
Sample records for cargo del apego

  1. Perfil Clínico de Apego (PCA): Elaboración de un sistema de categorías para la evaluación del apego


    Lucena, Glòria; Cifre, Ignacio; Castillo Garayoa, José A.; Aragonés, Elena


    A partir de la teoría de Bowlby y de los estilos de apego propuestos por Bartholomew y Horowitz, se desarrolla el Perfil Clínico de Apego-narrativas (PCA-n), un sistema de observación para evaluar el apego a partir de las narrativas de los y las pacientes. En el Estudio 1, se construye una primera versión del instrumento (PCAv1). La consistencia interna resulta adecuada en la evaluación del apego seguro y evitativo, pero insuficiente en el caso del apego preocupado y temeroso. En el Estudio 2...



    Barg Beltrame, Gabriel


    La teoría psicológica del apego, formulada originalmente por Bowlby en la década del 50, ha permitido profundizar el conocimiento del vínculo madre-bebé, identificar sus patologías y evaluar su influencia en las relaciones afectivas adultas. Actualmente, numerosos avances en el campo de las Neurociencias ofrecen la posibilidad de comprender la dimensión biológica del apego. En este artículo, se revisan tres modelos que explican aspectos de la misma: el modelo evolutivo del sistema afectivo de...

  3. Aproximación interpretativa al estudio del apego en el dibujo de la familia


    Girón Alonso, Alba


    este proyecto es una aproximación interpretativa al dibujo infantil, dibujo de la familia, para profundizar en el estudio del apego. En una muestra escolar de 110 niños, que ha relacionado el juicio del profesor y el dibujo de la familia de cada uno de ellos para acercarse a la definición de la s características del apego. La aproximación cualitativa permite realizar algunas afirmaci ones aproximativas sobre la posibilidad de utilizar el test del dibujo de la familia p...

  4. El apego y su transmisión intergeneracional


    Miranda Miguélez, María Jesús


    En el presente trabajo se exponen desde el concepto de apego partiendo de las influencias de Bowlby, hasta una de las aportaciones más recientes en este campo, que es la transmisión intergeneracional de la seguridad en el apego. La investigación sobre es ta transmisión del apego ha relacionado estrechamente los tipos de apego de los padres con los tipos de apego de los niños. La evidencia ha demostrado cómo la sensibilidad de los padres es un importante indicador del apego seguro en sus hijos...

  5. Aproximación interpretativa de la teoría del apego en el dibujo infantil


    Revilla Gómez, Sara


    La teoría de J. Bowlby y la interpretación del dibujo de la familia, son las perspectivas elegidas en este trabajo para realizar una aproximación interpretativa sobre la posibilidad de evaluar el apego en el contexto escolar. Las distintas clasificaciones del apego infantil discriminadas en el aula a través de una prueba, se constituyen en una evaluación de la personalidad, y un primer paso para la comprensión e intervención en algunos problemas que se dan en el contexto escolar. En este trab...

  6. Apego percibido y conducta prosocial en adolescentes

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    Cinthia Balabanian


    Full Text Available Teniendo en cuenta el rol fundamental del apego parental en el desarrollo de diferentes recursos socio-emocionales, el objetivo de este trabajo fue estudiar si la percepción del apego parental se relaciona específicamente con la conducta prosocial adolescente. Método: se trabajó con una muestra no probabilística inten-cional de 285 adolescentes (216 mujeres y 69 varones de entre 14 y 18 años (M = 15,68; DE = 1,14, de Córdoba, Argentina. Previa autorización de los padres y consentimiento informado, se les administró la versión traducida y validada en Argentina del Cuestionario de Apego Parental de Kenny (1987 y la versión traducida y validada para adolescentes argentinos del Prosocial Tendencies Measure (PTM de Carlo & Randall (2002. Se realizó un Análisis Multivariado de Variancia (MANOVA, cuyos resultados indicaron diferencias significativas en el perfil de prosocialidad en función del apego seguro/positivo (F de Hotelling (8.556 = 3.33; p = .001. Los resultados de los análisis univariados correspondientes a cada una de las dimensiones de la conducta prosocial evaluada, se discuten en función de los desarrollos teóricos y empíricos encontrados hasta el momento, hallando una consistencia general entre los mismos.

  7. Las dimensiones del apego y los síndromes culturales como determinantes de la expresión emocional


    Frías Cárdenas, María Teresa; Díaz Loving, Rolando; Shaver, Phillip


    Las reglas de expresión emocional son normas culturales que dictan el manejo y modificación de las manifestaciones emocionales y se asocian consistentemente con los síndromes culturales. Se propone que las reglas de expresión emocional también son afectadas por la seguridad del apego. A través de una plataforma de internet se administraron instrumentos de auto-reporte a un grupo de estudiantes de México y otro de Estados Unidos, encontrándose que la ansiedad y evitación del apego limitan la e...

  8. Caracterización del apego materno en ratas wistar y sprague dawley

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    Norma A. Moy-López


    Full Text Available Después del parto, las señales sensoriales que emiten las crías contribuyen al establecimiento de la conducta maternal (CM y la formación del apego materno (AM, entendido éste último como "la capacidad conductual y emocional de formar un vínculo selectivo, único y duradero de la cría hacia la madre y viceversa" [1]. El objetivo del presente trabajo fue sistematizar y caracterizar el AM en dos cepas de ratas (Rattus novergicus: Wistar (W y Sprague Dawley (SD. Se registró la frecuencia en las conductas de transporte, búsqueda, olfateo, limpieza de las madres antes, durante y después de la gestación (n= 5/cepa, encontrando diferencias significativas entre cepas sólo en la fase de gestación (Z = 2.19, P<0.05. El AM fue clasificado como alto y bajo con base a la frecuencia de conductas de madre hacia las crías y viceversa (promedio ± 1 DE. No se encontraron diferencias significativas entre el sexo y tipo de AM; sin embargo, la cepa SD mostró una tendencia de preferencia hacia los machos para el apego alto y hacia las hembras para el apego bajo. Al analizar el vínculo madre-cría, en la cepa W se encontró una correlación positiva entre CM y conducta de búsqueda de las crías hacia la madre (r = 0.91, mientras que en la SD la correlación es baja (r = -0.42. Estos datos muestran que en la cepa W el vínculo madre-crías se puede identificar con mayor claridad y que el protocolo diseñado para la evaluación del AM es sensible a las variaciones naturales de la CM por camada y por cepa.

  9. Reflexiones para una antropología de la parentalidad y la teoría del apego


    Lagarde Lozano, Margarita


    John Bowlby ha propuesto al attachement (apego) como la función activa del aparato psíquico --durante todo el ciclo de desarrollo de la vida humana-- para generar vínculos satisfactorios, estables, de seguridad, protección y servicio mutuo, que determinan la identidad y la integración de la unicidad psicosocial por encima de la agresión y los impulsos de muerte. Por otra parte Levobici propone la necesidad de abordar la parentalidad como un fenómeno derivado del narcisismo primario y de la bi...

  10. Apego al tratamiento farmacológico en pacientes con diagnóstico de diabetes mellitus tipo 2

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    Durán-Varela Blanca Rosa


    Full Text Available Objetivos. Establecer la frecuencia de apego al tratamiento farmacológico en pacientes diabéticos tipo 2, relacionarla con el control metabólico e identificar factores que influyen para el no apego. Material y métodos. Estudio transversal comparativo, efectuado en 150 pacientes con diabetes mellitus tipo 2 de la unidad de medicina familiar No. 33 del Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social de Chihuahua, Chih., México, hecho entre 1997 y 1998. Se midió el apego con cuenta de tabletas en su domicilio. El control metabólico se midió con hemoglobina glucosilada. Un cuestionario investigó factores relacionados. Se utilizó estadística descriptiva, t de Student y razón de momios. Resultados. El apego correspondió a 54.2%. Los factores asociados al no apego fueron la escolaridad primaria y la falta de información sobre la enfermedad (p

  11. Estilos de apego, conductas sexuales de riesgo e ideación suicida en estudiantes universitarios


    González Macip, Socorro


    La presente investigación identificó que estilos de apego pueden determinar una conducta sexual de riesgo e intencionalidad suicida en población joven. Para operar el constructo de apego se clasificaron los estilos: seguro, evitante y ansioso, distribuyéndose en altos y bajos. Las hipótesis se comprobaron en función del patrón de la conducta sexual de riesgo, con pareja sexual regular y ocasional, y la ideación suicida. Se utilizó la escala de apego, la subescala: patrón de conducta sexual...

  12. El apego en niños y niñas adoptados modelos internos, conductas y trastornos del apego : tesis doctoral


    Román Rodríguez, Maite


    Resumen: Los objetivos generales de este estudio han sido tres: examinar el apego desde un enfoque representacional, conductual y psicopatológico; identificar variables sociodemograficas, evolutivas, de adaptación conductual u otras relacionadas con la ad

  13. Maltrato infantil y representaciones de apego: defensas, memoria y estrategias, una revisión [Child Maltreatment and Attachment Representations: Defenses, Memory and Strategies, a Review

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    Andrés Fresno Rodríguez


    Full Text Available El presente artículo realiza una revisión de la literatura sobre la influencia del maltrato infantil en la conformación de las representaciones del apego. Se describen los principales postulados teóricos respecto de los efectos del maltrato en los procesos defensivos, los sistemas de memoria y las estrategias de apego, elementos discutidos a través de la presentación de un modelo integrativo, el cual es contrastado con estudios empíricos. Se constata que el maltrato infantil afecta la calidad de las representaciones del apego, sin embargo se aprecia que los estudios no logran dar cuenta de toda la complejidad del fenómeno del maltrato. Los postulados teóricos abordados en este trabajo son marginalmente puestos a prueba en las investigaciones que se reportan.

  14. La teoría de la alóstasis como mecanismo explicativo entre los apegos inseguros y la vulnerabilidad a enfermedades crónicas

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    Mariantonia Lemos


    Full Text Available El vínculo de apego ha mostrado ser un factor de vulnerabilidad para las enfermedades crónicas. El presente artículo busca clarificar esta relación mediante la teoría de la alóstasis. La teoría de la alóstasis hace referencia a la regulación de los procesos fisiológicos corporales complejos en el tiempo mediante una respuesta sistémica que mantiene la estabilidad fisiológica cuando se confronta la persona con cambios o retos. Los apegos inseguros confrontan a los niños desde sus primeros años con eventos estresantes, al no brindar al niño la seguridad sentida, finalidad fundamental del apego. De esta forma los apegos inseguros podrían tener impacto en la calibración del sistema de estrés en la edad temprana y serían factores de aumento de la carga alostática mediante mayores eventos vitales estresantes que las personas con apego seguro, una valoración cognitiva de amenaza que lleva al desarrollo de la hipervigilancia y el impacto en los sistemas de regulación del estrés en el cuerpo.

  15. Apoyo familiar en el apego al tratamiento de la hipertensión arterial esencial

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    Marín-Reyes Florentina


    Full Text Available Objetivo. Determinar la asociación entre apoyo familiar (AF y apego al tratamiento de la hipertensión arterial esencial (HAS. Material y métodos. Estudio de casos y controles al que se integraron 80 sujetos con diagnóstico establecido de HAS, con 40 pacientes en cada grupo. Se consideró como casos a los pacientes con apego y como controles a los pacientes sin apego al tratamiento. El estudio se realizó de mayo a diciembre de 1999, en el Hospital Regional del IMSS, en la ciudad de Durango, Durango, México. La edad, género, duración de la HAS, escolaridad y estado civil fueron criterios de pareamiento. Las diferencias se establecieron con las pruebas ji cuadrada y t de student. Se calculó la razón de momios para estimar la fuerza de asociación. El diagnóstico de hipertensión arterial secundaria, o de otras enfermedades crónicas fueron criterios de exclusión. Resultados. No hubo diferencias entre los grupos respecto a las variables sociodemográficas, modalidad de tratamiento ni conocimiento que el enfermo tenía sobre su enfermedad. Tenían control de la presión arterial 31 (77.5% pacientes con apego y 11 (27.5% sin apego, p= 0.003. El AF se asoció de manera independiente con apego al tratamiento, RM 6.9, IC 95% 2.3-21.1. Conclusiones. El apego se vincula de forma significativa con el apoyo que los familiares otorgan al enfermo. El texto completo en inglés de este artículo está disponible en:

  16. Estilos de apego padres-hijo y obesidad infantil

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    Corina Alba-Alba


    Full Text Available El apego es una conducta de búsqueda de cercanía con el otro significativo para obtener seguridad, confianza y afecto la cual se lleva a cabo a través de distintas estrategias que determinan un estilo de apego. El estilo de apego puede clasificarse en dos grandes categorías: seguro e inseguro. La incidencia de obesidad infantil continúa en aumento en México, siendo uno de los países más afectados por lo que es prioritario explorar nuevos aportes de conocimiento respecto al tema. El presente artículo ofrece información teórica y empírica como referente para plantear la pertinencia de estudiar la relación entre estilos de apego padres-hijo y obesidad infantil.

  17. Representaciones de apego de niños y niñas con obesidad y la respuesta sensible de sus madres

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    Andrea Tognarelli Guzmán


    Full Text Available En el presente estudio se establecieron relaciones entre la respuesta materna sensible, el apego y la obesidad infantil. El diseño fue de tipo descriptivo-exploratorio, se utilizó entrevista semiestructurada, el Child Attachment Interview y observación no participante. Los resultados señalan que los niños(as con obesidad presentan un apego inseguro y que la madre responde con un desacoplamiento frente a las necesidades del hijo; la emisión de respuestas de negación del problema, descuido, invalidación de la experiencia subjetiva y falta de sensibilidad para detectar el hambre y la saciedad del hijo, se relacionan con la obesidad. Se concluye que la intervención en obesidad debe incluir la relación afectiva madre-hijo y se proyecta la posibilidad de prevención del trastorno.

  18. Apego y Ajuste Socio Emocional: Un Estudio en Embarazadas Primigestas Attachment and Socio-Emotional Adjustment: A Study in First Pregnant Women

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    Chamarrita Farkas


    Full Text Available Este artículo se centra en el estudio del apego adulto y su relación con el ajuste socioemocional durante el primer embarazo. Se utiliza una investigación descriptiva correlacional de carácter transversal. La muestra se compone de 139 embarazadas primigestas de 19 a 40 años y nivel socio-económico medio, medio bajo y bajo. El estilo de apego fue evaluado con el Cuestionario de Apego en Adultos, CaMir, y el ajuste socioemocional con el Cuestionario de Salud Mental, OQ-45.2. Se realizan análisis descriptivos de la muestra y correlaciones entre estilos de apego y las dimensiones del Cuestionario de Ajuste Socioemocional con el Coeficiente Producto Momento de Pearson. Los resultados muestran una relación significativa entre los estilos de apego y los indicadores de ajuste.This article focuses on the study of adult attachment and its relationship with socio-emotional adjustment during the first pregnacy. A correlational descriptive study using a cross-sectional design was conducted. The sample included 139 primípara females between 19 and 40 years of age, from medium, medium-low and low socioeconomic status. The attachment style was evaluated using the Attachment Questionnaire for Adults, CaMir, and the socio-emotional adjustment with the Mental Health Questionnaire, OQ-45.2. Descriptive analyses of the sample were conducted, and the bivariate correlations between attachment styles and adjustment was estimated. The results show a significant relation between attachment styles and adjustment indexes.

  19. Estilo de apego y estilo de amar


    Mínguez Martínez, Laura


    Este trabajo tiene como objetivo entender la importancia que tiene la interacción entre el bebé y su cuidador principal durante los primeros años de vida. Está basado en la teoría del apego de Bowlby. Veremos quién es, cómo, bajo qué influencias y con qué aportaciones empíricas desarrolla su teoría. Describiremos la teoría y los principales conceptos que surgen de ella. También analizaremos el proceso de formación de los primeros vínculos, su evolución y la influencia que tienen estos en el e...

  20. ¿Es el lugar de apego un lugar restaurador?


    Hidalgo-Villodres, María del Carmen; Hernández, Bernardo; Ruiz, Cristina; Negrín, Fátima


    La investigación sobre apego al lugar ha puesto de manifiesto la importancia que tienen los ambientes residenciales en el desarrollo de fuertes vínculos afectivos hacia algunos ambientes con los que interactuamos en nuestra vida diaria. Podemos definir el apego al lugar como el vínculo afectivo positivo entre un individuo y un determinado lugar, cuya principal característica es la tendencia a mantener la proximidad con ese lugar (Hidalgo y Hernández, 2001). Hasta el momento, el apego al lugar...

  1. Revisitando alguns conceitos da teoria do apego: comportamento versus representação?


    Ramires, Vera Regina Röhnelt; Schneider, Michele Scheffel


    Este artigo propõe uma releitura de alguns conceitos da teoria do apego, especialmente os de apego, comportamento de apego e modelo representacional interno. Visa discutir tais conceitos à luz das concepções de Bowlby e de autores contemporâneos. A dicotomia entre comportamento e representação do apego é questionada, bem como a estabilidade e unicidade do modelo representacional interno, com base na análise das contribuições dos principais teóricos desse campo, especialmente na vertente psica...

