
Sample records for causada por herpes

  1. Síndrome oculoglandular de Parinaud causada por esporotricose


    Ribeiro,Alexandre Sampaio de Abreu; Bisol,Tiago; Menezes,Marcela Sant'Ana


    A síndrome oculoglandular de Parinaud é uma doença ocular rara causada por diferentes agentes etiológicos, entre eles bactérias, vírus e fungos. É caracterizada por uma conjuntivite granulomatosa, acompanhada de linfadenopatia pré-auricular adjacente e pode trazer sequelas caso não seja prontamente tratada. Neste artigo é relatado o caso de uma jovem técnica de enfermagem e estudante de medicina veterinária apresentando a síndrome oculoglandular de Parinaud causada pelo fungo Sporothrix schen...

  2. Cytomegalovirus and other herpesviruses infections in heart and bone marrow transplant recipients Infecções causadas por citomegalovírus e outros vírus do grupo herpes em transplantados cardíacos e de medula óssea

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    Adriana Weinberg


    Full Text Available From January 1988 to January 1989 all the heart transplant and bone marrow recipients at the Instituto do Coração of the Hospital das Clínicas of the University of São Paulo Medical School were studied for the incidence and morbidity associated with herpesviruses infections after transplantation. Five bone marrow and 5 heart transplant recipients were followed for a mean of 4.2 months post-transplantation. All the patients were seropositive for cytomegalovirus (CMV before admission and 80% experienced one or more recurrences during the observation period. Of the 12 episodes of CMV infection, that were identified in this study, 83% were accompanied by clinical or laboratory abnormalities. However, there was only one case of severe disease. The overall incidence of infection for herpes simplex (HSV was 50%. Although most of HSV reactivations were oral or genital, one case of HSV hepatitis occurred. One of the 6 episodes of HSV infections that were treated with acyclovir showed an unsatisfactory response and was successfully managed with ganciclovir. All the individuals had anti-varicella zoster virus antibodies, but none of them developed infection. The study emphasizes the importance of active diagnostic surveillance of herpesvirus infections in transplant patients. Both CMV and HSV reactivations showed high incidence and important morbidity and thus, deserve prophylactic therapy.De janeiro de 1988 a janeiro de 1989 todos os pacientes submetidos a transplante de coração ou de medula óssea no Instituto do Coração do Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo foram estudados quanto à incidência e morbidade das infecções pós-transplante causadas por vírus do grupo herpes. Cinco recipientes de medula óssea e 5 transplantados cardíacos foram observados por um período médio de 4.2 meses após o transplante. Todos os pacientes tinham sorologia positiva para citomegalovírus (CMV antes do transplante

  3. Muerte cerebral causada por consumo de psicofármacos


    Iglesias Rozas, José Rafael, 1942-


    Tres imágenes de una biopsia de un cerebro en estado de muerte cerebral causada por consumo de psicofármacos. Three pictures of a biopsy of a brain that has died because of consumption of psychoactive drugs.

  4. Queratitis causada por Paecilomyces lilacinus. Reporte de un caso

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    Alejandro del Castillo Ruiz


    Conclusiones: La queratitis micótica es una infección corneal muy seria, de evolución tórpida, que puede causar ceguera. Comúnmente se desarrolla en pacientes después de un trauma o en aquellos con una superficie corneal comprometida. Voriconazol se ha referido como un fármaco útil para el tratamiento de úlceras corneales causadas por Paecilomyces lilacinus con muy buena penetración a estroma, acuoso y vítreo por vía oral y tópica. Un diagnóstico y tratamiento oportunos fueron esenciales en este caso de queratitis micótica para su resolución.

  5. Meningite e endocardite infecciosa causada por Rhodotorula mucilaginosa em paciente imunocompetente

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    Sergio Henrique Loss


    Full Text Available Os autores relatam o caso de um homem imunocompetente admitido com comprometimento agudo do sistema nervoso, crise hipertensiva e insuficiência renal, vindo a receber diagnóstico de meningite e endocardite infecciosa por Rhodotorula mucilaginosa. Até onde sabemos, esta é a primeira descrição de infecção simultânea das meninges e do endotélio causada por Rhodotorula em um paciente sem comprometimento imunológico.

  6. Aspectos de la respuesta inmune innata en las infecciones intramamarias causadas por Staphylococcus aureus en bovinos

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    Elizabet A.L Pereyra


    Full Text Available Staphylococcus aureus es el principal agente causante de mastitis bovina en Argentina y en el mundo. Esta bacteria ocasiona infecciones crónicas que generan importantes pérdidas a los productores y la industria lechera. El objetivo de este artículo es caracterizar los mecanismos que intervienen en la infección causada por S. aureus en la glándula mamaria bovina, evaluando dos aspectos diferentes del proceso infeccioso: por un lado, lo vinculado con la respuesta inmune innata por parte del hospedador, y por otro, la capacidad de la bacteria para evadir el sistema inmune e interactuar con diferentes tipos celulares. La exploración de la interacción de S. aureus con el sistema inmune de la glándula mamaria bovina permitirá identificar blancos para delinear nuevas alternativas preventivas o curativas, que contribuyan a evitar o eliminar las infecciones causadas por este organismo.

  7. Transmissão da Infeção HSV-1 da Criança para a Mãe Durante a Amamentação: Um Caso de Gengivostomatite Herpética

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    Filipa Ribeiro Verdasca


    O presente caso refere-se a uma criança com 14 meses, internada por recusa alimentar, causada por gengivostomatite herpética. No quarto dia de internamento, a mãe tinha desenvolvido lesões herpéticas nos mamilos. O objetivo é alertar para a transmissão deste vírus da criança infetada para a mãe, durante a amamentação.


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    Felipe Rafael Garcés Fiallos


    Full Text Available O feijoeiro é atacado, além de fungos, nematóides e bactérias, por vírus que podem causar danos e perdas numa lavoura. As doenças causadas por vírus têm exercido um papel relevante na baixa produtividade do feijoeiro no Brasil e outros países Latino-Americanos. Os métodos de controle para as viroses de plantas cultivadas são, em geral, muito restritos. Pela falta desta informação e pela importância da cultura do feijão, se traz esta revisão, onde são relatadas as doenças virais mais importantes desta cultura dentro do Brasil e fora dele, explicando detalhadamente sua sintomatologia, etiologia e seu controle. As doenças viróticas mais importantes no feijoeiro no Brasil são o bean common mosaic virus (BCMV, bean golden mosaic virus (BGMV, bean rugose mosaic virus (BRMV, cowpea mild mottle virus (CpMMV e southern bean mosaic virus (SBMV. Esta revisão traz o mais importante em relação às doenças primordiais causadas por vírus de plantas na cultura de feijão.

  9. Peracute bovine mastitis caused by Klebsiella pneumoniae Mastite bovina hiperaguda causada por Klebsiella pneumoniae

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    M.G. Ribeiro


    Full Text Available Relata-se a ocorrência de graves sintomas de mastite hiperaguda em vaca, causada por Klebsiella pneumoniae, na terceira semana de lactação. Descrevem-se aspectos epidemiológicos, sintomas clínicos, procedimentos de diagnóstico microbiológico, conduta terapêutica e medidas de controle.

  10. Estado de la moniliasis del cacao causada por moniliophthora roreri en colombia


    Correa Alvarez, Javier; Castro Martínez, Sergio; Coy, Jairo


    La Moniliasis es una enfermedad fúngica que ataca el cultivo de cacao, causada por el basidiomycete Mo-niliophthora roreri. Está presente en la mayoría de los países latinoamericanos y se adapta a diversidad de ambientes. En Colombia la enfermedad es devastadora y las estrategias de control tradicional han generado resultados colaterales como el fortalecimiento de la resistencia genética de cepas del hongo en algunas regiones. En esta revisión, se recopilan los aspectos biológicos y agronó...

  11. Salmonella causada por reptiles y anfibios en guarderías (Salmonella Infections Caused by Reptiles and Amphibians in Childcare Centers)

    Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Podcasts

    Traducción al español de la entrevista con el Dr. Neil Vora, funcionario del EIS de los CDC, sobre su artículo acerca de las infecciones por Salmonella causadas por reptiles y anfibios en guarderías.

  12. Mastite bovina causada por Staphylococcus spp. resistentes à meticilina: revisão de literatura

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    José Givanildo Silva

    Full Text Available RESUMO: Staphylococcus spp. são os micro-organismos mais relacionados a casos de mastite bovina. Algumas cepas destes micro-organismos têm apresentado fatores de virulência como genes de resistência a antimicrobianos com destaque para a resistência à meticilina que é um problema de saúde pública. Esta revisão de literatura tem o objetivo de compilar dados sobre a mastite bovina causada por Staphylococcus spp. resistente à meticilina (MRS. Apesar desse antimicrobiano não ser comumente utilizado no tratamento das mastites, a frequência de casos de infecção da glândula mamária causada por MRS tem variado entre 1,34 a 47,6%. Acredita-se que o contato dos humanos com animais positivos para MRS e vice-versa favoreça a transmissão deste patógeno entre as espécies, contribuindo para a variação nas taxas de infecção. A detecção de MRS pode ser realizada por meio de provas fenotípicas, moleculares ou sorológicas e as medidas de controle devem contemplar a identificação dos casos, segregação dos animais, estudo epidemiológico da fonte de infecção do rebanho, além da constante limpeza e higienização do ambiente de confinamento, equipamentos e utensílios de ordenha. Casos de mastite ocasionados por esse patógeno assumem relevância para a saúde pública, pois a ingestão de leite e/ou derivados contaminados podem desencadear a transferência de MRS para seres humanos. Com isso, é necessário um alerta constante quanto à vigilância epidemiológica em fazendas leiteiras.

  13. Ecografía musculo-esquelética como herramienta diagnóstica en lesiones causadas por vertebrados e invertebrados


    Boadas Morales, Jesús; Marcano Arismendi, Jenny


    Los accidentes causados por organismos vertebrados e invertebrados representan un motivo de consulta importante a nivel mundial, por ello las técnicas diagnósticas y los esquemas de tratamiento deben ser actualizados constantemente. La ecografía representa una herramienta útil para la evaluación de las lesiones de partes blandas causadas por el contacto con animales venenosos de diferentes grupos zoológicos. Este trabajo representa el primer paso para futuras investigaciones que integren el c...

  14. Costo económico de la discapacidad causada por lesiones de tránsito en México durante 2012

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    Patricia G. Sánchez-Vallejo


    Full Text Available Para estimar el costo económico de la discapacidad permanente causada por lesiones de tránsito en México durante 2012, desde las perspectivas del Sistema de Salud y de la Sociedad, se realizó un estudio de costos que utiliza metodología bottom-up, considerando costos directos médicos (hospitalización, consultas ambulatorias y de rehabilitación y prótesis, y costos indirectos (pérdida de productividad del lesionado y cuidador con una aproximación de capital humano. La discapacidad causada por lesiones de tránsito tiene un alto costo para el sistema de salud y la sociedad mexicana. Desde la perspectiva del sistema de salud, el costo en pesos mexicanos de la discapacidad permanente fue de US$269.529.480,72, equivalente a US$1.496,33 por persona. Desde la perspectiva de la sociedad, se estimaron US$3.445,45 durante el primer año. En promedio, se estimó un costo total de US$4.941,77 por persona, resultando en un total de US$1.119.761.632,53 en 2012. Los resultados de este estudio evidencian la necesidad de diseñar e implementar políticas más enérgicas y eficientes para el control de las lesiones de tránsito en México

  15. Corrosividade causada por soluções produzidas com creosoto vegetal

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    Paes Juarez Benigno


    Full Text Available Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo avaliar a corrosividade de soluções preservativas preparadas com creosoto vegetal. Por destilação do alcatrão vegetal, obteve-se o creosoto vegetal bruto, recuperado à temperatura de 110-255 masculineC. Uma fração deste destilado foi lavada com solução a 9% de bicarbonato de sódio, obtendo-se o creosoto vegetal purificado. Ambas as frações foram enriquecidas com 3% de naftenato de cobre; 3% de naftenato de zinco; 3% de naftenato de cobalto; 2% de TBTO; 2% de tribromofenato de tributil-estanho; 2% de pentaclorofenol; ou 0,4% de trióxido de arsênico. Foram preparadas 16 soluções preservativas, sendo 14 enriquecidas, além do creosoto vegetal bruto e do creosoto vegetal purificado. Placas de aço SAE 1006 foram expostas por 6 horas às temperaturas de 25, 45 e 100 masculineC, à ação corrosiva dessas soluções. A corrosividade das soluções de creosoto vegetal foi comparada à corrosividade causada pelo creosoto mineral. As soluções preparadas com creosoto vegetal purificado foram menos corrosivas que suas similares preparadas com creosoto vegetal bruto, sem, no entanto, atingir a baixa corrosividade do creosoto mineral.

  16. Salmonella causada por reptiles y anfibios en guarderías (Salmonella Infections Caused by Reptiles and Amphibians in Childcare Centers)

    Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Podcasts


    Traducción al español de la entrevista con el Dr. Neil Vora, funcionario del EIS de los CDC, sobre su artículo acerca de las infecciones por Salmonella causadas por reptiles y anfibios en guarderías.  Created: 2/7/2013 by National Center for Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases (NCEZID).   Date Released: 2/26/2013.

  17. Frecuencia de infección por VIH en pacientes con episodio agudo de herpes zoster

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    Susana Lazarte Heraud


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Evaluar la frecuencia de infección por VIH en pacientes que consultan por episodio agudo de herpes zoster. Material y Métodos: Se incluyeron a todos los pacientes entre 18 y 49 años, atendidos entre setiembre del 2001 y enero del 2003 en el Departamento de Enfermedades Infecciosas, Tropicales y Dermatológicas del Hospital Nacional Cayetano Heredia, por un cuadro agudo de herpes zoster, diagnosticado clínicamente. Los criterios de inclusión fueron: status VIH desconocido tanto del paciente como de su pareja; que no presentaran alguna complicación neurológica o presentación atípica de zoster y que no tuvieran signos ni síntomas compatibles con infección por VIH (muguet oral, diarrea crónica, síndrome de desgaste, etc.. Previa firma de consentimiento informado, se tomó muestra de sangre para prueba de ELISA para VIH1. A todos los pacientes con resultado positivo se les realizó western blot. Resultados: Veintiún pacientes cumplieron los criterios del estudio, 14 varones y 7 mujeres. Cinco pacientes (23,8% fueron VIH positivos. De éstos, 4 fueron varones (4/14 y 1 mujer (1/7. No se encontró diferencias significativas en cuanto a la conducta sexual de riesgo. Conclusiones: Se encuentra un porcentaje elevado de infección por VIH en adultos jóvenes que consultan en un hospital general por un cuadro agudo de herpes zoster, sin ningún otro signo ni síntoma de inmunosupresión, independientemente de conductas sexuales de riesgo. Nuestro hallazgo justifica un despistaje de VIH en adultos jóvenes con herpes zoster.

  18. Ocorrência de doenças causadas por molicutes e por vírus em milho nas Províncias de Tucumán e de Córdoba na Argentina




    A incidência de doenças causadas por molicutes e por vírus foi avaliada em lavouras de milho (Zea mays) nas Províncias de Tucumán e de Córdoba, na Argentina, em fevereiro de 2000. Na Província de Tucumán verificou-se que 44% das lavouras apresentaram altos níveis de incidência de plantas com sintomas de enfezamentos causados por molicutes (50 a 100%), em altitudes variando de 300 a 2.000 m. A presença de fitoplasma e de espiroplasma foi confirmada em amostras de folhas de plantas com sintomas...

  19. Infección por HTLV-1 y HIV en pacientes con herpes zoster en Perú

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    Sandra Delgado


    Full Text Available Objetivos: Determinar la frecuencia de infección por el virus linfotrópico humano tipo 1 (HTLV-1 y VIH en pacientes con herpes zoster. Material y métodos: Estudio prospectivo observacional realizado entre agosto de 2005 y agosto de 2006. Se incluyeron pacientes adultos con diagnóstico de herpes zoster atendidos en los diferentes servicios del Hospital Nacional Cayetano Heredia. Un cuestionario de características clínicas y factores de riesgo asociados con infección por HTLV-1 y VIH fue completado previo a la toma de muestra. Se excluyeron los pacientes con resultados positivos previos para HTLV-1 y HIV. Resultados: Se incluyeron 44 pacientes, la edad promedio fue 48,1 ± 19,5; 24/44 (55% fueron mujeres. Infección solo por VIH se encontró en 4/44 (9% pacientes, todos menores de 35 años, mientras que infección solo por HTLV-1 se encontró en 2/44 (5% pacientes, todas mujeres mayores de 50 años. Un caso de infección dual fue encontrado en una mujer de 56 años. La tasa de infección por HTLV-1 fue 25% (3/12 en mujeres mayores de 50 años con compromiso de múltiples dermatomas. Conclusiones: En nuestro escenario, la infección por HTLV-1 es ligeramente mas frecuente en mujeres mayores de 50 años con herpes zoster. Por ello, el despistaje de HTLV-1 debe ser recomendado en este grupo etario, mientras que el despistaje de VIH es aún particularmente importante en pacientes jóvenes.(Rev Med Hered 2011;22:98-102.

  20. Avaliação de Trichoderma e de fosfito no controle da murcha-de-esclerócio em feijoeiro causada por Sclerotium rolfsii


    Pacheco, Klênia Rodrigues


    O feijoeiro (Phaseolus vulgaris) é suscetível a muitas doenças, entre elas, se encontra a murcha-de-esclerócio (podridão do colo) causada por Sclerotium rolfsii. O controle do S. rolfsii ocorre com o auxílio de práticas preventivas e por controle biológico ou químico. O estudo teve como objetivo selecionar e testar isolados de Trichoderma oriundos de solos do DF, avaliar e comparar os Trichoderma spp. selecionados e fosfitos (Cu, Ca, Mg e K) aos fungicidas no controle da murcha-de-esclerócio....

  1. Primoinfección por virus del herpes simp le tipo 1. Manejo farmacológico y caracteristicas clínicas

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    Hernan Francisco Sariego Santana


    Full Text Available ResumenEl presente artículo reporta un caso clínico de gingivoestomatitis herpética primaria y una breve revisión de los medicamentos usados para tratar la infección por virus del herpes simple (HSV. Se presenta un paciente con múltiples ulceraciones confluentes tanto en la cara ventral como en la dorsal de la lengua y en los labios, compatible con gingivoestomatitis herpética primaria. Esta forma de presentarse las ulceraciones y la edad del paciente son frecuentes en pacientes VIH positivo (Virus de la inmunodeficiencia humana, esto no pudo ser comprobado en el caso ya que el paciente dejo de asistir a consulta luego de recibido el tratamiento. El tratamiento instaurado fue aciclovir tabletas 200 mg cada 6 horas vía oral por 10 días. Cabe mencionar que los tratamientos para el virus del herpes simple con aciclovir no están aprobados por la Administración de Alimentos y Drogas de los Estados Unidos (FDA siglas en inglés pero si son aceptados por el Centro de Control de Enfermedades (CDC siglas en ingles, también se utilizó gel de polivinilpirrolidona, hialuronato de sodio para facilitar la deglución del paciente. (DUAZARY 2011 No. 2, 199 - 205AbstractThis article reports a case of primary herpetic gingivostomatitis and a brief review of drugs used to treat infection with herpes simplex virus (HSV. We present a patient with multiple confluent ulcers in both the ventral and the dorsal tongue and lips, compatible with primary herpetic gingivostomatitis. This way of presenting ulceration and patient age are common in HIV positive patients (human immunodeficiency virus, this could not be found in the case because the patient stopped coming to see after the treatment. Acyclovir treatment was introduced 200 mg tablets orally every 6 hours for 10 days. It is noteworthy that the treatments for herpes simplex virus with acyclovir are not approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA but if accepted by the Center for Disease Control


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    Lidieth Uribe-Lor\\u00EDo


    Full Text Available Pudrición basal causada por Phytophthora capcisi en plantas de chile tratadas con vermicompost. El objetivo de este trabajo fue evaluar a nivel de invernadero el efecto de vermicompost sobre la incidencia y severidad de Phytophthora capcisi en plantas de chile (Capsicum annuum. Esta investigación se realizó entre febrero y marzo del 2012 en el Centro de Investigaciones Agronómicas, Sabanilla, San José, Costa Rica. Se utilizó un diseño completamente al azar con cuatro repeticiones y ocho plantas por unidad experimental en un arreglo factorial con los factores de dosis (0, 25% y 50% v/v vermicompost:suelo e inoculación (0 y 500 zoosporas por gramo de suelo. Se trasplantaron plántulas de 35 días, que fueron inoculadas dos semanas después del trasplante. La aplicación de vermicompost provocó un aumento significativo del peso fresco foliar y del peso seco foliar y radical; a mayor dosis, mayor fue el incremento. Las plantas de todos los tratamientos que incluyeron inoculación con P. capsici presentaron síntomas de la enfermedad en la raíz. Los valores de incidencia y severidad fueron mayores para el tratamiento con 50% de abono. En este tratamiento se presentaron síntomas de marchitez. La ausencia de diferencias en las variables de peso fresco y seco entre los tratamientos inoculados y sin inocular, a los que se adicionó abono al 25%, sugiere que esta dosis podría compensar el daño causado por el patógeno. Se observó una menor concentración de nutrimentos en los tejidos de las plantas inoculadas lo que indica que el daño causado a la raíz pudo haber afectado la adquisición de nutrimentos.

  3. Estado de la moniliasis del cacao causada por Moniliophthora roreri en Colombia

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    Javier Correa Álvarez


    Full Text Available La moniliasis es una enfermedad fúngica que ataca el cultivo de cacao, causada por el basidiomycete Moniliophthora roreri. Está presente en la mayoría de los países latinoamericanos y se adapta a diversidad de ambientes. En Colombia la enfermedad es devastadora y las estrategias de control tradicional han generado resultados colaterales como el fortalecimiento de la resistencia genética de cepas del hongo en algunas regiones. En esta revisión, se recopilan los aspectos biológicos y agronómicos más relevantes del hongo, entre ellos, origen y distribución, ciclo de vida, formas de control y trabajos de investigación realizados con el fin de entender la genética y evolución de este patógeno. Finalmente, se propone incrementar el número de estudios en investigación básica, con miras a entender cómo ha sido la evolución de su genoma en hábitats que favorecen la variación genética. Con este conocimiento se podría avanzar en programas biotecnológicos de control y prevención de la enfermedad.

  4. Infecções intramamárias causadas por Staphylococcus aureus e suas implicações em paúde pública


    Fagundes,Helena; Oliveira,Carlos Augusto Fernandes


    Neste trabalho, são apresentados os principais problemas decorrentes das infecções intramamárias (mastites) causadas por Staphylococcus aureus e as conseqüências para a saúde humana da veiculação de suas toxinas através do leite. o S. aureus destaca-se como um dos microorganismos mais importantes que podem ser transmitidos através dos alimentos. Assim, discute-se a possibilidade de veiculação de gastroenterite estafilocócica, não somente através do consumo de leite cru contaminado, mas também...

  5. Ptose palpebral causada por Paquidermoperiostose

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    Patricia Regina de Pinho Tavares


    Full Text Available A paquidermoperiostose é uma síndrome caracterizada por acometimento cutâneo e ósseo, e em alguns casos ocorre comprometimento palpebral leve. É uma síndrome rara, idiopática ou hereditária, com provável herança autossômica dominante de penetrância variável. Descreve-se o caso de um paciente com ptose grave por paquidermoperiostose elucidando sua fisiopatologia e conduta cirúrgica aplicada.

  6. Relato de Caso: Dermatite de Contato Causada por Arruda (Ruta graveolens L.)


    Cortez, Lúcia Elaine Ranieri; Cortez, Diógenes Aparício Garcia


    Um homem de 26 anos desenvolveu uma reação fototóxica em suas pernas, após utilizar as partes aéreas frescas da arruda (Ruta graveolens L.), para repelir pernilongos, depois de se expor ao sol. A hipersensibilidade foi causada devido às furanocumarinas (psoralenos) presentes no óleo essencial da arruda.

  7. A FERRUGEM ASIÁTICA DA SOJA CAUSADA POR Phakopsora pachyrhizi Sydow e Sydow

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    Felipe Rafael Garcés Fiallos


    Full Text Available Os Estados Unidos são o principal produtor mundial de soja, seguido pelo Brasil. A cultura da soja é afetada por 47 doenças já relatadas, entre elas a ferrugem asiática causada pelo fungo biotrófico Phakopsora pachyrhizi Sydow e Sydow. Esta doença pode atingir até 100% de dano e causa perdas no Brasil estimadas em 737,453,718 dólares ao ano. Em função de sua importância, faz-se oportuno uma revisão bibliográfica sobre esta doença, que abordará a sua ocorrência a nível mundial, a sintomatologia, os hospedeiros, a taxonomia e a etiologia do agente causal, efeitos dos fatores climáticos sobre a doença, ciclo biológico do patógeno, progresso e análise temporal, redução na área foliar e nos componentes de rendimento da cultura da soja e as estratégias de manejo integrado da enfermidade. Foi objetivo desta revisão recopilar as informações mais relevantes sobre a ferrugem asiática de modo o mais explicativo e entendível possível para o leitor.

  8. Coleção fluídica na interface do LASIK causada por glaucoma secundário à ceratouveíte herpética: relato de caso LASIK interface fluid accumulation caused by glaucoma associated with herpetic keratouveitis: case report

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    Eliane Mayumi Nakano


    Full Text Available A infecção por Herpes simplex vírus (HSV é causa freqüente de inflamação intra-ocular ou uveíte anterior. A hipertensão ocular é característica comumente observada nas ceratouveítes herpéticas. Neste relato descrevemos o acúmulo de fluido e descolamento do "flap" corneano da ceratomileusis, no pós-operatório tardio de LASIK (28 meses, associado a quadro hipertensivo ocular secundário a ceratouveíte herpética. Este achado corrobora a suposição que a cicatrização corneana após LASIK seja apenas parcial e o espaço virtual produzido pela ceratomileuisis permaneça indefinidamente. Condições de aumento excessivo da pressão intra-ocular podem causar edema corneano com acúmulo de fluido da interface.Herpes simplex virus infection is a frequent cause of intraocular inflammation or anterior uveitis. Ocular hypertension is a common feature in herpetic keratouveitis. We describe a fluid accumulation and flap displacement in late postoperative period (28 months of LASIK associated with ocular hypertension caused by herpetic keratouveitis. This finding supports the theory that flap attachment after LASIK is only partial and the virtual space remains indefinitely. The presence of ocular hypertension may lead to corneal edema and fluid accumulation in the interface.

  9. Primeira ocorrência de ferrugem em capim-limão causada por Puccinia cymbopogonis no Brasil First report of the lemongrass rust fungi caused by Puccinia cymbopogonis in Brazil

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    João Batista Vida


    Full Text Available È registrada a primeira ocorrência de ferrugem em capim-limão (Cymbopogon citratus (DC. Stapf, causada por Puccinia cymbopogonis Mass., no Brasil, Estado do Paraná.It is reported the first occurrence of the lemongrass (Cymbopogon citratus (DC. Stapf rust fungi caused by Puccinia cymbopogonis Mass. in Brazil, State of Paraná.

  10. Podridão de raízes causada por Pythium aphanidermatum, em cultivares de alface produzidas em sistema hidropônico

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    Zayame Vegette Pinto


    Full Text Available A podridão de raízes, causada por Pythium aphanidermatum e outras espécies de Pythium, é a principal doença da alface cultivada em sistemas hidropônicos no Brasil. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar quatro cultivares comerciais de alface em relação à sensibilidade a podridão de raízes, causada por P. aphanidermatum. Os estudos foram realizados em placas de Petri contendo ágar-água com plântulas de alface das cultivares crespa (Vera e Verônica e lisa (Regina e Elisa, infestadas ou não com o patógeno. Com as mesmas cultivares foram realizados quatro experimentos em sistemas hidropônicos (Nutrient Film Technique, sendo dois em estufa coberta com plástico e sombrite e dois em estufa coberta apenas com plástico. As plântulas, infectadas ou não com P. aphanidermatum, foram transplantadas para os sistemas infestados ou não. Foi avaliada a severidade da doença e o desenvolvimento das plantas. Todas as cultivares foram suscetíveis à podridão de raízes nos experimentos realizados in vitro e in vivo. A presença do sombrite não reduziu a podridão de raízes em cultivares de alface produzidas no sistema hidropônico. A cultivar Regina apresentou maior massa de matéria seca da parte aérea e das raízes, na presença ou ausência do patógeno, sendo a mais indicada para o cultivo hidropônico na época mais quente do ano.

  11. Parinaud syndrome caused by Bartonella henselae: case report Síndrome de Parinaud causada por Bartonella henselae: relato de caso

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    Carlos Alberto Yamashita


    Full Text Available The authors report a case of Parinaud syndrome (conjunctivitis with pre-auricular satellite adenitis caused by Bartonella henselae, the etiologic agent of Cat Scratch Disease. The etiologic assessment of this case was performed by serum indirect immunofluorescence reaction and allowed for a better therapeutics and follow up, avoiding ineffective antibiotics and surgical interventions.Os autores relatam um caso do Síndrome de Parinaud (conjuntivite com adenite satélite pré-auricular causada por Bartonella henselae, o agente etiológico da Doença da Arranhadura do Gato. O esclarecimento etiológico deste caso foi feito através da reação de imunofluorescência indireta o que permitiu um adequado enfoque terapêutico e acompanhamento do paciente, evitando o uso de antibióticos inadequados e intervenções cirúrgicas.

  12. Eritema multiforme ampollar extenso asociado a infección por virus herpes simplex Extended Bullous Erythema Multiforme Associated To Herpes Simplex Virus Infection

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    A Elgueta-Noy


    Full Text Available El Eritema Multiforme (EM es una reacción cutánea aguda generalmente benigna y autolimitada, asociada a la infección por Virus Herpes Simplex (HSV. Se caracteriza por lesiones polimorfas y tipo diana en extremidades y mucosas. Presentamos un paciente de 22 años con pápulas, vesículas y ampollas, que evoluciona con un 90% de la superficie corporal comprometida en tres semanas. Se realizó una reacción de polimerasa en cadena para HSV, resultando positiva en una costra. La biopsia de piel y la tinción de inmunohistoquímica positiva para linfocitos T CD4, fueron compatibles con EM ampollar asociado a HSV. Destacamos la importancia de la correlación clínico patológica, apoyada por el estudio virológico, en el diagnóstico de este caso de presentación atípica. Los hallazgos de laboratorio confirmaron lo descrito en la literatura respecto de la patogenia del EM asociado a HSV.Erythema Multiforme (EM is a generally benign and self-limited acute cutaneous reaction, associated with Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV infection. It is characterized by polymorphic "target" lesions in extremities and mucosal tissues. We report a 22-year old patient with papules, vesicles and blisters, which evolved to cover 90% of the body in three weeks. We performed a PCR study for HSV, which was positive in a crust. A skin biopsy and positive immunohistochemical stain for LT CD4+ were compatible with bullous EM associated with HSV. We underline the importance of pathological clinical correlation, reinforced by a virological study, in the diagnosis of this case with atypical symptoms. The laboratory findings confirmed literature descriptions with respect to the pathogenicity of EM associated with HSV.

  13. Constrição campimétrica causada por vigabatrin Visual field constriction caused by vigabatrin

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    Mário Luiz Ribeiro Monteiro


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Descrever dois pacientes que apresentaram constrição campimétrica importante e determinar a origem desta alteração visual causada pelo uso de vigabatrin, um anticonvulsivante que atua aumentando a concentração do ácido gama-aminobutírico no sistema nervoso central. Métodos: Os pacientes foram submetidos a exame e neuroftalmológico completo, avaliação cuidadosa da retina, campo visual com perímetro de Goldmann, tomografia computadorizada de crânio e órbitas, eletrorretinograma (ERG, imagem por ressonância magnética (1 paciente e potencial visual evocado (1 paciente. Resultados: A acuidade visual se mostrou preservada; o primeiro paciente apresentava campo visual restrito à área central de 20 a 30 graus centrais e o segundo uma constrição leve a moderada. Os exames de neuroimagem foram normais assim como o potencial visual evocado. Observou-se palidez discreta de papila em 3 olhos estudados e estreitamento arteriolar muito discreto dos vasos retinianos. O ERG revelou alterações importantes caracterizada por redução da onda b (caso 1 e dos potenciais oscilatórios (caso 2. Conclusões: As alterações visuais causadas pelo vigabatrin são devidas a uma alteração retiniana, envolvendo provavelmente as células amácrimas, bipolares e ganglionares mas não se acompanham de uma alteração significativa à fundoscopia. Pacientes recebendo esta medicação devem ser seguidos de perto especialmente através da avaliação do campo visual central e periférico.Purpose: To describe two patients who presented with severe campimetric constriction and to determine the source of visual symptoms caused by vigabatrin, an anticonvulsant medication that increases brain gamma-aminobutyric acid. Methods: Patients were submitted to a complete neuroophthalmologic evaluation as well as a careful retina examination, Goldmann perimetry, computerized tomography of the brain and orbits, electroretinograms (ERG, magnetic ressonance

  14. Estudio retrospectivo de la prevalencia de Fasciola hepática y análisis de pérdidas causadas por decomisos de hígados a nivel de centro de faenamiento


    Buestán Sarmiento, Priscila Estefanía


    Este estudio determinó la prevalencia de Distomatosis hepática en bovinos y porcinos causada por el parásito trematodo Fasciola hepática, y estableció las pérdidas económicas ocasionadas por decomisos de hígados post faenamiento; mediante un análisis económico de pérdidas y un estudio retrospectivo de los años 2015 y 2016 a través de la información de los Registros Mensuales de Inspección Veterinaria que maneja el Centro de faenamiento. This study determined the prevalence of hepatic disto...

  15. La necrosis bacteriana de la vid, causada por xylophilus ampelinus. Detección serológica, distribución en Aragón y sensibilidad varietal.




    La necrosis bacteriana de la vid, causada por la bacteria de cuarentena Xylophilus ampelinus, es una enfermedad de difícil control químico y que ha causado en España importantes pérdidas económicas. Actualmente, es endémica en distintas zonas de Aragón y Galicia y se han identificado focos aislados en La Rioja. Ante la carencia de métodos sensibles y específicos de detección de esta bacteria que se puedan utilizar para el análisis rutinario, se ha puesto a punto un método de ex...


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    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a incidência em várias partes da planta e o desenvolvimento da antracnose do caquizeiro causada por Colletotrichum horiinas cultivares Fuyu e Kakimel produzidas sob os sistemas orgânico e convencional, respectivamente, nas safras de 2010/2011 e 2011/2012, em Campina Grande do Sul, Paraná, Brasil. Em cada pomar, 10 plantas foram selecionadas aleatoriamente, e 10 ramos do ano por planta, distribuídos ao redor dacopa, foram marcados para as avaliações de incidência de antracnose em ramos e folhas, a cada 15 dias. A quantificação de frutos caídos com ou sem sintomas da doença foi a cada 15 dias, durante o período de crescimento de frutos até a colheita, relacionada com a produção total. C. horii em flores foi avaliada em campo e também após incubação no laboratório. Infecção latente foi observada em frutos verdes coletados aos 90; 120 e 150 dias após a floração. Em ambas as safras, observou-se a queda de frutos com sintomas de antracnose entre os meses de janeiro e abril. C. horii é capaz de infectar flores, permanecer latente e provocar sintomas de antracnose em frutos imaturos. Frutos colhidos sadios apresentaram sintomas em pós-colheita após a incubação.

  17. Perdas causadas por Coccus viridis (Hemiptera: Coccidae em mudas de Coffea arabica L.

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    Flávio Lemes Fernandes


    Full Text Available Coccus viridis (Green danifica plantas jovens e adultas de Coffea arabica Linnaeu. No entanto, nada se sabe sobre a magnitude dos danos causados por esta praga. Assim, este trabalho teve por objetivo estudar as relações entre o ataque de C. viridis e as perdas causadas por este inseto a C. arabica. Este trabalho foi conduzido em casa de vegetação na Universidade Federal de Viçosa. Foram utilizadas sementes da linhagem IAC 15 da variedade “Catuaí vermelho” de café (C. arabica. Para a confecção dos tratamentos esta praga foi criada em casa de vegetação separada do experimento. Os tratamentos foram: plantas infestadas e não infestadas por adultos e ninfas da cochonilha verde. As plantas foram nutridas com solução nutritiva. Durante 110 dias foram avaliados: números de adultos e de ninfas de primeiro, segundo e terceiro ínstares, área foliar, diâmetro do caule, altura das plantas em todas repetições. No final do experimento avaliou-se o peso das raízes, caule, folhas e total. Os pesos das raízes, matéria seca total, área foliar e diâmetro do caule de plantas não atacadas por C. viridis superaram em 1,31; 1,41; 1,50 e 8,93 vezes, respectivamente o peso de plantas atacadas. As variáveis selecionadas foram: diâmetro do caule (cm, área foliar (cm², peso de raízes (g, ninfas, adultos e total das cochonilhas. Concluindo que a planta de C. arabica é afetada de forma diferente entre seus órgãos e que a ninfa de terceiro ínstar e adultos são as fases que mais causam danos a C. arabica.Losses Caused by Coccus viridis (Green (Hemiptera: Coccidae on Seedlings of Coffea arabica L.Abstract. Coccus viridis (Green cause losses on seedling and old plants of Coffea arabica (Green. However, nothing is known about of the damages caused by this pest. Thus, the objective of this work was to evaluate the relations between atack of C. viridis and the losses caused by this insect. on C. arabica. This work was conduced in greenhouse at

  18. Síndrome do ápice orbitário causada por herpes zóster oftálmico: relato de caso e revisão da literatura Herpes zoster ophthalmicus and orbital apex syndrome: case report and literature review

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    Kenzo Hokazono


    Full Text Available OHerpes Zoster Oftálmico (HZO decorre da infecção pelo vírus da varicela-zoster que permanece latente no gânglio de Gasser até que seja reativado e comprometa a divisão oftálmica do nervo trigêmeo. HZO freqüentemente causa manifestações oftalmológicas como lesões vesiculares palpebrais, ceratoconjuntivite, esclerite, uveíte, paralisia oculomotora, miosite orbitária e neurite óptica. Raramente o acometimento do ápice da órbita pode ser a manifestação inicial desta grave afecção. Este trabalho relata um caso de síndrome do ápice orbitário associado à meningite, causado por HZO e que foi tratado com corticosteróide e aciclovir sistêmicos.Herpes Zoster ophthalmicus (HZO is caused by a varicella-zoster virus infection which remains latent in the ganglion of Gasser until it is reactivated and compromise the ophthalmic division of the trigeminal nerve. HZO commonly causes neuro-ophthalmic complications such as vesicular lesions in the eyelids, keratoconjunctivitis, sclertis, uveitis, ocular palsy, orbital miositis and optic neuritis. HZO rarely presents as an orbital apex syndrome. This paper describes a patient with of orbital apex syndrome associate and meningitis caused by HZO which was treated with systemic steroids and acyclovir.

  19. Injúrias causadas por mosca-das-frutas sul-americana em cultivares de videira

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    Marcelo Zart


    Full Text Available A mosca-das-frutas sul-americana, Anastrepha fraterculus (Wiedemann (Diptera: Tephritidae, é uma das principais pragas da fruticultura no Brasil. O objetivo deste estudo foi identificar a suscetibilidade quanto à queda e deformação de bagas de diferentes cultivares/espécies de uva pela injúria causada pela oviposição de A. fraterculus. O trabalho foi realizado em vinhedos das cultivares 'Cabernet Sauvignon' (Vitis vinifera, 'Moscato Embrapa' (75% de V. vinifera e 'Isabel' (Vitis labrusca, localizados em Bento Gonçalves (RS, na safra 2006/2007. Dois casais de A. fraterculus foram confinados por cacho, em gaiolas de tecido voile, durante os estádios fenológicos de grão ervilha, início da compactação, início da maturação e maturação plena dos cachos. Queda significativa de bagas devido ao ataque de A. fraterculus foi registrada na cultivar 'Cabernet Sauvignon' quando a infestação foi realizada nos estádios fenológicos de grão ervilha e início da compactação de cacho; estádios de grão ervilha em 'Moscato Embrapa'; e nos estádios de grão ervilha, início da compactação e início da maturação do cacho na cultivar 'Isabel'. Foi registrada deformação de bagas quando as infestações foram realizadas nos estádios de grão ervilha e início da compactação de cacho em 'Cabernet Sauvignon', 'Moscato Embrapa' e 'Isabel'. O desenvolvimento larval até a fase de pupa foi observado somente na cultivar 'Moscato Embrapa'.

  20. Eficácia do moxalactam no tratamento de meningites purulentas causadas por Haemophilus infuenzae e Neisseria meningitidis Efficacy of moxalactam in the treatment of purulent meningitis caused by Haemophilus influenzae and Neisseria meningitidis

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    Hagamenon R. da Silva


    Full Text Available Foi avaliada a eficácia do moxalactam no tratamento de meningites em crianças, causadas por H. influenzae (27 casos e N.meningitidis (6 casos. Dos 33 doentes tratados na dose de 100mg/Kg de peso (dose de ataque e 50mg de 12/12 horas por via venosa, 32 curaram-se. A tolerância ao produto foi muito boa, havendo alterações transitórias de transaminases e fosfatase alcalina; em um caso, houve hematoma posapendectomia, provavelmente relacionado ao uso deste antibiotico. Os níveis séricos e liquóricos do produto foram elevados; as concentrações no liquor excederam de muito a concentração bactericida mínima dos germes infectantes. O moxalactam se mostrou seguro e eficaz como terapia primária da meningite causada por H. influenzae e N.meningitidis em crianças.The clinical efficacy and safety of Moxalactam in purulent bacterial meningitis in children caused by H. influenzae (27 patients and N. meningitidis (6 patients was tested in a randon uncontrolled study. Clinical response was considered excelent, with cure of 32 of 33 patients. High levels of Moxalactam were achieved in the blood and cerebro-spinal fluid, with concentrations largely exceeding the minimum bacterial concentration (MIC for the infecting organisms. Tolerance was considered good, with only transient increases of transaminases and alkaline phosphatase in some patients; also, one patient developed a wound hematoma possibly related to Moxalactam therapy.

  1. Lesão aguda esôfago - gástrica causada por agente químico Chemically induced esophagogastric acute injury

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    P. R. Corsi


    Full Text Available O tratamento da ingestão de agentes químicos corrosivos continua controverso. A incidência desses episódios tem aumentado nas últimas décadas por várias razões. OBJETIVO: Analisar a ocorrência, as complicações e os resultados do tratamento da lesão esôfago - gástrica causada por agentes químicos. MÉTODOS: Foram estudados retrospectivamente 21 pacientes adultos com lesão esôfago-gástrica, causada por ingestão de substância química, admitidos até 23 dias após o episódio, no Serviço de Emergência da Santa Casa de Misericórdia de São Paulo num período de 12 anos. A média de idade foi 32,1 anos e 11 doentes pertenciam ao sexo feminino, as quais mais freqüentemente tinham intenções suicidas. A soda cáustica foi o produto mais ingerido (76,2%, ingestão de ácido muriático ocorreu em três casos (14,3%, amoníaco e ácido sulfúrico em um caso (4,8% cada. RESULTADOS: As lesões faríngeas e laríngeas estiveram freqüentemente associadas às lesões de esôfago, presentes em 18 casos (85,7%. As lesões esofágicas, gástricas e duodenais foram avaliadas e classificadas por endoscopia. Lesões graves esofágicas ou gástricas estiveram presentes em cinco casos cada. CONCLUSÃO: O tratamento e os resultados foram variados, mas sugeriram que a sondagem esofágica foi prejudicial. A mortalidade global foi 28,6%, mais elevada na lesão esofágica grau 3.Treatment of chemical agent ingestion remain controversial. The incidence of these episodes has increased over the several last decades due to a variety reasons. PURPOSE: To analise the occurance, complications and results of the treatment of chemically induced esophagogastric injury. METHODS: Twenty-one adult patients with chemically induced esophagogastric injury were retrospectively studied. The patients were admitted up to 23 days after ingestion of a chemical agent to the Emergency Department of Santa Casa of Sao Paulo University Hospital from August, in a 12-year

  2. Efectividad de Cuatro Fungicidas en el Control de "La Quemazón de las Hojas" en Cebolla (Allium Cepa, Causada por Altemaria Porri

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    Quintero Serpa Lumar


    Full Text Available En el presente trabajo, se considera la efectividad de cuatro fungicidas comerciales, bajo condiciones de campo, en el control de "la quemazón de las hojas" en cebolla, enfermedad causada por el Alternaria porri. Considerando como base para comprar la efectividad de los fungicidas el peso de los bulbos cosechados en cada tratamiento, se concluyó que el empleo de fungicidas aumentaba el rendimiento de las cosechas. El orden de efectividad de los cuatro fungicidas en el presente trabajo fue: Manzate, Parzate, Dithane Z-78 y Oxicob. Las conclusiones del presente trabajo deben considerarse como una contribución a este tema y solo a manera de trabajo preliminar; pero el hecho de haberse presentado diferencias considerables entre la producción de las parcelas tratadas y la testigo, sugiere la necesidad de experimentar más al respecto, con el fin de reforzar estos primeros resultados y averiguar sobre la efectividad de otros productos.

  3. Micetoma por Nocardia brasiliensis: reporte de caso

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    Miriam Guevara R


    Full Text Available Se presenta el caso de un paciente peruano, agricultor, con una infección cutánea de origen traumático causada por Nocardia brasiliensis, que evolucionó hacia la amputación del miembro inferior afectado. El diagnóstico se realizó por examen directo y cultivo del espécimen.

  4. Mastite micótica em ruminantes causada por leveduras Mycotic mastitis in ruminants caused by yeasts

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    Andréia Spanamberg


    Full Text Available A ocorrência de casos esporádicos de mastite causados por microrganismos de origem ambiental pode ser considerada como emergente e as leveduras, os fungos leveduriformes e os filamentosos são alguns dos principais agentes envolvidos. Em relação à mastite micótica, as leveduras são freqüentemente causas de infecções da glândula mamária em animais produtores de leite. A maior parte dos casos ocorre sob a forma de surtos localizados e/ou após tratamento com antimicrobianos. Os principais gêneros envolvidos são Candida e Cryptococcus, além de outros como Geotrichum, Pichia e Trichosporon. O objetivo do trabalho é revisar os aspectos gerais sobre a mastite micótica causada por leveduras e fungos leveduriformes, tais como etiologia, causas predisponentes, patogenicidade, diagnóstico, tratamento e profilaxia por meio de uma abordagem cronológica dos primeiros relatos, mas com enfoque principal nos resultados descritos recentemente na literatura veterinária nacional e internacional. O controle da mastite micótica é fundamentado em métodos preventivos, como adequado manejo da ordenha, correta higienização dos equipamentos e das instalações, com a finalidade de reduzir o número de animais acometidos, além de garantir a qualidade e a inocuidade dos produtos lácteos.The veterinary literature registers sporadic cases of infections caused by environmental microorganisms in which the main agents involved are yeasts, yeasts-like and filamentous fungi. In relation to dairy animals, the yeasts are more frequently incriminated as the aetiological agents of mycotic mastitis. Most cases occur under the form of localized outbreaks and / or after treatment with antimicrobial agents. The main genera involved in mastitis are Candida and Cryptococcus, besides others such as Geotrichum, Pichia and Trichosporon. The purpose of this review is to point out the main aspects of mastitis caused by yeasts and yeast-like fungi, such as etiology

  5. Mastitis bovina causada por Staphylococcus coagulasa negativos


    Bonetto, César C.


    El presente Trabajo de Tesis se desprende como una línea de investigación del grupo de la UNRC dedicado al estudio de la problemática de la mastitis bovina tanto en aspectos básicos como aplicados con estudios genéticos, epidemiológicos y de virulencia de los principales microorganismos involucrados en la mastitis bovina. Staphylococccus coagulasa negativo (SCN) es un grupo bacteriano formado por varias especies que por lo general eran considerados flora oportunista de la piel y age...

  6. Herpes Keratitis (United States)

    ... Stories Español Eye Health / Eye Health A-Z Herpes Keratitis Sections What is Herpes Keratitis? Herpes Keratitis ... Herpes Keratitis Symptoms Herpes Keratitis Treatment What is Herpes Keratitis? Leer en Español: ¿Qué es la queratitis ...

  7. Seroprevalencia de la infección por el virus herpes simplex tipo 2 en tres grupos poblacionales de la Ciudad de México Herpes simplex virus type 2 seroprevalence among three female population groups from Mexico City

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    Carlos J Conde-González


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Determinar la seroprevalencia de infección por el virus herpes simplex tipo 2 y los factores epidemiológicos asociados a ella, en tres grupos de población femenina de la Ciudad de México. MATERIAL Y MÉTODOS: Estudio transversal efectuado en el año 2000, que incluyó mujeres de la Ciudad de México diagnosticadas con cáncer de mama, cáncer cervical , y mujeres de población general negativas al Papanicolaou. Todas las participantes proporcionaron su consentimiento informado para responder un cuestionario sociodemográfico y de vida sexual, y permitir la toma de una muestra sanguínea. La presencia de anticuerpos contra el virus herpes simplex tipo 2 entre las mujeres se realizó por la técnica de "Western blot"específica para el virus herpes simplex tipo 2; las asociaciones entre estos resultados y los datos de la encuesta se analizaron estadísticamente, de manera cruda y ajustada. RESULTADOS: Las mujeres concáncer cervical tuvieron una seroprevalencia de infección por el virus herpes simplex tipo 2 de 46.8% (191/408; las de población general negativas al Papanicolaou de 29.3% (214/730, y aquellas con cáncer de mama de 22.6% (29/128. Las variables asociadas significativamente a la seropositividad contra este virus fueron la edad creciente, el aumento en el número de parejas sexuales, tener cáncer cervical, y entre las mujeres con esa patología, el inicio antes de los 21 años de edad de la actividad sexual y el estar divorciadas o separadas. CONCLUSIONES: Los hallazgos observados revelaron diferencias estadísticas en la seroprevalencia del virus herpes, de acuerdo con los grupos poblacionales estudiados. La frecuencia global de la infección viral entre las participantes las sitúa en un riesgo intermedio, en comparación con otros grupos poblacionales que en México son de alto y bajo riesgo (trabajadoras sexuales y estudiantes universitarias, respectivamente, analizados en años recientes. Las principales caracter


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    Galileo Adeli Buriot


    Full Text Available RESUMO Foram determinadas alterações micrometeorológicas causadas por tela plástica preta com 18, 30 e 50% de atenuação da radiação solar incidente, durante os meses de verão, em Santa Maria, RS. O experimento foi conduzido no Campo Experimental do Departamento de Fitotecnia da UFSM, onde foram cultivados quatro canteiros com alface, três deles cobertos com túneis de tela plástica. O estudo foi realizado em 3 períodos: de 30/11/90 a 17/01/91, de 06/02/91 a 25/03/91 e de 10/12/91 a 01/03/92. Mediu-se a radiação solar global, radiação solar na faixa de comprimento de onda do infravermelho e a luminosidade, temperatura diurna do solo, temperatura mínima e diurna do ar e umidade do solo e do ar. Os resultados mostraram que a temperatura do solo e do ar e a perda de água do solo são menores sob os túneis do que no exterior. As diferenças cresceram com o aumento da atenuação e a temperatura mínima do ar e a umidade relativa do ar são semelhantes no interior e exterior dos túneis e entre os túneis com diferentes percentagens de atenuação.

  9. Higiene alimentaria para la prevención de trastornos digestivos infecciosos y por toxinas

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    G. Manuel Moreno, Dr.


    Full Text Available El principal factor que interviene en el origen y prevención de las enfermedades trasmitidas por los alimentos es la higiene alimentaria. Dichas enfermedades son causadas por la ingestión de alimentos o agua contaminados con microorganismos patógenos ocasionando una infección o por la ingestión de alimentos contaminados con toxinas. Los principales agentes involucrados son Escherichia Coli, Campylobacter, Salmonella, Shigella, Listeria Monocytogenes, Norovirus, virus Hepatitis A, Astrovirus, Rotavirus, y Virus Coxsackie. Toxinas producidas por hongos o por microflora marina y los contaminantes orgánicos persistentes pueden también causar serios problemas de salud. La inocuidad alimentaría ha tomado relevancia debido a una mayor exigencia por consumidores cada día más informados y por las demandas del comercio exterior. Medidas que aseguren una adecuada higiene alimentaría nos permitirá prevenir enfermedades, principalmente digestivas, causadas por variados agentes en los alimentos. Esto se logra por la implementación de las medidas propuestas por la Comisión Internacional conocida como Codex Alimentarius.

  10. Herpes (United States)

    ... Links Patient Resources For Health Professionals Subscribe Search Herpes Testing Send Us Your Feedback Choose Topic At ... Content View Sources Ask Us Also Known As Herpes Culture Herpes Simplex Viral Culture HSV DNA HSV ...

  11. Neuropatía leprótica: una mirada integral de la afección periférica causada por Mycobacterium leprae

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    Héctor Alejandro Serrano-Coll


    Full Text Available La lepra es una enfermedad infecciosa granulomatosa crónica, causada por Mycobacterium leprae . El curso natural de esta enfermedad está relacionado con una neuropatía periférica denominada neuropatía leprótica, la cual es responsable de la aparición de discapacidades en ojos, manos y pies. Se realizó una búsqueda estructurada en la base de datos de Pubmed y OVID utilizando los siguientes términos MeSH : lepra, neuropatía, nervio periférico, célula de Schwann, discapacidad, biomarcadores. El 83,8 % de los artículos referenciados en esta revisión fueron seleccionados a través de esta búsqueda. El daño neural en lepra es una patología en la que intervienen múltiples mecanismos fisiopatógenicos, que incluyen: la respuesta inmune del hospedero, la interacción de M. leprae a diferentes ligandos en las células Schwann, lo que permite la activación de vías de señalización celular que inducen inflamación, desmielinización y daños a nivel del axón, que se traducen en discapacidad sensitiva y motora en el paciente con lepra. Pero a pesar de que en las últimas décadas se han realizado avances importantes en el entendimiento de esta neuropatía, esto no se ha visto reflejado en herramientas o biomarcadores que sean útiles en la detección temprana del daño periférico causado por la lepra.

  12. Herpes Simplex (United States)

    ... skin diseases Athlete's foot Chickenpox Cold sores Genital herpes Genital warts Head lice Herpes simplex Impetigo Molluscum contagiosum ... swollen lymph nodes (glands) in the neck (oral herpes) or groin (genital herpes) are possible. Problems urinating . People (most often ...

  13. Interação das lesões causadas pela sarna-da-macieira (Venturia inaequalis na capacidade de infestação dos frutos por lagartas de Grapholita molesta (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae

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    Oscar Arnaldo Batista Neto e Silva


    Full Text Available Em monitoramentos de pragas realizados na cultura da macieira foram observadas maiores infestações da mariposa oriental (Grapholita molesta em frutos provenientes de pomares com maior incidência de lesões causadas pela sarna-da-macieira (Venturia inaequalis. Para validar esta observação, conduziu-se um experimento em laboratório com o objetivo de verificar a influência de lesões da sarna da macieira em frutos, na capacidade de infestação por G. molesta. Foram utilizados frutos (n=200 de macieira da variedade Gala com sintomas da sarna (n=100 e frutos sadios (n=100. Uma lagarta recém-eclodida foi inoculada em cada fruto e a avaliação foi realizada 10 dias após a infestação, determinando-se o número de lagartas que conseguiram penetrar nos frutos. Houve diferença significativa na capacidade de penetração das lagartas associado a presença de lesões da sarna (87% quando comparado com frutos sadios (61%. Conclui-se que frutos de maçã da cv. Gala atacados por Venturia inaequalis são mais infestados por lagartas de primeiro ínstar de Grapholita molesta.

  14. Compactação do solo causada por tratores florestais na colheita de Pinus taeda L. na região sudoeste do Paraná

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    Denise Andréia Szymczak


    Full Text Available A compactação vem-se tornando um dos principais impactos causados ao solo pelas atividades de colheita florestal mecanizada. O peso e movimentação das máquinas no momento do corte e extração da madeira, aliados à condição de umidade do solo imprópria para tal, são as principais causas da degradação estrutural do solo, verificada, principalmente, por alterações em suas propriedades físicas. Nesse sentido, este trabalho visou identificar a compactação causada ao solo devido às operações de colheita florestal de Pinus taeda L. realizada em três diferentes níveis de umidade do terreno. O estudo foi realizado em área de uma empresa florestal localizada no Paraná sobre Latossolo Vermelho. Os tratamentos foram compostos pela interação de três fatores, sendo eles: umidade (colheita em dia chuva, três e sete dias após a chuva, operações de colheita (com passagem de máquinas, sem passagem/eventual queda de árvores e estaleiro, e a ocasião de coleta (antes e depois da colheita. A biomassa residual da colheita florestal foi essencial para minimizar a compactação do solo causada pelo tráfego das máquinas que foi próxima da máxima. A gradação de umidade representada pela colheita em diferentes números de dias após uma chuva não influenciou, de maneira diferenciada, a compactação do solo. Entretanto, as operações de colheita impactaram o solo até a profundidade de 10 cm, causando a compactação nas linhas de tráfego das máquinas, enquanto as demais operações não provocaram alterações na densidade, macroporosidade e resistência à penetração.

  15. Herpes - resources (United States)

    Genital herpes - resources; Resources - genital herpes ... following organizations are good resources for information on genital herpes : March of Dimes -- ...

  16. Indicadores de riesgo de morbilidad prevenible causada por medicamentos Risk indicators of preventable morbidity related to drug utilization

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    Ana Dago Martínez


    Full Text Available Objetivos: Seleccionar y estudiar la aceptabilidad, en términos de relevancia y pertinencia, de ciertas situaciones clínicas que puedan usarse como indicadores de riesgo de morbilidad prevenible causada por medicamentos y que sean utilizables en las farmacias comunitarias. Método: Método Delphi, en 2 rondas, con un panel de 14 expertos médicos y farmacéuticos que valoraron la relevancia y pertinencia de 68 tipos de situaciones clínicas como indicadores de morbilidad potencial relacionada con medicamentos, detectable por el profesional en su medio, con evidencia científica de resultado adverso previsible, frecuentes en el medio ambulatorio y con causa y resultado controlables. Resultados: Se consideraron utilizables y pertinentes 43 de los 68 indicadores estudiados, que se referían a 3 ámbitos: tipo de medicamento (medicamentos de estrecho margen terapéutico, con dosis individualizada y con reacciones adversas frecuentes y graves, problema de salud (problemas crónicos, especialmente asma, enfermedad cardíaca, tiroidea, prostática y dolor y tipo de paciente (ancianos y/o polimedicados. Los farmacéuticos sobrevaloraron sistemáticamente ciertos indicadores en relación con los médicos, aunque las diferencias no fueron significativas. Conclusiones: Se identificaron 43 indicadores de morbilidad potencial relacionada con los medicamentos e identificables por los profesionales en su entorno.Objective: To select clinical situations that can be used as risk indicators of preventable morbidity caused by drugs at the community pharmacies, and to study their acceptability, in terms of pertinence and relevance. Methods: We used the Delphi technique, in 2 rounds, by a panel of 14 medical doctors and pharmacists experts, to study the relevance of 68 types of clinical situations as risk indicators of preventable morbidity related to drug utilization used by health professionals in community pharmacies, with scientific evidence of foreseeable

  17. Pregnancy and herpes (United States)

    ... and may pass the virus to their baby. Herpes type 2 (genital herpes) is the most common cause of herpes infection ... prenatal visit if you have a history of genital herpes. If you have frequent herpes outbreaks, you'll ...

  18. Úlceras por presión causadas por dispositivos clínicos


    Iglesias Ruisánchez, Sandra


    Las úlceras por presión (UPP) son lesiones comunes en los pacientes hospitalizados, especialmente en las unidades de cuidados intensivos (UCI). Los enfermos críticos tienen un riesgo elevado de desarrollar UPP, debido principalmente a la limitación de la movilidad, disminuyendo su capacidad para cambiar activamente su posición en la cama o asiento. Además, el efecto de fármacos anestésicos y sedantes, puede causar una pérdida de la percepción sensorial cutánea. Los diferentes dispositivos clí...

  19. HLA in Brazilian Ashkenazic Jews with chronic dermatophytosis caused by Trichophyton rubrum Antígenos Leucocitários Humanos (HLA em Judeus Ashkenazitas Brasileiros portadores de dermatofitose crônica causada por Trichophyton rubrum

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    Aya Sadahiro


    Full Text Available The frequency of HLA (Human Leucocyte Antigens was analyzed in 25 non-consanguineous Brazilian Ashkenazic Jews, resident in the city of São Paulo, Brazil, suffering from chronic dermatophytosis caused by T. rubrum, and in 25 non-infected individuals belonging to the same ethnic group. Statistically significant values (pA freqüência dos HLA foi analisada em 25 Judeus Ashkenazitas, não consangüíneos, residentes em São Paulo, Brasil, com dermatofitose crônica causada por T. rubrum e em 25 indivíduos sadios, pertencentes ao mesmo grupo étnico dos pacientes. Observou-se valor estatisticamente significante (p<0,05 para HLA-B14 associado a resistência à dermatofitose crônica enquanto HLA-DQB1*06 (p=0,05 possivelmente relacionado a susceptibilidade. Estes achados indicam que o desenvolvimento da dermatofitose crônica pode ser influenciado por genes localizados no cromossomo 6, na região do complexo principal de histocompatibilidade.

  20. Rotura neumática de colon por aire comprimido




    La ruptura del colon causada por aire comprimido a alta presión es rara. A propósito de un caso se revisan los mecanismos de producción, tipos de roturas, clínica, diagnóstico y tratamiento de estos traumatismos.

  1. Genital Herpes (United States)

    Genital herpes is a sexually transmitted disease (STD) caused by a herpes simplex virus (HSV). It can cause sores on ... also infect their babies during childbirth. Symptoms of herpes are called outbreaks. You usually get sores near ...

  2. Papel dos medicamentos nas intoxicações causadas por agentes químicos em município da Bahia, no período de 2007 a 2010

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    Amanda dos Santos Teles


    Full Text Available A intoxicação medicamentosa é um problema de grande relevância para a saúde pública. No Brasil, os medicamentos são os principais agentes responsáveis por intoxicações humanas. Este artigo objetivou descrever o perfil e a evolução das intoxicações no município de Feira de Santana, Bahia, nos anos 2007 a 2010, e analisar a morbimortalidade causada por medicamentos. Neste estudo transversal, com caráter descritivo, foram analisados 631 casos registrados no SINAN. As variáveis utilizadas foram: sexo; faixa etária; raça; escolaridade; ocupação; evolução do caso notificado; zona de ocorrência da intoxicação; circunstância determinante para a ocorrência da intoxicação; tipo de exposição; frequência deste agravo; e tipo de unidade notificadora. Constatou-se que a intoxicação por medicamentos representou 33% das intoxicações, seguida de “raticidas” (18%, sendo a “tentativa de suicídio”, circunstância responsável, em 2010, por 81% das notificações. O sexo ‘feminino’ apresentou o maior número de casos registrados, bem como as crianças de 1 a 4 anos e os adultos jovens. A letalidade observada em Feira de Santana foi muito maior do que a média regional e nacional, excetuando-se o ano de 2009. A Vigilância em Saúde deve priorizar ações educativas, preventivas e intersetoriais, que assegurem o uso correto de medicamentos e melhorem seu impacto na saúde, bem como investir na sensibilização continuada dos profissionais da Atenção Básica para melhorar a notificação deste importante agravo.

  3. El estado de las lesiones causadas por el tránsito en México: evidencias para fortalecer la estrategia mexicana de seguridad vial

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    Ricardo Pérez-Núñez


    Full Text Available Mediante la revisión de información secundaria oficial, publicaciones científicas y el análisis de la ENSANut-2012, este trabajo busca proveer una visión integral de la magnitud actual de las lesiones causadas por el tránsito (LCT en México y analizar críticamente la respuesta social organizada. Las altas tasas de choques, lesiones, muertes y discapacidad atribuidas a este problema de salud pública, representan un elevado costo para la sociedad mexicana, en especial para los hogares. Se discute cómo la respuesta mexicana se ha enfocado a los automovilistas, dejando fuera a usuarios vulnerables de la vía pública y se ha privilegiado la implementación de estrategias poco efectivas. A pesar de que se dispone de legislación para los principales factores de riesgo, se ha descuidado su correcta aplicación. La estrategia mexicana podría fortalecerse implementando estrategias de movilidad seguras, equitativas, saludables y sostenibles para los diferentes actores de la vía pública. A pesar de los avances que se han dado en términos de prevención de LCT, existen aún retos y oportunidades para el país.

  4. Osteomalacia inducida por tumor: hemangiopericitoma rinosinusal

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    Enriqueta M. Serafini


    Full Text Available La osteomalacia inducida por tumor es una rara enfermedad del metabolismo óseo caracterizada por el aumento en la excreción de fosfato a nivel renal seguido de hipofosfatemia. Es causada por agentes fosfatúricos producidos por determinados tumores. La resección total del tumor resulta en la completa reversión de las anormalidades bioquímicas, la desaparición de las manifestaciones clínicas y los hallazgos en los estudios por imágenes. Presentamos el caso de un varón de 61 años con cuadro clínico y laboratorio compatibles con osteomalacia oncogénica inducida por tumor mesenquimático de localización rinosinusal. En nuestro caso el diagnóstico histológico correspondió a una neoplasia de tipo vascular: hemangiopericitoma.

  5. Fatores de risco associados à mastite bovina causada por Prototheca zopfii Risk factors associated with bovine mastitis caused by Prototheca zopfii

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    Aline Artioli Machado Yamamura


    Full Text Available Este trabalho teve como objetivo o estudo de fatores de risco associados à mastite bovina causada por Prototheca zopfii. Foram analisadas 13 propriedades leiteiras dos Estados do Paraná e de São Paulo, segundo os seguintes critérios de seleção: confirmação prévia de casos de mastite por Prototheca spp., triagem pela pesquisa de Prototheca spp. em tanques de expansão e latões e rebanhos com contagem de células somáticas acima de 5x105cel mL-1. As amostras coletadas consistiram de: leite, água, solo, fezes e swab de teteiras. Prototheca spp. foi isolada de amostras de leite dos quartos mamários com mastite clínica ou subclínica em uma propriedade e de amostras de leite e do ambiente em quatro propriedades, nas quais foi isolada em amostras de: água de bebedouro, abastecimento, esgoto, empoçada no piso de estábulo e sala de ordenha, solo de piquete e pasto, teteiras, fezes de bezerros e suínos. Do total de 383 vacas examinadas, Prototheca spp. foi isolada em 20 (5,2% vacas, sendo caracterizada como P. zopfii em 18. Os fatores de risco associados à mastite causada por P. zopfii foram: criação das vacas a pasto, alimentação dos animais com pasto e silagem, realização de ordenha mecânica em estábulo, permanência das vacas após ordenha em piquete sem alimento, criação de suínos próxima às instalações dos bovinos, existência de cães, gatos e roedores, falta de higienização dos tetos com água, pré-imersão dos tetos em aplicador com retorno e sem a troca do anti-séptico, alimentação dos bezerros com leite de vacas com mastite clínica e serem as vacas da raça holandesa.This research had as objective the study of risk factors associated with bovine mastitis caused by Prototheca zopfii. Thirteen dairy herds in Paraná and São Paulo states were analyzed and selected according to the following criteria: previous confirmation of Prototheca spp. mastitis cases, screening of Prototheca spp. in bulk tanks and

  6. Conidiobolomicose causada por Conidiobolus lamprauges em ovinos no Estado de Santa Catarina Conidiobolomycosis caused by Conidiobolus lamprauges in sheep in the state of Santa Catarina, Brazil

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    Fernando Henrique Furlan


    Full Text Available Descreve-se um surto de conidiobolomicose em ovinos no Estado de Santa Catarina. O surto ocorreu entre os meses de dezembro e março de 2006, no município de Santo Amaro da Imperatriz, região litorânea do Estado. A propriedade possuía 75 ovinos da raça Santa Inês e seis desses animais adoeceram. Clinicamente os animais doentes apresentavam dificuldade respiratória, corrimento nasal seroso a mucossanguinolento e, por vezes exolftalmia. Na necropsia verificou-se uma massa amarelada na região etmoidal e adjacências que, às vezes, atingia os linfonodos regionais, cérebro, globo ocular e pleura. Microscopicamente a massa caracterizava-se por infiltrado inflamatório granulomatoso com áreas necróticas associadas a hifas largas pouco ramificadas. Através de exame molecular detectou-se DNA de Conidiobolus lamprauges. Os aspectos clínicos, epidemiológicos, macroscópicos, microscópicos e moleculares caracterizam a conidiobolomicose causada por Conidiobolus lamprauges em ovinos.An outbreak of conidiobolomycosis affecting sheep in the State of Santa Catarina, Southern Brazil is reported. The disease occurred in six Santa Inês breed sheep from a flock of 75 during the rainy season. Common clinical signs were noisy respiration and dyspnea, serous to mucosanguineous nasal discharge and exophthalmus. At necropsy there was a dense yellow mass in the nasopharyngeal area affecting the ethmoidal region, turbinate bones and occasionally limph nodes, central nervous system and pleura. Histopathologycally there was multifocal granulomas whith an eosinophilic necrotic reaction containing ribbon type hyphae similar to zygomycetous fungi. At molecular examination Conidiobolus lamprauges DNA was detected. The clinical, epidemiological, macroscopical, microscopical and molecular aspects characterize conidiobolomycosis caused by Conidiobolus lamprauges in sheep.

