
Sample records for cases trudnosci diagnostyczne

  1. Diagnostic difficulties in a 32-year-old patient with recurrent cardiac tamponade; Trudnosci diagnostyczne u 32-letniego chorego z tamponada serca

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Piwowarska, W.; Nessler, B.; Pietrzak, I.; Gajos, G.; Pfitzner, R.; Sadowski, J. [Inst. Kardiologii, Akademia Medyczna, Cracow (Poland); Krzemieniecki, K. [Instytut Onkologii, Cracow (Poland)


    At present the most frequent cause of cardiac tamponade is neoplasma. A case of a 32-year-old male with recurrent cardiac tamponade caused by pericardium mesothelioma is described. Despite advanced neoplastic process in the pericardium, pleura and mediastinum, neither radiological examinations of the chest, echocardiography, nor repeated cytological examination of the pericardial exudate, could establish the etiology of the tamponade. Only after a pericardial window had been performed was it possible to: 1) establish the diagnosis and introduce causal treatment; 2) prevent recurrence of the tamponade; 3) perform cytoreduction of the tumor. It seems that in cases of chronic exudative pericarditis of unknown cause it is proper to perform an early pericardial window as a diagnostic and therapeutic procedure. (author) 24 refs, 1 tab

  2. Znaczenie diagnostyczne klasyfikacji rozwojowych we wczesnym rozpoznaniu mózgowego porażenia dziecięcego = The diagnostic importance of diagnostic developmental classifications in the early diagnosis of cerebral palsy

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    Agnieszka Strączyńska


      Streszczenie Skale rozwojowe są powszechnie stosowane w programie wczesnej interwencji. Zaleca się ich stosowanie w ocenie motorycznej niemowląt i małych dzieci, jako podstawowe narzędzia diagnostyczne i prognozujące cel terapii. Badanie neurorozwojowe mają przede wszystkim na celu wykrywanie zagrożenia występowania mózgowego porażenia dziecięcego i innych deficytów wynikających z zaburzenia ośrodkowego układu nerwowego. W dostępnej literaturze opisano wiele klasyfikacji rozwojowych jednak nie zawsze odznaczają się one wysoką specyficznością i czułością w określaniu poziomu nieprawidłowości. Praca ma na celu przybliżenia cech charakterystycznych poszczególnych testów diagnostycznych z oceną ich rzetelności i trafności zastosowania we wczesnym rozpoznaniu mózgowego porażenia dziecięcego.   Słowa kluczowe: mózgowe porażenie dziecięce, diagnostyka niemowlaków, testy przesiewowe, zaburzenia rozwoju.   Abstract The developmental scales are widely used in the early intervention. It They areis recommended to be for used in the motor assessments  in of infants and young children, as the basic diagnostic tools and forecasting the therapeutic target. The neurodevelopmental examinations are primarily aimed at detecting the risk (risk factors of cerebral palsy and other deficits consequent resulting from disorders of the central nervous system. The literature describes many developmental classifications, however, not always are they are characterized by high specificity and sensitivity in determining the level of disabilities. The paper aims to introduce the characteristics of individual diagnostic tests and simultaneously with evaluation of their reliability and application validity of the application in early diagnosis of cerebral palsy. Keywords: cerebral palsy, developmental disorders, infant diagnostics infants, screening tests.

  3. Guz olbrzymiokomórkowy - opis przypadku = Giant cell tumor - case report

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    Jolanta Białkowska-Głowacka


    Kierownik: dr hab. n. med., prof. nadzw. Anna Janas-Naze     Adres do korespondencji: dr n. med. Piotr Osica Zakład Chirurgii Stomatologicznej UM w Łodzi 92-213 Łódź, ul. Pomorska 251 mail:   Praca finansowana przez UM w Łodzi w ramach działalności statutowej nr 503/2-163-01/503-21-001.   Streszczenie   W pracy przedstawiono przypadek pacjentki u której obserwowano przez kilka miesięcy  zmianę na błonie śluzowej szczęki, bez weryfikacji diagnostycznej. Podkreślono jak ważną rolę pełni lekarz stomatolog w monitorowaniu zmian w jamie ustnej, przedstawiono niektóre metody diagnostyczne niezbędne do ustalenia rozpoznania.   Słowa kluczowe: guz olbrzymiokomórkowy, badanie histopatologiczne, diagnostyka.   Summary   The article describes a case of a patient, in which over a few months period, a lesion on the maxillary mucosa has been observed, without earlier histopathological verification. The important role of a dentist in monitoring the lesions in oral cavity has been underlined. The authors discuss also certain diagnostic methods, necessary for confirming the diagnosis.   Key words: giant cell tumor, histological examination, diagnosis.

  4. Epidural hematoma in the pediatric population – case study = Krwiak nadtwardówkowy w populacji pediatrycznej - opis przypadku

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    Kamila Woźniak


        Streszczenie Urazy głowy są głównymi przyczynami zgonu i nabytych zaburzeń neurologicznych. Odmienny niż u dorosłych przebieg urazu głowy w populacji dziecięcej powoduje, że w tej grupie zdarza się najwięcej nieoczekiwanych powikłań. Z uwagi na brak specyficznych objawów klinicznych krwiak nadtwardówkowy w populacji pediatrycznej stanowi duże wyzwanie zarówno diagnostyczne jak i lecznicze. Autorzy przedstawiają opis przypadku i postępowania u 6- letniego dziecka po urazie głowy,  z rozpoznanym w badaniu obrazowym krwiakiem nadtwardówkowym.   Słowa kluczowe: uraz czaszkowo-mózgowy, krwiak nadtwardówkowy, populacja pediatryczna.   Abstract Head injuries are the main causes of death and acquired neurological disorders. Differently than adults mileage head injury in the pediatric population means that in this group it happens most unexpected complications. Given the lack of specific clinical symptoms epidural hematoma in the pediatric population is a major challenge for both diagnostic and therapeutic. The authors present a case and proceedings in a child 6 years old after a head injury diagnosed in the study imaging epidural hematoma.   Key words: cephalo-cerebral trauma, epidural hematoma, pediatric population.

  5. Niepełny, wrodzony zwrot jelita i niezwykle rzadki przypadek niepełnego zwrotu jelita dorosłego chorego z objawami wysokiej niedrożności przewodu pokarmowego. (United States)

    Rachel, Franciszek; Łapiński, Andrzej; Szczerba, Dariusz; Gutterch, Krystian


    Autorzy przedstawiają 21 -letniego chorego z niepełnym zwrotem jelit z objawami przewlekłej niedrożności górnego odcinka przewodu pokarmowego i trudności diagnostyczne. Rozstrzygającym badaniem była TK jamy brzusznej z kontrastem. Po operacji sposobem Ladda chory został wyleczony.

  6. Choroba Creutzfeldta-Jakoba i jej odmiany

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    Beata Sikorska


    Full Text Available Choroba Creutzfeldta-Jakoba jest najczęstszą chorobą wywoływaną przez priony. Heterogenna pod względem klinicznym, neuropatologicznym i molekularnym, może sprawiać spore problemy diagnostyczne. Chorobę Creutzfeldta-Jakoba dzieli się na 4 podstawowe postaci: sporadyczną, rodzinną, jatrogenną i wariant choroby CJD. Najczęstsza jest postać sporadyczna, którą z kolei dzielimy na 6 czystych i 3 mieszane podtypy. Typowa triada objawów obejmująca szybko postępujące otępienie, mioklonie i typowy zapis EEG nie jest charakterystyczna dla wszystkich podtypów CJD, a nasilenie i kolejność występowania objawów mogą być różne w poszczególnych podtypach. Podobnie jak inne choroby wywo- ływane przez priony, CJD jest chorobą nieuleczalną, prowadzącą do śmierci chorego. Rozpoznanie definitywnych postaci chorób wywoływanych przez priony jest nadal możliwe jedynie na podstawie badania histopatologicznego lub molekularnego. Obecnie jednak możliwości przyżyciowego rozpoznania CJD zwiększyły się, przede wszystkim dzięki rozwojowi badań obrazowych. Prawidłowa diagnostyka wymaga jednak wykonania wielu badań dodatkowych, przede wszystkim rezonansu magnetycznego o wysokiej czułości, badania EEG oraz badania płynu mózgowo-rdzeniowego na obecność białka 14-3-3. Nowe kryteria diagnostyczne obejmują obecność zmian w jądrach podstawy i korze mózgu w badaniu rezonansu magnetycznego. Pomimo że infekcyjność postaci sporadycznej jest niska, należy monitorować wszystkie przypadki i dokładnie zbierać wywiad, szczególnie dotyczący zabiegów neurochirurgicznych, okulistycznych i transfuzji krwi.

  7. Terapia indywidualna i rodzinna w pracy z dziećmi z lękiem nocnym

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    Małgorzata Talarczyk


    Full Text Available W artykule została opisana terapia indywidualna i rodzinna, prowadzona w przypadku zgłaszanych przez rodziców zaburzeń snu u dzieci. Objawy dotyczyły dzieci w wieku 7–12 lat i polegały na trudnościach w zasypianiu bez fizycznej bliskości rodzica lub wybudzaniu się dziecka w nocy i odczuwaniu lęku oraz potrzeby bliskiej obecności rodzica. Prezentowany model psychoterapii został opracowany przez autorkę w oparciu o wieloletnią praktykę kliniczną. Terapia była prowadzona ambulatoryjnie: psychoterapia rodzinna w podejściu systemowym, natomiast terapia indywidualna dziecka – w podejściu behawioralno-poznawczym. Zarówno terapię indywidualną, jak i rodzinną prowadziła jedna terapeutka, co zgodnie z przyjętym założeniem, aby różne formy terapii realizowane były przez różnych terapeutów, może budzić kontrowersje. Autorka podaje powody uzasadniające prowadzenie psychoterapii dziecka i terapii rodzinnej przez jednego terapeutę, powołując się na wielopoziomowy integracyjny model terapii Larry’ego Feldmana. W wielopoziomowym modelu integracyjnym Feldman podkreśla, iż w problemach dziecięco-młodzieżowych szczególne znaczenie ma łączenie psychoterapii indywidualnej i terapii rodzinnej, zarówno w diagnostyce klinicznej, jak i w rozwiązywaniu problemów emocjonalnych, behawioralnych oraz interakcyjnych. Diagnostyczne rozmowy indywidualne wnoszą cenne informacje dotyczące obszarów intrapsychicznych, co umożliwia stawianie hipotez oraz ich weryfikowanie w procesie terapii indywidualnej. Natomiast konsultacyjno-diagnostyczne sesje rodzinne pozwalają na stawianie hipotez dotyczących relacji rodzinnych oraz ich udziału wrozwoju lub podtrzymywaniu problemów. Zdaniem autorki artykułu wpracy terapeutycznej z dziećmi i młodzieżą szczególnie cenne jest zwracanie uwagi zarówno na procesy intrapsychiczne, jak i interpersonalne, gdyż są one w okresie rozwojowym ze sobą ściśle powiązane, są te

  8. Trudności diagnostyczne i terapeutyczne w przypadku ziarniniaka grzybiastego rozpoznanego wstępnie jako actinic reticuloid

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    Małgorzata Sokołowska-Wojdyło


    Full Text Available Wprowadzenie: Ziarniniak grzybiasty (mycosis fungoides – MF to chłoniako niskiej złośliwości, wywodzący się z obwodowych komórek T,pierwotnie zajmujący skórę. Cel pracy: Przedstawienie trudności diagnostycznych i terapeutycznychw MF. Opis przypadku: Przedstawiono przypadek dotyczący 72-letniejpacjentki z MF, objętej opieką przez Klinikę od października 2007 dowrześnia 2009 roku. Zmiany skórne miały cechy melanoerytrodermii,a obraz histopatologiczny wycinków ze zmian nie upoważniał do rozpoznaniarozrostu złośliwego. Początkowo rozpoznawano osutkępolekową oraz actinic reticuloid. Rozpoznanie MF ustalono dopiero po19 miesiącach obserwacji. Na skórze chorej wystąpiły zmiany rumieniowo-naciekowe, które w badaniu histopatologicznym miały cechyMF. Dwa miesiące później chora zmarła, mimo leczenia cytostatycznegoi naświetlań szybkimi elektronami. Wnioski: Przedstawiony przypadek potwierdza trudności diagnostycznewynikające z podobieństwa wczesnych okresów chłoniaka dodermatoz o podłożu zapalnym. Wyjątkowo niepomyślny przebieg choroby– pacjentka zmarła po 2 latach od momentu ustalenia rozpoznania– uzmysławia także ograniczenia możliwości terapeutycznych,szczególnie w zaawansowanych stadiach MF.

  9. Systematyka Gleb Polski - Stan Aktualny i Dalszy Rozwój

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    Kabała Cezary


    Full Text Available Piąte wydanie Systematyki gleb Polski umacnia zasadę klasyfikacji gleb w oparciu o ilościowo zdefiniowane poziomy i właściwości diagnostyczne. Nowe kryteria klasyfikacji bazują na podziałach międzynarodowych, jednak jednoczesne stosowanie rozwiązań zaczerpniętych z FAO-WRB i US Soil Taxonomy albo niekonsekwentne stosowanie ustalonych definicji jest powodem wewnętrznej niespójności klasyfikacji. Dalsze doskonalenie systematyki gleb Polski powinno objąć: wybórjednego międzynarodowego systemu referencyjnego dla poziomów i właściwości diagnostycznych, ustalenie hierarchii priorytetów klasyfikacyjnych i klucza do klasyfikacji gleb, doprecyzowanie definicji unikalnych poziomów diagnostycznych, opracowanie uniwersalnych zasad wyróżniania podtypów oraz doprecyzowanie kryteriów ilościowych na styku j ednostek. Należy również podj ąć próbę zmniej -szenia liczby typów i podtypów gleb, co może ułatwić odbiór, zrozumienie oraz nauczanie systematyki.

  10. Diagnostic difficulties in breast lesions after plastic operations with silicone application; Trudnosci w diagnostyce zmian sutka po operacjach plastycznych z zastosowaniem silikonu

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Cieslinska-Wilk, G; Borowski, M; Slomianko-Winnicka, M [Pomorska Akademia Medyczna, Szczecin (Poland)


    Breasts of 630 women in the age 24-78 have been prophylactically examined in the years 1992-1993. The examination included mammography, ultrasonography, physical examination and fine needle aspiration cytology (FNAC) of detected lesions. There were 3 patients after plastic augmentation of the breasts with application of silicone. These patients had persistent tenderness of their breasts, inflammatory reaction, cysts or lumps. The mammograms were not evaluable because of profuse shadow of silicone. Ultrasonography has proved more useful but only in detecting of cysts. Physical examination was also difficult because of the bulky implant. Only liquid silicone was aspirated when FNAC was attempted. The authors conclude that cosmetic implantation of foreign materials into breasts should be contraindicated, especially in the group of women with elevated risk of the breast cancer. (author). 7 refs, 3 figs.

  11. Znaczenie diagnostyki i leczenia trombolitycznego w udarze nieokrwiennym mózgu = The importance of diagnosis and treatment thrombolytic in ischemic stroke

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    Joanna Siminska


    6 Kujawska Szkoła Wyższa we Włocławku   Streszczenie W pracy przedstawiono aktualne zasady postępowania  przedszpitalnego podejmowanego przez zespół ratownictwa medycznego i postępowania wczesnoszpitalnego, które ma wpływ na dalszy proces leczenia. Przedstawiono również zastosowanie leczenia trombolityczego w tzw. Złotej godzinie udarowej. Należy mieć na uwadze, że każde minuty, które odraczają podjęcie właściwego leczenia udaru niedokrwiennego mózgu przyczyniają się do uniemożliwienia wdrożenia nowoczesnych, specyficznych metod leczenia ( leczenie trombolityczego.   Słowa kluczowe:  badania diagnostyczne, postępowanie ratunkowe, udar mózgu. Summary The paper presents the current rules of conduct undertaken by a team of prehospital emergency medical services and conduct prehospital, which has an impact on the further process of treatment. It also presents the use of the treatment thrombolysis. Golden time of impact. It should be noted that every minute that defer taking the proper treatment of ischemic stroke contribute to preventing the implementation of modern, specific treatment (treatment thrombolysis. Key words: diagnostic tests, emergency procedures, stroke.

  12. Chirurgiczne metody leczenia padaczki

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    Beata Kaczorowska


    Full Text Available U około 6–10% chorych z padaczką, u których stosowano różne kombinacje leków przeciwpadaczkowych, mimo systematycznego leczenia nadal występują napady. Są to chorzy z tzw. padaczką lekooporną. Autorzy przedstawiają możliwości chirurgicznego leczenia takich osób. Potencjalnymi kandydatami do takiego leczenia padaczki są też chorzy z napadami częściowymi prostymi z precyzyjnie określonym ogniskiem padaczkorodnym, którego usunięcie jest możliwe i nie spowoduje powstania u pacjenta tzw. ubytków neurologicznych. W pracy omówiono techniki diagnostyczne pozwalające zlokalizować ognisko padaczkowe w mózgu (EEG z możliwościami długotrwałego monitorowania: Holter, wideometria, telemetria; cyfrowe EEG: rezonans magnetyczny, SPECT, PET, elektrokortykografia. Przedstawiono także rodzaje zabiegów neurochirurgicznych wykonywanych w celu leczenia padaczki: zabiegi resekcyjne (lobektomia, lezjonektomia, hemisferektomia, rozległa resekcja wielopłatowa, zabiegi rozłączeniowe (kallozotomia oraz zabiegi neurostymulacyjne (stymulacja nerwu błędnego, głęboka stymulacja mózgu. Autorzy uważają, że w pewnych określonych przypadkach chorych z padaczką niepoddającą się leczeniu farmakologicznemu są to skuteczne metody leczenia.

  13. CASE REPORT CASE CASE Post-traumatic cholesteatoma … a ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    CASE REPORT. CASE. 46. SA JOURNAL OF RADIOLOGY • July 2008. CASE. Abstract. Temporal bone fractures and their acute complications have been well described in radiology and ENT journals; this is in contrast to ... post-traumatic cholesteatomas and made postulations on their origin. Since then, there have been ...

  14. The Case for Case Reports

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    George R. Saade


    Full Text Available If you are reading a hard copy of this editorial, then you are holding in hand the first issue of the American Journal of Perinatology Reports, or AJP Reports as we like to refer to it. Welcome to AJP Reports and thank you for taking the time to peruse it. I hope you find many of the reports interesting and helpful. The editorial team and publisher are very pleased to be able to bring this journal to our readers. Judging by the journal title, the editorial team, and the layout you may have already guessed that this is a companion to the American Journal of Perinatology. We will continue to publish original articles and topical reviews in the American Journal of Perinatology, but all case reports or case series will be referred to AJP Reports. Some may question the need for more case reports. Our decision to start AJP Reports obviously indicates that we think that case reports can be useful. I can refer to several diseases, treatment complications, and procedures that were first brought to the attention of healthcare providers through case reports. The best example of the usefulness of case reports is probably in infectious diseases. In the early phases of an emerging infectious disease, the case report or case series are usually the first clues of a problem. HIV was first brought to the attention of the medical community by case reports.[1] [2] [3] In our own field, the first attempts at treatment of twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome (TTTS using laser coagulation were reported in a case series.[4] After additional reports about the use of laser in TTTS, a randomized trial was performed that cemented laser photocoagulation as a therapeutic modality for TTTS.[5] While case reports or series are not considered the highest form of evidence, they are frequently the first form of evidence and the nudge that starts the cascade of investigation that ultimately leads to high-level evidence. Therefore, their impact on clinical practice may be easily

  15. Case Study: Testing with Case Studies (United States)

    Herreid, Clyde Freeman


    This column provides original articles on innovations in case study teaching, assessment of the method, as well as case studies with teaching notes. This month's issue discusses using case studies to test for knowledge or lessons learned.

  16. Case - Case-Law - Law

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sadl, Urska


    Reasoning of the Court of Justice of the European Union – Constr uction of arguments in the case-law of the Court – Citation technique – The use of formulas to transform case-law into ‘law’ – ‘Formulaic style’ – European citizenship as a fundamental status – Ruiz Zambrano – Reasoning from...

  17. Casing study

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Roche, P.


    An unorthodox method of casing drilling used by Tesco Corporation at a gas well in Wyoming to drill deeper using casings as drillpipe is discussed. The process involves either rotating the casing as drill string or using a downhole mud motor to rotate the bit. In this instance, the surface hole and the production hole were casing-drilled to a record 8,312 feet by rotating the casing. The 8 1/2-inch surface hole was drilled with 7-inch casing to 1,200 feet using a Tesco underreamer and a polycrystalline pilot bit; drilling and cementing was completed in 12 1/2 hours. The 6 1/4-inch production hole was drilled with 4 1/2-inch casing and the bottomhole assembly was retrieved after 191 hours rotating. This case was the first in which the entire well was casing-drilled from surface to TD. Penetration rate compared favorably with conventional methods: 12 1/2 hours for casing-drilling to 18.9 hours for conventional drilling, despite the fact that the casing-drilling technology is still in its infancy. It is suggested that casing-drilling has the potential to eliminate the need for the drillpipe entirely. If these expectations were to be realised, casing-drilling could be one of the most radical drilling changes in the history of the oil and gas industry. 1 photo.

  18. Case management. (United States)

    Woodward, Judy; Rice, Eve


    Health care in the United States is changing rapidly under pressure from both political and professional stakeholders, and one area on the front line of required change is the discipline of case management. Historically, case management has worked to defragment the health care delivery system for clients and increase access to health care. Case management will have an expanded role resulting from Affordable Care Act initiatives to improve health care. This article includes definitions of case management, current issues related to case management, case management standards of practice, and a case study of the management of pediatric chronic disease. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  19. Stories as case knowledge: case knowledge as stories. (United States)

    Cox, K


    Every case contains a human story of illness and a medical story of disease, which together cover person management, case management, health system management and self-management. Much of that management can be learned via a thorough set of stories of typical and atypical core cases compiled by clinical teachers. Stories provide a highly flexible framework for illustrating the lessons of experience, the tips and traps for young players, and the dilemmas requiring careful judgement in the trade-offs between benefits and risks. Listening to real stories unfold is much more fun than being lectured (and better remembered). Stories illustrate 'what can happen' in a case as a guide to 'what to do'. A story begins with a real world situation with some predicament and a (causal) sequence of events or plot in which things are resolved one way or another. Patients tell their illness story; their clinician translates that into a disease story. Stories sort out what is important in such a predicament, consider the strategy and tactics of what to do, and speak about the outcomes. Each local situation provides relevance, context and circumstantial detail. Stories about case management can encapsulate practical knowledge, logical deduction, judgement and decision making, sharing with the student all the ingredients that develop expertise. Sometimes it is the plot that is important, sometimes the detail, sometimes it is the underlying message, the parable that resonates with the listener's experiences and feelings.1 Stories can also accommodate the complexity of multiple variables and the influence of other stakeholders, the uncertainties and dilemmas within the trade-offs, and the niceties of 'informed judgement'. This paper makes four points. First, clinical stories recount pointed examples of 'what happened' that expand our expertise in handling 'a case like that'. Second, cases are the unit of clinical work. Case stories expand the dimensions and details of case knowledge

  20. Location of gliomas in relation to mobile telephone use: a case-case and case-specular analysis

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Larjavaara, Suvi; Schüz, Joachim; Swerdlow, Anthony


    approaches: In a case-case analysis, tumor locations were compared with varying exposure levels; in a case-specular analysis, a hypothetical reference location was assigned for each glioma, and the distances from the actual and specular locations to the handset were compared. The study included 888 gliomas......The energy absorbed from the radio-frequency fields of mobile telephones depends strongly on distance from the source. The authors' objective in this study was to evaluate whether gliomas occur preferentially in the areas of the brain having the highest radio-frequency exposure. The authors used 2...... from 7 European countries (2000-2004), with tumor midpoints defined on a 3-dimensional grid based on radiologic images. The case-case analyses were carried out using unconditional logistic regression, whereas in the case-specular analysis, conditional logistic regression was used. In the case-case...

  1. [Case-non case studies: Principles, methods, bias and interpretation]. (United States)

    Faillie, Jean-Luc


    Case-non case studies belongs to the methods assessing drug safety by analyzing the disproportionality of notifications of adverse drug reactions in pharmacovigilance databases. Used for the first time in the 1980s, the last few decades have seen a significant increase in the use of this design. The principle of the case-non case study is to compare drug exposure in cases of a studied adverse reaction with that of cases of other reported adverse reactions and called "non cases". Results are presented in the form of a reporting odds ratio (ROR), the interpretation of which makes it possible to identify drug safety signals. This article describes the principle of the case-non case study, the method of calculating the ROR and its confidence interval, the different modalities of analysis and how to interpret its results with regard to the advantages and limitations of this design. Copyright © 2017 Société française de pharmacologie et de thérapeutique. Published by Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.

  2. Using existing case-mix methods to fund trauma cases. (United States)

    Monakova, Julia; Blais, Irene; Botz, Charles; Chechulin, Yuriy; Picciano, Gino; Basinski, Antoni


    Policymakers frequently face the need to increase funding in isolated and frequently heterogeneous (clinically and in terms of resource consumption) patient subpopulations. This article presents a methodologic solution for testing the appropriateness of using existing grouping and weighting methodologies for funding subsets of patients in the scenario where a case-mix approach is preferable to a flat-rate based payment system. Using as an example the subpopulation of trauma cases of Ontario lead trauma hospitals, the statistical techniques of linear and nonlinear regression models, regression trees, and spline models were applied to examine the fit of the existing case-mix groups and reference weights for the trauma cases. The analyses demonstrated that for funding Ontario trauma cases, the existing case-mix systems can form the basis for rational and equitable hospital funding, decreasing the need to develop a different grouper for this subset of patients. This study confirmed that Injury Severity Score is a poor predictor of costs for trauma patients. Although our analysis used the Canadian case-mix classification system and cost weights, the demonstrated concept of using existing case-mix systems to develop funding rates for specific subsets of patient populations may be applicable internationally.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Nediljka Gaurina-Međimurec


    Full Text Available Casing drilling is an alternative option to conventional drilling and uses standard oilfield casing instead of drillstring. This technology is one of the greatest developments in drilling operations. Casing drilling involves drilling and casing a well simultaneously. In casing driling process, downhole tools can be retrieved, through the casing on wire-line, meaning tool recovery or replacement of tools can take minutes versus hours under conventional methods. This process employs wireline-retrievable tools and a drill-lock assembly, permitting bit and BHA changes, coring, electrical logging and even directional or horizontal drilling. Once the casing point is reached, the casing is cemented in place without tripping pipe.

  4. The case for the case report: refine to save.

    LENUS (Irish Health Repository)

    Lennon, P


    INTRODUCTION: The case report is the cornerstone of both medical teaching and writing. However, during recent years the value of the case report has been questioned, so much so that it has been abandoned by many journals. The aim of this study was to assess case reports published by the Irish Journal of Medical Science (IJMS) and to examine ways to preserve this type of article. METHODS: A review of all single-patient case reports published in the IJMS in 2008 and 2009. RESULTS: Forty-eight cases were published from nine countries. The range of authors was 2-11, length 525-1,787 words and number of references 4-24. All cases contained abstracts. CONCLUSION: Stricter guidelines with regards to a shorter more focused article should help to preserve this form of publication.

  5. CASE REPORT CASE CASE R The many faces of hydatid disease

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    CASE R. Case report. A 35-year-old man presented with a right chest wall mass. Chest radio- graphs revealed pleural thickening underlying a soft tissue mass which obscured the 5th to 7th ribs, and an expansile osteolytic lesion of the 7th rib. Ultrasound examination demonstrated a fluid-filled cystic lesion of the chest wall ...


    Case study critique: Upper Clinch case study (from Research on Methods for Integrating Ecological Economics and Ecological Risk Assessment: A Trade-off Weighted Index Approach to Integrating Economics and Ecological Risk Assessment). This critique answers the questions: 1) does ...

  7. Case series

    African Journals Online (AJOL)



    Jan 29, 2015 ... for tinnitus (Table 1). The otomicroscopic examination shows: central non marginal perforation in 29 patients, posterior perforation in 17 patients and anterior perforation in 14 patients. The tympanic cavity was dry in 27 cases, wet in 18 cases and inflammatory in the. 15 remaining cases. The conralateral ear ...

  8. Case report

    African Journals Online (AJOL)



    Feb 12, 2015 ... Abstract. Vaginal metastasis from pancreatic cancer is an extreme case and often indicates a poor prognosis. We present a case of pancreatic carcinoma with metastasis to the vagina that was discovered by vaginal bleeding. To our knowledge, this is the third case in the world of a primary pancreatic.

  9. Useful Business Cases

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nielsen, Peter Axel; Persson, John Stouby


    during implementation and value creation. This article presents lessons learned from our action research, lessons that we incorporated into a business case method and subsequently evaluated with IS managers. There are three lessons on: (1) improving the content of business cases, (2) how to develop...... research study seeks to improve the usefulness of business cases in IS projects. We used collaborative action research with Danish municipalities to improve their practices when developing and using business cases and to change their perceptions of what constitutes a good business case that is useful...... business cases, and (3) the use of business cases in subsequent value creation. These lessons summarize our findings and the contributions are that we in the business case method propose to: (1) include minimal contents, (2) develop social commitment, and (3) structure for dynamic use during value creation...

  10. Pure Case and Prepositional Case in Russian

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Durst-Andersen, Per; Lorentzen, Elena


    By considering Russian case as the nominal equivalent to mood whereby its semantic functions are emphasized at the expense of its syntactic functions, it is demonstrated that the nominative, accusative, vocative and genitive cases constitute a mini system in which the nominative and the accusative...

  11. Running casing on conventional wells with Casing Drilling {sup TM} technology

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Warren, T.M.; Schneider, W.P.; Johns, R.P.; Zipse, K.D. [Tesco Corp., Calgary, AB (Canada)


    Casing Drilling{sup TM} is a newly developed and efficient well construction method that combines drilling and casing running processes into a single operation. This radical change to the entire well casing running process eliminates standard components and processes that are inefficient and hazardous. The commercialization of this new technology has resulted in the development of custom equipment and procedures designed to efficiently handle casings on a drilling rig, including conventionally drilled wells. The technology offers safer casing running operations and makes it possible to ream casing to the bottom. In addition, less people are needed to operate the portable Casing Drive System (CDS). One of the primary components of the system is the top drive which provides the power for rotation and torque. The CDS supports full axial and torsional load for running the casing. The well can be circulated while running the casing. The casing can be washed and reamed to the bottom whenever a tight hole is encountered. Thirty one operators have successfully used the CDS on more than 150 onshore and offshore wells in 7 countries. 13 refs., 2 tabs., 12 figs.

  12. Comparison of Emergency Medicine Malpractice Cases Involving Residents to Non-Resident Cases. (United States)

    Gurley, Kiersten L; Grossman, Shamai A; Janes, Margaret; Yu-Moe, C Winnie; Song, Ellen; Tibbles, Carrie D; Shapiro, Nathan I; Rosen, Carlo L


    Data are lacking on how emergency medicine (EM) malpractice cases with resident involvement differs from cases that do not name a resident. To compare malpractice case characteristics in cases where a resident is involved (resident case) to cases that do not involve a resident (non-resident case) and to determine factors that contribute to malpractice cases utilizing EM as a model for malpractice claims across other medical specialties. We used data from the Controlled Risk Insurance Company (CRICO) Strategies' division Comparative Benchmarking System (CBS) to analyze open and closed EM cases asserted from 2009-2013. The CBS database is a national repository that contains professional liability data on > 400 hospitals and > 165,000 physicians, representing over 30% of all malpractice cases in the U.S (> 350,000 claims). We compared cases naming residents (either alone or in combination with an attending) to those that did not involve a resident (non-resident cohort). We reported the case statistics, allegation categories, severity scores, procedural data, final diagnoses and contributing factors. Fisher's exact test or t-test was used for comparisons (alpha set at 0.05). Eight hundred and forty-five EM cases were identified of which 732 (87%) did not name a resident (non-resident cases), while 113 (13%) included a resident (resident cases) (Figure 1). There were higher total incurred losses for non-resident cases (Table 1). The most frequent allegation categories in both cohorts were "Failure or Delay in Diagnosis/Misdiagnosis" and "Medical Treatment" (non-surgical procedures or treatment regimens i.e. central line placement). Allegation categories of Safety and Security, Patient Monitoring, Hospital Policy and Procedure and Breach of Confidentiality were found in the non-resident cases. Resident cases incurred lower payments on average ($51,163 vs. $156,212 per case). Sixty six percent (75) of resident vs 57% (415) of non-resident cases were high severity claims

  13. Cryptococcosis in captive cheetah (Acinonyx jubatus : two cases : case report

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    L.A. Bolton


    Full Text Available Cryptococcus neoformans is a yeast-like organism associated with pulmonary, meningoencephalitic, or systemic disease. This case report documents 2 cases of cryptococcosis with central nervous system involvement in captive cheetah (Acinonyx jubatus. In both cases the predominant post mortal lesions were pulmonary cryptococcomas and extensive meningoencephalomyelitis. Both cheetahs tested negative for feline immunodeficiency virus and feline leukaemia virus. The organism isolated in Case 2 was classified as Cryptococcus neoformans var. gattii, which is mainly associated with disease in immunocompetent hosts.

  14. Project management case studies

    CERN Document Server

    Kerzner, Harold R


    A new edition of the most popular book of project management case studies, expanded to include more than 100 cases plus a ""super case"" on the Iridium Project Case studies are an important part of project management education and training. This Fourth Edition of Harold Kerzner''s Project Management Case Studies features a number of new cases covering value measurement in project management. Also included is the well-received ""super case,"" which covers all aspects of project management and may be used as a capstone for a course. This new edition:Contains 100-plus case studies drawn from re

  15. Case Report Case Report

    African Journals Online (AJOL)



    Mar 26, 2013 ... c Medicine and Palliative Cancer Care: A Case Report. Sanjoy Kumar Pal ... us complementary and alternative therapies for treatment about the .... controlled trials that homeopathy may be effective for the treatment of ...

  16. Case Study: Guidelines for Producing Videos to Accompany Flipped Cases (United States)

    Prud'homme-Généreux, Annie; Schiller, Nancy A.; Wild, John H.; Herreid, Clyde Freeman


    Three years ago, the "National Center for Case Study Teaching in Science" (NCCSTS) was inspired to merge the case study and flipped classroom approaches. The resulting project aimed to create the materials required to teach a flipped course in introductory biology by assigning videos as homework and case studies in the classroom. Three…

  17. FHEO Filed Cases (United States)

    Department of Housing and Urban Development — The dataset is a list of all the Title VIII fair housing cases filed by FHEO from 1/1/2007 - 12/31/2012 including the case number, case name, filing date, state and...

  18. Case series

    African Journals Online (AJOL)



    Jun 20, 2013 ... ... by a persistent neurological deficit in 2 cases, and infection in 2 cases controlled ... Upper cervical spine injuries are frequent due to increasing number .... the patient; it also takes more time for fracture healing and expose.

  19. Comparative Test Case Specification

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kalyanova, Olena; Heiselberg, Per

     This document includes a definition of the comparative test cases DSF200_3 and DSF200_4, which previously described in the comparative test case specification for the test cases DSF100_3 and DSF200_3 [Ref.1]....... This document includes a definition of the comparative test cases DSF200_3 and DSF200_4, which previously described in the comparative test case specification for the test cases DSF100_3 and DSF200_3 [Ref.1]....

  20. The impact of staff case manager-case management supervisor relationship on job satisfaction and retention of RN case managers. (United States)

    Hogan, Tierney D


    A positive relationship between staff RN case managers and their case management supervisor significantly impacts job satisfaction and retention in case managers. Literature review supports the premise that staff need to trust their supervisor and that there is a connection between this trust and job satisfaction. Staff case managers need to have a voice at work and feel empowered, and a supervisor's leadership style can influence job satisfaction and retention in their staff.

  1. Case Study Research Methodology

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mark Widdowson


    Full Text Available Commenting on the lack of case studies published in modern psychotherapy publications, the author reviews the strengths of case study methodology and responds to common criticisms, before providing a summary of types of case studies including clinical, experimental and naturalistic. Suggestions are included for developing systematic case studies and brief descriptions are given of a range of research resources relating to outcome and process measures. Examples of a pragmatic case study design and a hermeneutic single-case efficacy design are given and the paper concludes with some ethical considerations and an exhortation to the TA community to engage more widely in case study research.

  2. Case report

    African Journals Online (AJOL)



    Aug 31, 2015 ... Dual intersection syndrome of the forearm: a case report. Bouchra Zhari1,& ... We reported a case of a 60-year-old man presented to our formation with painful swelling on .... With a fiddling clinical observation and diagnosis.

  3. Case-positive versus case-negative designs for low-rate lithium thionyl chloride cells (United States)

    Mahy, T. X.


    Case polarity design choices are discussed. Two examples of case-negative designs are presented. One battery is thionyl chloride limited and the other is lithium limited. The case-positive design is thionyl chloride limited. It is found that the case-positive/case-negative design consideration does not seem to have much bearing on storage. However, during low rate discharge, the case-negative cells show a steadily decreasing capacity as you go to lower and lower rates.

  4. CASE REPORT CASE CASE Conned by Conn's syndrome

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    Jan 8, 2008 ... ing of the aldosterone-producing adenoma (APA) can prove challenging but is nonetheless very important for surgical planning and cure. We present two patients with MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) confirma- tion of APA with negative and equivocal CT (computed tomography) scans. Case 1.

  5. 40 CFR 63.53 - Application content for case-by-case MACT determinations. (United States)


    ... consistent with § 63.52(f). The owner or operator may recommend a specific design, equipment, work practice... 40 Protection of Environment 9 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Application content for case-by-case... Act Sections, Sections 112(g) and 112(j) § 63.53 Application content for case-by-case MACT...

  6. case series

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    Key words: Case report, case series, concept analysis, research design. African Health Sciences 2012; (4): 557 - 562 PO Box 17666 .... According to the latest version of the Dictionary of. Epidemiology ...

  7. Case series

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    30 mai 2017 ... All patients underwent systematic plaster immobilization for a period of ... On average, nails were removed after about 6 ... cases), osteitis associated with material (2 cases), refracture (3 ... Although intramedullary nailing ideally is an osteosynthesis ..... intramedullary fixation of pediatric forearm fractures.

  8. Improving Casing Integrity by Induction Brazing of Casing Connections

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Ernens, Dennis; Hariharan, Hari; van Haaften, Willem Maarten; Pasaribu, Rihard; Jabs, Matthew; McKim, Richard


    Brazing technology allows metallurgical joining of dissimilar materials using a filler material. In this paper brazing technology applied to casing connections is presented. The initial application was triggered by challenges with mechanical and pressure integrity after expansion of casing

  9. Case-based reasoning

    CERN Document Server

    Kolodner, Janet


    Case-based reasoning is one of the fastest growing areas in the field of knowledge-based systems and this book, authored by a leader in the field, is the first comprehensive text on the subject. Case-based reasoning systems are systems that store information about situations in their memory. As new problems arise, similar situations are searched out to help solve these problems. Problems are understood and inferences are made by finding the closest cases in memory, comparing and contrasting the problem with those cases, making inferences based on those comparisons, and asking questions whe

  10. Codification of Some Usage Cases of Lithuanian Language Cases and Prepositions

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Vidas Valskys


    Full Text Available The present article is related to analysing several cases of the relationship between usage of cases and prepositions with the norms indicated in the syntax booklet “Language Advice”. The article is a discussion regarding some normative evaluation aspects regarding the usage of the preposition “greta” (next to having the meaning of exception (exclusion, usage of the adjectivised instrumental case in constructions with the verb “(pavirsti” (to turn, to become, to grow, to get and some cases of the postposition “dėka” (with the help of. Utmost attention is paid to discussion of (nonnormative evaluation of some constructions including usage of the said cases and prepositions that are doubtful in some aspects, their presentation in normative sources and further prospects related to further codification of the said cases. The article is based on vast empirical materials: examples from the “Corpus of the Contemporary Lithuanian”, the Internet and other texts related to contemporary usage.

  11. Case Report

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    failure and/or per vaginum (PV) leaN of dialysate. Case report: A ... had PV leaN of the dialysate that was misinterpreted by the .... as part of the management of this infection. On the .... case, we believe that laparoscopy represents a good tool.

  12. Clinical cases

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Servente, L.


    This presentation is about clinical cases and the contribution of the PET - CT Fag application in the diagnosis and treatment of different types of cancer. The cases presented were: neck diseases, epidermoid carcinoma, liver damage and metastasize, lymphoma, thrombosis, colonic cancer and lung disease

  13. Dermatology case

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Catarina Lacerda


    Full Text Available Aims: To report a case of uncharacteristic presentation of Parvovirus B19. This virus causes some atypical cutaneous rash such as papular-purpuric “gloves and socks” syndrome which is a rare entity, self-limited and resolves spontaneously to cure. Case Report: Authors describe a case of a six-year-old boy who went to the Emergency Department with a cutaneous rash initially on a finger and then mouth, hands and feet followed by fever. He fully recovered without sequelae. Conclusions: It is important to consider this agent as a possible responsible for atypical purpuric rash.

  14. Contemplating case mix: A primer on case mix classification and management. (United States)

    Costa, Andrew P; Poss, Jeffery W; McKillop, Ian


    Case mix classifications are the frameworks that underlie many healthcare funding schemes, including the so-called activity-based funding. Now more than ever, Canadian healthcare administrators are evaluating case mix-based funding and deciphering how they will influence their organization. Case mix is a topic fraught with technical jargon and largely relegated to government agencies or private industries. This article provides an abridged review of case mix classification as well as its implications for management in healthcare. © 2015 The Canadian College of Health Leaders.

  15. Impact of lens case hygiene guidelines on contact lens case contamination. (United States)

    Wu, Yvonne T; Teng, Yuu Juan; Nicholas, Mary; Harmis, Najat; Zhu, Hua; Willcox, Mark D P; Stapleton, Fiona


    Lens case contamination is a risk factor for microbial keratitis. The effectiveness of manufacturers' lens case cleaning guidelines in limiting microbial contamination has not been evaluated in vivo. This study compared the effectiveness of manufacturers' guidelines and an alternative cleaning regimen. A randomized cross-over clinical trial with two phases (n = 40) was performed. Participants used the lens types of their choice in conjunction with the provided multipurpose solution (containing polyhexamethylene biguanide) for daily wear. In the manufacturers' guideline phase, cases were rinsed with multipurpose solution and air dried. In the alternative regimen phase, cases were rubbed, rinsed with solution, tissue wiped, and air-dried face down. The duration of each phase was 1 month. Lens cases were collected at the end of each phase for microbiological investigation. The levels of microbial contamination were compared, and compliance to both regimens was assessed. The case contamination rate was 82% (32/39) in the manufacturers' guideline group, compared with 72% (28/39) in the alternative regimen group. There were significantly fewer (p = 0.004) colony forming units (CFU) of bacteria from cases used by following the alternative regimen (CFU range of 0 to 10, and median of 12 CFU per well) compared with that of the manufacturer's guidelines (CFU range of 0 to 10, and median of 28 CFU per well). The compliance level between both guidelines was not significantly different (p > 0.05). The alternative guidelines are more effective in eliminating microbial contamination from lens cases than that of the current manufacturer's guideline. Simply incorporating rubbing and tissue-wiping steps in daily case hygiene reduces viable organism contamination.

  16. Case report

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    8 mai 2013 ... subsequent conception and placenta accreta: a case report. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology. September. 2012; 207(3 ) : e7-e8. PubMed | Google Scholar. 5. Umashankar T, Patted S, Handigund R. Endometrial osseous metaplasia: Clinicopathological study of a case and literature review.

  17. Case report

    African Journals Online (AJOL)



    Dec 4, 2015 ... was made, while maintaining of valproic acid and clonazepam.This combination allowed a partial remission, allowing a best level of adaptation, it has been maintained. The clozapine has not been tried in this case. Discussion. This case illustrates the presentation of Schizophrenia characterized.


    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    HIV infection has several oral manifestations, including oral candidiasis and oral hairy leucoplakia. Occasionally unusual presentations requiring rigorous investigations are seen, and in these cases the diagnosis sometimes remains a dilemma owing to limited investigation facilities.1-3 We present the case of a patient who.

  19. Case Report

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    the kidney could still be transplanted successfully. We describe a case of high ureteric injury during multi-organ recovery and successful implantation using a Boari flap ureterocystostomy. Case Report. The donor kidney was procured from a 55-year-old male brain stem deceased donor following intra-cerebral hemorrhage.

  20. Case report

    African Journals Online (AJOL)



    Feb 8, 2016 ... pituitary metastases can be characteristic and evocative but in no case pathognomic. The diabetes insipidus is the most common clinical manifestation of the disease [2, 3]. We report herein a case of an acute adrenal insufficiency revealing pituitary metastases of lung cancer. Patient and observation.

  1. Case report

    African Journals Online (AJOL)



    Aug 13, 2015 ... Middle East, Mediterranean region, Central Europe, Australia and. South America) [1, 2]. The incidence of musculoskeletal echinococcosis including involvement of subcutaneous tissue is 1%-. 5.4% among all cases of hydatid disease [2]. In this report, we present a case of recurrent hydatid cysts involving ...

  2. [Case and studies]. (United States)

    Schubert, András


    Case studies and case reports form an important and ever growing part of scientific and scholarly literature. The paper deals with the share and citation rate of these publication types on different fields of research. In general, evidence seems to support the opinion that an excessive number of such publications may negatively influence the impact factor of the journal. In the literature of scientometrics, case studies (at least the presence of the term "case study" in the titles of the papers) have a moderate share, but their citation rate is practically equal to that of other publication types.

