solar thermal was +51.5% (it means +3172.5 MW) to reach 19982.7 MW. Worldwide concentrated solar thermal capacity stood at 679 MW in 2009, while this figure may seem low, the sector has a promising future ahead of it. (A.C.)

  18. Solar opacities constrained by solar neutrinos and solar oscillations

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cox, A.N.


    This review discusses the current situation for opacities at the solar center, the solar surface, and for the few million kelvin temperatures that occur below the convection zone. The solar center conditions are important because they are crucial for the neutrino production, which continues to be predicted about 4 times that observed. The main extinction effects there are free-free photon absorption in the electric fields of the hydrogen, helium and the CNO atoms, free electron scattering of photons, and the bound-free and bound-bound absorption of photons by iron atoms with two electrons in the 1s bound level. An assumption that the iron is condensed-out below the convection zone, and the opacity in the central regions is thereby reduced, results in about a 25 percent reduction in the central opacity but only a 5 percent reduction at the base of the convection zone. Furthermore, the p-mode solar oscillations are changed with this assumption, and do not fit the observed ones as well as for standard models. A discussion of the large effective opacity reduction by weakly interacting massive particles also results in poor agreement with observed p-mode oscillation frequencies. The much larger opacities for the solar surface layers from the Los Alamos Astrophysical Opacity Library instead of the widely used Cox and Tabor values show small improvements in oscillation frequency predictions, but the largest effect is in the discussion of p-mode stability. Solar oscillation frequencies can serve as an opacity experiment for the temperatures and densities, respectively, of a few million kelvin and between 0.1 and 10 g/cm 3 . Current oscillation frequency calculations indicate that possibly the Opacity Library values need an increase of typically 15 percent just at the bottom of the convection zone at 3 x 10 6 K. 41 refs., 15 figs., 1 tab

  19. Inversor monofásico de alta eficiencia sin transformador para aplicaciones fotovoltaicas

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Vázquez-Guzmán Gerardo


    Full Text Available Photovoltaic (PV inverters have a very important role in the energy market, therefore they must possess excellent characteristics regarding cost and reliability. The PV structure most often used in the conversion stage of solar energy system includes a Low Frequency Transformer (LFT which provides galvanic isolation, but on the other hand reduces the overall efficiency and increases the total size and cost of the system. An alternative to reduce the size of the system and the losses, is to use a High Frequency Transformer (HFT, the problem in this case is that additional power stages must be included in the system. The additional stages increase the power losses in the conversion process, as a consequence the efficiency of the system is reduced. Therefore the tendency is to remove the transformer in order to increase the efficiency and reduce the cost. A security problem regarding common mode currents arise when the LFT or HFT is omitted. In this paper an inverter topology to deal with the problem of the common mode currents is proposed. Numerical results are performed in order to prove the performance of the topology regarding efficiency and Common Mode Voltage (CMV issues

  20. 3D Visualization of Solar Data: Preparing for Solar Orbiter and Parker Solar Probe (United States)

    Mueller, D.; Nicula, B.; Felix, S.; Verstringe, F.; Bourgoignie, B.; Csillaghy, A.; Berghmans, D.; Jiggens, P.; Ireland, J.; Fleck, B.


    Solar Orbiter and Parker Solar Probe will focus on exploring the linkage between the Sun and the heliosphere. These new missions will collect unique data that will allow us to study, e.g., the coupling between macroscopic physical processes to those on kinetic scales, the generation of solar energetic particles and their propagation into the heliosphere and the origin and acceleration of solar wind plasma. Combined with the several petabytes of data from NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory, the scientific community will soon have access to multi­dimensional remote-sensing and complex in-situ observations from different vantage points, complemented by petabytes of simulation data. Answering overarching science questions like "How do solar transients drive heliospheric variability and space weather?" will only be possible if the community has the necessary tools at hand. In this contribution, we will present recent progress in visualizing the Sun and its magnetic field in 3D using the open-source JHelioviewer framework, which is part of the ESA/NASA Helioviewer Project.

  1. Unconventional cells of TiO2 doped with erbium; Celulas nao convencionais de TiO2 dopado com erbio

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ribeiro, P.C.; Campos, R.D.; Oliveira, A.S.; Wellen, R., E-mail: [Universidade Federal da Paraiba (UFPB), Joao Pessoa, PB (Brazil); Diniz, V.C.S.; Costa, A.C.F.M. da [Universidade Federal de Campina Grande (UFCG), PB (Brazil). Departamento de Engenharia de Materiais


    The technology used in TiO{sub 2} solar cells is in constant improvement, new configurations have been developed, aiming practicality and leading to efficiency increase of photovoltaic devices. This paper proposes a new technology for the production of solar cells in order to investigate a better utilization of solar spectrum of TiO2 doped with erbium (Er{sup 3+}), proven by energetic conversion. The Ti{sub 0,9}Er{sub 0,1}O2 system was obtained by Pechini method. Nanoparticles have a crystallite size 65.30 nm and surface area 118.48 m{sup 2}/g. These characteristics are essential for the formation of the film to be deposited on the conductive glass substrate constituting the cell's photoelectrode. The other side of the cell is the platinum counter electrode. The cell will have the faces sealed by a thermoplastic and, finally the electrolyte will be inserted, then they will be electrically evaluated through energy efficiency and confronted with the literature data base. (author)

  2. Global solar PV installations grew in 2015 and will continue this trend over the coming years; La fotovoltaica crece en 2015 a nivel mundial y lo seguir@ haciendo en los pr@ximos a@os

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    According to preliminary numbers from GTM Research, 59 GW of solar PV were installed globally in 2015, representing a 34% increase over 2014 total. The fourth quarter of 2015 showed that global PV demand is very much at the mercy of government support, which can often be unpredictable and idiosyncratic, frequently leading to negative, although occasionally positive, outcomes. By the end of 2016, cumulative installations will reach 321 GW. (Author)

  3. Calculating the diffuse solar radiation in regions without solar radiation measurements

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Li, Huashan; Bu, Xianbiao; Long, Zhen; Zhao, Liang; Ma, Weibin


    Correlations for calculating diffuse solar radiation can be classified into models with global solar radiation (H-based method) and without it (Non-H method). The objective of the present study is to compare the performance of H-based and Non-H methods for calculating the diffuse solar radiation in regions without solar radiation measurements. The comparison is carried out at eight meteorological stations in China focusing on the monthly average daily diffuse solar radiation. Based on statistical error tests, the results show that the Non-H method that includes other readily available meteorological elements gives better estimates. Therefore, it can be concluded that the Non-H method is more appropriate than the H-based one for calculating the diffuse solar radiation in regions without solar radiation measurements. -- Highlights: ► Methods for calculating diffuse solar radiation in regions without solar radiation measurements are investigated. ► Diffuse solar radiation models can be classified into two groups according to global solar radiation. ► Two approaches are compared at the eight meteorological stations in China. ► The method without global solar radiation is recommended.

  4. Preparation and Characterization of Molybdenum Thin Film to Photovoltaic applications; Preparacion y Caracterizacion de Peliculas Delgadas de Molibdeno para Aplicaciones Fotovoltaicas

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Andres, M.; Gutierrez, M. T.


    Molybdenum (Mo) is one of the main material used as back ohmic contact for Cu(In,Ga)Se2 (CIGS) thin film solar cells. It has to provide the electrical properties of low resistivity electrode and high reflectance in the absorbance region of CIGS layer. Also, it has to have high thermal stability, an adequate morphology and good adhesion to the substrate. The aim of this work has been the preparation of Mo layers onto two types of substrates, soda-lime glass (SLG) and a commercial flexible polyimide called Kapton, and the evaluation as a flexible substrate in CIGS solar cells. Internal stress, adhesion, microstructure and optical and electrical properties of Mo thin films have been studied as a function of deposition parameters (gas pressure, power density and time). The change of the substrate from rigid one to flexible introduces tensile stress due to the difference in the coefficient of thermal expansion (CTE) between the coating and the substrate. Low stress in Mo/Kapton structure has been obtained; this is a good result to use in CIGS flexible solar cells. (Author) 23 refs.

  5. Solar homebuilders program: getting builders to build solar

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Parkin, B.; Allen, D.


    The homebuilding industry can open the way to wide-scale residential use of solar energy. Under the Northwest Power Act, the Department of Energy's Bonneville Power Administration, Western Solar Utilization Network and the Solar Energy Research Institute are working together with the Home Builders Association of Metropolitan Portland and the Portland chapter of the American Institute of Architects on a program that will affect 7 cities in the Pacific Northwest. Modeled after the successful Denver Metro Homebuilders Program, the project is being implemented in 3 cities in 1981 and three additional cities in 1982. In each of the 7 cities builders and developers will be provided with design, performance monitoring and marketing assistance for constructing passive solar prototypes. The result is ten passive solar homes of superior design and of an affordable price in each city. The secondary result of this program is expected to be a total of 2700 solar homes produced outside the program by builders from 1981-1985. Builders influenced to build passive solar homes outside the program could result in as many as 500,000 homes produced by the year 2000.

  6. Estimation of monthly solar radiation distribution for solar energy system analysis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Coskun, C.; Oktay, Z.; Dincer, I.


    The concept of probability density frequency, which is successfully used for analyses of wind speed and outdoor temperature distributions, is now modified and proposed for estimating solar radiation distributions for design and analysis of solar energy systems. In this study, global solar radiation distribution is comprehensively analyzed for photovoltaic (PV) panel and thermal collector systems. In this regard, a case study is conducted with actual global solar irradiation data of the last 15 years recorded by the Turkish State Meteorological Service. It is found that intensity of global solar irradiance greatly affects energy and exergy efficiencies and hence the performance of collectors. -- Research highlights: → The first study to apply global solar radiation distribution in solar system analyzes. → The first study showing global solar radiation distribution as a parameter of the solar irradiance intensity. → Time probability intensity frequency and probability power distribution do not have similar distribution patterns for each month. → There is no relation between the distribution of annual time lapse and solar energy with the intensity of solar irradiance.

  7. Principles of solar engineering

    CERN Document Server

    Goswami, D Yogi


    Introduction to Solar Energy ConversionGlobal Energy Needs and ResourcesSolar EnergyEnergy StorageEconomics of Solar SystemsSummary of RE ResourcesForecast of Future Energy MixReferencesFundamentals of Solar RadiationThe Physics of the Sun and Its Energy TransportThermal Radiation FundamentalsSun-Earth Geometric RelationshipSolar RadiationEstimation of Terrestrial Solar RadiationModels Based on Long-Term Measured Horizontal Solar RadiationMeasurement of Solar RadiationSolar Radiation Mapping Using Satellite DataReferencesSuggested ReadingsSolar Thermal CollectorsRadiative Properties and Characteristics of MaterialsFlat-Plate CollectorsTubular Solar Energy CollectorsExperimental Testing of CollectorsConcentrating Solar CollectorsParabolic Trough ConcentratorCompound-Curvature Solar ConcentratorsCentral Receiver CollectorFresnel Reflectors and LensesSolar Concentrator SummaryReferencesSuggested ReadingThermal Energy Storage and TransportThermal Energy StorageTypes of TESDesign of Storage SystemEnergy Transport ...

  8. Solar Plus: A Holistic Approach to Distributed Solar PV

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    O' Shaughnessy, Eric [National Renewable Energy Lab. (NREL), Golden, CO (United States); Ardani, Kristen [National Renewable Energy Lab. (NREL), Golden, CO (United States); Cutler, Dylan [National Renewable Energy Lab. (NREL), Golden, CO (United States); Margolis, Robert [National Renewable Energy Lab. (NREL), Golden, CO (United States)


    Solar 'plus' refers to an emerging approach to distributed solar photovoltaic (PV) deployment that uses energy storage and controllable devices to optimize customer economics. The solar plus approach increases customer system value through technologies such as electric batteries, smart domestic water heaters, smart air-conditioner (AC) units, and electric vehicles We use an NREL optimization model to explore the customer-side economics of solar plus under various utility rate structures and net metering rates. We explore optimal solar plus applications in five case studies with different net metering rates and rate structures. The model deploys different configurations of PV, batteries, smart domestic water heaters, and smart AC units in response to different rate structures and customer load profiles. The results indicate that solar plus improves the customer economics of PV and may mitigate some of the negative impacts of evolving rate structures on PV economics. Solar plus may become an increasingly viable model for optimizing PV customer economics in an evolving rate environment.

  9. Solar Plus: A Holistic Approach to Distributed Solar PV

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    OShaughnessy, Eric J. [National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), Golden, CO (United States); Ardani, Kristen B. [National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), Golden, CO (United States); Cutler, Dylan S. [National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), Golden, CO (United States); Margolis, Robert M. [National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), Golden, CO (United States)


    Solar 'plus' refers to an emerging approach to distributed solar photovoltaic (PV) deployment that uses energy storage and controllable devices to optimize customer economics. The solar plus approach increases customer system value through technologies such as electric batteries, smart domestic water heaters, smart air-conditioner (AC) units, and electric vehicles We use an NREL optimization model to explore the customer-side economics of solar plus under various utility rate structures and net metering rates. We explore optimal solar plus applications in five case studies with different net metering rates and rate structures. The model deploys different configurations of PV, batteries, smart domestic water heaters, and smart AC units in response to different rate structures and customer load profiles. The results indicate that solar plus improves the customer economics of PV and may mitigate some of the negative impacts of evolving rate structures on PV economics. Solar plus may become an increasingly viable model for optimizing PV customer economics in an evolving rate environment.

  10. Frontier of solar observation. Solar activity observed by 'HINODE' mission

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Watanabe, Tetsuya


    After launched in September 2006, solar observation satellite 'HINODE' has been a solar observatory on orbit with the scientific instruments well operated and its continuous observation was conducted steadily on almost all solar atmospheres from photosphere to corona. 'HINODE' was equipped with the solar optical telescope, extreme-ultraviolet imaging spectrometer and x-ray telescope and aimed at clarifying the mystery of solar physics related with coronal heating and magnetic reconnection. Present state of 'HINODE' was described from observations made in initial observation results, which have made several discoveries, such as Alfven waves in the corona, unexpected dynamics in the chromosphere and photosphere, continuous outflowing plasma as a possible source of solar wind, and fine structures of magnetic field in sunspots and solar surface. (T. Tanaka)

  11. Trial products of solar cars; Solar car no shisaku

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Shimizu, A; Hatakeyama, S; Sugiura, S; Shinoda, S; Daigo, Y; Fujihara, Y; Yano, K; Kasuga, M [Yamanashi University, Yamanashi (Japan). Faculty of Engineering


    A solar car was trially manufactured installing solar panels on a motor-wheelchair for the old (senior car). It is a car for one person with maximum speed of 6km/h, motor of 360w, two of storage battery of 12Vtimes29AH, and two of solar cell of 20Vtimes3A. The output of solar cell is about 100W, which may not be enough to drive a 360W motor. However, if action time per day is about 2 hours, the required power 700WH, and the sunshine duration 7 hours per day, solar cells of 100W can generate 700WH. This is stored in battery, and when it is short, it is supplemented by nighttime power. Product prices are 200,000-250,000 yen. A solar go-cart was trially manufactured remodeling the gasoline-run go-cart. It is a solar go-cart for one person with maximum speed of 30km/h, a motor of 600W, four of storage battery of 12Vtimes29AH, and four of solar cell of 20Vtimes3A. The output of solar battery at 200W is a third of the motor power, with battery charged three times the travel time. More than 1000 persons trially rode the go-cart. 2 figs.

  12. Solar Design Workbook

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Franta, G.; Baylin, F.; Crowther, R.; Dubin, F.; Grace, A., Griffith, J.W.; Holtz, M.; Kutscher, C.; Nordham, D.; Selkowitz, S.; Villecco, M.


    This Solar Design Workbook presents solar building design applications for commercial buildir^s. The book is divided into four sections. The first section describes the variety of solar applications in buildings including conservation aspects, solar fundamentals, passive systems, active systems, daylighting, and other solar options. Solar system design evaluation techniques including considerations for building energy requirements, passive systems, active systems, and economics are presented in Section II. The third section attempts to assist the designer in the building design process for energy conservation and solar applications including options and considerations for pre-design, design, and post-design phases. The information required for the solar design proee^ has not been fully developed at this time. Therefore, Section III is incomplete, but an overview of the considerations with some of the design proces elements is presented. Section IV illustrates ease studies that utilize solar applications in the building design.

  13. Solar Spots - Activities to Introduce Solar Energy into the K-8 Curricula. (United States)

    Longe, Karen M.; McClelland, Michael J.

    Following an introduction to solar technology which reviews solar heating and cooling, passive solar systems (direct gain systems, thermal storage walls, sun spaces, roof ponds, and convection loops), active solar systems, solar electricity (photovoltaic and solar thermal conversion systems), wind energy, and biomass, activities to introduce solar…

  14. Solar energy in building construction practice. Solar architecture and solar engineering - fundamentals and uses. Sonnenenergie in der Baupraxis. Solar-Architektur und Solar-Technik - Grundlagen und Anwendungen

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Weik, H.; Hahn, G.; Marschall, F.; Meister, H.; Peters, W.; Ranft, F.


    This anthology presents a number of overall suggestions for modern, trend-setting building construction. Details are given about active in addition to passive solar energy utilization, i.e. combinations of solar architecture and solar engineering. In an intelligible way accessible to non-physicist readers, part one discusses the related physicotechnical and town-planning fundamentals. Parts two and three are dedicated to building construction practice. They discuss the various problems of solar energy utilization from the point of view of architects, and refer to economic aspects and thermal insulation. Numerous pictures, diagrams and tables complete the book. (BWI) With 59 figs.

  15. Proceedings of the Canadian Solar Industries Association Solar Forum 2005 : sunny days ahead : a forum on solar energy for government officials

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    Solar energy is the fastest growing energy source in the world. Government involvement is critical in the deployment of solar energy. This forum focused on the application of solar energy in government facilities. The forum was divided into 3 sessions: (1) solar technologies and markets; (2) government initiatives that support solar energy; and (3) the use of solar energy on government facilities in Canada. The current state of solar technologies and products in Canada was reviewed. Solar thermal markets were discussed with reference to passive solar energy and photovoltaic applications. On-site solar generation for federal facilities was discussed, and various federal initiatives were reviewed. Issues concerning Ontario's standard offer contract program were discussed. Government users and buyers of solar products spoke of their experiences in using solar energy and the challenges that were faced. The role that solar energy can play in reducing government costs was discussed, as well as the impact of solar energy on the environment. Opportunities and barriers to the use of solar energy in Canada were explored. The conference featured 14 presentations, of which 2 have been catalogued separately for inclusion in this database. refs., tabs., figs

  16. Solar energy collector (United States)

    Brin, Raymond L.; Pace, Thomas L.


    The invention relates to a solar energy collector comprising solar energy absorbing material within chamber having a transparent wall, solar energy being transmitted through the transparent wall, and efficiently absorbed by the absorbing material, for transfer to a heat transfer fluid. The solar energy absorbing material, of generally foraminous nature, absorbs and transmits the solar energy with improved efficiency.

  17. Solar magnetohydrodynamics

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Priest, E.R.


    Solar MHD is an important tool for understanding many solar phenomena. It also plays a crucial role in explaining the behaviour of more general cosmical magnetic fields and plasmas, since the Sun provides a natural laboratory in which such behaviour may be studied. While terrestrial experiments are invaluable in demonstrating general plasma properties, conclusions from them cannot be applied uncritically to solar plasmas and have in the past given rise to misconceptions about solar magnetic field behaviour. Important differences between a laboratory plasma on Earth and the Sun include the nature of boundary conditions, the energy balance, the effect of gravity and the size of the magnetic Reynolds number (generally of order unity on the Earth and very much larger on the Sun). The overall structure of the book is as follows. It begins with two introductory chapters on solar observations and the MHD equations. Then the fundamentals of MHD are developed in chapters on magnetostatics, waves, shocks, and instabilities. Finally, the theory is applied to the solar phenomena of atmospheric heating, sunspots, dynamos, flares, prominences, and the solar wind. (Auth.)



    RAHMATI, Sadegh; GHASED, Amir


    Abstract. Generally domain Aircraft uses conventional fuel. These fuel having limited life, high cost and pollutant. Also nowadays price of petrol and other fuels are going to be higher, because of scarcity of those fuels. So there is great demand of use of non-exhaustible unlimited source of energy like solar energy. Solar aircraft is one of the ways to utilize solar energy. Solar aircraft uses solar panel to collect the solar radiation for immediate use but it also store the remaining part ...

  19. Solar engine system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tan, K.K.; Bahrom Sanugi; Chen, L.C.; Chong, K.K.; Jasmy Yunus; Kannan, K.S.; Lim, B.H.; Noriah Bidin; Omar Aliman; Sahar Salehan; Sheikh Ab Rezan Sheikh A H; Tam, C.M.; Chen, Y.T.


    This paper reports the revolutionary solar engine system in Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM). The solar engine is a single cylinder stirling engine driven by solar thermal energy. A first prototype solar engine has been built and demonstrated. A new-concept non-imaging focusing heliostat and a recently invented optical receiver are used in the demonstration. Second generation of prototype solar engine is described briefly. In this paper, the solar engine system development is reported. Measurement for the first prototype engine speed, temperature and specifications are presented. The benefits and potential applications for the future solar engine system, especially for the electricity generating aspect are discussed. (Author)

  20. Solar engineering 1994

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Klett, D.E.; Hogan, R.E.; Tanaka, Tadayoshi


    This volume of 83 papers constitutes the Proceedings of the 1994 International Solar Energy Conference held March 27--30, 1994 in San Francisco, California. The Conference was jointly sponsored by the Solar Energy Division of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers and the Japan Solar Energy Society. This is the fourth cooperation between ASME, JSME and JSES in cosponsoring the International Solar Energy Conference. The papers cover a wide range of solar technologies from low temperature solar ponds and desalinization to high temperature concentrators for space applications and central receivers for terrestrial power generation. Other topics covered include solar detoxification of hazardous waste, dish Stirling systems, solar cooling, photovoltaics, building energy analysis and conservation, simulation, and testing and measurement techniques. All papers were indexed separately for the data base

  1. Solar array technology evaluation program for SEPS (Solar Electrical Propulsion Stage) (United States)


    An evaluation of the technology and the development of a preliminary design for a 25 kilowatt solar array system for solar electric propulsion are discussed. The solar array has a power to weight ratio of 65 watts per kilogram. The solar array system is composed of two wings. Each wing consists of a solar array blanket, a blanket launch storage container, an extension/retraction mast assembly, a blanket tensioning system, an array electrical harness, and hardware for supporting the system for launch and in the operating position. The technology evaluation was performed to assess the applicable solar array state-of-the-art and to define supporting research necessary to achieve technology readiness for meeting the solar electric propulsion system solar array design requirements.

  2. Solar wind structure out of the ecliptic plane over solar cycles (United States)

    Sokol, J. M.; Bzowski, M.; Tokumaru, M.


    Sun constantly emits a stream of plasma known as solar wind. Ground-based observations of the solar wind speed through the interplanetary scintillations (IPS) of radio flux from distant point sources and in-situ measurements by Ulysses mission revealed that the solar wind flow has different characteristics depending on the latitude. This latitudinal structure evolves with the cycle of solar activity. The knowledge on the evolution of solar wind structure is important for understanding the interaction between the interstellar medium surrounding the Sun and the solar wind, which is responsible for creation of the heliosphere. The solar wind structure must be taken into account in interpretation of most of the observations of heliospheric energetic neutral atoms, interstellar neutral atoms, pickup ions, and heliospheric backscatter glow. The information on the solar wind structure is not any longer available from direct measurements after the termination of Ulysses mission and the only source of the solar wind out of the ecliptic plane is the IPS observations. However, the solar wind structure obtained from this method contains inevitable gaps in the time- and heliolatitude coverage. Sokół et al 2015 used the solar wind speed data out of the ecliptic plane retrieved from the IPS observations performed by Institute for Space-Earth Environmental Research (Nagoya University, Japan) and developed a methodology to construct a model of evolution of solar wind speed and density from 1985 to 2013 that fills the data gaps. In this paper we will present a refined model of the solar wind speed and density structure as a function of heliographic latitude updated by the most recent data from IPS observations. And we will discuss methods of extrapolation of the solar wind structure out of the ecliptic plane for the past solar cycles, when the data were not available, as well as forecasting for few years upward.

  3. Estudo comparativo das inclusões do alastrim e da vacina no macaco (Macacus rhesus A comparison of the inclusion bodies of alastrim and vaccinia in the monkey (Macacus rhesus

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    C. Magarinos Torres


    Full Text Available Vesiculas e pustulas contendo numerosas inclusões citoplasmicas nas celulas epidermicas, foram regularmente produzidas no macaco (Macacus rhesus, quer com o virus do alastrim, quer com o da vacina, após inoculação endovenosa e sem previa escarificação. O virus do alastrim parece menos virulento para essa especie de macaco que o da vacina. Ao passo que 12 macacos rhesus injetados por via endovenosa com sete amostras diferentes de virus do alastrim, após apresentarem com regularidade um infecção experimental, sobreviveram e se conservaram em boa saúde, a injecção endovenosa do virus da vacina recentemente preparado (polpa bruta produziu a morte em 2, dentre 4 animais experimentados. 2. - Foram notadas diferenças pequenas, mas nitidas, na morfologia das inclusões do alastrim e da vacina, em material fixado no liquido de Helly, incluido em parafina e corado pela hematoxilina-eosina. Dizem elas respeito ao numero de inclusões encontradas em cada celula epidermica e às suas reações de coloração. 3. - As inclusões do alastrim, quando apresentam grandes dimensões, conservam-se unicas ou solitarias no citoplasma das celulas epidermicas do macaco rhesus, e coram-se em tonalidade que varia do azul escuro ao cinzento-azulado. Comtudo, em celulas que sofreram necrose, ou naquelas contendo 2 a 4 inclusões de pequenas dimensões, por vezes elas se mostram coradas em roseo. 4. - As inclusões da vacina, quando em faze adeantada de desenvolvimento, são multiplas nas celulas epidermicas do macaco rhesus e mostram, regularmente, uma policromatofilia caracteristica.1. - Vesicles and pustules containing numerous cytoplasmic inclusion bodies within the epidermal cells were regularly produced in monkeys (Macacus rhesus by intravenous inoculation either of alastrim virus or of recently prepared vaccine emulsion, no previous scarifications being required. Alastrim virus seems less virulent for this species of monkey than the virus of vaccinia is

  4. Solar Heating Systems with Evacuated Tubular Solar Collector

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Qin, Lin; Furbo, Simon


    Recently different designed evacuated tubular solar collectors were introduced on the market by different Chinese companies. In the present study, investigations on the performance of four different Chinese evacuated tubular collectors and of solar heating systems using these collectors were...... carried out, employing both laboratory test and theoretical calculations. The collectors were tested in a small solar domestic hot water (SDHW) system in a laboratory test facility under realistic conditions. The yearly thermal performance of solar heating systems with these evacuated tubular collectors......, as well as with normal flat-plate collectors was calculated under Danish weather conditions. It is found that, for small SDHW systems with a combi tank design, an increase of 25% -55% net utilized solar energy can be achieved by using these evacuated tubular collectors instead of normal flat...

  5. Behavior of Electrochemically Prepared CuInSe{sub 2} as Photovoltaic Absorber in thin Film Solar Cells; Comportamiento del CuInSe{sub 2} Basado en Precursores Electrodepositados como Absorbente Fotovoltaico en Celulas Solares de Lamina Delgada

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Guillen, C; Martinez, M A; Dona, J M; Herrero, J; Gutierrez, M T [Ciemat.Madrid (Spain)


    Two different objective have been pursued in the present investigation: (1) optimization of the CuInSe{sub 2} preparation parameters from electrodeposited precursors, and (2) evaluation of their photovoltaic behavior by preparing and enhancing Mo/CuInSe{sub 2}/CdS/TCO devices. When Cu-In-Se precursors are directly electrodeposited, the applied potential fit is essential to improve the photovoltaic performance. Suitable absorbers have been also obtained by evaporing an In layer onto electrodeposited Cu-Se precursors. In this case, the substrate temperature during evaporation determines the CuInSe{sub 2} quality. Similar results have been reached by substituting typical Mo-Coated glass substrates by flexible Mo foils. Different TCO tested (ZnO and ITO) have been found equivalent as front electrical contact in the devices. Solar cell performance can be improved by annealing in air at 200 degree centigree. (Author) 46 refs.

  6. The Combined Use of Autoradiographic and Electron Microscopic Techniques for Studies on Ultra-Thin Sections of Tritium-Labelled Cells of the Intestinal Epithelium; Emploi Combine de l'Autoradiographie et du Microscope Electronique pour L'Etude de Coupes Ultra-Fines de Cellules Tritiees de l'Epithelium Intestinal; 0421 043e 0432 043c 0435 0414 ; Empleo Combinado de Tecnicas de Autorradiografia y de MicroscopiA Electronica para Estudiar Cortes Ultrafinos de Celulas Tritiadas del Epitelio Intestinal

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hampton, J. C. [Division of Experimental Biology, Baylor University College of Medicine, TX (United States); Quastler, H. [Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, Long Island, NY (United States)


    dans la cellule. Les travaux presentes dans ce memoire demontrent qu'il est possible d'etudier au microscope electronique des coupes ultrafines de cellules marquees, de recuperer l'echantillon apres avoir pris des micrographies electroniques convenables, de l'enduire d'une emulsion suffisamment epaisse pour obtenir une autoradiographie, mais tout de meme assez mince pour permettre un nouvel examen au microscope electronique et obtenir des images micrographiques des autoradiographies deja faites. L'emulsion autoradiographique a ete appliquee comme suit: formation d'une mince pellicule sur une petite boucle de fil metallique plongee dans l'emulsion liquide, puis transfert de la pellicule par passage de la boucle sur l'echantillon monte, fixe a l'extremite d'une chevillette en plastique. On peut effectuer un controle satisfaisant en prenant, lorsqu'on fait les coupes, une coupe d'un demimicron apres chaque coupe ultrafine en la montant sur une lamelle de verre et en appliquant les techniques autoradiographiques classiques. En raison de la fragilite des coupes ultrafines, le nombre d'autoradiographies reussies est tres faible. Malgre cet inconvenient, on peut esperer qu'avec une plus grande experience et un perfectionnement des techniques, cette methode aidera a mieux comprendre les processus des cellules vitales. (author) [Spanish] Merced al elevado grado de resolucion que puede alcanzarse actualmente por observacion de cortes de celulas en el microscopio electronico, resulta posible estudiar algunos de los procesos intracelulares que conducen a la sintesis de las proteinas. La especificidad de la incorporacion de timidina tritiada en la molecula de acido desoxirribonucleico permite seguir detenidamente el desarrollo del proceso en funcion del tiempo y su localizacion dentro de la celula. Los trabajos descritos en la presente memoria demuestran que es posible estudiar por microscopia electronica cortes ultrafinos de celulas tritiadas, retirar la muestra una vez que se han

  7. Solar air-conditioning. Proceedings

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    Within the 3rd International Conference on solar air-conditioning in Palermo (Italy) at 30th September to 2nd October, 2009 the following lectures were held: (1) Removal of non-technological barriers to solar cooling technology across Southern European islands (Stefano Rugginenti); (2) The added economic and environmental value of solar thermal systems in microgrids with combined heat and power (Chris Marney); (3) Australian solar cooling interest group (Paul Kohlenbach); (4) Designing of a technology roadmap for solar assisted air conditioning in Austria (Hilbert Focke); (5) Solar cooling in the new context of renewable policies at European level (Raffaele Piria); (6) Prototype of a solar driven steam jet ejector chiller (Clemens Pollerberg); (7) New integrated solar air conditioning system (Joan Carlos Bruno); (8) Primary energy optimised operation of solar driven desiccant evaporative cooling systems through innovative control strategies; (9) Green chiller association (Uli Jakob); (10) Climate Well {sup registered} (Olof Hallstrom); (11) Low capacity absorption chillers for solar cooling applications (Gregor Weidner); (12) Solar cooling in residential, small scale commercial and industrial applications with adsorption technology (Walter Mittelbach); (13) French solar heating and cooling development programme based on energy performance (Daniel Mugnier); (14) Mirrox fresnel process heat collectors for industrial applications and solar cooling (Christian Zahler); (15) Modelling and analyzing solar cooling systems in polysun (Seyen Hossein Rezaei); (16) Solar cooling application in Valle Susa Italy (Sufia Jung); (17) Virtual case study on small solar cooling systems within the SolarCombi+Project (Bjoern Nienborg); (18) Design of solar cooling plants under uncertainty (Fernando Dominguez-Munoz); (19) Fast pre-design of systems using solar thermally driven chillers (Hans-Martin Henning); (20) Design of a high fraction solar heating and cooling plant in southern

  8. Solar Energy Evolution and Diffusion Studies Webinars | Solar Research | (United States)

    NREL Studies Webinars Solar Energy Evolution and Diffusion Studies Webinars These webinars . Department of Energy's Solar Energy Evolution and Diffusion Studies (SEEDS) program. SEEDS 2017-2019 Study Residential Solar July 20, 2017 Presenters: Kiran Lakkaraju, Sandia National Laboratories Yevgeniy Vorobeychik

  9. Solar '80s: A Teacher's Handbook for Solar Energy Education. (United States)

    LaHart, David E.