  7. Aspectos epidemiológicos de pacientes com lesões ungueais e cutâneas causadas por Scytalidium spp Epidemiological aspects of patients with ungual and cutaneous lesions caused by Scytalidium spp

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    Ana Paula Martins Xavier


    Full Text Available FUNDAMENTO: As dermatomicoses causadas por fungos filamentosos não dermatófitos são infecções raras, exceto as onicomicoses, cuja prevalência vem crescendo nos últimos anos. Dentre esses agentes etiológicos destacam-se o Scytalidium dimidiatum e o S. hyalinum, fungos emergentes responsáveis por micoses em unhas e pele. OBJETIVO: Investigar as características epidemiológicas das onicomicoses e micoses de outras localizações causadas pelos fungos do gênero Scytalidium, utilizando-se como parâmetros sexo, idade e localizações das lesões. MÉTODOS: Avaliaram-se 81 amostras com cultura positiva para o gênero em estudo, oriundas de 74 pacientes encaminhados ao Laboratório de Investigação em Dermatologia (ID situado na cidade do Rio de Janeiro (RJ, no período de 1997 a 2006. As amostras foram submetidas a confirmação diagnóstica por exame direto e cultura. RESULTADOS: A prevalência de onicomicoses por Scytalidium spp. foi de 0,87%, entre as idades de 41 e 60 anos (48,64%. Em relação à localização das lesões, os pés foram mais acometidos (91,36%, com predomínio do hálux esquerdo. No exame direto, as estruturas mais encontradas foram hifas hialinas; na cultura, a espécie S. dimidiatum foi a mais frequente. CONCLUSÃO: As onicomicoses por Scytalidium spp. são raras e o S. dimidiatum foi a espécie mais isolada neste laboratório no período em estudo.BACKGROUND: Dermatomycoses caused by non-dermatophyte filamentous fungi are rare infections, except for onychomycosis, whose prevalence has increased over the past few years. Among these etiologic agents, we highlight Scytalidium dimidiatum and S. hyalinum, emergent fungi that cause mycoses that affect the nails and skin. OBJECTIVE: To investigate the characteristics of onychomycosis and other mycoses caused by the fungi Scytalidium spp, using sex, age and site of infection as parameters. METHODS: Eighty-one samples were evaluated showing positive culture for Scytalidium

  8. Lesiones en el hombro causadas por electrocución


    Herrero Barcos, L.; Martínez Martín, Angel Antonio; Herrera Rodríguez, Antonio; Cuenca Espiérrez, Jorge; Panisello Sebastiá, Juan José


    Las lesiones en el hombro tras sufrir una descarga eléctrica son raras. Presentamos siete pacientes con luxaciones y fracturas en el hombro debidas a una electrocución. Un alto porcentaje de estas lesiones se diagnostican tarde, empeorando de esta manera el pronóstico. Por ello, ante una electrocución, debemos pensar en una lesión de hombro. Shoulder injuries after an electrical shock are rare. We report seven cases with dislocation and fractures of the shoulder due to electrocution. A hig...

  9. Serum herpes simplex antibodies (United States)

    ... causes cold sores (oral herpes). HSV-2 causes genital herpes. How the Test is Performed A blood sample ... person has ever been infected with oral or genital herpes . It looks for antibodies to herpes simplex virus ...

  10. Mastite micótica em ruminantes causada por leveduras


    Spanamberg,Andréia; Sanches,Edna Maria Cavallini; Santurio,Janio Morais; Ferreiro,Laerte


    A ocorrência de casos esporádicos de mastite causados por microrganismos de origem ambiental pode ser considerada como emergente e as leveduras, os fungos leveduriformes e os filamentosos são alguns dos principais agentes envolvidos. Em relação à mastite micótica, as leveduras são freqüentemente causas de infecções da glândula mamária em animais produtores de leite. A maior parte dos casos ocorre sob a forma de surtos localizados e/ou após tratamento com antimicrobianos. Os principais gêneros...

  11. Herpes Zoster Oticus (United States)

    ... Page You are here Home » Disorders » All Disorders Herpes Zoster Oticus Information Page Herpes Zoster Oticus Information Page What research is being ... neurotropic viruses and development of neurological diseases including herpes simplex and varicella-zoster viruses. × What research is ...

  12. Genital herpes simplex.


    Tummon, I. S.; Dudley, D. K.; Walters, J. H.


    Genital herpes is a sexually transmitted disease caused by the herpes simplex virus. Following the initial infection the virus becomes latent in the sacral ganglia. Approximately 80% of patients are then subject to milder but unpredictable recurrences and may shed the virus even when they are asymptomatic. The disorder causes concern because genital herpes in the mother can result in rare but catastrophic neonatal infection and because of a possible association between genital herpes and canc...

  13. Genital herpes simplex. (United States)

    Tummon, I S; Dudley, D K; Walters, J H


    Genital herpes is a sexually transmitted disease caused by the herpes simplex virus. Following the initial infection the virus becomes latent in the sacral ganglia. Approximately 80% of patients are then subject to milder but unpredictable recurrences and may shed the virus even when they are asymptomatic. The disorder causes concern because genital herpes in the mother can result in rare but catastrophic neonatal infection and because of a possible association between genital herpes and cancer of the cervix. No effective treatment is as yet available. Weekly monitoring for virus by cervical culture from 32 weeks' gestation is recommended for women with a history of genital herpes and for those whose sexual partner has such a history.

  14. Herpes zoster in childhood. (United States)

    Leung, Alexander K C; Robson, W Lane M; Leong, Alexander G


    Herpes zoster is caused by reactivation of latent varicella-zoster virus that resides in a dorsal root ganglion. Herpes zoster can develop any time after a primary infection. Because varicella vaccine is a live attenuated virus, herpes zoster can develop in a vaccine recipient. The incidence of herpes zoster among vaccine recipients is about 14 cases per 100,000 person-years. In young children, herpes zoster has a predilection for areas supplied by the cervical and sacral dermatomes. The most common complications are secondary bacterial infection, depigmentation, and scarring. Although the diagnosis of herpes zoster is based on a distinct clinical appearance, viral DNA analysis of the lesion by polymerase chain reaction or restriction fragment length polymorphism is necessary to differentiate wild from vaccine-type viruses. Acyclovir is the treatment of choice for herpes zoster.

  15. Encefalitis herpética confirmada por reacción en cadena de la polimerasa en tiempo real: reporte de caso Herpetic encephalitis confirmed by real time polymerase chain reaction: case report

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    Beatriz H. Aristizábal


    Full Text Available La encefalitis herpética es una enfermedad grave asociada al virus herpes simple 1 ó 2, con una alta letalidad, incidencia de complicaciones y secuelas neurológicas permanentes. Aparece en forma endémica y en pacientes inmunocompetentes. Puede manifestarse como un cuadro clásico de encefalitis infecciosa con fiebre, cefalea y alteración en el nivel de conciencia. Debido al compromiso del lóbulo temporal las manifestaciones clínicas pueden incluir también alucinaciones, afasia y cambios de personalidad. Las secuelas en los pacientes tratados son significativas. Objetivo: mostrar la importancia de la utilización del diagnóstico molecular temprano en pacientes con sospecha de encefalitis herpética. Métodos: el diagnóstico de la encefalitis herpética ha cambiado en los últimos años gracias al advenimiento de la reacción en cadena de la polimerasa en tiempo real en líquido cefalorraquídeo para Herpes virus simple, una estrategia rápida y de alta sensibilidad y especificidad, que en nuestro medio ha permitido reemplazar los diagnósticos presuntivos realizados por tomografía axial computarizada o electroencefalograma o los bajos rendimientos del aislamiento viral en el líquido cefaloraquídeo. Resultados: se describe el caso clínico de un paciente con encefalitis herpética asistido en nuestro hospital, con diagnóstico confirmado por reacción en cadena de la polimerasa en tiempo real, presentando estudios imaginológicos y neuropsicológicos compatibles con el diagnóstico. Conclusiones: los resultados de laboratorio y el diagnóstico temprano son críticos para el tratamiento precoz y la evolución del paciente. The herpetic encephalitis is a serious disease associated to the herpes virus simplex 1 or 2 with high mortality, permanent incidence of complications and neurological sequels. It appears in endemic form and in immunocompetent patients. It can be shown like a classical manifest of infectious encephalitis, with fever

  16. Genital Herpes (United States)

    ... can be can be considerable embarrassment, shame, and stigma associated with a herpes diagnosis that can substantially ... complications for a pregnant woman and her newborn child. See “ How does herpes infection affect a pregnant ...

  17. Vulvovaginitis e infecciones de transmisión sexual en la adolescencia


    B. Gigliola Gannoni, Dra.; R. Silvana Bórquez, Dra.


    Las vulvovaginitis corresponden a las inflamaciones de la vulva y la vagina. La etiología en su mayoría es secundaria a una infección. Los principales agentes etiológicos son: Candida albicans, Gardenerella vaginalis y Trichomonas. Las infecciones de transmisión sexual son un motivo de preocupación y consulta creciente en el grupo de adolescentes, siendo las más frecuentes las causadas por Chlamydia Trachomatis, Virus Papiloma Humano y Virus Herpes simple. En este capítulo se revisan las dife...

  18. Síndrome hemolítico-urêmica causada por gencitabina em uma paciente jovem com colangiocarcinoma

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    John Fredy Nieto-Ríos


    Full Text Available Resumo A gencitabina é um fármaco utilizado no tratamento de vários tipos de neoplasias malignas. Há poucas descrições de associação entre a droga e a síndrome hemolítico-urêmica (SHU, apesar de os pacientes em questão terem ido a óbito em pelo menos 50% dos casos. O presente artigo relata o caso de uma paciente com 25 anos de idade em remissão diagnosticada com colangiocarcinoma que apresentou anemia hemolítica microangiopática acompanhada de insuficiência renal aguda anúrica após cinco ciclos de quimioterapia com gencitabina; as manifestações eram condizentes com SHU causada pelos efeitos colaterais do medicamento. A administração de gencitabina foi interrompida, e a paciente foi tratada com hemodiálise, transfusões de sangue, trocas de plasma, corticosteroides, doxiciclina e rituximabe. Foi atingido um desfecho favorável; mais especificamente, a hemólise foi controlada e a função renal foi plenamente restabelecida.

  19. Efecto del ácido acetil salicílico y Bacillus subtilis en la infección causada por Cucumber mosaic virus en calabacita

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    E. Maldonado-Cruz


    Full Text Available Dos conocidos agentes inductores de resistencia en las plantas, ácido acetil salicílico y Bacillus subtilis, fueron evaluados con la finalidad de conocer su efecto en la infección causada por el Cucumber mosaic virus (CMV en Cucurbita pepo var. Zucchini grey.Se estableció un diseño experimental completamente al azar en invernadero con cinco tratamientos y ocho repeticiones: Bacillus subtilis aplicado al suelo, B. subtilis aplicado al follaje; B. subtilis aplicado al suelo y al follaje, ácido acetil salicílico aplicado al follaje y testigo (sin aplicación de ninguno de los productos antes indicados. Plantas de 20 días de edad fueron inoculadas mecánicamente con Cucumber mosaic virus y 15 días después de la inoculación se evaluaron las variables peso de biomasa fresca y concentración viral mediante la técnica de DAS-ELISA. Los resultados muestran que las plantas inoculadas con B. subtilis al suelo y ácido acetil salicílico tuvieron significativamente mayor peso de biomasa fresca comparados con el tratamiento Testigo (P¿0.05. Las plantas de todos los tratamientos donde se aplicó B. subtilis (al suelo, al follaje o al suelo y al follaje tuvieron una concentración viral significativamente menor comparadas con el testigo (P¿0.05 en la prueba de ELISA.

  20. Genital herpes - self-care (United States)

    Herpes - genital - self-care; Herpes simplex - genital - self-care; Herpesvirus 2 - self-care; HSV-2 - self-care ... Genital herpes cannot be cured. Antiviral medicine (acyclovir and related drugs) may relieve pain and discomfort and help ...

  1. Mastite subclínica causada por Staphylococcus aureus: custo-benefício da antibioticoterapia de vacas em lactação Subclinical mastitis caused by Staphylococcus aureus: cost benefit analysis of antibiotic therapy in lactating cows

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    L.F. Zafalon


    Full Text Available Avaliou-se a relação custo-benefício do tratamento da mastite subclínica bovina causada por Staphylococcus aureus. Foram selecionados 270 quartos mamários com mastite subclínica e sadios, divididos em quatro grupos de acordo com o estádio de lactação e o tratamento. O grupo 1 foi formado por animais entre 10 e 60 dias da lactação e tratados contra mastites; o grupo 2 incluiu animais entre 61 dias da lactação e dois meses antes da secagem e tratados contra mastite; o grupo 3 foi formado por animais entre 10 e 60 dias da lactação, não tratados contra mastite; e o grupo 4 foi formado por animais entre 61 dias em lactação e dois meses antes da secagem, não tratados. O tratamento foi realizado pela infusão intramamária de 150mg de gentamicina, uma vez ao dia. A reavaliação foi efetuada após 30 dias. Para os cálculos dos custos com o tratamento, foram considerados uma prevalência de S. aureus de 5% e os gastos com medicamento, descarte do leite, antibiograma e mão-de-obra. Observou-se redução de 2% e 14% das receitas nos grupos 1 e 2, respectivamente, quando comparada com as receitas obtidas antes do tratamento, demonstrando ser economicamente inviável o tratamento da mastite subclínica bovina causada por S. aureus, durante a lactação.Economic evaluation of the treatment bovine subclinical mastitis caused by S. aureus was evaluated. Two hundred and seventy udder quarters with or without subclinical mastitis were distributed into four groups, in conformity to lactational stage and treatments. Group 1 included animals treated between 10 and 60 days of lactation; group 2 included animals treated from 61 days of lactation to two months before drying; group 3 included animals no treated between 10 and 60 days of lactation; group 4 included animals no treated from 61 days of lactation to two months before drying. Treatment with gentamicin (150mg was accomplished by intramammary doses, once a day, after performing sensitivity

  2. Genital Herpes (United States)

    ... No single step can protect you from every single type of STI. Can women who have sex with women get genital herpes? ... No single step can protect you from every single type of STI. Can women who have sex with women get genital herpes? ...

  3. [Pain in herpes zoster: Prevention and treatment]. (United States)

    Calvo-Mosquera, G; González-Cal, A; Calvo-Rodríguez, D; Primucci, C Y; Plamenov-Dipchikov, P

    Shingles is a painful rash that results from reactivation of latent varicella-zoster virus in the dorsal root ganglia or cranial nerves. In this article an update is presented on the prevention and pharmacological treatment of the secondary pain from the virus infection. The most effective way to prevent post-herpetic neuralgia and its consequences is the prevention of herpes itself. A live attenuated vaccine (the Oka strain varicella zoster virus) has been available for several years, and is approved in adults aged 50 years old. Although this vaccine has shown to be effective against herpes zoster and post-herpetic neuralgia, its effectiveness decreases with age and is contraindicated in patients with some form of immunosuppression. Today the recombinant vaccines provide an alternative, and may be administered to immunocompromised persons. Copyright © 2016 Sociedad Española de Médicos de Atención Primaria (SEMERGEN). Publicado por Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.

  4. Neonatal herpes in Denmark 1977-1991

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Fonnest, G; de la Fuente Fonnest, I; Weber, Tom


    BACKGROUND: To prevent neonatal herpes, women in labor with genital herpes infection are still delivered by Cesarean section. This policy is currently being debated. The aim of this study was to determine the incidence of neonatal herpes in Denmark and to evaluate the prevention practice. METHODS......: All newborns with perinatal herpes in Denmark 1977-1991 were identified from hospital-records. RESULTS: Of 862,298 deliveries 136 possible cases were found but only 30 (22%) fulfilled the criteria for neonatal herpes. The incidence increased from 2.36 to 4.56 per 100,000 live births during 1977......-1984 through 1984-1991. Three mothers (10%) had recurrent herpes at delivery, three (10%) had primary herpes, and five (17%) had oral herpes. Seven infants (23%) were delivered by Cesarean section. Nine (30%) only had cutaneous herpes, four (13%) had CNS herpes, nine (30%) had disseminated disease. Six (20...


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    Christian M. Chiara Chilet


    Full Text Available La Encefalitis Herpética (EH es una enfermedad infecciosa del Sistema Nervioso Central (SNC severa, causado casi exclusivamente por el virus Herpes simple(VHS tipo 1, sin tratamiento existe una mortalidad del 70%. Se describe un preescolar diagnosticado de EH confirmado por Reacción en Cadena de la Polimerasa(RCP en Líquido Cefalorraquídeo (LCR, quien ingresa al Hospital Nacional Guillermo Almenara Irigoyen(HNGAI con un cuadro clínico progresivo de 23 díasde evolución, caracterizado por fiebre (38.5 °C, trastorno de conciencia, malestar general, movimientos involuntarios y rigidez generalizada. El tratamiento instauradofue Aciclovir por 21 días. El propósito de este caso clínico es dar a conocer que el diagnóstico de EH se basa principalmente en su sospecha en todo pacientecon encefalitis y su confirmación diagnóstica mediante RCP en LCR. El cuadro clínico, los resultados de laboratorio y la imagenología son importantes para eldiagnóstico, tratamiento precoz y el pronóstico.Palabras Clave: Herpes Simple, Encefalitis, Reacción en Cadena de la Polimerasa, Preescolar

  6. Herpes simplex-virus type 1 påvist hos patient med herpes zoster

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Danielsen, Patricia Louise; Schønning, Kristian; Larsen, Helle Kiellberg


    In this case report we present an otherwise healthy 63 year-old male patient with herpes zoster corresponding to the 2nd left branch of the trigeminal nerve. Real time-polymerase chain reaction analyses were positive for both herpes simplex virus (HSV) type 1 and varicella zoster virus (VZV......). The most probable explanation is that this reflects asymptomatic, latent expression of HSV-1 in a herpes zoster patient with no clinical relevance. Another hypothesis is that reactivation of a neurotropic herpes virus can reactivate another neurotropic virus if both types are present in the same ganglion....... If co-infection with HSV/VZV is suspected the treatment regimen for herpes zoster will sufficiently treat a possible HSV infection also....

  7. Neonatal herpes in Denmark 1977-1991

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Fonnest, G; de la Fuente Fonnest, I; Weber, Tom


    BACKGROUND: To prevent neonatal herpes, women in labor with genital herpes infection are still delivered by Cesarean section. This policy is currently being debated. The aim of this study was to determine the incidence of neonatal herpes in Denmark and to evaluate the prevention practice. METHODS...... herpes recurrence. Four infants had a serious infection in spite of Cesarean section. This study does not support a policy of Cesarean section in case of maternal recurrent herpes simplex infection at delivery.......BACKGROUND: To prevent neonatal herpes, women in labor with genital herpes infection are still delivered by Cesarean section. This policy is currently being debated. The aim of this study was to determine the incidence of neonatal herpes in Denmark and to evaluate the prevention practice. METHODS......: All newborns with perinatal herpes in Denmark 1977-1991 were identified from hospital-records. RESULTS: Of 862,298 deliveries 136 possible cases were found but only 30 (22%) fulfilled the criteria for neonatal herpes. The incidence increased from 2.36 to 4.56 per 100,000 live births during 1977...

  8. Jejunal perforation caused by abdominal angiostrongyliasis Perfuração jejunal causada por angiostrongilíase abdominal

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    Jaques WAISBERG


    Full Text Available The authors describe a case of abdominal angiostrongyliasis in an adult patient presenting acute abdominal pain caused by jejunal perforation. The case was unusual, as this affliction habitually involves the terminal ileum, appendix, cecum or ascending colon. The disease is caused by the nematode Angiostrongylus costaricensis, whose definitive hosts are forest rodents while snails and slugs are its intermediate hosts. Infection in humans is accidental and occurs via the ingestion of snail or slug mucoid secretions found on vegetables, or by direct contact with the mucus. Abdominal angiostrongyliasis is clinically characterized by prolonged fever, anorexia, abdominal pain in the right-lower quadrant, and peripheral blood eosinophilia. Although usually of a benign nature, its course may evolve to more complicated forms such as intestinal obstruction or perforation likely to require a surgical approach. Currently, no efficient medication for the treatment of abdominal angiostrongyliasis is known to be available. In this study, the authors provide a review on the subject, considering its etiopathogeny, clinical picture, diagnosis and treatment.Os autores descrevem caso de angiostrongilíase abdominal em doente adulto que se manifestou como abdômen agudo devido à perfuração de alça jejunal, evento raro, uma vez que esta afecção geralmente envolve o íleo terminal, apêndice, ceco ou cólon ascendente. A doença é causada pelo nematódeo Angiostrongylus costaricensis cujos hospedeiros definitivos são roedores silvestres e os hospedeiros intermediários são caracóis e caramujos. A infecção em humanos é acidental e ocorre pela ingestão de secreção mucóide destes invertebrados presentes em vegetais ou por contato direto com o muco. A angiostrongilíase abdominal é clinicamente caracterizada pela presença de febre prolongada, anorexia, dor no quadrante inferior direito do abdômen e eosinofilia periférica. Embora a doença seja de

  9. Infección por agallas y producción de inflorescencias en el arbusto Schinus patagonicus


    Barrancos, María L; Moncaglieri, Romina; Farji-Brener, Alejandro G


    El daño foliar generalmente afecta negativamente la reproducción de las plantas. Sin embargo, se conoce poco sobre cómo la infección por agallas influye en dicho proceso. Analizamos la relación entre la cantidad de agallas foliares causadas por insectos y la producción de inflorescencias en el arbusto Schinus patagonicus. En 63 arbustos localizados en bosques del norte de la Patagonia estimamos el promedio de agallas por hoja y de inflorescencias asociadas por rama. Un incremento en el número...

  10. Genital herpes simplex virus infections. (United States)

    Rosenthal, M S


    In recent years, a great increase in interest in genital herpes has been stimulated partly by the rising prevalence of this disease and partly by observations suggesting that genital herpes is a cause of cervical cancer. The clinical pictures produced by genital herpes simplex virus infections are similar in men and women. In contrast to recurrent attacks, initial episodes of infection are generally more extensive, last longer, and are more often associated with regional lymphadenopathy and systemic symptoms. Genital herpes in pregnancy may pose a serious threat to the newborn infant. Although the data suggesting genital herpes simplex virus infection is a cause of cervical cancer are quite extensive, the evidence is largely circumstantial. In spite of these more serious aspects of genital herpes simplex virus infection, episodes of genital herpes are almost always self-limited and benign. Frequent recurrences pose the major therapeutic and management problem. At present, there is no satisfactory treatment for recurrent genital herpes simplex virus in fection. Many of the suggested therapies, although some sound very promising, are potentially dangerous and should be used only under carefully controlled conditions.

  11. Incidência de viroses e enfezamentos e estimativa de perdas causadas por molicutes em milho no Paraná Occurrence of viruses and stunting diseases and estimative of yield losses by mollicutes in corn in Paraná State, Brazil

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    Elizabeth de Oliveira


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a incidência de viroses e enfezamentos e estimar as perdas causadas por enfezamentos na cultura do milho safrinha. Os diagnósticos baseados em sintomas foram confirmados por PCR ou RTPCR. Em todas as lavouras, foram identificadas plantas com sintomas de enfezamentos, em incidência de 6,2% a 49,9% (média de 20,7%. Na identificação de insetos vetores desses patógenos, a cigarrinha Dalbulus maidis foi detectada em 20 lavouras das 24 amostradas, constituindo 66,6% do total de espécimens de cigarrinhas coletadas. A perda potencial causada pelos enfezamentos no período foi estimada em cerca de 16,5 milhões de dólares. A ocorrência de plantas com sintomas de "Maize rayado fino virus" e "Maize dwarf mosaic virus" foi baixa e o diagnóstico confirmado por RTPCR. A análise de 441 amostras suspeitas de infecção por "Mal de Río Cuarto virus", por DASELISA, mostrou ausência desse vírus. Resultados de PCR indicaram a presença de um possível fitoplasma distinto de "Maize bushy stunt phytoplasma" em duas plantas apresentando nanismo acentuado, folhas estreitas, enrijecidas, com deformações, e grãos na inflorescência, havendo necessidade de mais estudos para a confirmação da identidade desse possível novo fitoplasma.The objective of this work was to evaluate the occurence and yield losses by corn stunting diseases and maize viruses in "safrinha" season. Disease diagnostics based on plant symptoms were confirmed by PCR or RTPCR assays. Insect samples were collected in 24 fields for identification of vectors of the pathogens. Corn stunting diseases symptoms were observed in all crops evaluated, with incidence levels ranging from 6.2% to 49.9% (average 20.7% and the presence of the leafhopper Dalbulus maidis, was detected in 20 of the 24 areas evaluated. This insect species was prevalent, representing 66,6% of total leafhoppers specimens collected. The potential yield losses caused by mollicutes was

  12. Restrições causadas pela incontinência urinária à vida da mulher Restricciones ocasionadas por la incontinencia urinaria en la vida de la mujer Urinary incontinence restrictions in women's life

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    Maria Helena Baena de Moraes Lopes


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste estudo foi identificar as restrições causadas pela incontinência urinária (IU à vida da mulher, considerando-se o tipo de incontinência, e verificar como manejam este problema. Trata-se de uma análise secundária de dados obtidos em estudo anterior, coletados por meio de entrevista com perguntas abertas e fechadas. A amostra foi composta por 164 mulheres com queixa de IU, internadas em clínicas de ginecologia e urologia de dois hospitais-escola da cidade de Campinas, SP. Apresentavam idade entre 25 e 85 anos e 104 (64% referiram uma ou mais restrições. Citaram alterações nas atividades sexuais (40,9%, sociais (33,5%, domésticas (18,9% e ocupacionais (15,2%. A incontinência urinária mista e a de urgência forem as que mais afetavam a vida das mulheres. A estratégia mais utilizada para minimizar a IU foi o uso de forro e/ou absorvente higiênico. Concluiu-se que a IU tem implicações negativas no cotidiano dessas mulheres.En este estudio se tuvo como objetivo identificar las restricciones causadas por la incontinencia urinaria (IU en la vida de la mujer, considerándose el tipo de incontinencia, y verificar cómo manejan este problema. Se trata de un análisis secundario de datos obtenidos en un estudio anterior, recolectados por medio de entrevista con preguntas abiertas y cerradas. La muestra estuvo compuesta por 164 mujeres con queja de IU, internadas en clínicas de ginecología y urología de dos hospitales docentes de la ciudad de Campinas, SP. Las mujeres tenían entre 25 y 85 años de edad, habiendo relatado 104 (64% de ellas una o más restricciones. Citaron alteraciones en las actividades sexuales (40,9%, sociales (33,5%, domésticas (18,9% y ocupacionales (15,2%. La incontinencia urinaria mixta y la de urgencia fueron las que más afectaban la vida de las mujeres. La estrategia más utilizada para minimizar la IU fue el uso de paños y/o toallas higiénicas. Se concluyó que la IU tiene implicancias

  13. Tumores perianais provocados pelo herpes simples Perianal tumors provoked by herpes simplex

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    Sidney Roberto Nadal


    Full Text Available O Herpes simplex (HSV é um DNA vírus que provoca afecções perianais, sendo considerada a causa mais comum das úlceras na região. Apesar da forma ulcerativa ser a mais conhecida, a literatura relata o aparecimento de lesões tumorais, nodulares ou hipertróficas relacionadas ao vírus. O exame proctológico mostra tumores dolorosos, achatados, com superfície recoberta por ulceração rasa e com bordas bem delimitadas, elevadas e lobuladas, localizados na margem anal e/ou no sulco interglúteo, algumas vezes imitando condilomas virais ou carcinoma. A anamnese revela instalação insidiosa com crescimento lento e progressivo, além da história de tratamentos anteriores para úlceras herpéticas. O diagnóstico diferencial com carcinoma impõe a realização de biópsia para confirmação histológica. Esse exame revela hiperplasia epitelial moderada e denso processo inflamatório com linfócitos e plasmócitos. Células gigantes e multinucleadas são observadas na epiderme. Os testes imunohistoquímicos sugerem o HSV. A opção terapêutica inicial deve ser o tratamento medicamentoso. Importante definir o diagnóstico etiológico para aliviar o desconforto e evitar operação radical desnecessária, e introduzir medicação anti-retroviral nos portadores do HIV para melhora da imunidade.Herpes simplex is a DNA virus which provokes perianal lesions, and it is the most frequent etiology of anal ulcer. Despite the ulcerative herpes being known worldwide, literature relates a tumoral, or nodular, or hypertrophic form related to this virus. Proctological examination showed nodules with a verrucous appearance and an ulcerated surface at the anal margin, sometimes mimicking viral condylomas or carcinomas. Anamnesis reveals insidious installation, slow growth and prior treatments for herpetic ulcers. The differential diagnoses with cancer allow us to perform biopsies for histological confirmation. This exam reveals mild epithelial hyperplasia and

  14. Avaliação lectino-histoquímica de fígado e rim de ovinos com fotossensibilização causada por Brachiaria decumbens

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    Samay Z.R. Costa


    Full Text Available Embora sejam as forrageiras mais importantes para a pecuária de corte (bovinocultura de corte no Brasil, em certas épocas ou condições, Brachiaria spp. podem ser tóxicas e causar surtos de fotossensibilização hepatógena que determinam significativas perdas econômicas. Animais que se alimentam em pastos de Brachiaria spp. comumente apresentam macrófagos espumosos isolados ou agrupados, além de cristais no interior de ductos biliares. Saponinas esteroidais têm sido identificadas nestes cristais e são responsabilizadas por lesar o fígado levando ao acúmulo de filoeritrina. Por vezes, imagens negativas desses cristais podem estar presentes no citoplasma de macrófagos espumosos. A patogênese de formação e o tipo de material armazenado nas células espumosas ainda são desconhecidos. A técnica de lectino-histoquímica visa auxiliar na detecção desses macrófagos e, consequentemente, no diagnóstico, além de identificar quais os resíduos de açúcares específicos que estão presentes no citoplasma das células espumosas. Assim, este trabalho teve por objetivo identificar quais lectinas são mais indicadas na detecção de saponinas esteroidais no fígado e rim de ovinos com fotossensibilização causada por Brachiaria decumbens. Fragmentos de fígado e rim de quinze ovinos, de ambos os sexos e idade variável, oriundos de Conceição do Mato Dentro, Minas Gerais, e um ovino mantido em pastagem livre de Brachiaria spp. foram avaliados pela técnica de lectino-histoquímica. Quatorze lectinas foram utilizadas (Con-A, DBA, SBA, PNA, SJA, RCA-I, UEA-I, WGA, SWGA, GSL, PSA, PHA-L, PHA-E e LCA. Verificou-se que, no fígado de ovinos com fotossensibilização provocada pela ingestão de Brachiaria decumbens, a lectina PNA apresentou especificidade e acentuada reatividade aos macrófagos espumosos, bem como especificidade e leve reatividade aos hepatócitos; a lectina WGA teve especificidade e moderada reatividade aos macr

  15. Herpes Zoster oftálmico e posterior acidente vascular cerebral: relato de caso

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    Carlos A. M. Guerreiro


    Full Text Available Um caso de acidente vascular cerebral (AVC 14 semanas após a instalação de herpes zoster oftálmico (HZO é apresentado. A tomografia computadorizada craniana documentou comprometimento em território de artéria cerebral média ipsilateral ao HZO. O diagnóstico de probabilidade é o de arterite por herpes zoster com posterior trombose. Os autores reviram a literatura e enfatizam o longo intervalo entre o HZO e a instalação da hemiplegia. Citam as novas drogas antivirais que tornam esta causa de AVC potencialmente passível de ser prevenida.

  16. Ações do enfermeiro na identificação precoce de alterações sistêmicas causadas pela sepse grave

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    Felipe Garrido


    Full Text Available Introdução: As unidades de terapia intensiva (UTIs têm sido organizadas como setores estratégicos para o suporte especializado de assistência ao paciente grave. Objetivo: Verificar as ações do enfermeiro para a identificação precoce das alterações sistêmicas causadas pela sepse grave relacionadas às alterações hemodinâmicas, neurológicas, respiratórias, renais e nutricionais dos pacientes internados em UTIs adulto. Métodos: Estudo descritivo com 24 enfermeiros. Os dados foram coletados por meio de formulário composto de questões estruturadas. Resultados: Apenas 36% dos enfermeiros possuem especialização em UTI adulto; verificou-se que os profissionais identificam parcialmente os sinais e sintomas apresentados pelo paciente séptico. Conclusão: Os enfermeiros encontram dificuldade na identificação precoce das alterações sistêmicas causadas pela sepse grave relacionada às alterações hemodinâmicas, neurológicas, respiratórias, renais e nutricionais dos pacientes internados em UTI adulto, o que pode estar relacionado com a falta de treinamento e de protocolos estabelecidos pelas instituições.

  17. Sarcoma de Kaposi por virus del herpes humano de tipo 8 en un receptor de trasplante hepático pediátrico: Caso clínico


    Malla, Ivone; Pérez, Celeste; Cheang, Yu; Silva, Marcelo


    Los pacientes que reciben tratamiento inmunosupresor están en riesgo de desarrollar tumores malignos. La infección primaria o reactivación del virus del herpes humano de tipo 8 (HHV-8) puede predisponer al sarcoma de Kaposi después del trasplante de un órgano sólido. En los receptores de trasplantes pediátricos, este sarcoma tiene baja incidencia y mal pronóstico. Se informa la presentación clínica de un sarcoma de Kaposi en un ganglio linfático luego de una infección por HHV-8 en un niño a l...

  18. Late winter and early spring is the time of varicella (chickenpox

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    Guilherme Augusto Armond


    Full Text Available A varicela ou catapora, como é conhecida popularmente, é uma doença contagiosa, causada por um vírus do grupo herpes - o vírus da varicela-zoster. As pessoas com catapora normalmente apresentam febre e pequenas vesículas na pele. Tipicamente, a doença possui caráter sazonal, onde a maior incidência ocorre no final do inverno e início da primavera. A varicela é uma das clássicas doenças da infância podendo ser adquirida em qualquer idade, porém, é rara nos primeiros meses de vida (a menos que a mãe não tenha tido a doença.

  19. Maize bush stunt and corn stunt: Diseases of corn caused by molicutes/ Enfezamentos vermelho e pálido: Doenças em milho causadas por molicutes

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    Nelson Sidnei Massola Júnior


    Full Text Available Maize Bushy Stunt and Corn Stunt are diseases of corn caused respectively by a phytoplasma (maize bushy stunt phytoplasma and by Spiroplasma kunkelii. Both agents are restricted to the floem vessels of diseased plants. The leafhopper Dalbulus maidis is the vector of the diseases. The diseases are very harmfull to corn crops and can cause severe losses. Their importance increased very much in the last years mainly due to the continuous crops, which allow the perpetuation of corn, pathogens and vector over the year. Diseased plants show shortening, redening or yellowing and excessive proliferation of ears, among others symptoms. However, symptoms are variable according to the causal agent, environmental conditions and corn genotype. Correct diagnosis of the diseases has been reached with ELISA (“enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay” and PCR (“polymerase chain reaction”. The use of resistant genotypes of corn is the main strategy of control of the diseases.Os enfezamentos vermelho e pálido são doenças do milho causadas, respectivamente, por um fitoplasma (“maize bushy stunt phytoplasma” e pelo Spiroplasma kunkelii, organismos restritos ao floema das plantas infectadas. Ambas são transmitidas pela cigarrinha Dalbulus maidis. São doenças bastante destrutivas, podendo causar sérios prejuízos aos agricultores. A importância dessas doenças aumentou muito nos últimos anos, devido principalmente aos cultivos “safrinha”, que perpetuam o milho, os patógenos e o vetor no campo durante o ano todo. As plantas doentes exibem redução de crescimento, avermelhamento ou amarelecimento, proliferação excessiva de espigas pequenas e improdutivas, além de outros sintomas. No entanto, esses sintomas dependem do agente causal, condições climáticas e genótipo do milho. A diagnose correta tem sido feita por testes de ELISA (“enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay” e por PCR (“polymerase chain reaction”, devido à complexidade da

  20. Neonatal herpes in Denmark 1977-1991

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Fonnest, G; de la Fuente Fonnest, I; Weber, Tom


    : All newborns with perinatal herpes in Denmark 1977-1991 were identified from hospital-records. RESULTS: Of 862,298 deliveries 136 possible cases were found but only 30 (22%) fulfilled the criteria for neonatal herpes. The incidence increased from 2.36 to 4.56 per 100,000 live births during 1977...... herpes recurrence. Four infants had a serious infection in spite of Cesarean section. This study does not support a policy of Cesarean section in case of maternal recurrent herpes simplex infection at delivery.......BACKGROUND: To prevent neonatal herpes, women in labor with genital herpes infection are still delivered by Cesarean section. This policy is currently being debated. The aim of this study was to determine the incidence of neonatal herpes in Denmark and to evaluate the prevention practice. METHODS...

  1. Herpes simplex encephalitis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bakken, J.S.; Camenga, D.L.; Glazier, M.C.; Coughlan, J.D.


    Early institution of therapy with acyclovir is essential for the successful outcome in herpes simplex encephalitis. Brain biopsy remains the only conclusive means of establishing the diagnosis, but many fear possible biobsy complications. Thus, therapy is often instituted when the diagnosis is clinically suspected, even though cerebral computed tomography and other diagnostic studies may be inconclusive. Nuclear magnetic resonance imaging (NMR) has proven to be a sensitive tool for diagnosing presumptive herpes simplex encephalitis. This case presentation demonstrates the superiority of cerebral NMR over computerized tomography for detecting early temporal lobe changes consistent with acute herpes simplex encephalitis

  2. Herpes Zoster Ophthalmicus in HIV/AIDS

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    Boateng Wiafe MD MSc


    Full Text Available Herpes zoster is a common infection caused by the human herpes virus 3, the same virus that causes chickenpox. It is a member of herpes viridae, the same family as the herpes simplex virus, Epstein- Barr virus, and cytomegalovirus. Herpes zoster ophthalmicus occurs when a latent varicella zoster virus in the trigeminal ganglia involving the ophthalmic division of the nerve is reactivated. Of the three divisions of the fifth cranial nerve, the ophthalmic is involved 20 times more frequently than the other divisions.

  3. Unusual presentation of herpes simplex virus infection in a boxer: 'Boxing glove herpes'. (United States)

    García-García, Begoña; Galache-Osuna, Cristina; Coto-Segura, Pablo; Suárez-Casado, Héctor; Mallo-García, Susana; Jiménez, Jorge Santos-Juanes


    Herein, we describe a patient with lesions of cutaneous herpes simplex virus 1 (HSV-1) infection over the knuckles of both hands in the context of an outbreak among boxers. Interestingly, the infection had an unusually long duration (4 weeks), and was not acquired directly through skin-to-skin contact, as it usually does among athletes (herpes gladiatorum). In our case, transmission was acquired through the use of shared boxing gloves contaminated by HSV-1. To the best of our knowledge, herpes gladiatorum, or wrestler's herpes, has not been described previously in boxers and infection over the knuckles is not commonly reported. © 2011 The Authors. Australasian Journal of Dermatology © 2011 The Australasian College of Dermatologists.

  4. Enfoque multidisciplinario en el tratamiento del herpes zóster oftálmico Multidisciplinary approach in the treatment of pphthalmic herpes zoster

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    Enrique Arce Morera


    Full Text Available Se presentó el caso remitido a nuestro servicio de rehabilitación de la especialidad de oftalmología, con el diagnóstico de herpes zóster oftálmico, por presentar dolor y lesiones maculares, vesículas sobre una base eritematosa en la región periorbitaria y frontal derecha, acompañado de intenso edema. Tratado, además, en primera instancia, por dermatología con: aciclovir, antiinflamatorios (prednisona, vitaminoterapia y colirios. A los 7 días comenzó tratamiento de fisioterapia con radiación láser durante 15 sesiones, y continuó con 20 aplicaciones del campo magnético continuo, lo cual garantizó, con la interrelación de varias especialidades médicas y un enfoque multidisciplinario, la evolución satisfactoria del pacientePresent case was referred to our rehabilitation service of Ophthalmology specialty diagnosed with ophthalmic herpes zoster, pain and macular lesions, vesicles on an erythematous basis in right frontal periorbital region, accompanied of intense edema. The first treatment was applied in the Dermatology service with acyclovir, anti-inflammatory drugs (Prednisone, vitamin-therapy and eyedrops. At 17 days was treated with physiotherapy with laser radiation for 15 sessions continuing 20 applications of continuous magnetic field guarantying with the interrelation of some medical specialties and a multidisciplinary approach, the satisfactory evolution of patient.

  5. Prevalencia y factores de riesgo para infecciones del tracto urinario de inicio en la comunidad causadas por Escherichia coli productor de betalactamasas de espectro extendido en Colombia (United States)

    Blanco, Victor M.; Maya, Juan J.; Correa, Adriana; Perenguez, Marcela; Muñoz, Juan S.; Motoa, Gabriel; Pallares, Christian J.; Rosso, Fernando; Matta, Lorena; Celis, Yamile; Garzon, Martha; Villegas, y María V.


    RESUMEN Introducción Las infecciones del tracto urinario (ITU) son frecuentes en la comunidad. Sin embargo, la información de aislamientos resistentes en este contexto es limitada en Latinoamérica. Este estudio tiene como objetivo determinar la prevalencia y los factores de riesgo asociados con ITU de inicio en la comunidad (ITU-IC) causadas por Escherichia coli productor de betalactamasas de espectro extendido (BLEE) en Colombia. Materiales y métodos Entre agosto y diciembre de 2011 se realizó un estudio de casos y controles en 3 instituciones de salud de tercer nivel en Colombia. Se invitó a participar a todos los pacientes admitidos a urgencias con diagnóstico probable de ITU-IC, y se les pidió una muestra de orina. En los aislamien-tos de E. coli se realizaron pruebas confirmatorias para BLEE, susceptibilidad antibiótica, caracterización molecular (PCR en tiempo real para genes bla, repetitive element palindromic PCR [rep-PCR], multilocus sequence typing [MLST] y factores de virulencia por PCR). Se obtuvo información clínica y epidemiológica, y posteriormente se realizó el análisis estadístico. Resultados De los 2.124 pacientes seleccionados, 629 tuvieron un urocultivo positivo, en 431 de estos se aisló E. coli, 54 fueron positivos para BLEE y 29 correspondieron a CTX-M-15. La mayoría de los aislamientos de E. coli productor de BLEE fueron sensibles a ertapenem, fosfomicina y amikacina. La ITU complicada se asoció fuertemente con infecciones por E. coli productor de BLEE (OR = 3,89; IC 95%: 1,10–13,89; p = 0,03). E. coli productor de CTX-M-15 mostró 10 electroferotipos diferentes; de estos, el 65% correspondieron al ST131. La mayoría de estos aislamientos tuvieron 8 de los 9 factores de virulencia analizados. Discusión E. coli portador del gen blaCTX-M-15 asociado al ST131 sigue siendo frecuente en Colombia. La presencia de ITU-IC complicada aumenta el riesgo de tener E. coli productor de BLEE, lo cual debe tenerse en cuenta para ofrecer

  6. Radiation therapy and herpes zoster

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kaneko, Itsuo; Matsushima, Hideno; Yamada, Teruyo; Moriya, Hiroshi


    The relationship between herpes zoster and radiation therapy was discussed and the combination of herpes zoster with malignancies was observed. Reported were five cases of herpes zoster (four breast and one lung carcinoma) out of 317 cases of malignancies which were irradiated in our clinic and include considerations about the etiologic relationship. (J.P.N.)

  7. Mucosal Herpes Immunity and Immunopathology to Ocular and Genital Herpes Simplex Virus Infections (United States)

    Chentoufi, Aziz Alami; BenMohamed, Lbachir


    Herpes simplex viruses type 1 and type 2 (HSV-1 and HSV-2) are amongst the most common human infectious viral pathogens capable of causing serious clinical diseases at every stage of life, from fatal disseminated disease in newborns to cold sores genital ulcerations and blinding eye disease. Primary mucocutaneous infection with HSV-1 & HSV-2 is followed by a lifelong viral latency in the sensory ganglia. In the majority of cases, herpes infections are clinically asymptomatic. However, in symptomatic individuals, the latent HSV can spontaneously and frequently reactivate, reinfecting the muco-cutaneous surfaces and causing painful recurrent diseases. The innate and adaptive mucosal immunities to herpes infections and disease remain to be fully characterized. The understanding of innate and adaptive immune mechanisms operating at muco-cutaneous surfaces is fundamental to the design of next-generation herpes vaccines. In this paper, the phenotypic and functional properties of innate and adaptive mucosal immune cells, their role in antiherpes immunity, and immunopathology are reviewed. The progress and limitations in developing a safe and efficient mucosal herpes vaccine are discussed. PMID:23320014

  8. Mucosal Herpes Immunity and Immunopathology to Ocular and Genital Herpes Simplex Virus Infections

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    Aziz Alami Chentoufi


    Full Text Available Herpes simplex viruses type 1 and type 2 (HSV-1 and HSV-2 are amongst the most common human infectious viral pathogens capable of causing serious clinical diseases at every stage of life, from fatal disseminated disease in newborns to cold sores genital ulcerations and blinding eye disease. Primary mucocutaneous infection with HSV-1 & HSV-2 is followed by a lifelong viral latency in the sensory ganglia. In the majority of cases, herpes infections are clinically asymptomatic. However, in symptomatic individuals, the latent HSV can spontaneously and frequently reactivate, reinfecting the muco-cutaneous surfaces and causing painful recurrent diseases. The innate and adaptive mucosal immunities to herpes infections and disease remain to be fully characterized. The understanding of innate and adaptive immune mechanisms operating at muco-cutaneous surfaces is fundamental to the design of next-generation herpes vaccines. In this paper, the phenotypic and functional properties of innate and adaptive mucosal immune cells, their role in antiherpes immunity, and immunopathology are reviewed. The progress and limitations in developing a safe and efficient mucosal herpes vaccine are discussed.

  9. Utilização da vacina Escherichia coli J5 na imunização de vacas leiteiras contra mastites causadas por E. coli

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    Lívio R. Molina


    Full Text Available Avaliou-se a utilização da vacina Escherichia coli J5, na imunização de vacas leiteiras, para prevenção e controle da mastite causada por E. coli através da análise da prevalência das infecções intramamárias (IMM no pós-parto, ocorrência e intensidade dos casos clínicos de mastite nos primeiros 100 dias de lactação, influência na contagem de células somáticas (CCS e produção de leite. O grupo experimental foi composto de 187 animais, divididos em 2 grupos, vacas vacinadas e não vacinadas. As imunizações ocorreram 60 dias antes do parto, 30 dias antes do parto e na primeira semana pós-parto. No dia da secagem e sete dias após o parto foram coletadas amostras para diagnóstico microbiológico dos patógenos causadores de mastite. A ocorrência de casos clínicos foi verificada pelo teste da caneca durante as ordenhas sendo registrados os dados relacionados à intensidade. Amostras foram coletadas mensalmente, a partir do décimo dia de lactação, para avaliação da CCS. A produção de leite foi registrada mensalmente nos primeiros 100 dias de lactação. Verificou-se no grupo vacinado, redução na prevalência de E. coli no pós-parto, na ocorrência de casos clínicos por E.coli nos primeiros 100 dias de lactação bem como na intensidade destes casos clínicos. Não foram observadas diferenças estatísticas significativas na CCS, entretanto vacas vacinadas apresentaram maior produção de leite, comparadas às vacas não vacinadas. A vacinação com E. coli J5 foi eficaz em reduzir a prevalência de infecções intramamárias (IMM ao parto, ocorrência e intensidade dos casos clínicos e aumento na produção de leite nos primeiros 100 dias de lactação.

  10. Herpes zoster oftálmico en pacientes con cáncer de pulmón Ophthalmic herpes zoster in patients with lung cancer

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    Nancy Téllez Céspedes


    Full Text Available Se presentan 2 casos clínicos de ancianos con cáncer del pulmón, que acudieron al Servicio de Dermatología del Hospital General Docente “Dr. Juan Bruno Zayas Alfonso” por presentar dolor y lesiones maculares, eritematosas y vesiculosas en la región periorbitaria derecha, de modo que fueron ingresados en la institución con el diagnóstico de herpes zoster oftálmico y tratados con aciclovir, lo cual garantizó una evolución satisfactoria.Two clinical cases of elderly patients with lung cancer who went to the Dermatology Service of "Dr. Juan Bruno Zayas Alfonso" Teaching General Hospital for presenting pain and macular, erithematous and vesiculous lesions in the right periorbital region, and so they were admitted in this institution with the diagnosis of ophthalmic herpes zoster and were treated with aciclovir, which guaranteed a satisfactory clinical course are presented.

  11. Fagoterapia frente a infecciones por Staphylococcus aureus meticilino resistente en ratones

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    Jesús H Tamariz

    Full Text Available Objetivos: Evaluar la actividad de los bacteriófagos frente a infecciones localizadas y sistémicas producidas por Staphylococcus aureus resistente a meticilina (MRSA Materiales y métodos. Se realizó un estudio de tipo experimental en 45 ratones de la cepa Balb/c divididos en nueve grupos de cinco individuos. Se aislaron diez bacteriófagos nativos a partir de muestras clínicas y efluentes hospitalarios, se evaluó su capacidad lítica y su espectro de actividad, en base a lo cual se seleccionaron seis fagos para los ensayos de fagoterapia. Adicionalmente, se empleó un bacteriófago de origen comercial. La fagoterapia fue evaluada mediante profilaxis y terapia de infecciones localizadas y sistémicas causadas por la inoculación de MRSA por vía subcutánea y endovenosa respectivamente. Se probó la efectividad de tres esquemas terapéuticos: monoterapia, cóctel de fagos en múltiples dosis y de cóctel de fagos en una sola dosis. También se comparó la actividad terapéutica de los fagos frente a vancomicina y clindamicina. Resultados. El cóctel de fagos y la terapia a diversas dosis fueron efectivos para prevenir y controlar infecciones localizadas por MRSA, su actividad fue similar a la de vancomicina y clindamicina. La dosis única del cóctel de fagos no logró controlar la infección localizada; asimismo, la fagoterapia no resultó efectiva en infecciones sistémicas. Conclusiones. La fagoterapia se proyecta como una alternativa viable frente a infecciones causadas por MRSA. Se requieren estudios que evalúen aspectos relacionados con la inocuidad de los fagos frente al paciente

  12. Molecular diagnosis of visceral herpes zoster

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    de Jong, M. D.; Weel, J. F.; van Oers, M. H.; Boom, R.; Wertheim-van Dillen, P. M.


    Patients with disseminated herpes zoster may present with severe abdominal pain that results from visceral involvement of varicella-zoster-virus infection. In the absence of cutaneous eruptions of herpes zoster, visceral herpes zoster is extremely difficult to diagnose. This diagnostic difficulty

  13. Primary Genital Herpes Diseases in İnfancy

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    Sevinç Gümüş Pekacar


    Full Text Available Symptomatic primary genital herpes infection is very rare in early childhood. Herpes simplex virus 1 type is the infectious agent in 20-50% percent of primery infections. Sexual abuse should be considered when genital herpes is seen in a person before sexual active age. It is mild and self limiting unless the patient is immune compramised. In this paper we discussed a 17 months old patient with genital herpes and approach to genital herpes in children.

  14. Herpes simplex type 2 pneumonia

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    Calore Edenilson Eduardo


    Full Text Available Extensive reviews of pulmonary infections in AIDS have reported few herpetic infections. Generally these infections are due to Herpes simplex type 1. Pneumonia due to herpes type 2 is extremely rare. We describe a 40 year-old HIV positive woman who complained of fever, cough and dyspnea for seven years. She had signs of heart failure and the appearance of her genital vesicles was highly suggestive of genital herpes. Echocardiography showed marked pulmonary hypertension, right ventricular hypertrophy and tricuspid insufficiency. After a few days of hospitalization she was treated with Aciclovir and later with Ganciclovir. An open pulmonary biopsy revealed an interstitial inflammation, localized in the alveolar walls. Some pulmonary arteries had widened walls and focal hyaline degeneration. Immunohistochemistry indicated that the nuclei had herpes simplex virus type 2 in many endothelial cells (including vessels with widened walls, macrophages in the alveolar septa and pneumocytes. There was clinical improvement after treatment for herpes. We concluded that as a consequence of herpes infection, endothelial involvement and interstitial inflammation supervene, with thickening of vascular walls and partial obliteration of the vessel lumen. A direct consequence of these changes in pulmonary vasculature was pulmonary hypertension followed by heart failure.

  15. Herpes simplex type 2 pneumonia

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    Edenilson Eduardo Calore

    Full Text Available Extensive reviews of pulmonary infections in AIDS have reported few herpetic infections. Generally these infections are due to Herpes simplex type 1. Pneumonia due to herpes type 2 is extremely rare. We describe a 40 year-old HIV positive woman who complained of fever, cough and dyspnea for seven years. She had signs of heart failure and the appearance of her genital vesicles was highly suggestive of genital herpes. Echocardiography showed marked pulmonary hypertension, right ventricular hypertrophy and tricuspid insufficiency. After a few days of hospitalization she was treated with Aciclovir and later with Ganciclovir. An open pulmonary biopsy revealed an interstitial inflammation, localized in the alveolar walls. Some pulmonary arteries had widened walls and focal hyaline degeneration. Immunohistochemistry indicated that the nuclei had herpes simplex virus type 2 in many endothelial cells (including vessels with widened walls, macrophages in the alveolar septa and pneumocytes. There was clinical improvement after treatment for herpes. We concluded that as a consequence of herpes infection, endothelial involvement and interstitial inflammation supervene, with thickening of vascular walls and partial obliteration of the vessel lumen. A direct consequence of these changes in pulmonary vasculature was pulmonary hypertension followed by heart failure.

  16. Podridão em cravo causada por Erwinia carotovora subsp. carotovora no Brasil.

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    Irene M. G. Almeida


    Full Text Available De fevereiro a abril de 1999, coletaram-se estacas e mudas de cravo (Dianthus caryophyllus em propriedades dos municípios paulistas de Atibaia e Santo Antônio de Posse. Esse material apresentava sintomas caracterizados por não-emissão de raízes ou por podridão de raízes, colo e folhas basais, diferindo daqueles da doença denominada "slow wilt" e dos de escurecimento de vasos e necrose na região do colo, haste e folhas, já relatados em cravo. A partir de material com tais sintomas, isolaram-se bactérias, caracterizadas, mediante testes bioquímicos, culturais, fisiológicos e de patogenicidade, como Erwinia carotovora subsp. carotovora. Trata-se do primeiro relato desse patógeno em cravo no Brasil.

  17. Compactação causada pelo manejo de plantas invasoras em latossolo vermelho-amarelo cultivado com cafeeiros

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    Paula Sant'Anna Moreira Pais


    Full Text Available O manejo de plantas invasoras é considerado uma das principais atividades que promovem degradação da estrutura do solo em lavouras cafeeiras, devido à compactação do solo causada pelas operações de controle de plantas invasoras. O objetivo deste estudo foi determinar o modelo de capacidade de suporte de carga para o manejo de plantas invasoras sem capina, bem como, utilizando esse modelo, qual manejo de plantas invasoras causa menor ou maior compactação do solo. Este estudo foi realizado em um Latossolo Vermelho-Amarelo (LVA cultivado com cafeeiros da cutivar Topázio MG 1190 desde 2006, localizado na Fazenda Experimental da EPAMIG, na comunidade Farias, em Lavras-MG. Os manejos de plantas invasoras avaliados foram: na linha de tráfego da entrelinha - grade de discos, herbicida de pós-emergência, herbicida de pré-emergência, roçadora e trincha; e no centro da entrelinha, onde não houve tráfego - amendoim forrageiro (Arachis pintoi, braquiária (Brachiaria decumbens, capina manual, crotalária (Crotalaria juncea e soja (Glicine max L. A amostragem consistiu de duas etapas: uma para determinar o modelo de capacidade de suporte de carga para o manejo de plantas invasoras sem capina; e outra para avaliar a compactação promovida pelos outros manejos de plantas invasoras. A fim de determinar o modelo de capacidade de suporte de carga para o manejo sem capina, foram coletadas no centro da entrelinha 20 amostras com estrutura indeformada nas profundidades de 0-3, 10-13 e 25-28 cm, totalizando 60 amostras. Essas amostras foram submetidas ao ensaio de compressão uniaxial para obter as pressões de pré-consolidação e as umidades volumétricas, que foram usadas para determinar o modelo de capacidade de suporte de carga. Para determinar a compactação causada pelos manejos de plantas invasoras, realizados por meio do controle mecânico, foram coletadas em janeiro de 2010, nas linhas de tráfego das entrelinhas, 180 amostras com

  18. Herpes simplex virus following stab phlebectomy. (United States)

    Hicks, Caitlin W; Lum, Ying Wei; Heller, Jennifer A


    Herpes simplex virus infection following surgery is an unusual postoperative phenomenon. Many mechanisms have been suggested, with the most likely explanation related to latent virus reactivation due to a proinflammatory response in the setting of local trauma. Here, we present a case of herpes simplex virus reactivation in an immunocompetent female following a conventional right lower extremity stab phlebectomy. Salient clinical and physical examination findings are described, and management strategies for herpes simplex virus reactivation are outlined. This is the first known case report of herpes simplex virus reactivation following lower extremity phlebectomy.

  19. The Changing Epidemiology of Herpes Simplex Virus Type 1 Infection: The Associated Effects on the Incidence of Ocular Herpes

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    Abedi Kiasari, B.


    Full Text Available Herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1 with a worldwide distribution has been reported in all human populations, resulting in a clinical spectrum of infections. Although HSV type 2 (HSV-2 is known as the most common cause of genital herpes, an increasing number of cases with genital herpes are caused by HSV-1. The present study aimed to discuss the changes in the epidemiology of HSV-1 infection including the decline in the general incidence of HSV-1 infection in childhood and the increased rate of genital herpes, caused by HSV-1. Moreover, changes in the epidemiology of ocular herpes, i.e., the reduced rate of primary ocular herpes in children and increased incidence of ocular HSV infection in adults, were discussed.

  20. Perfil clínico y parasitológico de la malaria por Plasmodium falciparum y Plasmodium vivax no complicada en Córdoba, Colombia.


    Angélica Knudson Ospina; Ricardo Sánchez Pedraza; Manuel Alberto Pérez Mazorra; Liliana Jazmín Cortés Cortés; Ángela Patricia Guerra Vega; Rubén Santiago Nicholls Orejuela


    Antecedentes. En Colombia existen pocos estudios que buscan encontrar diferencias clínicas y parasitológicas en la malaria causada por Plasmodium falciparum y Plasmodium vivax.  Objetivo. Describir el perfil clínico y parasitológico de las malarias por Plasmodium falciparum y Plasmodium vivax no complicadas en Tierralta, Córdoba, Colombia. Materiales y métodos. Se evaluaron pacientes con paludismo no complicado por Plasmodium falciparum y Plasmodium vivax según los protocolos estandariz...

  1. Herpes zoster (shingles) disseminated (image) (United States)

    Herpes zoster (shingles) normally occurs in a limited area that follows a dermatome (see the "dermatome" picture). In individuals with damaged immune systems, herpes zoster may be widespread (disseminated), causing serious illness. ...

  2. Improving immunogenicity and efficacy of vaccines for genital herpes containing herpes simplex virus glycoprotein D. (United States)

    Awasthi, Sita; Shaw, Carolyn; Friedman, Harvey


    No vaccines are approved for prevention or treatment of genital herpes. The focus of genital herpes vaccine trials has been on prevention using herpes simplex virus type 2 (HSV-2) glycoprotein D (gD2) alone or combined with glycoprotein B. These prevention trials did not achieve their primary end points. However, subset analyses reported some positive outcomes in each study. The most recent trial was the Herpevac Trial for Women that used gD2 with monophosphoryl lipid A and alum as adjuvants in herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) and HSV-2 seronegative women. Unexpectedly, the vaccine prevented genital disease by HSV-1 but not HSV-2. Currently, HSV-1 causes more first episodes of genital herpes than HSV-2, highlighting the importance of protecting against HSV-1. The scientific community is conflicted between abandoning vaccine efforts that include gD2 and building upon the partial successes of previous trials. We favor building upon success and present approaches to improve outcomes of gD2-based subunit antigen vaccines.

  3. Herpes Simplex Virus (Cold Sores) (United States)

    ... Print Share Cold Sores in Children: About the Herpes Simplex Virus Page Content ​A child's toddler and ... Cold sores (also called fever blisters or oral herpes) start as small blisters that form around the ...

  4. Herpes Can Happen to Anyone: Share Facts, Not Fears (United States)

    ... promiscuous. Links Oral Herpes Sexually Transmitted Diseases Genital Herpes (CDC) Genital Herpes Fact Sheet (CDC) What You Need to Know About Genital Herpes Video (CDC) References Vaccination to Reduce Reactivation of ...

  5. Comparison of the pain severity, drug leakage and ecchymosis rates caused by the application on tramadol intramuscular injection in Z-track and Air-lock techniques Comparación de la severidad del dolor y las tasas de escape de líquido y equimosis causadas por la aplicación intramuscular de tramadol usando las técnicas de cámara de aire y Z-track Comparação da severidade da dor e as taxas de fuga de líquidas equimoses causadas pela aplicação intramuscular de tramadol usando as técnicas de câmaras de ar e Z-track

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    Shahla Najafidolatabad


    Full Text Available Objective. To compare the pain severity caused by the application of the Z-track and Air-lock intramuscular injections. Methodology. Unblinded clinical trial, where 90 female subjects aged between 18 and 60 years old were randomly assigned to two groups; the first group received the tramadol intramuscular injection using the Z-track technique (ZT and the second group received it through the air- lock method (AL. A 10 centimeter linear visual scale was used to evaluate the injection pain. The scale length was considered as the pain severity. Data were analyzed using the SPSS version 13. Groups' age, Body Mass index (BMI, and pain intensity were compared using unpaired student's t test. Results. The study showed that the pain severity of patients in the AL method group was lower than in the ZT technique group (pObjetivo. Comparar la severidad del dolor y las tasas de escape de líquido y equimosis causadas por la aplicación de las inyecciones intramusculares usando la técnica Z-track (ZT y la técnica de la cámara de aire (CA. Metodología. Este es un ensayo clínico no ciego donde un grupo de 90 mujeres entre los 18 y 60 años fueron aleatoriamente asignadas a dos grupos; El primer grupo recibió la inyección por medio de la técnica ZT y el segundo por medio de la técnica de CA. Se uso una escala visual lineal de 10 centímetros para medir la intensidad del dolor causado por la inyección. La longitud de la escala fue considerada como la severidad del dolor. Los datos fueron analizados utilizando el programa SPSS versión 13. La edad, el índice de Masa Corporal (IMC, y la intensidad del dolor de los grupos fueron comparados usando el test de la t para muestras independientes. Resultados. El estudio mostró que la severidad del dolor y las tasas de escape de líquido y equimosis en las pacientes evaluadas usando el método CA era menor que el dolor causado por la técnica ZT (p Objetivo. Comparar a severidade da dor e as taxas de escape de

  6. The genital herpes problem in pregnancy. (United States)

    Guerra, B; Puccetti, C; Cervi, F


    Genital herpes is a common sexually transmitted infection. In reproductive age it involves the additional risk of vertical transmission to the neonate. Rates of transmission are affected by the viral type and whether the infection around delivery is primary or recurrent. Neonatal herpes is a rare but very severe complication of genital herpes infection and is caused by contact with infected genital secretions at the time of labor. Maternal acquisition of herpes simplex virus (HSV) in the third trimester of pregnancy carries the highest risk of neonatal transmission. Prevention of neonatal herpes depends on preventing acquisition of genital HSV infection during late pregnancy and avoiding exposure of the infant to herpetic lesions during delivery. Uninfected woman should be counselled about the need of avoiding sexual contact during the third trimester. Elective caesarean section before the onset of labor is the choice mode of delivery for women with genital lesions or with prodromal symptoms near the term, even if it offers only a partial protection against neonatal infection. Antiviral suppressive therapy is used from 36 weeks of gestation until delivery in pregnant women with recurrences to prevent genital lesions at the time of labor so reducing the need of caesarean sections. Currently, routine maternal serologic screening is not yet recommended. Because most mothers of infants who acquire neonatal herpes lack histories of clinically evident genital herpes, researchers should focus on the recognition of asymptomatic primary genital HSV infections.

  7. Optimal management of genital herpes: current perspectives. (United States)

    Sauerbrei, Andreas


    As one of the most common sexually transmitted diseases, genital herpes is a global medical problem with significant physical and psychological morbidity. Genital herpes is caused by herpes simplex virus type 1 or type 2 and can manifest as primary and/or recurrent infection. This manuscript provides an overview about the fundamental knowledge on the virus, its epidemiology, and infection. Furthermore, the current possibilities of antiviral therapeutic interventions and laboratory diagnosis of genital herpes as well as the present situation and perspectives for the treatment by novel antivirals and prevention of disease by vaccination are presented. Since the medical management of patients with genital herpes simplex virus infection is often unsatisfactory, this review aims at all physicians and health professionals who are involved in the care of patients with genital herpes. The information provided would help to improve the counseling of affected patients and to optimize the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of this particular disease.

  8. Efectos ambientales por el cambio de uso de suelo en la etapa la arboleda, en la urbanizaciòn ciudad celeste, canton samborondon


    Espol; Jordan Rubio, Joann Eduardo; Piedra Soto, Dimitri


    Este trabajo se enfocó en las consecuencias causadas por el cambio de uso de suelo sobre el ambiente, por la actividad del movimiento de tierra que se realiza para el proceso de construcción de viviendas en la etapa “la arboleda” de la urbanización “ciudad celeste” en el cantón samborondón, provincia del guayas. Guayaquil MAGISTER EN CAMBIO CLIMATICO

  9. No. 207-Genital Herpes: Gynaecological Aspects. (United States)

    Money, Deborah; Steben, Marc


    The purpose of this guideline is to provide recommendations to gynaecology health care providers on optimal management of genital herpes. More effective prevention of complications and transmission of genital herpes. Medline was searched for articles published in French and English related to genital herpes and gynaecology. Additional articles were identified through the references of these articles. All study types and recommendation reports were reviewed. Copyright © 2017. Published by Elsevier Inc.