  3. No case for Case in locality: Case does not help interpretation when intervention blocks A-bar chains

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Naama Friedmann


    Full Text Available We discuss a robust yet at first sight surprising fact: individuals who have problems understanding sentences with object A-bar movement cannot use overt Case marking of the object to interpret these sentences and to associate the DPs with thematic roles. We tested the effect of overt Case marking of the object in typically developing Hebrew-speaking children by comparing their comprehension of 'which 'object questions with and without the object Case marker 'et', and found that there was no difference in comprehension between the two. A similar pattern was found in an adolescent with syntactic SLI. We then tested the comprehension of object topicalized structures in the order OVS, where the only element identifying these sentences as object-first sentences and distinguishing them from simple SVO sentences was the object marker. We tested this in three populations with object A-bar movement problems: individuals with agrammatism, adolescents with syntactic SLI, and orally-trained children with hearing impairment, as well as in analysis of previous data on typically-developing children acquiring Hebrew. All populations failed to understand the sentence, but did not consistently reverse the thematic roles of the two noun phrases. This suggests that they were sensitive to the presence of the Case marker but could not use it for interpretation. We argue that these findings immediately follow from the way intervention and locality are computed, under the featural Relativized Minimality approach. Case is not among the features triggering movement, therefore a Case difference is not taken into account in trying to build a movement chain across an intervener. As a result, the object chain cannot be built across the intervening subject in the relevant cases, and overt Case marking of the object cannot help rescue the structure. Thematic role assignment in complex movement configurations requires the building of movement chains; if chain formation fails

  4. Case Study: Puttin' on the Ritz: How to Put Science into Cases (United States)

    Herreid, Clyde Freeman


    There are multiple ways to put science into a case. This column provides original articles on innovations in case study teaching, assessment of the method, as well as case studies with teaching notes. This month's issue discusses different ways of presenting science in case studies.

  5. Case series

    African Journals Online (AJOL)



    Apr 27, 2016 ... Laparoscopic surgery for groin hernia in a third world country: a report of 9 cases of ... Concerning mesh repair, the (open) LICHENSTEIN and laparoscopic inguinal hernia techniques are ... Two cases were bilateral, 5 unilateral and all of them primary. ... In Africa, This approach is still marginal; few studies.

  6. Case law

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This section treats of the following case laws: 1 - Case Law France: Conseil d'etat decision, 22 February 2016, EDF v. Republic and Canton of Geneva relative to the Bugey nuclear power plant (No. 373516); United States: Brodsky v. US Nuclear Regulatory Commission, 650 Fed. Appx. 804 (2. Cir. 2016)

  7. Case-by-Case Adjudication and the Path of the Law


    Anthony Niblett


    This paper presents a model of judging, illustrating how case law evolves when two types of judges with different policy preferences decide cases narrowly. The model shows that case law is unlikely to reflect the midpoint of the judges' ideal points. The result challenges the conventional wisdom suggesting that balancing ideologically extreme judges will likely yield moderate laws. The model suggests that a centrist executive faced with a sitting extreme left-wing judge should appoint a moder...

  8. Teaching Business French through Case Studies: Presentation of a Marketing Case. (United States)

    Federico, Salvatore; Moore, Catherine

    The use of case studies as a means for teaching business French is discussed. The approach is advocated because of the realism of case studies, which are based on actual occurrences. Characteristics of a good case are noted: it tells a story, focuses on interest-arousing issues, is set in the past 10 years, permits empathy with the main…

  9. Cases. Assisted suicide in The Netherlands : The Chabot Case

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Griffiths, John


    In earlier decisions the Dutch Supreme Court has recognised a defence of 'necessity," under narrowly-defined circumstances, to a charge of performing euthanasia.2 Its most recent decision deals with assistance with suicide in the case of a person whose suffering is not of somatic origin. The case is

  10. Assembling a Case Study Tool Kit: 10 Tools for Teaching with Cases (United States)

    Prud'homme-Généreux, Annie


    This column provides original articles on innovations in case study teaching, assessment of the method, as well as case studies with teaching notes. The author shares the strategies and tools that teachers can use to manage a case study classroom effectively.

  11. Case report

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    28 août 2015 ... (intra-osseous synovial cyst) Clinical and therapeutic aspect: case report. Chir Main. 2009 Feb; 28(1):37-41. PubMed |. Google Scholar. 10. Chantelot C, Laffargue P, Masmejean E, Peltier B, Barouk P,. Fontaine C. Fracture of the scaphoid carpal bone secondary to an intraosseous cyst: apropos of a case.

  12. Case report

    African Journals Online (AJOL)



    Jan 21, 2015 ... Published in partnership with the African Field Epidemiology Network (AFENET). ( Case report. Open Access ... La quantité de tissu neural immature permet d'établir une classification .... Wu X, Han LY, Xu X, Li Z. Recurrent immature teratoma of the ovary: a case report of radical secondary ...

  13. Case report

    African Journals Online (AJOL)



    Oct 9, 2015 ... Aguas SC, Quarracino MC, Lence AN, Lanfranchi-Tizeira HE. Primary melanoma of the oral cavity: ten cases and review of. 177 cases from literature. Medicina oral, patologia oral y cirugia bucal. 2009;14(6):E265-71. PubMed | Google. Scholar. 6. Rapidis AD, Apostolidis C, Vilos G, Valsamis S. Primary.

  14. Case series

    African Journals Online (AJOL)



    Jul 13, 2017 ... Its purpose is to assess the clinical and ... Other circumstances of discovery were atrial fibrillation, ... ventricular pacing (9.1%) and blood pressure intolerance to stress ... The mitral flow was a ... anterior mitral valve's pillar was found in one case with a left ... with a stop at the first level in another case.

  15. Clinical case

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Garcia Fontes, M


    This presentation is about a case of a patient with liver tumor. The ultrasound scan and Tc technique were used for the diagnosis and treatment. The application of PET - CT FDG contributed to detect peripheral cholangiocarcinoma, the lymph node distance to guide the therapeutic and the recurrence in case of a negative morphological methods.

  16. Case Study: A Picture Worth a Thousand Words? Making a Case for Video Case Studies (United States)

    Pai, Aditi


    A picture, they say, is worth a thousand words. If a mere picture is worth a thousand words, how much more are "moving pictures" or videos worth? The author poses this not merely as a rhetorical question, but because she wishes to make a case for using videos in the traditional case study method. She recommends four main approaches of…

  17. Case report

    African Journals Online (AJOL)



    Oct 20, 2011 ... Abstract. A 22-year old man was bitten by a snake on his scrotum. This interesting and unusual case occurred in the rural area of District Aligarh, India. The uniqueness of the case lies in the fact that scrotum is an extremely rare and unusual site for snake bite. Further, with negligible local signs of.

  18. Teaching Case: MiHotel--Applicant Processing System Design Case (United States)

    Miller, Robert E.; Dunn, Paul


    This teaching case describes the functionality of an applicant processing system designed for a fictitious hotel chain. The system detailed in the case includes a webform where applicants complete and submit job applications. The system also includes a desktop application used by hotel managers and Human Resources to track applications and process…

  19. Eight cases of parapharyngeal space tumor. Case reports and MRI diagnosis

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Takagi, Setsuo; Yoshimura, Tadashi; Tanaka, Katsuhiko


    Between 1977 and 1987, 8 cases of parapharyngeal space tumor (2 cases of pleomorphic adenoma, and schwannoma, respectively, a case of neurofibroma, neuroblastoma, retension cyst and branchial cleft cyst) were treated in our clinic. There were 4 males and 4 females. This papar reports these cases and discusses the availability of MRI diagnosis. We consider that the x-ray CT is presently most useful for the parapharyngeal space tumor. However, MRI imaged tumor clearly without bone artifacts such as recognized in x-ray CT, and be able to take a information of tumor vascularity. So that MRI is very useful for diagnosis of parapharyngeal space tumor.

  20. Clinical Case Registries (CCR) (United States)

    Department of Veterans Affairs — The Clinical Case Registries (CCR) replaced the former Immunology Case Registry and the Hepatitis C Case Registry with local and national databases. The CCR:HIV and...

  1. Delusional Parasitosis : Series Of 25 Cases

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Bhatia M S


    Full Text Available A series 25 cases of delusional parasitosis is being reported. There were three cases below 45 years, 12 cases between 46-45 years and 11 cases above 55 years of age, 64% cases were females. A majority of cases (92% had insidious onset. The duration of symptoms in all the cases (except one was 6 months or more. 13 cases presented with infestation with insects over body and 10 cases with insects crawling over scalp. There were three cases each with diabetes mellitus and leprosy. Three cased had dementia, 2 cases had depression and one case presented with trichotillomania. Pimozide was used in22 cases, amitriptyline in 2 cases and fluoxetine in one. 14 cases (52% showed complete remission while receiving drug, 8 cases showed partial improvement and 3 cases did not respond.

  2. Nurse Case Managers' Experiences on Case Management for Long-term Hospitalization in Korea

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jinjoo Oh, Ph.D., RN, GNP


    Full Text Available Purpose: The implementation of case management for long-term hospitalization use has been approved for controlling medical cost increases in other countries. But, introduction of the case management in Korea has created issues that hinder its effective operation. This qualitative study aimed to obtain further understanding of the issues surrounding the management of Medical Aid beneficiaries' use of long-term hospitalization from the case managers' perspectives and to provide suggestions for successful case management. Methods: Thematic analysis was employed to analyze the data. Medical Aid case managers with 3 or more years of case management experience were recruited from urban, suburban, and rural regions. Data were collected through in-depth interviews: 12 nurse case managers participated in focus group interviews and 11 participated in individual one-on-one interviews. Results: Four major themes emerged: on-site obstacles that hinder work progress; going in an opposite direction; ambiguous position of case managers; and work-related emotions. Eleven subthemes were discovered: chasing potential candidates; becoming an enemy; discharging patients who have nowhere to go; welfare-centered national policies increasing medical costs; Medical Aid Program that encourages hospitalization; misuse of hospitalization; feeling limited; working without authority; fulfilling the expected role; fretting about social criticism; and feeling neglected and unprotected. Conclusion: The findings highlight the complexity and ambiguity of the issues faced by case managers. Successful management of Medical Aid resources requires the orchestrated efforts and collaboration of multiple stakeholders. More systematized support and resources for nurse case managers are essential to fully implement this nursing innovation in Korea. Keywords: case management, focus groups, hospitalization, qualitative research, vulnerable populations

  3. PSS Case Book

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Neugebauer, Line Maria; Mougaard, Krestine; Andersen, Jakob Bejbro

    The transformation process towards a PSS-oriented company is describes, through the presentation of the best practice cases. Each case describes motivations, challenges, business models and PSS offerings....

  4. Padaczka jako problem wieku podeszłego

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Andrzej Klimek


    Full Text Available Padaczka w późnym wieku cechuje się wieloma odrębnościami, stwarzając istotne trudności diagnostyczne i terapeutyczne. Badania wykazały, że liczba zachorowań na padaczkę u osób po 50. r.ż. wyraźnie wzrasta – jej występowanie u osób w wieku 70-75 lat jest dziś ważnym problemem społecznym. Badania epidemiologiczne prowadzone w wielu krajach wykazują zbliżone wskaźniki rozpowszechnienia i zachorowalności na padaczkę w wieku starczym. Etiologia napadów w tym wieku jest różna: u 50% chorych stwierdza się padaczkę idiopatyczną, u 33% będącą skutkiem uszkodzenia naczyniowego mózgu, zaś w 12% padaczkę w przebiegu procesów otępiennych. Pozostałe przyczyny są o wiele rzadsze. W wieku starczym napady częściowe złożone (50% i proste (13% przeważają nad napadami toniczno-klonicznymi (27%. W rozpoznaniu różnicowym należy przede wszystkim wykluczyć kardiogenne tło utrat przytomności oraz otępienie. W związku z wydłużającą się w ostatnich latach średnią długością życia w Polsce problem padaczek wieku starczego bę- dzie narastał. Jest on także związany z występowaniem w tym wieku udarów niedokrwiennych. W artykule przedstawione zostały odpowiednie wyliczenia w odniesieniu do naszego kraju oparte na powszechnie przyjętych wskaźnikach zachorowalności i rozpowszechnienia padaczki.

  5. Zanik korowy tylny – obraz kliniczny, diagnostyka różnicowa i postępowanie

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Anna Barczak


    Full Text Available Zanik korowy tylny (posterior cortical atrophy, PCA to rzadki zespół otępienny z dominującymi zaburzeniami percepcji wzrokowej i deficytem funkcji wzrokowo-przestrzennych. Charakteryzuje się wczesnym początkiem – zwykle przed 65. rokiem życia. Schorzenie to jest najczęściej uznawane za atypową postać choroby Alzheimera, określaną jako jej wariant wzrokowy. U pacjentów obserwuje się trudności z czytaniem, rozpoznawaniem twarzy, obiektów i otoczenia, problemy konstrukcyjne, niemożność jednoczesnego spostrzegania kilku obiektów i sięgania po przedmioty znajdujące się w zasięgu ręki. Wymienione deficyty prowadzą do – wcześniejszej niż u osób z chorobą Alzheimera – utraty samodzielności. Zaburzenia procesów poznawczych wynikają z dysfunkcji jednego lub dwóch głównych szlaków przetwarzających informacje wzrokowe w mózgu (grzbietowego, pozwalającego na lokalizację bodźca, bądź brzusznego, odpowiedzialnego za rozpoznanie bodźca, a następnie z zaniku kory płatów ciemieniowych i/lub potylicznych. Schorzeniu może towarzyszyć bardziej złożona symptomatologia neurologiczna i psychiatryczna. W pracy przedstawiono obraz kliniczny i kryteria diagnostyczne zaniku korowego tylnego, neuropsychologiczne metody użyteczne w procesie diagnozowania, główne problemy związane z różnicowaniem oraz możliwości oddziaływania farmakologicznego i niefarmakologicznego.

  6. Case law

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This section treats of the two following case laws: Slovak Republic: Further developments in cases related to the challenge by Greenpeace Slovakia to the Mochovce nuclear power plant; United States: Judgment of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission denying requests from petitioners to suspend final reactor licensing decisions pending the issuance of a final determination of reasonable assurance of permanent disposal of spent fuel

  7. Mining with Rare Cases (United States)

    Weiss, Gary M.

    Rare cases are often the most interesting cases. For example, in medical diagnosis one is typically interested in identifying relatively rare diseases, such as cancer, rather than more frequently occurring ones, such as the common cold. In this chapter we discuss the role of rare cases in Data Mining. Specific problems associated with mining rare cases are discussed, followed by a description of methods for addressing these problems.

  8. Case series: Two cases of eyeball tattoos with short-term complications. (United States)

    Duarte, Gonzalo; Cheja, Rashel; Pachón, Diana; Ramírez, Carolina; Arellanes, Lourdes


    To report two cases of eyeball tattoos with short-term post procedural complications. Case 1 is a 26-year-old Mexican man that developed orbital cellulitis and posterior scleritis 2 h after an eyeball tattoo. Patient responded satisfactorily to systemic antibiotic and corticosteroid treatment. Case 2 is a 17-year-old Mexican man that developed two sub-episcleral nodules in the ink injection sites immediately after the procedure. Eyeball tattoos are performed by non-ophthalmic trained personnel. There are a substantial number of short-term risks associated with this procedure. Long-term effects on the eyes and vision are still unknown, but in a worst case scenario could include loss of vision or permanent damage to the eyes.

  9. Nurse Case Managers' Experiences on Case Management for Long-term Hospitalization in Korea. (United States)

    Oh, Jinjoo; Oh, Seieun


    The implementation of case management for long-term hospitalization use has been approved for controlling medical cost increases in other countries. But, introduction of the case management in Korea has created issues that hinder its effective operation. This qualitative study aimed to obtain further understanding of the issues surrounding the management of Medical Aid beneficiaries' use of long-term hospitalization from the case managers' perspectives and to provide suggestions for successful case management. Thematic analysis was employed to analyze the data. Medical Aid case managers with 3 or more years of case management experience were recruited from urban, suburban, and rural regions. Data were collected through in-depth interviews: 12 nurse case managers participated in focus group interviews and 11 participated in individual one-on-one interviews. Four major themes emerged: on-site obstacles that hinder work progress; going in an opposite direction; ambiguous position of case managers; and work-related emotions. Eleven subthemes were discovered: chasing potential candidates; becoming an enemy; discharging patients who have nowhere to go; welfare-centered national policies increasing medical costs; Medical Aid Program that encourages hospitalization; misuse of hospitalization; feeling limited; working without authority; fulfilling the expected role; fretting about social criticism; and feeling neglected and unprotected. The findings highlight the complexity and ambiguity of the issues faced by case managers. Successful management of Medical Aid resources requires the orchestrated efforts and collaboration of multiple stakeholders. More systematized support and resources for nurse case managers are essential to fully implement this nursing innovation in Korea. Copyright © 2017. Published by Elsevier B.V.

  10. Building theories from case study research: the progressive case study

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Steenhuis, H.J.; de Bruijn, E.J.


    Meredith (1998) argues for more case and field research studies in the field of operations management. Based on a literature review, we discuss several existing approaches to case studies and their characteristics. These approaches include; the Grounded Theory approach which proposes no prior

  11. Case-Based Fault Diagnostic System

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mohamed, A.H.


    Nowadays, case-based fault diagnostic (CBFD) systems have become important and widely applied problem solving technologies. They are based on the assumption that “similar faults have similar diagnosis”. On the other hand, CBFD systems still suffer from some limitations. Common ones of them are: (1) failure of CBFD to have the needed diagnosis for the new faults that have no similar cases in the case library. (2) Limited memorization when increasing the number of stored cases in the library. The proposed research introduces incorporating the neural network into the case based system to enable the system to diagnose all the faults. Neural networks have proved their success in the classification and diagnosis problems. The suggested system uses the neural network to diagnose the new faults (cases) that cannot be diagnosed by the traditional CBR diagnostic system. Besides, the proposed system can use the another neural network to control adding and deleting the cases in the library to manage the size of the cases in the case library. However, the suggested system has improved the performance of the case based fault diagnostic system when applied for the motor rolling bearing as a case of study

  12. Case vignettes of movement disorders. (United States)

    Yung, C Y


    This paper reports five movement disorders cases to serve as a basis for discussion of the problems encountered in the clinical management of these cases, and the pathophysiological mechanisms involved in these disorders as presented. Case 1 is a description of the subjective experience of a patient with acute orofacial dystonia from promethazine. Case 2 is the use of clonazepam is post-head injury tics. Case 3 is the complication from discontinuation of haloperidol and benztropine mesylate treatment. Case 4 is myoclonus in subacute sclerosing Panencephalitis, and Case 5 is rebound tremor from withdrawal of a beta-adrenergic blocker.

  13. Case series

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    7 avr. 2016 ... HTA were complicated by heart disease in 24% of cases and by renal disease in 20% of cases ... of clinical specificity. It is not unusual for HTA to be the only manifestation of the disease. In our study we .... Le syndrome de Cushing reste une cause rare d'HTA, sa prévalence dans des centres spécialisés en ...

  14. Is case-chaos methodology an appropriate alternative to conventional case-control studies for investigating outbreaks? (United States)

    Edelstein, Michael; Wallensten, Anders; Kühlmann-Berenzon, Sharon


    Case-chaos methodology is a proposed alternative to case-control studies that simulates controls by randomly reshuffling the exposures of cases. We evaluated the method using data on outbreaks in Sweden. We identified 5 case-control studies from foodborne illness outbreaks that occurred between 2005 and 2012. Using case-chaos methodology, we calculated odds ratios 1,000 times for each exposure. We used the median as the point estimate and the 2.5th and 97.5th percentiles as the confidence interval. We compared case-chaos matched odds ratios with their respective case-control odds ratios in terms of statistical significance. Using Spearman's correlation, we estimated the correlation between matched odds ratios and the proportion of cases exposed to each exposure and quantified the relationship between the 2 using a normal linear mixed model. Each case-control study identified an outbreak vehicle (odds ratios = 4.9-45). Case-chaos methodology identified the outbreak vehicle 3 out of 5 times. It identified significant associations in 22 of 113 exposures that were not associated with outcome and 5 of 18 exposures that were significantly associated with outcome. Log matched odds ratios correlated with their respective proportion of cases exposed (Spearman ρ = 0.91) and increased significantly with the proportion of cases exposed (b = 0.054). Case-chaos methodology missed the outbreak source 2 of 5 times and identified spurious associations between a number of exposures and outcome. Measures of association correlated with the proportion of cases exposed. We recommended against using case-chaos analysis during outbreak investigations. © The Author 2014. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. All rights reserved. For permissions, please e-mail:

  15. Twelve cases of multiple myeloma in Nagasaki (especially seven atomic bombing casualty cases). [In Japanese

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ichimaru, M; Yasuhi, S; Ouchuru, S


    Since 1958, there have been 12 cases of multiple myeloma in Nagasaki, and among them were 7 cases representing atomic bombing casualties, with 3 cases being with 2 km distance from the hypocenter. The age of onset was between 51 and 69 years, and the sex ratio was 8:4, it occurring mostly in males. Symptoms were predominantly low back pain and chest pain caused by the bone changes in 8 cases. Two cases complained of general malaise and palpitation which resulted from anemia. One developed persistent epistaris, and another complained of diplopia caused by the paralysis of the oculomotor nerve. Peripheral blood in all cases showed anemia, 9 with hyperchromic and 3 with normochromic or hypochromic anemia. Low platelet counts were seen in 3 cases. All showed leukopenia. All cases showed typical ..gamma..-globulin change with a myeloma peak, and in 4 cases showed an increase of ..beta..-globulin. Bence-Jones proteinuria was present in 5 cases. Average course was 1 year 4 months. Among complications, myeloma nephrosis, aplastic anemia, and pneumonia were the most important ones.

  16. Final report on case studies

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ljungberg, Daniel; McKelvey, Maureen; Lassen, Astrid Heidemann


    Case study as a research design means investigating a single or multiple instance(s) or setting(s) (i.e. a case) and its entire context to explain a phenomenon and its processes. This is achieved through detailed understanding, usually comprised of multiple sources of information. In this way, case...... studies attempt to provide as a complete an understanding of a (complex) phenomenon as possible. Within the AEGIS project, survey and case study research are complementary. They are complementary in the sense that the former can provide more generalizable evidence on a phenomenon in terms of cross......-sectional data, while the latter can provide more in-depth (qualitative) understanding on specific issues. In systematically examining the case studies, however, this report goes beyond a typical single case study. Here we provide a synthesis of 86 case studies. Multiple case studies, following similar focus...

  17. Psychotherapy trainees' multicultural case conceptualization content: thematic differences across three cases. (United States)

    Lee, Debbiesiu L; Sheridan, Daniel J; Rosen, Adam D; Jones, Isaiah


    This study examined thematic differences in the multicultural case conceptualization content of 61 psychotherapy trainees across three different cases and trainee demographics (number of multicultural courses completed, years of supervised clinical practicum completed, and White trainee vs. trainee of color). Themes across cases included general counseling skills (attend to affect, build rapport, focus on specific client concerns, use of specific clinical interventions, and use of external resources not related to culture), as well as multicultural specific counseling skills (focus on culture, focus on discrimination, use of culturally competent interventions, and use of external resources related to culture). Thematic differences across case were found in three of the nine themes (affect, culture, discrimination). No systematic differences were found across multicultural training, clinical training, or race. Implications of these results are discussed.

  18. Defining a periodontitis case

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Baelum, Vibeke; Lopez, Rodrigo


    . Conclusions The results indicate that it should be feasible for the periodontal community to reach an agreement over the distinction between a case and a non-case. The classification system proposed by van der Velden is better suited for providing clinicians with a clear image of the case....

  19. Leveraging tuberculosis case relative locations to enhance case detection and linkage to care in Swaziland. (United States)

    Brunetti, Marie; Rajasekharan, Sathyanath; Ustero, Piluca; Ngo, Katherine; Sikhondze, Welile; Mzileni, Buli; Mandalakas, Anna; Kay, Alexander W


    In Swaziland, as in many high HIV/TB burden settings, there is not information available regarding the household location of TB cases for identifying areas of increased TB incidence, limiting the development of targeted interventions. Data from "Butimba", a TB REACH active case finding project, was re-analyzed to provide insight into the location of TB cases surrounding Mbabane, Swaziland. The project aimed to identify geographical areas with high TB burdens to inform active case finding efforts. Butimba implemented household contact tracing; obtaining landmark based, informal directions, to index case homes, defined here as relative locations. The relative locations were matched to census enumeration areas (known location reference areas) using the Microsoft Excel Fuzzy Lookup function. Of 403 relative locations, an enumeration area reference was detected in 388 (96%). TB cases in each census enumeration area and the active case finders in each Tinkhundla, a local governmental region, were mapped using the geographic information system, QGIS 2.16. Urban Tinkhundla predictably accounted for most cases; however, after adjusting for population, the highest density of cases was found in rural Tinkhundla. There was no correlation between the number of active case finders currently assigned to the 7 Tinkhundla surrounding Mbabane and the total number of TB cases (Spearman rho = -0.57, p  = 0.17) or the population adjusted TB cases (Spearman rho = 0.14, p  = 0.75) per Tinkhundla. Reducing TB incidence in high-burden settings demands novel analytic approaches to study TB case locations. We demonstrated the feasibility of linking relative locations to more precise geographical areas, enabling data-driven guidance for National Tuberculosis Programs' resource allocation. In collaboration with the Swazi National Tuberculosis Control Program, this analysis highlighted opportunities to better align the active case finding national strategy with the TB disease

  20. Case Management Directors (United States)

    Bankston White, Cheri; Birmingham, Jackie


    Purpose and Objectives: Case management directors are in a dynamic position to affect the transition of care of patients across the continuum, work with all levels of providers, and support the financial well-being of a hospital. Most importantly, they can drive good patient outcomes. Although the position is critical on many different levels, there is little to help guide a new director in attending to all the “moving parts” of such a complex role. This is Part 2 of a two-part article written for case management directors, particularly new ones. Part 1 covered the first 4 of 7 tracks: (1) Staffing and Human Resources, (2) Compliance and Accreditation, (3) Discharge Planning and (4) Utilization Review and Revenue Cycle. Part 2 addresses (5) Internal Departmental Relationships (Organizational), (6) External Relationships (Community Agency), and (7) Quality and Program Outcomes. This article attempts to answer the following questions: Are case management directors prepared for an expanded role that affects departments and organizations outside of their own?How does a case management director manage the transition of care of patients while managing required relationships outside the department?How does the director manage program outcomes in such a complex department? Primary Practice Setting: The information is most meaningful to those case management directors who work in either stand-alone hospitals or integrated health systems and have frontline case managers (CMs) reporting to them. Findings/Conclusions: Part 1 found that case management directors would benefit from further research and documentation of “best practices” related to their role, particularly in the areas of leadership and management. The same conclusion applies to Part 2, which addresses the director's responsibilities outside her immediate department. Leadership and management skills apply as well to building strong, productive relationships across a broad spectrum of external organizations

  1. CASE REPORT CASE A super 'lead pipe' colon: radio-pathological ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    Oct 15, 2008 ... cancer in UC. Clearly, correct diagnosis is crucial. Our case not only had severe findings and a diagnosis that predated her surgery, but also had no clinical, radiological or histological features of the other alternative diagnoses. The case demonstrates an unusually severe form of 'lead pipe' colon occurring ...

  2. High laboratory cost predicted per tuberculosis case diagnosed with increased case finding without a triage strategy. (United States)

    Dunbar, R; Naidoo, P; Beyers, N; Langley, I


    Cape Town, South Africa. To model the effects of increased case finding and triage strategies on laboratory costs per tuberculosis (TB) case diagnosed. We used a validated operational model and published laboratory cost data. We modelled the effect of varying the proportion with TB among presumptive cases and Xpert cartridge price reductions on cost per TB case and per additional TB case diagnosed in the Xpert-based vs. smear/culture-based algorithms. In our current scenario (18.3% with TB among presumptive cases), the proportion of cases diagnosed increased by 8.7% (16.7% vs. 15.0%), and the cost per case diagnosed increased by 142% (US$121 vs. US$50). The cost per additional case diagnosed was US$986. This would increase to US$1619 if the proportion with TB among presumptive cases was 10.6%. At 25.9-30.8% of TB prevalence among presumptive cases and a 50% reduction in Xpert cartridge price, the cost per TB case diagnosed would range from US$50 to US$59 (comparable to the US$48.77 found in routine practice with smear/culture). The operational model illustrates the effect of increased case finding on laboratory costs per TB case diagnosed. Unless triage strategies are identified, the approach will not be sustainable, even if Xpert cartridge prices are reduced.

  3. CASE REPORT Degenerative leiomyopathy CASE REPORT

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    cases the condition was progressive and eventually affected the entire ... been discouraged because of the progressive nature of the disease. A gastrostomy and/or ... which eventually lead to their demise, usually in their late teens.4. 1.

  4. Asynchronous asymmetric form of heterogeneous osteopetrosis: initial case expanded and a new case

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Young, L.W.; Lachman, R.S.


    We have discovered additional serial radiographs and clinical information on the initial case of ''regional osteopetrosis tarda'' that has been included in several editions of Caffey's Pediatric X-Ray Diagnosis. A definite second case was found after a search of radiology teaching files of other selected medical centers and the International Skeletal Dysplasia Registry. Analysis of the sequential unusual radiographic findings of the initial case and the equivalent compelling findings of the second case justifies renewed attention to an asynchronous asymmetric form of heterogeneous osteopetrosis. (orig.)

  5. Recent Case Law

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Petz, Thomas; Sagaert, Vincent; Østergaard, Kim


    In this section authors from various European countries report the recent case law in their country on the field of private patrimonial law, that is decisions on the law of property, juridical acts, the law of obligations, contract law and prescription. The European Review of Private Law (ERPL......) started this section in 2003. The section aims to give our readers an overview of what is happening in the most recent European case law. We have asked the national reporters to report the juridical essence of the decisions given by the highest courts in their country. These national reports...... not relate the facts of the decision, nor the personal opinion of the reporter. One can find discussions on the most important decisions of European courts in ERPL’s case note section. The recent case law section gives overviews of decisions published in periods of four months. The period of January...

  6. Case-control vaccine effectiveness studies: Preparation, design, and enrollment of cases and controls. (United States)

    Verani, Jennifer R; Baqui, Abdullah H; Broome, Claire V; Cherian, Thomas; Cohen, Cheryl; Farrar, Jennifer L; Feikin, Daniel R; Groome, Michelle J; Hajjeh, Rana A; Johnson, Hope L; Madhi, Shabir A; Mulholland, Kim; O'Brien, Katherine L; Parashar, Umesh D; Patel, Manish M; Rodrigues, Laura C; Santosham, Mathuram; Scott, J Anthony; Smith, Peter G; Sommerfelt, Halvor; Tate, Jacqueline E; Victor, J Chris; Whitney, Cynthia G; Zaidi, Anita K; Zell, Elizabeth R


    Case-control studies are commonly used to evaluate effectiveness of licensed vaccines after deployment in public health programs. Such studies can provide policy-relevant data on vaccine performance under 'real world' conditions, contributing to the evidence base to support and sustain introduction of new vaccines. However, case-control studies do not measure the impact of vaccine introduction on disease at a population level, and are subject to bias and confounding, which may lead to inaccurate results that can misinform policy decisions. In 2012, a group of experts met to review recent experience with case-control studies evaluating the effectiveness of several vaccines; here we summarize the recommendations of that group regarding best practices for planning, design and enrollment of cases and controls. Rigorous planning and preparation should focus on understanding the study context including healthcare-seeking and vaccination practices. Case-control vaccine effectiveness studies are best carried out soon after vaccine introduction because high coverage creates strong potential for confounding. Endpoints specific to the vaccine target are preferable to non-specific clinical syndromes since the proportion of non-specific outcomes preventable through vaccination may vary over time and place, leading to potentially confusing results. Controls should be representative of the source population from which cases arise, and are generally recruited from the community or health facilities where cases are enrolled. Matching of controls to cases for potential confounding factors is commonly used, although should be reserved for a limited number of key variables believed to be linked to both vaccination and disease. Case-control vaccine effectiveness studies can provide information useful to guide policy decisions and vaccine development, however rigorous preparation and design is essential. Published by Elsevier Ltd.

  7. [Case management process identified from experience of nurse case managers]. (United States)

    Park, Eun-Jun; Kim, Chunmi


    The purpose of this study was to develop a substantive theory of case management (CM) practice by investigating the experience of nurse case managers caring for Medical Aid enrollees in Korea. A total of 12 nurses were interviewed regarding their own experience in CM practice. Data were recorded and analyzed using grounded theory. Empowerment was the core category of CM for Medical Aid enrollees. The case managers engaged in five phases as follows, phase of inquiring in advance, building a relationship with the client, giving the client critical mind, facilitating positive changes in the client's use of healthcare services, and maintaining relationship bonds. These phases moved gradually and were circular if necessary. Also, they were accelerated or slowed depending on factors including clients' characteristics, case managers' competency level, families' support level, and availability of community resources. This study helps understand what CM practice is and how nurses are performing this innovative CM role. It is recommended that nurse leaders and policy makers integrate empowerment as a core category and the five critical CM phases into future CM programs.

  8. Case-Based FCTF Reasoning System

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jing Lu


    Full Text Available Case-based reasoning uses old information to infer the answer of new problems. In case-based reasoning, a reasoner firstly records the previous cases, then searches the previous case list that is similar to the current one and uses that to solve the new case. Case-based reasoning means adapting old solving solutions to new situations. This paper proposes a reasoning system based on the case-based reasoning method. To begin, we show the theoretical structure and algorithm of from coarse to fine (FCTF reasoning system, and then demonstrate that it is possible to successfully learn and reason new information. Finally, we use our system to predict practical weather conditions based on previous ones and experiments show that the prediction accuracy increases with further learning of the FCTF reasoning system.

  9. Breast cancer case using tamoxifen during pregnancy: a case report ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    This is a case of 32 years old nulliparous female who was diagnosed in November 2004 as a case of carcinoma of the right breast , luminal A , (Estrogen Receptor positive Progesterone receptor negative, Her 2 negative, Ki67 10 %), poorly differentiated invasive ductal cancer, TNM stage,T2 N0 MO. She had a wide local ...

  10. Case Study: Let's Get Personal--Putting Personality into Your Cases (United States)

    Herreid, Clyde Freeman


    In this case study, the subject for discussion is the need to use teaching notes in order to add personality to case studies. Personality, it is said, is more important than policy, than demographics, than finances, or amorous peccadillos. Personality is essential. It is the interaction of people that capture our interest, yet, the question is…

  11. RSG Deployment Case Testing Results

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Owsley, Stanley L.; Dodson, Michael G.; Hatchell, Brian K.; Seim, Thomas A.; Alexander, David L.; Hawthorne, Woodrow T.


    The RSG deployment case design is centered on taking the RSG system and producing a transport case that houses the RSG in a safe and controlled manner for transport. The transport case was driven by two conflicting constraints, first that the case be as light as possible, and second that it meet a stringent list of Military Specified requirements. The design team worked to extract every bit of weight from the design while striving to meet the rigorous Mil-Spec constraints. In the end compromises were made primarily on the specification side to control the overall weight of the transport case. This report outlines the case testing results.

  12. From Use Cases to Activity Cases

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bækgaard, Lars


    Use cases can be used to capture requirements and to subdivide IT-systems into functionally coherent units. Information systems are activity systems that carry out important business activities. Many systems development methods recognize activity modeling as an important development activity. Use...

  13. Case Study: What Makes a Good Case, Revisited: The Survey Monkey Tells All (United States)

    Herried, Clyde Freeman; Prud'homme-Genereux, Annie; Schiller, Nancy A.; Herreid, Ky F.; Wright, Carolyn


    This column provides original articles on innovations in case study teaching, assessment of the method, as well as case studies with teaching notes. In this month's issue the authors provide a more definitive answer to the "What Makes a Good Case?" question based on a just-completed Survey Monkey survey given to NCCSTS teachers.

  14. Portal cholangiopathy: case report

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Maria Cecilia Almeida Maia


    Full Text Available The present report describes the case of a child that after blunt abdominal trauma presented with portal thrombosis followed by progressive splenomegaly and jaundice. Ultrasonography and percutaneous cholangiography revealed biliary dilatation secondary to choledochal stenosis caused by dilated peribiliary veins, characterizing a case of portal biliopathy. The present case report is aimed at presenting an uncommon cause of this condition.

  15. New guidelines for case reports

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mario Delgado-Noguera


    Full Text Available The case report or case reports are a frequent type of narrative article in the biomedical literature. Case reports are useful to describe unusual clinical cases, identify adverse effects or benefits of therapies. They are also useful for the description of presentation of rare diseases for educational or scientific purposes. Several groups have worked on reporting guidelines for other designs such as the case of clinical trials (CONSORT Statement or observational studies (STROBE Statement and this journal has been adopted as the guide for authors. Recently, there were presented the Guidelines for writing CAseREports (CARE Statement. The aim of this article is to make them known and comment.

  16. Casing drilling

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Heenan, D. [Tesco Corp., Calgary, AB (Canada)


    This paper reviewed the experience that Tesco has gained by drilling several wells using only casings as the drill stem. Tesco has manufactured a mobile and compact hydraulic drilling rig called the Casing Drilling {sup TM} system. The system could be very effective and efficient for exploration and development of coalbed methane (CBM) reserves which typically require extensive coring. Continuous coring while drilling ahead, along wire line retrieval, can offer time savings and quick core recovery of large diameter core which is typically required for exploration core desorption tests. The proposed system may also have the potential to core or drill typically tight gas sands or underbalanced wells with air or foam. This would reduce drilling fluid damage while simultaneously finding gas. Compared to conventional drill pipes, Casing Drilling {sup TM} could also be effective with water production from shallow sands because of the smaller annual clearance which requires less air volumes to lift any produced water. 9 figs.

  17. The Legal Case

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Sartor, Giovanni; Contissa, Giuseppe; Schebesta, H.; Laukyte, Migle; Lanzi, Paola; Marti, Patrizia; Paola, Tomasello


    This paper presents the first release of the Legal Case, recently developed by the ALIAS Project and still under refinement. The Legal Case is a methodological tool intended to address liability issues of automated ATM systems: it provides for a legal risk management process that can be applied

  18. Tuberculosis case-finding in Cambodia: analysis of case notification data, 2000 to 2013 (United States)

    Furphy, Valérie Burrus; Kobayashi, Miwako; Nishikiori, Nobuyuki; Eang, Mao Tan; Yadav, Rajendra-Prasad


    The routine tuberculosis (TB) surveillance system in Cambodia has been strengthened under the National TB Programme (NTP). This paper provides an overview of the TB surveillance data for Cambodia at the national level for the period 2000 to 2013 and at the subnational level for 2013. The proportion of the total population that were screened for TB rose from 0.4% in 2001 to 1.1% in 2013, while the smear-positivity rate decreased from 28.9% to 8.1% in the same period. The total number of notified TB cases increased steadily from 2000; this has stabilized in recent years with 39 055 cases notified in 2013. The proportion of all TB cases that were smear-positive decreased from 78% in 2000 to 36% in 2013. Case notification rates (CNRs) for all forms of TB and new smear-positive TB in 2013 were 261 and 94 per 100 000 population, respectively. Higher CNRs were found in the north-western and south-eastern parts of the country and were higher for males especially in older age groups. The increase in TB screening, decline in the smear-positive rate and decline in notified smear-positive TB cases likely reflect a long-term positive impact of the NTP. A negative correlation between the proportion of the population screened and the smear-positivity rate at the subnational level helped identify where to find undiagnosed cases. Subnational differences in case notification of the elderly and in children provide more specific targets for case-finding and further encourage strategic resource allocation. PMID:25960919

  19. Reported cases of selected diseases. (United States)


    The number of reported cases of measles, poliomyelitis, tetanus, diphtheria, and whooping cough for the period of January 1, 1994 to the date of the last report is presented in tabular form by country with a comparison for the same epidemiological period in 1993. The countries included are Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Venezuela, Argentina, Chile, Paraguay, Uruguay, Brazil, Belize, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama, Mexico, Cuba, Haiti, the Dominican Republic, Antigua and Barbuda, the Bahamas, Barbados, Dominica, Grenada, Guyana, Jamaica, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Vincent, Saint Lucia, Suriname, Trinidad and Tobago, Canada, and the US. The figures for measles are given as reported and as confirmed. In some countries, the reported number of cases of measles decreased from 1993 figures (Venezuela 5275 vs. 6060, Paraguay 26 vs. 958, Brazil 272 vs. 958, Canada 30 vs. 38), but, in others, the figure increased from 1993 (Mexico 47 vs. 21, the US 155 vs. 86). There were no reported cases of poliomyelitis for either year in any country. The figures for tetanus are divided into nonneonatal and neonatal. In Brazil the number of nonneonatal cases decreased to 360 from 371 in 1993, and the number of neonatal cases decreased to 28 from 65. In Mexico, nonneonatal cases decreased to 28 from 45, but neonatal cases increased to 23 from 20 in 1993. The number of cases of diphtheria cases in Brazil decreased to 28 from 65 in the same period of 1993. The number of cases of whooping cough decreased to 431 from 1651 in Brazil and to 51 from 70 in Mexico. However, the number of cases in Canada increased to 1047 from 784.

  20. Case Report

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bilgin-Freiert, Arzu; Fugleholm, Kåre; Poulsgaard, Lars


    We report a case of an intraneural ganglion cyst of the hypoglossal canal. The patient presented with unilateral hypoglossal nerve palsy, and magnetic resonance imaging showed a small lesion in the hypoglossal canal with no contrast enhancement and high signal on T2-weighted imaging. The lesion...... irradiation as an option. This case illustrates a very rare location of an intraneural ganglion cyst in the hypoglossal nerve. To our knowledge there are no previous reports of an intraneural ganglion cyst confined to the hypoglossal canal....

  1. Case Study: A Step-by-Step Guide to Students Writing Case Studies (and Tools for Novice Case Authors) (United States)

    Prud'homme-Genereux, Annie


    In experimenting with ways of structuring the assignment and providing guidance to students, the author developed a series of tools that may be of interest to instructors wishing to implement a case-writing assignment in their course. This assignment is more suited for instructors experienced in case writing, as their knowledge of how to design a…

  2. Case frames as contextual mappings to case law in BestPortal

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Hoekstra, R.; Lodder, A.; van Harmelen, F.


    This paper introduces case frames as a way to provide a more meaningful structure to vocabulary mappings used to bridge the gap between laymen and legal descriptions of court proceedings. Case frames both reduce the ambiguity of queries, and improve the ability of users to formulate good quality

  3. Patterned genital injury in cases of rape - A case-control study

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Astrup, Birgitte Schmidt; Ravn, Pernille; Thomsen, Jørgen Lange


    A pattern of genital injury that separates trauma seen in sexual assault cases from trauma seen following consensual sexual intercourse has been a matter of debate. This study aimed at clarifying the question by eliminating as many confounders as possible in a prospective, case-control setup. A t...

  4. Case management after long-term absence from work in China: a case report. (United States)

    Tang, Dan; Yu, Ignatius Tak Sun; Luo, Xiaoyuan; Liang, Youxin; He, Yonghua


    Return-to-work (RTW) after occupational injuries is an important and challenging issue. Case managers are expected to play a vital role in successful RTW. In China, RTW intervention is in its early phase and requires further research and practice. This case report describes Mr. H's RTW process for illustrating the work of a case management team in China. Suggestions on developing and optimizing the process in China are given. After 9 years of absence from work due to severe burn injuries at work, Mr. H was referred for RTW interventions. Mr. H received social and occupational rehabilitation services of 3 months, and the following workplace visits and work trials. After the job placement, the case manager continued the liaison with the worker and employer. Mr. H showed positive changes in occupational and social adjustment after the case management interventions. This was reflected from the shift from the contemplation to action stage on the Lam Assessment of Stages of Employment Readiness. Despite he did not show significant changes on functional capacity and fear avoidance beliefs, Mr. H passed the job credential test and was offered a maintenance technician position at a new company. Both the worker and the employer were satisfied with the outcome of the case management. The RTW interventions carried out by the case managers appeared to be effective within the Chinese system. The results suggested that professional training of case managers, RTW-related policies and technological standards, early integrated interventions should be further developed in China. Disability Adjustment Group Therapy and RTW Support Groups perhaps are useful approaches in workers' returning to work.

  5. Measles cases among adolescents in southern Pakistan 2012-2015: The case for revisiting vaccination strategies. (United States)

    Shakoor, Sadia; Khan, Erum; Rajput, Muhammad Imran; Rahimoon, Wali Muhammad


    Surveillance of adult measles in Pakistan is a challenge as it does not enjoy the status of a reportable disease unlike childhood cases and therefore cases remain undetected and unreported or misdiagnosed. Consequently no data or estimates of young adult cases, seroprevalence, or estimates of susceptible preadolescent or young adult population exist. We have presented both laboratory conformed and clinically suspected cases of measles occurring in adolescents and adults in the southern province of Sindh in Pakistan. Through an examination of 2 independent databases, i.e. a laboratory database of measles IgM positive cases and clinically detected cases on surveillance performed by the Disease Early Warning System, we have analyzed and reported age-specific positivity rates from 2012 to 2015 in Sindh, Pakistan. High rates of laboratory confirmed measles were observed in those aged 9 y and younger. Among adolescents and adults, significantly higher positivity rates were observed among those aged 10-19 y. Clinically detected cases from Sindh showed similar distribution of cases. High burden of cases among children <9 y of age confirm that supplementary immunization activities (SIAs) among this age group are inadequate and need to be strengthened. Cases among those 10-19 y further demonstrate the need for consolidating SIAs with an additional strategy to vaccinate those who remain non-immune at college entry and in institutions where outbreaks can be prevented. Such measures are essential to achieving the goal of measles elimination in the country and region.

  6. Casing Out Evaluation: Expanding Student Interest in Program Evaluation through Case Competitions. (United States)

    Obrecht, Michael; Porteous, Nancy; Haddock, Blair


    Describes the authors' experiences in organizing bilingual evaluation case competitions for the National Capital Chapter of the Canadian Evaluation Society for three years. Competition structure, eligibility, judging, contestant recruiting, and preparing cases are outlined. (SLD)


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Eser ÇAPAN


    Full Text Available The aim of this article is to present intra- and extra-oral and cephalometric findings of three patients with a rare disease: the pycnodysostosis. Two cases had skeletal Class III malocclusion due to maxillary retrognathia and one had bimaxillary retrusion with Class I relationship. Total circular crossbite, increased gonial angle and vertical facial proportions, deep-narrow palates and retruded upper lip were found in all cases. Maxillary expansion, face mask treatment or/and orthognathic surgery are treatment alternatives, considering the growth and development. Bone fragility and the risk of osteomyelitis after extractions should be considered in such cases before orthodontic treatment and orthognatic surgery.

