
Sample records for carioca utilizando 15n

  1. Carioca: a perspectiva da enfermagem

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    Ana Elisa Fernandes Lima


    Full Text Available Objetivo: describir las acciones recomendadas por el Programa Cigüeña Carioca para atención a las parturientes y determinar si la aplicación de este Programa tuvo repercusiones en esta asistencia desde la perspectiva del equipo de enfermería. Métodos: estudio descriptivo, con abordaje cualitativo, realizado en una maternidad pública. Entrevistas semiestructuradas se realizaron con cuatro enfermeras obstétricas y siete auxiliares de enfermería que trabajan en el centro de obstetricia de la maternidad. Se utilizó la técnica de análisis de contenido temático. Resultados: las categorías del estudio fueron: Calificación de la atención obstétrica hospitalaria y Repercusiones asistenciales y profesionales del Programa Cigüeña Carioca. Conclusión: el personal de enfermería consideró que la aplicación del Programa ha traído mejoras en la atención al parto, favoreciendo la garantía de los derechos de la mujer y el cumplimiento de la enfermería obstétrica en la red de salud municipal.

  2. Genitores potenciais para hibridações identificados por divergência genética em feijão carioca Bean parents for hybridization identified by genetic divergence in "carioca" bean

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    Nerinéia Dalfollo Ribeiro


    Full Text Available Noventa genótipos de feijão carioca (Phaseolus vulgaris L. foram avaliados, em dois anos agrícolas, em Santa Maria, RS, a fim de definir quais características agromorfológicas constituem-se como melhores descritores, realizar agrupamento em função de dissimilaridade genética e de definir quais combinações híbridas mais promissoras serão obtidas para o desenvolvimento de populações segregantes. Dos 20 caracteres agromorfológicos avaliados, apenas nove (ferrugem nos legumes, acamamento, nota geral, cor do tegumento, rendimento de grãos, massa de 100 sementes, altura de inserção do primeiro legume, altura de inserção do último legume e número de sementes por legume apresentaram maior contribuição para a divergência genética. Os genótipos de feijão carioca foram agrupados pelo método hierárquico de ligação completa. Populações segregantes, com variabilidade genética superior, podem ser obtidas com hibridações entre o genótipo ESAL 550 com genótipos do grupo 2 (LH-6, 17-4-32, R-78, H-4-5 e R-102 e/ou com genótipos do grupo 3 (FT 97-188, Cati-Taquari, CII-328, Carioca Precoce, FT 97-41, LH-11, FT 91-4067, Iapar 31, CI 102, Carioca MG, CII-54 e R-102.Carioca bean genotypes (Phaseolus vulgaris L. were evaluated in two growing seasons in Santa Maria, RS, Brazil. The objectives of this work were to evaluate which morpho-agronomic characteristics were the best descriptors, to group the genotypes in relation to genetic diversity and to determine which hybrid combinations are promissing to obtain higher segregation populations in carioca bean. From the 20 morpho-agronomic characteristics evaluated, only seven (pod rust, lodging, general note, colour of seed tegument, grain yield, 100 seed weight, height of first and final pod insertion and number of seeds per pod showed higher contribution to genetic diversity. The evaluated carioca bean genotypes were clustered by the complete linkage method. The following hybrid

  3. Genetic diversity in cultivated carioca common beans based on molecular marker analysis

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    Juliana Morini Küpper Cardoso Perseguini


    Full Text Available A wide array of molecular markers has been used to investigate the genetic diversity among common bean species. However, the best combination of markers for studying such diversity among common bean cultivars has yet to be determined. Few reports have examined the genetic diversity of the carioca bean, commercially one of the most important common beans in Brazil. In this study, we examined the usefulness of two molecular marker systems (simple sequence repeats - SSRs and amplified fragment length polymorphisms - AFLPs for assessing the genetic diversity of carioca beans. The amount of information provided by Roger's modified genetic distance was used to analyze SSR data and Jaccards similarity coefficient was used for AFLP data. Seventy SSRs were polymorphic and 20 AFLP primer combinations produced 635 polymorphic bands. Molecular analysis showed that carioca genotypes were quite diverse. AFLPs revealed greater genetic differentiation and variation within the carioca genotypes (Gst = 98% and Fst = 0.83, respectively than SSRs and provided better resolution for clustering the carioca genotypes. SSRs and AFLPs were both suitable for assessing the genetic diversity of Brazilian carioca genotypes since the number of markers used in each system provided a low coefficient of variation. However, fingerprint profiles were generated faster with AFLPs, making them a better choice for assessing genetic diversity in the carioca germplasm.

  4. Escolha de genitores quanto à precocidade e produtividade de feijão tipo carioca

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    Naine Martins do Vale


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar linhagens de feijoeiro promissoras para a seleção de genitores com características de feijão tipo carioca, precoces e de alto potencial produtivo. Avaliaram-se 35 linhagens de feijoeiro, em delineamento de blocos ao acaso com três repetições. Quatro destas linhagens - Goiano Precoce, XAN112, Carioca1070 e Rosinha Precoce - foram selecionadas para compor o grupo 1 do dialelo parcial 4×5, e três - RP1, VC15 e VC33, de ciclo normal, grãos tipo carioca e elevado potencial produtivo - foram utilizadas para compor o grupo 2 do dialelo, juntamente com as cultivares BRSMG Madrepérola e BRS Estilo. Obtiveram-se 20 híbridos que, com seus genitores, foram avaliados na safra da seca de 2013, em Coimbra e Viçosa, MG, em delineamento de blocos ao acaso, com três repetições. A linhagem Goiano Precoce destacou-se quanto à precocidade, com valores de capacidade geral de combinação (CGC negativos e significativos em Viçosa (-3,15 e Coimbra (-3,44. A linhagem RP1 destacou-se quanto ao rendimento de grãos, com valores positivos e significativos de CGC em Viçosa (115 e Coimbra (260. Com base na CGC, a linhagem Goiano Precoce é promissora para utilização como genitora quanto à precocidade, e a RP1, quanto ao aumento no rendimento de grãos.

  5. El periodismo fotográfico en la transición de la prensa carioca

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    Silvana Louzada


    Full Text Available En este artículo se discute la relación entre el fotoperiodismo y la modernización de la prensa de Río de Janeiro a mediados del siglo xx. En este proceso de transformaciones, conocido como “reformas”, los diarios de Río de Janeiro pasan por profundas transformaciones del lenguaje, tales como la adaptación de normas organizacionales y las técnicas de investigación y redacción utilizadas por la prensa norteamericana, e innovaciones lingüísticas inspiradas en el movimiento modernista. Aquí hace un breve recuento histórico de las reformas experimentadas por tres periódicos (Diário Carioca, Última Hora y Jornal do Brasil y discute el proceso de transformación en las rutinas periodísticas y en los códigos deontológicos de la profesión, buscando pistas para entender por qué la nueva generación de reporteros fotográficos no pasa, como ocurre con los periodistas de texto, por un proceso de entrenamiento específico administrado por las salas de redacción de los diarios, por la creación de cursos en las facultades y por la exigencia de un diploma de nivel superior.

  6. Musica e metropoli. I flussi urbani del funk carioca tra i morro, l’asfalto e il largo di Rio de Janeiro - Music and metropolis. The urban flows of carioca funk among the morro, the asfalto and the largo in Rio de Janeiro

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    Maurizia Tinti


    Full Text Available Since the 70’s, American funk and Miami Bass music genres have been incorporated into the soundscape of Rio de Janeiro. They crossed national boundaries and reached marginal areas of the metropolis – which I call “morro” (hills hosting the favelas – where they turned funk carioca. Along the 80’s and 90’s, this new Brazilian music genre has been subject to conflicting processes of commercialization and discrimination. Funk carioca has spread all the way to the city and in the mass media, but at the same time it has been stigmatized as a violent and dangerous borderline culture: it was reaching and endangering the “asphalt” – the way Carioca people refer to the flat areas inhabited by middle and upper social classes. From 2000 on, some social movements claimed acknowledgement of the music genre as a positive carioca feature and cultural expression, organizing funk parties (bailes funk in emblematic public places, such as Largo da Carioca. Considering funk carioca as a fluid which crossed international and national boundaries, this paper’s aim is to analyze the “urban flows” it has been drawing in the social and urban texture of Rio. It puts at stake the historical trajectory funk carioca outlined through the milieus of morro, asfalto and largo. Hence, the ethnographic and comparative description of bailes funk suggests that funk carioca has not undergone a straightforward trajectory, but a synchronic, fluid and dispersive diffusion: it finally reached the largo, but it is still present both on morro and asfalto, where bailes funk differ but still coexist.

  7. Ambulatório de quimioterapia pediátrica: a experiência no aquário carioca

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    Isabelle Pimentel Gomes


    Full Text Available El objetivo del estudio es relatar la experiencia como enfermera en una quimioterapia pediátrica, decorada para ser atractiva para los niños (Acuario Carioca. Se trata de un estudio de carácter descriptivo con relato de la experiencia vivida en un hospital de la ciudad de Rio de Janeiro,Brazil, entre diciembre de 2007 a mayo de 2008. La decoración del espacio se basó en la película "Buscando a Nemo" (Disney-Pixar®, después de un acuerdo entre la institución y la sociedad civil. El Acuario Carioca llevó la diversión al lugar de tratamiento. Se observó que los profesionales parecían más motivados, se facilitó la atención y las relaciones se han vuelto más dialógicas cuando se utilizan los recursos recreativos, reduciendo la agitación de los niños durante los procedimientos, reducción de náuseas y vómitos, deseo de los niños a permanecer en la sala. El cambio del espacio ofrece actividades estimulantes y divertidas, distracción, calma, seguridad y una mayor aceptación del tratamiento. Así, el niño cambió su enfoque de la enfermedad.

  8. Application of urea-15N in common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris, L.) CV. carioca

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Neptune, A.M.L.; Muraoka, T.


    A study was made in a Textural B Terra Roxa soil of medium fertility, by the use of different levels of Urea 15 N at seeding and at different stages of growth of common beans. Observations were made on the quantity of nitrogen uptaken by the crop, the efficiency of the plant in the utilization of the nitrogen fertilizer and yield. The application of urea, up to 120 kg N/ha, did not show a marked effect on yield, but the utilization of fertilizer nitrogen increased with the increase in nitrogen fertilizer levels. The up take of nitrogen by the bean crop was more efficient when the nitrogen fertilizer was applied before or at flowering stage rather than at seeding. The efficiency of nitrogen fertilizer utilization varied from 11.24% to 35.70%. There was no effect of inoculation on weight and number of nodules, with the rate of 120 kg N/ha [pt

  9. Jardín de historias: Releer la violencia hacia la mujer en una favela carioca

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    Marisa Antunes Santiago


    Full Text Available Este artículo es fruto de un período de investigación sobre la violencia hacia la mujer en Brasil. Emerge del trabajo como psicóloga en una institución integrante de la política nacional de prevención y lucha contra esa violencia, ubicada en una favela de Río de Janeiro. El contacto con las usuarias permitió conocer historias de vida de mujeres que desde siempre tuvieron sus vidas atravesadas por diferentes formas de violencia. El deseo de comprender este universo y de posibilitar intervenciones eficaces, impulsó el desarrollo de esta investigación. A pesar de que en Brasil existe una legislación específica para enfrentar el problema, las estadísticas siguen siendo alarmantes y la naturalización de la(s violencia(s en las favelas es constante. Nuestro objetivo es entender las trayectorias peculiares para la definición de la condición de ser mujer que sufre violencia en una favela carioca; en suma, buscamos entender cómo la violencia contra la mujer se (resignifica en contextos de violencia urbana. Utilizamos, para tal, metodologías cualitativas: la Observación Participante, la Historia de Vida y el Análisis del Discurso desde un enfoque biográfico-narrativo. Nuestras conclusiones nos enseñaron que es fundamental que se reconozca que las mujeres se encuentran en una situación particular de vulnerabilidad, donde un conjunto de desigualdades están asociadas, y que hace falta una comprensión integral del escenario en que viven para enfrentar el problema. El desafío es desarrollar políticas integrales y apostar por formas alternativas de enfrentamiento que no sean otra forma de violencia, garantizando la plena vivencia de la ciudadanía.

  10. Evaluación de la acción antiséptica de un jabón líquido utilizando algunos aceites esenciales como agente activo


    Osorio Fortich, María del Rosario; Matiz Melo, Germán Eduardo; León Méndez, Glicerio; López Olivares, Darley; Pájaro, Nerlis Paola


    RESUMEN Se evaluó la acción antiséptica de un jabón líquido utilizando como activo aceites esenciales de Eugenia caryophyllata T. (clavo de olor) y Cinnamomum verum J. (canela). Se formularon y elaboraron jabones líquidos usando como activo aceites esenciales a concentraciones de 1,5% y 2%, posteriormente se evaluaron parámetros fisicoquímicos, sensoriales, así como también microbiológicos sobre cepas bacterianas de Escherichia coli ATCC 25922 y Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 25923. Se encontró q...

  11. Measurement of nitrogen fixation in beam (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) cv. carioca, using a 15N2 low enrichment method

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Trivelin, P.C.O.; Matsui, E.; Saito, S.M.T.; Libardi, P.L.; Salati, E.


    A experimental work under field conditions to develop a method to measure atmospheric N 2 -fixation by leguminous plants, using a low enrichment 15 N 2 technique, is carried out. The experiment was developed using a N 2 -fixation measuring chamber on Terra Roxa Estruturada. The beam plants had their aereal part under normal conditions and the rooting system confined, through which a mixture of Ar, O 2 and N 2 labelled with 15 N (1.9% atom excess) was circulated from the 22nd to the 31st day from planting. Samples of the gaseous Ar, O 2 and N 2 mixture were analysed by mass spectrometry to determine 15 N concentrations and O 2 and CO 2 contents. The N 2 -fixed was measured by determination of total-N and isotopic concentration of nitrogen in the plants. (M.A.C.) [pt

  12. Efecto inhibitorio de los taninos del frijol carioca (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) sobre la digestibilidad de la faseolina por dos sistemas multienzimáticos Inhibitory effect of carioca bean tannins on phaseolin digestibility assessed by two multi-enzymatic systems


    Victoria H. Del Pino; Franco M. Lajolo


    Cantidades variables de dos sistemas multienzimáticos de tripsina-quimotripsina-peptidasa y pepsina-pancreatina, fueron utilizados para evaluar el efecto de los taninos provenientes de frijol Carioca (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) sobre la digestibilidad de la faseolina, en las formas nativa y denaturalizada. Esta evaluación hecha por los métodos de caida de pH, de hidrólisis en medio tamponado con posterior medición del grado de hidrólisis con ninhidrina y por la técnica electroforética, demostró e...

  13. Diseño e implementación de un sitio web utilizando Drupal 7




    En el presente proyecto se mostrará el diseño e implementación de un sitio web utilizando Drupal 7. El proyecto será una página web de un gimnasio llamado Nova Forme, con la finalidad de tener al alcance toda la información de todos los servicios de belleza ofrecidos por el gimnasio, informaciones de todas las actividades y horarios impartidas en el gimnasio, e información de las entradas del hammam entre otras. Pons Tur, MJ. (2012). Diseño e implementación de un sitio web utilizando Drupa...

  14. Una mirada sobre el feminismo del Funk carioca

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    Hugo Alexander Buitrago Carvajal


    Full Text Available El presente texto analiza las condiciones sociales en las que  algunas cantantes de funk carioca  de los  últimos diez  años  se autoproclamaron feministas. Busca  caracterizar y problematizar las manifestaciones contemporáneas del feminismo en  las cantantes populares de funk  a través de una  indagación histórico hermenéutica. Para ello se realiza  una  contex- tualización histórica del funk  y una  revisión de las letras de algunos de los cantantes y las cantantes con  más  reconocimiento en  el género.  Así, se expone la propuesta de liberación sexual  y erotización del cuerpo femenino para confrontarla con la discusión desarrollada en blogs digitales sobre  la alienación de la mujer  que se supone conlleva el funk.  A partir de la confrontación con el feminismo de tercera ola se propone al funk como reafirmación de géne- ro, de clase baja y de etnia negra  que se consolida como  manifestación cultural feminista de las mujeres de favela. Ello, acompañado de un proceso de normalización e incorporación de este género musical a los valores  estándar, lo cual convierte el funk  en un discurso portador de postulados contradictorios.

  15. Elaboración y caracterización estructural de fibras de tereftalato de polietileno (PET) dopadas con nanocobre (0) utilizando proceso de extrusión


    Guzman, A.; Cárcamo, H.; León, O.


    El presente estudio describe la elaboración y caracterización de una fibra sintética bactericida compuesta por Tereftalato de Polietileno reciclado (rPET) y nanopartículas de cobre (0), mediante un proceso de extrusión utilizando una extrusora monohusillo. Las nanopartículas empleadas fueron elaboradas utilizando radiación microondas y ultrasonido. Para la elaboración de la fibra se produce un masterbatch de rPET con polvo de cobre nanométrico empleando un solvente de alto punto de fusión (tr...

  16. Catu, Aeté-3, Aroana 80, Moruna 80, Carioca 80 e Aysó: novos cultivares de feijoeiro Catu, Aeté-3, Aroana 80, Moruna 80, Carioca 80 and Aysó, new dry bean cultivars

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    Antonio Sidney Pompeu


    Full Text Available The origin, morphological characteristics of plant, pod, seed, and seed coat colors of the new dry hean (Phaseolus vulgaris cultivars Catu, Aeté-3, Aroana 80, Moruna 80, Carioca 80 and Aysó, as well as their reaction to the anthracnose, common mosaic and rust pathogens, are described. Due to their high yield capacity and adaptation 'Catu' and 'Aeté-3' were pointed out for cultivation in the all growing dry bean areas in the State of São Paulo. 'Aroana 80', 'Moruna 80', 'Carioca 80' and 'Aysó' were released to the growers of Campinas region, although they can be grown in other dry bean producing areas due to their disease reaction.

  17. O Gnaisse Facoidal: a mais Carioca das Rochas.


    Kátia Leite Mansur; Ismar Souza Carvalho; Carlos Fernando Moura Delphim; Emilio Velloso Barroso


    The city of Rio de Janeiro is known by its natural beauties. The mountains and the sea make the city the postcard ofBrazil. The sculpture of the carioca landscape is closely related to the augen gneiss, very resistant rock to the weatheringand, for this reason, it stands out in the relief. It gives form for Sugar Loaf and Corcovado, for example. Augen gneisswas used in the construction of most of the historical buildings of the city, including museums and churches, manyof them were built in t...

  18. Bio evaluation of the nutritional status of rice (Oryza sativa L. var. IAC-165) and bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L. var. Carioca) plants using {sup 15} N and {sup 32} P; Bioavaliacao do estado nutricional do arroz (Oryza sativa L. var. IAC-165) e do feijoeiro (Phaseolus vulgaris L. var. Carioca) utilizando {sup 15} N e {sup 32} P

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Calvache, A.M. [Universidad Central del Ecuador, Quito (Ecuador); Bernardi, A.C.C.; Oliveira, F.C.; Prada Neto, E.; Silva, J.A.A. [Sao Paulo Univ., Piracicaba, SP (Brazil). Escola Superior de Agricultura Luiz de Queiroz; Malavolta, E. [Centro de Energia Nuclear na Agricultura (CENA), Piracicaba, SP (Brazil)


    Rice and bean plants were grown in nutrient solution in the presence of three levels of N, P and K. The method of the bio evaluation of the nutritional status, in which excised roots are allowed to take up tagged elements, in this case {sup 15} N and {sup 3}`2 P, was compared with foliar analysis. Two main conclusions were drawn: the bio evaluation proved to be an useful and rapid procedure for the diagnosis of the nutritional status of both species, since there was a significant negative correlation between absorption of N and P and dry matter yield; the uptake of the tagged ions with either elements by the roots of plants grown under deficient levels of N and P in the nutrient solution was inversely proportional to the leak concentration of both nutrients. (author). 1 ref., 4 tabs.

  19. Avaliação química e nutricional do feijão carioca (Phaseolus vulgaris L. cozido por diferentes métodos Chemical and nutritional evaluation of Carioca beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L. cooked by different methods

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    Taís Carolina Franqueira de Toledo


    Full Text Available O objetivo dessa pesquisa foi avaliar alguns métodos de cocção em grãos de feijão (panela aberta, panela de pressão e microondas, utilizando ou não a maceração prévia dos grãos. Os resultados encontrados demonstraram que a ausência de maceração promoveu aumento no tempo de cocção das amostras, levando maior perda de nutrientes, aumento na digestibilidade in vitro da proteína e também inativação mais efetiva de taninos. A utilização de cocção em microondas preservou a disponibilidade dos aminoácidos lisina e metionina e apresentou valores maiores de fibras insolúveis. Maior teor de fibras solúveis foi obtido nas amostras que foram maceradas e quando a água de maceração foi utilizada.The aim of this study was to evaluate different methods to cook Carioca beans (open pan, domestic pressure cooker and microwave oven, with or without previous soaking of the beans. The results demonstrated that the absence of the soaking step promoted an increase in the cooking time of the samples, with a higher loss of nutrients, an increase of the in vitro protein digestibility and also a more effective inactivation of tannins. The use of the microwave oven preserved the availability of the amino acids lysine and methionine and presented higher values for insoluble fiber. Higher soluble fiber contents were found in the soaked samples when the soaking water was used.

  20. Diseño de la ampliación de la red de comunicación de EMELNORTE utilizando fibra óptica y tecnología inalámbrica


    Román Vásquez, Roberto Xavier; Hidalgo Lascano, Pablo William


    El presente proyecto de titulación aborda la descripción de las técnicas de transmisión de datos utilizando fibra óptica y tecnología inalámbrica. Presenta además, el diseño detallado de la ampliación de la red utilizando enlaces de comunicación requeridos por EMELNORTE para la integración de sus estaciones operativas que se encuentran distribuidas en toda su área de concesión utilizando los medios de transmisión citados. Los enlaces se dimensionan de manera que soporten la transmisión de da...

  1. Gestión Tributaria utilizando metodología de problemas (ABP) 2. Sesión Vídeo 2/2


    Bonet, Pilar


    Clase de Derecho Financiero y Tributario I, Grupo 4B de ADE-Derecho, 4 marzo 2009, profa. Pilar Bonet: Gestión Tributaria, utilizando metodología de problemas (ABP), 2. sesión. Facultat de Dret Universitat de ValènciaDuración: 41M

  2. Fósforo na produtividade e qualidade de sementes de feijão Carioca Precoce cultivado no período das águas Phosphorus on the productivity and seed quality of bean Carioca Precoce cultivated during the rainy season

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    Claudemir Zucareli


    Full Text Available O fósforo é o nutriente que mais limita a produtividade do feijoeiro em solos brasileiros, podendo influenciar na qualidade fisiológica de sementes. Objetivou-se com o trabalho avaliar a produtividade e a qualidade de sementes de feijão (Phaseolus vulgaris L. do cultivar Carioca Precoce cultivado no período das águas em resposta à adubação fosfatada. Foram avaliadas seis doses de P (0; 30; 60; 90; 120 e 150 kg de P2O5 ha-1, aplicados no sulco da semeadura na forma de superfosfato triplo, com cinco repetições. A produtividade de sementes foi determinada com base na massa das sementes produzidas na área útil da parcela experimental. A qualidade das sementes foi avaliada por meio das seguintes determinações: massa de 100 sementes, teor de água, germinação, primeira contagem, teor de água após o envelhecimento acelerado, germinação após o envelhecimento acelerado, condutividade elétrica, emergência de plântulas no campo e massa de matéria seca de plântulas. A produtividade de sementes do feijão Carioca Precoce, cultivado no período das águas, aumentou linearmente em função do suprimento de P. A massa de 100 sementes e a qualidade fisiológica das sementes não foram alteradas pelo incremento das doses de P.Common bean is an important crop in Brazilian agriculture and phosphorus (P deficiency is one of the most yield limiting factors for this crop, thus plant P-deficiency can hamper the seed physiological quality. The objective of this study was to evaluate the productivity and quality of common bean seeds cv. Carioca Precoce cultivated during the rainy season in response to phosphate fertilizer. Six levels of P (0; 30; 60; 90; 120 and 150 kg of P2O5 ha-1, with five replications, were applied in the groove of sowing as triple superphosphate. The seeds yield, at the experimental plot, was determined by the dry weight. Seed quality was evaluated through the following determinations: 100-seed mass, seed moisture content

  3. Gestión Tributaria, utilizando metodología de problemas (ABP) 2. Sesión Vídeo 1/2


    Bonet, Pilar


    Clase de Derecho Financiero y Tributario I, Grupo 4B de ADE-Derecho, 4 marzo 2009, profa. Pilar Bonet: Gestión Tributaria, utilizando metodología de problemas (ABP), 2. sesión. Facultat de Dret Universitat de ValènciaDuración: 1H 19M

  4. Paralelización del Algoritmo Expectación–Maximización Utilizando OpenCL

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    Ernesto Insua-Suárez


    Full Text Available Actualmente, las organizaciones y empresas almacenan grandes volúmenes de datos para lograr sus propósitos. Una de las variantes para obtener información valiosa consiste en el empleo de la Minería de datos. Dentro de esta, existen diferentes tareas, una de ellas es el agrupamiento. En esta tarea los datos se agrupan según sus semejanzas entre si y diferencias con elementos de otros grupos. Dentro de los algoritmos que realizan estos agrupamientos se encuentra Expectación-Maximización, el cual presenta elevados tiempos de ejecución en la medida que aumenta el tamaño de los datos. En el presente artículo se discute acerca de la paralelización del algoritmo, utilizando técnicas de programación paralela. El diseño del algoritmo propuesto se basa en el uso de las tarjetas de procesamiento gráfico, GPU. OpenCL, lenguaje empleado para la programación en arquitecturas híbridas, permite aprovechar las arquitecturas de hardware disponibles, con lo que se logra disminuir el tiempo de ejecución de la implementación realizada. La razón principal por lo cual es posible mejorar este tiempo se debe a la cantidad de procesos paralelos que se pueden lanzar en hilos de procesamientos independientes. Para el logro de los resultados descritos se integran conocimientos del campo de la Minería de datos y la Computación Paralela y Distribuida. Como parte de esta investigación, se realizó una implementación del algoritmo utilizando las bibliotecas de OpenCL, para disminuir su tiempo de ejecución. La implementación logra disminuir en un 82% la implementación secuencial. Esto significa que el algoritmo paralelo se ejecuta 5,5 veces más rápido que su correspondiente implementación secuencial.

  5. Detección de fraude bancario en tiempo real utilizando tecnologías de procesamiento distribuido


    Mansilla Montero, Javier


    En este Trabajo de Fin de Máster se desarrollará un sistema de detección de fraude en pagos con tarjeta de crédito en tiempo real utilizando tecnologías de procesamiento distribuido. Concretamente se considerarán dos tecnologías: TIBCO, un conjunto de herramientas comerciales diseñadas para el procesamiento de eventos complejos, y Apache Spark, un sistema abierto para el procesamiento de datos en tiempo real. Además de implementar el sistema utilizando las dos tecnologías propuestas, un objet...

  6. BRSMG Uai: common bean cultivar with carioca grain type and upright plant architecture

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    Magno Antonio Patto Ramalho


    Full Text Available The common bean cultivar with carioca grain type, BRSMG Uai, is recommended for cultivation in Minas Gerais and stands out for its upright plant architecture, which facilitates cultivation and mechanical harvesting. This cultivar has high yield potential and is resistant to the major races of anthracnose that occur in region.

  7. Culinary and nutritional quality of common bean lines with Carioca grain type and interaction with environments

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    Helton Santos Pereira

    Full Text Available ABSTRACT The objectives of this work were to study the genetic variability and the interaction between genotypes and environments for cooking time and protein content of bean grains as well as to identify elite lines of Carioca grain type with short cooking time, high protein content and high adaptability and stability for these two traits. Sixteen experiments were conducted in a complete randomized block design with three replications during the rainy, dry and winter seasons, in Goiás, Distrito Federal, Pernambuco, Sergipe, Bahia and Paraná States, in 2009 and 2010. Each trial was composed by 16 elite lines of Carioca grain type and the data of cooking time and protein content were obtained. Data were submitted to analysis of variance and to stability and adaptability analysis, according to the methodology proposed by Annichiarico. Genetic variability was found for cooking time and for protein content among Carioca common bean elite lines; however, for protein content this variability is lower. The environmental effect is important for the expression of these traits and is larger than the genetic effect. The interaction between genotypes and environments is important for cooking time and for protein content of common beans. The lines CNFC 11951 and CNFC 11962 presents short cooking time, high protein content and high stability and adaptability for both traits.

  8. Release to farmers of ''Carioca Arbustivo Precoce 1070'' (CAP-1070), a bushy bean mutant induced by gamma rays in Brazil

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tulmann Neto, A.; Albertini, J.


    Full text: Seeds of the indeterminate growth type bean cultivar ''Carioca'' have been treated with 32 krad gamma rays. In M 2 , a mutant showing bushy growth type has been selected. The mutant also shows earlier maturity (5-14 days) and therefore was called ''Carioca Arbustivo Precoce 1070'' (CAP-1070). The determinate (bushy) growth habit is due to one recessive gene and earliness is associated with this habit. CAP-1070 maintained the same response to diseases as the original cultivar. In trials carried out in several states of Brazil, yield was lower, similar or greater than ''Carioca'' depending on conditions. The short flowering period of CAP-1070, resulting from the bushy growth habit may reduce grain yields but under favourable circumstances, CAP-1070 may yield more than other varieties. CAP-1070 raised great interest among farmers visiting experimental fields of F.T. Pesquisa e Sementes, a private plant breeding firm at Ponta Grossa, Parana. Therefore, the firm decided to multiply the seeds and distribute them to farmers, who have now been cultivating CAP-1070 since 1986 between coffee rows. The CAP-1070 is the first induced bean mutant cultivated by farmers in Brazil. However, like the original cultivar ''Carioca'', CAP-1070 became susceptible to diseases. Therefore, we crossed the mutant and have obtained promising lines with bushy habits, disease resistance and higher yield. CAP-1070 is also used in cross-breeding programmes of Government research institutes in Brazil. Research was supported by IAEA under Research Contract No. 2195/SD, EMBRAPA, CNEN and CNPQ. (author)

  9. Corpo, mito e imaginário nos postais das praias cariocas

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    Euler David de Siqueira

    Full Text Available "Cidade Maravilhosa", "capital cultural", o Rio de Janeiro é ícone do Brasil em uma série de discursos, entre eles o turístico. As bancas de jornal da cidade exibem cartões-postais com fotos que exploram a imagem do corpo feminino na orla carioca e a mostram como imagem da cidade. A partir da análise de uma amostra intencional e não-probabilística de exemplares dessa mídia, o objetivo deste trabalho é o de estudar a relação entre o corpo e o espaço urbano na construção do imaginário sobre a cidade do Rio de Janeiro. Entre alguns dos resultados encontrados, observa-se a construção de um imaginário que reforça antigos clichês em que a cidade do Rio de Janeiro e seus personagens são apresentados como tendo uma natureza sensual, quente e festiva.

  10. Efecto inhibitorio de los taninos del frijol carioca (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) sobre la digestibilidad de la faseolina por dos sistemas multienzimáticos


    Del Pino,Victoria H.; Lajolo,Franco M.


    Cantidades variables de dos sistemas multienzimáticos de tripsina-quimotripsina-peptidasa y pepsina-pancreatina, fueron utilizados para evaluar el efecto de los taninos provenientes de frijol Carioca (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) sobre la digestibilidad de la faseolina, en las formas nativa y denaturalizada. Esta evaluación hecha por los métodos de caida de pH, de hidrólisis en medio tamponado con posterior medición del grado de hidrólisis con ninhidrina y por la técnica electroforética, demostró e...

  11. Control de velocidad de un motor de inducción utilizando un controlador Fuzzy

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    Madelín Lima Álvarez


    Full Text Available Se realiza la simulación del sistema de control de velocidad del motor de inducción. Se parte del enfoquevectorial y de un sistema de coordenadas adecuado a su futura utilización, utilizando para esto el lenguaje desimulación de sistemas dinámicos Simulink. En cuanto a la simulación del método de control vectorial porcampo orientado se ha empleado el denominado método de control vectorial indirecto. El control de la velocidaddel motor se simuló utilizando un controlador Fuzzy, comparándose posteriormente estos resultados con losobtenidos mediante la utilización de un controlador PI digital.  This work carries out the simulation of speed control of induction motor. It is based on the field orientation theoryand on a system of coordinates adapted to its future use. The language that has been used for the simulation ofdynamics systems is Simulink. The indirect method of the field orientation control theory was used in themathematical analysis of the induction motor. The speed control of the induction motor was simulated using aFuzzy controller and these results were compared with those obtained by means of the use of a PI digitalcontroller.

  12. O potencial da rotulação metabólica de 15N para a pesquisa de esquizofrenia The potential of 15N metabolic labeling for schizophrenia research

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    Michaela D. Filiou


    Full Text Available Pesquisas em psiquiatria ainda necessitam de estudos não dirigidos por hipóteses para revelar fundamentos neurobiológicos e biomarcadores moleculares para distúrbios psiquiátricos. Metodologias proteômicas disponibilizam uma série de ferramentas para esses fins. Apresentamos o princípio de rotulação metabólica utilizando 15N para proteômica quantitativa e suas aplicações em modelos animais de fenótipos psiquiátricos com um foco particular em esquizofrenia. Exploramos o potencial de rotulação metabólica por 15N em diferentes tipos de experimentos, bem como suas considerações metodológicas.Psychiatric research is in need of non-hypothesis driven approaches to unravel the neurobiological underpinnings and identify molecular biomarkers for psychiatric disorders. Proteomics methodologies constitute a state-of-the-art toolbox for biomarker discovery in psychiatric research. Here we present the principle of in vivo 15N metabolic labeling for quantitative proteomics experiments and applications of this method in animal models of psychiatric phenotypes, with a particular focus on schizophrenia. Additionally we explore the potential of 15N metabolic labeling in different experimental set-ups as well as methodological considerations of 15N metabolic labeling-based quantification studies.

  13. Resección quirúrgica de mucocele utilizando relleno siliconado

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    Adel Martínez


    Full Text Available El mucocele es una lesión que afecta especialmente las glándulas salivales menores; se forma debido a la extravasación de saliva mucosa producto de un trauma por mordedura. Teniendo en cuenta el factor causal, el mucocele se puede clasificar como quiste de extravasación mucosa o quiste de retención mucosa. Afecta primordialmente el labio inferior y se manifiesta como un nódulo, translúcido y circunscrito con un contenido mucoso o muestra una elevación del color de la mucosa que la cubre. El tratamiento consiste en la resección quirúrgica de la lesión, que incluya las glándulas salivales menores afectadas. Se realizó la revisión de una caso clínico de paciente de 18 años de edad, que presenta mucocele profundo, el cual fue tratado con resección quirúrgica utilizando como relleno de la cavidad quística una silicona fluida, que permite mantener los reparos anatómicos y así poder realizar la remoción completa de la lesión y las glándulas afectadas.

  14. Seleção de linhagens de feijoeiro com tipo de grão carioca e com os alelos co-4 e co-5 de resistência à antracnose Selection of common bean strains with carioca grain type, and with the alleles co-4 and co-5 for anthracnose resistance

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    Eduardo Henrique Keller Marcondes


    Full Text Available Objetivou-se, neste trabalho, identificar linhagens de feijão que reúnam, além da resistência à antracnose, alta produtividade de grãos do tipo carioca e resistência à mancha angular. Foram utilizadas 194 linhagens F5:6 extraídas de sete famílias segregantes, selecionadas do cruzamento entre os genitores H147 e B1. A linhagem H147 possui grãos tipo carioca, portadora do alelo Co-5, que confere resistência a várias raças de Colletotrichum lindemuthianum. A linhagem B1 também possui grãos tipo carioca e é portadora do alelo Co-4, que confere resistência a outro grupo de raças do mesmo patógeno. As linhagens foram avaliadas na safra das águas 2005/2006, em Lavras, com a cultivar Talismã e H147 como testemunhas, com base na produtividade e tipo de grãos. Foram selecionadas 99 linhagens, as quais foram avaliadas na safra da seca/2006, juntamente com a testemunha Talismã, com base na produtividade, tipo de grão e resistência à mancha angular. Dessas 99 linhagens, foram selecionadas 24, as quais foram avaliadas na safra de inverno/2006 em Lavras e Lambari, com base no tipo de grão e produtividade. Essas 24 linhagens foram inoculadas com a raça 321 de C. lindemuthianum, que quebra a resistência conferida pelo alelo Co-4, mas não o Co-5. Para verificar a presença do alelo Co4 foi utilizado um marcador SCAR que amplifica um fragmento de 950 pb por meio do primer SAS 13. Foi possível identificar 14 linhagens que possuem a pirâmide de alelos Co-4/Co-5 e entre elas, quatro destacaram-se em todos os caracteres avaliados.The objective of the research was to identify bean strains that possess at the same time resistance to anthracnose, high grain yield of Carioca grain type and resistance to angular leaf spot. 194 strains F5:6 were taken from seven segregating families derived from the cross H147 x B1. The H147 line has Carioca grain type and Co-5 resistance allele to several races of C. lindemuthianum. The B1 line also has the

  15. Notes on the historiography of Música soul and Funk carioca

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    Carlos Palombini


    Full Text Available Un panorama crítico de la historia de los bailes funk cariocas y su música y sus relaciones con la música negra norteamericana y la emergencia de un orgullo negro en la música popular brasileñaPalabras Clave: Baile funk, música soul, black soul, bailes black, hip-hop, música negra____________________________Abstract:A critical survey of the history of Rio de Janeiro bailes funk and their music in their relations with African North-American musics and the emergence of black pride in Brazilian popular music. Keywords: Baile funk, música soul, black soul, bailes black, hip-hop, black music

  16. Implementación del servicio de voz sobre IP en redes Linux y redes telefónicas análogas, utilizando software de comunicación sobre Linux


    Campos, Jorge Alberto; Guzmán, Mauricio Orlando; González Jiménez, Francisco Alirio


    Implementación del servicio de voz sobre IP en redes Linux y redes telefónicas análogas, utilizando software de comunicación sobre Linux La tecnología de voz sobre protocolos de comunicación TCP/IP (VoIP, Voice over IP) es la que permite la transmisión de la voz a través de redes digitales (LAN WAN, INTERNET, etc) en forma de paquetes de datos, utilizando para ello la infraestructura de intercambio de datos instalada. La telefonía IP es una aplicación inmediata de esta tecnología de forma ...



    Agudelo, Laura; Velilla, Esteban; López, Jesús M


    En este artículo se presenta una metodología para estimar la curva de carga de transformadores de potencia utilizando redes neuronales artificiales. Para implementar la metodología propuesta se utilizaron datos reales de dos transformadores ubicados en diferentes zonas geográficas y con diferentes condiciones de operación. La técnica de estimación de carga fue implementada con datos históricos de la empresa Interconexión Eléctrica S.A (ISA). Para realizar la predicción de las curvas de carga ...

  18. Obtención de un hidrolizado proteico por fermentación sumergida de plumas utilizando Bacillus spp


    De Macedo, Manuel; Segura, Roxana; Piñero B., Judith; Coello, Nereida


    Se obtuvo un hidrolizado proteico a partir de la fermentación sumergida de las plumas por una cepa queratinolítica de Bacillus spp designada como LPB-2. El proceso se realizó en condiciones aeróbicas, utilizando un medio salino basal (pH 7,5), suplementado con 20 g/l de plumas molidas y un fermentador de 6 L de capacidad regulado a 40° C durante 26 horas. Mediante alimentaciones semi-continuas de sustrato, efectuadas cada 12 horas, se pudo prolongar el tiempo de fermentación hasta 58 horas. A...

  19. Interfaz Gráfica Computacional para Destilación Multicomponente utilizando Métodos Cortos


    A. Osorio Mirón; Gloria Dominguez Hernández


    En este trabajo, se elaboró una interfaz gráfica que determina por medio de simulación en estado estacionario el número de platos necesarios en el proceso de destilación multicomponente, así como la composición en el flujo de destilado y fondos de una torre de destilación utilizando métodos cortos. La interfaz gráfica de usuario, se construyó en el lenguaje de programación Python 2.5, permite presentar los datos de entrada y salida para el caso de columnas de destilación operando en régimen p...

  20. Evaluación poscosecha y estimación de vida útil de guayaba fresca utilizando el modelo de Weibull

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    Carlos García Mogollón


    Full Text Available La guayaba (Psidium guajava L. es una fruta tropical susceptible de sufrir alteraciones indeseables que afectan su vida útil debido a condiciones inadecuadas de almacenamiento y acondicionamiento. En este trabajo se estimó la vida útil de guayaba en fresco utilizando el modelo probabilístico de Weibull y se valuó la calidad de los frutos durante almacenamiento en diferentes condiciones de temperatura y empaque. La evaluación poscosecha se hizo por 15 días con guayabas variedad regional roja. Se utilizó un dise&#ntilde;o completamente al azar con arreglo factorial consistente en tres factores: tiempo de almacenamiento con seis niveles (0, 3, 6, 9, 12 y 15 días, temperatura de almacenamiento con dos niveles: ambiente (37 °C y humedad relativa (HR entre 85 y 90% y refrigeración (9±2 °C y HR de 85 - 90%; dos tipo de empaques: bandeja de poliestireno con film plástico de PVC y 'foil' de aluminio. Durante la evaluación sensorial en el periodo de almacenamiento se usó una escala estructurada de tres puntos grado de satisfacción. El modelo de Weibull demostró ser adecuado para predecir la vida útil de la guayaba fresca basados en los criterios de ajustes, límites de confianza de aceptación y fallo. Durante el periodo de almacenamiento se observó que el factor tiempo, la temperatura y el tipo de empaque tienen un efecto estadístico significativo (P < 0.05 sobre el diámetro equivalente, esfericidad, masa específica aparente, SST, pH, acidez y evaluación sensorial de los frutos. El producto puede ser consumido como fruta fresca hasta diez días de almacenamiento a temperatura ambiente y máximo quince días en almacenamiento refrigerado.

  1. Melhoramento do feijoeiro comum com grão tipo carioca, visando resistência à antracnose e à mancha angular Breeding of common bean with carioca type grain for the resistance to anthracnose and angular leaf spot

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    Mansuêmia Alves Couto


    Full Text Available Objetivou-se no trabalho, selecionar linhagens de feijoeiro comum que reunissem, além da alta produtividade, porte ereto e grãos do tipo Carioca, também a resistência à antracnose e à mancha angular. O material experimental constituiu-se de 143 linhagens oriundas de três famílias segregantes F1:4RC2 {[(G2333 X ESAL 696 X ESAL 696] X CI 140}. Foram conduzidos quatro experimentos em três localidades da região sul de Minas Gerais, avaliando-se a produção, o tipo de grão, o porte e a reação à mancha angular. A reação à antracnose foi determinada a partir de inoculações de plantas jovens de cada linhagem, com as raças 2047 e 1545, mantidas em câmara de nevoeiro por três dias e transferidas para casa de vegetação com irrigação por aspersão, a cada quatro horas. Selecionaram-se quatro linhagens com alta produtividade, porte mais arbustivo, grãos tipo carioca e com resistência à mancha angular (nota até 4. Uma das linhagens selecionada possui o alelo Co-4², outras duas possuem o alelo Co-7 de resistência à antracnose e a última, embora seja suscetível à antracnose, possui resistência à mancha angular (nota 3,97 e maior produtividade de grãos.Aiming to select common bean lines with high grain yield, Carioca grain type, upright plant habit and resistant to anthracnose and angular leaf spot, 143 lines were selected from three families of the cross F1:4RC2 {[(G2333 X ESAL 696 X ESAL 696] X CI 140}. The promising lines were selected based on the agronomical traits in four field experiments, set up in three places in Southern MG State using the square lattice design. The reaction of each line to the anthracnose was evaluated by inoculating the seedlings using the races 1545 and 2047, and kept in humid chamber during three days, and then moved to greenhouse with sprinkle irrigation every four hours. Four lines with high grain yield, upright plant habit, Carioca grain type, and resistance to angular leaf spot (score up

  2. La resolución de problemas geométricos en Matemática utilizando la computadora

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    Osmany Guzmán-Simón


    Full Text Available Se presenta un análisis donde se plantean los fundamentos psicopedagógicos que sustentan el desarrollo de habilidades en la resolución de problemas geométricos en la asignatura Matemática, utilizando la computadora.

  3. Tratamiento de una maloclusión clase II división 1 utilizando un aparato expansor y exodoncias de 4 primeras premolares / Tratamiento de una maloclusión clase II división 2 tipo B utilizando un aparato distalizador / Tratamiento de camuflaje de una maloclusión clase III con exodoncia de un incisivo central inferior / Tratamiento de una maloclusión clase I por biprotrusión y DAD con exodoncias de 4 primeras premolares / Tratamiento de una maloclusión clase I por DAD con extracciones asimétricas


    González Torres, Carlos Rodrigo


    Describe el tratamiento de cinco casos clínicos de ortodoncia, atendidos en la Clínica Especializada de la Facultad de Odontología de la Universidad de San Martín de Porres durante el periodo Agosto 2009 - Marzo 2012, tratándose de: 1. Tratamiento de una maloclusión clase II división 1 utilizando un aparato expansor y exodoncias de 4 primeras premolares. 2. Tratamiento de una maloclusión clase II división 2 tipo B utilizando un aparato distalizador. 3. Tratamiento de camuflaje de una...

  4. Procedimiento para la gestión de mantenimiento utilizando herramientas de la cuarta generación


    Aracelis Barrios; Maritza Ortiz


    El presente artículo presenta el diseño de un procedimiento para una gestión de mantenimiento sistémico, utilizando un conjunto de herramientas, que enfocan el uso de los recursos de la empresa asociados con las Personas, los Procesos y la Tecnología, orientados a mejorar la productividad, la toma de decisiones acertadas y a maximizar el rendimiento de los equipos, considerando entre otros, los factores de Confiabilidad, Mantenibilidad, Seguridad, Calidad y Medio Ambiente. El desarrollo del p...

  5. Optimización de la succión de sólidos sumergidos utilizando bombas centrífugas con velocidad variable


    Moreno Ávalos, Víctor Manuel


    La acumulación de material sólido en embalses, cauces fluviales y en zonas marítimas hace que la extracción mecánica de estos materiales por medio de succión sea cada vez mas frecuente, por ello resulta importante estudiar el rendimiento de la succión de estos materiales analizando la forma de las boquillas y los parámetros del flujo incluyendo la bomba. Esta tesis estudia, mediante equipos experimentales, la eficacia de distintos dispositivos de extracción de sólidos (utilizando boquillas...

  6. Predicción de la epidemia del virus sincitial respiratorio en Bogotá, D.C., utilizando variables climatológicas

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    Gilberto González-Parra


    Full Text Available Introducción. El virus sincitial respiratorio es uno de los principales causantes de mortalidad de niños y adultos mayores en el mundo. Objetivo. Predecir las semanas de inicio de los brotes de infección por el virus sincitial respiratorio en Bogotá entre 2005 y 2010, utilizando variables climatológicas como variables de predicción. Materiales y métodos. Se establecieron las fechas de inicio de los brotes en niños menores de cinco años ocurridas entre 2005 y 2010, en Bogotá D.C., Colombia. Se seleccionaron las variables climatológicas utilizando una matriz de correlación y, posteriormente, se construyeron 1.020 modelos resultado de la combinación de las distintas variables climatológicas y las semanas de antelación al inicio del brote. Se seleccionaron los modelos utilizando los datos correspondientes a periodos de seis (2005-2010, cuatro (2005-2008 y dos años (2009-2010. Se determinaron los mejores modelos y las variables climatológicas más relevantes, utilizando clasificadores bayesanos ingenuos y curvas características de operación del receptor (Receiver Operating Characteristic, ROC. Resultados. Los mejores resultados se obtuvieron con los modelos que utilizaron el periodo de dos años (2009-2010 y la semana 0, con 52 y 60 % de aciertos, respectivamente. La humedad mínima fue la variable que más apareció en los mejores modelos (62 %. Los clasificadores bayesanos ingenuos permitieron establecer cuáles eran los mejores modelos para predecir la semana de inicio del brote. Conclusiones. Los resultados sugieren que los modelos en que se utilizaron la humedad mínima, la velocidad del viento y la temperatura mínima serían los modelos de predicción más eficaces.

  7. Modelo predictivo de la variación de los niveles de contaminación en función del tráfico urbano utilizando herramientas de Inteligencia Artificial


    Aguilar Calvo, Federico


    Elaboración de un modelo predictivo de los niveles de contaminación, con el fin de identificar aquellas situaciones en las que el tráfico va a provocar que se superen determinados límites de contaminantes. El modelo se creará utilizando herramientas de Inteligencia Artificial.

  8. Clasificación del clutter marino utilizando redes neuronales artificiales

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    Argel Gonzalez Padilla


    Full Text Available La detección de radar bajo la acción del clutter marino es un problema actual. La efectividad de esta detección puede ser mejorada o aún optimizada si el comportamiento estadístico de los parámetros de las señales dispersadas por la superficie del mar (clutter marino es conocida. En el presente trabajo, la mayoría de los modelos estadísticos del clutter marino bajo diferentes condiciones es dada y se logra en un solo documento de manera sintética agrupar un gran volumen de información, difícil de encontrar, y en muchos casos, de interpretar. La mayor contribución investigativa de este trabajo es la presentación de los fundamentos de un sistema auto adaptativo  para la detección de blancos de radar, basado en el reconocimiento de diferentes distribuciones que modelan las mediciones de amplituddelclutter marino, obtenida en un intervalo de tiempo dado. Realizando una clasificación más fina al especificar el rango de valores que toman los parámetros de la distribución, para el intervalo de tiempo que se analiza. Este sistema fue simulado satisfactoriamente utilizando redes neuronales.Los resultados revelaron que se puede realizar de forma efectiva el reconocimiento de distribuciones de mediciones de amplitud del clutter marino y de los parámetros de la distribución.

  9. Evaluación de la degradación del plaguicida clorpirifos en muestras de suelo utilizando el hongo Phanerochaete chrysosporium

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    Margarita María Lopera Mesa


    Full Text Available Se evaluó la degradación del insecticida clorpirifos en muestras de suelo durante 21 días, utilizando el hongo Phanerochaete chrysosporium. En los ensayos se obtuvieron porcentajes de degradación, en promedio, para las muestras con hongo, de 96,3, 82,4 y 62,2% cuando se trabajaron, respectivamente, con concentraciones iniciales de clorpirifos de 0,95, 5,3 y 9,4 µg/g. Igualmente, los porcentajes de degradación estuvieron acompañados del aumento en la velocidad de degradación, cuando se partió de la concentración inicial de 0,95 µg/g.

  10. Evaluación poscosecha y estimación de vida útil de guayaba fresca utilizando el modelo de Weibull

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    García Mogollón Carlos


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    La guayaba (Psidium guajava L. es una fruta tropical susceptible de sufrir alteraciones indeseables que afectan su vida útil debido a condiciones inadecuadas de almacenamiento y acondicionamiento. En este trabajo se estimó la vida útil de guayaba en fresco utilizando el modelo probabilístico de Weibull y se valuó la calidad de los frutos durante almacenamiento en diferentes condiciones de temperatura y empaque. La evaluación poscosecha se hizo por 15 días con guayabas variedad regional roja. Se utilizó un diseño completamente al azar con arreglo factorial consistente en tres factores: tiempo de almacenamiento con seis niveles (0, 3, 6, 9, 12 y 15 días, temperatura de almacenamiento con dos niveles: ambiente (37 °C y humedad relativa (HR entre 85 y 90% y refrigeración (9±2 °C y HR de 85 - 90%; dos tipo de empaques: bandeja de poliestireno con film plástico de PVC y 'foil' de aluminio. Durante la evaluación sensorial en el periodo de almacenamiento se usó una escala estructurada de tres puntos grado de satisfacción. El modelo de Weibull demostró ser adecuado para predecir la vida útil de la guayaba fresca basados en los criterios de ajustes, límites de confianza de aceptación y fallo. Durante el periodo de almacenamiento se observó que el factor tiempo, la temperatura y el tipo de empaque tienen un efecto estadístico significativo (P < 0.05 sobre el diámetro equivalente, esfericidad, masa específica aparente, SST, pH, acidez y evaluación sensorial de los frutos. El producto puede ser consumido como fruta fresca hasta diez días de almacenamiento a temperatura ambiente y máximo quince días en almacenamiento refrigerado.

  11. BRS FC402: high-yielding common bean cultivar with carioca grain, resistance to anthracnose and fusarium wilt

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    Leonardo Cunha Melo


    Full Text Available BRS FC402 is a common bean cultivar of the carioca-grain group with commercial grain quality, suitable for cultivation in 21 Brazilian states. Cultivar has a normal cycle (85-94 days, high yield potential (4479 kg ha-1, 10.1% higher mean yield than the controls (2462 kg ha-1 and resistance to fusarium wilt and anthracnose.

  12. O potencial da rotulação metabólica de 15N para a pesquisa de esquizofrenia

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    Michaela D. Filiou


    Full Text Available Pesquisas em psiquiatria ainda necessitam de estudos não dirigidos por hipóteses para revelar fundamentos neurobiológicos e biomarcadores moleculares para distúrbios psiquiátricos. Metodologias proteômicas disponibilizam uma série de ferramentas para esses fins. Apresentamos o princípio de rotulação metabólica utilizando 15N para proteômica quantitativa e suas aplicações em modelos animais de fenótipos psiquiátricos com um foco particular em esquizofrenia. Exploramos o potencial de rotulação metabólica por 15N em diferentes tipos de experimentos, bem como suas considerações metodológicas.

  13. Procedimiento para la gestión de mantenimiento utilizando herramientas de la cuarta generación

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    Aracelis Barrios


    Full Text Available El presente artículo presenta el diseño de un procedimiento para una gestión de mantenimiento sistémico, utilizando un conjunto de herramientas, que enfocan el uso de los recursos de la empresa asociados con las Personas, los Procesos y la Tecnología, orientados a mejorar la productividad, la toma de decisiones acertadas y a maximizar el rendimiento de los equipos, considerando entre otros, los factores de Confiabilidad, Mantenibilidad, Seguridad, Calidad y Medio Ambiente. El desarrollo del procedimiento permite utilizar de manera sistémica, la información obtenida al aplicar el mantenimiento productivo total (TPM, el análisis de modo y efectos de las fallas del mantenimiento centrado en confiabilidad (RCM, para evaluar los riesgos causados por las fallas en los equipos mediante la aplicación de la Lógica Difusa.

  14. Optimización de parámetros de deposición de capas delgadas de cobre utilizando diseño de experimentos


    Shirkavand, Nazanin


    Una investigación, denominada Optimización de parámetros de deposición de capas delgadas de cobre utilizando diseño de experimentos y desarrollada en el Centro de Investigación en Ciencia e Ingeniería de Materiales (CICIMA), de la Universidad de Costa Rica, tuvo como objetivo poder encontrar la relación de los parámetros del magnetrón (presión, potencia y tiempo) con el grosor de formación de las capas delgadas de cobre. Se utilizó el método estadístico de 2K (donde K es el número de parámetr...

  15. Generando entornos de investigación y desarrollo utilizando redes inalámbricas de sensores (WSN)


    Sosa, Eduardo Omar; Godoy, Diego Alberto


    Las Redes Inalámbricas de Sensores (WSN) jugarán un papel preponderante tanto en las actividades académicas y como en el desarrollo en nuestro país. En este artículo se reportan actividades desarrolladas en dos universidades argentinas, utilizando a la tecnología WSN como disparador de actividades de investigación, desarrollo. La aplicación de ésta tecnología de última generación se enmarcan en el dominio de “Internet de las Cosas” y “Ciudades Inteligentes”. Las actividades teórico-práctic...

  16. educARción: Desarrollo de Herramientas para el Aprendizaje Utilizando Realidad Aumentada


    Guerrero Juk, Julián


    Se presenta un sistema para apoyar en la enseñanza de balanceo de ecuaciones químicas sencillas utilizando realidad aumentada (AR). El sistema combina elementos físicos con gráficos sintéticos para hacer tangible un proceso abstracto, y así permitir que el alumno experimente directamente el proceso de balanceo de ecuaciones, en contraste con métodos tradicionales que utilizan ecuaciones escritas en papel. Dado que el equipo que se propone para su implementación (visores, HMD) no es de uso com...

  17. Biopoder e UPPs: alteridade na experiência do policiamento permanente em comunidades cariocas

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    Thiago Benedito Livramento Melicio


    Full Text Available O artigo visa refletir sobre a experiência do efetivo policial permanente em dois conjuntos de comunidades cariocas, inserido no escopo das Unidades de Polícia Pacificadora (UPP. Foram realizados dois estudos exploratórios, em agosto e dezembro de 2010. Na esteira do conceito foucaultiano de biopoder, discute-se a UPP como rede de relações de poder que a compõe e a legitima, pensando-se o local em que se instala, a política de Estado a que responde, os atores com que opera e as produções históricas das relações entre Estado e territórios populares. O campo de análise constitui-se, assim, nas práticas e saberes localizados no cotidiano e nos efeitos produzidos com a presença do policial na paisagem da favela. Se novas regras são trazidas com as UPPs, novas identificações são mobilizadas e as modulações de conjunto abrem lacunas, o governo de si não se produz sozinho, mas combina-se com diversidades na gestão da vida.

  18. Obtención de materiales antifricción hierro-arrabio-latón utilizando residuos de virutas de arrabio

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    Nasamov, S. N.


    Full Text Available Parts based on iron and steel powders are widely used in the manufacture of automobile and domestic equipment. This work was done to study the anti-friction properties of iron-pig iron-brass compositions of materials which were obtained by pressing and sintering from a mix of iron powders and industrial by products of cast-iron turnings, brass, talc and technical sulphur. Experiments were performed using cold pressure technology in the flowing matrix of the powder composite without solid lubricants. The subsequent sintering was carried out at 1200 ºC under isothermal conditions in a nitrogen atmosphere in the sintering zone during 1 h. The physical-mechanical and anti-friction properties were almost doubled by the active drainage of the gases from the compression mould. The study of the microstructure of the sintered materials showed that free cementite existed between the particle limits and around the pores. Large agglomerations of dark inclusions could be observed, consisting of graphite, zinc and iron oxides, which were points of tension in the material that reduce its durability and, therefore, its wear resistance to dry friction.

    Las piezas base hierro y acero, obtenidas por pulvimetalurgia, tienen gran utilización en la industria del automóvil y de equipos domésticos. El presente trabajo está dedicado al estudio de las propiedades antifricción de materiales de composición hierro-arrabio-latón, aglomerados mediante prensado y sinterización, obtenidos con mezclas de polvos de hierro, residuos industriales de virutas de arrabio, latón, talco y azufre. Los experimentos fueron hechos utilizando la tecnología de prensado en frío, utilizando una matriz fluida, sin empleo de lubricante sólido. Posteriormente, se realizó una sinterización a temperatura de 1.200 °C en condiciones isotérmicas, en atmósfera de nitrógeno, en la zona de sinterización durante una hora. Las propiedades físico-mecánicas y antifricción

  19. Cálculo del factor de efectividad utilizando colocación ortogonal sobre elementos finitos

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    Javier Fontalvo Alzate


    Full Text Available En el presente documento se resuelve el problema del cálculo del factor de efectividad para la transferencia de masa y calor con reacción química en un pellet catalítico utilizando una técnica adecuada especialmente para números de Thiele elevados en donde la solución se restringe a una pequeña zona muy cercana a la superficie. La técnica aprovecha la rapidez de convergencia de la colocación ortogonal y la facilidad de ubicación de elementos en zonas en donde se presentan grandes gradientes del método para las diferencias finitas. La eficiencia del método está basada en la utilización del método LV para la descomposición de matrices. Se muestran comparaciones con otros métodos numéricos de solución del problema.

  20. Estudio de comparación del tratamiento de aguas residuales domésticas utilizando lentejas y buchón de agua en humedales artificiales


    Rodríguez-Miranda, Juan Pablo; Gómez, Esteban; Garavito, Laura; López, Francy


    El estudio de comparación del tratamiento de aguas residuales domésticas utilizando sistemas naturales como los humedales artificiales presenta resultados de remoción de materia orgánica (DBO5) de entre 70 y 86% al utilizar el buchón de agua, y de 58% cuando se utiliza lenteja de agua. El sistema de humedales artificiales se comporta hidráulicamente como un modelo de flujo pistón, sin distinción del tipo de planta acuática que se use. Durante la experimentación se observó que cuando se utiliz...

  1. Proyección de cifras de producción de café colombiano utilizando cadenas de Markov

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    Yenny Londoño Salazar


    Full Text Available El café es considerado el producto agrícola más importante en Colombia, además de ser un gran símbolo en su carta de presentación; sin embargo, el peso relativo de la caficultura aportado al PIB ha disminuido notablemente en los últimos años, reflejado en un descenso en la producción de sacos de café, situación que afecta directamente la cantidad exportada, dando lugar a una pérdida significativa de participación en el mercado mundial de este producto. En este artículo se presenta un estudio sobre el modelamiento matemático del número de sacos de 60 kg de café exportados, aplicando cadenas de Markov discretas en el estado y continuas en el tiempo, utilizando los datos históricos de producción de café para los meses comprendidos entre enero de 2010 y octubre de 2012. Los resultados obtenidos mediante esta técnica matemática muestran que las metas propuestas por el Comité de Cafeteros no se cumplirán si no hay una intervención eficiente en este mercado.

  2. Caracterización de la deserción universitaria en la UNRN utilizando Minería de Datos

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    Formia, Sonia


    Full Text Available En el ámbito de la Universidad Nacional de Río Negro (UNRN, y en particular en la Sede Atlántica desde la Licenciatura en Sistemas, es una creciente preocupación el fenómeno de deserción y desgranamiento que se ha podido apreciar en los cuatro primeros años de vida de la Institución. El presente trabajo describe el proceso de identificación de las características más relevantes del problema a través de las cuales, utilizando técnicas de Minería de Datos (DM, puede obtenerse un modelo de la deserción universitaria en la unidad académica mencionada. Para identificar las características más relevantes se propone analizar, luego del preprocesamiento de los datos, las proyecciones de los atributos en las clases o respuestas esperadas. Su aplicación a los datos de los alumnos de las carreras de grado de la UNRN ha ofrecido resultados satisfactorios permitiendo efectuar recomendaciones tendientes a reducir el porcentaje de alumnos que abandona la carrera.

  3. O violão de Heitor Villa-Lobos: entre a Belle Époque carioca e as rodas de choro

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    loque Junior Arcanjo


    Full Text Available RESUMO: Os diálogos musicais de Heitor Villa-Lobos conectam o compositor às perspectivas modernistas com as quais o músico se identificou durante sua trajetória artística: o modernismo musical carioca que apresenta como dois dos elementos centrais o choro e o samba, e o paulista caracterizado pela centralidade simbólica e estratégica da Semana de Arte Moderna de 1922. Apesar desta centralidade, sua música tomou significados culturais modernistas a partir da construção de suas redes de sociabilidades no espaço urbano “carioca” entre os anos de 1900 e 1922. PALAVRAS-CHAVES: Villa-Lobos, modernismo, música ABSTRACT: The musical dialogues Heitor Villa-Lobos connect to the composer modernist perspectives with which the musician was identified during his artistic career: the “carioca” musical modernism that shows how two central elements of samba and choro,  and “paulista” characterized by the centrality and symbolic strategic Week of Modern Art in 1922. On the one hand his music took cultural meanings modernists from the construction of their networks of sociability in urban space "carioca" between the years 1900 and 1922. KEYWORDS: Villa-Lobos, modernism, music.Recebido: 04/12/2012   Aceito: 06/06/2013


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    Full Text Available Este estudio tuvo por objeto de evaluar abonos orgánicos provenientes de residuos de cosecha y plazas de mercado de Popayán, utilizando plantas de repollo y lechuga. Se recolectaron residuos de fincas de café y plazas de mercados de Popayán, se elaboraron pilas de compost separadamente y se analizó cada compost para determinar contenido de nutrientes. Se aplicó compost en dos etapas de cultivo como fertilizante. Se utilizó un diseño completamente al azar con tres tratamientos y tres repeticiones, T0: Testigo, sin abono; T1: compost elaborado de pulpa de café, troncho de plátano y gallinaza y T2: compost elaborado con residuos de plazas de mercado. Las pruebas físico-químicas del compost cumplieron la norma NTC 5167 y la diferencia radicó en que T1 es fuente de K y P y T2 de N; la aplicación del compost al suelo mejoró pH, M.O y CIC; la ganancia promedio en peso para los cultivos supero el 300%; los análisis microbiológicos cumplieron los parámetros de INVIMA de control y vigilancia de calidad de productos alimenticios. Se concluyó que los materiales utilizados para producción de compost influyen en las propiedades físico-químicas del abono orgánico y los compostajes cumplieron con 15 parámetros de la norma NTC 5167.

  5. Estudio cinético de una fermentación alcohólica utilizando miel de abejas como sustrato

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    José Ángel Gómez


    Full Text Available El artículo describe un estudio cinético de una fermentación alcohólica utilizando miel de abejas como sustrato; para este efecto se realizaron nueve fermentaciones en proceso discontinuo con un volumen, de 10 L, siguiendo el comportamiento de las concentraciones de sustrato, biomasa y producto en el tiempo. Se evaluó la conveniencia de factores como la agitación y la adición de nutrientes, además, se observa el efecto de las concentraciones iniciales de sustrato e inocula y el tipo de miel.

  6. Evaluación de residuos de papa, yuca y naranja para la producción de etanol en cultivo discontinuo utilizando Saccharomyces cerevisiae

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    Leidy Patricia Quintero Mora


    Full Text Available El presente trabajo de investigación tuvo como objetivo producir etanol utilizando un jarabe glucosado elaborado a partir de residuos de papa, naranja y yuca, por cultivo discontinuo como una alternativa para el manejo de los residuos generados. Para cumplir con el objetivo planteado se utilizaron cepas Saccharomyces cerevisiae, una cepa nativa (LYP y una cepa control (CTL obtenida del Cepario de la Universidad. Posteriormente, para la elaboración de los medios de fermentación los residuos se sometieron a un tratamiento de hidrólisis química con ácido clorhídrico al 2%v, temperatura de 75°C y 8 horas, estos parámetros fueron seleccionados como resultado del análisis estadístico del diseño factorial 33 el cual encontró diferencias estadísticamente significativas (p≥0,05 en las variables evaluadas sobre la generación de azucares reductores. Finalmente, se realizaron fermentaciones de 500ml a 30°C 150rpm con base en un diseño factorial 42 para la evaluación de los sustratos fermentativos y el microorganismo fermentador, en donde se encontró que no existen diferencias significativas (p≥0,05 tanto para los sustratos como para las cepas: control (CTL y nativa (LYP, en la producción de etanol. Sin embargo, en las interacciones entre variables si se encontraron diferencias altamente significativas (p≤0,05, la mayor producción de etanol obtenido fue de 3,15 y 2,6%v para la cepa LYP y CLT, respectivamente, cuando se emplearon los jarabes de naranja y yuca como fuente de carbono.


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    Mercedes Susana Carranza Patiño


    Full Text Available Resumen La amplia distribución y abundancia natural de Tabebuia donnell-smithii (guayacán blanco se ha visto reducida por la tala excesiva de los árboles, lo que ha ocasionado la desaparición de genotipos valiosos así como disminución de las poblaciones naturales, existiendo además carencia de alternativas de producción de plantas a gran escala. Se hace por tanto necesario orientar la investigación a establecer una técnica para la propagación vegetativa de guayacán blanco utilizando fitorreguladores. La metodología se basó en el uso de las hormonas de enraizamiento ácido naftalenacético (ANA y ácido indolbutírico (AIB, en concentraciones de 0, 1,500 y 2,000 mg kg-1 en sustratos turba y arena. Las yemas apicales fueron colocadas en una cámara húmeda en condiciones de invernadero. Se aplicó un Diseño Completamente al Azar (DCA en un arreglo factorial 2 sustratos x 3 dosis de hormona ANA x 3 dosis de hormona AIB, con cuatro repeticiones y cuatro unidades de observación. A los 45 días se evaluó el porcentaje de sobrevivencia y el enraizamiento, el número de raíces, la longitud de la raíz mayor, el número de brotes, la longitud de brotes, y el vigor. Los resultados no mostraron diferencias significativas entre los distintos tratamientos para todas las variables, sin embargo para el efecto simple e interacciones se observó diferencias para las variables evaluadas, siendo el mejor sustrato turba y las concentraciones óptimas de auxinas de 0 a 1,500 mg Kg-1. Se concluye que el guayacán blanco es una especie de fácil enraizamiento, ya que con y sin la aplicación de hormonas enraizadoras en el sustrato turba y arena se logró la obtención de clones, disminuyendo el tiempo de obtención de nuevas plantas.

  8. 15N-tomatine

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    Elliger, C.A.


    A method for preparative isolation of 15 N-tomatine from foliage of tomato plants grown hydroponically with 15 N-containing nutrient salts is described. Extractive workup of plant material gave a crude product which was chromatographed on Sephadex LH-20 to yield pure tomatine. Assay of 15 N content by mass spectrometry showed that isotopic purity was ca. 95%. (author)

  9. Adaptability and stability for the trait grain yield for the color and black commercial groups in common bean / Adaptabilidade e estabilidade da característica produtividade de grãos dos grupos comerciais carioca e preto de feijão

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    Nelson da Silva Fonseca Júnior


    Full Text Available The objective of this study was to evaluate grain yield stability and adaptability from the fixed lines and cultivars of common bean of color and black comercial groups from IAPAR’s common bean breeding program, as well as to compare the methods of Wrick, Eberhart & Russell, Cruz et al. and AMMI. Three trials using the carioca group and two using the black group were conducted during the 2006/2007 water crop season and the 2007 dry crop season, in 27 environments in the State of Paraná. Each trial included 20 genotypes. The following genotypes were selected: LP 06 22 (G13 (carioca 1, LP 06 04 (G7 (carioca 2, LP 06 52 (G5, LP 06 54 (G7 e LP 06 65 (G18 (preto 1 e LP 06 73G9 (preto 2. All genotypes showed high grain yield potential with wide adaptability and stability. The environment more stable and more productive was Ponta Grossa – dry season for the all studied groups. As for the method comparisons, the Eberhart & Russell and Cruz et al. showed significant and positive correlation in 80% of the studied groups for genotypes stability and adaptability.O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a estabilidade e adaptabilidade de produtividade de grãos das linhagens fixadas e cultivares de feijão do grupo comercial carioca e do grupo comercial preto, oriundas do programa de melhoramento genético do IAPAR e comparar os métodos de Wrick, Eberhart & Russell, Cruz et al. e AMMI. Na safra das águas 2006/2007 e seca 2007 foram conduzidos três ensaios do grupo carioca e dois do grupo preto, num total de 27 ambientes no estado do Paraná. Cada ensaio foi constituído por 20 genótipos. Os genótipos indicados foram LP 06 22 (G13 (carioca 1; LP 06 04 (G7 (carioca 2; LP 06 52 (G5, LP 06 54 (G7 e LP 06 65 (G18 (preto 1; e LP 06 73G9 (preto 2. Todos esses genótipos apresentaram alto potencial de produtividade de grãos com ampla adaptação e estabilidade. O ambiente mais estável e mais produtivo foi Ponta Grossa - seca para todos os grupos comerciais

  10. Estudio comparativo de la eficiencia de dos mediadores en la formación de docentes, utilizando un mismo ambiente de aprendizaje, en el diseño de competencias

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    Elkin Olaguer PÉREZ SÁNCHEZ,


    Full Text Available Informe final de investigación de tesis de maestría en donde se propone un estudio comparativo de la eficiencia de dos mediadores en la formación de docentes, utilizando un mismo ambiente de aprendizaje, en el diseño de competencias, software que fue desarrollado utilizando Flash. A partir de la revisión del estado del arte y de la fundamentación en un marco conceptual, se identifican las dimensiones cualitativas y cuantitativas a investigar, se hace uso de la estadística y la observación no estructurada para obtener los resultados y se procede a hacer el análisis de datos. La parte final presenta las conclusiones y recomendaciones originados del trabajo investigativo.

