
Sample records for cavernoso hepatico roto

  1. Importancia do conjugado arteria carotida interna-seio cavernoso

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    Milton Baggio Moreira


    Full Text Available O autor considera necessário o conjugado anatômico artério-venoso representado pela artéria carótida interna e seio cavernoso, bem como o plexo venoso carotídeo que reveste a carótida interna dentro do canal carotídeo da porção petrosa do osso temporal. Julga que, além de proteger a parede vascular arterial nas hipertensões arteriais súbitas, possa contribuir no mecanismo de controle e regulação do fluxo sanguíneo carotídeo, por considerar diferentes as condições fisiológicas do seio cavernoso em relação aos demais seios venosos durais e o sistema venoso endocraniano; consequente de sua constituição cavernosa, diferente dos demais canais sanguíneos venosos, com fisiollogia venosa própria e funções diferentes. Procura assemelhá-los aos demais distritos do organismo em que existem plexos cavernosos nos quais a tensão venosa chega a grandes proporções, comparada às demais regiões em que não existe esta constituição morfológica. Estabelece a correlação resultante ao mecanismo de resistência cérebro-vascular do qual considera participar, diferindo dos demais seios durais conjugado artéria carotida-beio cavernoso e veias encefálicas. Ainda valoriza o sifão carotídeo fisiologicamente e julga que o mesmo participa da hemodinâmica quando o paciente se encontra caído (em plano horizontal com hipotensão arterial, favorecendo a chegada sanguínea ao cérebro, evitando a anóxia e descerebração consequente dentro de determinados limites, sendo mais um meio de defesa do organismo.

  2. Assessment of the causes of failures of roto-dynamic equipment in Cirus

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rao, K.N.; Singh, S.; Ganeshan, P.


    As a part of Cirus reactor life extension program study, a service life evaluation of critical roto-dynamic equipment in Cirus such as primary coolant pumps, and their concrete foundation structures, pressurised water loop pumps, main air compressors and supply and exhaust fans, was performed. An assessment of the causes of failures of roto-dynamic equipment in Cirus was done. Based on assessment of the degradation mitigating features and comparison to similar roto-dynamic equipment and their concrete foundation structures, it was concluded that life extension of these roto-dynamic equipment and their structures is feasible. To support this conclusion a program involving: a) non-destructive testing, b) surveillance and monitoring and, c) preventive maintenance is recommended. (author). 4 refs

  3. Linfoma não-Hodgkin bilateral do seio cavernoso como manifestação inicial da síndrome de imunodeficiência adquirida: relato de caso

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    Alan Kardec Barreira Junior


    Full Text Available Relato de caso com acometimento bilateral do seio cavernoso causado por linfoma não-Hodgkin em um paciente com síndrome da imunodeficiência adquirida. Paciente de 51 anos infectado pelo vírus da imunodeficiência adquirida há dois anos, sem terapia antirretroviral, apresentou-se com acometimento dos V e VI nervos cranianos bilateralmente. Exame de tomografia computadorizada de órbitas mostrou-se dentro da normalidade. Como a hipótese diagnóstica principal era afecção do ápice orbitário ou do seio cavernoso, foi realizado exame de imagem por ressonância magnética que evidenciou lesão compatível com linfoma acometendo os seios cavernosos. Apesar da raridade dos linfomas primários do sistema nervoso central, essa condição deve ser considerada entre os diagnósticos diferenciais nos pacientes imunodeprimidos que apresentem oftalmoplegia e sinais radiológicos sugestivos de lesão infiltrativa do seio cavernoso.

  4. Efectividad y seguridad de la laparotomía vs laparoscopía en abdomen agudo de origen gineco-obstétrico causado por embarazo ectópico roto y quiste de ovario roto.


    Luna Aveiga, Cristhian


    Comparar efectividad, tiempo y sangrado operatorio, estadía y complicaciones entre laparotomía y laparoscopía en abdomen agudo (AA) por embarazo ectópico roto (EER) y quiste de ovario roto (QOR). Métodos: Estudio retrospectivo en el Hospital de Santa Elena y Clínica Granados de Enero 2010-Diciembre 2011. Se obtuvieron las causas, procedimientos, edad, hemoglobina, edad gestacional, antecedentes personales y complicaciones. Tiempo, sangrado operatorio y estadía fueron comparadas por T de stud...

  5. Hemangioma cavernoso del mesosigmoide: informe de un caso y revisión de la bibliografía

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    Ibraín Rodríguez Rodríguez

    Full Text Available Se informa un caso de hemangioma cavernoso del mesosigmoide, su presentación clínica, diagnóstico y tratamiento, y se ofrece una revisión de la literatura asequible sobre el tema, para lo cual se realizó una búsqueda en las bases de datos de Medigraphic, Cochrane, Medline y PubMed. El paciente es un hombre de 72 años de edad, que se presentó con dolor abdominal, estreñimiento, pérdida de peso y masa tumoral en la fosa ilíaca izquierda. A pesar de las investigaciones imaginológicas y endoscópica, no se pudo hacer el diagnóstico preoperatorio. Se trató por laparotomía y resección del tumor, y el diagnóstico se confirmó por estudio histopatológico. El hemangioma cavernoso del mesosigmoide es un tumor raro, difícil de diagnosticar preoperatoriamente, a pesar de las avanzadas técnicas imaginológicas. La escisión quirúrgica y el examen histológico pueden ser los únicos medios para el diagnóstico.

  6. Cavernous angioma of the cauda equina: case report Angioma cavernoso de cauda equina: relato de caso

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    Asdrubal Falavigna


    Full Text Available We present a rare case of cavernous angioma of the cauda equina and review the eleven cases available in the literature. A 44-year-old woman presented with low back pain and sciatica associated with bowel and bladder dysfunction and motor weakness of the lower extremity. The MRI revealed an enhancing, heterogeneous and hyperintense intradural lesion compressing the cauda equina roots at the L4 level. Laminectomy at L3-L4 and total removal of the tumor were performed without additional neurological deficit. Pathology revealed a cavernous angioma. The literature, clinical presentation, technical examinations, and treatment are reviewed.Relatamos um caso de angioma cavernoso de cauda equina em mulher de 44 anos de idade com sintomas de lombociatalgia associada a fraqueza de membros inferiores e disfunção esfincteriana vesical e anal. Exame de ressonância magnética evidenciou lesão expansiva intradural heterogênea e hiperintensa na cauda eqüina. Indicado tratamento cirúrgico com remoção completa através de laminectomia L3 e L4. O exame anatomopatológico foi compatível com angioma cavernoso. Os onze casos encontrados na literatura são revisados correlacionando a apresentação clínica, tratamento proposto e prognóstico.

  7. Intermediarios radiales del movimiento roto-traslatorio de satélites artificiales


    Soler Vera, Francisco Alejandro


    En esta tesis se presentan algunos modelos intermediarios del movimiento roto-traslatorio de un satélite u otro cuerpo celeste menor alrededor de uno esférico y mucho más masivo, considerando condiciones iniciales para las cuales la perturbación gravitatoria es la predominante sobre otros tipos de perturbaciones como la magnética o la aerodinámica, entre otras. En particular, analizaremos el conocido como “problema de gradiente de gravedad”, esto es, la aproximación de MacCullagh del desarr...

  8. Meningiomas do seio cavernoso: correlação entre a extensão de ressecção cirúrgica e lesões neurovasculares em 16 pacientes

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    Landeiro José Alberto


    Full Text Available O tratamento ideal dos meningiomas do seio cavernoso é remover a lesão sem morbidade ou mortalidade. Foram estudados 16 pacientes portadores de meningiomas do seio cavernoso, sendo 11 do sexo feminino e 5 do sexo masculino, cujas idades variaram de 31 a 63 anos e que foram submetidos ao tratamento cirúrgico. Analisou-se a extensão da remoção tumoral baseado na escala de De Monte, a função pré e pós-operatória dos nervos cranianos, as complicações, a mortalidade cirúrgica e o grau de envolvimento da porção cavernosa da artéria carótida interna. A remoção total foi conseguida em seis pacientes. Dos 10 pacientes nos quais não se conseguiu a remoção total, um faleceu no pós-operatório imediato e quatro foram submetidos à radioterapia. A morbidade nos nervos cranianos que controlam os movimentos extrínsecos oculares foi de 24%: não houve melhora da função trigeminal e cinco novas raízes foram afetadas. A recidiva tumoral ocorreu em dois pacientes com remoção incompleta e em um com ressecção total. A média de seguimento pós-operatório foi de 26 meses. De acordo com estes dados concluímos: 1 a remoção total do tumor depende do grau de envolvimento da artéria carótida interna e seus ramos; 2 a remoção total dos meningiomas restritos ao seio cavernoso é difícil; 3 a morbidade dos nervos cranianos é significativa; 4 a ressecção subtotal é um método eficaz para o controle da doença.

  9. Cirurgia estereotáxica guiada para angiomas cavernosos Stereotactic-guided surgery for cavernous angioma

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    Full Text Available Os angiomas cavernosos intracerebrais são lesões que podem causar hemorragias, crises convulsivas e déficits neurológicos. Essa patologia passou a ter diagnóstico mais precoce com o advento da ressonância magnética. A remoção radical por cirurgia é o melhor método de tratamento. Devido a frequente localização subcortical ou profunda, a utilização de métodos de localização por imagem como a estereotaxia apresentam várias vantagens como: menor incisão de pele, craniotomia e manipulação do tecido cerebral, consequentemente com menor morbidade. Apresentamos uma série de nove angiomas cavernosos tratados por ressecção cirúrgica radical guiada por estereotaxia. Em todos os casos o diagnóstico foi realizado por ressonância magnética e houve confirmação anátomo-patológica. A média de idade dos pacientes foi 30 anos, variando entre 20 e 54 anos. Como morbidade transitória, um paciente teve uma crise convulsiva no 3° dia pós-operatório e uma paciente apresentou disfasia e hemiparesia no 2° dia pós-operatório, com recuperação total na evolução. No total, a remoção foi radical em todos os casos e os pacientes permanecem sem nenhum déficit neurológico relacionado à cirurgia.Intracerebral cavernous angiomas may cause hemorrhage, epileptic seizures and neurological deficits. The diagnosis of these lesions became easier with the advent of the magnetic resonance image (MRI. Radical resection is the treatment of choice. Due to frequent subcortical or deep location, image-guided techniques, such as stereotactic-guided surgery, offer many advantages as smaller skin incision and craniotomy, less brain manipulation with consequently lower morbidity. We present a series of nine cavernous angiomas treated by stereotactic-guided radical surgical resection. The diagnosis was done by MRI and confirmed by pathologic studies in all cases. Mean age of patients was 30 years old (range 20-54 years. Postoperative morbidity

  10. Estudo micro-mesoscópico da parede lateral do seio cavernoso humano Human cavernous sinus: micro-mesoscopic study of the lateral wall

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    Renato Paulo Chopard


    Full Text Available Os autores estudam as estruturas contidas no seio cavernoso humano, tanto em seu interior como na sua parede lateral, através de cortes frontais seriados espessos. Mostram a importância desta parede que é freqüentemente usada como via de acesso cirúrgico às afecções presentes nesta estrutura venosa da dura-máterThe authors studied the structures of human cavernous sinus in its interior as well as on the lateral wall, utilizing thick, frontal, sequential sections. They show the significance of this wall, frequently used as surgical accessway to diseases encountered within this venous structure of the dura-mater.

  11. Sangre, fetiche, ceguera: deseos y abrazos rotos

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    José Luis Castro de Paz


    Full Text Available Segunda parte de la (hasta ahora oscura trilogía almodovariana sobre el deseo masculino, la “Mujer” objeto de ese deseo, y sus desoladores avatares (con Hable con ella [2002] y La piel que habito [2011], Los abrazos rotos constituye una de las cimas de la filmografía de Pedro Almodóvar, conjugando la reformulación de ciertos temas formales provenientes del cajón de formas fílmicas hitchcockiano –pero también, y aquí muy especialmente, del mejor cine español (Lorenzo Llobet-Gràcia– con una sutilísima e intransferible destilación formal. Una escritura que, partiendo de imágenes en cierta forma “alejadas del mundo” por saturación gráfica y metacinemato-gráfica, lleva el proceso a tal grado de abstracción que es capaz de (reactivarlas mediante la frotación de cada una con otras semejantes, alcanzando una inusitada potencia emocional para hablarnos de las heridas del mundo y del deseo, para volver a tocar la realidad perdida a través de una ostentosa y extravagante pero a la postre fructífera hipertrofia formalista.

  12. Aneurisma de artéria ilíaca interna roto: relato de caso Ruptured internal iliac artery aneurysm: case report

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    Cristina Toledo Afonso


    Full Text Available Aneurismas isolados da artéria ilíaca interna são raros, acometem 0,1% da população e correspondem a 1% dos aneurismas aorto-ilíacos. Na maioria das vezes, os pacientes são assintomáticos, mas podem apresentar dor abdominal, massa pulsátil no hipogástrio ou na fossa ilíaca, sintomas compressivos urinários, gastrointestinais ou neurológicos. Podem ocasionar quadro de abdome agudo, principalmente quando há ruptura. O diagnóstico precoce dos aneurismas isolados de artéria ilíaca interna é incomum, sendo identificados quando mais volumosos ou rotos, o que aumenta significativamente sua morbimortalidade e torna seu prognóstico mais reservado. Dessa forma, representam um desafio terapêutico. A ligadura cirúrgica tem sido o tratamento mais comum, entretanto a cirurgia endovascular tem mostrado bons resultados, inclusive nos aneurismas rotos. É relatado caso de aneurisma de artéria ilíaca interna isolado roto diagnosticado durante laparotomia para abordagem de abdome agudo.Isolated internal iliac artery aneurysms are rare. They affect 0.1% of the population, and account for 1% of aortoiliac aneurysms. Patients are mostly asymptomatic, yet they can have abdominal pain, pulsatile mass in the hypogastrium or iliac fossa, or urinary, gastrointestinal or neurological compressive symptoms. Such aneurysms are likely to course with an acute abdomen, especially when ruptured. Early diagnosis of isolated internal iliac artery aneurysms is difficult, as they are more easily detected when larger or ruptured, which significantly raises their morbidity and mortality rate and determines a poor prognosis. Therefore, they are a therapeutic challenge. Surgical ligation has been the most common treatment; however, the endovascular approach has presented good outcomes, even in the event of ruptured aneurysms. A case of ruptured isolated iliac artery aneurysm diagnosed during a laparotomy (acute abdomen approach is reported.

  13. ROTO PEEN Scalar and VAC-PAC reg-sign system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The Pentek, Inc., milling technology, comprising the ROTO PEEN Scaler and the VAC-PAC reg-sign waste collection system, is a fully developed and commercialized technology used to remove hazardous coatings from concrete and steel floors, walls, ceilings, and structural components. This report describes a demonstration of the Pentek, Inc., milling system to remove the paint coating from 650 ft 2 of concrete flooring on the service floor of the Chicago Pile-5 (CP-5) Research Reactor. CP-5 is a heavy-water moderated and cooled, highly enriched, uranium-fueled thermal reactor designed to supply neutrons for research. The reactor had a thermal-power rating of 5 megawatts and was operated continuously for 25 years until its final shutdown in 1979. These 25 years of operation produced activation and contamination characteristics representative of other nuclear facilities within the Department of Energy (DOE) complex and the commercial nuclear sector. CP-5 contains many of the essential features of other DOE and commercial nuclear facilities and can be used safely as a demonstration facility for the evaluation of innovative technologies for the future D and D of much larger, more highly contaminated facilities

  14. El cine en el cine: Los abrazos rotos (Pedro Almodóvar, 2009

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    Pedro Poyato


    Full Text Available El cine en el cine, tema recurrente en la filmografía de Pedro Almodóvar, protagoniza también Los abrazos rotos, película que contiene en su interior otra titulada Chicas y maletas. Pero las imágenes de esta segunda película, trasunto de otra anterior del propio Almodóvar, Mujeres al borde un ataque de nervios, coexisten con las de un documental sobre su rodaje. El resultado es una proliferación de imágenes segundas que, incorporadas según una estructura en abismo, el filme va a conjugar de múltiples y variadas maneras. El presente trabajo trata de dar cuenta de la génesis, funcionamiento y declinación de estas imágenes segundas y de los sentidos que de ello emanan.

  15. Dark field differential dynamic microscopy enables accurate characterization of the roto-translational dynamics of bacteria and colloidal clusters (United States)

    Cerbino, Roberto; Piotti, Davide; Buscaglia, Marco; Giavazzi, Fabio


    Micro- and nanoscale objects with anisotropic shape are key components of a variety of biological systems and inert complex materials, and represent fundamental building blocks of novel self-assembly strategies. The time scale of their thermal motion is set by their translational and rotational diffusion coefficients, whose measurement may become difficult for relatively large particles with small optical contrast. Here we show that dark field differential dynamic microscopy is the ideal tool for probing the roto-translational Brownian motion of anisotropic shaped particles. We demonstrate our approach by successful application to aqueous dispersions of non-motile bacteria and of colloidal aggregates of spherical particles.


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    Juan Armando Mejía C.


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    Objetivo: Hallar reparos anatómicos que permitan el abordaje seguro al seno cavernoso, utilizando medidas cronométricas para la conservación de estructuras vasculonerviosas.

    Métodos: Se disecaron 25 especímenes frescos obtenidos del Instituto de Medicina Legal y ciencias forenses a través de un abordaje extradural y la medición con microcalibrador L& W tools desde la apófisis clinoide anterior y posterior hasta las estructuras neurovasculares de importancia. Se presentan los resultados de las mediciones y se hace un análisis de sus resultados donde se especifica la longitud de cada una de las aristas de los triángulos de dicha región.

    Resultados: Se encuentra que a 5 milímetros de la punta del apófisis clinoide anterior medidos hacia abajo en una línea imaginaria perpendicular al piso de la fosa media en 21 especímenes se accedió al área del triangulo de Parkinson es decir entre el IV par y el oftálmico de Willis, pudiendo fácilmente encontrar el tronco meningohipofisiario, la porción transversa de la carótida interna intracavernosa y el segmento cavernoso del motor ocular externo; solo en cuatro piezas se llego al triangulo superior (cuya área es menor que la del triangulo de Parkinson y a través de este no fue fácil evidenciar ni el tronco meningohipofisiario ni el sexto par.

    Conclusiones: Debido al mayor área del triángulo de Parkinson (dada por su arista posterior más larga el abordaje a dicho triángulo podría ser una vía útil para la búsqueda de patologías asociadas con las estructuras neurovasculares que a través de dicho triangulo se pueden visualizar (aneurismas del tronco meningohipofisiario, aneurismas saculares del segmento transverso de la carótida interna intracavernosa y/o neurinomas del VI par intracavernoso; y se en cuentra a 5 milímetros desde la punta de la apófisis clinoide anterior medidos hacia abajo en una línea imaginaria

  17. El Tratado de Lisboa (Un juego de espejos rotos

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    Juan Manuel de Faramiñán Gilbert


    Full Text Available El fracaso del Tratado por el que se establece una Constitución para Europa produjo un periodo de incertidumbre y perplejidad del que ha costado mucho sobreponerse. Por un momento, todo parecía resquebrajarse y se tuvo la sensación de que la imagen de unidad en la diversidad, que con tanta dificultad se había forjado, se partía hecha añicoscomo un espejo roto. No obstante, como en un “juego de espejos rotos”, el ideal europeísta se ha ido recomponiendo con un gran esfuerzo, dando lugar a un texto, el Tratado de Lisboa, que encierra una solución de compromiso con el fin de saldar la crisis cuando el futuro de la Unión Europea parecía oscurecerse. Como en los poemas de Alejandra Pizarnik, “cuando el palacio de la noche encierra su hermosura, pulsaremos los espejos hasta que nuestros rostros canten como ídolos” y, así fue como con un esfuerzo milimetrado se ha ido recomponiendo este rompecabezas de cristales con el fin de que en él se refleje, otra vez, la ansiada imagen global. Como se señala enPreámbulo del Tratado de Lisboa, deberemos estar resueltos a salvar una nueva etapa en proceso de integración europea y habrá que recordar “la importancia histórica de que la división del continente europeo haya tocado a su fin y la necesidad de sentar unas bases firmes para la construcción de la futura Europa”.

  18. Entre el collage y el bricolaje. Una cierta mirada hacia El desprecio de Godard en Los abrazos rotos de Almodóvar

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    Agustín Gómez Gómez


    Full Text Available En Los abrazos rotos, Almodóvar construye un relato a partir de otros relatos. Lo hará de dos formas. Por una parte muestra -lo que denominamos collage- un conjunto de obras pictóricas y cinematográficas principalmente. Por otra construye unas relaciones más ocultas, menos visibles, que englobamos dentro de la definición de bricolage de Levi-Strauss. Esta última forma nos conduce a El desprecio (Le mépris, 1963 de Godard, que es la que utiliza para narrar la relación entre Martel y Lena.

  19. The flashcal process for the fabrication of fuel-metal oxides using the whiteshell roto-spray calciner

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sridhar, T.S.


    A one-step, continuous, thermochemical calcination process, called the FLASHCAL (Flash Calcination) process has been developed for the production of single- and mixed-oxide powders of fuel metals (uranium, thorium and plutonium) from the respective nitrate solutions using the Whiteshell Roto-Spray Calciner (RSC). The metal-nitrate feed solution, either by itself or mixed with a suitable chemical reactant or additive, is converted to its oxide powder in the RSC at temperatures between 300 and 600 0 C. Rapid denitration takes place in the calciner, yielding the metal-oxide powders while simultaneously destroying any excess chemical additive and reaction by-products. In the production of precursor oxide powders suitable for fuel fabrication, the FLASHCAL process has advantages over batch calcination and other processes that involve precipitation and filtration steps because fewer processing and handling operations are needed. Results obtained with thorium nitrate and uranium nitrate-thorium nitrate mixtures indicate that some measure of control over the size distribution and morphology of the oxide product powders is possible in this process with the proper selection of chemical additive, as well as the operating parameters of the calciner

  20. Conduta anestésica em cesariana em gestante com aneurisma intracraniano não roto Conducta anestésica en cesárea en embarazada con aneurisma cerebral íntegro Anesthetic conduct in cesarean section in a parturient with unruptured intracranial aneurysm

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    Luciana de Souza Cota Carvalho


    Full Text Available JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: O manuseio anestésico para cesariana programada em gestante com aneurisma intracraniano não roto é particularmente interessante, pois apresenta diversas particularidades relacionadas às alterações fisiológicas da gestação acrescida dos riscos de ruptura do aneurisma durante o procedimento anestésico. A literatura é escassa nesse assunto, sendo assim importante a divulgação dos casos. RELATO DO CASO: Gestante de termo, 31 anos, com aneurisma intracraniano não roto submetida à cesariana programada sob anestesia peridural simples. O procedimento evoluiu sem intercorrências para mãe e filho. CONCLUSÕES: Recomendações baseadas em evidências para anestesia obstétrica em pacientes portadoras de aneurisma intracraniano não roto não existem. Não há dados experimentais ou clínicos que confirmem ou refutem anestesia geral ou regional nesse contexto. Dessa forma, a decisão de qual técnica utilizar deve ser feita com bases individuais, ponderando os riscos e benefícios de cada procedimento e a experiência do profissional que irá conduzi-la.JUSTIFICATIVA Y OBJETIVOS: El manejo anestésico para la cesárea programada en embarazada con aneurisma cerebral íntegro es particularmente interesante, porque presenta diversas particularidades relacionadas con las alteraciones fisiológicas del embarazo y por añadidura, con los riesgos de ruptura del aneurisma durante el procedimiento anestésico. La literatura es parca en ese asunto, siendo muy importante la divulgación de los casos. RELATO DEL CASO: Embarazada de término, 31 años, con aneurisma cerebral no roto y sometida a la cesárea programada bajo anestesia epidural simple. El procedimiento evolucionó sin intercurrencias para la madre y el hijo. CONCLUSIONES: No existen recomendaciones basadas en evidencias, para la anestesia obstétrica en pacientes portadoras de aneurisma cerebral no roto. No hay datos experimentales o clínicos que confirmen o que

  1. Community participation in the Gulf of Uraba: The Case of Bocas del Atrato township and the village of El Roto, municipality of Turbo, Antioquia

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Taborda M, Alexander; Maldonado L, Carolina; Palacio, Jaime


    The text sets out from the study of socio cultural aspects and particularly addressing on community participation, the results of a pilot aquaculture project to breed snook (C. undecimalis ) and tarpon (Megalops atlanticus) in The Corregimiento Bocas del Atrato and The Vereda El Roto, Municipality of Turbo, Antioquia. Interdisciplinary work that seeks to generate scientific knowledge tools to assist in mitigating the decline of fish resource in which is based the livelihood of these people, through Participatory Action Research methods. We analyze some socioeconomic and cultural aspects of these communities that influenced the development of the project, along with reflections on the experiences, by way of recommendations for future work such as a call to self critical review of what is the practice interdisciplinary projects of intervention within the framework of sustainable development. The research was conducted between January 2007 and June 2008.

  2. Ruptured thoracic aortic aneurysm in patient with systemic lupus erythematosus Aneurisma roto da aorta descendente em paciente com lúpus eritematoso sistêmico

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    Daniel Oliveira De Conti


    Full Text Available It is reported a ruptured descending thoracic aortic aneurysm in a 25-year-old systemic lupus erythematosus woman who underwent 19 years steroid therapy. She was treated with 2 endovascular stent-grafts, discharged from hospital 13 days after the procedure in good health. Three months later she returned with hemorrhagic shock due to high digestive hemorrhage secondary to an aortic-esophageal fistula. She underwent to an open emergency surgery, and died during the post-operative period.Paciente de 25 anos, do sexo feminino, portadora de lúpus eritematoso sistêmico, fazendo uso de corticoesteroide havia 19 anos, deu entrada em unidade de emergência com aneurisma roto de aorta torácica descendente. Foi submetida a tratamento endovascular com 2 stents, recebeu alta hospitalar no 13º dia de pós-operatório, em boas condições de saúde. Três meses depois, retornou em choque hemorrágico secundário a hemorragia digestiva alta. Feito o diagnóstico de fístula aorto-esofágica, foi submetida à cirurgia aberta de emergência, indo a óbito durante o período pós-operatório.


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    Full Text Available El texto expone, desde el estudio de los aspectos socioculturales y el abordaje particular de la participación comunitaria, los resultados de un proyecto experimental de acuicultura de róbalo (Centropomus undecimalis y sábalo (Megalops atlanticus en el Corregimiento de Bocas del Atrato y la vereda El Roto, del Municipio de Turbo, Antioquia. Trabajo interdisciplinario que busca generar herramientas de conocimiento científico para contribuir en la mitigación de la disminución del recurso íctico en el que se basa el sustento de estas poblaciones mediante una metodología de Investigación Acción Participativa. Se analizan algunos aspectos culturales y socioeconómicos de estas comunidades que influyeron en el desarrollo del proyecto, junto con reflexiones sobre las experiencias vividas, a manera de recomendaciones para futuros trabajos de este tipo y como un llamado a la revisión autocrítica de lo que es la práctica de la interdisciplinariedad en proyectos de intervención en el marco del desarrollo sostenible. La investigación se desarrolló entre enero de 2007 y junio de 2008.

  4. Evaluación del impacto de las técnicas de control del daño en el tratamiento de los pacientes con aneurisma roto de la aorta abdominal. Hospital Universitario San Vicente de Paúl, Medellín, Colombia, enero de 2000 a octubre de 2007


    John Fernando García V.; Iván Ramiro Arismendi O.; René Fernando Timarán R.; Carolina Bravo C.; José Andrés Uribe M.; Giovanni García M.


    La mortalidad quirúrgica atribuible al aneurisma de la aorta abdominal (AAA) roto oscila entre 40 y 70% según los diversos informes de la literatura; la principal causa de ello es la falla orgánica múltiple (FOM), la que a su vez corresponde, en un porcentaje importante de casos, al complejo de hipertensión abdominal/síndrome del compartimento abdominal (HTA/SCA). A principios de la década de los años 90 aparecieron algunos artículos informando que los pacientes tratados con laparostomía, con...

  5. Aneurisma luético de arco aórtico roto, complicado pela oclusão de vasos braquiocefálicos e acidente vascular encefálico isquêmico: relato de caso tratado cirurgicamente

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    CORSO Ricardo Barros


    Full Text Available Homem de 44 anos, com dor torácica crônica há um ano, apresentou dois episódios de acidentes vasculares encefálicos isquêmicos, desencadeados pela oclusão e trombose das artérias carótida e subclávia esquerdas, em aneurisma sifilítico gigante de arco aórtico roto. O paciente foi submetido à correção cirúrgica com sucesso via esternotomia mediana, utilizando-se proteção cerebral anterógrada e perfusão corporal distal contínuas. Aspectos referentes à técnica operatória utilizada e ampla revisão bibliográfica das diferentes formas de apresentação do comprometimento cardiovascular na sífilis terciária são discutidos.

  6. Complex paraclinoidal and giant cavernous aneurysms: importance of preoperative evaluation with temporary balloon occlusion test and SPECT Aneurismas paraclinoideos complexos e cavernosos gigantes: importância da avaliação pré-operatória com teste de oclusão temporária com balão e SPECT

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    Antônio Aversa do Souto


    Full Text Available In the treatment of complex paraclinoidal and giant cavernous aneurysms, preservation of the patency of the internal carotid artery (ICA is not always possible, and therapeutic occlusion of the carotid is still an important option for their management. A complete preoperative evaluation of the carotid reserve circulation, including the use of temporary balloon occlusion test and single photon emission computerized tomography (SPECT should be included in the current paradigms of paraclinoidal and intracavernous aneurysms management. We present a series of fifteen patients with sixteen giant or complex carotid cavernous or ophthalmic aneurysms that were treated following a protocol for our preoperative decision-making analysis. Extracranial to intracranial saphenous vein bypass was reserved to the cases where carotid occlusion would be associated with high risk of ischemic complications and was performed in three patients. Besides the difficulties in dealing with those complex aneurysms, good clinical outcome was possible in our experience with the designed paradigm.No tratamento de aneurismas paraclinoideos complexos e cavernosos gigantes, a preservação da patência vascular nem sempre é possível, e a oclusão terapêutica da carótida ainda é uma opção importante no seu manejo. Uma avaliação pré-operatória completa da reserva circulatória carotídea, incluindo o uso do teste de oclusão temporária por balão associado à tomografia computadorizada por emissão de fóton único (SPECT podem ser de grande utilidade para definir a opção terapêutica a ser adotada. Nós apresentamos uma série de quinze pacientes com dezesseis aneurismas complexos ou gigantes do segmento oftálmico e cavernoso da artéria carótida, que foram tratados de acordo com determinado protocolo de investigação pré-operatória. Anastomose com enxerto de veia safena entre a carótida extra e intracraniana foi reservada para os casos em que a oclusão carot

  7. Trombose séptica de seios cavernosos, transverso e sigmóide e de veia jugular, associada à meningite, secundária a furúnculo nasal: Relato de Caso Septic thrombosis of cavernous, transverse, sigmoid sinuses and jugular vein, associated with meningitis, secondary to nasal furuncle: Case report

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    Hélio Utida


    Full Text Available Os autores descrevem um caso de furúnculo nasal que evoluiu com trombose séptica de seio cavernoso, bilateral e assimétrica, e de seios transverso e sigmóide e de veia jugular interna a esquerda, associada à meningite bacteriana, em um paciente previamente hígido. Apesar da trombose séptica extensa de seios venosos, o paciente apresentou boa evolução, após tratamento clínico agressivo com antibióticos, corticosteróides e anticoagulantes. Porém, manteve como seqüela: paresia de VI nervo à esquerda e lesão parcial de nervo óptico homolateral.The authors report a case of nasal furuncle that progressed to septic bilateral and asymmetric thrombosis of cavernous, transverse, sigmoid sinus and internal jugular vein, associated with bacterial meningitis, in a previously healthy patient. In spite of the extensive thrombosis, the patient presented a good evolution, after an aggressive clinical treatment with antibiotics, corticosteroids and anticoagulants. However, there remained paresis of the VI nerve on the left and partial lesion of the homolateral optic nerve.

  8. Embarazo ectópico tubárico roto posterior a esterilización quirúrgica (Ruptured tubal ectopic pregnancy after surgical sterilization

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    Ismael Suárez Torres


    Full Text Available Resumen (español La esterilización tubárica quirúrgica es un método comúnmente utilizado de anticoncepción. Aunque el embarazo después de la esterilización es poco común, este puede ocurrir y cuando esto ocurre existe un riesgo substancial de convertirse en un embarazo ectópico. Se presenta el caso un embarazo ectópico posterior a la esterilización quirúrgica tubárica en una paciente de 38 años, V gesta, III paras, I cesárea, con antecedentes de uso de dispositivos intrauterinos por varios años antes de la salpingectomía realizada 12 meses antes durante la cesárea, quien consultó por presentar marcada palidez cutáneo-mucosa, retraso menstrual y dolor abdominal de fuerte intensidad. Durante la laparotomía ambas trompas estaban separadas en dos porciones. La porción terminal de la trompa derecha se observó la presencia de una tumoración compatible con un embarazo ectópico tubárico roto. Abstract (english Surgical tubal sterilization is a commonly used method of contraception. Although pregnancy after sterilization is uncommon, when it occurs, there is a substantial risk that it will be an ectopic pregnancy. We report a case of ruptured tubal ectopic pregnancy following surgical tubal sterilization in a 38 years-old patient, gravida V, para III, cesarean I, with history of intrauterine device use for many years before salpingectomy performed 12 months before during cesarean section, who consulted for presenting menstrual delay and severe abdominal pain. During laparotomy both tubes were separated in two portions. There was observed in terminal portion of right tube the presence of a tumor compatible with ruptured tubal ectopic pregnancy.

