
Sample records for case tratamiento endovascular

  1. Aneurisma de la aorta abdominal: Tratamiento endovascular con una endoprótesis fenestrada Abdominal aortic aneurysm: Endovascular treatment with fenestrated endoprothesis

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    Román Rostagno


    Full Text Available El tratamiento endovascular de los aneurismas de aorta abdominal es una alternativa a la cirugía abierta para pacientes de alto riesgo. Consiste en la exclusión del saco aneurismático mediante la interposición de una endoprótesis colocada por vía femoral. El tratamiento endovascular no puede ser utilizado en todos los pacientes. Una limitación frecuente la constituye el nacimiento de una arteria visceral desde el saco aneurismático. Para contrarrestar esta limitación recientemente se han desarrollado endoprótesis fenestradas que presentan orificios que se corresponden con el nacimiento de las arterias involucradas en el aneurisma evitando su oclusión, permitiendo de esta manera el tratamiento endovascular. En esta comunicación se presenta un caso de tratamiento endovascular de un aneurisma de aorta abdominal mediante la colocación de una endoprótesis fenestrada en un paciente cuya arteria renal izquierda nacía directamente del saco aneurismático.Endovascular treatment of the abdominal aortic aneurysm is consider an alternative to open surgery for high risk patients. Its goal is to exclude the aneurysm from the circulation by using an endoprothesis introduced from a femoral approach. Patients must be strictly selected to avoid possible complications. The most frequent limitation is related to anatomic contraindications such as visceral arteries involved in the aneurysm. Fenestrated endograft have been recently developed to allow endovascular treatment when anatomic features contraindicate classic endovascular procedures. Fenestrated endograft have holes that match with the origin of the visceral arteries maintaining its potency. In this paper we report the endovascular treatment of an abdominal aortic aneurysm by using a fenestrated endoprothesis in a patient whose left renal artery is originated from the aneurysm.

  2. Manejo endovascular de la aorta torácica Endovascular treatment of thoracic aorta

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    Juan G Barrera


    Full Text Available En comparación con el tratamiento convencional, la terapia endovascular en aneurisma de aorta torácica, presenta los mejores resultados, por lo que se convierte en el tratamiento de elección para la patología de aorta torácica descendente endovascular, por su baja morbimortalidad perioperatoria. El tratamiento quirúrgico por vía retroperitoneal y/o endovascular para aneurisma de aorta abdominal infrarrenal, resulta ser especialmente seguro en pacientes octogenarios o con alta morbilidad. Esta cohorte institucional presenta resultados perioperatorios y en el seguimiento, similares a los reportados en la literatura mundial.Compared with the conventional treatment, endovascular therapy in thoracic aortic aneurysm shows the best results, being the election treatment for the pathology of the descending thoracic aorta, due to its low peri-operative morbid-mortality. Surgical treatment by retro-peritoneal route and/or endovascular for infra-renal abdominal aortic aneurysm is especially safe in octogenarian patients or in those with a high mortality rate. This institutional cohort show peri-operative and follow-up results similar to those reported in the world literature.

  3. Tratamiento endovascular de las patologías de aorta -Estado del arte-: Parte 1 - Aneurismas de aorta abdominal Endovascular treatment of aortic pathologies -State of the art-: Part 1 - Aneurysms of abdominal aorta

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    Carlos E Uribe


    Full Text Available En la actualidad, el tratamiento endovascular de las patologías de aorta es una alternativa a la cirugía abierta. Éste ha demostrado ser seguro ya que arroja resultados iguales o superiores que el grupo quirúrgico. En este artículo se presenta el estado actual del tratamiento con endoprótesis de las patologías de aorta, así como las indicaciones, las contraindicaciones y el futuro del tratamiento con este tipo de dispositivos.Endovascular treatment of aortic pathologies is actually an alternative to open surgery. It has proven to be safe, showing similar or better results to those achieved by surgery. In this article, treatment of aortic pathologies by means of endoprosthesis is presented, as well as its indications, contraindications and future treatment with this kind of devices.

  4. 27. Tratamiento endovascular de los aneurismas postraumáticos del cayado aórtico

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    M.T. González López


    Conclusiones: Es necesario un alto índice de sospecha de esta patología en pacientes con antecedentes de traumatismo de alta energía. Debido a la localización anatómica secundaria al origen traumático, el estudio de troncos supraaórticos y polígono de Willis es fundamental en la planificación quirúrgica de un tratamiento híbrido o endovascular aislado.

  5. Experiencia en el manejo endovascular para el tratamiento de la aorta torácica Experience in endovascular management for thoracic aorta treatment

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    Juan G Barrera


    Full Text Available Antecedentes: el tratamiento endovascular ofrece la posibilidad de cubrir el origen de la disección y evitar que progrese hasta aneurisma de la aorta, y con ello demuestra una reducción en la mortalidad hasta del 16%. Objetivo: evaluar los resultados quirúrgicos en términos de morbi-mortalidad de los pacientes sometidos a manejo endovascular de las lesiones de la aorta torácica en la Fundación Cardiovascular de Colombia desde 2003 hasta 2005. Diseño-método: estudio longitudinal tipo descriptivo retrospectivo, en el que se evaluaron las historias clínicas de todos los pacientes sometidos a manejo endovascular de patología toracoabdominal; en éste sólo se incluyeron los pacientes con procedimientos de la aorta torácica, desde 2003 hasta 2005. El análisis de los datos se realizó en Stata/SE 8,0. Resultados: se realizaron procedimientos de aorta torácica en 16 pacientes. El 75% de los pacientes eran hombres con edad promedio de 55,9 ± 12,6 años. El 87,5% (14 pacientes presentaban disección aórtica tipo A o B; un paciente transección traumática de la aorta y un paciente aneurisma de aorta torácica descendente. Las disecciones agudas se presentaron en 78,6% (11 pacientes y las crónicas en 21,4% (3 pacientes. El promedio de endoprótesis usadas fue de 2,8 ± 1. La estancia en la unidad de cuidados intensivos fue de 3 ± 2,7 días. El 81,3% de los pacientes no presentaron complicaciones mayores. La mortalidad fue del 18,7% (3 pacientes. A todos se les realizó control post-operatorio con tomografía axial computarizada, con evolución satisfactoria. Conclusión: de acuerdo con los reportes de la literatura con mayor casuística, se considera que el manejo endovascular para el tratamiento de la disección, aneurisma o trauma aórtico es un procedimiento confiable que disminuye la morbi-mortalidad.Antecedents: endovascular treatment has the possibility of covering the dissection origin and to avoid its progression to aortic

  6. Tratamiento endovascular de los aneurismas ateroscleróticos de aorta torácica descendente

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    Carlos Velázquez


    Full Text Available El abordaje del aneurisma degenerativo de la aorta torácica descendente debe basarse en el conocimiento de su historia natural. Este diagnóstico, cada vez más frecuente, no precisa de tratamiento en su fase asintomática hasta que el aneurisma no alcanza un diámetro que preconiza un riesgo de complicación considerable. El abordaje endovascular permite reducir la morbimortalidad en población añosa y con enfermedad respiratoria asociada. En jóvenes sin comorbilidad, la cirugía convencional debería ser todavía el patrón oro por su menor tasa de complicaciones a medio-largo plazo. A pesar de ello, la técnica se extenderá ampliamente por su mayor aceptación en los pacientes. La correcta indicación y realización de derivaciones a los troncos supraaórticos, así como el buen manejo del drenaje del líquido cefalorraquídeo, permitirán mejorar las zonas de sellado y reducir al mínimo las complicaciones neurológicas de la técnica endovascular.

  7. Tratamiento endovascular de urgencia con endoprótesis de aneurisma roto disecado de aorta torácica: A propósito de un caso Emergency endovascular treatment with endoprosthesis of ruptured dissected aneurysm of thoracic aorta: Report of one case

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    José Lugo


    Full Text Available Los aneurismas de aorta torácica son menos comunes que los aneurismas de aorta abdominal y pueden encontrarse en aorta ascendente, arco aórtico, aorta descendente o en una combinación de estos segmentos. De estos aneurismas el 30% al 40% se originan en la aorta torácica descendente. En los aneurismas de aorta torácica existe una debilidad estructural de la pared de la aorta, que conlleva una dilatación arterial progresiva con eventual ruptura o disección. Aproximadamente, 50% de los aneurismas de aorta torácica son ateroscleróticos y ocurren como resultado de remodelado arterial y dilatación o a raíz de un metabolismo anormal del colágeno. La mayoría de los aneurismas de aorta torácica se descubren por casualidad durante la evaluación de otros problemas médicos. La meta del tratamiento de los aneurismas de aorta torácica, es prevenir la muerte debido a su ruptura. El riesgo de ruptura de los no tratados oscila entre 46% a 74% y la tasa de mortalidad por su ruptura es extremadamente alta. Los aneurismas de gran tamaño, en especial aquellos mayores de 6 cm, son más susceptibles de rupturas que los aneurismas de menor tamaño. El tratamiento endovascular, inicialmente desarrollado para los aneurismas de aorta abdominal, se introdujo en 1992 como una alternativa menos invasiva al tratamiento de cirugía abierta para los aneurismas de la aorta torácica descendente. En la actualidad, el injerto de stent endovascular en la aorta descendente o endoprótesis, recibe mayor atención como alternativa al reparo quirúrgico de los aneurismas de aorta torácica.Thoracic aortic aneurysms are less common than abdominal aortic aneurysms and can be found in ascending aorta, aortic arch, descending aorta or in a combination of these segments. 30% to 40% of these aneurysms are originated in thoracic descending aorta. In thoracic aortic aneurysms there exists a structural wall weakness that leads to a progressive arterial dilation with eventual

  8. Tratamiento endovascular de una fuga paraprotésica mitral con dispositivo Amplatzer®

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    Alberto Sciegata


    Full Text Available El leak o fuga paraprotésica mitral se presenta entre el 5 y el 17% de los pacientes tratados con cirugía de reemplazo valvular. En general, los defectos son únicos, la mayoría se encuentran localizados en la región postero-medial del anillo valvular y solo la tercera parte produce reflujo de grado grave. El cierre percutáneo por vía endovascular es una alternativa terapéutica válida en pacientes con elevado riesgo para re-operación. La estrategia de abordaje depende de la localización, tamaño, morfología y relaciones adyacentes del o los defectos. El procedimiento debe ser realizado por profesionales con experiencia en el tratamiento de cardiopatías estructurales y en el manejo de estos dispositivos de cierre, y se considera imprescindible la utilización de un ecocardiograma transesofágico tridimensional. Se presenta el caso de un paciente con una fuga paraprotésica valvular mitral que fue cerrada con un dispositivo Amplatzer ® introducido en forma percutánea desde la vena femoral.

  9. Tratamiento de aorta abdominal e ilíacas con técnica endovascular: Experiencia quirúrgica Treatment of abdominal aorta and iliac arteries with endovascular technique

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    Juan G Barrera


    Full Text Available Antecedentes: desde 1991 la técnica endovascular se ha aplicado con éxito en el manejo de los aneurismas de aorta infrarrenal, y se ha perfeccionado de manera tal que rápidamente se ha convertido en una alternativa para pacientes de alto riesgo para la cirugía convencional. Objetivo: describir los resultados institucionales en el manejo de las patologías de aorta abdominal e ilíacas mediante técnica endovascular desde 2003 a 2005. Diseño-Método: estudio descriptivo, longitudinal, retrospectivo, en el que se analizaron las historias clínicas de los pacientes sometidos a procedimiento endovascular de aorta abdominal e ilíacas. El análisis se realizó en Stata 8,0 S/E. Resultados: a 9 pacientes se les realizó exclusivamente manejo de lesiones en aorta abdominal e ilíacas. Todos los pacientes del estudio fueron hombres con edad media de 68,9 + 8,1 años. Los diagnósticos fueron aneurisma de aorta infrarrenal en 6 pacientes y aneurismas anastomóticos en los 3 restantes. Se evidenció requerimiento de endoprótesis en promedio de 1,9 + 0,8. Se realizó puente femoro-femoral como procedimiento simultáneo en 4 de los 9 pacientes. El 77,8% de los pacientes no tuvo complicaciones. La mortalidad por el procedimiento alcanzó el 22% (2 pacientes, si bien cabe anotar que las complicaciones se presentaron sólo en esos dos pacientes. Conclusiones: la exclusión de aneurismas de aorta y de ilíacas con endoprótesis modulares, se está implementando ampliamente como una opción válida de tratamiento, con resultados excelentes que evitan los riesgos de la intervención convencional y la morbilidad asociada.Antecedents: since 1991 endovascular technique has been successfully used in the management of infra-renal aortic aneurysms and it has been improved in such a way that it has quickly turned into an alternative for patients considered having high risk for conventional surgery. Objective: describe the institutional results in the management of

  10. Endovascular aortic graft infection resulting in retroperitoneal abscess: report of a case

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    Salvatore Di Somma


    Full Text Available Infection is a rare complication of aortoiliac endovascular procedures, with an incidence inferior to 0.5%, and it may result in a retroperitoneal abscess potentially evolving to sepsis and gastrointestinal bleeding. In more than 50% of cases endovascular aortoiliac prosthetic grafts infection occur months or years after the procedure. The growing number of endovascular procedures, and as the actually midterm follow up in most cases, septic sequelae will no doubt continue to occur with increased frequency and may represent an emerging problem in the ED for the emergency physician. Endovascular graft infection begins with unspecific clinical manifestations. An high index of suspicion in any patient with an aortic stent graft presenting prolonged or recurrent fever and or abdominal or back pain and a low threshold for obtaining CT scan should increase the clinician’s ability to make a timely diagnosis in the ED setting.

  11. Fatal late multiple emboli after endovascular treatment of abdominal aortic aneurysm. Case report

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lindholt, Jes Sanddal; Sandermann, Jes; Bruun-Petersen, J


    The short term experience of endovascular treatment of abdominal aortic aneurysms (AAA) seems promising but long term randomised data are lacking. Consequently, cases treated by endovascular procedures need to be closely followed for potential risks and benefits....

  12. Combined endovascular and surgical treatment of melanoma of the nasal cavity: a case report; Melanoma de fosas nasales. Tratamiento combinado endovascular y quirurgico. A proposito de un caso

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Romero, A.; Delgado, F.; Ramos, M.; Bravo, F. [Hospital Universitario Reina Sofia. Cordoba (Spain)


    Melanoma of the nasal cavity is a rare tumor with a worse prognosis than cutaneous melanoma. It usually presents as nasal obstruction and/or epistaxis. The observation of a pigmented mass in the nasal cavity is highly suggestive of this lesion. Computed tomography shows a mass with nonspecific features. In magnetic resonance studies, it has a characteristics signal consisting of hyperintensity of T1-weighted images and hypointensity on T2-weighted images, depending on the amount of melanin. The treatment of choice is surgical resection. We present a case of melanoma of the nasal cavity in which endovascular embolization of the tumor was performed prior to surgical treatment. (Author) 11 refs.

  13. A Matched Case-Control Study on Open and Endovascular Treatment of Popliteal Artery Aneurysms. (United States)

    Dorigo, W; Fargion, A; Masciello, F; Piffaretti, G; Pratesi, G; Giacomelli, E; Pratesi, C


    To compare early and late results of open and endovascular management of popliteal artery aneurysm in a retrospective single-center matched case-control study Methods: From 1981 to 2015, 309 consecutive interventions for popliteal artery aneurysm were performed in our institution, in 59 cases with endovascular repair and in 250 cases with open repair. Endovascular repair was preferred in older asymptomatic patients, while open repair was offered more frequently to patients with a thrombosed popliteal artery aneurysm and a poor run-off status. A one-to-one coarsened exact matching on the basis of the baseline demographic, clinical, and anatomical covariates significantly different between the two treatment options was performed and two equivalent groups of 56 endovascular repairs and open repairs were generated. The two groups were compared in terms of perioperative results with χ 2 test and of follow-up outcomes with the Kaplan-Meier curves and log-rank test. There were no differences between the two groups in terms of perioperative outcomes. Median duration of follow-up was 38 months. Five-year survival rates were 94% in endovascular repair group and 89.5% in open repair group (p = 0.4, log-rank 0.6). Primary patency rates at 1, 3, and 5 years were 81%, 78%, and 72% in endovascular repair group and 82.5%, 80%, and 64% in open repair group (p = 0.8, log-rank 0.01). Freedom from reintervention at 5 years was 65.5% in endovascular repair group and 76% in open repair group (p = 0.2, log-rank 1.2). Secondary patency at 1, 3, and 5 years was 94%, 86%, and 74% in endovascular repair group, and 94%, 89%, and 71% in open repair group, respectively (p = 0.9, log-rank 0.01). The rates of limb preservation at 5 years were 94% in endovascular repair group and 86.4% in open repair group (p = 0.3, log-rank 0.8). Open repair and endovascular repair of popliteal artery aneurysms provided in this retrospective single-center experience similar perioperative and follow-up results in

  14. Treatment of Endovascular Coil and Stent Migration Using the Merci Retriever: Report of Three Cases

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    David K. Kung


    Full Text Available Background. Coil and stent migration is a potentially catastrophic complication in endovascular neurosurgery, which may lead to cerebral thromboembolism. Techniques for removing migrated coil and stent are not well established. Methods and Results. We present three cases in which coil or stent migration occurred during endovascular embolization of a cerebral aneurysm. The Merci Retrievers were used successfully in all cases to remove the displaced foreign bodies. Technical details are described. Conclusion. The Merci Retriever device can be utilized successfully for removal of migrated coils and stents in endovascular neurosurgery.

  15. Endovascular repair of early rupture of Dacron aortic graft--two case reports.

    LENUS (Irish Health Repository)

    Sultan, Sherif


    Complications after open aortic surgery pose a challenge both to the vascular surgeon and the patient because of aging population, widespread use of cardiac revascularization, and improved survival after aortic surgery. The perioperative mortality rate for redo elective aortic surgery ranges from 5% to 29% and increases to 70-100% in emergency situation. Endovascular treatment of the postaortic open surgery (PAOS) patient has fewer complications and a lower mortality rate in comparison with redo open surgical repair. Two cases of ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) were managed with the conventional open surgical repair. Subsequently, spiral contrast computer tomography scans showed reperfusion of the AAA sac remnant mimicking a type III endoleak. These graft-related complications presented as vascular emergencies, and in both cases endovascular aneurysm repair (EVAR) procedure was performed successfully by aortouniiliac (AUI) stent graft and femorofemoral crossover bypass. These 2 patients add further merit to the cases reported in the English literature. This highlights the crucial importance of endovascular grafts in the management of such complex vascular problems.

  16. Neonatal Intracranial Aneurysm Rupture Treated by Endovascular Management: A Case Report

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    Yi-Pei Tai


    Full Text Available Pediatric intracranial aneurysm rupture is rare, and is traditionally managed by surgical clipping. To the best of our knowledge, endovascular embolization of aneurysms in neonates has not previously been reported in Taiwan. We report a 9-day-old boy with intracranial aneurysms who underwent endovascular embolization, representing the youngest reported case in Taiwan. The 9-day-old boy presented with non-specific symptoms of irritable crying, seizure and respiratory distress. Computed tomography disclosed intraventricular hemorrhage, subarachnoid hemorrhage and focal intracranial hemorrhage around the right cerebellum. Subsequent computed tomographic angiography showed two sequential fusiform aneurysms, measuring 3 mm, located in the right side posterior inferior cerebellar artery (PICA. The patient underwent endovascular embolization because of the high risk of aneurysm re-rupture and the impossibility of surgical clipping due to the fusiform nature of the aneurysms. A postembolization angiogram revealed complete obliteration of the right distal PICA and proximal aneurysm. The distal PICA aneurysm was revascularized from the collateral circulation, but demonstrated a slow and delayed filling pattern. The patient's condition remained stable over the following week, and he was discharged without anticonvulsant therapy. No significant developmental delay was noted at follow-up at when he was 3 months old. This case emphasizes the need for clinical practitioners to consider a diagnosis of intracranial hemorrhage in neonates with seizure and increased intracranial pressure. Neonatal intracranial aneurysms can be treated safely by endovascular treatment.

  17. Endovascular stenting of a chronic ruptured type B thoracic aortic dissection, a second chance: a case report. (United States)

    Arshad, Ali; Khan, Sumaira L; Whitaker, Simon C; Macsweeney, Shane T


    We aim to highlight the need for awareness of late complications of endovascular thoracic aortic stenting and the need for close follow-up of patients treated by this method. We report the first case in the English literature of an endovascular repair of a previously stented, ruptured chronic Stanford type B thoracic aortic dissection re-presenting with a type III endoleak of the original repair. Endovascular thoracic stenting is now a widely accepted technique for the treatment of thoracic aortic dissection and its complications. Long term follow up is necessary to ensure that late complications are identified and treated appropriately. In this case of type III endoleak, although technically challenging, endovascular repair was feasible and effective.

  18. Preoperative Evaluation and Endovascular Procedure of Intraoperative Aneurysm Rupture During Thoracic Endovascular Aortic Repair

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Zha, Bin-Shan, E-mail:; Zhu, Hua-Gang, E-mail:; Ye, Yu-Sheng, E-mail:; Li, Yong-Sheng, E-mail:; Zhang, Zhi-Gong, E-mail:; Xie, Wen-Tao, E-mail: [The First Affiliated Hospital of Anhui Medical University, Department of Vascular Surgery (China)


    Thoracic aortic aneurysms are now routinely repaired with endovascular repair if anatomically feasible because of advantages in safety and recovery. However, intraoperative aneurysm rupture is a severe complication which may have an adverse effect on the outcome of treatment. Comprehensive preoperative assessment and considerate treatment are keys to success of endovascular aneurysm repair, especially during unexpected circumstances. Few cases have reported on intraoperative aortic rupture, which were successfully managed by endovascular treatment. Here, we present a rare case of an intraoperative aneurysm rupture during endovascular repair of thoracic aortic aneurysm with narrow neck and angulated aorta arch (coarctation-associated aneurysm), which was successfully treated using double access route approach and iliac limbs of infrarenal devices.Level of EvidenceLevel 5.

  19. A case of acute ischemic colitis after endovascular abdominal aortic aneurysm repair

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    Grigorios Voulalas


    Full Text Available Colonic ischemia is a recognized complication of either open or endovascular abdominal aortic aneurysm repair. The clinical difficulty in establishing the diagnosis, the severity of this complication and the patient's poor physiological status may lead to a fatal outcome. We presented a case of ischemic colitis in a patient with patent hypogastric arteries that occurred after an endovascular abdominal aortic aneurysm repair as well as a review of the available literature. The patient's preoperative, intraoperative and postoperative data were recorded. A thorough search through the Google data and Medline to review similar cases or any analyses that referred to ischemic colitis after endovascular abdominal aneurysm repair was conducted. A 76-year-old male was admitted to our department for an elective endovascular repair of an 8 cm in diameter abdominal aortic aneurysm. A Zenith bifurcation graft was implanted. The whole procedure was uneventful and the final angiogram showed an accurate deployment of the endograft without endoleaks and patency of both hypogastric arteries. During the 1st postoperative day, the patient developed symptoms of acute abdomen in combination with metabolic acidosis and oliguria. He underwent an exploratory laparotomy, which revealed necrosis of the sigmoid. A Hartmann's procedure was performed; the patient was transferred to the intensive care unit where he deceased after 24 h. Postoperative ischemic colitis has been described after open abdominal aneurysm repair. The description of this complication has been reported since the early phase of endovascular abdominal aneurysm repair development with a current incidence of 1.5%–3.0%. Possible mechanisms that may contribute to ischemic colitis in spite of the presence of patent hypogastric arteries include atheroembolization, shock, vasopressive drugs and inferior mesenteric artery occlusion.

  20. Midterm results of endovascular treatment of iliac artery lesions: analysis of 59 cases

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    Leonardo Ghizoni Bez


    Full Text Available BACKGROUND: Endovascular treatment of peripheral arterial occlusive disease has become increasingly frequent in the past few years. Because it is a less invasive procedure, lower morbidity and mortality rates are associated with this form of treatment. OBJECTIVES: To describe the endovascular procedures performed in iliac arteries for the treatment of peripheral arterial occlusive disease. METHODS: This retrospective study assesses 59 cases of iliac artery angioplasty performed according to a specific protocol from January 2004 to February 2010. RESULTS: Mean age of patients was 62 years (minimum: 42, maximum: 89. Thirty seven were male (62.72% and 22 female (37.28%. The main indications for treatment were moderate to severe intermittent claudication in 30 cases (50.84% and rest pain or trophic lesions (critical ischemia in 29 cases (49.15%. Postoperative follow-up included ankle-brachial index measurements and a duplex ultrasound at 30 days, 3 months, 6 months, 12 months, and every 6 months thereafter. Minimum follow-up time was 3 months, and maximum, 72 months (6 years, with primary and secondary patency rates of 91.37 and 94.82%, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: The results of this case series, combined with literature review results, allow to conclude that the endovascular approach is an effective and safe option to treat peripheral arterial occlusive disease in iliac arteries.

  1. Disección de aorta: Aspectos básicos y manejo endovascular Aortic dissection: Basic aspects and endovascular management

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    Nicolás I Jaramillo


    Full Text Available El tratamiento de la patología aórtica torácica se complica por la asociación con una alta mortalidad en la reparación quirúrgica, y al mismo tiempo fragilidad y gran comorbilidad en los adultos de edad avanzada. En la búsqueda por reducir la incidencia de resultados negativos, en la década pasada se introdujo la técnica de intervención por la vía de la mínima invasión, con la colocación de dispositivos del tipo stent vía endovascular. La técnica, originalmente descrita por Parodi e inicialmente diseñada para uso en la corrección de aneurismas de aorta abdominal, ha sido adoptada para el uso en la patología aórtica torácica. El mejoramiento en el entendimiento de la fisiopatología y la historia natural de la enfermedad de la aorta torácica y el análisis de los resultados, han facilitado la toma de decisiones en cuanto al tratamiento en términos del tiempo de la intervención apropiada. El tratamiento de la disección de la aorta torácica con el uso de stent endovascular, es uno de los más recientes avances en el tratamiento y hoy recibe una atención especial, al punto que es una alternativa menos invasiva; incluso la tecnología está apenas en sus primeras etapas y en los últimos años se han mejorado significativamente el diseño y el sistema de liberación de estos dispositivos endovasculares conocidos como stent-grafts. Estas prótesis se utilizan de forma creciente en el tratamiento de aneurismas, disecciones, rupturas traumáticas, úlceras penetradas gigantes y hematomas intramurales de la aorta torácica descendente, con buenos resultados tanto tempranos como a mediano plazo. La poca frecuencia, la alta complejidad y la severidad de la patología, y al mismo tiempo el alto riesgo teórico de las complicaciones que se pueden generar, deben mantener cauto al operador, especialmente cuando esta técnica se aplica en pacientes jóvenes. De manera conceptual la solución por la vía endoluminal en las fases agudas

  2. Endovascular treatment of radiation-induced carotid blowout syndrome. Report of two cases

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Adachi, Akihiko; Kobayashi, Eiichi; Watanabe, Yoshiyuki; Yoneyama, Tomoko S.; Hayasaka, Michihiro; Suzuki, Homare; Okamoto, Yoshitaka; Saeki, Naokatsu


    Carotid Blowout Syndrome (CBS), or Carotid Artery Rupture (CAR), is a delayed complication with potentially fatal consequences occurring after the implementation of radiotherapy on head and neck tumors. In this report we describe two patients received endovascular treatment for severe hemorrhagic CBS developing 36 and 2 years, respectively, after radiotherapy. Both patients survived and responded positively to treatment. Case 1 was an 80-year-old woman found with minor hemorrhage near the bifurcation of the common carotid artery, 36 years after neck irradiation. She experienced frequent hemorrhagic events during the following years. Six years after the initial discovery of bleeding, she experienced massive hemorrhage, lapsed into shock, and was admitted to an Emergency Room. Connective tissue around the carotid artery was largely exposed due to neck skin defect. After hemorrhage was halted by manual compression, transient hemostasis was achieved with coil embolization of the aneurysm presumed to be the source of bleeding. Recurrent hemorrhage developed two weeks later with unraveled coil mass extrusion. Parent artery occlusion was performed by endovascular trapping, achieving permanent hemostasis. Case 2 presented massive nasal bleeding originating from the petrous segment of the internal carotid artery, 2 years after having been treated with heavy particle irradiation for olfactory neuroblastoma. Ischemic tolerance was confirmed by balloon occlusion test. Based on previous experiences, the bleeding was immediately halted by endovascular trapping. Both patients were subsequently discharged, free of new neurological symptoms. Emergent hemostatic treatment is required in CBS developing severe hemorrhage. However, within irradiation fields, temporal embolization devices hardly lead to complete resolution. This is due to the deteriorated condition of the vascular wall incapable to enduring the expansion power of coils, stents or balloons. Bypass grafting is also

  3. Endovascular treatment of intracranial arteriovenous malformations

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Seruga, T.


    Background. The aim of the study was the introduction of endovascular interventional treatment of cerebral arteriovenous malformations (AVM) with superselective embolization with cyanoacrylic polymerisation agent. Case reports. Endovascular embolization was performed in five patients with cerebral AVMs. Three of these patients were presented with intracerebral haemathomas whereas in other two patients, cerebral AVM was an incidental finding. Superselective catheterisation of AVMs was performed and acrylic glue was selectively injected into the nidus. Conclusions. Control cerebral angiography after embolization of AVM showed different results. In one patient, AVM was totally occluded after three sessions and in second case AVM was occluded in a single session. The rate of occlusion in other two cases was estimated between 70% in 80%. Both of these two patients underwent surgery. One patient is still in the process of treatment. Endovascular treatment of cerebral AVMs with superselective embolization with liquid cyanoacrilyc adhesive agent is a safe and effective alternative treatment paths next to microsurgery. Endovascular treatment in combination with radiosurgery could become the method of choice in the therapy of cerebral AVMs in the future. (author)

  4. The management of unimplantable stent during endovascular procedure:report of three cases

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Xiong Jiang; Wang Lijun; Guo Wei; Liu Xiaoping; Yin Tai; Jia Xin; Ma Xiaohui; Liu Meng; Zhang Hongpeng; Zhang Minhong


    Objective: To summarize the experience of dealing with the difficulty of the stent implantation encountered in the endovascular procedure. Methods: The causes of unimplantable stent encountered in the endovascular procedure included the delivery system entraping due to the stenosis and shrinking of peripheral self-expandable stent, the balloon expandable stent implantation and retrievement failure due to the rupture-balloon or stent edge opening, and the delivery system entraping due to aortic stent graft for aorta kinking. The balloon dilation for the stenosis and shrinking stent, the large caliber introducer sheath for removal of the rupture-balloon and edge opening, the expandable stent and balloon-assisted delivery system retrieve were used to solve the above three dilemma of unimplantable stent occurred in the endovascular procedure. Results: These three dilemma of stent unimplantable problem in the endovascular therapy were solved by endovascular method while little additional incision injury was added to the patients. Conclusion: For solving stent unimplantable problem the endovascular technique is the method of first choice, nevertherless, it is very important for the operator to be highly skilled in manipulating endovascular procedure. (authors)

  5. Resolución endovascular de lesiones por arma de fuego en la región cervical

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sebastián Rizzone


    Full Text Available Introducción: Las heridas producidas por armas de fuego que comprometen la región cervical son materia de controversia en cuanto a cuál es el mejor método para tratarlas. La resolución endovascular de este tipo de patología ha cobrado gran relevancia en los últimos años debido al desarrollo de nuevos dispositivos y, consecuentemente, a la menor incidencia de complicaciones inherentes al procedimiento. Objetivo: Determinar el rol del tratamiento endovascular en la resolución de las lesiones cervicales por arma de fuego. Material y métodos: Se incluyeron 76 pacientes que sufrieron lesiones cervicales por arma de fuego, a los cuales se les realizó angiografía de los vasos supraaórticos para decidir la conducta a seguir. Resultados: Del total de 76 pacientes, 47 (61,8% presentaron una angiografía patológica; de estos, en 26 se decidió la resolución endovascular de la lesión, implantándose 1,1 stents por paciente. La estadía intrahospitalaria fue en promedio de 10,4 días. A los 30 días de seguimiento, 2 pacientes presentaron secuela neurológica y uno evolucionó con sepsis. En el seguimiento alejado con un promedio de 4 años se registró una muerte a los 117 días de realizado el procedimiento. Conclusiones: La intervención endovascular ha ganado mayor protagonismo con el desarrollo de nuevos dispositivos que permiten el tratamiento de patologías cada vez más complejas y reducir el tiempo de internación intrahospitalaria, como también las complicaciones relacionadas con el procedimiento.

  6. Early endovascular treatment of superior mesenteric occlusion secondary to thromboemboli. (United States)

    Jia, Z; Jiang, G; Tian, F; Zhao, J; Li, S; Wang, K; Wang, Y; Jiang, L; Wang, W


    To evaluate our early experience with endovascular revascularization in patients with acute thromboembolic occlusion of the superior mesenteric artery (SMA). A retrospective review was conducted of all patients who underwent endovascular revascularization for acute thromboembolic SMA occlusion from May 2005 to May 2012. Endovascular revascularization was performed using aspiration, intra-arterial thrombolysis, and adjunctive stent-placement techniques. Laparotomy was performed if the patient developed clinical signs of advanced bowel ischemia after endovascular procedure. Twenty-one patients underwent endovascular revascularization for acute thromboembolic SMA occlusion. All presented with acute-onset abdominal pain. Three patients had rebound tenderness before the procedure. Computed tomography angiography revealed complete occlusion in seven cases and incomplete occlusion in 14 cases, with no evidence of free gas or bowel necrosis. The median duration from onset of symptoms to revascularization was 8.7 ± 4.1 hours (range, 2-18 hours). Completely successful endovascular revascularization occurred in six cases (aspiration alone, 3 cases; combined aspiration and urokinase, 3 cases); partial success was achieved in 15 cases (aspiration alone, 4 cases; combined aspiration and urokinase, 10 cases; and combined aspiration, urokinase, and stent placement, 1 case). Laparotomy was required in five patients, all of whom had SMA main trunk complete occlusion and required small bowel resection. The 30-day mortality for all patients was 9.5%. During a median follow-up of 26 months, 15 patients remained asymptomatic, three patients reported occasional abdominal pain, and one patient had temporary short-bowel syndrome. Percutaneous revascularization is a promising alternative to surgery for acute SMA occlusion in selected patients who have no signs of advanced bowel ischemia. Early diagnosis followed by prompt endovascular intervention with close postprocedural monitoring is

  7. Endovascular management of delayed post-pancreatectomy haemorrhage

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pottier, Edwige; Ronot, Maxime; Vilgrain, Valerie; Gaujoux, Sebastien; Cesaretti, Manuela; Barbier, Louise; Sauvanet, Alain


    To assess the patient outcome after endovascular treatment of delayed post-pancreatectomy haemorrhage (PPH) as first-line treatment. Between January 2005 and November 2013, all consecutive patients referred for endovascular treatment of PPH were included. Active bleeding, pseudoaneurysms, collections and the involved artery were recorded on pretreatment CT. Endovascular procedures were classified as technical success (source of bleeding identified on angiogram and treated), technical failure (source of bleeding identified but incompletely treated) and abstention (no abnormality identified, no treatment performed). Factors associated with rebleeding were analysed. Sixty-nine patients (53 men) were included (mean 59 years old (32-75)). Pretreatment CT showed 27 (39 %) active bleeding. In 22 (32 %) cases, no involved artery was identified. Technical success, failure and abstention were observed in 48 (70 %), 9 (13 %) and 12 patients (17 %), respectively. Thirty patients (43 %) experienced rebleeding. Rebleeding rates were 29 %, 58 % and 100 % in case of success, abstention and failure (p < 0.001). Treatment failure/abstention was the only factor associated with rebleeding. Overall, 74 % of the patients were successfully treated by endovascular procedure(s) alone. After a first endovascular procedure for PPH, the rebleeding rate is high and depends upon the success of the procedure. Most patients are successfully treated by endovascular approach(es) alone. (orig.)

  8. Endovascular management of delayed post-pancreatectomy haemorrhage

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Pottier, Edwige [Beaujon Hospital, University Hospitals Paris Nord Val de Seine, Department of Radiology, Clichy, Hauts-de-Seine (France); Ronot, Maxime; Vilgrain, Valerie [Beaujon Hospital, University Hospitals Paris Nord Val de Seine, Department of Radiology, Clichy, Hauts-de-Seine (France); University Paris Diderot, Paris (France); INSERM U1149, centre de recherche biomedicale Bichat-Beaujon, CRB3, Paris (France); Gaujoux, Sebastien; Cesaretti, Manuela; Barbier, Louise [APHP, University Hospitals Paris Nord Val de Seine, Beaujon, Department of Surgery, Clichy, Hauts-de-Seine (France); Sauvanet, Alain [University Paris Diderot, Paris (France); APHP, University Hospitals Paris Nord Val de Seine, Beaujon, Department of Surgery, Clichy, Hauts-de-Seine (France)


    To assess the patient outcome after endovascular treatment of delayed post-pancreatectomy haemorrhage (PPH) as first-line treatment. Between January 2005 and November 2013, all consecutive patients referred for endovascular treatment of PPH were included. Active bleeding, pseudoaneurysms, collections and the involved artery were recorded on pretreatment CT. Endovascular procedures were classified as technical success (source of bleeding identified on angiogram and treated), technical failure (source of bleeding identified but incompletely treated) and abstention (no abnormality identified, no treatment performed). Factors associated with rebleeding were analysed. Sixty-nine patients (53 men) were included (mean 59 years old (32-75)). Pretreatment CT showed 27 (39 %) active bleeding. In 22 (32 %) cases, no involved artery was identified. Technical success, failure and abstention were observed in 48 (70 %), 9 (13 %) and 12 patients (17 %), respectively. Thirty patients (43 %) experienced rebleeding. Rebleeding rates were 29 %, 58 % and 100 % in case of success, abstention and failure (p < 0.001). Treatment failure/abstention was the only factor associated with rebleeding. Overall, 74 % of the patients were successfully treated by endovascular procedure(s) alone. After a first endovascular procedure for PPH, the rebleeding rate is high and depends upon the success of the procedure. Most patients are successfully treated by endovascular approach(es) alone. (orig.)

  9. Avanços nos materiais e no tratamento endovascular de oclusões arteriais crônicas totais: um relato de caso Advances in materials and endovascular treatment of chronic total arterial occlusions: a case report

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Daniel Queiroz Neves


    Full Text Available As oclusões arteriais crônicas totais com forte componente cálcico são ainda nos dias atuais, um fator muitas vezes limitante para o tratamento endovascular devido à dificuldade em transpor estas lesões com fios-guia e cateteres habitualmente utilizados. Revisamos a literatura e descrevemos um caso de tratamento endovascular de uma oclusão total de artéria ilíaca externa, onde o uso de novos materiais desenvolvidos especificamente para o tratamento deste tipo de lesão foi determinante para o sucesso do caso.Chronic arterial occlusions with great calcium component are usually a factor of limitation to endovascular treatment to the difficulty to transpose these lesions with guidewires and catheters commonly used. We reviewed the literature and described a case of endovascular treatment of a total occlusion of external iliac artery, where the use of new materials developed specifically to the treatment of such injuries was critical to the success of the case.

  10. Endovascular treatment of nutcracker syndrome - a case report

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rowinski, O.; Januszewicz, M.; Wojtaszek, M.; Nawrot, I.; Szmidt, J.


    The 'nutcracker' syndrome is most commonly caused by arterial compression of the left renal vein between the superior mesenteric artery and the aorta. As a consequence venous blood pressure increases within the renal pelvis, ureter and gonadal veins. This compression syndrome may be treated by endovascular stent implantation into the left renal vein. A 20 year old female patient was referred to us, suffering from pain in her left side, gross proteinuria and the suspicion of 'nutcracker' syndrome. Symptoms were present for the last 3 years. Angio MRI was performed and confirmed compression of the left renal vein between the aorta and the superior mesenteric artery. The patient was qualified for endovascular treatment. A self expandable metallic stent, diameter 16 x 40 mm was implanted into the left renal vein. Control venography confirmed good placement of the stent and a good immediate hemodynamic effect of the procedure. The patient remains symptom free in a 14 month follow up period. At present, endovascular stenting seems to be the method of choice for the treatment of the nutcracker syndrome. (author)

  11. Endovascular treatment of ruptured splenic artery aneurysm

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bjerring, Ole Steen


    Splenic artery aneurysms (SAA) are traditionally treated surgically, but endovascular techniques are becoming increasingly popular. A 64 year-old male with chest pain and low blood pressure was admitted under suspicion of AMI. A CT scan showed a 56 mm SAA with signs of rupture. The patient...... was treated with endovascular embolisation of the SAA with coils. Blood pressure and haemoglobin levels were stabilized and the patient was discharged. In the case of rupture the treatment of choice seems to be endovascular....

  12. Endovascular Management of Acute Limb Ischemia.

    LENUS (Irish Health Repository)

    Hynes, Brian G


    Despite major advances in pharmacologic and endovascular therapies, acute limb ischemia (ALI) continues to result in significant morbidity and mortality. The incidence of ALI may be as high as 13-17 cases per 100,000 people per year, with mortality rates approaching 18% in some series. This review will address the contemporary endovascular management of ALI encompassing pharmacologic and percutaneous interventional treatment strategies.

  13. Operative and endovascular management of extracranial vertebral artery aneurysm in Ehlers-Danlos syndrome:a clinical dilemma--case report and literature review.

    LENUS (Irish Health Repository)

    Sultan, Sherif


    The most prevalent lesion of the vertebral artery is an atheromatous plaque located at its origin from the subclavian artery. A case of successful management of a symptomatic vertebral artery aneurysm due to Ehlers-Danlos syndrome is reported. The patient had asymptomatic posterior intracerebral artery dissection on the contralateral side. A common carotid artery to V-3 segment bypass using reversed saphenous vein graft was carried out. Avulsion of the V-2 segment occurred peroperatively and endovascular coil embolization of the vertebral artery aneurysm was performed. Endovascular equipment and training must be in the armamentarium of vascular surgeons as more complex cases are being treated, which demands new approaches for ultimate clinical success. This unique case outlines what might unexpectedly occur. Endovascular intervention as an adjuvant procedure provides a satisfactory outcome in what could have been a catastrophe.

  14. Delayed pan-hypopituitarism as a complication following endovascular treatment of bilateral internal carotid artery aneurysms. A case report and review. (United States)

    Hall, Jonathan; Caputo, Carmela; Chung, Carlos; Holt, Michael; Wang, Yi Yuen


    Pan-hypopituitarism has been reported in patients who are subsequently found to have a cerebral aneurysm and there have been reports of pituitary dysfunction immediately following both surgical and endovascular treatment. The authors report a rare case of delayed pan-hypopituitarism following endovascular treatment of bilateral internal carotid artery aneurysms with coil embolisation and flow-diverting stents.

  15. Tratamento endovascular de lesões arteriais traumáticas Endovascular management of traumatic arterial injuries

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ruy Fernandes e Fernandes


    . Todos os procedimentos foram realizados com sucesso. Não se verificou mortalidade. No doente com RAS houve necessidade de cirurgia de descorticação pulmonar esquerda, por hematoma organizado, e o doente com FAV foi submetido com sucesso a nova embolização com coils por recorrência precoce de hematúria. Conclusão: O tratamento endovascular é, em casos seleccionados, uma alternativa válida e menos invasiva de lesões traumáticas complexas em regiões anatómicas de difícil acesso e morbi-mortalidade cirúrgica elevada.Introduction: Traumatic vascular injuries are present in less than 10% of patients with multi-organ trauma and, in western countries, the incidence of iatrogenic vascular lesions has been increasing. Conventional surgery in the approach of these lesions usually requires extended surgical exposure, presents increased technical challenges and has high morbidity and mortality. Recently, several authors have described the successful management of traumatic injuries with endovascular techniques with diminished surgical risk. Endovascular surgery has also been increasingly applied in management of chronic traumatic injuries like chronic post-traumatic thoracic aneurysms with significant improved outcomes. The authors present clinical cases with several acute and chronic traumatic vascular injuries treated with endovascular techniques, Clinical reports: Seven patients (21-77 years with traumatic vascular injuries were treated. Four patients presented acute injuries: 1 case of traumatic aortic injury in a patient with multi-organ trauma after automobile crash; 1 case of iatrogenic subclavian artery rupture after inadvertent subclavian artery catheterization during attempted venous central access ; 1 case of iatrogenic renal artery rupture during renal angioplasty and stenting; 1 case of iatrogenic intra-renal arterio-venous fistula (AVF after laparoscopic resection of a renal tumour. Three patients presented with chronic post-traumatic thoracic aneurysms

  16. Endovascular Treatment for Fusiform Dilation of Internal Carotid Artery Following Craniopharyngioma Resection: A Case Illustration. (United States)

    Li, Qiang; Wang, Chaohua; Xu, Jianguo; You, Chao


    Fusiform dilation of the internal carotid artery complicates aggressive craniopharyngioma resection and occurs mainly in children. We report a case to describe the availability of endovascular treatment for this rare entity. A 13-year-old boy presented with headache for 2 years after resection of craniopharyngioma. A fusiform dilation of the right carotid artery was found and was coiled using stent-assisted technique. Follow-up showed satisfactory outcome and disappearance of headache. To our knowledge, this is the first report regarding endovascular treatment for fusiform dilation of the internal carotid artery after craniopharyngioma resection. Stent-assisted coiling is a useful approach for fusiform dilation of the internal carotid artery following craniopharyngioma surgery. © The Author(s) 2014.

  17. Endovascular Management of Fusiform Superior Cerebellar Artery Aneurysms: A Series of Three Cases with Review of Literature

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Anand Alurkar


    Full Text Available Distal superior cerebellar artery (SCA aneurysms are rare. Fusiform aneurysms of SCA are rarer and more challenging to treat. Parent artery occlusion by endovascular coiling is the treatment option for these cases. Presence of good collateral circulation and paucity of perforators from S1 and S2 segments makes this a feasible option. From 2007 to 2010, we treated three patients (two men and one woman between the ages of 42 to 64 years with distal fusiform SCA aneurysms using endovascular coiling. All the patients presented with symptoms of rupture and were treated in the acute phase. Informed and written high-risk consent was given by all patients prior to the procedure. Successful angiographic and clinical outcome was achieved in all three patients. Endovascular treatment of fusiform SCA aneurysms with coils is a safe and feasible option in the management of this rare entity.

  18. Endovascular treatment of complex traumatic lesions of the infrapopliteal segment Tratamento endovascular de lesões traumáticas complexas do segmento infrapoplíteo

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Roberta C. A. Campos


    Full Text Available The occurrence of vascular trauma due to a range of causes has increased considerably. In this setting, endovascular repair has arisen as a new and less invasive approach. We report the case of three patients with lesions of below-knee vessels that were treated by endovascular procedures.A ocorrência de trauma vascular decorrente de diversas causas aumentou consideravelmente. Nesse contexto, o tratamento endovascular surge como um método novo e menos invasivo. Relatamos o caso de três pacientes com lesões abaixo do joelho que foram tratadas por procedimentos endovasculares.

  19. Endovascular treatment for arterial injuries of skull base

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Li Tianxiao; Bai Weixing; Zai Suiting; Wang Ziliang; Xue Jiangyu


    Objective: To explore the role of endovascular techniques in treatment for arterial injuries of skull base. Methods: A total of 53 consecutive cases suffered from skull base arterial injuries were enrolled in our hospital from Oct 2004 to May 2007, including 44 male and 9 female cases with average age of 23.3 years. Thirty-nine cases presented with pulsatile exophthalmos and intracranial vascular murmur, cerchnus and dysphagia in another 9, epistaxis in the remaining 5 cases. Diagnosis of 39 carotid cavernous fistulae (CCF)and 14 carotid pseudoaneurysm were performed by angiography (DSA). Alternative endovascular procedures were performed depending on lesions characteristics and follow-up was done by telephone and outpatient work up. Results: Procedures were performed involving 56 carotid arteries in all 53 cases including 34 CCF with embolization of detachable balloon(33 cases), 3 with balloon and coils, and 3 by stent-graft placement. 8 carotid pseudoaneurysms were cured by parent artery occlusion with balloon, 2 experienced endovascular isolation with balloon and coils, and 4 with stent-graft. Follow-up for mean 9.5 months (range from 2 to 25 months) revealed that the chief symptoms of 45 cases (85%) were relieved within 6 months after the procedure but ocular movement and visual disorder remained in 8 cases (15%)till 12 months. Six pseudoaneurysms and 3 residual leak were found in reexamination, of which 2 cases underwent intervention again 2 and 3 months later due to dural arterial-venous fistula in cavernous sinus, respectively. Conclusions: Endovascular treatment is safe and effective therapeutic option with minimal invasion for skull base arterial injuries. Detachable balloon embolization is the first choice for CCF and carotid pseudoaneurysm. Spring coil packing and stent-graft implantation should be in alternation as combination for special cases. (authors)

  20. Endovascular treatment in pregnancy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ishii, Akira; Miyamoto, Susumu


    There is an increased risk of stroke during pregnancy and the puerperium. Decisions should be made immediately upon transfer to each institution, particularly with respect to when and how to treat the patient. This review highlights the feasibility of endovascular treatment in pregnancy. Most of the pharmaceutical agents and therapeutic devices used in clinical practice can be utilized in pregnant patients. Comprehensive information on the benefits and risks of treatment should be explained to the patient and her family, with particular attention to the safety of the mother and fetus. Radiation exposure to the fetus is also a concern; the hazard can be minimized with optimal protection. Several studies have demonstrated that conventional procedures do not cause serious radiation exposure exceeding the threshold of safety to the fetus. Endovascular therapy can be safely performed for the treatment of acute stroke as in non-pregnant patients with adequate attention to pharmaceutical agents and shielding from radiation. In contrast to therapy for acute stroke, preventive endovascular treatment for asymptomatic lesions remains controversial. Several conditions, such as cerebral aneurysms and arteriovenous malformations, are known to bleed more frequently in pregnancy, but whether the benefits of preventive treatment outweigh the associated risks is unknown. The decision for preventive treatment should be carefully made on a case-by-case basis after extensive discussion with the patient. (author)

  1. Radiographic features and endovascular treatment of giant serpentine aneurysms (report of 4 cases)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wang Anshun


    Objective: To describe the typical CT, MRI and DSA features of intracranial giant serpentine aneurysm (GSA) and discuss the efficacy of it is the endovascular treatment. Methods: Retrograde study of 4 cases of GSA admitted and treated at the center of the present study over the last 2 years was conducted. The literature before June 1988 was reviewed. Results: The findings of CT and MRI scans of GSA resembled those of intracranial neoplasms. Cerebral angiography remained the golden diagnostic criteria for GSA. Two of cases in the present study were treated with detachable balloon occlusion of the parent artery and pre-occlusion EC-IC bypass because of insufficient cross-filling through the Willis circle found on the cross-filling symmetry test. The symptoms and signs of the two patients disappeared on 1-2 year follow-up and follow-up CT study showed no obvious change in aneurysmal size. Conclusion: The GSA is different from the intracranial giant secular or fusiform aneurysms because it has distinctive features on CT, MRI and DSA studies. GSA constitutes a subgroup of the intracranial giant aneurysms. The natural history of GSA is poor so it is necessary to give GSA aggressive management. The endovascular occlusion of the parent artery with functional EC-IC bypass is safe and effective

  2. Endovascular treatment of thoracic aorta aneurysm and dissection

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Petrov, I.; Stankov, Z.; Stefanov, St.; Stoyanov, Hr.


    Full text: The aim is to give up to date information about modern endovascular treatment of aortic pathology Dissection and aneurysms of the aorta are life threatening condition requiring in most of the cases prompt surgical or endovascular treatment because of the poor natural evolution. Purpose: to assess the immediate and 1-year outcome of endovascular treatment in broad spectrum of acute and subacute aortic syndrome during the last 3 years (November 2012 - August 2015) in City Clinic (Sofia, Bulgaria). We performed endovascular treatment of 47 patients (43 men, 4 women) at average age 54 y. with dissection (24) and aneurysms (23) of the aortic arch and thoracic aorta (in 5 emergent treatment was performed for aortic rupture). All patients were treated with minimal surgical femoral approach. In 4 (9%) of them initial carotid to carotid bypass was performed in order to provide a sufficient landing zone for the endograft implantation.the last 9 patients (19%) were treated without general anesthesia with either deep sedation or epidural anesthesia. Results: In all patients successful endograft implantation was achieved. Additional stent-graft or open cell stent was implanted in 4 cases in order to centralize the flow in the compressed true lumen. In 5 cases additional vascular plug or large coil was delivered in the left subclavian arteryostium in order to interrupt retrograde aneurysm or false lumen filling. Complications: 30 days mortality-2.2%, neurologic disorders (4.4%). one year survival- 45 (90.5%). 3 and 6 mo control CT scan showed no migration of the graft in 100%, full false lumen isolation in 19 out of 24 dissections (80%) and aneurysm free of expansion in 20 out of 23 (86%), patent carotid bay-pass graft in 4 of 4 (100%). This one center study showed excellent immediate and 1 year clinical and device results from endovascular repair of potentially fatal disease. Endovascular treatment is a method of choice for broad spectrum of aortic pathology

  3. Late type III endoleak after thoracic endovascular aneurysm repair and previous infrarenal stent graft implantation - a case report and review of the literature. (United States)

    Leszczyński, Jerzy; Macioch, Waldemar; Chudziński, Witold; Gałązka, Zbigniew


    Thoracic endovascular aortic repair (TEVAR) effectively improved the results of thoracic aortic aneurysm treatment. TEVAR is a less invasive procedure that can be performed under local anesthesia with shorter hospital stay. The perioperative morbidity and mortality rates are lower for endovascular than open repair, but the rate of secondary interventions is higher for TEVAR. We report a case of an elderly man with synchronous abdominal and thoracic aortic aneurysms. A type III dangerous endoleak was recognized 3 years after TEVAR. It was successfully repaired during an endovascular procedure. There were no new endoleaks after 12 months of follow-up. TEVAR may be the only option of treatment for risky and elderly patients. However, postoperative monitoring is necessary to exclude different types of endoleaks. Most of them undergo effective endovascular repair.

  4. Emergency endovascular coiling of a ruptured giant splenic artery aneurysm

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Wernheden, Erika; Brenøe, Anne Sofie; Shahidi, Saeid


    Splenic artery aneurysms (SAAs) are the third most common abdominal aneurysm. Endovascular treatment of SAAs is preferred, and coiling is the most commonly used technique. Ruptured giant (>5 cm) SAAs are usually treated with open surgery including splenectomy. We present a rare case of a ruptured...... 15-cm giant SAA in an 84-year-old woman treated successfully with emergency endovascular coiling. To our knowledge, this is one of the few reports of emergency endovascular treatment for ruptured giant SAA....

  5. Endovascular Treatment of Traumatic Pseudoaneurysm Presenting as Intractable Epistaxis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhang, Chang wei; Xie, Xiao dong; You, Chao; Mao, Bo yong; Wang, Chao hua; He, Min; Sun, Hong


    To investigate the clinical efficacy of individual endovascular management for the treatment of different traumatic pseudo aneurysms presenting as intractable epistaxis. For 14 consecutive patients with traumatic pseudo aneurysm presenting as refractory epistaxis, 15 endovascular procedures were performed. Digital subtraction angiography revealed that the pseudo aneurysms originated from the internal maxillary artery in eight patients; and all were treated with occlusion of the feeding artery. In six cases, they originated from the internal carotid artery (Inca); out of which, two were managed with detachable balloons, two with covered s tents, one by means of cavity embolization, and the remaining one with parent artery occlusion. All of these cases were followed up clinically from six to 18 months, with a mean follow up time of ten months; moreover, three cases were also followed with angiography. Complete cessation of bleeding was achieved in all the 15 instances (100%) immediately after the endovascular therapies. Of the six patients who suffered from Inca pseudo aneurysms, one presented with a permanent stroke and one had an episode of rebleeding requiring intervention. In patients presenting with a history of cranio cerebral trauma, traumatic pseudo aneurysm must be considered as a differential diagnosis. Individual endovascular treatment is a relatively safe, plausible, and reliable means of managing traumatic pseudo aneurysms

  6. Endovascular Treatment of Traumatic Pseudoaneurysm Presenting as Intractable Epistaxis

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Zhang, Chang wei; Xie, Xiao dong; You, Chao; Mao, Bo yong; Wang, Chao hua; He, Min; Sun, Hong [Sichuan University West China Hospital, Chengdu (China)


    To investigate the clinical efficacy of individual endovascular management for the treatment of different traumatic pseudo aneurysms presenting as intractable epistaxis. For 14 consecutive patients with traumatic pseudo aneurysm presenting as refractory epistaxis, 15 endovascular procedures were performed. Digital subtraction angiography revealed that the pseudo aneurysms originated from the internal maxillary artery in eight patients; and all were treated with occlusion of the feeding artery. In six cases, they originated from the internal carotid artery (Inca); out of which, two were managed with detachable balloons, two with covered s tents, one by means of cavity embolization, and the remaining one with parent artery occlusion. All of these cases were followed up clinically from six to 18 months, with a mean follow up time of ten months; moreover, three cases were also followed with angiography. Complete cessation of bleeding was achieved in all the 15 instances (100%) immediately after the endovascular therapies. Of the six patients who suffered from Inca pseudo aneurysms, one presented with a permanent stroke and one had an episode of rebleeding requiring intervention. In patients presenting with a history of cranio cerebral trauma, traumatic pseudo aneurysm must be considered as a differential diagnosis. Individual endovascular treatment is a relatively safe, plausible, and reliable means of managing traumatic pseudo aneurysms

  7. Endovascular Treatment of Traumatic Pseudoaneurysm Presenting as Intractable Epistaxis (United States)

    Zhang, Chang wei; You, Chao; Mao, Bo yong; Wang, Chao hua; He, Min; Sun, Hong


    Objective To investigate the clinical efficacy of individual endovascular management for the treatment of different traumatic pseudoaneurysms presenting as intractable epistaxis. Materials and Methods For 14 consecutive patients with traumatic pseudoaneurysm presenting as refractory epistaxes, 15 endovascular procedures were performed. Digital subtraction angiography revealed that the pseudoaneurysms originated from the internal maxillary artery in eight patients; and all were treated with occlusion of the feeding artery. In six cases, they originated from the internal carotid artery (ICA); out of which, two were managed with detachable balloons, two with covered stents, one by means of cavity embolization, and the remaining one with parent artery occlusion. All of these cases were followed up clinically from six to 18 months, with a mean follow up time of ten months; moreover, three cases were also followed with angiography. Results Complete cessation of bleeding was achieved in all the 15 instances (100%) immediately after the endovascular therapies. Of the six patients who suffered from ICA pseudoaneurysms, one presented with a permanent stroke and one had an episode of rebleeding requiring intervention. Conclusion In patients presenting with a history of craniocerebral trauma, traumatic pseudoaneurysm must be considered as a differential diagnosis. Individual endovascular treatment is a relatively safe, plausible, and reliable means of managing traumatic pseudoaneurysms. PMID:21076585

  8. Contemporary management of carotid blowout syndrome utilizing endovascular techniques. (United States)

    Manzoor, Nauman F; Rezaee, Rod P; Ray, Abhishek; Wick, Cameron C; Blackham, Kristine; Stepnick, David; Lavertu, Pierre; Zender, Chad A


    To illustrate complex interdisciplinary decision making and the utility of modern endovascular techniques in the management of patients with carotid blowout syndrome (CBS). Retrospective chart review. Patients treated with endovascular strategies and/or surgical modalities were included. Control of hemorrhage, neurological, and survival outcomes were studied. Between 2004 and 2014, 33 patients had 38 hemorrhagic events related to head and neck cancer that were managed with endovascular means. Of these, 23 were localized to the external carotid artery (ECA) branches and five localized to the ECA main trunk; nine were related to the common carotid artery (CCA) or internal carotid artery (ICA), and one event was related to the innominate artery. Seven events related to the CCA/ICA or innominate artery were managed with endovascular sacrifice, whereas three cases were managed with a flow-preserving approach (covered stent). Only one patient developed permanent hemiparesis. In two of the three cases where the flow-preserving approach was used, the covered stent eventually became exposed via the overlying soft tissue defect, and definitive management using carotid revascularization or resection was employed to prevent further hemorrhage. In cases of soft tissue necrosis, vascularized tissues were used to cover the great vessels as applicable. The use of modern endovascular approaches for management of acute CBS yields optimal results and should be employed in a coordinated manner by the head and neck surgeon and the neurointerventionalist. 4. Laryngoscope, 2016 127:383-390, 2017. © 2016 The American Laryngological, Rhinological and Otological Society, Inc.

  9. Emergency endovascular coiling of a ruptured giant splenic artery aneurysm

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Erika Wernheden, MD


    Full Text Available Splenic artery aneurysms (SAAs are the third most common abdominal aneurysm. Endovascular treatment of SAAs is preferred, and coiling is the most commonly used technique. Ruptured giant (>5 cm SAAs are usually treated with open surgery including splenectomy. We present a rare case of a ruptured 15-cm giant SAA in an 84-year-old woman treated successfully with emergency endovascular coiling. To our knowledge, this is one of the few reports of emergency endovascular treatment for ruptured giant SAA.

  10. EndoVascular and Hybrid Trauma Management (EVTM) for Blunt Innominate Artery Injury with Ongoing Extravasation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bilos, Linda; Pirouzram, Artai; Toivola, Asko; Vidlund, Mårten; Cha, Soon Ok; Hörer, Tal


    Innominate artery (IA) traumatic injuries are rare but life-threatening, with high mortality and morbidity. Open surgical repair is the treatment of choice but is technically demanding. We describe a case of blunt trauma to the IA with ongoing bleeding, treated successfully by combined (hybrid) endovascular and open surgery. The case demonstrates the immediate usage of modern endovascular and surgical tools as part of endovascular and hybrid trauma management.

  11. EndoVascular and Hybrid Trauma Management (EVTM) for Blunt Innominate Artery Injury with Ongoing Extravasation

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bilos, Linda, E-mail:; Pirouzram, Artai; Toivola, Asko; Vidlund, Mårten; Cha, Soon Ok; Hörer, Tal [Örebro University Hospital and Örebro University, Department of Cardiothoracic and Vascular Surgery, Faculty of Medicine and Health (Sweden)


    Innominate artery (IA) traumatic injuries are rare but life-threatening, with high mortality and morbidity. Open surgical repair is the treatment of choice but is technically demanding. We describe a case of blunt trauma to the IA with ongoing bleeding, treated successfully by combined (hybrid) endovascular and open surgery. The case demonstrates the immediate usage of modern endovascular and surgical tools as part of endovascular and hybrid trauma management.

  12. Endovascular treatment of carotid-cavernous vascular lesions

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)


    Full Text Available ABSTRACT Objective: to evaluate the endovascular treatment of vascular lesions of the cavernous segment of the internal carotidartery (ICA performed at our institution. Methods: we conducted a descriptive, retrospective and prospective study of patients with aneurysms of the cavernous portion of the ICA or with direct carotid-cavernous fistulas (dCCF undergoing endovascular treatment. Results: we included 26 patients with intracavernous aneurysms and ten with dCCF. All aneurysms were treated with ICA occlusion. Those with dCCF were treated with occlusion in seven cases and with selective fistula occlusion in the remaining three. There was improvement of pain and ocular proptosis in all patients with dCCF. In patients with intracavernous aneurysms, the incidence of retro-orbital pain fell from 84.6% to 30.8% after treatment. The endovascular treatment decreased the dysfunction of affected cranial nerves in both groups, especially the oculomotor one. Conclusion: the endovascular treatment significantly improved the symptoms in the patients studied, especially those related to pain and oculomotor nerve dysfunction.

  13. Endovascular treatment of penetrating arterial trauma with stent grafts. (United States)

    Biagioni, Rodrigo Bruno; Burihan, Marcelo Calil; Nasser, Felipe; Biagioni, Luisa Ciucci; Ingrund, José Carlos


    The endovascular management of arterial injuries has resulted in reduced operating time, blood loss, hospital mortality, lower incidence of sepsis, and decrease in mortality rates. For penetrating trauma, however, the benefits of endovascular therapy are questionable. Data were obtained by retrospective analysis of electronic medical records. All patients with vascular trauma seeking care at our institution from January 2010 to December 2015 were reviewed. A total of 223 vascular trauma patients were enrolled. Of these, 18 patients (8 %) were treated with endovascular techniques. The data related to clinical presentation, patient characteristics, technical aspects of the treatment, and follow-up were analysed. The mean patient age was 35.4 ± 17.8 years, 94 % were male. The mean injury severity score was 10.4 ± 2.5. The most commonly observed trauma mechanism was a gunshot in 10 cases (55 %), followed by lesions provoked by arterial catheter misplacement in five cases (27 %), and stab wounds in three cases (16.6 %). The main injury site was the subclavian artery, accounting for eight cases (44 %), followed by the superficial femoral artery and the tibiofibular trunk in two cases, respectively (18 %). The anterior tibial, fibular artery, axillary, common carotid, superior mesenteric, and profunda femoris were each affected once. Arteriovenous fistula was detected in nine cases (50 %), pseudoaneurysms in nine cases (50 %), and short occlusion in two cases (11 %). The mean follow-up duration was 753 days. The primary patency rate was 92.3 and 61.5 % after one and two years, respectively. The survival rate was 94.4 % after one and two years. Infection of the stents or limb amputations were not identified at follow-up. The endovascular treatment of penetrating arterial injuries with covered stents is feasible. However, the criteria used to choose the best method must be individualized.

  14. Endovascular treatment of a true posterior communicating artery aneurysm. (United States)

    Munarriz, Pablo M; Castaño-Leon, Ana M; Cepeda, Santiago; Campollo, Jorge; Alén, Jose F; Lagares, Alfonso


    Posterior communicating artery (PCoA) aneurysms are most commonly located at the junction of the internal carotid artery and the PCoA. "True" PCoA aneurysms, which originate from the PCoA itself, are rarely encountered. Most previously reported cases were treated surgically mainly before the endovascular option became available. A 53-year-old male presented with sudden onset of right hemiparesis and aphasia. Left middle cerebral artery stroke was diagnosed. Further studies revealed a 3 mm left PCoA aneurysm arising from the PCoA itself, attached to neither the internal carotid artery nor the posterior cerebral artery. Endovascular treatment was performed and the aneurysm was coiled completely. Technical advances in endovascular interventional technology have permitted an additional approach to these lesions. The possible endovascular significance of the treatment of true PCoA aneurysms is discussed.

  15. Endovascular graft exclusion in treating thoracic aortic dissection: a report of 25 cases

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chen Wei; Yang Jianyong; Zhuang Wenquan; Guo Wenbo; Li Heping; Zhong Lizhen; Huang Qiuping


    Objective: To evaluate the usefulness and efficacy of endovascular graft exclusion (EVGE) in treating thoracic aortic dissection (TAD). Methods: Twenty-five cases of TAD, including 24 cases of Standford B and 1 case of A, were treated by EVGE. The clinical outcome and morphological changes of the lesions were analyzed during a 2-20 months' follow-up. Results: Procedures were technically successful in all 25 cases, while a total of 28 stent-grafts were deployed (3 cases with 2 stent-grafts in each). Complete disappearance of the false lumen or remarkable decrease of the endoleak was noted on the angiograms after stent placement. No severe procedure-related complication was observed, and thrombosis of the false lumen was noted during the follow-up. Conclusion: EVGE is effective and reliable in treating TAD, especially for patients with sub-acute or chronic courses

  16. Endovascular Management of Acute Bleeding Arterioenteric Fistulas

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Leonhardt, Henrik; Mellander, Stefan; Snygg, Johan; Loenn, Lars


    The objective of this study was to review the outcome of endovascular transcatheter repair of emergent arterioenteric fistulas. Cases of abdominal arterioenteric fistulas (defined as a fistula between a major artery and the small intestine or colon, thus not the esophagus or stomach), diagnosed over the 3-year period between December 2002 and December 2005 at our institution, were retrospectively reviewed. Five patients with severe enteric bleeding underwent angiography and endovascular repair. Four presented primary arterioenteric fistulas, and one presented a secondary aortoenteric fistula. All had massive persistent bleeding with hypotension despite volume substitution and transfusion by the time of endovascular management. Outcome after treatment of these patients was investigated for major procedure-related complications, recurrence, reintervention, morbidity, and mortality. Mean follow-up time was 3 months (range, 1-6 months). All massive bleeding was controlled by occlusive balloon catheters. Four fistulas were successfully sealed with stent-grafts, resulting in a technical success rate of 80%. One patient was circulatory stabilized by endovascular management but needed immediate further open surgery. There were no procedure-related major complications. Mean hospital stay after the initial endovascular intervention was 19 days. Rebleeding occurred in four patients (80%) after a free interval of 2 weeks or longer. During the follow-up period three patients needed reintervention. The in-hospital mortality was 20% and the 30-day mortality was 40%. The midterm outcome was poor, due to comorbidities or rebleeding, with a mortality of 80% within 6 months. In conclusion, endovascular repair is an efficient and safe method to stabilize patients with life-threatening bleeding arterioenteric fistulas in the emergent episode. However, in this group of patients with severe comorbidities, the risk of rebleeding is high and further intervention must be considered

  17. [Endovascular surgery in the war]. (United States)

    Reva, V A; Samokhvalov, I M


    Rapid growth of medical technologies has led to implementation of endovascular methods of diagnosis and treatment into rapidly developing battlefield surgery. This work based on analysing all available current publications generalizes the data on using endovascular surgery in combat vascular injury. During the Korean war (1950-1953) American surgeons for the first time performed endovascular balloon occlusion of the aorta - the first intravascular intervention carried out in a zone of combat operations. Half a century thereafter, with the beginning of the war in Afghanistan (2001) and in Iraq (2003) surgeons of central hospitals of the USA Armed Forces began performing delayed endovascular operations to the wounded. The development of technologies, advent of mobile angiographs made it possible to later on implement high-tech endovascular interventions in a zone of combat operations. At first, more often they performed implantation of cava filters, somewhat afterward - angioembolization of damaged accessory vessels, stenting and endovascular repair of major arteries. The first in the theatre of war endovascular prosthetic repair of the thoracic aorta for severe closed injury was performed in 2008. Russian experience of using endovascular surgery in combat injuries is limited to diagnostic angiography and regional intraarterial perfusion. Despite the advent of stationary angiographs in large hospitals of the RF Ministry of Defence in the early 1990s, endovascular operations for combat vascular injury are casuistic. Foreign experience in active implementation of endovascular technologies to treatment of war-time injuries has substantiated feasibility of using intravascular interventions in tertiary care military hospitals. Carrying out basic training courses on endovascular surgery should become an organic part of preparing multimodality general battlefield surgeons rendering care on the theatre of combat operations.

  18. Endovascular treatment of head and neck arteriovenous malformations

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Dmytriw, A.A. [University Health Network, Joint Department of Medical Imaging, Toronto, Ontario (Canada); Ter Brugge, K.G.; Krings, T.; Agid, R. [Toronto Western Hospital, Division of Neuroradiology, Department of Medical Imaging, Toronto, Ontario (Canada)


    Head and neck arteriovenous malformations (H and N AVM) are associated with considerable clinical and psychosocial burden and present a significant treatment challenge. We evaluated the presentation, response to treatment, and outcome of patients with H and N AVMs treated by endovascular means at our institution. Patients with H and N AVMs treated by endovascular means from 1984 to 2012 were evaluated retrospectively. These included AVMs involving the scalp, orbit, maxillofacial, and upper neck localizations. Patient's clinical files, radiological images, catheter angiograms, and surgical reports were reviewed. Eighty-nine patients with H and N AVMs (46 females, 43 males; 48 small, 41 large) received endovascular therapy. The goals of treatment were curative (n = 30), palliative (n = 34), or presurgical (n = 25). The total number of endovascular treatment sessions was 244 (average of 1.5 per patient). The goal of treatment was met in 92.1 % of cases. Eventual cure was achieved in 42 patients accounting for 58.4 % (52/89) of all patients who underwent treatment for any goal. Twenty-eight of these patients were cured by embolization alone (28/89, 31.4 %) of which 18 were single-hole AVFs. Twenty-four were cured by planned surgical excision after presurgical embolization (24/89, 27 %). Seven patients (7/89, 7.2 %) suffered transient and two (2/89, 2.2 %) permanent endovascular treatment complications. Endovascular treatment is effective for H and N AVMs and relatively safe. It is particularly effective for symptom palliation and presurgical aid. Embolization is curative mostly in small lesions and single-hole fistulas. In patients with large non-curable H and N AVMs, endovascular therapy is often the only palliative option. (orig.)

  19. A Case of Pseudoaneurysm of the Internal Carotid Artery Following Endoscopic Endonasal Pituitary Surgery: Endovascular Treatment with Flow-Diverting Stent Implantation

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ali Karadag


    Full Text Available Internal carotid artery (ICA pseudoaneurysm is a rare complication of endoscopic endonasal surgery occurring in 0.4–1.1% of cases. Pseudoaneurysms can subsequently result in other complications, such as subarachnoid hemorrhage, epistaxis, and caroticocavernous fistula with resultant death or permanent neurologic deficit. In this case, we illustrate endovascular treatment with a flow-diverting stent for an ICA pseudoaneurysm after endoscopic endonasal surgery for a pituitary adenoma in a 56-year-old male. Surgery was complicated by excessive intraoperative bleeding and emergent CT angiography confirmed an iatrogenic pseudoaneurysm on the anteromedial surface of the ICA. The pseudoaneurysm was treated endovascularly with flow-diverting stent implantation only. Follow-up CT angiography after three months demonstrated occlusion of the pseudoaneurysm.

  20. Recovery of Third Nerve Palsy after Endovascular Packing of Internal Carotid-Posterior Communicating Artery Aneurysms (United States)

    Mavilio, N.; Pisani, R.; Rivano, C.; Testa, V.; Spaziante, R.; Rosa, M.


    Summary Endovascular packing of intracranial aneurysm with preservation of the parent vessel has become in many cases a valid alternative to surgical clipping. Regression of oculomotor disorders after clipping of internal carotid-posterior communicating artery (ICA-PCoA) aneurysms has been well assessed. This report focuses on the reversal of third nerve palsy after endovascular packing of ICA-PCoA aneurysms. To this end, clinical appearances, neuroradiological features, and endovascular interventional procedures of six treated patient are reported and discussed in the light of the very few previous case observations found in the literature. Results indicate that endovascular packing of ICA-PCoA aneurysms may produce effective recovery of correlated third nerve dysfunction. PMID:20667199

  1. Correção endovascular de persistência do conduto arterioso em paciente adulto Endovascular approach for persistent ductus arteriosus closure in adult patient

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    José Carlos Dorsa Vieira Pontes


    Full Text Available O tratamento da Persistência do Canal Arterial (PCA, em adultos, ainda é controverso. A utilização de próteses auto-expansíveis tem-se mostrado como uma alternativa eficaz ao tratamento cirúrgico. Apresentamos um caso de uma paciente de 45 anos submetida ao tratamento endovascular com o uso de stent auto-expansível.The treatment for closure of persistent ductus arteriosus (PDA in adults still controversial. The endovascular approach has been shown as an effective alternative to surgical treatment. We report a case of 45 years old pacient submitted to endovascular approach for PDA closure.

  2. Endovascular treatment of three traumatic lesions of the vertebral artery

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Galvis, Victor Raul; Medina V, Francisco Jose


    The purpose is to expose the results of the endovascular treatment of three traumatic lesions of the vertebral artery. Methods: in the period from October 2005 to May 2006, three patients with traumatic lesions in the vertebral artery were treated by endovascular therapy with an age average of 32 years. All the procedures were carried out using subtraction digital angiography under anesthesiology supervision and were started with a 5,000 IU heparin bolus, previous antiplatelet medication with clopidogrel. For the treatment of the lesions covered stents and coils were used. results: there were three documented cases of traumatic lesions of the vertebral artery treated by endovascular therapy, in two cases arteriovenous fistulas were identified (between vertebral artery and internal jugular vein) with associated pseudo aneurysms, and in one case a pseudo aneurysm without fistula was found. The first patient was treated with placement of a covered stent, in a second patient the lesion was occluded with coils and a third patient required stent and coils with satisfactory repair of the lesions. Complications were not presented as a result of the procedures. Conclusions: the endovascular treatment for traumatic lesions of the vertebral artery is an alternative with minimum morbidity and reasonable costs avoiding the open surgery and conserving the permeability of the vessel when it is possible

  3. de novo'' aneurysms following endovascular procedures

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Briganti, F.; Cirillo, S.; Caranci, F.; Esposito, F.; Maiuri, F.