  11. Evaluación de ataques UDP Flood utilizando escenarios virtuales como plataforma experimental

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    Deyci Toscano


    Full Text Available Los ataques por denegación de servicio (DoS tienen como propósito imposibilitar el acceso a los servicios de una organización durante un periodo indefinido; por lo general, están dirigidos a los servidores de una empresa, para que no puedan ser accedidos por usuarios autorizados. El presente trabajo se enfoca en la evaluación de ataques DoS tipo UDP Flood, utilizando como plataforma de experimentación un entorno virtual de red que permite identificar cómo actúan dichos ataques en la saturación del ancho de banda; para llevarlo a cabo se diseñó e implementó una red híbrida con segmentación WAN, LAN y DMZ que inhabilita el acceso interno y externo a un servicio Web expuesto. Las herramientas evaluadas fueron UPD Unicorn, Longcat Flooder y Script de Perl; las dos primeras instaladas sobre Windows, y la última, sobre Linux. Para validar está investigación se desarrolló un mecanismo de detección y mitigación de los ataques a nivel del firewall e IDS/IPS, evitando de este modo la saturación de la red. Finalmente, se evaluó el consumo dememoria, CPUy ancho de banda durante el ataque, la detección y la evasión, con el fin de determinar cuál genera mayor impacto. Los resultados demuestran que el mecanismo detecta, controla y mitiga los ataques.

  12. Judeus no Brasil Imperial: uma pesquisa nos Documentos e Noticiário Carioca da Época

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    Frida Flaksberg


    Full Text Available WOLFF, Egon e Frieda. Judeus no Brasil Imperial: uma pesquisa nos Documentos e Noticiário Carioca da Época. São Paulo: Centro de Estudos Judaicos da Universidade de São Paulo, 1975. No 1. 549 pp. (4a. parágrafo do texto Esta obra tem como meta o levantamento de fontes para o estudo dos judeus no Brasil Imperial. Ela apresenta um caráter inédito o qual pode ser apreendido nas próprias palavras do Prof. Dr. Eurípedes Simões de Paula:  "o caráter inédito dos trabalhos consiste justamente no fato de que o período do nosso Império ainda não foi até agora devidamente estudado sob o ângulo da presença dos judeus e sua participação social e econômica naquele período. É importante e necessário era que se fizesse antes de tudo uma avaliação básica das fontes disponíveis para os futuros estudiosos".

  13. Ultra-violet absorption cross sections of isotopically substituted nitrous oxide species: 14N14NO, 15N14NO, 14N15NO and 15N15NO

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    P. von Hessberg


    Full Text Available The isotopically substituted nitrous oxide species 14N14NO, 15N14NO, 14N15NO and 15N15NO were investigated by ultra-violet (UV absorption spectroscopy. High precision cross sections were obtained for the wavelength range 181 to 218nm at temperatures of 233 and 283K. These data are used to calculate photolytic isotopic fractionation constants as a function of wavelength. The fractionation constants were used in a three-dimensional chemical transport model in order to simulate the actual fractionation of N2O in the stratosphere, and the results were found to be in good agreement with field studies.


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    Full Text Available En este artículo se presentan la conceptualización y el análisis de un sistema multi-agente (MAS pedagógico utilizando la metodología MAS-CommonKADS; la cual es una de las más reconocidaspara el modelado de MAS. El propósito de la fase de conceptualización es comprender el problema, identificar los actores activos y pasivo, además de elaborar los requisitos que permitan formular unos objetivos para generar la solución. En la fase de análisis se definen los modelos de agente, tareas, coordinación, comunicación, organizacióny experiencia (conocimientos. Ambas fases fueron validadas mediante la construcción del ambiente multi agente pedagógico ALLEGRO.

  15. [Studies with 15N-labeled lysine in colostomized hens. 2. 15N excretion in feces]. (United States)

    Gruhn, K; Wiefel, P


    Over a period of four days colostomised hens were given 15N-lysine, and the development of 15N-excretion both in the TCA-soluble and the TCA-precipitable fraction of the faeces was measured over eight days. In both fractions the total, lysine, histidine and arginine N and 15N-excess (15N') was determined. The average apparent digestibility of 14N was 81.2% +/- 1.1% and of 15N' 93.2% +/- 0.7%. Labelled N is already excreted in faeces 3 hours after its application. The TCA-precipitable N is less strongly labelled than the TCA-soluble N. During the application of 15N' the labelling in faecal lysine is nearly one power of ten higher than in total N. The atom-% 15N' of the lysine could also be distinctly detected in arginine and histidine. The quotas of the total 15N' in faeces were 3.5% for arginine-15N' and 0.8% for histidine 15N'; 15N' can mainly be detected in the soluble fraction.

  16. Portal WEB 2.0. utilizando Framework Struts


    Palacín Mateo, Manuel


    El propósito de este proyecto es la implementación de un portal interactivo de contactos utilizando las tecnologías J2EE mediante Struts y siguiendo la tendencia Web 2.0. Previo a esta implementación se ha hecho una valoración del mercado actual de los portales de contactos y se han evaluado los servicios que ofrecen para posteriormente añadirlos a la demostración tecnológica. Tras esto se ha explicado lo que es la tendencia Web 2.0. Finalmente se han evaluado las diferentes opciones o tec...

  17. Acceso remoto seguro a cuentas de usuario utilizando plataformas de virtualización

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    Walter Fuertes, Maritza Enríquez y Diego Veloz


    Full Text Available En  las  universidades  persiste  el  problema  de  la subutilización de recursos tecnológicos; sin embargo, sesigue  incurriendo en gastos por adquisición de servidores,hardware  y  software. Frente  a  este  escenario,  en  laindustria se han venido desarrollando las tecnologías devirtualización, que ahorran energía y costos de inversiónde hardware. En  consecuencia,  el  artículo propone  elacceso remoto seguro a cuentas de usuario en un servidoruniversitario  virtualizado;  para  llevarlo  a  cabo  sediseñaron  e  implementaron  varias  topologías  deexperimentación, utilizando Virtual Box 3.1.3 y VMwareServer 2.0.2,  y  se  evaluaron diversas  tecnologías  deconexiones remotas seguras, bajo  idénticas condicionesy parámetros de  comprobación. En  cada  topología  seevaluó el rendimiento del servidor, el performance y  laseguridad  de  la  red  en  producción. Los  resultadosmuestran  la  funcionalidad  de  este  proyecto  deinvestigación  que  facilita  el  acceso  remoto  seguro deusuarios a los recursos informáticos universitarios.

  18. Ambientes virtuales de aprendizaje utilizando realidad aumentada

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    Diana Nancy Martínez García


    Full Text Available Realidad aumentada o Augmented reality es una nueva tecnología que al combinarla con espacios físicos permite ampliar el espectro de la información relacionada con dichos espacios; esto se hace a través de la superposición de imágenes, información o material audiovisual específico aplicado a cualquier área de conocimiento. Los ambientes virtuales de aprendizaje basados en realidad aumentada prometen innovación debido a que transforman los escenarios de aprendizaje real mediante el uso de nuevas tecnologías aplicadas al ámbito educativo, complementando de esta manera la percepción e interacción con el mundo real; logrando el acceso a nuevos contenidos prescindiendo de recursos físicos. En cuanto al uso de la realidad aumentada aplicada al área de enfermería, existe un sinnúmero de herramientas para complementar una clase magistral y enriquecer el proceso de aprendizaje. Sin embargo, la mayoría de los desarrollos realizados utilizando realidad aumentada proviene de contextos diferentes al nuestro, por lo que resulta importante fomentar el uso de este tipo de herramientas para que suscite el interés de los desarrolladores locales de tecnologías aplicadas al ámbito educativo y más específicamente el de salud. El objetivo de la presente revisión fue fundamentar teóricamente acerca de los ambientes virtuales de aprendizaje utilizando aplicaciones basadas en realidad aumentada.

  19. Evaluación de ataques UDP Flood utilizando escenarios virtuales como plataforma experimental

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    Walter Fuertes


    Full Text Available Los ataques por denegación de servicio (DoS tienen como propósito imposibilitar el acceso a los servicios de una organización durante un periodo indefinido; por lo general, están dirigidos a los servidores de una empresa, para que no puedan ser accedidos por usuarios autorizados. El presente trabajo se enfoca en la evaluación de ataques DoS tipo UDP Flood, utilizando como plataforma de experimentación un entorno virtual de red que permite identificar cómo actúan dichos ataques en la saturación del ancho de banda; para llevarlo a cabo se diseñó e implementó una red híbrida con segmentación WAN, LAN y DMZ que inhabilita el acceso interno y externo a un servicio Web expuesto. Las herramientas evaluadas fueron UPD Unicorn, Longcat Flooder y Script de Perl; las dos primeras instaladas sobre Windows, y la última, sobre Linux. Para validar está investigación se desarrolló un mecanismo de detección y mitigación de los ataques a nivel del firewall e IDS/IPS, evitando de este modo la saturación de la red. Finalmente, se evaluó el consumo dememoria, CPUy ancho de banda durante el ataque, la detección y la evasión, con el fin de determinar cuál genera mayor impacto. Los resultados demuestran que el mecanismo detecta, controla y mitiga los ataques. 

  20. Diseño de Herramientas Didácticas Enfocadas al Aprendizaje de Sistemas de Control Utilizando Instrumentación Virtual

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    J. Martínez


    Full Text Available Resumen: En este artículo se describe el diseño de tres herramientas didácticas enfocadas al aprendizaje de sistemas de control implementadas en el software de instrumentación virtual LabVIEW. Estas herramientas están dirigidas al análisis de estabilidad en sistemas de control, el diseño de compensadores utilizando la técnica del lugar geométrico de las raíces y el diseño de compensadores utilizando la técnica de respuesta en frecuencia con trazas de Bode. Cada una de estas herramientas didácticas cuenta con una interfaz gráfica amigable con el usuario. La ventaja de estas herramientas didácticas es que incluyen opciones para realizar simulación en las áreas de control que software especializado no tiene. Abstract: This paper describes the design of three didactic tools focused on learning of control systems implemented in LabVIEW virtual instruments software. These tools are dedicated to stability analysis in control systems, compensator design using root locus approach and Bode diagrams in the frequency domain. Each of them has a friendly interface with the user. The advantage of these didactic tools is the several options to simulate some characteristics referent to control in contrast with others teaching tools. Palabras clave: Estabilidad, Simulación de Sistemas, Educación en Control, Laboratorio Virtual, Keywords: Stability, simulation systems, control education, virtual laboratory

  1. Enfriamiento de café pergamino seco a granel utilizando aireación mecánica controlada

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    Julio E. Ospina M.


    Full Text Available Con el fin de garantizar que el café almacenado a granel conserve su calidad durante el tiempo necesario de almacenamiento, se estudió el enfriamiento del café pergamino seco en silos experimentales de dimensiones: 0.5m x 0.5m y 2.8 m de altura, utilizando aire enfriado mecánicamente. Los rangos estudiados fueron: temperatura de 10 a 220C humedad relativa de 66 a 98%y contenido de humedad del grano de 8 a 13.57% b.h. Durante la etapa de almacenamiento se evaluó la variación de la calidad del café según los criterios de coloración de la almendra, población de microorganismos y prueba de taza; paralelamente se dejaron muestras almacenadas en sacosa las condiciones de Chinchiná, como muestra testigo buscando determinar la bondad del almacenamiento a granel, también se dejó un silo sin aireación para determinar el efecto de la aireación controlada en la calidad del café.

  2. Análise da Fragilidade e Vulnerabilidade Natural dos Terrenos aos Processos Erosivos como Base para o Ordenamento Territorial: o Caso das Bacias do Córrego Carioca, Córrego do Bação e Ribeirão Carioca na Região do Alto Rio das Velhas-MG

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    Clibson Alves dos Santos


    Full Text Available As bacias do Córrego Carioca, do Córrego do Bação e do Ribeirão do Carioca fazem parte da bacia do rio Itabirito, tributário no alto rio das Velhas, afluente do Rio São Francisco. Essa região é marcada por intensos processos erosivos, decorrentes do uso inadequado dos solos. Sendo evidenciados diversos conflitos de uso dos terrenos e recursos hídricos, devido ao desenvolvimento da atividade minerária, das atividades industriais, das práticas agropastoris, da crescente ocupação urbana e da expansão imobiliária por condomínios residenciais de classe alta. Nesse trabalho, analisou-se a susceptibilidade natural dos terrenos aos processos erosivos, tendo como base as unidades geomorfológicas definidas por Santoset al. (2006 e os métodos propostos por Crepani et al. (1996; 2001 e Ross (1992; 1994; 2000, visando contribuir no processo de planejamento ambiental e ordenamento territorial dessa região. Os resultados hierarquizam a área segundo o grau de fragilidade e vulnerabilidade aos processos erosivos, que associadas às análises realizadas no presente estudo, constituem-se em ferramentas orientativas no processo de ordenamento territorial das bacias hidrográficas estudadas.

  3. O Gnaisse Facoidal: a mais Carioca das Rochas.

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    Kátia Leite Mansur


    Full Text Available The city of Rio de Janeiro is known by its natural beauties. The mountains and the sea make the city the postcard ofBrazil. The sculpture of the carioca landscape is closely related to the augen gneiss, very resistant rock to the weatheringand, for this reason, it stands out in the relief. It gives form for Sugar Loaf and Corcovado, for example. Augen gneisswas used in the construction of most of the historical buildings of the city, including museums and churches, manyof them were built in the 19th century. It was used in the sculpture of ornaments, facades and frames of doors andwindows. The exploitation of the augen gneiss was presented by Jean Baptiste Debret in his book "Voyage Pittoresque etHistorique au Brésil". A picture of quarry is presented at Morro da Glória and describes the extraction method by slavelabor. He informes that the augen gneiss is softer, less expensive and more easily exploited. It was destined, mainly, tothe parts of the buildings that should be sculpted. This rock is still present in an important event of the history of thebrazilian arts. Pedra do Sal, a stairway sculpted in the augen gneiss Downtown, was the place that African people metin the past to tell their histories, to do religious cults and to sing. In these meetings in Pedra do Sal samba was born.

  4. Evaluación de la Remoción de Nitrógeno, Fósforo y Sulfuros en Agua Residual Doméstica, Utilizando Phragmites australis en Bioreactores


    Correa-Torres, Sandra N; Gamarra, Yolanda; Salazar, Andrés A; Pitta, Natalia M


    En el presente estudio se evaluó la remoción de nitrógeno, fósforo y sulfuros en un agua residual doméstica mediante fitorremediación utilizando Phragmites australis en bioreactores a escala de laboratorio. Se determinó el estudio las condiciones hidráulicas en reactores analizando las variables de relación geométrica largo:ancho (4:1 y 1:4) y usando un medio filtrante (grava/arena). Adicionalmente se evaluó el crecimiento de P. australis en los reactores y se analizó los porcentajes de remoc...

  5. Effect of water stress on nitrogen fixation and nodule structure of common bean Efeito do estresse hídrico na fixação biológica de nitrogênio e estrutura de nódulos de feijão

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    Maria Lucrecia Gerosa Ramos


    Full Text Available The aim of this work was to investigate the effect of water stress on N2 fixation and nodule structure of two common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L. cultivars Carioca and EMGOPA-201. Plants were harvested after five and eight days of water stress. Carioca had lower nodule dry weight on both water stress periods; shoot dry weight was lower at five days water stress and did not differ from control after eight days stress. Both cultivars had lower nitrogenase activity than control after five and eight days water stress. For both cultivars, after eight days stress bacteroid membranes were damaged. Carioca presented more pronounced damage to infected tissue, with host cell vacuolation and loss of the peribacteroid membrane at five days after stress; at eight days after stress, there was degradation of cytoplasm host cells and senescence of bacteroids, with their release into intercellular spaces. Intensity of immunogold-labeling of intercellular cortical glycoprotein with the monoclonal antibodies MAC 236/265 was different for both cultivars.O objetivo deste trabalho foi investigar o efeito do estresse hídrico na fixação biológica do N2 e na estrutura dos nódulos de feijão (Phaseolus vulgaris L., nas cultivares Carioca e EMGOPA-201. As plantas foram colhidas após cinco e oito dias de estresse hídrico. A cultivar Carioca apresentou menor peso seco de nódulos que o controle (plantas irrigadas. O peso da parte aérea seca da cultivar Carioca foi menor aos cinco dias de estresse hídrico e não diferiu do controle, após oito dias de estresse. As duas cultivares tiveram menor atividade da nitrogenase após cinco e oito dias de estresse hídrico e apresentaram danos na membrana peribacteróide após oito dias de estresse. A cultivar Carioca foi mais afetada do que a EMGOPA-201, com vacuolação das células e perda da membrana peribacteróide após cinco dias de estresse; aos oito dias, houve degradação das células do citoplasma, senescência e

  6. Por uma Economia Política do Funk Carioca: notas sobre a teoria pós-moderna e seus desdobramentos na música popular contemporânea

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    Pablo Cezar Laignier


    Full Text Available

    O objetivo deste trabalho é analisar as relações entre o funk carioca enquanto gênero musical e a teoria sobre as condições de uma economia política moderna no estágio contemporâneo, em que a acumulação flexível e os rápidos giros nos ciclos do capital se desdobram em uma sociabilidade e em aspectos culturais de mobilidade, risco, incerteza, crise, fluidez, portabilidade e interconexão. O referencial teórico é baseado principalmente nas obras de Harvey (2006, Lyotard (2003 e Anderson (1999. A primeira seção discute, com base nestes autores, a conjuntura pós-moderna; a segunda apresenta alguns exemplos dos desdobramentos das características classificadas como pós-modernas na música massiva/popular; a terceira discute algumas características do funk carioca como gênero musical e como cena cultural, inserindo-o no contexto político-econômico do Rio de Janeiro contemporâneo.

  7. Evaluación del impacto ambiental del proceso de obtención de alcohol carburante utilizando el algoritmo de reducción de residuos

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    María Isabel Montoya R.


    Full Text Available En el presente trabajo se evalúa el desempeño ambiental de dos procesos para la obtención de etanol a partir de materias primas propias del país como el maíz y la caña de azúcar. Inicialmente se realizó la simulación de los procesos en el software comercial Aspen Plus. Obtenidos los balances de materia y energía de los procesos, se efectuó el análisis de impacto ambiental utilizando el algoritmo de reducción de residuos (algoritmo WAR, el cual evalúa la amigabilidad ambiental de un proceso. De los resultados obtenidos, el proceso a partir de maíz presenta un menor potencial de impacto ambiental de salida que el proceso a partir de caña de azúcar. Igualmente, la mayor generación de impacto ambiental en ambos procesos se da en la categoría de potencial de toxicidad acuática, debido principalmente a la elevada carga orgánica que involucran las vinazas producidas en este proceso.

  8. Synthesis and NMR characterization of ( sup 15 N)taurine (2-( sup 15 N)aminoethanesulfonic acid)

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    Philippossian, G.; Welti, D.H.; Fumeaux, R.; Richli, U.; Anantharaman, K. (Nestle Research Centre, Nestec Ltd., Lausanne (Switzerland))


    The title compound was prepared in three steps with 55% overall yield starting from potassium ({sup 15}N)phthalimide. The synthetic route involved reaction with 1,2-dibromoethane, hydrolysis of the resulting N-(2-bromoethyl) ({sup 15}N)phthalimide with HBr and treatment of the 2-bromoethyl({sup 15}N)amine thus formed with sodium sulphite. The product was characterized by {sup 13}C, {sup 1}H and {sup 15}N NMR spectroscopy. The absolute coupling constants of {sup 15}N with the {sup 13}C nuclei and the non-exchanging protons were determined and an unambiguous assignment of the proton signals obtained. (author).


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    Erika garcia


    Full Text Available Se evaluó el proceso de bioestimulación por nutrientes: fertilizantes inorgánicos compuestos (FIC N:P:K 28:12:7 y sales inorgánicas simples (SIS NH4NO3 y K2HPO4 en suelos contaminados con hidrocarburos utilizando respirometría. El suelo fue contaminado con lodos aceitosos a una concentración ~40,000 mgTPH/kgps. Para cuantificar el consumo de oxigeno se utilizaron dos respirómetros de medición manométrica HACH® 2173b y OXITOP® PF600 durante ensayos de trece días. Se evaluaron dos tratamientos (FIC y SIS y tres controles (abiótico, sustrato de referencia y sin nutrientes. Se analizaron parámetros físico-químicos (pH, nutrientes y TPH y microbiológicos (heterótrofos y degradadores al inicio y al final de cada ensayo. SIS y el control sin nutrientes presentaron las mayores tasas de respiración, en el equipo HACH se obtuvieron valores de: 802.28 y 850.72 mgO2kgps-1d-1 respectivamente mientras que en el OXITOP fueron de 936.65 y 502.05 mgO2kgps-1d-1, respectivamente. En ninguno de los equipos se observo un aumento significativo de los degradadores, indicando que la bioestimulación no tuvo un efecto sobre la densidad microbiana. Por otro lado FIC, presentó los recuentos y tasas de respiración más bajas (188.18 y 139.87 mgO2kgps-1d-1 en HACH y OXITOP, respectivamente, esto pudo estar correlacionado a un efecto toxico generado por la acumulación de amoniaco.

  10. Biological aspects of Zabrotes subfasciatus (Bohemann, 1833) (Coleoptera, Bruchidae) on Phaseolus vulgaris L., cv. Carioca (Fabaceae), under laboratory conditions; Aspectos biologicos de Zabrotes subfasciatus (Bohemann, 1833) (Coleoptera, Bruchidae) em Phaseolus vulgaris L., cv. Carioca (Fabaceae), sob condicoes de laboratorio

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    Sari, Lisiane Taiatella; Ribeiro-Costa, Cibele Stramare, E-mail: lisi@bio.ufpr.b, E-mail: stra@ufpr.b [Universidade Federal do Parana (UFPR), Curitiba, PR (Brazil). Dept. de Zoologia; Pereira, Paulo Roberto Valle da Silva, E-mail: paulo@cpafrr.embrapa.b [EMBRAPA Roraima, Boa Vista, RR (Brazil). Entomologia


    Zabrotes subfasciatus is a serious pest of common beans, P. vulgaris L.. In Brazil there are several studies dealing with resistance of bean genotypes to this insect, while other studies have emphasized the utilization of oils and powders from plants to repel their attack. In this paper, fecundity, fertility, pattern of oviposition, life cycle and longevity were evaluated for a Brazilian stock from the Goias State on P. vulgaris cv. Carioca, at 30 deg C and 70% R.H. The mean fecundity was 38 eggs per female and 73% of viability. Egg laying showed an aggregated pattern. Males and females lived an average of 13 and 9 days, respectively. The total life cycle lasted for about 28 days. (author)

  11. Investigation into endogenous N metabolism in /sup 15/N-labelled pigs. 1. /sup 15/N labelling and /sup 15/N excretion in urine and feces after feeding 4 different diets

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    Bergner, H; Bergner, U; Adam, K [Humboldt-Universitaet, Berlin (German Democratic Republic). Sektion Tierproduktion und Veterinaermedizin


    4 male castrated pigs (55-65 kg) either received a wheat-fish meal diet (1 and 2) or a wheat-horse bean diet (3 and 4) without straw meal supplement (1 and 3) or with a supplement of 20% dry matter (2 and 4). In order to investigate whether a /sup 15/N labelling of the pigs is also possible with a protein excess in the ration, the animals received 24.8 g (1 and 2) and 11.6 g crude protein/kg/sup 0.75/ live weight (3 and 4). During a 10-day /sup 15/N-labelling 385 mg /sup 15/N excess (/sup 15/N') per kg/sup 0.75/ were applied with /sup 15/N labelling the following quotas of the applied /sup 15/N amount were incorporated: 1 = 10.2%, 2 = 7.2%, 3 = 18.7%, 4 = 14.4%. /sup 15/N excretion in both TCA fractions of feces showed a highly significant positive correlation to the increasing content of crude fibre in the 4 diets. The immediate /sup 15/N incorporation into the TCA-precipitable fraction of feces proves that /sup 15/N enters the large intestine endogenously and serves bacterial protein synthesis. 3 days after the last /sup 15/N application the pigs were killed. The values of atom-% /sup 15/N' were determined in the TCA-precipitable blood plasma and in the TCA-precipitable fraction of the liver. The other examined organs and tissues showed smaller differences between the test animals. The results show that the /sup 15/N labelling of tissues and organs of pigs is also possible at a high level of protein supply by means of an oral application of (/sup 15/N) ammonia salts.

  12. Una mejora a la clasificación basada en la medida calidad de la similaridad utilizando relaciones borrosas

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    Yumilka B. Fernández-Hernández


    Full Text Available El aprendizaje de reglas de clasificación es un problema clásic o del aprendizaje automático. El algoritmo IRBASIR para la ind ucción de reglas de clasificación basado en relaciones de similaridad per mite descubrir conocimiento a partir de sistemas de decisión qu e contienen rasgos tanto discretos como con tinuos. El mismo ha mostrado obt ener resultados superiores a otro s algoritmos conocidos en este tema. En este artículo se proponen varias modificaciones a este algoritm o basadas en la Teoría de los Conjuntos Borrosos, debido a las ventajas que estos poseen, teniendo en cuenta la medida calidad de similarid ad. Los resultados experimentales muestran que utilizando la Te oría de los Conjuntos Borrosos se obtienen resultados estadísticamente supe riores al algor itmo original.

  13. Os artífices da metrópole: anotações sobre a transformação da vida urbana carioca depois da Belle Époque The craftsmen in the metropolis: notes on the transformations of the carioca urban life after the Edwardian era

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    André Luiz Paulilo


    Full Text Available O artigo propõe-se a evidenciar o repertório de práticas envolvido na remodelação urbana da cidade do Rio de Janeiro. Depois de apresentar as referências históricas que presidiram a análise, o texto aponta as ilusões, as marcas e as transformações da vida carioca ocorridas com a assunção geral e vertiginosa do urbano. O texto detém-se na consolidação dos instrumentos de intervenção social nos centros de maior concentração populacional. Ele é desenvolvido segundo três eixos: o urbanismo, a reforma social e a educação pública. O artigo conclui circunscrevendo o alcance do esforço realizado depois da Belle Époque para fazer do Rio de Janeiro uma metrópole cosmopolita.This paper aims at highlighting the repertory of practices wrapped up in the urban remodeling of the city of Rio de Janeiro. After presenting the historical references governing its analyses, the text pinpoints the illusions, marks and transformations of the carioca life that followed the generic and vertiginous assumption of urbanity. The text dwells on the consolidation of the instruments of social intervention in the centers of major population concentration. It develops according to three axes: urbanism, the social reforms and public education. The paper concludes delineating the reach of the effort realized after the Edwardian era to make Rio de Janeiro into a cosmopolitan metropolis.

  14. Propagación y crecimiento inicial del abarco (Cariniana pyriformis Miers, utilizando semillas silvestres

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    Harlenson Pinilla Cespedes


    Full Text Available Se realizó la propagación de la especie forestal Abarco Cariniana Pyriformis Miers, con el objetivo de analizar su comportamiento en vivero utilizando semillas botánicas no mejoradas. Se utilizó un diseño completamente aleatorio con arreglo factorial compuesto por 10 factores por condición lumínica -luz y sombra- y 45 unidades experimentales. Se utilizaron diferentes combinaciones de sustratos orgánicos. Las semillas fueron sometidas a un tratamiento pre-germinativo en presencia de un testigo. Las variables evaluadas fueron porcentaje de germinación, crecimiento en altura y diámetro y porcentaje de supervivencia. La especie comenzó la germinación 13 días después de la siembra y se extendió hasta el día 27. Los resultados del proceso de germinación fueron de 60 % y 40% a plena exposición solar y bajo malla poli-sombra, respectivamente. El crecimiento en altura de las plántulas muestra al factor CF con el mejor valor 28,94 cm, bajo condiciones de luz y el factor EF, con 25,56 cm a plena exposición de sombra. Mientras el incremento en diámetro los factores DF y EF registraron valores de 1,04 cm y 0,84 cm, bajo las condiciones sol y sombra respetivamente. Las semillas de esta especie son no-fotoblásticas, es decir que para su germinación es indiferente la presencia o ausencia de luz. Las plántulas ubicadas en la condición ambiental sol registraron mejores valores promedios en las variables diámetro y altura. Por tanto, esta condición ejerce efecto positivo para el crecimiento inicial de las plántulas de Abarco C. pyriformis. 

  15. Synthesis of 15N-enriched fertilizers. Pt. II. Synthesis of 15N-enriched urea

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bondassolli, J.A.; Trivelin, P.C.O.; Mortatti, J.; Victoria, R.L.


    The results of studies on the production of 15 N-urea through the reaction between 15 N-enriched anhidrous ammonia, carbon monoxide and sulfur, using hydrogen sulfite as a auto catalizers and methyl alcohol as a liquid reaction medium is presented. The influence of the quantities of reagents on final yield of synthesised urea were studied. Analysis of the cost of 5 Atoms % 15 N-enriched urea were made. (M.A.C.) [pt

  16. CARIOCA : A Fast Binary Front-End Implemented in 0.25Pm CMOS using a Novel Current-Mode Technique for the LHCb Muon Detector

    CERN Multimedia


    The CARIOCA front-end is an amplifier discriminator chip, using 0.25mm CMOS technology, developed with a very fast and low noise preamplifier. This prototype was designed to have input impedance below 10W. Measurements showed a peaking time of 14ns and noise of 450e- at zero input capacitance, with a noise slope of 37.4 e-/pF. The sensitivity of 8mV/fC remains almost unchanged up to a detector capacitance of 120pF.

  17. Changes in mineral 15 N from soils treated with 15 N-urea and 15 N-vinasse incorporated or not to sugar cane straw

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Silva, Vilma M.; Colaco, Waldeciro; Encarnacao, Fernando A.F.


    Changes in N derived from 15 N sources (urea and vinasse), applied to two soils differing in texture (PV sandy, LR clayey), incorporated or not to sugar cane straw (dry leaves and sheathes) and incubated in an open system for 35 days, were evaluated through an isotope technique. Soil samples were collected 7, 14, 21, 28 and 35 days after applications to determine nitrogen fractions (total-N, N H 4 + - N and NO 3 - - N) derived from the labelled sources. Mineral N was taken as the sum of N H 4 + - N and N H 3 - -N. 15 N-abundances were determined in the concentrated extracts of these fractions. The mineral N net transformation rates were found from the mineral N obtained by taking the difference between the values of two subsequent incubation times. The results showed that mineral N transformation rates were initially positives in the treatments of 15 N-urea, and significantly higher (10,30 mg kg -1 d -1 , PV and 8,08 mg kg -1 d -1 , LR) than those obtained in the treatments with 15 N vinasse (1,11 mg kg -1 dia -1 , PV and 0,55 mg kg -1 dia -1 , LR). In general terms, mineral-N net transformation rates were negative (0,06 and 0,26 -1 d -1 , PV; -1,44 and 0,07 -1 .d -1 , LR, respective;y for urea and vinasse) indicating prevalence of immobilization. The results also showed small fluctuations among treatments at some of the incubation periods, which reflects the influence of characteristics and properties of both soils. (author)

  18. Estimates of genetic parameters of late seed-coat darkening of carioca type dry beans Estimativas de parâmetros genéticos do caráter escurecimento tardio dos grãos de feijão carioca

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    Lilian Cristina Andrade de Araújo


    Full Text Available In order to facilitate commercialization of cultivars of carioca type dry beans, the grains must have the lightest possible cream color and this phenotype must be persistent (late seed-coat darkening. There are reports of genetic variability for this trait. The objectives of this study were to obtain information regarding genetic control of the trait, with emphasis on the estimate of heritability and if it varies according to days after harvest, to verify the effect of locations and/or crop season on seed-coat darkening of the grains and to estimate the genetic and phenotypic correlations of the trait with cooking time, tannin content and grain yield. F2:3 and F2:4 progenies derived from crossing of the cultivar BRSMG Madrepérola (late seed-coat darkening and the line RP-2 (early seed-coat darkening were used. It is concluded that seed-coat darkening is influenced by the environment, crop season or locations; nevertheless, the interaction progenies x environments and progenies x locations is predominantly simple, not expressively changing classification of the progenies. Although the heritability of the darkening scores tends to increase with the storage time of the grain, the interaction progenies x time periods of assessment was not observed. Grains with late seed-coat darkening present a lower tannin content and require less cooking time. The genetic correlation between a dark seed-coat and grain yield was practically null.Para facilitar a comercialização das cultivares de feijão carioca, estas devem possuir cor creme dos grãos o mais claro possível e esse fenótipo deve ser persistente (escurecimento tardio. Há relatos de variabilidade genética para esse caráter. Os objetivos deste trabalho foram obter informações sobre o controle genético do caráter, com ênfase na estimativa da herdabilidade e se ela varia com os dias após a colheita, verificar o efeito de locais e/ou safras sobre o escurecimento dos grãos e estimar as

  19. Análisis de estabilidad del reactor PFTR para una reacción con cinética de primer orden utilizando la funcional de Lyapunov


    Héctor Armando Durán Peralta; Luis Fernando Córdoba C


    Abunda la literatura referente al análisis de estabilidad de reactores con parámetros globalizados de concentración y temperatura (por ejemplo el CSTR), en cambio es escasa la literatura sobre la estabilidad de reactores con parámetros distribuidos donde existe distribución espacial de concentración y temperatura, como es el caso del reactor tubular PFTR. Este documento analiza la estabilidad del reactor PFTR isotérmico y no isotérmico para una reacción con cinética de primer orden utilizando...

  20. Nuevo criterio de complejidad utilizando una medida de eficiencia


    Munduate del Río, Arantza; Pérez Prados, Antonio; Cano Sevilla, Francisco J.


    Centrado en el campo de los árboles de decisión, este trabajo estudia la forma de selección de un árbol óptimo entre los posibles árbo1es obtenidos a partir del análisis de un conjunto de datos, utilizando para ello una cantidad criterio que combina linealmente dos medidas de la calidad de un árbol: el error de resustitución y la eficiencia. Analizando el efecto de un proceso de poda en la cantidad criterio se obtiene una sucesión finita de subárboles rnínimos óptimamente podados del árbol má...

  1. Bio evaluation of the nutritional status of rice (Oryza sativa L. var. IAC-165) and bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L. var. Carioca) plants using 15 N and 32 P

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Calvache, A.M.; Bernardi, A.C.C.; Oliveira, F.C.; Prada Neto, E.; Silva, J.A.A.


    Rice and bean plants were grown in nutrient solution in the presence of three levels of N, P and K. The method of the bio evaluation of the nutritional status, in which excised roots are allowed to take up tagged elements, in this case 15 N and 3 '2 P, was compared with foliar analysis. Two main conclusions were drawn: the bio evaluation proved to be an useful and rapid procedure for the diagnosis of the nutritional status of both species, since there was a significant negative correlation between absorption of N and P and dry matter yield; the uptake of the tagged ions with either elements by the roots of plants grown under deficient levels of N and P in the nutrient solution was inversely proportional to the leak concentration of both nutrients. (author). 1 ref., 4 tabs

  2. 15N Hyperpolarization of Imidazole-15N2 for Magnetic Resonance pH Sensing via SABRE-SHEATH. (United States)

    Shchepin, Roman V; Barskiy, Danila A; Coffey, Aaron M; Theis, Thomas; Shi, Fan; Warren, Warren S; Goodson, Boyd M; Chekmenev, Eduard Y


    15 N nuclear spins of imidazole- 15 N 2 were hyperpolarized using NMR signal amplification by reversible exchange in shield enables alignment transfer to heteronuclei (SABRE-SHEATH). A 15 N NMR signal enhancement of ∼2000-fold at 9.4 T is reported using parahydrogen gas (∼50% para-) and ∼0.1 M imidazole- 15 N 2 in methanol:aqueous buffer (∼1:1). Proton binding to a 15 N site of imidazole occurs at physiological pH (p K a ∼ 7.0), and the binding event changes the 15 N isotropic chemical shift by ∼30 ppm. These properties are ideal for in vivo pH sensing. Additionally, imidazoles have low toxicity and are readily incorporated into a wide range of biomolecules. 15 N-Imidazole SABRE-SHEATH hyperpolarization potentially enables pH sensing on scales ranging from peptide and protein molecules to living organisms.


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    Olga Viviana Rodríguez


    Full Text Available Debido al gran potencial biotecnológico que presentan los residuos agroindustriales, se desarrolló el presente trabajo para la obtención de oligosacáridos, utilizando como materia prima residuos de cascaras de naranja, piña y cachaza de caña panelera, a escala de laboratorio. Por medio de un diseño experimental se evaluó la concentración y tipo de sustrato y la temperatura del proceso con tres niveles, para lograr la mayor producción. El desarrollo experimental se llevó a cabo con un volumen de 100 mL y 250 mL. En la etapa final se obtuvo como resultado una producción de 3,4 g/L de dextrano y 5,04 g/L de fructosa, utilizando como sustrato cascaras de naranja con estas condiciones: temperatura de 30 °C y concentración de sustrato de 20 g/L; durante el proceso se midieron el consumo de sustrato y la concentración de biomasa y productos. Se observó el desarrollo del microorganismo con los sustratos empleados en la experimentación, sin adición de nutrientes, con una adaptación favorable a éstos. Finalmente, se realizó una caracterización preliminar del polímero obtenido, con lo que se concluyó que puede obtenerse dextrano de grado técnico para su uso como espesante en la industria de alimentos y en el área de tratamiento de aguas residuales como floculante.Due to biotechnological potential that presents the agro-industrial remainders, the present work was developed about obtaining oligosaccharides using like raw material remainders of orange peels, pineapple peels, and panelera cane slowness, at level laboratory. An experimental design was used to evaluate type and concentration of substrate and process temperature at three levels, accordingly the greatest amount of dextran and fructose produced. All volumes worked were 100 mL and 250 mL. In the final phase, the result was a production of dextran 3.4 g/L and fructose 5.04 g/L, using orange peels as substrate, temperature at 30 °C and concentration of substrate of 20 g


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    Paula Zapata


    Full Text Available Grifóla frondosa es un hongo Basidiomycete comestible y medicinal que produce polisacáridos tipo glucanos (β-1,6 y β-1,3 con actividad antitumoral e inmunomoduladora. Para el presente trabajo, el objetivo fue evaluar la incidencia de diferentes fuentes de carbono (FC en la producción de biomasa y exopolisacári-dos (EPS, bajo condiciones de cultivo sumergido, utilizando un diseño estadístico factorial con dos factores: fuente de carbono (FC(1-7 y medio (MB y MS. La máxima producción de biomasa micelial (21,10 ± 0,82 g/l y la máxima producción de EPS (6,53 ± 0,14 g/l se logró utilizando el medio MB suplementado con FC4. Además de lo anterior, se logró desarrollar un medio de cultivo que cumple con el objetivo de disminuir costos, de Col $18.455 a $656 por litro de medio, produciendo (14,14 ± 0,82 g/l de biomasa y (5,16 ± 0,14 g/l de EPS, utilizando el medio MS suplementando con FC4. Estos resultados abren nuevas alternativas y posibilidades en nuestro país para el desarrollo de productos a partir de esta especie con costos que estén al alcance de la población.Grifóla frondosa is a Basidiomycete fungus edible and medicinal, it produces polysaccharides such a glucans (β-1,6 and β-1,3 with anti-tumor and inmuno-stimulating activity. For this work, the aim was evaluate the incidence of different carbon sources (FC in biomass and exo-polymer (EPS production, under submerged culture conditions, by using a factorial statistical design with two factors: carbon source (FC(1-7 and medium (MB and MS. The maximal yield of mycelial biomass (21,10 ± 0,82 g/l and the maximal yield in EPS (6,53 ± 0,14 g/l was achieved by using the MB medium supplemented with FC4. Besides, it was possible to develop a medium that fulfills the objective of reducing costs from $18.455 to $656 Colombian pesos for each liter of medium used, which produces (14,14 ± 0,82 g/l of biomass and (5,16 ± 0,14 g/l of EPS, using the MS medium supplemented with FC4

  5. Biological aspects of Zabrotes subfasciatus (Bohemann, 1833) (Coleoptera, Bruchidae) on Phaseolus vulgaris L., cv. Carioca (Fabaceae), under laboratory conditions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sari, Lisiane Taiatella; Ribeiro-Costa, Cibele Stramare; Pereira, Paulo Roberto Valle da Silva


    Zabrotes subfasciatus is a serious pest of common beans, P. vulgaris L.. In Brazil there are several studies dealing with resistance of bean genotypes to this insect, while other studies have emphasized the utilization of oils and powders from plants to repel their attack. In this paper, fecundity, fertility, pattern of oviposition, life cycle and longevity were evaluated for a Brazilian stock from the Goias State on P. vulgaris cv. Carioca, at 30 deg C and 70% R.H. The mean fecundity was 38 eggs per female and 73% of viability. Egg laying showed an aggregated pattern. Males and females lived an average of 13 and 9 days, respectively. The total life cycle lasted for about 28 days. (author)

  6. The effect of noncollinearity of 15N-1H dipolar and 15N CSA tensors and rotational anisotropy on 15N relaxation, CSA/dipolar cross correlation, and TROSY

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fushman, David; Cowburn, David


    Current approaches to 15N relaxation in proteins assume that the 15N-1H dipolar and 15N CSA tensors are collinear. We show theoretically that, when there is significant anisotropy of molecular rotation, different orientations of the two tensors, experimentally observed in proteins, nucleic acids, and small peptides, will result in differences in site- specific correlation functions and spectral densities. The standard treatments of the rates of longitudinal and transverse relaxation of amide 15N nuclei, of the 15N CSA/15N-1H dipolar cross correlation, and of the TROSY experiment are extended to account for the effect of noncollinearity of the 15N-1H dipolar and 15N CSA (chemical shift anisotropy) tensors. This effect, proportional to the degree of anisotropy of the overall motion, (D-parallel /D-perpendicular -1), is sensitive to the relative orientation of the two tensors and to the orientation of the peptide plane with respect to the diffusion coordinate frame. The effect is negligible at small degrees of anisotropy, but is predicted to become significant for D-parallel /D-perpendicular ≥1.5, and at high magnetic fields. The effect of noncollinearity of 15N CSA and 15N-1H dipolar interaction is sensitive to both gross (hydrodynamic) properties and atomic-level details of protein structure. Incorporation of this effect into relaxation data analysis is likely to improve both precision and accuracy of the derived characteristics of protein dynamics, especially at high magnetic fields and for molecules with a high degree of anisotropy of the overall motion. The effect will also make TROSY efficiency dependent on local orientation in moderately anisotropic systems

  7. Production of 15N-enriched nitric acid (H15NO3

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    C. R. Sant Ana Filho


    Full Text Available Techniques that employ 15N have proved to be an important tool in many areas of the agronomic and biomedical sciences. Nevertheless, their use is limited by methodological difficulties and by the price of compounds in the international market. Nitric compounds (15NO3- have attracted the interest of researchers. However, these compounds are not currently produced in Brazil. Thus, in the present work H15NO3 was obtained from the oxidation of anhydrous 15NH3. The method we used differs from the industrial process in that the absorption tower is replaced with a polytetrafluoroethylene-lined, stainless-steel hydration reactor. The process output was evaluated based on the following parameters: reaction temperature; ratio of reagents; pressure and flow of 15NH3(g through the catalyst (Pt/Rh. The results showed that, at the best conditions (500 ºC; 50 % excess O2; 0.4 MPa; and 3.39 g.min-1 of 15NH3, a conversion percentage (N-15NH3 to N-15NO3- of 62.2 %, an overall nitrogen balance (N-15NH3 + N-15NO3- of 86.8 %, and purity higher than 99 % could be obtained.

  8. Bradyrhizobium strain and the 15N natural abundance quantification of biological N2 fixation in soybean Estirpe do Bradyrhizobium e quantificação da fixação biológica de nitrogênio em soja utilizando a técnica da abundância natural de 15N

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ana Paula Guimarães


    Full Text Available In commercial plantations of soybean in both the Southern and the Cerrado regions, contributions from biological nitrogen fixation (BNF are generally proportionately high. When using the 15N natural abundance technique to quantify BNF inputs, it is essential to determine, with accuracy, the 15N abundance of the N derived from BNF (the 'B' value. This study aimed to determine the effect of four recommended strains of Bradyrhizobium spp. (two B. japonicum and two B. elkanii on the 'B' value of soybean grown in pots in an open field using an equation based on the determination of δ15N natural abundance in a non-labelled soil, and estimate of the contribution of BNF derived from the use of 15N-isotope dilution in soils enriched with 15N. To evaluate N2 fixation by soybean, three non-N2-fixing reference crops were grown under the same conditions. Regardless of Bradyrhizobium strain, no differences were observed in dry matter, nodule weight and total N between labelled and non-labelled soil. The N2 fixation of the soybeans grown in the two soil conditions were similar. The mean 'B' values of the soybeans inoculated with the B. japonicum strains were -1.84 ‰ and -0.50 ‰, while those inoculated with B. elkanii were -3.67 ‰ and -1.0 ‰, for the shoot tissue and the whole plant, respectively. Finally, the 'B' value for the soybean crop varied considerably in function of the inoculated Bradyrhizobium strain, being most important when only the shoot tissue was utilised to estimate the proportion of N in the plant derived from N2 fixation.Em plantações comerciais de soja na região Sul e do Cerrado, as contribuições da fixação biológica de Nitrogênio (FBN são geralmente elevadas. Quando usamos a técnica da abundância natural de 15N para quantificar a FBN, é essencial determinar com exatidão a abundância de 15N do N derivado da FBN (valor 'B'. Este trabalho buscou determinar o efeito das quatro estirpes de Bradyrhizobium spp. (duas B

  9. Nitrogen-15-labeled deoxynucleosides. 3. Synthesis of [3-15N]-2'-deoxyadenosine

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rhee, Young-Sook; Jones, R.A.


    The synthesis of [3- 15 N]-labeled adenine has been reported by several groups. Each of these syntheses followed essentially the same route, in which the 15 N is introduced by nitration of 4-bromoimidazole under forcing conditions using [ 15 N]-HNO 3 . The authors have devised an alternate route which uses an azo coupling reaction for introduction of the 15 N and proceeds through the intermediacy of [5- 15 N]-labeled 5-aminoimidazole-4-carboxamide (AICA). An unrelated route to the [5- 15 N]-labeled 5-amino-imidazole ribonucleoside (AIRs) was recently reported. AICA is a versatile precursor, which is most commonly used for entry into the guanine or isoguanine families, although it is usually used as the AICA-riboside rather than the heterocycle itself. The authors have found that AICA also can be used for the adenine family by cyclization to hypoxanthine using diethoxymethyl acetate in DMF at reflux. Although these conditions are more vigorous than those required for cyclization of 4,5-diaminopyrimidines using this reagent, the reaction works well. In addition, they report high-yield enzymatic conversion of [3- 15 N]-adenine to [3- 15 N]-2'-deoxyadenosine

  10. Recuperación de oro a partir de disoluciones de amoniaco y tiosulfato utilizando carbón activado

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    Vargas, C.


    Full Text Available The recovery of gold from solutions containing thiosulfate and ammonia using granular activated carbon was studied, evaluating the adsorption and elution stages. The influence of ammonia and thiosulfate concentration and the presence of impurities such as copper and zinc were also evaluated. In the presence of ammonia there was a concentration which maximized the adsorption of gold, while thiosulfate and impurities presence was harmful for the adsorption of gold. During elution, ammonia and thiosulfate concentration, pH regulator and temperature were evaluated. Ammonia favored the process as long as thiosulfate showed a maximum starting from which the elution diminishes. The effect of the pH regulator was very important; If was revealed that when the pH was regulated with caustic ammonia, a synergic effect appeared which favored the elution. Temperature favored the elution process, with activation energy of 9.13 kJ/mol.

    Se estudió la recuperación de oro de disoluciones de tiosulfato y amoniaco, utilizando carbón activado en gránulos, evaluando las etapas de adsorción y desorción. En la etapa de adsorción se evaluaron la concentración de amoniaco, de tiosulfato y de impurezas como cobre y cinc. En las condiciones experimentales ensayadas se encontró que, en presencia de amoniaco, existe una concentración óptima que maximiza la adsorción de oro, mientras que la presencia de tiosulfato e impurezas, tales como cobre y cinc, es perjudicial para la adsorción de oro. Para la desorción se evaluó la concentración de amoniaco, de tiosulfato, el regulador de pH y la temperatura. El amoniaco favoreció el proceso, en tanto que el tiosulfato presentó un máximo a partir del cual la desorción disminuyó. El efecto del regulador de pH fue muy importante, determinándose que cuando el pH era controlado con hidróxido de amonio, se presentaba un efecto sinérgico que favorecía la desorción. La temperatura favoreció el proceso de

  11. Evaluación de Aprendizajes Mediante Rúbricas Utilizando Rubricarte / Evaluation of Learning by Rubrics Using Rubricarte

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    Vanessa Miguel


    Full Text Available Los diseños curriculares por competencias buscan promover el desarrollo de capacidades amplias e integrales que le permitan a las personas un desempeño adecuado en situaciones cambiantes, lo cual requiere de nuevas estrategias en la docencia universitaria donde se aprovechen las potencialidades de las Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación (TIC. En este contexto, las matrices de valoración o rúbricas han surgido como un instrumento útil para la evaluación de competencias, ya que a través de un conjunto de criterios permiten valorar el aprendizaje enfocándose en el desempeño del alumno en un contexto determinado. En este trabajo se analiza una experiencia educativa del uso para la evaluación de aprendizajes de RubricArte, una herramienta de software colaborativa desarrollada en la UCV que facilita el desarrollo, uso y divulgación de rúbricas en línea. La experiencia se desarrolló durante el período académico 2015-I (marzo –julio 2015 en la asignatura Modalidades Educativas y Tecnología de la Maestría en Educación, mención TIC de la Facultad de Humanidades y Educación (FHE de la UCV. El curso se dictó bajo la modalidad mixta con actividades presenciales y actividades en un entorno virtual de aprendizaje a través del Campus Virtual de la UCV. RubricArte permitió tanto la evaluación colaborativa como la autoevaluación y la heteroevaluación utilizando rúbricas en línea de una manera sencilla donde se compartieron los criterios de evaluación y donde esta actividad se convirtió en parte del proceso de aprendizaje promoviendo la reflexión acerca del mismo.

  12. The contamination of commercial 15N2 gas stocks with 15N-labeled nitrate and ammonium and consequences for nitrogen fixation measurements. (United States)

    Dabundo, Richard; Lehmann, Moritz F; Treibergs, Lija; Tobias, Craig R; Altabet, Mark A; Moisander, Pia H; Granger, Julie


    We report on the contamination of commercial 15-nitrogen (15N) N2 gas stocks with 15N-enriched ammonium, nitrate and/or nitrite, and nitrous oxide. 15N2 gas is used to estimate N2 fixation rates from incubations of environmental samples by monitoring the incorporation of isotopically labeled 15N2 into organic matter. However, the microbial assimilation of bioavailable 15N-labeled N2 gas contaminants, nitrate, nitrite, and ammonium, is liable to lead to the inflation or false detection of N2 fixation rates. 15N2 gas procured from three major suppliers was analyzed for the presence of these 15N-contaminants. Substantial concentrations of 15N-contaminants were detected in four Sigma-Aldrich 15N2 lecture bottles from two discrete batch syntheses. Per mole of 15N2 gas, 34 to 1900 µmoles of 15N-ammonium, 1.8 to 420 µmoles of 15N-nitrate/nitrite, and ≥21 µmoles of 15N-nitrous oxide were detected. One 15N2 lecture bottle from Campro Scientific contained ≥11 µmoles of 15N-nitrous oxide per mole of 15N2 gas, and no detected 15N-nitrate/nitrite at the given experimental 15N2 tracer dilutions. Two Cambridge Isotopes lecture bottles from discrete batch syntheses contained ≥0.81 µmoles 15N-nitrous oxide per mole 15N2, and trace concentrations of 15N-ammonium and 15N-nitrate/nitrite. 15N2 gas equilibrated cultures of the green algae Dunaliella tertiolecta confirmed that the 15N-contaminants are assimilable. A finite-differencing model parameterized using oceanic field conditions typical of N2 fixation assays suggests that the degree of detected 15N-ammonium contamination could yield inferred N2 fixation rates ranging from undetectable, detected in field assays. These results indicate that past reports of N2 fixation should be interpreted with caution, and demonstrate that the purity of commercial 15N2 gas must be ensured prior to use in future N2 fixation rate determinations.

  13. Eliminación de ruido impulsivo en imágenes a color, utilizando interpolación con funciones de base radial

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    Jaime Alberto Echeverri Arias


    Full Text Available Este documento presenta un método para suprimir ruido impulsivo enimágenes a color, utilizando interpolación a través de funciones de baseradial. Este es un problema clásico en múltiples aplicaciones en diferentesáreas, su origen radica en mecanismos de captación de datosdefectuosos, que generan errores a intervalos variados de tiempo en lasseñales de entrada.Se comparan los resultados obtenidos con el método propuesto, frente alos algoritmos clásicos no lineales, como el filtrado por la mediana, la mediay el de outlier. En todos los escenarios probados, los resultados fueronmás eficaces con el método propuesto. El algoritmo demostró ser robustofrente a grandes volúmenes de ruido en el caso de prueba. Los resultadosfueron analizados a través del error cuadrado medio (ECM y Peak Signalto Noise Ratio (PSNR que son dos métricas de uso común para compararla calidad entre dos imágenes luego de un proceso de restauración. Sealcanzó un ECM de 14 y un PSNR de 35.8 db sobre la imagen de Lenna a512x512 pixeles con un porcentaje de pixeles ruido del 40%.

  14. Investigation into endogenous N metabolism in 15N-labelled pigs. 1

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bergner, H.; Bergner, U.; Adam, K.


    4 male castrated pigs (55-65 kg) either received a wheat-fish meal diet (1 and 2) or a wheat-horse bean diet (3 and 4) without straw meal supplement (1 and 3) or with a supplement of 20% dry matter (2 and 4). In order to investigate whether a 15 N labelling of the pigs is also possible with a protein excess in the ration, the animals received 24.8 g (1 and 2) and 11.6 g crude protein/kg/sup 0.75/ live weight (3 and 4). During a 10-day 15 N-labelling 385 mg 15 N excess ( 15 N') per kg/sup 0.75/ were applied with 15 N labelling the following quotas of the applied 15 N amount were incorporated: 1 = 10.2%, 2 = 7.2%, 3 = 18.7%, 4 = 14.4%. 15 N excretion in both TCA fractions of feces showed a highly significant positive correlation to the increasing content of crude fibre in the 4 diets. The immediate 15 N incorporation into the TCA-precipitable fraction of feces proves that 15 N enters the large intestine endogenously and serves bacterial protein synthesis. 3 days after the last 15 application the pigs were killed. The values of atom-% 15 N' were determined in the TCA-precipitable blood plasma and in the TCA-precipitable fraction of the liver. The other examined organs and tissues showed smaller differences between the test animals. The results show that the 15 N labelling of tissues and organs of pigs is also possible at a high level of protein supply by means of an oral application of [ 15 N] ammonia salts. (author)

  15. Interfaz Gráfica Computacional para Destilación Multicomponente utilizando Métodos Cortos

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    A. Osorio Mirón


    Full Text Available En este trabajo, se elaboró una interfaz gráfica que determina por medio de simulación en estado estacionario el número de platos necesarios en el proceso de destilación multicomponente, así como la composición en el flujo de destilado y fondos de una torre de destilación utilizando métodos cortos. La interfaz gráfica de usuario, se construyó en el lenguaje de programación Python 2.5, permite presentar los datos de entrada y salida para el caso de columnas de destilación operando en régimen permanente. Los resultados del uso de la interfaz gráfica muestran una forma simple de realizar diseños preliminares de torres de destilación y su potencialidad como material de apoyo para el estudio y comprensión de conceptos básicos en destilación multicomponente. En un trabajo posterior se podrá visualizar el desempeño del modelo dinámico a través de perturbaciones programadas en las condiciones de operación.   Palabras claves: destilación multicomponente; métodos cortos; interfaz gráfica de usuario; Phyton 2.5.In this work, we developed a graphical interface that determines by steady-state simulation the number of plates required for multicomponent distillation process and the composition of distillate and bottoms flow of a distillation tower using short-cut methods. The graphical user interface was built in the programming language Python 2.5, allows to present the input and output data for the case of distillation columns operating in steady state. The results of using the graphical interface shows a simple way to make preliminary designs of distillation towers and its potential as support material for the study and understanding of basic concepts in multicomponent distillation. In a later work it will can display the dynamic model performance through scheduled disturbances in operating conditions.   Keywords: multicomponent distillation; shorcut methods;graphical user interface; Phyton 2.5.

  16. Modelo de detección de intrusiones en sistemas de red, realizando selección de características con FDR y entrenamiento y clasificación con SOM

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    Emiro De la Hoz


    Full Text Available Los Sistemas de Detección de Intrusos (IDS, por sus siglas en inglés comerciales actuales clasifican el tráfico de red, detectando conexiones normales e intrusiones, mediante la aplicación de métodos basados en firmas; ello conlleva problemas pues solo se detectan intrusiones previamente conocidas y existe desactualización periódica de la base de datos de firmas. En este artículo se evalúa la eficiencia de un modelo de detección de intrusiones de red propuesto, utilizando métricas de sensibilidad y especificidad, mediante un proceso de simulación que emplea el dataset NSL-KDD DARPA, seleccionando de éste las características más relevantes con FDR y entrenando una red neuronal que haga uso de un algoritmo de aprendizaje no supervisado basado en mapas auto-organizativos, con el propósito de clasificar el tráfico de la red en conexiones normales y ataques, de forma automática. La simulación generó métricas de sensibilidad del 99,69% y de especificidad del 56,15% utilizando 20 y 15 características, respectivamente.

  17. sup 15 N-ammonium test in clinical research. Der ( sup 15 N)-Ammoniumtest in der klinischen Forschung

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Jung, K; Metzner, C; Teichmann, B [Akademie der Wissenschaften der DDR, Leipzig (German Democratic Republic). Zentralinstitut fuer Isotopen- und Strahlenforschung Leipzig Univ. (German Democratic Republic). Bereich Medizin


    By use of the {sup 15}N-ammonium test the liver function is investigated under influence of hormonal contraceptives in women and in liver diseases in children. With the described noninvasive nonradioactive isotope test the ammonia detoxification capability and the urea synthesis capacity of the liver is determined by measuring of the {sup 15}N excretion in ammonia and urea in urine after oral administering of {sup 15}N-ammonium chloride. The {sup 15}N-ammonium test shows a significant influence of the hormonal contraceptives on the liver function and gives diagnostic evidence for liver diseases in children. (author).



    Zapata, Paula; Rojas, Diego; Fernández, Carlos; Ramírez, David; Restrepo, Gloria; Orjuela, Viviana; Arroyave, Marcela; Gómez, Tatiana; Atehortüa, Lucía


    Grifóla frondosa es un hongo Basidiomycete comestible y medicinal que produce polisacáridos tipo glucanos (β-1,6 y β-1,3) con actividad antitumoral e inmunomoduladora. Para el presente trabajo, el objetivo fue evaluar la incidencia de diferentes fuentes de carbono (FC) en la producción de biomasa y exopolisacári-dos (EPS), bajo condiciones de cultivo sumergido, utilizando un diseño estadístico factorial con dos factores: fuente de carbono (FC(1-7)) y medio (MB y MS). La máxima produ...

  19. Resonances in the nuclear reactions 15N + 12C and 15N + 16O

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Monnehan, G.A.


    The reaction 12 C + 15 N have been studied at 15 N beam energies between 30 and 70 MeV. For each reaction, about twelve residual nuclei have been identified through the γ-ray detection method. Excitation functions were obtained for the fusion and peripheral channels. Resonances are seen in the channels containing at least one α particle at energies below 50 MeV. At higher energies, strong structures are observed in the direct reaction channels. The evolution of the fusion cross section is well reproduced by a model based on the statistical desexcitation of the compound nucleus if the discrete states of the residual nuclei are taken into account. The favourable observation of resonant phenomena in 15 N induced reactions can be understood in terms of a small number of channels open to the grazing wave. In the range 50 to 60 MeV, there is a strong coupling between the fusion and the direct reaction channels. The occurrence of resonances above E lab = 50 MeV in the peripheral channels is explained with the band crossing and effective barrier models. In the 15 N induced reactions, the absorption of the surface waves is weak [fr

  20. Direcionadores de preferencia para nectares de uva comerciais tradicionais e "lights" utilizando regressão por minimos quadrados parciais (PLSR).


    Leonardo Rangel Alves


    Resumo: Este estudo objetivou Identificar direcionadores de preferência de oito amostras comerciais de néctar de uva (tradicionais e "light") utilizando metodologias estatísticas avançadas para relacionar dados de perfil sensorial, físico-químicos e aceitabilidade. Oito amostras comerciais de néctares de uva (quatro tradicionais e suas respectivas versões "light") foram analisadas. Um teste de Aceitação utilizando a escala hedônica híbrida foi realizado com 114 consumidores. Quatorze termos d...


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    Alberto Acosta López


    Full Text Available Este documento plantea una propuesta de prototipo e implementación de una aplicación, construida en plataforma Android utilizando tecnologías NFC. La motivación para la elaboración de la aplicación es la problemática de  la validación y control de flujo de activos fijos, bastante común en la actualidad. Con este desarrollo se busca proporcionar una solución a la tarea del registro y validación de entrada y salida de elementos físicos, que estarán relacionados con información almacenada en una base de datos donde se asociarán con una persona, en un lugar en específico. En el desarrollo de la aplicación se implementó una arquitectura de software basada en cliente-servidor contando con elementos tipo web y móvil, y acoplando diferentes tecnologías que convergen a un único servicio. Como trabajo futuro se destacara la posibilidad de extender la aplicación a cualquier organización que la requiera, también deben explorarse nuevas metodologías de seguridad en general para las etiquetas NFC que permitan  generar una capa de seguridad eficiente y robusta.  Finalmente, se obtiene como resultado una versión funcional del aplicativo probada en la Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas de la ciudad de Bogotá en Colombia para el control de entrada y salida de dispositivos electrónicos, con resultados satisfactorios.

  2. Synthesis of fertilizers nitrogen and 15N-enriched. Pt. I. Production of enriched 15N-anhydrous ammonia

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bendassolli, J.A.; Mortatti, J.; Trivelin, P.C.O.; Victoria, R.L.


    The results of 15 N-anhydrous ammonia production through reaction between 15 N-enriched ammonium sulphate and sodium hidroxide are reported. Influence of the reaction temperature, carrier gas flow, reaction time and mass of ammonium sulphate on the production of anhydrous ammonia were studied. Analyses for the cost of production of 5% atoms in 15 N-enriched anhydrous ammonia were made. (M.A.C.) [pt

  3. Resolution of the 15N balance enigma?

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Clough, T.J.; Sherlock, R.R.; Cameron, K.C.; Stevens, R.J.; Laughlin, R.J.; Mueller, C.


    The enigma of soil nitrogen balance sheets has been discussed for over 40 years. Many reasons have been considered for the incomplete recovery of 15 N applied to soils, including sampling uncertainty, gaseous N losses from plants, and entrapment of soil gases. The entrapment of soil gases has been well documented for rice paddy and marshy soils but little or no work appears to have been done to determine entrapment in drained pasture soils. In this study 15 N-labelled nitrate was applied to a soil core in a gas-tight glovebox. Water was applied, inducing drainage, which was immediately collected. Dinitrogen and N -2 were determined in the flux through the soil surface, and in the gases released into the glovebox as a result of irrigation or physical destruction of the core. Other components of the N balance were also measured, including soil inorganic-N and organic-N. Quantitative recovery of the applied 15 N was achieved when the experiment was terminated 484 h after the 15 N-labelled material was applied. Nearly 23% of the 15 N was recovered in the glovebox atmosphere as N 2 and N 2 O due to diffusion from the base of the soil core, convective flow after irrigation, and destructive soil sampling. This 15 N would normally be unaccounted for using the sampling methodology typically employed in 15 N recovery experiments. Copyright (2001) CSIRO Publishing

  4. N-15 analysis by emission spectroscopy

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The stable isotope of nitrogen, N-15, has become widely used as tracer in agriculture, medicine and biology research. The film gives an overview of the sample preparation and analytical procedures followed in the analysis of the nitrogen isotopic composition (14N/15N ratio) by optical emission spectrometry at the Seibersdorf Laboratory. The subsampling of plant material and the several steps of chemical pretreatment such as Kjeldahl digestion, distillation, titration and adjustment of the proper N concentration in the extract are demonstrated. The preparation of the discharge tubes is shown in detail. Final measurement of the 14N/15N ratio is carried out with the NOI-5 and JASCO emission spectrometers

  5. Carga de enfermedad en la comunidad autónoma de Cataluña utilizando años de vida ajustados por discapacidad (2005-2010

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    Anna Cuadras Andreu


    Full Text Available Fundamentos: La carga de enfermedad permite medir la salud de la población incluyendo mortalidad y morbididad. Los objetivos de este estudio son estimar la carga de enfermedad en Cataluña, comparar los resultados con España y con la comarca del Tarragonés, y evaluar la aportación de los registros locales en la estimación de la discapacidad. Métodos: Se calcularon los años de vida perdidos ajustados por discapacidad (AVAD para 123 causas utilizando la metodología descrita por la Organización Mundial de la Salud. Las tasas estandarizadas se compararon con las españolas. En la comarca del Tarragonés, se calcularon losAVAD, se compararon con Cataluña, y para los tumores malignos se calcularon los AVAD utilizando el registro local de incidencia de cáncer. Resultados: Los AVAD en Cataluña fueron 801.140 de media anual. El 60,3% se atribuyó a discapacidad y el 39,7% a mortalidad prematura. Neuropsiquiátricas (30,9%, tumores malignos (15,8% y cardiovasculares (11,3% fueron las principales causas en AVAD. La tasa estandarizada de las enfermedades respiratorias (7,5 por 1.000 fue significativamente superior a la española. Causas perinatales (3,1 por 1.000, lesiones intencionadas (2,2 por 1.000 y enfermedades del aparato digestivo (4,9 por 1.000 fueron significativamente superiores en el Tarragonés. Los AVAD para los tumores malignos se incrementaron un 13,4% utilizando la incidencia de casos para su cálculo. Conclusiones: Las enfermedades no transmisibles aportan la mayor parte de AVAD en Cataluña. Existen diferencias entre territorios en enfermedades respiratorias, perinatales, digestivas y lesiones intencionadas. Los registros locales pueden ser muy útiles en el cálculo de los AVAD.

  6. Efecto inhibitorio de los taninos del frijol carioca (Phaseolus vulgaris L. sobre la digestibilidad de la faseolina por dos sistemas multienzimáticos

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    Del Pino Victoria H.


    Full Text Available Cantidades variables de dos sistemas multienzimáticos de tripsina-quimotripsina-peptidasa y pepsina-pancreatina, fueron utilizados para evaluar el efecto de los taninos provenientes de frijol Carioca (Phaseolus vulgaris L. sobre la digestibilidad de la faseolina, en las formas nativa y denaturalizada. Esta evaluación hecha por los métodos de caida de pH, de hidrólisis en medio tamponado con posterior medición del grado de hidrólisis con ninhidrina y por la técnica electroforética, demostró el efecto adverso de los taninos condensados sobre la digestibilidad de la faseolina, después de producirse una significativa inhibición en el grado de hidrólisis de esa proteína por los dos sistemas multienzimáticos. Se comprobó la dificultad de hidrólisis de la faseolina cuando esta unida al tanino en el punto de saturación (proporción 5/20 tanino/proteína p/p y mayores, después de detectarse en los perfiles electroforéticos, péptidos de 45.7 y 24KDa, resistentes a la hidrólisis hasta por prolongados períodos de incubación. Esto se debió a la existencia de un complejo de naturaleza refractária no digeríble, incluso en condiciones excesivas de enzima. Los resultados sugieren la unión simultánea del tanino con mas de un ligante a través de sus múltiples grupos hidróxilos libres, formando un complejo proteína-tanino-enzima (PTE* que correspondería a la fracción no digeríble de la faseolina.

  7. Emission spectroscopic 15N analysis 1985

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Meier, G.


    The state of the art of emission spectroscopic 15 N analysis is demonstrated taking the NOI-6e 15 N analyzer as an example. The analyzer is equipped with a microcomputer to ensure a high operational comfort, computer control, and both data acquisition and data processing. In small amounts of nitrogen-containing substances (10 to 50 μg N 2 ) the 15 N abundance can be very quickly determined in standard discharge tubes or in aqueous ammonium salt solutions with a standard deviation less than 0.6 percent

  8. Desarrollo e implementación de un sistema para el control e inventario continuo, utilizando tecnología RFID, para la biblioteca de la ups sede Guayaquil


    Chang Faiconí, David; Lozano Solís, Alan


    El proyecto surge de la idea de desarrollar e implementar un sistema de control e inventario utilizando la comunicación inalámbrica (radiofrecuencia) por medio de la tecnología RFID para ser aplicado en la biblioteca en la Universidad Politécnica Salesiana Sede Guayaquil y así facilitar y mejorar la gestión bibliotecaria, además evitar las pérdidas de estos materiales tan importantes y fuentes de consulta para los alumnos. Se desarrolló un sistema de gestión para préstamos, control de ...

  9. Constraints on oceanic N balance/imbalance from sedimentary 15N records

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    M. A. Altabet


    Full Text Available According to current best estimates, the modern ocean's N cycle is in severe deficit. N isotope budgeting provides an independent geochemical constraint in this regard as well as the only means for past reconstruction. Overall, it is the relative proportion of N2 fixation consumed by water column denitrification that sets average oceanic δ15N under steady-state conditions. Several factors (conversion of organic N to N2, Rayleigh closed and open system effects likely reduce the effective fractionation factor (ε for water column denitrification to about half the inherent microbial value for εden. If so, the average oceanic δ15N of ~5‰ is consistent with a canonical contribution from water column denitrification of 50% of the source flux from N2 fixation. If an imbalance in oceanic N sources and sinks changes this proportion then a transient in average oceanic δ15N would occur. Using a simple model, changing water column denitrification by ±30% or N2 fixation by ±15% produces detectable (>1‰ changes in average oceanic δ15N over one residence time period or more with corresponding changes in oceanic N inventory. Changing sedimentary denitrification produces no change in δ15N but does change N inventory. Sediment δ15N records from sites thought to be sensitive to oceanic average δ15N all show no detectible change over the last 3 kyr or so implying a balanced marine N budget over the latest Holocene. A mismatch in time scales is the most likely meaningful interpretation of the apparent conflict with modern flux estimates. Decadal to centennial scale oscillations between net N deficit and net surplus may occur but on the N residence timescale of several thousand years, net balance is achieved in sum. However, sediment δ15N records from the literature covering the period since the last glacial maximum show excursions of up to several ‰ that are consistent with sustained N deficit during the deglaciation followed by readjustment

  10. Distribution of spin dipole transition strength in the 15N(n,p)15C reaction

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cellar, A.; Alford, W.P.; Helmer, R.; Abegg, R.; Frekers, D.; Haeusser, O.; Henderson, R.S.; Jackson, K.P.; Vetterli, M.; Yen, S.; Jeppesen, R.; Larson, B.; Mildenberger, J.; Pointon, B.W.; Trudel, A.