  2. Mind Mindedness o la capacidad del adulto para tratar al niño(a como un individuo con mente: Nuevas perspectivas para el estudio de la interacción entre el(la niño(a preescolar y sus figuras de apego

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    Claudia Carvacho


    Full Text Available A partir de los 3 años de edad, el(la niño(a preescolar adquiere la habilidad para razonar sobre sus propias emociones, creencias y deseos, por lo que, además de una respuesta sensible, necesita de una actitud mentalizante del adulto que lo ayude a tomar conciencia de su mente y a comprender su mundo interno a través del lenguaje. En este contexto, el constructo de Mind Mindedness permite conceptualizar esta capacidad del adulto significativo(a, para comprender en mejor medida la emergencia de la teoría de la mente y el vínculo de apego en el(la niño(a preescolar. Este artículo expone una revisión del desarrollo teórico y empírico que está a la base del constructo Mind Mindedness y discute sus principales aportes al estudio, comprensión e intervención en la interacción entre el(la niño(a preescolar y su figura de apego.

  3. Conocimiento teórico y apego al procedimiento de diálisis peritoneal del paciente o su familiar

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    Wendy Juana María García Meza

    Full Text Available Introducción: Paciente y familiar deben conocer los conceptos esenciales y poseer habilidades motoras para la realización de diálisis peritoneal continua ambulatoria, por esto, enfermería brinda educación al paciente y familiar sobre los cuidados de diálisis en el hogar, sin embargo, continúan acudiendo pacientes con alguna complicación al hospital. Objetivo: Determinar el nivel de conocimiento teórico y apego al procedimiento dialítico del paciente o familiar. Metodología: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo. Se efectuó una visita domiciliaria, en donde se aplicaron: una lista de cotejo para evaluar el apego al procedimiento, un cuestionario para evaluar los conocimientos teóricos y una cédula de variables clínicas y sociodemográficas. Participaron 24 sujetos, se dividieron en grupo pacientes (GP, donde los pacientes se auto-realizan el procedimiento y familiar (GF, donde los familiares realizan la técnica. Resultados: El nivel de conocimiento teórico en general fue moderado (73.24%, el GP obtuvo un índice más elevado (75.35% que el GF (71.45%. En la técnica, en general, se adhirieron al 80.3% de los pasos, el GF obtuvo mayor índice correcto (81.92% que el GP (78.63%. Conclusión: Los pacientes y familiares demuestran un déficit en ambas áreas, por esto, es necesario evaluarlos periódicamente para detectar fallos en la técnica y en el conocimiento, que predispongan al paciente a una complicación prevenible.

  4. Apego materno fetal em gestantes que vivem com HIV/Aids

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    Evelise Rigoni de Faria


    Full Text Available A gestação no contexto do HIV/Aids é geralmente acompanhada de intensa ansiedade devido à possível transmissão materno infantil do vírus. Este estudo investigou o apego materno fetal em gestantes que viviam com HIV (n = 88, em comparação a gestantes não portadoras do vírus (n = 79, através da Escala de Apego Materno fetal. Os resultados não revelaram diferenças entre as gestantes quanto ao escore total de apego materno fetal. Entretanto, os dados sugerem que o apego materno fetal pode se manifestar de maneira peculiar entre as gestantes que vivem com HIV/Aids: as interações mãe-bebê parecem focar o momento presente da gestação, e os cuidados de saúde com o bebê parecem atrelados àqueles voltados à saúde materna diante da infecção. É possível que a escala não seja suficientemente sensível para eventuais diferenças associadas ao contexto do HIV/Aids. Sugere-se que novos estudos revisem os itens da escala visando maior aproximação das particularidades suscitadas pela infecção quanto ao apego materno fetal.

  5. Apego al tratamiento farmacológico en pacientes con diagnóstico de diabetes mellitus tipo 2 Pharmacological therapy compliance in diabetes

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    Blanca Rosa Durán-Varela


    Full Text Available Objetivos. Establecer la frecuencia de apego al tratamiento farmacológico en pacientes diabéticos tipo 2, relacionarla con el control metabólico e identificar factores que influyen para el no apego. Material y métodos. Estudio transversal comparativo, efectuado en 150 pacientes con diabetes mellitus tipo 2 de la unidad de medicina familiar No. 33 del Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social de Chihuahua, Chih., México, hecho entre 1997 y 1998. Se midió el apego con cuenta de tabletas en su domicilio. El control metabólico se midió con hemoglobina glucosilada. Un cuestionario investigó factores relacionados. Se utilizó estadística descriptiva, t de Student y razón de momios. Resultados. El apego correspondió a 54.2%. Los factores asociados al no apego fueron la escolaridad primaria y la falta de información sobre la enfermedad (p To establish the frequency of compliance to pharmacological therapy, and to identify non-compliance factors, in relation to metabolic control on patients with type-II diabetes mellitus. Material and methods. A comparative cross-sectional study was conducted between 1997 and 1998, among 150 type-II diabetic patients, at the Family Medicine Unit No. 33, of the Mexican Institute of Social Security, in Chihuahua, Mexico. Compliance to drug therapy was measured by counting tablets at home. Metabolic control was measured through glycosilated hemoglobin. A questionnaire was given to collect data on factors related to compliance. Statistical analysis consisted of descriptive statistics, Student's t and odds ratios. Results. Pharmacological therapy compliance was 54.2%. Factors associated with non-compliance were elementary schooling and lack of information about the disease. Conclusions. Pharmacological therapy compliance was low. Factors related to non-compliance can be modified through education. The English version of this paper is available at:

  6. Vinculação da gestante e apego materno fetal

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    Eluisa Bordin Schmidt


    Full Text Available Este trabalho verificou as relações existentes entre o tipo de vinculação da gestante, sintomas de ansiedade, depressão e nível de apego materno fetal. Participaram 136 gestantes entre 18 e 42 anos de idade, do 6º ao 9º mês de gestação com escolaridade mínima de 5ª série. Foi realizado um estudo quantitativo, transversal, correlacional. Os instrumentos utilizados foram: Ficha de Dados Sociodemográficos, Escala de Vinculação do Adulto (EVA, Escala de Apego Materno Fetal (MFAS, Inventário de Depressão de Beck (BDI e Inventário de Ansiedade de Beck (BAI. A análise dos dados foi realizada por meio de estatística descritiva, teste exato de Fischer, simulações de Monte Carlo e Correlação de Pearson. Os resultados indicaram que existe associação significativa entre o tipo de vinculação da gestante e o apego materno fetal, e sintomas depressivos. As gestantes que apresentaram uma vinculação segura evidenciaram apego materno fetal alto e sintomas depressivos e ansiosos mínimos.

  7. Estilos de crianza y de apego y su relación con el autoconcepto


    Torres Alvarez, Teresita


    El propósito del presente estudio fue investigar la relación entre Estilo Parental y Estilo de Apego de un grupo de madres y el Autoconcepto de sus hijos. En esta investigación participaron 272 sujetos divididos en dos grupos: uno compuesto por 136 madres de familia y el otro compuesto por los 136 hijos o hijas de dichas madres. La edad de las madres estaba comprendida entre los 25 y 40 años, mientras que las edades de los hijos(as) estaban comprendidas entre los 8 y los 13 ...

  8. Ecoturismo, sostenibilidad y apego a la comunidad. Un estudio de caso en áreas rurales en vías de desarrollo

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    Francisco Orgaz Agüera


    Full Text Available El turismo se ha encaminado hacia prácticas más sostenibles que respetan el medio ambiente y fomenta la conservación de los recursos naturales y culturales, además de mejorar el desarrollo socioeconómico de los residentes. Una de estas prácticas se realiza a través del ecoturismo. Así, el objetivo principal de esta investigación es analizar la percepción de los residentes de comunida-des rurales en zonas en vías de desarrollo hacia el desarrollo sostenible del ecoturismo y su apego a su comunidad rural. También se pretender analizar el conocimiento de los residentes hacia los recursos naturales y culturales de su provincia. El destino geográfico objeto de investigación ha sido República Dominicana, en concreto las comunidades rurales de Puerto Plata, donde los residentes se benefician de un turismo alternativo al dominante de sol y playa. Para alcanzar los objetivos se ha realizado una encuesta. Entre los principales resultados de este estudio se puede observar que existe una elevada percepción de los residentes hacia el desarrollo sostenible del ecoturismo, que los residentes muestran un apego elevado a su comunidad rural, y que en gran parte de ellos hay un desconocimiento sobre algunos de los recursos, lo que puede generar debi-lidades en el desarrollo del ecoturismo en la zona.


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    Mónica Guzmán-González


    Full Text Available El propósito del estudio fue evaluar diferencias en el apego romántico y la empatía diádica en función de la presencia/ausencia de violencia psicológica perpetrada en relaciones de noviazgo entre jóvenes universitarios. La muestra constó de 470 estudiantes entre los 18 y 28 años de la ciudad de Antofagasta, Chile, quienes completaron el cuestionario de Experiencias en Relaciones Cercanas (Brennan, Clark & Shaver, 1998, el Índice de Reactividad Interpersonal para Parejas (Péloquin & Lafontaine, 2010 y la Escala de Tácticas de Conflicto (CTS2 (Straus, 1996. Los resultados permiten concluir que las personas que ejercieron violencia psicológica en el último año presentan niveles más altos de ansiedad y niveles más bajos de toma de perspectiva y preocupación empática. No se detectaron diferencias en la evitación asociada al apego.

  10. Cuentos, vínculos de apego y organizaciones de significado personal

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    Furio Lambruschi


    Full Text Available El presente artículo se centra en analizar los distintos significados y formas narrativas que le brindan niños de distintas organizaciones de significado personal a los cuentos de hadas. Primariamente se analiza la estructura narrativa de los cuentos infantiles (carencia, partida y final feliz. Siguiendo una visión evolutiva y acorde con las teorías post-racionalista y del apego, se buscará evidenciar cómo un mismo cuento puede tener distintos significados de acuerdo a la organización de significado personal, o cómo al interior de la misma, distintos cuentos pueden tener un significado similar. Finalmente, se esbozan algunos de los posibles usos que en la práctica clínica pueden tener los cuentos infantiles.

  11. Evaluación pre-post del desarrollo psicomotor y el estilo de apego en usuarios de los Centros de Desarrollo Infantil Temprano

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    María Angélica Kotliarenco


    Full Text Available Se presenta los resultados obtenidos por los Centros de Desarrollo Infantil Temprano (DIT en familias con vulnerabilidad psicosocial. Mediante un estudio longitudinal no experimental, se observó una mejoría estadísticamente significativa en el desarrollo psicomotor infantil, identificándose en el EEDP un efecto preventivo para casos con normalidad inicial y un efecto nivelador para casos en riesgo inicial (n=166, p<0.05. Asimismo, se observó un aumento en la proporción de casos clasificados con apego seguro en el ADS y de disminución de aquellos con apego evitativo (n=49, p<0.01. Si bien no pueden atribuirse vínculos causales con la intervención, los datos aportan evidencia que respalda la labor realizada por los Centros DIT e incentivan a desarrollar nuevas investigaciones en programas de intervención temprana en la realidad latinoamericana.

  12. Los estilos afectivos en la población española: un cuestionario de evaluación del apego adulto

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    Remedios Melero


    Full Text Available Este artículo detalla el proceso de elaboración y baremación del "Cuestionario de Apego Adulto". Un total de 445 sujetos, 159 hombres y 286 mujeres con una media de 30,5 años cumplimentaron el cuestionario original. Los análisis factoriales mostraron la solución de 4 factores como la más idónea, con un total de 40 ítems. Estos factores fueron: Baja autoestima, necesidad de aprobación y miedo al rechazo, Resolución hostil de conflictos, rencor y posesividad, Expresión de sentimientos y comodidad con las relaciones y Autosuficiencia emocional e incomodidad con la intimidad. Para establecer tipologías se realizaron análisis de conglomerados. La solución de dos clusters clasificó a los sujetos en seguros e inseguros, y la solución de cuatro en seguros, preocupados, alejados y temerosos hostiles. Nuestros resultados identifican un estilo temeroso algo diferente al de Bartholomew y Horowitz (1991. Se discuten las particularidades de los estilos afectivos y sus propiedades psicométricas.

  13. Estilos de apego e bem-estar psicológico em adolescentes colegiais: influência de gênero e etnia (oriental vs ocidental)


    Ernesto Rene Sang


    Investigamos a configuração dos vínculos de apego em função de etnia e de gênero. Baseados na teoria do apego que aponta a influência do contexto sócio-afetivo no desenvolvimento dos diversos estilos de apego assim como a relação significativa destes com bem-estar psicológico (indicados por sinais de depressão e fobia social), supusemos que a formação do modelo interno de si (dimensão essencial na definição dos estilos de apego) poderia estar relacionada à etnia, através dos modos de criação....



    Mónica Guzmán-González; Stephanie García; Bárbara Sandoval; Nicol Vásquez; Camila Villagrán


    El propósito del estudio fue evaluar diferencias en el apego romántico y la empatía diádica en función de la presencia/ausencia de violencia psicológica perpetrada en relaciones de noviazgo entre jóvenes universitarios. La muestra constó de 470 estudiantes entre los 18 y 28 años de la ciudad de Antofagasta, Chile, quienes completaron el cuestionario de Experiencias en Relaciones Cercanas (Brennan, Clark & Shaver, 1998), el Índice de Reactividad Interpersonal para Parejas (Péloquin & Lafontain...

  15. Apoyo familiar en el apego al tratamiento de la hipertensión arterial esencial Family support and drug therapy compliance in essential hypertension

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    Florentina Marín-Reyes


    Full Text Available Objetivo. Determinar la asociación entre apoyo familiar (AF y apego al tratamiento de la hipertensión arterial esencial (HAS. Material y métodos. Estudio de casos y controles al que se integraron 80 sujetos con diagnóstico establecido de HAS, con 40 pacientes en cada grupo. Se consideró como casos a los pacientes con apego y como controles a los pacientes sin apego al tratamiento. El estudio se realizó de mayo a diciembre de 1999, en el Hospital Regional del IMSS, en la ciudad de Durango, Durango, México. La edad, género, duración de la HAS, escolaridad y estado civil fueron criterios de pareamiento. Las diferencias se establecieron con las pruebas ji cuadrada y t de student. Se calculó la razón de momios para estimar la fuerza de asociación. El diagnóstico de hipertensión arterial secundaria, o de otras enfermedades crónicas fueron criterios de exclusión. Resultados. No hubo diferencias entre los grupos respecto a las variables sociodemográficas, modalidad de tratamiento ni conocimiento que el enfermo tenía sobre su enfermedad. Tenían control de la presión arterial 31 (77.5% pacientes con apego y 11 (27.5% sin apego, p= 0.003. El AF se asoció de manera independiente con apego al tratamiento, RM 6.9, IC 95% 2.3-21.1. Conclusiones. El apego se vincula de forma significativa con el apoyo que los familiares otorgan al enfermo. El texto completo en inglés de este artículo está disponible en: To assess the relationship between family support and drug therapy compliance in essential hypertension. Material and methods. A case-control study was conducted between May and December 1999, at Mexican Institute of Social Security Regional Hospital in Durango, among 80 hypertensive subjects; 40 were cases and 40 controls. Cases were subjects who complied with drug therapy and controls were those who did not, matched by age, gender, schooling, hypertensive disease duration, and marital status

  16. Apego materno-fetal e a percepção materna acerca da capacidade interativa do bebê no primeiro mês = Maternal-fetal attachment and maternal perception about infant interactive skills in the first month = Apego materno-fetal y la percepción materna sobre la capacidad interactiva del bebé en el primer mes

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    Alvarenga, Patrícia


    Full Text Available A percepção da mãe acerca das capacidades interativas do recém-nascido tem sido apontada como um fator crucial para o estabelecimento de padrões interativos de qualidade entre a díade mãe-filho. O objetivo deste estudo foi examinar as relações entre o apego materno-fetal e a percepção da mãe acerca das capacidades interativas do bebê. Participaram do estudo 64 mães de bebês do sexo masculino, que responderam a Escala de Apego Materno-fetal, no terceiro trimestre da gestação, e uma entrevista sobre a experiência da maternidade, no primeiro mês do bebê. Houve uma correlação positiva entre o apego materno-fetal e a percepção geral das capacidades interativas do bebê (r=0,23; p<0,05. A análise de regressão confirmou que a escolaridade materna e o apego materno-fetal explicaram 12% da variância na percepção da mãe acerca das capacidades interativas dos bebês. Discute-se a relevância da relação da mãe com o feto durante a gestação para a interação mãe-bebê no período pós-natal

  17. "Sentimento de apego": descoberta de um valor do cliente pós-moderno?

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    Sérgio C. Benício de Mello

    Full Text Available O valor do cliente tem merecido atenção especial de acadêmicos e profissionais de marketing. Um relevante estudo de Leão e Mello sobre o tema identifica sete valores pessoais dos clientes, um dos quais não é previsto naliteratura especializada, sendo chamado por esses autores de "sentimento de apego". Pela importância dessa"descoberta" para a efetiva compreensão do tema, é proposto aqui que sejam entendidas as reais motivações por trás dessa nova variável. Para isso, este artigo não está baseado apenas no relatório original da referida pesquisa (LEÃO, 2001, mas também em artigos publicados posteriormente (LEÃO e MELLO, 2001, 2002 e 2003, tendo como corpus as entrevistas nas quais foi identificado o referido "sentimento de apego". Os autores deste artigo recorreram à análise de discurso para a observação dos dados levantados, os quais revelam a"busca por segurança", a "fuga da solidão" e "a questão da identidade" como fundamentos do "sentimento de apego". A conclusão é a de que o valor descoberto é um produto da chamada "pós-modernidade".