  8. Safety case plan 2008

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    Following the guidelines set forth by the Ministry of Trade and Industry (now Ministry of Employment and Economy) Posiva is preparing to submit the construction license application for a spent fuel repository by the end of the year 2012. The long-term safety section supporting the license application is based on a safety case, which, according to the internationally adopted definition, is a compilation of the evidence, analyses and arguments that quantify and substantiate the safety and the level of expert confidence in the safety of the planned repository. In 2005, Posiva presented a plan to prepare such a safety case. The present report provides a revised plan of the safety case contents mentioned above. The update of the safety case plan takes into account the recommendations made by the Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority (STUK) about improving the focus and further developing the plan. Accordingly, particular attention is given to the quality management of the safety case work, the management of uncertainties and the scenario methodology. The quality management is based on the ISO 9001:2000 standard process thinking enhanced with special features arising from STUK's YVL Guides. The safety case production process is divided into four main sub-processes. The conceptualisation and methodology sub-process defines the framework for the assessment. The critical data handling and modelling sub-process links Posiva's main technical and scientific activities to the production of the safety case. The assessment sub-process analyses the consequences of the evolution of the disposal system in various scenarios, classified either as part of the expected evolution or as disruptive scenarios. The compliance and confidence sub-process is responsible for final evaluation of compliance of the assessment results with the regulatory criteria and the overall confidence in the safety case. As in the previous safety case plan, the safety case will be based on several reports, but

  9. A clear case. Selective investment in case management applications can yield significant returns. (United States)

    Hagland, Mark


    Strategically conceived case management system implementation makes good patient care and business sense, CIOs agree. Significant financial savings can be achieved from case management IS implementations, if those implementations are executed in the context of partnership between clinical leaders and the CIO's team. CIOs agree that applying the concept of "investment" to the implementation of case management IT can make resource allocation decisions easier.

  10. 'Case reporting of rare adverse events in otolaryngology': can we defend the case report?

    LENUS (Irish Health Repository)

    Dias, Andrew


    The study of errors in medicine has proliferated since the publication of The Institute of Medicine Report \\'TO ERR IS HUMAN\\' in 2000. Case nuances and process of care issues are valuable areas to explore if the goal is to provide the health care worker with the knowledge to avoid future errors. Meta-analysis and randomized controlled trials provide a large data base of evidence towards improvement and opportunities, but it is suggested that case reports can still provide valuable clinical information. The aim is to use the published literature to produce a series of rare harm case reports in E.N.T. The methods include systematic literature review. Journals searched in PUBMED were 60. Rare harm case obtained from the search were 5,322. Rare harm case reports not reported in any other form of evidence-based medicine were 40. Yes, the case report can be defended as it is an important pillar of evidence-based medicine.

  11. SARS: a comparative study on the chest radiography of the mortal cases and the cured cases

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jiang Songfeng; Liu Jingxin; Chen Bihua; Zhang Lieguang; Yin Chibiao; Zhang Fuchun


    Objective: This study is mainly on the radiological findings of the mortal cases of SARS. Methods: The chest X-ray (CXR) findings of 11 mortal cases of SARS were retrospectively studied, and compared with those of the 249 cured cases. Results: The major CXR findings of the mortal cases were: patchy shadows in 10 cases out of 11 (90.90%), frosted glass like change of the lung fields in 9 (81.82%), diffuse lesions in 11 (100%), and involvement of the bilateral lung. There was a statistical difference between the mortal cases and the cured cases on the following 4 manifestations: large shadows, extensive consolidation, frosted glass like change of the lung fields, and diffuse lesions (P<0.01). Conclusion: Large shadows, extensive consolidation, frosted glass like change of the lung fields, diffuse lesions and the bilateral involvement of the lung are the main CXR findings of the mortal cases of SARS. And extensive consolidation and diffuse involvement are strongly indicative. In most of the mortal cases, the latest CXR demonstrated widespread frosted glass like appearance in the lung fields with air bronchogram

  12. Non-ferromagnetic overburden casing (United States)

    Vinegar, Harold J.; Harris, Christopher Kelvin; Mason, Stanley Leroy


    Systems, methods, and heaters for treating a subsurface formation are described herein. At least one system for electrically insulating an overburden portion of a heater wellbore is described. The system may include a heater wellbore located in a subsurface formation and an electrically insulating casing located in the overburden portion of the heater wellbore. The casing may include at least one non-ferromagnetic material such that ferromagnetic effects are inhibited in the casing.

  13. "Since I have my case manager, I am back to life" case management in Croatia. (United States)

    Gruber, Ema N; Ivezić-Strkalj, Sladana; Agius, Mark; Martić-Biocina, Sanja


    The authors present a case report of a patient who was treated by a case manager, a member of a Croatian Community Mental Health (CMH) Team, following the recommendations of WHO 2004 as well as the IRIS guidelines and the Basic Standards for Management of Patients with Serious Mental Illness in the Community (Agius 2005) and using the elements of Clinical case management (Muser 1998), Assertive community treatment model (Burns 1995, Scott 1995, Wolfsan 1990), the personal strength model (Rapp 1988) and Rehabilitation model (Anthony 1993). In order to emphasize the importance of the therapist-patient relationship in the treatment of chronic schizophrenic patients (Ivezic 2001) and creating the group atmosphere a Croatian model of case management is created where the patient's needs and risks are assessed by a multidisciplinary team which also conducts the recommended psychosocial interventions plan. The majority of interventions are conducted in groups. The case manager develops a confident relationship with a patient, nourishes the positive transference and aids the delivery of the treatment. The main goals of the interventions are empowerment of the patient, improvement of his abilities and decreasing of disabilities. The case manager also carries out a full assessment of the needs of the patient's family so that the family or carers are also included in the treatment or support if necessary (Gruber 2006). A case report of a patient and the work of her case manager as well as the case manager's diary (Gruber 2007) and the Croatian model of case management is presented in this article.

  14. Nurse Case Managers' Experiences on Case Management for Long-term Hospitalization in Korea


    Jinjoo Oh, Ph.D., RN, GNP; Seieun Oh, Ph.D., RN


    Purpose: The implementation of case management for long-term hospitalization use has been approved for controlling medical cost increases in other countries. But, introduction of the case management in Korea has created issues that hinder its effective operation. This qualitative study aimed to obtain further understanding of the issues surrounding the management of Medical Aid beneficiaries' use of long-term hospitalization from the case managers' perspectives and to provide suggestions for ...

  15. Timeliness of Operating Room Case Planning and Time Utilization: Influence of First and To-Follow Cases

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Konrad Meissner


    Full Text Available Resource and cost constraints in hospitals demand thorough planning of operating room schedules. Ideally, exact start times and durations are known in advance for each case. However, aside from the first case’s start, most factors are hard to predict. While the role of the start of the first case for optimal room utilization has been shown before, data for to-follow cases are lacking. The present study therefore aimed to analyze all elective surgery cases of a university hospital within 1 year in search of visible patterns. A total of 14,014 cases scheduled on 254 regular working days at a university hospital between September 2015 and August 2016 underwent screening. After eliminating 112 emergencies during regular working hours, 13,547 elective daytime cases were analyzed, out of which 4,346 ranked first, 3,723 second, and 5,478 third or higher in the daily schedule. Also, 36% of cases changed start times from the day before to 7:00 a.m., with half of these (52% resulting in a delay of more than 15 min. After 7:00 a.m., 87% of cases started more than 10 min off schedule, with 26% being early and 74% late. Timeliness was 15 ± 72 min (mean ± SD for first, 21 ± 84 min for second, and 25 ± 93 min for all to-follow cases, compared to preoperative day planning, and 21 ± 45, 23 ± 61, and 19 ± 74 min compared to 7:00 a.m. status. Start time deviations were also related to procedure duration, with cases of 61–90 min duration being most reliable (deviation 9.8 ± 67 min compared to 7:00 a.m., regardless of order. In consequence, cases following after 61–90 min long cases had the shortest deviations of incision time from schedule (16 ± 66 min. Taken together, start times for elective surgery cases deviate substantially from schedule, with first and second cases falling into the highest mean deviation category. Second cases had the largest deviations from scheduled times compared to

  16. Pressurized waterproof case electronic device

    KAUST Repository

    Berumen, Michael L.


    A pressurized waterproof case for an electronic device is particularly adapted for fluid-tight containment and operation of a touch-screen electronic device or the like therein at some appreciable water depth. In one example, the case may be formed as an enclosure having an open top panel or face covered by a flexible, transparent membrane or the like for the operation of the touchscreen device within the case. A pressurizing system is provided for the case to pressurize the case and the electronic device therein to slightly greater than ambient in order to prevent the external water pressure from bearing against the transparent membrane and pressing it against the touch screen, thereby precluding operation of the touch screen device within the case. The pressurizing system may include a small gas cartridge or may be provided from an external source.

  17. An unusual case of neonatal mastocytoma: A case report

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Guglielmo Pranteda


    Full Text Available Mastocytosis is a group of disorders characterized by the accumulation of mast cells in various tissues. In this article we report an interesting case of cutaneous mastocytoma in a 3-month-old infant. We describe two episodes characterized by an exacerbation of the skin lesion with the typical Darier’s sign. Both of them occurred after breastfeeding. In both episodes, the mother had eaten shrimps before the breastfeeding. This peculiar case, difficult to understand regarding its pathogenesis, was successful resolved just with dietary prescription given to the breast feeding mother.

  18. Making a case for case studies in psychotherapy training

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Mackrill, Thomas Edward; Iwakabe, Shigeru


    articulated explicitly or researched systematically in spite of its cardinal importance. An analysis of the role of case studies in psychotherapy training is presented. Reading, watching, or hearing about cases can offer novice psychotherapists access to a closed world; access to psychological theory...... in action; access to whole courses of therapy; access to different approaches; access to significant moments; access to the therapeutic relationship; access to a wide range of client types; access to working in different contexts; and the opportunity of identifying with therapists and clients. Writing...

  19. Case Report: A Unique Case Of Cystic Echinococcosis in a Sahiwal ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Case Report: A Unique Case Of Cystic Echinococcosis in a Sahiwal Cow in Narok County, Kenya. JA Omega, PK Koskei. Abstract. A three and a half year old pregnant Sahiwal cow born and reared just outside the Maasai Mara National Game Reserve in Narok County, Kenya was noticed to walk slowly, cough occasionally ...

  20. [Rectal duplication cyst--case report]. (United States)

    Turyna, R; Horák, L; Kucera, E; Hejda, V; Krofta, L; Feyereisl, J


    The authors demonstrate a rare case of duplication anomaly of the rectum. Case report. Institute for the Care of Mother and Child, Prague. We present a rare case of cystic rectal duplication in adult, completely removed and histologically confirmed. A literature review was summarized. The case was complicated by delay in diagnosis, multiple operations, and by the association with endometriosis, as well. Mentioned anomaly is published in the Czech literature for the very first time.

  1. Differences in the clinical-epidemiological profile between new cases of tuberculosis and retreatment cases after default

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Aylana de Souza Belchior

    Full Text Available Abstract OBJECTIVE To identify the socioeconomic and clinical-epidemiological factors related to tuberculosis in new cases and retreatment cases. METHOD Comparative study with 126 patients, of which 42 were retreatment cases after default attended in a reference center, and 84 were new cases completing the first treatment and treated in Basic Health Units. The collection of primary data was through interview, and of secondary data by records of the Notifiable Diseases Information System. Comparative analysis between the two groups. RESULTS The new cases differ from retreatment cases regarding educational level. The clinical-epidemiological profile shows a significant difference in relation to performance of the tuberculin skin test, and the HIV test result (positive in favor of new cases. In relation to performance of sputum culture and the result (positive of the first sputum smear of the first and second samples, in favor of retreatment cases. CONCLUSION The two groups are significantly different in clinical and epidemiological characteristics that show the access to exams.

  2. Preliminary energy demand studies for Ireland: base case and high case for 1980, 1985 and 1990

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Henry, E W


    The framework of the Base Case and the High Case for 1990 for Ireland, related to the demand modules of the medium-term European Communities (EC) Energy Model, is described. The modules are: Multi-national Macre-economic Module (EURECA); National Input-Output Model (EXPLOR); and National Energy Demand Model (EDM). The final results of the EXPLOR and EDM are described; one set related to the Base Case and the other related to the High Case. The forecast or projection is termed Base Case because oil prices are assumed to increase with general price inflation, at the same rate. The other forecast is termed High Case because oil prices are assumed to increase at 5% per year more rapidly than general price inflation. The EXPLOR-EDM methodology is described. The lack of data on energy price elasticities for Ireland is noted. A comparison of the Base Case with the High Case is made. (MCW)

  3. Case Managers on the Front Lines of Ethical Dilemmas: Advocacy, Autonomy, and Preventing Case Manager Burnout. (United States)

    Sortedahl, Charlotte; Mottern, Nina; Campagna, Vivian

    The purpose of this article is to examine how case managers are routinely confronted by ethical dilemmas within a fragmented health care system and given the reality of financial pressures that influence life-changing decisions. The Code of Professional Conduct for Case Managers (Code), published by the Commission for Case Manager Certification, acknowledges "case managers may often confront ethical dilemmas" (Code 1996, Rev. 2015). The Code and expectations that professional case managers, particularly those who are board certified, will uphold ethical and legal practice apply to case managers in every practice setting across the full continuum of health care. This discussion acknowledges the ethical dilemmas that case managers routinely confront, which empowers them to seek support, guidance, and resources to support ethical practice. In addition, the article seeks to raise awareness of the effects of burnout and moral distress on case managers and others with whom they work closely on interdisciplinary teams.

  4. Describing Case Study Method and Identifying the Factors that Contribute to the Successful Conduct of Case Studies


    Ahmad H. Juma'h; Mustafa Cavus


    This article has attempted to describe case study, the limitations and critiques on case study methodology and how the proponents have responded to these. Our special focus have been on the debate on theory building from case study research, and a framework for conducting case study research as well as the factors for a successful case study research. The overall conclusion is that the case study has been inappropriately used to generate theories.

  5. Cheilitis granulomatosa: Case series

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sudha Rani Chintagunta


    Full Text Available Granulomatous cheilitis is an idiopathic inflammatory disorder characterized by persistent, asymptomatic, diffuse swelling of one or both lips. It is also considered as an oligosymptomatic or monosymptomatic form of Melkersson–Rosenthal syndrome. We herewith report five cases of granulomatous cheilitis of which three cases were females and two were males. The mean age was 41 years. The average duration of symptoms was 2.5 years (2–3 years. Four patients presented with asymptomatic persistent swelling of the upper lip and one patient with lower lip. Two cases showed associated fissuring and angular cheilitis. One case also showed involvement of the left cheek. All the patients showed moderate improvement with combination of minocycline and intralesional triamcinolone therapy.

  6. Measles (Rubeola) Cases and Outbreaks (United States)

    ... Address What’s this? Submit What's this? Submit Button Measles Cases and Outbreaks Language: English (US) Español (Spanish) ... Español: Casos y brotes de sarampión Number of measles cases by year since 2010 Measles cases per ...

  7. Case-control studies in neurosurgery. (United States)

    Nesvick, Cody L; Thompson, Clinton J; Boop, Frederick A; Klimo, Paul


    Observational studies, such as cohort and case-control studies, are valuable instruments in evidence-based medicine. Case-control studies, in particular, are becoming increasingly popular in the neurosurgical literature due to their low cost and relative ease of execution; however, no one has yet systematically assessed these types of studies for quality in methodology and reporting. The authors performed a literature search using PubMed/MEDLINE to identify all studies that explicitly identified themselves as "case-control" and were published in the JNS Publishing Group journals (Journal of Neurosurgery, Journal of Neurosurgery: Pediatrics, Journal of Neurosurgery: Spine, and Neurosurgical Focus) or Neurosurgery. Each paper was evaluated for 22 descriptive variables and then categorized as having either met or missed the basic definition of a case-control study. All studies that evaluated risk factors for a well-defined outcome were considered true case-control studies. The authors sought to identify key features or phrases that were or were not predictive of a true case-control study. Those papers that satisfied the definition were further evaluated using the Strengthening the Reporting of Observational Studies in Epidemiology (STROBE) checklist. The search detected 67 papers that met the inclusion criteria, of which 32 (48%) represented true case-control studies. The frequency of true case-control studies has not changed with time. Use of odds ratios (ORs) and logistic regression (LR) analysis were strong positive predictors of true case-control studies (for odds ratios, OR 15.33 and 95% CI 4.52-51.97; for logistic regression analysis, OR 8.77 and 95% CI 2.69-28.56). Conversely, negative predictors included focus on a procedure/intervention (OR 0.35, 95% CI 0.13-0.998) and use of the word "outcome" in the Results section (OR 0.23, 95% CI 0.082-0.65). After exclusion of nested case-control studies, the negative correlation between focus on a procedure

  8. Case-control studies in diabetes. Do they really use a case-control design? (United States)

    Ramos, Analía; Mendoza, Lilian Cristina; Rabasa, Fernanda; Bolíbar, Ignasi; Puig, Teresa; Corcoy, Rosa


    Studies defined as case-control do not always use this design. We aimed to estimate the frequency of mislabelled case-control studies in published articles in the area of diabetes and to identify the predictors of incorrect labelling. We searched Medline and Web of Science for articles with "diabetes" and "case control" in title and filtered for language (English/Romance) and period (January 2010-December 2014). Inclusion criteria were: (1) statement to use a case-control design in title, (2) to be a final full-length publication and (3) to have original data in the area of diabetes. Three independent reviewers went through titles, looked for full texts and reviewed them. Discrepancies were settled with a fourth reviewer. Expert epidemiologist advice was requested in case of doubt. case-control mislabelling; addressed predictors: publication year, journal impact factor and journal subject. proportion of mislabelled CC articles and assessment of predictors by multivariate logistic regression analysis. We retrieved 362 articles, 251 of them fulfilling inclusion criteria. The proportion of mislabelled CC studies was 43.8% (confidence interval 95% 37.7-50.0%). Most mislabelled studies had a cross-sectional design (82.7%). Predictors of mislabelling were publication year, journal impact factor and journal area. A relevant subset of studies defined as case-control in the area of diabetes correspond to mislabelled cross-sectional studies. Incorrect labelling misleads readers regarding the interpretation of results and the cause-effect hypothesis. Researchers, reviewers and editors should be aware of and commit to settle this issue.

  9. Case Reports, Case Series - From Clinical Practice to Evidence-Based Medicine in Graduate Medical Education. (United States)

    Sayre, Jerry W; Toklu, Hale Z; Ye, Fan; Mazza, Joseph; Yale, Steven


    Case reports and case series or case study research are descriptive studies that are prepared for illustrating novel, unusual, or atypical features identified in patients in medical practice, and they potentially generate new research questions. They are empirical inquiries or investigations of a patient or a group of patients in a natural, real-world clinical setting. Case study research is a method that focuses on the contextual analysis of a number of events or conditions and their relationships. There is disagreement among physicians on the value of case studies in the medical literature, particularly for educators focused on teaching evidence-based medicine (EBM) for student learners in graduate medical education. Despite their limitations, case study research is a beneficial tool and learning experience in graduate medical education and among novice researchers. The preparation and presentation of case studies can help students and graduate medical education programs evaluate and apply the six American College of Graduate Medical Education (ACGME) competencies in the areas of medical knowledge, patient care, practice-based learning, professionalism, systems-based practice, and communication. A goal in graduate medical education should be to assist residents to expand their critical thinking, problem-solving, and decision-making skills. These attributes are required in the teaching and practice of EBM. In this aspect, case studies provide a platform for developing clinical skills and problem-based learning methods. Hence, graduate medical education programs should encourage, assist, and support residents in the publication of clinical case studies; and clinical teachers should encourage graduate students to publish case reports during their graduate medical education.

  10. Three cases of pulmonary varix

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Takishima, Teruo; Sakuma, Hajime; Tajima, Tsunemi; Okimoto, Takao; Yamamoto, Keiichiro; Dohi, Yutaka (Saitama Medical School (Japan))


    Three cases of pulmonary varix associated with valvular heart disease were reported. Round shadows were clearer on first oblique or lateral films of chest x-ray in all 3 cases. On chest tomograms, the shadows were substantial and round-elliptical. RI angiography with sup(99m)Tc-RBC demonstrated these shadows in agreement with the site of influx of the pulmonary vein into the left atrium in Cases 1 and 3 and with the pulmonary vein slightly apart from the left atrium in Case 2. On CT scans in Cases 1 and 3, enhancement with a contrast medium visualized dilatation of the pulmonary vein close to, and in continuation with, the shadow of the left atrium. The diagnosis of pulmonary varix in agreement with the venous phase of pulmonary angiography was made for all 3 cases. Non-surgical examinations (especially CT scan) proved highly useful for the diagnosis of pulmonary varix.

  11. Five Misunderstandings About Case-Study Research

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Flyvbjerg, Bent


    This article examines five common misunderstandings about case-study research: (a) theoretical knowledge is more valuable than practical knowledge; (b) one cannot generalize from a single case, therefore, the single-case study cannot contribute to scientific development; (c) the case study is most...... useful for generating hypotheses, whereas other methods are more suitable for hypotheses testing and theory building; (d) the case study contains a bias toward verification; and (e) it is often difficult to summarize specific case studies. This article explains and corrects these misunderstandings one...

  12. Retrospective evaluation of childhood alopecia areata cases

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Munise Daye


    Full Text Available Background and design: Approximately 20% of alopecia areata (AA cases are children. There is limited information about childhood AA.We aimed to examine demographic features,treatments and diseases prognosis of child cases of AA that were followed in our clinic. Material and methods: Datas of 110 AA patients who are 16 and under 16 years old were examined retrospectively.The age,gender,disease onset age,duration of disease,types of AA and onset area,nail involvement, accompanying systemic and dermatological diseases,laboratory tests,treatments and the prognosis were evaluated in their follow-up time.Results: Female cases were 46,4%, male cases were 53,6%.The mean age was 10,35 years.The age of disease onset was 8,65 years.Primary onset areas of AA cases were scalp in 83,6%, eyebrows in 5,4%, body hair in 5,4%, eyelashes in 2,7%, eyebrows and eyelashes in 2,7%.Types of disease were AA in 73,4% cases,alopecia totalis in 19% cases, alopecia universalis in 5,4% cases,ophiaisis in 1,8% cases.Nail involvement was established in 36,3% cases. Nevus flammeus was established in 2,7% cases.Mean disease duration was 17,02 months.Accompaying dermatosis were vitiligo in 2,7% cases,atopic dermatitis in 6,3% cases. The accompaying systemic diseases were autoimmune thyroiditis in 1,8% cases and Down's Syndrome in 2,7% cases.Thyroid autoantibodies were high in 0,9% cases.We have treated 24,5% of cases with topical corticosteroid lotion, 30,9% of cases with anthralin, 0,9%of cases with 2% minoxidil lotion, 0,9% of cases with calcipotriol lotion, 1,8% of cases with topical calcineurin inhibitors, 10% of cases with intralesional corticosteroids.We have treated 15,4% of cases with systemic corticosteroids and PUVA therapy who were resistant to topical treatment.We have treated 14,5% of cases with different combinations of topical treatments.Remission was observed in 34,5% of cases.The mean remission duration was 12.2 months.Relapse was observed at a average of two

  13. Case Study: Mini-Case Studies: Small Infusions of Active Learning for Large-Lecture Courses (United States)

    Carloye, Lisa


    In this article, the author introduces the usage of case studies to be an excellent method for engaging students through stories. The author notes she developed a series of mini-case studies that can be implemented, with a little advance preparation, within a 10- to 15-minute window during lecture. What makes them "mini" case studies?…

  14. Case-based ethics instruction: the influence of contextual and individual factors in case content on ethical decision-making. (United States)

    Bagdasarov, Zhanna; Thiel, Chase E; Johnson, James F; Connelly, Shane; Harkrider, Lauren N; Devenport, Lynn D; Mumford, Michael D


    Cases have been employed across multiple disciplines, including ethics education, as effective pedagogical tools. However, the benefit of case-based learning in the ethics domain varies across cases, suggesting that not all cases are equal in terms of pedagogical value. Indeed, case content appears to influence the extent to which cases promote learning and transfer. Consistent with this argument, the current study explored the influences of contextual and personal factors embedded in case content on ethical decision-making. Cases were manipulated to include a clear description of the social context and the goals of the characters involved. Results indicated that social context, specifically the description of an autonomy-supportive environment, facilitated execution of sense making processes and resulted in greater decision ethicality. Implications for designing optimal cases and case-based training programs are discussed.

  15. Political Psychopathy : Fujimori case


    Nizama Valladolid, Martin


    Seven years after his political fall, Alberto Fujimori Fujimori was extradited from Chile on September 22 of 2007, in order to judge him by two cases of human rights violations and five corruption cases. The mega-trial begun on december 10 of 2007. According to the mediate authorship theory, having led the command in charge of the counterterrorist actions involves him in crimes related to human rights. The Supreme court special penal division judges him by six cases related to human rights, c...

  16. A case of unilateral dysmenorrhea

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Tulon Borah


    Full Text Available Unilateral dysmenorrhea in an adolescent may be associated with uterine malformation. Relevant investigations in suspected cases and timely intervention can prevent future complications in such cases. Here, we present a case of unicornuate uterus with rudimentary horn in an adolescent complaining of unilateral dysmenorrhea.

  17. Xeroderma pigmentosum (case report

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Dubey Arvind


    Full Text Available Xeroderma pigmentosum is a rare, hereditary and fatal disease of the skin. Ocular involvement is known to occur in 80% of cases. A case with typical cutaneous and ocular lesions is reported.

  18. Membranous Dysmenorrhea: A Case Series (United States)

    Omar, Hatim A.; Smith, Shawn J.


    The purpose was to illustrate the variability of hormonal contraception of patients that presented with membranous dysmenorrheal. A case analysis chart review was completed on six patients referred to a Pediatric Gynecologist in an academic setting. In each case the patient underwent a thorough pelvic and bimanual exam. Following the initial presentation, each patient continued to be followed on a regular visits. Cases: Two were using the transdermal contraceptive patch and oral contraceptive, but following the expulsion of decidual cast, they were both placed on depot medroxyprogesterone acetate (DMPA) without further complications. Three of the six cases were on DMPA prior to the similar occurrence of membranous dysmenorrheal and following this incident, continued on DMPA without further problems. The final case was on the transdermal patch prior to decidual cast expulsion and remained on this form of hormonal contraception without further complications. These cases indicate that membranous dysmenorrheal is not limited to the use of DMPA. PMID:18060329

  19. Three cases of pulmonary varix

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Takishima, Teruo; Sakuma, Hajime; Tajima, Tsunemi; Okimoto, Takao; Yamamoto, Keiichiro; Dohi, Yutaka


    Three cases of pulmonary varix associated with valvular heart disease were reported. Round shadows were clearer on first oblique or lateral films of chest x-ray in all 3 cases. On chest tomograms, the shadows were substantial and round-elliptical. RI angiography with sup(99m)Tc-RBC demonstrated these shadows in agreement with the site of influx of the pulmonary vein into the left atrium in Cases 1 and 3 and with the pulmonary vein slightly apart from the left atrium in Case 2. On CT scans in Cases 1 and 3, enhancement with a contrast medium visualized dilatation of the pulmonary vein close to, and in continuation with, the shadow of the left atrium. The diagnosis of pulmonary varix in agreement with the venous phase of pulmonary angiography was made for all 3 cases. Non-surgical examinations (especially CT scan) proved highly useful for the diagnosis of pulmonary varix. (Chiba, N.)

  20. Comparing colon cancer outcomes: The impact of low hospital case volume and case-mix adjustment. (United States)

    Fischer, C; Lingsma, H F; van Leersum, N; Tollenaar, R A E M; Wouters, M W; Steyerberg, E W


    When comparing performance across hospitals it is essential to consider the noise caused by low hospital case volume and to perform adequate case-mix adjustment. We aimed to quantify the role of noise and case-mix adjustment on standardized postoperative mortality and anastomotic leakage (AL) rates. We studied 13,120 patients who underwent colon cancer resection in 85 Dutch hospitals. We addressed differences between hospitals in postoperative mortality and AL, using fixed (ignoring noise) and random effects (incorporating noise) logistic regression models with general and additional, disease specific, case-mix adjustment. Adding disease specific variables improved the performance of the case-mix adjustment models for postoperative mortality (c-statistic increased from 0.77 to 0.81). The overall variation in standardized mortality ratios was similar, but some individual hospitals changed considerably. For the standardized AL rates the performance of the adjustment models was poor (c-statistic 0.59 and 0.60) and overall variation was small. Most of the observed variation between hospitals was actually noise. Noise had a larger effect on hospital performance than extended case-mix adjustment, although some individual hospital outcome rates were affected by more detailed case-mix adjustment. To compare outcomes between hospitals it is crucial to consider noise due to low hospital case volume with a random effects model. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  1. Case law

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This section gathers the following case laws: 1 - Canada: Judicial review of Darlington new nuclear power plant project; Appeal decision upholding criminal convictions related to attempt to export nuclear-related dual-use items to Iran: Her Majesty the Queen V. Yadegari; 2 - European Commission: Greenland cases; 3 - France: Chernobyl accident - decision of dismissal of the Court of Appeal of Paris; 4 - Slovak Republic: Aarhus Convention compliance update; 5 - United States: Judgement of a US court of appeals upholding the NRC's dismissal of challenges to the renewal of the operating licence for Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station; reexamination of the project of high-level waste disposal site at Yucca Mountain

  2. Rare case of transverse testicular ectopia - Case report and review of literature. (United States)

    Raj, Vinod; Redkar, Rajeev; Krishna, Swathi; Tewari, Shruti


    This case report has been reported in line with the SCARE criteria; Consensus-based surgical case report guidelines of International Journal of Surgery 2016. Transverse Testicular Ectopia (TTE) is a rare condition which manifests with unilateral undescended testis and contralateral hernia. Till now around 100 cases have been described in the literature. The management depends on the anatomy of the vas, vessels and testis found on surgical exploration. An algorithm exists for its management and we propose a modified algorithm for management of TTE. Five year male presented with complaints of unilateral undescended testis on the right and hernia on the left. Clinically the right testis was impalpable and left testis palpable in the left hemiscrotum and fluid hernia on the same side. Transverse testicular ectopia is a rare condition presenting with UDT and contralateral inguinal hernia. Although more than 100 cases have been described in the literature so far, those managed with a transeptal contralateral orchidopexy are two cases to the best of our knowledge. TTE was first described by Von Lenhossek in 1886. The mean age of presentation is around 4 years and most of the cases are diagnosed on surgical exploration. The management of TTE remains controversial even though an algorithm has been described for its management due to its varied presenting scenarios. TTE is a rare condition which requires high index of suspicion for diagnosis preoperatively. Whenever suspected we recommend an USG and/or MRI prior to diagnostic laparoscopy and proceed with orchidopexy. Diagnostic laparoscopy is both helpful in diagnosis and management. Transeptal contralateral orchidopexy gives good tension free fixation of testes in the scrotum.

  3. BOS MOrth cases prize 2011. (United States)

    Patel, Jigar Vipinchandra


    This paper describes the orthodontic treatment of two cases awarded the prize by the British Orthodontic Society for best treated cases submitted for the Membership in Orthodontics. The first case reports on the treatment of a class III malocclusion with increased vertical lower anterior facial proportions and dentoalveolar compensation that was treated with orthodontic camouflage. The second case reports on the treatment of a class II division II malocclusion with reduced vertical lower anterior facial proportions and an overbite complete to the palate, which was treated with orthodontic camouflage.

  4. Theory Testing Using Case Studies

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Møller, Ann-Kristina Løkke; Dissing Sørensen, Pernille


    The appropriateness of case studies as a tool for theory testing is still a controversial issue, and discussions about the weaknesses of such research designs have previously taken precedence over those about its strengths. The purpose of the paper is to examine and revive the approach of theory...... testing using case studies, including the associated research goal, analysis, and generalisability. We argue that research designs for theory testing using case studies differ from theorybuilding case study research designs because different research projects serve different purposes and follow different...... research paths....

  5. A challenging case of invasive pulmonary aspergillosis after near-drowning: a case report and literature review. (United States)

    Jenks, Jeffrey D; Preziosi, Michael


    Near-drowning, a relatively common event, is often complicated by subsequent pneumonia. While endogenous and exogenous bacteria are typical pathogens, rarely fungi are as well. We report a complicated case of invasive pulmonary aspergillosis in a 30-year-old man after a near-drowning event. We also review the medical literature for similar cases. All cases of invasive pulmonary aspergillosis after near-drowning reported in the literature involve Aspergillus fumigatus . The majority of cases involved submersion in stagnant water after a motor vehicle accident (MVA). Treatment varied considerably, with amphotericin B used in the majority of cases. Morbidity was considerable with prolonged hospitalization occurring in every case, and mortality occurring in fifty percent of the reported cases. Although a rare complication of near-drowning, invasive pulmonary aspergillosis can occur and lead to significant morbidity and mortality. After near-drowning A. fumigatus isolated from the respiratory tract should be assumed to be a true pathogen and treated accordingly.

  6. Some of the cases

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Eller, Nanna Hurwitz; Mogensen, Jørn Thykjær; Gyntelberg, Finn


    Some of the cases of acknowledged occupational psychiatric disorder in Denmark have been exposed to negative press coverage. Such individuals might have been exposed to violence to a lower extent than other with an acknowledged psychological work injury. We compared 25 cases with 35 controls...... matched on age and gender. The cases had experienced significantly fewer incidents of violence and had less anxiety and flashback symptoms than the controls. The results suggest that the negative press coverage was the reason for the psychiatric symptoms rather than exposures at the workplace....

  7. 451 Case studies Cardiac

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    Case Studies. 29 ... A case of a 26-year-old ASA I physical status male undergoing septoplasty had an abrupt ... myocardial infarction, severe hypertensive crisis, cerebral .... or no formal management is required in an ASA I patient.8 One.

  8. Five misunderstandings about case study research

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Flyvbjerg, Bent


    This article examines five common misunderstandings about case-study research: (1) Theoretical knowledge is more valuable than practical knowledge; (2) One cannot generalize from a single case, therefore the single case study cannot contribute to scientific development; (3) The case study is most...... useful for generating hypotheses, while other methods aremore suitable for hypotheses testing and theory building; (4) The case study contains a bias toward verification; and (5) It is often difficult to summarize specific case studies. The article explains and corrects these misunderstandings one by one...... and concludes with the Kuhnian insight that a scientific discipline without a large number of thoroughly executed case studies is a discipline without systematic production of exemplars, and that a discipline without exemplars is an ineffective one. Social science may be strengthened by the execution of more...

  9. Emotion, Engagement, and Case Studies (United States)

    Herreid, Clyde Freeman; Terry, David R.; Lemons, Paula; Armstrong, Norris; Brickman, Peggy; Ribbens, Eric


    Three college faculty taught large general biology classes using case studies and personal response systems (clickers). Each instructor taught the same eight cases in two different sections, except the questions within the cases differed. In one section the questions were lower order (LO) factual inquiries, and in the other they were largely…


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mostafa Mirshams-Shahshahani


    Full Text Available The present study introduces a rare case of phakomatosispigmenJovascularis, which is charaderiud by the existence ofpigmentary naevus ond vascular naevus. Until 1985, 63 cases ofthis syndrome have been reported, mostly in Japon (56 cases. This is the first case of phakomatosis pigmentovascularis, reported in Iran.

  11. "Tuberculosis Case Management" Training. (United States)

    Knebel, Elisa; Kolodner, Jennifer


    The need to isolated health providers with critical knowledge in tuberculosis (TB) case management prompted the development of "Tuberculosis Case Management" CD-ROM. Features include "Learning Center,""Examination Room," and "Library." The combination of audio, video, and graphics allows participants to…

  12. Estimating time-varying exposure-outcome associations using case-control data: logistic and case-cohort analyses. (United States)

    Keogh, Ruth H; Mangtani, Punam; Rodrigues, Laura; Nguipdop Djomo, Patrick


    Traditional analyses of standard case-control studies using logistic regression do not allow estimation of time-varying associations between exposures and the outcome. We present two approaches which allow this. The motivation is a study of vaccine efficacy as a function of time since vaccination. Our first approach is to estimate time-varying exposure-outcome associations by fitting a series of logistic regressions within successive time periods, reusing controls across periods. Our second approach treats the case-control sample as a case-cohort study, with the controls forming the subcohort. In the case-cohort analysis, controls contribute information at all times they are at risk. Extensions allow left truncation, frequency matching and, using the case-cohort analysis, time-varying exposures. Simulations are used to investigate the methods. The simulation results show that both methods give correct estimates of time-varying effects of exposures using standard case-control data. Using the logistic approach there are efficiency gains by reusing controls over time and care should be taken over the definition of controls within time periods. However, using the case-cohort analysis there is no ambiguity over the definition of controls. The performance of the two analyses is very similar when controls are used most efficiently under the logistic approach. Using our methods, case-control studies can be used to estimate time-varying exposure-outcome associations where they may not previously have been considered. The case-cohort analysis has several advantages, including that it allows estimation of time-varying associations as a continuous function of time, while the logistic regression approach is restricted to assuming a step function form for the time-varying association.

  13. Factors associated with tuberculosis cases in Semarang District, Indonesia: case-control study performed in the area where case detection rate was extremely low. (United States)

    Rahayu, Sri Ratna; Katsuyama, Hironobu; Demura, Masashi; Katsuyama, Midori; Ota, Yoko; Tanii, Hideji; Higashi, Tomomi; Semadi, Ngakan Putu Djaja; Saijoh, Kiyofumi


    Indonesia is ranked as the 4th highest contributor to tuberculosis (TB) in the world. Semarang District in Central Java displays extremely low case detection rate (CDR), possibly contributing to the local prevalence of TB. A case-control study was performed to explore the factors that cause such low CDR. We recruited 129 TB cases and 83 controls that visited the same centers and were not diagnosed with TB. The cases had 7.5 ± 2.3 symptoms/person on average, indicating the delay in diagnosis because the controls only displayed 1.0 ± 1.7. The multiple logistic regression analysis comparing the cases/controls extracted following factors as a risk to have TB: farmer, close contact with TB patients, ignorance of whether Bacillus Calmette-Guérin (BCG) was accepted or no, smoking, low income, a lot of people living in the same room, irregular hand wash before meals, not wash hands after blow, soil floor, and no sunlight and no ventilation in the house. Neither the cases nor the controls knew the symptoms and how to avoid TB infection, which probably caused the delay in diagnosis. It is difficult to change the current living conditions. Thus, the amendment of the community-based education program of TB seems to be required.

  14. Case and Administrative Support Tools (United States)

    Case and Administrative Support Tools (CAST) is the secure portion of the Office of General Counsel (OGC) Dashboard business process automation tool used to help reduce office administrative labor costs while increasing employee effectiveness. CAST supports business functions which rely on and store Privacy Act sensitive data (PII). Specific business processes included in CAST (and respective PII) are: -Civil Rights Cast Tracking (name, partial medical history, summary of case, and case correspondance). -Employment Law Case Tracking (name, summary of case). -Federal Tort Claims Act Incident Tracking (name, summary of incidents). -Ethics Program Support Tools and Tracking (name, partial financial history). -Summer Honors Application Tracking (name, home address, telephone number, employment history). -Workforce Flexibility Initiative Support Tools (name, alternative workplace phone number). -Resource and Personnel Management Support Tools (name, partial employment and financial history).

  15. Caseload management, work-related stress and case manager self-efficacy among Victorian mental health case managers. (United States)

    King, Robert


    In Australia and comparable countries, case management has become the dominant process by which public mental health services provide outpatient clinical services to people with severe mental illness. There is recognition that caseload size impacts on service provision and that management of caseloads is an important dimension of overall service management. There has been little empirical investigation, however, of caseload and its management. The present study was undertaken in the context of an industrial agreement in Victoria, Australia that required services to introduce standardized approaches to caseload management. The aims of the present study were therefore to (i) investigate caseload size and approaches to caseload management in Victoria's mental health services; and (ii) determine whether caseload size and/or approach to caseload management is associated with work-related stress or case manager self-efficacy among community mental health professionals employed in Victoria's mental health services. A total of 188 case managers responded to an online cross-sectional survey with both purpose-developed items investigating methods of case allocation and caseload monitoring, and standard measures of work-related stress and case manager personal efficacy. The mean caseload size was 20 per full-time case manager. Both work-related stress scores and case manager personal efficacy scores were broadly comparable with those reported in previous studies. Higher caseloads were associated with higher levels of work-related stress and lower levels of case manager personal efficacy. Active monitoring of caseload was associated with lower scores for work-related stress and higher scores for case manager personal efficacy, regardless of size of caseload. Although caseloads were most frequently monitored by the case manager, there was evidence that monitoring by a supervisor was more beneficial than self-monitoring. Routine monitoring of caseload, especially by a workplace

  16. Improvement of Students’ Ability to Analyzing Cases on Case Studies Through Journal and Learning Log

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Riska Ahmad


    Full Text Available The purpose of this research is to improve the ability of students in guidance and counseling  to  analyzing the case through journals and learning logs This research is classroom action research consists of two cycles. The research phase consisted of planning, implementation, observation and reflection. The research subject are students in guidance and counseling while they are in sixth semester, totaling 20 people who were taking courses in Case Study. The research instrument is the observation guidelines, assessment rubrics and documentation of case studies in the form of journals and learning logs, and case study reports. The study was conducted collaboratively with student magister’s program guidance and counseling. The results showed that in cycle 1 students are able to identify cases, to develop ideas about the case, select and use instruments to analyze the cause of the problem. The results of the research cycle 2, showed 17 of the 20 students were able to analyze the cause of the problem, select the type of service and provide appropriate assistance in accordance with problem cases. Overall value obtained by the students in the subject of Case Studies also increased. In terms of the ability of explanation of the concept, the concept of truth and creativity, based on the ratings given by fellow students of average ability students were in either category, although there is less good, as are associated with the activity of the opinion and the quality of the opinions expressed.

  17. Genetic Engineering and Sustainable Crop Disease Management: Opportunities for Case-by-Case Decision-Making

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Paul Vincelli


    Full Text Available Genetic engineering (GE offers an expanding array of strategies for enhancing disease resistance of crop plants in sustainable ways, including the potential for reduced pesticide usage. Certain GE applications involve transgenesis, in some cases creating a metabolic pathway novel to the GE crop. In other cases, only cisgenessis is employed. In yet other cases, engineered genetic changes can be so minimal as to be indistinguishable from natural mutations. Thus, GE crops vary substantially and should be evaluated for risks, benefits, and social considerations on a case-by-case basis. Deployment of GE traits should be with an eye towards long-term sustainability; several options are discussed. Selected risks and concerns of GE are also considered, along with genome editing, a technology that greatly expands the capacity of molecular biologists to make more precise and targeted genetic edits. While GE is merely a suite of tools to supplement other breeding techniques, if wisely used, certain GE tools and applications can contribute to sustainability goals.

  18. Shared written case formulations and weight change in outpatient therapy for anorexia nervosa: a naturalistic single case series. (United States)

    Gladwin, Alice M; Evangeli, Michael


    The therapeutic effects of written shared case formulations are underexplored and have not been examined in anorexia nervosa. This study explored the relationship between (a) the delivery (b) the quality of a shared written case formulation and weight in outpatient psychological therapy for anorexia nervosa. A naturalistic single case series approach was used to examine the case notes of women who had attended a specialist eating disorders service over a 2-year period. The case notes of 15 adult women who had undergone outpatient psychological therapy for anorexia nervosa with a shared written case formulation component were reviewed. The impact of the quality of the case formulation on weekly weight was examined for 14 of the clients where the case formulation was available. The nature of the relationship between the delivery of the written shared case formulation and weight was examined for all 15 clients. There was some evidence to support an association between delivery of the shared written case formulation and weight changes (both weight gain [five out of 15 clients] and weight loss [three out of 15 clients]) in individual cases. Higher case formulation quality was related to cases where weight change did not occur. The delivery of case formulations can be associated with important therapeutic change (both beneficial and potentially harmful) in anorexia nervosa. Future research into the causal mechanisms associated with sharing formulations will face the challenge of adopting strategies that allow for an in-depth exploration of complex therapy variables whilst overcoming methodological challenges. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

  19. Case-based medical informatics

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Arocha José F


    Full Text Available Abstract Background The "applied" nature distinguishes applied sciences from theoretical sciences. To emphasize this distinction, we begin with a general, meta-level overview of the scientific endeavor. We introduce the knowledge spectrum and four interconnected modalities of knowledge. In addition to the traditional differentiation between implicit and explicit knowledge we outline the concepts of general and individual knowledge. We connect general knowledge with the "frame problem," a fundamental issue of artificial intelligence, and individual knowledge with another important paradigm of artificial intelligence, case-based reasoning, a method of individual knowledge processing that aims at solving new problems based on the solutions to similar past problems. We outline the fundamental differences between Medical Informatics and theoretical sciences and propose that Medical Informatics research should advance individual knowledge processing (case-based reasoning and that natural language processing research is an important step towards this goal that may have ethical implications for patient-centered health medicine. Discussion We focus on fundamental aspects of decision-making, which connect human expertise with individual knowledge processing. We continue with a knowledge spectrum perspective on biomedical knowledge and conclude that case-based reasoning is the paradigm that can advance towards personalized healthcare and that can enable the education of patients and providers. We center the discussion on formal methods of knowledge representation around the frame problem. We propose a context-dependent view on the notion of "meaning" and advocate the need for case-based reasoning research and natural language processing. In the context of memory based knowledge processing, pattern recognition, comparison and analogy-making, we conclude that while humans seem to naturally support the case-based reasoning paradigm (memory of past experiences

  20. Five misunderstandings about Case-study Research

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Flyvbjerg, Bent

    This article examines five common misunderstandings about case-study research: (1) Theoretical knowledge is more valuable than practical knowledge; (2) One cannot generalize from a single case, therefore the single case study cannot contribute to scientific development; (3) The case study is most...... useful for generating hypotheses, while other methods aremore suitable for hypotheses testing and theory building; (4) The case study contains a bias toward verification; and (5) It is often difficult to summarize specific case studies. The article explains and corrects these misunderstandings one by one...... and concludes with the Kuhnian insight that a scientific discipline without a large number of thoroughly executed case studies is a discipline without systematic production of exemplars, and that a discipline without  exemplars is an ineffective one. Social science may be strengthened by the execution of more...