    This guide is intended to assist the teacher in exploring energy issues and the technology of solar energy conversion and associated technologies. Sections of the guide include: (1) Rationale; (2) Technology Overview; (3) Sun Day Suggestions for School; (4) Backyard Solar Water Heater; (5) Solar Tea; (6) Biogas; (7) Solar Cells; (8) Economics; (9)…

  10. Solar heating systems for houses. A design handbook for solar combisystems

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Weiss, W.


    A handbook giving guidance on systems for providing combined solar space heating and solar water heating for houses has been produced by an international team. The guidance focuses on selection of the optimum combi-system for groups of single-family houses and multi-family houses. Standard classification and evaluation procedures are described. The book should be a valuable tool for building engineers, architects, solar manufacturers and installers of solar solar energy systems, and anyone interested in optimizing combined water and space heating solar systems

  11. CERN... Solar Style

    CERN Multimedia


    Inventor William van Sprolant presenting the Solar Club's latest invention, the solar fountain. The CERN Solar Club is giving new meaning to the phrase 'fun in the sun' with their most recently developed contraption, the Solar Fountain. The Fountain was presented to the public just outside of Restaurant 1 on Wednesday October, 17th and uses solar energy to run a water pump at its base to propel a golden plastic ball up into the air. As lovely as the fountain is, the funny thing about it is that the height of the water jet and the ball are an artistic method of measuring the amount of solar power being captured by the photovoltaique panel (no batteries included). The day it was presented started out cloudy, but as the afternoon wore on, the weather brightened and the fountain jumped to life. William van Sprolant, the Solar Fountain's inventor, had great fun with the fountain in front of a group of visiting children swiveling the solar panel in multiple directions. 'Everyone who installs solar panels worrie...

  12. Solar workshops financial incentives

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    Ten one-day workshops were held across the United States. Information in this workbook is compiled in conjunction with those workshops. The following discussions are included: solar as a fuel (history); why alternative fuels are being sought today; the need for conservation; advantages of solar energy; the potential of solar energy; why solar energy is not more widely used; a definition of solar; how solar can help meet energy demands; Federal policies and programs; what solar technologies exist today that can be effectively utilized (thermal applications, fuels from biomass, solar electric). Additional information is presented in three attachments: Energy-Conserving Methods; Domestic Policy Review of Solar Energy; and DOE Secretary's Annual Report to Congress-Solar Section. (MCW)

  13. Development of a Greek solar map based on solar model estimations (United States)

    Kambezidis, H. D.; Psiloglou, B. E.; Kavadias, K. A.; Paliatsos, A. G.; Bartzokas, A.


    The realization of Renewable Energy Sources (RES) for power generation as the only environmentally friendly solution, moved solar systems to the forefront of the energy market in the last decade. The capacity of the solar power doubles almost every two years in many European countries, including Greece. This rise has brought the need for reliable predictions of meteorological data that can easily be utilized for proper RES-site allocation. The absence of solar measurements has, therefore, raised the demand for deploying a suitable model in order to create a solar map. The generation of a solar map for Greece, could provide solid foundations on the prediction of the energy production of a solar power plant that is installed in the area, by providing an estimation of the solar energy acquired at each longitude and latitude of the map. In the present work, the well-known Meteorological Radiation Model (MRM), a broadband solar radiation model, is engaged. This model utilizes common meteorological data, such as air temperature, relative humidity, barometric pressure and sunshine duration, in order to calculate solar radiation through MRM for areas where such data are not available. Hourly values of the above meteorological parameters are acquired from 39 meteorological stations, evenly dispersed around Greece; hourly values of solar radiation are calculated from MRM. Then, by using an integrated spatial interpolation method, a Greek solar energy map is generated, providing annual solar energy values all over Greece.

  14. The Effects of Solar Irradience and Ambient Temperature on Solar ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Solar energy is abundant. It is however low grade energy and cannot be easily used in the form it occurs for work. Converting solar energy directly to electricity, using solar photovoltaic (PV) modules is however a low efficiency process. Optimizing this conversion, especially in the face of the high cost of solar panels, is thus ...

  15. Concentrating Solar Power Projects - ISCC Duba 1 | Concentrating Solar (United States)

    Solar Break Ground: 2016 Start Production: 2017 Participants Developer(s): Saudi Electricity Co. Owner(s ) (%): Saudi Electricity Co. EPC Contractor: Initec Energia Generation Offtaker(s): Saudi Electricity Co. Plant Configuration Solar Field SCA Manufacturer (Model): Flabeg (Ultimate Trough) HCE Manufacturer: Archimede Solar

  16. Photovoltaic solar cell (United States)

    Nielson, Gregory N.; Gupta, Vipin P.; Okandan, Murat; Watts, Michael R.


    A photovoltaic solar concentrator is disclosed with one or more transverse-junction solar cells (also termed point contact solar cells) and a lens located above each solar cell to concentrate sunlight onto the solar cell to generate electricity. Piezoelectric actuators tilt or translate each lens to track the sun using a feedback-control circuit which senses the electricity generated by one or more of the solar cells. The piezoelectric actuators can be coupled through a displacement-multiplier linkage to provide an increased range of movement of each lens. Each lens in the solar concentrator can be supported on a frame (also termed a tilt plate) having three legs, with the movement of the legs being controlled by the piezoelectric actuators.

  17. Solar Power Sources

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kim, Katherine A.; Mentesidi, Konstantina; Yang, Yongheng


    a significant change. Beyond this energy transition, the still declining cost of the solar technology has become an important driving force for more solar-powered systems. However, high penetration of solar-powered systems also brings technical challenges to the entire energy systems. In order to fully address......Solar power is highly abundant, relatively reliable, and not limited to a geographic region, making it one of the most important renewable energy sources. Catering for a clean and green energy system, solar energy will be an active player in the future mixed power grid that is also undergoing...... those issues, the technological properties of solar power should be investigated. Thus, the basics of solar power technology will be introduced and discussed in this chapter....

  18. Photovoltaic solar concentrator (United States)

    Nielson, Gregory N.; Gupta, Vipin P.; Okandan, Murat; Watts, Michael R.


    A photovoltaic solar concentrator is disclosed with one or more transverse-junction solar cells (also termed point contact solar cells) and a lens located above each solar cell to concentrate sunlight onto the solar cell to generate electricity. Piezoelectric actuators tilt or translate each lens to track the sun using a feedback-control circuit which senses the electricity generated by one or more of the solar cells. The piezoelectric actuators can be coupled through a displacement-multiplier linkage to provide an increased range of movement of each lens. Each lens in the solar concentrator can be supported on a frame (also termed a tilt plate) having three legs, with the movement of the legs being controlled by the piezoelectric actuators.

  19. Smart solar tanks for small solar domestic hot water systems

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Furbo, Simon; Andersen, Elsa; Knudsen, Søren


    Investigation of small SDHW systems based on smart solar tanks are presented. The domestic water in a smart solar tank can be heated both by solar collectors and by means of an auxiliary energy supply system. The auxiliary energy supply system – in this study electric heating elements – heats up...... systems, based on differently designed smart solar tanks and a traditional SDHW system were investigated by means of laboratory experiments and theoretical calculations. The investigations showed that the yearly thermal performance of SDHW systems with smart solar tanks is 5-35% higher than the thermal...... performance of traditional SDHW systems. Estimates indicate that the performance/cost ratio can be improved by up to 25% by using a smart solar tank instead of a traditional tank when the backup energy system is electric heating elements. Further, smart solar tanks are suitable for unknown, variable, large...

  20. The solar kettle-thermos flask (SK-TF) and solar vacuum tube oven

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Yak, Alex Kee Koo [AkayConsult Enterprise, Johor Bahru (Malaysia)


    The Solar Kettle-Thermos Flask (SK-TF) and Solar Vacuum Tube Oven (SaVeTao): A Cost Effective, Sustainable and Renewable Water Pasteurization and Food Processing System For The Developing World. Based on the perfect solar thermal energy harvesting paradigm of maximum solar radiation absorption and minimum loss of stored converted solar thermal energy, Solar Vacuum Glass Tubes (SVGT) indefinitely delivers solar pasteurized safe drinking water, powered solely by free solar energy. The SVGT is the heart of the SK-TF. Being vacuum insulated, the SK-TF doubles up as a vacuum flask, delivering stored solar heated water in the morning before the Sun is up. With a high stagnation temperature of more than 200 C, the SK-TF can also be used for other heating purposes e.g. an oven or autoclave. Powered solely by free solar energy, the SK-TF and SaVeTaO could very well be the answer in providing safe solar pasteurized drinking water and cooking to the global poor and needy in a sustainable and renewable way. (orig.)

  1. Solar Simulator (United States)


    Oriel Corporation's simulators have a high pressure xenon lamp whose reflected light is processed by an optical system to produce a uniform solar beam. Because of many different types of applications, the simulators must be adjustable to replicate many different areas of the solar radiation spectrum. Simulators are laboratory tools for such purposes as testing and calibrating solar cells, or other solar energy systems, testing dyes, paints and pigments, pharmaceuticals and cosmetic preparations, plant and animal studies, food and agriculture studies and oceanographic research.

  2. Solar collector array (United States)

    Hall, John Champlin; Martins, Guy Lawrence


    A method and apparatus for efficient manufacture, assembly and production of solar energy. In one aspect, the apparatus may include a number of modular solar receiver assemblies that may be separately manufactured, assembled and individually inserted into a solar collector array housing shaped to receive a plurality of solar receivers. The housing may include optical elements for focusing light onto the individual receivers, and a circuit for electrically connecting the solar receivers.

  3. Impacts of the Solar Investment Tax Credit On State-Level Solar Outcomes


    Kolachalam, Sriman


    In this paper, I investigate the effects of the U.S. federally implemented Solar Investment Tax Credit (ITC) on states’ solar energy installation and utilization. In particular, I compare relative trends in solar installation and utilization between states with initially higher levels of solar and states with initially lower levels of solar, before and after the implementation of the Solar ITC. My findings demonstrate that states with initially higher level...

  4. Solar neutrinos and solar accretion of interstellar matter

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Newman, M.J.; Talbot, R.J. Jr.


    It is argued that if the Hoyle-Lyttleton mass accretion rate applies (Proc. Camb. Phil. Soc., Math. Phys. Sci. 35: 405 (1939)) the accretion of interstellar matter by the Sun is sufficient to enhance the surface heavy element abundances. This will also apply to other solar-type stars. The enhancement may be sufficient to allow the construction of consistent solar models with an interior heavy element abundance significantly lower than the observed surface abundance. This state of affairs lowers the predicted solar neutrino flux. It has been suggested that a similar enhancement of surface abundances might occur due to accretion of 'planetesimals' left over after formation of the solar system, and both processes may occur, thereby increasing the effect. The simple accretion model of Hoyle and Lyttleton is discussed mathematically. A crucial question to be answered by future research, however, is whether or not accretion on to the solar surface actually occurs. One of the most obvious obstacles is the outward flowing solar wind, and this is discussed. It appears that the outward flow can be reversed to an inward flow for certain interstellar cloud densities. (U.K.)

  5. Solar action: solar hot water in The Netherlands

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Van de Water, Adrie


    This paper focuses on the use of solar hot water systems in the Netherlands, and reports on the Dutch Solar Domestic Hot Water System agreement signed in 1999 and set up to enhance the development of the market for solar domestic hot water (SDHW) systems and their application as a sustainable energy source. The Dutch Thermal Solar Energy Programme's objectives and goals, the subsidy schemes for thermal solar energy administered by Senter - an agency of the Ministry of Economic Affairs (MEA), and the project-based and individual approaches to boosting the sales of SDHW systems are examined. Large system sales, the targeting of consumers via a national campaign, and national publicity using the slogan 'Sustainable energy. Goes without saying' commissioned by the MEA are discussed along with the support shown by the Dutch power distribution companies for SDHW systems, marketing aspects, and the outlook for sales of SDHW systems

  6. Introduction to solar cell production

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kim, Gyeong Hae; Lee, Jun Sin


    This book introduces solar cell production. It is made up eight chapters, which are summary of solar cell with structure and prospect of the business, special variable of solar cell on light of the sun and factor causing variable of solar cell, production of solar cell with surface texturing, diffusion, metal printing dry and firing and edge isolation, process of solar cell on silicone wafer for solar cell, forming of electrodes, introduction of thin film solar cell on operating of solar cell, process of production and high efficiency of thin film solar cell, sorting of solar cell and production with background of silicone solar cell and thin film solar cell, structure and production of thin film solar cell and compound solar cell, introduction of solar cell module and the Industrial condition and prospect of solar cell.

  7. Solar constraints

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Provost, J.


    Accurate tests of the theory of stellar structure and evolution are available from the Sun's observations. The solar constraints are reviewed, with a special attention to the recent progress in observing global solar oscillations. Each constraint is sensitive to a given region of the Sun. The present solar models (standard, low Z, mixed) are discussed with respect to neutrino flux, low and high degree five-minute oscillations and low degree internal gravity modes. It appears that actually there do not exist solar models able to fully account for all the observed quantities. (Auth.)


    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lepri, S. T.; Landi, E.; Zurbuchen, T. H.


    Solar wind plasma and compositional properties reflect the physical properties of the corona and its evolution over time. Studies comparing the previous solar minimum with the most recent, unusual solar minimum indicate that significant environmental changes are occurring globally on the Sun. For example, the magnetic field decreased 30% between the last two solar minima, and the ionic charge states of O have been reported to change toward lower values in the fast wind. In this work, we systematically and comprehensively analyze the compositional changes of the solar wind during cycle 23 from 2000 to 2010 while the Sun moved from solar maximum to solar minimum. We find a systematic change of C, O, Si, and Fe ionic charge states toward lower ionization distributions. We also discuss long-term changes in elemental abundances and show that there is a ∼50% decrease of heavy ion abundances (He, C, O, Si, and Fe) relative to H as the Sun went from solar maximum to solar minimum. During this time, the relative abundances in the slow wind remain organized by their first ionization potential. We discuss these results and their implications for models of the evolution of the solar atmosphere, and for the identification of the fast and slow wind themselves.

  9. Coordinated weather balloon solar radiation measurements during a solar eclipse. (United States)

    Harrison, R G; Marlton, G J; Williams, P D; Nicoll, K A


    Solar eclipses provide a rapidly changing solar radiation environment. These changes can be studied using simple photodiode sensors, if the radiation reaching the sensors is unaffected by cloud. Transporting the sensors aloft using standard meteorological instrument packages modified to carry extra sensors, provides one promising but hitherto unexploited possibility for making solar eclipse radiation measurements. For the 20 March 2015 solar eclipse, a coordinated campaign of balloon-carried solar radiation measurements was undertaken from Reading (51.44°N, 0.94°W), Lerwick (60.15°N, 1.13°W) and Reykjavik (64.13°N, 21.90°W), straddling the path of the eclipse. The balloons reached sufficient altitude at the eclipse time for eclipse-induced variations in solar radiation and solar limb darkening to be measured above cloud. Because the sensor platforms were free to swing, techniques have been evaluated to correct the measurements for their changing orientation. In the swing-averaged technique, the mean value across a set of swings was used to approximate the radiation falling on a horizontal surface; in the swing-maximum technique, the direct beam was estimated by assuming that the maximum solar radiation during a swing occurs when the photodiode sensing surface becomes normal to the direction of the solar beam. Both approaches, essentially independent, give values that agree with theoretical expectations for the eclipse-induced radiation changes.This article is part of the themed issue 'Atmospheric effects of solar eclipses stimulated by the 2015 UK eclipse'. © 2016 The Authors.

  10. Development of nonmetallic solar collector and solar-powered pump (United States)

    Parker, J. C.


    Design and building of two unique components for solar heating (1. flatplate solar collector using no metal components, and 2. solar powered pump for heating and cooling systems are outlined in report. Report also discusses hardware, deliverable end items, problems encountered during fabrication and testing, and performance certification.

  11. Solar thermal

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jones, J.


    While wind power is widely acknowledged as the most developed of the 'new' renewables, the number two technology, in terms of installed capacity functioning worldwide, is solar heating, or solar thermal. The author has investigated recent industry reports on how these markets are developing. The authors of an International Energy Agency (IEA) survey studied 41 countries in depth at the end of 2004, revealing that 141 million m 3 - corresponding to an installed capacity of 98.4 GWth - were installed in the sample countries (these nations represent 3.74 billion people, about 57% of the world's population). The installed capacity within the areas studied represents approximately 85%-90% of the solar thermal market worldwide. The use of solar heating varies greatly between countries - even close neighbours - and between economic regions. Its uptake often has more to do with policy than solar resource. There is also different uptake of technology. In China, Europe and Japan, plants with flat-plate and evacuated tube collectors are used, mainly to heat water and for space heating. Unglazed plastic collectors, used mainly for swimming pool heating, meanwhile, dominate the North American markets. Though the majority of solar heating installations today are installed on domestic rooftops, the larger-scale installations should not be overlooked. One important part of the market is the hotel sector - in particular hotels in locations that serve the seasonal summer holiday market, where solar is extremely effective. Likewise hospitals and residential homes, multi-family apartment blocks and sports centres are all good examples of places where solar thermal can deliver results. There are also a growing number of industrial applications, where solar thermal can meet the hot water needs (and possibly more) of a range of industries, such as food processing and agriculture. The ability of solar to provide a heat source for cooling is expected to become increasingly important as

  12. Solar thermal

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Jones, J.


    While wind power is widely acknowledged as the most developed of the 'new' renewables, the number two technology, in terms of installed capacity functioning worldwide, is solar heating, or solar thermal. The author has investigated recent industry reports on how these markets are developing. The authors of an International Energy Agency (IEA) survey studied 41 countries in depth at the end of 2004, revealing that 141 million m{sup 3} - corresponding to an installed capacity of 98.4 GWth - were installed in the sample countries (these nations represent 3.74 billion people, about 57% of the world's population). The installed capacity within the areas studied represents approximately 85%-90% of the solar thermal market worldwide. The use of solar heating varies greatly between countries - even close neighbours - and between economic regions. Its uptake often has more to do with policy than solar resource. There is also different uptake of technology. In China, Europe and Japan, plants with flat-plate and evacuated tube collectors are used, mainly to heat water and for space heating. Unglazed plastic collectors, used mainly for swimming pool heating, meanwhile, dominate the North American markets. Though the majority of solar heating installations today are installed on domestic rooftops, the larger-scale installations should not be overlooked. One important part of the market is the hotel sector - in particular hotels in locations that serve the seasonal summer holiday market, where solar is extremely effective. Likewise hospitals and residential homes, multi-family apartment blocks and sports centres are all good examples of places where solar thermal can deliver results. There are also a growing number of industrial applications, where solar thermal can meet the hot water needs (and possibly more) of a range of industries, such as food processing and agriculture. The ability of solar to provide a heat source for cooling is expected to become

  13. Availability of solar radiation and standards for solar access

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Casabianca, G.A.; Evans, J.M. [Research Centre Habitat and Energy, Facultad de Arquitectura, Diseno y Urbanismo, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Capital Federal (Argentina)


    In southern Argentina, a region between latitudes 38 deg C and 55 deg C S, the heating demand in the residential sector is high while the availability of solar radiation is limited. A new proposal for solar access standards has been developed, taking into account the climatic conditions of each location, the effective availability of solar radiation and the direct sunlight requirements. This study analyses the climatic conditions for the Patagonia, relating heating demand and solar radiation availability in different sites, and presents the development of new sunlight standards that respond to these regional conditions. As a result of this study, the new Argentine standard TRAM 11.603 includes new conditions to protect solar access and provide design recommendations. (orig.) 4 refs.

  14. Solar Energy Technician/Installer (United States)

    Moore, Pam


    Solar power (also known as solar energy) is solar radiation emitted from the sun. Large panels that absorb the sun's energy as the sun beats down on them gather solar power. The energy in the rays can be used for heat (solar thermal energy) or converted to electricity (photovoltaic energy). Each solar energy project, from conception to…

  15. Solar Energy and You. (United States)

    Conservation and Renewable Energy Inquiry and Referral Service (DOE), Silver Spring, MD.

    This booklet provides an introduction to solar energy by discussing: (1) how a home is heated; (2) how solar energy can help in the heating process; (3) the characteristics of passive solar houses; (4) the characteristics of active solar houses; (5) how solar heat is stored; and (6) other uses of solar energy. Also provided are 10 questions to…

  16. Solar energy an introduction

    CERN Document Server

    Mackay, Michael E


    Solar Energy presents an introduction to all aspects of solar energy, from photovoltaic devices to active and passive solar thermal energy conversion, giving both a detailed and broad perspective of the field. It is aimed at the beginner involved in solar energy or a related field, or for someone wanting to gain a broader perspective of solar energy technologies. A chapter considering solar radiation, basic principles applied to solar energy, semiconductor physics, and light absorption brings the reader on equal footing with the technology of either solar generated electrical current or useful heat. Details of how a solar cell works and then production of current from a photovoltaic device is discussed. Characterization of a solar cell is examined, allowing one the ability to interpret the current-voltage relation, followed by discussion of parameter extraction from this relation. This information can be used to understand what limits the performance of a given solar cell with the potential to optimize its pe...

  17. Solar energy guide

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lentz, A.; Winter, R.


    Many aspects with regard to the practical use of solar energy are discussed. This guide is aimed at informing local and regional administrators, committee members of housing corporations and public utilities and public relations officers on the possibilities to use solar energy. In chapter one an overview is given of the use of solar energy in the housing sector, the recreational sector, agricultural sector, industry, trade and other sectors. In the chapters two, three and four attention is paid to passive solar energy, active thermal solar energy and photovoltaic energy respectively. In the chapters five and six aspects concerning the implementation of solar energy systems in practice are discussed. First an outline of the parties involved in implementing solar energy is given: the municipality, the energy utility, the province, local authorities, advisors, housing constructors and the occupants of the buildings. Then attention is paid to the consequences of implementing solar energy for the building inspection and regulations, the finances, energy savings and the environment. In chapter seven an overview is given of the subsidy regulations of the European Community, the Dutch national and local governments. Chapter contains addresses of solar thermal systems, photovoltaic systems and other institutes operating in the field of solar energy, as well as the titles of a number of brochures and courses. 51 figs., 7 tabs., 86 refs

  18. Solar storms; Tormentas solares

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Collaboration: Pereira Cuesta, S.; Pereira Pagan, B.


    Solar storms begin with an explosion, or solar flare, on the surface of the sun. The X-rays and extreme ultraviolet radiation from the flare reach the Earths orbit minutes later-travelling at light speed. The ionization of upper layers of our atmosphere could cause radio blackouts and satellite navigation errors (GPS). Soon after, a wave of energetic particles, electrons and protons accelerated by the explosion crosses the orbit of the Earth, and can cause real and significant damage. (Author)

  19. Characteristic studies on solar x-ray flares and solar radio bursts during descending phases of solar cycles 22 and 23

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bhattacharya, J.; De, B.K.; Guha, A.


    In this paper, a comparative study between the solar X-ray flares and solar radio bursts in terms of their duration and energy has been done. This has been done by analyzing the data in a statistical way covering the descending phase of the 22nd and 23rd solar cycles. It has been observed that the most probable value of duration of both solar X-ray flares and solar radio bursts remain same for a particular cycle. There is a slight variation in the most probable value of duration in going from 22nd cycle to 23rd cycle in the case of both kinds of events. This small variation may be due to the variation of polar field. A low correlation has been observed between energy fluxes in solar X-ray flares and in solar radio bursts. This has been attributed to the non symmetric contribution of energy to the solar radio and X-ray band controlled by solar magnetic field

  20. Solar energy modulator (United States)

    Hale, R. R. (Inventor); Mcdougal, A. R.


    A module is described with a receiver having a solar energy acceptance opening and supported by a mounting ring along the optic axis of a parabolic mirror in coaxial alignment for receiving solar energy from the mirror, and a solar flux modulator plate for varying the quantity of solar energy flux received by the acceptance opening of the module. The modulator plate is characterized by an annular, plate-like body, the internal diameter of which is equal to or slightly greater than the diameter of the solar energy acceptance opening of the receiver. Slave cylinders are connected to the modulator plate for supporting the plate for axial displacement along the axis of the mirror, therby shading the opening with respect to solar energy flux reflected from the surface of the mirror to the solar energy acceptance opening.

  1. "Discovering the Cell": An Educational Game about Cell and Molecular Biology (United States)

    Spiegel, Carolina N.; Alves, Gutemberg G.; Cardona, Tania da S.; Melim, Leandra M. C.; Luz, Mauricio R. M. P.; Araujo-Jorge, Tania C.; Henriques-Pons, Andrea


    The role of games within education becomes clearer as students become more active and are able to take decisions, solve problems and react to the results of those decisions. The educational board game "Discovering the Cell" ("Celula Adentro"), is based on problem-solving learning. This investigative game attempts to stimulate…

  2. A hybrid solar chemical looping combustion system with a high solar share

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jafarian, Mehdi; Arjomandi, Maziar; Nathan, Graham J.


    Highlights: • A novel hybrid solar chemical looping combustion system is presented. • This hybrid CLC system integrates a CLC plant with a solar thermal energy plant. • The oxygen carrier particles are used for chemical and sensible thermal energy storage. • A solar cavity reactor is proposed for fuel reactor. • The calculations show a total solar share of around 60% can be achieved. - Abstract: A novel hybrid solar chemical looping combustion (Hy-Sol-CLC) is presented, in which the oxygen carrier particles in a CLC system are employed to provide thermal energy storage for concentrated solar thermal energy. This hybrid aims to take advantage of key features of a chemical looping combustion (CLC) system that are desirable for solar energy systems, notably their inherent chemical and sensible energy storage systems, the relatively low temperature of the “fuel” reactor (to which the concentrated solar thermal energy is added in a hybrid) relative to that of the final temperature of the product gas and the potential to operate the fuel reactor at a different pressure to the heated gas stream. By this approach, it is aimed to achieve high efficiency of the solar energy, infrastructure sharing, economic synergy, base load power generation and a high solar fraction of the total energy. In the proposed Hy-Sol-CLC system, a cavity solar receiver has been chosen for fuel reactor while for the storage of the oxygen carrier particles two reservoirs have been added to a conventional CLC. A heat exchanger is also proposed to provide independent control of the temperatures of the storage reservoirs from those of solar fuel and air reactors. The system is simulated using Aspen Plus software for the average diurnal profile of normal irradiance for Port Augusta, South Australia. The operating temperature of the fuel reactor, solar absorption efficiency, solar share, fraction of the solar thermal energy stored within the solar reactor, the fractions of sensible and

  3. Solar and terrestrial physics. [effects of solar activities on earth environment (United States)


    The effects of solar radiation on the near space and biomental earth, the upper atmosphere, and the magnetosphere are discussed. Data obtained from the OSO satellites pertaining to the solar cycle variation of extreme ultraviolet (EUV) radiation are analyzed. The effects of solar cycle variation of the characteristics of the solar wind are examined. The fluid mechanics of shock waves and the specific relationship to the characteristics of solar shock waves are investigated. The solar and corpuscular heating of the upper atmosphere is reported based on the findings of the AEROS and NATE experiments. Seasonal variations of the upper atmosphere composition are plotted based on OGO-6 mass spectrometer data.

  4. Stability of RNA and DNA in Bone Marrow Cells, Demonstrated with Tritiated Cytidine and Thymidine; Emploi de la Cytidine et de la Thymidine Tritiees pour Demontrer la Stabilite de l'ARN et l'ADN dans les Cellules de la Moelle Osseuse; 0421 0442 0430 0414 ; Estudio de la Estabilidad de los Acidos Ribonucleico y Desoxirribonucleico de las Celulas de la Medula Osea, Utilizando Citidina y Timidina Tritiadas

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bond, V. P.; Feinendegen, L. E.; Cronkite, E. P. [Medical Research Centre, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, Long Island, NY (United States)


    maniere que l'ADN. L'ARN et l'ADN de formation recente ne se diluent dans les cellules qu'a la faveur de la division cellulaire. (author) [Spanish] Los autores han estudiado el metabolismo de los acidos desoxirribonucleico y ribonucleico utilizando timidina tritiada (timidina-{sup 3}H), un precursor especifico del acido desoxirribonucleico, y citidina tritiada (citidina-{sup 3}H), un precursor comun de los acidos ribonucleico y desoxirribonucleico. Empleando citidina-{sup 3}H se determino autorradiograficamente la incorporacion diferencial por celula en los acidos ribonucleico y desoxirribonucleico, asi como en el espacio soluble. La misma determinacion se efectuo empleando metodos autorradiograficos y quimicos en el caso de poblaciones celulares, mediante extraccion diferencial aplicando un tratamiento apropiado con acido perclorico. Los estudios preliminares sobre renovacion realizados en celulas de HeLa con citidina-{sup 3}H pusieron de manifiesto la funcion precursora del acido ribonucleico nuclear respecto del acido ribonucleico citoplasmatico. La conservacion y distribucion del indicador en la fraccion acido ribonucleico es compatible con una mayor estabilidad de las macromoleculas de dicho acido. Asimismo, la incorporacion continua del indicador en la fraccion acido desoxirribonucleico es compatible con la presencia de un precursor de dicho acido en las ultimas fases de la sintesis. Fenomenos analogos se observaron en las celulas no maduras de la medula osea de la tata, estudiadas durante los dias consecutivos a la administracion de citidina-{sup 3}H por via intravenosa. La actividad del tritio en la fraccion soluble en acido y en las fracciones ARN y ADN se evaluo por metodos quimicos y autorradiograficos. Se comprobo que las tres curvas son paralelas desde el dia que sigue al de inyeccion y paralelas asimismo a las curvas de actividad del tritio en el acido desoxirribonucleico, cuando este se marca con timidina- {sup 3}H. La velocidad de disminucion de la

  5. The SolarPACES strategy for the solar thermal breakthrough

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Burch, G.D. [U.S. Department of Energy, Washington, DC (United States)


    Our national solar thermal research programs and our combined efforts conducted through IEA/SolarPACES have brought about many breakthroughs in the development of solar thermal technology. We have components and systems that are much more efficient, much more reliable, and can be built much more cost-efficiently than just a few years ago. As our technology development proceeds, we undoubtedly will continue to make significant progress, breakthroughs in fact, in all these areas - progress that will bring us even closer to economic parity with more conventional forms of energy. And while this progress is absolutely necessary, the question is whether it will be enough to allow solar thermal to break into the mainstream of global energy supply. Our new IEA/SolarPACES strategy, crafted and approved over the course of the past year, has recognized the changes we must face and given us license to begin to make those changes. We must begin addressing financial hurdles, work to create a more favorable regulatory and tax environment, support development of international partnerships, and expand the visibility and excitement of solar thermal technology to achieve the final breakthroughs we need to allow solar thermal energy to live up to its vast potential. (orig./AKF)

  6. Solar energy conversion

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kistler, J.