    The reaction 15 N(n,p) 15 C was studied at a neutron energy of 288 MeV using the TRIUMF (n,p) charge exchange facility and a high pressure gas target. The angular distributions for spin dipole (ΔL=1) transitions to the states in 15 C at energies 0 MeV and 0.740 MeV, as well as for higher excitation energies, were measured and the results were compared with DWIA calculations. The measured distribution of the spin dipole strength agrees well with shell model predictions, indicating that a rather simple model provides a satisfactory description of the 15 N ground state, and of positive parity states in 15 C up to about 18 MeV excitation. The magnitude of the peak cross sections (at ≅ 7 degrees) is described well by the calculations when the theoretical cross section is renormalized by a factor 0.7. The calculated cross sections near zero degrees are generally smaller than experimental data. It this is a general feature of ΔL=1 transitions, it suggests that estimates of GT strength based on a multipole decomposition of measured cross sections may be too high. (Author) (41 refs., 3 tabs., 14 figs.)


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    Guillermo Arrázola


    Full Text Available El objetivo del presente trabajo fue aplicar un técnica para determinar y cuantificar por separado los compuestos cianogénicos que pueden estar presentes en la semilla de almendra madura (Prunus dulcis. Entre los métodos encontrados, se seleccionó la cromatografía de líquidos de alta resolución (HPLC, que permite la cuantificación de los glucósidos cianogénicos amigdalina y prunasina por separado, adecuando diferentes procedimientos de extracción como el tamaño de partículas que influye en el proceso de liofilización, donde a menor superficie mayor área de contacto para la sublimación. Se ensayaron  muestras sin grasa y con grasa, utilizando los resultados con muestras con grasa, dados los resultados obtenidos. Se utilizó metanol 100% como extractante de los glucósidos cianogénicos, resultando una concentración de amigdalina máxima a partir un tiempo de extracción de 12 h y como fase móvil acetonitrilo/agua (20:80, se obtiene amigdalina, con una concentración de 9,8 mg/100g de muestra seca. Los cromatogramas obtenidos presentan tiempos de retención (Tr, Amigdalina: 3,4 min y Prunasina, 5,7 min, dos picos con excelente resolución, por lo tanto las condiciones anteriores se pueden utilizar para la identificación y  cuantificación de amigdalina y prunasina.

  12. Análisis de paneles solares térmicos utilizando software gratuito


    Castellanos Cordeiro-Crespo, Antonio


    El objetivo de este proyecto es la evaluación de dos programas que trabajan en la simulación de paneles termosolares: KOLEKTOR Y CODEPRO. Para la valoración de dichos software tomaremos datos en el panel solar con el que cuenta la Universidad Politécnica de Cracovia. Después simularemos, utilizando las aplicaciones a estudio, introduciendo las mismas condiciones de la toma de datos, y compararemos los resultados obtenidos en ambos procedimientos. Lo más positivo es que ambos software son bast...

  13. Synthesis of hydroxylamine-15 N.HCl

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Baldea, Aurel


    15 N labelled hydroxylamine is one of the starting substance for synthesis of labelled oximes. Industrial procedure was chosen to prepare hydroxylamine- 15 N. Sodium nitrite reduced by sodium bisulfite and sulfur dioxide, at temperature of 0-2 deg. C, produces sodium hydroxylamine disulfonate. The reaction mixture is treated with acetone and the resulting acetoxime is distilled. In order to obtain crystalline hydroxylamine hydrochloride, hydrochloric acid is added to the distillate and the solution is evaporated to dryness. The crude product was purified by recristallization, yielding 62-65% of theoretical amount. Labelled ammonium chloride formed as byproduct can be recovered improving 15 N balance. IR spectra is used for chemical analysis and mass spectrometry for isotopic analysis. For this purpose hydroxylamine- 15 N is converted into molecular nitrogen. (author)

  14. Mechanism of the reactions 14N(d,p)15N and 14N(d,n)15O by Doppler shift line shape method

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Abdel-Moneim, A.M.


    In this investigation the total and the differential absolute cross sections of the 14 N(d,p) 15 N reaction leading to excited states at 7.3, 8.3 and 9.05 MeV levels in 15 N and the 14 N(d,n) 15 O reaction leading to the 6.79 MeV level in 15 O, have been studied over the energy range from 0.5 MeV to 3 MeV. Doppler shift line shape method as well as γ-ray yield measurements have been used. The absolute cross sections are determined relative to the known 14 N(p,p) elastic differential cross sections. A comparison with previously determined values for the same reactions at selected energies shows good agreement in angular distribution as well as in absolute values. The total cross section for the d,p reaction shows a general energy dependence which is typical for direct reactions, but with minor contribution from compound nucleus formation at certain energy ranges. For the 14 N(d,n) 15 N reaction, the method applied is unique, since it allows the differential cross section to be studied all the way down to the threshold energy of deuterons at 2 MeV, with a detectorsystem efficiency which is constant over the entire range of neutron energies. The larger part of the energy range that has been investigated is dominated by a resonance at 2.55 π+ 0.05 MeV deuteron energy and a halfwidth depending on the amount of contribution from the direct reaction of the order of 200-400 keV. (JIW)





    El objetivo de este trabajo es definir un modelo de bloques de un yacimiento hipotético de sulfuros masivos utilizando MineSight®, basado en la interpretación geológica, la viabilidad, planificación estratégica y la programación de los procesos a largo y corto plazo de las alternativas de producción y la capacidad requerida de la mina. Primero se presentan una descripción de los software minero más representativos del mercado en cuanto a la planeación minera, después se presentan las generali...

  16. 15C-15F Charge Symmetry and the 14C(n,γ)15C Reaction Puzzle

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Timofeyuk, N.K.; Thompson, I.J.; Baye, D.; Descouvemont, P.; Kamouni, R.


    The low-energy reaction 14 C(n,γ) 15 C provides a rare opportunity to test indirect methods for the determination of neutron capture cross sections by radioactive isotopes versus direct measurements. It is also important for various astrophysical scenarios. Currently, puzzling disagreements exist between the 14 C(n,γ) 15 C cross sections measured directly, determined indirectly, and calculated theoretically. To solve this puzzle, we offer a strong test based on a novel idea that the amplitudes for the virtual 15 C→ 14 C+n and the real 15 F→ 14 O+p decays are related. Our study of this relation, performed in a microscopic model, shows that existing direct and some indirect measurements strongly contradict charge symmetry in the 15 C and 15 F mirror pair. This brings into question the experimental determinations of the astrophysically important (n,γ) cross sections for short-lived radioactive targets

  17. Obtención de silicatos de calcio utilizando el método de precipitación controlada

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    Rodríguez-Páez, J. E.


    obtenido, al ser sometido a tratamientos térmicos, utilizando para ello Difracción de Rayos X (DRX y espectroscopía infrarroja (FTIR.

  18. Diseño de multiplicador de 64 bits utilizando la técnica de barrido superpuesto


    Montalvo Ramírez, Luis


    Se presenta el desarrollo del novel algoritmo de multiplicación por barrido superpuesto de 3-bits, así como también los aspectos importantes del diseño de la arquitectura, redes lógicas y layout de un multiplicador de 64-bits utilizando como caso de estudio.

  19. 15N-ammonium test in clinical research

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jung, K.; Metzner, C.; Teichmann, B.; Leipzig Univ.


    By use of the 15 N-ammonium test the liver function is investigated under influence of hormonal contraceptives in women and in liver diseases in children. With the described noninvasive nonradioactive isotope test the ammonia detoxification capability and the urea synthesis capacity of the liver is determined by measuring of the 15 N excretion in ammonia and urea in urine after oral administering of 15 N-ammonium chloride. The 15 N-ammonium test shows a significant influence of the hormonal contraceptives on the liver function and gives diagnostic evidence for liver diseases in children. (author)


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    Benjamín Zuluaga Díaz

    Full Text Available Diferentes materiales no convencionales han sido evaluados en los últimos años como adsorbentes para el tratamiento de efluentes coloreados provenientes de la industria textil. La tierra fuller (TF compuesta por distintos minerales, ha presentado una alta capacidad para la remoción de diferentes colorantes catiónicos, no obstante el rojo básico 46 (RB46, ampliamente utilizando en los procesos de tinción no ha sido estudiado sobre este material. En esta investigación se evalúan las mejores condiciones para alcanzar la mayor remoción del RB46 sobre TF mediante un diseño estadístico de experimentos bajo sistema discontinuo. Las variables analizadas fueron dosis de adsorbente, concentración de colorante y tiempo de contacto. La concentración final del colorante se cuantificó por espectrofotometría UV-Vis. Un diseño factorial 2³ y su posterior optimización a través de un diseño de superficie de respuesta central compuesta permitió alcanzar una remoción máxima del 99,07 % a una concentración de 35,0 mgL-1, una dosificación de 1,1 gL-1 y un tiempo de contacto de 8 h con un coeficiente de correlación ajustado del 96,79 %.


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    Rocío Cóndor G.


    Full Text Available El presente estudio tuvo como objetivo principal optimizar la tecnología de producción de una bebida fermentada de suero de queso, utilizando Kluyveromyces marxianus e inmovilización de células. En el biorreactor de lecho empacado, se obtuvo el mayor rendimiento (11,46±0,81 oGL con un flujo de 140-150 mL. h-1, una biomasa inmovilizada de 10% (v/v, una relación de columna de 1:12 (diámetro: longitud, tamaño de perlas de 3 mm de diámetro, adición de metabisulfito de sodio (100 pg. mL-1 y células inmovilizadas con 2% (p/v de alginato. Luego de optimizado todos los parámetros de fermentación en el biorreactor, la bebida alcohólica fue sometida a inactivación a 70 oC por 5 minutos (tratamiento térmico y clarificación con tierra de diatomeas (11 kg. M-2. Finalmente, la bebida alcohólica fue evaluada en almacenamiento por 6 meses, durante este período se le hicieron evaluaciones fisicoquímicas, microbiológicas y sensoriales. Se determinó por Escala Hedónica y Ranking que la bebida alcohólica de suero tiene aceptabilidad.

  2. Elaboración de una pasta de harina compuesta utilizando sémola e hidrolizado de germen desgrasado de maíz (Zea mays L.

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    Eumelia Gómez


    Full Text Available El germen desgrasado de maíz subproducto de la extracción del aceite, presenta niveles altos de carbohidratos, proteína, fibra y palatabilidad poco agradable, que mejora al hidrolizarlo, aumentándose la disponibilidad de sus componentes, para obtener un ingrediente potencial en la preparación de alimentos. El objetivo del trabajo fue utilizar el hidrolizado para sustituir parcialmente la sémola de trigo durum, y obtener una harina compuesta para elaborar una pasta larga, nutritiva y aceptable sensorialmente. El germen desgrasado hidrolizado enzimáticamente, se deshidrató por atomización y se elaboraron tres formulaciones sustituyendo la sémola de trigo durum por el hidrolizado en 10 %, 15 % y 20 %. Se midieron parámetros de cocción, evaluaciones físicas, químicas, microbiológicas, nutricionales y sensoriales, utilizando metodologías oficiales nacionales e internacionales. Con la sustitución disminuyeron el tiempo de cocción, el volumen y los sólidos disueltos. Los atributos evaluados olor, sabor y color señalaron que la mejor pasta fue la sustituida en 10 % (p ≤ 0,05. Los valores de proteína 12,8 % y de carbohidratos 84,10 %, fueron semejantes a la pasta de sémola de trigo durum. Los niveles de fósforo, hierro y magnesio (400 mg/100 g, 3,49 mg/100 g, 118,47 mg/100 g y el aporte energético (394 kcal/100 g fueron mayores. La estabilidad microbiológica indicó que el producto sustituido con 10 %, se mantiene apto para el consumo durante 2 meses. Se concluye que es factible el uso del hidrolizado en un 10 % de sustitución en la elaboración de pasta larga, con alta aceptabilidad.

  3. Aproximaciones al valor de la integral definida utilizando una calculadora graficadora


    Ansola, Esther; Rodríguez, Eugenio Carlos; Hernández, Nelson; Gómez, Pablo Ignacio; Alfonso, Débora Oliva; Sánchez, Danelia


    Este trabajo muestra una experiencia llevada a cabo con un grupo de estudiantes de primer año de ingeniería a través de un curso facultativo en el que se retomó el cálculo de integrales definidas, utilizando la tecnología, con el propósito de:• Consolidar el concepto de integral definida a través de su definición y de su interpretación geométrica. • Mostrar otras formas de calcular una integral definida mediante aproximaciones numéricas y su interpretación geométrica. El recurso tecnológic...

  4. 15N tracer techniques in pediatric research

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Heine, W.; Richter, I.; Plath, C.; Wutzke, K.; Stolpe, H.J.; Tiess, M.; Toewe, J.


    The main topics of the review comprise mathematical fundamentals of the determination of N metabolism parameters using the 3-pool method, the value of different 15 N tracer substances for the determination of whole-body protein parameters, the utilization of parenterally applied D-amino acids, studies on the influence of different diets on the N metabolism of premature infants with the 15 N tracer technique, the application of the 15 N-glycine-STH-test for the evaluation of the therapeutic effect of STH in children suffering from hypothalamico-hypophyseal dwarfism, in vivo studies on urea utilization by the infant intestinal flora under various dietary regimens as well as in vitro investigations on the utilization of 15 N-labelled urea and NH 4 Cl, resp., by the intestinal flora

  5. 15N-labelled glycine synthesis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tavares, Claudineia R.O.; Bendassolli, Jose A.; Sant'Ana Filho, Carlos R.; Prestes, Clelber V.; Coelho, Fernando


    This work describes a method for 15 N-isotope-labeled glycine synthesis, as well as details about a recovery line for nitrogen residues. To that effect, amination of α-haloacids was performed, using carboxylic chloroacetic acid and labeled aqueous ammonia ( 15 NH 3 ). Special care was taken to avoid possible 15 NH 3 losses, since its production cost is high. In that respect, although the purchase cost of the 13 N-labeled compound (radioactive) is lower, the stable tracer produced constitutes an important tool for N cycling studies in living organisms, also minimizing labor and environmental hazards, as well as time limitation problems in field studies. The tests were carried out with three replications, and variable 15 NH 3(aq) volumes in the reaction were used (50, 100, and 150 mL), in order to calibrate the best operational condition; glycine masses obtained were 1.7, 2, and 3.2 g, respectively. With the development of a system for 15 NH 3 recovery, it was possible to recover 71, 83, and 87% of the ammonia initially used in the synthesis. With the required adaptations, the same system was used to recover methanol, and 75% of the methanol initially used in the amino acid purification process were recovered. (author)


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    María Eugenia Soto Muñoz


    Full Text Available La calidad de la educación que se imparte en Chile y en otros países de América Latina representa una situación preocupante, ya que se ha demostrado que los procesos educativos de calidad, sobre todo en la primera infancia, impactan positivamente en el futuro desarrollo escolar de la niñez, relevando la importancia del nivel pre-escolar para superar las desventajas iniciales de los niños provenientes de sectores vulnerables. El artículo reporta un estudio no experimental de tipo mixto, basado en la Investigación Acción Colaborativa en un Jardín Infantil específico de la provincia de Concepción, Chile. La intervención se llevó cabo siguiendo los pasos propuestos por el Catálogo de Criterios de Calidad. Además, para constatar incremento de la calidad, se realizó una evaluación inicial y otra posterior a la intervención utilizando los instrumentos internacionales estandarizados ITERS-R y ECERS-R; también, se utiliza el test chileno TEVI-R para medir el vocabulario pasivo de los niños. A su vez, se utilizó Focus Group para recoger la opinión y percepciones del equipo técnico pedagógico del Jardín, respecto a la intervención realizada. En coherencia con el propósito del estudio, se pudo establecer que hubo avances en el desarrollo de la calidad educativa del jardín, pero no es posible asegurar que ella se mantenga a largo plazo, pues ello implica una internalización de procesos de reflexión y autocrítica en el equipo técnico pedagógico, lo que requiere mayor tiempo. Con esta experiencia se espera aportar evidencia para mejorar procesos educativos en Educación Parvularia.

  7. Evaluación del estado trófico de la Laguna de Ayarza utilizando el modelo de simulacion WASP

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    Andrea Eunice Rodas


    Full Text Available Los modelos de simulación de calidad de agua, son herramientas ambientales que permiten interpretar y predecir la respuesta de un cuerpo de agua a las cargas contaminantes externas. El programa de simulación de calidad de agua (WASP versión 7.41 se utilizó para simular y evaluar la relación entre los nutrientes externos y la calidad de agua, en la Laguna de Ayarza, Santa Rosa, Guatemala. El modelo toma en cuenta dos ciclos de nutrientes (N y P, por medio de variables de calidad de agua: temperatura, nitrato (NO 3 , amonio (NH 4 , nitrógeno total (TN,fosfato (PO 4 , fósforo total (TP, y oxígeno disuelto (OD. El modelo se construyó tomando en cuenta la morfología del lago y las condiciones climáticas. El lago se dividió en siete segmentos, tomando en cuenta los flujos y los parámetros fisicoquímicos para cada uno. Se determinó el coeficiente de dispersión del lago y se calibró utilizando los datos de octubre 2010 a febrero 2011. El post-procesamiento se realizó por medio del software GNUPLOT. Los resultados de la modelación muestran que los valores de fósforo en todo el lago, presentan niveles de eutrofización, los valores de nitrógeno presentan niveles oligotróficos e indican que el lago soporta carga contaminanterelativamente alta.

  8. Modelo de bloques para un yacimiento de sulfuros masivos utilizando el software minesight®


    Franco Sepúlveda, Giovanni; Gallo Sierra, Adrián Felipe


    El objetivo de este trabajo es definir un modelo de bloques de un yacimiento hipotético de sulfuros masivos utilizandoMineSight®, basado en la interpretación geológica, la viabilidad, planificación estratégica y la programación de los procesosa largo y corto plazo de las alternativas de producción y la capacidad requerida de la mina.Primero se presentan una descripción de los software minero más representativos del mercado en cuanto a la planeación minera, después se presentan las generalidad...


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    Jesús Martín-Fernández


    Full Text Available La caracterización de la actitud ante el riesgo puede ser útil en la planificación de las intervenciones sanitarias. El objetivo fue estudiar la actitud ante el riesgo de una población que demanda cuidados de salud y evaluar la capacidad de un juego de loterías para evidenciar dicha actitud. Métodos: Estudio multicéntrico transversal. Se recogieron características demográficas, socioeconómicas, de calidad de vida y conductas de riesgo en salud de 662 personas usuarias de 23 centros de salud seleccionadas mediante muestreo aleatorio. La actitud ante el riesgo se evaluó mediante una escala subje - tiva y mediante dos juegos de azar (L1 y L2; L2 incluía la posibilidad de pérdidas económicas. Se realizaron modelos explicativos para valorar la variabilidad de la propensión al riesgo utilizando Generalized Estimating Equations (GEE. Resultados: El 19,1% (IC95%:15,6-22,6% de los sujetos expresaron una propensión al riesgo alta, el 10,0% (IC95%:7,0-13,0 fueron clasificados como propensos al riesgo con L2. Se encontró asociación entre una mayor propensión al riesgo y tener mejor percepción del estado de salud (0,110; IC95%:0,007- 0,212 o mayor renta (0,010; IC95%: 0,017- 0,123 o ser fumador (0,059; IC95%: 0,004-0,114. Ser español se relacionaba con menor propensión al riesgo (-0,105; IC95%: -0,205- -0,005, al igual que ser mayor de 65 años (-0,031; IC95%:- 0,061- -0,001 o ser mujer (-0,038, IC95%:-0,064- -0,012. El coeficiente de correlación intraclase para la escala subjetiva fue 0,511 (IC95%:0,372-0,629, 0,571 (IC95%:0,441-0,678 para L1 y 0,349 (IC95%:0,186-0,493 para L2. Conclusiones: Las personas que demandan cuidados de salud presentan con frecuencia propensión al riesgo, la cual se atenúa cuando se caracteriza median - te metodologías que implican pérdidas. La propensión al riesgo parece mayor en personas jóvenes, varones, con mejor estado de salud, con mayor renta y en inmigrantes.

  10. Producción de Biogás a Nivel Laboratorio Utilizando Estiércol de Cabras Producción de Biogás a Nivel Laboratorio Utilizando Estiércol de Cabras

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    Rosalía Hernández Cantero


    Full Text Available Se aplicó el proceso de digestión anaerobia para la obtención de biogás a partir de estiércol de cabras. Para ello se implementaron dos tipos de experimentos: El primero se efectuó mediante dos lotes utilizando matraces kitazato de cristal con una capacidad de 1 litro como depósito de la mezcla agua-excremento. Los matraces kitazato se introdujeron dentro de una tina con agua calentada por una resistencia eléctrica para mantener la temperatura adecuada para el crecimiento de las bacterias metanogénicas. El objetivo de esta experimentación fue determinar la producción diaria de biogás al utilizar estiércol de cabras. El segundo se efectuó mediante un biodigestor a escala de laboratorio. Para ello se procedió primero a pesar las bolitas de estiércol de cabras. En seguida se pasaron a un recipiente en donde se les agregó agua. Luego se procedió a deshacer las bolitas hasta alcanzar una mezcla homogénea y en estas condiciones cargar el biodigestor. Elobjetivo de esta experimentación fue determinar la cantidad de metano del biogás mediante análisis cromatográfico.The anaerobic digestion process was applied in order to get biogas from goat’s manure. Two experiments were implemented. The first one was carried out by means of two lots, using matraces kitazatos of crystal with a capacity of 1 liter, as deposit of the mixture water - excrement. The kitazatos were put inside a tub with water warmed by an electrical resistance in order to supply the adapted temperature for the growth of the methanogenic bacteriums. The aim of this experimentation was to determine the daily production of biogas when goats’ manure is used. The second one was carried out by means of a biodigestor at laboratory scale. The small balls of goats’ manure were weighted and immediately were passed to a container where water was added. Then, these were dissolved in order to obtain a homogeneous mixture that could be loaded into the biodigestor. The aim of

  11. Fate of [15N]glycine in peat as determined by 13C and 15N CP-MAS NMR spectroscopy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Benzing-Purdie, L.M.; Cheshire, M.V.; Williams, B.L.; Sparling, G.P.; Ratcliffe, C.I.; Ripmeester, J.A.


    Peat samples, nonsterile, sterilized by γ irradiation or autoclaving, were incubated with [ 15 N]glycine for a period of 6 months. The 13 C NMR data showed the established trend of increased humification with decreasing particle size and that autoclaving had significantly disturbed the humification-particle size distribution. The 15 N CP-MAS NMR spectra showed the presence of [ 15 N]glycine in all fractions after incubation. 15 NH 4 + , a result of either biological or chemical deamination, was one of the main products in the nonsterile peat series. The 15 N spectra also showed resonances corresponding to amine, secondary amide, and pyrrole-type nitrogen and the presence of glycine derivatives and melanoidins. The results presented give the first spectroscopic evidence of the possible involvement of the Maillard reaction in the humification process

  12. Encapsulación de quercetina en nano y micro-emulsiones alimenticias

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    María Paz Xavier


    Full Text Available El objetivo de este estudio fue desarrollar, caracterizar y comparar nano y microemulsiones estables incorporando quercetina como compuesto bioactivo. Se estudiaron emulsiones aceite:agua con beta-lactoglobulina, utilizando dos procesos de elaboración: homogeneizador de alta velocidad (Ultra-turrax y homogeneizador de alta presión (HPH, Emulsiflex-C5, 500-1200bar. Se evaluó la variación en la concentración de emulsionante, fracción volumétrica de aceite e incorporación de hidrocoloides. La formación y la estabilidad de las emulsiones se analizaron por su perfil de tamaño de gota (Malvern-Zetasizer Nano ZS y constantes cinéticas de desestabilización obtenidas a partir del estudio de la retro dispersión de la luz en el tiempo (Turbiscan-Classic. Se determinó que utilizando el Ultra-turrax se logra formar nanoemulsiones con mayor estabilidad a una concentración de 2.2 % (m/v de proteína y 0.2 % (m/v de goma guar, mientras que utilizando HPH con una concentración de 1.5 % (m/v de beta-lactoglobulina y sin necesidad de hidrocoloides se logra una emulsión de adecuado tamaño de gota (d<500nm y mayor estabilidad (α<0.05. Las nanoemulsiones elaboradas con HPH presentaron mayor porcentaje de encapsulación de quercetina.


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    O. Ospina


    Full Text Available El Ancimidol, α-ciclopropil-(p-metoxifenil-5-pirimidinmetanol, (C15H16N2O2 es un regulador de crecimiento vegetal sintético, que hace parte del grupo de compuestos heterocíclicos que contienen nitrógeno que inhiben la síntesis de las giberelinas. La estructura de esta molécula se determinó por resonancia magnética nuclear, partiendo de una solución en cloroformo deuterado (CDCl3, utilizando un espectrómetro de 500MHz (campo de 11.7Teslas. Se tomaron espectros unidimensionales RMN 1H, RMN 13C, pruebas DEPT 45, 90 y 135 y espectros bidimensionales HMBC y HMQC. En la estructura obtenida para el Ancimidol, se observaron tres ciclos como son la pirimidina, el metoxifenilo y el ciclopropilo, identi-ficados por la asignación de los átomos de hidrógeno y de carbono y por las relaciones de conectividad dadas por los espectros bidimensionales HMBC y HMQC.

  14. Synthesis of [1,3 - 15 N2] uracil

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chiriac, M.; Axente, D.


    The synthesis of 15 N labelled uracil, using CO( 15 NH 2 ) 2 as starting material, is presented. The experimental procedure is an adaptation of the synthesis methods for the corresponding unlabelled compounds. Urea- 15 N 2 used as starting material was obtained from H 15 NO 3 (99 at.% 15 N) produced at National Institute for Research and Development of Isotopic and Molecular Technologies, Cluj-Napoca.The uracil structure was determined using the mass spectrometry method and the isotopic labelling was determined by the same method on the molecular compound. The synthesis scheme of (1,3- 15 N 2 ) uracil is presented. (authors)

  15. 15N liver function tests - concept, validity, clinical use

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Faust, H.; Jung, K.; Krumbiegel, P.; Hirschberg, K.; Reinhardt, R.; Junghans, P.


    Several liver function tests using the oral application of a nitrogen compound labelled with 15 N and the subsequent determination of 15 N in a certain fraction of urine by emission spectrometry are described. Because of the key position of the liver in the metabolism of nitrogen compounds the results of these tests allow conclusions concerning disturbances of special liver functions. Instructions for the clinical use of the '[ 15 N]Ammonium Test', '[ 15 N]Hippurate Test' the '[ 15 N]Methacetin Test', and the '[ 15 N]Glycine Test' are given. (author)

  16. Tratamiento del lactosuero utilizando la técnica de electrodiálisis


    Ávila G., Rita M.; Medina, Ana Luisa; Cadenas A., Reinaldo A.


    Tratamiento del lactosuero utilizando la técnica de electrodiálisis (Ávila G., Rita M.; Cadenas A., Reinaldo A. y Medina, Ana Luisa) Resumen El lactosuero es un subproducto de la elaboración de quesos y mantequillas. Este subproducto contiene una cantidad importante de proteínas y calcio, entre otros componentes, que hacen atractivo su tratamiento con el objeto de adecuarlo para su comercialización directa o para elaborar bebidas lácteas. Los sueros ácidos y/o salados no son ap...

  17. Fertilizer-n uptake and distribution in rice plants using 15N tracer technique

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yan Juan; Shen Qirong; Yin Bin; Wan Xinjun


    Fertilizer-nitrogen (N) uptake and distribution in rice were studied using 15 N tracer technique. The results obtained were as follows. At the tillering, jointing and booting, and anthesis stages, 23.1%, 8.3% and 19.9% of N were taken from fertilizer applied in base (N1), tillering (N2) and jointing and booting (N3), respectively. The 15 N translocation from anthesis to maturity was in the order of N3>N1>N2, but the 15 N translocation efficiency was higher in N1 (base fertilizer treatment) than in the other two treatments. At maturity, the 15 N distribution in straw in the treatments of N1, N2 and N3 was only 24.3%, 26.7% and 30.4%, respectively. No matter what time the N fertilizer was applied, the 15 N uptake was mostly distributed in leaves, then in the sheath, the least in stem, and 15 N distribution in spike increased with the increased 15 N translocation from nutritional organs to spike after anthesis. The study also showed that the 15 N uptake at maturity in N1, N2 and N3 treatments was 10.3%, 5.9% and 12.4%, respectively. The results indicated that (1) when soil N content was not high, the base fertilizer application was important to rice growth, and optimal increment might help increase tillering, and improve rice quality; (2) the initiation fertilizer significantly promoted quantities during grain filling, and thus application of N fertilizer in initiation was of considerable advance in increasing N harvest index (NHI); (3) the rice plants absorbed less N applied in tillering stage due to a big N loss in that period. Therefore a little bit increase of base N fertilizer with no or very small amount of tillering fertilizer, together with some topdressing of N fertilizer during initiation could improve N uptake by rice. (authors)

  18. Estudio de procedencia de la cerámica del sitio arqueológico La Real, utilizando análisis por activación neutrónica y estadística multivariada


    Bedregal, Patricia; Ubillús, Marco; Mendoza, Pablo; Montoya, Eduardo


    Los estudios de procedencia, utilizando fragmentos arqueológicos, requieren de información sobre la composición elemental de la pasta de cerámica. El análisis por activación neutrónica instrumental ha sido utilizado para caracterizar 100 fragmentos cerámicos encontrados en la zona arqueológica La Real en Arequipa y, el análisis estadístico multivariado para determinar su pertenencia y procedencia, incluyendo una comparación del patrón de composición química de los cerámicos de estilos locales...

  19. Effects of irradiation on the physicochemical properties of carioca beans; Efeitos da irradiacao nas propriedades fisico-quimicas do feijao carioca

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lima, Damaris Carvalho


    The common bean is an important component in the diet of the average Brazilian person. Each harvest of beans, losses occur due to attacks of insects and rodents. One of the ways to preserve the beans, and at the same time keep its nutritional characteristics, is the use of gamma radiation. This study aimed to evaluate the effects of different doses of gamma radiation on the physical and chemical properties of the carioca variety of common beans subject to cooking of soaked and unsoaked beans. Portions of raw beans were used as control and the other was subject to ionizing radiation at doses of 1, 5 and 10 kGy. Following irradiation, a portion of the samples (control and irradiated) were soaked and the other was not, then all beans were cooked. The cooked samples were lyophilized, milled and then accommodated in pots and stored at -23 deg C temperatures. The analysis of chemical composition, determination of protein digestibility, condensed tannin and phytic acid content were performed using the milled samples. Using whole grains, were performed analysis of expansion capability and hydration, cooking time and instrumental color. Irradiation did not alter the chemical composition of soaked and unsoaked samples. The condensed tannin levels did not reduce according to increased doses. The phytic acid concentrations were reduced at the doses of 5 and 10 kGy for soaked samples, whereas for the not soaked beans, gamma irradiation did not influence the phytate content. The protein digestibility decreased on soaked samples, at doses of 1 kGy and in the other doses, the reduction was not significant. As for not soaked beans, increases in digestibility were observed at dose of 10 kGy. As the doses increased, reduction in cooking time on soaked and unsoaked beans was noted. At a dose of 10 kGy, the bean expansion capability increased. The samples' color did not change significantly, as the doses increased. Therefore, it is concluded that ionizing radiation has no effect

  20. Caracterização fenotípica e molecular de genitores de feijão tipo carioca quanto à resistência a patógenos Phenotypic and molecular characterization of genitors of carioca-type common bean regarding their resistance to pathogens

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    Carlos Lasaro Pereira de Melo


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste estudo foi a caracterização fenotípica e molecular de 31 genótipos de feijão do tipo carioca, quanto à resistência aos patógenos da antracnose, ferrugem e mancha-angular. Foram realizadas inoculações com 13 patótipos de Colletotrichum lindemuthianum, dois de Uromyces appendiculatus e sete de Pseudocercospora griseola. Na caracterização molecular, foram utilizados cinco marcadores moleculares previamente identificados, ligados a diferentes alelos de resistência aos patógenos. Sete genótipos apresentaram resistência a 12 patótipos de C. lindemuthianum. Nove genótipos apresentaram resistência a cinco patótipos de P. griseola. Dez genótipos foram resistentes aos patótipos de U. appendiculatus. As linhagens VC 2, VC 3 e VC 5, além da Rudá-R (linhagem piramidada com cinco genes que conferem resistência a alguns patótipos de antracnose, ferrugem e mancha-angular, foram as que se destacaram quanto à resistência múltipla aos patógenos acima citados. Foi detectado polimorfismo molecular entre a maioria dos genótipos com a Rudá-R, o que indica a possibilidade de uso dos marcadores moleculares SCARF10, SCARY20, SCARAZ20, SCARH13 e OPX11.The present study aimed at the phenotypic and molecular characterization of 31 genotypes of the carioca-type common bean regarding the resistance to anthracnose, rust and angular leaf spot (ALS pathogens. Thirteen pathotypes of Colletotrichum lindemuthianum, two of Uromyces appendiculatus and seven of Pseudocercospora griseola were inoculated. In the molecular characterization, five molecular markers, identified in advance, and linked to the different alleles of pathogens' resistance, were used. Seven genotypes showed resistance to 12 pathotypes of C. lindemuthianum. Nine genotypes presented resistance to five pathotypes of P. griseola. Ten genotypes were resistant to the pathotypes of U. appendiculatus. The lines VC 2, VC 3 and VC 5, besides Rudá-R (line pyramided with five

  1. 15N fractionation in infrared-dark cloud cores (United States)

    Zeng, S.; Jiménez-Serra, I.; Cosentino, G.; Viti, S.; Barnes, A. T.; Henshaw, J. D.; Caselli, P.; Fontani, F.; Hily-Blant, P.


    Context. Nitrogen is one of the most abundant elements in the Universe and its 14N/15N isotopic ratio has the potential to provide information about the initial environment in which our Sun formed. Recent findings suggest that the solar system may have formed in a massive cluster since the presence of short-lived radioisotopes in meteorites can only be explained by the influence of a supernova. Aims: We seek to determine the 14N/15N ratio towards a sample of cold and dense cores at the initial stages in their evolution. Methods: We observed the J = 1 → 0 transitions of HCN, H13CN, HC15N, HN13C, and H15NC towards a sample of 22 cores in four infrared-dark clouds (IRDCs) which are believed to be the precursors of high-mass stars and star clusters. Assuming LTE and a temperature of 15 K, the column densities of HCN, H13CN, HC15N, HN13C, and H15NC are calculated and their 14N/15N ratio is determined for each core. Results: The 14N/15N ratios measured in our sample of IRDC cores range between 70 and ≥763 in HCN and between 161 and 541 in HNC. These ratios are consistent with the terrestrial atmosphere (TA) and protosolar nebula (PSN) values, and with the ratios measured in low-mass prestellar cores. However, the 14N/15N ratios measured in cores C1, C3, F1, F2, and G2 do not agree with the results from similar studies towards the same cores using nitrogen bearing molecules with nitrile functional group (-CN) and nitrogen hydrides (-NH) although the ratio spread covers a similar range. Conclusions: Relatively low 14N/15N ratios amongst the four-IRDCs were measured in IRDC G which are comparable to those measured in small cosmomaterials and protoplanetary disks. The low average gas density of this cloud suggests that the gas density, rather than the gas temperature, may be the dominant parameter influencing the initial nitrogen isotopic composition in young PSN. The reduced spectra (FITS files) are only available at the CDS via anonymous ftp to http

  2. Lixiviación de calcopirita mecánicamente activada utilizando ácido sulfúrico

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    Danny Guzmán


    Full Text Available Con el objetivo de estudiar el efecto de la activación mecánica sobre la lixiviación de CuFeS2, cuatro muestras de este mineral fueron sometidas a molienda durante 1, 5, 8, y 15 h en un molino Atritor. Los polvos obtenidos fueron caracterizados microestructuralmente y morfológicamente mediante difracción de Rayos-X (DRX y microscopía electrónica de barrido (MEB, respectivamente. Posteriormente fueron lixiviados en una solución de H2SO4(0,54 M a temperatura de 298 K. La concentración de Cu+2 en las soluciones fue determinada mediante espectrofotometría de absorción atómica. Los resultados obtenidos indicaron que el aumento del tiempo de molienda provoca un aumento en la recuperación de Cu, alcanzando un valor máximo de 38,2 % para una molienda de 15 h.


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    Jorge Mendoza Baeza


    Full Text Available Este trabajo presenta un modelo que permite resolver el problema de la restauración del servicio en las redes eléctricas de distribución de media tensión. El algoritmo fue desarrollado en ambiente MATLAB y es capaz de encontrar aquel conjunto de topologías que minimizan dos objetivos en forma simultánea bajo el concepto de dominancia de Pareto. La búsqueda de estas soluciones eficientes se logra utilizando una técnica evolutiva de optimización multiobjetivo denominada NSGA-II, la cual es combinada con una poderosa estrategia de codificación de individuos y operadores especialmente desarrollados para los problemas de configuración de redes eléctricas. Los principales resultados de este trabajo se centran en la capacidad del algoritmo para encontrar el conjunto de soluciones eficientes y el reducido tiempo de simulación requerido. Esta herramienta permite que los despachadores del sistema puedan tomar rápidas decisiones, incluso bajo condiciones de múltiples fallas en la red.A model to solve the service restoration problem in medium voltage distribution networks is developed in this work. The algorithm was developed in MATLAB and is able to find a set of topologies that minimize two objectives under the concept of Pareto dominance. The search of efficient solutions is attained using the evolutive multiobjective optimization technique called NSGA-II together with a powerful codification strategy and genetic operators specially developed for the configuration of the electric network. The main results of this work focused on the ability of the algorithm to find the set of efficient solutions and reduced simulation time. This tool enables system dispatchers to make quick decisions, even under conditions of multiple failures in the network.

  4. The Influence of Seed-borne N in 15N Isotope Dilution Studies with Legumes The Influence of Seed-borne N in 15N Isotope Dilution Studies with Legumes

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jensen, Erik Steen; Andersen, A. J.; Thomsen, J. D.


    The distriution of seed-borne N in shoot and root of pea and field bean was studied using three methods: 1) determination of the N content in shoot and root of plants grown in sand culture without other N sources. 2) 15N isotope dilution in plants grown in Rhizobium-free medium supplied with 15N-...... of corrections for seed-borne N in studies of nitrogen fixation in legumes is discussed....

  5. The effect of organic matter and nitrification inhibitor on 15 N H4 and 15 N O3 absorption by the maize

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Saito, S.M.T.


    The effect of the forms 15 N H 4 and 15 N O 3 in presence or absence of organic matter and of the nitrification inhibitor AM (2-amino-4-chloro-6-methyl-pyrimidine) in dry matter weight and nitrogen content of the plant derived from soil and form fertilizer is studied. The experiment was carried out in greenhouse and the test plant was the hybrid Maize Centralmex . The fertilizers ( 15 N H 4 ) 2 S O 4 and Na 15 N O 3 , were added in two levels: 40 and 120 Kg N/ha, with 1,02% of N and 1,4% of 15 N in excess, respectively. Three soils of different physical and chemical characteristics were used; Regosol intergrade, Latosol Roxo and Podzolized de Lins e Marilia var. Marilia. (M.A.C.)

  6. Studies of Cream Seeded Carioca Beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) from a Rwandan Efficacy Trial: In Vitro and In Vivo Screening Tools Reflect Human Studies and Predict Beneficial Results from Iron Biofortified Beans. (United States)

    Tako, Elad; Reed, Spenser; Anandaraman, Amrutha; Beebe, Steve E; Hart, Jonathan J; Glahn, Raymond P


    Iron (Fe) deficiency is a highly prevalent micronutrient insufficiency predominantly caused by a lack of bioavailable Fe from the diet. The consumption of beans as a major food crop in some populations suffering from Fe deficiency is relatively high. Therefore, our objective was to determine whether a biofortified variety of cream seeded carioca bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) could provide more bioavailable-Fe than a standard variety using in-vivo (broiler chicken, Gallus gallus) and in-vitro (Caco-2 cell) models. Studies were conducted under conditions designed to mimic the actual human feeding protocol. Two carioca-beans, a standard (G4825; 58 μg Fe/g) and a biofortified (SMC; 106 μg Fe/g), were utilized. Diets were formulated to meet the nutrient requirements of Gallus gallus except for Fe (33.7 and 48.7 μg Fe/g, standard and biofortified diets, respectively). In-vitro observations indicated that more bioavailable-Fe was present in the biofortified beans and diet (Pbean treatment, as indicated by the increased total-body-Hemoglobin-Fe, and hepatic Fe-concentration (Pbean treatment (Pbeans provided more bioavailable Fe; however, the in vitro results revealed that ferritin formation values were relatively low. Such observations are indicative of the presence of high levels of polyphenols and phytate that inhibit Fe absorption. Indeed, we identified higher levels of phytate and quercetin 3-glucoside in the Fe biofortified bean variety. Our results indicate that the biofortified bean line was able to moderately improve Fe-status, and that concurrent increase in the concentration of phytate and polyphenols in beans may limit the benefit of increased Fe-concentration. Therefore, specific targeting of such compounds during the breeding process may yield improved dietary Fe-bioavailability. Our findings are in agreement with the human efficacy trial that demonstrated that the biofortified carioca beans improved the Fe-status of Rwandan women. We suggest the utilization

  7. Methods of 15N tracer research in biological systems

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hirschberg, K.; Faust, H.


    The application of the stable isotope 15 N is of increasing importance in different scientific disciplines, especially in medicine, agriculture, and the biosciences. The close correlation between the growing interest and improvements of analytical procedures resulted in remarkable advances in the 15 N tracer technique. On the basis of the latest results of 15 N tracer research in life sciences and agriculture methods of 15 N tracer research in biological systems are compiled. The 15 N methodology is considered under three headings: Chemical analysis with a description of methods of sample preparation (including different separation and isolation methods for N-containing substances of biological and agricultural origin) and special procedures converting ammonia to molecular nitrogen. Isotopic analysis with a review on the most important methods of isotopic analysis of nitrogen: mass spectrometry (including the GC-MS technique), emission spectrometry, NMR spectroscopy, and other analytical procedures. 15 N-tracer techniques with a consideration of the role of the isotope dilution analysis as well as different labelling techniques and the mathematical interpretation of tracer data (modelling, N turnover experiments). In these chapters also sources of errors in chemical and isotopic analysis, the accuracy of the different methods and its importance on tracer experiments are discussed. Procedures for micro scale 15 N analysis and aspects of 15 N analysis on the level of natural abundance are considered. Furthermore some remarks on isotope effects in 15 N tracer experiments are made. (author)

  8. Estimate of production of gaseous nitrogen in the human body based on (15)N analysis of breath N2 after administration of [(15)N2]urea. (United States)

    Junghans, Peter


    After oral administration of [(15)N2]urea (1.5 mmol, 95 atom% (15)N), we found that breath N2 was significantly (15)N-labelled. The result suggests that molecular nitrogen in breath must be partly produced endogenously. Based on a metabolic model, the endogenous N2 production was estimated to be 0.40±0.25 mmol kg(-1) d(-1) or 2.9±1.8 % of the total (urinary and faecal) N excretion in fasted healthy subjects (n=4). In patients infected with Helicobacter pylori (n=5), the endogenous N2 production was increased to 1.24±0.59 mmol kg(-1) d(-1) or 9.0±4.3 % of the total N excretion compared to the healthy controls (pexchange measurements may be affected by endogenously produced nitrogen, especially in metabolic situations with elevated nitrosation, for instance in oxidative and nitrosative stress-related diseases such as H. pylori infections.

  9. Utilization of 15N-labelled urea in laying hens. 4

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gruhn, K.; Hennig, A.


    In order to study the utilization of urea in poultry, 3 colostomized laying hybrids were orally supplied with a traditional ration supplemented with 1% 15 N'-labelled urea with a 15 N excess ( 15 N') of 96.06 atom-% over a period of 6 days. After another 2 days on which the hens received the same ration with unlabelled urea, they were killed. The atom-% 15 N' of the blood on an average of the 3 hens was 0.64, of the plasma 1.40 and of the corpuscles 0.47. The TCA-soluble fraction of the blood had an average 15 N' of 1.14 atom-%; the 15 N amount was 9.7% of the total amount of 15 N in the blood. The amount of 15 N' in the urea in the blood was 6.8 atom-%. This shows that the absorbed urea is decomposed very slowly. The quota of 15 N' in the basic amino acids from the total 15 N' of the blood plasma was only 0.3% and that of the corpuscles 2.2%. The average 15 N' of the mature follicles was 2.39 atom-% whereas the smallest and the remaining ovary contain 1.12 atom-%. The labelling level of lysine in mature egg cells was, in contrast to this, only 0.08 atom-% 15 N' and in infantile follicles 0.04 atom-% 15 N'. 1% of the 15 N' quota was in the follicles and the remaining ovary. Of the basic amino acids, histidine is most strongly labelled. The lower incorporation of the 15 N' from urea into the basic amino acids shows that the nitrogen of this compound can be used for the synthesis of the essential amino acids to a low degree only. (author)

  10. Studies of liver-specific metabolic reactions with /sup 15/N. 1. Metabolism of /sup 15/N-ammonium chloride in pigs

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hirschberg, K; Jung, K; Faust, H; Matkowitz, R


    The /sup 15/N tracer technique was used to investigate liver-specific reactions (urea and hippurate synthesis) for studying the metabolism in the healthy and damaged pig liver. After (/sup 15/N)ammonium chloride administration the tracer distribution on non-protein compounds of serum and urine was followed. Blood samplings before and after liver passage rendered possible a direct analysis of the (/sup 15/N)ammonium metabolism. The thioacetamide-induced liver damage was used as model for an acute liver intoxication. The capacity for urea synthesis was not influenced by means of this noxious substance, but the metabolism of amino acids and hippuric acid. The considerably depressed excretion of (/sup 15/N)hippurate seems to be a suitable indicator of liver disfunction.

  11. Utilization of 15N-labelled urea in laying hens. 7

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gruhn, K.


    3 colostomized laying hybrids received 1% 15 N-labelled urea with 96.06 atom-% 15 N excess ( 15 N') with a commercial ration over a period of 6 days. After the application of the same ration with unlabelled urea on the following 2 days the animals were butchered. In the muscles of breast, legs and heart, the labelling of total nitrogen and the incorporation of urea 15 N' into 15 amino acids of the 3 different kinds of muscles were ascertained. On average, significant differences could be ascertained between the atom-% 15 N of the muscles was 0.25 and 0.34 atom-%, resp.; that of the cardial proteins 0.71 atom-% 15 N'. The incorporation of urea 15 N into the basic amino acids is low and varies both between the kinds of muscles and between the amino acids. On average the highest level of labelling was found among the essential amino acids valine, isoleucine and leucine; the average atom-% 15 N' for the muscles of the breast is 0.13, of the leg 0.17, and of the heart 0.27; the 15 N' quota of branched Chain amino acids in the total 15 N' of the respective muscle is accordingly 6.0%, 5.0% and 4.5%. The non-essential amino acids, particularly glutamic acid, are more highly labelled in the muscles than the essential ones. A 15 N' for glutamic acid of 0.24 atom-% in the breast muscles, of 0.27 atom-% in those of the legs and of 0.64 atom-% in the heart muscle could be detected. The average quota of the 15 N' of these acid amino acids in the 15 N' for breast, leg and heart muscles is 7.4, 6.2 and 6.7, resp. The quota of the 15 N' in the 6 non-essential amino acids in the total 15 N' in all 3 kinds of muscles is approximately two thirds and in the 9 essential ones one third of the total 15 N'. Although the results show that there is a certain incorporation of 15 N' from urea into the amino acids of the muscle proteins, their contribution to meeting the demands is irrelevant. (author)

  12. Determination of endogenous nitrogen in feces using 15N tracers

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Herrmann, U.; Krawielitzki, K.; Schadereit, R.; Smulikowska, S.


    A ration consisting of wheat gluten and N-free components was supplemented with L-lysine and L-leucine and fed to two groups of growing Wistar rats. Group 1 received 15 N Lys and unlabelled Leu, group 2 received unlabelled Lys and 15 N Leu in order to study the influence of the utilization of the 15 N marker on the labelling quota of feces and urine as well as various fractions of the body. The good utilization of Lys in group 1 results in a higher 15 N excess in feces and a reduced 15 N abundance in urine in comparison to group 2 with a lower utilization of 15 N Leu. The results show that the 15 N abundance in urine is unsuitable as an indicator of the 15 N labelling quota of endogenous metabolic fecal nitrogen. (author)

  13. Stable isotope 15N-urea and clinical research in nephrology

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sugino, Nobuhiro; Arai, Junko; Akimoto, Mitsuko; Miwa, Toichiro; Takuma, Takehide


    Stable isotope 15 N-compound, 15 N-urea, is useful marker to investigate nitrogen metabolism in clinical nephrology, particularly in chronic renal failure or dialysis. 15 N-urea incorporation into plasma albumin in addition to plasma 15 N disappearance was studied in 6 patients with endstage chronic renal failure. As a result, only minor fraction of administered 15 N-urea was incorporated into albumin in this study. In addition, it was also confirmed that high energy diet may promote protein synthesis through 15 N incorporation to plasma amino acids, such as alanine, in these patients with low protein meal. Therefore, administration of 15 N-compound to human subjects may contribute to provide us the important informations on nitrogen metabolism. For instance, urea kinetics are described in the endstage chronic renal failure in this review. However, less expensive 15 N-compounds should be provided and more simple but accurate measurement of 15 N activity should be developed for the further clinical application of the stable isotope. (author)

  14. N-15 tracing helps explaining N leaching losses from contrasting forest ecosystems (United States)

    Staelens, J.; Rütting, T.; Huygens, D.; Müller, C.; Verheyen, K.; Boeckx, P.


    Despite chronically enhanced nitrogen (N) deposition to forest ecosystems in Europe and NE America, considerable N retention by forests has been observed, reducing N leaching losses. Organic and mineral soil layers typically immobilize more N than the aboveground biomass, but it is unclear which factors determine N retention in forest ecoystems. However, this knowledge is crucial to assess the impact of changing anthropogenic N emissions on future N cycling and N loss of forests. For coniferous and deciduous forest stands at comparable sites, it is known that both N deposition onto the forest floor as well as N loss by leaching below the rooting zone are significantly higher in coniferous stands. In addition, the N loss in coniferous stands is often more enhanced than can be explained by the higher N input only. This suggests lower N retention by coniferous stands, and may be related to differences in litter and soil characteristics, microbial activity, and N uptake by plant roots. To test this hypothesis, we studied the effect of forest type on N retention using 15N tracing techniques: a field tracer experiment and a combination of in situ isotope pool dilution and a tracing model. The N dynamics were examined for two adjacent forest stands (pedunculate oak (Quercus robur L.) and Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.)) on a well-drained sandy soil and with a similar stand history, located in a region with high N deposition (Belgium). Input-output N budgets were established by quantifying atmospheric deposition and leaching below the rooting zone, and confirmed the above finding of higher N deposition and disproportionately higher N loss for the pine stand compared to the oak stand. First, the fate of inorganic N within the ecosystems was studied by spraying three pulses of dissolved 15N, either as ammonium or as nitrate, onto the forest floor in 12 plots of 25 m2. The organic and mineral soil layers, tree roots, soil water percolate, ferns, and tree foliage were sampled

  15. Enrichment of 15N by ion exchange chromatography

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ohwaki, Masao; Ohtsuka, Haruhisa; Nomura, Masao; Okamoto, Makoto; Fujii, Yasuhiko


    15 N isotope separation was studied using cation exchange resins which consist of functional groups: sulfonic acid, carboxylic acid and phenol at various concentration of the eluent LiOH. The isotope separation coefficients for these ion exchange resins were observed to be nearly equal, in spite of the large difference in ion exchange characteristics. The effect of flow rate on 15 N isotope separation was also studied, and the results indicate that the operation at high flow rate would be preferable for the industrial process of 15 N enrichment. Based on the preliminary investigations, a continuous operation using a series of ion exchange columns has been carried out in order to achieve high enrichment of 15 N. (author)

  16. Evaluación poscosecha y estimación de vida útil de guayaba fresca utilizando el modelo de Weibull Postharvest evaluation and estimate of shelf-life of fresh guava using the Weibull model

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Carlos García Mogollón


    Full Text Available La guayaba (Psidium guajava L. es una fruta tropical susceptible de sufrir alteraciones indeseables que afectan su vida útil debido a condiciones inadecuadas de almacenamiento y acondicionamiento. En este trabajo se estimó la vida útil de guayaba en fresco utilizando el modelo probabilístico de Weibull y se valuó la calidad de los frutos durante almacenamiento en diferentes condiciones de temperatura y empaque. La evaluación poscosecha se hizo por 15 días con guayabas variedad regional roja. Se utilizó un dise&#ntilde;o completamente al azar con arreglo factorial consistente en tres factores: tiempo de almacenamiento con seis niveles (0, 3, 6, 9, 12 y 15 días, temperatura de almacenamiento con dos niveles: ambiente (37 °C y humedad relativa (HR entre 85 y 90% y refrigeración (9±2 °C y HR de 85 - 90%; dos tipo de empaques: bandeja de poliestireno con film plástico de PVC y 'foil' de aluminio. Durante la evaluación sensorial en el periodo de almacenamiento se usó una escala estructurada de tres puntos grado de satisfacción. El modelo de Weibull demostró ser adecuado para predecir la vida útil de la guayaba fresca basados en los criterios de ajustes, límites de confianza de aceptación y fallo. Durante el periodo de almacenamiento se observó que el factor tiempo, la temperatura y el tipo de empaque tienen un efecto estadístico significativo (P Guava is a tropical fruit susceptible to undesirable alterations that affect the shelf-life due to inadequate conditions of storage and packing. In this work the shelf-life of guava in fresh using the probabilistic model of Weibull was considered and the quality of the fruits was estimated during storage to different conditions of temperature and packing. The postharvest evaluation was made during 15 days with guavas variety `Red Regional´. The completely randomized design and factorial design with 3 factors: storage time with 6 levels (0, 3, 6, 9, 12, 15 days, storage temperature with

  17. Urinary excretion of 15N during intraportal infusion of 15N-ammonia in chickens fed low or high protein diet

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Karasawa, Yutaka; Koh, Katsuki; Takahashi, Akira; Sumiya, Ryuta


    The purpose of this study is to examine time courses of 15 N in urinary ammonia and total N when 15 N-labeled ammonium acetate was continuously infused for 1 hour into chickens fed a 5 or 20 % protein diet. 15 N-enrichment of urinary nitrogen in the two dietary groups increased sharply in ammonia for the first 20 minutes and to a less extent linearly in total N for the first 30 minutes, and then gradually in both ammonia and total N. Through the ammonia infusion, the 15 N-enrichment of urinary ammonia was higher in the chickens fed the low protein diet than in those fed the high protein diet; both of them were higher than 15 N-enrichments of urinary N, which were almost the same in the two dietary groups. The urinary total N from the infused ammonia rose linearly for the first 40 minutes but thereafter did not rise further in the two dietary groups, whereas the endogenous urinary total N tended to decrease a little in the chichens fed the high protein diet but unchanged in those fed the low protein diet. The urinary ammonia from the infused ammonia increased sharply for the first 20 minutes, then linearly but at a lower rate in the chickens fed the high protein diet, whereas that in the chickens fed the low protein diet rose linearly throughout ammonia infusion. In contrast, the endogenous urinary ammonia showed no change in the chickens fed the high protein diet while it showed a tendency to increase a little in these fed the low protein diet. These results indicate that the increased urinary ammonia and total N during ammonia infusion are derived mostly from the infused ammonia in chickens fed 5 and 20% protein diets. (author)

  18. Intolerância glicêmica e o prognóstico perinatal em gestantes utilizando anti-retrovirais

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    El Beitune Patrícia


    Full Text Available OBJETIVOS: estudar o efeito das drogas anti-retrovirais sobre o metabolismo glicêmico em gestantes portadoras do HIV-1 e a ação dessas medicações sobre o prognóstico perinatal. MÉTODOS: estudo prospectivo realizado em 57 gestantes divididas em três grupos: grupo AZT, utilizando zidovudina (n=20; grupo TT, utilizando zidovudina+lamivudina+nelfinavir (n=25, e grupo controle, gestantes normais (n=12. Obteve-se a área sob a curva (ASC das glicemias após teste oral de tolerância à glicose com 75 g de glicose em quatro oportunidades durante a gravidez (1º=14-20 semanas, 2º=21-26 semanas, 3º=27-32 semanas e 4º=33-38 semanas. O prognóstico perinatal levou em consideração as taxas de prematuridade, restrição de crescimento intra-útero (RCIU, baixo peso ao nascer, mortalidade perinatal e transmissão vertical do HIV-1. Os dados foram analisados utilizando-se os testes não paramétricos do c², de Friedman e de Kruskal-Wallis. RESULTADOS: os valores da mediana da ASC foi de 11.685 mg/dL-2h para o grupo controle, 13.477 mg/dL-2h para o grupo AZT e 13.650 mg/dL-2h para o grupo TT (p=0,049. Não se observou efeito deletério dos anti-retrovirais sobre as taxas de prematuridade, baixo peso ao nascer, RCIU e índices de Apgar. Não houve nenhum caso de transmissão vertical do HIV-1. CONCLUSÕES: verificou-se o desenvolvimento de intolerância glicêmica em gestantes que utilizaram tratamento tríplice, não sendo observado naquelas que utilizaram apenas AZT. Não houve efeitos deletérios dos anti-retrovirais sobre o prognóstico perinatal.

  19. Utilization of 15N-labelled urea in laying hens. 8

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gruhn, K.; Graf, H.


    3 colostomized laying hybrids received orally with a conventional ration 1% urea with 96.06 atom-% 15 N excess ( 15 N') over a period of 6 days. In the period of the experiment every hen consumed 2.87 g 15 N'. After another 2 days, on which they received conventional feed urea, the animals were butchered. 15 N' was determined in the total N and in 15 amino acids of the oviduct. Of the 15 amino acids the labelling of glutamic acid, glycine and serine was highest and on average amounted to 0.80, 0.66 and 0.67 atom-% 15 N', resp. In lysine and arginine only 0.10 and 0.11 atom-% 15 N' could be detected. The amino acid N with natural isotopic frequency amounted to a quarter for the basic amino acids, a tenth for the branched chain ones and for the non-essential ones (glutamic acid, aspartic acid, serine, glycine, alanine, proline) a third of the total oviduct 14 N. The average quota of 15 N' is only 3.6%, that of the branched chain amino acids 4.5 and that of the non-essential ones 21.1%. Consequently, the 15 N' of the urea is mainly used for the synthesis of the non-essential amino acids of the oviduct. (author)

  20. Control del Nivel de Pulpa en un Circuito de Flotación Utilizando una Estrategia de Control Predictivo

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Cristián Troncoso G.


    Full Text Available Resumen: Este trabajo presenta el diseño y resultados de la implementación de una estrategia de control predictivo para el control del nivel de pulpa de un circuito de flotación primario de una minera ubicada en la tercera región de Chile, el cual está compuesto por cinco bancos de flotación. La estrategia considera una representación de estados que modela el nivel de cada banco (utilizando un modelo de múltiples entradas y una salida, el que es obtenido mediante un procedimiento de identificación de sistemas y utiliza un filtro de Kalman como estimador de estados. Para resolver el problema de optimización que calcula la acción de control a aplicar se utiliza un optimizador basado en algoritmos genéticos. Se presentan los resultados de la estrategia de control propuesta mediante datos experimentales. Abstract: This work presents the design and implementation results of a model predictive control strategy used to control the pulp level of a Rougher flotation circuit in a mine located in the third region of Chile, which is composed by five flotation banks. The strategy considers a state space representation to model the pulp level of each bank (with a multiple input - single output model, which is obtained by a system identification procedure and uses a Kalman filter as a state estimator. To solve the optimization problem that calculates the control law, a genetic algorithm based optimization tool is used. Experimental data is used to show the results of the proposed control strategy. Palabras clave: Control predictivo basado en modelo, Identificación de sistemas y estimación de parámetros, Filtro de Kalman, Rechazo a perturbaciones, Minería, metalurgia, metales y materiales, Keywords: Model predictive control, System identification and parameter estimation, Kalman filter, Disturbance rejection, Mining, metalurgy, metals and materials

  1. Thermodynamic properties of (LiCl + N,N-dimethylacetamide) and (LiBr + N,N-dimethylacetamide) at temperatures from (323.15 to 423.15) K

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nasirzadeh, Karamat; Neueder, Roland; Kunz, Werner


    Precise vapor pressure data for LiCl and LiBr solutions in N,N-dimethylacetamide are given for T = (323.15 to 423.15) K. The molality ranges covered in this study are about m = (0.073 to 1.89) mol . kg -1 for lithium chloride and m = (0.06 to 1.75) mol . kg -1 for lithium bromide. Osmotic coefficients are calculated by taking into account the second virial coefficient of N,N-dimethylacetamide. The parameters of the extended Pitzer-ion interaction model of Archer, of the MSA-NRTL model and of the chemical model of Barthel are evaluated. These models accurately reproduce the experimental osmotic coefficients within different concentration ranges. The parameters of the Pitzer-ion interaction model of Archer are used to calculate the mean molal activity coefficients and excess Gibbs free energies. The non-ideal behaviors of these systems are discussed in terms of the model parameters


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)


    Full Text Available El lactosuero se aprovechó como materia prima para la obtención de ácido láctico, previa pasteurización a 92ºC durante 15min y desproteinización por filtración, mediante la fermentación batch a 37 ºC y pH 6,5 con Lactobacillus casei durante 21 h. Se estudió el efecto de las variables concentración inicial de lactosa y sulfato de amonio como suplementos del lactosuero en la producción del ácido láctico. Se obtuvo una productividad máxima de 1,1 g.L-1 h-1 en ácido láctico. El coeficiente de rendimiento Yp/s varió de 0,5306 - 0,2488 g. g -1 para 47,9 g.L-1 y 87,72g.L-1 de lactosa inicial. La producción se asoció con el crecimiento del L. casei durante sus fases, donde utilizó entre el 84,0 al 77,4% de lactosa después de 21h de fermentación.

  3. Synthesis of {sup 15}N labeled glyphosate; Sintese do glifosato enriquecido com {sup 15}N

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Oliveira, Claudineia R. de; Bendassolli, Jose Albertino; Tavares, Glauco Arnold; Rossete, Alexssandra L.R.M.; Tagliassachi, Romulo Barbieri; Prestes, Cleuber Vieira [Centro de Energia Nuclear na Agricultura (CENA), Piracicaba, SP (Brazil). Dept. de Isotopos Estaveis]. E-mail:


    Amongst the actually commercialized herbicides the Glyphosate is the most used in Brazil. Its efficiency as well as the others herbicides against undesirable weeds is harmed by its final composts left at the environment. Although studies has being carried out to improve the knowledge about the herbicides behavior at the environment its complexity has led them towards innumerous to new significant research work where the use of radiolabeled composts (radiative tracers) are recommended to evaluate their bio-availability in the soil. However is the use, the manipulation and the storage of radiolabeled composts is requires an extra care under chemical safety point of view. The use of non radiolabeled composts is a world tendency especially for field researches. Under this context the presented work describes a method for the synthesis of {sup 15}N labeled glyphosate. The {sup 15}N-herbicide was undertaken by phosphometilation with the phosphit dialquil and {sup 15}N-glycine. The tests where carried out through a micro scale production plant and of equimolars amounts. At these conditions it's was possible to reach approximately a 20% of yield. At the conclusion of a best operational condition its expected to offer another important toll that shall be used in glyphosate behavior at the environment and undesirably weeds. (author)

  4. Processing and characterization of an extruded snack made from broken rice flour and broken common bean flour


    CARVALHO, Ana Vânia; BASSINELLO, Priscila Zaczuk; MATTIETTO, Rafaella de Andrade; CARVALHO, Rosângela Nunes; RIOS, Alessandro de Oliveira; SECCADIO, Lara Lima


    Este trabalho teve por objetivo desenvolver nova formulação de snack por extrusão termoplástica a partir de mistura de farinhas de quirera de arroz e de bandinha de feijão, bem como avaliar o potencial nutricional, tecnológico e sensorial do novo produto. A farinha de bandinha de feijão carioca foi incorporada à farinha de quirera de arroz na proporção de 30%. O snack foi produzido em extrusora monorrosca, escala piloto. Os parâmetros de extrusão foram fixos, utilizando-se três zonas de extru...

  5. Production of 15N for nitride type nuclear fuel

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Axente, Damian


    Full text: Nitride nuclear fuel is the choice for advanced nuclear reactors and ADS, considering its favorable properties as: melting point, excellent thermal conductivity, high fissile density, lower fission gas release and good radiation tolerance. The application of nitride fuels in different nuclear reactors requires use of 15 N enriched nitrogen to suppress 14 C production due to (n,p) reaction on 14 N. Nitride fuel is a promising candidate for transmutation in ADSs of radioactive minor actinides, which are converted into nitrides with 15 N for that purpose. Taking into account that at present the world wide 15 N market is about 20 - 40 Kg 15 N/y, the supply of that isotope for nitride type nuclear fuel, would demand an increase in production capacity by a factor of 1000. For an industrial plant producing 100 t/y 15 N at 99 at. % 15 N concentration, using present technology of 15 N/ 14 N isotopic exchange in Nitrox system, the first separation stage of the cascade would be fed with 10M HNO 3 solution at a 600 m 3 /h flow-rate. If conversion of HNO 3 into NO, NO 2 , at the enriching end of the columns, would be done with gaseous SO 2 , for an industrial plant of 100 t/y 15 N a consumption of 4 million t SO 2 /y and a production of 70 % H 2 SO 4 waste solution of 4.5 million m 3 /y are estimated. The reconversion of H 2 SO 4 into SO 2 in order to recycle SO 2 is a problem to be solved to compensate the cost of sulfur dioxide and to diminish the amount of sulfuric acid waste solution. It should be taken into consideration an important price reduction of 15 N in order to make possible its utilization for industrial production of nitride type nuclear fuel. (authors)

  6. Evaluación de la edad dental en niños venezolanos utilizando el método de Schour y Massler

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    Full Text Available Objetivo: La presente investigación pretende determinar la precisión del método propuesto por Schour y Massler para la estimación de la edad dental en un grupo de niños Venezolanos que asistió al Servicio de Ortodoncia de Interceptiva de la Universidad Central de Venezuela en el período de 2001-2011. Materiales y métodos: Se seleccionó una muestra estratifi por edad y sexo incluyendo radiografías panorámicas de alta calidad tomadas a pacientes sanos con edades de 4 a 10 años. Se determinó estadio de erupción (con barrera ósea, sin barrera ósea, en plano oclusal y formación radicular (etapas de Nolla en la muestra, comparando las medias con las tablas de Schour y Massler (ANOVA p=0.05 distribuyendo por rangos de edad. Resultados: La erupción dental fue similar a la graficada en las tablas de Schour y Massler, con un adelanto estadísticamente significavo para el incisivo central inferior y retardo para del primer premolar superior y segundo premolar inferior. La formación radicular estuvo retrasada en comparación con las tablas, siendo estadísticamente signifi\tpara las etapas fi\tde formación radicular del incisivo lateral inferior, el primer premolar superior, segundos premolares y segundo molar superior. Conclusiones: La estimación de edad dental utilizando las tablas de Schour y Massler fue apropiada en esta muestra de niños Venezolanos.

  7. Reconocimiento y control de calidad de engranajes utilizando técnicas algoritmicas de tratamiento digital de imagenes


    Sotelo Valer, Freddy; Sotelo Valer, Freddy


    La presente tesis está constituida por el desarrollo, simulación e implementación de técnicas de procesamiento digital de imágenes por visión artificial, mediante compiladora y su aplicación en el control de calidad de engranajes. EJ trabajo fundamentalmente se ha realizado en tres etapas: 1. Se desarrollaron los algoritmos para procesos puntuales necesarios en el sistema de control de calidad. 2. Los algoritmos desarrollados en la etapa inicial fueron verificados utilizando como sop...

  8. Natural 15N abundance of soil N pools and N2O reflect the nitrogen dynamics of forest soils

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Pörtl, K.; Zechmeister-Boltenstern, S.; Wanek, W.


    Natural N-15 abundance measurements of ecosystem nitrogen (N) pools and N-15 pool dilution assays of gross N transformation rates were applied to investigate the potential of delta N-15 signatures of soil N pools to reflect the dynamics in the forest soil N cycle. Intact soil cores were collected...

  9. Thermodynamic properties of (LiCl + N,N-dimethylacetamide) and (LiBr + N,N-dimethylacetamide) at temperatures from (323.15 to 423.15) K

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Nasirzadeh, Karamat [Institut fuer Physikalische and Theoretische Chemie, Universitaet Regensburg, D-93040 Regensburg (Germany) and Department of Chemistry, Azarbaijan University of Tarbiat Moallem, Tabriz (Iran, Islamic Republic of)]. E-mail:; Neueder, Roland [Institut fuer Physikalische and Theoretische Chemie, Universitaet Regensburg, D-93040 Regensburg (Germany); Kunz, Werner [Institut fuer Physikalische and Theoretische Chemie, Universitaet Regensburg, D-93040 Regensburg (Germany)


    Precise vapor pressure data for LiCl and LiBr solutions in N,N-dimethylacetamide are given for T = (323.15 to 423.15) K. The molality ranges covered in this study are about m = (0.073 to 1.89) mol . kg{sup -1} for lithium chloride and m = (0.06 to 1.75) mol . kg{sup -1} for lithium bromide. Osmotic coefficients are calculated by taking into account the second virial coefficient of N,N-dimethylacetamide. The parameters of the extended Pitzer-ion interaction model of Archer, of the MSA-NRTL model and of the chemical model of Barthel are evaluated. These models accurately reproduce the experimental osmotic coefficients within different concentration ranges. The parameters of the Pitzer-ion interaction model of Archer are used to calculate the mean molal activity coefficients and excess Gibbs free energies. The non-ideal behaviors of these systems are discussed in terms of the model parameters.

  10. 15 N separation in the Nitrox system under pressure

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Axente, D.; Baldea, A.; Teaca, C.; Horga, R.; Abrudean, M.