  9. Tratamento cirúrgico em dois tempos do aneurisma toracoabdominal roto com prótese intraluminal sem sutura

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    Rodrigo de Castro BERNARDES


    Full Text Available O tratamento cirúrgico dos aneurismas toracoabominais exige toracofreno laparotomia, períodos prolongados de pinçamento aórtico com isquemia visceral, sangramento abundante de difícil controle, complicações pulmonares, renais, neurológicas e distúrbios de coagulação com morbimortalidade muitas vezes proibitiva para pacientes de idade avançada, ou portadores de distúrbios respiratórios, renais ou cardíacos prévios. A rotura aumenta em muito a já elevada taxa de morbimortalidade. Crawford (1-3 e Borst (4 descreveram operação em dois tempos para tratamento de aneurisma que atinge mais de um segmento da aorta, com bons resultados. O objetivo de nosso trabalho é mostrar a técnica cirúrgica em dois tempos, empregando prótese intraluminal sem sutura (5, 6. Esta técnica nos proporciona uma operação menos agressiva por abordar somente o segmento roto da aorta, portanto apenas uma cavidade é manipulada (tórax ou abdome. A anastomose com prótese intraluminal reduz em muito o tempo de pinçamento da aorta e, conseqüentemente, a isquemia visceral, diminuindo, também, o sangramento. A redução da agressividade cirúrgica sobre estes pacientes já gravemente enfermos nos proporcionou bons resultados cirúrgicos.The surgical management of thoracoabdominal aneurysms requires thoracophrenic laparotomy, prolonged periods of aortic clamping with visceral ischemia, profuse bleeding leading to a difficult postoperative course with pulmonary, renal, neurological complications, coagulation disturbances and others. All this resulting in an elevated morbidity/mortality very often contraindicating it for the very elderly or those with prior respiratory, renal or cardiac symptoms. Rupture of this aneurysm greatly increases the already high rate of morbidity/mortality. Crawford and Borst have described a two-stage surgery with good results, for aneurysms that affect more than one segment of aorta. The objective of our report is to demonstrate

  10. Experience with a New Colour-Scintillographic Method for Diagnosing Liver Tumours and Inflammatory Liver Disorders; Experience d'une Nouvelle Methode d'Enregistrement Scintigraphique en Couleurs, pour le Diagnostic des Tumeurs Hepatiques et des Affections Inflammatoires du Foie; Opyt ispol'zovaniya novogo metoda tsvetnoj'' stsintigrafii dlya diagnostiki pechenochnykh opukholej i vospalitel'nykh protsessov pecheni; Ensayo de un Nuevo Metodo de Registro Centelleografico Policromo, para el Diagnostico de Tumores Hepaticos y de Inflamaciones del Higado

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sparchez, T.; Gheorghescu, B.; Steclaci, A.; Merculiev, E.; Popovici, M. [Clinique Medicale, Bucarest (Romania)


    que le noir represente l'activite maximum, situee au centre du foie ou le parenchyme est plus epais. Les couleurs intermediaires correspondent aux differentes zones d'isoradioactivite. Les auteurs ont etudie, a l'aide de cette methode, 150 cas de tumeurs hepatiques malignes (primitives et secondaires) et de tumeurs benignes, 80 cas d'hepatite chronique et de cirrhose et 50 cas normaux. Dans la majorite descas, ils ont utilise l'or-198 colloiedal (Amersham-Angleterre) injecte par voie intraveineuse. Ils ont effectue parallelement, dans un grand nombre de cas, des mecanogrammes, photoscintigrammes en blanc et noir et scintigrammes en couleurs. Le diagnostic a ete verifie par ponction, laparoscopie, laparophoto ou cinematographie, ponction biopsique, intervention chirurgicale ou necropsie. La methode scintigraphique en couleurs permet de mieux distinguer les variations d'intensite de la radioactivite, c'est-a-dire la desorganisation ou la substitution du parenchyme hepatique par processus tumoraux. (author) [Spanish] Para obtener imagenes que reflejasen mejor los detalles de la estructura del parenquima hepatico modificado por la enfermedad, los autores adaptaron al aparato Scanner-Tracerlab un dispositivo gracias al cual se pueden obtener diagramas hepaticos en siete colores. Cada color, elegido arbitrariamente, corresponde a un numero dado de impulsos y representa zonas de isorradiactividad, es decir, de tejido hepatico de volumen relativamente igual. En el centelleograma policromo, el blanco representa la radiactividad de fondo, mientras que el negro representa la actividad maxima, situada en el centro del higado, donde el parenquima es mas espeso. Los colores intermedios corresponden a las diferentes zonas de isorradiactividad. Recurriendo a este metodo, los autores estudiaron 150 casos de tumores hepaticos malignos (primitivos y secundarios) y de tumores benignos, 80 casos de hepatitis cronica y de cirrosis, y 50 casos normales. En la mayoria de los casos utilizaron

  11. Mucormicosis (ficomicosis en Colombia

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    Carlos E. Peña


    Full Text Available Se presentan dos casos de mucormicosis (ficomicosis, entidad que ha sido muy raramente encontrada en Colombia. El primer caso se refiere a un prematuro con deshidratación consecutiva a vómito y diarrea. A la autopsia se encontró una mucormicosis del intestino delgado con necrosis del mismo e invasión al bazo, a la vez que una candidiasis esofágica. El segundo caso es el de un niño de 5 meses de edad, con diarreas, vómito, acidosis y signos de trombosis del seno cavernoso derecho y de meningitis. La autopsia reveló una mucormicosis ocular y meningo-encefálica acompañada de trombosis de la arteria cerebral media derecha y del seno cavernoso del mismo lado.

  12. Viagra: la panacea para la disfunción eréctil?

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    María Luisa Cárdenas Muñoz


    Full Text Available En este momento se lanza al mercado un producto nuevo: el Sildenafil, Pero, hasta qué punto es segura, como para permitir asumir el costo-beneficio? EI citrato de sildenafil, es un inhibidor selectivo del monofosfato de guanosina cíclico (GMPc en los cuerpos cavernosos, De tal manera que, cuando ocurre la estimulaci6n sexual se produce un incremento del oxido nítrico, por la inhibición que ejerce el sildenafil sobre la fosfodiesterasa tipo 5 impidiendo la degradaci6n del GMPc, permitiendo la relajación del musculo liso y facilitando por lo tanto el llenado sanguíneo de los cuerpos cavernosos. Se absorbe por vía oral, logrando una biodisponibilidad del 40%. Las concentraciones máximas se logran en un tiempo que oscila entre los 30 y los 120 minutos con un promedio de 60 minutos.

  13. Complicaciones por rotura de aneurismas cerebrales en pacientes operados Hospital Nacional Alberto Sabogal Sologuren 2006 - 2014


    Coasaca Torres, Juan Amilcar


    Determinar las complicaciones que se presentan en el periodo preoperatorio, intraoperatorio y postoperatorio de los pacientes operados de aneurisma cerebral roto en el Hospital Nacional Alberto Sabogal Sologuren de 2006 a 2014. Para lo que se realizó un estudio cuantitativo, observacional, descriptivo, transversal y retrospectivo. Se revisaron las Historias Clínicas de los pacientes operados (clipaje) de aneurisma cerebral roto, que reunían los criterios de inclusión. La data obtenida fue eva...

  14. [Surgical treatment of intraoperative injuries and cicatricial strictures of extrahepatic bile ducts]. (United States)

    Tret'iakov, A A; Slepykh, N I; Kornilov, A K; Karimov, Z Kh


    The analysis of 70 cases of surgical treatment for intraoperative injuries and cicatricial strictures of extrahepatic bile ducts was carried out. In 25 patients surgical procedure was restorative and in 45--reconstructiver. Most common causes of corrective operations were: iatrogenic injuries of extrahepatic bile ducts (14) and cicatricial strictures of hepaticocholedochal duct due to intraoperative trauma (31). The problems of operative technique in performing biliobilio-, hepato-hepatico and hepatico-jejuno-anastomoses are considered. There were three deaths in the early postoperative period: 2 patients died of hepatic failure, pyogenic cholangiogenic intoxication caused by cholangioectasies and intrahepatic abscesses, and 1-due to generalyzed peritonitis caused by acute gastric ulcer perforation. Special attention is paid to the choice of the method of prolonged drainage used in reconstructive as well as in restorative operations.

  15. Pharmacological Prevention and Reversion of Erectile Dysfunction After Radical Prostatectomy, by Modulation of Nitric Oxide/cGMP Pathways (United States)


    establecidas para inducir un efecto vasodilatador en los cuerpos cavernosos del pene que produzca una erección rígida (42). El mecanismo de acción operativo ...algún papel en ED, ésta dista de tener la significación que tradicionalmente se le asigna en el sistema vascular sistémico (extrapeneano). Ello se

  16. Quantum numbers and band topology of nanotubes

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    Damnjanovic, M [Faculty of Physics, University of Belgrade, POB 368, 11001 Belgrade (Yugoslavia); Milosevic, I [Faculty of Physics, University of Belgrade, POB 368, 11001 Belgrade (Yugoslavia); Vukovic, T [Faculty of Physics, University of Belgrade, POB 368, 11001 Belgrade (Yugoslavia); Maultzsch, J [Institut fuer Festkoerper Physik, Technische Universitaet Berlin, Hardenbergstr. 36, 10623 Berlin (Germany)


    Nanotubes as well as polymers and quasi-1D subsystems of 3D crystals have line group symmetry. This allows two types of quantum numbers: roto-translational and helical. The roto-translational quantum numbers are linear and total angular (not conserved) momenta, while the helical quantum numbers are helical and complementary angular momenta. Their mutual relations determine some topological properties of energy bands, such as systematic band sticking or van Hove singularities related to parities. The importance of these conclusions is illustrated by the optical absorption in carbon nanotubes: parity may prevent absorption peaks at van Hove singularities.

  17. Quantum numbers and band topology of nanotubes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Damnjanovic, M; Milosevic, I; Vukovic, T; Maultzsch, J


    Nanotubes as well as polymers and quasi-1D subsystems of 3D crystals have line group symmetry. This allows two types of quantum numbers: roto-translational and helical. The roto-translational quantum numbers are linear and total angular (not conserved) momenta, while the helical quantum numbers are helical and complementary angular momenta. Their mutual relations determine some topological properties of energy bands, such as systematic band sticking or van Hove singularities related to parities. The importance of these conclusions is illustrated by the optical absorption in carbon nanotubes: parity may prevent absorption peaks at van Hove singularities

  18. Quantum numbers and band topology of nanotubes

    CERN Document Server

    Damnjanovic, M; Vukovic, T; Maultzsch, J


    Nanotubes as well as polymers and quasi-1D subsystems of 3D crystals have line group symmetry. This allows two types of quantum numbers: roto-translational and helical. The roto-translational quantum numbers are linear and total angular (not conserved) momenta, while the helical quantum numbers are helical and complementary angular momenta. Their mutual relations determine some topological properties of energy bands, such as systematic band sticking or van Hove singularities related to parities. The importance of these conclusions is illustrated by the optical absorption in carbon nanotubes: parity may prevent absorption peaks at van Hove singularities.

  19. Vereplekid punasel vaibal / Jaak Lõhmus

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Lõhmus, Jaak, 1955-


    62. Cannes'i festivali filmidest : Pedro Almodovari "Katkirebitud embused" ("Los abrazos rotos"), Lars von Trieri "Antikristus" ("Antichrist"), Quentin Tarantino "Vääritud tõprad" ("Inglourious Basterds")

  20. The H + HeH(+) → He + H2(+) reaction from the ultra-cold regime to the three-body breakup: exact quantum mechanical integral cross sections and rate constants. (United States)

    De Fazio, Dario


    In this work, we present a quantum mechanical scattering study of the title reaction from 1 mK to 2000 K. Total integral cross sections and thermal rate constants are compared with previous theoretical and experimental data and with simpler theoretical models to understand the range of validity of the approximations used in the previous studies. The obtained quantum reactive observables have been found to be nearly insensitive to the roto-vibrational energy of the reactants at high temperatures. More sensitive to the reactant's roto-vibrational energy are the data in the cold and ultra-cold regimes. The implications of the new data presented here in the early universe scenario are also discussed and analyzed.

  1. Rotary peening with captive shot

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    Roto Peen with captive shot removes coatings and surface contamination from concrete floors. The objective of treating radioactively contaminated concrete floors during the Deactivation and Decommissioning (D and D) process is to reduce the surface contamination levels to meet regulatory criteria for unrestricted use. The US Department of Energy (DOE) Chicago Operations office and DOE's Federal Energy Technology Center (FETC) jointly sponsored a Large-Scale Demonstration Project (LSDP) at the Chicago Pile-5 Research Reactor (CP-5) at Argonne National Laboratory-East (ANL). The objective of the LSDP is to demonstrate potentially beneficial D and D technologies in comparison with current baseline technologies. As part of the LSDP, roto Peen with captive shot was demonstrated March 17--20, 1997, to treat a 20 x 25 ft area of radioactively contaminated concrete floor on the service level of the CP-5 building

  2. Poly[[tetrakis(μ2-pyrazine N,N′-dioxide-κ2O:O′erbium(III] tris(perchlorate

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    James D. Buchner


    Full Text Available The title three-dimensional coordination network, {[Er(C4H4N2O24](ClO43}n, is isostructural to that of other lanthanides. The Er+3 cation lies on a fourfold roto-inversion axis. It is coordinated in a distorted square-antiprismatic fashion by eight O atoms from bridging pyrazine N,N′-dioxide ligands. There are two unique pyrazine N,N′-dioxide ligands. One ring is located around an inversion center, and there is a a twofold rotation axis at the center of the other ring. There are also two unique perchlorate anions. One is centered on a twofold rotation axis and the other on a fourfold roto-inversion axis. The perchlorate anions are located in channels that run perpendicular to (001 and (110 and interact with the coordination network through C—H...O hydrogen bonds.

  3. Simultaneous characterization of rotational and translational diffusion of optically anisotropic particles by optical microscopy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Giavazzi, Fabio; Cerbino, Roberto; Haro-Pérez, Catalina


    We probe the roto-translational Brownian motion of optically anisotropic particles suspended in water with a simple and straightforward optical microscopy experiment that does not require positional or rotational particle tracking. We acquire a movie of the suspension placed between two polarizing elements and we extract the translational diffusion coefficient D T and the rotational diffusion coefficient D R from the analysis of the temporal correlation properties of the spatial Fourier modes of the intensity fluctuations in the movie. Our method is successfully tested with a dilute suspension of birefringent spherical colloidal particles obtained by polymerizing an emulsion of droplets of liquid crystal in a nematic phase, whose roto-translational dynamics is found to be well described by theory. The simplicity of our approach makes our method a viable alternative to particle tracking and depolarized dynamic light scattering. (paper)

  4. Excluded segmental duct bile leakage: the case for bilio-enteric anastomosis. (United States)

    Patrono, Damiano; Tandoi, Francesco; Romagnoli, Renato; Salizzoni, Mauro


    Excluded segmental duct bile leak is the rarest type of post-hepatectomy bile leak and presents unique diagnostic and management features. Classical management strategies invariably entail a significant loss of functioning hepatic parenchyma. The aim of this study is to report a new liver-sparing technique to handle excluded segmental duct bile leakage. Two cases of excluded segmental duct bile leak occurring after major hepatic resection were managed by a Roux-en-Y hepatico-jejunostomy on the excluded segmental duct, avoiding the sacrifice of the liver parenchyma origin of the fistula. In both cases, classical management strategies would have led to the functional loss of roughly 50 % of the liver remnant. Diagnostic and management implications are thoroughly discussed. Both cases had an uneventful postoperative course. The timing of repair was associated with a different outcome: the patient who underwent surgical repair in the acute phase developed no long-term complications, whereas the patient who underwent delayed repair developed a late stenosis requiring percutaneous dilatation. Roux-en-Y hepatico-jejunostomy on the excluded bile duct is a valuable technique in selected cases of excluded segmental duct bile leakage.

  5. Quiste óseo aneurismático de los maxilares. Caso clínico. Instituto Nacional de Enfermedades Neoplásicas


    Román Pilco, Sandra; Sánchez Lihón, Juvenal


    El quiste óseo aneurismático (QOA) de los maxilares es una lesión benigna intraósea compuesta por espacios cavernosos llenos de sangre, de tamaños variables, sin recubrimiento endotelial, asociados con tejido conectivo fibroso conteniendo células gigantes multinucleadas y tejido osteoide; clínicamente el lado afecto de los maxilares aumenta de tamaño y muestra una discreta inflamación. Puede haber ligero dolor a la palpación y donde pueden faltar o desplazarse ...

  6. La comunicación de hoy, ¿una aberración?

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    Hugo Andrés Arévalo González


    Full Text Available Reseña del siguiente libro:MARTÍN-BARBERO, Jesús (2005. “Poner este roto país a comunicar”. En: Revista Signo y Pensamiento, Vol. XXIV, Núm. 46, Bogotá: Pontificia Universidad Javeriana. 163-169 pp

  7. On the roto-translatory internal motions of a three layer non-isobarycentric Earth model: a Lagrangian system approach (United States)

    Escapa, Alberto; Fukushima, Toshio


    of this relative motion, three characteristic proper modes appear: one in the direction of the figure axis (polar mode) and two orthogonal to it (equatorial modes). These modes are usually referred as Slichter triplet. In the case of the polar mode, Busse (1974) determined analytically its expression in an implicit way; later other authors have obtained by numerical methods the values of all the modes (e.g Rieutord 2002). These expressions differ substantially from the single degenerate mode existing for a non-rotating model, the differences arising from the roto-traslatory coupling of the system. To construct an analytical description of the motion of this non-isobarycentric Earth model we have approximated it by a Lagrangian system, inspired in the successful of this variational approach to tackle the rotational dynamics of isobarycentric Earth models (e.g. Moritz 1982, Getino and Ferrándiz 2001). In this way, the fluid flow is represented as the sum of a rigid motion part plus a potential motion part. In this way, the resulting dynamical system is described by means of nine generalized co-ordinates. Once constructed the kinetic energy of each layer of the Earth model and the potential energy due to the gravitational interaction of the spherical rigid inner core with the fluid, we form the Euler-Lagrange equations of the system which turn out to be non-linear. By assuming a small departure with respect to the steady rotation configuration we linearice the differential equations of the motion, deriving from them the analytical expressions of the Slichter triplet. These expressions are compared with the existing numerical ones, appearing some discrepancies between both approaches. They might be caused by neglecting the non-linear terms in the resolution of the equations or by an incomplete description of the fluid flow. However, the numerical values of the modes derived with this treatment show a great improvement with respect to the values obtained from performing

  8. Apoplejía pituitaria con parálisis del III par craneal: Reporte de caso

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    Miguel Pinto Valdivia


    Full Text Available Se describe el caso de un varón de 65 años de edad, sin antecedentes patológicos de importancia, que acudió a emergencia del Hospital Nacional Cayetano Heredia por presentar cefalea intensa y ptosis palpebral izquierda. El examen físico mostró parálisis aislada del III par craneal izquierdo. Los análisis de laboratorio mostraron hiponatremia e hipopituitarismo y la resonancia magnética nuclear un adenoma pituitario con áreas de hemorragia e invasión de los senos cavernosos. El tratamiento incluyó glucocorticoides y descompresión quirúrgica transesfenoidal. La anatomía patológica confirmó el diagnóstico de infarto hemorrágico de un adenoma pituitario. El paciente fue dado de alta con terapia sustitutiva de levotiroxina y prednisona. La ptosis palpebral izquierda se recuperó en forma parcial. La apoplejía pituitaria es un síndrome clínico producido por un proceso expansivo dentro de la silla turca, secundario a hemorragia o infarto de un adenoma pituitario, que se caracteriza por cefalea, déficit visual, oftalmoplejía y alteración del nivel de conciencia. Este proceso expansivo puede comprimir los pares craneales en los senos cavernosos, produciendo diferentes grados de parálisis de los músculos oculomotores. La parálisis aislada del III par craneal es rara.(Rev Med Hered 2011;22:186-189.

  9. Priapismo en el niño: Presentación de 1 caso

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    Luis Gómez Pérez


    Full Text Available Se presenta el caso de un niño de 7 años de edad que tiene como antecedentes padecer de drepanocitemia y que hubo de mostrar priapismo durante 3 días. Se le realizó tratamiento por punción de los cuerpos cavernosos con resultados satisfactorios.The case of a 7-year-old child with history of sickle cell anemia that had priapism for 3 days is presented. The treatment consisting in puncture of the corpora cavernosa penis had satisfactory results.

  10. Something of Value: How Franchise Sellers Make Training Pay (United States)

    Berger, Gladys


    Training can be the most important benefit included in the purchase of a franchise. Several of these training programs used by franchise sellers (Castro Convertibles, Roto-Rooter, H and R Block, Dunhill Personnel Systems Inc., Carvel, Holiday Inns, Sheraton Inns Inc., McDonald's) are discussed. (Author/BP)

  11. Experimental study on the gasification characteristics of coal and orimulsion in 0.5 T/D gasifier

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Park, Ho Young; Kim, Jong Young; An, Dal Hong; Park, Tae Jun [Korea Electric Power Corp. (KEPCO), Taejon (Korea, Republic of). Research Center


    For the construction of commercial plant for IGCC imported from aboard in near future, it is aimed to get gasification data, practice the gasification design capability, and develop a fundamental key technology through the experiments for different kinds of coals (Datong, Roto, Alaska) by 0.5 T/D gasifier. We performed the experiments for physical properties and reactivities on selected coals by means of Drop Tube Reactor, numerical analysis for the reactor. Throughout the characteristic studies of orimulsion gasification, feasibility studies for orimulsion gasification as a fuel for power plant be performed. With the six experiment runs for the coal gasifier, several problems were found to remedy. After remedies, the gasifier could run at good operating conditions maintaining with 200% design feed rate over 1200-1550 degree. The third and fourth gasification runs with Roto were satisfactorily completed, during which gross heating values from produced gas were 7200-8200 Kcal/Nm{sup 3}. (author). 118 refs., 145 figs.

  12. Experimental study on the gasification characteristics of coal and orimulsion in 0.5 T/D gasifier

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Park, Ho Young; Kim, Jong Young; An, Dal Hong; Park, Tae Jun [Korea Electric Power Corp. (KEPCO), Taejon (Korea, Republic of). Research Center


    For the construction of commercial plant for IGCC imported from aboard in near future, it is aimed to get gasification data, practice the gasification design capability, and develop a fundamental key technology through the experiments for different kinds of coals (Datong, Roto, Alaska) by 0.5 T/D gasifier. We performed the experiments for physical properties and reactivities on selected coals by means of Drop Tube Reactor, numerical analysis for the reactor. Throughout the characteristic studies of orimulsion gasification, feasibility studies for orimulsion gasification as a fuel for power plant be performed. With the six experiment runs for the coal gasifier, several problems were found to remedy. After remedies, the gasifier could run at good operating conditions maintaining with 200% design feed rate over 1200-1550 degree. The third and fourth gasification runs with Roto were satisfactorily completed, during which gross heating values from produced gas were 7200-8200 Kcal/Nm{sup 3}. (author). 118 refs., 145 figs.

  13. Expuestos: experiencia y vestigios del cuerpo roto


    Ileana Diéguez


    El artículo discute la relación entre el arte y la violencia en la producción contemporánea de América Latina, la investigación de la hipérbole de horror, tanto en el espectáculo real como la memoria del dolor expresado en la obra de algunos artistas como Rosa María Robles y Álvaro Villalobos.

  14. Open liver trauma causing hepatico caval fistula successfully treated by embolization

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    Zeineb Mzoughi


    Full Text Available Introduction: Traumatic arteriovenous fistula results from a breach of vascular integrity between a vein and an adjacent artery. Hepato caval fistula is a rare entity. Open surgical approaches have increasingly given way to radiological embolization techniques in the treatment of these arteriovenous fistulae, especially in intrahepatic locations. Case report: We report the case of a patient diagnosed with a fistula, from the right branch of the liver artery to the right hepatic vein, developed following an open liver trauma. Successful embolization through the transarterial route was achieved with simple outcomes. Conclusion: The interventional radiology for endovascular management has revolutionized the treatment of hepatic liver traumas. The conservative treatment is henceforth the common approach even if hepatic artery or hepatic veins are involved in case of arteriovenous fistula. Keywords: Fistula, Trauma, Arteriovenous, Embolization

  15. Upper Extremity Radiography (United States)

    ... Estos tipos de exámenes se realizan para detectar estados tales huesos rotos, daños de los tejidos blandos y artritis. El médico le ... en interpretar las imágenes médicas de diagnóstico. Después de que el ... los resultados y conversará con usted sobre qué procedimientos adicionales ...

  16. El ALBA y los “anti”. Un proyecto de integración alternativo latinoamericano

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    Adolfo A. Abadía


    Full Text Available Reseña del libro:Bagley, B. M. y Defort M. (Eds. (2014. ¿La hegemonía norteamericana en declive? El desafío del ALBA y la nueva integración latinoamericana del siglo XXI. ColecciónEl sur es cielo roto. Cali, Colombia: Facultad de Derecho y Ciencias Sociales,Universidad Icesi. 640 pp.

  17. Las cortes de Cádiz

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    Abelardo Forero Benavides


    Full Text Available Esta es una página gloriosa e infecunda de la historia de España. La mayor parte de su territorio está ocupado por las tropas francesas. Se adelanta una guerrilla cruel en contra del usurpador. El rey Fernando continúa cautivo en Valancay. La resistencia tenaz y formidable ha roto todos los cálculos de Bonaparte.

  18. Alterações na função erétil induzidas por castração cirúrgica em camundongos C57bl/6 - avaliação das vias : óxido nítrico-GMP cíclico-fosfodiesterase 5 e Rho-cinase


    Rodrigo de Oliveira Capel Martins


    Resumo: A ereção peniana é um fenômeno vascular sob controle psicológico modulado por andrógenos onde o estado de flacidez ou ereção peniana é determinado pela condição momentânea de contração ou relaxamento do sistema arterial cavernoso e da musculatura lisa trabecular. Já a disfunção erétil é definida como a incapacidade de alcançar ou manter uma ereção peniana satisfatória para uma relação sexual e pode acontecer por causas psicológicas ou orgânicas, podendo esta ser, vascular, neurológica...

  19. Associação de carbonato de londenafil (Helleva) e treinamento fisico na ereção peniana de ratos


    Clesio Borges Pena


    Resumo: A ereção peniana envolve a interação da estimulação neural do músculo liso do corpo cavernoso bem como liberação neuro-humoral de fatores contráteis e relaxantes do endotélio. A cascata de sinalização óxido nítrico (NO)/(GMPc) é o evento mais importante e efetivo no mecanismo de ereção peniana. Nesta última década, diversos inibidores de fosfodiesterase tipo 5 (PDE5) foram desenvolvidos e aprovados para o tratamento da disfunção erétil. Estes fármacos atuam inibindo a ação da PDE5 sob...

  20. El juego de identidades cruzadas


    Juan Villoro


    Las maneras de nombrar y ordenar lo latinoamericano semejan un calidoscopio donde los cristales rotos cambian de color tanto como los camaleones observados. El cruce de miradas va de lo desenfocado a lo alucinatorio. Es lógico que así sea. No hay miradas puras ni realidades intactas. Por lo demás, la discusión en contra de las interpretaciones pintoresquistas empieza a generar otras modas.

  1. Weed Control with Cover Crops in Irrigated Potatoes

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    G.H. Mehring


    Full Text Available Field experiments at Oakes, ND, USA in 2010 and Carrington, ND, USA in 2011 were conducted to evaluate the potential for cover crops grown in the Northern Great Plains, USA in order to reduce weed emergence and density in irrigated potatoes. Treatments included five cover crop treatments and three cover crop termination treatments. Termination of cover crops was done with glyphosate, disk-till, and roto-till. Cover crop biomass accumulation was greatest for rye/canola and triticale at Oakes, and hairy vetch and hairy vetch/rye at Carrington. Cover crop and termination affected weed control 14, 29, and 51 days after planting (DAP at Oakes. Weed control at Carrington was at least 90% for all cover crop and termination treatments at all three evaluation timings. Marketable yield at Oakes was greater when roto-till was used to terminate the cover crops compared with disk-till or herbicide, which is beneficial for organic systems where herbicides are not used. Marketable yield at Carrington was not affected by cover crop or termination treatments. Results suggest that cover crops can successfully be integrated into irrigated potato production for weed control with yields equal to no cover crop, and with attention to potential mechanical difficulties.

  2. Novel portable press for synchrotron time-resolved 3-D micro-imagining under extreme conditions

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Philippe, J.; Le Godec, Y., E-mail:; Bergame, F.; Morand, M. [IMPMC, Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris (France); Mezouar, M.; Bauchau, S.; Alvarez-Murga, M. [European Synchrotron Radiation Facility, Grenoble (France); Perrillat, J. P. [Laboratoire de Géologie de Lyon, Université Claude Bernard Lyon1, Lyon (France); Bromiley, G.; Berg, M. [School of GeoSciences, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh (United Kingdom); King, A.; Guignot, N.; Itié, J. P. [Synchrotron SOLEIL, St Aubin France (France); Atwood, Robert [Diamond Light Source Ltd., Harwell Science and Innovation Campus, Didcot (United Kingdom)


    Here we present the instrumental development to extend the synchrotron X-ray microtomography techniques to in situ studies under static compression (HP) or shear stress or the both conditions at high temperatures (HT). To achieve this, a new rotating tomography Paris-Edinburgh cell (rotoPEc) has been developed. This ultra-compact portable device, easily and successfully adapted to various multi-modal synchrotron experimental set-up at ESRF, SOLEIL and DIAMOND is explained in detail.

  3. El juego de identidades cruzadas

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    Juan Villoro


    Full Text Available Las maneras de nombrar y ordenar lo latinoamericano semejan un calidoscopio donde los cristales rotos cambian de color tanto como los camaleones observados. El cruce de miradas va de lo desenfocado a lo alucinatorio. Es lógico que así sea. No hay miradas puras ni realidades intactas. Por lo demás, la discusión en contra de las interpretaciones pintoresquistas empieza a generar otras modas.

  4. Template matching via densities on the roto-translation group

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Bekkers, E.; Loog, M.; Romeny, B. ter Haar; Duits, R.


    We propose a template matching method for the detection of 2D image objects that are characterized by orientation patterns. Our method is based on data representations via orientation scores, which are functions on the space of positions and orientations, and which are obtained via a wavelet-type

  5. Weed Control with Cover Crops in Irrigated Potatoes


    G.H. Mehring; J.E. Stenger; H.M. Hatterman-Valenti


    Field experiments at Oakes, ND, USA in 2010 and Carrington, ND, USA in 2011 were conducted to evaluate the potential for cover crops grown in the Northern Great Plains, USA in order to reduce weed emergence and density in irrigated potatoes. Treatments included five cover crop treatments and three cover crop termination treatments. Termination of cover crops was done with glyphosate, disk-till, and roto-till. Cover crop biomass accumulation was greatest for rye/canola and triticale at Oakes, ...

  6. An Unusual Cause of Pain in the Right Hypochondrium

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Batool, A.; Yusuf, A.


    Choledochal cyst is an uncommon anomaly of the biliary system. It manifests by cystic dilation of the extra or intrahepatic biliary tract or both. Three cases of choledochal cysts are reported, who had presented with pain in right hypochondrium. All the three patients presented in one Surgical Unit of a Teaching Hospital within a span of three months. The first patient was initially managed as obstructive jaundice, second as acute pancreatitis and third patient as a case of pancreatic pseudocyst. However, after investigations, the final diagnosis in all three of them was the same i.e. choledochal cyst which was managed by Roux-en-Y hepatico-jejunostomy. (author)

  7. Manufacturing of ashless coal by using solvent de-ashing technology

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sang-Do Kim; Kwang-Jae Woo; Soon-Kwan Jeong; Young-Jun Rhim; Si-Huyn Lee [Korea Institute of Energy Research, Daejeon (Republic of Korea). Clean Energy Research Center


    Maintenance of a high oil value has an influence to energy crisis and national security in South Korea which does not have energy resources. The coals which have characterized by the abundant reserves and the inexpensive price can be said to be the alternative energy source. Hyper-coal process, which has been developed in Japan since 1999, is a new effective process to produce a clean coal by using the solvent de-ashing technology. When coal is extracted with organic solvent, only the organic portion of coal is dissolved in the solvents. That is possible to apply the low rank coal. This study was performed to produce ashless coal by using the solvent de-ashing technology. The experiment was conducted in the batch(or semi-batch) type reactor with two solvents such as NMP(N-methyl-2-pyrrolidinone) and 1-MN(1-methylnaphthalene) and various coals such as Kideko coal, Roto South coal and Sunhwa coal at 200-400{sup o}C. As a result of the test, extraction yield of coals was more than 60% on daf. Ash concentration which contains the extracted coal was 0.11-1.0wt%. The heat value was increased from 5,400 kcal/kg to 7,920 kcal/kg in the Roto South coal. 10 refs., 4 figs., 2 tabs.

  8. Análise Integrada De Viabilidade Econômica De Projetos Aplicada À Substituição De Uma Máquina

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    João H. S. Vilela


    Full Text Available O estudo de viabilidade de projetos é muito importante para o processo de tomada de decisão empresarial, uma vez que o sucesso de um empreendimento será determinado pela escolha de alternativas de investimentos que criem valor para os proprietários da empresa. O presente artigo tem como objetivo analisar a viabilidade econômica da substituição de uma máquina de acabamento na empresa Mahle Componentes de Motores do Brasil Ltda., localizada no município de Itajubá, no estado brasileiro de Minas Gerais. Atualmente existem, nesta empresa, três máquinas Roto Finish em operação. O estudo apresentado avalia a substituição destas por uma máquina Loeser, a qual foi desenvolvida pelo Grupo Mahle Mundial, em parceria com fornecedores exclusivos. Os projetos foram analisados dentro dos parâmetros de aceitação do Grupo Mahle Mundial. As conclusões obtidas, através da análise do fluxo de caixa dos projetos e do valor presente líquido (VPL, da Taxa Interna de Retorno (TIR e do método do Payback, mostram que a substituição das máquinas Roto Finish pela Loeser é economicamente viável.