  18. La autorregulación y su relación con el apego en la niñez


    Lorena Muñoz Muñoz


    Se presenta una revisión de la literatura empírica cuyo objetivo es describir y comparar los hallazgos de los estudios que relacionan apego con autorregulación en la infancia. Se demuestra que el diseño metodológico y la técnica de medición utilizada para evaluar tanto apego como autorregulación afectan los resultados obtenidos. El lapso temporal entre mediciones afecta los resultados en estudios longitudinales de autorregulación conductual...

  19. El cargo de capital en la evaluación del desempeño financiero de empresas innovadoras de confecciones de Cali

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    Jorge Alberto Rivera Godoy, Ph.D


    Full Text Available El artículo busca conocer el impacto del cargo de capital sobre el valor de las empresas innovadoras de confecciones de Cali, siguiendo los lineamientos teóricos de la gestión basada en el valor y, como metodología, el análisis del valor económico agregado en el periodo 2002–2007. Se encuentra que el sector destruye valor debido a que el incremento del activo no conduce a un crecimiento semejante de la utilidad operacional después de impuestos, pero sí al aumento del cargo de capital, pese a la reducción del riesgo país. Se generan nuevos interrogantes en cuanto si la inversión en innovación va a mejorar la productividad en un futuro y si el costo de capital va a continuar descendiendo.

  20. El cargo de capital en la evaluación del desempeño financiero de empresas innovadoras de confecciones de Cali

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    Full Text Available El artículo busca conocer el impacto del cargo de capital sobre el valor de las empresas innovadoras de confecciones de Cali, siguiendo los lineamientos teóricos de la gestión basada en el valor y, como metodología, el análisis del valor económico agregado en el periodo 2002–2007. Se encuentra que el sector destruye valor debido a que el incremento del activo no conduce a un crecimiento semejante de la utilidad operacional después de impuestos, pero sí al aumento del cargo de capital, pese a la reducción del riesgo país. Se generan nuevos interrogantes en cuanto si la inversión en innovación va a mejorar la productividad en un futuro y si el costo de capital va a continuar descendiendo.

  1. Paisaje e identidad en El Arbolito, Pachuca, Hidalgo. Jóvenes y adultos en apego a un barrio ex minero

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    José Antonio Ramírez Hernández


    Full Text Available La población del barrio de El Arbolito colaboró con la riqueza argentífera de la ciudad de Pachuca desde finales del siglo XIX y hasta la década de los años setenta; sin embargo, su vocación minera ha ido cambiando junto al resto de la ciudad y las actividades de la gente se han orientado hacia el sector terciario. Este artículo da cuenta de los cambios materiales que se han verificado en el paisaje del barrio y de los significados que tienen para dos grupos de edad en los que se ha dividido a sus habitantes: por un lado a los jóvenes y por otro a los adultos. En este estudio se muestra que la población tiene apego o desapego al barrio dependiendo, entre otros, de la experiencia que le ha tocado vivir por el rango de edad al que pertenece. También con esos elementos materiales y con los significados que representan, los habitantes de El Arbolito construyen su identidad cultural.

  2. Los estilos educativos paternos y maternos en la adolescencia y su relación con la resiliencia, el apego y la implicación en acoso escolar

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    Olga Gómez-Ortiz


    Full Text Available El primer objetivo de este trabajo es establecer una clasificación de estilos parentales y el segundo examinar la relación entre los estilos materno, paterno y la coherencia entre ambos, y el ajuste adolescente, evaluado mediante la resiliencia, el apego y la implicación en bullying. Para ello, una muestra incidental de 626 estudiantes (49.7% chicas de educación secundaria de la provincia de Córdoba, cumplimentaron la Escala para la evaluación del estilo educativo de padres y madres de adolescentes, el European Bullying Intervention Project Questionaire, la escala de apego CaMir-R y la versión reducida de la Escala de Resiliencia de Connor y Davidson. Los resultados muestran cuatro estilos educativos análogos para madres y padres ("democrático controlador", "democrático supervisor", "democrático de baja revelación" y "moderado", un estilo "indiferente" solo hallado en la clasificación paterna y un estilo "permisivo" solo observado en la categorización materna. Asimismo, se observan diferencias significativas en ajuste adolescente en función del estilo paterno y materno y la coherencia entre ambos, reflejando el mejor ajuste los hijos de padres o madres "democráticos supervisores" y los que ambos progenitores eran democráticos.

  3. Relação entre apego e obesidade: revisão sistemática da literatura = Relationship between attachment and obesity: a systematic literature review = La relación entre apego y obesidad: una revisión sistemática de la literatura

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    Cruz, Suélen Henriques da


    Full Text Available Além de dieta inadequada e sedentarismo, fatores psicológicos podem estar envolvidos na etiologia da obesidade, incluindo incapacidade de controlar emoções que surgem em momentos de estresse. Nesse caso, o ato de comer se torna uma forma de coping contra as emoções negativas. Esse estudo objetivou investigar a associação entre apego e obesidade, por meio de uma revisão sistemática da literatura, realizada em Julho de 2014, sem limitação de tempo, nas bases de dados eletrônicas PubMed, Web of Science, PsycINFO e LILACS. Foram incluídos no estudo 16 artigos, e a relação entre apego inseguro e obesidade foi mencionada por todos eles. A Teoria do Apego pode ser uma abordagem particularmente útil para o entendimento do “comer emocional” e da obesidade

  4. Sentimentos de Apego e Perda em Processos de Mudanças OrganizacionaisFeelings of Attachment and Grief in Organizational Change ProcessesSentimientos de Apego y Pérdida en Procesos de Cambios Organizacionales

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    CESAR, Ana Maria Roux Valentini Coelho


    existence of bereavement amongst 400 employees of a public bank after a big reengineering process. The study was carried out three years after the changes occurred, since after this period of time the feeling of bereavement and grief should have given place to the recovering process, with a predominance of states of positive spirit. The data suggests the existence of a pathological state of bereavement, with strong attachment to previous situations to change. It points out that it is not enough to prepare people to organizational changes that are coming and are inevitable. It is necessary to give them conditions so they can elaborate the feeling of grief in situations that already happened and were part of their lives. It is necessary to give them the opportunity to ‘say goodbye’ to past things, so that they can embrace the new ones.RESUMENGlobalización, tecnología y cambios sociales han contribuido al surgimiento de nuevos mercados y competidores, creando mayor competitividad. En contrapartida, se requiere de las personas flexibilidad para adaptarse a los constantes cambios y minimización del apego a situaciones pasadas. Sin embargo las rupturas que se exigen en los cambios pueden percibirse como muertes simbólicas, frente a su condición de irreversibilidad a los estados anteriores; esto genera estados de luto entre los involucrados. Partiendo del planteamiento etológico con relación al luto, este estudio analiza la existencia de estado de luto en 400 empleados de un banco estatal después de un importante proceso de reestructuración. El estudio se realizó tres años después de los cambios, momento en que después de este tiempo el sentimiento de luto por las pérdidas ya debería haber dado lugar a procesos de recuperación, con predominancia de estados de ánimo positivos. Los datos indican la existencia de estado de luto patológico, con fuerte apego a las situaciones anteriores al cambio. Esto señala que no basta preparar a las personas para los cambios

  5. “Lar Doce Lar”: apego ao lugar em área de risco diante de desastres naturais = Home Sweet Home: place attachment in risk area facing natural disasters = Holgar, Dulce Holgar: apego al lugar en area de riesgo delante de desastres naturales

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    Alves, Roberta Borghetti


    Full Text Available O objetivo dessa pesquisa foi compreender as características do apego à moradia localizada em área de risco. A natureza do trabalho foi qualitativa com abordagem multimétodos, por meio do Walk-around-the-block e entrevista semiestruturada com 18 pessoas residentes em área avaliada pela Defesa Civil como de risco muito alto para inundações e deslizamentos. As falas foram analisadas por meio da Grounded Theory onde estabeleceu-se categorias de análise. Evidenciou-se que o processo funcional e o simbólico do apego ao lugar contribuíram para a manutenção deste fenômeno e para a permanência na casa. Em contrapartida, a ocorrência do desastre natural e os decorrentes sentimentos de insegurança e medo juntamente com as características físicas da moradia influenciaram no apego e no cuidado do ambiente de modo que houve uma ambivalência de sentimentos entre os participantes, repercutindo no anseio entre o partir e o permanecer na casa


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    Hernán Salas Quintanal


    Full Text Available El presente texto contiene las reflexiones que, sobre el estudio de las formas de organización comunitaria en varias localidades de un municipio mexicano, los autores han tenido después de varias temporadas de campo periódicas entre los años 2008 y 2012. Se plantea una propuesta de análisis antropológico del sistema de cargos que incluye tanto a comunidades indígenas como no-indígenas. Partiendo del reconocimiento del sistema de cargos como una institución esencialmente heterogénea, se sugiere que, como hipótesis principal, tal institución alimenta una serie de mecanismos que, en sí mismos, potencian los escenarios de interacciones que protagonizan los miembros de la comunidad a través de un conjunto de roles de la siguiente manera: fomentan que los escenarios puedan ser protagonizados por el mayor número de miembros; propician que tales escenarios se articulen con la mayor frecuencia posible; todo ello con el acuerdo tácito entre protagonistas de que exista rotación de roles entre escenario y escenario. Con el objetivo de facilitar el análisis, tales mecanismos son categorizados en cuatro grandes dimensiones: política-judicial, económica, religiosa y social. A modo de reflexión final, los autores proponen la idea del “proyecto comunitario” como denominador común de lo observado y leído en cuanto a sistemas de cargos se refiere.

  7. Influencia del estilo de amor y de apego en las conductas sexuales de riesgo de jóvenes españoles


    Díaz Fuentes, Javier


    Treball final de Màster Universitari en Psicologia General Sanitària. Codi: SBF018. Curs acadèmic 2016-2017 El objetivo de este estudio ha sido examinar la influencia de los estilos de apego y de amor sobre las conductas sexuales de riesgo. Para ello se evaluó a 735 jóvenes, de entre 18 y 35 años de diferentes partes de España. Se administran tres instrumentos de evaluación; el Índice de riesgo de VIH de Ballester-Arnal et al. (2016) con la que se presente medir el riesgo sexual; la Escala...

  8. Los estilos educativos paternos y maternos en la adolescencia y su relación con la resiliencia, el apego y la implicación en acoso escolar


    Gómez Ortiz, Olga; Rey Alamillo, Rosario del; Romera Félix, Eva María; Ortega Ruiz, Rosario


    El primer objetivo de este trabajo es establecer una clasificación de estilos parentales y el segundo examinar la relación entre los estilos materno, paterno y la coherencia entre ambos, y el ajuste adolescente, evaluado mediante la resiliencia, el apego y la implicación en bullying. Para ello, una muestra incidental de 626 estudiantes (49.7% chicas) de educación secundaria de la provincia de Córdoba, cumplimentaron la Escala para la evaluación del estilo educativo de padres y madres de adole...


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    Camila Nayane de Carvalho Lima


    Full Text Available El objetivo de estudio fue evaluar los efectos de la utilización de vídeo educativo para promover el apego entre madre seropositiva para VIH y su hijo después de seis meses de interacción entre ambos. Estudio descriptivo, exploratorio, con enfoque cualitativo. Los datos fueron recolectados a través de entrevista semiestructurada. La muestra fue intencional. El plan de análisis siguió los siguientes pasos: formación del corpus, definición de las unidades de análisis, clasificación, análisis de los datos por categorías. A pesar de las dificultades y limitaciones impuestas por el VIH/SIDA, por su tratamiento e inseguridad en la vida cotidiana, las madres con VIH desarrollaron estrategias que permitieron vivir y lidiar mejor con la enfermedad, pero sin olvidar de su papel de madre.

  10. Experiencias de maltrato infantil y transmisión intergeneracional de patrones de apego madre-infante

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    Ana María Mesa


    se ha relacionado con el maltrato materno. Se concluye que el impacto de éste en la relación con el bebé es mayor entre más intensas y prolongadas hayan sido estas vivencias y menor disponibilidad para la madre de figuras de apego alternativas positivas.

  11. Apego como marco teórico para entender los trastornos de personalidad: Consideraciones psicoterapéuticas, neurocientíficas y de desarrollo


    N. Levy, Kenneth; N. Johnson, Benjamin; Scala, J. Wesley; M. Temes, Christina; L. Clouthier, Tracy


    En este trabajo proponemos que la teoría de apego de John Bowlby ofrece un modelo teoréticamente coherente, empíricamente basado y clínicamente útil para entender la patología de personalidad. Este marco teorético trae parquedad y anchura a la conceptualización de la etiología, mantenimiento y tratamiento de trastornos de personalidad. La teoría de apego puede explicar las dificultades tanto intrapersonales como interpersonales comunes a las personas con trastornos de personalidad y es consis...

  12. Uso de kits desechables para optimizar tiempos, movimientos y apego a protocolos de la terapia intravenosa

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    José Juan Escamilla Zamudio


    Cómo citar este artículo: Escamilla JJ, Ramírez GI. Uso de kits desechables para optimizar tiempos, movimientos y apego a protocolos de la terapia intravenosa. Rev Cuid. 2017; 8(3: 1749-57.

  13. Poderes de control del juez en la terminación anticipada del proceso por acuerdo y aceptación de cargos

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    Darío Bazzani Montoya


    Full Text Available La terminación anticipada del proceso desde la perspectiva de los sistemas procesales es manifestación del esquema inquisitivo porque implica la renuncia a la contradicción y al juicio público. En todo proceso, independientemente de que su terminación sea abreviada o no, el Estado debe probar mas allá de toda duda la responsabilidad del procesado. El control judicial a los procesos que terminan mediante aceptación de cargos o acuerdo implica el ejercicio material de la función de juzgamiento, lo que a su turno exige la comprobación de la prueba como fundamento de la condena. Las modalidades de acuerdo que implican la modificación de la imputación fáctica encuentran fundamento en el principio de oportunidad, lo que significa que su pertinencia debe apoyarse en consideraciones de política criminal desarrolladas legalmente. El concepto de violación de garantías fundamentales como límite a los preacuerdos en la legislación colombiana. La oportunidad para la retractación de la Fiscalía y el procesado. Los impedimentos en caso de frustrarse el acuerdo por improbación del juez. Las modalidades de acuerdo en la legislación colombiana desde el punto de vista del objeto.

  14. Evaluación del proceso electoral 2006: el testimonio de un consejero distrital del IFE

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    Héctor Pedraza Reyes


    Full Text Available Es preciso reflexionar sobre el conflicto poselectoral que se produjo en México tras las elecciones del 2 de julio de 2006, con el propósito de esclarecer hasta qué punto fueron justas y transparentes, así como para determinar si el Instituto Federal Electoral se condujo con estricto apego a la ley o distorsionando la voluntad de los electores. A este fin, pueden ser de alguna utilidad las experiencias recogidas por los ciudadanos que fungieron como consejeros en los distintos distritos federales.

  15. La confiabilidad en los sistemas eléctricos competitivos y el modelo colombiano de cargo por confiabilidad

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    Vélez Luis Guillermo


    Full Text Available El propósito de este artículo es hacer un análisis de la seguridad en el suministro de electricidad en Colombia, considerando el nuevo esquema del Cargo por Confiabilidad, modelo adoptado en Colombia para garantizar las inversiones en generación. Para esto se analiza la diferencia entre escenarios de demanda y de oferta de electricidad. La oferta para las plantas nuevas considera las OEF adquiridas con el cargo; y para las plantas existentes se realizan simulaciones bajo diversos escenarios de ocurrencia del fenómeno de “El Niño”. La demanda fue tomada de las proyecciones de la UPME. Las simulaciones realizadas muestran una apropiada dimensión del tamaño del Cargo por Confiabilidad.

  16. Apego, conflito e auto-estima em adolescentes de famílias intactas e divorciadas Attachment, conflict and self-esteem in adolescents from intact and divorced families

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    Catarina Pinheiro Mota


    Full Text Available Este estudo teve como objectivo analisar a contribuição da estrutura familiar (intacta e divorciada, do conflito interparental, do apego aos pais e aos pares para a auto-estima do adolescente. A amostra foi constituída por 403 adolescentes, entre os 14 e os 19 anos de idade. A análise univariada da variância mostrou que a estrutura familiar não prediz a auto-estima. Contudo, os estilos de apego aos pais derivados das análises de clusters e baseados no modelo bidimensional de Bartholomew foram associados à auto-estima , com níveis mais elevados para adolescentes de estilo seguro. A variância multivariada com o apego aos pais e aos pares como fatores independentes mostraram que o apego aos pares não desempenha um papel moderador na predição da auto-estima nos adolescentes. A regressão múltipla hierárquica indicou que uma elevada qualidade dos apegos aos pais e pares se mostram relevantes na predição da auto-estima.This study aimed to analyze the differential contribution to adolescent's self-esteem concerning family structure (intact and divorced families, interparental conflict, and attachment to parents and peers. The sample consisted of 403 adolescents, aged from 14 to 19. Univariate ANOVA showed that family structure does not predict self-esteem, but adolescents from intact families with higher levels of interparental conflict presented lower self-esteem. Parental attachment patterns derived from cluster analysis and based on Bartholomew bi-dimensional model were associated with self-esteem, namely, with higher levels for adolescents with a secure style. An ANOVA showed no moderation role in predicting adolescents' self-esteem, when attachment to parents and peers were considered as independent factors. On the other hand, multiple regression results indicated that high quality bonds to parents and peers are predictors of self-esteem.