    Two personal cases of ''de novo'' aneurysms of the anterior communicating artery (ACoA) occurring 9 and 4 years, respectively, after endovascular carotid occlusion are described. A review of the 30 reported cases (including our own two) of ''de novo'' aneurysms after occlusion of the major cerebral vessels has shown some features, including a rather long time interval after the endovascular procedure of up to 20-25 years (average 9.6 years), a preferential ACoA (36.3%) and internal carotid artery-posterior communicating artery (ICA-PCoA) (33.3%) location of the ''de novo'' aneurysms, and a 10% rate of multiple aneurysms. These data are compared with those of the group of reported spontaneous ''de novo'' aneurysms after SAH or previous aneurysm clipping. We agree that the frequency of ''de novo'' aneurysms after major-vessel occlusion (two among ten procedures in our series, or 20%) is higher than commonly reported (0 to 11%). For this reason, we suggest that patients who have been submitted to endovascular major-vessel occlusion be followed up for up to 20-25 years after the procedure, using non-invasive imaging studies such as MR angiography and high-resolution CT angiography. On the other hand, periodic digital angiography has a questionable risk-benefit ratio; it may be used when a ''de novo'' aneurysm is detected or suspected on non-invasive studies. The progressive enlargement of the ACoA after carotid occlusion, as described in our case 1, must be considered a radiological finding of risk for ''de novo'' aneurysm formation. (orig.)

  4. Tratamento endovascular de ruptura traumática da aorta torácica descendente Endovascular treatment of traumatic descending thoracic aortic rupture

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    João Roberto Breda


    Full Text Available Paciente do sexo feminino, 55 anos de idade, vítima de atropelamento, foi admitida em unidade de emergência, onde se realizou o diagnóstico clínico, radiológico e tomográfico de ruptura traumática da aorta torácica descendente. Diante do achado, a paciente foi encaminhada para tratamento endovascular com colocação de endoprótese auto-expansível (stent pela artéria femoral. O tratamento obteve sucesso, evidenciado pela exclusão da lesão localizada previamente no istmo aórtico. O tratamento endovascular tem sido indicado nas afecções de aorta torácica descendente com bons resultados iniciais. Na ruptura traumática de aorta, a terapêutica endovascular representa uma alternativa aceitável, especialmente devido aos riscos do tratamento operatório convencional.A 55-year-old, female patient who was run over by a motor vehicle was admitted at an emergency room. Clinical, radiological and tomographic diagnosis of traumatic descending aortic thoracic rupture was performed. The patient was referred for endovascular treatment with placement of a self-expandable stent through the femoral artery. Treatment was successful, with exclusion of the lesion previously located in the aortic isthmus. Endovascular treatment has been indicated in the treatment of descending thoracic aortic diseases, with good initial results. In case of traumatic aortic rupture, endovascular treatment is a feasible alternative, especially due to risks offered by the conventional surgical treatment.

  5. Vascular Rupture Caused by a Molding Balloon during Endovascular Aneurysm Repair: Case Report

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lee, Hee Young; Do, Young Soo; Park, Hong Suk; Park, Kwang Bo; Kim, Young Wook; Kim, Dong Ik


    Endovascular aneurysm repair (EVAR) has been accepted as an alternative to traditional open surgery in selected patients. Despite the minimally invasiveness of this treatment, several complications may occur during or after EVAR. Complications include endoleak, aortic dissection, distal embolism, or iatrogenic injury to the access artery. However, there are few reports on the vascular rupture caused by a molding balloon during EVAR. We report two cases of infrarenal abdominal aortic aneurysms complicated by procedure-related aortic or iliac artery rupture by the molding balloon during EVAR. In our cases, we observed suddenly abrupt increase of the diameter of the endograft during balloon inflation, because we inflated the balloon rapidly. In conclusion, careful attention must be paid during inflation of the molding balloon to prevent vascular rupture.

  6. Utility of gadolinium as a contrast medium in endovascular therapeutic procedures; Utilidad del gadolinio como medio de contraste en procedimientos terapeuticos endovasculares

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Reyes, R.; Pardo, M. D.; Gorriz, E.; Gallardo, L. (Hospital de Gran Canaria Dr. Negrin); Carreira, J. M. (Universidad de Santiago de Compostela)


    To assess the utility of gadolinium associated with CO{sub 2}, as a contrast medium in angiographic studies related to endovascular therapeutic procedures in patients with suboptimal renal function. Between January 2000 and June 2001, endovascular treatments using CO{sub 2} and gadolinium as contrast medium were performed in 10 patients presenting renal function deterioration (creatinine>1.5 mg/ml). A mean dose of 42 ml of gadolinium was administered. The images acquired in diagnostic and therapeutic studied were satisfactory in every case. There was no evidence of significant increases in the previous urea and creatine levels when measured 24, 48 and 72 hours after the procedure. In combination with CO{sub 2} gadolinium is a useful contrast medium for endovascular therapeutic procedures in patients with suboptimal renal function. (Author) 21 refs.

  7. Endovascular repair of mycotic aneurysm of the descending thoracic aorta: diagnostic and therapeutic dilemmas-two case reports with 1-year follow-up. (United States)

    Marjanovic, Ivan; Sarac, Momir; Tomic, Aleksandar; Bezmarevic, Mihailo


    A mycotic aneurysm of the thoracic aorta is a rare diagnosis with high mortality. We present two cases of endovascular reconstruction of mycotic descending thoracic aorta. Specific or nonspecific bacterial or other infectious agent in serial samples of blood, urine, cerebrospinal fluid, and pleural puncture was not detected in the first case, but we found in sputum sample Mycobacterium tuberculosis in the second patient. We empirically began by administering broad-spectrum intravenous antibiotics in the first case, with preoperative antibiotic prophylaxis and antituberculotic drugs therapy in the second case, and continued with the same medication for 4 months after endovascular repair. Control computed tomographic scans 6 months after reconstruction showed no endoleak in both patients. Repair of mycotic descending thoracic aortic aneurysms by endoluminal stent graft is reasonable alternative to open surgical intervention. A broad-spectrum antibiotic therapy has a high significance in the treatment of patients with mycotic aneurysm. Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York.

  8. Endovascular treatment of type II endoleak following thoracic endovascular aortic repair for thoracic aortic aneurysm: Case report of squeeze technique to reach the aneurysmal sac

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kang, Hyun Jung; Kim, Chang Won; Lee, Tae Hong; Song, Seung Hwan; Lee, Chung Won; Chung, Sung Woon [Pusan National University Hospital, School of Medicine, Pusan National University, Busan (Korea, Republic of)


    Type II endoleaks are common after thoracic endovascular aortic repair (TEVAR). Various strategies are introduced to manage type II endoleaks, such as the use of coils, plugs, or liquid embolic agents (histoacryl, thrombin, onyx, etc.) through a transarterial approach or a direct puncture of the aneurysmal sac. We herein report a case of a type II endoleak caused by reverse blood flow through intercostal artery after TEVAR which was successfully treated with n-butyl cyanoacrylate (histoacryl)-lipiodol mixture by a squeeze technique to reach the aneurismal sac using a microcatheter.

  9. Aorto-enteric Fistula 15 Years After Uncomplicated Endovascular Aortic Repair with Unforeseen Onset of Endocarditis

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kadhim, M M K; Rasmussen, J B G; Eiberg, J P


    Introduction Aorto-enteric fistula after endovascular aortic repair is an exceedingly rare but serious condition. Report A rare case of a fistula between the excluded aortic sac and the transverse colon 15 years after endovascular aortic repair is described. Onset was endocarditis without...... such as endocarditis, which in this case probably occurred as metastatic sepsis from endograft infection....


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Aleksandar Kostic


    Full Text Available Introduction: Embolization prior to surgery can make tumor resection less complicated by reducing blood loss during surgery and shortening the time of the operation. Case report: In this paper, we presented a case of a sixty-three-year-old woman who was admitted to the Clinic of Neurosurgery, Clinical Center Niš, Serbia, at November 2016, after she underwent a CT brain scan that showed a large tumor of the left cerebellopontile angle. Digital subtraction angiography presented a large, highly vascularized tumor lesion that compressed the brain stem. The patient underwent endovascular procedure, and complete embolization of the tumor vessels was established. The radiologist delivered embolization material via the left ascending pharyngeal artery. In the next 24 hours, an operation was performed i.e. radical extirpation surgery (Simpson grade I. Postoperatively, the patient’s GCS was 15, with no new neurological deficit. Postoperative brain CT scan showed neither rest tumor nor blood clot inside the tumor bed. Pathohistological finding revealed atypical meningioma grade II. Conslusion: Despite some clinicians’ dilemma considering the utility of preoperative embolization of meningioma vessels, we believe that a team of educated and dedicated radiologist and neurosurgeon could achieve great results in resection of large and inaccessible cranial tumors.

  11. Endovascular treatment of splenic artery aneurysms

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lagana, Domenico; Carrafiello, Gianpaolo; Mangini, Monica; Fontana, Federico; Dizonno, Massimiliano; Fugazzola, Carlo; Castelli, Patrizio


    Purpose. To assess the feasibility and effectiveness of endovascular treatment of splenic artery aneurysm (SAAs). Materials and methods. Between May 2000 and June 2003 we treated 11 true SAAs in 9 patients (7 females and 2 males; mean age 58 years), 8 saccular and 3 fusiform, 4 located at the middle tract of the splenic artery, 5 at the distal tract and 2 intra-parenchymal. The diagnosis was performed with colour-Doppler ultrasound and/or CT-angiography; 7 patients were symptomless, 1 had left hypochondriac pain, and 1 had acute abdomen caused by a ruptured SAA. Four SAAs were treated by micro coil embolisation of the aneurysmal sac with preservation of splenic artery patency; in 2 cases this was associated with transcatheter injection of N-butyl-2-cyanoacrylate. Four cases were treated by endovascular ligature, with sectoral spleen ischaemia. One ruptured SAA received emergency treatment with splenic artery cyanoacrylate embolisation. Two intra-parenchymal SAAs were excluded, one by cyanoacrylate embolisation of the afferent artery and the other by transcatheter thrombin injection in the aneurysmal sac. Results. Technical success was observed in all cases (in 10/11 at the end of the procedure; in 1/11 at CT performed 3 days after the procedure). The follow-up (mean 18 months; range 6-36) was performed by colour-Doppler ultrasound and/or CT-angiography 3, 6 and 12 months after the procedure and subsequently once a year; the complete exclusion of the aneurysms was confirmed in 11/11 cases. The complications were: 4 cases of mild pleuritis; fever and left hypochondriac pain 1 day after the procedure (in the same 4 patients and in one other case); 5 cases of sectorial spleen ischaemia and 1 case of diffuse spleen infarction with partial revascularization by collateral vessels. No alteration of the levels of pancreatic enzymes was found; a transitory increase in platelet count occurred only in the patient with diffuse spleen infarction. Conclusions. Using different

  12. Case report and review of the literature total endovascular repair of acute ascending aortic rupture: a case report and review of the literature. (United States)

    McCallum, John C; Limmer, Karl K; Perricone, Anthony; Bandyk, Dennis; Kansal, Nikhil


    Thoracic aortic endografting has been successfully implemented to treat aneurysmal disease of the distal aortic arch and descending thoracic aorta. Although there are reports of ascending aortic endovascular interventions, the total endovascular repair of a ruptured ascending aorta secondary to a Type A dissection has not been described. We report the case of a 77-year-old patient who presented with a ruptured ascending aortic aneurysm secondary to degeneration of a Stanford type A aortic dissection. His surgical history was significant for orthotropic heart transplant 19 years prior. The dissection, aneurysm, and rupture occurred in the native aorta distal to the ascending aortic suture line. At presentation, he was hemodynamically unstable with a right hemothorax. We placed 3 Medtronic Talent Thoracic Stent Graft devices (Medtronic Inc, Minneapolis, MN) across the suture line in the ascending aorta, excluding the rupture. The patient survived and has been followed to 25 months.

  13. Clinical application of endovascular stent-graft in the treatment of portal stenosis of cancerous thrombus

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jiang Zaibo; Huang Mingsheng; Wang Jing; Li Zhengran; Qian Jiesheng; Guang Shouhai; Zhu Kangshun; Shan Hong; Zhang Xiongjun


    Objective: To explore the approach and early effects of endovascular stent-graft deployment in the treatment of portal stenosis of cancerous thrombus. Methods: Six cases with portal vein stenosis of cancerous thrombus, which caused by primary hepatic carcinoma (5 cases) and cholangiocarcinoma (1 case) and the severity of stenosis showed on contrast enhanced CT were more than 75% or occluded, were performed percutaneous transhepatic or transsplenic portography. FLUENCY TM endovascular stent-graft (10 mm diameter) was placed at the position of stenosis after gastroesophageal varices embolization. Portal pressure was measured pre- and post-deployment. Results: Stents were successfully placed in all patients. The average portal pressure decreased from 50.7 em H 2 O (1 cm H 2 O0.098 kPa) to 41.3 cm H 2 O after endovascular stent-graft deployment. The restenosis were found in 2 cases after one month. Haematemesis and refractory ascites appeared in one case respectively, the other 4 cases showed no significant symptoms above caused by portal hypertension. Conclusion: It is safe and feasible for endovascular stent-graft deployment in the treatment of portal stenosis of cancerous thrombus. Selecting the suitable indications, the symptoms of portal hypertension can be controlled effectively. (authors)

  14. Endovascular repair as a sole treatment in multiple aneurysms in patient with SLE

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dineva, S.; Al-Amin, M.; Demetriou, S.; Tsetis, D.


    Full text: Introduction: Most aneurysms are local manifestations of systemic disease. For patients over 65 years the incidence of aneurysm of the abdominal aorta (AAA) is approximately 5-6% in men and 1-2 % for women. The presence of both the AAA and aneurysms in other location is even rarer, and this percentage is likely increase further in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). What you will learn: We present a rare clinical case of endovascular treatment of multifocal aneurysm including post catheterization pseudoaneurysm. The patient is a 73 years old woman with a history of SLE and age-related comorbidity. Originally an endovascular treatment of aneurysms of the abdominal aorta and right common iliac artery was used. Two years later a successfully endovascular treatment of aneurysm of the right renal artery was conducted, which however is complicated by the formation of a pseudoaneurysm in access through the left femoral artery. The late one is again treated endovascular by placement of a covered stent after failure of percutaneous injection of 1000 UI thrombin. Discussion: Adult patients with a long history of SLE are unsuitable candidates for surgical treatment of aneurysmal disease, especially in its multifocal form. In our case we have taken multistep successful endovascular procedures, including technically hard placing of the stent at the site of the right renal aneurysms, and post catheterization pseudoaneurysm. Conclusion: Multifocal aneurysmal vascular changes due to macroangiopathia in SLE can be treated alone by endovascular means in multi-stages procedures

  15. Endovascular Treatment of an Aneurysmal Aberrant Systemic Artery Supplying a Pulmonary Sequestrum

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kristensen, Katrine Lawaetz; Duus, Louise Aarup; Elle, Bo


    An aberrant systemic artery originating from the abdominal aorta supplying a pulmonary sequestration is a rare congenital malformation. This causes a left-to-left shunt. Symptoms include recurrent pneumonias, hemoptysis, and, in the long term, heart failure. Aneurysm of the aberrant vessel...... is rarely seen. Traditionally, treatment of pulmonary sequestrations includes ligation of the feeding vessel and lobectomy. A new promising treatment is an endovascular approach. Only a few cases describe endovascular treatment of pulmonary sequestration. This is the first published case of a giant...

  16. Intestinal infarction: A complication of endovascular therapy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    England, Andrew; Butterfield, John S.; Sukumar, Sathi; Thompson, David; Roulson, Jo-An; Pritchard, Susan; Ashleigh, Raymond J.


    This report presents a rare case of intestinal infarction following endovascular therapy. A female patient who had undergone an internal carotid artery stenting procedure presented suddenly with abdominal pain. Radiological and clinical examinations at the time suggested a picture of intestinal ischaemia, in view of the patient's general conditions and co-existing morbidities surgical intervention was not considered to be an option. The patient died 4 days after the carotid stenting procedure, post-mortem examination revealed infarction of the ileum and caecum. The learning outcomes are if performing endovascular therapy in a patient with diffuse atherosclerotic disease early consideration of intestinal ischaemia should be given to any patient who presents with acute post-procedural abdominal pain

  17. Intestinal infarction: A complication of endovascular therapy

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    England, Andrew [Department of Radiology, South Manchester University Hospitals NHS Trust, Southmoor Road, Wythenshawe, Manchester M23 9LT (United Kingdom)]. E-mail:; Butterfield, John S. [Department of Radiology, South Manchester University Hospitals NHS Trust, Southmoor Road, Wythenshawe, Manchester M23 9LT (United Kingdom); Sukumar, Sathi [Department of Radiology, South Manchester University Hospitals NHS Trust, Southmoor Road, Wythenshawe, Manchester M23 9LT (United Kingdom); Thompson, David [Department of Radiology, South Manchester University Hospitals NHS Trust, Southmoor Road, Wythenshawe, Manchester M23 9LT (United Kingdom); Roulson, Jo-An [Department of Histopathology, South Manchester University Hospitals NHS Trust, Southmoor Road, Wythenshawe, Manchester M23 9LT (United Kingdom); Pritchard, Susan [Department of Histopathology, South Manchester University Hospitals NHS Trust, Southmoor Road, Wythenshawe, Manchester M23 9LT (United Kingdom); Ashleigh, Raymond J. [Department of Radiology, South Manchester University Hospitals NHS Trust, Southmoor Road, Wythenshawe, Manchester M23 9LT (United Kingdom)


    This report presents a rare case of intestinal infarction following endovascular therapy. A female patient who had undergone an internal carotid artery stenting procedure presented suddenly with abdominal pain. Radiological and clinical examinations at the time suggested a picture of intestinal ischaemia, in view of the patient's general conditions and co-existing morbidities surgical intervention was not considered to be an option. The patient died 4 days after the carotid stenting procedure, post-mortem examination revealed infarction of the ileum and caecum. The learning outcomes are if performing endovascular therapy in a patient with diffuse atherosclerotic disease early consideration of intestinal ischaemia should be given to any patient who presents with acute post-procedural abdominal pain.

  18. Endovascular Management of True Renal Arterial Aneurysms: Results from a Single Centre

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Chung, Raymond, E-mail: [Khoo Teck Puat Hospital, Department of Radiology (Singapore); Touska, Philip, E-mail: [St. George’s Hospital NHS Trust, Department of Radiology (United Kingdom); Morgan, Robert; Belli, Anna-Maria [St. George’s Hospital NHS Trust, Department of Interventional Radiology (United Kingdom)


    PurposeTo report a single centre’s experience of the endovascular treatment of renal arterial aneurysms, including techniques and outcomes.Materials and MethodsThis is a retrospective analysis of true renal arterial aneurysms (TRAAs) treated using endovascular techniques over a period of 12 years and 10 months. The clinical presentations, aneurysm characteristics, endovascular techniques and outcomes are reported.ResultsThere were nine TRAA cases with a mean aneurysm size of 21.0 mm, located at the main renal arterial bifurcation in all cases. Onyx{sup ®} was used as the embolic agent of choice (88.9 % cases), with concurrent balloon remodelling. The overall primary technical success rate was 100 %. Repeat intervention was carried out in 1 case, secondary to reperfusion >8 years post-initial treatment. Long-term clinical follow-up was available in 55.6 % of cases (mean 29.8 months; range 3.3–90.1 months). Early post-procedural renal function, as measured by serum creatinine, remained within the normal reference range. Renal parenchymal loss post-embolisation was ≤20 % in 77.8 % of cases, as estimated on imaging. Minor complications included non-target embolization of Onyx{sup ®} with no clinical sequelae (n = 1), transient pain requiring only oral analgesia with no prolongation of hospital stay (n = 2). No major complications occurred as a consequence of embolisation.ConclusionEndovascular therapy is an effective and safe primary therapy for TRAA with high success rate and low morbidity, supplanting surgery as primary therapy. Current experience in the use of Onyx{sup ®} in TRAA is primarily limited to individual case reports, and this represents the largest case series of Onyx{sup ®}-treated TRAAs to date.

  19. Endovascular treatment for acute ischaemic stroke with large vessel occlusion: the experience of a regional stroke service

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    McCusker, M.W.; Robinson, S.; Looby, S.; Power, S.; Ti, J.P.; Grech, R.; Galvin, L.; O'Hare, A.; Brennan, P.; O'Kelly, P.; O'Brien, P.; Collins, R.; Dolan, E.; Williams, D.J.; Thornton, J.


    Aim: To report the experience of a regional stroke referral service with endovascular treatment for patients with acute ischaemic stroke (AIS) and large vessel occlusion. Materials and methods: A prospective review was undertaken of 93 consecutive cases receiving endovascular treatment for AIS over a 42-month period (January 2010 to June 2013). The National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale (NIHSS), location of large vessel occlusion, details of endovascular procedure, and degree of reperfusion achieved (Thrombolysis In Cerebral Infarction [TICI] score) were recorded. Mortality and functional outcome (modified Rankin Scale [mRS]) were measured at 90 days. Results: The mean patient age was 62 years (range 26–87 years). The mean NIHSS at presentation was 16 (range 6–29). All patients had confirmed proximal large-artery occlusion on computed tomography (CT) angiography: 87 in the anterior circulation, six in the posterior circulation. Of the 93 patients treated, 64 (69%) received intravenous thrombolysis. Successful reperfusion (TICI grade 2a to 3) was achieved in 80 (86%) cases. There were 13 (14%) cases of failed vessel recanalisation (TICI grade 0). Good functional outcome (mRS ≤2) was achieved in 51 (55%) cases. The 90-day mortality was 20 (22%) cases. Fifty-seven (61%) cases were transferred from outside centres. There was no significant increase in morbidity or mortality for transferred patients. Conclusion: Successful endovascular recanalisation can result in good functional outcomes for patients with AIS and large vessel occlusion. Our interventional neuroradiology service provides endovascular treatment as part of a regional stroke service without increase in morbidity or mortality for patients transferred from outside institutions. - Highlights: • Acute stoke patients may benefit from transfer to a specialist centre for endovascular treatment. • The authors offer endovascular treatment for suitable patients as part of a regional stroke service.

  20. Endovascular stent-graft exclusion of aortic dissection combined with renal failure

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Feng Xiang; Jing Zaiping; Yuan Weijie; Bao Junmin; Zhao Zhiqing; Zhao Jun; Lu Qingsheng


    Objective: To investigate the indications and peri-operative management of endovascular graft exclusion of aortic dissection combined with renal failure. Methods: Endovascular graft exclusion for Stanford B type thoracic aortic dissection had been preformed on 136 patients including two complicated with renal failure. Hemodialysis was preformed before operation with the fluid infusion controlled during the operation and bed-side hemodialysis after the operation for the latter. Results: All the 2 cases with renal failure complication were successfully carried out, and the peri-operative metabolism and circulation were kept on smoothly. Conclusions: Under good peri-operative management, patients having aortic dissection combined with renal failure could receive the endovascular graft exclusion of aortic dissection safely

  1. Nursing experience in clinical endovascular treatment for renal artery aneurysms

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dong Yanfen; Pan Xiaoxia; Luan Shaoliang; Wei Ren


    Objective: To discuss the standardized clinical nursing measures for patients receiving endovascular treatment of renal artery aneurysms. Methods: The clinical data of 9 patients with renal artery aneurysm, who were admitted to authors' hospital during the period from Jan. 2010 to Aug. 2011 and received endovascular treatment, were retrospectively analyzed. The related nursing points as well as the received endovascular. Results: A total of 9 cases with renal artery aneurysm were treated nursing measures were summarized. Results: A total of 9 cases with renal artery aneurysm were with interventional management, including embolization (n = 6), stent implantation (n = 2) and stent implantation together with coil embolization (n = 1). The mean hospitalization time was (10±2) days. Postoperative retention of urine was observed in one patient and postoperative retroperitoneal hemorrhage occurred in another patient. Neither nursing-related nor operation-related complications occurred. Conclusion: Standardized perioperative nursing care for patients with renal artery aneurysm can surely help enhance the patient's tolerance to the surgery, and effectively prevent the complications. (authors)

  2. A Novel Technique for Endovascular Removal of Large Volume Right Atrial Tumor Thrombus

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Nickel, Barbara, E-mail: [US Teleradiology and Quantum Medical Radiology Group (United States); McClure, Timothy, E-mail:; Moriarty, John, E-mail: [UCLA Medical Center, Department of Interventional Radiology (United States)


    Venous thromboembolic disease is a significant cause of morbidity and mortality, particularly in the setting of large volume pulmonary embolism. Thrombolytic therapy has been shown to be a successful treatment modality; however, its use somewhat limited due to the risk of hemorrhage and potential for distal embolization in the setting of large mobile thrombi. In patients where either thrombolysis is contraindicated or unsuccessful, and conventional therapies prove inadequate, surgical thrombectomy may be considered. We present a case of percutaneous endovascular extraction of a large mobile mass extending from the inferior vena cava into the right atrium using the Angiovac device, a venovenous bypass system designed for high-volume aspiration of undesired endovascular material. Standard endovascular methods for removal of cancer-associated thrombus, such as catheter-directed lysis, maceration, and exclusion, may prove inadequate in the setting of underlying tumor thrombus. Where conventional endovascular methods either fail or are unsuitable, endovascular thrombectomy with the Angiovac device may be a useful and safe minimally invasive alternative to open resection.

  3. A Novel Technique for Endovascular Removal of Large Volume Right Atrial Tumor Thrombus

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nickel, Barbara; McClure, Timothy; Moriarty, John


    Venous thromboembolic disease is a significant cause of morbidity and mortality, particularly in the setting of large volume pulmonary embolism. Thrombolytic therapy has been shown to be a successful treatment modality; however, its use somewhat limited due to the risk of hemorrhage and potential for distal embolization in the setting of large mobile thrombi. In patients where either thrombolysis is contraindicated or unsuccessful, and conventional therapies prove inadequate, surgical thrombectomy may be considered. We present a case of percutaneous endovascular extraction of a large mobile mass extending from the inferior vena cava into the right atrium using the Angiovac device, a venovenous bypass system designed for high-volume aspiration of undesired endovascular material. Standard endovascular methods for removal of cancer-associated thrombus, such as catheter-directed lysis, maceration, and exclusion, may prove inadequate in the setting of underlying tumor thrombus. Where conventional endovascular methods either fail or are unsuitable, endovascular thrombectomy with the Angiovac device may be a useful and safe minimally invasive alternative to open resection

  4. Endovascular Management of Infected Femoral Artery Pseudoaneurysms in High-Risk Patients: A Case Series

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    D’Oria, Mario, E-mail:; Sgorlon, Giada; Calvagna, Cristiano; Zamolo, Francesca; Chiarandini, Stefano; Adovasio, Roberto; Griselli, Filippo [University Hospital of Cattinara, Vascular and Endovascular Surgery Unit (Italy)


    We report our experience with the urgent treatment of two high-risk patients with infected femoral artery pseudoaneurysms (IFAPs) with the placement of a self-expandable covered stent (SECS). In both cases, there was no perioperative mortality and the aneurysm exclusion was successful without early or late stent thrombosis/stent fracture nor acute or chronic limb ischemia or limb loss. There was no recurrence of local or systemic infection during the follow-up period. Endovascular therapy represents a feasible treatment option for IFAPs in those patients for whom the risk of open surgical repair would be prohibitive, especially under urgent circumstances.

  5. Endovascular treatment of incoercible epistaxis and epidural cerebral hematoma. A case report. (United States)

    Bortoluzzi, M; Pavia, M


    A young patient with a facial trauma after a road accident was admitted to our department with incoercible epistaxis. A CT scan showed a right pterional acute epidural hematoma (EDH). Angiography demonstrated multiple sources of bleeding of the right sphenopalatine arteries, cause of the epistaxis, and an intracranial leakage of the right middle meningeal artery, responsible for the EDH. The patient immediately underwent embolization of the right internal maxillary artery and right middle meningeal artery. The procedure stopped the epistaxis and no further enlargement of the EDH was observed, avoiding its surgical treatment. Endovascular surgery may be an effective procedure to stop the arterial meningeal bleeding sustaining acute EDH and may be a useful tool in the management of special cases of post traumatic EDH.

  6. High risk endovascular aneurysm repair: a case report. (United States)

    De Silva, Samanthi


    Mr AB is a 66-year old gentleman who presented for elective endovascular aneurysm repair (EVAR) following a routine screening scan identifying a 5.5cm abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA). He had a past history of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) with FEV1/FVC ratio of 48% on pre-assessment. He was hypertensive with a history of ischaemic heart disease (IHD), which has remained asymptomatic following coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) eight years prior to this presentation. Copyright the Association for Perioperative Practice.

  7. Clinical applications of robotic technology in vascular and endovascular surgery. (United States)

    Antoniou, George A; Riga, Celia V; Mayer, Erik K; Cheshire, Nicholas J W; Bicknell, Colin D


    Emerging robotic technologies are increasingly being used by surgical disciplines to facilitate and improve performance of minimally invasive surgery. Robot-assisted intervention has recently been introduced into the field of vascular surgery to potentially enhance laparoscopic vascular and endovascular capabilities. The objective of this study was to review the current status of clinical robotic applications in vascular surgery. A systematic literature search was performed in order to identify all published clinical studies related to robotic implementation in vascular intervention. Web-based search engines were searched using the keywords "surgical robotics," "robotic surgery," "robotics," "computer assisted surgery," and "vascular surgery" or "endovascular" for articles published between January 1990 and November 2009. An evaluation and critical overview of these studies is reported. In addition, an analysis and discussion of supporting evidence for robotic computer-enhanced telemanipulation systems in relation to their applications in laparoscopic vascular and endovascular surgery was undertaken. Seventeen articles reporting on clinical applications of robotics in laparoscopic vascular and endovascular surgery were detected. They were either case reports or retrospective patient series and prospective studies reporting laparoscopic vascular and endovascular treatments for patients using robotic technology. Minimal comparative clinical evidence to evaluate the advantages of robot-assisted vascular procedures was identified. Robot-assisted laparoscopic aortic procedures have been reported by several studies with satisfactory results. Furthermore, the use of robotic technology as a sole modality for abdominal aortic aneurysm repair and expansion of its applications to splenic and renal artery aneurysm reconstruction have been described. Robotically steerable endovascular catheter systems have potential advantages over conventional catheterization systems

  8. Radial force measurement of endovascular stents: Influence of stent design and diameter. (United States)

    Matsumoto, Takuya; Matsubara, Yutaka; Aoyagi, Yukihiko; Matsuda, Daisuke; Okadome, Jun; Morisaki, Koichi; Inoue, Kentarou; Tanaka, Shinichi; Ohkusa, Tomoko; Maehara, Yoshihiko


    Angioplasty and endovascular stent placement is used in case to rescue the coverage of main branches to supply blood to brain from aortic arch in thoracic endovascular aortic repair. This study assessed mechanical properties, especially differences in radial force, of different endovascular and thoracic stents. We analyzed the radial force of three stent models (Epic, E-Luminexx and SMART) stents using radial force-tester method in single or overlapping conditions. We also analyzed radial force in three thoracic stents using Mylar film testing method: conformable Gore-TAG, Relay, and Valiant Thoracic Stent Graft. Overlapping SMART stents had greater radial force than overlapping Epic or Luminexx stents (P stents was greater than that of all three endovascular stents (P stents, site of deployment, and layer characteristics. In clinical settings, an understanding of the mechanical characteristics, including radial force, is important in choosing a stent for each patient. © The Author(s) 2015.

  9. Correção endovascular de aneurisma da artéria esplénica: caso clínico Endovascular correction of splenic artery aneurysm: case report

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    José Almeida Lopes


    Full Text Available Os aneurismas da artéria esplénica, embora sejam os aneurismas esplâncnicos mais frequentes, cursam com uma prevalência de apenas 0,01%. Neste contexto os autores apresentam um caso clínico de uma doente de 41 anos com aneurisma da artéria esplénica de 20x29mm, tratada através da colocação de um stent coberto auto-expansível (Gore®, Viabahn®. É realizada uma revisão da literatura, das possíveis complicações e feita referência às várias hipóteses de tratamento, dando particular ênfase às novas técnicas endovasculares.Splenic artery aneurysms, although they are the most common splanchnic aneurysms, they have a prevalence of only 0,01%. In this context the authors present a case report of a 41 years female patient with a splenic artery aneurysm of 20x29mm, treated by deployment of a covered self-expandable stent (Gore® Viabahn®. It is performed a literature review of the pathology in question, possible complications and made reference to the various treatment options, with particular emphasis on the new endovascular techniques.

  10. Malformación arteriovenosa pancreática como causa de pancreatitis aguda tratada por vía endovascular


    Kohan, Gustavo; Provenzano, Matías; Rosado, Martín; Farfan, Grisel; Sánchez, Nicolás; Fastman, Denise


    La malformación arterio-venosa (MAV) en el páncreas es una anomalía anatómica poco frecuente que puede ser causa de pancreatitis aguda. Presentamos el caso de un paciente de 46 años cuyo diagnóstico se sospechó por los hallazgos de la tomografía computarizada con contraste endovenoso y por resonancia magnética y se confirmó mediante una arteriografía del tronco celíaco y de la arteria mesentérica superior. El tratamiento recibido fue por vía endovascular, aunque la otra opción válida para el ...

  11. Endovascular Management of Central Retinal Arterial Occlusion. (United States)

    Agarwal, Nitin; Gala, Nihar B; Baumrind, Benjamin; Hansberry, David R; Thabet, Ahmad M; Gandhi, Chirag D; Prestigiacomo, Charles J


    Central retinal artery occlusion (CRAO) is an ophthalmologic emergency due to the sudden cessation of circulation to the inner retinal layer. Without immediate treatment, permanent blindness may ensue. Several treatment options exist, ranging from noninvasive medical management to thrombolysis. Nonetheless, ongoing debate exists regarding the best therapeutic strategy. The authors present the case of a 78-year-old woman with a medical history of hypercholesterolemia and rheumatoid arthritis who experienced complete loss of vision in her left eye. Following ophthalmologic evaluation demonstrating left CRAO, anterior chamber paracentesis was performed. Endovascular intervention was performed via local intra-arterial fibrinolysis with alteplase. Her vision returned to 20/20 following the procedure. In general, conventional therapies have not significantly improved patient outcomes. Several management options exist for CRAO. In general, conservative measures have not been reported to yield better patient outcomes as compared to the natural history of this medical emergency. Endovascular approaches are another option as observed with this case reported. In cases of CRAO, therapeutic strategies such as intra-arterial fibrinolysis utilize a local infusion of reactive tissue plasminogen activator directly at the site of occlusion via catheterization of the ophthalmic artery. Although several case series do show promising results after treating CRAO with intra-arterial fibrinolysis, further studies are required given the reports of complications.

  12. Endovascular and surgical treatment of spinal dural arteriovenous fistulas

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Andres, Robert H.; University of Berne; Stanford University Medical Center, Department of Neurosurgery, Stanford, CA; University of Berne; Barth, Alain; Medical University of Graz, Department of Neurosurgery, Graz; University of Berne; Guzman, Raphael; Stanford University Medical Center, Department of Neurosurgery, Stanford, CA; University of Berne; Remonda, Luca; El-Koussy, Marwan; Schroth, Gerhard; University of Berne; Seiler, Rolf W.; Widmer, Hans R.; University of Berne


    The aim of this retrospective study was to evaluate the clinical outcome of patients with spinal dural arteriovenous fistulas (SDAVFs) that were treated with surgery, catheter embolization, or surgery after incomplete embolization. The study included 21 consecutive patients with SDAVFs of the thoracic, lumbar, or sacral spine who were treated in our institution from 1994 to 2007. Thirteen patients were treated with catheter embolization alone. Four patients underwent hemilaminectomy and intradural interruption of the fistula. Four patients were treated by endovascular techniques followed by surgery. The clinical outcome was assessed using the modified Aminoff-Logue scale (ALS) for myelopathy and the modified Rankin scale (MRS) for general quality of life. Patient age ranged from 44 to 77 years (mean 64.7 years). Surgical as well as endovascular treatment resulted in a significant improvement in ALS (-62.5% and -31.4%, respectively, p<0.05) and a tendency toward improved MRS (-50% and -32%, respectively) scores. Patients that underwent surgery after endovascular treatment due to incomplete occlusion of the fistula showed only a tendency for improvement in the ALS score (-16.7%), whereas the MRS score was not affected. We conclude that both endovascular and surgical treatment of SDAVFs resulted in a good and lasting clinical outcome in the majority of cases. In specific situations, when a secondary neurosurgical approach was required after endovascular treatment to achieve complete occlusion of the SDAVF, the clinical outcome was rather poor. The best first line treatment modality for each individual patient should be determined by an interdisciplinary team. (orig.)

  13. Endovascular treatment of very small intracranial aneurysms

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Iskandar, A; Nepper-Rasmussen, J


    to large aneurysms (> 3 mm). However the data also suggest that endovascular treatment of very small aneurysms might be associated with an increased risk of procedural ruptures and mortality. At nine-month follow-up results indicate significantly less compaction in the very small aneurysms....... endovascular treatment was attempted in 956 consecutive intracranial aneurysms. Of 956 aneurysms, 111 aneurysms were very small aneurysms with a maximal diameter of 3 mm or less. We conducted a retrospective analysis of angiographic and clinical outcome following coiling of very small aneurysms...... aneurysms and less than 90% aneurysm occlusion in six aneurysms. Complications occurred in the treatment of 15 aneurysms, including eight procedural ruptures, six thromboembolic events and one case of early hemorrhage. Compared with larger aneurysms, treatment of very small aneurysms was associated...

  14. Emergency Endovascular Treatment of Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms: Feasibility and Results

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lagana, Domenico; Carrafiello, Gianpaolo; Mangini, Monica; Fontana, Federico; Caronno, Roberto; Castelli, Patrizio; Cuffari, Salvatore; Fugazzola, Carlo


    Purpose. To assess the feasibility and effectiveness of emergency endovascular treatment of abdominal aortic aneurysms (AAAs). Methods. During 36 months we treated, on an emergency basis, 30 AAAs with endovascular exclusion. In 21 hemodynamically stable patients preoperative CT angiography (CTA) was performed to confirm the diagnosis and to plan the treatment; 9 patients with hemorrhagic shock were evaluated with angiography performed in the operating room. Twenty-two Excluder (Gore) and 8 Zenith (Cook) stent-grafts (25 bifurcated and 5 aorto-uni-iliac) were used. The follow-up was performed by CTA at 1, 3, 6, and 12 months. Results. Technical success was achieved in 100% of cases with a 10% mortality rate. The total complication rate was 23% (5 increases in serum creatinine level and 2 wound infections). During the follow-up, performed in 27 patients (1-36 months, mean 15.2 months), 4 secondary endoleaks (15%) (3 type II, 2 spontaneously thrombosed and 1 under observation, and 1 type III treated by iliac extender insertion) and 1 iliac leg occlusion (treated with femoro-femoral bypass) occurred. We observed a shrinkage of the aneurysmal sac in 8 of 27 cases and stability in 19 of 27 cases; we did not observe any endotension. Conclusions. Endovascular repair is a good option for emergency treatment of AAAs. The team's experience allows correct planning of the procedure in emergency situations also, with technical results comparable with elective repair. In our experience the bifurcated stent-graft is the device of choice in patients with suitable anatomy because the procedure is less time-consuming than aorto-uni-iliac stent-grafting with surgical crossover, allowing faster aneurysm exclusion. However, further studies are required to demonstrate the long-term efficacy of endovascular repair compared with surgical treatment

  15. Current status of endovascular catheter robotics. (United States)

    Lumsden, Alan B; Bismuth, Jean


    In this review, we will detail the evolution of endovascular therapy as the basis for the development of catheter-based robotics. In parallel, we will outline the evolution of robotics in the surgical space and how the convergence of technology and the entrepreneurs who push this evolution have led to the development of endovascular robots. The current state-of-the-art and future directions and potential are summarized for the reader. Information in this review has been drawn primarily from our personal clinical and preclinical experience in use of catheter robotics, coupled with some ground-breaking work reported from a few other major centers who have embraced the technology's capabilities and opportunities. Several case studies demonstrating the unique capabilities of a precisely controlled catheter are presented. Most of the preclinical work was performed in the advanced imaging and navigation laboratory. In this unique facility, the interface of advanced imaging techniques and robotic guidance is being explored. Although this procedure employs a very high-tech approach to navigation inside the endovascular space, we have conveyed the kind of opportunities that this technology affords to integrate 3D imaging and 3D control. Further, we present the opportunity of semi-autonomous motion of these devices to a target. For the interventionist, enhanced precision can be achieved in a nearly radiation-free environment.

  16. Endovascular stent graft for treatment of complicated spontaneous dissection of celiac artery: Report of two cases

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kang, Ung Rae; Lee, Young Hwan [Dept. of Diagnostic Radiology, Catholic University of Daegu School of Medicine, Daegu (Korea, Republic of); Kim, Young Hwan [Dept. of Diagnostic Radiology, Dongsan Medical Center, Keimyung University School of Medicine, Daegu (Korea, Republic of)


    We report 2 cases of complicated spontaneous dissection of the celiac artery, which were successfully treated by a stent graft. The first patient was a 47-year-old man who presented with acute abdominal pain. CT scan showed ruptured saccular aneurysm with surrounding retroperitoneal hematoma. The second patient was a 57-year-old man with progressive dissecting aneurysm. Endovascular stent graft was placed in the celiac trunk to control bleeding, and to prevent rupture in each patient. Follow-up CT scans showed complete obliteration of a dissecting aneurysm.

  17. Predictive factors for cerebrovascular accidents after thoracic endovascular aortic repair. (United States)

    Mariscalco, Giovanni; Piffaretti, Gabriele; Tozzi, Matteo; Bacuzzi, Alessandro; Carrafiello, Giampaolo; Sala, Andrea; Castelli, Patrizio


    Cerebrovascular accidents are devastating and worrisome complications after thoracic endovascular aortic repair. The aim of this study was to determine cerebrovascular accident predictors after thoracic endovascular aortic repair. Between January 2001 and June 2008, 76 patients treated with thoracic endovascular aortic repair were prospectively enrolled. The study cohort included 61 men; mean age was 65.4 +/- 16.8 years. All patients underwent a specific neurologic assessment on an hourly basis postoperatively to detect neurologic deficits. Cerebrovascular accidents were diagnosed on the basis of physical examination, tomography scan or magnetic resonance imaging, or autopsy. Cerebrovascular accidents occurred in 8 (10.5%) patients, including 4 transient ischemic attack and 4 major strokes. Four cases were observed within the first 24-hours. Multivariable analysis revealed that anatomic incompleteness of the Willis circle (odds ratio [OR] 17.19, 95% confidence interval [CI] 2.10 to 140.66), as well as the presence of coronary artery disease (OR 6.86, 95 CI% 1.18 to 40.05), were independently associated with postoperative cerebrovascular accident development. Overall hospital mortality was 9.2%, with no significant difference for patients hit by cerebrovascular accidents (25.0% vs 7.3%, p = 0.102). Preexisting coronary artery disease, reflecting a severe diseased aorta and anomalies of Willis circle are independent cerebrovascular accident predictors after thoracic endovascular aortic repair procedures. A careful evaluation of the arch vessels and cerebral vascularization should be mandatory for patients suitable for thoracic endovascular aortic repair.

  18. Transluminal endovascular stent-graft for the treatment of aortic aneurysms

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lee, Do Yun; Chang, Byung Chul; Shim, Won Heum; Cho, Seung Yun; Chung, Nam Sik; Kwon, Hyuk Moon; Lee, Young Joon; Lee, Jong Tae [Yonsei University College of Medicine, Seoul (Korea, Republic of)


    The standard treatment for aortic aneurysms is surgical replacement with a prosthetic graft. Currently there is great interest in endoluminal intervention for treatment of aortic aneurysm. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the safety and effectiveness of endoluminally placed Stent-graft for the treatment of aortic aneurysms. Transluminal endovascular Stent-graft placements were attempted in 9 patients with infra-renal aortic aneurysms(n 6), thoracic aortic aneurysm(n = 1), and aortic dissection(n = 2). The endovascular Stent-grafts were custom-designed for each patient and were constructed of self-expandable modified Gianturco Stents covered with polytetrafluroethylene. The Stent-grafts were introduced through a 16-18 French sheath and expanded to 17-30 mm in diameter. The endovascular therapy was performed using a common femoral artery cutdown with local anesthesia. The endovascular Stent-graft deployment was achieved in 7 of 9 patients. Two cases failed deployment of the Stent-graft due to iliac artery stenosis and tortousity. There were complete thrombosis of the thoracic and infra-renal aortic aneurysm surround the Stent-graft in 3 patients, and persistent leak with partial thrombosis in 2. Two patients with aortic dissection were successfully treated by obliteration of entry tears. There were no major complication associated with Stent-graft placement. These preliminary results show that transluminal endovascular Stent-grafts offer great promise and good results. Further investigation is needed to establish its long-term safety and efficacy.

  19. Transluminal endovascular stent-graft for the treatment of aortic aneurysms

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lee, Do Yun; Chang, Byung Chul; Shim, Won Heum; Cho, Seung Yun; Chung, Nam Sik; Kwon, Hyuk Moon; Lee, Young Joon; Lee, Jong Tae


    The standard treatment for aortic aneurysms is surgical replacement with a prosthetic graft. Currently there is great interest in endoluminal intervention for treatment of aortic aneurysm. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the safety and effectiveness of endoluminally placed Stent-graft for the treatment of aortic aneurysms. Transluminal endovascular Stent-graft placements were attempted in 9 patients with infra-renal aortic aneurysms(n 6), thoracic aortic aneurysm(n = 1), and aortic dissection(n = 2). The endovascular Stent-grafts were custom-designed for each patient and were constructed of self-expandable modified Gianturco Stents covered with polytetrafluroethylene. The Stent-grafts were introduced through a 16-18 French sheath and expanded to 17-30 mm in diameter. The endovascular therapy was performed using a common femoral artery cutdown with local anesthesia. The endovascular Stent-graft deployment was achieved in 7 of 9 patients. Two cases failed deployment of the Stent-graft due to iliac artery stenosis and tortousity. There were complete thrombosis of the thoracic and infra-renal aortic aneurysm surround the Stent-graft in 3 patients, and persistent leak with partial thrombosis in 2. Two patients with aortic dissection were successfully treated by obliteration of entry tears. There were no major complication associated with Stent-graft placement. These preliminary results show that transluminal endovascular Stent-grafts offer great promise and good results. Further investigation is needed to establish its long-term safety and efficacy

  20. Endovascular Aortic Aneurysm Repair with Chimney and Snorkel Grafts: Indications, Techniques and Results

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Patel, Rakesh P., E-mail: [Northwick Park Hospital, Department of Vascular Radiology (United Kingdom); Katsargyris, Athanasios, E-mail:; Verhoeven, Eric L. G., E-mail: [Klinikum Nuernberg, Department of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery (Germany); Adam, Donald J., E-mail: [Heartlands Hospital, Department of Vascular Surgery (United Kingdom); Hardman, John A., E-mail: [Royal United Hospital Bath, Department of Vascular Radiology (United Kingdom)


    The chimney technique in endovascular aortic aneurysm repair (Ch-EVAR) involves placement of a stent or stent-graft parallel to the main aortic stent-graft to extend the proximal or distal sealing zone while maintaining side branch patency. Ch-EVAR can facilitate endovascular repair of juxtarenal and aortic arch pathology using available standard aortic stent-grafts, therefore, eliminating the manufacturing delays required for customised fenestrated and branched stent-grafts. Several case series have demonstrated the feasibility of Ch-EVAR both in acute and elective cases with good early results. This review discusses indications, technique, and the current available clinical data on Ch-EVAR.

  1. Tratamento endovascular de aneurisma da artéria renal por embolização com micromolas preservando o fluxo sangüíneo renal: relato de caso Endovascular treatment of renal artery aneurysm using microcoil embolization and renal blood flow preservation: case report

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Marco Aurélio Cardozo


    Full Text Available O tratamento endovascular da doença aneurismática da artéria renal tem sido, cada vez mais, aceito como uma alternativa à cirurgia convencional, especialmente em casos de aneurismas complexos intra-parenquimatosos ou que comprometam a bifurcação da artéria renal. Os autores relatam a experiência do tratamento endovascular de uma paciente com aneurisma sacular da bifurcação da artéria renal direita, associado à hipertensão renovascular de difícil controle. Foi realizada a cateterização seletiva da artéria renal, com a inserção de micromolas no saco aneurismático. O aneurisma foi completamente ocluído com preservação total do fluxo sanguíneo renal. A evolução clínica foi satisfatória com redução significativa das medicações anti-hipertensivas. A angio-tomografia de controle, após o oitavo mês do procedimento, confirmou o sucesso do tratamento.Endovascular treatment of renal artery aneurysmal disease has been increasingly accepted as an alternative to conventional surgery, especially in cases of renal artery bifurcation or complex intrarenal aneurysms. The authors report a case of endovascular treatment of a saccular aneurysm of the right renal artery bifurcation associated with poorly controlled renovascular hypertension. Selective catheterization of the renal artery was performed and microcoils were inserted into the aneurysmal sac. The aneurysm was completely obliterated with total preservation of renal blood flow. Clinical evolution was satisfactory with significant reduction in anti-hypertensive drugs. Control tomographic angiography, after eight months, confirmed treatment success.

  2. Endovascular treatment of hemoptysis: influence of the type of pathology on the post embolization prognosis; Tratamiento endovascular de la hemoptisis: influencia del tipo de patologia en el pronostico postembolizacion

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Garcia, J.; Fernandez, M.; Fernandez, A.; Duran, D.; Dominguez, L.; Boullosa, E. [Hospital Xeral de Vigo (Spain)


    To describe the course of patients with hemoptysis following embolization of the arteries involved, assessing the incidence of re bleeding in patients grouped according to type of pathology. Over the past five years, we have carried out 77 embolization in bronchial and other systemic arteries in 64 patients (46 men and 18 women) ranging in age from 18 to 83 years (mean: 54{+-}15 years). The underlying diseases were active tuberculosis (n=11), latent tuberculosis (n=15), bronchiectasis (n=14), aspergilloma (n=3), pulmonary neoplasm (n=10), lung abscess (n=10) and miscellaneous conditions (n=10). Rebleeding occurred in 25 patients (32%). Of these, 13 had to undergo repeat embolization, 7 were treated surgically and 3 died during the recurrence of hemoptysis. In two cases, no diseased arteries could be found and embolization was not performed. The overall hemostatic efficacy was 86% after 7 days, 78% after one month and 61% after one year. In the patients with tuberculosis, the rates were 96% at one week and 91% at one month and one year, while among the remaining groups (with neoplasm, abscess, etc.), the incidences were 80% at day 7,70% at one month and 42% at one year. According to our experience, rebleeding occurs most frequently among patients with diseases other than tuberculosis. In these cases, follow-up should be closer and other therapeutic alternatives (surgery, radiotherapy, endobronchial laser) should be considered as a complement to percutaneous endovascular treatment. (Author) 22 refs.

  3. Aneurysm growth after late conversion of thoracic endovascular aortic repair

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Hirofumi Kasahara


    Full Text Available A 69-year-old man underwent thoracic endovascular aortic repair of a descending aortic aneurysm. Three years later, he developed impending rupture due to aneurysmal expansion that included the proximal landing zone. Urgent open surgery was performed via lateral thoracotomy, and a Dacron graft was sewn to the previous stent graft distally with Teflon felt reinforcement. Postoperatively, four sequential computed tomography scans demonstrated that the aneurysm was additionally increasing in size probably due to continuous hematoma production, suggesting a possibility of endoleaks. This case demonstrates the importance of careful radiologic surveillance after endovascular repair, and also after partial open conversion.

  4. Endovascular treatment of renal aneurysms: A series of 18 cases

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sédat, J.; Chau, Y.; Baque, J.


    Purpose: To retrospectively analyze the results and complications of the endovascular treatment of 18 renal aneurysms. Methods: From 2002 to 2011, 15 patients (aged 31–76), with 18 renal aneurysms, were admitted in our institution for treatment by embolization. Except one, all were wide-necked aneurysms. One aneurysm was treated by occluding the parent artery considering its distal location; a small-necked aneurysm was treated by simple coiling, and the remaining 16 were embolized utilizing adjunctive techniques to protect the parent artery. We analyzed the rates of technical success, complication and clinical consequence, post-operative occlusion and recurrence. Results: There was a 100% technical success rate. 15 aneurysms showed a total occlusion on the post-treatment angiogram. 2 aneurysms demonstrated neck remnants, and one had an intrasaccular residual in-flow. Two minor post-operative complications were encountered but resolved over time. No delayed clinical complications were observed and the long-term angiographic follow-up demonstrated stability of the occlusion of the target renal aneurysm with no major recurrence. Conclusion: Complications of the embolization of renal aneurysms are rare. Endovascular treatment should therefore be considered at first for the treatment of renal aneurysms.

  5. Actual review of diagnostics and endovascular therapy of intracranial arterial stenoses

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gizewski, E.R.; Weber, R.; Forsting, M.


    Approximately 6 - 50 % of all ischemic strokes are caused by intracranial arterial stenosis (IAS). Despite medical prevention, patients with symptomatic IAS have a high annual risk for recurrent ischemic stroke of about 12 %, and up to 19 % in the case of high-grade IAS (≥ 70 %). Digital subtraction angiography remains the gold standard for the diagnosis and grading of IAS. However, noninvasive imaging techniques including CT angiography, MR angiography, or transcranial Doppler and duplex ultrasound examinations are used in the clinical routine to provide additional information about the brain structure and hemodynamic. However, for technical reasons, the grading of stenoses is sometimes difficult and inaccurate. To date, aspirin is recommended as the treatment of choice in the prevention of recurrent ischemic stroke in patients with IAS. IAS patients who suffer a recurrent ischemic stroke or transient ischemic attack while taking aspirin can be treated with endovascular stenting or angioplasty in specialized centers. The periprocedural complication rate of these endovascular techniques is about 2 - 7 % at experienced neuro-interventional centers. The rate of re-stenosis is reported between 10 and 40 % depending on patient age and stenosis location. Further randomized studies comparing medical secondary prevention and endovascular therapy are currently being performed. With regard to the improvement of endovascular methods and lower complication rates, the indication for endovascular therapy in IAS could be broadened especially for stenosis in the posterior circulation. (orig.)

  6. Thoracic aortic aneurysms and dissections: endovascular treatment. (United States)

    Baril, Donald T; Cho, Jae S; Chaer, Rabih A; Makaroun, Michel S


    The treatment of thoracic aortic disease has changed radically with the advances made in endovascular therapy since the concept of thoracic endovascular aortic repair was first described 15 years ago. Currently, there is a diverse array of endografts that are commercially available to treat the thoracic aorta. Multiple studies, including industry-sponsored and single-institution reports, have demonstrated excellent outcomes of thoracic endovascular aortic repair for the treatment of thoracic aortic aneurysms, with less reported perioperative morbidity and mortality in comparison with conventional open repair. Additionally, similar outcomes have been demonstrated for the treatment of type B dissections. However, the technology remains relatively novel, and larger studies with longer term outcomes are necessary to more fully evaluate the role of endovascular therapy for the treatment of thoracic aortic disease. This review examines the currently available thoracic endografts, preoperative planning for thoracic endovascular aortic repair, and outcomes of thoracic endovascular aortic repair for the treatment of both thoracic aortic aneurysms and type B aortic dissections. Mt Sinai J Med 77:256-269, 2010. (c) 2010 Mount Sinai School of Medicine.

  7. Endovascular management of inferior vena cava filter thrombotic occlusion. (United States)

    Branco, Bernardino C; Montero-Baker, Miguel F; Espinoza, Eduardo; Gamero, Maria; Zea-Vera, Rodrigo; Labropoulos, Nicos; Leon, Luis R


    Objective Inferior vena cava occlusion is a potentially life-threatening complication related to caval filters. We present our experience with filter-induced inferior vena cava occlusion in order to assess the feasibility, safety, and effectiveness of endovascular management. Methods A retrospective review of all patients undergoing inferior vena cava filter placement over a 60-month study period was performed. From this cohort, a total of 10 cases of inferior vena cava occlusion after filter placement were identified. Demographics, clinical data, procedures, and outcomes were extracted. Patients were followed to the last clinic visit or until they died. Results One-hundred eighty filters were placed by our group practice during the study period. Of those, a total of 10 patients were identified. Overall, there were 7 males; the mean age was 57.1 years (25-78 years). The median time between inferior vena cava filter placement and filter occlusion was 105 days (range 5-4745 days). All patients were clinically symptomatic at the time of their presentation. Nine out of 10 patients were successfully managed endovascularly. Trellis™-8 thrombectomy was the most common endovascular strategy performed ( n = 9). Four patients had balloon angioplasty, two of those with stent placement for chronically occluded inferior vena cava/iliac veins. No thromboembolic complications developed during a median follow-up period of 233 days (range 4-1083 days). Conclusions Endovascular management of inferior vena cava occlusion is feasible, safe, and effective in decreasing thrombus burden in the presence of an inferior vena cava filter. Further studies evaluating long-term inferior vena cava patency and optimal surveillance regimen after endovascular management of filter-related inferior vena cava occlusion are warranted.

  8. Combined endovascular and surgical treatment of melanoma of the nasal cavity: a case report

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Romero, A.; Delgado, F.; Ramos, M.; Bravo, F.


    Melanoma of the nasal cavity is a rare tumor with a worse prognosis than cutaneous melanoma. It usually presents as nasal obstruction and/or epistaxis. The observation of a pigmented mass in the nasal cavity is highly suggestive of this lesion. Computed tomography shows a mass with nonspecific features. In magnetic resonance studies, it has a characteristics signal consisting of hyperintensity of T1-weighted images and hypointensity on T2-weighted images, depending on the amount of melanin. The treatment of choice is surgical resection. We present a case of melanoma of the nasal cavity in which endovascular embolization of the tumor was performed prior to surgical treatment. (Author) 11 refs

  9. Treatment of internal carotid artery dissections with endovascular stent placement: report of two cases

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lee, Deok Hee; Hur, Seung Ho; Kim, Hyeon Gak; Jung, Seung Mun; Ryu, Dae Sik; Park, Man Soo [Kangnung Hospital, Kangnung (Korea, Republic of)


    Extracranial carotid artery dissection may manifest as arterial stenosis or occlusion, or as dissecting aneurysm formation. Anticoagulation and/or antiplatelet therapy is the first-line treatment, but because it is effective and less invasive than other procedures, endovascular treatment of carotid artery dissection has recently attracted interest. We encountered two consecutive cases of trauma-related extracranial internal carotid artery dissection, one in the suprabulbar portion and one in the subpetrosal portion. We managed the patient with suprabulbar dissection using a self-expandable metallic stent and managed the patient with subpetrosal dissection using a balloon-expandable metallic stent. In both patients the dissecting aneurysm disappeared, and at follow-up improved luminal patency was observed.

  10. A multidetector tomography protocol for follow-up of endovascular aortic aneurysm repair

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Roberto Moraes Bastos


    Full Text Available OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to improve the use of 64-channel multidetector computed tomography using lower doses of ionizing radiation during follow-up procedures in a series of patients with endovascular aortic aneurysm repair. METHODS: Thirty patients receiving 5 to 29 months of follow-up after endovascular aortic aneurysm repair were analyzed using a 64-channel multidetector computed tomography device by an exam that included pre-and postcontrast with both arterial and venous phases. Leak presence and type were classified based on the exam phase. RESULTS: Endoleaks were identified in 8/30 of cases; the endoleaks in 3/8 of these cases were not visible in the arterial phases of the exams. CONCLUSION: The authors conclude that multidetector computed tomography with pre-contrast and venous phases should be a part of the ongoing follow-up of patients undergoing endovascular aortic aneurysm repair. The arterial phase can be excluded when the aneurism is stable or regresses. These findings permit a lower radiation dose without jeopardizing the correct diagnosis of an endoleak.

  11. Development of stroke-induced quadriplegia after endovascular repair of blunt aortic injury pseudoaneurysm. (United States)

    Amoudi, Abdullah S; Merdad, Anas A; Makhdoom, Ahmed Q; Jamjoom, Reda A


    Endovascular repair of blunt aortic injury is now a first-line approach in management. This can warrant coverage of the left subclavian artery (LSA), which could lead to posterior strokes. In this case report, we present a severe complication of endovascular repair of a traumatic aortic aneurysm. A 53-year-old man presented with blunt aortic injury, endovascular repair was carried out where the left subclavian artery was covered. The intervention had a 100% technical success. Twelve hours later, he was discovered to have quadriplegia, a CT scan showed a large left cerebellar infarction extending to the medulla oblongata and proximal spinal cord. Strokes complicate 3% of thoracic endovascular aortic repairs, 80% of those strokes occur in patients who had their LSA`s covered. Most patients however, tolerate the coverage. Although our patient had a dominant right vertebral artery, and lacked risks for these strokes, he developed an extensive stroke that left him quadriplegic.

  12. Endovascular Treatment of an Aneurysmal Aberrant Systemic Artery Supplying a Pulmonary Sequestrum

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kristensen, Katrine Lawaetz, E-mail: [Odense University Hospital, Department of Thoracic and Vascular Surgery (Denmark); Duus, Louise Aarup, E-mail: [Sygehus Lillebaelt Vejle, Department of Radiology (Denmark); Elle, Bo, E-mail: [Odense University Hospital, Department of Radiology (Denmark)


    An aberrant systemic artery originating from the abdominal aorta supplying a pulmonary sequestration is a rare congenital malformation. This causes a left-to-left shunt. Symptoms include recurrent pneumonias, hemoptysis, and, in the long term, heart failure. Aneurysm of the aberrant vessel is rarely seen. Traditionally, treatment of pulmonary sequestrations includes ligation of the feeding vessel and lobectomy. A new promising treatment is an endovascular approach. Only a few cases describe endovascular treatment of pulmonary sequestration. This is the first published case of a giant aneurysmal branch from the abdominal aorta to the normal basal segments of the lung, successfully occluded with an Amplatzer Vascular Plug II (AVP II, St.Jude Medical, MN, USA) alone.

  13. Endovascular Treatment of an Aneurysmal Aberrant Systemic Artery Supplying a Pulmonary Sequestrum

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kristensen, Katrine Lawaetz; Duus, Louise Aarup; Elle, Bo


    An aberrant systemic artery originating from the abdominal aorta supplying a pulmonary sequestration is a rare congenital malformation. This causes a left-to-left shunt. Symptoms include recurrent pneumonias, hemoptysis, and, in the long term, heart failure. Aneurysm of the aberrant vessel is rarely seen. Traditionally, treatment of pulmonary sequestrations includes ligation of the feeding vessel and lobectomy. A new promising treatment is an endovascular approach. Only a few cases describe endovascular treatment of pulmonary sequestration. This is the first published case of a giant aneurysmal branch from the abdominal aorta to the normal basal segments of the lung, successfully occluded with an Amplatzer Vascular Plug II (AVP II, St.Jude Medical, MN, USA) alone

  14. Endovascular treatment of cerebral aneurysms at Altai Regional Vascular Center

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Д. А. Долженко


    Full Text Available A retrospective analysis of the results of endovascular treatment of patients with the brain aneurysms was carried out at the Neurosurgical Department of Regional Clinical Hospital in Barnaul over a period from 2009 to 2011. 52 patients with 57 cerebral aneurysms were included in the study and 55 endovascular interventions were performed. Total embolization (type A was used in 77% of patients, embolization type B was performed in 19% of cases, incomplete embolization (type C occurred in 4% of cases. 14 (26,9% patients were operated in the acute period of SAH. Conclusions are made relating to the effectiveness and relative safety of intravascular treatment of aneurysms, the need for differentiated approaches to the tactics of surgical treatment of patients in the acute period of hemorrhagic stroke due to the rupture of a cerebral aneurysm.

  15. Outcomes of Infrainguinal Revascularizations with Endovascular First Strategy in Critical Limb Ischemia

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Jens, Sjoerd, E-mail: [Academic Medical Center, Department of Radiology (Netherlands); Conijn, Anne P., E-mail:; Frans, Franceline A., E-mail: [Academic Medical Center, Departments of Radiology and Surgery (Netherlands); Nieuwenhuis, Marieke B. B., E-mail:; Met, Rosemarie, E-mail: [Academic Medical Center, Department of Radiology (Netherlands); Koelemay, Mark J. W., E-mail:; Legemate, Dink A., E-mail: [Academic Medical Center, Department of Surgery (Netherlands); Bipat, Shandra, E-mail:; Reekers, Jim A., E-mail: [Academic Medical Center, Department of Radiology (Netherlands)


    PurposeThis study was designed to study the outcome of infrainguinal revascularization in patients with critical limb ischemia (CLI) in an institution with a preference towards endovascular intervention first in patients with poor condition, unfavourable anatomy for surgery, no venous material for bypass, and old age.MethodsA prospective, observational cohort study was conducted between May 2007 and May 2010 in patients presenting with CLI. At baseline, the optimal treatment was selected, i.e., endovascular or surgical treatment. In case of uncertainty about the preferred treatment, a multidisciplinary team (MDT) was consulted. Primary endpoints were quality of life and functional status 6 and 12 months after initial intervention, assessed by the VascuQol and AMC Linear Disability Score questionnaires, respectively.ResultsIn total, 113 patients were included; 86 had an endovascular intervention and 27 had surgery. During follow-up, 41 % underwent an additional ipsilateral revascularisation procedure. For the total population, and endovascular and surgery subgroups, the VascuQol sum scores improved after 6 and 12 months (p < 0.01 for all outcomes) compared with baseline. The functional status improved (p = 0.043) after 12 months compared with baseline for the total population. Functional status of the surgery subgroup improved significantly after 6 (p = 0.031) and 12 (p = 0.044) months, but not that of the endovascular subgroup.ConclusionsOverall, the strategy of performing endovascular treatment first in patients with poor condition, unfavourable anatomy for surgery, no venous material for bypass, and old age has comparable or even slightly better results compared with the BASIL trial and other cohort studies. All vascular groups should discuss whether their treatment strategy should be directed at treating CLI patients preferably endovascular first and consider implementing an MDT to optimize patient outcomes.

  16. Tratamento endovascular da síndrome da veia cava superior: relato de caso e revisão da literatura Endovascular treatment of superior vena cava syndrome: case report and review of the literature

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Marco Aurélio Cardozo


    Full Text Available Relatamos o caso de uma paciente portadora de síndrome da veia cava superior sintomática de origem benigna tratada pela técnica endovascular. A angiorressonância magnética pré-angioplastia evidenciou extensa trombose do tronco braquiocefálico esquerdo, da veia subclávia esquerda e obstrução da veia cava superior junto ao tronco braquiocefálico direito. A paciente realizou mastectomia radical 2 anos antes, associada à quimioterapia e radioterapia do tórax. Foram realizados angioplastia venosa e implante de stent expansível por balão. O resultado foi satisfatório, com alívio imediato dos sintomas devido à recanalização da veia cava superior e do tronco braquiocefálico direito. Foi instituída anticoagulação oral. A paciente permanece sem recidiva dos sintomas após 8 meses de acompanhamento. O tratamento endovascular é uma alternativa terapêutica com baixa morbidade e resultado satisfatório a médio prazo que pode ser oferecida aos pacientes portadores de síndrome da veia cava superior.We report a case of a patient with symptomatic benign superior vena cava syndrome treated by the endovascular technique. The angiographic resonance before angioplasty showed extensive thrombosis of the left brachiocephalic trunk, left subclavian vein and superior vena cava obstruction close to the right brachiocephalic trunk. The patient underwent radical mastectomy 2 years ago with adjuvant chemotherapy and chest radiotherapy. Venous angioplasty and balloon-expandable stenting were performed. Satisfactory result was obtained with immediate relief of symptoms due to recanalization of the right brachiocephalic trunk and superior vena cava. Oral anticoagulation was initiated. The patient is still asymptomatic after 8 months of follow-up. The endovascular treatment is a therapeutic alternative with low morbidity and satisfactory mid-term results that can be offered to patients with superior vena cava syndrome.

  17. The fluoro-less and contrast-less peripheral endovascular intervention: Halfway there

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ephrem, Georges, E-mail:; Garikipati, Sireesha; Hanson, Ivan D.


    Introduction: Percutaneous endovascular revascularization requires the use of fluoroscopic guidance and radiopaque contrast. We present a successful intervention without the use of iodinated contrast. Case: A 92-year-old man with dry gangrene involving the second and fourth left toes had acute on chronic kidney injury. Arterial duplex showed severe stenosis in bilateral superficial femoral arteries (SFAs). Fluoroscopic and ultrasound guidance and intravascular imaging were used to avoid iodinated contrast. After right to left femoral crossover, the entire left SFA was imaged with ultrasound. The lesion was delineated with radiopaque measuring tapes then wired. Near-infrared spectroscopy and intravascular ultrasound (NIRS-IVUS) imaging were performed. Points of interest were correlated with corresponding radiopaque markings on the ruler. Stenting and post-dilation resulted in complete stent expansion and no evidence of dissection by IVUS. The total procedure time was 113 min and the total radiation dose 813 mGy. The day after the procedure, there was a palpable dorsalis pedis pulse. He was discharged to inpatient rehabilitation on dual antiplatelet therapy. Discussion: Contrast and radiation continue to limit the feasibility of endovascular angiography and intervention. Carbon dioxide (CO2) digital subtraction angiography is an alternative for these patients but has several disadvantages. Previously proposed projects demonstrated the real potential of performing endovascular peripheral intervention without fluoroscopy or contrast. Conclusion: This case is a clear demonstration of a successful use of a combination of fluoroscopy, ultrasonography and intravascular imaging to achieve a successful endovascular intervention to treat critical limb ischemia, without the use of iodinated contrast.

  18. [Actual review of diagnostics and endovascular therapy of intracranial arterial stenoses]. (United States)

    Gizewski, E R; Weber, R; Forsting, M


    Approximately 6 - 50% of all ischemic strokes are caused by intracranial arterial stenosis (IAS). Despite medical prevention, patients with symptomatic IAS have a high annual risk for recurrent ischemic stroke of about 12%, and up to 19% in the case of high-grade IAS (≥ 70%). Digital subtraction angiography remains the gold standard for the diagnosis and grading of IAS. However, noninvasive imaging techniques including CT angiography, MR angiography, or transcranial Doppler and duplex ultrasound examinations are used in the clinical routine to provide additional information about the brain structure and hemodynamic. However, for technical reasons, the grading of stenoses is sometimes difficult and inaccurate. To date, aspirin is recommended as the treatment of choice in the prevention of recurrent ischemic stroke in patients with IAS. IAS patients who suffer a recurrent ischemic stroke or transient ischemic attack while taking aspirin can be treated with endovascular stenting or angioplasty in specialized centers. The periprocedural complication rate of these endovascular techniques is about 2 - 7% at experienced neuro-interventional centers. The rate of re-stenosis is reported between 10 and 40% depending on patient age and stenosis location. Further randomized studies comparing medical secondary prevention and endovascular therapy are currently being performed. With regard to the improvement of endovascular methods and lower complication rates, the indication for endovascular therapy in IAS could be broadened especially for stenosis in the posterior circulation. © Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York.

  19. Endovascular treatment of PICA aneurysms

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Mukonoweshuro, W.; Laitt, R.D.; Hughes, D.G. [Radiology Dept., Greater Manchester Neurosciences Unit, Hope Hospital, Salford, Manchester (United Kingdom)


    Endovascular treatment of aneurysms of the posterior inferior cerebellar artery (PICA) avoids manipulation of the brainstem or lower cranial nerves and should therefore carry a lower risk of neurological morbidity than surgical clipping. We reviewed our experience of 23 patients with PICA aneurysms treated by endovascular occlusion with Guglielmi detachable coils and documented their long-term outcome on follow-up. We observed a 28 day procedure-related neurological morbidity of 13% (3/23 patients). One patient suffered permanent neurological complications. There were no procedure-related deaths. None of our patients suffered a re-bleed from their treated aneurysms. Our series shows endovascular treatment of ruptured PICA aneurysms to be safe and effective. (orig.)

  20. Tratamiento endovascular del aneurisma de aorta descendente en el adolescente con síndrome de Marfan: Reporte de un caso Endovascular treatment of an aneurysm of the descending aorta in an adolescent with Marfan syndrome

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Juan G Barrera


    Full Text Available Se expone el caso de un adolescente de 14 años de edad, con síndrome de Marfan y antecedente de tres cirugías cardiovasculares previas: valvuloplastia aórtica y mitral a los cinco años y valvuloplastia aórtica y reconstrucción de la aorta torácica con tubo de pericardio bovino a sus diez años. En primer tiempo quirúrgico se realizó reemplazo valvular aórtico por válvula mecánica y valvuloplastia mitral y tricuspidea, y en segundo tiempo quirúrgico, durante la misma hospitalización, exclusión endovascular de aneurisma de aorta descendente asintomático sin complicaciones. Antes del egreso se diagnosticó una endofuga tipo II que se manejó con observación clínica. Luego de un año del procedimiento, los controles clínico y tomográfico son satisfactorios.We describe the case of a 14-year-old adolescent with Marfan syndrome and a history of three previous cardiovascular surgeries: aortic and mitral valve replacement at the age of 5 and aortic valve replacement and reconstruction of the thoracic aorta with a tube of bovine pericardium at the age of ten. In the first surgical procedure the aortic valve was replaced by a mechanical valve, and mitral and tricuspid valvuloplasty was performed. In a second surgical procedure during the same hospitalization, endovascular exclusion of the asymptomatic descending aortic aneurysm was realized without complications. Before discharge, a type II endoleak was diagnosed and managed through clinical observation. After a year of the procedure, clinical and tomographic controls are satisfactory.

  1. Anesthesia Approach in Endovascular Aortic Reconstruction

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ayşin Alagöl


    Full Text Available Introduction: We have analyzed our initial results of our anesthesia techniques in our new-onset endovascular aortic reconstruction cases.Patients and Methods: The perioperative data of 15 elective and emergent endovascular aortic reconstruction cases that were operated in 2010-2011 were collected in a database. The choice of anesthesia was made by the risk factors, surgical team’s preferences, type and location of the aortic pathology and by the predicted operation duration. The data of local and general anesthesia cases were compared.Results: Thirteen (86.7% cases were male and 2 (13.3% female. Eleven patients were in ASA Class III. The demographic parameters, ASA classifications, concurrent diseases were similar in both groups. Thirteen (86.7% cases had infrarenal abdominal aortic aneurysm and 2 (13.3% had Type III aortic dissection. The diastolic arterial pressures were lower in general anesthesia group in 20th and 40th minutes’ measurements just like the mean arterial pressure measurements at the 40th, 100th minutes and during the deployment of the graft. Postoperative mortality occurred in 3 (20.0% patients and they all had general anesthesia and they were operated on emergency basis. Postoperative morbidity occurred in four patients that had general anesthesia (acute renal failure, multi-organ failure and pneumonia. The other patient had atrial fibrillation on the 1st postoperative day and was converted to sinus rhythm with amiodarone infusion.Conclusion: Edovascular aortic reconstruction procedures can safely be performed with both general and local anesthesia less invasively compared to open surgery. General anesthesia may be preferred for the better hemodynamic control.

  2. ORIGINAL ARTICLES Endovascular treatment of cerebral ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    With this in mind we looked at the costs ... of surgical or endovascular disposables. ... surgical versus endovascular treatment were 18 and 6 days .... 329: 527) gives a list of nine risk factors which explain most heart attacks: an abnormal ratio.

  3. Endovascular management of an acquired aortobronchial fistula following aortic bypass for coarctation.

    LENUS (Irish Health Repository)

    O'Sullivan, Katie E


    Aortobronchial fistula (ABF) in the setting of aortic coarctation repair is very rare but uniformly fatal if untreated. Endovascular stenting of the descending aorta is now the first-choice approach for ABF presenting with haemoptysis and offers a less-invasive technique with improved outcomes, compared with open repair. We report a case of late ABF occurring following bypass for aortic coarctation. Management focused on two key manoeuvres: use of a covered endovascular stent to occlude the aortic bypass thus controlling the fistula and dilatation and stenting of native coarctation.