  9. Pentek metal coating removal system: Baseline report

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The Pentek coating removal technology was tested and is being evaluated at Florida International University (FIU) as a baseline technology. In conjunction with FIU's evaluation of efficiency and cost, this report covers evaluation conducted for safety and health issues. It is a commercially available technology and has been used for various projects at locations throughout the country. The Pentek coating removal system consisted of the ROTO-PEEN Scaler, CORNER-CUTTER reg-sign, and VAC-PAC reg-sign. They are designed to remove coatings from steel, concrete, brick, and wood. The Scaler uses 3M Roto Peen tungsten carbide cutters while the CORNER-CUTTER reg-sign uses solid needles for descaling activities. These hand tools are used with the VAC-PAC reg-sign vacuum system to capture dust and debris as removal of the coating takes place. The safety and health evaluation during the testing demonstration focused on two main areas of exposure: dust and noise. Dust exposure minimal, but noise exposure was significant. Further testing for each exposure is recommended because of the environment where the testing demonstration took place. It is feasible that the dust and noise levels will be higher in an enclosed operating environment of different construction. In addition, other areas of concern found were arm-hand vibration, whole-body, ergonomics, heat stress, tripping hazards, electrical hazards, machine guarding, and lockout/tagout

  10. Pentek metal coating removal system: Baseline report; Greenbook (chapter)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The Pentek coating removal technology was tested and is being evaluated at Florida International University (FIU) as a baseline technology. In conjunction with FIU's evaluation of efficiency and cost, this report covers evaluation conducted for safety and health issues. It is a commercially available technology and has been used for various projects at locations throughout the country. The Pentek coating removal system consisted of the ROTO-PEEN Scaler, CORNER-CUTTER reg-sign, and VAC-PAC reg-sign. They are designed to remove coatings from steel, concrete, brick, and wood. The Scaler uses 3M Roto Peen tungsten carbide cutters while the CORNER-CUTTER reg-sign uses solid needles for descaling activities. These hand tools are used with the VAC-PAC reg-sign vacuum system to capture dust and debris as removal of the coating takes place. The safety and health evaluation during the testing demonstration focused on two main areas of exposure: dust and noise. Dust exposure minimal, but noise exposure was significant. Further testing for each exposure is recommended because of the environment where the testing demonstration took place. It is feasible that the dust and noise levels will be higher in an enclosed operating environment of different construction. In addition, other areas of concern found were arm-hand vibration, whole-body, ergonomics, heat stress, tripping hazards, electrical hazards, machine guarding, and lockout/tagout

  11. Analysis of the best therapeutic alternative for intracranial dural arteriovenous malformations Análise da melhor alternativa terapêutica para malformações arteriovenosas durais intracranianas

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    César de Paula Lucas


    Full Text Available The material for this research consisted of 93 patients with dural arteriovenous malformations (DAVMs who were studied retrospectively with regards to therapeutic success and failure, who had undergone either neurosurgery, or embolization or a combination of both methods and whose disease was located in the cavernous sinus, the superior sagittal sinus, the transverse-sigmoid sinus of the anterior fossa and the tentorium. Thus, it was possible to arrive at the following conclusions: treatment of the DAVMs must be indicated, jointly, by an interventionist neuroradiologist and a neurosurgeon; DAVMs of the transverse-sigmoid sinus were better treated when a combination of both methods was used; DAVMs of the tentorium were also better treated with a combined method; the endovascular method ensured only a 50% chance of therapeutic success for DAVMs of the superior sagittal sinus; DAVMs of the cavernous sinus are better treated when the endovascular method was used with a transvenous approach, relative to the transarterial approach.O material utilizado consistiu de 93 pacientes portadores de malformações arteriovenosas durais (MAVDs estudados retrospectivamente em relação ao sucesso e ao fracasso terapêutico submetidos aos métodos neurocirúrgico ou endovascular ou, ainda, combinação entre ambos, em que a doença se localizou nas regiões do seio cavernoso, do seio sagital superior, do seio transverso-sigmóide, da fossa anterior e do tentório. As conclusões foram as seguintes: o tratamento das MAVDs deve ser indicado pelo neurorradiologista intervencionista e pelo neurocirurgião, conjuntamente; as MAVDs do seio transverso-sigmóide foram melhor tratadas através do método combinado; as MAVDs do tentório foram melhor tratadas através do método combinado; as MAVDs do seio sagital superior tratadas por método endovascular asseguraram apenas 50% de sucesso terapêutico; as MAVDs do seio cavernoso são melhor tratadas por m

  12. Cuerpos rotos, mentes destrozadas: Tortura y malos tratos a mujeres



    Este informe pertenece a una serie de documentos publicados por Amnistía Internacional como parte de su campaña mundial contra la tortura, iniciada en octubre del 2000. Otros informes de la campaña: ¡Actúaya! Tortura, nunca más (Índice AI: ACT 40/13/00/s), Un escándalo oculto, una vergüenza secreta. Tortura y malos tratos a menores (Índice AI: ACT 40/38/00/s) y El comercio de la tortura: una lacra que hay que erradicar (Índice AI: ACT 40/02/01/s).

  13. Roto-translation motion of the stars in close binary systems

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Medvedeva, A A


    This article has to show that the model of p-h which is used to determine the change of the semi major axis of the relative orbit stars is incorrect and leads to large errors in the determination of semi-major axis. The new model, suitable for the elliptical orbits of the stars. To determine relative motion of stars in a close binary system in this paper uses a numerical integration of the equations of motion with the reactive forces, including the rotational component of attraction between the stars and the stream flows into the substance. The calculations of elliptical orbits of close binary stars show that the effect of the reactive force on the evolution of the orbits of stars may be different. The results can be refined by introducing other disturbing factors and making new assumptions based on observations

  14. Food-stimulated cholescintigraphy as a supplement to ERC in patients with suspected bile flow obstruction

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hansen, H.H.; Toftgaard, C.; Rokkjor, M.J.; Kruse, A.; Funch-Jensen, P.; Thommesen, P.; Municipal Hospital, Aarhus


    Cholescintigraphy after food stimulation was carried out in 40 patients (13 patients with biliary enteric bypass, 14 patients with bile duct stenosis, demonstrated by ERC, 5 patients with endoprothesis and 8 patients with clinically suspected post-cholecystectomy syndrome). Biliary-bowel transit time of one hour or less was considered to be normal. It is concluded that in patients with biliary enteric bypass (hepatico-jejunostomia) or biliary strictures a biliary-bowel transit time of one hour will be discriminatory between normal and abnormal conditions. This is in contrast to patients with endoprothesis and suspected sphincter of Oddi dysmotility, where a transit time of one hour only will have limited predictive value. (orig.) [de

  15. Microsurgical clipping in forty patients with unruptured anterior cerebral circulation aneurysms: an investigation into cognitive outcome Clipagem microcirúrgica em 40 pacientes com aneurisma de circulação cerebral anterior não-roto: uma investigação cognitiva

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Arthur A Pereira-Filho


    Full Text Available OBJECTIVE: It is a consensus that most unruptured intracranial aneurysms (UIA can be treated with acceptably low morbidity. However, some studies recently reported postoperative cognitive impairment, suggesting that it could be attributable to surgical damage. Our goal is to evaluate cognitive function before and after microsurgical clipping in patients with UIA. METHOD: A consecutive series of 40 patients who underwent microsurgical clipping for UIA were studied. The cognitive assessment (Mini Mental State Examination, MMSE was performed immediately before and at least one month after surgery. Paired Student's "t" test and analysis of variance (ANOVA were used for statistical purposes. RESULTS: The mean MMSE score in the preoperative analysis was 28.12 (SD, 1.34. In the postoperative period the mean MMSE score was 28.40 (SD, 1.46. Paired Student's "t" test was applied to the scores and no significant difference was found (p=0.315. ANOVA did not find independent associations between MMSE scores and age, hypertension, smoking, dyslipidemia, education, aneurysm location, number, laterality or size. CONCLUSION: The present study suggests that microsurgical clipping for UIA does not result in major cognitive dysfunction as determined by the MMSEOBJETIVO: É consenso que a maioria dos aneurismas intracranianos não-rotos (AINR podem ser tratados com aceitável taxa de morbidade. Entretanto, alguns estudos reportaram déficits cognitivos no pós-operatório, sugerindo que poderiam ser atribuídos ao dano cirúrgico. O objetivo desse estudo é avaliar a função cognitiva antes e após clipagem microcirúrgica em pacientes com AINR. MÉTODO: Uma série de 40 pacientes com AINR submetidos à clipagem microcirúrgica foi estudada. A avaliação cognitiva (Mini Exame do Estado Mental, MEEM foi realizada antes e após a intervenção cirúrgica. A análise estatística foi realizada com teste "t" de Student e análise de variância (ANOVA. RESULTADOS: A m

  16. Proyecto de planta industrial de crepes para celiacos, en Villamuriel de Cerrato (Palencia)


    Bravo Núñez, Ángela


    El objeto del presente proyecto es el del dimensionamiento y puesta en marcha de una industria agroalimentaria dedicada a la elaboración de crepes congeladas aptas para celiacos en el polígono industrial de la localidad de Villamuriel de Cerrato (Palencia) con el fin de fomentar el desarrollo industrial en Castilla y León, crear empleo, generar nuevas alternativas para el sector de la población que sufre celiaquía y dar salida a subproductos( granos de garbanzo rotos) Grado en Ingeniería d...

  17. A spinner-integrated wind lidar for enhanced wind turbine control

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Mikkelsen, Torben; Angelou, Nikolas; Hansen, Kasper Hjorth


    A field test with a continuous wave wind lidar (ZephIR) installed in the rotating spinner of a wind turbine for unimpeded preview measurements of the upwind approaching wind conditions is described. The experimental setup with the wind lidar on the tip of the rotating spinner of a large 80 m roto...... of the spinner lidar data, is investigated. Finally, the potential for enhancing turbine control and performance based on wind lidar preview measurements in combination with feed-forward enabled turbine controllers is discussed. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd....

  18. Efecto del sistema de aturdimiento con CO2, tiempo de desangrado y estimulación eléctrica post-mortem en la calidad de la carne de pavo


    Mauri López, Mª Soledad


    El aturdimiento de los animales previo al sacrificio es una práctica obligatoria en todos los mataderos para evitar su sufrimiento. El aturdimiento gaseoso por CO2 se introdujo en la década de los 90 del siglo XX en las plantas de procesado de aves y presenta mejoras en la calidad final de las canales (ausencia de huesos rotos, disminución de hematomas y petequias) en comparación con el aturdimiento eléctrico, más común en las plantas de procesado de aves. Sin embargo, la ...

  19. Vestibulopatia por lesão endovascular em cateterismo de urgência


    Simoceli, Lucinda; Sguillar, Danilo Anunciatto; Santos, Henrique Mendes Paiva; Caputti, Camilla


    OBJETIVO: O objetivo deste relato de caso é descrever uma causa incomum de vestibulopatia periférica associada à perda auditiva unilateral em paciente idoso pós- cateterismo de urgência. RELATO DE CASO: Paciente do gênero masculino, 82 anos, submetido à correção de aneurisma roto de aorta abdominal, no intra-operatório sofreu infarto agudo do miocárdio necessitando de angioplastia primária. Após alta hospitalar refere queixa de hipoacusia acentuada à direita e vertigem incapacitante, sem sina...

  20. Presentación del Libro: Cuasi una Fantasía. Cuentos y Relatos.


    Efraím Otero Ruiz


    Meses y varios huesos rotos después puedo, al fin, presentar ante ustedes mi libro de cuentos y relatos, salido de las prensas de Kimpres -con el generoso apoyo de esta Academia desde septiembre del año pasado. Afortunadamente, por tratarse de “Cuasi una fantasía” son narraciones que solo están parcialmente ancladas en el tiempo y comprenden una vivencia de medio siglo, no sólo por los personajes-hoy casi todos desaparecidos- sino por los sucesos, que a veces -aunque tomados ...

  1. Feed-water heaters alternative design comparison; Comparacion de disenos alternativos de calentadores

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Torres Toledano, Gerardo [Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas, Cuernavaca (Mexico)


    A procedure is presented for the alternative design comparison of feed water heaters, based in the failure records of damaged tubes during operation. The procedure is used for cases in which non-continuous or random inspections are made to the feed-water heaters. [Espanol] Se presenta un procedimiento para comparar disenos alternativos de calentadores, basandose en los registros de fallas de los tubos rotos acumuladas durante su operacion. El procedimiento se emplea para casos en los que se realizan inspecciones a los calentadores no continuas, ya sea periodicas o al azar.

  2. [Drainage variants in reconstructive and restorative operations for high strictures and injuries of the biliary tract]. (United States)

    Toskin, K D; Starosek, V N; Grinchesku, A E


    The article deals with the author's views on certain aspects of the problem of reconstructive and restorative surgery of the biliary tract. Original methods are suggested for external drainage (through the inferior surface of the right hepatic lobe in the region of the gallbladder seat and through the round ligament of the liver) in formation of ++hepato-hepatico- and hepaticojejunoanastomoses. Problems of operative techniques in formation of the anastomoses are discussed. Thirty-nine operations have been carried out in the clinic in the recent decade in high strictures and traumas of the biliary tract, 25 were reconstructive and 14 restorative. Postoperative mortality was 28.2% (11 patients). Intoxication and hepatargia associated with cholangiolytic abscesses of the liver were the main causes of death.

  3. CT in the evaluation of severe liver trauma; Tomografia computadorizada na avaliacao do trauma hepatico grave

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Machado, Marcel Autran C. [Sao Paulo Univ., SP (Brazil). Faculdade de Medicina, Hospital das Clinicas; Souza Rocha, Manoel de; Machado, Manoel C.C. [Sao Paulo Univ., SP (Brazil). Faculdade de Medicina; Macedo Neto, Augusto Cesar de; Maciel, Rosangela Pereira; Simonetti, Celso


    Abdominal CT is a common examination in the evaluation of patients with blunt abdominal trauma and clinical suspicion for solid organ injury when reasons for immediate laparotomy are not present. A case of major blunt hepatic injury in a 22-year-old patient is reported. The authors present a brief review of the literature and discussion about the role of CT scan in the evaluation of hepatic trauma, surgical planning and postoperative follow-up. (author). 15 refs., 3 figs., 1 tab.

  4. Tratamiento quirúrgico de la fractura de pene Surgical treatment of the penis fracture

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    Ileana Guerra Macías


    Full Text Available Se describe el caso clínico de un paciente de 39 años de edad, sin antecedentes patológicos personales y procedente de un área rural, que fue operado en el Hospital General Peltier de la República de Djibouti por habérsele fracturado el cuerpo cavernoso del pene durante el coito, lo cual obligó a realizarle una incisión circunferencial subcoronal, que finalmente garantizó buenos resultados estéticos y funcionales de ese órgano genital externo.The case report of a 39 year-old patient, without personal pathological history and coming from a rural area, who was surgically treated at the Peltier General Hospital of the Djibouti Republic due to a fracture in the corpus cavernosum of penis during the coitus, that forced to make him a circunferencial subcoronal incision which finally guaranteed good aesthetic and functional results of that external genital organ.

  5. De Moratín a Valle Inclán. Más de cien años de batalla teatral

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    Full Text Available RESUMEN: El 19 de diciembre de 1926 Valle Inclán inauguró con su nueva compañía dramática, «El Cántaro Roto», un ciclo teatral con el que trataba de renovar y reformar la escena madrileña de principios del XX. Para este acontecimiento se representó La comedia nueva o El Café de Moratín. La elección de esta obra no fue fruto de la casualidad, sino que obedecía a un hecho muy concreto: la coincidencia, dos siglos después, de una misma situación ideológica y teatral. Este trabajo aborda estos paralelismos entre el XVIII y el XX, y explica cómo una vez más la escena sirve de vehículo de transmisión de los conflictos sociales de una época.ABSTRACT: On December 19th, 1926, Valle-Inclán with his theatre company, «El Cántaro Roto», started a theatre cycle in an attempt to renew and reform the early 20th century stage in Madrid. For this event, La comedia nueva o El café de Moratín was performed. The selection of this play was not by sheer chance, but a deliberate reference to the coincidence, two centuries before, of the same ideological and theatrical situation. This article examines the parallelism between the 18th and 20th centuries, and explains how, once again, that the theatre is a vehicle through which to convey the social conflicts of an epoch.


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    Nada Parađiković


    Full Text Available The investigation was conducted in Magadenovac glasshouses, eastern Croatia during seventeen years (1985. - 2002.. In that period, the glasshouse production of vegetables and flowers was intensive during the whole year. The trial was set up on 500 m2. Because of often crop rotation during the same year, soil tillage must be done fast and soil must be homogenized till depth of about 40 cm. Often in practice it is not possible to plough because of numerous reasons and then main mechanization is roto-digging machine. The aim of this investigation was to determine the consequences of long-term application of the special roto-digging machine and dynamics of organic matter and humus content during 17 years. For this purpose, multiple chemical and physical analyses were done. It was determined that, by intensive production during 17 years, organic matter content in soil surface layer significantly decreased (1995 year - 8.60% and 2002 year - 5.00%. In subsurface layer (35-50 cm organic matter content decreased by about 50%. At the same time, by decreasing organic matter content soil became more acid, because pH value measured in 1M KCl after 17 years was by 1.4 units lower in the surface layer, and by about 0.5 units lower in subsurface layer. Finally, soil became acid (pHKCl = 4.8. Decreasing in organic matter and humus content led to soil compaction, decreased soil porosity and degradation of other physical and chemical properties. It can be concluded, that it is necessary to import complete agricultural operations relative to soil tillage for soil preserving.

  7. Nuevo lenguaje para un nuevo medio

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    Inma Martín Herrera


    Full Text Available El concepto tradicional de comunicación unidereccional se ha roto para convertirse en comunicación pluridireccional que permitirá la retroalimentación informativa. Las nuevas formas de redactar, contar diseñar y presentar la información en Internet exige nuevos hábitos de lectura por parte de la audiencia. El lector deberá tomar conciencia de que está frente a un medio diferente con el que debe familiarizarse para hacer uso correcto del soporte digital, se informará adecuadamente para disfrutar de las ventajas del innovador medio, conocido como Periodismo de servicios o Nuevo Periodismo.

  8. Simulación y validación de modelos de destilación por lotes usando Aspen Batch Modeler: recuperación de epóxido de limoneno


    Yeison Agudelo; Rolando Barrera Zapata


    Se desarrolló el modelado y simulación de una columna de destilación por lotes para la recuperación de epóxido de limoneno de una mezcla multicomponente, usando el software especializado Aspen Batch Modeler. Para la validación de los modelos se desarrolló el proceso experimental en un equipo de roto-evaporación, donde se varió la composición inicial de la mezcla, temperatura y presión de operación. La composición final de fondos y destilado se determinó a través de cromatografía de gases. Los...

  9. Los diarios

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    Alfonso Hanssen


    Full Text Available Junio 14 - Uno ha tenido el cuidado de amar exageradamente. Se extingue la pasión y se reduce en el ánima la energía. La convertimos en imágenes. La especie de rechazo. El fracaso de los sentimientos desleídos. El tedio galopante. La furia. Y el espíritu lleno y caótico. Entonces uno necesita mudarse, transportarse en la crín de la idea tropélica. Porque uno está perdido. Porque quiere navegar con mástiles rotos. Se le propone a la vida la danza dionisíaca. Extraerse uno. Someterse al éxtasis imaginativo.


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    Oscar Hernando Nossa García


    Full Text Available Un hombre que llega a las artes plásticas después de fracasar escribiendo guiones para películas comerciales. Su primera propuesta se presenta en el Musée d’Art Moderne, Département des Aigles. Recibe malos comentarios por parte de la crítica, que se decepciona al descubrir que la propuesta “Objeto para una tragedia”: una copa llena de “cianuro”, no atenta contra los espectadores. Una simple copa llena de agua con azúcar adquiere propiedades maléficas al ser contextualizada por un texto, y adquiere veracidad al encontrarse expuesta en el interior de un museo.

  11. Spectroscopic and thermodynamic properties of molecular hydrogen dissolved in water at pressures up to 200 MPa (United States)

    Borysow, Jacek; del Rosso, Leonardo; Celli, Milva; Moraldi, Massimo; Ulivi, Lorenzo


    We have measured the Raman Q-branch of hydrogen in a solution with water at a temperature of about 280 K and at pressures from 20 to 200 MPa. From a least-mean-square fitting analysis of the broad Raman Q-branch, we isolated the contributions from the four lowest individual roto-vibrational lines. The vibrational lines were narrower than the pure rotational Raman lines of hydrogen dissolved in water measured previously, but significantly larger than in the gas. The separations between these lines were found to be significantly smaller than in gaseous hydrogen and their widths were slightly increasing with pressure. The lines were narrowing with increasing rotational quantum number. The Raman frequencies of all roto-vibrational lines were approaching the values of gas phase hydrogen with increasing pressure. Additionally, from the comparison of the integrated intensity signal of Q-branch of hydrogen to the integrated Raman signal of the water bending mode, we have obtained the concentration of hydrogen in a solution with water along the 280 K isotherm. Hydrogen solubility increases slowly with pressure, and no deviation from a smooth behaviour was observed, even reaching thermodynamic conditions very close to the transition to the stable hydrogen hydrate. The analysis of the relative hydrogen concentration in solution on the basis of a simple thermodynamic model has allowed us to obtain the molar volume for the hydrogen gas/water solution. Interestingly, the volume relative to one hydrogen molecule in solution does not decrease with pressure and, at high pressure, is larger than the volume pertinent to one molecule of water. This is in favour of the theory of hydrophobic solvation, for which a larger and more stable structure of the water molecules is expected around a solute molecule.

  12. Biliary stricture due to neuroma after an innocent blunt abdominal trauma. (United States)

    Katsinelos, P; Dimiropoulos, S; Galanis, I; Tsolkas, P; Paroutoglu, G; Arvaniti, M; Katsiba, D; Baltaglannis, S; Pilpilidis, I; Papagiannis, A; Vaslliadis, I


    A traumatic neuroma of the biliary tract is rarely associated with biliary obstruction. However, when it arises in the common bile duct (CBD) and is associated with obstructive jaundice, it is difficult to distinguish it from bile duct cancer. We describe a patient who developed obstructive jaundice and itching, due to CBD stricture, 8 years after innocent blunt abdominal trauma. The stricture was resected and hepatico-jejunal anastomosis was performed. Histological examination revealed a traumatic neuroma and a fibrous scar around the common bile duct. Symptoms disappeared following surgical removal of the lesion. Blunt abdominal injury may cause the late onset of a fibrous scar and traumatic neuroma in the common bile duct. To our knowledge, a traumatic neuroma of the biliary tract after blunt abdominal trauma has not been reported previously. We review the clinical picture of this relatively rare problem, along with its diagnosis, pathogenesis and treatment.

  13. Characteristics of liver tissue for attenuate the gamma radiation; Caracteristicas del tejido hepatico para atenuar la radiacion gamma

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Arcos P, A.; Rodriguez N, S.; Pinedo S, A.; Amador V, P.; Chacon R, A.; Vega C, H.R. [Unidad Academica de Estudios Nucleares, Cipres No. 10, Fracc. La Penuela, 98068 Zacatecas (Mexico)


    It was determined the lineal attenuation coefficient of hepatic tissue before gamma radiation of a source of {sup 137} Cs. When exposing organic material before X or gamma radiation fields, part of the energy of the photons is absorbed by the material, while another part crosses it without producing any effect. The quantity of energy that is absorbed is a measure of the dose that receives the material. The three main mechanisms by means of which the gamma rays interacting with the matter are: The Photoelectric Effect, the Compton dispersion and the Even production; the sum of these three processes is translated in the attenuation coefficient of the radiation. In this work we have used hepatic tissue of bovine, as substitute of the human hepatic tissue, and we have measured the lineal attenuation coefficient for photons of 0.662 MeV. Through a series of calculations we have determined the lineal attenuation coefficient for photons from 10{sup -3} to 10{sup -5} MeV and the measured coefficient was compared with the one calculated. (Author)

  14. Cooling by evaporation. Alternative for air cooling below the dew point; Koelen door verdampen. Alternatief bij koelen van lucht onder het dauwpunt

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Goossens, L.N.F.M. [Koninklijke Verhulst Luchtbehandeling, Waalwijk (Netherlands)


    One of the last developments in the indoor climate technology is desiccative evaporative cooling (DEC or cooling by dehumidification and evaporation). DEC is a combination of proven concepts, as e.g. adsorption, adiabatic cooling and heat recovery. DEC shows a high thermal comfort, low costs for exploitation and environment friendly components. The energy for drying requires a low-temperature level and can be produced by waste heat, a heat distribution system, through a cogeneration installation or by means of solar collectors. At the Royal Verhulst Air Conditioning company (`Koninklijke Verhulst Luchtbehandeling`) in Waalwijk, Netherlands, a DEC system was built to validate the programme to calculate the savings. In this article the principles and operation of the system (Roto-Cool) are briefly described. 4 figs., 2 ills.

  15. de Álvaro Vieira Pinto

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    John Bernhard Kleba


    dominación del centro sobre los países periféricos. El círculo de dominación sería roto por una necesidad histórica y, al mismo tiempo, subjetiva y objetiva, exigiendo la constitución de un proyecto de desarrollo nacional. Se apunta hacia problemas desde estos enfoques: la escatología optimista, la técnica en sí como neutra, y la naturalización de la historia. Por otro lado, se enfatiza la contribución original mediante su concepto de conciencia para el otro, su tipología dialéctica, así como su crítica radical a lo que llama teología tecnológica.

  16. Efecto del extracto metanólico de Jatropha macrantha Müll. Arg., en la disfunción eréctil inducida en ratas

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    Aldo Tinco


    Full Text Available Objetivos: Determinar el efecto del extracto metanólico de Jatropha macrantha Müll. Arg. ‘huanarpo macho’ en la disfunción eréctil inducida en ratas. Diseño: Experimental. Institución: Laboratorio de Farmacología, Facultad de Medicina, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Lima, Perú; Laboratorio de Farmacia, Universidad Nacional de San Cristóbal de Huamanga, Ayacucho, Perú. Material biológico: Extracto metanólico de Jatropha macrantha Müll Arg. ‘huanarpo macho’; ratas wistar de 300+/-50 g. Intervenciones: La obtención de la muestra se realizó en la Provincia de Vilcas Huamán - Ayacucho. Se evaluó el comportamiento sexual y la concentración de óxido nítrico y el efecto vasorrelajante en el cuerpo cavernoso aislado de pene de ratas, siendo los grupos de estudio: grupo 1 agua 10 mL/kg; grupo 2 sildenafilo 5 mg/kg; grupos 3, 4 y 5 extracto metanólico 100, 200 y 300 mg/kg. Se aisló órganos en los grupos de 50, 100 y 300 ug/mL de extracto, L- arginina 300 uM, acetilcolina 30uM, epinefrina u/mL y sildenafilo (3,2 × 10-5 mg/mL. Principales medidas de resultados: Flavonoides aislados, comportamiento sexual de ratas, niveles plasmáticos de óxido nítrico y relajación del músculo cavernoso. Resultados: Por cromatografía se encontró estructuras tipo flavonas, y mediante espectroscopia UV y reacciones de desplazamiento se identificó 6-hidroxi-4’,5,7-trimetoxi flavona, 4’,7-dihidroxi-5,6-dimetoxiflavona, 7-hidroxi-3’,4’,5’,5,8 pentametoxiflavona, 4’,7-dihidroxi-3’,5,6-trimetoxiflavona, DL50 1357 mg/kg. El comportamiento sexual fue dosis dependiente; la administración de 300 mg/kg de la planta por vía oral incrementó la frecuencia de monta en 75% y elevó los niveles de óxido nítrico en 85%, en tanto que la dosis de 200 mg/kg lo hizo en 71,1% y 32,4%, respectivamente (p<0,05. Conclusiones: En ratas con disfunción eréctil inducida, el extracto metanólico de Jatropha macrantha Müll Arg.

  17. Three-dimensional reconstruction of the biliary tract using spiral computed tomography. Three-dimensional cholangiography

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gon, Masanori; Ogura, Norihiro; Uetsuji, Shouji; Ueyama, Yasuo


    In this study, 310 patients with benign biliary diseases, 20 with gallbladder cancer, and 8 with biliary tract carcinoma underwent spiral CT (SCT) scanning at cholangiography. Depiction rate of the shape of the conjunction site of the gallbladder and biliary tract was 27.5% by conventional intravenous cholangiography (DIC), 92.5% by ERC, and 90.0% by DIC-SCT. Abnormal cystic duct course was admitted in 14.1%. Multiplanar reconstruction by DIC-SCT enabled identification of the common bile duct and intrahepatic bile duct stone. Three-dimensional reconstruction of DIC-SCT was effective in evaluating obstruction of the anastomosis or passing condition of after hepatico-jejunostomy. Two-dimensional SCT images through PTCD tube enabled degree of hepatic invasion in bile duct cancer, and three-dimensional images were useful in grasping the morphology of the bile duct branches near the obstruction site. DIC-SCT is therefore considered a useful procedure as non-invasive examination of bile duct lesions. (S.Y.)

  18. Pose estimation and tracking of non-cooperative rocket bodies using Time-of-Flight cameras (United States)

    Gómez Martínez, Harvey; Giorgi, Gabriele; Eissfeller, Bernd


    This paper presents a methodology for estimating the position and orientation of a rocket body in orbit - the target - undergoing a roto-translational motion, with respect to a chaser spacecraft, whose task is to match the target dynamics for a safe rendezvous. During the rendezvous maneuver the chaser employs a Time-of-Flight camera that acquires a point cloud of 3D coordinates mapping the sensed target surface. Once the system identifies the target, it initializes the chaser-to-target relative position and orientation. After initialization, a tracking procedure enables the system to sense the evolution of the target's pose between frames. The proposed algorithm is evaluated using simulated point clouds, generated with a CAD model of the Cosmos-3M upper stage and the PMD CamCube 3.0 camera specifications.

  19. Adaptasi Pola Ritme Dangdut pada Ansambel Perkusi

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    Agus Salim


    Full Text Available Dangdut Rhythmic Pattern Adaptation on Percussion Ensamble. This article discuss the adaptation processof “Dangdut” rhythmic pattern and its tone qualities that were implemented in to the percussion ensemble. Earlierstudies showed that bath elements can pessibly be tone. It means that the differences between characteristic musicbasically can be used as a new musical idea to produce a new genre of music. This procedure began with theimplementation of new special symbol to be fi tted in to the western notation; it follows by the selection of “Dangdut”rhythmic pattern and to be implemented in to the percussion ensemble instruments such as timpani, bongo, hi-hat,roto-toms and tambourine. The result was a new color of musical genre that gives a new propective and possibilityin the world of music composition.

  20. Post-traumatic arteriovenous fistula of the hepatic pedicle. (United States)

    Ibn Majdoub Hassani, K; Mohsine, R; Belkouchi, A; Bensaid, Y


    Hepatico-portal fistula (HPF) is a rare condition, most often of post-traumatic or iatrogenic origin and occasionally secondary to a ruptured aneurysm of the hepatic artery into the portal vein. HPF in extrahepatic locations often results in portal hypertension (PHT). While Doppler ultrasound, CT angiography, and magnetic resonance angiography are usually demonstrative, arteriography remains indispensable to clarify the exact anatomical configuration. In the treatment of these arteriovenous (AV) fistulas, open surgical approaches have increasingly given way to radiological embolization techniques, especially in intrahepatic locations, but surgery remains indicated for AV fistulas of the hepatic pedicle where maintenance of hepatic arterial flow is a priority of treatment. We report a patient who had an AV fistula of the hepatic pedicle with resultant PHT presenting 5 years after open abdominal trauma. Treatment was surgical; the immediate and long-term postoperative course was uneventful with regression of PHT. Through analysis of this case and a review of the literature, we discuss the clinical, paraclinical, therapeutic, and prognostic features of this lesion. Copyright © 2010. Published by Elsevier Masson SAS.

  1. [Bile duct lesions in laparoscopic cholecystectomy]. (United States)

    Siewert, J R; Ungeheuer, A; Feussner, H


    Laparoscopic cholecystectomy is both resulting in a slightly higher incidence of biliary lesions and a change of prevalence of the type of lesions. Damage to the biliary system occurs in 4 different types: The most severe case is the lesion with a structural defect of the hepatic or common bile duct with (IVa) or without (IVb) vascular injury. Tangential lesions without structural loss of the duct should be denominated as type III (IIIa with additional lesion to the vessels, type IIIb without). Type II comprehends late strictures without obvious intraoperative trauma to the duct. Type I includes immediate biliary fistulae of usually good prognosis. The increasing prevalence of structural defects of the bile ducts appears to be a peculiarity of laparoscopic cholecystectomy necessitating highly demanding operative repair. In the majority of cases, hepatico-jejunostomy or even intraparenchymatous anastomoses are required. Adaptation of well proven principles of open surgery is the best prevention of biliary lesions in laparoscopic cholecystectomy as well as the readiness to convert early to the open procedure.

  2. Energy indices in irrigated wheat production under conservation and conventional tillage and planting methods

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    S. M Hosseini


    Full Text Available Introduction: Conservation tillage system was recommended for soil erosion control in North America for the first time 60 years ago (Wang et al., 2006. Using this tillage system including minimum and zero tillage has been rapidly developed in recent years. Thearea covered by zero tillage in 2006 was 95 million ha all over the world (Dumanski et al., 2006. In addition to saving soil and water resources, conservation tillage system reduces energy consumption and improves energy indices by combining different tillage and planting operations. Results of research conducted in Fars province shows that conservation tillage saves fuel consumption for 77% compared to the conventional system (Afzalinia et al., 2009. Conservation tillage also reduces energy consumption from 23.6 to 42.8% in comparison to the conventional tillage (Rusu, 2005. Since energy indices would be affected by reduced input energies in conservation tillage, this research was conducted to evaluate the effect of different tillage and planting methods on energy inputs and energy indices in irrigated wheat production in Eghlid region. Materials and Methods: This research was performed to evaluate and compare the energy indices in irrigated wheat production under different tillage and planting methods. The study was conducted in the form of a randomized complete block experimental design with five treatments and three replications in Eghlid region. The treatments were included, conventional tillage and seed broadcasting (A, conventional tillage and planting with Machine Barzegar grain drill (B, reduced tillage and seeding with Roto-seeder (C, direct seeding with Jairan Sanaat grain drill (D, and direct seeding with Sfoggia direct drill (E. Experimental plots with 10 by 50 m dimensions were used in this study. Loss crop residues were taken out of the experimental plots and standing crop residues were retained in the plots. In the conventional tillage method, primary tillage was performed

  3. La sociedad de los espejos rotos: apuntes para una sociología de la gaycidad

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    Ernesto Meccia

    Full Text Available Este artículo presenta evidencias empíricas y elementos conceptuales para construir la noción de "gaycidad", entendida como una experiencia social distinguible de la experiencia social homosexual. La hipótesis principal sostiene que la gaycidad es heredera de procesos de des-diferenciación social que posibilitan procesos diferenciadores al interior del mundo gay. Si bien está referida a la ciudad argentina de Buenos Aires, aporta reflexiones tendientes a la comparación con otros grandes centros metropolitanos de la región latinoamericana.