    The basic isotope exchange reaction responsible for the separation of 15 N in Nitrox system is that between gaseous nitrogen oxides and aqueous nitric acid with single stage separation factor α = 1.055 for M.l -1 nitric acid, at 25 deg. C and atmospheric pressure. The rate of nitrogen isotope exchange between NO and HNO 3 has been measured as a function of nitric oxide pressure 0.1 - 0.4 MPa for 1 and 2 M.l -1 . It is concluded that 15 N/ 14 N exchange rate in NO-HNO 3 system has a linear dependence on NO pressure as indicated by rate measurements at different NO partial pressure and constant overall pressure, by adding helium in reactor. Using the rate law: R = [HNO 3 ] 2 [N 2 O 3 ] the 15 N/ 14 N exchange rates for nitric acid concentrations 1.5 - 10 M.l -1 were calculated. In order to know what happens in 15 N separation at higher pressure, when the isotopic transport between two phases is improved, a stainless steel laboratory experimental setup with 1000 mm long x 18 mm i,d. column, packed with triangular wire springs 1.8 x 1.8 x 0.2 mm was utilised. At 0.15 MPA and 2.36 -2 . min -1 flow rate HETP was 7% smaller than at atmospheric pressure and 1.5 times smaller flow rate. HETP at 3.14 ml . cm -2 . min -1 flow rate and 0.18 MPa is practically equal with that obtained at atmospheric pressure and 2 times smaller flow rate. The operation of the 15 N separation setup at 0.18 MPa, instead of atmospheric pressure, will permit to double the 10 M.l -1 nitric acid flow rate and of 15 N production of the given column. (authors)

  11. Simple approach for the preparation of 15-15N2-enriched water for nitrogen fixation assessments: Evaluation, application and recommendations

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Isabell eKlawonn


    Full Text Available Recent findings revealed that the commonly used 15N2 tracer assay for the determination of dinitrogen (N2 fixation can underestimate the activity of aquatic N2-fixing organisms. Therefore, a modification to the method using pre-prepared 15-15N2-enriched water was proposed. Here, we present a rigorous assessment and outline a simple procedure for the preparation of 15-15N2-enriched water. We recommend to fill sterile-filtered water into serum bottles and to add 15-15N2 gas to the water in amounts exceeding the standard N2 solubility, followed by vigorous agitation (vortex mixing ≥5 min. Optionally, water can be degassed at low-pressure (≥950 mbar for ten minutes prior to the 15-15N2 gas addition to indirectly facilitate the 15-15N2 dissolution. This preparation of 15-15N2-enriched water can be done within one hour using standard laboratory equipment. The final 15N-atom% excess was 5% after replacing 2–5% of the incubation volume with 15-15N2-enriched water. Notably, the addition of 15-15N2-enriched water can alter levels of trace elements in the incubation water due to the contact of 15-15N2-enriched water with glass, plastic and rubber ware during its preparation. In our tests, levels of trace elements (Fe, P, Mn, Mo, Cu, Zn increased by up to 0.1 nmol L-1 in the final incubation volume, which may bias rate measurements in regions where N2 fixation is limited by trace elements. For these regions, we tested an alternative way to enrich water with 15-15N2. The 15-15N2 was injected as a bubble directly to the incubation water, followed by gentle shaking. Immediately thereafter, the bubble was replaced with water to stop the 15-15N2 equilibration. This method achieved a 15N-atom excess of 6.6±1.7% when adding 2 mL 15-15N2 per liter of incubation water. The herein presented methodological tests offer guidelines for the 15N2 tracer assay and thus, are crucial to circumvent methodological draw-backs for future N2 fixation assessments.

  12. Utilization of 15N-labelled urea in laying hens. 2

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gruhn, K.; Zander, R.


    In an N metabolism experiment 3 colostomized laying hybrids received 2870 mg 15 N excess ( 15 N') per animal in 6 days in the form of urea with their conventional feed rations. During the 8-day experiment the 21 eggs laid were separated into egg-shell, white of egg and yolk. Weight, N content and 15 N' of the individual fractions of the eggs were determined. On an average 4.6% of the heavy nitrogen was in the egg-shells, 50% in the white of egg and 45.5% in the yolk. 2.8%, 4.5% and 5.5% (hens 1 - 3) of the 15 N' consumed were detected in the eggs. The maximum 15 N' output in the white of egg was reached on the 6th day, whereas 15 N' output in the yolk showed a nearly linear increase in the time of the experiment. The results show that labelled nitrogen from urea is incorporated into the egg to a lower degree than after the feeding of 15 N-labelled proteins and that the development of its incorporation into the white of egg and the yolk differ from that after the feeding of 15 N-labelled native proteins. (author)

  13. Novel DNA packaging recognition in the unusual bacteriophage N15

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Feiss, Michael [Department of Microbiology, Roy J. and Lucille A. Carver College of Medicine, University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA 52242 (United States); Geyer, Henriette, E-mail: [Division of Viral Infections, Robert Koch Institute, Berlin (Germany); Division of Viral Infections, Robert Koch Institute, Berlin (Germany); Klingberg, Franco, E-mail: [Flow Cytometry, Imaging & Microscopy, Thermo Fisher Scientific, Frankfurter Strasse 129B 64293 Darmstadt (Germany); Flow Cytometry, Imaging & Microscopy, Thermo Fisher Scientific, Frankfurter Strasse 129B 64293 Darmstadt (Germany); Moreno, Norma, E-mail: [Texas A& M University – Corpus Christi, 6300 Ocean Drive, Corpus Christi, TX 78412, United States. (United States); Texas A& M University – Corpus Christi, 6300 Ocean Drive, Corpus Christi, TX 78412, United States. (United States); Forystek, Amanda, E-mail: [Flow Cytometry, Imaging & Microscopy, Thermo Fisher Scientific, Frankfurter Strasse 129B 64293 Darmstadt (Germany); Room # 2911 JPP, Dept. of Psychiatry, The University of Iowa, 200 Hawkins Drive, Iowa City, Iowa, 52242 (United States); Maluf, Nasib Karl, E-mail: [Flow Cytometry, Imaging & Microscopy, Thermo Fisher Scientific, Frankfurter Strasse 129B 64293 Darmstadt (Germany); Alliance Protein Laboratories, Inc. 6042 Cornerstone Court West, Suite ASan Diego, CA 92121, USA. (United States); Sippy, Jean [Department of Microbiology, Roy J. and Lucille A. Carver College of Medicine, University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA 52242 (United States)


    Phage lambda's cosB packaging recognition site is tripartite, consisting of 3 TerS binding sites, called R sequences. TerS binding to the critical R3 site positions the TerL endonuclease for nicking cosN to generate cohesive ends. The N15 cos (cos{sup N15}) is closely related to cos{sup λ}, but whereas the cosB{sup N15} subsite has R3, it lacks the R2 and R1 sites and the IHF binding site of cosB{sup λ}. A bioinformatic study of N15-like phages indicates that cosB{sup N15} also has an accessory, remote rR2 site, which is proposed to increase packaging efficiency, like R2 and R1 of lambda. N15 plus five prophages all have the rR2 sequence, which is located in the TerS-encoding 1 gene, approximately 200 bp distal to R3. An additional set of four highly related prophages, exemplified by Monarch, has R3 sequence, but also has R2 and R1 sequences characteristic of cosB–λ. The DNA binding domain of TerS-N15 is a dimer. - Highlights: • There are two classes of DNA packaging signals in N15-related phages. • Phage N15's TerS binding site: a critical site and a possible remote accessory site. • Viral DNA recognition signals by the λ-like bacteriophages: the odd case of N15.

  14. Application of 15N labeling to topics in molecular hematology

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lapidot, A.; Irving, C.S.


    The amount of information which can be obtained from many types of spectrometric analysis of compounds of hematological interest can be greatly enhanced when measurements are made on a series of isotopically labeled compounds. A murine Friend virus-induced erythroleukemic cell (FLC) culture was found to be a superior biosynthetic system for the preparation of highly and selectively 15 N and 13 C enriched hemoglobins. A mutant of Rhodopseudomonas spheroides was found suitable for the preparation of larger quantities of >90 percent enriched protoporphyrin-IX- 15 N and coproporphyrin-III-- 15 N. A comparison of the 15 N and 13 C NMR spectra of FLC carbomonoxy-[Gly- 15 N]-hemoglobin, carbomonoxy-[Gly- 13 C/sub alpha/]-hemoglobin, α and β globin-[Gly- 15 N] and globin-[Gly- 13 C/sub alpha/] demonstrated 1) 15 N peptide chemical shifts are sensitive to polypeptide sequence, whereas 13 C α-carbon chemical shifts are not, (2) variations in the solvation of the peptide N-H group can be detected in the 15 N spectra but not the 13 C spectra, (3) 15 N heme resonances could not be detected, whereas 13 C resonances could. These studies indicated that in hemoglobin the glycyl N-H resonances are either solvated by H 2 O or hydrogen bonded to peptide C=0 groups. In denatured globin, the majority of the glycyl residues are rapidly exchanging between these two states

  15. Methodical investigation of the endogenous N excretion in feces by 15N-labelled rats

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bergner, U.; Bergner, H.


    Wistar rats (approximately 100g live weight, n = 8) received a wheat diet and were labelled over a period of 7 days with 15 N-ammonium acetate. From day 1 - 5 of the experiment after the end of the labelling feces and urine were collected and analysed. After the animals were killed (day 5 of the experiment) the atom-% 15 N excess ( 15 N') in the contents of the digestive tract as well as in the tissues of stomach wall, intestinal wall, liver, pancreas and blood plasma was determined. The TCA-soluble fraction of the blood plasma showed 0.44 atom-% 15 N' on day 5 after the end of 15 N labelling. 3 hours before the killing fecal N also showed 0.44 and during the last collection period (24 hours before) an average of 0.51 atom-% 15 N'. Urine decreased in the same period from 0.71 to 0.59 atom-% 15 N'. The endogenous fecal N is calculated to 88%. As the tissues of the digestive tract are likely to supply the biggest part of the endogenous fecal protein, the values of atom-% 15 N' from the TCA-precipitable fraction of the intestinal wall and of the pancreas gland was calculed to an average of 0.526. According to this the calculation endogenous fecal N is 84%. It is probable that the quota of endogenous fecal N in the total amount of fecal N varies in dependence on the fermentable crude fiber in the diet as well as on the age of the test animals and thus the bacterial protein synthesis in the colon. As the N used by the bacteria is likely to come from the TCA-soluble fraction of the blood, the calculation formula suggested, which uses the TCA-soluble fraction of the blood plasma, achieves good approximate values also for higher bacterial protein synthesis in the colon. (author)

  16. Synthesis of {sup 15}N isotope labeled alanine; Sintese da alanina enriquecida com {sup 15}N

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Oliveira, Claudineia R. de; Bendassolli, Jose Albertino; Sant' Ana, Carlos Roberto; Tagliassachi, Romulo Barbieri; Maximo, Everaldo; Prestes, Clelber Vieira [Centro de Energia Nuclear na Agricultura (CENA), Piracicaba, SP (Brazil). Dept. de Isotopos Estaveis]. E-mail:


    The application of light chemical elements and their stable isotopes in biological studies have been increased over the last years. The use of {sup 15}N labeled amino acids is an important tool for elucidation of peptides structures. This paper describe a method for the synthesis of {sup 15}N isotope labeled alanine at lower costs than international ones, as well as the details of the recovery system of the nitrogen residues. In the present work an amination of {alpha}-haloacids, with the bromopropionic carboxylic acid and labeled aqua ammonia ({sup 15}NH{sub 3} aq) was carried out. In order to avoid eventually losses of {sup 15}NH{sub 3}, special cares were adopted, since the production cost is high. Although the acquisition cost of the {sup 13}N (radioactive) labeled compounds is lower, the obtained stable tracer will allow the accomplishment of important studies of the nitrogen cycling in living things, less occupational and environment hazards, and the time limitation problems in field studies. The tests took place in triplicates with NH{sub 3} (aq) being employed. With the establishment of the system for {sup 15}NH{sub 3} recovery, an average of 94 % of the ammonia employed in the synthesis process was recovered. The purity of the amino acid was state determined by TLC (Thin Layer Chromatography) and HPLC (High-Performance Liquid Chromatography) with a fluorescence detector. The Rf and the retention time of the synthesized sample were similar the sigma standard. Finally, regarding the established conditions, it was possible to obtain the alanine with a production cost about 40 % lower than the international price. (author)

  17. Behavioral Effects of Systemic, Infralimbic and Prelimbic Injections of a Serotonin 5-HT2A Antagonist in Carioca High- and Low-Conditioned Freezing Rats

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Laura A. León


    Full Text Available The role of serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine [5-HT] and 5-HT2A receptors in anxiety has been extensively studied, mostly without considering individual differences in trait anxiety. Our laboratory developed two lines of animals that are bred for high and low freezing responses to contextual cues that are previously associated with footshock (Carioca High-conditioned Freezing [CHF] and Carioca Low-conditioned Freezing [CLF]. The present study investigated whether ketanserin, a preferential 5-HT2A receptor blocker, exerts distinct anxiety-like profiles in these two lines of animals. In the first experiment, the animals received a systemic injection of ketanserin and were exposed to the elevated plus maze (EPM. In the second experiment, these two lines of animals received microinjections of ketanserin in the infralimbic (IL and prelimbic (PL cortices and were exposed to either the EPM or a contextual fear conditioning paradigm. The two rat lines exhibited bidirectional effects on anxiety-like behavior in the EPM and opposite responses to ketanserin. Both systemic and intra-IL cortex injections of ketanserin exerted anxiolytic-like effects in CHF rats but anxiogenic-like effects in CLF rats. Microinjections of ketanserin in the PL cortex also exerted anxiolytic-like effects in CHF rats but had no effect in CLF rats. These results suggest that the behavioral effects of 5-HT2A receptor antagonism might depend on genetic variability associated with baseline reactions to threatening situations and 5-HT2A receptor expression in the IL and PL cortices.Highlights-CHF and CLF rats are two bidirectional lines that are based on contextual fear conditioning.-CHF rats have a more “anxious” phenotype than CLF rats in the EPM.-The 5-HT2A receptor antagonist ketanserin had opposite behavioral effects in CHF and CLF rats.-Systemic and IL injections either decreased (CHF or increased (CLF anxiety-like behavior.-PL injections either decreased (CHF anxiety

  18. 15N sample preparation for mass spectroscopy analysis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Trivelin, P.C.O.; Salati, E.; Matsui, E.


    Technics for preparing 15 N samples to be analised is presented. Dumas method and oxidation by sodium hypobromite method are described in order to get the appropriate sample. Method to calculate 15 N ratio from mass spectrometry dates is also discussed [pt

  19. Unit of stable isotopic N{sup 1}5 analysis; La unidad de analisis isotopicos estables N{sup 1}5

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Cabrera de Bisbal, Evelin; Paredes U, Maria [Fondo Nacional de Investigaciones Agropecuarias (FONAIAP), Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Agropecuarias (CENIAP), Instituto de Investigaciones en Recursos Agroecologicos, Maracay (Venezuela)


    fertilizante. Las tecnicas isotopicas ofrecen tambien un medio rapido y fiable de obtener informacion sobre la distribucion de las raices activas. La ubicacion de zonas de mayor densidad de raices absorbentes y la forma en que estas varian con las estaciones. Los fertilizantes inorganicos pueden ser sustituidos en cierta medida por otras fuentes de nutrimentos que son disponibles en la localidad o menos costosos. Asi como las leguminosas y otras familias, en simbiosis con los microorganismos apropiados puede utilizar directamente el N{sub 2} atmosferico. Las tecnicas isotopicas de N{sup 1}5 son lo mas fiables para suministrar valores cuantitativos e integrados de nitrogeno fijado, tanto en sistemas naturales como agricolas. Ademas del suministro de nutrimentos, el agua es uno de los principales factores limitantes de la produccion agricola del pais. La aplicacion de tecnicas de radiacion utilizando sonda neutronica y desintometro gamma permite el desarrollo de metodos de manejo de las aguas de lluvias en condiciones agricolas de secano o para mejorar la eficiencia de utilizacion de agua de regadio. El Laboratoro de Analisis de Isotopos Estables N{sup 1}5 de la Unidad de Laboratorio del Instituto de Investigaciones en Recursos Agroecologicos (IIRA) del CENIAP, proporciona desde su fundacion un valioso apoyo de servicio a la investigacion en fertilizacion de nitrogeno, de fuentes alternativas de nitrogeno (fijacion biologica) y en el desarrollo de metodos de manejo de agua. El laboratorio fue instalado con la colaboracion del Organismo Internacional de Energia Atomica en 1989. Este laboratorio esta en capacidad de analisis de N{sup 1}5 en agua, suelo y tejido vegetal. El numero de muestras analizadas a traves de estos ocho anos de funcionamiento ha sido de 2000, siendo beneficiarios del servicio diversas instituciones nacionales de investigacion agricola (UCV, IVIC, LUZ y FONAIAP). Los proyectos que han sido atendidos por el laboratorio cubren las areas antes mencionadas

  20. Optimización utilizando lógica difusa de dispositivo de análisis de componentes químicos de ingredientes naturales basados en el internet de las cosas IoT

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    Karen Vanessa Angulo-Sogamoso


    Full Text Available En el presente artículo, se presenta la optimización utilizando lógica difusa de un dispositivo conformado por una báscula con sensores integrados. Los cuales permiten identificar los alimentos y realizar un análisis químico, con el fin de identificar compuestos que pueden resultar nocivos para la salud de las personas. La bascula podrá ser conectada a través de bluetooth a cualquier aparato móvil, el cual utilizando una aplicación programada con la técnica de lógica difusa, le permitirá al usuario una descripción de los componentes de cualquier alimento, además de sugerir otros ingredientes que le permitan seguir una dieta más saludable y balanceada. La metodología de desarrollo se divide en tres etapas, la primera determinar las características de la bascula, luego las características del sensor y por último el desarrollo del aplicativo. La implementación del modelo está basado en la correlación de un Sistema Experto y de Lógica Difusa (Fuzzy Logic, en donde se establecen un sistema de inferencia, considerando la elección de variables de entrada y el establecimiento de tres macros que tienen evaluaciones integradas (propias de INVIMA, que posteriormente permitirán calcular los niveles de toxicidad en los alimentos. Al mismo tiempo con el fin de probar y validar el modelo, de tal modo que éste entregue resultados consistentes, se comparan resultados obtenidos en otros estudios, donde se puede evidenciar que el modelo planteado es más eficiente en un 7,57% con respecto a los demás puestos en consideración.

  1. Competition for tracer 15N in tussock tundra ecosystems

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Marion, G.M.; Miller, P.C.; Black, C.H.


    The objectives of this study were to assess the roles of plant species, time, and site on competition for tracer 15 N (without carrier) in tussock tundra ecosystems. Six experimental sites were located in northern Alaska. After one year across the experimental sites, the recovery of 15 N by litter (11.3-16.3%) and mosses (5.4-16.4%) was significantly greater than for aboveground vascular plants (2.6-5.0%). 15 N recoveries by tundra vascular plants (2.6-5.0%) were low when compared to forest trees (9-25%) which suggst that competition for nitrogen is particularly severe in these colddominated tundra ecosystems. There were no significant differences among sites in 15 N recoveries by vascular plants, by mosses, or by litter. There was a statistically significant decline in 15 N recovery with time for Vaccinium vitis-idaea and Eriophoum vaginatum between the second and third year. The shallow rooted Vaccinium vitis-ideae was more highly labeled than the deep rooted Eriophorum vaginatum. Nearness to the source of the applied 15 N played a critical role in competition for surface applied nitrogen. (author)

  2. Avaliação da perfusão e função miocárdicas em vítimas de escorpionismo utilizando o Gated-SPECT Evaluación de la perfusión y función miocárdicas en víctimas de escorpionismo utilizando el Gated-SPECT Assessment of myocardial perfusion and function in victims of scorpion envenomation using Gated-SPECT

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Alexandre Baldini de Figueiredo


    énico y el edema agudo de pulmón son las principales causas de óbito en pacientes con escorpionismo, cuyo mecanismo fisiopatológico es todavía controvertido. OBJETIVO: Investigar la correlación entre los disturbios de la perfusión miocárdica y la función contráctil del ventrículo izquierdo, en victimas de escorpionismo. MÉTODOS: Quince pacientes fueron sometidos a centellografía de perfusión miocárdica sincronizada con ECG (Gated SPECT, dentro de 72 horas y 15 días tras el accidente con escorpión. Las imágenes se analizaron visualmente por score semicuantitativo de perfusión (0 = normal, 4 = ausente y movilidad (0 = normal, 4 = acinético, utilizando modelo de 17 segmentos. Para cada paciente se calcularon scores sumados de perfusión (ESP y movilidad (ESM. La fracción de eyección (FEVI se calculó por software comercialmente disponible. RESULTADOS: En la evaluación inicial, 12 de los 15 pacientes presentaron alteraciones de la contractilidad y de la perfusión miocárdica. El ESP fue de 12,5 ± 7,3, el ESM de 17,0 ± 12, 8 y la FEVI de 44,6 ± 16,0%. Hubo correlación positiva entre el ESP y el ESM (r = 0,68; p = 0,005 y negativa entre el ESP y la FEVI (r = -0,75; p = 0,0021. Los estudios de seguimiento expresaron recuperación de la contractilidad global (FEVI de 68,9 ± 9,5, p = 0,0002, segmentar (ESM 2,6 ± 3,1, p = 0,0009 y de la perfusión (ESP 3,7 ± 3,3, p = 0,0003. La mejora de la FEVI se correlacionó positivamente con la mejora del ESP (r = 0,72; p = 0,0035. CONCLUSIÓN: Alteraciones perfusionales miocárdicas son comunes en el envenenamiento por escorpión y se correlacionan topográficamente con la disfunción contráctil. La recuperación de la contractilidad se correlaciona con la reversibilidad de los defectos perfusionales. Estos hallazgos sugieren la participación de alteraciones perfusionales miocárdicas en la fisiopatología de esta forma de insuficiencia ventricular aguda.BACKGROUND: Cardiogenic shock and acute pulmonary edema

  3. Highly 15N-Enriched Chondritic Clasts in the Isheyevo Meteorite

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bonal, L; Huss, G R; Krot, A N; Nagashima, K; Ishii, H A; Bradley, J P; Hutcheon, I D


    The metal-rich carbonaceous chondrites (CB and CH) have the highest whole-rock {sup 15}N enrichment ({delta}{sup 15}N up to +1500{per_thousand}), similar to {delta}{sup 15}N values reported in micron-sized regions (hotspots) of Interplanetary Dust Particles (IDPs) of possibly cometary origin and fine-grained matrices of unmetamorphosed chondrites. These {sup 15}N-rich hotspots are commonly attributed to low-temperature ion-molecule reactions in the protosolar molecular cloud or in the outer part of the protoplanetary disk. The nature of the whole-rock {sup 15}N enrichment of the metal-rich chondrites is not understood. We report a discovery of a unique type of primitive chondritic clasts in the CH/CB-like meteorite Isheyevo, which provides important constraints on the origin of {sup 15}N anomaly in metal-rich chondrites and nitrogen-isotope fractionation in the Solar System. These clasts contain tiny chondrules and refractory inclusions (5-15 {micro}m in size), and abundant ferromagnesian chondrule fragments (1-50 {micro}m in size) embedded in the partly hydrated, fine-grained matrix material composed of olivines, pyroxenes, poorly-organized aromatic organics, phyllosilicates and other hydrous phases. The mineralogy and oxygen isotope compositions of chondrules and refractory inclusions in the clasts are similar to those in the Isheyevo host, suggesting formation at similar heliocentric distances. In contrast to the previously known extraterrestrial samples, the fine-grained material in the clasts is highly and rather uniformly enriched in {sup 15}N, with bulk {delta}{sup 15}N values ranging between +1000 and +1300{per_thousand}; the {delta}{sup 15}N values in rare hotspots range from +1400 to +4000{per_thousand}. Since fine-grained matrices in the lithic clasts are the only component containing thermally unprocessed (during CAI and chondrule formation or during impact melting) materials that accreted into the metal rich chondrite parent body(ies), the {sup 15}N

  4. Dynamic of N fertilizers: urea (15 N) and aqua ammonia (15 N) incorporated to the sugar cane soil. Final report

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Trivelin, P.C.O.


    The dynamic of N fertilizers, urea and aqua ammonia, in the soil of sugar cane crops are studied with an emphasis on the horizontal and vertical moving. The nitrogen routing from urea and aqua ammonia sources, by isotopic technique with 15 N in relation to the leaching, volatilization and extraction by the cultivation and residue of N immobilized manure in the soil with sugar cane plantation is also analysed. (C.G.C.)

  5. Asymptotic normalization coefficients for 14N+p→15O and the astrophysical S factor for 14N(p,γ)15O

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mukhamedzhanov, A.M.; Gagliardi, C.A.; Pirlepesov, F.; Tribble, R.E.; Bem, P.; Burjan, V.; Kroha, V.; Novak, J.; Piskor, S.; Simeckova, E.; Vincour, J.; Brown, B.A.; Nunes, F.M.


    The 14 N(p,γ) 15 O reaction, which controls energy production in the CNO cycle, has contributions from both resonance and direct captures to the ground and excited states. The overall normalization of the direct captures is defined by the corresponding asymptotic normalization coefficients (ANCs). Especially important is the ANC for the subthreshold state in 15 O at -0.504 keV since direct capture through this state dominates the reaction rate at stellar energies. In order to determine the ANCs for 14 N+p→ 15 O, the 14 N( 3 He,d) 15 O proton transfer reaction has been measured at an incident energy of 26.3 MeV. Angular distributions for proton transfer to the ground and five excited states were obtained. ANCs were then extracted from comparison to both distorted-wave Born approximation and coupled-channels Born approximation calculations. Using these ANCs, we calculated the astrophysical factor and reaction rates for 14 N(p,γ) 15 O. Our analysis favors a low value for the astrophysical factor

  6. Evaluación de Electroinmunotransferencia utilizando antígeno mix nativo purificado de líquido de cisticerco de Taenia solium para el diagnóstico de cisticercosis humana

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Eduardo Ayala-Sulca

    Full Text Available Objetivos. Evaluar la eficacia de la prueba electroinmunotransferencia (EITB para la detección de cisticercosis humana utilizando antígeno mix nativo purificado de líquido de cisticerco de Taenia solium. Material y métodos. Estudio observacional de evaluación de prueba diagnóstica. El antígeno mix nativo purificado se extrajo del líquido de cisticerco de cerdos naturalmente parasitados de áreas consideradas endémicas, se evaluó y seleccionó uno de los cuatro métodos de purificación: sulfato de amonio, lecitina de lentejas-sefarosa, Sephadex G-75 y electro-elución. La sensibilidad del antígeno purificado se determinó con EITB y fue evaluada con 50 sueros positivos a cisticercosis y la especificidad con 50 sueros negativos a cisticercosis (20 libres de infección parasitaria y 30 positivos a diferentes parasitosis. Resultados. La concentración óptima del antígeno mix nativo purificado para preparar las tiras EITB fue de 0,82 µg/mm. Por cromatografía de afinidad con lectina de lentejas- sefarosa se visualizaron y purificaron ocho glicoproteínas antigénicas específicas, siendo sus masas relativas de: 13, 14, 17, 18, 23, 24, 31 y 35 kDa; los antígenos purificados obtenidos por los otros métodos no fueron evaluados por EITB, porque no correspondieron a las proteínas antigénicas específicas consideradas entre 13 y 35 KDa. La prueba de EITB utilizando antígeno mix nativo purificado presentó 100% de sensibilidad y 100% de especificidad. Conclusiones. El antígeno mix nativo purificado mejora la eficiencia diagnóstica de la prueba de EITB. Recomendamos la preparación de un kit in house y su validación en campo para que pueda transferirse e implementarse en laboratorios de zonas endémicas del Perú

  7. Determination of N metabolism parameters following 15N-amino acid infusion based on a mathematical model

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pahle, T.; Koehler, R.; Souffrant, W.B.; Gebhardt, G.; Matkowitz, R.; Hartig, W.


    Two female pigs (25 kg live weight) received a continuous infusion of 15 N-glycine and 15 N-lysine solutions, resp., for 45 h and for further 72 h unlabelled amino acid solutions. The main protein and energy sources, however, were administered orally. The time course of the 15 N level and the differential urinary N excretion were determined from blood urea and urine. For the demonstration of synthesis and decay rates of the total body protein a mathematical model has been developed. The suitability of 15 N-lysine and 15 N-glycine for the determination of N metabolism parameters is discussed

  8. Using N-15 Technique for Assessing Organic.N Turnover in Sandy Soil

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Soliman, S.; El-Akel, E.A.; Ismail, M.M.; El-Sherbiny, E.; Awad, E.E.


    Turnover of organic-N was traced under greenhouse condition. 15 N-labelled wheat and/or soybean residues were used as organic additives which applied individually or in combinations. These residues were applied at rates of 100, 75 and 25μg N g - 1 soil. Also, labelled ammonium sulfate with 2% 15 N atom excess, was applied either alone or in combination with the plant residues, at rates of 100, 75 and 25μg N g - 1 soil as single dose after 10 days from planting. Relative positive effect of the nitrogen plant residues on N-uptake and yield components can be arranged as follows: Soybean > wheat + > soybean > wheat residues. Tracer technique indicated that the mixture of labeled residues and ammonium sulfate at rates of (*50 + 50) and (*25 + 75), was effective on dry matter and N uptake. Effect of organic and inorganic nitrogen sources on portions N derived from residue (Ndfr) and N derived from fertilizer (Ndff) to wheat could be arranged as following: ammonium sulfate > soybean > mixture > wheat. Higher 15 N recovery percentage was noticed in grains as affected by addition of soybean residues combined with ordinary ammonium sulfate at rates of (*25 + 75) and (*50 + 50), respectively

  9. Synthesis of 15N-labelled urea and methylenediurea

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Murray, T.P.; Jones, G.T.


    A new technique was developed for the large-scale synthesis of 15 N-labelled urea at low enrichment levels. The synthesis is based on nucleophilic displacement of the phenoxide ion from phenyl carbonate and uses anhydrous ammonia as the nucleophile. In previous reports a copper catalyst was used; however, in this study it was found that the copper resulted in product decomposition and tar formation, which makes product purification difficult. A novel set of reaction conditions was developed: no catalyst was used, and no product decomposition or tar formation occurred. The reaction product was easily purified, and consistently high yields of 15 N-labelled urea were obtained. 15 N-labelled methylenediurea was prepared by the dilute solution reaction of formalin with 15 N-labelled urea. The methodology developed for the reclamation of unreacted urea resulted in minimum loss of labelled urea. High performance liquid chromatography has been used to determine the chemical purity of both urea and methylenediurea. (author)

  10. 1H-15N correlation spectroscopy of nanocrystalline proteins

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Morcombe, Corey R.; Paulson, Eric K.; Gaponenko, Vadim; Byrd, R. Andrew; Zilm, Kurt W.


    The limits of resolution that can be obtained in 1 H- 15 N 2D NMR spectroscopy of isotopically enriched nanocrystalline proteins are explored. Combinations of frequency switched Lee-Goldburg (FSLG) decoupling, fast magic angle sample spinning (MAS), and isotopic dilution via deuteration are investigated as methods for narrowing the amide 1 H resonances. Heteronuclear decoupling of 15 N from the 1 H resonances is also studied. Using human ubiquitin as a model system, the best resolution is most easily obtained with uniformly 2 H and 15 N enriched protein where the amides have been exchanged in normal water, MAS at ∼20 kHz, and WALTZ-16 decoupling of the 15 N nuclei. The combination of these techniques results in average 1 H lines of only ∼0.26 ppm full width at half maximum. Techniques for optimizing instrument stability and 15 N decoupling are described for achieving the best possible performance in these experiments

  11. Stable isotope sup 15 N-urea and clinical research in nephrology

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sugino, Nobuhiro; Arai, Junko; Akimoto, Mitsuko; Miwa, Toichiro; Takuma, Takehide (Tokyo Women' s Medical Coll. (Japan))


    Stable isotope {sup 15}N-compound, {sup 15}N-urea, is useful marker to investigate nitrogen metabolism in clinical nephrology, particularly in chronic renal failure or dialysis. {sup 15}N-urea incorporation into plasma albumin in addition to plasma {sup 15}N disappearance was studied in 6 patients with endstage chronic renal failure. As a result, only minor fraction of administered {sup 15}N-urea was incorporated into albumin in this study. In addition, it was also confirmed that high energy diet may promote protein synthesis through {sup 15}N incorporation to plasma amino acids, such as alanine, in these patients with low protein meal. Therefore, administration of {sup 15}N-compound to human subjects may contribute to provide us the important informations on nitrogen metabolism. For instance, urea kinetics are described in the endstage chronic renal failure in this review. However, less expensive {sup 15}N-compounds should be provided and more simple but accurate measurement of {sup 15}N activity should be developed for the further clinical application of the stable isotope. (author).

  12. "Efecto ancla" en la hidrogenación estereoselectiva de dihidro-mahuba-lactonas

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Juan C. Martinez V.


    Full Text Available En la hidrogenación catalítica de (3R, 48, 2E-2—(hexadec—15-inilideno— 3—hidroxl—4—metllbutanolido (una dihidro—mahuba—lactona, utilizando H2/Pd— C en metanol, se obtuvo un producto con un rendimiento del 86% , ocurriendo una hidrogenación estereoselectiva. Haciendo uso del espectro de RMN H del acetato del producto de hidrogenación y de la ecuación de Karplus, se muestra que el hidroxilo alílico actúa como un "ancla" en el catalizador.

  13. Bailarinas del cine egipcio: de la "edad de oro" a la marginalización / Dancers in Egyptian Cinema. From ‘Golden Era’ to Marginalization

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Carolina Bracco


    Full Text Available Este artículo examina la imagen proyectada de las bailarinas en el cine egipcio a través del análisis de tres papeles en la carrera de la bailarina egipcia más famosa de todos los tiempos: Tahia Carioca. El contexto en el que se enmarcan las películas analizadas incluye el último período dela monarquía del rey Fārūq (1946-1952, la revolución de los Oficiales Libres (1952 y el régimen de Gamal Abdel Nasser (1953-1970, y concluye con la muerte de Nasser en 1970, dando comienzo a una nueva era de cambios sociales y políticos en Egipto. Consideramos los cambios socio-políticos y sus repercusiones en la arena cultural no solo como contexto sino también como parte de una relación dialéctica que influyó en la imagen de las bailarinas y que se evidencia en tres películas protagonizadas por Tahia Carioca: El juego de la mujer (1946, Mi amor moreno (1958 y Cuidado con Zuzu (1972. Del análisis de sus papeles en estas tres películas, en relación con su contexto, surge nuestro argumento, a saber: que los cambios socio-políticos acontecidos en Egipto en este periodo de tiempo se han proyectado –y han cambiado– la imagen de la bailarina, quien es vista primero como una trabajadora (1946, luego una mujer demonio(1958 y finalmente como una marginal (1972.Palabras clave: sociedad egipcia, bailarinas, imagen, marginalización, cine.AbstractThis study examines the projected image of dancers in Egyptian cinema through the analysis of three roles in the career of the most famous Egyptian dancer of all time: Tahia Carioca. The historical background for the studied films includes the last period of the King Farouk monarchy (1946-1952, the revolution of the Free Officers Movement (1952, and the Nasser regime(1953-1970, and ends with Nasser’s death, when a new social and political era started to blossom in Egypt. I consider the socio-political changes and their cultural repercussions not only as context but also as part of a dialectic

  14. Ecosystem N distribution and δ15N during a century of forest regrowth after agricultural abandonment (United States)

    Compton, J.E.; Hooker, T.D.; Perakis, S.S.


    Stable isotope ratios of terrestrial ecosystem nitrogen (N) pools reflect internal processes and input–output balances. Disturbance generally increases N cycling and loss, yet few studies have examined ecosystem δ15N over a disturbance-recovery sequence. We used a chronosequence approach to examine N distribution and δ15N during forest regrowth after agricultural abandonment. Site ages ranged from 10 to 115 years, with similar soils, climate, land-use history, and overstory vegetation (white pine Pinus strobus). Foliar N and δ15N decreased as stands aged, consistent with a progressive tightening of the N cycle during forest regrowth on agricultural lands. Over time, foliar δ15N became more negative, indicating increased fractionation along the mineralization–mycorrhizal–plant uptake pathway. Total ecosystem N was constant across the chronosequence, but substantial internal N redistribution occurred from the mineral soil to plants and litter over 115 years (>25% of ecosystem N or 1,610 kg ha−1). Temporal trends in soil δ15N generally reflected a redistribution of depleted N from the mineral soil to the developing O horizon. Although plants and soil δ15N are coupled over millennial time scales of ecosystem development, our observed divergence between plants and soil suggests that they can be uncoupled during the disturbance-regrowth sequence. The approximate 2‰ decrease in ecosystem δ15N over the century scale suggests significant incorporation of atmospheric N, which was not detected by traditional ecosystem N accounting. Consideration of temporal trends and disturbance legacies can improve our understanding of the influence of broader factors such as climate or N deposition on ecosystem N balances and δ15N.

  15. Genetic divergence of the common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) group Carioca using morpho-agronomic traits by multivariate analysis. (United States)

    Gonçalves Ceolin, Ana Cristina; Gonçalves-Vidigal, Maria Celeste; Soares Vidigal Filho, Pedro; Vinícius Kvitschal, Marcus; Gonela, Adriana; Alberto Scapim, Carlos


    The objective of this study was to evaluate the genetic divergence among the common bean group Carioca by the Tocher method (based on Mahalanobis distance) and graphic dispersion of canonic variables, aiming to identify populations with wide genetic variability. Eighteen genotypes were evaluated in four seasons using a randomized block design with four replications. The mean weight of 100 seeds, in three experiments, and the mean number of pods per plant, in one experiment, were the most important characteristics for the genetic divergence, representing more than 46% of the total variation in the first canonic variable. The first two canonic variables were sufficient to explain about 88.23% of the total variation observed in the average of the four environments. The results showed that CNFC 8008 and CNFC 8009 genotypes presented the best yield averages in all the experiments. While Pérola, Princesa and CNFC 8005 cultivars were the most dissimilar for morpho-agronomic traits. Therefore, the combinations of PérolaxCNFC 8008, CNFC 8005xCNFC 8009, PérolaxCNFC 8009, PrincesaxCNFC 8008 and PrincesaxCNFC 8009 were indicated for interpopulational breeding.

  16. Estimation of mechanical properties of rock using artificial intelligence Estimación de propiedades mecánicas de roca utilizando inteligencia artificial

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    César Augusto Ochoa


    Full Text Available This paper discusses how two artificial intelligence techniques were combined, neural networks and genetic algorithms for the development of a computational tool used for the estimation of mechanical properties such as tensile strength, uniaxial compressive strength and triaxial compressive strength in sandstones, from petrophysical properties using data from tests of Rock Mechanics Laboratory of the Colombian Petroleum Institute - Ecopetrol SA as training data, to improve the design of non-destructive testing with some degree of confidence and resulting in cost reduction.Este artículo presenta la forma como fueron combinadas dos técnicas de inteligencia artificial, redes neuronales y algoritmos genéticos, para el desarrollo de una herramienta computacional utilizada para la estimación de propiedades mecánicas tales como la resistencia a la tensión, la resistencia a la compresión uniaxial y la resistencia a la compresión triaxial en areniscas, a partir de propiedades petrofísicas utilizando datos de pruebas del Laboratorio de Mecánica de Rocas del Instituto Colombiano del Petróleo - Ecopetrol S.A. como datos de entrenamiento facilitando el diseño de ensayos no destructivos con cierto grado de confianza y dando lugar a una reducción de costos.

  17. Síntese enzimática de ascorbil oleato utilizando tecnologias alternativas


    Balen, Manuela


    Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnológico, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia de Alimentos, Florianópolis, 2016. A produção enzimática de ascorbil oleato utilizando como substratos Lascórbico e ácido oleico necessita da total solubilização entre substratos a fim de se obter maiores rendimentos. Contudo, o ácido L-ascórbico e ácido oleico não são totalmente miscíveis por possuírem polaridades bastante distintas. Assim, este trabalho objetivou bus...

  18. El arte por el arte : aproximación teórico-práctica sobre los beneficios que supone una educación bilingüe curricularmente integrada, utilizando el arte como elemento conductor del proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje


    Gallego González, Agustín


    Trabajo Fin de Grado-Universidad de Salamanca, 2014 [ES] El reto propuesto en el presente trabajo, muestra una visión alternativa, utilizando el arte como elemento conductor a la hora de presentar la educación reglada en un entorno de aprendizaje CLIL. En los tres primeros capítulos, el autor expone y justifica las ventajas de la enseñanza CLIL así como los diferentes aspectos de su metodología activa. A partir del cuarto capítulo, se plantea un proyecto a través de la Unidad Didáctica Van...

  19. The Contamination of Commercial 15N2 Gas Stocks with 15N–Labeled Nitrate and Ammonium and Consequences for Nitrogen Fixation Measurements (United States)

    Dabundo, Richard; Lehmann, Moritz F.; Treibergs, Lija; Tobias, Craig R.; Altabet, Mark A.; Moisander, Pia H.; Granger, Julie


    We report on the contamination of commercial 15-nitrogen (15N) N2 gas stocks with 15N-enriched ammonium, nitrate and/or nitrite, and nitrous oxide. 15N2 gas is used to estimate N2 fixation rates from incubations of environmental samples by monitoring the incorporation of isotopically labeled 15N2 into organic matter. However, the microbial assimilation of bioavailable 15N-labeled N2 gas contaminants, nitrate, nitrite, and ammonium, is liable to lead to the inflation or false detection of N2 fixation rates. 15N2 gas procured from three major suppliers was analyzed for the presence of these 15N-contaminants. Substantial concentrations of 15N-contaminants were detected in four Sigma-Aldrich 15N2 lecture bottles from two discrete batch syntheses. Per mole of 15N2 gas, 34 to 1900 µmoles of 15N-ammonium, 1.8 to 420 µmoles of 15N-nitrate/nitrite, and ≥21 µmoles of 15N-nitrous oxide were detected. One 15N2 lecture bottle from Campro Scientific contained ≥11 µmoles of 15N-nitrous oxide per mole of 15N2 gas, and no detected 15N-nitrate/nitrite at the given experimental 15N2 tracer dilutions. Two Cambridge Isotopes lecture bottles from discrete batch syntheses contained ≥0.81 µmoles 15N-nitrous oxide per mole 15N2, and trace concentrations of 15N-ammonium and 15N-nitrate/nitrite. 15N2 gas equilibrated cultures of the green algae Dunaliella tertiolecta confirmed that the 15N-contaminants are assimilable. A finite-differencing model parameterized using oceanic field conditions typical of N2 fixation assays suggests that the degree of detected 15N-ammonium contamination could yield inferred N2 fixation rates ranging from undetectable, detected in field assays. These results indicate that past reports of N2 fixation should be interpreted with caution, and demonstrate that the purity of commercial 15N2 gas must be ensured prior to use in future N2 fixation rate determinations. PMID:25329300

  20. Effect of applying wheat stubble on preservation and utilization of n-fertilizer by 15N trace technique

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Xu Xinyu; Zhang Yumei; Xiang Hua; Hu Jisheng


    By using 15 N trace technique, the effect of applying wheat stubble on the preservation and utilization rate of 15 N- ammonium sulphate have been studied. The abundance of ( 15 NH 4 ) 2 SO 4 fertilizer was 8.92%. After three years pot test and field plot test, the results showed that the yields with ' 15 N+mulching' and ' 15 N+incorporating' treated were increased by 5.4∼30.0% for spring wheat and millet(pot test), and 18∼23% for winter wheat and summer corn(field plot test), as compared with only ' 15 N' treatment. The results of 15 N-fertilizer labelled tests showed that the utilization rates of 15 N-fertilizer treated by ' 15 N+mulching' for cropping seasons were 57.8%, 65.8%, 36.6% and 8.5% respectively. These were increased 3.7%, 10.2%, 21.5% and 2.8% as compared with only ' 15 N' treatment. Comparing with only ' 15 N'treatment, the N leached off by percolation water was decreasing 50%, the loss of N caused by volatilization was decreasing 30.3% and the N in humus was increasing 21.1%. All of these proved that the applying of wheat stubble in different mode would adjust and control the activation of microbe in the soil, and the preservation and utilization rate of fertilizer in the soul would be increased

  1. Identifying N fertilizer regime and vegetable production system in tropical Brazil using (15) N natural abundance. (United States)

    Inácio, Caio T; Urquiaga, Segundo; Chalk, Phillip M; Mata, Maria Gabriela F; Souza, Paulo O


    This study was conducted in areas of vegetable production in tropical Brazil, with the objectives of (i) measuring the variation in δ(15)  N in soils, organic N fertilizer sources and lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) from different farming systems, (ii) measuring whether plant δ(15)  N can differentiate organic versus conventional lettuce and (iii) identifying the factors affecting lettuce δ(15)  N. Samples of soil, lettuce and organic inputs were taken from two organic, one conventional and one hydroponic farm. The two organic farms had different N-sources with δ(15)  N values ranging from 0.0 to +14.9‰ (e.g. leguminous green manure and animal manure compost, respectively), and differed significantly (P hydroponic lettuce δ(15)  N (+4.5 ± 0.2‰) due to manure inputs. The N from leguminous green manure made a small contribution to the N nutrition of lettuce in the multi-N-source organic farm. To differentiate organic versus conventional farms using δ(15)  N the several subsets of mode of fertilization should be considered. Comparisons of δ(15)  N of soil, organic inputs and lettuce allowed a qualitative analysis of the relative importance of different N inputs. © 2015 Society of Chemical Industry.

  2. Fate of 15N-urea and 15N-ammonium sulphate applied in different periods to cica-8 rice culture in greenhouse conditions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bastidas, O.G.; Alvarez, A.; Victoria, R.L.; Urquiaga C, S.; Muraoka, T.


    The fate of nitrogen fertilizers in rice cultivars (Cica-8) is studied. Urea (1.973% at of 15 N) and ammonium sulfate (1.826% at of 15 N) are used. The fertilizers are applied in four levels (0,100,200 and 300 Kg N/ha) in shadow coditions and after 30 days of germination. (M.A.C.) [pt

  3. 15N tracer kinetic studies on the validity of various 15N tracer substances for determining whole-body protein parameters in very small preterm infants

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Plath, C.; Heine, W.; Wutzke, K.D.; Krienke, L.; Toewe, J.M.; Massute, G.; Windischmann, C.


    Reliable 15 N tracer substances for tracer kinetic determination of whole-body protein parameters in very small preterm infants are still a matter of intensive research, especially after some doubts have been raised about the validity of [ 15 N]glycine, a commonly used 15 N tracer. Protein turnover, synthesis, breakdown, and further protein metabolism data were determined by a paired comparison in four preterm infants. Their post-conceptual age was 32.2 +/- 0.8 weeks, and their body weight was 1670 +/- 181 g. Tracer substances applied in this study were a [ 15 N]amino acid mixture (Ia) and [ 15 N]glycine (Ib). In a second group of three infants with a post conceptual age of 15 N-labeled 32.0 +/- 1.0 weeks and a body weight of 1,907 +/- 137 g, yeast protein hydrolysate (II) was used as a tracer substance. A three-pool model was employed for the analysis of the data. This model takes into account renal and fecal 15 N losses after a single 15 N pulse. Protein turnovers were as follows: 11.9 +/- 3.1 g kg-1 d-1 (Ia), 16.2 +/- 2.5 g kg-1 d-1 (Ib), and 10.8 +/- 3.0 g kg-1 d-1 (II). We were able to demonstrate an overestimation of the protein turnover when Ib was used. There was an expected correspondence in the results obtained from Ia and II. The 15 N-labeled yeast protein hydrolysate is a relatively cheap tracer that allows reliable determination of whole-body protein parameters in very small preterm infants

  4. Dynamic of N fertilizers: urea ({sup 15} N) and aqua ammonia ({sup 15} N) incorporated to the sugar cane soil. Final report; Dinamica do N dos fertilizantes: ureia ({sup 15} N) e aquamonia ({sup 15} N) incorporados ao solo na cultura da cana-de-acucar. Relatorio final

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Trivelin, P C.O. [Centro de Energia Nuclear na Agricultura (CENA), Piracicaba, SP (Brazil)


    The dynamic of N fertilizers, urea and aqua ammonia, in the soil of sugar cane crops are studied with an emphasis on the horizontal and vertical moving. The nitrogen routing from urea and aqua ammonia sources, by isotopic technique with {sup 15} N in relation to the leaching, volatilization and extraction by the cultivation and residue of N immobilized manure in the soil with sugar cane plantation is also analysed. (C.G.C.).

  5. Análisis Estratégico de la Colaboración entre Empresas Nacionales y Multinacionales de software en Colombia utilizando Dinámica de Sistemas

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    María LuisaVillalba Morales


    Full Text Available Las multinacionales de software son agentes económicos con el potencial de afectar drásticamente la dinámica de desarrollo de la industria doméstica en este sector. Tales efectos dependen del tipo de relación (de competencia o colaboración establecida entre las empresas. Respecto a la relación de competencia, la literatura revela avances en su comprensión sistémica. Sin embargo, el análisis del comportamiento colaborativo entre empresas multinacionales y nacionales de software y sus efectos sobre el desarrollo de estas últimas ha avanzado poco, siendo notable en la literatura la ausencia de modelos de simulación para analizar el fenómeno. El propósito de este trabajo es hacer una contribución en esta dirección, utilizando la Dinámica de Sistemas como aproximación metodológica. Los resultados obtenidos ponen en evidencia las condiciones favorables y desfavorables para el establecimiento de una relación de colaboración con multinacionales, conduciendo a una mejor comprensión del fenómeno bajo estudio y propiciando la formulación e implantación de estrategias más exitosas de crecimiento de la industria.

  6. Metabolic studies in colostomized laying hens using 15N-labelled wheat. 4

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gruhn, K.; Glotz, D.


    3 colostomized laying hybrids received over 4 days a dosage of 672 mg 15 N excess ( 15 N'), 20.3 mg lysine 15 N', 23.0 mg histidine 15 N' and 66.7 mg arginine 15 N' with a ration customary in production. After feeding the same unlabelled ration for another 4 days the hens were killed and the N content of the blood as well as of its fractions (cells, plasma, free amino acids of the plasma) was determined. The 15 N' was determined in the total blood, the corpuscles, the plasma, the nonprotein-N (NPN) fraction as well as in the amino acids lysine, histidine and arginine. The average amount of the blood cell N in the total blood N was 58.5% and that of the plasma 40.3%; the corresponding 15 N' values amounted to 66.1% and 33.9%, respectively. The sum of the 15 N' of the basic amino acids of the blood cells, on an average, amounted to 39.7% of the total cell 15 N'; the corresponding average value for the total 15 N' in lysine, histidine and arginine of the blood plasma 15 N' was 23.6.% and the quota of the three free amino acids of the total NP 15 N' of the plasma was 6.2%. (author)

  7. /sup 15/N analysis in nutritional and metabolic research of infancy

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Heine, W; Richter, I; Plath, C; Wutzke, K; Drescher, U [Rostock Univ. (German Democratic Republic). Bereich Medizin


    Investigation of protein metabolism in nutritional pediatric research by means of /sup 15/N tracer techniques has been relatively seldom used up to now. /sup 15/N-labelled compounds for these purposes are not injurious to health. The technique is based on oral or intravenous application of the tracer substances and on /sup 15/N analysis of the urine fractions. The subsequent calculation of protein synthesis and breakdown rate, turnover, and the reutilisation of amino acids from protein breakdown as well as the size of the metabolic pool offers detailed information of protein metabolism. Determination of these parameters were performed in infants on breast milk, formula feeding and on chemically defined diet. As an example of utilisation of D-amino acids for protein synthesis the /sup 15/N-D-phenylalanine retention of parenteral nutrition was found to be 33% of the applied doses at an average. An oral /sup 15/N-glycine loading test proved to be of value for the prediction of the therapeutic effect of human growth hormone. /sup 15/N tracer technique was also tested in utilizing /sup 15/N-urea for bacterial protein synthesis of the intestinal flora and by incorporation of /sup 15/N from /sup 15/N-glycine and /sup 15/N-lysine into the jejunal mucosa for measuring the enterocyte regeneration.


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    Javier Ramírez Montoya


    Full Text Available En el área de la industria, en particular en la ingeniería, la confiabilidad de productos o sistemas es fundamental para la buena eficiencia de los mismos. En este artículo, se estima la función de confiabilidad utilizando estadística bayesiana, involucrando a priori no informativa. Además, se tiene la estimación paramétrica vía máxima verosimilitud para el caso exponencial. Para ello, se generan muestras artificiales mediante simulación de Monte Carlo, considerando diferentes tamaños de muestra y porcentajes de censura. La estimación se implementa con diferentes métodos y se toma como referencia la estimación bayesiana dado un modelo de confiabilidad teórico, utilizando como medida de calidad de la estimación el error medio cuadrático. Los resultados obtenidos señalan que el estimador no paramétrico de Nelson-Aalen fue la estrategia más eficiente, independientemente del tamaño de muestra y porcentaje de censura tomados en el estudio, mientras que la estimación bayesiana utilizando a priori no informativa para los tiempos observados y censurados distribuidos de manera exponencial no presentó los mejores resultados, siendo la censura un fenómeno altamente determinante en la estimación de la función de confiabilidad y el tamaño adecuado de la muestra.

  9. Accredited Standards Committee N15 Developments And Future Directions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mathews, Caroline E.; May, Melanie; Preston, Lynne


    Accredited Standards Committee (ASC) N15, Methods of Nuclear Material Control, is sponsored by the Institute of Nuclear Materials Management (INMM) to develop standards for protection, control and accounting of special nuclear materials in all phases of the nuclear fuel cycle, including analytical procedures where necessary and special to this purpose, except that physical protection of special nuclear material within a nuclear power plant is not included. Voluntary consensus standards complement federal regulations and technical standards and fulfill an important role for the nuclear regulatory agencies. This paper describes the N15 standards development process, with INMM as the Standards Developing Organization (SDO) and the N15 Committee responsible for implementation. Key components of the N15 standards development process include ANSI accreditation; compliance with the ANSI Essential Requirements (ER), coordination with other SDOs, communication with stakeholders, maintenance of balance between interest categories, and ANSI periodic audits. Recent and future ASC N15 activities are discussed, with a particular focus on new directions in anticipation of renewed growth in nuclear power.

  10. Doubly 15N-substituted diazenylium: THz laboratory spectra and fractionation models (United States)

    Dore, L.; Bizzocchi, L.; Wirström, E. S.; Degli Esposti, C.; Tamassia, F.; Charnley, S. B.


    Context. Isotopic fractionation in dense molecular cores has been suggested as a possible origin of large 14N/15N ratio variations in solar system materials. While chemical models can explain some observed variations with different fractionation patterns for molecules with -NH or -CN functional groups, they fail to reproduce the observed ratios in diazenylium (N2H+). Aims: Observations of doubly 15N-substituted species could provide important constraints and insights for theoretical chemical models of isotopic fractionation. However, spectroscopic data are very scarce. Methods: The rotational spectra of the fully 15N-substituted isopologues of the diazenylium ion, 15N2H+ and 15N2D+, have been investigated in the laboratory well into the THz region by using a source-modulation microwave spectrometer equipped with a negative glow discharge cell. An extended chemical reaction network has been used to estimate what ranges of 15N fractionation in doubly 15N-substituted species could be expected in the interstellar medium (ISM). Results: For each isotopologue of the H- and D-containing pair, nine rotational transitions were accurately measured in the frequency region 88 GHz-1.2 THz. The analysis of the spectrum provided very precise rest frequencies at millimeter and sub-millimeter wavelengths, useful for the radioastronomical identification of the rotational lines of 15N2H+ and 15N2D+ in the ISM.

  11. Balance study of the fate of 15N fertilizer

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Korte, F.; Sotiriou, N.


    An interim report is presented on a series of experiments with wooden box-type lysimeters (60 cm x 60 cm x 70 cm) loaded with a sandy soil, a loess soil and straw-amended soil. The lysimeters support crops rotated over a five-year period to be studied - potato, barley, sugar-beet, barley (with winter rape) and finally (1979) potato. Each lysimeter received split applications of urea at total rates of 0, 50 or 100 kg.ha -1 . The effects of soil residues of the herbicide monolinuron were also studied. The report deals with data collected during the first three years of the planned experiments (1975 - 1977 inclusive). 15 N-labelled urea (47 atom 15 N% excess) was initially used but in some experiments this was followed by applications of unlabelled urea in order to study the fate of the residual 15 N in the subsequent years. The results to date indicated that in the first year highest recoveries in the plant of the applied 15 N obtained on the sandy soil. The low recoveries of 15 N in the subsequent years when unlabelled urea was supplied also indicated significant storage by soil or root organic matter of the applied 15 N. Compared with the control (zero application of urea nitrogen), potato took up more total nitrogen in the presence of fertilizer including more of the unlabelled soil pool nitrogen. Analyses of the soil profiles in terms of total soil nitrogen and fertilizer-derived nitrogen (on the basis of 15 N assays) indicated leaching of the labelled nitrogen down the soil profile in all cases during the three-year period. Analysis of NO 3 -N in leachates confirmed the presence of labelled urea-derived nitrogen. (author)

  12. Studies of 15N transamination following application of various tracer substances. 1

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Schadereit, R.; Krawielitzki, K.; Herrmann, U.


    4 groups of 3 growing Wistar rats each were orally given 15 N-labelled methionine, lysine, glycine and ammonia sulphate, resp., over 10 days. Measuring the 15 N accumulation in the amino acids (AA) of the body protein, the transamination of the individual 15 N substances and thus their suitability as tracer substances for studies of N metabolism was determined. None of the tested 15 N-AA achieved a proportionate labelling of all AA of the body protein. The AA used as tracer in each case showed the highest 15 N labelling. Of the amino- 15 N detected in the animal body, about 19% were found in Met after 15 N Met application, 88% in Lys after 15 N Lys application and 50% in Gly after 15 N Gly application. After the application of 15 N-ammonia sulphate about 42% of the body amino- 15 N are apportioned to the essential and 58% to the non-essential AA. Thus, this substance produces a more proportional labelling of the essential and non-essential AA of the body protein than 15 N-Gly. The following quotas of the 15 N amounts applied were found in the AA of the animal bodies: tracer substance lysine 52%, glycine 32%, ammonia sulphate 24%, methionine 21%. After summing up the amino acid 15 N amounts in the animal body, eliminating in each case the tracer AA and taking into account the molecular weight of the AA, there was a good agreement of the intensity of the accumulation of 15 N in the individual AA, irrespective of the applied tracer substance. (author)

  13. Comparison of unenriched versus 15N-enriched fertilizer as a tracer for N fertilizer uptake

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Meints, V.W.; Shearer, G.; Kohl, D.H.; Kurtz, L.T.


    A greenhouse experiment was conducted on three soils with differing cropping and fertilization histories to determine whether unenriched fertilizer N can be used in the same manner as 15 N-enriched fertilizer to estimate the amount of plant N derived from fertilizer. Estimates using unenriched fertilizer N were compared with estimates using two 15 N enrichment levels. Use of unenriched fertilizer N led to underestimation of the amount of fertilizer N in the plant material in four of six cases when compared to 15 N-enriched fertilizer. Standard deviations of the estimates of fertilizer-derived N in plant material were considerably greater when unenriched fertilizer was used. (U.S.)

  14. Caracterización estructural por adsorción y difracción de rayos X de monolitos de carbón activado a partir de cáscara de coco y cuesco de palma africana


    Vargas Delgadillo, Diana; Giraldo-Gutiérrez, Liliana; Moreno-Piraján, Juan


    Se prepararon monolitos de carbón activado tipo disco utilizando como precursores por separado cáscara de coco y cuesco de palma africana mediante la activación química con ácido fosfórico, utilizando diferentes concentraciones, sin el uso de ningún aglomerante. Se presentan el rendimiento del proceso, así como los parámetros estructurales determinados por adsorción de N2 a 77 K y CO2 a 273 K, y se comparan con algunos parámetros cristalográficos determinados por difracción de rayos X. Se obt...

  15. Perspectivas socioculturais e econômicas da gestão hoteleira: um estudo de caso no Hostel Ralé Chateau – Rio de Janeiro


    Rodrigo Amado dos Santos; Lorene Monteiro Maia; Natan Teixeira Cavalcanti; Mirian Picinini Méxas; Marcelo Jasmim Meiriño


    O processo de pacificação das favelas cariocas, por meio das Unidades de Polícia Pacificadora (UPP), não apenas altera o cenário da segurança pública, como também influencia os aspectos econômicos e socioculturais, destacando-se o turismo. Nota-se, a partir dessa política de segurança, um crescente número de turistas interessados em conhecer essas localidades, devido às suas questões sociais e identitárias específicas à cultura carioca. Assim, empresas hoteleiras enxergaram ali não apenas nic...

  16. Preparation of 15N-13C-fulminic acid

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wilmes, R.; Winnewisser, M.


    The precursor for the title compound was prepared in a three-step synthesis. The 13 C-label was incorporated in the first step employing 2- 13 C-ethyl acetate and the 15 N-label in the last step, using 15 N-sodium nitrite. Upon pyrolysis the precursor forms three fragments, one of them being the title compound. (Author)

  17. Firmes continuos de hormigón armado

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    Taylor, I. J.


    Full Text Available Las primeras pavimentaciones de hormigón construidas en EE. UU. se realizaron utilizando bloques de hormigón de unos 55 dm2 de superficie y 0,15 m de espesor. Los primeros éxitos obtenidos con estos materiales sirvieron de aliento para ir modificando y perfeccionando estas estructuras y los métodos constructivos. En los primeros pasos se aumentó las dimensiones de los bloques y se reforzaron con armaduras para dotarlas de mayor resistencia. Los revestimientos se apoyaban en una capa granular de piedra que mejoraba el drenaje y el aislamiento.

  18. Inmunodiagnóstico de la infección en humanos por Trypanosoma cruzi mediante ELISA utilizando sangre recolectada en papel de filtro

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    Luis C. Orozco


    Full Text Available Los estudios seroepidemiológicos para la detección de anticuerpos contra Trypanosoma cruzi requieren de un gran número de muestras y la obtención de sangre por punción venosa y su transporte se hacen difíciles y costosos. La recolección de sangre en papel de filtro minimiza éstas dificultades y el estudio valoró tanto éste sistema como la validez y reproducibilidad del inmunoensayo ELlSA para el inmunodiagnóstico de la infección en humanos por T cruzi Se utilizó suero y eluídos de sangre recolectada en papel de filtro de personas de zona endémica de enfermedad de Chagas para la detección de anticuerpos contra T cruzi mediante las pruebas de inmunofluorescencia indirecta (IFI y ELISA. Lavalidez del ELlSA utilizando eluídos de sangre en papel de filtro presentó un área bajo la curva de receptor operador (ROC de 0.9944. El acuerdo del ELlSA entre los dos tipos de muestra presentó una distribución cercana a la normal con un promedio de -0.01 y una desviación estándar de 0.23. Se evidenció que la reproducibilidad del IFI es inferior a la del ELISA. Esta mayor concordancia y la mayor sensibilidad y especificidad encontrada previamente para el ELISA hacen pensar en la posibilidad de presentarla como alternativa de prueba de referencia para la detección de anticuerpos contra 7: cruziy su utilización en estudios epidemiológicos.

  19. Aplicación electrónica para el ahorro de energía eléctrica utilizando una energía alternativa

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    Juan Carlos Cruz-Ardila


    Full Text Available El artículo presenta un trabajo orientado a disminuir el consumo de energía eléctrica entregada por la red eléctrica convencional, a través del aprovechamiento de la energía solar fotovoltaica. Se propone el diseño de un sistema de transferencia electrónica que facilita el uso de la energía eléctrica DC proveniente del panel solar, suprimiendo de esta manera, la utilización del inversor de voltaje, comúnmente usado en este tipo de aplicaciones y que eleva el costo de utilización de la energía solar. Se da a conocer inicialmente una revisión del estado del arte, que permite contextualizar el problema resuelto a partir de una energía renovable como la fotovoltaica, destacándose que actualmente España es el país con mayor desarrollo en este tema. Luego, se muestra el desarrollo secuencial del sistema de alimentación y la transferencia electrónica, haciendo una descripción de las variables identificadas y explicación, con el uso de diagramas de flujo, del sistema embebido implementado. También se da una descripción de los dispositivos usados tal como el sensor de corriente, la regulación y la rectificación. Se muestra el esquemático de la transferencia implementada. Finalmente, se revelan los resultados y las pruebas operacionales realizadas al sistema para demostrar la funcionalidad de la aplicación electrónica en el ahorro de la energía eléctrica utilizando una energía alternativa.

  20. Espectro infrarrojo de [zn(mh34](re042 com substituicion isotópica 14n/15n

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    Claudio Téllez


    Full Text Available The infrared spectra of [Zn(15NH34] (Re042 and the isotopoc shift 14N/15N (Zn-n for the metal-ligand band, is reportedInforma-se o espectro infravermelho do complexo de Zn(II, [Zn(15NH341(Re04 e o deslocamento isotópico 14N/15N, para a banda metal - ligante v(Zn-N.

  1. 15N-labelled pyrazines of triterpenic acids

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Vlk, Martin; Micolova, Petra; Sarek, Jan


    Triterpenoid pyrazines from our research group were found selectively cytotoxic on several cancer cell lines with IC 50 in low micromolar range. This sparked our interest in preparing their labeled analogs for metabolic studies. In this work, we prepared a set of non-labeled pyrazines from seven triterpenoid skeletal types along with their 15 N labelled analogs. In this work, we present the synthesis and characterization of the target 15 N labelled pyrazines. Currently, these compounds are being studied in complex metabolic studies. (author)

  2. Democracia participativa nas comunidades carentes cariocas com Unidades de Polícia Pacificadora: Gestão e planejamento democráticos das políticas públicas urbanas


    Marcio André Conde Martins


    Desde o fim da era das remoções, o foco de preocupação do Estado em relação às favelas tem se deslocado da urbanização para a violência, em especial para o tráfico de drogas. A militarização da questão da violência urbana se manifesta de forma definitiva com a inauguração das Unidades de Polícia Pacificadora nas comunidades carentes cariocas. A despeito dos aspectos positivos imediatos, a ausência de participação popular no processo de ocupação pelo Estado desses espaços segregados têm levant...

  3. A liver-function test using 15N-labelled ammonium chloride

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jung, K.; Hirscherg, K.; Faust, H.; Matkowitz, R.


    Malfunction of the liver involves disturbances of urea synthesis and ammonia detoxification. These phenomena became apparent, especially during ammonia loading of patients. The functional state of the liver can be assessed by oral administration of 15 NH 4 Cl and subsequent analysis of 15 N-urea and 15 N-ammonia in urine by emission spectrometry. Clinical tests based on the ratio of the excess abundances (see Appendix) of 15 N-ammonia to 15 N-urea excreted in urine 3 h after oral administration gave values for patients with liver disease which differed significantly from those for healthy subjects. Absorption disturbances, which often accompany liver diseases, do not influence the effectiveness of the method. (orig.)

  4. Liver-function test using /sup 15/N-labelled ammonium chloride

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Jung, K; Hirscherg, K; Faust, H; Matkowitz, R


    Malfunction of the liver involves disturbances of urea synthesis and ammonia detoxification. These phenomena became apparent, especially during ammonia loading of patients. The functional state of the liver can be assessed by oral administration of /sup 15/NH/sub 4/Cl and subsequent analysis of /sup 15/N-urea and /sup 15/N-ammonia in urine by emission spectrometry. Clinical tests based on the ratio of the excess abundances (see Appendix) of /sup 15/N-ammonia to /sup 15/N-urea excreted in urine 3 h after oral administration gave values for patients with liver disease which differed significantly from those for healthy subjects. Absorption disturbances, which often accompany liver diseases, do not influence the effectiveness of the method.

  5. Utilização do nitrogênio (15N residual de coberturas de solo e da uréia pela cultura do milho Utilization of residual nitrogen (15N from cover crop and urea by corn

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Edson Cabral da Silva


    Full Text Available Geralmente, grande parte do N de fertilizantes minerais e de plantas de cobertura de solo não é aproveitada pelo milho no cultivo imediato à aplicação, o qual pode ser absorvido pelas culturas cultivadas subseqüentemente. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o aproveitamento pelo milho do N residual da uréia, da crotalária (Crotalaria juncea e do milheto (Pennisetum americanum marcados com 15N, aplicados ao milho cultivado em sistema plantio direto, no ano agrícola anterior, num Latossolo Vermelho distroférrico no Cerrado. O estudo foi desenvolvido na fazenda experimental da Faculdade de Engenharia de Ilha Solteira-UNESP, Selvíria (MS, em áreas distintas. O delineamento experimental foi de blocos ao acaso com 15 tratamentos e quatro repetições, aplicados ao milho em 2001/02 e 2002/03. Os tratamentos foram dispostos em esquema fatorial 3 x 5, compreendendo a combinação de três coberturas de solo: crotalária juncea, milheto e vegetação espontânea (pousio, e cinco doses de N-uréia: 0, 30, 80, 130 e 180 kg ha-1. Após a colheita do milho, as duas áreas permaneceram em pousio nas entressafras e, em seguida, cultivadas novamente com milho, safras 2002/03 (experimento 1 e 2003/04 (experimento 2, utilizando adubação similar em todas as parcelas, para distinguir o efeito do N residual. O aproveitamento médio do N residual da parte aérea do milheto e da crotalária pelo milho foi inferior a 3,5 e 3 %, respectivamente, da quantidade inicial. A quantidade de N residual da uréia absorvida pelo milho aumentou de forma quadrática, no experimento 1, e linear, no experimento 2, em relação à dose de N aplicada, sendo o aproveitamento desta inferior a 3 %. As coberturas de solo não influenciaram o aproveitamento pelo milho do N residual da uréia, e vice-versa.The majority of N from mineral fertilizers and cover crops is usually not used by the very next corn crop, but can be absorbed by follow-up crops. The objective of this

  6. Metabolism of [15N]alanine in the ectomycorrhizal fungus Paxillus involutus

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chalot, M.; Finlay, R.D.; Ek, H.; Söderström, B.


    Chalot, M., Finlay, R. D., Ek, H., and Söderström, B. 1995. Metabolism of [ 15 N]alanine in the ectomycorrhizal fungus Paxillus involutus. Experimental Mycology 19, 297-304. Alanine metabolism in the ectomycorrhizal fungus Paxillus involutus was investigated using [ 15 N]alanine. Short-term exposure of mycelial discs to [ 15 N]alanine showed that the greatest flow of 15 N was to glutamate and to aspartate. Levels of enrichment were as high as 15-20% for glutamate and 13-18% for aspartate, whereas that of alanine reached 30%. Label was also detected in the amino-N of glutamine and in serine and glycine, although at lower levels. Preincubation of mycelia with aminooxyacetate, an inhibitor of transamination reactions. resulted in complete inhibition of the flow of the label to glutamate, aspartate, and amino-N of glutamine, whereas [ 15 N]alanine rapidly accumulated. This evidence indicates the direct involvement of alanine aminotransferase for translocation of 15 N from alanine to glutamate. Alanine may be a convenient reservoir of both nitrogen and carbon. (author)

  7. Compound-specific δ15N amino acid measurements in littoral mussels in the California upwelling ecosystem: a new approach to generating baseline δ15N Isoscapes for coastal ecosystems.

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    Natasha L Vokhshoori

    Full Text Available We explored δ(15N compound-specific amino acid isotope data (CSI-AA in filter-feeding intertidal mussels (Mytilus californianus as a new approach to construct integrated isoscapes of coastal primary production. We examined spatial δ(15N gradients in the California Upwelling Ecosystem (CUE, determining bulk δ(15N values of mussel tissue from 28 sites between Port Orford, Oregon and La Jolla, California, and applying CSI-AA at selected sites to decouple trophic effects from isotopic values at the base of the food web. Bulk δ(15N values showed a strong linear trend with latitude, increasing from North to South (from ∼ 7‰ to ∼ 12‰, R(2 = 0.759. In contrast, CSI-AA trophic position estimates showed no correlation with latitude. The δ(15N trend is therefore most consistent with a baseline δ(15N gradient, likely due to the mixing of two source waters: low δ(15N nitrate from the southward flowing surface California Current, and the northward transport of the California Undercurrent (CUC, with (15N-enriched nitrate. This interpretation is strongly supported by a similar linear gradient in δ(15N values of phenylalanine (δ(15NPhe, the best AA proxy for baseline δ(15N values. We hypothesize δ(15N(Phe values in intertidal mussels can approximate annual integrated δ(15N values of coastal phytoplankton primary production. We therefore used δ(15N(Phe values to generate the first compound-specific nitrogen isoscape for the coastal Northeast Pacific, which indicates a remarkably linear gradient in coastal primary production δ(15N values. We propose that δ(15N(Phe isoscapes derived from filter feeders can directly characterize baseline δ(15N values across major biochemical provinces, with potential applications for understanding migratory and feeding patterns of top predators, monitoring effects of climate change, and study of paleo- archives.