    The photovoltaic generator is the central part of all solar systems. Flat solar cells embedded in glass are preferred which can also convert diffuse solar radiation. Hybrid modules generate electrical and thermal energy simultaneously. With decreasing generator cost, the cost of energy storage becomes critical. Development activities are mostly directed on the development of stationary lead accumulator batteries and the electronic charging and protective systems. The block diagram of the current converter is presented, and applications of solar systems in domestic heating engineering, transportation technology, communications, and hydrological engineering. Solar villages are recommended which, established in bilateral cooperation with Third World authorities, may demonstrate the advantages of solar energy in heat and electric power generation.

  7. Solar cosmic rays in the system of solar terrestrial relations (United States)

    Miroshnichenko, Leonty I.


    In this brief review, we discuss a number of geophysical effects of solar energetic particles (SEPs) or solar cosmic rays (SCR). We concentrate mainly on the observational evidence and proposed mechanisms of some expected effects and/or poor-studied phenomena discovered within the last three decades, in particular, depletion of the ozone layer, perturbations in the global electric current, effects on the winter storm vorticity, change of the atmospheric transparency and production of nitrates. Some "archaeological" data on SCR fluxes in the past and upper limit of total energy induced by SEPs are also discussed. Due attention is paid to the periodicities in the solar particle fluxes. Actually, many solar, heliospheric and terrestrial parameters changing generally in phase with the solar activity are subjected to a temporary depression close to the solar maximum ("Gnevyshev Gap"). A similar gap has been found recently in the yearly numbers of the >10 MeV proton events. All the above-mentioned findings are evidently of great importance in the studies of general proton emissivity of the Sun and long-term trends in the behaviour of solar magnetic fields. In addition, these data can be very helpful for elaborating the methods for prediction of the radiation conditions in space and for estimation of the SEPs' contribution to solar effects on the geosphere, their relative role in the formation of terrestrial weather and climate and in the problem of solar-terrestrial relations (STR) on the whole.

  8. Deciphering solar magnetic activity: on grand minima in solar activity

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    McIntosh, Scott W. [High Altitude Observatory, National Center for Atmospheric Research, Boulder, CO (United States); Leamon, Robert J., E-mail: [Department of Physics, Montana State University, Bozeman, MT (United States)


    The Sun provides the energy necessary to sustain our existence. While the Sun provides for us, it is also capable of taking away. The weather and climatic scales of solar evolution and the Sun-Earth connection are not well- understood. There has been tremendous progress in the century since the discovery of solar magnetism—magnetism that ultimately drives the electromagnetic, particulate, and eruptive forcing of our planetary system. There is contemporary evidence of a decrease in solar magnetism, perhaps even indicators of a significant downward trend, over recent decades. Are we entering a minimum in solar activity that is deeper and longer than a typical solar minimum, a “grand minimum”? How could we tell if we are? What is a grand minimum and how does the Sun recover? These are very pertinent questions for modern civilization. In this paper we present a hypothetical demonstration of entry and exit from grand minimum conditions based on a recent analysis of solar features over the past 20 years and their possible connection to the origins of the 11(&ish) year solar activity cycle.

  9. Deciphering Solar Magnetic Activity: On Grand Minima in Solar Activity

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Scott William Mcintosh


    Full Text Available The Sun provides the energy necessary to sustain our existence. While the Sun provides for us, it is also capable of taking away. The weather and climatic scales of solar evolution and the Sun-Earth connection are not well understood. There has been tremendous progress in the century since the discovery of solar magnetism - magnetism that ultimately drives the electromagnetic, particulate and eruptive forcing of our planetary system. There is contemporary evidence of a decrease in solar magnetism, perhaps even indicators of a significant downward trend, over recent decades. Are we entering a minimum in solar activity that is deeper and longer than a typical solar minimum, a grand minimum? How could we tell if we are? What is a grand minimum and how does the Sun recover? These are very pertinent questions for modern civilization. In this paper we present a hypothetical demonstration of entry and exit from grand minimum conditions based on a recent analysis of solar features over the past 20 years and their possible connection to the origins of the 11(-ish year solar activity cycle.

  10. Deciphering Solar Magnetic Activity: On Grand Minima in Solar Activity (United States)

    Mcintosh, Scott; Leamon, Robert


    The Sun provides the energy necessary to sustain our existence. While the Sun provides for us, it is also capable of taking away. The weather and climatic scales of solar evolution and the Sun-Earth connection are not well understood. There has been tremendous progress in the century since the discovery of solar magnetism - magnetism that ultimately drives the electromagnetic, particulate and eruptive forcing of our planetary system. There is contemporary evidence of a decrease in solar magnetism, perhaps even indicators of a significant downward trend, over recent decades. Are we entering a minimum in solar activity that is deeper and longer than a typical solar minimum, a "grand minimum"? How could we tell if we are? What is a grand minimum and how does the Sun recover? These are very pertinent questions for modern civilization. In this paper we present a hypothetical demonstration of entry and exit from grand minimum conditions based on a recent analysis of solar features over the past 20 years and their possible connection to the origins of the 11(-ish) year solar activity cycle.

  11. Connectable solar air collectors

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Oestergaard Jensen, S.; Bosanac, M.


    The project has proved that it is possible to manufacture solar air collector panels, which in an easy way can be connected into large collector arrays with integrated ducting without loss of efficiency. The developed connectable solar air collectors are based on the use of matrix absorbers in the form of perforated metal sheets. Three interconnected solar air collectors of the above type - each with an transparent area of approx. 3 m{sup 2} - was tested and compared with parallel tests on two single solar air collectors also with a transparent area of approx. 3 m{sup 2} One of the single solar air collectors has an identical absorber as the connectable solar air collectors while the absorber of the other single solar air collector was a fibre cloth. The efficiency of the three solar air collectors proved to be almost identical in the investigated range of mass flow rates and temperature differences. The solar air collectors further proved to be very efficient - as efficient as the second most efficient solar air collectors tested in the IEA task 19 project Solar Air Systems. Some problems remain although to be solved: the pressure drop across especially the connectable solar air collectors is too high - mainly across the inlets of the solar air collectors. It should, however, be possible to considerably reduce the pressure losses with a more aerodynamic design of the inlet and outlet of the solar air collectors; The connectable solar air collectors are easy connectable but the air tightness of the connections in the present form is not good enough. As leakage leads to lower efficiencies focus should be put on making the connections more air tight without loosing the easiness in connecting the solar air collectors. As a spin off of the project a simple and easy way to determine the efficiency of solar, air collectors for pre-heating of fresh air has been validated. The simple method of determining the efficiency has with success been compared with an advance method

  12. Laying the Foundation for a Solar America: The Million Solar Roofs Initiative

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Strahs, G.; Tombari, C.


    As the U.S. Department of Energy's Solar Energy Technology Program embarks on the next phase of its technology acceptance efforts under the Solar America Initiative, there is merit to examining the program's previous market transformation effort, the Million Solar Roofs Initiative. Its goal was to transform markets for distributed solar technologies by facilitating the installation of solar systems.

  13. Coupling of Luminescent Solar Concentrators to Plasmonic Solar Cells (United States)

    Wang, Shu-Yi

    To make inexpensive solar cells is a continuous goal for solar photovoltaic (PV) energy industry. Thin film solar cells of various materials have been developed and continue to emerge in order to replace bulk silicon solar cells. A thin film solar cell not only uses less material but also requires a less expensive refinery process. In addition, other advantages coming along with small thickness are higher open circuit voltage and higher conversion efficiency. However, thin film solar cells, especially those made of silicon, have significant optical losses. In order to address this problem, this thesis investigates the spectral coupling of thin films PV to luminescent solar concentrators (LSC). LSC are passive devices, consisting of plastic sheets embedded with fluorescent dyes which absorb part of the incoming radiation spectrum and emit at specific wavelength. The emitted light is concentrated by total internal reflection to the edge of the sheet, where the PVs are placed. Since the light emitted from the LSC edge is usually in a narrow spectral range, it is possible to employ diverse strategies to enhance PV absorption at the peak of the emission wavelength. Employing plasmonic nanostructures has been shown to enhance absorption of thin films via forward scattering, diffraction and localized surface plasmon. These two strategies are theoretically investigated here for improving the absorption and elevating the output power of a thin film solar cell. First, the idea of spectral coupling of luminescent solar concentrators to plasmonic solar cells is introduced to assess its potential for increasing the power output. This study is carried out employing P3HT/PC60BM organic solar cells and LSC with Lumogen Red dyes. A simplified spectral coupling analysis is employed to predict the power density, considering the output spectrum of the LSC equivalent to the emission spectrum of the dye and neglecting any angular dependence. Plasmonic tuning is conducted to enhance

  14. Solar coronal non-thermal processes (Solar Maximum Mission). Final report

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hudson, H.S.


    The Solar Maximum Mission was used to study solar coronal phenomena in hard X-radiation, since its instrument complement included the first solar hard X-ray telescope. Phenomena related to those discovered from OSO-5 and OSO-7 observations were emphasized

  15. Characteristics of Solar Wind Density Depletions During Solar Cycles 23 and 24

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Keunchan Park


    Full Text Available Solar wind density depletions are phenomena that solar wind density is rapidly decreased and keep the state. They are generally believed to be caused by the interplanetary (IP shocks. However, there are other cases that are hardly associated with IP shocks. We set up a hypothesis for this phenomenon and analyze this study. We have collected the solar wind parameters such as density, speed and interplanetary magnetic field (IMF data related to the solar wind density depletion events during the period from 1996 to 2013 that are obtained with the advanced composition explorer (ACE and the Wind satellite. We also calculate two pressures (magnetic, dynamic and analyze the relation with density depletion. As a result, we found total 53 events and the most these phenomena’s sources caused by IP shock are interplanetary coronal mass ejection (ICME. We also found that solar wind density depletions are scarcely related with IP shock’s parameters. The solar wind density is correlated with solar wind dynamic pressure within density depletion. However, the solar wind density has an little anti-correlation with IMF strength during all events of solar wind density depletion, regardless of the presence of IP shocks. Additionally, In 47 events of IP shocks, we find 6 events that show a feature of blast wave. The quantities of IP shocks are weaker than blast wave from the Sun, they are declined in a short time after increasing rapidly. We thus argue that IMF strength or dynamic pressure are an important factor in understanding the nature of solar wind density depletion. Since IMF strength and solar wind speed varies with solar cycle, we will also investigate the characteristics of solar wind density depletion events in different phases of solar cycle as an additional clue to their physical nature.

  16. Apparent Relations Between Solar Activity and Solar Tides Caused by the Planets (United States)

    Hung, Ching-Cheh


    A solar storm is a storm of ions and electrons from the Sun. Large solar storms are usually preceded by solar flares, phenomena that can be characterized quantitatively from Earth. Twenty-five of the thirty-eight largest known solar flares were observed to start when one or more tide-producing planets (Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Jupiter) were either nearly above the event positions (less than 10 deg. longitude) or at the opposing side of the Sun. The probability for this to happen at random is 0.039 percent. This supports the hypothesis that the force or momentum balance (between the solar atmospheric pressure, the gravity field, and magnetic field) on plasma in the looping magnetic field lines in solar corona could be disturbed by tides, resulting in magnetic field reconnection, solar flares, and solar storms. Separately, from the daily position data of Venus, Earth, and Jupiter, an 11-year planet alignment cycle is observed to approximately match the sunspot cycle. This observation supports the hypothesis that the resonance and beat between the solar tide cycle and nontidal solar activity cycle influences the sunspot cycle and its varying magnitudes. The above relations between the unpredictable solar flares and the predictable solar tidal effects could be used and further developed to forecast the dangerous space weather and therefore reduce its destructive power against the humans in space and satellites controlling mobile phones and global positioning satellite (GPS) systems.

  17. Solar energy utilization by solar cells and superblack absorbers

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bonnet, D; Selders, M


    A review is presented of the physical principles responsible for the characteristics of solar cells, with particular reference to Si homojunction and CdS--Cu/sub 2/S thin film devices. Electric power generation from solar cells still appears uncompetitive economically except in special circumstances, but heating from solar energy using selective absorbers with low reemission is more promising.

  18. Solar electricity potentials and optimal angles for mounting solar ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    The need for harnessing solar energy using solar panels mounted at optimal inclination angles in the six geopolitical zones of Nigeria is presented. The optimal angle for mounting solar panels as presented by Photovoltaic Geographic Information System (PVGIS) ranges from 11º to 14º in the Southern zone and 13º to 16º ...

  19. Detecting photovoltaic solar panels using hyperspectral imagery and estimating solar power production (United States)

    Czirjak, Daniel


    Remote sensing platforms have consistently demonstrated the ability to detect, and in some cases identify, specific targets of interest, and photovoltaic solar panels are shown to have a unique spectral signature that is consistent across multiple manufacturers and construction methods. Solar panels are proven to be detectable in hyperspectral imagery using common statistical target detection methods such as the adaptive cosine estimator, and false alarms can be mitigated through the use of a spectral verification process that eliminates pixels that do not have the key spectral features of photovoltaic solar panel reflectance spectrum. The normalized solar panel index is described and is a key component in the false-alarm mitigation process. After spectral verification, these solar panel arrays are confirmed on openly available literal imagery and can be measured using numerous open-source algorithms and tools. The measurements allow for the assessment of overall solar power generation capacity using an equation that accounts for solar insolation, the area of solar panels, and the efficiency of the solar panels conversion of solar energy to power. Using a known location with readily available information, the methods outlined in this paper estimate the power generation capabilities within 6% of the rated power.

  20. Solar flares, CMEs and solar energetic particle events during solar cycle 24 (United States)

    Pande, Bimal; Pande, Seema; Chandra, Ramesh; Chandra Mathpal, Mahesh


    We present here a study of Solar Energetic Particle Events (SEPs) associated with solar flares during 2010-2014 in solar cycle 24. We have selected the flare events (≥GOES M-class), which produced SEPs. The SEPs are classified into three categories i.e. weak (proton intensity ≤ 1 pfu), minor (1 pfu pfu) and major (proton intensity ≥ 10 pfu). We used the GOES data for the SEP events which have intensity greater than one pfu and SOHO/ERNE data for the SEP event less than one pfu intensity. In addition to the flare and SEP properties, we have also discussed different properties of associated CMEs.

  1. Solar atmosphere wave dynamics generated by solar global oscillating eigenmodes (United States)

    Griffiths, M. K.; Fedun, V.; Erdélyi, R.; Zheng, R.


    The solar atmosphere exhibits a diverse range of wave phenomena, where one of the earliest discovered was the five-minute global acoustic oscillation, also referred to as the p-mode. The analysis of wave propagation in the solar atmosphere may be used as a diagnostic tool to estimate accurately the physical characteristics of the Sun's atmospheric layers. In this paper, we investigate the dynamics and upward propagation of waves which are generated by the solar global eigenmodes. We report on a series of hydrodynamic simulations of a realistically stratified model of the solar atmosphere representing its lower region from the photosphere to low corona. With the objective of modelling atmospheric perturbations, propagating from the photosphere into the chromosphere, transition region and low corona, generated by the photospheric global oscillations the simulations use photospheric drivers mimicking the solar p-modes. The drivers are spatially structured harmonics across the computational box parallel to the solar surface. The drivers perturb the atmosphere at 0.5 Mm above the bottom boundary of the model and are placed coincident with the location of the temperature minimum. A combination of the VALIIIC and McWhirter solar atmospheres are used as the background equilibrium model. We report how synthetic photospheric oscillations may manifest in a magnetic field free model of the quiet Sun. To carry out the simulations, we employed the magnetohydrodynamics code, SMAUG (Sheffield MHD Accelerated Using GPUs). Our results show that the amount of energy propagating into the solar atmosphere is consistent with a model of solar global oscillations described by Taroyan and Erdélyi (2008) using the Klein-Gordon equation. The computed results indicate a power law which is compared to observations reported by Ireland et al. (2015) using data from the Solar Dynamics Observatory/Atmospheric Imaging Assembly.

  2. Solar Schematic (United States)


    The home shown at right is specially designed to accommodate solar heating units; it has roof planes in four directions, allowing placement of solar collectors for best exposure to the sun. Plans (bottom) and complete working blueprints for the solar-heated house are being marketed by Home Building Plan Service, Portland, Oregon. The company also offers an inexpensive schematic (center) showing how a homeowner only moderately skilled in the use of tools can build his own solar energy system, applicable to new or existing structures. The schematic is based upon the design of a low-cost solar home heating system built and tested by NASA's Langley Research Center; used to supplement a warm-air heating system, it can save the homeowner about 40 percent of his annual heating bill for a modest investment in materials and components. Home Building Plan Service saved considerable research time by obtaining a NASA technical report which details the Langley work. The resulting schematic includes construction plans and simplified explanations of solar heat collection, collectors and other components, passive heat factors, domestic hot water supply and how to work with local heating engineers.

  3. Analysis and simulation of water supply systems with photovoltaic pumping; Analise e simulacao de sistemas de abastecimento de agua com tecnologia fotovoltaica

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Vilela, Olga de Castro


    During the last two decades, a remarkable progress on the technology of photovoltaic pumping systems (PVP) has been observed. The decrease in the costs of the photovoltaic module and the increase in the efficiency of photovoltaic pumping systems (generator and motor-pump) make PVP systems a good option for rural communities. Most analysis and simulations of PVP systems, utility function, assume the existence of a linear relationship between the hydraulic power and the solar collected radiation. Usually, more general relations exist between those variables. This work presents a new procedure for the analysis and simulation of PVP systems, which uses the utility function to consider the fluctuations in solar radiation, and leads to analytical solutions for PVP systems whose behavior can be represented by general functions, including linear relations as a particular case. The system analyzed considers the energy source (solar radiation) and the components of the water supply system like water source, photovoltaic array, subsystem for conversion of electric into hydraulic energy and, finally, hydraulic network. An analytical procedure to calculate absorbed solar radiation in the optical layers of the photovoltaic module was developed, substituting the conventional ray tracing method. The volume of pumped water was obtained integrating the water flow rate through time, considering the fluctuations related to the behavior of solar radiation and the minimum level of radiation necessary to produce useful energy. The mathematical properties of the utility function allow to derive analytical solutions for the integrals of water flow and hydraulic power. At the same time, we developed a spreadsheet which allows tho visualize the behavior of all variables involved in the process and offers the possibility of simulating different situations in order to maximize the amount of pumped water for any given system. The results obtained through the new procedure were compared with

  4. Solar panel thermal cycling testing by solar simulation and infrared radiation methods (United States)

    Nuss, H. E.


    For the solar panels of the European Space Agency (ESA) satellites OTS/MAROTS and ECS/MARECS the thermal cycling tests were performed by using solar simulation methods. The performance data of two different solar simulators used and the thermal test results are described. The solar simulation thermal cycling tests for the ECS/MARECS solar panels were carried out with the aid of a rotatable multipanel test rig by which simultaneous testing of three solar panels was possible. As an alternative thermal test method, the capability of an infrared radiation method was studied and infrared simulation tests for the ultralight panel and the INTELSAT 5 solar panels were performed. The setup and the characteristics of the infrared radiation unit using a quartz lamp array of approx. 15 sq and LN2-cooled shutter and the thermal test results are presented. The irradiation uniformity, the solar panel temperature distribution, temperature changing rates for both test methods are compared. Results indicate the infrared simulation is an effective solar panel thermal testing method.

  5. Solar Mosaic Inc. Mosaic Home Solar Loan SunShot 9 Final Report

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Walsh, Colin James [Solar Mosaic Inc., Oakland, CA (United States)


    The 6686 Mosaic SunShot award has helped Solar Mosaic Inc to progress from an early stage startup focused on commercial crowdfunding to a leading multi-state residential solar lender. The software platform is now used by the majority of the nation's top solar installers and offers a variety of simple home solar loans. Mosaic is has originated approximately $1Bil in solar loans to date to put solar on over 35k rooftops. The company now lends to homeowners with a wide range of credit scores across multiple states and mitigates boundaries preventing them from profiting from ownership of a home solar system. The project included milestones in 5 main categories: 1. Lending to homeowners outside of CA 2. Lending to homeowners with FICO scores under 700 3. Packaging O&M with the home solar loan 4. Allowing residential installers to process home solar loans via API 5. Lowering customer acquisition costs below $1500 This report includes a detailed review of the final results achieved and key findings.

  6. Idaho | Midmarket Solar Policies in the United States | Solar Research | (United States)

    % interest for solar PV projects. Low-interest financing Idaho Energy Resources Authority Solar PV project for financing through the Idaho Governor's Office and the Idaho Energy Resources Authority. Latest -owned community solar project for Idaho Power. Net Metering Idaho does not have statewide net metering

  7. O Prêmio Nobel de Medicina e Fisiologia de 2012 quebrou o paradigma sobre a reversão do genoma e abre portas à Medicina do futuro.

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    José Garcia Ribeiro Abreu Júnior


    Full Text Available Este editorial apresenta a revisao cientifica sobre o premio Nobel de Fisiologia e Medicina de 2012 conferido aos pesquisadores Jonh Gurdon e Shynia Yamanaka. No editorial e discutido com se chegou a descoberta sobre a reprogramacao do genoma e seus impactos na medicina do futuro baseada em celulas tronco.

  8. Solar magnetohydrodynamics

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Priest, E.R.


    The book serves several purposes. First set of chapters gives a concise general introduction to solar physics. In a second set the basic methods of magnetohydrodynamics are developed. A third set of chapters is an account of current theories for observed phenomena. The book is suitable for a course in solar physics and it also provides a comprehensive review of present magnetohydrodynamical models in solar physics. (SC)

  9. Solar renovation demonstration projects

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bruun Joergensen, O [ed.


    In the framework of the IEA SHC Programme, a Task on building renovation was initiated, `Task 20, Solar Energy in Building Renovation`. In a part of the task, Subtask C `Design of Solar Renovation Projects`, different solar renovation demonstration projects were developed. The objective of Subtask C was to demonstrate the application of advanced solar renovation concepts on real buildings. This report documents 16 different solar renovation demonstration projects including the design processes of the projects. The projects include the renovation of houses, schools, laboratories, and factories. Several solar techniques were used: building integrated solar collectors, glazed balconies, ventilated solar walls, transparent insulation, second skin facades, daylight elements and photovoltaic systems. These techniques are used in several simple as well as more complex system designs. (au)

  10. Solar neutrinos, helioseismology and the solar internal dynamics

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Turck-Chieze, Sylvaine [Service d' Astrophysique/IRFU/DSM/CEA, 91191 Gif sur Yvette Cedex (France); Couvidat, Sebastien, E-mail:, E-mail: [HEPL, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305 (United States)


    Neutrinos are fundamental particles ubiquitous in the Universe and whose properties remain elusive despite more than 50 years of intense research activity. This review illustrates the importance of solar neutrinos in astrophysics, nuclear physics and particle physics. After a description of the historical context, we remind the reader of the noticeable properties of these particles and of the stakes of the solar neutrino puzzle. The standard solar model triggered persistent efforts in fundamental physics to predict the solar neutrino fluxes, and its constantly evolving predictions have been regularly compared with the detected neutrino signals. Anticipating that this standard model could not reproduce the internal solar dynamics, a seismic solar model was developed which enriched theoretical neutrino flux predictions with in situ observation of acoustic and gravity waves propagating in the Sun. This seismic model contributed to the stabilization of the neutrino flux predictions. This review recalls the main historical steps, from the pioneering Homestake mine experiment and the GALLEX-SAGE experiments capturing the first proton-proton neutrinos. It emphasizes the importance of the SuperKamiokande and SNO detectors. Both experiments demonstrated that the solar-emitted electron neutrinos are partially transformed into other neutrino flavors before reaching the Earth. This sustained experimental effort opens the door to neutrino astronomy, with long-base lines and underground detectors. The success of BOREXINO in detecting the {sup 7}Be neutrino signal alone instills confidence in physicists' ability to detect each neutrino source separately. It justifies the building of a new generation of detectors to measure the entire solar neutrino spectrum in greater detail, as well as supernova neutrinos. A coherent picture has emerged from neutrino physics and helioseismology. Today, new paradigms take shape in these two fields: neutrinos are massive particles, but their

  11. Updated determination of the solar neutrino fluxes from solar neutrino data

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bergström, Johannes [Departament d’Estructura i Constituents de la Matèria and Institut de Ciencies del Cosmos,Universitat de Barcelona, Diagonal 647, E-08028 Barcelona (Spain); Gonzalez-Garcia, M. C. [Departament d’Estructura i Constituents de la Matèria and Institut de Ciencies del Cosmos,Universitat de Barcelona, Diagonal 647, E-08028 Barcelona (Spain); Institució Catalana de Recerca i Estudis Avançats (ICREA) (Spain); C.N. Yang Institute for Theoretical Physics,State University of New York at Stony Brook, Stony Brook, NY 11794-3840 (United States); Maltoni, Michele [Instituto de Física Teórica UAM/CSIC,Calle de Nicolás Cabrera 13-15, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid,Cantoblanco, E-28049 Madrid (Spain); Peña-Garay, Carlos [Instituto de Física Corpuscular (IFIC), CSIC and Universitat de Valencia,Calle Catedrático José Beltrán, 2, E-46090 Paterna, Valencia (Spain); Serenelli, Aldo M. [Institut de Ciencies de l’Espai (ICE-CSIC/IEEC),Campus UAB, Carrer de Can Magrans s/n, 08193 Cerdanyola del Valls (Spain); Song, Ningqiang [C.N. Yang Institute for Theoretical Physics,State University of New York at Stony Brook, Stony Brook, NY 11794-3840 (United States)


    We present an update of the determination of the solar neutrino fluxes from a global analysis of the solar and terrestrial neutrino data in the framework of three-neutrino mixing. Using a Bayesian analysis we reconstruct the posterior probability distribution function for the eight normalization parameters of the solar neutrino fluxes plus the relevant masses and mixing, with and without imposing the luminosity constraint. We then use these results to compare the description provided by different Standard Solar Models. Our results show that, at present, both models with low and high metallicity can describe the data with equivalent statistical agreement. We also argue that even with the present experimental precision the solar neutrino data have the potential to improve the accuracy of the solar model predictions.

  12. Solar variability observed through changes in solar figure and mean diameter

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hill, H.A.


    The objective of the project is to detect and monitor climatically significant solar variability by accurate monitoring of the associated variability in solar shape and diameter. The observing program for this project was initiated in 1981. Solar diameter measurements have been taken and data reduction programs for these measurements have been developed. Theoretical analysis of the expected change in the intensity from the solar atmosphere to a given mechanial driving has progressed to the extent that changes in the solar diameter can be related to the associated change in the solar luminosity. An absolute calibration system for the telescope has been constructed and is currently being tested. A proposal is made for the continuation of the work in each of these areas

  13. Solar distillers with mirrors; Destiladores solares con espejos

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Fasulo, A.; Adaro, J.; Marchesi, J.; Follari, J.


    The possibilities to incorporate mirrors to solar distillers are analyzed numerically. We take into account two designs to build the glazing cover, and the two possibilities of orientation of one of these. We determine the quantity of solar radiation that receives each one, for we use it data of hourly radiation, of one year, obtained in the Solar Energy Laboratory. the data are representative of a typical solar year. We obtain a relationship of use of the solar radiation first according to the design of the cover and their orientation. To incorporate mirrors we find that the best strategy, to cover the two designs, they are two mirrors of 50 cm of high for 3m of long such that each one of these they can be guided in independent form. We compare the results with a previous proposal that uses a mirror of 1 m of height, applied one of the orientations. We find the differences and that they give until 74% of increment of the radiation on one of the devices. (Author)

  14. Solar thermal power: the seamless solar link to the conventional power world

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Geyer, Michael; Quaschning, Volker


    This article focuses on solar thermal power generation and describes two solar thermal power concepts, namely, the parabolic trough or solar farm, and the solar central receiver or power tower. Details are given of grid-connected parabolic trough power plants in California and recent developments in collector design and absorber tubes, and the operation of power tower plants with different heat transfer media. Market issues are discussed, and solar thermal power projects under development, and application for support for solar thermal power projects under the Global Environment Facility's Operational Programme by Egypt, India, Iran, Mexico and Morocco are reported

  15. Solar Irradiance & On Grid Solar Power Systems with Net Metering in Pakistan

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    Haleema Qamar


    Full Text Available This paper presents a case study of solar irradiance and scope of on-grid solar power systems with net-metering in Pakistan. Detailed analysis of solar irradiance in Pakistan is being carried out by developing the dedicated solar excel sheets. The need of on grid solar power systems for the present energy crisis in developing countries like Pakistan is also discussed. It also presents the inclination of many countries especially USA and Europe towards it. Identification of barriers for implementing on grid net metered solar power systems in Pakistan along with solutions of these barriers is carried out.

  16. Solar energy in Uruguay. Increase the use of solar panels

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Matos, V.