  1. First case of bacteremia caused by Moellerella wisconsensis: case report and a review of the literature. (United States)

    Cardentey-Reyes, A; Jacobs, F; Struelens, M J; Rodriguez-Villalobos, H


    Moellerella wisconsensis, a member of the Enterobacteriaceae family, is rarely isolated in clinical specimens. We report here a case of M. wisconsensis infection in a 46-year-old cirrhotic patient with acute cholecystitis. This is the first reported case of a M. wisconsensis infection in Belgium and the first reported case of human bacteremia caused by this bacterium. Our case report is followed by a review of the literature.

  2. Dioctophymiasis: A Rare Case Report. (United States)

    Chauhan, Sapna; Kaval, Sunil; Tewari, Swati


    Dioctophyma renale commonly known as "giant kidney worm' is found in the kidney of carnivorous mammals. Human infestation is rare, but results in destruction of the kidneys. Very few cases have been reported worldwide. We are here reporting a case of Dioctophymiasis in a 35-year-old male patient who presented with retention of urine and subsequent passage of worm and blood in urine. The worm was confirmed as Dioctophyma renale based on its morphology and clinical presentation. This is a very rare case report and to best of our knowledge only two cases have been reported from India.

  3. Urachal endometrioma: a case report.

    LENUS (Irish Health Repository)

    Browne, Katherine M


    INTRODUCTION: We discuss a rare presentation of an unusual case of endometrioma. CASE PRESENTATION: A 40-year-old Caucasian woman presented with subacute abdominal pain and a suprapubic mass. A final diagnosis was made after the mass was resected and histopathology confirmed an endometrioma originating from an urachal remnant. Select imaging studies and histopathology are presented in this case report. CONCLUSION: While endometriomata are well known to arise from abdominal scars, the condition described in this case report is a rare example of an endometrioma arising from the urachus. A review of the pathological complications of the urachus is also included.

  4. [Urogenital tuberculosis. Apropos of 40 cases]. (United States)

    el Khader, K; el Fassi, J; Karmouni, T; Tazi, K; Ibnattya, A; Hachimi, M; Lakrissa, A


    The authors report a series of 40 cases of genitourinary tuberculosis diagnosed and treated in the department of urology "B" of Avicenne hospital over a 7-year period. The objective of this study is to define the various diagnostic and therapeutic aspects of this disease. The patients were predominantly males (62.5%) with a mean age of 40 years. 25% of cases reported a history of extra-urinary tuberculosis. The very polymorphous clinical presentation is dominated by signs of cystitis (45%). Intravenous urography is frequently suggestive of the diagnosis based on the appearance and multiplicity of the lesions. The radiological lesions most frequently encountered were silent kidney (19 cases) and small tuberculous bladder (11 cases). The definitive diagnosis was established by pathological examination in 38 cases (biopsies, operative specimens, prostatic resection chips) and/or by demonstration of AFB in 2 cases (urine, pus). Tuberculostatic treatment was administered to all patients, either alone (5 cases) or, more usually, in combination with surgical and/or endo-urological treatment (35 cases), reflecting the magnitude and severity of the destructive and scar lesions.

  5. Medico-legal findings, legal case progression, and outcomes in South African rape cases: retrospective review.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rachel Jewkes


    Full Text Available BACKGROUND: Health services for victims of rape are recognised as a particularly neglected area of the health sector internationally. Efforts to strengthen these services need to be guided by clinical research. Expert medical evidence is widely used in rape cases, but its contribution to the progress of legal cases is unclear. Only three studies have found an association between documented bodily injuries and convictions in rape cases. This article aims to describe the processing of rape cases by South African police and courts, and the association between documented injuries and DNA and case progression through the criminal justice system. METHODS AND FINDINGS: We analysed a provincially representative sample of 2,068 attempted and completed rape cases reported to 70 randomly selected Gauteng province police stations in 2003. Data sheets were completed from the police dockets and available medical examination forms were copied. 1,547 cases of rape had medical examinations and available forms and were analysed, which was at least 85% of the proportion of the sample having a medical examination. We present logistic regression models of the association between whether a trial started and whether the accused was found guilty and the medico-legal findings for adult and child rapes. Half the suspects were arrested (n = 771, 14% (209 of cases went to trial, and in 3% (31 of adults and 7% (44 of children there was a conviction. A report on DNA was available in 1.4% (22 of cases, but the presence or absence of injuries were documented in all cases. Documented injuries were not associated with arrest, but they were associated with children's cases (but not adult's going to trial (adjusted odds ratio [AOR] for having genital and nongenital injuries 5.83, 95% confidence interval [CI] 1.87-18.13, p = 0.003. In adult cases a conviction was more likely if there were documented injuries, whether nongenital injuries alone AOR 6.25 (95% CI 1.14-34.3, p = 0

  6. Theory testing using case studies

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Dissing Sørensen, Pernille; Løkke Nielsen, Ann-Kristina


    on the strengths of theory-testing case studies. We specify research paths associated with theory testing in case studies and present a coherent argument for the logic of theoretical development and refinement using case studies. We emphasize different uses of rival explanations and their implications for research...... design. Finally, we discuss the epistemological logic, i.e., the value to larger research programmes, of such studies and, following Lakatos, conclude that the value of theory-testing case studies lies beyond naïve falsification and in their contribution to developing research programmes in a progressive......Case studies may have different research goals. One such goal is the testing of small-scale and middle-range theories. Theory testing refers to the critical examination, observation, and evaluation of the 'why' and 'how' of a specified phenomenon in a particular setting. In this paper, we focus...

  7. Estimating time-varying exposure-outcome associations using case-control data: logistic and case-cohort analyses

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ruth H. Keogh


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Traditional analyses of standard case-control studies using logistic regression do not allow estimation of time-varying associations between exposures and the outcome. We present two approaches which allow this. The motivation is a study of vaccine efficacy as a function of time since vaccination. Methods Our first approach is to estimate time-varying exposure-outcome associations by fitting a series of logistic regressions within successive time periods, reusing controls across periods. Our second approach treats the case-control sample as a case-cohort study, with the controls forming the subcohort. In the case-cohort analysis, controls contribute information at all times they are at risk. Extensions allow left truncation, frequency matching and, using the case-cohort analysis, time-varying exposures. Simulations are used to investigate the methods. Results The simulation results show that both methods give correct estimates of time-varying effects of exposures using standard case-control data. Using the logistic approach there are efficiency gains by reusing controls over time and care should be taken over the definition of controls within time periods. However, using the case-cohort analysis there is no ambiguity over the definition of controls. The performance of the two analyses is very similar when controls are used most efficiently under the logistic approach. Conclusions Using our methods, case-control studies can be used to estimate time-varying exposure-outcome associations where they may not previously have been considered. The case-cohort analysis has several advantages, including that it allows estimation of time-varying associations as a continuous function of time, while the logistic regression approach is restricted to assuming a step function form for the time-varying association.

  8. Cases for the Net Generation: An Empirical Examination of Students' Attitude toward Multimedia Case Studies (United States)

    Sheppard, Michael; Vibert, Conor


    Case studies have been an important tool in business, legal, and medical education for generations of students. Traditional text-based cases tend to be self-contained and structured in such a way as to teach a particular concept. The multimedia cases introduced in this study feature unscripted web-hosted video interviews with business owners and…

  9. Radiological case

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Giraldo Estrada, Horacio


    The paper analyze the case of a patient (65 year-old) masculine, who consults for precordial pain associated to dyspnoea, left scapular pain and in the shoulder of the same side, of 3 days of evolution that it has been permanent and progressive. He also refers, loss of weight the last 6 months and dyspnoea of effort of 1 month of evolution. He denies chill, fever, cough or expectoration. The patient presents gastric ulcer tried for 1 year, smoker of 2 packages of daily cigarettes of the 15 to the 40 years; all its life worked in masonry. X-rays of the thorax and Tac, among other analyses were done and the case is discusses

  10. Electromagnetic fields in cased borehole

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lee, Ki Ha; Kim, Hee Joon; Uchida, Toshihiro


    Borehole electromagnetic (EM) measurements, using fiberglass-cased boreholes, have proven useful in oil field reservoir characterization and process monitoring (Wilt et al., 1995). It has been presumed that these measurements would be impossible in steel-cased wells due to the very large EM attenuation and phase shifts. Recent laboratory and field studies have indicated that detection of EM signals through steel casing should be possible at low frequencies, and that these data provide a reasonable conductivity image at a useful scale. Thus, we see an increased application of this technique to mature oilfields, and an immediate extension to geothermal industry as well. Along with the field experiments numerical model studies have been carried out for analyzing the effect of steel casing to the EM fields. The model used to be an infinitely long uniform casing embedded in a homogeneous whole space. Nevertheless, the results indicated that the formation signal could be accurately recovered if the casing characteristics were independently known (Becker et al., 1998; Lee el al., 1998). Real steel-cased wells are much more complex than the simple laboratory models used in work to date. The purpose of this study is to develop efficient numerical methods for analyzing EM fields in realistic settings, and to evaluate the potential application of EM technologies to cross-borehole and single-hole environment for reservoir characterization and monitoring

  11. Bioremediation case studies: Abstracts. Final report

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Devine, K.


    The report contains abstracts of 132 case studies of bioremediation technology applied to hazardous waste clean-up. It was prepared to compile bioremediation studies in a variety of locations and treating diverse contaminants, most of which were previously undocumented. All data are based on vendor-supplied information and there was no opportunity to independently confirm its accuracy. These 132 case studies, from 10 different biotechnology companies, provide users with reference information about on-going and/or completed field applications and studies. About two-thirds of the cases were at full-scale clean-up level with the remainder at pilot or laboratory scale. In 74 percent of the cases, soil was at least one of the media treated. Soil alone accounts for 46 percent of the cases. Petroleum-related wastes account for the largest contaminant with 82 cases. Thirty-one states are represented in the case studies

  12. How To Set Up Your Own Small Business. Service Company Case Study. Manufacturing Firm Case Study. Retail Store Case Study. (United States)

    Fallek, Max

    This collection of case studies is intended for use in a course in setting up a small business. The first, a case study of the process of setting up a service company, covers analyzing the pros and cons of starting one's own business, assessing the competition and local market, and selecting a site for and financing the business. The principal…

  13. The role of radionuclide studies in emergency cases

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nishimura, Tsunehiko; Hayashida, Kohei; Uehara, Toshiisa


    Radionuclide studies have been performed popularly because of its noninvasive and simple method recently. In this study, we applied this technique for the evaluation of emergency cases in cardiovascular diseases. There were 93 cases (1.5%) out of 6163 cases, done during 1981. The subjects were 34 cases of cardiac studies (9 cases of sup(99m)Tc-PYP myocardial imaging, 12 cases of thallium myocardial imaging, 13 cases of cardioangiography), 23 cases of peripheral diseases (12 cases of peripheral angiography, 11 cases of venography), 16 cases of pulmonary imaging, 10 cases of renal studies (6 cases of renal angiography, 9 cases of renal imaging) and 5 cases of brain angiography. These studies were proven to be useful clinically for the evaluation of emergency cases and follow-up studies. In the near future, ''emergency radionuclide studies'' would be benefit for the high-risk patients noninvasively. (author)

  14. Case Briefs in Legal English Classes

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Bilová Stĕpánka


    Full Text Available A case brief can be described as a succinct summary of a case which specifies the facts, procedural history, legal issue(s, court decision and legal reasoning supporting the judgment, even though exact formats may vary. Case briefing is a demanding activity which is required from students during their law studies. The goal is to teach students to focus on the essential parts of the case and to obtain a thorough understanding of the case and the reasoning, which means the students need to employ their analytical and critical thinking skills.

  15. Rhetorical Structure and Linguistic Features of Case Presentations in Case Reports in Taiwanese and International Medical Journals (United States)

    Hung, Hsuan; Chen, Pi-Ching; Tsai, Jing-Jane


    The case presentation is the core section of a medical case report. Issues in the teaching of case report writing have recently been the subject of great interest in medical education, especially in the era of globalization. Given that Taiwanese medical students, residents and junior physicians are requested to write case reports in English and…

  16. Case histories as evidence. (United States)

    Herxheimer, Andrew; Healy, David; Menkes, David B


    In courts case histories play a central part when a crime may have resulted from an effect of a prescribed drug; in civil cases where a person may have suffered damage from a drug; and in coroners' enquiries into the cause of unexplained deaths. The court must decide two important questions: 1. Can the suspected medication(s) cause this kind of effect? 2. Did it (or they) do so in this particular case? Many judges and coroners have not addressed these questions clearly and have not used expert witnesses consistently, on occasion disregarding scientific evidence. Courts need to appoint experts to explain and interpret the scientific evidence. Few judges are equipped to resolve contradictions between different experts. Brief accounts of five cases from four countries illustrate these points. The reluctance of legal processes to implicate drugs as a possible cause of violent behaviour leads to injustice. Courts must be required to obtain appropriate expert evidence, and be given independent data on which drugs can cause such behaviour.

  17. [The case manager--from words to deeds?]. (United States)

    Lindegaard, Birthe Rosenkrantz; Qvist, Peter


    Allocation of a case manager is now mandatory for both in- and outpatients in Denmark. Case manager allocation is reported quarterly to the regions and results are generally satisfying. Knowledge about fulfillment of the case manager role is, however, sparse. This study aims to examine the degree of fulfillment of the case manager role for a sample of inpatients. Two medical and two surgical wards participated. Patients were interviewed in relation to discharge while staff assigned as case managers completed a survey. Both patients and case managers answered questions regarding the defined roles as case managers: Planning/coordination, continuous information and discharge planning. 107 of 125 eligible patients were interviewed. Only 25 declared themselves informed about the allocation of a case manager. The patients' assessment of the service provided by the staff in relation to case manager tasks was generally good, but the services were seldom provided by the named case manager. 22% of patients did not experience continuous information, while only 13% did not experience a generally coherent stay in hospital. 110 case managers completed the survey. Less than half felt themselves well informed about the case manager role. Only a few case managers feel that they succeed in fulfilling the role, particularly regarding the participation in discharge planning. There seems to be a need for a targeted effort to improve the conditions for case managers in Danish hospitals in order to meet the intentions of this initiative.

  18. BioFleet case studies

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    These six case studies examined the use of different biodiesel blends as fuel supply sources for businesses in British Columbia (BC). In the first case study, 6 municipalities participated in a pilot program designed to compare the performance of biodiesel and diesel fuels. Each municipality operated 2 base vehicles running on conventional diesel along with 2 similar vehicles which used biodiesel. Real time emissions tests and analyses of the vehicles using biodiesel were also conducted by 2 of the participating municipalities. All municipalities participating in the study agreed to purchase significant volumes of biodiesel. The second case study described a pilot study conducted by the City of Vancouver's equipment services branch in 2004. As a result of the study, the city now has over 530 types of equipment that use biodiesel. The third case study described a program designed by TSI Terminals in Vancouver to assess the emission reduction impact of using biodiesel at its port facility. Six different pieces of equipment were used to confirm that biodiesel could be used throughout the terminal. Test results confirmed that biodiesel blends could be used to reduce emissions. Overall emissions were reduced by 30 per cent. The fourth case study described a waste renderer that used a fleet of 36 trucks to deliver raw products to its plants. The company made the decision to use only biodiesel for its entire fleet of trucks. Since July 2005, the company has logged over 1.7 million km using biodiesel blends. The fifth case study described a salmon hatchery that switched from diesel to biodiesel in order to reduce emissions. The biodiesel blends are used to fuel the hatchery's 2 diesel generators. The hatchery has reduced emissions of greenhouse gases (GHGs) by an estimated 1800 tonnes annually. The sixth case study described how the Township of Langley has started using biodiesel for its entire fleet of of approximately 250 pieces of equipment. The township has not

  19. Case-based Agile Fixture Design

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)


    In order to realize the agility of the fixture design, such asreconfigurability, rescalability and reusability, fixture structure is function unit-based decomposed from a fire-new point of view. Which makes it easy for agile fixture to be reconfigured and modified. Thereby, the base of case-based agile fixture design system info is established.Whole case-based agile fixture design model is presented. In which, three modules are added relative to the other models, including case matching of fixture planning module, conflict arbitration module and agile fixture case modify module. The three modules could solve the previous problem that the experience and result are difficult to be reused in the process of design.Two key techniques in the process of the agile fixture design, the evaluation of case similarity, and restriction-based conflict arbitration, are listed. And some methods are presented to evaluate the similarity and clear up the conflict.

  20. Endodontic cellulitis 'flare-up'. Case report. (United States)

    Matusow, R J


    Endodontic cellulitis involves facial swelling which can vary from mild to severe and can occur as a primary case or a flare-up following initial treatment of asymptomatic teeth with periapical lesions. The microbial spectrum in primary cases involves a significant mixture of anaerobic and facultative aerobic microbes, chiefly streptococci. In a previous study, cultures from flare-up cases, utilizing the same anaerobic techniques as in primary cases, revealed an absence of obligate anaerobes and an 80 per cent incidence of facultative aerobic streptococci. These cases also revealed a significant time lapse from onset of symptoms to the cellulitis phase. No sex or age factors were noted in the primary or flare-up cases. The purpose of this case report is to restate a traditional theory, namely, the alteration of the oxidation/reduction potential (Eh), as a major factor for endodontic cellulitis flare-ups; to confirm the pathogenic potential of oral facultative streptococci; and that asymptomatic endodontic lesions tend to exist with mixed aerobic/anaerobic microbial flora.

  1. Fuzzy-Set Case Studies (United States)

    Mikkelsen, Kim Sass


    Contemporary case studies rely on verbal arguments and set theory to build or evaluate theoretical claims. While existing procedures excel in the use of qualitative information (information about kind), they ignore quantitative information (information about degree) at central points of the analysis. Effectively, contemporary case studies rely on…

  2. Case manager satisfaction in public health. (United States)

    Schutt, Russell K; Fawcett, Jacqueline; Gall, Gail B; Harrow, Brooke; Woodford, Mary Lou


    The purpose of this study was to examine correlates of case managers' satisfaction with their work, services, and service network and to identify connections to service performance and service costs. A decentralized public health program that exemplifies the trend toward more diverse clients and networked services. A mixed method design with 34 case managers. As hypothesized, the case managers' experiences with clients and the service network, and their service effectiveness, were associated with their satisfaction with their jobs and the services they provide. Satisfaction was also positively associated with more timely service delivery. These associations were explained in part by case managers' education and training. Case managers can achieve high levels of job and service satisfaction in outreach programs serving a diverse client population in a decentralized service network. Case managers' job and service satisfaction improves with reduced service problems and service delays and when case managers can devise work-arounds for persistent service problems. Using advanced practice nurses (APN) and providing more on-the-job training may increase case manager satisfaction with their jobs and the services they provide. Special efforts may be needed to prevent a decline in job satisfaction with years of experience.

  3. Isolated adrenal paracoccidioidomycosis: Case report

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Uribe Castro, Jorge Ricardo; Quintana, Humberto; Puentes, Alix Sofia and others


    Even though paracoccidioidomycosis has a relatively high prevalence in Latin America in a systemic form, isolated cases, especially compromising the adrenal glands, are uncommon, with only two reported cases. In this article, we report the case of a 55 year-old male with clinical manifestations of adrenal insufficiency. The only imaging finding was the presence of bilateral adrenal masses. The biopsy showed Paracoccidioides brasiliensis infection.

  4. Case report

    African Journals Online (AJOL)



    . The electrolytes analysis revealed an acute hyponatremia. (sodium concentration 125 mmol/L). Medical treatment consisted of hypertonic saline solution 3%, volume expansion, intubation and ventilation. The presented case ...

  5. Case Report: A Rare Case Report of Frontal Lobe Syndrome

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Morteza Nouri- Khajavi


    Full Text Available The frontal lobe syndrome is a permanent personality change disorder with characteristic clinical pictures, which followed by frontal lobes damage. Clinical picture include: Affective instability, recurrent aggressive behavior, impaired social judgment, apathy and undifferentiating or suspiciousness and paranoid ideations. According DSM-IV classification frontal lobe syndrome named personality change due to head trauma on Axis I. Herein we report a case of 46 years-old man, who has developed behavioral disturbances following head trauma, about 10 years ago. Main clinical figures in this case are apathy, avolition and, undifferentiating. Clinical pictures are constant during these 10 years. The diagnostic approach has been based on patient’s problems history which, has taken from his family, mental status examination, Neurological examination, Brain imaging and Neuropsychological assessments which related to frontal lobes function. Because of rarity & neglection due to mysterious function of frontal lobes, and also considering that personality change from previous level is prominent figure of this syndrome and also brain imaging findings, which compatible with clinical findings, with this aim, we have reported this case.

  6. CASE REPORT A recurrent gestational choriocarcinoma case ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    molar pregnancy (Luna Russo et al., 2015). To our knowledge recurrence resulting in rupture 14 month following a live pregnancy is an extremely rare event. Management of gestational trophoblastic disease in our setup poses multiple challenges as seen in this particular case. Serum β-HCG follow up for these patients ...

  7. What is in a Business Case? Business Cases as a Tool‐in‐Use for Promoting Water Stewardship

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Pedersen, Esben Rahbek Gjerdrum; Lauesen, Linne Marie; Rosati, Francesco

    This paper explores the role of business cases as a tool‐in‐use for decision‐making processes on Water management. The literature is rich on generic discussions of the business case for corporate sustainability, whereas there have been less efforts to examine the concrete use of business cases...... in everyday organisational life. Drawing on the practice‐based management literature, it is concluded that the business case tool has a decisive influence on water management activities among European food companies. However, the analysis also show the business case tool are not set in stone but can...

  8. Characteristics of sick-listing cases that physicians consider problematic--analyses of written case reports. (United States)

    Engblom, Monika; Alexanderson, Kristina; Rudebeck, Carl Edvard


    The aim was to discern common characteristics in the sick-listing cases that physicians in general practice and occupational health services find problematic. Descriptive categorization within a narrative theoretical framework. Sickness-insurance course for physicians in general practice and occupational health services. A total of 195 case reports written by 195 physicians. Main outcome measures. Categories of features regarding medical, work, and social situation as well as medical interventions. Beside age and sex, the following information was often provided: family situation, stressful life events, occupation, problem at work, considerations concerning diagnoses, medical investigations, treatments, and vocational rehabilitation measures. Two-thirds of the patients had been sickness absent for more than a year. The most common type of case reports concerned women, employed in non-qualified nursing occupations, and sick listed due to mental disorders. The most common measures taken by the physicians were referrals to psychotherapy and/or physiotherapy, and prescribing antidepressants (SSRI). Facts about alcohol habits were rarely provided in the cases. Some of the circumstances, such as prolonged sick-listing, are likely to be more or less inevitable in problematic sick-listing cases. Other circumstances, such as stress-full life events, more closely reflect what the reporting physicians find problematic. The categories identified can be regarded as markers of problematic sick-listing cases in general practice and occupational health service.

  9. Selecting appropriate cases when tracing causal mechanisms

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Beach, Derek; Pedersen, Rasmus Brun


    The last decade has witnessed resurgence in the interest in studying the causal mechanisms linking causes and outcomes in the social sciences. This article explores the overlooked implications for case selection when tracing mechanisms using in-depth case studies. Our argument is that existing case...... selection guidelines are appropriate for research aimed at making cross-case claims about causal relationships, where case selection is primarily used to control for other causes. However, existing guidelines are not in alignment with case-based research that aims to trace mechanisms, where the goal...... is to unpack the causal mechanism between X and Y, enabling causal inferences to be made because empirical evidence is provided for how the mechanism actually operated in a particular case. The in-depth, within-case tracing of how mechanisms operate in particular cases produces what can be termed mechanistic...

  10. MRI case studies

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Huggett, S.; Barber, J.


    Three case studies are presented to show the value of magnetic resonance imaging used in conjunction with other imaging techniques. In each case MRI proved a vital diagnostic tool and superior to CT in showing firstly the haematoma in a patient with aphasia and right-sided weakness, secondly the size of the disc herniation in a patient with severe leg and ankle pains and thirdly the existence of a metastatic lesion in a patient with a previous history of breast cancer. 11 figs

  11. Case assessments for nuclear medicine registrars

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Farlow, D.


    Westmead Hospital set some of the recent nuclear medicine cases for registrar training. These case assessments have been completed by the registrars and he thought it might be interesting for the general nuclear medicine community to attempt the cases themselves and compare their answers with the model reports and patient follow-ups. Edited versions of two cases and model answers are presented. 35 refs

  12. Ulnar nerve lesion at the wrist and sport: A report of 8 cases compared with 45 non-sport cases. (United States)

    Seror, P


    Reporting clinical and electrodiagnostic characteristics of sport-related ulnar neuropathies at the wrist. Eight sport-related and 45 non-sport-related cases from 53 ulnar neuropathies at the wrist cases over 14 years. Sport-related ulnar neuropathies at the wrist cases were due to cycling (5 cases), kayaking (2 cases), and big-game fishing (1 case). No patient had sensory complaints in ulnar digits, and all had motor impairment. Conduction across the wrist with recording on the first dorsal interosseous muscle was impaired in all cases, with conduction block in 5. Two cyclists showed bilateral ulnar neuropathies at the wrist. All cases recovered within 2 to 6 months with sport discontinuation. Distal lesions of the deep motor branch were more frequent in sport- than non-sport-related cases. The 8 sport-related ulnar neuropathies at the wrist cases involved the deep motor branch. Conduction study to the first dorsal interosseous muscle across the wrist is the key to electrodiagnostics. Bilateral cases in cyclists does not require wrist imaging. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.

  13. [Ectopic breast fibroadenoma. Case report]. (United States)

    Senatore, G; Zanotti, S; Cambrini, P; Montroni, I; Pellegrini, A; Montanari, E; Santini, D; Taffurelli, M


    Among the rare anomalies of the breast development, polythelia is the most common, between 1% and 5% of women and men present supernumerary nipples. Polymastia, usually presenting as ectopic breast tissue without areola-nipple complex, is seen mostly along the milk line, extending from the axilla to the pubic region. Ectopic breast tissue is functionally analogous to mammary gland and it is subjected to the same alterations and diseases, whether benign or malignant, that affect normal breast tissue. We report the case of a 21 years-old female evaluated by the medical staff after founding a solid nodular mass by suspect axillary lymphadenopathy. Differential diagnosis with lymphoma is the major problem in these cases. The mass was removed and the intraoperative histological examination showed fibroadenoma in axillary supernumerary breast. Presence of ectopic breast tissue is a rare condition; development of benign mass or malignant degeneration is possible, but it is very unusual. In case of polymastia diagnosis is simple; in case of isolated nodule, without local inflammation or infection, there are greater difficulties. Ultrasonography is diagnostic in case of breast fibroadenoma, but it might be inadequate in ectopic localizations owing to the shortage of mammary tissue around the mass. Preoperative diagnosis is important to plan an adequate surgical treatment; lumpectomy is indicated in case of benign tissue; in case of malignancy, therapy is based on the standard treatment used for breast cancer (surgery, chemotherapy and radiation therapy).

  14. Two cases of rheumatoid meningitis. (United States)

    Magaki, Shino; Chang, Edward; Hammond, Robert R; Yang, Isaac; Mackenzie, Ian R A; Chou, Benedict T; Choi, Soo I; Jen, Joanna C; Pope, Whitney B; Bell, David A; Vinters, Harry V


    Central nervous system (CNS) involvement by rheumatoid arthritis (RA) in the form of rheumatoid meningitis (RM) is rare and most commonly occurs in the setting of longstanding severe RA. Due to a wide range of clinical presentations and nonspecific laboratory findings, it presents a diagnostic challenge often requiring brain biopsy. Only a few histopathologically confirmed cases have been described in the literature. Our aim is to describe two cases of RM and review the literature. The first case is of a previously healthy 37-year-old man who presented with severe headaches and focal neurologic deficits. Magnetic resonance imaging demonstrated abnormal leptomeningeal enhancement in the left frontal and parietal sulci. The second case is of a 62-year-old woman with a history of mild chronic joint pain who presented with confusion, personality changes and seizures. Both patients ultimately underwent brain biopsy which demonstrated RM on pathologic examination. Administration of corticosteroids resulted in significant clinical improvement in both cases. To our knowledge, our unusual case of RM in the young man is the fifth reported case of rheumatoid meningitis in a patient with no prior history of RA. Such an atypical presentation makes diagnosis even more difficult and highlights the need for awareness of this entity in the diagnostic consideration of a patient presenting with unexplained neurologic symptoms. Our literature review underscores the clinical and pathologic heterogeneity of CNS involvement in RA. © 2015 Japanese Society of Neuropathology.

  15. Sensitivity analysis for matched pair analysis of binary data: From worst case to average case analysis. (United States)

    Hasegawa, Raiden; Small, Dylan


    In matched observational studies where treatment assignment is not randomized, sensitivity analysis helps investigators determine how sensitive their estimated treatment effect is to some unmeasured confounder. The standard approach calibrates the sensitivity analysis according to the worst case bias in a pair. This approach will result in a conservative sensitivity analysis if the worst case bias does not hold in every pair. In this paper, we show that for binary data, the standard approach can be calibrated in terms of the average bias in a pair rather than worst case bias. When the worst case bias and average bias differ, the average bias interpretation results in a less conservative sensitivity analysis and more power. In many studies, the average case calibration may also carry a more natural interpretation than the worst case calibration and may also allow researchers to incorporate additional data to establish an empirical basis with which to calibrate a sensitivity analysis. We illustrate this with a study of the effects of cellphone use on the incidence of automobile accidents. Finally, we extend the average case calibration to the sensitivity analysis of confidence intervals for attributable effects. © 2017, The International Biometric Society.

  16. Formal Analysis Of Use Case Diagrams

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Radosław Klimek


    Full Text Available Use case diagrams play an important role in modeling with UML. Careful modeling is crucialin obtaining a correct and efficient system architecture. The paper refers to the formalanalysis of the use case diagrams. A formal model of use cases is proposed and its constructionfor typical relationships between use cases is described. Two methods of formal analysis andverification are presented. The first one based on a states’ exploration represents a modelchecking approach. The second one refers to the symbolic reasoning using formal methodsof temporal logic. Simple but representative example of the use case scenario verification isdiscussed.

  17. Gastric pseudolymphoma: Report of 3 cases

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lee, Mi Sook; Kim, Ki Whang; Kim, Dong Ik; Lee, Jong Tae; Park, Chang Yun


    The pseudolymphoma of the stomach is known to be a benign proliferation of lymphoid tissue, which can be mistaken histologically for malignant lymphoma. The etiology of pseudo lymphoma is controversial, but it B believed to be a manifestation of chronic inflammatory process. Authors present 3 cases of gastric lymphoma. Impression of upper gastrointestinal series were as follows; lymphoma or chronic gastritis in one case, ulcerative carcinoma in another case and early gastric carcinoma in the other case. Initial endoscopic findings suggested infiltrating carcinoma, ulcerative carcinoma and two benign gastric ulcers, respectively. One case was associated with early gastric carcinoma

  18. Gastric pseudolymphoma: Report of 3 cases

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lee, Mi Sook; Kim, Ki Whang; Kim, Dong Ik; Lee, Jong Tae; Park, Chang Yun [Yonsei University College of Medicine, Seoul (Korea, Republic of)


    The pseudolymphoma of the stomach is known to be a benign proliferation of lymphoid tissue, which can be mistaken histologically for malignant lymphoma. The etiology of pseudo lymphoma is controversial, but it B believed to be a manifestation of chronic inflammatory process. Authors present 3 cases of gastric lymphoma. Impression of upper gastrointestinal series were as follows; lymphoma or chronic gastritis in one case, ulcerative carcinoma in another case and early gastric carcinoma in the other case. Initial endoscopic findings suggested infiltrating carcinoma, ulcerative carcinoma and two benign gastric ulcers, respectively. One case was associated with early gastric carcinoma.

  19. The input ambiguity hypothesis and case blindness: an account of cross-linguistic and intra-linguistic differences in case errors. (United States)

    Pelham, Sabra D


    English-acquiring children frequently make pronoun case errors, while German-acquiring children rarely do. Nonetheless, German-acquiring children frequently make article case errors. It is proposed that when child-directed speech contains a high percentage of case-ambiguous forms, case errors are common in child language; when percentages are low, case errors are rare. Input to English and German children was analyzed for percentage of case-ambiguous personal pronouns on adult tiers of corpora from 24 English-acquiring and 24 German-acquiring children. Also analyzed for German was the percentage of case-ambiguous articles. Case-ambiguous pronouns averaged 63·3% in English, compared with 7·6% in German. The percentage of case-ambiguous articles in German was 77·0%. These percentages align with the children's errors reported in the literature. It appears children may be sensitive to levels of ambiguity such that low ambiguity may aid error-free acquisition, while high ambiguity may blind children to case distinctions, resulting in errors.

  20. Case Report

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Søborg, Marie-Louise Kulas; Rosenberg, Jacob; Burcharth, Jakob


    Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS) is an acute ascending peripheral neuropathy, caused by autoimmune damage of the peripheral nerves. GBS can be divided into three subtypes: acute inflammatory demyelinating neuropathy, acute motor axonal neuropathy, and the more rare type, acute motor and sensory axonal...... neuropathy (AMSAN). Reports of AMSAN with onset after epidural anesthesia and spinal surgery are extremely rare, and the linkage between development of GBS and neuroaxial anesthesia remains conclusively unconfirmed. We present a case in which the patient developed subacute motor and predominantly sensory...... neuropathy following epidural blockade. The case emphasizes the need of including AMSAN in differential diagnostic considerations to changes in motor and sensory function following epidural anesthesia, allowing accelerated rehabilitation and relevant alleviating therapy....

  1. Case law

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This section of the Bulletin brings together the texts of the following case laws: Canada: - Judgment of the Federal Court of Canada sending back to a joint review panel for reconsideration the environmental assessment of a proposed new nuclear power plant in Ontario. France : - Conseil d'etat, 24 March 2014 (Request No. 358882); - Conseil d'etat, 24 March 2014 (Request No. 362001). Slovak Republic: - Further developments in cases related to the challenge by Greenpeace Slovakia to the Mochovce nuclear power plant; - Developments in relation to the disclosure of information concerning the Mochovce nuclear power plant. United States: - Initial Decision of the Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Ruling in Favour of Nuclear Innovation North America, LLC (NINA) Regarding Foreign Ownership, Control or Domination

  2. Trichinosis - case presentation

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rajko Saletinger


    Full Text Available Background: Trichinosis is a widespread zoonosis acquired by ingestion of undercooked meat infected with the larvae of Trichinella parasites. The disease has variable clinical manifestations ranging from asymptomatic to fatal. Majority of infections is caused by Trichinella spiralis, although there are some cases caused by other species. The dramatic decline of trichinosis reflects changes in industrial practices and increased public awareness. The majority of human cases are now associated with wild game meat and noncommercial pork. The case of previously healthy, young man with trichinosis is presented. The disease was determined with serologic testing and cured with albendazole. The source of infection has not been determined.Conclusions: In patients with fever, mialgias and eosinophilia infection with tissue nematodes should always be taken in consideration. In those who have recently consumed raw or undercooked pork and wild game meat we should think about trichinosis. The disease is rare in Slovenia.

  3. Cytological diagnosis of erythema nodosum leprosum in clinically unsuspected cases: A report of two cases

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Shruti Semwal


    Full Text Available Leprosy is a chronic infectious disease caused by Mycobacterium leprae. The manifestations of this disease varies across the spectrum of tuberculoid (TT to lepromatous (LL leprosy.The course of this indolent disease is interrupted by acute exacerbations in the form of leprare actions. Erythema nodosum leprosum (ENL, a type 2 lepra reaction, occurs in lepromatous or borderline lepromatous cases, usually in response to multidrug therapy. Early detection and timely management of these patients is important to reduce the associated morbidity. We report two clinically unusual cases of ENL on fine-needle aspiration cytology. In one case, antileprosy treatment was completed 10 years back, whereas in the other case, ENL was the presenting feature of the disease. Cytological examination of swelling in both the cases showed neutrophils, lymphoid cells, clusters of foamy macrophages, histiocytes, and giant cells. Fite stain was positive, which confirmed the cytological diagnosis of ENL.

  4. Deregulation impacts AMR business cases

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Wiebe, M.; Fauth, G.


    Meter reading strategy is being affected in fundamental ways by deregulation. For the utilities attempting to cope with meter reading unbundling, the processes, insights and general rules that had been developed prior to 2000 in the field of Automatic Meter Reading can no longer be relied upon to provide useful lessons. The fundamental impact on Automatic Meter Reading (AMR) business case drivers and the increasing complexity of building the business case model result from deregulation and unbundling. More and more, management has come to rely on rigorous business case analysis to compensate for the magnitude of AMR projects on the utility and the scarcity of financial resources. One can now expect the Chief Financial Officer and the Vice President Finance to become active players on AMR project teams in the fields of business case scrutiny and approval. Increasingly, the normal expertise of AMR personnel does not suffice to build a business case acceptable to finance. The financial and economic analysis skills required are ever more complex.

  5. Intrahepatic splenosis: a case report

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pekkafali, Zekai; Karsli, Fevzi A.; Silit, Emir; Basekim, Cinar C.; Mutlu, Hakan; Kizilkaya, Esref; Narin, Yavuz


    Splenosis is heterotopic autotransplantation and seeding of splenic tissue. In the literature, only a few cases of splenosis involving the liver and the radiologic characteristics of these lesions have been reported. We report a case of intrahepatic splenosis diagnosed by ultrasound, computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging and scintigraphic features. To our knowledge, our patient is the first case diagnosed only by radiologic and radionuclide examination without any intervention. (orig.)

  6. Pathomorphological study on 106 autopsy cases of Thorotrast-related hepatic malignancies with comparison to non-Thorotrast-related cases

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kojiro, Masamichi; Ito, Yuji


    The pathomorphological features of 106 autopsy cases of Thorotrast-related malignant tumours of the liver were studied and compared to those of non-Thorotrast-related cases. Among the 106 cases, 44 (41.5%) were cholangiocarcinoma, 42 (39.6%) were angiosarcoma, 17 (16.0%) were hepatocellular carcinoma, and three (2.8%) were double cancers. In contrast, in non-Thorotrast-related cases about 90% of the cases were hepatocellular and angiosarcoma was extremely rare. (author)

  7. Case report 363

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Langer, R.; Kaufmann, H.J.


    In summary, the case is presented of a 10-year-old girl with a fibrosarcoma of the femoral shaft, which showed the radiological and histological features of a malignant bone tumor, but with no findings radiologically pathognomonic of fibrosarcoma. Malignant fibrous histiocytoma, fibrogenic osteosarcoma and even Ewing tumor could present with the same radiological features. Although permeative infiltration of bone (described in this case) is observed in primary fibrosarcoma, it is much more commonly associated with another malignant bone tumor of childhood - Ewing tumor. (orig./SHA)

  8. Case Report

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    of permanent hemodialysis (HD) vascular access ... This catheter was removed and a translumbar dialysis ... In this case report, we describe a patient with the ... Rheumatology, the isolated detection of antiphospholipid .... Arthritis Rheum.

  9. Case report

    African Journals Online (AJOL)



    Jan 6, 2015 ... optic disc edema and subsequent formation of a macular star [1]. (Figure 1). ... case of bilateral stellate neuroretinitis due to pheochromocytoma. ... clinical examination are irreplaceable, powerful diagnostic tools that.

  10. Vascular colitis: a report of two cases

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Park, Chan Il; Han, Chang Yul; Han, Man Chung; Choo, Dong Woon [Seoul National University College of Medicine, Seoul (Korea, Republic of)


    The authors report two cases of vascular colitis in Korean with a review of literature. Case I, 20 years old male had severe abdominal pain and bloody diarrhea. Case II was 57 years old male and complained severe abdominal pain. Barium enema colon study on each cases disclosed typical thumbprinting appearance of involved segment. Predisposing factor in case I appeared to be anaphylactoid purpura, and in case II distal obstruction due to adenocarcinoma. The mechanism of vascular was briefly discussed.

  11. Eleven cases of neonatal intracranial hemorrhage

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Matsuda, Tadashi; Asao, Toyohiko; Shibata, Takeo


    Eleven cases of neonatal intracranial hemorrhage were diagnosed and followed up by CT scanning. By CT, hemorrhagic lesions were shown as high density areas in an acute stage and imaged as low density areas after the hemorrhage was absorbed. The time of absorption varies depending upon the site and the severity of hemorrhage. Intraventricular hemorrhage, petechial hemorrhage and subdural hematoma were absorbed rapidly in more than 70% of the exanimed cases, CT scanning 1 - 2 weeks after the onset revealed absorption of hemorrhage. However, the absorption delayed in intracerebral hematoma; CT scan taken after one month showed hemorrhagic lesions remaining in 75% of the cases. In nine cases who survived, following the absorption of the hemorrhagic lesions, cerebral atrophy was observed in 4 cases (44%), ventricular enlargement in 3 cases (33%), and complete recovery in 2 cases (22%). From these results, CT scanning for diagnosis of neonatal intracranial hemorrhage should be done before the hemorrhagic lesion is absorbed (within 7 days of the onset). Follow-up study by CT is important for observing changes and predicting prognosis of intracranial hemorrhage. (Ueda, J.)

  12. ASRM case insulation design and development (United States)

    Bell, Matthew S.; Tam, William F. S.


    This paper describes the achievements made on the Advanced Solid Rocket Motor (ASRM) case insulation design and development program. The ASRM case insulation system described herein protects the metal case and joints from direct radiation and hot gas impingement. Critical failure of solid rocket systems is often traceable to failure of the insulation design. The wide ranging accomplishments included the development of a nonasbestos insulation material for ASRM that replaced the existing Redesigned Solid Rocket Motor (RSRM) asbestos-filled nitrile butadiene rubber (NBR) along with a performance gain of 300 pounds, and improved reliability of all the insulation joint designs, i.e., segmented case joint, case-to-nozzle and case-to-igniter joint. The insulation process development program included the internal stripwinding process. This process advancement allowed Aerojet to match to exceed the capability of other propulsion companies.

  13. Teaching Case: Enterprise Architecture Specification Case Study (United States)

    Steenkamp, Annette Lerine; Alawdah, Amal; Almasri, Osama; Gai, Keke; Khattab, Nidal; Swaby, Carval; Abaas, Ramy


    A graduate course in enterprise architecture had a team project component in which a real-world business case, provided by an industry sponsor, formed the basis of the project charter and the architecture statement of work. The paper aims to share the team project experience on developing the architecture specifications based on the business case…

  14. Marketing communication plan. Case: EKOenergy.


    Jäkälä, Elina


    This project-based thesis has an objective of creating a marketing communication plan for a non-profit organisation. The marketing communication plan targets other non-profit organisa-tions that the case organisation wants to cooperate with. This thesis will introduce theory about marketing communication, give information about the case organisation’s target audience and present the actual marketing communication plan. Since the case organisation and its target audience are all non-profit...

  15. Trichotillomania in a dementia case


    Caixeta, Leonardo; Lopes, Danielly Bandeira


    Abstract We report an 87-year-old male case of hair pulling associated with a white-matter vascular dementia (Binswanger's disease). Trichotillomania in our case did not resolve using mirtazapine or anticholinesterasic medication. Trichotillomania seems to be related to a form of perseveration associated with dementia. The findings in this case suggest the abnormality involving white matter in the pathogenesis of trichotillomania, may constitute a defect in connectivity in the right frontal-s...

  16. Pathomorphological study on 106 autopsy cases of Thorotrast-related hepatic malignancies with comparison to non-Thorotrast-related cases

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kojiro, Masamichi; Ito, Yuji


    The pathomorphological features of 106 autopsy case of Thorotrast (TH)-related malignant tumours of the liver were studied and compared to those of non-Thorotrast-related cases. Among the 106 cases, 44 (41.5%) were cholangiocarcinoma (CHC), 42(39.6%) were angiosarcoma (AGS), 17(16.0%) were hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), and three (2.8%) were double cancers. In contrast, in non-Thorotrast-related cases about 90% of the cases were hepatocellular and angiosarcoma was extremely rare. (author)

  17. Vitamin B6 in Health Supplements and Neuropathy: Case Series Assessment of Spontaneously Reported Cases. (United States)

    van Hunsel, Florence; van de Koppel, Sonja; van Puijenbroek, Eugène; Kant, Agnes


    In the literature, vitamin B 6 has been linked to the development of polyneuropathy. Most often, these complaints were seen when taking high doses of vitamin B 6 for a long time. Evidence as to whether a lower dosage range of vitamin B 6 (< 50 mg/day) can also induce neuropathy is scarce. We aim to comprehensively describe the cases of neuropathy associated with vitamin B 6 received by the Netherlands Pharmacovigilance Centre Lareb and to assess the case series concerning the use of vitamin B 6 and neuropathic complaints. We describe the number and nature of the reported cases, including suspect product, dosage, duration of use, and vitamin B 6 serum levels. In addition, we describe the causality for the individual cases (Naranjo Probability Scale) and for the entire case series (Bradford Hill criteria). In total, 90 reports on products containing vitamin B 6 included at least one adverse drug reaction in the standardized Medical Dictionary for Regulatory Activities (MedDRA ® ) query (SMQ; broad) 'peripheral neuropathy'. The amount of vitamin B 6 in the products varied between 1.4 and 100 mg per tablet. The serum vitamin B 6 level was known in 36 cases (88-4338 nmol/l), and the mean serum vitamin B 6 level was 907 nmol/l. However, no statistical correlation between dosage and vitamin B 6 blood levels was found. Causality assessment of the case series of 90 reports to Lareb shows it is plausible for the vitamin B 6 supplements to have caused complaints such as neuropathies. This is especially the case with higher dosages and prolonged use, but dosages < 50 mg/day also cannot be excluded.