  4. Remote hemorrhage from the site of craniotomy Hemorragia à distância da área da craniotomia

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    José Alberto Landeiro


    Full Text Available Postoperative intracranial hemorrhage is a serious and sometimes a fatal neurosurgical complication. Hemorrhage occurring at regions remote from the site of intracranial operations comprises an uncommon affection, most ignored by the assistant physicians. It bares a still incomprehensive pathophysiology, despite several theories trying to explain it. Looks like a common sense that the presence of the remote site hemorrhage cannot be related to concomitant presence of hypertension, coagulopathy or undiscovered lesions. We report three cases of postoperative hemorrhages occurring in a remote site of supratentorial craniotomies, two patients presented cavernous sinus meningeoma and one patient was submitted to intracranial vascular surgery.Hemorragia intracraniana de ocorrência em pós-operatório é grave complicação das cirurgias intracranianas. O aparecimento de foco hemorrágico em regiões distantes ao sítio operatório original é considerado incomum, e muitas vezes ignorado pelos médicos assistentes. A fisiopatologia envolvida no processo não é de todo compreendida, apesar das diversas teorias já propostas. São apresentados três casos de hemorragia á distancia da área cirúrgica, no pós-operatório de dois pacientes portadores de meningeoma do seio cavernoso e de um submetido à clipagem de aneurisma intracraniano.

  5. PTC-6 vacuum system: WallWalker{trademark} and Blastrac{reg_sign} shot blast cleaning system

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The LTC Americas, Inc. wall decontamination technology consisted of two pneumatic hand-held tools: (1) a roto-peen scaler that used star cutters and (2) a 3-piston hammer with reciprocating bits. The hand-held tools were used in conjunction with the LTC PTC-6 vacuum system which captured dust and debris as the wall decontamination took place. Recommendations for improved worker safety and health during use of the PTC-6 vacuum system with hand-held tools include: (1) keeping all hoses and lines as orderly as possible in compliance with good housekeeping requirements; (2) ergonomic training to include techniques in lifting, bending, stooping, twisting, etc.; (3) use of a clamping system to hold hoses to the vacuum system; (4) a safety line on the air line connections; (5) use of a mechanical lifting system for waste drum removal; and (6) the use of ergonomically designed tools.

  6. PTC-6 vacuum system: WallWaler trademark Blastrac reg-sign shot blast cleaning system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The LTC Americas, Inc. wall decontamination technology consisted of two pneumatic hand-held tools: (1) a roto-peen scaler that used star cutters and (2) a 3-piston hammer with reciprocating bits. The hand-held tools were used in conjunction with the LTC PTC-6 vacuum system which captured dust and debris as the wall decontamination took place. Recommendations for improved worker safety and health during use of the PTC-6 vacuum system with hand-held tools include: (1) keeping all hoses and lines as orderly as possible in compliance with good housekeeping requirements; (2) ergonomic training to include techniques in lifting, bending, stooping, twisting, etc.; (3) use of a clamping system to hold hoses to the vacuum system; (4) a safety line on the air line connections; (5) use of a mechanical lifting system for waste drum removal; and (6) the use of ergonomically designed tools

  7. Reacción anafiláctica secundaria a quiste hidatídico hepático roto


    Morales G,Juan L; Tapia C,Claudio; Muñoz C,César; Otero V,Eduardo; Rebolledo R,Ricardo


    La hidatidosis es una enfermedad parasitaria, zoonótica y endémica de gran importancia en nuestro país. El quiste hidatídico no complicado suele ser asintomático y es más frecuente encontrarlo en población adulta, siendo infrecuente su diagnóstico en la población pediátrica. Presentamos el caso de una paciente de 4 años de edad derivada al Servicio de Urgencia del Hospital de Chillán por cuadro de abdomen agudo posterior a trauma abdominal con manubrio de bicicleta, cuyo estudio tomográfico r...

  8. A case of the hepatic hilar bile duct cancer with external radiation. Efficacy and severe side effect of external radiation therapy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Andoh, Hideaki; Yasui, Ouki; Ise, Norihito


    Hepatic hilar bile duct cancer was difficult to cure by surgical treatment and its prognosis was very poor. We present the case of non-curative resection of hepatic hilar bile duct cancer, controlled with external radiation. 72 years-old-female, she complained jaundice and diagnosed hepatic hilar bile duct cancer with abdominal ultrasonography. Hepatic hilar resection was performed but curative resection could not be done, because cancer was diffusely spreaded to the hepatic and duodenal ends of the bile duct. After surgery, external radiation (1.8 Gy/day; total 50.4 Gy) was performed. Three months after operation, sometimes, cholangitis was occurred but we could not detect the intrahepatic bile duct dilatation and improved with antibiotics. After seven months, she was dead for sepsis, liver abscess and biliary cirrhosis. From autopsy findings, severe hepatic hilar fibrosis around the irradiation area, stenosis of the hepatico-jejunostomy and portal vein were existed but could not detect the remnant cancer cells. External radiation was sometimes effective, especially for this case. But we should consider the side effect of fibrosis and preventive treatments such as biliary stenting or early biliary drainage. (author)

  9. A case of the hepatic hilar bile duct cancer with external radiation. Efficacy and severe side effect of external radiation therapy

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Andoh, Hideaki; Yasui, Ouki; Ise, Norihito [Akita Univ. (Japan). School of Medicine


    Hepatic hilar bile duct cancer was difficult to cure by surgical treatment and its prognosis was very poor. We present the case of non-curative resection of hepatic hilar bile duct cancer, controlled with external radiation. 72 years-old-female, she complained jaundice and diagnosed hepatic hilar bile duct cancer with abdominal ultrasonography. Hepatic hilar resection was performed but curative resection could not be done, because cancer was diffusely spreaded to the hepatic and duodenal ends of the bile duct. After surgery, external radiation (1.8 Gy/day; total 50.4 Gy) was performed. Three months after operation, sometimes, cholangitis was occurred but we could not detect the intrahepatic bile duct dilatation and improved with antibiotics. After seven months, she was dead for sepsis, liver abscess and biliary cirrhosis. From autopsy findings, severe hepatic hilar fibrosis around the irradiation area, stenosis of the hepatico-jejunostomy and portal vein were existed but could not detect the remnant cancer cells. External radiation was sometimes effective, especially for this case. But we should consider the side effect of fibrosis and preventive treatments such as biliary stenting or early biliary drainage. (author)

  10. Schoen manifold with line bundles as resolved magnetized orbifolds

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Groot Nibbelink, Stefan [Muenchen Univ. (Germany). Arnold Sommerfeld Center for Theoretical Physics; Vaudrevange, Patrick K.S. [Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY), Hamburg (Germany)


    We give an alternative description of the Schoen manifold as the blow-up of a Z{sub 2} x Z{sub 2} orbifold in which one Z{sub 2} factor acts as a roto-translation. Since for this orbifold the fixed tori are only identified in pairs but not orbifolded, four-dimensional chirality can never be obtained using standard techniques alone. However, chirality is recovered when its tori become magnetized. To exemplify this, we construct an SU(5) GUT on the Schoen manifold with Abelian gauge fluxes, which becomes an MSSM with three generations after an appropriate Wilson line is associated to its freely acting involution. We reproduce this model as a standard orbifold CFT of the (partially) blown down Schoen manifold with a magnetic flux. Finally, in analogy to a proposal for non-perturbative heterotic models by Aldazabal et al. we suggest modifications to the heterotic orbifold spectrum formulae in the presence of magnetized tori.

  11. El cine como reivindicación de la memoria individual y colectiva. Directoras húngaras del periodo comunista

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    Cruzado Rodríguez, Ángeles


    Full Text Available This article takes a look at the most prominent women filmmakers of communist Hungary, emphasising both their common features and specificities, in order to highlight their contribution to Hungarian film history. In general, they are transgressive filmmakers, having broken the conventions established by the communist regime and tried to offer a new vision of history, based on their own experience.

    El artículo realiza un acercamiento a las directoras de cine más relevantes de la etapa comunista en Hungría, destacando sus características comunes así como las especificidades de cada una, en un intento por poner en valor su contribución a la historia del cine de su país. Por lo general, se trata de mujeres transgresoras, que han roto las convenciones establecidas por el régimen y han tratado de ofrecer una nueva visión de la historia, partiendo de su propia experiencia.

  12. Antioxidant activity, fatty acid profile and tocopherols of Tamarindus indica L. seeds

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    Débora Maria Moreno Luzia


    Full Text Available This study aimed to characterize Tamarindus indica L. seeds regarding its composition and to evaluate its antioxidant potential, fatty acid profile and content of tocopherols. In order to obtain the extract, the dried and crushed seeds were extracted with ethanol for 30 minutes in a 1:3 seeds: ethanol ratio under continuous stirring at room temperature. After that, the mixtures were filtered and subjected to roto-evaporation at 40 ºC in order to determine, through direct weighing, the dry matter yields of the extracts. According to the results, Tamarindus indica L. seeds showed high content of total carbohydrates (71.91% and offered relevant content and antioxidant activity of phenolic compounds. Tamarindus indica L. seeds oil presents high oxidative stability (15.83 hours and significant total tocopherol content (57.77, besides presenting a higher percentage of unsaturated fatty acids - the main component being linolenic (59.61%, which is considered an essential fatty acid.

  13. Selectivity in the inelastic rotational scattering of D2 and HD molecules from graphite: Similarities and differences respect to the H2 case (United States)

    Rutigliano, Maria; Pirani, Fernando


    The inelastic scattering of D2 and HD molecules impinging on a graphite surface in well-defined initial roto-vibrational states has been studied by using the computational setup recently developed to characterize important selectivities in the molecular dynamics occurring at the gas-surface interface. In order to make an immediate comparison of determined elastic and inelastic scattering probabilities, we considered for D2 and HD molecules the same initial states, as well as the same collision energy range, previously selected for the investigation of H2 behaviour. The analysis of the back-scattered molecules shows that, while low-lying initial vibrational states are preserved, the medium-high initial ones give rise to final states covering the complete ladder of vibrational levels, although with different probability for the various cases investigated. Moreover, propensities in the formation of the final rotational states are found to depend strongly on the initial ones, on the collision energy, and on the isotopologue species.


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    V. MOISE


    Full Text Available The efficiency of forage production machinery system is partially reflected in someclassical economical indices, because the real efficiency of mechanical tillageutilization at forage harvesting and preparation must be reflected in the foragequality increasing and feed superior valorization by the farm livestock. An area of7.8 alfalfa ha was harvested with U-650M tractor and ROTO 165 rotary mower andwith U-650M tractor and Zakaz rotary mower at different speeds in field work.Average values of the speed in parcel work, work effective capacity, work capacityduring shift, specific work capacity on cutter width, fuel consume per land unit, andspecific fuel consume per mass unit were determined for each speed in field work.Power matching between the tractor and the mower do not always meet therequirements when forming harvesting mechanized systems. Classical mowers withcommon cutting units do not sufficiently load the U-650M tractor existing inmany Romanian farms, which determines an unfavorable functioning regime ofthe tractor engine correlated with increased fuel consumes.

  15. Numerical simulation of 3D unsteady flow in a rotating pump by dynamic mesh technique

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Huang, S; Guo, J; Yang, F X


    In this paper, the numerical simulation of unsteady flow for three kinds of typical rotating pumps, roots blower, roto-jet pump and centrifugal pump, were performed using the three-dimensional Dynamic Mesh technique. In the unsteady simulation, all the computational domains, as stationary, were set in one inertial reference frame. The motions of the solid boundaries were defined by the Profile file in FLUENT commercial code, in which the rotational orientation and speed of the rotors were specified. Three methods (Spring-based Smoothing, Dynamic Layering and Local Re-meshing) were used to achieve mesh deformation and re-meshing. The unsteady solutions of flow field and pressure distribution were solved. After a start-up stage, the flow parameters exhibit time-periodic behaviour corresponding to blade passing frequency of rotor. This work shows that Dynamic Mesh technique could achieve numerical simulation of three-dimensional unsteady flow field in various kinds of rotating pumps and have a strong versatility and broad application prospects

  16. In situ measurement system of electric resistivity for outcrop investigation; Roto de shiyodekiru denkihi teiko keisoku system

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Nakagawa, K; Tamura, T [Osaka City Univ., Osaka (Japan). Faculty of Science; Morikawa, T [Osaka Prefectural Government, Osaka (Japan)


    A simplified electrical resistivity measuring device has been developed as a trial for field and laboratory uses, and some measurements were conducted. For this device, four probe electrodes are penetrated in the clay specimen, to calculate the resistivity from the voltage between both ends of the reference resistance connected with current electrodes in a series and the voltage between intermediate two voltage electrodes. It can be used in the field measurements. For the measurements, specimens of marine and lacustrine clayey sediments with clear stratigraphic levels in southern Osaka Group were used. In the laboratory, in addition to basic physical tests, diatom analysis and measurements of conductivity of clay suspension were also conducted. As a result of the experiments, the electric resistivity of marine clay obtained at the outcrop was lower than lacustrine clay as expected. The value of the former was a half of that of the latter. The frequency dependence in the high frequency region above 1 MHz was the reverse. The difference in electrical resistivity values between non-agitated specimens was about four times. The electrical resistivity of clay suspensions varied in two orders. 3 refs., 9 figs.

  17. [Spontaneous bile duct perforation: a rare cause of acute abdominal pain during childhood]. (United States)

    Ozdemir, Tunç; Akgül, Ahsen Karagözlü; Arpaz, Yağmur; Arikan, Ahmet


    Spontaneous perforation of the bile duct (SPBD) is a rare cause of acute abdominal pain during childhood. Pancreatico-biliary malfunction has been postulated to contribute to its etiology. Factors related to diagnosis and treatment and difference from the other common causes of acute abdominal pain are emphasized. Five patients (3 boys, 2 girls, mean age 4.6) were admitted with peritonitis and operated with initial diagnosis of perforated appendicitis. During laparotomy, SPBD was detected. Presentation, laboratory findings and operative technique of the patients were evaluated retrospectively. Common complaints were abdominal pain and bilious vomiting. Abdominal distention was present in all patients. Leukocytosis and mild hyperbilirubinemia were detected in 5, elevated serum transaminase levels in 4, hyperglycemia in 1 and constipation in 1 patient(s). Abdominal ultrasonography showed a large amount of free fluid. During laparotomy, sterile bile peritonitis was detected initially. After exploration, SPBD was seen. T-tube drainage of the bile duct was carried out. Patients were discharged after removal of the T-tubes. Pancreatico-biliary malfunction was detected in 4 of 5 patients. In patients with generalized peritonitis, elevated transaminase levels and hyperbilirubinemia, SPBD must be considered. Even though the T-tube drainage is the treatment of choice, Roux-en-Y hepatico-portoenterostomy may be mandatory in certain patients.

  18. Surface-hopping trajectories for OH(A{sup 2}Σ{sup +}) + Kr: Extension to the 1A″ state

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Perkins, T.; McCrudden, G.; Brouard, M., E-mail: [The Department of Chemistry, The Physical and Theoretical Chemistry Laboratory, University of Oxford, South Parks Road, Oxford OX1 3QZ (United Kingdom); Herráez-Aguilar, D.; Aoiz, F.J., E-mail: [Departamento de Química Física, Facultad de Química, Universidad Complutense, 28040 Madrid (Spain); Kłos, J., E-mail: [Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland 20742 (United States)


    We present a new trajectory surface hopping study of the rotational energy transfer and collisional quenching of electronically excited OH(A) radicals by Kr. The trajectory surface hopping calculations include both electronic coupling between the excited 2{sup 2}A′ and ground 1{sup 2}A′ electronic states, as well as Renner-Teller and Coriolis roto-electronic couplings between the 1{sup 2}A′ and 1{sup 2}A″, and the 2{sup 2}A′ and 1{sup 2}A″ electronic states, respectively. The new calculations are shown to lead to a noticeable improvement in the agreement between theory and experiment in this system, particularly with respect to the OH(X) rotational and Λ-doublet quantum state populations, compared with a simpler two-state treatment, which only included the electronic coupling between the 2{sup 2}A′ and 1{sup 2}A′ states. Discrepancies between the predictions of theory and experiment do however remain, and could arise either due to errors in the potential energy surfaces and couplings employed, or due to the limitations in the classical treatment of non-adiabatic effects.

  19. Towards Forming a Primordial Protostar in a Cosmological AMR Simulation (United States)

    Turk, Matthew J.; Abel, Tom; O'Shea, Brian W.


    Modeling the formation of the first stars in the universe is a well-posed problem and ideally suited for computational investigation.We have conducted high-resolution numerical studies of the formation of primordial stars. Beginning with primordial initial conditions appropriate for a ΛCDM model, we used the Eulerian adaptive mesh refinement code (Enzo) to achieve unprecedented numerical resolution, resolving cosmological scales as well as sub-stellar scales simultaneously. Building on the work of Abel, Bryan and Norman (2002), we followed the evolution of the first collapsing cloud until molecular hydrogen is optically thick to cooling radiation. In addition, the calculations account for the process of collision-induced emission (CIE) and add approximations to the optical depth in both molecular hydrogen roto-vibrational cooling and CIE. Also considered are the effects of chemical heating/cooling from the formation/destruction of molecular hydrogen. We present the results of these simulations, showing the formation of a 10 Jupiter-mass protostellar core bounded by a strongly aspherical accretion shock. Accretion rates are found to be as high as one solar mass per year.

  20. Eficiencia y disimetría: El caso bioético de la máquina de vapor y de la idea de Carnot

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    Ingeborg Carvajal Freese


    Full Text Available Sin lugar a dudas, la máquina de vapor representa un prototipo de aquellas iniciativas tecnológicas que parecían destinadas a cumplir el sueño de progreso, poder y control ilimitados. Sadi Carnot visualizó en la energía de vapor el motor universal e intuyó que de ahí en adelante el mundo irrevocablemente se fracturaría en dos: por un lado permanecerían, estáticos y atrasados, los pueblos primitivos productores de calor; por el otro, avanzarían de manera acelerada los hombres civilizados poseedores de la nueva máquina generadora de trabajo. Aún hoy, cuando el mito tecnológico del progreso ilimitado se ha roto, las brechas sociales siguen indefectiblemente vinculadas a los inventos que se traducen en una redistribución de la energía. Corresponde a la Bioética hacer visibles los ámbitos que se afectan cuando la eficiencia técnica se transmuta en valor y las disimetrías concomitantes se difunden y se amplifican por doquier.

  1. New insights into the 2012 Emilia (Italy) seismic sequence through advanced numerical modeling of ground deformation InSAR measurements (United States)

    Tizzani, P.; Castaldo, R.; Solaro, G.; Pepe, S.; Bonano, M.; Casu, F.; Manunta, M.; Manzo, M.; Pepe, A.; Samsonov, S.; Lanari, R.; Sansosti, E.


    We provide new insights into the two main seismic events that occurred in 2012 in the Emilia region, Italy. We extend the results from previous studies based on analytical inversion modeling of GPS and RADARSAT-1 InSAR measurements by exploiting RADARSAT-2 data. Moreover, we benefit from the available large amount of geological and geophysical information through finite element method (FEM) modeling implemented in a structural-mechanical context to investigate the impact of known buried structures on the modulation of the ground deformation field. We find that the displacement pattern associated with the 20 May event is consistent with the activation of a single fault segment of the inner Ferrara thrust, in good agreement with the analytical solution. In contrast, the interpretation of the 29 May episode requires the activation of three different fault segments and a block roto-translation of the Mirandola anticline. The proposed FEM-based methodology is applicable to other seismic areas where the complexity of buried structures is known and plays a fundamental role in the modulation of the associated surface deformation pattern.

  2. Physiopathological aspects of cerebral vasospasm by ruptured intracranial aneurysm. Aspectos fisiopatologicos do vasoespasmo cerebral por aneurisma intracranial roto

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Andrade, F.E.P.D. de; Novaes, V; Novis, S P [Hospital Municipal Souza Aguiar, Rio de Janeiro, RJ (Brazil) Clinica Sao Vicente, Rio de Janeiro, RJ (Brazil)


    A short revision is presented. The comprehension of the mechanisms how sub arachnoidal hemorrhage gives angiopathy from aneurysmal rupture (cause of death in 30% of the patients although the treatment clinical or surgical, was done) is studied. An evaluation of the diagnosis techniques used in brain vasospasm is also commented. (M.A.C.).

  3. Rheological and thermophysical properties of blackberry juice Propriedades reológicas e termofísicas de suco de amora

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    Renato Alexandre Ferreira Cabral


    Full Text Available Rheological and thermophysical properties were determined for blackberry juice, which was produced from blackberry fruit at 9.1 ± 0.5 °Brix and density of 1.0334 ± 0.0043 g cm-3. The concentration process was performed using a roto evaporator, under vacuum, to obtain concentrated juice at about 60 °Brix. In order to obtain different concentrations, concentrated juice was diluted with distilled water. Rheological measurements were carried out using a Rheotest 2.1 Searle type rheometer. In the tested ranges, the samples behaved as pseudoplastic fluids, and the Power-Law model was satisfactorily fitted to the experimental data. The friction factor was measured for blackberry juice in laminar flow conditions of pseudoplastic behavior. Thermal conductivity, thermal diffusivity and density of blackberry juice at 9.4 to 58.4 °Brix were determined, in triplicate, at 0.5 to 80.8 °C. Polynomial regression was performed to fit experimental data obtaining a good fit. Both temperature and concentration showed a strong influence on thermophysical properties of blackberry juice. Calculated apparent specific heat values varied from 2.416 to 4.300 °C in the studied interval.As propriedades reológicas e termofísicas foram determinadas para suco de amora produzido a partir da fruta com 9.1 ± 0.5 °Brix e densidade de 1,0334 ± 0,0043 g cm-3. O processo de concentração foi realizado utilizando-se um roto evaporador, sob vácuo, obtendo-se o suco concentrado em aproximadamente 60 °Brix. As diferentes concentrações foram obtidas a partir da diluição do suco concentrado em água destilada. As medidas reológicas foram conduzidas utilizando-se o reômetro Rheotest 2.1 do tipo Searle. Em todos os experimentos as amostras apresentaram um comportamento pseudoplástico, e o modelo da Lei da Potência foi ajustado satisfatoriamente aos dados experimentais. O fator de atrito foi medido para o suco em regime laminar com comportamento pseudopl

  4. Seis poemas inéditos

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    Alda Merini


    Full Text Available Alda Merini nace en Milán el 21 de marzo de 1931, y comienza a escribir muy pronto. Gracias al aprecio de amigos y escritores -entre los cuales se hallaban Giorgio Manganelli, David Maria Turoldo, Maria Corti, Luciano Erba-, algunos de sus poemas aparecen en Antología de la poesía italiana 1909-1949, al cuidado de Giacinto Spagnoletti, publicada en 1950. Otros poemas se incluyeron en el libro Poetisas del siglo xx (1951, a cargo de Giovanni Sheiwiller. Su primer libro publicado es La presencia de Orfeo (1953, bien acogido por los mejores exponentes de la poesía italiana, como Quasimodo, Montale, Pasolini... A este seguirán los volúmenes: Miedo de Dios y Nupcias romanas, ambos publicados en 1955. Merini contrae matrimonio con Ettore Carniti en 1953. Durante los años siguientes nacerán dos de sus hijas. En 1961 se publica Tú eres Pedro, obra que cierra el primer período de su producción poética. Seguirá un largo intervalo marcado por un debilitamiento emocional que llevará a Alda Merini, de 1965 a 1972, a someterse a largos períodos de internamiento en el Instituto Psiquiátrico Paolo Pini. Nacerán durante estos años dos hijas más. En el hospital escribe esporádicamente por recomendación de los médicos; pero a partir de 1979 inicia una nueva etapa creativa: la reflexión sobre la devastadora experiencia en el manicomio hace nacer los poemas que sólo verán la luz en 1984, cuando Scheiwiller los da a conocer bajo el título La Tierra Santa, obra maestra que en 1993 obtendrá el Premio Librex Montale. [...] Los poemas que ahora presentamos, inéditos hasta el momento en castellano, pertenecen a uno de sus últimos poemarios, Padre mio (Frassinelli, 2009, y pueden considerarse un avance de la traducción que publicará el próximo otoño la editorial Vaso Roto de manos de la traductora Jeannette Lozano Clariond. A esta traductora, gran conocedora de la obra de Alda Merini, se deben también las ediciones de títulos como

  5. Abordagem Tardia do Trauma de Pênis: Relato de Caso/Late Approach of Penile Trauma: Case Report.

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    Miria Freitas Andrade


    Full Text Available Introdução: A fratura de pênis trata-se de uma urgência urológica incomum e pode ser definida como trauma peniano fechado que resulta na ruptura da túnica albugínea. A apresentação clínica do quadro é descrita pelo paciente como um “estalido” ocorrido pelo rompimento do corpo cavernoso, acompanhado de dor, detumescência peniana imediata, edema e hematoma. Durante o exame observa-se o desvio peniano para o lado oposto ao da fratura. O diagnóstico da fratura peniana é clínico. O tratamento preconizado seria a intervenção cirúrgica com identificação do local do trauma, evacuação do hematoma, hemostasia e sutura do corpo cavernoso. Devendo ser associado antibioticoterapia profilática. Casuística: O presente relato tem como objetivo descrever um quadro atípico de fratura de pênis em que o paciente não apresentou “estalido”, nem detumescência como nos casos relatados na literatura. Além disso, a conduta tomada frente ao trauma foi diferenciada, visto que a abordagem cirúrgica ocorreu 18 dias após a fratura. Discussão: O tratamento preconizado, de intervenção cirúrgica imediata foi contraindicada em decorrência do edema volumoso que o paciente apresentava no momento do atendimento inicial. A equipe médica optou por reduzir o edema com o uso de anti-inflamatórios e a abordagem cirúrgica foi realizada tardiamente. Diferentemente do que foi encontrado na literatura, a intervenção cirúrgica é preconizada como tratamento imediato. Conclusão: Concluiu-se que a conduta adotada, reduzir o edema local e abordar cirurgicamente em um segundo momento, foi bem indicada uma vez que o paciente apresentou uma boa evolução. Introduction: The penis fracture is an unusual urological emergency and can be defined as closed penile trauma resulting in rupture of the tunica albuginea. The clinical presentation of the patient table is described as a "click" occurred by disruption of the corpus cavernosum, followed by pain

  6. The broken mirror. Metafiction in anglosaxon tv series / El espejo roto: la metaficción en las series anglosajonas

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    Alberto Nahum García Martínez


    Full Text Available This article examines how, coming from different aesthetic and generic directions, a representative portion of Anglosaxon television series build up their stories by means of breaking –at different levels– the illusionist mirror that characterizes traditional fiction. In this way, they are –implicitly or explicitly– reflecting on the conventions of Realism. The article begins by exposing some theoretical issues about the concept of metafiction. Featuring examples collected since 2001, there follows cartographic research into all the possibilities that metafictional tv-series can harbor: a manipulative narrator, the juxtaposition of diegetical worlds, television as thematic seed for innovative stories, the hybrid game of self-consciousness and, lastly, the direct appeal to the audience’s attention as the major reflective device used by contemporary anglosaxon television series up to now.El artículo estudia cómo, desde diversas propuestas estéticas y genéricas, una porción significativa de la serialidad televisiva anglosajona construye sus tramas rompiendo –en diversos grados– el espejo ilusionista de la ficción y reflexionando así –implícita o explícitamente– sobre las convenciones del realismo. La investigación comienza sentando las bases teóricas de la metaficción. Después, ayudado por ejemplos extraídos desde el año 2001, se traza un repaso cartográfico a sus diferentes posibilidades: la contraposición de mundos diegéticos, la presencia de un narrador que manipula el relato, la propia televisión como semilla temática para nuevas ficciones, el juego híbrido de la autoconsciencia y, por último, la apelación directa al espectador como el mayor alarde reflexivo que se permiten las series anglosajonas contemporáneas.

  7. Curvas de titulación potencio métrica ácido-base de una bentonita

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    Liz Adriana Pinilla Cuenca


    Full Text Available Se estudió el comportamiento acido- base de una bentonita colombiana proveniente del Valle del Cauca, medianteexperimentos de titulación potenciométrica. Se escogió el método de titulación por retroceso, ya que la técnica de titulación continua no produce una curva única de valoración.La curva de titulación muestra tres puntos de inflexión, establecidos mediante los máximos en la curva derivada, envalores de pH de 4,8; 6,2 y 6,8, que indican tres tipos de sitios ácidos, identificados con los mecanismos de intercambioiónico presentes en la bentonita. El primer sitio ácido, y el más fuerte, se manifiesta como un mecanismo de sustitución de los iones interlaminares, de la estructura 2: 1, por iones H +. El segundo y el tercero son consecuencia de sitios de enlaces rotos o defectos de la red cristalina localizados en bordes y aristas, que originan sitios de acomplejamientosuperficial de dos tipos: silanol (=SiOH y aluminol (=A10H

  8. Steam generator inspection activities at the EPRI NDE Center

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Krzywosz, K.


    Various types of corrosion and mechanical damage continue to affect the availability of both recirculating and once-through steam generators. Both the tube bundle and its supporting structure are affected. Intergranular attack and stress corrosion cracking (SCC) are the corrosion-assisted tube-wall damage mechanisms of most concern at this time. Fatigue cracking and fretting at antivibration bars are currently the mechanical damage forms causing most concern. Improved NDE equipment and techniques are providing better detection and characterization of adverse conditions within the steam generators and doing it at an earlier stage. This allows timely corrective action. To maintain the projected life expectancy of existing and new steam generators, remedial measures have been implemented. These measures include shot- or roto-peening, U-bend stress relief, chemical cleaning of secondary side, and sleeving of tubes. The improved NDE technology will also be instrumental in monitoring and assessing the effectiveness of the remedial measures. The revision of guidance documents for steam generator in-service inspection (ISI) is providing more relevant information to support this complex operation. A multitasked project is described that includes evaluation of steam generator tube NDE technology, transfer of this technology to utilities, and rapid response utility assistance

  9. Un sistema experto basado en minería de datos y programación entera lineal para soporte en la asignación de materias y diseño de horarios en educación superior

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    Daniel Calle-López


    Full Text Available En general, varias de las organizaciones tienden a manejar la asignación de cargas horarias de sus empleados de manera tradicional (imposición de una jornada de trabajo de 8. Todo esto a fin de mantener cierto control sobre variables como asistencia y ausentismo del personal e incluso en algunos casos considerando aquello como sinónimo de eficacia laboral. Sin embargo, la nueva tendencia organizacional ha roto ciertos paradigmas  con orientación mecanicista, pretendiendo crear un nuevo horizonte hacia la construcción de organizaciones orgánicas y dinámicas. Por lo expuesto, en este artículo se describe una propuesta de sistema experto basado en programación entera lineal y minería de datos para abordar el problema de asignación de materias y el diseño de horarios (considerado un problema NP-completo. Los resultados preliminares son alentadores, ya que han permitido realizar la asignación de materias en una base de 133.000 registros de docentes y generar horarios con un mínimo de coste computacional.

  10. Juventud, memoria y derechos en tiempos de crisis. Una reflexión desde la crítica literaria de Walter Benjamin y la generación perdida de “Historias del Kronen”

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    Albert Noguera Fernández


    Full Text Available A partir de la obra del crítico literario Walter Benjamin el presente artículo explica cómo la recuperación de la Memoria histórica y su conexión con el presente constituye un elemento indispensable para poder construir un proyecto político colectivo capaz de recuperar la democracia, los derechos y la justicia social hoy desmantelados con la muerte del Estado constitucional en Europa. Este objetivo implica poner sobre la mesa dos cuestiones complejas. La primera es la implicación en este proyecto de una generación de jóvenes desencantada que ha roto todos los lazos con los valores políticos y sociales de las generaciones anteriores y que construye sus referentes vitales y modelos a seguir a través del consumismo y sus imaginarios. Generación descrita muy sugerentemente por la novela, después película, Historias del Kronen. La segunda es la referida a los usos o tratamiento que hay que dar a la Memoria para convertirla en un instrumento útil para el fin planteado.

  11. Dexmedetomidine for awake craniotomy without laryngeal mask Dexmedetomidina em craniotomias com o paciente acordado sem o emprego de máscara laríngea

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    Antonio Nogueira de Almeida


    Full Text Available OBJETIVE: This paper reports the use of dexmedetomidine in three epileptic patients with cavernous angiomas that underwent awake surgery in order to map their speech areas. METHOD:Loading dose of dexmedetomidine varied from 1 mug/Kg/h to 3 mug/Kg/h over 20 minutes and maintenance dose from 0.4 mug/Kg/h to 0,8 mug/Kg/h. RESULTS: There was no occurrence of hemodynamic instability, convulsions or respiratory depression. Patients tolerated well the procedure. CONCLUSION: Dexmedetomidine was useful for awake craniotomy as it decreased patients’ level of consciousness but did not produce agitation. Laryngeal mask was not necessary to keep air ventilation.OBJETIVO: Este trabalho relata o uso de desmedetomidina em três pacientes com angiomas cavernosos próximos a área de linguagem e epilepsia que foram operados acordados para mapeamento cortical. MÉTODO: A dose de ataque de dexmedetomidina variou de 1 mig/Kg/h a 3 mig/Kg/h durante 20 minutos e dose de manutenção de 0,4 mig/Kg/h a 0,8 mig/Kg/h. RESULTADOS: Os pacientes toleraram bem o procedimento e não houve instabilidade hemodinâmica, convulsões ou depressão respiratória. CONCLUSÃO: Dexmedetomidina foi útil nas craniotomias com o paciente acordado para mapeamento cortical pois gerou sedação sem agitação. A máscara laríngea não foi necessária para manter a ventilação nesses pacientes.