    This article is about the future of the solar energy in Uruguay. The main aspects of this kind of energy are solar thermic which is used for cooking food and heating water through solar collectors as well as the photovoltaics which allows the generation of electricity

  17. Bias-dependent high saturation solar LBIC scanning of solar cells

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Vorster, F.J.; van Dyk, E.E. [Department of Physics, Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University, P.O. Box 77000, Port Elizabeth 6031 (South Africa)


    A light beam-induced current measurement system that uses concentrated solar radiation as a beam probe to map spatially distributed defects on a solar cell has been developed and tested [F.J. Vorster, E.E. van Dyk, Rev. Sci. Instrum., submitted for review]. The induced current response from a flat plate EFG Si solar cell was mapped as a function of surface position and cell bias by using a solar light beam induced current (S-LBIC) mapping system while at the same time dynamically biasing the whole cell with an external voltage. This paper examines the issues relating to transient capacitive effects as well as the electrical behaviour of typical solar cell defect mechanisms under spot illumination. By examining the bias dependence of the S-LBIC maps, various defect mechanisms of photovoltaic (PV) cells under concentrated solar irradiance may be identified. The techniques employed to interpret the spatially distributed IV curves as well as initial results are discussed. (author)

  18. Solar Radius at Subterahertz Frequencies and Its Relation to Solar Activity (United States)

    Menezes, Fabian; Valio, Adriana


    The Sun emits radiation at several wavelengths of the electromagnetic spectrum. In the optical band, the solar radius is 695 700 km, and this defines the photosphere, which is the visible surface of the Sun. However, as the altitude increases, the electromagnetic radiation is produced at other frequencies, causing the solar radius to change as a function of wavelength. These measurements enable a better understanding of the solar atmosphere, and the radius dependence on the solar cycle is a good indicator of the changes that occur in the atmospheric structure. We measure the solar radius at the subterahertz frequencies of 0.212 and 0.405 THz, which is the altitude at which these emissions are primarily generated, and also analyze the radius variation over the 11-year solar activity cycle. For this, we used radio maps of the solar disk for the period between 1999 and 2017, reconstructed from daily scans made by the Solar Submillimeter-wave Telescope (SST), installed at El Leoncito Astronomical Complex (CASLEO) in the Argentinean Andes. Our measurements yield radii of 966.5'' ±2.8'' for 0.2 THz and 966.5'' ±2.7'' for 0.4 THz. This implies a height of 5.0 ±2.0 ×106 m above the photosphere. Furthermore, we also observed a strong anticorrelation between the radius variation and the solar activity at both frequencies.


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    Raúl Castillo Meraz


    Full Text Available El uso de energías fotovoltaica y eólica ha crecido de manera importante en las últimas décadas dados los beneficios directos económicos y ambientales que traen consigo. Una parte importante en estos sistemas de energías renovables son los inversores multinivel. Un inversor multinivel es todo aquel dispositivo que cambia el voltaje de corriente directa (CD a alterna (CA de forma escalonada. El puente H es una opción atractiva por sus diversas ventajas, respecto a las otras topologías. En el presente trabajo se muestra un prototipo de inversor CD/CA de baja potencia en puente H que funciona simultáneamente con energía fotovoltaica y eólica. El objetivo de este proyecto es presentar un modelo de inversor híbrido que pueda tener aplicaciones didácticas y que pueda ser implementado en un laboratorio a bajo costo.

  20. Iowa | Midmarket Solar Policies in the United States | Solar Research | (United States)

    Center Solar PV projects are eligible for no-interest financing for up to 50% of the financed project Energy Center administers financing and grant programs for solar photovoltaic (PV) projects. Solar cost (capped at $1,000,000). The Iowa Energy Center also offers several matching grants for project

  1. Solar energy. [New Zealand

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Benseman, R.


    The potential for solar space heating and solar water heating in New Zealand is discussed. Available solar energy in New Zealand is indicated, and the economics of solar space and water heating is considered. (WHK)

  2. Polymethylmethacrylate-based luminescent solar concentrators with bottom-mounted solar cells

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhang, Yi; Sun, Song; Kang, Rui; Zhang, Jun; Zhang, Ningning; Yan, Wenhao; Xie, Wei; Ding, Jianjun; Bao, Jun; Gao, Chen


    Graphical abstract: - Highlights: • Bottom-mounted luminescent solar concentrators on dye-doped plates were studied. • The mechanism of transport process was proposed. • The fabricated luminescent solar concentrator achieved a gain of 1.38. • Power conversion efficiency of 5.03% was obtained with cell area coverage of 27%. • The lowest cost per watt of $1.89 was optimized with cell area coverage of 18%. - Abstract: Luminescent solar concentrators offer an attractive approach to concentrate sunlight economically without tracking, but the narrow absorption band of luminescent materials hinders their further development. This paper describes bottom-mounted luminescent solar concentrators on dye-doped polymethylmethacrylate plates that absorb not only the waveguided light but also the transmitted sunlight and partial fluorescent light in the escape cone. A series of bottom-mounted luminescent solar concentrators with size of 78 mm × 78 mm × 7 mm were fabricated and their gain and power conversion efficiency were investigated. The transport process of the waveguided light and the relationship between the bottom-mounted cells were studied to optimize the performance of the device. The bottom-mounted luminescent solar concentrator with cell area coverage of 9% displayed a cell gain of 1.38, to our best knowledge, which is the highest value for dye-doped polymethylmethacrylate plate luminescent solar concentrators. Power conversion efficiency as high as 5.03% was obtained with cell area coverage of 27%. Furthermore, the bottom-mounted luminescent solar concentrator was found to have a lowest cost per watt of $1.89 with cell area coverage of 18%. These results suggested that the fabricated bottom-mounted luminescent solar concentrator may have a potential in low-cost building integrated photovoltaic application

  3. Solar maximum mission

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ryan, J.


    By understanding the sun, astrophysicists hope to expand this knowledge to understanding other stars. To study the sun, NASA launched a satellite on February 14, 1980. The project is named the Solar Maximum Mission (SMM). The satellite conducted detailed observations of the sun in collaboration with other satellites and ground-based optical and radio observations until its failure 10 months into the mission. The main objective of the SMM was to investigate one aspect of solar activity: solar flares. A brief description of the flare mechanism is given. The SMM satellite was valuable in providing information on where and how a solar flare occurs. A sequence of photographs of a solar flare taken from SMM satellite shows how a solar flare develops in a particular layer of the solar atmosphere. Two flares especially suitable for detailed observations by a joint effort occurred on April 30 and May 21 of 1980. These flares and observations of the flares are discussed. Also discussed are significant discoveries made by individual experiments

  4. Texas Solar Collaboration DOE Rooftop Solar Challenge City of Houston Project Summary

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ronk, Jennifer [Houston Advanced Research Center, TX (United States)


    The City of Houston is committed to achieving a sustainable solar infrastructure. In 2008, Houston was named a United States Department of Energy (DOE) Solar America City. As a Solar America City, Houston teamed with the Houston Advanced Research Center (HARC), Sandia National Laboratory (Sandia), industry, and academia, to implement the Solar Houston Initiative and prepare the Solar Houston Plan. The Solar Houston initiative was focused on identifying and overcoming barriers associated with establishing a solar infrastructure that is incorporated into the City of Houston’s overall energy plan. A broad group of Houston area stakeholders, facilitated by HARC, came together to develop a comprehensive solar plan that went beyond technology to address barriers and establish demonstrations, public outreach, education programs and other activities. The plan included proposed scopes of work in four program areas: policies, solar integration, public outreach, and education. Through the support of the DOE SunShot Rooftop Solar Challenge (RSC) grant to the Texas Collaboration (San Antonio, Austin, and Hosuton), Houston has been able to implement several of the recommendations of the Solar Houston Plan. Specific recommendations that this project was able to support include; Working with the other Texas Solar America Cities (San Antonio and Austin), to harmonize permitting and inspection processes to simplify for installers and lower soft costs of installation; Participating in state level solar policy groups such as the Texas Renewable Energy Industries Association (TRIEA); Continued coordination with the local transmission and distribution utility (CenterPoint) and retail electric providers (REP); Identification of opportunities to improve permitting and interconnection; Providing training on PV systems to City inspectors; Educating the public by continuing outreach, training, and workshops, particularly using the the Green Building Resources Center; Evaluating methods of

  5. Solar Pumping : The Basics


    World Bank Group


    Solar photovoltaic water pumping (SWP) uses energy from solar photovoltaic (PV) panels to power an electric water pump. The entire process, from sunlight to stored energy, is elegant and simple. Over last seven years, the technology and price of solar pumping have evolved dramatically and hence the opportunities it presents. Solar pumping is most competitive in regions with high solar inso...

  6. Solar thermal aircraft (United States)

    Bennett, Charles L.


    A solar thermal powered aircraft powered by heat energy from the sun. A heat engine, such as a Stirling engine, is carried by the aircraft body for producing power for a propulsion mechanism, such as a propeller. The heat engine has a thermal battery in thermal contact with it so that heat is supplied from the thermal battery. A solar concentrator, such as reflective parabolic trough, is movably connected to an optically transparent section of the aircraft body for receiving and concentrating solar energy from within the aircraft. Concentrated solar energy is collected by a heat collection and transport conduit, and heat transported to the thermal battery. A solar tracker includes a heliostat for determining optimal alignment with the sun, and a drive motor actuating the solar concentrator into optimal alignment with the sun based on a determination by the heliostat.

  7. Transient flows of the solar wind associated with small-scale solar activity in solar minimum (United States)

    Slemzin, Vladimir; Veselovsky, Igor; Kuzin, Sergey; Gburek, Szymon; Ulyanov, Artyom; Kirichenko, Alexey; Shugay, Yulia; Goryaev, Farid

    The data obtained by the modern high sensitive EUV-XUV telescopes and photometers such as CORONAS-Photon/TESIS and SPHINX, STEREO/EUVI, PROBA2/SWAP, SDO/AIA provide good possibilities for studying small-scale solar activity (SSA), which is supposed to play an important role in heating of the corona and producing transient flows of the solar wind. During the recent unusually weak solar minimum, a large number of SSA events, such as week solar flares, small CMEs and CME-like flows were observed and recorded in the databases of flares (STEREO, SWAP, SPHINX) and CMEs (LASCO, CACTUS). On the other hand, the solar wind data obtained in this period by ACE, Wind, STEREO contain signatures of transient ICME-like structures which have shorter duration (<10h), weaker magnetic field strength (<10 nT) and lower proton temperature than usual ICMEs. To verify the assumption that ICME-like transients may be associated with the SSA events we investigated the number of weak flares of C-class and lower detected by SPHINX in 2009 and STEREO/EUVI in 2010. The flares were classified on temperature and emission measure using the diagnostic means of SPHINX and Hinode/EIS and were confronted with the parameters of the solar wind (velocity, density, ion composition and temperature, magnetic field, pitch angle distribution of the suprathermal electrons). The outflows of plasma associated with the flares were identified by their coronal signatures - CMEs (only in few cases) and dimmings. It was found that the mean parameters of the solar wind projected to the source surface for the times of the studied flares were typical for the ICME-like transients. The results support the suggestion that weak flares can be indicators of sources of transient plasma flows contributing to the slow solar wind at solar minimum, although these flows may be too weak to be considered as separate CMEs and ICMEs. The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Programme

  8. Design and Development of a Solar Thermal Collector with Single Axis Solar Tracking Mechanism

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    Theebhan Mogana


    Full Text Available The solar energy is a source of energy that is abundant in Malaysia and can be easily harvested. However, because of the rotation of the Earth about its axis, it is impossible to harvest the solar energy to the maximum capacity if the solar thermal collector is placed fix to a certain angle. In this research, a solar thermal dish with single axis solar tracking mechanism that will rotate the dish according to the position of the sun in the sky is designed and developed, so that more solar rays can be reflected to a focal point and solar thermal energy can be harvested from the focal point. Data were collected for different weather conditions and performance of the solar thermal collector with a solar tracker were studied and compared with stationary solar thermal collector.

  9. Seguidor Solar, optimizando el aprovechamiento de la energía solar ; Solar tracker, optimizing ofimprovementof the solar energy

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Noel Machado Toranzo


    Full Text Available En este trabajo se realizó el diseño e implementación de un dispositivo encargado de obtener las coordenadas del Sol en cualquier momento del día, es decir, un seguidor solar a dos ejes por punto luminoso. Este seguidor consta de dos bloques principales: la tarjeta controladora y la parte mecánica. Su diseño se basó en el uso de fotorresistencias, microcontroladores y motores de pasos, el mismo posee altas prestaciones y bajo costo. El prototipo construido es utilizado en las investigaciones de aprovechamiento de la energía solar que se realizan en el Grupo de Energía Renovable Aplicadas (GERA de la Universidad de Oriente, particularmente en los paneles fotovoltaicos y los calentadores de agua. Se realizó una prueba experimental en los laboratorios y en el polígono de dicho grupo y se comprobó que el seguidor solar funciona adecuadamente, cumpliendo con las expectativas deseadas.The design and implementation of a device for obtaining the coordinates of the sun at any time during the day, it means, a solar tracker of type two axis by luminous point is developed in this paper. This tracker consists of two main blocks: the controller board and the mechanical part. The design is based on the use of photoresistences, microcontrollers and stepper motors. The prototype is used on investigations about solar energy developed at the GERA (Grupo de Energía Renovable Aplicada of Universidad de Oriente, particularly in photovoltaic panels and water heaters. An experimental test was conducted in the laboratories and at the site of the group and it was found that the solar tracker is functioning properly, meeting the desired expectations.

  10. Solar Irradiance Variability is Caused by the Magnetic Activity on the Solar Surface. (United States)

    Yeo, Kok Leng; Solanki, Sami K; Norris, Charlotte M; Beeck, Benjamin; Unruh, Yvonne C; Krivova, Natalie A


    The variation in the radiative output of the Sun, described in terms of solar irradiance, is important to climatology. A common assumption is that solar irradiance variability is driven by its surface magnetism. Verifying this assumption has, however, been hampered by the fact that models of solar irradiance variability based on solar surface magnetism have to be calibrated to observed variability. Making use of realistic three-dimensional magnetohydrodynamic simulations of the solar atmosphere and state-of-the-art solar magnetograms from the Solar Dynamics Observatory, we present a model of total solar irradiance (TSI) that does not require any such calibration. In doing so, the modeled irradiance variability is entirely independent of the observational record. (The absolute level is calibrated to the TSI record from the Total Irradiance Monitor.) The model replicates 95% of the observed variability between April 2010 and July 2016, leaving little scope for alternative drivers of solar irradiance variability at least over the time scales examined (days to years).

  11. Evolution of the solar system in the presence of a solar companion star

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hut, P.


    A review is presented of the dynamical implications of a companion star in a wide orbit around the sun, with a semimajor axis of about half a parsec. The motivation behind the hypothesis of a solar companion star is reviewed briefly along with alternative hypotheses, and the general problem of solar system dynamics with a solar companion star is discussed. Four principal questions are posed and answered concerning the consistency of the solar companion theory in providing the required modulation in comet arrival times: (1) What is the expected lifetime of a solar companion? (2) How stable is the orbital period? (3) Does a single perihelion passage of a solar companion perturb enough comets? (4) Do repeated perihelion passages of a solar companion perturb too many comets? Some applications outside the solar system involving wide binaries, interstellar clouds, and dark matter in the Galactic disk are discussed, and the viability of the solar companion theory is critically assessed

  12. A Preliminary Analysis of Solar Irradiance Measurements at TNB Solar Research Centre for Optimal Orientation of Fixed Solar Panels installed in Selangor Malaysia

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hashim, A M; Ahmad, B; Shafie, R M; Rusli, R; Aziz, M A; Hassan, J; Wanik, M Z C; Ali, M A M


    The well established rule for orienting fixed solar devices is to face south for places in the northern hemisphere and northwards for the southern hemisphere. However for regions near the equator such as in Selangor Malaysia, the position of the sun at solar noon is always near zenith both to the north and south depending on location and month of year. This paper reports an analysis of global solar radiation data taken at TNB Solar Research Centre, Malaysia. The solar radiation is measured using both shaded and exposed pyranometers together with a pyrheliometer which is mounted on a sun-tracker. The analysis on the solar measurements show that a near regular solar irradiation pattern had occurred often enough during the year to recommend an optimum azimuth orientation of installing the fixed solar panels tilted facing towards east. Even though all the solar measurements were done at a single location in TNBR Solar Research Centre at Bangi, for locations near the equator with similar weather pattern, the recommended azimuth direction of installing fixed solar panels and collectors tilted eastward will also be generally valid.

  13. Solar '95: Proceedings of the 20. national passive solar conference. Volume 20

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Campbell-Howe, R.; Wilkins-Crowder, B.


    This book contains the proceedings of the 20th National Passive Solar Conference, 1995, of the American Solar Energy Society. The topics of the papers include historical aspects of solar energy, daylighting, examination of passive system designs, sustainability concepts, building components, building design, application of solar architecture, case studies, education, and design tools

  14. Solar variability observed through changes in solar figure and mean diameter

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hill, H.A.


    The work performed on solar variability during 1990 at SCLERA is reviewed. That portion of the SCLERA research program supported by the Department of Energy has been directed toward the detection and monitoring of climatically significant solar variability by accurate measurement of the variability in solar shape and diameter. Observations were obtained in 1990 and results from analysis of earlier observations obtained. The observational evidence of systematic long-term changes in the apparent solar diameter and/or radius has been detected, and these changes continue to strongly correlated with long-term changes in solar total irradiance. Additional evidence for internal gravity modes has been found which may be important to understanding the internal structure of the Sun. Each of these findings shows promise for anticipating future changes in the solar luminosity. Progress has been made in setting up an international network based on SCLERA-type instruments to improve the coverage and quality of the observations. A proposal is made for the continuation of support from the Department of Energy for further studies relevant to solar-variability forecasting

  15. Solar Features (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — Collection includes a variety of solar feature datasets contributed by a number of national and private solar observatories located worldwide.

  16. Effluents treatment by solar photocatalysis; Tratamiento de efluentes con fotocatalisis solar

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Blanco, J; Malato, S; Richter, C [Plataforma Solar de almeria, Almeria (Spain); Carmona, F; Martinez, F [Deretil, Almeria (Spain)


    A solar photocatalytic system is being developed at the Plataforma Solar De Almeria to destroy organic contaminants in water. Test with common water contaminants were conducted at the Solar Detoxification loop with real sun light and large quantities of water flowing through glass tubes were the solar UV light is concentrated. Experiments at this scale provide verification of laboratory studies and allow the design and operation of real preindustrial detoxification systems. (Author)

  17. Kinetic Physics of the Solar Corona and Solar Wind

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Marsch Eckart


    Full Text Available Kinetic plasma physics of the solar corona and solar wind are reviewed with emphasis on the theoretical understanding of the in situ measurements of solar wind particles and waves, as well as on the remote-sensing observations of the solar corona made by means of ultraviolet spectroscopy and imaging. In order to explain coronal and interplanetary heating, the microphysics of the dissipation of various forms of mechanical, electric and magnetic energy at small scales (e.g., contained in plasma waves, turbulences or non-uniform flows must be addressed. We therefore scrutinise the basic assumptions underlying the classical transport theory and the related collisional heating rates, and also describe alternatives associated with wave-particle interactions. We elucidate the kinetic aspects of heating the solar corona and interplanetary plasma through Landau- and cyclotron-resonant damping of plasma waves, and analyse in detail wave absorption and micro instabilities. Important aspects (virtues and limitations of fluid models, either single- and multi-species or magnetohydrodynamic and multi-moment models, for coronal heating and solar wind acceleration are critically discussed. Also, kinetic model results which were recently obtained by numerically solving the Vlasov–Boltzmann equation in a coronal funnel and hole are presented. Promising areas and perspectives for future research are outlined finally.

  18. From Solar Cookers Towards Viable Solar Cooking Technology

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ahmad, Bashir


    A broader concept of technology encompassing the technical and the societal aspects is introduced. Viability of technology and technological development process from a socio-technical view- point is discussed. Based on the above, the question of securing viability of solar cooking technology...... is taken up. It is discussed that actor- approach can operationally relate the abstract societal factors with those of technical aspects. Some concrete measures regarding application of solar cooker projects are drawn from the discussion: solar cooking projects should a) be based on user and producer...

  19. GPP Webinar: The Solar Roadmap—Navigating the Evolving Solar Energy Market (United States)

    GPP and State & Local Climate and Energy Branch webinar on the Solar Roadmap and the evolving solar energy market. This webinar discussed local and state government’s success stories and opportunities for progress in renewable energy goals using the Solar

  20. Comparison of Artificial Neural Networks and GIS Based Solar Analysis for Solar Potential Estimation (United States)

    Konakoǧlu, Berkant; Usta, Ziya; Cömert, Çetin; Gökalp, Ertan


    Nowadays, estimation of solar potential plays an important role in planning process for sustainable cities. The use of solar panels, which produces electricity directly from the sun, has become popular in accordance with developing technologies. Since the use of solar panels enables the users to decrease costs and increase yields, the use of solar panels will be more popular in the future. Production of electricity is not convenient for all circumstances. Shading effects, massive clouds and rainy weather are some factors that directly affect the production of electricity from solar energy. Hence, before the installation of solar panels, it is crucial to conduct spatial analysis and estimate the solar potential of the place that the solar panel will be installed. There are several approaches to determine the solar potential. Examination of the applications in the literature reveals that the applications conducted for determining the solar potential are divided into two main categories. Solar potential is estimated either by using artificial neural network approach in which statistical parameters such as the duration of sun shine, number of clear days, solar radiation etc. are used, or by spatial analysis conducted in GIS approaches in which spatial parameters such as, latitude, longitude, slope, aspect etc. are used. In the literature, there are several studies that use both approaches but the literature lacks of a study related to the comparison of these approaches. In this study, Karadeniz Technical University campus has been selected as study area. Monthly average values of the number of clear sky days, air temperature, atmospheric pressure, relative humidity, sunshine duration and solar radiation parameters obtained for the years between 2005 and 2015 will be used to perform artificial neural network analysis to estimate the solar potential of the study area. The solar potential will also be estimated by using GIS-based solar analysis modules. The results of

  1. Solar Photovoltaic Cells. (United States)

    Mickey, Charles D.


    Reviews information on solar radiation as an energy source. Discusses these topics: the key photovoltaic material; the bank theory of solids; conductors, semiconductors, and insulators; impurity semiconductors; solid-state photovoltaic cell operation; limitations on solar cell efficiency; silicon solar cells; cadmium sulfide/copper (I) sulfide…

  2. Solar Photovoltaic


    Wang, Chen; Lu, Yuefeng


    In the 21st century, human demand for new energy sources is urgent, because the traditional fossil energy is unable to meet human needs, and the fossil resource will make pollution, in this situation, solar energy gradually into the vision of scientists. As science advances, humans can already extensive use of solar energy to generate electricity. Solar energy is an inexhaustible and clean energy. In the global energy crisis, environmental pollution is the growing problem of today. The us...

  3. Solar Imagery (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — Collection includes a variety of solar photographic and illustrated datasets contributed by a number of national and private solar observatories located worldwide....

  4. Solar weather monitoring

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    J.-F. Hochedez


    Full Text Available Space Weather nowcasting and forecasting require solar observations because geoeffective disturbances can arise from three types of solar phenomena: coronal mass ejections (CMEs, flares and coronal holes. For each, we discuss their definition and review their precursors in terms of remote sensing and in-situ observations. The objectives of Space Weather require some specific instrumental features, which we list using the experience gained from the daily operations of the Solar Influences Data analysis Centre (SIDC at the Royal Observatory of Belgium. Nowcasting requires real-time monitoring to assess quickly and reliably the severity of any potentially geoeffective solar event. Both research and forecasting could incorporate more observations in order to feed case studies and data assimilation respectively. Numerical models will result in better predictions of geomagnetic storms and solar energetic particle (SEP events. We review the data types available to monitor solar activity and interplanetary conditions. They come from space missions and ground observatories and range from sequences of dopplergrams, magnetograms, white-light, chromospheric, coronal, coronagraphic and radio images, to irradiance and in-situ time-series. Their role is summarized together with indications about current and future solar monitoring instruments.

  5. Solar-hydrogen generation and solar concentration (Conference Presentation)

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Sulima, Oleg V.; Chinello, Enrico; Conibeer, Gavin; Modestino, Miquel A.; Schüttauf, Jan-Willem; Lambelet, David; Delfino, Antonio; Domine, Didier; Faes, Antonin; Despeisse, Matthieu; Bailat, Julien; Psaltis, Demetri; Fernandez Rivas, David; Ballif, Christophe; Moser, Christophe


    We successfully demonstrated and reported the highest solar-to-hydrogen efficiency with crystalline silicon cells and Earth-abundant electrocatalysts under unconcentrated solar radiation. The combination of hetero-junction silicon cells and a 3D printed Platinum/Iridium-Oxide electrolyzer has been

  6. Measuring Solar Radiation Incident on Earth: Solar Constant-3 (SOLCON-3) (United States)

    Crommelynck, Dominique; Joukoff, Alexandre; Dewitte, Steven


    Life on Earth is possible because the climate conditions on Earth are relatively mild. One element of the climate on Earth, the temperature, is determined by the heat exchanges between the Earth and its surroundings, outer space. The heat exchanges take place in the form of electromagnetic radiation. The Earth gains energy because it absorbs solar radiation, and it loses energy because it emits thermal infrared radiation to cold space. The heat exchanges are in balance: the heat gained by the Earth through solar radiation equals the heat lost through thermal radiation. When the balance is perturbed, a temperature change and hence a climate change of the Earth will occur. One possible perturbation of the balance is the CO2 greenhouse effect: when the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere increases, this will reduce the loss of thermal infrared radiation to cold space. Earth will gain more heat and hence the temperature will rise. Another perturbation of the balance can occur through variation of the amount of energy emitted by the sun. When the sun emits more energy, this will directly cause a rise of temperature on Earth. For a long time scientists believed that the energy emitted by the sun was constant. The 'solar constant' is defined as the amount of solar energy received per unit surface at a distance of one astronomical unit (the average distance of Earth's orbit) from the sun. Accurate measurements of the variations of the solar constant have been made since 1978. From these we know that the solar constant varies approximately with the 11-year solar cycle observed in other solar phenomena, such as the occurrence of sunspots, dark spots that are sometimes visible on the solar surface. When a sunspot occurs on the sun, since the spot is dark, the radiation (light) emitted by the sun drops instantaneously. Oddly, periods of high solar activity, when a lot of sunspot numbers increase, correspond to periods when the average solar constant is high. This indicates that

  7. Solar Research | NREL (United States)

    Research Photo of a city landscape with a sun in the background. Solar energy research at NREL includes photovoltaics, concentrating solar power, solar grid and systems integration, and market research and analysis. Photovoltaic Research Photo of a roof-mounted PV array on the NREL campus. NREL's

  8. Solar Indices (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — Collection includes a variety of indices related to solar activity contributed by a number of national and private solar observatories located worldwide. This...

  9. Solar heating and cooling. (United States)

    Duffie, J A


    Solar energy is discussed as an energy resource that can be converted into useful energy forms to meet a variety of energy needs. The review briefly explains the nature of this energy resource, the kinds of applications that can be made useful, and the status of several systems to which it has been applied. More specifically, information on solar collectors, solar water heating, solar heating of buildings, solar cooling plus other applications, are included.

  10. Midmarket Solar Policies in the United States: A Guide for Midsized Solar Customers

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Tian, Tian [National Renewable Energy Lab. (NREL), Golden, CO (United States); Liu, Chang [National Renewable Energy Lab. (NREL), Golden, CO (United States); O' Shaughnessy, Eric [National Renewable Energy Lab. (NREL), Golden, CO (United States); Mathur, Shivani [National Renewable Energy Lab. (NREL), Golden, CO (United States); Holm, Alison [National Renewable Energy Lab. (NREL), Golden, CO (United States); Miller, John [National Renewable Energy Lab. (NREL), Golden, CO (United States)


    The midscale market for solar photovoltaics (PV) has not experienced the same high growth rate as residential- or utility-scale market segments in the past five years when solar PV deployment increased rapidly. Midscale solar can be defined as behind-the-meter solar PV between 50 kilowatts and 2 megawatts adopted by multi-housing residential, commercial, industrial, non-profit, and other entities. A number of challenges face the midscale segment, including difficulties in contracting, mismatch between tenant lease and PV financing terms, high transaction costs relative to project sizes, and inefficiencies in matching prospective projects with capital. The changing policy landscape across U.S. states provides both opportunities and challenges to midmarket solar. Some states, such as California, are expanding system capacity limits for policies such as net metering, thus enabling a wider range of customers to benefit from excess generation. A number of states and utilities are making changes to rate design to introduce new or higher user fees for solar customers or reduced tariffs for net metering, which decrease the value of solar generation. An understanding of these policies relative to project feasibility and economics is important for prospective customers to make informed decisions to adopt solar PV. This guide complements existing solar policy resources to help potential customers navigate through the policy landscape in order to make informed decisions for their solar investment. The first part of this guide introduces the key solar policies necessary for policy-based decision-making, which involves using knowledge of a solar policy to improve project economics and efficiency. Policies that could result in policy-based decisions include interconnection standards, net metering, user fees, incentives, and third-party ownership policies. The goal of this section is to equip prospective customers and project developers with the tools necessary to understand and

  11. Quartz reserves in Brazil: planning and photovoltaic industry; Reservas de quartzo no Brasil: planejamento e Industria fotovoltaica

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Marczewski, Breitner; Gonzalez, Mariana Pedrosa; Oliveira, Sergio H.F. [Universidade Federal do ABC (UFABC), Santo Andre, SP (Brazil). Dept. de Energia], emails:,


    The goal of this research was examine the availability of part of Brazilian quartz resource for the construction of a photovoltaic industry in the country and the possibility to expand your contribution for others markets. The use of renewable alternative sources of energy has been wining more space in the last years, mainly for the photovoltaic technology. The exponential growth of this technology in the world at an average rate of 20% per year allows understand the importance and contribution for the spheres economic, social and environmental. The solar energy it's renewable and doesn't emit greenhouse gases during the generation of electric energy. Favor this background, research and academic development have been investing to make this technology more efficiency and cheap. In this context, Brazil is in a position unique for several aspects, for example, the incidence of high levels of solar radiation during the year, the amount of reserve of quartz, and now, the knowledge to produce this technology in laboratory scale. So, to achieve an hypothetical scenario for the construction of an national industry, to supply this technology not just for the country, as well to Latin America, help the planning and gives credibility for possible actions to be taken. Through the proposal scenario, the result gained was that is at least part of the reserve of quartz, in this case crystal of quartz enough to attend the insertion of 50 MW/year in the country and the possibility to supply international demand without compromise your on future electronic or photovoltaic industry. (author)

  12. Solar Flares and the High Energy Solar Spectroscopic Imager (HESSI) (United States)

    Holman, Gordon D.; Fisher, Richard R. (Technical Monitor)


    Solar flares are the biggest explosions in the solar system. They are important both for understanding explosive events in the Universe and for their impact on human technology and communications. The satellite-based HESSI is designed to study the explosive release of energy and the acceleration of electrons, protons, and other charged particles to high energies in solar flares. HESSI produces "color" movies of the Sun in high-energy X rays and gamma rays radiated by these energetic particles. HESSI's X-ray and gamma-ray images of flares are obtained using techniques similar to those used in radio interferometry. Ground-based radio observations of the Sun provide an important complement to the HESSI observations of solar flares. I will describe the HESSI Project and the high-energy aspects of solar flares, and how these relate to radio astronomy techniques and observations.

  13. The SOLAR-C Mission (United States)

    Suematsu, Y.


    The Solar-C is a Japan-led international solar mission planned to be launched in mid2020. It is designed to investigate the magnetic activities of the Sun, focusing on the study in heating and dynamical phenomena of the chromosphere and corona, and also to develop an algorithm for predicting short and long term solar evolution. Since it has been revealed that the different parts of the magnetized solar atmosphere are essentially coupled, the SOLAR-C should tackle the spatial scales and temperature regimes that need to be observed in order to achieve a comprehensive physical understanding of this coupling. The science of Solar-C will greatly advance our understanding of the Sun, of basic physical processes operating throughout the universe. To dramatically improve the situation, SOLAR-C will carry three dedicated instruments; the Solar UV-Vis-IR Telescope (SUVIT), the EUV Spectroscopic Telescope (EUVST) and the High Resolution Coronal Imager (HCI), to jointly observe the entire visible solar atmosphere with essentially the same high spatial resolution (0.1-0.3 arcsec), performing high resolution spectroscopic measurements over all atmospheric regions and spectro-polarimetric measurements from the photosphere through the upper chromosphere. In addition, Solar-C will contribute to our understanding on the influence of the Sun-Earth environments with synergetic wide-field observations from ground-based and other space missions. Some leading science objectives and the mission concept, including designs of the three instruments aboard SOLAR-C will be presented.