  17. Aproximación a los fundamentos contables, legales y morales del método de cargo y descargo o data por el que se rendían cuentas

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    Susana Villaluenga


    Tradicionalmente, este procedimiento ha sido estudiado desde el punto de vista contable, como prueban la gran cantidad de trabajos elaborados al respecto. La mayoría han venido analizando el papel del cargo y descargo o data en la contabilidad de diferentes organizaciones públicas y privadas a lo largo del tiempo. Sin embargo, en la forma de planificar la cuenta por cargo y descargo hemos observado aspectos que van más allá de lo puramente contable. En concreto, adivinamos una forma de proyectar la cuenta y razón en tres dimensiones: contable, jurídica y con un matiz religioso o moral, a cuyos fundamentos nos referiremos en este trabajo.

  18. Personalidad y apego en hombres y mujeres condenados por violencia u homicidio de pareja


    Pereira, Paula Sismeiro; Gonçalves, Rui Abrunhosa


    Este estudio es parte de un estudio cualitativo en curso más vasto. El objetivo general es analizar, a través de los relatos de hombres y mujeres que participan en las interacciones violentas, la forma como perciben la relación de pareja y la violencia que ocurrió en ese contexto. Entre los objetivos específicos subraya la identificación de rasgos de personalidad, estilos de apego, dimensiones psicopatológicas y psicopatía.

  19. Cuidado de enfermería al vinculo de apego a padres y recién nacidos hospitalizados en las unidades de cuidado neonatal

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    Bohórquez Polo Claudia Gabriela


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    The research: "Nursing care of attachment in parents and newborn hospitalized in the NICU, Foundation Santa Fe de Bogotá", explored what aspects affect the parents and newborn relations. This investigation searches an alternative the nursing care.

    La investigación "Cuidado de enfermería al vínculo de apego entre padres y recién nacidos en la Unidad de Recién Nacidos Fundación Santa Fe de Bogotá" exploró los aspectos que afectan la relación de padres e hijos, y buscó alternativa al cuidado de enfermería para minimizar el dolor y sufrimiento que la hospitalización del niño conlleva. El fruto de esta investigación fue una aproximación al fenómeno y una propuesta de cuidado de enfermería.

  20. Efectos del cargo por confiabilidad sobre el precio spot de la energía eléctrica en Colombia

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    Juan Pablo Botero Duque


    Full Text Available Este artículo considera el efecto del cargo por confiabilidad sobre el precio spot de la energía eléctrica en Colombia, implementado en 2006 con el fin de incentivar a los generadores existentes o a los nuevos inversionistas para mejorar la confiabilidad de la prestación del servicio, lo que conduce a incrementar la capacidad instalada en el mercado de energía mayorista. Se describe el funcionamiento de este mecanismo en Colombia y se analiza el comportamiento de algunas variables estructurales en el funcionamiento de este mercado, como la relación entre la demanda comercial y la disponibilidad real, el fenómeno de El Niño y La Niña, el nivel de embalse y algunas medidas de carácter regulatorio. El precio spot presenta alta volatilidad haciendo que la especificación adecuada corresponda a un modelo de regresión con estructura ARCH. Los resultados obtenidos evidencian que el cargo por confiabilidad es estadísticamente significativo y positivo, es decir hace que el precio spot aumente. Además, El Niño presenta un impacto positivo sobre el precio spot, debido a la gran participación hidráulica de este mercado.

  1. 46 CFR 154.534 - Cargo pumps and cargo compressors. (United States)


    ... 46 Shipping 5 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Cargo pumps and cargo compressors. 154.534 Section 154.534 Shipping COAST GUARD, DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY (CONTINUED) CERTAIN BULK DANGEROUS CARGOES... Equipment Cargo and Process Piping Systems § 154.534 Cargo pumps and cargo compressors. Cargo pumps and...

  2. Influencias del apego a la madre en el vínculo con los pares en la adolescencia: Diferencias entre una muestra femenina clínica y no clínica Influences of mother attachment into peer relationship during adolescence: Difference between a clinical and non-clinical female sample

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    Verónica C. Vega


    Full Text Available Este trabajo se propone indagar tipos de apego a madre y pares en 83 mujeres de 12 a 18 años (Media: 14,63 años, DS 1,20 con Trastornos de la Conducta Alimentaria (n=30 y sin ellos (n=53 y analizar si el tipo de apego a madre se repite en pares. Se utilizó durante la fase clínica de un estudio bietápico (UBACyT 2008-2010, el Inventario de Apego a Padres y Pares (IPPA, Armsden & Greenberg 1987. Resultados: Los grupos clínico y control se diferencian significativamente en el apego a la madre (p The present study examines attachment types to mother and peer in eighty-three women of 12 -18 years old (Media:14,63 years, SD 1,20 with Eating Disorders (n=30 and without them (n=53. In order to research repeated tendencies in types of attachment to mother and peer, in 2009, the Inventory of Parent and Peer Attachment (IPPA, Armsden & Greenberg 1987 was self-reported during the clinical phase of a two phases study (UBACyT 2008-2010. Results: Clinical and control groups present significantly differences in mother scale (p < .001, but marginal ones in peer scale. At the same time, inluences of mother attachment into peers´ were found. Conclusions: Results conirm the ethio-pathogenic relationship between mother-daughter in eating disorders but even there are tendencies repeated in both attachment mother-daughter, statistical indings are not enough to assure that insecure attachment with mother replicates with peer. Same study in a bigger sample should be done to conirm so.

  3. Implementación del sistema de descripción, clasificación y valoración de cargos por competencia del Consejo Nacional de Competencias


    Parra Pino, Imelda Alexandra


    El sistema de descripción, clasificación y valoración de cargos por competencia para el Consejo Nacional de Competencias, se define como un instrumento técnico que permitirá mitigar el problema que actualmente presenta la institución al momento de ejecutar los subsistemas de talento humano. Este sistema no es más que una herramienta que brinde el soporte técnico que facilite la ejecución de los subsistemas de talento humano, a través del planteamiento de una metodología que permite identifica...

  4. Comunidad, sistema de cargos y proyecto social. Una propuesta analítica de sociedades locales en México

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    Íñigo González de la Fuente


    Full Text Available El presente texto contiene una propuesta de análisis antropológico del sistema de cargos que incluye tanto a comunidades indígenas como no-indígenas. Partiendo del reconocimiento del sistema de cargos como una institución esencialmente heterogénea, se sugiere que, como hipótesis principal, tal institución alimenta una serie de mecanismos que, en sí mismos, potencian los escenarios de interacciones que protagonizan los miembros de la comunidad a través de un conjunto de roles: fomentan que los escenarios puedan ser protagonizados por el mayor número de miembros; propician que tales escenarios se articulen con la mayor frecuencia posible; todo ello con el acuerdo tácito entre protagonistas de que exista rotación de roles entre escenario y escenario. Esta propuesta analítica va a estar estructurada en tres bloques. En primer lugar, se ubican los fenómenos estudiados en torno al sistema de cargos en un continuum de comportamientos tendentes al individualismo y a lo colectivo en sus dos polos. En segundo lugar, se explicita el concepto de comunidad como elemento básico para el estudio de los sistemas de cargos; por último, se propone la idea del proyecto comunitario como denominador común en cuanto a sistemas de cargos se refiere en el área mesoamericana.

  5. Responsividade materna e teoria do apego: uma discussão crítica do papel de estudos transculturais Maternal responsiveness and attachment theory: a critical discussion of the role of cross-cultural studies

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    Adriana F. Paes Ribas


    Full Text Available A responsividade materna tem sido considerada como um elemento central para a compreensão do desenvolvimento infantil e este conceito tem sido articulado com a teoria do apego. Este artigo tem como objetivo discutir criticamente o papel de estudos transculturais sobre responsividade materna, à luz da teoria do apego, a partir da revisão da literatura recente sobre o tema. Considerando a teoria do apego um referencial valioso para investigações sobre interações mãe-bebê e responsividade materna, as conclusões apontam, basicamente, para três questões: 1 a teoria do apego precisa ser investigada em diferentes contextos socioculturais e receber validação transcultural; 2 pesquisas sobre responsividade materna devem considerar a discussão sobre a teoria do apego e diferenças culturais; 3 a inclusão do estudo da responsividade materna em referenciais teóricos que levem em conta variáveis socioculturais é necessária.Maternal responsiveness has been considered as an important concept for the understanding of different aspects of infant development, and this concept has been articulated with attachment theory. The objective of this article is to discuss critically the role of transcultural studies about maternal responsiveness, based on attachment theory, and to review of the recent literature about this subject. Considering attachment a valuable theoretical basis for investigations on mother-infant interactions and maternal responsiveness, the conclusions basically point to three issues: 1 the attachment theory needs to be investigated in different socio-cultural contexts, to be tested in its limits and to receive a transcultural validation; 2 research on maternal responsiveness should take into account the discussion on attachment theory and cultural differences; 3 the inclusion of the study of maternal responsiveness in a theoretical framework that takes into account socio-cultural variables is necessary.

  6. Relações entre a saúde mental da gestante e o apego materno-fetal Relations between pregnant women's mental health and maternal-fetal attachment

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    Patrícia Alvarenga


    Full Text Available O estudo investigou as relações entre variáveis sociodemográficas, saúde mental da gestante e o apego materno-fetal no terceiro trimestre de gestação. Participaram do estudo 261 gestantes selecionadas através de amostragem por acessibilidade em quatro maternidades públicas. As gestantes responderam individualmente uma ficha de dados sociodemográficos, a Escala de Apego Materno-Fetal e o SRQ-20. A análise de regressão revelou que o número de filhos (4% e a saúde mental materna (4,2% explicaram parte da variância no apego materno-fetal. A escolaridade da mãe e do pai não esteve associada a essa variável. O modelo de regressão múltipla considerando os quatro fatores analisados, explicou 8,2% da variância nos escores de apego materno-fetal. Discutem-se as implicações dessas variáveis na formação do vínculo da mãe com o bebê durante a gestação.This study investigated the relations among sociodemographic variables, pregnant women mental health, and maternal-fetal attachment in the third trimester of pregnancy. Participants were 261 pregnant women recruited from public maternity wards using a convenience sampling technique. Each pregnant woman completed a sociodemographic data form, the Maternal-Fetal Attachment Scale, and the SRQ-20. Regression analysis revealed that the number of children (4% and mothers' mental health (4.2% accounted for part of the variance in maternal-fetal attachment scores. Father's and mother's schooling was not associated with this variable. Taking the four analyzed factors into account, a multiple regression model accounted for 8.2% of the variance in the maternal-fetal attachment scores. The implications of these variables for mother-infant bonding during pregnancy are discussed.

  7. Protección jurídica del nasciturus


    Ramírez Jaspeado, Belén


    A continuación, se presentan las conclusiones a las que se llegó con la presente investigación; con la finalidad de mejorar la situación actual del problema estudiado en esta tesis. 1. El inicio de la vida se asocia con mayor apego a la teoría de la concepción en virtud de que a partir de este instante comienza un proceso de desarrollo continuo e independiente que de no existir alteración alguna conducirá inevitablemente a la formación de un individuo genéticamente nuevo. Nuestro Código Ci...

  8. Victimización en la escuela: relación de la crianza y variables funcionales-disfuncionales del desarrollo

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    Paula Samper-García


    Full Text Available El presente estudio tiene como principal objetivo analizar el papel diferencial de la crianza (apoyo y comunicación versus control, de variables funcionales del desarrollo (empatia y mecanismos de afrontamiento funcionales y las variables disfuncionales (inestabilidad emocional y afrontamiento improductivo en la victimización ocurrida en el entorno escolar, o por el contrario, con el apego entre pares. Participaron en el estudio 418 alumnos, 224 chicas y 194 chicos adolescentes, entre 13 y 14 años, escolarizados en los niveles de 3º y 4º curso de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria. Para analizar estas relaciones se llevó a cabo un modelo de ecuaciones estructurales EQS. Los resultados obtenidos muestran que los estilos de crianza de apoyo y comunicación versus control negativo están directamente relacionados con las variables funcionales y disfuncionales del desarrollo. El control negativo aparece relacionado con la victimización. A su vez, las variables funcionales están directamente relacionadas tanto con la victimización como con el apego, mientras que las variables disfuncionales solo alcanzan una correlación significativa con la victimización. Finalmente se discuten los resultados y sus posibles implicaciones.

  9. Attachment, Relationship Quality and Stressful Life Events: A Theoretical Meta-Perspective and Some Preliminary Results

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    Gidi Rubinstein


    Full Text Available La teoría del apego ha inspirado una explosión de investigación sobre el desarrollo de la personalidad, las relaciones íntimas y el complejo interjuego entre los procesos individuales y de relaciones en todas la fases de la vida. In los últimos años, la teoría ha sido ampliada al ámbito organizacional. A lo largo de tres décadas, la investigación sobre apego ha sido aplicada a las actitudes personales, el desempeño y las relaciones sociales en grandes organizaciones laborales, el ejército y grupos comunitarios. El presente articulo propone una perspectiva integrativa que uniría los aspectos psicológicos y sociológicos del apego.

  10. Vínculos de apego en niños víctimas de la violencia intrafamiliar


    José Amar Amar; Margarita Berdugo de Gómez


    El objetivo de esta investigación fue describir los vínculos de apego que establecen los niños víctimas de la violencia intrafamiliar activa y pasiva con las personas de su ambiente más próximo. El estudio se realizó con una muestra de 27 niños, entre 9 y 12 años de edad, que viven en sectores socioeconómicamente en desventaja de la ciudad de Barranquilla (Colombia). El método fue el de la Teoría Fundada o Grounded Theory de Glasser & Strauss (1967), el cual contribuyó a gen...

  11. Algunas precisiones sobre la suspensión del concurso de acreedores en el Derecho uruguayo

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    Diego Mongrell González


    Full Text Available El propósito del presente artículo es realizar una crítica constructiva del actual régimen de suspensión del concurso de acreedores regulado en la Ley Nº 18.387 de Declaración Judicial del Concurso y Reorganización Empresarial (LCU. Extraída casi en forma literal de los arts. 243 a 248 de la Propuesta de Anteproyecto de Ley Concursal española de 1996 (PALC, que nunca vio la luz como lo que pretendió ser, se trata de una regulación que ha sido ampliamente superada por la redacción definitiva de la actual Ley 22/2003 de 9 de julio Concursal española (LCE. Sin embargo, nuestro legislador, por razones que desconocemos, ha optado por mantener su apego a la PALC, en lugar de aprovechar las mejoras técnicas introducidas en el texto definitivo de la LCE.

  12. Diseño del procedimiento y valoración de cargos en la Unidad Educativa Técnico Salesiano en la Ciudad de Cuenca, utilizando el método de puntos en el periodo marzo - noviembre 2016


    Arias Villalta, Vanessa Estefanía; Morocho Merchán, Blanca Lucía


    El proyecto se basa en un diseño del procedimiento y valoración de cargos mediante un el método de puntos, el cual servirá para la Unidad Educativa Técnico Salesiano cuente con una herramienta de trabajo que establecerá y mantendrá una estructura de salarios equitativos la cual puede generar estabilidad y motivación para los ocupantes de los cargos. This project is based on a design of the process and valuation of job positions through the Points Method, which will help for Tecnico Salesia...

  13. Predição do apego de crianças em função do estilo educativo materno e do tipo de família Prediction of children's attachment regarding maternal rearing style and family type

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    Sónia Catarina Carvalho Simões


    Full Text Available Este estudo teve como objetivo identificar fatores preditores da segurança do apego das crianças. O estudo foi conduzido numa amostra comunitária de mães de 288 crianças em idade escolar, distribuídas por três grupos de acordo com a tipologia familiar (famílias nucleares, monoparentais e reconstituídas. As mães avaliaram o seu estilo educativo (EMBU-P e os comportamentos de apego dos filhos (PCV-M. Os resultados evidenciaram uma correlação positiva entre as perceções maternas dos comportamentos de apego dos filhos e de suporte emocional e uma correlação negativa entre esta mesma variável e a rejeição materna. O modelo preditor da segurança do apego identificou como preditores a rejeição e o suporte emocional maternos, não se verificando o poder preditivo do tipo de família.This study aims to identify predictive factors of children's secure attachment. The study was conducted in a community-based sample of 288 mothers of school-aged children distributed in three groups accordingly to their family type (nuclear, single-parent and reconstituted family. The mothers assessed their own rearing style (EMBU-P as well as their children's attachment behaviors (PCV-M. The results showed a positive correlation between mothers' perception of emotional support and the quality of their children's attachment behaviors, and a negative correlation between the latter variable and maternal rejection. The predictive model of attachment security identified maternal rejection and emotional support as predictors, whilst family type showed no predictive power.