  4. Endovascular Treatment for Aneurysmal Subarachnoid Hemorrhage with Neurogenic Pulmonary Edema in the Acute Stage. (United States)

    Meguro, Toshinari; Tanabe, Tomoyuki; Muraoka, Kenichiro; Terada, Kinya; Hirotsune, Nobuyuki; Nishino, Shigeki


    Severe neurogenic pulmonary edema (NPE) can occur in a variety of brain insults, including subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH), and severe case of NPE can cause devastating consequences. But the literature on the treatment strategy about aneurysmal SAH with NPE is very scant. We present that SAH patients with severe NPE, who were treated first by embolization of aneurysm followed by insertion of lumbar spinal drainage, had comparatively good outcome. We present 12 consecutive cases of aneurysmal SAH with NPE in the acute stage, which were treated by endovascular treatment between April 2002 and December 2012. We classified the patients according to the Hunt and Hess grading system as follows: grade-3 (1 patient), grade-4 (4 patients), and grade-5 (7 patients). All patients needed respiratory management, with the assistance of a ventilator, and underwent endovascular treatment for the ruptured aneurysms within 72 hours from onset. For all the patients, immediately after the endovascular treatment, we performed lumbar spinal drainage. The pulmonary edema disappeared rapidly after respiratory management and endovascular treatment. The outcomes were as follows: good recovery (GR; 3 patients), moderate disability (MD; 4 patients), severe disability (SD; 3 patients), and death (D; 2 patients). Five patients (42%) developed pneumonia, and we postponed extubation until recovery from pneumonia. The cause for severe disability and death was symptomatic vasospasm and primary brain damage. No patients had rebleeding from ruptured aneurysms. Endovascular treatment for ruptured aneurysm and placement of lumbar spinal drainage is an excellent treatment option for severe SAH with NPE.

  5. Traumatic intracranial internal carotid artery pseudoaneurysm presenting as epistaxis treated by endovascular coiling (United States)

    Al-Jehani, Hosam M.; Alwadaani, Hassan A.; Almolani, Fadhel M.


    Traumatic intracranial pseudoaneurysm is a rare complication of blunt trauma. It is even more rare when it presents as epistaxis. Massive epistaxis of a ruptured intracranial internal carotid artery pseudoaneurysm is a major cause of mortality, which requires emergency intervention. We report a case of traumatic intracranial internal carotid artery pseudoaneurysm secondary to skull base fracture, which presented with delayed onset of epistaxis. This was successfully treated by primary endovascular coil embolization. We discuss endovascular treatment options and review the literature. PMID:26818170

  6. Intrarenal pseudoaneurysm after percutaneous nephrolithotomy: angiotomographic assessment and endovascular management

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    M. F. Massulo-Aguiar


    Full Text Available We report a case of intrarenal pseudoaneurysm of the right kidney after percutaneous nephrolithotomy (PCNL in supine position. Diagnosis was established by angiotomography with a 3-D reconstruction. Treatment was successfully achieved by endovascular occlusion using N-butyl-2-cyanoacrylate.

  7. Effects of electrocautery to provoke endovascular thermal injury Efeitos do eletrocautério para provocar lesão térmica endovascular

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Fabio Henrique Rossi


    Full Text Available PURPOSE: To investigate the effects of a new electrocautery device to provoke endovascular venous thermal injury. METHODS: An experimental endovascular electrocautery was placed inside eight ex-vivo bovine saphenous veins models. Each one was divided in eight segments and progressive intensities of electric energy liberated. The macroscopic and microscopic effects were analyzed. RESULTS: Forty bovine saphenous veins segments were studied. The higher the electric energy applied the greater the nuclear picnosis and more intense the cytoplasmatic shrinkage and electrocoagulation effects. CONCLUSION: The experimental endovascular electrocautery device demonstrated to be both capable of inducing the destruction of the intimal layers of the studied vein model and provoke endovascular thermal injury.OBJETIVO: Investigar os efeitos de um modelo experimental de eletrocautério em provocar lesão venosa térmica endovascular. MÉTODOS: O eletrocautério endovascular foi colocado dentro de oito modelos experimentais de veia safena bovina. Cada uma foi dividida em oito segmentos e intensidades progressivas de energia elétrica liberada. Os efeitos macroscópicos e microscópicos foram analisados. RESULTADOS: Foram estudados quarenta segmentos de veia safena bovina. Quanto maior a energia elétrica aplicada pelo eletrocauterizador endovascular maiores foram as alteraçoes de picnose nuclear e mais intensa a retração citoplasmática observada. CONCLUSÃO: O eletrocautério endovascular experimental demonstrou ser capaz de induzir a destruição da camada íntima e provocar lesão térmica endovascular.

  8. Endovascular treatment of radiation-induced petrous internal carotid artery aneurysm presenting with acute haemorrhage. A report of two cases

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cheng, K.-M.; Chiu, H.-M.; Chan, C.-M.; Cheung, Y.-L.; Tang, K.-W.; Law, C.-K.


    Hemorrhage from rupture of petrous ICA aneurysm can be life threatening and emergency treatment is required. We report 2 cases of radiation-induced petrous internal carotid artery (ICA) aneurysm presenting with acute hemorrhage (epistaxis and otorrhagia) after radiotherapy (RT) for nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC). Both patients had a history of RT treatment for NPC. The first patient, a 54-year-old man, presented with sudden severe epistaxis and hemorrhagic shock. The second patient, a 35-year-old man, presented with episodes of severe otorrhagia. The first patient was immediately resuscitated. Obliteration of the aneurysm was performed by endovascular occlusion of the ICA with Guglielmi detachable coils and fibered platinum coils. For the second patient, the aneurysm was treated by deploying a self-expandable stent across the aneurysm neck. In an emergency situation, ruptured petrous ICA aneurysm can be treated with endovascular occlusion of the ICA with micro-coils if there is a good collateral blood flow. Alternatively, the aneurysm can be treated by deployment of a stent, which can induce stasis and eventual thrombosis of the aneurysm. (author)

  9. Vascular training and endovascular practice in Europe

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Liapis, C.D.; Avgerinos, E.D.; Sillesen, H.


    specialties was distributed to a VS educator within 14 European countries. European Vascular and Endovascular Monitor (EVEM) data also were processed to correlate endovascular practice with training models. RESULTS: Fourteen questionnaires were gathered. Vascular training in Europe appears in 3 models: 1....... Mono-specialty (independence): 7 countries, 2. Subspecialty: 5 countries, 3. An existing specialty within general surgery: 2 countries. Independent compared to non-independent certification shortens overall training length (5.9 vs 7.9 years, p=0.006), while increasing overall training devoted......% respectively. Countries with independent vascular certification, despite their lower average endovascular index (procedures per 100,000 population), reported a higher growth rate of aortic endovascular procedures (VS independent 132% vs VS non-independent 87%), within a four-year period (2003-2007). Peripheral...

  10. Complications in Endovascular Neurosurgery: Critical Analysis and Classification. (United States)

    Ravindra, Vijay M; Mazur, Marcus D; Park, Min S; Kilburg, Craig; Moran, Christopher J; Hardman, Rulon L; Couldwell, William T; Taussky, Philipp


    Precisely defining complications, which are used to measure overall quality, is necessary for critical review of delivery of care and quality improvement in endovascular neurosurgery, which lacks common definitions for complications. Furthermore, in endovascular interventions, events that may be labeled complications may not always negatively affect outcome. Our objective is to provide precise definitions for quality evaluation within endovascular neurosurgery. Thus, we propose an endovascular-specific classification system of complications based on our own patient series. This single-center review included all patients who had endovascular interventions from September 2013 to August 2015. Complication types were analyzed, and a descriptive analysis was undertaken to calculate the incidence of complications overall and in each category. Two hundred and seventy-five endovascular interventions were performed in 245 patients (65% female; mean age, 55 years). Forty complications occurred in 39 patients (15%), most commonly during treatment of intracranial aneurysms (24/40). Mechanical complications (eg, device deployment, catheter, or closure device failure) occurred in 8/40, technical complications (eg, failure to deploy flow diverter, unintended embolization, air emboli, retroperitoneal hemorrhage, dissection) in 11/40, judgment errors (eg, patient or equipment selection) in 9/40, and critical events (eg, groin hematoma, hemorrhagic or thromboembolic complications) in 12/40 patients. Only 12/40 complications (30%) resulted in new neurologic deficits, vessel injury requiring surgery, or blood transfusion. We propose an endovascular-specific classification system of complications with 4 categories: mechanical, technical, judgment errors, and critical events. This system provides a framework for future studies and quality control in endovascular neurosurgery. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  11. Embolization of a deep orbital varix through endovascular route

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    R Ravi Kumar


    Full Text Available We report a case of the primary deep orbital venous varix treated by endovascular coil embolization procedure by transfemoral catheterization. This method of treatment has the advantage of image-guided localization of the pathology, real-time management and confirmation of the success of the procedure in the sitting.

  12. Tratamiento de enfermedad de aorta torácica con afectación de troncos supraaórticos usando técnica combinada de cirugía convencional y tratamiento endovascular

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Antonio Jiménez Aceituno


    Conclusiones: El abordaje del arco aórtico usando técnicas endovasculares presenta el problema de la oclusión de TSA. El uso de derivaciones quirúrgicas hace posible esto. El abordaje combinado es aún una técnica nueva pero que podría ser una alternativa válida a la cirugía abierta de arco y aorta torácica descendente. Nuestra experiencia es satisfactoria, aunque no concluyente por tratarse sólo de dos casos.

  13. Endovascular Treatment of a Vertebral Artery Pseudoaneurysm Following Posterior C1-C2 Transarticular Screw Fixation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mendez, Jose C.; Gonzalez-Llanos, Francisco


    We present a case of vertebral artery pseudoaneurysm after a posterior C1-C2 transarticular screw fixation procedure that was effectively treated with endovascular coil occlusion. Vertebral artery pseudoaneurysm complicating posterior C1-C2 transarticular fixation is extremely rare, with only one previous case having been reported previously. Endovascular occlusion is better achieved in the subacute phase of the pseudoaneurysm, when the wall of the pseudoaneurysm has matured and stabilized. Further follow-up angiographies are mandatory in order to confirm that there is no recurrence of the lesion

  14. Penetrating Atherosclerotic Ulcer of the Descending Thoracic Aorta: Treatment by Endovascular Stent-Graft

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Murgo, Salvatore; Dussaussois, Luc; Golzarian, Jafar; Cavenaile, Jean Christophe; Abada, Hicham Tarik; Ferreira, Jose; Struyven, Julien


    Purpose: To present four cases of penetrating ulcer of the descending thoracic aorta treated by transfemoral insertion of an endoluminal stent-graft. Methods: Four patients with penetrating aortic ulcers were reviewed. Three cases were complicated by rupture, false aneurysm, or retrograde dissection. All patients were treated by endovascular stent-graft and were followed by helical computed tomography (CT). Results: Endovascular stent-graft deployment was successful in all patients. However, in one case we observed a perigraft leak that spontaneously disappeared within the first month, and two interventions were needed for another patient. Following treatment, one episode of transient spinal ischemia was observed. The 30-day survival rate was 100%, but one patient died from pneumonia with cardiac failure 34 days after the procedure. In one patient, helical CT performed at 3 months showed a false aneurysm independent of the first ulcer. This patient refused any further treatment and suddenly died at home (unknown cause) after a 6-month follow-up period. Conclusion: Transluminal placement of endovascular stent-grafts for treatment of penetrating ulcers of the descending thoracic aorta appears to be a possible alternative to classical surgery. After treatment, follow-up by CT is essential to detect possible complications of the disease

  15. An Unusual Endovascular Therapeutic Approach for a Rare Case of May-Thurner Syndrome. (United States)

    DaSilva-DeAbreu, Adrian; Masha, Luke; Peerbhai, Shareez


    BACKGROUND The etiology of deep venous thrombosis (DVT) may pose a significant diagnostic challenge because truly reversible causes of DVT are rare. In this regard, known pelvic anatomic abnormalities such as aortic and iliac aneurysms should be seriously considered as a complicating factor in patients presenting with acute DVT so as not to miss a potentially curable etiology of May-Thurner syndrome (MTS). CASE REPORT We report the case of a 69-year-old man with a known abdominal aortic aneurysm and bilateral iliac artery aneurysms who presented with an acute DVT. A computed tomography scan of the abdomen and pelvis showed increased dilation of his aneurysmal disease with new resultant compression of the left iliac vein representing acquired MTS. The patient underwent endovascular aneurysm repair of the infra-renal abdominal aortic aneurysm and right common iliac artery aneurysm with a Gore Excluder endoprosthesis in lieu of venous stenting, with resolution of symptoms. CONCLUSIONS Infra-renal aortic and iliac aneurysms causing MTS are extremely rare, and patients at risk for MTS through these mechanisms do not fit the classical demographics associated with this syndrome. Furthermore, this is the first case described in which MTS was treated by addressing the aneurysm through an endoprosthetic approach instead of venous stenting, which is the conventional intervention for MTS.

  16. Endovascular treatment of a true posterior communicating artery aneurysm


    Munarriz, Pablo M.; Castaño-Leon, Ana M.; Cepeda, Santiago; Campollo, Jorge; Alén, Jose F.; Lagares, Alfonso


    Background: Posterior communicating artery (PCoA) aneurysms are most commonly located at the junction of the internal carotid artery and the PCoA. "True" PCoA aneurysms, which originate from the PCoA itself, are rarely encountered. Most previously reported cases were treated surgically mainly before the endovascular option became available. Case Description: A 53-year-old male presented with sudden onset of right hemiparesis and aphasia. Left middle cerebral artery stroke was diagnosed. F...

  17. Endovascular management of sigmoid sinus dural arteriovenous fistula associated with sinus stenosis in an infant. (United States)

    Cohen, José E; Gomori, John M; Benifla, Moni; Itshayek, Eyal; Moscovici, Samuel


    A 4-month-old female presented with a dural arteriovenous fistula (DAVF), which was successfully managed using endovascular techniques. There are very few case series reporting DAVF in infants younger than 12 months and, to our knowledge, only 60 pediatric patients with DAVF have been reported to date. Although most DAVF have a benign course, they can result in life-threatening hemorrhage. Endovascular therapies are usually indicated in the management of these neurosurgical vascular malformations. Endovascular therapy of DAVF in neonatal patients presents some major issues. Gaining arterial access may be problematic in femoral arteries too small for the introduction of a sizeable guiding catheter. The volumes of contrast and infused fluids must be carefully monitored to prevent fluid overload. Radiation exposure should be restricted as far as possible. This report contributes to the limited body of evidence on neonatal DAVF and its endovascular management. Copyright © 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  18. Endovascular treatment of brain-stem arteriovenous malformations: safety and efficacy

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Liu, H.M.; Wang, Y.H.; Chen, Y.F.; Huang, K.M. [Department of Medical Imaging, National Taiwan University Hospital, 7 Chung-Shan South Road, 10016, Taipei (Taiwan); Tu, Y.K. [Division of Neurosurgery, Department of Surgery, National Taiwan University Hospital, 7 Chung-Shan South Road, 1001, Taipei (Taiwan)


    Our purpose was to evaluate the safety and efficacy of endovascular treatment of brain-stem arteriovenous malformations (AVMs), reviewing six cases managed in the last 5 years. There were four patients who presented with bleeding, one with a progressive neurological deficit and one with obstructive hydrocephalus. Of the six patients, one showed 100%, one 90%, two 75% and two about 50% angiographic obliteration of the AVM after embolisation; the volume decreased about 75% on average. Five patients had a good outcome and one an acceptable outcome, with a mild postprocedure neurological deficit; none had further bleeding during midterm follow-up. Endovascular management of a brain-stem AVM may be an alternative to treatment such as radiosurgery and microsurgery in selected cases. It may be not as risky as previously thought. Embolisation can reduce the size of the AVM and possibly make it more treatable by radiosurgery and decrease the possibility of radiation injury. (orig.)

  19. Endovascular Exclusion of Renal Artery Aneurysm

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Andersen, Poul Erik; Rohr, Nils


    A patient who was operated for an abdominal aortic aneurysm 7 years earlier presented with recently discovered iliac and renal artery aneurysms. The renal artery had an angulation of 90 o , but the aneurysm was successfully excluded using a covered vascular stent graft placed over an extrastiff guidewire. Even in cases of complex anatomy of a renal aneurysm, endovascular treatment should be considered. With development of more flexible and low-profile endoprosthesis with accurate deployment, these have become more usable

  20. Management and outcome of cardiac and endovascular cystic echinococcosis.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Marta Díaz-Menéndez


    Full Text Available BACKGROUND: Cystic echinococcosis (CE can affect the heart and the vena cava but few cases are reported. METHODS: A retrospective case series of 11 patients with cardiac and/or endovascular CE, followed-up over a period of 15 years (1995-2009 is reported. RESULTS: Main clinical manifestations included thoracic pain or dyspnea, although 2 patients were asymptomatic. Cysts were located mostly in the right atrium and inferior vena cava. Nine patients were previously diagnosed with disseminated CE. Echocardiography was the diagnostic method of choice, although serology, electrocardiogram, chest X-ray, computed tomography/magnetic resonance imaging and histology aided with diagnosis and follow-up. Nine patients underwent cardiac surgery and nine received long-term antiparasitic treatment for a median duration of 25 months (range 4-93 months. One patient died intra-operatively due to cyst rupture and endovascular dissemination. Two patients died 10 and 14 years after diagnosis, due to pulmonary embolism (PE and cardiac failure, respectively. One patient was lost to follow-up. Patients who had cardiac involvement exclusively did not have complications after surgery and were considered cured. There was only one recurrence requiring a second operation. Patients with vena cava involvement developed PEs and presented multiple complications. CONCLUSIONS: Cardiovascular CE is associated with a high risk of potentially lethal complications. Clinical manifestations and complications vary according to cyst location. Isolated cardiac CE may be cured after surgery, while endovascular extracardiac involvement is associated with severe chronic complications. CE should be included in the differential diagnosis of cardiovascular disease in patients from endemic areas.

  1. Endovascular treatment of spine and spinal cord lesions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Berenstein, A.


    Completing this comprehensive series on endovascular interventional angiography, Volume 5 focuses on the vascular abnormalities of the spine and spinal cord. It is based on the detailed functional vascular anatomy described in Volume 3 and the principles and function of endovascular treatment described in Volumes 1-4. As in the companion volumes, the unique approach gives view of the disease itself, its anatomical features and its clinical presentation. The technical aspects of the interventional or endovascular neuroradiology are built upon the solid analysis of the disease and its angioarchitecture. The recent developments in endovascular procedures, such as aneurysm treatment, angioplasty, and vascular recanalizations, are reviewed. (orig.). 118 figs. in 442 separate illustrations

  2. Endovascular Treatment of Chronic Mesenteric Ischemia: Report of Five Cases

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nyman, Ulf; Ivancev, Krasnodar; Lindh, Mats; Uher, Petr


    Purpose: To evaluate the midterm results of percutaneous transluminal angioplasty (PTA) and stent placement in stenotic and occluded mesenteric arteries in five consecutive patients with chronic mesenteric ischemia. Methods: Five patients with 70%-100% obliterations of all mesenteric vessels resulting in chronic mesenteric ischemia (n= 4) and as a prophylactic measure prior to abdominal aortic aneurysm repair (n= 1) underwent PTA of celiac and/or superior mesenteric artery (SMA) stenoses (n= 2), primary stenting of ostial celiac occlusions (n= 2), and secondary stenting of a SMA occlusion (n= 1; recoil after initial PTA). All patients underwent duplex ultrasonography (US) (n= 3) and/or angiography (n= 5) during a median follow-up of 21 months (range 8-42 months). Results: Clinical success was obtained in all five patients. Asymptomatic significant late restenoses (n3) were successfully treated with repeat PTA (n= 2) and stenting of an SMA occlusion (n= 1; celiac stent restenosis). Recurrent pain in one patient was interpreted as secondary to postsurgical abdominal adhesions. Two puncture-site complications occurred requiring local surgical treatment. Conclusions: Endovascular techniques may be attempted prior to surgery in cases of stenotic or short occlusive lesions in patients with chronic mesenteric ischemia. Surgery may still be preferred in patients with long occlusions and a low operative risk

  3. Emergency Endovascular “Bridge” Treatment for Iliac-Enteric Fistula

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Franchin, Marco; Tozzi, Matteo; Piffaretti, Gabriele; Carrafiello, Gianpaolo; Castelli, Patrizio


    Aortic aneurysm has been reported to be the dominant cause of primary iliac-enteric fistula (IEF) in >70% of cases [1]; other less common causes of primary IEF include peptic ulcer, primary aortitis, pancreatic pseudocyst, or neoplastic erosion into an adjacent artery [2, 3]. We describe an unusual case of IEF managed with a staged approach using an endovascular stent-graft as a “bridge” in the emergency setting to optimize the next elective definitive excision of the lesion.

  4. Flow and wall shear stress characterization following endovascular aneurysm repair and endovascular aneurysm sealing in an infrarenal aneurysm model

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Boersen, Johannes T.; Groot Jebbink, Erik; Versluis, Michel; Slump, Cornelis H.; Ku, David N.; de Vries, Jean-Paul P.M.; Reijnen, Michel M.P.J.


    Background Endovascular aneurysm repair (EVAR) with a modular endograft has become the preferred treatment for abdominal aortic aneurysms. A novel concept is endovascular aneurysm sealing (EVAS), consisting of dual endoframes surrounded by polymer-filled endobags. This dual-lumen configuration is

  5. Endovascular treatment of acute arterial complications after living-donor liver transplantation

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Jeon, G.S. [Department of Diagnostic Radiology, Ajou University Hospital, School of Medicine, San 5, Wonchun-dong, Youngtong-gu, Suwon, Gyeonggido 443-721 (Korea, Republic of); Won, J.H. [Department of Diagnostic Radiology, Ajou University Hospital, School of Medicine, San 5, Wonchun-dong, Youngtong-gu, Suwon, Gyeonggido 443-721 (Korea, Republic of)], E-mail:; Wang, H.J.; Kim, B.W. [Department of Surgery, Ajou University Hospital, School of Medicine, San 5, Wonchun-dong, Youngtong-gu, Suwon, Gyeonggido 443-721 (Korea, Republic of); Lee, B.M. [Department of Surgery, Aerospace medical center, Ssangsu-ri, Cheongwon-gun, Chungcheongbuk-do 363-849 (Korea, Republic of)


    Aim: The aim of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of endovascular treatment for acute arterial complications following living-donor liver transplantation (LDLT). Materials and methods: Of 79 LDLT patients, 17 (mean age 48 {+-} 8 years, range 33-66 years) who had acute arterial complications and underwent endovascular treatment were evaluated. Transcatheter arterial embolization was performed to control peritoneal bleeding. Catheter-directed thrombolysis using urokinase was performed in hepatic artery thromboses. The locations of complications and materials used were evaluated. The technical and clinical success rates were calculated. Results: Twenty-three acute arterial complications, including four hepatic artery thromboses and 19 cases of peritoneal haemorrhages were identified in 22 angiographic sessions in 17 patients. The mean duration between LDLT and first angiography was 3.2 {+-} 3.5 days (range 1-13 days). Hepatic artery recanalization with catheter-directed thrombolysis using urokinase was achieved in two patients. Transcatheter arterial embolization for peritoneal bleeding was successfully performed in 16 cases. The most common bleeding focus was the right inferior phrenic artery. Additional surgical management was needed in five patients to control bleeding or hepatic artery recanalization. Technical and clinical success rates of transcatheter arterial embolization were 84.2 and 63.1%, respectively. Overall technical success was achieved in 18 of 23 arterial complications (78.2%), and clinical success was achieved in 14 of 23 arterial complications (60.8%). Conclusion: Endovascular treatment for the acute arterial complications of haemorrhage or thrombosis in LDLT patients is safe and effective. Therefore, it should be considered as the first line of treatment in selective cases.

  6. Potential advantages and limitations of the Leo stent in endovascular treatment of complex cerebral aneurysms

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lv Xianli; Li Youxiang; Jiang Chuhan; Yang Xinjian [Beijing Neurosurgical Institute and Beijing Tiantan Hospital, Capital Medical University, 6, Tiantan Xili, 100050 Hebei, Beijing (China); Wu Zhongxue, E-mail: [Beijing Neurosurgical Institute and Beijing Tiantan Hospital, Capital Medical University, 6, Tiantan Xili, 100050 Hebei, Beijing (China)


    Objective: The Leo self-expandable stent is a new retractable stent that is delivered via a conventional catheter. The aim of this study was to evaluate the use of this stent for endovascular treatment of complex aneurysms. Methods: Twenty-eight complex cerebral aneurysms (27 saccular and 1 fusiform) in 28 patients were treated electively. They were located at the internal carotid artery (17), basilar trunk (3), anterior cerebral artery (1), anterior communicating artery (3), vertebral artery (2) and middle cerebral artery (2). One aneurysm exhibited recanalization after primary endovascular treatment without stent. Clinical outcome was assessed with the modified Glasgow Outcome Scale. Results: Deployment of Leo stent was successful in 26 lesions, and difficulties in stent positioning due to tortuous cerebral circulation in 2 cases, which were treated with Neuroform stent. Additional coil embolization was performed in 26 lesions. No permanent neurological deficits were encountered consequent to endovascular procedure. Complete or partial occlusion immediately after stent deployment was achieved in all aneurysms. There was no immediate coil embolization was chosen in 3 cases because of subsequent reduced filling of the aneurysms with contrast agent on angiograms. There were 3 asymptomatic parent artery occlusion related to the deployment of the Leo stent, one stent migration. Follow-up revealed patent stents in the remaining cases. No angiographic recurrences arose. Conclusion: The Leo stent is very useful for endovascular treatment of complex cerebral aneurysms because it is easy to navigate and place precisely. A drawback is that in-stent thrombosis caused by stent placement and stiffer delivery catheters to place larger stents.

  7. Endovascular Treatment of Ruptured Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm with Aortocaval Fistula

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Guzzardi, Giuseppe; Fossaceca, Rita; Divenuto, Ignazio; Musiani, Antonello; Brustia, Piero; Carriero, Alessandro


    Aortocaval fistula (ACF) is a rare complication of abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA). We report the endovascular repair of an AAA rupture into the inferior vena cava. A 78-year-old woman was admitted to our hospital for acute hypotension. She presented with a pulsatile abdominal mass and became rapidly anuric. Abdominal computed tomography (CT) showed an AAA rupture into the inferior vena cava. The features of the AAA made it suitable for endovascular repair. To prevent pulmonary embolism caused by the presence of sac thrombosis near the vena cava lumen, a temporary vena cava filter was deployed before the procedure. A bifurcated stent-graft was placed with the patient under local anaesthesia, and the AAA was successfully treated. A transient type II endoleak was detected on CT 3 days after endograft placement. At routine follow-up 6 and 12 months after the procedure, the patient was in good clinical condition, and the type II endoleak had sealed completely. Endovascular treatment offers an attractive therapeutic alternative to open repair in case of ACF; however, only small numbers of patients have been treated, and long-term follow-up interval is lacking.

  8. Preliminary clinical study on endovascular treatment of posterior inferior cerebellar artery aneurysms

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhao Bing; Zhong Ming; Tan Xianxi; Zheng Kuang; Zhang Mingsheng; Yin Jian; He Wengen


    Objective: To study the methods and results of endovascular treatment of posterior inferior cerebellar artery (PICA) aneurysms. Methods: Twenty-one patients with PICA aneurysms were treated with endovascular treatment. The locations of aneurysm on PICA were evaluated through the DSA. Eight patients received single coil embolization, 5 received liquid Glue embolization, 2 received coil embolization combined with liquid Glue, 2 received coil embolization assisted with stents, and 4 underwent occlusion of the parent PICA. Outcome was evaluated with the Glasgow outcome scale (GOS). Results: There were complete (100%) occlusion in 5 patients, near complete (> 90%) occlusion in 2, and incomplete (85%) occlusion in 1 in single coil embolization. Seven patients with Glue embolization (n=5) or combination with coils (n=2) exhibited complete (100%) occlusion. There were near complete (>90%) occlusion in 2 cases with coil assisted with stents. Complete occlusion of the parent PICA was achieved in 3 patients, and near complete occlusion of PICA in one case. One patient suffered from new neurological deficits, and one patient treated with coils and stents died. None of the patients suffered from re-bleeding. There patients received follow-up during a mean period of (22 ± 8) months. Overall long-term outcome was good (GOS score 4 or 5) in 17 patients, poor (GOS score 2 or 3) in 3, and fatal (GOS score 1 ) in one case. Conclusions: According to the location of aneurysms on PICA, aneurysms can be effectively and safely treated with endovascular embolization. (authors)

  9. Endovascular repair of blunt popliteal arterial injuries

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Zhong, Shan; Zhang, Xiquan; Chen, Zhong; Zhu, Wei; Pan, Xiaolin [Dept. of nterventional Vascular, The 148th Hospital of Chinese People' s Liberation Army, Zibo (China); Dong, Peng; Sun, Yequan [Dept. of Medical Imaging, Weifang Medical University, Weifang (China); Qi, Deming [Dept. of Medical Imaging, Qilu Medical University, Zibo (China)


    To evaluate the feasibility and effectiveness of endovascular repair for blunt popliteal arterial injuries. A retrospective analysis of seven patients with clinical suspicion of popliteal arterial injuries that were confirmed by arteriography was performed from September 2009 to July 2014. Clinical data included demographics, mechanism of injury, type of injury, location of injury, concomitant injuries, time of endovascular procedures, time interval from trauma to blood flow restoration, instrument utilized, and follow-up. All patients were male (mean age of 35.9 ± 10.3 years). The type of lesion involved intimal injury (n = 1), partial transection (n = 2), complete transection (n = 2), arteriovenous fistula (n = 1), and pseudoaneurysm (n = 1). All patients underwent endovascular repair of blunt popliteal arterial injuries. Technical success rate was 100%. Intimal injury was treated with a bare-metal stent. Pseudoaneurysm and popliteal artery transections were treated with bare-metal stents. Arteriovenous fistula was treated with bare-metal stent and coils. No perioperative death and procedure-related complication occurred. The average follow-up was 20.9 ± 2.3 months (range 18–24 months). One patient underwent intra-arterial thrombolysis due to stent thrombosis at 18 months after the procedure. All limbs were salvaged. Stent migration, deformation, or fracture was not found during the follow-up. Endovascular repair seems to be a viable approach for patients with blunt popliteal arterial injuries, especially on an emergency basis. Endovascular repair may be effective in the short-term. Further studies are required to evaluate the long-term efficacy of endovascular repair.

  10. Construct canine intracranial aneurysm model by endovascular technique

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Liang Xiaodong; Liu Yizhi; Ni Caifang; Ding Yi


    Objective: To construct canine bifurcation aneurysms suitable for evaluating the exploration of endovascular devices for interventional therapy by endovascular technique. Methods: The right common carotid artery of six dogs was expanded with a pliable balloon by means of endovascular technique, then embolization with detached balloon was taken at their originations DAS examination were performed on 1, 2, 3 d after the procedurse. Results: 6 aneurysm models were created in six dogs successfully with the mean width and height of the aneurysms decreasing in 3 days. Conclusions: This canine aneurysm model presents the virtue in the size and shape of human cerebral bifurcation saccular aneurysms on DSA image, suitable for developing the exploration of endovascular devices for aneurismal therapy. The procedure is quick, reliable and reproducible. (authors)

  11. Endovascular Treatment of Epistaxis: Indications, Management, and Outcome

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Strach, Katharina; Schröck, Andreas; Wilhelm, Kai; Greschus, Susanne; Tschampa, Henriette; Möhlenbruch, Markus; Naehle, Claas P.; Jakob, Mark; Gerstner, Andreas O. H.; Bootz, Friedrich; Schild, Hans H.; Urbach, Horst


    Objective: Epistaxis is a common clinical problem, and the majority of bleedings can be managed conservatively. However, due to extensive and sometimes life-threatening bleeding, further treatment, such as superselective embolization, may be required. We report our experience with endovascular treatment of life-threatening epistaxis. Methods: All patients presenting with excessive epistaxis, which received endovascular treatment at a German tertiary care facility between January 2001 and December 2009, were retrospectively identified. Demographic data, etiology, origin and clinical relevance of bleeding, interventional approach, therapy-associated complications, and outcome were assessed. Results: A total of 48 patients required 53 embolizations. Depending on the etiology of bleeding, patients were assigned to three groups: 1) idiopathic epistaxis (31/48), 2) traumatic or iatrogenic epistaxis (12/48), and 3) hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia (HHT) (5/48). Eleven of 48 patients required blood transfusions, and 9 of these 11 patients (82%) were termed clinically unstable. The sphenopalatine artery was embolized unilaterally in 10 of 53 (18.9%) and bilaterally in 41 of 53 (77.4%) procedures. During the same procedure, additional vessels were embolized in three patients (3/53; 5.7%). In 2 of 53(3.8%) cases, the internal carotid artery (ICA) was occluded. Long-term success rates of embolization were 29 of 31 (93.5%) for group 1 and 11 of 12 (91.7%) for group 2 patients. Embolization of patients with HHT offered at least a temporary relief in three of five (60%) cases. Two major complications (necrosis of nasal tip and transient hemiparesis) occurred after embolization. Conclusions: Endovascular treatment proves to be effective for prolonged and life-threatening epistaxis. It is easily repeatable if the first procedure is not successful and offers a good risk–benefit profile.

  12. Acute Iliac Artery Rupture: Endovascular Treatment

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chatziioannou, A.; Mourikis, D.; Katsimilis, J.; Skiadas, V.; Koutoulidis, V.; Katsenis, K.; Vlahos, L.


    The authors present 7 patients who suffered iliac artery rupture over a 2 year period. In 5 patients, the rupture was iatrogenic: 4 cases were secondary to balloon angioplasty for iliac artery stenosis and 1 occurred during coronary angioplasty. In the last 2 patients, the rupture was secondary to iliac artery mycotic aneurysm. Direct placement of a stent-graft was performed in all cases, which was dilated until extravasation was controlled. Placement of the stent-graft was successful in all the cases, without any complications. The techniques used, results, and mid-term follow-up are presented. In conclusion, endovascular placement of a stent-graft is a quick, minimally invasive, efficient, and safe method for emergency treatment of acute iliac artery rupture, with satisfactory short- and mid-term results

  13. Giant cervical internal carotid artery pseudoaneurysm in a child: endovascular treatment

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Koeroglu, M.; Arat, A.; Cekirge, S.; Akpinar, E. [Hacettepe University, Department of Radiology, 06100 Ankara (Turkey); Eryilmaz, A.; Akmansu, H. [Ankara Numune Research and Education Hospital, ENT Department, Ankara (Turkey); Koeroglu, Kale B. [Ankara Numune Research and Education Hospital, Internal Medicine Department, Ankara (Turkey)


    We report a child with a giant upper cervical internal carotid artery pseudoaneurysm presenting with dysphagia, respiratory distress and a sentinel mild epistaxis, then massive epistaxis. Rupture of the pseudoaneurysm during treatment occurred, as in one reported case. Prompt endovascular treatment yielded a good outcome. (orig.)

  14. Giant cervical internal carotid artery pseudoaneurysm in a child: endovascular treatment

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Koeroglu, M.; Arat, A.; Cekirge, S.; Akpinar, E.; Eryilmaz, A.; Akmansu, H.; Koeroglu, Kale B.


    We report a child with a giant upper cervical internal carotid artery pseudoaneurysm presenting with dysphagia, respiratory distress and a sentinel mild epistaxis, then massive epistaxis. Rupture of the pseudoaneurysm during treatment occurred, as in one reported case. Prompt endovascular treatment yielded a good outcome. (orig.)

  15. Endovascular treatment of posterior cerebral artery aneurysms using detachable coils

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Roh, Hong Gee [Kangwon National University Hospital, Department of Radiology, Chuncheon, Kangwon-do (Korea); Konkuk University Hospital, Department of Radiology, Seoul (Korea); Kim, Sam Soo; Han, Heon [Kangwon National University Hospital, Department of Radiology, Chuncheon, Kangwon-do (Korea); Kang, Hyun-Seung [Konkuk University Hospital, Department of Neurosurgery, Seoul (Korea); Moon, Won-Jin [Konkuk University Hospital, Department of Radiology, Seoul (Korea); Byun, Hong Sik [Sungkyunkwan University School of Medicine, Department of Radiology and Center for Imaging Science, Samsung Medical Center, Seoul (Korea)


    Aneurysms of the posterior cerebral artery (PCA) are rare, and most of the studies reported in the literature in which the endovascular approach was applied were carried out on a limited number of patients with PCA aneurysms. We retrospectively reviewed our cases of PCA aneurysms - at various locations and of differing shapes - that received endovascular treatment and evaluated the treatment outcome. From January 1996 to December 2006, 13 patients (eight females and five males) with 17 PCA aneurysms (nine fusiform and eight saccular) were treated using the endovascular approach. The age of the patients ranged from 20 to 67 years, with a mean age of 44 years. Of the 13 patients, ten presented with intracranial hemorrhage, and one patient, with a large P2 aneurysm, presented with trigeminal neuralgia; the aneurysms were asymptomatic in the remaining two patients. All 13 patients were successfully treated, with only one procedure-related symptomatic complication. Seven patients were treated by occlusion of the aneurysm and parent artery together; five patients, by selective embolization of the aneurysm; one patient, by partial coiling. Although infarctions were found in two patients treated with selective embolization and in three patients treated with parent artery occlusion, only one patient with a ruptured P2 aneurysm treated with parent artery occlusion developed transient amnesia as an ischemic symptom. Posterior cerebral artery aneurysms can be treated safely with either occlusion of the aneurysm together with the PCA or with a selective coil embolization. Infarctions may occur after endovascular treatment, but they are rarely the cause of a disabling symptom. (orig.)

  16. Cervical mycotic aneurysm in an infant. MRI findings and endovascular treatment

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ramos Taboada, Luciana; Foa Torres, Gustavo; Tejada, Graciela; Castellari, Mario; Oulton, Carlos A.


    A case of cervical mycotic aneurysm in a 6-month-old infant is presented. Eight days after birth the preterm newborn had a perforated necrotizing enterocolitis. Treatment included abdominal percutaneous drainage and surgery. Hemo cultures grew staphylococcus aureus methicillin resistant. Antibiotic therapy was indicated with a favorable evolution. Five months later the infant showed a lateral cervical mass nad hemorrhagic fluid in her right external auditory canal. Ultrasound and MRI were performed. MRI demonstrated a heterogeneous fluid-containing neck mass, similar in appearance to a parapharyngeal hematoma, with flow void sign. Digital substraction angiography (DSA) was performed to highlight the vascular anatomy demonstrating a mycotic aneurysm adjacent to the ascendent pharyngeal artery. The endovascular treatment with Histoacryl-Lipiodol was successful without any technical or neurological complications. Mycotic aneurysm is a very rare, but potentially fatal complication in infants. In our case report, MRI and DSA provided an accurate diagnosis leading to a rapid endovascular therapy. (author)

  17. Virtual reality simulation for the optimization of endovascular procedures: current perspectives

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rudarakanchana N


    Full Text Available Nung Rudarakanchana,1 Isabelle Van Herzeele,2 Liesbeth Desender,2 Nicholas JW Cheshire1 1Department of Surgery, Imperial College London, London, UK; 2Department of Thoracic and Vascular Surgery, Ghent University Hospital, Ghent, BelgiumOn behalf of EVEREST (European Virtual reality Endovascular RESearch TeamAbstract: Endovascular technologies are rapidly evolving, often requiring coordination and cooperation between clinicians and technicians from diverse specialties. These multidisciplinary interactions lead to challenges that are reflected in the high rate of errors occurring during endovascular procedures. Endovascular virtual reality (VR simulation has evolved from simple benchtop devices to full physic simulators with advanced haptics and dynamic imaging and physiological controls. The latest developments in this field include the use of fully immersive simulated hybrid angiosuites to train whole endovascular teams in crisis resource management and novel technologies that enable practitioners to build VR simulations based on patient-specific anatomy. As our understanding of the skills, both technical and nontechnical, required for optimal endovascular performance improves, the requisite tools for objective assessment of these skills are being developed and will further enable the use of VR simulation in the training and assessment of endovascular interventionalists and their entire teams. Simulation training that allows deliberate practice without danger to patients may be key to bridging the gap between new endovascular technology and improved patient outcomes.Keywords: virtual reality, simulation, endovascular, aneurysm

  18. ''de novo'' aneurysms following endovascular procedures

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Briganti, F.; Cirillo, S.; Caranci, F. [Department of Neurological Sciences, Services of Neuroradiology, ' ' Federico II' ' University, Naples (Italy); Esposito, F.; Maiuri, F. [Department of Neurological Sciences, Services of Neurosurgery, ' ' Federico II' ' University, Naples (Italy)


    Two personal cases of ''de novo'' aneurysms of the anterior communicating artery (ACoA) occurring 9 and 4 years, respectively, after endovascular carotid occlusion are described. A review of the 30 reported cases (including our own two) of ''de novo'' aneurysms after occlusion of the major cerebral vessels has shown some features, including a rather long time interval after the endovascular procedure of up to 20-25 years (average 9.6 years), a preferential ACoA (36.3%) and internal carotid artery-posterior communicating artery (ICA-PCoA) (33.3%) location of the ''de novo'' aneurysms, and a 10% rate of multiple aneurysms. These data are compared with those of the group of reported spontaneous ''de novo'' aneurysms after SAH or previous aneurysm clipping. We agree that the frequency of ''de novo'' aneurysms after major-vessel occlusion (two among ten procedures in our series, or 20%) is higher than commonly reported (0 to 11%). For this reason, we suggest that patients who have been submitted to endovascular major-vessel occlusion be followed up for up to 20-25 years after the procedure, using non-invasive imaging studies such as MR angiography and high-resolution CT angiography. On the other hand, periodic digital angiography has a questionable risk-benefit ratio; it may be used when a ''de novo'' aneurysm is detected or suspected on non-invasive studies. The progressive enlargement of the ACoA after carotid occlusion, as described in our case 1, must be considered a radiological finding of risk for ''de novo'' aneurysm formation. (orig.)

  19. Endovascular Placement of an Extraluminal Femoropopliteal Bypass Graft in Human Cadavers

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Maynar, Manuel; Llorens, Rafael; Lopez-Sanchez, Carmen; Garcia-Martinez, Virginio; Qian Zhong; Lopera, Jorge; Castaneda, Wilfrido R.


    Purpose. A method to create an extraluminal femoropopliteal bypass graft using endovascular techniques was evaluated in situ on cadaver extremities in an attempt to develop a minimally invasive alternative technique for the management of infrainguinal occlusive arterial disease. Methods. The endovascular placement of an extraluminal femoropopliteal bypass graft was undertaken in 5 cadaver legs. Following percutaneous access to the popliteal artery (PA) or common femoral artery (CFA), a Rosch-Uchida needle was used to perforate the vascular wall, followed by the creation of an extraluminal tract using a looped wire and catheter. Once the desired level was reached the needle was again used to perforate the vascular wall of the proximal superficial femoral artery (SFA) or PA depending on the access used. Self-expanding expanded polytetrafluoroethylene (ePTFE) stent-grafts were then deployed to establish the extraluminal femoropopliteal bypass connecting the two arterial puncture sites. Following dilatation of the stent-graft, angiography was performed to assess the endoprostheses and to look for contrast leaks. Results. Technical success was achieved in all 5 legs. Procedure time varied from 15 to 30 min. The angiographic studies performed immediately after completion of the bypass procedure showed patency of the grafts with no evidence of kinking or leakage in any of the cases. Conclusion. This study has proved that the endovascular placement of an extraluminal femoropopliteal bypass graft in human cadaver legs using endovascular techniques under fluoroscopic control is technically feasible

  20. Bilateral spontaneous internal carotid artery dissection managed with endovascular stenting – A case report

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Manoj Kumar Agarwala


    We describe a patient with ischemic stroke from spontaneous bilateral ICAD with completely occluded left ICA. Having failed medical therapy with antiplatelets and anticoagulants due to extensive loss of carotid vascular supply, he was managed successfully with endovascular stenting with good neurological recovery.

  1. Endovascular Intervention for Acute Ischemic Stroke in Light of Recent Trials

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Kenan Alkhalili


    Full Text Available Three recently published trials, MR RESCUE, IMS III, and SYNTHESIS Expansion, evaluating the efficacy and safety of endovascular treatment of acute ischemic stroke have generated concerns about the future of endovascular approach. However, the tremendous evolution that imaging and endovascular treatment modalities have undergone over the past several years has raised doubts about the validity of these trials. In this paper, we review the role of endovascular treatment strategies in acute ischemic stroke and discuss the limitations and shortcomings that prevent generalization of the findings of recent trials. We also provide our experience in endovascular treatment of acute ischemic stroke.

  2. A look into the endovascular crystal ball

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Schroeder, Torben Veith


    This paper summarizes the highlights of the 15th International Workshop of Endovascular Surgery, held in Ajaccio in June 2008. This is an annual event that attracts leading endovascular therapists from both sides of the Atlantic Ocean as well as a contingency from down-under. The layout of this m...

  3. Mid- and Long-Term Results of Endovascular Treatment in Thoracic Aorta Blunt Trauma

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Luigi Irace


    Full Text Available Study Aim. Evaluation of results in blunt injury of the thoracic aorta (BAI endovascular treatment. Materials and Methods. Sixteen patients were treated for BAI. Thirteen patients had associated polytrauma, 4 of these had a serious hypotensive status and 4 had an hemothorax. In the remaining 3, two had a post-traumatic false aneurysm of the isthmus and 1 had a segmental dissection. In those 13 patients a periaortic hematoma was associated to hemothorax in 4. All patients were submitted to an endovascular treatment, in two cases the subclavian artery ostium was intentionally covered. Results. One patient died for disseminated intravascular coagulation. No paraplegia was recorded. No ischemic complications were observed. A type I endoleak was treated by an adjunctive cuff. During the followup (1–9 years 3 patients were lost. A good patency and no endoleaks were observed in all cases. One infolding and 1 migration of the endografts were corrected by an adjunctive cuff. Conclusion. The medium and long term results of the endovascular treatment of BAI are encouraging with a low incidence rate of mortality and complications. More suitable endo-suite and endografts could be a crucial point for the further improvement of these results.

  4. Endovascular Treatment of a Gastroduodenal Artery Pseudoaneurysm Rupture after a Car Accident

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sofia Dutra


    Full Text Available The authors present a case of a 39-year-old man with alcoholic chronic pancreatitis that was admitted in the emergency department after a car accident, complaining of abdominal pain and looking pale. The patient was hemodinamically unstable, requiring blood transfusions. He underwent computed tomography angiogram of the abdomen and pelvis, showing a pseudoaneurysm of the gastroduodenal artery and a hemoperitoneum. He was referred to our interventional radiology unit and submitted to endovascular treatment, consisting of ‘backdoor’ and ‘frontdoor’ embolization of the gastroduodenal artery and pseudoaneurysm neck with coils, with total exclusion in control angiography. With this case description we intend to highlight the rarity of the pseudoaneurysm rupture of the gastroduodenal artery and to emphasize the importance of an interventional radiology response that had a fundamental role in the endovascular treatment, in an emergency context.

  5. Clipping in Awake Surgery as End-Stage in a Complex Internal Carotid Artery Aneurysm After Failure of Multimodal Endovascular and Extracranial-Intracranial Bypass Treatment. (United States)

    Cannizzaro, Delia; Peschillo, Simone; Mancarella, Cristina; La Pira, Biagia; Rastelli, Emanuela; Passacantilli, Emiliano; Santoro, Antonio


    Intracranial carotid artery aneurysm can be treated via microsurgical or endovascular techniques. The optimal planning is the result of the careful patient selection through clinical, anatomic, and angiographic analysis. We present a case of ruptured internal carotid artery (ICA) aneurysm that became a complex aneurysm after failure of multi-endovascular and surgery treatment. We describe complete trapping in awake craniotomy after failure of coiling, stenting, and bypassing. ICA aneurysms could become complex aneurysms following multi-treatment failure. Endovascular approaches to treat ICA aneurysms include coiling, stenting, flow diverter stenting, and stenting-assisted coiling technique. The role of surgery remains relevant. To avoid severe neurologic deficits, recurrence, and the need of retreatment, a multidisciplinary discussion with experienced endovascular and vascular neurosurgeons is mandatory in such complex cases. Copyright © 2017 National Stroke Association. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  6. Endovascular therapy of carotid stenosis with self-expandable stent

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Liu Jianmin; Huang Qinghai; Hong Bo; Xu Yi; Zhao Wenyuan; Zhang Yongwei; Zhang Long; Zhou Xiaoping


    Objective: To summarize the experience of endovascular treatment of carotid stenosis with expandable stents. Methods: Fifty-two patients with carotid stenosis who experienced repeated transient ischemic attacks or cerebral infarction were admitted to our hospital. The stenosis was pre-expanded with undetachable balloon, and self-expandable stents were implanted across the stenosis. A balloon catheter was used to further expand stents in 29 patients. Results: The stent was accurately implanted, and total disappearance of stenosis was obtained in 34 patients, the degree of stenosis reduced more than 90% in 16 patients, and more than 70% in 2 patients. The patients recovered well and no complications related to the procedure occurred. None experienced TIA or infarction postoperatively in 52 cases and follow-up imaging in 19 patients (6 - 12 months) demonstrated no restenosis. Conclusion: Endovascular stenting may be a safe and valid choice for the treatment of extracranial carotid stenosis

  7. Fenestrated endovascular aortic aneurysm repair using physician-modified endovascular grafts versus company-manufactured devices. (United States)

    Dossabhoy, Shernaz S; Simons, Jessica P; Flahive, Julie M; Aiello, Francesco A; Sheth, Parth; Arous, Edward J; Messina, Louis M; Schanzer, Andres


    Fenestrated endografts are customized, patient-specific endovascular devices with potential to reduce morbidity and mortality of complex aortic aneurysm repair. With approval from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, our center began performing fenestrated endovascular aneurysm repair through a physician-sponsored investigational device exemption (IDE #G130210), using both physician-modified endografts (PMEGs) and company-manufactured devices (CMDs). Because these techniques are associated with specific advantages and disadvantages, we sought to investigate differences in outcomes between PMEG and CMD cases. A single-institution retrospective review of all fenestrated endovascular aneurysm repairs was performed. The cohort was analyzed by device type (PMEG or CMD) after matching of cases on the basis of (1) number of target vessels intended for treatment, (2) extent of aneurysm, (3) aneurysm diameter, (4) device configuration, and (5) date of operation. Outcomes of ruptures, common iliac artery aneurysms, and aortic arch aneurysms were excluded. Demographics, operative details, perioperative complications, length of stay, and reinterventions were compared. For patients with >1 year of follow-up time, survival, type I or type III endoleak rate, target artery patency, and reintervention rate were estimated using the Kaplan-Meier method. Between November 30, 2010, and July 30, 2016, 82 patients were identified and matched. The cohort included 41 PMEG and 41 CMD patients who underwent repair of 38 juxtarenal (PMEG, 17; CMD, 21; P = .38), 14 pararenal (PMEG, 6; CMD, 8; P = .56), and 30 thoracoabdominal type I to type IV (PMEG, 18; CMD, 12; P = .17) aneurysms. There were significant differences in presentation requiring urgent aneurysm repair (PMEG, 9; CMD, 0; P = .002), total fluoroscopy time (PMEG, 76 minutes; CMD, 61 minutes; P = .02), volume of contrast material used (PMEG, 88 mL; CMD, 70 mL; P = .02), in-operating room to out-of-operating room time

  8. Virtual reality simulation for the optimization of endovascular procedures: current perspectives. (United States)

    Rudarakanchana, Nung; Van Herzeele, Isabelle; Desender, Liesbeth; Cheshire, Nicholas J W


    Endovascular technologies are rapidly evolving, often requiring coordination and cooperation between clinicians and technicians from diverse specialties. These multidisciplinary interactions lead to challenges that are reflected in the high rate of errors occurring during endovascular procedures. Endovascular virtual reality (VR) simulation has evolved from simple benchtop devices to full physic simulators with advanced haptics and dynamic imaging and physiological controls. The latest developments in this field include the use of fully immersive simulated hybrid angiosuites to train whole endovascular teams in crisis resource management and novel technologies that enable practitioners to build VR simulations based on patient-specific anatomy. As our understanding of the skills, both technical and nontechnical, required for optimal endovascular performance improves, the requisite tools for objective assessment of these skills are being developed and will further enable the use of VR simulation in the training and assessment of endovascular interventionalists and their entire teams. Simulation training that allows deliberate practice without danger to patients may be key to bridging the gap between new endovascular technology and improved patient outcomes.

  9. Endovascular treatment of the subclavian artery aneurysm in high-risk patient - a single-center experience

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Marjanović Ivan


    Full Text Available We present our first experience with endovascular treatment of 6 subclavian artery aneurysms (SAA occurring in five male and one female patient. All patients, in our studies, according to ASA classification were high risk for open repair of SAA. The etiology of the all aneurysms was atherosclerosis degeneration of the artery. Two aneurysms were of intrathoracic location, then the other were extrathoracic. Symptoms related to subclavian artery aneurysms were present in two patients, compression and chest pain in one, and hemorrhage shock in second, while the remaining patients were asymptomatic. We preferred the Viabhan endoprosthesis for endovascular repair in 5 cases. In one patient with ruptured of subclavian artery aneurysm who was high-risk for open repair we made combined endovascular procedure. First at all, we covered the origin of left subclavian artery with thoracic stent graft and after that we put two coils in proximal part of subclavian artery. There was no operative mortality, and the early patency rate was 100%. The follow-up period was from 3 months to 3 years. During this period, one patient died of heart failure and one patient required endovascular reoperation due to endoleak type I. Endovascular treatment is recommended for all patients with subclavian artery aneurysm whenever this is possible due to anatomical reasons especially in high-risk patient with intrathoracic localization of aneurysm, to prevent potential complications.

  10. Long-Term Follow-Up After Endovascular Treatment of Acute Aortic Emergencies

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pitton, M. B.; Herber, S.; Schmiedt, W.; Neufang, A.; Dorweiler, B.; Dueber, C.


    Purpose. To investigate the long-term outcome and efficacy of emergency treatment of acute aortic diseases with endovascular stent-grafts. Methods. From September 1995 to April 2007, 37 patients (21 men, 16 women; age 53.9 ± 19.2 years, range 18-85 years) with acute complications of diseases of the descending thoracic aorta were treated by endovascular stent-grafts: traumatic aortic ruptures (n = 9), aortobronchial fistulas due to penetrating ulcer or hematothorax (n = 6), acute type B dissections with aortic wall hematoma, penetration, or ischemia (n = 13), and symptomatic aneurysm of the thoracic aorta (n = 9) with pain, penetration, or rupture. Diagnosis was confirmed by contrast-enhanced CT. Multiplanar reformations were used for measurement of the landing zones of the stent-grafts. Stent-grafts were inserted via femoral or iliac cut-down. Two procedures required aortofemoral bypass grafting prior to stent-grafting due to extensive arteriosclerotic stenosis of the iliac arteries. In this case the bypass graft was used for introduction of the stent-graft. Results. A total of 46 stent-grafts were implanted: Vanguard/Stentor (n = 4), Talent (n = 31), and Valiant (n = 11). Stent-graft extension was necessary in 7 cases. In 3 cases primary graft extension was done during the initial procedure (in 1 case due to distal migration of the graft during stent release, in 2 cases due to the total length of the aortic aneurysm). In 4 cases secondary graft extensions were performed-for new aortic ulcers at the proximal stent struts (after 5 days) and distal to the graft (after 8 months) and recurrent aortobronchial fistulas 5 months and 9 years after the initial procedure-resulting in a total of 41 endovascular procedures. The 30-day mortality rate was 8% (3 of 37) and the overall follow-up was 29.9 ± 36.6 months (range 0-139 months). All patients with traumatic ruptures demonstrated an immediate sealing of bleeding. Patients with aortobronchial fistulas also demonstrated a

  11. Multimodality Imaging Approach towards Primary Aortic Sarcomas Arising after Endovascular Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Repair: Case Series Report

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kamran, Mudassar, E-mail:; Fowler, Kathryn J., E-mail:; Mellnick, Vincent M., E-mail: [Washington University School of Medicine, Mallinckrodt Institute of Radiology (United States); Sicard, Gregorio A., E-mail: [Washington University School of Medicine, Department of Surgery (United States); Narra, Vamsi R., E-mail: [Washington University School of Medicine, Mallinckrodt Institute of Radiology (United States)


    Primary aortic neoplasms are rare. Aortic sarcoma arising after endovascular aneurysm repair (EVAR) is a scarce subset of primary aortic malignancies, reports of which are infrequent in the published literature. The diagnosis of aortic sarcoma is challenging due to its non-specific clinical presentation, and the prognosis is poor due to delayed diagnosis, rapid proliferation, and propensity for metastasis. Post-EVAR, aortic sarcomas may mimic other more common aortic processes on surveillance imaging. Radiologists are rarely knowledgeable about this rare entity for which multimodality imaging and awareness are invaluable in early diagnosis. A series of three pathologically confirmed cases are presented to display the multimodality imaging features and clinical presentations of aortic sarcoma arising after EVAR.

  12. Endovascular stentectomy using the snare over stent-retriever (SOS technique: An experimental feasibility study.

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    Tareq Meyer

    Full Text Available Feasibility of endovascular stentectomy using a snare over stent-retriever (SOS technique was evaluated in a silicon flow model and an in vivo swine model. In vitro, stentectomy of different intracranial stents using the SOS technique was feasible in 22 out of 24 (92% retrieval maneuvers. In vivo, stentectomy was successful in 10 out of 10 procedures (100%. In one case self-limiting vasospasm was observed angiographically as a technique related complication in the animal model. Endovascular stentectomy using the SOS technique is feasible in an experimental setting and may be transferred to a clinical scenario.

  13. Tratamento endovascular de aneurismas da aorta em pacientes com doença de Behçet: relato de dois casos Endovascular treatment of aortic aneurysms in patients with Behcet's disease: report of two cases

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sergio Quilici Belczak


    Full Text Available A doença de Behçet, uma vasculite sistêmica de causa desconhecida, pode ser causa de doença aneurismática da aorta em alguns portadores dessa patologia. Nós apresentamos nossa experiência com dois casos de aneurismas aórticos em pacientes com doença de Behçet submetidos à terapêutica endovascular, descrevendo seus respectivos seguimentos. A terapêutica atual, a patofisiologia e os critérios diagnósticos vigentes foram revisados. Concluímos que a técnica endovascular é uma excelente opção terapêutica para certos pacientes com doença de Behçet e que esta deve ser acompanhada de tratamento imunossupressivo adequado.Behcet's disease, a systemic vasculitis of unknown etiology, may be the cause of aortic aneurysmal diseases in some patients. We report our experience with two Behcet's disease patients who presented with aortic aneurysms and were submitted to endovascular therapy, and describe their respective follow-ups. Current pathophysiology, diagnosis, and treatment approaches were reviewed. Our experience suggests that the endovascular approach, combined with adequate immunosuppressive treatment, is an excellent therapeutic option for some patients with Behcet's disease suffering from aneurysms.

  14. Endovascular therapy of arteriovenous fistulae with electrolytically detachable coils

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Jansen, O.; Doerfler, A.; Forsting, M.; Hartmann, M.; Kummer, R. von; Tronnier, V.; Sartor, K. [Dept. of Neuroradiology, University of Heidelberg Medical School (Germany)


    We report our experience in using Guglielmi electrolytically detachable coils (GDC) alone or in combination with other materials in the treatment of intracranial or cervical high-flow fistulae. We treated 14 patients with arteriovenous fistulae on brain-supplying vessels - three involving the external carotid or the vertebral artery, five the cavernous sinus and six the dural sinuses - by endovascular occlusion using electrolytically detachable platinum coils. The fistula was caused by trauma in six cases. In one case Ehlers-Danlos syndrome was the underlying disease, and in the remaining seven cases no aetiology could be found. Fistulae of the external carotid and vertebral arteries and caroticocavernous fistulae were reached via the transarterial route, while in all dural fistulae a combined transarterial-transvenous approach was chosen. All fistulae were treated using electrolytically detachable coils. While small fistulae could be occluded with electrolytically detachable coils alone, large fistulae were treated by using coils to build a stable basket for other types of coil or balloons. In 11 of the 14 patients, endovascular treatment resulted in complete occlusion of the fistula; in the remaining three occlusion was subtotal. Symptoms and signs were completely abolished by this treatment in 12 patients and reduced in 2. On clinical and neuroradiological follow-up (mean 16 months) no reappearance of symptoms was recorded. (orig.)

  15. Endovascular interventional magnetic resonance imaging

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bartels, L W; Bakker, C J G


    Minimally invasive interventional radiological procedures, such as balloon angioplasty, stent placement or coiling of aneurysms, play an increasingly important role in the treatment of patients suffering from vascular disease. The non-destructive nature of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), its ability to combine the acquisition of high quality anatomical images and functional information, such as blood flow velocities, perfusion and diffusion, together with its inherent three dimensionality and tomographic imaging capacities, have been advocated as advantages of using the MRI technique for guidance of endovascular radiological interventions. Within this light, endovascular interventional MRI has emerged as an interesting and promising new branch of interventional radiology. In this review article, the authors will give an overview of the most important issues related to this field. In this context, we will focus on the prerequisites for endovascular interventional MRI to come to maturity. In particular, the various approaches for device tracking that were proposed will be discussed and categorized. Furthermore, dedicated MRI systems, safety and compatibility issues and promising applications that could become clinical practice in the future will be discussed. (topical review)

  16. A rare case of large isolated internal iliac artery aneurysm with ureteral obstruction and hydronephrosis: Compression symptoms are limitation for endovascular procedures. (United States)

    Nenezic, Dragoslav; Tanaskovic, Slobodan; Gajin, Predrag; Ilijevski, Nenad; Novakovic, Aleksandra; Radak, Djordje


    In this report, we aim to present a rare case of isolated internal iliac artery aneurysm with associated left ureteric obstruction and consequent hydronephrosis. A 66-year-old male patient was admitted for occasional pain in the lower back that appeared one month earlier. CT arteriography revealed isolated internal iliac artery (diameter 99 mm) with ureteral obstruction, hydroureter and left kidney hydronephrosis occurrence. Aneurysm was resected, after six months the patient was doing well. Bearing in mind that 77% of the patients with isolated internal iliac artery have symptoms caused by aneurysmal compression on adjacent organs, we wanted to highlight that despite the amazing expansion of endovascular procedures in the last decades, its therapeutic effect in isolated internal iliac artery's treatment is to a great extent limited since compression symptoms cannot be solved. Open surgery remains the gold standard for isolated internal iliac artery's treatment considering significant limitations of endovascular procedures due to the inability to eliminate problems caused by compression. © The Author(s) 2014 Reprints and permissions:

  17. Clinical outcome after endovascular coil embolization in elderly patients with subarachnoid hemorrhage

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Johansson, M.; Cesarini, K.G.; Ronne-Engstroem, E.; Enblad, P.; Norbaeck, O.; Gal, G.; Tovi, M.; Solander, S.; Contant, C.F.


    Subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH) is not an unusual disease in an elderly population. The clinical outcome has improved over time. It has been suggested that elderly SAH patients would benefit from endovascular aneurysm treatment. The aim of this study was to evaluate technical results and clinical outcome in a series of elderly SAH-patients treated with endovascular coil embolization. Sixty-two patients (≥ 65 years) presenting with aneurysmal SAH underwent early endovascular coil embolization at Uppsala University Hospital between September 1996 and December 2000. In all 62 cases included in the study, endovascular coil embolization was considered the first line of treatment. Admission variables, specific information on technical success, degree of occlusion and procedural complications, and outcome figures were recorded. Clinical grade on admission was Hunt and Hess (H and H) I-II in 39%, H and H III in 27% and H and H IV-V in 34% of the patients. The proportion of posterior circulation aneurysms was 24%. Coil embolization was successfully completed in 94%. The degree of occlusion of the treated aneurysm was complete occlusion in 56%, neck remnant in 21%, residual filling in 11%, other remnant in 5% and not treated in 6%. The rate of procedural complications was 11%. Outcome after 6 months was favorable in 41%, severe disability in 36% and poor in 22%. Favorable outcome was achieved in 57% of the H and H I-II patients, 47% of the H and H III patients and 17% of the H and H IV-V patients. Endovascular aneurysm treatment can be performed in elderly patients with SAH with a high level of technical success, acceptable aneurysm occlusion results, an acceptable rate of procedural complications and fair outcome results. (orig.)

  18. Simulation and augmented reality in endovascular neurosurgery: lessons from aviation. (United States)

    Mitha, Alim P; Almekhlafi, Mohammed A; Janjua, Major Jameel J; Albuquerque, Felipe C; McDougall, Cameron G


    Endovascular neurosurgery is a discipline strongly dependent on imaging. Therefore, technology that improves how much useful information we can garner from a single image has the potential to dramatically assist decision making during endovascular procedures. Furthermore, education in an image-enhanced environment, especially with the incorporation of simulation, can improve the safety of the procedures and give interventionalists and trainees the opportunity to study or perform simulated procedures before the intervention, much like what is practiced in the field of aviation. Here, we examine the use of simulators in the training of fighter pilots and discuss how similar benefits can compensate for current deficiencies in endovascular training. We describe the types of simulation used for endovascular procedures, including virtual reality, and discuss the relevant data on its utility in training. Finally, the benefit of augmented reality during endovascular procedures is discussed, along with future computerized image enhancement techniques.

  19. Endovascular Treatment of an Aortoiliac Tuberculous Pseudoaneurysm

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Villegas, Miguel O.; Mereles, Alberto Pérez; Tamashiro, Gustavo A.; Dini, Andrés E.; Mollón, Ana P.; De Cándido, Laura V.; Zelaya, Denis A.; Soledispa-Suarez, Carlos I.; Denato, Sergio; Tamashiro, Alberto; Diaz, Jose A.


    We report a rare case of a tuberculous mycotic aortoiliac pseudoaneurysm treated with an endovascular procedure and follow-up of 36 months. The patient was a white 72-year-old man with pulmonary tuberculosis and a former smoker with hypertension, chronic renal failure, and dyslipidemia. A computed tomographic scan of the abdomen and pelvis revealed a left paravertebral cavity with fluid content and involvement of vertebrae L2–L4. After a surgical repair attempt, the patient was treated with the implant of a bifurcated endoprosthesis. Because it is unlikely that any center has extensive experience in the management of this rare manifestation of the disease, we reviewed the literature for similar cases.

  20. Endovascular Treatment of an Aortoiliac Tuberculous Pseudoaneurysm

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Villegas, Miguel O.; Mereles, Alberto Perez; Tamashiro, Gustavo A.; Dini, Andres E.; Mollon, Ana P.; De Candido, Laura V.; Zelaya, Denis A.; Soledispa-Suarez, Carlos I.; Denato, Sergio; Tamashiro, Alberto; Diaz, Jose A., E-mail: [Hospital Nacional Prof. Alejandro Posadas, Department of Cardiology, Section of Hemodinamia (Argentina)


    We report a rare case of a tuberculous mycotic aortoiliac pseudoaneurysm treated with an endovascular procedure and follow-up of 36 months. The patient was a white 72-year-old man with pulmonary tuberculosis and a former smoker with hypertension, chronic renal failure, and dyslipidemia. A computed tomographic scan of the abdomen and pelvis revealed a left paravertebral cavity with fluid content and involvement of vertebrae L2-L4. After a surgical repair attempt, the patient was treated with the implant of a bifurcated endoprosthesis. Because it is unlikely that any center has extensive experience in the management of this rare manifestation of the disease, we reviewed the literature for similar cases.

  1. Suprarenal fixation barbs can induce renal artery occlusion in endovascular aortic aneurysm repair. (United States)

    Subedi, Shree K; Lee, Andy M; Landis, Gregg S


    Renal artery occlusion following endovascular abdominal aortic aneurysm repair with suprarenal fixation is uncommon. We report one patient who was found to develop renal artery occlusion and parenchymal infarction 6 months after repair using an endovascular graft with suprarenal fixation. Our patient underwent emergent endovascular repair of a symptomatic 6 cm abdominal aortic aneurysm. The covered portion of the endograft was inadvertently deployed well below the renal artery orifices. At the completion of the procedure both renal arteries were confirmed to be patent. One month postoperatively, a computed tomographic (CT) scan showed exclusion of the aortic sac and normal enhancement of both kidneys. At 6 months, the patient was found to have elevated serum creatinine levels despite having no clinical symptoms. CT scanning revealed a nonenhancing left kidney, and angiography demonstrated an occlusion of the left renal artery. A barb welded to the bare metal stent appeared to be impinging on the renal artery. We believe that renal artery occlusion after endovascular repair can occur due to repetitive injury to the renal artery orifice from barbs welded to the bare metal stent. To our knowledge, this is the first reported case of renal artery occlusion caused by repetitive injury from transrenal fixation systems. Copyright 2010 Annals of Vascular Surgery Inc. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  2. Short vs prolonged dual antiplatelet treatment upon endovascular stenting of peripheral arteries

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Kronlage M


    Full Text Available Mariya Kronlage,1 Maximilian Wassmann,1 Britta Vogel,1 Oliver J Müller,1 Erwin Blessing,2 Hugo Katus,1,3 Christian Erbel1 1Department of Cardiology, Angiology and Pneumology, University Hospital Heidelberg, Heidelberg, 2SRH Klinikum Karlsbad Langensteinbach, Karlsbad, 3DZHK German Center for Cardiovascular Research, Partner Site Heidelberg/Mannheim, Mannheim, Germany Introduction: Peripheral artery disease (PAD is a highly prevalent disorder with a substantial economical burden. Dual antiplatelet treatment (DAPT upon endovascular stenting to prevent acute thrombotic reocclusions is an universally accepted practice for postinterventional management of PAD patients. However, the optimal period of time for DAPT upon endovascular stenting is not known.Methods: In the current nonrandomized, retrospective monocentric study, we evaluated the duration of DAPT upon endovascular stenting. A total of 261 endovascular SFA and iliac stenting procedures were performed on 214 patients and these patients were subdivided into a short (4–6 weeks or a prolonged (8–12 weeks DAPT regime group. More than 65% of the patients included were male, approximately 35% were diabetic, and 61% had a history of smoking. Of all the patients, 90% exhibited a Rutherford stage 2–3, and approximately half of the patients had a moderate-to-severe calcified target lesion with a length of >13 cm. Major safety end points were defined as any bleeding, compartment syndrome, and ischemic events. In addition to this, patency, all-cause mortality, as well as amputation were followed up over a period of 12 months upon intervention.Results: Twelve months after endovascular stenting, primary patency in our cohort was comparable between the groups (83.94% short vs 79.8% long DAPT, P>0.05. Major bleeding occurred in 18 cases without any difference between the groups (P>0.05. In addition, during the 12-month follow-up, 6 (3.4% patients in the short and 3 (3.5% in the prolonged DAPT regime

  3. Endovascular Treatment of Totally Occluded Superior Mesenteric Artery by Retrograde Crossing via the Villemin Arcade

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ferro, Carlo; Rossi, Umberto G.; Seitun, Sara; Bovio, Giulio; Fornaro, Rosario


    Chronic mesenteric ischemia (CMI) is a rare disorder that is commonly caused by progressive atherosclerotic stenosis or occlusion of one or more mesenteric arteries. Endovascular treatment for symptomatic CMI represents a viable option, especially in high-operative risk patients. We report a case of acute symptomatic CMI with chronic totally occlusion of the superior mesenteric artery (SMA) associated with significant stenosis of celiac trunk (CT) and inferior mesenteric artery (IMA) that underwent endovascular treatment of all the three mesenteric arteries: stenting of CT and IMA stenosis, and recanalization of the SMA occlusion by retrograde crossing via the Villemin arcade.

  4. Endovascular management of acute bleeding arterioenteric fistulas

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Leonhardt, H.; Mellander, S.; Snygg, J.


    follow-up time was 3 months (range, 1-6 months). All massive bleeding was controlled by occlusive balloon catheters. Four fistulas were successfully sealed with stent-grafts, resulting in a technical success rate of 80%. One patient was circulatory stabilized by endovascular management but needed....... All had massive persistent bleeding with hypotension despite volume substitution and transfusion by the time of endovascular management. Outcome after treatment of these patients was investigated for major procedure-related complications, recurrence, reintervention, morbidity, and mortality. Mean...... arterioenteric fistulas in the emergent episode. However, in this group of patients with severe comorbidities, the risk of rebleeding is high and further intervention must be considered. Patients with cancer may only need treatment for the acute bleeding episode, and an endovascular approach has the advantage...

  5. A case with basilar artery thrombosis resulted in Locked-in syndrome in spite of endovascular treatment

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Yusuf İnanç


    Full Text Available Locked-in Sendrome is a clinical picture consist of quadriplegia, lower cranial nerve paralysis, and mutism with preservation of only vertical gaze and upper eyelid movement. Consciousness remains intact and the patient is able to communicate intentionally using eye blinking. The most common cause underlying the locked-in syndrome is thrombosis of the basilar artery. In this study, we reported a 49-years-old male with past medical history for cerebrovascular disease presented with acute basilar artery thrombosis, manifesting as reduced level of consciousness, weakness in all extremity dominated on the right side, speech impairment, horizontal gaze disorder and for reaching us of the last munite of endovascular intervention threshold, so it can perform only mechanical and intra-arterial thrombosis treatment method as an endovascular treatment modalities of acute stroke.

  6. Unstable patients with retroperitoneal vascular trauma: an endovascular approach. (United States)

    Boufi, Mourad; Bordon, Sébastien; Dona, Bianca; Hartung, Olivier; Sarran, Anthony; Nadeau, Sébastien; Maurin, Charlotte; Alimi, Yves S


    In hemodynamically unstable patients, the management of retroperitoneal vascular trauma is both difficult and challenging. Endovascular techniques have become an alternative to surgery in several trauma centers. Between 2004 and 2006, 16 patients (nine men, mean age: 46 years, range: 19-79 years) with retroperitoneal vascular trauma and hemodynamic instability were treated using an endovascular approach. The mean injury severity score was 30.7 ± 13.1. Mean systolic blood pressure and the shock index were 74 mm Hg and 1.9, respectively. Vasopressor drugs were required in 68.7% of cases (n = 11). Injuries were attributable to road traffic accidents (n = 15) and falls (n = 1). The hemorrhage sites included the internal iliac artery or its branches (n = 12) with bilateral injury in one case, renal artery (n = 2), abdominal aorta (n = 1), and lumbar artery (n = 1). In all, 14 coil embolizations and three stent-grafts were implanted. The technical success rate was 75%, as early re-embolization was necessary in one case and three patients died during the perioperative period. Six patients died during the period of hospitalization (37.5%). No surgical conversion or major morbidity was reported. In comparison with particulates, coil ± stent-graft may provide similar efficacy with regard to survival, and thus may be a valuable solution when particulate embolization is not available or feasible. Copyright © 2011 Annals of Vascular Surgery Inc. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  7. Pain assessment and management in patients undergoing endovascular procedures in the catheterization laboratory. (United States)

    Hilário, Thamires de Souza; Santos, Simone Marques Dos; Kruger, Juliana; Goes, Martha Georgina; Casco, Márcia Flores; Rabelo-Silva, Eneida Rejane


    To describe how pain is assessed (characteristic, location, and intensity) and managed in clinical practice in patients undergoing endovascular procedures in the catheterization laboratory setting. Cross-sectional study with retrospective data collection. Overall, 345 patients were included; 116 (34%) experienced post-procedural pain; in 107 (92%), pain characteristics were not recorded; the location of pain was reported in 100% of patients, and its intensity in 111 (96%); management was largely pharmacologic; of the patients who received some type of management (n=71), 42 (59%) underwent reassessment of pain. The location and intensity of pain are well reported in clinical practice. Pharmacologic pain management is still prevalent. Additional efforts are needed to ensure recording of the characteristics of pain and its reassessment after interventions. Describir cómo se evalúa el dolor (características, localización e intensidad) y su manejo en la práctica clínica en pacientes sometidos a procedimientos endovasculares en el laboratorio de cateterización. Estudio transversal con recolección retrospectiva de datos. En total, se incluyeron 345 pacientes; 116 (34%) experimentaron dolor post-procedimiento; en 107 (92%), no se registraron las características del dolor; la localización del dolor se informó en el 100% de los pacientes, y su intensidad en 111 (96%); el manejo fue en gran medida farmacológico; de los pacientes que recibieron algún tipo de tratamiento (n=71), 42 (59%) fueron sometidos a reevaluación del dolor. La ubicación y la intensidad del dolor se informan bien en la práctica clínica. El manejo farmacológico del dolor sigue siendo frecuente. Se necesitan esfuerzos adicionales para asegurar el registro de las características del dolor y su reevaluación después de las intervenciones.

  8. Tratamiento Actual del Pie Zambo


    Salom Taverner, M.; Mínguez Rey, María Fe


    El pie zambo es una deformidad congénita en la que el pie presenta una deformidad en equino, varo de retropié, aductus del antepié y cavo. Su tratamiento ha variado con el tiempo. Clásicamente se trataba mediante distintas técnicas quirúrgicas que permitían corregir todas las deformidades pero que se acompañaban de frecuentes complicaciones a corto y largo plazo. Actualmente el tratamiento más extendido de esta deformidad es el tratamiento conservador mediante la técnica de Ponset...