  10. Trabajos de la "Sociedad de Estudios de Patología Qurúrgica": Bacteriófago de D'herelle

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    Jorge L. Ramirez Sendoya


    Full Text Available Al lado de las enfermedades causadas por agentes perfectamente conocidos, visibles al microscopio gracias a procedimientos especiales de coloración, hay otras cuyo agente no se conoce a causa de la relativa insuficiencia de nuestros medios actuales de observación; estas misteriosas causas han sido denominadas Ultravirus o Virus filtrantes, relacionado este último nombre con la propiedad que tienen de atravesar los más finos filtros de porcelana. A esta categoría de enfermedades de Ultravirus, pertenecen: la Rabia, maravillosamente estudiada por Pasteur hasta llegar a dominarla con el descubrimiento del suero antirrábico; la Poliomielitis, suficiente estudiada por Landsteiner, Popper y Levaditi, quienes fijaron los caracteres del virus; el Zona, la Varicela, el Herpes y la Encefalitis epidémica que presentan semejanzas muy grandes; el Tracoma cuyo virus ha sido considerado como una forma de involución del gonococo; el Alastrim, la Viruela, la Vacuna, el Molusco contagioso y las Verrugas.

  11. Herpes Genitalis: Diagnosis, Treatment and Prevention (United States)

    Sauerbrei, A.


    Herpes genitalis is caused by the herpes simplex virus type 1 or type 2 and can manifest as primary or recurrent infection. It is one of the most common sexually transmitted infections and due to associated physical and psychological morbidity it constitutes a considerable, often underestimated medical problem. In addition to providing the reader with basic knowledge of the pathogen and clinical presentation of herpes genitalis, this review article discusses important aspects of the laboratory diagnostics, antiviral therapy and prophylaxis. The article is aimed at all health-care workers managing patients with herpes genitalis and attempts to improve the often suboptimal counselling, targeted use of laboratory diagnostics, treatment and preventive measures provided to patients. PMID:28017972

  12. Generating protective immunity against genital herpes. (United States)

    Shin, Haina; Iwasaki, Akiko


    Genital herpes is an incurable, chronic disease that affects millions of people worldwide. Not only does genital herpes cause painful, recurrent symptoms, it is also a significant risk factor for the acquisition of other sexually transmitted infections such as HIV-1. Antiviral drugs are used to treat herpes simplex virus (HSV) infection, but they cannot stop viral shedding and transmission. Thus, developing a vaccine that can prevent or clear infection will be crucial in limiting the spread of disease. In this review we outline recent studies that improve our understanding of host responses against HSV infection, discuss past clinical vaccine trials, and highlight new strategies for vaccine design against genital herpes. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  13. Endoftalmitis poscirugía de catarata por Sphingomonas paucimobilis

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    Omar Mauri Garrido

    Full Text Available Se presenta la caracterización y manejo terapéutico de un caso de endoftalmitis bacteriana posoperatoria causada por el germen Sphingomonas paucimobilis. La endoftalmitis es la inflamación de los tejidos intraoculares, considerada como la más devastadora de las complicaciones posoperatorias; posee pronóstico visual muy reservado y un elevado riesgo de secuela. Las Sphingomonas paucimobilis son bacterias gramnegativas con forma de bacilo, quimioheterótrofa y estrictamente aerobias que causan enfermedades en los seres humanos, principalmente infecciones hospitalarias que típicamente son tratadas fácilmente con antibióticos. Por sus capacidades biodegradantes y biosintéticas, son pocos los reportes hallados de infección intraocular por este germen. El pronóstico visual es favorable con un diagnóstico precoz y la aplicación del tratamiento adecuado. En este artículo se presentan un caso de endoftalmitis poscirugía de catarata por Sphingomonas paucimobilis reportado en Cuba en el mes de septiembre de 2009.

  14. [Pemphigus and herpes: Multicentre survey and literature review]. (United States)

    Merlant, M; Seta, V; Bernard, P; Fourati, S; Meritet, J-F; Wolkenstein, P; Dupin, N; Joly, P; Chosidow, O; Ingen-Housz-Oro, S


    Although herpes superinfection is a well-known complication of pemphigus, it has not been widely investigated. To investigate the frequency and features of herpes infection in patients with ongoing pemphigus. We carried out a multicenter retrospective study between 2008 and 2016 in patients with newly diagnosed pemphigus presenting active herpes infection. Clinical, virological, immunological and therapeutic data were collated. We performed a literature review for pemphigus and herpes. Among the 191 pemphigus patients, screening for herpes (PCR or culture) was carried out in 11 to 71 % of subjects, depending on the center in question. Twenty-four patients (12 women, mean age 58 years) presented at least one episode of herpes infection. The frequency of positivity ranged from 0 to 42 % by center. Twenty-one cases consisted of pemphigus vulgaris and infection occurred at a mucosal site in 19 patients. Herpes infection was identified at the time of diagnosis in 15 patients and 17 patients received no specific treatment for their pemphigus. The virus was identified using PCR in 23 cases. Ten patients subsequently received prophylactic treatment for herpes. The mean duration of follow-up was 36 months (0-89 months). Thirteen of the 24 patients had 23 relapses of pemphigus; PCR testing for herpes was performed 19 times and was positive in 6 cases (31.5 %). Our study showed wide variation in the incidence of herpes superinfection in patients with pemphigus, reflecting the different screening approach at each center (being performed either routinely or only in the event of strong suspicion). The prognostic value of routine screening for herpes in patients with active pemphigus lesions remains to be demonstrated by further prospective investigations. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.

  15. Cambiando los paradigmas de la infección por M. pneumoniae en pediatría


    Jocelin Merida-Vieyra; Alejandra Aquino-Andrade; Rosa María Ribas-Aparicio; Agustín de Colsa-Ranero


    La neumonía atípica es un término que originalmente se utilizó en pacientes adultos que presentaban neumonías de curso atípico, generalmente leves y de evolución benigna, que eran causadas por agentes como: Mycoplasma pneumoniae, Chlamydophila pneumoniae y Legionella pneumophila. En población pediátrica la presentación, tanto clínica como epidemiológica, de las neumonías por M. pneumoniae merece una especial atención ya que no siempre son cursos benignos y pueden existir numerosos cuadros ext...

  16. Herpes viral culture of lesion (United States)

    ... grow in the laboratory dish and the skin sample used in the test did not contain any herpes virus. Be aware that a normal (negative) culture does not always mean that you do not have a herpes infection or have not had one in the past.

  17. Urinary retention due to herpes virus infections. (United States)

    Yamanishi, T; Yasuda, K; Sakakibara, R; Hattori, T; Uchiyama, T; Minamide, M; Ito, H


    Urinary retention is uncommon in patients with herpes zoster and anogenital herpes simplex. Seven patients (four men, three women) with a mean age of 68.1 years (range, 35-84) with urinary retention due to herpes zoster (n = 6) or anogenital herpes simplex (n = 1) were studied. Six patients had unilateral skin eruption in the saddle area (S2-4 dermatome) and one patient with herpes zoster had a skin lesion in the L4-5 dermatome. All patients had detrusor areflexia without bladder sensation, and two of them had inactive external sphincter on electromyography at presentation. Clean intermittent catheterization was performed, and voiding function was recovered in 4-6 weeks (average, 5.4) in all patients. Urodynamic study was repeated after recovery of micturition in three patients, and they returned to normal on cystometrography and external sphincter electromyography. Acute urinary retention associated with anogenital herpes infection has been thought to occur when the meninges or sacral spinal ganglia were involved, and, in conclusion, this condition may be considered to be reversible.

  18. Transient neuropathic bladder following herpes simplex genitalis. (United States)

    Riehle, R A; Williams, J J


    A case of transient bladder dysfunction and urinary retention concomitant with herpes genitalis is presented. The protean manifestations of the herpes simplex virus, the similar neurotropic behavior of simplex and zoster, and the neurologic sequelae of the cutaneous simplex eruption are discussed. The possibility of sacral radiculopathy after herpes genitalis must be considered when evaluating acute or episodic neurogenic bladders.

  19. Pansinusitis y afectación intracraneal por implante dental Pansinusitis and intracranial impact of a dental implant

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    Josep Rubio-Palau


    Full Text Available Las sinusitis odontógenas son una patología relativamente frecuente causada por infecciones dentales, quistes periapicales así como tras procedimientos bucodentales como una endodoncia, una elevación sinusal o la colocación de un implante. A continuación se presenta un caso extremo de una pansinusitis derecha con fistulización a espacio epidural causada por un implante osteointegrado. Ante la sospecha de una sinusitis maxilar de origen odontogénico se debe iniciar rápidamente un tratamiento antibiótico correcto y un seguimiento estrecho ya que pueden tener consecuencias fatales como la pérdida de un ojo, abscesos cerebrales o incluso la muerte.Odontogenic sinusitis is a relatively common disease caused by dental infections, periapical cysts and oral procedures such as root canal, sinus lift or implant placement. We report an extreme case of a right pansinusitis with an epidural space fistula caused by osseointegrated implants. When maxillary sinusitis of odontogenic origin is suspected, we should quickly start effective antibiotic treatment and monitor the patient closely because odontogenic sinusitis can have serious consequences, such as the loss of an eye, brain abscess or death.

  20. Intoxicações por plantas em ruminantes no Brasil e no Uruguai: importância econômica, controle e riscos para a saúde pública

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    Riet-Correa Franklin


    Full Text Available As intoxicações por plantas em animais de produção, no Brasil e no Uruguai são conhecidas desde que os pioneiros Espanhóis e Portugueses introduziram as primeiras cabeças de gado em pastagens naturais da região. As perdas econômicas ocasionadas pelas intoxicações por plantas podem ser definidas como diretas ou indiretas. As perdas diretas são causadas pelas mortes de animais, diminuição dos índices reprodutivos (abortos, infertilidade, malformações, redução da produtividade nos animais sobreviventes e outras alterações devidas a doenças transitórias, enfermidades subclínicas com diminuição da produção de leite, carne ou lã, e aumento à susceptibilidade a outras doenças devido a depressão imunológica. As perdas indiretas incluem os custos de controlar as plantas tóxicas nas pastagens, as medidas de manejo para evitar as intoxicações como a utilização de cercas e o pastoreio alternativo, a redução do valor da forragem devido ao atraso na sua utilização, a redução do valor da terra, a compra de gado para substituir os animais mortos, e os gastos associados ao diagnóstico das intoxicações e ao tratamento dos animais afetados (Riet-Correa et al. 1993, James 1994. As perdas econômicas causadas pelas intoxicações por plantas são difíceis de se estimar por que não existem dados confiáveis sobre todos esses componentes, no entanto, as perdas causadas por mortes são fáceis de determinar quando dispomos de dados elaborados por laboratórios de diagnóstico, sobre a freqüência das causas de mortes dos animais numa determinada região.

  1. Genital Herpes: A Review. (United States)

    Groves, Mary Jo


    Genital herpes is a common sexually transmitted disease, affecting more than 400 million persons worldwide. It is caused by herpes simplex virus (HSV) and characterized by lifelong infection and periodic reactivation. A visible outbreak consists of single or clustered vesicles on the genitalia, perineum, buttocks, upper thighs, or perianal areas that ulcerate before resolving. Symptoms of primary infection may include malaise, fever, or localized adenopathy. Subsequent outbreaks, caused by reactivation of latent virus, are usually milder. Asymptomatic shedding of transmissible virus is common. Although HSV-1 and HSV-2 are indistinguishable visually, they exhibit differences in behavior that may affect management. Patients with HSV-2 have a higher risk of acquiring human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection. Polymerase chain reaction assay is the preferred method of confirming HSV infection in patients with active lesions. Treatment of primary and subsequent outbreaks with nucleoside analogues is well tolerated and reduces duration, severity, and frequency of recurrences. In patients with HSV who are HIV-negative, treatment reduces transmission of HSV to uninfected partners. During pregnancy, antiviral prophylaxis with acyclovir is recommended from 36 weeks of gestation until delivery in women with a history of genital herpes. Elective cesarean delivery should be performed in laboring patients with active lesions to reduce the risk of neonatal herpes.

  2. "O corpo que eu fui e o corpo que eu sou": concepções de mulheres com alterações causadas pela hanseníase

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    Iací Proença Palmeira


    Full Text Available Se objetivó comprender las concepciones de las mujeres sobre el cuerpo femenino con alteraciones provocadas por la lepra. Estudio de naturaleza cualitativa y descriptiva, que aplicó los conceptos de la teoría de las representaciones. Participaron cuarenta y tres mujeres con alteraciones corporales causadas por la lepra, frecuentadoras de una unidad de referencia especializada en dermatología sanitaria. Se realizó entrevista semi-estructurada, individual, y análisis temático de contenido. Los resultados muestran concepciones del cuerpo relacionadas a la salud (pasado y a la enfermedad (presente, mostrando la fuerza de la estética y la funcionalidad del cuerpo, influenciando en la participación e inserción social de estas mujeres. Se concluye que las concepciones de las mujeres sobre su cuerpo explican sus prácticas de cuidado de sí, y conocerlas contribuye para que enfermería mejore la atención de las necesidades de estas mujeres.

  3. Desestructuración familiar ocasionada por emigración y su impacto en el rendimiento escolar


    Pasato Quito, Celia Cristina


    La emigración como proceso de movilización afecta notablemente a nuestra sociedad, la misma que ha dejado huella en todos los miembros de la familia, por esta razón el presente trabajo centra su objetivo en verificar si la desestructuración familiar (ausencia de la presencia física y carencia afectiva) causada por emigración repercute en el rendimiento escolar, en niños de 6 a 12 años del Centro Educativo San Martín , a la vez aborda la situación, la dinámica familiar y las consecuencias ...

  4. Clasificación del reflejo óculo-cardiaco por la desviación centesimal de viola

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    Luis Rubén Paz B.


    Full Text Available Desde mucho tiempo antes, habían notado los observadores, las modificaciones reflejas de las funciones vegetativas causadas por la excitación de algún nervio sensitivo y aun habían deducido de esta observación, aplicaciones prácticas, como la cura operatoria de las lesiones nasales en el tratamiento de algunos casas de asma (W. Hack a explicaciones patogénicas, como la atribución del sincope del principio de la anestesia por inhalación a la brusca irritación de las terminaciones sensitivas de la pituitaria (Knoll y Kratschmer.

  5. Algunos aspectos relacionados con las enfermedades tropicales transmitidas por moluscos

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    A. Mijail Pérez


    Full Text Available Muchas especies de moluscos son hospedantes de diversos parásitos que provocan infecciones muy serias e incluso mortales en seres humanos y ganado. La esquistosomiasis extendida por 74 países, infecta a unos 200 millones de personas y está en segundo lugar, después de la malaria, como causa de la mortalidad humana originada por parásitos. La infección es causada por un platelminto que se desarrolla en caracoles de agua dulce y que desde el agua puede penetrar en la piel de un ser humano y desarrollarse dentro de sus órganos, produciendo distintos grados de infección, hasta provocar la muerte. Distintas especies de esos caracoles están extendidas por Centro América. El cólera, otra enfermedad que también es mortal, se ha encontrado en moluscos bivalvos comestibles colectados en el Golfo de Nicoya, que bordea Nicaragua y Costa Rica Estas epidemias se pueden combatir con diversos métodos de control de los caracoles hospedantes de parásitos.

  6. Imunidade conferida por vacinas anti-meningocócicas

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    Milagres Lucimar Gonçalves


    Full Text Available Em razão da recente epidemia de doença meningocócica causada por N. meningitidis B na Grande São Paulo, Brasil, foi feita revisão das epidemias dessa doença ocorridas no Brasil desde o início do século e uma análise das vacinas atuais contra N. meningitidis A, C, Y e W135. Também são discutidos os mais recentes avanços no desenvolvimento e aplicação de vacina contra M meningitidis B, um desafio constante para os maiores centros de pesquisa de todo o mundo.

  7. Herpes simplex ulcerative esophagitis in healthy children. (United States)

    Al-Hussaini, Abdulrahman A; Fagih, Mosa A


    Herpes simplex virus is a common cause of ulcerative esophagitis in the immunocompromised or debilitated host. Despite a high prevalence of primary and recurrent Herpes simplex virus infection in the general population, Herpes simplex virus esophagitis (HSVE) appears to be rare in the immunocompetent host. We report three cases of endoscopically-diagnosed HSVE in apparently immunocompetent children; the presentation was characterized by acute onset of fever, odynophagia, and dysphagia. In two cases, the diagnosis was confirmed histologically by identification of herpes viral inclusions and culture of the virus in the presence of inflammation. The third case was considered to have probable HSVE based on the presence of typical cold sore on his lip, typical endoscopic finding, histopathological evidence of inflammation in esophageal biopsies and positive serologic evidence of acute Herpes simplex virus infection. Two cases received an intravenous course of acyclovir and one had self-limited recovery. All three cases had normal immunological workup and excellent health on long-term follow-up.

  8. Psychosocial Treatment for Recurrent Genital Herpes. (United States)

    Longo, David J.; And Others


    Assigned 21 individuals with recurrent genital herpes to psychosocial intervention, social support, or waiting-list control conditions. Those receiving psychosocial intervention (herpes simplex virus information, relaxation training, stress management instructions, and an imagery technique) reported significantly greater reductions in herpes…

  9. Bilateral symmetrical herpes zoster in an immunocompetent patient (herpes zoster duplex symmetricus)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Arfan-ul-bari; Iftikhar, N.; Rahman, S. B.


    Herpes zoster is a common disease of adulthood. Its incidence is low in childhood and adolescence. Certain risk factors like hematological malignancies or immunosuppression due to any cause may lead to onset at an early age. There is a unilateral appearance of grouped vesicular eruption on an erythematous background which may involve contiguous dermatomes. Rarely the lesions may occur bilaterally in an otherwise healthy individual. We present a case of herpes zoster, with lesions having atypical distribution involving bilaterally symmetrical dermatomes over the lower chest.(author)

  10. [Laboratory diagnosis of genital herpes--direct immunofluorescence method]. (United States)

    Majewska, Anna; Romejko-Wolniewicz, Ewa; Zareba-Szczudlik, Julia; Kilijańczyk, Marek; Gajewska, Małgorzata; Młynarczyk, Grazyna


    Aim of the study was to determine clinical usefulness of direct immunofluorescence method in the laboratory diagnosis of genital herpes in women. Overall 187 anogenital swabs were collected from 120 women. Using a dacron-tipped applicator 83 swabs were collected from women suspected of genital herpes and 104 from patients with no signs of genital infection. All samples were tested using cell culture (Vero cell line) and then direct immunofluorescence method (DIF) for the identification of antigens of herpes simplex viruses: HSV-1 and HSV-2. Characteristic cytopathic effect (CPE), indicative of alphaherpesvirus infection, was observed in 43.4% of cultures with clinical specimens collected from women with suspected genital herpes and in 29.8% of cultures of clinical specimens taken from patients with no clinical symptoms of genital herpes. Herpes simplex viruses were determined in 73 samples by direct immunofluorescence method after amplification of the virus in cell culture. The DIF test confirmed the diagnosis based on the microscopic CPE observation in 85%. In 15% of samples (taken from pregnant women without clinical signs of infection) we reported positive immunofluorescence in the absence of CPE. The frequency of antigen detection was statistically significantly higher in samples that were positive by culture study (chi-square test with Yates's correction, p genital herpes in swabs taken from the vestibule of the vagina and the vulva. However, there was no statistically significant difference in the frequency of detection of Herpes Simplex Virus antigens in specimens from different parts of the genital tract in both groups of women (chi-square test, p > 0.05). In our study HHV-1 was the main causative agent of genital herpes. The growing worldwide prevalence of genital herpes, challenges with the clinical diagnosis, and availability of effective antiviral therapy are the main reasons for a growing interest in rapid, proper laboratory diagnosis of infected

  11. Agnosia integrativa causada por una epilepsia focal occipital izquierda: estudio de caso

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    Óscar Mauricio Aguilar Mejía


    Full Text Available La agnosia integrativa es un tipo de agnosia visual asociada a lesiones occipitales bilaterales que se caracteriza por la incapacidad para identificar estímulos en fondos complejos, especialmente, cuando se trata de formas superpuestas o entrelazadas. Existen dificultades para codificar y agrupar el todo a partir de las partes del estímulo. Se presenta un caso de una paciente de 14 años, con una agnosia integrativa como consecuencia de una epilepsia focal sintomática refractaria, con un foco epileptogénico occipital izquierdo. Se plantean las características clínicas de la paciente y se hace un análisis de sus procesos de reconocimiento visual discutidos a partir de los diferentes modelos teóricos que tratan de explicar la percepción visual.

  12. Prodrugs of herpes simplex thymidine kinase inhibitors. (United States)

    Yanachkova, Milka; Xu, Wei-Chu; Dvoskin, Sofya; Dix, Edward J; Yanachkov, Ivan B; Focher, Federico; Savi, Lida; Sanchez, M Dulfary; Foster, Timothy P; Wright, George E


    Because guanine-based herpes simplex virus thymidine kinase inhibitors are not orally available, we synthesized various 6-deoxy prodrugs of these compounds and evaluated them with regard to solubility in water, oral bioavailability, and efficacy to prevent herpes simplex virus-1 reactivation from latency in a mouse model. Organic synthesis was used to prepare compounds, High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) to analyze hydrolytic conversion, Mass Spectrometry (MS) to measure oral bioavailability, and mouse latent infection and induced reactivation to evaluate the efficacy of a specific prodrug. Aqueous solubilities of prodrugs were improved, oxidation of prodrugs by animal cytosols occurred in vitro, and oral absorption of the optimal prodrug sacrovir™ (6-deoxy-mCF3PG) in the presence of the aqueous adjuvant Soluplus® and conversion to active compound N(2)-[3-(trifluoromethyl)pheny])guanine (mCF3PG) were accomplished in mice. Treatment of herpes simplex virus-1 latent mice with sacrovir™ in 1% Soluplus in drinking water significantly suppressed herpes simplex virus-1 reactivation and viral genomic replication. Ad libitum oral delivery of sacrovir™ was effective in suppressing herpes simplex virus-1 reactivation in ocularly infected latent mice as measured by the numbers of mice shedding infectious virus at the ocular surface, numbers of trigeminal ganglia positive for infectious virus, number of corneas that had detectable infectious virus, and herpes simplex virus-1 genome copy numbers in trigeminal ganglia following reactivation. These results demonstrate the statistically significant effect of the prodrug on suppressing herpes simplex virus-1 reactivation in vivo. © The Author(s) 2015.

  13. Herpes simplex virus type 1 is the leading cause of genital herpes in New Brunswick. (United States)

    Garceau, Richard; Leblanc, Danielle; Thibault, Louise; Girouard, Gabriel; Mallet, Manon


    Little is known about the role of herpes simplex virus (HSV) type 1 (HSV1) in the epidemiology of genital herpes in Canada. Data on herpes viral cultures for two consecutive years obtained from L'Hôpital Dr GL Dumont, which performs all the viral culture testing in New Brunswick, were reviewed. It was hypothesized that HSV1 was the main cause of genital herpes in New Brunswick. Samples of genital origin sent to the laboratory for HSV culture testing between July 2006 and June 2008 were analyzed. Samples from an unspecified or a nongenital source were excluded from analysis. Multiple positive samples collected from the same patient were pooled into a single sample. HSV was isolated from 764 different patients. HSV1 was isolated in 62.6% of patients (male, 55%; female, 63.8%). HSV1 was isolated in 73.2% of patients 10 to 39 years of age and in 32% of patients ≥40 years of age. The difference in rates of HSV1 infection between the 10 to 39 years of age group and the ≥40 years of age group was statistically significant (Pgenital site. Significant rate differences were demonstrated between the groups 10 to 39 years of age and ≥40 years of age. Little is known about the role of herpes simplex virus (HSV) type 1 (HSV1) in the epidemiology of genital herpes in Canada. Data on herpes viral cultures for two consecutive years obtained from L’Hôpital Dr GL Dumont, which performs all the viral culture testing in New Brunswick, were reviewed. It was hypothesized that HSV1 was the main cause of genital herpes in New Brunswick. Samples of genital origin sent to the laboratory for HSV culture testing between July 2006 and June 2008 were analyzed. Samples from an unspecified or a nongenital source were excluded from analysis. Multiple positive samples collected from the same patient were pooled into a single sample. HSV was isolated from 764 different patients. HSV1 was isolated in 62.6% of patients (male, 55%; female, 63.8%). HSV1 was isolated in 73.2% of patients 10 to

  14. Herpes zoster: A clinicocytopathological insight. (United States)

    Shah, Snehal; Singaraju, Sasidhar; Einstein, A; Sharma, Ashish


    Herpes zoster or shingles is reactivation of the varicella zoster virus that had entered the cutaneous nerve endings during an earlier episode of chicken pox traveled to the dorsal root ganglia and remained in a latent form. This condition is characterized by occurrence of multiple, painful, unilateral vesicles and ulceration which shows a typical single dermatome involvement. In this case report, we present a patient with herpes zoster involving the mandibular division of the trigeminal nerve, with unilateral vesicles over the right side of lower third of face along the trigeminal nerve tract, with intraoral involvement of buccal mucosa, labial mucosa and the tongue of the same side. Cytopathology revealed classic features of herpes infection including inclusion bodies, perinuclear halo and multinucleated cells.

  15. Patient recognition of recrudescent herpes labialis: a clinical and virological assessment. (United States)

    Lamey, P J; Biagioni, P A


    The purpose of this study was to ascertain how accurate the general public was at diagnosing the condition of recrudescent herpes labialis. An advertisement was placed in a local newspaper inviting patients to attend the Oral Medicine Clinic as soon as they thought they developed the clinically evident stage of herpes labialis. At the clinic, patients were examined to confirm the clinical presence of herpes labialis and also had a swab of the lesion(s) taken for virus culture. Virus culture was by the HEP-2 culture technique capable of detecting both herpes simplex Type 1 and herpes simplex Type 2. Patients also completed a detailed questionnaire concerning their knowledge of herpes labialis. In total, 41 patients attended for screening. The findings were that all patients had clinical herpes labialis, and herpes simplex virus was isolated in 96% of cases. In contrast, in only about 50% of cases were patients aware that their herpes labialis was caused by a virus. The general public are very good at recognizing herpes labialis lesions but need to be given more information about their infectivity.

  16. Epidemiology, treatment and prevention of herpes zoster: A comprehensive review. (United States)

    Koshy, Elsam; Mengting, Lu; Kumar, Hanasha; Jianbo, Wu


    Herpes zoster is a major health burden that can affect individuals of any age. It is seen more commonly among individuals aged ≥50 years, those with immunocompromised status, and those on immunosuppressant drugs. It is caused by a reactivation of varicella zoster virus infection. Cell-mediated immunity plays a role in this reactivation. Fever, pain, and itch are common symptoms before the onset of rash. Post-herpetic neuralgia is the most common complication associated with herpes zoster. Risk factors and complications associated with herpes zoster depend on the age, immune status, and the time of initializing treatment. Routine vaccination for individuals over 60 years has shown considerable effect in terms of reducing the incidence of herpes zoster and post-herpetic neuralgia. Treatment with antiviral drugs and analgesics within 72 hours of rash onset has been shown to reduce severity and complications associated with herpes zoster and post-herpetic neuralgia. This study mainly focuses on herpes zoster using articles and reviews from PubMed, Embase, Cochrane library, and a manual search from Google Scholar. We cover the incidence of herpes zoster, gender distribution, seasonal and regional distribution of herpes zoster, incidence of herpes zoster among immunocompromised individuals, incidence of post-herpetic neuralgia following a zoster infection, complications, management, and prevention of herpes zoster and post-herpetic neuralgia.

  17. Current thinking on genital herpes. (United States)

    Hofstetter, Annika M; Rosenthal, Susan L; Stanberry, Lawrence R


    Genital herpes has a high global prevalence and burden of disease. This manuscript highlights recent advances in our understanding of genital herpes simplex virus (HSV) infections. Studies demonstrate a changing epidemiological landscape with an increasing proportion of genital herpes cases associated with HSV type 1. There is also growing evidence that the majority of infected individuals exhibit frequent, brief shedding episodes that are most often asymptomatic, which likely contribute to high HSV transmission rates. Given this finding as well as readily available serological assays, some have proposed that routine HSV screening be performed; however, this remains controversial and is not currently recommended. Host immune responses, particularly local CD4 and CD8 T cell activity, are crucial for HSV control and clearance following initial infection, during latency and after reactivation. Prior HSV immunity may also afford partial protection against HSV reinfection and disease. Although HSV vaccine trials have been disappointing to date and existing antiviral medications are limited, novel prophylactic and therapeutic modalities are currently in development. Although much remains unknown about genital herpes, improved knowledge of HSV epidemiology, pathogenesis and host immunity may help guide new strategies for disease prevention and control.

  18. [The Spanish Society of Paediatric Infectious Diseases guidelines on the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of neonatal herpes simplex infections]. (United States)


    Neonatal herpes simplex virus infections are rare, but are associated with significant morbidity and mortality. Most newborns acquire herpes simplex virus infection in the peripartum period. For peripartum transmission to occur, women must be shedding the virus in their genital tracts symptomatically or asymptomatically around the time of delivery. There are evidence-based interventions in pregnancy to prevent the transmission to the newborn. Caesarean section should be performed in the presence of herpetic lesions, and antiviral prophylaxis in the last weeks of pregnancy is recommended to suppress genital tract herpes simplex virus at the time of delivery. The diagnosis and early treatment of neonatal herpes simplex virus infections require a high index of suspicion, especially in the absence of skin lesions. It is recommended to rule out herpes simplex virus infections in those newborns with mucocutaneous lesions, central nervous system involvement, or septic appearance. The prognosis of newborns with skin, eye, and/or mouth disease in the high-dose acyclovir era is very good. Antiviral treatment not only improves mortality rates in disseminated and central nervous system disease, but also improves the rates of long-term neurodevelopmental impairment in the cases of disseminated disease. Interestingly, a 6-month suppressive course of oral acyclovir following the acute infection has improved the neurodevelopmental prognosis in patients with CNS involvement. Copyright © 2017 Asociación Española de Pediatría. Publicado por Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.

  19. Terapêutica interdisciplinar para fratura cominutiva de côndilo por projétil de arma de fogo: enfoque miofuncional


    Bianchini,Esther Mandelbaum Gonçalves; Moraes,Rogério Bonfante; Nazario,Daniella; Luz,João Gualberto de Cerqueira


    TEMA: ferimentos causados por projéteis de arma de fogo apresentam alta incidência na região da cabeça e face. A articulação temporomandibular pode estar envolvida, além de estruturas anatômicas importantes como o nervo facial, necessitando de equipe multidisciplinar para efetuar tratamento adequado. PROCEDIMENTOS: apresentação de caso clínico de fratura condilar cominutiva causada por projétil de arma de fogo tratado de forma não-cirúrgica associado à terapia miofuncional orofacial. Paciente...

  20. Herpes zoster - typical and atypical presentations. (United States)

    Dayan, Roy Rafael; Peleg, Roni


    Varicella- zoster virus infection is an intriguing medical entity that involves many medical specialties including infectious diseases, immunology, dermatology, and neurology. It can affect patients from early childhood to old age. Its treatment requires expertise in pain management and psychological support. While varicella is caused by acute viremia, herpes zoster occurs after the dormant viral infection, involving the cranial nerve or sensory root ganglia, is re-activated and spreads orthodromically from the ganglion, via the sensory nerve root, to the innervated target tissue (skin, cornea, auditory canal, etc.). Typically, a single dermatome is involved, although two or three adjacent dermatomes may be affected. The lesions usually do not cross the midline. Herpes zoster can also present with unique or atypical clinical manifestations, such as glioma, zoster sine herpete and bilateral herpes zoster, which can be a challenging diagnosis even for experienced physicians. We discuss the epidemiology, pathophysiology, diagnosis and management of Herpes Zoster, typical and atypical presentations.

  1. Miasis orbital severa causada por Cochliomyia hominivorax en la región andina de Ecuador

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Juan Dominguez Enríquez


    Full Text Available Presentamos el caso de una indígena kichwa de 91 años con miasis orbital destructiva que compromete globo ocular derecho con destrucción de tejido óseo orbital, nasal, etmoidal y del seno frontal, confirmado por tomografía axial computarizada y con reconstrucción ósea tridimensional. Infectada en una zona templada a 2,418 m de altitud en la provincia andina de Imbabura, Ecuador. La paciente se presentó en el Hospital de Cotacachi con una tumoración cavitaria en el globo ocular derecho acompañada de secreción maloliente, supurativa, observando y extrayéndose más de 100 larvas de moscas desde su interior. Estas fueron identificadas como Cochliomyia hominivorax, por la disposición de sus espiráculos respiratorios.

  2. Four Cases of Urinary Dysfunction Associated with Sacral Herpes Zoster


    松尾, 朋博; 大庭, 康司郎; 宮田, 康好; 井川, 掌; 酒井, 英樹


    Herpes zoster is caused by the infection of Varicella-Zoster virus. The anatomical distribution of herpes zoster in the sacral area is only6. 9%1). Moreover, the onset rate of herpes zoster with urinary dysfunction is 0.6%1). The lesion sites of herpes zoster which cause urinary dysfunction are almost lumber and sacral areas. We describe four cases of sacral herpes zoster with urinary dysfunction in this report. All patients were elderly people (66-84 years old), and all patients were adminis...

  3. Recidiverende erythema multiforme udløst af herpes simplex-virus

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Vestergård Grejsen, Dorthe; Henningsen, Emil


    We describe two cases of recurrent erythema multiforme, both associated to infection with herpes simplex virus. The importance of subclinical herpes is illustrated. Antiviral and additional treatment is described.......We describe two cases of recurrent erythema multiforme, both associated to infection with herpes simplex virus. The importance of subclinical herpes is illustrated. Antiviral and additional treatment is described....

  4. Herpes zóster oftálmico en paciente pediátrico sin inmunocompromiso

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    Diego Zamora-de la Cruz


    La paciente evolucionó favorablemente, sin presentar secuelas significativas. Se mantuvo vigilada a la paciente durante los 3 meses posteriores al cuadro. El diagnóstico de esta entidad es principalmente clínico; se sabe que uno de los factores de riesgo más importantes en este grupo de edad no es el inmunocompromiso, sino la infección por varicela zóster durante el primer año de vida. Es primordial realizar siempre una evaluación exhaustiva en los pacientes con estas características por las secuelas a largo plazo y el riesgo de ambliopía por deprivación en caso de leucomas corneales residuales. El curso clínico del herpes zóster oftálmico en niños inmunocompetentes es benigno si se trata oportunamente con aciclovir.

  5. Pathogenesis of herpes simplex virus infections of the cornea

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    J. Maertzdorf (Jeroen)


    textabstractThe identification of human herpes virus (HHV) infections can be traced back to ancient Greece where Herpes simplex vims (HSV) infections in humans were first documented. Hippocrates used the word "herpes", meaning to creep or crawl, to describe spreading skin lesions. Although the

  6. 21 CFR 866.3305 - Herpes simplex virus serological assays. (United States)


    ... 21 Food and Drugs 8 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Herpes simplex virus serological assays. 866.3305... (CONTINUED) MEDICAL DEVICES IMMUNOLOGY AND MICROBIOLOGY DEVICES Serological Reagents § 866.3305 Herpes simplex virus serological assays. (a) Identification. Herpes simplex virus serological assays are devices...

  7. Recurrent herpes labialis and HSV-1 herpes genitalis: which is the link? (United States)

    Delmonte, Sergio; Sidoti, Francesca; Ribero, Simone; Dal Conte, Ivano; Curtoni, Antonio; Ciccarese, Giulia; Stroppiana, Elena; Stella, Maria L; Costa, Cristina; Cavallo, Rossana; Rebora, Alfredo; Drago, Francesco


    Recently, Herpes simplex virus (HSV)-1 seroprevalence declined among adolescents, rendering young people lacking HSV-1 antibodies more susceptible to genital HSV-1 acquisition, if sexually exposed. The aim of the present study was to identify the possible risk factors for the development of HSV-1 related herpes genitalis (HG). From January 2012 to December 2015, patients with HG attending three Sexually Transmitted Infections Units in Northern Italy were recruited. A genital swab on the lesions for the search of HSV-1/2 DNA through Real time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and a serum sample for HSV-1/2 specific serology were performed. Moreover, patients were asked whether they had personal history of herpes labialis (HL). Patients with PCR proved HSV-1 HG were included as cases; asymptomatic subjects attending STI Units for a blood check were recruited as controls and were checked for HSV-1/2 serology. 141 cases and 70 controls were enrolled. Specific HSV-1 antibodies were found in 34.7% of the cases and 67% of the controls. History of recurrent herpes labialis (RHL) was found in 4% of the cases and 31% of the controls. The occurrence of RHL in HSV-1 seropositive patients resulted lower in the case group compared to the control group. We can speculate about a protective role for RHL against the clinical appearance of HSV-1 HG. The clinical usefulness of our study involved especially the counseling in serodiscordant couples. The presence of HSV-1 antibodies in asymptomatic sexual partners does appear protective for HG manifestation only in presence of RHL history.

  8. Status of prophylactic and therapeutic genital herpes vaccines. (United States)

    Awasthi, Sita; Friedman, Harvey M


    A half billion people have genital herpes infections worldwide. Approximately one-fifth of American women between ages 14 and 49 are HSV-2 seropositive. The development of an effective genital herpes vaccine is a global health necessity based on the mental anguish genital herpes causes for some individuals, the fact that pregnant women with genital herpes risk transmitting infection to their newborn children, and the observation that HSV-2 infection is associated with a 3-fold to 4-fold increased probability of HIV acquisition. We review the strengths and limitations of preclinical animal models used to assess genital herpes vaccine candidates and the goals of prophylactic and therapeutic vaccines. We also discuss the current pipeline of vaccine candidates and lessons learned from past clinical trials that serve as a stimulus for new strategies, study designs and endpoint determinations. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  9. Case of Herpes encephalitis followed-up by CT

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Fukui, Y.; Nagai, S.; Nishibayashi, Y.; Okamoto, H.; Goishi, J. (Matsuyama Red Cross Hospital, Ehime (Japan))


    A 9-month-old girl was admitted with lethargy, fever and convulsion. EGG showed localized slow waves in the right temporal region. CT showed a localized low density area accompanied by a hemorrhagic focus in the right frontal lobe. Herpes encephalitis was suspected, and cytosine arabinoside was administered. The antibody titers of the serum and cerebrospinal fluid against herpes simplex virus type I significantly rose. Clinically the patient recovered without serious sequelae. CT revealed marked cerebral atrophy and subdural hematoma which were surgically treated. The importance of CT in the diagnosis and prognosis of herpes encephalitis was argued, and CT findings of herpes encephalitis were discussed.

  10. [Four cases of urinary dysfunction associated with sacral herpes zoster]. (United States)

    Matsuo, Tomohiro; Oba, Kojiro; Miyata, Yasuyoshi; Igawa, Tsukasa; Sakai, Hideki


    Herpes zoster is caused by the infection of Varicella-Zoster virus. The anatomical distribution of herpes zoster in the sacral area is only 6. 9%1). Moreover, the onset rate of herpes zoster with urinary dysfunction is 0.6%1). The lesion sites of herpes zoster which cause urinary dysfunction are almost lumber and sacral areas. We describe four cases of sacral herpes zoster with urinary dysfunction in this report. All patients were elderly people (66-84 years old), and all patients were administered anti-virus drugs and alpha 1-adrenergic receptor blockers. Because of urinary retention, three patients have performed clean intermittent self-catheterization (CIC) for several weeks. As the lesions of herpes zoster healed, each patient recovered from urinary dysfunction.

  11. Do herpes e suas implicações audiológicas: uma revisao de literatura Herpes and its hearing implications: a literature review

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Larissa Cristina Schuster


    Full Text Available TEMA: herpes e audiologia. OBJETIVO: realizar revisão teórica principalmente sobre os vírus herpes simples tipo 1, herpes simples tipo 2 e varicela-zoster, bem como sobre seus efeitos na audição humana. Esses se constituem nos tipos de vírus herpéticos humanos de maior relevância para a área da Audiologia dentro da ciência da Fonoaudiologia e, no entanto, são pouco conhecidos e estudados, especialmente no Brasil. MÉTODOS: realizou-se pesquisa em bases de dados eletrônicas nacionais e internacionais, incluindo SciELO, MEDLINE e LILACS, a partir da seguinte combinação de descritores: herpes simplex/zoster X hearing loss ou deafness. Foram selecionados estudos publicados desde a década de 90 até os dias atuais, relevando-se aqueles que contivessem maior valor informativo, contribuindo para os objetivos do presente trabalho. CONCLUSÃO: os vírus herpéticos estudados apresentam estreita relação com distúrbios auditivos, independentemente da idade em que o sujeito é acometido.BACKGROUND: herpes and audiology. PURPOSE: to promote a theoretical approach mainly on herpes simplex virus type 1, herpes simplex virus type 2 and varicella zoster virus, and their effects on human hearing. Although representing the most relevant human herpetic viruses for the area of Audiology within the Speech and Language Pathology Science, these viruses are little studied and known, especially in Brazil. METHODS: a research was carried out in national and international electronic databases, including SciELO, MEDLINE and LILACS, and using the following keyword combinations: herpes simplex/zoster X hearing loss or deafness. Studies published from the 90's until today were selected, revealing those that would contain the highest informative value, which would thus contribute for the objectives of this work. CONCLUSION: the studied herpetic viruses show strict relation with hearing disorders, regardless of the age in which the patient is affected.

  12. Pediatric herpes simplex virus infections: an evidence-based approach to treatment. (United States)

    Sanders, Jennifer E; Garcia, Sylvia E


    Herpes simplex virus is a common virus that causes a variety of clinical presentations ranging from mild to life-threatening. Orolabial and genital herpes are common disorders that can often be managed in an outpatient setting; however, some patients do present to the emergency department with those conditions, and emergency clinicians should be aware of possible complications in the pediatric population. Neonatal herpes is a rare disorder, but prompt recognition and initiation of antiviral therapy is imperative, as the morbidity and mortality of the disease is high. Herpes encephalitis is an emergency that also requires a high index of suspicion to diagnose. Herpes simplex virus is also responsible for a variety of other clinical presentations, including herpes gladiatorum, herpetic whitlow, eczema herpeticum, and ocular herpes. This issue reviews the common clinical presentations of the herpes simplex virus, the life-threatening infections that require expedient identification and management, and recommended treatment regimens.

  13. [Post-herpes simplex encephalitis chorea: Viral replication or immunological mechanism?]. (United States)

    Benrhouma, H; Nasri, A; Kraoua, I; Klaa, H; Turki, I; Gouider-Khouja, N


    Herpes simplex encephalitis is a severe neurological condition, whose outcome is improved if treated early with acyclovir. Post-herpes simplex encephalitis with acute chorea has rarely been reported. We report on two observations of children presenting with post-herpes simplex encephalitis with acute chorea, related to two different pathophysiological mechanisms. The first one is an 11-month-old girl developing relapsing herpes simplex encephalitis with chorea due to resumption of viral replication. The second one is a 2-year-old boy with relapsing post-herpes simplex encephalitis acute chorea caused by an immunoinflammatory mechanism. We discuss the different neurological presentations of herpetic relapses, notably those presenting with movement disorders, as well as their clinical, paraclinical, physiopathological, and therapeutic aspects. Post-herpes simplex encephalitis with acute chorea may involve two mechanisms: resumption of viral replication or an immunoinflammatory mechanism. Treatment of post-herpes simplex encephalitis with acute chorea depends on the underlying mechanism, while prevention is based on antiviral treatment of herpes simplex encephalitis with acyclovir at the dose of 20mg/kg/8h for 21 days. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.

  14. Further Characterization of the UL37 Protein of Herpes Simplex Virus Type 1 and its Interaction with ICP8, the Major DNA-Binding Protein of Herpes Simplex Virus (United States)


    Baringer, J.R. 1974. Recovery of herpes simplex virus from human sacral ganglions. N. Eng!. J. Med. 291:828-830. Baringer, J.R. 1976. The biology of herpes ...UL37 Protein of Herpes Simplex Virus Type 1 and its Interaction with [CPS, the Major DNA~Binding Protein of Herpes Simplex Virus" beyond brief...Protein of Herpes Simplex Virus Type 1 and its Interaction with [CPS, the Major DNA-Binding Protein of Herpes Simplex Virus Allen G. Albright Doctor of

  15. Neonatal herpes infections in The Netherlands in the period 2006-2011. (United States)

    Hemelaar, Steffannie J A L; Poeran, Jashvant; Steegers, Eric A P; van der Meijden, Willem I


    To monitor the incidence of neonatal herpes in The Netherlands between 2006 and 2011, as well as the adherence to the rather conservative Dutch prevention policy. Questionnaires were sent to all virology laboratories (n = 44), gynaecology and paediatrics departments of all hospitals in The Netherlands (n = 89). Questionnaires for the laboratories pertained to rates of proven cases of neonatal herpes; for the gynaecologists and paediatricians it pertained to rates of genital herpes during pregnancy and neonatal herpes, and their policy. For gynaecologists this concerned the risk of herpes simplex virus transmission in case of primary genital herpes during pregnancy or labour; for paediatricians it concerned the diagnostic policy in a neonate suspected of neonatal herpes. For the period 2006-2011 38 cases of neonatal herpes were reported, yielding an incidence of 4.7 per 100,000 births. The estimated annual number of pregnant women with primary or recurrent genital herpes was 278. Of the responding gynaecologists and paediatricians, only 59% and up to 39%, respectively, reported a policy in accordance with the national guideline. The incidence of neonatal herpes in The Netherlands seems to have increased in the period 2006-2011. Combined with suboptimal guideline adherence this warrants strategies to improve awareness and subsequent adherence.

  16. Queratopatía cristalina: diagnóstico clínico y microbiológico de una infección corneal infrecuente causada por el grupo Streptococcus mitis

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    Gustavo J Galperín


    Full Text Available El objetivo del presente informe es describir un caso de queratopatía cristalina causada por microorganismos pertenecientes al grupo Streptococcus mitis en una paciente que concurrió a la consulta oftalmológica por molestias en su ojo derecho. Al examen oftalmológico presentó un punto de sutura interrumpida de nylon 10-0 sin tensión y con secreciones mucosas adheridas. El punto flojo fue retirado bajo normas de asepsia. Se indicó colirio de moxifloxacina al 0,5 %; el ojo tuvo una evolución adecuada, con una correcta epitelización. Sin embargo, luego de 15 días desarrolló un infiltrado blanquecino arboriforme. Se tomó una muestra en el quirófano, enhebrando el trayecto intraestromal de la sutura retirada con sutura de vicryl 7-0. Se indicaron colirios de vancomicina con 50 mg/ml. El infiltrado se mantuvo estable durante 45 días, luego se incrementó el tamaño y se produjo necrosis tisular con peligro de perforación corneal. Se realizó un recubrimiento conjuntival bipediculado. La paciente evolucionó favorablemente y luego de la retracción espontánea del recubrimiento, se observó leucoma cicatrizal y neovasos corneales.Crystalline keratopathy: an infrequent corneal infection produced by the Streptococcus mitis group. The objective of this report is to describe a case of crystalline keratopathy caused by the Streptococcus mitis group corresponding to a patient who attended hospital for discomfort in his right eye. The ophthalmological examination showed an interrupted stitch of 10-0 nylon suture without tension and with attached mucus secretions. The loose suture was removed under aseptic conditions. Moxifloxacin 0.5 % eye drops were topically indicated. The treated eye successfully epithelialized and evolved favorably. However, after 15 days, a white tree-shaped infiltrate developed. A corneal sample was taken in the operating room, threading the intrastromal path of the removed stitch with a 7-0 vicryl suture. Vancomycin 50

  17. [Clinical, epidemiological, and etiological studies of adult aseptic meningitis: a report of 12 cases of herpes simplex meningitis, and a comparison with cases of herpes simplex encephalitis]. (United States)

    Himeno, Takahiro; Shiga, Yuji; Takeshima, Shinichi; Tachiyama, Keisuke; Kamimura, Teppei; Kono, Ryuhei; Takemaru, Makoto; Takeshita, Jun; Shimoe, Yutaka; Kuriyama, Masaru


    We treated 437 cases of adult aseptic meningitis and 12 cases (including 2 recurrent patients; age, 31.8 ± 8.9 years; 7 females) of herpes simplex meningitis from 2004 to 2016. The incidence rate of adult herpes simplex meningitis in the cases with aseptic meningitis was 2.7%. One patient was admitted during treatment of genital herpes, but no association was observed between genital herpes and herpes simplex meningitis in the other cases. The diagnoses were confirmed in all cases as the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) was positive for herpes simplex virus (HSV)-DNA. For diagnosis confirmation, the DNA test was useful after 2-7 days following initial disease onset. Among other types of aseptic meningitis, the patients with herpes simplex meningitis showed relatively high white blood cell counts and relatively high CSF protein and high CSF cell counts. CSF cells showed mononuclear cell dominance from the initial stage of the disease. During same period, we also experienced 12 cases of herpes simplex encephalitis and 21 cases of non-hepatic acute limbic encephalitis. Notably, the patients with herpes simplex meningitis were younger and their CSF protein and cells counts were higher than those of the patients with herpes simplex encephalitis.

  18. Genital herpes simplex virus infections in adults. (United States)

    Mertz, G; Corey, L


    With the decline in prevalence of childhood-acquired oral-labial herpes simplex type 1 infections in some populations and the increasing incidence of genital herpes infections in adults, clinicians are more likely to see patients with severe primary, first-episode genital herpes infections. Complications of these primary infections may include aseptic meningitis and urine retention secondary to sacral radiculopathy or autonomic dysfunction. Presented are the clinical course of first-episode and recurrent infections, complications, diagnostic laboratory methods, and results of controlled clinical trials evaluating the efficacy of topical, intravenous, and oral preparations of acyclovir.

  19. Urinary retention associated with herpes zoster infection. (United States)

    Cohen, L M; Fowler, J F; Owen, L G; Callen, J P


    Herpes zoster infection particularly involving the sacral dermatomes has been associated with bladder and bowel dysfunction, most commonly urinary retention. We report two patients who developed acute urinary retention, one of whom also had constipation, within days of herpes zoster skin lesions of the S2-S4 dermatomes. Herpes zoster is a reversible cause of neurogenic bladder and bowel dysfunction and should be considered in a patient that presents with acute urinary retention and/or constipation. Sensory abnormalities and flaccid detrusor paralysis are most likely involved in the pathogenesis.

  20. Newer trends in the management of genital herpes

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    Nath Amiya


    Full Text Available Management of genital herpes is complex. Apart from using the standard antivirals, an ideal management protocol also needs to address various aspects of the disease, including the psychological morbidity. Oral acyclovir, valacyclovir or famciclovir are recommended for routine use. Long-term suppressive therapy is effective in reducing the number of recurrences and the risk of transmission to others. Severe or disseminated disease may require intravenous therapy. Resistant cases are managed with foscarnet or cidofovir. Genital herpes in human immunodeficiency virus-infected individuals usually needs a longer duration of antiviral therapy along with continuation of highly active anti retroviral therapy (HAART. Genital herpes in late pregnancy increases the risk of neonatal herpes. Antiviral therapy and/or cesarean delivery are indicated depending on the clinical circumstance. Acyclovir appears to be safe in pregnancy. But, there is limited data regarding the use of valacyclovir and famciclovir in pregnancy. Neonatal herpes requires a higher dose of acyclovir given intravenously for a longer duration. Management of the sex partner, counseling and prevention advice are equally important in appropriate management of genital herpes. Vaccines till date have been marginally effective. Helicase-primase inhibitors, needle-free mucosal vaccine and a new microbicide product named VivaGel may become promising treatment options in the future.

  1. Herpes Zoster Optic Neuropathy. (United States)

    Kaufman, Aaron R; Myers, Eileen M; Moster, Mark L; Stanley, Jordan; Kline, Lanning B; Golnik, Karl C


    Herpes zoster optic neuropathy (HZON) is a rare manifestation of herpes zoster ophthalmicus (HZO). The aim of our study was to better characterize the clinical features, therapeutic choices, and visual outcomes in HZON. A retrospective chart review was performed at multiple academic eye centers with the inclusion criteria of all eyes presenting with optic neuropathy within 1 month of cutaneous zoster of the ipsilateral trigeminal dermatome. Data were collected regarding presenting features, treatment regimen, and visual acuity outcomes. Six patients meeting the HZON inclusion criteria were identified. Mean follow-up was 2.75 months (range 0.5-4 months). Herpes zoster optic neuropathy developed at a mean of 14.1 days after initial rash (range 6-30 days). Optic neuropathy was anterior in 2 eyes and retrobulbar in 4 eyes. Other manifestations of HZO included keratoconjunctivitis (3 eyes) and iritis (4 eyes). All patients were treated with systemic antiviral therapy in addition to topical and/or systemic corticosteroids. At the last follow-up, visual acuity in 3 eyes had improved relative to presentation, 2 eyes had worsened, and 1 eye remained the same. The 2 eyes that did not receive systemic corticosteroids had the best observed final visual acuity. Herpes zoster optic neuropathy is an unusual but distinctive complication of HZO. Visual recovery after HZON is variable. Identification of an optimal treatment regiment for HZON could not be identified from our patient cohort. Systemic antiviral agents are a component of HZON treatment regimens. Efficacy of systemic corticosteroids for HZON remains unclear and should be considered on a case-by-case basis.

  2. Frequency of Herpes Zoster Recurrence in Central District of Korea. (United States)

    Ha, Jae Won; Lee, Jin Yong; Her, Young; Kim, Chul Woo; Kim, Sang Seok


    Herpes zoster is characterized by unilateral grouped vesicles along the distribution of a dermatome. A global recurrence rate as low as 0.5%∼6.2% has been reported for herpes zoster. The recurrence of herpes zoster is higher in immunocompromised patients and older patients. The purpose of this study is to assess the frequency of herpes zoster recurrence and factors that can influence its recurrence. From January 2005 to December 2015, 14,343 patients with herpes zoster were enrolled in this study. The patients were diagnosed at Hallym University Medical Centers and Kangwon National University Hospital in Seoul, Gyeonggi, and Gangwon. Herpes zoster recurrence and patient characteristics were surveyed by medical record review and a telephonic survey. The overall frequency of herpes zoster recurrence was 1.18%. The frequency of recurrence was higher in women than in men. It was also higher in patients aged 50∼70 years than in patients who were younger or older than this. Additionally, we assessed that the frequency of recurrence was statistically higher in patients with a compromised immune system and in patients who experienced longer lasting pain during their first episode. The frequency of herpes zoster recurrence is more common in women, older age, patient with longer pain duration and immunocompromised patients.

  3. Clinical and morphological characteristics of herpes zoster in south India

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    Dubey Anand


    Full Text Available One hundred and seven cases (6 children and 101 adults of herpes zoster were recruited over a period of two years. The frequency of herpes zoster amongst skin OPD cases was found to be 0.34 per cent. The male to female ratio was 1.74:1. The most common prodromal symptom seen was paresthesia in 25 (23.36% cases followed by itching in 21 (19.62% cases.Most common presenting complaint was pain in 97 (90.65% cases. Ninety nine cases had classical herpes zoster followed by necrotic / ulcerated herpes zoster in 5 cases and hemorrhagic herpes zoster in 3 cases. Thoracic dermatome was the most common dermatome involved in 64 (59.8% cases followed by cervical in 17 (15.8% cases. Unidermatomal involvement was seen in 81 (75.7% cases, followed by multidermatomal in 18 (16.8% cases and disseminated in 8 (7.4% cases. Forty six cases were screened for HIV, out of them; six cases (4 males, 2 females were seropositive for HIV. Classical herpes zoster was a feature in four cases; however, one case each also had necrotic and hemorrhagic form of herpes zoster. To conclude, herpes zoster commonly occurs in young adults in India with presenting symptoms such as pain, itching and fever.

  4. Facoemulsificación e implante de lente intraocular en cataratas causadas por uveitis Phacoemulsification and intraocular lens implantation in patients with cataract caused by uveitis

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    Dayamí Pérez Gómez


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Evaluar los resultados de la facoemulsificación y el implante de lente intraocular en cataratas causadas por uveítis. MÉTODOS: Se estudiaron 37 ojos con 6 meses de inactividad inflamatoria, agudeza visual menor de 0,6 y edad media de 47 años. Se excluyeron otras enfermedades que disminuyeran la visión. En el preoperatorio se prescribió antiinflamatorios. Se realizó la facoemulsificación con implante de lente intarocular (PMMA, óptica 6 mm; durante el seguimiento desde 24 h/6 meses se indicó antiinflamatorios esteroideos, no esteroideos e inmunosupresores hasta 6 semanas. RESULTADOS: Se observaron numerosas alteraciones del segmento anterior secundarias a las uveítis padecidas (posquirúrgicas, inespecíficas, ciclítis heterocrómica de Fuchs, postraumáticas, síndrome de Reiter, por toxoplasmosis y otras coroiditis infecciosas y por artritis reumatoide juvenil. No hubo recurrencia posquirúrgica de la uveítis en 9 ojos (24,3 %. Las complicaciones estuvieron relacionadas con la uveítis, la cirugía, la actividad inflamatoria, y la reacción del epitelio capsular. La opacidad capsular posterior apareció en 11 pacientes (29,7 % asociada a edad joven. La evolución individual se consideró satisfactoria en 30 (81,1 % pacientes con mejoría de la visión hasta 0,8-1,0 en 28 (75,6 % y 0,5-0,6 en 2 (5,4 %. CONCLUSIONES: La facoemulsificación con implante de lente intarocular es de gran utilidad en las cataratas posuveítis al condicionar poca agresión quirúrgica, ser controlable la inflamación y proporcionar buenos resultados visuales además del reordenamiento anatomofisiológico del segmento anterior.OBJECTIVE: To assess the results of phacoemulsification and intraocular lens implantation in cataracts caused by uveitis. METHODS: Thirty seven eyes with no inflammation for 6 months, visual acuity below 0.6 and average age of 47 years were studied. Other diseases affecting the vision were excluded. The preoperative

  5. Varicela y herpes zóster en una paciente con trasplante renal Chickenpox and herpes zoster in a patient with kidney transplant

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    Enrique Emilio Jiménez López


    Full Text Available Se describe el caso clínico de una adolescente de 13 años de edad, con trasplante renal, que reingresó a los 10 meses de operada por presentar fiebre, dolor en el costado izquierdo desde el borde esternal de ese lado hasta la columna dorsal y lesiones maculopapulosas sobre una base eritematosa, localizadas en tronco, cuello y cara, que se extendieron primeramente a los miembros inferiores y superiores; pero luego, mientras unas se convirtieron en pústulas y costras típicas de un herpes zóster, las restantes evolucionaron como una varicela. Tratada oportunamente, la paciente mejoró su estado general y egresó con función renal normal a su entorno cotidiano.The clinical report of a 13 years-old adolescent with kidney transplant is described. He was readmitted ten months after the surgery due to fever, pain in the left side from the sternal margin to the thoracic spine and macular-papular injuries over erythematous base, located in the trunk, neck and face that were first spread to the lower and upper limbs, but then, while ones became into pustules and scales typical of herpes zoster, the remaining progressed as chickenpox. Treated at the appropriate time, the patient improved her general condition and she was discharged with normal kidney function to her daily environment.

  6. Atypical Presentation of Herpes Simplex Virus Type 2 Infection Refractory to Treatment With Acyclovir in 2 Hematologic Patients. (United States)

    Nieto Rodríguez, D; Sendagorta Cudós, E; Rueda Carnero, J M; Herranz Pinto, P


    Herpesvirus infections are not uncommon in hematologic patients. Our first patient, diagnosed with chronic lymphatic leukemia, presented extensive genital herpes infection refractory to treatment with acyclovir and with a partial response to foscarnet, which had to be withdrawn due to systemic adverse effects. The second patient, diagnosed with follicular Hodgkin lymphoma, presented hypertrophic herpes infection refractory to treatment with acyclovir but that responded to intralesional cidofovir and topical imiquimod. As in other immunodepressed patients, herpesvirus infection in hematologic patients can present atypical manifestations, as well as resistance to treatments that act via the viral thymidine kinase. A high level of clinical suspicion is therefore needed to make an early diagnosis, together with extensive knowledge of the different treatments available. Copyright © 2017 AEDV. Publicado por Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.

  7. A clinico-epidemiological study of herpes zoster. (United States)

    Aggarwal, S K; Radhakrishnan, S


    Herpes zoster is a common viral infection of skin caused by reactivation of varicella zoster virus infection from the spinal ganglia. The clinico-epidemiological patterns of this disease in an Indian setting required to be studied. A cross sectional study was conducted on all consecutive cases of herpes zoster reporting to the Dermatology Outpatient Department at a Tertiary Care Hospital in Bangalore during a period of one year from 01 Jun 2013 to 31 May 2014. Detailed history, examination, HIV screening and Tzanck smear were carried out in all cases. 84 cases of herpes zoster were seen with a mean age of 30 years. Majority (39%) of cases were seen in the 21-30 year age group. Thoracic segments were involved in 65.4%, cervical in 11.9%, cranial in 11.5%, lumbar in 8.3% and sacral segments in 3.5%. 63% of cases had zoster associated pain. One case had motor involvement.3.57% of the patients were HIV positive. This study shows a lower age incidence of herpes zoster HIV positivity and zoster associated pain as compared to other studies. The pattern of segmental involvement in herpes zoster seen in this study was similar to other studies.

  8. Herpes Zoster and Dementia: A Nationwide Population-Based Cohort Study. (United States)

    Chen, Vincent Chin-Hung; Wu, Shu-I; Huang, Kuo-You; Yang, Yao-Hsu; Kuo, Ting-Yu; Liang, Hsin-Yi; Huang, Kuan-Lun; Gossop, Michael

    Some infectious diseases have been found to be associated with cognitive impairment and dementia. However, the relationship between herpes zoster and dementia has received little attention. This study aimed to investigate this association as well as associations of antiviral treatments for herpes zoster and incident dementia using a large national sample. Cases were identified from the Taiwan National Health Insurance Research Database with a new diagnosis of herpes zoster (ICD-9-CM code: 053) between 1997 and 2013. Each identified individual with a case of herpes zoster was compared with 1 sex-, age-, and residence-matched control subject. Both groups were followed until the first diagnosis of dementia (ICD-9-CM codes: 290.0 to 290.4, 294.1, 331.0 to 331.2, and 331.82), withdrawal from the registry, or the end of 2013. Cox regression analyses and competing risk model were applied, adjusting for sex, age, residence, depression, autoimmune disease, ischemic stroke, traumatic brain injury, alcohol use disorder, and antiviral treatments for herpes zoster to evaluate the risk of interest. A total of 39,205 cases with herpes zoster were identified. Of the 78,410 study and comparison subjects, 4,204 were diagnosed as having dementia during a mean (SD) follow-up period of 6.22 (4.05) years. Herpes zoster was associated with a slightly increased risk of dementia in the fully adjusted model (hazard ratio [HR] = 1.11; 95% CI, 1.04-1.17). Prescriptions of antiviral therapy were associated with a reduced risk of developing dementia following the diagnosis of herpes zoster (HR = 0.55; 95% CI, 0.40-0.77). Herpes zoster was associated with an increased risk of dementia, independent of potential confounding factors. Antiviral treatment might be protective in preventing dementia in patients with herpes zoster. © Copyright 2017 Physicians Postgraduate Press, Inc.

  9. Herpes Zoster Ophthalmicus in a Healthy Nigerian Child

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Keywords: Healthy child, herpes zoster ophthalmicus, ocular complications. INTRODUCTION. Herpes ... that the same virus in children cause varicella and may be giving .... performed to confirm the diagnosis promptly by identifying. VZV DNA ...

  10. Experiential Interventions for Clients with Genital Herpes. (United States)

    Cummings, Anne L.


    Explores potential benefits of incorporating concepts and interventions from experimental therapy to help clients with psychosocial difficulties in learning to live with genital herpes. Recommends experimental counseling of two-chair dialog, empty chair, and metaphor for helping clients with emotional sequelae of genital herpes. Presents case…

  11. Fratura de órbita por queda de cavalo e correção de estrabismo Orbit fracture by horse fall and strabismus correction

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    Abelardo de Souza Couto Junior


    Full Text Available Descreve-se uma paciente com fratura orbitária grave causada por queda de cavalo. Relato do seu tratamento cirúrgico com correção do estrabismo e tentativa de correção da enoftamia.Description of a patient with orbital fracture cause by a horse fall. Follow-up the surgical treatment of the strabismus and the enophtlamos.

  12. Genital herpes.



    The author reviews the prevalence of genital herpes, outlines the typical clinical courses of the disease in its primary and recurrent forms. He discusses the physical, psychological and social effects of this sexually transmitted disease and provides three protocols for the use of oral acyclovir in its treatment.

  13. Herpes Simplex Virus Infection Mimicking Bullous Disease in an Immunocompromised Patient

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    Anne L.Y. Lecluse


    Full Text Available Immunodeficient patients are at risk of developing extended or atypical herpes simplex virus infections, which can be easily misdiagnosed. We present the case of a 79-year-old, treatment-induced (oral corticosteroid, immunocompromised female with an extensive atypical herpes simplex virus infection. This patient presented with multiple erosions and vesicles on the trunk with a subacute onset. The clinical differential diagnosis was herpes simplex infection, herpes zoster infection, pemphigus vulgaris or bullous pemphigoid. Due to the atypical clinical presentation and negative Tzanck test, suspicion of viral infection was low. High-dose steroid treatment was initiated. Subsequent histopathology, however, showed a herpes simplex virus infection. After discontinuing steroid treatment and initiating antiviral treatment, the patient recovered within a week. Emphasis must be placed on the importance of clinical awareness of extended and clinically atypical herpes simplex infections in immunocompromised patients. A negative Tzanck test does not rule out the possibility of a herpes infection.

  14. Rickettsiosis transmitidas por garrapatas en las Américas: avances clínicos y epidemiológicos, y retos en el diagnóstico

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    Marylin Hidalgo


    Full Text Available Las rickettsiosis son entidades clínicas de tipo zoonótico, causadas por bacterias intracelulares estrictas de los géneros Rickettsia y Orientia, pertenecientes a la familia Rickettsiaceae. Su ecología está determinada por factores ambientales y la presencia de vectores específicos que condicionan el establecimiento y la epidemiología en diferentes regiones del mundo. En las Américas, durante el siglo XX, únicamente eran reconocidas tres de estas enfermedades: la fiebre manchada de las Montañas Rocosas, el tifus epidémico y el tifus endémico. Sin embargo, apartir del año 2000 se han descrito mas de 10 especies diferentes previamente desconocidas en este continente, tanto en artrópodos como en casos clínicos, hecho que permite clasificarlas como entidades clínicas emergentes y reemergentes. Dadas las manifestaciones clínicas de las enfermedades causadas por rickettsias, siendo la gran mayoría inespecíficas y, por lo mismo, compartidas con otras enfermedades infecciosas, especialmente virales y bacterianas, han sido enmarcadas entre los diagnósticos diferenciales del síndrome febril agudo, tanto en áreas urbanas como tropicales. En la actualidad, se cuenta con métodos diagnóstico sdirectos e indirectos, que son útiles en la identificación del agente infeccioso, en este caso, causante de rickettsiosis.   doi:

  15. A case of Herpes encephalitis followed-up by CT

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fukui, Yukiko; Nagai, Shinya; Nishibayashi, Yohei; Okamoto, Hirofumi; Goishi, Junji


    A 9-month-old girl was admitted with lethargy, fever and convulsion. EGG showed localized slow waves in the right temporal region. CT showed a localized low density area accompanied by a hemorrhagic focus in the right frontal lobe. Herpes encephalitis was suspected, and cytosine arabinoside was administered. The antibody titers of the serum and cerebrospinal fluid against herpes simplex virus type I significantly rose. Clinically the patient recovered without serious sequelae. CT revealed marked cerebral atrophy and subdural hematoma which were surgically treated. The importance of CT in the diagnosis and prognosis of herpes encephalitis was argued, and CT findings of herpes encephalitis were discussed. (Chiba, N.)