  14. Solar thermal and concentrated solar power barometer

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The European concentrated solar power plant market is steeling itself for tough time ahead. The number of projects under construction is a pittance compared with 2012 that was an excellent year for installations (an additional 802.5 MW of capacity recorded). This drop is the result of the moratorium on renewable energy power plants introduced by the Spanish government. The European solar thermal market is hardly any more encouraging . EurObserv'ER holds that it slipped for the fourth year in a row (it dropped 5.5% between 2011 and 2012). The newly-installed solar thermal collector surface area in the EU now stands at 3.4 million m 2 , far short of its 2008 installation record of 4.6 million m 2 . The EU's solar thermal base to date at the end of 2012 is 29.6 GWth with 2.4 GWth installed during the year 2012. This article gives tables gathering the figures of the production for every European country for 2012 and describes the market and the general trend for every EU member

  15. Solar energy: a UK assessment

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)


    A panel convened by UK-ISES to analyze all aspects of solar energy systems and to assess the potential for solar energy utilization and research and development needs in the UK and for export is reported. Topics covered include: solar energy in relation to other energy sources; international solar energy research and development program; the physical nature of solar energy and its availability in the UK and other countries; thermal collection, storage, and low-temperature applications; solar energy and architecture; solar thermal power systems; solar cells; agricultural and biological systems; photochemical systems; social, legal, and political considerations with particular reference to the UK; and future policy on solar research and development for the UK. (WDM)

  16. Manifestation of solar activity in solar wind particle flux density

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kovalenko, V.A.


    An analysis has been made of the origin of long-term variations in flux density of solar wind particles (nv) for different velocity regimes. The study revealed a relationship of these variations to the area of the polar coronal holes (CH). It is shown that within the framework of the model under development, the main longterm variations of nv are a result of the latitude redistribution of the solar wind mass flux in the heliosphere and are due to changes in the large-scale geometry of the solar plasma flow in the corona. A study has been made of the variations of nv for high speed solar wind streams. It is found that nv in high speed streams which are formed in CH, decreases from minimum to maximum solar activity. The analysis indicates that this decrease is attributable to the magnetic field strength increase in coronal holes. It has been found that periods of rapid global changes of background magnetic fields on the Sun are accompanied by a reconfiguration of coronal magnetic fields, rapid changes in the length of quiescent filaments, and by an increase in the density of the particle flux of a high speed solar wind. It has been established that these periods precede the formation of CH, corresponding to the increase in solar wind velocity near the Earth and to enhancement of the level of geomagnetic disturbance. (author)

  17. A comparison of solar wind streams and coronal structure near solar minimum (United States)

    Nolte, J. T.; Davis, J. M.; Gerassimenko, M.; Lazarus, A. J.; Sullivan, J. D.


    Solar wind data from the MIT detectors on the IMP 7 and 8 satellites and the SOLRAD 11B satellite for the solar-minimum period September-December, 1976, were compared with X-ray images of the solar corona taken by rocket-borne telescopes on September 16 and November 17, 1976. There was no compelling evidence that a coronal hole was the source of any high speed stream. Thus it is possible that either coronal holes were not the sources of all recurrent high-speed solar wind streams during the declining phase of the solar cycle, as might be inferred from the Skylab period, or there was a change in the appearance of some magnetic field regions near the time of solar minimum.

  18. Solar Energy Perspectives In Egypt

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Comsan, M.N.H.


    Egypt belongs to the global sun-belt. The country is in advantageous position with solar energy. In 1991 solar atlas for Egypt was issued indicating that the country enjoys 2900-3200 hours of sunshine annually with annual direct normal energy density 1970-3200 kWh/m2 and technical solar-thermal electricity generating potential of 73.6 Peta watt hour (PWh). Egypt was among the first countries to utilize solar energy. In 1910, a practical industrial scale solar system engine was built at Maadi south to Cairo using solar thermal parabolic collectors. The engine was used to produce steam which drove a series of large water pumps for irrigation. Nowadays utilization of solar energy includes use of photovoltaic cells, solar water heating and solar thermal power. Use of solar thermal technology may include both electricity generation and water desalination, which is advantageous for Egypt taking in consideration its shortage in water supply. The article discusses perspectives of solar energy in Egypt and developmental trends till 2050

  19. Rectenna solar cells

    CERN Document Server

    Moddel, Garret


    Rectenna Solar Cells discusses antenna-coupled diode solar cells, an emerging technology that has the potential to provide ultra-high efficiency, low-cost solar energy conversion. This book will provide an overview of solar rectennas, and provide thorough descriptions of the two main components: the diode, and the optical antenna. The editors discuss the science, design, modeling, and manufacturing of the antennas coupled with the diodes. The book will provide concepts to understanding the challenges, fabrication technologies, and materials required to develop rectenna structures. Written by e

  20. Solar and Hydrogen

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kadirgan, F.; Beyhan, S.; Oezenler, S.


    It has been widely accepted that the only sustainable and environmentally friendly energy is the solar energy and hydrogen energy, which can meet the increasing energy demand in the future. Solar Energy may be used either for solar thermal or for solar electricity conversion. Solar thermal collectors represent a wide-spread type of system for the conversion of solar energy. Radiation, convection and conduction are strongly coupled energy transport mechanisms in solar collector systems. The economic viability of lower temperature applications of solar energy may be improved by increasing the quantity of usable energy delivered per unit area of collector. This can be achieved by the use of selective black coatings which have a high degree of solar absorption, maintaining high energy input to the solar system while simultaneously suppressing the emission of thermal infrared radiation. Photovoltaic solar cells and modules are produced for: (1) large scale power generation, most commonly when modules are incorporated as part of a building (building integrated photovoltaic s) but also in centralised power stations, (2) supplying power to villages and towns in developing countries that are not connected to the supply grid, e.g. for lighting and water pumping systems, (3) supplying power in remote locations, e.g. for communications or weather monitoring equipment, (4) supplying power for satellites and space vehicles, (5) supplying power for consumer products, e.g. calculators, clocks, toys and night lights. In hydrogen energy systems, Proton exchange membrane (PEMFC) fuel cells are promising candidates for applications ranging from portable power sources (battery replacement applications) to power sources for future electric vehicles because of their safety, elimination of fuel processor system, thus, simple device fabrication and low cost. Although major steps forward have been achieved in terms of PEMFC design since the onset of research in this area, further

  1. Semiconductor-based Multilayer Selective Solar Absorber for Unconcentrated Solar Thermal Energy Conversion. (United States)

    Thomas, Nathan H; Chen, Zhen; Fan, Shanhui; Minnich, Austin J


    Solar thermal energy conversion has attracted substantial renewed interest due to its applications in industrial heating, air conditioning, and electricity generation. Achieving stagnation temperatures exceeding 200 °C, pertinent to these technologies, with unconcentrated sunlight requires spectrally selective absorbers with exceptionally low emissivity in the thermal wavelength range and high visible absorptivity for the solar spectrum. In this Communication, we report a semiconductor-based multilayer selective absorber that exploits the sharp drop in optical absorption at the bandgap energy to achieve a measured absorptance of 76% at solar wavelengths and a low emittance of approximately 5% at thermal wavelengths. In field tests, we obtain a peak temperature of 225 °C, comparable to that achieved with state-of-the-art selective surfaces. With straightforward optimization to improve solar absorption, our work shows the potential for unconcentrated solar thermal systems to reach stagnation temperatures exceeding 300 °C, thereby eliminating the need for solar concentrators for mid-temperature solar applications such as supplying process heat.

  2. The Solar Wind from Pseudostreamers and their Environs: Opportunities for Observations with Parker Solar Probe and Solar Orbiter (United States)

    Panasenco, O.; Velli, M.; Panasenco, A.; Lionello, R.


    The solar dynamo and photospheric convection lead to three main types of structures extending from the solar surface into the corona - active regions, solar filaments (prominences when observed at the limb) and coronal holes. These structures exist over a wide range of scales, and are interlinked with each other in evolution and dynamics. Active regions can form clusters of magnetic activity and the strongest overlie sunspots. In the decay of active regions, the boundaries separating opposite magnetic polarities (neutral lines) develop specific structures called filament channels above which filaments form. In the presence of flux imbalance decaying active regions can also give birth to lower latitude coronal holes. The accumulation of magnetic flux at coronal hole boundaries also creates conditions for filament formation: polar crown filaments are permanently present at the boundaries of the polar coronal holes. Mid-latitude and equatorial coronal holes - the result of active region evolution - can create pseudostreamers if other coronal holes of the same polarity are present. While helmet streamers form between open fields of opposite polarities, the pseudostreamer, characterized by a smaller coronal imprint, typically shows a more prominent straight ray or stalk extending from the corona. The pseudostreamer base at photospheric heights is multipolar; often one observes tripolar magnetic configurations with two neutral lines - where filaments can form - separating the coronal holes. Here we discuss the specific role of filament channels on pseudostreamer topology and on solar wind properties. 1D numerical analysis of pseudostreamers shows that the properties of the solar wind from around PSs depend on the presence/absence of filament channels, number of channels and chirality at thepseudostreamer base low in the corona. We review and model possible coronal magnetic configurations and solar wind plasma properties at different distances from the solar surface that

  3. Magnetohydrodynamic process in solar activity

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jingxiu Wang


    Full Text Available Magnetohydrodynamics is one of the major disciplines in solar physics. Vigorous magnetohydrodynamic process is taking place in the solar convection zone and atmosphere. It controls the generating and structuring of the solar magnetic fields, causes the accumulation of magnetic non-potential energy in the solar atmosphere and triggers the explosive magnetic energy release, manifested as violent solar flares and coronal mass ejections. Nowadays detailed observations in solar astrophysics from space and on the ground urge a great need for the studies of magnetohydrodynamics and plasma physics to achieve better understanding of the mechanism or mechanisms of solar activity. On the other hand, the spectacular solar activity always serves as a great laboratory of magnetohydrodynamics. In this article, we reviewed a few key unresolved problems in solar activity studies and discussed the relevant issues in solar magnetohydrodynamics.

  4. Large-scale solar purchasing

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The principal objective of the project was to participate in the definition of a new IEA task concerning solar procurement (''the Task'') and to assess whether involvement in the task would be in the interest of the UK active solar heating industry. The project also aimed to assess the importance of large scale solar purchasing to UK active solar heating market development and to evaluate the level of interest in large scale solar purchasing amongst potential large scale purchasers (in particular housing associations and housing developers). A further aim of the project was to consider means of stimulating large scale active solar heating purchasing activity within the UK. (author)

  5. Elemental composition and ionization state of the solar atmosphere and solar wind

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Joselyn, J.A.C.


    Abundance measurements have always proved useful in generating and refining astrophysical theories. Some of the classical problems of astrophysics involve determining the relative abundances of elements in the atmosphere of a star from observations of its line spectrum, and then synthesizing the physical processes which would produce such abundances. Theories of the formation of the solar system are critically tested by their ability to explain observed abundances, and, elemental abundances can serve as tracers, helping to determine the origin and transport of ions. Since the solar wind originates at the sun, it can act as a diagnostic probe of solar conditions. In particular, measurements of the composition of the solar wind should be related to the solar composition. And, assuming ionization equilibrium, measurements of the relative abundances of the ionization states in the solar wind should infer coronal temperatures and temperature gradients. However, most spherically symmetric models of the solar wind are unable to explain the relationship between the composition estimated from solar observations and as measured at 1 AU; and, recent observations of significant flow speeds in the transition region raise doubts about the validity of the assumption of ionization equilibrium

  6. Solar-system Education for the 2017 Total Solar Eclipse (United States)

    Pasachoff, Jay M.


    I describe an extensive outreach program about the Sun, the silhouette of the Moon, and the circumstances both celestial and terrestrial of the August 21, 2017, total solar eclipse. Publications included a summary of the last decade of solar-eclipse research for Nature Astronomy, a Resource Letter on Observing Solar Eclipses for the American Journal of Physics, and book reviews for Nature and for Phi Beta Kappa's Key Reporter. Symposia arranged include sessions at AAS, APS, AGU, and AAAS. Lectures include all ages from pre-school through elementary school to high school to senior-citizen residences. The work, including the scientific research about the solar corona that is not part of this abstract, was supported by grants from the Solar Terrestrial Program of the Atmospheric and Geospace Sciences Division of NSF and from the Committee for Research and Exploration of the National Geographic Society. Additional student support was received from NSF, NASA's Massachusetts Space Grant Consortium, the Honorary Research Society Sigma Xi, the Clare Booth Luce Foundation, and funds at Williams College.

  7. Energetic solar particles

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Biswas, M.


    In this review, some of the important aspects of energetic solar particles and their relation to solar physics are discussed. The major aspects of solar cosmic ray studies currently under investigation are identified and attention is focussed on the problems of the physical processes in the sun which may be responsible for these phenomena. The studies of the composition and energy spectra of solar cosmic ray nuclei are related to the basic problem of particle acceleration process in sun and to the composition of elements in solar atmosphere. The composition of higher energy (>20 MeV/amu) multiply charged nuclei of He, C, N, O, Ne, Mg, Si and Fe give information on the abundance of elements in the solar atmosphere. At lower energies (approximately 1-10 MeV/amu), the abundances of these elements show enhancements relative to solar abundances and these enhancements are believed to be due to particle acceleration mechanisms operative in the sun which are not fully understood at present. Studies of the relative abundances of H 2 , H 3 and He 3 isotopes and Li, Be, B nuclei in the solar cosmic rays can also be studied. The question of the relationship of the accelerated particles in the sun to the optical flare phenomena is discussed. Further studies of different aspects of these phenomena may give important clues to a wide ranging phenomena in the active sun. The observational methods employed for these studies are mentioned. (A.K.)

  8. Solar atmospheric neutrinos and the sensitivity floor for solar dark matter annihilation searches

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Argüelles, C.A. [Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 77 Massachusetts Ave., Cambridge MA (United States); De Wasseige, G. [Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Pleinlaan 2, 1050 Elsene, Brussels (Belgium); Fedynitch, A. [Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, 76021 Karlsruhe (Germany); Jones, B.J.P., E-mail:, E-mail:, E-mail:, E-mail: [University of Texas at Arlington, 108 Science Hall, 502 Yates St, Arlington TX (United States)


    Cosmic rays interacting in the solar atmosphere produce showers that result in a flux of high-energy neutrinos from the Sun. These form an irreducible background to indirect solar WIMP self-annihilation searches, which look for heavy dark matter particles annihilating into final states containing neutrinos in the Solar core. This background will eventually create a sensitivity floor for indirect WIMP self-annihilation searches analogous to that imposed by low-energy solar neutrino interactions for direct dark matter detection experiments. We present a new calculation of the flux of solar atmospheric neutrinos with a detailed treatment of systematic uncertainties inherent in solar atmospheric shower evolution, and we use this to derive the sensitivity floor for indirect solar WIMP annihilation analyses. We find that the floor lies less than one order of magnitude beyond the present experimental limits on spin-dependent WIMP-proton cross sections for some mass points, and that the high-energy solar atmospheric neutrino flux may be observable with running and future neutrino telescopes.

  9. Hawaii Solar Integration Study: Solar Modeling Developments and Study Results; Preprint

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Orwig, K.; Corbus, D.; Piwko, R.; Schuerger, M.; Matsuura, M.; Roose, L.


    The Hawaii Solar Integration Study (HSIS) is a follow-up to the Oahu Wind Integration and Transmission Study completed in 2010. HSIS focuses on the impacts of higher penetrations of solar energy on the electrical grid and on other generation. HSIS goes beyond the island of Oahu and investigates Maui as well. The study examines reserve strategies, impacts on thermal unit commitment and dispatch, utilization of energy storage, renewable energy curtailment, and other aspects of grid reliability and operation. For the study, high-frequency (2-second) solar power profiles were generated using a new combined Numerical Weather Prediction model/ stochastic-kinematic cloud model approach, which represents the 'sharp-edge' effects of clouds passing over solar facilities. As part of the validation process, the solar data was evaluated using a variety of analysis techniques including wavelets, power spectral densities, ramp distributions, extreme values, and cross correlations. This paper provides an overview of the study objectives, results of the solar profile validation, and study results.

  10. Virginia Solar Pathways Project: Economic Study of Utility-Administered Solar Programs: Soft Costs, Community Solar, and Tax Normalization Considerations

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Reiter, Emerson [National Renewable Energy Lab. (NREL), Golden, CO (United States); Lowder, Travis [National Renewable Energy Lab. (NREL), Golden, CO (United States); Mathur, Shivani [National Renewable Energy Lab. (NREL), Golden, CO (United States); Mercer, Megan [National Renewable Energy Lab. (NREL), Golden, CO (United States)


    This report presents economic considerations for solar development in support of the Virginia Solar Pathways Project (VSPP), an effort funded by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) SunShot Initiative that seeks to develop a collaborative utility-administered solar strategy for the Commonwealth of Virginia. The results presented are intended to be considered alongside the results of other studies conducted under the VSPP that evaluate the impacts of solar energy on the electric distribution, transmission, and generation systems in Virginia.

  11. National Community Solar Platform

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Rupert, Bart [Clean Energy Collective, Louisville, CO (United States)


    This project was created to provide a National Community Solar Platform (NCSP) portal known as Community Solar Hub, that is available to any entity or individual who wants to develop community solar. This has been done by providing a comprehensive portal to make CEC’s solutions, and other proven community solar solutions, externally available for everyone to access – making the process easy through proven platforms to protect subscribers, developers and utilities. The successful completion of this project provides these tools via a web platform and integration APIs, a wide spectrum of community solar projects included in the platform, multiple groups of customers (utilities, EPCs, and advocates) using the platform to develop community solar, and open access to anyone interested in community solar. CEC’s Incubator project includes web-based informational resources, integrated systems for project information and billing systems, and engagement with customers and users by community solar experts. The combined effort externalizes much of Clean Energy Collective’s industry-leading expertise, allowing third parties to develop community solar without duplicating expensive start-up efforts. The availability of this platform creates community solar projects that are cheaper to build and cheaper to participate in, furthering the goals of DOE’s SunShot Initiative. Final SF 425 Final SF 428 Final DOE F 2050.11 Final Report Narrative

  12. Bright Idea: Solar Energy Primer. (United States)

    Missouri State Dept. of Natural Resources, Jefferson City.

    This booklet is intended to address questions most frequently asked about solar energy. It provides basic information and a starting point for prospective solar energy users. Information includes discussion of solar space heating, solar water heating, and solar greenhouses. (Author/RE)

  13. Solar engineering of thermal processes

    CERN Document Server

    Duffie, John A


    The updated fourth edition of the ""bible"" of solar energy theory and applications Over several editions, Solar Engineering of Thermal Processes has become a classic solar engineering text and reference. This revised Fourth Edition offers current coverage of solar energy theory, systems design, and applications in different market sectors along with an emphasis on solar system design and analysis using simulations to help readers translate theory into practice. An important resource for students of solar engineering, solar energy, and alternative energy as well

  14. Advanced solar energy conversion. [solar pumped gas lasers (United States)

    Lee, J. H.


    An atomic iodine laser, a candidate for the direct solar pumped lasers, was successfully excited with a 4 kW beam from a xenon arc solar simulator, thus proving the feasibility of the concept. The experimental set up and the laser output as functions of operating conditions are presented. The preliminary results of the iodine laser amplifier pumped with the HCP array to which a Q switch for giant pulse production was coupled are included. Two invention disclosures - a laser driven magnetohydrodynamic generator for conversion of laser energy to electricity and solar pumped gas lasers - are also included.

  15. Solar saddle bags. Solar-Fahrradpacktaschen

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Willems, M


    The invention consists of the arrangement of solar cells on the upper side of saddle bags of every design (handle bar pocket, bicycle saddle bag etc.) which charge the accumulators in the pack pocket. One can drive the alternator of the bicycle, a transistor radio, a cassette tape recorder, or similar, with the power from the accumulators. The lamp and the taillight of the bicycle can still be used. The solar cells can be attached firmly to the pack pocket. However, they can also be assembled detachably, e.g. by push-buttons or zip-fasteners.

  16. Solar energy storage

    CERN Document Server

    Sorensen, Bent


    While solar is the fastest-growing energy source in the world, key concerns around solar power's inherent variability threaten to de-rail that scale-up . Currently, integration of intermittent solar resources into the grid creates added complication to load management, leading some utilities to reject it altogether, while other operators may penalize the producers via rate increases or force solar developers to include storage devices on-site to smooth out power delivery at the point of production. However these efforts at mitigation unfold, it is increasingly clear to parties on all sides th

  17. Solar neutrino experiments

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hampel, W.


    The present status of experimental solar neutrino research is reviewed. Updated results from the Homestake, Kamiokande, GALLEX and SAGE detectors all show a deficit when compared to recent standard solar model calculations. Two of these detectors, GALLEX and SAGE, have recently been checked with artificial 51 Cr neutrino sources. It is shown that astrophysical scenarios to solve the solar neutrino problems are not favoured by the data. There is hope that the results of forthcoming solar neutrino experiments can provide the answers to the open questions. (author) 6 figs., 3 tabs., 36 refs

  18. Solar neutrino experiments

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hampel, W [Max-Planck-Institut fuer Kernphysik, Heidelberg (Germany)


    The present status of experimental solar neutrino research is reviewed. Updated results from the Homestake, Kamiokande, GALLEX and SAGE detectors all show a deficit when compared to recent standard solar model calculations. Two of these detectors, GALLEX and SAGE, have recently been checked with artificial {sup 51}Cr neutrino sources. It is shown that astrophysical scenarios to solve the solar neutrino problems are not favoured by the data. There is hope that the results of forthcoming solar neutrino experiments can provide the answers to the open questions. (author) 6 figs., 3 tabs., 36 refs.

  19. Passive solar technology

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Watson, D


    The present status of passive solar technology is summarized, including passive solar heating, cooling and daylighting. The key roles of the passive solar system designer and of innovation in the building industry are described. After definitions of passive design and a summary of passive design principles are given, performance and costs of passive solar technology are discussed. Passive energy design concepts or methods are then considered in the context of the overall process by which building decisions are made to achieve the integration of new techniques into conventional design. (LEW).

  20. Solar Energy Basics | NREL (United States)

    Solar Energy Basics Solar Energy Basics Solar is the Latin word for sun-a powerful source of energy that can be used to heat, cool, and light our homes and businesses. That's because more energy from the technologies convert sunlight to usable energy for buildings. The most commonly used solar technologies for

  1. Solar Deployment System (SolarDS) Model: Documentation and Sample Results

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Denholm, P.; Drury, E.; Margolis, R.


    The Solar Deployment System (SolarDS) model is a bottom-up, market penetration model that simulates the potential adoption of photovoltaics (PV) on residential and commercial rooftops in the continental United States through 2030. NREL developed SolarDS to examine the market competitiveness of PV based on regional solar resources, capital costs, electricity prices, utility rate structures, and federal and local incentives. The model uses the projected financial performance of PV systems to simulate PV adoption for building types and regions then aggregates adoption to state and national levels. The main components of SolarDS include a PV performance simulator, a PV annual revenue calculator, a PV financial performance calculator, a PV market share calculator, and a regional aggregator. The model simulates a variety of installed PV capacity for a range of user-specified input parameters. PV market penetration levels from 15 to 193 GW by 2030 were simulated in preliminary model runs. SolarDS results are primarily driven by three model assumptions: (1) future PV cost reductions, (2) the maximum PV market share assumed for systems with given financial performance, and (3) PV financing parameters and policy-driven assumptions, such as the possible future cost of carbon emissions.

  2. The turbulent cascade and proton heating in the solar wind during solar minimum

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Coburn, Jesse T.; Smith, Charles W.; Vasquez, Bernard J.; Stawarz, Joshua E.; Forman, Miriam A.


    Solar wind measurements at 1 AU during the recent solar minimum and previous studies of solar maximum provide an opportunity to study the effects of the changing solar cycle on in situ heating. Our interest is to compare the levels of activity associated with turbulence and proton heating. Large-scale shears in the flow caused by transient activity are a source that drives turbulence that heats the solar wind, but as the solar cycle progresses the dynamics that drive the turbulence and heat the medium are likely to change. The application of third-moment theory to Advanced Composition Explorer (ACE) data gives the turbulent energy cascade rate which is not seen to vary with the solar cycle. Likewise, an empirical heating rate shows no significan changes in proton heating over the cycle.

  3. Solar energy conversion systems

    CERN Document Server

    Brownson, Jeffrey R S


    Solar energy conversion requires a different mind-set from traditional energy engineering in order to assess distribution, scales of use, systems design, predictive economic models for fluctuating solar resources, and planning to address transient cycles and social adoption. Solar Energy Conversion Systems examines solar energy conversion as an integrative design process, applying systems thinking methods to a solid knowledge base for creators of solar energy systems. This approach permits different levels of access for the emerging broad audience of scientists, engineers, architects, planners

  4. Solar: California, not dreaming

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Jones, J.


    The California Solar Initiative (CSI) was approved by the California Public Utilities Commission (PUC) in January 2006. The CSI is the largest solar programme of this kind ever in the USA and provides for $3.2 billion in incentives for solar projects between 2007 and 2017. The PUC will oversee a $2.5 billion programme to provide funding for solar installations on commercial and existing residential buildings, while the California Energy Commission (CEC) will manage a separate $350 million fund targeted at new residential building. Existing solar programmes operated by the PUC and CEC will be consolidated into the CSI. The CEC programme will use already allocated funding, but the PUC programme will be funded through revenues collected from customers of the main gas and electric utilities in California. Funds will be distributed via rebates to householders or companies that install solar. As well as solar photovoltaics (PV), rebates will also go to solar thermal power (concentrating solar power) and solar heating and cooling. CSI funding can be used in combination with existing federal tax credits. The aim is a gradual increase from installation of 40 MW of PV in 2005 to 100 MW by 2009. The CSI is also expected to create favourable market conditions for PV manufacturers in California and to encourage investment in production of solar-grade silicon in or near California. Objections from the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW) appear to have been overcome but a number of other potential snags remain. CSI is expected to be replicated in other US states.

  5. Job creation potential of solar

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    McMonagle, R.


    This document defines the size of the job market within Canada's solar industry and presents a preliminary forecast of the employment opportunities through to 2025. The issue of job potential within Canada's solar technologies is complicated by the wide range of different fields and technologies within the solar industry. The largest energy generator of the solar technologies is passive solar, but the jobs in this sector are generally in the construction trades and window manufacturers. The Canadian Solar Industries Association estimates that there are about 360 to 500 firms in Canada with the primary business of solar technologies, employing between 900 to 1,200 employees. However, most solar manufacturing jobs in Canada are for products exports as demonstrated by the 5 main solar manufacturers in Canada who estimate that 50 to 95 per cent of their products are exported. The main reason for their high export ratio is the lack of a Canadian market for their products. The 3 categories of job classifications within the solar industry include manufacturing, installation, and operations and maintenance. The indirect jobs include photovoltaic system hardware, solar hot water heating, solar air ventilation, and glass/metal framing. 17 refs., 3 tabs., 2 figs

  6. Medium level of direct solar radiation and energetic potential of solar concentrator in Minas Gerais State, Brazil; Niveis medios de radiacao solar direta e potencial energetico dos concentradores solares em Minas Gerais

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    Basic concepts of solar energy, technical description of solar concentrators, its orientation and methodology of direct solar radiation measurement are discussed. An comparison of different solar radiation measurements methods, its methodology and its calculation steps are reported. Calculus and tables of the electric and thermal energy generation potential, through solar concentrators, on the state of Minas Gerais are also presented. 18 figs., 90 tabs., 12 refs.

  7. Solar campaign 'Solar - na klar.' (solar - of course). Final report; Solarkampagne 'Solar - na klar.'. Abschlussbericht

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Gege, M.; Kleinsteuber, A.; Krabbe, P.; Kroeger, P.; Maschke, K.; Niedert, S.; Schindelmann, F.; Thunert, A.; Weinberg, H.


    The German market for technically matured solar-thermal systems for generating hot water is growing by 20 per cent per year, with some deviations due to incentive policies. This growth can be and is planned to be increased systematically, with following goals: A practical contribution to the Federal Government's efforts to achieve the goals regarding the protection of climate; creating future-oriented jobs; supporting ecologically sustainable ways of life and models of consumption by convincing the consumers and other target groups of the fact that it makes sense already today to start utilizing solar energy and to invest also on private basis. These targets are expected to be set up with the help of a three-year mass campaign (1999 until 2001), i.e. the campaign called ''Solar - na klar.'' (solar - of course). [German] Der deutsche Markt fuer die technisch ausgereiften solarthermischen Anlagen zur Warmwassererzeugung waechst mit ca. 20% p.a., mit foerderpolitisch bedingten Schwankungen. Dieses Wachstum kann und soll systematisch gesteigert werden, mit folgenden Zielsetzungen: Praktischer Beitrag zur Erreichung der Klimaschutzziele der Bundesregierung; Schaffung zukunftsorientierter Arbeitsplaetze; Befoerderung oekologisch nachhaltiger Lebensstile und Konsummuster durch die Ueberzeugung der Verbraucher und weiterer Zielgruppen, dass es heute bereits sinnvoll ist, in die Nutzung der Solarenergie konkret einzusteigen und auch privat zu investieren. Diese Ziele sollen mithilfe einer auf drei Jahre angelegten Breitenkampagne (1999 bis 2001), d.h. der Kampagne 'Solar - na klar.' erfolgen. (orig.)

  8. Solar-wind predictions for the Parker Solar Probe orbit. Near-Sun extrapolations derived from an empirical solar-wind model based on Helios and OMNI observations (United States)

    Venzmer, M. S.; Bothmer, V.


    Context. The Parker Solar Probe (PSP; formerly Solar Probe Plus) mission will be humanitys first in situ exploration of the solar corona with closest perihelia at 9.86 solar radii (R⊙) distance to the Sun. It will help answer hitherto unresolved questions on the heating of the solar corona and the source and acceleration of the solar wind and solar energetic particles. The scope of this study is to model the solar-wind environment for PSPs unprecedented distances in its prime mission phase during the years 2018 to 2025. The study is performed within the Coronagraphic German And US SolarProbePlus Survey (CGAUSS) which is the German contribution to the PSP mission as part of the Wide-field Imager for Solar PRobe. Aim. We present an empirical solar-wind model for the inner heliosphere which is derived from OMNI and Helios data. The German-US space probes Helios 1 and Helios 2 flew in the 1970s and observed solar wind in the ecliptic within heliocentric distances of 0.29 au to 0.98 au. The OMNI database consists of multi-spacecraft intercalibrated in situ data obtained near 1 au over more than five solar cycles. The international sunspot number (SSN) and its predictions are used to derive dependencies of the major solar-wind parameters on solar activity and to forecast their properties for the PSP mission. Methods: The frequency distributions for the solar-wind key parameters, magnetic field strength, proton velocity, density, and temperature, are represented by lognormal functions. In addition, we consider the velocity distributions bi-componental shape, consisting of a slower and a faster part. Functional relations to solar activity are compiled with use of the OMNI data by correlating and fitting the frequency distributions with the SSN. Further, based on the combined data set from both Helios probes, the parameters frequency distributions are fitted with respect to solar distance to obtain power law dependencies. Thus an empirical solar-wind model for the inner

  9. Solar combi systems

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Andersen, Elsa


    The focus in the present Ph.D. thesis is on the active use of solar energy for domestic hot water and space heating in so-called solar combi systems. Most efforts have been put into detailed investigations on the design of solar combi systems and on devices used for building up thermal...... the thermal behaviour of different components, and the theoretical investigations are used to study the influence of the thermal behaviour on the yearly thermal performance of solar combi systems. The experimental investigations imply detailed temperature measurements and flow visualization with the Particle...... Image Velocimetry measurement method. The theoretical investigations are based on the transient simulation program TrnSys and Computational Fluid Dynamics. The Ph.D. thesis demonstrates the influence on the thermal performance of solar combi systems of a number of different parameters...