  9. Endovascular repair of an aorto-iliac aneurysm succeeded by kidney transplantation Tratamento endovascular de aneurisma aorto-ilíaco sucedido por transplante renal

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Marcelo Bellini Dalio


    Full Text Available We present the case of aorto-iliac aneurysm in a patient with chronic renal failure requiring dialysis who were treated with an endovascular stent graft and, later on, submitted to kidney transplantation. A 53-year-old male with renal failure requiring dialysis presented with an asymptomatic abdominal aorto-iliac aneurysm measuring 5.0cm of diameter. He was treated with endovascular repair technique, being used an endoprosthesis Excluder®. After four months, he was successfully submitted to kidney transplantation (dead donor, with anastomosis of the graft renal artery in the external iliac artery distal to the endoprosthesis. The magnetic resonance imaging, carried out 30 days after the procedure, showed a good positioning of the endoprosthesis and adequate perfusion of the renal graft. In the follow-up, the patient presented improvement of nitrogenous waste, good positioning of the endoprosthesis without migration or endoleak. The endovascular repair of aorto-iliac aneurysm in a patient with end-stage renal failure under hemodialysis treatment showed to be feasible, safe and efficient, as it did not prevent the success of the posterior kidney transplantation.Apresentamos o caso de aneurisma aortoilíaco em um paciente com insuficiência renal crônica dialítica tratado com uma endoprótese vascular, sendo, após, submetido a transplante renal. Um homem de 53 anos com insuficiência renal dialítica apresentava um aneurisma abdominal aortoilíaco assintomático com 5,0cm de diâmetro. Foi tratado com técnica endovascular com uma endoprótese Excluderâ. Após quatro meses, foi submetido a transplante renal (doador cadáver com sucesso, com anastomose da artéria renal do enxerto na artéria ilíaca externa distal à endoprótese. A ressonância magnética 30 dias após o procedimento mostrou a endoprótese bem posicionada e o enxerto renal bem perfundido. No seguimento, o paciente evoluiu com melhora das escórias nitrogenadas, bom

  10. Collected world and single center experience with endovascular treatment of ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysms.

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Veith, F.J.; Lachat, M.; Mayer, D.; Malina, M.; Holst, J.; Mehta, M.; Verhoeven, E.L.; Larzon, T.; Gennai, S.; Coppi, G.; Lipsitz, E.C.; Gargiulo, N.J.; Vliet, J.A. van der; Blankensteijn, J.D.; Buth, J.; Lee, W.A.; Biasiol, G.; Deleo, G.; Kasirajan, K.; Moore, R.; Soong, C.V.; Cayne, N.S.; Farber, M.A.; Raithel, D.; Greenberg, R.K.; Sambeek, M.R. van; Brunkwall, J.S.; Rockman, C.B.; Hinchliffe, R.J.


    BACKGROUND: Case and single center reports have documented the feasibility and suggested the effectiveness of endovascular aneurysm repair (EVAR) of ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysms (RAAAs), but the role and value of such treatment remain controversial. OBJECTIVE: To clarify these we examined a

  11. Collected World and Single Center Experience With Endovascular Treatment of Ruptured Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Veith, Frank J.; Lachat, Mario; Mayer, Dieter; Malina, Martin; Holst, Jan; Mehta, Manish; Verhoeven, Eric L. G.; Larzon, Thomas; Gennai, Stefano; Coppi, Gioacchino; Lipsitz, Evan C.; Gargiulo, Nicholas J.; van der Vliet, J. Adam; Blankensteijn, Jan; Buth, Jacob; Lee, W. Anthony; Biasi, Giorgio; Deleo, Gaetano; Kasirajan, Karthikeshwar; Moore, Randy; Soong, Chee V.; Cayne, Neal S.; Farber, Mark A.; Raithel, Dieter; Greenberg, Roy K.; van Sambeek, Marc R. H. M.; Brunkwall, Jan S.; Rockman, Caron B.; Hinchliffe, Robert J.


    Background: Case and single center reports have documented the feasibility and suggested the effectiveness of endovascular aneurysm repair (EVAR) of ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysms (RAAAs), but the role and value of such treatment remain controversial. Objective: To clarify these we examined a

  12. Aneurysmal wall enhancement and perianeurysmal edema after endovascular treatment of unruptured cerebral aneurysms

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Su, I. Chang; Willinsky, Robert A.; Agid, Ronit; Fanning, Noel F.


    Perianeurysmal edema and aneurysm wall enhancement are previously described phenomenon after coil embolization attributed to inflammatory reaction. We aimed to demonstrate the prevalence and natural course of these phenomena in unruptured aneurysms after endovascular treatment and to identify factors that contributed to their development. We performed a retrospective analysis of consecutively treated unruptured aneurysms between January 2000 and December 2011. The presence and evolution of wall enhancement and perianeurysmal edema on MRI after endovascular treatment were analyzed. Variable factors were compared among aneurysms with and without edema. One hundred thirty-two unruptured aneurysms in 124 patients underwent endovascular treatment. Eighty-five (64.4 %) aneurysms had wall enhancement, and 9 (6.8 %) aneurysms had perianeurysmal brain edema. Wall enhancement tends to persist for years with two patterns identified. Larger aneurysms and brain-embedded aneurysms were significantly associated with wall enhancement. In all edema cases, the aneurysms were embedded within the brain and had wall enhancement. Progressive thickening of wall enhancement was significantly associated with edema. Edema can be symptomatic when in eloquent brain and stabilizes or resolves over the years. Our study demonstrates the prevalence and some appreciation of the natural history of aneurysmal wall enhancement and perianeurysmal brain edema following endovascular treatment of unruptured aneurysms. Aneurysmal wall enhancement is a common phenomenon while perianeurysmal edema is rare. These phenomena are likely related to the presence of inflammatory reaction near the aneurysmal wall. Both phenomena are usually asymptomatic and self-limited, and prophylactic treatment is not recommended. (orig.)

  13. Open surgery versus endovascular approach in treatment of extracranial carotid artery aneurysms. (United States)

    Ni, Leng; Weng, Huiling; Pu, Zuo; Zheng, Yuehong; Liu, Bao; Ye, Wei; Zeng, Rong; Liu, Changwei


    The objective of this study was to investigate and to compare the early and long-term results of open surgery with endovascular intervention in the treatment of extracranial carotid artery aneurysms (ECCAs). A retrospective review of patients diagnosed with ECCAs who underwent open surgical or endovascular treatment from 1997 to 2017 was performed. Clinical characteristics, aneurysm profile, and treatment outcomes were recorded. Early results (open surgery; endovascular repair was performed on 16 patients (33.3%). The 30-day stroke or transient ischemic attack rate was not significantly different between the open group (6.3% [2/32]) and the endovascular group (0% [0/16]; P = .307). Cranial nerve injuries occurred in eight patients in the open group (25%) and in no patient in the endovascular group (0%; P = .029). Median length of stay was significantly longer in the open group than in the endovascular group (20 vs 14 days, respectively; P = .013). Median follow-up was 46 months (range, 0-20 years), and no aneurysm-related death occurred during this period. Overall survival rates at 5 years were 88.7% (standard error [SE], 0.08) in the open group and 91.7% (SE, 0.08) in the endovascular group (P = .319; log-rank, .992). For the same time interval, stroke-free survival rates were 85.2% (SE, 0.10) in the open group and 92.2% (SE, 0.07) in the endovascular group (P = .653; log-rank, .201). One patient (1/28 [3.6%]) in the open group and two patients (2/16 [12.5%]) in the endovascular group underwent endovascular reinterventions because of restenosis during the follow-up period. Reintervention-free survival rates were 90.9% in the open group (SE, 0.09) and 69.2% in the endovascular group (SE, 0.21; P = .082; log-rank, 3.016). In this single-institutional experience, both operative and endovascular interventions for ECCAs provided acceptable early and 5-year results. The endovascular approach had significantly less cranial nerve injury and shorter length of

  14. Human Thiel-Embalmed Cadaveric Aortic Model with Perfusion for Endovascular Intervention Training and Medical Device Evaluation. (United States)

    McLeod, Helen; Cox, Ben F; Robertson, James; Duncan, Robyn; Matthew, Shona; Bhat, Raj; Barclay, Avril; Anwar, J; Wilkinson, Tracey; Melzer, Andreas; Houston, J Graeme


    The purpose of this investigation was to evaluate human Thiel-embalmed cadavers with the addition of extracorporeal driven ante-grade pulsatile flow in the aorta as a model for simulation training in interventional techniques and endovascular device testing. Three human cadavers embalmed according to the method of Thiel were selected. Extracorporeal pulsatile ante-grade flow of 2.5 L per min was delivered directly into the aorta of the cadavers via a surgically placed connection. During perfusion, aortic pressure and temperature were recorded and optimized for physiologically similar parameters. Pre- and post-procedure CT imaging was conducted to plan and follow up thoracic and abdominal endovascular aortic repair as it would be in a clinical scenario. Thoracic endovascular aortic repair (TEVAR) and endovascular abdominal repair (EVAR) procedures were conducted in simulation of a clinical case, under fluoroscopic guidance with a multidisciplinary team present. The Thiel cadaveric aortic perfusion model provided pulsatile ante-grade flow, with pressure and temperature, sufficient to conduct a realistic simulation of TEVAR and EVAR procedures. Fluoroscopic imaging provided guidance during the intervention. Pre- and post-procedure CT imaging facilitated planning and follow-up evaluation of the procedure. The human Thiel-embalmed cadavers with the addition of extracorporeal flow within the aorta offer an anatomically appropriate, physiologically similar robust model to simulate aortic endovascular procedures, with potential applications in interventional radiology training and medical device testing as a pre-clinical model.

  15. Endovascular Treatment of Malignant Superior Vena Cava Syndrome: Results and Predictive Factors of Clinical Efficacy

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Fagedet, Dorothee, E-mail: [CHU de Grenoble, Clinique universitaire de medecine interne, Pole Pluridisciplinaire de Medecine (France); Thony, Frederic, E-mail: [CHU de Grenoble, Clinique universitaire de radiologie et imagerie medicale, Pole d' Imagerie (France); Timsit, Jean-Francois, E-mail: [CHU de Grenoble, Clinique universitaire de reanimation, Pole Medecine Aiguee Communautaire (France); Rodiere, Mathieu, E-mail: [CHU de Grenoble, Clinique universitaire de radiologie et imagerie medicale, Pole d' Imagerie (France); Monnin-Bares, Valerie, E-mail: [CHRU Arnaud de Villeneuve, Imagerie Medicale Thoracique Cardiovasculaire (France); Ferretti, Gilbert R., E-mail: [CHU de Grenoble, Clinique universitaire de radiologie et imagerie medicale, Pole d' Imagerie (France); Vesin, Aurelien; Moro-Sibilot, Denis, E-mail: [University Grenoble 1 e Albert Bonniot Institute, Inserm U823 (France)


    To demonstrate the effectiveness of endovascular treatment (EVT) with self-expandable bare stents for malignant superior vena cava syndrome (SVCS) and to analyze predictive factors of EVT efficacy. Retrospective review of the 164 patients with malignant SVCS treated with EVT in our hospital from August 1992 to December 2007 and followed until February 2009. Endovascular treatment includes angioplasty before and after stent placement. We used self-expandable bare stents. We studied results of this treatment and looked for predictive factors of clinical efficacy, recurrence, and complications by statistical analysis. Endovascular treatment was clinically successful in 95% of cases, with an acceptable rate of early mortality (2.4%). Thrombosis of the superior vena cava was the only independent factor for EVT failure. The use of stents over 16 mm in diameter was a predictive factor for complications (P = 0.008). Twenty-one complications (12.8%) occurred during the follow-up period. Relapse occurred in 36 patients (21.9%), with effective restenting in 75% of cases. Recurrence of SVCS was significantly increased in cases of occlusion (P = 0.01), initial associated thrombosis (P = 0.006), or use of steel stents (P = 0.004). Long-term anticoagulant therapy did not influence the risk of recurrence or complications. In malignancy, EVT with self-expandable bare stents is an effective SVCS therapy. These results prompt us to propose treatment with stents earlier in the clinical course of patients with SVCS and to avoid dilatation greater than 16 mm.

  16. Endovascular Treatment of Malignant Superior Vena Cava Syndrome: Results and Predictive Factors of Clinical Efficacy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fagedet, Dorothée; Thony, Frederic; Timsit, Jean-François; Rodiere, Mathieu; Monnin-Bares, Valérie; Ferretti, Gilbert R.; Vesin, Aurélien; Moro-Sibilot, Denis


    To demonstrate the effectiveness of endovascular treatment (EVT) with self-expandable bare stents for malignant superior vena cava syndrome (SVCS) and to analyze predictive factors of EVT efficacy. Retrospective review of the 164 patients with malignant SVCS treated with EVT in our hospital from August 1992 to December 2007 and followed until February 2009. Endovascular treatment includes angioplasty before and after stent placement. We used self-expandable bare stents. We studied results of this treatment and looked for predictive factors of clinical efficacy, recurrence, and complications by statistical analysis. Endovascular treatment was clinically successful in 95% of cases, with an acceptable rate of early mortality (2.4%). Thrombosis of the superior vena cava was the only independent factor for EVT failure. The use of stents over 16 mm in diameter was a predictive factor for complications (P = 0.008). Twenty-one complications (12.8%) occurred during the follow-up period. Relapse occurred in 36 patients (21.9%), with effective restenting in 75% of cases. Recurrence of SVCS was significantly increased in cases of occlusion (P = 0.01), initial associated thrombosis (P = 0.006), or use of steel stents (P = 0.004). Long-term anticoagulant therapy did not influence the risk of recurrence or complications. In malignancy, EVT with self-expandable bare stents is an effective SVCS therapy. These results prompt us to propose treatment with stents earlier in the clinical course of patients with SVCS and to avoid dilatation greater than 16 mm.

  17. Endovascular treatment of basilar tip aneurysms associated with moyamoya disease

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Arita, K.; Kurisu, K.; Ohba, S.; Shibukawa, M.; Kiura, H.; Sakamoto, S.; Uozumi, T.; Nakahara, T.


    We report the efficacy and safety of endovascular treatment of basilar tip aneurysms (BTA) in five patients with moyamoya disease. The patients underwent intra-aneurysmal embolisation with detachable platinum coils. Three BTA presented with subarachnoid haemorrhage (SAH); the other two were asymptomatic. In four cases, one embolisation procedure produced >95% angiographic obliteration of the aneurysm. In the other patient, 80-90% obliteration was achieved initially, but due to growth of the residual aneurysm, the procedure was repeated 7 months later. Two patients experienced transient oculomotor paresis as a procedure-related complication. Mean follow-up was 43.6±34.0 months (range 8-92 months). One patient died of putaminal haemorrhage unrelated to the aneurysm 15 months after embolisation. The other four had no subsequent SAH and survived without sequelae. Endovascular embolisation using detachable platinum coils proved to be a safe and efficient treatment modality for BTA associated with moyamoya disease. (orig.)

  18. Endovascular Treatment of Visceral Aneurysms and Pseudoaneurysms: Long-term Outcomes from a Multicenter European Study

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Spiliopoulos, Stavros; Sabharwal, Tarun; Karnabatidis, Dimitrios; Brountzos, Elias; Katsanos, Konstantinos; Krokidis, Miltiadis; Gkoutzios, Panagiotis; Siablis, Dimitrios; Adam, Andreas


    Purpose: To investigate the percutaneous endovascular management of visceral aneurysms (VA) and visceral pseudoaneurysms (VPA) treated in three European interventional radiology departments. Methods: Patient archives from the department’s databases were examined and retrospectively analyzed. Patients diagnosed between 2000 and 2010 with VA and/or VPA, confirmed by computed tomography angiography, magnetic resonance angiography, or digital subtraction angiography and treated exclusively with percutaneous endovascular methods, were included in the study. The study’s primary end points were procedural technical success, target lesion reintervention rate, and periprocedural mortality rate. Secondary end points included major and minor complications rates. Results: The medical records of 54 patients (41 male, mean age 55 ± 18.1 years) with 58 VAs or VPAs and treated with various percutaneous endovascular therapeutic modalities were analyzed. In total, 21 VAs (mean diameter 49.4 ± 21 mm, range 20–100 mm) and 37 VPAs (mean diameter 25.1 ± 14.6 mm, range 8–60 mm) were treated. Procedural technical success was achieved in 100% of the cases, while target lesion reintervention rate was 6.1% (2 of 33) and 14.2% (3 of 21) in the VPA and VA groups, respectively. Mean clinical follow-up period was 19.1 ± 21.4 months. Overall periprocedural mortality rate was 3% (1 of 33) in the VPA group and 0% (0 of 21) in the VA group. Conclusion: Percutaneous endovascular treatment of VAs and VPAs is safe and effective with low morbidity and mortality. There is a small but significant reintervention rate, particularly for true aneurysms; dedicated follow-up imaging is recommended. Successful aneurysm exclusion was achieved in all cases with a second procedure.

  19. Innovative chimney-graft technique for endovascular repair of a pararenal abdominal aortic aneurysm. (United States)

    Galiñanes, Edgar Luis; Hernandez-Vila, Eduardo A; Krajcer, Zvonimir


    After abdominal aortic aneurysm repair, progressive degeneration of the aneurysm can be challenging to treat. Multiple comorbidities and previous operations place such patients at high risk for repeat surgery. Endovascular repair is a possible alternative; however, challenging anatomy can push the limits of available technology. We describe the case of a 71-year-old man who presented with a 5.3-cm pararenal aneurysm 4 years after undergoing open abdominal aortic aneurysm repair. To avoid reoperation, we excluded the aneurysm by endovascular means, using visceral-artery stenting, a chimney-graft technique. Low-profile balloons on a monorail system enabled the rapid exchange of coronary wires via a buddy-wire technique. This novel approach facilitated stenting and simultaneous angioplasty of multiple visceral vessels and the abdominal aorta.

  20. Endovascular therapeutic strategies in ruptured intracranial aneurysms

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Machi, Paolo; Lobotesis, Kyriakos; Vendrell, Jean Francoise; Riquelme, Carlos; Eker, Omer; Costalat, Vincent; Bonafe, Alain


    The aim of the present study was to evaluate endovascular techniques used currently which were not available at the time of ISAT inclusion period, such as balloon remodelling and flow-divertion, in order to assess whether these new technologies have improved the endovascular approach outcomes. We present a review of articles, published in major journals, with the aim to evaluate the efficacy and the safety of coiling with balloon remodelling for the treatment of ruptured aneurysms in comparison to coiling performed without such coadjutant techniques. Furthermore, we reviewed publications reporting on the treatment of ruptured aneurysms in the acute phase with the one of the most recent technologies available nowadays: the flow diverting stent. Looking at the recent literature the results regarding ruptured aneurysms treated with balloon assisted coiling (BAC) have shown an improvement in terms of anatomical results and morbi-mortality rates. Case series of ruptured middle cerebral artery (MCA) aneurysms treated by EVT report results similar to those obtained by surgical clipping. Several articles recently report encouraging results in treating ruptured dissecting and blister aneurysms with flow diverters. Questions regarding the best treatment available for ruptured aneurysms are yet to be answered. Hence there is a need for a subsequent trial aiming to answer these unresolved issues

  1. Endovascular Treatment Strategies in Aortoiliac Occlusion

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ozkan, Ugur; Oguzkurt, Levent; Tercan, Fahri; Gumus, Burcak


    The aim of this study was to report our experience in endovascular treatment of total aortoiliac occlusion. Five patients who underwent endovascular recanalization procedures including manual aspiration thrombectomy, balloon angioplasty, and stent placement for total aortoiliac occlusion in a 4-year period were reviewed retrospectively. The mean age of patients was 51 years (range, 43 to 58 years). All patients had abdominal aorta and bilateral common iliac artery occlusion with or without external iliac artery occlusion. All patients either had a contraindication to surgery or refused it. Initial technical success was obtained in four of five (80%) patients. Endovascular techniques were successful in four patients who had good distal runoff and short-segment aortoiliac occlusion, but failed in a patient who had the worst distal runoff and long-segment aortoiliac occlusion. We observed two major complications, one of which was bilateral rupture of the common iliac arteries treated with covered stent placement. Another patient had extension of intra-aortic thrombus into the iliac stent after primary stenting. This was successfully treated with manual aspiration thrombectomy. Aortic and iliac stents remained patent during the follow-up period (median, 18 months; range, 3 to 26 months) in four patients. Primary patency rates at 6, 12, and 24 months were all 80%. In conclusion, endovascular treatment can be an alternative for aortoiliac occlusion in selected patients. Short- to midterm follow-up so far is satisfactory. Removal of intra-aortic thrombus with manual aspiration thrombectomy before balloon angioplasty and/or stenting is possible and a good alternative to thrombolysis.

  2. Endovascular Treatment of Dialysis Access-Induced Hand Ischemia Using a Flared Stent-Graft. (United States)

    Png, Chien Yi M; Beckerman, William E; Faries, Peter L; Finlay, David J


    To report an investigation of a purely endovascular procedure to address access-induced hand ischemia in dialysis patients. Two dialysis patients presented with stage III steal syndrome consisting of severe pain and numbness in their fingers. Preoperative fistulograms distal to the anastomosis showed alternating antegrade and retrograde flow. Under ultrasound guidance, the fistula was accessed and a 4-F micropuncture sheath placed. An angled guidewire was then advanced proximally into the brachial artery. A 6-F short sheath with marker was placed followed by a 4-F straight guide catheter inserted into the proximal brachial artery. A 9-F Flair endovascular stent-graft was advanced over a 0.035-inch stiff angled Glidewire into the fistula just distal to the arterial anastomosis and deployed. Postoperatively, pain and numbness resolved in both patients immediately. Postoperative fistulograms documented antegrade flow. Access flow velocity readings decreased significantly and pulse oximetry readings increased significantly in both patients, who were followed for >6 months with no reported complications. These 2 cases suggest that this endovascular approach to access-induced hand ischemia may be a viable alternative to open/hybrid surgery.

  3. Endovascular treatment of cerebral aneurysms - a cost analysis | Le ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    The average cost for endovascular treatment per patient was R37 041. Surgical treatment was more expensive at R44 104, a difference of 16%. Conclusions. Despite the high cost of endovascular devices, appropriate use of this technology ultimately offers less expensive treatment than microsurgical clipping of aneurysms.

  4. Standards for Endovascular Neurosurgical Training and Certification of the Society of Korean Endovascular Neurosurgeons 2013 (United States)

    Shin, Dong-Seong; Park, Sukh-Que; Kang, Hyun-Seung; Yoon, Seok-Mann; Cho, Jae-Hoon; Lim, Dong-Jun; Baik, Min-Woo; Kwon, O Ki


    The need for standard endovascular neurosurgical (ENS) training programs and certification in Korea cannot be overlooked due to the increasing number of ENS specialists and the expanding ENS field. The Society of Korean Endovascular Neurosurgeons (SKEN) Certification Committee has prepared training programs and certification since 2010, and the first certificates were issued in 2013. A task force team (TFT) was organized in August 2010 to develop training programs and certification. TFT members researched programs and systems in other countries to develop a program that best suited Korea. After 2 years, a rough draft of the ENS training and certification regulations were prepared, and the standard training program title was decided. The SKEN Certification Committee made an official announcement about the certification program in March 2013. The final certification regulations comprised three major parts: certified endovascular neurosurgeons (EN), certified ENS institutions, and certified ENS training institutions. Applications have been evaluated and the results were announced in June 2013 as follows: 126 members received EN certification and 55 hospitals became ENS-certified institutions. The SKEN has established standard ENS training programs together with a certification system, and it is expected that they will advance the field of ENS to enhance public health and safety in Korea. PMID:24851145

  5. Outcomes of fenestrated and branched endovascular repair of complex abdominal and thoracoabdominal aortic aneurysms. (United States)

    Schanzer, Andres; Simons, Jessica P; Flahive, Julie; Durgin, Jonathan; Aiello, Francesco A; Doucet, Danielle; Steppacher, Robert; Messina, Louis M


    More than 80% of infrarenal aortic aneurysms are treated by endovascular repair. However, adoption of fenestrated and branched endovascular repair for complex aortic aneurysms has been limited, despite high morbidity and mortality associated with open repair. There are few published reports of consecutive outcomes, inclusive of all fenestrated and branched endovascular repairs, starting from the inception of a complex aortic aneurysm program. Therefore, we examined a single center's consecutive experience of fenestrated and branched endovascular repair of complex aortic aneurysms. This is a single-center, prospective, observational cohort study evaluating 30-day and 1-year outcomes in all consecutive patients who underwent fenestrated and branched endovascular repair of complex aortic aneurysms (definition: requiring one or more fenestrations or branches). Data were collected prospectively through an Institutional Review Board-approved registry and a physician-sponsored investigational device exemption clinical trial (G130210). We performed 100 consecutive complex endovascular aortic aneurysm repairs (November 2010 to March 2016) using 58 (58%) commercially manufactured custom-made devices and 42 (42%) physician-modified devices to treat 4 (4%) common iliac, 42 (42%) juxtarenal, 18 (18%) pararenal, and 36 (36%) thoracoabdominal aneurysms (type I, n = 1; type II, n = 4; type III, n = 12; type IV, n = 18; arch, n = 1). The repairs included 309 fenestrations, branches, and scallops (average of 3.1 branch arteries/case). All patients had 30-day follow-up for 30-day event rates: three (3%) deaths; six (6%) target artery occlusions; five (5%) progressions to dialysis; eight (8%) access complications; one (1%) paraparesis; one (1%) bowel ischemia; and no instances of myocardial infarction, paralysis, or stroke. Of 10 type I or type III endoleaks, 8 resolved (7 with secondary intervention, 1 without intervention). Mean follow-up time was 563 days (interquartile range

  6. Miscellaneous Endovascular Treatment of Ruptured Hepatic Artery Pseudoaneurysms after Pylorus Preserving Pancreaticoduodenectomy

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kang, Ung Rae; Lee, Young Hwan [Dept. of Radiology, Daegu Catholic University Medical Center, Catholic of Daegu University School of Medicine, Daegu (Korea, Republic of); Ahn, Eun Joung; Kim, See Hyung; Kim, Young Hwan [Dept. of Radiology, Keimyung University Dongsan Medical Center, Keimyung University College of Medicine, Daegu (Korea, Republic of)


    To assess the feasibility and safety of the endovascular treatment of ruptured hepatic artery pseudoaneurysms after pylorus preserving pancreaticoduodenectomy (PPPD). Thirteen patients with hepatic artery pseudoaneurysm after PPPD were enrolled. Various endovascular techniques were used depending on the sites and morphologies of the pseudoaneurysms. Five cases were treated by coil embolization, five with stent-graft, one by thrombin injection and coil embolization, one with stent-graft and coil embolization, and one with N-butyl cyanoacrylate (NBCA) injection. Computed tomography scans and liver function test were performed after the procedures. Pseudoaneurysm exclusion and bleeding cessation was achieved in all patients. In four patients that underwent coil or NBCA embolization of the hepatic artery, aspartate transaminase (AST) and alanine transaminase (ALT) were markedly elevated. Two of these four patients with narrowing of the portal vein due to surrounding hematoma died of hepatic infarction or hepatic abscess. In other nine patients, AST and ALT were unchanged. In the 11 surviving patients, normal hepatic function and complete pseudoaneurysm disappearance were achieved during follow-up. Endovascular treatment of ruptured hepatic artery pseudoaneurysms can be considered as a feasible and safe method. However, complete occlusion of the hepatic artery with coils should be avoided in patients with inadequate portal flow.

  7. Predictors of Good Outcome After Endovascular Therapy for Vertebrobasilar Occlusion Stroke. (United States)

    Bouslama, Mehdi; Haussen, Diogo C; Aghaebrahim, Amin; Grossberg, Jonathan A; Walker, Gregory; Rangaraju, Srikant; Horev, Anat; Frankel, Michael R; Nogueira, Raul G; Jovin, Tudor G; Jadhav, Ashutosh P


    Endovascular therapy is increasingly used in acute ischemic stroke treatment and is now considered the gold standard approach for selected patient populations. Prior studies have demonstrated that eventual patient outcomes depend on both patient-specific factors and procedural considerations. However, these factors remain unclear for acute basilar artery occlusion stroke. We sought to determine prognostic factors of good outcome in acute posterior circulation large vessel occlusion strokes treated with endovascular therapy. We reviewed our prospectively collected endovascular databases at 2 US tertiary care academic institutions for patients with acute posterior circulation strokes from September 2005 to September 2015 who had 3-month modified Rankin Scale documented. Baseline characteristics, procedural data, and outcomes were evaluated. A good outcome was defined as a 90-day modified Rankin Scale score of 0 to 2. The association between clinical and procedural parameters and functional outcome was assessed. A total of 214 patients qualified for the study. Smoking status, creatinine levels, baseline National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale score, anesthesia modality (conscious sedation versus general anesthesia), procedural length, and reperfusion status were significantly associated with good outcomes in the univariate analysis. Multivariate logistic regression indicated that only smoking (odds ratio=2.61; 95% confidence interval, 1.23-5.56; P =0.013), low baseline National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale score (odds ratio=1.09; 95% confidence interval, 1.04-1.13; P <0.0001), and successful reperfusion status (odds ratio=10.80; 95% confidence interval, 1.36-85.96; P =0.025) were associated with good outcome. In our retrospective case series, only smoking, low baseline National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale score, and successful reperfusion status were associated with good outcome in patients with posterior circulation stroke treated with endovascular

  8. Actual review of diagnostics and endovascular therapy of intracranial arterial stenoses; Diagnostik und endovaskulaere Therapie intrakranieller arterieller Stenosen

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Gizewski, E.R. [Universitaetsklinikum Essen (Germany). Inst. fuer Diagnostische und Interventionelle Radiologie und Neuroradiologie; Weber, R. [Universitaetsklinikum Essen (Germany). Klinik fuer Neurologie; Forsting, M. [Universitaetsklinikum Giessen und Marburg, Giessen (Germany). Abt. fuer Neuroradiologie


    Approximately 6 - 50 % of all ischemic strokes are caused by intracranial arterial stenosis (IAS). Despite medical prevention, patients with symptomatic IAS have a high annual risk for recurrent ischemic stroke of about 12 %, and up to 19 % in the case of high-grade IAS ({>=} 70 %). Digital subtraction angiography remains the gold standard for the diagnosis and grading of IAS. However, noninvasive imaging techniques including CT angiography, MR angiography, or transcranial Doppler and duplex ultrasound examinations are used in the clinical routine to provide additional information about the brain structure and hemodynamic. However, for technical reasons, the grading of stenoses is sometimes difficult and inaccurate. To date, aspirin is recommended as the treatment of choice in the prevention of recurrent ischemic stroke in patients with IAS. IAS patients who suffer a recurrent ischemic stroke or transient ischemic attack while taking aspirin can be treated with endovascular stenting or angioplasty in specialized centers. The periprocedural complication rate of these endovascular techniques is about 2 - 7 % at experienced neuro-interventional centers. The rate of re-stenosis is reported between 10 and 40 % depending on patient age and stenosis location. Further randomized studies comparing medical secondary prevention and endovascular therapy are currently being performed. With regard to the improvement of endovascular methods and lower complication rates, the indication for endovascular therapy in IAS could be broadened especially for stenosis in the posterior circulation. (orig.)

  9. [Usefulness of endovascular treatment for delayed massive epistaxis following endoscopic endonasal transsphenoidal surgery: a case report]. (United States)

    Oka, Tetsuo; Sugiu, Kenji; Ishida, Joji; Hishikawa, Tomohito; Ono, Shigeki; Tokunaga, Koji; Date, Isao


    We report here a case of massive nasal bleeding from the sphenopalatine artery three weeks after endonasal transsphenoidal surgery. This 66-year-old male suffered from massive nasal bleeding with the status of hypovolemic shock. Under general anesthesia, an emergent angiography revealed an extravasation from the sphenopalatine artery. Trans-arterial embolization using coil and n-butyl-cyanoacrylate (NBCA) was performed following the diagnostic angiography. Complete occlusion of the injured artery was achieved. The patient showed good recovery from general anesthesia. Delayed nasal bleeding after endonasal transsphenoidal surgery is a rare but important complication. The sphenopalatine artery and its branch are located in the hidden inferior lateral corner of the sphenoid sinus and may be injured during enlargement of the sphenoid opening. When massive delayed nasal bleeding follows transsphenoidal surgery and damage of the internal carotid artery has been ruled out, endovascular treatment of the external carotid artery should be considered.

  10. Perioperative complications in endovascular neurosurgery: Anesthesiologist's perspective (United States)

    Sharma, Megha U.; Ganjoo, Pragati; Singh, Daljit; Tandon, Monica S.; Agarwal, Jyotsna; Sharma, Durga P.; Jagetia, Anita


    Background: Endovascular neurosurgery is known to be associated with potentially serious perioperative complications that can impact the course and outcome of anesthesia. We present here our institutional experience in the anesthetic management of various endovascular neurosurgical procedures and their related complications over a 10-year period. Methods: Data was obtained in 240 patients pertaining to their preoperative status, details of anesthesia and surgery, perioperative course and surgery-related complications. Information regarding hemodynamic alterations, temperature variability, fluid-electrolyte imbalance, coagulation abnormalities and alterations in the anesthesia course was specifically noted. Results: Among the important complications observed were aneurysm rupture (2.5%), vasospasm (6.67%), thromboembolism (4.16%), contrast reactions, hemodynamic alterations, electrolyte abnormalities, hypothermia, delayed emergence from anesthesia, groin hematomas and early postoperative mortality (5.14%). Conclusion: Awareness of the unique challenges of endovascular neurosurgery and prompt and appropriate management of the associated complications by an experienced neuroanesthesiologist is vital to the outcome of these procedures. PMID:28413524

  11. Endovascular treatment of peripheral and visceral arterial injuries in patients with acute trauma. (United States)

    Erbahçeci Salık, Aysun; Saçan İslim, Filiz; Çil, Barbaros Erhan


    The present study is an evaluation of the efficacy of endovascular treatment in emergency setting for patients with acute peripheral and visceral arterial injury secondary to penetrating or blunt trauma. Twelve patients (11 men) aged 35.8±11.3 years (range: 18-56 years) with penetrating or blunt trauma who underwent endovascular treatment in our department between March 2010 and June 2014 for peripheral and visceral arterial injury were retrospectively reviewed. Selective coil embolization was performed on 11 patients and particle embolization of the injured vessel was performed on 1 patient. Criteria for endovascular treatment included active extravasation or pseudoaneurysm on contrast-enhanced computed tomography and decrease in hemoglobin level or temporary hemodynamic instability. Arterial injuries were secondary to penetrating injury due to gunshot wound in 4 patients and stab wound in 5, and blunt abdominal injury as result of traffic accident in 3 patients. Traumatic lesions were in the right hepatic artery (n=3), left hepatic (n=2), right hepatic and right renal (n=1), left inferior epigastric (n=2), left facial (n=1), anterior tibial (n=1), and deep femoral (n=1) arteries. Technical success with no procedural complications was seen in all cases. Two patients died due to coexisting injuries on 29th and 43rd days of hospitalization. Median hospitalization period was 6.0 days (range: 1-43 days) and mean intensive care unit hospitalization was 7.7 days (range: 0-43 days). In our experience, endovascular treatment was a safe and effective option for acute traumatic peripheral and visceral arterial lesions.

  12. Endovascular Embolization of Intracranial Infectious Aneurysms in Patients Undergoing Open Heart Surgery Using n-Butyl Cyanoacrylate. (United States)

    Cheng-Ching, Esteban; John, Seby; Bain, Mark; Toth, Gabor; Masaryk, Thomas; Hui, Ferdinand; Hussain, Muhammad Shazam


    Mycotic aneurysms are a serious complication of infective endocarditis with increased risk of intracranial hemorrhage. Patients undergoing open heart surgery for valve repair or replacement are exposed to anticoagulants, increasing the risk of aneurysm bleeding. These patients may require endovascular or surgical aneurysm treatment prior to heart surgery, but data on this approach are scarce. Retrospective review of consecutive patients with infectious endocarditis and mycotic aneurysms treated endovascularly with Trufill n-butyl cyanoacrylate (n-BCA) at the Cleveland Clinic between January 2013 and December 2015. Nine patients underwent endovascular treatment of mycotic aneurysms with n-BCA (mean age of 39 years). On imaging, 4 patients had intracerebral hemorrhage, 2 had multiple embolic infarcts, and the rest had no imaging findings. Twelve mycotic aneurysms were detected (3 patients with 2 aneurysms). Seven aneurysms were in the M4 middle cerebral artery segment, 4 in the posterior cerebral artery distribution, and 1 in the callosomarginal branch. n-BCA was diluted in ethiodized oil (1:1 to 1:2). Embolization was achieved in a single rapid injection with immediate microcatheter removal. Complete aneurysm exclusion was achieved in all cases without complications. All patients underwent open heart surgery and endovascular embolization within a short interval, 2 with both procedures on the same day. There were no new hemorrhages after aneurysm embolization. Endovascular embolization of infectious intracranial aneurysms with liquid embolics can be performed successfully in critically ill patients requiring immediate open heart surgery and anticoagulation. Early embolization prior to and within a short interval from open heart surgery is feasible.

  13. Retinal Endovascular Surgery with Tissue Plasminogen Activator Injection for Central Retinal Artery Occlusion

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Yuta Takata


    Full Text Available Purpose: To report 2 cases of central retinal artery occlusion (CRAO who underwent retinal endovascular surgery with injection of tissue plasminogen activator (tPA into the retinal artery and showed a remarkable improvement in visual acuity and retinal circulation. Methods: Standard 25-G vitrectomy was performed under local anesthesia. Simultaneously, tPA (80,000 units/mL solution was injected into the retinal artery of the optic disc for 2–3 min using a microneedle. Changes in visual acuity, fundus photography, optical coherence tomography (OCT, fluorescein angiography, and laser speckle flowgraphy (LSFG results were examined. Results: Both cases could be treated within 12 h after the onset of CRAO. Case 1 was a 47-year-old woman. Her visual acuity improved from counting fingers before operation to 0.08 logMAR 1 month after the surgery. However, thinning of the retina at the macula was observed by OCT. Case 2 was a 70-year-old man. His visual acuity improved from counting fingers to 0.1 logMAR 2 months after the surgery. Both fluorescein angiography and LSFG showed improvement in retinal circulation after the surgery in case 2. Conclusions: Retinal endovascular surgery with injection of tPA into the retinal artery was feasible and may be a way to improve visual acuity and retinal circulation when performed in the acute phase of CRAO.

  14. Endovascular stents: a review of their use in peripheral arterial disease. (United States)

    Kudagi, Vinod S; White, Christopher J


    Technological advances in the past decade have shifted revascularization strategies from traditional open surgical approaches toward lower-morbidity percutaneous endovascular treatments for patients with lower extremity peripheral arterial disease (PAD). The continuing advances in stent design, more than any other advances, have fueled the growth of catheter-based procedures by improving the safety, durability, and predictability of percutaneous revascularization. Although the 2007 TransAtlantic Inter-Society Consensus (TASC) guidelines recommend endovascular therapy for type A and B aortoiliac and femoropopliteal lesions, recent developments in stent technology and increased experience of interventionists have suggested that a strategy of endovascular therapy first is appropriate in experienced hands for TASC type D lesions. The role of endovascular interventions is also expanding in the treatment of limb-threatening ischemia.

  15. Modern radiosurgical and endovascular classification schemes for brain arteriovenous malformations. (United States)

    Tayebi Meybodi, Ali; Lawton, Michael T


    Stereotactic radiosurgery (SRS) and endovascular techniques are commonly used for treating brain arteriovenous malformations (bAVMs). They are usually used as ancillary techniques to microsurgery but may also be used as solitary treatment options. Careful patient selection requires a clear estimate of the treatment efficacy and complication rates for the individual patient. As such, classification schemes are an essential part of patient selection paradigm for each treatment modality. While the Spetzler-Martin grading system and its subsequent modifications are commonly used for microsurgical outcome prediction for bAVMs, the same system(s) may not be easily applicable to SRS and endovascular therapy. Several radiosurgical- and endovascular-based grading scales have been proposed for bAVMs. However, a comprehensive review of these systems including a discussion on their relative advantages and disadvantages is missing. This paper is dedicated to modern classification schemes designed for SRS and endovascular techniques.

  16. Endovascular approach to treat ascending aortic pseudoaneurysm in a patient with previous CABG and very high surgical risk. (United States)

    Zago, Alexandre C; Saadi, Eduardo K; Zago, Alcides J


    Pseudoaneurysm of the ascending aorta is an uncommon pathology and a challenge in high-risk patients who undergo conventional surgery because of high operative morbidity and mortality. Endovascular exclusion of an aortic pseudoaneurysm using an endoprosthesis is a less invasive approach, but few such cases have been reported. Moreover, the use of this approach poses unique therapeutic challenges because there is no specific endoprosthesis for ascending aortic repair, particularly to treat patients with previous coronary artery bypass graft (CABG). We describe the case of a 74-year-old patient who had undergone CABG and later presented with an iatrogenic ascending aortic pseudoaneurysm that occurred during an angiography. This patient was at very high risk for surgical treatment and, therefore, an endovascular approach was adopted: percutaneous coronary intervention for the left main coronary artery, left anterior descending and left circumflex native coronary arteries followed by endovascular endoprosthesis deployment in the ascending aorta to exclude the pseudoaneurysm. Both procedures were successfully performed, and the patient was discharged without complications 4 days later. At 5 months' clinical follow-up, his clinical condition was good and he had no complications. Copyright © 2011 Wiley-Liss, Inc.

  17. Three-dimensional (3D) printed endovascular simulation models: a feasibility study. (United States)

    Mafeld, Sebastian; Nesbitt, Craig; McCaslin, James; Bagnall, Alan; Davey, Philip; Bose, Pentop; Williams, Rob


    Three-dimensional (3D) printing is a manufacturing process in which an object is created by specialist printers designed to print in additive layers to create a 3D object. Whilst there are initial promising medical applications of 3D printing, a lack of evidence to support its use remains a barrier for larger scale adoption into clinical practice. Endovascular virtual reality (VR) simulation plays an important role in the safe training of future endovascular practitioners, but existing VR models have disadvantages including cost and accessibility which could be addressed with 3D printing. This study sought to evaluate the feasibility of 3D printing an anatomically accurate human aorta for the purposes of endovascular training. A 3D printed model was successfully designed and printed and used for endovascular simulation. The stages of development and practical applications are described. Feedback from 96 physicians who answered a series of questions using a 5 point Likert scale is presented. Initial data supports the value of 3D printed endovascular models although further educational validation is required.

  18. Endovascular Repair of an Actively Hemorrhaging Stab Wound Injury to the Abdominal Aorta

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hussain, Qasim; Maleux, Geert; Heye, Sam; Fourneau, Inge


    Traumatic injury of the abdominal aorta is rare and potentially lethal (Yeh et al., J Vasc Surg 42(5):1007-1009, 2005; Chicos et al., Chirurgia (Bucur) 102(2):237-240, 2007) as it can result in major retroperitoneal hemorrhage, requiring an urgent open surgery. In case of concomitant bowel injury or other conditions of hostile abdomen, endovascular repair can be an alternative treatment. This case report deals with a 50-year-old man presenting at the emergency ward with three stab wounds: two in the abdomen and one in the chest. During explorative laparotomy, liver laceration and bowel perforation were repaired. One day later, abdominal CT-scan revealed an additional retroperitoneal hematoma associated with an aortic pseudoaneurysm, located anteriorly 3 cm above the aortic bifurcation. Because of the risk of graft infection, an endovascular repair of the aortic injury using a Gore excluder stent-graft was performed. Radiological and clinical follow-up revealed a gradual shrinkage of the pseudo-aneurysm and no sign of graft infection at two years' follow-up.

  19. Endovascular repair of para-anastomotic aortoiliac aneurysms.

    LENUS (Irish Health Repository)

    Tsang, Julian S


    The purpose of this study is to evaluate the use of endovascular stent grafts in the treatment of para-anastomotic aneurysms (PAAs) as an alternative to high-risk open surgical repair. We identified all patients with previous open aortic aneurysm repair who underwent infrarenal endovascular aneurysm repair (EVAR) at our institution from June 1998 to April 2007. Patient demographics, previous surgery, and operative complications were recorded. One hundred forty-eight patients underwent EVAR during the study period and 11 patients had previous aortic surgery. Of these 11 redo patients, the mean age was 62 years at initial surgery and 71 years at EVAR. All patients were male. Initial open repair was for rupture in five (45%) patients. The average time between initial and subsequent reintervention was 9 years. All patients were ASA Grade III or IV. Fifty-five percent of the PAAs involved the iliac arteries, 36% the abdominal aorta, and 9% were aortoiliac. Ten patients had endovascular stent-grafts inserted electively, and one patient presented with a contained leak. Aorto-uni-iliac stent-grafts were deployed in seven patients, and bifurcated stent-grafts in four patients. A 100% successful deployment rate was achieved. Perioperative mortality was not seen and one patient needed surgical reintervention to correct an endoleak. Endovascular repair of PAAs is safe and feasible. It is a suitable alternative and has probably now become the treatment of choice in the management of PAAs.

  20. Retrograde type A dissection following hybrid supra-aortic endovascular surgery in high-risk patients unfit for conventional open repair. (United States)

    Yip, Hon C; Chan, Yiu C; Qing, Kai X; Cheng, Stephen W


    Hybrid procedures with combined open extra-anatomical supra-aortic bypasses and endovascular surgery are less invasive for patients with complex aortic arch pathology. The aim of this paper is to report patients who developed retrograde type A aortic dissection following initially successful hybrid endovascular treatment. Retrospective review of prospectively collected computerized departmental database. All patients with supra-aortic hybrid endovascular surgery and post-procedure retrograde type A dissection were identified. Patient demographics, comorbid conditions, perioperative parameters, procedural details and post-operative complications were collected. From May 2005 to July 2014, 163 patients underwent thoracic aortic endovascular procedures at our institution. From the 46 patients who had supra-aortic hybrid endovascular repair, six patients (6/46, 13% of all supra-aortic hybrid cases, 3 males) developed retrograde type A aortic dissection. All were elective cases, with 3 chronic dissecting aneurysms and 3 atherosclerotic aneurysms. All had one-stage hybrid procedures: 2 patients had carotid-carotid bypass grafts, one had carotid-carotid-left subclavian bypass graft, and 3 had bypass grafts from ascending aorta to innominate artery and left carotid artery. Five patients had Cook Zenith thoracic stent-grafts (Cook Medical, Bloomington, IN, USA), and one had Medtronic Valiant stent-grafts (Medtronic Vascular Inc, Santa Rosa, CA, USA). The retrograde type A dissection occurred with sudden symptoms at day 5, 6, 10, 20, 105 and 128, respectively. There were 3 immediate fatalities and 2 patients treated conservatively deemed unfit for reintervention (one died of pneumonia at 9 months, and one remained alive at 7 months post-complication). One patient underwent successful emergency open surgery and survived. Supra-aortic hybrid procedures in treating aortic arch pathology may be at risk of developing retrograde type A dissection. This post-operative complication

  1. Endovascular Neurosurgery: Personal Experience and Future Perspectives. (United States)

    Raymond, Jean


    From Luessenhop's early clinical experience until the present day, experimental methods have been introduced to make progress in endovascular neurosurgery. A personal historical narrative, spanning the 1980s to 2010s, with a review of past opportunities, current problems, and future perspectives. Although the technology has significantly improved, our clinical culture remains a barrier to methodologically sound and safe innovative care and progress. We must learn how to safely practice endovascular neurosurgery in the presence of uncertainty and verify patient outcomes in real time. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  2. Embolization by micro navigation for treatment of persistent type 2 Endoleaks after endovascular abdominal aortic aneurysm repair

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Bruno Lorenção de Almeida


    Full Text Available Background:Endovascular repair has become established as a safe and effective method for treatment of abdominal aortic aneurysms. One major complication of this treatment is leakage, or endoleaks, of which type 2 leaks are the most common.Objective:To conduct a brief review of the literature and evaluate the safety and effectiveness of embolization by micronavigation for treatment of type 2 endoleaks.Method:A review of medical records from patients who underwent endovascular repair of abdominal aortic aneurysms identified 5 patients with persistent type 2 endoleaks. These patients were submitted to embolization by micronavigation.Results:In all cases, angiographic success was achieved and control CT scans showed absence of type 2 leaks and aneurysm sacs that had reduced in size after the procedure.Conclusion:Treatment of type 2 endoleaks using embolization by micronavigation is an effective and safe method and should be considered as a treatment option for this complication after endovascular repair of abdominal aortic aneurysms.

  3. Endovascular Treatment of Ruptured Abdominal Aneurysm into the Inferior Vena Cava in Patient After Stent Graft Placement

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Juszkat, Robert; Pukacki, Fryderyk; Zarzecka, Anna; Kulesza, Jerzy; Majewski, Waclaw


    We report the case of a patient who underwent endovascular repair and then reintervention as a result of the presence of a persistent endoleak complicated by an aortocaval fistula. A 76-year-old patient with a history of endovascular treatment for abdominal aortic aneurysm 2 years earlier had a palpable abdominal mass, high-output cardiac failure, and renal failure. A computed tomographic scan and angiography revealed bending of the right iliac limb, a type I endoleak, and rupture of the aneurysm into the inferior vena cava with aortocaval fistula formation. An iliac extension was positioned in the right external iliac artery. The procedure was finished successfully. Control angiography showed normal flow within the endoprosthesis, and both iliac arteries were without signs of endoleakage and aortocaval fistula. Ectatic common iliac artery may lead to a late distal attachment site endoleak. The application of a stent graft in cases of secondary aortocaval fistula after stent graft repair is a good option, particularly in emergency cases.

  4. Endovascular Versus Open Surgical Intervention in Patients with Takayasu's Arteritis: A Meta-analysis. (United States)

    Jung, Jae Hyun; Lee, Young Ho; Song, Gwan Gyu; Jeong, Han Saem; Kim, Jae-Hoon; Choi, Sung Jae


    Although medical treatment has advanced, surgical treatment is needed to control symptoms of Takayasu's arteritis (TA), such as angina, stroke, hypertension, or claudication. Endovascular or open surgical intervention is performed; however, there are few comparative studies on these methods. This meta-analysis and systematic review aimed to examine the outcome of surgical treatment of TA. A meta-analysis comparing outcomes of endovascular and open surgical intervention was performed using MEDLINE and Embase. This meta-analysis included only observational studies, and the evidence level was low to moderate. Data were pooled and analysed using a fixed or random effects model with the I 2 statistic. The included studies involved a total of 770 patients and 1363 lesions, with 389 patients treated endovascularly and 420 treated by surgical revascularization. Restenosis was more common with endovascular than open surgical intervention (odds ratio [OR] 5.18, 95% confidence interval [CI] 2.78-9.62; p open surgical intervention patients in the coronary artery, supra-aortic branches, and renal artery. In both the active and inactive stages, restenosis was more common in those treated endovascularly than in those treated by open surgery. However, stroke occurred less often with endovascular intervention than with open surgical intervention (OR 0.33, 95% CI 0.12-0.90; p = .003). Mortality and complications other than stroke and mortality did not differ between endovascular and open surgical intervention. This meta-analysis has shown a lower risk of restenosis with open surgical intervention than with endovascular intervention. Stroke was generally more common with open surgical intervention than with endovascular intervention. However, there were differences according to the location of the lesion, and the risk of stroke in open surgery is higher when the supra-aortic branches are involved rather than the renal arteries. Copyright © 2018 European Society for Vascular

  5. Aortic Arch Aneurysms: Treatment with Extra anatomical Bypass and Endovascular Stent-Grafting

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kato, Noriyuki; Shimono, Takatsugu; Hirano, Tadanori; Mizumoto, Toru; Ishida, Masaki; Fujii, Hideki; Yada, Isao; Takeda, Kan


    Endovascular repair of thoracic aortic aneurysms is emerging as an attractive alternative to surgical graft replacement. However,patients with aortic arch aneurysms are often excluded from the target of endovascular repair because of lack of suitable landing zones, especially at the proximal ones. In this paper we describe our method for treating patients with aortic arch aneurysms using a combination of extra anatomical bypass surgery and endovascular stent-grafting

  6. Endovascular Treatment of a Carotid Dissecting Pseudoaneurysm in a Patient with Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome Type IV with Fatal Outcome

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lim, Siok Ping; Duddy, Martin J.


    We present a patient with Ehlers-Danlos syndrome type IV (EDS IV) with a carotid dissecting pseudoaneurysm causing severe carotid stenosis. This lesion was treated endovascularly. Unfortunately, the patient died of remote vascular catastrophes (intracranial hemorrhage and abdominal aortic rupture). This unique case illustrates the perils of endovascular treatment of EDS IV patients and the need for preoperative screening for concomitant lesions. It also shows that a dissecting pseudoaneurysm can feasibly be treated with a covered stent and that closure is effective using Angioseal in patients with EDS IV

  7. Tratamento de aneurisma da artéria renal por embolização e técnica de remodelamento de colo: relato de caso Endovascular treatment of renal artery utilizing embolization and aneurism neck remodeling technique: case report

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Luis Carlos Mendes de Brito


    Full Text Available O tratamento endovascular dos aneurismas de artéria renal tem sido descrito como alternativa à cirurgia convencional. Relatamos o caso de uma paciente com um aneurisma de artéria renal complexo à direita que apresentava hipertensão arterial de difícil controle. O tratamento endovascular foi realizado com a técnica de remodelagem de colo (técnica de Moret, ou técnica de embolização assistida por balão. A paciente obteve normalização da pressão arterial após o procedimento sem recidiva dos sintomas ou necessidade do uso de drogas anti-hipertensivas.Endovascular treatment of renal artery aneurysms has been described as an alternative to conventional surgery. We report the case of a patient with complex renal artery aneurysm on the right kidney who had hard-to-control arterial hypertension. Endovascular treatment was performed with the aneurysm neck remodeling technique (Moret technique, or balloon-assisted coil embolization. The patient achieved blood pressure normalization after the procedure without recurrence of symptoms or need for antihypertensive drugs.

  8. Endovascular management of lap belt-related abdominal aortic injury in a 9-year-old child. (United States)

    Papazoglou, Konstantinos O; Karkos, Christos D; Kalogirou, Thomas E; Giagtzidis, Ioakeim T


    Blunt abdominal aortic trauma is a rare occurrence in children with only a few patients having been reported in the literature. Most such cases have been described in the context of lap belt injuries. We report a 9-year-old boy who suffered lap belt trauma to the abdomen during a high-speed road traffic accident resulting to the well-recognized pattern of blunt abdominal injury, that is, the triad of intestinal perforation, fractures of the lumbar spine, and abdominal aortic injury. The latter presented with lower limb ischemia due to dissection of the infrarenal aorta and right common iliac artery. Revascularization was achieved by endovascular means using 2 self-expanding stents in the infrarenal aorta and the right common iliac artery. This case is one of the few reports of lap belt-related acute traumatic abdominal aortic dissection in a young child and highlights the feasibility of endovascular management in the pediatric population. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  9. Content Validation and Evaluation of an Endovascular Teamwork Assessment Tool. (United States)

    Hull, L; Bicknell, C; Patel, K; Vyas, R; Van Herzeele, I; Sevdalis, N; Rudarakanchana, N


    To modify, content validate, and evaluate a teamwork assessment tool for use in endovascular surgery. A multistage, multimethod study was conducted. Stage 1 included expert review and modification of the existing Observational Teamwork Assessment for Surgery (OTAS) tool. Stage 2 included identification of additional exemplar behaviours contributing to effective teamwork and enhanced patient safety in endovascular surgery (using real-time observation, focus groups, and semistructured interviews of multidisciplinary teams). Stage 3 included content validation of exemplar behaviours using expert consensus according to established psychometric recommendations and evaluation of structure, content, feasibility, and usability of the Endovascular Observational Teamwork Assessment Tool (Endo-OTAS) by an expert multidisciplinary panel. Stage 4 included final team expert review of exemplars. OTAS core team behaviours were maintained (communication, coordination, cooperation, leadership team monitoring). Of the 114 OTAS behavioural exemplars, 19 were modified, four removed, and 39 additional endovascular-specific behaviours identified. Content validation of these 153 exemplar behaviours showed that 113/153 (73.9%) reached the predetermined Item-Content Validity Index rating for teamwork and/or patient safety. After expert team review, 140/153 (91.5%) exemplars were deemed to warrant inclusion in the tool. More than 90% of the expert panel agreed that Endo-OTAS is an appropriate teamwork assessment tool with observable behaviours. Some concerns were noted about the time required to conduct observations and provide performance feedback. Endo-OTAS is a novel teamwork assessment tool, with evidence for content validity and relevance to endovascular teams. Endo-OTAS enables systematic objective assessment of the quality of team performance during endovascular procedures. Copyright © 2016. Published by Elsevier Ltd.

  10. Endovascular Sharp Recanalization for Calcified Femoropopliteal Artery Occlusion

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Hsuan-Li Huang


    Full Text Available Endovascular intervention of peripheral chronic total occlusion (CTO is technically challenging and time consuming. Various techniques and devices are used to facilitate lesion crossing and improve the success rate of the procedure. However, these new devices are quite expensive and not readily available. We report 2 cases of peripheral CTO wherein the occlusions were successfully crossed by using stiff end of Terumo glidewire. This sharp recanalization may be a useful technique for the recanalization of calcified peripheral CTOs when conventional techniques fail and new devices are not readily available, but it is accompanied by the risk of distal atheroembolism.

  11. Prevention of paraplegia after endovascular exclusion for stanford B thoracic aortic dissection aneurism

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Feng Rui; Jing Zaiping; Bao Junmin; Zhao Zhiqing; Zhao Jun; Feng Xiang; Lu Qingsheng; Huang Cheng


    Objective: To assess the prophylactic measures of paraplegia and paralysis after endovascular graft exclusion (EVE) for Stanford B thoracic aortic dissections (TAD). Methods: The records of 116 consecutive patients undergoing endovascular TAD repair from 1998 to 2001 were retrospectively reviewed. Steroids were administrated postoperatively in high risk patients likely to be candidates for paraplegia or paralysis. Results: No paraplegia or paralysis occurred postoperatively in all cases, including the patient undergone selective spinal artery angiography (SSAA). Conclusions: Transluminal repair can avoid spinal cord ischemia due to aortic cross-clamping, there is still a risk of spinal cord injury caused by occlusion of intercostal arteries under the cover of endograft. A combination of the prophylactic measures, including SSAA and steroids, have been able to reduce the risk of paraplegia and paralysis. A graft-stent of appropriate length is the key point of this procedure

  12. Endovascular therapy options in femoro-popliteal PAD; Endovaskulaere Therapieoptionen bei femoropoplitealer pAVK

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Brechtel, Klaus [Universitaetsklinikum Tuebingen (Germany). Abt. fuer Diagnostische und Interventionelle Radiologie


    The endovascular treatment of femoro-popliteal PAD is still challenging. The number of endovascular procedures in this vessel segment has increased over the past years. Despite new technologies, the outcome of endovascular therapy in terms of durability is still weak. In the meantime, the latest developments are progressing, such as the combination of mechanical angioplasty and drug delivery. Additionally, there are former techniques, such as debulking by atherectomy, which have been technically improved and now contribute to modern concepts of endovascular treatment. This article provides an overview on treatment indications and technical options including the latest technical developments. (orig.)

  13. Anastomotic pseudoaneurysms after surgical reconstruction: Outcomes after endovascular repair of symptomatic versus asymptomatic patients

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nolz, Richard; Gschwendtner, Manfred; Jülg, Gregor; Plank, Christina; Beitzke, Dietrich; Teufelsbauer, Harald; Wibmer, Andreas; Kretschmer, Georg; Lammer, Johannes


    Purpose: To compare perioperative and follow-up outcomes of symptomatic versus asymptomatic patients following endovascular repair of anastomotic pseudoaneurysms (APAs) of the abdominal aorta and iliac arteries. Methods: We retrospectively evaluated 17 patients (two women), with a mean age of 66.2 years (range 30–83 years). Endovascular treatment was performed in ten symptomatic, and seven asymptomatic patients electively. Data included technical success, perioperative (within 30 days) mortality and morbidity, as well as stent graft-related complications, reinterventions, and survival in follow-up. Results: Bifurcated (n = 13), aortomonoiliac (n = 3) endoprosthesis and one aortic cuff were implanted with a primary technical success rate of 100%. The overall in-hospital mortality and morbidity rate was 11.8% and 35.3%. The mean survival was 36.5 (range 0–111) months. There was a clear trend toward a lower overall survival within hospital and at one and three years for symptomatic patients compared to asymptomatic patients. (47.7 (CI: 0–138.8) versus 52.6 (CI: 28.5–76.8) months (p = 0.274)). During follow-up, late stent graft related complications were observed in six patients (35.3%) necessitating eight endovascular reinterventions. Additional three patients with primary fistulas between the APA and the intestine were treated by late surgical revision. Conclusion: Endovascular therapy of APAs represents a considerable alternative to open surgical repair. Short proximal anchoring zones still pose a risk for endoleaks and unintentional overstenting of side branches with commercially available devices, but this might be overcome by use of fenestrated and branched stent grafts in elective cases.

  14. Late endovascular removal of Günther-Tulip inferior vena cava filter and stent reconstruction of chronic post-thrombotic iliocaval obstruction after 4753 days of filter dwell time: a case report with review of literature. (United States)

    Doshi, Mehul Harshad; Narayanan, Govindarajan


    Chronic post-thrombotic obstruction of the inferior vena cava (IVC) or iliocaval junction is an uncommon complication of long indwelling IVC filter. When such an obstruction is symptomatic, endovascular treatment options include stent placement with or without filter retrieval. Filter retrieval becomes increasingly difficult with longer dwell times. We present a case of symptomatic post-thrombotic obstruction of the iliocaval junction related to Günther-Tulip IVC filter (Cook Medical Inc, Bloomington, IN) with dwell time of 4753 days, treated successfully with endovascular filter removal and stent reconstruction. Filter retrieval and stent reconstruction may be a treatment option in symptomatic patients with filter-related chronic IVC or iliocaval junction obstruction, even after prolonged dwell time.

  15. The preparation of teaching simulation system of endovascular intervention

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Li Yiming; Wang Jie; Shi Haibin; Jin Xijun


    Objective: To establish a teaching simulation system of endovascular intervention and to evaluate its application in clinical teaching practice. Methods: The vascular model, which had quite similar diameter and length to that of human arteries, was prepared with glass tubes of different diameters. Stainless steel tubes were cut and welded to manufacture the brackets of an operation bed and a C-arm, and then the above parts together with flat were assembled into the operation bed module. Fixed camera, computer and footswitch were assembled into the image module. The above three modules were integrated into the teaching simulation system of endovascular intervention. With the help of this system, the principal endovascular intervention manipulations were imitatively exercised. Results: The vascular model had the same proportions as in normal human subjects. The operation bed module could be moved in two dimensions. The image module could capture multiple and differently formatted images as well as dynamic images in different sizes. Also, this system carried the image-frozen function, which was just the same as last image hold function of DSA. This simulation system could imitate the basic manipulations of many kinds of endovascular interventions, such as the hepatic artery catheterization, carotid artery catheterization, the performing of looping-technique in uterine artery, etc. Conclusion: The simulation system can imitate many principal endovascular manipulations, and can distinctly display the relationship of the vascular anatomy and interventional instruments with their imaging shadows. Therefore, this simulation system has a promising prospect of being able to be used in the clinical teaching program concerning vascular interventional manipulations. (authors)

  16. Long-term success of endovascular treatment of benign superior vena cava occlusion with chylothorax and chylopericardium

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Veroux, Pierfrancesco; Veroux, Massimiliano; Bonanno, Maria Giovanna; Tumminelli, Maria Giuseppina [Department of Surgery and Transplantation, University Hospital, Via S. Sofia, 78, 95123 Catania (Italy); Baggio, Elda [Department of Surgery and Gastroenterological Sciences, University Hospital of Verona (Italy); Petrillo, Giuseppe [Department of Radiology, University Hospital, Via S. Sofia, 78, 95123 Catania (Italy)


    The most likely etiology of benign obstruction of the superior vena cava (SVC) include fibrosing mediastinitis and iatrogenic etiologies such as sclerosis and obstruction caused by pacemakers and central venous catheter. Percutaneous stenting of SVC has been used with success both in malignant and benign superior vena cava syndrome; however, long-term follow-up of endovascular procedures is not well known. We present a case of a patient with complete occlusion of SVC of benign etiology, presenting dramatically with bilateral chylothorax and chylopericardium with cardiac tamponade, who underwent successful vena caval revascularization with thrombolytic therapy and placement of self-expanding metallic stent. The 42-month follow-up could encourage endovascular procedures even in SVC syndrome of benign etiology. (orig.)

  17. Endovascular stent-assisted thrombolysis in acute occlusive carotid artery dissection

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Mourand, Isabelle [Hopital Gui de Chauliac, Department of Neurology, CHU Montpellier, Montpellier, Cedex 5 (France); Hopital Gui de Chauliac, Department of Neurology, Service de Neurologie, Montpellier, Cedex 5 (France); Brunel, Herve; Vendrell, Jean-Francois; Bonafe, Alain [Hopital Gui de Chauliac, Department of Neuroradiology, CHU Montpellier, Montpellier, Cedex 5 (France); Thouvenot, Eric [Hopital Gui de Chauliac, Department of Neurology, CHU Montpellier, Montpellier, Cedex 5 (France)


    Internal carotid artery dissection with tandem internal carotid and middle cerebral artery occlusion may be responsible for large cerebral infarction that carries a general poor prognosis. Recanalization of internal carotid artery (ICA) dissection by stent-assisted thrombolysis has been recently proposed. We report two cases of acute symptomatic ICA dissection with tandem occlusion successfully treated with emergent endovascular stent-assisted thrombolysis using new self-expandable intracranial stents. A 37-year-old woman and a 59-year-old man were admitted in our hospital after acute severe symptoms of right-hemispheric stroke with National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale (NIHSS) scores of 15 and 18, respectively. In both cases, magnetic resonance angiography showed tandem occlusion and angiography confirmed tandem occlusion with ICA dissection. An extensive mismatch region was diagnosed by Perfusion-diffusion MRI of the brain within 3 h after symptoms onset. Treatment was initiated 4 h after symptom onset by implantation of self-expandable intracranial stents into the dissected ICA and administration of intra-arterial recombinant tissue plasminogen activator. Recanalization of the ICA and middle cerebral artery (MCA) was accomplished within 6 h after symptoms onset. In both cases, no periprocedural complication was observed and follow-up CT scan showed only a mild brain infarct in the MCA territory. After, respectively, 12 and 10 months follow-up, patients had a favorable outcome with NIHSS 0 and mRS {<=}1. Endovascular stent-assisted thrombolysis appears to be a promising treatment in tandem occlusion due to ICA dissection. Our work underline the potential use of self-expandable intracranial stents in symptomatic acute ICA dissection. (orig.)

  18. Las quemaduras : su tratamiento por injertos de piel

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Juan Ruiz Mora


    Full Text Available Uno de los problemas médicos más discutidos y apasionantes, es el relativo al tratamiento de las quemaduras. Desde los mas remotos tiempos, el hombre en su lucha contra los elementos adversos, uso el calor en distintas formas; los guerreros desde las épocas mas primitivas lo emplearon como medio de destrucción del enemigo, castigo o mutilación de los vencidos, y así tenemos que el problema que vamos a tratar y en el cual se han hecho avances notorios, es tan viejo como la historia misma de la humanidad. Aunque es la intención de este trabajo, llamar la atención de los colegas, hacia el tratamiento de las quemaduras mediante los injertos de piel, es sin embargo indispensable pasar una revista al tratamiento de las quemaduras en general, puesto que dicho tratamiento no se- inicia inmediatamente después de acaecida esta y antes de emprender el tratamiento quirúrgico, es necesario llevar a cabo un tratamiento medico adecuado.

  19. Perioperative nursing for patients with diabetic foot receiving endovascular interventional therapy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yang Yang; Wang Feng; Li Ke; Li Cheng; Ji Donghua


    Objective: To study the effect of perioperative nursing on the living quality of patients with diabetic foot who are treated with endovascular interventional therapy. Methods: Specific perioperative nursing care plan was accordingly designed for 43 patients with diabetic foot. Endovascular balloon angioplasty and stent implantation were formed in these patients to treat their diabetic foot. The clinical results were observed. Results: Perioperative nursing effectively improved patient's limb blood supply, enhanced the healing of diabetic foot ulceration and increased the possibility of limb preservation. Conclusion: Endovascular therapy combined with corresponding perioperative nursing care can benefit more patients with diabetic foot. (authors)

  20. Penetrating Atherosclerotic Ulcer of the Abdominal Aorta Involving the Celiac Trunk Origin and Superior Mesenteric Artery Occlusion: Endovascular Treatment

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ferro, Carlo; Rossi, Umberto G.; Petrocelli, Francesco; Seitun, Sara; Robaldo, Alessandro; Mazzei, Raffaele


    We describe a case of endovascular treatment in a 64-year-old woman affected by a penetrating atherosclerotic ulcer (PAU) of the abdominal aorta with a 26-mm pseudoaneurysm involving the celiac trunk (CT) origin and with superior mesenteric artery (SMA) occlusion in the first 30 mm. The patient underwent stenting to treat the SMA occlusion and subsequent deployment of a custom-designed fenestrated endovascular stent-graft to treat the PAU involving the CT origin. Follow-up at 6 months after device placement demonstrated no complications, and there was complete thrombosis of the PAU and patency of the two branch vessels.

  1. Endovascular Treatment of Various Aortic Pathologies: Review of the Latest Data and Technologies. (United States)

    Maeda, Koji; Ohki, Takao; Kanaoka, Yuji


    The technologies and innovations applicable to endovascular treatment for complex aortic pathologies have progressed rapidly over the last two decades. Although the initial outcomes of an endovascular aortic repair have been excellent, as long-term data became available, complications including endoleaks, endograft migration, and endograft infection have become apparent and are of concern. Previously, the indication for endovascular therapy was restricted to descending thoracic aortic aneurysms and abdominal aortic aneurysms. However, its indication has expanded along with the improvement of techniques and devices, and currently, it has become possible to treat pararenal aortic aneurysms and Crawford type 4 thoracoabdominal aortic aneurysm (TAAA) using the off-the-shelf devices. Additionally, custom-made devices allow for the treatment of arch or more extensive TAAAs. Endovascular treatment is applied not only to aneurysms but also to acute/chronic dissections. However, long-term outcomes are still unclear. This article provides an overview of available devices and the results of endovascular treatment for various aortic pathologies.

  2. Bronchoscopic guidance of endovascular stenting limits airway compression. (United States)

    Ebrahim, Mohammad; Hagood, James; Moore, John; El-Said, Howaida


    Bronchial compression as a result of pulmonary artery and aortic arch stenting may cause significant respiratory distress. We set out to limit airway narrowing by endovascular stenting, by using simultaneous flexible bronchoscopy and graduated balloon stent dilatation, or balloon angioplasty to determine maximum safe stent diameter. Between August 2010 and August 2013, patients with suspected airway compression by adjacent vascular structures, underwent CT or a 3D rotational angiogram to evaluate the relationship between the airway and the blood vessels. If these studies showed close proximity of the stenosed vessel and the airway, simultaneous bronchoscopy and graduated stent re-dilation or graduated balloon angioplasty were performed. Five simultaneous bronchoscopy and interventional catheterization procedures were performed in four patients. Median age/weight was 33 (range 9-49) months and 14 (range 7.6-24) kg, respectively. Three had hypoplastic left heart syndrome, and one had coarctation of the aorta (CoA). All had confirmed or suspected left main stem bronchial compression. In three procedures, serial balloon dilatation of a previously placed stent in the CoA was performed and bronchoscopy was used to determine the safest largest diameter. In the other two procedures, balloon testing with simultaneous bronchoscopy was performed to determine the stent size that would limit compression of the adjacent airway. In all cases, simultaneous bronchoscopy allowed selection of an ideal caliber of the stent that optimized vessel diameter while minimizing compression of the adjacent airway. In cases at risk for airway compromise, flexible bronchoscopy is a useful tool to guide endovascular stenting. Maximum safe stent diameter can be determined without risking catastrophic airway compression. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  3. Endovascular treatment of ruptured true posterior communicating artery aneurysms. (United States)

    Yang, Yonglin; Su, Wandong; Meng, Qinghai


    Although true posterior communicating artery (PCoA) aneurysms are rare, they are of vital importance. We reviewed 9 patients with this fatal disease, who were treated with endovascular embolization, and discussed the meaning of endovascular embolization for the treatment of true PCoA aneurysms. From September 2006 to May 2012, 9 patients with digital substraction angiography (DSA) confirmed true PCoA aneurysms were treated with endovascular embolization. Patients were followed-up with a minimal duration of 17 months and assessed by Glasgow Outcome Scale (GOS) score. All the patients presented with spontaneous subarachnoid hemorrhage from the ruptured aneurysms. The ratio of males to females was 1:2, and the average age of onset was 59.9 (ranging from 52 to 72) years. The preoperative Hunt-Hess grade scores were I to III. All patients had recovered satisfactorily. No permanent neurological deficits were left. Currently, endovascular embolization can be recommended as the top choice for the treatment of most true PCoA aneurysms, due to its advanced technique, especially the application of the stent-assisted coiling technique, combined with its advantage of mininal invasiveness and quick recovery. However, the choice of treatment methods should be based on the clinical and anatomical characteristics of the aneurysm and the skillfulness of the surgeon.

  4. Total Endovascular Aortic Repair in a Patient with Marfan Syndrome. (United States)

    Amako, Mau; Spear, Rafaëlle; Clough, Rachel E; Hertault, Adrien; Azzaoui, Richard; Martin-Gonzalez, Teresa; Sobocinski, Jonathan; Haulon, Stéphan


    The aim of this study is to describe a total endovascular aortic repair with branched and fenestrated endografts in a young patient with Marfan syndrome and a chronic aortic dissection. Open surgery is the gold standard to treat aortic dissections in patients with aortic disease and Marfan syndrome. In 2000, a 38-year-old man with Marfan syndrome underwent open ascending aorta repair for an acute type A aortic dissection. One year later, a redo sternotomy was performed for aortic valve replacement. In 2013, the patient presented with endocarditis and pulmonary infection, which necessitated tracheostomy and temporary dialysis. In 2014, the first stage of the endovascular repair was performed using an inner branched endograft to exclude a 77-mm distal arch and descending thoracic aortic aneurysm. In 2015, a 63-mm thoracoabdominal aortic aneurysm was excluded by implantation of a 4-fenestrated endograft. Follow-up after both endovascular repairs was uneventful. Total aortic endovascular repair was successfully performed to treat a patient with arch and thoraco-abdominal aortic aneurysm associated with chronic aortic dissection and Marfan syndrome. The postoperative images confirmed patency of the endograft and its branches, and complete exclusion of the aortic false lumen. Endovascular repair is a treatment option in patients with connective tissue disease who are not candidates for open surgery. Long-term follow-up is required to confirm these favorable early outcomes. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  5. Endovascular Procedures in Treatment of Infrapopliteal Arterial Occlusive Disease: Single Center Experience With 69 Infrapopliteal Procedures. (United States)

    Janko, Pasternak J; Nebojsa, Budakov B; Andrej, Petres V


    Peripheral arterial occlusive disease (PAD) includes acute and chronic disorders of the blood supply as a result of obstruction of blood flow in the arteries of the limb. Treatment of PAD can be conservative, surgical and endovascular. Percutaneous transluminal angioplasty with or without stenting has become a recognized method, which is increasingly used in treatment of arterial occlusive disease. This study aimed to determine early results of endovascular treatment of critical limb ischemia (CLI) patients with infrapopliteal lesions. The study included 69 patients (46 men; mean age 65 years, range 38-84) with CLI (class 4 to 6 according to Rutherford). The primary study endpoints were absence of major amputation of the target limb at 6 months and occurance of local and systemic complications specifically related to use of endovascular treatment. Major amputation was avoided in 61 patients. Through 6 months, 6 patients underwent additional revascularization. One local complication (clinicaly significant dissection of popliteal artery) occurred, and it was resolved by stent implantation. There were no cases of systemic complications and death during the follow-up period. Rates of major amputation were 12.3% for diabetics versus 8.3% for non-diabetics. Our data showed that endovascular treatment of infrapopliteal disease is an effective and safe treatment in patients experiencing CLI, provides high limb preservation and low complication rates. Study outcomes support endovascular treatment as a primary option for patients experiencing CLI due to below the knee (BTK) occlusive disease. © 2018 The Author(s). This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

  6. Mesenteric ischaemia after endovascular coiling of ruptured cerebral aneurysms.

    LENUS (Irish Health Repository)

    Kamel, M H


    Three patients were referred to a national neurosurgical centre following CT evidence of subarachnoid haemorrhage. The three patients, who were referred from different institutions within a seven week period, were Fisher grade 3 and WFNS Grade I at all times. Angiography showed a PCOM aneurysm in one case, a ruptured Basilar tip aneurysm and an unruptured ACOM aneurysm in another case, and an ACOM aneurysm in the third case. It was decided that the aneurysms were suitable for endovascular coiling. These patients had unremarkable intraoperative catheterizations and coiling but subsequently deteriorated post-operatively due to mesenteric ischaemia. Two patients required colectomy for mesenteric ischaemia, and the third arrested secondary to sepsis from bowel perforation. We discuss the various causes that may explain this association, and we alert the neurosurgical community for this complication which has not been reported before.