  12. Schistosomal glomerular disease (a review

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    Zilton A. Andrade


    Full Text Available In this review paper schistosomal glomerulopathy is defined as an immune-complex disease. The disease appears in 12-15 per cent of the individuals with hepatosplenic schistosomiasis. Portal hypertension with collateral circulation helps the by pass of the hepatic clearance process and the parasite antigens can bind to antibodies in the circulation and be trapped in the renal glomerulus. Chronic membranousproliferative glomerulonephritis is the most commom lesion present and the nephrotic syndrome is the usual form of clinical presentation. The disease can be experimentally produced, and schistosomal antigens and antibodies, as well as complement, can be demonstrated in the glomerular lesions. Specific treatment of schistosomiasis does not seem to alter the clinical course of schistosomal nephropathy.A glomerulopatia esquistossomotica e um exemplo de doenca causada por complexos imunes. Ela se manifesta em 12 a 15% dos portadores de forma hepato-eplenica da esquistossomose. A hipertensao porta, com circulacao colateral, facilita a ultrapassagem do filtro hepatico e os antigenos esquistossomoticos podem se acoplar aos anticorpos na circulacao e vir a se depositar nos glomerulos. O tipo histologico mais frequente e a glomerulonefrite cronica membrano-proliferativa, geralmente com sindrome nefrotica. A doenca e passivel de reproducao experimental e os antigenos esquistossomoticos, os anticorpos e fracoes do complemento podem ser demonstrados nas lesoes glomerulares. O tratamento especifico da esquistossomose nao mostrou ate o momento a capacidade de alterar o curso da nefropatia.

  13. Fragment approach to constrained density functional theory calculations using Daubechies wavelets

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ratcliff, Laura E.; Genovese, Luigi; Mohr, Stephan; Deutsch, Thierry


    In a recent paper, we presented a linear scaling Kohn-Sham density functional theory (DFT) code based on Daubechies wavelets, where a minimal set of localized support functions are optimized in situ and therefore adapted to the chemical properties of the molecular system. Thanks to the systematically controllable accuracy of the underlying basis set, this approach is able to provide an optimal contracted basis for a given system: accuracies for ground state energies and atomic forces are of the same quality as an uncontracted, cubic scaling approach. This basis set offers, by construction, a natural subset where the density matrix of the system can be projected. In this paper, we demonstrate the flexibility of this minimal basis formalism in providing a basis set that can be reused as-is, i.e., without reoptimization, for charge-constrained DFT calculations within a fragment approach. Support functions, represented in the underlying wavelet grid, of the template fragments are roto-translated with high numerical precision to the required positions and used as projectors for the charge weight function. We demonstrate the interest of this approach to express highly precise and efficient calculations for preparing diabatic states and for the computational setup of systems in complex environments

  14. Cirugía laparoscópica de urgencia en el embarazo ectópico Emergency laparoscopic surgery in ectopic pregnancy

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    Ernesto Manuel Luzardo Silveira


    Full Text Available Se realizó un estudio descriptivo y prospectivo de 32 pacientes con embarazo ectópico, tratadas por medio de cirugía laparoscópica en el Hospital Clinicoquirúrgico Docente "Dr. Joaquín Castillo Duany" de Santiago de Cuba desde enero de 2003 hasta diciembre de 2008. Esa gestación anormal prevaleció en mujeres de 15-31 años, en las trompas (tubárico y en la forma complicada (roto. La técnica quirúrgica fue radical en la totalidad de la serie, lo cual garantizó la pronta recuperación de sus integrantes y el alta hospitalaria precoz, sin aumentar el riesgo de complicaciones.A descriptive and prospective study of 32 patients with ectopic pregnancy treated through laparoscopic surgery at "Dr Joaquín Castillo Duany" Teaching Clinical Surgical Hospital in Santiago de Cuba was carried out from January, 2003 to December, 2008. The abnormal gestation, which prevailed in the Fallopian tubes (uterotubal and in the complicated form (broken, was observed in women aged 15-31 years. Surgical technique was radical in the whole series. This guaranteed to patients their soon recovery as well as their earlier discharge from hospital, without increasing complication risks.

  15. Study of optical confinement of quantum cascade lasers and applications to detection

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Moreau, Virginie


    Quantum cascade lasers have been invented in 1994 and they have already established themselves as the semiconductor laser source of choice in the mid- and far-infrared ranges of the electromagnetic spectrum. As most molecules of chemical interest exhibit roto-vibrational transitions in these spectral ranges, quantum cascade lasers are especially suited for applications such as spectroscopy, trace gas detection or medical imaging. One of the current leading research axis targets the device optimization and miniaturization, with possible applications in detection microsystems. This PhD thesis work focused on the study and optimization of the vertical optical confinement in quantum cascade lasers featuring optical waveguides without top cladding layers. These structures are interesting because they are compatible with two different guiding mechanisms at the same time, i.e. surface-plasmons and air confinement. The study of the characteristics of the optical mode and of the electrical current dispersion allowed us to conceive original structures which open new perspectives, for instance in the domain of analytic detection in a fluidic environment. Furthermore, we have shown that the observation by near field microscopy is a powerful tool to characterize and understand quantum cascade lasers. Finally, we have laid the foundations for the optimization of miniaturized arrays of single-mode lasers based on photonic crystal technology. (author) [fr

  16. Experimental investigation of torsional vibration isolation using Magneto Rheological Elastomer

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    Praveen Shenoy K


    Full Text Available Rotating systems suffer from lateral and torsional vibrations which have detrimental effect on the roto-dynamic performance. Many available technologies such as vibration isolators and vibration absorbers deal with the torsional vibrations to a certain extent, however passive isolators and absorbers find less application when the input conditions are dynamic. The present work discusses use of a smart material called as Magneto Rheological Elastomer (MRE, whose properties can be changed based on magnetic field input, as a potential isolator for torsional vibrations under dynamic loading conditions. Carbonyl Iron Particles (CIP of average size 5 μm were mixed with RTV Silicone rubber to form the MRE. The effect of magnetic field on the system parameters was comprehended under impulse loading conditions using a custom built in-house system. Series arrangement of accelerometers were used to differentiate between the torsional and the bending modes of vibration of the system. Impact hammer tests were carried out on the torsional system to study its response, in the presence and absence of magnetic field. The tests revealed a shift in torsional frequency in the presence of magnetic field which elucidates the ability of MRE to work as a potential vibration isolator for torsional systems.

  17. Fragment approach to constrained density functional theory calculations using Daubechies wavelets

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ratcliff, Laura E., E-mail: [Argonne Leadership Computing Facility, Argonne National Laboratory, Lemont, Illinois 60439 (United States); Université de Grenoble Alpes, CEA, INAC-SP2M, L-Sim, F-38000 Grenoble (France); Genovese, Luigi; Mohr, Stephan; Deutsch, Thierry [Université de Grenoble Alpes, CEA, INAC-SP2M, L-Sim, F-38000 Grenoble (France)


    In a recent paper, we presented a linear scaling Kohn-Sham density functional theory (DFT) code based on Daubechies wavelets, where a minimal set of localized support functions are optimized in situ and therefore adapted to the chemical properties of the molecular system. Thanks to the systematically controllable accuracy of the underlying basis set, this approach is able to provide an optimal contracted basis for a given system: accuracies for ground state energies and atomic forces are of the same quality as an uncontracted, cubic scaling approach. This basis set offers, by construction, a natural subset where the density matrix of the system can be projected. In this paper, we demonstrate the flexibility of this minimal basis formalism in providing a basis set that can be reused as-is, i.e., without reoptimization, for charge-constrained DFT calculations within a fragment approach. Support functions, represented in the underlying wavelet grid, of the template fragments are roto-translated with high numerical precision to the required positions and used as projectors for the charge weight function. We demonstrate the interest of this approach to express highly precise and efficient calculations for preparing diabatic states and for the computational setup of systems in complex environments.

  18. IgG4-related sclerosing cholangitis overlapping with autoimmune hepatitis: Report of a case. (United States)

    Li, Hongyan; Sun, Li; Brigstock, David R; Qi, Lina; Gao, Runping


    IgG4-related sclerosing cholangitis (IgG4-SC) is the biliary manifestation of IgG4-related disease (IgG4-RD) but the presence of IgG4-SC in the porta hepatis is difficult to differentiate from hilar cholangiocarcinoma (HCCA). IgG4-related autoimmune hepatitis (IgG4-related AIH) is extremely rare and it is not fully clear whether IgG4-related AIH is a hepatic manifestation of IgG4-RD or a subtype of AIH. We present a rare case of a 52-year-old male who was admitted with obstructive jaundice and itchy skin. He primarily presented a severe bile duct stricture in the porta hepatis and an elevated serum level of carbohydrate antigen 19-9 (CA19-9) mimicking HCCA. The patient underwent a surgical resection of the left hepatic lobular and cholecyst as well as common bile duct with a right hepatico-jejunostomy. He was finally diagnosed as IgG4-SC accompanied with IgG4-related AIH by immunohistochemistry, but he lacked conventional autoantibodies. The patient responded well to steroid therapy and remains healthy with no signs of recurrence at six-month follow-up. This is the first case report that hepatic portal IgG4-SC overlapping with IgG4-related AIH without the presence of conventional autoantibodies. Additionally, we suggest that IgG4-RD should be always considered in case of a bile duct stricture in the porta hepatis to avoid unnecessary surgical operation. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.

  19. Morfologia dos órgãos genitais externos do macho de cutia (Dasyprocta aguti. Linnaeus, 1766

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    Danilo José Ayres de Menezes


    Full Text Available Foram utilizados vinte e três cutias (D. aguti, machos, adultos, adquiridos em criatórios científicos, legalmente licenciados pelo IBAMA, da Universidade Federal do Piauí - UFPI, Teresina, PI e da Escola Superior Agrícola de Mossoró - ESAM, Mossoró, RN, com o objetivo de descrever morfologicamente os órgãos genitais masculinos externos, abordando aspectos histológicos e macroscópicos destes órgãos. Foi realizada a dissecação dos órgãos genitais externos dos espécimes. Fragmentos foram coletados e submetidos ao processamento histológico de rotina para inclusão em parafina, os quais foram cortados e corados pelos métodos de H/E e Tricômico de Masson e observados em microscópio de luz. Os resultados mostraram que o pênis destes animais possui características do tipo fibrocavernoso, com grande quantidade de estruturas queratinizadas no seu ápice. No terço médio do pênis da cutia foi evidenciado uma flexura peniana em forma de "U" deitado; a glande do pênis encontra-se revestida por uma epiderme queratinizada contendo espículas córneas; um osso peniano substituindo o corpo cavernoso e um saco suburetral ventral, com dois longos esporões córneos no seu interior, estão presentes no pênis desses espécimes. Na região escrotal não se observa limites externos nítidos do escroto. Dorsalmente, abaixo da lâmina interna do prepúcio, próximo ao óstio prepucial, verifica-se um par de glândulas prepuciais.

  20. Etmoiditis complicada con celulitis orbitaria en un lactante

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    Odette Pantoja Pereda

    Full Text Available Se define la etmoiditis como la inflamación e infección de la mucosa de las celdas etmoidales. Se diagnostica clínicamente con la presencia de edema en el ángulo medial del ojo, que se extiende a las estructuras adyacentes. Estudios imagenológicos son necesarios para verificar la presencia de complicaciones, entre las que se citan el absceso orbitario, subperióstico, epidural, subdural, cerebral, tromboflebitis del seno cavernoso, meningoencefalitis y la muerte del paciente. Streptococcus pneumoniae, Staphylococcus aureus y Haemophilus influenzae son microorganismos frecuentemente responsables de este cuadro. Las complicaciones orbitarias en las etmoiditis, necesitan el diagnóstico y tratamiento precoz para evitar secuelas irreversibles. Se presenta el caso de un lactante masculino, de 1 mes y 26 días de nacido, que ingresa con fiebre, rinorrea serosa y rechazo al alimento. Evolutivamente se constata marcada obstrucción nasal, edema periorbitario izquierdo, rubor, calor, protrusión del globo ocular e irritabilidad, y se diagnostica etmoiditis complicada con celulitis orbitaria. Se realiza tomografía axial computarizada que informa seno etmoidal izquierdo ocupado por contenido de densidad líquida con celularidad (15-25 UH, engrosamiento de partes blandas de la pared interna de la órbita que abomba, comprime y desplaza la musculatura orbitaria, y se extiende al párpado y al ala izquierda de la nariz desviando tabique blando; así como ligera proptosis, y disminución de la densidad ósea de la pared interna de la cavidad orbitaria. Se toma muestra para cultivo y se aísla Staphylococcus aureus meticillin resistente. Se comentan los elementos diagnósticos y su tratamiento, con el objetivo de llamar la atención de los pediatras para lograr el diagnóstico y tratamiento oportuno.

  1. Leiomioma perianal. Reporte de un caso

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    Yorlenis C Uzcátegui R


    Full Text Available Los leiomiomas perianales son tumoraciones derivadas de células mesenquimales distribuidas por todo el cuerpo. Histológicamente se han clasificado en tres subtipos: vascular, no vascular y epiteloide. El subtipo vascular puede ser sólido, cavernoso o venoso. Los leiomiomas son raros en adultos, con incidencia de 0,1 %, generalmente se presentan entre la cuarta a sexta década de la vida con predominio en mujeres en caso de ser benignos. La forma de presentación más frecuente es un nódulo palpable, próximo al ano e indoloro. El diagnóstico se realiza según criterios histológicos e inmunohistoquímicos, además son útiles la ecografía endoanal y RMN. La exéresis es la primera opción terapéutica. Se presenta caso de paciente femenino de 41 años de edad, quien consulta por presentar nódulo palpable perianal derecho, con dolor a la palpación, de ocho meses de evolución, con valores normales de marcadores tumorales, el ultrasonido revela a nivel perianal derecho imagen sólida, hipocrómica (con tejido lineal fibroso, mide 4.82x 6.7x 6.87cm, la RMN muestra lesión ocupante de espacio en la misma ubicación, Doppler Color sin vascularización. Se efectuó exéresis de leiomioma en fosa isquiorectal derecha de 4x6 cm. El estudio anatomopatológico reportó leiomioma perianal subtipo epitelial. En el presente estudio se reporta un caso muy poco frecuente de leiomioma perianal doloroso, exponiendo las características clínicas e histológicas del mismo

  2. Reversal of severe SPECT asymmetry after venous extra-intracranial high flow bypass in a patient submitted to therapeutic internal carotid occlusion: case report Reversão de importante assimetria ao SPECT após bypass venoso de alto fluxo extra-intracraniano em paciente submetido a oclusão terapêutica da carótida interna: relato de caso

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    Jorge Marcondes


    Full Text Available Therapeutic occlusion of the internal carotid artery is the main option for the treatment of the symptomatic intracavernous internal carotid artery aneurysms, but the issue of the best way of doing the balloon test occlusion (BTO regarding prediction of future ischemic events remains debatable. Single photon emission computerized tomography (SPECT has been offered as one of the best option of monitoring regional cerebral blood flow (rCBF during the BTO, where severe asymmetry is predictive of delayed ischemia. We describe a case of important SPECT asymmetry during BTO clinically negative and its complete reversal with carotid occlusion after extra-intracranial bypass with high flow safenous vein bypass between the cervical carotid artery and the middle cerebral artery.Oclusão terapêutica carotídea ainda é a principal escolha para o tratamento dos aneurismas sintomáticos da artéria carótida interna ao nível do seio cavernoso.Existem controvérsias em relação à obtenção de testes com maior valor preditivo em relação à complicações isquêmicas futuras durante a realização do teste de oclusão carotídeo por balão. A tomografia computorizada de emissão de fóton único (SPECT tem sido defendida como uma opção para a melhor avaliação do fluxo sanguíneo regional cerebral, onde evidente assimetria é indicativa de isquemia tardia. Descrevemos um caso de importante assimetria ao SPECT durante o teste clinicamente negativo e sua reversão completa após anastomose extra-intracraniana com interposição de veia safena magna (alto fluxo entre a artéria carótida cervical e a artéria cerebral média.

  3. Phenolic Compounds from the Fermentation of Cultivars Cabernet Sauvignon and Merlot from the Slovenian Coastal Region

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    Marin Berovič


    Full Text Available Large scale fermentation of the cultivars Cabernet Sauvignon and Merlot from the Slovenian coastal region was performed in Bücher-Vaslin roto tank vinificators. Six different areas, Prade, Kortina, Škocijan, Ankaran, Labor and Hrvatini, were selected for this study to investigate total phenols, anthocyanins, tannins and colour density, as well as pH, titratable acidity, sugar content and ethanol. Anthocyanins and phenolic compounds were found to be in generally higher concentrations (up to 4240 mg/L in Cabernet Sauvignon. Prolongation of the fermentation phase with Merlot gave even reduced concentrations of anthocyanins, a phenomenon which was not observed in Cabernet Sauvignon. The highest concentration of anthocyanins was found in Merlot from the Kortina location (735 mg/L, and in Cabernet Sauvignon from the Labor location (998 mg/L. The highest concentration of tannins (1828 mg/L was found in the grapes of Cabernet Sauvignon from the Ankaran location, while in Merlot 1280 mg/L was detected in a sample from the Prade area. The tone of colour and its intensity reached full maturity in Cabernet Sauvignon. Merlot from the Kortina location reached the highest colour density of 1.57, while in a sample of Cabernet Sauvignon from Hrvatini colour density was 2.89. Only small differences were detected in colour quality between Merlot and Cabernet Sauvignon.

  4. Podemos y la política de la tecnología

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    Gemma Galdon Clavell


    Full Text Available El impacto de Podemos en la incorporación de diferentes herramientas tecnológicas al ‘hacer política’ es evidente. Aunque Podemos no fue el único o primer actor en probar muchas de las aplicaciones que hemos ido normalizando o adoptando en los últimos meses, el salto cuantitativo en los niveles de participación y tamaño de las comunidades de usuarias tiene una traducción también cualitativa: las nuevas tecnologías ya no son el guiño ‘moderno’ de estructuras viejas, sino que forman parte del andamio de las nuevas. Sin streaming no hubiera sido posible La Tuerka. Sin redes sociales no se habría creado una comunidad alrededor de las intervenciones televisivas de Pablo Iglesias. Sin Appgree o Agora Voting, la asamblea de Vistalegre no hubiera ido mucho más allá de los pocos miles de asistentes presenciales y la caprichosa cobertura mediática tradicional. Para ‘romper el cerrojo’ de las comunidades y los consensos tradicionales, para la creación del espacio Podemos y la verificación de su hipótesis inicial, estas tecnologías han sido clave. Una vez roto el techo de cristal, no obstante, empiezan a perfilarse los retos de la segunda pantalla.

  5. La concejala antropófaga, Pedro Almodóvar (2009. Sexo, política y canibalismo: la puesta en escena del cuerpo grotesco

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    Diane Bracco


    Full Text Available En 2009, durante el rodaje de Los abrazos rotos, Pedro Almodóvar dirige un cortometraje cómico, La concejala antropófaga, pretexto a un juego de reescritura paródica y emblemático de las conexiones transtextuales que se establecen en toda la producción almodovariana. Este artículo se propone esbozar un análisis del relato fílmico desde la perspectiva grotesca bajtiniana. Se tratará de determinar en qué medida sexo, política y canibalismo se conjugan para forjar una figura grotesca propicia a una celebración de la materialidad del cuerpo, celebración teñida de sátira política. El personaje de la concejala golosa, cocainómana y ninfómana se caracteriza por una tendencia al desbordamiento – físico y verbal – y un exceso de vitalidad sintomáticos de la relación dialógica que ella mantiene con el mundo. Figura humana con vigor sobrehumano, aparece como un ser híbrido y monstruoso, un organismo excéntrico en el sentido grotesco del término, ansioso de devorar literalmente el mundo. Tal exaltación del cuerpo grotesco se plasma en un monólogo a medio camino entre la confesión íntima y el discurso político, verdadera sátira de la retórica derechista.

  6. Disfunción sexual eréctil y diabetes mellitus: Aspectos etiopatogénicos Sexual erectile dysfunction and diabetes mellitus: Etiopathogenic aspects

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    Lizet Castelo Elías-Calles


    Full Text Available La disfunción sexual eréctil (DSE se define como la incapacidad que tiene un hombre para lograr y/o mantener una erección lo suficientemente adecuada para lograr una actividad sexual satisfactoria. La frecuencia de DSE es significativamente más elevada en la población diabética al compararla con la población general. El objetivo de este trabajo es hacer una revisión bibliográfica del tema DSE y diabetes mellitus (DM, y en él se incluyen los siguientes aspectos: anatomía del pene, aspectos fisiológico-clínicos y mecanismos patogénicos. Diferentes estudios señalan que la prevalencia de DSE en las personas con DM oscila entre el 20 y el 80 %, aunque esta varía en dependencia de la edad de los pacientes. En sujetos de 20 a 29 años, su prevalencia es del 9 %, y aumenta hasta un 90 % en aquellos que alcanzan los 70 años. La DSE se clasifica atendiendo a su causa en tres grupos: 1 orgánica, 2 psicógena y 3 mixta. Entre los factores patogénicos más relevantes se citan los neurológicos, los vasculares y los musculares, entre otros. La relajación del músculo liso de los cuerpos cavernosos y la erección del pene dependen de un complejo balance entre los eventos intracelulares y las señales extracelulares que controlan la contracción y la relajación del tono de las células musculares lisas de los cuerpos cavernosos. Las mediciones hemodinámicas y electrofisiológicas permiten evaluar con precisión la función sexual. El manejo terapéutico exige el control estricto y mantenido de los valores de glucemia. La DSE es una complicación frecuente en las personas con DM. Su etiología generalmente obedece a causas multifactoriales. Se impone desarrollar estudios clínico-epidemiológicos en muestra de población representativa, para conocer con precisión la magnitud de este problema. Su identificación temprana y el tratamiento adecuado determinarán una mejoría significativa de la calidad de vida de estas personas

  7. Completely Intracorporeal Handsewn Laparoscopic Anastomoses During Whipple Procedure. (United States)

    Dapri, Giovanni; Bascombe, Nigel Antonio; Gerard, Leonardo; Samaniego Ballart, Carla; Gimenez Viñas, Carlos; Saussez, Sven


    Whipple procedure has been described since 1935,1 using classic open surgery. With the advent of minimally invasive surgery (MIS), it has been described to be feasible using the latest technology.2 , 3 In this video the authors report a full laparoscopic Whipple procedure, realizing the three anastomoses by intracorporeal handsewn method. A 70-year-old man who presented with adenocarcinoma of the ampulla of Vater, infiltrating the pancreatic parenchyma underwent to a laparoscopic Whipple. Preoperative work-up shows a T3N1M0 tumor. No perioperative complications were registered. The pancreatico-jejunostomy was created in end-to-side fashion using two PDS 3/0 running sutures (Fig. 1), the hepatico-jejunostomy in end-to-side method using two PDS 4/0 running sutures (Fig. 2), and the gastro-jejunostomy in end-to-side method using two PDS 1 running sutures (Fig. 3). Total operative time was 8 h 20 min. Time for the dissection was 6 h 20 min, time for the specimen's extraction was 20 min, and time for the three laparoscopic intracorporeal handsewn anastomoses was 1 h 40 min. Operative bleeding was 350 cc. Patient was discharged on postoperative day 9. Pathologic report confirmed the moderately differentiated adenocarcinoma of the ampulla of Vater, with perinervous infiltration and lymphovascular emboli, free margins, 2 metastatic lymphnodes on 23 isolated; 8 edition UICC stade: pT3bN1. Laparoscopic Whipple remains an advanced procedure to be performed by laparoscopy as well as by open surgery. All the advantages of MIS, such as reduced abdominal trauma, less postoperative pain, shorter hospital stay, improved patient's comfort, and enhanced cosmesis are offered using using laparoscopy.

  8. Meningiomas parasselares: aspectos na ressonância magnética Parasellar meningiomas: magnetic resonance imaging findings

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    Alair Augusto S.M.D. dos Santos


    Full Text Available Foram revistos 22 casos de meningiomas parasselares avaliados por ressonância magnética em clínicas privadas nas cidades de Niterói e Rio de Janeiro, RJ. O objetivo deste trabalho é demonstrar os aspectos de imagem encontrados neste tumor. Os equipamentos utilizados tinham 0,5 e 1,0 Tesla, respectivamente, com aquisição de seqüências multiplanares ponderadas em T1 (antes e após a administração de gadolínio e em T2. Os sintomas principais foram cefaléia e alterações visuais, tendo apenas um caso cursado com hiperprolactinemia. O aspecto mais freqüente foi o de massa parasselar hipointensa em T1 e hiperintensa em T2, impregnando-se intensamente pelo gadolínio. A ressonância magnética é útil não apenas na demonstração da lesão mas, sobretudo, na avaliação do comprometimento das estruturas vizinhas, especialmente do seio cavernoso, o que explica as alterações visuais encontradas.We reviewed 22 cases of patients with parasellar meningiomas evaluated with magnetic resonance imaging (MRI in private clinics of the cities of Niterói and Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil. Our aim was to characterize the imaging findings in this type of tumor. MRI scanners with 0.5 and 1.0 Tesla magnets were used for the acquisition of multiplanar T1-weighted (pre- and post-gadolinium administration and T2-weighted images. The main symptoms observed were headache and visual disturbances. Hyperprolactinemia was observed in only one patient. The most frequent imaging finding was a parasellar mass which appeared hypointense on T1-weighted and hyperintense on T2-weighted images, and enhanced intensively after gadolinium administration. MRI is useful to demonstrate the lesion and to assess the damage to adjacent structures, particularly when the patient presents visual disturbances due to involvement of the cavernous sinuses.

  9. Landslide Mapping and Characterization through Infrared Thermography (IRT: Suggestions for a Methodological Approach from Some Case Studies

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    William Frodella


    Full Text Available In this paper, the potential of Infrared Thermography (IRT as a novel operational tool for landslide surveying, mapping and characterization was tested and demonstrated in different case studies, by analyzing various types of instability processes (rock slide/fall, roto-translational slide-flow. In particular, IRT was applied, both from terrestrial and airborne platforms, in an integrated methodology with other geomatcs methods, such as terrestrial laser scanning (TLS and global positioning systems (GPS, for the detection and mapping of landslides’ potentially hazardous structural and morphological features (structural discontinuities and open fractures, scarps, seepage and moisture zones, landslide drainage network and ponds. Depending on the study areas’ hazard context, the collected remotely sensed data were validated through field inspections, with the purpose of studying and verifying the causes of mass movements. The challenge of this work is to go beyond the current state of the art of IRT in landslide studies, with the aim of improving and extending the investigative capacity of the analyzed technique, in the framework of a growing demand for effective Civil Protection procedures in landslide geo-hydrological disaster managing activities. The proposed methodology proved to be an effective tool for landslide analysis, especially in the field of emergency management, when it is often necessary to gather all the required information in dangerous environments as fast as possible, to be used for the planning of mitigation measures and the evaluation of hazardous scenarios. Advantages and limitations of the proposed method in the field of the explored applications were evaluated, as well as general operative recommendations and future perspectives.

  10. Síndrome de Rendu-Osler-Weber: presentación de un caso clínico

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    Freyli Bustamante


    Full Text Available El síndrome de Rendu-Osler-Weber (SROW, conocido también como Telangiectasia Hemorrágica Hereditaria (THH, es un desorden vascular infrecuente. Se trata de una alteración vascular displásica multisistémica de carácter autosómico dominante, con diversas complicaciones, siendo las malformaciones arterio-venosas (MAV responsables de la morbi-mortalidad de los pacientes cuando no son diagnosticadas ni tratadas a tiempo. Muchas veces este síndrome presenta síntomas sutiles, por lo que puede pasar desapercibida clínicamente. Presentamos un caso de una paciente femenina de 51 años, con historia de epistaxis frecuentes quien acude a nuestro hospital por presentar cefalea de fuerte intensidad, meningismo y pérdida de la consciencia. La tomografía axial computada (TAC de cráneo identificó hemorragia sub aracnoidea (HSA difusa. La angiografía cerebral permitió identificar aneurisma arteria comunicante anterior (AcoA roto que fue tratado por vía endovascular, sin eventualidades. Además, se observó telangectasias mucosas nasales múltiples y fistula arterio-venosa (FAV dural occipital izquierda. Estudios ulteriores permitieron identificar MAV pulmonares múltiples. Se confirmó el diagnóstico de SROW, con criterios de diagnóstico vigentes (criterios de Curazao. Durante los tres meses posteriores a su egreso el paciente presentó hemoptisis severa y disnea, que no pudo ser tratada a tiempo por lo que falleció.

  11. Nasoangiofibroma juvenil: concordância interobservadores no estadiamento por tomografia computadorizada Juvenile nasopharyngeal angiofibroma: interobserver agreement in cancer staging using computed tomography

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    Jefferson Luiz Gusso


    Full Text Available Com o advento da tomografia computadorizada, a avaliação dos locais de acometimento e extensão do nasoangiofibroma juvenil tornou-se mais precisa, o que facilitou o correto estadiamento pré-operatório. O objetivo deste trabalho é avaliar a concordância interobservadores, por meio da análise por tomografia computadorizada, de 15 casos de nasoangiofibroma juvenil em relação à extensão para locais relacionados com altos índices de recidivas. Todos os pacientes eram do sexo masculino, com idade média de 15,8 anos. A análise da concordância entre os observadores quanto à extensão e envolvimento da fossa infratemporal, seios esfenóide e cavernoso e fossa craniana média foi excelente, em relação à fissura orbitária superior foi boa e em relação à base do processo pterigóide e fossa craniana anterior foi ruim. Concluiu-se que a análise apresenta alta concordância entre os observadores para os locais estabelecidos, com exceção da base do processo pterigóide e da fossa craniana anterior.The advent of computed tomography permitted a much more precise evaluation of tumor localization, thus facilitating presurgical staging. The objective of this study was to evaluate the interobserver agreement on the analysis of computed tomography scans of 15 patients with juvenile nasopharyngeal angiofibroma, regarding assessment of tumor extension to sites of high recurrence rate. All patients were male and had a mean age of 15.8 years. The results of the interobserver agreement analysis regarding tumor invasion and extension to the infratemporal fossa, cavernous sinus, sphenoid sinus and medium cranial fossa were excellent. Identification of involvement of the superior orbital fissure was considered good. Interobserver agreement regarding tumor extension to the base of pterigoid process and anterior cranial fossa was considered poor. We concluded that there is a very good interobserver agreement on the evaluation of the established

  12. Cefaléia na gestação

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    Marina Mayumi Murazawa


    Full Text Available A cefaleia é uma das principais queixas na prática clínica. Ocorre frequentemente na gestação devido vasodilatação por ação do estrógeno e progesterona. Uma vez que é um sintoma frequente, outras causas de cefaleia na gestação podem passar despercebidas, sendo a caracterização da dor e os sintomas que a acompanham fundamentais no diagnóstico diferencial. Trata-se de gestante de 39 anos, multípara e com 37 3/7 semanas de gestação. Refere que há 2 meses procurou atendimento médico devido dor de cabeça intensa, unilateral esquerda, sendo medicada com paracetamol e dispensada. A dor evoluiu para localização bilateral, em peso, contínua, de forte intensidade, acompanhada de fotofobia, fonofobia e vômitos, com discreta melhora com dipirona. Após 3 semanas percebeu ptose palpebral e estrabismo unilateral à direita com desvio da rima, diplopia, visão turva e dislalia. Foi encaminhada ao serviço terciário, onde realizou avaliação neurológica, fundo de olho e tomografia computadorizada do crânio que constatou lesão expansiva em topografia de clivo com extensão para o seio cavernoso e rechaço da carótida, resultando em paralisia do nervo oculomotor e comprometimento do nervo trigêmeo à direita. A hipótese diagnóstica foi de craniofaringioma ou cordoma. Decidiu-se resolução do parto via cesárea, com feto vivo, masculino, 3430g, apgar 6/8. Após o parto, paciente foi encaminhada para o serviço de neurologia, mas abandonou o tratamento assinando termo de responsabilidade pelo seu ato. Autores enfatizam a importância do diagnóstico diferencial da cefaleia na gestação, permitindo diagnóstico e tratamento precoce e alertam para na presença de dor não responsiva à medicação, associada à êmese e sintomas neurológicos, pensar em outras causas de cefaleia, como meningite, hemorragia subaracnóidea e tumores cranianos.

  13. Testing of Flame Sprayed Al2O3 Matrix Coatings Containing TiO2

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    Czupryński A.


    Full Text Available The paper presents the results of the properties of flame sprayed ceramic coatings using oxide ceramic materials coating of a powdered aluminium oxide (Al2O3 matrix with 3% titanium oxide (TiO2 applied to unalloyed S235JR grade structural steel. A primer consisting of a metallic Ni-Al-Mo based powder has been applied to plates with dimensions of 5×200×300 mm and front surfaces of Ø40×50 mm cylinders. Flame spraying of primer coating was made using a RotoTec 80 torch, and an external coating was made with a CastoDyn DS 8000 torch. Evaluation of the coating properties was conducted using metallographic testing, phase composition research, measurement of microhardness, substrate coating adhesion (acc. to EN 582:1996 standard, erosion wear resistance (acc. to ASTM G76-95 standard, and abrasive wear resistance (acc. to ASTM G65 standard and thermal impact. The testing performed has demonstrated that flame spraying with 97% Al2O3 powder containing 3% TiO2 performed in a range of parameters allows for obtaining high-quality ceramic coatings with thickness up to ca. 500 µm on a steel base. Spray coating possesses a structure consisting mainly of aluminium oxide and a small amount of NiAl10O16 and NiAl32O49 phases. The bonding primer coat sprayed with the Ni-Al-Mo powder to the steel substrate and external coating sprayed with the 97% Al2O3 powder with 3% TiO2 addition demonstrates mechanical bonding characteristics. The coating is characterized by a high adhesion to the base amounting to 6.5 MPa. Average hardness of the external coating is ca. 780 HV. The obtained coatings are characterized by high erosion and abrasive wear resistance and the resistance to effects of cyclic thermal shock.