  10. Solar energy: Technology and applications (United States)

    Williams, J. R.


    It is pointed out that in 1970 the total energy consumed in the U.S. was equal to the energy of sunlight received by only 0.15% of the land area of the continental U.S. The utilization of solar energy might, therefore, provide an approach for solving the energy crisis produced by the consumption of irreplaceable fossil fuels at a steadily increasing rate. Questions regarding the availability of solar energy are discussed along with the design of solar energy collectors and various approaches for heating houses and buildings by utilizing solar radiation. Other subjects considered are related to the heating of water partly or entirely with solar energy, the design of air conditioning systems based on the use of solar energy, electric power generation by a solar thermal and a photovoltaic approach, solar total energy systems, industrial and agricultural applications of solar energy, solar stills, the utilization of ocean thermal power, power systems based on the use of wind, and solar-energy power systems making use of geosynchronous power plants.

  11. A hybrid solar and chemical looping combustion system for solar thermal energy storage

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jafarian, Mehdi; Arjomandi, Maziar; Nathan, Graham J.


    Highlights: ► A novel solar–CLC hybrid system is proposed which integrates a CLC with solar thermal energy. ► The oxygen carrier particles are used as storage medium for thermal energy storage. ► A solar cavity reactor is proposed for fuel reactor. ► The absorbed solar energy is stored in the particles to produce a base heat load. -- Abstract: A novel hybrid of a solar thermal energy and a chemical looping combustion (CLC) system is proposed here, which employs the oxygen carrier particles in a CLC system to provide diurnal thermal energy storage for concentrated solar thermal energy. In taking advantage of the chemical and sensible energy storage systems that are an inherent part of a CLC system, this hybrid offers potential to achieve cost effective, base load power generation for solar energy. In the proposed system, three reservoirs have been added to a conventional CLC system to allow storage of the oxygen carrier particles, while a cavity solar receiver has been chosen for the fuel reactor. The performance of the system is evaluated using ASPEN PLUS software, with the model being validated using independent simulation result reported previously. Operating temperature, solar efficiency, solar fraction, exergy efficiency and the fraction of the solar thermal energy stored for a based load power generation application are reported.

  12. Water decontamination by solar photocatalysis. Descontaminacion de aguas residuales mediante fotocatalisis solar

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Blanco Galvez, J; Malato Rodriguez, S


    A solar photocatalytic system is being developed at the Plataforma Solar de Almeria to destroy organic contaminants in water. Test with common water contaminants were conducted at the Solar Detoxification Loop with real sunlight and large quantities of water flowing through glass tubes were the solar UV light is concentrated. Experiments at this scale provide verification of laboratory studies and allow the design and operation of real preindustrial detoxification systems. (Author)

  13. Solar energy in Israel

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zvirin, Y.; Zamkow, S.


    The state of Israel has been a pioneer in the solar energy development and utilization since it was founded. In the 50's solar domestic home heaters became commercially available. At the same time research work has been started in different areas of solar energy, which led to more advanced solar systems for additional applications. The presentation includes some details of commercial utilization of solar energy and a brief description of the main Research and Development projects in industry, universities and research institutes. (authors)

  14. Sun and solar flares

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    McKenna-Lawlor, S. (Saint Patrick' s Coll., Maynooth (Ireland))


    The subject is discussed under the headings: the sun's core (thermonuclear reactions, energy transfer from core through radiation zone, convection zone, photosphere, chromosphere and corona); the photosphere (convection, granulation, sunspots, magnetic fields, solar cycle, rotation of the sun); solar variability and paleoclimatic records (correlation of low solar activity with increased /sup 14/C production in atmosphere); the chromosphere and corona (turbulence, temperature, coronal streamers, energy transfer); solar flares (cosmic rays, aurorae, spectra, velocity of flares, prominences, mechanisms of flares); the solar wind.

  15. Four-cell solar tracker (United States)

    Berdahl, C. M.


    Forty cm Sun tracker, consisting of optical telescope and four solar cells, stays pointed at Sun throughout day for maximum energy collection. Each solar cell generates voltage proportional to part of solar image it receives; voltages drive servomotors that keep image centered. Mirrored portion of cylinder extends acquisition angle of device by reflecting Sun image back onto solar cells.

  16. Pyramid solar micro-grid (United States)

    Huang, Bin-Juine; Hsu, Po-Chien; Wang, Yi-Hung; Tang, Tzu-Chiao; Wang, Jia-Wei; Dong, Xin-Hong; Hsu, Hsin-Yi; Li, Kang; Lee, Kung-Yen


    A novel pyramid solar micro-grid is proposed in the present study. All the members within the micro-grid can mutually share excess solar PV power each other through a binary-connection hierarchy. The test results of a 2+2 pyramid solar micro-grid consisting of 4 individual solar PV systems for self-consumption are reported.

  17. Solar Installation Labor Market Analysis

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Friedman, B.; Jordan, P.; Carrese, J.


    The potential economic benefits of the growing renewable energy sector have led to increased federal, state, and local investments in solar industries, including federal grants for expanded workforce training for U.S. solar installers. However, there remain gaps in the data required to understand the size and composition of the workforce needed to meet the demand for solar power. Through primary research on the U.S. solar installation employer base, this report seeks to address that gap, improving policymakers and other solar stakeholders understanding of both the evolving needs of these employers and the economic opportunity associated with solar market development. Included are labor market data covering current U.S. employment, expected industry growth, and employer skill preferences for solar installation-related occupations. This study offers an in-depth look at the solar installation sectors. A study published by the Solar Foundation in October 2011 provides a census of labor data across the entire solar value chain.

  18. Solar chulha

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Jadhao, P. H. [Department of Physics J.D. Institute of Engg. & Tech. Yavatmal (India); Patrikar, S. R. [Department of Physics VNIT, Nagpur (India)


    The main goal of the proposed system is to transfer energy from sun to the cooking load that is located in the kitchen. The energy is first collected by the solar collector lens system and two curve bars of same radius of curvature are mounted parallel and adjacent to each other at different height the solar collector is clamed on this two bars such that solar collector is exactly perpendicular to sunlight. The topology includes an additional feature which is window in the wall through which the beam is collimated is directed in the of kitchen. The solar energy that is collected is directed by the mirror system into the kitchen, where it is redirected to cooking platform located in the kitchen. The special feature in this system full Indian meal can be made since cooking platform is indoors.

  19. Determination of variations of the solar radius from solar eclipse observations (United States)

    Sofia, S.; Dunham, D. W.; Fiala, A. D.


    This paper describes the method to determine the solar radius and its variations from observations made during total solar eclipses. In particular, the procedure to correct the spherical moon predictions for the effects of lunar mountains and valleys on the width and location of the path of totality is addressed in detail. The errors affecting this technique are addressed, a summary of the results of its application to three solar eclipses are presented, and the implications of the results on the constancy of the solar constant are described.

  20. Integrated solar water-heater and solar water cooler performance during winter time

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Shaikh, N.U.; Siddiqui, M.A


    Solar powered water heater and water cooler is an important contribution for the reduction of fossil fuel consumptions and harmful emissions to the environment. This study aims to harness the available solar potential of Pakistan and provide an option fulfilling the domestic hot and cold water demands during winter and summer seasons respectively. The system was designed for the tap-water temperature of 65 degree C (149 degree F) and the chilled drinking-water temperature of 14 degree C (57 degree F) that are the recommended temperatures by World Health Organization (WHO). The solar water heater serves one of the facilities of the Department of Mechanical Engineering at NED University of Engineering and Technology whereas, the solar water cooler will provide drinking water to approximately 50 people including both faculty and students. A pair of single glazed flat plate solar collector was installed to convert solar radiations to heat. Hot water storage and supply system was carefully designed and fabricated to obtain the designed tap-water temperature. Vapour-absorption refrigeration system was designed to chill drinking water. Intensity of solar radiations falling on the solar collector, water temperatures at the inlet and outlet of the solar collectors and the tap water temperature were measured and analyzed at different hours of the day and at different days of the month. The results show that the installed solar collector system has potential to feed hot water of temperatures ranging from 65 degree C (149 degree F) to 70 Degree C (158 degree F), that is the required hot water temperature to operate a vapour absorption chilled water production system. (author)

  1. Solar collectors

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hullmann, H; Schmidt, B [Technische Univ. Hannover (Germany, F.R.). Inst. fuer Industrialisierung des Bauens


    The utilisation possibilities of solar energy for the energy supplying of buildings are becoming increasingly more significant. Solar research at the moment aims predominantly with a high level of efficiency and therefore making accessible a significant range of applications for solar technology. Parallel to this are attempts to effect the saving of energy, be it in the demand for energy-saving constructions or in the increasing development and application of rational energy utilisation by technologists. The most important point of these activities at the moment, is still technological methods.

  2. Solar Renewable Energy. Teaching Unit. (United States)

    Buchanan, Marion; And Others

    This unit develops the concept of solar energy as a renewable resource. It includes: (1) an introductory section (developing understandings of photosynthesis and impact of solar energy); (2) information on solar energy use (including applications and geographic limitations of solar energy use); and (3) future considerations of solar energy…

  3. Solar tracking system (United States)

    Okandan, Murat; Nielson, Gregory N.


    Solar tracking systems, as well as methods of using such solar tracking systems, are disclosed. More particularly, embodiments of the solar tracking systems include lateral supports horizontally positioned between uprights to support photovoltaic modules. The lateral supports may be raised and lowered along the uprights or translated to cause the photovoltaic modules to track the moving sun.


    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    The 12.5 m² flat plate solar collector HT, today marketed by Arcon Solvarme A/S, has been used in solar heating plants in Scandinavia since 1983. The collector is designed to operate in a temperature interval between 40°C and 90°C. The efficiency of the collector has been strongly improved since...... it was introduced on the market. The paper will present the increase of the efficiency of the collector due to technical improvements since 1983. Further, measurements from the spring of 2009 of the efficiency of two HT collectors, which have been in operation in the solar heating plant Ottrupgaard, Skørping......, Denmark since 1994 with a constant high flow rate and in the solar heating plant Marstal, Denmark since 1996 with a variable flow rate, will be presented. The efficiencies will be compared to the efficiencies of the collectors when they were first installed in the solar heating plants. The measurements...


    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Fan, Jianhua; Chen, Ziqian; Furbo, Simon


    The 12.5 m² flat plate solar collector HT, today marketed by Arcon Solvarme A/S, has been used in solar heating plants in Scandinavia since 1983. The collector is designed to operate in a temperature interval between 40°C and 90°C. The efficiency of the collector has been strongly improved since...... it was introduced on the market. The paper will present the increase of the efficiency of the collector due to technical improvements since 1983. Further, measurements from the spring of 2009 of the efficiency of two HT collectors, which have been in operation in the solar heating plant Ottrupgaard, Skørping......, Denmark since 1994 with a constant high flow rate and in the solar heating plant Marstal, Denmark since 1996 with a variable flow rate, will be presented. The efficiencies will be compared to the efficiencies of the collectors when they were first installed in the solar heating plants. The measurements...

  6. Solar system astrophysics planetary atmospheres and the outer solar system

    CERN Document Server

    Milone, Eugene F


    The second edition of Solar System Astrophysics: Planetary Atmospheres and the Outer Solar System provides a timely update of our knowledge of planetary atmospheres and the bodies of the outer solar system and their analogs in other planetary systems. This volume begins with an expanded treatment of the physics, chemistry, and meteorology of the atmospheres of the Earth, Venus, and Mars, moving on to their magnetospheres and then to a full discussion of the gas and ice giants and their properties. From here, attention switches to the small bodies of the solar system, beginning with the natural satellites. Then comets, meteors, meteorites, and asteroids are discussed in order, and the volume concludes with the origin and evolution of our solar system. Finally, a fully revised section on extrasolar planetary systems puts the development of our system in a wider and increasingly well understood galactic context. All of the material is presented within a framework of historical importance. This book and its sist...

  7. Solar radiation absorbing material (United States)

    Googin, John M.; Schmitt, Charles R.; Schreyer, James M.; Whitehead, Harlan D.


    Solar energy absorbing means in solar collectors are provided by a solar selective carbon surface. A solar selective carbon surface is a microporous carbon surface having pores within the range of 0.2 to 2 micrometers. Such a surface is provided in a microporous carbon article by controlling the pore size. A thermally conductive substrate is provided with a solar selective surface by adhering an array of carbon particles in a suitable binder to the substrate, a majority of said particles having diameters within the range of about 0.2-10 microns.

  8. Solar 92: The 1992 American Solar Energy Society annual conference

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Burley, S.; Arden, M.E.


    The purpose of this symposium is to document the lessons learned from federal and state policies and programs in the late 1970's and 1980's aimed at promoting consumer use of solar energy. During this period the primary emphasis was on solar thermal technologies and passive solar design that could be used at the residential level, though there was also some information on stand-alone photovoltaic systems as well

  9. Construction of a century solar chromosphere data set for solar activity related research (United States)

    Lin, Ganghua; Wang, Xiao Fan; Yang, Xiao; Liu, Suo; Zhang, Mei; Wang, Haimin; Liu, Chang; Xu, Yan; Tlatov, Andrey; Demidov, Mihail; Borovik, Aleksandr; Golovko, Aleksey


    This article introduces our ongoing project "Construction of a Century Solar Chromosphere Data Set for Solar Activity Related Research". Solar activities are the major sources of space weather that affects human lives. Some of the serious space weather consequences, for instance, include interruption of space communication and navigation, compromising the safety of astronauts and satellites, and damaging power grids. Therefore, the solar activity research has both scientific and social impacts. The major database is built up from digitized and standardized film data obtained by several observatories around the world and covers a time span of more than 100 years. After careful calibration, we will develop feature extraction and data mining tools and provide them together with the comprehensive database for the astronomical community. Our final goal is to address several physical issues: filament behavior in solar cycles, abnormal behavior of solar cycle 24, large-scale solar eruptions, and sympathetic remote brightenings. Significant signs of progress are expected in data mining algorithms and software development, which will benefit the scientific analysis and eventually advance our understanding of solar cycles.

  10. Construction of a century solar chromosphere data set for solar activity related research

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ganghua Lin


    Full Text Available This article introduces our ongoing project “Construction of a Century Solar Chromosphere Data Set for Solar Activity Related Research”. Solar activities are the major sources of space weather that affects human lives. Some of the serious space weather consequences, for instance, include interruption of space communication and navigation, compromising the safety of astronauts and satellites, and damaging power grids. Therefore, the solar activity research has both scientific and social impacts. The major database is built up from digitized and standardized film data obtained by several observatories around the world and covers a timespan more than 100 years. After careful calibration, we will develop feature extraction and data mining tools and provide them together with the comprehensive database for the astronomical community. Our final goal is to address several physical issues: filament behavior in solar cycles, abnormal behavior of solar cycle 24, large-scale solar eruptions, and sympathetic remote brightenings. Significant progresses are expected in data mining algorithms and software development, which will benefit the scientific analysis and eventually advance our understanding of solar cycles.

  11. Candidate solar cell materials for photovoltaic conversion in a solar power satellite /SPS/ (United States)

    Glaser, P. E.; Almgren, D. W.


    In recognition of the obstacles to solar-generated baseload power on earth, proposals have been made to locate solar power satellites in geosynchronous earth orbit (GEO), where solar energy would be available 24 hours a day during most of the time of the year. In an SPS, the electricity produced by solar energy conversion will be fed to microwave generators forming part of a planar phase-array transmitting antenna. The antenna is designed to precisely direct a microwave beam of very low intensity to one or more receiving antennas at desired locations on earth. At the receiving antenna, the microwave energy will be safely and efficiently reconverted to electricity and then be transmitted to consumers. An SPS system will include a number of satellites in GEO. Attention is given to the photovoltaic option for solar energy conversion in GEO, solar cell requirements, the availability of materials, the implication of large production volumes, requirements for high-volume manufacture of solar cell arrays, and the effects of concentration ratio on solar cell array area.

  12. Recent Overview of Solar Photocatalysis and Solar Photo-Fenton Processes for Wastewater Treatment

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    A. G. Gutierrez-Mata


    Full Text Available This literature research, although not exhaustive, gives perspective to solar-driven photocatalysis, such as solar photo-Fenton and TiO2 solar photocatalysis, reported in the literature for the degradation of aqueous organic pollutants. Parameters that influence the degradation and mineralization of organics like catalyst preparation, type and load of catalyst, catalyst phase, pH, applied potential, and type of organic pollutant are addressed. Such parameters may also affect the photoactivity of the catalysts used in the studied solar processes. Solar irradiation is a renewable, abundant, and pollution-free energy source for low-cost commercial applications. Therefore, these solar processes represent an environmentally friendly alternative mainly because the use of electricity can be decreased/avoided.

  13. Solar origins of solar wind properties during the cycle 23 solar minimum and rising phase of cycle 24 (United States)

    Luhmann, Janet G.; Petrie, Gordon; Riley, Pete


    The solar wind was originally envisioned using a simple dipolar corona/polar coronal hole sources picture, but modern observations and models, together with the recent unusual solar cycle minimum, have demonstrated the limitations of this picture. The solar surface fields in both polar and low-to-mid-latitude active region zones routinely produce coronal magnetic fields and related solar wind sources much more complex than a dipole. This makes low-to-mid latitude coronal holes and their associated streamer boundaries major contributors to what is observed in the ecliptic and affects the Earth. In this paper we use magnetogram-based coronal field models to describe the conditions that prevailed in the corona from the decline of cycle 23 into the rising phase of cycle 24. The results emphasize the need for adopting new views of what is ‘typical’ solar wind, even when the Sun is relatively inactive. PMID:25685422

  14. Comparative evaluation of solar, fission, fusion, and fossil energy resources. Part 1: Solar energy (United States)

    Williams, J. R.


    The utilization of solar energy to meet the energy needs of the U.S. is discussed. Topics discussed include: availability of solar energy, solar energy collectors, heating for houses and buildings, solar water heater, electric power generation, and ocean thermal power.

  15. Solar processing of CO2 and H2O, routes for solar fuels

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Flammant, G.; Abanades, St.


    Complete text of publication follows: Concentrated solar energy provides heat in the temperature range 200 C - 3000 C for concentration ratio variation from 10 to 10 000 (three orders of magnitude). Consequently, solar-driven thermochemical processes may be proposed to produce hydrogen from water decomposition and to reduce carbon dioxide. This lecture gives an overview of such processes. High temperature thermochemical cycles for hydrogen production by water splitting are currently studied at PROMES lab, particularly 2-step and 3-step cycles based on the following reaction scheme, MOox → MOred + 1/2 O 2 (high temperature solar step), MOred + H 2 O → MOox + H 2 (low temperature non solar step). Volatile and non-volatile oxide cycles are developed from the chemical and the engineering points of view. A similar reaction scheme may be proposed to reduce carbon dioxide with concentrated solar energy (Fig. 1), it comes, MOox → MOred + 1/2 O 2 (high temperature solar step), MOred + CO 2 → MOox + CO (low temperature non solar step). As a result gas mixtures such as CO 2 /H 2 and CO/H 2 may be produced by solar energy. Such mixtures are the reactants for liquid fuels production (solar fuels)

  16. Effect of solar-terrestrial phenomena on solar cell's efficiency

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zahee, K. B.; Ansari, W.A.; Raza, S.M.M.


    It is assumed that the solar cell efficiency of PV device is closely related to the solar irradiance, consider the solar parameter Global Solar Irradiance (G) and the meteorological parameters like daily data of Earth Skin Temperature (E), Average Temperature (T), Relative Humidity (H) and Dew Frost Point (D), for the coastal city Karachi and a non-coastal city Jacobabad, K and J is used as a subscripts for parameters of Karachi and Jacobabad respectively. All variables used here are dependent on the location (latitude and longitude) of our stations except G. To employ ARIMA modeling, the first eighteen years data is used for modeling and forecast is done for the last five years data. In most cases results show good correlation among monthly actual and monthly forecasted values of all the predictors. Next, multiple linear regression is employed to the data obtained by ARIMA modeling and models for mean monthly observed G values are constructed. For each station, two equations are constructed, the R values are above 93% for each model, showing adequacy of the fit. Our computations show that solar cell efficiency can be increased if better modeling for meteorological predictors governs the process. (author)

  17. Experimental study on comprehensive utilization of solar energy and energy balance in an integrated solar house

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chang, Huawei; Liu, Yuting; Shen, Jinqiu; Xiang, Can; He, Sinian; Wan, Zhongmin; Jiang, Meng; Duan, Chen; Shu, Shuiming


    Highlights: • Active and passive solar house technology is integrated in the solar house. • Solar thermal system and solar photoelectric system are measured and analyzed. • Energy balance and energy consumption are analyzed with valuable experimental data. • “Zero energy consumption” is truly achieved with the solar supply rate of 1.19 in winter. - Abstract: An integrated solar house with numerous advanced envelops is designed and constructed to investigate the comprehensive utilization of solar energy, energy efficiency and energy balance, which combines active solar house technology with passive solar house technology including solar photovoltaic system, solar water heating system, direct-gain door and windows. Solar radiation intensity, performance of the photovoltaic system, water temperature, and indoor and outdoor temperature are measured, results of the experiments indicate that solar glass window on the south wall can maintain the average indoor temperature at 21.4 °C in the case of average outdoor temperature at 11.2 °C without any external heat supply. The output current of the solar photovoltaic system shows the same trend as solar radiation intensity. When the intensity is 619.7 W/m"2, the instantaneous generation power could reach a value of 781.9 W, cumulative capacity throughout the day achieves 4.56 kW h and photovoltaic conversion efficiency 9.8%. When the average intensity throughout a day is 358 W/m"2, the solar water heating system could help to raise the temperature of 450 L water by 30 °C with its heat collecting efficiency being 37.4%. Through the analysis of the overall energy system in the solar house, it can be derived that this solar house could achieve “zero energy consumption” in winter with the solar supply rate at 1.19.

  18. Verification of high-speed solar wind stream forecasts using operational solar wind models

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Reiss, Martin A.; Temmer, Manuela; Veronig, Astrid M.


    and the background solar wind conditions. We found that both solar wind models are capable of predicting the large-scale features of the observed solar wind speed (root-mean-square error, RMSE ≈100 km/s) but tend to either overestimate (ESWF) or underestimate (WSA) the number of high-speed solar wind streams (threat......High-speed solar wind streams emanating from coronal holes are frequently impinging on the Earth's magnetosphere causing recurrent, medium-level geomagnetic storm activity. Modeling high-speed solar wind streams is thus an essential element of successful space weather forecasting. Here we evaluate...... high-speed stream forecasts made by the empirical solar wind forecast (ESWF) and the semiempirical Wang-Sheeley-Arge (WSA) model based on the in situ plasma measurements from the Advanced Composition Explorer (ACE) spacecraft for the years 2011 to 2014. While the ESWF makes use of an empirical relation...

  19. Frequency agile solar radiotelescope (United States)

    Bastian, Tim S.


    The Frequency Agile Solar Radiotelescope (FASR) is a solar-dedicated, ground based, interferometric array optimized to perform broadband imaging spectroscopy from ~ 0.1-30+ GHz. It will do so with the angular, spectral, and temporal resolution required to exploit radio emission from the Sun as a diagnostic of the wide variety of astrophysical processes that occur there. FASR represents a major advance over existing radioheliographs, and is expected to remain the world's premier solar radio instrument for two decades or more after completion. FASR will be a versatile and powerful instrument, providing unique data to a broad users community. Solar, solar-terrestrial, and space physicists will exploit FASR to attack a broad science program, including problems of fundamental interest: coronal magnetography, solar flares and particle acceleration, drivers of space weather, and the thermal structure and dynamics of the solar atmosphere. A design study and implementation planning are underway. Recent progress is reviewed here.

  20. Understanding Solar Cycle Variability

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Cameron, R. H.; Schüssler, M., E-mail: [Max-Planck-Institut für Sonnensystemforschung, Justus-von-Liebig-Weg 3, D-37077 Göttingen (Germany)


    The level of solar magnetic activity, as exemplified by the number of sunspots and by energetic events in the corona, varies on a wide range of timescales. Most prominent is the 11-year solar cycle, which is significantly modulated on longer timescales. Drawing from dynamo theory, together with the empirical results of past solar activity and similar phenomena for solar-like stars, we show that the variability of the solar cycle can be essentially understood in terms of a weakly nonlinear limit cycle affected by random noise. In contrast to ad hoc “toy models” for the solar cycle, this leads to a generic normal-form model, whose parameters are all constrained by observations. The model reproduces the characteristics of the variable solar activity on timescales between decades and millennia, including the occurrence and statistics of extended periods of very low activity (grand minima). Comparison with results obtained with a Babcock–Leighton-type dynamo model confirm the validity of the normal-mode approach.

  1. Household appliances using solar energy technology

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gul, H.


    Many solar energy technologies are now sufficiently developed to make it possible to use these to replace some of our conventional energy sources, but still need improvement and reduction in cost. It is, therefore, necessary to focus attention on household uses of solar energy. This paper describes the recent developments and current position in respect of several such devices, which include; solar cooker, with curved concentrator, Panel Cooker, Solar Dryer, solar water heater, Solar Still, Solar Water Pump, Solar Water Disinfection, Solar space Heating and greenhouse solar Reflectors, Development and Extension activities on these should be taken up at various levels. (author)

  2. Solar energy in Peru

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Pierson, H.


    The past, present, and future of Peru is discussed in terms of solar energy development and the social, economic, climatic, and technical factors involved. It is pointed out that there are 3 geographical divisions in Peru including: (1) the foggy coastal strip where rain is infrequent, insolation is low and population is high; (2) the mountainous Andes region with high insolation and many populated high mountain valleys; and (3) the rainy, Amazon basin covered with jungle, and sparcely populated with high but inconsistent insolation. Since there is little competition with other forms of energy, solar energy shows promise. Passive solar heating of buildings, particularly in the Andes region, is described, as well as the use of solar water heaters. Prototypes are described and illustrated. Industrial use of solar heated water in the wool industry as well as solar food drying and solar desalination are discussed. High temperature applications (electrical generators and refrigeration) as well as photovoltaic systems are discussed briefly. It is concluded that social and political factors are holding back the development of solar energy but a start (in the form of prototypes and demonstration programs) is being made. (MJJ)

  3. High-power, ultralow-mass solar arrays: FY-77 solar arrays technology readiness assessment report, volume 2 (United States)

    Costogue, E. N.; Young, L. E.; Brandhorst, H. W., Jr.


    Development efforts are reported in detail for: (1) a lightweight solar array system for solar electric propulsion; (2) a high efficiency thin silicon solar cell; (3) conceptual design of 200 W/kg solar arrays; (4) fluorocarbon encapsulation for silicon solar cell array; and (5) technology assessment of concentrator solar arrays.

  4. Profile in solar

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cohen, S.; Woods, A.


    This article reviews an innovative solar hot water heater and its inventor/entrepreneur. It includes the inventor's strategy for developing and marketing the product and his ideas on the state of the solar industry in general. There is a brief description of the solar water heater which has as prominent features its skylight-like appearance, resistance to freeze damage, simplicity and low cost

  5. Control of Solar Energy Systems

    CERN Document Server

    Camacho, Eduardo F; Rubio, Francisco R; Martínez, Diego


    Control of Solar Energy Systems details the main solar energy systems, problems involved with their control, and how control systems can help in increasing their efficiency.  After a brief introduction to the fundamental concepts associated with the use of solar energy in both photovoltaic and thermal plants, specific issues related to control of solar systems are embarked upon. Thermal energy systems are then explored in depth, as well as  other solar energy applications such as solar furnaces and solar refrigeration systems. Problems of variable generation profile and of the contribution of many solar plants to the same grid system are considered with the necessary integrated and supervisory control solutions being discussed. The text includes material on: ·         A comparison of basic and advanced control methods for parabolic troughs from PID to nonlinear model-based control; ·         solar towers and solar tracking; ·         heliostat calibration, characterization and off...

  6. The solar probe mission

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Feldman, W.C.; Anderson, J.; Bohlin, J.D.; Burlaga, L.F.; Farquhar, R.; Gloeckler, G.; Goldstein, B.E.; Harvey, J.W.; Holzer, T.E.; Jones, W.V.; Kellogg, P.J.; Krimigis, S.M.; Kundu, M.R.; Lazarus, A.J.; Mellott, M.M.; Parker, E.N.; Rosner, R.; Rottman, G.J.; Slavin, J.A.; Suess, S.T.; Tsurutani, B.T.; Woo, R.T.; Zwickl, R.D.


    The Solar Probe will deliver a 133.5 kg science payload into a 4 R s perihelion solar polar orbit (with the first perihelion passage in 2004) to explore in situ one of the last frontiers in the solar system---the solar corona. This mission is both affordable and technologically feasible. Using a payload of 12 (predominantly particles and fields) scientific experiments, it will be possible to answer many long-standing, fundamental problems concerning the structure and dynamics of the outer solar atmosphere, including the acceleration, storage, and transport of energetic particles near the Sun and in the inner ( s ) heliosphere

  7. Large-scale solar heating

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Tolonen, J.; Konttinen, P.; Lund, P. [Helsinki Univ. of Technology, Otaniemi (Finland). Advanced Energy Systems


    Solar heating market is growing in many European countries and annually installed collector area has exceeded one million square meters. There are dozens of collector manufacturers and hundreds of firms making solar heating installations in Europe. One tendency in solar heating is towards larger systems. These can be roof integrated, consisting of some tens or hundreds of square meters of collectors, or they can be larger centralized solar district heating plants consisting of a few thousand square meters of collectors. The increase of size can reduce the specific investments of solar heating systems, because e.g. the costs of some components (controllers, pumps, and pipes), planning and installation can be smaller in larger systems. The solar heat output can also be higher in large systems, because more advanced technique is economically viable

  8. Solar panel cleaning robot (United States)

    Nalladhimmu, Pavan Kumar Reddy; Priyadarshini, S.


    As the demand of electricity is increasing, there is need to using the renewable sources to produce the energy at present of power shortage, the use of solar energy could be beneficial to great extent and easy to get the maximum efficiency. There is an urgent in improving the efficiency of solar power generation. Current solar panels setups take a major power loss when unwanted obstructions cover the surface of the panels. To make solar energy more efficiency of solar array systems must be maximized efficiency evaluation of PV panels, that has been discussed with particular attention to the presence of dust on the efficiency of the PV panels have been highlighted. This paper gives the how the solar panel cleaning system works and designing of the cleaning system.