  14. Qualidade da vinculação e modelo interno de funcionamento do Self, em crianças vítimas de queimaduras Calidad de la vinculación y modelo interno de funcionamiento del Self, en niños víctimas de quemaduras Quality of attachment and internal working model of Self in a group of child burn victims

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    Iara G. Silva


    Full Text Available O presente estudo tem como objectivo analisar a relação entre o modelo interno de funcionamento do Self e a qualidade da vinculação num grupo de crianças vítimas de queimaduras. A amostra foi constituída por cinquenta crianças, com idades compreendidas entre os 62 e os 95 meses. Utilizamos o Desenho Infantil da Família (Kaplan e Main, 1986 para avaliar a representação que a criança tem da qualidade da vinculação e Puppet Interview (Cassidy, 1988 para avaliar o modelo interno de funcionamento do Self. Os resultados demonstraram a existência de uma relação entre a qualidade da vinculação estabelecida entre a mãe e a criança e a organização do modelo interno de funcionamento do Self positivo. Neste sentido, concluímos que a qualidade da vinculação pode influenciar a forma como a criança se adapta a uma imagem corporal alterada, depois de ter sofrido um acidente por queimadura.El presente estudio tiene por objetivo analizar la relación entre el modelo interno de funcionamiento del Self y la calidad del apego en un grupo de niños víctimas de quemaduras. La muestra fue constituida por cincuenta niños, con edades comprendidas entre 62 y 95 meses. Utilizamos el Dibujo Infantil de la Familia (Kaplan y Main, 1986, traducido por Veríssimo y Santos, 2001, para evaluar la representación que el niño tiene de la calidad del apego y Puppet Interview (Cassidy, 1988, para evaluar el modelo interno del funcionamiento del Self. Los resultados revelan la existencia de una relación entre la calidad del apego establecido entre madre e hijo y la organización del modelo interno del funcionamiento del Self positivo. En este sentido, podemos concluir que la calidad del apego puede influir en el modo como el niño se adapta a una imagen corporal modificada, tras haber sufrido un accidente por quemadura.The aims of the present study are to analyse the relationship between quality of attachment to mother and internal models of the self in

  15. Experiencias traumáticas en la infancia y su influencia sobre el desarrollo afectivo-social y la memoria autobiográfica en adolescentes institucionalizados comparación con un grupo de control


    Jimeno Jiménez, María Verónica


    La teoría del apego puede constituir un marco para un examen más detallado del vínculo entre la relación niño/a progenitor y el desarrollo de la memoria autobiográfica (Crane et al. 2014; Williams et al., 2007). El desarrollo de apegos seguros influye en los procesos característicos de la regulación emocional, social y el acceso a la memoria autobiográfica (Fivush, 2006; Main, 1995;). El objetivo de este trabajo ha sido analizar cómo las experiencias traumáticas vividas durante la infancia t...

  16. Estimation of charges for services of transmission of electrical energy between regions of the national electrical system; Estimacion de cargos por servicios de transmision de energia electrica entre regiones del sistema electrico nacional

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Inda Ruiz, Adrian; Flores Alba, Dora Elia [Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas, Cuernavaca, Morelos (Mexico); Escobar Lopez, Akihito [Comision Federal de Electricidad (Mexico)


    In order to facilitate the answer of the Comision Federal de Electricidad (CFE) to the requests of services of transmission of authorized or potential licensees, this organism devised the construction of matrices of charges that allow in a fast and direct way for specific transactions, to know the charges in which different types of transmission services incur classified by transport levels and by tension levels in which the service is asked for. These tables could be published in the media that might be judged advisable, in order that the applicant licensees have access to a preliminary estimation of the charges for the required services, without the need of going, for one first estimation, directly to the CFE for their calculation. This article presents the results of the development of a calculation tool that allows estimating, in a fast and efficient way, charges for transmission services between regions of the national electrical system. [Spanish] Para facilitar la respuesta de la Comision Federal de Electricidad (CFE) a las solicitudes de servicios de transmision de permisionarios autorizados o potenciales, esta ideo la construccion de matrices de cargos que permitan de manera rapida y directa para transacciones especificas, conocer los cargos en que incurren diferentes tipos de servicios de transmision clasificados por niveles de transporte y por niveles de tension en los que se solicita el servicio. Dichas tablas podran ser publicadas en los medios que se juzguen convenientes, con el fin de que los permisionarios solicitantes tengan acceso a una estimacion preliminar de los cargos por los servicios requeridos, sin necesidad de acudir, para una primera estimacion, directamente a la CFE para su calculo. Este articulo presenta los resultados del desarrollo de una herramienta de calculo que permite estimar, de manera rapida y eficiente, matrices de cargos por servicios de transmision entre regiones del sistema electrico nacional.

  17. Wisconsin Air Cargo Study (United States)


    Air cargo is a key economic lifeline for the communities that have airports. Manufacturers, businesses, hospitals and : other community cornerstone employers depend on air cargo to successfully operate. While there is no doubt that air : cargo repres...

  18. La Criminología como base fundamental de la Política Criminológica en México: Aspectos esenciales del nuevo proceso penal/Criminology as a fundamental basis of criminological policy in Mexico: key aspects of the new criminal proceedings


    Juan Antonio Maruri Jiménez


    La Criminología como ciencia interdisciplinaria cuyo objeto de conocimiento es el crimen, delincuente, víctima, control social del comportamiento delictivo y el fenómeno político social que los engloba (criminalidad), nos da las bases para consolidar un nuevo modelo de Política Criminológica a través de sus niveles de estudio (crimen, criminal y criminalidad), para que con apego a los Derechos Fundamentales se constituya en eje rector del nuevo proceso penal de corte acusatorio, adversarial y...

  19. Las Competencias Legales del Racional en la Organización Administrativa y Contable del Municipio de Valencia (Comienzos del Siglo XVII)


    Francisco Mayordomo García-Chicote


    La organización administrativa y contable de los mayores municipios españoles, a comienzos del XVII, es un tema que apenas ha sido abordado por los investigadores de la historia de la Contabilidad y del Derecho. En este trabajo se estudian los textos legales (Capitols del Quitament y Ordenanzas de la Taula de Canvis) que regulaban aquellas cuestiones en relación con la ciudad de Valencia, y sobre todo se hace un detenido análisis del cargo municipal (el Racional) que se responsabilizaba de la...

  20. Gestión del riesgo


    Duque Escobar, Gonzalo


    Documento Anexo del Manual de Geología para Ingenieros, con temas asociados a la gestión integral del riesgo de interés para la ecorregión cafetera y Colombia. Parte de los temas ha sido tomada del módulo “Diálogos con el Territorio y Gestión del Riesgo Natural, a mi cargo en la Especialización en Geografía, Ordenamiento Territorial y Manejo del Riesgo Natural en la Universidad de Caldas. Otros, provienen del compendio de temas sobre la materia, elaborado en el marco de mis actividades académ...

  1. 46 CFR 153.907 - Cargo information. (United States)


    ... Information § 153.907 Cargo information. (a) The master shall ensure that the following information for each cargo carried under this part is readily available to those on the tankship engaged in cargo operations... exposed to the cargo. (7) A list of fire fighting procedures and extinguishing agents effective with cargo...

  2. Evaluación de las relaciones triangulares : desarrollo y validación de un instrumento a partir del test proyectivo Pata Negra


    Ballús, Elisabeth; Casas, Mar; Virgili Tejedor, Carles; Pérez Testor, Carles


    Investigaciones recientes relacionan la superación de las relaciones triangulares con el apego seguro. El objetivo de este estudio es presentar el diseño y validación de un Registro de Evaluación de las Relaciones Triangulares (RERT) a través del test proyectivo Pata Negra o Patte Noire (P.N.) de Corman, a partir de una muestra de 100 participantes con edades comprendidas entre 5 y 18 años. Para verificar la validez de contenido, las respuestas fueron clasificadas en base a 28 ítems, agrupado...


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    María Isidora Mena Edwards


    Full Text Available El presente artículo analiza y sistematiza los resultados de investigaciones realizadas en Estados Unidos e Inglaterra sobre la aplicación de programas escolares de desarrollo socio afectivo. Después de describir las investigaciones, explica los ámbitos donde impacta este tipo de programas: mejora la disposición del contexto escolar para el aprendizaje, el apego a la escuela y la consecuente actitud disciplinada, la actitud y habilidad para aprender, el rendimiento académico, la salud mental y auto cuidado y naturalmente, las habilidades socioemocionales y ciudadanas. Los resultados permiten relevar la importancia del desarrollo de la dimensión socio afectiva y ética al interior de la escuela pública chilena y latinoamericana, como un modo eficaz para enfrentar los desafíos de la educación del siglo XXI. Siguiendo las recomendaciones emanadas de las intervenciones exitosas, se sugiere no desvincular la dimensión social y emocional de la intelectual, resignificando esta doble dimensión de la escuela, que actúa como un círculo virtuoso.

  4. 29 CFR 1918.84 - Bulling cargo. (United States)


    ... 29 Labor 7 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Bulling cargo. 1918.84 Section 1918.84 Labor Regulations...) SAFETY AND HEALTH REGULATIONS FOR LONGSHORING Handling Cargo § 1918.84 Bulling cargo. (a) Bulling cargo shall be done with the bull line led directly from the heel block. However, bulling may be done from the...

  5. 46 CFR 154.235 - Cargo tank location. (United States)


    ... 46 Shipping 5 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Cargo tank location. 154.235 Section 154.235 Shipping COAST GUARD, DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY (CONTINUED) CERTAIN BULK DANGEROUS CARGOES SAFETY STANDARDS... Survival Capability and Cargo Tank Location § 154.235 Cargo tank location. (a) For type IG hulls, cargo...

  6. Carrera profesional del maestro de obras del rey en el Reino de Valencia en época de los en la época de los Austrias: la sucesión al cargo que ocupó Francisco Arboreda en 1622


    Arciniega García, Luis


    El maestro de obras reales en el Reino de Valencia se ocupó de la supervisión de los trabajos en los bienes inmuebles del patrimonio regio, que incluía arquitectura e ingeniería civil, militar e hidráulica. Presentamos el informe enviado por el virrey en 1622 sobre los tres candidatos al cargo: Antonio Picó, Jerónimo Negret y Francisco Arboreda (o Arboleda). Resulta especialmente interesante la información sobre este último, que lo ocupó hasta 1636, pues en la exposición de méritos, por un la...

  7. A cargo-sorting DNA robot. (United States)

    Thubagere, Anupama J; Li, Wei; Johnson, Robert F; Chen, Zibo; Doroudi, Shayan; Lee, Yae Lim; Izatt, Gregory; Wittman, Sarah; Srinivas, Niranjan; Woods, Damien; Winfree, Erik; Qian, Lulu


    Two critical challenges in the design and synthesis of molecular robots are modularity and algorithm simplicity. We demonstrate three modular building blocks for a DNA robot that performs cargo sorting at the molecular level. A simple algorithm encoding recognition between cargos and their destinations allows for a simple robot design: a single-stranded DNA with one leg and two foot domains for walking, and one arm and one hand domain for picking up and dropping off cargos. The robot explores a two-dimensional testing ground on the surface of DNA origami, picks up multiple cargos of two types that are initially at unordered locations, and delivers them to specified destinations until all molecules are sorted into two distinct piles. The robot is designed to perform a random walk without any energy supply. Exploiting this feature, a single robot can repeatedly sort multiple cargos. Localization on DNA origami allows for distinct cargo-sorting tasks to take place simultaneously in one test tube or for multiple robots to collectively perform the same task. Copyright © 2017, American Association for the Advancement of Science.

  8. Competitividad de la industria de la confección del Municipio Maracaibo – Estado Zulia

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    Mariher Morales


    Full Text Available En el presente artículo se analiza el nivel de competitividad de la industria de la confección del municipio Maracaibo del estado Zulia, utilizando como base el instrumental teórico desarrollado por Michael Porter. La investigación es de carácter descriptivo, teniendo como principal fuente de información un estudio de campo. Entre los resultados de la investigación resaltan que la industria de la confección del municipio Maracaibo presenta un bajo nivel competitivo, evidenciando una capacidad ociosa del 50%, un alto grado de atomización e informalidad en su estructura, un bajo nivel tecnológico e insuficiencia de mano de obra especializada, así como una orientación al mercado interno. A esto se agregan dificultades asociadas con el contrabando, problemas con el financiamiento y las materias primas, entre otras. Se sugiere a los empresarios para lograr un posicionamiento en el mercado a largo plazo, desarrollar la estrategia genérica de enfoque de diferenciación con minimización de los costos, esto para aprovechar las características del consumidor maracaibero basadas en el apego a la moda y exigencias de calidad a precios justos.

  9. Understanding X-ray cargo imaging

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chen Gongyin


    Cargo imaging is the field of imaging large objects, usually cargo containers, trains, trucks or boats. Transmission imaging with photons, especially X-rays of up to 9 MV is the dominant current technique, providing compelling details of the contents of objects this large. This paper discusses the physics aspects of a good X-ray cargo imaging system. The basic performance requirements, such as penetration, contrast and resolution and the components of a cargo imaging system are introduced. The imaging process is divided in this paper into three stages: forming information (probing the object), recording information and presenting information (image display). Their impact on performance is analyzed

  10. Characterizing X-ray Attenuation of Containerized Cargo

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Birrer, N. [Lawrence Livermore National Lab. (LLNL), Livermore, CA (United States); Divin, C. [Lawrence Livermore National Lab. (LLNL), Livermore, CA (United States); Glenn, S. [Lawrence Livermore National Lab. (LLNL), Livermore, CA (United States); Martz, H. [Lawrence Livermore National Lab. (LLNL), Livermore, CA (United States); Wang, G. [Lawrence Livermore National Lab. (LLNL), Livermore, CA (United States)


    X-ray inspection systems can be used to detect radiological and nuclear threats in imported cargo. In order to better understand performance of these systems, the attenuation characteristics of imported cargo need to be determined. This project focused on developing image processing algorithms for segmenting cargo and using x-ray attenuation to quantify equivalent steel thickness to determine cargo density. These algorithms were applied to over 450 cargo radiographs. The results are summarized in this report.

  11. Presentación del taller


    Mangiaterra, Norma Ethel


    Presentación del Taller a cargo de la directora del departamento de Bibliotecplogía donde expone los objetivos y las instituciones participantes: Objetivos: • Desarrollar una metodología/modelo de evaluación de bibliotecas. • Transferir conocimientos y tecnología al grupo latinoamericano. • Localizar buenas prácticas y benchmarking. • Avanzar en mediciones de impacto/beneficio. • Desarrollar métodos e indicadores para la evaluación de bibliotecas digitales. Institucione...

  12. The salience of relational experiences: linking childhood interpersonal adversity, attachment style, and the subclinical psychosis phenotype


    Sheinbaum Frank, Tamara


    El objetivo principal de la presente tesis doctoral fue investigar el papel de la adversidad interpersonal en la infancia y los estilos de apego adulto con respecto a la esquizotipia y otros fenotipos del espectro esquizofrénico en población no clínica. El cuerpo de la tesis se compone de siete capítulos que abordan cuestiones relacionadas con la evaluación y validez de los estilos de apego y las dimensiones de esquizotipia, las asociaciones entre estos constructos y el potencial efecto media...

  13. 46 CFR 98.30-11 - Cargo pumps. (United States)


    ... 46 Shipping 4 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Cargo pumps. 98.30-11 Section 98.30-11 Shipping COAST..., ARRANGEMENT, AND OTHER PROVISIONS FOR CERTAIN DANGEROUS CARGOES IN BULK Portable Tanks § 98.30-11 Cargo pumps. No person may operate a cargo pump to transfer a product to or from a portable tank unless the pump...

  14. Product development of Indian cargo scanner

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    A cargo scanner is required for nonintrusive screening of suspected cargo containers in trade, using high energy X-ray, to detect any mis-declarations, contraband goods concealment or hidden ammunition or explosives. The cargo scanners help authorities to process large number of suspected cargo with a high level of confidence with other additional benefit of faster clearance, minimised intrusive inspection and generating secured digital record of the process. BARC is in process of developing Indian Cargo Scanner with indigenous X-ray source. Proof of concept and conformance of the results to the international standards has been demonstrated in laboratory. Full scale equipment named as Portal scanner shall be demonstrated at Gamma field Trombay in year 2017. Subsequently the technology transfer may be done to a suitable Indian vendor

  15. Acoustic Multipurpose Cargo Transfer Bag (United States)

    Baccus, Shelley


    The Logistics Reduction (LR) project within the Advanced Exploration Systems (AES) program is tasked with reducing logistical mass and repurposing logistical items. Multipurpose Cargo Transfer Bags (MCTB) are designed to be the same external volume as a regular cargo transfer bag, the common logistics carrier for the International Space Station. After use as a cargo bag, the MCTB can be unzipped and unfolded to be reused. This Acoustic MCTBs transform into acoustic blankets after the initial logistics carrying objective is complete.