  16. Recurrent genital herpes treatments and their impact on quality of life. (United States)

    Brentjens, Mathijs H; Yeung-Yue, Kimberly A; Lee, Patricia C; Tyring, Stephen K


    Herpes genitalis is one of the most common viral sexually transmitted diseases in the world, with an estimated seroprevalence in the US of greater than 20%. Two viruses of the same family cause herpes genitalis: herpes simplex virus 1 and 2. After the resolution of primary infection, the virus persists in the nerve roots of the sacral plexus, often causing recurrent (though generally less severe) outbreaks. These outbreaks, as well as the infectious potential to the patient's sexual partners, results in significant psychological stress on the patient, and has a tremendous negative impact on QOL. Current treatment modalities may result in a reduction in the number of outbreaks and viral shedding, but no cure exists. Although studies have clearly demonstrated the negative impact of recurrent genital herpes on QOL, an assessment scale specific to herpes was not developed until recently. Earlier studies indicated that patients did not perceive a significant benefit from episodic treatment with antivirals, but studies using the Recurrent Genital Herpes Quality of Life Questionnaire (RGHQoL) have now demonstrated that suppressive antiviral therapy improves quality of life in patients with frequent recurrences of genital herpes. However, not all patients with recurrent genital herpes need suppressive therapy, and proposed factors to consider include frequency of recurrence, physical and psychological distress caused by recurrences, and the potential for transmission to the patient's sexual partner. Newer therapeutic modalities, including the topical immune response modifier resiquimod and herpes vaccines, may eventually be shown to further decrease the psychological morbidity of recurrent genital herpes.

  17. Mastite bovina causada por Prototheca zopfii: relato de um caso Clinical bovine mastitis caused by Prototheca zopfii: a case study

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    Maria Aparecida Vasconcelos Paiva Brito


    Full Text Available Um caso de mastite clínica causada por Prototheca zopfii em uma vaca de um rebanho leiteiro localizado na Zona da Mata do Estado de Minas Gerais foi estudado. O animal apresentou sinais clínicos nos quartos mamárias anteriores e queda acentuada na produção de leite. Após o diagnóstico inicial, o animal foi observado durante onze meses, do início da manifestação da doença até 12 dias após o parto. Exames microbiológicos do leite foram realizadas aos 7, 30, 39, 49, 65, 326 e 331 dias após o isolamento inicial, sendo os dois últimos exames realizados 7 e 12 dias após o parto. As amostras de P. zopfii isoladas apresentaram resistência in vitro a: ampicilina, canamicina, cefatoridina, enrofloxacina, estreptomicina, gentamicina, neomicina, oxacilina, penicilina, sulfonamidas e trimetoprim x sulfametoxazol. Foi avaliada a susceptibilidade in vitro das amostras de P. zopfii a um produto natural constituído de extrato de sementes de frutas cítricas, obtido comercialmente. A menor concentração que inibiu totalmente a alga foi 1:500. Recomendou-se um tratamento com a diluição a 1:200 do extrato em solução fisiológica estéril contendo timerosal a 1:30.000 como conservante, em doses diárias de 20ml, por via intramamária. O tratamento foi realizado inicialmente durante sete dias. Após este período houve redução, mas não a completa eliminação dos organismos do leite. Foi, então, recomendado mais um período de 15 dias de tratamento, de modo semelhante ao primeiro. Trinta e nove dias após o diagnóstico inicial não foi mais isolado P. zopfii do leite dos quartos afetados e a produção retornou a níveis semelhantes de antes da infecção. Amostras de leite naturalmente infectadas foram congelados a -20°C. Células viáveis de P. zopfii foram recuperadas de amostras mantidas até 38 dias nestas condições.A clinical case of mastitis caused by Prototheca zopfii in a cow from a dairy herd located in the region of Zona da

  18. Fiebre Tifoidea Diagnóstico por pruebas inmunoenzimáticas: Elisa

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    Miguel Guzmán


    Full Text Available Este trabajo describe el desarrollo y normalización de una técnica inmunoenzimática para el diagnóstico indirecto de la Fiebre Tifoidea. El método permite un análisis simple y objetivo de los resultados. La reacción enzimática es proporcional a la concentración de anticuerpos en el suero contra el antígeno somático-0, por tanto, el método es cuantitativo. Por lo demás, la técnica tiene un alto grado de especificidad para Salmonella typhi, ya que los sueros de pacientes con Salmonelosis causada por Salmonella enteritidis serotipos paratyphi A, B y typhimurium dieron resultados negativos, en forma similar a los presentados por el grupo control antes de la vacunación específica. Los resultados obtenidos con esta técnica permitieron definir el nivel de anticuerpos que puede presentar una población control supuestamente sana frente a los niveles inducidos por la enfermedad. Los resultados postvacunales en el grupo control mostraron títulos sorprendentemente bajos; un análisis de este fenómeno se presentó en forma amplia. Igualmente se proponen futuras investigaciones sobre este campo.

  19. [Recurrent herpes zoster with neuralgia]. (United States)

    Schwickert, Myriam; Saha, Joyonto


    We present the case of a 40-year-old female patient suffering from recurrent herpes zoster and postherpetic neuralgia. Herpes zoster has recurred several times per year for more than 15 years. At admission, rash localised on the right sacral region and accompanied by neuralgia had lasted for 3 months. Standard out-patient treatment remained unsuccessful. A multimodal integrative therapy regimen including fasting, hydrotherapy, leech application and treatment with autologous blood led to rapid healing of herpetic lesions and persistent pain relief. The case is discussed.

  20. [Update on congenital and neonatal herpes infections: infection due to cytomegalovirus and herpes simplex]. (United States)

    Baquero-Artigao, F


    Newborn infants are a population which is especially susceptible to viral infections that frequently affect the central nervous system. Herpes infections can be transmitted to the foetus and to the newborn infant, and give rise to severe clinical conditions with long-term sensory and cognitive deficits. Two thirds of newborn infants with encephalitis due to herpes simplex virus and half of the children with symptomatic congenital infection by cytomegalovirus develop sequelae, which results in high community health costs in the long term. Fortunately, the better knowledge about these infections gained in recent years together with the development of effective antiviral treatments have improved the patients' prognosis. Valganciclovir (32 mg/kg/day in two doses for six months) prevents the development of hypoacusis and improves the neurological prognosis in symptomatic congenital infection due to cytomegalovirus. Acyclovir (60 mg/kg/day in three doses for 2-3 weeks) prevents the development of severe forms in skin-eyes-mouth herpes disease, and lowers the rate of mortality and sequelae when the disease has disseminated and is located in the central nervous system.

  1. Herpes Zoster in Two Healthy Children

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    İbrahim Kökçam


    Full Text Available Herpes zoster is an acute dermatomal viral infection caused by the reactivation of varicella zoster virus. The disease is commonly seen among elderly people and immunocompromised individuals, it is also rarely observed in immunocompetent children though. In this report, two herpes zoster cases with trigeminal-involvement in which no factors inducing the reactivation of the virus were detected are presented, as the disease is unusually seen during childhood.

  2. Análisis Ultraestructural del Efecto Neuroprotector de la Melatonina sobre las lesiones del Cortex Cerebeloso del Embrión de Pollo inducidas por Glutamato Monosódico.


    García de la Oliva, Alejandro


    En el presente estudio analizamos el efecto neuroprotector que la administración exógena de la melatonina ejerce sobre las lesiones neurodegenerativas de la corteza cerebelosa del embrión de pollo causadas por excitotoxicidad glutamatérgica. Para ello hemos diseñado un modelo experimental que nos permite: por un lado, evaluar y seguir la evolución de las lesiones que sobre el desarrollo de la corteza cerebelosa produce la administración de gl...

  3. Osteomalacia inducida por tumor: hemangiopericitoma rinosinusal Tumor-induced osteomalacia: rhinosinusal hemangiopericytoma

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    Enriqueta M. Serafini


    Full Text Available La osteomalacia inducida por tumor es una rara enfermedad del metabolismo óseo caracterizada por el aumento en la excreción de fosfato a nivel renal seguido de hipofosfatemia. Es causada por agentes fosfatúricos producidos por determinados tumores. La resección total del tumor resulta en la completa reversión de las anormalidades bioquímicas, la desaparición de las manifestaciones clínicas y los hallazgos en los estudios por imágenes. Presentamos el caso de un varón de 61 años con cuadro clínico y laboratorio compatibles con osteomalacia oncogénica inducida por tumor mesenquimático de localización rinosinusal. En nuestro caso el diagnóstico histológico correspondió a una neoplasia de tipo vascular: hemangiopericitoma.Tumor-induced osteomalacia is a rare disease of bone metabolism. The characteristic of this disease is an increase in phosphate excretion followed by hypophosphatemia, due to phosphaturic agents produced by different types of tumors. Tumor resection results in complete resolution of clinical, biochemical and radiological abnormalities. We present the case of a 61 year old man with signs, symptoms and laboratory findings consistent with oncogenic osteomalacia due to a rhino-sinusal mesenchymal tumor. The histological diagnosis showed a vascular neoplasm: hemangiopericytoma.

  4. [The lysate and recombinant antigens in ELISA-test-systems for diagnostic of herpes simplex]. (United States)

    Ganova, L A; Kovtoniuk, G V; Korshun, L N; Kiseleva, E K; Tereshchenko, M I; Vudmaska, M I; Moĭsa, L N; Shevchuk, V A; Spivak, N Ia


    The lysate and recombinant antigens of various production included informula of ELISA-test-systems were analyzed. The ELISA-test-systems are used for detection of IgG to Herpes simplex virus type I and II. For testing the panel of serums PTH 201 (BBI Inc.) were used. The samples of this panel contain antibodies to Herpes simplex virus type I and II in mixed titers. The 69 serums of donors were used too (17 samples had IgG to Herpes simplex virus type I, 23 samples to Herpes simplex virus type II and 29 samples had no antibodies to Herpes simplex virus). The diagnostic capacity of mixture of recombinant antigens gG1 Herpes simplex virus type I and gG2 Herpes simplex virus type II (The research-and-production complex "DiaprofMed") was comparable with mixture of lysate antigen Herpes simplex virus type I and II (Membrane) EIE Antigen ("Virion Ltd."). In the test-systems for differentiation of IgG to Herpes simplex virus type I the recombinant antigen gG1 Herpes simplex virus type I proved to be comparable with commercial analogue Herpes simplex virus-1 gG1M ("Viral Therapeutics Inc."'). At the same time, capacity to detect IgG to Herpes simplex virus type II in recombinant protein gG2 Herpes simplex virus type II is significantly higher than in its analogue Herpes simplex virus-2 gG2c ("Viral Therapeutics Inc.").


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    Tri Yuliantini


    Full Text Available Infeksi Herpes simpleks pada susunan saraf pusat (SSP merupakan infeksi SSP yang paling beratdan sering berakibat fatal. Angka kejadiannya diperkirakan 1 kasus per 250 000 sampai 500 000orang per tahun, sepertiganya terjadi pada anak-anak. Gejala dan tanda klinis pada fase awal sangattidak khas. Pemberian terapi yang terlambat membawa dampak terjadinya kecacatan permanen.Deteksi virus Herpes simpleks (VHS di dalam cairan serebrospinal dengan polymerase chain reactionmerupakan modalitas pilihan untuk diagnosis ensefalitis herpes simpleks (EHS. Asiklovir intravenamerupakan obat pilihan pertama. Pengobatan segera diberikan kepada pasien yang dicurigai menderitaEHS, kemudian pengobatan dapat dilanjutkan atau dihentikan sesuai konfirmasi laboratorium atauhasil biopsi otak. Pasien yang tidak diberikan antivirus atau pengobatannya terlambat angkakematiannya cukup tinggi.

  6. Sea urchin granuloma Granulomas por ouriços-do-mar

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    André Luiz Rossetto


    Full Text Available Injuries caused by venomous and poisonous aquatic animals may provoke important morbidity in humans. The phylum Echinoderma include more than 6000 species of starfish, sea urchins, sand dollars, and sea cucumbers some of which have been found responsible for injuries to humans. Initial injuries by sea urchins are associated with trauma and envenomation, but later effects can be observed. Sea urchin granuloma is a chronic granulomatous skin disease caused by frequent and successive penetration of sea urchin spines which have not been removed from wounds. The authors report a typical case of sea urchin granuloma in a fisherman and its therapeutic implications.Os acidentes por animais aquáticos traumatizantes e venenosos podem provocar morbidez importante em humanos. Equinodermos marinhos incluem mais de 6000 espécies de estrelas-do-mar, ouriços-do-mar, "bolachas-de-praia" e pepinos-do-mar. Vários equinodermos têm sido responsabilizados por acidentes em humanos. Granulomas por ouriço-do-mar são lesões de caráter granulomatoso, crônicas, causada por acidentes com espículas de ouriço-do-mar. Os autores relatam um caso típico de granulomas por ouriço-do-mar ocorrido em um pescador e enfatizam as implicações terapêuticas aplicadas.

  7. Diagnostico por PCR del complejo Sigatoka en Colombia.

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    Romero Magally


    Full Text Available Las Sigatokas negra y amarilla son enfermedades causadas por Mycosphaerella fijiensis y Mycosphaerella musicola respectivamente. Estas dos especies de hongos estrechamente relacionadas y morfológicamente similares, causan necrosis severa en las hojas de banano y plátano disminuyendo el área de tejido fotosintético y acelerando la maduración del fruto. Las enfermedades producidas por estos hongos afectan la mayoría de las áreas cultivadas de banano y plátano a nivel mundial, generando un gran problema económico y ambiental. Los síntomas que produce cada uno de estos patógenos en el cultivo son similares, por lo que su correcta identificación en campo se hace difícil. Con el fin de hacer una identificación precisa de cada uno de ellos decidimos estandarizar una prueba diagnóstica basada en la reacción en cadena de la polimerasa (PCR utilizando dos oligonucleótidos de 21 bases (MF 137 y MM 137 específicos para cada una de las especies M. fijiensis y M. musicola respectivamente. MF 137 y MM 137 codifican regiones variables identificadas en las secuencias interespaciadoras (ITS del DNA ribosomal.

  8. Síndrome do ápice orbital associado com herpes zoster oftálmico em paciente HIV positivo: relato de caso Orbital apex syndrome and herpes zoster ophthalmicus in an HIV positive patient: case report

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    João Baptista Nigro Santiago Malta


    Full Text Available O presente relato tem como objetivo apresentar um caso raro de síndrome do ápice orbital associado com herpes zoster oftálmico de prognóstico reservado em paciente HIV positivo que procurou o pronto-socorro com quadro clínico de lesões crostosas em hemiface esquerda, dolorosa, acompanhado de baixa acuidade visual, diminuição da sensibilidade corneal e oftalmoplegia completa do olho esquerdo. A síndrome do ápice orbital é entidade rara que se caracteriza por ptose, proptose, oftalmoplegia interna e externa (acometimento do II, III, IV e VI nervos cranianos, prejuízo funcional da primeira divisão do nervo trigêmeo (nervo oftálmico e graus variados de diminuição da acuidade visual. O tratamento do herpes zoster oftálmico baseia-se no uso de antivirais sistêmicos, sendo que o prognóstico irá variar conforme o acometimento ocular.To present a rare case of orbital apex syndrome associated with herpes zoster ophthalmicus of unfavorable prognosis in an HIV positive patient, who arrived at the Emergency Room with the following clinical history: left facial crust lesions, low visual acuity, ocular pain, low corneal sensitivity and complete ophthalmoplegia of the left eye. The orbital apex syndrome is a rare disorder which is characterized by ptosis, proptosis, internal and external ophthalmoplegia (involvement of the second, third, fourth and sixth cranial nerves, damage to the first division of the trigeminal (ophthalmic nerve, and varied degrees of visual acuity loss. The treatment of herpes zoster ophthalmicus is based on the use of systemic antiviral drugs and the prognosis will depend on ocular damage.

  9. Operculum syndrome: unusual feature of herpes simplex encephalitis

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    van der Poel, J. C.; Haenggeli, C. A.; Overweg-Plandsoen, W. C.


    Herpes simplex encephalitis in adults and young patients carries a high mortality and morbidity. Its presentation may be nonspecific, sometimes hampering early diagnosis. Two young children are reported with herpes simplex encephalitis in whom the operculum syndrome was an outstanding feature. This

  10. Surtos de dermatite ulcerativa causados por espinhos de Mimosa setosa, M. debilis e M. pudica (Fabaceae em equinos

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    Saulo A. Caldas

    Full Text Available RESUMO: Descrevem-se, na pele de equídeos, lesões de natureza mecânico-traumática causadas por espinhos de Mimosa spp. Dentre as três espécies da planta identificadas como responsáveis pelas lesões, M. setosa estava presente em maior quantidade (80% e M. debilis e M. pudica encontravam-se em menor proporção na pastagem. Ocorreram três surtos de dermatite ulcerativa em períodos chuvosos de abril a maio de 2013, dezembro de 2013 a fevereiro de 2014 e abril a maio deste mesmo ano. Vinte e cinco equinos do Setor de Reprodução Animal da Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro apresentaram, na pele, lesões ulcerativas com contornos irregulares, exsudato hemorrágico, recobertas por crostas. As lesões localizavam-se sobretudo nas regiões de quartela, boleto, articulação escapulo-umeral, lábios superior e inferior, focinho, narinas, bochechas e chanfro. Sete animais foram biopsiados e o exame histopatológico revelou ulceração da epiderme e infiltrado inflamatório constituído por macrófagos e neutrófilos, delimitado por tecido de granulação subjacente. Em alguns casos, foram observados microespículos das referidas plantas (tricomas hirsutos em meio à reação inflamatória. O diagnóstico de dermatite cutânea causada pela ação traumática da planta baseou-se na presença de Mimosa spp. na pastagem, nas características e localização das lesões na pele dos equinos, nos achados histopatológicos e na recuperação após a retirada dos animais do pasto.

  11. Aspectos anatomopatológicos em cães naturalmente infectados por Hepatozoon canis


    Lima, Pâmela A.; Barçante, Joziana M.P.; Boeloni, Jankerle N.; Bezerra Júnior, Pedro S.; Wouters, Flademir; Wouters, Angélica T.; Varaschin, Mary S.; Seixas, Josilene N.


    RESUMO: A hepatozoonose canina é causada principalmente pelos protozoários Hepatozoon canis e H. americanum, transmitida por ingestão de carrapatos parasitados. Os sinais clínicos podem ser inespecíficos ou de difícil reconhecimento, pois geralmente ocorre associada a outras doenças. No Brasil, o parasito, e a doença, já foram identificados em vários Estados, no entanto pouco se sabe sobre as alterações clínicas e anátomo-patológicas decorrentes da infecção. O presente trabalho relata cinco c...

  12. [Ulcerating Herpes simplex infections in intensive care patients]. (United States)

    Fischer, M; Wohlrab, J; Radke, J; Marsch, W C; Soukup, J


    Herpes simplex infections are potentially a life-threatening situation for immunocompromised as well as critically ill patients. The correct diagnosis is made more difficult in comatose patients by the fact that the characteristic symptom of extreme pain cannot be registered. The clinical dermatological findings (polycyclic configuration, easily bleeding ulcers) are thus especially important in patients under intensive care conditions. As examples, the cases of 3 critically ill patients (subarachnoid bleeding or head injury) developing therapy-resistant, flat sacral or perioral skin ulcers with peripheral blisters are presented. Herpes simplex virus was confirmed immunohistologically and in the smear test. All patients subsequently died. These cases emphasize that patients in the intensive care unit are in danger of developing a chronic persistent Herpes simplex infection due to latent immunosuppression. Chronic persistent Herpes infections may be underrated in intensive therapy, and must always be ruled out in case of therapy-resistant erosions or ulcerations.

  13. Controle biológico da podridão radicular (Pythium aphanidermatum e promoção de crescimento por Pseudomonas chlororaphis 63-28 e Bacillus subtilis GB03 em alface hidropônica

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    Élida Barbosa Corrêa


    Full Text Available Podridões radiculares causadas por espécies de Pythium são um importante problema em cultivos hidropônicos. Sintomas de subdesenvolvimento são observados nas plantas parasitadas pelo patógeno, sendo muitas vezes não diagnosticados pelo produtor. O objetivo do trabalho foi avaliar o controle biológico da podridão radicular causada por Pythium aphanidermatum e a promoção de crescimento por Pseudomonas chlororaphis 63-28 e Bacillus subtilis GB03, reconhecidos agentes de controle biológico de doenças de plantas. A inoculação das plantas com P. aphanidermatum ocasionou o subdesenvolvimento, sendo essa diminuição de 20%. A adição dos agentes de biocontrole na solução nutritiva teve um efeito positivo no aumento da massa (6% a 13%, no número de folhas (4% a 7% e no teor de clorofila (3% das plantas de alface. Entretanto, maiores estudos devem ser realizados para melhorar a capacidade de controle da doença e de promoção de crescimento pelos agentes de biocontrole estudados no cultivo de alface hidropônica.

  14. Herpes zoster, immunological deterioration and disease progression in HIV-1 infection

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Veenstra, J.; Krol, A.; van Praag, R. M.; Frissen, P. H.; Schellekens, P. T.; Lange, J. M.; Coutinho, R. A.; van der Meer, J. T.


    OBJECTIVE: To study the incidence of herpes zoster, the relationship between herpes zoster and immunological markers, and the prognostic value of herpes zoster for progression of HIV disease. DESIGN AND METHODS: A total of 966 homosexual participants in The Amsterdam Cohort Study were studied.

  15. The Diagnosis of Genital Herpes – Beyond Culture: An Evidence-Based Guide for the Utilization of Polymerase Chain Reaction and Herpes Simplex Virus Type-Specific Serology

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    S Ratnam


    Full Text Available Accurate identification of persons with genital herpes is necessary for optimal patient management and prevention of transmission. Because of inherent inaccuracies, clinical diagnosis of genital herpes should be confirmed by laboratory testing for the causative agents herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1 and HSV type 2 (HSV-2. Further identification of the HSV type is valuable for counselling on the natural history of infection and risk of transmission. Laboratory methods include antigen detection, culture, polymerase chain reaction (PCR and conventional and type-specific serology (TSS. PCR has, by far, the greater sensitivity and should be the test of choice for symptomatic cases. HSV-2 TSS is indicated for patients with genital lesions in whom antigen detection, culture or PCR fail to detect HSV, and for patients who are asymptomatic but have a history suggestive of genital herpes. HSV-2 TSS is further indicated for patients infected with HIV. HSV-2 TSS along with HSV-1 TSS may be considered, as appropriate, in evaluating infection and/or immune status in couples discordant for genital herpes, women who develop their first clinical episode of genital herpes during pregnancy, asymptomatic pregnant women whose partners have a history of genital herpes or HIV infection, and women contemplating pregnancy or considering sexual partnership with those with a history of genital herpes. The above should be performed in conjunction with counselling of infected persons and their sex partners.

  16. Two step culture for production of recombinant herpes simplex virus ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Herpes simplex virus type 2 (HSV-2) was the major cause of genital herpes in humans. The HSV-2 glycoprotein D (gD2) had been proved to be a potentially effective vaccine for treatment of genital herpes. The present study was to develop a two step culture to express the recombinant gD2 protein using the immobilized ...

  17. Herp enhances ER-associated protein degradation by recruiting ubiquilins

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kim, Tae-Yeon; Kim, Eunmin; Yoon, Sungjoo Kim; Yoon, Jong-Bok


    ER-associated protein degradation (ERAD) is a protein quality control system of ER, which eliminates misfolded proteins by proteasome-dependent degradation and ensures export of only properly folded proteins from ER. Herp, an ER membrane protein upregulated by ER stress, is implicated in regulation of ERAD. In the present study, we show that Herp interacts with members of the ubiquilin family, which function as a shuttle factor to deliver ubiquitinated substrates to the proteasome for degradation. Knockdown of ubiquilin expression by small interfering RNA stabilized the ERAD substrate CD3δ, whereas it did not alter or increased degradation of non-ERAD substrates tested. CD3δ was stabilized by overexpressed Herp mutants which were capable of binding to ubiquilins but were impaired in ER membrane targeting by deletion of the transmembrane domain. Our data suggest that Herp binding to ubiquilin proteins plays an important role in the ERAD pathway and that ubiquilins are specifically involved in degradation of only a subset of ubiquitinated targets, including Herp-dependent ERAD substrates

  18. Herpes zoster could be an early manifestation of undiagnosed human immunodeficiency virus infection. (United States)

    Lai, Shih-Wei; Lin, Cheng-Li; Liao, Kuan-Fu; Chen, Wen-Chi


    No formal epidemiological research based on systematic analysis has focused on the relationship between herpes zoster and immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection in Taiwan. Our aim was to explore whether herpes zoster is an early manifestation of undiagnosed human HIV infection in Taiwan. This was a retrospective cohort study using the database of the Taiwan National Health Insurance Program. A total of 35,892 individuals aged ≤ 84 years with newly diagnosed herpes zoster from 1998 to 2010 were assigned to the herpes zoster group, whereas 143,568 sex-matched and age-matched, randomly selected individuals without herpes zoster served as the non-herpes zoster group. The incidence of HIV diagnosis at the end of 2011 was estimated in both groups. The multivariable Cox proportional hazards regression model was used to estimate the hazard ratio and 95% confidence interval (CI) for risk of HIV diagnosis associated with herpes zoster and other comorbidities including drug dependence and venereal diseases. The overall incidence of HIV diagnosis was 4.19-fold greater in the herpes zoster group than that in the non-herpes zoster group (3.33 per 10,000 person-years vs. 0.80 per 10,000 person-years, 95% CI 4.04-4.35). The multivariable Cox proportional hazards regression analysis revealed that the adjusted hazard ratio of HIV diagnosis was 4.37 (95% CI 3.10-6.15) for individuals with herpes zoster and without comorbidities, as compared with individuals without herpes zoster and without comorbidities. Herpes zoster is associated with HIV diagnosis. Patients who have risk behaviors of HIV infection should receive regular surveillance for undiagnosed HIV infection when they present with herpes zoster. Copyright © 2015. Published by Elsevier B.V.

  19. Herpes simplex-encefalitis

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jørgensen, Laura Krogh; Mogensen, Trine Hyrup


    Herpes simplex encephalitis (HSE) is a rare disease, although it is the most common form of sporadic encephalitis worldwide. Recently, studies have provided important new insight into the genetic and immunological basis of HSE. However, even in the presence of antiviral treatment, mortality...

  20. Bilateral herpes zoster


    Singh K; Bajaj A; Dwivedi N; Merchery A


    A case of bilateral herpes zoster of lumbosacral region is reported in association with diabetes mellitus in a 55 years old female. The case is of interest due to bilateral distribution which is rare and sacral region involvement which is quite uncommon.

  1. [Herpes zoster infection with acute urinary retention]. (United States)

    Jakab, G; Komoly, S; Juhász, E


    The history of a young female patient is presented. She developed urine retention of sudden onset as a complication of herpes zoster infection manifested in the sacral dermatomes. Symptomatic and antiviral treatments were introduced with full recovery of bladder function. The correct diagnosis of this rare and benign complication of herpes zoster infection can help to avoid unnecessary and invasive examinations.

  2. Genital herpes and its treatment in relation to preterm delivery. (United States)

    Li, De-Kun; Raebel, Marsha A; Cheetham, T Craig; Hansen, Craig; Avalos, Lyndsay; Chen, Hong; Davis, Robert


    To examine the risks of genital herpes and antiherpes treatment during pregnancy in relation to preterm delivery (PTD), we conducted a multicenter, member-based cohort study within 4 Kaiser Permanente regions: northern and southern California, Colorado, and Georgia. The study included 662,913 mother-newborn pairs from 1997 to 2010. Pregnant women were classified into 3 groups based on genital herpes diagnosis and treatment: genital herpes without treatment, genital herpes with antiherpes treatment, and no herpes diagnosis or treatment (unexposed controls). After controlling for potential confounders, we found that compared with being unexposed, having untreated genital herpes during first or second trimester was associated with more than double the risk of PTD (odds ratio (OR) = 2.23, 95% confidence interval (CI): 1.80, 2.76). The association was stronger for PTD due to premature rupture of membrane (OR = 3.57, 95% CI: 2.53, 5.06) and for early PTD (≤35 weeks gestation) (OR = 2.87, 95% CI: 2.22, 3.71). In contrast, undergoing antiherpes treatment during pregnancy was associated with a lower risk of PTD compared with not being treated, and the PTD risk was similar to that observed in the unexposed controls (OR = 1.11, 95% CI: 0.89, 1.38). The present study revealed increased risk of PTD associated with genital herpes infection if left untreated and a potential benefit of antiherpes medications in mitigating the effect of genital herpes infection on the risk of PTD. © The Author 2014. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. All rights reserved. For permissions, please e-mail:

  3. Herpes zoster on segmental vitiligo: Wolf’s isotopic response?

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    Mankesh Lal Gambhir


    Full Text Available “Wolf’s isotopic response” describes the occurrence of a new skin disorder at the site of another, unrelated and already healed skin disease. In most cases of isotopic response, the initial dermatosis is herpes zoster, herpes simplex, varicella, thrombophlebitis, scrofuloderma and striae distense. The most frequent second dermatoses are granulomatous reactions, particularly granuloma annulare, and lichenoid diseases. Various etiological reasons including viral, immunologic, neural and vascular have been put forth. We report here a case in which the second disease was herpes zoster that appeared over the same dermatomes of pre-existing segmental vitiligo. The occurrence of vitiligo as first and herpes zoster as second disease in the “Wolf’s isotopic response” has not, to the best of our knowledge, been reported previously.

  4. The incidence of neonatal herpes in The Netherlands.

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Poeran, J.; Wildschut, H.; Gaytant, M.A.; Galama, J.M.D.; Steegers, E.A.P.; Meijden, W.I. van der


    BACKGROUND: In The Netherlands the incidence of neonatal herpes was 2.0-2.9 per 100,000 live births during the period 1981-1998. The low incidence warranted a rather conservative prevention policy. OBJECTIVES: To monitor for potential changes in the incidence of neonatal herpes in The Netherlands

  5. Bilateral herpes zoster

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    Singh K


    Full Text Available A case of bilateral herpes zoster of lumbosacral region is reported in association with diabetes mellitus in a 55 years old female. The case is of interest due to bilateral distribution which is rare and sacral region involvement which is quite uncommon.

  6. Intoxicação por Portulaca elatior (Portulacaceae em caprinos

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    Glauco J.N. Galiza


    Full Text Available Um surto de intoxicação espontânea por Portulaca elatior foi diagnosticado no município de Aroeiras, Paraíba, na época das chuvas. Entre os meses de fevereiro e abril, em um rebanho de 316 caprinos, 16 adoeceram, sendo 15 de um lote de 16 caprinos que tinham sido introduzidos recentemente na fazenda e um animal do rebanho já existente na fazenda. Os caprinos apresentaram intensa salivação, relutância em se movimentar, tremores de lábios, marcha incoordenada, diarreia, timpanismo, dor abdominal, gemidos, desidratação e berros constantes. A evolução da enfermidade variou de 2 a 48 horas; 13 caprinos morreram e três se recuperaram. As lesões macroscópicas caracterizavam-se por mucosa ruminal e do retículo avermelhadas, serosa do rúmen hemorrágica, mucosa abomasal avermelhada com áreas ulceradas e mucosa do intestino delgado com equimoses. No exame histopatológico observou-se degeneração e necrose das células epiteliais dos pré-estômagos com formação de vesículas e infiltrado inflamatório neutrofílico. Suspeita de ter causado o surto, Portulaca elatior foi administrada a três caprinos nas doses de 40, 20 e 10 gramas de planta fresca por kg de peso animal (g/kg. Esses caprinos apresentaram sinais semelhantes aos casos espontâneos. Os animais que ingeriram 20 e 40g/kg morreram e o que ingeriu 10g/kg se recuperou. Microscopicamente foram observadas lesões do sistema digestivo semelhantes às dos casos espontâneos. A reprodução experimental da intoxicação, com sinais clínicos e lesões histológicas semelhantes às dos casos espontâneos, comprova que a doença foi causada por Portulaca elatior. P. elatior apresentou níveis de oxalatos de 6,37% e outra planta, identificada como Blutaparon vermiculare e que ocorria em grande quantidade nas pastagens, apresentou níveis de oxalatos de 5,29%. B. vermiculare foi administrada experimentalmente a um caprino na dose de 40g/kg, sem que o animal apresentasse sinais cl


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    Bruna Caroline Rodrigues


    Full Text Available El objetivo fue comprobar en la literatura el impacto de las enfermedades profesionales en la vida de los trabajadores y analizar las contribuciones de los estudios para la ciencia de enfermería, en especial para enfermería del trabajo. Revisión integradora con la siguiente pregunta: cuáles son las limitaciones y consecuencias causadas por trastornos de trauma acumulativo en la vida de los trabajadores, en la literatura científica de enfermería en los últimos cinco años (2006 a 2010. Se utilizaron como descriptores: Salud Ocupacional y Salud Ocupacional del Trabajador. Fueron seleccionados 14 trabajos que se agruparon según objetivos comunes, principales limitaciones y consecuencias causadas e informaciones que se pueden traducir en contribuciones para la Enfermería del Trabajo. La producción científica sobre el tema trae pocas contribuciones efectivas, y que se necesitan más estudios para subsidiar a las estrategias de atención dirigidas a promover la salud y la calidad de vida de estos trabajadores.

  8. Sacral herpes-zoster infection presenting as sciatic pain. (United States)

    Ablin, J; Symon, Z; Mevorach, D


    Acute herpes-zoster infection is a painful dermatomal lesion that can be manifested by a wide array of neurologic symptoms. We present a 55-year-old female with non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, who developed a left sciatic pain involving the S roots. Two weeks later, the patient developed fever and vesicular rash over the left gluteal area. Herpes-zoster infection was diagnosed and confirmed by the presence of immunoglobulin M (IgM) antibodies against varicella-zoster. The pain and rash resolved, after treatment with acyclovir. In the appropriate clinical setting, sacral herpes-zoster infection ought to be considered in the differential diagnosis of new-onset sciatic pain.

  9. Laboratory diagnosis and epidemiology of herpes simplex 1 and 2 genital infections. (United States)

    Glinšek Biškup, Urška; Uršič, Tina; Petrovec, Miroslav


    Herpes simplex virus types 1 and 2 are the main cause of genital ulcers worldwide. Although herpes simplex virus type 2 is the major cause of genital lesions, herpes simplex virus type 1 accounts for half of new cases in developed countries. Herpes simplex virus type 2 seroprevalence rises with sexual activity from adolescence through adulthood. Slovenian data in a high-risk population shows 16% seroprevalence of HSV-2. HSV-1 and HSV-2 DNA in genital swabs was detected in 19% and 20.7%, respectively. In most cases, genital herpes is asymptomatic. Primary genital infection with herpes simplex virus types 1 and 2 can be manifested by a severe clinical picture, involving the vesicular skin and mucosal changes and ulcerative lesions of the vulva, vagina, and cervix in women and in the genital region in men. Direct methods of viral genome detection are recommended in the acute stage of primary and recurrent infections when manifest ulcers or lesions are evident. Serological testing is recommended as an aid in diagnosing genital herpes in patients with reinfection in atypical or already healed lesions. When herpes lesions are present, all sexual activities should be avoided to prevent transmission of infection. Antiviral drugs can reduce viral shedding and thus reduce the risk of sexual transmission of the virus.

  10. Genital herpes in children under 11 years and investigations for sexual abuse. (United States)

    Reading, Richard; Hughes, Gwenda; Hill, Julia; Debelle, Geoff


    The implications for sexual abuse investigation of genital herpes in a child are uncertain because of a lack of good quality research evidence. The incidence, presenting features, history of exposure, indicators of child maltreatment and outcomes of child protection investigations in children with genital herpes are described. Ascertainment of all cases of genital herpes in children herpes simplex type 1, eight were tested for other sexually transmitted infections (STIs), and only one had a full STI screen. Three cases had other clinical features suggestive of sexual abuse. Six cases were referred for child protection investigation, but no sexual abuse was substantiated. Genital herpes in children under 11 years is rare. Almost a third of children diagnosed with genital herpes did not have appropriate virological investigation and few were screened for other STIs. Around a quarter of cases were referred to child protection agencies for further investigation, which limits any inferences in this study about mode of transmission in children. Sexual abuse guidance should emphasise the need for thorough assessment and investigation in cases of genital herpes in children.

  11. Avaliação da Soroprevalência dos Vírus Herpes Simples Tipos 1 e 2 em Parturientes Seroprevalence Evaluation of Herpes Simplex Virus 1 and 2 Among Pregnant Women

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Marina Carvalho Paschoini


    Full Text Available Objetivos: avaliar a soroprevalência da infecção causada pelo HSV-2 entre as parturientes do Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirão Preto (HCFMRP-USP e padronizar técnicas laboratoriais para atender a este propósito. Métodos: foram avaliadas 1.500 amostras de sangue de parturientes atendidas no Centro Obstétrico do Departamento de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia do HCFMRP-USP, entre 1º de janeiro e 31 de outubro de 1996. Para determinar a real prevalência da infecção por HSV-2 foi padronizada a técnica de ELISA, verificando-se que esta não apresentava especificidade suficiente para discriminar os dois tipos virais (75%, delineando a necessidade de utilizar-se técnica de maior poder discriminatório. A técnica padronizada para esta finalidade foi o Western blot, capaz de detectar a proteína viral específica do HSV-2. Resultados: a soroprevalência para infecção herpética, pelos dois tipos virais (HSV-1 e HSV-2, foi de 94,5%, utilizando a técnica de ELISA. Com o emprego da técnica de Western blot, encontrou-se a soroprevalência de 31,9% pelo HSV-2 na população avaliada, quer sintomática ou assintomática. Conclusão: verifica-se elevada prevalência do estado de portadora da infecção pelos HSV, evidenciada pelo alto índice de positividade para os anticorpos contra estes vírus. O teste ELISA não mostrou especificidade suficiente para discriminar os anticorpos anti-HSV-2 dos anti-HSV-1.Purpose: to evaluate the seroprevalence of infection caused by HSV-2 among pregnant women delivering at the University Hospital, Faculty of Medicine of Ribeirão Preto (UHFMRP-USP and to standardize laboratory techniques to be used for this purpose. Methods: a total of 1500 blood samples from pregnant women seen at the Obstetric Center of the Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics, UHFMRP-USP, between January 1st and October 31st, 1996, were evaluated. To determine the real prevalence of HSV-2 infection, the ELISA

  12. Knowledge of genital herpes infection among antenatal clinic ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Background: Herpes simplex virus (HSV) is a major cause of genital ulcer disease worldwide and a significant factor for increased risk of acquisition and transmission of the Human Immune Deficiency Virus (HIV). The determination of the level of knowledge of genital herpes is necessary for the design and implementation of ...

  13. 2014 UK national guideline for the management of anogenital herpes. (United States)

    Patel, Raj; Green, John; Clarke, Emily; Seneviratne, Kanchana; Abbt, Naomi; Evans, Ceri; Bickford, Jane; Nicholson, Marian; O'Farrell, Nigel; Barton, Simon; FitzGerald, Mark; Foley, Elizabeth


    These guidelines concern the management of anogenital herpes simplex virus infections in adults and give advice on diagnosis, management, and counselling of patients. This guideline replaces the 2007 BASHH herpes guidelines and includes new sections on herpes proctitis, key points to cover with patients regarding transmission and removal of advice on the management of HSV in pregnancy which now has a separate joint BASHH/RCOG guideline. © The Author(s) 2015.

  14. Significance of tear β2-MG radioimmunoassay in herpes simplex keratitis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Feng Zhuxu; Zhao Suzhen; Zhang Qiliang; Chen Fengfen; Tang Baoyi


    Levels of tear and serum β 2 -MG are determined with radioimmunoassay in 35 patients with herpes simplex keratitis and 40 normal subjects. The results show that tear β 2 -MG levels of patients with herpes simplex keratitis (13.21 +- 6.15 mg/l) and normal subjects (8.43 +- 1.52 mg/l) are significantly different (P 2 -MG levels of tear and that of serum in normal subjects (P 2 -MG levels of tear and that of serum in patients with herpes simplex keratitis (P 2 -MG levels of patients with herpes simplex keratitis and that of normal subjects (P>0.05). The β 2 -MG levels of tear is higher than that of serum in normal subjects which reflects more correctly immune condition of patients with herpes simplex keratitis than that of serum

  15. Herpes zoster: A clinical study in 205 patients

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    E N Abdul Latheef


    Full Text Available Background: Even though herpes zoster is a common condition its incidence and pattern of occurrence in the era of HIV disease is significant. Aim: To analyze the incidence, pattern of occurrence and evolution of herpes zoster with special attention to provocative factors if any. Materials and Method s: This was an analytical study conducted for 2 years based on a preformed proforma containing preliminary information, a detailed clinical evaluation regarding the segment of involvement, morphology, pattern of lesions, complications, disseminations etc. and investigations to establish provocative factors if any. Results: Incidence of herpes zoster was mainly in the fourth and third decades of life. A definite history of chicken pox was present in only 63.4% cases. In the majority (70% herpes zoster occurred spontaneously. In 30% cases, immunosuppression due to chemotherapy, malignancy, HIV infection, diabetes mellitus were observed. The commonest segment affected was thoracic (42.4% followed by cranial (28.2% and cervical (12.1%. Majority resolved in 7-14 days except immunosuppressed. 34.6% of the patients had complications such as secondary bacterial infection, post herpetic neuralgia, and motor weakness. Ten patients had HIV infection as a provocative factor. Conclusion: The results of incidence and clinical pattern of herpes zoster is almost parallel to the previous studies. Any factors of immunosuppression should be checked, especially HIV, particularly in disseminated and long-lasting cases.

  16. [Herpes simplex virus infections, an update for the practitioner]. (United States)

    Meylan, Pascal


    The herpesviruses HSV-1 and -2 classically infect the oral and genital area respectively. They descend from a common ancestor but have evolved separately since several million years, getting each adapted to these areas. Thus, while both can infect either site, HSV-1 reactivates often orally, while HSV-2 does so in the genital area. The followings facts are stressed, because we think they are new, or worth attention regarding HSV epidemiology (plateauing of the HSV-2 epidemic in the US, growing share of HSV-1 as a genital herpes agent), clinical expression (extra-oral and extra-genital lesions, severity of gingivostomatitis), diagnosis (confusing herpes and zoster in the trigeminal and sacral areas) and treatment (relative worth of suppressive and episodic treatments of genital herpes, as well as shortening of these latter, and treatment of gingivostomatitis and herpes labialis).

  17. Herpes viruses, cytokines, and altered hemostasis in vital exhaustion.

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Ven, A.J.A.M. van der; Diest, R. van; Hamulyak, K.; Maes, M.; Bruggeman, C.A.; Appels, A.


    OBJECTIVE: Infections with herpes viruses have been implicated in the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis. We tested the hypothesis that vital exhaustion (VE) is associated with multiple herpesvirus infections, such as herpes simplex virus, varicella-zoster virus, Epstein-Barr virus, and

  18. Neurogenic bladder from occult herpes zoster. (United States)

    Rothrock, J F; Walicke, P A; Swenson, M R


    Active infection with herpes zoster may cause acute urinary retention, especially when it involves sacral dermatomes. Although frank retention usually develops days to weeks after eruption of the typical rash, bladder incompetence infrequently develops first, raising concern over other, more ominous etiologies. In the case presented, rash appearance was delayed until six weeks after the initial onset of urinary retention, a much longer interval than previously reported. Occult herpes zoster infection should be considered in patients presenting with an acute neurogenic bladder of obscure cause.

  19. On the Issue of Herpes Infection as an Actual Problem Nowadays

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    V.P. Borak


    Full Text Available Among persistent intracellular agents, a group of herpesviruses occupies the leading place after the prevalence. The World Health Organization (WHO warns the international community of the danger of latent herpes infection pandemic. According to the WHO, 70 to 90 % of the world population is infected with one or more types of herpes virus, and in 50 % of them, due to the absence of stable immunity, disease relapses occur annually. The family of herpes viruses found in humans includes herpes simplex virus type 1 and 2, Zoster virus, cytomegalovirus, Epstein-Barr virus, human herpes type 6, 7, 8. Thus, in the pathogenesis of herpes infection type 1 and 2, there are four main phases: the penetration of the epithelial cells → penetration into the nerve endings and paravertebral ganglia → elimination of the virus from tissues and organs → reactivation of herpes simplex virus and moving it to the port of infection. Herpetic and cytomegalovirus infection that belongs to the group of TORCH infections is the most common cause fetal infection, which can lead to the birth of a child with disabilities. Herpesvirus infections are considered as a group of infections associated with human immunodeficiency syndrome, and is a common cause of damage to the central nervous system and internal organs in patients with secondary immunodeficiency. Almost all known now human herpesviruses can cause damage to the nervous system. In this regard, herpes infections have become one of the leading medical and social problems and acquire national importance.

  20. CBO-richtlijn 'Seksueel overdraagbare aandoeningen en herpes neonatorum' (herziening)

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Bleker, O. P.; van der Meijden, W. I.; Wittenberg, J.; van Bergen, J. E. A. M.; Boeke, A. J. P.; van Doornum, G. J. J.; Henquet, C. J. M.; Galama, J. M. D.; Postma, M. J.; Prins, J. M.; van Voorst Vader, P. C.


    The Dutch Institute for Health Care Improvement revised guideline, 'Sexually transmitted diseases and neonatal herpes' summarises the current scientific position on the diagnosis and treatment of a great number of sexually transmitted diseases (STD) and neonatal herpes. Symptomatic treatment of

  1. Indirect micro-immunofluorescence test for detecting type-specific antibodies to herpes simplex virus. (United States)

    Forsey, T; Darougar, S


    A rapid indirect micro-immunofluorescence test capable of detecting and differentiating type-specific antibodies to herpes simplex virus is described. The test proved highly sensitive and, in 80 patients with active herpes ocular infection, antibody was detected in 94%. No anti-herpes antibody was detected in a control group of 20 patients with adenovirus infections. Testing of animal sera prepared against herpes simplex virus types 1 and 2 and of human sera from cases of ocular and genital herpes infections showed that the test can differentiate antibodies to the infecting serotypes. Specimens of whole blood, taken by fingerprick, and eye secretions, both collected on cellulose sponges, could be tested by indirect micro-immunofluorescence. Anti-herpes IgG, IgM, and IgA can also be detected.

  2. Pityriasis Lichenoides Chronica Associated with Herpes Simplex Virus Type 2

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    Antonio Javier González Rodríguez


    Full Text Available Introduction. Pityriasis lichenoides is a rare, acquired spectrum of skin conditions of an unknown etiology. Case Report. A 28-year-old man presented with recurrent outbreaks of herpes simplex virus associated with the onset of red-to-brown maculopapules located predominantly in trunk in each recurrence. Positive serologies to herpes simplex virus type 2 were detected. Histopathological examination of one of the lesions was consistent with a diagnosis of pityriasis lichenoides chronica. Discussion. Pityriasis lichenoides is a rare cutaneous entity of an unknown cause which includes different clinical presentations. A number of infectious agents have been implicated based on the clustering of multiple outbreaks and elevated serum titers to specific pathogens (human immunodeficiency virus, cytomegalovirus, Epstein-Barr virus, Toxoplasma gondii, and herpes simplex virus. In our patient, resolution of cutaneous lesions coincided with the administration of antiviral drugs and clinical improvement in each genital herpes recurrence. In conclusion, we report a case in which cutaneous lesions of pityriasis lichenoides chronica and a herpes simplex virus-type 2-mediated disease have evolved concomitantly.

  3. Genital herpes simplex virus infections: clinical manifestations, course, and complications. (United States)

    Corey, L; Adams, H G; Brown, Z A; Holmes, K K


    The clinical course and complications of 268 patients with first episodes and 362 with recurrent episodes of genital herpes infection were reviewed. Symptoms of genital herpes were more severe in women than in men. Primary first-episode genital herpes was accompanied by systemic symptoms (67%), local pain and itching (98%), dysuria (63%), and tender adenopathy (80%). Patients presented with several bilaterally distributed postular ulcerative lesions that lasted a mean of 19.0 days. Herpes simplex virus was isolated from the urethra, cervix, and pharynx of 82%, 88%, and 13% of women with first-episode primary genital herpes, and the urethra and pharynx of 28% and 7% of men. Complications included aseptic meningitis (8%), sacral autonomic nervous system dysfunction (2%), development of extragenital lesions (20%), and secondary yeast infections (11%). Recurrent episodes were characterized by small vesicular or ulcerative unilaterally distributed lesions that lasted a mean of 10.1 days. Systemic symptoms were uncommon and 25% of recurrent episodes were asymptomatic. The major concerns of patients were the frequency of recurrences and fear of transmitting infection to partners or infants.

  4. Herpes simplex encephalitis with thalamic, brainstem and cerebellar involvement. (United States)

    Garg, Meenal; Kulkarni, Shilpa; Udwadia Hegde, Anaita


    Herpes simplex virus encephalitis is a common and treatable cause of acute encephalitis in all age groups. Certain radiological features such as temporal parenchymal involvement facilitate the diagnosis. The use of herpes simplex virus polymerase chain reaction has expanded the clinical and imaging spectrum. We report the case of a young patient who presented with a movement disorder and predominant involvement of thalami, brainstem and cerebellum on magnetic resonance imaging, and was diagnosed with herpes simplex virus encephalitis. Differentiation from Japanese encephalitis may be difficult in these patients, especially in endemic areas, and may necessitate the use of relevant investigations in all patients.

  5. DNA vaccine expressing herpes simplex virus 1 glycoprotein C and D protects mice against herpes simplex keratitis


    Li-Li Dong; Ru Tang; Yu-Jia Zhai; Tejsu Malla; Kai Hu


    AIM: To investigate whether DNA vaccine encoding herpes simplex virus 1 (HSV-1) glycoprotein C (gC) and glycoprotein D (gD) will achieve better protective effect against herpes simplex keratitis (HSK) than DNA vaccine encoding gD alone. METHODS: DNA vaccine expressing gD or gC combined gD (gD.gC) were constructed and carried by chitosan nanoparticle. The expression of fusion protein gD and gC were detected in DNA/nanoparticle transfected 293T cells by Western-blot. For immunization, mice w...

  6. Activation of Herpes Simplex Infection after Tattoo. (United States)

    Begolli Gerqari, Antigona; Ferizi, Mybera; Kotori, Merita; Daka, Aferdita; Hapciu, Syzana; Begolli, Ilir; Begolli, Mirije; Gerqari, Idriz


    Tattooing is a procedure where ink is applied to an area of the skin, mostly intraepidermally (1). This procedure is carried out mainly for aesthetic purposes. Lately, it has been used as a corrective medical procedure following amputation of mammilla. The procedure is aggressive (2), and the fact that skin is punctured many times with the same needle which cannot be fully sterilized may cause infection of the treated area with bacterial, fungal, or viral agents that may lead to health consequences manifesting in the form of verrucae vulgaris, molluscum contagiosum, and herpes simplex. On the other hand, complications such as granulomas, allergic reactions, Koebner phenomenon, lupus erythematosus, psoriasis, lichen ruber planus, hepatitis C, and HIV infections should also be considered as potential consequences of tattooing (3-7). Even systemic reactions have been reported. Herein we describe a case of herpes infection activation after tattooing. Herein we present the case of a 46-year-old woman, employed in the medical sector, with a two-day history of herpes simplex in the labial area that manifested following application of a cosmetic tattoo meant to outline the lips (Figure 1). Two days after tattoo application, the vesicular lesions appeared along the area that was filled with ink, followed by sub-febrile temperature and fever and a subjective feeling of itching initially, followed by burning sensation and pain. The skin signs located on erythematous base were mainly grouped vesicles with sharply demarcated borders. Regional lymphatic nodes, mainly retro auricular, were enlarged. Within 48 hours, the patient was treated with acyclovir tablets in a dose of 800 mg three times a day and an antipyretic. Acyclovir ointment was administered during the first two days, as well as tetracycline ointment after the second day of the eruption. On the fifth day, we observed regression of the skin changes (Figure 2), and complete healing was achieved after one week. We

  7. [Characteristics and role of the gluteal herpes in a female population]. (United States)

    Suárez, M; Saavedra, T; Briones, H


    Based on the fact that the gluteal herpes may constitute the clinical expression of the reactivation of a Herpes simplex virus latent at the sacral lymph node, we investigated a group of women who were carriers of gluteal herpetic infection, the characteristics of the infection, the virus type principally associated to it, and its possible relation with the genital herpes. Forty one women with gluteal herpes verified by virologic laboratory were studied. 75.7% of these women had had in addition to this herpetic infection in other places, mainly genital, with an average of 7.2 of recurrent episodes per year, (range: 1 to 18 episodes yearly). 78% of the isolated virus was typified as HSV-2 by the use of monoclonal antibodies. It is stand out the importance of considering the background of gluteal herpes as causative of classification of herpetic high risk.

  8. Loss of urinary voiding sensation due to herpes zoster. (United States)

    Hiraga, Akiyuki; Nagumo, Kiyomi; Sakakibara, Ryuji; Kojima, Shigeyuki; Fujinawa, Naoto; Hashimoto, Tasuku


    A case of sacral herpes zoster infection in a 56-year-old man with the complication of loss of urinary voiding sensation is presented. He had typical herpes zoster eruption on the left S2 dermatome, hypalgesia of the S1-S4 dermatomes, and absence of urinary voiding sensation. There was no other urinary symptom at the first medical examination. Urinary complications associated with herpes zoster are uncommon, but two types, acute cystitis and acute retention, have been recognized. No cases of loss of urinary voiding sensation due to herpes zoster have been reported. In this case, hypalgesia of the sacral dermatomes was mild compared to the marked loss of urethral sensation. This inconsistency is explained by the hypothesis that the number of urethral fibers is very small as compared to that of cutaneous fibers, therefore, urethral sensation would be more severely disturbed than cutaneous sensation. Copyright 2003 Wiley-Liss, Inc.

  9. The Laboratory Diagnosis of Herpes Simplex Virus Infections

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    Ameeta Singh


    Full Text Available Herpes simplex virus (HSV types 1 and 2 cause genital herpes infections and are the most common cause of genital ulcer disease in industrialized nations. Although these infections are very common, the majority of them remain underdiagnosed because they are asymptomatic or unrecognized. A clinical diagnosis of genital herpes should always be confirmed by laboratory testing; this can be accomplished through the use of direct tests for viral isolation, the detection of antigen or, more recently, the detection of HSV DNA using molecular diagnostic techniques. Testing for serotypes is recommended because of the different prognostic and counselling implications. Type-specific HSV serology is becoming more readily available and will enhance the ability to make the diagnosis and guide clinical management in select patients.

  10. Coexistência de pênfigo vulgar e infecção pelo vírus herpes simples na mucosa oral Coexistence of pemphigus vulgaris and herpes simplex virus infection in oral mucosa

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Adrianna Milagres


    Full Text Available O pênfigo vulgar é uma doença mucocutânea, imunomediada, caracterizada por lesões vesiculobolhosas, enquanto a infecção pelo vírus herpes simples (HSV é comum na cavidade oral. A coexistência das duas doenças tem sido relatada por alguns autores. Este artigo relata o caso de um paciente com múltiplas lesões em várias áreas da mucosa oral, cujo procedimento foi raspagem e biópsia incisional, que resultou no diagnóstico de pênfigo vulgar associado à infecção pelo HSV. Destaca-se a inusitada associação das doenças e a identificação citopatológica de duas populações celulares com aspectos morfológicos distintos e característicos, capazes de determinar o correto diagnóstico, sendo fundamental para a conduta e terapêutica adequada.Pemphigus vulgaris is an autoimmune mucocutaneous disease, characterized by vesiculobullous lesions. Herpes simplex virus (HSV infection is common in the oral cavity and the coexistence of pemphigus vulgaris and HSV infection has been reported by some authors. In this work, we report a case of a patient with multiple lesions involving several areas of the oral mucous membrane. Based on scraping cytology and incisional biopsy findings, the diagnosis was pemphigus vulgaris associated with HSV infection. We call attention to the uncommon association of both diseases and the cytological identification of two cell populations with different and characteristic morphological aspects, able enough to establish the correct diagnosis and define an appropriate therapeutic approach.

  11. Distribución parcial de Paragonimus (Digenea: Troglotrematidae) en Antioquia, por presencia de metacercarias en cangrejos dulciacuícolas


    Luz Elena Velásquez; Mónica Uruburu; Mabel Granada


    Introducción. La paragonimosis, o distomatosis pulmonar, es una enfermedad con sintomatología similar a la observada en la tuberculosis. Es causada por parásitos del género Paragonimus (Digenea: Troglotrematidae). Las personas se infectan al consumir cangrejos crudos o mal cocidos, con metacercarias del parásito. El primer foco de paragonimosis humana en Colombia se registró durante 1995 en Urrao, Antioquia, donde se hallaron dos especies de cangrejos que hospedaban el parásito. En el 2005 se...

  12. Herpes zoster induced neuropathic bladder--a case report. (United States)

    Tsai, Hsiu-Nan; Wu, Wen-Jeng; Huang, Shu-Pin; Su, Chin-Ming; Chen, Chung-Chin; Wang, Chii-Jye; Chou, Yii-Her; Huang, Chun-Hsiung


    Herpes zoster infection involving the sacral dermatomes has been associated with bladder dysfunction and, although rarely, with acute urinary retention. Less than 150 cases have been reported in the literature. After reviewing our institute's chart records covering a period of time dating from 1991 to 2001, we found that three of our patients had developed acute urinary retention following herpes zoster skin lesions of the S2-4 dermatomes. Herein we report our findings. These three patients had previously been found to have normal voiding status. However, at the time of complaint urodynamic studies revealed detrusor areflexia or detrusor hyporeflexia with decreased sensation of bladder filling. After micturation recovery, repeat urodynamic studies revealed detrusor pressure and bladder sensation recovery. After one to six weeks of treatment, all three patients could void spontaneously without catheterization. We found that, when treated with antiviral medication, supportive analgesics, and temporary urinary drainage, which included urethral catheterization and suprapubic cystostomy, acute urinary retention associated with herpes zoster has a generally favorable prognosis. In other words, we found that in spite of its rarity, herpes zoster induced neuropathic bladder dysfunction is reversible when treated appropriately.

  13. Radionuclide imaging in herpes simplex encephalitis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Karlin, C.A.; Robinson, R.G.; Hinthorn, D.R.; Liu, C.


    Eight patients with herpes simplex encephalitis among the 10 cases diagnosed at the University of Kansas Medical Center from 1966 to 1976 were studied with /sup 99m/Tc early in their diagnostic work-up. The images were unilaterally positive in the temporal lobe area in all 8 patients. Radionuclide studies can suggest herpes simplex as the specific etiology in cases of encephalitis and can also indicate the best site for brain biopsy to confirm the diagnosis by fluorescent antibody techniques. Appropriate antiviral therapy should be instituted as soon as possible to alter the course of this destructive form of viral encephalitis

  14. Most common dermatologic topics published in five high-impact general medical journals, 1970-2012: melanoma, psoriasis, herpes simplex, herpes zoster, and acne. (United States)

    Choi, Young M; Namavar, Aram A; Wu, Jashin J


    General practitioners frequently encounter skin diseases and are accustomed to diagnosing the most common dermatologic conditions. We sought to determine the most common dermatologic topics published in five high-impact general medical journals (New England Journal of Medicine, The Lancet, the Journal of the American Medical Association, British Medical Journal (now The BMJ), and Annals of Internal Medicine). We conducted an independent search of the Thomson Reuters’ Science Citation Index for common dermatologic topics, limited to the period 1970 to 2012. Total number of publications dealing with each dermatologic topic considered. The five most common dermatologic topics published were melanoma, psoriasis, herpes simplex, herpes zoster, and acne. Melanoma and psoriasis were the top two dermatologic topics published in each journal except for Annals of Internal Medicine. Internists frequently diagnose herpes simplex, herpes zoster, and acne, which are also common dermatologic topics published. Although internists infrequently diagnose melanoma and psoriasis, they are major topics for general medical journals because of their increased community awareness, major advancements in therapeutic research, and their nondermatologic manifestations.

  15. Efeitos da rottlerin na esquizogonia eritrocitária de Plasmodium falciparum e implementação e avaliação de teste in vitro por fluorescência de atividade antiplasmodial


    Cordeiro, Thuany de Moura


    A malária é uma doença infecciosa causada por protozoários Plasmodium spp. O P. falciparum é considerado o mais severo por ser o responsável pela maioria dos casos de morte causados pela doença. Devido ao rápido surgimento de cepas de P. falciparum resistentes às drogas antimalariais dá-se a importância de realizar um screening de compostos da biodiversidade, além de elucidar os mecanismos de ação de substâncias com comprovada ação antiplasmodial, como por exemplo, a rottlerin, um inibidor da...

  16. The negative association between a history of recurrent herpes labialis and cervical neoplasia

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Burger, M. P.; Wilterdink, J. B.


    We considered the possibility that herpetic recurrences and herpes virus associated neoplasia are mutually exclusive disorders because they are expressions of different herpes virus-host relationships. We assumed that the human body copes with orofacial and genital herpes infections in the same

  17. Efectos de la administración de un inhibidor de la recaptación de serotonina, Sertralina, sobre los cambios inducidos por el estrés prenatal


    Figueiredo, Inês Pereira de


    [ES] En las postrimerías del siglo pasado, se constató una vez más que las alteraciones causadas por estrés y ansiedad en la sociedad moderna, se encuentran entre los problemas de salud más comunes. Según la Organización Mundial de Salud (OMS), al menos el 25% de los adultos sufrirá alguna forma de trastornos por ansiedad en algún momento de su vida (Gordon y Hen, 2004; Anacker y cols., 2010), siendo las mujeres más susceptibles a este tipo de trastornos (Olff y cols., 2007). ...

  18. Comparación de las técnicas Kato-Katz, TSET y TSR en el diagnóstico de infección por Fasciola hepatica en humanos


    Nelson Uribe Delgado; Raúl Fernando Sierra Balcárcel; Cindy Tatiana Espinosa González


    Introducción: La Fasciolosis es una enfermedad causada por el parásito Fasciola hepatica, que afecta primordialmente a bovinos, ovinos, caprinos y en algunas zonas de forma endémica a los humanos. En la investigación clínica y epidemiológica de fasciolosis humana es importante contar con técnicas coprológicas de diagnóstico de alta sensibilidad y especificidad. Objetivo: realizar la comparación de tres técnicas coprológicas para el diagnóstico de infección por Fasciola hepatica en humanos. Me...

  19. Reactivation of Herpes Zoster Keratitis With Corneal Perforation After Zoster Vaccination. (United States)

    Jastrzebski, Andre; Brownstein, Seymour; Ziai, Setareh; Saleh, Solin; Lam, Kay; Jackson, W Bruce


    We present a case of reactivated herpes zoster keratouveitis of 6 years duration with corneal perforation requiring penetrating keratoplasty shortly after inoculation with herpes zoster vaccine (Zostavax, Merck, Quebec, Canada). Retrospective case report. A 67-year-old woman with a 5-year history of recurrent unilateral herpes zoster keratouveitis in her right eye presented with another recurrence 2 weeks after Zostavax vaccination. Three months later, she developed descemetocele and 2 months afterward, corneal perforation, which was managed by penetrating keratoplasty. Immunohistopathological examination disclosed positive staining for varicella zoster virus in most of the keratocytes adjacent to the descemetocele and perforation, most vividly in the deeper two-thirds of the stroma where the keratocytes were most dense, but not in corneal epithelium or endothelium. Electron microscopic examination showed universally severely degenerated corneal keratocytes in the corneal stroma adjacent to the perforation with variable numbers of herpes virus capsids present in half of these cells. Only a rare normal-appearing keratocyte was identified in the more peripheral corneal stroma. We present a case of reactivation of herpes keratouveitis shortly after vaccination with Zostavax in a patient with previous herpes zoster ophthalmicus. We demonstrate, for the first time, ultrastructural evidence consistent with inactive virus capsids in diffusely degenerated keratocytes in the extracted corneal tissue.

  20. Fatal Neonatal Herpes Simplex Infection Likely from Unrecognized Breast Lesions. (United States)

    Field, Scott S


    Type 1 herpes simplex virus (HSV-1) is very prevalent yet in rare circumstances can lead to fatal neonatal disease. Genital acquisition of type 2 HSV is the usual mode for neonatal herpes, but HSV-1 transmission by genital or extragenital means may result in greater mortality rates. A very rare scenario is presented in which the mode of transmission was likely through breast lesions. The lesions were seen by nurses as well as the lactation consultant and obstetrician in the hospital after delivery of the affected baby but not recognized as possibly being caused by herpes. The baby died 9 days after birth with hepatic failure and disseminated intravascular coagulation. Peripartum health care workers need to be aware of potential nongenital (including from the breast[s]) neonatal herpes acquisition, which can be lethal. © The Author(s) 2015.

  1. Genital herpes simplex virus infection: clinical course and attempted therapy. (United States)

    Davis, L G; Keeney, R E


    The epidemiology, clinical course, diagnosis, and attempted treatments of herpes genitalis are reviewed. Herpes genitalis is an increasingly common sexually transmitted disease for which there is no effective treatment. It can occur in either sex and is mot commonly first found in patients 14 to 29 years old. Initial exposure to the virus may result in prolonged local symptoms (pain, itching, discharge) and signs (ulcerative lesions) as well as fever, malaise, myalgias, and fatigue. After the initial exposure, the virus may be found in a latent stage in the dorsal nerve root ganglia in the sacral area, and recurrences of disease may ensue. The frequency and clinical course of recurrent genital herpes can be of varying duration and severity. Although antiviral substances, immune potentiators, topical surfactants, and photodynamic inactivation have been used to treat genital herpes infections, there is no proven effective therapy.

  2. Identification and Characterization of the UL37 Protein of Herpes Simplex Virus Type 1 and Demonstration that it Interacts with ICP8, the Major DNA Binding Protein of Herpes Simplex Virus (United States)


    R . 1974 . Recovery of herpes simplex virus from human sacral gangl ions. N. Engl. J. Med. 291 :828-830. Baringer, J.R . 1975. Herpes simplex virus...AII’I fORCE MEDICAL C(NTEIt Title of Dissertation : "Ideatification and Characterization of the UL37 Protein of Herpes Simplex Virus Type 1 and...Demonstration that It Interacts with reps. the Major DNA Binding Protein of Herpes Simplex Virus" Name of Candidate: Lisa Shelton Doctor of

  3. Genital Herpes (For Parents) (United States)

    ... against STDs. Using douche can actually increase a female's risk of contracting STDs because it can change the natural flora (healthy bacteria) of the vagina and may flush STD pathogens higher into the genital tract. A teen who is being treated for herpes ...

  4. Unusual Clinical Presentation and Role of Decompressive Craniectomy in Herpes Simplex Encephalitis. (United States)

    Singhi, Pratibha; Saini, Arushi Gahlot; Sahu, Jitendra Kumar; Kumar, Nuthan; Vyas, Sameer; Vasishta, Rakesh Kumar; Aggarwal, Ashish


    Decompressive craniectomy in pediatric central nervous infections with refractory intracranial hypertension is less commonly practiced. We describe improved outcome of decompressive craniectomy in a 7-year-old boy with severe herpes simplex encephalitis and medically refractory intracranial hypertension, along with a brief review of the literature. Timely recognition of refractory intracranial hypertension and surgical decompression in children with herpes simplex encephalitis can be life-saving. Additionally, strokelike atypical presentations are being increasingly recognized in children with herpes simplex encephalitis and should not take one away from the underlying herpes simplex encephalitis. © The Author(s) 2014.