  18. The CASE Project: Evaluation of Case-Based Approaches to Learning and Teaching in Statistics Service Courses (United States)

    Fawcett, Lee


    The CASE project (Case-based Approaches to Statistics Education; see was established to investigate how the use of real-life, discipline-specific case study material in Statistics service courses could improve student engagement, motivation, and confidence. Ultimately, the project aims to promote deep learning…

  19. A case of pancreatolithiasis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sasaki, Fumio; Koga, Sukehiko; Takeuchi, Akira


    During 3-year follow-up of a case of pancreatolithiasis localized in the pancreatic head, CT showed sudden new appearance of calculi over an extensive area of the body and tail of the pancreas after acute exacerbation of chronic pancreatitis. This case and the etiology and mechanism of pancreatolithiasis were discussed on the basis of literature. (Chiba, N.)

  20. Aims and harvest of moral case deliberation. (United States)

    Weidema, Froukje C; Molewijk, Bert A C; Kamsteeg, Frans; Widdershoven, Guy A M


    Deliberative ways of dealing with ethical issues in health care are expanding. Moral case deliberation is an example, providing group-wise, structured reflection on dilemmas from practice. Although moral case deliberation is well described in literature, aims and results of moral case deliberation sessions are unknown. This research shows (a) why managers introduce moral case deliberation and (b) what moral case deliberation participants experience as moral case deliberation results. A responsive evaluation was conducted, explicating moral case deliberation experiences by analysing aims (N = 78) and harvest (N = 255). A naturalistic data collection included interviews with managers and evaluation questionnaires of moral case deliberation participants (nurses). From the analysis, moral case deliberation appeals for cooperation, team bonding, critical attitude towards routines and nurses' empowerment. Differences are that managers aim to foster identity of the nursing profession, whereas nurses emphasize learning processes and understanding perspectives. We conclude that moral case deliberation influences team cooperation that cannot be controlled with traditional management tools, but requires time and dialogue. Exchanging aims and harvest between manager and team could result in co-creating (moral) practice in which improvements for daily cooperation result from bringing together perspectives of managers and team members.

  1. [Research and control of relapse tuberculosis cases]. (United States)

    Yamagishi, Fumio; Toyota, Makoto


    With this symposium, we focused on the relapse of tuberculosis in Japan. Out of 19,893 tuberculosis patients registered in 2007 in Japan, 7.48% were classified as relapse cases. Relapse cases have the risk of acquired drug resistance. But we have few analyses of the proportion of relapse tuberculosis cases with standard short course regimens for six months, factors contributing to tuberculosis relapse and the proportion of drug resistance among relapse TB cases in Japan. Therefore we analyzed the relapse tuberculosis cases in two rural areas and three urban areas. We also analyzed the proportion of drug resistance among relapse cases with the data of drug susceptibility survey of Ryoken. 1. Research of relapse tuberculosis cases: Makoto TOYOTA (Kochi City Public Health Center). To clarify the relapse rate and factors contributing to tuberculosis relapse, we investigated the relapse tuberculosis cases in the municipality where the proportion of elderly tuberculosis patients was high. Out of 902 tuberculosis patients registered in Kochi City Public Health Center during 10 years, 20 pulmonary tuberculosis patients were confirmed relapse cases with initial registered records. Pretreatment cavitations, sputum culture positivity at 2 months, medical miss-management (e.g. number of doses, duration of therapy) and poor adherence were considered to be factors contributing to tuberculosis relapse. Out of 20 relapse cases, 12 cases were detected with symptoms, while only 3 cases were detected by examination in law. 2. A clinical study on relapse cases of pulmonary tuberculosis: Shuichi TAKIKAWA (National Hospital Organization Nishibeppu National Hospital). The relapse of pulmonary tuberculosis was investigated. In the cases with a treatment history before short course chemotherapy, drug resistance rate was high, and thus it needs to be cautious of drug resistance at the time of the retreatment. In the cases with a treatment history of short course chemotherapy, relapse cases

  2. Case report

    African Journals Online (AJOL)



    Oct 10, 2017 ... A rare case of important and recurrent abnormal uterine bleeding ... 1Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, University Hospital of Yopougon, Abidjan, Ivory Coast, .... imaging (MRI) could guide us to the diagnosis.

  3. Case Report

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    Key words: Case report, composite resin, fiber-reinforced composite. ABSTRACT. A variety of ... investigation will be required to provide additional information on the survival of directly-bonded anterior fixed prosthesis made with FRC systems.

  4. Dermatology case

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Fernando Mota


    In the present case, the patient was referred to the dermatology department due to an atypical lesion with an uncommon location, revealing the importance of a whole body examination in patients with this disease.

  5. Case report

    African Journals Online (AJOL)



    Oct 14, 2015 ... &Corresponding author: Hanane Massit, Department of Gastroenterology II, Mohamed V ... Crohn's disease, accounting for around 30-50 % of cases, its ... manuscript and have equally contributed to its content and to the.

  6. Case series

    African Journals Online (AJOL)



    May 16, 2017 ... Hepatocellular carcinoma: a clinicopathological study of 64 cases ... The presenting clinical symptoms were dominated by abdominal pain (n=34), followed by .... malaise, anorexia or weight loss and nausea or vomiting [4].

  7. Case report

    African Journals Online (AJOL)



    Nov 7, 2017 ... However, auricular disorders are rare and exceptionally inaugural. We describe the case of ... hypothalamic-pituitary axis dysfonction. There was ... tomography, and the salivary gland biopsy confirmed the diagnosis by finding ...

  8. Case report

    African Journals Online (AJOL)



    translucent, hyper-or hypopigmented or erythematous-to- violaceous in color. In addition, epidermal changes may be absent or include atrophy, hyperkeratosis, or telangiectasia [2]. In our case the diagnosis of cutaneous sarcoidosis is ...

  9. Prosthetic rehabilitation of oral submucous fibrosis patients: A systematic review of published case reports and case series.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Shankargouda Patil

    Full Text Available Oral submucous fibrosis (OSF is an insidious chronic condition characterized by restricted mouth opening. Prosthetic rehabilitation is challenging for OSF patients as obtaining a good impression requires adequate mouth opening. The aim of the present review is to systematically present the data from case reports published in the English-language literature.A comprehensive search of the literature databases (PubMed, Medline, SCOPUS, Web of Science and Google Scholar along with the references of published articles on prosthetic rehabilitation in OSF patients published to date was conducted. Keywords included a combination of 'Oral submucous fibrosis', 'prosthesis', 'dentures' and/or 'restricted mouth opening'. Citations from selected references and bibliographic linkages taken from similar cases were included in this review. The inclusion criteria selected for case reports on prosthetic rehabilitation in OSF patients, and cases of restricted mouth opening due to causes other than OSF were excluded from the study.A total of 21 cases were identified and analysed from 17 papers published in the English-language literature. Of these, 9 cases employed the sectional denture technique, 4 cases emphasized the need-based treatment approach in which conventional methods were modified, and 4 cases used mouth exercising devices. Finally, 1 case each involved, flexible denture, oral screen prosthesis, oral stents, surgery in conjunction with dentures.Prosthetic rehabilitation in OSF patients is a multifaceted approach and should be patient specific, although sectional dentures have achieved the best results.

  10. Prosthetic rehabilitation of oral submucous fibrosis patients: A systematic review of published case reports and case series. (United States)

    Patil, Shankargouda; Sarode, Sachin Chakradhar; Sarode, Gargi S; Bhandi, Shilpa; Awan, Kamran Habib; Ferrari, Marco


    Oral submucous fibrosis (OSF) is an insidious chronic condition characterized by restricted mouth opening. Prosthetic rehabilitation is challenging for OSF patients as obtaining a good impression requires adequate mouth opening. The aim of the present review is to systematically present the data from case reports published in the English-language literature. A comprehensive search of the literature databases (PubMed, Medline, SCOPUS, Web of Science and Google Scholar) along with the references of published articles on prosthetic rehabilitation in OSF patients published to date was conducted. Keywords included a combination of 'Oral submucous fibrosis', 'prosthesis', 'dentures' and/or 'restricted mouth opening'. Citations from selected references and bibliographic linkages taken from similar cases were included in this review. The inclusion criteria selected for case reports on prosthetic rehabilitation in OSF patients, and cases of restricted mouth opening due to causes other than OSF were excluded from the study. A total of 21 cases were identified and analysed from 17 papers published in the English-language literature. Of these, 9 cases employed the sectional denture technique, 4 cases emphasized the need-based treatment approach in which conventional methods were modified, and 4 cases used mouth exercising devices. Finally, 1 case each involved, flexible denture, oral screen prosthesis, oral stents, surgery in conjunction with dentures. Prosthetic rehabilitation in OSF patients is a multifaceted approach and should be patient specific, although sectional dentures have achieved the best results.

  11. TA Treatment of Depression - A Hermeneutic Single-Case Efficacy Design Study - ‘Linda’ - a mixed outcome case

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mark Widdowson


    Full Text Available Hermeneutic Single-Case EfficacyDesign (HSCED is a systematic case study research method involving the cross-examination of mixed method data to generate both plausible arguments that the client changed due to therapy and alternative explanations. The present study is the fourth article of a case series which has investigated the process and outcome of transactional analysis psychotherapy using Hermeneutic Single-Case Efficacy Design (Elliott 2002. The client, Linda, was a 45 yearold white British woman with mild depression who attended nine sessions of therapy. The conclusion of the judges was that this was a mixed-outcome case:whilst the client improved over the course of therapy and was positive about her experience of therapy, her changes did not last when she experienced considerable stressful events during follow-up. Linda provided a detailed and idiosyncratic description of the aspects of the therapy which were most helpful for her. A cross-case comparison with other cases in this series suggests several interesting features which are worthy of further investigation. Specifically, the use of a shared theoretical framework and an egalitarian therapeutic relationship were helpful. As with other cases in this series, the client experienced positive changes in her interpersonal relationships suggesting that this outcome of TA therapy warrants further investigation

  12. Writing a case report: polishing a gem? (United States)

    Papanas, N; Lazarides, M K


    Case reports describe patient cases which are of particular interest due to their novelty and their potential message for clinical practice. While there are several types of case reports, originality and clinical implications constitute the main virtues by which case reports are judged. Defining the educational message and choosing the right audience are vital steps in the process of writing. Generally, a case report is structured, its main components being the abstract, the introduction, the case description and the discussion. Guidelines and tips for writing case reports are not enough for making a successful author, but they help, especially less experienced doctors, to exercise and improve their writing. If properly prepared, case reports can still communicate new observations in an interesting and pleasant way, thereby enriching our knowledge, even in the era of evidence-based medicine.

  13. [Research and development of medical case database: a novel medical case information system integrating with biospecimen management]. (United States)

    Pan, Shiyang; Mu, Yuan; Wang, Hong; Wang, Tong; Huang, Peijun; Ma, Jianfeng; Jiang, Li; Zhang, Jie; Gu, Bing; Yi, Lujiang


    To meet the needs of management of medical case information and biospecimen simultaneously, we developed a novel medical case information system integrating with biospecimen management. The database established by MS SQL Server 2000 covered, basic information, clinical diagnosis, imaging diagnosis, pathological diagnosis and clinical treatment of patient; physicochemical property, inventory management and laboratory analysis of biospecimen; users log and data maintenance. The client application developed by Visual C++ 6.0 was used to implement medical case and biospecimen management, which was based on Client/Server model. This system can perform input, browse, inquest, summary of case and related biospecimen information, and can automatically synthesize case-records based on the database. Management of not only a long-term follow-up on individual, but also of grouped cases organized according to the aim of research can be achieved by the system. This system can improve the efficiency and quality of clinical researches while biospecimens are used coordinately. It realizes synthesized and dynamic management of medical case and biospecimen, which may be considered as a new management platform.

  14. Casing and liners for drilling and completion

    CERN Document Server

    Byrom, Ted G


    The Gulf Drilling Series is a joint project between Gulf Publishing Company and the International Association of Drilling Contractors. The first text in this Series presents casing design and mechanics in a concise, two-part format. The first part focuses on basic casing design and instructs engineers and engineering students how to design a safe casing string. The second part covers more advanced material and special problems in casing design in a user-friendly format. Learn how to select sizes and setting depths to achieve well objectives, determine casing loads for design purposes, design casing properties to meet burst, collapse and tensile strength requirements and conduct casing running operations safely and successfully.

  15. Case law

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    This chapter gathers three case laws, one concerning France and the two others concerning the United States. France - Decision of the Administrative Court in Strasbourg on the permanent shutdown of the Fessenheim nuclear power plant: On 9 March 2011, the administrative court in Strasbourg confirmed the government's rejection to immediately close the Fessenheim nuclear power plant, the first unit of which started operation on 1 January 1978. The court rejected the motion of the 'Association trinationale de protection nucleaire' (ATPN) filed against the decision of the Minister of Economy, Industry and Employment to refuse the final shutdown of the plant. The group, which brings together associations as well as French, German and Swiss municipalities, had taken legal action in December 2008. United States - Case law 1 - Judgment of a US Court of Appeals on public access to sensitive security information and consideration of the environmental impacts of terrorist attacks on nuclear facilities: This case concerns 1) the public's right to access classified and sensitive security information relied upon by the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) in its environmental review; and 2) the sufficiency of the NRC's environmental review of the impacts of terrorist attacks for a proposed Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation (ISFSI). In 2003, the NRC ruled that the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) did not require the NRC to consider the impacts of terrorist attacks in its environmental review for the proposed ISFSI at the Diablo Canyon Power Plant. ' NEPA mandates that all federal agencies must prepare a detailed statement on the environment impacts before undertaking a major federal action that significantly affects the human environment. In 2004, the San Luis Obispo Mothers for Peace, a group of individuals who live near the Diablo Canyon Power Plant, filed a petition in the US Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit challenging the NRC's 2003 decision. The

  16. Trichotillomania in a dementia case

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Leonardo Caixeta

    Full Text Available Abstract We report an 87-year-old male case of hair pulling associated with a white-matter vascular dementia (Binswanger's disease. Trichotillomania in our case did not resolve using mirtazapine or anticholinesterasic medication. Trichotillomania seems to be related to a form of perseveration associated with dementia. The findings in this case suggest the abnormality involving white matter in the pathogenesis of trichotillomania, may constitute a defect in connectivity in the right frontal-subcortical circuit.

  17. Rhabdomyolysis case based on hypothyroidism


    Bilal Katipoglu; Ihsan Ates; Fatih Acehan; Ayşenur Meteris; Nisbet Yılmaz


    Summary Hypothyroidism is a wide clinical spectrum disorder and only a few cases in literature show this. Rhabdomyolysis and acute renal impairment can be seen concurrently in a hypothyroid state. We report a case of severe hypothyroidism with poor drug compliance leading to rhabdomyolysis and acute kidney injury. Learning points: Hypothyroidism is a rare cause of acute kidney injury. In this case report, we studied a rare occurrence of acute renal impairment due to hypothyroidism with poor d...

  18. Case study on bio-remediation. Bio remediation no case study

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Cioffi, J; Lehmicke, L


    This paper introduces two cases of contamination removal using microorganisms in areas contaminated by harmful substances, carried out by ECOVA Inc. in the U.S.A. One case is a removal of soils over an area of 230,000 m[sup 3] contaminated with petroleum-based substances. The removal was intended to reduce contamination at higher than 15,000 ppm down to 1,000 ppm. Discussions on pilot soils and monitoring of activities of living organisms were carried out to determine an optimal condition. It was found that microorganisms having orange color matters have decomposing capability, produce mucopolysaccharides in long-chained hydrocarbon, and make hydrocarbon soluble. The contaminant removal in this area took 19 months. The decomposition work required consideration on temperatures, moistures, aeration frequencies, and nutrient amounts as the affecting factors. The other case is an experiment on removing perchloroethylene (PCE) and trichloroethylene (TCE) from water in the Savanna River. Microorganisms that decompose only TCE were used, with existing methane as a carbon source. An interim result has been obtained that TCE:PCE changed from 0.65:1 to 0.35:1 in twelve months. There has been neither increase nor decrease in the amount of microorganisms.

  19. A rare case of vulvar squamous cell carcinoma; case presentation

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Cristina N. Cozma


    Full Text Available Objectives. Vulvar cancer is a rare gynecological malignancy, with an incidence of 1.5 per 100 000 women/year. The most common vulvar cancer is developed in squamous cells, the most encountered type of skin cells. Case report. We report a case of a 72-year-old female admitted in the Department of Plastic Surgery of Emergency Clinical Hospital “Prof. Dr. Agrippa Ionescu” with a 5/4.2 cm painful ulcerated tumoral mass located in the vulvar area. The lesion slowly increased in size over the past 12 months. The tumour was surgically removed with oncological safety margins and sent for histopathological evaluation. The histopathological examination revealed an ulcerated squamous carcinoma with lymphovascular and perineural invasion, but with negative margins. Postoperative results were favorable, and no local or general complications were observed. Conclusion. We highlight this case due to its unusual presentation in the clitoral area. Moreover, considering the potential for recurrence we point out the importance of the radical vulvectomy with regional lymphadenectomy and histopathological examination, in order to put a precise diagnosis and ensure the best possible treatment for the patient.

  20. Case series

    African Journals Online (AJOL)



    Jun 2, 2016 ... Epidemiological aspects of suicide attempts among Moroccan children .... Poorly drug intoxication was found in 25% of cases and included over 10 tablets in ... factors have been identified such as maltreatment, sexual abuse.

  1. Case report

    African Journals Online (AJOL)



    Oct 17, 2013 ... We are reporting a case of hemoperitoneum followed by early post partum collapse due to bleeding ... diagnosis of postpartum hemoperitoneum after a vaginal delivery ... The patient was reviewed two weeks after discharge.

  2. Pressurized waterproof case for electronic device

    KAUST Repository

    Berumen, Michael L.


    having an open top panel or face covered by a flexible, transparent membrane or the like for the operation of the touch-screen device within the case. A pressurizing system is provided for the case to pressurize the case and the electronic device therein

  3. Design Case Retrieval by Generic Representations

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Achten, H.H.; Gero, J.S.


    Case-Based Reasoning and Case-Based Design have been proposed to utilize knowledge of previous design solutions to understand or solve current design problems. Case retrieval is often performed on the basis of verbal indexing systems, whereas in design the use of graphic representations is

  4. CT in three cases of syringomyelia

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ugawa, Yoshikazu; Sakuta, Manabu; Yagishita, Akira; Inoue, Kiyoharu.


    We presented the results of our experience with metrizamide computed tomographic myelography (MCTM) and myelography in three cases of syringomyelia. In case 1, MCTM revealed Chiari malformation, even though this malformation was not clear in the myelography. In case 3, Chiari malformation was apparent in MCTM and in the myelography. In case 1, CT of the spinal cord without enhancement (plain CT) showed a syrinx in the cervical spinal cord, and MCTM made the syrinx clearer with enhancement. MCTM also demonstrated a cavity at the levels of Th 6 and L 1 of the vertebra. In case 2, a syrinx was disclosed in MCTM, in spite of normal myelography. In case 3, myelography demonstrated a spinal cord swelling. MCTM made a syrinx less clear than plain CT. Not only MCTM but also plain CT is an excellent method for the recognition of syringomyelia. The non-invasive plain CT is the first choice of the examinations in cases with syrinogomyelia, because MCTM may make a syrinx obscure. CT and MCTM have to be performed at many levels of the spinal cord in case with syringomyelia. CT or MCTM may demonstrate a syrinx or a cavity at the levels of the spinal cord, where no syrinx is suspected to exist by clinical features, as well as at the levels appearing normal in the myelography. (author)

  5. Demography and findings of reported rape cases. (United States)

    Quader, M M; Rahman, M H; Kamal, M; Ahmed, A U; Saha, S K


    Six hundred and ninety nine cases of alleged rape were studied by the authors during the period from 2007-2008 at the Mymensingh Medical College, Mymensingh. Of these cases, 122 had positive findings of recent sexual intercourse; 250 cases had the positive findings of habituated sexual intercourse, and 327 cases had no findings of sexual intercourse but they complained of forcible sexual intercourse and found no sign of sexual intercourse. Most of the alleged victims of rape were nulliparous 87.12% and parous was only 12.87%. 430 (61.51%) cases of reported victims who were students of schools and colleges were not considered as rape cases considering their victim's history of love affairs, leaving home secretly with their lovers, living with them for many days. Gang rape was not so common (4.29% of raped cases) in our study. Age groups, their occupations, living areas, time of arrival for medico-legal examination have been studied. Most of the cases were students (61.51%). A few numbers of victims were subjected to gang rape. Examination and reporting the cases have been discussed.

  6. Against Contextualism: Belief, Evidence, & the Bank Cases

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Logan Paul Gage


    Full Text Available Contextualism (the view that ‘knowledge’ and its variants are context-sensitive has been supported in large part through appeal to intuitions about Keith DeRose’s Bank Cases. Recently, however, the contextualist construal of these cases has come under fire from Kent Bach and Jennifer Nagel who question whether the Bank Case subject’s confidence can remain constant in both low- and high-stakes cases. Having explained the Bank Cases and this challenge to them, I argue that DeRose has given a reasonable reply to this initial challenge. However, I proceed to argue that the current stalemate can be broken. Seeking to extend the Bach–Nagel critique, I offer a novel interpretation of the Bank Cases according to which the subject’s evidence changes between low- and high-stakes cases. If I am correct, then, given the amount of support the Bank Cases have been thought to lend contextualism, the case for contextualism is seriously weakened.

  7. On misunderstandings in connection with case-studies

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Flyvbjerg, Bent


    This article examines five common misunderstandings about case-study research: (1) Theoretical knowledge is more valuable than practical knowledge; (2) One cannot generalize from a single case, therefore the single case study cannot contribute to scientific development; (3) The case study is most...

  8. Theoretical pluralism in psychoanalytic case studies. (United States)

    Willemsen, Jochem; Cornelis, Shana; Geerardyn, Filip M; Desmet, Mattias; Meganck, Reitske; Inslegers, Ruth; Cauwe, Joachim M B D


    The aim of this study is to provide an overview of the scientific activity of different psychoanalytic schools of thought in terms of the content and production of case studies published on ISI Web of Knowledge. Between March 2013 and November 2013, we contacted all case study authors included in the online archive of psychoanalytic and psychodynamic case studies ( to inquire about their psychoanalytic orientation during their work with the patient. The response rate for this study was 45%. It appears that the two oldest psychoanalytic schools, Object-relations psychoanalysis and Ego psychology or "Classical psychoanalysis" dominate the literature of published case studies. However, most authors stated that they feel attached to two or more psychoanalytic schools of thought. This confirms that the theoretical pluralism in psychoanalysis stretches to the field of single case studies. The single case studies of each psychoanalytic school are described separately in terms of methodology, patient, therapist, or treatment features. We conclude that published case studies features are fairly similar across different psychoanalytic schools. The results of this study are not representative of all psychoanalytic schools, as some do not publish their work in ISI ranked journals.

  9. Theoretical pluralism in psychoanalytic case studies (United States)

    Willemsen, Jochem; Cornelis, Shana; Geerardyn, Filip M.; Desmet, Mattias; Meganck, Reitske; Inslegers, Ruth; Cauwe, Joachim M. B. D.


    The aim of this study is to provide an overview of the scientific activity of different psychoanalytic schools of thought in terms of the content and production of case studies published on ISI Web of Knowledge. Between March 2013 and November 2013, we contacted all case study authors included in the online archive of psychoanalytic and psychodynamic case studies ( to inquire about their psychoanalytic orientation during their work with the patient. The response rate for this study was 45%. It appears that the two oldest psychoanalytic schools, Object-relations psychoanalysis and Ego psychology or “Classical psychoanalysis” dominate the literature of published case studies. However, most authors stated that they feel attached to two or more psychoanalytic schools of thought. This confirms that the theoretical pluralism in psychoanalysis stretches to the field of single case studies. The single case studies of each psychoanalytic school are described separately in terms of methodology, patient, therapist, or treatment features. We conclude that published case studies features are fairly similar across different psychoanalytic schools. The results of this study are not representative of all psychoanalytic schools, as some do not publish their work in ISI ranked journals. PMID:26483725

  10. Post-external radiotherapy hypothyroidism: 15 cases

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kaffel, N.; Mnif, M.; Abid, M.; Daoud, J.


    Post-external radiotherapy hypothyroidism: 15 cases. Hypothyroidism frequency is estimated to be between 10 and 45% after radiotherapy alone, and 40 to 67% after radiotherapy associated with thyroidectomy. This hypothyroidism is infra-clinical in 60% of the cases. Our study concerned 15 cases of hypothyroidism after external radiotherapy delivered between and 1991 and 1999. An irradiation of the cervical, cerebral and thorax regions was indicated for different types of cancers. Larynx carcinoma epidermoid was the most frequent cancer (seven cases); the radiation treatment used cobalt 60 with conventional fractionation, i.e., 2 Gy per treatment, five treatments a week. In nine cases, the hypothyroidism was discovered during a systematic examination; it was clinically evident in the six remaining cases. Hypothyroidism appeared after an irradiation dose average of 50 Gy (extremes 30-65 Gy). The average duration of the irradiation was about 7 weeks and the hypothyroidism appeared in a mean 22 months. In all cases, the substituting treatment was initiated with a favorable progression. Faced with the risk of hypothyroidism, it is necessary to check patients who have undergone external irradiation of the neck. (authors)

  11. Case report

    African Journals Online (AJOL)



    Jul 20, 2016 ... Brain abscess caused by streptococcus constellatus are very rarely ... We present a rare case of a left-sided thalamic abscess caused by streptococcus ... examination showed that the patient was lethargic and had right-.

  12. Percutaneous transhepatic cholangiography: analysis of 120 cases

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sohn, Hyung Sun; Shin, Kyung Sub; Kang, Hyo Seok


    Percutaneous transhepatic cholangiography (PTC) is of value in differential diagnosis of cholestatic diseases. Authors had performed PTC in 120 patients with flexible needle of 23 gauge at the Department of Radiology, Kang Nam St. Mary's Hospital and Myung Dong St. Mary's Hospital during the period from January, 1976 to April, 1980. PTC was accomplished successfully in 112 of 120 patients. Diagnoses included cholangiocarcinomas (27 cases), carcinomas of pancreas head (21 cases), ampullary carcinomas (4 cases), metastatic carcinomas (5 cases), bile duct stones (27 cases), sclerosing cholangitis (6 cases), hepatitis (6 cases), liver cirrhosis (6 cases), post operative adhesions (5 cases), chronic pancreatitis (3 cases), stomach carcinomas (3 cases), clonorchiasis (2 cases), blood clot (1 case), and remaining normal 4 cases. Some characteristic PTC findings were: (1) segmental annular narrowing and abrupt complete obstruction and polyploid filling defects of the bile duct in cholangiocarcinoma, (2) typical nipple or rat-tail appearance of the distal common bile duct in pancreatic head carcinoma, (3) single or multiple sharply and smoothly outlined filling defects within bile duct in all cases of stones, (4) complete obstruction with shallow concavity in ampullary carcinoma, (5) diffuse or segmental narrowing of the intrahepatic bile duct and common bile duct in sclerosing cholangitis, (6) multiple tiny polypoid filling defects of gall bladder, common hepatic duct, and common bile duct in clonorchiasis. (7) normal appearance in hepatitis. The overall diagnostic accuracy of PTC in 66 operated cases was 89.4%, and complications following the examination were significantly reduced by using a fine flexible needle (23 gauge). From the present study it is concluded as follows: 1. To evaluate obstructed or stenosed site accurately, aspiration of bile juice must be preceded by a 23 gauge needle connected to either 10 ml or 5 ml syringe. 2. To diagnose carcinoma of the

  13. Pressurized waterproof case for electronic device

    KAUST Repository

    Berumen, Michael L.


    The pressurized waterproof case for an electronic device is particularly adapted for the waterproof containment and operation of a touch-screen computer or the like therein at some appreciable water depth. The case may be formed as an enclosure having an open top panel or face covered by a flexible, transparent membrane or the like for the operation of the touch-screen device within the case. A pressurizing system is provided for the case to pressurize the case and the electronic device therein to slightly greater than ambient in order to prevent the external water pressure from bearing against the transparent membrane and pressing it against the touch screen, thereby precluding operation of the touch screen device within the case. The pressurizing system may be a small gas cartridge (e.g., CO2), or may be provided from an external source, such as the diver\\'s breathing air. A pressure relief valve is also provided.

  14. Essential trichomegaly: case report

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Julia Dutra Rossetto


    Full Text Available The present study reports two cases of symptomatic essential trichomegaly. Trichomegaly may develop in various diseases, including anorexia nervosa, hypothyroidism, pregnancy, pretibial myxedema, systemic lupus erythematosus, vernal keratoconjunctivitis, and uveitis. The exact incidence trichomegaly is unknown, and the condition remains sporadically reported. Two cases of symptomatic trichomegaly without any associated systemic disorder are presented in this paper.

  15. Human babesiosis - A case report

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Marathe A


    Full Text Available Babesiosis is an emerging, tick-transmitted, zoonotic disease caused by hematotropic parasites of the genus Babesia. Most cases of Babesial infections in humans have been acquired in temperate regions of the United States, Europe, France and England. A few cases of Babesiosis have been described in other parts of the world, including China, Taiwan, Egypt, South Africa, and Mexico.1,2 We report the first case of human Babesiosis, in a normosplenic, previously healthy individual from India.

  16. Liver Damage Associated with Polygonum multiflorum Thunb.: A Systematic Review of Case Reports and Case Series

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Xiang Lei


    Full Text Available Objective. To summarize the characteristics and analysis of relevant factors and to give references for prevention and further study of liver damage associated with Polygonum multiflorum Thunb. (HSW, we provide a systematic review of case reports and case series about liver damage associated with HSW. Methods. An extensive search of 6 medical databases was performed up to June 2014. Case reports and case series involving liver damage associated with HSW were included. Results. This review covers a total of 450 cases in 76 articles. HSW types included raw and processed HSW decoction pieces and many Chinese patent medicines that contain HSW. Symptoms of liver damage occur mostly a month or so after taking the medicine, mainly including jaundice, fatigue, anorexia, and yellow or tawny urine. Of the 450 patients, two cases who received liver transplantation and seven who died, the remaining 441 cases recovered or had liver function improvement after discontinuing HSW products and conservative care. Conclusion. HSW causes liver toxicity and may cause liver damage in different degrees and even lead to death; most of them are much related to long-term and overdose of drugs. Liver damage associated with HSW is reversible, and, after active treatment, the majority can be cured. People should be alert to liver damage when taking HSW preparations.

  17. Blastomycosis in Quebec (1981–90: Report of 23 Cases and Review of Published Cases from Quebec

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    G St-Germain


    Full Text Available Twenty-three cases of blastomycosis were reported in a survey conducted in the province of Quebec from 1981–90. Thirteen patients resided south of the St Lawrence River and the other 10, north. Two small geographical clusters were apparent in and around the cities of Sherbrooke and Quebec. The male to female ratio was 1.6:1 and the median age was 47 years (range 26 to 77. Lung involvement was observed in 19 cases and was the only site involved in 11. Cutaneous manifestations were reported in 11 cases while bone infection (three cases and central nervous system (CNS infections were also noted. Diagnosis was confirmed by culture in 21 cases and by histopathology in two cases. Of the 21 culture-positive cases, 12 strains of Blastomyces dermatitidis were isolated from lungs, nine from skin, and one each from bone and brain. Serodiagnostic tests by immunodiffusion or complement fixation were positive for only one of the 10 patients known to have been tested. Ten patients were treated with amphotericin B, 11 with ketoconazole, one with fluconazole and eight underwent surgery. While amphotericin B was used in eight of the 10 earliest treated cases, ketoconazole was administered in 10 of the 13 more recent cases. Of the patients for whom follow-up data have been obtained, 21 are reported cured (one of whom was not treated and one patient died of another cause. This survey confirms that blastomycosis is a rare disease in this endemic area and that patterns of therapy are changing.

  18. Two Legionnaires' disease cases associated with industrial waste water treatment plants: a case report

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Putus Tuula


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Finnish and Swedish waste water systems used by the forest industry were found to be exceptionally heavily contaminated with legionellae in 2005. Case presentation We report two cases of severe pneumonia in employees working at two separate mills in Finland in 2006. Legionella serological and urinary antigen tests were used to diagnose Legionnaires' disease in the symptomatic employees, who had worked at, or close to, waste water treatment plants. Since the findings indicated a Legionella infection, the waste water and home water systems were studied in more detail. The antibody response and Legionella urinary antigen finding of Case A indicated that the infection had been caused by Legionella pneumophila serogroup 1. Case A had been exposed to legionellae while installing a pump into a post-clarification basin at the waste water treatment plant of mill A. Both the water and sludge in the basin contained high concentrations of Legionella pneumophila serogroup 1, in addition to serogroups 3 and 13. Case B was working 200 meters downwind from a waste water treatment plant, which had an active sludge basin and cooling towers. The antibody response indicated that his disease was due to Legionella pneumophila serogroup 2. The cooling tower was the only site at the waste water treatment plant yielding that serogroup, though water in the active sludge basin yielded abundant growth of Legionella pneumophila serogroup 5 and Legionella rubrilucens. Both workers recovered from the disease. Conclusion These are the first reported cases of Legionnaires' disease in Finland associated with industrial waste water systems.

  19. Case report

    African Journals Online (AJOL)



    Jan 7, 2015 ... Synchronous malignant renal mass in patient with a Lung cancer: case report and literature ... management and prognosis [4]. Patient and ... classed stage I. The patient got chemo radiotherapy for the lung cancer using ...

  20. Case report

    African Journals Online (AJOL)



    Dec 13, 2017 ... nodules measuring 10-6cm, erythematous, purple color, painful at mobilization ... After multi-disciplinary concertation a ... of view than positivity of AR. In contrast ... Katagiri Y, Ansai S. Two cases of cutaneous apocrine ductal.

  1. Unusual clinical presentation of rare case of vaginal leiomyoma: a case report


    Ishrat Zuber; Purnima K. Nadkarni; Aditi A. Nadkarni; Akshay Nadkarni


    Primary vaginal leiomyoma are rare and usually arise from anterior vaginal wall, approximately 330 cases of vaginal fibroid reported in world literature. Vaginal myoma usually presented as discharge per vaginum, abnormal bleeding, pain lower abdomen, dyspareunia etc. We report a case of primary vaginal leiomyoma arising from lateral vaginal wall which is presented clinically as pain in hip joint and radiating to ipsilateral leg which is unusual clinical presentation creating diagnostic dilemm...

  2. 76 FR 6381 - Fee-Generating Cases (United States)


    ... LEGAL SERVICES CORPORATION 45 CFR Part 1609 Fee-Generating Cases AGENCY: Legal Services...) proposes to amend the Legal Services Corporation's regulation on fee-generating cases to clarify that it... intended. LSC's regulation at 45 CFR part 1609, Fee- Generating Cases, is based on Sec. 1007(b)(1) of the...

  3. Temporal Visualization for Legal Case Histories. (United States)

    Harris, Chanda; Allen, Robert B.; Plaisant, Catherine; Shneiderman, Ben


    Discusses visualization of legal information using a tool for temporal information called "LifeLines." Explores ways "LifeLines" could aid in viewing the links between original case and direct and indirect case histories. Uses the case of Apple Computer, Inc. versus Microsoft Corporation and Hewlett Packard Company to…

  4. [Surrogacy, yes or no? Case report]. (United States)

    Pektorová, M; Ventruba, P


    Case study of surrogacy which did not come up to client-couple´s expectation. Case report. Department of Gynaecology and Obstetrics, Uherske Hradiste Hospital a. s., Uherske Hradiste. Description of the case, case study. In the Czech Republic, missing legislation when subject matter is surrogacy does not allow to make a complex legal contract. This fact causes legal uncertainty to all participants. Irresponsible approach of doctors, surrogate mother, client-couple, and in the upshot care of disabled child at government expense can be results.

  5. IT Business Cases in Local Government

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nielsen, Peter Axel; Persson, John Stouby


    Effective management of value creation with information technology (IT) is increasingly important for local governments (e.g., municipalities). The business case is a tool that has increased popularity in both the public and private sector to support the management of value creation with IT....... However, experiences from local government reveal difficulties in developing effective IT business cases beyond simple cost savings. Based on collaborative action research with Danish municipalities we present insights on contemporary IT business case practices. Based on these insights we formulate...... lessons for business case practices in local government that we have incorporated into a business case method; that has subsequently been evaluated by IT managers in local government. These lessons have been synthesized into the four principles: minimal contents, benefits ownership, dynamic utility...

  6. Case Report

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    Uterus at 17 Weeks of Amenorrhea: Case Report and Literature. Review ... no bleeding but the patient was noted to have ... urinary tract abnormalities are frequent in ... of MRI [6]. Laparoscopy allows formal confirmation of this type of uterine.

  7. Case report

    African Journals Online (AJOL)



    Nov 27, 2015 ... systemic lupus erythematosus nor other connective tissue disease. Pregnancy was ... day of life, platelet level dropped to 20 x 109/L. The newborn has received platelet ... cases of aplastic anemia or hemolytic anemia [6,7].

  8. Case report

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    un cas. Rev Chir Orthop Reparatrice. Appar Mot. 2000;86(1):98-103. PubMed | Google Scholar. 7. Nagamine N, Nohara Y, Ito E. Elastofibroma in Okinawa. A clinicopathologic study of 170 cases. Cancer. 1982;50(9):1794-.

  9. Case report

    African Journals Online (AJOL)



    Feb 22, 2012 ... cancer. Case report. Written informed consent was obtained from the patient for ... colon and rectum (12 patients), uterus (8 patients), ovary (5 patients), head and neck (tongue, pharynx, larynx, nasal cavity, and mandible) (5 ...

  10. Using Correspondence Analysis in Multiple Case Studies

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Kienstra, Natascha; van der Heijden, Peter G.M.


    In qualitative research of multiple case studies, Miles and Huberman proposed to summarize the separate cases in a so-called meta-matrix that consists of cases by variables. Yin discusses cross-case synthesis to study this matrix. We propose correspondence analysis (CA) as a useful tool to study

  11. Using correspondence analysis in multiple case studies

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Kienstra, N.H.H.; van der Heijden, P.G.M.


    In qualitative research of multiple case studies, Miles and Huberman proposed to summarize the separate cases in a so-called meta-matrix that consists of cases by variables. Yin discusses cross-case synthesis to study this matrix. We propose correspondence analysis (CA) as a useful tool to study

  12. 28 CFR 2.17 - Original jurisdiction cases. (United States)


    ... 28 Judicial Administration 1 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Original jurisdiction cases. 2.17 Section... Original jurisdiction cases. (a) Following any hearing conducted pursuant to these rules, the Regional Commissioner may designate that a case should be decided as an original jurisdiction case. If the Regional...

  13. Intelligent Adaptation Process for Case Based Systems

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nassar, A.M.; Mohamed, A.H.; Mohamed, A.H.


    Case Based Reasoning (CBR) Systems is one of the important decision making systems applied in many fields all over the world. The effectiveness of any CBR system based on the quality of the storage cases in the case library. Similar cases can be retrieved and adapted to produce the solution for the new problem. One of the main issues faced the CBR systems is the difficulties of achieving the useful cases. The proposed system introduces a new approach that uses the genetic algorithm (GA) technique to automate constructing the cases into the case library. Also, it can optimize the best one to be stored in the library for the future uses. However, the proposed system can avoid the problems of the uncertain and noisy cases. Besides, it can simply the retrieving and adaptation processes. So, it can improve the performance of the CBR system. The suggested system can be applied for many real-time problems. It has been applied for diagnosis the faults of the wireless network, diagnosis of the cancer diseases, diagnosis of the debugging of a software as cases of study. The proposed system has proved its performance in this field

  14. Case report

    African Journals Online (AJOL)



    May 13, 2012 ... Missed opportunity for tuberculosis case detection in household contacts in a high ... Maywood, IL, USA, 4College of Public Health, University of Georgia, ... This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the ...

  15. Case Report: HIV test misdiagnosis

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Case Study: HIV test misdiagnosis 124. Case Report: HIV ... A positive rapid HIV test does not require ... 3 College of Medicine - Johns Hopkins Research Project, Blantyre,. Malawi ... test results: a pilot study of three community testing sites.

  16. 29 CFR 1614.302 - Mixed case complaints. (United States)


    ... 29 Labor 4 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Mixed case complaints. 1614.302 Section 1614.302 Labor... EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY Related Processes § 1614.302 Mixed case complaints. (a) Definitions—(1) Mixed case complaint. A mixed case complaint is a complaint of employment discrimination filed with a federal agency...

  17. Catamenial pneumothorax - case report

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hasara, R.; Kudelkova, J.; Pestal, A.; Jedlicka, V.; Capov, I.; Reismullerova, L.


    Catamenial pneumothorax is a rare type of spontaneous pneumothorax, developed in women in reproductive age due to the presence of thoracic endometriosis. Medical history is the key to the correct diagnosis. Treatment combines methods of thoracic surgery, together with hormonal substitution therapy and, in rare cases, also gynecological operation. We present the case report of young woman with spontaneous pneumothorax due to thoracic endometriosis. (author)

  18. Extension classification method for low-carbon product cases

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Yanwei Zhao


    Full Text Available In product low-carbon design, intelligent decision systems integrated with certain classification algorithms recommend the existing design cases to designers. However, these systems mostly dependent on prior experience, and product designers not only expect to get a satisfactory case from an intelligent system but also hope to achieve assistance in modifying unsatisfactory cases. In this article, we proposed a new categorization method composed of static and dynamic classification based on extension theory. This classification method can be integrated into case-based reasoning system to get accurate classification results and to inform designers of detailed information about unsatisfactory cases. First, we establish the static classification model for cases by dependent function in a hierarchical structure. Then for dynamic classification, we make transformation for cases based on case model, attributes, attribute values, and dependent function, thus cases can take qualitative changes. Finally, the applicability of proposed method is demonstrated through a case study of screw air compressor cases.

  19. Computerized tomographic evaluations of 37 cases of craniopharyngiomas

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nagasawa, Shiro; Yamashita, Junkoh; Handa, Hajime; Takeuchi, Juji.


    Although craniopharyngiomas are well known to exhibit three basic CT characteristics: Calcification, cysts, and contrast enhancement (CE), several cases with atypical CT manifestations have been reported lately. These atypical manifestations can be classified into three groups: Unusual extensions of the tumors, high-density cysts, and marked homogeneous CE. The CT scans obtained in our recent series of 37 craniopharyngiomas were evaluated in an attempt to analyze the tumoral extensions, the cyst densities, and the CE, and were compared with those of other, rarer parasellar lesions. Cystic tumors were much more frequent than solid tumors (Table 1); 14 cases (38%) were exclusively cystic; 17 cases (46%), equally cystic and solid, and 6 cases (16%), solid. Calcifications were present in 86% of the children and 43% of the adults. Unusual extensions were noted in 7 cases (Fig. 1, 2): Anteriorly to the frontal fossa (5 cases, 14%), laterally to the temporal fossa (1 case, 3%), or posteriorly to the posterior fossa (1 case, 3%). All these tumors were either purely cystic or equally cystic and solid. Cystic portions were detected in the tumors of 31 cases (Table 2). Although the majority of the cystic portions (25 cases, 81%) were low in density, isodense cysts were observed in 6 cases (19%). Out of 23 cases exhibiting solid portions in the tumors, high-density areas (calcified masses) were detected in 3 cases and mixed-density areas in 20 cases. While these 20 cases all showed CE, marked homogeneous CE were noted in 5 cases (25%). (J.P.N.)

  20. 76 FR 23502 - Fee-Generating Cases (United States)


    ... LEGAL SERVICES CORPORATION 45 CFR Part 1609 Fee-Generating Cases AGENCY: Legal Services... on fee-generating cases to clarify that it applies only to LSC and private non-LSC funds. DATES: This... fee-generating cases to clarify that it applies only to LSC and private non-LSC funds. 76 FR 6381. On...

  1. Casing drilling - first experience in Brazil; Casing drilling - primeira experiencia no Brasil

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Placido, Joao Carlos Ribeiro; Medeiros, Fernando; Lucena, Humberto; Medeiros, Joao Carlos Martins de; Costa, Vicente Abel Soares Rosa da; Silva, Paulo Roberto Correa da [PETROBRAS, Rio de Janeiro, RJ (Brazil); Alves, Renato J.M. [Tesco, London (United Kingdom)


    This paper describes the 'Casing Drilling' technology and its first experience in Brazil. This new process of casing while drilling was first developed to reduce costs. This system integrates the drilling process and casing running in one operation, promoting a more efficient well construction system, reducing trip time and costs of drill pipes and their transportation. Besides, this methodology intends to eliminate hole problems related to trouble zones with abnormal pressure with loss circulation, to overcome zones with wellbore instabilities, and to facilitate well control. Two companies have been identified using this technology: Tesco and Weatherford. However, there are differences between the techniques used by these companies, which are described in this paper. In the first experience in Brazil, it was decided to field test the technology developed by Tesco. This paper describes the preparation, the operation and the results of this first test. (author)

  2. Dissecting malpractice in pancreaticoduodenectomy cases. (United States)

    Anandalwar, Seema P; Scholer, Anthony J; Ninan, Gigio; Oliver, Joseph B; Christian, Derick; Eloy, Jean Anderson; Chokshi, Ravi J


    Medical malpractice is a growing concern for physicians in all fields. Surgical fields have some of the highest malpractice premiums and litigation rates. Pancreaticoduodenectomy (PD) has become a popular procedure; however, it is still associated with significant morbidity and mortality. This study is the first to analyze factors involved in litigation regarding PD cases. The Westlaw database was searched for jury verdicts and settlements using the terms "medical malpractice" and "pancreaticoduodenectomy". Twenty-nine cases from 1991 to 2012 were initially collected. Seven entries not involving PD and three duplicate cases were excluded. Nineteen cases were included for analysis. Of the 19 cases included in the analysis, three (15.8%) reached a settlement, three (15.8%) were ruled in favor of the plaintiff, and 13 (68.4%) were ruled in favor of the physician. The average settlement award was $398,333 (range, $195,000-500,000), and the average plaintiff award was $4,288,869 (range, $1,066,608-10,300,000). The most common factors raised in litigation included PD being allegedly unnecessary (47.4%), followed by postoperative negligence and misdiagnosis (36.8% each). The most common factors present in litigation included the allegation that PD was unnecessarily performed. The cases that are awarded large monetary sums are those that involve continued medical care. Ways to improve patient safety and limit litigation include increasing transparency and communication with a thorough discussion between surgeon and patient of the most common topics of litigation discussed. Published by Elsevier Inc.