  8. Absorption of ammonium sulphate 15N by coffee plants

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fenilli, Tatiele Anete Bergamo; Reichardt, Klaus; Bacchi, Osny Oliveira Santos; Trivelin, Paulo Cesar Ocheuze; Dourado Neto, Durval


    The objective of this study was to quantify the absorption of ammonium sulphate 15 N by coffee plants. Treatments consisted of five sub-plots of 9 plants, of which the three central ones received 280 kg ha -1 of 15 N, applied at four times: 1/4 on 01 Set 03; 1/4 on 03 Nov 03; 1/4 on 15 Dec 03 and 1/4 on 30 Jan 04. The isotopic enrichment was 2,072 ± 0,001 atom % 15 N. The dry matter of the shoot was evaluated every 60 days, using one plant per replicate, collected outside the sub-plot. They were as similar as possible to the labeled plants, which were used only for isotopic and Total N analysis, after being dried at 65 deg C until constant weight. At harvest, plants had absorbed 42,88% of the fertilizer N. Leaves accumulated the largest amount of fertilizer N, and were also the compartments that received most N from other parts of the plant. The following partition of the fertilizer N was found at harvest: 23.01% in young leaves, 6.23% in old leaves, 4,46% in stem, 3.46% in fruits, 3.10% in young branches and 2.63% in old branches. (author)

  9. A gênese da favela carioca. A produção anterior às ciências sociais

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    Valladares Licia


    Full Text Available O artigo mostra o lugar ocupado pela favela e seus moradores no debate político e social da primeira metade do século XX, ressaltando a produção de conhecimento que foi gerada por jornalistas, médicos, engenheiros e assistentes sociais no período que antecede o desenvolvimento das ciências sociais e da universidade no Brasil. Propõe que o processo de construção social da representação da favela, que então se inicia, deve ser analisado a partir de uma periodização distinta daquela já consagrada e que tem como marco de referência a relação do Estado com a favela e desta com o tipo de regime político vigente em diferentes momentos históricos. A periodização sugerida pela autora compreende um momento inicial, marcado por um mito de origem, a visão de Euclides da Cunha do arraial de Canudos em sua obra Os sertões, período em que a favela carioca é descoberta e descrita transpondo-se a dualidade litoral versus sertão para a cena urbana, pela oposição da cidade à favela. Segue-se a este período de descoberta um período de transformação da favela em problema social e urbano, seguido de um terceiro momento, quando a idéia de administrar o problema toma a forma de medidas e políticas concretas. Um quarto momento inclui a produção de dados oficiais através de censos de favelas e a transformação de um fenômeno local em realidade nacional. O artigo mostra que à favela centenária corresponde uma representação social que já é praticamente centenária também, um legado importante que as ciências sociais de hoje não podem descartar.

  10. Deuterium and 15N fractionation in N2H+ during the formation of a Sun-like star (United States)

    De Simone, M.; Fontani, F.; Codella, C.; Ceccarelli, C.; Lefloch, B.; Bachiller, R.; López-Sepulcre, A.; Caux, E.; Vastel, C.; Soldateschi, J.


    Although chemical models predict that the deuterium fractionation in N2H+ is a good evolutionary tracer in the star formation process, the fractionation of nitrogen is still a poorly understood process. Recent models have questioned the similar evolutionary trend expected for the two fractionation mechanisms in N2H+, based on a classical scenario in which ion-neutral reactions occurring in cold gas should have caused an enhancement of the abundance of N2D+, 15NNH+, and N15NH+. In the framework of the ASAI IRAM-30m large program, we have investigated the fractionation of deuterium and 15N in N2H+ in the best known representatives of the different evolutionary stages of the Sun-like star formation process. The goal is to ultimately confirm (or deny) the classical `ion-neutral reactions' scenario that predicts a similar trend for D and 15N fractionation. We do not find any evolutionary trend of the 14N/15N ratio from both the 15NNH+ and N15NH+ isotopologues. Therefore, our findings confirm that, during the formation of a Sun-like star, the core evolution is irrelevant in the fractionation of 15N. The independence of the 14N/15N ratio with time, found also in high-mass star-forming cores, indicates that the enrichment in 15N revealed in comets and protoplanetary discs is unlikely to happen at core scales. Nevertheless, we have firmly confirmed the evolutionary trend expected for the H/D ratio, with the N2H+/N2D+ ratio decreasing before the pre-stellar core phase, and increasing monotonically during the protostellar phase. We have also confirmed clearly that the two fractionation mechanisms are not related.

  11. "Nietzsche, intérprete do Brasil"? A recepção da filosofia nietzschiana na imprensa carioca e paulistana no final do século XIX e início do XX




    Apresentamos aqui quinze de alguns dos primeiros textos publicados sobre a filosofia de Nietzsche na imprensa carioca e paulistana entre o final do século XIX e início do XX. Os textos transcritos na sequência seguem a ordem cronológica de suas publicações. Alguns deles tematizam o contexto brasileiro, outros procuram entender a construção do pensamento do filósofo, outros ainda tratam de suas inclinações culturais pela França ou de suas desconfianças ideológicas pela Alemanha. We introduc...

  12. Determination of N metabolism parameters following /sup 15/N-amino acid infusion based on a mathematical model

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Pahle, T; Koehler, R; Souffrant, W B; Gebhardt, G [Karl-Marx-Universitaet, Leipzig (German Democratic Republic). Sektion Tierproduktion und Veterinaermedizin; Matkowitz, R; Hartig, W [Bezirkskrankenhaus Leipzig (German Democratic Republic). Chirurgische Klinik


    Two female pigs (25 kg live weight) received a continuous infusion of /sup 15/N-glycine and /sup 15/N-lysine solutions, resp., for 45 h and for further 72 h unlabelled amino acid solutions. The main protein and energy sources, however, were administered orally. The time course of the /sup 15/N level and the differential urinary N excretion were determined from blood urea and urine. For the demonstration of synthesis and decay rates of the total body protein a mathematical model has been developed. The suitability of /sup 15/N-lysine and /sup 15/N-glycine for the determination of N metabolism parameters is discussed.


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    Peggy Londoño


    Full Text Available Se extrajo y purificó el aceite de la almendra de durazno con el propósito de recomendar su utilización desde el punto de vista químico y tecnológico. La purificación comprende el desgomado, la neutralización, en la cual se pone en contacto el aceite con solución de soda cáustica a 12,14 y 16º Bé. Seguidamente el blanqueado, donde el aceite neutralizado se trata con tierras blanqueantes en diferentes proporciones. El blanqueado se obtiene utilizando un porcentaje de tierra de 1,5 % el menor índice de peroxido – 2,03 meq O 2 kg -1 – y una acidez de 0,08 % como ácido oleico. Los ácidos grasos mayoritarios encontrados fueron oleico 77,9 % y linoleico 15,5 %. El aceite refinado es más estable que el aceite crudo y se puede recomendar su uso en la elaboración de diversos productos químicos previo a una evaluación toxicológica exhaustiva

  14. Regional assessment of N saturation using foliar and root δ15N (United States)

    L.H. Pardo; P.H. Templer; C.L. Goodale; S. Duke; P.M. Groffman; M.B. Adams; P. Boeckx; J. Boggs; J. Campbell; B. Colman; J. Compton; B. Emmett; P. Gundersen; J. Kjonaas; G. Lovett; M. Mack; A. Magill; M. Mbila; M.J. Mitchell; G. McGee; S. McNulty; K. Nadelhoffer; S. Ollinger; D. Ross; H. Rueth; L. Rustad; P. Schaberg; S. Schiff; P. Schleppi; J. Spoelstra; W. Wessel


    N saturation induced by atmospheric N deposition can have serious consequences for forest health in many regions. In order to evaluate whether foliar δ15N may be a robust, regional-scale measure of the onset of N saturation in forest ecosystems, we assembled a large dataset on atmospheric N deposition, foliar and root δ

  15. Absorption of ammonium sulphate {sup 15}N by coffee plants; Recuperacao do {sup 15}N do sulfato de amonio por plantas de cafe

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Fenilli, Tatiele Anete Bergamo; Reichardt, Klaus; Bacchi, Osny Oliveira Santos [Centro de Energia Nuclear na Agricultura (CENA), Piracicaba, SP (Brazil). Lab. de Fisica do Solo]. E-mail:; Trivelin, Paulo Cesar Ocheuze [Centro de Energia Nuclear na Agricultura (CENA), Piracicaba, SP (Brazil). Lab. de Isotopos Estaveis; Dourado Neto, Durval [Sao Paulo Univ., Piracicaba, SP (Brazil). Escola Superior de Agricultura Luiz de Queiroz. Dept. de Producao Vegetal


    The objective of this study was to quantify the absorption of ammonium sulphate {sup 15}N by coffee plants. Treatments consisted of five sub-plots of 9 plants, of which the three central ones received 280 kg ha{sup -1} of {sup 15}N, applied at four times: 1/4 on 01 Set 03; 1/4 on 03 Nov 03; 1/4 on 15 Dec 03 and 1/4 on 30 Jan 04. The isotopic enrichment was 2,072 {+-} 0,001 atom % {sup 15}N. The dry matter of the shoot was evaluated every 60 days, using one plant per replicate, collected outside the sub-plot. They were as similar as possible to the labeled plants, which were used only for isotopic and Total N analysis, after being dried at 65 deg C until constant weight. At harvest, plants had absorbed 42,88% of the fertilizer N. Leaves accumulated the largest amount of fertilizer N, and were also the compartments that received most N from other parts of the plant. The following partition of the fertilizer N was found at harvest: 23.01% in young leaves, 6.23% in old leaves, 4,46% in stem, 3.46% in fruits, 3.10% in young branches and 2.63% in old branches. (author)

  16. Complete Measurement of Stable Isotopes in N2O (δ15N, δ15Nα, δ15Nβ, δ18O, δ17O) Using Off-Axis Integrated Cavity Output Spectroscopy (OA-ICOS) (United States)

    Leen, J. B.; Gupta, M.


    Nitrate contamination in water is a worldwide environmental problem and source apportionment is critical to managing nitrate pollution. Fractionation caused by physical, chemical and biological processes alters the isotope ratios of nitrates (15N/14N, 18O/16O and 17O/16O) and biochemical nitrification and denitrification impart different intramolecular site preference (15N14NO vs. 14N15NO). Additionally, atmospheric nitrate is anomalously enriched in 17O compared to other nitrate sources. The anomaly (Δ17O) is conserved during fractionation processes, providing a tracer of atmospheric nitrate. All of these effects can be used to apportion nitrate in soil. Current technology for measuring nitrate isotopes is complicated and costly - it involves conversion of nitrate to nitrous oxide (N2O), purification, preconcentration and measurement by isotope ratio mass spectrometer (IRMS). Site specific measurements require a custom IRMS. There is a pressing need to make this measurement simpler and more accessible. Los Gatos Research has developed a next generation mid-infrared Off-Axis Integrated Cavity Output Spectroscopy (OA-ICOS) analyzer to quantify all stable isotope ratios of N2O (δ15N, δ15Nα, δ15Nβ, δ18O, δ17O). We present the latest performance data demonstrating the precision and accuracy of the OA-ICOS based measurement. At an N2O concentration of 322 ppb, the analyzer quantifies [N2O], δ15N, δ15Na, δ15Nb, and δ18O with a precision of ±0.05 ppb, ±0.4 ‰, ±0.45 ‰, and ±0.6 ‰, and ±0.8 ‰ respectively (1σ, 100s; 1σ, 1000s for δ18O). Measurements of gas standards demonstrate accuracy better than ±1 ‰ for isotope ratios over a wide dynamic range (200 - 100,000 ppb). The measurement of δ17O requires a higher concentration (1 - 50 ppm), easily obtainable through conversion of nitrates in water. For 10 ppm of N2O, the instrument achieves a δ17O precision of ±0.05 ‰ (1σ, 1000s). This performance is sufficient to quantify atmospheric


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    Raúl Martínez Rodríguez


    Full Text Available

    La selección de personal por competencias es un tema muy reciente que esta cautivando a las empresas que quieren asegurarse de contar con el personal calificado y competente. Su objetivo es seleccionar al candidato más idóneo para desempeñar un cargo ocupacional específico, teniendo en cuenta su potencial y capacidad de adaptación; lo que precisa ser más coherentes y no simplistas en el tratamiento de la información que se posee. En el presente trabajo se presenta una propuesta informática para realizar esta selección utilizando técnicas de inteligencia artificial (IA, que pueden proporcionar una solución satisfactoria a un problema real de gestión de personal.

  18. Servicio de M-comercio: Sistema de interacción entre un centro comercial y sus visitantes utilizando las tecnologías WAP y Bluetooth M-commerce service: Interaction system between a mall and visitors using WAP and Bluetooth technologies


    Jorge Gómez Rojas; Luis Leonardo Camargo Ariza; Byron Medina Delgado


    El servicio de interacción es un medio de comunicación que mejora las relaciones comerciales entre los centros comerciales y sus visitantes, utilizando las tecnologías de comunicaciones móviles WAP y Bluetooth como una nueva alternativa de negocios, y sin usar la red del operador de telefonía móvil celular. El sistema de interacción mencionado permite el intercambio de información de un grupo potencial de compradores entre los visitantes de un centro comercial y la administración de los difer...

  19. 15N enrichment of soil NH4+-N as an alternative non-N2-fixing reference for assessing varietal differences in N2 fixation of rice

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Shrestha, R.K.; Ladha, J.K.


    A pot experiment in the greenhouse was conducted to assess the usefulness of 15 N enrichment of soil NH 4 + -N as an alternative to a non-fixing reference plant to determine varietal differences in N 2 fixation among rice varieties. Diverse rice genotypes were grown in a 15 N stabilized soil obtained after 6 wk of application under flooded conditions. Atom % 15 N excess of soil NH 4 + -N was decreased exponentially with amount of N mineralized (r=99). Close agreement was observed between the 15 N enrichment of reference rice plant and 15 N enrichment of KCl extractable NH 4 + -N from unplanted pots maintained in the greenhouse. Whole plant atom % 15 N excess was inversely correlated within growth duration. Therefore, it was necessary to calculate Ndfa within growth duration. Ndfa estimated within the growth duration using 15 N enrichment of soil NH 4 + -N and reference rice genotype correlated almost perfectly (r=998). Thus the study demonstrated the potential of using 15 N enrichment of soil NH 4 + -N as a non-N 2 fixing reference for reliable estimate of biological nitrogen fixation by nonlegumes under flooded conditions. (author)



    Rojas Espinoza,Gerson; Ortiz Irribarren,Oscar


    La factibilidad de identificar el cilindro nudoso en imágenes de tomografía computarizada de rayos X (TC) de trozas podadas de pino radiata (Pinus radiata D. Don), fue evaluada utilizando un método de clasificación supervisada basado en Redes Neuronales Artificiales (RNA). El proceso de clasificación consideró también la identificación de la zona libre de defectos y nudos. Treinta trozas podadas de pino radiata fueron escaneadas en un escáner médico multi-slice de rayos X, donde las imágenes ...

  1. Integración óptima de sistemas de antenas adaptivas en redes inalámbricas multihop ad hoc utilizando TDMA generalizado como protocolo de acceso al medio

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    M. Sánchez


    Full Text Available En este artículo se estudia la integración efectiva de sistemas de antenas adaptivas (AAS para mejorar el desempeño, en términos de capacidad de tráfico (throughput y retardo de paquetes, en redes de transmisión de datos inalámbricas multihop ad hoc utilizando TDMA generalizado como protocolo de acceso al medio. El diseño óptimo del sistema para maximizar el throughput total de la red se deriva analíticamente tanto para tráfico unicast como para tráfico multicast y se válida mediante la simulación de eventos discretos. Los resultados mostraron una ganancia significativa como producto de la utilización de AAS con respecto al desempeño de sistemas que utilizan antenas omnidireccionales. La transmisión a través de antena omnidireccional y recepción direccional es más adecuada para la transmisión de tráfico multicast. Para tráfico unicast el uso de transmisión y recepción direccional es más conveniente, lo que resulta en mucha mayor ganancia con respecto a la transmisión y recepción omnidireccional.

  2. Metabolic rates of 15N-D- and 15N-L-phenylalanine in an amino acid mixture for parenteral feeding

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wutzke, K.; Heine, W.; Drescher, U.


    15 N investigations on the metabolism of L- and D-phenylalanine under conditions of parenteral feeding with the aminoacid solution Infesol in 6 infants revealed a retention rate of 83.4 +- 3.4 per cent for the L-form and of 36.6 +- 5.2 per cent for the D-form. When the D-isomer was raised from 1:3 to 1:1 in relation to the L-Form, 32.6 per cent of the infused D-phenylalanine were still retained. After continuous 24-hour infusion of the tracers, the maximum of 15 N excretion in the urine was reached between the 24th and the 30th hour. But little incorporation of 15 N-nitrogen was found in the serum and erythrocytes because of the relatively long half-life period of these proteins. Changes in the composition of commercial DL-amino acid mixtures will only be possible after determining the utilization rates of all essential and non-essential D-amino acids being used in such mixtures. (author)

  3. Fertilizer 15N balance and recovery of N from organic sources by rice in Typic Ustochrept

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bhattacharyya, Ranjan; Sachdev, M.S.; Sachdev, P.; Kundu, S.; Sutradhar, G.


    To investigate the fertilizer-N balance and recovery of N from organics (as determined by A-value technique) by rice as affected by urea application alone or in combination with FYM or green manure, a field experiment was conducted in the khariff season if 1997 at IARI, New Delhi on a sandy loam soil (Typic Ustochrept). 15 N-labelled urea was applied at 0.90 and 120 kg N ha -1 levels alone and in combination with either FYM or green manure in 2:1 or 1:1 ratios. Organic sources were incorporated seven days before transplanting whereas, urea was applied in three equal splits at 15 DAT, 28 DAT and 42 DAT. The residual 15 N in soil was determined only in the surface soil layer (0-15 cm) of rice crop. The combined source helped in conserving more of urea-N in soil as residual (42-45%) than urea alone (23-27%) treatment due to the fact that the unaccounted fertilizer 15 N was more in urea alone treatment (43-45%) than combined sources (12-15%) at both the levels. The efficiency of uptake of organic N by rice as determined through A-value technique was similar or better than urea-N at both the levels. (author)

  4. Studies of liver-specific metabolic reactions with 15N. 1

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hirschberg, K.; Jung, K.; Faust, H.; Matkowitz, R.


    The 15 N tracer technique was used to investigate liver-specific reactions (urea and hippurate synthesis) for studying the metabolism in the healthy and damaged pig liver. After [ 15 N]ammonium chloride administration the tracer distribution on non-protein compounds of serum and urine was followed. Blood samplings before and after liver passage rendered possible a direct analysis of the [ 15 N]ammonium metabolism. The thioacetamide-induced liver damage was used as model for an acute liver intoxication. The capacity for urea synthesis was not influenced by means of this noxious substance, but the metabolism of amino acids and hippuric acid. The considerably depressed excretion of [ 15 N]hippurate seems to be a suitable indicator of liver disfunction. (author)

  5. 15N NMR study on cyanide (C15N-) complex of cytochrome P-450cam. Effects of d-camphor and putidaredoxin on the iron-ligand structure

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Shiro, Yoshitsugu; Iizuka, Tetsutaro; Makino, Ryu; Ishimura, Yuzuru; Morishima, Isao


    The cyanide (C 15 N - ) complex of Pseudomonas putida cytochrome P-450 (P-450 cam ) exhibited well-resolved and hyperfine-shifted 15 N NMR resonances arising from the iron-bound C 15 N - at 423 and 500 ppm in the absence and presence of the substrate, d-camphor, respectively. The values were smaller than those for cyanide complexes of myoglobin and hemoglobin (∼ 1000 ppm) but fell into the same range as those for the cyanide complexes of peroxidases (∼ 500 ppm). The 15 N shift values of P-450 cam were not incompatible with the existence of anionic ligand, such as cysteinyl thiolate anion, at the fifth coordination site of heme iron. The difference in the 15 N chemical shift values between camphor-free and bound enzymes was inferred by the increase in the steric constraint to the Fe-C-N bond upon substrate binding

  6. Diferenciación de ácido acetilsalicílico utilizando la técnica de espectroscopia Raman y el análisis de componentes principales

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    José Luis González-Sólis


    Full Text Available Recientemente la técnica de espectroscopia Raman ha sido aplicada en áreas como médicas, farmacéuticas y nanotecnología para determinar las concentraciones y diferencias en las soluciones de compuestos orgánicos e inorgánicos. En éste trabajo se analizaron las diferencias respecto a las concentraciones de los compuestos de una forma farmacéutica derivada del ácido acetilsalicílico comercial en forma de comprimido fabricado por 5 diferentes laboratorios. Los datos en bruto se obtuvieron a partir del acido acetil salicílico como principio activo, y 5 muestras de diferentes laboratorios fueron también analizadas. El bloque espectral se obtuvo utilizando un equipo de microscopia Raman Horiba-JY HR800 con una fuente de excitación de 830 nm y 17 mW de potencia. El algoritmo del PCA fue desarrollado en MatLab y aplicado al bloque espectral. Concluyendo que la aplicación de la espectroscopia Raman a la farmacología ofrece información sobre la efectividad farmacológica del ácido acetilsalicílico como analgésico y antipirético.

  7. Metodología para la toma de decisiones de inversión en portafolio de acciones utilizando la técnica multicriterio AHP

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    John Willmer Escobar


    Full Text Available Este artículo presenta una metodología para la toma de decisiones en el mercado accionario colombiano utilizando la técnica multicriterio Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP. La problemática está relacionada con el proceso de inversión en un mercado bursátil considerando criterios de riesgo y rentabilidad. La metodología propuesta incluye la integración de las técnicas tradicionales de decisión de inversión en portafolio de acciones junto con la técnica multicriterio AHP que permite evaluar un número finito de alternativas de manera jerárquica bajo criterios cualitativos y cuantitativos. La metodología ha sido probada en la solución del problema de selección de portafolio de acciones de alta y media bursatilidad que cotizaron en el mercado colombiano durante el periodo de diciembre de 2007 a abril de 2010. Los resultados computacionales muestran la importancia y la eficiencia de la integración exitosa de los criterios tradicionales de inversión en portafolio de acciones junto con la metodología AHP para encontrar un balance apropiado entre rentabilidad y riesgo en el proceso de toma de decisiones de inversión en acciones en el mercado bursátil colombiano. Derechos reservados © 2015 Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Facultad de Contaduría y Administración. Este es un artículo de acceso abierto distribuido bajo los términos de la Licencia Creative Commons CC BY-NC-ND 4.0.

  8. Synthesis of 15N isotope labeled alanine

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Oliveira, Claudineia R. de; Bendassolli, Jose Albertino; Sant'Ana, Carlos Roberto; Tagliassachi, Romulo Barbieri; Maximo, Everaldo; Prestes, Clelber Vieira


    The application of light chemical elements and their stable isotopes in biological studies have been increased over the last years. The use of 15 N labeled amino acids is an important tool for elucidation of peptides structures. This paper describe a method for the synthesis of 15 N isotope labeled alanine at lower costs than international ones, as well as the details of the recovery system of the nitrogen residues. In the present work an amination of α-haloacids, with the bromopropionic carboxylic acid and labeled aqua ammonia ( 15 NH 3 aq) was carried out. In order to avoid eventually losses of 15 NH 3 , special cares were adopted, since the production cost is high. Although the acquisition cost of the 13 N (radioactive) labeled compounds is lower, the obtained stable tracer will allow the accomplishment of important studies of the nitrogen cycling in living things, less occupational and environment hazards, and the time limitation problems in field studies. The tests took place in triplicates with NH 3 (aq) being employed. With the establishment of the system for 15 NH 3 recovery, an average of 94 % of the ammonia employed in the synthesis process was recovered. The purity of the amino acid was state determined by TLC (Thin Layer Chromatography) and HPLC (High-Performance Liquid Chromatography) with a fluorescence detector. The Rf and the retention time of the synthesized sample were similar the sigma standard. Finally, regarding the established conditions, it was possible to obtain the alanine with a production cost about 40 % lower than the international price. (author)

  9. Effects of irradiation on the physicochemical properties of carioca beans

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lima, Damaris Carvalho


    The common bean is an important component in the diet of the average Brazilian person. Each harvest of beans, losses occur due to attacks of insects and rodents. One of the ways to preserve the beans, and at the same time keep its nutritional characteristics, is the use of gamma radiation. This study aimed to evaluate the effects of different doses of gamma radiation on the physical and chemical properties of the carioca variety of common beans subject to cooking of soaked and unsoaked beans. Portions of raw beans were used as control and the other was subject to ionizing radiation at doses of 1, 5 and 10 kGy. Following irradiation, a portion of the samples (control and irradiated) were soaked and the other was not, then all beans were cooked. The cooked samples were lyophilized, milled and then accommodated in pots and stored at -23 deg C temperatures. The analysis of chemical composition, determination of protein digestibility, condensed tannin and phytic acid content were performed using the milled samples. Using whole grains, were performed analysis of expansion capability and hydration, cooking time and instrumental color. Irradiation did not alter the chemical composition of soaked and unsoaked samples. The condensed tannin levels did not reduce according to increased doses. The phytic acid concentrations were reduced at the doses of 5 and 10 kGy for soaked samples, whereas for the not soaked beans, gamma irradiation did not influence the phytate content. The protein digestibility decreased on soaked samples, at doses of 1 kGy and in the other doses, the reduction was not significant. As for not soaked beans, increases in digestibility were observed at dose of 10 kGy. As the doses increased, reduction in cooking time on soaked and unsoaked beans was noted. At a dose of 10 kGy, the bean expansion capability increased. The samples' color did not change significantly, as the doses increased. Therefore, it is concluded that ionizing radiation has no effect

  10. Evaluación del sistema de salud mental en México: ¿hacia dónde encaminar la atención?


    Shoshana Berenzon Gorn; Nayelhi Saavedra Solano; María Elena Medina-Mora Icaza; Víctor Aparicio Basaurí; Jorge Galván Reyes


    OBJETIVO: Evaluar algunos indicadores clave del sistema de salud mental mexicano utilizando el Instrumento de Evaluación para Sistemas de Salud Mental de la Organización Mundial de la Salud (IESM-OMS). MÉTODOS: La estrategia utilizada para responder a los indicadores del IESM-OMS incluyó: i) Revisión de fuentes documentales, ii) Aplicación de cuestionarios y iii) Trabajo grupal utilizando la técnica de consenso con expertos. Para facilitar la recopilación de la información, se elaboró un cues...

  11. Conformación de termistores utilizando polvos de BaTiO3 sintetizados por el método pechini

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    Claudia P. Fernández Perdomo


    Full Text Available El titanato de bario, BaTiO3, es un compuesto de gran interés en el ámbito de la electrocerámica, ya que se utiliza en la fabricación de condensadores, transductores piezoeléctricos y dispositivos resistivos con coeficiente positivo de temperatura (PTCR, así como en la manufactura de piroeléctricos y dispositivos optoelectrónicos, entre otros dispositivos. La mayoría de estos componentes son conformados con polvos cerámicos de elevada pureza y tamaño de partícula adecuado. Esto exige estructurar métodos de síntesis que garanticen es- tos requerimientos. En este trabajo se sintetizaron polvos cerámicos de BaTiO3 por el método de precursor polimérico (Pechini, obteniéndose una materia prima muy pura y con pequeño tamaño de partícula. Los polvos obtenidos se caracterizaron utilizando análisis térmico (ATD/TG, difracción de rayos X (DRX y calorimetría diferencial de barrido (DSC. Los resultados indican que en las muestras tratadas a 650 °C la única fase cristalina presente es el BaTiO3 cúbico y a 1.100 °C la tetragonal, con una relación c/a < 1.007. Las muestras tratadas a 1.100 °C presentaron una transición ferroeléctrica a paraeléctrica a una temperatura de T ≈ 123 °C. Los polvos cerámicos de BaTiO3 tetragonal fueron prensados uniaxialmente y posteriormente sinterizados a 1.200 °C durante 2 horas. Estas muestras se caracterizaron eléctricamente, obteniéndose curvas de resistencia eléctrica en función de la temperatura (R-T, evidenciándose en ellas su comportamiento termistor tipo PTCR. Además, se midió la variación de la corriente-voltaje (I-V a diferentes temperaturas.

  12. Density and viscosity of aqueous solutions of N,N-dimethylethanolamine at p = 0.1 MPa from T = (293.15 to 363.15) K

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bernal-Garcia, J. Manuel [Instituto Mexicano del Petroleo, Mexico D.F. C.P. 07330 (Mexico); Hall, Kenneth R. [Chemical Engineering Department, Texas A and M University, College Station, TX 77843 (United States); Estrada-Baltazar, Alejandro [Departamento de Ingenieria Quimica, Instituto Tecnologico de Celaya, Celaya, Guanajuato, CP 38010 (Mexico); Iglesias-Silva, Gustavo A. [Departamento de Ingenieria Quimica, Instituto Tecnologico de Celaya, Celaya, Guanajuato, CP 38010 (Mexico)]. E-mail:


    This work presents atmospheric density and viscosity values for (N,N-dimethylethanolamine + water) over the entire composition range from T (293.15 to 363.15) K for density and from T = (313.15 to 353.15) K for viscosity. Density measurements come from a vibrating tube densimeter while we have used three different Cannon-Fenske viscosimeters for the viscosity measurements. Excess molar volumes and viscosity deviations are calculated using a Redlich-Kister type equation. Excess molar volumes present negative deviations from ideality and viscosity deviations are positive at all temperatures and compositions in this work.

  13. Density and viscosity of aqueous solutions of N,N-dimethylethanolamine at p = 0.1 MPa from T = (293.15 to 363.15) K

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bernal-Garcia, J. Manuel; Hall, Kenneth R.; Estrada-Baltazar, Alejandro; Iglesias-Silva, Gustavo A.


    This work presents atmospheric density and viscosity values for (N,N-dimethylethanolamine + water) over the entire composition range from T (293.15 to 363.15) K for density and from T = (313.15 to 353.15) K for viscosity. Density measurements come from a vibrating tube densimeter while we have used three different Cannon-Fenske viscosimeters for the viscosity measurements. Excess molar volumes and viscosity deviations are calculated using a Redlich-Kister type equation. Excess molar volumes present negative deviations from ideality and viscosity deviations are positive at all temperatures and compositions in this work

  14. Application of unsymmetrical indirect covariance NMR methods to the computation of the (13)C (15)N HSQC-IMPEACH and (13)C (15)N HMBC-IMPEACH correlation spectra. (United States)

    Martin, Gary E; Hilton, Bruce D; Irish, Patrick A; Blinov, Kirill A; Williams, Antony J


    Utilization of long-range (1)H--(15)N heteronuclear chemical shift correlation has continually grown in importance since the first applications were reported in 1995. More recently, indirect covariance NMR methods have been introduced followed by the development of unsymmetrical indirect covariance processing methods. The latter technique has been shown to allow the calculation of hyphenated 2D NMR data matrices from more readily acquired nonhyphenated 2D NMR spectra. We recently reported the use of unsymmetrical indirect covariance processing to combine (1)H--(13)C GHSQC and (1)H--(15)N GHMBC long-range spectra to yield a (13)C--(15)N HSQC-HMBC chemical shift correlation spectrum that could not be acquired in a reasonable period of time without resorting to (15)N-labeled molecules. We now report the unsymmetrical indirect covariance processing of (1)H--(13)C GHMBC and (1)H--(15)N IMPEACH spectra to afford a (13)C--(15)N HMBC-IMPEACH spectrum that has the potential to span as many as six to eight bonds. Correlations for carbon resonances long-range coupled to a protonated carbon in the (1)H--(13)C HMBC spectrum are transferred via the long-range (1)H--(15)N coupling pathway in the (1)H--(15)N IMPEACH spectrum to afford a much broader range of correlation possibilities in the (13)C--(15)N HMBC-IMPEACH correlation spectrum. The indole alkaloid vincamine is used as a model compound to illustrate the application of the method. (c) 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

  15. Avaliacao da Relacao entre a Doenca Hepatica Nao Gordurosa e CAD utilizando TCMF

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Duran Efe


    Full Text Available Fundamento: Alguns fatores de risco para a aterosclerose são acompanhados pela doença hepática gordurosa não alcoólica (DHGNA. Desejamos usar a tomografia computadorizada multi-fatias (TCMF como a técnica para encontrar relação entre a DHGNA e a doença arterial coronariana (DAC. Objetivo: A relação entre a DHGNA e a DAC foi investigada através de TCMF. Métodos: Um total de 372 indivíduos com ou sem sintomas cardíacos, que foram submetidos à angiografia por TCMF, foram incluídos no estudo. Os pacientes foram divididos em dois grupos, de acordo com a presença da DHGNA. Os segmentos arteriais coronarianos foram avaliados visualmente via angiografia por TCMF. Com base no grau de estenose arterial coronariana, aqueles com placas ausentes ou mínimas foram considerados como normais, enquanto aqueles que apresentavam estenose de menos do que 50% e no mínimo uma placa foram considerados como portadores da doença arterial coronariana não obstrutiva (não-obsDAC. Os pacientes que apresentaram no mínimo uma placa e estenose arterial coronariana de 50% ou mais foram considerados como portadores de doença arterial coronariana obstrutiva (obsDAC. A DHGNA foi determinada de acordo com o protocolo de TCMF, utilizando a densidade hepática. Resultados: De acordo com a densidade hepática, o número de pacientes com doença hepática gordurosa não alcoólica (grupo 1 foi de 204 (149 homens, 54,8% e com fígado normal (grupos 2 foi de 168 (95 homens, 45.2%. Houve 50 (24,5% não-obsDAC e 57 (27,9% casos de obsDAC no Grupo 1, e 39 (23,2% não-obsDAC e 23 (13,7% casos de obsDAC no Grupo 2. Conclusões: O presente estudo utilizando TCMF demonstrou que a frequência da doença arterial coronariana em pacientes com NAFDL foi significativamente superior do que nos pacientes em NAFDL.

  16. Use of 15N Natural Abundance and N Species Concentrations to Assess N-Cycling in Constructed and Natural Coastal

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Aelion, W.C.M.; Engle, M.R.; Aelion, W.C.M.; Ma, H.


    Natural abundance of N stable isotopes used in combination with concentrations may be useful indicators of N-cycling in wetlands. Concentrations and 15 N signatures of NO 3 -, NH 4 and sediment organic nitrogen (SON) were measured in two impacted coastal golf course retention ponds and two natural marshes. Limited NO 3 was detected in natural site surface water or pore water, but both isotopic signature and concentrations of NO 3 - in surface water of impacted sites indicated anthropogenic inputs. In natural sites, NH 4 concentrations were greatest in deeper pore water and least in surface water, suggesting diffusion predominates. The natural sites had greater % SON, and 15 N indicated that the natural sites also had greater NH 4 + released from SON mineralization than impacted sites. In NO 3 --limited systems, neither concentrations nor 15 N natural abundance was able to provide information on N-cycling, while processes associated with NH 4 + were better elucidated by using both concentrations and 15 N natural abundance


    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Shinnaka, Yoshiharu; Kawakita, Hideyo; Kobayashi, Hitomi; Jehin, Emmanuel; Manfroid, Jean; Hutsemekers, Damien; Arpigny, Claude


    The ortho-to-para abundance ratio (OPR) of cometary molecules is considered to be one of the primordial characteristics of cometary ices. We present OPRs of ammonia (NH 3 ) in 15 comets based on optical high-dispersion spectroscopic observations of NH 2 , which is a photodissociation product of ammonia in the gaseous coma. The observations were mainly carried out with the VLT/UVES. The OPR of ammonia is estimated from the OPR of NH 2 based on the observations of the NH 2 (0, 9, 0) vibronic band. The absorption lines by the telluric atmosphere are corrected and the cometary C 2 emission lines blended with NH 2 lines are removed in our analysis. The ammonia OPRs show a cluster between 1.1 and 1.2 (this corresponds to a nuclear spin temperature of ∼30 K) for all comets in our sample except for 73P/Schwassmann-Wachmann 3 (73P/SW3). Comet 73P/SW3 (both B- and C-fragments) shows the OPR of ammonia consistent with nuclear spin statistical weight ratio (1.0) that indicates a high-temperature limit as nuclear spin temperature. We compared the ammonia OPRs with other properties ( 14 N/ 15 N ratios in CN, D/H ratios of water, and mixing ratios of volatiles). Comet 73P/SW3 is clearly different from the other comets in the plot of ammonia OPRs versus 14 N/ 15 N ratios in CN. The ammonia OPRs of 1.0 and lower 15 N-fractionation of CN in comet 73P/SW3 imply that icy materials in this comet formed under warmer conditions than other comets. Comets may be classified into two groups in the plot of ammonia OPRs against 14 N/ 15 N ratios in CN.

  18. Synthesis of 15N-enriched urea (CO(15NH22 from 15NH3, CO, and S in a discontinuous process

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    C. R. Sant Ana Filho


    Full Text Available CO(15NH22 enriched with the stable isotope 15N was synthesized based on a reaction involving CO, 15NH3, and S in the presence of CH3OH. The method differs from the industrial method; a stainless steel reactor internally lined with polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE was used in a discontinuous process under low pressure and temperature. The yield of the synthesis was evaluated as a function of the parameters: the amount of reagents, reaction time, addition of H2S, liquid solution and reaction temperature. The results showed that under optimum conditions (1.36, 4.01, and 4.48 g of 15NH3, CO, and S, respectively, 40 ml CH3OH, 40 mg H2S, 100 ºC and 120 min of reaction 1.82 g (yield 76.5% of the compound was obtained per batch. The synthesized CO(15NH22 contained 46.2% N, 0.55% biuret, melting point of 132.55 ºC and did not exhibit isotopic fractionation. The production cost of CO(15NH22 with 90.0 at. % 15N was US$ 238.60 per gram.

  19. Adsorption, translocation and redistribution of nitrogen (15N) in orange trees

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fenilli, Tatiele Anete Bergamo; Boaretto, Antonio Enedi Boaretto; Bendassolli, Jose Albertino; Trivelin, Paulo Cesar Ocheuze; Muraoka, Takashi


    The objective was to evaluate the absorption of 15 N from nutrient solution by young orange trees and the translocation and the redistribution of the absorbed N. The treatments were constituted by four periods of 15 N labelling (spring, summer, autumn and winter). In the first treatment, the young orange trees received 15 N in the nutrient solution during the spring and five replicates of the plants were picked at the end of the period. The new part, which was developed during the 15 N labelling period, was separated from the other part (old part) in branch and leaf, and also in flower and fruit when they were. The old part was separated in leaf, stem and root. This same procedure was followed in the other treatments. The total N and the isotope ratios 15 N/ 14 N were performed by mass spectrometry. The major part of absorbed N during the spring and summer was translocated to the new part of the orange trees, but in autumn and winter the absorbed N was concentrated in the old plant part. The redistribution of N from of old plant parts was more intensive during the autumn and winter. (author)

  20. Investigations on the transformation of N-fertilizer and the mineralization of organic N using 15N Pt. 1

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Latkovics, Gy.-ne


    A composting experiment was set up on chernozem-type brown forest soil to investigate the transformation of nitrogen fertilizer and the mineralization of organic N. For the average soil sample from the ploughed layer the pH value was 7.1, the mineral N content 2.85 mg, the fixed ammonium content 15.98 mg and the total N 140.8 mg100/g soil. The humus content was 1.91%. In the experiment 15 N labelled ammonium nitrate was used, and, as 15 N labelled organic matter, ground, air-dried rye-grass and bean stalks and with approximately the same N content as the 0.4% of the soil quantity measured. The values obtained by chemical methods and isotope indication show that the N-loss during composting was negligible and that the methods tested are suitable for the investigation of the transformation processes of nitrogen. (author)

  1. HECTR [Hydrogen Event Containment Transient Response] Version 1.5N: A modification of HECTR Version 1.5 for application to N Reactor

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Camp, A.L.; Dingman, S.E.


    This report describes HECTR Version 1.5N, which is a special version of HECTR developed specifically for application to the N Reactor. HECTR is a fast-running, lumped-parameter containment analysis computer program that is most useful for performing parametric studies. The main purpose of HECTR is to analyze nuclear reactor accidents involving the transport and combustion of hydrogen, but HECTR can also function as an experiment analysis tool and can solve a limited set of other types of containment problems. Version 1.5N is a modification of Version 1.5 and includes changes to the spray actuation logic, and models for steam vents, vacuum breakers, and building cross-vents. Thus, all of the key features of the N Reactor confinement can be modeled. HECTR is designed for flexibility and provides for user control of many important parameters, if built-in correlations and default values are not desired

  2. Comparison of polarization and analyzing power for the /sup 15/N(p,n)/sup 15/O reaction

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Byrd, R.C.; Tornow, W.; Lisowski, P.W.; Murphy, K.; Walter, R.L. (Duke Univ., Durham, NC (USA). Dept. of Physics; Triangle Universities Nuclear Lab., Durham, NC (USA))


    The analyzing power Asub(y)(theta) and polarization Psup(y)(theta) for the /sup 15/N(p,n/sub 0/)/sup 15/O reaction have been measured for Esub(p)=4.5-11.3 MeV. The values of the two observables are nearly the same above 11 MeV, where a ''quasi-elastic'' view of the (p,n) reaction to the analog state should be applicable. Below 10 MeV, however, large spin-flip amplitudes and isospin-mixing ratios provide the two major conditions needed to obtain Psup(y)(theta)not=Asub(y)(theta) and dramatic differences between the two observables are observed. The size of the differences and their dependence on energy are similar to the results predicted by shell-model calculations. The Psup(y)(theta) and Asub(y)(theta) measurements have been combined with existing cross-section data to provide information about spin-flip processes. We also comment on the connection between comparisons of Psup(y)(theta) and Asup(y)(theta) in charge-symmetric (p,n) reactions and the recent controversial measurements of a difference between the values of Psup(y)(theta) for a reaction and Asub(y)(theta) for the inverse reaction.

  3. The measurement of 15N

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fiedler, R.


    The use of mass spectrometry and emission spectrometry for the determination of 15 N in stable tracer studies is reviewed. Mass spectrometry has the advantage that more accurate results compared to emission spectrometry are possible. Emission spectrometry, however, is less expensive and only requires samples at least 50 times smaller for analysis. The sample preparation method is similar for both techniques. (U.K.)

  4. Valoración contingente para la creación de la reserva

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    Arcadio Cerda


    Full Text Available Utilizando el método de valoración contingente con el formato de pregunta dicotómico se valora la creación de una reserva natural en la VIII Región. La valoración se realiza utilizando la muestra en forma global y estratificada según los ingresos de los entrevistados, los resultados muestran que existe una disposición a pagar diferente dependiendo de la pertenencia del entrevistado a uno de los tres estratos económicos. Adicionalmente, se determina la existencia de una disposición a pagar positiva por la conservación de recursos ambientales aún a niveles muy bajos de ingresos. Las estimaciones permiten obtener medidas de bienestar agregadas que reflejen correctamente la disposición a pagar de la población por la creación de una Reserva, como base para la toma de decisiones de política que afecta la provisión de bienes ambientales.

  5. A favela tem nome próprio: a (resignificação do local na linguagem do funk carioca The Favela has its own name: the resignification of place in the language of funk carioca

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Adriana Carvalho Lopes


    Full Text Available O funk é uma prática musical produzida e consumida, principalmente, pela juventude das favelas do Rio de Janeiro. Além de diversão e trabalho, o funk é uma forma de identidade para essa juventude. Neste artigo, conjugo a análise linguística com a prática etnográfica para demonstrar que tal identidade possui uma linguagem específica, por meio da qual os artistas do funk significam as suas próprias experiências e, assim, constroem uma nova cartografia para a cidade do Rio de Janeiro. Nessa linguagem, a favela deixa de ser o espaço genérico da barbárie e se transforma em território com nome próprio e no local da habitação e de hábitos cotidianos de inúmeros jovens favelados.Funk carioca is a popular type of music in Brazil, produced and consumed mainly by the youth in the slums of Rio de Janeiro, known as favelas. More than entertainment and work, funk is a form of identity for the youngsters dwelling in the favelas. This paper combines linguistic analysis with ethnography in order to demonstrate that identities forged along such lines rely on a specific language in which funk performers re-signify their own social experiences and build a new cartography of the city. In such language, the slum is no longer a space of barbarism. It is instead a neighborhood where many of these young people live and enact their everyday practices.

  6. N-15-labelled pyrazines of triterpenic acids

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Vlk, M.; Mičolová, P.; Urban, M.; Kvasnica, Miroslav; Šaman, David; Šarek, J.


    Roč. 308, č. 2 (2016), s. 733-739 ISSN 0236-5731 R&D Projects: GA ČR GJ15-08202Y; GA MŠk(CZ) LO1304; GA MŠk(CZ) LO1204 Grant - others:GA MŠk(CZ) LK21310; GA TA ČR(CZ) TA03010027; CTU(CZ) SGS15/094/OHK4/1T/14 Institutional support: RVO:61389030 ; RVO:61388963 Keywords : N-15 * Triterpenic acid * Isotopic labelling Subject RIV: CC - Organic Chemistry Impact factor: 1.282, year: 2016

  7. δ15N value does not reflect fasting in mysticetes. (United States)

    Aguilar, Alex; Giménez, Joan; Gómez-Campos, Encarna; Cardona, Luís; Borrell, Asunción


    The finding that tissue δ(15)N values increase with protein catabolism has led researchers to apply this value to gauge nutritive condition in vertebrates. However, its application to marine mammals has in most occasions failed. We investigated the relationship between δ(15)N values and the fattening/fasting cycle in a model species, the fin whale, a migratory capital breeder that experiences severe seasonal variation in body condition. We analyzed two tissues providing complementary insights: one with isotopic turnover (muscle) and one that keeps a permanent record of variations in isotopic values (baleen plates). In both tissues δ(15)N values increased with intensive feeding but decreased with fasting, thus contradicting the pattern previously anticipated. The apparent inconsistency during fasting is explained by the fact that a) individuals migrate between different isotopic isoscapes, b) starvation may not trigger significant negative nitrogen balance, and c) excretion drops and elimination of 15N-depleted urine is minimized. Conversely, when intensive feeding is resumed in the northern grounds, protein anabolism and excretion start again, triggering 15N enrichment. It can be concluded that in whales and other mammals that accrue massive depots of lipids as energetic reserves and which have limited access to drinking water, the δ15N value is not affected by fasting and therefore cannot be used as an indication of nutritive condition.

  8. Los modelos del razonamiento moral y la investigación de la ética utilizando internet: la "red de conciencia virtual", un proyecto de investigación inspirado en el coherentismo

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    Miguel Angel Sánchez González


    Full Text Available La investigación de la ética puede hacerse utilizando tres diferentes modelos de razonamiento. El deductivismo, que formula principios generales para deducir normas particulares y juicios individuales. El inductivismo, que observa los casos y las prácticas habituales para inducir normas y principios. Y el coherentismo, que reúne las experiencias morales más significativas y las percepciones éticas más fiables para elaborar un sistema coherente. Así las teorías principialistas son más deductivas, mientras que los procedimientos casuistas son más inductivos. Este artículo analiza las ventajas e inconvenientes de cada uno de estos sistemas, concluyendo que el coherentismo es el sistema más apropiado para responder a los interrogantes morales de la vida cotidiana. Finalmente se presenta un proyecto de investigación denominado "Red de Conciencia Virtual" que intenta aprovechar las experiencias y percepciones morales de un grupo de personas trabajando a distancia en internet, con el programa webct que facilita la Universidad Complutense de Madrid.

  9. Fate of 15N-urea applied to wheat-soybean succession crop

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Boaretto, Antonio Enedi; Trivelin, Paulo Cesar Ocheuze; Muraoka, Takashi; Spolidorio, Eduardo Scarpari; Freitas, Jose Guilherme de; Cantarella, Heitor


    The wheat crop in Sao Paulo State, Brazil, is fertilized with N, P and K. The rate of applied N (0 to 120 kg.ha -1 ) depends on the previous grown crop and the irrigation possibility. The response of wheat to rates and time of N application and the fate of N applied to irrigated wheat were studied during two years. Residual N recovery by soybean grown after the wheat was also studied. The maximum grain productivity was obtained with 92 kg.ha -1 of N. The efficiency of 15 N-urea utilization ranged from 52% to 85%. The main loss of applied 15 N, 5% to 12% occurred as ammonia volatilized from urea applied on soil surface. The N loss by leaching even at the N rate of 135 kg.ha -1 , was less than 1% of applied 15 N, due to the low amount of rainfall during the wheat grown season and a controlled amount of irrigated water, that were sufficient to moisten only the wheat root zone. The residual 15 N after wheat harvest represents around 40% of N applied as urea: 20% in soil, 3% in wheat root system and 16% in the wheat straw. Soybean recovered less than 2% of the 15 N applied to wheat at sowing or at tillering stage. (author)

  10. Does δ 15N in river food webs reflect the intensity and origin of N loads from the watershed?

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Anderson, Caroline; Cabana, Gilbert


    Stable nitrogen isotope ratios (δ 15 N) were measured in invertebrates and fish collected from 82 river sites located in the Saint-Lawrence Lowlands in Quebec, Canada, to examine the relationship between aquatic biota δ 15 N and anthropogenic nitrogen (N) loads. Mean δ 15 N values of all three trophic levels examined (primary consumers, predatory invertebrates and invertebrate-feeding fish) were highly correlated with total anthropogenic N loads on the watershed (kg N km -2 year -1 ; r 2 > 0.61, p 2 > 0.62, p 2 > 0.45, p 2 > 0.29, p 15 N and N loads originating from each of the three livestock species examined (bovines, pigs and poultry; p 15 N (multiple r 2 = 0.67, p 15 N values increasing slowly over a wide range of low levels of N loads, but increasing much faster as N loads grew larger. The three anthropogenic N sources examined were highly correlated with one another, preventing us from statistically isolating their respective effects on δ 15 N. When these loads were expressed as a proportion of total N load, δ 15 N of aquatic biota was still highly correlated with N from livestock and fertilizers, but not with N from human population. Overall, these results suggest that δ 15 N values of aquatic consumers could be used as indicators of the intensity of anthropogenic N loading on watersheds, but not as tracers of the relative importance of individual N sources

  11. Interannual changes in δ15N values in Fucus vesiculosus L

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Carballeira, Carlos; Rey-Asensio, Ana; Carballeira, Alejo


    Highlights: • Isotopic values change along the thallus of F. vesiculosus. • δ 15 N values along the thallus are different between control and polluted sites. • δ 15 N values are temporally unstable at polluted sites. - Abstract: The natural abundance of 15 N15 N) has been widely used to detect anthropogenically derived N loads in environmental impact studies. The present study involved retrospective analysis of subsamples of Fucus vesiculosus L. collected during a period of three years (2008–2010) from two sites: a control site, within a coastal reference area, and an area affected by the effluents of a marine land-based fish farm. The isotopic signal in different subsamples of the macroalgae thalli (tissue that has grown during the same period) varied depending on the age of the tissue. Moreover, the isotopic signal decreased significantly with the age of the frond to within a certain range. The δ 15 N of F. vesiculosus is temporally unstable; therefore, measurement of the δ 15 N of macroalgal tissues does not allow reliable retrospective biomonitoring of environmental pollution. Further knowledge about the growth and other biological aspects of this species is required

  12. Distribution of complemented 15N - (NH4)2SO4 in an ethanolic fermentation process on insolube-N and solube-N fractions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lara Cabejas, W.A.R.; Trivelin, P.C.O.


    Looking for stillage labeling with 15 N for further utilization in studies of mineral fertilization of sugar-cane, 15 N-(NH 4 ) 2 SO 4 (43.5ppm, 45.401 atoms% 15 N) was supplemented in a single fermentative cycle, in a laboratory scale. A nitrogen fractionation was made between insoluble-N and soluble-N in several componentes of the fermentative process (yeast, sugar-cane juice, centrifugate wine, centrifugate yeast and stillage) with the objective of studying the added nitrogen distribution and its isotopic abundance composition. The nitrogen fractionation, and the isotopic analysis by mass spectrometry of 15 N, in the fractions of the several components of the fermentative process, showed 81.1% of N recovery, being 3.2% in stillage and mainly in a soluble-N fraction (71.4%), and the rest found in centrifugate yeast (77.9%), distributed mainly in a insoluble-N fraction (92.0%). Desuniform isotopic label was found in stillage, between soluble-N (1.333 atoms% 15 N) and insoluble-N fractions (0.744 atoms% 15 N). Means to improve the isotopic uniformity in these fractions is discussed. (autor) [pt

  13. Revisión sistemática sobre la efectividad del tratamiento de fisioterapia tras la reconstrucción del ligamento cruzado anterior


    Aguado Llorente, Mariola


    La rotura del LCA es una lesión frecuente a nivel deportivo. Se caracteriza por dolor, hinchazón e inestabilidad. tras su lesión es imposible seguir un protocolo de rehabilitación con fisioterapia para recuperar la funcionalidad de la rodilla. con este trabajo pretendo comprobar la eficacia del tratamiento de fisioterapia tras la cirugía del LCA utilizando las bases de datos Medline, Pedro, Cochrane, Gopubmed y Science direct, utilizando las palabras "anterior crucial ligament", "post surgery...

  14. The use of N-15 labelling to study the turnover and utilization of ruminant manure N

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sørensen, P.; Jensen, E.S.


    An improved understanding of the cycling of animal manure N is a prerequisite for malting better use of this N source. A sheep was fed N-15-Iabelled grass in order to study the fate of N-15-Iabelled ruminant manure N in the plant-soil system. The uniformity of labelling was found to be satisfactory...

  15. Dynamics of nitrogen in an oxic paleudalf soil with the incorporation of 15N-tagged organic nitrogen (maize straw) and 15N-tagged mineral nitrogen (ammonium sulphate)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Freitas, J.R. de.


    An experiment, carried out under field conditions in 12 lysimeters, each containing 3.0 ton of Oxic Paleudalf soil with four replicates, is described. This objective is labelling soil organic N. Nitrogen was incorporated into soil as maize straw, non-labelled and labelled with 15 N and ammonium sulphate - 15 N. The soil was sampled every 15 days in three different depths. N as NH + 4 , NO - 3 , total-N and (%)C and (%) moisture was analysed. (M.A.C.) [pt

  16. Estandarización de la técnica de Western blot para el diagnóstico de la fasciolosis humana utilizando antígenos de excreción-secreción de Fasciola hepática Western blot technique standardization of the diagnosis of human fasciolosis using Fasciola hepatica excreted-secreted antigens

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Hermes Escalante


    Full Text Available Objetivos. Evaluar la eficacia de la técnica de electroinmunotransferencia (EITB o Western blot utilizando antígenos de excreción-secreción de las formas adultas de Fasciola hepatica (Fh E/S Ag para el diagnóstico de la fasciolosis humana. Materiales y métodos. Los antígenos fueron obtenidos a las 18 horas de incubación en medio Minimum Essential Eagle y preparados a la concentración proteica de 0,15 ug/uL; los cuales, al ser enfrentados con un pool de sueros de pacientes con fasciolosis confirmada por el hallazgo de huevos del parásito en las heces, se detectaron los antígenos de 10, 12, 17, 23, 27, 30, 36, 43, 66 y 136 KDa, con los cuales se desarrolló la técnica de Western blot. La sensibilidad se evaluó empleando sueros de 67 pacientes con fasciolosis, y la especificidad con sueros de 57 pacientes con otras parasitosis y diez sueros de personas no parasitadas. Resultados. De los 67 sueros, 64 reaccionaron con la banda de 23 KDa y 61 con la banda de 17KDa. Estas dos bandas no fueron detectadas por ninguno de los sueros de pacientes con otras parasitosis, ni de personas no parasitadas, siendo por ello consideradas como específicas y diagnósticas. Conclusiones. La sensibilidad de la prueba, utilizando las bandas de 17 y 23 KDa, fue de 95,5 % cuando se presenta reacción positiva en una o en las dos bandas, siendo la especificidad para estos dos antígenos de 100 % con un valor predictivo positivo de 100 % y un valor predictivo negativo de 95,71 %.Objectives. To evaluate the performance of the enzyme-linked immunoelectrotransfer blot assay (EITB, Western blot using excretory/secretory antigens from adult forms of Fasciola hepatica (Fh E/S Ag for the diagnosis of human fasciolosis. Materials and methods. Antigens were obtained after 18 hours of incubation in culture medium Minimum Essential Eagle, prepared at a protein concentration of 0.15 ug/uL and run against a pool of sera of patients with proven fasciolosis (confirmed by the

  17. Estudio de las características fisicoquímicas de los carbones mesoporosos obtenidos utilizando sílica mesoporosa tipo SBA-16 como molde

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    Leidy Hoyos


    Full Text Available En este trabajo se determinan las características porosas y químicas de carbones mesoporosos sintetizados utilizando sílica mesoporosa tipo SBA- 16 como molde y se correlacionan estas características con la capacidad de adsorció de colorantes, lo cual a su vez se constituye en una técnica mas de caracterización fisicoquímica de estos materiales. Se utilizan dos moldes silíceos tipo SBA-16 con diferencias en su porosidad y sacarosa y etileno como fuente de carbón. Se encuentra que el tamaño, volumen de poro y área superficial de estos materiales se pueden modular mediante la selección del molde pero no sus características químicas. Los carbones mesoporosos se sintetizan por el método húmedo, en el cual se utiliza sacarosa como fuente de carbono o por deposición de vapores de etileno utilizando dos sílicas mesporosas con diferentes características de porosidad.


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    Jaime González


    Full Text Available En este artículo es presentado un estudio comparativo de dos métodos muy utilizados en la estimación de velocidad. El primero es la estimación de velocidad utilizando Inteligencia Artificial por medio de redes neuronales, que se alimentan de las tensiones y corrientes del estator para producir el valor estimado de velocidad, después de haber sido realizado el entrenamiento de la red en forma off-line. El segundo método es usar un Filtro Extendido de Kalman, utilizando un modelo del motor en espacios de estado con ruidos blancos gaussianos aditivos de sistema y de medición. Para cada uno de los métodos serán presentadas sus ventajas y desventajas.

  19. Alquilación de azoles vía funcionalización C(sp3)–H promovida por I(III)


    Pérez-Calleja, Carmela


    A lo largo de esta Memoria se ha desarrollado un método sintético sencillo que permite llevar a cabo la alquilación de azoles mediante un proceso de funcionalización de enlaces C–H utilizando éteres como agente alquilante. Esta reacción se lleva a cabo utilizando una fuente de iodo hipervalente, lo que permite la creación de enlaces C–N en un proceso libre de metal (y de oxidantes como peróxidos). Dentro de un contexto de química sostenible, los estudios desarrollados aportan un método eco...

  20. Detección en línea de onda-P en sismogramas 3-D utilizando redes neuronales

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    Alzate Carlos


    Full Text Available

    We have developed a P-wave arrival time detector of tectonic events over digital three-component records online. This process uses two different methods: the first one works with a LVR detector, and the second one uses a statistical classifier of classes (signal with P-wave and signal with seismic noise. Detection uses multi-layer perceptron neural network where is taken advantage of non-lineal input-output, relation, well-generalization, low computational demands, etc. These appropriate qualities for real time signal processing. The input data for the system becomes a normalized vector of seismic signal and its polarization arguments. Testes were done with data from IRIS and INGEOMINAS database. Although the system has a good perforance, its accuracy is not acceptable.

    Se desarrolla un detector en línea del tiempo de arribo de ondas P sobre registros electrónicos de tres componentes de eventos tectónicos. Se lleva a cabo la detección en línea de la onda-p empleando redes neuronales (RN, utilizando dos diferentes formas: en la primera se sintetiza el detector de LRV, mientras en la segunda se desarrolla un clasificador estadístico con las respectivas clases (señal con onda-p presente y señal con solo ruido presente. La detección se realiza empleando redes neuronales de tipo perceptrón multi-capa, en las cuales se aprovechan las siguientes cualidades: su capacidad de mapeo no lineal de entrada-salida, buena generalización, bajo costo computacional, entre otras. Las anteriores cualidades hacen que las RN sean apropiadas para el proceso de señales en tiempo real. Las entradas a la RN corresponden a

  1. Servicio de M-comercio: Sistema de interacción entre un centro comercial y sus visitantes utilizando las tecnologías WAP y Bluetooth M-commerce service: Interaction system between a mall and visitors using WAP and Bluetooth technologies

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jorge Gómez Rojas


    Full Text Available El servicio de interacción es un medio de comunicación que mejora las relaciones comerciales entre los centros comerciales y sus visitantes, utilizando las tecnologías de comunicaciones móviles WAP y Bluetooth como una nueva alternativa de negocios, y sin usar la red del operador de telefonía móvil celular. El sistema de interacción mencionado permite el intercambio de información de un grupo potencial de compradores entre los visitantes de un centro comercial y la administración de los diferentes comercios utilizando el teléfono celular. El sistema se compone de una aplicación móvil en J2ME, puntos de acceso Bluetooth y Wi-Fi, un servidor Bluetooth y un servidor Web con aplicaciones para ser accedidas por dispositivos móviles.The interaction service is a means of communication that improves trade relations between the mall and visitors using mobile communications technology WAP and Bluetooth, as a new business alternative, and without operator's network using the mobile phone. The proposed system of interaction, allows the exchange of information from a potential pool of buyers among visitors to a shopping center and the administration of the various shops, through the cell phone. The system consists of a mobile application in J2ME, the access points, Bluetooth server, and Web server with applications to mobile devices.

  2. Distribution of 15N-labeled urea injected into field-grown corn plants

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhou, X.; Madrmootoo, C.A.; Mackenzie, A.F.; Smith, D.L.


    Nitrogen (N) assimilate supply to developing corn (Zea mays L.) ears plays a critical role in grain dry weight accumulation. The use of stem-perfused/injected 15N labeled compounds to determine the effects of an artificial N source on the subsequent distribution of injected N and grain weight of field-grown corn plants has not been reported previously. Our objective was to assess the distribution of N added via an artificial source. Three soil N fertilizer levels (0, 180, and 270 kg N ha-1) and three N solutions (distilled water control and 15N enriched urea at 15 and 30 mM N) were arranged in a split-plot design. Three N concentrations were injected using a pressurized stem injection technique. The injection started fifteen days after silking and continued until immediately prior to plant physiological maturity. The average uptake volume was 256 mL over the 30-day injection period. The N supplied via injection represented 1.5 to 3% of the total plant N. Neither soil applied N fertilizer nor injected N altered dry matter distribution among plant tissues. As the concentration of N in the injected solutions increased, N concentrations increased in the grain and upper stalks, and % 15N atom excess in ear+1 leaves and leaves increased. The relative degree of 15N enrichment for each of the tissues measured was injected internode grain upper stalks leaves lower stalks cob husk ear + 1 leaf ear leaf. This study indicated that the exogenous N supplied via stem-injection, was incorporated into all the measured plant parts, although not uniformly. The distribution of the injected 15N was affected both by the proximity of sinks to the point of injection and the strength of the various sinks

  3. Synthesis of (+-)-[1,1'-15N2, 2'-13C]-trans-3'-methylnicotine

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sirimanne, S.R.; Maggio, V.L.; Patterson, D.G. Jr.


    The synthesis of (±)- [1,1'- 15 N 2 , 2'- 13 C]-trans-3'-methylnicotine is reported. 15 N-3-Bromopyridine obtained from bromination of pyridine was formylated with nBuLi/[carbonyl- 13 C]-methyl formate. The resulting 15 n-Pyridine-3-[ 13 C-carbonyl]-carboxaldehyde was reacted with 15 N-methylamine and then the resulting Schiff's base was condensed with succinic anhydride to give (±)- [1,1'- 15 N 2 , 5'- 13 C]-trans-4'-carboxycotinine. Reduction with lithium aluminum hydride and mesylation followed by reduction with Zn/NaI gave (±)-[1,1'- 15 N 2 , 2'- 13 C]-trans-3'-methylnicotine. (Author)

  4. Investigation of the metabolism of colostomized laying hens with 15N-labelled wheat. 6

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gruhn, K.; Hennig, A.


    Three colostomized laving hens received 40 g 15 N-labelled wheat with 20.13 atom-% 15 N excess ( 15 N'), 19.18 atom-% 15 N'-lysine, 18.17 atom-% 15 N'-histidine and 20.43 atom-% 15 N'-arginine per day over a period of four days. After having received the same non-labelled feed ration on the following four days, the hens were slaughtered. The incorporation and distribution of 15 N' in the total nitrogen and the nitrogen of the basic amino acids was determined in liver, kidneys, muscles, bones and the remaining carcass (excluding blood, digestive tract and genital organs). The quota of nitrogen of natural isotope frequency ( 14 N) of the total 14 N of the hens' carcasses was 47% in the muscles, 14% in the bones and 20% in the feathers; the relative 15 N' values were 37%, 8% and 1%, resp. The atom-% 15 N' in the kidneys was twice as much as in the liver four days after the last 15 N' application. The average percentage of the nitrogen in the three basic amino acids of the total nitrogen in the tissues and organs (excluding feathers) is 25% concerning both 14 N and 15 N'. The 15N' balance revealed that in hen 1 100%, in hen 2 102% and in hen 3 101% of the consumed wheat 15 N' were found. (author)

  5. Caracterización dinámica de los cambios microestructurales en barras de aceros dúplex SAF 2205 utilizando la dimensión de información

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    Rodríguez, Edda


    ítica. El estudio propone evaluar en el ámbito de sistemas dinámicos la influencia de las fases microestructurales en el comportamiento de las señales y su dependencia con las pérdidas de energía, que ocurren en el sistema por efecto de los tratamientos térmicos, utilizando la teoría del caos determinista. Para caracterizarlos se emplea la representación del espacio de fases dinámicas y el cálculo de la dimensión de información. Los resultados obtenidos muestran una mayor correlación entre la dimensión de información y el coeficiente de atenuación, en comparación con las fracciones de fase. No obstante, la eficiencia de este tipo de estudio depende de la frecuencia seleccionada durante la evaluación del material.

  6. Influence of organic N Sources on N transformation and uptake by lupine plants using 15N technique

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Abdel-Salam, A.A.; Gadalla, A.M.; Abdel- Aziz, H.A.; Galal, Y.G.M.; EL-degwy, S.M.


    A pot experiment was carried out under greenhouse conditions to evaluate the comparative efficiency and transformation of nitrogen applied either as mineral or organic forms. The obtained data showed that shoot dry weight was enhanced by compost and its mixture with leucaena. When organic sources were combined with 15 N, the leucaena.compost mixture (LC p ) gave the highest yield, and the other two were not significantly different from each other. Reinforcing the organic N with mineral N caused an average greater N.uptake over the non reinforced treatment. Similar trend was noticed with root system. Nitrogen uptake by roots was increased according to the order of LC > L > C. N derived from fertilizer (% Ndff) by lupine shoots was significantly affected by fertilizer addition either alone or reinforced with organic plant residues. Both, the portions (%) or absolute values (mg pot -1 ) of Ndff were increased by adding the organic residues. The highest value of Ndfs was recorded with application of leucaena followed by compost, then Leucaena + compost. Portion Ndfa reflected an effective response of lupines plants to Rhizobium inoculation. Addition of LC mixture combined with 15 N-fertilizer had enhanced the N 2 fixation and increased Ndfa value by about 66.7 % over those recorded with 15 N0 treatment. Organic amendment of leucaena could be an efficient source for N to infertile sandy soils

  7. Isotopic evaluations of dynamic and plant uptake of N in soil amended with 15N-labelled sewage sludge

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kchaou, R.; Khelil, M. N.; Rejeb, S.; Gharbi, F.; Henchi, B.; Hernandez, T.; Destain, J. P.


    Field experiments were conducted to evaluate the use of a novel 15N isotope technique for comparing the dynamics of N derived from sewage sludge applied to sorghum to the dynamics of N derived from the commercial fertilizer, urea. The treatments included a control, sludge applied at three rates (3, 6 and 9 t/ha, or 113, 226 and 338 kg N/ha) and N-urea applied at three rates (150, 250 and 350 kg N/ha). Recovery of 15N -labelled sludge was similar for the different nitrogen rates applied , with a mean value of 27%. However, the recovery of 15N -urea decreased as the rate of N application increased (from 38% to 27%). Approximately 22% and 19% of the 15N from sludge and urea, respectively, remained in the 0-60 cm layer of soil, most of which was present in the 0-20 cm layer. Furthermore, losses of 15N -labelled fertilizer were not affected by the N fertilization source, and the greatest losses, which were measured in response to the highest N application rate, were 59%. (authors)

  8. Evaluación del cultivo de la dorada ( Brycon moorei sinuensis en jaulas flotantes utilizando cuatro alimentos concentrados.

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    Robinsón Rosado


    Full Text Available El presente estudio se inició el 30 de septiembre del2000 con el cultivo de Dorada (Brycon mooreisinuensis en jaulas flotantes en el reservorio de laGranja Piscícola Tamarindo (El Espinal, Colombia,utilizando cuatro alimentos concentrados durante 180días. Se determinó el crecimiento mediante laganancia en longitud, ganancia en peso, tasa decrecimiento específico, sobre-vivencia final, biomasatotal, factor de condición, factor de conversiónalimenticia. Se sembraron 816 juveniles con longitudpromedio de 17.8 cm y peso promedio de 78.9 g,divididos en cuatro tratamientos con densidad desiembra de 25 peces/cm3 y tres réplicas cada uno.Las dietas balanceadas (proteína bruta y la cantidadde energía (Kcal/Kg suministrada fueron: Tratamiento1: 20% y 2637; tratamiento 2: 32% y 3127;tratamiento 3: 28% y 2852; y tratamiento 4: 24% y2751, respectivamente. El diseño experimental fuecompletamente aleatorio y se aplicó la técnica deanálisis de varianza a los datos biométricos yparámetros físico-químicos. Como prueba designificancia se usó la prueba de Tukey-Kramer con95% de confiabilidad. El modelo matemático de VIONBERTALANFY y la transformación de FOR-WALFORDfueron válidos para el ajuste de las curvas decrecimiento en longitud, peso y la relación longitud– peso. Se puede afirmar que la Dorada consumiólas dietas de origen vegetal de igual manera que lasde origen animal, sin embargo la dieta del 28% deproteína bruta (tratamiento 3 muestra los mejoresresultados, sin diferencias significativas entretratamientos (p > 0.05. De acuerdo con la literaturacitada no hay investigaciones que muestren losrequerimientos nutricionales óptimos para laalimentación de esta especie. En todos los trabajosanteriores, la ganancia de peso diaria fue baja, peromejores que las obtenidas en esta investigación.Mientras que el rendimiento en biomasa fue mayorque los reportados para cultivo en tierra, para todoslos tratamientos en este estudio fue muy bajo.

  9. Estimation of the endogenous N proportions in ileal digesta and faeces in 15N-labelled pigs

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Simon, O.; Bergner, H.