  14. Quiste dermoide intracraneal con rotura espontánea. Reporte de caso

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    Leonardo Andrés Chacón-Zambrano


    Full Text Available Introducción: Los quistes dermoides son tumores raros, que se originan por la inclusión de elementos de origen ectodérmico en el momento del cierre del tubo neural durante la embriogénesis. Su contenido incluye una variedad de derivados del ectodermo como glándulas apocrinas, sudor, quistes sebáceos, folículos pilosos, epitelio escamoso y dientes. Los síntomas que generan estos tumores benignos son tanto por el efecto de masa sobre las estructuras neurovasculares adyacentes (cefalea, convulsiones, hidrocefalia, isquemia, como por la irritación meníngea en los casos de ruptura hacia el espacio subaracnoideo. Objetivo: Presentar el curso clínico de paciente femenino de 21 años de edad, que acude a la consulta de neurocirugía con clínica de cefalea y síncope. Presentación del caso: Paciente con rotura espontánea de un quiste dermoide intracraneal que consultaba previamente por clínica de cefalea, a la cual se asocia más recientemente episodios de alteración de la conciencia, realizándose estudio de neuroimágenes con evidencia de quiste dermoide intracraneal roto, el cual fue manejado quirúrgicamente con resolución exitosa de la sintomatología. Conclusiones: Se considera relevante el caso teniendo en cuenta lo inusual de la patología según la epidemiología consultada, además este reporte de caso, permite sensibilizar al personal de salud sobre esta patología tumoral la cual puede llegar a la cura en caso de resección quirúrgica completa, con resolución de la clínica.

  15. Failure case of a garage door opener

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    Habib, K.


    Full Text Available A failure analysis of a garage door opener was conducted for determination of the cause of the failure. The analysis included visual inspections of broken parts as well as electron microscopy examinations of the fracture surface. The visual inspections showed that a bolt connected to the inner trolley of the garage opener assembly was initially fractured. Also, the results of electron microscopy examinations revealed that the broken bolt failed by fatigue damage phenomenon, due to alternating torsional stresses throughout 25 years of an operational life of the garage opener. In addition, a mathematical model corresponding to the failure mechanism was derived along the failure analysis. The model comprises of both design philosophy and fracture mechanics approaches.

    Se analizó el fallo del mecanismo de apertura de una puerta de garaje con el fin de determinar sus causas. El análisis incluyó una inspección visual de las piezas rotas así como un examen mediante microscopía de la superficie de fractura. La inspección visual reveló que primero se fracturó un perno conectado al carro interior del mecanismo de apertura. Los resultados del análisis por microscopía electrónica también mostraron que el perno roto falló debido a fenómenos de daño por fatiga, debido a los esfuerzos torsionales alternos a la largo de 25 años de vida en servicio del mecanismo de apertura. Por otra parte, se construyó un modelo matemático correspondiente al mecanismo de rotura durante el análisis del mismo. Este modelo comprende enfoques, tanto de la filosofía de diseño como de la mecánica de fractura.

  16. A Simulation Study on Patient Setup Errors in External Beam Radiotherapy Using an Anthropomorphic 4D Phantom

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    Payam Samadi Miandoab


    Full Text Available Introduction Patient set-up optimization is required in radiotherapy to fill the accuracy gap between personalized treatment planning and uncertainties in the irradiation set-up. In this study, we aimed to develop a new method based on neural network to estimate patient geometrical setup using 4-dimensional (4D XCAT anthropomorphic phantom. Materials and Methods To access 4D modeling of motion of dynamic organs, a phantom employs non-uniform rational B-splines (NURBS-based Cardiac-Torso method with spline-based model to generate 4D computed tomography (CT images. First, to generate all the possible roto-translation positions, the 4D CT images were imported to Medical Image Data Examiner (AMIDE. Then, for automatic, real time verification of geometrical setup, an artificial neural network (ANN was proposed to estimate patient displacement, using training sets. Moreover, three external motion markers were synchronized with a patient couch position as reference points. In addition, the technique was validated through simulated activities by using reference 4D CT data acquired from five patients. Results The results indicated that patient geometrical set-up is highly depended on the comprehensiveness of training set. By using ANN model, the average patient setup error in XCAT phantom was reduced from 17.26 mm to 0.50 mm. In addition, in the five real patients, these average errors were decreased from 18.26 mm to 1.48 mm various breathing phases ranging from inhalation to exhalation were taken into account for patient setup. Uncertainty error assessment and different setup errors were obtained from each respiration phase. Conclusion This study proposed a new method for alignment of patient setup error using ANN model. Additionally, our correlation model (ANN could estimate true patient position with less error.

  17. The rapid moving Capriglio earth flow (Parma Province, North Italy): multi-temporal mapping and GB-InSAR monitoring (United States)

    Bardi, Federica; Raspini, Federico; Frodella, William; Lombardi, Luca; Nocentini, Massimiliano; Gigli, Giovanni; Morelli, Stefano; Corsini, Alessandro; Casagli, Nicola


    This research presents the main findings of the multi-temporal mapping and of the long-term, real-time monitoring of the Capriglio landslide in the Emilian Apennines (Northern Italy). The landslide, triggered by prolonged rainfall and rapid snowmelt, activated of April 6th 2013. It is constituted by two main adjacent enlarging bodies with a roto-translational kinematics. They activated in sequence and subsequently joined into a large fast moving earth flow, channelizing downstream the Bardea Creek, for a total length of about 3600 meters. The landslide completely destroyed a 450 m sector of the provincial roadway S.P. 101, and its retrogression tendency put at high risk the Capriglio and Pianestolla villages, located in the upper watershed area of the Bardea River. Furthermore, the advancing toe seriously threatened the Antria bridge, representing the "Massese" provincial roadway S.P. 665R transect over the Bardea Creek, the only strategic roadway left able to connect the above-mentioned villages. With the final aim of supporting local authorities in the hazard assessment and risk management during the emergency phase, on May 5th 2013 aerial optical surveys were conducted to accurately map the landslide extension and evolution. Moreover, a GB-InSAR monitoring campaign was started in order to assess displacements of the whole landslide area. The versatility and flexibility of the GB-InSAR sensors allowed acquiring data with two different configurations, designed and set up to continuously retrieve information on the landslide movements rates (both in its upper slow-moving sectors and in its fast-moving toe). The first acquisition mode revealed that the Capriglio and Pianestolla villages were affected by minor displacements (order of magnitude of few millimetres per month). The second acquisition mode allowed to acquire data every 28'', reaching very high temporal resolution values by applying GB-InSAR technique (Monserrat et al., 2014; Caduff et al., 2015).

  18. Are the imaging findings used to assess the portal triad reliable to perform living-donor liver transplant?; Os achados de imagem para avaliacao da triade portal sao confiaveis para realizacao do transplante hepatico com doador vivo?

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Dazzi, Francisco Leoncio; Ribeiro Junior, Marcelo Augusto Fontenelle; Mancero, Jorge Marcelo Padilla; Gonzalez, Adriano Miziara; D' Albuquerque, Luiz Augusto Carneiro, E-mail: [Hospital Beneficencia Portuguesa, Sao Paulo, SP (Brazil). Departamento de Cirurgia Geral e Transplante; Leao-Filho, Hilton Muniz [Hospital Beneficencia Portuguesa, Sao Paulo, SP (Brazil). Departamento de Radiologia e Diagnostico por Imagem; Silva, Adavio de Oliveira e [Hospital Beneficencia Portuguesa, Sao Paulo, SP (Brazil). Departamento de Gastroenterologia e Hepatologia


    Background: a crucial aspect of living-donor liver transplant is the risk imposed to the donor due to a procedure performed in a healthy individual that can lead to a high postoperative morbidity rate Aim: To correlate the pre- and intraoperative hepatic imaging findings of living adult donors. Methods: From 2003 to 2008 the medical charts of 66 donors were revised; in that, 42 were males (64%) and 24 females (36%), mean age of 30±8 years. The preoperative anatomy was analyzed by magnetic resonance cholangiography to study the bile ducts and by computed tomography angiography to evaluate the hepatic artery and portal vein. Normalcy criteria were established according to previously published studies. Results: Anatomic variations of the bile ducts were found in 59.1% of donors, of the artery hepatic in 31.8% and of the portal vein in 30.3% of the cases during the preoperative period. The magnetic resonance cholangiography findings were in agreement in 44 (66.6%) of donors and in disagreement in 22 (33.3%). With regards to hepatic artery, in all donors the findings of the imaging examination were in agreement with those of the intraoperative period. As to the portal vein, the computed tomography findings were in agreement in 59 (89.4%) donors and in disagreement in seven (10.6%). Conclusions: the bile duct anatomic variations are frequent, and the magnetic resonance cholangiography showed moderate accuracy (70%) in reproducing the surgical findings; the computed tomography reproduced the intraoperative findings of the hepatic artery in 100% of donors, and of the portal vein in 89.4% of the cases, thus demonstrating high accuracy (89%). (author)

  19. Reparación de los aneurismas rotos de la aorta abdominal utilizando oclusión intraluminal con balón y circuito de circulación extracorpórea

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    Fernando Calleja


    Conclusiones: La oclusión intraaórtica con balón permite control rápido y seguro del cuello del aneurisma. La utilización de la circulación extracorpórea ayuda al restablecimiento rápido de la volemia, de la hemodinámica del paciente y a mantener un campo operatorio sin sangre evitando disecciones innecesarias. Consideramos una notable mejoría de la mortalidad.

  20. Uso da prótese endovascular auto-expansível para tratamento das doenças da aorta torácica descendente

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    STOLF Noedir A. G.


    Full Text Available Os autores relatam a experiência com o tratamento de aneurisma e dissecção da aorta descendente associada ou não a comprometimento do arco aórtico com o uso de prótese intraluminal auto-expansível introduzida cirurgicamente através do arco aórtico. Foram operados 11 pacientes, 9 do sexo masculino e com idades variando de 49 a 78 anos. O diagnóstico era de aneurisma em 6, sendo 2 rotos e dissecção em 5, sendo aguda em 2. Quatro doentes apresentavam afecções cirúrgicas associadas: aneurisma de aorta ascendente (1, aneurisma de arco (1, insuficiência coronária (1 e insuficiência da valva aórtica (1. Os pacientes foram operados com colocação de prótese intraluminal auto-expansível cirurgicamente através do arco aórtico sob hipotermia profunda e parada circulatória total. Em 4 pacientes foram realizadas operações associadas: troca da valva aórtica (1, substituição da aorta ascendente (2, troca do arco aórtico (1 e revascularização miocárdica (1. Houve um óbito intra-operatório por dissecção da aorta ascendente e dois óbitos hospitalares por associação de complicações. Oito pacientes tiveram alta sendo que 1 faleceu no terceiro mês de pós-operatório. Os sobreviventes estavam bem clinicamente e o estudo por imagem mostrou adequada correção da doença. Os autores concluem que o uso da prótese intraluminal simplifica e corrige adequadamente as afecções da aorta descendente. A morbimortalidade observada nessa série deve-se a outros fatores independentes da técnica.

  1. Tratamento cirúrgico da comunicação interventricular pós infarto agudo do miocárdio: conduta atual Present surgical management of post-myocardial infarction ventricular septal rupture

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    Luís Alberto Dallan


    Full Text Available Os autores descrevem sua experiência com o tratamento cirúrgico de 42 pacientes portadores de comunicação interventricular (CIV pós infarto agudo do miocárdio (IAM. Destacam a elevada mortalidade cirúrgica nos pacientes com choque cardiogênico instalado (66,6% em relação aos demais (9,5%. A observação de descompensações súbitas em pacientes hemodinâmicamente estáveis tem levado à indicação cirúrgica precoce, se possível, assim que estabelecido o diagnóstico da rotura do septo interventricular (RSI. O comprometimento de múltiplas artérias coronárias e faixas etárias elevadas foram considerados fatores agravantes no prognóstico cirúrgico. O mesmo não ocorreu com a relação fluxo pulmonar/sistêmico e shunt E-D, que não guardaram relação com a mortalidade. A técnica de exposição de ambas as cavidades ventriculares e reforço das 2 faces do septo roto com tecido biológico tem fornecido resultados gratificantes na correção da RSI, especialmente de localização posterior.The authors describe the experience with surgical treatment of 42 patients with ventricular septal rupture (VSR in post acute myocardial infarction (AMI. They showed increased mortality in patients with cardiogenic shock (66.6% with respect to others (9.5%. Sudden descompensations in patients hemodinamically stable were indications to early surgeries, if possible when the diagnosis of ventricular septum rupture (VSR was made. The compromise of multiple coronary arteries and advanced age were considered as aggravating factors in the prognosis of surgery. The same prognosis did not occur regarding pulmonary/systemic flow and shunt E-D. The technique of exposure in both ventricular cavity and reinforcement in the both sides of the ruptured septum with biological tissue offered good results in the correction of posterior VSR.

  2. Perforaciones de los grandes subterráneos y los métodos y máquinas modernos

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    Vié, G.


    Full Text Available The drilling of large underground tunnels, either for mines or public works, should be approached according to patterns characteristic in all these large projects, which are: safety, strength, economy, etc. Because of the differing techniques and use of the various machines in existence for such an end, the one most advantageous in each case should be chosen. Experience obtained in several years of work and testing teaches us that when the ground is soft, we obtain the best results with the rotary drill; otherwise, it is advisable to use the rotary-percussion drill. Finally, the automatic jumbo has been successfully used, which is very maneuverable and eliminates many of the inconveniences produced by drills, such as: noise, high air consumption and frequent jam-ups. It can be fed with electricity, diesel or diesel-electrical power. It is frequently used, especially in turnpikes.La perforación de los grandes subterráneos, bien sea para trabajos de minas o de obras públicas, debe acometerse bajo unos patrones característicos en todas estas grandes obras, como son: la seguridad, resistencia, economía, etc. Debido a la diferente técnica y utilización de las diversas máquinas existentes para tal fin, deben elegirse las más ventajosas en cada caso. La experiencia de varios años de trabajo y ensayos nos dice que cuando el terreno es blando los mejores resultados los obtenemos con la perforadora rotativa; en caso contrario, conviene utilizar la perforadora roto-percutiva. Últimamente se viene empleando, con éxito, el jumbo automático, el cual tiene una gran maniobrabilidad y elimina parte de los inconvenientes producidos por las perforadoras, tales como: ruido, elevado consumo de aire y blocajes frecuentes. Puede alimentarse con energía eléctrica, diésel o diésel-eléctrica. Su utilización es frecuente, sobre todo en la construcción de autopistas.

  3. La democracia venezolana en una encrucijada: las elecciones nacionales y regionales de 1998

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    José Enrique MOLINA


    Full Text Available RESUMEN: El panorama político venezolano está sufriendo importantes cambios. El electorado ha roto con la estática estabilidad bipartidista que se logró en el llamado Pacto de Punto Fijo en 1958. En el artículo se exponen los antecedentes de orden político y económico de la transformación que se está desarrollando actualmente en la democracia venezolana. Se trata de un cambio que se ha mostrado a nivel electoral, donde nuevas fuerzas políticas sustituyen a los partidos tradicionales. La población ha perdido la confianza en los viejos partidos —Acción Democrática y COPEI— y las lealtades partidistas han desaparecido en favor de la personalización de la política y de la volatilidad del voto.En el artículo se describen los cambios en el sistema electoral y sus consecuencias; los partidos políticos y sus candidatos; el fenómeno de la abstención; los resultados de las elecciones para el Congreso de la República, y el proceso de elección presidencial.ABSTRACT: The political life in Venezuela is suffering important changes. The electorate has broken the static two-party stability achieved in 1958 with the so called Pacto de Punto Fijo. The article presents the political and economic background prior to the transformation that is actually taking place in the Venezuelan democracy.The change was manifest at the electoral level, where new political forces are substituting the traditional parties. The population has lost confidence in the old parties — Acción Democrática y COPEI — and party loyalties have disappeared in favor of the personalization of politics and the volatility of the vote.The article describes the changes in the electoral system and their consequences; political parties and their candidates; the phenomenon of abstention; the results of Congress elections and the process of presidential election.

  4. Insular epilepsy: similarities to temporal lobe epilepsy case report Epilepsia insular: similaridades à epilepsia do lobo temporal - relato de caso

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    nsula e no lobo temporal, além de descargas que se originavam na ínsula e espraiavam ao lobo temporal. O angioma cavernoso e a área gliótica ao seu redor foram removidos e o lobo temporal foi deixado em seu lugar. A eletrocorticografia após a ressecção ainda demonstrou a presença de descargas nestas regiões, em menor frequência. A paciente está sem crises desde a cirurgia. A epilepsia insular pode compartilhar diversos aspectos clínicos e eletrográficos com a epilepsia do lobo temporal.

  5. Monitoring the Rapid-Moving Reactivation of Earth Flows by Means of GB-InSAR: The April 2013 Capriglio Landslide (Northern Appennines, Italy

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    Federica Bardi


    Full Text Available This paper presents the main results of the GB-InSAR (ground based interferometric synthetic aperture radar monitoring of the Capriglio landslide (Northern Apennines, Emilia Romagna Region, Italy, activated on 6 April 2013. The landslide, triggered by prolonged rainfall, is constituted by two main adjacent enlarging bodies with a roto-translational kinematics. They activated in sequence and subsequently joined into a large earth flow, channelizing downstream of the Bardea Creek, for a total length of about 3600 m. The displacement rate of this combined mass was quite high, so that the landslide toe evolved with velocities of several tens of meters per day (with peaks of 70–80 m/day in the first month, and of several meters per day (with peaks of 13–14 m/day from early May to mid-July 2013. In the crown area, the landslide completely destroyed a 450 m sector of provincial roadway S.P. 101, and its retrogression tendency exposed the villages of Capriglio and Pianestolla, located in the upper watershed area of the Bardea Creek, to great danger. Furthermore, the advancing toe seriously threatened the Antria bridge, representing the “Massese” provincial roadway S.P. 665R transect over the Bardea Creek, the only strategic roadway left able to connect the above-mentioned villages. With the final aim of supporting local authorities in the hazard assessment and risk management during the emergency phase, on 4 May 2013 aerial optical surveys were conducted to accurately map the landslide extension and evolution. Moreover, a GB-InSAR monitoring campaign was started in order to assess displacements of the whole landslide area. The versatility and flexibility of the GB-InSAR sensors allowed acquiring data with two different configurations, designed and set up to continuously retrieve information on the landslide movement rates (both in its upper slow-moving sectors and in its fast-moving toe. The first acquisition mode revealed that the Capriglio and

  6. Exploring the potential of 3D Zernike descriptors and SVM for protein-protein interface prediction. (United States)

    Daberdaku, Sebastian; Ferrari, Carlo


    The correct determination of protein-protein interaction interfaces is important for understanding disease mechanisms and for rational drug design. To date, several computational methods for the prediction of protein interfaces have been developed, but the interface prediction problem is still not fully understood. Experimental evidence suggests that the location of binding sites is imprinted in the protein structure, but there are major differences among the interfaces of the various protein types: the characterising properties can vary a lot depending on the interaction type and function. The selection of an optimal set of features characterising the protein interface and the development of an effective method to represent and capture the complex protein recognition patterns are of paramount importance for this task. In this work we investigate the potential of a novel local surface descriptor based on 3D Zernike moments for the interface prediction task. Descriptors invariant to roto-translations are extracted from circular patches of the protein surface enriched with physico-chemical properties from the HQI8 amino acid index set, and are used as samples for a binary classification problem. Support Vector Machines are used as a classifier to distinguish interface local surface patches from non-interface ones. The proposed method was validated on 16 classes of proteins extracted from the Protein-Protein Docking Benchmark 5.0 and compared to other state-of-the-art protein interface predictors (SPPIDER, PrISE and NPS-HomPPI). The 3D Zernike descriptors are able to capture the similarity among patterns of physico-chemical and biochemical properties mapped on the protein surface arising from the various spatial arrangements of the underlying residues, and their usage can be easily extended to other sets of amino acid properties. The results suggest that the choice of a proper set of features characterising the protein interface is crucial for the interface prediction

  7. Familia e independencia de los hijos

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    Clara Pérez Cárdenas


    Full Text Available Se realizó un estudio descriptivo de algunas manifestaciones de crisis familiares producidas ante la independencia de los hijos, recogiéndose la información a través de encuestas aplicadas a 40 grupos familiares pertenecientes a 2 consultorios médicos de nuestra área de salud que cumplían con los requisitos de tener hijos adultos jóvenes mayores de 20 años (para garantizar el término de la adolescencia y estos haber roto con los controles de los padres. La encuesta aplicada explora en estas parejas de padres, las creencias, los sentimientos, la forma en que reestructuran sus vidas cotidianas, las crisis familiares no transitorias que entorpecen este período, la red de apoyo social que utilizan y los vínculos afectivos que refieren entre ellos en esta etapa del desarrollo familiar. Entre las conclusiones fundamentales encontramos el hecho de que existe una contradicción entre la idea de los padres de tener aún control sobre sus hijos, y el considerarlos capaces de afrontar la vida solos. Se refieren a una educación donde se cultivó la posibilidad de libre expresión de criterios, no hay una reestructuración de la vida de los padres, quienes no modifican su rol e insisten en mantenerse orientado y dirigiendo a su descendencia. Tanto padres como madres, buscan apoyo y comprensión de sus conflictos en la propia familia creadaA descriptive study of some manifestations of family crises caused by the independence of children was conducted. Information was collected by surveys applied to 40 family groups from 2 family physician's offices in our health area that fulfilled the requisites of having young adult children over 20 (to guarantee the end of adolescence, who were not under their parents' control. This survey explores the believes and feelings of these parents, the way they reorganize their lives, the non-transitory family crises hampering this period, the network of social support they use and the affective links existing among

  8. La influencia de «El fin de la historia» en la economía durante los años 90

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    Sanmartín, Israel


    Full Text Available The fall of the wall of Berlin supposed a historical, political, intellectual and theoretical change. The famous thesis of Fukuyama on «the end of History» anticipated the fall of Comunism and served like one as the intellectual frames so that different phenomena were developed from 1989 to the present time: a the globalization or mundialización; b the «unique thought»; c the new economy. These phenomena, with the evolution of the history of the events have influenced definitively in the development economic American cycle from 1991, that it was broken the classic theory of the economic cycles. The thesis of «the end of History» has been debilitated, the globalization is theorized as a new imperialism and we are in a crisis of global Capitalism. Will they influence these new factors in the American economic cycle?

    La caída del muro de Berlín supuso un cambio histórico, político, intelectual y teórico importante. La famosa tesis de Fukuyama sobre el «fin de la Historia» anticipó el derrumbe del llamado «socialismo real» y sirvió como uno de los «marcos intelectuales» para que se desarrollaran diferentes fenómenos desde 1989 hasta la actualidad. A saber, a La globalización o mundialización; b El pensamiento único; c La nueva economía. Estos fenómenos, junto con la evolución de la historia de los acontecimientos han influido definitivamente en el desarrollo del «ciclo económico estadounidense» que se ha desenvuelto desde 1991 y que ha roto la teoría clásica de los ciclos económicos. La tesis de «el fin de la Historia» ha dado muestras de debilidad, la globalización es teorizada por algunos como una «nueva forma» de imperialismo y otros ya hablan de una crisis del capitalismo global. ¿Influirán estos nuevos factores en el ciclo económico estadounidense?

  9. Amorphous and liquid samples structure and density measurements at high pressure - high temperature using diffraction and imaging techniques (United States)

    Guignot, N.; King, A.; Clark, A. N.; Perrillat, J. P.; Boulard, E.; Morard, G.; Deslandes, J. P.; Itié, J. P.; Ritter, X.; Sanchez-Valle, C.


    Determination of the density and structure of liquids such as iron alloys, silicates and carbonates is a key to understand deep Earth structure and dynamics. X-ray diffraction provided by large synchrotron facilities gives excellent results as long as the signal scattered from the sample can be isolated from its environment. Different techniques already exist; we present here the implementation and the first results given by the combined angle- and energy-dispersive structural analysis and refinement (CAESAR) technique introduced by Wang et al. in 2004, that has never been used in this context. It has several advantages in the study of liquids: 1/ the standard energy-dispersive technique (EDX), fast and compatible with large multi-anvil presses frames, is used for fast analysis free of signal pollution from the sample environment 2/ some limitations of the EDX technique (homogeneity of the sample, low resolution) are irrelevant in the case of liquid signals, others (wrong intensities, escape peaks artifacts, background subtraction) are solved by the CAESAR technique 3/ high Q data (up to 15 A-1 and more) can be obtained in a few hours (usually less than 2). We present here the facilities available on the PSICHE beamline (SOLEIL synchrotron, France) and a few results obtained using a Paris-Edinburgh (PE) press and a 1200 tons load capacity multi-anvil press with a (100) DIA compression module. X-ray microtomography, used in conjunction with a PE press featuring rotating anvils (RotoPEc, Philippe et al., 2013) is also very effective, by simply measuring the 3D volume of glass or liquid spheres at HPHT, thus providing density. This can be done in conjunction with the CAESAR technique and we illustrate this point. Finally, absorption profiles can be obtained via imaging techniques, providing another independent way to measure the density of these materials. References Y. Wang et al., A new technique for angle-dispersive powder diffraction using an energy

  10. Central and peripheral nervous complications of dental treatment Complicações de tratamento dentário afetando o sistema nervoso

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    Eva Olovsson Rossitti


    ões dos ramos da divisão mandibular do nervo trigêmeo provocadas por trauma mecânico. A extração do terceiro molar mandibular foi o procedimento dentário com maior morbidade tanto com relação a trauma mecânico quanto a acidente anestésico. Nesse procedimento o nervo lingual pode ser traumatizado em 11% a 15% das operações e o nervo alveolar inferior em 4,4% a 5,5%. Os sintomas são permanentes em 0,5% a 1,0%. Outras complicações potencialmente severas porém infrequentes no período estudado foram as infecções (meningite, tromboflebite do seio cavernoso e abscesso cerebral e as complicações anestésicas (oftalmoplegia, paralisia facial e complicações da anestesia geral.

  11. Contribución al conocimiento de las mineralizaciones Pb-Zn del tipo Reocín en el sector oeste de Cantabria

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    Bustillo Revuelta, M.


    Full Text Available The lead-zinc mineralizations from Western Cantabria are studied in this paper, mainly from a petrological and geochemical point of view. The host rocks are mesozoic dolomites which present some outstanding evidences: cavernous aspect, irregular distribution, coarsegrained, relict texture with ghosts and cloudy centers, and low geochemical content in Sr (50 ppm and high in Mn and Fe (1200 ppm and 4%. respectively, These characteristics aIlow classify them as originated by late diagenetic dolomitization processes.
    The primary ores are sphalerite, galena, pyrite, marcasite , and sometimes barite. These minerals fill cavities and other open spaces, being the most important texture composed by altemating bands of sphalerite of different colour ("colloform texture" with scattered crystals of galena, pyrite, and marcasite, The general morphology is tipically stratabound and not stratiform. The secondary minerals, product of weathering, inelude smithsonite from sphalerite, cerussite from galena, and goethite from pyrite and marcasite.
    The characteristics of the host rocks and mineralizations show they were formed epigenetically, with existence of a source rock, migration of mineralizating solutions and deposition of them in a host rock of dolomitic character.

    En este trabajo se hace un estudio de las mineralizaciones Pb-Zn del tipo Reocín en Cantabria, principalmente desde un punto de vista petrológico y geoquímico. Las rocas encajantes de las mineralizaciones son dolomías mesozoicas que poseen algunas características remarcables: aspecto cavernoso, estratificación difusa, distribución irregular, cristales de gran tamaño, 'textura relicta con existencia de fantasmas y "cloudy centers" y un bajo con tenido en estroncio (50 ppm. y alto en hierro y manganeso (4% y 1.200 ppm ., respectivamente. Estas características permiten clasificarlas como originadas por procesos de dolomitización diagenéticos tardíos.

  12. Estandarización de una prueba de ELISA para detectar anticuerpos IgE en pacientes con equinococosis quistica y su utilidad en el diagnóstico y seguimiento de pacientes tratados con albendazol: reporte preliminar

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    Herman Vildózola


    Full Text Available Objetivos: Determinar las diluciones y concentraciones optimas de una prueba de ELISA para detectar anticuerpos IgE, así como su sensibilidad, espécificidad y valor predictivo en pacientes con equinococosis quistica. Analizar si los niveles de anticuerpos IgE especificos se correlacionan con la respuesta al tratamiento médico con albendazol en un periodo mayor a un año de finalizado el tratamiento. Diseño: Estudio cuasiexperimental con grupo control. Institución: Instituto de Medicina Tropical Daniel A. Carrión, Facultad de Medicina, UNMSM, Lima, Perú. Material de estudio: Prueba de ELISA para anticuerpo IgE. Intervenciones: Estandarizacion de la prueba de ELISA para anticuerpo IgE y diseño preexperimento con preprueba y posprueba en un solo grupo, para evaluar su valor en el diagnóstico y seguimiento postratamiento de pacientes con quiste hidatidico hepatico tratados con albendazol. Para la estandarizacion de la prueba de ELISA, se utilizó suero de cinco pacientes con diagnóstico clínico de equinococosis quistica, y la sensibilidad y especificidad de la prueba se usó suero de 30 pacientes aparentemente sanos. Para determinar las reacciones cruzadas, se utilizó 16 muestras de suero de pacientes con otras helmintiasis (ascariasis, strongiloidiasis, toxocariosis, trichuriasis, himenolepiasis, cisticercosis y teniasis. Para el diagnóstico y seguimiento postratamiento de equinocococosis quística, se utilizó el suero de 17 pacientes. Principales medidas de resultados: Sensibilidad y especificidad de prueba estandarizada de ELISA para detectar anticuerpos IgE. Resultados: La prueba estandarizada de ELISA para detectar anticuerpos IgE tuvo una sensibilidad de 95,6% y una especificidad de 100%. En los pacientes con quiste hidatídico hepático considerados curados, uniformemente disminuyeron los niveles de anticuerpo tipo IgE hasta la negativización. Se obtuvo elevación de los niveles de IgE en los pacientes que presentaron

  13. NEW ITALIAN EPIC versión 2.0.

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    Full Text Available Datta: ¿qué hemos dado? Amigo mío, la sangre que sacude mi corazón la espantosa audacia de un momento de debilidad que un siglo de cautela no podrá borrar. Por eso, sólo por eso, hemos existido, y no estará ni en nuestras necrológicas ni en los recuerdos que cubre la benéfica araña ni bajo los sellos rotos por el flaco notario ni en nuestras vacías estancias. T. S Eliot, The Waste Land La tarde del 11 de septiembre de 2001 trabajábamos en casa de Wu Ming 2. Dábamos el empujón final, enfilábamos la recta final antes de alcanzar la meta de nuestra novela 54. La entrega se había fijado para noviembre. Todavía nos curábamos esos días las heridas del veinte y veintiuno de julio en Génova. Heridas tan sólo metafóricas, gracias a Dios, aunque a un centenar de personas les había tocado peor suerte: cabezas vendadas, brazos rotos, pies enyesados y catéteres. Y un joven había muerto. Génova. Sólo quien haya estado por sus calles comprenderá. Pensábamos que habíamos acertado, al menos por el momento, con los “momentos-clave”, los “puntos de inflexión” y otros dispositivos para reproducir las frases hechas. Y, sin embargo... Un SMS, enviado no sé por quién, hermano de millones de SMS que en aquellos momentos atravesaban el éter, llegó a cada uno de nuestros cinco móviles. Solamente decía: “Enciende la tele”. Durante las semanas siguientes terminamos la novela. La entregamos al editor pocos días antes del inicio de la guerra de Afganistán. En último lugar escribimos una especie de premisa, casi una poesía: No hay ningún “después de la guerra”. Los idiotas llaman “paz” al simple hecho de alejarse del frente. Los idiotas defienden la paz apoyando el brazo armado del dinero. Tras la primera duna los encontronazos proseguían. Dientes de animales quiméricos hundiéndose en la carne, el cielo lleno de acero y humo, culturas enteras extirpadas de la faz de la tierra. Los idiotas combatían al enemigo

  14. Computed tomography scan of the head in patients with migraine or tension-type headache Tomografia computadorizada do crânio em pacientes com migrânea ou cefaléia tensional

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    Marcelo Moraes Valença


    Full Text Available A retrospective study was performed in order to evaluate the frequency of abnormalities found by computed tomography (CT scan of the head in 78 patients with migraine or tension-type headache. In the present study CT scan was normal in 61.5% of the patients with migraine or tension-type headache. A number of abnormalities were encountered in more than one third of the patients studied, including inflammatory sinus disease (19.2%, cysticercosis (3.9%, unruptuted cerebral aneurysm (2.6%, basilar impression (2.6%, intracranial lipoma (2.6%, arachnoid cyst (2.6%, empty sella (2.6%, intracranial neoplasm (2.6%, and others (2.6%. None of these lesions were symptomatic or responsible by the headache picture, therefore, considered incidental findings. In conclusion, the fortuitous encounter of some abnormalities on CT scan of the head is often higher than what we could predict in patients suffering migraine or tension-type headache. We briefly discuss clinical, epidemiologic, and practical management of some of the abnormalities detected by CT scan as well as the indication to request a neuroimaging investigation.Um estudo retrospectivo foi realizado visando avaliar a frequência de anormalidades encontradas durante a realização de estudo por tomografia computadorizada (TC em 78 pacientes com migrânea ou cefaléia do tipo tensional. A TC foi normal em 61,5% dos pacientes examinados. Em um terço dos pacientes estudados foram detectadas anormalidades, como doença inflamatória dos seios paranasais (19,2%, cisticercose (3,9%, aneurisma cerebral não-roto (2,6%, impressão basilar (2,6%, lipoma intracraniano (2,6%, cisto aracnoideo (2,6%, sela vazia (2,6%, neoplasia intracraniana (2,6% e outras afecções (2,6%. Nenhuma destas lesões era sintomática (achado incidental. Concluindo, o encontro fortuito de algumas anormalidades na TC é frequentemente mais elevado do que se prediz em pacientes com cefaléia primária. Nós discutimos brevemente alguns

  15. VIDA DE LAS MAQUETAS: ENTRE LA REPRESENTACIÓN Y LA SIMULACIÓN / Life of the models: between representation and simulation

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    Miguel Ángel de la Cova Morillo-Velarde