  16. Characterizing Complexity of Containerized Cargo X-ray Images

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Wang, Guangxing [Lawrence Livermore National Lab. (LLNL), Livermore, CA (United States); Martz, Harry [Lawrence Livermore National Lab. (LLNL), Livermore, CA (United States); Glenn, Steven [Lawrence Livermore National Lab. (LLNL), Livermore, CA (United States); Divin, Charles [Lawrence Livermore National Lab. (LLNL), Livermore, CA (United States); Birrer, Nat [Lawrence Livermore National Lab. (LLNL), Livermore, CA (United States)


    X-ray imaging can be used to inspect cargos imported into the United States. In order to better understand the performance of X-ray inspection systems, the X-ray characteristics (density, complexity) of cargo need to be quantified. In this project, an image complexity measure called integrated power spectral density (IPSD) was studied using both DNDO engineered cargos and stream-of-commerce (SOC) cargos. A joint distribution of cargo density and complexity was obtained. A support vector machine was used to classify the SOC cargos into four categories to estimate the relative fractions.

  17. Characterizing Complexity of Containerized Cargo X-ray Images

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wang, Guangxing; Martz, Harry; Glenn, Steven; Divin, Charles; Birrer, Nat


    X-ray imaging can be used to inspect cargos imported into the United States. In order to better understand the performance of X-ray inspection systems, the X-ray characteristics (density, complexity) of cargo need to be quantified. In this project, an image complexity measure called integrated power spectral density (IPSD) was studied using both DNDO engineered cargos and stream-of-commerce (SOC) cargos. A joint distribution of cargo density and complexity was obtained. A support vector machine was used to classify the SOC cargos into four categories to estimate the relative fractions.

  18. El papel del riesgo en la configuración de las sociedades anglosajonas

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    Maximiliano E. Korstanje


    Full Text Available El trabajo tiene como objetivo principal ahondar en las causas centrales del apego que muestran las sociedades anglosajonas al riesgo. La primera, es que el capitalismo tiene una gran influencia de la mitología germánica antigua. Segundo, que la propensión del hombre moderno por mitigar riesgos futuros se explica por la interpretación de los mismos riesgos que desea miti - gar. Mientras las culturas mediterráneas han hecho de la caridad y la tradición dos aspectos fundamentales de sus formas de ver el mundo, los anglosajones se encerraron al sentido de la predestinación. Infiriendo medidas protectoras para eventos que todavía no han sucedido, los anglosajones se ven más propensos al avance técnico y a la generación de nuevos riesgos. Ello explica porque los Estados Unidos, Canadá, Nueva Zelanda e Inglaterra encabezan la investiga - ción en materia de manejo de riesgo y desastres en todo el mundo.

  19. Cargo Data Management Demonstration System (United States)


    Delays in receipt and creation of cargo documents are a problem in international trade. The work described demonstrates some of the advantages and capabilities of a computer-based cargo data management system. A demonstration system for data manageme...

  20. Liberalisation of air cargo transport (United States)


    Over a period of many years, international air cargo demand has continued to increase more rapidly than international air passenger demand. Air cargo arrangements need to be as efficient and expeditious as possible, to meet user requirements for air ...

  1. Padres, profesores y pares: contribuciones para la autoestima y coping en los adolescentes

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    Catarina Pinheiro Mota


    Full Text Available En consonancia con la teoría del apego, la calidad de la relación con figuras significativas juegan un papel clave en el desarrollo psicosocial, contribuyendo, entre otras cosas, para el desarrollo de la autoestima y estrategias de coping. El objetivo de este estudio es determinar la contribución diferencial de variables relacionales (incluidas las relaciones con los padres, pares y profesores en la predicción de la autoestima y coping en una muestra de 216 adolescentes, entre 14 y 16 años y de ambos sexos. El apego a los padres, las relaciones con los pares y con profesores revelaron diferentes configuraciones de las variables en la explicación de la autoestima y coping. La autoestima es positivamente predicha por la calidad de lazo emocional y negativamente por la inhibición de la exploración y la individualidad en la vinculación a los padres. El coping activo es positivamente predicho por la autoestima y la relación a los pares. Se observó un efecto positivo e indirecto de la calidad del lazo emocional en el coping activo a través de la autoestima y la relación a los pares. La relación con los pares parece ser mejorada por la calidad de la relación con los profesores. Los resultados serán discutidos en función de la teoría del apego y de acuerdo con una perspectiva ecológica del desarrollo.

  2. 46 CFR 154.562 - Cargo hose: Hydrostatic test. (United States)


    ... 46 Shipping 5 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Cargo hose: Hydrostatic test. 154.562 Section 154.562 Shipping COAST GUARD, DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY (CONTINUED) CERTAIN BULK DANGEROUS CARGOES SAFETY... Hose § 154.562 Cargo hose: Hydrostatic test. Each cargo hose must pass a hydrostatic pressure test at...

  3. Adopción del rol maternal de la teorista Ramona Mercer al cuidado de enfermería binomio madre-hijo: reporte de caso en la unidad materno infantil


    Laura Alvarado; Luzmila Guarin; Wilson Cañon-Montañez


    Introducción: Esta propuesta se centra en el papel maternal, donde la madre constituye un proceso de interacción y desarrollo. Cuando la madre logra el apego de su hijo, adquiere experiencia en su cuidado y experimenta la alegría y la gratificación de su papel. Mercer abarca varios factores maternales: edad, estado de salud, relación padre-madre y características del lactante. Además define la forma en que la madre percibe los acontecimientos vividos que influirán al momento de llevar los cui...

  4. La democraticidad de la elección a la gubernatura del Estado de México en 2011 a partir de textos académicos y de observadores electorales


    Francisco Lizcano Fernández; Hilda Naessens


    Este texto evalúa la democraticidad de la elección a gobernador de 2011 en el Estado de México con base en lo escrito al respecto por académicos y observadores electorales. Su marco teórico metodológico define la democraticidad, así como otros conceptos involucrados en ella, para establecer variables de análisis, como limpieza de la votación, libertad de la competencia, libertad del voto, apego a la ley, nivel de la deliberación y confianza de los ciudadanos en las elecciones y en sus princip...

  5. Safety of Cargo Aircraft Handling Procedure

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    Daniel Hlavatý


    Full Text Available The aim of this paper is to get acquainted with the ways how to improve the safety management system during cargo aircraft handling. The first chapter is dedicated to general information about air cargo transportation. This includes the history or types of cargo aircraft handling, but also the means of handling. The second part is focused on detailed description of cargo aircraft handling, including a description of activities that are performed before and after handling. The following part of this paper covers a theoretical interpretation of safety, safety indicators and legislative provisions related to the safety of cargo aircraft handling. The fourth part of this paper analyzes the fault trees of events which might occur during handling. The factors found by this analysis are compared with safety reports of FedEx. Based on the comparison, there is a proposal on how to improve the safety management in this transportation company.



    Borja Mora, Liz Ivette


    La Gestión por Competencias es una filosofía para la gestión del talento humano que ha ido adquiriendo cada vez más importancia en la vida organizacional, toda vez que la correcta definición de los perfiles de cargos por competencias garantiza el punto de partida para la gestión del resto de los subsistemas del talento humano. Una vez que el directivo del área de talento humano hace el análisis para la planeación del talento humano en la organización, cuenta con el inventario de recursos h...

  7. El humanismo del Che Che's Humanism

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    Avelino Fernández Espert


    Full Text Available Los autores, estudiosos de la raigal influencia del pensamiento y la obra del Comandante Dr. Ernesto Guevara de la Serna (Che en Cuba y América, proyectan la estampa humanista de este revolucionario médico, con el empleo de las más trascendentes pinceladas históricas de un amplia hoja de vida en distintas latitudes del mundo. El Che, joven estudiante, médico graduado con prometedoras dotes que sabe ubicar al ser humano y sus valores por encima de un promisorio futuro como científico y profesional de la medicina. El artículo dedica atención especial a sus conceptos sobre el hombre, su vida e historia y a su proverbial apego a una ética revolucionaria de elevado calibre. El artículo contribuye al enriquecimiento de los conocimientos sobre el desarrollo histórico del humanismo médico cubano, al proyectarlo en la figura de uno de sus más míticos modelosThe authors, studious of the extraordinary influence of Commandant and Dr. Ernesto Guevara de la Serna 's thought in Cuba and America, unveil the humanist perspective of this revolutionary doctor, through the most transcendental historical events in this man's life in different latitudes of the world. Che, young student, medicine doctor with promising gifts that knew how to place the human being and his values above his promissory future as scientific and medicine professional. The article dedicates special attention to his concepts about men, as well as his life and history and to his proverbial attachment to valuable revolutionary ethics. The article contributes to the enrichment of knowledge on the historical development of Cuban medical humanism, by reflecting this in the figure of one of its most mythical models

  8. 46 CFR 153.440 - Cargo temperature sensors. (United States)


    ... 46 Shipping 5 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Cargo temperature sensors. 153.440 Section 153.440 Shipping COAST GUARD, DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY (CONTINUED) CERTAIN BULK DANGEROUS CARGOES SHIPS... Temperature Control Systems § 153.440 Cargo temperature sensors. (a) Except as prescribed in paragraph (c) of...

  9. El acceso a los cargos de gobierno de la audiencia de Quito (1701-1750

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    Sanz Tapia, Ángel


    Full Text Available Study oft the designations of the posts of government (“presidencias”, “gobiernos”, ”alcaldías Mayores” y “corregimientos” in the “Audiencia” of Quito and its connection with the way to get them (by a service given, by a merit, by money…. The appointments were effected from Madrid during the first half of the 18th century. Analysis in detail of the posts and of the amounts of money that were paid as a benefit in order to get the post as well as some references to the same circumstances in the High Court at the end of the rign of Carlos II (1674-1700. Location of the designated personages, information about the dedication to their work and about their social standing. In conclusion: Two in three offices were got by money; the number of creoles in the Spanish - American governments increased in relation to the previous stage.

    Estudio de las provisiones de cargos de gobierno (presidencias audienciales, gobernaciones, alcaldías mayores y corregimientos de la audiencia de Quito efectuadas desde Madrid en relación con su modo de acceso (por méritos, por dinero, etc., durante la primera mitad del siglo XVIII. Análisis detallado de los cargos, cuantías abonadas por concepto de “beneficio”, y referencias a las mismas circunstancias de la audiencia en la etapa final de Carlos II (1674-1700. Localización de los personajes provistos y referencias sobre dedicación y categoría social. Conclusiones: 2 de cada 3 oficios se consiguieron mediante donativo pecuniario; hay un aumento del número de criollos en los cargos de gobierno indianos analizados en relación con la etapa precedente.

  10. 46 CFR 154.1816 - Cargo location plan. (United States)


    ... 46 Shipping 5 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Cargo location plan. 154.1816 Section 154.1816 Shipping... FOR SELF-PROPELLED VESSELS CARRYING BULK LIQUEFIED GASES Operations § 154.1816 Cargo location plan. The master shall ensure that: (a) A cargo location plan is prepared that gives: (1) The location and...

  11. 29 CFR 1918.87 - Ship's cargo elevators. (United States)


    ... 29 Labor 7 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Ship's cargo elevators. 1918.87 Section 1918.87 Labor Regulations Relating to Labor (Continued) OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF LABOR (CONTINUED) SAFETY AND HEALTH REGULATIONS FOR LONGSHORING Handling Cargo § 1918.87 Ship's cargo elevators. (a) Safe working load. The safe workin...

  12. Specialization and Flexibility in Port Cargo Handling

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    Hakkı KİŞİ


    Full Text Available Cargo handling appears to be the fundamental function of ports. In this context, the question of type of equipment and capacity rate need to be tackled with respect to cargo handling principles. The purpose of this study is to discuss the types of equipment to be used in ports, relating the matter to costs and capacity. The question is studied with a basic economic theoretical approach. Various conditions like port location, size, resources, cargo traffic, ships, etc. are given parameters to dictate the type and specification of the cargo handling equipment. Besides, a simple approach in the context of cost capacity relation can be useful in deciding whether to use specialized or flexible equipment. Port equipment is sometimes expected to be flexible to handle various types of cargo as many as possible and sometimes to be specialized to handle one specific type of cargo. The cases that might be suitable for those alternatives are discussed from an economic point of view in this article. Consequently, effectiveness and efficiency criteria play important roles in determining the handling equipment in ports.

  13. 46 CFR 154.1814 - Cargo information cards. (United States)


    ... 46 Shipping 5 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Cargo information cards. 154.1814 Section 154.1814... cards. (a) No person may operate a vessel unless a cargo information card for each cargo being... accessible to the person in charge of the watch. (b) When a vessel is moored at a terminal, the master shall...

  14. Cargo Release from Polymeric Vesicles under Shear

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    Yingying Guo


    Full Text Available In this paper we study the release of cargo from polymeric nano-carriers under shear. Vesicles formed by two star block polymers— A 12 B 6 C 2 ( A B C and A 12 B 6 A 2 ( A B A —and one linear block copolymer— A 14 B 6 ( A B , are investigated using dissipative particle dynamics (DPD simulations. A - and C -blocks are solvophobic and B -block is solvophilic. The three polymers form vesicles of different structures. The vesicles are subjected to shear both in bulk and between solvophobic walls. In bulk shear, the mechanisms of cargo release are similar for all vesicles, with cargo travelling through vesicle membrane with no preferential release location. When sheared between walls, high cargo release rate is only observed with A B C vesicle after it touches the wall. For A B C vesicle, the critical condition for high cargo release rate is the formation of wall-polymersome interface after which the effect of shear rate in promoting cargo release is secondary. High release rate is achieved by the formation of solvophilic pathway allowing cargo to travel from the vesicle cavity to the vesicle exterior. The results in this paper show that well controlled target cargo release using polymersomes can be achieved with polymers of suitable design and can potentially be very useful for engineering applications. As an example, polymersomes can be used as carriers for surface active friction reducing additives which are only released at rubbing surfaces where the additives are needed most.

  15. 46 CFR 154.195 - Aluminum cargo tank: Steel enclosure. (United States)


    ... 46 Shipping 5 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Aluminum cargo tank: Steel enclosure. 154.195 Section... Equipment Hull Structure § 154.195 Aluminum cargo tank: Steel enclosure. (a) An aluminum cargo tank and its... the aluminum cargo tank must meet the steel structural standards of the American Bureau of Shipping...

  16. 46 CFR 308.517 - Open Cargo Policy, Form MA-300. (United States)


    ... 46 Shipping 8 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Open Cargo Policy, Form MA-300. 308.517 Section 308.517... Risk Cargo Insurance Ii-Open Policy War Risk Cargo Insurance § 308.517 Open Cargo Policy, Form MA-300. The standard form of War Risk Open Cargo, Form MA-300, may be obtained from the American War Risk...

  17. 76 FR 51847 - Air Cargo Screening (United States)


    ... apply to international inbound cargo. \\2\\ 74 FR 47672. The IFR provides detailed information on TSA's... Chain Management Professionals, Express Delivery and Logistics Association, International Air Transport... use in other countries for international inbound cargo. TSA Response: TSA is working closely with its...

  18. 46 CFR 151.25-2 - Cargo handling space. (United States)


    ... 46 Shipping 5 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Cargo handling space. 151.25-2 Section 151.25-2 Shipping... BULK LIQUID HAZARDOUS MATERIAL CARGOES Environmental Control § 151.25-2 Cargo handling space. Pump rooms, compressor rooms, refrigeration rooms, heating rooms, instrument rooms or other closed spaces...

  19. The Cargo

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Birch, Thomas; Charlton, Michael F.; Biggs, Lynn


    The Gresham ship was carrying a substantial cargo of different metals when she sank, representing a considerable financial loss. Reports record that some of that material recovered in 1846 included 2700 tin ingots, lead pigs and iron bars (British Archaeological Association, 1847, 361......). The excavations in 2003–4 found a further three stamped lead ingots, five tin ingots and 42 iron bars from the hull area of the ship. The size of the original cargo remains unknown, though the estimated capacity of the ship, perhaps some 150 tons, provides an indication. In this chapter, the assemblage of lead...... and tin ingots and the bar iron will be described, the production processes established and the innovative analytical evidence for the provenance of the metals discussed. The research presented here suggests that lead ingots were from Derbyshire, the tin from Cornwall, but the bar iron seems...

  20. 46 CFR 154.1850 - Entering cargo handling spaces. (United States)


    ..., compressors, and compressor motors. (2) Gas-dangerous cargo control spaces. (3) Other spaces containing cargo... cargo handling spaces. (a) The master shall ensure that the ventilation system under § 154.1200 is in... ventilation system, is posted outside of each space under paragraph (a) of this section. (c) The master shall...

  1. 78 FR 68784 - Cargo Securing Manuals (United States)


    .../Circ.) 1352 (``Cargo Stowage and Securing (CSS Code) Annex 14 Guidance on Providing Safe Working... Providing Safe Working Conditions for the Securing of Containers'') of the IMO 2010 CSS Code. A cargo safe.... Indian Tribal Governments K. Energy Effects L. Technical Standards M. Environment I. Public Participation...