  5. Bases teóricas del estigma, aproximación en el cuidado de personas con herpes genital Theoretical approaches of stigma, analysis in persons with genital herpes

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Abdul Hernández Cortina


    Full Text Available Objetivo principal: analizar las diferentes perspectivas teóricas sobre el estigma y su aplicación en el dominio del herpes genital. Metodología: se realizó una revisión bibliográfica de la literatura enfocada en una búsqueda de artículos en las bases datos EBSCO, CINHAL, SCIELO, MEDLINE y Social Science full text. Resultados principales: se encuentran escasos estudios en la revisión bibliográfica realizada donde validen intervenciones educativas basadas en los marcos teóricos sobre el estigma en personas con herpes genital. Conclusión principal: los diferentes marcos teóricos revisados sobre el estigma pueden ser útiles como marco de referencia en investigaciones de personas que padecen herpes genital.Objective: the aim of this manuscript is to analyze different stigma's theories in the context of persons with genital herpes. Methods: reviews of the literature were searched in the EBSCO, CINHAL, SCIELO, MEDLINE and Social Science full text databases. Results: there is a little evidence in the literature review about educational intervention in patient with genital herpes base on stigma's theories. Conclusions: stigma's theories can be useful as a framework in the researches of persons with genital herpes.

  6. Apparent rarity of asymptomatic herpes cervicitis in a woman with intra-uterine contraceptive device

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    Adeola Fowotade


    Full Text Available Infection with genital herpes simplex virus (HSV remains a common viral sexually transmitted disease, often subclinical and a major worldwide problem of women of reproductive age group. Herpes cervicitis is an unusual presentation of Herpes simplex virus infection in females. The finding of herpes cervicitis on routine pap smear of an asymptomatic woman on Intrauterine contraceptive device still further supports the need for increased awareness on the possibility of Herpes simplex virus infection among women, particularly those on Intrauterine contraceptive device. The index case is a 28 years old Nigerian female who was referred to our Special Treatment Clinic on account of an abnormal pap smear cytology which was in keeping with Herpes cervicitis. There was no history of genital ulcer in this patient; however ELISA for HSV 2 IgM was positive in her. We therefore describe a case of herpes cervicitis in an asymptomatic woman on intrauterine contraceptive device. This case highlights to clinicians the need to be aware of the possibility of this association and to carry out relevant investigations so as to identify and treat these patients appropriately. Therefore, there is a need to put in place adequate public health intervention strategy to prevent genital herpes in women of reproductive age group with a view to preventing the possibility of congenital herpes in subsequent pregnancy.

  7. La marea roja causada por el dinoflagelado Alexandrium tamarense en la costa Pacífica colombiana (2001

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    Ingrid García-Hansen


    Full Text Available El 26 de marzo de 2001 se registró por primera vez en las aguas del Pacífico colombiano, en el área de la Ensenada de Tumaco, la aparición de una marea roja producida por la especie Alexandrium tamarense con valores que superaron las 7.5 x 10(6 céls l-1 , la marea se mantuvo hacia la región oceánica, derivando en sentido sur-norte por efecto de las corrientes, hasta ser vista por ultima vez cerca a la Isla Gorgona, casi tres semanas después. Un año mas tarde, en marzo de 2002, una segunda proliferación, conformada por la misma especie, se reportó cerca de Cabo Corrientes con una concentración de 1.6 x 10(6 céls l -1 . Ambos casos estuvieron relacionados con la presencia de bajas temperaturas en la superficie del mar y no estuvieron asociadas con fenómenos de intoxicación y mortalidadFrom April 26th to May 15th 2001, a large algae bloom was observed off Tumaco Bay on the Pacific coast of Colombia. This was the first harmful algae bloom (HAB reported in the region, and reached Gorgona Island, about 120 km north. Ayear later, starting March 2002, an offshore HAB developed from Cabo Corrientes North to Solano Bay. The typical abundance during the blooms reached 7.5 x 10(6 cells l-1 for the 2001 event and 1.6 x 10(6 cells l-1 for the 2002 event. During both events, low temperature and high salinity were recorded. Typical measurements in the area are 27-27.5°C and 30-31.5 psu. Values observed during the two events were 24-24.6°C and 33-34 psu; 3°C below normal and more than 2.5 psu above average values. These conditions are indicative of local upwelling processes at the time of the events. On both occasions, cells corresponding to the Alexandrium catenella/fundeyense/tamarense complex represented 99-100% of the biomass. It was difficult to differentiate the cells from A. catenella, but the presence of short chains of only 4 cells (single cells represented most of the biomass was suggestive of A. tamarense. Shape, dimensions, and

  8. Tratamiento con caspofungina de endocarditis por Candida tropicalis resistente a fluconazol Treatment with caspofungin of Candida tropicalis endocarditis resistant to fluconazol

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    Marcelo del Castillo


    Full Text Available Las endocarditis causadas por hongos, (Candida en particular, requieren tratamiento médico-quirúrgico, siendo la anfotericina B la droga de elección. Caspofungina es una equinocandina con gran actividad sobre Candida y Aspergillus. Se presenta un paciente con una endocarditis por Candida tropicalis resistente a fluconazol tratado con caspofungina bajo un esquema de salvataje, luego de haber presentado efectos adversos por anfotericina B. El paciente tuvo respuesta microbiológica.Fungal endocarditis, in particular due to Candida species, requires medical and surgical treatment and amphotericin B is the drug of choice. Caspofungin is an echinocandin very effective against Candida and Aspergillus. We present a patient with Candida tropicalis endocarditis, fluconazol resistant, treated with caspofungin, on a compassional basis as a result of adverse effects with amphotericin B. The patient had a microbiological response.

  9. Herpes zoster in African patients: an early manifestation of HIV infection. (United States)

    Van de Perre, P; Bakkers, E; Batungwanayo, J; Kestelyn, P; Lepage, P; Nzaramba, D; Bogaerts, J; Serufilira, A; Rouvroy, D; Uwimana, A


    During a 3-month period, 131 cases of herpes zoster were diagnosed in Kigali, Rwanda. There were 46 female and 85 male patients. Mean age was 29 years (range 1-66). An unusually high proportion of patients presented with cranial and sacral nerve localisation of their cutaneous lesions. 55/131 patients (42%) had involvement of more than one dermatome. None of the patients had an underlying condition known to favour herpes zoster. 120/131 (92%) had antibodies to HIV detected by an immunoenzymatic assay (EIA) and indirect immunofluorescence. 92/125 adult patients (74%) had no sign or symptom related to HIV infection other than herpes zoster. This study suggests that herpes zoster in Central Africa is an early and readily detectable manifestation of HIV-induced immunosuppression.

  10. Herpes Zoster ophthalmicus and HIV seropositivity in South-south ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Herpes zoster is a painful vesiculobullous dermatitis which occurs as a result of previously established varicella zoster virus infection. It is a well established fact that Herpes zoster ophthalmicus is a well known marker of human immune deficiency virus infection even in Africans. The aim of this study is to determine if indeed ...

  11. Keratitis in association with herpes zoster and varicella vaccines. (United States)

    Grillo, A P; Fraunfelder, F W


    The objective of this review was to collect reports of keratitis in association with herpes zoster virus (HZV) or varicella zoster virus (VZV) vaccines. HZV vaccination is intended for at-risk adult populations and VZV vaccination is intended for all pediatric patients. We reviewed the literature and reports of keratitis in association with herpes zoster or varicella vaccine from the National Registry of Drug-Induced Ocular Side Effects and the World Health Organization. Twenty-four cases of unilateral keratitis in association with VZV vaccines were collected from the adverse reaction databases and literature. In most cases, the onset of keratitis occurred within days of vaccination and resolved with topical steroid eye drops and oral acyclovir. Data suggest that keratitis in association with herpes zoster or varicella vaccine is rare, is usually self-limited or resolves with treatment. The mechanism may be the persistence of viral antigens in the cornea after VZV vaccination or herpes zoster ophthalmicus. This reaction is probable, given the plausible biological mechanism, the temporal relationship between vaccination and keratitis, and overall patterns of presentation after vaccination. Copyright 2017 Clarivate Analytics.

  12. Lesões traumáticas de pele causadas pelos espinhos de Mimosa pudica e Mimosa debilis em equídeos

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    Alessandra S. Belo Reis


    Full Text Available Foram realizadas pesquisas sobre a natureza e causa de lesões de pele em equídeos em uma propriedade no município de Castanhal, região Nordeste do Estado do Pará. Foram realizadas visitas técnicas, estudos epidemiológicos, coletas de sangue, biópsias de pele afetada e a inspeção da pastagem. O estudo incluiu 25 equídeos, dos quais 14 machos e 11 fêmeas, de seis meses e oito anos de idade. Os animais apresentaram lesões ulcerativas, de bordos irregulares, na cabeça (narinas, focinho, lábios superiores e inferiores e chanfro, na cavidade oral (vestíbulo bucal e gengiva e nos membros (boletos, metacarpos e metatarsos e articulação escápulo-umeral. No exame histopatológico foram observados focos de erosões cutâneas, caracterizados por perda e necrose da epiderme, com espongiose, degeneração vesicular da epiderme remanescente e leve infiltrado inflamatório na derme subjacente, constituído predominantemente por macrófagos e, em menor grau, eosinófilos. Na inspeção da pastagem, constituída de Brachiaria humidicola, foi constatada grande invasão de duas plantas providas de espinhos, Mimosa pudica e Mimosa debilis, ambas da família Leg. Mimosoideae. Concluiu-se, que as lesões de pele foram causadas pela ação traumática dos espinhos de Mimosa pudica e Mimosa debilis.

  13. Two cases of herpes simplex esophagitis during treatment for lung cancer

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tajiri, Tomoko; Ikeue, Tatsuyoshi; Sugita, Takakazu; Morita, Kyohei; Maniwa, Ko; Watanabe, Shigeki; Hirokawa, Sadao; Nishiyama, Hideki; Maekawa, Nobuo


    Herpes simplex virus (HSV) is one of the three major causes of infectious esophagitis, along with Candida albicans and Cytomegalo virus (CMV). Most cases occur in immunocompromised hosts, in whom this can be life threatening. We report two cases of herpes simplex esophagitis occurring during treatment for lung cancer. An 80-year-old man with radiation pneumonia caused by radiotherapy for lung cancer was admitted for treatment with antibiotics and corticosteroids. Shortly after initiation of treatment, he complained of dysphasia. Endoscopic examination revealed herpes simplex esophagitis. A 71-year-old man was given corticosteroids for cryptogenic organizing pneumonia following chemotherapy for lung cancer. During treatment, the patient complained of odynophagia. Endoscopic examination revealed herpes simplex esophagitis. Both cases died due to progression of lung cancer and acute respiratory distress syndrome, despite administration of acyclovir. When immunocompromised patients complain of prolonged dysphagia and odynophagia, the presence of herpes simplex esophagitis should be clarified by endoscopic examination. It is occasionally difficult to distinguish between HSV and Candida esophagitis by endoscopic observation alone. Esophageal mucosal endoscopic cytology can help differentiate between these three infectious agents. (author)

  14. Most Common Dermatologic Topics Published in Five High-Impact General Medical Journals, 1970–2012: Melanoma, Psoriasis, Herpes Simplex, Herpes Zoster, and Acne (United States)

    Choi, Young M; Namavar, Aram A; Wu, Jashin J


    Context: General practitioners frequently encounter skin diseases and are accustomed to diagnosing the most common dermatologic conditions. Objective: We sought to determine the most common dermatologic topics published in five high-impact general medical journals (New England Journal of Medicine, The Lancet, the Journal of the American Medical Association, British Medical Journal (now The BMJ), and Annals of Internal Medicine). Design: We conducted an independent search of the Thomson Reuters’ Science Citation Index for common dermatologic topics, limited to the period 1970 to 2012. Main Outcome Measure: Total number of publications dealing with each dermatologic topic considered. Results: The five most common dermatologic topics published were melanoma, psoriasis, herpes simplex, herpes zoster, and acne. Melanoma and psoriasis were the top two dermatologic topics published in each journal except for Annals of Internal Medicine. Conclusions: Internists frequently diagnose herpes simplex, herpes zoster, and acne, which are also common dermatologic topics published. Although internists infrequently diagnose melanoma and psoriasis, they are major topics for general medical journals because of their increased community awareness, major advancements in therapeutic research, and their nondermatologic manifestations. PMID:25662523

  15. Granulomatous herpes simplex encephalitis in an infant with multicystic encephalopathy: a distinct clinicopathologic entity? (United States)

    Schutz, Peter W; Fauth, Clarissa T; Al-Rawahi, Ghada N; Pugash, Denise; White, Valerie A; Stockler, Sylvia; Dunham, Christopher P


    Herpes simplex virus encephalitis can manifest as a range of clinical presentations including classic adult, neonatal, and biphasic chronic-granulomatous herpes encephalitis. We report an infant with granulomatous herpes simplex virus type 2 encephalitis with a subacute course and multicystic encephalopathy. A 2-month-old girl presented with lethargy and hypothermia. Computed tomography scan of the head showed multicystic encephalopathy and calcifications. Cerebrospinal fluid analysis by polymerase chain reaction testing for herpes simplex virus 1 and 2, enterovirus, and cytomegalovirus was negative. Normal cerebrospinal fluid interferon-α levels argued against Aicardi-Goutières syndrome. The patient died 2 weeks after presentation. At autopsy, multicystic encephalopathy was confirmed with bilateral gliosis, granulomatous inflammation with multinucleated giant cells, and calcifications. Bilateral healing necrotizing retinitis suggested a viral etiology, but retina and brain were free of viral inclusions and immunohistochemically negative for herpes simplex virus-2 and cytomegalovirus. However, polymerase chain reaction analysis showed herpes simplex virus-2 DNA in four cerebral paraffin blocks. Subsequent repeat testing of the initial cerebrospinal fluid sample using a different polymerase chain reaction assay was weakly positive for herpes simplex virus-2 DNA. Granulomatous herpes simplex virus encephalitis in infants can present with subacute course and result in multicystic encephalopathy with mineralization and minimal cerebrospinal fluid herpes simplex virus DNA load. Infectious etiologies should be carefully investigated in the differential diagnosis of multicystic encephalopathy with mineralization, in particular if multinucleated giant cells are present. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  16. Elsberg syndrome: a neurologic basis for acute urinary retention in patients with genital herpes. (United States)

    Hemrika, D J; Schutte, M F; Bleker, O P


    Three patients with genital herpes simplex type II primoinfection and acute urinary retention are described. All patients showed pleocytosis of the cerebrospinal fluid, substantiating central nervous involvement. The association of genital herpes and sacral (myelo-) radiculitis has gained little attention in gynecologic literature, yet it is not an uncommon finding in female patients suffering from herpes. The present report emphasizes the importance of urinary symptoms in genital herpes and reviews the literature on similar cases.

  17. Herpes zoster como primeira manifestação de infeção por vírus varicela-zoster numa criança saudável

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    Catarina Carrusca


    Full Text Available O herpes zoster (HZ resulta da reativação do vírus varicela-zoster (VVZ. A incidência aumenta com a idade, sendo raro em crianças saudáveis. Descrevemos um caso de HZ oftálmico numa menina de 29 meses, previamente saudável. Apresentava febre e erupção cutânea vesicular dolorosa no território oftálmico do nervo trigémio. Sem história de varicela ou vacinação anti-varicela prévias. Teve contacto intrafamiliar com varicela aos dois meses de idade. A pesquisa do vírus nas vesículas por polimerase chain reaction foi positiva. Os títulos de IgG e IgM anti-vírus varicela-zoster foram inicialmente negativos, tendo ocorrido seroconversão oito semanas depois. Medicada com aciclovir endovenoso, recuperou sem sequelas. O HZ pode ocorrer em crianças previamente saudáveis, sem evidência de varicela anterior e com serologia para VVZ negativa. Tal pode ser explicado pela imaturidade do sistema imunológico, assim como pela transferência transplacentária de anticorpos maternos, aquando da infeção primária precoce.

  18. Community and patient values for preventing herpes zoster. (United States)

    Lieu, Tracy A; Ortega-Sanchez, Ismael; Ray, G Thomas; Rusinak, Donna; Yih, W Katherine; Choo, Peter W; Shui, Irene; Kleinman, Ken; Harpaz, Rafael; Prosser, Lisa A


    The US Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices has recently recommended a new vaccine against herpes zoster (shingles) for routine use in adults aged > or =60 years. However, estimates of the cost effectiveness of this vaccine vary widely, in part because of gaps in the data on the value of preventing herpes zoster. Our aims were to (i) generate comprehensive information on the value of preventing a range of outcomes of herpes zoster; (ii) compare these values among community members and patients with shingles and post-herpetic neuralgia (PHN); and (iii) identify clinical and demographic characteristics that explain the variation in these values. Community members drawn from a nationally representative survey research panel (n = 527) completed an Internet-based survey using time trade-off and willingness-to-pay questions to value a series of scenarios that described cases of herpes zoster with varying pain intensities (on a scale of 0 to 10, where 0 represents no pain and 10 represents the worst imaginable pain) and duration (30 days to 1 year). Patients with shingles (n = 382) or PHN (n = 137) [defined as having symptoms for > or =90 days] from two large healthcare systems completed telephone interviews with similar questions to the Internet-based survey and also answered questions about their current experience with herpes zoster. We constructed generalized linear mixed models to evaluate the associations between demographic and clinical characteristics, the length and intensity of the health states and time trade-off and willingness-to-pay values. In time trade-off questions, community members offered a mean of 89 (95% CI 24, 182) discounted days to avoid the least severe scenario (pain level of 3 for 1 month) and a mean of 162 (95% CI 88, 259) discounted days to avoid the most severe scenario (pain level of 8 for 12 months). Compared with patients with shingles, community members traded more days to avoid low-severity scenarios but similar numbers of days

  19. Concomitant herpes simplex virus colitis and hepatitis in a man with ulcerative colitis (United States)

    Phadke, Varun K.; Friedman-Moraco, Rachel J.; Quigley, Brian C.; Farris, Alton B.; Norvell, J. P.


    Abstract Background: Herpesvirus infections often complicate the clinical course of patients with inflammatory bowel disease; however, invasive disease due to herpes simplex virus is distinctly uncommon. Methods: We present a case of herpes simplex virus colitis and hepatitis, review all the previously published cases of herpes simplex virus colitis, and discuss common clinical features and outcomes. We also discuss the epidemiology, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, and management of herpes simplex virus infections, focusing specifically on patients with inflammatory bowel disease. Results: A 43-year-old man with ulcerative colitis, previously controlled with an oral 5-aminosalicylic agent, developed symptoms of a colitis flare that did not respond to treatment with systemic corticosteroid therapy. One week later he developed orolabial ulcers and progressive hepatic dysfunction, with markedly elevated transaminases and coagulopathy. He underwent emergent total colectomy when imaging suggested bowel micro-perforation. Pathology from both the colon and liver was consistent with herpes simplex virus infection, and a viral culture of his orolabial lesions and a serum polymerase chain reaction assay also identified herpes simplex virus. He was treated with systemic antiviral therapy and made a complete recovery. Conclusions: Disseminated herpes simplex virus infection with concomitant involvement of the colon and liver has been reported only 3 times in the published literature, and to our knowledge this is the first such case in a patient with inflammatory bowel disease. The risk of invasive herpes simplex virus infections increases with some, but not all immunomodulatory therapies. Optimal management of herpes simplex virus in patients with inflammatory bowel disease includes targeted prophylactic therapy for patients with evidence of latent infection, and timely initiation of antiviral therapy for those patients suspected to have invasive disease. PMID:27759636

  20. Herpes Zoster Immunization in Older Adults Has Big Benefits. (United States)

    Breivik, Harald


    A case of acute herpes zoster neuralgia (shingles) in a 78-year-old patient is described. The value and importance of immunizing against herpes zoster to decrease the incidence and severity of both acute herpes zoster neuralgia and postherpetic neuralgia are described. --This report is adapted from paineurope 2015: Issue 1, ©Haymarket Medical Publications Ltd., and is presented with permission. paineurope is provided as a service to pain management by Mundipharma International, Ltd., and is distributed free of charge to health care professionals in Europe. Archival issues can be viewed via the Web site: , at which health professionals can find links to the original articles and request copies of the quarterly publication and access additional pain education and pain management resources.

  1. Reduced NK cell IFN-γ secretion and psychological stress are independently associated with herpes zoster. (United States)

    Kim, Choon Kwan; Choi, Youn Mi; Bae, Eunsin; Jue, Mihn Sook; So, Hyung Seok; Hwang, Eung-Soo


    The pathogenesis of herpes zoster is closely linked to reduced varicella-zoster virus-specific cell-mediated immunity. However, little is known about the interplay between natural killer cells and psychological stress in the pathogenesis of herpes zoster. This study aimed to investigate possible associations among natural killer cells, T cells and psychological stress in herpes zoster. Interferon-gamma secretion from natural killer cell, psychological stress events, stress cognition scale scores and cytomegalovirus-specific cell-mediated immunity were compared between 44 patients with herpes zoster and 44 age- and gender-matched control subjects. A significantly lower median level of interferon-gamma secreted by natural killer cells was observed in patients with a recent diagnosis of herpes zoster than in control subjects (582.7 pg/ml vs. 1783 pg/ml; P = 0.004), whereas cytomegalovirus-specific cell-mediated immunity was not associated with herpes zoster. Psychological stress events and high stress cognition scale scores were significantly associated in patients with herpes zoster (Pherpes zoster display reduced interferon-gamma secretion from natural killer cells and frequent previous psychological stress events compared with controls. However, reduced natural killer cell activity is not an immunological mediator between psychological stress and herpes zoster.

  2. Terapia fotodinámica in vitro con Hipericina en hongos causantes de micosis cutáneas


    Paz Cristóbal, Manuel Pablo de la; Pardo Jimeno, Julián; Gilaberte Calzada, Yolanda; Rezusta López, Antonio


    Las infecciones cutáneas o micosis son muy frecuentes, especialmente las causadas por bacterias y hongos. Dentro de las del segundo tipo, denominadas micosis, se encuentran las producidas por hongos dermatofitos o las causadas por levaduras, especialmente por Candida spp. (15). Un uso abusivo de las sustancias antibióticas clásicas, junto con la inapropiada prescripción médica promueven la generación de resistencias de estos microorganismos frente a los agentes antifúngicos. Además, en los úl...

  3. RNA interference inhibits herpes simplex virus type 1 isolated from saliva samples and mucocutaneous lesions. (United States)

    Silva, Amanda Perse da; Lopes, Juliana Freitas; Paula, Vanessa Salete de


    The aim of this study was to evaluate the use of RNA interference to inhibit herpes simplex virus type-1 replication in vitro. For herpes simplex virus type-1 gene silencing, three different small interfering RNAs (siRNAs) targeting the herpes simplex virus type-1 UL39 gene (sequence si-UL 39-1, si-UL 39-2, and si-UL 39-3) were used, which encode the large subunit of ribonucleotide reductase, an essential enzyme for DNA synthesis. Herpes simplex virus type-1 was isolated from saliva samples and mucocutaneous lesions from infected patients. All mucocutaneous lesions' samples were positive for herpes simplex virus type-1 by real-time PCR and by virus isolation; all herpes simplex virus type-1 from saliva samples were positive by real-time PCR and 50% were positive by virus isolation. The levels of herpes simplex virus type-1 DNA remaining after siRNA treatment were assessed by real-time PCR, whose results demonstrated that the effect of siRNAs on gene expression depends on siRNA concentration. The three siRNA sequences used were able to inhibit viral replication, assessed by real-time PCR and plaque assays and among them, the sequence si-UL 39-1 was the most effective. This sequence inhibited 99% of herpes simplex virus type-1 replication. The results demonstrate that silencing herpes simplex virus type-1 UL39 expression by siRNAs effectively inhibits herpes simplex virus type-1 replication, suggesting that siRNA based antiviral strategy may be a potential therapeutic alternative. Copyright © 2014. Published by Elsevier Editora Ltda.

  4. Update on Neonatal Herpes Simplex Epidemiology in the Netherlands: A Health Problem of Increasing Concern? (United States)

    van Oeffelen, Louise; Biekram, Manisha; Poeran, Jashvant; Hukkelhoven, Chantal; Galjaard, Sander; van der Meijden, Wim; Op de Coul, Eline


    This paper provides an update on the incidence of neonatal herpes, guideline adherence by health care professionals (HCP), and trends in genital herpes simplex virus (HSV) infection during pregnancy in the Netherlands. Questionnaires were sent to all hospitals inquiring about numbers and characteristics of neonatal and maternal HSV infections, and guideline adherence between 2012 and 2015. Longitudinal trends were investigated from 1999 onwards using survey data and Perinatal Registry of the Netherlands data (Perined). Trends were smoothed with Poisson regression splines. Risk indicators for neonatal and maternal HSV infections were examined with Poisson regression analyses. Neonatal herpes incidence was 4.8/100,000 live births based on survey data (2012-2015) and 3.4/100,000 based on Perined (2012-2014). Mortality rate was 23% (7/30). Neonatal herpes incidence increased slightly over time as did the prevalence of genital HSV infection among pregnant women. Non-Western ethnicity (RR 1.9, 95%CI 1.5-2.5) and age herpes during pregnancy. In Perined, none of the neonatal herpes cases had a mother diagnosed with an active genital herpes infection during pregnancy. Preventive measures to reduce vertical herpes transmission (such as caesarean section) were less commonly reported by HCP in 2012-2015 compared to 2006-2011. Neonatal herpes incidence in the Netherlands slowly increased over the last 15 years. An increased genital HSV prevalence during pregnancy or, to lower extent, the decreased guideline adherence by HCP may be responsible. A rise in asymptomatic maternal HSV shedding is also plausible, emphasizing the challenges in preventing neonatal herpes.

  5. Compromiso vascular en la encefalitis herpética

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    Carlos Alberto Cañas


    Full Text Available Describimos el caso de un paciente de 30 años de edad que desarrolla una encefalitis fatal par Herpes simple, en cuyos hallazgos de necropsia se destaca un compromiso vascular cerebral secundario. Se discute In posibilidad de que en la encefalitis herpética pueden presentarse dos tipos de compromiso vascular: uno reconocido desde hace tres décadas, la vasculomielinopatía diseminada, y otro, una forma de vasculitis séptica.

  6. Genital Herpes - Initial Visits to Physicians' Offices, United States, 1966-2012 (United States)

    ... Archive Data & Statistics Sexually Transmitted Diseases Figure 48. Genital Herpes — Initial Visits to Physicians’ Offices, United States, 1966 – ... Statistics page . NOTE : The relative standard errors for genital herpes estimates of more than 100,000 range from ...

  7. Infecções intramamárias causadas por Staphylococcus aureus e suas implicações em paúde pública Staphylococcus aureus intramammary infections and its implications in public health

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Helena Fagundes


    Full Text Available Neste trabalho, são apresentados os principais problemas decorrentes das infecções intramamárias (mastites causadas por Staphylococcus aureus e as conseqüências para a saúde humana da veiculação de suas toxinas através do leite. o S. aureus destaca-se como um dos microorganismos mais importantes que podem ser transmitidos através dos alimentos. Assim, discute-se a possibilidade de veiculação de gastroenterite estafilocócica, não somente através do consumo de leite cru contaminado, mas também de leite tratado termicamente ou de derivados lácteos contendo enterotoxinas termoestáveis. São apresentados alguns aspectos relacionados ao potencial toxigênico das cepas de S. aureus, bem como as principais características das enterotoxinas estafilocócicas. Considerando que o S. aureus é um dos agentes de mastite mais freqüentemente observados, apresentam-se as principais medidas de controle de infecções estafilocócicas em rebanhos leiteiros, com vistas à prevenção da ocorrência de toxinas no leite de consumo.This article presents the main problems derived from the mammary infections (mastitis caused by Staphylococcus aureus, and the consequences of the presence of its toxins in milk for human health. S. aureus is one of the most important microorganisms that can be transmitted through the food products. Hence, the possibility of transmission of stafilococal gastroenteritis by consumption of raw milk and heat-treated milk, containing heat-resistant enterotoxins, is discussed. Some aspects regarding the toxigenic potential of S. aureus strains and the main characteristics of stafilococal entorotoxins are presented. Taking into account that S. aureus is also one of the most prevalent agents of mastitis, considerations are made on the methods for the controlling of stafilococal infections in dairy cattle, in order to prevent the occurrence of toxins in milk and milk products.

  8. The Challenges and Opportunities for Development of a T-Cell Epitope-Based Herpes Simplex Vaccine (United States)

    Kuo, Tiffany; Wang, Christine; Badakhshan, Tina; Chilukuri, Sravya; BenMohamed, Lbachir


    The infections with herpes simplex virus type 1 and type 2 (HSV-1 & HSV-2) have been prevalent since the ancient Greek times. To this day, they still affect a staggering number of over a half billion individuals worldwide. HSV-2 infections cause painful genital herpes, encephalitis, and death in newborns. HSV-1 infections are more prevalent than HSV-2 infections and cause potentially blinding ocular herpes, oro-facial herpes and encephalitis. While genital herpes in mainly caused by HSV-2 infections, in recent years, there is an increase in the proportion of genital herpes caused by HSV-1 infections in young adults, which reach 50% in some western societies. While prophylactic and therapeutic HSV vaccines remain urgently needed for centuries their development has been notoriously difficult. During the most recent National Institute of Health (NIH) workshop titled "Next Generation Herpes Simplex Virus Vaccines: The Challenges and Opportunities", basic researchers, funding agencies, and pharmaceutical representatives gathered: (i) to assess the status of herpes vaccine research; and (ii) to identify the gaps and propose alternative approaches in developing a safe and efficient herpes vaccine. One “common denominator” among previously failed clinical herpes vaccine trials is that they either used a whole virus or whole viral proteins, which contain both pathogenic “symptomatic” and protective “asymptomatic” antigens/epitopes. In this report, we continue to advocate that using an “asymptomatic” epitope-based vaccine strategy that selectively incorporates protective epitopes which: (i) are exclusively recognized, in vitro, by effector memory CD4+ and CD8+ TEM cells from “naturally” protected seropositive asymptomatic individuals; and (ii) protect, in vivo, human leukocyte antigen (HLA) transgenic animal models from ocular and genital herpes infections and diseases, could be the answer to many of the scientific challenges facing HSV vaccine

  9. Herpes zoster-associated voiding dysfunction in hematopoietic malignancy patients. (United States)

    Imafuku, Shinichi; Takahara, Masakazu; Uenotsuchi, Takeshi; Iwato, Koji; Furue, Masutaka


    Voiding dysfunction is a rare but important complication of lumbo-sacral herpes zoster. Although the symptoms are transient, the clinical impact on immunocompromised patients cannot be overlooked. To clarify the time course of voiding dysfunction in herpes zoster, 13 herpes zoster patients with voiding dysfunction were retrospectively analyzed. Of 13 patients, 12 had background disease, and six of these were hematopoietic malignancies; four of these patients were hematopoietic stem cell transplant (HSCT) recipients. Ten patients had sacral lesions, two had lumbar, and one had thoracic lesions. Interestingly, patients with severe rash, or with hematopoietic malignancy had later onset of urinary retention than did patients with mild skin symptoms (Mann-Whitney U analysis, P = 0.053) or with other background disease (P = 0.0082). Patients with severe skin rash also had longer durations (P = 0.035). In one case, acute urinary retention occurred as late as 19 days after the onset of skin rash. In immune compromised subjects, attention should be paid to patients with herpes zoster in the lumbo-sacral area for late onset of acute urinary retention even after the resolution of skin symptoms.

  10. Disseminated herpes zoster ophthalmicus in an immunocompetent 8-year old boy. (United States)

    Oladokun, Regina Eziuka; Olomukoro, Chikodili N; Owa, Adewale B


    Varicella results from a primary infection with the varicella virus while herpes zoster is caused by a reactivation of a latent infection. Dissemination of herpes zoster is uncommon in immunocompetent individuals. Reports of disseminated herpes zoster in children are even less common than in adults. An unusual case of disseminated herpes zoster ophthalmicus in an 8-year old immunocompetent black boy is presented. He had a previous primary Varicella zoster virus infection at three years of age. In the current report, he presented during an on-going chicken pox outbreak and survived with no significant complications. A breakthrough varicella virus re-infection or a reactivation is possible, both of which could present as zoster. This case emphasizes the need for prevention of varicella virus infection through universal childhood immunization and effective infection control strategies in health care settings.

  11. Disseminated herpes zoster ophthalmicus in an immunocompetent 8-year old boy

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    Regina Eziuka Oladokun


    Full Text Available Varicella results from a primary infection with the varicella virus while herpes zoster is caused by a reactivation of a latent infection. Dissemination of herpes zoster is uncommon in immunocompetent individuals. Reports of disseminated herpes zoster in children are even less common than in adults. An unusual case of disseminated herpes zoster ophthalmicus in an 8-year old immunocompetent black boy is presented. He had a previous primary Varicella zoster virus infection at three years of age. In the current report, he presented during an on-going chicken pox outbreak and survived with no significant complications. A breakthrough varicella virus re-infection or a reactivation is possible, both of which could present as zoster. This case emphasizes the need for prevention of varicella virus infection through universal childhood immunization and effective infection control strategies in health care settings.

  12. Hospitalizations realted to herpes zoster infection in the Canary Islands, Spain (2005-2014). (United States)

    García-Rojas, Amós; Gil-Prieto, Ruth; Núñez-Gallo, Domingo Ángel; Matute-Cruz, Petra; Gil-de-Miguel, Angel


    Herpes zoster is an important problem of public health especially among the elderly in Spain. A population-based retrospective epidemiological study to estimate the burden of herpes zoster requiring hospitalization in the Canary Islands, Spain was conducted by using data from the national surveillance system for hospital data, Conjunto Mínimo Básico de Datos. Records of all patients admitted to hospital with a diagnosis of herpes zoster in any position and cases of primary diagnosis (ICD-9-MC codes 053.0-053.9) during a 10-year period (2005-2014), were selected. A total of 1088 hospitalizations with a primary or secondary diagnosis of herpes zoster were identified during the study period. Annually there were 6.99 hospitalizations by herpes zoster per 100,000 population. It increases with age reaching a maximum in persons ≥85 years of age (43.98 admissions per 100,000). Average length of hospitalization was 16 days and 73 patients died, with a case-fatality rate of 4.03%. In 22% of the cases hospitalized, herpes zoster was the primary diagnosis. The hospitalization burden of herpes zoster in adults in the Canary Islands was still important during the last decade and justify the implementation of preventive measures, like vaccination in the elderly or other high risk groups to reduce the most severe cases of the disease.

  13. A Herpes Simplex Virus Type 1 Human Asymptomatic CD8+ T-Cell Epitopes-Based Vaccine Protects Against Ocular Herpes in a “Humanized” HLA Transgenic Rabbit Model (United States)

    Srivastava, Ruchi; Khan, Arif A.; Huang, Jiawei; Nesburn, Anthony B.; Wechsler, Steven L.; BenMohamed, Lbachir


    Purpose. A clinical vaccine that protects from ocular herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) infection and disease still is lacking. In the present study, preclinical vaccine trials of nine asymptomatic (ASYMP) peptides, selected from HSV-1 glycoproteins B (gB), and tegument proteins VP11/12 and VP13/14, were performed in the “humanized” HLA–transgenic rabbit (HLA-Tg rabbit) model of ocular herpes. We recently reported that these peptides are highly recognized by CD8+ T cells from “naturally” protected HSV-1–seropositive healthy ASYMP individuals (who have never had clinical herpes disease). Methods. Mixtures of three ASYMP CD8+ T-cell peptides derived from either HSV-1 gB, VP11/12, or VP13/14 were delivered subcutaneously to different groups of HLA-Tg rabbits (n = 10) in incomplete Freund's adjuvant, twice at 15-day intervals. The frequency and function of HSV-1 epitope-specific CD8+ T cells induced by these peptides and their protective efficacy, in terms of survival, virus replication in the eye, and ocular herpetic disease were assessed after an ocular challenge with HSV-1 (strain McKrae). Results. All mixtures elicited strong and polyfunctional IFN-γ– and TNF-α–producing CD107+CD8+ cytotoxic T cells, associated with a significant reduction in death, ocular herpes infection, and disease (P herpes, and provide a prototype vaccine formulation that may be highly efficacious for preventing ocular herpes in humans. PMID:26098469

  14. Alterações anatômicas induzidas por Meloidogyne enterolobii (=M. mayaguensis e Meloidogyne javanica em tomateiros resistentes a meloidoginose

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    Juliana Nogueira Westerich


    Full Text Available A resistência de tomateiros (Solanum lycopersicum L. a M. incognita, M. javanica e M. arenaria, conferida pela presença do gene Mi, não contempla a espécie M. enterolobii (=M. mayaguensis. O objetivo da pesquisa foi verificar as alterações anatômicas causadas por M. enterolobii no sistema radicular de porta-enxertos de tomateiro com o gene de resistência Mi ('Magnet' e Helper M' e compará-las com as causadas por M. javanica. As observações anatômicas das raízes foram feitas com auxílio de microscópio de luz e os aspectos mais relevantes foram fotografados. Com base em contagens e mensurações do tamanho dos sítios de alimentação e das células gigantes, foram efetuadas analises utilizando o método estatístico de Análise de Agrupamento. O aparecimento de células nutridoras incitadas por M. enterolobii foi verificado em ambos os porta-enxertos de tomateiro, entre 10 e 17 dias após a inoculação (DAI. O número e a área de sítios de alimentação e de células gigantes foram menores aos 17 DAI do que aos 24 DAI. Nesta época (24 DAI, foram observados sítios de alimentação constituídos pela presença de várias células nutridoras multinucleadas, com parede celular espessa, citoplasma denso e granuloso. Os tecidos vasculares apresentaram-se comprimidos e desorganizados, foi observada, também, hipertrofia de células do parênquima cortical. As raízes inoculadas com M. javanica não apresentaram alterações anatômicas.

  15. Preventing herpes simplex virus in the newborn. (United States)

    Pinninti, Swetha G; Kimberlin, David W


    Genital herpes simplex virus (HSV) infections are very common worldwide. Approximately 22% of pregnant women are infected genitally with HSV, and most of them are unaware of this. The most devastating consequence of maternal genital herpes is HSV disease in the newborn. Although neonatal HSV infections remain uncommon, due to the significant morbidity and mortality associated with the infection, HSV infection in the newborn is often considered in the differential diagnosis of ill neonates. This review summarizes the epidemiology and management of neonatal HSV infections and discusses strategies to prevent HSV infection in the newborn. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  16. Granuloma macular por tuberculose sem manifestação pulmonar

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    Albert Costa Rebello


    Full Text Available RESUMO Tuberculose é uma doença infecciosa causada pelo Mycobacterium tuberculosis, também conhecido como bacilo de Koch. O principal sítio de acometimento é o pulmonar, porém o bacilo pode disseminar-se por via linfo-hematogênica para outros órgãos, dentre eles o olho. A incidência de tuberculose ocular é de 1 a 2% dos casos extrapulmonares. Os autores apresentam um caso clínico de um paciente do sexo feminino de 28 anos que procura atendimento médico devido à redução da acuidade visual em olho esquerdo há 7 dias. Apresentava a melhor acuidade visual corrigida no olho acometido de 20/200 e no olho contralateral de 20/20. Na fundoscopia era evidenciado um granuloma em área macular do olho esquerdo, com edema e hemorragia intrarretiniana adjacente. Após investigação diagnóstica, a paciente foi tratada com esquema antibiótico para tuberculose durante 6 meses, obtendo regressão do granuloma e melhora da acuidade visual deste olho para 20/50.

  17. Understanding perceptions of genital herpes disclosure through analysis of an online video contest. (United States)

    Catallozzi, Marina; Ebel, Sophia C; Chávez, Noé R; Shearer, Lee S; Mindel, Adrian; Rosenthal, Susan L


    The aims of this study were to examine pre-existing videos in order to explore the motivation for, possible approaches to, and timing and context of disclosure of genital herpes infection as described by the lay public. A thematic content analysis was performed on 63 videos submitted to an Australian online contest sponsored by the Australian Herpes Management Forum and Novartis Pharmaceuticals designed to promote disclosure of genital herpes. Videos either provided a motivation for disclosure of genital herpes or directed disclosure without an explicit rationale. Motivations included manageability of the disease or consistency with important values. Evaluation of strategies and logistics of disclosure revealed a variety of communication styles including direct and indirect. Disclosure settings included those that were private, semiprivate and public. Disclosure was portrayed in a variety of relationship types, and at different times within those relationships, with many videos demonstrating disclosure in connection with a romantic setting. Individuals with genital herpes are expected to disclose to susceptible partners. This analysis suggests that understanding lay perspectives on herpes disclosure to a partner may help healthcare providers develop counselling messages that decrease anxiety and foster disclosure to prevent transmission.

  18. Mortalidad por envenenamiento en niños

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    Híjar Martha


    Full Text Available Objetivo. Conocer el panorama de las muertes por envenenamiento en niños de 0-14 años ocurridas en la República mexicana, entre 1979 y 1994. Material y métodos. Se utilizaron fuentes secundarias. Las variables analizadas fueron: edad, sexo, año, causa externa de traumatismos y envenenamientos, de la IX Clasificación Internacional de Enfermedades: E850-E858, E860-E869 y E905. Mediante un modelo de regresión Poisson se analizaron tendencias por causa específica y se obtuvieron riesgos relativos según edad, sexo y entidad federativa. Resultados. Hubo un total de 11 272 defunciones en menores de 15 años; las principales causas fueron el envenenamiento y las reacciones tóxicas causadas por plantas y animales venenosos (E905, el envenenamiento accidental por gas de uso doméstico y por monóxido de carbono (E868 y el envenenamiento accidental por otras drogas (E858. El grupo de edad que presentó los mayores riesgos, para las causas mencionadas, fue el de menores de un año con un riesgo relativo (RR de 29.6, IC95% 29.2-33.4; RR 3.47, IC95% 2.86-4.22, y RR 31.86, IC95% 24.8-40.9. El riesgo fue similar en ambos sexos, salvo para la causa E905. El estado de Aguascalientes se situó sistemáticamente entre los de mayor riesgo para todas las causas analizadas, mientras que Nuevo León siempre se ubicó entre los de riesgo más bajo. Conclusiones. El envenenamiento constituye una importante causa de muerte en los niños; el riesgo se incrementa al disminuir la edad. Considerando que esas muertes son potencialmente evitables y que la mayor parte de los envenenamientos ocurren en el hogar, para prevenirlos, se recomienda a los familiares vigilar y mantener fuera de peligro al niño. Por otra parte, la multicausalidad del fenómeno requiere que su prevención se realice desde una perspectiva multidisciplinaria que genere una cultura y un ambiente de seguridad en la sociedad.

  19. Puccinia kuehnii (KRÜGER) BUTLER Y Puccinia melanocephala H. SYDOW Y P. SYDOW. EN EL CULTIVO DE LA CAÑA DE AZÚCAR


    Infante, Danay; Martínez, B; González, E; González, Noyma


    La caña de azúcar es atacada por dos especies de Puccinia: la roya carmelita causada por P. melanocephala y la anaranjada por P. kuehnii. La primera ha prevalecido en el continente Americano, mientras que la segunda en Asia y Oceanía. Estas royas se diferencian respecto a las condiciones ambientales, la forma de presentarse el síntoma y el lugar de desarrollo del mismo. La mayor severidad causada por la roya carmelita se manifiesta durante los periodos fríos, en plantaciones de tres a seis me...

  20. Computed tomography in young children with herpes simplex virus encephalitis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sugimoto, T.; Woo, M.; Okazaki, H.; Nishida, N.; Hara, T.; Yasuhara, A.; Kasahara, M.; Kobayashi, Y.


    Computed tomographic (CT) scans were obtained from eight infants and young children with herpes simplex virus encephalitis. In two cases the initial scan showed diffuse edematous changes as a mass effect without laterality. Unilateral localized low attenuation in the initial scan was evident 4 days after the onset in one patient, and high attenuation in the initial scan appeared on the 6th day in another patient, but in general, it was not possible to establish an early diagnosis of herpes simplex virus encephalitis from CT scan. In the longitudinal study the calcification with ventriculomegaly appeared in 3 of 5 survivors, and gyriform calcification in 2 of 3 patients, respectively. The appearance of multicystic encephalomalacia was evident in one patient 6 months after the onset of neonatal herpes simplex encephalitis. It is shown that the CT findings of neonates and young children with herpes simplex encephalitis are different from those of older children and adults, and the importance of longitudinal CT studies was stressed in clarifying the pathophysiology of the central nervous system involvement in survivors. (orig.)

  1. Isolation of a new herpes virus from human CD4+ T cells

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Frenkel, N.; Schirmer, E.C.; Wyatt, L.S.; Katsafanas, G.; Roffman, E.; Danovich, R.M.; June, C.H.


    A new human herpes virus has been isolated from CD4 + T cells purified from peripheral blood mononuclear cells of a healthy individual (RK), following incubation of the cells under conditions promoting T-cell activation. The virus could not be recovered from nonactivated cells. Cultures of lymphocytes infected with the RK virus exhibited a cytopathic effect, and electron microscopic analyses revealed a characteristic herpes virus structure. RK virus DNA did not hybridize with large probes derived from herpes simplex virus, Epstein-Barr virus, varicella-zoster virus, and human cytomegalovirus. The genetic relatedness of the RK virus to the recently identified T-lymphotropic human herpes virus 6 (HHV-6) was investigated by restriction enzyme analyses using 21 different enzymes and by blot hydridization analyses using 11 probes derived from two strains of HHV-6 (Z29 and U1102). Whereas the two HHV-6 strains exhibited only limited restriction enzyme polymorphism, cleavage of the RK virus DNA yielded distinct patterns. Of the 11 HHV-6 DNA probes tested, only 6 cross-hybridized with DNA fragments derived from the RK virus. Taken together, the maximal homology amounted to 31 kilobases of the 75 kilobases tested. The authors conclude that the RK virus is distinct from previously characterized human herpesviruses. The authors propose to designate it as the prototype of a new herpes virus, the seventh human herpes virus identified to date

  2. Rare presentation of acute urinary retention secondary to herpes zoster. (United States)

    Ginsberg, P C; Harkaway, R C; Elisco, A J; Rosenthal, B D


    There are many causes of acute urinary retention. Reported here is a case of one of the more rare causes: herpes zoster. Fewer than 70 cases have been reported in the literature since 1890. In the present clinical environment where many patients are immunocompromised, reports of herpes zoster and its sequelae are no longer thought of as anecdotal. The virus may interrupt the detrusor reflex due to involvement of the sacral dorsal root ganglia. Urinary retention with sensory loss of both bladder and rectum as well as flaccid paralysis of the detrusor can develop in patients with herpes zoster. Fortunately, the outcome of this process is benign and full recovery of the detrusor is likely.

  3. Caracterización de la resistencia a la antracnosis causada por Glomerella cingulata y productividad de cinco genotipos de mora (Rubus glaucus Benth.

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    Juan Manuel López-Vásquez


    Full Text Available En la vereda Betania, municipio de Guática, Risaralda (Colombia a 2160 m.s.n.m., se evaluaron cinco materiales promisorios de mora (Rubus glaucus Benth. por su resistencia a la antracnosis (Colletotrichum gloeosporioides y por su alta productividad, los cuales fueron previamente seleccionados por el grupo de Investigación en Biodiversidad y Biotecnología de la Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira. Diez meses después del establecimiento las plantas fueron inoculadas con diferentes cepas del hongo a una concentración de 1.2 x 10(6 conidios/ml de agua. Las variables evaluadas fueron incidencia (presencia o ausencia de lesiones en tallo, severidad (según escala de 1 a 9 y rendimiento (kg/planta. Los genotipos se clasificaron en tres grupos según su resistencia al patógeno y por su rendimiento: el primero, lo conformaron UTP-8 y UTP-7, los cuales produjeron 21 y 17.6 t/ha, respectivamente; el segundo grupo estuvo formado por el genotipo UTP-1 el cual produjo 14.3 t/ha, y el tercero por UTP-2 y UTP-4 con 9.8 y 7.9 t/ha, respectivamente.


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    Juliana Almeida Marques Lubenow


    Full Text Available Los accidentes con material corto-punzante son serios debido a las enfermedades que puedan ser causadas. El estudio es descriptivo, con abordaje cualitativa e fue desarrollado en hospital privado en Piauí, entre marzo y junio de 2011. El objetivo es analizar las causas atribuidas por técnicos de enfermería al su proprio accidente, utilizando la Teoría de las Representaciones Sociales. Fueran hechas entrevistas en profundidad con 16 profesionales que sufrirán ese tipo de accidente. Los dados fueran procesados a través del programa ALCESTE 4.8 que evidenció falta de cuidado como la principal causa identificada por elles. También fueran apuntadas negligencia del colega de trabajo e agitación del paciente. La representación social predominante es que el accidente solamente ocurre pelo comportamiento irresponsable del profesional. Por lo tanto, cada exposición percutánea debe ser analizada individualmente en la búsqueda de causas reales que non culpen solamente el trabajador.

  5. Herpes Simplex Virus Infections of the Central Nervous System. (United States)

    Whitley, Richard J


    This article summarizes knowledge of herpes simplex virus (HSV) infections of the central nervous system (CNS). Disease pathogenesis, detection of DNA polymerase chain reaction (PCR) for diagnosis and prognosis, and approaches to therapy warrant consideration. HSV infection of the CNS is one of few treatable viral diseases. Clinical trials indicate that outcome following neonatal herpes simplex virus type 2 (HSV-2) infections of the CNS is significantly improved when 6 months of suppressive oral acyclovir therapy follows IV antiviral therapy. In contrast, herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) infections of the brain do not benefit from extended oral antiviral therapy. This implies a difference in disease pathogenesis between HSV-2 and HSV-1 infections of the brain. PCR detection of viral DNA in the CSF is the gold standard for diagnosis. Use of PCR is now being adopted as a basis for determining the duration of therapy in the newborn. HSV infections are among the most common encountered by humans; seropositivity occurs in 50% to 90% of adult populations. Herpes simplex encephalitis, however, is an uncommon result of this infection. Since no new antiviral drugs have been introduced in nearly 3 decades, much effort has focused on learning how to better use acyclovir and how to use existing databases to establish earlier diagnosis.

  6. Serial CT scannings in herpes simplex encephalitis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fukushima, Masashi; Sawada, Tohru; Kuriyama, Yoshihiro; Kinugawa, Hidekazu; Yamaguchi, Takenori


    Two patients with serologically confirmed herpes simplex encephalitis were studied by serial CT scannings. Case 1, a 60-year-old woman, was admitted to National Cardiovascular Center because of headache, fever, and attacks of Jacksonian seizure. Case 2, a 54-year-old man, was admitted because of fever, consciousness disturbance and right hemipare sis. Pleocytosis (mainly lymphocytes) and elevation of protein content in cerebrospinal fluid were observed in both cases. Both patients presented ''das apallische Syndrom'' one month after admission. The diagnosis of herpes simplex encephalitis was confirmed by typical clinical courses and by greater than fourfold rises in serum antibody titer for herpes simplex virus as well as that in cerebrospinal fluid in case 1. Characteristic CT findings observed in these two cases were summarized as follows: Within a week after the onset, no obvious abnormalities could be detected on CT scans (Case 1). Two weeks after the onset, a large low-density area appeared in the left temporal lobe and in the contralateral insular cortex with midline shift toward the right side (Case 2). One month later, an ill-defined linear and ring-like high-density area (Case 1), or a well-defined high-density area (Case 2), that was enhanced after contrast administration, was observed in the large low-density area in the temporal lobe. These findings were considered as characteristic for hemorrhagic encephalitis. These high-density areas disappeared two months later, however, widespread and intensified low-density areas still remained. In both cases, the basal ganglia and thalamus were completely spared on CT scans. From these observations, it can be concluded that serial CT scannings are quite useful for diagnosis of herpes simplex encephalitis. (author)

  7. Aspectos patológicos da intoxicação por aceturato de diminazeno em camelídeos sul-americanos


    Seixas, Josilene N.; Orlando, Débora R.; Wouters, Flademir; Wouters, Angelica T.B.; Varaschin, Mary S.; Raymundo, Djeison L.


    RESUMO: Aceturato de diminazeno é um fármaco quimioterápico sintético comumente usado na medicina veterinária para o tratamento de doenças causadas por parasitos hematozoários. Entretanto, seu uso pode levar a efeitos colaterais, como alterações neurológicas graves e morte. A criação de camelídeos é uma atividade recente no Brasil, fazendo-se necessário conhecer mais sobre as doenças que acometem essas espécies. De dez camelídeos (seis lhamas e quatro alpacas) da propriedade, seis tiveram sin...

  8. Efficacy of cikloferon liniment in complex therapy of secondary herpes associated with psoriasis

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    Shuldyakov A.A.


    Full Text Available The aim of the study: Modification in the treatment of patients with herpes associated with psoriasis. Materials and methods: 30 patients were included in the study divided into two groups. In the 1st group the patients received standard treatment for herpes and two daily applications of cikloferon liniment for seven days. In the 2nd group the patients received only standard treatment for herpes. The patients were followed-up for six months. The study was open-label randomized. Results: The results obtained show that general infectious symptoms of herpes subsided considerably faster in the 1st group of patients treated with cikloferon liniment. The applications with the topical immunomodulator enhanced more dynamic disappearance of erosions. During the six months follow-up exacerbations of herpes were noted in 10% of patients in the 1st group and in 30% of patients in the second group. Cikloferon liniment was well tolerated and no side effects were noted. Conclusion: Cikloferon liniment used for the treatment of patients with herpes exacerbation associated with psoriasis contributes to more dynamic disappearance of infectious syndrome, enhances epithelization of herpetic erosions, and lowers the duration of erosions and local inflammation as well as the number of exacerbations in catamnesis.

  9. Detection of Human Herpes Virus 8 in Kaposi's sarcoma tissues at ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Introduction: Human herpes virus-8, a γ2-herpes virus, is the aetiological agent of Kaposi sarcoma. Recently, Kaposi's sarcoma cases have increased in Zambia. However, the diagnosis of this disease is based on morphological appearance of affected tissues using histological techniques, and the association with its ...

  10. Aspectos anatomopatológicos em cães naturalmente infectados por Hepatozoon canis

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    Pâmela A. Lima

    Full Text Available RESUMO: A hepatozoonose canina é causada principalmente pelos protozoários Hepatozoon canis e H. americanum, transmitida por ingestão de carrapatos parasitados. Os sinais clínicos podem ser inespecíficos ou de difícil reconhecimento, pois geralmente ocorre associada a outras doenças. No Brasil, o parasito, e a doença, já foram identificados em vários Estados, no entanto pouco se sabe sobre as alterações clínicas e anátomo-patológicas decorrentes da infecção. O presente trabalho relata cinco casos de infecções naturais por Hepatozoon canis em cães do Estado de Minas Gerais e descreve pela primeira vez no Brasil os achados de necropsias e histopatológicos relacionados à infecção. Merontes de Hepatozoon sp., submetidos a avaliação morfométrica, foram observados em cortes histológicos de fígado, baço, medula óssea e rim.

  11. Diffusion-weighted MR imaging findings in a patient with herpes simplex encephalitis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Heiner, L.; Demaerel, Ph.


    Introduction: Herpes simplex meningoencephalitis is one of the most common viral central nervous system infection in adults. Early diagnosis is essential for treatment. Case report: We present a case of a 68-year-old female patient with herpes simplex infection. On admission, she was in severe clinical condition. Diffusion-weighted (DW) magnetic resonance imaging detected brain involvement better than conventional sequences. After acyclovir therapy, the patient fully recovered. Conclusion: DW magnetic resonance imaging is expected to provide a more sensitive imaging in herpes simplex patients than conventional sequences

  12. Study of Herpes Zoster in a Self-Referral Out-Patient Clinic ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Aim: To study the presentation of herpes zoster (shingles) in self-referral urban primary care setting. Patients and method: During nearly 20 years, patients of Igbo ethnic group presented with herpes zoster, on a self-referral basis, to my urban, week day evening, out patient clinic. The recorded epidemiological parameters ...

  13. Avaliação do estado de ativação e da produção de moleculas citotoxicas por linfocitos (CD4+ e CD8+) do sangue periferico de pacientes com paracoccidioidomicose


    Lanny Cristina Burlandy Soares


    Resumo: Em doenças causadas por microorganismos intracelulares como a tuberculose, criptococose e listeriose foi demonstrado que as células T CD8+ contribuem de forma relevante para o controle da infecção. Em trabalho anterior verificamos um aumento do número de linfócitos T CD8+ no lavado broncoalveolar de pacientes com paracoccidioidomicose (PCM) pulmonar, sugerindo um papel para estas células, cuja ação efetora se dá por meio da produção de citocinas como o IFN-y e atividade citotóxica. O ...

  14. Decompressive craniectomy in herpes simplex encephalitis

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    Muhammed Jasim Abdul Jalal


    Full Text Available Intracranial hypertension is a common cause of morbidity in herpes simplex encephalitis (HSE. HSE is the most common form of acute viral encephalitis. Hereby we report a case of HSE in which decompressive craniectomy was performed to treat refractory intracranial hypertension. A 32-year-old male presented with headache, vomiting, fever, and focal seizures involving the right upper limb. Cerebrospinal fluid-meningoencephalitic profile was positive for herpes simplex. Magnetic resonance image of the brain showed swollen and edematous right temporal lobe with increased signal in gray matter and subcortical white matter with loss of gray, white differentiation in T2-weighted sequences. Decompressive craniectomy was performed in view of refractory intracranial hypertension. Decompressive surgery for HSE with refractory hypertension can positively affect patient survival, with good outcomes in terms of cognitive functions.


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    I Gede Agus Bhakti Suputra


    Full Text Available Herpes zoster adalah manifestasi klinis karena reaktivasi virus varisela zoster (VZV. Karakteristik penyakit ini ditandai dengan adanya ruam vesikular unilateral yang berkelompok dengan nyeri yang radikular sekitar dermatom. Dilaporkan kasus seorang laki-laki 45 tahun, diagnosis herpes zoster kruris dextra, gambaran klinis berupa vesikel bergerombol multipel, berbentuk bulat, dengan ukuran 0,3-0,5 cm diatas kulit eritematosus, unilateral, tidak menyilang garis tengah, umur vesikel dalam satu gerombolan sama, tetapi dengan gerombolan yang lain tidak sama, kulit diantara gerombolan normal. Pemeriksaan penunjang tes Tzank, hasilnya negatif dengan tidak ditemukannya sel giant multinukleat. Pengobatan diberikan asiklovir 5x800 mg per hari diminum secara oral selama 7 hari, bedak salisil 1% dan mentol 0,5 % dioleskan dua kali sehari pada lesi kering. Prognosis pasien baik.  

  16. antibodies against Herpes simplex virus

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    171. 5. Celum, C. L. The Interaction between Herpes Sim- plex Virus and Human Immunodeficiency Virus. Her- pes, 2004; 1: 36A-44A. 6. Brown, Z.A., Selke, S., Zeh, J., Kopelman, J., Maslow,. A., Ashley, R.L., Watts, D.H., Berry, S., Herd, M. and.

  17. Reactivation of latent herpes simplex virus infection by ultraviolet light: a human model

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Perna, J.J.; Mannix, M.L.; Rooney, J.F.; Notkins, A.L.; Straus, S.E.


    Infection with herpes simplex virus often results in a latent infection of local sensory ganglia and a disease characterized by periodic viral reactivation and mucocutaneous lesions. The factors that trigger reactivation in humans are still poorly defined. In our study, five patients with documented histories of recurrent herpes simplex virus infection on the buttocks or sacrum were exposed to three times their minimal erythema dose of ultraviolet light. Site-specific cutaneous herpes simplex virus infection occurred at 4.4 +/- 0.4 days after exposure to ultraviolet light in 8 of 13 attempts at reactivation. We conclude that ultraviolet light can reactivate herpes simplex virus under experimentally defined conditions. This model in humans should prove useful in evaluating the pathophysiology and prevention of viral reactivation

  18. [Meningoradiculitis caused by herpes simplex virus type 2]. (United States)

    Bollen, A E; Venema, A W; Veldkamp, K E


    A 24-year-old immune-competent woman was admitted to hospital with a three-day history of fever and headache. On examination bilateral facial nerve palsy, lumbosacral radicular pain, reduced sacral sensibility and urinary retention were found. Open perianal lesions were suspect for genital herpes. The symptoms were compatible with a meningoradiculitis including a sacral polyradiculitis. On testing, cerebrospinal fluid was found to be abnormal with a lymphocytic cell reaction. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) of cerebrospinal fluid and of the perianal lesions was positive for herpes simplex virus type 2 (HSV-2). An MRI scan showed colouration of part of the cauda equina. The patient was treated by intravenous injections of acyclovir 10 mg/kg t.i.d. for 21 days, after which she completely recovered. HSV-2 infection of the nervous system can cause lymphocytic, and sometimes recurrent meningitis as well as sacral polyradiculitis. It may also occur without any symptomatic genital herpes infection. A positive result from a PCR test of the cerebrospinal fluid confirms this diagnosis. Treatment with acyclovir should be started as soon as possible.

  19. Expression of varicella-zoster virus and herpes simplex virus in normal human trigeminal ganglia

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Vafai, A.; Wellish, M.; Devlin, M.; Gilden, D.H.; Murray, R.S.


    Lysates of radiolabeled explants from four human trigeminal ganglia were immunoprecipitated with antibodies to varicella-zoster virus (VZV) and to herpes simplex virus. Both herpes simplex virus- and VZV-specific proteins were detected in lysates of all four ganglia. Absence of reactivity in ganglion explants with monoclonal antibodies suggested that herpes simplex virus and VZV were not reactivated during the culture period. In situ hybridization studies demonstrated the presence of RNA transcripts from the VZV immediate early gene 63. This approach to the detection of herpes simplex virus and VZV expression in human ganglia should facilitate analysis of viral RNA and proteins in human sensory ganglia

  20. [Data mining analysis of professor Li Fa-zhi AIDS herpes zoster medical record]. (United States)

    Wang, Dan-Ni; Li, Zhen; Xu, Li-Ran; Guo, Hui-Jun


    Analysis of professor Li Fa-zhi in the treatment of AIDS drug laws of herpes zoster and postherpetic neuralgia, provide reference for the use of Chinese medicine treatment of AIDS, herpes zoster and postherpetic neuralgia. By using the method of analyzing the complex network of Weishi county, Henan in 2007 October to 2011 July during an interview with professor Li Fa-zhi treatment of AIDS of herpes zoster and postherpetic neuralgia patients, patients are input structured clinical information collection system, into the analysis of the data, carries on the research analysis theory of traditional Chinese medicine compatibility system algorithm and complex network analysis the use of complex networks. The use of multi-dimensional query analysis of AIDS drugs, the core of herpes zoster and postherpetic neuralgia treated in this study are Scutellariae Radix, Glucyrrhizae Radix, Carthame Flos, Plantaginis Semen, Trichosamthis Fructus, Angelicae Sinensis Radix, Gentianae Radix; core prescription for Longdan Xiegan decoction and Trichosanthes red liquorice decoction. Professor Li Fa-zhi treatment of AIDS, herpes zoster and postherpetic neuralgia by clearing heat and removing dampness and activating blood circulation to.

  1. Functional decline and herpes zoster in older people: an interplay of multiple factors. (United States)


    Herpes zoster is a frequent painful infectious disease whose incidence and severity increase with age. In older people, there is a strong bidirectional link between herpes zoster and functional decline, which refers to a decrement in ability to perform activities of daily living due to ageing and disabilities. However, the exact nature of such link remains poorly established. Based on the opinion from a multidisciplinary group of experts, we here propose a new model to account for the interplay between infection, somatic/psychiatric comorbidity, coping skills, polypharmacy, and age, which may account for the functional decline related to herpes zoster in older patients. This model integrates the risk of decompensation of underlying disease; the risk of pain becoming chronic (e.g. postherpetic neuralgia); the risk of herpes zoster non-pain complications; the detrimental impact of herpes zoster on quality of life, functioning, and mood; the therapeutic difficulties due to multimorbidity, polypharmacy, and ageing; and the role of stressful life events in the infection itself and comorbid depression. This model underlines the importance of early treatment, strengthening coping, and vaccine prevention.

  2. Serial CT scannings in herpes simplex encephalitis

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Fukushima, M.; Sawada, T.; Kuriyama, Y.; Kinugawa, H.; Yamaguchi, T. (National Cardivascular Center, Osaka (Japan))


    Two patients with serologically confirmed herpes simplex encephalitis were studied by serial CT scannings. Case 1, a 60-year-old woman, was admitted to National Cardiovascular Center because of headache, fever, and attacks of Jacksonian seizure. Case 2, a 54-year-old man, was admitted because of fever, consciousness disturbance and right hemiparesis. Pleocytosis (mainly lymphocytes) and elevation of protein content in cerebrospinal fluid were observed in both cases. Both patients presented ''das apallische Syndrom'' one month after admission. The diagnosis of herpes simplex encephalitis was confirmed by typical clinical courses and by greater than fourfold rises in serum antibody titer for herpes simplex virus as well as that in cerebrospinal fluid in case 1. Characteristic CT findings observed in these two cases were summarized as follows: Within a week after the onset, no obvious abnormalities could be detected on CT scans (Case 1). Two weeks after the onset, a large low-density area appeared in the left temporal lobe and in the contralateral insular cortex with midline shift toward the right side (Case 2). One month later, an ill-defined linear and ring-like high-density area (Case 1), or a well-defined high-density area (Case 2), that was enhanced after contrast administration, was observed in the large low-density area in the temporal lobe. These findings were considered as characteristic for hemorrhagic encephalitis. These high-density areas disappeared two months later, however, widespread and intensified low-density areas still remained. In both cases, the basal ganglia and thalamus were completely spared on CT scans. From these observations, it can be concluded that serial CT scannings are quite useful for diagnosis of herpes simplex encephalitis.

  3. Herpes: a dilemma for client and clinician. (United States)

    Edlund, B J; Poteet, G W


    In the last 10 years genital herpes simplex has reached epidemic proportions, affecting 5 million Americans, with 500,000 new cases yearly. The incidence is highest among middle and upper socioeconomic groups and among whites. There are 2 antigenically distinct strains of the herpes simplex virus, and type II is the cause of 85% of the genital infections. The virus has an affinity for tissues derived from the embryonic ectoderm -- skin, mucous membranes, eye, and central nervous system. Transmission is by personal contact with an infected area. The clinical course of the disease involves 4 stages. In the primary stage the typical lesions are vesicles, which rupture, leaving painful shallow ulcerations. The primary stage lasts from 2 to 4 weeks with approximately 10 days of viral shedding. In the latent stage the virus lies dormant in the sacral ganglion and is noninfectious. In the shedding stage the virus replicates and sheds in genital secretions. The recurrent stage is characterized by prodromal itching or tingling sensations prior to the eruption of the vesicles and by neuralgia. Recurrence occurs as often as 4 to 7 times a year and lasts from 7 to 10 days, with viral shedding for 4 or 5 days. Definitive diagnosis can be made from viral tissue culture or the Tzanck and Papanicolaou smears. There is no cure for herpes although acyclovir has been found to shorten the duration of the episodes. Except for pregnancy complications, the most serious complications of recurrent genital herpes are psychological. The disease is socially stigmatizing and inhibits sexual activity. The nurse should provide supportive care, information about the transmission and symptoms of the disease, and counseling as to precautions to take, such as condom and spermicide use, avoidance of oral sex, abstention when lesions are present, and limiting sex to one partner.