  7. Endovascular treatment of false-aneurysm ten years after dacron patch aortoplasty for coarctation of the aortic isthmus. Report of a case. (United States)

    Illuminati, Giulio; Pacilè, Maria Antonietta; Palumbo, Piergaspare; Salvatori, Filippo Maria; Vietri, Francesco


    False aneurysm degeneration is a known complication of patch aortoplasty for coarctation of the aortic isthmus. Open surgical treatment consists of prosthetic graft repair of the involved aorta, often requires circulatory arrest to achieve a safe proximal aortic control and perform proximal anastomosis, and finally is associated with substantial perioperative morbidity. Endografting of the diseased aorta is a valuable alternative to open repair, when feasible, with good short and long term results. We now report one more case of false aneurysm ten years after Dacron patch aortoplasty for isthmic coarctation in a 26-year-old woman, successfully treated by endovascular repair via the left common iliac artery, and a complete exclusion of the aneurysm at two year follow-up.

  8. Identifying patients with AAA with the highest risk following endovascular repair. (United States)

    Cadili, Ali; Turnbull, Robert; Hervas-Malo, Marilou; Ghosh, Sunita; Chyczij, Harold


    It has been demonstrated that endovascular repair of arterial disease results in reduced perioperative morbidity and mortality compared to open surgical repair. The rates of complications and need for reinterventions, however, have been found to be higher than that in open repair. The purpose of this study was to identify the predictors of endograft complications and mortality in patients undergoing endovascular abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) repair; specifically, our aim was to identify a subset of patients with AAA whose risk of periprocedure mortality was so high that they should not be offered endovascular repair. We undertook a prospective review of patients with AAA receiving endovascular therapy at a single institution. Collected variables included age, gender, date of procedure, indication for procedure, size of aneurysm (where applicable), type of endograft used, presence of rupture, American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) class, major medical comorbidities, type of anesthesia (general, epidural, or local), length of intensive care unit (ICU) stay, and length of hospital stay. These factors were correlated with the study outcomes (overall mortality, graft complications, morbidity, and reintervention) using univariate and multivariate logistic regression. A total of 199 patients underwent endovascular AAA repair during the study period. The ICU stay, again, was significantly correlated with the primary outcomes (death and graft complications). In addition, length of hospital stay greater than 3 days, also emerged as a statistically significant predictor of graft complications in this subgroup (P = .024). Survival analysis for patients with AAA revealed that age over 85 years and ICU stay were predictive of decreased survival. Statistical analysis for other subgroups of patients (inflammatory AAA or dissection) was not performed due to the small numbers in these subgroups. Patients with AAA greater than 85 years of age are at a greater risk of mortality

  9. Emergency endovascular management of peripheral artery aneurysms and pseudoaneurysms – a review

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Gillard Jonathan H


    Full Text Available Abstract Endovascular stenting has been successfully employed in the management of aortic aneurysms; however, its use in managing peripheral arterial conditions remains questionable. We review the utility of endovascular technique in the management of peripheral arterial conditions like aneurysms, pseudoaneurysms and arterio-venous fistulas in the emergency setting. Though long term data about graft patency rates is not yet available, the endovascular approach appears to be a useful minimally invasive technique in situations where open repair is either difficult or not feasible.

  10. Supra-aortic interventions for endovascular exclusion of the entire aortic arch. (United States)

    Andrási, Terézia B; Grossmann, Marius; Zenker, Dieter; Danner, Bernhard C; Schöndube, Friedrich A


    Our aim was to analyze the outcomes of endovascular exclusion of the entire aortic arch (proximal landing in zone 0, distal landing in zone III or beyond, after Ishimaru) in which complete surgical debranching of the supra-aortic vessels (I), endovascular supra-aortic revascularization (chimney, fenestrated, or branched grafts) with partial surgical debranching (II), or total endovascular supra-aortic revascularization (III) was additionally performed. Publications describing endovascular repair of the aortic arch (2000-2016) were systematically searched and reviewed. From a total of 53 relevant studies including 1853 patients, only 1021 patients undergoing 35 different total aortic arch procedures were found eligible for further evaluation and included in group I, II, or III (429, 190, and 402 patients, respectively). Overall early mortality was higher in group I vs groups II and III (P = .001; 1 - β = 95.6%) but exceeded in group III (18.6%) and group II (14.0%) vs group I (8.0%; P = .044; 1 - β = 57.4%) for diseases involving zone 0. Mortality was higher in all subgroups treated for zone 0 disease compared with corresponding subgroups treated for zone I to zone III disease. The incidence of cerebral ischemic events was increased in groups I and II vs group III (7.5% and 11% vs 1.7%; P = .0001) and correlated with early mortality (R 2  = .20; P = .033). The incidence of type II endoleaks and endovascular reintervention was similar between groups and correlated with each other (R 2  = .37; P = .004). Type Ia endoleak occurred more often in groups II and III than in group I (7.1% and 12.1% vs 5.8%; P = .023) and correlated with midterm mortality (R 2  = .53; P = .005). Retrograde type A dissection was low in all groups, whereas aneurysm growth was higher in group III (2.6%, 4.2%, 10.7%; P = .002), correlating with midterm mortality (R 2  = .311; P = .009). Surgical revision slightly correlated with surgical complications (R 2  = .18; P = .044

  11. Hybrid endovascular and surgical approach for mycotic pseudoaneurysms of the extracranial internal carotid artery

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Daniela Mazzaccaro


    Full Text Available Objectives: Mycotic pseudoaneurysms of the extracranial internal carotid artery are rare, and their management often represents a challenge, but treatment is necessary due to the high risk of rupture and distal brain embolization. Systemic antibiotics associated with open surgical excision of the infected tissues and carotid reconstruction using autologous grafts are the treatment of choice. The use of endovascular techniques still remains controversial in infective fields; however, it can be an attractive alternative in high-risk patients or more often as a “temporary” solution to achieve immediate bleeding control for a safe surgical reconstruction. Methods: We discuss the unusual case of an extracranial right internal carotid artery mycotic pseudoaneurysm following methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus infection, in a patient with poor general conditions. Results and Conclusion: The lesion was successfully treated using a hybrid endovascular and surgical procedure.

  12. Radiation-Induced Alopecia after Endovascular Embolization under Fluoroscopy

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Vipawee Ounsakul


    Full Text Available Radiation-induced alopecia after fluoroscopically guided procedures is becoming more common due to an increasing use of endovascular procedures. It is characterized by geometric shapes of nonscarring alopecia related to the area of radiation. We report a case of a 46-year-old man presenting with asymptomatic, sharply demarcated rectangular, nonscarring alopecic patch on the occipital scalp following cerebral angiography with fistula embolization under fluoroscopy. His presentations were compatible with radiation-induced alopecia. Herein, we also report a novel scalp dermoscopic finding of blue-grey dots in a target pattern around yellow dots and follicles, which we detected in the lesion of radiation-induced alopecia.

  13. Advances in endovascular treatment of critical limb ischemia.

    LENUS (Irish Health Repository)

    Yan, Bryan P


    Critical limb ischemia (CLI) represents the most severe clinical manifestation of peripheral arterial disease. In the absence of timely revascularization, CLI carries high risk of mortality and amputation. Over the past decade, endovascular revascularization has rapidly become the preferred primary treatment strategy for CLI, especially for the treatment of below-the-knee disease. Advances in percutaneous devices and techniques have expanded the spectrum of patients with CLI who are deemed candidates for revascularization. This review will focus on advances in endovascular options for the treatment of CLI, in particular for below-the-knee disease.

  14. Enhancing brain lesions after endovascular treatment of aneurysms

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Cruz, J P; Marotta, T; O'Kelly, C


    present 7 patients from 5 different institutions that developed MR imaging-enhancing brain lesions after endovascular therapy of aneurysms, detected after a median time of 63 days. The number of lesions ranged from 4-46 (median of 10.5), sized 2-20 mm, and were mostly in the same vascular territory used......Complications of endovascular therapy of aneurysms mainly include aneurysm rupture and thromboembolic events. The widespread use of MR imaging for follow-up of these patients revealed various nonvascular complications such as aseptic meningitis, hydrocephalus, and perianeurysmal brain edema. We...

  15. Covered stents for endovascular repair of iatrogenic injuries of iliac and femoral arteries

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kufner, Sebastian, E-mail: [Deutsches Herzzentrum München, Technische Universität München, Munich (Germany); Cassese, Salvatore; Groha, Philipp; Byrne, Robert A. [Deutsches Herzzentrum München, Technische Universität München, Munich (Germany); Schunkert, Heribert; Kastrati, Adnan [Deutsches Herzzentrum München, Technische Universität München, Munich (Germany); DZHK (German Centre for Cardiovascular Research), Partner Site Munich Heart Alliance, Munich (Germany); Ott, Ilka; Fusaro, Massimiliano [Deutsches Herzzentrum München, Technische Universität München, Munich (Germany)


    Background: The growing number of complex endovascular procedures is expected to increase the risk of iatrogenic injuries of peripheral arteries. A strategy of percutaneous transluminal angioplasty (PTA) with covered stent (CS) may represent a valuable alternative to open surgery. However, systematic evaluations of CS in this setting represent a scientific gap. In the present study, we investigate the procedural and clinical outcomes associated with PTA and CS implantation to repair iatrogenic injuries of peripheral arteries. Methods: All patients undergoing PTA with CS for endovascular repair of iatrogenic injuries of peripheral arteries between August 2010 and July 2013 at our Institution were retrospectively analyzed. The primary endpoint was the technical success. Secondary endpoints were in-hospital mortality and cumulative death, target lesion revascularization (TLR), amputation and major stroke at 12-month follow-up. Results: During the period of observation, a total of 30 patients underwent PTA with either self-expandable (43.3%) or balloon-expandable CS (56.7%) for iatrogenic injuries of peripheral arteries. Injuries consisted of perforation/rupture (76.7%), arteriovenous fistula (16.7%) and pseudoaneurysm (6.7%) of iliac–femoral arteries. Technical success was achieved in all cases. Median follow-up was 409 days [210–907]. The incidence of in-hospital mortality was 10.0%. At 12-month follow-up, the incidence of death, TLR, amputation and major stroke was 20.0%, 17.0%, 3.3% and 6.7%, respectively. Conclusion: The use of covered stents for endovascular repair of iatrogenic injuries of peripheral arteries shows a high technical success and may be alternative to surgery. Further studies with larger populations are needed to confirm these preliminary findings. - Highlights: • The growing number of complex endovascular procedures is expected to increase the risk of iatrogenic injuries of peripheral arteries. • Percutaneous transluminal angioplasty with

  16. Stroke Neurologist's Perspective on the New Endovascular Trials. (United States)

    Grotta, James C; Hacke, Werner


    Before December 2014, the only proven effective treatment for acute ischemic stroke was recombinant tissue-type plasminogen activator (r-tPA). This has now changed with the publication of the Multicenter Randomized Clinical Trial of Endovascular Treatment for Acute Ischemic Stroke in the Netherlands (MR CLEAN), Endovascular Treatment for Small Core and Anterior Circulation Proximal Occlusion With Emphasis on Minimizing CT to Recanalization Times (ESCAPE), Extending the Time for Thrombolysis in Emergency Neurological Deficits--Intra-Arterial (EXTEND IA), Solitaire With the Intention for Thrombectomy as Primary Endovascular Treatment Trial (SWIFT PRIME), and Randomized Trial of Revascularization With the Solitaire FR Device Versus Best Medical Therapy in the Treatment of Acute Stroke Due to Anterior Circulation Large Vessel Occlusion Presenting Within Eight Hours of Symptom Onset (REVASCAT) studies. We review the main results of these studies and how they inform stroke patient management going forward. The main take home points for neurologists are (1) intra-arterial thrombectomy is a potently effective treatment and should be offered to patients who have documented occlusion in the distal internal carotid or the proximal middle cerebral artery, have a relatively normal noncontrast head computed tomographic scan, severe neurological deficit, and can have intra-arterial thrombectomy within 6 hours of last seen normal; (2) benefits are clear in patients receiving r-tPA before intra-arterial thrombectomy; r-tPA should not be withheld if the patient meets criteria, and benefit in patients who do not receive r-tPA or have r-tPA exclusions requires further study; and (3) these favorable results occur when intra-arterial thrombectomy is performed in an endovascular stroke center by a coordinated multidisciplinary team that extends from the prehospital stage to the endovascular suite, minimizes time to recanalization, uses stent-retriever devices, and avoids general

  17. An Endovascular Approach to the Entrapped Central Venous Catheter After Cardiac Surgery

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Desai, Shamit S.; Konanur, Meghana; Foltz, Gretchen; Malaisrie, S. Chris; Resnick, Scott


    PurposeEntrapment of central venous catheters (CVC) at the superior vena cava (SVC) cardiopulmonary bypass cannulation site by closing purse-string sutures is a rare complication of cardiac surgery. Historically, resternotomy has been required for suture release. An endovascular catheter release approach was developed.Materials and MethodsFour cases of CVC tethering against the SVC wall and associated resistance to removal, suggestive of entrapment, were encountered. In each case, catheter removal was achieved using a reverse catheter fluoroscopically guided over the suture fixation point between catheter and SVC wall, followed by the placement of a guidewire through the catheter. The guidewire was snared and externalized to create a through-and-through access with the apex of the loop around the suture. A snare placed from the femoral venous access provided concurrent downward traction on the distal CVC during suture release maneuvers.ResultsIn the initial attempt, gentle traction freed the CVC, which fractured and was removed in two sections. In the subsequent three cases, traction alone did not release the CVC. Therefore, a cutting balloon was introduced over the guidewire and inflated. Gentle back-and-forth motion of the cutting balloon atherotomes successfully incised the suture in all three attempts. No significant postprocedural complications were encountered. During all cases, a cardiovascular surgeon was present in the interventional suite and prepared for emergent resternotomy, if necessary.ConclusionAn endovascular algorithm to the “entrapped CVC” is proposed, which likely reduces risks posed by resternotomy to cardiac surgery patients in the post-operative period

  18. An Endovascular Approach to the Entrapped Central Venous Catheter After Cardiac Surgery

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Desai, Shamit S., E-mail: [Northwestern Memorial Hospital, Department of Radiology (United States); Konanur, Meghana [Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine (United States); Foltz, Gretchen [Mallinckrodt Institute of Radiology at Washington University, Interventional Radiology (United States); Malaisrie, S. Chris [Northwestern Memorial Hospital, Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery (United States); Resnick, Scott, E-mail: [Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, Department of Radiology, Interventional Radiology, Northwestern Memorial Hospital (United States)


    PurposeEntrapment of central venous catheters (CVC) at the superior vena cava (SVC) cardiopulmonary bypass cannulation site by closing purse-string sutures is a rare complication of cardiac surgery. Historically, resternotomy has been required for suture release. An endovascular catheter release approach was developed.Materials and MethodsFour cases of CVC tethering against the SVC wall and associated resistance to removal, suggestive of entrapment, were encountered. In each case, catheter removal was achieved using a reverse catheter fluoroscopically guided over the suture fixation point between catheter and SVC wall, followed by the placement of a guidewire through the catheter. The guidewire was snared and externalized to create a through-and-through access with the apex of the loop around the suture. A snare placed from the femoral venous access provided concurrent downward traction on the distal CVC during suture release maneuvers.ResultsIn the initial attempt, gentle traction freed the CVC, which fractured and was removed in two sections. In the subsequent three cases, traction alone did not release the CVC. Therefore, a cutting balloon was introduced over the guidewire and inflated. Gentle back-and-forth motion of the cutting balloon atherotomes successfully incised the suture in all three attempts. No significant postprocedural complications were encountered. During all cases, a cardiovascular surgeon was present in the interventional suite and prepared for emergent resternotomy, if necessary.ConclusionAn endovascular algorithm to the “entrapped CVC” is proposed, which likely reduces risks posed by resternotomy to cardiac surgery patients in the post-operative period.

  19. Tratamiento endovascular del aneurisma de aorta descendente en el adolescente con síndrome de Marfan. Reporte de un caso

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Juan G. Barrera, MD


    Full Text Available Se expone el caso de un adolescente de 14 años de edad, con síndrome de Marfan y antecedente de tres cirugías cardiovasculares previas: valvuloplastia aórtica y mitral a los cinco años y valvuloplastia aórtica y reconstrucción de la aorta torácica con tubo de pericardio bovino a sus diez años. En primer tiempo quirúrgico se realizó reemplazo valvular aórtico por válvula mecánica y valvuloplastia mitral y tricuspidea, y en segundo tiempo quirúrgico, durante la misma hospitalización, exclusión endovascular de aneurisma de aorta descendente asintomático sin complicaciones. Antes del egreso se diagnosticó una endofuga tipo II que se manejó con observación clínica. Luego de un año del procedimiento, los controles clínico y tomográfico son satisfactorios.

  20. Endovascular stent-assisted thrombolysis in acute occlusive carotid artery dissection

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mourand, Isabelle; Brunel, Herve; Vendrell, Jean-Francois; Bonafe, Alain; Thouvenot, Eric


    Internal carotid artery dissection with tandem internal carotid and middle cerebral artery occlusion may be responsible for large cerebral infarction that carries a general poor prognosis. Recanalization of internal carotid artery (ICA) dissection by stent-assisted thrombolysis has been recently proposed. We report two cases of acute symptomatic ICA dissection with tandem occlusion successfully treated with emergent endovascular stent-assisted thrombolysis using new self-expandable intracranial stents. A 37-year-old woman and a 59-year-old man were admitted in our hospital after acute severe symptoms of right-hemispheric stroke with National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale (NIHSS) scores of 15 and 18, respectively. In both cases, magnetic resonance angiography showed tandem occlusion and angiography confirmed tandem occlusion with ICA dissection. An extensive mismatch region was diagnosed by Perfusion-diffusion MRI of the brain within 3 h after symptoms onset. Treatment was initiated 4 h after symptom onset by implantation of self-expandable intracranial stents into the dissected ICA and administration of intra-arterial recombinant tissue plasminogen activator. Recanalization of the ICA and middle cerebral artery (MCA) was accomplished within 6 h after symptoms onset. In both cases, no periprocedural complication was observed and follow-up CT scan showed only a mild brain infarct in the MCA territory. After, respectively, 12 and 10 months follow-up, patients had a favorable outcome with NIHSS 0 and mRS ≤1. Endovascular stent-assisted thrombolysis appears to be a promising treatment in tandem occlusion due to ICA dissection. Our work underline the potential use of self-expandable intracranial stents in symptomatic acute ICA dissection. (orig.)

  1. 67. Rotura crónica contenida de aneurisma de aorta abdominal: Un diagnóstico infrecuente

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    M.T. González López


    Conclusión: La detección de una rotura crónica contenida de AAA obliga a un tratamiento urgente-preferente, ya que supone un riesgo vital evidente, permitiendo en estos casos, dada la estabilidad del paciente, planear la estrategia quirúrgica y valorar un tratamiento endovascular frente al quirúrgico.

  2. Endovascular Aneurysm Repair and Sealing (EVARS): A Useful Adjunct in Treating Challenging Morphology

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Harrison, Gareth J., E-mail:; Antoniou, George A., E-mail:; Torella, Francesco, E-mail:; McWilliams, Richard G., E-mail:; Fisher, Robert K., E-mail: [Royal Liverpool University Hospital, Liverpool Vascular and Endovascular Service (United Kingdom)


    An 81-year-old male with previous open abdominal aortic aneurysm repair presented with asymptomatic large pseudoaneurysms at both ends of an open surgical tube graft. Endovascular aneurysm sealing (EVAS) in combination with the iliac limbs of a standard endovascular aneurysm repair (EVAR) successfully excluded both pseudoaneurysms from circulation. We describe the combination of elements of EVAS and EVAR and have termed this endovascular aneurysm repair and sealing (EVARS). EVARS has the advantage of harnessing the benefits of endobag sealing in aortic necks unsuitable for standard EVAR whilst providing the security of accurate stent placement within short common iliac arteries. In conclusion, EVAS may be combined with standard endovascular iliac limbs and is a possible treatment option for pseudoaneurysm following open aneurysm repair.

  3. Influence of diabetes mellitus on the endovascular treatment of abdominal aortic aneurysms.

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Leurs, L.J.; Laheij, R.J.F.; Buth, J.


    PURPOSE: To investigate the influence of diabetes mellitus on outcome after endovascular abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) repair. METHODS: Of 6017 patients enrolled in the EUROSTAR registry after undergoing endovascular AAA repair between May 1994 and December 2003, 731 (12%) had diabetes mellitus

  4. Endovascular repair of multiple infrageniculate aneurysms in a patient with vascular type Ehlers-Danlos syndrome. (United States)

    Domenick, Natalie; Cho, Jae S; Abu Hamad, Ghassan; Makaroun, Michel S; Chaer, Rabih A


    Patients with vascular type Ehler-Danlos syndrome can develop aneurysms in unusual locations. We describe the case of a 33-year-old woman with vascular type Ehlers-Danlos syndrome who developed metachronous tibial artery aneurysms that were sequentially treated with endovascular means. Copyright © 2011 Society for Vascular Surgery. Published by Mosby, Inc. All rights reserved.

  5. Tratamiento endoluminal de la aorta. Implicaciones en la enfermedad de la aorta torácica

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Miguel Josa García-Tornel


    Full Text Available Durante los últimos años el tratamiento quirúrgico endoluminal de la enfermedad de la aorta (EVAR, endovascular aortic repair se ha convertido en una opción terapéutica en un espectro amplio de pacientes. EVAR es una técnica relativamente fácil, menos agresiva y con aparente menor riesgo con respecto a la cirugía convencional de la aorta. La evidente presión de la industria, a menudo combinada con el lógico interés por su desarrollo por parte de muchos grupos clínicos y el factor moda, tan en boga en nuestros tiempos, han dado a la cirugía endoluminal de la aorta abdominal un desarrollo muy rápido que se está extendiendo en la actualidad a segmentos de la aorta torácica. Aunque los resultados publicados parecen avalar un papel importante de EVAR en algunos grupos específicos de pacientes, su uso en muchos otros grupos es muy controvertido. Su alto coste y los resultados a medio plazo parecen poner en tela de juicio la tendencia a la generalización que existe hoy día. La aplicación a la aorta torácica está asociada con un mayor número de interrogantes. Estudios rigurosos y mejoras técnicas ayudarán, sin duda, a definir mejor su indudable aplicabilidad en el tratamiento de la aorta tanto abdominal como torácica, pero en la actualidad su uso debe estar regulado por un cumplimiento estricto de indicaciones basadas en evidencias clínicas y alejadas de otros intereses, y su práctica debe reducirse a grupos de multiespecialidad preparados en todos los aspectos de la cirugía cardiovascular.

  6. Endovascular treatment of intracranial venous sinus thrombosis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Xu Shubin; Liang Zhihui; Cui Jinguo; Tian Huiqin; Li Liang; Chen Feng


    Objective: To evaluate the clinical efficacy and safety of endovascular treatment for intracranial venous sinus thrombosis. Methods: Ten patients with intracranial venous sinus thrombosis, confirmed by CT, MRI, MRV and / or DSA and encountered during the period of Aug. 2005-Aug. 2007, were treated with endovascular management after they failed to respond to anticoagulant therapy. Of ten patients, intravenous thrombolysis and mechanical thrombus maceration were carried out in 6, while intravenous thrombolysis, mechanical thrombus maceration together with intra-arterial thrombolysis were employed in 4. After the treatment, the anticoagulant therapy continued for 6 months. The patients were followed up for 12-29 months (mean 21 months). Results: After the treatment, the clinical symptoms and signs were completely or partially relieved in eight patients, including disappearance of headache (n=6) and relive of headache (n=2). No obvious improvement was found in one patient and linguistic function disturbance was seen in the remaining one. Lumbar puncture showed that the cerebrospinal fluid pressure returned to normal in all patients. Neither recurrence of thrombosis nor new symptom of neuralgic dysfunction was observed. No procedure-related intracranial or systemic hemorrhagic complications occurred both during and after the operation. Conclusion: Endovascular treatment is an effective and safe procedure for the potentially catastrophic intracranial venous thrombosis. (authors)

  7. Complications of endovascular treatment of cerebral aneurysms

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Orrù, Emanuele, E-mail: [Neuroradiology Department, Padua University Hospital, Via Giustiniani 2, Padua 35128 (Italy); Roccatagliata, Luca, E-mail: [Neuroradiology Department, IRCCS San Martino University Hospital and IST, Largo Rosanna Benzi 10, Genoa 16132 (Italy); Department of Health Sciences (DISSAL), University of Genoa (Italy); Cester, Giacomo, E-mail: [Neuroradiology Department, Padua University Hospital, Via Giustiniani 2, Padua 35128 (Italy); Causin, Francesco, E-mail: [Neuroradiology Department, Padua University Hospital, Via Giustiniani 2, Padua 35128 (Italy); Castellan, Lucio, E-mail: [Neuroradiology Department, IRCCS San Martino University Hospital and IST, Largo Rosanna Benzi 10, Genoa 16132 (Italy)


    The number of neuroendovascular treatments of both ruptured and unruptured aneurysms has increased substantially in the last two decades. Complications of endovascular treatments of cerebral aneurysms are rare but can potentially lead to acute worsening of the neurological status, to new neurological deficits or death. Some of the possible complications, such as vascular access site complications or systemic side effects associated with contrast medium (e.g. contrast medium allergy, contrast induced nephropathy) can also be encountered in diagnostic angiography. The most common complications of endovascular treatment of cerebral aneurysms are related to acute thromboembolic events and perforation of the aneurysm. Overall, the reported rate of thromboembolic complications ranges between 4.7% and 12.5% while the rate of intraprocedural rupture of cerebral aneurysms is about 0.7% in patients with unruptured aneurysms and about 4.1% in patients with previously ruptured aneurysms. Thromboembolic and hemorrhagic complications may occur during different phases of endovascular procedures and are related to different technical, clinical and anatomic reasons. A thorough knowledge of the different aspects of these complications can reduce the risk of their occurrence and minimize their clinical sequelae. A deep understanding of complications and of their management is thus part of the best standard of care.

  8. Headache and endovascular procedures. (United States)

    de Biase, Stefano; Longoni, Marco; Gigli, Gian Luigi; Agostoni, Elio


    The International Classification of Headache Disorders (ICHD-3 beta) includes headache attributed to intracranial endovascular procedures (EVPs). The aim of this review is to describe the clinical and pathophysiological aspects of headache related to vascular lesions and EVPs. Current studies regarding this issue are contradictory, although generally favouring headache improvement after EVPs. Further large studies are needed to adequately assess the effect of EVPs on headache.

  9. ¿Psicoterapia, farmacoterapia o tratamiento combinado? Influencia de diferentes variables clínicas en la elección del tratamiento


    Vanessa Ferreres; Josep Pena-Garijo; María Ballester Gil de Pareja; Silvia Edo; Iria Sanjurjo; Luisa Ysern


    Introducción: Se pretenden investigar las principales variables que influyen en la elección de las diferentes intervenciones terapéuticas en una Unidad de Salud Mental Pública Método: Estudio descriptivo sobre las historias clínicas de aquellos pacientes que iniciaron tratamiento durante el año 2008 en una USM de Castellón (N=413). Resultados: El tratamiento psicofarmacológico fue el más frecuentemente utilizado. La psicoterapia sola y el tratamiento combinado se utilizaron más frecuentemente...

  10. Granuloma periapical: tratamiento convencional. Reporte de un caso


    Natalia Patricia Harris Ortega; Fernando Javier Guzman Lopez; Antonio Díaz Caballero


    Title: Periapical granuloma: conventional treatment. Case reportLos Granulomas radiculares son lesiones periapicales crónicas, consideradas secuelas directas de procesos infecciosos resultantes de la necrosis pulpar, extendiéndose hacia la región perirradicular. Los granulomas se pueden presentar por fallas en los tejidos duros, resultantes de caries, fracturas y procedimientos quirúrgicos. Se realizó tratamiento de endodoncia convencional con preparación invertida a paciente de 15 años con d...

  11. National survey on perioperative anaesthetic management in the endovascular treatment of acute ischaemic stroke. (United States)

    Romero Kräuchi, O; Valencia, L; Iturri, F; Mariscal Ortega, A; López Gómez, A; Valero, R


    To assess the anaesthetic management of treatment for endovascular acute ischaemic stroke (AIS) in Spain. A survey was designed by the SEDAR Neuroscience Section and sent to the Spanish anaesthesiology departments with a primary stroke centre between July and November 2016. Of the 47 hospitals where endovascular treatment of AIS is performed, 37 anaesthesiology departments participated. Thirty responses were obtained; three of which were eliminated due to duplication (response rate of 72.9%). Health coverage for AIS endovascular treatment was available 24hours a day in 63% of the hospitals. The anaesthesiologist in charge of the procedure was physically present in the hospital in 55.3%. There was large inter-hospital variability in non-standard monitoring and type of anaesthesia. The most important criterion for selecting type of anaesthesia was multidisciplinary choice made by the anaesthesiologist, neurologist and neuroradiologist (59.3%). The duration of time from arrival to arterial puncture was 10-15minutes in 59.2%. In 44.4%, systolic blood pressure was maintained between 140-180mmHg, and diastolic blood pressure<105mmHg. Glycaemic levels were taken in 81.5% of hospitals. Intravenous heparinisation was performed during the procedure in 66.7% with different patterns of action. In cases of moderate neurological deterioration with no added complications, 85.2% of the included hospitals awakened and extubated the patients. The wide variability observed in the anaesthetic management and the organization of the endovascular treatment of AIS demonstrates the need to create common guidelines for anaesthesiologists in Spain. Copyright © 2017 Sociedad Española de Anestesiología, Reanimación y Terapéutica del Dolor. Publicado por Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.

  12. Tratamiento acortado estrictamente supervisado para tuberculosis pulmonar

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Alvarez-Gordillo Guadalupe del Carmen


    Full Text Available Objetivo. Evaluar la posibilidad de aplicar el tratamiento acortado estrictamente supervisado (TAES en el Programa de Control de la Tuberculosis en Chiapas, México. Material y métodos. Se evaluó la eficacia y la eficiencia del tratamiento en una cohorte de pacientes con tuberculosis pulmonar confirmada por baciloscopía, que ingresaron a tratamiento con esquemas de autoadministración semisupervisión y estricta supervisión, de enero a junio de 1996. Resultados. La eficacia fue de 90.9. 97.7 y 100% para los esquemas de tratamiento autoadministrado, semisupervisado y TAES, respectivamente, mientras que la eficiencia fue de 68.1. 77.6 y 88.5% en el mismo orden. Conclusiones. Para la salud pública el TAES demostró ser la actividad más importante en el control de la tuberculosis, al elevar las tasas de curación y disminuir, por lo tanto, las fuentes de transmisión de la enfermedad.

  13. Endovascular Management of Deep venous Thrombosis of Lower Extremity in Patients with Malignant Disease

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jeong, Su Jin; Kim, Jae Kyu; Jang, Nam Kyu; Han, Seung Min; Kang, Heoung Keun; Choi, Soo Jin Nah


    To evaluate the efficacy of endovascular management of lower extremity deep vein thrombosis (DVT) in patients with malignant disease. Between January 2002 and January 2008, six consecutive patients (5 male and 1 female, mean age-65 years) with lower extremity DVT and malignant disease underwent endovascular management. The duration of symptoms lasted 4-120 days (mean-31 days; 20 days or less in four patients and more than 20 days in two). A catheter-directed thrombolysis was performed via the ipsilateral popliteal vein or common femoral vein, used alone or combined with a percutaneous mechanical thrombectomy. Angioplasty or stent placement was performed in residual stenosis or occlusion of the vein. The follow-up period lasted 1-14 months (mean 7.6 months) and was performed via a color Doppler ultrasonography or computed tomographic venography. Technical success and relief from symptoms was achieved within two days was achieved in five patients. Minor hemorrhagic complications occurred in two cases: hematuria and a hematoma at the puncture site. Upon follow-up, a recurrent DVT occurred in three patients as well as a patent venous flow in two. One patient died within 1 month due to a metastatic mediastinal lymphadenopathy. Endovascular management of the lower extremity DVT is effective for quickly eliminating a thrombus, relieving symptoms, and decreasing hemorrhagic complications in patients with malignant disease

  14. Endovascular Management of Deep venous Thrombosis of Lower Extremity in Patients with Malignant Disease

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Jeong, Su Jin; Kim, Jae Kyu; Jang, Nam Kyu; Han, Seung Min; Kang, Heoung Keun; Choi, Soo Jin Nah [Chonnam National University Hospital, Gwangju (Korea, Republic of)


    To evaluate the efficacy of endovascular management of lower extremity deep vein thrombosis (DVT) in patients with malignant disease. Between January 2002 and January 2008, six consecutive patients (5 male and 1 female, mean age-65 years) with lower extremity DVT and malignant disease underwent endovascular management. The duration of symptoms lasted 4-120 days (mean-31 days; 20 days or less in four patients and more than 20 days in two). A catheter-directed thrombolysis was performed via the ipsilateral popliteal vein or common femoral vein, used alone or combined with a percutaneous mechanical thrombectomy. Angioplasty or stent placement was performed in residual stenosis or occlusion of the vein. The follow-up period lasted 1-14 months (mean 7.6 months) and was performed via a color Doppler ultrasonography or computed tomographic venography. Technical success and relief from symptoms was achieved within two days was achieved in five patients. Minor hemorrhagic complications occurred in two cases: hematuria and a hematoma at the puncture site. Upon follow-up, a recurrent DVT occurred in three patients as well as a patent venous flow in two. One patient died within 1 month due to a metastatic mediastinal lymphadenopathy. Endovascular management of the lower extremity DVT is effective for quickly eliminating a thrombus, relieving symptoms, and decreasing hemorrhagic complications in patients with malignant disease.

  15. Endovascular retrieval of a CardioMEMS heart failure system

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Arun Reghunathan, MD


    Full Text Available As the creation and utilization of new implantable devices increases, so does the need for interventionalists to devise unique retrieval mechanisms. This report describes the first endovascular retrieval of a CardioMEMS heart failure monitoring device. A 20-mm gooseneck snare was utilized in conjunction with a 9-French sheath and Envoy catheter for retrieval. The patient suffered no immediate postprocedural complications but died 5 days after the procedure from multiorgan failure secondary to sepsis. Keywords: CardioMEMS heart failure system, Endovascular retrieval

  16. Transatlantic Multispecialty Consensus on Fundamental Endovascular Skills: Results of a Delphi Consensus Study. (United States)

    Maertens, H; Aggarwal, R; Macdonald, S; Vermassen, F; Van Herzeele, I


    The aim of this study was to establish a consensus on Fundamental Endovascular Skills (FES) for educational purposes and development of training curricula for endovascular procedures. The term "Fundamental Endovascular Skills" is widely used; however, the current literature does not explicitly describe what skills are included in this concept. Endovascular interventions are performed by several specialties that may have opposing perspectives on these skills. A two round Delphi questionnaire approach was used. Experts from interventional cardiology, interventional radiology, and vascular surgery from the United States and Europe were invited to participate. An electronic questionnaire was generated by endovascular therapists with an appropriate educational background but who would not participate in subsequent rounds. The questionnaire consisted of 50 statements describing knowledge, technical, and behavioral skills during endovascular procedures. Experts received the questionnaires by email. They were asked to rate the importance of each skill on a Likert scale from 1 to 5. A statement was considered fundamental when more than 90% of the experts rated it 4 or 5 out of 5. Twenty-three of 53 experts invited agreed to participate: six interventional radiologists (2 USA, 4 Europe), 10 vascular surgeons (4 USA, 6 Europe), and seven interventional cardiologists (4 USA, 3 Europe). There was a 100% response rate in the first round and 87% in the second round. Results showed excellent consensus among responders (Cronbach's alpha = .95 first round; .93 second round). Ninety percent of all proposed skills were considered fundamental. The most critical skills were determined. A transatlantic multispecialty consensus was achieved about the content of "FES" among interventional radiologists, interventional cardiologists, and vascular surgeons from Europe and the United States. These results can serve as directive principles for developing endovascular training curricula

  17. Endovascular Mechanical Thrombectomy in Basilar Artery Occlusion: Initial Experience (United States)

    Park, Bum-Soo; Kwon, Hyon-Jo; Choi, Seung-Won; Kim, Seon-Hwan; Koh, Hyeon-Song; Youm, Jin-Young; Song, Shi-Hun


    Objective This study was conducted to assess the efficacy and safety of endovascular mechanical thrombectomy (EMT) for patients diagnosed with basilar artery (BA) occlusion. Materials and Methods We retrospectively analyzed clinical and imaging data of 16 patients diagnosed with BA occlusion who were treated with endovascular intervention from July 2012 to February 2013. Direct suction using the Penumbra system and thrombus retrieval by the Solitaire stent were the main endovascular techniques used to restore BA flow. The outcomes were evaluated based on rate of angiographic recanalization, rate of improvement of National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale (NIHSS) score, rate of modified Rankin Scale (mRS) at discharge and after 3 months, and rate of cerebral hemorrhagic complications. Successful recanalization was defined as achieving Thrombolysis In Cerebral Infarction (TICI) of II or III. Results Sixteen patients received thrombectomy. The mean age was 67.8 ± 11 years and the mean NIHSS score was 12.3 ± 8.2. Eight patients treated within 6 hours of symptom onset were grouped as A and the other 8 patients treated beyond 6 hours (range, 6-120) were grouped as B. Successful recanalization was met in six patients (75%) for group A and 7 (87.5%) for group B. Favorable outcome occurred in 4 patients (50%) for group A and 5 (62.5%) for group B. Conclusion Our study supports the effectiveness and safety of endovascular mechanical thrombectomy in treating BA occlusion even 6 hours after symptom onset. PMID:24167791

  18. Endovascular Repair of Aortic Dissection in Marfan Syndrome: Current Status and Future Perspectives

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rosario Parisi


    Full Text Available Over the last decades, improvement of medical and surgical therapy has increased life expectancy in Marfan patients. Consequently, the number of such patients requiring secondary interventions on the descending thoracic aorta due to new or residual dissections, and distal aneurysm formation has substantially enlarged. Surgical and endovascular procedures represent two valuable options of treatment, both associated with advantages and drawbacks. The aim of the present manuscript was to review endovascular outcomes in Marfan syndrome and to assess the potential role of Thoracic Endovascular Aortic Repair (TEVAR in this subset of patients.

  19. Endovascular stent-graft management of thoracic aortic diseases

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dake, Michael D.


    The traditional standard therapy for descending thoracic aortic aneurysm (TAA) is open operative repair with graft replacement of the diseased aortic segment. Despite important advances in surgical techniques, anesthetic management, and post-operative care over the last 30 years, the mortality and morbidity of surgery remains considerable, especially in patients at high risk for thoracotomy because of coexisting severe cardiopulmonary abnormalities or other medical diseases. The advent of endovascular stent-graft technology provides an alternative to open surgery for selected patients with TAA. The initial experience suggests that stent-graft therapy potentially may reduce the operative risk, hospital stay and procedural expenses of TAA repair. These potential benefits are especially attractive for patients at high risk for open TAA repair. Current results of endovascular TAA therapy document operative mortalities of between 0 and 4%, aneurysm thrombosis in 90 and 100% of cases, and paraplegia as a complication in 0 and 1.6% of patients. The early success of stent-graft repair of TAA has fostered the application of these devices for the management of a wide variety of thoracic aortic pathologies, including acute and chronic dissection, intramural hematoma, penetrating ulcer, traumatic injuries, and other diseases. The results of prospective controlled trials that compare the outcomes of stent-graft therapy with those of surgical treatment in patients with specific types of aortic disease are anxiously awaited before recommendations regarding the general use of these new devices can be made with confidence

  20. Hernia discal lumbar: Tratamiento conservador


    López-Sastre Núñez, Antonio; Candau Pérez, Ernesto


    Existe una gran demanda de patología lumbar crónica y aguda que debe de tratarse conjuntamente entre el especialista en Rehabilitación y el Cirujano de columna vertebral. En este trabajo se detallan las posibilidades del tratamiento conservador antes de optar por la cirugía. Se realiza una revisión bibliográfica de los resultados conservadores del tratamiento de la lumbociática de origen discal comparando aquellos estudios publicados con validez estadística. Se detallan las modernas pautas de...

  1. Endovascular Treatment of a Bleeding Secondary Aorto-Enteric Fistula. A Case Report with 1-Year Follow-up

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Brountzos, Elias N.; Vasdekis, Spyros; Kostopanagiotou, Georgia; Danias, Nikolaos; Alexopoulou, Efthymia; Petropoulou, Konstantina; Gouliamos, Athanasios; Perros, Georgios


    We report a patient with life-threatening gastrointestinal bleeding caused by a secondary aorto-enteric fistula. Because the patient had several comorbid conditions, we successfully stopped the bleeding by endovascular placement of a bifurcated aortic stent-graft. The patient developed periaortic infection 4 months later, but he was managed with antibiotics. The patient is well 1 year after the procedure

  2. Physical aspects of endovascular brachytherapy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kirisits, C.


    Restenosis is severely limiting the outcome of vascular interventions. In several clinical trials endovascular brachytherapy has shown to reduce the restenosis rate. Local radiotherapy to the injured vessel wall is a promising new type of treatment in order to inhibit a complex wound healing process resulting in cell proliferation and re-obstruction of the treated vessel. Treatment planning has to be based on the dose distribution in the vicinity of the sources used. Source strength was determined in terms of air kerma rate for gamma nuclides (Iridium-192) and absorbed dose to water at reference distance of 2 mm for beta nuclides (Strontium-90/Yttrium-90, Phosphor-32), respectively. Radial dose profiles and the Reference Isodose Length (RIL) were determined using the EGSnrc code and GafChromic film. Good agreement was found between both methods. In order to treat the entire clinical target length, the (RIL) is an essential value during treatment planning. Examples are described for different levels of treatment planing including recommendations for optimal choice and positioning of the radioactive devices inside the artery. IVUS based treatment planning is illustrated with superposition of isodoses on cross-sectional images. A calculation model for radioactive stents is presented in order to determine dose volume histograms in a retrospective analysis. Radiation protection issues for endovascular brachytherapy are discussed in detail. Personal dose for the involved personnel is estimated based on calculations and measurements. Beta ray dosimetry is performed with suitable detectors. In order to estimate the exposure to the patient the dose to organs at risk is calculated and compared to the dose from angiography. There is an additional radiation exposure to patients and personnel caused by endovascular brachytherapy, but the values are much smaller than those caused by diagnostic angiography. (author)

  3. Endovascular Treatment of a Symptomatic Thoracoabdominal Aortic Aneurysm by Chimney and Periscope Techniques for Total Visceral and Renal Artery Revascularization

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Cariati, Maurizio, E-mail: [San Carlo Borromeo Hospital, Department of Diagnostic Sciences (Italy); Mingazzini, Pietro; Dallatana, Raffaello [San Carlo Borromeo Hospital, Department of Vascular Surgery (Italy); Rossi, Umberto G. [San Carlo Borromeo Hospital, Department of Diagnostic Sciences (Italy); Settembrini, Alberto [San Carlo Borromeo Hospital, Università degli Studi di Milano (Italy); Santuari, Davide [San Carlo Borromeo Hospital, Department of Vascular Surgery (Italy)


    Conventional endovascular therapy of thoracoabdominal aortic aneurysm with involving visceral and renal arteries is limited by the absence of a landing zone for the aortic endograft. Solutions have been proposed to overcome the problem of no landing zone; however, most of them are not feasible in urgent and high-risk patients. We describe a case that was successfully treated by total endovascular technique with a two-by-two chimney-and-periscope approach in a patient with acute symptomatic type IV thoracoabdominal aortic aneurysm with supra-anastomotic aneurysm formation involving the renal and visceral arteries and a pseduaneurismatic sac localized in the left ileopsoas muscle.

  4. Combined Endovascular Treatment with Distal Radial Artery Coil Embolization and Angioplasty in Steal Syndrome Associated with Forearm Dialysis Fistula

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Tercan, Fahri, E-mail:; Koçyiğit, Ali, E-mail: [Pamukkale University, Department of Radiology, School of Medicine (Turkey); Güney, Bünyamin [Muğla Sıtkı Kocman University, Department of Radiology, School of Medicine (Turkey)


    PurposeThe present study was performed to define the results of the endovascular treatment with angioplasty and distal radial artery embolization in ischemic steal syndrome associated with forearm arteriovenous accesses.MethodThe cases referred to our interventional radiology unit with symptoms and physical examination findings suggestive of ischemic steal syndrome were retrospectively evaluated first by Doppler ultrasonography, and then by angiography. Cases with proximal artery stenosis were applied angioplasty, and those with steal syndrome underwent coil embolization to distal radial artery.ResultsOf 589 patients who underwent endovascular intervention for dialysis arteriovenous fistulae (AVF)-associated problems, 6 (1.01 %) (5 female, 1 males; mean age 62 (range 41–78) with forearm fistula underwent combined endovascular treatment for steal syndrome. In addition to steal phenomenon, there were stenosis and/or occlusion in proximal radial and/or ulnar artery in 6 patients concurrently. Embolization of distal radial artery and angioplasty to proximal arterial stenoses were performed in all patients. Ischemic symptoms were eliminated in all patients and the AVF were in use at the time of study. In one patient, ischemic symptoms recurring 6 months later were alleviated by repeat angioplasty of ulnar artery.ConclusionIn palmar arch steal syndrome affecting forearm fistulae, combined distal radial embolization and angioplasty is also an effective treatment method in the presence of proximal radial and ulnar arterial stenoses and occlusions.

  5. Advances in endovascular aneurysm treatment: are we making a difference?

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Katz, Jeffrey M.; Ougorets, Igor; Tsiouris, Apostolos J.; Biondi, Alessandra; Salvaggio, Kimberly A.; Gobin, Y. Pierre; Stieg, Philip E.; Riina, Howard A.


    Recent advancements in endovascular aneurysm repair, including bioactive and expansile coils and intracranial stents, hold promise for improved aneurysm occlusion rates. We report the immediate and midterm clinical and angiographic outcomes of a consecutive series of patients treated since the advent of these technologies. Clinical and radiological records of 134 patients with 142 aneurysms treated between 2001 and 2004 were retrospectively evaluated by an independent neurologist. Endovascular procedures were analyzed by an independent neuroradiologist blinded to all clinical information. Seventy-two ruptured and 60 un-ruptured saccular aneurysms, nine fusiform and one post-traumatic aneurysm were treated. Matrix coils were used in 53% of saccular aneurysms and HydroCoils in 13% of all aneurysms. Neuroform stents were deployed in 19% of aneurysms. Angiographic total or subtotal occlusion was achieved in 76% of cases and in 96% at last follow-up. Aneurysm recanalization was observed in 14% over a mean follow-up of 12 months, and 18% of aneurysms were retreated. Clinically relevant complications occurred in 6.0%, resulting in procedure-related morbidity of 0.6% and 0.6% mortality at 6 months. No aneurysm bled over a cumulative 1,347 months of observation. Newer embolization technologies can be exploited successfully even in more complex aneurysms with very low morbidity and mortality. (orig.)

  6. [Microscopic investigation of vessel wall after endovascular catheter atherectomy]. (United States)

    Tsygankov, V N; Khovalkin, R G; Chekmareva, I A; Kalinin, D V; Filippova, E M


    Endovascular target catheter atherectomy (ETCA) - method of artery patency allowing to obtain occlusion substrate. Given the high destructive effect of atherectome's elements on tissue the objective was determination possibility of histological and electron microscopic investigation of this substrate after atherectomy. The research included 8 patients who underwent ETCA of legs arteries. It was observed substrate removal from broken stent in 1 case. 2 of 8 patients had diabetes. Obtained substrate was available for histological and electron microscopic investigation. Atherosclerosis was confirmed in all cases. It was not observed substrate significant morphological changes in patients with presence or absence of diabetes. Microscopic investigation of substrate from broken stent shows pronounced development of granulation tissue that was regarded as special form of reparative regeneration. Finding internal elastic membrane during microscopic investigation in some cases proves radical intervention. The authors consider that microscopic investigation of substrate after ETCA may be used for diagnosis verification, thorough analysis of morphological changes in lesion area and radicalism of atherectomy.

  7. Factores asociados al abandono del tratamiento antituberculoso en pacientes con TB

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Cecilia Navarro-Quintero


    Full Text Available Objetivo. Determinar los factores asociados al abandono del tratamiento antituberculoso, en pacientes de tuberculosis en los municipios de Cúcuta, Villa del Rosario y el Zulia. Materiales y Métodos: estudio cuantitativo de tipo descriptivo retrospectivo transversal de corte con dos muestras, donde se analizó una muestra de abandono al tratamiento (n=34 y otra que terminó el tratamiento antituberculoso (n=34. Se adoptó el instrumento “factores asociados al abandono del tratamiento antituberculoso. Resultados: Los factores perceptivos cognitivos se establecieron como los principales determinantes directos de abandono al tratamiento antituberculoso, entre estos en primer lugar el desconocimiento de la importancia de adherencia al tratamiento (95.8%, seguido de mejoría del estado de salud (82.7%, desconocimiento de la duración del tratamiento (75%. En segundo lugar los factores fisiológicos y por último los factores de seguridad. Conclusiones: el estudio permitió identificar las variables asociadas al abandono del tratamiento antituberculoso, clasificar los factores de riesgo y construir un instrumento al implementarse en los servicios de salud de la región, permitiría al personal de salud detectar oportunamente a los pacientes con un posible riesgo.

  8. Endovascular Device Testing with Particle Image Velocimetry Enhances Undergraduate Biomedical Engineering Education (United States)

    Nair, Priya; Ankeny, Casey J.; Ryan, Justin; Okcay, Murat; Frakes, David H.


    We investigated the use of a new system, HemoFlow™, which utilizes state of the art technologies such as particle image velocimetry to test endovascular devices as part of an undergraduate biomedical engineering curriculum. Students deployed an endovascular stent into an anatomical model of a cerebral aneurysm and measured intra-aneurysmal flow…

  9. Repeated combined endovascular therapy with milrinone and nimodipine for the treatment of severe vasospasm: preliminary results. (United States)

    Sherif, Camillo; Wambacher, Bernhard; Loyoddin, Michel; Karaic, Radenko; Krafft, Peter; Valentin, Andreas; Tscholakoff, Dimiter; Kleinpeter, Guenther


    Delayed vasospasm (VSP) following aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage (aSAH) remains a major source of morbidity. Milrinone was recently suggested as an invasive VSP treatment option. It is a phosphodiesterase III inhibitor with vasodilating and additional positive inotrope and anti-inflammatory effects. In this preliminary series, we included patients with severe VSP and unsuccessful maximum conservative therapy. Inclusion criteria were (1) transcranial Doppler (TCD) mean >180 cm/s; (2) increase of >50 % of TCD mean values within 6 h to values >150 cm/s; and/or (3) neurological deterioration (after exclusion of hemorrhage, hydrocephalus, and other systemic reasons). Patients received endovascular therapy with nimodipine 2 mg followed by milrinone 4-8 mg. Reinterventions were indicated aggressively in cases of persistent neurological deficits or persistent high mean TCD >180 cm/s. Of 121 consecutive aSAH patients, 16 (13.2 %) received endovascular VSP therapy. Of these, 11 patients (68.5 %) received ≥ 3 interventions (median 4; maximum 9); 14 (87.5 %) showed postinterventional angiographic improvement of vessel diameters; and 11 (68.5 %) showed improvement of their neurological deficits after a mean follow-up time of 4.5 months. No cardiovascular adverse events attributed to milrinone were observed. Milrinone may be a useful supplementary substance for endovascular VSP therapy. Aggressive reintervention indications did not cause additional adverse events.

  10. Stent fractures in the Hemobahn/Viabahn stent graft after endovascular popliteal aneurysm repair

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Tielliu, Ignace F. J.; Zeebregts, Clark J.; Vourliotakis, George; Bekkema, Foppe; van den Dungen, Jan J. A. M.; Prins, Ted R.; Verhoeven, Eric L. G.

    Objective: During the last decade, endovascular repair of popliteal artery aneurysms (PAAs) has become a valid alternative to open repair. This study analyzes the incidence and origin of stein graft fractures after endovascular repair, its impact on patency, and strategies to prevent fractures.

  11. RE: Endovascular Treatment of Congenital Intrahepatic Portosystemic Shunts with Amplatzer Plugs

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sierre, Sergio; Alonso, Jose; Lipsich, Jose


    In our paper entitled 'Endovascular treatment of congenital portal vein fistulas with the Amplatzer occlusion device' published in the Journal of Vascular and Interventional Radiology in 2004, we already reported the use of the AVP in the treatment of an intrahepatic portosystemic venous shunt. This situation does not undervalue the quality of the reported case, but for didactic purposes, we believe it is important to state that the work of Dr. Lee confirms, as was previously reported, that these devices are useful and safe for these rare situations.

  12. RE: Endovascular Treatment of Congenital Intrahepatic Portosystemic Shunts with Amplatzer Plugs

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sierre, Sergio; Alonso, Jose; Lipsich, Jose [Hospital Nacional de Pediatria ' JP Garrahan' , Combate de los Pozos, Buenos (Argentina)


    In our paper entitled 'Endovascular treatment of congenital portal vein fistulas with the Amplatzer occlusion device' published in the Journal of Vascular and Interventional Radiology in 2004, we already reported the use of the AVP in the treatment of an intrahepatic portosystemic venous shunt. This situation does not undervalue the quality of the reported case, but for didactic purposes, we believe it is important to state that the work of Dr. Lee confirms, as was previously reported, that these devices are useful and safe for these rare situations.

  13. Endovascular Therapy Is Effective for Leriche Syndrome with Deep Vein Thrombosis

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Tasuku Higashihara


    Full Text Available A 65-year-old man presented to our hospital due to intermittent claudication and swelling in his left leg. He had Leriche syndrome and deep vein thrombosis. We performed endovascular therapy (EVT for Leriche syndrome, and a temporary filter was inserted in the inferior vena cava. He received anticoagulation therapy for deep vein thrombosis. The stenotic lesion in the terminal aorta was stented with an excellent postprocedural angiographic result and dramatic clinical improvement after EVT. This case suggests that EVT can be a treatment for Leriche syndrome.

  14. Predictors of Reintervention After Endovascular Repair of Isolated Iliac Artery Aneurysm

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zayed, Hany A.; Attia, Rizwan; Modarai, Bijan; Clough, Rachel E.; Bell, Rachel E.; Carrell, Tom; Sabharwal, Tarun; Reidy, John; Taylor, Peter R.


    The objective of this study was to identify factors predicting the need for reintervention after endovascular repair of isolated iliac artery aneurysm (IIAA). We reviewed prospectively collected database records of all patients who underwent endovascular repair of IIAA between 1999 and 2008. Detailed assessment of the aneurysms was performed using computed tomography angiography (CTA). Follow-up protocol included CTA at 3 months. If this showed no complication, then annual duplex scan was arranged. Multivariate analysis and analysis of patient survival and freedom from reintervention were performed using Kaplan–Meier life tables. Forty IIAAs (median diameter 44 mm) in 38 patients were treated (all men; median age 75 years), and median follow-up was 27 months. Endovascular repair of IIAA was required in 14 of 40 aneurysms (35%). The rate of type I endoleak was significantly higher with proximal landing zone (PLZ) diameter >30 mm in the aorta or >24 mm in the common iliac artery or distal landing zone (DLZ) diameter >24 mm (P = 0.03, 0.03, and 0.0014, respectively). Reintervention rate (RR) increased significantly with increased diameter or decreased length of PLZ; increased DLZ diameter; and endovascular IIAA repair (P = 0.005, 0.005, 0.02, and 0.02 respectively); however, RR was not significantly affected by length of PLZ or DLZ. Freedom-from-reintervention was 97, 93, and 86% at 12, 24, and 108 months. There was no in-hospital or aneurysm-related mortality. Endovascular IIAA repair is a safe treatment option. Proper patient selection is essential to decrease the RR.

  15. Lesiones periapicales: diagnóstico y tratamiento


    A. García-Rubio; A.L. Bujaldón-Daza; A. Rodríguez-Archilla


    Las lesiones periapicales resultado de la necrosis de la pulpa dental son las patologías que más frecuentemente ocurren encontradas en el hueso alveolar. El tratamiento consiste en la eliminación de los agentes infecciosos mediante el tratamiento del canal radicular, permitiendo la cicatrización de la lesión.

  16. Virtual reality simulation for the optimization of endovascular procedures: current perspectives


    Rudarakanchana, Nung; Van Herzeele, Isabelle; Desender, Liesbeth; Cheshire, Nicholas JW


    Nung Rudarakanchana,1 Isabelle Van Herzeele,2 Liesbeth Desender,2 Nicholas JW Cheshire1 1Department of Surgery, Imperial College London, London, UK; 2Department of Thoracic and Vascular Surgery, Ghent University Hospital, Ghent, BelgiumOn behalf of EVEREST (European Virtual reality Endovascular RESearch Team)Abstract: Endovascular technologies are rapidly evolving, often requiring coordination and cooperation between clinicians and technicians from diverse specialties. These multidisciplinary...

  17. Urgent Bypass Surgery Following Failed Endovascular Treatment in Acute Symptomatic Stroke Patient With MCA Occlusion. (United States)

    Lee, Chang Yeob; Kim, Chang Hyun; Lee, Chang-Young; Sohn, Sung-Il; Hong, Jeong-Ho


    Although the benefits of extracranial-intracranial bypass surgery remain controversial, there is some surgical rationale for the augmentation of cerebral blood flow in cases of acute ischemic stroke with hemodynamic instability. We report a case of a 62-year-old woman who suddenly developed right hemiplegia and global aphasia. Initial magnetic resonance imaging and magnetic resonance angiography revealed a small acute ischemic lesion in left parietal lobe with occlusion at the left middle cerebral artery. We performed an endovascular thrombectomy, which failed. Her neurological deficits remained unchanged. On the basis of immediate postendovascular magnetic resonance perfusion, diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI), and neurological examination, an obvious clinical-DWI and a DWI-perfusion-weighted imaging mismatch were detected. We decided to perform emergency superficial temporal artery to middle cerebral artery bypass to prevent further progression of cerebral ischemia. On a 3-month follow-up, neurological deficits remained minimal motor aphasia and dysarthria. Following failed endovascular treatment in patients with acute symptoms attributed to major cerebral artery occlusion, we recommend immediate multimodal neuroimaging. If there are clinical-DWI and DWI-perfusion-weighted imaging mismatch indications, surgical revascularization could be considered as the next salvageable strategy.

  18. Avances en el tratamiento de la aspergilosis broncopulmonar alérgica

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Peña Durán A


    Full Text Available Los objetivos del tratamiento de la aspergilosis broncopulmonar alérgica (ABPA son la reducción de la inflamación pulmonar, el control del asma, el tratamiento del estadio agudo de ABPA, prevenir las exacerbaciones, evitar la apari- ción o progresión a la bronquiectasia y la aspergilosis pulmonar crónica. El tratamiento utilizado hasta la actualidad han sido corticoides a largo plazo, azoles y LABA/CI. En pacientes graves sin respuesta al tratamiento con corticoides ora- les y antifúngico recientemente se han utilizado otros tratamientos como omalizumab y antiIL5 (mepolizumab.

  19. The 100 most cited articles in the endovascular management of intracranial aneurysms. (United States)

    Maingard, Julian; Phan, Kevin; Ren, Yifan; Kok, Hong Kuan; Thijs, Vincent; Hirsch, Joshua A; Lee, Michael J; Chandra, Ronil V; Brooks, Duncan Mark; Asadi, Hamed


    Endovascular interventions for intracranial aneurysms have evolved substantially over the past several decades. A citation rank list is used to measure the scientific and/or clinical impact of an article. Our objective was to identify and analyze the characteristics of the 100 most cited articles in the field of endovascular therapy for intracranial aneurysms. We performed a retrospective bibliometric analysis between July and August 2017. Articles were searched on the Science Citation Index Expanded database using Web of Science in order to identify the most cited articles in the endovascular therapy of intracranial aneurysms since 1945. Using selected key terms ('intracranial aneurysm', 'aneurysm', 'aneurysmal subarachnoid', 'endovascular', 'coiling', 'stent-assisted', 'balloon-assisted', 'flow-diversion') yielded a total of 16 314 articles. The top 100 articles were identified and analyzed to extract relevant information, including citation count, authorship, article type, subject matter, institution, country of origin, and year of publication. Citations for the top 100 articles ranged from 133 to 1832. All articles were cited an average of 27 times per year. There were 45 prospective studies, including 7 level-II randomized controlled trials. Most articles were published in the 2000s (n=53), and the majority constituted level III or level IV evidence. Half of the top 100 articles arose from the USA. This study provides a comprehensive overview of the most cited articles in the endovascular management of intracranial aneurysms. It recognizes the contributions made by key authors and institutions, providing an important framework to an enhanced understanding of the evidence behind the endovascular treatment of aneurysms. © Article author(s) (or their employer(s) unless otherwise stated in the text of the article) 2018. All rights reserved. No commercial use is permitted unless otherwise expressly granted.

  20. Hybrid Endovascular Aortic Aneurysm Repair: Preservation of Pelvic Perfusion with External to Internal Iliac Artery Bypass. (United States)

    Mansukhani, Neel A; Havelka, George E; Helenowski, Irene B; Rodriguez, Heron E; Hoel, Andrew W; Eskandari, Mark K


    Diminished pelvic arterial flow as a result of intentional coverage/embolization of internal iliac arteries (IIA) during isolated endovascular common iliac artery aneurysm (CIAA) repair or endovascular repair of abdominal aortic aneurysms (EVAR) may result in symptomatic pelvic ischemia. Although generally well tolerated, in severe cases, pelvic ischemia may manifest as recalcitrant buttock claudication, vasculogenic impotence, or perineal, vesicle, rectal, and/or spinal cord ischemia. Branched graft technology has recently become available; however, many patients are not candidates for endovascular repair with these devices. Therefore, techniques to preserve pelvic arterial flow are needed. We reviewed our outcomes of isolated endovascular CIAA repair or EVAR in conjunction with unilateral external-internal iliac artery bypass. Single-center, retrospective review of 10 consecutive patients who underwent hybrid endovascular abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) or CIAA repair with concomitant external-internal iliac artery bypass between 2006 and 2015. Demographics, index procedural details, postoperative symptoms, hospital length of stay (LOS), follow-up imaging, and bypass patency were recorded. The cohort of 10 patients was all men with a mean age of 71 years (range: 56-84). Hybrid repair consisted of contralateral IIA coil embolization followed by EVAR with external iliac artery-internal iliac artery (EIA-IIA) bypass. All EIA-IIA bypasses were performed via a standard lower quadrant retroperitoneal approach with a prosthetic bypass graft. Technical success was 100%, and there were no perioperative deaths. One patient developed transient paraplegia, 1 patient had buttock claudication on the side of his hypogastric embolization contralateral to his iliac bypass, and 1 developed postoperative impotence. 20% of patients sustained long-term complications (buttock claudication and postoperative impotence). Mean LOS was 2.8 days (range: 1-9 days). Postoperative imaging

  1. Lesion complexity drives the cost of superficial femoral artery endovascular interventions (United States)

    Walker, Karen L.; Nolan, Brian W.; Columbo, Jesse A.; Rzucidlo, Eva M.; Goodney, Philip P.; Walsh, Daniel B.; Atkinson, Benjamin J.; Powell, Richard J.


    Objective Patients who undergo endovascular treatment of superficial femoral artery (SFA) disease vary greatly in lesion complexity and treatment options. This study examined the association of lesion severity and cost of SFA stenting and to determine if procedure cost affects primary patency at 1 year. Methods A retrospective record review identified patients undergoing initial SFA stenting between January 1, 2010, and February 1, 2012. Medical records were reviewed to collect data on demographics, comorbidities, indication for the procedure, TransAtlantic Inter-Society Consensus (TASC) II severity, and primary patency. The interventional radiology database and hospital accounting database were queried to determine cost drivers of SFA stenting. Procedure supply cost included any item with a bar code used for the procedure. Associations between cost drivers and lesion characteristics were explored. Primary patency was determined using Kaplan-Meier survival curves and a log-rank test. Results During the study period, 95 patients underwent stenting in 98 extremities; of these, 61% of SFA stents were performed for claudication, with 80% of lesions classified as TASC II A or B. Primary patency at 1 year was 79% for the entire cohort. The mean total cost per case was $10,333. Increased procedure supply cost was associated with adjunct device use, the number of stents, and TASC II severity. Despite higher costs of treating more complex lesions, primary patency at 1 year was similar at 80% for high-cost (supply cost >$4000) vs 78% for low-cost (supply cost <$4000) interventions. Conclusions SFA lesion complexity, as defined by TASC II severity, drives the cost of endovascular interventions but does not appear to disadvantage patency at 1 year. Reimbursement agencies should consider incorporating disease severity into reimbursement algorithms for lower extremity endovascular interventions. PMID:26206581

  2. Endovascular revascularization for aortoiliac atherosclerotic disease

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Aggarwal V


    Full Text Available Vikas Aggarwal,1 Stephen W Waldo,2,3 Ehrin J Armstrong2,3 1Prairie Heart Institute, St John's Hospital, Springfield, IL, 2Section of Cardiology, Denver Veterans Affairs Medical Center, 3Section of Cardiology, University of Colorado, Aurora, CO, USA Abstract: Atherosclerotic iliac artery disease is increasingly being treated with endovascular techniques. A number of new stent technologies can be utilized with high long-term patency, including self-expanding stents, balloon-expandable stents, and covered stents, but comparative data on these stent types and in more complex lesions are lacking. This article provides a review of currently available iliac stent technologies, as well as complex procedural aspects of iliac artery interventions, including approaches to the treatment of iliac bifurcation disease, long segment occlusions, choice of stent type, and treatment of iliac artery in-stent restenosis. Keywords: peripheral artery disease, iliac artery, balloon expandable stent, self expanding stent, covered stent, claudication, endovascular

  3. Tratamiento Quirúrgico de las Esclerosis Faciales.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ricardo Salazar López


    En este estudio se hará una descripción del cuadro clínico y evolución de esta entidad, un análisis de su fisiopatología, una historia de la descripción y tratamiento de la misma, posteriormente se propone el tratamiento quirúrgico mediante colgajos musculares y se presentan varios casos clínicos...

  4. Early experience with transfemoral endovascular aneurysm management (TEAM) in the treatment of aortic aneurysms

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Balm, R.; Eikelboom, B. C.; May, J.; Bell, P. R.; Swedenborg, J.; Collin, J.


    OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the early experience with transfemoral endovascular aortic aneurysm management using the Endovascular Grafting System. DESIGN: Multi-centre prospective evaluation of the implantation procedure and early results (median follow-up 153 days). SETTING: Department of Surgery,

  5. Combination of endovascular graft exclusion and drug therapy in AAA with hypertension or hyperglycemia. (United States)

    Wang, Dile; Qu, Bihui; He, Tao


    The objective of the present study was to evaluate the efficacy of combination of endovascular graft exclusion and drugs for hypertension/hyperglycemia for the treatment of abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA). We analyzed 156 patients with AAA. Eighty-four patients were hypertensive and 72 were hyperglycemic. After endovascular graft exclusion, hypertensive patients were divided into four groups and treated with cyclopenthiazide, reserpine, propranolol, and placebo respectively. Hyperglycemic patients were divided into three groups and treated with metformin, insulin, and placebo respectively. Body temperature and peripheral blood leukocytes were measured at day 1, 2, 7, and 14 after endovascular graft exclusion. Size of AAAs, blood pressure, and blood sugar were measured again after 1 year. In hypertensive patients, the size of AAAs reduced after endovascular graft exclusion, while the combined treatments with cyclopenthiazide, reserpine, or propranolol helped to reduce blood pressure (blood pressure decrease AAA size decreased in the control group (PAAAs reduced after endovascular graft exclusion. Combined treatment with Metformin and Insulin reduced blood sugar (control, blood sugar >7.8 mmol/L (22/24), AAA size (P7.8 mmol/L (14/24), AAA size (P7.8 mmol/L (11/24), AAA size (PAAA therapy.

  6. Endovascular Management of Iatrogenic Native Renal Arterial Pseudoaneurysms

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sildiroglu, Onur; Saad, Wael E.; Hagspiel, Klaus D.; Matsumoto, Alan H.; Turba, Ulku Cenk, E-mail: [University of Virginia Health System, Department of Radiology (United States)


    Purpose: Our purpose was to evaluate iatrogenic renal pseudoaneurysms, endovascular treatment, and outcomes. Methods: This retrospective study (2003-2011) reported the technical and clinical outcomes of endovascular therapy for renal pseudoaneurysms in eight patients (mean age, 46 (range 24-68) years). Renal parenchymal loss evaluation was based on digital subtraction angiography and computed tomography. Results: We identified eight iatrogenic renal pseudoaneurysm patients with symptoms of hematuria, pain, and hematoma after renal biopsy (n = 3), surgery (n = 3), percutaneous nephrolithotomy (n = 1), and endoscopic shock-wave lithotripsy (n = 1). In six patients, the pseudoaneurysms were small-sized (<20 mm) and peripherally located and were treated solely with coil embolization (n = 5). In one patient, coil embolization was preceded by embolization with 500-700 micron embospheres to control active bleeding. The remaining two patients had large-sized ({>=}50 mm), centrally located renal pseudoaneurysms treated with thrombin {+-} coils. Technical success with immediate bleeding cessation was achieved in all patients. There were no procedure-related deaths or complications (mean follow-up, 23.5 (range, 1-67) months). Conclusions: Treatment of renal pseudoaneurysms using endovascular approach is a relatively safe and viable option regardless of location (central or peripheral) and size of the lesions with minimal renal parenchymal sacrifice.

  7. Aortopulmonary Fistula Presenting without an Endoleak after Thoracic Endovascular Aortic Repair

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Giacomo Sica


    Full Text Available Herein, we report the case of a 60-year-old man, a smoker with a history of arterial hypertension and diabetes mellitus. After computed tomography (CT for an episode of hemoptysis, the patient underwent elective thoracic endovascular aortic repair (TEVAR because of a degenerative aneurysm of the descending thoracic aorta. The area of perianeurysmal pulmonary atelectasis reported on the CT scan was not considered. Three months later, he developed an aortopulmonary fistula without endoleaks. Although TEVAR is a relatively safe procedure, no detail should be overlooked in the preoperative evaluation in order to avoid life-threatening complications. Further, the effectiveness and modality of prolonged antibiotic prophylaxis and/or preoperative respiratory physiotherapy should be assessed in such cases.

  8. Endovascular repair of inadvertent arterial injury induced by central venous catheterization using a vascular closure device: A case report

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kim, So Hee; Jang, Woo Jin; Oh, Ju Heyon; Song, Yun Gyu [Samsung Changwon Hospital, Sungkyunkwan University School of Medicine, Changwon (Korea, Republic of)


    Central venous catheterization can cause various complications. Inadvertent subclavian artery catheterization was performed during insertion of a central venous catheter in a 73-year-old man suffering from panperitonitis due to small-bowel perforation. Endovascular treatment was conducted to treat the injured subclavian artery with a FemoSeal vascular closure device.

  9. Celiac Injury Due to Arcuate Ligament: An Endovascular Approach

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Zini, Chiara, E-mail:; Corona, Mario, E-mail:; Boatta, Emanuele, E-mail:; Wlderk, Andrea, E-mail:; Salvatori, Filippo Maria, E-mail:; Fanelli, Fabrizio, E-mail: [' Sapienza,' -University of Rome, Vascular and Interventional Radiology Unit, Radiology, Oncology and Pathology Department (Italy)


    Celiac trunk injures are rare events, with high mortality rates and difficult management. Endovascular treatment may be considered to avoid bleeding. We report a case of severe bleeding in a 37-year-old man resulting from celiac trunk stretching after a motorcycle crash. Because direct celiac trunk catheterization was not possible, a retrograde catheterization of the common hepatic artery was performed via the superior mesenteric artery. Two vascular plugs (type IV) were released, and the exclusion of the celiac trunk origin was completed with the deployment of an aortic cuff. The patient's clinical condition immediately improved, and after 6 months' follow-up, imaging confirmed the complete exclusion of the celiac trunk.

  10. Celiac Injury Due to Arcuate Ligament: An Endovascular Approach

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zini, Chiara; Corona, Mario; Boatta, Emanuele; Wlderk, Andrea; Salvatori, Filippo Maria; Fanelli, Fabrizio


    Celiac trunk injures are rare events, with high mortality rates and difficult management. Endovascular treatment may be considered to avoid bleeding. We report a case of severe bleeding in a 37-year-old man resulting from celiac trunk stretching after a motorcycle crash. Because direct celiac trunk catheterization was not possible, a retrograde catheterization of the common hepatic artery was performed via the superior mesenteric artery. Two vascular plugs (type IV) were released, and the exclusion of the celiac trunk origin was completed with the deployment of an aortic cuff. The patient’s clinical condition immediately improved, and after 6 months’ follow-up, imaging confirmed the complete exclusion of the celiac trunk.

  11. Endovascular treatment of thoracic aortic pseudoaneurysm due to brucellosis: a rare case report. (United States)

    Wang, Shuai; Wang, Qi; Liu, Han; Sun, Siqiao; Sun, Xiwei; Zhang, Yang; Wang, Zhongying; Cheng, Zhihua


    Arterial damage is a known complication of brucellosis, but the occurrence of a thoracic aortic pseudoaneurysm secondary to brucellosis has not been previously reported. A 65-year-old Chinese man presented with a pseudoaneurysm in the descending segment of the thoracic aorta that caused symptoms of chest pain and intermittent fever. He was diagnosed with a thoracic aortic pseudoaneurysm secondary to brucellosis based on a positive brucella serology test (standard-tube agglutination test) and imaging examination (computed tomography angiography). Anti-brucellosis treatment and covered stent graft implantation were attempted to eliminate the brucellosis and pseudoaneurysm, respectively, and were ultimately successful, with no symptoms after 6 months of follow-up. Endovascular repair may be effective and safe for treating a thoracic aortic pseudoaneurysm resulting from brucellosis.

  12. Impact of Smartphone Applications on Timing of Endovascular Therapy for Ischemic Stroke: A Preliminary Study. (United States)

    Alotaibi, Naif M; Sarzetto, Francesca; Guha, Daipayan; Lu, Michael; Bodo, Andre; Gupta, Shaurya; Dyer, Erin; Howard, Peter; da Costa, Leodante; Swartz, Richard H; Boyle, Karl; Nathens, Avery B; Yang, Victor X D


    The metrics of imaging-to-puncture and imaging-to-reperfusion were recently found to be associated with the clinical outcomes of endovascular thrombectomy for acute ischemic stroke. However, measures for improving workflow within hospitals to achieve better timing results are largely unexplored for endovascular therapy. The aim of this study was to examine our experience with a novel smartphone application developed in house to improve our timing metrics for endovascular treatment. We developed an encrypted smartphone application connecting all stroke team members to expedite conversations and to provide synchronized real-time updates on the time window from stroke onset to imaging and to puncture. The effects of the application on the timing of endovascular therapy were evaluated with a secondary analysis of our single-center cohort. Our primary outcome was imaging-to-puncture time. We assessed the outcomes with nonparametric tests of statistical significance. Forty-five patients met our criteria for analysis among 66 consecutive patients with acute ischemic stroke who received endovascular therapy at our institution. After the implementation of the smartphone application, imaging-to-puncture time was significantly reduced (preapplication median time, 127 minutes; postapplication time, 69 minutes; P smartphone applications may reduce treatment times for endovascular therapy in acute ischemic stroke. Further studies are needed to confirm our findings. Copyright © 2017. Published by Elsevier Inc.