    4 castrated male pigs 40 kg fitted with simple 'T' cannulas in the terminal ileum were given 15 N-labelled ammonium salts, added to a low protein diet, for 6 days. Excretion of 15 N in urine and feces was monitored daily throughout the labelling and subsequent experimental periods. During the experimental period the pigs were given a diet based on wheat and fish meal, supplemented with varying levels of partially hydrolyzed straw meal to give crude fiber contents ranging from 40 to 132 g/kg. After adaptation to the particular levels of straw meal, feces and ileal digesta were collected during successive 24 h periods. N digestibility values were determined by the chromium oxide ratio method. The retention of 15 N-labelled non-specific N was 0.46 of the dose given. The validity of using urine values as a measure of 15 N abundance in endogenous N was demonstrated by the similarity of 15 N abundance in urine immediately before slaughter at the end of the experiment and in the digestive secretory organs thereafter. The average amount of endogenous N passing the terminal ileum was 3.4 g/day or 0.30-0.50 of total ileal N flow. This was not affected by dietary fiber level. The proportion of fecal N which was of endogenous origin was similar to that in ileal digesta, suggesting similar utilization of endogenous and residual dietary N by hindgut bacteria. Half the endogenous N entering the large intestine was reabsorbed there. Increasing dietary crude fiber from 40 to 132 g/kg increased fecal endogenous N excretion from 1.3 to 2.0 g/animal and day. (author)

  10. Nitrogen-15 natural abundance of different soil N pools as a tool for assessing N transformation processes in alpine soils (United States)

    Makarov, Mikhail; Malysheva, Tatiana; Tiunov, Alexei; Kadulin, Maxim; Maslov, Mikhail


    Nitrogen availability, net N mineralization, nitrification and 15N natural abundance of total soil N and small soil N pools (N-NH4+, N-NO3-, DON and microbial biomass N) were studied in a toposequence of alpine ecosystems in the Northern Caucasus. The toposequence was represented by (1) low productive alpine lichen heath (ALH) of the wind-exposed ridge and upper slope; (2) more productive Festuca varia grassland (FG) of the middle slope; (3) most productive Geranium gymnocaulon/Hedysarum caucasicum meadow (GHM) of the lower slope and (4) low productive snow bed community (SBC) of the slope bottom. Nitrogen transformation in the alpine soils produces distinct N pools with different 15N enrichment: DON/microbial biomass N > total N > N-NH4+ > N-NO3-. Grassland and meadow soils of the middle part of the toposequence are characterized by higher nitrogen transformation activities and higher δ15 values of total N and N-NH4+. Field incubation of alpine soils increased δ15N of N-NH4+ from -2.6 - +2.0‰ to +6.1 - +15.7‰. The N-NO3-produced in the incubation experiment had extremely low (negative) δ15N values (up to -14‰). We found a positive correlation between δ15N of different soil N pools (total N, N-NH4+ and N-NO3-) and net N mineralization and nitrification. Nitrification controls the formation of 15N enriched N-NH4+ pool while N mineralization probably had an important role in regulation of 15N enrichment of DON pool in alpine soils. Overall, our results support the hypothesis that 15N is more enriched in N-rich and more depleted in N-poor ecosystems. We conclude that δ15N values of different soil N pools could be a good indicator of microbial N transformation in alpine soils of the Northern Caucasus. Acknowledgement: This study was supported by Russian Science Foundation (16-14-10208).

  11. Liver function tests using the stable istope 15N

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Faust, H.; Jung, K.; Hirschberg, K.; Krumbiegel, P.; Junghans, P.; Reinhardt, R.; Teichmann, B.


    Several liver function tests using oral application of a nitrogen compound labelled with 15 N and the subsequent determination of 15 N in a certain fraction of urine or in the total urine by emission spectrometry are described. Because of the key function of the liver in the metabolism of nitrogen compounds, the results of these tests allow conclusions concerning some disturbances of liver functions. (author)

  12. Synthesis of organic compounds 15 N enriched

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Oliveira, Claudineia Raquel de; Bendassolli, Jose Albertino; Prestes, Clelber Vieira; Tavares, Glauco Arnold


    The aim of this work was to develop urea- 15 N and glycine- 15 N synthesis for agronomic and biological studies. The production of these compounds was evaluated due to the fact of increasing use of urea, comparing to others solid fertilizers and the importance of glycine in the studies of protein metabolism. A non-conventional method was carried out to synthesize urea. The process involved reaction among Co, NH 3 anidrid and S at low temperature (100 deg C) and of pressure (0,81 mPa) compared to the conventional method. Monolise halets reaction was carried out for glycine synthesis with chloroacetic and ammonia 2 deg C. Both compounds are economic viable, they can be produced at a lower price than the trade market one. (author)

  13. 15N-enrichments of ammonia and glutamine in blood after infusion of 15N-ammonia in chickens fed low or high protein diet

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Karasawa, Yutaka; Koh, Katsuki


    In this experment, the blood ammonia and glutamine amide came from infused ammonia were determined when N-15 labeled ammonium acetate was intraportally infused into the chickens fed 5 or 20 % protein diet. The data obtained indicated that the infused ammonia was taken into blood glutamine amide, and also accumulated in blood as it is, in both dietary groups. 10 to 12 months old White Leghorn male birds were used. The experimental diet was fed once a day for 5 days to the birds weighting about 1.2 kg by 35 g per kg body weight. The experimental diet was consumed within 40 min in all cases. Cardiac and portal catheterization were performed for blood collection and ammonia infusion, respectively. After finishing the infusion, blood samples were taken to analyze the ammonia and glutamine contents and their N-15 enrichment. Statistical difference was not observed in the appearance of N-15 in ammonia and glutamine amide between two dietary groups. The N-15 enrichment in blood ammonia and the amide of plasma glutamine, and the calculated exogenous nitrogen in the ammonia and glutamine amide tended to be more in the 5 % protein diet group than the other. (Kako, I.)

  14. Human dietary δ(15)N intake: representative data for principle food items. (United States)

    Huelsemann, F; Koehler, K; Braun, H; Schaenzer, W; Flenker, U


    Dietary analysis using δ(15)N values of human remains such as bone and hair is usually based on general principles and limited data sets. Even for modern humans, the direct ascertainment of dietary δ(15)N is difficult and laborious, due to the complexity of metabolism and nitrogen fractionation, differing dietary habits and variation of δ(15)N values of food items. The objective of this study was to summarize contemporary regional experimental and global literature data to ascertain mean representative δ(15)N values for distinct food categories. A comprehensive data set of more than 12,000 analyzed food samples was summarized from the literature. Data originated from studies dealing with (1) authenticity tracing or origin control of food items, and (2) effects of fertilization or nutrition on δ(15)N values of plants or animals. Regional German food δ(15)N values revealed no major differences compared with the mean global values derived from the literature. We found that, in contrast to other food categories, historical faunal remains of pig and poultry are significantly enriched in (15)N compared to modern samples. This difference may be due to modern industrialized breeding practices. In some food categories variations in agricultural and feeding regimens cause significant differences in δ(15)N values that may lead to misinterpretations when only limited information is available. Copyright © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  15. δ(15) N from soil to wine in bulk samples and proline. (United States)

    Paolini, Mauro; Ziller, Luca; Bertoldi, Daniela; Bontempo, Luana; Larcher, Roberto; Nicolini, Giorgio; Camin, Federica


    The feasibility of using δ(15) N as an additional isotopic marker able to link wine to its area of origin was investigated. The whole production chain (soil-leaves-grape-wine) was considered. Moreover, the research included evaluation of the effect of the fermentation process, the use of different types of yeast and white and red vinification, the addition of nitrogen adjuvants and ultrasound lysis simulating wine ageing. The δ(15) N of grapes and wine was measured in bulk samples and compounds, specifically in proline, for the first time. Despite isotopic fractionation from soil to wine, the δ(15) N values of leaves, grapes, wine and particularly must and wine proline conserved the variability of δ(15) N in the growing soil. Fermentation and ultrasound treatment did not affect the δ(15) N values of grape must, which was therefore conserved in wine. The addition of inorganic or organic adjuvants was able to influence the δ(15) N of bulk wine, depending on the amount and the difference between the δ(15) N of must and that of the adjuvant. The δ(15) N of wine proline was not influenced by adjuvant addition and is therefore the best marker for tracing the geographical origin of wine. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

  16. Desarrollo de metodologías analíticas para el estudio del metabolismo del azufre utilizando isótopos estables enriquecidos


    Giner Martínez-Sierra, Justo


    La alteración intencionada de la composición isotópica de un elemento dado en un organismo vivo permite obtener información metabólica del elemento. La composición isotópica del azufre varía en la naturaleza por lo que para seguir la pista del azufre en un ser vivo utilizando un trazador marcado isotópicamente, la cantidad de trazador metabólico utilizada debe ser lo suficientemente elevada como para alterar la composición isotópica del azufre por encima de los límites de variabilidad natural...

  17. Use of Bio-Organic Fertilizers to Develop N Uptake Using 15N Technique

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Galal, Y.G.M.


    Experimental work either in field scale or in green house conditions were conducted using 15 N technique to evaluate the role of different bio fertilizers and different plant residues as organic amendments on enhancement of plant N nutrition. Nitrogen fixation by a symbiotic bacteria has been observed in greenhouse and field experiments under dry land cropping systems. Biological N 2 fixation associated with crop residues (legumes or cereals) was investigated in pot experiments with wheat and chickpea cultivars. In these experiments, labelled wheat and rice straw were used as organic N sources in comparison with either 15 N-labelled ammonium sulfate or ammonium nitrate as chemical nitrogen fertilizers. Rhizobium inoculation extended to be used with wheat gave the best results of N uptake and N 2 fixation when combined with Azospirillum brasilense as heterotrophic diazotrophs. The nitrogen uptake by wheat plants was significantly increased by application of soybean residues and inoculation with Azospirillum brasilense. From the field trial we can conclude that soybean residue as enriched N material, and Azospirillum brasilense inoculation enhanced N yields of wheat cultivars grown in poor fertile sandy soil

  18. Efectos de la simulación en la comprensión de la ley de los grandes números

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Gabriel Yáñez Canal


    Full Text Available En este trabajo se presentan algunos de los resultados obtenidos en una investigación que indagaba por los procesos de razonamiento probabilístico de doce estudiantes entre 12 y 15 años de un colegio público en un municipio en el departamento de Santander (Colombia, alrededor de la Ley de los Grandes Números. Después de vivir una experiencia directa, los estudiantes realizaron simulaciones utilizando Probability Explorer. Los resultados sugieren que para tomar conciencia de la variabilidad en el corto plazo y de la estabilidad a largo plazo de las frecuencias relativas deben realizarse actividades bidireccionales que involucren el espacio muestral y los resultados obtenidos.

  19. Stabilization and plant uptake of N from 15N-labelled pea residue 16.5 years after incorporation in soil

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Laberge, G.; Ambus, P.; Hauggaard-Nielsen, H.


    The decline of N from N-15-labelled mature pea residues was followed in unplanted soil over 16.5 yr. Eight years after residue incorporation, 24% of the residue N-15 input was still present in the soil and, after 16.5 yr, 16% of the residue N-15 input remained. A double exponential model......-amended soils were obtaining 1.7% of their N from residue N. This is, to our knowledge, the longest study on decay of N in soils from N-15-labelled crop residues. The current study thus provides a unique data set for our empirical understanding of N-dynamics in agricultural systems, which is a prerequisite...

  20. Estimación de la edad dental en un grupo de niños venezolanos utilizando el método de Nolla

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    A. Carolina Medina


    Full Text Available La edad dental es un indicador de maduración corporal de importancia clínica en Odontología para la planificación del tratamiento de pacientes en crecimiento. El objetivo de esta investigación fue establecer la precisión de la determinación de la edad dental calculada con el método Nolla, en un grupo de niños y niñas del Área Metropolitana de Caracas. Materiales y Métodos: Se seleccionó una muestra estratificada por edad y género incluyendo 238 radiografías panorámicas de elevada calidad de personas sanas con edades entre 5 y 13 años. Se calculó la diferencia entre la edad cronológica y dental distribuyéndola entre géneros y grupos de edad. Los datos fueron analizados utilizando pruebas de correlación (Pearson, y diferencias entre medias t -Student, ANOVA, fijando p<0,05. El coeficiente k intraobservador fue de 0,68. Resultados: La correlación entre la edad dental cronológica y la edad dental fue de 0,92 años (p=0,01. La formación dental se presentó retrasada en varones al compararla con la de las hembras, alcanzando significación estadística sólo para los caninos y primer premolar superior. Para el total, la diferencia entre la edad dental y cronológica fue estadísticamente significativa, registrándose una subestimación de la edad en -0,88 ± 0,94 años (p=0,01. La subestimación fue mayor para las hembras (-1,04±0,93 años que para los varones (-0,72±0,94 años. Conclusión: Se concluye que el Método de Nolla puede ser utilizado para la identificación de etapas de formación dental en la población de niños y niñas venezolanos, aunque carece de precisión para el cálculo de su edad dental.

  1. Nitrogen-15 labeling of Crotalaria juncea green manure Marcação do adubo verde Crotalaria juncea com 15N

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Edmilson José Ambrosano


    Full Text Available Most studies dealing with the utilization of 15N labeled plant material do not present details about the labeling technique. This is especially relevant for legume species since biological nitrogen fixation difficults plant enrichment. A technique was developed for labeling leguminous plant tissue with 15N to obtain labeled material for nitrogen dynamics studies. Sun hemp (Crotalaria juncea L. was grown on a Paleudalf, under field conditions. An amount of 58.32 g of urea with 70.57 ± 0.04 atom % 15N was sprayed three times on plants grown on eight 6-m²-plots. The labelled material presented 2.412 atom % 15N in a total dry matter equivalent to 9 Mg ha-1 This degree of enrichment enables the use of the green manure in pot or field experiments requiring 15N-labeled material.A grande maioria dos estudos com a utilização de material vegetal marcado com o isótopo 15N não apresentam detalhes tão importantes sobre como foram obtidos esses materiais. Em se tratando de marcação de leguminosas as dificuldades em se obter material marcado com 15N são ainda maiores pelo fato de serem plantas fixadoras de nitrogênio. Isso posto foi estabelecida uma técnica de marcação de leguminosas com nitrogênio (15N, com o objetivo de obter material vegetal marcado isotopicamente para estudos de dinâmica do nitrogênio. Cultivou-se a leguminosa crotalária júncea (Crotalaria juncea L., em Argissolo Vermelho Amarelo distrófico, em campo. Ao se aplicarem via foliar 58,32 gramas de uréia em oito canteiros experimentais, (uréia com 70,57 ± 0,04% de átomos de 15N parceladas em três vezes, obteve-se material vegetal marcado seco que continha 2,412 % em átomos de 15N em uma massa seca equivalente a 9 Mg ha-1. Essa marcação permite o uso dessa massa vegetal em estudos de dinâmica de nitrogênio.

  2. Does fertilizer (N15P15K15) amendment enhance phytoremediation of petroleum-polluted aquatic ecosystem in the presence of water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes [Mart.] Solms)? (United States)

    Ndimele, Prince Emeka; Jenyo-Oni, Adetola; Chukwuka, Kanayo S; Ndimele, Chinatu Charity; Ayodele, Ibukunoluwa Augustine


    This study investigated the effects of inorganic fertilizer (N15P15K15) amendments on crude oil uptake by water hyacinth. Experimental units (water hyacinth grown in fresh water) were spiked with 0, 20, 40 and 60 mg/L crude oil. After 24 h, they were randomly assigned fertilizer (N15P15K15) at three different concentrations; 0, 6 and 10 mg/L. Crude oil degradation and absorption were determined by measuring total petroleum hydrocarbon (TPH) in the water column and water hyacinth, respectively. The measurements were taken monthly for six months (February-August 2010). The results showed that TPH concentration in the water column in the treatment amended at 6 mg/L (0.30 ± 0.01 mg/L) was significantly lower (p phytoremediation) absorbed significantly higher (p phytoremediation of crude oil by water hyacinth and biostimulation with fertilizer (N15P15K15) is possible.


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    María Fernanda Durán Meneses

    Full Text Available Este artículo presenta la evaluación de la remoción de compuestos fenólicos presentes en la vinaza, utilizando un proceso avanzado de oxidación (PAO basado en ozono acoplado a un proceso biológico anaerobio. Las evaluaciones de los tratamientos se realizaron determinando los cambios en la concentración de compuestos fenólicos en función del tiempo de aplicación de ozono (7 - 15 - 30 minutos y pH del sustrato (4,42 - 7,47 con el fin de determinar la influencia de estos factores sobre la producción de metano en el proceso de digestión anaerobia. Los resultados indican que el pH neutro en la vinaza favorece un 27 % más la remoción de compuestos fenólicos en comparación al pH ácido. Se observó que después del proceso de ozonización de vinazas a pH neutro la concentración de fenoles totales disminuye un 62 % influenciando la producción de metano en un 70 % con respecto a la producción de metano obtenida a partir de vinazas crudas.

  4. Obtención de un aditivo microbiano producto de la fermentación de los desechos del pastificio por Aspergillus niger y Saccharomyces cerevisiae y su evaluación nutricional en pollos de engorde


    Domínguez, Gabriela; Bertsch, Annalisse; Mazzani, Claudio; Luzón, Odalis; De Basilio, Vasco


    En el presente trabajo se obtuvo un aditivo microbiano por fermentación de los residuos del pastificio compuesto por almidón (79,96%) y proteínas (11,96%) utilizando Aspergillus niger y Saccharomyces cerevisiae en cocultivo y se evaluó el efecto de inclusión en la dieta de pollos de engorde sobre los parámetros productivos. El aditivo se incluyó a (30 (T1); 300 (T2) y 3.000 (T3) mg / kg) respecto a un control sin la adición del aditivo (T0), utilizando un diseño completam...

  5. Arquitectura para balancear carga dinámica por demanda adaptativa, utilizando CORBA en JAVA-IDL


    Jesús Chávez Esparza; Gerardo Rentería Castillo; Francisco Javier Luna Rosas


    En este trabajo desglosaremos la elaboración de una nueva Arquitectura para balancear carga dinámica, por demanda adaptativa, utilizando CORBA en JAVA-IDL. Una arquitectura de balanceo de carga es un sistema que permite distribuir el trabajo computacional entre varias máquinas, con el objetivo de reducir el tiempo de respuesta global del sistema. A través de las pruebas se justifica el uso de la arquitectura y se definen los parámetros a considerar para obtener un óptimo desempeño, refiriéndo...

  6. Light-mediated 15N fractionation in Caribbean gorgonian octocorals: implications for pollution monitoring (United States)

    Baker, D. M.; Kim, K.; Andras, J. P.; Sparks, J. P.


    The stable nitrogen isotope ratio ( δ 15N) of coral tissue is a useful recorder of anthropogenic pollution in tropical marine ecosystems. However, little is known of the natural environmentally induced fractionations that affect our interpretation of coral δ 15N values. In symbiotic scleractinians, light affects metabolic fractionation of N during photosynthesis, which may confound the identification of N pollution between sites of varied depth or turbidity. Given the superiority of octocorals for δ 15N studies, our goal was to quantify the effect of light on gorgonian δ 15N in the context of monitoring N pollution sources. Using field collections, we show that δ 15N declined by 1.4‰ over 20 m depth in two species of gorgonians, the common sea fan, Gorgonia ventalina, and the slimy sea plume, Pseudopterogorgia americana. An 8-week laboratory experiment with P. americana showed that light, not temperature causes this variation, whereby the lowest fractionation of the N source was observed in the highest light treatment. Finally, we used a yearlong reciprocal depth transplant experiment to quantify the time frame over which δ 15N changes in G. ventalina as a function of light regime . Over the year, δ 15N was unchanged and increased slightly in the deep control colonies and shallow colonies transplanted to the deep site, respectively. Within 6 months, colonies transplanted from deep to shallow became enriched by 0.8‰, mirroring the enrichment observed in the shallow controls, which was likely due to the combined effect of an increase in the source δ 15N and reduced fractionation. We conclude that light affects gorgonian δ 15N fractionation and should be considered in sampling designs for N pollution monitoring. However, these fractionations are small relative to differences observed between natural and anthropogenic N sources.

  7. Optimización multi-objetivo : Aplicaciones a problemas del mundo real


    López, Javier


    Cuando hablamos de optimización en el ámbito de las ciencias de la computación hacemos referencia al mismo concepto coloquial asociado a esa palabra, la concreción de un objetivo utilizando la menor cantidad de recursos disponibles, o en una visión similar, la obtención del mejor objetivo posible utilizando todos los recursos con lo que se cuenta. Los métodos para encontrar la mejor solución (óptima) varían de acuerdo a la complejidad del problema enfrentado. Para problemas triviales, el c...

  8. 15N-Labelling and structure determination of adamantylated azolo-azines in solution

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    Sergey L. Deev


    Full Text Available Determining the accurate chemical structures of synthesized compounds is essential for biomedical studies and computer-assisted drug design. The unequivocal determination of N-adamantylation or N-arylation site(s in nitrogen-rich heterocycles, characterized by a low density of hydrogen atoms, using NMR methods at natural isotopic abundance is difficult. In these compounds, the heterocyclic moiety is covalently attached to the carbon atom of the substituent group that has no bound hydrogen atoms, and the connection between the two moieties of the compound cannot always be established via conventional 1H-1H and 1H-13C NMR correlation experiments (COSY and HMBC, respectively or nuclear Overhauser effect spectroscopy (NOESY or ROESY. The selective incorporation of 15N-labelled atoms in different positions of the heterocyclic core allowed for the use of 1H-15N (JHN and 13C-15N (JCN coupling constants for the structure determinations of N-alkylated nitrogen-containing heterocycles in solution. This method was tested on the N-adamantylated products in a series of azolo-1,2,4-triazines and 1,2,4-triazolo[1,5-a]pyrimidine. The syntheses of adamantylated azolo-azines were based on the interactions of azolo-azines and 1-adamatanol in TFA solution. For azolo-1,2,4-triazinones, the formation of mixtures of N-adamantyl derivatives was observed. The JHN and JCN values were measured using amplitude-modulated 1D 1H spin-echo experiments with the selective inversion of the 15N nuclei and line-shape analysis in the 1D 13С spectra acquired with selective 15N decoupling, respectively. Additional spin–spin interactions were detected in the 15N-HMBC spectra. NMR data and DFT (density functional theory calculations permitted to suggest a possible mechanism of isomerization for the adamantylated products of the azolo-1,2,4-triazines. The combined analysis of the JHN and JCN couplings in 15N-labelled compounds provides an efficient method for the structure

  9. Adubação e calagem para o feijoeiro irrigado em solo de Cerrado Fertilization and liming to the irrigated common bean crop on a "Cerrado" soil

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    Full Text Available Em três experimentos de campo, avaliaram-se os efeitos da calagem, da adubação de plantio e de N em cobertura, para o feijoeiro comum. No primeiro experimento, testaram-se doses de calcário (0, 3, 6, 9, 12, e 15 t ha-1; no segundo, a resposta de cinco cultivares/linhagens de feijoeiro (Aporé, Carioca, Novo Jalo, MA534657 e MA5346662 à aplicação no sulco de plantio de 200, 400 e 600 kg ha-1 do fertilizante 4-30-16 mais 30 kg ha-1 de N em cobertura aos 25 dias após germinação, e no terceiro, as doses de N (0, 30, 60, 90 e 120 kg ha-1 aplicadas em cobertura a intervalos de dez dias, a partir dos 20 até aos 70 dias após a emergência das plântulas. A dose de 30 kg ha-1 foi parcelada em uma e duas vezes, e as demais doses, em duas, três e seis vezes. A calagem aumentou a absorção de N, P, K, Ca, Mg e Cu e a produtividade do feijoeiro em até 37%. A cultivar Aporé foi a mais produtiva e a que mais respondeu à adubação. Com exceção da Carioca, as produtividades máximas das demais cultivares/linhagens foram alcançadas com a dose de 400 kg ha-1 de fertilizante mais 30 kg ha-1 de N em cobertura. Houve resposta até a dose máxima testada de 120 kg ha-1 de N, atingindo produtividade máxima de 3.170 kg ha-1. O parcelamento de N em cobertura não afetou a produtividade do feijoeiro.Three experiments were carried out to study the effect of different rates of lime, levels of basal chemical fertilizers and split N applications on common bean. The first experiment studied the response of bean to six rates of lime (0, 3, 6, 9, 12 and 15 ton ha-1. In the second experiment the response of five bean cultivars/lines (Aporé, Carioca, Novo Jalo, MA534657, and MA534666-2 to three rates of basal fertilizer treatments (200, 400 and 600 kg ha-1 of 4-30-16 complex fertilizer plus N side dressing of 30 kg ha-1 at 25 days after germination was studied. The third experiment studied the effect of different rates of N fertilization (0, 30, 60, 90 and

  10. Beneficios y perjuicios de la estrategia de imitación

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    Ana M. Arboleda


    Full Text Available Este artículo analiza la estrategia de imitación resaltando sus potenciales beneficios y perjuicios. Utilizando una metodología exploratoria, se usan 15 casos en los que se argumenta competencia desleal por imitación. La discusión ofrece un paralelo entre las razones que tiene una empresa para imitar y para no hacerlo. Se concluye que la imitación es una estrategia viable siempre que la marca se reconozca como atributo distintivo, al tiempo que las marcas seguidoras ganan participación de mercado y comunican atributos acordes a la categoría. Por el contrario, si la imitación afecta negativamente el esfuerzo de una marca por ser distintiva, vulnera la decisión del consumidor al generar confusión y desmotiva el esfuerzo empresarial por la innovación.

  11. Beneficios y perjuicios de la estrategia de imitación

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    Ana M. Arboleda


    Full Text Available Este artículo analiza la estrategia de imitación resaltando sus potenciales beneficios y perjuicios. Utilizando una metodología exploratoria, se usan 15 casos en los que se argumenta competencia desleal por imitación. La discusión ofrece un paralelo entre las razones que tiene una empresa para imitar y para no hacerlo. Se concluye que la imitación es una estrategia viable siempre que la marca se reconozca como atributo distintivo, al tiempo que las marcas seguidoras ganan participación de mercado y comunican atributos acordes a la categoría. Por el contrario, si la imitación afecta negativamente el esfuerzo de una marca por ser distintiva, vulnera la decisión del consumidor al generar confusión y desmotiva el esfuerzo empresarial por la innovación.

  12. Abordagem Bayesiana das curvas de crescimento de duas cultivares de feijoeiro Bayesian approach in the growth curves of two cultivars of common bean

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    Sebastião Martins Filho


    Full Text Available Neste trabalho foi utilizada a metodologia Bayesiana para ajustar o modelo não-linear logístico para dados de crescimento de duas cultivares de feijoeiro, "Neguinho" e "Carioca". O delineamento experimental utilizado foi o inteiramente casualizado, com vinte repetições, no esquema de parcelas subdivididas, sendo que os tratamentos principais foram constituídos pelas cultivares e as subparcelas foram constituídas por 17 períodos de avaliações, do plantio até aos 85 dias. A metodologia permitiu comparar as curvas de crescimentos sem utilizar a teoria assintótica e estes resultados mostraram um maior incremento em altura para a cultivar "Carioca".In this paper the Bayesian methodology was used to fit the logistic nonlinear model to growth data of two common bean cultivars, 'Neguinho' and 'Carioca'. The experiment was a split plot under a completely randomized design with twenty replicates, being the main treatments constituted by cultivars and the sub plots constituted by seventeen periods of evaluations, from planting to 85 days. The methodology allowed comparing the growth curves without using the asymptotic theory, and these results showed a larger height increment for the 'Carioca' cultivar.

  13. Planificación de la producción en una industria de consumo masivo utilizando la Teoría de las Restricciones


    Cabrera Ojeda, Daniel Alejandro


    102 páginas : ilustraciones,29 x 21 cm + CD-ROM 5335 Se realizaron parametrizaciones en un simulador, para representar la realidad actual de una compañía manufacturera, y de cómo se debe manejar, la planificación de la producción y la cadena de distribución con base en la teoría de las restricciones. Lo que conllevó que se tenga una disminución de 15 800 000 USA dólares en los niveles de inventario a lo largo del período analizado; es decir, al correr la simulación antes de la implementaci...

  14. Comparative effects of application of coated and non-coated urea in clayey and sandy paddy soil microcosms examined by the 15N tracer technique. 2. Effects on soil microbial biomass N and microbial 15N immobilization

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Acquaye, Solomon; Inubushi, Kazuyuki


    Nitrogen fertilizer and soil types exert an impact on plant and soil microbial biomass (SMB). A 15 N tracer experiment was conducted to compare the effects of the application of controlled-release coated urea (CRCU) and urea on SMB in gley (clayey) and sandy paddy soils. The fertilizers were applied at the rate of 8 g N m -2 for CRCU as deep-side placement and 10 g N m -2 for urea mixed into soil or applied into floodwater. The soil type and soil layer (surface: few millimeter depth of surface soil to include benthic algae; subsurface: 1 to 20 cm depth), but not the fertilizer type, affected the amount of microbial biomass N (B N ). On an area basis, subsurface soil layers contained about 2-3 times the amount of B N in the surface layers. The seasonal average B N amount i.e. at 1 to 20 cm depth, in the gley soil was 1.67 g N m -2 , compared to 1.20 g N m -2 for the sandy soil. The proportion of B N in total soil N was significantly influenced by the soil type and soil layer, and was higher for the surface layers of both soils and subsurface layer of the sandy soil than for the subsurface layer of gley soil. Soil type, soil layer, and fertilizer type significantly influenced the amount of microbial biomass 15 N (B 15N ). Unlike B N , the amount of B 15N was significantly higher in the surface (11.9-177.3 mg N m -2 ) than in the subsurface soil layers (4.8-83.6 mg N m -2 ), especially with urea application between 60 and 120 DAT (days after transplanting). At 30 DAT, the subsurface layer of the sandy soil showed a higher B 15N (218 mg N m -2 ) amount than the surface layer (133.4 mg N m -2 ). Sandy soil (4.8-218 mg N m -2 ) and urea (6.2-218 mg N m -2 ) induced a larger increase of the amount of B 15 N than the gley soil (6.2-83.6 mg N m -2 ) and CRCU (4.8-40 mg Nm -2 ). Again, the sandy soil, surface soil layers, and urea induced a higher proportion (%) of B 15N in B N than the gley soil, subsurface soil layers, and CRCU, respectively. The soil type affected B N

  15. Synthesis and NMR of {sup 15}N-labeled DNA fragments

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Jones, R.A. [Rutgers, The State Univ. of New Jersey, Piscataway, NJ (United States)


    DNA fragments labeled with {sup 15}N at the ring nitrogens and at the exocyclic amino groups can be used to obtain novel insight into interactions such as base pairing, hydration, drug binding, and protein binding. A number of synthetic routes to {sup 15}N-labeled pyrimidine nucleosides, purines, and purine nucleosides have been reported. Moreover, many of these labeled bases or monomers have been incorporated into nucleic acids, either by chemical synthesis or by biosynthetic procedures. The focus of this chapter will be on the preparation of {sup 15}N-labeled purine 2{prime}-deoxynucleosides, their incorporation into DNA fragments by chemical synthesis, and the results of NMR studies using these labeled DNA fragments.

  16. Use of low enriched 15N2 for symbiotic fixation tests

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Victoria, R.L.


    Gaseous atmospheres containing 15 N 2 with low enrichment were used to test symbiotic nitrogen fixation in beans (Phaseolus vulgari, L.). The tests of fixation in nodulated roots and the tests of fixation in the whole plant, in which the plants were placed inside a specially constructed growth chamber, gave positive results and suggest that the methodology used can be very helpfull in more detailed studies on symbiotic fixation. Samples of atmospheric air were purified by absorption of O 2 and CO 2 by two methods. The purified N 2 obtained was analysed and the results were compared. Samples of bean plant material were collected in natural conditions and analysed for 15 N natural variation. Several samples were prepared for 15 N isotopic analysis by two methods. The results obtained were compared. All samples were analysed in an Atlas-Varian Ch-4 model mass spectrometer, and the results were given in delta 15 N 0 / 00 variation in relation to a standard gas

  17. Yields, market values and n use efficiency (15n) in flue-cured tobacco influenced by basal fertilization time and n fertilizer

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Xie Zhijian; Tu Shuxin; Li Jinping; Chen Zhenguo; Xu Rubing; Cao Shiming; Li Jianping; Wang Xuelong; Chen Liangcun; Guo Li; Cao Xianglian; Hu Gongjun; Zhang Yunzheng


    A field experiment with 15 N isotope tracing micro-plots was carried out to study the effects of basal N fertilizer application time (0 d, 15 d, 30 d before the transplanting) on the yields, market values and N uptake, utilization and distribution in different organs of flue-cured tobacco (FCT) in two ecological tobacco production areas Zhaojiashan (N 31 degree 28', E 111 degree 15', 903 m above sea level) and Laowan (N 31 degree 27', E 111 degree 14', 1 130 m above sea level)] of Xiangfan city, Hubei province. The results showed that supplying N fertilizer significantly increased the yields and market values of FCT by 13%-40% and 14%-35% for the experimental site of Zhaojiashan (lower altitude ) and Laowan (higher altitude), respectively. Compared to applying basal fertilizer at 0 d before transplanting, applying basal fertilizer at 15-30 d before transplanting increased the market values by 10%-30% (P<0.05). And early application of basal N fertilizer (30 d before transplanting) increased N accumulation by 8%-26% as compared with that of applying basal N fertilizer at 0 d or 15 d before transplanting in the two ecological areas. There was no significant effects of basal N application time on N fertilizer efficiency in lower altitude site, but increasing by 3%-6% in higher altitude site. The proportion of fertilizer N to total N in FCT decreased by 8%-32% in lower altitude, but increased by 25%-32% in higher altitude when basal N fertilizer was supplied at 30d before transplanting., These results indicated that properly earlier supplication of basal N fertilizer could improve the N fertilizer efficiency, and thus increase the yields and market values of FCT, especially in higher altitude areas with less sunshine and lower temperature. (authors)

  18. Simultaneous determination of 14N and 15N isotopes in opium by proton induced γ-ray emission technique

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pritty Rao; Reddy, G.L.N.; Vikram Kumar, S.; Ramana, J.V.; Raju, V.S.; Sanjiv Kumar


    The paper describes the simultaneous determination of 14 N and 15 N isotopes in opium by proton induced γ-ray emission (PIGE) technique. The isotopic ratio of 14 N and 15 N is a useful parameter for assigning provenance of (seized) illicit drugs. The measurement, non-destructive in nature, is performed on pellets made up of opium powders and is based on the prompt detection of 2.313 and 4.4 MeV γ-rays emanating from 14 N(p,p'γ) 14 N and 15 N(p,αγ) 12 C nuclear reactions respectively, induced simultaneously by 3.6-3.8 MeV proton beam. Positive as well as negative deviations from the natural isotopic abundance (99.63:0.37) were observed in the samples. The precision of the measurements is about 4%. The methodology provides an easy and rapid approach to determine the isotopic ratio of 14 N and 15 N and has been used for the first time in the analysis of opium. (author)

  19. 1H, 13C and 13N chemical shifts and 1H-15N and 13C-15N heteronuclear spin-spin coupling constants n the NMR spectra of 5-substituted furfural oximes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Popelis, Yu.Yu.; Liepin'sh, E.E.; Lukevits, E.Ya.


    The 1 H, 13 C, and 15 N NMR spectra of 15 N-enriched 5-substituted furfural oximes were investigated. It was shown that the chemical shifts of the ring atoms and the oxime group correlate satisfactorily with the F and R substituent constants, whereas their sensitivity to the effect of the substituents is lower than in monosubstituted furan derivatives. The constants of spin-spin coupling between the ring protons and the oxime group were determined. An analysis of the 1 H- 1 H spin-spin coupling constants (SSCC) on the basis of their stereospecificity indicates that the E isomers have primarily an s-trans conformation in polar dimethyl sulfoxide, whereas the Z isomers, on the other hand, have an s-cis conformation. The signs of the direct and geminal 13 C- 15 N SSCC were determined for 5-trimethylsilylfurfural oxime

  20. Modified micro-diffusion method for 15N-enriched soil solutions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Aigner, M.


    The preparation of solutions for determination of 15 N/ 14 N isotope ratios is described, with special reference to dilute samples. A micro-diffusion method has been simplified to be more suitable for rapid isotope-ratio determination in soil solutions collected in tensionics. Ammonia expelled during micro-diffusion is captured on acidified filter discs fixed to the caps of gas-tight vials. The discs are transferred to tin capsules for shipment to the Soil Science Unit for 15 N-enrichment determination. (author)

  1. Composición de sedimentos en las zonas costeras de Costa Rica utilizando Fluorescencia de Rayos-X (FRX

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    Alfonso Salazar M


    Full Text Available Utilizando Fluorescencia de Rayos-X dispersiva en energía, que permite la evaluación simultánea de los isótopos estables de trece elementos, se analizaron setenta y cuatro muestras de sedimentos marinos de las regiones intermareales para las costas del Caribe y del Pacífico Norte, Central y Sur de Costa Rica. Los elementos calcio y hierro fueron los más abundantes y son representativos del origen de la formación natural del sedimento, estando el primero asociado a procesos biogénicos, tales como sistemas arrecifales coralinos cercanos al sitio de muestreo y el segundo esta asociado mas bien a sedimentos de carácter litogénico. En general, las playas del Pacífico Norte mostraron la mayor concentración de calcio lo que es indicativo de mayor existencia de estructuras arrecifales en sus alrededores. El análisis de los elementos traza, ligados a un origen terrígeno, muestras un patrón similar al hierro en la mayoría de las regiones. Las playas del Pacífico Central y Sur muestran las mayores concentraciones de estos elementos traza, indicando una mayor contribución terrígena y/o poco contribución de carbonato de calcio debido al escaso desarrollo de estructuras coralinas en estas regiones. Por último, el análisis no mostró evidencia de contaminación antropogénica y solo una sección al norte de la Playa Puerto Viejo presentaron concentraciones altas de plomo zinc y titanio, lo cual podría estar ligado a fuentes hidrotermales en esta regiónUsing an energy dispersive X-Ray fluorescence analysis, simultaneous evaluation of K, Ca, Ti, Cr, Mn, Ge, Ni, Cu, Zn, Br, Rb, Sr and Pb in 74 marine sediment samples from the Costa Rica intertidal zones was conducted. Samples were collected between June 1999 and December 2001, from Caribbean and Pacific beaches of Costa Rica. Calcium and iron showed the highest abundances and are indicators of the natural origin of the sediments. Calcium is associated with biogenic processes such as coral

  2. Study of some excited states in 21Ne-21Na, 18O-18F and 15N-15O nuclei

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Drain, D.


    The study of 21 Ne- 21 Na, 18 O- 18 F and 15 N- 15 O nuclei was performed through proton capture and transfer reactions and allows to determine the spins and parities of some excited states, give the gamma deexcitation schemes of these levels, compute the neutron and proton reduced width γ 2 sub(n) and γ 2 sub(p). The levels studied are: in 21 Na 4.15 20 Ne(p,p), (p,p'), (p,p'γ) and (pγ) reactions) and in 21 Ne: E(exc)=4.73, 5.69 and 5.78 MeV ( 20 Ne (p,p) reaction); in 18 O: E(exc) 17 O(d,p) reaction); in 15 O: 8.92 MeV doublet and 8.98 MeV level (angular correlation 14 N(p,γγ) and in 15 N: 9.05 14 N(d,p) reaction). A comparison with theoretical results is discussed and analog states are pointed out [fr

  3. Recovery of 15N-urea in soil-plant system of tanzania grass pasture

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Martha Junior, Geraldo Bueno; Vilela, Lourival; Corsi, Moacyr; Trivelin, Paulo Cesar Ocheuze


    The economic attractiveness and negative environmental impact of nitrogen (N) fertilization in pastures depend on the N use efficiency in the soil-plant system. However, the recovery of urea- 15 N by Panicum maximum cv. Tanzania pastures, one of the most widely used forage species in intensified pastoral systems, is still unknown. This experiment was conducted in a randomized complete block design with four treatments (0, 40, 80 and 120 kg ha-1 of N-urea) and three replications, to determine the recovery of 15 N urea by Tanzania grass. Forage production, total N content and N yield were not affected by fertilization (p > 0.05), reflecting the high losses of applied N under the experimental conditions. The recovery of 15 N urea (% of applied N) in forage and roots was not affected by fertilization levels (p > 0.05), but decreased exponentially in the soil and soil-plant system (p 15 N (kg ha -1 ) in forage and roots (15 to 30 cm) increased with increasing urea doses (p < 0.05). (author)


    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Fontani, F. [INAF-Osservatorio Astrofisico di Arcetri, L.go E. Fermi 5, I-50125 Firenze (Italy); Caselli, P.; Bizzocchi, L. [Max Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics, Giessenbachstrasse 1, D-85748 Garching (Germany); Palau, A. [Centro de Radioastronomía y Astrofísica, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, P.O. Box 3-72, 58090 Morelia, Michoacán, México (Mexico); Ceccarelli, C. [Univ. Grenoble Alpes, IPAG, F-38000 Grenoble (France)


    We report on the first measurements of the isotopic ratio {sup 14}N/{sup 15}N in N{sub 2}H{sup +} toward a statistically significant sample of high-mass star-forming cores. The sources belong to the three main evolutionary categories of the high-mass star formation process: high-mass starless cores, high-mass protostellar objects, and ultracompact H ii regions. Simultaneous measurements of the {sup 14}N/{sup 15}N ratio in CN have been made. The {sup 14}N/{sup 15}N ratios derived from N{sub 2}H{sup +} show a large spread (from ∼180 up to ∼1300), while those derived from CN are in between the value measured in the terrestrial atmosphere (∼270) and that of the proto-solar nebula (∼440) for the large majority of the sources within the errors. However, this different spread might be due to the fact that the sources detected in the N{sub 2}H{sup +} isotopologues are more than those detected in the CN ones. The {sup 14}N/{sup 15}N ratio does not change significantly with the source evolutionary stage, which indicates that time seems to be irrelevant for the fractionation of nitrogen. We also find a possible anticorrelation between the {sup 14}N/{sup 15}N (as derived from N{sub 2}H{sup +}) and the H/D isotopic ratios. This suggests that {sup 15}N enrichment could not be linked to the parameters that cause D enrichment, in agreement with the prediction by recent chemical models. These models, however, are not able to reproduce the observed large spread in {sup 14}N/{sup 15}N, pointing out that some important routes of nitrogen fractionation could be still missing in the models.

  5. Tissue N content and 15N natural abundance in epilithic mosses for indicating atmospheric N deposition in the Guiyang area, SW China

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Liu Xueyan; Xiao Huayun; Liu Congqiang; Li Youyi; Xiao Hongwei


    Tissue N contents and δ 15 N signatures in 175 epilithic mosses were investigated from urban to rural sites in Guiyang (SW China) to determine atmospheric N deposition. Moss N contents (0.85-2.97%) showed a significant decrease from the urban area (mean = 2.24 ± 0.32%, 0-5 km) to the rural area (mean = 1.27 ± 0.13%, 20-25 km), indicating that the level of N deposition decreased away from the urban environment, while slightly higher N contents re-occurred at sites beyond 30 km, suggesting higher N deposition in more remote rural areas. Moss δ 15 N ranged from -12.50 per mille to -1.39 per mille and showed a clear bimodal distribution (-12 per mille to -6 per mille and -5 per mille to -2 per mille ), suggesting that there are two main sources for N deposition in the Guiyang area. More negative δ 15 N (mean = -8.87 ± 1.65 per mille ) of urban mosses mainly indicated NH 3 released from excretory wastes and sewage, while the less negative δ 15 N (from -3.83 ± 0.82 per mille to -2.48 ± 0.95 per mille ) of rural mosses were mainly influenced by agricultural NH 3 . With more negative values in the urban area than in the rural area, the pattern of moss δ 15 N variation in Guiyang was found to be opposite to cities where N deposition is dominated by NO x -N. Therefore, NH x -N is the dominant N form deposited in the Guiyang area, which is supported by higher NH x -N than NO x -N in local atmospheric deposition. From the data showing that moss is responding to NH x -N/NO x -N in deposition it can be further demonstrated that the variation of moss δ 15 N from the Guiyang urban to rural area was more likely controlled by the ratio of urban-NH x /agriculture-NH x than the ratio of NH x -N/NO x -N. The results of this study have extended knowledge of atmospheric N sources in city areas, showing that urban sewage discharge could be important in cities co-generic to Guiyang

  6. Food resources of stream macroinvertebrates determined by natural-abundance stable C and N isotopes and a 15N tracer addition (United States)

    Patrick J. Mulholland; Jennifer L. Tank; Diane M. Sanzone; Wilfrid M. Wollheim; Bruce J. Peterson; Jackson R. Webster; Judy L. Meyer


    Trophic relationships were examined using natural-abundance 13C and 15N analyses and a 15N-tracer addition experiment in Walker Branch, a 1st-order forested stream in eastern Tennessee. In the 15N-tracer addition experiment, we added 15NH4...

  7. Isotopic enrichment of 15N by ionic exchange cromatography

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Trivelin, P.C.O.; Matsui, E.; Salati, E.


    The ionic exchange chromatographic method in columns of resin which is employed in the study of isotopic enrichment of 15 N is presented. Determinations are made of the isotopic separation constant for the exchange of isotopes 15 N and 14 N in the equilibrium involving ammonium hidroxide in the solution phase and ions NH 4 + adsorbed in cationic resins: Dowex 50W-X8 and X12, 100-200 mesh. Experiments are also conducted for determination of height of theoretical plates for situations of equilibrium of the NH 4 + band in two systems of resin's columns aimed at estimating the experimental conditions used. The isotopic analyses of nitrogen are carried out by mass spectrometry [pt

  8. 15N in biological nitrogen fixation studies

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Faust, H.


    A bibliography with 298 references on the use of the stable nitrogen isotope 15 N in the research on the biological fixation of dinitrogen is presented. The literature pertaining to this bibliography covers the period from 1975 to the middle of 1985. (author)

  9. Investigation of the metabolism of colostomized laying hens with 15N-labelled wheat. 5

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gruhn, K.


    In an experiment with 3 colostomized laying hybrids each animal received 80 g pelleted mixed feed and 40 g 15 N-labelled wheat with 20.13 atom-% 15 N excess ( 15 N') over a period of four days. On the following four days the hens received rations composed in the same way with unlabelled wheat, however in the tissues and organs of the slaughtered hens 15 N' was determined in the total N and the amino acids lysine, histidine and arginine in both the segments of the gastro intestinal tract and in its content. The amount of 15 N' stomach, small intestine and colon was 43.7%, 27.2% and 29.1%, respectively. The tissue of the small intestine contained, on an average, the highest 15 N' in lysine of all the basic amino acids. It was 0.82 atom-% 15 N' for lysine, 0.55% for histidine and 0.63% for arginine. The percentage of the 15 N' of the basic amino acids from the corresponding total 15 N' amount of the charges was 20.5% in the contents of the gastrointestinal tract, 28.0% in the stomach tissue and in the tissues of the small intestine 24.4% of the cecum 21.5% and of the rectum 25.7%. (author)

  10. 15N/14N variations in Cretaceous Atlantic sedimentary sequences: implication for past changes in marine nitrogen biogeochemistry (United States)

    Rau, G.H.; Arthur, M.A.; Dean, W.E.


    At two locations in the Atlantic Ocean (DSDP Sites 367 and 530) early to middle Cretaceous organic-carbon-rich beds ("black shales") were found to have significantly lower ??15N values (lower 15N/14N ratios) than adjacent organic-carbon-poor beds (white limestones or green claystones). While these lithologies are of marine origin, the black strata in particular have ??15N values that are significantly lower than those previously found in the marine sediment record and most contemporary marine nitrogen pools. In contrast, black, organic-carbon-rich beds at a third site (DSDP Site 603) contain predominantly terrestrial organic matter and have C- and N-isotopic compositions similar to organic matter of modern terrestrial origin. The recurring 15N depletion in the marine-derived Cretaceous sequences prove that the nitrogen they contain is the end result of an episodic and atypical biogeochemistry. Existing isotopic and other data indicate that the low 15N relative abundance is the consequence of pelagic rather than post-depositional processes. Reduced ocean circulation, increased denitrification, and, hence, reduced euphotic zone nitrate availability may have led to Cretaceous phytoplankton assemblages that were periodically dominated by N2-fixing blue-green algae, a possible source of this sediment 15N-depletion. Lack of parallel isotopic shifts in Cretaceous terrestrially-derived nitrogen (Site 603) argues that the above change in nitrogen cycling during this period did not extend beyond the marine environment. ?? 1987.

  11. Implementación de un servidor FTP utilizando el modelo cliente/servidor mediante el uso de sockets en lenguaje c UNIX con el fin de mejorar los tiempos de respuesta en la red


    Murillo, Juan de Dios; Caamaño Polini, Santiago


    Este trabajo pretende evaluar la latencia en la transferencia de archivos utilizando un servidor FTP con un modelo cliente-servidor empleando una computadora con el sistema operativo Fedora para ejecutar el código del modelo cliente/servidor con sockets en lenguaje C UNIX, con el fin de simular un servidor que contiene archivos con diferentes formatos y tamaños, y medir la latencia de la transmisión al subir y descargar los archivos del servidor, usando diferentes tamaños de buffer. Con los r...

  12. Liver function tests using the stable isotope /sup 15/N

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Faust, H; Jung, K; Hirschberg, K; Krumbiegel, P; Junghans, P; Reinhardt, R; Matkowitz, R; Teichmann, B


    Several liver function tests using oral application of a nitrogen compound labelled with /sup 15/N and the subsequent determination of /sup 15/N in a certain fraction of urine or in the total urine by emission spectrometry are described. Because of the key function of the liver in the metabolism of nitrogen compounds, the results of these tests allow conclusions concerning some disturbances of liver functions.

  13. Coral skeletal δ15N reveals isotopic traces of an agricultural revolution

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Marion, Guy S.; Dunbar, Robert B.; Mucciarone, David A.; Kremer, James N.; Lansing, J. Stephen; Arthawiguna, Alit


    This study introduces a new method of tracing the history of nutrient loading in coastal oceans via δ 15 N analysis of organic nitrogen preserved in the skeleton of the massive Porites coral. Four coral cores were collected in Bali, Indonesia, from reefs exposed to high levels of fertilizers in agricultural run-off, from lagoonal corals impacted by sewage, and from a reef located 30 km offshore. Skeletal δ 15 N in the agriculturally exposed coral declined from 10.7 ± 0.4 per mille in 1970-1971, when synthetic fertilizers (-0.8 per mille ± 0.2 per mille ) were introduced to Bali, to a depleted 'anthropogenic' baseline of 3.5 per mille ± 0.4% in the mid-1990s. δ 15 N values were negatively correlated with rainfall, suggesting that marine δ 15 N lowers during flood-born influxes of waste fertilizers. Reef cores exposed to untreated sewage in terrestrial discharge were enriched (7.8 and 7.3 ± 0.4 per mille ), while the offshore core reflected background oceanic signals (6.2 ± 0.4 per mille). δ 15 N, N concentration, and C:N systematics indicate that the N isotopic composition of skeletal organic matter was generally well preserved over 30 years. We suggest that skeletal organic δ 15 N can serve as a recorder of past nitrogen sources. In Bali, this tracer suggests that the intensification of Western style agricultural practices since 1970 are contributing to the degradation of coastal coral reefs

  14. Isotopic enrichment of 15N by ionic exchange chromatography

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Trivelin, P.C.O.


    The present paper presents some studies on production of 15 N-enriched ammonium sulphate with 5% atoms by ionic exchange chromatography method. Two systems are described of columns of resin, where experiments were conducted by eluition of NH 4 + bands with sodium hydroxide solution. Analyses were made of the cost of production of 15 N-enriched ammonium sulphate 5% atoms and, based on the experiments developed, a cost was obtained which was compatible with the international price of the product. The isotopic analyses of nitrogen were made by mass spectrometry. (Author) [pt

  15. Disturbance and topography shape nitrogen availability and δ15 N over long-term forest succession (United States)

    Perakis, Steven; Tepley, Alan J.; Compton, Jana


    Forest disturbance and long-term succession towards old-growth are thought to increase nitrogen (N) availability and N loss, which should increase soil δ15N values. We examined soil and foliar patterns in N and δ15N, and soil N mineralization, across 800 years of forest succession in a topographically complex montane landscape influenced by human logging and wildfire. In contrast to expectations, we found that disturbance caused declines in surface mineral soil δ15N values, both in logged forests measured 40–50 years after disturbance, and in unlogged forests disturbed by severe wildfire within the last 200 years. Both symbiotic N fixation and N transfers from disturbed vegetation and detritus could lower soil δ15N values after disturbance. A more important role for symbiotic N fixation is suggested by lower soil δ15N values in slow-successional sites with slow canopy closure, which favors early-successional N fixers. Soil δ15N values increased only marginally throughout 800 years of succession, reflecting soil N uptake by vegetation and strong overall N retention. Although post-disturbance N inputs lowered surface soil δ15N values, steady-state mass balance calculations suggest that wildfire combustion of vegetation and detritus can dominate long-term N loss and increase whole-ecosystem δ15N. On steeper topography, declining soil δ15N values highlight erosion and accelerated soil turnover as an additional abiotic control on N balances. We conclude for N-limited montane forests that soil δ15N and N availability are less influenced by nitrate leaching and denitrification loss than by interactions between disturbance, N fixation, and erosion.

  16. Nitrate movement and plant uptake of N in a field soil receiving 15N-enriched fertilizer

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Broadbent, F.E.; Krauter, C.


    A plot of 13.9 m 2 on Yolo fine sandy loam was fertilized with (NH 4 ) 2 SO 4 containing 8.04 atom percent excess 15 N at the rate of 112 kg N/hectare and planted first to wheat and then to corn. The plot was surrounded by a buffer zone of 405 m 2 which was treated in identical fashion except that unlabeled fertilizer was used. Porous ceramic probes for measuring soil moisture tension and for extraction of soil solution were installed depths from 15 to 180 cm. Harvested crops were analyzed for 15 N as were soil cores taken after crop harvest. Nitrate-N concentrations in the soil solution at 15 cm ranged from a maximum in March of 70 ppM, of which 39 ppM was derived from fertilizer, to a minimum of 0.2 ppM in July. The largest amount of fertilizer-derived NO 3 -N at 180 cm was 0.28 percent of that applied, contributing 0.36 ppM to the concentration at that depth. The wheat crop removed 32.3 percent of the fertilizer N and the corn crop utilized 22.8 percent. Organic and inorganic N remaining in the soil after cropping represented 32.9 percent of the applied N, leaving 12.0 percent unaccounted for. The consistently low nitrate concentrations at 180 cm suggest that this deficit was not due to leaching, and should be attributed to denitrification. (U.S.)

  17. 17 CFR 239.15 - Form N-1 for open-end management investment companies registered on Form N-8A. (United States)


    ... management investment companies registered on Form N-8A. 239.15 Section 239.15 Commodity and Securities... Registration Statements § 239.15 Form N-1 for open-end management investment companies registered on Form N-8A...-end management investment companies that are separate accounts of insurance companies as defined by...

  18. Prevalencia de erosión dental en niños de 6 a 12 años de edad utilizando el índice Basic Erosive Wear Examination (BEWE

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Karla Rosella Baltuano Songhurst


    Full Text Available Objetivos: El objetivo de este estudio fue determinar la prevalencia, distribución y severidad de erosión dental en niños de 6 a 12 años de edad de la institución educativa pública Domingo Faustino Sarmiento, Lima-Perú. Material y métodos: Una muestra aleatoria de 247 niños de primaria fueron evaluados clínicamente para medir la erosión dental utilizando el índice Basic Erosive Wear Examination (BEWE, obteniendo un score acumulativo el cual posteriormente es comparado con el cuadro de niveles de riesgo/manejo clínico propio del índice. Se realizó un análisis descriptivo de las variables presencia de erosión dental, género, edad, localización de la lesión. Resultados: La prevalencia de erosión dental fue de 9.31% y la media y DS del score BEWE fue 0.25±0.90. Conclusiones: La erosión dental en niños de 6 a 12 años encontrada en esta institución educativa es menor a la de otros estudios epidemiológicos realizados en escuelas de otras partes del mundo. Este tipo de estudio epidemiológico puede ser viable en niños de este rango de edad de otras partes del Perú, en donde las costumbres, hábitos alimenticios y otros factores varían notablemente.

  19. Cross sections and analyzing powers of 15N(p,n)15O at 200 MeV and 494 MeV

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ciskowski, D.E.


    Differential cross sections and analyzing powers have been measured for the 15 N(p,n) 15 O(g.s.) reaction at bombarding energies of 200 MeV and 494 MeV. The 494 MeV data were obtained at the LAMPF Neutron Time-Of-Flight Facility on an 82 m flight path with a resolution of about 2.7 MeV. The 200 MeV data were obtained at IUCF on a 76m flight path with a resolution of about 1.1 MeV. At both energies, the measured analyzing power is small, the magnitude is less than .2 for momentum transfers of less than 1 fm -1 . In contrast, both Relativistic and standard DWIA calculations predict a maximum of A=-.7 near q=0.7 fm -1 . 53 refs., 44 figs

  20. Incorporation of 15N-inorganic nitrogen into free-amino acids in germinating corn

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Samukawa, Kisaburo; Yamaguchi, Masuro


    Incorporation of 15 N-labeled compounds, (K 15 NO 3 ) and ( 15 NH 4 ) 2 SO 4 , into free-amino acids was measured in germinating corn. Sterilized seeds of sweet corn (Choko No. 865) were sown on the filter papers soaked in 10 ml of the solution containing one of the labeled compounds (40 ppm N, 99 atom % excess) in petri dishes and germinated at 30 deg C. After 48 hours and 72 hours, 15 N-incorporation was measured in 5 seedlings selected owing to uniform growth. A GC-MS was used for measuring the ratio of 15 N isotopes present in free-amino acids. 15 N incorporation into free-amino acids hardly occurred when corn was germinated in the solution containing K 15 NO 3 , which suggested that endogenous nitrogen was used during the early germination stage of corn when nitrate is present. Incorporation into amino acids was greater when corn was germinated in the medium containing ( 15 NH 4 ) 2 SO 4 , than the case of the solution containing K 15 NO 3 . When corn was germinated in the solution containing ( 15 NH 4 ) 2 SO 4 , assimilation of 15 N into asparagine or aspartic acid was comparatively higher than that into the other amino acids, though the incorporation rate was low. Thus, in intact germinating corn, the hydrolyzed product of protein was utilized for germination with priority, and dependence on exogenous nitrogen was low. (Kaihara, S.)

  1. Human baby hair amino acid natural abundance 15N-isotope values are not related to the 15N-isotope values of amino acids in mother's breast milk protein. (United States)

    Romek, Katarzyna M; Julien, Maxime; Frasquet-Darrieux, Marine; Tea, Illa; Antheaume, Ingrid; Hankard, Régis; Robins, Richard J


    Since exclusively breast-suckled infants obtain their nutrient only from their mother's milk, it might be anticipated that a correlation will exist between the (15)N/(14)N isotope ratios of amino acids of protein of young infants and those supplied by their mother. The work presented here aimed to determine whether amino nitrogen transfer from human milk to infant hair protein synthesized within the first month of life conserves the maternal isotopic signature or whether post-ingestion fractionation dominates the nitrogen isotope spectrum. The study was conducted at 1 month post-birth on 100 mother-infant pairs. Isotope ratios (15)N/(14)N and (13)C/(12)C were measured using isotope ratio measurement by Mass Spectrometry (irm-MS) for whole maternal milk, and infant hair and (15)N/(14)N ratios were also measured by GC-irm-MS for the N-pivaloyl-O-isopropyl esters of amino acids obtained from the hydrolysis of milk and hair proteins. The δ(15)N and δ(13)C (‰) were found to be significantly higher in infant hair than in breast milk (δ(15)N, P amino acids in infant hair was also significantly higher than that in maternal milk (P < 0.001). By calculation, the observed shift in isotope ratio was shown not to be accounted for by the amino acid composition of hair and milk proteins, indicating that it is not simply due to differences in the composition in the proteins present. Rather, it would appear that each pool-mother and infant-turns over independently, and that fractionation in infant N-metabolism even in the first month of life dominates over the nutrient N-content.

  2. Characterization of amino acid metabolism by cultured rat kidney cells: Study with 15N

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nissim, I.; States, B.; Yudkoff, M.; Segal, S.


    The present study evaluates the metabolism of glutamine and glutamate by normal rat kidney (NRK) cells. The major aim was to evaluate the effect of acute acidosis on the metabolism of amino acid and ammonia formation by cultured NRK cells. Experiments at either pH 7.0 or 7.4 were conducted with phosphate-buffered saline supplemented with either 1 mM [5- 15 N]glutamine, [2- 15 N]glutamine, or [ 15 N]glutamate. Incubation with either glutamine or glutamate as a precursor showed that production of ammonia and glucose was increased significantly at pH 7.0 vs 7.4. In experiments with [5- 15 N]glutamine, the authors found that ∼57 and 43% of ammonia N was derived from 5-N of glutamine at pH 7.4 and 7.0, respectively. Three major metabolic pathways of [2- 15 N]glutamine or [ 15 N]glutamate disposal were identified: (1) transamination reactions involving the pH-independent formation of [ 15 N] aspartate and [ 15 N]alanine; (2) the synthesis of [6- 15 NH 2 ]adenine nucleotide, a process more active at pH 7.4 vs. 7.0; and (3) glutamine synthesis from [ 15 N]glutamate, especially at pH 7.4. The data indicate that NRK cells in culture consume glutamine and glutamate and generate ammonia and various amino acids, depending on the H + concentration in the media. The studies suggest that these cell lines may provide a useful model for studying various aspects of the effect of pH on rat renal ammoniagenesis

  3. 15N incorporation into organ proteins of newborn rats following single pulse-labelling with different tracers

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wutzke, K.D.; Plath, C.; Richter, I.; Heine, W.; Zhukova, T.P.; Sorokina, E.G.; Friedrich, M.


    A short-chain 15 N-peptide mixture characterized by an average chain length of 2.3 was obtained when 15 N-labelled yeast protein was hydrolyzed enzymatically by thermitase from Thermoactinomyces vulgaris. Fifteen newborn Wistar rats were given a single pulse of [ 15 N]glycine. [ 15 N]H 4 Cl and [ 15 N]yeast protein thermitasehydrolysate (YPTH) in a dosage of 50 mg 15 N excess kg -1 by gastric tube. In comparison with [ 15 N]glycine the 15 N incorporation rates of brain, muscle and liver were approximately 150% higher after [ 15 N]YPTH application. Uniform labelling, high 15 N enrichment, almost complete absorption, avoidance of imbalances and the low price make this tracer substance superior to other tracers conventionally used for organ labelling. (author)

  4. Absorption and translocation of 15N in Japonica (Hinohikari) and Indica (Hadsaduri) rice varieties

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Islam, N.; Inagaki, S.; Chishaki, N.; Horiguchi, T.


    The absorption and translocation of 15 N-labeled nitrogen (N) applied as three N levels of ammonium nitrate at the stages of panicle initiation (PI) and heading (HD) were compared between a japonica rice variety (var. Hinohikari) and a tall indica rice variety (var. Hadsaduri) by growing them hydroponically. With the supply of low N level, 15 N absorption by the japonica variety was larger, but at medium and high N levels, the tall indica variety absorbed larger amounts of 15 N at both stages. However, the amount of 15 N partitioned to the panicles at maturity was considerably smaller in the indica variety, since dry matter allocation to the panicles was also smaller in this variety. The tall indica variety showed a considerable loss of 15 N from heading to maturity at the high N-level unlike the japonica variety. (author)

  5. Fate of 15N and 14C from labelled plant material

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Rasmussen, Jim; Gjettermann, Birgitte; Eriksen, Jørgen


    strength of labelled plant residues in dissolved inorganic N (DIN) and dissolved organic N (DON) in pore water from the plough layer, and (ii) the plant uptake of organically bound N. Litterbags containing 14C- and 15N-labelled ryegrass or clover roots or leaves were inserted into the sward of a ryegrass......–clover mixture in early spring. The fate of the released 14C and 15N was monitored in harvested biomass, roots, soil, and pore water percolating from the plough layer. No evidence of plant uptake of dual-labelled organic compounds from the dual-labelled residues could be observed. N in pore water from the plough...

  6. Nitrogen turnover of three different agricultural soils determined by 15N triple labelling (United States)

    Fiedler, Sebastian R.; Kleineidam, Kristina; Strasilla, Nicol; Schlüter, Steffen; Reent Köster, Jan; Well, Reinhard; Müller, Christoph; Wrage-Mönnig, Nicole


    To meet the demand for data to improve existing N turnover models and to evaluate the effect of different soil physical properties on gross nitrogen (N) transformation rates, we investigated two arable soils and a grassland soil after addition of ammonium nitrate (NH4NO3), where either ammonium (NH4+), or nitrate (NO3-), or both pools have been labelled with 15N at 60 atom% excess (triple 15N tracing method). Besides NH4+, NO3- and nitrite (NO2-) contents with their respective 15N enrichment, nitrous oxide (N2O) and dinitrogen (N2) fluxes have been determined. Each soil was adjusted to 60 % of maximum water holding capacity and pre-incubated at 20˚ C for two weeks. After application of the differently labelled N fertilizer, the soils were further incubated at 20˚ C under aerobic conditions in a He-N2-O2 atmosphere (21 % O2, 76 He, 2% N2) to increase the sensitivity of N2 rates via the 15N gas flux method. Over a 2 week period soil N pools were quantified by 2 M KCl extraction (adjusted to pH 7 to prevent nitrite losses) (Stevens and Laughlin, 1995) and N gas fluxes were measured by gas chromatography in combination with IRMS. Here, we present the pool sizes and fluxes as well as the 15N enrichments during the study. Results are discussed in light of the soil differences that were responsible for the difference in gross N dynamics quantified by the 15N tracing model Ntrace (Müller et al., 2007). References Müller, C., T. Rütting, J. Kattge, R.J. Laughlin, and R.J. Stevens, (2007) Estimation of parameters in complex 15N tracing models by Monte Carlo sampling. Soil Biology & Biochemistry. 39(3): p. 715-726. Stevens, R.J. and R.J. Laughlin, (1995) Nitrite transformations during soil extraction with potassium chloride. Soil Science Society of America Journal. 59(3): p. 933-938.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    María S. Guala


    Full Text Available La destilación por arrastre con vapor es uno de los métodos más utilizados para la obtención de aceite esencial crudo (AEC. Muchas aplicaciones requieren fracciones de AEC, enriquecidas en un componente o grupo de ellos, para lo cual se utiliza destilación al vacío. En este trabajo se propone realizar un fraccionamiento del aceite esencial crudo (AEC durante el proceso de extracción por destilación con arrastre de vapor, para lo cual se colectaron distintos cortes, en lugar de una única mezcla final que es la metodología tradicionalmente utilizada. Las experiencias se llevaron a cabo utilizando frutos, hojas y tallos de aguaribay (Schinus molle L.. La composición de las distintas muestras obtenidas se determinó por cromatografía gaseosa acoplada a espectroscopía de masas. Los resultados muestran diferentes componentes (y concentraciones para los diferentes cortes, lo que indica que se puede lograr una apreciable separación utilizando esta metodología.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    D. V. Castro


    Full Text Available El aceite esencial de eneldo tiene propiedades antimicrobianas y antifúngicas, por lo que puede ser utilizado para evitar el deterioro de los alimentos. En esta investigación se evaluó la capacidad inhibitoria del aceite esencial de eneldo sobre Staphylococcus aureus , coliformes y hongos presentes en la carne de trucha ( Oncorhynchus mykiss , utilizando 50 y 100 μL de aceite esencial. Se evaluaron diferentes condiciones de extracción del aceite esencial mediante el método de hidrodestilación y se logró un rendimiento máximo en base seca de 1,32% utilizando una relación 1:5 de agua y material vegetal durante 90 minutos. Al evaluar la capacidad antimicrobiana, el mayor efecto inhibitorio se obtuvo al aplicar 100 μL de aceite esencial de eneldo en cultivos de Staphylococcus aureus , coliformes fecales, coliformes totales y hongos, evidenciándose un mayor halo de inhibición para coliformes totales.

  9. Partial Molar Volumes of 15-Crown-5 Ether in Mixtures of N,N-Dimethylformamide with Water. (United States)

    Tyczyńska, Magdalena; Jóźwiak, Małgorzata


    The density of 15-crown-5 ether (15C5) solutions in the mixtures of N,N -dimethylformamide (DMF) and water (H 2 O) was measured within the temperature range 293.15-308.15 K using an Anton Paar oscillatory U-tube densimeter. The results were used to calculate the apparent molar volumes ( V Φ ) of 15C5 in the mixtures of DMF + H 2 O over the whole concentration range. Using the apparent molar volumes and Redlich and Mayer equation, the standard partial molar volumes of 15-crown-5 were calculated at infinite dilution ([Formula: see text]). The limiting apparent molar expansibilities ( α ) were also calculated. The data are discussed from the point of view of the effect of concentration changes on interactions in solution.

  10. 15N Kinetic Analysis of N2O Production by Nitrosomonas europaea: an Examination of Nitrifier Denitrification


    Poth, Mark; Focht, Dennis D.


    A series of 15N isotope tracer experiments showed that Nitrosomonas europaea produces nitrous oxide only under oxygen-limiting conditions and that the labeled N from nitrite, but not nitrate, is incorporated into nitrous oxide, indicating the presence of the “denitrifying enzyme” nitrite reductase. A kinetic analysis of the m/z 44, 45, and 46 nitrous oxide produced by washed cell suspensions of N. europaea when incubated with 4 mM ammonium (99% 14N) and 0.4 mM nitrite (99% 15N) was performed....

  11. Utilization of 15N in the sequence of mineral fertilizer - forage - animal - slurry - forage

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Peschke, H.


    After systematic application of 15 N-ammonium nitrate, the change of the dinuclidic composition and 15 N quantity was studied by isotope analysis of several open systems in the sequence mineral fertilizer - (soil) - forage - (animal) - slurry - (soil) - forage. The relative 15 N isotope frequency of 50 atom% in the mineral fertilizer declined to 12.2 to 21.4 atom% in the forage (beet, oats, hay) and went down to 3.15 atom% in the slurry of a dairy cow fed on this forage. Silage maize manured with the slurry of the dairy cow only showed 1.98 atom %, green oats grown after the silage maize on the same area was found to have 0.45 atom%. The 15 N quantity of 104.5 g N in the fertilizer gradually decreased to 41.6 g N in the forage, 30.5 g N in the slurry and 22.6 g N in the silage maize. The causes discussed are 15 N isotope dilution as qualitative factor and productive and unproductive N losses as quantitative factors. (author)

  12. Indirect Measurement of 15N(p,α)12C and 18O(p,α)15N. Applications to the AGB Star Nucleosynthesis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    La Cognata, M.; Spitaleri, C.; Cherubini, S.; Crucilla, V.; Gulino, M.; Lamia, L.; Pizzone, R. G.; Puglia, S. M. R.; Rapisarda, G. G.; Romano, S.; Sergi, M. L.; Tumino, A.; Tribble, R.; Al-Abdullah, T.; Banu, A.; Fu, C.; Goldberg, V.; Mukhamedzhanov, A.; Tabacaru, G.; Trache, L.