    Full Text Available RESUMEN La maqueta arquitectónica puede representar hasta la simulación una realidad por venir, con toda la fidelidad que permite el proceso escalar, o usar el cambio de tamaño para reivindicar su propia identidad, como indicio de la arquitectura que representa. Pero el escalado afecta a algo más que a la geometría. Los materiales y los procesos mediante los cuales se realiza el modelo también transfieren o replican los de lo proyectado. La maqueta posee su propio tiempo de gestación, su propia vida: es una arquitectura en sí misma. En ese lapso de tiempo, la maqueta convive de múltiples maneras con el dibujo, y es habitada por sus constructores, artesanos que se transforman en arquitectos y viceversa, para luego cobijar los deseos de promotores, técnicos colaboradores y público en general. Todos se moverán por ella con las limitaciones que posee la escala, que han de ser salvadas con la imaginación y el análisis. Los modelos digitales han roto esa magia de juego de manos. Como ya ocurre en la música o en la cirugía, habrá que encontrar las convivencias entre manualidad y virtualidad. No basta con los ojos. Lo real necesita de las manos, “para tomar contacto con la dureza del pensamiento”. SUMMARY The architectural model can represent, evensimulate, a reality to come, with all the faithfulness that the scalar process allows, or it can use the change of size to vindicate its own identity as an indication of the architecture it represents. However,scaling affects more than just the geometry. The materials and processes, by which the model is made, also transfer or replicate those of what isplanned. The model has its own gestation time, its own life: itis an architecture in itself. In that time span, the model coexists in many ways with the drawing, and is inhabited by its builders, craftsmen who become architects and vice versa, to latertake on board the wishes of developers, technical partners and the general public. All will

  16. PSEUDODIPHALLIA WITH DUPLICATION OF URETHRA. Pseudodifalia con duplicación de uretra

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    Prakash B Billakanti


    Full Text Available Se presenta un caso raro de “Pseudofalia” en un adulto de  50-60 años de edad, cuyo cuerpo fue donado al departamento de la anatomía del Hospital Universitario Kasturba, Manipal. El sujeto presentaba un pene verdadero, de tamaño normal y otro en miniatura junto a la zona ventral de estructura principal cercana al glande. El glande del pene verdadero no estaba cubierto por el prepucio. El pene accesorio estaba plenamente recubierto por piel  y en la punta una depresión. La observación cercana mostró dos aberturas que indicaban conexión con la uretra. No había más prolongaciones indicando la presencia de glande en este apéndice. El escroto tenía apariencia normal con los testículos  en el lugar. Las arterias y los nervios observados en el pene accesorio eran desviaciones del pene principal. Sin embargo las venas mostraban variaciones. La vena dorsal superficial derecha se originaba en el pene accesorio, mientras que la vena dorsal izquierda estaba formada por la unión de dos venas separadas procedentes del pene principal y el accesorio. Una parte pequeña del órgano accesorio fue para observaciones micros-cópicas, mostrando un cuerpo esponjoso como  una extensión del pene verdadero. El corte mostraba  dos canales uretrales rodeados por tejido esponjoso con espacios cavernosos. Los nervios y los vasos sanguíneos podían verse entre el tejido esponjoso. El epitelio parecía ser una clase de estratificado escamoso (no queratinado. No se observaron anomalías  en el sistema urinario. We present a case of pseudodiphallia in a person whose body was donated to the anatomy department ofKasturbaMedicalCollege, Manipal. The age of the individual was approximately 50-60 years. There was the presence of true penis of normal size and miniature penis attached to the ventral aspect of main structure close to glans. The glans of the true penis was not covered by the prepuce. The accessory penis had full covering of skin and at the tip

  17. Tratamiento endovascular de urgencia con endoprótesis de aneurisma roto disecado de aorta torácica: A propósito de un caso Emergency endovascular treatment with endoprosthesis of ruptured dissected aneurysm of thoracic aorta: Report of one case

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    José Lugo


    Full Text Available Los aneurismas de aorta torácica son menos comunes que los aneurismas de aorta abdominal y pueden encontrarse en aorta ascendente, arco aórtico, aorta descendente o en una combinación de estos segmentos. De estos aneurismas el 30% al 40% se originan en la aorta torácica descendente. En los aneurismas de aorta torácica existe una debilidad estructural de la pared de la aorta, que conlleva una dilatación arterial progresiva con eventual ruptura o disección. Aproximadamente, 50% de los aneurismas de aorta torácica son ateroscleróticos y ocurren como resultado de remodelado arterial y dilatación o a raíz de un metabolismo anormal del colágeno. La mayoría de los aneurismas de aorta torácica se descubren por casualidad durante la evaluación de otros problemas médicos. La meta del tratamiento de los aneurismas de aorta torácica, es prevenir la muerte debido a su ruptura. El riesgo de ruptura de los no tratados oscila entre 46% a 74% y la tasa de mortalidad por su ruptura es extremadamente alta. Los aneurismas de gran tamaño, en especial aquellos mayores de 6 cm, son más susceptibles de rupturas que los aneurismas de menor tamaño. El tratamiento endovascular, inicialmente desarrollado para los aneurismas de aorta abdominal, se introdujo en 1992 como una alternativa menos invasiva al tratamiento de cirugía abierta para los aneurismas de la aorta torácica descendente. En la actualidad, el injerto de stent endovascular en la aorta descendente o endoprótesis, recibe mayor atención como alternativa al reparo quirúrgico de los aneurismas de aorta torácica.Thoracic aortic aneurysms are less common than abdominal aortic aneurysms and can be found in ascending aorta, aortic arch, descending aorta or in a combination of these segments. 30% to 40% of these aneurysms are originated in thoracic descending aorta. In thoracic aortic aneurysms there exists a structural wall weakness that leads to a progressive arterial dilation with eventual rupture or dissection. Approximately 50% of all thoracic aortic aneurysms are atherosclerotic and are the result of arterial restructure and dilation or are due to an abnormal collagen metabolism. Most thoracic aortic aneurysms are only found by chance during other medical problems evaluation. The goal of thoracic aortic aneurysms treatment is the prevention of death due to its rupture. Ruptured risk of untreated aneurysms oscillates between 46% and 74% and mortality rate due to its rupture is extremely high. Large aneurysms, especially when they are greater than 6 cm in diameter are more susceptible of ruptures than smaller aneurysms. Endovascular treatment, initially developed for abdominal aortic aneurysms, was introduced in 1992 as a less invasive alternative to open surgery treatment for descending thoracic aortic aneurysms. Endovascular stent or endoprosthesis is actually getting more attention as an alternative to surgical repair of thoracic aortic aneurysms.

  18. Eficácia terapêutica do interferon alfa em criança com hemangioma gigante craniofacial: relato de caso Therapeutical effectiveness of interferon alpha in a child with craniofacial giant hemangioma: case report

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    Nilson Lopes da Fonseca Junior


    Full Text Available O hemangioma é o tumor benigno mais freqüente da infância. O hemangioma capilar geralmente apresenta-se como uma mancha ou tumoração violácea bem delimitada. O diagnóstico destas lesões é clínico. O hemangioma gigante é rara e extensa variação do hemangioma capilar, que geralmente ocorre em recém-nascidos e lactentes. Várias são as modalidades terapêuticas, como a injeção intralesional de corticóide, laserterapia, injeção intralesional de soluções esclerosantes, corticoterapia sistêmica, cirurgia, radioterapia e embolização. Novas modalidades terapêuticas têm sido desenvolvidas, com o objetivo de se obter melhores resultados e possibilitar o tratamento de lesões de difícil acesso cirúrgico e refratárias às modalidades terapêuticas utilizadas rotineiramente. Os melhores resultados tem sido obtidos com o interferon alfa. Este é um caso de uma paciente com três meses de idade, que apresentava desde o nascimento, tumoração arroxeada e amolecida em pálpebra superior do olho direito, lesões cutâneas planas e arroxeadas em região temporal e parietal direita. Realizada tomografia computadorizada de crânio evidenciando processo expansivo orbitário vascularizado com extensão para fossa média, seio cavernoso e fossa posterior. O tratamento inicial foi a corticoterapia oral durante quarenta dias, com redução progressiva por quatro semanas. Com o quadro praticamente inalterado, foi iniciado o tratamento com interferon alfa, na dose de 3.000.000 U/m², subcutâneo, três vezes por semana. Após 9 meses de tratamento, observa-se apenas uma pequena lesão orbitária residual. Neste caso, o interferon alfa apresentou-se como boa opção no tratamento do hemangioma gigante craniofacial.Hemangiomas are the most commom benign tumors of infancy. Capillary hemangioma generally is presented as a spot or well-defined purple lesion. The diagnosis of these tumors is based on physical examination. Giant hemangioma is a rare


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    Valdemiro Amaro da Silva Júnior


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    Hemangiomas primários do fígado são neoplasias benignas que podem comprometer a sobrevivência do animal, em virtude da compressão de vasos, ductos e hepatócitos adjacentes, especialmente pela possibilidade de rupturas e morte por hipovolemia. Por serem raros em felinos, objetiva-se relatar o caso de uma gata Persa, com 10 anos de idade, cujos sinais clínicos eram: aumento de volume abdominal, vômitos intermitentes, apatia e anorexia, além de cios irregulares. No exame radiográfico se observou massa tecidual radiopaca no fígado. Na ultra-sonografia hepática, percebiam-se contornos irregulares, parênquima heterogêneo, hiperecogênico, com áreas cavitárias, sugestivo de neoplasia e cistos. No exame macroscópico, visibilizaram-se ascite sanguinolenta, esteatose hepática e massa neoplásica única com 12 cm de comprimento por 8 cm de largura e diversos cistos. Os ovários e rins se apresentavam policísticos e havia hiperplasia endometrial cística. Microscopicamente foram diagnosticadas no fígado formações císticas limitadas por endotélio e delgada cápsula de tecido conjuntivo, esteatose e hepatite periportal mononuclear-linfocitária com proliferação de ductos bilíferos. A massa tumoral originava-se a partir do tecido conjuntivo da cápsula hepática e se caracterizava pela presença de brotos vasculares oriundos de células endoteliais, com dilatação e anastomose de vasos nas áreas mais superficiais. Os achados observados são compatíveis com o diagnóstico de hemangioma hepático primário do tipo capilar-cavernoso. Nos ovários, no útero, nos rins e fígado, constatou-se doença policística.


    PALAVRAS-CHAVES: Fígado, gato, neoplasia vascular.

    Primaries hepatics hemangiomas are benign tumors that may compel limitations to animal survival owing to the compression of blood vessels, ducts and contiguous hepatocytes, especially due a

  20. El Crédito Agrícola y su Organización en México, Chile y Colombia.

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    Jaramillo Gómez Jaime


    Full Text Available Estamos asistiendo a una de las épocas más interesantes en la historia de la humanidad, no sólo desde el punto de vista del Derecho Internacional, que puede traer como consecuencia, socavar o reafirmar entre los países, ni tan sólo considerando exclusivamente las transformaciones políticas y sociales que han de sobrevenir en la post-guerra, sino también, y muy principalmente, en el terreno de la economía universal y nacional, a la cual están ligados lo político y lo social. La presente guerra en que se encuentra sumida Europa, ha traído la estagnación y retroceso de la vida regular de la producción circulación, distribución y consumo de bienes. Se ha roto la marcha armónica que el paso lento y seguro del tiempo había señalado en el Universo entero en los variados dominios de la creación y desgaste de las riquezas. Ante esta catástrofe que agosta al viejo Continente, América se yergue como la depositaria de la civilización occidental; y será la llamada a ejercer la hegemonía en el campo económico, político y social, cumpliéndose así la conocida sentencia: “ El pasado Asia, el presente Europa y el futuro América”. Pero ese futuro está muy próximo a ser presente y debemos prepararnos para desempeñar el papel que nos va a corresponder ocupar en un mundo desangrado en los campos de batalla. Y esa preparación debe iniciarse impulsando las fuerzas productoras de nuestros países y muy especialmente la industria agrícola, no sólo para evitar las cuantiosas salidas de dinero por concepto de productos susceptibles de producirse en nuestros suelos, como es el caso de Colombia especialmente, sino también porque la agricultura proporcionará el alimento que mitigará el hombre que ha comenzado a asolar a Europa. La agricultura para poder llenar esta función, necesita de capitales, cultivo científico, abonos e instrumentos de labor; en una palabra, de crédito Agrícola. Y este trabajo tiene por objeto plantear

  1. Apendicite aguda no ciclo gravídico-puerperal: um estudo de 13 casos Acute appendicitis in the gravidic-puerperal cycle: a study of 13 cases

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    Expedito Fernandes Gurgel


    Full Text Available Descrevemos 13 casos de apendicite no ciclo gravídico-puerperal, atendidos na Maternidade Escola Januário Cicco em Natal, no período de 8 anos (jan/89 a dez/96. Todos os casos foram avaliados por uma equipe de obstetras e cirurgiões e a decisão de executar a apendicectomia foi tomada conjuntamente. Onze pacientes eram gestantes (4 no 1º trimestre, 6 no 2º e 1 no 3º e 2 puérperas. A incidência foi 1/3.422 partos, a idade das gestantes variou entre 18 e 30 anos, sendo a maioria nulíparas. No quadro clínico a queixa mais freqüente foi a dor abdominal forte ou moderada, localizada em todo o abdome. A incisão de Rock Daves foi a de eleição, exceto no caso em que a paciente era assintomática e a apendicite foi um achado durante uma cesárea. O apêndice estava roto em 6 casos e dentre eles, 2 apresentaram abscesso de parede abdominal e 1 paciente abortou. Em 9 gestantes a gravidez evoluiu sem intercorrências, culminando com partos a termo. Não houve complicações nas pacientes operadas no puerpério ou naquela apendicectomizada durante a cesárea. Constatou-se associação positiva entre a incidência de perfuração do apêndice e o aumento do intervalo de tempo do início da dor ao ato cirúrgico. Foi observado um aumento da incidência de perfuração quando a dor se expandia por todo o abdome. A precocidade diagnóstica e terapêutica é fundamental no prognóstico destas pacientes.The present study describes 13 cases of appendicitis in the gravidic-puerperal cycle, at the Maternidade Escola Januário Cicco, from Jan/89 to Dec/96. The cases were assisted by a team of obstetricians and surgeons. Eleven patients were pregnant (4 in the 1st trimester, 6 in the 2nd and 1 in the 3rd and 2 were in the puerperal period. The incidence was 1/3.422; the age ranged from 18 to 30 years and the majority was nulliparous. The most frequent symptom was abdominal pain (intense or moderate. The appendix was perforated in 6 cases, 2 of them with

  2. Hanseníase: estigma e preconceito vivenciados por pacientes institucionalizados em Santa Catarina (1940-1960 Lepra: estigma y prejuicio vivido por pacientes institucionalizados en Santa Catarina, Brasil (1940-1960 Leprosy: stigma and prejudice lived by institucionalized patients in Santa Catarina State, Brazil (1940-1960

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    Miriam Süssking Borenstein


    Full Text Available Trata-se de uma pesquisa qualitativa com abordagem sócio-histórica cujo objetivo foi conhecer o estigma e preconceito vivenciado por pacientes/residentes institucionalizados acometidos pela hanseníase. Para tanto, foram entrevistados três pacientes que viveram em um hospital colônia no período do estudo, utilizando-se o método de história oral. Os dados foram coletados e posteriormente analisados, utilizando-se do referencial de estigma. Os resultados evidenciaram que após o ingresso na instituição, esses doentes tiveram seus laços familiares rompidos, perderam seus direitos como cidadãos, em decorrência dessa situação, assumiram novas vidas em um novo contexto. Concluindo, o isolamento nosocomial por um longo período de tempo (anos de internação e afastamento, provocou a morte simbólica de muitos pacientes que viviam com a esperança de um retorno ao convívio familiar e/ou social.El presente es un estudio de investigación cualitativa con abordaje socio-histórica. Tuvo como objetivo conocer el estigma y el prejuicio vivido por los pacientes institucionalizados portadores de lepra. Utilizándose el método de história oral, fueran entrevistados tres pacientes, que vivieron en un hospital en el período del estudio. Los datos fueran colectados y después analizados utilizándose el referencial del estigma. Los resultados colocaran en evidencia que, después del ingreso en la instituición, las personas tuvieran sus lazos familiares rotos, perdieran sus derechos como ciudadanos y asumiran nuevas vidas en un nuevo contexto. En conclusión, el aislamiento nosocomial por uno largo período de tiempo (años de internación y aislamiento, provocó la muerte simbólica de muchos que vivian con la esperanza del regreso a la convívencia familial y social.This study is a qualitative research with a socio-historic approach whose objective was to know the prejudice and stigma lived by the institutionalized patients/residents with


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    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho foi observar a evolução, após 12 meses, das artérias anastomosadas com polipropileno e com fios de poliglactina 910, nos suínos em fase de crescimento. A amostra foi composta por 16 fêmeas da raça Landrace, distribuídas em dois grupos : A e B. Os animais devidamente pesados, foram submetidos a secção transversal da aorta abdominalis, abaixo das arteriae renalis dextra et sinistra,que após a medida dos diâmetros internos foram anastomosadas com os fios correspondentes, mediante suturas contínuas. Após um ano os animais foram submetidos à eutanásia e novas medidas realizadas. Em ambos os grupos ficou evidenciado que pesos maiores estão relacionados a diâmetros maiores das artérias. Houve aumento médio de 1027,5 % no peso final dos animais do grupo A e 1242,9 % nos animais do grupo B. Houve aumento médio de 98,6 % no diâmetro final das artérias dos animais do Grupo A e de 102,7% nas animais do grupo B. Para a análise estatística valeu-se dos testes de WILCOXON e MANN-WHITNEY, com cálculo de D %. Os fios de polipropileno permaneceram nas artérias dos animais do grupo A sendo identificados de duas formas: rotos ou em alça, mas sempre fazendo proeminência na luz arterial. Os fios de poliglactina 910 não foram identificados. Concluiu-se que o fios de polipropileno e de poliglactina 910 permitem o crescimento das artérias ao nível das anastomoses término-terminais na aorta abdominalis de suínos.The aim of this study is to observe polypropylene and polyglactine 910 anastomosis, in growing pigs after twelve months. Sixteen female "Landrace" piglets were distributed into two groups : A and B. After being weighed, the animals underwent aorta abdominalis transversal section under arteria renalis dextra and sinistra, diameter measurement, and anastomosis in continuous suture with the above mentioned threads. One year later, the animals were euthanized and new measurement was performed. In both groups

  4. Influência do meio bifásico na multiplicação de gemas e no alongamento de brotos in vitro de Ananas lucidus Miller.

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    Neiliane Santiago Sombra Borges


    Full Text Available Este estudo foi realizado no Laboratório de Biotecnologia Vegetal da Embrapa Agroindústria Tropical, em Fortaleza (CE. Nele objetivou-se avaliar a influência do meio de cultura bifásico na multiplicação de gemas e no alongamento de brotos, in vitro, de abacaxi ornamental (Ananas lucidus Miller. Na multiplicação de gemas, utilizaram-se como explantes, brotos de cultura in vitro, com altura aproximada de 0,5 cm. Utilizou-se o meio MS, solidificado e líquido, suplementado com 1,0 mg.L-1 de 6- benzilaminopurina (BAP e 0,1 mg.L-1 de ácido naftaleno-acético (ANA. O delineamento estatístico utilizado foi o inteiramente casualizado com os seguintes tratamentos: acréscimos de 10 mL de meio líquido/frasco nos períodos de cultivo 0; 15; 30; 15 e 30; 30 e 60 e, a cada 15 dias durante 75 dias, com 14 repetições e 6 explantes/parcela. Avaliaram-se os pesos de matéria fresca e de matéria seca aos 90 dias de cultivo. No mesmo período, as culturas de cada tratamento foram transferidas para o meio de cultura de Murashige & Skoog (MS solidificado com 0,4% (p/v de ágar e suplementado com 0,01 mg.L-1 de ANA para o alongamento dos brotos, utilizando, como explante, aglomerado de gemas com aproximadamente 0,5 cm de diâmetro. Cada tratamento foi composto por 6 epetições e 6 explantes/parcela, dispostos em delineamento inteiramente casualizado. Realizaram-se três subcultivos sucessivos para o mesmo meio “novo” a cada 30 dias. Aos 90 dias de cultivo em meio de alongamento avaliaram-se o número de rotos/explante e as porcentagens de número de brotos e de brotos enraizados em quatro amplitudes de altura. Os maiores valores médios para pesos de matéria fresca (913,7 mg/explante e matéria seca (69,1 mg/explante foram obtidos com o acréscimo de 10 mL de meio líquido aos 30 dias de cultivo. Os acréscimos de meio líquido efetuados aos 15 e 30 dias de cultivo proporcionaram a maior média de número de brotos (32,6 brotos/explante aos 90

  5. Hepatocellular carcinoma: computed tomography assessment after invasive treatment;Hepatocarcinoma: Evaluacion con tomografia computada luego del tratamiento intervencionista

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kozima, Shigeru; Larranaga, Nebil; Wulfson, Gabriela [Servicio de Diagnostico por Imagenes Hospital General de Agudos ' Cosme Argerich' , CABA, Buenos Aires (Argentina); Departamento de Imagenes, CEMIC, Buenos Aires (Argentina); Eisele, Guillermo [Departamento de Imagenes, CEMIC, Buenos Aires (Argentina); Ridruejo, Ezequiel; Mando, Oscar [Seccion de Hepatologia. Departamento de Medicina, CEMIC, Buenos Aires (Argentina); Perazzo, Florencia [Seccion Oncologia. Departamento de Medicina, CEMIC, Buenos Aires (Argentina)


    diagnostico de hepatocarcinoma; todas fueron tratadas en forma minimamente invasiva. Para el tratamiento se dividio a los pacientes en dos grupos siguiendo el criterio de Milan. El primer grupo, constituido por 75 pacientes con 109 nodulos, fue tratado con quimioembolizacion. El segundo grupo, de 15 pacientes y 25 nodulos, fue tratado con ablacion por radiofrecuencia. Dentro de nuestra poblacion, hubo un subgrupo de 10 pacientes (14 nodulos) que se trato con ambos metodos. Resultados: De los 90 pacientes tratados, luego de los controles con TC realizados a un mes, 3 meses y cada 3 meses durante dos anios, en 63 casos (70%) se observo acumulacion homogenea del lipiodol, defecto parcial sin realce o ausencia de realce en la lesion tratada. A estos no se les realizo nuevo procedimiento luego del tratamiento inicial. En los 27 pacientes restantes (30%), se practico un nuevo tratamiento por visualizarse defecto parcial o ausencia del lipiodol con realce o realce periferico en la fase arterial de la lesion tratada. En este ultimo grupo, 16 pacientes tratados (17,7%) tuvieron nuevo realce nodular en el parenquima hepatico restante. Conclusion: La TC en las fases sin contraste y arterial, a un mes y cada 3 meses, permite evaluar la efectividad, enfermedad residual y/o la recaida del hepatocarcinoma luego del tratamiento minimamente invasivo. (autores)

  6. A 3D Analysis of Rock Block Deformation and Failure Mechanics Using Terrestrial Laser Scanning (United States)

    Rowe, Emily; Hutchinson, D. Jean; Kromer, Ryan A.; Edwards, Tom


    Many natural geological hazards are present along the Thompson River corridor in British Columbia, Canada, including one particularly hazardous rocky slope known as the White Canyon. Railway tracks used by Canadian National (CN) and Canadian Pacific (CP) Railway companies pass through this area at the base of the Canyon slope. The geologically complex and weathered rock face exposed at White Canyon is prone to rockfalls. With a limited ditch capacity, these falling rocks have the potential to land on the tracks and therefore increase the risk of train derailment. Since 2012, terrestrial laser scanning (TLS) data has been collected at this site on a regular basis to enable researchers at Queen's University to study these rockfalls in greater detail. In this paper, the authors present a summary of an analysis of these TLS datasets including an examination of the pre-failure deformation patterns exhibited by failed rock blocks as well as an investigation into the influence of structural constraints on the pre-failure behavior of these blocks. Aligning rockfall source zones in an early point cloud dataset to a later dataset generates a transformation matrix describing the movement of the block from one scan to the next. This process was repeated such that the motion of the block over the entire TLS data coverage period was measured. A 3D roto-translation algorithm was then used to resolve the motion into translation and rotation components (Oppikofer et al. 2009; Kromer et al. 2015). Structural information was plotted on a stereonet for further analysis. A total of 111 rockfall events exceeding a volume of 1 m3 were analyzed using this approach. The study reveals that although some rockfall source blocks blocks do not exhibit detectable levels of deformation prior to failure, others do experience cm-level translation and rotation on the order of 1 to 6 degrees before detaching from the slope. Moreover, these movements may, in some cases, be related to the discontinuity

  7. Woody debris transport modelling by a coupled DE-SW approach (United States)

    Persi, Elisabetta; Petaccia, Gabriella; Sibilla, Stefano


    The presence of wood in rivers is gaining more and more attention: on one side, the inclusion of woody debris in streams is emphasized for its ecological benefits; on the other hand, particular attention must be paid to its management, not to affect hydraulic safety. Recent events have shown that wood can be mobilized during floodings (Comiti et al. 2008, Lange and Bezzola 2006), aggravating inundations, in particular near urban areas. For this reason, the inclusion of woody debris influence on the prediction of flooded areas is an important step toward the reduction of hydraulic risk. Numerical modelling plays an important role to this purpose. Ruiz-Villanueva et al. (2014) use a two-dimensional numerical model to calculate the kinetics of cylindrical woody debris transport, taking into account also the hydrodynamic effects of wood. The model here presented couples a Discrete Element approach (DE) for the calculation of motion of a cylindrical log with the solution of the Shallow Water Equations (SW), in order to simulate woody debris transport in a two-dimensional stream. In a first step, drag force, added mass force and side force are calculated from flow and log velocities, assuming a reference area and hydrodynamic coefficients taken from literature. Then, the equations of dynamics are solved to model the planar roto-translation of the wooden cylinder. Model results and its physical reliability are clearly affected by the values of the drag and side coefficients, which in turn depend upon log submergence and angle towards the flow direction. Experimental studies to evaluate drag and side coefficients can be found for a submerged cylinder, with various orientations (Gippel et al. 1996; Hoang et al. 2015). To extend such results to the case of a floating (non-totally submerged) cylinder, the authors performed a series of laboratory tests whose outcomes are implemented in the proposed DE-SW model, to assess the effects of these values on the dynamic of woody

  8. Positron Scanning of Liver and Pancreas; Exploration de Foie et du Pancreas par les Positrons; Pozitronoskopiya pecheni i podzheludochnoj zhelezy; Exploracion del higado y del pancreas mediante positrones

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Aronow, S; Thors, R; Brownell, G L [Physics Research Laboratory and Department of Surgery, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA (United States)


    para determinar el contorno del pancreas y del higado, respectivamente. Es singularmente dificil el problema de lograr una representacion visual del pancreas dado su reducido tamano y la presencia en su proximidad de organos de grandes dimensiones en los que el zinc se concentra. Los autores examinan diferentes procedimientos para abordar este problema. El cobre-64 en forma ionica sencilla y en forma de sal del acido etilendiaminotetra-acetico se concentra notablemente en el higado. Las exploraciones de ese organo mediante positrones parecen facilitar de modo considerable el diagnostico correcto de diferentes trastornos hepaticos. Los autores presentan datos sobre la distribucion de diferentes isotopos y compuestos en organismos animales. (author) [Russian] Uspeshnoe primenenie pozitronoskopi i v lokalizatsii mozgovykh opukholej vydvinulo ideyu o primenenii ehtogo tekhnicheskogo priema dlya analogichnykh tselej v lechenii drugikh organov. V obsledovaniyakh podzheludochno j zhelezy i pecheni ispol'zuyutsya sootvetstvenno Zn{sup 62} i Si{sup 64} v razlichnykh vida''. Vvidu obychno nebol'shogo razmera podzheludochno j zhelezy i nalichiya vblizi nee bol'shikh sosredotochivayushchi kh v sebe tsink organov problema obsledovaniya ee predstavlyaet osobye zatrudneniya. V dokumente rassmatrivayuts ya razlichnye sposoby resheniya ehtoj problemy. Kontsentratsiya v pecheni Si{sup 64} v prostom ionizirovanno m vide i v vide mednogo versenata dostigaet znachitel'nykh razmerov. Pozitronoskopi ya pecheni veroyatno pozvolit uspeshno provodit' diagnostiku razlichnykh narushenij deyatel'nosti pecheni. V dokumente privodyatsya dannye o raspredeleni i razlichnykh izotopov i khimicheskikh soedinenij v zhivykh organizmakh. (author)

  9. Seismic response monitoring of the Arno river masonry embankment during the conservation works after the Lungarno Torrigiani riverbank landslide (Florence - May 25, 2016) (United States)

    Lotti, Alessia; Pazzi, Veronica; Chiara, Paolo; Lombardi, Luca; Nocentini, Massimiliano; Casagli, Nicola


    concentrated the maximum landslide pressure, and two hinges). In this work we present the results of the SVM carried out during the conservation works. The SVM (sampling frequency 200 Hz) was carried out from August 14 to October 10, 2016 by means of three high gain triaxle velocimeters SS45 (own frequency 4.5 Hz), each one coupled with a SL06 24-bit digitiser, located onto the masonry embankment wall, in the three main fractured areas. The H/V results of the traces acquired to evaluate the resonance frequency of the masonry embankment wall showed that its main resonance frequency was between 4 Hz and 15 Hz, in agreement with the frequency range of roughly 10-meters-high, squat and monolithic structure. Moreover, the maximum peak component particle velocities substantially increased during the roto-percussion piling works, and clearly showed the works advancement. The spectra analysis showed that the NS component, perpendicular to the wall, was the most stressed until the end of the piling works. The SMV indicated that the piling works stressed more the embankment wall section between Ponte alle Grazie hinge and the cusp. Finally, the hinge zones seem to be more sensitive to the vibrations characterized by low-frequency content, while the cusp section (the most damaged one) was more sensitive to vibrations associated with on site works.

  10. Síndrome do coração partido (Síndrome de Takotsubo induzida por ecocardiograma de estresse com dobutamina Síndrome del corazón roto (síndrome de Tako-Tsubo inducido por ecocardiograma de esfuerzo con dobutamina Dobutamine stress echocardiography-induced broken heart syndrome (Takotsubo Syndrome

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    Francisco Juarez Cruz de Vasconcelos Filho


    Full Text Available Relatamos um caso de síndrome de Takotsubo induzida por ecocardiograma de estresse com dobutamina em uma paciente de 76 anos, hipertensa com queixas clínicas de dor precordial, em consulta cardiológica eletiva. Para exclusão de dor torácica de etiologia coronariana foi solicitado ecocardiograma de estresse com dobutamina. O exame foi realizado e, no pico do esforço máximo, o ecocardiograma mostrou acinesia apical com o eletrocardiograma mostrando supradesnivelamento do segmento ST em D1, AVL e V2. A paciente foi internada e submetida a coronariografia, que mostrou coronárias normais e VE com balonamento apical. A paciente evoluiu estável com reversão do quadro 21 dias após o quadro inicial.Relatamos un caso de síndrome de Tako-Tsubo inducido por ecocardiograma de esfuerzo con dobutamina en una paciente de 76 años, hipertensa con quejas clínicas de dolor precordial, en consulta cardiológica electiva. Para exclusión de dolor torácico de etiología coronaria se solicitó ecocardiograma de esfuerzo con dobutamina. El examen fue realizado, y en el pico de esfuerzo máximo, el ecocardiograma mostró acinesia apical con el electrocardiograma mostrando supradesnivel del segmento ST en D1, AVL y V2. La paciente fue internada y sometida a coronariografía, que mostró coronarias normales y VI con abombamiento apical. La paciente evolucionó estable con reversión del cuadro 21 días después del cuadro inicial.We report a case of dobutamine stress echocardiography-induced Takotsubo syndrome in a 76-year-old hypertensive patient with clinical complaints of chest pain in an elective visit to the cardiologist. Dobutamine-stress-echocardiography was requested to rule out chest pain of coronary origin. During the test, at peak exercise, echocardiogram showed apical akinesia and electrocardiogram showed ST-segment elevation in D1, AVL, and V2. The patient was hospitalized and underwent coronary angiography, which showed normal coronary arteries and left ventricular apical ballooning. During follow-up, the patient's condition remained stable, with regression of the manifestations 21 days after the initial presentation.

  11. Largada pelo marido! O estigma vivido por mulheres em Tianguá-CE ¡Dejada por el marido! El estigma vivido por mujeres en Tianguá-Ce Abandoned by her husband! The stigma confronted by women in Tianguá-Ce

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    Virginia Moreira


    Full Text Available Este artigo descreve um estudo sobre a vivência de rompimento do casamento de mulheres deixadas por seus maridos. Teve como objetivo compreender como mulheres de Tianguá - CE - Brasil vivenciavam a ruptura da relação, descrevendo os fatores reconhecidos como agentes do rompimento da relação amorosa. A partir da experiência vivida morando em Tianguá, nossa hipótese era que essas mulheres vivenciavam o rompimento como uma experiência estigmatizada de desestruturação de sua vida pessoal. Utilizando a metodologia fenomenológica crítica com base na filosofia de Merleau-Ponty, realizamos entrevistas semi-estruturadas com 15 mulheres, com idade entre 25 e 35 anos, que haviam morado com o parceiro e com ele tinham filhos e cuja relação marital tinha se rompido havia pelo menos dois anos. Os resultados confirmaram nossas suspeitas: as mulheres colaboradoras deste estudo se sentiam estigmatizadas, encontrando no corpo um aparato para as emoções que expressavam sua dor e reconhecendo-se como incompetentes e discriminadas pela cultura patriarcal local.Este artículo describe un estudio sobre la vivencia de rompimiento del casamiento de mujeres dejadas por sus maridos. Tuvo como objetivo comprender cómo mujeres de Tianguá-Ce-Brasil vivenciaban la ruptura de la relación, describiendo los factores reconocidos como agentes del rompimiento de la relación amorosa. La partir de la experiencia vivida viviendo en Tianguá, nuestra hipótesis era la de que esas mujeres vivenciaban el rompimiento como una experiencia estigmatizada de desestructuración de su vida personal. Utilizando la metodología fenomenológica crítica, con base en la filosofía de Merleau-Ponty, realizamos encuestas semiestructuradas con 15 mujeres, con edad entre 25 y 35 años, que habían vivido con la pareja y con él tenían hijos y cuya relación matrimonial se había roto hacía por lo menos dos años. Los resultados confirmaron nuestras sospechas: las mujeres

  12. A REINVENÇÃO DA VIDA MODERNA NA TRANSIÇÃO DO SÉCULO XIX PARA O SÉCULO XX: de uma cultura de fundamentos ao relativismo contemporâneo

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    Rogério Ferrer Koff


    came to be considered positivist and ethnocentric. Instead of absolute truths, the categories of heterogeneity, difference, and relativism emerged.   KEYWORDS: Modernity; relativization; humanism.         RESUMEN El texto problematiza la noción moderna de humanidad, como género universal, basada en una cierta visión de la naturaleza humana, en una cultura de fundamentos y en una profunda convicción en la existencia de una esencia universal del hombre. La crisis de la noción de esencia hace surgir la historicidad como la forma cabal del pensamiento en el siglo XIX, lo que habría roto el carácter unívoco de la palabra "ciencia". El pensamiento del siglo XX y del amanecer del nuevo milenio nos parecen herederos de esta crisis. La relativización del orden de la verdad y la consiguiente idea de un carácter provisorio del conocimiento y de la moral se ha acogido en el pensamiento posmoderno, caracterizado por el rechazo de la tradición racionalista inaugurada en el pensamiento griego clásico y vigente hasta el Iluminismo. La experiencia moderna y su énfasis en la universalidad del género humano pasó a ser considerada positivista y etnocéntrica. En lugar de verdades absolutas, surgieron las categorías de heterogeneidad, diferencia y relativismo.   PALABRAS CLAVE: Modernidad; relativismo; humanismo.