  3. 12 CFR 268.302 - Mixed case complaints. (United States)


    ... 12 Banks and Banking 3 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Mixed case complaints. 268.302 Section 268.302... RULES REGARDING EQUAL OPPORTUNITY Related Processes § 268.302 Mixed case complaints. A mixed case... discrimination or it may contain additional allegations that the MSPB has jurisdiction to address. A mixed case...

  4. Case Report

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Arthritis: a Case Report. Intissar Haddiya*, Hakima Rhou, Loubna Benamar, Fatima Ezzaitouni, Rabia Bayahia, Naima. Ouzeddoun. Unit of Nephrology, Ibn Sina University Hospital, Rabat, Morocco. * Corresponding author; Unit of Nephrology, Ibn Sina University. Hospital, Rabat, Morocco; E. mail: intissarhaddiya@hotmail.

  5. Case report

    African Journals Online (AJOL)



    Nov 20, 2015 ... We report a case of a farmer who has sustained of a severe hand wound due to ... open distal interphalangeal joint dislocation of the 5th finger; flexor tendons were .... biomechanical analysis and clinical application. J Orthop ...

  6. Case series

    African Journals Online (AJOL)



    15 Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) outbreak in West Africa infected more than 28,000 persons out of which 11,000 died [20]. At the height of this outbreak, the huge load of cases and their contacts overwhelmed the response ...

  7. Case report

    African Journals Online (AJOL)



    Feb 19, 2013 ... main disease and 70-80% stenosis of the proximal Left Anterior Descending Artery (LAD). ... He had a successful PTCA + DES stent to the LAD (Figure 3). ... In the case being presented, despite the benign appearance of the.

  8. Case Report

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Klubien, Jeanett; Borgersen, Dorte Winther; Rosenberg, Jacob


    Introduction Perforation of the gallbladder is a benign and common complication during laparoscopic cholecystectomy. However, it may result in stone spilling, which potentially can lead to serious postoperative complications.  Case report A 70-year-old male underwent laparoscopic cholecystectomy...

  9. Case report

    African Journals Online (AJOL)



    Feb 13, 2015 ... mucoid, T.inkin, T. cutaneum) a rate of 11.15%. This rate confirms the one recorded by Pini G & al ... The authors declare no competing interest. Authors' ... due to Trichosporonasahii,first two cases in Chile. Rev. IberoamMicol.

  10. Case report

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    French). 1984;30(3):177-81. PubMed |. Google Scholar. 12. Isla A, Paz JM, Sansivirini F, Zamora P, Garcia Grande A,. Fernandez A. Intramedullary spinal cord metastasis: a case report. J Neurosurg Sci. 2000 Jun; 44(2):99-101.

  11. Software requirements management based on use cases

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Xiao Jin


    In this paper, the requirements management based on use cases is theoretically explored, and a multi-layer use-case model is introduced, which combined with three levels of use cases and a single use-case refinement model. Through the practice in a software project, the multi-layer use-case model provides a good solution on how to control the requirements scope and change, and provides the balance of work assignment between customer departments, information management departments and software development outsourcing team. (authors)

  12. Connection of thin-walled casings

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Druyan, V.M.; Grinev, A.F.; Gruzdev, V.D.; Perchanik, V.V.; Syplenko, V.T.


    A connection is suggested for castings which contains a nipple and coupling part with conical triangular threading. in order to improve the strength of the connection of thin-walled casings with ratio D/S>22, where D is the outer diameter of the casing, S is the thickness of the wall of the casing, the end of the pipe on the length from the end to the main plane of the thread is conical with constant thickness of the wall and conicity eqal to the conicity of the thread.

  13. [Amyand's hernia--a clinical case]. (United States)

    Savlovschi, C; Brănescu, C; Serban, D; Tudor, C; Găvan, C; Shanabli, A; Comandaşu, M; Vasilescu, L; Borcan, R; Dumitrescu, D; Sandolache, B; Sajin, M; Grădinaru, S; Munteanu, R; Kraft, A; Oprescu, S


    Amyand's hernia, a rare entity in the surgical pathology, presupposes the presence of the vermiform appendix inside a inguinal hernia sac (1). The hernia sac peritonitis by appendix swelling is even more rare, very few cases being presented in the surgical literature (1). The preoperatory diagnosis of Amyand's hernia is therefore very difficult. We herein present the case of a 71-year old male patient, operated on an emergency basis for hernia, which eventually turned out to be Amyand's hernia, a case which determined us to research the literature dedicated to this topic.

  14. 45 CFR 400.118 - Case planning. (United States)


    ... 45 Public Welfare 2 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Case planning. 400.118 Section 400.118 Public... Services § 400.118 Case planning. (a) A State, or its designee under § 400.117, must develop and implement... services. (b) Case planning for unaccompanied minors must, at a minimum, address the following elements: (1...

  15. Day-case laparoscopic Nissen fundoplication.

    LENUS (Irish Health Repository)

    Khan, S A


    For day-case laparoscopic surgery to be successful, patient selection is of the utmost importance. This study aimed to assess the feasibility of day-case laparoscopic Nissen fundoplication and to identify factors that may lead to readmission and overstay.

  16. Qualitative Case Study Research as Empirical Inquiry (United States)

    Ellinger, Andrea D.; McWhorter, Rochell


    This article introduces the concept of qualitative case study research as empirical inquiry. It defines and distinguishes what a case study is, the purposes, intentions, and types of case studies. It then describes how to determine if a qualitative case study is the preferred approach for conducting research. It overviews the essential steps in…

  17. Pressurized waterproof case electronic device

    KAUST Repository

    Berumen, Michael L.


    A pressurized waterproof case for an electronic device is particularly adapted for fluid-tight containment and operation of a touch-screen electronic device or the like therein at some appreciable water depth. In one example, the case may be formed

  18. Case Study: The Chemistry of Cocaine (United States)

    Dewprashad, Brahmadeo


    This column provides original articles on innovations in case study teaching, assessment of the method, as well as case studies with teaching notes. This month's case study focuses on the chemistry of cocaine to teach a number of core concepts in organic chemistry. It also requires that students read and analyze an original research paper on…

  19. A Review of Case-Based Learning Practices in an Online MBA Program: A Program-Level Case Study (United States)

    Lee, Seung-hee; Lee, Jieun; Liu, Xiaojing; Bonk, Curt J.; Magjuka, Richard J.


    This study examines how a case-based learning approach was used and facilitated in online business education. Perceptions of students and instructors regarding the practices of case-based learning in online environments are explored in terms of instructional design, facilitation, and technology support. This study finds case-based learning to be a…

  20. GLAMUR case-study report: The comparison of three Dutch pork cases (Tasks 3.5)

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Oostindië, H.A.; Horlings, L.G.; Broekhuizen, van R.E.; Hees, E.


    This report presents the case study results of local-global pork chain performances in The Netherlands. As part of Work Package 3, this case study was carried out in cooperation with our Italian GLAMUR partner. The Dutch pork production sector came up after World War 2 and developed into a highly



    Wankhede; Shrivastava


    The incidence of Sirenomelia is thought to be about 1 in 65,000 live births (Oxford Medical database, Dysmorphology). In Sirenomelia, lower limbs are fused together. Common associated malformations include absent genitalia, imperforate anus, lumbosacral vertebral pelvic abnormalities and renal agenesis. Sirenomelia with craniorachischisis totalis (CT) is a rare fetal malformation, only six cases have been reported in English literature (1-5) and none yet from Asia. Our case is of ...

  2. The case for Dounreay

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This document sets out to state the case for the Commercial Demonstration Fast Reactor and to explain the reasons why it should be situated at Dounreay, Caithness, Scotland. Headings are: the case for CDFR; why should the CDFR be sited in Caithness (Caithness before Dounreay; the social and economic significance of Dounreay; the Caithness economy today; Caithness - the need for jobs); the CDFR and Caithness; conclusions. (U.K.)

  3. Case report

    African Journals Online (AJOL)



    Oct 23, 2013 ... Pyomyositis in Nodding Syndrome (NS) patient - a case report ... B0X 7072, Kampala, Uganda, 3Gulu University, Faculty of Medicine, P.O. B0X 166, Gulu, Uganda .... to pay particular attention to such children who may have.

  4. Case Report

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sylvester-Hvid, Amalie; Avnstorp, Magnus B; Wagenblast, Lene


    Introduction Breast seroma may be caused by a variety of factors including lymphatic disruption, continuous inflammation and foreign bodies such as breast implants. In cases of breast implants associated seroma the diagnosis of Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma (ALCL) should be investigated. Present...


    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    Dec 2, 2011 ... brain illustrated enhancement of the optic nerves post-. CASE REPORT ... improved bilaterally to 6/18 on the right and 6/12 on the left. There was .... the possible risks versus benefits of steroid therapy and invite them to ...

  6. Effect of the new standards for case logging on resident operative volume: doing better cases or better numbers? (United States)

    Murthy, Raghav; Shepard, Alex; Swartz, Andrew; Woodward, Ann; Reickert, Craig; Horst, Mathilda; Rubinfeld, Ilan


    The Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME) modified the designation of major (index) operative cases to include those previously considered "minor." This study assessed the potential effect of these changes on resident operative experience. With Institutional Review Board approval, we analyzed National Surgical Quality Improvement Program participant use files for 2005-2008 for general and vascular surgery cases. Primary CPT case coding was mapped to the ACGME major case category using both the old and new classification schemes. The variables were analyzed using χ(2) analysis in SPSS IBM 19 (IBM, Armonk, New York). A total of 576,019 cases were reviewed. Major cases as defined by the new classification represented an increasing proportion of the cases each year, rising from 88.3% in 2005 to 95% by 2008 (p top procedures to include excision of breast lesion (22,175 [12.7%]), laparoscopic gastric bypass (18,825 [10.8%]), ventral hernia repair (14,732 [8.5%]), and appendectomy (10,190 [5.9%]). Of these newly designated major cases, the proportion not covered by residents increased from 22% in 2005 to 44% in 2007 and 2008 (p quality. Copyright © 2012 Association of Program Directors in Surgery. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  7. The importance of laboratory re-evaluation in cases of suspected child abuse - A case report. (United States)

    Woydt, L; König, C; Bernhard, M K; Nickel, P; Dreßler, J; Ondruschka, B


    In order to accurately diagnose child abuse or neglect, a physician needs to be familiar with diseases and medical conditions that can simulate maltreatment. Unrecognized cases of abuse may lead to insufficient child protection, whereas, on the other hand, over-diagnosis could be the cause of various problems for the family and their potentially accused members. Regarding child abuse, numerous cases of false diagnoses with undetected causes of bleeding are described in the scientific literature, but, specifically concerning leukemia in childhood, only very few case reports exist. Here, for the first time, we report a case of a 2-year-old boy who got hospitalized twice because of suspicious injuries and psychosocial conspicuities, in a family situation known for repeated endangerment of the child's well-being. After his first hospitalization with injuries typical for child abuse, but without paraclinical abnormalities, medical inspections were arranged periodically. The child was hospitalized with signs of repeated child abuse again five months later. During second admission, an acute lymphoblastic leukemia was revealed by intermittent laboratory examination, ordered due to new bruises with changes in morphology, identifiable as petechial hemorrhages. This case elucidates the discussion of known cases of leukemia in childhood associated with suspected child abuse in order to provide an overview of possible diseases mimicking maltreatment. To arrange necessary supportive examinations, a skillful interaction between pediatrician and forensic pathologist is crucial in the differentiation between accidental and non-accidental injury. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  8. Automation of Test Cases for Web Applications : Automation of CRM Test Cases


    Seyoum, Alazar


    The main theme of this project was to design a test automation framework for automating web related test cases. Automating test cases designed for testing a web interface provide a means of improving a software development process by shortening the testing phase in the software development life cycle. In this project an existing AutoTester framework and iMacros test automation tools were used. CRM Test Agent was developed to integrate AutoTester to iMacros and to enable the AutoTester,...

  9. A Case of Familial Polydactyly From Turkey

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Billur Sezgin


    Full Text Available Polydactyly is among the most frequently encountered congenital anomalies of the extremities. Although it is usually presented in an isolated and sporadic manner, familial cases can also be rarely encountered. Such familial polydactyly cases usually follow an autosomal dominant inheritance with variable genetic penetration and are usually bilateral and symmetric. A case of rare familial polydactyly from Turkey is presented. Four siblings, two girls and two boys, presented with bilateral, symmetric preaxial polydactyly affecting both hands and feet. These siblings also had four other unaffected siblings along with an affected father and grandmother (the father’s mother. Although the cases portrayed duplication at different levels, the general definition of familial polydactyly with bilateral, symmetric inheritance is observed in these cases. Other rare familial polydactyly cases have been reported in the literature as well, and this case serves as a typical example of this rare entity from Turkey.

  10. Casing Pipe Damage Detection with Optical Fiber Sensors: A Case Study in Oil Well Constructions

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Zhi Zhou


    Full Text Available Casing pipes in oil well constructions may suddenly buckle inward as their inside and outside hydrostatic pressure difference increases. For the safety of construction workers and the steady development of oil industries, it is critically important to measure the stress state of a casing pipe. This study develops a rugged, real-time monitoring, and warning system that combines the distributed Brillouin Scattering Time Domain Reflectometry (BOTDR and the discrete fiber Bragg grating (FBG measurement. The BOTDR optical fiber sensors were embedded with no optical fiber splice joints in a fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP rebar and the FBG sensors were wrapped in epoxy resins and glass clothes, both installed during the segmental construction of casing pipes. In situ tests indicate that the proposed sensing system and installation technique can survive the downhole driving process of casing pipes, withstand a harsh service environment, and remain intact with the casing pipes for compatible strain measurements. The relative error of the measured strains between the distributed and discrete sensors is less than 12%. The FBG sensors successfully measured the maximum horizontal principal stress with a relative error of 6.7% in comparison with a cross multipole array acoustic instrument.

  11. Case-based reasoning a concise introduction

    CERN Document Server

    López, Beatriz


    Case-based reasoning is a methodology with a long tradition in artificial intelligence that brings together reasoning and machine learning techniques to solve problems based on past experiences or cases. Given a problem to be solved, reasoning involves the use of methods to retrieve similar past cases in order to reuse their solution for the problem at hand. Once the problem has been solved, learning methods can be applied to improve the knowledge based on past experiences. In spite of being a broad methodology applied in industry and services, case-based reasoning has often been forgotten in

  12. Worst-case analysis of heap allocations

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Puffitsch, Wolfgang; Huber, Benedikt; Schoeberl, Martin


    the worst-case heap allocations of tasks. The analysis builds upon techniques that are well established for worst-case execution time analysis. The difference is that the cost function is not the execution time of instructions in clock cycles, but the allocation in bytes. In contrast to worst-case execution...... time analysis, worst-case heap allocation analysis is not processor dependent. However, the cost function depends on the object layout of the runtime system. The analysis is evaluated with several real-time benchmarks to establish the usefulness of the analysis, and to compare the memory consumption...

  13. Zespół Aspergera u osób dorosłych – zbieżność z innymi zaburzeniami, zaburzenia współwystępujące i problemy towarzyszące

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Anna Sławińska


    Full Text Available W klasyfikacjach ICD-10 i DSM-IV zespół Aspergera należy do kategorii całościowych zaburzeń rozwoju. Nie w pełni zdefiniowane kryteria diagnostyczne są przedmiotem dyskusji badaczy i klinicystów. W nowym systemie klasyfikacji – DSM-5 – zespół Aspergera nie występuje, pojawiła się za to szeroka jednostka „spektrum zaburzeń autystycznych”. Do najpowszechniejszych objawów zespołu Aspergera zalicza się: zaburzenia komunikacji werbalnej i niewerbalnej, egocentryzm, upośledzenie umiejętności społecznych, stereotypowość zachowań, zawężenie zainteresowań, problemy z koordynacją. Manifestacja symptomów zmienia się w ciągu życia – z powodu wzrastających wymagań społecznych objawy stają się wyraźniejsze w okresie dorastania. Świadomość bycia innym prowadzi do pogłębiającego się wycofania. Postawienie właściwej diagnozy jest szczególnie trudne u osób dorosłych. Wielu pacjentów psychiatrycznych, w których przypadku istnieją duże trudności z ustaleniem rozpoznania, cierpi na – wcześniej niezdiagnozowany – zespół Aspergera. Jego objawy bywają błędnie rozpoznawane jako symptomy zaburzeń osobowości czy schizofrenii. Co więcej, wiele zaburzeń może współwystępować z zespołem Aspergera (np. zaburzenia obsesyjno-kompulsyjne, zaburzenia afektywne, schizofrenia, zaburzenia odżywiania. Agresja, uzależnienia, myśli i tendencje samobójcze także mogą zaciemniać jego objawy. Podsumowując: istnieje wiele zaburzeń współwystępujących i problemów towarzyszących, które utrudniają rozpoznanie omawianego zespołu u dorosłych.

  14. Funkcjonowanie poznawcze i emocjonalne pacjentki z rodzinnie uwarunkowaną postacią zespołu jedzenia nocnego – opis przypadku

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Magdalena Obrembska


    Full Text Available Wstęp: W Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5 zespół jedzenia nocnego zaklasyfikowany został do innych specyficznych zaburzeń odżywiania. Szacuje się, że zespół ten dotyczy około 1,5% populacji; częstość występowania postaci rodzinnej nie jest znana. Materiał i metody: Wykorzystano Kwestionariusz Jakości Snu Pittsburgh, Mini-Addenbrooke’s Cognitive Examination, Test Figury Złożonej Reya–Osterrietha, Test Łączenia Punktów A i B, Test 15 słów Reya, Inwentarz Depresji Becka, Inwentarz Stanu i Cechy Lęku oraz swobodne techniki diagnostyczne. Opis przypadku: W artykule zaprezentowano przypadek 35-letniej pacjentki hospitalizowanej z powodu zaburzeń snu i epizodów objadania się w nocy występujących od około 15 lat. Nie stwierdzono objawów depresyjnych, lękowych, wytwórczych ani objawów świadczących o anoreksji czy bulimii. W badaniu neurologicznym nie odnotowano odchyleń od staniu prawidłowego, co potwierdziły badanie obrazowe głowy z kontrastem, badanie elektroencefalograficzne i badania biochemiczne. Wywiad rodzinny wskazywał na występowanie podobnych objawów u dwóch członków rodziny. Wyniki: Wyniki badania psychologicznego potwierdziły obniżenie jakości snu, a także pogorszenie funkcjonowania poznawczego w aspekcie krótkotrwałej pamięci werbalnej i zdolności koncentracji uwagi oraz obniżenie poziomu fluencji semantycznej w wąskim zakresie. Wnioski: Po przeprowadzeniu diagnostyki różnicowej ustalono rozpoznanie rodzinnej postaci zespołu jedzenia nocnego. Zważywszy na rzadkość omawianego schorzenia w populacji, potrzebne jest pogłębienie badań dotyczących tej postaci zespołu.

  15. Koncepcja pomiaru i taksonomii zaburzeń behawioralnych i emocjonalnych Thomasa Achenbacha oraz ważne dla niej dane fenotypowe i genetyczne

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ewa Zasępa


    Full Text Available W artykule omówiona została koncepcja Thomasa Achenbacha dotycząca pomiaru i taksonomii zaburzeń behawioralnych oraz emocjonalnych. Nosi ona nazwę Systemu Pomiaru Opartego na Empirii. Inaczej podejście to nazywane jest też „z dołu do góry”. Zgodnie z nim kryteria diagnostyczne poszczególnych kategorii chorób i zaburzeń psychicznych wyprowadza się w oparciu o badanie dużych prób reprezentatywnych dla danej populacji. Powstałe w ten sposób nozologie służą do identyfikacji nowych przypadków. Podejście to jest inne niż paradygmat DSM, który określany jest „z góry do dołu”. Mierzone zgodnie z paradygmatem „z dołu do góry” zachowania problemowe można przedstawić na nastę- pujących poziomach: poziom pierwszy to specyficzne rodzaje problemów reprezentowane przez poszczególne itemy, poziom drugi – wyodrębnionych 8 skal zachowań problemowych (Lęk/Depresja, Wycofywanie się, Skargi Somatyczne, Zaburzenia Myślenia, Zaburzenia Uwagi, Zachowania Agresywne, Łamanie Norm, Natręctwa, poziom trzeci – 2 grupy zachowań problemowych: Zachowania Internalizacyjne i Zachowania Eksternalizacyjne, poziom czwarty – ogólny poziom zachowań problemowych, będący sumą wszystkich przeżywanych problemów. W artykule zostały przedstawione również wyniki badań, które potwierdzają koncepcję Achenbacha, to znaczy omówiono fenotypowe i genetyczne dane ważne dla tej koncepcji. Dane fenotypowe wskazują na to, że wyróżnione skale zachowań problemowych stanowią rzeczywiście odrębne syndromy, z kolei dane drugiego rodzaju – że syndromy te w dużym stopniu są uwarunkowane genetycznie. Mniejszy wpływ na ich rozwój ma środowisko wspólne bądź specyficzne.

  16. Udar mózgu u 15‑letniej dziewczynki – opis przypadku

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Anna Maślany


    Full Text Available Udary mózgu należą do najczęstszych schorzeń populacji dorosłych, ale mogą występować również u dzieci. Wyróżniamy udary niedokrwienne, wynikające z okluzji naczynia, oraz krwotoczne, gdy dochodzi do pęknię‑ cia ściany naczynia. Przyczyny udarów i czynniki ryzyka są inne niż u dorosłych, jednak aż w połowie przy‑ padków nie udaje się ich ustalić. Najczęstszą przyczyną w tej grupie wiekowej są wrodzone wady serca i ukła‑ du krążenia. Inne istotne czynniki ryzyka to zaburzenia układu krzepnięcia, nabyte choroby serca, dysplazje naczyniowe, autoimmunologiczne zapalenia naczyń, a także zakażenia, urazy i zaburzenia metaboliczne. Objawy choroby w grupie pediatrycznej są często niespecyficzne i słabo wyrażone, stąd mogą stanowić pro‑ blem diagnostyczny. W pracy umówiono współczesne metody diagnostyczne, zarówno obrazowe, jak i labo‑ ratoryjne, a także rekomendacje postępowania leczniczego, które aktualnie opierają się na wytycznych opra‑ cowanych na populacji dorosłych. W artykule przedstawiono również opis przypadku 15‑letniej dziewczynki z zaburzeniami świadomości, u której w badaniu rezonansu magnetycznego głowy stwierdzono ognisko nie‑ dokrwienne w prawej okolicy czołowo‑skroniowej. W toku diagnostycznym rozpoznano u pacjentki wadę serca pod postacią ubytku przedsionkowo‑komorowego typu II (ASD II, przetrwały otwór owalny (PFO oraz tęt‑ niak przegrody międzyprzedsionkowej. Badania psychologiczne przeprowadzone po incydencie wykazały zaburzenia koncentracji, pogorszenie jakości pisma, rozumienia, zapamiętywania oraz pogorszenie ogólnej sprawności psychomotorycznej.

  17. Clinical findings in two cases of atypical scrapie in sheep: a case report

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Chaplin Melanie


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Atypical scrapie is a recently recognised form of transmissible spongiform encephalopathy of sheep that differs from classical scrapie in its neuropathological and biochemical features. Most cases are detected in apparently healthy sheep and information on the clinical presentation is limited. Case presentation This report describes the clinical findings in two sheep notified as scrapie suspects and confirmed as atypical scrapie cases by immunohistochemistry and Western immunoblotting. Although both sheep displayed signs suggestive of a cerebellar dysfunction there was considerable variation in the individual clinical signs, which were similar to classical scrapie. Conclusion Any sheep presenting with neurological gait deficits should be assessed more closely for other behavioural, neurological and physical signs associated with scrapie and their presence should lead to the suspicion of scrapie.

  18. The electrical resistivity method in cased boreholes

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Schenkel, C.J.


    The use of downhole current sources in resistivity mapping can greatly enhance the detection and delineation of subsurface features. The purpose of this work is to examine the resistivity method for current sources in wells cased with steel. The resistivity method in cased boreholes with downhole current sources is investigated using the integral equation (IE) technique. The casing and other bodies are characterized as conductivity inhomogeneities in a half-space. For sources located along the casing axis, an axially symmetric Green's function is used to formulate the surface potential and electric field (E-field) volume integral equations. The situations involving off-axis current sources and three-dimensional (3-D) bodies is formulated using the surface potential IE method. The solution of the 3-D Green's function is presented in cylindrical and Cartesian coordinate systems. The methods of moments is used to solve the Fredholm integral equation of the second kind for the response due to the casing and other bodies. The numerical analysis revealed that the current in the casing can be approximated by its vertical component except near the source and the axial symmetric approximation of the casing is valid even for the 3-D problem. The E-field volume IE method is an effective and efficient technique to simulate the response of the casing in a half-space, whereas the surface potential approach is computationally better when multiple bodies are involved. Analyzing several configurations of the current source indicated that the casing response is influenced by four characteristic factors: conduction length, current source depth,casing depth, and casing length. 85 refs., 133 figs., 11 tabs.

  19. Use cases versus task descriptions

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lauesen, Søren; Kuhail, Mohammad Amin


    Abstract. [Context and motivation] Use cases are widely used as a substantial part of requirements, also when little programming is expected (COTS-based systems). [Question/problem] Are use cases effective as requirements? To an-swer this question, we invited professionals and researchers...

  20. Mediastinitis after oesophagoscopy : a case report : case report

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    of the mediastinal tissues and pleural cavities through digestive juices and bacteria that give rise to cellulitis and suppuration.3. We here report a case in which .... measures and surgical drainage of the retro-oesophageal space if suppuration has developed. Complete healing of the oesophagus may take as long as two ...

  1. Treatment phases in management of a comprehensive restorative case. A case report

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    AlSamh, Duaa Abo; Endo, Cert End


    The aim of this case report was to emphasize the value of preforming patient's treatment plan into phases of treatment and encouraging colleagues to apply such phases in the clinical practice for the management of complex restorative cases. Traditional approach to treatment planning has certain merits. However, new treatment approach should improve oral health rather than react to presenting problems and therefore, dentists should aim to convert their irregular attendee to a regular attendee with treatment plan directed to enhance oral health, prevent disease, improve esthetic and free the patient from pain and discomfort. In this report, a complex restorative case of a 16-year-old female patient was managed for comprehensive dental therapy in the form of treatment plan which was divided into phases by way of a ''staircase'' approach with one clinical step being dependent on the previous step. The whole treatment was completed in three months and the results were satisfactory and patient became a highly motivated person with more self-confidence. (author)

  2. Investigation of Energy-Efficient Supermarket Display Cases

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Walker, D.H.


    Supermarkets represent one of the largest energy-intensive building groups in the commercial sector, consuming 2 to 3 million kWh/yr per store (ES-1). Over half of this energy use is for the refrigeration of food display cases and storage coolers. Display cases are used throughout a supermarket for the merchandising of perishable food products. The cases are maintained at air temperatures ranging from -10 to 35 F, depending upon the type of product stored. The operating characteristics and energy requirements of the refrigeration system are directly related to the refrigeration load. The sources of the display case refrigeration load consist of: (1) Moist and warm air infiltration through the open front of the case--air curtains are employed to inhibit this infiltration, but some ambient air is entrained, which adds a substantial portion to the refrigeration load. (2) Heat conduction through case panels and walls. (3) Thermal radiation from the ambient to the product and display case interior. (4) Internal thermal loads--the use of lights, evaporator fans, periodic defrosts, and antisweat heaters adds to the refrigeration load of the display case as well as directly consuming electric energy. The impact of each of these elements on the refrigeration load is very dependent upon case type (Figure ES-1). For example, air infiltration is the most significant portion of the refrigeration load for open, multi-deck cases, while radiation is the largest part of the load for tub-type cases. The door anti-sweat heaters represent a major share of the refrigeration load for frozen food door reach-in cases. Figure ES-2 shows the distribution of display cases in a typical supermarket (ES-2). Open, multi-deck, medium temperature display cases typically comprise about half of the refrigerated fixtures in a store (ES-3). In addition, medium temperature fixtures and storage coolers account for roughly 70 to 75 percent of the total store refrigeration load with open, multi-deck cases

  3. Student-generated case reports. (United States)

    Good, Christopher J


    When students create teaching materials, learning can be enhanced. Therefore, a project was designed based on the traditional clinical case report and the chiropractic technique and principles curriculum at the University of Bridgeport College of Chiropractic. The objectives were to increase mastery in a clinical topic, increase awareness of different patient presentations and management options, and enhance information technology skills. Following lectures about the components of a case report and neurological reflexes related to visceral comorbidities and subluxation and joint dysfunction, students created a case report based on a template provided by the instructor. A survey gathered student perspectives on the exercise. More than 70% of the surveyed students felt the project was at least moderately helpful in improving understanding of a case report, the condition investigated, their clinical reasoning, and the ability to integrate information. Most felt that they improved their understanding of neurological reflexes, use of the literature, and the practice of evidence-based care. The majority believed that they identified weakness in knowledge, improved self-learning skills, and increased confidence in managing patients. Most enjoyed it at least somewhat and 70% agreed that the project should be continued. Many believed that they were better prepared for national boards and had improved their writing skills.

  4. Associative visual agnosia: a case study. (United States)

    Charnallet, A; Carbonnel, S; David, D; Moreaud, O


    We report a case of massive associative visual agnosia. In the light of current theories of identification and semantic knowledge organization, a deficit involving both levels of structural description system and visual semantics must be assumed to explain the case. We suggest, in line with a previous case study, an alternative account in the framework of (non abstractive) episodic models of memory.

  5. Case report

    African Journals Online (AJOL)



    Oct 17, 2017 ... Scholar. 2. Riccardo Campi, Sergio Serni, Maria Rosaria Raspollini,. Agostino Tuccio, Giampaolo Siena, Marco Carini et al. Robot-. Assisted Laparoscopic Vesiculectomy for Large Seminal Vesicle. Cystadenoma: a case report and review of the literature. Clinical Genitourinary Cancer. 2015; 13(5): e369-.


    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    cardiac failure, as in our patient, digitalis and radiography are considered before surgical excision. Occasional cases have involuted spontaneously, though a few have metastasized. 5 Other forms of treatment include corticosteroids, and hepatic artery ligation. 7 Malignant transformation has been reported after successful ...

  7. Case Report

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    through a small clinically-undetectable inguinal hernia, and may require ... conservative approach may be adopted. Case report: An 80 ... gross bilateral scrotal swelling (without cough impulse) ... Tenckhoff catheter was inserted using the open surgical technique ... role of surgery in treating dialysate leaks presenting as.

  8. Case report

    African Journals Online (AJOL)



    Mar 28, 2014 ... Abstract. Cushing syndrome is a hormonal disorder caused by prolonged exposure of body tissue to cortisol. We report two cases of iatrogenic Cushing's syndrome in two Nigerian children following intranasal administration of aristobed-N (Betamethasone+Neomycin) given at a private hospital where.

  9. Case report

    African Journals Online (AJOL)



    May 21, 2013 ... Imperforate Hymen - a rare cause of acute abdominal pain and tenesmus: case report and review of .... did a ten year retrospective analysis of the data of 15 patients treated for ... Low back pain (38-40%) [4, 13, 14]. Occurs as ...

  10. Case report

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    15 juin 2016 ... We report the case of a 17-year old admitted with diffuse bone pain, hypercalcemia and thrombopenia. Bone scan showed .... plus rares et ont été rapportée dans des observations isolées [13]. ... hypercalcemia in nude mice.

  11. Case competitions

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Schjoldager, Anne Gram


    The paper presents and discusses a teaching project with case competitions for MA students of specialised translation at the Aarhus School of Business, Aarhus University. Drawing on a series of online questionnaires, the paper ascertains how the project was evaluated by the participating students...

  12. Case series

    African Journals Online (AJOL)



    Jan 19, 2015 ... Child sexual abuse: report of 311 cases with review of literature. Laila Essabar1, Abdenbi Khalqallah2, Badr Sououd Benjelloun Dakhama1,&. 1Department of Paediatric Medical Emergencies of Rabat children's Hospital, Morocco, 2Laboratory of Clinical and Pathological Psychology,. Mohammed V ...


    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    Sep 1, 2010 ... of the two diseases surgery can be successful, recovery can be similar to that .... lymphocytes predominated in 68% of cases, and that there was an .... using ferritin is the fact that it acts as an acute-phase reactant and will be ...

  14. [Lobular idiopathic granulomatos mastitis. About 10 cases]. (United States)

    Hmissa, Sihem; Sahraoui, Wassila; Missaoui, Nabiha; Stita, Wided; Mokni, Moncef; Yacoubi, Mohamed T; Khairi, Hedi; Korbi, Sadok


    Our retrospective study was performed on 10 cases of granulomatous mastitis registered in Obstetric Gynaecology Department and Pathology Department of CHU F. Hached, Sousse, during 8 years period. The mean age was 36.4 years (range 32-59). Among these 10 cases. 8 were observed in reproductive-age women and 2 were noted in menopausal women. Clinical findings showed unilateral breast nodule associated with inflammatory signs in 4 cases, mammelonary retraction in 2 cases and serous or sero-purulent mamelonnary flow in 4 cases. Mamnmographic examination suggested a malignant tumor in 5 patients. In all cases, the diagnosis is made by histopathology. Surgical treatment consisted in wide excision with drainage or radical mastectomy, eventually with combination with antibiotic therapy and non steroid anti-inflammatory drugs. Prognostic features showed a good cicatrization in 4 cases, local recurrence and cutaneous fistulization in one patient. Granulomatous mastitis aetiology is still unclear, auto-immune aetio-pathogenesis appears more interesting and should be clarified.

  15. Sustainability in the Business Case

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Ron Schipper; Gilbert Gilbert Silvius


    This paper explores the integration of indicators that reflect the concepts of sustainability into business cases and business case evaluation methods. It is based on the observations that sustainability is one of the most important challenges of our time and that sustainable development requires

  16. [A case of lingual agenesis]. (United States)

    Carinci, F; Felisatti, P; Curioni, C


    Lingual agenesis is a rare anomaly caused by failed morphogenesis of the lateral lingual swellings during embriogenesis. Most reported cases have been part of oromandibular limb hypogenesis syndrome (OLHS). A case of lingual agenesis associated with micrognathia and alteration of the hands is reported.

  17. Task descriptions versus use cases

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lauesen, Søren; Kuhail, Mohammad Amin


    Use cases are widely used as a substantial part of requirements, also when little programming is expected (COTS-based systems, Commercial-Off-The-Shelf). Are use cases effective as requirements? To answer this question, we invited professionals and researchers to specify requirements for the same...

  18. A case-case study of mobile phone use and acoustic neuroma risk in Japan. (United States)

    Sato, Yasuto; Akiba, Suminori; Kubo, Osami; Yamaguchi, Naohito


    Results of case-control studies of mobile phone use and acoustic neuroma have been inconsistent. We conducted a case-case study of mobile phone use and acoustic neuroma using a self-administered postal questionnaire. A total of 1589 cases identified in 22 hospitals throughout Japan were invited to participate, and 787 cases (51%) actually participated. Associations between laterality of mobile phone use prior to the reference dates (1 and 5 years before diagnosis) and tumor location were analyzed. The overall risk ratio was 1.08 (95% confidence interval (CI), 0.93-1.28) for regular mobile phone use until 1 year before diagnosis and 1.14 (95% CI, 0.96-1.40) for regular mobile phone use until 5 years before diagnosis. A significantly increased risk was identified for mobile phone use for >20 min/day on average, with risk ratios of 2.74 at 1 year before diagnosis, and 3.08 at 5 years before diagnosis. Cases with ipsilateral combination of tumor location and more frequently used ear were found to have tumors with smaller diameters, suggesting an effect of detection bias. Furthermore, analysis of the distribution of left and right tumors suggested an effect of tumor-side-related recall bias for recall of mobile phone use at 5 years before diagnosis. The increased risk identified for mobile phone users with average call duration >20 min/day should be interpreted with caution, taking into account the possibilities of detection and recall biases. However, we could not conclude that the increased risk was entirely explicable by these biases, leaving open the possibility that mobile phone use increased the risk of acoustic neuroma. Copyright © 2010 Wiley-Liss, Inc.

  19. Breast nocardiosis: case report

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kim, Min Ju; Kim, Sun Mi; Park, Jeong Mi


    Nocardiosis is an opportunistic infection occurring in immunocompromised patients. Worldwidely, about four cases of nocardiosis of the breast have been previously reported, but none of these were in Korea. We describe a case of breast nocardiosis associated with pulmonary infection in a patient with Cushing's disease. In our patient, multiple, well-defined, conglomerated, tubular-shaped, isodense mass was revealed at mammography, and an irregular-shaped, ill-defined, heterogeneous echoic mass with movable debris at ultrasonography

  20. Periosteal osteosarcoma: A case report

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Errol U. Hutagalung


    Full Text Available Periosteal osteosarcoma is a rare type of malignant bone neoplasm, with predominantly cartilaginous component and arising on the bone surface. Reports of the case in the literature were rare. Last case was reported by Mayo Clinic in 1999. We report a case of periosteal osteosarcoma in a 17-year-old male, who was treated surgically with a limb salvage procedure, neoadjuvant and adjuvant chemotherapy were also given to the patient. There was no local recurrence and lung metastases up to 14 months after surgery. (Med J Indones 2003; 12: 166-70 Keywords: osteosarcoma, periosteal osteosarcoma, limb salvage

  1. Renal myxoma: a case report

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Carlos Henrique C Souza


    Full Text Available Myxomas are rare tumors that can appear in many anatomical locations. There are only 14 cases of renal involvement documented in the literature. This article reports a case of renal myxoma in an elderly woman with recurrent cystitis. After five years of follow-up, the computed tomography (CT revealed a large solid tumor mass in the left kidney. Tumor resection was performed preserving the affected kidney with histopathological diagnosis of renal myxoma. The objective of this study is to report a rare case of renal myxoma, emphasizing the importance of the differential diagnosis from other benign and malignant mesenchymal tumors.

  2. Hearing impairment associated with oral terbinafine use : a case series and case/non-case analysis in the Netherlands Pharmacovigilance Centre Lareb database and VigiBase™

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Scholl, Joep H G; van Puijenbroek, Eugene P


    BACKGROUND: The Netherlands Pharmacovigilance Centre Lareb received reports of six cases of hearing impairment in association with oral terbinafine use. This study describes these cases and provides support for this association from the Lareb database for spontaneous adverse drug reaction (ADR)

  3. Trends of anti-tuberculosis drug resistance pattern in new cases and previously treated cases of extrapulmonary tuberculosis cases in referral hospitals in northern India

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    A K Maurya


    Full Text Available Background: Drug-resistant tuberculosis is one of major current challenges to global public health. The transmission of resistant strains is increasing as a burden of multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB patients in extra pulmonary tuberculosis (EPTB cases in India. Aim and Objectives: The aim was to study trends of anti-tuberculosis drug resistance pattern in new cases and previously treated cases of EPTB in referral hospitals in northern India. Study Design and Setting: A prospectively observational study and referral medical institutions in northern India. Materials and Methods: All EPTB specimens were processed for Ziehl Neelsen staining, BACTEC culture and BACTEC NAP test for Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex. All M. tuberculosis complex isolates were performed for radiometric-based drug susceptibility pattern against streptomycin, isoniazid, rifampicin and ethambutol using the 1% proportion method. Results: We found that 165/756 (20.5% isolates were identified as M. tuberculosis complex by the NAP test. We observed that 39.9% were resistant to first-line antitubercular drugs. The resistance rate was higher in previously treated patients: H (30.3%, R (16.3%, E (15.7% and S (16.3%. MDR-TB was observed in 13.4%, but, in new cases, this was 11.4% and 19.1% of the previously treated patients (P<0.05. Conclusion: MDR-TB is gradually increased in EPTB cases and predominant resistance to previous treated cases of EPTB. The molecular drug sensitivity test (DST method can be an early decision for chemotherapy in MDR-TB patients. The International Standards of TB Care need to be used by the RNTCP and professional medical associations as a tool to improve TB care in the country.



    Yanki D.


    ABSTRACT: In Sikkim, the rate of suicide has been on the rise since the last 10 years. Suicidal hanging as method of ending life is a major concern among school children. It is very rare that the victims are brought on time for successful resuscit ation in Sikkim. Suicide by hanging is probably the most easy way to go about taking one’s own life , as the means to do it are easily available and uncomplicated and, brutally efficient in most case s . This is a case ...

  5. Muscle metastases: ultrasound and CT scan imaging in nine cases. Report on 9 cases

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Folinais, D.; Cluzel, Ph.; Blangy, S.; Sibert, A.; David, M.; Benacerraf, R.


    Clinical, ultrasound and CT scan examinations were carried out in 9 patients with secondary muscle lesions. All muscles can be affected but there was a marked predominance of psoas lesions (6 of the 9 cases). Two contrasting clinical pictures are seen. Secondary muscle tumors can occur during evolution of a known treated cancer (5 of the 9 cases), revealed usually by large, rarely painful, mass. CT scan imaging shows an heterogeneous mass taking up contrast and often partially necrotic, the lesions appearing hypoechogenic or heterogeneous on ultrasound exmination. Certain lesions can be totally necrotic. In some cases (4 of the 9 patients) the muscle metastases revealed the presence of a tumor. Symptomatology may be atypical and lead to a delay in diagnosis. Fine needle puncture biopsy can detect the secondary origin of the muscle lesion and also the primary tumor site (4 out of 9 cases), bronchopulmonary and colon cancer predominating. Images are however non-specific and in the absence of NMR imaging the muscle or lymph node metastases can be confused, although this has no practic consequences since treatment is identical [fr

  6. Enhanced Web-Based Otitis Study Case vs. Simple Paper-Case: Impact on Medical Student Objective Structured Clinical Exam Performance

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Michael H. Malloy, M.D., M.S.


    Full Text Available Background: Distance education methods have taken on greater importance as medical student education has moved off campus into the community. What the best methods are for conveying information to students at distant sites has not been determined. Objective: To determine if students at distant community sites who received an otitis media study case by e-mail that was enhanced with a referral to a web-based otitis study case, performed better on otitis OSCE stations than students who received the same case not enhanced with visuals or referrals to a web-based otitis case. Design/Methods: Students were randomized by community site to receive either the enhanced (E or simple otitis study case (S. Students were e-mailed an otitis media study case during the 5th week of the rotation. Those randomized to the E-case received a case that started with a case scenario followed by a "Task" that instructed them to go to this web address: (American Academy of Pediatrics Otitis Web Site. They were then to select "Case 1" which was a continuation of the case scenario present on their e-mail. A list of learning objectives was also printed on the e-mail. Students receiving the S-case viewed the same case scenario and objectives, but were not instructed to go to the web page. All students rotated through two OSCE otitis stations. In the first station they interviewed a simulated patient(OSCE-SP and counseled her on the management of her 12 month old with otitis. Within that station they viewed a video of a pneumoscopic exam of two ears, one ear with otitis and the other ear normal. At the 2nd otitis station the student presented the case to a faculty and was asked a series of questions about otitis media(OSCE-PR. Scores on the two stations were compared by group. Results: There were 198 students who took the OSCE. 178 (90% responded to a survey that indicated they had opened and read the e-mailed case. There

  7. CASE REPORT CASE Assessing cervical stability: a reminder

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    modality for excluding instability,2 as the following case illustrates. The patient, an underground mine worker, sustained an injury to his neck in a rock fall accident. Cervical spine radiographs and a CT scan demonstrate bilateral fractures which have resulted in disruption of the bony ring of C2. This constitutes a hangman's ...

  8. A technology-enhanced patient case workshop. (United States)

    Pai, Vinita B; Kelley, Katherine A; Bellebaum, Katherine L


    To assess the impact of technology-based changes on student learning, skill development, and satisfaction in a patient-case workshop. A new workshop format for a course was adopted over a 3-year period. Students received and completed patient cases and obtained immediate performance feedback in class instead of preparing the case prior to class and waiting for instructors to grade and return their cases. The cases were designed and accessed via an online course management system. Student satisfaction was measured using end-of-course surveys. The impact of the technology-based changes on student learning, problem-solving, and critical-thinking skills was measured and compared between the 2 different course formats by assessing changes in examination responses. Three advantages to the new format were reported: real-life format in terms of time constraint for responses, a team learning environment, and expedient grading and feedback. Students overwhelmingly agreed that the new format should be continued. Students' examination scores improved significantly under the new format. The change in delivery of patient-case workshops to an online, real-time system was well accepted and resulted in enhanced learning, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills.

  9. Performable Case Studies in Ethics Education. (United States)

    Robeson, Richard; King, Nancy M P


    Bioethics education often includes the study of short stories, novels, plays, and films, because such materials present case examples that can highlight relevant issues and questions especially vividly for a wide range of students. In addition, creative writing is widely used in the education of health professional students and in continuing education settings for health professionals. There are very few academic or professional disciplines that do not use case studies, but the case study in dialogic form has not been standard practice for thousands of years. Dramatic arts casuistry-the creation and performance of short case studies designed specifically to raise bioethics issues for discussion-represents an application of literature and the medical humanities that is both unique and uniquely valuable. This essay describes the development and history of a course that has been successfully taught to medical students and graduate bioethics students, in which the class researches, writes, and performs a case study designed to elicit reflection and discussion about a topic and set of bioethics issues of current interest to both academic and general audiences. The model is also suited to the presentation and discussion of existing case studies, both live and via on-demand audio.