  4. Seca dos ponteiros da goiabeira causada por Erwinia psidii: níveis de incidência e aspectos epidemiológicos Guava bacterial blight due to Erwinia psidii: incidence levels and epidemiological aspects

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Abi Soares Anjos Marques


    Full Text Available Um dos fatores limitantes ao cultivo da goiabeira no Brasil é a 'seca dos ponteiros', causada por Erwinia psidii, presente nas regiões Sudeste e Centro-Oeste, onde se concentram grandes áreas produtoras. Considerando a pequena disponibilidade de informações sobre a epidemiologia e níveis de incidência dessa bacteriose, este estudo teve como objetivos: confirmar a distribuição e verificar a dispersão da seca dos ponteiros da goiabeira no Distrito Federal; investigar o efeito da temperatura sobre a multiplicação in vitro de E. psidii; desenvolver um teste de patogenicidade prático e eficiente e avaliar a sobrevivência in vitro da bactéria em diferentes substratos. A doença foi identificada em 56% das propriedades produtoras avaliadas no DF, com 81,9% de correlação entre a presença de sintomas e o diagnóstico laboratorial. A melhor faixa de temperatura para multiplicação de E. psidii foi de 24 a 33 ºC, e a bactéria permaneceu viável por até 120 dias em suspensão em água. A inoculação da bactéria em folhas ou hastes destacadas levou ao aparecimento de sintomas a partir do sétimo dia e mostrou-se eficiente como um teste rápido para se avaliar a patogenicidade de isolados.A major disease that affects guava is 'bacterial blight', caused by Erwinia psidii, which has been reported in Southeastern and Central Regions of Brazil where the major producing areas are located. Considering the lack of information on epidemiology and incidence levels of this disease, the objectives of this study were to confirm the presence and to verify the spread of the disease in Distrito Federal (DF; to determine optimal temperature for in vitro multiplication of E. psidii; to develop a simple and effective method for pathogenicity testing and to evaluate in vitro bacterial survival on different substrates. The disease was detected in 56% of producing orchards evaluated in DF, with a correlation of 81, 9% between presence of symptoms and

  5. Safety of herpes zoster vaccination among inflammatory bowel disease patients being treated with anti-TNF medications. (United States)

    Khan, N; Shah, Y; Trivedi, C; Lewis, J D


    The risk of herpes zoster (HZ) is elevated in inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) patients treated with anti-TNF medications. While it is optimal to give herpes zoster vaccine prior to initiation of therapy clinical circumstances may not always allow this. To determine the safety of giving herpes zoster vaccine while patients are on anti-TNF therapy. We conducted a retrospective cohort study involving IBD patients who were followed in the Veterans Affairs (VA) healthcare system between 2001 and 2016. Patients who received herpes zoster vaccine while on anti-TNF medication were identified through vaccination codes and confirmed through individual chart review. Our outcome of interest was development of HZ between 0 and 42 days after herpes zoster vaccine administration. Fifty-six thousand four hundred and seventeen patients with IBD were followed in the VA healthcare system. A total of 59 individuals were on anti-TNF medication when they were given herpes zoster vaccine, and amongst them, 12 (20%) were also taking a thiopurine. Median age at the time of herpes zoster vaccine was 64.9 years and 95% of patients had a Charlson Comorbidity Index of ≥2. Median number of encounters within 42 days after receiving herpes zoster vaccine was two. No case of HZ was found within 0-42 days of HZV administration. Our data suggest that co-administering the herpes zoster vaccine to patients who are taking anti-TNF medications is relatively safe. This study significantly expands the evidence supporting the use of herpes zoster vaccine in this population, having included an elderly group of patients with a high Charlson Comorbidity Index who are likely at a much higher risk of developing HZ. © 2017 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  6. Role of type-specific herpes simplex virus-1 and 2 serology as a diagnostic modality in patients with clinically suspected genital herpes: A comparative study in Indian population from a tertiary care hospital. (United States)

    Patwardhan, Vrushali; Bhalla, Preena


    Type-specific serology (TSS) test for herpes simplex virus (HSV) have been used as a research tool in seroepidemiological studies for some years. However, TSS as a diagnostic modality for diagnosis of current episode of genital herpes is not well documented. To measure the seroprevalence of type-specific HSV Type 1 (HSV-1) and Type 2 (HSV-2) IgG antibodies in cases provisionally diagnosed as primary and recurrent genital herpes and to evaluate the role of TSS as a diagnostic modality for diagnosis of genital herpes versus polymerase chain reaction (PCR). A cross-sectional study was performed over a period of 10 months in which 44 adult patients with clinically suspected genital herpes were recruited. An in-house glycoprotein G gene base PCR was performed directly from the genital lesion specimen for simultaneous detection and typing of HSV. TSS was performed to detect IgG antibody against HSV-1 and 2 in all patients using commercially available kits, and the results were compared. Seroprevalence of HSV-1 IgG was 43% among primary and 65% among recurrent genital herpes cases (P = 0.22). Whereas that of HSV-2 IgG was found to be 14% and 83% in respective patient group (P = 0.0001). When compared to PCR results HSV-1 IgG detection in both primary and recurrent genital herpes diagnosis had poor specificity, positive predictive value, and sensitivity. Whereas, HSV-2 serology had a sensitivity of 13.33% and 73.33% in primary and recurrent genital herpes and specificity of 83.33% and 85.71%, respectively. HSV-2 IgG detection helps in strengthening the diagnosis of recurrent HSV-2 disease, whereas the absence of HSV-2 IgG antibody helps in excluding genital herpes as a likely cause of recurrent genital ulceration. However, detection of HSV-1 IgG antibody may not be useful for diagnosis in patients of genital ulcer disease.

  7. Efficacy of cikloferon liniment in complex therapy of secondary herpes associated with psoriasis


    Shuldyakov A.A.; Barchatova Т.S; Lisko О.В.; Satarova S.A.; Perminova Т.A.; Tsareva T.D.


    The aim of the study: Modification in the treatment of patients with herpes associated with psoriasis. Materials and methods: 30 patients were included in the study divided into two groups. In the 1st group the patients received standard treatment for herpes and two daily applications of cikloferon liniment for seven days. In the 2nd group the patients received only standard treatment for herpes. The patients were followed-up for six months. The study was open-label randomized. Results: The r...

  8. Herpes simplex encephalitis : from virus to therapy. (United States)

    Rozenberg, Flore; Deback, Claire; Agut, Henri


    Herpes simplex virus (HSV) is the cause of herpes simplex encephalitis (HSE), a devastating human disease which occurs in 2-4 cases per million/year. HSE results either from a primary infection or virus reactivation, in accordance with the common pattern of HSV infection which is a chronic lifelong process. However its pathophysiology remains largely unknown and its poor prognosis is in contrast with the usually good tolerance of most clinical herpetic manifestations. HSE is due to HSV type 1 (HSV-1) in most cases but HSV type 2 (HSV-2) may be also implicated, especially in infants in the context of neonatal herpes. Polymerase chain reaction detection of HSV DNA in cerebrospinal fluid is the diagnosis of choice for HSE. Acyclovir, a nucleoside analogue which inhibits viral DNA polymerase activity, is the reference treatment of HSE while foscarnet constitutes an alternative therapy and the efficacy of cidofovir is currently uncertain in that context. The emergence of HSV resistance to acyclovir, a phenomenon which is mainly observed among immunocompromised patients, is a current concern although no case of HSE due to an acyclovir-resistant HSV strain has been reported to date. Nevertheless the identification and development of novel therapeutic strategies against HSV appears to be a non dispensable objective for future research in virology.

  9. Herpes zoster oticus: A rare clinical entity

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    Shailesh Gondivkar


    Full Text Available Herpes zoster oticus also known as Ramsay Hunt syndrome is a rare complication of herpes zoster in which reactivation of latent varicella zoster virus infection in the geniculate ganglion causes otalgia, auricular vesicles, and peripheral facial paralysis. Ramsay Hunt syndrome is rare in children and affects both sexes equally. Incidence and clinical severity increases when host immunity is compromised. Because these symptoms do not always present at the onset, this syndrome can be misdiagnosed. Although secondary to Bell′s palsy in terms of the cause of acute atraumatic peripheral facial paralysis, Ramsay Hunt syndrome, with incidence ranged from 0.3 to 18%, has a worse prognosis. Herpes zoster oticus accounts for about 12% cases of facial palsy, which is usually unilateral and complete and full recovery occurs in only about 20% of untreated patients. The most advisable method to treat Ramsay Hunt syndrome is the combination therapy with acyclovir and prednisone but still not promising, and several prerequisites are required for better results. We present a case of 32-year-old man suffering from Ramsay Hunt syndrome with grade V facial palsy treated effectively with rehabilitation program, after the termination of the combination therapy of acyclovir and prednisone.

  10. Dendritic cells in the cornea during Herpes simplex viral infection and inflammation. (United States)

    Kwon, Min S; Carnt, Nicole A; Truong, Naomi R; Pattamatta, Ushasree; White, Andrew J; Samarawickrama, Chameen; Cunningham, Anthony L


    Herpes simplex keratitis is commonly caused by Herpes simplex virus type 1, which primarily infects eyelids, corneas, or conjunctiva. Herpes simplex virus type 1-through sophisticated interactions with dendritic cells (DCs), a type of antigen-presenting cell)-initiates proinflammatory responses in the cornea. Corneas were once thought to be an immune-privileged region; however, with the recent discovery of DCs that reside in the cornea, this long-held conjecture has been overturned. Therefore, evaluating the clinical, preclinical, and cell-based studies that investigate the roles of DCs in corneas infected with Herpes simplex virus is critical. With in vivo confocal microscopy, animal models, and cell culture experiments, we may further the understanding of the sophisticated interactions of Herpes simplex virus with DCs in the cornea and the molecular mechanism associated with it. It has been shown that specific differentiation of DCs using immunohistochemistry, flow cytometry, and polymerase chain reaction analysis in both human and mice tissues and viral tissue infections are integral to increasing understanding. As for in vivo confocal microscopy, it holds promise as it is the least invasive and a real-time investigation. These tools will facilitate the discovery of various targets to develop new treatments. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  11. Eye and Periocular Skin Involvement in Herpes Zoster Infection. (United States)

    Kalogeropoulos, Chris D; Bassukas, Ioannis D; Moschos, Marilita M; Tabbara, Khalid F


    Herpes zoster ophthalmicus (HZO) is a clinical manifestation of the reactivation of latent varicella zoster virus (VZV) infection and is more common in people with diminished cell-mediated immunity. Lesions and pain correspond to the affected dermatomes, mostly in first or second trigeminal branch and progress from maculae, papules to vesicles and form pustules, and crusts. Complications are cutaneous, visceral, neurological, ocular, but the most debilitating is post-herpetic neuralgia. Herpes zoster ophthalmicus may affect all the ophthalmic structures, but most severe eye-threatening complications are panuveitis, acute retinal necrosis (ARN) and progressive outer retinal necrosis (PORN) as well. Antiviral medications remain the primary therapy, mainly useful in preventing ocular involvement when begun within 72 hours after the onset of the rash. Timely diagnosis and management of HZO are critical in limiting visual morbidity. Vaccine in adults over 60 was found to be highly effective to boost waning immunity what reduces both the burden of herpes zoster (HZ) disease and the incidence of post-herpetic neuralgia (PHN).

  12. Herpes zoster infection of maxillary nerve: A case report

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    Isha Thakur


    Full Text Available Herpes zoster of the trigeminal nerve branches caused by varicella zoster is a clinical entity consisting of erythematous macules, papules, vesicles, bullae, small ulcers and erythematous plaques, with characteristic short acute/pre-eruptive phases and long herpetic periods with pain. It is caused by reactivation of latent varicella infection. Herpes zoster is a less common endemic disease compared to varicella. During the prodromal stage, the only presenting symptom may be odontalgia, which may prove to be a diagnostic challenge for the dentist. Emergency treatment for a misdiagnosis such as trigeminal neuralgia, odontalgia, and acute pulpitis, as well as complications reported in literature such as tooth resorption, periapical lesions, periodontal destructions, and osteomyelitis may cause an irreversible damage to the patient. Hence, the dentist must be familiar with the presenting signs and symptoms in prodrome of herpes zoster infection of trigeminal nerve. The present article focuses on the pathogenesis, clinical picture, difficulties in diagnosis and management of such cases.

  13. Herpes Zoster and Postherpetic Neuralgia: An Examination of Psychological Antecedents


    Sansone, Randy A.; Sansone, Lori A.


    Herpes zoster and an associated complication, postherpetic neuralgia, are both attributable to the varicella zoster virus. This virus, which lies dormant within the affected sensory ganglia after an initial infection, appears to be triggered in part by a decrease in immunity. According to available research, stress, stressful life events, and depressive symptoms are identified antecedents to outbreaks of herpes zoster. Likewise, the development of postherpetic neuralgia has been associated wi...

  14. Herpes Simplex Encephalitis during Treatment with Tumor Necrosis Factor-α Inhibitors


    Bradford, Russell D.; Pettit, April C.; Wright, Patty W.; Mulligan, Mark J.; Moreland, Larry W.; McLain, David A.; Gnann, John W.; Bloch, Karen C.


    We report 3 cases of herpes simplex virus encephalitis in patients receiving tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α) inhibitors for rheumatologic disorders. Although TNF-α inhibitors have been reported to increase the risk of other infectious diseases, to our knowledge, an association between anti–TNF-α drugs and herpes simplex virus encephalitis has not been previously described.

  15. Cura espontânea da leishmaniose causada por Leishmania Viannia Braziliensis em lesões cutâneas

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jackson Maurício Lopes Costa


    Full Text Available Os autores relatam que durante 14 anos de trabalho clínico em campo, realizado nas comunidades de Três Braços e Corte de Pedra, Bahia, acompanharam 1.416 pacientes portadores de Leishmaniose Tegumentar Americana, cuja espécie envolvida na transmissão, é predominantemente a Leishmania Viannia brasilienses. A terapêutica utilizada rotineiramente nos casos é o antimoniato-N-metilglucamina (Glucantime. Contudo, 16 pacientes do sexo masculino recusaram-se a utilizar a medicação e 6 do sexo feminino encontravam-se em período gestacional, portanto não utilizaram o medicamento. Estes pacientes foram acompanhados por um período entre 4 a 12 anos, a partir do diagnóstico. Observou-se que em 9 pacientes (40,9% desta casuística, o tempo de cicatrizaçâo após o aparecimento da lesão, pode ser calculado em 6 meses de evolução. Quando se eleva a observação para 12 meses, temos que 19 pacientes (86,3% cicatrizaram suas lesões neste período. Em 3 casos (13,6% as lesões permaneceram ativas por mais de 12 meses. Conclui-se que os determinantes da cicatrizaçâo natural das lesões produzidas por Leishmania Viannia Braziliensis permanecem desconhecidos, dificultando para nós entendermos e compararmos aos efeitos das drogas utilizadas no tratamento da leishmaniose tegumentar.In field clinics in the comunities of Três Braços and Corte de Pedra, Bahia, we have attended 1.416 patients with tegumentary leishmaniasis in fourteen years, the predomi nant species in transmission is Leishmania Viannia brasiliensis (LVB. Because of the danger of metastasis with this infection treatment was routinely recomended with Glucantime. However sixteen patients refused injection therapy and six women were pregnant when seen and not treated. All patients were followed up in our clinic. All these patients closed their skin ulcers although one subsequently relapsed. Patients were followed up for variable periods (four to twelve years, after the diagnosis. In

  16. [The differential diagnosis of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and subacute herpes virus myelitis]. (United States)

    Levitsky, G N; Zavalishin, E E; Chub, R V; Morozova, E A; Serkov, S V


    Differential diagnosis of incurable and potentially curable neurological diseases is an urgent problem of modern neurology. The authors present a case report of subacute herpes virus myelitis, a rare complication of herpes infection by Varicella-Zoster virus. The differential diagnosis with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis is described.

  17. 2017 European guidelines for the management of genital herpes. (United States)

    Patel, Rajul; Kennedy, Oliver J; Clarke, Emily; Geretti, Anna; Nilsen, Arvid; Lautenschlager, Stephan; Green, John; Donders, Gilbert; van der Meijden, Willem; Gomberg, Mikhail; Moi, Harald; Foley, Elizabeth


    Genital herpes is one of the commonest sexually transmitted infections worldwide. Using the best available evidence, this guideline recommends strategies for diagnosis, management, and follow-up of the condition as well as for minimising transmission. Early recognition and initiation of therapy is key and may reduce the duration of illness or avoid hospitalisation with complications, including urinary retention, meningism, or severe systemic illness. The guideline covers a range of common clinical scenarios, such as recurrent genital herpes, infection during pregnancy, and co-infection with human immunodeficiency virus.



    José Francisco RAMÍREZ DÁVILA


    México es el principal productor y exportador de aguacate en el mundo. Los trips son considerados como una de las principales plagas del aguacate en México, debido a su asociación con la enfermedad denominada roña del fruto, causada por el hongo Elsinoe perseae. Esta enfermedad representa una fuerte limitante a la producción del cultivo; el hongo penetra la fruta por las heridas causadas por el complejo de varias especies de trips. El análisis del comportamiento espacial de esta plaga proporc...

  19. Valoración del estado inmunológico en niños con gingivoestomatitis herpética aguda

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    Amparo Pérez Borrego


    Full Text Available Se realizó un estudio en 30 niños atendidos en el Servicio de Cirugía Maxilofacial del Hospital Pediátrico "William Soler" con el diagnóstico de gingivoestomatitis herpética aguda (GEHA con el objetivo de conocer su estado de inmunocompetencia celular. La edad promedio fue de 3,7 años; se afectaron ambos sexos por igual, con un promedio de los enfermos de raza blanca sobre los de raza negra. Encontramos el 83 % de los pacientes con algún grado de defecto en los marcadores de inmunidad estudiados (rosetas activa y espontánea, de los cuales 22 mostraron cifras anormalmente bajas en los 2 marcadores y 3 en 1 marcador. Entre los pacientes que presentaron enfermedad de debut, en total 9, hubo 5 con valores dentro de límites normales y los restantes con ambos marcadores afectados. En los casos de recidiva, que fueron 21, el 100 % presentó al menos 1 marcador afectado. Puede considerarse, por lo tanto, el déficit inmunológico celular como factor predisponente o secundario a la infección por herpes simple tipo I.30 children who received medical attention at the Maxillofacial Surgery Service of William Soler Pediatric Hospital with the diagnosis of acute herpetic gingivostomatitis (AHGS were studied in order to know their cellular immunocompetence state. Average age was 3.7 years old. Both sexes were affected. A prevalence of white patients was observed. 83 % of the patients had some degree of defect in the studied immunity markers (active and spontaneous rosettes. 22 of them showed abnormally low figures in the 2 markers, and 3 in only one. 5 of the 9 patients with debut disease had values within the normal limits, whereas the rest had both markers affected. Among the patients with relapse that were 21, 100 %, presented at least one affected marker. herefore, the cellular immunological deficit may be considered as a predisposing or secondary factor to the infection caused by herpex simplex type 1.

  20. Sacral myeloradiculitis complicating genital herpes in a HIV-infected patient. (United States)

    Corral, I; Quereda, C; Navas, E; Pérez-Elias, M J; Jover, F; Moreno, S


    Myeloradiculitis is a rare neurological complication of herpes simplex type 2 (HSV-2) infection, frequently associated with a fatal outcome. Among patients with HIV infection, HSV-2 myeloradiculitis has occasionally been reported, always associated with advanced immunosuppression and AIDS. We report a patient with HIV infection but no history of previous opportunistic infections, who developed sacral myeloradiculitis immediately after an episode of genital herpes. Magnetic resonance imaging with gadolinium showed necrotizing myelitis in the conus medullaris and enhancement of sacral roots. CD4 lymphocyte count was 530/mm3. Other possible causes of myeloradiculitis in HIV-infected patients were appropriately excluded. Acyclovir therapy resulted in partial clinical improvement. This report shows that myeloradiculitis as a complication of genital herpes may occur in the early stages of HIV infection and may have a favourable outcome with antiviral treatment.

  1. Protein sequences clustering of herpes virus by using Tribe Markov clustering (Tribe-MCL) (United States)

    Bustamam, A.; Siswantining, T.; Febriyani, N. L.; Novitasari, I. D.; Cahyaningrum, R. D.


    The herpes virus can be found anywhere and one of the important characteristics is its ability to cause acute and chronic infection at certain times so as a result of the infection allows severe complications occurred. The herpes virus is composed of DNA containing protein and wrapped by glycoproteins. In this work, the Herpes viruses family is classified and analyzed by clustering their protein-sequence using Tribe Markov Clustering (Tribe-MCL) algorithm. Tribe-MCL is an efficient clustering method based on the theory of Markov chains, to classify protein families from protein sequences using pre-computed sequence similarity information. We implement the Tribe-MCL algorithm using an open source program of R. We select 24 protein sequences of Herpes virus obtained from NCBI database. The dataset consists of three types of glycoprotein B, F, and H. Each type has eight herpes virus that infected humans. Based on our simulation using different inflation factor r=1.5, 2, 3 we find a various number of the clusters results. The greater the inflation factor the greater the number of their clusters. Each protein will grouped together in the same type of protein.

  2. Identification and typing of herpes simplex viruses with monoclonal antibodies.


    Balachandran, N; Frame, B; Chernesky, M; Kraiselburd, E; Kouri, Y; Garcia, D; Lavery, C; Rawls, W E


    Monoclonal antibodies which reacted with type-specific antigens of herpes simplex virus type 2 or with antigens shared by herpes simplex virus types 1 and 2 were used in an indirect immunofluorescence assay to type virus isolates and to detect viral antigens in cells obtained from herpetic lesions. Complete concordance was obtained for 42 isolates typed by endonuclease restriction analysis of viral DNA and by indirect immunofluorescence with monoclonal antibodies. Examination of a limited num...

  3. La elasticidad de la demanda por electricidad y la política energética

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    Alexander Galetovic


    Full Text Available En el análisis y la práctica de la política energética se suele suponer que la elasticidad de la demanda por energía eléctrica es irrelevante. Este trabajo muestra que durante episodios de escasez de energía una “pequeña” elasticidad basta para generar caídas “grandes” de la probabilidad de déficit y del costo del abastecimiento eléctrico. Esto se debe a que en la vecindad de la capacidad del sistema, la oferta de energía de corto plazo es cercana a vertical. Ilustramos nuestro punto cuantitativamente simulando la operación esperada del sistema eléctrico chileno durante los años de ajuste a la crisis causada por los cortes de gas argentinos, el periodo 2006-2010. Mostramos que el aumento de los precios causado por el retraso de las inversiones y los cortes de gas argentino, combinado con una “pequeña” elasticidad de la demanda mensual por energía (0.0548 en valor absoluto eran suficientes para reducir mucho la probabilidad de déficit mensual y retornarla a niveles normales. Más aún, si se soslaya el efecto de los mayores precios en el consumo, el costo marginal se sobreestima en 32% y el costo de operación esperado en 41 por ciento.

  4. Encefalitis del tallo cerebral y mielitis por Listeria monocytogenes

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    Aracelly Castro


    Full Text Available La romboencefalitis por Listeria monocytogenes es una presentación poco común de la listeriosis del sistema nervioso central; sin embargo, es la presentación más común en personas inmunocompetentes. Aun más rara es la combinación de romboencefalitis con mielitis causada por L. monocytogenes; no obstante, en este artículo se reporta un caso de encefalitis del tallo y mielitis grave en un paciente sin compromiso del sistema inmunitario. Se presenta un paciente de 21 años de edad, sin deficiencias del sistema inmunitario, que consumió productos lácteos no pasteurizados y, posteriormente, presentó un cuadro de cefalea, vómito, deterioro de su estado general y, finalmente, alteración del estado de conciencia y muerte. Consultó al Instituto Neurológico de Colombia y se hizo diagnóstico de encefalitis del tallo y mielitis por L. monocytogenes. Se discuten las diferencias entre el caso presentado y los reportados en la literatura científica. Ante un paciente con signos de compromiso del tallo cerebral, de posible origen infeccioso, es prudente iniciar tratamiento antibiótico para L. monocytogenes y, en caso de poca respuesta, escalar rápidamente en dicho tratamiento. También lo es extender el estudio radiológico hacia la columna vertebral, con el fin de descartar compromiso de la médula espinal.   doi:

  5. Herpes labialis and Nigerian dental health care providers: knowledge, attitudes, behaviors, and refusal to treat. (United States)

    Azodo, Clement Chinedu; Umoh, Agnes O


    The few existing studies on herpes labialis among health care workers have been predominantly among non-dental health care workers. The purpose of this study was to determine Nigerian dental health care providers' knowledge of, attitudes toward, preventive behaviors for, and refusal to treat patients with herpes labialis. This cross-sectional study was conducted among final-year dental students at the University of Benin, dental house officers, and residents at the University of Benin Teaching Hospital, Benin City, Nigeria. Data collection was via a self-administered questionnaire. Bivariate statistics and logistic regression were used to relate the dependent and independent variables. Of the 120 questionnaires distributed, 110 were completed and returned, giving a 91.7% retrieval rate. However, 15 of the returned questionnaires were discarded because they were improperly completed, leaving a total of 95 questionnaires for final analysis in this study. The majority of participants were over 28 years old (54.7%), male (67.4%), unmarried (66.3%), and postgraduate dental health care providers (51.6%). Less than half (43.2%) of participants demonstrated adequate overall knowledge of herpes labialis. About one-tenth (10.5%) and more than three-quarters (87.4%) of participants reported a positive attitude and performance of adequate preventive behaviors, respectively. A total of 16.8% of participants reported a high tendency to refuse treatment to patients with herpes labialis. Although not statistically significant, young, unmarried, male undergraduate participants reported a greater likelihood to refuse treatment to herpes labialis patients. We found a statistically significant positive correlation between attitude and refusal to treat patients with herpes labialis. However, marital status and the attitude of participants toward these patients emerged as the determinants for refusal to treat patients with herpes labialis. Data from this study revealed a high level of

  6. Overall and Comparative Risk of Herpes Zoster With Pharmacotherapy for Inflammatory Bowel Diseases: A Nationwide Cohort Study. (United States)

    Khan, Nabeel; Patel, Dhruvan; Trivedi, Chinmay; Shah, Yash; Lichtenstein, Gary; Lewis, James; Yang, Yu-Xiao


    Patients with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) might be at increased risk for herpes zoster infection. We sought to quantify the risk of herpes zoster in patients with IBD and evaluate the effects of IBD and IBD medications on the risk of herpes zoster. We conducted 2 retrospective studies of populations of Veterans, from January 2000 through June 2016. In study 1, we compared the incidence of herpes zoster among patients with IBD receiving 5-ASA alone vs matched patients without IBD. In study 2, we compared the incidence of herpes zoster among patients with IBD treated with only 5-ASA, with thiopurines, with antagonists of tumor necrosis factor (TNF), with a combination of thiopurines and TNF antagonists, and with vedolizumab. We used multivariable Cox regression to estimate the hazard ratios and 95% CIs for herpes zoster associated with IBD in study 1 and with different treatments in study 2. We also estimated the incidence rate of herpes zoster based on age and IBD medication subgroups. Compared to no IBD, ulcerative colitis (UC) and Crohn's disease (CD) were each associated with significantly increased risk of herpes zoster infection. In multivariable Cox regression (compared to no IBD), UC, CD, or IBD treated with 5-ASA treatment alone was associated with significantly increased risk of herpes zoster, with adjusted HRs (AHR) of 1.81 for UC (95% CI, 1.56-2.11), 1.56 for CD (95% CI, 1.28-1.91), and 1.72 for treated IBD (95% CI, 1.51-1.96). In multivariable Cox regression analysis, compared to exposure to 5-ASA alone, exposure to thiopurines (AHR, 1.47; 95% CI, 1.31-1.65) or a combination of thiopurines and TNF antagonists (AHR, 1.65; 95% CI, 1.22-2.23) was associated with increased risk of herpes zoster. However, exposure to TNF antagonists alone (AHR, 1.15; 95% CI, 0.96-1.38) was not associated with increased risk of herpes zoster. The incidence rates of herpes zoster in all age groups and all IBD medication subgroups were substantially higher than that in the

  7. Association of human endogenous retroviruses with multiple sclerosis and possible interactions with herpes viruses

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Christensen, Tove


    may be members of the Herpesviridae. Several herpes viruses, such as HSV-1, VZV, EBV and HHV-6, have been associated with MS pathogenesis, and retroviruses and herpes viruses have complex interactions. The current understanding of HERVs, and specifically the investigations of HERV activation...... and expression in MS are the major subjects of this review, which also proposes to synergise the herpes and HERV findings, and presents several possible pathogenic mechanisms for HERVs in MS. Copyright (c) 2005 ...

  8. Surto de mastite bovina causada por Arcanobacterium pyogenes

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    R.G. Motta


    Full Text Available An uncommon outbreak of mastitis caused by Arcanobacterium pyogenes in 26 cows is reported. The epidemiological findings, clinical signs, microbiological exams, somatic cell count, in vitro susceptibility profile of strains, efficacy of intramammary treatment and control measures were discussed. Florfenicol (96.2%, cefoperazona (92.3%, cefaloxin (84.6% and ceftiofur (84.6% were the most effective antimicrobials, and neomicin (27.0% and enrofloxacin (17.4% the least effective antimicrobials.

  9. Interventions for men and women with their first episode of genital herpes. (United States)

    Heslop, Rachel; Roberts, Helen; Flower, Deralie; Jordan, Vanessa


    Genital herpes is incurable, and is caused by the herpes simplex virus (HSV). First-episode genital herpes is the first clinical presentation of herpes that a person experiences. Current treatment is based around viral suppression in order to decrease the length and severity of the episode. To determine the effectiveness and safety of the different existing treatments for first-episode genital herpes on the duration of symptoms and time to recurrence. We searched the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL) (from inception to April 2016), MEDLINE (from inception to April 2016), the Specialised Register of the Cochrane Sexually Transmitted Infections Review Group (from inception to April 2016), EMBASE (from inception to April 2016), PsycINFO (from inception to April 2016), CINAHL (from inception to April 2016), LILACS (from inception to April 2016), AMED (from inception to April 2016), and the Alternative Medicines Specialised Register (from inception to April 2016). We handsearched a number of relevant journals, searched reference lists of all included studies, databases of ongoing trials, and other Internet databases. We included randomised controlled trials (RCTs) on participants with first-episode genital herpes. We excluded vaccination trials, and trials in which the primary objective assessed a complication of HSV infection. All studies written in English were independently assessed by at least two review authors for inclusion, risk of bias for each trial, and to extract data. Studies requiring translation were assessed for inclusion, trial quality, and data extraction by external translators. We included 26 trials with 2084 participants analysed. Most of the studies were conducted in the United Kingdom (UK) and United States (US), and involved men and women experiencing their first episode of genital herpes, with the exception of three studies which included only women. We rated the majority of these studies as having an unclear risk of bias

  10. Forebyggelse af herpes zoster med vaccination

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kofoed, Kristian; Rønholt, Finn; Gerstoft, Jan


    Herpes zoster (HZ) and post-herpetic neuralgia (PHN) are frequently occurring diseases in elderly and in immuno-compromised persons. The live attenuated HZ vaccine boosts an existing immune response, so that the already established varicella-zoster virus infection is kept latent. Vaccination has...

  11. Resíduos orgânicos para o controle das doenças do feijoeiro causadas por Sclerotium rolfsii / Organic residues for the control of bean diseases caused by Sclerotium rolfsii

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    Vanessa Nataline Tomazeli


    Full Text Available A incorporação de matéria orgânica ao solo tem se mostrado eficiente para o controle de alguns fitopatógenos habitantes do solo. O efeito dessa prática agrícola, principalmente sobre patógenos formadores de escleródios, como Sclerotium rolfsii, ainda não é completamente conhecido. O experimento, em dois anos de cultivo, foi conduzido no campo experimental da Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná (UTFPR, em parcelas de um metro quadrado, contendo solo infestado com 100 g por parcela do substrato (arroz em casca contendo o patógeno. Os tratamentos foram chorume de suínos, cama de aviário, repolho triturado e testemunha, apenas patógeno, com quatro repetições. A semeadura de 80 sementes de feijão por parcela foi efetuada após uma semana da aplicação dos respectivos tratamentos. A intensidade da doença foi avaliada pela emergência, tombamento, incidência e severidade da doença. Os fatores como atividade microbiana, níveis de fertilidade do solo, número e sobrevivência de escleródios e massa das plantas fresca foram avaliados no fim do cultivo. O composto orgânico, cama de aviário, apresentou uma maior redução da incidência e a severidade da doença e, consequentemente, o tombamento de plântulas. Porém, apesar de reduzir a intensidade da doença, não houve aumento da emergência nos dois primeiros cultivos. Esse efeito benéfico da cama-de-aviário (CA pode estar associado ao aumento da matéria orgânica do solo e, consequentemente, da atividade microbiana, principal responsável pela redução da patogenicidade do fungo. Como consequência ao impacto provocado pela incorporação de CA ao solo, houve aumento da massa fresca da planta e redução do número de escleródios. Assim, com base nesses resultados, pode-se concluir que a CA apresenta efeito supressivo sobre as doenças causadas por S. rolfsii.AbstractOrganic matter incorporation into the soil has proved effective for the control of some soil

  12. Disease burden of herpes zoster in Sweden - predominance in the elderly and in women - a register based study (United States)


    Background The herpes zoster burden of disease in Sweden is not well investigated. There is no Swedish immunization program to prevent varicella zoster virus infections. A vaccine against herpes zoster and its complications is now available. The aim of this study was to estimate the herpes zoster burden of disease and to establish a pre-vaccination baseline of the minimum incidence of herpes zoster. Methods Data were collected from the Swedish National Health Data Registers including the Patient Register, the Pharmacy Register, and the Cause of Death Register. The herpes zoster burden of disease in Sweden was estimated by analyzing the overall, and age and gender differences in the antiviral prescriptions, hospitalizations and complications during 2006-2010 and mortality during 2006-2009. Results Annually, 270 per 100,000 persons received antiviral treatment for herpes zoster, and the prescription rate increased with age. It was approximately 50% higher in females than in males in the age 50+ population (rate ratio 1.39; 95% CI, 1.22 to 1.58). The overall hospitalization rate for herpes zoster was 6.9/100,000 with an approximately three-fold increase for patients over 80 years of age compared to the age 70-79 group. A gender difference in hospitalization rates was observed: 8.1/100,000 in females and 5.6/100,000 in males. Herpes zoster, with a registered complication, was found in about one third of the hospitalized patients and the most common complications involved the peripheral and central nervous systems. Death due to herpes zoster was a rare event. Conclusions The results of this study demonstrate the significant burden of herpes zoster disease in the pre-zoster vaccination era. A strong correlation with age in the herpes zoster- related incidence, hospitalization, complications, and mortality rates was found. In addition, the study provides further evidence of the female predominance in herpes zoster disease. PMID:24330510

  13. Freqüência das infecções pelo HIV-1, rubéola, sífilis, toxoplasmose, citomegalovírus, herpes simples, hepatite B, hepatite C, doença de Chagas e HTLV I/II em gestantes, do Estado de Mato Grosso do Sul Frequency of HIV-1, rubella, syphilis, toxoplasmosis, cytomegalovirus, simple herpes virus, hepatitis B, hepatitis C, Chagas’ disease and HTLV I/II infection in pregnant women of State of Mato Grosso do Sul

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    Ernesto Antonio Figueiró-Filho


    Full Text Available Objetivou-se avaliar a freqüência das infecções por sífilis, rubéola, hepatite B, hepatite C, toxoplasmose, doença de Chagas, HTLV I/II, herpes simples, HIV-1 e citomegalovírus em gestantes e relacionar a faixa etária das pacientes com a freqüência das infecções. Estudo transversal de 32.512 gestantes submetidas à triagem pré-natal no período de novembro de 2002 a outubro de 2003. As freqüências encontradas foram de 0,2% para infecção pelo vírus HIV-1, 0,03% para rubéola, 0,8% para sífilis, 0,4% para toxoplasmose, 0,05% para infecção aguda pelo citomegalovírus, 0,02% pelo vírus herpes simples, 0,3% para hepatite B (HBsAg, 0,1% para hepatite C, 0,1% para HTLV I/II e 0,1% para doença de Chagas. Houve associação significativa entre faixa etária e infecções por rubéola, citomegalovírus, doença de Chagas e herpes vírus. As freqüências de rubéola, sífilis, toxoplasmose, doença de Chagas e citomegalovírus nas gestantes encontram-se abaixo dos valores descritos na literatura.It was aimed to estimate the frequency of syphilis, rubella, hepatitis B, hepatitis C, toxoplasmosis, Chagas’ disease, HTLV I/II, simple herpes virus, HIV-1 and cytomegalovirus in pregnant women and to evaluate the relationship between age and the frequency of the infections studied. A transversal study of 32,512 pregnant women submitted to pre-natal sreening in the period of November 2002 to October 2003. The frequency of the tried infections among the pregnant women were 0.2% of HIV-1, 0.03% of rubella, 0.8% of syphilis, 0.4% of toxoplasmosis, 0.05% of cytomegalovirus, 0.02% of simple herpes virus, 0.3% of HBsAg, 0.1% of hepatitis C, 0.1% of HTLV and 0.1% of Chagas’ disease. There was significative statistical association between age and prenatal infection of rubella, cytomegalovirus, Chagas’ disease and herpes virus. The rates of frequency of rubella, syphilis, toxoplasmosis, Chagas’ disease and cytomegalovirus in pregnant women

  14. Isolation of herpes simplex virus from the genital tract during symptomatic recurrence on the buttocks. (United States)

    Kerkering, Katrina; Gardella, Carolyn; Selke, Stacy; Krantz, Elizabeth; Corey, Lawrence; Wald, Anna


    To estimate the frequency of isolation of herpes simplex virus (HSV) from the genital tract when recurrent herpes lesions were present on the buttocks. Data were extracted from a prospectively observed cohort attending a research clinic for genital herpes infections between 1975 and 2001. All patients with a documented herpes lesion on the buttocks, upper thigh or gluteal cleft ("buttock recurrence") and concomitant viral cultures from genital sites including the perianal region were eligible. We reviewed records of 237 subjects, 151 women and 86 men, with a total of 572 buttock recurrences. Of the 1,592 days with genital culture information during a buttock recurrence, participants had concurrent genital lesions on 311 (20%, 95% confidence interval [CI] 14-27%) of these days. Overall, HSV was isolated from the genital region on 12% (95% CI 8-17%) of days during a buttock recurrence. In the absence of genital lesions, HSV was isolated from the genital area on 7% (95% CI 4%-11%) of days during a buttock recurrence and, among women, from the vulvar or cervical sites on 1% of days. Viral shedding of herpes simplex virus from the genital area is a relatively common occurrence during a buttock recurrence of genital herpes, even without concurrent genital lesions, reflecting perhaps reactivation from concomitant regions of the sacral neural ganglia. Patients with buttock herpes recurrences should be instructed about the risk of genital shedding during such recurrences. II-2.

  15. Herpes Simplex Mastitis: Case Report and Review of the Literature

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    Holly Brown


    Full Text Available The most common sites of herpes simplex virus (HSV infection are around the oral cavity and the genitalia. However, HSV can infect any skin or mucous membrane surface. One uncommon site of HSV infection is the breast. Reports of herpetic breast infections are predominantly cases of transmission from a systemically HSV-infected neonate to the mother during breast-feeding. A review of the literature identified only six reports suggesting HSV breast lesions acquired by means other than through an infected infant. Of these, only one report suggests HSV transmission to the breast from a male sexual partner. A second case of clinically unsuspected symptomatic herpes mastitis presumably acquired from sexual contact in a 46-year-old woman is presented. Herpes simplex type 1 was isolated by using polymerase chain reaction and restriction fragment length polymerization techniques. The purpose of this report is to alert physicians to HSV mastitis.

  16. Herpes viruses and human papilloma virus in nasal polyposis and controls

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    Dimitrios Ioannidis


    Full Text Available ABSTRACT INTRODUCTION: Chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyps is a multifactorial disease entity with an unclear pathogenesis. Contradictory data exist in the literature on the potential implication of viral elements in adult patients with chronic rhinosinusitis. OBJECTIVE: To compare the prevalence of human herpes viruses (1-6 and Human Papilloma Virus in adult patients with chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyps and healthy controls. METHODS: Viral DNA presence was evaluated by real-time polymerase chain reaction application to nasal polyps specimens from 91 chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyps patients and nasal turbinate mucosa from 38 healthy controls. RESULTS: Epstein-Barr virus positivity was higher in nasal polyps (24/91; 26.4% versus controls (4/38; 10.5%, but the difference did not reach significance (p = 0.06. Human herpes virus-6 positivity was lower in nasal polyps (13/91; 14.29% versus controls (10/38; 26.32%,p = 0.13. In chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyps group, 1 sample was herpes simplex virus-1-positive (1/91; 1.1%, and another was cytomegalovirus-positive (1/91; 1.1%, versus none in controls. No sample was positive for herpes simplex virus-2, varicella-zoster virus, high-risk-human papilloma viruses (16, 18, 31, 33, 35, 39, 45, 51, 52, 56, 58, 59 and low-risk-human papilloma viruses (6, 11. CONCLUSION: Differences in Epstein-Barr virus and human herpes virus-6 positivity among patients with chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyps and healthy controls are not statistically significant, weakening the likelihood of their implication in chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyps pathogenesis.

  17. Intracerebral hematoma complicating herpes simplex encephalitis. (United States)

    Rodríguez-Sainz, Aida; Escalza-Cortina, Inés; Guio-Carrión, Laura; Matute-Nieves, Alexandra; Gómez-Beldarrain, Marian; Carbayo-Lozano, Guillermo; Garcia-Monco, Juan Carlos


    To describe two patients who developed an intracranial hematoma as a complication of temporal lobe encephalitis due to herpes simplex type 1 virus, and to review the literature. The first patient, a 45-year-old woman developed a brain hematoma in the location of the encephalitic lesion on day 9 after the onset of herpes simplex encephalitis (HSE) that required surgical evacuation. The second patient, a 53-year-old woman was being treated for HSE; on day 8 after admission a temporal lobe hematoma with midline shift was disclosed due to persistent headache. Both patients survived but were left with sequelae. We conducted a PubMed/MEDLINE search from 1986 to April 2013 on this topic. We have found 20 additional cases reported in the literature and review their characteristics. Hemorrhage was present on admission in 35% of pooled patients, and consistently involved the area of encephalitis. Clinical presentation of intracranial hemorrhage overlapped the encephalitic symptoms in two-thirds of the patients. Half of patients underwent surgery. Overall, mortality rate was low (5.2%), and half of patients fully recovered. Intracranial bleeding, although infrequent, can complicate the evolution of herpes simplex encephalitis and should be borne in mind since its presence may require neurosurgery. Although its presentation may overlap the encephalitic features, the lack of improvement or the worsening of initial symptoms, particularly during the second week of admission, should lead to this suspicion and to perform a neuroimaging study. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  18. Evaluation of mixed infection cases with both herpes simplex virus types 1 and 2. (United States)

    Kaneko, Hisatoshi; Kawana, Takashi; Ishioka, Ken; Ohno, Shigeaki; Aoki, Koki; Suzutani, Tatsuo


    Herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) is isolated principally from the upper half of the body innervated by the trigeminal ganglia whereas herpes simplex virus type 2 (HSV-2) is generally isolated from the lower half of the body innervated by the sacral ganglia. However, recent reports suggest that HSV-1 and HSV-2 can each infect both the upper and lower half of the body causing a variety of symptoms and there is a possibility that HSV-1 and HSV-2 infections can occur simultaneously with both causing symptoms. HSV type in clinical isolates from 87 patients with genital herpes and 57 with ocular herpes was determined by the polymerase chain reaction (PCR), and six cases of mixed infection with both HSV-1 and HSV-2 were identified. Of the six cases, three were patients with genital herpes and three were ocular herpes patients. Analysis of the copy number of the HSV-1 and HSV-2 genome by a quantitative real time PCR demonstrated that HSV-1 was dominant at a ratio of approximately 100:1 in the ocular infections. In contrast, the HSV-2 genome was present at a 4-40 times higher frequency in isolates from genital herpes patients. There was no obvious difference between the clinical course of mixed infection and those of single HSV-1 or HSV-2 infections. This study indicated that the frequency of mixed infection with both HSV-1 and HSV-2 is comparatively higher than those of previous reports. The genome ratio of HSV-1 and HSV-2 reflects the preference of each HSV type for the target organ.

  19. A Comparative Analysis of Polymerase Chain Reaction and Direct Fluorescent Antibody Test for Diagnosis of Genital Herpes. (United States)

    Patwardhan, Vrushali; Bhalla, Preena; Rawat, Deepti; Garg, Vijay Kumar; Sardana, Kabir; Sethi, Sumit


    To compare laboratory tests that can simultaneously detect and type herpes simplex virus (HSV) directly from the genital ulcer specimens in clinically suspected cases of genital herpes. A study was conducted over 10 months and 44 adult male and female patients clinically suspected with genital herpes were recruited. Genital ulcer swab specimens were subjected to glycoprotein-G gene-based conventional polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and commercially available direct fluorescent antibody (DFA) test and the results were compared. PCR for HSV was positive in 82% (36/44) cases. DFA was positive in 68.2% (30/44) cases. There was 100% agreement between HSV types detected by DFA and PCR. The strength of agreement between the results was better in primary genital herpes than recurrent cases. PCR was found to be better in the detection of HSV in recurrent genital herpes patients. It is a better modality, especially when genital herpes clinically presents with ulcerative or crusted lesions, and is also a cheaper alternative as compared to DFA.

  20. Seronegative Herpes simplex Associated Esophagogastric Ulcer after Liver Transplantation

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    Edouard Matevossian


    Full Text Available Herpes simplex infection is characterized by acute or subacute infection, often followed by a chronic carrier state. Consecutive recurrences may flare up if immunocompromise occurs. Herpes simplex associated esophagitis or duodenal ulcer have been reported in immunocompromised patients due to neoplasm, HIV/AIDS or therapeutically induced immune deficiency. Here we report the case of an HSV-DNA seronegative patient who developed grade III dysphagia 13 days after allogeneic liver transplantation. Endoscopy revealed an esophageal-gastric ulcer, and biopsy histopathology showed a distinct fibroplastic and capillary ulcer pattern highly suspicious for viral infection. Immunohistochemistry staining revealed a distinct nuclear positive anti-HSV reaction. Antiviral therapy with acyclovir and high-dose PPI led to a complete revision of clinical symptoms within 48 h. Repeat control endoscopy after 7 days showed complete healing of the former ulcer site at the gastroesophageal junction. Although the incidence of post-transplantation Herpes simplex induced gastroesophageal disease is low, the viral HSV ulcer may be included into a differential diagnosis if dysphagia occurs after transplantation even if HSV-DNA PCR is negative.

  1. Eye and Periocular Skin Involvement in Herpes Zoster Infection (United States)

    Kalogeropoulos, Chris D.; Bassukas, Ioannis D.; Moschos, Marilita M.; Tabbara, Khalid F.


    Herpes zoster ophthalmicus (HZO) is a clinical manifestation of the reactivation of latent varicella zoster virus (VZV) infection and is more common in people with diminished cell-mediated immunity. Lesions and pain correspond to the affected dermatomes, mostly in first or second trigeminal branch and progress from maculae, papules to vesicles and form pustules, and crusts. Complications are cutaneous, visceral, neurological, ocular, but the most debilitating is post-herpetic neuralgia. Herpes zoster ophthalmicus may affect all the ophthalmic structures, but most severe eye-threatening complications are panuveitis, acute retinal necrosis (ARN) and progressive outer retinal necrosis (PORN) as well. Antiviral medications remain the primary therapy, mainly useful in preventing ocular involvement when begun within 72 hours after the onset of the rash. Timely diagnosis and management of HZO are critical in limiting visual morbidity. Vaccine in adults over 60 was found to be highly effective to boost waning immunity what reduces both the burden of herpes zoster (HZ) disease and the incidence of post-herpetic neuralgia (PHN). PMID:27800502

  2. Incidence and predictors of herpes zoster among antiretroviral therapy-naïve patients initiating HIV treatment in Johannesburg, South Africa (United States)

    Maskew, Mhairi; Ajayi, Toyin; Berhanu, Rebecca; Majuba, Pappie; Sanne, Ian; Fox, Matthew P.


    Summary Objectives To describe the characteristics of HIV-infected patients experiencing herpes zoster after antiretroviral therapy (ART) initiation and to describe the incidence and predictors of a herpes zoster diagnosis. Methods Adult patients initiating ART from April 2004 to September 2011 at the Themba Lethu Clinic in Johannesburg, South Africa were included. Patients were followed from ART initiation until the date of first herpes zoster diagnosis, or death, transfer, loss to follow-up, or dataset closure. Herpes zoster is described using incidence rates (IR) and predictors of herpes zoster are presented as subdistribution hazard ratios (sHR) and 95% confidence intervals (95% CI). Results Fifteen thousand and twenty-five patients were included; 62% were female, the median age was 36.6 years, and the median baseline CD4 count was 98 cells/mm3. Three hundred and forty patients (2.3%) experienced herpes zoster in a median of 26.1 weeks after ART initiation. Most (71.5%) occurred within 1 year of initiation, for a 1-year IR of 18.1/1000 person-years. In an adjusted model, patients with low CD4 counts (herpes zoster (sHR: 1.53, 95% CI: 0.97–2.28) were at increased risk of incident herpes zoster. Conclusions While only 2% of patients were diagnosed with herpes zoster in this cohort, patients with low CD4 counts and those with prior episodes of herpes zoster were at higher risk for a herpes zoster diagnosis. PMID:24680820

  3. Formulacio?n de mezclas de aceites esenciales como inhibidores de Listeria monocytogenes


    Cazar R., Mari?a-Elena


    Las enfermedades causadas por el consumo de alimentos contaminados tienen un alto impacto econo?mico y en la salud pu?blica. Las contaminaciones de alimentos causadas por pato?genos como Campylobacter y Salmonella son las ma?s comu?nmente reportadas. No obstante, pato?genos como Listeria monocytogenes pueden adaptarse, sobrevivir y crecer en un amplio rango de condiciones ambientales, causando patologi?as con elevadas tasas de hospitalizacio?n y mortalidad (Gandhi y Chikindas,2007). Las in...

  4. Cambiando los paradigmas de la infección por M. pneumoniae en pediatría

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    Jocelin Merida-Vieyra


    Full Text Available La neumonía atípica es un término que originalmente se utilizó en pacientes adultos que presentaban neumonías de curso atípico, generalmente leves y de evolución benigna, que eran causadas por agentes como: Mycoplasma pneumoniae, Chlamydophila pneumoniae y Legionella pneumophila. En población pediátrica la presentación, tanto clínica como epidemiológica, de las neumonías por M. pneumoniae merece una especial atención ya que no siempre son cursos benignos y pueden existir numerosos cuadros extrapulmonares asociados; el proceso diagnóstico es complejo y poco diferencial de otros agentes etiológicos. Recientemente ha llamado la atención la emergencia de la resistencia a macrólidos en algunos países del mundo, por lo que existen controversias respecto al tratamiento. Estudios numerosos realizados a nivel mundial, particularmente derivados de países asiáticos, han generado nueva información en relación al comportamiento biológico, clínico, epidemiológico, radiológico y respuesta terapéutica de M. pneumoniae en pacientes pediátricos.

  5. Orbital apex syndrome associated with herpes zoster ophthalmicus

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    Kurimoto T


    Full Text Available Takuji Kurimoto1, Masahiro Tonari1, Norihiko Ishizaki1, Mitsuhiro Monta2, Saori Hirata2, Hidehiro Oku1, Jun Sugasawa1, Tsunehiko Ikeda11Department of Ophthalmology, Osaka Medical College, 2Department of Ophthalmology, Shitennoji Hospital, Osaka, JapanAbstract: We report our findings for a patient with orbital apex syndrome associated with herpes zoster ophthalmicus. Our patient was initially admitted to a neighborhood hospital because of nausea and loss of appetite of 10 days' duration. The day after hospitalization, she developed skin vesicles along the first division of the trigeminal nerve, with severe lid swelling and conjunctival injection. On suspicion of meningoencephalitis caused by varicella zoster virus, antiviral therapy with vidarabine and betamethasone was started. Seventeen days later, complete ptosis and ophthalmoplegia developed in the right eye. The light reflex in the right eye was absent and anisocoria was present, with the right pupil larger than the left. Fat-suppressed enhanced T1-weighted magnetic resonance images showed high intensity areas in the muscle cone, cavernous sinus, and orbital optic nerve sheath. Our patient was diagnosed with orbital apex syndrome, and because of skin vesicles in the first division of the trigeminal nerve, the orbital apex syndrome was considered to be caused by herpes zoster ophthalmicus. After the patient was transferred to our hospital, prednisolone 60 mg and vidarabine antiviral therapy was started, and fever and headaches disappeared five days later. The ophthalmoplegia and optic neuritis, but not the anisocoria, gradually resolved during tapering of oral therapy. From the clinical findings and course, the cause of the orbital apex syndrome was most likely invasion of the orbital apex and cavernous sinus by the herpes virus through the trigeminal nerve ganglia.Keywords: varicella zoster virus, orbital apex syndrome, herpes zoster ophthalmicus, complete ophthalmoplegia

  6. Herpes zoster: klinik, diagnostik og behandling

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kofoed, Kristian; Rønholt, Finn; Gerstoft, Jan


    Herpes zoster (HZ) is a painful vesicular rash localized to one dermatome. Post-herpetic neuralgia (PHN) is persistent pain three months after the rash started. In recent years several Cochrane reviews and clinical studies on how to treat HZ and PHN have been published. These studies show...

  7. Intoxicação por Enterolobium contortisiliquum em bovinos na região Nordeste do Brasil

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    Roberio G. Olinda


    Full Text Available Descreve-se um surto de fotossensibilização causada por favas de Enterolobium contortisiliquum em bovinos no Estado de Pernambuco, Nordeste do Brasil. Os sinais clínicos observados foram hiporexia, prostração, perda de peso, edema generalizado, dermatite e icterícia. Havia anemia e atividades séricas de AST, LDH e GGT elevadas. A concentração sérica de ureia encontrava-se levemente aumentada e creatinina, proteínas séricas e albumina estavam em níveis normais. Na necropsia, o fígado estava aumentado de tamanho e difusamente alaranjado e os rins estavam aumentados de volume e apresentavam estriações esbranquiçadas irregulares entremeadas por áreas escuras na superfície subcapsular. Histologicamente, observou-se na pele, dermatite ulcerativa. No fígado havia vacuolização e necrose de hepatócitos da região centrolobular e ocasionalmente necrose individual de hepatócitos em outras regiões. O rim apresentava nefrose tubular tóxica. O diagnóstico diferencial da intoxicação por E. contortisiliquum na região semiárida deve incluir as intoxicações por Brachiaria spp, Panicum dichotomiflorum e Froelichia humboldtiana, que também causam fotossensibilização.

  8. Neonatal herpes simplex virus infection: epidemiology and treatment. (United States)

    James, Scott H; Kimberlin, David W


    Herpes simplex virus types 1 (HSV-1) and 2 (HSV-2) are highly prevalent viruses capable of establishing lifelong infection. Genital herpes in women of childbearing age represents a major risk for mother-to-child transmission (MTCT) of HSV infection, with primary and first-episode genital HSV infections posing the highest risk. The advent of antiviral therapy with parenteral acyclovir has led to significant improvement in neonatal HSV disease mortality. Further studies are needed to improve the clinician's ability to identify infants at increased risk for HSV infection and prevent MTCT, and to develop novel antiviral agents with increased efficacy in infants with HSV infection. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  9. [Factual approach to the treatment of genital herpes]. (United States)

    Nikkels, A F; Piérard, G E


    Genital herpes is a sexually transmitted disease. After the primary infection, the virus establishes a life-long latency in the sacral dorsal root ganglia. Recurrences may occur at an unpredictable rate. The clinical signs are not always easy to recognize and viral identification techniques may be helpful such as immunohistochemistry and in situ hybridization on Tzanck smears and muco-cutaneous biopsies. The treatment of genital herpes can follow one of three strategies using antiviral drugs, non-specific immunomodulators, and vaccination. The new oral antiviral drugs decrease the severity of clinical manifestations without, however, providing a definitive cure. In this article recent knowledge about the clinical aspects, differential diagnosis, diagnostic methods, treatment options and management is reviewed.

  10. HIV-positive patient with herpes zoster: a manifestation of the immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome. (United States)

    Lutwak, Nancy; Dill, Curt


    Herpes zoster is a common illness that can lead to serious morbidity. There is now evidence that HIV-infected patients who have been treated with antiretroviral therapy are at greater risk of developing herpes zoster not when they are severely immunocompromised but, paradoxically, when their immune system is recovering. This is a manifestation of the immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome. The objectives of this report are to (1) inform health care providers that HIV-infected patients may develop multiple infectious, autoimmune, and oncological manifestations after treatment with antiretroviral medication, as they have immune system reconstitution, and (2) discuss herpes zoster, one of the possible manifestations. The patient is a 68-year-old HIV-positive man who presented with herpes zoster after being treated with highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) when his immune system was recovering, not when he was most immunosuppressed. Emergency department physicians should be aware that HIV-infected patients treated with HAART may have clinical deterioration despite immune system strengthening. This immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome can present with infectious, autoimmune, or oncological manifestations. Our case patient, an HIV-positive man with immune system recovery after treatment with HAART, presented with an infectious manifestation, herpes zoster.

  11. A suspected dental cellulitis leading to diagnosis of both herpes zoster ophthalmicus and HIV

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    Grace E. Parkins, BDS, FDS.RCPS (Glas., FWACS, FGCS


    Full Text Available Herpes zoster ophthalmicus and HIV are serious health problems. We report a case of a 37-year-old woman who presented to the Korle-Bu Teaching Hospital with dyspnea and facial cellulitis, and a diagnosis 5 days prior of dental cellulitis made at a district hospital. Investigations revealed that the facial cellulitis was secondary to herpes zoster infection involving the ophthalmic division of the left trigeminal nerve. The patient responded well to oral acyclovir but developed postherpetic neuralgia. During the course of treatment, she was also diagnosed to be HIV-1 positive and was referred for further management. This case represents a unique report in which the patient presented to the hospital with symptoms of cellulitis suggestive of underlying dental infection but was later diagnosed with both herpes zoster ophthalmicus and an underlying HIV infection. Atypical presentations of herpes zoster can occur in HIV/AIDS. Signs of herpes zoster infection with cellulitis should alert the clinician that the patient may have a possible underlying immunosuppressive disease. The population must be educated regarding the importance of early presentation and careful compliance with treatment as well as regular follow-ups.

  12. Genital herpes stigma: Toward the Measurement and Validation of a highly prevalent yet hidden public health problem. (United States)

    Wang, Katie; Merin, Abigail; Rendina, H Jonathon; Pachankis, John E


    Despite its highly prevalent and stigmatizing nature, genital herpes has received little attention from stigma researchers relative to other sexually transmitted infections. This limitation is of great relevance to researchers and practitioners in both clinical and healthcare settings, given that stigma can cause psychological distress and hinder disclosure to sexual partners, hence contributing to the spread of genital herpes. The present research developed and examined the psychometric properties of a quantitative measure of genital herpes stigma. Two hundred individuals diagnosed with genital herpes recruited through online genital herpes support groups completed a survey containing 37 items adapted from the HIV Stigma Scale, questions about demographic and herpes-related characteristics, and measures of relevant psychosocial variables. A confirmatory factor analysis yielded an 18-item scale with four factors: personalized stigma, disclosure concerns, negative self-image, and concern with public attitudes. All subscales demonstrated good internal consistency, with Cronbach alphas ranging from 0.74 to 0.87. Construct validity was supported by correlations with relevant psychosocial variables, including negative affect, rumination, and perceived social support. As a psychometrically sound assessment tool, the Genital Herpes Stigma Scale can be used in both clinical and research settings to facilitate future efforts to alleviate the negative psychological consequences of this incurable viral infection.

  13. Atenção ao Suicídio

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    Berenice Rheinreimer


    Full Text Available De acordo com a OMS a cada ano ocorrem 1 milhão de mortes causadas por suicídio, número maior que a soma das mortes causadas por guerras e homicídios (1. Até 2030, as mortes por suicídio podem chegar a 1 milhão e quinhentos mil, caso sejam mantidos os índices de crescimento atuais (2, 3. Para cada morte, ocorrem de 10 a 40 tentativas de suicídio, ou seja, 10 a 40 milhões de tentativas de suicídio ao ano (4.

  14. Estudio de sensibilidad antiviral de Virus Herpes simplex en pacientes trasplantados Antiviral sensitivity of Herpes simplex virus in immunocompromised patients

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    H. Illán


    Full Text Available La resistencia de virus Herpes simplex (VHS a Aciclovir (ACV ocurre en aproximadamente un 5% de los pacientes inmunocomprometidos. El tratamiento con análogos de nucleósidos, provoca la aparición de cepas VHS-ACV resistentes (ACVr. El mecanismo responsable de la resistencia a ACV son las mutaciones en los genes que codifican las enzimas timidina quinasa y/o ADN- polimerasa. En un estudio de aislamientos clinicos de pacientes inmunodeficientes, se encontró que el 96% de los VHS ACVr son debidos a una baja producción o ausencia de la enzima y un4% son cepas con alteración de la especificidad por el sustrato, casi no se obtuvieron cepas mutantes en la ADN-polimerasa (15. Los análogos de Pirofosfatos generan resistencia por mutación en el gen de la ADN-polimerasa. En este trabajo se presenta la metodología empleada para el estudio de los perfiles de sensibilidad a ACV y a Foscarnet (PFA en una población de inmunosuprimidos. Se estudiaron 46 aislamientos de VHS en fibroblastos humanos, provenientes de muestras de trasplantados con lesiones vesiculares. De los 46 aislamientos, 26 resultaron VHS-1 y 20 VHS-2, tipificados por Inmunofluorescencia (IF con anticuerpos monoclonales. Posteriormente se amplificaron y se les determinó su perfíl de sensibilidad en células Vero, utilizando 100 Dosis infectivas en cultivo de tejidos 50% (DICT50 de cada cepa viral y las drogas antivirales en diferentes concentraciones. La concentración inhibitoria 50%(CI50 se calculó a partir del porcentaje de inhibición del efecto citopático en función de la concentración de la droga. Ninguno de los aislamientos resultó resistente al PFA y solo dos de ellos, uno de VHS-1 y uno de VHS-2, fueron resistentesa ACV.The Herpes simplex Virus (HSV resistance to acyclovir (ACV occurs in a 5% of the inmunocompromised patients, approximately. The treatment with analogs of nucleosides, causes the appearance of resistent HSV-ACV stocks(ACVr which can be produced by

  15. Herpes viruses and human papilloma virus in nasal polyposis and controls. (United States)

    Ioannidis, Dimitrios; Lachanas, Vasileios A; Florou, Zoe; Bizakis, John G; Petinaki, Efthymia; Skoulakis, Charalampos E


    Chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyps is a multifactorial disease entity with an unclear pathogenesis. Contradictory data exist in the literature on the potential implication of viral elements in adult patients with chronic rhinosinusitis. To compare the prevalence of human herpes viruses (1-6) and Human Papilloma Virus in adult patients with chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyps and healthy controls. Viral DNA presence was evaluated by real-time polymerase chain reaction application to nasal polyps specimens from 91 chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyps patients and nasal turbinate mucosa from 38 healthy controls. Epstein-Barr virus positivity was higher in nasal polyps (24/91; 26.4%) versus controls (4/38; 10.5%), but the difference did not reach significance (p=0.06). Human herpes virus-6 positivity was lower in nasal polyps (13/91; 14.29%) versus controls (10/38; 26.32%, p=0.13). In chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyps group, 1 sample was herpes simplex virus-1-positive (1/91; 1.1%), and another was cytomegalovirus-positive (1/91; 1.1%), versus none in controls. No sample was positive for herpes simplex virus-2, varicella-zoster virus, high-risk-human papilloma viruses (16, 18, 31, 33, 35, 39, 45, 51, 52, 56, 58, 59) and low-risk-human papilloma viruses (6, 11). Differences in Epstein-Barr virus and human herpes virus-6 positivity among patients with chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyps and healthy controls are not statistically significant, weakening the likelihood of their implication in chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyps pathogenesis. Copyright © 2015 Associação Brasileira de Otorrinolaringologia e Cirurgia Cérvico-Facial. Published by Elsevier Editora Ltda. All rights reserved.

  16. Chronic Granulomatous Herpes Encephalitis in a Child with Clinically Intractable Epilepsy

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    James R. Hackney


    Full Text Available Most patients with herpes simplex virus Type I encephalitis experience an acute, monophasic illness. Chronic encephalitis is much less common, and few late relapses are associated with intractable seizure disorders. A 10-year-old boy was admitted to our institution for intractable epilepsy as part of an evaluation for epilepsy surgery. His history was significant for herpes meningitis at age 4 months. At that time, he presented to an outside hospital with fever for three days, with acyclovir treatment beginning on day 4 of his 40-day hospital course. He later developed infantile spasms and ultimately a mixed seizure disorder. Video electroencephalogram showed a Lennox-Gastaut-type pattern with frequent right frontotemporal spikes. Imaging studies showed an abnormality in the right frontal operculum. Based on these findings, he underwent a right frontal lobectomy. Neuropathology demonstrated chronic granulomatous inflammation with focal necrosis and mineralizations. Scattered lymphocytes, microglial nodules and nonnecrotizing granulomas were present with multinucleated giant cells. Immunohistochemistry for herpes simplex virus showed focal immunoreactivity. After undergoing acyclovir therapy, he returned to baseline with decreased seizure frequency. This rare form of herpes encephalitis has only been reported in children, but the initial presentation of meningitis and the approximate 10-year-time interval in this case are unusual.