  13. José Martí y la ciencia

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    José Suárez Lezcano


    écnica, así como el comentario de libros nuevos y la reflexión sobre importantes aspectos de las relaciones económicas que trataban de imponer los Estados Unidos a nuestra América. Especial énfasis pone en subrayar la necesidad de la formación científica como soporte esencial de la educación en nuestros pueblos. En sus apuntes, Martí destaca la necesidad de libertad del hombre para hacer ciencia cuando precisa que…”El siglo XVIII fundó la Libertad; el siglo XIX fundará la Ciencia, así no se ha roto el orden natural y la Ciencia vino después de la Libertad, que es madre de todo. Los hombres parecen estatuas de oro que juegan con fango, tienen celos uno de otros, y con el ruido que hacen sus querellas, no se oyen las voces pacíficas del ejército de sabios…”, o sea, solo en la paz, hija de la libertad, se puede hacer ciencia prudente. Así llegaba Martí a la ciencia, a través de la libertad como amante y luchador que era por alcanzarla en su América a la que dedicaba su obra señalando su camino.

  14. "Stent" auto-expansível nas dissecções da aorta tipo B Self-expanding stent in type B dissections of the aorta

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    Wagner Michael PEREIRA


    Full Text Available O tratamento clínico das dissecções agudas da aorta do tipo B tem mortalidade em torno de 25% menor que a mortalidade cirúrgica. O tratamento cirúrgico das dissecções crônicas também produz uma morbidade e mortalidade elevadas. A utilização de "stents"auto-expansíveis endovasculares pode ser uma nova alternativa no tratamento destas lesões. De abril a dezembro de 1998 foram implantados 15 "stents" endovasculares, 10 em dissecções agudas e 5 em crônicas. A idade dos pacientes variou entre 48 e 75 anos (média=60,53±9,73 anos com 66,6% do sexo masculino. Os pacientes foram submetidos à esternotomia mediana, circulação extracorpórea (CEC com hipotermia profunda (18° - 20°C, parada circulatória total (PCT e perfusão cerebral retrógrada (PCR. A aorta transversa foi incisada e implantado o "stent" na aorta descendente sob auxílio de aortoscopia. Foram analisados os tempos de CEC, pinçamento aórtico, PCT, PCR, reaquecimento, ventilação mecânica, internação, sangramento trans e pós-operatório, reposição sangüínea, gasometria, curva de eventos e sobrevida. A mortalidade hospitalar (30 dias foi de 6,6%; 2 pacientes foram reoperados com 3 e 6 meses após a operação com dissecção da aorta ascendente e aneurisma roto distal ao "stent". Quatorze vêm sendo acompanhados com 1 a 8m de evolução, sendo que 85,7% estão livres de eventos e curva de sobrevida de 93,1%(240 dias. Concluímos que o implante de "stent"intraluminais auto-expansíveis apresentou mortalidade menor na fase aguda da doença (6,6% comparada à nossa experiência anterior com o tratamento clínico (30%. Apesar da amostra ser pequena, o procedimento parece ser promissor e necessita mais acompanhamento.The clinical treatment of acute type B aortic dissection has a mortality of about 25%, therefore, less than surgical mortality. The surgical treatment of chronic dissections also produces a high morbidity and mortality. The use of self

  15. Measurement and calculation of dynamic coefficients in hydrodynamic bearings of gas films; Medicion y calculo de coeficientes dinamicos en cojinetes hidrodinamicos de peliculas de gas

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    Ruiz, Rafael O.; Di Liscia, Marcelo H.; Diaz, Sergio E. [Universidad Simon Bolivar, Sartendejas, Baruta (Venezuela)


    The identification of the dynamic coefficients in air bearings is fundamental for a suitable roto-dynamic analysis. The present paper shows the development of an algorithm that allows the direct obtaining of the dynamic coefficients in hydrodynamic air bearings as much of numerical form as experimental. The testing bench used consists of two magnetic bearings, which support the rotor in their ends and work as well as actuators allowing inducing controlled orbits in the rotor. The test bearing is located between the magnetic bearings. The dynamic forces generated in the air bearing are registered from three load cells. The algorithm was developed in a commercial code of graphical programming, through which the signals can be collected, controlled and processed. The nonlinear behavior of this type of bearings makes difficult the calculation of the dynamic coefficients, therefore the processing of the signals in frequencial space facilitates, in a certain way, its handling. On the other hand, the numerical model was compared with the experimental results obtaining acceptable approaches in magnitude as well as in behavior. The numerical dynamic coefficients calculation was realized solving the Reynolds differential equation for a compressible fluid in the thickness of the gas film, taking into consideration the fluid mass flow that is introduced, as well as the pressure loss suffered by the same in passing through the feeding orifices. The numerical methods utilized include the solution of the differential equation of Reynolds for finite differences, the calculation of the profile realizing successive iterations and the calculation of the hydrodynamics forces through the Simpson numerical integration. The numerical dynamic coefficients were found applying a minimum squared technique to the hydrodynamic stresses generated in simulating an orbit of the rotor at a determined frequency and velocity, allowing in this way the calculation of the synchronous and asynchronous

  16. Factores de riesgo para la recanalización de los aneurismas cerebrales tratados con coils desprendibles

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    Carlos Mario Jiménez Yepes


    evaluamos a pacientes con aneurismas cerebrales tratados por el método endovascular mediante embolización con coils en las ciudades de Medellín, Colombia, y ciudad de Méjico en Méjico. Se incluyeron en el estudio todos los pacientes con aneurismas tratados mediante embolización con coils, en el período comprendido entre noviembre de 1997 y julio de 2008, que contaran con la información completa requerida en el estudio. RESULTADOS: en total se incluyeron 112 pacientes, con un rango de edades entre 23 y 74 años (promedio 52 años y un tiempo de seguimiento entre 6 meses y 11 años. La frecuencia de recanalización fue del 38,4% y la de resangrado de aneurismas embolizados del 3,6%. La frecuencia de fumadores fue del 50,9%, la de hipertensión arterial, 54,5% y la hemorragia subaracnoidea espontanea (HSAE estaba presente en el 73% de los casos. En cuanto a las características de los aneurismas encontramos que 69,6% eran de circulación anterior y 30,4% de circulación posterior. 77,7% eran aneurismas únicos y 22,3% aneurismas múltiples. En cuanto al tamaño, 82,1% eran aneurismas pequeños, 15,2% grandes y 2,7%, gigantes. En la hemodinamia se encontró que el 55,4% correspondieron a aneurismas de pared lateral y el 44,6% a aneurismas de bifurcación; el cuello fue estrecho en el 64,3% de los casos y ancho en el 35,7% fue ancho. El grado de embolización fue completo en el 58,9% de los casos, en el 31,3% quedó cuello residual y solo en el 9,8% de los casos quedó aneurisma residual. En la etapa divariada las variables que tuvieron significancia estadística en relación con la recanalización de aneurismas embolizados fueron: 1. La presencia de HSAE de tal forma que de 30 pacientes con aneurismas no rotos 7 recanalizaron (23,3% y de los 82 pacientes con aneurismas rotos, 36 recanalizaron (43,9% (p = 0,037. 2. Aneurismas de bifurcación: de 61 aneurismas de pared lateral 15 recanalizaron (26,6% y de los 50 aneurismas de bifurcación, 28 recanalizaron (56% (p < 0

  17. Histomorfologia do gânglio de Gasser, da rete mirabile carotídea e da hipófise de bovinos: estudo de 199 casos Histomorphology of the Gasserian ganglion, carotid rete mirabile and pituitary gland in cattle: a study of 199 cases

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    Raquel R. Rech


    Full Text Available O complexo heterogêneo de tecidos formado pelo gânglio de Gasser, rete mirabile carotídea e hipófise (GRH de 199 bovinos foram macro e microscopicamente avaliados. Vinte e um GRH eram de casos confirmados de raiva, 19 com diagnóstico de meningoencefalite por herpesvírus bovino-5 (BoHV-5, 11 casos de febre catarral maligna (FCM, 7 tinham abscesso de pituitária, 17 apresentaram lesões de encefalopatia hepática (status spongiosus atribuído à fibrose crônica por intoxicação por Senecio sp; e os 124 GRH restantes eram provenientes de bovinos que não apresentaram sinais neurológicos e que morreram ou foram eutanasiados por causas diversas. Nenhuma alteração histológica significativa foi observada no GRH dos 124 bovinos que não tinham sinais neurológicos, nos 17 bovinos com encefalopatia hepática, nem nos 19 bovinos afetados por meningoencefalite por BoHV-5. Alterações inflamatórias foram encontradas em 20 dos 21 casos de raiva e consistiam de proliferação de células satélites, nódulos gliais e infiltrado linfo-plasmocitário; alterações degenerativas incluíam cromatólise central, vacuolização neuronal e necrose neuronal com neuronofagia. Corpúsculos de inclusão eosinofílicos intracitoplasmáticos (de Negri foram encontrados em 19 dos 21 casos de raiva; neurite do nervo trigêmeo em 11 casos e neuroipofisite em 4 casos. O complexo GRH de 9 de 11 casos de FCM apresentava arterite necrosante, que afetava as artérias da rete mirabile carotídea. Em 7 dos 199 GRH examinados havia abscessos de pituitária caracterizados por agregados de neutrófilos e detritos celulares circundados por infiltrado mononuclear e cápsula fibrosa. Vários achados incidentais foram observados nos 199 GRH examinados histologicamente e não foram correlacionados com alterações ligadas a doenças. Estes incluíam cistos na cavidade hipofisária, agregados de fibrina e neutrófilos no seio cavernoso da rete mirabile carotídea, leve aumento


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    Ana Cruz


    produced in another place and they were probably intentionally placed in the burials. SPANISH: La cueva del Morgado Superior es una cavidad kárstica situada en el municipio de Tomar (Santarém, Portugal. Como otras cavidades de la misma zona, en esta se dispone de datos estratigráficos y depósitos votivos pertenecientes al Holoceno, más concretamente a un rango cronológico de tiempo que se extiende desde el Neolítico hasta los inicios de la Edad del Bronce. En la cueva del Morgado Superior se han documentado múltiples enterramientos con objetos votivos como jarras, artefactos en hueso e industria lítica (láminas y puntas de flecha, etc., cuentas, collares y otros elementos decorativos asociados a más de 8.000 huesos humanos: los elementos del ajuar funerario son escasos en comparación con el número de individuos enterrados en la cueva. En relación al desgaste de uso, hemos analizado el ajuar funerario con el objetivo de entender su función en el contexto funerario y económico de esta sociedad prehistórica. El estudio se ha centrado en los elementos más representativos del ajuar funerario: puntas de flecha y artefactos líticos tallados. Dicho análisis muestra que la mayoría de los elementos del ajuar funerario fueron objetos de uso cotidiano pero con un fuerte valor simbólico. Teniendo en cuenta que en la cueva del Morgado Superior se han encontrado numerosos objetos del ajuar funerario previamente rotos, su valor simbólico no parece desaparecer si los objetos se rompían. Además, el análisis del desgaste de uso del ajuar funerario de la cueva del Morgado Superior nos ha permitido identificar un fuerte valor simbólico de estos elementos para la comunidad y, al mismo tiempo, hipotetizar una práctica funeraria que no implicaría un especial respeto por los cuerpos y el ajuar funerario de estos muertos enterrados en la cueva. Por estas razones, podemos vislumbrar una expoliación progresiva (probablemente ritual del ajuar funerario. A través del

  19. El Estado y la Religión en las sociedades industrializadas y de innovación y cambio (The State and Religion in industrialized societies and also of innovation and change - DOI: 10.5752/P.2175-5841.2010v8n19p9

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    Marià Corbí


    Full Text Available Resumen En sociedades preindustriales con estado, la religión como sistema de creencias que era simultáneamente sistema de programación colectiva y modo de expresar y vivir la dimensión absoluta de la realidad, el estado necesitaba de la religión y la religión del estado. La industrialización, las sociedades de innovación y cambio, y la subsiguiente democratización, han roto ese pacto y dependencia mutua. En las nuevas sociedades industriales, las religiones no podrán ofrecer sistemas de creencias con la pretensión de que se conviertan en proyecto de vida colectiva, porque, interpretadas desde una epistemología mítica que da por real lo que dicen los mitos, son voluntad divina a la que hay que someterse. Por el contrario, si no se quiere quebrar la tradición, las religiones deberán hacer una oferta de espiritualidad, de calidad humana profunda, a las sociedades globalizadas en continua transformación, cuando más lo necesitan. Las nuevas sociedades no precisan de creencias que fijen, sino de calidad, de espíritu de vida. Las religiones y los estados debieran reconocer esta nueva situación por el bien de los pueblos, de la convivencia entre ellos y por el bien del planeta. Sociedades de una tecnociencia poderosa en continuo crecimiento y sin calidad, pueden ser muy peligrosas. Palabras clave: Mito; creencia; estado; religión; sociedad de conocimiento. Abstract In pre-industrial societies with a formal State, in which the religion appeared as a belief system that was both a programming system and a collective way of expressing and living the absolute dimension of reality, the state needed religion and religion needed the state. Industrialization, society in innovation and change, and the subsequent democratization broke this pact and its mutual dependency. In the new industrial societies, religions could not offer those beliefs systems that claim to be converted to a collective life project, interpreted from an mythic

  20. Dos obras de Welton Becket (EE. UU.

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    Becket, Welton


    en él se pueden celebrar competiciones deportivas y gimnásticas, espectáculos musicales, cinematográficos y circenses e incluso exposiciones, reuniones y congresos. La entrada, desde la plaza, se realiza a través de una galería acristalada que rodea al edificio y que comunica con el corredor interior que circunda la pista. Tiene capacidad para más de 11.000 plazas, si bien hay unas plataformas telescópicas que se despliegan en el nivel de la pista, y sillas portátiles que la aumentan hasta un total de 16.500 plazas. El edificio está cubierto por una armadura de acero, limitada exteriormente con un amplio voladizo metálico. Todo el sistema va apoyado sobre 32 grandes pilares de hormigón, en forma de U, que quedan manifestados en el exterior de la fachada. El Coliseo cuenta con instalaciones de iluminación y sonido del tipo teatral, con lo que se consigue adecuarlo a cada una de las distintas manifestaciones. Bajo la plaza adyacente se ha dispuesto una gran sala de exposiciones subterránea, que complementa al Coliseo. Tiene una superficie de más de 5.700 m2, que se puede subdividir en espacios más pequeños, de acuerdo con las necesidades, por medio de paneles plegables. Centro comercial de Bullock´s en Norhtridge. La principal característica de este gran almacén es su total tratamiento a modo de escenario para las diversas mercancías que en él se exponen. Por otra parte, su diseño ha roto con el molde tradicional en forma de caja, típico de estos edificios, sustituyéndolo por un volumen poliédrico de efecto más dinámico. En él se ha dado tanta importancia a los espacios arquitectónicos como al sistema de iluminación y a la decoración. Así, mediante los distintos efectos luminosos, se consigue resaltar o quitar importancia a las diversas zonas, mientras que los adornos y las formas arquitectónicas limitan, diferenciando, las distintas áreas de exposición de artículos. Un sistema ornamental y de particiones móviles dotan al conjunto

  1. Direct Measurement of Tritium in Biological Materials with the Liquid Scintillation Counter; Determination quantitative directe du tritium dans les substances biologiques, au moyen de compteurs a scintillations a liquides; Neposredstvennoe izmerenie kolichestva tritiya v biologicheskikh materialakh pri pomoshchi zhidkogo stsintillyatsionnogo schetchika; Determinacion cuantitativa directa del tritio en sustancias biologicas mediante contadores de centelleador liquido

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    Halvorsen, K [Institutt for Atomenergi, Kjeller, Lillestroem (Norway)


    'hyamine et le rendement de la detection peut etre de 10 a 15%. L'auteur examine les techniques de correction de coupage et certains phenomenes de phosphorescence dans la mesure ou ils ont une influence sur le dispositif de comptage a un seul phototube. Cette methode, bien que moins precise que le dispositif de coincidence, l'est suffisamment pour de nombreuses applications. L'experience qui fait l'objet du memoire a porte sur des echantillons de tissus de souris auxquelles on avait injecte au prealable de la thymidine marquee au tritium. Lorsqu'une dose d'environ 1 {mu}c de thymidine tritiee par gramme de poids du corps est injectee aux souris, on peut suivre pendant un mois les transformations metaboliques de la thymidine incorporee a l'acide deoxyribonucleique (ADN) des divers tissus. (author) [Spanish] Ya se han presentado informes acerca de los procedimientos aplicados para la determinacion cuantitativa del tritio en tejidos animales y fracciones aisladas de los mismos. Sin embargo, en los trabajos respectivos se han utilizado siempre, para el recuento de la muestra, espectrometros de coincidencia de centelleador liquido. En cambio, en el presente trabajo las mediciones se han efectuado con un contador de centelleador liquido equipado con un fototubo unico. Se investigo principalmente la disolucion directa de tejido animal en la hiamina 10-KH y el recuento del tejido liofilizado en suspension en geles de centelleo. Es posible disolver directamente en hiamina tejidos diferentes tales como el hepatico, el intestinal, el sanguineo y el cutaneo, y medirlos con un rendimiento de 10 a 15%. El autor examina la tecnica aplicada para la correccion por extincion, asi como ciertos fenomenos de fosforescencia que afectan la determinacion en el sistema de recuento de fototubo unico. Parece que el metodo ofrece una sensibilidad suficiente para muchas aplicaciones, aunque un poco menor que la del dispositivo de recuento por coincidencias. La labor de que se informa se llevo a cabo con

  2. O orçamento público brasileiro e a perspectiva emancipatória: existem evidências empíricas que sustentam esta aproximação? El presupuesto público brasileño y la perspectiva emancipadora: hay prueba empírica que apoya este enfoque? The Brazilian public budget and the emancipatory perspective: is there any empirical evidence supporting this approach?

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    Welles Matias de Abreu


    tipo cualitativas descriptivas con características ontológicas constructivistas y epistemológicas interpretacionistas. Los datos se recopilan a través de búsquedas bibliográficas y documentales, así como la celebración de entrevistas abiertas. Los datos de las entrevistas se agrupan en categorías para el análisis de contenido y la realización de triangulaciones con datos de bibliográfico y documental. Se presentan los resultados de los análisis con respecto a las características del presupuesto brasileño roto sus pruebas y oportunidades bajo la perspectiva emancipadora. Para tanto, con la conclusión de que el presupuesto público brasileño no podía considerarse como emancipatorio, se puede identificar La existencia de diversas características emancipadoras, así como diversas oportunidades que se pueden desarrollar en el presupuesto brasileño. Por último, se hace constar que esta investigación contribuye a la producción de conocimiento en la planificación de la teoría, ya que presenta evidencia empírica de la teoría de la planificación emancipadora en el proceso presupuestario brasileño, al ser una iniciativa pionera en Brasil para estudiar bajo la emancipación del presupuesto.The purpose of this study is to analyze the characteristics of the Brazilian budgetary process from the perspective of the emancipatory planning. For this purpose, the theories used are strategy formulation, public budget, emancipatory planning and developmentism. The methodology employed to analyze the case is of the qualitative nature for the description of the characteristics constructivist ontological and epistemological interpretativist. Data have been collected by bibliographic and documentary research, in addition to open-end interviews. Interview data have been grouped into categories for the purpose of content analysis with has been done through triangulation with bibliographic and documents. Results are presented from the analysis of the characteristics of

  3. Valoración de un dvd educativo a través de un grupo de expertos. [Evaluation of an educational DVD through a group of experts

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    Pablo Gil Galindo


    análisis del cuestionario, se pudieron reparar aquellos enlaces rotos o que erróneamente no llevarían al punto correcto del interactivo e incluir un índice que permitiera navegar por el Dvd. Por otra parte, sirvió para modificar aquellos contenidos que podían no resultar lo suficientemente explícitos para el tipo de alumno que iba a utilizarlo. Así, se recortaron aquellos que se consideró que excedían el objeto de este estudio y se ampliaron aquellos que, en opinión de los expertos, se quedaban algo escasos. Palabras clave: Cuestionario, Nuevas Tecnologías, Iniciación Minibalonmano,       Abstract We started with the idea that the use of the so called new technologies is of a great utility in every field of our lives, even in education matters. This use has driven us to changes in our society and in the new methods of education too. At this moment, the learning is centered on the pupils because all the materials they use are adapted to them and because they are allowed to take control, in a certain way, of the learning process, due to the facilities given by the use of the new technologies. This article discusses the validation process carried out in an investigation into the design, evaluation and implementation of a DVD multimedia in teaching handball teachers in physical education. For this validation, we used the questionnaire technique answered by several experts in the interactive content or in the design area. This questionnaire was structured into four major blocks and their primary objective was to analyze the most important characteristics of the Dvd. We tried to gather opinion of those experts on whether the material could be exciting, stimulate the learning and help to get the included content. The results showed that the style of writing was, by far, the most prized item in the questionnaire, as well as the content related to mini handball and the displacement. It is also noteworthy the correlation between the comments made in the

  4. Theoretical and Experimental Aspects of Quenching Variables from Biomedical Samples in Liquid Scintillator Systems; Aspects Theoriques et Experimentaux des Parametres d'Extinction Etudies sur des Echantillons Biomedicaux dans des Systemes a Scintillateur Liquide; Teoreticheskie i ehksperimental'nye aspekty peremennykh gasheniya iz biomeditsinskikh prob v zhidkikh stsintillyatsionnykh sistemakh; Estudio Teorico y Experimental de las Variables de Extincion en el Recuento de Sustancias Biological por Centelleo Liquido

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ross, H. H. [Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN (United States)


    este procedimiento. El autor describe asimismo una nueva tecnica experimental de correccion por extincion cromatica utilizando un 'patron interno aislado'. Aplicando esta tecnica, junto con cualquiera de los otros metodos de correccion de la extincion total, se determinan sin dificultad los efectos separados de la extincion cromatica y de la extincion quimica. La tecnica de empleo del patron interno aislado se basa en la absorcion de fotones en una muestra de centelleador liquido con extincion cromatica. Sin embargo, a diferencia del metodo espectrofotometrico antes citado, la fuente de luz consiste en una pequena ampolla que contiene un centelleador liquido sin extintor adicionado del isotopo deseado. Los fotones emitidos por el patron tienen la misma intensidad de fluorescencia y distribucion espectral que los producidos en la muestra. Una vez preparado, el patron se sumerge en una solucion de centelleador liquido puro y se recuenta. Se procede a un segundo recuento con el patron sumergido en una muestra con extincion cromatica. La razon de estos dos recuentos constituye una medida de la extincion cromatica en la muestra y no es afectada por la presencia de especies extintoras de la fluorescencia. Este metodo, por la sencillez de sus principios y su facilidad de aplicacion, se presta muy bien para las investigaciones corrientes. Se han evaluado, utilizando ambos metodos de correccion, los efectos individuales de extincion en varios tipos de muestras. Se han estudiado detalladamente soluciones especiales de colorantes y muestras de orina, sangre y tejido hepatico. Los resultados indican que la concordancia entre los dos metodos es excelente. Asimismo, los efectos de extincion de la mayor parte de las muestras de orina, sangre y tejido hepatico se han determinado con una precision de {+-}3%. (author) [Russian] Do nedavnego vremeni ne predstavljalos' vozmozhnym opoznavat' individual'nye peremennye gashenija v zhidkih scintilljacionnyh sistemah. Hotja obychnye metody

  5. Use of the Scintigraphic Method In Morphological Exploration of the Liver during Amoebiasis; Application de la Methode Scintigraphique a l'Exploration Morphologique du Foie au Cours de l'Amibiase; Primenenie stsintigraficheskogo metoda dlya morfologicheskogo issledovaniya pecheni pri amebiaze; Aplicacion de la Centelleografia a la Exploracion Morfologica del Higado en Casos de Amibiasis

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Gongora, R.; Jammet, H. [Fondation Curie, Paris (France)


    de los examenes que han efectuado y las conclusiones correspondientes. Describen la tecnica de examen considerando, sucesivamente: a) el problema de la eleccion de los productos (Rosa Bengala marcadb con {sup 131}I; {sup 198}Au en solucion coloidal) senalando sus ventajas e inconvenientes; b) los aparatos empleados, insistiendo en el problema de la colimacion; c) el desarrollo del examen, que comprende un examen funcional y la centelleografia propiamente dicha efectuada, necesariamente, desde varias proyecciones; d) la repeticion del examen a intervalos de varios meses. A continuacion, los autores tratan de la semiologia centelleograueca de las amibiasis hepaticas, analizan las imagenes anormales elementales, examinan su topografia y describen las asociaciones de esas imagenes en el caso de la hepatitis y en el de los abscesos amibianos. Estudian la evolucion temporal de esas imagenes y dan informacion sobre un cierto numero de casos en que el examen centelleografico se repitio a intervalos de varias semanas o de varios meses. Por ultimo, senalan en que casos esta indicado este metodo, que facilita datos esenciales para precisar el diagnostico positivo de los abscesos hepaticos amibianos y su diagnostico topografico y morfologico, particularmente interesante desde el punto de vista quirurgico, y que permite seguir la evolucion de la enfermedad y apreciar la curacion de los abscesos despues del tratamiento medico. (author) [Russian] Scintigraficheskij metod nahodit vse bole;e shirokoe primenenie pri morfologicheskom issledovanii amebnogo zabolevanija pecheni v svjazi s chastotoj pechenochnyh lokalizacij amebiaza i trudnostjami klinicheskogo i paraklinicheskogo diagnoza amebnogo abscessa pecheni. V dannoj oblasti metod daet vozmozhnost' poluchat' ves'ma interesnye dannye. Privoditsja statistika provedennyh opytov, predlagajutsja sootvetstvujushhie vyvody. Izlozhenie metoda issledovanija daetsja v sledujushhem porjadke: Problema vybora indikatora (Bengal'skaja roza

  6. Carcinogenesis by Fast Neutrons Relative to X-Rays in Mice; Carcinogenese chez les Souris sous l'Effet des Neutrons Rapides et des Rayons X; Sravnitel'naya chastota vozniknoveniya rakovykh opukholej u myshej pri obluchenii bystrymi nejtronami i rentgenovskimi luchami; Accion Carcinogenica Comparada de los Neutrones Rapidos y de los Rayos X en el Raton

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Cole, L. J.; Nowell, P. C. [Division of Biological and Medical Sciences, U.S. Naval Radiological Defense Laboratory, San Francisco, CA (United States); Department of Pathology, School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA (United States)


    ). Parmi les souris du Groupe I, sacrifiees 12 a 16 mois apres l'exposition, 75% presentaient des hepatomes; ce taux atteignait 92% chez les souris du Groupe II. Par contre, des tumeurs du foie se sont produites chez 14% des souris exposees seulement aux neutrons (Groupe V) et chez 2,4% des souris exposees a une dose unique (500 rad) de rayons X de 250 kVcrete. On a observe des neoplasmes du rein chez pres de 100% des souris du Groupe IV, alors que ces lesions ont ete peu frequentes chez les souris temoins. Les auteurs etudient Inverted-Exclamation-Mark ' induction de ces neoplasmes sous l'effet de l'exposition aux neutrons et leur developpement sous l'action des agent employes pour stimuler la proliferation. En ce qui concerne l'induction de neoplasmes du rein chez les souris, les donnees indiquent un coefficient de puissance d'environ 2 pour les neutrons de fission par rapport aux rayons X de 250 kV-crete. Pour ce qui est de l'apparition de lymphomes dans cette lignee, leur frequence a ete moins importante chez les souris exposees aux neutrons (11%) que chez les sujets exposes aux rayons X (29%). (author) [Spanish] Los autores sometieron ratones jovenes adultos de la variedad LAF a una exposicion subletal unica a neutrones de fision, tratandolos de la siguiente forma: Grupo I: 195 a 199 rad, seguida de una sola inyeccion subcutanea de CCl{sub 4}, un mes despues de la exposicion; Grupo II: inyeccion de CCl{sub 4} aplicada un dia antes de la irradiacion neutronica (280 y 329 rad); Grupo III: inyeccion de CCl{sub 4} sin irradiacion; Gmpo IV: nefrectomfa unilateral un dia antes de la irradiacion (320 y 328 rad); Grupo V: irradiacion neutronica exclusivamente (200 y 320 rad). Al sacrificar los sujetos entre 12 y 16 meses a contar de la irradiacion, se encontraron hepatomas en el 75% de los ratones del Grupo I y en el 92% de los del Grupo II. En cambio, los tumores hepaticos aparecieron en el 14% de los ratones que solo fueron irradiados (Grupo V) y en el 2,4% de los expuestos

  7. Contrast Enhancement by Multicolour Print-Out of Thyroid, Kidney, Liver and Brain Scans; Accentuation des Contrastes dans les Scintigrammes Polychromes du Cerveau, du Foie, du Rein et de la Thyroide; Kontrastnoe usilenie s pomoshch'yu mnogotsvetnogo otpechatka skennogramm shchitovidnoj zhelezy, pochek, pecheni i golovnogo mozga; Aumento del Contraste en los Centelleogramas Policromos de la Tiroides, el Rinon, el Higado y el Cerebro

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hine, G. J.; Patten, D. H.; Burrows, B. A. [Radioisotope Service, Veterans Administration Hospital Boston University School of Medicine Boston, MA (United States)


    numerica del centelleograma. Esta tecnica permite delimitar mas claramente que otros metodos de lectura las zonas en que las diferencias del indice de recuento son muy reducidas. En un mismo carro se montan cintas de maquina de escribir de diferentes colores; un punzon, cuyo movimiento esta regido por un integrador, con una constante de tiempo de 0,3 s, golpea una de las cintas. La primera, que corresponde al intervalo mas bajo del indice de recuento, no tiene tinta; asi, no hay senales en color para los indices de recuento inferiores al 12,5 por ciento del valor maximo, que se ajusta para cada centelleograma cuando se utilizan las ocho cintas de color. Sin embargo, todos los impulsos quedan registrados en copias sacadas con papel carbon. Desde el punto de vista clinico, el centelleograma policromo tiene la ventaja de que hace aparecer inmediatamente las variaciones del indice de recuento que delimitan zonas con concentraciones de radioisotopos distintas. La supresion del color para los indices de recuento poco elevados permite distinguir mejor ciertas zonas que son dificiles de visualizar a consecuencia de la intensidad de la actividad de fondo debida a los tejidos, por ejemplo, las correspondientes a lesiones cerebrales. Los centelleogramas policromos hacen aparecer los contornos correspondientes al espesor del tejido hepatico que participa en las funciones del higado y que dificilmente pueden observarse de otra manera. Permiten identificar mejor las zonas de fibrosis y de infiltracion tumoral comparandolos con centelleogramas de tipo corriente. Lo mismo puede decirse de los centelleogramas del rinon en los que un cambio de color puede indicar la presencia de zonas isquemicas, cisticas o tumorales. Los centelleogramas policromos de la tiroides permiten proceder a una comparacion semicuantitativa de la concentracion del yodo radiactivo en las diferentes zonas. (author) [Russian] S pomoshh'ju skennogrammy mozhno poluchit' kolichestvennuju informaciju, esli cvet snimka i zm

  8. La derrota de la agronomía, romper un camino a través del bosque

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    Torres Enrique


    -layout-grid-align: none; text-autospace: none;">Derrota es un vocablo enraizado en el sánscrito rav- = romper, rutá- = roto, que se insertó en las lenguas latinas como "ruta" a través de la rupIavia= vía rota, algo así como un "camino abierto cortando el bosque" (Robertsy Pastor, 1996. Este origen legitima su parentesco con derrotero, definido por la Real Academia Española como el camino tomado para lograr el fin propuesto. Así que anotar la derrota es señalar el rumbo a seguir en una navegación, y no necesariamente reconocer que se ha perdido una batalla. Esta nota es, pues, una invitación a reflexionar acerca del rumbo de la agronomía, y muy apropiadamente sobre los caminos que se han de abrir, cortando el bosque.


    En su acepción etimológica como las leyes o costumbres del campo, la agronomía es la recopilación de las prácticas locales que ejecutan los agricultores. Como tal, se constituye con base en obras de poetas, cronistas, historiadores y pensadores en diversas culturas, y podría remontarse al código babilónico de leyes atribuido a Hammurabí. Tratados de agronomía, así entendida, fueron compuestos por Aristóteles y Teofrasto en Grecia, Columela, Virgilio, Catón, Varrón y los Plinios en Roma, Abu-Zacaría en la España musulmana, e innumerables escritores donde quiera que se desarrollaron prácticas de agricultura.