  2. Characterizing Density and Complexity of Imported Cargos

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Birrer, Nathaniel [Lawrence Livermore National Lab. (LLNL), Livermore, CA (United States); Divin, Charles [Lawrence Livermore National Lab. (LLNL), Livermore, CA (United States); Glenn, Steven [Lawrence Livermore National Lab. (LLNL), Livermore, CA (United States); Martz, Harry [Lawrence Livermore National Lab. (LLNL), Livermore, CA (United States)


    X-ray inspection systems are used to detect radiological and nuclear threats in imported cargo. In order to better understand performance of these systems, system imaging capabilities and the characteristics of imported cargo need to be determined. This project involved calculation of the modulation transfer function as a metric of system imaging performance and a study of the density and inhomogeneity of imported cargos, which have been shown to correlate with human analysts, threat detection performance.

  3. Optimization of the air cargo supply chain

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    María Pérez Bernal


    Full Text Available Purpose: This paper aims to evaluate and optimize the various operations within the air cargo chain. It pursues to improve the efficiency of the air cargo supply chain and to provide more information to the decision-makers to optimize their fields.Design/methodology/approach: The method used is a process simulation modelling software, WITNESS, which provides information to the decision-makers about the most relevant parameters subject to optimization. The input for the simulation is obtained from a qualitative analysis of the air cargo supply chain with the involved agents and from a study of the external trade by air mode, given that their behaviour depend on the location. The case study is focused on a particular location, the Case of Zaragoza Airport (Spain.Findings: This paper demonstrates that efficiency of the air cargo supply chain can increase by leveraging several parameters such as bottlenecks, resources or warehouses.Originality/value: It explores the use of a simulation modeling software originally intended for manufacturing processes and extended to support decision making processes in the area of air cargo.

  4. 46 CFR 154.560 - Cargo hose: Prototype test. (United States)


    ... 46 Shipping 5 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Cargo hose: Prototype test. 154.560 Section 154.560... Hose § 154.560 Cargo hose: Prototype test. (a) Each cargo hose must be of a type that passes a prototype test at a pressure of at least five times its maximum working pressure at or below the minimum...

  5. Familia y duelo: el apego y los acontecimientos vitales estresantes como predictores del desarrollo de duelo complicado


    Valero-Moreno, Selene; Barreto-Martín, Pilar; Pérez-Marín, Marián


    La investigación en ciencias de la salud en los últimos años considera los factores de riesgo y protección en el proceso de afrontamiento del duelo como fundamentales a la hora de llevar a cabo un adecuado ajuste biopsicosocial, influyendo significativamente en la posibilidad de desarrollar psicopatología o complicaciones en la salud en el futuro

  6. 46 CFR 154.1810 - Cargo manual. (United States)


    ... with inert gas and air. (13) A description of hull and cargo tank temperature monitoring systems. (14... vaporization system. (v) Gas main system. (vi) Cargo tank or compressor relief system and blocked liquid or gas relief system. (vii) Inerting system. (viii) Boil-off gas compressor or reliquefaction system. (ix) Gas...

  7. System for inspection of stacked cargo containers (United States)

    Derenzo, Stephen [Pinole, CA


    The present invention relates to a system for inspection of stacked cargo containers. One embodiment of the invention generally comprises a plurality of stacked cargo containers arranged in rows or tiers, each container having a top, a bottom a first side, a second side, a front end, and a back end; a plurality of spacers arranged in rows or tiers; one or more mobile inspection devices for inspecting the cargo containers, wherein the one or more inspection devices are removeably disposed within the spacers, the inspection means configured to move through the spacers to detect radiation within the containers. The invented system can also be configured to inspect the cargo containers for a variety of other potentially hazardous materials including but not limited to explosive and chemical threats.

  8. Reflexiones para una antropología de la parentalidad y la teoría del apego


    Lagarde, Margarita


    John Bowlby ha proposat l'adjunció com la funció activa de l'aparell psíquic --durant tot el cicle de desenvolupament de la vida humana-- per generar víncles satisfactoris, estables, de seguretat, protecció i servei mutu, que determinen la identitat i la integració de la unicitat psicosocial per sobre de l'agressió i els impulsos de mort. Per altra banda Levobici proposa la necessitat d'abastar la parentalitat com un fenòmen derivat del narcisisme primari i de la bidireccionalitat implicad...

  9. 19 CFR 122.117 - Requirements for transit air cargo transport. (United States)


    ... 19 Customs Duties 1 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Requirements for transit air cargo transport. 122... Requirements for transit air cargo transport. (a) Transportation—(1) Port to port. Transit air cargo may be... surface carrier for transport. Otherwise, all shipments on the transit air cargo manifest shall be...

  10. Amortización de Intangibles con cargos variables y gradiente aritmético predeterminado


    Zans Arimana, Walter


    En este trabajo el objetivo general de la investigación ha sido construir un método que permita amortizar un activo intangible con un procedimiento nuevo, basado en cargos anuales que varían con un gradiente aritmético previamente establecido por la gerencia. La metodología ha sido numérica, aplicando las propiedades de las progresiones aritméticas. Los resultados han llevado a la construcción del mencionado método, concluyendo dicho procedimiento cumple con la definición de amortización que ...

  11. Revenue management of air cargo service in theory and practice (United States)

    Budiarto, S.; Putro, H. P.; Pradono, P.; Yudoko, G.


    This study examines the air cargo service by comparing existing theories from previous research with the conditions on the ground. The object of the study is focused on the freight forwarder and the airport management. This study reviews the models and results of previous research that will be summarized and used to identify any issues related to the characteristics of air cargo operational services, as well as observing and monitoring literature with airlines, shipping companies, and airport management to explore and see the gap between prior research and implementation of its process in the air cargo service. The first phase in this study is to provide an overview of the air cargo industry. The second phase analyzes the characteristic differences between air cargo services and air passenger operating services. And the third phase is a literary bibliography study of air cargo operations, where the focus is on the studies using quantitative models from the perspective of the object of the study, which is the optimization of revenue management on air cargo services. From the results of the study, which is based on the gap between theory and practice, new research opportunities which are related to management of air cargo service revenue in the form of model development are found by adding booking timelines aspects of cargo that can affect the revenue of cargo airline companies and airports.

  12. 46 CFR 153.436 - Heat transfer fluids: compatibility with cargo. (United States)


    ... 46 Shipping 5 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Heat transfer fluids: compatibility with cargo. 153.436... Equipment Cargo Temperature Control Systems § 153.436 Heat transfer fluids: compatibility with cargo. A heat transfer fluid separated from the cargo by only one wall (for example, the heat transfer fluid in a coil...

  13. Rediseño del manual de funciones para el Gobierno Autónomo Descentralizado Municipal del Sígsig provincia del Azuay para el período noviembre 2014 a febrero 2015


    Zhiminaycela Orellana, Claudia Soledad


    El documento consiste en la presentación de la reestructuración del manual de funciones del Gobierno Autónomo Descentralizado Municipal de Sígsig con el fin de implementar una nueva estructura organizacional que cuente con la actualización de las funciones de cada cargo, permitiéndole a la organización mantenerse actualizada y manejar de una mejor manera el capital humano que lo constituye. This document is the presentation of the restructuring of funtions manual for Gobierno Autónomo Desc...

  14. Determinants of Operational Efficiency at Chemical Cargo Terminals

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    T.A. Gúlcan


    Full Text Available In today’s globalized world, one of the requirements of global supply chains is efficient transportation systems. Approximately 80 per cent of world merchandise trade carried by sea and handled by ports worldwide. For this reason, maritime transport has the strategic economic importance. Loading of oil and gas has the biggest share (%30 in commodities carried by sea and 2.9 billion tons oil and gas loaded to ship in 2013. This study is focus on chemical cargo terminals which is a special terminal form where high and international levels of safety and quality elements applied. Unlike conventional bulk cargo and container cargo operations, chemical cargo operations include own priorities, applications, and the evaluation criteria. The aim of this study is to perform a qualitative research to determine the factors affecting the operational efficiency of ship, berth and warehousing operations in chemical cargo terminals.

  15. Indirect estimation of radioactivity in containerized cargo

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jarman, K.D.; Scherrer, C.; Smith, L.E.; Chilton, L.K.; Anderson, K.K.; Ressler, J.J.; Trease, L.L.


    Naturally occurring radioactive material in containerized cargo challenges the state of the art in national and international efforts to detect illicit nuclear and radiological material in transported containers. Current systems are being evaluated and new systems envisioned to provide the high probability of detection necessary to thwart potential threats, combined with extremely low nuisance and false alarm rates necessary to maintain the flow of commerce impacted by the enormous volume of commodities imported in shipping containers. Maintaining flow of commerce also means that inspection must be rapid, requiring relatively non-intrusive, indirect measurements of cargo from outside containers to the extent possible. With increasing information content in such measurements, it is natural to ask how the information might be combined to improve detection. Toward this end, we present an approach to estimating isotopic activity of naturally occurring radioactive material in cargo grouped by commodity type, combining container manifest data with radiography and gamma-ray spectroscopy aligned to location along the container. The heart of this approach is our statistical model of gamma-ray counts within peak regions of interest, which captures the effects of background suppression, counting noise, convolution of neighboring cargo contributions, and down-scattered photons to provide estimates of counts due to decay of specific radioisotopes in cargo alone. Coupled to that model, we use a mechanistic model of self-attenuated radiation flux to estimate the isotopic activity within cargo, segmented by location within each container, that produces those counts. We test our approach by applying it to a set of measurements taken at the Port of Seattle in 2006. This approach to synthesizing disparate available data streams and extraction of cargo characteristics, while relying on several simplifying assumptions and approximations, holds the potential to support improvement of

  16. 46 CFR 28.885 - Cargo gear. (United States)


    ... 46 Shipping 1 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Cargo gear. 28.885 Section 28.885 Shipping COAST GUARD... Aleutian Trade Act Vessels § 28.885 Cargo gear. (a) The safe working load (SWL) for the assembled gear... the load the gear is approved to lift, excluding the weight of the gear itself. (b) All wire rope...

  17. Duérmete mi niño que viene el coco

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    Fátima Miralles Sangro


    Full Text Available Este artículo es el resultado de una investigación realizada en 2008. El objetivo fue caracterizar el apego vivido por niños testigos de violencia de género. También se tuvo en cuenta la vivencias de sus madres, maltratadas físicamente con el fin de evaluar su modo de experienciar su papel de continentes y base de seguridad y referente para sus hijos. Es un estudio cualitativo que utilizó el test del nido para evaluar niños y sus madres, quienes se encontraban en hogares de protección en España. El resultado mostró que el maltrato físico tiene consecuencias perjudiciales en el establecimiento de las las pautas de apego establecidas entre niño y madre y que el test del nido es un herramienta diagnóstica valiosa en estos casos. © Revista Colombiana de Ciencias Sociales.

  18. Long-range cargo transport on crowded microtubules: The motor jamming mechanism (United States)

    Rossi, Lucas W.; Radtke, Paul K.; Goldman, Carla


    The hopping model for cargo transport by molecular motors introduced in Goldman and Sena (2009), Goldman (2010) is extended here in order to incorporate the movement of cargo-motor complexes (C-MC). Hopping processes in this context express the possibility for cargo to be exchanged between neighboring motors at a microtubule where the transport takes place. Jamming of motors is essential for cargos to execute long-range movement in this way. Results from computer simulations accompanied by a mean-field analysis of the extended model confirm our previous analytical results and suggests that an interplay between cargo hopping and the movement of the C-MC’s would control the efficiency of cargo transfer and cargo delivery in these model systems.

  19. Las Competencias Legales del Racional en la Organización Administrativa y Contable del Municipio de Valencia (Comienzos del Siglo XVII

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    Francisco Mayordomo García-Chicote


    Full Text Available La organización administrativa y contable de los mayores municipios españoles, a comienzos del XVII, es un tema que apenas ha sido abordado por los investigadores de la historia de la Contabilidad y del Derecho. En este trabajo se estudian los textos legales (Capitols del Quitament y Ordenanzas de la Taula de Canvis que regulaban aquellas cuestiones en relación con la ciudad de Valencia, y sobre todo se hace un detenido análisis del cargo municipal (el Racional que se responsabilizaba de la contabilidad y el control interno de la Hacienda local. Palabras clave: contabilidad pública, historia de la contabilidad, Valencia, siglo XVII.A serious lack of research con be observed on the administrative and accounting organisation of the main Spanish cities around the beginning of the 17th century. This paper analyses the legal texts (Capitols del Quitament and Ordenanzas de la Taula de Canvis relative to the matter in the city of Valencia. Furthermore, this study is aimed to highlight the characteristics of the Racional who was responsible for the accounting, and internal control of the local finance.

  20. Spectroscopic neutron radiography for a cargo scanning system

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Rahon, Jill [Department of Nuclear Science and Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 77 Massachusetts Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139 (United States); Danagoulian, Areg, E-mail: [Department of Nuclear Science and Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 77 Massachusetts Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139 (United States); MacDonald, Thomas D. [Department of Nuclear Science and Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 77 Massachusetts Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139 (United States); Hartwig, Zachary S. [Plasma Science and Fusion Center, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 77 Massachusetts Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139 (United States); Lanza, Richard C. [Department of Nuclear Science and Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 77 Massachusetts Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139 (United States)


    Detection of cross-border smuggling of illicit materials and contraband is a challenge that requires rapid, low-dose, and efficient radiographic technology. The work we describe here is derived from a technique which uses monoenergetic gamma rays from low energy nuclear reactions, such as {sup 11}B(d,nγ){sup 12}C, to perform radiographic analysis of shipping containers. Transmission ratios of multiple monoenergetic gamma lines resulting from several gamma producing nuclear reactions can be employed to detect materials of high atomic number (Z), the details of which will be described in a separate paper. Inherent in this particular nuclear reaction is the production of fast neutrons which could enable neutron radiography and further characterization of the effective-Z of the cargo, especially within the range of lower Z. Previous research efforts focused on the use of total neutron counts in combination with X-ray radiography to characterize the hydrogenous content of the cargo. We present a technique of performing transmitted neutron spectral analysis to reconstruct the effective Z and potentially the density of the cargo. This is made possible by the large differences in the energy dependence of neutron scattering cross-sections between hydrogenous materials and those of higher Z. These dependencies result in harder transmission spectra for hydrogenous cargoes than those of non-hydrogenous cargoes. Such observed differences can then be used to classify the cargo based on its hydrogenous content. The studies presented in this paper demonstrate that such techniques are feasible and can provide a contribution to cargo security, especially when used in concert with gamma radiography.


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    Denis Sergeevich Antipov


    Full Text Available The article propose methods of diagnostic effectiveness organizational changes in cargo motor transportation organizations. The article contain the main results approbation of the developed methods of diagnostic effectiveness organizational changes in cargo motor transportation organizations in 37 cargo motor transportation organizations of Saint-Petersburg and the Leningrad Region. Constructed diagrams of conformity specific weights resulting from organizational changes in cargo motor transportation organizations. Presents diagrams effectiveness organizational changes in cargo motor transportation organizations at every stages of the life cycle. The goal of the present paper is to development methods of diagnostic effectiveness organizational changes in cargo motor transportation organizations.

  2. Cargo liability regimes (United States)


    There are at present at least three international regimes of maritime cargo liability in force in different countries of the world - the original Hague rules (1924), the updated version known as the Hague-Visby rules (1968, further amended 1979), and...

  3. "Choice of Air Cargo Transshipment Airport: An Application to Air Cargo Traffic to/from Northeast Asia"


    Hiroshi Ohashi; Tae-Seung Kim; Tae Hoon Oum; Chunyan Yu


    Based on a unique data set of 760 air cargo transshipment routings to/from the Northeast Asian region in 2000, this paper applies an aggregate form of multinomial logit model to identify the critical factors influencing air cargo transshipment route choice decisions. The analysis focuses on the trade-off between monetary cost and time cost while considering other variables relevant for choice of transshipment airport. The estimation method considers the presence of unobserved attributes, and ...


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    Celia Torren


    Full Text Available El presente artículo es una síntesis del trabajo "Rasgos Geográficos del Valle del Río Agrio Inferior, el cual es un estudio de base para el conocimiento de la geografía de la región: - apoyando el esfuerzo que está realizando la población del área para lograr una identidad propia y una definitiva integración al contexto provincial; - aportando al proyecto "Rescate Arqueológico en Quili Malal, Neuquén" (subsidiado por CONICET y UNESCO, cuya dirección está a cargo de la profesora Susana Rodríguez de la U.N.C., a través de la confección del mapa geomorfológico del área; y - contribuyendo a los estudios que resultan necesarios ante la construcción de una obra hidroeléctrica de la magnitud de "El Chihuido I", emprendimiento que será llevado a cabo por Agua y Energía eléctrica de la Nación. Los límites del área estudiada fueron establecidos teniendo en cuenta el área del valle inferior del Río Agrio que será completamente inundada por el futuro embalse de la represa "El Chihuido I", a emplazarse 5,5 Km aguas abajo de la confluencia de los ríos Agrio y Neuquén. Además de esta área de afectación directa se tomó también una zona de perilago estrechamente vinculada a la anterior. De esta manera los límites este y oeste quedaron establecidos por la confluencia de los ríos antes mencionados y la localidad de Bajada del Agrio, respectivamente.