  10. [Pediatric lung lesions: a clinicopathological study of 215 cases]. (United States)

    Niu, Huilin; Wang, Fenghua; Liu, Wei; Wang, Yong; Chen, Zhengrong; Gao, Qiu; Yi, Peng; Li, Liping; Zeng, Rongxin


    To investigate clinical and pathological features of lung lesions in children. Clinical manifestations, radiologic imaging, histopathological features and immunohistochemical results were analyzed in 215 cases of lung lesions in children. A total of 215 cases of lung lesions in children aged 0 day to 13 years (average age of 27.2 months and the median age of 18.0 months) were selected, including 137 male and 78 female patients with a male to female ratio of 1.76:1.00. The incidence of congenital lung disease was higher in patients of less than 1 year old than those of over 1 year old age, and the difference of the two groups was statistically significant (P = 0.004). 142 cases had acquired lung diseases, and 73 cases had congenital bronchopulmonary dysplasia. Lung abscess was the most common lesion seen in 86 cases (40.0%), including 1 case of fungal abscess. Congenital pulmonary airway malformation (CPAM) was the second most common, seen in 44 patients (20.5%), including 20 cases of type 1, 18 cases of type 2 and 6 cases of type 4 CPAM. Pulmonary sequestration was found in 25 cases (11.6%) including 14 cases of intralobar type and 11 cases of extralobar type. Two cases of extralobar pulmonary sequestration showed simultaneous CPAM2 type 2 lesion. Other lesions included tuberculosis (13 cases, 6.0%), emphysema (12 cases, 5.6%), interstitial pneumonia (7 cases, 3.2%), pulmonary hemorrhage (6 cases, 2.8%), bronchogenic cyst (4 cases, 1.9%), bronchiolitis obliterans (2 cases, 0.9%), idiopathic pulmonary hemosiderin deposition disease (2 cases, 0.9%) and 1 cases of lung non-specific changes. 13 cases of neoplastic lesions (6.0%) were found, of which 11 cases were primary tumors (5.1%), including inflammatory myofibroblastic tumor in 5 patients (2.3%), pleuropulmonary blastoma in 5 cases (1 case of type I, 2 type II and 2 type III) and 1 case of mucoepidermoid carcinoma (0.5%) and 2 cases of metastatic tumors (hepatoblastoma and Wilm's tumor, 0.9%). Infectious diseases

  11. A severe case of erythrodermic psoriasis associated with advanced nail and joint manifestations: a case report

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Balderrama Carola


    Full Text Available Abstract Introduction Erythrodermic psoriasis is a rare generalized clinical presentation of psoriasis in children and adults. Its systemic involvement and a diverse range of clinical findings in the joint and nails are commonly described. A high index of suspicion and an exhaustive differential diagnosis involving other causes of erythroderma should be initially considered. Case presentation We present the case of a 9-year-old native Hispanic girl with severe erythrodermic psoriasis associated with uncommon advanced nail and joint manifestations. Our patient showed an excellent response to methotrexate medication. Conclusion This case shows clinical features not commonly described or reported in severe cases of erythrodermic psoriasis, including severe and rare nail and arthritic findings in a pediatric scenario.

  12. Odontogenic myxoma: report of 2 cases

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kim, Joo Yeon; Park, Geum Mee; Cho, Bong Hae; Nah, Kyung Soo [Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology, College of Dentistry, Pusan National University, Seoul (Korea, Republic of)


    The odontogenic myxoma is an infiltrative benign tumor of bone that occurs almost exclusively in the jaw bones and comprises 3% to 6% of odontogenic tumors. This neoplasm is thought to arise from the primitive mesenchymal structures of a developing tooth, including the dental follicle, dental papilla, or periodontal ligament. Radiographically the odontogenic myxoma may produce several patterns: unicystic, multilocular, pericoronal, and radiolucent-radiopaque, making the differential diagnosis difficult. In this report, two cases of the odontogenic myxoma in the jaw bones are presented. The first case involved only the mandible, while the second case involved the maxilla. Both cases presented extensive multilocular radiolucencies characteristic of odontogenic myxoma.

  13. Chronic eosinophilic pneumonia: a case report

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Heo, Tae Haeng; Park, Jeong Hee; Lim, Jong Nam; Shin, Hyun Jun; Jeon, Hae Jeong [College of Medicine, Kon-Kuk University, Seoul (Korea, Republic of)


    Chronic eosinophilic pneumonia is a rare disease characterized by chronic infiltration of the lung with eosinophils, usually associated with peripheral eosinophilia. In 65% of cases, the chest radiograph shows typical nonsegmental air-space consolidation confined to the outer third of the lung, and in 25% of cases, the 'photographic negative of pulmonary edema' Typical lung manifestations with peripheral eosinophilia are characteristic of chronic eosinophilic pneumonia. In the remaining cases, radiographic findings are nonspecific and require lung biopsy for confirmation. We report a case of chronic eosinophilic pneumonia in which chest radiograph and CT scans revealed bilateral patchy or diffuse opacity with nodules scattered throughout the lungs.

  14. A case-based assistant for clinical psychiatry expertise.


    Bichindaritz, I.


    Case-based reasoning is an artificial intelligence methodology for the processing of empirical knowledge. Recent case-based reasoning systems also use theoretic knowledge about the domain to constrain the case-based reasoning. The organization of the memory is the key issue in case-based reasoning. The case-based assistant presented here has two structures in memory: cases and concepts. These memory structures permit it to be as skilled in problem-solving tasks, such as diagnosis and treatmen...

  15. Epidemiological follow-up study of Japanese Thorotrast cases

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mori, T.; Maruyama, T.; Kato, Y.; Takahashi, S.


    The authors conducted a follow-up study on 243 Thorotrast-administered war-wounded ex-servicemen in 1975, after a lapse of 30 to 38 years from Thorotrast injections, and found 18 cases of malignant hepatic tumor, 15 cases of other malignant tumors, 2 cases of blood diseases, and 9 cases of liver cirrhosis in 224 cases who had been given Thorotrast intravascularly. The incidence of hepatic and other malignant tumors, blood diseases, and liver cirrhosis was significantly higher than in the controls. The total number of deaths in the Thorotrast-administered cases was also significantly higher than in the controls. In the remaining 19 cases who had been given Thorotrast by a route other than intravascularly, no fatal case related to Thorotrast administration was discovered. In the living cases, however, one sarcoma was observed to have developed at the site of the Thorotrast injection

  16. 12 CFR 585.110 - How do I apply for a case-by-case exemption? (United States)


    ... PROHIBITED SERVICE AT SAVINGS AND LOAN HOLDING COMPANIES Exemptions § 585.110 How do I apply for a case-by-case exemption? (a) Who may file. (1) A savings and loan holding company or a person who was convicted... exemption only for a designated position (or positions) with respect to a named savings and loan holding...

  17. Case Report Writing in a Doctor of Physical Therapy Education Program: A Case Study (United States)

    Fillyaw, Michael J.


    Case reports are an established form of scholarship used for teaching and learning in medicine and health care, but there are few examples of the teaching and learning activities used to prepare students to write a case report. This report describes the implementation of two courses that prepare physical therapy students to write and disseminate a…

  18. Associative Visual Agnosia: A Case Study

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    A. Charnallet


    Full Text Available We report a case of massive associative visual agnosia. In the light of current theories of identification and semantic knowledge organization, a deficit involving both levels of structural description system and visual semantics must be assumed to explain the case. We suggest, in line with a previous case study [1], an alternative account in the framework of (non abstractive episodic models of memory [4].

  19. History and Use of Engineering Cases. (United States)

    Fuchs, H. O.

    The use of engineering cases as tools for learning engineering is stated to be about 10 years old. A brief account of the origin for years before 1950 is given. A note is made of an initial meeting held in 1962 when the potential of the case approach in teaching engineering was discussed. By 1964, case programs were in operation at three schools.…

  20. Associative Visual Agnosia: A Case Study


    Charnallet, A.; Carbonnel, S.; David, D.; Moreaud, O.


    We report a case of massive associative visual agnosia. In the light of current theories of identification and semantic knowledge organization, a deficit involving both levels of structural description system and visual semantics must be assumed to explain the case. We suggest, in line with a previous case study [1], an alternative account in the framework of (non abstractive) episodic models of memory [4].

  1. [Sexual offences--selected cases]. (United States)

    Łabecka, Marzena; Jarzabek-Bielecka, Grazyna; Lorkiewicz-Muszyńska, Dorota


    Expert testimony on violence victims also includes victims of sexual assault. The role of an expert is to classify the injuries by their severity as defined in art. 157 156 or 217 of the Criminal Code pertaining to crimes against health and life. Also, the role of an expert opinion is to determine whether the injuries identified during the exam occurred at the time and under the circumstances stated in medical history. The examination of sexual assault victims is conducted by two experts: a gynecologist and a forensic physician. Most examinations are performed at different times and various medical centers. The conclusions are presented in an official report. Regardless of victim age, all sexual crimes are investigated ex officio by the Police Department and the Prosecutor's Office. Further legal classification of criminal offenses is the task of an appropriate legal body and the offenses are codified in accordance with the provisions of chapter XXV of the Criminal Code, articles 197 - 205. In controversial cases, i.e. when two different expert opinions appear on the same case, or if, according to the law enforcement, a medical opinion is insufficient for some reason, an appropriate expert or team of experts is appointed to resolve the problem. To present selected cases of sexual violence victims treated at the Department of Gynecology and assessed at the Department of Forensic Medicine with reference to the challenges regarding qualification of the sustained injuries and clinical diagnoses. Research material included selected forensic opinions developed for law enforcement offices that involved victims of sexual violence. The expert opinions were prepared either on the basis of submitted evidence, or both, submitted evidence and examination of the victim at the Department of Forensic Medicine. Moreover the article presents a case of a patient examined and treated at the Department of Gynecology in Poznan. Based on the selected cases, the authors conclude that a

  2. Ruptured gastroepiploic artery aneurysm: A case report

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ahmad S. Ashrafi

    Full Text Available Introduction: Gastroepiploic artery aneurysms are extremely rare, with few reported cases in the literature. The risk of rupture however, is high and thus warrants attention. Presentation of case: Here we present a rare case of a women who presented to the emergency department in shock and was found to have a ruptured gastroepiploic artery aneurysm during surgical exploration. Suture ligation of the aneurysm was completed. Discussion: Although rare, gastroepiploic artery aneurysms have up to a 90% rate of rupture and therefore require intervention. A laparoscopic approach has been described however, in cases where rupture has occurred, urgent laparotomy and control of hemorrhage is needed. Conclusion: We describe a rare case of a ruptured gastroepiploic aneurysm that was successfully managed with urgent laparotomy and aneurysmal resection. Keywords: Gastroepiploic, Aneurysm, Hemorrhage, Case report

  3. Graphite oral tattoo: case report. (United States)

    Moraes, Renata Mendonça; Gouvêa Lima, Gabriela de Morais; Guilhermino, Marinaldo; Vieira, Mayana Soares; Carvalho, Yasmin Rodarte; Anbinder, Ana Lia


    Pigmented oral lesions compose a large number of pathological entities, including exogenous pigmentat oral tattoos, such as amalgam and graphite tattoos. We report a rare case of a graphite tattoo on the palate of a 62-year-old patient with a history of pencil injury, compare it with amalgam tattoos, and determine the prevalence of oral tattoos in our Oral Pathology Service. We also compare the clinical and histological findings of grafite and amalgam tattoos. Oral tattoos affect women more frequently in the region of the alveolar ridge. Graphite tattoos occur in younger patients when compared with the amalgam type. Histologically, amalgam lesions represent impregnation of the reticular fibers of vessels and nerves with silver, whereas in cases of graphite tattoos, this impregnation is not observed, but it is common to observe a granulomatous inflammatory response, less evident in cases of amalgam tattoos. Both types of lesions require no treatment, but in some cases a biopsy may be done to rule out melanocytic lesions.

  4. Genetic Algorithms for Case Adaptation

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Salem, A M [Computer Science Dept, Faculty of Computer and Information Sciences, Ain Shams University, Cairo (Egypt); Mohamed, A H [Solid State Dept., (NCRRT), Cairo (Egypt)


    Case based reasoning (CBR) paradigm has been widely used to provide computer support for recalling and adapting known cases to novel situations. Case adaptation algorithms generally rely on knowledge based and heuristics in order to change the past solutions to solve new problems. However, case adaptation has always been a difficult process to engineers within (CBR) cycle. Its difficulties can be referred to its domain dependency; and computational cost. In an effort to solve this problem, this research explores a general-purpose method that applying a genetic algorithm (GA) to CBR adaptation. Therefore, it can decrease the computational complexity of the search space in the problems having a great dependency on their domain knowledge. The proposed model can be used to perform a variety of design tasks on a broad set of application domains. However, it has been implemented for the tablet formulation as a domain of application. The proposed system has improved the performance of the CBR design systems.

  5. Degree distribution in discrete case

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wang, Li-Na; Chen, Bin; Yan, Zai-Zai


    Vertex degree of many network models and real-life networks is limited to non-negative integer. By means of measure and integral, the relation of the degree distribution and the cumulative degree distribution in discrete case is analyzed. The degree distribution, obtained by the differential of its cumulative, is only suitable for continuous case or discrete case with constant degree change. When degree change is not a constant but proportional to degree itself, power-law degree distribution and its cumulative have the same exponent and the mean value is finite for power-law exponent greater than 1. -- Highlights: → Degree change is the crux for using the cumulative degree distribution method. → It suits for discrete case with constant degree change. → If degree change is proportional to degree, power-law degree distribution and its cumulative have the same exponent. → In addition, the mean value is finite for power-law exponent greater than 1.

  6. Genetic Algorithms for Case Adaptation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Salem, A.M.; Mohamed, A.H.


    Case based reasoning (CBR) paradigm has been widely used to provide computer support for recalling and adapting known cases to novel situations. Case adaptation algorithms generally rely on knowledge based and heuristics in order to change the past solutions to solve new problems. However, case adaptation has always been a difficult process to engineers within (CBR) cycle. Its difficulties can be referred to its domain dependency; and computational cost. In an effort to solve this problem, this research explores a general-purpose method that applying a genetic algorithm (GA) to CBR adaptation. Therefore, it can decrease the computational complexity of the search space in the problems having a great dependency on their domain knowledge. The proposed model can be used to perform a variety of design tasks on a broad set of application domains. However, it has been implemented for the tablet formulation as a domain of application. The proposed system has improved the performance of the CBR design systems

  7. Making a Case for Case-Based Teaching in Data Literacy (United States)

    Riddle, Derek R.; Beck, Jori S.; Morgan, Joseph John; Brown, Nancy; Whitesides, Heather


    Building on a study conducted by the authors, this article provides strategies for teaching data literacy and outlines the case-based teaching method as an effective way of developing data-literate teachers.

  8. Case report

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    26 avr. 2016 ... cases relating idiopathic gastric necrosis in a young patient who presented no heart failure, or particular psychological profiles (bulimia, anorexia) no venous or arterial thrombosis were found during surgical exploration during the pathological study, no toxic or bacteriological founded. Gastric necrosis is ...

  9. Case report

    African Journals Online (AJOL)



    Jun 11, 2012 ... Abstract. Churg Strauss syndrome is a rare systemic and pulmonary vasculitis exceptionally associated with AA amyloidosis. We report the case of a 65-year old woman with past medical history of asthma. She developed polyarthralgia, headache and purpura. A laboratory workout found hypereosinophilia ...

  10. Case report

    African Journals Online (AJOL)



    May 5, 2017 ... Chondroblastic osteosarcoma of the distal tibia: a rare case report. Aymen Ben Fredj1,&, Lassaad Hassini1, Aymen Fekih1, Mohamed Allagui1, Issam Aloui1, Abderrazek Abid1. 1Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, University Hospital, Monastir, Tunisia. &Corresponding author: Aymen Ben Fredj, ...

  11. Case report

    African Journals Online (AJOL)



    Apr 14, 2016 ... Abstract. Laparoscopic management of acute adhesive small bowel obstruction has been shown to be feasible and advantageous. However, widespread acceptance and application is still not observed. We describe the case report of a 58-year-old male who presented with signs and symptoms of.

  12. Case series

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    4 déc. 2017 ... modify initial tumor stage in 60% of cases: upstaging in 23 patients (46%) and downstaging in ... (FDG) est injecté chez nos patients à la dose de 4 à 5 MBq/kg par ..... positron emission tomography in patients with lung cancer.

  13. Case report

    African Journals Online (AJOL)



    May 30, 2014 ... tumor size, pleural effusion, response to chemotherapy, and optimal radiotherapy [10]. Several authors assert that Surgical therapy has the most important implication and complete surgical resection is associated with a survival advantage [5]. In the index case, despite no distant metastasis were found at.

  14. Case report

    African Journals Online (AJOL)



    Oct 15, 2009 ... Meckel's diverticulum: a case report from the University Hospital Center ... The Pan African Medical Journal - ISSN 1937-8688. ... Usually discovered incidentally; it is often the cause of acute abdominal emergencies. It may present as intestinal obstruction with volvulus, intussusceptions or peritonitis due to ...

  15. Case report

    African Journals Online (AJOL)



    Nov 4, 2013 ... especially in developing countries. HBV can be complicated by acute glomerulonephritis , this association remains controversial. The optimal therapy is undefined, although in several studies, the antiviral drugs and the immunosuppressive therapy have been tried for those patients [1]. We report the case of ...

  16. Case report

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    17 janv. 2016 ... Budd-Chiari syndrome: a rare complication of hepatic sarcoidosis (about one case). Ismael Ait Sghier1,&, Nabil Moatassim Billah1. 1Service de Radiologie Centrale, Hôpital Avicenne, Rabat, Maroc. &Corresponding author: Ismael Ait Sghier, Service de Radiologie Centrale, Hôpital Avicenne, Rabat, Maroc.

  17. Case report

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    Cerebral venous sinus thrombosis in HIV-infected patients: report of 2 cases ... often affects young adults and children [1]. ... local trauma and infection, prothrombotic states like nephrotic ... head trauma. ... She denied any history of alcohol intake, cigarette smoking .... against protein S among HIV infected patients, leading to.

  18. Approaches to child protection case management for cases involving people with disabilities. (United States)

    Lightfoot, Elizabeth B; LaLiberte, Traci L


    This exploratory study examines the delivery of child protection services by county child protection agencies involving cases with a family member with a disability. Telephone surveys were conducted with the directors or their designees of 89% of the child protection agencies in a Midwestern state. Respondents were asked about the policies and/or procedures for approaching cases involving a person with a disability and the barriers and strengths agencies have in serving people with disabilities. Only 6.7% of respondents reported their agency had a written policy related to serving persons with a disability. There were 18 different approaches to serving clients with a disability within child protection, with the most common being informally teaming for information, dual case assignment, and teaming with an outside consultant. Five counties had specialty workers who were experts in both child protection and disability. Barriers reported varied between rural and non-rural counties, with the most important barriers being lack of resources, lack of knowledge regarding disabilities, systems conflicts, and rural issues, such as lack of providers and lack of transportation. Strengths included accessing and coordinating services, individualizing services, good collaboration and creativity. While few county agencies had any written policies, both formal and informal collaboration is happening at the individual level. The lack of standardization in providing services indicates a need for more attention to issues regarding disability within child protection, including more training for workers, the development of models of collaborative case management and the removal of systemic barriers.

  19. Unusual Presentation of Hydatid Cyst: Case Reports for Neurosurgery (Three Cases

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)



    Full Text Available Introduction Hydatid disease is caused most common by Echinococcus granulosus and Echinococcus multilocularis. The former is the most common and is endemic in areas such as Australia, New Zealand, the Mediterranean, the Middle East, and South America. Typical presentations of hydatid disease have been frequently described in the literature; however, uncommon presentations have not been thoroughly documented. Case Presentation Here, we report three rare but well-documented cases of central nervous system hydatid cysts that occurred in patients in Iran. Conclusions We also provide a brief review of the literature examining similar occurrences. This article intends to provide thorough information about the disease for readers.

  20. Rare case of malignant craniopharyngioma reactive to adjunctive stereotactic radiotherapy and chemotherapy; Case report and review. (United States)

    Nomura, Shunsunke; Aihara, Yasuo; Amano, Kosaku; Eguchi, Seiichiro; Chiba, Kentaro; Komori, Takashi; Kawamata, Takakazu


    Malignant craniopharyngioma or anaplastic craniopharyngioma was first reported in 1987 by Akachi. It has a malignant clinical and histological feature; remarkably rapid progression, atypical pathology like squamous cell carcinoma and poor prognosis. To date seventeen cases of malignant craniopharyngioma have been reported and of these cases, most were of secondary malignant tumor in nature. With respect to traditional benign craniopharyngioma, adjunctive treatment after gross total removal is not necessary, but in the case of malignant types of the tumor, adjunctive treatment is important. This paper presents the first case of malignant craniopharyngioma reactive to adjunctive Gamma knife stereotactic radiosurgery and chemotherapy. Malignant craniopharyngioma is very rare, and we report Gamma knife stereotactic radiosurgery and chemotherapy (Carboplatine and etoposide chemotherapy), as well as Temozolomide chemotherapy were effective and could control progression of the tumor temporarily. Since adjunctive Gamma knife stereotactic radiosurgery and chemotherapy of malignant craniopharyngioma cases affects follow-up strategies, we propose supporting the need to a revision to the WHO classification regarding malignancy evaluation of craniopharyngioma. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  1. Intramuscular Olanzapine – a UK case series of early cases

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Taylor Mark


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Clinical trials assessing efficacy and safety of Intramuscular (IM Olanzapine in acute schizophrenia and acute mania have previously been undertaken in studies required for drug registration in patients who were required to give informed consent. These patients may have less severe forms of psychosis than patients treated in routine practice. Data derived from naturalistic practice following the launch of IM olanzapine may be helpful for clinicians in assessing efficacy and safety of IM olanzapine. The PANSS-EC scale used in the clinical studies may represent a tool that could be used in routine clinical practice. Case presentation We report on an early unselected case series of 7 patients who received IM olanzapine in routine clinical practice settings in the UK. In this case series, olanzapine IM was generally effective, and no adverse events were reported. Adjunctive benzodiazepines were given concomitantly in 1 of the 7 subjects. This is relevant as concomitant benzodiazepines are not recommended for a minimum of 1 hour post IM olanzapine administration. PANSS-EC data was collected in 2 of the 7 subjects. Conclusion Although patients had greater severity of psychosis than clinical trial patients there were no unexpected findings. In addition the PANSS-EC scale is a scale that may be useful in assessing the efficacy of IM antipsychotics in routine clinical practice.

  2. Beyond Clinical Case Studies in Psychoanalysis: A Review of Psychoanalytic Empirical Single Case Studies Published in ISI-Ranked Journals (United States)

    Meganck, Reitske; Inslegers, Ruth; Krivzov, Juri; Notaerts, Liza


    Single case studies are at the origin of both theory development and research in the field of psychoanalysis and psychotherapy. While clinical case studies are the hallmark of psychoanalytic theory and practice, their scientific value has been strongly criticized. To address problems with the subjective bias of retrospective therapist reports and uncontrollability of clinical case studies, systematic approaches to investigate psychotherapy process and outcome at the level of the single case have been developed. Such empirical case studies are also able to bridge the famous gap between academic research and clinical practice as they provide clinically relevant insights into how psychotherapy works. This study presents a review of psychoanalytic empirical case studies published in ISI-ranked journals and maps the characteristics of the study, therapist, patient en therapies that are investigated. Empirical case studies increased in quantity and quality (amount of information and systematization) over time. While future studies could pay more attention to providing contextual information on therapist characteristics and informed consent considerations, the available literature provides a basis to conduct meta-studies of single cases and as such contribute to knowledge aggregation. PMID:29046660

  3. [Case managers experience improved trajectories for cancer patients after implementation of the case manager function]. (United States)

    Axelsen, Karina Rahbek; Nafei, Hanne; Jakobsen, Stine Finne; Gandrup, Per; Knudsen, Janne Lehmann


    Case managers are increasingly used to optimize trajectories for patients. This study is based on a questionnaire among case managers in cancer care, aiming at the clarification of the func­tion and its impact on especially patient safety, when handing over the responsibility. The results show a major variation in how the function is organized, the level of competence and the task to be handled. The responsibility has in general been nar­rowed to department level. Overall, the case managers believe that the function has optimized pathways for cancer patients and improved safety, but barriers persist.

  4. The Role of Information Systems and Technology in Case Management: a case study in health and welfare insurance

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Helen Richardson


    Full Text Available This study reports the role of information system and technology (IST in supporting case management at the Accident Compensation Corporation (ACC of New Zealand. Case management is a managerial approach that seeks to gain improved business performance by enhancing both employee and customer satisfaction. Despite millions of dollars spent annually by health, social, and insurance agencies in automating case management, little research has been conducted into the role of IST in this practice. The findings of this study show that for ACC, IST’s most valuable role is enhancing the relationship between client and case manager rather than replacing it for, even after the addition of IST, the most valuable knowledge continues to accrue from the face to face interaction of client and case manager. The findings also show two distinct phases to the development of case managers as knowledge workers. The first phase focuses on control of the processes and the second on the delivery and sharing of information resources.

  5. Qualitative Case Study Guidelines (United States)


    Introduction to Sociological Methods. 2nd ed. New York, McGraw-Hill 14. Denzin , N. K. and Lincoln , Y. S. (2011) The SAGE Handbook of Qualitative...The Art of Science. In: Denzin , N. K. and Lincoln , Y. S. (eds.) Handbook of Qualitative Research. Thousand Oaks, Sage 19. GAO (1990) Case Study...Rinehart & Winston 39. Stake, R. E. (1994) Case Studies. In: Denzin , N. K. and Lincoln , Y. S. (eds.) Handbook of Qualitative Research. Thousand Oaks, Sage

  6. Breast nocardiosis: case report

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kim, Min Ju; Kim, Sun Mi; Park, Jeong Mi [Asan Medical Center, Seoul (Korea, Republic of)


    Nocardiosis is an opportunistic infection occurring in immunocompromised patients. Worldwidely, about four cases of nocardiosis of the breast have been previously reported, but none of these were in Korea. We describe a case of breast nocardiosis associated with pulmonary infection in a patient with Cushing's disease. In our patient, multiple, well-defined, conglomerated, tubular-shaped, isodense mass was revealed at mammography, and an irregular-shaped, ill-defined, heterogeneous echoic mass with movable debris at ultrasonography.

  7. Iatrogenic psoas abscess. Case report

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bernstein, Inge Thomsen; Hansen, B J


    A case of iatrogenic pneumococcus psoas abscess is reported. The etiology was probably repeated local anaesthetic blockades in the lumbogluteal structures because of lumbago.......A case of iatrogenic pneumococcus psoas abscess is reported. The etiology was probably repeated local anaesthetic blockades in the lumbogluteal structures because of lumbago....

  8. Hepatopulmonary syndrome: a case report

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Huurnink, Arnold


    Huurnink A, Van den Berg CHSB, Booij J. Hepatopulmonary syndrome: a case report. Hepatopulmonary syndrome is characterised by a lowered oxygenation caused by intrapulmonary vascular dilatation in the setting of a liver disease. We present a case of a 42-year old woman with a Budd-Chiari syndrome,

  9. Objectivist case study research

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ridder, Hanne Mette Ochsner; Fachner, Jörg


    be achieved through the use of objectivist case study research. The strength of the case study design is that it allows for uncovering or suggesting causal relationships in real-life settings through an intensive and rich collection of data. According to Hilliard (1993), the opposite applies for extensive......In order to comprehend the impact of music therapy or music therapy processes, a researcher might look for an approach where the topic under investigation can be understood within a broader context. This calls for a rich inclusion of data and consequently a limited number of participants and may...... designs, in which a small amount of data is gathered on a large number of subjects. With the richness of data, the intensive design is ―the primary pragmatic reason for engaging in single-case or small N research‖ (p. 374) and for working from an idiographic rather than a nomothetic perspective....

  10. Our experience in eight cases with urinary hydatid disease: A series of 372 cases held in nine different clinics

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yilmaz, Y.; Koesem, M; Ceylan, K.; Koeseoglu, B.; Yalcinkaya, I.; Arslan, H.; Guenes, M.; Soeylemez, Oe


    Hydatid disease, a parasitic infestation caused by the larval stage of the cestode Echinococcus granulosus, is diagnosed commonly in the east and south-east regions of Turkey. The aim of this study is to emphasize the relatively frequent occurrences of echinococcosis in our region, and to discuss therapeutic options and treatment results according to current literature. A retrospective 10-year review of nine different clinics' records of the Research Hospital of the Medical School of Yuezuencue Y 1 l University revealed 372 hydatid disease cases that were localized in various organs and treated surgically (271 cases) or drained percutaneously (99 cases). Hydatid disease was diagnosed by ultrasonography (US) and computed tomography scans (CT) and confirmed histopathologically. The involved organ was lung in 203 cases (131 adults, 72 children), liver in 150, spleen in 9, brain in 2, kidneys in 7 cases and the retrovesical area in 1 case. The urogenital system is involved at a rate of 2.15%. Two hundred and seventy-one cases were treated surgically and 99 percutaneously. Two cases with renal hydatid cyst refused the surgical procedure (one had a solitary kidney with hydatid cyst). Albendazole was administered to 192 patients; 93 patients had open surgical procedure and 99 patients underwent percutaneous procedure. Cysts were excised totally in the open surgical procedure; however, involved kidneys were removed totally (four cases) except one. Cystectomy and omentoplasty was performed in one case. Complications were as follows: in six cases, cystic material was spilled into the bronchial cavity during the dissection and a renal hydatid cyst ruptured and spilled retroperitoneally. Hydatid disease is a serious health problem in Turkey. The mainly affected organs are liver and lung. It can be treated surgical or by percutaneous aspiration. (author)

  11. A clinico-pathological study of 70 cases of pemphigus

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Arya S


    Full Text Available A clinicopalhological study of 70 cases of pemphigus observed over a span of four and a half years from January 1992 to June 1996 at the Sir J.J. Group of Hospitals and Grant Medical College, Mumbai is reported. Pemphigus vulgaris constituted the single largest group of 43 cases, followed by pemphigus foliaceus (25 cases and pemphigus vegetans (2 cases. Majority of the cases were seen in the age group of 21-60 years, with a slight male predominance. The youngest patient was 14 years while the eldest was aged 75 years. Mucosal involvement was seen in 31 cases of pemphigus vulgaris, as opposed to only 5 cases of pemphigus foliaceus. Flaccid bullae were present in 100% cases. Pruritus was complained of in 14 cases, though it was more common in pemphigus vegetans and vulgaris. Salient histopathological features of pemphigus vulgaris observed were (I intraepidermal suprabasal blisters (35 cases, (2 presence of acantholytic cells (40 cases, (3 "Row of tombstone appearance" (I8 cases and (4 acantholysis involving follicular sheath (20 cases. Main histopathological features of pemphigus foliaceus were (1 subcorneal blister (15 case, (2 acantholysis (24 cases and (3 bulla cavity containing inflammatory infiltrate (12 cases. Both cases of pemphigus vegetans showed hyperkeratosis, papillomatosis and irregular acanthosis with intra-epidermal eosinophilic abscesses besides suprabasal lacunae.

  12. An unusual case of suprascapular nerve neuropathy: a case report

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Kyriakides Theodoros


    Full Text Available Abstract Introduction Suprascapular nerve neuropathy constitutes an unusual cause of shoulder weakness, with the most common etiology being nerve compression from a ganglion cyst at the suprascapular or spinoglenoid notch. We present a puzzling case of a man with suprascapular nerve neuropathy that may have been associated with an appendectomy. The case was attributed to nerve injury as the most likely cause that may have occurred during improper post-operative patient mobilization. Case presentation A 23-year-old Caucasian man presented to an orthopedic surgeon with a history of left shoulder weakness of several weeks' duration. The patient complained of pain and inability to lift minimal weight, such as a glass of water, following an appendectomy. His orthopedic clinical examination revealed obvious atrophy of the supraspinatus and infraspinatus muscles and 2 of 5 muscle strength scores on flexion resistance and external rotation resistance. Magnetic resonance imaging showed diffuse high signal intensity within the supraspinatus and infraspinatus muscles and early signs of minimal fatty infiltration consistent with denervation changes. No compression of the suprascapular nerve in the suprascapular or spinoglenoid notch was noted. Electromyographic studies showed active denervation effects in the supraspinatus muscle and more prominent in the left infraspinatus muscle. The findings were compatible with damage to the suprascapular nerve, especially the part supplying the infraspinatus muscle. On the basis of the patient's history, clinical examination, and imaging studies, the diagnosis was suspected to be associated with a possible traction injury of the suprascapular nerve that could have occurred during the patient's transfer from the operating table following an appendectomy. Conclusion Our case report may provide important insight into patient transfer techniques used by hospital personnel, may elucidate the clinical significance of careful

  13. [Management of spontaneous pneumothorax: about 138 cases]. (United States)

    Habibi, Bouchra; Achachi, Leila; Hayoun, Sohaib; Raoufi, Mohammed; Herrak, Laila; Ftouh, Mustapha El


    Pneumothorax is a collection of air in the pleural cavity. We conducted a retrospective study of patients with spontaneous pneumothorax in the Department of Pneumology at the Ibn Sina Hospital in Rabat (2009-2011) with the aim to determine the epidemiological, clinical, radiological, therapeutic and evolutionary manifestation of spontaneous pneumothorax. The study involved 138 patients: 128 men and 10 women (17-83 years), with an average age of 44.5 +/- 17.4 years and sex ratio of 12/8. 81.2% of patients were smokers. Clinical symptomatology was chest pain (92%), dyspnea (60%). Chest radiograph showed total unilateral (110 cases); partial (10 cases); localized (6 cases); bilateral (4 cases); right (51.4%) or left (45.7%) PNO (pneumothorax). During our study period we found that 70% of patients had spontaneous primitive pneumothorax and 30% had PNO secondary to Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) (44%) and pulmonary tuberculosis (TB) (39%). Initial management included patients hospitalization, chest drainage (95%), needle exsufflation (1%), rest and O 2 (4%). It enables the lung to stick to the chest wall within 10 days in 63% of patients. Evolution was favorable in 89% of patients. Immediate complications included: subcutaneous emphysema (5 cases); infection (6 cases) and 3 deaths (cardiorespiratory arrest). Late complications included: recurrences in 11.6%; the first recurrence occurred in 13 cases (chest drainage in 11 cases and oxygen therapy in 2 cases) while the second recurrence occurred in 3 cases (surgery). This study shows the role of chest drainage and monitoring in the management of pneumothorax to avoid complications and especially to prevent recurrences, with a possible need to resort to surgery.

  14. Executable Use Cases

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jørgensen, Jens Bæk; Bossen, Claus


    and into the work processes they're to support. However, prototypes typically provide an explicit representation only of the system itself. Executable use cases, on the other hand, can also describe the environment. EUCs are designed to: narrow the gap between informal ideas about requirements and the formalization...... modeling. This article describes a case study in which developers used EUCs to prototype an electronic patient record system for hospitals in Aarhus, Denmark.......Many software experts argue that when we design a new system, we should create an explicit description of the environment in which the proposed system is to be used. The argument becomes crucial for pervasive computing, which aims to tightly integrate systems into their environments...

  15. Case series

    African Journals Online (AJOL)



    Jan 20, 2014 ... Page number not for citation purposes. 1. Stroke in young adults: about 128 cases ... hypercholesterolemia, history of cigarette smoking, contraceptive intake treatment, alcohol intake, sexual ..... Carolei A, Marini C, Ferranti E, Frontoni M, Prencipe M, Fieschi. C. A prospective study of cerebral ischemia in ...

  16. Case series

    African Journals Online (AJOL)



    Jan 20, 2015 ... The brainstem, cerebral white matter, basal ganglia, internal capsule, thalamus and spinal cord were involved in forty four, thirty one, thirty, twenty nine, seventeen and four patients, respectively. The cerebral peduncle was the brainstem structure mainly involved with thirty cases followed by the pons with, ...

  17. Case report

    African Journals Online (AJOL)



    Sep 4, 2017 ... Published in partnership with the African Field Epidemiology Network (AFENET). ( Case report ... occurrence during infancy; and development from neural crest cells. [1, 5]. In a histological review, .... with adjuvant treatment is suggested for recurrent lesions [3, 17]. All of these have been ...

  18. Case report

    African Journals Online (AJOL)



    May 13, 2016 ... Abstract. We report a rare case of an elderly woman presented with right renal mass with invasion of renal vein and several small lymphadenopathy in the hilar area .the diagnosis of kidney cancer is suspected and the patient underwent open radical nephrectomy, surrenalectomy and lymphadenectomy ...

  19. case study

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    particularly in patients who commence ART with low CD4 counts and established opportunistic infections. IRIS results from a pathological inflammatory response to pre-existing infective, host or other antigens, alive or dead, causing clinical deterioration in HIV-infected patients after initiating ART.1 A case definition for IRIS ...

  20. Case report

    African Journals Online (AJOL)



    Jan 14, 2015 ... In addition, rare but life-threatening complications such as foreign body aspiration in the air passages may also be seen. Aspirated foreign bodies include teeth, implants, mechanical supports or materials used during procedures. We report two separate cases of aspiration risk developing during the course.

  1. Case report

    African Journals Online (AJOL)



    Aug 29, 2013 ... inflammatory bowel disease, in particular ulcerative colitis (UC), are often treated with immunosuppressive therapy and can develop colorectal KS [3]. We report the case of a human immunodeficiency negative-virus (HIV) man, with a severe refractory UC, who was treated with steroids, azathioprine and ...

  2. Case report

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    Abstract. Primary omental torsion is a rare cause of acute abdominal pain, we report a case of 10-year-old boy admitted with crampy abdominal pain, routine laboratory tests and plain abdominal radiography was normal, the patient underwent surgical exploration with the initial diagnosis of appendicitis, primary omental ...

  3. Case report

    African Journals Online (AJOL)



    Jan 7, 2015 ... Preeclampsia is an entity that may present from 20th week of gestation up to 48 hours postpartum and is associated with hypertension and ... The awareness of atypical cases of preeclampsia enhances early diagnosis and management which are critical to ... hypertensive disorder in previous pregnancy.

  4. Case report

    African Journals Online (AJOL)



    May 5, 2015 ... Abstract. We report a new case of osteogenesis imperfecta (OI) type II which is a perinatal lethal form. First trimester ultrasound didn't identified abnormalities. Second trimester ultrasound showed incurved limbs, narrow chest, with hypomineralization and multiple fractures of ribs and long bones. Parents ...

  5. Blood creatinine level in postmortem cases. (United States)

    Nishida, Atsushi; Funaki, Hironao; Kobayashi, Masaki; Tanaka, Yuka; Akasaka, Yoshihisa; Kubo, Toshikazu; Ikegaya, Hiroshi


    Blood chemical analysis for the diagnosis of diseases in forensic cases should be conducted in the same way as for clinical cases. However, it is sometimes difficult to obtain serum samples in forensic cases because of postmortem changes such as hemolysis and putrefaction. This study aimed to evaluate renal function in postmortem cases by blood creatinine analysis. The blood creatinine level was measured by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) using whole blood samples taken from 77 postmortem cases, and the relationships between blood creatinine level, postmortem interval, and cause of death were examined. The median blood creatinine level was found to be 1.15 mg/dL, with no significant differences between blood samples taken from different parts of the body. The blood creatinine level was stable for 3 days after death and gradually increased after that period, in line with a previous study using enzymatic analysis that found the serum creatinine level was stable in the early postmortem period. The blood creatinine level was high in the cases of blunt injury, intoxication, and in deaths caused by fire. This was considered to reflect acute renal dysfunction. However, the postmortem blood creatinine level remained higher than the clinical normal value despite omitting cases with renal dysfunction from the analysis. Therefore, we next investigated the change in postmortem creatinine levels in mice and found that the blood creatinine level increased with the emergence of rigor mortis. Our findings indicate that HPLC is useful in the postmortem evaluation of renal function even in the cases where serum cannot be obtained. However, the presence of rigor mortis should be considered in the evaluation of blood creatinine values. Copyright © 2014 Forensic Science Society. Published by Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Upendranath Upadhyay


    Full Text Available BACKGROUND Snakebite cases in India is around 6,00,000 to 16,00,000 with deaths around 11,000 to 25,000 (in Odisha around 1000 snakebite deaths per annum. Highest occurrence is seen in monsoon (June to September probably due to increased exposure to traditional agriculture practice. Imaging plays a limited, but immortal roles in cases with diagnostic dilemma. MATERIALS AND METHODS Total snakebite cases admitted to Hi-Tech Medical College from January 2016 to September 2017, and out of these, the number of cases undergone different imaging studies like x-ray, USG, Doppler, CT scan, CT angiography and MRI studies were included under study. The findings were analysed in background of pathophysiology and toxic action of neurotoxic snake venoms. RESULTS Out of 52 cases admitted in Hi-Tech Medical College, Bhubaneswar, the total 12 cases (23% were undergone imaging study. Out of these, 3 cases sent for MRI study to outside diagnostic center due to non-availability of MRI facilities. Other imaging studies are done in our hospital. CONCLUSION Imaging in few cases plays important and decisive role in situations with diagnostic dilemma in prolonged neurological symptoms, delayed neurological complications in local complications and secondary systemic complications.

  7. Benefit of Doubt Approach to Case Weighting

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Wittrup, Jesper; Bogetoft, Peter

    The implementation of an efficient and reliable case weighting system (CWS) is currently considered essential for running an efficient judiciary. However, traditional models for establishing case weights are time-consuming and expensive. Furthermore, since such case weights are often viewed...... as indications of the relative " importance " of different types of court cases, they are bound to raise controversy. The most elaborate weighting system is likely to have its critics who question whether the established weights are fair. To address these issues, we suggest a new " benefit of the doubt...... between 150 and 250 minutes, or as simple ordinal rankings, e.g., case type B requires more time than case type A. The use of partial weight information and a benefit of the doubt approach reduces the need for detailed time-studies and prolonged " negotiations " among stakeholders. Moreover, most...

  8. Hydraulic hammer acting during lowering of casing

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sidorov, N A; Bondarev, V I; Lebedev, O A


    The Berzheron method is used to determine the pressure generated in a well when casing is being lowered. The generated pressure is caused by flow of liquid displaced by the casing. Such liquid flow is transient and is described by unsteady-state type of equations, which are solved graphically. The graphical solution is rapid and relatively simple. Application of the solution to a specific example is shown. Conclusions from this study are: (1) collapse of casing can occur during the lowering operation, previous to time of landing; (2) both casing collapse and breakage of the check valve in the casing are caused by excessive lowering speed of large-diameter casing and the resulting high pressure; and (3) during the lowering operation, pressure varies in the well and such pressure variation can cause wall damage, water-gas appearance, and formation fracturing.

  9. A case of inflammatory ascites

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Marco Biolato


    Full Text Available Even ascites appears mainly as sign of portal hypertension in patiens with liver cirrhosis, in some case depends on a different lying condition such as right congestive heart failure, peritoneal carcinomatosis or tuberculosis. In these cases, paracentesis represents the key tool for diagnosis. We report a case of cardiac ascites in a 71-years-old woman who developed in four-month an abdominal distension. Preliminary exams showed exudative ascites related to portal hypertension, a pelvic mass with caseous apparence, and inflammatory status ad an elevation of CA-125. Successive evaluation exluded peritoneal carcinomatosis or tuberculosis, underlyng a tricuspidal regurgitation. The literature on ascites has also been reviewed.

  10. [Extra skeletal Ewing's sarcoma. Report of two cases. Ultrastructural study of one case (author's transl)]. (United States)

    Krulik, M; Brechot, J M; de Saint-Maur, P; Lecomte, D; Mougeot-Martin, M; Audebert, A A; Zylberait, D; Debray, J

    The authors report two cases of extra skeletal Ewing's sarcoma. The first case concerns a 26 years old woman presenting a tumor at the level of the sacrum area, locally recurrent, metastazing to the lungs and the lumbar column, despite of radiotherapy and chemotherapy and leading to death after a course of 18 months. The second one is that of a 30 years old man bearing a tumor of the shoulder area probably already metastazed to bones, rapidly recurrent and metastazing to the lungs and cause of death after 9 months in spite of intensive therapy. About these 2 observations a review of the literature of the cases of extra skeletal Ewing's sarcoma is done. Whatever nosologic discussion it seems that Ewing's sarcoma may present essentially as a tumor of soft tissues. An ultrastructural study has been performed in the second case. The findings are similar to those reported in Ewing's sarcoma.

  11. Methodology for the case studies

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Smits, M.J.W.; Woltjer, G.B.


    This document is about the methodology and selection of the case studies. It is meant as a guideline for the case studies, and together with the other reports in this work package can be a source of inform ation for policy officers, interest groups and researchers evaluating or performing impact

  12. Primary breast tuberculosis. A case report

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Filippou, D.C.; Rizos, S.; Nissiotis, A.


    Background. The differential diagnosis of primary breast tuberculosis with other benign or malignant conditions can be difficult with the current imaging techniques that used to recognize breast pathologies. In many cases mammographic and ultrasound characteristics of breast tuberculosis are similar to those of breast cancer. Case report. We present a case of primary breast tuberculosis, with no previous history of the disease, which was diagnosed during the operation. Conclusions. Primary breast tuberculosis can be misdiagnosed. In these cases a tuberculosis infection history is negative, the mammographic and radiological findings obscure and the mass can be misdiagnosed as carcinoma. The diagnosis is achieved after the surgical removal of the mass and histological examination of the specimen. (author)

  13. Pediatric gastric volvulus--experience with 7 cases.


    Park, W. H.; Choi, S. O.; Suh, S. J.


    Gastric volvulus, organoaxial or mesenterioaxial, is a rare condition in infancy and childhood. We experienced 7 cases of pediatric gastric volvulus, consisting of 3 cases of secondary gastric volvulus due to left diaphragmatic eventration or paraesophageal hernia and 4 cases of idiopathic gastric volvulus. Of 7 cases, five were organoaxial in type and two were mesenterioaxial. The main symptoms of secondary gastric volvulus were vomiting and respiratory difficulty whereas those of idiopathic...