    The Trojan Horse Method has been recently applied to the study of reactions involved in fluorine nucleosynthesis inside AGB stars. Fluorine abundance is important since it allows to constrain mixing models from the comparison of the observed fluorine abundances with the ones predicted by models. Anyway direct measurements of the cross section do not extend down to the Gamow peak, which is the astrophysically relevant energy region. In particular the study focuses on the 15 N(p,α) 12 C and the 18 O(p,α) 15 N reactions which can influence fluorine yield as they are part of 19 F production/destruction network

  13. Análisis de estabilidad del reactor PFTR para una reacción con cinética de primer orden utilizando la funcional de Lyapunov

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    Héctor Armando Durán Peralta


    Full Text Available Abunda la literatura referente al análisis de estabilidad de reactores con parámetros globalizados de concentración y temperatura (por ejemplo el CSTR, en cambio es escasa la literatura sobre la estabilidad de reactores con parámetros distribuidos donde existe distribución espacial de concentración y temperatura, como es el caso del reactor tubular PFTR. Este documento analiza la estabilidad del reactor PFTR isotérmico y no isotérmico para una reacción con cinética de primer orden utilizando la funcional de Lyapunov. Se trabaja con una cinética de primer orden pues un objetivo de este artículo es mostrar cómo se aplica la funcional de Lyapunov al análisis de un reactor de parámetros distribuidos, dado que es casi inexistente la literatura sobre el método de la funcional de Lyapunov aplicada a la estabilidad de reactores (técnica usada en el análisis de estabilidad de sistemas en ingeniería eléctrica. El análisis de estabilidad dio como resultado perfiles de temperatura y concentración asintóticamente estables para los casos PFTR isotérmico, no isotérmico con constante cinética independiente de la temperatura y PFTR no isotérmico adiabático. Para el PFTR con retiro de calor el análisis condujo a una región de estabilidad asintótica y a una región incierta donde puede o no haber oscilaciones.


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    Diana Pacheco


    Full Text Available En la presente investigación, el Método Extendido de Solubilidad de Hildebrand (MESH, desarrollado por Martin y cols.,. se ha aplicado al estudio de la solubilidad del ibuprofén (IBP y del naproxén (NAP en mezclas binarias propilenoglicol + etanol a 298,15 K ± 0,05 K. Se  utilizaron los volúmenes molares aparentes de los solutos y las fracciones volumétricas de los solventes en las respectivas soluciones saturadas. Se encontró una adecuada capacidad predictiva del MESH al utilizar modelos polinómicos regulares de cuarto orden para IBP y de tercer orden para NAP, relacionando el parámetro de interacción W con el parámetro de solubilidad de las mezclas solventes. Sin embargo, las desviaciones obtenidas en la solubilidad estimada, respecto a los valores experimentales, fueron de magnitud semejante a las obtenidas al calcular esta propiedad directamente, utilizando regresiones empíricas de la solubilidad experimental de los fármacos en función del parámetro de solubilidad de las mezclas cosolventes.

  15. Effect of method of N-application and modified urea on N-15 recovery by rice

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Soliman, S.M.; Abdelmonem, M.A.S.


    Rice is a very responsive crop to nitrogen fertilizer, but the efficiency of the applied N-fertilizer is low. Greenhouse experiment conducted to evaluate several methods to improve fertilizer efficiency and reduce N-losses in rice fields. N-15 labelled urea was applied to 10 kg soils in pots, urea was applied alone, with addition of two urease inhibitors (NBPT and HQ), with addition of nitrification inhibitor (DCD),or with the combination of both inhibitors. The fertilizers were applied either broadcast on soil surface or at depth of 8 cm below the surface. At maturity, plants were separated into grain and straw, dried and weighted. Soil and plant samples were analyzed for total N and N-15 excess. Both fertilizer placement and inhibitor application significantly increased straw and grain yield, as well as N-uptake. Nitrogen derived from fertilizer (%Ndff) was more than doubled, when urea was applied deep and in combination with inhibitors. Plant recovery of N-15 labelled urea ranged from 17% to 75% according to treatment. Regardless of inhibitors application, plant recovery was increased from 39% to 65% when urea was applied at depth of 8 cm. Approximately 2/3 of the applied urea (64%)was lost when urea was applied alone. Those losses were reduced down to 12% with deep placement and inhibitor application. The two management practices show significant effect on minimizing N-losses and increasing plant recovery. 1 fig., 3 tabs

  16. Effect of method of N-application and modified urea on N-15 recovery by rice

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Soliman, S M; Abdelmonem, M A.S. [Soil and Water Dept., Atomic Energy Auth., Cairo, (Egypt)


    Rice is a very responsive crop to nitrogen fertilizer, but the efficiency of the applied N-fertilizer is low. Greenhouse experiment conducted to evaluate several methods to improve fertilizer efficiency and reduce N-losses in rice fields. N-15 labelled urea was applied to 10 kg soils in pots, urea was applied alone, with addition of two urease inhibitors (NBPT and HQ), with addition of nitrification inhibitor (DCD),or with the combination of both inhibitors. The fertilizers were applied either broadcast on soil surface or at depth of 8 cm below the surface. At maturity, plants were separated into grain and straw, dried and weighted. Soil and plant samples were analyzed for total N and N-15 excess. Both fertilizer placement and inhibitor application significantly increased straw and grain yield, as well as N-uptake. Nitrogen derived from fertilizer (%Ndff) was more than doubled, when urea was applied deep and in combination with inhibitors. Plant recovery of N-15 labelled urea ranged from 17% to 75% according to treatment. Regardless of inhibitors application, plant recovery was increased from 39% to 65% when urea was applied at depth of 8 cm. Approximately 2/3 of the applied urea (64%)was lost when urea was applied alone. Those losses were reduced down to 12% with deep placement and inhibitor application. The two management practices show significant effect on minimizing N-losses and increasing plant recovery. 1 fig., 3 tabs.

  17. Using a macroalgal δ15N bioassay to detect cruise ship waste water effluent inputs

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kaldy, James


    Highlights: → Green macroalgae exposed to nutrient solutions exhibited changes in tissue 15 N signatures. → Macroalgae exhibited no fractionation with NO 3 and slight fractionation with NH 4 . → Algae exposed to cruise ship waste water had increased tissue δ 15 N indicating a heavy N source. → Field bioassays exhibited decreased δ 15 N indicating isotopically light riverine δ 15 N-NO 3 was likely the dominant N source. → Algal bioassays could not detect a δ 15 N cruise ship waste water signal in this system. - Abstract: Green macroalgae bioassays were used to determine if the δ 15 N signature of cruise ship waste water effluent (CSWWE) could be detected in a small harbor. Opportunistic green macroalgae (Ulva spp.) were collected, cultured under nutrient depleted conditions and characterized with regard to N content and δ 15 N. Samples of algae were used in controlled incubations to evaluate the direction of isotope shift from exposure to CSWWE. Algae samples exposed to CSWWE exhibited an increase of 1-2.5 per mille in δ 15 N values indicating that the CSWWE had an enriched isotope signature. In contrast, algae samples exposed to field conditions exhibited a significant decrease in the observed δ 15 N indicating that a light N source was used. Isotopically light, riverine nitrogen derived from N 2 -fixing trees in the watershed may be a N source utilized by algae. These experiments indicate that the δ 15 N CSWWE signature was not detectable under the CSWWE loading conditions of this experiment.


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    Ester Ruda


    Full Text Available El objetivo de este trabajo fue analizar las fases utilizadas para resolver una situación-problema a través de elementos de competencias en el proceso de enseñanza y aprendizaje de una asignatura universitaria. Se analizan las fases a desarrollar (análisis de la situación-problema, identificación de los esquemas de actuación, selección, disposición y aplicación estratégica de los esquemas de actuación; conocimiento, dominio y transferencia de los componentes de la competencia y las evidencias de logro del dominio de los componentes de la competencia. Se aplican los conceptos a un ejemplo para una asignatura del ciclo superior de una carrera relacionada con la química y se discuten los resultados obtenidos. La resolución de una situación-problema implica que los alumnos han adquirido elementos de competencias, han sorteado distintos pasos que implican el dominio de procedimientos que aparecen en toda acción competente y han aplicado interrelacionadamente contenidos conceptuales, actitudinales y procedimentales.

  19. N7- and N9-substituted purine derivatives: a N-15 NMR study

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Marek, R.; Brus, Jiří; Toušek, J.; Kovács, L.; Hocková, Dana


    Roč. 40, č. 5 (2002), s. 353-360 ISSN 0749-1581 R&D Projects: GA ČR GA203/98/P026; GA MŠk LN00A016 Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z4050913 Keywords : NMR * H-1 NMR * N-15 NMR Subject RIV: CE - Biochemistry Impact factor: 0.994, year: 2002


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    Full Text Available El presente artículo describe el desarrollo de un método experimental empleado para construir las curvas de Corriente de Soldadura Vs. Velocidad de Alimentación de Alambre en proceso GMAW, con dos extensiones de electrodo en un modo de transferencia por corto circuito, utilizando un electrodo ER70S-6 y un gas 98%Ar-2%CO2. Se encontró que, manteniendo el voltaje constante, la corriente de soldadura se incrementó de manera proporcional (aproximadamente lineal a la velocidad de alimentación de alambre e inversamente proporcional a la extensión del electrodo. Se compararon las curvas construidas con las disponibles en la literatura y se encontró un desfase de aproximadamente 20 A respecto a la curva resultante para una distancia tubo de contacto-trabajo de 15 mm. Se determinó indirectamente la extensión del electrodo a partir de la estimación de las longitudes de arco fotografiadas durante los ensayos.

  1. Acúmulo de nutrientes e destino do nitrogênio (15N aplicado em pomar jovem de laranjeira Nutrients accumulation and fate of nitrogen (15N in Young bearing orange trees

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rodrigo Marcelli Boaretto


    Full Text Available Informações sobre absorção de nutrientes em pomares cítricos são importantes para recomendações do manejo da fertilidade do solo. Contudo, estudos sobre a distribuição dos nutrientes na planta e a validação das doses de nitrogênio (N recomendadas são escassos na literatura brasileira. O presente trabalho avaliou (i o acúmulo de nutrientes e a distribuição do N (15N aplicado em citros e (ii validou a dose de N recomendada para pomares em início de produção. Em laranjeiras 'Pêra' sobre limoeiro 'Cravo', com 3 a 4 anos de idade, foram aplicadas doses de 150; 300; 450 e 600 g de N por planta, como sulfato de amônio, divididas em três parcelas, entre a primavera e o verão. Incluiu-se um tratamento-testemunha sem N. No mesmo pomar, em outras três plantas, aplicaram-se 300 g por planta de N-[(15NH42SO 4] enriquecido em 15N, para estudar o destino do N do fertilizante no pomar. Foram avaliadas a produção de frutos e o aproveitamento do 15N pela biomassa da planta. A eficiência do fertilizante, estimada com base na absorção de N pela planta, variou entre 20% e 27% do total aplicado. Os frutos exportaram 35% do N absorvido do fertilizante, e a dose de 400 g de N proporcionou a máxima produção de laranjas.Information about nutrient absorption of citrus orchards is important to establish guidelines for best soil fertility management. However, studies on the fate of applied N fertilizers and validation of nitrogen (N dose recommendations are scarce in the literature. The present work evaluated (i the accumulation of nutrients and the distribution of N (15N applied to citrus orchard and (ii validated the N fertilization rate applied to young bearing orange trees. Three- to four-year-old Pêra sweet orange trees Pera grafted on Rangpur lime were fertilized with 150, 300, 450, and 600 g of N per tree, as ammonium sulfate, split in three applications from spring to summer. A control treatment without N was included. In the same

  2. Gestión Tributaria, utlizando metodología de problemas (ABP) 1. Sesión


    Bonet, Pilar


    Clase de Derecho Financiero y Tributario I, Grupo 4B de ADE-Derecho, 4 marzo 2009, profa. Pilar Bonet: Gestión Tributaria, utilizando metodología de problemas (ABP), 1. sesión. Facultat de Dret Universitat de ValènciaDuración: 1H 19M

  3. Schostakowitsch: Sinfonie N15, Op. 141 / Hanspeter Krellmann

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Krellmann, Hanspeter


    Uuest heliplaadist "Schostakowitsch: Sinfonie N15, Op. 141, Oktober, Op. 131, Ouvertüre über russische und kirgisische Volksthemen, Op. 115. Göteborger Sinfonie-Orchester, Neeme Järvi". DG CD 427 616-2

  4. δ15N in the turtle grass from the Mexican Caribbean (United States)

    Talavera-Saenz, A.; Sanchez, A.; Ortiz-Hernandez, M.


    Nutrient inputs associated with population growth threaten the integrity of coastal ecosystems. To assess the rapid increase in tourism, we compared the δ15N from Thalassia testudinum collected at sites with different levels of tourism development and population to detect the N inputs of wastewater discharge (WD) along the coast of Quintana Roo. The contributions of nitrogen enriched in 15N are directly related to the increase of WD inputs in areas of high tourism development (Nichupte Lagoon in Cancun, >3 million tourists per year from 2007 to 2011 and 0.7 million of resident population) and decreased towards Bahia Akumal and Tulum (>3 million tourists per year from 2007 to 2011 and 0.15 million of resident population). The δ15N from T. testudinum was significantly lower at Mahahual and Puerto Morelos (about 0.4 million tourists per year in 2007 to 2011 and 0.25 million of resident population) than other the sites. In areas of the lowest development and with tourist activity restricted and small population, such as the Yum Balam Reserve and Sian Ka'an Biosphere Reserve, the δ15N values were in much higher enrichment that Mahahual and Puerto Morelos. Therefore is suggested that Mahahual and Puerto Morelos may be used for baseline isotopic monitoring, over environmental pressure on the reef lagoon ecosystem, where tourist activities and population are growing very slow rate. The anthropogenic N input has the potential to impact, both environmentally and economically, the seagrass meadows and the coral reefs along the coast of Quintana Roo and the Caribbean.

  5. New Perspectives on Nitrogen Fixation Measurements Using 15N2 Gas

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Nicola Wannicke


    Full Text Available Recently, the method widely used to determine 15N2 fixation rates in marine and freshwater environments was found to underestimate rates because the dissolution of the added 15N2 gas bubble in seawater takes longer than theoretically calculated. As a solution to the potential underestimate of rate measurements, the usage of the enriched water method was proposed to provide constant 15N2 enrichment. Still, the superiority of enriched water method over the previously used bubble injection remains inconclusive. To clarify this issue, we performed laboratory based experiments and implemented the results into an error analysis of 15N2 fixation rates. Moreover, we conducted a literature search on the comparison of the two methods to calculate a mean effect size using a meta-analysis approach. Our results indicate that the error potentially introduced by an equilibrium phase of the 15N2 gas is −72% at maximum for experiments with very short incubation times of 1 h. In contrast, the underestimation was negligible for incubations lasting 12–24 h (error is −0.2%. Our meta-analysis indicates that 84% of the measurements in the two groups will overlap and there is a 61% chance that a sample picked at random from the enriched water group will have a higher value than one picked at random from the bubble group. Overall, the underestimation of N2 fixation rates when using the bubble method relative to the enriched water method is highly dependent on incubation time and other experimental conditions and cannot be generalized.

  6. δ15N values of atmospheric N species simultaneously collected using sector-based samplers distant from sources - Isotopic inheritance and fractionation (United States)

    Savard, Martine M.; Cole, Amanda; Smirnoff, Anna; Vet, Robert


    The nitrogen isotope ratios (δ15N) of atmospheric N species are commonly suggested as indicators of N emission sources. Therefore, numerous research studies have developed analytical methodologies and characterized primary (gases) and secondary emission products (mostly precipitation and aerosols) from various emitters. These previous studies have generally collected either reduced or oxidized N forms, and sampled them separately prior to determining their δ15N values. Distinctive isotopic signals have been reported for emissions from various sources, and seasonality of the δ15N values has been frequently attributed to shifts in relative contributions from sources with different isotopic signals. However, theoretical concepts suggest that temperature effects on isotopic fractionation may also affect the δ15N values of atmospheric reaction products. Here we use a sector-based multi-stage filter system to simultaneously collect seven reduced and oxidized N species downwind from five different source types in Alberta, Canada. We report δ15N values obtained with a state-of-the-art gold-furnace pre-concentrator online with an isotope ratio mass spectrometer (IRMS) to provide representative results even for oxidized-N forms. We find that equilibrium isotope effects and their temperature dependence play significant roles in determining the δ15N values of the secondary emission products. In the end, seasonal δ15N changes here are mainly caused by temperature effects on fractionation, and the δ15N values of only two N species from one source type can be retained as potential fingerprints of emissions.

  7. Estudio preliminar de la creación de una “zona caliente” en YBa2Cu3O7-δ utilizando una corriente continua

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    Evetts, J. E.


    Full Text Available This work presents a study of the processes that give rise to the Direct Current Zoning effect. This effect consists in the formation of a hot zone in a superconducting rod when a potential difference is applied to it. The superconducting material used in this case was YBa2Cu3O7-δ. The formation and movement of the zone in the bar can be explained studying the balance between the ionic fluxes created due to the potential difference and to the temperature distribution along the bar. This paper presents the theoretical results obtained using a computer model developed that takes into account the processes of electromigration and ionic diffusion that give rise to the Direct Current Zoning effect.Este trabajo presenta un estudio de los procesos que dan lugar al fenómeno en el que un “punto” o zona caliente se forma al aplicar una diferencia de potencial a los extremos de una barra de óxido superconductor. El material superconductor utilizado en este caso es YBa2Cu3O7-δ. El equilibrio entre los flujos iónicos debidos a la diferencia de potencial y a la distribución de temperatura se han utilizado para explicar la formación y el movimiento de la zona a lo largo de la muestra. Este artículo presenta los resultados teóricos obtenidos utilizando un modelo que tiene en cuenta los procesos de electromigración y difusión iónica que dan lugar a este fenómeno.

  8. 15N/14N isotopic ratio and statistical analysis: an efficient way of linking seized Ecstasy tablets

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Palhol, Fabien; Lamoureux, Catherine; Chabrillat, Martine; Naulet, Norbert


    In this study, the 15 N/ 14 N isotopic ratios of 106 samples of 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) extracted from Ecstasy tablets are presented. These ratios, measured using gas chromatography-combustion-isotope ratio mass spectrometry (GC-C-IRMS), show a large discrimination between samples with a range of δ 15 N values between -17 and +19%o, depending on the precursors and the method used in clandestine laboratories. Thus, δ 15 N values can be used in a statistical analysis carried out in order to link Ecstasy tablets prepared with the same precursors and synthetic pathway. The similarity index obtained after principal component analysis and hierarchical cluster analysis appears to be an efficient way to group tablets seized in different places

  9. Enthalpies of solution of N,N,N',N'-tetramethylurea in amides, dimethylsulphoxide, and acetone at 298.15 K

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ivanov, Evgeniy V.; Smirnov, Valeriy I.


    The enthalpies of solution Δ sol H m m were determined for N,N,N',N'-tetramethylurea in formamide, N-methylformamide, N,N-dimethylformamide, N,N-dimethylacetamide, dimethylsulphoxide, and acetone. Measurements were made at 298.15 K and molalities m = (0.004 to 0.031) mol . kg -1 with a precise isoperibol ampoule-type calorimeter. Standard enthalpies of solution Δ sol H m 0 and transfer Δ tr H m 0 from one solvent to another were computed. The enthalpies of solution of the solute in the hydrogen-non-bonding media were found to be endothermic and weak depending on the nature of methylation in a solvent molecule. It was concluded that the solvent proton-donor ability and existing steric hindrances for hydrogen bonding and other intermolecular interactions play the key role in solvation of tetramethylurea

  10. Caracterización dieléctrica de la perovskita laminar La1.5Sr0.5CoO4

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    Rivas, J.


    Full Text Available In this work, the behaviour of the real and imaginary components of the dielectric permittivity of layered perovskite La1.5Sr0.5CoO4 have been studied, in the frequency range 20 Hz-1 MHz and in the temperature range 115-350 K. Polycrystalline samples were prepared by the ceramic method. The powder diffraction results showed the pattern of the desired phase together with a small quantities of La2O3 impurities. A comparative study of the electrical and magnetic properties of this charge-ordered compound (TCO∼750 K has revealed a basically semiconductor behaviour with a complex bidimensional antiferromagnetism which can be explained on the basis of a thermally activated evolution of the spin state of the Co3+ ions. A detailed investigation of the dielectric properties of this system has allowed us to identify two superimposed relaxation processes: the first one in the low frequency range (f En este trabajo se estudia el comportamiento de las componentes real e imaginaria de la permitividad dieléctrica compleja en función de la frecuencia (20 Hz-1 MHz y la temperatura (115-350 K de la perovskita laminar La1.5Sr0.5CoO4. Para realizar este estudio preparamos muestras policristalinas utilizando el método cerámico. El análisis por difracción de rayos X mostró la presencia de la fase deseada y una pequeña impureza de La2O3. Un estudio comparativo de las propiedades eléctricas y magnéticas de este compuesto con orden de carga (TCO∼750 K, reveló que básicamente se trata de un material semiconductor con un complejo antiferromagnetismo bidimensional que evoluciona con la temperatura debido a transiciones del estado de espín del Co3+ activadas térmicamente. Una investigación detallada de las propiedades dieléctricas de este sistema nos permitió identificar dos fenómenos de relajación superpuestos: uno presente a bajas frecuencias (f < 102 Hz que se asocia con los procesos de conducción por “hopping” electrónico en este cristal i

  11. Evaluation of automated analysis of 15N and total N in plant material and soil

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jensen, E.S.


    Simultaneous determination of N-15 and total N using an automated nitrogen analyser interfaced to a continuous-flow isotope ratio mass spectrometer (ANA-MS method) was evaluated. The coefficient of variation (CV) of repeated analyses of homogeneous standards and samples at natural abundance...... was lower than 0.1%. The CV of repeated analyses of N-15-labelled plant material and soil samples varied between 0.3% and 1.1%. The reproducibility of repeated total N analyses using the automated method was comparable to results obtained with a semi-micro Kjeldahl procedure. However, the automated method...... analysis showed that the recovery of inorganic N in the NH3 trap was lower when the N was diffused from water than from 2 M KCl. The results also indicated that different proportions of the NO3- and the NH4+ in aqueous solution were recovered in the trap after combined diffusion. The method is most suited...


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    Luis Valderrama Campusano


    Full Text Available En Chile la minería se desarrolla principalmente en  la concentración de cobre, molibdeno, oro y plata, mediante el proceso de flotación. Este genera grandes tonelajes de relaves que contienen diversas minerales, principalmente pirita. Dado que estos minerales se depositan en los tranques, estos pueden generar aguas ácidas; se propone como alternativa la desulfuración de los súlfuros por flotación. En una primera parte se estudió la flotabilidad de la pirita en un tubo Hallimond, utilizando como colector AP 404. Luego se realizaron pruebas de flotación a nivel de laboratorio en celda Denver D-12, utilizando pulpa de relave fresco de la etapa rougher de un circuito de flotación de cobre,  determinando el pH óptimo y dosificación de colector y espumantes. Pruebas de cinética de flotación permitieron determinar el tiempo óptimo de flotación tanto para la etapa rougher como  para la etapa scavenger. Se concluye que la flotación de los relaves sea una técnicamente factible su desulfuración,  obteniendo relaves que contienen  0,08% de pirita.

  13. Evaluación de un filtro biológico como unidad de post-tratamiento de aguas residuales utilizando conchas marinas como material de soporte

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Andres Galindo


    Full Text Available En esta investigación se evaluó la eficiencia de un filtro biológico (FB a escala piloto, utilizando conchas marinas como material de soporte (MS para el post-tratamiento de aguas residuales municipales (ARM que provenían de un tratamiento previo anaerobio-aerobio. El FB se evaluó con diferentes cargas orgánicas, siendo los tiempos de retención hidráulicos (TRH estudiados: 12,85; 10,71; 8,57 y 6,43h. Los parámetros monitoreados fueron: pH, alcalinidad carbónica y total, temperatura, demanda química de oxígeno (DQO, demanda bioquímica de oxígeno (DBO, ácidos grasos volátiles (AGV, nitrógeno total Kjeldahl (NTK, fósforo total, sólidos suspendidos totales (SST, volátiles (SSV y fijos (SSF. Las mejores eficiencias de remoción de materia orgánica se obtuvieron a TRH de 10,71h, registrando remociones de DQOT, DQOS y DBO5,20 en el orden de 51,5; 48,6 y 39,2%. Sin embargo, la mejor eficiencia en la remoción de sólidos suspendidos se observó en el TRH de 6,43h (SST, 29%, SSV, 23,8% y SSF, 50%. A pesar de recibir tratamiento previo, el número de coliformes totales y fecales afluentes al FB fueron altos, presentando órdenes hasta de 107NMP/100ml, la mayores eficiencias en la remoción de Coliformes totales y fecales fueron de 97,24 y 94,63%, respectivamente, registradas en el TRH de 12,85h. Se evidencia que las conchas marinas (Arca zebra son MS sostenibles y con ellas se logran reducciones satisfactorias de materia orgánica en el tratamiento de ARM.

  14. Fields of application and results of analytic procedures with 15N in pediatric alimentary research

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Heine, W.; Richter, I.; Plath, C.; Wutzke, K.; Kupatz, P.; Drescher, U.


    Investigation of protein metabolism in nutritional pediatric research by means of 15 N tracer techniques has been relatively seldom used up to now. 15 N labelled compounds for these purposes are not injurious to health. The technique is based on oral or intravenous application of the tracer substances and on 15 N analysis of the urine fractions. The subsequent calculation of protein synthesis and breakdown rate, turnover and reutilisation of amino acids from protein breakdown as well as the size of the metabolic pool offers detailed information of protein metabolism. Determination of these parameters was performed in infants on mother's milk and formula feeding and on chemically defined diet. As an example of utilisation of D-amino acids for protein synthesis the 15 N-D-phenylalanin retention on parenteral nutrition was found to be 33% of the applied dosis at an average. An oral 15 N glycine loading test proved to be of value for the prediction of the therapeutic effect of human growth hormon in numerous types of dwarfism. Further application of 15 N tracer technique dealt with utilisation of 15 N urea for bacterial protein synthesis of the intestinal flora and with incorporation of 15 N from 15 N glycine and 15 N lysine into the jejunal mucosa for measuring the enterocyte regeneration. (author)

  15. Progress in 15N and 13C separation by isotopic exchange

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Axente, D.


    An experimental study of 15 N separation by isotopic exchange in NO, NO 2 - HNO 3 system under pressure is presented. The pressure increase in 15 N separation plant improved the isotopic transport between the two phases circulated in counter-current in the packed column according to a better kinetics of isotopic exchange at higher pressures. The operation of 15 N separation plant at a pressure of 1.8 atm (absolute) will permit doubling of 10 M nitric acid flow rate and of 15 N production of a given column. The improved performance at a higher pressure is significant for large scale 15 N production, which would be utilized for uranium nitride fuels for FBRs. Enrichment of 13 C by chemical exchange between CO 2 and amine carbamate in nonaqueous solvent has been modelled. For process optimization the steady state separation and the height equivalent to a theoretical plate (HETP) have been determined for different experimental conditions and simulated for higher pressures than atmospheric one. At lower temperature (5 deg C) as the pressure increases the quantity of CO 2 dissolved in amine solution increases. For process analysis at higher pressures and lower temperatures, the two steps model has been considered. At 0.9 MPa pressure and 5 deg C the reaction rate is higher than at 25 deg C and atmospheric pressure, the value of HETP being lower with more than 100% than at 25 deg C. (author)

  16. Tissue N content and {sup 15}N natural abundance in epilithic mosses for indicating atmospheric N deposition in the Guiyang area, SW China

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Liu Xueyan [State Key Laboratory of Environmental Geochemistry, Institute of Geochemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Guiyang 550002 (China); Graduate University of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049 (China)], E-mail:; Xiao Huayun [State Key Laboratory of Environmental Geochemistry, Institute of Geochemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Guiyang 550002 (China)], E-mail:; Liu Congqiang [State Key Laboratory of Environmental Geochemistry, Institute of Geochemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Guiyang 550002 (China); Li Youyi; Xiao Hongwei [State Key Laboratory of Environmental Geochemistry, Institute of Geochemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Guiyang 550002 (China); Graduate University of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049 (China)


    Tissue N contents and {delta}{sup 15}N signatures in 175 epilithic mosses were investigated from urban to rural sites in Guiyang (SW China) to determine atmospheric N deposition. Moss N contents (0.85-2.97%) showed a significant decrease from the urban area (mean = 2.24 {+-} 0.32%, 0-5 km) to the rural area (mean = 1.27 {+-} 0.13%, 20-25 km), indicating that the level of N deposition decreased away from the urban environment, while slightly higher N contents re-occurred at sites beyond 30 km, suggesting higher N deposition in more remote rural areas. Moss {delta}{sup 15}N ranged from -12.50 per mille to -1.39 per mille and showed a clear bimodal distribution (-12 per mille to -6 per mille and -5 per mille to -2 per mille ), suggesting that there are two main sources for N deposition in the Guiyang area. More negative {delta}{sup 15}N (mean = -8.87 {+-} 1.65 per mille ) of urban mosses mainly indicated NH{sub 3} released from excretory wastes and sewage, while the less negative {delta}{sup 15}N (from -3.83 {+-} 0.82 per mille to -2.48 {+-} 0.95 per mille ) of rural mosses were mainly influenced by agricultural NH{sub 3}. With more negative values in the urban area than in the rural area, the pattern of moss {delta}{sup 15}N variation in Guiyang was found to be opposite to cities where N deposition is dominated by NO{sub x}-N. Therefore, NH{sub x}-N is the dominant N form deposited in the Guiyang area, which is supported by higher NH{sub x}-N than NO{sub x}-N in local atmospheric deposition. From the data showing that moss is responding to NH{sub x}-N/NO{sub x}-N in deposition it can be further demonstrated that the variation of moss {delta}{sup 15}N from the Guiyang urban to rural area was more likely controlled by the ratio of urban-NH{sub x}/agriculture-NH{sub x} than the ratio of NH{sub x}-N/NO{sub x}-N. The results of this study have extended knowledge of atmospheric N sources in city areas, showing that urban sewage discharge could be important in cities co

  17. Biodegradación de compuestos fenólicos del alpechín con Aspergillus terreus

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    García Paeja, María P.


    Full Text Available Olive mill wastewater degradation by Aspergillus terreus and under aerobic conditions at 28°C, was measured by the parameter of phenol content. We have explored the effect of different concentrations of olive mill wastewater upon the activity of Aspergillus terreus. Through HPLC, 10 phenol compounds (90% of the total phenolic content of the olive mill wastewater were identified.Se estudia la degradación de alpechines con Aspergillus terreus en condiciones de aerobiosis y temperatura de 28°C, utilizando como parámetro el contenido fenólico. Se analiza el efecto de la concentración de alpechín con Aspergillus terreus utilizando el mismo parámetro. Se han identificado por cromatografía líquida de alta eficacia (CLAE 10 compuestos fenólicos que suponen el 90% del total del alpechín.

  18. Evaluación de la retrogradación del almidón en harina de yuca precocida


    Rodríguez Sandoval, Eduardo; Sandoval Aldana, Angélica; Fernández Quintero, Alejandro


    Las modificaciones del almidón, que ocurren durante el proceso de elaboración de harina de yuca precocida, se evaluaron utilizando técnicas como calorimetría diferencial de barrido (CDB), difracción de rayos X, comportamiento al empastamiento y capacidad de formación de complejo con yodo. La harina precocida se obtuvo a partir de trozos de parénquima de yuca cocinados en vapor o en agua a ebullición, los cuales fueron posteriormente alma...

  19. Adaptación del modelo de planeación dofa para la administración sostenible de parques nacionales

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    Ana María Correa Leal


    Desde esta perspectiva, se aborda el interés en el desarrollo de un tipo específico de planeación, utilizando información secundaria, para que de manera inductiva se pueda establecer un proceso analítico amplio donde se integren los elementos necesarios que conduzcan a un protocolo planeador y gerencial, aplicable en la administración de los parques nacionales naturales.

  20. Behavior of 15N-labelled amino acids in germinated corn

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Samukawa, Kisaburo; Yamaguchi, Masuro


    By investigating the rise and fall of 15 N-labelled amino acids in germinated corns, the behavior of amino radicals in free amino acids, the influence of the hydrolysis products of stored proteins on free amino acids and the change from heterotrophy to autotrophy of seeds were clarified. The amount of amino acid production depending on external nitrogen was very small in the early period of germination. 15 N incorporation into proline was not observed in the early period of germination, which suggested that the proline may be nitrogen-storing source. Most of the amino-state nitrogen of asparagine accumulated at the time of germination was internal nitrogen, and this fact suggested that aspartic acid serve as the acceptor of ammonia produced in the early stage of germination. 15 N content increased significantly on 9 th day after germination, and decreased on 12 th day. These facts prove that there are always active decomposition and production of protein in plant body. (Kobatake, H.)

  1. Synthesis and E.I.M.S. fragmentation analysis of [1,3-{sup 15} N{sub 2}] xanthine and [1,3-{sup 15} N{sub 2}] caffeine

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kenani, A. [Tunis Univ. (Tunisia). Faculte de Medecine; Bernier, J.-L. [Laboratoire de Chimie Organique Physique (France); Henichart, J.-P. [UCB-Pharma (Belgium)


    HPLC and mass spectrometry can be used to isolate and identify all metabolites of caffeine in plasma of patients. The synthesis of [1,3-{sup 15}N{sub 2}] xanthine and [1,3-{sup 15}N{sub 2}] caffeine are of interest in the elucidation of mass spectrometry fragmentation pathways and unambiguous determination of metabolites, especially uric acid which exists as a natural constituent of human plasma. (Author).

  2. Comparative study of wheat utilization of NH4 and NO3 as sources of N-fertilizer using N15 technique

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Khalifa, Kh.


    Two field experiments were conducted separately on wheat (Cultivar ACSAD-65) in 1987/1988 at the Research Station of Arabic Center for the Studies of Arid Zones and Dry Lands (ACSAD) in Deir-Ezzor, Using N 15 methodology to compare the efficient utilization of N 15 -NO 3 and N 15 -N H 4 radicals as sources of nitrogen applied in three different levels (50, 100 and 200 Kg N/ha and two placement methods (Top-dressed and Side-dressed). The results indicate that Ndff % in the from of N 15 -NH 4 was higher than N 15 -NO 3 in both placements, at different growth stages, consequently, when using N-NH 4 form, N-uptake was higher than N-NO 3 form; the efficiency of N-NH 4 was higher than N-NO 3 in most cases regardless of the method of placement; the rate of applied nitrogen in both forms (N-NH 4 and N-NO 3 ) had higher effect on yield more than the placements; side-dressed placement had higher effect on the efficiency of the utilization of N-NO 3 and N-NH 4 as well as on crop yield than the Top-dressed; using N-NO 3 , A-values in the three growth stages of crop at the nitrogen levels used, were higher than using N-NH 4 in both placements; and finally using N-NO 3 in the second and third stages of crop growth, the yield was higher than using N-NH 4 and almost similar in the first stages. (author). 9 refs., 26 tabs

  3. Implementación de un servidor FTP utilizando el modelo cliente/servidor mediante el uso de sockets en lenguaje c UNIX con el fin de mejorar los tiempos de respuesta en la red

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    Juan de Dios Murillo


    Full Text Available Este trabajo pretende evaluar la latencia en la transferencia de archivos utilizando un servidor FTP con un modelo cliente-servidor empleando una computadora con el sistema operativo Fedora para ejecutar el código del modelo cliente/servidor con sockets en lenguaje C UNIX, con el fin de simular un servidor que contiene archivos con diferentes formatos y tamaños, y medir la latencia de la transmisión al subir y descargar los archivos del servidor, usando diferentes tamaños de buffer. Con los resultados del retardo en la transmisión en los diferentes escenarios y al compararlos, se observa que entre mayor sea el tamaño del buffer es menor la latencia y conforme aumenta el tamaño del archivo la latencia aumenta,

  4. Factorización de polinomios


    Schmidt Q., Sandra; Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica


    Se presenta aquí la factorización de polinomios, concentrándose especialmente en factorización de polinomios utilizando las fórmulas notables y llegando por medio de ellas a la fórmula general para factorizar polinomios de grado dos.

  5. First Measurement of the 14N/15N Ratio in the Analog of the Sun Progenitor OMC-2 FIR4 (United States)

    Kahane, Claudine; Jaber Al-Edhari, Ali; Ceccarelli, Cecilia; López-Sepulcre, Ana; Fontani, Francesco; Kama, Mihkel


    We present a complete census of the 14N/15N isotopic ratio in the most abundant N-bearing molecules toward the cold envelope of the protocluster OMC-2 FIR4, the best known Sun progenitor. To this scope, we analyzed the unbiased spectral survey obtained with the IRAM 30 m telescope at 3, 2, and 1 mm. We detected several lines of CN, HCN, HNC, HC3N, N2H+, and their respective 13C and 15N isotopologues. The lines’ relative fluxes are compatible with LTE conditions, and moderate line opacities have been corrected via a population diagram method or theoretical relative intensity ratios of the hyperfine structures. The five species lead to very similar 14N/15N isotopic ratios, without any systematic difference between amine- and nitrile-bearing species as previously found in other protostellar sources. The weighted average of the 14N/15N isotopic ratio is 270 ± 30. This 14N/15N value is remarkably consistent with the [250–350] range measured for the local galactic ratio but significantly differs from the ratio measured in comets (around 140). High-angular resolution observations are needed to examine whether this discrepancy is maintained at smaller scales. In addition, using the CN, HCN, and HC3N lines, we derived a 12C/13C isotopic ratio of 50 ± 5.

  6. Fate of 15N fertilizer applied to trickle-irrigated grapevines

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hajrasuliha, S.; Rolston, D.E.; Louie, D.T.


    Information on fate of nitrogen applied to vines is needed to improve fertilizer management. Nitrogen-15 enriched ammonium and nitrate fertilizers were applied in the spring through a trickle irrigation system to six Thompson Seedless vines of a vineyard on the West Side of the San Joaquin Valley of California. At fruit harvest, all above-ground plant parts were removed and analyzed for 15 N. Soil around each vine was also sampled and analyzed for 15 N in the inorganic and organic N fractions. Spatial patterns of fertilizer N for soil inorganic and organic N were analyzed using a median polish technique which indicated large variability with respect to direction, distance, and depth. There was a tendency for the fertilizer N from NH 4 to be located directly beneath emitters than from the NO 3 . Nitrogen from the NH 4 application penetrated to only the 150-cm depth, whereas some N from the NO 3 application reached 210 to 240 cm. Most of the organic fertilizer N for both NO 3 and NH 4 applications was in the top 60 cm of soil where the vine roots were likely of greatest density. Overall recovery of fertilizer N was also quite variable, probably due to variability in soil physical properties and uneven surface application of water and fertilizer due to local surface ponding. Although not statistically significant, uptake of fertilizer N by above-ground plant components was slightly higher for the NH 4 application (24.2% of applied N) than the NO 3 application (21.5%). Soil organic N had significantly (95% level) higher N from NH 4 (19% of applied N) than from NO 3 (13%). This probably occurred due to longer residence time of N from NH 4 within the top 60 cm, where the bulk of roots and microbial activity existed, than for NO 3 . Overall, about 67% to 79% of the fertilizer N applied in spring remained in the soil at harvest, and the vines took up the rest. There was no indication of significant N leaching below 2.4 m or denitrification of fertilizer N for the trickle

  7. Use of 15N in evaluating symbiotic N2 fixation of field-grown soybeans

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ham, G.E.


    Various methods have been used to estimate N 2 fixation by legumes (i.e. Kjeldahl N and the acetylene-ethylene assay). Recently 'Asub(N)' values by the legume and a non-nodulating crop using 15 N-labelled N fertilizer were used to quantitatively estimate the amount of N 2 fixed by legume crops growing under field conditions. The objective of this research was to evaluate Kjeldahl N procedures, the acetylene-ethylene assay and the 'Asub(N)' technique as estimators of N 2 fixation by field-grown soybeans. The 'Asub(N)' value concept provided a reliable estimate of N 2 fixation by soybeans which agreed with acetylene-ethylene measurements made weekly and the values compared favourably with Kjeldahl N measurements. (author)

  8. Introducción

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    Segundo, como el burnout se desarrolla en el tiempo, es necesario que se realicen más estudios longitudinales de burnout utilizando medidas de dos e incluso de tres tiempos. Tales diseños no sólo producirán información valiosa sobre los antecedentes del burnout, como se indicó anteriormente, sino que también permitirá la introducción y la evaluación de la intervención que puede utilizarse para reducir el burnout.

  9. Coral skeletal {delta}{sup 15}N reveals isotopic traces of an agricultural revolution

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Marion, Guy S. [Department of Biological Sciences, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305 (United States)]. E-mail:; Dunbar, Robert B. [Department of Geological and Environmental Sciences, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305 (United States); Mucciarone, David A. [Department of Geological and Environmental Sciences, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305 (United States); Kremer, James N. [Department of Marine Sciences, University of Connecticut at Avery Point, Groton, CT 06340 (United States); Lansing, J. Stephen [Department of Anthropology, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ 85721 (United States); Arthawiguna, Alit [Installation for Agricultural Research (IP 2TP), Kotak Pos 3480, Denpasar, Bali (Indonesia)


    This study introduces a new method of tracing the history of nutrient loading in coastal oceans via {delta}{sup 15}N analysis of organic nitrogen preserved in the skeleton of the massive Porites coral. Four coral cores were collected in Bali, Indonesia, from reefs exposed to high levels of fertilizers in agricultural run-off, from lagoonal corals impacted by sewage, and from a reef located 30 km offshore. Skeletal {delta}{sup 15}N in the agriculturally exposed coral declined from 10.7 {+-} 0.4 per mille in 1970-1971, when synthetic fertilizers (-0.8 per mille {+-} 0.2 per mille ) were introduced to Bali, to a depleted 'anthropogenic' baseline of 3.5 per mille {+-} 0.4% in the mid-1990s. {delta}{sup 15}N values were negatively correlated with rainfall, suggesting that marine {delta}{sup 15}N lowers during flood-born influxes of waste fertilizers. Reef cores exposed to untreated sewage in terrestrial discharge were enriched (7.8 and 7.3 {+-} 0.4 per mille ), while the offshore core reflected background oceanic signals (6.2 {+-} 0.4 per mille). {delta}{sup 15}N, N concentration, and C:N systematics indicate that the N isotopic composition of skeletal organic matter was generally well preserved over 30 years. We suggest that skeletal organic {delta}{sup 15}N can serve as a recorder of past nitrogen sources. In Bali, this tracer suggests that the intensification of Western style agricultural practices since 1970 are contributing to the degradation of coastal coral reefs.

  10. Utilización de macrófagos esplénicos humanos como modelo para el estudio de la interacción micobacteria-macrófago

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    Luis Fernando Barrera


    Full Text Available La mayor parte de la aproximación experimental para el estudio de la interacción in vitro entre Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb y macrófagos humanos, se ha realizado utilizando macrófagos derivados de monocitos (MDMs; sin embargo, muy pocos estudios han utilizado macrófagos tisulares. Nosotros estamos utilizando macrófagos esplénicos obtenidos de donantes cadavéricos con el fin de evaluar la interacción Mtb-macrófago. El objetivo de este estudio es caracterizar fenotípica y funcionalmente la población de células adherentes del bazo y su respuesta a la infección con Mtb.

  11. Plot-size for 15N-fertilizer recovery studies by tanzania-grass

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Martha Junior, Geraldo Bueno; Trivelin, Paulo Cesar Ocheuze; Corsi, Moacyr


    The understanding of the N dynamics in pasture ecosystems can be improved by studies using the 15 N tracer technique. However, in these experiments it must be ensured that the lateral movement of the labeled fertilizer does not interfere with the results. In this study the plot-size requirements for 15 N-fertilizer recovery experiments with irrigated Panicum maximum cv. Tanzania was determined. Three grazing intensities (light, moderate and intensive grazing) in the winter, spring and summer seasons were considered. A 1 m 2 plot-size, with a grass tussock in the center, was adequate, irrespective of the grazing intensity or season of the year. Increasing the distance from the area fertilized with 15 N negatively affected the N derived from fertilizer (Npfm) recovered in herbage.The lowest decline in Npfm values were observed for moderate and light grazing intensities. This fact might be explained by the vigorous growth characteristics of these plants. Increasing the grazing intensity decreased the tussock mass and, the smaller the tussock mass, the greater was the dependence on fertilizer nitrogen. (author)

  12. Determination of protein turnover parameters in athletes using 15N tracers

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Krumbiegel, P.; Kuehne, K.; Faust, H.; Bornhak, H.; Junghans, P.; Zerbes, H.


    In 2 adolescent female athletes engaged in technical-acrobatic sports the influence of a high protein diet on the protein turnover rate under training conditions was investigated by means of 15 N-glycine. Protein synthesis was significantly increased, whereas the utilization of nutritive nitrogen was decreased as expected. The 15 N tracer technique is well suited to determine the protein requirements under special training conditions

  13. 15N-labeled nitrogen from green manure and ammonium sulfate utilization by the sugarcane ratoon

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ambrosano, Edmilson Jose; Rossi, Fabricio; Trivelin, Paulo Cesar Ocheuze; Cantarella, Heitor; Ambrosano, Glaucia Maria Bovi; Schammass, Eliana Aparecida; Muraoka, Takashi


    Legumes as green manure are alternative sources of nitrogen (N) for crops and can supplement or even replace mineral nitrogen fertilization due to their potential for biological nitrogen fixation (BNF). The utilization of nitrogen by sugarcane (Saccharum spp.) fertilized with sunn hemp (Crotalaria juncea L.) and ammonium sulfate (AS) was evaluated using the 15 N tracer technique. N was added at the rate of 196 and 70 kg ha -1 as 15 N-labeled sunn hemp green manure (SH) and as ammonium sulfate (AS), respectively. Treatments were: (I) Control; (II) AS 15 N; (III) SH 15 N + AS; (IV) SH 15 N; and (V) AS 15 N + SH. Sugarcane was cultivated for five years and was harvested three times. 15 N recovery was evaluated in the two first harvests. In the sum of the three harvests, the highest stalk yields were obtained with a combination of green manure and inorganic N fertilizer; however, in the second cutting the yields were higher where SH was used than in plots with AS. The recovery of N by the first two consecutive harvests accounted for 19 to 21% of the N applied as leguminous green manure and 46 to 49% of the N applied as AS. The amounts of inorganic N, derived from both N sources, present in the 0-0.4 m layer of soil in the first season after N application and were below 1 kg ha -1 . (author)

  14. Diseño de una planta de producción de ácido l-glutamático a partir de melazas de remolacha azucarera


    San José García, Pablo


    INTRODUCCIÓN El ácido L-glutámico es uno de los aminoácidos con mayor demanda a nivel mundial, su producción supera los 1,5 millones de toneladas al año. Es un precursor de Glutamato Monosódico el cual es bastamente utilizado en la industria alimentaria como aditivo saborizante. En el Presente proyecto de fin de carrera se realiza un diseño preliminar de una Planta de producción de acido glutámico por la via fermentativa , utilizando como microorganismo a la bacteria ...

  15. Plot-size for {sup 15}N-fertilizer recovery studies by tanzania-grass; Tamanho da parcela para estudos de recuperacao de fertilizante-{sup 15}N por capim-tanzania

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Martha Junior, Geraldo Bueno [EMBRAPA Cerrados, Planaltina, DF (Brazil)], e-mail:; Trivelin, Paulo Cesar Ocheuze [Centro de Energia Nuclear na Agricultura (CENA/USP), Piracicaba, SP (Brazil). Lab. de Isotopos Estaveis], e-mail:; Corsi, Moacyr [Escola Superior de Agricultura Luiz de Queiroz (ESALQ/USP), Piracicaba, SP (Brazil). Dept. de Zootecnia], e-mail:


    The understanding of the N dynamics in pasture ecosystems can be improved by studies using the {sup 15}N tracer technique. However, in these experiments it must be ensured that the lateral movement of the labeled fertilizer does not interfere with the results. In this study the plot-size requirements for {sup 15}N-fertilizer recovery experiments with irrigated Panicum maximum cv. Tanzania was determined. Three grazing intensities (light, moderate and intensive grazing) in the winter, spring and summer seasons were considered. A 1 m{sup 2} plot-size, with a grass tussock in the center, was adequate, irrespective of the grazing intensity or season of the year. Increasing the distance from the area fertilized with {sup 15}N negatively affected the N derived from fertilizer (Npfm) recovered in herbage.The lowest decline in Npfm values were observed for moderate and light grazing intensities. This fact might be explained by the vigorous growth characteristics of these plants. Increasing the grazing intensity decreased the tussock mass and, the smaller the tussock mass, the greater was the dependence on fertilizer nitrogen. (author)

  16. Physical properties of {anisole + n-alkanes} at temperatures between (293.15 and 303.15) K

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Al-Jimaz, Adel S.; Al-Kandary, Jasem A.; Abdul-latif, Abdul-Haq M.; Al-Zanki, Adnan M.


    Density ρ, viscosity η, and refractive index n D , values of {anisole + hexane, or heptane, or octane, or nonane, or decane, or dodecane} binary mixtures over the entire range of mole fraction at temperatures (293.15, 298.15, and 303.15) K, have been investigated at atmospheric pressure. The excess molar volume V E , has been calculated from the experimental measurements. These results were fitted to Redlich and Kister polynomial equation to estimate the binary interaction parameters. The viscosity data were correlated with equations of Grunberg and Nissan, and McAllister. The refractive indices data were used to calculate the specific refractivity R 12 , and also correlated with Lorentz-Lorenz equation. While the excess molar volumes of {anisole + hexane} are negative, and {anisole + heptane} are sigmoidal S-shaped, the remaining binary mixtures are positive. The effects of n-alkanes chain length as well as the temperature on the excess molar volume have been studied. The calculated values have been qualitatively used to explain the intermolecular interaction between the mixing components

  17. Utilization of /sup 15/N in the sequence of mineral fertilizer - forage - animal - slurry - forage

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Peschke, H [Humboldt-Universitaet, Berlin (German Democratic Republic). Sektion Pflanzenproduktion


    After systematic application of /sup 15/N-ammonium nitrate, the change of the dinuclidic composition and /sup 15/N quantity was studied by isotope analysis of several open systems in the sequence mineral fertilizer - (soil) - forage - (animal) - slurry - (soil) - forage. The relative /sup 15/N isotope frequency of 50 atom% in the mineral fertilizer declined to 12.2 to 21.4 atom% in the forage (beet, oats, hay) and went down to 3.15 atom% in the slurry of a dairy cow fed on this forage. Silage maize manured with the slurry of the dairy cow only showed 1.98 atom %, green oats grown after the silage maize on the same area was found to have 0.45 atom%. The /sup 15/N quantity of 104.5 g N in the fertilizer gradually decreased to 41.6 g N in the forage, 30.5 g N in the slurry and 22.6 g N in the silage maize. The causes discussed are /sup 15/N isotope dilution as qualitative factor and productive and unproductive N losses as quantitative factors.

  18. Cross sections for the 14N(n,p0), (n,α0), and (n,α1) reactions from 0.5 to 15 MeV

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Morgan, G.L.


    Cross sections were measured for the 14 N(n,p 0 ) reaction from 0.5 to 7.0 MeV and for the (n,α 0 ) and (n,α 1 ) reactions from 1 to 15 MeV and 4 to 15 MeV, respectively. The data were obtained using a gaseous scintillator containing N 2 and Xe mixtures. A linac was used as a pulsed, white neutron source with a 29-m fight path. The results of the measurement are compared to the current evaluated file for nitrogen; agreement is good for neutron energies below 8 MeV, but the measurement is substantially higher than the evaluation for neutron energies near 10 MeV

  19. 15N dilution technique of assessing the contribution of nitrogen fixation to rice plant

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ventura, Wilbur; Watanabe, Iwao


    An attempt to correlate the positive nitrogen balance in rice-soil system with the 15 N dilution in rice plants was made to see if isotope dilution can be used to assess the contribution of nitrogen fixation to the nitrogen nutrition of rice. 15 N ammonium sulfate and sucrose were added to the moist soil in pots to label biomass nitrogen fraction. The rice-soil system with higher nitrogen gain had lower 15 N content in the rice plants. When the surface of pots was covered with black cloths to suppress photodependent N 2 fixation, no significant nitrogen gain was observed. Significant gain was found in the rice-flooded soil system exposed to light, and the 15 N content of plants decreased in allowing the photodependent N 2 fixation by blue-green algae symbiosis. The contribution of plant nitrogen derived from photodependent N 2 fixation was estimated to be 20-30 % of the positive nitrogen gain in the system by the 15 N dilution technique using the rice-covered soil as reference system. (Mori, K.)

  20. Recuperación de aguas naturales contaminadas utilizando quitosano


    Rincón, Dianela Isabel; Rincón, Marinela Colina; Molina Zerpa, José Alejandro; Vargas Colina, José Alejandro; Montilla, Brinolfo


    RESUMEN En la actualidad, existen innumerables tratamientos de coagulación / floculación para aguas de los cuales los compuestos tradicionalmente utilizados están vinculados con enfermedades a los seres vivos; por tal motivo, se busca emplear compuestos amigables con el ambiente, no tóxicos y de alta eficiencia. El quitosano es un polímero biodegradable, no tóxico con propiedades coagulantes y floculantes; mientras que, el metabisulfito de sodio tiene la capacidad de reducir la toxicidad d...

  1. Localization of 15N uptake in a Tibetan alpine Kobresia pasture (United States)

    Schleuß, Per-Marten; Kuzyakov, Yakov


    The Kobresia Pygmea ecotone covers approximately 450.000 km2 and is of large global and regional importance due several socio-ecological aspects. For instance Kobresia pastures store high amounts of carbon, nitrogen and other nutrients, represent large grazing areas for herbivores, provide a fast regrowth after grazing events and protect against mechanical degradation and soil erosion. However, Kobresia pastures are assumed to be a grazing induced and are accompanied with distinct root mats varying in thickness between 5-30 cm. Yet, less is known about the morphology and the functions of this root mats, especially in the background of a progressing degradation due to changes of climate and management. Thus we aimed to identify the importance of single soil layers for plant nutrition. Accordingly, nitrogen uptake from different soil depths and its remain in above-ground biomass (AGB), belowground biomass (BGB) and soil were determined by using a 15N pulse labeling approach during the vegetation period in summer 2012. 15N urea was injected into six different soil depths (0.5 cm, 2.5 cm, 7.5 cm, 12.5 cm, 17.5 cm, 22.5 cm / for each 4 replicates) and plots were sampled 45 days after the labeling. For soil and BGB samples were taken in strict sample intervals of 0-1 cm, 1-5 cm, 5-10 cm, 10-15 cm, 15-20 cm, 20-25 cm. Results indicate that total recovery (including AGB, BGB and soil) was highest, if tracer was injected into the top 5 cm and subsequently decreased with decreasing injection depth. This is especially the case for the 15N recovery of BGB, which is clearly attributed to the root density and strongly decreased with soil depth. In contrast, the root activity derived from the 15N content of roots increased with soil depth, which is primary associated to a proportionate increase of living roots related to dead roots. However, most 15N was captured in plant biomass (67.5-85.3 % of total recovery), indicating high 15N uptake efficiency possibly due to N limitation

  2. Rio de Janeiro y el Campeonato Sudamericano de Futbol de 1919: América del Sur corre detrás de una bola = Rio de Janeiro and the 1919 South American Football Championship: South America runs for a ball Rio de Janeiro e o Campeonato Sul-Americano de futebol de 1919: América do Sul a correr atráz de uma bola

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    João M.C. Malaia Santos


    Full Text Available El actual artículo pretende analizar la primera gran competición internacional del fútbol celebrada en Brasil, el Campeonato Sudamericano de Fútbol de 1919, que tuvo lugar en Río de Janeiro. El objetivo es discutir las cuestiones relativas a la organización de la competición, la selección brasileña de fútbol, los intentos de representación del equipo con elementos que identificaran a los jugadores con valores nacionales a través de la gran prensa carioca y paulista y el papel de los espectadores en este proceso. Usando las fuentes impresas y la metodología de la Historia Económica, la intención es poner al lector en contacto con una gran gama de elementos para el estudio de las grandes competiciones deportivas internacionales.------------------------------------------------------------------------------The present article aims at analyzing the first great international football tournament hosted by Brazil, the 1919 South American Football Championship held in Rio de Janeiro. The objective is to discuss questions concerning the organization of the competition, the national football team, the attempts of the great press of Rio de Janeiro and Sao Paulo to represent the team with elements that could identify the players with national values and the role played by the spectators in this process. Using printed documents and the methodology of economic history, the intention is to put the reader in contact with a range of elements for the study of major international sport competitions.O presente artigo destina-se a analisar a primeira grande competição de futebol sediada no Brasil, o Campeonato Sul-Americano de 1919, que aconteceu no Rio de Janeiro. Os objetivos é problematizar as questões que envolveram a organização do torneio, da seleção brasileira de futebol, as tentativas de representação da equipe com elementos que identificassem os jogadores a valores nacionais através da grande imprensa carioca e paulista e o papel

  3. Oxidación fotocatalítica de aguas residuales de la industria de lavandería utilizando TiO2 como catalizador y luz UV1 Oxidación fotocatalítica de aguas residuales de la industria de lavandería utilizando TiO2 como catalizador y luz UV

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    E. Gil Pavas


    Full Text Available The catalytic photodegradation of the waste water of the laundry industry in a Parabolic Composite Cylinder (PCC photo-reactor is studied in this work. The technology of pho-tocatalysis was used with artificial sources of radiation (lamps UV and TiO2 as catalyst. The study was with Industrial waste water with the objective to begin to carry out an investigation with real liquid effluents and not with prepared synthetic mixtures in the laboratory, since what it looks for with this project it is to take a first step towards the use of these new technologies on industrial scale. The experimental results were process statistically by model of response surface. The concentration of catalyst, pH and the recirculation time were the parameters that affected the final concentration of COD, variable of response. The degradation obtained was 26.49% without H2O2 and 41.8%. with addition of H2O2.Los efluentes tratados son aguas residuales suministradas por una industria de lavandería, utilizando la tecnología de fotocatálisis con fuentes artificiales de radiación (lámparas UV, TiO2 como catalizador y un foto-reactor cilindro parabólico compuesto (CPC. Se empleó agua residual industrial con el objetivo de comenzar a efectuar una investigación con efluentes líquidos reales y no con mezclas sintéticas preparadas en el laboratorio, lo que se busca con este proyecto es dar un primer paso hacia la utilización de estas nuevas tecnologías a escala industrial. Los resultados experimentales fueron procesados estadísticamente por modelo de superficie de respuesta, tomando la concentración del catalizador, pH y tiempo de recirculación, como los parámetros que afectan la concentración final de DQO (Demanda Química de Oxígeno, variable de respuesta escogida. Se logró una degradación máxima sin H2O2 del 26,49% y con adición de H2O2 del 41,8%.

  4. Improving N-use efficiency in onion plants grown in desert soils using 15N through fertigation technique

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Thabet, E.M.A.; Abdallah, A.A.G.; Battah, N.S.


    Two field experiments were performed at the Experimental Farm of Nuclear Research Center, Atomic Energy Authority, Inshas, Egypt, during the two successive growing seasons of 2003 and 2004, in a clay loam textured soil. Seedlings of onion (Allium cepa L.) cultivar Giza-20 were transplanted in the field prepared with drip irrigation system for studying onion production under fertigation technique. Three nitrogen rates (50, 100 and 150 kg N/fed) as ammonium sulphate contain 21.2% N were used. These experiments aim to apply nitrogen along an extended time in order to maximize its use efficiency. Each rate was subjected to four splitting, i.e. one, two, three and four times of application, at 45 days from transplanting. Nitrogen was added every 15 days started 45 days after transplanting through a fertigation technique. In the first experiment (2003), labelled nitrogen (N-15) as ammonium sulphate contain 3.33% N-15 atom excess was applied for to estimate nitrogen use efficiency. One vegetative sample was harvested at 105 days from transplanting (15 days after the fourth application of nitrogen) to determine dry matter characters and N-15 analysis. At harvest, yield and yield components were determined for unit area. Results indicated that onion plants did not use more than about 20% of the applied nitrogen. Also yield did not respond to increasing rate up to splitting of nitrogen. The second growing season (2004) was conducted to measure bulbs yield under the same previous treatments

  5. Evaluation of natural 15N abundance method in estimating symbiotic dinitrogen fixation by leguminous grasses

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yao Yunyin; Cheng Ming; Ma Changlin; Wang Zhidong; Hou Jinqin; Zhang Lihong; Luo Yongyun


    Natural 15 N abundance method was used to estimate contribution of symbiotic dinitrogen fixation by leguminous grasses. With the method the expensive 15 N fertilizer did not need to be applied to the soil and the normal ecosystem was not disturbed. Collecting samples of shoots of leguminous grasses and measuring the content of 15 N in them wee all to do for estimating potential of symbiotically fixed N 2 . Isotopic fractionation associated with N 2 fixation by legumes was studied. Values for 7 cultivars of alfalfa were ranged between 1.0000 ∼ 1.0015 (δ 15 N values were -0.05 ∼ 1.47 per mille); and the values for white clover, mung bean and whitepopinac lead tree were 0.0079, 0.9983 and 1.0018 (δ 15 N values: 2.15, 1.74 and -1.81 per mille) respectively. According to the δ 15 N values of grasses tested, the potential of N 2 fixation for 6 cultivars of alfalfa was estimated. Glory and rambler had higher potential of N 2 fixation; Baoding, Aigonquin and Minto had lower potential, and Peru was the lowest.N 2 fixing activity of alfalfa varied with different periods. The peak was found between June and July. Effects of non-N 2 -fixing references and different methods on estimates of %Ndfa of leguminous grasses were also discussed

  6. Influence of canopy drip on the indicative N, S and δ15N content in moss Hypnum cupressiforme

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Skudnik, Mitja; Jeran, Zvonka; Batič, Franc; Simončič, Primož; Lojen, Sonja; Kastelec, Damijana


    Samples of Hypnum cupressiforme were collected at two types of site in forest areas: within the forest stand and within forest openings, and analyzed for N and S concentrations and δ 15 N. Mosses sampled within forest openings reflect the atmospheric N deposition; however, no influence of throughfall N deposition on the N in the moss that was sampled within the forest stand was found, nor was any influence of S deposition on the S in the moss found. For the N and S concentrations in the mosses sampled within forest openings, the within-site variability was comparable to the between-site variability, and for the δ 15 N, the within-site variability was lower than the between-site. The results showed that a short distance ( 15 N content in moss on atmospheric deposition. • Moss sampled within forest openings reflect the atmospheric N but not S deposition. • Higher N and S content was found in mosses sampled in areas within the forest stand. • Metadata describing the boundary condition of moss sampling location is important. - H. cupressiforme reflects the atmospheric deposition of N but not S; a distance less than 1 m between the sampling site and the nearest tree crown increases the N and S concentrations in the moss

  7. Effects of climate on deer bone δ15N and δ13C: Lack of precipitation effects on δ15N for animals consuming low amounts of C 4 plants (United States)

    Cormie, A. B.; Schwarcz, H. P.


    We have examined the relationship of bone collagen δ15N and δ13C to climatic variables, humidity, temperature, and amount of precipitation using fifty-nine specimens of North American white-tailed deer ( Odocoileus virginianus) from forty-six different locations. In previous studies of African mammals there was a significant correlation between bone collagen δ15N and local amount of precipitation. Results presented here similarly show an increase in δ15N with decreasing amount of precipitation but only for 25% of the animals, namely those consuming more than 10% C 4 plants. These animals also exhibited a significant correlation between δ13C and temperature which mirrors previous observations for grasses suggesting that these deer consume grasses during times of population and nutrient stress. In contrast, even in dry areas containing high proportions of C 4 grasses, the majority of the deer had consumed low amounts of C 4 plants and these deer did not have δ15N which correlate with amount of precipitation. Only when deer deviated from their normal feeding pattern by consuming C 4 plants or grasses did their δ15N correlate with amount of rainfall. For these animals, consumption of C 4 plants or grasses may signal conditions of water and nutrient stress. An increase in δ15N of bone collagen may result from combined effects from excretion of concentrated urine (to conserve water) and increased internal recycling of nitrogen (to conserve nitrogen).

  8. Desarrollo de una aplicación para la gestión, clasificación y agrupamiento de documentos económicos con algoritmos bio-inspirados

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rocha Blanco, Rocío


    Full Text Available Este trabajo describe el desarrollo de una aplicación Web que utiliza técnicas bio-inspiradas para clasificar y agrupar colecciones multilingües de documentos en el campo de la economía y los negocios. La aplicación identifica grupos relacionados de documentos económicos, escritos en español e ingles, utilizando algoritmos de clustering inspirados en el comportamiento de las colonias de hormigas. Para la generación de una representación vectorial de los documentos que resulte independiente del idioma, se utilizan varios recursos lingüísticos y herramientas de procesamiento de documentos textuales. Cada documento es representado utilizando cuatro vectores de rasgos independientes del idioma, y la similitud entre ellos es calculada mediante combinaciones lineales convexas de las similitudes de esos vectores de rasgos. El trabajo presenta resultados experimentales obtenidos en la clasificación de un corpus de 250 documentos científicos en diversas áreas de la economía y administración de empresas.

  9. Study of the GDR in 15N using fast neutron capture

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wender, S.A.; Jensen, M.; Potokar, M.; Roberson, N.R.; Tilley, D.R.; Weller, H.R.


    The excitation function for 15 N(γ,n) from 16 to 23 MeV was obtained by use of the detailed balance priinciple from neutron capture. As coefficients from the 14 N(n,γ) data are also shown. Similar data are shown for 14 C(p,γ) and 14 N(p,γ) studies. 2 figures

  10. Using the N-15 method to determine N-soil, N-green manure, and N-urea availability after six seasons in an alley cropping system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Elsje L Sisworo; Haryanto and Ania Citraresmini


    Nitrogen (N) is the most important nutrient for crop growth and production. This study was conducted to determine whether in each of six seasons and after these seasons the N-soil, N-green manure, N-green manure + urea, and N-urea is still available for crops. Upland rice and corn were planted successively for six seasons. In each season upland rice and corn were planted and applied with N-fertilizers at rate of: control (0N), N1 (100% green manure), N2 (50% green manure + 50% urea), N3 (100% urea). N-15 labelled urea was added at each season to determine the A-value of the crops. In each seasons it was shown that crops used N-soil as well as N-fertilizer. With the increase of the availability of N-fertilizers the use of N-soil decrease and so could preserve N-soil. With preservation of N-soil it could be assumed that soil quality has increased. The N-15 method could be used to determine the availability at each fertilizer rate’s in each season and at the end of the sixth season. (author)


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    M. Rincon, H. Bolognini,


    Full Text Available En los últimos años en Venezuela se ha presentado una crisis en la demanda, comercialización y producción del cemento, material necesario para la construcción, por lo cual se han venido utilizando cementos adicionados sin ningún tipo de regulación. En este trabajo se presenta la caracterización físico-mecánica de tres mezclas de concreto con relación agua/cemento de 0,45 y relación agua/cemento de 0,60 con diferentes tipos de cemento Portland, Tipo I, Tipo CPCA1, y la tercera mezcla corresponde a Tipo CPCA1 retribuyéndole el 15% de adición en su propio peso, desarrollando una mezcla de mejor calidad. Estos concretos se caracterizaron según: asentamiento, tiempo de fraguado, porcentaje de porosidad total, porcentaje de absorción de agua y resistencia mecánica a la compresión. Los resultados demostraron que la mezcla de concreto elaborada con CPCA1 no cumple con los requisitos mínimos establecidos en la norma venezolana para su uso en la elaboración de concreto estructural, ya que entre otros parámetros su resistencia a la compresión está por debajo del valor de diseño. En cuanto al CPCA1 retribuyéndole el 15% de adición en su propio peso cumple con los requisitos establecidos, y puede ser utilizado en la fabricación de elementos estructurales de concreto.

  12. Nitrogen and water regime effects on corn yields determined by N-15 methodology

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Halitligil, M.B.; Akin, A.


    This investigation was carried out to determine the relationships between fertilizer N leaching and N fertilizer application time, method and irrigation rate by using 15 N methodology. Therefore, in the field experiments, the effects of three factors namely a) Irrigation rate (optimum 240 mm, high 360 mm), b) N application time (All at planting, 1/2 at planting and 1/2 after planting when plant heights were 50 cm), c) N application method (side dress and broadcast) were investigated. The field experiments were conducted using randomized block design as split-split plot and 4 replications. As the test plant hybrid corn was selected and at planting row spaces were arranged as 0.80 m x 0.25 m. Nitrogen was applied 120 kg N/ha to the all treatments as urea fertilizer (46 % N). In addition, to the sub-plots (which received half of N at planting and the other half when plant heights were 50 cm) 15 N labelled urea (2.63 % 15 N a.e. as 120 kg N/ha) was applied. After harvesting, total N and 15 N analyses were done for plant and soil samples. The results showed that the seed and total yields were increased with higher (360 mm) irrigation. When N application was side dressed the availability of N was increased, and also its loss by leaching from the active root zone was decreased. In conclusion, it was observed that at high irrigation rate was saved about 84 kg N/ha by side dressing rather than broadcasting of the applied N fertilizer

  13. Implications of heterogeneity on procedures for estimating plant 15N recovery in hedgerow intercrop system

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Rowe, E.C.; Cadisch, G.


    Nitrogen flows in agroforestry systems can be quantified by applying excess 15N to one pool or part of the system and subsequently measuring the quantity of 15N in other pools. Accurate quantifications depend on accurate determination of the mass, percentage N, and percentage 15N enrichment of each

  14. Effects of growth and change of food on the δ15N in marine fishes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kasamatsu, Fujio; Sato, Rie; Park, Kwang Lai


    Information is limited concerning variation of the δ 15 N with growth in marine organisms and consequently the effect of growth of marine biota on the δ 15 N is not yet well understood. The δ 15 N in 26 species of marine fishes taken from Japanese coastal waters together with 4664 stomach contents of these fishes were examined to investigate the effects of food habits and growth on the δ 15 N. The mean δ 15 N for two species that fed mainly on large-size fishes and six species that fed mainly on small-size fishes were 14.5±1.0per mille and 12.8±0.7per mille, respectively. For five species that fed mainly on decapod crustaceans, two species that fed mainly on zooplankton, and three species that fed mainly on benthos (mainly Polychaeta), the δ 15 N were 13.0±0.7, 9.7±0.9, and 12.2±1.2per mille, respectively. The mean δ 15 N in the species whose prey were mainly fish or decapod crustaceans was about 3-5per mille higher than the species whose prey was mainly zooplankton. Within the four species that shift their food habits with growth to higher trophic level, the δ 15 N significantly increased with growth in one species (Pacific cod), while not significant increase in the δ 15 N with growth in the remaining species. (author)

  15. Posibilidad de identificar defectos en máquinas rotatorias utilizando la medición de nivel total de la señal vibratoria // Possibility of identification of defects in rotatory machinery by means of total level mesurations.

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    L. M. Véliz Marrero


    Full Text Available Se expone una herramienta propuesta por el Dr. C. Cempel, poco difundida para identificar algunos defectos al realizar eldiagnóstico de máquinas rotatorias utilizando la medición de Nivel Total. Se ilustra a modo de ejemplo el diagnóstico de unreductor de velocidad.Palabras claves: Medición, vibraciones, nivel total, diagnóstico, engranaje, reductor de velocidad.________________________________________________________________________________AbstractIn this paper is exposed a not much divulged tool proposed by Dr. C. Cempel for the identification of some defects by meansof the measurement of Total Level of vibration in diagnosis of rotatory machinery. As example, a speed reducer diagnostic ispresented.Key words: Vibration measurement, total level, diagnostic, gears, speed reducer.