  17. [Management of pregnant women with recurrent herpes. Guidelines for clinical practice from the French College of Gynecologists, Obstetricians (CNGOF)]. (United States)

    Anselem, O


    To provide guidelines for the management of woman with genital herpes during pregnancy or labor and with known history of genital herpes. MedLine and Cochrane Library databases search and review of the main foreign guidelines. Genital herpes ulceration during pregnancy in a woman with history of genital herpes correspond to a recurrence. In this situation, there is no need for virologic confirmation (Grade B). In case of recurrent herpes during pregnancy, antiviral therapy with acyclovir or valacyclovir can be administered but provide low efficiency on duration and severity of symptoms (Grade C). Antiviral treatment proposed is acyclovir (200mg 5 times daily) or valacyclovir (500mg twice daily) for 5 to 10 days (Grade C). Recurrent herpes is associated with a risk of neonatal herpes around 1% (LE3). Antiviral prophylaxis should be offered for women with recurrent genital herpes during pregnancy from 36 weeks of gestation and until delivery (Grade B). There is no evidence of the benefit of prophylaxis in case or recurrence only before the pregnancy. There is no recommendation for systematic prophylaxis for women with history of recurrent genital herpes and no recurrence during the pregnancy. At the onset of labor, virologic testing is indicated only in case of genital ulceration (Professional consensus). In case of recurrent genital herpes at the onset of labor, cesarean delivery will be all the more considered if the membranes are intact and/or in case of prematurity and/or in case of HIV positive woman and vaginal delivery will be all the more considered in case of prolonged rupture of membranes after 37 weeks of gestation in an HIV negative woman (Professional consensus). In case of recurrent genital herpes at the onset of labor and intact membranes, cesarean delivery should be considered. In case of recurrent genital herpes and prolonged rupture of membranes at term, the benefit of cesarean delivery is more questionable and vaginal delivery should be considered

  18. Prevention and management of genital herpes simplex infection during pregnancy and delivery: Guidelines from the French College of Gynaecologists and Obstetricians (CNGOF). (United States)

    Sénat, Marie-Victoire; Anselem, Olivia; Picone, Olivier; Renesme, Laurent; Sananès, Nicolas; Vauloup-Fellous, Christelle; Sellier, Yann; Laplace, Jean-Pierre; Sentilhes, Loïc


    Identify measures to diagnose, prevent, and treat genital herpes infection during pregnancy and childbirth as well as neonatal herpes infection. Bibliographic search from the Medline and Cochrane Library databases and review of international clinical practice guidelines. Genital herpes lesions are most often due to HSV-2 (LE2). The risk of HSV seroconversion during pregnancy is 1-5% (LE2). Genital herpes lesions during pregnancy in a woman with a history of genital herpes is a recurrence. In this situation, there is no need for virologic confirmation (Grade B). In pregnant women with genital lesions who report they have not previously had genital herpes, virological confirmation by PCR and identifying the specific IgG type is necessary (professional consensus). A first episode of genital herpes during pregnancy should be treated with aciclovir (200 mg 5 times daily) or valaciclovir (1000 mg twice daily) for 5-10 days (Grade C), and recurrent herpes during pregnancy with aciclovir (200 mg 5 times daily) or valaciclovir (500 mg twice daily) (Grade C). The risk of neonatal herpes is estimated at between 25% and 44% if a non primary and primary first genital herpes episode is ongoing at delivery (LE2) and 1% for a recurrence (LE3). Antiviral prophylaxis should be offered to women with either a first or recurrent episode of genital herpes during pregnancy from 36 weeks of gestation until delivery (Grade B). Routine prophylaxis is not recommended for women with a history of genital herpes but no recurrence during pregnancy (professional consensus). A cesarean delivery is recommended if a first episode of genital herpes is suspected (or confirmed) at the onset of labor (Grade B) or if it occured less than 6 weeks before delivery (professional consensus) or in the event of premature rupture of the membranes at term. When a recurrence of genital herpes is underway at the onset of labor, cesarean delivery is most likely to be considered when the membranes are

  19. Non-healing genital herpes mimicking donovanosis in an immunocompetent man. (United States)

    Gupta, Vishal; Khute, Prakash; Patel, Anjali; Gupta, Somesh


    Although atypical presentations of herpetic infection in immunocompetent individuals are common, they very rarely have the extensive, chronic and verrucous appearances seen in the immunocompromised host. We report a case of genital herpes manifesting as painless chronic non-healing genital ulcers with exuberant granulation tissue in an immunocompetent man. Owing to this morphology, the ulcers were initially mistaken for donovanosis. To the best of our knowledge, such a presentation of genital herpes in an immunocompetent individual has not been described previously. © The Author(s) 2015.

  20. [Dutch Institute for Health Care Improvement revised guideline, 'Sexually transmitted diseases and neonatal herpes'

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Bleker, O.P.; Meijden, W.I. van der; Wittenberg, J.; Bergen, J.E. van; Boeke, A.J.; Doornum, G.J.J. van; Henquet, C.J.; Galama, J.M.D.; Postma, M.J.; Prins, J.M.; Voorst Vader, P.C. van


    The Dutch Institute for Health Care Improvement revised guideline, 'Sexually transmitted diseases and neonatal herpes' summarises the current scientific position on the diagnosis and treatment of a great number of sexually transmitted diseases (STD) and neonatal herpes. Symptomatic treatment of

  1. Herpes zoster ophthalmicus and strabismus: a unique cause of secondary Brown syndrome. (United States)

    Broderick, Kevin M; Raymond, William R; Boden, John H


    Herpes zoster ophthalmicus can be associated with a variety of ocular and visual sequelae, including isolated or even multiple cranial neuropathies, potentially affecting the oculomotor, trochlear, or abducens nerves. We report a case of a secondary Brown syndrome following resolution of a unilateral isolated trochlear nerve palsy associated with herpes zoster ophthalmicus in an immunocompetent 57-year-old man. Published by Elsevier Inc.

  2. Different presence of Chlamydia pneumoniae, herpes simplex virus type 1, human herpes virus 6, and Toxoplasma gondii in schizophrenia: meta-analysis and analytical study

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    Gutiérrez-Fernández J


    Full Text Available José Gutiérrez-Fernández,1 Juan de Dios Luna del Castillo,2 Sara Mañanes-González,1 José Antonio Carrillo-Ávila,1 Blanca Gutiérrez,3 Jorge A Cervilla,3 Antonio Sorlózano-Puerto1 1Department of Microbiology, 2Department of Statistics and Operation Research, 3Department of Psychiatry, Institute of Neurosciences and CIBERSAM, School of Medicine and Biohealth Research Institute (Instituto de Investigación Biosanitaria IBS-Granada, University of Granada, Granada, Spain Abstract: In the present study we have performed both a meta-analysis and an analytical study exploring the presence of Chlamydia pneumoniae, herpes simplex virus type 1, human herpes virus 6, and Toxoplasma gondii antibodies in a sample of 143 schizophrenic patients and 143 control subjects. The meta-analysis was performed on papers published up to April 2014. The presence of serum immunoglobulin G and immunoglobulin A was performed by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay test. The detection of microbial DNA in total peripheral blood was performed by nested polymerase chain reaction. The meta-analysis showed that: 1 C. pneumoniae DNA in blood and brain are more common in schizophrenic patients; 2 there is association with parasitism by T. gondii, despite the existence of publication bias; and 3 herpes viruses were not more common in schizophrenic patients. In our sample only anti-Toxoplasma immunoglobulin G was more prevalent and may be a risk factor related to schizophrenia, with potential value for prevention. Keywords: meta-analysis, analytical study, Chlamydia pneumoniae, herpes simplex virus type 1, human herpes virus 6, Toxoplasma gondii, schizophrenia

  3. Interleukin-33 is expressed in the lesional epidermis in herpes virus infection but not in verruca vulgaris. (United States)

    Jin, Meijuan; Komine, Mayumi; Tsuda, Hidetoshi; Oshio, Tomoyuki; Ohtsuki, Mamitaro


    Interleukin (IL)-33 is released on cell injury and activates the immune reaction. IL-33 is involved in antiviral reaction in herpes virus infection, but the source that secretes IL-33 has not been identified. We speculate that keratinocytes injured in herpes virus infection secrete IL-33. In order to detect IL-33 in the lesional epidermis of patients with herpes virus infection, we immunostained several cutaneous herpes virus infection samples with an anti-IL-33 antibody, and compared them with cutaneous human papilloma virus (HPV) infection samples. We observed strong nuclear and mild cytoplasmic staining in epidermal keratinocytes of the lesional skin samples with herpes simplex virus and varicella zoster virus infections. However, staining was not observed in the epidermis of verruca vulgaris (VV) samples. We assumed that the strong immune reaction to herpes virus infection may depend on strong IL-33 expression in the epidermis, while very weak immune reaction in samples from patients with VV may be due to low or no expression of IL-33 in the lesional epidermis. © 2018 Japanese Dermatological Association.

  4. Treatment of radiostrontium uptake in man; Traitement de la fixation de radiostrontium chez l'homme; Lechenie posledstvij pogloshcheniya radioaktivnogo strontsiya u cheloveka; Tratamiento de la radiotoxemla humana causada por absorcion de radioestroncio

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Volf, V. [Department of Ionizing Radiation Institute of Industrial Hygiene and Occupational Disease, Prague, CSSR (Czech Republic)


    'autres possibilites de traitement de premiere urgence de la contamination interne aigue par le radiostrontium chez l'homme. (author) [Spanish] En experimentos de corta duracion realizados con ratas, se ha modificado la absorcion del radioestroncio a traves de la pared intestinal por tratamiento oral con sulfato barico y fosfato calcico normal. Por el contrario, ha permanecido inalterada la absorcion del ''9''0Sr administrado con el agua de bebida a ratas sometidas a un regimen que comprendia sulfato barico. De ello se deduce que esta sustancia solo puede ser de alguna utilidad en un tratamiento de primeros auxilios. En dos casos de ligera contaminacion interna consecutiva a la inhalacion accidental de nitrato de {sup 90}Sr se ha administrado suliato barico (Skiabaryum Spoia) por via oral a los 10 y 30 minutos de ocurrir la inhalacion. La eficacia de este tratamiento se ha verificado en experimentos realizados con ratas en las mismas condiciones en que se produjeron los accidentes. En fecha mas reciente, se han efectuado experimentos analogos en varios enfermos de cancer para estudiar otras posibilidades que ofrece el tratamiento de primeros auxilios, administrado a raiz de una contaminacion interna aguda causada por el radioestroncio en el organismo humano. (author) [Russian] V neprodolzhitel'nykh ehksperimentakh na krysakh izuchalos' izmenenie prokhozhdeniya radiostrontsiya cherez kishechnuyu stenku pod vliyaniem skarmlivaniya sernokislogo bariya i normal'nogo fosfornokislogo kal'tsiya. Odnako u krys, soderzhashchikhsya na diete, vklyuchayushchej sernokislyj barij, ne obnaruzheno izmenenij vsasyvaniya strontsiya-90, kotoryj zhivotnye poluchali s pit'evoj vodoj. Sdelan vyvod, chto ehto veshchestvo mozhet primenyat'sya lish' dlya okazaniya pervoj pomoshchi. V dvukh sluchayakh legkogo vnutrennego zarazheniya posle sluchajnogo vdykhaniya nitrata strontsiya-90 sernokislyj barij (Skiabarij Spofa) davalsya vnutr' cherez 10 i 30 minut posle vdykhaniya strontsiya-90. Ehivnoot' ehtogo

  5. Differential in situ hybridization for herpes simplex virus typing in routine skin biopsies

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Botma, H. J.; Dekker, H.; van Amstel, P.; Cairo, I.; van den Berg, F. M.


    A herpes simplex virus (HSV) type 2 specific recombinant plasmid probe designated pH2S3 was constructed from non-HSV-1 crossreactive regions of the HSV-2 genome. DNA in situ hybridization on in vitro reconstructed tissue samples of sheep collagen matrix impregnated with herpes virus-infected human

  6. Association between psychopathic disorder and serum antibody to herpes simplex virus (type 1). (United States)

    Cleobury, J F; Skinner, G R; Thouless, M E; Wildy, P


    The sera of a small of patients has been examined for herpes simplex virus antibody. Three clinically-defined groups of patients were compared: (a) aggressive psychopaths, (b) psychiatric controls, and (c) general hospital patients. The first group had an unusually high average kinetic neutralization constant against type 1 herpes simplex virus.

  7. Update on Neonatal Herpes Simplex Epidemiology in the Netherlands: A Health Problem of Increasing Concern?

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    van Oeffelen, Louise; Biekram, Manisha; Poeran, Jashvant; Hukkelhoven, Chantal; Galjaard, Sander; van der Meijden, Wim; Op de Coul, Eline


    This paper provides an update on the incidence of neonatal herpes, guideline adherence by health care professionals (HCP), and trends in genital herpes simplex virus (HSV) infection during pregnancy in the Netherlands.

  8. Herpes Simplex Virus-1 and Bell's Palsy

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    J Gordon Millichap


    Full Text Available The association between herpes simplex virus-1 (HSV-1 infection and Bell palsy was determined in 47 children studied at Children's Hospital at Montefiore, Bronx, NY. Swabs of saliva and conjunctiva were taken for PCR testing.

  9. Herpes zoster-associeret morbiditet hos børn i kemoterapi for akut lymfoblastaer leukaemi

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sørensen, Gitte Vrelits; Helgestad, Jon; Rosthøj, Steen


    INTRODUCTION: Herpes zoster rarely occurs in healthy children, but may occur frequently and may take a complicated course in children receiving chemotherapy. We aimed to assess morbidity from herpes zoster in children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL). MATERIAL AND METHODS: Reviewing records...

  10. Identification of a herpes simplex labialis susceptibility region on human chromosome 21. (United States)

    Hobbs, Maurine R; Jones, Brandt B; Otterud, Brith E; Leppert, Mark; Kriesel, John D


    Most of the United States population is infected with either herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1), herpes simplex virus type 2, or both. Reactivations of HSV-1 infection cause herpes simplex labialis (HSL; cold sores or fever blisters), which is the most common recurring viral infection in humans. To investigate the possibility of a human genetic component conferring resistance or susceptibility to cold sores (i.e., a HSL susceptibility gene), we conducted a genetic linkage analysis that included serotyping and phenotyping 421 individuals from 39 families enrolled in the Utah Genetic Reference Project. Linkage analysis identified a 2.5-Mb nonrecombinant region of interest on the long arm of human chromosome 21, with a multipoint logarithm of odds score of 3.9 noted near marker abmc65 (D21S409). Nonparametric linkage analysis of the data also provided strong evidence for linkage (P = .0005). This region of human chromosome 21 contains 6 candidate genes for herpes susceptibility. The development of frequent cold sores is associated with a region on the long arm of human chromosome 21. This region contains several candidate genes that could influence the frequency of outbreaks of HSL.

  11. Phenotypic and Functional Characterization of Herpes Simplex Virus Glycoprotein B Epitope-Specific Effector and Memory CD8+ T Cells from Symptomatic and Asymptomatic Individuals with Ocular Herpes (United States)

    Khan, Arif A.; Srivastava, Ruchi; Spencer, Doran; Garg, Sumit; Fremgen, Daniel; Vahed, Hawa; Lopes, Patricia P.; Pham, Thanh T.; Hewett, Charlie; Kuang, Jasmine; Ong, Nicolas; Huang, Lei; Scarfone, Vanessa M.; Nesburn, Anthony B.


    ABSTRACT Herpes simplex virus 1 (HSV-1) glycoprotein B (gB)-specific CD8+ T cells protect mice from herpes infection and disease. However, whether and which HSV-1 gB-specific CD8+ T cells play a key role in the “natural” protection seen in HSV-1-seropositive healthy asymptomatic (ASYMP) individuals (who have never had clinical herpes disease) remain to be determined. In this study, we have dissected the phenotypes and the functions of HSV-1 gB-specific CD8+ T cells from HLA-A*02:01 positive, HSV-1 seropositive ASYMP and symptomatic (SYMP) individuals (with a history of numerous episodes of recurrent ocular herpes disease). We found the following. (i) Healthy ASYMP individuals maintained a significantly higher proportion of differentiated HSV-1 gB-specific effector memory CD8+ T cells (TEM cells) (CD45RAlow CCR7low CD44high CD62Llow). In contrast, SYMP patients had frequent less-differentiated central memory CD8+ T cells (TCM cells) (CD45RAlow CCR7high CD44low CD62Lhigh). (ii) ASYMP individuals had significantly higher proportions of multifunctional effector CD8+ T cells which responded mainly to gB342–350 and gB561–569 “ASYMP” epitopes, and simultaneously produced IFN-γ, CD107a/b, granzyme B, and perforin. In contrast, effector CD8+ T cells from SYMP individuals were mostly monofunctional and were directed mainly against nonoverlapping gB17–25 and gB183–191 “SYMP” epitopes. (iii) Immunization of an HLA-A*02:01 transgenic mouse model of ocular herpes with “ASYMP” CD8+ TEM cell epitopes, but not with “SYMP” CD8+ TCM cell epitopes, induced a strong CD8+ T cell-dependent protective immunity against ocular herpes infection and disease. Our findings provide insights into the role of HSV-specific CD8+ TEM cells in protection against herpes and should be considered in the development of an effective vaccine. IMPORTANCE A significantly higher proportion of differentiated and multifunctional HSV-1 gB-specific effector memory CD8+ T cells (TEM

  12. Polyneuritis cranialis following herpes zoster

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Radhakrishna H


    Full Text Available Herpes zoster is a common clinical condition involving cranial nerves. We encountered 3 cases in which multiple cranial nerves were involved besides the commoner ones. All the three cases were treated with acyclovir and oral steroids. Recovery of motor function was only partial in all three cases when reviewed 2 months after discharge. The clinical details and a brief review of literature are presented.

  13. Retention of urine and sacral paraesthesia in anogenital herpes simplex infection. (United States)

    Edis, R H


    Two definite and 2 probable cases of anogenital herpes simplex and sacral radiculitis are described. Symptoms were typical and consisted of paraesthesia and neuralgic pain in the perineum and legs, urinary retention and constipation occurring within several days to a week after an anogenital herpetic eruption. However, at presentation only 1 case had an obvious history of anogenital herpes simplex. Neurological signs were not striking and consisted of a reduced appreciation of light touch and pin prick over the sacral dermatomes and in 2 cases reduced anal sphincter tone. CSF examination in 3 patients showed a lymphocytosis. Bladder catheterisation was required for up to 2 weeks in 2 patients. The paraesthesia persisted for weeks to months. It should be more widely recognised that anogenital herpes simplex, with sacral radiculitis, is probably the commonest cause of acute retention of urine in young sexually active people.

  14. The "Knife-Cut Sign" Revisited: A Distinctive Presentation of Linear Erosive Herpes Simplex Virus Infection in Immunocompromised Patients. (United States)

    Cohen, Philip R


    The "knife-cut sign" is a distinctive presentation of linear erosive herpes simplex virus infection in immunocompromised patients. To describe a man whose herpes simplex virus infection-related skin lesions demonstrated the "knife-cut sign" and to review the characteristics of reported immunosuppressed individuals with "knife-cut" cutaneous herpes simplex virus lesions. A man with multiple myeloma and post-stem cell transplant cutaneous graft-versus-host disease managed with systemic prednisone and sirolimus developed disseminated cutaneous herpes simplex virus infection with virus-associated linear ulcers of the inguinal folds and the area between his ear and scalp; the lesions at both sites had a distinctive "knife-cut" appearance. Using the PubMed database, an extensive literature search was performed on herpes simplex virus, immunocompromised patient, and "knife-cut sign". Herpes simplex virus infection-associated skin lesions that demonstrate the "knife-cut sign" present in patients who are immunosuppressed secondary to either an underlying medical condition or a systemic therapy or both. The distinctive virus-related cutaneous lesions appear as linear ulcers and fissures in intertriginous areas, such as the folds in the inguinal area, the vulva, and the abdomen; in addition, other sites include beneath the breast, within the gluteal cleft, and the area between the ear and the scalp. Not only herpes simplex virus-2, but also herpes simplex virus-1 has been observed as the causative viral serotype; indeed, herpes simplex virus-1 has been associated with genital and inframammary lesions in addition to those above the neck. Direct fluorescent antibody testing is a rapid method for confirming the clinically suspected viral infection; however, since false-negative direct fluorescent antibody testing occurred in some of the patients, it may be prudent to also perform viral cultures and possibly lesional skin biopsies to establish the diagnosis. The herpes simplex

  15. Oncolytic Herpes Simplex Viral Therapy: A Stride toward Selective Targeting of Cancer Cells. (United States)

    Sanchala, Dhaval S; Bhatt, Lokesh K; Prabhavalkar, Kedar S


    Oncolytic viral therapy, which makes use of replication-competent lytic viruses, has emerged as a promising modality to treat malignancies. It has shown meaningful outcomes in both solid tumor and hematologic malignancies. Advancements during the last decade, mainly genetic engineering of oncolytic viruses have resulted in improved specificity and efficacy of oncolytic viruses in cancer therapeutics. Oncolytic viral therapy for treating cancer with herpes simplex virus-1 has been of particular interest owing to its range of benefits like: (a) large genome and power to infiltrate in the tumor, (b) easy access to manipulation with the flexibility to insert multiple transgenes, (c) infecting majority of the malignant cell types with quick replication in the infected cells and (d) as Anti-HSV agent to terminate HSV replication. This review provides an exhaustive list of oncolytic herpes simplex virus-1 along with their genetic alterations. It also encompasses the major developments in oncolytic herpes simplex-1 viral therapy and outlines the limitations and drawbacks of oncolytic herpes simplex viral therapy.

  16. Electrochemical direct immobilization of DNA sequences for label-free herpes virus detection (United States)

    Tam, Phuong Dinh; Trung, Tran; Tuan, Mai Anh; Chien, Nguyen Duc


    DNA sequences/bio-macromolecules of herpes virus (5'-AT CAC CGA CCC GGA GAG GGA C-3') were directly immobilized into polypyrrole matrix by using the cyclic voltammetry method, and grafted onto arrays of interdigitated platinum microelectrodes. The morphology surface of the obtained PPy/DNA of herpes virus composite films was investigated by a FESEM Hitachi-S 4800. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) was used to characterize the PPy/DNA film and to study the specific interactions that may exist between DNA biomacromolecules and PPy chains. Attempts are made to use these PPy/DNA composite films for label-free herpes virus detection revealed a response time of 60 s in solutions containing as low as 2 nM DNA concentration, and self life of six months when immerged in double distilled water and kept refrigerated.

  17. Electrochemical direct immobilization of DNA sequences for label-free herpes virus detection

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Phuong Dinh Tam; Mai Anh Tuan; Tran Trung; Nguyen Duc Chien


    DNA sequences/bio-macromolecules of herpes virus (5'-AT CAC CGA CCC GGA GAG GGA C-3') were directly immobilized into polypyrrole matrix by using the cyclic voltammetry method, and grafted onto arrays of interdigitated platinum microelectrodes. The morphology surface of the obtained PPy/DNA of herpes virus composite films was investigated by a FESEM Hitachi-S 4800. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) was used to characterize the PPy/DNA film and to study the specific interactions that may exist between DNA biomacromolecules and PPy chains. Attempts are made to use these PPy/DNA composite films for label-free herpes virus detection revealed a response time of 60 s in solutions containing as low as 2 nM DNA concentration, and self life of six months when emerged in double distilled water and kept refrigerated.

  18. Herpes zoster and the risk of ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke: A systematic review and meta-analysis.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ying Lian

    Full Text Available Herpes zoster infection and stroke are highly prevalent in the general population; however, reports have presented inconsistent findings regarding the relationship between herpes zoster infection and stroke. In this meta-analysis, we aimed to clarify this association.The PubMed and Embase databases were searched for studies published from their inception to January 2016. Two investigators independently extracted the data. The pooled relative risk (RR was calculated using a random effects model.A total of 8 studies met the inclusion criteria. During the first 1 month after herpes zoster infection, the pooled RRs for ischemic stroke and hemorrhagic stroke were 1.55 (95% CI, 1.46-1.65 and 1.70 (95% CI, 0.73-3.96, respectively, and within 3 months after infection, the corresponding RRs were 1.17 (95% CI, 1.12-1.23 and 2.05 (95% CI, 1.17-3.60, respectively. At 1 year and more than 1 year after herpes zoster infection, a significant relationship was not observed between herpes zoster infection and the incidence of ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke. Publication bias was not observed.The accumulated evidence generated from this systematic review indicates that an increased risk for ischemic stroke occurred in the short term after herpes zoster infection, whereas a significant relationship was not observed in the long term after infection. With respect to hemorrhagic stroke, the association was not significant. With respect to hemorrhagic stroke, the association between was not significant except within 3 months after a herpes zoster infection.

  19. Helicase-primase inhibitor amenamevir for herpesvirus infection: Towards practical application for treating herpes zoster. (United States)

    Shiraki, K


    Valacyclovir and famciclovir enabled successful systemic therapy for treating herpes simplex virus (HSV) and varicella zoster virus (VZV) infection by their phosphorylation with viral thymidine kinase. Helicase-primase inhibitors (HPIs) inhibit the progression of the replication fork, an initial step in DNA synthesis to separate the double strand into two single strands. The HPIs amenamevir and pritelivir have a novel mechanism of action, once-daily administration with nonrenal excretory characteristics, and clinical efficacy for genital herpes. Amenamevir exhibits anti-VZV and anti-HSV activity while pritelivir only has anti-HSV activity. A clinical trial of amenamevir for herpes zoster has been completed, and amenamevir has been licensed and successfully used in 20,000 patients with herpes zoster so far in Japan. We have characterized the features of the antiviral action of amenamevir and, unlike acyclovir, the drug's antiviral activity is not influenced by the viral replication cycle. Amenamevir is opening a new era of antiherpes therapy. Copyright 2017 Clarivate Analytics.

  20. Validity of the coding for herpes simplex encephalitis in the Danish National Patient Registry

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jørgensen, Laura Krogh; Dalgaard, Lars Skov; Østergaard, Lars Jørgen


    BACKGROUND: Large health care databases are a valuable source of infectious disease epidemiology if diagnoses are valid. The aim of this study was to investigate the accuracy of the recorded diagnosis coding of herpes simplex encephalitis (HSE) in the Danish National Patient Registry (DNPR...... (7.3%) as probable cases providing an overall PPV of 58.0% (95% confidence interval [CI]: 53.0-62.9). For "Encephalitis due to herpes simplex virus" (ICD-10 code B00.4), the PPV was 56.6% (95% CI: 51.1-62.0). Similarly, the PPV for "Meningoencephalitis due to herpes simplex virus" (ICD-10 code B00.4A......) was 56.8% (95% CI: 39.5-72.9). "Herpes viral encephalitis" (ICD-10 code G05.1E) had a PPV of 75.9% (95% CI: 56.5-89.7), thereby representing the highest PPV. The estimated sensitivity was 95.5%. CONCLUSION: The PPVs of the ICD-10 diagnosis coding for adult HSE in the DNPR were relatively low. Hence...

  1. Prediction of conserved sites and domains in glycoproteins B, C and D of herpes viruses. (United States)

    Rasheed, Muhammad Asif; Ansari, Abdur Rahman; Ihsan, Awais; Navid, Muhammad Tariq; Ur-Rehman, Shahid; Raza, Sohail


    Glycoprotein B (gB), C (gC) and D (gD) of herpes simplex virus are implicated in virus adsorption and penetration. The gB, gC and gD are glycoproteins for different processes of virus binding and attachment to the host cells. Moreover, their expression is necessary and sufficient to induce cell fusion in the absence of other glycoproteins. Egress of herpes simplex virus (HSV) and other herpes viruses from cells involves extensive modification of cellular membranes and sequential envelopment, de-envelopment and re-envelopment steps. Viral glycoproteins are important in these processes, and frequently two or more glycoproteins can largely suffice in any step. Hence, we target the 3 important glycoproteins (B, C and D) of eight different herpes viruses of different species. These species include human (HSV1 and 2), bovine (BHV1), equine (EHV1 and 4), chicken (ILT1 and MDV2) and pig (PRV1). By applying different bioinformatics tools, we highlighted the conserved sites in these glycoproteins which might be most significant regarding attachment and infection of the viruses. Moreover the conserved domains in these glycoproteins are also highlighted. From this study, we will able to analyze the role of different viral glycoproteins of different species during herpes virus adsorption and penetration. Moreover, this study will help to construct the antivirals that target the glycoproteins of different herpes viruses. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  2. Detection of herpes simplex virus-specific DNA sequences in latently infected mice and in humans. (United States)

    Efstathiou, S; Minson, A C; Field, H J; Anderson, J R; Wildy, P


    Herpes simplex virus-specific DNA sequences have been detected by Southern hybridization analysis in both central and peripheral nervous system tissues of latently infected mice. We have detected virus-specific sequences corresponding to the junction fragment but not the genomic termini, an observation first made by Rock and Fraser (Nature [London] 302:523-525, 1983). This "endless" herpes simplex virus DNA is both qualitatively and quantitatively stable in mouse neural tissue analyzed over a 4-month period. In addition, examination of DNA extracted from human trigeminal ganglia has shown herpes simplex virus DNA to be present in an "endless" form similar to that found in the mouse model system. Further restriction enzyme analysis of latently infected mouse brainstem and human trigeminal DNA has shown that this "endless" herpes simplex virus DNA is present in all four isomeric configurations.

  3. Bullous Variant of Sweet’s Syndrome after Herpes Zoster Virus Infection


    Yuichiro Endo; Miki Tanioka; Hideaki Tanizaki; Minako Mori; Hiroshi Kawabata; Yoshiki Miyachi


    Aim: Cutaneous manifestations of Sweet’s syndrome (SS) are typically painful plaque-forming erythematous papules, while bullae are quite uncommon. We present a case of bullous variant of SS in acute myeloid leukaemia. In this case, herpes infection of the left mandible had preceded the development of SS. Case Report: A 75-year-old male with myelodysplastic syndrome first presented with herpes zoster virus infection-like bullae and erosive plaques on the left side of the face and neck. Treatme...

  4. Caracterización de accidentes de trabajo por caída de objetos en empresas del sector hidrocarburos

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Gloria A. Jaramillo


    Full Text Available En una multinacional del sector de hidrocarburos prestadora de servicios de perforación y workover, que opera en las zonas de Tolima y Santander Colombia, se pudo desarrollar una investigación con el objetivo de describir la situación de accidentalidad causada por caída de objetos que se presenta en el área de taladros de perforación. La información se recolectó de los reportes de accidentes e incidentes que reposaban en la base de operaciones en Sopó entre el periodo 2010 y 2011. Al analizar los hallazgos se pudo evidenciar que son cuatro los agentes causales más significativos, dentro de los cuales están los denominados Golpes por objetos, ocupando un 68%; atrapado por o entre un objeto con 41%; caída de personas con un 30% y caída de objetos con 21 %. Este último hallazgo se deriva por la actividad propia de la perforación por la manipulación de llaves hidráulicas, objetos adicionales de acero, martillos, entre otros y su causa básica fue la falta de supervisión, liderazgo y/o planificación con 39%, seguida de procedimientos de trabajo inadecuados con el 22% y el mantenimiento inadecuado con el 11%, lo que concluye que en su mayoría son errores humanos.

  5. Facile preparation of a DNA sensor for rapid herpes virus detection

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Tam, Phuong Dinh, E-mail: [Hanoi Advanced School of Science and Technology, Hanoi University of Technology (Viet Nam); Tuan, Mai Anh, E-mail: [International Training Institute for Materials Science, Hanoi University of Technology (Viet Nam); Huy, Tran Quang [National Institute of Hygiene and Epidemiology (NIHE), 01 Yersin, Hai Ba Trung District, Hanoi (Viet Nam); Le, Anh-Tuan [Hanoi Advanced School of Science and Technology, Hanoi University of Technology (Viet Nam); Hieu, Nguyen Van, E-mail: [International Training Institute for Materials Science, Hanoi University of Technology (Viet Nam)


    In this paper, a simple DNA sensor platform was developed for rapid herpes virus detection in real samples. The deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) sequences of the herpes simplex virus (DNA probe) were directly immobilized on the surface of interdigitated electrodes by electrochemical polymerization along with pyrrole monomers. The potential was scanned from - 0.7 to + 0.6 V, and the scanning rate was 100 mV/s. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy was employed to verify specific DNA sequence binding and the conducting polymer. The morphology of the conducting polymer doped with DNA strands was characterized using a field emission scanning electron microscope. As-obtained DNA sensor was used to detect the herpes virus DNA in the real samples. The results show that the current DNA sensors detected the lowest DNA concentration of 2 nM. This sensitivity appears to be better than that of the DNA sensors prepared by immobilization of the DNA probe on the 3-aminopropyl-triethoxy-silance (APTS) membrane.

  6. Chancroid, primary syphilis, genital herpes, and lymphogranuloma venereum in Antananarivo, Madagascar. (United States)

    Behets, F M; Andriamiadana, J; Randrianasolo, D; Randriamanga, R; Rasamilalao, D; Chen, C Y; Weiss, J B; Morse, S A; Dallabetta, G; Cohen, M S


    Ulcer material from consecutive patients attending clinics in Antananarivo, Madagascar, was tested using multiplex polymerase chain reaction (M-PCR) to detect Treponema pallidum, Haemophilus ducreyi, and herpes simplex virus. Sera were tested for syphilis and for IgG and IgM antibodies to Chlamydia trachomatis by microimmunofluorescence testing (MIF). By M-PCR, 33% of 196 patients had chancroid, 29% had syphilitic ulcers, and 10% had genital herpes; 32% of the ulcer specimens were M-PCR negative. Compared with M-PCR, syphilis serology was 72% sensitive and 83% specific. The sensitivity of clinical diagnosis of syphilis, chancroid, and genital herpes was 93%, 53%, and 0% and specificity was 20%, 52%, and 99%, respectively. Less schooling was associated with increased prevalence of syphilitic ulcers (P=.001). Sixteen patients (8%) were clinically diagnosed with lymphogranuloma venereum (LGV); 1 plausible case of LGV was found by MIF. In Madagascar, primary care of genital ulcers should include syndromic treatment for syphilis and chancroid.

  7. Facile preparation of a DNA sensor for rapid herpes virus detection

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tam, Phuong Dinh; Tuan, Mai Anh; Huy, Tran Quang; Le, Anh-Tuan; Hieu, Nguyen Van


    In this paper, a simple DNA sensor platform was developed for rapid herpes virus detection in real samples. The deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) sequences of the herpes simplex virus (DNA probe) were directly immobilized on the surface of interdigitated electrodes by electrochemical polymerization along with pyrrole monomers. The potential was scanned from - 0.7 to + 0.6 V, and the scanning rate was 100 mV/s. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy was employed to verify specific DNA sequence binding and the conducting polymer. The morphology of the conducting polymer doped with DNA strands was characterized using a field emission scanning electron microscope. As-obtained DNA sensor was used to detect the herpes virus DNA in the real samples. The results show that the current DNA sensors detected the lowest DNA concentration of 2 nM. This sensitivity appears to be better than that of the DNA sensors prepared by immobilization of the DNA probe on the 3-aminopropyl-triethoxy-silance (APTS) membrane.

  8. Refining criteria for diagnosis of cutaneous infections caused by herpes viruses through correlation of morphology with molecular pathology

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    Böer Almut


    Full Text Available BACKGROUND: Infections of the skin by herpes viruses do not always present themselves in typical fashion. Early diagnosis, however, is crucial for appropriate treatment. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR allows diagnosis and differential diagnosis of herpes virus infections, but the method is not yet available in large parts of the world, where diagnosis is made based on morphology alone. AIM: To refine criteria for the diagnosis of herpes virus infections of the skin by way of correlation of clinical and histopathologic findings with results of PCR studies. METHODS: We studied 75 clinically diagnosed patients of "zoster," "varicella," and "herpes simplex", to correlate clinical and histopathological findings with results of PCR studies on paraffin embedded biopsy specimens. RESULTS: Clinical suspicion of infection by herpes viruses was confirmed by histopathology in 37% of the cases and by PCR studies in 65% of the cases. Zoster was frequently misdiagnosed as infection with herpes simplex viruses (30%. When diagnostic signs of herpes virus infection were encountered histopathologically, PCR confirmed the diagnosis in 94%. By way of correlation with results of PCR studies, initial lesions of herpes virus infections could be identified to have a distinctive histopathological pattern. Herpetic folliculitis appeared to be a rather common finding in zoster, it occurring in 28% of the cases. CONCLUSION: We conclude that correlation of clinical and histopathological features with results of PCR studies on one and the same paraffin embedded specimen permits identification of characteristic morphologic patterns and helps to refine criteria for diagnosis both clinically and histopathologically.

  9. The frequency of nasal injury in newborns due to the use of continuous positive airway pressure with prongs La frecuencia de lesión nasal en neonatos causada por la presión positiva continua en las vías aéreas con prongs Frequência de lesão nasal em neonatos por uso de pressão positiva contínua nas vias aéreas com pronga

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Renata Medeiros do Nascimento


    Full Text Available Continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP with prongs is the ventilatory support most used in newborns. Nasal injuries are complications that may arise due to the prolonged use of this device. This study aimed to determine the frequency of nasal injuries in newborns through the use of continuous positive airway pressure with prongs. A convenience sample composed of hospitalized newborns using prongs for more than two days was used. Data were collected through a structured form. Lesions were observed in all newborns, which were classified as: mild (79.6%, moderate (19.7% and severe (0.7%. The conclusion is that the use of prongs for more than two days represents a risk factor for the lesions to develop.La presión positiva continua en las vías aéreas con prongs es la asistencia ventiladora más utilizada en neonatología. Las lesiones nasales son complicaciones que pueden surgir debido al uso prolongado de ese dispositivo. Este estudio tuvo por objetivo determinar la frecuencia de las lesiones nasales en neonatos causadas debido al uso de presión positiva continua en las vías aéreas utilizando un prong. El muestreo fue por conveniencia, constituido de recién nacidos internados y usando prongs, y se excluyeron aquellos que utilizaban el dispositivo por un período inferior a dos días. Los datos fueron recolectas a través de un formulario estructurado. Se observaron lesiones en todos los recién nacidos, clasificadas en: ligera (79,6%, moderada (19,7% y severa (0,7%. Se concluyó que el tiempo de permanencia de las prongs, por más de dos días, es un factor de riesgo para la evolución de las etapas de las lesiones nasales.A pressão positiva contínua nas vias aéreas com pronga é a assistência ventilatória mais utilizada em neonatologia. Lesões nasais são complicações que podem surgir pelo uso prolongado desse dispositivo. Este estudo objetivou determinar a frequência de lesões nasais em neonatos por uso de pressão positiva

  10. Clinical and biological differences between recurrent herpes simplex virus and varicella-zoster virus infections

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Straus, S.E.


    The major features that distinguish recurrent herpes simplex virus infections from zoster are illustrated in this article by two case histories. The clinical and epidemiologic features that characterize recurrent herpes simplex virus and varicella-zoster virus infections are reviewed. It is noted that herpesvirus infections are more common and severe in patients with cellular immune deficiency. Each virus evokes both humoral and cellular immune response in the course of primary infection. DNA hybridization studies with RNA probes labelled with sulfur-35 indicate that herpes simplex viruses persist within neurons, and that varicella-zoster virus is found in the satellite cells that encircle the neurons

  11. Radiation enhanced reactivation of herpes simplex virus: effect of caffeine. (United States)

    Hellman, K B; Lytle, C D; Bockstahler, L E


    Ultaviolet enhanced (Weigle) reactivation of UV-irradiated herpes simplex virus in UV-irradiated CV-1 monkey kidney cell monolayers was decreased by caffeine. X-ray enhanced reactivation of UV-irradiated virus in X-irradiated monolayers (X-ray reactivation) and UV- or X-ray-inactivated capacity of the cells to support unirradiated virus plaque formation were unaffected by caffeine. The results suggest that a caffeine-sensitive process is necessary for the expression of Weigle reactivation for herpes virus. Since cafeine did not significantly affect X-ray reactivation, different mechanisms may be responsible for the expression of Weigle reactivation and X-ray reactivation.

  12. Radiation enhaced reactivation of herpes simplex virus: effect of caffeine

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hellman, K.B.; Lytle, C.D.; Bockstahler, L.E.


    Ultraviolet enhanced (Weigle) reactivation of UV-irradiated herpes simplex virus in UV-irradiated CV-1 monkey kidney cell monolayers was decreased by caffeine. X-ray enhanced reactivation of UV-irradiated virus in X-irradiated monolayers (X-ray reactivation) and UV- or X-ray-inactivated capacity of the cells to support unirradiated virus plaque formation were unaffected by caffeine. The results suggest that a caffeine-sensitive process is necessary for the expression of Weigle reactivation for herpes virus. Since caffeine did not significantly affect X-ray reactivation, different mechanisms may be responsible for the expression of Weigle reactivation and X-ray reactivation

  13. Mimicking herpes simplex virus 1 and herpes simplex virus 2 mucosal behavior in a well-characterized human genital organ culture. (United States)

    Steukers, Lennert; Weyers, Steven; Yang, Xiaoyun; Vandekerckhove, Annelies P; Glorieux, Sarah; Cornelissen, Maria; Van den Broeck, Wim; Temmerman, Marleen; Nauwynck, Hans J


    We developed and morphologically characterized a human genital mucosa explant model (endocervix and ectocervix/vagina) to mimic genital herpes infections caused by herpes simplex virus types 1 (HSV-1) and 2 (HSV-2). Subsequent analysis of HSV entry receptor expression throughout the menstrual cycle in genital tissues was performed, and the evolution of HSV-1/-2 mucosal spread over time was assessed. Nectin-1 and -2 were expressed in all tissues during the entire menstrual cycle. Herpesvirus entry mediator expression was limited mainly to some connective tissue cells. Both HSV-1 and HSV-2 exhibited a plaque-wise mucosal spread across the basement membrane and induced prominent epithelial syncytia. © The Author 2014. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Infectious Diseases Society of America. All rights reserved. For Permissions, please e-mail:

  14. Cesarean Delivery in Women With Genital Herpes in Washington State, 1989–1991

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jeanne M. Marrazzo


    Full Text Available Objective: The purpose of this study was to determine whether the proportion of cesarean deliveries in pregnant women with a history of genital herpes and no active lesions at birth is higher than that in women with no history of genital herpes, and to determine whether this risk was modified by birth facilities' underlying prevalence of cesarean delivery.

  15. Electrochemical direct immobilization of DNA sequences for label-free herpes virus detection

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Phuong Dinh Tam; Mai Anh Tuan [International Training Institute for Materials Science (Viet Nam); Tran Trung [Department of Electrochemistry, Hung-Yen University of Technology and Education (Viet Nam); Nguyen Duc Chien [Institute of Engineering Physics, Hanoi University of Technology, 1 Dai Co Viet Road, Hanoi (Viet Nam)], E-mail:


    DNA sequences/bio-macromolecules of herpes virus (5'-AT CAC CGA CCC GGA GAG GGA C-3') were directly immobilized into polypyrrole matrix by using the cyclic voltammetry method, and grafted onto arrays of interdigitated platinum microelectrodes. The morphology surface of the obtained PPy/DNA of herpes virus composite films was investigated by a FESEM Hitachi-S 4800. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) was used to characterize the PPy/DNA film and to study the specific interactions that may exist between DNA biomacromolecules and PPy chains. Attempts are made to use these PPy/DNA composite films for label-free herpes virus detection revealed a response time of 60 s in solutions containing as low as 2 nM DNA concentration, and self life of six months when emerged in double distilled water and kept refrigerated.

  16. Vigilancia de serotipos en infecciones invasivas por Haemophilus influenzae en la Argentina en la era de la vacuna conjugada contra el serotipo b durante el período 2005-2010


    Efron, Adriana M.; Moscoloni, María A.; Reijtman, Vanesa R.; Regueira, Mabel


    La introducción de la vacuna contra Haemophilus influenzae tipo b en los programas de inmunización de muchos países produjo una reducción marcada en la incidencia de enfermedad invasiva causada por este serotipo y en su portación y un incremento de otros tipos capsulares y de aislamientos no capsulados. Se estudiaron 313 aislamientos de H. influenzae recuperados de sitio estéril, provenientes de pacientes pediátricos y adultos con enfermedad invasiva atendidos en 90 hospitales de la Red Nacio...

  17. Effects of a traditional Chinese medicine, Longdanxiegan formula granule, on Toll-like receptor pathway in female guinea pigs with recurrent genital herpes. (United States)

    Kuang, Lin; Deng, Yihui; Liu, Xiaodan; Zou, Zhixiang; Mi, Lan


    The aim of the present study was to investigate the effects of Longdanxiegan formula granule (LDXGFG), a Chinese traditional medicine on Toll-like receptor (TLR) pathway in recurrent genital herpes. An experimental recurrent genital herpes model was constructed using herpes guinea pig model. The effect of LDXGFG on expression levels of TLR pathway genes were detected using real-time polymerase chain reaction. Furthermore, the dendritic cells and Langerhans cells were isolated and the TLR pathway genes of these cells were assayed after LDXGFG treatment. The result suggested two different expression patterns of TLR pathway genes in genital herpes and recurrent genital herpes, including upregulated genes and downregulated genes. TLR1, TLR4, TLR6, TLR7, TLR8, TLR9, and TLR10 showed a significant decrease while, TLR2, TLR3, and TLR5 increased in genital herpes and recurrent genital herpes guinea pigs. Meanwhile, the downregulated genes in genital herpes and recurrent genital herpes were stimulated by LDXGFG. By contrast, the upregulated genes decreased significantly after LDXGFG treatment. In both dendritic cells and Langerhans cells, the TLR pathway genes exhibited same pattern: the LDXGFG corrected the abnormal expression of TLR pathway genes. The present results suggest that LDXGFG is an alternative, inexpensive, and lasting-effect medicine for herpes simplex virus 2 infection. Copyright © 2016. Published by Elsevier B.V.

  18. Cell-mediated immunity to herpes simplex in humans: lymphocyte cytotoxicity measured by 51Cr release from infected cells

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Russell, A.S.; Percy, J.S.; Kovithavongs, T.


    We assessed cell-mediated immunity to herpes simplex virus type 1 antigen in patients suffering from recurrent cold sores and in a series of healthy controls. Paradoxically, all those subject to recurrent herpetic infections had, without exception, evidence of cell-mediated immunity to herpes antigens. This was demonstrated by lymphocyte transformation and specific 51 Cr release from infected human amnion cells after incubation with peripheral blood mononuclear cells. Where performed, skin tests with herpes antigen were also positive. In addition, serum from these patients specifically sensitized herpes virus-infected cells to killing by nonimmune, control mononuclear cells. These tests were negative in the control patients except in a few cases, and it is suggested that these latter may be the asymptomatic herpes virus carriers previously recognized or that they may have experienced a genital infection. (U.S.)

  19. [Herpes zoster of the trigeminal nerve: a case report and review of the literature]. (United States)

    Carbone, V; Leonardi, A; Pavese, M; Raviola, E; Giordano, M


    Herpes zoster (shingles) is caused when the varicella zoster virus that has remained latent since an earlier varicella infection (chicken-pox) is reactivated. Herpes Zoster is a less common and endemic disease than varicella: factors causing reactivation are still not well known, but it occurs in older and/or immunocompromised individuals. Following reactivation, centrifugal migration of herpes zoster virus (HZV) occurs along sensory nerves to produce a characteristic painful cutaneous or mucocutaneous vesicular eruption that is generally limited to the single affected dermatome. Herpes zoster may affect any sensory ganglia and its cutaneous nerve: the most common sites affected are thoracic dermatomes (56%), followed by cranial nerves (13%) and lumbar (13%), cervical (11%) and sacral nerves (4%). Among cranial nerves, the trigeminal and facial nerves are the most affected due to reactivation of HZV latent in gasserian and geniculated ganglia. The 1st division of the trigeminal nerve is commonly affected, whereas the 2nd and the 3rd are rarely involved. During the prodromal stage, the only presenting symptom may be odontalgia, which may prove to be a diagnostic challenge for the dentist, since many diseases can cause orofacial pain, and the diagnosis must be established before final treatment. A literature review of herpes zoster of the trigeminal nerve is presented and the clinical presentation, differential diagnosis and treatment modalities are underlined. A case report is presented.

  20. Herpes Zoster Lesions on Reconstructed Breast Skin: Rare Objective Proof of Reinervation

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    Laurenz Weitgasser


    Full Text Available Blazed up Herpes zoster lesions have been described in very few patients after free and pedicled flap transfer for reconstructive purpose. Although sensory recovery after flap reconstructions has been studied extensively most studies addressed subjective perceptions of sensation. Objective investigations of spontaneous reinervation of free and pedicled flaps are rare. We would like to present a witnessed herpes zoster infection of a latissimus dorsi skin flap 2 years after breast reconstruction.

  1. Epidemiology and long-term disease burden of herpes zoster and postherpetic neuralgia in Taiwan: a population-based, propensity score-matched cohort study. (United States)

    Lu, Wan-Hsuan; Lin, Chih-Wan; Wang, Chen-Yu; Chen, Liang-Kung; Hsiao, Fei-Yuan


    The objectives of this study were to characterize the burden of herpes zoster, as well as the longitudinal and incremental changes of healthcare service utilization among individuals with herpes zoster and postherpetic neuralgia (PHN) compared to those without. Using the National Health Insurance Research Database (NHIRD), we established a herpes zoster cohort of people diagnosed with herpes zoster between 2004 and 2008 as study cases. Another subset of the NHIRD, which was randomly selected from all elderly beneficiaries between 2004 and 2008 served as a non-herpes-zoster elderly control pool. Each case was then assigned one matched control according to age, gender, index date and propensity score. PHN cases were defined as those with persisting pain for more than 90 days after the onset of herpes zoster. Between 2004 and 2008, about 0.6 million patients were newly diagnosed with herpes zoster. The incidence increased with age, and most cases were identified during the summer period. Herpes zoster cases were found to have higher consumption of all types of healthcare services in the first year after the index date. Such increases were particularly obvious for patients with PHN, who showed incremental increases on average of 16.3 outpatient visits, 0.4 emergency room visits and 0.24 inpatient admissions per year. The incidence of herpes zoster increased with age and changed according to the seasons. Patients with herpes zoster were associated with higher healthcare utilization and this increase in healthcare utilization was most obvious for herpes zoster patients with PHN.

  2. Evasion of Early Antiviral Responses by Herpes Simplex Viruses (United States)

    Suazo, Paula A.; Ibañez, Francisco J.; Retamal-Díaz, Angello R.; Paz-Fiblas, Marysol V.; Bueno, Susan M.; Kalergis, Alexis M.; González, Pablo A.


    Besides overcoming physical constraints, such as extreme temperatures, reduced humidity, elevated pressure, and natural predators, human pathogens further need to overcome an arsenal of antimicrobial components evolved by the host to limit infection, replication and optimally, reinfection. Herpes simplex virus-1 (HSV-1) and herpes simplex virus-2 (HSV-2) infect humans at a high frequency and persist within the host for life by establishing latency in neurons. To gain access to these cells, herpes simplex viruses (HSVs) must replicate and block immediate host antiviral responses elicited by epithelial cells and innate immune components early after infection. During these processes, infected and noninfected neighboring cells, as well as tissue-resident and patrolling immune cells, will sense viral components and cell-associated danger signals and secrete soluble mediators. While type-I interferons aim at limiting virus spread, cytokines and chemokines will modulate resident and incoming immune cells. In this paper, we discuss recent findings relative to the early steps taking place during HSV infection and replication. Further, we discuss how HSVs evade detection by host cells and the molecular mechanisms evolved by these viruses to circumvent early antiviral mechanisms, ultimately leading to neuron infection and the establishment of latency. PMID:25918478

  3. Herpes zoster and HIV infection in Tanzania. (United States)

    Naburi, A E; Leppard, B


    Two hundred consecutive patients with herpes zoster attending the skin clinic at the Kilimanjaro Christian Medical Centre (KCMC) were examined and checked for HIV infection. They ranged in age from 10 months to 86 years with the majority in their 20s and 30s. The dermatomes involved were thoracic (97), trigeminal (50), cervical (37), lumbar (19) and sacral (3). Six (3%) had more than one dermatome involved and 2 (1%) had disseminated disease. Only 2 (1%) had severe ulceration of the skin and all healed in less than 4 weeks. In children under the age of 10 years and in adults between the ages of 20 and 49 years virtually 100% were HIV positive; even in the age group 50-59 more than three-quarters were HIV positive. We conclude that the presence of herpes zoster at any site is a good indication that the patient is HIV positive except in the teens and the very elderly.

  4. Toxoplasma gondii myelitis in a patient with adult T-cell leukemia-lymphoma Mielite por Toxoplasma gondii em um paciente com leucemia-linfoma de células T do adulto

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    Full Text Available Adult T cell leukemia-lymphoma (ATL caused by HTLV-I may be associated with severe immunosupression and several opportunistic infections. Toxoplasmic encephalitis is a common central nervous system opportunistic infection in severely immunosupressed patients, however spinal cord involvement by this parasite is rare. In this paper, we report a case of toxoplasmic myelitis in a patient with ATL.Leucemia de células T do adulto (ATL, causada pelo HTLV-I, pode estar associada com imunossupressão severa e muitas infecções oportunistas. Encefalite por toxoplasmose é uma infecção oportunista do sistema nervoso central em pacientes imunossuprimidos, no entanto o envolvimento da medula espinal por este parasita é raro. Neste artigo, apresentamos um caso de mielite em um paciente com ATL.

  5. Incidence of herpes zoster amongst adults varies by severity of immunosuppression. (United States)

    Schröder, Carsten; Enders, Dirk; Schink, Tania; Riedel, Oliver


    We examined the incidence of herpes zoster in immunocompromised adults (≥18 years) with different severities of immunosuppression and assessed the prevalence of complications and of various kinds of healthcare resource utilisation. German claims data from more than ten million adults were used to calculate annual incidence rates of herpes zoster for the years 2006-2012 and to analyse the prevalence of complications, physician visits, hospitalisations, and antiviral and analgesic treatments using a cohort design. The analyses were stratified by age, sex, and severity of immunosuppression, defined by immunocompromising conditions and drug therapies. The incidence rate per 1000 person-years of herpes zoster was almost twice as high in immunocompromised patients (11.5 (95% confidence interval (CI): 11.4-11.6)) compared to immunocompetent subjects (5.9 (95% CI: 5.8-5.9)). The incidence rate was higher in highly immunocompromised patients (13.4 (95% CI: 13.2-13.6)) than in patients with a low severity of immunosuppression (10.0 (95% CI: 9.8-10.1)). These differences were observed for both sexes and in all age groups. Complications, outpatient physician visits, hospitalisations, and analgesic treatments occurred more frequently in immunocompromised patients as well. Our results show that immunocompromised individuals are affected by the disease in particular and that the burden of herpes zoster is highest in severely immunocompromised patients. Copyright © 2017 The British Infection Association. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  6. Prevalência, avaliação clínica e imunológica de cães (Canis familiaris) (Linnaeus, 1758) naturalmente infectados por Leishmania (Leishmania) chagasi (Cunha & Chagas, 1937) provenientes do município de Tamandaré, região litoral Sul do Estado de Pernambuco, Brasil


    Marco Antônio Granja Barbosa


    A Leishmaniose Visceral Canina (LVC) no Brasil é causada por Leishmania (Leishmania) chagasi a qual é relatada em várias regiões. O objetivo desta pesquisa foi verificar a prevalência, analisar a correlação espacial entre a Leishmaniose Visceral Canina e fatores ambientais, avaliar e comparar os níveis de citocinas (IL-12, IFN-γ, IL-2 e IL-4) expressões por PCR em tempo real em diferentes tecidos/órgãos, determinar os padrões bio-químicos e hematológicos em cães naturalmente infectados p...

  7. Microepidemia familiar por Trichophyton tonsurans Trichophyton tonsurans in a family microepidemic

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    Tânia Pereira Salci


    Full Text Available Trichophyton tonsurans é um fungo dermatófito antropofílico de alta transmissibilidade que invade tecidos queratinizados. Relatamos um caso de microepidemia familiar causada por esse dermatófito no qual, apesar das ótimas condições de higiene, o fungo se manteve viável por vários anos, disseminando-se para todos os membros da família. A hipótese de que estivesse sendo mantido na residência da família foi confirmada após análise de amostras do domicílio, em que foram isoladas e identificadas culturas puras do fungo. Após o diagnóstico, a residência foi desinfetada e todos os membros da família receberam tratamento oral concomitantemente.Trichophyton tonsurans is a highly transmissible anthropophilic dermatophyte fungus, which invades keratinized tissues. This study reports a case of family microepidemic caused by this dermato phyte. Despite their excellent hygiene conditions, it remained active for several years, spreading to all family members. The hypothesis that the fungus was being kept alive in the family home was confirmed after samples collected from it were analyzed. Pure cultures of the fungus were isolated and identified. After diagnosis, the house was disinfected with concomitant oral treatment for all family members.

  8. Análise proteômica em células leveduriformes do fungo Paracoccidioides sp. em excesso de cobre


    Portis, Igor Godinho


    Paracoccidioidomicose é a micose sistêmica mais prevalente da América Latina, causada por fungos do gênero Paracoccidioides spp. O fungo cresce como micélio no ambiente saprofítico, sendo a infecção causada por propágulos de micélio e ou conídios, que se diferenciam na forma leveduriforme no hospedeiro. O cobre é um micronutriente essencial para eucariotos e bactérias, de extrema importância a várias proteínas, sendo cofator de muitas enzimas e utilizado em diversos proces...

  9. Principais doenças de Anonáceas no Brasil: descrição e controle


    Nilton Tadeu Vilela Junqueira; Keize Pereira Junqueira


    Várias doenças podem afetar folhas, caules, flores e frutos de gravioleira, pinheira e atemoia em diferentes estádios de seus desenvolvimentos. Geralmente, as doenças mais importantes são causadas por fungos durante o florescimento e a frutificação. Também podem ocorrer murchas ou podridões de raízes, causadas por nematoides e patógenos do solo. A antracnose (Colletotrichum gloeosporioides), murcha ou podridões de raízes (Rhizoctonia solani, Cylindrocladium clavatum, Phytophthora sp., Pythium...

  10. Amino-terminal sequence of glycoprotein D of herpes simplex virus types 1 and 2

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Eisenberg, R.J.; Long, D.; Hogue-Angeletti, R.; Cohen, G.H.


    Glycoprotein D (gD) of herpes simplex virus is a structural component of the virion envelope which stimulates production of high titers of herpes simplex virus type-common neutralizing antibody. The authors caried out automated N-terminal amino acid sequencing studies on radiolabeled preparations of gD-1 (gD of herpes simplex virus type 1) and gD-2 (gD of herpes simplex virus type 2). Although some differences were noted, particularly in the methionine and alanine profiles for gD-1 and gD-2, the amino acid sequence of a number of the first 30 residues of the amino terminus of gD-1 and gD-2 appears to be quite similar. For both proteins, the first residue is a lysine. When we compared out sequence data for gD-1 with those predicted by nucleic acid sequencing, the two sequences could be aligned (with one exception) starting at residue 26 (lysine) of the predicted sequence. Thus, the first 25 amino acids of the predicted sequence are absent from the polypeptides isolated from infected cells

  11. Clinical Herpes Zoster in Antarctica as a Model for Spaceflight. (United States)

    Reyes, David P; Brinley, Alaina A; Blue, Rebecca S; Gruschkus, Stephen K; Allen, Andrew T; Parazynski, Scott E


    Antarctica is a useful analog for spaceflight, as both environments are remote, isolated, and with limited resources. While previous studies have demonstrated increased asymptomatic viral shedding in both the Antarctic and spaceflight environments, clinical manifestations of reactivated viral disease have been less frequently identified. We sought to identify the incidence of clinical herpes zoster from viral reactivation in the Antarctic winter-over population. Medical records from the 2014 winter season were reviewed for the incidence of zoster in U.S. Antarctic personnel and then compared to the age-matched U.S. Five cases of clinical herpes zoster occurred in the Antarctic Station population of 204 persons, for an incidence of 33.3 per 1000 person-years vs. 3.2 per 1000 person-years in the general population. Four cases were in persons under age 40, yielding an incidence of 106.7 per 1000 person-years in persons ages 30-39 compared to an incidence of 2.0 per 1000 person-years in the same U.S. age group. Immune suppression due to the stressful Antarctic environment may have contributed to the increased incidence of herpes zoster in U.S. Antarctic personnel during the winter of 2014. Working and living in isolated, confined, and extreme environments can cause immune suppression, reactivating latent viruses and increasing viral shedding and symptomatic disease. Such changes have been observed in other austere environments, including spaceflight, suggesting that clinical manifestations of viral reactivation may be seen in future spaceflight.Reyes DP, Brinley AA, Blue RS, Gruschkus SK, Allen AT, Parazynski SE. Clinical herpes zoster in Antarctica as a model for spaceflight. Aerosp Med Hum Perform. 2017; 88(8):784-788.

  12. Herpes zoster-induced acute urinary retention. (United States)

    Addison, Ben; Harvey, Martyn


    Urinary retention is a common acute presentation for men in their later decades. Potential contributing pathologies are numerous. We report an unusual case of acute urinary retention requiring catheterisation secondary to sacral herpes zoster reactivation (S2-4) in an 88-year-old man with minimal preceding obstructive symptoms. © 2013 Australasian College for Emergency Medicine and Australasian Society for Emergency Medicine.

  13. Herpes zoster of gingiva in an older woman: a rare case report. (United States)

    Chopra, Aditi; Sivaraman, Karthik; Thomas, Betsy S


    The aim of the article is to highlight the distinguishing features of secondary varicella gingival infection in an older women. Herpes zoster is an acute sporadic, painful viral infection in older people caused by the reactivation of the latent varicella zoster virus. Herpes zoster affecting the gingiva without any dermal lesions is a rare pathological condition that mimics many intraoral vesiculobullous lesions. The ambiguous nature of this condition creates a diagnostic dilemma. A 58-year-old woman presented with an acute, unilateral and persistent burning sensation and pain in the gingiva with desqaumating vesicullobulous lesion. The women was diagnosed with secondary varicella zoster infection. Herpes zoster of the gingiva could manifest as painful desquamative vesicular lesions, pulpal or other painful neuralgic condition in older individuals which need careful diagnosis before formulating appropiate treatment plan. © 2016 John Wiley & Sons A/S and The Gerodontology Association. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  14. Herpes Simplex Encephalitis Presenting with Normal CSF Analysis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ahmed, R.; Kiani, I. G.; Shah, F.; Rehman, R. N.; Haq, M. E.


    A 28 years old female presented with headache, fever, altered sensorium and right side weakness for one week. She was febrile and drowsy with right sided hemiplegia and papilledema. Tuberculous or bacterial meningitis, tuberculoma and abscess were at the top of the diagnosis list followed by Herpes simplex meningo-encephalitis (HSE). MRI showed abnormal signal intensity of left temporal lobe without significant post-contrast enhancement and midline shift. CSF examination was normal, gram stain and Ziehl-Neelsen stain showed no micro-organism, or acid fast bacilli. CSF for MTB PCR was negative. PCR DNA for Herpes simplex 1 on CSF was detected. Acyclovir was started and the patient was discharged after full recovery. A high index of suspicion is required for HSE diagnosis in Pakistan where other infections predominantly affect the brain and HSE may be overlooked as a potential diagnosis. (author)

  15. Attitudes and Willingness to Assume Risk of Experimental Therapy to Eradicate Genital Herpes Simplex Virus Infection. (United States)

    Oseso, Linda; Magaret, Amalia S; Jerome, Keith R; Fox, Julie; Wald, Anna


    Current treatment of genital herpes is focused on ameliorating signs and symptoms but is not curative. However, as potential herpes simplex virus (HSV) cure approaches are tested in the laboratory, we aimed to assess the interest in such studies by persons with genital herpes and the willingness to assume risks associated with experimental therapy. We constructed an anonymous online questionnaire that was posted on websites that provide information regarding genital herpes. The questions collected demographic and clinical information on adults who self-reported as having genital herpes, and assessed attitudes toward and willingness to participate in HSV cure clinical research. Seven hundred eleven participants provided sufficient responses to be included in the analysis. Sixty-six percent were women; the median age was 37 years, and the median time since genital HSV diagnosis was 4.7 years. The willingness to participate in trials increased from 59.0% in phase 1 to 68.5% in phase 2, and 81.2% in phase 3 trials, and 40% reported willingness to participate even in the absence of immediate, personal benefits. The most desirable outcome was the elimination of risk for transmission to sex partner or neonate. The mean perceived severity of receiving a diagnosis of genital HSV-2 was 4.2 on a scale of 1 to 5. Despite suppressive therapy available, persons with genital herpes are interested in participating in clinical research aimed at curing HSV, especially in more advanced stages of development.

  16. In vitro stimulation of rabbit T lymphocytes by cells expressing herpes simplex antigens. (United States)

    Kapoor, A K; Ling, N R; Nash, A A; Bachan, A; Wildy, P


    Lymphocyte stimulation responses to herpes antigens were studied using virus-infected X-irradiated cells. Rabbits were immunized with herpes simplex virus type 1 (strain HFEM) grown in RK 13 cells. For in vitro stimulation assay BHK21 cells were X-irradiated (15 000 rad) and infected with a high m.o.i. of a temperature-sensitive (ts) mutant (N102) of HFEM strain at the non-permissive temperature (38.5 degrees C) of virus. Virus antigens were expressed on the infected cells and there was no leakage of infectious virus into the medium at 38.5 degrees C. T lymphocytes from rabbits immunized with herpes simplex virus were specifically activated by herpesvirus-infected X-irradiated cells; lymph node cells from rabbits immunized with RK13 cells and from non-immune rabbits showed no proliferative response.

  17. Cutaneous varicella zoster virus infection following zoster vaccination: report of post-vaccination herpes zoster skin infection and literature review of zoster vaccination efficacy and guidelines. (United States)

    Stiff, Katherine M; Cohen, Philip R


    BackgroundHerpes zoster vaccine is currently recommended in the United States for immune competent individuals ≥60 years. The efficacy of the herpes zoster vaccine decreases with age and with time following vaccination.PurposeAn elderly man with herpes zoster following vaccination is described. The guidelines for vaccination and issues regarding re-vaccination are reviewed. PubMed was used to search the following terms: efficacy, elderly, herpes zoster, herpes zoster incidence, herpes zoster recurrence, and vaccination. The papers and relevant citations were reviewed. The clinical features of a patient with post-vaccination herpes zoster skin infection are presented; in addition, vaccine efficacy and guidelines are reviewed.ResultsA 91-year-old man, vaccinated for herpes zoster 10 years earlier, presented with crusted erosions on his face corresponding to the area innervated by the ophthalmic division of the left trigeminal nerve. Evaluation using polymerase chain reaction confirmed the diagnosis of herpes zoster.ConclusionsHerpes zoster vaccine decreases in efficacy with both age and number of years following vaccination. Therefore, booster shots or revaccination in the older population may be of benefit.

  18. Using centralized laboratory data to monitor trends in herpes simplex virus type 1 and 2 infection in British Columbia and the changing etiology of genital herpes. (United States)

    Gilbert, Mark; Li, Xuan; Petric, Martin; Krajden, Mel; Isaac-Renton, Judith L; Ogilvie, Gina; Rekart, Michael L


    Understanding the regional epidemiology of genital Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV) infections is important for clinical and public health practice, due to the increasing availability of type-specific serologic testing in Canada and the contribution of genital HSV-2 infection to ongoing HIV transmission. We used centralized laboratory data to describe trends in viral identifications of genital HSV in BC and assess the utility of these data for ongoing population surveillance. Records of viral identifications (1997-2005) were extracted from the Provincial Public Health Microbiology & Reference Laboratory database. Classification as genital or other site was based on documented specimen site. We conducted a descriptive analysis of trends over time, and calculated odds of HSV-1 infection among individuals with genital herpes. Of 48,183 viral identifications, 56.8% were genital, 10.0% were peri-oral and 9.1% cutaneous; site was unknown for 22.9%. Among genital identifications, HSV-1 infection was more likely in females, younger age groups, and later time periods. The proportion of genital herpes due to HSV-1 increased over time from 31.4% to 42.8% in BC. Our analysis of population-level laboratory data demonstrates that the proportion of genital herpes due to HSV-1 is increasing over time in BC, particularly among women and younger age groups; this has implications for clinical practice including the interpretation of type-specific serology. Provincial viral identification data are useful for monitoring the distribution of genital HSV-1 and HSV-2 infections over time. Improving clinical documentation of specimen site would improve the utility of these data.

  19. Desarrollo de una metodología para el estudio de las inundaciones causadas por encharcamiento de agua de lluvia en zonas urbanas relativamente planas. Area de estudio: Montería (Colombia

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    Padilla Agamez, Manuel


    Full Text Available In this paper a methodology for the analysis of the relationship between rainfall and flooding caused by ponding of rainfall water in urban area of Monteria (Colombia is developed. Rainfall water excesses over the soil were estimated from field measurements of the soil infiltration capacity for different soil units of the studied zone. The results obtained are presented in form of statistical correlations for calculating water rainfall excesses over the soils and maps of susceptibility and vulnerability for floods. The maps were used for a brief socioeconomic discussion of the effects of flood events in the selected zone.En el presente trabajo se desarrolla una metodología para el análisis de la relación existente entre las precipitaciones y las inundaciones causadas por encharcamiento de agua de lluvia en la zona urbana de Montería (Colombia. Se realizaron mediciones en campo de la capacidad de infiltración de agua para diferentes unidades de suelos de la zona de estudio, con el fin de estimar los excesos de agua de lluvia sobre el suelo. Los resultados obtenidos se presentan en forma de correlaciones estadísticas para el cálculo de los excesos de agua de lluvia y mapas de susceptibilidad y vulnerabilidad a las inundaciones, mediante los cuales se hace una breve discusión socioeconómica de los efectos de esta clase de inundaciones en la zona de estudio. [fr] Dans le présent travail est analysé la relation existant entre les précipitations et des inondations par accumulation d eau pluie sur le sol dans la zone urbaine de Montería (Colombie. Avec la réalisation de mesures en champ de la capacité d’infiltration pour différents unities de sol de la zone d’étude, on a estimé les excès d’eau pluie sur le sol. Les résultats obtenus sont présentés sous la forme de corrélations statistiques pour le calcul des excès d’eau pluie et de cartes de susceptibilité et vulnérabilité aux inondations. Les cartes ont été employ

  20. Herpes Simplex Encephalitis Complicated by Cerebral Hemorrhage during Acyclovir Therapy. (United States)

    Harada, Yukinori; Hara, Yuuta


    Herpes simplex encephalitis (HSE) can be complicated by adverse events in the acute phase. We herein present the case of a 71-year-old woman with HSE complicated by cerebral hemorrhage. She presented with acute deterioration of consciousness and fever and was diagnosed with HSE based on the detection of herpes simplex virus-1 in the cerebrospinal fluid by a polymerase chain reaction. The cerebral hemorrhage developed during acyclovir therapy; however, its diagnosis was delayed for 2 days. After the conservative treatment of the cerebral hemorrhage, the patient made a near-complete recovery. Cerebral hemorrhage should be considered as an acute-phase complication of HSE.