  14. Neuro-ophthalmological manifestations of neurosyphilis in 22 cases

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Xiao-Juan Fan


    Full Text Available AIM: To analyze the characteristics of neurological ophthalmology manifestation of patients with neurosyphilis.METHODS: Retrospective and nonrandomized case analysis were used. Totally 22 cases of 39 eyes were included. They were 17 males and 5 females, aged from 34 to 65 years old. The average age were 49.6 years old. RESULTS: The optic nerve atrophy presented in 11 cases of 22 eyes. One eye of them accompanied by left eye oculomotor nerve palsy; 5 eyes in 3 cases expressed as optic neuritis acute phase; neuroretinitis appeared in 4 cases of 6 eyes; 1 case of 2 eyes expressed as chorioretinitis accompanied by optic disc edema; central retinal artery occlusion were found in 1 case of 1 eye. Argyll-Robertson pupil was as only manifestation in 2 cases of 3 eyes. In all cases, Argyll-Robertson pupil signs can be seen in 19 eyes. Treponema pallidum particle agglutination test(TPPAwere positive in all 22 cases. Syphilis rapid plasma reactin test(RPRwere positive in 19 of 21 cases. All patients underwent lumbar puncture and cerebrospinal fluid were detected for RPR, cerebrospinal fluid protein, white blood cell count. Cerebrospinal fluid RPR were positive in 13 cases. Cerebrospinal fluid protein were greater than 450mg/L in 18 cases. Cerebrospinal fluid white blood cell count were greater than 5/mm3 in 13 cases. CONCLUSION: Neurosyphilis involving neuro-ophthalmology often occurs in middle-aged men and subacute onset. Both eyes can suffered from optic nerve disease simultaneously or sequencely. A few can be expressed as other cranial nerve palsy, which may lead to misdiagnosis. Considering medical history, clinical manifestations, ophthalmic examination, serum and cerebrospinal fluid laboratory tests can improve the diagnostic rate.

  15. Review of casing while drilling technology

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Pavković Bojan


    Full Text Available Conventional drilling methods have been plagued with huge operational and financial challenges, such as cost of purchasing, inspecting, handling, transporting the drill equipment and most importantly, tripping in-and-out of the drill string whenever the Bottom Hole Assembly (BHA needs a replacement, needs of wiper trip or when total depth is reached. The tripping in-and-out of the drill string not only contributes to Non Productive Time (NPT but also leads to well control difficulties including wellbore instability and lost circulation. All this has led Oil and Gas industry, as well as any other engineering industry, to seek for new ways and methods in order to reduce these problems. Thanks to the advances in technical solutions and constant improvements of conventional drilling methods, a new drilling method - casing while drilling has been developed. Casing Drilling encompasses the process of simultaneously drilling and casing a well, using the active casing and thus optimizes the production. This paper presents a review of casing while drilling method (CwD and its practical usage in drilling wells. The comparison of conventional drilling method and casing while drilling is also presented. The CwD method achieves significantly better results than conventional drilling method.

  16. Sirenomelia: a case report. (United States)

    Mandal, Subinay; Bandyopadhyay, Anjali; Ray, Sumit


    Sirenomelia (Mermaid syndrome) is a rare anomaly of caudal region of the body, presented with fusion of the lower limbs. Genito-urinary, gastro-intestinal, neural tube and vertebral anomalies are found in most cases. Here a case of sirenomelia born of a 5th gravida mother is reported. The body had fusion of both lower limbs, absent genitalia, absent anal orifice and single umbilical artery. It died 2 1/2 hours after birth. Autopsy was undertaken to verify various anomalies.

  17. eCompetence Case Studies

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jensen, Helle Bækkelund


    In this paper we present some details of the processes undertaken in the European eCompetence Initiative. We present two illustrative and representative case studies. The research aims to identify and understand patterns of individual and organisational eCompetence approaches.......In this paper we present some details of the processes undertaken in the European eCompetence Initiative. We present two illustrative and representative case studies. The research aims to identify and understand patterns of individual and organisational eCompetence approaches....

  18. Comparative Test Case Specification

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kalyanova, Olena; Heiselberg, Per

    This document includes the specification on the IEA task of evaluation building energy simulation computer programs for the Double Skin Facades (DSF) constructions. There are two approaches involved into this procedure, one is the comparative approach and another is the empirical one. In the comp....... In the comparative approach the outcomes of different software tools are compared, while in the empirical approach the modelling results are compared with the results of experimental test cases. The comparative test cases include: ventilation, shading and geometry....

  19. Infrasellar craniopharyngioma: case report

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Falavigna Asdrubal


    Full Text Available We report a case of infrasellar craniopharyngioma in a 34 year-old woman who presented with progressive headache and diplopia. Computed tomographic and magnetic resonance images showed a heterogeneous tumor originating from the sphenoid bone with ethmoid sinus and sella turcica extension. A sublabial rhinoseptal transsphenoidal surgery was performed. Craniopharyngiomas with infrasellar development are very rare. Infrasellar craniopharyngioma is uncommon, thirty-five cases has been reported in literature. The embryology, clinical features and radiographic investigation of these tumors are discussed.

  20. The Case of James Leininger: An American Case of the Reincarnation Type. (United States)

    Tucker, Jim B


    Numerous cases of young children who report memories of previous lives have been studied over the last 50 years. Though such cases are more easily found in cultures that have a general belief in reincarnation, they occur in the West as well. This article describes the case of James Leininger, an American child who at age two began having intense nightmares of a plane crash. He then described being an American pilot who was killed when his plane was shot down by the Japanese. He gave details that included the name of an American aircraft carrier, the first and last name of a friend who was on the ship with him, and a location and other specifics about the fatal crash. His parents eventually discovered a close correspondence between James׳s statements and the death of a World War II pilot named James Huston. Documentation of James׳s statements that was made before Huston was identified includes a television interview with his parents that never aired but which the author has been able to review. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  1. Case series: toxicity from 25B-NBOMe--a cluster of N-bomb cases. (United States)

    Gee, Paul; Schep, Leo J; Jensen, Berit P; Moore, Grant; Barrington, Stuart


    Background A new class of hallucinogens called NBOMes has emerged. This class includes analogues 25I-NBOMe, 25C-NBOMe and 25B-NBOMe. Case reports and judicial seizures indicate that 25I-NBOMe and 25C-NBOMe are more prevalently abused. There have been a few confirmed reports of 25B-NBOMe use or toxicity. Report Observational case series. This report describes a series of 10 patients who suffered adverse effects from 25B-NBOMe. Hallucinations and violent agitation predominate along with serotonergic/stimulant signs such as mydriasis, tachycardia, hypertension and hyperthermia. The majority (7/10) required sedation with benzodiazepines. Analytical method 25B-NBOMe concentrations in plasma and urine were quantified in all patients using a validated liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) method. Peak plasma levels were measured between 0.7-10.1 ng/ml. Discussion The NBOMes are desired by users because of their hallucinogenic and stimulant effects. They are often sold as LSD or synthetic LSD. Reported cases of 25B- NBOMe toxicity are reviewed and compared to our series. Seizures and one pharmacological death have been described but neither were observed in our series. Based on our experience with cases of mild to moderate toxicity, we suggest that management should be supportive and focused on preventing further (self) harm. High doses of benzodiazepines may be required to control agitation. Patients who develop significant hyperthermia need to be actively managed. Conclusions Effects from 25B-NBOMe in our series were similar to previous individual case reports. The clinical features were also similar to effects from other analogues in the class (25I-NBOMe, 25C-NBOMe). Violent agitation frequently present along with signs of serotonergic stimulation. Hyperthermia, rhabdomyolysis and kidney injury were also observed.

  2. Role of nutrition in pre-eclampsia and eclampsia cases, a case control study

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Punyatoya Bej


    Full Text Available Background: Preeclampsia and eclampsia during pregnancy contribute to maternal and fetal morbidity as well as mortality. The identification of the role of maternal nutrition during pregnancy will help in reducing morbidity and mortality. Aims & Objective: The objective of this study is to find out the role of nutrition, in the form of total calorie, protein, fruits, iron, folic acid and calcium intake in the development of preeclampsia and eclampsia among pregnant women in a tertiary level hospital. Material Methods: After ethical approval and informed consent, 122 women who delivered beyond 22 weeks of gestation and diagnosed as preeclampsia or eclampsia were selected. Simultaneously, 122 controls with no diagnosis of preeclampsia or eclampsia were selected from the post natal ward. Cases and controls were administered the same pre-tested questionnaire containing questions related to food and micronutrient intake by cases and control. Results: Logistic regression was applied in the statistical analysis. The factors that were found to be significant predictors of risk for development of preeclampsia and eclampsia were higher calorie intake (adjusted Odds Ratio (OR 14.12 [6.41-43.23] P < 0.001, less protein intake (adjusted OR 3.87 [1.97-8.01] P < 0.001 during pregnancy. Fruits intake in both cases and controls were similar. 77.9% of cases and 84.4% of controls had taken iron tablets during their antenatal period. 75.4% of cases and 82.8% of controls had taken calcium tablets during their antenatal period. Iron and calcium intake is not significantly associated with development of preeclampsia and eclampsia. Conclusion: Higher calorie intake and less protein intake during pregnancy were associated with development of preeclampsia and eclampsia. Fruits intake, iron and calcium intake were not associated with development of preeclampsia and eclampsia

  3. Case series

    African Journals Online (AJOL)



    Jul 14, 2017 ... complications. Various methods have been used to treat these injuries, with variable results. The aim ... Soft tissue healing occurred without need for plastic surgery in all cases. ... Under general anesthesia, patients were placed in the supine .... of the ankle joint is another advantage of the ILIZAROV device.

  4. Case report

    African Journals Online (AJOL)



    Nov 23, 2015 ... found the presence of deletion of ELN locus, compatible with. Williams-Beuren syndrome. The diagnosis of Williams-Beuren syndrome was made, and the patient is under observation, with a decline of eight months. Discussion. This paper is about an original case of Williams-Beuren syndrome associated ...

  5. Case report

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Füchtbauer, Laila; Brusgaard, Klaus; Ledaal, Pål


    ey Clinical Message Vitamin D-dependent rickets type 1 VDDR-1 is a recessive inherited disorder with impaired activation of vitamin D, caused by mutations in CYP27B1. We present long-time follow-up of a case with a novel mutation including high-resolution peripheral quantitative computed tomography...

  6. Case report

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    27 avr. 2016 ... Dysphagia revealing aberrant right subclavian artery: about a case. Abdelilah Mouhsine1,&, Oualid Bakzaza2, El Mehdi Atmane1, Ahmed Belkouch3, Redouane Rokhssi1, Youssef Berrada1, Mostapha. Alaoui2, M'barek Mahfoudi1, Abdelghani El Fikri1. 1Service de Radiologie, HMA, Marrakech, Maroc, ...

  7. Case report

    African Journals Online (AJOL)



    Feb 29, 2016 ... Classification of subtrochanteric femoral fractures. Injury. 2010. Jul;41(7):739-45. PubMed | Google Scholar. 3. Kennedy MT, Mitra A, Hierlihy TG, Harty JA, Reidy D, Dolan M. Subtrochanteric hip fractures treated with cerclage cables and long cephalomedullary nails: a review of 17 consecutive cases over. 2.

  8. Case report

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    16 janv. 2017 ... We report the case of a 70-year-old man with no past medical history presenting with laryngeal dyspnea associated with low abundant paroxysmal hemoptysis. The patient underwent nasofibroscopy showing the presence of a living and mobile organism at the subglottic level evoking a leech. Extraction ...

  9. Case report

    African Journals Online (AJOL)



    Jun 13, 2017 ... Oxyuriasis's symptoms are extremely diverse in children, ranging from nausea, diarrhea, insomnia, irritability, recurrent cellulitis, loss of appetite, nightmares and endometritis. Here we report a curious case of oxyuriasis in the settings of a refugee camp in Greece. The patient was a. 10-year old Syrian ...

  10. Case report

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    5 mai 2016 ... Garcia JA, Garcia-Fernandez M, Romance A, Sanchez JC. Wandering spleen and gastric volvulus. Pediatr Radiol. 1994;. 24(7): 535-6. PubMed | Google Scholar. 3. Melikoglu M, Colak T, Kasasoglu. Two unusual cases of wandering spleen requiring splenectomy. Eur J Pediatr Surg. 1995; 5(1): 48-9.

  11. Case report

    African Journals Online (AJOL)



    Sep 10, 2015 ... Abstract. To describe a case of breast cancer manifested by cerebellar syndrome and to establish a relationship between breast cancer and Paraneoplastic syndromes through the presence of anti- yo antibodies in serum and cerebrospinal fluid of a patient. Our patient was 52 years old, Multipara with 5.

  12. Case Study Observational Research: A Framework for Conducting Case Study Research Where Observation Data Are the Focus. (United States)

    Morgan, Sonya J; Pullon, Susan R H; Macdonald, Lindsay M; McKinlay, Eileen M; Gray, Ben V


    Case study research is a comprehensive method that incorporates multiple sources of data to provide detailed accounts of complex research phenomena in real-life contexts. However, current models of case study research do not particularly distinguish the unique contribution observation data can make. Observation methods have the potential to reach beyond other methods that rely largely or solely on self-report. This article describes the distinctive characteristics of case study observational research, a modified form of Yin's 2014 model of case study research the authors used in a study exploring interprofessional collaboration in primary care. In this approach, observation data are positioned as the central component of the research design. Case study observational research offers a promising approach for researchers in a wide range of health care settings seeking more complete understandings of complex topics, where contextual influences are of primary concern. Future research is needed to refine and evaluate the approach.

  13. The Economic Case for Education (United States)

    Woessmann, Ludger


    The case for education can be made from many perspectives. This paper makes the case for education based on economic outcomes. Surveying the most recent empirical evidence, it shows the crucial role of education for individual and societal prosperity. Education is a leading determinant of economic growth, employment, and earnings in modern…

  14. Cases to accompany contemporary strategy analysis


    R. Grant


    This volume represents an ongoing committment to examining the concepts and techniques of business strategy analysis in the context of real business situations. The cases have been written to accompany Contemporary Strategy Analysis textbook. Each case presents issues that illuminate the ideas, concepts, and analytical techniques contained in one or more chapters of the textbook. Most important, the cases promote deep learning by students of strategic management by requiring the application o...

  15. Towards E-CASE Tools for Software Engineering


    Nabil Arman


    CASE tools are having an important role in all phases of software systems development and engineering. This is evident in the huge benefits obtained from using these tools including their cost-effectiveness, rapid software application development, and improving the possibility of software reuse to name just a few. In this paper, the idea of moving towards E-CASE tools, rather than traditional CASE tools, is advocated since these E-CASE tools have all the benefits and advantages of traditional...

  16. Multiple orthokeratinized odontogenic cysts: a case report. (United States)

    Cheng, Yi-Shing Lisa; Liang, Hui; Wright, John; Teenier, Tom


    The purpose of this report is to document the clinical, radiographic, pathological and molecular findings of the first case of multiple orthokeratinized odontogenic cysts (OOCs). Multiple odontogenic keratocysts are one of the major features of nevoid basal cell carcinoma syndrome (NBCCS), and loss of heterozygosity in the PTCH gene, the culprit gene for NBCCS, has recently been found in sporadic OOC cases. Therefore, in this presenting case, we also investigated the possibility that this patient might also have NBCCS, by comparing the available clinical information and the molecular findings of this case to the diagnostic criteria for NBCCS (as proposed by the First International Colloquium on NBCCS in 2011). However, this patient with multiple OOCs showed no evidence of having NBCCS. This conclusion supports the findings from previous case series based on sporadic cases that OOC does not appear to be associated with NBCCS.

  17. Automated Test Case Generation

    CERN Multimedia

    CERN. Geneva


    I would like to present the concept of automated test case generation. I work on it as part of my PhD and I think it would be interesting also for other people. It is also the topic of a workshop paper that I am introducing in Paris. (abstract below) Please note that the talk itself would be more general and not about the specifics of my PhD, but about the broad field of Automated Test Case Generation. I would introduce the main approaches (combinatorial testing, symbolic execution, adaptive random testing) and their advantages and problems. (oracle problem, combinatorial explosion, ...) Abstract of the paper: Over the last decade code-based test case generation techniques such as combinatorial testing or dynamic symbolic execution have seen growing research popularity. Most algorithms and tool implementations are based on finding assignments for input parameter values in order to maximise the execution branch coverage. Only few of them consider dependencies from outside the Code Under Test’s scope such...

  18. [Writing and publication of a clinical case report]. (United States)

    Târcoveanu, E; Roca, M; Mihăescu, T


    A case report represents a collection of detailed information about an individual patient, written with the purpose to disseminate clinical outcomes, not previously reported. Case reports provide a rich resource for teaching and research in medicine. Despite the limitation of case reports, these are useful to generate new hypothesis for future large scale clinical trials. A clinical case report should be well structured and convey a clear message. Elements of a case report are similar to all forms of medical scientific articles: title, structured abstract, introduction, case report, discussion, conclusion and references. A well written case report with literature support and a detailed description of management of the case has the greatest chances to be published. "Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts to Biomedical Journals" form the basis for most journal instructions regarding content and formatting and should be consulted when journal's instructions don't answer to author's questions. In this paper we present a case report check sheet to use as a form of self-evaluation, prior to submitting the articles.

  19. 40 CFR 260.41 - Procedures for case-by-case regulation of hazardous waste recycling activities. (United States)


    ... of hazardous waste recycling activities. 260.41 Section 260.41 Protection of Environment... Rulemaking Petitions § 260.41 Procedures for case-by-case regulation of hazardous waste recycling activities... hazardous waste recycling activities described in § 261.6(a)(2)(iii) under the provisions of § 261.6 (b) and...

  20. Case Report: An atypical case of systemic lupus erythematosus ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Background: Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is a multisystem disease that can be a diagnostic conundrum. Case report: We describe a patient who presented with recurrent fleeting exudative and hemorrhagic pleural effusion. It took multiple visits over 3 months and renal biopsy to con rm the diagnosis of SLE.

  1. [Villonodular synovitis of the knee: about 20 cases]. (United States)

    Margad, Omar; Boukhris, Jalal; Azriouil, Ouahb; Daoudi, Mohamed; Mortaji, Aziz; Koulali, Khalid


    Pigmented villonodular synovitis (PVNS) is a rare benign proliferation of synovial joints, serous bursa, tendinous sheaths of unknown etiopathogeny. We here report 20 cases of PVNS of the knee recorded at the Avicenne Military Hospital, Marrakech over a period of 9 years, from January 2000 to December 2009. This study aimed to identify the specific features of this lesion and to examine its anatomoclinic and prognostic aspects. Annual incidence was 2.2 cases per year: 15 men and 5 women. The average age was 32.5 years. It occurred in the right-hand in 55%, 18 patients had monoarticular presentation of the disease while 1 patient had biarticular presentation of the disease. 80% of cases had pain and swelling, palpable mass was detected in 1 case, meniscal syndrome in 1 case, monoseptic arthritis in 3 cases while popliteal cyst in 2 cases. 14 cases (70%) had diffuse involvement, 6 cases had localized involvement. MRI was evocative in 3 patients out of 5; 2 patients underwent diagnostic arthroscopy. Diagnosis was based on anatomo-pathological examination. Treatment was based on subtotal synovectomy in 15 cases and on tumor excision in patients with localized involvement. 2 cases with osteocartilaginous destruction underwent arthroplasty. Patients' evolution was marked by 2 diffuse recurrences after a mean follow-up of 3-7 years. 3 patients had stiffness associated with quadriceps atrophy, therefore arthrolysis was performed. One case of histologically confirmed PVNS had proved to be a monophasic synovial sarcoma invading the bone 5 months after total synovectomy. Hence, the indication for amputation.

  2. The wavefield of acoustic logging in a cased-hole with a single casing - Part I: a monopole tool (United States)

    Wang, Hua; Fehler, Michael


    The bonding quality of the seal formed by the cement or collapse material between casing and formation rock is critical for the hydraulic isolation of reservoir layers with shallow aquifers, production and environmental safety, and plug and abandonment issues. Acoustic logging is a very good tool for evaluating the condition of the bond between different interfaces. The understanding of the acoustic logging wavefields in wells with single casing is still incomplete. We use a 3-D finite difference method to simulate wireline monopole wavefields in a single cased borehole with different bonding conditions at two locations: (1) between the cement and casing and (2) between the cement and formation. Pressure snapshots and waveforms for different models are shown, which allow us to better understand the wave propagation. Modal dispersion curves and data processing methods such as velocity-time semblance and dispersion analysis facilitate the identification of propagation modes in the different models. We find that the P wave is submerged in the casing modes and the S wave has poor coherency when the cement is replaced with fluid. The casing modes are strong when cement next to the casing is partially or fully replaced with fluid. The amplitude of these casing modes can be used to determine the bonding condition of the interface between casing and cement. However, the limited variation of the amplitude with fluid thickness means that amplitude measurements may lead to an ambiguous interpretation. When the cement next to the formation is partially replaced with fluid, the modes propagate in the combination of steel casing and cement and the velocities are highly dependent on the cement thickness. However, if the cement thickness is large (more than 2/3 of the annulus between casing and rock), the arrival time of the first arrival approximates that of the formation compressional wave when cement is good. It would highly likely that an analyst could misjudge cement quality

  3. A Case of Traumatic Proptosis

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Bobby Desai


    Full Text Available We present a case of traumatic proptosis in a competitive football player. This entity can occur with a significant decrease in vision, but in this case it did not. Some other causes of this condition are also discussed. A review of some traumatic conditions that may cause proptosis is provided as well.

  4. Generation: the case for evolution

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sharman, Hugh


    This article puts forward the case for conventional coal fired power stations. The dash for gas is examined, and the case for an international coal supply, and for conventionally fired boilers with Rankine-cycle and de-NO x /flue-gas desulphurisation is considered. Flue gas cleaning and large scale diesel engines are discussed. (UK)

  5. Defining travel-associated cases of enteric fever. (United States)

    Freedman, Joanne; Lighton, Lorraine; Jones, Jane


    There is no internationally recognized case-definition for travel-associated enteric fever in non-endemic countries. This study describes the patterns of case reporting between 2007 and 2011 as travel-associated or not from the surveillance data in England, Wales and Northern Ireland (EWNI), before and after a change in the time component of the case-definition in January 2011. It examines in particular the role of a time frame based on the reported typical incubation period in defining a case of travel-associated enteric fever. The results showed no significant differences in the distribution of cases of enteric fever in regards to the interval between the onset and UK arrival in 2011 compared to 2007-2010 (p=0.98 for typhoid and paratyphoid A); the distribution for paratyphoid B was also similar in both time periods. During 2007-2010, 93% (1730/1853) of all of the cases were classified as travel-associated compared to 94% (448/477) in 2011. This difference was not statistically significant. Changing the time component of the definition of travel-associated enteric fever did not make a significant difference to the proportion of travel-associated cases reported by investigators. Our analysis suggests that time might be subordinate to other considerations when investigators classify a case as travel-associated. Crown Copyright © 2014. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  6. Methodology Series Module 2: Case-control Studies. (United States)

    Setia, Maninder Singh


    Case-Control study design is a type of observational study. In this design, participants are selected for the study based on their outcome status. Thus, some participants have the outcome of interest (referred to as cases), whereas others do not have the outcome of interest (referred to as controls). The investigator then assesses the exposure in both these groups. The investigator should define the cases as specifically as possible. Sometimes, definition of a disease may be based on multiple criteria; thus, all these points should be explicitly stated in case definition. An important aspect of selecting a control is that they should be from the same 'study base' as that of the cases. We can select controls from a variety of groups. Some of them are: General population; relatives or friends; and hospital patients. Matching is often used in case-control control studies to ensure that the cases and controls are similar in certain characteristics, and it is a useful technique to increase the efficiency of the study. Case-Control studies can usually be conducted relatively faster and are inexpensive - particularly when compared with cohort studies (prospective). It is useful to study rare outcomes and outcomes with long latent periods. This design is not very useful to study rare exposures. Furthermore, they may also be prone to certain biases - selection bias and recall bias.

  7. Catalog of NASA-Related Case Studies (United States)

    National Aeronautics and Space Administration — The OCKO has developed over 50 case studies to enhance learning at workshops, training, retreats and conferences. Case studies make mission knowledge attractive and...

  8. Hearing impairment associated with oral terbinafine use: a case series and case/non-case analysis in the Netherlands Pharmacovigilance Centre Lareb database and VigiBase™. (United States)

    Scholl, Joep H G; van Puijenbroek, Eugene P


    The Netherlands Pharmacovigilance Centre Lareb received reports of six cases of hearing impairment in association with oral terbinafine use. This study describes these cases and provides support for this association from the Lareb database for spontaneous adverse drug reaction (ADR) reporting and from Vigibase™, the ADR database of the WHO Collaborating Centre for International Drug Monitoring, the Uppsala Monitoring Centre. The objective of the current study was to identify whether the observed association between oral terbinafine use and hearing impairment, based on cases received by Lareb, constitutes a safety signal. Cases of hearing impairment in oral terbinafine users are described. In a case/non-case analysis, the strength of the association in Vigibase™ and the Lareb database was determined (date of analysis August 2011) by calculating the reporting odds ratios (RORs), adjusted for possible confounding by age, sex and ototoxic concomitant medication. For the purpose of this study, RORs were calculated for deafness, hypoacusis and the combination of both, defined as hearing impairment. In the Lareb database, six reports concerning individuals aged 31-82 years, who developed hearing impairment after starting oral terbinafine, were present. The use of oral terbinafine was disproportionally associated with hypoacusis in both the Lareb database (adjusted ROR 3.9; 95% CI 1.7, 9.0) and in Vigibase™ (adjusted ROR 1.7; 95% CI 1.0, 2.8). Deafness was not disproportionally present in either of the databases. Based on the described cases and the statistical analyses from both databases, a causal relationship between the use of oral terbinafine and hearing impairment is possible. The mechanism by which terbinafine could cause hearing impairment has not been elucidated yet. The pharmacological action of terbinafine is based on the inhibition of squalene epoxidase, an enzyme present in both fungal and human cells. This inhibition might result in a decrease in

  9. Computerized tomographic evaluations of 33 consecutive cases of craniopharyngiomas

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nagasawa, Shiro; Takeuchi, Juji; Yamashita, Junkoh; Handa, Hajime


    Although craniopharyngiomas are widely known to exhibit three basic CT characteristics; calcification, cyst(s) and contrast enhancement (CE), several cases with atypical CT manifestations have been reported lately. These atypical manifestations can be classified into unusual extensions of the tumors, high dense cyst and marked homogeneous CE. The CT scans obtained in our recent series of 33 craniopharyngiomas were evaluated to analyze tumoral extensions, cyst density and CE. Cystic tumors were much more frequent than solid tumors (Table 1); 13 cases (39%) were exclusively cystic, 15 cases (45%) equally cystic and solid, and 5 case (15%) solid. Calcifications were present in 80 % in children and 39% in adults. Unusual extensions were noted in 7 cases (Fig. 2,3,4); anteriorly to the frontal fossa (5 cases, 15 %), laterally to the temporal fossa (1 case, 3%) and posteriorly to the posterior fossa (1 case, 3%). All these tumors were either pure cystic or equally cystic and solid. Cystic portions were detected in the tumors of 28 cases (Table 2). Although the majority of the cystic portions (22 cases, 79%) were low density, iso-dense cysts were observed in 6 cases (21%). Out of 20 cases exhibiting solid portions in the tumors, high density areas (calcified masses) were detected in 3 cases and mixed density areas in 17 cases (Table 3). While these 17 cases showed CE, marked homogeneous CE were noted in 5 cases (29%)

  10. Case Study Methodology and Homelessness Research

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jill Pable


    Full Text Available This paper describes the potential suitability of case study methodology for inquiry with the homeless population. It references a research study that uses case study research method to build theory. This study's topic is the lived experience of destitute individuals who reside in homeless shelters, and explores the homeless shelter built environment's potential influence on resident satisfaction and recovery. Case study methodology may be appropriate because it explores real-life contextual issues that characterize homelessness and can also accommodate the wide range of homeless person demographics that make this group difficult to study in a generalized fashion. Further, case study method accommodates the need within research in this area to understand individualized treatments as a potential solution for homelessness.


    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    Jun 2, 2011 ... immunosuppression associated with HIV/AIDS puts them at a higher risk of developing oesophageal cancer. 47. CASE STUDY. A 49-year-old man was diagnosed as HIV infected, with a CD4 count of 60 cells/µl. He was started on an antiretroviral treatment regimen comprising zidovudine, lamivudine and ...

  12. Case report

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    15 janv. 2015 ... Les biopsies faites étaient revenues négatives. L'échographie abdominale a montré une masse au .... PubMed | Google. Scholar. 8. Nassiopoulos K, Stockhammer A, Hahnloser P, et al. Gastric leiomyoblastoma: literature review and report of a case. Rev. Med Suisse Romande .1997; 117 (2):147-150.

  13. Case report

    African Journals Online (AJOL)



    Dec 3, 2015 ... surgical correction by high way by the Huntington technique or. Haultain or vaginally with the technique of Spinelli [1] - hysterectomy hemostasis remains the gold standard in case of persistent bleeding but is exceptionnel [6]. More recently the use of balloons such as Rusch or Bakri have been described in ...

  14. Case report

    African Journals Online (AJOL)



    May 18, 2015 ... Abstract. Vasa previa is a rare but clinically important obstetrical complication that can be associated with a low-lying placenta or placenta previa. We aim to present one case of vasa previa diagnosed during the placenta examination after the caesarean indicated for triple uterus scar. A 26-year-old.

  15. Case series

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    14 oct. 2013 ... Nagamine N, Nohara Y, Ito E. Elastofibroma in Okinawa - A clinicopathologic study of 170 cases. Cancer. 1982;50(9):1794-. 805. PubMed | Google Scholar. 12. Schafmayer C, Kahlke V, Leuschner I, Pai M, Tepel J. Elastofibroma dorsi as differential diagnosis in tumors of the thoracic wall. Ann Thorac Surg.

  16. Case report

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    and imperforate anus. Figure 3: The examination of the spinal column revealed a spina bifida occulta. References. 1. Varygin V, Bernotas S, Gurskas P, Karmanovas V, et al. Cloacal exstrophy: a case report and literature review. Medicina. 1978;. 47(12): 682-5. PubMed| Google Scholar. 2. Carey JC, Greenbaum B, Hall BD.

  17. Case report

    African Journals Online (AJOL)



    Feb 27, 2015 ... custody is an additional risk factor in the development of this complication. [4] After a dural tear, the majority of anesthesiologists, as was the case in our observation, search the epidural space in an intervertebral spacing or sus- underlying for epidural analgesia [5, 6]. However, it should be emphasized that.

  18. Case report

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    28 avr. 2011 ... Spermatic cord sarcoma in adults. J Urol. 1978; 120: 301-305. This article on PubMed. 11. Romero Tenorio M, Farinas Varo JM, Baez Perez JM, Almaised J, Ramirez Chamorro R, and Beltran Ruiz-Hinestrosa M. Liposarcoma en la infancia: Aportacion de un case exceptional - Revision de la literatura.

  19. Case report

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    9 août 2017 ... We report a case of hemorrhagic stroke of the brainstem in a nonmonitored ... haemorrhagic stroke of the brainstem on the second post-operative day after cesarean section performed due to suspicion of retroplacental haematoma arisen .... syndrome hémorragique ont évolué favorablement et une patiente.

  20. Mammary cancer in man: analysis of 22 cases

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Viola Alles, A.; Notejane, R.; Signorelli, S.; Muse, I.


    22 cases of male patients,averaging 63 years of age(ranging 50-80)were diagnosed as mammary cancer carriers. None of them presented a clear risk factor. Three of them had family history of mammary cancer in females. The clinical presentation was 27.2% E I, 27,2% E II, 30% E III and 13% E IV. In most cases consulting was late, with an average delay of 10 months.Pathology corresponded an infiltrating ductal form in 19 cases, non-infiltrating ductal form in 2 cases and ductal in situ non infiltrating form in 1 case. Dosification of hormonal receptor was not carried out in any of these patients. Regional treatment consisted in surgery plus radiotherapy. Modified radical mastectomy predominated in 12 cases,mastectomy in 6 cases and cuadrantectomy in 2 cases. Two cases were considered non surgical. Techniques and dadiatin doses were conventional. Systemic treatments consisted in tamoxifen o or poli chemotherapy CMF type in 'adyuvancia' cases and tamoxifen o of poli chemotherapy FAC type in the metastatic forms. It was concluded that there is a need of hysthological confirmation of this type of tumor as well as the compulsory dosification of hormonal receptors in order to determine the therapeutic strategy [es

  1. Clinical analysis of cases with nasopharyngeal carcinoma

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sato, Katsuro; Tomita, Masahiko; Takahashi, Sugata; Matsuyama, Hiroshi


    Forty-one cases with nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC) treated in our department between 1991 and 2007 were clinically analyzed. The mean age of the cases was 53 years old, and the male-to female ratio was 3.6:1. The most common chief complaint was ear symptoms followed by neck, eye, and nose symptoms. The most common histology was squamous cell carcinoma, followed by undifferentiated carcinoma, adenocarcinoma, and spindle cell carcinoma. More than half of the cases were classified as clinical stage IV. For squamous cell carcinoma, undifferentiated carcinoma, spindle cell carcinoma cases, concurrent chemoradiotherapy followed by adjuvant chemotherapy was applied. For adenocarcinoma cases, transpalatal resection and postoperative radiotherapy was applied. The five-year overall survival rate was 64.1% and the disease-specific five-year survival rate was 71.2%. No significant statistical differences were seen between early stage (I, II) and late stage (III, IV), between I, II, III stage and IV stage. Recurrence occurred in 24.4% of the cases, and distant metastasis was more dominant than local recurrence. For the diagnosis and treatment of NPC, proper detection of NPC from variegated symptoms, and chemoradiotherapy for squamous cell carcinoma cases were considered to be important. (author)

  2. International or national publication of case reports

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lundh, Andreas; Christensen, Mikkel; Jørgensen, Anders W


    INTRODUCTION: Case reports are often regarded as second-class research, but are an important part of medical science as they often present first evidence of new discoveries. We here describe the type of case reports published in a Danish general medical journal. MATERIAL AND METHODS: We included...... perspective. The journal may consider focusing on cases of more general educational relevance and should also consider whether the current form and language suit the aim and role of the various types of case reports....

  3. Transvestism as a Symptom: A Case Series


    Anupama, M.; Gangadhar, K. H.; Shetty, Vandana B.; Dip, P. Bhadja


    Transvestism, commonly termed as cross-dressing, means to dress in the clothing of opposite sex. We describe a series of three cases with transvestism as one of their primary complaints. The discussion sheds light on the various ways in which transvestism as a symptom can present in Psychiatry. In the first two cases, there was lower intelligence. In first and third case, there were other paraphilia along with transvestism. Second case had co-morbid obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) and had...

  4. Askin Tumour: Case Report

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gomez, Carolina; Ramirez, Sandra Milena; Quesada, Diana Constanza; Unigarro Luz Adriana


    In this article we report a case of a 19 year-old woman with a final diagnosis of an extra skeletal Primitive Neuroectodermal Tumor/Ewing sarcoma of the chest, also known as Askin tumour. The histologic features and the immunohistochemical profile were consistent with this aggressive malignancy of the chest wall that affects young people. Because the low incidence of this entity, as well as the clear radiological findings, we considered it interesting to describe this documented case and undertake a review of the literature.

  5. Infected Complex Odontoma: A Case Report

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Shanthala Damodar


    Full Text Available Odontoma represent a hamartomatous malformation. They are usually asymptomatic and are diagnosed on routine radiological examination. Infection of an odontome is very uncommon. Few cases of infected odontoma are reported in the literature. We report a special case of infected complex odontoma and perforation of the cheeks with a tooth impacted upon along with computed tomographic (CT image. Thus, making the present case unusual. [Cukurova Med J 2015; 40(2.000: 379-383

  6. Surgical results in cases of intestinal radiation injury

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Deguchi, Hisatsugu; Ozawa, Tetsuro; Wada, Toshihiro; Tsugu, Yukio (Toho Univ., Tokyo (Japan). School of Medicine)


    Surgical procedures were performed on 25 patients suffering from late-phase intestinal tract disorders induced by irradiation. The primary diseases of these cases were almost exclusively gynecological in nature, such as cancer of the uterine cervix. Symptoms observed in these cases were overwhelming ileus followed by melena, fistulation and free perforation, as well as combination thereof. The most common portion involved was the recto-sigmoidal colon, followed by the ileo-cecum and ileum. As for the relationship of symptoms to the disordered portion, ileus was seen mainly in cases of disorders at the ileocecal portion; melena was observed exclusively in cases of disorders at the rectosigmoidal colon; fistulation was manifested mainly as recto-vaginal fistula or ileo-sigmoidal fistula; free perforation was observed at both the ileum and sigmoidal colon. Colostomy was the most frequent surgical method applied. Only 3 cases were able to undergo enterectomy. Other cases were subjected to enteroanastomosis or enterostomy. In most cases it was nearly in possible to excise the disordered portions. As for the effect of surgical procedures on symptoms, cases of melena or fistulation were all subjected to colostomy; the majority of these cases showed improvement in symptoms. Moreover, a high improvement ratio was obtained in cases of ileus which were subjected to enterectomy and enteroanastomosis. Cases of free perforation showed high improvement ratio irrespective of the surgical procedure given. As for postoperative complications, one case of free perforation at the ileum showed anastomotic leakage after partial resection. For cases suffering from late-phase intestinal tract disorders induced by irradiation, immediate resection of the disordered intestinal tract and anastomosis are ideal. However, conservative operations must be considered, based on the focal condition. (author).

  7. Case Studies Nested in Fuzzy-Set QCA on Sufficiency: Formalizing Case Selection and Causal Inference (United States)

    Schneider, Carsten Q.; Rohlfing, Ingo


    Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA) is a method for cross-case analyses that works best when complemented with follow-up case studies focusing on the causal quality of the solution and its constitutive terms, the underlying causal mechanisms, and potentially omitted conditions. The anchorage of QCA in set theory demands criteria for follow-up…

  8. Case-Based Instruction: Improving Students' Conceptual Understanding through Cases in a Mechanical Engineering Course (United States)

    Yadav, Aman; Vinh, Megan; Shaver, Gregory M.; Meckl, Peter; Firebaugh, Stephanie


    Recently, there has been a push within engineering curricula to adopt more learner-centered pedagogies, such as case-based instruction. Case-based instruction has been hypothesized to make the curriculum more relevant and motivating for students by pushing them to integrate the concepts they have learned with other experiences. The current study…

  9. Using Design Thinking to Write and Publish Novel Teaching Cases: Tips from Experienced Case Authors (United States)

    Sheehan, Norman T.; Gujarathi, Mahendra R.; Jones, Joanne C.; Phillips, Fred


    With increasing calls for a greater connection between management education and practice, teaching cases play a vital role in the business curriculum. Cases not only allow instructors to expose students to practical problems but also let educators contribute to the scholarship of teaching and learning. An important reason why faculty members may…

  10. Location of existing Case Studies on Open Education


    Burke, Siobhan


    Members of the Open Education Special Interest Group have collected a selection of short case studies on Open Education. View all of the case studies at Location of existing Case Studies on Open Education: The following lists aims to capture and amalgamate the various different case study sources which have been created and developed within the UK around experiences of Open Educational Resources.

  11. Using Case Studies to Enrich Field Experience. (United States)

    Florio-Ruane, Susan; Clark, Christopher M.


    This paper discusses the use of field experience in teacher education and how it can be augmented by phenomenological case studies. It summarizes a particular case study involving three teacher education classes, noting that reflective analysis of cases can prepare students to observe in the field. (SM)

  12. Histological and microbiological aspects of actinomycetoma cases in Venezuela

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    José Antonio Serrano


    Full Text Available A ten year (1976-1986 review study of cases of Actinomycetoma in Venezuela was made through personal interview and clinical examinations, analysis of medical records of patients with actinomycetoma, histological studies of biopsy samples, as well as microbiological studies of isolates strain, also through out personal interviews with researchers and dermatologists who were sources of information on mycetoma cases. A total of 47 cases were recorded. As etiologic agent Actinomadura madurae was found in 20 cases - (42.5%, Nocardia brasiliensis in 13 cases (27.6%, Nocardia spp 7 cases (14.8%, Streptomyces somaliensis in 4 cases (8.5%, N. asteroides in 2 cases (4.2% and N. otitidis caviarum, (N. caviae in 1 case (2.1%. Most of the reported cases involved individuals living and working in rural areas, mostly males who outnumber females 4:1. The patients were 18 to 80 years old. A. madurae was reported as the most frequent etiologic agent. Most of the clinical cases were seen when the disease was well established. Twenty four of the forty seven cases reported were observed in Lara State, which represents a 51.0% of all the cases studied.

  13. Grindability of alpha-case formed on cast titanium. (United States)

    Koike, Marie; Jacobson, David; Chan, Kwai S; Okabe, Toru


    The hardened alpha-case (alpha-case) layer inevitably forms on the surface of titanium castings when prepared by investment casting. Because the hardness of the alpha-case is incomparable to that of the interior structure, the perception exists that the alpha-case is difficult to remove during cutting, grinding and polishing. Grindability (ease of grinding) of cast cpTi and cast Ti-6Al-4V was evaluated by grinding cast specimens incrementally using a SiC abrasive wheel. The present study revealed that the presence of the brittle alpha-case with lower fracture toughness is beneficial in grinding titanium. The alpha-case on the ductile cpTi can be ground much easier than its bulk interior structure. In less ductile Ti-6Al-4V, the grinding rate is much higher than that of cpTi, and the alpha-case and its interior structure are at similar levels since the fracture toughness of its alpha-case and the bulk material is not large enough.

  14. Modeling of the Case Grammatical Meaning

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Алексей Львович Новиков


    Full Text Available The article raises the problem of constructing a semantic model to describe the meaning of the grammatical category of case in the languages of different types. The main objective of this publication - to provide an overview of different points of view on the semantic structure of the category of case and to compare different models of case semantics. Initial impulse to the development of problems of case semantics became the grammar and typological ideas of A.A. Potebnya and R. Jakobson. The basis of these models, which differ from each other in the number and nature of the allocation of features is the idea of the possibility of representing grammatical meaning as a structured set of semantic features. The analysis shows that the construction of formal models of grammatical categories is impossible without referring to the content of the dominant semantic features in the structure of grammatical meaning. Despite all the difficulties of modeling grammatical semantics, to construct a semantic model of case is an interesting and promising task of general morphology and typological linguistics.

  15. Laryngeal adenoid cystic carcinoma: case report

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    André Del Negro

    Full Text Available CONTEXT: Adenoid cystic carcinomas are malignant tumors that occur in both the major and the minor salivary glands. A laryngeal location is rare because of the paucity of accessory salivary glands in this area. Adenoid cystic carcinomas account for less than 1% of all malignant tumors in the larynx, and only about 120 cases have been reported in the literature. These tumors have a slight female predisposition, and their peak incidence is in the fifth and sixth decades of life. In this article, we describe a case of laryngeal adenoid cystic carcinoma and discuss its clinical characteristics and treatment. CASE REPORT: We report on a case of laryngeal adenoid cystic carcinoma in a 55 year-old female patient who presented with dyspnea and hoarseness. Features of the diagnostic and therapeutic evaluation are described and the clinical management of such cases is outlined. The clinical course, definitive treatment strategy and surgical procedure, and also adjuvant treatment with irradiation are discussed. Although the tumor is radiosensitive, it is not radiocurable.

  16. Unplanned complex suicide: Two case reports

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Nikolić Slobodan


    Full Text Available Introduction The term complex suicide refers to suicides in which multiple suicidal methods are utilized, as opposed to simple suicide successfully done after one attempt. In planned complex suicides two or more methods are employed simultaneously in order to make sure that death will occur after failure of previous attempt. In unplanned complex suicides, several other methods of suicide tried after the first chosen method either failed or was too painful. Outline of Cases We report two cases of unplanned complex suicides. The first case was a female who first tried to commit suicide by cutting the wrists, and then hanged herself. In the other case, a male first tried to commit suicide by stubbing his chest with a knife, and then jumped into a well and drowned himself. In both reported cases the second, successful suicidal method was of higher lethality score. Conclusion From the forensic point of view, the presence of several injuries of different origin strongly suggests infliction by other person. The event could be reconstructed, based on autopsy findings and traces found at the scene. .

  17. A case of granulomatous rosacea

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Case Study: A case of granulomatous rosacea. 133. Vol 52 No 2. SA Fam Pract 2010. Clinical Quiz. A 49-year-old housewife had complained of an itchy facial rash for four years. She denied using steroid creams and skin lighteners. On examination, dark grey papules were found on her face, with some coalescing into ...

  18. Intracortical chondrosarcoma: a case report.


    Khodamorad Jamshidi; Reza Razavi; Homan Yahyazadeh


    Chondrosarcoma is the second most common primary mesenchymal malignant tumor of the bone. The most common form is central chondrosarcoma and the rarest is intracortical chondrosarcoma. Here, we describe the clinical, pathological, and imaging features of a case of intracortical chondrosarcoma as well as the outcome of surgical treatment. This is the third case reported in the literature.

  19. A case of triple volvulus (United States)

    Basu, I; Phillips, D


    Situs inversus is a rare congenital anomaly that has reportedly been associated with caecal volvulus. We describe a case of partial situs inversus complicated by intestinal obstruction secondary to three simultaneously occurring volvuli of the stomach, caecum and sigmoid colon. To our knowledge, this is the first documented case in the literature of multiple, simultaneously occurring volvuli. PMID:22391352

  20. Leadership development and succession planning in case management. (United States)

    Miodonski, Kathleen; Hines, Patricia


    The director of case management is one of health care's leadership positions most frequently in demand. The lack of qualified and effective case management leaders will continue to be an issue for organizations for years to come, influenced by increasing pressures on health care reimbursement and the aging case management workforce. Organizations have an opportunity to create a program to develop future case management leaders from their internal talent. The proposed strategies are designed for the acute care hospital but also have applicability in other health care settings where there are case managers and a need for case management leadership. The business community offers leadership research and leadership development models with relevance to case management. Identifying and developing internal talent for leadership roles has been proven to be effective in preparation for advanced responsibilities, has a positive effect on staff morale, and minimizes the impact of vacant leadership positions during recruitment and onboarding activities. Creating a case management leadership development program for an organization can be an alternative to the process of external recruitment for case management department leaders. Such a program can be undertaken even in today's budget conscious environment by accessing existing resources in an organization in a creative and organized manner. The authors outline an approach for case management leaders to accept responsibility for succession planning and for case managers to accept responsibility for promoting their own career development through creation of a leadership development program.