  9. Solar cooking (United States)

    Over two billion people face fuel wood shortages, causing tremendous personal and environmental stress. Over 4 million people die prematurely from indoor air pollution. Solar cooking can reduce fuel wood consumption and indoor air pollution. Solar cooking has been practiced and published since th...

  10. Solar neutrinos

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Schatzman, E.


    The solar energy is produced by a series of nuclear reactions taking place in the deep interior of the sun. Some of these reactions produce neutrinos which may be detected, the proper detection system being available. The results of the Davis experiment (with 37 Cl) are given, showing a deficiency in the solar neutrino flux. The relevant explanation is either a property of the neutrino or an important change in the physics of the solar models. The prospect of a new experiment (with 71 Ga) is important as it will decide which of the two explanations is correct [fr

  11. Solar thermal barometer

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    After the bad year of 2002, the european solar thermal market returned to double-digit growth rate in 2003: 22%. Nevertheless, the sector still has not recovered the growth rate it had in the early 2000 and European Commission targets are still far from being reached. This paper presents the thermal solar industry barometer. Data on the evolution of annually installed surfaces in the european union since 1993, the cumulated capacity of thermal collectors installed in the European Union, the estimation of the annual energy production associated to european solar thermal capacities and the main companies of the European Union thermal solar sector are presented and discussed. (A.L.B.)

  12. Harnessing solar heat

    CERN Document Server

    Norton, Brian


    Systems engineered by man to harness solar heat in a controlled manner now include a diverse range of technologies each serving distinctive needs in particular climate contexts. This text covers the breadth of solar energy technologies for the conversion of solar energy to provide heat, either as the directly-used output or as an intermediary to other uses such as power generation or cooling. It is a wholly updated, extended and revised version of “Solar Energy Thermal Technology” first published in 1992. The text draws on the own author’s research and that of numerous colleagues and

  13. Evaluation methods of solar contribution in solar aided coal-fired power generation system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhu, Yong; Zhai, Rongrong; Zhao, Miaomiao; Yang, Yongping; Yan, Qin


    Highlights: • Five methods for evaluating solar contribution are analyzed. • Method based on the second law of thermodynamics and thermal economics is more suitable for SACPGS. • Providing reliable reference for the formulation of feed-in tariff policies in China. - Abstract: Solar aided coal-fired power plants utilize solar thermal energy to couple with coal-fired power plants of various types by adopting characteristics of different thermal needs of plants. In this way, the costly thermal storage system and power generating system will become unnecessary, meanwhile the intermittent and unsteady nature of power generation can be avoided. In addition, large-scale utilization of solar thermal power and energy saving can be achieved. With the ever-deepening analyses of solar aided coal-fired power plants, the contribution evaluating system of solar thermal power is worth further exploration. In this paper, five common evaluation methods of solar contribution are analyzed, and solar aided coal-fired power plants of 1000 MW, 600 MW and 330 MW are studied with these five methods in a comparative manner. Therefore, this study can serve as a theoretical reference for future research of evaluation methods and subsidies for new energy

  14. University of Calgary solar car set for American solar challenge

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    This article described a solar car designed by a team from the University of Calgary for the 2010 American Solar Challenge, a 1100 mile race that starts in Tulsa, Oklahoma and ends 5 days later in Chicago, Illinois. The Shulich Axiom car is comprised of 2000 solar cells with batteries that can store enough power to drive the car for a 4-hour period. The car has a top speed of 140 km per hour and is totally powered by solar energy. The team has taken the car on a 5-day tour of Alberta, stopping in 7 communities across the province before heading back to Calgary. The team is one of only 2 Canadian teams competing in the challenge this year. 1 fig.

  15. Solar Spicules: Prospects for Breakthroughs in Understanding with Solar-B (United States)

    Sterling, A.

    Spicules densely populate the lower solar atmosphere; any image or movie of the chromosphere shows a plethora of them or their "cousins," such as mottles or fibrils. Yet despite several decades of effort we still do not know the mechanism that generates them, or how important their contribution is to the material and energy balance of the overall solar atmosphere. Solar-B will provide exciting new chromospheric observations at high time- and spatial-resolution, along with associated quality magnetic field data, that promise to open doors to revolutionary breakthroughs in spicule research. In this presentation we will review the current observational and theoretical status of spicule studies, and discuss prospects for advances in spicule understanding during the Solar-B era.

  16. Understanding non-equilibrium collisional and expansion effects in the solar wind with Parker Solar Probe (United States)

    Korreck, K. E.; Klein, K. G.; Maruca, B.; Alterman, B. L.


    The evolution of the solar wind from the corona to the Earth and throughout the heliosphere is a complex interplay between local micro kinetics and large scale expansion effects. These processes in the solar wind need to be separated in order to understand and distinguish the dominant mechanism for heating and acceleration of the solar wind. With the upcoming launch in 2018 of Parker Solar Probe and the launch of Solar Orbiter after, addressing the local and global phenomena will be enabled with in situ measurements. Parker Solar Probe will go closer to the Sun than any previous mission enabling the ability to examine the solar wind at an early expansion age. This work examines the predictions for what will be seen inside of the 0.25 AU (54 solar radii) where Parker Solar Probe will take measurements and lays the groundwork for disentangling the expansion and collisional effects. In addition, methods of thermal plasma data analysis to determine the stability of the plasma in the Parker Solar Probe measurements will be discussed.

  17. High-Fidelity Solar Power Income Modeling for Solar-Electric UAVs: Development and Flight Test Based Verification


    Oettershagen, Philipp


    Solar power models are a crucial element of solar-powered UAV design and performance analysis. During the conceptual design phase, their accuracy directly relates to the accuracy of the predicted performance metrics and thus the final design characteristics of the solar-powered UAV. Likewise, during the operations phase of a solar-powered UAV accurate solar power income models are required to predict and assess the solar power system performance. However, the existing literature on solar-powe...

  18. Thermal solar energy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gonzalez, J.C.; Leal C, H.


    Some relative aspects to the development and current state of thermal solar energy are summarized, so much at domestic level as international. To facilitate the criteria understanding as the size of the facilities in thermal solar systems, topics as availability of the solar resource and its interactions with the matter are included. Finally, some perspectives for the development of this energetic alternative are presented

  19. Dye solar cells: a different approach to solar energy

    CSIR Research Space (South Africa)

    Le Roux, Lukas J


    Full Text Available An attractive and cheaper alternative to siliconbased photovoltaic (PV) cells for the conversion of solar light into electrical energy is to utilise dyeadsorbed, large-band-gap metal oxide materials such as TiO2 to absorb the solar light...

  20. Solar wind ion trends and signatures: STEREO PLASTIC observations approaching solar minimum

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    A. B. Galvin


    Full Text Available STEREO has now completed the first two years of its mission, moving from close proximity to Earth in 2006/2007 to more than 50 degrees longitudinal separation from Earth in 2009. During this time, several large-scale structures have been observed in situ. Given the prevailing solar minimum conditions, these structures have been predominantly coronal hole-associated solar wind, slow solar wind, their interfaces, and the occasional transient event. In this paper, we extend earlier solar wind composition studies into the current solar minimum using high-resolution (1-h sampling times for the charge state analysis. We examine 2-year trends for iron charge states and solar wind proton speeds, and present a case study of Carrington Rotation 2064 (December 2007 which includes minor ion (He, Fe, O kinetic and Fe composition parameters in comparison with proton and magnetic field signatures at large-scale structures observed during this interval.

  1. Statistical properties of solar flares and coronal mass ejections through the solar cycle

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Telloni, Daniele; Antonucci, Ester; Carbone, Vincenzo; Lepreti, Fabio


    Waiting Time Distributions (WTDs) of solar flares are investigated all through the solar cycle. The same approach applied to Coronal Mass Ejections (CMEs) in a previous work is considered here for flare occurrence. Our analysis reveals that flares and CMEs share some common statistical properties, which result dependent on the level of solar activity. Both flares and CMEs seem to independently occur during minimum solar activity phases, whilst their WTDs significantly deviate from a Poisson function at solar maximum, thus suggesting that these events are correlated. The characteristics of WTDs are constrained by the physical processes generating those eruptions associated with flares and CMEs. A scenario may be drawn in which different mechanisms are actively at work during different phases of the solar cycle. Stochastic processes, most likely related to random magnetic reconnections of the field lines, seem to play a key role during solar minimum periods. On the other hand, persistent processes, like sympathetic eruptions associated to the variability of the photospheric magnetism, are suggested to dominate during periods of high solar activity. Moreover, despite the similar statistical properties shown by flares and CMEs, as it was mentioned above, their WTDs appear different in some aspects. During solar minimum periods, the flare occurrence randomness seems to be more evident than for CMEs. Those persistent mechanisms generating interdependent events during maximum periods of solar activity can be suggested to play a more important role for CMEs than for flares, thus mitigating the competitive action of the random processes, which seem instead strong enough to weaken the correlations among flare event occurrence during solar minimum periods. However, it cannot be excluded that the physical processes at the basis of the origin of the temporal correlation between solar events are different for flares and CMEs, or that, more likely, more sophisticated effects are

  2. Measuring solar reflectance - Part I: Defining a metric that accurately predicts solar heat gain

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Levinson, Ronnen; Akbari, Hashem; Berdahl, Paul [Heat Island Group, Environmental Energy Technologies Division, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, 1 Cyclotron Road, Berkeley, CA 94720 (United States)


    Solar reflectance can vary with the spectral and angular distributions of incident sunlight, which in turn depend on surface orientation, solar position and atmospheric conditions. A widely used solar reflectance metric based on the ASTM Standard E891 beam-normal solar spectral irradiance underestimates the solar heat gain of a spectrally selective ''cool colored'' surface because this irradiance contains a greater fraction of near-infrared light than typically found in ordinary (unconcentrated) global sunlight. At mainland US latitudes, this metric R{sub E891BN} can underestimate the annual peak solar heat gain of a typical roof or pavement (slope {<=} 5:12 [23 ]) by as much as 89 W m{sup -2}, and underestimate its peak surface temperature by up to 5 K. Using R{sub E891BN} to characterize roofs in a building energy simulation can exaggerate the economic value N of annual cool roof net energy savings by as much as 23%. We define clear sky air mass one global horizontal (''AM1GH'') solar reflectance R{sub g,0}, a simple and easily measured property that more accurately predicts solar heat gain. R{sub g,0} predicts the annual peak solar heat gain of a roof or pavement to within 2 W m{sup -2}, and overestimates N by no more than 3%. R{sub g,0} is well suited to rating the solar reflectances of roofs, pavements and walls. We show in Part II that R{sub g,0} can be easily and accurately measured with a pyranometer, a solar spectrophotometer or version 6 of the Solar Spectrum Reflectometer. (author)

  3. Measuring solar reflectance Part I: Defining a metric that accurately predicts solar heat gain

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Levinson, Ronnen; Akbari, Hashem; Berdahl, Paul


    Solar reflectance can vary with the spectral and angular distributions of incident sunlight, which in turn depend on surface orientation, solar position and atmospheric conditions. A widely used solar reflectance metric based on the ASTM Standard E891 beam-normal solar spectral irradiance underestimates the solar heat gain of a spectrally selective 'cool colored' surface because this irradiance contains a greater fraction of near-infrared light than typically found in ordinary (unconcentrated) global sunlight. At mainland U.S. latitudes, this metric RE891BN can underestimate the annual peak solar heat gain of a typical roof or pavement (slope {le} 5:12 [23{sup o}]) by as much as 89 W m{sup -2}, and underestimate its peak surface temperature by up to 5 K. Using R{sub E891BN} to characterize roofs in a building energy simulation can exaggerate the economic value N of annual cool-roof net energy savings by as much as 23%. We define clear-sky air mass one global horizontal ('AM1GH') solar reflectance R{sub g,0}, a simple and easily measured property that more accurately predicts solar heat gain. R{sub g,0} predicts the annual peak solar heat gain of a roof or pavement to within 2 W m{sup -2}, and overestimates N by no more than 3%. R{sub g,0} is well suited to rating the solar reflectances of roofs, pavements and walls. We show in Part II that R{sub g,0} can be easily and accurately measured with a pyranometer, a solar spectrophotometer or version 6 of the Solar Spectrum Reflectometer.

  4. Near-term Forecasting of Solar Total and Direct Irradiance for Solar Energy Applications (United States)

    Long, C. N.; Riihimaki, L. D.; Berg, L. K.


    Integration of solar renewable energy into the power grid, like wind energy, is hindered by the variable nature of the solar resource. One challenge of the integration problem for shorter time periods is the phenomenon of "ramping events" where the electrical output of the solar power system increases or decreases significantly and rapidly over periods of minutes or less. Advance warning, of even just a few minutes, allows power system operators to compensate for the ramping. However, the ability for short-term prediction on such local "point" scales is beyond the abilities of typical model-based weather forecasting. Use of surface-based solar radiation measurements has been recognized as a likely solution for providing input for near-term (5 to 30 minute) forecasts of solar energy availability and variability. However, it must be noted that while fixed-orientation photovoltaic panel systems use the total (global) downwelling solar radiation, tracking photovoltaic and solar concentrator systems use only the direct normal component of the solar radiation. Thus even accurate near-term forecasts of total solar radiation will under many circumstances include inherent inaccuracies with respect to tracking systems due to lack of information of the direct component of the solar radiation. We will present examples and statistical analyses of solar radiation partitioning showing the differences in the behavior of the total/direct radiation with respect to the near-term forecast issue. We will present an overview of the possibility of using a network of unique new commercially available total/diffuse radiometers in conjunction with a near-real-time adaptation of the Shortwave Radiative Flux Analysis methodology (Long and Ackerman, 2000; Long et al., 2006). The results are used, in conjunction with persistence and tendency forecast techniques, to provide more accurate near-term forecasts of cloudiness, and both total and direct normal solar irradiance availability and

  5. Development of 12.5 m² Solar Collector Panel for Solar Heating Plants

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Vejen, Niels Kristian; Furbo, Simon; Shah, Louise Jivan


    and large solar heating systems. Based on the theoretical findings a prototype of an improved HT solar collector was built and tested side-by-side with the original HT solar collector. The improved HT collector makes use of a changed insulation material, an absorber with improved absorptance and emittance......Theoretical and experimental investigations have elucidated how different changes in the design of the 12.5 m(2) HT flat-plate solar collector from the Danish company ARCON Solvarme A/S influence the solar collector efficiency and the yearly thermal performance. The collector is designed for medium...

  6. Renewable energy: Political momentum and technology for a sustainable Mexico; Energias Renovables: Impulso politico y tecnologico para un Mexico sustentable

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Romero Hernandez, Sergio; Romero Hernandez, Omar; Wood, Duncan [Instituto Tecnologico Autonomo de Mexico (ITAM) (Mexico)


    The renewable energy sector in Mexico, as shown in this book, is alive and in good condition, prospers and has great potential. In this regard, it is essential that Mexico sees itself as a country with an energy future beyond Cantarell, beyond Pemex and beyond oil. The future of renewable energy offers great hope for the country and the region, and the time is right for a consensus government, business and social more strongly boost the development of this sector. This book discusses the following topics: Renewable energy and sustainable economic development, the regulatory framework for the use of renewable energy, hydropower, bioenergy, Part I: biomass and biogas, bioenergy, Part II: Liquid biofuels; elements for promotion of wind energy in Mexico, geothermal energy, solar PV, solar thermal and micro. [Spanish] El sector de la energia renovable en Mexico, como se muestra en este libro, esta vivo y en buenas condiciones, prospera y tiene gran potencial. En ese sentido, resulta indispensable que Mexico se vea a si mismo como un pais con un futuro energetico mas alla de Cantarell, mas alla de PEMEX, mas alla del petroleo. El futuro de la energia renovable ofrece una gran esperanza para el pais y la region, y el tiempo es adecuado para que una concertacion gubernamental, empresarial y social impulse con mas fuerza el desarrollo de este sector. En este libro se analizan los siguientes temas: Energias renovables y desarrollo economico sustentable; el marco normativo de la utilizacion de las energias renovables; energia hidroelectrica; bioenergia, parte I: biomasa y biogas; bioenergia, parte II: biocombustibles liquidos; elementos para la promocion de la energia eolica en Mexico; energia geotermica; energia solar fotovoltaica; energia solar termica, y la microgeneracion.

  7. Solar prominences

    CERN Document Server

    Engvold, Oddbjørn


    This volume presents the latest research results on solar prominences, including new developments on e.g. chirality, fine structure, magnetism, diagnostic tools and relevant solar plasma physics. In 1875 solar prominences, as seen out of the solar limb, were described by P.A. Secchi in his book Le Soleil as "gigantic pink or peach-flower coloured flames". The development of spectroscopy, coronagraphy and polarimetry brought tremendous observational advances in the twentieth century. The authors present and discuss exciting new challenges (resulting from observations made by space and ground-based telescopes in the 1990s and the first decade of the 21st century) concerning the diagnostics of prominences, their formation, their life time and their eruption along with their impact in the heliosphere (including the Earth). The book starts with a general introduction of the prominence “object” with some historical background on observations and instrumentation. In the next chapter, the various forms of promine...

  8. Solar Leasing Summary, Houston Texas

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hammer, Mary [City of San Antonio, TX (United States)


    A relatively new option for homeowners looking to add solar to their home is the solar lease. At present, the solar lease option can be found in California, Arizona, Texas, Colorado, Hawaii, New York and Oregon. The most active companies currently offering solar leases are NRG Energy, Sungevity, Solar City and Sun Run. With the uncertainty and/or lack of subsidies the states participating in these programs have ebbed and flowed over the last few years. However, there is an expectation that in the current market solar leasing will make solar viable without the utility and federal subsidies. NRG Energy is currently testing this expectation in Houston, TX where currently no subsidies or incentives beyond the federal tax incentives, exist. Following is an explanation on the state of solar leasing in Houston, TX and explanation of the current financing options.

  9. Direct observations of low-energy solar electrons associated with a type 3 solar radio burst (United States)

    Frank, L. A.; Gurnett, D. A.


    On 6 April 1971 a solar X-ray flare and a type 3 solar radio noise burst were observed with instrumentation on the eccentric-orbiting satellite IMP 6. The type 3 solar radio noise burst was detected down to a frequency of 31 kHz. A highly anisotropic packet of low-energy solar electron intensities arrived at the satellite approximately 6000 seconds after the onset of the solar flare. This packet of solar electron intensities was observed for 4200 seconds. Maximum differential intensities of the solar electrons were in the energy range of one to several keV. The frequency drift rate of the type 3 radio noise at frequencies below 178 kHz also indicated an average particle speed corresponding to that of a 3-keV electron. The simultaneous observations of these solar electron intensities and of the type 3 solar radio burst are presented, and their interrelationships are explored.

  10. Solar desalination system of combined solar still and humidification-dehumidification unit (United States)

    Ghazy, Ahmed; Fath, Hassan E. S.


    Solar stills, as a simple technology, have many advantages such as simple design; unsophisticated fabrication; low capital and operation costs and easily maintained. However, their low daily production has put constraints on their usage. A radical improvement in the performance of solar stills can be achieved by the partial recovery of the energy losses from the glass cover of the still. This paper simulates a direct solar distillation system of combined solar still with an air heating humidification-dehumidification (HDH) sub-system. The main objective of the Still-HDH system is to improve the productivity and thermal efficiency of the conventional solar still by partially recovering the still energy losses to the ambient for additional water production. Various procedures have been employed to improve the thermal performance of the integrated system by recovering heat losses from one component in another component of the system. Simulations have been carried out for the performance of the Still-HDH system under different weather conditions. A comparison has been held between the Still-HDH system and a conventional solar still of the same size and under the same operating conditions.

  11. Developing solar energy in France

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Alary-Grall, L.


    3 years ago the 'Soleil' program was launched and today 660.000 m 2 of solar cells have been installed which has made France to rank 4 behind Germany, Greece and Austria in terms of the use of solar energy. The 'Soleil' program, that will end in 2006, aims at developing solar energy in France and is composed of 4 axis: 1) the contribution to the funding of solar equipment through enticing financial helps, 2) the implementation of a quality plan for the installers of solar equipment, 3) the setting of a quality label for innovative and efficient solar equipment and 4) the promoting of solar energy to the professionals of the construction sector. (A.C.)

  12. Solar Cell and Array Technology Development for NASA Solar Electric Propulsion Missions (United States)

    Piszczor, Michael; McNatt, Jeremiah; Mercer, Carolyn; Kerslake, Tom; Pappa, Richard


    NASA is currently developing advanced solar cell and solar array technologies to support future exploration activities. These advanced photovoltaic technology development efforts are needed to enable very large (multi-hundred kilowatt) power systems that must be compatible with solar electric propulsion (SEP) missions. The technology being developed must address a wide variety of requirements and cover the necessary advances in solar cell, blanket integration, and large solar array structures that are needed for this class of missions. Th is paper will summarize NASA's plans for high power SEP missions, initi al mission studies and power system requirements, plans for advanced photovoltaic technology development, and the status of specific cell and array technology development and testing that have already been conducted.

  13. solar thermal power systems advanced solar thermal technology project, advanced subsystems development (United States)


    The preliminary design for a prototype small (20 kWe) solar thermal electric generating unit was completed, consisting of several subsystems. The concentrator and the receiver collect solar energy and a thermal buffer storage with a transport system is used to provide a partially smoothed heat input to the Stirling engine. A fossil-fuel combustor is included in the receiver designs to permit operation with partial or no solar insolation (hybrid). The engine converts the heat input into mechanical action that powers a generator. To obtain electric power on a large scale, multiple solar modules will be required to operate in parallel. The small solar electric power plant used as a baseline design will provide electricity at remote sites and small communities.

  14. Solar Market Research and Analysis Publications | Solar Research | NREL (United States)

    Market Research and Analysis Publications Solar Market Research and Analysis Publications NREL researchers and analysts publish a variety of documents related to solar market research and analysis achieving the SETO 2030 residential PV cost target of $0.05 /kWh by identifying and quantifying cost

  15. Hydrogen from solar energy

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)


    The long-range options of energy sources are the breeding reactor, nuclear fusion, and solar energy. Concerning solar energy three systems are being developed: First the photovoltaic cells which are almost ready for industrial production, but which are still too expensive - at least today. Secondly the thermal utilization of solar radiation. Compared to these, thirdly, the photobiological and photochemical possibilities of solar energy utilization have been somewhat neglected so far. However, the photolysis of water by solar energy is a very promising option for future energy demands. This can be done by making use of the photo-synthetic splitting of water in technical facilities or with semiconductors.


    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lockwood, M.; Rouillard, A. P.; Finch, I. D.


    We use geomagnetic activity data to study the rise and fall over the past century of the solar wind flow speed V SW , the interplanetary magnetic field strength B, and the open solar flux F S . Our estimates include allowance for the kinematic effect of longitudinal structure in the solar wind flow speed. As well as solar cycle variations, all three parameters show a long-term rise during the first half of the 20th century followed by peaks around 1955 and 1986 and then a recent decline. Cosmogenic isotope data reveal that this constitutes a grand maximum of solar activity which began in 1920, using the definition that such grand maxima are when 25-year averages of the heliospheric modulation potential exceeds 600 MV. Extrapolating the linear declines seen in all three parameters since 1985, yields predictions that the grand maximum will end in the years 2013, 2014, or 2027 using V SW , F S , or B, respectively. These estimates are consistent with predictions based on the probability distribution of the durations of past grand solar maxima seen in cosmogenic isotope data. The data contradict any suggestions of a floor to the open solar flux: we show that the solar minimum open solar flux, kinematically corrected to allow for the excess flux effect, has halved over the past two solar cycles.

  17. Solar energy promises realized?

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Oudshoff, B.


    The US market for solar cells grew 36% in 2009. Thousands of new jobs were created, many millions are invested and new businesses see new opportunities. Optimism among investors, incentivising government policy and new technological developments all contribute to these positive developments. This article provides an update of the incentive measures and their effects and a brief overview of the three solar energy technologies: photovoltaic (PV), solar thermal and concentrated solar power (CSP) [nl

  18. Theoretical comparison between solar combisystems based on bikini tanks and tank-in-tank solar combisystems

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Yazdanshenas, Eshagh; Furbo, Simon; Bales, Chris


    Theoretical investigations have shown that solar combisystems based on bikini tanks for low energy houses perform better than solar domestic hot water systems based on mantle tanks. Tank-in-tank solar combisystems are also attractive from a thermal performance point of view. In this paper......, theoretical comparisons between solar combisystems based on bikini tanks and tank-in-tank solar combisystems are presented....

  19. Decentralized electrification of an isolated town by means of photovoltaic solar energy; Electrificacion descentralizada de una poblacion aislada mediante energia solar fotovoltaica

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Horn, Manfred [Universidad Nacional de Energia, Lima (Peru)


    The insular community of Taquile in the Titicaca Lake is performing a pilot project of domiciliary electrification with photovoltaic systems. The project wants to evaluate the feasibility of a basic rural electrification with photovoltaic systems based in private initiatives, under the frame of the free market economy, in vogue in Peru. [Espanol] En la comunidad insular de Taquile en el Lago Titicaca se esta ejecutando un proyecto piloto de electrificacion domiciliaria con sistemas fotovoltaicos. El proyecto quiere evaluar la posibilidad de una electrificacion rural basica con sistemas fotovoltaicos en base a iniciativas privadas, dentro del marco de la economia de mercado libre, vigente en el Peru.

  20. Decentralized electrification of an isolated town by means of photovoltaic solar energy; Electrificacion descentralizada de una poblacion aislada mediante energia solar fotovoltaica

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Horn, Manfred [Universidad Nacional de Energia, Lima (Peru)


    The insular community of Taquile in the Titicaca Lake is performing a pilot project of domiciliary electrification with photovoltaic systems. The project wants to evaluate the feasibility of a basic rural electrification with photovoltaic systems based in private initiatives, under the frame of the free market economy, in vogue in Peru. [Espanol] En la comunidad insular de Taquile en el Lago Titicaca se esta ejecutando un proyecto piloto de electrificacion domiciliaria con sistemas fotovoltaicos. El proyecto quiere evaluar la posibilidad de una electrificacion rural basica con sistemas fotovoltaicos en base a iniciativas privadas, dentro del marco de la economia de mercado libre, vigente en el Peru.


    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wang Linghua; Lin, R. P.; Krucker, Säm; Mason, Glenn M.


    We survey the statistical properties of 1191 solar electron events observed by the WIND 3DP instrument from 300 keV for a solar cycle (1995 through 2005). After taking into account times of high background, the corrected occurrence frequency of solar electron events versus peak flux exhibits a power-law distribution over three orders of magnitude with exponents between –1.0 and –1.6 for different years, comparable to the frequency distribution of solar proton events, microflares, and coronal mass ejections (CMEs), but significantly flatter than that of soft X-ray (SXR) flares. At 40 keV (2.8 keV), the integrated occurrence rate above ∼0.29 (∼330) cm –2 s –1 sr –1 keV –1 near 1 AU is ∼1000 year –1 (∼600 year –1 ) at solar maximum and ∼35 year –1 (∼25 year –1 ) at solar minimum, about an order of magnitude larger than the observed occurrence rate. We find these events typically extend over ∼45° in longitude, implying the occurrence rate over the whole Sun is ∼10 4 year –1 near solar maximum. The observed solar electron events have a 98.75% association with type III radio bursts, suggesting all type III bursts may be associated with a solar electron event. They have a close (∼76%) association with the presence of low-energy (∼0.02-2 MeV nucleon –1 ), 3 He-rich ( 3 He/ 4 He ≥ 0.01) ion emissions measured by the ACE ULEIS instrument. For these electron events, only ∼35% are associated with a reported GOES SXR flare, but ∼60% appear to be associated with a CME, with ∼50% of these CMEs being narrow. These electrons are often detected down to below 1 keV, indicating a source high in the corona.

  2. 8 years of Solar Spectral Irradiance Observations from the ISS with the SOLAR/SOLSPEC Instrument (United States)

    Damé, L.; Bolsée, D.; Meftah, M.; Irbah, A.; Hauchecorne, A.; Bekki, S.; Pereira, N.; Cessateur, G.; Marchand, M.; Thiéblemont, R.; Foujols, T.


    Accurate measurements of Solar Spectral Irradiance (SSI) are of primary importance for a better understanding of solar physics and of the impact of solar variability on climate (via Earth's atmospheric photochemistry). The acquisition of a top of atmosphere reference solar spectrum and of its temporal and spectral variability during the unusual solar cycle 24 is of prime interest for these studies. These measurements are performed since April 2008 with the SOLSPEC spectro-radiometer from the far ultraviolet to the infrared (166 nm to 3088 nm). This instrument, developed under a fruitful LATMOS/BIRA-IASB collaboration, is part of the Solar Monitoring Observatory (SOLAR) payload, externally mounted on the Columbus module of the International Space Station (ISS). The SOLAR mission, with its actual 8 years duration, will cover almost the entire solar cycle 24. We present here the in-flight operations and performances of the SOLSPEC instrument, including the engineering corrections, calibrations and improved know-how procedure for aging corrections. Accordingly, a SSI reference spectrum from the UV to the NIR will be presented, together with its UV variability, as measured by SOLAR/SOLSPEC. Uncertainties on these measurements and comparisons with other instruments will be briefly discussed.

  3. Solar heating of the produced water of petroleum; Aquecimento solar da agua produzida de petroleo

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Santos, Rogerio Pitanga; Chiavone-Filho, Osvaldo; Bezerra, Magna A. Santos; Melo, Josette Lourdes Sousa de; Oliveira, Jackson Araujo de; Ramos, Rafael E. Moura [Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN), Natal, RN (Brazil); Schuhli, Juliana Bregenski; Andrade, Vivian Tavares de [PETROBRAS S.A., Rio de Janeiro, RJ (Brazil). Centro de Pesquisas (CENPES)


    In this work, experimental data of solar heating for common water and saline solution were measured. The solar heater is formed by a flat-plane collector and a thermal reservoir ('boiler'). The objective is to quantify the variation of fluids' temperature, and correlate it to environment variables, especially solar irradiation. Thereby, it is possible to estimate the solar heating of produced water of petroleum. The solar heater is part of a system of treatment of produced water, and its function is to pre-heat the fluid that enters into the solar distiller, increasing the productivity of distilled water. A saline solution that represents produced water was used in the experiments, using sodium chloride (1000 ppm). The experimental data demonstrates that the solar heater is capable to heat the fluid to temperatures close to 70 deg C, reaching temperatures close to 50 deg C even during cloudy days with low solar radiation. Furthermore, the solar collector energy system provides a higher rate of heating and trough of the thermal reservoir the temperature can remain longer. These are important aspects to the integration with solar distillation. (author)

  4. Solar heating of the produced water of petroleum; Aquecimento solar da agua produzida de petroleo

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Santos, Rogerio Pitanga; Chiavone-Filho, Osvaldo; Bezerra, Magna A. Santos; Melo, Josette Lourdes Sousa de; Oliveira, Jackson Araujo de; Ramos, Rafael E. Moura [Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN), Natal, RN (Brazil); Schuhli, Juliana Bregenski; Andrade, Vivian Tavares de [PETROBRAS S.A., Rio de Janeiro, RJ (Brazil). Centro de Pesquisas (CENPES)


    In this work, experimental data of solar heating for common water and saline solution were measured. The solar heater is formed by a flat-plane collector and a thermal reservoir ('boiler'). The objective is to quantify the variation of fluids' temperature, and correlate it to environment variables, especially solar irradiation. Thereby, it is possible to estimate the solar heating of produced water of petroleum. The solar heater is part of a system of treatment of produced water, and its function is to pre-heat the fluid that enters into the solar distiller, increasing the productivity of distilled water. A saline solution that represents produced water was used in the experiments, using sodium chloride (1000 ppm). The experimental data demonstrates that the solar heater is capable to heat the fluid to temperatures close to 70 deg C, reaching temperatures close to 50 deg C even during cloudy days with low solar radiation. Furthermore, the solar collector energy system provides a higher rate of heating and trough of the thermal reservoir the temperature can remain longer. These are important aspects to the integration with solar distillation. (author)

  5. Solar Technician Program Blows Hot (United States)

    Ziegler, Peg Moran


    A training program for solar heating technicians was initiated at Sonoma State College's School of Environmental Studies for CETA applicants. Among the projects designed and built were a solar alternative energy center, a solar hot water system, and a solar greenhouse. (MF)

  6. Solar Storage Tank Insulation Influence on the Solar Systems Efficiency

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Negoitescu Arina


    Full Text Available For the storage tank of a solar system for domestic hot water production was analyzed the insulation thickness and material influence. To this end, it was considered a private house, occupied by 3 persons, located in zone I of thermal radiation, for which has been simulated the domestic hot water production process. The tank outlet hot water temperature was considered of 45°C. For simulation purposes, as insulation materials for the storage tank were taking into account glass wool and polyurethane with various thicknesses. Finally, was carried out the comparative analysis of two types of tanks, in terms of the insulation thickness influence on the solar fraction, annual solar contribution and solar annual productivity. It resulted that polyurethane is the most advantageous from all points of view.