  1. Associations between individual and relationship characteristics and genital herpes disclosure. (United States)

    Myers, Jaime L; Buhi, Eric R; Marhefka, Stephanie; Daley, Ellen; Dedrick, Robert


    Disclosure is often a challenge for individuals living with genital herpes. This study explores determinants of genital herpes disclosure with one's most recent sexual partner using an online questionnaire (n = 93). The majority of participants reported (80.4%) disclosure. Among non-disclosers, fear of negative partner reactions was the primary reason for non-disclosure. Age, relationship commitment, time in relationship, and expectations of partner's reaction were statistically significant predictors at the bivariate level. Reaction expectations and relationship commitment remained significant in the multivariate logistic regression model. Findings indicate that future disclosure research should focus on relationship context and managing negative expectations to increase disclosure. © The Author(s) 2015.

  2. Penile herpes zoster: an unusual location for a common disease. (United States)

    Bjekic, Milan; Markovic, Milica; Sipetic, Sandra


    Herpes zoster is a common dermatological condition which affects up to 20% of the population, most frequently involving the thoracic and facial dermatomes with sacral lesions occurring rarely and only a few reported cases of penile shingles. We report two cases of unusual penile clinical presentations of varicella zoster virus infection in immunocompetent men. The patients presented with grouped clusters of vesicles and erythema on the left side of penile shaft and posterior aspect of the left thigh and buttock, involving s2-s4 dermatomes. The lesions resolved quickly upon administration of oral antiviral therapy. Penile herpes zoster should not be overlooked in patients with unilateral vesicular rash.

  3. Herpes zoster in multiple myeloma patients during bortezomib treatment

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    I. N. Nazarova


    Full Text Available Recent advances in multiple myeloma (MM treatment associated with new drug use including bortezomib. Experiences in wide ambul atory drug use confirm therapy success for this serious disease, but at the same time reveals the most common side effects. One of th e most significant is the reactivation of Herpes zoster , which leads to decrease MM therapy results because of inability to perform standard therapy in these patients. Literature data and own experiences about reactivation of Herpes zoster during bortezomib therapy as monothe rapy and in combination, which varies from 7 to 34% according to different authors and 25% of own experiences, is presented. Treatment and preventive schedule of this complication are shown.

  4. Evolution of rational vaccine designs for genital herpes immunotherapy. (United States)

    Kaufmann, Johanna Katharina; Flechtner, Jessica Baker


    Immunotherapeutic vaccines have emerged as a novel treatment modality for genital herpes, a sexually transmitted disease mainly caused by herpes simplex virus type 2. The approaches to identify potential vaccine antigens have evolved from classic virus attenuation and characterization of antibody and T cell responses in exposed, but seronegative individuals, to systematic screens for novel T cell antigens. Combined with implementation of novel vaccine concepts revolving around immune evasion and local recruitment of immune effectors, the development of a safe and effective therapeutic vaccine is within reach. Here, we describe the vaccine approaches that currently show promise at clinical and pre-clinical stages and link them to the evolving scientific strategies that led to their identification. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  5. Acute lymphocytic crisis following herpes simplex type 1 virus hepatitis in a nonimmunocompromised man: a case report

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    Plastiras Sotiris


    Full Text Available Abstract Introduction An increase in circulating lymphocytes can be seen following infections such as infectious mononucleosis and pertussis, or in lymphoproliferative disorders such as acute and chronic lymphocytic leukemia. Acute lymphocytic crisis following herpes simplex virus hepatitis has not been described in the literature. Case presentation A 52-year-old man was admitted to our hospital reporting low-grade fever for the previous seven days, and fatigue. During the fifth day of hospitalization, the patient developed a lymphocytic crisis and, after further tests the patient was diagnosed as having herpes simplex virus hepatitis. Conclusion This case report shows that herpes simplex virus type 1 is a possible cause of an acute lymphocytic crisis similar to other well known infectious agents such as Epstein–Barr virus, cytomegalovirus, human immunodeficiency virus, human herpes virus type 6, adenovirus, toxoplasma and human T-cell lymphotropic virus. Furthermore, this case report expands the clinical spectrum of herpes simplex virus hepatitis, since it is reported in a nonimmunocompromised patient presenting with atypical acute lymphocytic syndrome.

  6. SHORT COMMUNICATION Serological profiles of Herpes simplex ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    Journal of Infectious Diseases, 185, 45-52. Watson-Jones, D., Weiss, H.A., Rusizoka, M., Changalucha, J., Baisley, K., Mugeye, K., Tanton, C.,. Ross, D., Everett, D. & Clayton, T. (2008) Effect of herpes simplex suppression on incidence of HIV among women in Tanzania. New England Journal of Medicine 358: 1560-1571.

  7. Pesquisa do vírus herpes simples na saliva de pacientes com paralisia facial periférica de Bell Herpes simplex virus in the saliva of peripheral Bell’s palsy patients

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    Paulo Roberto Lazarini


    Full Text Available Os primeiros herpes-vírus a serem descritos foram os tipos 1 e 2, cuja denominação é herpes simplex 1 e 2 ou HSV-1 e HSV-2. Estes vírus possuem características biológicas particulares, tais como a capacidade de causar diferentes tipos de doenças, assim como estabelecer infecções latentes ou persistentes por toda a vida dos hospedeiros e de serem reativados causando lesões que podem se localizar no sítio da infecção primária inicial ou próxima a ele. Postula-se que a reativação deste vírus no gânglio geniculado esteja relacionada com a paralisia de Bell. Nesta situação, os vírus, que estariam latentes neste gânglio, sofreriam reativação e replicação difundindo-se pelo nervo facial e seus ramos, dentre eles o nervo corda do tímpano, que ao estimular a secreção salivar possibilitaria a identificação do DNA viral na saliva dos pacientes. Até recentemente, um grande número de pacientes eram diagnosticados como portadores de uma forma desta paralisia, chamada de idiopática ou de paralisia de Bell. Com o advento da técnica de estudo do DNA viral pelo método da reação da polimerase em cadeia (PCR, diversos autores encontraram DNA do vírus herpes simplex tipo I no líquido cefalorraquidiano, na secreção lacrimal, na saliva e nos gânglios geniculados de pacientes com paralisia de Bell. OBJETIVO: observar a prevalência do vírus herpes simplex tipo I pela técnica de PCR, na saliva de pacientes com PFP de Bell, relacionando-a com a evolução clínica destes casos. METODOLOGIA: Avaliamos 38 pacientes portadores de Paralisia Facial Periférica de Bell, que foram submetidos a anamnese, exame médico geral e otorrinolaringológico e coleta de saliva para detecção do DNA viral pela técnica de PCR. O grupo controle correspondeu a 10 adultos normais. RESULTADOS: Obtivemos positividade para o DNA viral em 11 casos dos 38 avaliados, o que corresponde a 29% da amostra. Este resultado foi estatisticamente significante

  8. Concomitant herpes simplex virus colitis and hepatitis in a man with ulcerative colitis: Case report and review of the literature. (United States)

    Phadke, Varun K; Friedman-Moraco, Rachel J; Quigley, Brian C; Farris, Alton B; Norvell, J P


    Herpesvirus infections often complicate the clinical course of patients with inflammatory bowel disease; however, invasive disease due to herpes simplex virus is distinctly uncommon. We present a case of herpes simplex virus colitis and hepatitis, review all the previously published cases of herpes simplex virus colitis, and discuss common clinical features and outcomes. We also discuss the epidemiology, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, and management of herpes simplex virus infections, focusing specifically on patients with inflammatory bowel disease. A 43-year-old man with ulcerative colitis, previously controlled with an oral 5-aminosalicylic agent, developed symptoms of a colitis flare that did not respond to treatment with systemic corticosteroid therapy. One week later he developed orolabial ulcers and progressive hepatic dysfunction, with markedly elevated transaminases and coagulopathy. He underwent emergent total colectomy when imaging suggested bowel micro-perforation. Pathology from both the colon and liver was consistent with herpes simplex virus infection, and a viral culture of his orolabial lesions and a serum polymerase chain reaction assay also identified herpes simplex virus. He was treated with systemic antiviral therapy and made a complete recovery. Disseminated herpes simplex virus infection with concomitant involvement of the colon and liver has been reported only 3 times in the published literature, and to our knowledge this is the first such case in a patient with inflammatory bowel disease. The risk of invasive herpes simplex virus infections increases with some, but not all immunomodulatory therapies. Optimal management of herpes simplex virus in patients with inflammatory bowel disease includes targeted prophylactic therapy for patients with evidence of latent infection, and timely initiation of antiviral therapy for those patients suspected to have invasive disease.

  9. Frequency of herpesvirus infection in 129 elementary school children in Antioquia, Colombia Frecuencia de infección por herpesvirus en 129 niños en edad escolar en Antioquia

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    John Stewart


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    With the aim of making a preliminary approach to the frequency of human herpesviral infections in our local population, a serological survey was carried out among children entering school for the first time, in three different locations, namely: the city, the village and the countryside. Except for Herpes simplex type 2 and Varicella-Zoster viruses which presented infection frequencies of O and 44.5%, respectively, the other herpetic infections were widely distributed: Herpes simplex virus type 1, 78%; Epstein-Barr Virus, 94%; Cytomegalovirus, 98%; and Human Herspesvirus 6,100%. No association was found between the frequencies of infection and the following variables: procedency, age, sex, number of persons In the family, order number of the child within the family; also, there was no association between the frequencies of infection with the different types of virus. 

    Con el propósito de hacer una primera aproximación al estudio de la frecuencia de las Infecciones herpéticas del hombre en nuestro medio, se realizó una encuesta serológica entre estudiantes de primer ano de primaria de diferentes procedencias. A excepción del Herpes símplex tipo 2 y la Varicela-Zoster, que presentaron frecuencias de O y 44.5%, respectivamente, las demás infecciones herpéticas se encontraron ampliamente distribuidas: Herpes símplex tipo 1, 78%; Epstein-Barr, 94%; Citomegalovirus, 98% y Herpes humano 6, 100%. No se encontró ninguna asociación entre las frecuencias de infección y las diferentes variables analizadas: procedencia, sexo, edad, número de personas en la familia y número de orden del escolar en la familia; Igualmente, se pudo apreciar que no existe ninguna asociación entre la infección por los diferentes agentes estudiados.

  10. [Genital herpes and pregnancy: Serological and molecular diagnostic tools. Guidelines for clinical practice from the French College of Gynecologists and Obstetricians (CNGOF)]. (United States)

    Vauloup-Fellous, C


    To describe serological and molecular tools available for genital and neonatal herpes, and their use in different clinical situations. Bibliographic investigations from MedLine database and consultation of international clinical practice guidelines. Virological confirmation of genital herpes during pregnancy or neonatal herpes must rely on PCR (Professional consensus). HSV type-specific serology (IgG) will allow determining the immune status of a patient (in the absence of clinical lesions). However, there is currently no evidence to justify universal HSV serological testing during pregnancy (Professional consensus). In case of genital lesions in a pregnant woman that do not report any genital herpes before, it is recommended to perform a virological confirmation by PCR and HSV type-specific IgG in order to distinguish a true primary infection, a non-primary infection associated with first genital manifestation, from a recurrence (Grade C). HSV IgM is useless for diagnosis of genital herpes (Grade C). If a pregnant woman has personal history of genital herpes but no lesions, whatever the gestational age, it is not recommended to perform genital sampling nor serology (Professional consensus). In case of recurrence, if the lesion is characteristic of herpes, virological confirmation is not necessary (Professional Agreement). However, if the lesion is not characteristic, virological confirmation by PCR should be performed (Professional consensus). At birth, HSV PCR samples should be collected as soon as neonatal herpes is suspected (symptomatic neonate) (best before beginning antiviral treatment but must not delay the treatment), or after 24hours of life in case of asymptomatic neonate born to a mother with herpes lesions at delivery (Professional consensus). Clinical samples for virological confirmation should include at least blood and a peripheral location. In case of clinical manifestations of herpes in the neonate, first samples PCR positive, preterm birth, or

  11. Mastite com septicemia em caninos causada por Staphylococcus intermedius


    Borowsky, Luciane; Driemeier, David; Rozza, Daniela; Cardoso, Marisa Ribeiro de Itapema


    Os casos de mastite em caninos ocorrem mais comumente no período pós-parto ou como complicação de casos de pseudociese. Os microrganismos mais isolados nestes casos têm sido enterobactérias, estreptococos e estafilococos. Neste relato, são descritos três casos de cães com mastite aguda que evoluíram para óbito. Os animais apresentavam vômitos, abatimento, dificuldade respiratória e hálito urêmico. Na necropsia havia mastite gangrenosa e abscessos mamários nas mamas abdominais caudais e inguin...

  12. Papel de la proteína supresora de la señalización por citocinas-3 (SOCS 3 en la resistencia a la hormona de crecimiento inducida por malnutrición.

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    Adriana Umaña


    Full Text Available La nutrición es un regulador importante de las acciones de la hormona de crecimiento (GH. Se ha demostrado que el déficit de nutrientes induce un estado de resistencia a la hormona, en el cual están involucrados, entre otros factores, alteraciones post-receptor en la vía de señalización, pero se desconocen los mecanismos responsables. En este trabajo se investigó la participación de algunos miembros de la familia de proteínas supresoras de la señalización por citocinas (SOCS en la resistencia causada por malnutrición, que inhibe la activación de la señalización a través de Janus cinasa 2/transductor de señal y activador de la transcripción 5 (JK2/STAT5. Se estudiaron los cambios en la expresión génica del receptor de GH (RGH, IGF-I y SOCS3 en el hígado de ratas alimentadas con una dieta baja en proteína (8% y estimuladas con GH. La restricción en el consumo de proteína disminuyó significativamente (p

  13. Miopatia pseudo-hipertrófica por cisticercose: registro de caso

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    Maria Ines de Vilhena Lana-Peixoto


    Full Text Available O caso de uma paciente com aumento de volume das pernas, dor discreta e dificuldade para deambular é descrito. A eletromiografia mostrou potenciais de unidades motoras gigantes com padrão de interferência completo. A biópsia dos gastrocnêmius direito e esquerdo revelou presença de um cisticerco além de hipertrofia das fibras musculares e infiltrado inflamatório. A revisão da literatura demonstra que apenas 12 casos de miopatia pseudo-hipertrófica causada por cisticercos foram relatados e que a incidência é duas vezes maior no sexo masculino do que no feminino. Em cerca de metade dos casos há história de epilepsia. Dor e fraqueza muscular discretas são frequentes. Em geral a pseudo-hipertrofia ocorre nas cinturas escapular e pélvica simultaneamente. Miotonia é achado raro e nódulos subcutâneos estão presentes na maioria dos pacientes. Nosso paciente difere dos outros relatados na literatura por apresentar pseudo-hipertrofia restrita às pernas, principalmente à esquerda, com eletromiografia revelando potenciais de unidades motoras gigantes. A patogênese desta condição é discutida e o diagnóstico diferencial deve ser feito com distrofia muscular pseudo-hipertrófica, triquinose, miotonia congênita, hipotireoidismo, amiloidose e a forma juvenil da glicogenose do tipo I (doença de Pompe.

  14. Serologic Screening for Genital Herpes Infection: US Preventive Services Task Force Recommendation Statement. (United States)

    Bibbins-Domingo, Kirsten; Grossman, David C; Curry, Susan J; Davidson, Karina W; Epling, John W; García, Francisco A R; Kemper, Alex R; Krist, Alex H; Kurth, Ann E; Landefeld, C Seth; Mangione, Carol M; Phillips, William R; Phipps, Maureen G; Pignone, Michael P; Silverstein, Michael; Tseng, Chien-Wen


    Genital herpes is a prevalent sexually transmitted infection in the United States, occurring in almost 1 in 6 persons aged 14 to 49 years. Infection is caused by 2 subtypes of the herpes simplex virus (HSV), HSV-1 and HSV-2. Antiviral medications may provide symptomatic relief from outbreaks but do not cure HSV infection. Neonatal herpes infection, while uncommon, can result in substantial morbidity and mortality. To update the 2005 US Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) recommendation on screening for genital herpes. The USPSTF reviewed the evidence on the accuracy, benefits, and harms of serologic screening for HSV-2 infection in asymptomatic persons, including those who are pregnant, as well as the effectiveness and harms of preventive medications and behavioral counseling interventions to reduce future symptomatic episodes and transmission to others. Based on the natural history of HSV infection, its epidemiology, and the available evidence on the accuracy of serologic screening tests, the USPSTF concluded that the harms outweigh the benefits of serologic screening for genital HSV infection in asymptomatic adolescents and adults, including those who are pregnant. The USPSTF recommends against routine serologic screening for genital HSV infection in asymptomatic adolescents and adults, including those who are pregnant. (D recommendation).

  15. Immunization against Genital Herpes with a Vaccine Virus That has Defects in Productive and Latent Infection (United States)

    da Costa, Xavier J.; Jones, Cheryl A.; Knipe, David M.


    An effective vaccine for genital herpes has been difficult to achieve because of the limited efficacy of subunit vaccines and the safety concerns about live viruses. As an alternative approach, mutant herpes simplex virus strains that are replication-defective can induce protective immunity. To increase the level of safety and to prove that replication was not needed for immunization, we constructed a mutant herpes simplex virus 2 strain containing two deletion mutations, each of which eliminated viral replication. The double-mutant virus induces protective immunity that can reduce acute viral shedding and latent infection in a mouse genital model, but importantly, the double-mutant virus shows a phenotypic defect in latent infection. This herpes vaccine strain, which is immunogenic but has defects in both productive and latent infection, provides a paradigm for the design of vaccines and vaccine vectors for other sexually transmitted diseases, such as AIDS.

  16. Superior orbital fissure syndrome in herpes zoster ophthalmicus.

    LENUS (Irish Health Repository)

    Kirwan, R P


    AIM: To report a case of superior orbital fissure syndrome (SOFS) in a patient with herpes zoster ophthalmicus (HZO). MATERIALS AND METHODS: A case report. RESULTS: A 71-year-old male with HZO presented acutely to accident and emergency complaining of right vision loss, double vision and drowsiness. The right visual acuity was counting fingers. There was no relative afferent pupillary defect. He had interstitial keratitis, ptosis, proptosis and total ophthalmoplaegia. The signs indicated HZO complicated by SOFS. Brain imaging and lumbar puncture confirmed the diagnosis of varicella zoster encephalitis. Systemic acyclovir and prednisolone led to recovery of visual acuity and ocular motility in addition to resolution of his proptosis and ptosis. CONCLUSION: SOFS is a rare complication of herpes zoster infection. With the appropriate treatment and follow-up, patients may be reassured that recovery of their visual acuity and ocular motility will occur.

  17. Occurrence of herpes zoster varicella infections after completion of treatment for Hodgkin's disease

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pauw, B.E. de; Janssen, J.Th.P.; Vaissier, P.; Haanen, C.


    Retrospective analysis of 210 cases of patients with Hodgkin's disease revealed an overall incidence of herpes zoster varicella of 9.5 per cent. Patients with the mixed cellular histological subtype showed a significantly increased (p < 0.05) risk as compared with the total population. More than 90 per cent of the herpes zoster varicella infections occurred after termination of treatment; a combination of radiotherapy with chemotherapy proved to be a predisposing factor. (Auth.)

  18. Síndrome de Ramsay Hunt y meningitis linfocitaria por virus varicela zoster en una paciente anciana

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    Pablo Ruiz Sada


    Full Text Available Presentamos un caso de una paciente anciana con un síndrome de Ramsay Hunt (SRH (herpes zóster ótico con afectación de múltiples pares craneales (VII, VIII y V que presentó simultáneamente una meningitis linfocitaria por virus varicela zóster, que evolucionó favorablemente con esteroides y aciclovir. Se revisan las principales características del SRH, haciendo énfasis en la rareza de la coexistencia simultánea de afectación de múltiples pares craneales y meningitis linfocitaria en una paciente inmunocompetente.

  19. Prevalence of herpes simplex, Epstein Barr and human papilloma viruses in oral lichen planus. (United States)

    Yildirim, Benay; Sengüven, Burcu; Demir, Cem


    The aim of the present study was to assess the prevalence of Herpes Simplex virus, Epstein Barr virus and Human Papilloma virus -16 in oral lichen planus cases and to evaluate whether any clinical variant, histopathological or demographic feature correlates with these viruses. The study was conducted on 65 cases. Viruses were detected immunohistochemically. We evaluated the histopathological and demographic features and statistically analysed correlation of these features with Herpes Simplex virus, Epstein Barr virus and Human Papilloma virus-16 positivity. Herpes Simplex virus was positive in six (9%) cases and this was not statistically significant. The number of Epstein Barr virus positive cases was 23 (35%) and it was statistically significant. Human Papilloma virus positivity in 14 cases (21%) was statistically significant. Except basal cell degeneration in Herpes Simplex virus positive cases, we did not observe any significant correlation between virus positivity and demographic or histopathological features. However an increased risk of Epstein Barr virus and Human Papilloma virus infection was noted in oral lichen planus cases. Taking into account the oncogenic potential of both viruses, oral lichen planus cases should be detected for the presence of these viruses.

  20. Anemia hemolítica causada por Indigofera suffruticosa (Leg. Papilionoideae em bovinos Hemolytic anemia caused by Indigofera suffruticosa (Leg. Papilionoideae in cattle

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    José Diomedes Barbosa Neto


    Full Text Available As partes aéreas de Indigofera suffruticosa Mill. (família Leg. Papilionoideae, planta incriminada pelos criadores de diversas áreas do Nordeste por doença caracterizada por hemoglobinúria em bovinos, foram administradas por via oral a seis bovinos, em doses diárias repetidas de 10 a 40 g/kg, Todos os animais experimentais apresentaram hemoglobinúria, porém passageira, apesar continuidade da administração da planta. Dois desses bovinos não apresentaram manifestações adicionais, um terceiro animal evidenciou manifestações leves, e os três outros, sintomas adicionais de intensidade moderada: apatia, mucosas visíveis de coloração esbranquiçada, pêlos arrepiados, anorexia, diminuição da freqüência e intensidade dos movimentos ruminais, taquicardia, pulso venoso positivo e dispnéia. Antes da crise hemolítica a urina apresentava coloração verde azulada. Nenhum animal experimental morreu, porém um foi sacrificado durante a fase hemoglobinúrica. À necropsia observaram-se anemia, bexiga contendo urina cor de vinho tinto, rins aumentados de volume com coloração marrom-escura, fígado, na superfície e ao corte, de coloração azulada com lobulação perceptível. As principais alterações histológicas foram verificadas no fígado, sob forma de necrose coagulativa e tumefação e/ou microvacuolização citoplasmática dos hepatócitos, e no rim representadas por acentuada nefrose, associada a grande quantidade de filtrado e/ou hemoglobina nos espaços de Bowman dentro de túbulos e do citoplasma das células epiteliais.The aereal parts of Indigofera suffruticosa Mill. (family Leg. Papilionoideae were force-fed fresh to 6 bovines in daily doses of 10 to 40 g/kg. Cattle breeders of various parts of the Northeast of Brazil accuse this plant as the cause of a non-fatal disease characterized by hemoglobinuria. The disease occurs only in years when the plant proliferates well invading the native pastures. All experimental


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    Ljiljana Kostadinović


    Full Text Available Over 150 sorts of viruses are capable of causing diseases of the respiratory ways. The virus infections have become the cost to be paid for urbanization and industrialization. The acute virus infections jeopardize mankind by their complications with numerous consequences. They open up the way to super infections, they provoke endogenous infections and lead to insufficiency of the vital organs. The viruses penetrate the organism mainly through the respiratory ways, digestive and urinary-sexual organs and skin. Some viruses immediately at the place of their entrance into the organism find receptive cells in which they can multiply (herpes virus and etc.. Some viruses must get through the blood, through the lymph or the nerve fibers to the target organs that they have affinity for.The changes that primarily occur in the mouth with manifest lymphadenopathy of the surrounding area emerge with respect to the type of the acute infection dis-ease.The human herpes viruses are responsible for a great number of diseases in people; that is why it can be said that the infections they induce are a very frequent cause of people's diseases in the world. Man is natural and the only host for the types I and II of the herpes simplex virus (HSV; that is why the infected person is regarded as the source of infection. The infection transmission can be by direct contact or over the contaminated secretions during the sexual intercourse. The age and the socioeconomic status (living conditions, level of medical culture, habits, etc. affect to agreat extent epidemiology of the HSV infection. The HSV distribution in the region of Niš in the five-year period (from 1987 to 1992 was the highest in the early and late summer (June and September.

  2. Adolescente con inestabilidad lumbosacra por presencia de quiste hidatídico: reporte de caso

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    Miguel Vizcarra

    Full Text Available La hidatidosis, causada por el Echinococcus granulosus, afecta a la columna vertebral en 0,5-2% del total de casos, siendo la columna sacra una ubicación rara, típica de personas en edad adulta. Se reporta el caso de un varón de 14 años oriundo de Juliaca (Puno, Perú quien presentó lumbalgia crónica y síndrome de cauda equina. Atendido inicialmente en Juliaca, fue trasladado al Hospital Edgardo Rebagliati Martins (Lima, Perú con el diagnóstico de tumoración sacra. En la resonancia magnética se mostró una tumoración multiquística con lisis del L5 y S1 e inestabilidad. El tratamiento quirúrgico fue una laminectomía L5-S2 y extracción de múltiples quistes de hidátide más estabilización lumbopélvica con tornillos transpediculares. En el posoperatorio se recetó albendazol (15 mg/kg/d por el periodo de seis meses. Se debe considerar al quiste hidatídico dentro del diagnóstico diferencial cuando existan lesiones quísticas en la columna vertebral, sobre todo en regiones endémicas como el Perú.

  3. Herpes simplex virus type 1 and type 2 in the Netherlands : seroprevalence, risk factors and changes during a 12-year period

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Woestenberg, Petra J; Tjhie, Jeroen H T; de Melker, Hester E; van der Klis, Fiona R M; van Bergen, Jan E A M; van der Sande, Marianne A B; van Benthem, Birgit H B


    BACKGROUND: Genital herpes results in considerable morbidity, including risk of neonatal herpes, and is increasingly being caused by Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV) type 1. Possibly children are less often HSV-1 infected, leaving them susceptible until sexual debut. We assessed changes in the Dutch HSV-1

  4. [Neonatal herpes: Epidemiology, clinical manifestations and management. Guidelines for clinical practice from the French College of Gynecologists and Obstetricians (CNGOF)]. (United States)

    Renesme, L


    To describe the epidemiology of neonatal herpes and its risk factors, clinical and paraclinic manifestations, propose guidelines for a newborn at risk of neonatal herpes, describe treatment modalities, describe post-natal transmission and its prevention. Bibliographic search from Medline, Cochrane Library databases and research of international clinical practice guidelines. Neonatal herpes is rare (about 20 cases per year in France) and mainly due to HSV 1 (level of evidence LE3). The main risk factors for mother-to-child transmission are maternal primary episode of genital herpes close to delivery and serotype HSV 1 (LE3). There are three clinical forms of neonatal herpes : SEM infection for skin, eyes and mucosa, central nervous system (CNS) associated infection, and the disseminated infection. Neurological mortality and morbidity depend on the clinical form and the HSV serotype (LE3). In most of the case of neonatal herpes, the mothers have no history of genital herpes (LE3). Fever and vesicular rash may be absent at the time of diagnosis (LE3). In case of suspicion of neonatal herpes, different samples (blood and cerebrospinal fluid) for HSV PCR must be carried out to confirm the diagnosis (Professional consensus). Any newborn suspected of neonatal herpes should be treated with intravenous aciclovir (Grade A) prior to the results of HSV PCR (Professional consensus). In case of maternal genital herpes at delivery, the management of an asymptomatic newborn depends on the evaluation of the risk of transmission. In case of maternal reactivation (low risk of transmission), HSV PCR samples are taken at 24hours of life and the newborn must be follow closely until results. In the case of maternal primary episode or non-primary infection first episode (high risk of transmission), the samples are taken at 24hours of life and intravenous treatment with aciclovir is started (Professional consensus). The treatment of neonatal herpes is based on intravenous aciclovir (60mg

  5. Penile herpes zoster: an unusual location for a common disease

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    Milan Bjekic

    Full Text Available Herpes zoster is a common dermatological condition which affects up to 20% of the population, most frequently involving the thoracic and facial dermatomes with sacral lesions occurring rarely and only a few reported cases of penile shingles. Case report: We report two cases of unusual penile clinical presentations of varicella zoster virus infection in immunocompetent men. The patients presented with grouped clusters of vesicles and erythema on the left side of penile shaft and posterior aspect of the left thigh and buttock, involving s2-s4 dermatomes. The lesions resolved quickly upon administration of oral antiviral therapy. Conclusion: Penile herpes zoster should not be overlooked in patients with unilateral vesicular rash.

  6. Rotavirus morbidity and mortality in children in Brazil Morbilidad y mortalidad por rotavirus en niños en Brasil

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    Ana Marli Christovam Sartori


    Full Text Available OBJECTIVE: To study the epidemiology of rotavirus and estimate rotavirus-associated morbidity and mortality in children OBJETIVOS: Analizar la epidemiología del rotavirus y estimar la morbilidad y la mortalidad asociadas con las infecciones por rotavirus en niños < 5 años de edad en Brasil en 2004, antes de incluir la vacuna contra el rotavirus en el Programa Nacional de Inmunizaciones (PNI. MÉTODOS: Para estimar la morbilidad por rotavirus se revisaron los estudios publicados (1999-2006 que abordaban la incidencia de diarrea aguda en niños < 5 años de edad y la frecuencia de las infecciones por rotavirus en niños con diarrea en Brasil. Los casos de diarrea se dividieron en tres categorías de gravedad según el nivel de atención que requirieron: casos leves que solo requirieron atención domiciliaria, casos moderados que requirieron la visita a un servicio ambulatorio de salud y casos graves que requirieron hospitalización. Para estimar la mortalidad por rotavirus se utilizó el número de muertes registradas por diarrea en niños de < 5 años, según el Sistema de Información sobre Mortalidad (SIM del Sistema Único de Salud (SUS de Brasil, y se calculó la proporción de muertes causadas por este virus. RESULTADOS: Se estimó que las infecciones por rotavirus causan anualmente 3 525 053 casos de diarrea, 655 853 visitas a servicios ambulatorios de salud, 92 453 hospitalizaciones y 850 muertes en niños < 5 años de edad en Brasil. CONCLUSIONES: Las infecciones por rotavirus constituyen una importante causa de morbilidad y mortalidad en Brasil.

  7. Ganciclovir nucleotides accumulate in mitochondria of rat liver cells expressing the herpes simplex virus thymidine kinase gene

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    van der Eb, Marjolijn M.; Geutskens, Sacha B.; van Kuilenburg, André B. P.; van Lenthe, Henk; van Dierendonck, Jan-Hein; Kuppen, Peter J. K.; van Ormondt, Hans; van de Velde, Cornelis J. H.; Wanders, Ronald J. A.; van Gennip, Albert H.; Hoeben, Rob C.


    BACKGROUND: Ganciclovir exhibits broad-spectrum activity against DNA viruses such as cytomegaloviruses, herpes simplex viruses, varicella-zoster virus, Epstein-Barr virus and human herpes virus-6. Ganciclovir is widely applied for anti-herpetic treatment, cytomegalovirus prophylaxis after organ

  8. Desenvolvimento de metodologia para determinação de multirresiduos de herbicidas e seus metabolitos em agua e em solo por cromatografia liquida de alta eficiencia


    Glaucia Maria Ferreira Pinto


    Resumo: Com o crescimento da população mundial, a preocupação com o aumento da produção agrícola torna-se mais pronunciada. Para garantir um maior rendimento agrícola tem-se intensificado o uso de agrotóxicos, o que aumentou a contaminação ambiental causada por estes compostos químicos. No presente trabalho foram desenvolvidos e validados métodos envolvendo o uso de extração em fase sólida e cromatografia líquida de alta eficiência, aplicados à análise de amostras ambientais de águas e solos,...

  9. Prophylactic Antiviral Treatment in Recurrent Herpes Zoster: A Case Report

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    Hatice Gamze Bayram


    Full Text Available Herpes zoster (HZ occurs in older ages with activation of varicella-zoster virus (VZV which persists in a dormant phase within the dorsal root ganglia. The incidence of HZ in immunosuppressed patients is 20-100 times higher and the clinical progress is more severe than in immunocompetent individuals. A 48-year-old man who had been diagnosed with acute myelocytic leukemia type M3 and had been treated with immunosuppressive agents was admitted to our clinic. The patient was clinically diagnosed as having HZ. He was treated with acyclovir 800 mg five times daily for 7 days. In the consecutive three months, he attended our clinic again with similar complaints. The left cervical (C5, C6 dermatomes were involved at the fourth attack of HZ. Multinucleated giant cells were determined on the Tzanck smear. VZV DNA was detected by polymerase chain reaction (PCR. Treatment with valacyclovir 1 g three times daily for 14 days was prescribed and then, prophylactic treatment with valacyclovir 500 mg two times a day was administered. Although immunosuppressive treatment was continued, no new attacks of herpes zoster occurred. We think that prophylactic antiviral therapy should be initiated in immunosuppressive individuals who have recurrent herpes zoster attacks.

  10. Herpes simplex virus type 1 and type 2 in the Netherlands: seroprevalence, risk factors and changes during a 12-year period

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Woestenberg, Petra J.; Tjhie, Jeroen H. T.; de Melker, Hester E.; van der Klis, Fiona R. M.; van Bergen, Jan E. A. M.; van der Sande, Marianne A. B.; van Benthem, Birgit H. B.


    Genital herpes results in considerable morbidity, including risk of neonatal herpes, and is increasingly being caused by Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV) type 1. Possibly children are less often HSV-1 infected, leaving them susceptible until sexual debut. We assessed changes in the Dutch HSV-1 and HSV-2

  11. Reação cutânea grave induzida por carbamazepina no tratamento da neuralgia pós-herpética: relato de caso Reacción cutánea grave inducida por la carbamazepina en el tratamiento de la neuralgia postherpética: relato de caso Severe carbamazepine-induced cutaneous reaction in the treatment of post-herpetic neuralgia: case report

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    João Batista Santos Garcia


    Full Text Available JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: O herpes zoster tem como principal complicação a neuralgia pós-herpética (NPH. Utiliza-se para o tratamento a carbamazepina (CXB, um anticonvulsivante bem tolerado, porém frequentemente associado a reações Cutâneas graves, como, por exemplo, a síndrome de Stevens-Johnson (SSJ e a necrólise epidérmica tóxica (NET. O objetivo deste trabalho é relatar um caso de SSJ/NET secundário ao uso de CBZ em paciente com NPH. RELATO DO CASO: Paciente do sexo feminino, com dor contínua em região torácica e dorso, intensa, em queimação, fisgada, choque, alteração de força de membro superior ipsilateral e sudorese. Apresentava lesões crostosas e eritematosas em região dorsal do tórax, com alodinia e disestesias em dermátomo acometido. Iniciou-se CBZ 300 mg.dia-1, amitriptilina (AMT 12,5 mg à noite e infiltração com anestésico local na região afetada. Após 15 dias, referia mal-estar, febre, dores musculares e artralgias com rash cutâneo leve e inespecífico. Retirou-se a carbamazepina imediatamente. Uma semana depois, foi internada com urticária e exantema generalizados, erupções Cutâneas eritematosas, bolhosas e máculas purpúricas por todo o corpo. A impressão era de SSJ/NET induzida por carbamazepina. Houve progressiva piora do quadro, com aumento do número e do tamanho das lesões Cutâneas, além de rash eritematoso macular generalizado, áreas de necrose e erosões, com destacamento simétrico da epiderme em face, pescoço, tórax, dorso e membros acometendo mais de 50% da área de superfície, além de envolvimento da mucosa bucal, conjuntival e genital com erosões vesiculares. Apresentou piora funcional progressiva, evoluindo com choque séptico e falência múltipla de órgãos, indo a óbito. CONCLUSÕES: A SSJ/NET é uma reação Cutânea grave com potencial para morbidade e mortalidade elevadas e que demanda intervenção rápida e tratamento adequado. Fica também o alerta para o uso

  12. Treinta días persiguiendo la muerte: miseria, dolor y obras de caridad en Bogotá de 1918, desolada por la epidemia de gripa

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    Álvaro Miranda


    Full Text Available Para finales de la segunda década del siglo xx, Bogotá tiene poco que mostrar. Está detenida en el tiempo, sumergida en una rutina en la que las lluvias casi siempre le ganan a los días de sol y el barro salpica todo, tanto a la gente elegante como a la gente sencilla, que visten lo mejor de sus prendas para presentarse en calles, almacenes y templos. La rutina menuda de hombres y mujeres y la rutina trascendente de políticos y escritores en diarios y revistas, fue sustituida, de repente, por la de la muerte. Nada similar para comparar tenían en su memoria esos bogotanos que en los meses de octubre y noviembre de 1918 tuvieron que vivir en su ciudad una pesadilla causada por una gripa que de igual modo hacía estragos en muchos otros lugares del mundo.

  13. Pneumonia por varicela associada com síndrome da angústia respiratória aguda: relato de dois casos Varicella pneumonia complicated with acute respiratory distress syndrome: two cases report


    Marcelo Moreno; Ricardo Castelão; Susana Orrico Peres; Suzana Margareth Lobo


    JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: A varicela é uma doença exantemática causada pela infecção primária do vírus varicela zoster (VVZ). A pneumonia pelo VVZ complicada com a síndrome da angústia respiratória aguda (SARA) é rara e associa-se a altas taxas de morbimortalidade. O objetivo deste estudo foi apresentar dois casos de pneumonia por varicela que evoluíram com SARA e outras disfunções orgânicas. RELATO DOS CASOS: Paciente de 15 anos, imunocomprometido com a síndrome da imunodeficiência adquirid...

  14. Recurrent Herpes Zoster- A Marker of AIDS

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    Mazumdar Gautam


    Full Text Available A 32 year old female presented to us with herpes zoster involving the T 8 to T 10 dermatomes. She had a scar involving the same dermatomes on the other half of the body. Investigations revealed that both the patient and her husband were HIV positive with CD4 cell count less than 200.

  15. Bovine lactoferrin and lactoferricin interfere with intracellular trafficking of Herpes simplex virus-1. (United States)

    Marr, A K; Jenssen, H; Moniri, M Roshan; Hancock, R E W; Panté, N


    Although both lactoferrin (Lf), a component of the innate immune system of living organisms, and its N-terminal pepsin cleavage product lactoferricin (Lfcin) have anti-herpes activity, the precise mechanisms by which Lf and Lfcin bring about inhibition of herpes infections are not fully understood. In the present study, experiments were carried out to characterize the activity of bovine Lf and Lfcin (BLf and BLfcin) against the Herpes simplex virus-1 (HSV-1). HSV-1 cellular uptake and intracellular trafficking were studied by immunofluorescence microscopy. In comparison to the untreated infected control cells, both the BLf- and BLfcin-treated cells showed a significant reduction in HSV-1 cellular uptake. The few virus particles that were internalized appeared to have a delayed intracellular trafficking. Thus, in addition to their interference with the uptake of the virus into host cells, Lf and Lfcin also exert their antiviral effect intracellularly.

  16. Asymptomatic HLA-A*02:01–Restricted Epitopes from Herpes Simplex Virus Glycoprotein B Preferentially Recall Polyfunctional CD8+ T Cells from Seropositive Asymptomatic Individuals and Protect HLA Transgenic Mice against Ocular Herpes (United States)

    Dervillez, Xavier; Qureshi, Huma; Chentoufi, Aziz A.; Khan, Arif A.; Kritzer, Elizabeth; Yu, David C.; Diaz, Oscar R.; Gottimukkala, Chetan; Kalantari, Mina; Villacres, Maria C.; Scarfone, Vanessa M.; McKinney, Denise M.; Sidney, John; Sette, Alessandro; Nesburn, Anthony B.; Wechsler, Steven L.; BenMohamed, Lbachir


    Evidence from C57BL/6 mice suggests that CD8+ T cells, specific to the immunodominant HSV-1 glycoprotein B (gB) H-2b–restricted epitope (gB498–505), protect against ocular herpes infection and disease. However, the possible role of CD8+ T cells, specific to HLA-restricted gB epitopes, in protective immunity seen in HSV-1–seropositive asymptomatic (ASYMP) healthy individuals (who have never had clinical herpes) remains to be determined. In this study, we used multiple prediction algorithms to identify 10 potential HLA-A*02:01–restricted CD8+ T cell epitopes from the HSV-1 gB amino acid sequence. Six of these epitopes exhibited high-affinity binding to HLA-A*02:01 molecules. In 10 sequentially studied HLA-A*02:01–positive, HSV-1–seropositive ASYMP individuals, the most frequent, robust, and polyfunctional CD8+ T cell responses, as assessed by a combination of tetramer, IFN-γ-ELISPOT, CFSE proliferation, CD107a/b cytotoxic degranulation, and multiplex cytokine assays, were directed mainly against epitopes gB342–350 and gB561–569. In contrast, in 10 HLA-A*02:01–positive, HSV-1–seropositive symptomatic (SYMP) individuals (with a history of numerous episodes of recurrent clinical herpes disease) frequent, but less robust, CD8+ T cell responses were directed mainly against nonoverlapping epitopes (gB183–191 and gB441–449). ASYMP individuals had a significantly higher proportion of HSV-gB–specific CD8+ T cells expressing CD107a/b degranulation marker and producing effector cytokines IL-2, IFN-γ, and TNF-α than did SYMP individuals. Moreover, immunization of a novel herpes-susceptible HLA-A*02:01 transgenic mouse model with ASYMP epitopes, but not with SYMP epitopes, induced strong CD8+ T cell–dependent protective immunity against ocular herpes infection and disease. These findings should guide the development of a safe and effective T cell–based herpes vaccine. PMID:24101547

  17. T cell-macrophage interaction in arginase-mediated resistance to herpes simplex virus. (United States)

    Bonina, L; Nash, A A; Arena, A; Leung, K N; Wildy, P


    Peritoneal macrophages activated by-products derived from a herpes simplex virus-specific helper T cell clone were used to investigate intrinsic and extrinsic resistance mechanisms to herpes simplex virus type 1 infection in vitro. T cell-activated macrophages produced fewer infective centres, indicating enhanced intrinsic resistance, and markedly reduced the growth of virus in a permissive cell line. The reduction in virus growth correlated with the depletion of arginine in the support medium, presumably resulting from increased arginase production by activated macrophages. The significance of these findings for antiviral immunity in vivo is discussed.

  18. Lesões craniofaciais decorrentes de acidentes por motocicleta: uma revisão integrativa

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    Maria Gabriella Pacheco da Silva


    Full Text Available Resumo: Os acidentes de trânsito têm constituído um problema de saúde pública que mais cresce no Brasil e no mundo, com destaque para as motocicletas. Além dos altos índices de mortalidade, destacam-se também as lesões e sequelas causadas aos sobreviventes ao acidente. As lesões de face são comuns neste tipo de acidente, causando deformidades estéticas e funcionais no rosto, necessitando de reabilitação. Foi realizada uma busca na literatura para mapear as lesões na região craniofacial decorrentes de acidentes de trânsito por motocicleta, buscando também suas possíveis implicações para a Comunicação Humana. As bases de dados Pubmed, Lilacs e Scielo foram acessadas, selecionando os artigos pelos títulos, em seguida pelos resumos, para ao final selecionar os artigos para leitura na íntegra. Após este processo, foram selecionados 10 estudos para a revisão. Na região facial, as fraturas mais frequentes foram nos ossos da Mandíbula, Zigomático e Nasal, por serem os mais proeminentes na região. Destacaram-se os Traumas Cranianos como os tipos de lesões com maior gravidade, uma vez que podem levar ao óbito. Apesar do detalhamento das lesões, as sequelas e dados sobre a reabilitação dessas vítimas de acidentes por motocicletas foram raros na literatura.

  19. Factors affecting the purpose suppressive antiviral therapy for patients with recurrent genital herpes

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    I. S. Коlova


    Full Text Available Objective: To study the factors that influence the destination of suppressive antiviral therapy in patients with recurrent genital herpes doctors of different specialties.Material and Methods: The study was conducted based on an anonymous survey of professionals providing medical care to patients with genital herpes. The survey involved 67 experts – 44 dermatologist, 13 obstetricians and 10 urologists working in Skin and Venereal Diseases, Women’s consuitation post and Saint Petersburg clinics.Results: Most respondents indicated that among patients with genital herpes, seeking an appointment, dominated by patients with relapsing nature of the disease. Suppressive antiviral therapy is recommended 68,7% of specialists, including dermatologists 61,3%, 84,6% of obstetricians and gynecologists, and 80% of urologists. The main indications for its experts consider high frequency of relapses, the patient’s tendency to promiscuity, the desire of the patient with fewer relapses, and the emotional response of the patient for the presence of the disease. Do not prescribe suppressive therapy for recurrent genital herpes 31,4% of the doctors surveyed. Among the reasons for which are not appointed by the type of treatment, the patient is dominated by the rejection of this type of treatment, the lack of experience of the destination suppressive therapy, as well as the uncertainty of specialists in its effectiveness.Conclusion: Suppressive antiviral therapy is recommended 68,7% of specialists. Do not prescribe this type of treatment for recurrent genital herpes 31,4% of the doctors surveyed. The proportion of professionals who refuse the appointment of suppressive antiviral therapy, the highest among dermatologists (38,7% compared with 15,4% among obstetricians and 20% of urologists. The most frequent grounds for refusal from this type of treatment is the lack of confidence in its effectiveness. 

  20. Optic neuritis in a child with herpes zoster. (United States)

    Monroe, L D


    A 9-year-old black boy was admitted to the hospital for treatment of herpes zoster involving the trigeminal nerve distribution on the left half of his face. Consulting examination of his eye on the involved side revealed moderate iritis as well as papillitis and diffuse retinitis.

  1. Miocardiopatia hipertrófica não sarcomérica : casos clínicos


    Azevedo, Pedro Miguel Cacais Rua


    Trabalho Final do Curso de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de Lisboa, 2017 A miocardiopatia hipertrófica é uma patologia em que há hipertrofia miocárdica não causada por patologia hipertensiva, valvular ou outras situações que decorrem com aumento de pós-carga. A miocardiopatia hipertrófica não sarcomérica, tratada neste trabalho, não é causada por mutações em proteínas do sarcómero. Uma das causas da miocardiopatia hipertrófica é a doença de Fabry, d...

  2. The Shozu Herpes Zoster (SHEZ) Study: Rationale, Design, and Description of a Prospective Cohort Study (United States)

    Takao, Yukiko; Miyazaki, Yoshiyuki; Onishi, Fumitake; Kumihashi, Hideaki; Gomi, Yasuyuki; Ishikawa, Toyokazu; Okuno, Yoshinobu; Mori, Yasuko; Asada, Hideo; Yamanishi, Koichi; Iso, Hiroyasu


    Background The incidence and risk factors for herpes zoster have been studied in cross-sectional and cohort studies, although most such studies have been conducted in Western countries. Evidence from Asian populations is limited, and no cohort study has been conducted in Asia. We are conducting a 3-year prospective cohort study in Shozu County in Kagawa Prefecture, Japan to determine the incidence and predictive and immunologic factors for herpes zoster among Japanese. Methods The participants are followed for 3 years, and a telephone survey is conducted every 4 weeks. The participants were assigned to 1 of 3 studies. Participants in study A gave information on past history of herpes zoster and completed health questionnaires. Study B participants additionally underwent varicella-zoster virus (VZV) skin testing, and study C participants additionally underwent blood testing. If the participants develop herpes zoster, we evaluate clinical symptoms, measure cell-mediated immunity and humoral immunity using venous blood sampling, photograph skin areas with rash, conduct virus identification testing by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and virus isolation from crust sampling, and evaluate postherpetic pain. Results We recruited 12 522 participants aged 50 years or older in Shozu County from December 2009 through November 2010. The participation rate was 65.7% of the target population. Conclusions The present study is likely to provide valuable data on the incidence and predictive and immunologic factors for herpes zoster in a defined community-based population of Japanese. PMID:22343323

  3. Herpes simplex type 2 encephalitis and methotrexate medication: a fortuitous or causative association in a patient with spondyloarthritis? (United States)

    Lupo, Julien; Dos Santos, Ophélie; Germi, Raphaele; Baccard-Longère, Monique; Stahl, Jean-Paul; Epaulard, Olivier; Morand, Patrice


    It is unclear whether immunosuppression is a risk factor for herpes encephalitis. Herein, we describe a rare case of herpes simplex virus type 2 encephalitis in a patient treated with low-dose methotrexate for HLA-B27-associated spondyloarthritis. The patient was successfully treated with acyclovir but presented sequelae of encephalitis. Here we discuss the possible role of low-dose methotrexate therapy as a risk factor of neurological herpes reactivation and severe disease. The host-related and viral risk factors are also addressed.

  4. Molecular diagnostics and newborns at risk for genital herpes simplex virus. (United States)

    Chua, Caroline; Arnolds, Marin; Niklas, Victoria


    Herpes simplex virus (HSV) infection in the newborn carries a high mortality rate and can result in lifelong neurologic impairment. The severity of HSV infection in the newborn has always dictated conservative management when prodromal symptoms or active genital lesions (or those suggestive of genital herpes) are present during labor and delivery. The risk of intrapartum infection, however, is related to the presence or absence of maternal immunity (neutralizing antibody) to HSV. The most significant risk of transmission is in first-episode primary infections with active lesions at delivery. Recent recommendations from the American Academy of Pediatrics Committees on Infectious Diseases and the Fetus and Newborn use rapid serologic and virologic screening in the management of asymptomatic infants born to mothers with active genital herpes. The revised guidelines highlight infants at greatest risk for HSV disease but do not apply to asymptomatic infants born to mothers with a history of HSV but no genital lesions at delivery. The current guidelines also stipulate that maternal serologic screening and molecular assays for HSV in newborn blood and cerebrospinal fluid must be available and reported in a timely fashion. Copyright 2015, SLACK Incorporated.

  5. Diagnosis of genital herpes simplex virus infection in the clinical laboratory (United States)


    Since the type of herpes simplex virus (HSV) infection affects prognosis and subsequent counseling, type-specific testing to distinguish HSV-1 from HSV-2 is always recommended. Although PCR has been the diagnostic standard method for HSV infections of the central nervous system, until now viral culture has been the test of choice for HSV genital infection. However, HSV PCR, with its consistently and substantially higher rate of HSV detection, could replace viral culture as the gold standard for the diagnosis of genital herpes in people with active mucocutaneous lesions, regardless of anatomic location or viral type. Alternatively, antigen detection—an immunofluorescence test or enzyme immunoassay from samples from symptomatic patients--could be employed, but HSV type determination is of importance. Type-specific serology based on glycoprotein G should be used for detecting asymptomatic individuals but widespread screening for HSV antibodies is not recommended. In conclusion, rapid and accurate laboratory diagnosis of HSV is now become a necessity, given the difficulty in making the clinical diagnosis of HSV, the growing worldwide prevalence of genital herpes and the availability of effective antiviral therapy. PMID:24885431

  6. A comparative analysis of polymerase chain reaction and direct fluorescent antibody test for diagnosis of genital herpes

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    Vrushali Patwardhan


    Conclusion: PCR was found to be better in the detection of HSV in recurrent genital herpes patients. It is a better modality, especially when genital herpes clinically presents with ulcerative or crusted lesions, and is also a cheaper alternative as compared to DFA.

  7. The occurrence of herpes simplex viruses 1 and 2 in skin and mucosal lesions in patients with suspicion of genital herpes. (United States)

    Gorka, Emilia; Mlynarczyk-Bonikowska, Beata; Machura, Paulina; Majewska, Anna; Dzieciqtkowski, Tomasz; Mlynarzyk, Grazyna; Malejczyk, Magdalena; Majewski, Slawomir

    Infection with herpes simplex viruses 1 and 2 (HSV 1 and 2 or Human herpesvirus HHV) are one of the most common infections in human. Real time PCR is a sensitive and specific method for diagnostics of HHV infections. The aim of the study was to investigate the occurrence of HHV 1 and HHV 2 DNA in patient with clinical symptoms suggesting HHV infection. We used real time PCR to investigate swabs from genital and perianal lesions from 74 patients of the Department of Dermatology and Venereology Medical University Warsaw and of gynecological outpatient clinics in Warsaw 40 women and 34 men. The results were positive for HHV 2 in 25 cases (34%), for HHV 1 in 19 cases (26%) and for both viruses in 20 cases (27%). 10 samples were negative for both viruses. The results confirm that the main cause of symptomatic genital herpes is HHV 2, however the percentage of HHV 1 and specially of mixed HHV 1/HHV 2 infections was unexpectedly high.

  8. Enfermedad pulmonar obstructiva crónica por exposición al humo de biomasa

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    Matías Lopez

    Full Text Available En este artículo se discute la relación existente entre la enfermedad pulmonar obstructiva crónica (EPOC y el humo de biomasa. Más de la mitad de la población utiliza biomasa como combustible principal, sobre todo en áreas rurales y en países en vías de desarrollo donde su uso llega hasta el 80%. La inhalación del humo de biomasa crea un estado inflamatorio crónico, que se acompaña de una activación de metaloproteinasas y una reducción de la movilidad mucociliar. Esto podría explicar la gran asociación existente entre la exposición a biomasa y EPOC, revelada por estudios observacionales y epidemiológicos provenientes de países en vías de desarrollo y de países desarrollados. En esta revisión exploramos también las diferencias entre la EPOC causada por tabaco y por biomasa, y encontramos que, a pesar de las diferencias fisiopatológicas, la mayoría de las características clínicas, calidad de vida y mortalidad fueron parecidas. En los últimos diez años se han realizado intervenciones para disminuir la exposición a biomasa mediante el uso de cocinas mejoradas y combustibles limpios, sin embargo, estas estrategias todavía no han sido exitosas debido a su incapacidad para reducir los niveles de contaminación a niveles recomendados por la Organización Mundial de la Salud, y por su falta de uso. Por lo tanto, hay una necesidad urgente de ensayos de campo aleatorios, cuidadosamente realizados, para determinar la verdadera gama de reducciones de contaminación potencialmente alcanzables, la probabilidad de su uso y los beneficios a largo plazo en la reducción de la gran carga mundial de EPOC

  9. Guidance on management of asymptomatic neonates born to women with active genital herpes lesions. (United States)

    Kimberlin, David W; Baley, Jill


    Herpes simplex virus (HSV) infection of the neonate is uncommon, but genital herpes infections in adults are very common. Thus, although treating an infant with neonatal herpes is a relatively rare occurrence, managing infants potentially exposed to HSV at the time of delivery occurs more frequently. The risk of transmitting HSV to an infant during delivery is determined in part by the mother's previous immunity to HSV. Women with primary genital HSV infections who are shedding HSV at delivery are 10 to 30 times more likely to transmit the virus to their newborn infants than are women with recurrent HSV infection who are shedding virus at delivery. With the availability of commercial serological tests that reliably can distinguish type-specific HSV antibodies, it is now possible to determine the type of maternal infection and, thus, further refine management of infants delivered to women who have active genital HSV lesions. The management algorithm presented herein uses both serological and virological studies to determine the risk of HSV transmission to the neonate who is delivered to a mother with active herpetic genital lesions and tailors management accordingly. The algorithm does not address the approach to asymptomatic neonates delivered to women with a history of genital herpes but no active lesions at delivery.


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    N.A. Myukke


    Full Text Available Information about an infection caused by human herpes virus type 6, its' epidemiology, pathogenesis and clinical variants, is reviewed. Clinical cases, diagnosed at a time of study, are briefly reviewed.Key words: human herpes virus type 6, exanthema subitum (roseola infantum, fever of unknown origin, mononucleosis like syndrome, meningoencephalitis, children.

  11. Meningite tuberculosa: avaliação da reação em cadeia da polimerase (PCR como ferramenta diagnóstica – um estudo piloto

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    Guilherme Geib


    Full Text Available Meningite é uma forma grave e potencialmente fatal de tuberculose. O diagnóstico envolve a detecção de bacilos álcool-ácido resistentes no líquido cefalorraquidiano por microscopia ou cultura. Entretanto, a dificuldade de detectar o organismo representa um desafio ao diagnóstico. O uso da reação em cadeia da polimerase (PCR na abordagem diagnóstica de meningite causada por Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTB tem sido relatado como um método rápido e preciso, com diversos kits comerciais disponíveis. Como alternativa, algumas instituições vêm desenvolvendo testes in house com baixo custo. Em nossa instituição, usamos PCR in house para tuberculose. O desempenho de nossa PCR para o diagnóstico de meningite causada por MTB foi analisado em 148 pacientes consecutivos, usando a cultura do MBT como padrão-ouro. A sensibilidade da PCR no líquido cefalorraquidiano para o diagnóstico de meningite causada por MTB foi de 50%, especificidade de 98,6% e concordância coma cultura de 96% (kappa = 0,52. O desempenho de nossa PCR é semelhante ao obtido com os kits comerciais disponíveis.

  12. Gravidade das coinfecções virais em lactentes hospitalizados com infecção por vírus sincicial respiratório

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    Milena De Paulis


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Comparar a gravidade de infecções causadas por um único vírus (VSR com a gravidade de coinfecções. MÉTODOS: Este estudo avaliou uma coorte histórica de lactentes com infecção aguda por VSR. Secreção de nasofaringe foi coletada de todos os pacientes rotineiramente para pesquisa viral usando técnicas de biologia molecular. Os seguintes desfechos foram analisados: tempo total de internação, duração da oxigenioterapia, admissão em unidade de terapia intensiva e uso de ventilação mecânica. Os resultados foram ajustados para os fatores confundidores (prematuridade, idade e aleitamento materno. RESULTADOS: Foram incluídos no estudo 176 lactentes com idade média de 4,5 meses e diagnósticos de bronquiolite e/ou pneumonia. Cento e vinte e um tinham infecção única por VSR, e 55 tinham coinfecções (24 VSR + adenovírus, 16 VSR + metapneumovírus humano e 15 outras associações menos frequentes. Os quatro desfechos de gravidade avaliados foram semelhantes entre o grupo com infecção única por VSR e os grupos com coinfecções, independente do tipo de vírus associado com o VSR. CONCLUSÃO: As coinfecções virais não parecem alterar o prognóstico de lactentes hospitalizados com infecção aguda por VSR.

  13. Asociación de linfomas malignos con herpes virus I y II

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    Ashley Efraín Alarcon-Rozas


    Full Text Available Objetivos: Conocer la prevalencia de la seropositividad para herpes virus I y II en pacientes con linfomas non Hodgkin y su asociación con el linaje celular (B ó T. Pacientes y métodos: Se tomó una muestra de 60 pacientes en el Hospital Almenara de agosto de 1999 a diciembre del 2000 todos ellos pacientes con diagnostico establecido de linfoma non Hodgkin nuevos o en primera recaída, el análisis se realizó mediante bioestadística descriptiva. Resultados: La mediana de la edad fue de 59 años, 2/3 fueron varones, 65% pacientes nuevos y el linfoma primario fue extraganglionar en un 58% de los casos. El 80% de los linfomas fueron a células B y mas del 90% en estadios avanzados (III y IV, ningún caso fue positivo para IgM herpes I o II y 25% tuvieron serología positiva IgG para herpes I o II (2/3 positivos para IgG I de los cuales el 93% fueron a células B. Conclusiones: La prevalencia de seropositividad para herpes virus I y II en pacientes con linfoma non Hodgkin es del 25%, mayormente asociado a células B, además de tener un porcentaje considerable de linfomas a células T (25% y linfomas extranodales (58%; para evaluar la posibilidad de asociación entre este virus y los linfomas requerimos de un estudio caso-control.

  14. Herpes simplex virus type 2: Cluster of unrelated cases in an intensive care unit. (United States)

    Troché, Gilles; Marque Juillet, Stephanie; Burrel, Sonia; Boutolleau, David; Bédos, Jean-Pierre; Legriel, Stephane


    Herpes simplex viruses, which are associated with various clinical manifestations, can be transmitted to critically ill patients from other patients or health care staff. We report an apparent outbreak of mucocutaneous herpes simplex virus 2 infections (5 cases in 10 weeks). An epidemiologic investigation and genotype analysis showed no connections among the 5 cases. Copyright © 2016 Association for Professionals in Infection Control and Epidemiology, Inc. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  15. Prodromal herpes zoster mimicking odontalgia – A diagnostic ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    During the prodromal stage, the only presenting symptom may be odontalgia, which may prove to be a diagnostic challenge for the dentist, since many diseases can cause orofacial pain, and the diagnosis must be properly established before final treatment. Here we present a case of herpes zoster involving the second ...

  16. Seroprevalences of herpes simplex virus type 1 and type 2 among pregnant women in the Netherlands

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Gaytant, Michael A.; Steegers, Eric A. P.; van Laere, Marloes; Semmekrot, Ben A.; Groen, Jan; Weel, Jan F.; van der Meijden, Willem I.; Boer, Kees; Galama, Jochem M. D.


    BACKGROUND: In the Netherlands 73% of cases of neonatal herpes are caused by herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1), whereas in the United States a majority are caused by HSV type 2 (HSV-2). GOAL To understand this difference we undertook a seroepidemiological study on the prevalence of HSV-1 and HSV-2

  17. A cross-sectional study of the knowledge, attitude, and practice of patients aged 50 years or above towards herpes zoster in an out-patient setting. (United States)

    Lam, A Cy; Chan, M Y; Chou, H Y; Ho, S Y; Li, H L; Lo, C Y; Shek, K F; To, S Y; Yam, K K; Yeung, I


    There has been limited research on the knowledge of and attitudes about herpes zoster in the Hong Kong population. This study aimed to investigate the knowledge, attitude, and practice of patients aged 50 years or above towards herpes zoster and its vaccination. This was a cross-sectional study in the format of a structured questionnaire interview carried out in Sai Ying Pun Jockey Club General Outpatient Clinic in Hong Kong. Knowledge of herpes zoster and its vaccination was assessed, and patient attitudes to and concerns about the disease were evaluated. Factors that affected a decision about vaccination against herpes zoster were investigated. A total of 408 Hong Kong citizens aged 50 years or above were interviewed. Multiple regression analysis revealed that number of correct responses regarding knowledge about herpes zoster was positively correlated with educational attainment (B=0.313, P=0.026) and history of herpes zoster (B=0.408, P=0.038), and negatively correlated with age (B= -0.042, Pherpes zoster. Misconceptions about herpes zoster were notable in this study. More health education is needed to improve the understanding and heighten awareness of herpes zoster among the general public. Although the majority of participants indicated that herpes zoster would have a significant impact on their health, a relatively smaller proportion was actually worried about getting the disease. Further studies on this topic should be encouraged to gauge the awareness and knowledge of herpes zoster among broader age-groups.

  18. No evidence of parvovirus B19, Chlamydia pneumoniae or human herpes virus infection in temporal artery biopsies in patients with giant cell arteritis

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Helweg-Larsen, J; Tarp, B; Obel, N


    conditions. DNA was extracted from frozen biopsies and PCR was used to amplify genes from Chlamydia pneumoniae, parvovirus B19 and each of the eight human herpes viruses: herpes simplex viruses HSV-1 and 2, Epstein-Barr virus, cytomegalovirus, varicella zoster virus and human herpes viruses HHV-6, -7 and -8......OBJECTIVES: Recent studies have suggested that infective agents may be involved in the pathogenesis of giant cell arteritis (GCA), in particular Chlamydia pneumoniae and parvovirus B19. We investigated temporal arteries from patients with GCA for these infections as well as human herpes viruses....... RESULTS: In all 30 biopsies, PCR was negative for DNAs of parvovirus B19, each of the eight human herpes viruses and C. pneumoniae. CONCLUSIONS: We found no evidence of DNA from parvovirus B19, human herpes virus or C. pneumoniae in any of the temporal arteries. These agents do not seem to play a unique...

  19. Peptic ulcer as a risk factor for postherpetic neuralgia in adult patients with herpes zoster. (United States)

    Chen, Jen-Yin; Lan, Kuo-Mao; Sheu, Ming-Jen; Tseng, Su-Feng; Weng, Shih-Feng; Hu, Miao-Lin


    Postherpetic neuralgia is the most common complication of herpes zoster. Identifying predictors for postherpetic neuralgia may help physicians screen herpes zoster patients at risk of postherpetic neuralgia and undertake preventive strategies. Peptic ulcer has been linked to immunological dysfunctions and malnutrition, both of which are predictors of postherpetic neuralgia. The aim of this retrospective case-control study was to determine whether adult herpes zoster patients with peptic ulcer were at greater risk of postherpetic neuralgia. Adult zoster patients without postherpetic neuralgia and postherpetic neuralgia patients were automatically selected from a medical center's electronic database using herpes zoster/postherpetic neuralgia ICD-9 codes supported with inclusion and exclusion criteria. Consequently, medical record review was performed to validate the diagnostic codes and all pertaining data including peptic ulcer, Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) infection and ulcerogenic medications. Because no standard pain intensity measurement exists, opioid usage was used as a proxy measurement for moderate to severe pain. In total, 410 zoster patients without postherpetic neuralgia and 115 postherpetic neuralgia patients were included. Multivariate logistic regressions identified 60 years of age and older, peptic ulcer and greater acute herpetic pain as independent predictors for postherpetic neuralgia. Among etiologies of peptic ulcer, H. pylori infection and usage of non-selective nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs were significantly associated with the increased risk of postherpetic neuralgia; conversely, other etiologies were not significantly associated with the postherpetic neuralgia risk. In conclusion, 60 years of age and older, peptic ulcer and greater acute herpetic pain are independent predictors for postherpetic neuralgia in adult herpes zoster patients. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  20. Infecção natural por Corynespora cassiicola em acessos de mamoeiro

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Marcela Tonini Venturini


    Full Text Available Corynespora cassiicola, um patógeno com ampla gama de hospedeiros, tem causado graves danos nos viveiros de mamoeiro na Bahia. Avaliou-se, em ambiente misto de cobertura e a pleno sol, a incidência natural de C. cassiicola em 49 acessos de mamoeiro em experimento conduzido em blocos casualizados com quatro repetições, 49 tratamentos e variável número de plantas/tratamento. O número de plantas com sintomas e mortas por C. cassiicola foi avaliado aos 27 e 32 dias após a semeadura. A análise de Cluster (p< 0,05 classificou os acessos em 5 grupos pelo número médio de plântulas infectadas e mortas. Os acessos com menor porcentagem de plântulas infectadas foram: Sunrise solo 72/12, Sunrise solo, Golden comercial, Grampola, Kapoho solo (polpa vermelha, Mamão roxo e Santa Helena (50A PLT - 09, 14A PLT - 05, 12A PLT- 06, 12A PLT - 07, 02A PLT -01. Nova sintomatologia causada pelo patógeno é descrita.