  13. Endovascular Broad-Neck Aneurysm Creation in a Porcine Model Using a Vascular Plug

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mühlenbruch, Georg; Nikoubashman, Omid; Steffen, Björn; Dadak, Mete; Palmowski, Moritz; Wiesmann, Martin


    Ruptured cerebral arterial aneurysms require prompt treatment by either surgical clipping or endovascular coiling. Training for these sophisticated endovascular procedures is essential and ideally performed in animals before their use in humans. Simulators and established animal models have shown drawbacks with respect to degree of reality, size of the animal model and aneurysm, or time and effort needed for aneurysm creation. We therefore aimed to establish a realistic and readily available aneurysm model. Five anticoagulated domestic pigs underwent endovascular intervention through right femoral access. A total of 12 broad-neck aneurysms were created in the carotid, subclavian, and renal arteries using the Amplatzer vascular plug. With dedicated vessel selection, cubic, tubular, and side-branch aneurysms could be created. Three of the 12 implanted occluders, two of them implanted over a side branch of the main vessel, did not induce complete vessel occlusion. However, all aneurysms remained free of intraluminal thrombus formation and were available for embolization training during a surveillance period of 6 h. Two aneurysms underwent successful exemplary treatment: one was stent-assisted, and one was performed with conventional endovascular coil embolization. The new porcine aneurysm model proved to be a straightforward approach that offers a wide range of training and scientific applications that might help further improve endovascular coil embolization therapy in patients with cerebral aneurysms.

  14. Endovascular Broad-Neck Aneurysm Creation in a Porcine Model Using a Vascular Plug

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Muehlenbruch, Georg, E-mail:; Nikoubashman, Omid; Steffen, Bjoern; Dadak, Mete [RWTH Aachen University, Department of Diagnostic and Interventional Neuroradiology, University Hospital (Germany); Palmowski, Moritz [RWTH Aachen University, Department of Nuclear Medicine, University Hospital (Germany); Wiesmann, Martin [RWTH Aachen University, Department of Diagnostic and Interventional Neuroradiology, University Hospital (Germany)


    Ruptured cerebral arterial aneurysms require prompt treatment by either surgical clipping or endovascular coiling. Training for these sophisticated endovascular procedures is essential and ideally performed in animals before their use in humans. Simulators and established animal models have shown drawbacks with respect to degree of reality, size of the animal model and aneurysm, or time and effort needed for aneurysm creation. We therefore aimed to establish a realistic and readily available aneurysm model. Five anticoagulated domestic pigs underwent endovascular intervention through right femoral access. A total of 12 broad-neck aneurysms were created in the carotid, subclavian, and renal arteries using the Amplatzer vascular plug. With dedicated vessel selection, cubic, tubular, and side-branch aneurysms could be created. Three of the 12 implanted occluders, two of them implanted over a side branch of the main vessel, did not induce complete vessel occlusion. However, all aneurysms remained free of intraluminal thrombus formation and were available for embolization training during a surveillance period of 6 h. Two aneurysms underwent successful exemplary treatment: one was stent-assisted, and one was performed with conventional endovascular coil embolization. The new porcine aneurysm model proved to be a straightforward approach that offers a wide range of training and scientific applications that might help further improve endovascular coil embolization therapy in patients with cerebral aneurysms.

  15. Tratamiento conservador en pacientes con retinoblastoma bilateral

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    Juan C. Suárez


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: comparar el tratamiento convencional del retinoblastoma bilateral, usado hasta hace algunos años, consistente en radioterapia o enucleación bilateral, con el tratamiento conservador actual que incluye termoterapia transpupilar (TTT o TTT/quimioterapia al menos en un ojo, en niños con diagnóstico de retinoblastoma bilateral. DISEÑO: estudio retrospectivo descriptivo. MUESTRA: 20 pacientes con diagnóstico de retinoblastoma bilateral que consultaron al Hospital Universitario San Vicente de Paúl, de Medellín, Colombia, entre 1997 y 2007. MÉTODO: se hizo enucleación del ojo con el tumor de mayor tamaño. En el otro ojo se hizo tratamiento con TTT, con el láser diodo (810 nm, spot amplio, solo o combinado con otras terapias. RESULTADOS: se dividió a los pacientes en dos grupos: 16 pacientes (32 ojos en el grupo 1 tratados conservadoramente y 4 pacientes (8 ojos en el grupo 2 con tratamiento convencional. El rango de edad fue de 1-72 meses en el grupo 1 y de 1-12 meses en el grupo 2. El tiempo de seguimiento fue de 7-67 meses para el grupo 1 y de 13-73 meses para el grupo 2. En el grupo 1 se hizo enucleación de 16 ojos (50%, radioterapia externa de uno (3,1%, quimioterapia más termoterapia de 5 (15,6% y quimioterapia más termoterapia más crioterapia de 10 (31,3%. En todos los pacientes se logró preservar al menos un ojo. En el grupo 2, se enuclearon 7 ojos (87,5% y se hizo radioterapia externa más enucleación en un paciente (12.5%. Además, todos los pacientes recibieron quimioterapia. CONCLUSIÓN: la terapia conservadora actual consistente en tratamiento local (termoterapia, crioterapia o braquiterapia y quimiorreducción permite preservar al menos un ojo y en algunos casos de los dos, muchas veces con buena agudeza visual, en niños con retinoblastoma bilateral; se evitan así la enucleación bilateral y la radioterapia externa usada en el tratamiento convencional con todos sus efectos secundarios. La enucleación contin

  16. Diagnosis and endovascular treatment of multiple cerebral venous and venous sinuses thrombosis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Li Baomin; Zhang Ji; Yin Ling; Huang Xusheng; Jiang Jinli; Liu Jun; Lang Senyang; Zhou Dingbiao; Zhu Ke


    Objective: Eighty-five cases with multiple cerebral venous and venous sinuses thrombosis including the diagnosis and endovascular therapy were reported. Methods: The long T2 and short T1 signals in the related regions of multiple venous sinuses on MRI and prolonged blood circulation time of the brain with tortuous dilatation of vein in angiography were the important characteristics for the diagnosis. Of the 85 cases, the treatment procedures were consisted of injecting urokinase intermittently via common carotid artery and intra-sinus contact thrombolysis as well as warfarin intake orally. Results: Intracranial pressure of 80 cases reduced down between 230 and 300 mm H 2 O, and clinical deficits were markedly improved within 10 days. Re-angiography of 18 cases revealed recanalization partly in 5 cases and circulation time appeared near normal i 8 cases during one week after therapy. Conclusions: Combined intraarterial thrombolysis consecutively with general anticoagulation for the treatment of multiple thrombosis in cerebral venous sinuses may be one of the effective means

  17. Endovascular treatment of central venous stenosis and obstruction in hemodialysis patients. (United States)

    Shi, Ya-xue; Ye, Meng; Liang, Wei; Zhang, Hao; Zhao, Yi-ping; Zhang, Ji-wei


    Central venous stenosis and obstruction (CVD) is a serious and prevalent challenge to both resolve the venous hypertension symptoms and maintain the pantency of the ipsilateral hemodialysis access in hemodialysis patients. This study aimed to summarize our experience of the endovascular management of the central venous stenosis or obstruction in hemodialysis patients. Twenty-four haemodialysis cases of central vein stenosis or obstruction with ipsilateral functional vascular access in our hospital between July 2006 and February 2012 were treated by interventional therapy and the data were analyzed retrospectively. Eighteen males and six females with mean age of (66.4 ± 13.8) years and manifesting with arm swelling and venous hypertension were enrolled; 62.5% of them had a history of catheterization. Venography showed stenotic lesion in 10 cases including eight cases of brachiocephalic vein stenosis and two cases of subclavian vein stenosis and 14 cases of obstruction lesions including seven cases of short brachiocephalic obstruction and seven cases of long segment obstruction. Interventional therapy was performed and the technique success rate was 83.3%. Percutaneous transluminal angioplasty (PTA) was performed in nine cases and stent was performed in 11 cases firstly. The symptoms of venous hypertension were resolved after intervention in all the cases. There was no major complication and death perioperatively. During follow-up, reintervention was done, the primary patency rates were (88.9 ± 10.5)%, (64.8 ± 10.5)% and (48.6 ± 18.7)% at 3 months, 6 months and 1 year after treatment in the PTA group; (90.0 ± 9.5)% and (77.1 ± 14.4)% at 6 months and 1 year after treatment in the stent group, respectively. The secondary patency rates were (48.6 ± 18.7)% in the PTA group and (83.3 ± 15.2)% in the stent group 1 year after treatment, respectively. There was no significant difference between the two groups (primary patency, P = 0.20; secondary patency, P = 0

  18. Outcomes of Peripheral Endovascular Interventions Based on Hospital Volume: A Mini Review of Published Literature

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Samir V Patel


    Full Text Available Previous literature showed hospital procedural volume is an independent predictor for outcomes of various cardiac procedures. However, very few studies shown similar results for peripheral endovascular interventions especially peripheral atherectomy. Here we are reviewing previously published articles to provide volume-outcome relationship for peripheral atherectomy and angioplasty with or without endovascular stenting. We found higher hospital volume significantly and independently lowers in-hospital mortality, amputation rates, peri-procedural complications, length and cost of hospitalization for peripheral endovascular interventions.

  19. Early experience of endovascular treatment of peripheral vascular disease

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ashraf, T.; Yousuf, K.; Karim, M.T.


    Atherosclerotic peripheral arterial disease (PAD) is prevalent affecting up to 16% of the population aged 55 years or older. Endovascular intervention for the treatment of limb ischemia has become the first line therapy but in Pakistan it is in embryonic stage due to dearth of trained persons and dedicated centres. This study was conducted to evaluate procedural success and early outcome of endovascular treatment of peripheral vascular disease. Methods: A prospective single arm multicentre study was conducted at the National Institute of Cardiovascular Disease and National Medical Centre, Karachi, Pakistan from January 2013 to June 2014. A total of 25 patients were enrolled in the study that underwent endovascular treatment. Out of 25 patients 23 (92%) had critical limb ischemia (CLI) as per TASC II classification (A to D) and 2 (8%) had carotid lesion with history of TIA. Patients of acute limb ischemia and stroke were excluded. Ankle brachial index (ABI) was classified as normal (0.9-1.3), mild (0.7-0.9), moderate (0.4-0.69), severe (<0.4). Outcome was taken as immediate success and symptoms, amputation of limb among CLI patients and incidence of stroke in patients with carotid artery lesion at end of six months. Results: Among aortoiliac, femoropopliteal and tibioperoneal lesions, tibioperoneal lesions at six months were found to be more symptomatic 6 (86%) and amputation 4 (57%). Two carotid lesions at follow up were asymptomatic without stroke. Conclusion: Endovascular treatment of peripheral vascular lesions, i.e., aortoiliac, femoropopliteal tibioperoneal and carotid lesions were satisfactory in immediate outcome. Tibioperoneal lesions were more symptomatic and limb amputation at six months. (author)

  20. REBOA at Role 2 Afloat: resuscitative endovascular balloon occlusion of the aorta as a bridge to damage control surgery in the military maritime setting. (United States)

    Rees, Paul; Waller, B; Buckley, A M; Doran, C; Bland, S; Scott, T; Matthews, J


    Role 2 Afloat provides a damage control resuscitation and surgery facility in support of maritime, littoral and aviation operations. Resuscitative endovascular balloon occlusion of the aorta (REBOA) offers a rapid, effective solution to exsanguinating haemorrhage from pelvic and non-compressible torso haemorrhage. It should be considered when the patient presents in a peri-arrest state, if surgery is likely to be delayed, or where the single operating table is occupied by another case. This paper will outline the data in support of endovascular haemorrhage control, describe the technique and explore how REBOA could be delivered using equipment currently available in the Royal Navy Role 2 Afloat equipment module. Also discussed are potential future directions in endovascular resuscitation. © Article author(s) (or their employer(s) unless otherwise stated in the text of the article) 2018. All rights reserved. No commercial use is permitted unless otherwise expressly granted.

  1. Permanent Pacemaker-Induced Superior Vena Cava Syndrome: Successful Treatment by Endovascular Stent

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lanciego, Carlos; Rodriguez, Mario; Rodriguez, Adela; Carbonell, Miguel A.; Garcia, Lorenzo Garcia


    The use of metallic stents in the management of benign and malignant superior vena cava syndrome (SVCS) is well documented. Symptomatic stenosis or occlusion of the SVC is a rare complication of a transvenous permanent pacemaker implant. Suggested treatments have included anticoagulation therapy, thrombolysis, balloon angioplasty and surgery. More recently, endovascular stenting has evolved as an attractive alternative but the data available in the literature are limited. We describe a case in which venous stenting with a Wallstent endoprosthesis was used successfully. The patient remains symptom free and with normal pacemaker function 36 months later

  2. Treatment of Pulmonary Sequestrations by Means of Endovascular Embolization: Future or Fashion?

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jeroen Diks


    Full Text Available Bronchopulmonary sequestration is a rare malformation of the lower respiratory tract. Several methods of treatment have been described since the first publication. We present two cases of female adult patients with bronchopulmonary sequestration. In the first patient an unsuccessful attempt to treat the bronchopulmonary sequestration by means of arterial embolization is described. She was subsequently treated by means of surgical resection, which was the primary treatment for the second patient. Although endovascular techniques are becoming promising, in our opinion surgical resection remains the unique treatment for bronchopulmonary sequestration.

  3. Development of a PROficiency-Based StePwise Endovascular Curricular Training (PROSPECT) Program. (United States)

    Maertens, Heidi; Aggarwal, Rajesh; Desender, Liesbeth; Vermassen, Frank; Van Herzeele, Isabelle


    Focus on patient safety, work-hour limitations, and cost-effective education is putting pressure to improve curricula to acquire minimally invasive techniques during surgical training. This study aimed to design a structured training program for endovascular skills and validate its assessment methods. A PROficiency-based StePwise Endovascular Curricular Training (PROSPECT) program was developed, consisting of e-learning and hands-on simulation modules, focusing on iliac and superficial femoral artery atherosclerotic disease. Construct validity was investigated. Performances were assessed using multiple-choice questionnaires, valid simulation parameters, global rating scorings, and examiner checklists. Feasibility was assessed by passage of 2 final-year medical students through this PROSPECT program. Ghent University Hospital, a tertiary clinical care and academic center in Belgium with general surgery residency program. Senior-year medical students were recruited at Ghent University Hospital. Vascular surgeons were invited to participate during conferences and meetings if they had performed at least 100 endovascular procedures as the primary operator during the last 2 years. Overall, 29 medical students and 20 vascular surgeons participated. Vascular surgeons obtained higher multiple-choice questionnaire scores (median: 24.5-22.0 vs. 15.0-12.0; p train cognitive, technical, and nontechnical endovascular skills was developed. A structured, stepwise, proficiency-based valid endovascular program to train cognitive, technical, and human factor skills has been developed and proven to be feasible. A randomized controlled trial has been initiated to investigate its effect on performances in real life, patient outcomes, and cost-effectiveness. Copyright © 2015 Association of Program Directors in Surgery. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  4. Endovascular Treatment of a Splenic Aneurysm Associated With Segmental Arterial Mediolysis

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    A. Khan

    Full Text Available : Introduction: Segmental arterial mediolysis is a rare disorder characterised by disintegration of the medial layer of an arterial wall usually affecting the intra-abdominal splanchnic vessels. Report: A case of 50 year old man who presented with sudden-onset left sided flank pain is reported. A computed tomography mesenteric angiogram showed haemorrhage and a stable left upper quadrant haematoma arising from 8 × 8 mm splenic artery aneurysm. Discussion: The patient underwent a successful endovascular coiling procedure to exclude the aneurysm and for complete resolution of his symptoms. Keywords: Segmental arterial mediolysis, Splanchnic vessels, Splenic artery aneurysm

  5. El tratamiento a largo plazo del trastorno bipolar

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    Leonardo Tondo


    Full Text Available Las indicaciones medicamentosas para el tratamiento del trastorno bipolar (TB requieren de una ponderación de la necesidad de tratamiento del episodio en curso y su evolución a largo plazo. Los objetivos principales radicarán en estabilizar el ánimo, evitar un episodio de polaridad opuesta y prevenir posibles recaídas. Dentro del abanico de tratamientos disponibles se encuentran los estabilizadores del humor, los antipsicóticos, los antidepresivos, y las terapias no farmacológicas. En el presente trabajo se realiza un recorrido sobre las ventajas y desventajas de estos tratamientos. La evidencia empírica indica que el litio resulta el estabilizador del humor más utilizado siendo considerado como gold standard para la prueba de nuevos tratamientos. Los antipsicóticos suelen ser los fármacos de elección para episodios maníacos con o sin este tipo de síntomas y prefiriéndose a los atípicos por presentar menores efectos secundarios. El uso de antidepresivos debe ser cauteloso por el riesgo de polarización a estados maníacos. Finalmente, dentro de las terapias no farmacológicas, la terapia cognitivo conductual y la psicoeducación son consideradas las intervenciones más eficaces.

  6. Endovascular Management of Vascular Injury during Transsphenoidal Surgery


    Çinar, C.; Bozkaya, H.; Parildar, M.; Oran, I.


    Vascular injury is an unusual and serious complication of transsphenoidal surgery. We aimed to define the role of angiography and endovascular treatment in patients with vascular injuries occurring during transsphenoidal surgery.

  7. Early and mid-term results in the endovascular treatment of popliteal aneurysms with the multilayer flow modulator. (United States)

    Ucci, Alessandro; Curci, Ruggiero; Azzarone, Matteo; Bianchini Massoni, Claudio; Bozzani, Antonio; Marcato, Carla; Marone, Enrico Maria; Perini, Paolo; Tecchio, Tiziano; Freyrie, Antonio; Argenteri, Angelo


    Background The endovascular approach became an alternative to open surgical treatment of popliteal artery aneurysm over the last few years. Heparin-bonded stent-grafts have been employed for endovascular popliteal artery aneurysm repair, showing good and stable results. Only few reports about the use of multilayer flow modulator are available in literature, providing small patient series and short follow-up. The aim of this study is to report the outcomes of patients with popliteal artery aneurysm treated with the multilayer flow modulator in three Italian centres. Methods We retrospectively analysed a series of both symptomatic and asymptomatic patients with popliteal artery aneurysm treated with the multilayer flow modulator from 2009 to 2015. Follow-up was undertaken with clinical and contrast-enhanced ultrasound examinations at 1, 6 and 12 months, and yearly thereafter. Computed tomography angiography was performed in selected cases. Primary endpoints were aneurysm sac thrombosis; freedom from sac enlargement and primary, primary-assisted and secondary patency during follow-up. Secondary endpoints were technical success, collateral vessels patency, limb salvage and aneurysm-related complications. Results Twenty-three consecutive patients (19 males, age 72 ± 11) with 25 popliteal artery aneurysms (mean diameter 23 mm ± 1, 3 symptomatic patients) were treated with 40 multilayer flow modulators during the period of the study. Median follow-up was 22.6 ± 16.7 months. Complete aneurysm thrombosis occurred in 92.9% of cases (23/25 cases) at 18 months. Freedom from sac enlargement was 100% (25/25 cases) with 17 cases of aneurysm sac shrinkage (68%). At 1, 6, 12 and 24 months, estimated primary patency was 95.7%, 87.3%, 77% and 70.1%, respectively. At the same intervals, primary-assisted patency was 95.7%, 91.3%, 86% and 86%, respectively, and secondary patency was 100%, 95.7%, 90.3% and 90.3%, respectively. Technical success was 100%. The collateral

  8. Tratamiento especializado del abuso o dependencia del alcohol

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    Josep M. Suelves


    Full Text Available Fundamentos.El Plan Nacional sobre Drogas (PNSD impulsó la prevención y el tratamiento de los trastornos por uso de drogas ilegales, y ahora abarca los trastornos por uso de alcohol. El objetivo de este trabajo es realizar una estimación de las personas en tratamiento especializado por alcohol en la red pública. Métodos.Se revisan documentos del PNSD, del sistema de información sobre drogodependencias de Cataluña y del de Barcelona. Para Cataluña y Barcelona se presentan datos de 1991 a 2010. Resultados.Para el conjunto de España hay información disponible desde hace pocos años, con exhaustividad y validez variable. En Catalunya, el número de admisiones a tratamiento por alcohol notificadas se incrementó: el alcohol causa anualmente más del 40% del total de admisiones a tratamiento en la red de drogodependencias; la edad media es de 44 años y el 23% son mujeres. En Barcelona las admisiones a tratamiento por alcohol superan las 2.000 al año, suponiendo 217 por 100.000 habitantes mayores de 15 años varones y 67 en mujeres. Conclusiones.Los datos disponibles sugieren que por lo que respecta al alcohol el sistema de información sobre drogas ha de desarrollarse más en España, resolviendo problemas metodológicos. Los datos disponibles para Cataluña sugieren que la red de atención a drogas ha permitido abordar la necesidad asistencial por dependencia al alcohol conjuntamente con la de drogas ilegales. Esta información es relevante, pues apenas existen datos de tratamiento referidos a la población.

  9. Angioedema hereditario: Guía de tratamiento

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    Alejandro Malbrán


    Full Text Available El angioedema hereditario (HAE es una enfermedad rara, autosómica dominante, caracterizada por episodios que comprometen la piel, el tracto gastrointestinal y la laringe. Tiene una mortalidad histórica por asfixia del 15 al 50%. Es producida por la deficiencia funcional del C1 inhibidor. La identificación de la bradiquinina como mediador principal ha estimulado el desarrollo de nuevos medicamentos para tratar la enfermedad. El tratamiento del HAE se establece en consensos internacionales. El desarrollo de guías para el tratamiento de la enfermedad permite ordenar el uso de procedimientos diagnósticos y drogas. Describimos aquí algunas características farmacológicas de los medicamentos utilizados en el tratamiento del HAE en la Argentina: el concentrado plasmático de C1 inhibidor, el antagonista de la bradiquinina, icatibant, el andrógeno atenuado danazol y los agentes anti-fibrinolíticos ácidos épsilon aminocaproico (EACA y tranexámico. Asimismo, se describe su forma de uso y del control de los eventos adversos más frecuentes, así como las recomendaciones del último consenso internacional, aplicables para conformar una primera guía de tratamiento del HAE en la Argentina.

  10. Level of headaches after surgical aneurysm clipping decreases significantly faster compared to endovascular coiled patients

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    Athanasios K. Petridis


    Full Text Available In incidental aneurysms, endovascular treatment can lead to post-procedural headaches. We studied the difference of surgical clipping vs. endovascular coiling in concern to post-procedural headaches in patients with ruptured aneurysms. Sixtyseven patients with aneurysmal subarachnoidal haemorrhage were treated in our department from September 1st 2015 - September 1st 2016. 43 Patients were included in the study and the rest was excluded because of late recovery or highgrade subarachnoid bleedings. Twenty-two were surgical treated and twenty-one were interventionally treated. We compared the post-procedural headaches at the time points of 24 h, 21 days, and 3 months after treatment using the visual analog scale (VAS for pain. After surgical clipping the headache score decreased for 8.8 points in the VAS, whereas the endovascular treated population showed a decrease of headaches of 3.3 points. This difference was highly statistical significant and remained significant even after 3 weeks where the pain score for the surgically treated patients was 0.68 and for the endovascular treated 1.8. After 3 months the pain was less than 1 for both groups with surgically treated patients scoring 0.1 and endovascular treated patients 0.9 (not significant. Clipping is relieving the headaches of patients with aneurysm rupture faster and more effective than endovascular coiling. This effect stays significant for at least 3 weeks and plays a crucial role in stress relieve during the acute and subacute ICU care of such patients.

  11. Periprocedural and long-term outcomes of endovascular abdominal aortic aneurysm repair in cardiology practice. (United States)

    Basoor, Abhijeet; Patel, Kiritkumar C; Halabi, Abdul R; Todorov, Mina; Senthilvadivel, Prashanth; Choksi, Nishit; Phan, Thanh; LaLonde, Thomas; Yamasaki, Hiroshi; DeGregorio, Michele


    Endovascular repair of abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) has recently been made a class I indication in the treatment of AAA. In comparison to the conventional open surgical treatment, endovascular AAA repair (EVAR) is associated with equivalent long-term morbidity and mortality rates. Vascular surgeons perform majority of EVAR. There are no reports for the long-term results of this intervention performed by interventional cardiologists. We present one of the first reports of periprocedural and long-term outcomes of EVAR performed by interventional cardiologists. Retrospective chart review on patients with attempted EVAR between September 2005 and January 2011 was performed. Included cases were all consecutive patients who had attempted EVAR by interventional cardiologists. During the study period EVAR was attempted in 170 patients, with 27% being women. The mean age was 74 years (range 52-93). The endovascular graft placement was successful in 96% (163/170) of patients. Procedure failures were more common in women (6 of 46 vs 1 of 124, P = 0.003). The 30-day mortality was 1.8 % (3 of 170). In patients with successful EVAR the mean follow-up was 30 months and mean length of hospital stay was 3.5 ± 3.2 days. Major periprocedural complications were noted in 9% patients (15 of 167). During follow-up, six patients (3.5%) required re-intervention and additional 16 patients died with no aneurysm related deaths. EVAR primarily performed by interventional cardiologists demonstrates high periprocedural and long-term success rates. A higher EVAR failure rate has been observed in women. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  12. Visuospatial and psychomotor aptitude predicts endovascular performance of inexperienced individuals on a virtual reality simulator. (United States)

    Van Herzeele, Isabelle; O'Donoghue, Kevin G L; Aggarwal, Rajesh; Vermassen, Frank; Darzi, Ara; Cheshire, Nicholas J W


    This study evaluated virtual reality (VR) simulation for endovascular training of medical students to determine whether innate perceptual, visuospatial, and psychomotor aptitude (VSA) can predict initial and plateau phase of technical endovascular skills acquisition. Twenty medical students received didactic and endovascular training on a commercially available VR simulator. Each student treated a series of 10 identical noncomplex renal artery stenoses endovascularly. The simulator recorded performance data instantly and objectively. An experienced interventionalist rated the performance at the initial and final sessions using generic (out of 40) and procedure-specific (out of 30) rating scales. VSA were tested with fine motor dexterity (FMD, Perdue Pegboard), psychomotor ability (minimally invasive virtual reality surgical trainer [MIST-VR]), image recall (Rey-Osterrieth), and organizational aptitude (map-planning). VSA performance scores were correlated with the assessment parameters of endovascular skills at commencement and completion of training. Medical students exhibited statistically significant learning curves from the initial to the plateau performance for contrast usage (medians, 28 vs 17 mL, P dexterity as well as with image recall at end of the training period. In addition to current recruitment strategies, VSA may be a useful tool for predictive validity studies.

  13. El tratamiento insulinico de engorde en el hipertiroidismo

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    Francisco Gnecco Mozzo


    Full Text Available Fuera de comunicaciones aisladas, como la de Andreeva, que empleará pequeñas dosis de insulina, en combinación con el yodo para el tratamiento de la enfermedad de Basedow, y la bien reciente de Soskin y Mirsky de Chicago, que usaron una dieta calórica de gran valor hidrocarbonado en una enferma que había rehusado someterse a la intervención quirúrgica como tratamiento radical para su bocio, no hemos encontrado en la literatura médica de varios años el empleo sistemático de ambos medios, la insulina y la dieta de alto valor calórico hidrocarbonado y graso para el tratamiento del hipertiroidismo.

  14. Endovascular strategy for unruptured cerebral aneurysms

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Mangiafico, S., E-mail: [Interventional Neuroradiology Unit, Careggi University Hospital, Florence (Italy); Guarnieri, G., E-mail: [Neuroradiology Service, Cardarelli Hospital, Naples (Italy); Consoli, A., E-mail: [Interventional Neuroradiology Unit, Careggi University Hospital, Florence (Italy); Ambrosanio, G., E-mail: [Neuroradiology Service, Cardarelli Hospital, Naples (Italy); Muto, M., E-mail: [Neuroradiology Service, Cardarelli Hospital, Naples (Italy)


    The treatment of unruptured intracranial aneurysms (UIAs) remains complex and not clearly defined. While for ruptured intracranial aneurysms the management and the treatment option (surgery or endovascular treatment) are well defined by several trials, for asymptomatic UIAs the best management is still currently uncertain. The rationale to treat an UIA is to prevent the rupture and its consequent SAH and all complications derived from hemorrhage or reduce/eliminate neurological palsy. Although this statement is correct, the indication to treat an UIA should be based on a correct balance between the natural history of UIA and treatment risk. Patient's clinical history, aneurysm characteristics, and strategy management influence the natural history of UIAs and treatment outcomes. In the last 10 years and more, two important large multicenter studies were performed in order to analysis of all these factors and to evaluate the best treatment option for UIAs. The aim of this paper is to try to synthesize the possible indications to the endovascular treatment (EVT), when and how to treat an UIA.

  15. éste durante el tratamiento

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    José Miguel Martínez González


    Full Text Available El objetivo de esta investigación fue estudiar si las creencias relacionadas con la vivencia del acompañamiento de un familiar en el tratamiento de un drogodependiente, y las del mismo paciente, varían en función de aspectos como el tiempo de abstinencia, el tiempo dedicado al tratamiento, la presencia de patología dual en el drogodependiente, la gravedad de ajuste psicológico del acompañante, los años de evolución de la drogodependencia y el tiempo transcurrido desde que se conoce el problema. La muestra estuvo compuesta por 130 personas, 65 familiares y 65 drogodependientes en tratamiento en centros ambulatorios. Para el análisis de los datos, obtenidos éstos, mediante distintos diseños cuasi-experimentales de grupos no aleatorios, se aplicó la prueba “t-Student” para un nivel de significación del 0,05. Se analizaron las relaciones bivariadas entre las variables descritas y las diferentes creencias tanto en los pacientes como en los familiares de éstos. Los resultados mostraron que las creencias evaluadas están presentes en la experiencia del adicto y del familiar, cambiando éstas a través de los valores de las variables manipuladas ya mencionadas.

  16. Fitoterapia como coadyuvante en el tratamiento de la obesidad

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    López-Regueiro S


    Full Text Available La obesidad es uno de los problemas de salud más importantes a nivel mundial debido a su relación con numerosas patologías como la diabetes mellitus tipo 2, la hipertensión y el aumento importante en el riesgo cardiovascular. La base del tratamiento es la dieta y el ejercicio físico, pero en muchos casos no es suficiente y es necesario combinarlo con tratamiento farmacológico. Recientemente se ha retirado sibutramina del mercado por lo que sólo se dispone de orlistat, que no está exento de contraindicaciones y efectos secundarios. Ante esta situación, se ha vuelto a retomar el tratamiento fitoterápico, aunque, en muchas ocasiones, con numerosas dudas. Esta revisión pretende aportar la información necesaria sobre las principales plantas utilizadas en este tratamiento.

  17. Fitoterapia como coadyuvante en el tratamiento de la obesidad

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    López-Regueiro S


    Full Text Available La obesidad es uno de los problemas de salud más importantes a nivel mundial debido a su relación con numerosas patologías como la diabetes mellitus tipo 2, la hipertensión y el aumento importante en el riesgo cardiovascular. La base del tratamiento es la dieta y el ejercicio físico, pero en muchos casos no es sufi ciente y es necesario combinarlo con tratamiento farmacológico. Recientemente se ha retirado sibutramina del mercado por lo que sólo se dispone de orlistat, que no está exento de contraindicaciones y efectos secundarios. Ante esta situación, se ha vuelto a retomar el tratamiento fi toterápico, aunque, en muchas ocasiones, con numerosas dudas. Esta revisión pretende aportar la información necesaria sobre las principales plantas utilizadas en este tratamiento.

  18. Advances in endovascular therapy for ischemic cerebrovascular diseases

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    Jun Lu


    Full Text Available Endovascular therapy for ischemic cerebrovascular diseases has developed rapidly in recent years. The latest clinical trials of acute ischemic stroke have shown promising results with the continued advancement of concepts, techniques, and materials. Mechanical thrombectomy is recommended in the treatment of acute ischemic stroke caused by large vessel occlusion of the anterior circulation, according to the guidelines updated in Europe, USA, and China. The long-term therapeutic efficacy of endovascular stenting for carotid artery stenosis has also been proved noninferior to that of carotid endarterectomy. However, the latest clinical trials have shown that the efficacy of stenting for intracranial artery and vertebral artery stenosis is inferior to that of medical treatment alone, which needs urgent attention through further development and studies. Keywords: Ischemic cerebrovascular diseases, Interventional surgery, Progress

  19. Safety of low-dose aspirin in endovascular treatment for intracranial atherosclerotic stenosis.

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    Ning Ma

    Full Text Available OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the safety of low-dose aspirin plus clopidogrel versus high-dose aspirin plus clopidogrel in prevention of vascular risk within 90 days of duration of dual antiplatelet therapy in patients treated with intracranial endovascular treatment. METHODS: From January 2012 to December 2013, this prospective and observational study enrolled 370 patients with symptomatic intracranial atherosclerotic stenosis of ≥70% with poor collateral undergoing intracranial endovascular treatment. Antiplatelet therapy consists of aspirin, at a low-dose of 100 mg or high-dose of 300 mg daily; clopidogrel, at a dose of 75 mg daily for 5 days before endovascular treatment. The dual antiplatelet therapy continued for 90 days after intervention. The study endpoints include acute thrombosis, subacute thrombosis, stroke or death within 90 days after intervention. RESULTS: Two hundred and seventy three patients received low-dose aspirin plus clopidogrel and 97 patients received high-dose aspirin plus clopidogrel before intracranial endovascular treatment. Within 90 days after intervention, there were 4 patients (1.5% with acute thrombosis, 5 patients (1.8% with subacute thrombosis, 17 patients (6.2% with stroke, and 2 death (0.7% in low-dose aspirin group, compared with no patient (0% with acute thrombosis, 2 patient (2.1% with subacute thrombosis, 6 patients (6.2% with stroke, and 2 death (2.1% in high-dose aspirin group, and there were no significant difference in all study endpoints between two groups. CONCLUSION: Low-dose aspirin plus clopidogrel is comparative in safety with high-dose aspirin plus clopidogrel within 90 days of duration of dual antiplatelet therapy in patients treated with intracranial endovascular treatment.

  20. Percutaneous Endovascular Radiofrequency Ablation for Malignant Portal Obstruction: An Initial Clinical Experience

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wu, Tian-Tian; Li, Hu-Cheng; Zheng, Fang; Ao, Guo-Kun; Lin, Hu; Li, Wei-Min


    PurposeThe Habib™ VesOpen Catheter is a new endovascular radiofrequency ablation (RFA) device used to treat malignant portal obstruction. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the clinical feasibility and safety of RFA with this device.MethodsWe collected the clinical records and follow-up data of patients with malignant portal obstruction treated with percutaneous endovascular portal RFA using the Habib™ VesOpen Catheter. Procedure-related complications, improvement of symptoms, portal patency, survival, and postoperative biochemical tests were investigated.ResultsThe 31 patients enrolled in the study underwent 41 successful endovascular portal RFA procedures. Patients were divided into a portal-stenting (PS) group (n = 13), which underwent subsequent portal stenting with self-expandable metallic stents, and a non-stenting (NS) group (n = 18), which did not undergo stenting. No procedure-related abdominal hemorrhage or portal rupture occurred. Postablation complications included abdominal pain (n = 26), fever (n = 13), and pleural effusion (n = 15). Improvements in clinical manifestations were observed in 27 of the 31 patients. Of the 17 patients experiencing portal restenosis, 10 underwent successful repeat RFA. The rate of successful repeat RFA was significantly higher in the NS group than in the PS group. Median portal patency was shorter in the PS group than in the NS group. No mortality occurred during the 4 weeks after percutaneous endovascular portal RFA.ConclusionsPercutaneous endovascular portal RFA is a feasible and safe therapeutic option for malignant portal obstruction. Prospective investigations should be performed to evaluate clinical efficacy, in particular, the need to evaluate the necessity for subsequent portal stenting.

  1. Percutaneous Endovascular Radiofrequency Ablation for Malignant Portal Obstruction: An Initial Clinical Experience

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Wu, Tian-Tian, E-mail: [The 309th Hospital of PLA, Hepatobiliary Surgery Department (China); Li, Hu-Cheng, E-mail: [The 307th Hospital of PLA, General Surgery Department (China); Zheng, Fang, E-mail: [The 309th Hospital of PLA, Hepatobiliary Surgery Department (China); Ao, Guo-Kun, E-mail:; Lin, Hu, E-mail: [The 309th Hospital of PLA, Radiology Department (China); Li, Wei-Min, E-mail: [The 309th Hospital of PLA, Hepatobiliary Surgery Department (China)


    PurposeThe Habib™ VesOpen Catheter is a new endovascular radiofrequency ablation (RFA) device used to treat malignant portal obstruction. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the clinical feasibility and safety of RFA with this device.MethodsWe collected the clinical records and follow-up data of patients with malignant portal obstruction treated with percutaneous endovascular portal RFA using the Habib™ VesOpen Catheter. Procedure-related complications, improvement of symptoms, portal patency, survival, and postoperative biochemical tests were investigated.ResultsThe 31 patients enrolled in the study underwent 41 successful endovascular portal RFA procedures. Patients were divided into a portal-stenting (PS) group (n = 13), which underwent subsequent portal stenting with self-expandable metallic stents, and a non-stenting (NS) group (n = 18), which did not undergo stenting. No procedure-related abdominal hemorrhage or portal rupture occurred. Postablation complications included abdominal pain (n = 26), fever (n = 13), and pleural effusion (n = 15). Improvements in clinical manifestations were observed in 27 of the 31 patients. Of the 17 patients experiencing portal restenosis, 10 underwent successful repeat RFA. The rate of successful repeat RFA was significantly higher in the NS group than in the PS group. Median portal patency was shorter in the PS group than in the NS group. No mortality occurred during the 4 weeks after percutaneous endovascular portal RFA.ConclusionsPercutaneous endovascular portal RFA is a feasible and safe therapeutic option for malignant portal obstruction. Prospective investigations should be performed to evaluate clinical efficacy, in particular, the need to evaluate the necessity for subsequent portal stenting.

  2. Endovascular Treatment of an Aortobronchial Fistula

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Numan, Fueruezan; Arbatli, Harun; Yagan, Naci; Demirsoy, Ergun; Soenmez, Binguer


    A 67-year-old man operated on 8 years previously for type B aortic dissection presented with two episodes of massive hemoptysis. An aortobronchial fistula was suspected with spiral computed tomography angiography, and showed a small pseudoaneurysm corresponding to the distal anastomotic site. The patient underwent endovascular stent-graft implantation and is asymptomatic 8 months after the procedure

  3. Salvage of bilateral renal artery occlusion after endovascular aneurysm repair with open splenorenal bypass

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    Samuel Jessula, MDCM


    Full Text Available We report renal salvage maneuvers after accidental bilateral renal artery coverage during endovascular aneurysm repair of an infrarenal abdominal aortic aneurysm. A 79-year-old man with an infrarenal abdominal aortic aneurysm was treated with endovascular aneurysm repair. Completion angiography demonstrated coverage of the renal arteries. Several revascularization techniques were attempted, including endograft repositioning and endovascular stenting through the femoral and brachial approach. The patient eventually underwent open splenorenal bypass with a Y Gore-Tex graft (W. L. Gore & Associates, Flagstaff, Ariz. After 3 months, computed tomography showed no evidence of endoleak and patent renal arteries. Renal function was well maintained, and the patient did not require dialysis.

  4. Endovascular treatment of intracranial aneurysms using liquid polymer injection

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Liu Jianmin; Huang Qinghai; Xu Yi; Hong Bo


    Objective: To report our preliminary clinical experience in embolization of intracranial aneurysms with liquid polymer (Onyx). Methods: One case of posterior communicating artery aneurysm was treated with Onyx and microcoils, while the other one with multiple basilar aneurysms was treated by Onyx combined with stent-coiling technique. Results: All the aneurysms were totally occluded with patency of parent arteries. There was no procedure-related complication. The patients recovered well during clinical follow-up for 3 months. The angiographic follow-up in one patient showed the result was stable and Onyx was totally apart from the flow in parent artery. Conclusions: Short-term result suggests that endovascular treatment of intracranial aneurysms with liquid polymer is safe and effective, however more experience is needed. (authors)

  5. Combined application of distal and proximal embolic protection devices in endovascular stenting for severe carotid artery stenosis

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    Zhi-hua DU


    Full Text Available Objective To analyze and summarize methods and experiences of combined application of distal and proximal embolic protection devices(EPD in endovascular stenting for severe carotid artery stenosis.Methods Five patients with severe stenosis of the common carotid artery or with extracranial segment of the internal carotid artery diagnosed through digital subtraction angiography(DSA from March to July 2010 were involved in the present study.All patients received carotid angioplasty and stenting(CAS,with a combination of distal and proximal EPD via the percutaneous femoral artery approach.Results The operation failed in one patient,whereas technical success with no intraoperative complication was achieved in four patients.The symptoms disappeared or improved in the four cases that achieved technical success.The follow-up duration was one to three months,and no cerebral ischemia was found.Conclusion CAS with the combined application of distal and proximal EPD in some special cases of carotid artery stenosis may surmount the shortage of single EPD,reduce the risk of intraoperative embolization,decrease the time of intraoperative endovascular inflow occlusion,and reduce high-risk operations.CAS may be used as an individualized treatment strategy for patients with carotid artery stenosis.

  6. Update on acute endovascular and surgical stroke treatment

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kondziella, D; Cortsen, M; Eskesen, V


    Emergency stroke care has become a natural part of the emerging discipline of neurocritical care and demands close cooperation between the neurologist and neurointerventionists, neurosurgeons, and anesthesiologists. Endovascular treatment (EVT), including intra-arterial thrombolysis, mechanical...

  7. Endovascular Extraction of a Needle from the Internal Carotid Artery: A Novel Approach to a Controversial Dental Misadventure (United States)

    Giurintano, Jonathan P.; Somerville, Jessica; Sebelik, Merry; Hoit, Daniel; Michael, L. Madison; Shires, Courtney B.


    Objective  To review the literature concerning the management of dental needles broken off into the deep spaces of the neck, to report what we believe is the first case of a fractured dental needle migrating into the jugular foramen, and the unconventional use of endovascular intervention to retrieve the needle fragment. Design  Case report with review of literature. Setting  Academic tertiary care center. Participants  Intervention was performed by the otolaryngology–head and neck surgery, vascular surgery, and neurovascular interventional radiology teams. Results  Transoral exploration, including palatal split and exposure of the poststyloid parapharyngeal space with C-arm image guidance, was unable to retrieve the broken needle, which traversed the internal carotid lumen with the distal end entering the jugular foramen. Through endovascular intervention, the neurovascular interventional radiology team captured the proximal end of the needle and retrieved it through the femoral artery. The patient recovered uneventfully. Conclusion  Fracture and loss of oral injection needles remain a persistent and preventable problem. This case demonstrates a novel, minimally invasive, well-tolerated, and successful method to extract a fractured needle that migrated into the lumen of the internal carotid artery at the level of the skull base. PMID:28845380

  8. Rabbit models of cerebral vasospasm established with endovascular puncture

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tu Jianfei; Liu Yizhi; Ji Jiansong; Zhao Zhongwei


    Objective: To investigate the method of endovascular puncture to establish rabbit models of cerebral vasospasm. Methods: New Zealand white rabbits were divided into 5 groups (12 h, 1 d, 2 d, 3 d and 7 d) randomly, and each group was separated into subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH) subgroup (n=5) and control subgroup (n=2). cerebral vascular spasm (CVS) models were established after SAH with endovascular puncture. CT scans before and after operation were performed. The internal diameters and the wall thicknesses of posterior communicans artery (PcoA) and basilar artery (BA) were measured with HE stain after the animals were executed. Results: CVS model was successfully eastblished in 35 rabbits (SAH subgroup 25, control subgroup 10), resulting a successful rate of 48.61%. Compared with control subgroup, PcoA and BA showed shrinkage of internal diameters of 43.60% and 51.82% 12 h after SAH, respectively, and the shrinkage appeared as biphasic patterns until the 7th study day with another peaks of 29.32% and 45.19%, respectively. Conclusions: Endovascular puncture is an effective method to establish rabbit of CVS. The death rate of animals can be decreased with the asage of new interventional material and perfection for the details of operation. (authors)

  9. Tratamiento de aguas industriales mediante reactor biológico de membranas


    Aznar Jiménez, Antonio


    El Laboratorio de Ingeniería para el Tratamiento de Aguas de la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, de investigación y servicios en el tratamiento de aguas residuales, optimiza el diseño y puesta a punto de reactores biológicos de membranas (MBR), indicados para obtener agua depurada de alta calidad y/o aumentar la capacidad de tratamiento.

  10. Emergent Endovascular Management of Acute Arterial Bleeding ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    little attention has been paid to the novel endovascular options available .... Fig 1b. Fig 1c. Figure 1a: Mass at gastric fundus enhanced in post contrast CT abdomen. ... 1c: Left gastric artery super selectively coiled to occlusion. Fig 2a. Fig 2b.

  11. Endovascular treatment with a stent-graft for internal carotid artery laceration during trans sphenoidal surgery: a case report

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Choe, Eun Hwa; Ko, Ji Ho; Lee, Tae Hong; Rho, Myung Ho


    An internal carotid artery (ICA) tear during or after trans-sphenoidal surgery (TSS) is rare but may cause potentially lethal complications. A 23-year-old female patient visited our hospital for treatment of a Rathke's cleft cyst. The patient had massive hemorrhage during surgery and angiography performed after surgery showed laceration of the cavernous ICA. We successfully controlled the hemorrhage with emergency placement of an endovascular stent-graft

  12. Tratamientos eficaces para el Trastorno de Ansiedad Social

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Carolina Baeza Velasco


    Full Text Available 127 Tratamientos eficaces para el Trastorno de Ansiedad Social Efficient Treatments for Social Anxiety Disorder Carolina Baeza Velasco * Resumen El Trastorno de Ansiedad Social (TAS, también cono cido como Fobia Social, es reconocido hoy en día como una condición psiquiátri ca crónica e incapacitante. La alta prevalencia y la significancia clínica de la enferm edad, enfatizan la necesidad de reconocimiento temprano y de tratamiento eficaz. El objetivo de este trabajo es exponer los principales tratamientos existentes, poniendo a tención a las investigaciones y estudios meta-analíticos que intentan diferenciar los distin tos tipos de intervención en relación a su eficacia.

  13. Endovascular therapy of abdominal aortic aneurysm: results of a mid-term follow-up

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pitton, M.B.; Schweitzer, H.; Herber, S.; Thelen, M.; Schmiedt, W.; Neufang, A.; Dueber, C.


    Prospective study to evaluate clinical results and complications of endovascular abdominal aortic aneurysm treatment in a mid-term follow-up. Materials and methods: A total of 122 patients (9 females, 113 males, average age 70.0±7,9 years) with abdominal aortic aneurysms were treated with stent grafts (53 Vanguard or Stentor endografts, 69 Talent endografts). Group I consisted of 40 patients who had all aortic tributaries of the aneurysm sac occluded prior to endovalscular grafting, either spontaneously by parietal thrombosis or by selective coil embolization of the respective ostia preserving collateral circulation distal to the vessel occlusion. Group II consisted of 82 patients and included all cases without or with incomplete coil embolization with at least one patent vessel. Stent grafting was performed in general anesthesia in the first 21 patients, followed by peridural anesthesia in 15 cases, and local anesthesia with conscious sedation in 86 cases. The results were evaluated with Spiral-CT, MRI and radiographs of the endovascular graft, with follow-up examinations obtained at 3, 6, 12 months, and every year - Implantation was successfully completed in all cases without primary conversion surgery, laparotomy or any significant complication. Mean follow-up was 29±21 months (maximum 82 months). The 30-day mortality was 0,8% due to a myocardial infarction 3 days after discharge from the hospital. A total of 47 re-interventions were performed in 29 patients (23.8%), with 35 re-interventions in 18 cases with Vanguard or Stentor endografts and 12 re-interventions in 11 patients with Talent endografts. 23 percutaneous re-interventions included distal graft extension (n=11), Wallstent for kinking and limb stenosis (n=3), and secondary coil embolization of collateral vessels (n=9). 24 surgical re-interventions included proximal graft extension (n=6), new endovascular grafts (n=3), surgical clipping of lumbar and mesenteric artery branches for type-II endoleaks

  14. Hepatic vascular injury: Clinical profile, endovascular management and outcomes

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Bishav Mohan


    Conclusion: Prompt endovascular management is the modality of choice in comparison to NOM without AE in both pediatric and adult patients with hemodynamically compromised inaccessible intra hepatic vascular trauma.

  15. Carotid artery revascularization : Surgical and endovascular developments

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Borst, G.J. de


    Carotid artery revascularization. Surgical and endovascular developments. Stroke is among the most disabling chronic diseases and the third major cause of death in the Western world. In the Netherlands around 12 per 1000 inhabitants suffers a stroke, and in 2005 over 10.000 people died as a result

  16. Endovascular Tubular Stent-Graft Placement for Isolated Iliac Artery Aneurysms

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Okada, Takuya; Yamaguchi, Masato; Kitagawa, Atsushi; Kawasaki, Ryota; Nomura, Yoshikatsu; Okita, Yutaka; Sugimura, Kazuro; Sugimoto, Koji


    Purpose: To evaluate the safety, efficacy, and mid-term outcomes of endovascular tubular stent-graft placement for repair of isolated iliac artery aneurysms (IAAs). Materials and Methods: Between January 2002 and March 2010, 20 patients (7 women and 13 men; mean age 74 years) underwent endovascular repair of 22 isolated IAAs. Two patients underwent endovascular repair for bilateral aneurysms. Ten para-anastomotic aneurysms (45%) developed after open abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) repair with an aorto-iliac graft, and 12 were true aneurysms (55%). Eleven straight and 11 tapered stent-grafts were placed. Contrast-enhanced computed tomography (CT) was performed to detect complications and evaluate aneurysmal shrinkage at week 1, 3, 6, and 12 months and once every year thereafter. Non–contrast-enhanced CT was performed in seven patients with chronic kidney disease. Results: All procedures were successful, without serious complications, during the mean (range) follow-up period of 746 days (47–2651). Type II endoleak not requiring treatment was noted in one patient. The mean (SD) diameters of the true and para-anastomotic aneurysms significantly (p < 0.05) decreased from 42.0 (9.3) to 36.9 (13.6) mm and from 40.1 (13.0) to 33.6 (15.8) mm, respectively; the mean (SD) shrinkage rates were 15.1% (20.2%) and 18.9% (22.4%), respectively. The primary patency rate was 100%, and no secondary interventions were required. Four patients (21%) developed transient buttock claudication, and one patient (5%) developed colorectal ischaemia, which was treated conservatively. Conclusion: Endovascular tubular stent-graft placement for the repair of isolated IAAs is safe and efficacious. Tapered stent-grafts of various sizes are required for accurate placement.

  17. Endovascular Radiofrequency Ablation for Varicose Veins (United States)


    Executive Summary Objective The objective of the MAS evidence review was to conduct a systematic review of the available evidence on the safety, effectiveness, durability and cost–effectiveness of endovascular radiofrequency ablation (RFA) for the treatment of primary symptomatic varicose veins. Background The Ontario Health Technology Advisory Committee (OHTAC) met on August 26th, 2010 to review the safety, effectiveness, durability, and cost-effectiveness of RFA for the treatment of primary symptomatic varicose veins based on an evidence-based review by the Medical Advisory Secretariat (MAS). Clinical Condition Varicose veins (VV) are tortuous, twisted, or elongated veins. This can be due to existing (inherited) valve dysfunction or decreased vein elasticity (primary venous reflux) or valve damage from prior thrombotic events (secondary venous reflux). The end result is pooling of blood in the veins, increased venous pressure and subsequent vein enlargement. As a result of high venous pressure, branch vessels balloon out leading to varicosities (varicose veins). Symptoms typically affect the lower extremities and include (but are not limited to): aching, swelling, throbbing, night cramps, restless legs, leg fatigue, itching and burning. Left untreated, venous reflux tends to be progressive, often leading to chronic venous insufficiency (CVI). A number of complications are associated with untreated venous reflux: including superficial thrombophlebitis as well as variceal rupture and haemorrhage. CVI often results in chronic skin changes referred to as stasis dermatitis. Stasis dermatitis is comprised of a spectrum of cutaneous abnormalities including edema, hyperpigmentation, eczema, lipodermatosclerosis and stasis ulceration. Ulceration represents the disease end point for severe CVI. CVI is associated with a reduced quality of life particularly in relation to pain, physical function and mobility. In severe cases, VV with ulcers, QOL has been rated to be as bad

  18. Endovascular Therapy Research in Lower Limb Peripheral Arterial Disease Published Over a 5-Year Period: Who is Publishing and Where?

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Asadi, H.; Lee, R. J.; Sheehan, M.; Thanaratam, P.; Lee, D. M.; Lee, A. M.; Lee, M. J., E-mail: [Beaumont Hospital, Interventional Radiology Service, Department of Radiology, Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland Medical School (Ireland)


    IntroductionPeripheral arterial disease (PAD) is being increasingly managed by endovascular therapies. In this study, we identified the clinical services publishing research as well as the journals of publication over a 5-year period.MethodsTwenty keywords and phrases related to endovascular intervention were identified, and a literature search was performed through the PubMed database from January 2009 to January 2014. Inclusion criteria were English language, study population more than five patients, and matching the keyword search. Eligible studies were collated into a database and classified by journal of publication, PubMed number, article title, publishing clinical service, type of publication, country of origin, and authors.Results825 studies from 114 different journals were identified. 297 papers were excluded. Of the 528 included papers, 204 (39%) were published by Vascular Surgery (VS), 157 (30%) by Interventional Radiology (IR), 101 (19%) by Cardiology, 43 (8%) by Angiology, 6 (1%) by Vascular Medicine, and 17 (3%) from miscellaneous services. 283 (54%) studies originated from Europe, 157 (30%) from North America, 76 (14%) from Asia, 6 from Australia, 3 each from South America and Africa. IR published the most papers on PAD endovascular intervention in Europe with VS second while this trend was reversed in the USA. The 528 papers were published in 98 different journals with retrospective case series (72%), the majority.ConclusionIR continues to play a significant research role in endovascular intervention in PAD, particularly in Europe, and specifically in below the knee intervention, pedal intervention, and drug-eluting technologies.

  19. Endovascular Therapy Research in Lower Limb Peripheral Arterial Disease Published Over a 5-Year Period: Who is Publishing and Where?

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Asadi, H.; Lee, R. J.; Sheehan, M.; Thanaratam, P.; Lee, D. M.; Lee, A. M.; Lee, M. J.


    IntroductionPeripheral arterial disease (PAD) is being increasingly managed by endovascular therapies. In this study, we identified the clinical services publishing research as well as the journals of publication over a 5-year period.MethodsTwenty keywords and phrases related to endovascular intervention were identified, and a literature search was performed through the PubMed database from January 2009 to January 2014. Inclusion criteria were English language, study population more than five patients, and matching the keyword search. Eligible studies were collated into a database and classified by journal of publication, PubMed number, article title, publishing clinical service, type of publication, country of origin, and authors.Results825 studies from 114 different journals were identified. 297 papers were excluded. Of the 528 included papers, 204 (39%) were published by Vascular Surgery (VS), 157 (30%) by Interventional Radiology (IR), 101 (19%) by Cardiology, 43 (8%) by Angiology, 6 (1%) by Vascular Medicine, and 17 (3%) from miscellaneous services. 283 (54%) studies originated from Europe, 157 (30%) from North America, 76 (14%) from Asia, 6 from Australia, 3 each from South America and Africa. IR published the most papers on PAD endovascular intervention in Europe with VS second while this trend was reversed in the USA. The 528 papers were published in 98 different journals with retrospective case series (72%), the majority.ConclusionIR continues to play a significant research role in endovascular intervention in PAD, particularly in Europe, and specifically in below the knee intervention, pedal intervention, and drug-eluting technologies.

  20. Functional outcome after primary endovascular therapy or IV thrombolysis alone for stroke. An observational, comparative effectiveness study. (United States)

    Abilleira, Sònia; Ribera, Aida; Dávalos, Antonio; Ribó, Marc; Chamorro, Angel; Cardona, Pere; Molina, Carlos A; Martínez-Yélamos, Antonio; Urra, Xabier; Dorado, Laura; Roquer, Jaume; Martí-Fàbregas, Joan; Aja, Lucía; Tomasello, Alejandro; Castaño, Carlos; Blasco, Jordi; Cánovas, David; Castellanos, Mar; Krupinski, Jerzy; Guimaraens, Leopoldo; Perendreu, Joan; Ustrell, Xavier; Purroy, Francisco; Gómez-Choco, Manuel; Baiges, Joan Josep; Cocho, Dolores; Saura, Júlia; Gallofré, Miquel


    Among the acute ischemic stroke patients with large vessel occlusions and contraindications for the use of IV thrombolysis, mainly on oral anticoagulation or presenting too late, primary endovascular therapy is often performed as an alternative to the standard therapy even though evidence supporting the use of endovascular reperfusion therapies is not yet established. Using different statistical approaches, we compared the functional independence rates at 3 months among patients undergoing primary endovascular therapy and patients treated only with IV thrombolysis. We used data from a prospective, government-mandated and externally audited registry of reperfusion therapies for ischemic stroke (January 2011 to November 2012). Patients were selected if treated with either IV thrombolysis alone (n = 1,582) or primary endovascular thrombectomy (n = 250). A series of exclusions were made to homogenize the clinical characteristics among the two groups. We then carried out multivariate logistic regression and propensity score matching analyses on the final study sample (n = 1,179) to compare functional independence at 3 months, as measured by the modified Rankin scale scores 0-2, between the two groups. The unadjusted likelihood of good outcome was poorer among the endovascular group (OR: 0.69; 95% CI: 0.47-1.0). After adjustment, no differences by treatment modality were seen (OR: 1.51; 95% CI: 0.93-2.43 for primary endovascular therapy). Patients undergoing endovascular thrombectomy within 180-270 min (OR: 2.89; 95% CI: 1.17-7.15) and patients with severe strokes (OR: 1.84; 95% CI: 1.02-3.35) did better than their intravenous thrombolysis counterparts. The propensity score-matched analyses with and without adjustment by additional covariates showed that endovascular thrombectomy was as effective as intravenous thrombolysis alone in achieving functional independence (OR for unadjusted propensity score matched: 1.35; 95% CI: 0.9-2.02, OR for adjusted propensity score

  1. Uso del aralen en el tratamiento de la teniasis

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Carlos Arteaga Camargo


    Full Text Available En el presente trabajo se hace referencia al tratamiento de siete casos de Taeniasis (todos de Taenia saginata, por medio del "Aralen". Dicho tratamiento es de administración fácil, no produjo manifestaciones tóxicas y dio éxito en todos los casos tratados.

  2. Constructing canine carotid artery stenosis model by endovascular technique

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cheng Guangsen; Liu Yizhi


    Objective: To establish a carotid artery stenosis model by endovascular technique suitable for neuro-interventional therapy. Methods: Twelve dogs were anesthetized, the unilateral segments of the carotid arteries' tunica media and intima were damaged by a corneous guiding wire of home made. Twenty-four carotid artery stenosis models were thus created. DSA examination was performed on postprocedural weeks 2, 4, 8, 10 to estimate the changes of those stenotic carotid arteries. Results: Twenty-four carotid artery stenosis models were successfully created in twelve dogs. Conclusions: Canine carotid artery stenosis models can be created with the endovascular method having variation of pathologic characters and hemodynamic changes similar to human being. It is useful for further research involving the new technique and new material for interventional treatment. (authors)

  3. Outcomes of endovascular aortic repair in the modern era

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Budtz-Lilly, Jacob; Wanhainen, Anders; Mani, Kevin


    Monitoring outcomes following endovascular aortic repair (EVAR) is critical. Although evidence from randomized controlled trials has solidified the role of EVAR, the analysis of outcomes and "real-world" data has uncovered limitations, improved the selection of appropriate patients, and underscored...... the importance of instructions for use. Subsequent studies demonstrated the learning curve of EVAR and gradual improvement of outcomes over time. Outcomes analyses will continue to play an important role, particularly as technological growth of endovascular therapy has enabled treatment of more complex aneurysm...... pathologies and patients. The important analyses are herein reviewed, following the development of EVAR in the treatment of intact abdominal aortic aneurysms (AAA) to ruptured AAAs, and finally to complex aneurysms, including thoracoabdominal aortic aneurysms and mycotic aneurysms. This includes an overview...

  4. Terapias cognitivo conductuales para el tratamiento de los trastornos de personalidad

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Manuela Navarro-Leis


    Full Text Available Se han propuesto muchos tratamientos psicológicos para el abordaje de los trastornos de personalidad, realizándose gran variedad de estudios para comprobar la eficacia de los mismos. Y aunque hasta la fecha no se ha podido demostrar empíricamente que exista ningún tratamiento establecido como eficaz, si se ha demostrado que los tratamientos cognitivo conductuales y conductuales resultan probablemente eficaces para el tratamiento de estos trastornos, en concreto y de forma más específica para el Trastorno Límite de Personalidad. El objetivo de este trabajo es ofrecer una revisión a nivel teórico y empírico de los tres modelos de tratamiento considerados actualmente de mayor eficacia: Terapia Dialéctica Conductual, Terapia de Aceptación y Compromiso y Psicoterapia Analítico Funcional, incluidas dentro de las llamadas Terapias de conducta de tercera generación.

  5. Refractory hepatic hydrothorax: successful treatment with octreotide Hidrotórax hepático refractario: tratamiento eficaz con octreótido

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    M. Barreales


    Full Text Available We report the case of a patient that developed hepatic hydrothorax as the first complication of liver cirrhosis. Due to the lack of response to diuretics, pleurodesis and TIPS, treatment with octreotide was started with resolution of hydrothorax. To the best of our knowledge, this is the third reported case of refractory hepatic hydrothorax with complete and sustained response to octreotide.Describimos el caso de una paciente que presentó un hidrotórax como primera manifestación de una cirrosis hepática. Ante la ausencia de respuesta al tratamiento diurético, a la realización de una pleurodesis y a la colocación de una derivación portosistémica percutánea intrahepática, se inició tratamiento con octreótido con lo que se obtuvo la resolución del mismo. Se trata del tercer caso publicado en la literatura de hidrotórax hepático refractario con respuesta completa y mantenida al tratamiento con octreótido.

  6. Innovations in vascular and endovascular surgery in Brazil: a data analysis study

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Heriberto Brito de Oliveira


    Full Text Available Background:Innovations in vascular and endovascular surgery have important social and economic repercussions. Most endovascular devices used in Brazil are imported and, therefore, particularly expensive.Objective:To conduct a retrospective analysis of patent and regulatory approval data for newly developed vascular and endovascular devices, based on the number of patents registered at the Brazilian National Industrial Property Institute (INPI and the number of products approved by the National Health Surveillance Agency (ANVISA over recent years.Methods:This retrospective study involved electronic searches of the INPI ( and ANVISA websites (, for patents registered and products approved between January 1997 and December 2012.Results:The keywords used for the search ("catheter(s," "stent(s," "graft(s," and "wound dressing(s" returned a total of 701 new patents registered during the period studied. Thirty-four percent (n=237 of these were patents for wound dressings, while the remaining 66% (n=464 were for devices used in endovascular surgery. Only 7.8% (n=268 of the 3433 products approved by ANVISA during the period analyzed were produced in Brazil.Conclusions:The social and economic importance of innovations in health care highlights the need to monitor them, to register them and to support their production, in view of the need to develop local alternatives to imported health care technology.

  7. Thoracic Endovascular Aortic Repair (TEVAR) in Proximal (Type A) Aortic Dissection: Ready for a Broader Application?


    Nienaber, Christoph A.; Sakalihasan, Natzi; Clough, Rachel E.; Aboukoura, Mohamed; Mancuso, Enrico; Yeh, James S.M.; Defraigne, Jean-Olivier; Cheshire, Nick; Rosendahl, Ulrich Peter; Quarto, Cesare; Pepper, John


    ObjectiveThoracic endovascular aortic repair (TEVAR) has demonstrated encouraging results and is gaining increasing acceptance as a treatment option for aortic aneurysms and dissections. Yet, its role in managing proximal aortic pathologies is unknown - this is important because in proximal (Stanford type A) aortic dissections, 10-30% are not accepted for surgery, and 30-50% are technically amenable for TEVAR. We describe our case series of type A aortic dissections treated using TEVAR.Method...

  8. WE-DE-207A-04: Advances in Radiological Neuro-Endovascular Interventional Imaging

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Rudin, S. [University at Buffalo (SUNY) School of Medicine (United States)


    1. Parallels in the evolution of x-ray angiographic systems and devices used for minimally invasive endovascular therapy Charles Strother - DSA, invented by Dr. Charles Mistretta at UW-Madison, was the technology which enabled the development of minimally invasive endovascular procedures. As DSA became widely available and the potential benefits for accessing the cerebral vasculature from an endovascular approach began to be apparent, industry began efforts to develop tools for use in these procedures. Along with development of catheters, embolic materials, pushable coils and the GDC coils there was simultaneous development and improvement of 2D DSA image quality and the introduction of 3D DSA. Together, these advances resulted in an enormous expansion in the scope and numbers of minimally invasive endovascular procedures. The introduction of flat detectors for c-arm angiographic systems in 2002 provided the possibility of the angiographic suite becoming not just a location for vascular imaging where physiological assessments might also be performed. Over the last decade algorithmic and hardware advances have been sufficient to now realize this potential in clinical practice. The selection of patients for endovascular treatments is enhanced by this dual capability. Along with these advances has been a steady reduction in the radiation exposure required so that today, vascular and soft tissue images may be obtained with equal or in many cases less radiation exposure than is the case for comparable images obtained with multi-detector CT. Learning Objectives: To understand the full capabilities of today’s angiographic suite To understand how c-arm cone beam CT soft tissue imaging can be used for assessments of devices, blood flow and perfusion. Advances in real-time x-ray neuro-endovascular image guidance Stephen Rudin - Reacting to the demands on real-time image guidance for ever finer neurovascular interventions, great improvements in imaging chains are being

  9. WE-DE-207A-04: Advances in Radiological Neuro-Endovascular Interventional Imaging

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rudin, S.


    1. Parallels in the evolution of x-ray angiographic systems and devices used for minimally invasive endovascular therapy Charles Strother - DSA, invented by Dr. Charles Mistretta at UW-Madison, was the technology which enabled the development of minimally invasive endovascular procedures. As DSA became widely available and the potential benefits for accessing the cerebral vasculature from an endovascular approach began to be apparent, industry began efforts to develop tools for use in these procedures. Along with development of catheters, embolic materials, pushable coils and the GDC coils there was simultaneous development and improvement of 2D DSA image quality and the introduction of 3D DSA. Together, these advances resulted in an enormous expansion in the scope and numbers of minimally invasive endovascular procedures. The introduction of flat detectors for c-arm angiographic systems in 2002 provided the possibility of the angiographic suite becoming not just a location for vascular imaging where physiological assessments might also be performed. Over the last decade algorithmic and hardware advances have been sufficient to now realize this potential in clinical practice. The selection of patients for endovascular treatments is enhanced by this dual capability. Along with these advances has been a steady reduction in the radiation exposure required so that today, vascular and soft tissue images may be obtained with equal or in many cases less radiation exposure than is the case for comparable images obtained with multi-detector CT. Learning Objectives: To understand the full capabilities of today’s angiographic suite To understand how c-arm cone beam CT soft tissue imaging can be used for assessments of devices, blood flow and perfusion. Advances in real-time x-ray neuro-endovascular image guidance Stephen Rudin - Reacting to the demands on real-time image guidance for ever finer neurovascular interventions, great improvements in imaging chains are being

  10. Construct Validity and Reliability of Structured Assessment of endoVascular Expertise in a Simulated Setting

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bech, B; Lönn, L; Falkenberg, M


    Objectives To study the construct validity and reliability of a novel endovascular global rating scale, Structured Assessment of endoVascular Expertise (SAVE). Design A Clinical, experimental study. Materials Twenty physicians with endovascular experiences ranging from complete novices to highly....... Validity was analysed by correlating experience with performance results. Reliability was analysed according to generalisability theory. Results The mean score on the 29 items of the SAVE scale correlated well with clinical experience (R = 0.84, P ... with clinical experience (R = -0.53, P validity and reliability of assessment with the SAVE scale was high when applied to performances in a simulation setting with advanced realism. No ceiling effect...

  11. Endovascular Treatment of Incoercible Epistaxis and Epidural Cerebral Hematoma (United States)

    Bortoluzzi, M.; Pavia, M.


    Summary A young patient with a facial trauma after a road accident was admitted to our department with incoercible epistaxis. A CT scan showed a right pterional acute epidural hematoma (EDH). Angiography demonstrated multiple sources of bleeding of the right sphenopalatine arteries, cause of the epistaxis, and an intracranial leakage of the right middle meningeal artery, responsible for the EDH. The patient immediately underwent embolization of the right internal maxillary artery and right middle meningeal artery. The procedure stopped the epistaxis and no further enlargement of the EDH was observed, avoiding its surgical treatment. Endovascular surgery may be an effective procedure to stop the arterial meningeal bleeding sustaining acute EDH and may be a useful tool in the management of special cases of post traumatic EDH. PMID:20569576

  12. Endovascular interventions for TASC II D femoropopliteal lesions. (United States)

    Baril, Donald T; Chaer, Rabih A; Rhee, Robert Y; Makaroun, Michel S; Marone, Luke K


    Advances in endovascular techniques have provided new options in the treatment of complex infrainguinal occlusive lesions. The purpose of this study was to evaluate outcomes of endovascular interventions on TransAtlantic InterSociety (TASC) II D femoropopliteal occlusive disease. All patients undergoing endovascular interventions for femoropopliteal occlusive disease between July 2004 and July 2009 were reviewed. Patient demographics, pre- and postprocedure ankle-brachial indices (ABI) and anatomic factors were analyzed. Outcomes evaluated included primary patency, assisted-patency, secondary patency, predictors of restenosis, and wound healing. Five hundred eighty-five limbs were treated during the period reviewed. The study group included 79 TASC D limbs in 74 patients (mean age 76.5 +/- 11.9 years, male sex: 53%). Fifty-six limbs (71%) underwent treatment for critical limb ischemia, including 42 (53%) with tissue loss. Eleven patients (15%) had previous failed bypasses. Preoperative ABIs were unobtainable for 23 patients, while the remaining 56 had a mean baseline ABI of 0.54 +/- 0.28. There was one periprocedural mortality. Five patients (6.3%) had periprocedural complications. Mean increase in ABI postprocedure was 0.49 +/- 0.35. Follow-up was available for 74 limbs at a mean of 10.7 months (range, 1-35). There were 18 mortalities (24.3%) during the follow-up period. No patient required a major amputation during this follow-up period. Twenty-one limbs (26.6%) experienced restenosis and nine limbs (11.4%) experienced occlusion. Twenty-nine limbs underwent reintervention during the follow-up time, including nine which underwent multiple reinterventions. Primary, assisted-primary, and secondary patency rates at 12 and 24 months were 52.2%, 88.4%, 92.6% and 27.5%, 74.2%, and 88.9%, respectively. Predictors of restenosis/occlusion included hypercholesterolemia, the presence of a popliteal artery stent, and patients who were current or former smokers. Endovascular

  13. Intensive Care Management of Thoracic Aortic Surgical Patients, Including Thoracic and Infradiaphragmatic Endovascular Repair (EVAR/TEVAR). (United States)

    Cole, Sheela Pai


    The patient with thoracic aortic disease can present for open or endovascular repair. Thoracic endovascular aortic repair (TEVAR) has emerged as a minimally invasive option for a multitude of aortic pathology, including dissections, aneurysms, traumatic injuries, and ulcers. Postoperative management of these patients depends on the extent of procedure, whether it was open or endovascular, and, finally, on the preoperative comorbidities present. While procedural success has catapulted TEVAR to popularity, midterm results have been mixed. Additionally, periprocedural complications such as paraplegia and renal failure remain a significant morbidity in these patients. © The Author(s) 2015.

  14. Endovascular Interventions for the Morbidly Adherent Placenta

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Claire Kaufman


    Full Text Available Morbidly adherent placentas are a spectrum of abnormalities ranging from placental invasion of the myometrium to invasion past the myometrium and muscular layers into adjacent structures. This entity is becoming more prevalent recently with increased number of cesarean deliveries. Given the high risk of morbidity and mortality, this was traditionally treated with pre-term planned cesarean hysterectomy. However, recently, uterine preservation techniques have been implemented for those women wishing to preserve future fertility or their uterus. Early identification is crucial as studies have shown better outcomes for women treated at tertiary care facilities by a dedicated multidisciplinary team. Interventional radiologists are frequently included in the care of these patients as there are several different endovascular techniques which can be implemented to decrease morbidity in these patients both in conjunction with cesarean hysterectomy and in the setting of uterine preservation. This article will review the spectrum of morbidly adherent placentas, imaging, as well as the surgical and endovascular interventions implemented in the care of these complex patients.

  15. Endovascular repair of renal artery aneurysm with the multilayer stent – a short report

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Vojko Flis


    in the main left renal artery involving all three major branches of the renal artery. Via a percutaneous femoral approach a multilayer stent was deployed without complications. Blood flow inside the sac was immediately and significantly reduced. All the renal branches remained patent. Conclusion: New multilayer fluid modulating stent concept appears to be a very useful and attractive alternative to surgery or other endovascular techniques for those RAA involving or very close to major branch vessels, especially in patients with very high risk of loosing the only viable kidney, as in our case.

  16. Acute Testicular Ischemia following Endovascular Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Repair Identified in the Emergency Department

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Nathan Finnerty


    Full Text Available Endovascular aneurysm repair (EVAR is perhaps the most widely utilized surgical procedure for patients with large abdominal aortic aneurysms. This procedure is minimally invasive and reduces inpatient hospitalization requirements. The case involves a 72-year-old male who presented to the emergency department with right testicular ischemia two days following EVAR. Given the minimal inpatient hospitalization associated with this procedure, emergency physicians are likely to encounter associated complications. Ischemic and thromboembolic events following EVAR are extremely rare but require prompt vascular surgery intervention to minimize morbidity and mortality.

  17. The importance of expert feedback during endovascular simulator training.

    LENUS (Irish Health Repository)

    Boyle, Emily


    Complex endovascular skills are difficult to obtain in the clinical environment. Virtual reality (VR) simulator training is a valuable addition to current training curricula, but is there a benefit in the absence of expert trainers?

  18. "Elephant trunk" and endovascular stentgrafting : a hybrid approach to the treatment of extensive thoracic aortic aneurysm


    Holubec, Tomás; Raupach, Jan; Dominik, Jan; Vojácek, Jan


    A hybrid approach to elephant trunk technique for treatment of thoracic aortic aneurysms combines a conventional surgical and endovascular therapy. Compared to surgery alone, there is a presumption that mortality and morbidity is reduced. We present a case report of a 42-year-old man with a giant aneurysm of the entire thoracic aorta, significant aortic and tricuspid regurgitation and ventricular septum defect. The patient underwent multiple consecutive operations and interventions having, am...

  19. Tratamientos innovadores utilizados en el manejo de las heridas crónicas

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Natalia Rodríguez-Gil


    Full Text Available Introducción: Del tipo de tratamiento y la eficacia del mismo depende la evolución y la mejora en la calidad de vida del paciente con heridas crónicas; existen diversos tratamientos para las heridas crónicas de acuerdo con el tipo de lesión, la duración del tratamiento y los factores individuales del paciente. Los diversos tratamientos innovadores demuestran resultados favorables en cuanto a la reducción del tiempo y el tamaño de las heridas crónicas. Este artículo tiene como objetivo describir los tratamientos innovadores utilizados en el manejo de las heridas crónicas, de uso poco frecuente en las clínicas de heridas. Metodología: revisión de la literatura estructurada en tres fases: recolección de artículos en bases de datos como Scopus, Pubmed, Dialnet, Ebscohots, y Elsevier; uso de palabras clave como pie diabético, herida crónica y úlcera por presión; revisión y clasificación de 50 artículos en idioma español, inglés y portugués. Resultados: se registraron 12 tratamientos innovadores para el manejo de las heridas cónicas, cada uno con evidencia científica de su utilidad en los distintos tipos de heridas crónicas. Conclusión: conocer nuevos tratamientos ayuda al enfermero a ampliar las opciones de intervención, presentar alternativas de tratamiento de menor costo, o más rápida dependiendo del tipo de herida y la condición del paciente.

  20. Endovascular Mechanical Thromboaspiration of Right Hepatic Arterial Thrombosis After Liver Transplantation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gandini, Roberto; Konda, Daniel; Toti, Luca; Abrignani, Sergio; Merolla, Stefano; Tisone, Giuseppe; Floris, Roberto


    A 56-year-old male Patient presented 27 days after a liver transplantation (LT) with fever and hyperbilirubinemia. He underwent CT examination resulting in a diagnosis of right hepatic artery (HA) occlusion with hepatic bilomas. Once placed a long right femoral 6F introducer at the origin of the HA, a 0.014” guidewire was advanced over the thrombus, in a segmental branch. A 4MAX (Penumbra, Alameda, USA) catheter was advanced and withdrawn under constant aspiration until complete clot removal was achieved. Follow-up CT and D-US assessments at 12 months demonstrated regular HA patency and bilomas reduction. Endovascular thromboaspiration is an effective strategy in cases of E-HAT after LT.