  16. Evaluación de métodos de extracción y purificación de enzimas pectinolíticas obtenidas por fermentación en estado semisólido del Aspergillus niger


    Rojas Muñoz, Víctor René


    El presente estudio se llevó a cabo para evaluar diferentes métodos de bioseparación orientados a la recuperación de exopoligalacturonasas (exo-PG) y endopoligalacturonasas (endo-PG) contenidas en el extracto enzimático procedente de la fermentación en medio semisólido de Aspergillus niger utilizando cáscara de naranja para la preparación de los sustratos.

  17. Obtención de mapas de curvas residuales para la síntesis de acetato de butilo


    Orjuela Londoño, Álvaro; Leiva Lenis, Fernando; Boyacá Mendivelso, Luis Alejandro; Rodríguez Niño, Gerardo; Carballo Suárez, Luis María


    Es este trabajo se adelantó un estudio en la escala de laboratorio de la síntesis acetato de n-butilo en fase líquida (P atm = 560 mmHg), en operación simultánea de reacción y destilación (destilación reactiva batch), utilizando una resina de intercambio catiónico (Lewatit K-2431) como catalizador. Por medio de la construcción experimental de curvas residuales, utilizando diferentes cargas de catalizador, se determinaron las condiciones para las cuales la operación esta limita...

  18. Thermodynamic properties of LiCl solutions in N-methylacetamide at 308.15-328.15 K (United States)

    Manin, N. G.; Kolker, A. M.


    Enthalpies of dissolution of crystalline LiCl and enthalpies of dilution of LiCl solutions in N-methylacetamide (NMA) with electrolyte concentrations no greater than 0.32 m are measured on an isoperibolic calorimeter at 308.15, 318.15, and 328.5 K. Standard enthalpies of the dissolution of LiCl in NMA are calculated at different temperatures. The thermodynamic properties of the solution and its components are calculated and analyzed in the investigated range of concentrations and temperatures.

  19. δ15N constraints on long-term nitrogen balances in temperate forests (United States)

    Perakis, S.S.; Sinkhorn, E.R.; Compton, J.E.


    Biogeochemical theory emphasizes nitrogen (N) limitation and the many factors that can restrict N accumulation in temperate forests, yet lacks a working model of conditions that can promote naturally high N accumulation. We used a dynamic simulation model of ecosystem N and δ15N to evaluate which combination of N input and loss pathways could produce a range of high ecosystem N contents characteristic of forests in the Oregon Coast Range. Total ecosystem N at nine study sites ranged from 8,788 to 22,667 kg ha−1 and carbon (C) ranged from 188 to 460 Mg ha−1, with highest values near the coast. Ecosystem δ15N displayed a curvilinear relationship with ecosystem N content, and largely reflected mineral soil, which accounted for 96–98% of total ecosystem N. Model simulations of ecosystem N balances parameterized with field rates of N leaching required long-term average N inputs that exceed atmospheric deposition and asymbiotic and epiphytic N2-fixation, and that were consistent with cycles of post-fire N2-fixation by early-successional red alder. Soil water δ15NO3 − patterns suggested a shift in relative N losses from denitrification to nitrate leaching as N accumulated, and simulations identified nitrate leaching as the primary N loss pathway that constrains maximum N accumulation. Whereas current theory emphasizes constraints on biological N2-fixation and disturbance-mediated N losses as factors that limit N accumulation in temperate forests, our results suggest that wildfire can foster substantial long-term N accumulation in ecosystems that are colonized by symbiotic N2-fixing vegetation.

  20. Resección quirúrgica de mucocele utilizando relleno siliconado


    Martínez, Adel; Gómez Arcila, Verónica; Carmona, Zenén


    El mucocele es una lesión que afecta especialmente las glándulas salivales menores; se forma debido a la extravasación de saliva mucosa producto de un trauma por mordedura. Teniendo en cuenta el factor causal, el mucocele se puede clasificar como quiste de extravasación mucosa o quiste de retención mucosa. Afecta primordialmente el labio inferior y se manifiesta como un nódulo, translúcido y circunscrito con un contenido mucoso o muestra una elevación del color de la mucosa que la cubre. El t...



    Rodríguez-Sandoval, Eduardo; Sandoval-Aldana, Angélica; Fernández-Quintero, Alejandro


    Las modificaciones del almidón, que ocurren durante el proceso de elaboración de harina de yuca precocida, se evaluaron utilizando técnicas como calorimetría diferencial de barrido (CDB), difracción de rayos X, comportamiento al empastamiento y capacidad de formación de complejo con yodo. La harina precocida se obtuvo a partir de trozos de parénquima de yuca cocinados en vapor o en agua a ebullición, los cuales fueron posteriormente almacenados a 5 ºC o a -20 ºC por 24 h. La temperatura utili...

  2. Sub-cellular localisation of a 15N-labelled peptide vector using NanoSIMS imaging (United States)

    Römer, Winfried; Wu, Ting-Di; Duchambon, Patricia; Amessou, Mohamed; Carrez, Danièle; Johannes, Ludger; Guerquin-Kern, Jean-Luc


    Dynamic SIMS imaging is proposed to map sub-cellular distributions of isotopically labelled, exogenous compounds. NanoSIMS imaging allows the characterisation of the intracellular transport pathways of exogenous molecules, including peptide vectors employed in innovative therapies, using stable isotopes as molecular markers to detect the compound of interest. Shiga toxin B-subunit (STxB) was chosen as a representative peptide vector. The recombinant protein ( 15N-STxB) was synthesised in Escherichia coli using 15NH 4Cl as sole nitrogen source resulting in 15N enrichment in the molecule. Using the NanoSIMS 50 ion microprobe (Cameca), different ion species ( 12C 14N -, 12C 15N -, 31P -) originating from the same sputtered micro volume were simultaneously detected. High mass resolving power enabled the discrimination of 12C 15N - from its polyatomic isobars of mass 27. We imaged the membrane binding and internalisation of 15N-STxB in HeLa cells at spatial resolutions of less than 100 nm. Thus, the use of rare stable isotopes like 15N with dynamic SIMS imaging permits sub-cellular detection of isotopically labelled, exogenous molecules and imaging of their transport pathways at high mass and spatial resolution. Application of stable isotopes as markers can replace the large and chemically complex tags used for fluorescence microscopy, without altering the chemical and physical properties of the molecule.

  3. Nitrate reductase 15N discrimination in Arabidopsis thaliana, Zea mays, Aspergillus niger, Pichea angusta, and Escherichia coli

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Eli eCarlisle


    Full Text Available Stable 15N isotopes have been used to examine movement of nitrogen (N through various pools of the global N cycle. A central reaction in the cycle involves nitrate (NO3– reduction to nitrite (NO2– catalyzed via nitrate reductase (NR. Discrimination against 15N by NR is a major determinant of isotopic differences among N pools. Here, we measured in vitro 15N discrimination by several NRs purified from plants, fungi, and a bacterium to determine the intrinsic 15N discrimination by the enzyme and to evaluate the validity of measurements made using 15N-enriched NO3–. Observed NR isotope discrimination ranged from 22‰ to 32‰ (kinetic isotope effects of 1.022 to 1.032 among the different isozymes at natural abundance 15N (0.37%. As the fractional 15N content of substrate NO3– increased from natural abundance, the product 15N fraction deviated significantly from that expected based on substrate enrichment and 15N discrimination measured at natural abundance. Additionally, isotopic discrimination by denitrifying bacteria used to reduce NO3– and NO2– in some protocols became a greater source of error as 15N enrichment increased. We briefly discuss potential causes of artifactual results with enriched 15N and recommend against the use of highly enriched 15N tracers to study N discrimination in plants or soils.

  4. Evaluation for dinitrogen fixation of alfalfa in field based on δ15N value

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yao Yunyin; Chen Ming; Zhang Xizhong


    The dinitrogen fixation rate of alfalfa was estimated grown in pot and field experiments. β values (isotope fraction factor) of 7 cultivars of alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) and white clover (Trifolium repens L.) grown in N-free liquid culture medium were examined. Variations in the δ 15 N values of varieties of alfalfa at growing seasons and forage grasses grown under various conditions were measured. %Ndfa of alfalfa was estimated using the natural 15 N abundance method, 15 N isotope dilution method and total N difference, and their accuracy was compared

  5. El uso de manipulables para propiciar la comprensión del significado de ecuaciones lineales y cuadráticas, y de sistemas de ecuaciones lineales en la escuela secundaria


    García, Paola; Vargas, Jorge


    El presente trabajo es una investigación en curso, en donde se pretende analizar el papel que juega la utilización de manipulables (balanzas concretas y balanzas simuladas utilizando GeoGebra) como recurso didáctico para propiciar la comprensión del significado de ecuaciones lineales, cuadráticas y sistemas de ecuaciones lineales en estudiantes de secundaria, de entre 13 y 15 años de edad, mediante una manipulación activa de dichos aparatos a través del contacto directo de estos con los estud...

  6. Measurement of (n,2n) and (n,3n) cross sections at incident energies between 8 and 15MeV

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Frehaut, J; Mosinski, G


    Cross sections of (n,2n) and (n,3n) reactions were measured for several nuclides between 8 and 15MeV using a large liquid scintillator to count the neutrons directly. Measurements relative to the fission cross section of /sup 238/U were made for the Nd isotopes 142-144-146-148-150, for the Sm isotopes 148-150-152-154 and for the natural elements Ti, V, Cr, Cu, Zr, Mo and Pb. The relative accuracy of the measurements was generally of the order of 5 to 10%.


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    Clara Saux


    Full Text Available Se estudió la oxidación selectiva de estireno para la obtención de benzaldehído sobre zeolitas ZSM-5 modificadas con diferentes metales de transición (cromo, cobalto, hierro, zinc, manganeso y cobre y utilizando peróxido de hidrógeno como oxidante. Dado que los mejores resultados se obtuvieron utilizando Cr-ZSM-5, estos materiales se estudiaron evaluando el efecto del tiempo de reacción, la masa de catalizador, la relación molar estireno/hidroperóxido, la naturaleza del solvente y la temperatura de reacción. Los mejores resultados de las condiciones evaluadas se obtuvieron trabajando con una relación molar sustrato/oxidante de 0,45 y utilizando acetonitrilo como solvente, dado su carácter aprótico y de mayor polaridad de los solventes evaluados (acetonitrilo, acetona, 2-butanol y 2-propanol. El aumento en la temperatura de reacción mostró un incremento en la conversión de estireno, el cual se desaceleró al superar los 60 oC por descomposición térmica del peróxido de hidrógeno.

  8. The CN/C15N isotopic ratio towards dark clouds (United States)

    Hily-Blant, P.; Pineau des Forêts, G.; Faure, A.; Le Gal, R.; Padovani, M.


    Understanding the origin of the composition of solar system cosmomaterials is a central question, not only in the cosmochemistry and astrochemistry fields, and requires various approaches to be combined. Measurements of isotopic ratios in cometary materials provide strong constraints on the content of the protosolar nebula. Their relation with the composition of the parental dark clouds is, however, still very elusive. In this paper, we bring new constraints based on the isotopic composition of nitrogen in dark clouds, with the aim of understanding the chemical processes that are responsible for the observed isotopic ratios. We have observed and detected the fundamental rotational transition of C15N towards two starless dark clouds, L1544 and L1498. We were able to derive the column density ratio of C15N over 13CN towards the same clouds and obtain the CN/C15N isotopic ratios, which were found to be 500 ± 75 for both L1544 and L1498. These values are therefore marginally consistent with the protosolar value of 441. Moreover, this ratio is larger than the isotopic ratio of nitrogen measured in HCN. In addition, we present model calculations of the chemical fractionation of nitrogen in dark clouds, which make it possible to understand how CN can be deprived of 15N and HCN can simultaneously be enriched in heavy nitrogen. The non-fractionation of N2H+, however, remains an open issue, and we propose some chemical way of alleviating the discrepancy between model predictions and the observed ratios. Appendices are available in electronic form at http://www.aanda.orgThe reduced spectra (in FITS format) are available at the CDS via anonymous ftp to ( or via

  9. Comportamiento del hormigón con áridos siderúrgicos (EAF) reforzado con fibras


    Fuente Alonso, José Antonio de la


    La investigación que recoge la presente Tesis Doctoral desarrolla un estudio experimental para obtener hormigones destinados a pavimentos y/o soleras utilizando como áridos los residuos generados en la fabricación de acero en hornos eléctricos de arco, escoria negra EAF, y reforzándolo con fibras metálicas o sintéticas. El objetivo principal es la elaboración de un hormigón siderúrgico, utilizando escoria negra de horno eléctrico de arco EAF como sustitución de los áridos naturales en un 7...

  10. Nitrogen cycling in a forest stream determined by a 15N tracer addition (United States)

    Patrick J. Mullholland; Jennifer L. Tank; Diane M. Sanzone; Wilfred M. Wollheim; Bruce J. Peterson; Jackson R. Webster; Judy L. Meyer


    Nitrogen uptake and cycling was examined using a six-week tracer addition of 15N-labeled ammonium in early spring in Waer Branch, a first-order deciduous forest stream in eastern Tennessee. Prior to the 15N addition, standing stocks of N were determined for the major biomass compartments. During and after the addition,

  11. Micropropagación in vitro de Nothofagus alpina utilizando fitohormonas

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    Luz García Cruzatty


    Full Text Available Nothofagus alpina es una de las especies forestales más importantes del Sur de Chile y Argentina, países donde se ha empezado con programas de mejoramiento genético. La micropropagación es una técnica muy útil en la clonación de árboles con fines de mejoramiento, por tanto, los objetivos planteados en esta investigación fueron: determinar la mejor concentración de fitohormonas 6-bencilaminopurina (BAP y ácido indol butírico (AIB y, el medio de cultivo idóneo para inducir el enraizamiento de brotes y la brotación de secciones nodales de N. alpina. Se evaluaron los medios de Murashige Skoog (MS y Wood Plant Medium (WPM, con la mitad de los macronutrientes (enraizamiento y los micronutrientes completos (multiplicación, suplementado con peptone (0.1%, sacarosa (2.0%, agar (0.7% y diferentes concentraciones de auxinas. El medio MS suplementado con 2 mg L-1 de AIB resultó mejor para inducir la producción de las raíces, tanto en número como en la longitud de la raíz principal. El mayor porcentaje de enraizamiento se registró en el medio WPM suplementado con 2 mg L-1 AIB. Los tratamientos para inducir multiplicación que incluyeron citoquinina originaron callos y no enraizaron; siendo mayor la presencia de callos en el medio WPM. Se sugiere que la aplicación de citoquininas no es indispensable para la brotación, puesto que en los tratamientos testigos hubo una buena brotación; lo que hace suponer que el material vegetal utilizado tiene suficiente niveles endógenos de esta fitohormona.

  12. Fields of application and results of analytic procedures with /sup 15/N in pediatric alimentary research

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Heine, W; Richter, I; Plath, C; Wutzke, K; Kupatz, P; Drescher, U [Rostock Univ. (German Democratic Republic)


    Investigation of protein metabolism in nutritional pediatric research by means of /sup 15/N tracer techniques has been relatively seldom used up to now. /sup 15/N labelled compounds for these purposes are not injurious to health. The technique is based on oral or intravenous application of the tracer substances and on /sup 15/N analysis of the urine fractions. The subsequent calculation of protein synthesis and breakdown rate, turnover and reutilisation of amino acids from protein breakdown as well as the size of the metabolic pool offers detailed information of protein metabolism. Determination of these parameters was performed in infants on mother's milk and formula feeding and on chemically defined diet. As an example of utilisation of D-amino acids for protein synthesis the /sup 15/N-D-phenylalanin retention on parenteral nutrition was found to be 33% of the applied dosis at an average. An oral /sup 15/N glycine loading test proved to be of value for the prediction of the therapeutic effect of human growth hormon in numerous types of dwarfism. Further application of /sup 15/N tracer technique dealt with utilisation of /sup 15/N urea for bacterial protein synthesis of the intestinal flora and with incorporation of /sup 15/N from /sup 15/N glycine and /sup 15/N lysine into the jejunal mucosa for measuring the enterocyte regeneration.

  13. Measurement of denitrification on grassland using gas chromatography and 15N tracer technique

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lippold, H.; Foerster, I.; Hagemann, O.; Matzel, W.


    Alternative covering of grassland micro-plots fertilized with 15 NH 4 15 NO 3 allowed on the basis on N 2 and N 2 O quantities released within several weeks to measure denitrification and to calculate it by means of methane as gas tracer. Thus the gas exchange was rendered visible and the N quantities measured could be corrected. In some variants, the acetylene blocking technique was successfully applied by adding acetylene to the soil air. The losses measured at 6 dates are discussed together with the 15 N balance and atmospherical conditions. The method is suited for recording the high losses occurring mainly in the second quarter of the year immediately after fertilization. Under the conditions mentioned soil N losses were small (3 kg N/ha). The immobilized fertilizer N quantities reached 20 to 30 kg/ha (fertilizer rate 100 kg N/ha) and were comparably independent of the date of fertilization. (author)

  14. 15N abundance in Antarctica: origin of soil nitrogen and ecological implications

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wada, E.; Shibata, R.; Torii, T


    The results of an investigation of the nitrogen cycle in Antartica are reported which show that nitrate in Antarctic soils is extremely depleted in 15 N compared with biogenic nitrogen and that algae collected from a nitrate-rich saline pond and from a penguin rookery exhibit, respectively, the lowest and the highest 15 N/ 14 N ratios among terrestrial biogenic nitrogen so far observed. The possible causes of these extreme nitrogen isotopic compositions are discussed. (U.K.)

  15. Utilization of {sup 15}N-Diammonium Phosphate by Ruminants to Produce Milk and Meat Proteins

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Piva, G.; Silva, S. [Istituto di Zootecnicae di Chimica Agraria, Facolta di Agraria Univ. Cattolicas. Cuore, Piacenza (Italy)


    The authors investigated the alimentary role of diammonium phosphate (DAP) in ruminants. For this study DAP labelled with {sup 15}N was used; analysis of the {sup 15}N atomic per cent excess was made with an Italelettronica mass spectrophotometer (model SP 21 F) and the amino acid determination by a Beckman-Spinco amino acid analyser (model 120B) fitted with a preparative column. For the experiment 7 g of DAP at 15 and 20 at. % excess {sup 15}N were administered once to mature lactating and non-lactating sheep, respectively. The measurement of {sup 15}N in the protein and isolated amino acids of milk and meat showed: (1) The milk protein produced in the first 24 h contained the highest atomic per cent excess of {sup 15}SN, 0.093; (2) That the supplemental {sup 15}N was found in all the amino acids of milk proteins except tryptophane. The atomic per cent excess of {sup 15}N was observed to vary between the various amino acids. These results confirmed previous observations on bacterial protein synthesized from DAP. (3) Muscle protein {sup 15}N maximized on the third day after administration of the {sup 15}N-DAP, with an atomic per cent excess of 0.040; (4) The atomic per cent excess of {sup 15}N in the individual amino acids of muscle protein is significant in only two amino' acids, serine and cystine; and (5) That after 8 d of adaptation there are no traces of DAP in milk or meat proteins, urine or faeces. The authors conclude that the ruminant, after a period of adaptation and through the mediation of ruminant microorganisms, is able to use the nitrogen of diammonium phosphate for the synthesis of milk and meat proteins. (author)

  16. Barley Benefits from Organic Nitrogen in Plant Residues Applied to Soil using 15N Isotope Dilution

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gadalla, A.M.; Galal, Y.G.M.; Abdel Aziz, H.A.; El-Degwy, S.M.A.; Abd El-Haleem, M.


    The experiment was carried out in pots (sandy soil cultivated with Barley plant) under greenhouse conditions, at Inshas, Egypt. The aim was to evaluate the transformation of nitrogen applied either as mineral form ( 15 NH 4 ) 2 SO 4 , or as organic-material-N (plant residues) .Basal recommended doses of P and K were applied. Labeled 15 N as( 15 NH 4 ) 2 SO 4 (5 % a.e) or plant residues (ground leuceana forage, compost, and mixture of them) were applied at a rate of 20 kg N/ ha). 15 N technique was used to evaluate N-uptake and fertilizer use efficiency. The treatments were arranged in a completely randomized block design under greenhouse conditions. The obtained results showed that the dry weight of barley shoots was positively affected by reinforcement of mineral- N with organic-N. On the other hand, the highest dry weight was estimated with leuceana either applied alone or reinforced with mineral N. Similar trend was noticed with N uptake but only with organic N, while with treatment received 50% organic-N. plus 50% mineral- N. the best value of N uptake was recorded with mixture of leuceana and compost. The amount of Ndff was lowest where fertilizer 15 N was applied alone. Comparing Ndff for the three organic treatments which received a combination of fertilizer- 15 N+organic-material-N, results showed that the highest Ndff was occurred with mixture of leuceana and compost, whereas the lowest was induced with individual leuceana treatment. 15 N recovery in shoots of barley ranged between 22.14 % to 82.16 %. The lowest occurred with application of mineral 15 N alone and; the highest occurred where mineral 15 N was mixed with compost or leucaena-compost mixture

  17. HN-NCA heteronuclear TOCSY-NH experiment for {sup 1}H{sup N} and {sup 15}N sequential correlations in ({sup 13}C, {sup 15}N) labelled intrinsically disordered proteins

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Wiedemann, Christoph; Goradia, Nishit; Häfner, Sabine [Leibniz Institute for Age Research, Fritz Lipmann Institute, Research Group Biomolecular NMR Spectroscopy (Germany); Herbst, Christian [Ubon Ratchathani University, Department of Physics, Faculty of Science (Thailand); Görlach, Matthias; Ohlenschläger, Oliver; Ramachandran, Ramadurai, E-mail: [Leibniz Institute for Age Research, Fritz Lipmann Institute, Research Group Biomolecular NMR Spectroscopy (Germany)


    A simple triple resonance NMR experiment that leads to the correlation of the backbone amide resonances of each amino acid residue ‘i’ with that of residues ‘i−1’ and ‘i+1’ in ({sup 13}C, {sup 15}N) labelled intrinsically disordered proteins (IDPs) is presented. The experimental scheme, {HN-NCA heteronuclear TOCSY-NH}, exploits the favourable relaxation properties of IDPs and the presence of {sup 1}J{sub CαN} and {sup 2}J{sub CαN} couplings to transfer the {sup 15}N{sub x} magnetisation from amino acid residue ‘i’ to adjacent residues via the application of a band-selective {sup 15}N–{sup 13}C{sup α} heteronuclear cross-polarisation sequence of ∼100 ms duration. Employing non-uniform sampling in the indirect dimensions, the efficacy of the approach has been demonstrated by the acquisition of 3D HNN chemical shift correlation spectra of α-synuclein. The experimental performance of the RF pulse sequence has been compared with that of the conventional INEPT-based HN(CA)NH pulse scheme. As the availability of data from both the HCCNH and HNN experiments will make it possible to use the information extracted from one experiment to simplify the analysis of the data of the other and lead to a robust approach for unambiguous backbone and side-chain resonance assignments, a time-saving strategy for the simultaneous collection of HCCNH and HNN data is also described.

  18. Balanço do nitrogênio da uréia (15N no sistema solo-planta na implantação da semeadura direta na cultura do milho Balance of nitrogen from urea (15N in the soil-plant system at the establishment of no-till in maize

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    Glauber José de Castro Gava


    Full Text Available Este trabalho teve como objetivo estudar as possíveis alterações na produção e partição da fitomassa vegetal, no acúmulo de nitrogênio total e do nitrogênio na planta proveniente do fertilizante (NPPF, utilizando-se uréia (15N aplicada em adubação de cobertura, na cultura do milho, na fase de implantação do manejo de semeadura direta. Com essa finalidade foi desenvolvido um experimento em campo, em Nitossolo localizado na Fazenda Água Sumida próximo ao município de Barra Bonita (SP. O delineamento experimental foi o de blocos completos ao acaso, com quatro repetições. Os tratamentos estudados foram: sistema de plantio convencional (uma aração e duas gradagens e sistema de semeadura direta, ambos adubados com uréia (15N, na dose de 100 kg ha-1 de N em cobertura. Em todos os tratamentos, foi feita adubação de semeadura, aplicando-se 25 kg ha-1 de N na forma de uréia, 80 kg ha-1 de P2O5 na forma de superfosfato simples e 60 kg ha-1 de K2O como cloreto de potássio. No fim do ciclo foram realizadas comparações entre os tratamentos, da produtividade da cultura; da acumulação de nitrogênio pela parte aérea e parte subterrânea; da utilização do nitrogênio da uréia (15N pela cultura do milho e do nitrogênio residual do fertilizante no solo. As modificações no solo causadas pela implantação da semeadura direta não restringiram a disponibilidade de N para as plantas de milho e, por conseguinte, a produção de material seco. A eficiência de utilização do fertilizante nitrogenado (EUFN pelo milho e a recuperação do fertilizante nitrogenado no solo (RFNS foram, respectivamente, em torno de 45% e 30% para o N-uréia aplicado em cobertura não havendo diferença entre os sistemas de cultivo convencional e direto. Independentemente do sistema, o nitrogênio não recuperado da uréia, aplicado em cobertura na cultura do milho (NNR foi em média de 25%.This work aimed to study possible alterations in the production

  19. The use of N-15 in the measurement of symbiotic nitrogen fixation by legumes under field condition

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Impithuksa, Viroj


    The amount of N fixation by legume crop in field condition by using 15 N can determine by the addition of labelled 15 N fertilizer into the soil and measuring the amount of labelled 15 N, soil N, and fixed N taken up by legume crop. This requires a standard crop (reference crop) as a control to determine labelled 15 N and soil N taken up by this crop. In case the same rate of labelled 15 N fertilizer is added to the legume crop and a standard crop

  20. Wheat Yield Production Grown on Sandy Soil as Fertilized by Different N-Sources Using 15N-Technique

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ismail, M. M.; Soliman, S. M.; El-Akel, E. A.; El-Sherbieny, A. E.; Awad, E. A. M.


    A pot experiment was carried out to evaluate the ability of some plant residues to meet total N demand of wheat crop in sandy soil and their performance to reduce chemical N fertilizer requirements. Residue-N sources, i.e. soybean and wheat residues were compared to ammonium sulfate as inorganic N source as well as mixtures of residue-N sources and (NH 4 )SO 4 in ratios of (3:1), (1:1) and (1:3), respectively. The nitrogen application rate in all amended pots was kept at 100 mg N pot -1 . The obtained results could be summarized as follows: 1) ry weight of straw and grains of wheat crop was significantly increased this at the addition of nitrogen sources as a result of N-uptake increased. The highest value was observed at the application treatment ratios of (1:1) and (1:3) on the basis of (residue: ammonium sulfate), which can be arranged in this order: Soybean > wheat + soybean > wheat residues. 2) he value of N derived from residues (Ndfr) and fertilizer (Ndff), as well as 15N -recovery ratios can be arranged in this order: Ammonium sulfate > soybean residue > Soybean + wheat residue > wheat residue. 3) he values indicated that 15N -labelled soybean residue in combination with ordinary, ammonium sulfate at the ratios of (*25: 75) and (*50: 50), respectively was found to be effective on 15N -recovery ratios in the straw and grains of wheat crop. 4) he present study indicates that the entire N requirements of wheat crop cannot be met by the separate application of any residue-N source examined.


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    Adriana Riveros Guevara


    Full Text Available La visión artificial intenta capturar información relevante del medio ambiente, utilizando cámaras como sensores de ciertas características (formas, colores, texturas, etc., para el funcionamiento adecuado de algunos mecanismos. Con el fin de obtener una imagen idéntica al entorno real, es necesario generar imágenes estereoscópicas que nos permita obtener la profundidad y así conseguir una representación en 3D. En este documento se plasma cómo se realizó la integración de un sistema de visión estereoscópica artificial a un robot móvil, con el objetivo de reconocer y seguir el centro de un camino. Dicho sistema se encarga de la adquisición, procesamiento y caracterización de imágenes, utilizando procedimientos fuera de línea para calibrar las cámaras y los métodos en línea para generar el mapa de disparidad, aplicación del operador Canny y la Transformada de Hough, empleando las librerías de OpenCV en un proyecto de Consola Win32 en C++. Es importante mencionar que los algoritmos desarrollados en este trabajo fundamentalmente son para ambientes estructurados. Los ambientes pueden clasificarse en: estructurados, no estructurados y semi-estructurados.

  2. δ15N of seagrass leaves for monitoring anthropogenic nutrient increases in coral reef ecosystems

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yamamuro, M.; Kayanne, H.; Yamano, H.


    In a coral reef environment, a slight increase in dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN;≥1.0 μM) can alter the ecosystem via macroalgal blooms. We collected seagrass leaves from the tropical and subtropical Pacific Ocean in five countries and examined the interactions between nutrient concentrations (C, N, P), molar ratios of nutrients, and δ 15 N to find a possible indicator of the DIN conditions. Within most sites, the concentrations of nutrients and their molar ratios showed large variations owing to species-specific values. On the other hand, almost identical δ 15 N values were found in seagrass leaves of several species at each site. The correlations between δ 15 N and nutrient concentrations and between δ 15 N and molar ratios of nutrients suggested that nutrient availability did not affect the δ 15 N value of seagrass leaves by altering the physiological condition of the plants. Increases in δ 15 N of seagrass leaves mostly matched increases in DIN concentrations in the bottom water. We suggest that δ 15 N in seagrass leaves can be a good tool to monitor time-integrated decrease/increase of DIN concentrations at a site, both in the water column and the interstitial water

  3. FPGA compression of ECG signals by using modified convolution scheme of the Discrete Wavelet Transform Compresión de señales ECG sobre FPGA utilizando un esquema modificado de convolución de la Transformada Wavelet Discreta

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    Dora M Ballesteros


    Full Text Available This paper presents FPGA design of ECG compression by using the Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT and one lossless encoding method. Unlike the classical works based on off-line mode, the current work allows the real-time processing of the ECG signal to reduce the redundant information. A model is developed for a fixed-point convolution scheme which has a good performance in relation to the throughput, the latency, the maximum frequency of operation and the quality of the compressed signal. The quantization of the coefficients of the filters and the selected fixed-threshold give a low error in relation to clinical applications.Este documento presenta el diseño basado en FPGA para la compresión de señales ECG utilizando la Transformada Wavelet Discreta y un método de codificación sin pérdida de información. A diferencia de los trabajos clásicos para modo off-line, el trabajo actual permite la compresión en tiempo real de la señal ECG por medio de la reducción de la información redundante. Se propone un modelo para el esquema de convolución en formato punto fijo, el cual tiene buen desempeño en relación a la tasa de salida, la latencia del sistema, la máxima frecuencia de operación y la calidad de la señal comprimida. La arquitectura propuesta, la cuantización utilizada y el método de codificación proporcionan un PRD que es apto para el análisis clínico.

  4. Optimización de Almacenamiento de Video Utilizando Reconocimiento Facial


    Jacobo Aispuro, Nestor Paul


    Todos los dispositivos electrónicos que capturan imagen en video requieren almacenar la información que pasa a través del lente de la cámara. Partiendo de ese hecho la presente propuesta de tesis, plantea reducir la cantidad de información que se guarda en dispositivos de almacenamiento a través de la detección e identificación facial. Para comprobar el argumento anterior, se desarrolló un prototipo el cual implementa el algoritmo Viola-Jones para realizar la detección de rostros en tiem...

  5. A inserção da obra “Euclides da Cunha e o Paraíso Perdido”, de Leandro Tocantins, na imprensa carioca nos anos de 1960

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    Alexandre Pacheco

    Full Text Available Resumo Este artigo analisa a inserção da obra “Euclides da Cunha e o Paraíso Perdido”, de Leandro Tocantins, na imprensa carioca nos anos de 1960. A fundamentação teórica levou em conta, por um lado, os estudos da recepção e da função do autor em nossa contemporaneidade; por outro, os estudos sobre as relações entre literatura e cordialidade na cultura brasileira. Para sustentar essa problematização, foram utilizados textos de Jacques Leenhardt, Roger Chartier, João Cezar de Castro Rocha e Flora Süssekind. A análise operada permitiu observar que a recepção da obra “Euclides da Cunha e o Paraíso Perdido” no meio jornalístico do Rio de Janeiro sofreu influências decisivas da cordialidade que jornalistas e críticos dispensaram ao autor e ao político Leandro Tocantins nos anos de 1960.

  6. Technical Note: Simultaneous measurement of sedimentary N2 and N2O production and a modified 15N isotope pairing technique (United States)

    Hsu, T.-C.; Kao, S.-J.


    Dinitrogen (N2) and/or nitrous oxide (N2O) are produced through denitrification, anaerobic ammonium oxidation (anammox) or nitrification in sediments, of which entangled processes complicate the absolute rate estimations of gaseous nitrogen production from individual pathways. The classical isotope pairing technique (IPT), the most common 15N nitrate enrichment method to quantify denitrification, has recently been modified by different researchers to (1) discriminate between the N2 produced by denitrification and anammox or to (2) provide a more accurate denitrification rate under considering production of both N2O and N2. In case 1, the revised IPT focused on N2 production being suitable for the environments of a low N2O-to-N2 production ratio, while in case 2, anammox was neglected. This paper develops a modified method to refine previous versions of IPT. Cryogenic traps were installed to separately preconcentrate N2 and N2O, thus allowing for subsequent measurement of the two gases generated in one sample vial. The precision is better than 2% for N2 (m/z 28, m/z 29 and m/z 30), and 1.5% for N2O (m/z 44, m/z 45 and m/z 46). Based on the six m/z peaks of the two gases, the 15N nitrate traceable processes including N2 and N2O from denitrification and N2 from anammox were estimated. Meanwhile, N2O produced by nitrification was estimated via the production rate of unlabeled 44N2O. To validate the applicability of our modified method, incubation experiments were conducted using sediment cores taken from the Danshuei Estuary in Taiwan. Rates of the aforementioned nitrogen removal processes were successfully determined. Moreover, N2O yield was as high as 66%, which would significantly bias previous IPT approaches if N2O was not considered. Our modified method not only complements previous versions of IPT but also provides more comprehensive information to advance our understanding of nitrogen dynamics of the water-sediment interface.

  7. Desarrollo de una Herramienta de Validación/Importación para Magento


    Carrascal Hernández, Javier


    El proyecto consiste en el desarrollo de una herramienta de importación/actualización de productos de forma masiva para tiendas e-commerce de Magento. Utilizando como base la herramienta existente MAGMI (Open Source), se desea obtener una aplicación más robusta y rápida, que permita que la importación de productos pueda realizarse de forma segura por personas sin conocimientos técnicos.

  8. Disturbance and topography shape nitrogen availability and δ15N over long-term forest succession (United States)

    Forest disturbance and long-term succession can promote open N cycling that increases N loss and soil δ15N values. We examined soil and foliar patterns in N and δ15N, and soil N mineralization, across a topographically complex montane forest landscape influenced by human logging ...

  9. Tracer experiments with 15N-labelled wheat to determine the endogenous and exogenous fecal N-proportion

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Krawielitzki, K.; Timm, E.


    In an experiment with growing Wistar rats of 100 g live weight the N-values and the 15 N-frequency of the nitrogen in feces, urine and the experimental carcasses were determined after feeding 15 N-labelled wheat. Proceeding from Czarnetzki's multicompartment model (1969) for N-metabolism in monogastric animals, the measured data were used to calculate the endogenous and exogenous fecal N-proportion of total nitrogen. In agreement with earlier studies the intestinal nitrogen loss was found to rise as the protein intake increased. In this experiment, the intestinal nitrogen loss went up from 8.2 mg N/animal and day (N-free diet) to 33.9 mg N/animal and day at a daily nitrogen intake of 240 mg/animal and day. The true digestibility of the wheat protein (determined by taking into account the rise of fecal N loss) was 97.2% this value being 8.4 units higher than the true digestibility calculated by the conventional regressive method of fecal analysis with a constant value being taken for fecal N loss. In connection with earlier findings, this experiment allows to draw the conclusion that the true digestibility determined conventionally by regression analysis does not reflect the actual digestibility of the protein. (author)

  10. Isotopic ratios D/H and 15N/14N in giant planets (United States)

    Marboeuf, Ulysse; Thiabaud, Amaury; Alibert, Yann; Benz, Willy


    The determination of isotopic ratios in planets is important since it allows us to investigate the origins and initial composition of materials. The present work aims to determine the possible range of values for isotopic ratios D/H and 15N/14N in giant planets. The main objective is to provide valuable theoretical assumptions on the isotopic composition of giant planets, their internal structure, and the main reservoirs of species. We use models of ice formation and planet formation that compute the composition of ices and gas accreted in the core and the envelope of planets. Assuming a single initial value for isotopic ratios in volatile species, and disruption of planetesimals in the envelope of gaseous planets, we obtain a wide variety of D/H and 15N/14N ratios in low-mass planets (≤100 Mearth) due to the migration pathway of planets, the accretion time of gas species whose relative abundance evolves with time, and isotope exchanges among species. If giant planets with mass greater than 100 Mearth have solar isotopic ratios such as Jupiter and Saturn due to their higher envelope mass, Neptune-type planets present values ranging between one and three times the solar value. It seems therefore difficult to use isotopic ratios in the envelope of these planets to get information about their formation in the disc. For giant planets, the ratios allow us to constrain the mass fraction of volatile species in the envelope needed to reproduce the observational data by assuming initial values for isotopic ratios in volatile species.

  11. Application time of nitrogen fertilizer 15N by a potato crop (Solanum Tuberosum L.)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bastidas, O.G.; Urquiaga, S.


    This study was performed at the ''San Jorge'' experimental farm of the Instituto Colombiano Agropecuario (ICA), Bogota, Colombia. The study was performed to investigate the effect of timing of application of nitrogen fertilizer on the productivity of, and the efficiency of utilization of 15 N-labelled fertilizer by, a potato crop (Solanum tuberosum L.), cv. Tequendama. The crop was fertilized with 100, 200 and 100 Kg/ha -1 of N, P 2 O 5 and K 2 O respectively. The N fertilizers were either added as 15 N labelled urea (2.955 at.% 15 N excess) or as labelled ammonium sulphate (2.071 at.% 15 N excess). In all treatments with nitrogen, a total of 100 Kg N ha -1 was added, but the nitrogen was added either in two or three split doses (only one dose being labelled with 15 N) at the following times: at planting, 35 days after emergence (DAE) and/or 60 DAE. It was found that: a) Nitrogen fertilization increased tuber production from 24 to 43 t/ha -1 ; b) The tubers constituted approximately 80% of total plant dry matter and 70% of the total nitrogen and fertilizer N accumulated by the plant; c) The fertilizer use efficiency varied between 49 and 68%, and the highest efficiency occurred when the nitrogen was split in three doses; d) The urea and ammonium sulphate gave similar results in all parameters evaluated; e) When the total nitrogen difference method was applied to interpretation of the results the fertilizer use efficiency was overestimated by 15 to 30%

  12. {sup 15}N-labeled nitrogen from green manure and ammonium sulfate utilization by the sugarcane ratoon

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ambrosano, Edmilson Jose; Rossi, Fabricio, E-mail: [Agencia Paulista de Tecnologia dos Agronegocios (APTA), Piracicapa, SP (Brazil). Polo Rigional Centro Sul; Trivelin, Paulo Cesar Ocheuze [Centro de Energia Nuclear na Agricultura (CENA/USP), Piracicaba, SP (Brazil). Lab. de Isotopos Estaveis; Cantarella, Heitor [Agencia Paulista de Tecnologia dos Agronegocios (APTA/IAC), Campinas, SP (Brazil). Instituto Agronomico de Campinas. Centro de Solos e Recursos Agroambientais; Ambrosano, Glaucia Maria Bovi [Universidade de Campinas (UNICAMP/FOP), Piracicaba, SP (Brazil). Fac. de Odontologia de Piracicaba. Dept. de Odontologia Social, Bioestatistica; Schammass, Eliana Aparecida [Agencia Paulista de Tecnologia dos Agronegocios (APTA/IZ), Nova Odessa, SP (Brazil). Instituto de Zootecnia; Muraoka, Takashi [Centro de Energia Nuclear na Agricultura (CENA/USP), Piracicaba, SP (Brazil). Lab. de Fertilidade do solo


    Legumes as green manure are alternative sources of nitrogen (N) for crops and can supplement or even replace mineral nitrogen fertilization due to their potential for biological nitrogen fixation (BNF). The utilization of nitrogen by sugarcane (Saccharum spp.) fertilized with sunn hemp (Crotalaria juncea L.) and ammonium sulfate (AS) was evaluated using the {sup 15}N tracer technique. N was added at the rate of 196 and 70 kg ha{sup -1} as {sup 15}N-labeled sunn hemp green manure (SH) and as ammonium sulfate (AS), respectively. Treatments were: (I) Control; (II) AS{sup 15}N; (III) SH{sup 15}N + AS; (IV) SH{sup 15}N; and (V) AS{sup 15}N + SH. Sugarcane was cultivated for five years and was harvested three times. {sup 15}N recovery was evaluated in the two first harvests. In the sum of the three harvests, the highest stalk yields were obtained with a combination of green manure and inorganic N fertilizer; however, in the second cutting the yields were higher where SH was used than in plots with AS. The recovery of N by the first two consecutive harvests accounted for 19 to 21% of the N applied as leguminous green manure and 46 to 49% of the N applied as AS. The amounts of inorganic N, derived from both N sources, present in the 0-0.4 m layer of soil in the first season after N application and were below 1 kg ha{sup -1}. (author)

  13. Single Transition-to-single Transition Polarization Transfer (ST2-PT) in [15N,1H]-TROSY

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pervushin, Konstantin V.; Wider, Gerhard; Wuethrich, Kurt


    This paper describes the use of single transition-to-single transition polarization transfer (ST2-PT) in transverse relaxation-optimized spectroscopy (TROSY), where it affords a √2 sensitivity enhancement for kinetically stable amide 15N-1H groups in proteins. Additional, conventional improvements of [15N,1H]-TROSY include that signal loss for kinetically labile 15N-1H groups due to saturation transfer from the solvent water is suppressed with the 'water flip back' technique and that the number of phase steps is reduced to two, which is attractive for the use of [15N,1H]-TROSY as an element in more complex NMR schemes. Finally, we show that the impact of the inclusion of the 15N steady-state magnetization (Pervushin et al., 1998) on the signal-to-noise ratio achieved with [15N,1H]-TROSY exceeds by up to two-fold the gain expected from the gyromagnetic ratios of 1H and 15N

  14. Application of 15N amino acid absorption in chronic enteropathy and hepatic diseases in infants

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Culea, M.; Palibroda, N.; Chiriac, M.; Moldovan, Z.; Miu, N.


    The aim of this study was to estimate malabsorption status in humans using a 15 N stable isotope tracer technique. [ 15 N]-glycine, 98.98 atom %, was synthesized in our institute and was administered orally as a single bolus dose to twelve patients. Six of the 12 subjects studied were healthy and 6 were suspected of having malabsorption. Blood, urine and faecal samples were obtained, proteins in the samples were precipitated with sulphosalicylic acid (5%), the eluate was purified with Dowex 50W-X8 (40mm x 2mm column), and derivatised to form the trifluoroacetyl-butyl esters using standard techniques. Gas chromatographic separation was performed on a glass column 2m X 3mm i.d. packed with EGA 1% on Chromosorb W AW 80-100 mesh. An isotope dilution GC/MS method and Kjeldahl digestion followed by MS analysis of nitrogen gas was performed. 15 N isotopomer was used as internal standard. [ 15 N]-Gly elimination in faeces was compared with total 15 N elimination in faeces to distinguish artefacts caused by intestinal bacteria. Significant differences in the amount of [ 15 N]-Gly eliminated in urine and faeces between malabsorption and control patients were obtained. It was concluded that more emphasis should be given to the faeces data than to urine because 15 N elimination in urine is competitive with 15 N incorporation into protein. 12 refs, 4 figs, 4 tabs

  15. Análisis de la operación despacho en un centro de distribución basado en gestión de procesos y simulación


    Rodrigo Andrés Gómez Montoya; James Ariel Sánchez Alzate; José Alexander Palacio Muñoz


    Se utiliza el enfoque de gestión por procesos y simulación discreta como herramientas de análisis del desempeño y base para la mejora de la operación de despacho. Se desarrolla un enfoque coordinado de gestión por procesos y simulación discreta a nivel teórico, y se realiza una aplicación en el despacho de una empresa de fabricación y comercialización de almohadas, logrando analizar su desempeño actual utilizando simulación discreta. Este enfoque cuantitativo es replicable a centros de distri...

  16. Interferometric imaging of Titan's HC$_3$N, H$^{13}$CCCN and HCCC$^{15}$N


    Cordiner, M. A.; Nixon, C. A.; Charnley, S. B.; Teanby, N. A.; Molter, E. M.; Kisiel, Z.; Vuitton, V.


    We present the first maps of cyanoacetylene isotopologues in Titan's atmosphere, including H$^{13}$CCCN and HCCC$^{15}$N, detected in the 0.9 mm band using the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter array (ALMA) around the time of Titan's (southern winter) solstice in May 2017. The first high-resolution map of HC$_3$N in its $v_7=1$ vibrationally excited state is also presented, revealing a unique snapshot of the global HC$_3$N distribution, free from the strong optical depth effects that adv...

  17. Spatial variations in larch needle and soil δ15N at a forest-grassland boundary in northern Mongolia. (United States)

    Fujiyoshi, Lei; Sugimoto, Atsuko; Tsukuura, Akemi; Kitayama, Asami; Lopez Caceres, M Larry; Mijidsuren, Byambasuren; Saraadanbazar, Ariunaa; Tsujimura, Maki


    The spatial patterns of plant and soil δ 15 N and associated processes in the N cycle were investigated at a forest-grassland boundary in northern Mongolia. Needles of Larix sibirica Ledeb. and soils collected from two study areas were analysed to calculate the differences in δ 15 N between needle and soil (Δδ 15 N). Δδ 15 N showed a clear variation, ranging from -8 ‰ in the forest to -2 ‰ in the grassland boundary, and corresponded to the accumulation of organic layer. In the forest, the separation of available N produced in the soil with 15 N-depleted N uptake by larch and 15 N-enriched N immobilization by microorganisms was proposed to cause large Δδ 15 N, whereas in the grassland boundary, small Δδ 15 N was explained by the transport of the most available N into larch. The divergence of available N between larch and microorganisms in the soil, and the accumulation of diverged N in the organic layer control the variation in Δδ 15 N.

  18. Construcción de edificios con elementos-cajones, de hormigón ligero, unidos por pretensado – Rumanía

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Halmagiu, Mircea


    Full Text Available This article presents a Rumanian construction system to build multistoried buildings by using «boxes» of lightweight concrete, that are finally joined by prestressed concrete. The article describes the project and the execution of the mentioned boxes, their structure and their original installations. The box-cell type is 3.60 x 5.60 x 2.75 m and weighs 15.2 t. It was delivered completely finished and equipped. The research done on this technology is described as well as the project of an experimental building that is being constructed at present.En este artículo se presenta un sistema de construcción rumano, para realizar edificios de varias plantas, utilizando «cajones» de hormigón ligero con unión definitiva por pretensado. Se describe el proyecto y ejecución de los citados cajones, de su estructura y de sus originales instalaciones. La caja-célula tipo tiene 3,60 x 5,60 x 2,75 m y pesa 15,5 t. Se entregó completamente terminada y equipada. Se habla de las investigaciones emprendidas, así como del proyecto de un edificio experimental que se está construyendo actualmente.

  19. Study of the dissolution of uranium nitrides in nitric acid by measuring the isotope ratios, 15N/14N, of the formed products

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hadibi-Olschewski, Nathalie


    The aim of this study was to investigate the dissolution behavior of nitride fuels in nitric acid. The use of nitride fuels in nuclear reactor has many advantages compared with the oxide fuels. One problem in employing nitrides as fuels is the formation of radio-toxic 14 C upon irradiation of natural nitrogen ( 14 N:99.64 pc, 15 N:0.36 pc) in a nuclear reactor ( 14 N (n,p) 14 C reaction). The use of 15 N-enriched fuels avoids these drawbacks. This study was undertaken so as to better understand the mechanisms of the dissolution process and also to follow the distribution of the expensive nitrogen isotope 15 N from the point of view of its behaviour during the recycling process. This study is based on previous work, where the evolution of the nitrogen compounds formed during the dissolution was measured as a function of time for different dissolution parameters. Using 15 N-enriched uranium nitrides or 15 N-enriched nitric acid, two methods were developed to study the influence of the dissolution parameters, nitric acid temperature and concentration, on the 15 N/ 14 N ratios of the nitrogen, nitrogen oxides and ammonium ions utilising a coupled gas-chromatograph/mass spectrometer. The main results are: - similar isotopic composition for NH 4 + and UN; - mixed 14 N/ 15 N composition for N 2 and N 2 O; - similar isotopic composition for NO, NO 2 and HNO 3 ; - no influence of the dissolution parameters on the isotopic composition of the products; an exception maybe made for the N 2 case, which contains more 15 N with increasing acidity and temperature. This work confirms that the first dissolution step is the oxidation of UN with HNO 3 to form NH 4 + and HNO 2 and that HNO 2 has a catalytic role in the dissolution to form other products. And we can conclude that to recycle 15 N, the ammonium ions must be recycled, at least for the case where nitrides are dissolved directly in HNO 3 . (author) [fr

  20. Use of low enriched /sup 15/N/sub 2/ for symbiotic fixation tests

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Victoria, R L


    Gaseous atmospheres containing /sup 15/N/sub 2/ with low enrichment were used to test symbiotic nitrogen fixation in beans (Phaseolus vulgari, L.). The tests of fixation in nodulated roots and the tests of fixation in the whole plant, in which the plants were placed inside a specially constructed growth chamber, gave positive results and suggest that the methodology used can be very helpfull in more detailed studies on symbiotic fixation. Samples of atmospheric air were purified by absorption of O/sub 2/ and CO/sub 2/ by two methods. The purified N/sub 2/ obtained was analysed and the results were compared. Samples of bean plant material were collected in natural conditions and analysed for /sup 15/N natural variation. Several samples were prepared for /sup 15/N isotopic analysis by two methods. The results obtained were compared. All samples were analysed in an Atlas-Varian Ch-4 model mass spectrometer, and the results were given in delta /sup 15/N/sub 0///sup 00/ variation in relation to a standard gas.

  1. Behavior of /sup 15/N-labelled amino acids in germinated corn

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Samukawa, K; Yamaguchi, M [Osaka Prefectural Univ., Sakai (Japan). Coll. of Agriculture


    By investigating the rise and fall of /sup 15/N-labelled amino acids in germinated corns, the behavior of amino radicals in free amino acids, the influence of the hydrolysis products of stored proteins on free amino acids and the change from heterotrophy to autotrophy of seeds were clarified. The amount of amino acid production depending on external nitrogen was very small in the early period of germination. /sup 15/N incorporation into proline was not observed in the early period of germination, which suggested that the proline may be nitrogen-storing source. Most of the amino-state nitrogen of asparagine accumulated at the time of germination was internal nitrogen, and this fact suggested that aspartic acid serve as the acceptor of ammonia produced in the early stage of germination. /sup 15/N content increased significantly on 9 th day after germination, and decreased on 12 th day. These facts prove that there are always active decomposition and production of protein in plant body.

  2. Combined solid state and solution NMR studies of α,ε-15N labeled bovine rhodopsin

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Werner, Karla; Lehner, Ines; Dhiman, Harpreet Kaur; Richter, Christian; Glaubitz, Clemens; Schwalbe, Harald; Klein-Seetharaman, Judith; Khorana, H. Gobind


    Rhodopsin is the visual pigment of the vertebrate rod photoreceptor cell and is the only member of the G protein coupled receptor family for which a crystal structure is available. Towards the study of dynamics in rhodopsin, we report NMR-spectroscopic investigations of α,ε- 15 N-tryptophan labeled rhodopsin in detergent micelles and reconstituted in phospholipids. Using a combination of solid state 13 C, 15 N-REDOR and HETCOR experiments of all possible 13 C' i-1 carbonyl/ 15 N i -tryptophan isotope labeled amide pairs, and H/D exchange 1 H, 15 N-HSQC experiments conducted in solution, we assigned chemical shifts to all five rhodopsin tryptophan backbone 15 N nuclei and partially to their bound protons. 1 H, 15 N chemical shift assignment was achieved for indole side chains of Trp35 1.30 and Trp175 4.65 . 15 N chemical shifts were found to be similar when comparing those obtained in the native like reconstituted lipid environment and those obtained in detergent micelles for all tryptophans except Trp175 4.65 at the membrane interface. The results suggest that the integrated solution and solid state NMR approach presented provides highly complementary information in the study of structure and dynamics of large membrane proteins like rhodopsin

  3. {sup 15}N/{sup 14}N isotopic ratio and statistical analysis: an efficient way of linking seized Ecstasy tablets

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Palhol, Fabien; Lamoureux, Catherine; Chabrillat, Martine; Naulet, Norbert


    In this study, the {sup 15}N/{sup 14}N isotopic ratios of 106 samples of 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) extracted from Ecstasy tablets are presented. These ratios, measured using gas chromatography-combustion-isotope ratio mass spectrometry (GC-C-IRMS), show a large discrimination between samples with a range of {delta}{sup 15}N values between -17 and +19%o, depending on the precursors and the method used in clandestine laboratories. Thus, {delta}{sup 15}N values can be used in a statistical analysis carried out in order to link Ecstasy tablets prepared with the same precursors and synthetic pathway. The similarity index obtained after principal component analysis and hierarchical cluster analysis appears to be an efficient way to group tablets seized in different places.

  4. Estudio comparativo de los Códecs de voz para comunicaciones de Voip utilizando teléfonos inteligentes - caso de estudio Universidad Católica de Cuenca sede Azogues


    Ortega Ortega, Martín Educardo


    Este trabajo de investigación presenta un estudio comparativo de los códecs de voz para comunicaciones de VoIP en la Universidad Católica de Cuenca Sede Azogues, mediante la aplicación de diferentes escenarios reales de pruebas utilizando teléfonos móviles celulares inteligentes con cuentas SIP registradas en aplicaciones softphones y configuradas con la dirección IP interna del servidor de VoIP cuando la conexión sea a través de la red WLAN interna del campus universitario,...

  5. /sup 15/N dilution technique of assessing the contribution of nitrogen fixation to rice plant

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ventura, W; Watanabe, Iwao [International Rice Research Inst., College, Laguna (Phillippines)


    An attempt to correlate the positive nitrogen balance in rice-soil system with the /sup 15/N dilution in rice plants was made to see if isotope dilution can be used to assess the contribution of nitrogen fixation to the nitrogen nutrition of rice. /sup 15/N ammonium sulfate and sucrose were added to the moist soil in pots to label biomass nitrogen fraction. The rice-soil system with higher nitrogen gain had lower /sup 15/N content in the rice plants. When the surface of pots was covered with black cloths to suppress photodependent N/sub 2/ fixation, no significant nitrogen gain was observed. Significant gain was found in the rice-flooded soil system exposed to light, and the /sup 15/N content of plants decreased in allowing the photodependent N/sub 2/ fixation by blue-green algae symbiosis. The contribution of plant nitrogen derived from photodependent N/sub 2/ fixation was estimated to be 20-30 % of the positive nitrogen gain in the system by the /sup 15/N dilution technique using the rice-covered soil as reference system.

  6. The structure and energetic of AlAsn (n = 1-15) clusters: A first-principles study

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Guo Ling


    Geometric structures of AlAs n (n = 1-15) clusters are reported. The binding energy, dissociation energy, stability of these clusters are studied with the three-parameter hybrid generalized gradient approximation (GGA) due to Becke-Lee-Yang-Parr (B3LYP). Ionization potentials, electron affinities, hardness, and static polarizabilities are calculated for the ground-state structures within the same method. The growth pattern for AlAs n (n = 6-15) clusters is Al-substituted pure As n+1 clusters and it keeps the similar frameworks of the most stable As n+1 clusters (for example AlAs 6 , AlAs 7 , AlAs 9 , AlAs 14 and AlAs 15 clusters) or capping the different sides of the low-lying geometry of As n clusters (for example AlAs 8 , AlAs 10 , AlAs 11 , and AlAs 12 clusters). The Al atom prefer to occupy a peripheral position for n n (n = 1-5, 13) clusters. The odd-even oscillations from AlAs n (n = 5-15) in the dissociation energy, the second-order energy differences, the HOMO-LUMO gaps, the electron affinity, and the hardness are more pronounced. The stability analysis based on the energies clearly shows the AlAs n clusters from n = 5 with an even number of valence electrons are more stable than clusters with odd number of valence electrons.

  7. Imprint of oaks on nitrogen availability and δ15N in California grassland-savanna: A case of enhanced N inputs? (United States)

    Perakis, S.S.; Kellogg, C.H.


    Woody vegetation is distributed patchily in many arid and semi-arid ecosystems, where it is often associated with elevated nitrogen (N) pools and availability in islands of fertility. We measured N availability and δ15N in paired blue-oak versus annual grass dominated patches to characterize the causes and consequences of spatial variation in N dynamics of grassland-savanna in Sequoia-Kings Canyon National Park. We found significantly greater surface soil N pools (0–20 cm) in oak patches compared to adjacent grass areas across a 700 m elevation gradient from foothills to the savanna-forest boundary. N accumulation under oaks was associated with a 0.6‰ depletion in soil δ15N relative to grass patches. Results from a simple δ15N mass balance simulation model, constrained by surface soil N and δ15N measured in the field, suggest that the development of islands of N fertility under oaks can be traced primarily to enhanced N inputs. Net N mineralization and percent nitrification in laboratory incubations were consistently higher under oaks across a range of experimental soil moisture regimes, suggesting a scenario whereby greater N inputs to oak patches result in net N accumulation and enhanced N cycling, with a potential for greater nitrate loss as well. N concentrations of three common herbaceous annual plants were nearly 50% greater under oak than in adjacent grass patches, with community composition shifted towards more N-demanding species under oaks. We find that oaks imprint distinct N-rich islands of fertility that foster local feedback between soil N cycling, plant N uptake, and herbaceous community composition. Such patch-scale differences in N inputs and plant–soil interactions increase biogeochemical heterogeneity in grassland-savanna ecosystems and may shape watershed-level responses to chronic N deposition.

  8. Ejecución eficiente de secuencias de navegación web


    Losada Pérez, José


    [Resumen] Las aplicaciones de automatización web se utilizan ampliamente para diferentes propósitos, tales como integración B2B o pruebas automatizadas de aplicaciones web. En la mayoría de los sistemas, el componente de navegación automático, se desarrolla utilizando las APIs de navegadores convencionales (ej. Internet Explorer o Firefox). Esta aproximación, presenta problemas de rendimiento en tareas de automatización web intensivas, que requieren de respuestas en tiempo real y/o de un a...

  9. The analysis of 15N/14N ratios in natural samples, with emphasis on nitrate and ammonium in precipitation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Heaton, T.H.E.; Collett, G.M.


    The nitrogen cycle is one of the most important of the earth's elemental cycles. The report describes the procedures used for the analysis of 15 N/ 14 N ratios in ammonium and nitrate (and organic nitrogen), and summaries without discussion the data obtained for precipitation (by rain and dust) collected at the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research site. The 15 N/ 14 N ratios of nitrogen compounds were determined on N2 gas. This was measured by means of a mass spectrometer. The isotopic analysis of organic nitrogen were conducted in two ways: Kjeldahl digestion to form ammonium, and Dumas combustion directly to N2

  10. Nitrogen source tracking with δ15N content of coastal wetland plants in Hawaii (United States)

    Gregory L. Bruland; Richard A.. Mackenzie


    Inter- and intra-site comparisons of the nitrogen (N) stable isotope composition of wetland plant species have been used to identify sources of N in coastal areas. In this study, we compared δ15N values from different herbaceous wetland plants across 34 different coastal wetlands from the five main Hawaiian Islands and investigated relationships of δ15N with...

  11. Origin and tracing techniques of high 15N nitrogen compounds in industrial environments

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Talma, A.S.; Meyer, R.


    Effluents and process waters from various industrial plants were investigated for the 15 N/ 14 N isotope ratio in nitrate and ammonia. It was found that large isotope fractionation occurs in cases where ammonia is involved in gas-liquid phase changes. This feature was found to occur in two coke oven plants where ammonia gas is removed from a gas stream by solution in water, in an ammonia sulphate plant where ammonia gas is absorbed in sulphuric acid and in a water treatment plant where ammonia is removed from (high pH) water by blowing air through the process water. In all these cases 15 N isotope enrichments (in the range of 10 to 30 per mille) occurred. These enrichments are in excess of those found naturally. Ammonia in such wastewaters essentially retains this high 15 N content when it is converted to nitrate underground: which occurs rapidly under well-oxidised conditions. Nitrate is a fairly conservative tracer and its contamination in water can be followed readily. In the low recharge environment in the central parts of South Africa evidence of waste management practices of 10-20 years earlier were still quite evident using this isotopic label. The high 15 N nitrate signal could be used to distinguish industrial nitrogen pollution from pollution by local sewage disposal systems. Vegetation that derives its nitrogen from such high 15 N sources retains the isotope signature of its source. Grass and other annual plants then exhibit the isotope signature of the water of a specific year. Trees exhibit the isotope signature of deeper water, which shows the effects of longer term pollution events. The use of high 15 N as tracer enables the source apportionment of nitrogen derived pollution in these specific circumstances. (author)

  12. Aqua ammonia 15 N obtaining and application with vainness for sugar-cane fertilization

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Vitti, Andre Cesar; Trivellin, Paulo Cesar O.; Oliveira, Claudineia R. de; Bendassoli, Jose A.


    Nitrogen compounds marked with the isotope 15 N are continuously being used in agronomic studies and, when associated to the isotopic dilution technique, they constitute an important tool in clarifying the N cycle. At the Centro de Energia Nuclear na Agricultura (CENA/USP), it was obtained ( 15 NH 4 ) 2 SO 4 enhanced at 3,5% of 15 N atoms, by means of the ionic exchange chromatography technique, which made possible to produce aqua ammonia ( 15 NH 3 aq). Four repetitions were taken to the aqua ammonia production process to use the nitrogen compound in the field experiment. In each process 150g of ammonium sulfate enhanced at 3,5% of 15 N atoms was used, obtaining 31,0 ± 1,6 g of aqua ammonia on the average (80% yield), with the same enhancement. The incidence of isotopic dilution has not been observed during the procedure, what made the use of such methodology possible. After obtaining the aqua ammonia 15 N through this procedure, it was added to the vinasse (an equivalent to 50 m 3 ha -1 ) in doses that corresponded to 70 kg ha -1 of N-NH 3 aq. The mixture was applied to the sugar-cane straw on the soil's surface, aimed to the crop's fertilization. The compound's isotopic composition was analyzed by means of a spectrometer of masses ANCA-SL Europe Scientific, while the total-N volatilized, by the micro-Kjeldahl. Method. In accordance to the low NH 3 (6,4 ± 1,9 kg ha -1 ) volatilization results, it could be concluded that the application of vinasse and aqua ammonia mixture to the straw on the soil's surface was efficient, due to the vinasse's acid character, which allowed the NH 3 , in presence of the ion H + , to stay in the NH 4 + form in solution. (author)

  13. Raça e nacionalidade no mercado de trabalho carioca na Primeira República: o caso da cervejaria Brahma

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Hildete Pereira de Melo


    Full Text Available Este artigo analisa as oportunidades de trabalho e os níveis de remuneração oferecidos a trabalhadores brancos e negros em uma grande indústria carioca: a Companhia Cervejaria Brahma. Trata-se de um estudo de caso que busca respostas para um conjunto de questões sobre a absorção da mão-de-obra negra e imigrante no mercado de trabalho da indústria do antigo Distrito Federal. Com esse fio ordenador, o artigo está estruturado da seguinte forma: em primeiro lugar, são arroladas questões recorrentes na historiografia brasileira acerca do mercado de trabalho industrial e da imigração estrangeira na Primeira República; em segundo lugar, faz-se uma breve síntese da trajetória da cervejaria Brahma, desde a sua fundação até os anos 1930; em terceiro, a metodologia de tratamento dos arquivos da empresa é explicitada para então, em quarto lugar, elaborar-se uma análise do perfil de seus trabalhadores, empregando-se os indicadores de nacionalidade, de cor da pele, de instrução, de tipo de ocupações e de rendimentos. Finalmente, analisaram-se esses indicadores com o propósito de identificar possíveis discriminações de raça ou nacionalidade dos trabalhadores. Um resultado inesperado foi a existência de discriminação contra brasileiros, mas não contra afro-descendentes in se.This article analyses the job opportunities and the levels of salaries offered to white and black workers in a large industrial enterprise in Rio de Janeiro: the Brahma Brewing Co. It is a case study that attempts to answer to a number of questions on how black and immigrant working forces were inserted in the industrial working market of the Brazilian former federal capital. Taking these as a guide the article is structured in the following way: first of all, there is a discussion of a number of recurrent questions of historiography about the origins of industrial labor market and foreign immigration in First Republic; second, there is a brief summary of

  14. Disturbance and topography shape nitrogen availability and ä15N over long-term forest succession (United States)

    Steven S. Perakis; Alan J. Tepley; Jana E. Compton


    Forest disturbance and long-term succession towards old-growth are thought to increase nitrogen (N) availability and N loss, which should increase soil ä15N values. We examined soil and foliar patterns in N and ä15N, and soil N mineralization, across 800 years of forest succession in a topographically complex montane...

  15. Procesamiento de la información propioceptiva en el núcleo cuneatus


    Leiras González, Roberto


    Se estudiaron los mecanismos implicados en la transmisión de la información propioceptiva en el núcleo cuneatus medio-ventral (mvCN) de gatos anestesiados, utilizando técnicas estándar de registro extracelular combinadas con estimulación eléctrica y microiontoforesis. Se demostró, mediante registros dobles de neuronas del mvCN y del cuneatus rostro-ventral (rvCN), que la microestimulación en el rvCN induce un efecto dual sobre las neuronas de proyección del mvCN. El GABA y la glicina eliminar...

  16. Plant delta 15N correlates with the transpiration efficiency of nitrogen acquisition in tropical trees. (United States)

    Cernusak, Lucas A; Winter, Klaus; Turner, Benjamin L


    Based upon considerations of a theoretical model of (15)N/(14)N fractionation during steady-state nitrate uptake from soil, we hypothesized that, for plants grown in a common soil environment, whole-plant delta(15)N (deltaP) should vary as a function of the transpiration efficiency of nitrogen acquisition (F(N)/v) and the difference between deltaP and root delta(15)N (deltaP - deltaR). We tested these hypotheses with measurements of several tropical tree and liana species. Consistent with theoretical expectations, both F(N)/v and deltaP - deltaR were significant sources of variation in deltaP, and the relationship between deltaP and F(N)/v differed between non-N(2)-fixing and N(2)-fixing species. We interpret the correlation between deltaP and F(N)/v as resulting from variation in mineral nitrogen efflux-to-influx ratios across plasma membranes of root cells. These results provide a simple explanation of variation in delta(15)N of terrestrial plants and have implications for understanding nitrogen cycling in ecosystems.

  17. Effect of organic matter application on the fate of 15N-labeled ammonium fertilizer in an upland soil

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nishio, T.; Oka, N.


    The effect of the application of organic matter on the fate of 15 N-labeled ammonium was investigated in a field. The organic materials incorporated into the experimental plots consisted of wheat straw, rape, pig compost, cow compost, plant manure. In May 2000, 10 g N m -2 of 15 N-labeled ammonium was applied to the field together with the organic materials, and maize and winter wheat were consecutively cultivated. The recovery of applied 15 N in soils and plants was determined after the harvest of each crop. Although only about 10% of the applied 15 N-labeled fertilizer remained in the 0-30 cm layer of the Control Plot and the Plant Manure Plot, more than 25% of the applied 15 N remained in the Pig Compost Plot. Amount and proportion of the immobilized 15 N to those of total N or microbial biomass N in soils were determined for the topsoil samples (0-10 cm layer). The amounts of both microbial biomass N and total immobilized 15 N in soil were highest in the Pig Compost Plot. Although the amount of microbial biomass N was comparable to the amount of immobilized 15 N-labeled fertilizer in soil, the amounts of 15 N-labeled fertilizer contained in the microbial biomass accounted for less than 10 % of the amount of total immobilized 15 N in soil. The ratio of the amount of 15 N-labeled fertilizer contained in biomass N to the total amount of biomass N was one order to magnitude higher than the ratio of the amount of immobilized 15 N-labeled fertilizer to the amount of total N in soil. No conspicuous changes in the amount of immobilized 15 N in soil were observed during the cultivation of winter wheat except for the Pig Compost Plot. No significant correlation was recognized between the amount of 15 N-labeled fertilizer contained in microbial biomass before wheat cultivation and that of 15 N-labeled fertilizer absorbed by wheat, indicating that microbial N immobilized during the growth period of the former crop (maize) was not a significant source of N for the latter

  18. Activación mecánica del caolín como vía para la fabricación de azul ultramar

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Oscar Jaime Restrepo Baena


    Full Text Available La molienda del caolín en molinos de anillos causa una destrucción progresiva de la estructura cristalina original. Los estudios granulométricos demuestran que la molienda de los granos de caolín se produce por fuerzas de cizalladura, ocasionando un deslizamiento de los planos que conforman las partículas, distorsionándolas y aglomerándolas. El estudio de rayos X de mostró una pérdida casi completa de la estructura cristalina. Los análisis de DTA y TGA mostraron que la pérdida del agua de composición interna se produce desde el momento que comienza el calentamiento. Los estudios de microscopía electrónica de barrido muestran granos de forma y tamaño irregular que difieren notablemente de la muestra original. Con las muestras de caolín activado mecánicamente, se fabricó el pigmento Azul Ultramar utilizando un horno de tubo, los resultados obtenidos muestran un producto de características de calidad comparables a los conseguidos utilizando el caolín calcinado (10. Este estudio muestra que la activación mecánica del caolín, puede convertirse en una alternativa a la calcinación, proceso que actualmente se realiza a nivel industrial.

  19. Regional patterns in foliar 15N across a gradient of nitrogen deposition in the northeastern US (United States)

    Linda H. Pardo; Steven G. McNulty; Johnny L. Boggs; Sara Duke


    Recent studies have demonstrated that natural abundance 15N can be a useful tool for assessing nitrogen saturation, because as nitrification and nitrate loss increase, d15N of foliage and soil also increases. We measured foliar d15N at 11 high-elevation spruce-fir stands along an N deposition gradient...

  20. Dry weight and N-uptake by rice plants fertilized with azolla and N-15 enriched urea

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Abdel-Monem, M.; Gadalla, A.M.; Abbady, Kh.


    Integrated soil fertility management is essential if soil productivity is to be sustained or improved. In view the recently high cost of N-fertilizers, interest was generated in using Azolla in rice fields. A greenhouse experiment was conducted to study the fate of N-15 labelled urea to rice with or without Azolla application, also to examine the effect of the soil moisture regime at the time of urea application on nitrogen recovery. The results indicated that addition of urea to dry soil gave more than 20% of the rice dry matter as compared to the urea application to wet soil which was also reflected on the N-uptake by the rice. Also N-15 recovery by plant was increased from 22% to 41% when urea was applied to wet and dry soil respectively. At the same time N-losses dropped from 62% to 29%. Addition of Azolla to rice provided rice with 63% of the nitrogen provided by urea, this may be attributed not only to N-fixation by Azolla, but also to its role in reducing the N-losses. Application of Azolla reduced the losses of applied nitrogen from 45.5% to 22.5%. Thus, integration between Azolla and urea is valuable in N-fixation as well as inhibiting nitrogen losses. 2 tabs