  7. NASA's search for the solar connection. I. [OSO Skylab, Solar Maximum Mission (United States)

    Chapman, R. W.


    NASA's solar research, which leans toward the study of the sun as a star, is surveyed. The Orbiting Solar Observatory (OSO) program is covered, which yielded data such as spectras of 140-400 A wavelength of the entire solar disk. Attention is also given to the results obtained by Skylab, such as data showing that whenever a large coronal hole exists near the sun's equator, a stream of high-speed solar wind will be observed at the earth. Finally areas of future research, such as a concerted study of flare phenomenon, are discussed.

  8. Inovasi Peningkatan Efisiensi Panel Surya Berbasis Fresnel Solar Concentrator Dan Solar Tracker


    Saputra, Muhammad Adhijaya; Azis, Muhammad Fadli


    Indonesia is a tropical country with great potential for solar energy is about 4.5 kWh per m2. However, this potential can not be fully utilized due to the efficiency of solar panels is still very low at around 16%. Various research and development of solar panels has been done in order to get a system with higher efficiency. Starting from the development of constituent materials, the selection of topology until the latest is the change construction design of the solar panels. That is a chang...

  9. Solar cooling systems. Classification and energetic evaluation; Solare Kuehlsysteme. Klassifizierung und energetische Bewertung

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hennig, Jakob [Technische Univ. Bergakademie Freiberg (Germany); Hafner, Armin [SINTEF Energy Research, Trondheim (Norway); Eikevik, Trygve M. [NTNU, Trondheim (Norway)


    The investigation of alternative, sustainable concepts for cold production is worthwhile in times of increasing energy demand for cooling and air conditioning applications. Energy sources such as solar radiation can help to reduce the burden on the environment and energy networks. Solar electricity from photovoltaic cells or solar power from solar collectors can be used in refrigerating equipment (such as cold vapor compression chiller, absorption chiller, adsorption chillers, open systems, thermo-mechanical systems or ejector-based systems) are fed in order to produce the desired coldness. In many cases, the temporal coincidence of radiation supply and cooling requirements makes the solar cooling to a promising concept, especially at sites with a high solar radiation, large cooling demand, high energy prices, or insufficient access to public power grids. A model-based investigation of different solar cooling systems with an equivalent cooling capacity was carried out. The results show that the performance potential strongly depends on the selected technology and the site of the system. A balanced daily energy balance can be achieved with an appropriately dimensioned solar power plant with cooling concept. Depending on the system and interpretation, primary energy savings or a primary energy overhead can be achieved within a year in comparison to a conventional system.

  10. Performance comparison between silicon solar panel and dye-sensitized solar panel in Malaysia (United States)

    Hamed, N. K. A.; Ahmad, M. K.; Urus, N. S. T.; Mohamad, F.; Nafarizal, N.; Ahmad, N.; Soon, C. F.; Ameruddin, A. S.; Faridah, A. B.; Shimomura, M.; Murakami, K.


    In carrying out experimental research in performance between silicon solar panel and dye-sensitive solar panel, we have been developing a device and a system. This system has been developed consisting of controllers, hardware and software. This system is capable to get most of the input sources. If only need to change the main circuit and coding for a different source input value. This device is able to get the ambient temperature, surface temperature, surrounding humidity, voltage with load, current with load, voltage without load and current without load and save the data into external memory. This device is able to withstand the heat and rain as it was fabricated in a waterproof box. This experiment was conducted to examine the performance of both the solar panels which are capable to maintain their stability and performance. A conclusion based on data populated, the distribution of data for dye-sensitized solar panel is much better than silicon solar panel as dye-sensitized solar panel is very sensitive to heat and not depend only on midday where is that is the maximum ambient temperature for both solar panel as silicon solar panel only can give maximum and high output only when midday.

  11. Design of a solar-assisted drying system using the double-pass solar collector

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sopian, K.; Daud, W.R.; Supranto; Othman, M.Y.; Yatim, B.


    A solar-assisted drying system that uses the double-pass solar collector with porous media in the second channel has been designed and constructed at the Solar Energy Research Park, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. The drying system has a total of six double-pass solar collectors. Each collector has a length of 240 cm and a width of 120 cm. The upper channel depth is 3.5 cm and the lower channel depth is 10.5 cm. The lower channel is filled up with steel wool as the porous media. The solar collectors are arranged as 2 banks of 3 collectors each in series. Internal manifold are used to connect the collectors. An auxiliary heater source is installed to supply heat under unfavourable solar radiation conditions. An on/off controller is used to control the startup and shutdown of the auxiliary heater. An outlet temperature of 80-90 0 C can be achieved at a solar radiation range of 800-900 W/m 3 , ambient temperature of 29 degree C and flow rate of O.20 kg/s. (Author)

  12. Solar Physics at Evergreen: Solar Dynamo and Chromospheric MHD (United States)

    Zita, E. J.; Maxwell, J.; Song, N.; Dikpati, M.


    We describe our five year old solar physics research program at The Evergreen State College. Famed for its cloudy skies, the Pacific Northwest is an ideal location for theoretical and remote solar physics research activities. Why does the Sun's magnetic field flip polarity every 11 years or so? How does this contribute to the magnetic storms Earth experiences when the Sun's field reverses? Why is the temperature in the Sun's upper atmosphere millions of degrees higher than the Sun's surface temperature? How do magnetic waves transport energy in the Sun’s chromosphere and the Earth’s atmosphere? How does solar variability affect climate change? Faculty and undergraduates investigate questions such as these in collaboration with the High Altitude Observatory (HAO) at the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) in Boulder. We will describe successful student research projects, logistics of remote computing, and our current physics investigations into (1) the solar dynamo and (2) chromospheric magnetohydrodynamics.

  13. Nice module. Apollon Solar present their new line of solar modules; Nettes Modul. Apollon Solar stellt Linie fuer neuartige Modultechnologie vor

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Podewils, C.


    Solar modules, TGV engines and perfume Zerstaeuber seem to have nothing in common. The new solar module developed by French producer Apollon Solar makes use of both technologies in the construction process. The contribution presents the 'Nice' module which has many new features. (orig.)

  14. Solar thermal aided power generation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hu, Eric; Yang, YongPing; Nishimura, Akira; Yilmaz, Ferdi; Kouzani, Abbas


    Fossil fuel based power generation is and will still be the back bone of our world economy, albeit such form of power generation significantly contributes to global CO 2 emissions. Solar energy is a clean, environmental friendly energy source for power generation, however solar photovoltaic electricity generation is not practical for large commercial scales due to its cost and high-tech nature. Solar thermal is another way to use solar energy to generate power. Many attempts to establish solar (solo) thermal power stations have been practiced all over the world. Although there are some advantages in solo solar thermal power systems, the efficiencies and costs of these systems are not so attractive. Alternately by modifying, if possible, the existing coal-fired power stations to generate green sustainable power, a much more efficient means of power generation can be reached. This paper presents the concept of solar aided power generation in conventional coal-fired power stations, i.e., integrating solar (thermal) energy into conventional fossil fuelled power generation cycles (termed as solar aided thermal power). The solar aided power generation (SAPG) concept has technically been derived to use the strong points of the two technologies (traditional regenerative Rankine cycle with relatively higher efficiency and solar heating at relatively low temperature range). The SAPG does not only contribute to increase the efficiencies of the conventional power station and reduce its emission of the greenhouse gases, but also provides a better way to use solar heat to generate the power. This paper presents the advantages of the SAPG at conceptual level.

  15. Solar Photovoltaic Technology Basics | NREL (United States)

    Photovoltaic Technology Basics Solar Photovoltaic Technology Basics Solar cells, also called found in sand) created an electric charge when exposed to sunlight. Soon solar cells were being used to power space satellites and smaller items like calculators and watches. Photo of a large silicon solar

  16. Solar thermal utilization--an overview

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chen Deming; Xu Gang


    Solar energy is an ideal renewable energy source and its thermal utilization is one of its most important applications. We review the status of solar thermal utilization, including: (1) developed technologies which are already widely used all over the world, such as solar assisted water heaters, solar cookers, solar heated buildings and so on; (2) advanced technologies which are still in the development or laboratory stage and could have more innovative applications, including thermal power generation, refrigeration, hydrogen production, desalination, and chimneys; (3) major problems which need to be resolved for advanced utilizaiton of solar thermal energy. (authors)

  17. Solar Radiation Model for Development and Control of Solar Energy Sources

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Dominykas Vasarevičius


    Full Text Available The model of solar radiation, which takes into account direct, diffused and reflected components of solar energy, has been presented. Model is associated with geographical coordinates and local time of every day of the year. It is shown that using analytic equations for modelling the direct component, it is possible to adopt it for embedded systems with low computational power and use in solar tracking applications. Reflected and diffused components are especially useful in determining the performance of photovoltaic modules in certain location and surroundings. The statistical method for cloud layer simulation based on local meteorological data is offered. The presented method can’t be used for prediction of weather conditions but it provides patterns of solar radiation in time comparable to those measured with pyranometer. Cloud layer simulation together with total solar radiation model is a useful tool for development and analysis of maximum power point tracking controllers for PV modules.

  18. Solar radiation for sea-water desalination and electric power generation via vacuum solar collectors

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mottinelli, L.; Reali, M.; El-Nashar, A.M.; Giusiano, F.; Vigotti, R.


    The present report concerns the energetic potential of vacuum solar which are rather versatile and efficient devices for converting solar energy into thermal energy. Two main energetic applications have been analysed: the first one for a solar sea water desalination plant which has been operated in Abu Dhabi for the past ten years, the other for a conceptual solar thermoelectric-power plant having a fair thermodynamic efficiency (15-20%). A simple technology for the manufacture of vacuum solar collectors in a standard mechanical shop is being developed in collaboration between ENEL Sp A (DSR-CRIS, Milano) and WED (Abu Dhabi). Such technology should have an important economy-saving potential per se and would also make repair and substitution operations simple enough for the actual operators of the vacuum solar collector system without any need of external assistance. The technic-operative-economical features of the Abu Dhabi solar desalination plant suggest that the use novel simplified vacuum solar collectors could have a considerable technic economical potential. The analysis of the conceptual solar thermo-electric-power plant focuses on its general layout and singles out key technological issues which ought to be addressed in an overall feasibility study. 5 figs., 3 tabs

  19. Meteorology ans solar physics (United States)

    Schwarz, Oliver

    When in the second half of the 19th century both solar physics and astrophysics came into existence, various solar phenomena were described by analogies encountered in the terrestrial atmosphere. For a certain time, meteorology played a central role in research on solar processes. At first glance, this may appear as a curious and old-fashioned specialty. However, solar physics owes its first insights into solar structure to various analogies in terrestrial atmospheric studies. The present investigation intends to elucidate this fact, to present details of the historical development, and to demonstrate how our present knowledge in certain fields is based on considerations which were originally taken from the description of the terrestrial atmosphere.

  20. A Little Solar Story

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ahmad, Bashir


    Experiences from use of solar cookers in India and many other places are different. But the story which is based on a field study in Gujarat state of India shows that during last twenty years there has been a tendency that many families do not continue to use their solar cookers. The study shows...... that the tendency is related with the lack of compatibility of this new technology (solar cooker) with the everyday real-life conditions of the families. In principle the findings are supported by an evaluation report on a solar cooker project in Burkina Faso. The conclusion is that the user should be involved...... in the solar cooker technological development process....

  1. Solar heating cooling. Preparation of possible participation in IEA, Solar Heating Cooling Task 25

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    For the Danish solar heating industries it is interesting to discuss the domestic market possibilities and the export possibilities for solar heating cooling systems. The Danish solar heating sector also wants to participate in the international collaboration within IEA Solar Heating and Cooling Task 25 'Solar Assisted Air Conditioning of Buildings'. The Danish Energy Agency therefore has granted means for this project to discuss: The price of cooling for 3 different solar cooling methods (absorption cooling, desiccant cooling and ejector cooling); Market possibilities in Denmark and abroad; The advantages by Danish participation in IEA Task 25. The task has been solved through literature studies to establish status for the 3 technologies. It turned out that ejector cooling by low temperatures (85 deg. C from the solar collector) exists as pilot plants in relation to district heating, but is still not commercial accessible. Desiccant cooling, where the supplied heat has temperatures down to 55 deg. C is a well-developed technology. However only a handful of pilot plants with solar heating exists, and thus optimization relating to operation strategy and economy is on the experimental stage. Absorption cooling plants driven by solar heating are found in a large number in Japan and are also demonstrated in several other countries. The combination of absorption heating pump and solar heating is considered to be commercial accessible. Solar heating is interesting as heat source of to the extent that it can replace other sources of heat without the economy being depreciated. This can be the case in South Europe if: 1) oil or natural gas is used for heating; 2) a solar heating system already exists, e.g. for domestic water supply, and is installed so that the marginal costs by solar heating supply of the ventilation plant is reduced. All in all the above conditions mean that the market for solar heating for cooling is very limited in Europe, where almost everybody are

  2. Sunmotor Solar Shack 120

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jensen, E.


    This article described a solar pump that was developed by Alberta-based Sunmotor International Ltd. The prototype Solar Shack 120 was recently deployed in central Alberta for a remediation project for Devon Canada. The portable solar pump unit is well suited for environmental remediation in the oilpatch where conventional electricity is not available. The solar panels automatically run the pump whenever there is enough sunlight and there is liquid in the sump. Devon Canada wanted a system that continues to pump during cloudy weather to avoid the accumulation of effluent in the sump. The Solar Shack 120 delivers 120 volts of alternating current (vac) power. Solar panels are used to charge a bank of large sealed batteries that supply direct power (DC) to an inverter, which converts it into AC. A thermostat control was added to shut off the pumps in cold weather to avoid battery discharging. The Solar Shack unit has possibilities in countries with unreliable electricity supplies. It could provide a backup power supply that automatically kicks in whenever the power grid goes down. Sunmotor International Ltd. can supply complete remote power systems for both AC and DC electrical requirements. The systems are designed for each application to ensure customer satisfaction. The company is currently building a unit that integrates solar power with a generator backup, thereby eliminating the annoying noise of a continually running generator. 1 fig

  3. Roof Integrated Solar Absorbers: The Measured Performance of ''Invisible'' Solar Collectors: Preprint

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Colon, C. J.; Merrigan, T.


    The Florida Solar Energy Center (FSEC), with the support of the National Renewable Energy Laboratory, has investigated the thermal performance of solar absorbers that are an integral, yet indistinguishable, part of a building's roof. The first roof-integrated solar absorber (RISA) system was retrofitted into FSEC's Flexible Roof Facility in Cocoa, Florida, in September 1998. This ''proof-of-concept'' system uses the asphalt shingle roof surface and the plywood decking under the shingles as an unglazed solar absorber. Data was gathered for a one-year period on the system performance. In Phase 2, two more RISA prototypes were constructed and submitted for testing. The first used the asphalt shingles on the roof surface with the tubing mounted on the underside of the plywood decking. The second prototype used metal roofing panels over a plywood substrate and placed the polymer tubing between the plywood decking and the metal roofing. This paper takes a first look at the thermal performance results for the ''invisible'' solar absorbers that use the actual roof surface of a building for solar heat collection

  4. Solar variability observed through changes in solar figure and mean diameter

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    A program to monitor solar luminosity variations through diameter measurements has been in operation at SCLERA since 1981. The solar diameter is measured at multiple angles from the equator. Measurements at these different angles have the advantage that not only can the solar oblateness be accurately measured, but also, a systematic errors introduced by atmospheric refraction can be reduced to a minimum. An improved theoretical treatment relevant to the relationship between the solar diameter and luminosity for long period oscilations has been successfully developed, and testing is currently underway. The construction of an absolute calibration system for the telescope field has been conducted and will soon be operational. A review of this work is presented

  5. Solar power generating device. Solar denryoku hassei sochi

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hayashi, E


    Concerning the existing solar power generating device using the analogue sequential partial shunt system, the number of interface line between the solar cell panel and the shunt dissipater is enormous and complicated in addition to the increased temperature rise of the shunt transistor in its working condition. Furthermore, concerning the digital sequential full shunt system, the above temperature rise becomes less, but the above number of interface line is likewise enormous. In order to remove the above defects, the solar power generating device which this invention concerns has the features that, in each row of solar cells connected to shunt transistors which are controlled respectively in a manner of on (saturation)/off independently in accordance with the amount of surplus electric power, the number of parallel connection of the unit cell circuits composing the each row above is made to be the different number respectively. Besides, it is proposed to have the feature in particular that such a number is made to be the number of 2 {sup n} (n is from zero to any integer, m) where n is increased by one progressively. 5 figs.

  6. The New Solar System: China’s Evolving Solar Industry and Its Implications for Competitive Solar Power in the United States and the World

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ball, Jeffrey [Stanford Univ., CA (United States); Reicher, Dan [Stanford Univ., CA (United States); Sun, Xiaojing [Stanford Univ., CA (United States); Pollock, Caitlin [Stanford Univ., CA (United States)


    Solar power is undergoing a revolution. Over the past decade, an energy source as old as the planet and theoretically all but limitless has plummeted in cost and begun in some places to be harnessed in large volume. This dynamic is disrupting the modern energy system and, as energy disruptions always do, rattling the geopolitical order. In the process, the industry that produces the equipment to convert sunlight into electricity is simultaneously reeling, consolidating, and surging. These twin transformations—one of the global energy system, one of the global solar industry—carry profound implications for national economies and for the planet. At the center of both transformations sits China. The New Solar System illuminates key and little- understood changes that are remaking the solar enterprise—in China and thus in the world. Based on this analysis, it recommends changes in U.S. solar policy—particularly timely with a new U.S. administration and Congress—that would put solar power on a more economically sensible path toward environmentally significant growth. The New Solar System does not seek to enable any country to beat another in the global solar industry. It seeks instead to help all countries find their most effective places. By better understanding and playing to their comparative strengths in the solar business, countries would achieve two key objectives. They would reduce the cost for the world of scaling up solar power. And they would be better positioned to fashion policies that maximized the long-term benefit to their own economies from solar’s global growth.

  7. Proceedings of the CanSIA solar conference 2005 : the world of solar. CD-ROM ed.

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This conference focused on recent activities promoting solar energy as a major energy supplier, as well as on actions needed to overcome barriers to greater solar deployment. The potential of solar energy technologies in overcoming energy supply problems was examined, as well as the value of solar energy in achieving greenhouse gas reduction targets and creating jobs and wealth for local economies. Various solar energy programs in Canada were reviewed, as well as greenhouse gas offset systems and domestic hot water programs. Standard Offer Contracts in Ontario were discussed. Various university and industry partnerships in solar energy research were described. Issues concerning interconnection standards and industry updates were reviewed. Financing programs for solar energy projects were presented, including Renewable Energy Deployment Initiative (REDI) program statistics. Performance standards for photovoltaic (PV) modules were reviewed, as well as changes in various building codes relating to the solar energy industry. Issues concerning sustainable energy education, marketing and training were examined. The role of solar energy in Ontario's electricity supply was discussed. An overview of current solar energy projects funded by the Canadian government was provided. Thirty-nine papers were presented at this conference, of which 5 have been catalogued separately for inclusion in this database. refs., tabs., figs

  8. Solar Maps | Geospatial Data Science | NREL (United States)

    Solar Maps Solar Maps These solar maps provide average daily total solar resource information on disability, contact the Geospatial Data Science Team. U.S. State Solar Resource Maps Access state maps of MT NE NV NH NJ NM NY NC ND OH OK OR PA RI SC SD TN TX UT VT VA WA WV WI WY × U.S. Solar Resource

  9. Recent perspectives in solar physics - Elemental composition, coronal structure and magnetic fields, solar activity (United States)

    Newkirk, G., Jr.


    Elemental abundances in the solar corona are studied. Abundances in the corona, solar wind and solar cosmic rays are compared to those in the photosphere. The variation in silicon and iron abundance in the solar wind as compared to helium is studied. The coronal small and large scale structure is investigated, emphasizing magnetic field activity and examining cosmic ray generation mechanisms. The corona is observed in the X-ray and EUV regions. The nature of coronal transients is discussed with emphasis on solar-wind modulation of galactic cosmic rays. A schematic plan view of the interplanetary magnetic field during sunspot minimum is given showing the presence of magnetic bubbles and their concentration in the region around 4-5 AU by a fast solar wind stream.

  10. Solar Probe Plus (United States)

    Szabo, Adam


    The NASA Solar Probe Plus mission is planned to be launched in 2018 to study the upper solar corona with and remote sensing instrumentation. The mission will utilize 6 Venus gravity assist maneuver to gradually lower its perihelion to 9.5 Rs below the expected Alfven pOint to study the sub-alfvenic solar wind that is still at least partially co-rotates with the Sun. The detailed science objectives of this mission will be discussed. SPP will have a strong synergy with The ESA/NASA Solar orbiter mission to be launched a year ahead. Both missions will focus on the inner heliosphere and will have complimentary instrumentations. Strategies to exploit this synergy will be also presented.

  11. Solar gravitational redshift

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lopresto, J.C.; Chapman, R.D.


    Wavelengths of solar spectrum lines should be shifted toward the red by the Sun's gravitational field as predicted by metric theories of gravity according to the principle of equivalence. Photographic wavelengths of 738 solar Fe 1 lines and their corresponding laboratory wavelengths have been studied. The measured solar wavelength minus the laboratory wavelength (Δlambdasub(observed)) averaged for the strong lines agrees well with the theoretically predicted shift (Δlambdasub(theoretical)). Studies show that the departures depend on line strength. No dependence of the departures on wavelength was found within the existing data. By studying strong lines over a wide spectral range, velocity shifts caused by the complex motions in the solar atmosphere seem to affect the results in a minimal fashion. (orig.)

  12. Photovoltaic solar cell (United States)

    Nielson, Gregory N; Okandan, Murat; Cruz-Campa, Jose Luis; Resnick, Paul J


    A photovoltaic solar cell for generating electricity from sunlight is disclosed. The photovoltaic solar cell comprises a plurality of spaced-apart point contact junctions formed in a semiconductor body to receive the sunlight and generate the electicity therefrom, the plurality of spaced-apart point contact junctions having a first plurality of regions having a first doping type and a second plurality of regions having a second doping type. In addition, the photovoltaic solar cell comprises a first electrical contact electrically connected to each of the first plurality of regions and a second electrical contact electrically connected to each of the second plurality of regions, as well as a passivation layer covering major surfaces and sidewalls of the photovoltaic solar cell.

  13. Advanced Solar Panel Designs (United States)

    Ralph, E. L.; Linder, E. B.


    Solar panel designs that utilize new high-efficiency solar cells and lightweight rigid panel technologies are described. The resulting designs increase the specific power (W/kg) achievable in the near-term and are well suited to meet the demands of higher performance small satellites (smallsats). Advanced solar panel designs have been developed and demonstrated on two NASA SBIR contracts at Applied Solar. The first used 19% efficient, large area (5.5 cm x 6.5 cm) GaAs/Ge solar cells with a lightweight rigid graphite epoxy isogrid substrate configuration. A 1,445 sq cm coupon was fabricated and tested to demonstrate 60 W/kg with a high potential of achieving 80 W/kg. The second panel design used new 22% efficiency, dual-junction GaInP2/GaAs/Ge solar cells combined with a lightweight aluminum core/graphite fiber mesh facesheet substrate. A 1,445 sq cm coupon was fabricated and tested to demonstrate 105 W/kg with the potential of achieving 115 W/kg.

  14. Solar energy perspectives in France

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    In a context combining climate change, energy supply crisis, an increased interest in solar energy, a strongly increasing market of solar installations, new technologies, a promotion of the development of the use solar energy in France and a fast development of the water heater and photovoltaic generator markets in France, this report proposes a wide overview of the past, present and future development of solar energy. It discusses the evolution of the French national energy policy and of the solar energy within this policy. It presents and discusses the solar energy resources, their strengths and weaknesses, their geographical and time distribution. It describes the various uses and applications of solar energy in buildings, discusses different aspects of this market (actors, economical data, evolutions, public incentives, perspectives). Then, it describes and discusses technical and economical aspects of two important technologies, the photovoltaic solar energy and the thermodynamic conversion of solar energy. Public incentives, laws and regulations, technical and economic aspects of the connection to the distribution network are then discussed. Some recommendations and ideas are formulated concerning research activities, industrial development, quality of equipment and facilities, personnel education, investment needs

  15. Solar Flare Aimed at Earth (United States)


    At the height of the solar cycle, the Sun is finally displaying some fireworks. This image from the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) shows a large solar flare from June 6, 2000 at 1424 Universal Time (10:24 AM Eastern Daylight Savings Time). Associated with the flare was a coronal mass ejection that sent a wave of fast moving charged particles straight towards Earth. (The image was acquired by the Extreme ultaviolet Imaging Telescope (EIT), one of 12 instruments aboard SOHO) Solar activity affects the Earth in several ways. The particles generated by flares can disrupt satellite communications and interfere with power transmission on the Earth's surface. Earth's climate is tied to the total energy emitted by the sun, cooling when the sun radiates less energy and warming when solar output increases. Solar radiation also produces ozone in the stratosphere, so total ozone levels tend to increase during the solar maximum. For more information about these solar flares and the SOHO mission, see NASA Science News or the SOHO home page. For more about the links between the sun and climate change, see Sunspots and the Solar Max. Image courtesy SOHO Extreme ultaviolet Imaging Telescope, ESA/NASA

  16. Solar ultraviolet hazards

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Azmah Ali


    The paper discussed the following subjects: the sources of ultraviolet radiation, solar ultraviolet radiation definition, effects of over exposure to solar ultraviolet radiation, exposure limits and radiation protection of this radiation

  17. Solar Sprint (United States)

    Tabor, Richard; Anderson, Stephen


    In the "Solar Sprint" activity, students design, test, and race a solar-powered car built with Legos. The use of ratios is incorporated to simulate the actual work of scientists and engineers. This method encourages fourth-grade students to think about multiple variables and stimulates their curiosity when an activity doesn't come out as…

  18. Development of practical solar-electric vehicle; Jitsuyo fukyugata solar denki jidosha no kaihatsu

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Saito, S; Fujinaka, M [Tokyo Denki University, Tokyo (Japan)


    The paper reported on a Tokyo-Nagoya travel test on a practical spread type solar-electric vehicle, Solar-EV. A comparative study was made running the same type gasoline vehicle, GV. The measured power consumption amount of Solar-EV is 57.6 kWh. By converting it into Mcal unit, an energy consumption amount of 49.5 Mcal was obtained. Further, as to GV, the energy consumption amount of 316 Mcal was obtained using the amount of supply of gasoline (mean heating value: 8.4 Mcal/h) of 37.6 l and the fuel consumption of 16.2 km/l. Accordingly, the energy consumption amount of Solar-EV became a sixth of that of GV. In the cost comparison, the cost of Solar-EV was 1,440 yen (power source price: 25 yen/kWh), which is about a third of that of GV, 3760 yen (gasoline unit price: 100 yen/l). Monocrystal Si solar cells, 270W, installed on hood/roof are connected to the main 288V system (the auxiliary 12V system is amorphous Si), and generate power 4.4 kWh during travel. A total power consumption amount of Solar-EV in the total travel (Tokyo-Nagoya) is 79.9 kWh including the auxiliary system, approximately 6% of which was to be supplied from solar cells. 1 ref., 6 figs., 3 tabs.


    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Manoharan, P. K.


    This paper presents an analysis of three-dimensional evolution of solar wind density turbulence and speed at various levels of solar activity between solar cycles 22 and 24. The solar wind data used in this study have been obtained from the interplanetary scintillation (IPS) measurements made at the Ooty Radio Telescope, operating at 327 MHz. Results show that (1) on average, there was a downward trend in density turbulence from the maximum of cycle 22 to the deep minimum phase of cycle 23; (2) the scattering diameter of the corona around the Sun shrunk steadily toward the Sun, starting from 2003 to the smallest size at the deepest minimum, and it corresponded to a reduction of ∼50% in the density turbulence between the maximum and minimum phases of cycle 23; (3) the latitudinal distribution of the solar wind speed was significantly different between the minima of cycles 22 and 23. At the minimum phase of solar cycle 22, when the underlying solar magnetic field was simple and nearly dipole in nature, the high-speed streams were observed from the poles to ∼30° latitudes in both hemispheres. In contrast, in the long-decay phase of cycle 23, the sources of the high-speed wind at both poles, in accordance with the weak polar fields, occupied narrow latitude belts from poles to ∼60° latitudes. Moreover, in agreement with the large amplitude of the heliospheric current sheet, the low-speed wind prevailed in the low- and mid-latitude regions of the heliosphere. (4) At the transition phase between cycles 23 and 24, the high levels of density and density turbulence were observed close to the heliospheric equator and the low-speed solar wind extended from the equatorial-to-mid-latitude regions. The above results in comparison with Ulysses and other in situ measurements suggest that the source of the solar wind has changed globally, with the important implication that the supply of mass and energy from the Sun to the interplanetary space has been significantly reduced

  20. Solar Neutrinos

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    V. Antonelli


    relevant indications on the fundamental interactions among particles. After reviewing the striking results of the last two decades, which were determinant to solve the long standing solar neutrino puzzle and refine the Standard Solar Model, we focus our attention on the more recent results in this field and on the experiments presently running or planned for the near future. The main focus at the moment is to improve the knowledge of the mass and mixing pattern and especially to study in detail the lowest energy part of the spectrum, which represents most of the solar neutrino spectrum but is still a partially unexplored realm. We discuss this research project and the way in which present and future experiments could contribute to make the theoretical framework more complete and stable, understanding the origin of some “anomalies” that seem to emerge from the data and contributing to answer some present questions, like the exact mechanism of the vacuum to matter transition and the solution of the so-called solar metallicity problem.