  1. Endovascular Mechanical Thromboaspiration of Right Hepatic Arterial Thrombosis After Liver Transplantation

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Gandini, Roberto; Konda, Daniel [University of Rome “Tor Vergata”, Department of Diagnostic Imaging, Molecular Imaging, Interventional Radiology and Radiotherapy, PTV Foundation, “Tor Vergata” Hospital (Italy); Toti, Luca [University of Rome “Tor Vergata”, Department of Surgery, Section of Transplantation, PTV Foundation, “Tor Vergata” Hospital (Italy); Abrignani, Sergio, E-mail:; Merolla, Stefano [University of Rome “Tor Vergata”, Department of Diagnostic Imaging, Molecular Imaging, Interventional Radiology and Radiotherapy, PTV Foundation, “Tor Vergata” Hospital (Italy); Tisone, Giuseppe [University of Rome “Tor Vergata”, Department of Surgery, Section of Transplantation, PTV Foundation, “Tor Vergata” Hospital (Italy); Floris, Roberto [University of Rome “Tor Vergata”, Department of Diagnostic Imaging, Molecular Imaging, Interventional Radiology and Radiotherapy, PTV Foundation, “Tor Vergata” Hospital (Italy)


    A 56-year-old male Patient presented 27 days after a liver transplantation (LT) with fever and hyperbilirubinemia. He underwent CT examination resulting in a diagnosis of right hepatic artery (HA) occlusion with hepatic bilomas. Once placed a long right femoral 6F introducer at the origin of the HA, a 0.014” guidewire was advanced over the thrombus, in a segmental branch. A 4MAX (Penumbra, Alameda, USA) catheter was advanced and withdrawn under constant aspiration until complete clot removal was achieved. Follow-up CT and D-US assessments at 12 months demonstrated regular HA patency and bilomas reduction. Endovascular thromboaspiration is an effective strategy in cases of E-HAT after LT.

  2. Desarrollo y evaluación de tratamientos con microondas de fresas


    Villa Rojas, Rossana


    En el presente estudio se desarrollaron protocolos para tratamientos hidrotérmicos asistidos con microondas (MO) como tratamientos postcosecha potenciales para fresas. Los tratamientos consistieron en la inmersión de fresas (Fragaria x ananassa cv. Festival) en agua para posteriormente ser expuestas a microondas a una frecuencia de 2450 Hz por 3 min a 70% de la potencia (514.3 W) ó por 1 min 50 s a 90% de la potencia (762.8W) para alcanzar una temperatura promedio en el...

  3. Efficacy and Safety of Endovascular Intervention for the Management of Primary Entire-Inferior Vena Cava Occlusion

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhang, Qingqiao; Huang, Qianxin; Shen, Bin; Sun, Jingmin; Wang, Xiaolong; Liu, Hongtao


    PurposeThis study was designed to investigate the safety and efficacy of endovascular intervention for the treatment of primary entire-inferior vena cava (IVC) occlusion.MethodsEndovascular interventions were performed in six patients for the treatment of primary entire-IVC occlusion. IVC and hepatic venography were performed via the jugular and femoral veins. Balloon angioplasty was used to revascularize the hepatic vein and IVC and a stent was placed in the IVC to maintain patency. Postoperative color Doppler ultrasonography was performed at 1, 3, 6, and 12 months, and then annually, to monitor the patency of the hepatic vein and IVC.ResultsThe IVC and one or two hepatic veins were successfully revascularized in five patients. Revascularization was successful in the right and left hepatic veins in one patient; however, IVC patency could not be established in this patient. Eleven Z-type, self-expanding stents were placed into the IVCs of five patients (three stents in two patients, two stents in two patients, and one stent in one patient). There were no instances of postoperative bleeding or mortality. Follow-up was conducted for 18–90 months (42.8 ± 26.5 months). None of the five patients suffered restenosis of the IVC or hepatic veins. However, there was one of the six cases of right hepatic vein restenosis at 18 months postprocedure that was revascularized after a second balloon dilatation.ConclusionsEndovascular intervention is safe and efficacious for the treatment of primary entire-IVC occlusion

  4. Kinematics effectively delineate accomplished users of endovascular robotics with a physical training model. (United States)

    Duran, Cassidy; Estrada, Sean; O'Malley, Marcia; Lumsden, Alan B; Bismuth, Jean


    Endovascular robotics systems, now approved for clinical use in the United States and Europe, are seeing rapid growth in interest. Determining who has sufficient expertise for safe and effective clinical use remains elusive. Our aim was to analyze performance on a robotic platform to determine what defines an expert user. During three sessions, 21 subjects with a range of endovascular expertise and endovascular robotic experience (novices 20 hours) performed four tasks on a training model. All participants completed a 2-hour training session on the robot by a certified instructor. Completion times, global rating scores, and motion metrics were collected to assess performance. Electromagnetic tracking was used to capture and to analyze catheter tip motion. Motion analysis was based on derivations of speed and position including spectral arc length and total number of submovements (inversely proportional to proficiency of motion) and duration of submovements (directly proportional to proficiency). Ninety-eight percent of competent subjects successfully completed the tasks within the given time, whereas 91% of noncompetent subjects were successful. There was no significant difference in completion times between competent and noncompetent users except for the posterior branch (151 s:105 s; P = .01). The competent users had more efficient motion as evidenced by statistically significant differences in the metrics of motion analysis. Users with >20 hours of experience performed significantly better than those newer to the system, independent of prior endovascular experience. This study demonstrates that motion-based metrics can differentiate novice from trained users of flexible robotics systems for basic endovascular tasks. Efficiency of catheter movement, consistency of performance, and learning curves may help identify users who are sufficiently trained for safe clinical use of the system. This work will help identify the learning curve and specific movements that

  5. Imaging appearances and endovascular management of uncommon pseudoaneurysms

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Burli, P.; Winterbottom, A.P.; Cousins, C.; Appleton, D.S.; See, T.C.


    Pseudoaneurysms are uncommon and their aetiology is varied. They occur in numerous anatomical locations and present with a multitude of clinical presentations sometimes life-threatening. This review describes the causes, sites, and presentations of uncommon pseudoaneurysms, as well as illustrating their diagnostic appearances and endovascular management

  6. Diagnóstico y tratamiento del trauma dental

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Juana María Abreu Correa


    Full Text Available Se realizó un estudio acerca del diagnóstico y tratamiento del trauma dental en un grupo de 40 pacientes cuyas edades oscilaron entre 5 y 25 años. La edad en que ocurrió el trauma con mayor frecuencia fue de 5 a 11 años y la porción dentaria más afectada fue la corona, aunque tenemos 2 casos con fracturas radiculares. Se atendieron 31 pacientes que habían sufrido trauma pasados varios días y habían sido atendidos por otros estomatólogos. La conducta que seguimos fue realizar tratamiento en correspondencia con la afección que presentaba el paciente en ese momento. Tres pacientes acudieron a consulta entre 6 y 24 horas y 6 antes de las 5 horas, a los que se les realizó el tratamiento correcto. Todos los pacientes atendidos después de las 24 horas del trauma presentaron sintomatología dolorosa; no ocurrió así para los pacientes atendidos entre las 5 y 24 horas, que su posoperatorio fue exitoso.It was conducted a study on the diagnosis and treatment of dental trauma in a group of 40 patients aged 5-25. The trauma occurred more frequently among those aged 5-11 and the crown was the most affected dental portion, eventhough there were 2 cases with radicular fractures. 31 patients who had suffered from trauma some days later and had been seen by other stomatologists were attended. 3 patients went to the dental office between 6 and 24 hours after the trauma, whereas 6 did it before the 5 hours. These patients received the correct treatment. The rest of the patients that were given attention 24 hours after the trauma presented a painful symptomatology. It was not so for the patients attended between 5 and 24 hours and whose postoperative was successful.

  7. Computed tomography-based anatomic characterization of proximal aortic dissection with consideration for endovascular candidacy. (United States)

    Moon, Michael C; Greenberg, Roy K; Morales, Jose P; Martin, Zenia; Lu, Qingsheng; Dowdall, Joseph F; Hernandez, Adrian V


    Proximal aortic dissections are life-threatening conditions that require immediate surgical intervention to avert an untreated mortality rate that approaches 50% at 48 hours. Advances in computed tomography (CT) imaging techniques have permitted increased characterization of aortic dissection that are necessary to assess the design and applicability of new treatment paradigms. All patients presenting during a 2-year period with acute proximal aortic dissections who underwent CT scanning were reviewed in an effort to establish a detailed assessment of their aortic anatomy. Imaging studies were assessed in an effort to document the location of the primary proximal fenestration, the proximal and distal extent of the dissection, and numerous morphologic measurements pertaining to the aortic valve, root, and ascending aorta to determine the potential for an endovascular exclusion of the ascending aorta. During the study period, 162 patients presented with proximal aortic dissections. Digital high-resolution preoperative CT imaging was performed on 76 patients, and 59 scans (77%) were of adequate quality to allow assessment of anatomic suitability for treatment with an endograft. In all cases, the dissection plane was detectable, yet the primary intimal fenestration was identified in only 41% of the studies. Scans showed 24 patients (32%) appeared to be anatomically amenable to such a repair (absence of valvular involvement, appropriate length and diameter of proximal sealing regions, lack of need to occlude coronary vasculature). Of the 42 scans that were determined not to be favorable for endovascular repair, the most common exclusion finding was the absence of a proximal landing zone (n = 15; 36%). Appropriately protocoled CT imaging provides detailed anatomic information about the aortic root and ascending aorta, allowing the assessment of which dissections have proximal fenestrations that may be amenable to an endovascular repair. Copyright © 2011 Society for

  8. Nuevas terapias en el tratamiento del VIH


    Garrido Estévez, Julieta


    Desde hace décadas, los avances en el tratamiento del VIH han conseguido controlar la infección y disminuir su progresión hacia SIDA. La eliminación del VIH, virus capaz de evadir e incapacitar al sistema inmune, que es el que nos protege de otras infecciones, es en la actualidad uno de los retos más importantes en la investigación científica, pretendiendo con ello las ansiadas prevención y curación de la enfermedad. Objetivo: Definir la situación actual del tratamiento de la infección por...

  9. Abordaje multidisciplinar en el tratamiento del cáncer de recto: eficacia del tratamiento neoadyuvante Multidisciplinary approach to the treatment of rectal cancer: the benefits of neoadjuvant therapy

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    P. Priego


    Full Text Available Objetivo: evaluar el papel de la terapia neoadyuvante en el tratamiento del cáncer de recto en nuestro hospital, tras la implantación de un grupo multidisciplinar de trabajo (MDT. Material y métodos: desde enero de 2000 hasta diciembre de 2005 se ha evaluado en sesión clínica por el grupo MDT un total de 90 pacientes diagnosticados de adenocarcinoma de recto e intervenidos quirúrgicamente tras recibir tratamiento neoadyuvante con radioquimioterapia (QMRT. La edad media fue de 65,04 años (21-83 años, siendo un 67% varones y un 33% mujeres. Los procedimientos quirúrgicos realizados fueron fundamentalmente resección anterior baja en un 50% y amputación abdominoperineal en un 42,2%. Resultados: la tasa de complicaciones asociada al uso del tratamiento neoadyuvante fue del 54,44%, siendo más frecuentes las gastrointestinales. Sin embargo, esta toxicidad fue bien tolerada en la mayor parte de los casos, siendo grave y acarreando la suspensión del tratamiento quimioterápico en 2 pacientes (2,2%. El análisis anatomopatológico de las piezas resecadas demostró una respuesta completa en 10 casos (11,1% y una respuesta parcial (disminución del parámetro T de la clasificación TNM en 32 casos (35,6%, con lo que la respuesta global del tratamiento neoadyuvante fue del 46,6%. Entre las complicaciones postoperatorias se produjeron un 8,3% de dehiscencias anastomóticas, un 34,2% de complicaciones de la herida perineal y un 12,2% de complicaciones urinarias. La mortalidad quirúrgica fue del 0%. La tasa de recidiva pélvica fue del 4,4% y la sistémica del 22,2%. La supervivencia actuarial global y libre de enfermedad a los 5 años fue del 80 y 64% respectivamente. Conclusión: el tratamiento QMRT neoadyuvante proporciona una cifras bajas de recidiva pélvica junto con buenas tasas de supervivencia, no añadiendo una morbimortalidad importante al acto quirúrgico. La evaluación sistemática por un grupo MDT en el contexto de un protocolo cl

  10. Endovascular treatment of stroke. When and How?

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mantatzis, M.


    Full text: It is well known that stroke is the third leading cause of death and the most common cause of permanent disability in the Western countries. Ischemic stroke is the commonest between the causes and atheroembolic events is principally involved. Intravenous thrombolysis (IVT) has dramatically changed the treatment mentality which previously was mostly supportive and didn't change significantly the prognosis. IVT is now considered the standard of care, having however certain limitations that have paved the way for the development of endovascular treatment. The main disadvantage of IVT is the relatively limited available time window, leading very few patients to receive the treatment. Intra-arterial options for treatment are not confined to delivery of a thrombolytic drug into the thrombus, but extended to quite variable mechanical options. The use of thrombolytic agents regionally or locally (Intra-arterial Thrombolysis - IAT), although may be allowed for an extended time window comparatively to IVT, has more or less the same disadvantages and the complications that related to the administrated drug. Moreover and despite the good results of several randomized trials, IAT has never granted an FDA approval. Nevertheless its use is included in the AHA/ASA guidelines under recommended in certain situations. IAT can be used as a standalone treatment or may be combined (bridging therapy) with IVT. Endovascular treatment has been boosted however, after the advent of mechanical devices for clot removal in acute stroke. These devices have become more sophisticated nowadays and this treatment is more and more is preferred when endovascular means are considered. Initially, mechanical devices were used for the clot disruption in combination with IAT (augmented thrombolysis). Other devices have been developed aiming to directly remove a clot rather than disrupt or macerate it, and the procedure turned to be a thrombectomy. Many different devices had been used with

  11. Fobia social: Naturaleza, evaluación y tratamiento (2015)


    Bados López, Arturo


    Se abordan diversos aspectos de la fobia social: naturaleza, edad de comienzo y curso, frecuencia, problemas asociados, génesis y mantenimiento, métodos e instrumentos de evaluación, y eficacia y utilidad clínica del tratamiento psicológico y farmacológico. Además, se ofrecen guías para aplicar los tratamientos psicológicos más eficaces.

  12. Hiperplasia de procesos coronoideos mandibulares: un nuevo tratamiento posquirúrgico

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Carlos Acosta Behrends


    El tratamiento es la coronoidectomía para que los movimientos mandibulares ya no estén restringidos. A pesar del tratamiento quirúrgico es muy importante realizar fisioterapia postoperatoria. Aquí les proponemos el uso de aparatología ortopédica funcional para mejorar la abertura oral postoperatoriamente.

  13. Tratamientos eficaces para el Trastorno de Ansiedad Social


    Carolina Baeza Velasco

    2007-01-01 127 Tratamientos eficaces para el Trastorno de Ansiedad Social Efficient Treatments for Social Anxiety Disorder Carolina Baeza Velasco * Resumen El Trastorno de Ansiedad Social (TAS), también cono cido como Fobia Social, es reconocido hoy en día como una condición psiquiátri ca crónica e incapacitante. La alta prevalencia y la significancia clínica de la enferm edad, enfatizan la necesidad de reconocimiento temprano y de tratamiento ef...

  14. Endovascular repair of aortic disease: a venture capital perspective. (United States)

    Buchanan, Lucas W; Stavropoulos, S William; Resnick, Joshua B; Solomon, Jeffrey


    Endovascular devices for the treatment of abdominal and thoracic aortic disease are poised to become the next $1 billion medical device market. A shift from open repair to endovascular repair, advances in technology, screening initiatives, and new indications are driving this growth. Although billion-dollar medical device markets are rare, this field is fraught with risk and uncertainty for startups and their venture capital investors. Technological hurdles, daunting clinical and regulatory timelines, market adoption issues, and entrenched competitors pose significant barriers to successful new venture creation. In fact, the number of aortic endografts that have failed to reach commercialization or have been pulled from the market exceeds the number of Food and Drug Administration-approved endografts in the United States. This article will shed some light on the venture capital mind-set and decision-making paradigm in the context of aortic disease.

  15. Traumatic pseudoaneurysm of the intracavernous ICA presenting with massive epistaxis: imaging diagnosis and endovascular treatment. (United States)

    Han, M H; Sung, M W; Chang, K H; Min, Y G; Han, D H; Han, M C


    Traumatic pseudoaneurysm of the intracavernous internal carotid artery (ICA) is a very rare cause of epistaxis but is a life-threatening clinical situation when left untreated. The authors have experienced four cases of traumatic pseudoaneurysm involving the intracavernous ICA. Delayed massive epistaxes developed 1 to 8 months after trauma and initial transient epistaxis in all four patients. Three of the cases were successfully managed by the detachable balloon occlusion (DBO) of the ICA along with the aneurysm openings. In one case, a large pseudoaneurysm destroying a large area of the central skull base with peripheral blood clot was demonstrated on computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, and angiography; this patient died due to massive epistaxis before the trial of DBO. Imaging findings of pseudoaneurysms involving the intracavernous ICA in the four cases are described, and the role of endovascular treatment is discussed.

  16. Radiation Exposure in Endovascular Infra-Renal Aortic Aneurysm Repair and Factors that Influence It

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rui Machado

    Full Text Available Abstract Objective: The endovascular repair of aortic abdominal aneurysms exposes the patients and surgical team to ionizing radiation with risk of direct tissue damage and induction of gene mutation. This study aims to describe our standard of radiation exposure in endovascular aortic aneurysm repair and the factors that influence it. Methods: Retrospective analysis of a prospective database of patients with abdominal infra-renal aortic aneurysms submitted to endovascular repair. This study evaluated the radiation doses (dose area product (DAP, fluoroscopy durations and their relationships to the patients, aneurysms, and stent-graft characteristics. Results: This study included 127 patients with a mean age of 73 years. The mean DAP was 4.8 mGy.m2, and the fluoroscopy time was 21.8 minutes. Aortic bilateral iliac aneurysms, higher body mass index, aneurysms with diameters larger than 60 mm, necks with diameters larger than 28 mm, common iliac arteries with diameters larger than 20 mm, and neck angulations superior to 50 degrees were associated with an increased radiation dose. The number of anatomic risk factors present was associated with increased radiation exposure and fluoroscopy time, regardless of the anatomical risk factors. Conclusion: The radiation exposure during endovascular aortic aneurysm repair is significant (mean DAP 4.8 mGy.m2 with potential hazards to the surgical team and the patients. The anatomical characteristics of the aneurysm, patient characteristics, and the procedure's technical difficulty were all related to increased radiation exposure during endovascular aortic aneurysm repair procedures. Approximately 40% of radiation exposure can be explained by body mass index, neck angulation, aneurysm diameter, neck diameter, and aneurysm type.

  17. Tratamiento de la enfermedad pulmonar obstructiva crónica: Conceptos actuales


    Pino Alfonso, Pedro Pablo; Rodríguez Vázquez, Juan Carlos; Gassiot Nuño, Carlos; Rodríguez Fernández, Rolando


    Se revisan los conceptos actuales en el tratamiento de la enfermedad pulmonar obstructiva crónica, incluidos la bronquitis crónica y el enfisema pulmonar. Se hace hincapié en el abandono del hábito de firmar como paso más importante en el tratamiento. Se dan recomendaciones para el uso de la terapia preventiva, así como la mejor manera de establecer el tratamiento broncodilatador, por pasos, a base de bromuro de ipratropiun, en dosis regulares y beta 2 agonistas, a demanda, así como el uso de...

  18. Endovascular intervention for central venous cannulation in patients with vascular occlusion after previous catheterization. (United States)

    Pikwer, Andreas; Acosta, Stefan; Kölbel, Tilo; Åkeson, Jonas


    This study was designed to assess endovascular intervention for central venous cannulation in patients with vascular occlusion after previous catheterization. Patients referred for endovascular management of central venous occlusion during a 42-month period were identified from a regional endovascular database, providing prospective information on techniques and clinical outcome. Corresponding patient records, angiograms, and radiographic reports were analyzed retrospectively. Sixteen patients aged 48 years (range 0.5-76), including 11 females, were included. All patients but 1 had had multiple central venous catheters with a median total indwelling time of 37 months. Eleven patients cannulated for hemodialysis had had significantly fewer individual catheters inserted compared with 5 patients cannulated for nutritional support (mean 3.6 vs. 10.2, pvenous occlusions. Patients were subjected to recanalization (n=2), recanalization and percutaneous transluminal angioplasty (n=5), or stenting for vena cava superior syndrome (n=1) prior to catheter insertion. The remaining 8 patients were cannulated by avoiding the occluded route. Central venous occlusion occurs particularly in patients under hemodialysis and with a history of multiple central venous catheterizations with large-diameter catheters and/or long total indwelling time periods. Patients with central venous occlusion verified by CT or MRT venography and need for central venous access should be referred for endovascular intervention.

  19. Fusiform dilatation of the internal carotid artery following childhood craniopharyngioma resection treated by endovascular flow diversion-A case report and literature review. (United States)

    Reynolds, Matthew R; Heiferman, Daniel M; Boucher, Andrew B; Serrone, Joseph C; Barrow, Daniel L; Dion, Jacques E


    Fusiform dilatation of the internal carotid artery (FDICA) is a well-described radiographic finding following resection of childhood craniopharyngioma (CP). A 39-year-old woman with right-sided FDICA was successfully treated for lesion enlargement with endovascular flow diversion, which has not been described in the literature. Published by Elsevier Ltd.

  20. Extra-Thoracic Supra-aortic Bypass Surgery Is Safe in Thoracic Endovascular Aortic Repair and Arterial Occlusive Disease Treatment. (United States)

    Gombert, Alexander; van Issum, Lea; Barbati, Mohammad E; Grommes, Jochen; Keszei, Andras; Kotelis, Drosos; Jalaie, Houman; Greiner, Andreas; Jacobs, Michael J; Kalder, Johannes


    The safety and feasibility of supra-aortic debranching as part of endovascular aortic surgery or as a treatment option for arterial occlusive disease (AOD) remains controversial. The aim of this study was to assess the clinical outcome of this surgery. This single centre, retrospective study included 107 patients (mean age 69.2 years, 38.4% women) who underwent supra-aortic bypass surgery (carotid-subclavian bypass, carotid-carotid bypass, and carotid-carotid-subclavian bypass) because of thoracic or thoraco-abdominal endovascular aortic repair (57%; 61/107) or as AOD treatment (42.9%; 46/107) between January 2006 and January 2015. Mortality, morbidity with a focus on neurological complications, and patency rate were assessed. Twenty-six of 107 (14.2%) of the debranching patients were treated under emergency conditions because of acute type B dissection or symptomatic aneurysm. Follow up, conducted by imaging interpretation and telephone interviews, continued till March 2017 (mean 42.1, 0-125, months). The in hospital mortality rate was 10.2% (11/107), all of these cases from the debranching group and related to emergency procedures (p supra-aortic bypass surgery involves low complication rates and high mid-term bypass patency rates. It is a safe and feasible treatment option in the form of debranching in combination with endovascular aortic aneurysm repair and in AOD. Copyright © 2018 European Society for Vascular Surgery. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  1. Transcatheter Embolisation of Proximal Type 1 Endoleaks Following Endovascular Aneurysm Sealing (EVAS) Using the Nellix Device: Technique and Outcomes

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ameli-Renani, S., E-mail:; Morgan, R. A., E-mail: [St George’s Hospital, Department of Radiology (United Kingdom)


    AimTo evaluate the technical success and mid-term outcomes following transcatheter embolisation of type 1a endoleak after Nellix endovascular aneurysm sealing (EVAS).Materials and MethodsSeven patients (5 men; mean age 83; range 79–90) underwent transcatheter embolisation between July 2013 and August 2014. The average time from EVAS to embolisation was 136 days (range 6–301) and from endoleak diagnosis to embolisation was 20 days (range 2–50). Embolisation was performed with coils and Onyx in six cases and Onyx only in one case. Technical success, imaging and clinical outcomes of embolisation were reviewed. Technical success was defined as elimination of the endoleak on completion angiography and first imaging follow-up. Clinical success was defined as unchanged or decreased aneurysm sac size on subsequent follow-up (average 8 months; range 103–471 days).ResultsAll cases were technically successful. One patient required a second endovascular procedure following Onyx reflux into the Nellix endograft and another patient required surgical closure of a brachial puncture site. All patients are endoleak free with stable sac size on the latest available follow-up imaging.ConclusionIf a type 1 endoleak occurs after EVAS, embolisation using Onyx with or without coils is feasible and effective with high technical success and freedom from endoleak recurrence at mid-term follow-up.

  2. Transcatheter Embolisation of Proximal Type 1 Endoleaks Following Endovascular Aneurysm Sealing (EVAS) Using the Nellix Device: Technique and Outcomes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ameli-Renani, S.; Morgan, R. A.


    AimTo evaluate the technical success and mid-term outcomes following transcatheter embolisation of type 1a endoleak after Nellix endovascular aneurysm sealing (EVAS).Materials and MethodsSeven patients (5 men; mean age 83; range 79–90) underwent transcatheter embolisation between July 2013 and August 2014. The average time from EVAS to embolisation was 136 days (range 6–301) and from endoleak diagnosis to embolisation was 20 days (range 2–50). Embolisation was performed with coils and Onyx in six cases and Onyx only in one case. Technical success, imaging and clinical outcomes of embolisation were reviewed. Technical success was defined as elimination of the endoleak on completion angiography and first imaging follow-up. Clinical success was defined as unchanged or decreased aneurysm sac size on subsequent follow-up (average 8 months; range 103–471 days).ResultsAll cases were technically successful. One patient required a second endovascular procedure following Onyx reflux into the Nellix endograft and another patient required surgical closure of a brachial puncture site. All patients are endoleak free with stable sac size on the latest available follow-up imaging.ConclusionIf a type 1 endoleak occurs after EVAS, embolisation using Onyx with or without coils is feasible and effective with high technical success and freedom from endoleak recurrence at mid-term follow-up

  3. Contrast Medium Induced Nephropathy after Endovascular Stent Graft Placement: An Examination of Its Prevalence and Risk Factors

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kawatani, Yohei; Nakamura, Yoshitsugu; Mochida, Yoshihiko; Yamauchi, Naoya; Hayashi, Yujiro; Taneichi, Tetsuyoshi; Ito, Yujiro; Kurobe, Hirotsugu; Suda, Yuji; Hori, Takaki


    Endovascular stent graft placement has become a major treatment for thoracic and abdominal aneurysms. While endovascular therapy is less invasive than open surgery, it involves the use of a contrast medium. Contrast media can cause renal impairment, a condition termed as contrast-induced nephropathy (CIN). This study sought to evaluate the incidence and risk factors of CIN following endovascular stent graft placement for aortic aneurysm repair. The study included 167 consecutive patients who underwent endovascular stent graft placement in our hospital from October 2013 to June 2014. CIN was diagnosed using the European Society of Urogenital Radiology criteria. Patients with and without CIN were compared. Chi-squared tests, t-tests, and multivariate logistic regression analyses were performed. Thirteen patients (7.8%) developed CIN. Left ventricular dysfunction and intraoperative blood transfusion were significantly more frequent in the CIN group (P = 0.017 and P = 0.032, resp.). Multivariate analysis showed that left ventricular dysfunction had the strongest influence on CIN development (odds ratio 9.34, P = 0.018, and 95% CI = 1.46–59.7). Patients with CIN also experienced longer ICU and hospital stays. Measures to improve renal perfusion flow should be considered for patients with left ventricular dysfunction who are undergoing endovascular stent graft placement

  4. Short-term curative effect of endovascular stent-graft treatment for aortic diseases in China: a systematic review.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Siwen Wang

    Full Text Available INTRODUCTION: We analyzed the short-term efficacy of endovascular treatment for aortic diseases by summarizing all available published data on endovascular stent-graft treatment for abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA, thoracic aortic aneurysm (TAA, type A aortic dissection (type A AD and type B aortic dissection (type B AD in China. METHODS: We performed a systematic analysis of 935 published series on retrograde endovascular treatment for aortic diseases in China from January 1996 to November 2010. Based on the inclusion criteria, 159 studies, involving a total of 5531 patients, were included. RESULTS: There were no significant differences in procedural success among the studies (P>0.05. The rates of overall neurologic complications and stroke were significantly different in all two-group comparisons (P0.05. A significant difference was noted between the 30-day mortality rate of the type A AD patients and the AAA or type B AD patients (P<0.05. CONCLUSION: Endovascular stent-graft is a feasible and safe treatment for aortic diseases, with high procedural success and low incidences of post-procedural complications and short-term mortality. Endovascular treatment for AAA and type B AD is more efficient than for type A AD and TAA.

  5. Perioperative management of endovascular abdominal aortic aneurysm repair

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wang Haofu; Wang Yuwei; Li Jun; Zhao Zonggang; Qi Sen


    Objective: To summarize the clinical experience of perioperative management in performing endovascular abdominal aortic aneurysm repair (EVAR). Methods: EVAR was performed in 22 patients with abdominal aortic aneurysm. The clinical data were retrospectively analyzed. Before treatment the functions of main organs were evaluated and certain measures were adopted in order to protect them. Useful parameters, including the length, diameter, angle and configuration of the proximal and distal aneurysmal neck, the relationship of the aneurysm to aortic branches, the distance from the lowest renal artery to the bifurcation of abdominal aorta, and the quality of access vessels (such as diameter, tortuosity and calcification degree) were determined and assessed with CTA. According to the parameters thus obtained, the suitable stent-graft with ideal diameter and length was selected, and the optimal surgery pattern was employed. Local anesthesia was employed in 20 patients, among them the local anesthesia had to be changed to general anesthesia in one. Epidural anesthesia was carried out in one patient through the surgically-reconstructed iliac artery access,and general anesthesia was employed in one patient who had Stanford type A aortic dissection. The lowest renal artery must be accurately localized before deployment of stent-graft was started. At least one patent internal iliac artery should be reserved when bilateral internal iliac arteries needed to be covered, to be covered by stages or to be reconstructed. After stent-graft placement, angiography must be performed to find out if there was any endoleak and, if any, to determine the type of endoleak and to deal with it properly. Two cases had proximal type I endoleak, so balloon dilation was employed in one and cuff implantation in another one. Distal type I endoleak occurred in one case, but, unfortunately, the iliac artery ruptured when balloon dilation was employed, therefore the patient had to receive vascular repair

  6. ¿Mejora la entrevista motivacional la eficacia del tratamiento psicológico para dejar de fumar?

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Bárbara Piñeiro


    Full Text Available Distintos estudios muestran que cuando se utiliza la entrevista motivacional (EM añadida a un tratamiento estándar, con el objetivo de aumentar la motivación, mejoran los resultados del tratamiento. El objetivo del presente estudio fue analizar si los fumadores que reciben una intervención con EM antes de un tratamiento psicológico cognitivo conductual para dejar de fumar mejoran la adherencia y la eficacia del tratamiento y reducen la recaída en los seguimientos, en comparación con fumadores que únicamente reciben un tratamiento psicológico cognitivo conductual para dejar de fumar. Se comparó en 58 fumadores (46.6% hombres y 53.4% mujeres la eficacia de añadir o no EM a un tratamiento psicológico para dejar de fumar. El grupo experimental recibió 2 sesiones de EM antes del comienzo de las 6 sesiones del tratamiento psicológico, mientras que el grupo de control recibió únicamente las 6 sesiones del tratamiento. Los resultados no mostraron diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre los 2 grupos en la adherencia al tratamiento, resultados al final del tratamiento y en los seguimientos a los 6 y 12 meses. Concluimos que la intervención con EM no produce mejores resultados en comparación con la aplicación de un tratamiento psicológico cognitivo conductual solo.

  7. Endovascular strategy or open repair for ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysm: one-year outcomes from the IMPROVE randomized trial (United States)

    Braithwaite, Bruce; Cheshire, Nicholas J.; Greenhalgh, Roger M.; Grieve, Richard; Hassan, Tajek B.; Hinchliffe, Robert; Howell, Simon; Moore, Fionna; Nicholson, Anthony A.; Soong, Chee V.; Thompson, Matt M.; Thompson, Simon G.; Ulug, Pinar; Heatley, Francine; Anjum, Aisha; Kalinowska, Gosia; Sweeting, Michael J.; Thompson, Simon G.; Gomes, Manuel; Grieve, Richard; Powell, Janet T.; Ashleigh, Ray; Gomes, Manuel; Greenhalgh, Roger M.; Grieve, Richard; Hinchliffe, Robert; Sweeting, Michael; Thompson, Matt M.; Thompson, Simon G.; Ulug, Pinar; Roberts, Ian; Bell, Peter R. F.; Cheetham, Anne; Stephany, Jenny; Warlow, Charles; Lamont, Peter; Moss, Jonathan; Tijssen, Jan; Braithwaite, Bruce; Nicholson, Anthony A.; Thompson, Matthew; Ashleigh, Ray; Thompson, Luke; Cheshire, Nicholas J.; Boyle, Jonathan R.; Serracino-Inglott, Ferdinand; Thompson, Matt M.; Hinchliffe, Robert J.; Bell, Rachel; Wilson, Noel; Bown, Matt; Dennis, Martin; Davis, Meryl; Ashleigh, Ray; Howell, Simon; Wyatt, Michael G.; Valenti, Domenico; Bachoo, Paul; Walker, Paul; MacSweeney, Shane; Davies, Jonathan N.; Rittoo, Dynesh; Parvin, Simon D.; Yusuf, Waquar; Nice, Colin; Chetter, Ian; Howard, Adam; Chong, Patrick; Bhat, Raj; McLain, David; Gordon, Andrew; Lane, Ian; Hobbs, Simon; Pillay, Woolagasen; Rowlands, Timothy; El-Tahir, Amin; Asquith, John; Cavanagh, Steve; Dubois, Luc; Forbes, Thomas L.; Ashworth, Emily; Baker, Sara; Barakat, Hashem; Brady, Claire; Brown, Joanne; Bufton, Christine; Chance, Tina; Chrisopoulou, Angela; Cockell, Marie; Croucher, Andrea; Dabee, Leela; Dewhirst, Nikki; Evans, Jo; Gibson, Andy; Gorst, Siobhan; Gough, Moira; Graves, Lynne; Griffin, Michelle; Hatfield, Josie; Hogg, Florence; Howard, Susannah; Hughes, Cían; Metcalfe, David; Lapworth, Michelle; Massey, Ian; Novick, Teresa; Owen, Gareth; Parr, Noala; Pintar, David; Spencer, Sarah; Thomson, Claire; Thunder, Orla; Wallace, Tom; Ward, Sue; Wealleans, Vera; Wilson, Lesley; Woods, Janet; Zheng, Ting


    Aims To report the longer term outcomes following either a strategy of endovascular repair first or open repair of ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysm, which are necessary for both patient and clinical decision-making. Methods and results This pragmatic multicentre (29 UK and 1 Canada) trial randomized 613 patients with a clinical diagnosis of ruptured aneurysm; 316 to an endovascular first strategy (if aortic morphology is suitable, open repair if not) and 297 to open repair. The principal 1-year outcome was mortality; secondary outcomes were re-interventions, hospital discharge, health-related quality-of-life (QoL) (EQ-5D), costs, Quality-Adjusted-Life-Years (QALYs), and cost-effectiveness [incremental net benefit (INB)]. At 1 year, all-cause mortality was 41.1% for the endovascular strategy group and 45.1% for the open repair group, odds ratio 0.85 [95% confidence interval (CI) 0.62, 1.17], P = 0.325, with similar re-intervention rates in each group. The endovascular strategy group and open repair groups had average total hospital stays of 17 and 26 days, respectively, P < 0.001. Patients surviving rupture had higher average EQ-5D utility scores in the endovascular strategy vs. open repair groups, mean differences 0.087 (95% CI 0.017, 0.158), 0.068 (95% CI −0.004, 0.140) at 3 and 12 months, respectively. There were indications that QALYs were higher and costs lower for the endovascular first strategy, combining to give an INB of £3877 (95% CI £253, £7408) or €4356 (95% CI €284, €8323). Conclusion An endovascular first strategy for management of ruptured aneurysms does not offer a survival benefit over 1 year but offers patients faster discharge with better QoL and is cost-effective. Clinical trial registration ISRCTN 48334791. PMID:25855369

  8. Tratamiento de las adiciones en los establecimientos penitenciarios


    Cerezo Sánchez, Carmen


    Bajo la ponencia titulada “Tratamiento de las adicciones en los establecimientos penitenciarios”, la comunicación está dirigida a dar a conocer la forma en la que, de acuerdo con la normativa vigente, actúan los profesionales con aquellos internos que sufren algún tipo de adicción en prisión. Se exponen las novedades que han sido incorporadas en las últimas reformas, manifestando de manera sucinta cómo afectan al tratamiento de las adicciones en los centros penitenciarios, haciendo un recorri...

  9. Immediate endovascular treatment of an aortoiliac aneurysm ruptured into the inferior vena cava. (United States)

    Kopp, Reinhard; Weidenhagen, Rolf; Hoffmann, Ralf; Waggershauser, Tobias; Meimarakis, Georgios; Andrassy, Joachim; Clevert, Dirk; Czerner, Stephan; Jauch, Karl-Walter


    An aortocaval fistula is a severe complication of an aortoiliac aneurysm, usually associated with high perioperative morbidity and mortality during open operative repair. We describe the successful endovascular treatment of a symptomatic infrarenal aortic aneurysm ruptured into the inferior vena cava with secondary interventional coiling of a persistent type II endoleak because of retrograde perfusion of the inferior mesenteric artery. Endovascular exclusion of ruptured abdominal aneurysms seems to be a valuable treatment option for selected patients even with complicated vascular conditions like an aortocaval fistula.

  10. Endovascular stenting for treatment of complex intracranial aneurysms: preliminary outcome

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Huang Qinghai; Liu Jianmin; Xu Yi; Hong Bo; Zhao Wenyuan; Zhou Xiaoping


    Objective: To summarize the technique and efficiency of combined endovascular stenting and Guglielmi detachable coils (GDC) packing for the treatment of intracranial wide-necked bifurcation aneurysms and recanalized aneurysms. Methods: The coronary stents were implanted across the necks of 5 intracranial wide-necked aneurysms (two at bifurcation of ICA, one at basilar artery and two recanalized PcoA aneurysms). The porous stents covered the ostia of vital side branches and perforating vessels in three cases. Microcatheters were introduced into the aneurysmal sac through the stent mesh and then followed by GDCs embolizing the aneurysms. Results: The stents were deployed in parent artery in all cases. Total occlusion was obtained in 4 cases, while more than 90% in one case with patency of the parent arteries and vital perforating arteries. Follow-up angiography performed in all patients 3-6 months later revealed no intrastent stenosis. All the patients recovered well except III nerve palsy in one patient which diminished 3 months later. Conclusion: Endovaseular therapy combined stent implantation and microcoil placement maybe a valid alteration for the treatment of wide-necked bifurcation aneurysms and recanalized aneurysms, which shows promise clinical application in the future. The ostia of vital side branches covered with stents showed no effect on hemodynamics. (authors)

  11. Collateral flow as causative of good outcomes in endovascular stroke therapy. (United States)

    Sheth, Sunil A; Sanossian, Nerses; Hao, Qing; Starkman, Sidney; Ali, Latisha K; Kim, Doojin; Gonzalez, Nestor R; Tateshima, Satoshi; Jahan, Reza; Duckwiler, Gary R; Saver, Jeffrey L; Vinuela, Fernando; Liebeskind, David S


    Endovascular reperfusion techniques are a promising intervention for acute ischemic stroke (AIS). Prior studies have identified markers of initial injury (arrival NIH stroke scale (NIHSS) or infarct volume) as predictive of outcome after these procedures. We sought to define the role of collateral flow at the time of presentation in determining the extent of initial ischemic injury and its influence on final outcome. Demographic, clinical, laboratory, and radiographic data were prospectively collected on a consecutive cohort of patients who received endovascular therapy for acute cerebral ischemia at a single tertiary referral center from September 2004 to August 2010. Higher collateral grade as assessed by the American Society of Interventional and Therapeutic Neuroradiology/Society of Interventional Radiology (ASITN/SIR) grading scheme on angiography at the time of presentation was associated with improved reperfusion rates after endovascular intervention, decreased post-procedural hemorrhage, smaller infarcts on presentation and discharge, as well as improved neurological function on arrival to the hospital, discharge, and 90 days later. Patients matched by vessel occlusion, age, and time of onset demonstrated smaller strokes on presentation and better functional and radiographic outcome if found to have superior collateral flow. In multivariate analysis, lower collateral grade independently predicted higher NIHSS on arrival. Improved collateral flow in patients with AIS undergoing endovascular therapy was associated with improved radiographic and clinical outcomes. Independent of age, vessel occlusion and time, in patients with comparable ischemic burdens, changes in collateral grade alone led to significant differences in initial stroke severity as well as ultimate clinical outcome. Published by the BMJ Publishing Group Limited. For permission to use (where not already granted under a licence) please go to

  12. Current status and outlook of endovascular therapy for cerebral ischemic diseases

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Li Minghua; Zhao Jungong


    Improvement of diagnostic technology and increasing advent of new materials for intervention has created a new area for endovascular therapy of cerebral ischemic diseases. Current research findings have shown that endovascular thrombolysis in acute stage of cerebral infarction can accelerate the rate of re-canalization of occluded arteries and greatly decrease the morbidity and mortality of cerebral ischemic vascular diseases. Stenting of arterial stenosis can the improve of blood supply distal to the lesion, prevent recurrent cerebral ischemic stroke. As a result, endovascular thrombolysis for acute cerebral infarction and stenting for intracranial and carotid arterial stenosis are booming both at home and abroad. Proper selection of patients of acute cerebral infarction for endovascular thrombolysis with less complications could be achieved through CT perfusion, MR perfusion-weighted image (PWI) and diffusion-weighted image (DWI), non-invasive vascular imaging technology including CEMRA and CTA for confirming and demonstrating the sites and causes of cerebral ischemia, and furthermore for evaluating the survival ability and etc. The research team administered albumin and magnesium sulfate as neurological protection drug to treat rat infarction model within 6 hours of onset resulting with the same effect of decreasing the damage of ischemic cerebral tissue and without hemorrhagic complication. It is certain that hemorrhagic complication in thrombolysis is a result of multiple factors with no single drug being able to solve the problem. It is predictable that, based on semi-quantitative or quantitative parameters of CT or MRI in conjunction with PWI/DWI mismatch model rather than simply on the onset time of infarction for proper selection of patients of cerebral infarction, mechanic thrombus-disruption and/or intra-arterial thrombolysis together with intervention of neurological protection drug will be the trend for treating acute cerebral infarction in the future

  13. Strategy of endovascular versus open repair for patients with clinical diagnosis of ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysm: the IMPROVE RCT. (United States)

    Ulug, Pinar; Hinchliffe, Robert J; Sweeting, Michael J; Gomes, Manuel; Thompson, Matthew T; Thompson, Simon G; Grieve, Richard J; Ashleigh, Raymond; Greenhalgh, Roger M; Powell, Janet T


    Ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) is a common vascular emergency. The mortality from emergency endovascular repair may be much lower than the 40-50% reported for open surgery. To assess whether or not a strategy of endovascular repair compared with open repair reduces 30-day and mid-term mortality (including costs and cost-effectiveness) among patients with a suspected ruptured AAA. Randomised controlled trial, with computer-generated telephone randomisation of participants in a 1 : 1 ratio, using variable block size, stratified by centre and without blinding. Vascular centres in the UK ( n  = 29) and Canada ( n  = 1) between 2009 and 2013. A total of 613 eligible participants (480 men) with a ruptured aneurysm, clinically diagnosed at the trial centre. A total of 316 participants were randomised to the endovascular strategy group (immediate computerised tomography followed by endovascular repair if anatomically suitable or, if not suitable, open repair) and 297 were randomised to the open repair group (computerised tomography optional). The primary outcome measure was 30-day mortality, with 30-day reinterventions, costs and disposal as early secondary outcome measures. Later outcome measures included 1- and 3-year mortality, reinterventions, quality of life (QoL) and cost-effectiveness. The 30-day mortality was 35.4% in the endovascular strategy group and 37.4% in the open repair group [odds ratio (OR) 0.92, 95% confidence interval (CI) 0.66 to 1.28; p  = 0.62, and, after adjustment for age, sex and Hardman index, OR 0.94, 95% CI 0.67 to 1.33]. The endovascular strategy appeared to be more effective in women than in men (interaction test p  = 0.02). More discharges in the endovascular strategy group (94%) than in the open repair group (77%) were directly to home ( p  open repair group, respectively (OR 0.73, 95% CI 0.53 to 1.00; p  = 0.053), with a stronger benefit for the endovascular strategy in the subgroup of 502 participants

  14. Endovascular brachytherapy to prevent restenosis after angioplasty

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wohlgemuth, W.A.; Bohndorf, K.


    Endovascular radiotherapy is the first effective prophylaxis of restenosis after percutaneous transluminal angioplasty (PTA) and stenting. The FDA recently approved two devices for the delivery of intracoronary radiation following coronary artery stenting. Published multicenter, double-blind, randomized trials of intracoronary radiation therapy report good results for preventing in-stent restenosis, while the data for the peripheral circulation are still inconclusive. Beta-emitters are easier applicable and probably also safer, whereas gamma-emitters have been more extensively evaluated clinically so far. Primary indication for endovascular brachytherapy are patients at high risk for restenosis, such as previous restenoses, in-stent hyperplasia, long stented segment, long PTA lesion, narrow residual vascular lumen and diabetes. Data from coronary circulation suggest a safety margin of at least 4 to 10 mm at both ends of the angioplastic segment to avoid edge restenosis. To prevent late thrombosis of the treated coronary segment, antiplatelet therapy with clopidogrel and aspirin are recommended for at least 6 months after PTA and for 12 months after a newly implanted stent. An established medication regimen after radiotherapy of peripheral arteries is still lacking. (orig.) [de

  15. Fine-motor skills testing and prediction of endovascular performance

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bech, Bo; Lönn, Lars; Schroeder, Torben V


    Performing endovascular procedures requires good control of fine-motor digital movements and hand-eye coordination. Objective assessment of such skills is difficult. Trainees acquire control of catheter/wire movements at various paces. However, little is known to what extent talent plays for novice...

  16. Patient effective dose from endovascular brachytherapy with 192Ir Sources

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Perna, L.; Bianchi, C.; Novario, R.; Nicolini, G.; Tanzi, F.; Conte, L.


    The growing use of endovascular brachytherapy has been accompanied by the publication of a large number of studies in several fields, but few studies on patient dose have been found in the literature. Moreover, these studies were carried out on the basis of Monte Carlo simulation. The aim of the present study was to estimate the effective dose to the patient undergoing endovascular brachytherapy treatment with 192 Ir sources, by means of experimental measurements. Two standard treatments were taken into account: an endovascular brachytherapy of the coronary artery corresponding to the activity x time product of 184 GBq.min and an endovascular brachytherapy of the renal artery (898 GBq.min). Experimental assessment was accomplished by thermoluminescence dosemeters positioned in more than 300 measurement points in a properly adapted Rando phantom. A method has been developed to estimate the mean organ doses for all tissues and organs concerned in order to calculate the effective dose associated with intravascular brachytherapy. The normalised organ doses resulting from coronary treatment were 2.4x10 -2 mSv.GBq -1 .min -1 for lung, 0.9x10 -2 mSv.GBq -1 .min -1 for oesophagus and 0.48x10 -2 mSv.GBq -1 .min -1 for bone marrow. During brachytherapy of the renal artery, the corresponding normalised doses were 4.2x10 -2 mSv.GBq -1 .min -1 for colon, 7.8x10 -2 mSv.GBq -1 .min -1 for stomach and 1.7x10 -2 mSv.GBq -1 .min -1 for liver. Coronary treatment involved an effective dose of 0.046 mSv.GBq -1 .min -1 , whereas the treatment of the renal artery resulted in an effective dose of 0.15 mSv.GBq -1 .min -1 ; there were many similarities with data from former studies. Based on these results it can be concluded that the dose level of patients exposed during brachytherapy treatment is low. (author)

  17. Tratamiento de una maloclusión clase II división 1 utilizando un aparato expansor y exodoncias de 4 primeras premolares / Tratamiento de una maloclusión clase II división 2 tipo B utilizando un aparato distalizador / Tratamiento de camuflaje de una maloclusión clase III con exodoncia de un incisivo central inferior / Tratamiento de una maloclusión clase I por biprotrusión y DAD con exodoncias de 4 primeras premolares / Tratamiento de una maloclusión clase I por DAD con extracciones asimétricas


    González Torres, Carlos Rodrigo


    Describe el tratamiento de cinco casos clínicos de ortodoncia, atendidos en la Clínica Especializada de la Facultad de Odontología de la Universidad de San Martín de Porres durante el periodo Agosto 2009 - Marzo 2012, tratándose de: 1. Tratamiento de una maloclusión clase II división 1 utilizando un aparato expansor y exodoncias de 4 primeras premolares. 2. Tratamiento de una maloclusión clase II división 2 tipo B utilizando un aparato distalizador. 3. Tratamiento de camuflaje de una...

  18. Endovascular control of haemorrhagic urological emergencies: an observational study

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Thorpe Peter


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Transarterial embolisation (TAE is an effective method in control of haemorrhage irrespective of the nature of urological emergency. As the technique and technology have evolved, it is now possible to perform highly selective embolisation. The aim of this study was to critically appraise feasibility and efficacy of therapeutic TAE in control of haemorrhagic urological emergencies using selective and non-selective embolisation. Specifically, we aimed to assess the impact of timing of embolisation on the requirement of blood transfusion and long-term morphological and functional follow-up of embolised organs. Methods This is a single institutional observational study carried out between March 1992 and March 2006. Records of all patients who underwent selective and non-selective angioembolisation to control bleeding in urological emergencies were reviewed. Data on success rate, periprocedural complications, timing of embolisation, requirement of blood transfusion and the long-term morphological and functional outcomes of embolised organs was recorded. Results Fourteen patients underwent endovascular control of bleeding as a result of trauma, iatrogenic injury and spontaneous perinephric haemorrhage during a period of 14 years. All these patients would have required emergency open surgery without the option of embolisation procedure. The mean time between the first presentation and embolisation was 22 hours (range 30 minutes to 60 hours. Mean pre-embolisation transfusion requirement was 6.8 units (range 0–22 units. None of the patients with successful embolisation required post-procedural blood transfusion. Permanent haemostasis was achieved in all but one patient, who required emergency nephrectomy. There were no serious procedure related post-embolisation complications. Conclusion Endovascular control using transarterial angioembolisation is an effective method for managing haematuria or haemorrhage in urological emergencies

  19. Tratamiento con acupuntura y moxibustión del síndrome poslaminectomía: Caso clínico Treatment of post-laminectomy syndrome with acupuncture and moxibustion: A clinical case


    M. Robles Romero; A. Rojas Caracuel


    El síndrome de la cirugía fallida de espalda es una complicación frecuente posquirúrgica que cursa con lumbalgia crónica con gran repercusión clínica y económica. Las posibilidades de tratamiento abarcan una gran variedad de técnicas y fármacos, siendo pese a ello una de las principales causas de dolor lumbar de más difícil tratamiento. Cada vez hay más pruebas sólidas de que la acupuntura puede ser un complemento útil al tratamiento convencional para el tratamiento de la lumbalgia. Se presen...

  20. Cervicoartrosis: efectividad de un tratamiento fisioterápico convencional


    Pérez Navarro, Mario; García Madrid, José Luis; Pérez Albert, José María; Martínez Fuentes, Juan


    El objetivo de este estudio consiste en valorar la efectividad de un tratamiento de fisioterapia convencional para la cervicoartrosis (microondas, tracción cervical, movilización activa, masaje e higiene postural). Para su realización, se han seleccionado 32 pacientes (26 mujeres y 6 hombres) diagnosticados de cervicoartrosis. Se han valorado factores como el dolor y el balance articular. Tras analizar los resultados, concluimos que el tratamiento planteado es efectivo en la patol...

  1. Contemporary economic and clinical evaluations of endovascular repair for intact descending thoracic aortic aneurysms. (United States)

    Silingardi, Roberto; Gennai, Stefano; Coppi, Giovanni; Chester, Johanna; Marcheselli, Luigi; Brunetti, Massimo


    The aim of this study was to assess clinical and contemporary costs associated with elective endovascular repair of intact descending thoracic aortic aneurysms (DTAA) into the mid-term follow-up. A retrospective review of a prospectively maintained clinical database including 29 consecutive patients from July 2005 to December 2009 treated with elective endovascular repair (TEVAR) or TEVAR and surgical infrarenal repair (hybrid) of intact DTAA was performed. Mean age was 74.5 years old (±7.1). Primary clinical endpoints include mortality and major morbidity. Additionally a comprehensive economic appraisal of individual in-hospital and follow-up costs was executed. Economic endpoints include in-hospital and follow-up costs and patient discharge status. Elective endovascular and open repairs' clinical and economical outcomes in contemporary literature were assessed for comparison according to PRISMA standards. Immediate mortality was 6.9% (1/24 TEVAR and 1/5 hybrid). Three respiratory complications were recorded (11%; 2 TEVAR, 1 hybrid). Renal and cardiac complication rates were 7.4% (1 TEVAR, 1 hybrid) and 3.7% (1 TEVAR) respectively. Routine discharge home was achieved for 85% of patients (95.7% TEVAR, 25% hybrid). Three endoleaks were treated throughout the follow-up (2 TEVAR, 1 hybrid; mean 30.4 mo, ±19.9) rendering an 11% (3/27) reintervention rate. Average immediate cost was €21,976.87 for elective endovascular repair and €33,783.21 for elective endovascular hybrid repair. Additional reintervention and routine follow-up costs augmented immediate costs by 12.4%. This study supports satisfying immediate clinical outcomes for TEVAR and TEVAR+surgical infrarenal procedures. Although limited by a small population size and difficulties in economic comparisons, this study presents the real world social and economic cost scenario for both elective TEVAR and TEVAR hybrid treatment of DTAA of both the in-hospital and at mid term follow-up periods.

  2. Long-term impact of a preclinical endovascular skills course on medical student career choices. (United States)

    Lee, Jason T; Son, Ji H; Chandra, Venita; Lilo, Emily; Dalman, Ronald L


    Surging interest in the 0 + 5 integrated vascular surgery (VS) residency and successful recruitment of the top students in medical school requires early exposure to the field. We sought to determine the impact of a high-fidelity simulation-based preclinical endovascular skills course on medical student performance and ultimate career specialty choices. Fifty-two preclinical medical students enrolled in an 8-week VS elective course from 2007 to 2009. Students completed a baseline and postcourse survey and performed a renal angioplasty/stent procedure on an endovascular simulator (pretest). A curriculum consisting of didactic teaching covering peripheral vascular disease and weekly mentored simulator sessions concluded with a final graded procedure (posttest). Long-term follow-up surveys 1 to 3 years after course completion were administered to determine ultimate career paths of participants as well as motivating factors for career choice. Objective and subjective performance measured on the simulator and through structured global assessment scales improved in all students from pre- to posttest, particularly with regard to technical skill and overall procedural competency (P choices including surgical subspecialties (64%), radiology (10%), and cardiology (6%). Most respondents indicated major reasons for continued interest in VS were the ability to practice endovascular procedures on the simulator (92%) and mentorship from VS faculty (70%). Basic endovascular skills can be efficiently introduced through a simulation-based curriculum and lead to improved novice performance. Early exposure of preclinical medical students provides an effective teaching and recruitment tool for procedural-based fields, particularly surgical subspecialties. Mentored exposure to endovascular procedures on the simulator positively impacts long-term medical student attitudes toward vascular surgery and ultimate career choices. Copyright © 2011 Society for Vascular Surgery. Published by

  3. Tratamiento de la alveolitis dental con tintura de propóleos al 5 %

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    Ada Vivian Bravo Venero

    Full Text Available Objetivo: comparar la efectividad entre el tratamiento con tintura de propóleos al 5 % y el tratamiento farmacológico convencional en pacientes diagnosticados con alveolitis dental. Métodos: se realizó un estudio descriptivo, prospectivo, de corte longitudinal de casos y controles en la Clínica Estomatológica "José Martí" del municipio Consolación del Sur, durante el 2009. El universo estuvo constituido por 90 pacientes, los cuales se dividieron en dos grupos de tratamiento diferentes de manera aleatoria, teniendo en cuenta un grupo de casos (grupo I conformado por 30 pacientes a los que se les aplicó tratamiento con tintura de propóleos al 5 %, y otro grupo de controles (grupo II con 60 pacientes tratados con la terapéutica medicamentosa convencional. Para el procesamiento de los datos se utilizaron métodos de estadística descriptiva e inferencial. Resultados: en ambos grupos de tratamiento prevaleció el sexo femenino y hubo un predominio de la alveolitis en el grupo de edad entre los 46 y 60 años. El grupo I logró la remisión de los síntomas entre el segundo (36,6 % y el tercer días de tratamiento (60 % y solo un paciente requirió tratamiento por 5 días; mientras el grupo II requirió de un mayor período para la evolución del cuadro, entre 5 y 7 días de tratamiento para un 61,3 % (27 pacientes y 23,3 % (14 pacientes. Conclusiones: el tratamiento con tintura de propóleos al 5 % resultó altamente efectivo, pues aportó una remisión más notoria de los síntomas, ya que se observó una disminución de estos, así como la disminución del número de sesiones necesarias, lo que permite recomendarlo como una opción terapéutica adecuada.

  4. Preparatory catheter-directed thrombolysis together with assisted endovascular angioplasty for the treatment of chronic occlusive arterial disorders of lower extremities

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhang Fuxian; Zhang Changming; Hu Lu; Feng Yaping; Liang Gangzhu; Zhang Huan


    Objective: To evaluate the safety and efficacy of preparatory catheter-directed thrombolysis together with assisted endovascular angioplasty in treating chronic occlusive arterial disorders of lower extremities. Methods: From January 2008 to December 2009, preparatory catheter-directed thrombolysis together with assisted endovascular angioplasty was performed in 12 patients with chronic occlusive arterial disorders of lower extremities, including 8 males and 4 females with an average age of 56.3 years (within a range of 38-71 years). All 12 patients had a history of chronic ischemia of lower limb,the mean ill duration was 19.3 months (3-48 months). All patients complained of intermittent claudication with a mean distance of 125 m (50-200 m). Rest pain occurred in 5 patients (42%), toe necrosis was seen in 3 patients (25%) and critically ischemic limb in 4 patients (33%). Ankle-brachial index (ABI) was 0.00 0.65 with a mean of 0.33. In all 12 patients catheter-directed thrombolysis with rt-PA or urokinase was initially carried out, which was followed by endovascular angioplasty (balloon dilatation or stent placement) in two days. The clinical data and the therapeutic results were analyzed. Results: Technical success was achieved in all 12 patients. The mean time of thrombolysis was 48 hours. Of 12 patients, rt-PA was employed in 4 and urokinase in 8. The occluded length of the diseased arteries before the treatment was 60-150 mm, with a mean of 80 mm. After catheter-directed thrombolysis,the occluded length decreased to 10-50 mm (mean of 30 mm). Endovascular angioplasty was successfully completed in all patients after thrombolysis therapy. Postoperative ABI was 0.64-1.0 (mean of 0.86), which was increased by 0.53 when compared to the preoperative figure. During the perioperative period neither complications needed to be surgically treated nor death occurred. All patients were followed up, and the arteries remained open after one year in all cases. Conclusion

  5. Aortic Branch Artery Pseudoaneurysms Associated with Intramural Hematoma: When and How to Do Endovascular Embolization

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ferro, Carlo; Rossi, Umberto G., E-mail:; Seitun, Sara [IRCCS San Martino University Hospital, IST, National Institute for Cancer Research, Department of Radiology and Interventional Radiology (Italy); Scarano, Flavio; Passerone, Giancarlo [IRCCS San Martino University Hospital, IST, National Institute for Cancer Research, Department of Cardiac Surgery (Italy); Williams, David M. [University of Michigan Medical Center, Department of Radiology, Division of Vascular and Interventional Radiology (United States)


    To describe when and how to perform endovascular embolization of aortic branch artery pseudoaneurysms associated with type A and type B intramural hematoma (IMH) involving the descending thoracic and abdominal aorta (DeBakey I and III) that increased significantly in size during follow-up. Sixty-one patients (39 men; mean {+-} standard deviation age 66.1 {+-} 11.2 years) with acute IMH undergoing at least two multidetector computed tomographic examinations during follow-up for 12 months or longer were enrolled. Overall, 48 patients (31 men, age 65.9 {+-} 11.5) had type A and type B IMH involving the descending thoracic and abdominal aorta (DeBakey I and III). Among the 48 patients, 26 (54 %; 17 men, aged 64.3 {+-} 11.4 years) had 71 aortic branch artery pseudoaneurysms. Overall, during a mean follow-up of 22.1 {+-} 9.5 months (range 12-42 months), 31 (44 %) pseudoaneurysms disappeared; 22 (31 %) decreased in size; two (3 %) remained stable; and 16 (22 %) increased in size. Among the 16 pseudoaneurysms with increasing size, five of these (three intercostal arteries, one combined intercostobronchial/intercostal arteries, one renal artery), present in five symptomatic patients, had a significant increase in size (thickness >10 mm; width and length >20 mm). These five patients underwent endovascular embolization with coils and/or Amplatzer Vascular Plug. In all patients, complete thrombosis and exclusion of aortic pseudoaneurysm and relief of back pain were achieved. Aortic branch artery pseudoaneurysms associated with type A and type B IMH involving the descending thoracic and abdominal aorta (DeBakey I and III) may be considered relatively benign lesions. However, a small number may grow in size or extend longitudinally with clinical symptoms during follow-up, and in these cases, endovascular embolization can be an effective and safe procedure.

  6. Aortic dissection. Basic aspects and endovascular management

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jaramillo, Nicolas I; Alviar, Carlos I


    Treatment of thoracic aortic pathology is complicated by the morbidity associated to the surgical procedure and to the frailty of an elderly and difficult population. Surgical operation in this kind of population frequently bears a significant incidence of death and long-term disability. In an effort to reduce the incidence of negative outcomes, minimally invasive techniques in the form of endovascular stenting have been introduced during the past decade. The technology, originally described by Parodi, and initially designed for its use in abdominal aortic aneurysms, has been adapted for the treatment of thoracic aortic aneurysms. Furthermore, an improved understanding of the pathophysiology and the natural history of thoracic aortic disease as well as the analysis of the outcomes have facilitated our treatment decisions in terms of the timing for an appropriate intervention. Treatment of thoracic aortic dissection using endovascular Stent is one of the more recent advances in this condition and is receiving increasing attention, as it is a less invasive alternative to an open surgical repair. Although this technology is still innovative, significant improvements have been made lately in the design and deployment of the endovascular Stent-grafts. These prostheses have been increasingly used to treat aneurysms, dissections and traumatic ruptures, as well as giant penetrating ulcers and intramural hematomas of the descending thoracic aorta with good early and mid-term outcomes. The rareness, complexity and severity of the pathology and the theoretically high risk of complications should render the surgeon extremely cautious especially with young patients. Conceptually, the endo luminal treatment in the acute phase seems to be the solution and will probably become a preferred therapy while technical refinement is under way. Worldwide experience is growing and with this a better understanding of the indications and limitations of this innovative therapy will be

  7. Factores asociados a la adherencia en el tratamiento de la infección tuberculosa

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    Carmen R. Gallardo


    Conclusiones: La tasa de cumplimiento del TIT fue elevada entre los que iniciaron tratamiento. Casi la mitad de los contactos con IT no iniciaron tratamiento y los factores asociados fueron: edad, relación social e induración de la PT. La pauta de tratamiento se asoció con mayor cumplimiento. Debemos conocer con precisión los factores asociados a la adherencia al tratamiento de la IT en cada área de salud y actuar sobre los grupos de riesgo, y de esta manera aproximar el control global de la tuberculosis.

  8. Endovascular Treatment of Chronic Mesenteric Ischemia: Results in 14 Patients

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chahid, Tamam; Alfidja, Agaicha T.; Biard, Marie; Ravel, Anne; Garcier, Jean Marc; Boyer, L.


    We evaluated immediate and long-term results of percutaneous transluminal angioplasty (PTA) and stent placement to treat stenotic and occluded arteries in patients with chronic mesenteric ischemia. Fourteen patients were treated by 3 exclusive celiac artery (CA) PTAs (2 stentings), 3 cases with both Superior Mesenteric Artery (SMA) and CA angioplasties, and 8 exclusive SMA angioplasties (3 stentings). Eleven patients had atheromatous stenoses with one case of an early onset atheroma in an HIV patient with antiphospholipid syndrome. The other etiologies of mesenteric arterial lesions were Takayashu arteritis (2 cases) and a postradiation stenoses (1 case). Technical success was achieved in all cases. Two major complications were observed: one hematoma and one false aneurysm occurring at the brachial puncture site (14.3%). An immediate clinical success was obtained in all patients. During a follow-up of 1-83 months (mean: 29 months), 11 patients were symptom free; 3 patients had recurrent pain; in one patient with inflammatory syndrome, pain relief was obtained with medical treatment; in 2 patients abdominal pain was due to restenosis 36 and 6 months after PTA, respectively. Restenosis was treated by PTA (postirradiation stenosis), and by surgical bypass (atheromatous stenosis). Percutaneous endovascular techniques are safe and accurate. They are an alternative to surgery in patients with chronic mesenteric ischemia due to short and proximal occlusive lesions of SMA and CA

  9. Endovascular management of pancreatitis-related pseudoaneurysms: A review of techniques.

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    Bartosz Zabicki

    Full Text Available To present the various techniques used in the management of pancreatitis-related pseudoaneurysms of visceral vessels.The retrospective clinical study was carried out at the Department of Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology at Poznan University of Medical Sciences from 2011 to 2016. The fifteen patients included in the study were diagnosed with pseudoaneurysms of visceral arteries, as a complication of chronic pancreatitis. The diagnosis was made using contrast-enhanced computed tomography, followed by angiography. On admission, all patients were symptomatic, with varying degrees of abdominal pain. One patient was haemodynamically unstable. Treatments with endovascular techniques were analysed, along with their efficacy and outcomes. Coil embolisation was performed in 5 patients. Stent graft was used in 1 patient. Liquid embolic agents were used in 7 cases, of which 5 patients were treated with thrombin injection and 2 with Squid. A combination of techniques was used in 2 patients.The most common artery affected by pseudoaneurysm formation was the splenic artery (7/15; 46.7%, and the size of the pseudoaneurysms ranged from 27 mm to 85 mm. Primary technical success was achieved in 14 out of 15 patients (93.3%. One patient required reintervention. Two patients required splenectomy after embolisation due to splenic ischemia. No recanalisation was present at the follow-up computed tomography performed after 1 to 3 weeks, and no mortality was observed within 30 days.Vascular complications of pancreatitis require accurate diagnosis and immediate treatment. Endovascular intervention is highly effective and is the preferred treatment option. The technique used is determined based on vascular anatomy and the patient's haemodynamic status.

  10. Retrieval of prolapsed coils during endovascular treatment of cerebral aneurysms

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dinc, Hasan; Kuzeyli, Kayhan; Kosucu, Polat; Sari, Ahmet; Cekirge, Saruhan


    One of the feared complications during detachable coil embolization of cerebral aneurysms is herniation of a coil loop into the parent artery. Although coil protrusion of one or two loops into the parent vessel may not cause adverse events and in some instances can be ignored, the authors believe that coil retrieval is indicated if a free end is seen pulsating along the blood flow stream to prevent migration of the entire coil mass. In one patient, a microballoon was inflated across the neck of the aneurysm during retrieval of a herniated coil to prevent further coil herniation from the aneurysm sac. We present two cases in which prolapsed coils were successfully retrieved either using a microsnare and balloon combination or a microsnare alone. This report focuses on the efficacy of the Amplatz microsnare for such retrievals and the circumstances in which a herniated coil needs to be retrieved. We report two cases in which embolization coils partially migrated into the parent artery during endovascular treatment of cerebral aneurysm and were retrieved using the Amplatz Nitinol microsnare. (orig.)

  11. Traumatismo renal: Diagnóstico y tratamiento

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    Itsel Vela Caravia


    Full Text Available Se investigaron aleatoriamente 57 pacientes con el diagnóstico de traumatismo renal y egresados vivos entre 1993 y 1999. Se valoró como la causa predominante del traumatismo renal a los accidentes del tránsito y la incidencia mayor apareció en los hombres blancos entre 25 y 34 años. Los traumatismos renales cerrados ocurrieron en el 91,2 % y los penetrantes el 8,7 %. Los de grado I representaron el 77,1 %, los del grado II el 12,2 % y los de grado III el 10,5 % del total. En el traumatismo grado I predominó el tratamiento médico conservador; en el grado II un tratamiento conservador quirúrgico y en el grado III predominó el tratamiento no conservador. Se consideró que con un diagnóstico y tratamiento adecuados, mediante una clasificación correcta del traumatismo renal, se puede producir una salvación de la unidad renal afectada57 patients with the diagnosis of kidney traumatism who were discharged alive were investigated at random. Car accidents were asessed as the predominating cause of kidney traumatism. The highest incidence was observed among white men aged 25-34. The closed kidney traumatisms occurred in 91.2 % and the penetrating in 8.7 %. The degree 1 traumatisms accounted for 77.1 %, the degree II for 12.2 % and the degree III for 10.5 % of the total. In degree I traumatism, it was observed a predominance of the conservative medical treatment; in the degree II, a surgical conservative treamtent; and in the degree III, the non-conservative treatment. It was considered that with an adequate diagnosis and treatment and by a correct classification of the renal traumatism, the affected renal unit may be saved

  12. Endovascular treatment for extrahepatic portal vein bifurcation stenosis after a Whipple procedure using the kissing stents technique. (United States)

    Zhang, Wen-guang; Liu, Dong-mei; Li, Zhen; Wang, Yan-Li; Ding, Peng-xu; Zhou, Peng-li; Wang, Zhong-gao; Han, Xin-wei


    A 57-year-old man presented with a rare extrahepatic portal vein bifurcation scar stenosis involving the proximal splenic vein and superior mesenteric vein after a Whipple procedure. He was treated with endovascular coil embolization for the gastroesophageal varices and kissing stents for the portal vein bifurcation stenosis. This case illustrates a rarely seen complication after the Whipple procedure and a novel management strategy that can be considered in the management of this complex disease. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  13. Long-term Results of Endovascular Stent Graft Placement of Ureteroarterial Fistula

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Okada, Takuya, E-mail:; Yamaguchi, Masato, E-mail: [Kobe University Hospital, Department of Radiology (Japan); Muradi, Akhmadu, E-mail:; Nomura, Yoshikatsu, E-mail: [Kobe University Hospital, Center for Endovascular Therapy (Japan); Uotani, Kensuke, E-mail: [Tenri Hospital, Department of Radiology (Japan); Idoguchi, Koji, E-mail: [Kobe University Hospital, Center for Endovascular Therapy (Japan); Miyamoto, Naokazu, E-mail:; Kawasaki, Ryota, E-mail: [Hyogo Brain and Heart Center at Himeji, Department of Radiology (Japan); Taniguchi, Takanori, E-mail: [Tenri Hospital, Department of Radiology (Japan); Okita, Yutaka, E-mail: [Kobe University Hospital, Department of Cardiovascular Surgery (Japan); Sugimoto, Koji, E-mail: [Kobe University Hospital, Department of Radiology (Japan)


    PurposeTo evaluate the safety, efficacy, and long-term results of endovascular stent graft placement for ureteroarterial fistula (UAF).MethodsWe retrospectively analyzed stent graft placement for UAF performed at our institution from 2004 to 2012. Fistula location was assessed by contrast-enhanced computed tomography (CT) and angiography, and freedom from hematuria recurrence and mortality rates were estimated.ResultsStent graft placement for 11 UAFs was performed (4 men, mean age 72.8 {+-} 11.6 years). Some risk factors were present, including long-term ureteral stenting in 10 (91 %), pelvic surgery in 8 (73 %), and pelvic radiation in 5 (45 %). Contrast-enhanced CT and/or angiography revealed fistula or encasement of the artery in 6 cases (55 %). In the remaining 5 (45 %), angiography revealed no abnormality, and the suspected fistula site was at the crossing area between urinary tract and artery. All procedures were successful. However, one patient died of urosepsis 37 days after the procedure. At a mean follow-up of 548 (range 35-1,386) days, 4 patients (36 %) had recurrent hematuria, and two of them underwent additional treatment with secondary stent graft placement and surgical reconstruction. The hematuria recurrence-free rates at 1 and 2 years were 76.2 and 40.6 %, respectively. The freedom from UAF-related and overall mortality rates at 2 years were 85.7 and 54.9 %, respectively.ConclusionEndovascular stent graft placement for UAF is a safe and effective method to manage acute events. However, the hematuria recurrence rate remains high. A further study of long-term results in larger number of patients is necessary.

  14. Distal posterior cerebral artery aneurysms: Retrospective review of characteristics and endovascular treatment

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Baek, Jin Wook; Jeong, Bae Woong; Seung, Won Bae


    The objective of this study was to review the clinical outcome after treatment of distal posterior cerebral artery (PCA) aneurysms via endovascular approach. Eleven patients with 11 distal PCA aneurysms who were treated via endovascular approach in Inje University Busan Paik Hospital and Kosin University Gospel Hospital from December 2002 to December 2013 were retrospectively reviewed. Among the 11 patients, there were 3 males (27.3%) and 8 females (72.7%). The mean age was 56.6 years (range 44 -72 years) and the mean aneurysm size was 8.45 mm (3 - 30 mm). Four (36.4%) aneurysms were located in the P2 segment, 6 (54.5%) in the P3 segment and 1 (9.1%) in the P1/2 junction. Seven (63.6%) aneurysms were treated with preservation of the parent artery; and the remaining 4 (36.4%) aneurysms were treated with parent artery occlusion. After treatment, the overall complication rate was 27% with the morbidity rate of 9.1% and the mortality rate of 18%. Endovascular treatment of distal PCA aneurysm might be used to minimize neurologic deficit, considering the diverse and rich collaterals of posterior cerebral artery

  15. Evaluation of diffusion-perfusion mismatch for determining indication for emergency endovascular revascularization

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Masuda, Atsushi; Miki, Takanori; Matsumoto, Hiroaki


    We evaluated the usefulness of assessing by diffusion-perfusion mismatch (D/P mismatch) whether there is adaptation of neuroendovascular revascularization for acute ischemic stroke out of intravenous tissue plasminogen activator (IV t-PA). We retrospectively analyzed 24 patients who underwent D/P mismatch and endovascular treatment between October 2005 and September 2008. This investigation included stroke patients with a National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale (NIHSS) score less than 4. Sixteen acute ischemic stroke patients had an NIHSS score greater than 5. Eight patients (50%) had a favorable neurological outcome (modified Rankin Scale 0 to 2). Eight acute ischemic stroke patients had an NIHSS score equal to or less than 4. Four patients who underwent emergency endovascular treatment on admission had a favorable neurological outcome, but 3 patients treated for progressive stroke after admission all had a poor prognosis. Evaluating D/P mismatch was useful for determining the adaptation of emergency neuroendovascular revascularization for acute ischemic stroke out of IV t-PA. Acute ischemic stroke patients with an NIHSS score equal to or less than 4 and diffusion/perfusion mismatch need careful observation to enable endovascular treatment immediately after progressive stroke. (author)

  16. Distal posterior cerebral artery aneurysms: Retrospective review of characteristics and endovascular treatment

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Baek, Jin Wook [Dept. of Radiology, Samsung Medical Center, Sungkyunkwan University School of Medicine, Seoul (Korea, Republic of); Jeong, Bae Woong [Dept. of Diagnostic Radiology, Inje University College of Medicine, Busan Paik Hospital, Busan (Korea, Republic of); Seung, Won Bae [Dept. of Neurosurgery, Kosin University College of Medicine, Gospel Hospital, Busan (Korea, Republic of)


    The objective of this study was to review the clinical outcome after treatment of distal posterior cerebral artery (PCA) aneurysms via endovascular approach. Eleven patients with 11 distal PCA aneurysms who were treated via endovascular approach in Inje University Busan Paik Hospital and Kosin University Gospel Hospital from December 2002 to December 2013 were retrospectively reviewed. Among the 11 patients, there were 3 males (27.3%) and 8 females (72.7%). The mean age was 56.6 years (range 44 -72 years) and the mean aneurysm size was 8.45 mm (3 - 30 mm). Four (36.4%) aneurysms were located in the P2 segment, 6 (54.5%) in the P3 segment and 1 (9.1%) in the P1/2 junction. Seven (63.6%) aneurysms were treated with preservation of the parent artery; and the remaining 4 (36.4%) aneurysms were treated with parent artery occlusion. After treatment, the overall complication rate was 27% with the morbidity rate of 9.1% and the mortality rate of 18%. Endovascular treatment of distal PCA aneurysm might be used to minimize neurologic deficit, considering the diverse and rich collaterals of posterior cerebral artery.

  17. Tratamiento del síndrome neuroléptico maligno

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    Franklin Escobar Córdoba


    Full Text Available El síndrome neuroléptico maligno es una complicación grave del tratamiento con psicofármacos. La principal característica es la hipertermia, acompañada de hipertonía muscular, alteración del nivel de conciencia e inestabilidad autonómica. Identificar el tratamiento adecuado para los pacientes con síndrome neuroléptico maligno según la gravedad y la apropiada evaluación de riesgos y beneficios de las opciones terapéuticas. Se realizó una búsqueda en PubMed con los términos MESH: síndrome neuroléptico maligno, tratamiento y terapia; utilizando como límites: ensayos clínicos controlados, metaanálisis, guías de práctica clínica, revisiones, población adulta e idiomas: inglés, francés y alemán. Se hallaron 25 artículos, los cuales fueron analizados, y se encontró que el tratamiento se fundamenta en la sospecha clínica precoz y en la suspensión inmediata de los neurolépticos, la hidratación, el apoyo hemodinámico, corregir el desequilibrio del estado ácido-base y la hipoxemia. La administración de agonistas de la dopamina, dantrolene y benzodiacepinas puede ser de utilidad en algunos casos. El tratamiento debe ser escogido de forma individualizada, con base en la severidad de la enfermedad. Para casos leves, el soporte hídrico y metabólico puede ser suficiente; en casos severos se deben tomar medidas que incluyen agentes farmacológicos, terapia electroconvulsiva y monitorización en cuidados intensivos.

  18. Tratamientos psicologicos en la hipertension arterial

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    Lilia Mabel Labiano


    Full Text Available En vista que las evidencias obtenidas acerca del beneticio percibido por los sujetos hipertensos leves con los tratamientos farmacológicos resultan conflictivas, se ha considerado importante para estos pacientes, la aplicación de intervenciones psicológicas y comportamentales. Se presentan en este trabajo, distintos tipos de tratamientos psicológicos que en los últimos años han demostrado su efectividad en la reducción de la presión arterial esencial. Se consideraron importantes para individuos hipertensos leves, la implementación de procedimientos tales como: la relajación, el entrenamiento autógeno, la retroalimentación biológica, la meditación, el Hatha -Yoga, la reestructuración cognitiva y el entrenamiento en habilidades sociales, porque contribuyeron a la reducción, no solo de los niveles hipertensivos sino también de los efectos adversos de la medicación farmacológica que afectan la calidad de vida. Es necesario evidentemente que el individuo generalice las estrategias aprendidas en el contexto clínico-experimental, a los diferentes contextos vitales. La técnica empleada, las características del terapeuta y el tipo de personalidad del paciente son componentes principales en la determinación del éxito del tratamiento. La práctica diaria sostenida fuera del contexto clínico, es un elemento de crucial importancia para el mantenimiento de la mejoría lograda.

  19. Cell therapy for the treatment of lower limb lymphedema. Case report Terapia celular en el tratamiento de linfedema de miembros inferiores. Presentación de un caso

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    Pedro Goicoechea-Díaz


    Full Text Available Although lymphedema is a common disabling disease causing significant morbidity for affected patients, treatment for this condition remains limited and largely ineffective. Some reported data suggest that some bone-marrow derived cells may play a role in lymphangiogenesis. It appears that blood vessels and lymphatic vessels might use the same population of cells for vasculogenesis and lymphangiogenesis. Therefore, adult stem cell therapy could be a new useful strategy for the treatment of lymphedema. We report a resolution of a severe lower limb bilateral lymphedema after implantation of autologous adult stem cells derived from bone marrow. As far as we know, this is the first reported case with chronic lower limb lymphedema treated successfully with autologous cell therapy. This procedure is a low-cost, relatively simple and easy to perform option that opens new ways for the treatment of lymphedema.Aunque el linfedema es una enfermedad crónica inhabilitante común que causa morbilidad significativa en los pacientes afectados, el tratamiento para esta enfermedad se mantiene muy limitada y en la mayor parte de los casos resulta ineficaz. Algunos datos reportados sugieren que algunas de las células madre derivadas de la medula ósea pueden intervenir en la linfangiogénesis. Al parecer, los vasos sanguíneos y los vasos linfáticos podrían usar la misma población celular para la vasculogénesis y la linfangiogénesis. Por consiguiente, la terapia con células madre adultas podría ser una nueva estrategia útil para el tratamiento de linfedema. En el presente trabajo se informa la resolución de un linfedema bilateral severo de miembros inferiores después de la implantación de células madre autólogas derivadas de la médula ósea. Hasta donde sabemos, este es el primer caso de linfedema crónico de los miembros inferiores tratado exitosamente con células madre autólogas. Este método de tratamiento es económico, relativamente simple, f

  20. Acute vasculitis after endovascular brachytherapy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fajardo L-G, Luis F.; Prionas, Stavros D.; Kaluza, Grzegorz L.; Raizner, Albert E.


    Purpose: Angioplasty effectively relieves coronary artery stenosis but is often followed by restenosis. Endovascular radiation (β or γ) at the time of angioplasty prevents restenosis in a large proportion of vessels in swine (short term) and humans (short and long term). Little information is available about the effects of this radiation exposure beyond the wall of the coronary arteries. Methods and Materials: Samples were obtained from 76 minipigs in the course of several experiments designed to evaluate endovascular brachytherapy: 76 of 114 coronary arteries and 6 of 12 iliac arteries were exposed to endovascular radiation from 32 P sources (35 Gy at 0.5 mm from the intima). Two-thirds of the vessels had angioplasty or stenting. The vessels were systematically examined either at 28 days or at 6 months after radiation. Results: We found an unexpected lesion: acute necrotizing vasculitis in arterioles located ≤2.05 mm from the target artery. It was characterized by fibrinoid necrosis of the wall, often associated with lymphocytic exudates or thrombosis. Based on the review of perpendicular sections of tissue samples, the arterioles had received between 6 and 40 Gy. This arteriolar vasculitis occurred at 28 days in samples from 51% of irradiated coronary arteries and 100% of irradiated iliac arteries. By 6 months, the incidence of acute vasculitis decreased to 24% around the coronary arteries. However, at that time, healing vasculitis was evident, often with luminal narrowing, in 46% of samples. Vasculitis was not seen in any of 44 samples from unirradiated vessels (0%) and had no relation to angioplasty, stenting, or their sequelae. This radiation-associated vasculitis in the swine resembles the localized lymphocytic vasculitis that we have reported in tissues of humans exposed to external radiation. On the other hand, it is quite different from the various types of systemic vasculitis that occur in nonirradiated humans. Conclusion: Endoarterial brachytherapy

  1. Endovascular stent graft treatment of acute thoracic aortic transections due to blunt force trauma.

    LENUS (Irish Health Repository)

    Bjurlin, Marc A


    Endovascular stent graft treatment of acute thoracic aortic transections is an encouraging minimally invasive alternative to open surgical repair. Between 2006 and 2008, 16 patients with acute thoracic aortic transections underwent evaluation at our institution. Seven patients who were treated with an endovascular stent graft were reviewed. The mean Glasgow Coma Score was 13.0, probability of survival was .89, and median injury severity score was 32. The mean number of intensive care unit days was 7.7, mean number of ventilator support days was 5.4, and hospital length of stay was 10 days. Mean blood loss was 285 mL, and operative time was 143 minutes. Overall mortality was 14%. Procedure complications were a bleeding arteriotomy site and an endoleak. Endovascular treatment of traumatic thoracic aortic transections appears to demonstrate superior results with respect to mortality, blood loss, operative time, paraplegia, and procedure-related complications when compared with open surgical repair literature.

  2. A novel technique combining laparoscopic and endovascular approaches using image fusion guidance for anterior embolization of type II endoleak

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    M. Mujeeb Zubair, MD


    Full Text Available Type II endoleak (T2E leading to aneurysm sac enlargement is one of the challenging complications associated with endovascular aneurysm repair. Recent guidelines recommend embolization of T2E associated with aneurysmal sac enlargement. Various percutaneous and endovascular techniques have been reported for embolization of T2E. We report a novel technique for T2E embolization combining laparoscopic and endovascular approaches using preoperative image fusion. We believe our technique provides a more direct access to the lumbar feeding vessels that is typically challenging with transarterial or translumbar embolization techniques.

  3. Endovascular brain intervention and mapping in a dog experimental model using magnetically-guided micro-catheter technology. (United States)

    Kara, Tomas; Leinveber, Pavel; Vlasin, Michal; Jurak, Pavel; Novak, Miroslav; Novak, Zdenek; Chrastina, Jan; Czechowicz, Krzysztof; Belehrad, Milos; Asirvatham, Samuel J


    Despite the substantial progress that has been achieved in interventional cardiology and cardiac electrophysiology, endovascular intervention for the diagnosis and treatment of central nervous system (CNS) disorders such as stroke, epilepsy and CNS malignancy is still limited, particularly due to highly tortuous nature of the cerebral arterial and venous system. Existing interventional devices and techniques enable only limited and complicated access especially into intra-cerebral vessels. The aim of this study was to develop a micro-catheter magnetically-guided technology specifically designed for endovascular intervention and mapping in deep CNS vascular structures. Mapping of electrical brain activity was performed via the venous system on an animal dog model with the support of the NIOBE II system. A novel micro-catheter specially designed for endovascular interventions in the CNS, with the support of the NIOBE II technology, was able to reach safely deep intra-cerebral venous structures and map the electrical activity there. Such structures are not currently accessible using standard catheters. This is the first study demonstrating successful use of a new micro-catheter in combination with NIOBE II technology for endovascular intervention in the brain.

  4. A new cerebral vasospasm model established with endovascular puncture technique

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tu Jianfei; Liu Yizhi; Ji Jiansong; Zhao Zhongwei


    Objective: To investigate the method of establishing cerebral vasospasm (CVS) models in rabbits by using endovascular puncture technique. Methods: Endovascular puncture procedure was performed in 78 New Zealand white rabbits to produce subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH). The survival rabbits were randomly divided into seven groups (3 h, 12 h, 1 d, 2 d, 3 d, 7 d and 14 d), with five rabbits in each group for both study group (SAH group) and control group. Cerebral CT scanning was carried out in all rabbits both before and after the operation. The inner diameter and the thickness of vascular wall of both posterior communicating artery (PcoA) and basilar artery (BA) were determined after the animals were sacrificed, and the results were analyzed. Results: Of 78 experimental rabbits, CVS model was successfully established in 45, including 35 of SAH group and 10 control subgroup. The technical success rate was 57.7%. Twelve hours after the procedure, the inner diameter of PcoA and BA in SAH group was decreased by 45.6% and 52.3%, respectively, when compared with these in control group. The vascular narrowing showed biphasic changes, the inner diameter markedly decreased again at the 7th day when the decrease reached its peak to 31.2% and 48.6%, respectively. Conclusion: Endovascular puncture technique is an effective method to establish CVS models in rabbits. The death rate of experimental animals can be decreased if new interventional material is used and the manipulation is carefully performed. (authors)

  5. Trastorno obsesivo compulsivo: naturaleza, evaluación y tratamiento (2015)


    Bados López, Arturo


    Se abordan diversos aspectos del trastorno obsesivo-compulsivo: naturaleza, edad de comienzo y curso, frecuencia, problemas asociados, génesis y mantenimiento, métodos e instrumentos de evaluación, y eficacia y utilidad clínica del tratamiento psicológico y farmacológico. Además, se ofrecen guías para aplicar los tratamientos psicológicos más eficaces.

  6. Trastorno obsesivo compulsivo: naturaleza, evaluación y tratamiento (2009)


    Bados López, Arturo


    Se abordan diversos aspectos del trastorno obsesivo-compulsivo: naturaleza, edad de comienzo y curso, frecuencia, problemas asociados, génesis y mantenimiento, métodos e instrumentos de evaluación, y eficacia y utilidad clínica del tratamiento psicológico y farmacológico. Además, se ofrecen guías para aplicar los tratamientos psicológicos más eficaces.

  7. Type A dissection following endovascular repair of type B dissection

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Juszkat, R.; Zabicki, M.; Jemielity, M.; Buczkowski, P.; Urbanowicz, T.


    Background: We present a patient, who was treated with thoracic stentgraft implantation, because of acute type B aortic dissection (according to Stanford classification). The endovascular procedure was performed without any complications. Case Report: The patient was discharged in the 3 rd postprocedural day and was transferred to another hospital for further recovery. Nine days after the procedure, the patient was readmitted in cardiogenic shock to the Cardiac Surgery Department. The patient was immediately operated on, after dissection of the ascending aorta and pericardial tamponade had been diagnosed in transthoracic echocardiography. Conclusions: Total replacement of the aortic arch and its ascending part was performed successfully. The surgery was carried out in deep hypothermia with temporary circulatory arrest. The patient was discharged from the Cardiac Surgery Unit 15 days after the surgery, and transferred to another unit for further recovery. (authors)

  8. Life satisfaction in patients with and without spinal cord ischemia after advanced endovascular therapy for extensive aortic disease at mid-term follow-up. (United States)

    Mehmedagic, Irma; Santén, Stefan; Jörgensen, Sophie; Acosta, Stefan


    Advanced endovascular aortic repair can be used to treat patients with extensive and complex aortic disease who are at risk of spinal cord ischaemia. The aim of this study was to compare whether life satisfaction differs between patients with and without spinal cord ischaemia at mid-term follow-up. Nested case-control study. Among patients undergoing advanced endovascular aortic repair between 2009 and 2012, 18 patients with spinal cord ischaemia and 33 without were interviewed at home. The Life Satisfaction Questionnaire (LiSat-11) and the Satisfaction With Life Scale (SWLS) were used. LiSat-11 found that patients with spinal cord ischaemia were more dissatisfied with their activities of daily living than were patients without spinal cord ischaemia (p=0.012). Both groups had similar, very low, scores in the sexual life domain; median 2.0 (interquartile range (IQR) 1.5-3.0) and 3.0 (IQR 2.0-4.0), respectively. There was no difference in SWLS between the groups. This study cohort of patients who underwent advanced endovascular aortic repair was rather homo-genous in their rating of life satisfaction and there was little difference between mid-term survivors who had spinal cord ischaemia and those who did not.

  9. Uso de endoprótesis en el tratamiento de lesiones no oclusivas del territorio iliaco Uso de endoprótese no tratamento de lesões não-oclusivas do território ilíaco

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Renato Mertens


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: La cirugía endovascular se ha establecido como una opción eficaz en el tratamiento de la enfermedad oclusiva ateroesclerótica de las arterias iliacas. Sin embargo, el uso de estos procedimientos para tratar otro tipo de lesiones aún no ha sido bien estudiado. Nuestro objetivo es analizar indicaciones y resultados del uso de endoprótesis en lesiones iliacas no oclusivas. MATERIAL Y MÉTODOS: Revisamos retrospectivamente los registros de 14 pacientes consecutivos, todos hombres, 61,6 años de edad en promedio (rango: 25-80 tratados por vía endovascular entre 2001 y 2006 por lesiones iliacas no oclusivas. El estudio pre y postoperatorio incluyó tomografía computada. El procedimiento se efectuó en quirófano, utilizando un angiógrafo digital. Se usó acceso femoral insertando endoprótesis tubulares. RESULTADOS: En 11 pacientes se asoció embolización de arteria hipogástrica ipsilateral. Las patologías tratadas fueron: ocho aneurismas ateroescleróticos, 3 disecciones, 2 lesiones traumáticas y un pseudoaneurisma anastomótico. La co-morbilidad más frecuente fue la hipertensión en 43% de los casos. No hubo mortalidad operatoria. Un paciente presentó un pseudoaneurisma femoral tratado con compresión. Un paciente tratado por fístula arteriovenosa traumática a nivel iliaco resuelve su insuficiencia cardiaca, con persistencia asintomática de mínimo flujo. La estadía postoperatoria fue de 3 días (mediana. No se presentaron otras endofugas iniciales o tardías. Durante un seguimiento promedio de 20,5 meses (rango 1 a 49, un paciente fallece por cáncer y ninguno ha requerido procedimientos complementarios. CONCLUSIÓN: El tratamiento endovascular de lesiones iliacas mediante endoprótesis es seguro y permite un resultado durable en el manejo de un amplio espectro de patologías.OBJETIVO: A cirurgia endovascular se estabeleceu como opção eficaz no tratamento da doença oclusiva aterosclerótica das artérias il

  10. Uterine Arteriovenous Fistula with Concomitant Pelvic Varicocele: Endovascular Embolization with Onyx-18®

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Francesco Giurazza


    Full Text Available Uterine arteriovenous fistulas are rare and acquired causes of life-threatening vaginal bleeding. They usually present with intermittent menometrorrhagia in young patients in childbearing age with history of gynecological procedures on uterus. Traditional management is hysterectomy; endovascular embolization represents nowadays an alternative strategy for patients wishing to preserve fertility. Here, the endovascular approach to a 29-year-old woman affected by severe menometrorrhagia caused by a uterine arteriovenous fistula with a concomitant pelvic varicocele is reported; a bilateral uterine arteries embolization with Onyx-18 (ev3, Irvine, CA, USA has successfully resolved the fistula with clinical success.

  11. Endograft Collapse After Endovascular Treatment for Thoracic Aortic Disease

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bandorski, Dirk; Brueck, Martin; Guenther, Hans-Ulrich; Manke, Christoph


    Endovascular treatment is an established therapy for thoracic aortic disease. Collapse of the endograft is a potentially fatal complication. We reviewed 16 patients with a thoracic endograft between 2001 and 2006. Medical records of the treated patients were studied. Data collected include age, gender, diagnosis, indication for endoluminal treatment, type of endograft, and time of follow up. All patients (n = 16; mean age, 61 years; range, 21-82 years) underwent computed tomography (CT) for location of the lesion and planning of the intervention. Time of follow-up with CT scan ranged from 1 to 61 months. Indications for endovascular treatment were degenerative aneurysm (n = 7; 44%), aortic dissection (n = 2; 12%), perforated aortic ulcer (n = 4; 25%), and traumatic aortic injury (n = 3; 19%). Three patients suffered from a collapse of the endograft (one patient distal, two patients proximal) between 3 and 8 days after endovascular treatment. These patients were younger (mean age, 37 ± 25 years vs. 67 ± 16 years; P 0.05]; distal, 45 ± 23.5% vs. 38 ± 21.7% [P > 0.05]). Proximal collapse was corrected by placing a bare stent. In conclusion, risk factors for stent-graft collapse are a small lumen of the aorta and a small radius of the aortic arch curvature (young patients), as well as oversizing, which is an important risk factor and is described for different types of endografts and protheses (Gore TAG and Cook Zenith). Dilatation of the collapsed stent-graft is not sufficient. Following therapy implantation of a second stent or surgery is necessary in patients with a proximal endograft collapse. Distal endograft collapse can possibly be treated conservatively under close follow-up.

  12. Prevalencia de tratamiento de la infección tuberculosa en la prisión provincial

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Vicente Martín


    Full Text Available FUNDAMENTOS: La tuberculosis en prisión es un grave problema de salud pública. En aquellos centros con elevadas prevalencias de coinfección por M. tuberculosis e infección VIH el tratamiento de la infección tuberculosa puede ser una importante herramienta de prevención y control. Conocer la prevalencia de infección tuberculosa, el acceso y la adherencia al tratamiento de la infección tuberculosa en población reclusa sin antecedentes de tratamiento de enfermedad o infección tuberculosa puede ser de gran interés para valorar la efectividad de esta medida. MÉTODOS: Se realizó un estudio transversal en la población ingresada a fecha 28 de junio de 1999 en un Centro Penitenciario con un programa de prevención y control de la tuberculosis basado en la terapia directamente observada (TDO de los enfermos, en el diagnóstico precoz y el tratamiento de la infección tuberculosa. El tratamiento de la infección tuberculosa se prescribió tras consejo médico individualizado consensuándose con el paciente la modalidad del mismo (TDO, pauta diaria o bisemanal. Se revisaron las historias clínicas de los pacientes ingresados para conocer la prevalencia de pacientes infectados por M. tuberculosis, de los que habían finalizado y de los que se encontraban realizando tratamiento de la infección tuberculosa. Se realizó el test de Eidus-Hamilton en el caso de los pacientes en tratamiento frente a la infección tuberculosa para valorar su cumplimiento. RESULTADOS: De los 219 internos, 127 (58 % presentaban criterio de infección tuberculosa. Se indicó tratamiento de la infección tuberculosa en 113 pacientes de los que 29 no aceptaron (25,7 %. De los 84 pacientes que iniciaron tratamiento de la infección tuberculosa, 22 (26,2 % lo abandonaron, 39 (46,4 % habían finalizado el tratamiento de la infección tuberculosa, y 23 (27,4 % se encontraban realizándola. De estos últimos el 95,7 % resultaron positivos al test de Eidus-Hamilton. El 48 % de

  13. Tratamiento ideal del Helicobacter pylori: una revisión sistemática

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    F. Sierra


    Conclusiones: Actualmente no existe un tratamiento óptimo de primera o segunda línea que logre una erradicación del 100%. El orden terapéutico deberá realizarse acorde al tratamiento inicial y a estudios locales de resistencia antimicrobiana.

  14. Open Versus Endovascular Stent Graft Repair of Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Firwana, Belal; Ferwana, Mazen; Hasan, Rim


    We performed an analysis to assess the need for conducting additional randomized controlled trials (RCTs) comparing open and endovascular aneurysm repair (EVAR) for abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA). Trial sequential analysis (TSA) is a statistical methodology that can calculate the required inform...

  15. Outcome after endovascular abdominal aortic aneurysm repair: a meta-analysis.

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Walschot, L.H.B.; Laheij, R.J.F.; Verbeek, A.L.M.


    PURPOSE: To determine the frequencies of complications and risk factors for complications following endovascular abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) repair (EVAR). METHODS: Thirty-nine articles published between October 1995 and October 1999 in English, German, French, or Dutch were identified in

  16. Tratamiento actual del tabaquismo Current treatment for smoking

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Justino Regalado-Pineda


    y sus efectos nocivos. El éxito con esta modalidad es de 20 a 35% al año (RM de 2.17, IC95% 1.42-3.45. Una de las desventajas es el tiempo que se invierte y el costo del tratamiento, que puede ser considerable. Finalmente, los materiales de autoayuda pueden incrementar el éxito (RM 1.24, IC95% 1.07-1.45. En resumen, en la actualidad se dispone de múltiples modalidades que han probado ser efectivas en el tratamiento para dejar de fumar, aunque el tratamiento se debe individualizar en cada caso.Smoking is a chronic medical condition characterized by the addiction to nicotine. Seventy percent of smokers want to quit smoking, although only 30% per year make the attempt. Some of the available treatments should be offered to smokers who are motivated to quit. Among the pharmaceutical treatments, nicotine-free tobacco and nicotine replacement therapy (NRT stand out. In the first group, varenicline tartrate and anti-depression medications such as bupropion and nortriptyline are notable. NRTs include patches, chewing gum, sublingual and oral tablets, oral inhalation and nasal aerosol devices. Varenicline tartrate is an alpha4beta2 nicotinic receptor partial agonist that reduces withdrawal symptoms as well as the desire and urge to smoke. Studies show that varenicline is better than a placebo (RM 3.22, IC95% 2.43-4.27 and better than bupropion (RM 1.66, IC95% 1.28-2.16. All NRT modalities are effective (RM 1.78, IC95% 1.60-1.99, although in particular cases one may be more appropriate than another. The addictive potential of nicotine substitutes is less than that of cigarettes and, in addition, they lack the toxic effects of smoke. Bupropion stimulates noradrenergic and dopadrenergic functions and doubles the abstinence rate as compared with the nicotine patch (RM 1.94, IC95% 1.72-2.19. Nortriptyline is also associated with an increase in abstinence rates (RM 2.34, IC95% 1.6-3.41. Other treatments have shown a certain degree of efficacy, such as the endocannabinoids

  17. Suprarenal fixation resulting in intestinal malperfusion after endovascular aortic aneurysm repair. (United States)

    Siani, Andrea; Accrocca, Federico; De Vivo, Gennaro; Marcucci, Giustino


    Superior mesenteric artery (SMA) and coeliac axis (CA) occlusion after endovascular abdominal aneurysm aortic repair (EVAR-AAA), using endograft with suprarenal fixation, are uncommon. However, we are reporting a case of visceral malperfusion, which occurred 7 days after successful EVAR with suprarenal fixation for symptomatic AAA. Endograft metal stent barbs caused severe stenosis of SMA and CA. A successful recovery of SMA was carried out by means of a balloon-expandable stent released through bare metal stent barbs. We believe that an unfavourable anatomy of a proximal aortic neck and visceral aorta may have caused a wrong stent strut deployment with the coverage of CA and SMA. © The Author 2016. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the European Association for Cardio-Thoracic Surgery. All rights reserved.

  18. Outcomes of endovascular management of acute thoracic aortic emergencies in an academic level 1 trauma center. (United States)

    Echeverria, Angela B; Branco, Bernardino C; Goshima, Kay R; Hughes, John D; Mills, Joseph L


    Thoracic aortic emergencies account for 10% of thoracic-related admissions in the United States and remain associated with high morbidity and mortality rates. Open repair has declined owing to the emergence of thoracic endovascular aortic repair (TEVAR), but data on emergency TEVAR use for acute aortic pathology remain limited. We therefore reviewed our experience. We retrospectively evaluated emergency descending thoracic aortic endovascular interventions performed at a single academic level 1 trauma center between January 2005 and August 2013 including all cases of traumatic aortic injury, ruptured descending thoracic aneurysm, penetrating atherosclerotic ulcer, aortoenteric fistula, and acute complicated type B dissection. Demographics, clinical data, and outcomes were extracted. Stepwise logistic regression was used to identify independent risk factors for death. During the study period, 51 patients underwent TEVAR; 22 cases (43.1%) were performed emergently (11 patients [50.0%] traumatic aortic injury; 4 [18.2%] ruptured descending thoracic aneurysm; 4 [18.2%] complicated type B dissection; 2 [9.1%] penetrating aortic ulcer; and 1 [4.5%] aortoenteric fistula). Overall, 72.7% (n = 16) were male with a mean age of 54.8 ± 15.9 years. Nineteen patients (86.4%) required only a single TEVAR procedure, whereas 2 (9.1%) required additional endovascular therapy, and 1 (4.5%) open thoracotomy. Four traumatic aortic injury patients required exploratory laparotomy for concomitant intra-abdominal injuries. During a mean hospital length of stay of 18.9 days (range, 1 to 76 days), 3 patients (13.6%) developed major complications. In-hospital mortality was 27.2%, consisting of 6 deaths from traumatic brain injury (1); exsanguination in the operating room before repair could be achieved (2); bowel ischemia (1) and multisystem organ failure (1); and family withdrawal of care (1). A stepwise logistic regression model identified 24-hour packed red blood cell requirements ≥4

  19. A linear stepping endovascular intervention robot with variable stiffness and force sensing. (United States)

    He, Chengbin; Wang, Shuxin; Zuo, Siyang


    Robotic-assisted endovascular intervention surgery has attracted significant attention and interest in recent years. However, limited designs have focused on the variable stiffness mechanism of the catheter shaft. Flexible catheter needs to be partially switched to a rigid state that can hold its shape against external force to achieve a stable and effective insertion procedure. Furthermore, driving catheter in a similar way with manual procedures has the potential to make full use of the extensive experience from conventional catheter navigation. Besides driving method, force sensing is another significant factor for endovascular intervention. This paper presents a variable stiffness catheterization system that can provide stable and accurate endovascular intervention procedure with a linear stepping mechanism that has a similar operation mode to the conventional catheter navigation. A specially designed shape-memory polymer tube with water cooling structure is used to achieve variable stiffness of the catheter. Hence, four FBG sensors are attached to the catheter tip in order to monitor the tip contact force situation with temperature compensation. Experimental results show that the actuation unit is able to deliver linear and rotational motions. We have shown the feasibility of FBG force sensing to reduce the effect of temperature and detect the tip contact force. The designed catheter can change its stiffness partially, and the stiffness of the catheter can be remarkably increased in rigid state. Hence, in the rigid state, the catheter can hold its shape against a [Formula: see text] load. The prototype has also been validated with a vascular phantom, demonstrating the potential clinical value of the system. The proposed system provides important insights into the design of compact robotic-assisted catheter incorporating effective variable stiffness mechanism and real-time force sensing for intraoperative endovascular intervention.

  20. Mobilization of endothelial progenitor cells after endovascular interventions in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Marina Sergeevna Michurova


    Full Text Available Aim. To investigate the mobilisation of endothelial progenitor cells (EPC in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM after endovascular interventions for coronary and peripheral arteries. Materials and Methods. The levels of EPC in peripheral blood were determined by flow cytometry in 42 patients prior to endovascular intervention and 2?4 days after surgery. EPC were defined as CD34+ VEGFR2+ CD45- and CD34+ CD133+CD45- cells. Twenty-three patients with T2DM were included in group 1, and 19 patients without metabolic disorders were included in group 2. Results. The levels of EPC in the peripheral blood of patients with T2DM before and after endovascular interventions were not significantly different. In the subgroup of patients without TDM2, the levels of CD34+VEGFR2 +CD45- cells increased after surgery to 55,5% (p

  1. Transjugular Endovascular Recanalization of Splenic Vein in Patients with Regional Portal Hypertension Complicated by Gastrointestinal Bleeding

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Luo, Xuefeng; Nie, Ling; Wang, Zhu; Tsauo, Jiaywei; Tang, Chengwei; Li, Xiao


    PurposeRegional portal hypertension (RPH) is an uncommon clinical syndrome resulting from splenic vein stenosis/occlusion, which may cause gastrointestinal (GI) bleeding from the esophagogastric varices. The present study evaluated the safety and efficacy of transjugular endovascular recanalization of splenic vein in patients with GI bleeding secondary to RPH.MethodsFrom December 2008 to May 2011, 11 patients who were diagnosed with RPH complicated by GI bleeding and had undergone transjugular endovascular recanalization of splenic vein were reviewed retrospectively. Contrast-enhanced computed tomography revealed splenic vein stenosis in six cases and splenic vein occlusion in five. Etiology of RPH was chronic pancreatitis (n = 7), acute pancreatitis with pancreatic pseudocyst (n = 2), pancreatic injury (n = 1), and isolated pancreatic tuberculosis (n = 1).ResultsTechnical success was achieved in 8 of 11 patients via the transjugular approach, including six patients with splenic vein stenosis and two patients with splenic vein occlusion. Two patients underwent splenic vein venoplasty only, whereas four patients underwent bare stents deployment and two covered stents. Splenic vein pressure gradient (SPG) was reduced from 21.5 ± 7.3 to 2.9 ± 1.4 mmHg after the procedure (P < 0.01). For the remaining three patients who had technical failures, splenic artery embolization and subsequent splenectomy was performed. During a median follow-up time of 17.5 (range, 3–34) months, no recurrence of GI bleeding was observed.ConclusionsTransjugular endovascular recanalization of splenic vein is a safe and effective therapeutic option in patients with RPH complicated by GI bleeding and is not associated with an increased risk of procedure-related complications

  2. Transjugular Endovascular Recanalization of Splenic Vein in Patients with Regional Portal Hypertension Complicated by Gastrointestinal Bleeding

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Luo, Xuefeng; Nie, Ling; Wang, Zhu; Tsauo, Jiaywei; Tang, Chengwei; Li, Xiao, E-mail: [West China Hospital, Sichuan University, Department of Gastroenterology (China)


    PurposeRegional portal hypertension (RPH) is an uncommon clinical syndrome resulting from splenic vein stenosis/occlusion, which may cause gastrointestinal (GI) bleeding from the esophagogastric varices. The present study evaluated the safety and efficacy of transjugular endovascular recanalization of splenic vein in patients with GI bleeding secondary to RPH.MethodsFrom December 2008 to May 2011, 11 patients who were diagnosed with RPH complicated by GI bleeding and had undergone transjugular endovascular recanalization of splenic vein were reviewed retrospectively. Contrast-enhanced computed tomography revealed splenic vein stenosis in six cases and splenic vein occlusion in five. Etiology of RPH was chronic pancreatitis (n = 7), acute pancreatitis with pancreatic pseudocyst (n = 2), pancreatic injury (n = 1), and isolated pancreatic tuberculosis (n = 1).ResultsTechnical success was achieved in 8 of 11 patients via the transjugular approach, including six patients with splenic vein stenosis and two patients with splenic vein occlusion. Two patients underwent splenic vein venoplasty only, whereas four patients underwent bare stents deployment and two covered stents. Splenic vein pressure gradient (SPG) was reduced from 21.5 ± 7.3 to 2.9 ± 1.4 mmHg after the procedure (P < 0.01). For the remaining three patients who had technical failures, splenic artery embolization and subsequent splenectomy was performed. During a median follow-up time of 17.5 (range, 3–34) months, no recurrence of GI bleeding was observed.ConclusionsTransjugular endovascular recanalization of splenic vein is a safe and effective therapeutic option in patients with RPH complicated by GI bleeding and is not associated with an increased risk of procedure-related complications.

  3. The impact of hybrid neurosurgeons on the outcomes of endovascular coiling for unruptured cerebral aneurysms (United States)

    Bekelis, Kimon; Gottlieb, Dan; Labropoulos, Nicos; Su, Yin; Tzoumakaris, Stavropoula; Jabbour, Pasqual; MacKenzie, Todd A.


    Background The impact of combined practices on the outcomes of unruptured cerebral aneurysm coiling remains an issue of debate. We investigated the association of combined open and endovascular expertise with the outcomes of unruptured cerebral aneurysm coiling. Methods We performed a cohort study of 100% of Medicare fee-for-service claims data for elderly patients who underwent endovascular coiling for unruptured cerebral aneurysms from 2007 to 2012. In order to control for confounding we used propensity score conditioning, with mixed effects to account for clustering at the HRR level. Results During the study period, there were 11,716 patients, who underwent endovascular coiling for unruptured cerebral aneurysms, and met the inclusion criteria. Of these, 1,186 (10.1%) underwent treatment by hybrid neurosurgeons, and 10,530 (89.9%) by proceduralists who performed only endovascular coiling. Multivariable regression analysis with propensity score adjustment demonstrated lack of association of combined practice with 1-year postoperative mortality (OR, 0.84; 95% CI, 0.58–1.23), discharge to rehabilitation (OR, 1.0; 95% CI, 0.66–1.51), 30-day readmission rate (OR, 1.07; 95% CI, 0.83–1.38) and length of stay (LOS) (adjusted difference, 0.41; 95% CI, −0.26 to 1.09). Higher procedural volume was independently associated with improved outcomes. Conclusions In a cohort of Medicare patients, we did not demonstrate a difference in mortality, discharge to rehabilitation, readmission rate, and LOS between hybrid neurosurgeons, and proceduralists only performing endovascular coiling. Funding Supported by grants from the National Institute on Aging (PO1- AG19783), the National Institutes of Health Common Fund (U01-AG046830), and the National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences (NCATS) of the NIH (Dartmouth Clinical and Translational Science Institute-UL1TR001086). The funders had no role in the design or execution of the study. PMID:26918479

  4. La Terapia Familiar en el tratamiento de las adicciones


    Marcos Sierra, Juan Antonio; Garrido Fernández, Miguel


    En este trabajo se presenta un breve recorrido histórico sobre el papel de la terapia familiar en el tratamiento de las adicciones. Siguiendo la propuesta de Rolland y Walsh (1996) se analizan con detenimiento los modelos centrados en la resolución de problemas y los modelos intergeneracionales. El objetivo básico del artículo es mostrar las aportaciones de las diferentes perspectivas y contribuir a enfoques más integradores en el tratamiento familiar de las adicciones. En esta...

  5. Significance of preoperative cerebral blood flow measurements in endovascular occlusion of the internal carotid and middle cerebral arteries

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Laurent, A.; Weitzner, I.; Luft, A.; Merland, J.J.


    Cerebral blood flow (CBF) measurements during 12 endovascular balloon occlusions (ten internal carotid and two middle cerebral arteries) with good clinical and angiographic tolerance were done with repeated boluses of Xe-133 injected directly into the ipsi- and contralateral carotid systems, during the occlusion and repeated measurements with detectors on both sides (before occlusion and 5-30 minutes after occlusion). In two cases of unchanged and four of increased CBF, one reversible deficit was probably due to an embolus. In six cases of decreased CBF, two deficits occurred, characterized by a greater than 25% decrease. It seems to represent a good predictive value for intolerance to occlusion

  6. Unusual rapid evolution of type B aortic dissection in a marfan patient following heart transplantation: successful endovascular treatment. (United States)

    Botta, L; Russo, V; Grigioni, F; Arpesella, G; Rocchi, G; Di Bartolomeo, R; Fattori, R


    A patient with Marfan syndrome with previous Bentall operation for mitral and tricuspid valve repair, required orthotopic cardiac transplantation for end stage cardiomyopathy. Postoperatively he suffered type-B aortic dissection, despite normal aortic diameters. Following sudden increase of aortic diameters, two years later, he underwent successful stent graft implantation. In patients with Marfan syndrome, post transplantation morbidity is high, with a 40% incidence of thoracic aortic dissection. This case highlights the potential of endovascular approach for treating post-transplantation aortic dissection.

  7. Feasibility of Endovascular Radiation Therapy Using Holmium-166 Filled Balloon Catheter in a Swine Hemodialysis Fistula Model: Preliminary Results

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Won, Jong Yun; Lee, Kwang Hun; Lee, Do Yun [Dept. of Radiology, Research Institute of Radiological Science, Yensei University College of Medicine, Seoul (Korea, Republic of); Kim, Myoung Soo [Dept. of Radiology, Yensei University College of Medicine, Seoul (Korea, Republic of); Kang, Byung Chul [Dept. of Radiology, Internal Medicine, EwhaWoman' s University School of Medicine, Seoul (Korea, Republic of); Kim, Seung Jung [Dept. of Internal Medicine, EwhaWoman' s University School of Medicine, Seoul (Korea, Republic of)


    To describe how to make a swine hemodialysis fistula model and report our initial experience to test the feasibility of endovascular radiation therapy with Holmium-166 filled balloon catheters. The surgical formation of arterio-venous fistula (AVF) was performed by end-to-side anastomosis of the bilateral jugular vein and carotid artery of 6 pigs. After 4 weeks, angiograms were taken and endovascular radiation was delivered to the venous side of AVF with Holmium-166 filled balloon catheters. Pigs were sacrificed 4 weeks after the radiation and AVFs were harvested for histological examination. All animals survived without any morbidity during the experimental periods. The formation of fistula on the sides of necks was successful in 11 of the 12 pigs (92%). One AVF failed from the small jugular vein. On angiograms, 4 of the 11 AVFs showed total occlusion or significant stenosis and therefore, endovascular radiation could not be performed. Of 7 eligible AVFs, five underwent successful endovascular radiation and two AVFs did not undergo radiation for the control. Upon histologic analysis, one non-radiated AVF showed total occlusion and others showed intimal thickening from the neointimal hyperplasia. Formation of the swine carotid artery-jugular vein hemodialysis fistula model was successful. Endovascular radiation using a Holmium-166 filled balloon catheter was safe and feasible.

  8. Uso del tratamiento acupuntural en pacientes con episodio depresivo leve

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Roberto Anselmo Ramos Valverde


    Full Text Available Se realizó un estudio experimental en el Centro Comunitario Provincial de Salud Mental de Las Tunas, con el objetivo de determinar la efectividad del empleo de la acupuntura en pacientes portadores de episodio depresivo leve. El universo estuvo constituido por todos los pacientes diagnosticados clínicamente con la enfermedad, que acudieron a la consulta de Medicina Natural y Tradicional de esta entidad entre marzo de 2011 a marzo de 2013. La muestra quedó constituida por 60 pacientes que cumplieron los criterios diagnósticos y de inclusión establecidos para la investigación, se aplicó un muestreo aleatorio simple que permitió conformar dos grupos, uno de estudio, al que se le aplicó tratamiento acupuntural, y uno control, que recibió tratamiento con amitriptilina. Los resultados mostraron que el insomnio fue el síntoma asociado más frecuente. Al terminar el tratamiento se obtuvo que la depresión se eliminó en la totalidad de los pacientes, pero fue más inmediato el efecto antidepresivo en los pacientes del grupo estudio, los síntomas asociados desaparecieron en casi la totalidad de ellos. Se concluye que el tratamiento tradicional acupuntural constituye una terapia efectiva en los pacientes con episodio depresivo leve

  9. Recommendations of the EVA GEC ESTRO Working Group: prescribing, recording, and reporting in endovascular brachytherapy. Quality assurance, equipment, personnel and education

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Poetter, Richard; Limbergen, Erik van; Dries, Wim; Popowski, Youri; Coen, Veronique; Fellner, Claudia; Georg, Dietmar; Kirisits, Christian; Levendag, Peter; Marijnissen, Hans; Marsiglia, Hugo; Mazeron, Jean-Jaques; Pokrajac, Boris; Scalliet, Pierre; Tamburini, Vittorio


    Endovascular brachytherapy is a new, rapidly growing field of interest in radiotherapy for the prevention of neointimal hyperplasia after angioplasty in both coronary and peripheral arteries. Many physics aspects of these treatments have already been addressed in the report of the American Association of Physicists in Medicine task group on 'Intravascular brachytherapy', but up to now there are no generally accepted recommendations for recording and reporting radiation doses and volumes. The terminology to be used by all individuals involved in such treatments (radiation oncologists, physicists, and interventionalists) is not clearly defined. The Endovascular Groupe Europeen de Curietherapie/European Society for Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology Working Group in this document presents recommendations for a common language for general use in endovascular brachytherapy. This proposal addresses general terms and concepts for target and dose specification as well as detailed recommendations for dose prescription, recording and reporting in endovascular brachytherapy for both peripheral and coronary arteries. Additionally, quality assurance and radiation safety aspects are briefly addressed, as are aspects related to equipment, personnel, and training and education related to endovascular brachytherapy

  10. N-Butyl Cyanoacrylate Proved Beneficial to Avoid a Nontarget Embolization of the Ophthalmic Artery in Endovascular Management of Epistaxis (United States)

    Shuster, A.; Gunnarsson, T.; Klurfan, P.; Larrazabal, R.


    Summary Epistaxis is a common disorder affecting equally both genders. Posterior origin of epistaxis in some instances requires endovascular treatment. Anastomoses between external carotid artery and internal carotid or ophthalmic arteries heighten the risk of stroke or blindness, if particles of polyvinyl alcohol are used for embolization. We report a case of 90-year-old man for whom successful embolization with N-Butyl Cyanoacrylate glue was performed as an alternative treatment for recurrent epistaxis. PMID:21561554

  11. [Case of acute ischemic stroke due to cardiac myxoma treated by intravenous thrombolysis and endovascular therapy]. (United States)

    Kamiya, Yuki; Ichikawa, Hiroo; Mizuma, Keita; Itaya, Kazuhiro; Shimizu, Yuki; Kawamura, Mitsuru


    A 48-year-old woman with no previous neurological diseases was transferred to our hospital because of sudden-onset unconsciousness. On arrival, she showed consciousness disturbance (E1V1M3 on the Glasgow Coma Scale), tetraplegia, right conjugate deviation and bilateral pathological reflexes. These symptoms resulted in a NIH stroke scale score of 32. Brain diffusion-weighted MR imaging (DWI) showed multiple hyper-intense lesions, and MR angiography revealed occlusions of the basilar artery (BA) and superior branch of the right middle cerebral artery (MCA). Transthoracic echocardiography disclosed a 51 × 24 mm myxoma in the left atrium. These findings led to diagnosis of acute ischemic stroke due to embolization from cardiac myxoma. Thrombolytic therapy with intravenous tissue plasminogen activator (IV tPA) was started 120 min after onset because there were no contraindications for this treatment. However, the symptoms did not resolve, and thus endovascular therapy was performed immediately after IV tPA. Angiography of the left vertebral artery initially showed BA occlusion, but a repeated angiogram resulted in spontaneous recanalization of the BA. However, the left posterior cerebral artery remained occluded by a residual embolus. Subsequently, occlusion found in the superior branch of the right MCA was treated by intra-arterial local thrombolysis using urokinase and thrombectomy with a foreign body retrieval device, but the MCA remained occluded. DWI after endovascular therapy showed new hyper-intense lesions in the bilateral medial thalamus and left occipital cortex. Clinically, neurological status did not improve, with a score of 5 on the modified Rankin Scale. IV tPA can be used for stroke due to cardiac myxoma, but development of brain aneurysms and metastases caused by myxoma is a concern. Given the difficulty of predicting an embolus composite from a thrombus or tumor particle, aspiration thrombectomy may be safer and more effective for stroke due to cardiac

  12. Risk factors for 30-day unplanned readmission following infrainguinal endovascular interventions

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Bodewes, Thomas C F; Soden, Peter A.; Ultee, Klaas H J; Zettervall, Sara L.; Pothof, Alexander B.; Deery, Sarah E.; Moll, Frans L.; Schermerhorn, Marc L.


    Objective Unplanned hospital readmissions following surgical interventions are associated with adverse events and contribute to increasing health care costs. Despite numerous studies defining risk factors following lower extremity bypass surgery, evidence regarding readmission after endovascular

  13. Valeriana en el tratamiento a largo plazo del insomnio


    Medina Ortiz, Oscar; Sánchez-Mora, Nora; Fraguas Herraez, David; Arango López, Celso


    Introducción: La valeriana se ha utilizado desde la antigua Grecia y China para inducir el sueño, debido a sus propiedades ansiolíticas. Hoy en día, aun cuando no es un producto aprobado por la Agencia de Administración de Drogas y Alimentos de Estados Unidos (FDA) para el tratamiento del insomnio, se utiliza en diferentes países con esta finalidad. Objetivo: Llevar a cabo una revisión que permita determinar la eficacia de la valeriana en el tratamiento a largo plazo del insomnio y considerar...

  14. El uso de la neuromodulación para el tratamiento del temblor (United States)

    Bendersky, Damián; Ajler, Pablo; Yampolsky, Claudio


    Introducción: El temblor puede ser un desorden incapacitante y el tratamiento de primera línea para estos pacientes es farmacológico. Sin embargo, este tratamiento puede llevar a una reducción satisfactoria del temblor en sólo el 50% de los pacientes con temblor esencial. La talamotomía era el tratamiento de elección para el temblor refractario al tratamiento médico hasta que comenzó a utilizarse la estimulación cerebral profunda (ECP) del núcleo ventral intermedio (Vim) del tálamo. En la actualidad, raramente se realiza la talamotomía. Métodos: Este artículo es una revisión no sistemática de las indicaciones, resultados, parámetros de programación y técnica quirúrgica de la ECP del Vim para el tratamiento del temblor. Resultados: Aunque los resultados clínicos son similares usando la talamotomía o la ECP del Vim, la primera causa más efectos adversos que la última. Además, la ECP puede ser usada bilateralmente, mientras que la talamotomía tiene un alto riesgo de causar disartria cuando se realiza de ambos lados. La ECP del Vim logró una adecuada mejoría del temblor en varias series de pacientes con temblor causado por temblor esencial, enfermedad de Parkinson o esclerosis múltiple. Además del Vim, hay otros blancos que están siendo usados por varios autores, tales como la zona incerta y las radiaciones prelemniscales. Conclusión: La ECP del Vim es un tratamiento útil para el temblor incapacitante refractario al tratamiento médico. Es esencial realizar una precisa selección de pacientes, así como utilizar una técnica quirúrgica correcta. Aún se desconoce el mejor blanco estereotáctico para el temblor, aunque el Vim es el más usado. PMID:25165613

  15. Recognition and treatment of outflow tract stenosis during and after endovascular exclusion for abdominal aortic aneurysm

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lu Qingsheng; Jing Zaiping; Zhao Zhiqing; Bao Junmin; Zhao Jun; Feng Xiang; Feng Rui; Huang Sheng


    Objective: To study the cognition and treatment of outflow tract stenosis in and after endovascular exclusion for abdominal aortic aneurysm. Methods: From Mar 1997 to Oct 2002, in 136 patients undergoing abdominal aortic aneurysm endovascular exclusion, 8 patients had outflow tract stenosis during the operation, and 3 patients had outflow tract stenosis after operation. The stenosis of 5 patients occurred at the crotch of the graft-stent. PTA was done in 7 patients and stents were placed in stenotic segment in 2 patients. 2 patients were treated with crossover operation. Results: Following up 1 month to 2 years, all patients have no lower limbs ischemia. Conclusions: The diagnosis of outflow tract stenosis during and after abdominal endovascular exclusion for aortic aneurysm must be in time. The treatment should be according to the different causes of stenosis

  16. Endovascular Management of Acute Embolic Occlusion of the Superior Mesenteric Artery: A 12-Year Single-Centre Experience

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Raupach, J.; Lojik, M.; Chovanec, V.; Renc, O.; Strýček, M.; Dvořák, P.; Hoffmann, P.; Guňka, I.; Ferko, A.; Ryška, P.; Omran, N.; Krajina, A.; Čabelková, P.; Čermáková, E.; Malý, R.


    PurposeRetrospective evaluation of 12-year experience with endovascular management of acute mesenteric ischemia (AMI) due to embolic occlusion of the superior mesenteric artery (SMA).Materials and methodsFrom 2003 to 2014, we analysed the in-hospital mortality of 37 patients with acute mesenteric embolism who underwent primary endovascular therapy with subsequent on-demand laparotomy. Transcatheter embolus aspiration was used in all 37 patients (19 women, 18 men, median age 76 years) with embolic occlusion of the SMA. Adjunctive local thrombolysis (n = 2) and stenting (n = 2) were also utilised.ResultsWe achieved complete recanalization of the SMA stem in 91.9 %. One patient was successfully treated by surgical embolectomy due to a failed endovascular approach. Subsequent exploratory laparotomy was performed in 73.0 % (n = 27), and necrotic bowel resection in 40.5 %. The total in-hospital mortality was 27.0 %.ConclusionPrimary endovascular therapy for acute embolic SMA occlusion with on-demand laparotomy is a recommended algorithm used in our centre to treat SMA occlusion. This combined approach for the treatment of AMI is associated with in-hospital mortality rate of 27.0 %

  17. Endovascular Management of Acute Embolic Occlusion of the Superior Mesenteric Artery: A 12-Year Single-Centre Experience

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Raupach, J., E-mail:; Lojik, M., E-mail:; Chovanec, V., E-mail:; Renc, O., E-mail: [Faculty of Medicine at Charles University and University Hospital, Department of Radiology (Czech Republic); Strýček, M., E-mail: [Faculty of Medicine at Charles University (Czech Republic); Dvořák, P., E-mail:; Hoffmann, P., E-mail: [Faculty of Medicine at Charles University and University Hospital, Department of Radiology (Czech Republic); Guňka, I., E-mail:; Ferko, A., E-mail: [Faculty of Medicine at Charles University and University Hospital, Department of Surgery (Czech Republic); Ryška, P., E-mail: [Faculty of Medicine at Charles University and University Hospital, Department of Radiology (Czech Republic); Omran, N., E-mail: [Faculty of Medicine at Charles University and University Hospital, Department of Cardiac Surgery (Czech Republic); Krajina, A., E-mail:; Čabelková, P., E-mail: [Faculty of Medicine at Charles University and University Hospital, Department of Radiology (Czech Republic); Čermáková, E., E-mail: [Faculty of Medicine at Charles University, Computer Technology Center (Czech Republic); Malý, R., E-mail: [Faculty of Medicine at Charles University and University Hospital, Department of Medicine (Czech Republic)


    PurposeRetrospective evaluation of 12-year experience with endovascular management of acute mesenteric ischemia (AMI) due to embolic occlusion of the superior mesenteric artery (SMA).Materials and methodsFrom 2003 to 2014, we analysed the in-hospital mortality of 37 patients with acute mesenteric embolism who underwent primary endovascular therapy with subsequent on-demand laparotomy. Transcatheter embolus aspiration was used in all 37 patients (19 women, 18 men, median age 76 years) with embolic occlusion of the SMA. Adjunctive local thrombolysis (n = 2) and stenting (n = 2) were also utilised.ResultsWe achieved complete recanalization of the SMA stem in 91.9 %. One patient was successfully treated by surgical embolectomy due to a failed endovascular approach. Subsequent exploratory laparotomy was performed in 73.0 % (n = 27), and necrotic bowel resection in 40.5 %. The total in-hospital mortality was 27.0 %.ConclusionPrimary endovascular therapy for acute embolic SMA occlusion with on-demand laparotomy is a recommended algorithm used in our centre to treat SMA occlusion. This combined approach for the treatment of AMI is associated with in-hospital mortality rate of 27.0 %.

  18. Tratamiento de la EPOC basado en los fármacos broncodilatadores

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)


    Full Text Available Los broncodilatadores de acción prolongada constituyen la piedra angular del tratamiento de mantenimiento de la enfermedad pulmonar obstructiva crónica (EPOC en pacientes sintomáticos. Hay una sólida evidencia de que el tratamiento regular con estos fármacos es más eficiente que el realizado con broncodilatadores de acción corta.

  19. Mortality within the endovascular treatment in Stanford type B aortic dissections Mortalidade no tratamento endovascular nas dissecções aórticas tipo B

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Alexandre Fioranelli


    Full Text Available BACKGROUND: Endovascular stent-graft repair of aortic dissections is a relatively new procedure, and although apparently less invasive, the efficacy and safety of this technique have not been fully established. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate mortality in patients with complicated Stanford type B aortic dissections submitted to endovascular treatment. METHODS: Clinical, anatomical, imaging and autopsy data of 23 patients with complicated type B aortic dissections were reviewed from November 2004 to October 2007. The main indications for transluminal thoracic stent-grafting included: persistent pain in spite of medical therapy, signs of distal limb ischemia, signs of aortic rupture, progression of aneurismal dilation of the descending aorta during follow-up (defined as a diameter > 50 mm and the diameter of descending thoracic aorta of 40mm or larger at the onset of aortic dissection. Data were analyzed statistically; all p-values were two-tailed and differences INTRODUÇÃO: O tratamento endovascular na dissecção de aorta é um procedimento relativamente novo e, embora aparentemente menos invasivo, a eficácia e a segurança dessa técnica não estão totalmente estabelecidas. OBJETIVO: Avaliar a mortalidade e complicações nos pacientes submetidos a tratamento endovascular na dissecção de aorta tipo B de Stanford. MÉTODOS: Foram revisados, a partir de novembro de 2004 a outubro de 2007, em estudo clínico, anatômico, de imagens e dados da autopsia de 23 pacientes com dissecção aórtica tipo B. As principais indicações para o procedimento foram: dor persistente apesar da terapia médica, sinais de isquemia distal do membro, sinais de ruptura da aorta, progressão da dilatação do aneurisma da aorta descendente, durante o seguimento (definida como um diâmetro > 5 cm e descendente da aorta torácica de 40 mm ou mais de diâmetro no início da dissecção aórtica. Os dados foram analisados estatisticamente considerados erro alfa de 5%. As vari

  20. Characteristics of Headache After an Intracranial Endovascular Procedure: A Prospective Observational Study. (United States)

    Zhang, Linjing; Wu, Xiancong; Di, Hai; Feng, Tao; Wang, Yunxia; Wang, Jun; Cao, Xiangyu; Li, Baomin; Liu, Ruozhuo; Yu, Shengyuan


    Two editions of the International Classification of Headache Disorders (ICHD) diagnostic criteria for "Headache attributed to an intracranial endovascular procedure" have been published, in 2004 and 2013. 1,2 Despite studies that have suggested that the former is not very practical, the ICHD-3 beta did not contain major changes. Moreover, so far no consensus exists regarding characteristics of headache after intracranial endovascular procedure. Thus, there is a need for sound suggestions to improve the ICHD-3 beta diagnostic criteria. Using a prospective design, we identified consecutive patients with unruptured intracranial aneurysms (UIAs) with neuroendovascular treatment from January 2014 to December 2014. In total, 73 patients were enrolled, and 58 patients ultimately completed the 6-month follow-up. After the procedure, five of the 29 patients (17.2%) with pre-existing headache experienced marked worsening after the procedure, while seven of the 29 patients without prior headache developed new-onset headache post-procedurally. The headaches started within 24 hours, with a mean duration of 24-72 hours. The headaches were moderate to severe. The eligibility of these events to be considered headaches caused by neuroendovascular procedures according to the ICHD-3 beta diagnostic criteria for designation was far from ideal. Most cases of markedly worsening headaches and new-onset headaches started within 24 hours and persisted longer than that specified in the ICHD-3 beta diagnostic criteria. Moreover, considering that some items are not very practical, the ICHD-3 beta diagnostic criteria should be revised in the light of recent literature reports. © 2016 American Headache Society.

  1. Enfermedades Autoinmunes, tratamiento con Trichuris suis y otros helmintos

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Iñigo Pallardo Fernández


    Full Text Available Objetivos: La "Hipótesis de la Higiene" postula sobre los efectos inmunomoduladores inducidos por agentes infecciosos en los seres humanos. El objetivo principal de este trabajo es indagar sobre las evidencias de esa hipótesis y sobre sus aplicaciones en el campo del tratamiento de las enfermedades autoinmunes, haciendo especial hincapié tanto en los mecanismos de acción en los que se basan estas aplicaciones como en los resultados reales obtenidos. Además analizará la posible evolución de estas terapias, especialmente a la sombra de las controversias éticas que surgen de la aplicación de estos tratamientos en relación a si es lícito causar una infección para curar otra patología, como es el caso que nos ocupa. Resultados: Actualmente existen resultados prometedores de ensayos clínicos sobre terapias helmínticas aplicadas al tratamiento de enfermedades autoinmunes como son la enfermedad de Crohn y la colitis ulcerosa, resumidos en el apartado de resultados de este artículo. Igualmente prometedora es la gran variedad de ensayos clínicos que actualmente están en curso sobre la aplicación de la terapia helmíntica al tratamiento de diversas patologías en las que está involucrado el sistema inmunológico, como son: asma, rinitis alérgica, artritis reumatoide, esclerosis múltiple, diabetes Mellitus tipo I, encefalomielitis autoinmune, obesidad, autismo, etc que han llevado a identificar cuáles son los parásitos indicados en el tratamiento de este amplio espectro de enfermedades. Sin embargo es necesario indicar que no todos los helmintos son inmunorreguladores y, por lo tanto útiles en el tratamiento de estas enfermedades y que, los que lo son, no son útiles en el tratamiento de todas las enfermedades de origen inmunológico sino que presentan una marcada especificidad. Es más, la utilidad de éstos presenta una variabilidad importante, no sólo dependiente de la enfermedad de origen inmunológico a tratar, sino tambi

  2. Dynamic CE-MRA for endoleak classification after endovascular aneurysm repair.

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Laan, M.J. van der; Bakker, C.J.; Blankensteijn, J.D.; Bartels, L.W.


    AIM: To evaluate the value of dynamic contrast enhanced magnetic resonance angiography (CE-MRA) for classification of endoleaks after endovascular aneurysm repair (EVAR). MATERIALS AND METHODS: Twenty-eight patients, between 2 days and 54 months after EVAR, were evaluated with CTA, MRI and dynamic

  3. Dynamic CE=MRA for endoleak classification after endovascular aneurysm repair

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    van der Laan, MJ; Bakker, CJG; Blankensteijn, JD; Bartels, LW

    Aim. To evaluate the value of dynamic contrast enhanced magnetic resonance angiography (CE-MRA)for classification of endoleaks after endovascular aneurysm repair (EVAR). Materials and methods. Twenty-eight patients, between 2 days and 54 months after EVAR, were evaluated with CTA, MRI and dynamic

  4. Tratamiento cognitivo-conductual de la adicción a videojuegos de rol online: fundamentos de propuesta de tratamiento y estudio de caso


    Clara Marco; Mariano Chóliz


    El propósito de este trabajo es presentar una propuesta de tratamiento cognitivo-conductual para la intervención en la adicción a video juegos. Se presenta el caso de un varón de 21 años con problemas con el uso de los videojuegos. Se expone el procedimiento en cada una de las fases de las que consta el tratamiento, así como los resultados de su eficacia en un estudio de caso. Después de trece semanas de intervención se aprecian importantes cambios en el nivel de dependencia. Los resultados m...

  5. MRSA-Infected External Iliac Artery Pseudoaneurysm Treated with Endovascular Stenting

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Clarke, M.G.; Thomas, H.G.; Chester, J.F.


    A 48-year-old woman with severe juvenile-onset rheumatoid arthritis presented with a bleeding cutaneous sinus distal to her right total hip replacement scar. Methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) was isolated on culture. She had previously undergone bilateral total hip and knee replacements at aged 23 and six years later had the right knee prosthesis removed for infection, with subsequent osteomyelitis of the femoral shaft and right total hip prosthesis disruption. Peripheral arteriography was performed in view of persistent bleeding from the sinus, which revealed a 6 cm false aneurysm filling from and compressing the right external iliac artery (EIA). A PTFE-covered, balloon expandable JOSTENT was deployed in the right EIA, successfully excluding the false aneurysm and preventing further bleeding from the sinus. No graft infection was reported at 12 months. This case illustrates the potential use of endovascular stent-grafting in the treatment of an infected pseudoaneurysm

  6. Endovascular Treatment of Late Thoracic Aortic Aneurysms after Surgical Repair of Congenital Aortic Coarctation in Childhood (United States)

    Juszkat, Robert; Perek, Bartlomiej; Zabicki, Bartosz; Trojnarska, Olga; Jemielity, Marek; Staniszewski, Ryszard; Smoczyk, Wiesław; Pukacki, Fryderyk


    Background In some patients, local surgery-related complications are diagnosed many years after surgery for aortic coarctation. The purposes of this study were: (1) to systematically evaluate asymptomatic adults after Dacron patch repair in childhood, (2) to estimate the formation rate of secondary thoracic aortic aneurysms (TAAs) and (3) to assess outcomes after intravascular treatment for TAAs. Methods This study involved 37 asymptomatic patients (26 female and 11 male) who underwent surgical repair of aortic coarctation in the childhood. After they had reached adolescence, patients with secondary TAAs were referred to endovascular repair. Results Follow-up studies revealed TAA in seven cases (19%) (including six with the gothic type of the aortic arch) and mild recoarctation in other six (16%). Six of the TAA patients were treated with stentgrafts, but one refused to undergo an endovascular procedure. In three cases, stengrafts covered the left subclavian artery (LSA), in another the graft was implanted distally to the LSA. In two individuals, elective hybrid procedures were performed with surgical bypass to the supraaortic arteries followed by stengraft implantation. All subjects survived the secondary procedures. One patient developed type Ia endoleak after stentgraft implantation that was eventually treated with a debranching procedure. Conclusions The long-term course of clinically asymptomatic patients after coarctation patch repair is not uncommonly complicated by formation of TAAs (particularly in individuals with the gothic pattern of the aortic arch) that can be treated effectively with stentgrafts. However, in some patients hybrid procedures may be necessary. PMID:24386233

  7. Operación de la planta de tratamiento de agua de La Atarjea


    Salazar Gavelan, Luis Alberto; Salazar Gavelan, Luis Alberto; Salazar Gavelan, Luis Alberto


    El presente trabajo corresponde a un informe de las actividades que realiza el Ingeniero encargado de la operación de las unidades y procesos que se realizan para la potabilización del agua en las Plantas de Tratamiento de la Atarjea. Lima. El presente informe no es un manual de operación de las plantas de tratamiento, motivo por el cual solo se realiza una descripción de las unidades que conforman la planta de tratamiento, así como de las operaciones y procesos que se ejecutan para llevar...

  8. Ozonoterapia coadyuva al tratamiento antirretroviral del SIDA. Caso clínico

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Esteban Waliszewski Zamorano


    Full Text Available El ozono, se aplica en el tratamiento médico debido a sus propiedades como modulador inmune, antiséptico, por promover la angiogénesis, favorecer la formación de colágeno, liberación de citosinas y factores de crecimiento, regulación de hormonas endocrinas y desencadenar la formación de antioxidantes por el propio organismo, así como por inactivar virus. El VIH, es un virus que ataca principalmente el sistema inmune del humano dejándolo vulnerable ante muchos tipos de infecciones. A un paciente masculino de 23 años de edad con el cuadro clínico del Síndrome de Inmunodeficiencia Adquirida, se aplicó 120 µg de ozono cada tercer día en 18 ocasiones como la ozonoterapia, alternando la autohemoterapia y aplicación ozono por vía rectal. Al terminar el tratamiento, los análisis clínicos comparativos antes y después del tratamiento revelaron, que la ozonoterapia coadyuvó al tratamiento antirretroviral (TAR aplicado por el Sector Salud, logrando significativa mejoría en la cuenta viral y la respuesta inmune.

  9. Endovascular stent-graft placement for the treatment of acute onset and chronic aortic dissections of the descending aorta (Short-term follow-up)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Petrov, I; Jorgova, J.; Trendafilova, D.


    The leading cause of death for patients with surgically untreated thoracic aortic aneurysms is the rupture of the aneurysm. Almost one half of these patients are left to medical treatment assuming the risk of late rupture and aneurysm sac enlargement - the late surgical treatment of these patients is too risky and with poor results. On the other hand the emergent surgical treatment of these cases is related with relatively high mortality rate. Recently, thoracic aortic stent-grafting has emerged as a less traumatic alternative therapeutic modality for patients with thoracic aortic aneurysms and aortic dissections. The first case of stent implantation in a dissected descending aorta was performed in Bulgaria at 09.04.2003. Since then we implanted in 8 patients thoracic stent grafts, The mean age of the patients was 67.5 years. The primary success was 100%. One died on the second postoperative day by abdominal aorta rupture. No other complications were registered. The mean follow-up of 5 months proved to be uneventful and the control CT revealed efficacious sealing of the entry and false lumen thrombosis in all except one cases. We report our initial clinical experience of endovascular stent-graft repair for dissection of the descending aorta that is encouraging. These preliminary data suggest that endovascular stent-grafting is a viable treatment for acute onset and chronic aortic dissection type B

  10. [Classification and treatment of endoleaks after endovascular treatment of abdominal aortic aneurysms]. (United States)

    Pitton, M B; Schmiedt, W; Neufang, A; Düber, C; Thelen, M


    This article describes the classification of endoleaks after endovascular treatment of abdominal aortic aneurysms, thereby summarizing the most important problems of this endovascular technique. The correct classification of endoleaks is a prerequisite for interdisciplinary discussion. It is indispensable for professional reporting of the pathological findings and for the decision making as to the adequate treatment of endoleaks. Irrespective of the types of stent graft and property of the material, five endoleak types are defined in the literature: leakage at the anchor sites (type I); leakage due to collateral arteries (type II); defective stent grafts (type III); leakage due to porosity of the graft material (type IV); and endotension (type V). The causes of endoleaks are discussed and treatment options are reviewed for the diverse pathologic findings.

  11. Classification and treatment of endoleaks after endovascular treatment of abdominal aortic aneurysms

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pitton, M.B.; Thelen, M.; Schmiedt, W.; Neufang, A.; Dueber, C.


    This article describes the classification of endoleaks after endovascular treatment of abdominal aortic aneurysms, thereby summarizing the most important problems of this endovascular technique. The correct classification of endoleaks is a prerequisite for interdisciplinary discussion. It is indispensable for professional reporting of the pathological findings and for the decision making as to the adequate treatment of endoleaks. Irrespective of the types of stent graft and property of the material, five endoleak types are defined in the literature: leakage at the anchor sites (type I); leakage due to collateral arteries (type II); defective stent grafts (type III); leakage due to porosity of the graft material (type IV); and endotension (type V). The causes of endoleaks are discussed and treatment options are reviewed for the diverse pathologic findings. (orig.)

  12. Thromboembolic Risk of Endovascular Intervention for Lower Extremity Deep Venous Thrombosis. (United States)

    Lindsey, Philip; Echeverria, Angela; Poi, Mun J; Matos, Jesus; Bechara, Carlos F; Cheung, Mathew; Lin, Peter H


    This study evaluated the risk of thromboembolism during endovascular interventions in patients with symptomatic lower extremity deep vein thrombosis (DVT) METHODS: Clinical records of all patients who underwent endovascular interventions for symptomatic lower extremity DVT from 2001 to 2017 were retrospectively analyzed using a prospectively maintained database. Only patients who received an inferior vena cava (IVC) filter were included in the analysis. Trapped intrafilter thrombus was assessed for procedure-related thromboembolism. Clinical outcomes of thrombus management and thromboembolism risk were analyzed. A total 172 patients (mean age 57.4 years, 98 females) who underwent 174 endovascular DVT interventions were included in the analysis. Treatment strategies included thrombolytic therapy (64%), mechanical thrombectomy (n = 86%), pharmacomechanical thrombolysis (51%), balloon angioplasty (98%), and stent placement (28%). Thrombectomy device used included AngioJet (56%), Trellis (19%), and Aspire (11%). Trapped IVC filter thrombus was identified in 58 patients (38%) based on the IVC venogram. No patient developed clinically evident pulmonary embolism (PE). IVC filter retrieval was performed in 98 patients (56%, mean 11.8 months after implantation). Multivariate analysis showed that iliac vein occlusion (P = 0.04) was predictive for procedure-related thromboembolism. Iliac vein thrombotic occlusion is associated with an increased thromboembolic risk in DVT intervention. Retrievable IVC filter should be considered when performing percutaneous thrombectomy in patients with iliac venous occlusion to prevent PE. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  13. Complex arteriovenous malformation - a case report

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sirakov, S.; Penkov, M.; Marinov, M.; Kamenov, B.


    AVMs are composed of a network of channels interposed between feeding arteries and draining veins, without any direct shunt. Two different anatomic types of nidus may be more or less differentiated: The most frequent clinical presentations of brain AVMs are hemorrhage, seizure, chronic headache, and focal deficits not related to hemorrhage. We show a case of 27 years old female came to the hospital in heavy condition with subarachnoid hemorrhage Fisher 4. She had a history of 4 surgical operation of brain AVM in the last 10 years, without significant reduction of the malformation. After discussion of multidisciplinary team, of neuroradiologist and neurosurgeon was decided to be perform endovascular embolization, because of the better outcome for the patient. We performed endovascular treatment of the AVM with achieving subtotal embolization of malformation (90%). The patient recovery completely after 22 days and went home. For the next 18 months follow up there is no data of accidents for the patient. Key words: Arteriovenous Malformation. Subarachnoid hemorrhage. Endovascular treatment. Embolization

  14. An experimental study on expandable endovascular metallic stents in dogs

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Song, Ho Young; Kim, Hak Nam [Chonbuk National University College of Medicine, Chonju (Korea, Republic of)


    We constructed an expandable endovascular metallic stent in the same way as Giamturco did. Experiments were made to test the ability of these stents to be used in the vessels. A total of 20 stents were passed through a 8.5 French teflon sheath into the normal abdominal aorta. IVC, and iliac artery of four adult dogs for 4 weeks to 12 weeks; 8 stents (10 mm in diameter fully expanded and 20 mm in length) in the abnormal aorta, 7 stents (12 mm/20 mm) in the IVC, and 5 stents (8 mm/20 mm) in the iliac artery. All but two stents showed no migration, and one complete occlusion occurred in right iliac artery of a dog. Histologically, stents wires were covered by neo-intimal proliferation. The side branches of the main vessels remained patent, even stent wires across their orifices. These metallic stents may be used as an endovascular graft material in the nonsurgical treatment of several forms of vascular disease.

  15. Nursing cooperation in endovascular aneurysm repair treatment for aortic dissection

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Xing Li; Yuan Chanjuan; Chen Rumei; Xiao Zhanqiang; Qi Youfei


    Objective: To summarize the main points of nursing cooperation in endovascular aneurysm repair treatment for aortic dissection. Methods: Preoperative psychological care and the other preparations were carefully conducted. During the operation, the patient's body was correctly placed. Active cooperation with the performance of angiography and close observation during heparinization were carried out. The proper delivery of catheter and stent to the operator was carefully done. Close observation for the patient's vital signs, the renal function and the changes of limb blood supply were made. Results: Under close cooperation of' the operators, nurses, anesthesiologists and technicians, the surgery was successfully accomplished in 35 patients. The monitoring of vital signs during the entire performance of operation was well executed. No surgical instruments delivery error's or surgery failure due to unsuitable cooperation occurred. Conclusion: Perfect preoperative preparation, strict nursing cooperation and team cooperation are the key points to ensure a successful endovascular aneurysm repair for aortic dissection. (authors)

  16. Efectividad del PRP en el tratamiento de la artrosis de rodilla: Estudio de casos


    Fernández Valverde, Noelia; Fidalgo González, Verónica


    La artrosis es una enfermedad degenerativa de elevada prevalencia para la cual, en la actualidad, no hay tratamiento curativo. Una de las localizaciones más frecuentes es la rodilla. La utilización de infiltraciones de plasma rico en plaquetas constituye una alternativa en el tratamiento de esta patología. Objetivo: demostrar la efectividad y la seguridad de las infiltraciones con PRP en el tratamiento de pacientes con artrosis de rodilla. Resultado: este trabajo muestra una...

  17. Percutaneous and Endovascular Embolization of Ruptured Hepatic Artery Aneurysm

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Little, Andrew F.; Lee, Wai Kit


    A 72-year-old woman presented with an intraperitoneal hemorrhage from a ruptured intrahepatic arteryaneurysm, with an associated pseudoaneurysm developing a high-flow arteriovenous fistula. Persistent coagulopathy and a median arcuate ligament stenosis of the celiac axis further complicated endovascular management. Aneurysm thrombosis required percutaneous embolization with coils, a removable core guidewire and polyvinyl alcohol particles

  18. Endovascular gamma-irradiation for prevention of restenosis after angioplasty of femoropopliteal de-novo-stenoses. Long-term results of a feasibility study

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Krueger, K.; Zaehringer, M.; Schulte, O.; Lackner, K.; Bendel, M.; Bongartz, R.; Nolte, M.


    Objectives: To evaluate the performance and efficacy of endovascular irradiation after percutaneous transluminal angioplasty (PTA) of de-novo femoropopliteal stenoses in a pilot study. Methods: 6 patients received non-centered endovascular irradiation (12 Gray at surface of the vessel wall) immediately after angioplasty of de-novo femoropopliteal stenosis, 1 patient was given centered endovascular irradiation using 192-iridium (12 Gray at surface of the vessel wall) Centered irradiation was considered for two other patients. Duplex sonographies and interviews were performed the day before and after PTA and after 1, 3, 6, 9, 12, 18, 24 months up to 4 years. Intraarterial angiography was performed in symptomatic patients. Results: Non-centered endovascular irradiation was possible in all patiens without problems or complications. Centered irradiation was not possible in two patients with the cross-over approach. One thromboembolic complication occurred during centered irradiation. Both restenosis and new stenosis at the edge of irradiated distance occurred in 1/7 patiens. No other side effects were observed during follow-up. Conclusions: In our pilot study endovascular irradiation after angioplasty of de-novo femoropopliteal stenosis was possible with low rates of complications and restenosis and taking vessel anatomy into account. (orig.) [de

  19. Tratamiento del síndrome neuroléptico maligno


    Franklin Escobar Córdoba; Irina Goretty Polanía-Dussán; Sandra Milena Toro-Herrera


    El síndrome neuroléptico maligno es una complicación grave del tratamiento con psicofármacos. La principal característica es la hipertermia, acompañada de hipertonía muscular, alteración del nivel de conciencia e inestabilidad autonómica. Identificar el tratamiento adecuado para los pacientes con síndrome neuroléptico maligno según la gravedad y la apropiada evaluación de riesgos y beneficios de las opciones terapéuticas. Se realizó una búsqueda en PubMed con los términos MESH: síndrome neuro...

  20. Fitoterapia como coadyuvante en el tratamiento de la obesidad


    López-Regueiro, Sofía; Ramos Sáiz, Eva María; López-Picado, Amanda; Burgos-Alonso, Natalia; Arana-Salaberría, Ainara


    La obesidad es uno de los problemas de salud más importantes a nivel mundial debido a su relación con numerosas patologías como la diabetes mellitus tipo 2, la hipertensión y el aumento importante en el riesgo cardiovascular. La base del tratamiento es la dieta y el ejercicio físico, pero en muchos casos no es sufi ciente y es necesario combinarlo con tratamiento farmacológico. Recientemente se ha retirado sibutramina del mercado por lo que sólo se dispone de orlistat, que no está exento de c...