  5. La Criminología como base fundamental de la Política Criminológica en México: Aspectos esenciales del nuevo proceso penal/Criminology as a fundamental basis of criminological policy in Mexico: key aspects of the new criminal proceedings

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    Juan Antonio Maruri Jiménez


    Full Text Available La Criminología como ciencia interdisciplinaria cuyo objeto de conocimiento es el crimen, delincuente, víctima, control social del comportamiento delictivo y el fenómeno político social que los engloba (criminalidad, nos da las bases para consolidar un nuevo modelo de Política Criminológica a través de sus niveles de estudio (crimen, criminal y criminalidad, para que con apego a los Derechos Fundamentales se constituya en eje rector del nuevo proceso penal de corte acusatorio, adversarial y oral, revistiéndolo de un doble carácter: Científico, al introducir como aspecto esencial la valoración de las pruebas con el auxilio de las ciencias forenses; y garantista, al establecer el objeto, principios rectores y procedimientos con respeto a los Derechos Humanos reconocidos por los tratados y convenios internacionales celebrados por el Estado mexicano, a efecto de lograr la consecución de una efectiva prevención del delito y el restablecimiento del orden social.

  6. 46 CFR 308.521 - Application for Open Cargo Policy, Form MA-301. (United States)


    ... 46 Shipping 8 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Application for Open Cargo Policy, Form MA-301. 308.521... RISK INSURANCE War Risk Cargo Insurance Ii-Open Policy War Risk Cargo Insurance § 308.521 Application for Open Cargo Policy, Form MA-301. The standard form of application for a War Risk Open Cargo Policy...

  7. Investigate existing non-intrusive (NII) technologies for port cargo inspections. (United States)


    "The quantity of cargo handled by United States ports has increased significantly in recent years. Based on : 2004 data, almost 2.7 billion tons of cargo passed through the ports in one year. To protect the U.S., all of this : cargo must be inspected...

  8. Factores que inciden en el acceso de las mujeres a cargos de responsabilidad en la estructura organizacional

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    Moine María Beatriz


    Full Text Available El presente artículo ofrece una revisión de la literatura a nivel nacional e internacional indagando acerca del proceso de promoción del género femenino en la escala jerárquica de la organización. El objetivo central del artí- culo apunta a determinar qué factores o características personales, profesionales y culturales, entre otras, influyen en la participación de las mujeres en los puestos directivos de las empresas. A partir de esta base, se analiza la situación de las mujeres en el ámbito de Río Cuarto, Córdoba y la región. Esta última premisa involucra la realización de un trabajo de campo que, a nivel exploratorio, analiza las características de la inserción de varones y mujeres en la organización locales y regionales y los determinantes en el acceso a cargos de dirección.

  9. 33 CFR 401.76 - In-transit cargo. (United States)


    ... 33 Navigation and Navigable Waters 3 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false In-transit cargo. 401.76 Section... TRANSPORTATION SEAWAY REGULATIONS AND RULES Regulations Toll Assessment and Payment § 401.76 In-transit cargo... the Seaway Transit Declaration Form, but is deemed to be ballast and not subject to toll assessment. ...

  10. Analytical solution of the problem of acceleration of cargo by a bridge crane with constant acceleration at elimination of swings of a cargo rope (United States)

    Korytov, M. S.; Shcherbakov, V. S.; Titenko, V. V.


    Limitation of the swing of the bridge crane cargo rope is a matter of urgency, as it can significantly improve the efficiency and safety of the work performed. In order to completely dampen the pendulum swing after the break-up of a bridge or a bridge-crane freight cart to maximum speed, it is necessary, in the normal repulsion control of the electric motor, to split the process of dispersion into a minimum of three gaps. For a dynamic system of swinging of a bridge crane on a flexible cable hanger in a separate vertical plane, an analytical solution was obtained to determine the temporal dependence of the cargo rope angle relative to the gravitational vertical when the cargo suspension point moves with constant acceleration. The resulting analytical dependence of the cargo rope angle and its first derivative can break the process of dispersing the cargo suspension point into three stages of dispersal and braking with various accelerations and enter maximum speed of movement of the cargo suspension point. In doing so, the condition of eliminating the swings of the cargo rope relative to the gravitational vertical is fulfilled. Provides examples of the maximum speed output constraints-to-time when removing the rope swing.

  11. El sistema de prestaciones por hijo a cargo en España

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    Obiol Francés, Sandra


    Full Text Available Child Benefit (prestaciones familiares por hijo a cargo is the only monetary, regular and direct allowance to contribute bringing up children in Spain. Therefore, the Family Allowance System might be seen as a privileged watchtower where it is possible to observe complex and dynamic relationships between the family, the State and the market. Moreover, it shows its influence on the wellbeing and on the dynamics of inclusion or exclusion. This paper analyzes the Spanish economic allowance addressed to children and its evolution since its last reform in 1990. The main goal is to contribute to our understanding of the compromise level acquired by the Spanish State for familycare. This study tries to draw where the limit between public and private areas is and which are the differences concerning the cost of chid bearing and education.

    Las prestaciones por hijo a cargo constituyen en España la única prestación de carácter monetario, periódico y directo que se otorga a nivel estatal para contribuir a los gastos generados por la crianza y educación de los hijos/as. Este hecho convierte al sistema de prestaciones en una privilegiada atalaya para observar las complejas y dinámicas relaciones que se dan entre familia, Estado y mercado en la canalización del bienestar y, por consiguiente, en las dinámicas de inclusión/exclusión de este mismo bienestar. En este artículo se analiza la evolución del sistema español de prestaciones económicas dirigidas a los hijos desde su última gran reforma en 1990, con la intención de que su estudio nos ayude a dilucidar qué grado de compromiso adquiere el Estado respecto a la atención a la familia, en qué lugar sitúa el límite entre el ámbito público y el ámbito privado, y dónde se incluye, entre esta diferenciación de esferas, la asunción del coste de la crianza y la educación de los hijos.

  12. Delivery of Cargo to Lysosomes Using GNeosomes. (United States)

    Hamill, Kristina M; Wexselblatt, Ezequiel; Tong, Wenyong; Esko, Jeffrey D; Tor, Yitzhak


    Liposomes have been used to improve the intracellular delivery of a variety of cargos. Encapsulation of cargos in liposomes leads to improved plasma half-lives and minimized degradation. Here, we present a method for improving the selective delivery of liposomes to the lysosomes using a guanidinylated neomycin (GNeo) transporter. The method for synthesizing GNeo-lipids, incorporating them into liposomes, and the enhanced lysosomal delivery of encapsulated cargo are presented. GNeo-liposomes, termed GNeosomes, are capable of delivering a fluorescent dye to the lysosomes of Chinese hamster ovary cells as shown using confocal microscopy. GNeosomes can also be used to deliver therapeutic quantities of lysosomal enzymes to fibroblasts isolated from patients with a lysosomal storage disorder.

  13. A simplified tether model for molecular motor transporting cargo

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fang-Zhen, Li; Li-Chun, Jiang


    Molecular motors are proteins or protein complexes which function as transporting engines in biological cells. This paper models the tether between motor and its cargo as a symmetric linear potential. Different from Elston and Peskin's work for which performance of the system was discussed only in some limiting cases, this study produces analytic solutions of the problem for general cases by simplifying the transport system into two physical states, which makes it possible to discuss the dynamics of the motor–cargo system in detail. It turns out that the tether strength between motor and cargo should be greater than a threshold or the motor will fail to transport the cargo, which was not discussed by former researchers yet. Value of the threshold depends on the diffusion coefficients of cargo and motor and also on the strength of the Brownian ratchets dragging the system. The threshold approaches a finite constant when the strength of the ratchet tends to infinity. (general)

  14. Una (revisión heterodoxa del desarrollo (territorial: un imperativo categórico

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    Sergio Boisier


    Full Text Available La evidencia empírica mundial muestra un fracaso completo de los programas de promoción del desarrollo, por lo menos en el periodo 1941-2001, lapso en el cual el concepto teórico de desarrollo se convierte en un concepto político. Las diversas formas de intervención y el gasto de cantidades inconmensurables de recursos revelan un mundo patéticamente dividido entre un reducido número de “ganadores” y un enorme conjunto de “perdedores”. El autor plantea que de aquí en adelante habrá que considerar el fomento al desarrollo como un “imperativo categórico” kantiano; que además será preciso colocar en primer plano la dimensión axiológica o valórica del desarrollo, mostrando así su carácter de estado y de proceso intangible, subjetivo, dependiente de la trayectoria y del territorio. Las causas del fracaso del último sexenio se centran, según el autor, en el “peso de la noche cartesiana”, es decir, en el apego irrestricto al paradigma positivista y al método analítico, que, llevado al plano de la acción, se ha traducido en el “incrementalismo disjunto” de Lindblom. El autor sugiere un cambio radical de enfoque, dando paso a un paradigma que combine la complejidad con el constructivismo, que considere el desarrollo como una propiedad emergente de un sistema territorial complejo y que utilice conceptos e instrumentos como la sinapsis neuronal, la sinergia cognitiva y la conversación social como medios para realizar una “ingeniería de las intervenciones territoriales” que genere, efectivamente, el desarrollo. Se plantean complejas cuestiones de reforma en la manera de hacer gobierno.

  15. Una (revisión heterodoxa del desarrollo (territorial: un imperativo categórico

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    Sergio Boisier


    Full Text Available La evidencia empírica mundial muestra un fracaso completo de los programas de promoción del desarrollo, por lo menos en el período 1941/2001, período en el cual el concepto teórico de desarrollo se convierte en un concepto político. Las diversas formas de intervención y el gasto de cantidades inconmensurables de recursos muestran un mundo patéticamente dividido entre un reducido número de “ganadores” y un enorme conjunto de “perdedores”. El autor plantea que de aquí en adelante habrá que considerar el fomento al desarrollo como un “imperativo categórico” kantiano; que además será preciso colocar en primer plano la dimensión axiológica o valórica del desarrollo, mostrando así su carácter de estado y de proceso intangible, subjetivo, dependiente de la trayectoria y del territorio. Las causas del fracaso del último sexenio se centran, según el autor, en el “peso de la noche cartesiana”, es decir, en el apego irrestricto al paradigma positivista y al método analítico, que llevado al plano de la acción se ha traducido en el “incrementalismo disjunto” de Lindblom. El autor sugiere un cambio radical de enfoque, dando paso a un paradigma que combine la complejidad con el constructivismo, que considere el desarrollo como una propiedad emergente de un sistema territorial complejo, y que utilice conceptos e instrumentos como la sinapsis neuronal, la sinergia cognitiva, y la conversación social como medios para realizar una “ingeniería de las intervenciones territoriales” que genere, efectivamente, el desarrollo. Se sugieren complejas cuestiones de reforma en la manera de hacer gobierno

  16. Una (revisión heterodoxa del desarrollo (territorial: un imperativo categórico

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    Sergio Boisier


    Full Text Available La evidencia empÌrica mundial muestra un fracaso completo de los programas de promociÛn del desa- rrollo, por lo menos en el periodo 1941-2001, lapso en el cual el con- cepto teÛrico de desarrollo se con- vierte en un concepto polÌtico. Las diversas formas de intervenciÛn y el gasto de cantidades inconmensu- rables de recursos revelan un mun- do patÈticamente dividido entre un reducido n ̇mero de ganadores y un enorme conjunto de perdedo- res. El autor plantea que de aquÌ en adelante habr· que considerar el fo- mento al desarrollo como un impe- rativo categÛrico kantiano; que adem·s ser· preciso colocar en pri- mer plano la dimensiÛn axiolÛgica valÛrica del desarrollo, mostrando asÌ su car·cter de estado y de proce- so intangible, subjetivo, dependiente de la trayectoria y del territorio. Las causas del fracaso del ̇lti- mo sexenio se centran, seg ̇n el au- tor, en el peso de la noche cartesia- na, es decir, en el apego irrestricto al paradigma positivista y al mÈtodo analÌtico, que, llevado al plano de la acciÛn, se ha traducido en el incre- mentalismo disjunto de Lindblom. El autor sugiere un cambio radical de enfoque, dando paso a un para- digma que combine la complejidad con el constructivismo, que conside- re el desarrollo como una propiedad emergente de un sistema territorial complejo y que utilice conceptos e instrumentos como la sinapsis neu- ronal, la sinergia cognitiva y la con- versaciÛn social como medios para realizar una ingenierÌa de las inter- venciones territoriales que genere, efectivamente, el desarrollo. Se plantean complejas cuestiones de reforma en la manera de hacer go- bierno.

  17. Characteristics of future air cargo demand and impact on aircraft development: A report on the Cargo/Logistic Airlift Systems Study (CLASS) project (United States)

    Whitehead, A. H., Jr.


    Current domestic and international air cargo operations are studied and the characteristics of 1990 air cargo demand are postulated from surveys conducted at airports and with shippers, consignees, and freight forwarders as well as air, land, and ocean carriers. Simulation and route optimization programs are exercised to evaluate advanced aircraft concepts. The results show that proposed changes in the infrastructure and improved cargo loading efficiencies are as important enhancing the prospects of air cargo growth as is the advent of advanced freighter aircraft. Potential reductions in aircraft direct operating costs are estimated and related to future total revenue. Service and cost elasticities are established and utilized to estimate future potential tariff reductions that may be realized through direct and indirect operating cost reductions and economies of scale.

  18. 77 FR 65006 - Air Cargo Advance Screening (ACAS) Pilot Program (United States)


    ... electronic cargo information by way of a CBP-approved electronic data interchange (EDI) system before the... electronically receive certain information regarding that cargo through a CBP-approved EDI system no later than... the above information regarding that cargo through a CBP-approved EDI system no later than the time of...

  19. Consecuencias del abuso sexual infantil: una revisión de las variables intervinientes

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    David Cantón-Cortés


    Full Text Available En las últimas décadas el abuso sexual infantil (ASI ha suscitado un gran interés, tanto entre la comunidad científica, como en la sociedad en general, debido a su prevalencia y consecuencias a corto y a largo plazo. Aunque la mayoría de los estudios que han examinado las secuelas del ASI enumeran numerosas dificultades psicológicas, sociales, conductuales y físicas, ciertamente no todas las víctimas de abuso infantil muestran un daño significativo posterior, existiendo una amplia variabilidad en el ajuste de las víctimas. Ante esta diversidad el presente trabajo, tras realizar una revisión de las consecuencias a corto y largo plazo del ASI, pretende discernir cuales son las principales variables que determinan los efectos del abuso sobre la víctimas. Las características del abuso, víctima y agresor, los factores situacionales y, especialmente, las variables cognitivas de la víctima se han demostrado como eficaces para explicar la gravedad de la sintomatología. Concretamente, las investigaciones realizadas en los últimos años han encontrado que la sustitución de estrategias de afrontamiento de evitación por estrategias de aproximación, la eliminación de las atribuciones de autoinculpación e inculpación a la familia y de los sentimientos relacionados con las cuatro dinámicas traumatogénicas y la promoción de un estilo de apego seguro resultarían beneficiosos a la hora de prevenir futuros problemas causados por la experiencia de abuso.

  20. 46 CFR 153.491 - Waiver of certain equipment for dedicated cargo tanks. (United States)


    ... and endorses a ship's Certificate of Inspection or Certificate of Compliance allowing a cargo tank to carry a single, specific NLS cargo and no other cargo if the ship's owner— (1) Requests a waiver... DANGEROUS CARGOES SHIPS CARRYING BULK LIQUID, LIQUEFIED GAS, OR COMPRESSED GAS HAZARDOUS MATERIALS Design...

  1. Redes del cuidado: Ética del destino compartido en las madres comunitarias antioqueñas

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    Mauricio Hernando Bedoya-Hernández


    Full Text Available En este artículo abordo el problema de las redes de apoyo de las madres comunitarias. Objetivo: Identificar el significado que las madres comunitarias dan al cuidado propio, en relación al cuidado promovido en los niños y niñas de los hogares comunitarios a su cargo. Alcance: ampliación de las comprensiones acerca de las prácticas de cuidado en las madres comunitarias de la ciudad de Medellín. Metodología: con enfoque cualitativo y metodología fenomenológica-hermenéutica, del estudio participaron 30 madres comunitarias de 6 municipios antioqueños, con quienes se realizaron entrevistas en profundidad y grupos focales. Resultados: cada madre comunitaria construye su red del cuidado, cuyo eje de sentido es el cuidado provisto a los niños y niñas. Conclusiones: (1 el cuidado de estos niños y niñas requiere una red del cuidado; (2 esta es una construcción subjetiva; (3 cuando una mujer se hace madre comunitaria a partir del vector por lo infantil, su trabajo se torna en una ética del destino compartido; y (4 en las redes del cuidado las madres comunitarias cuidan y son cuidadas.

  2. Discurso de Posesión del Académico Doctor Zoilo Cuéllar Montoya.

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    Zoilo Cuéllar-Montoya


    Debieron pasar casi treinta años hasta que el Profesor Rafael Ucrós Durán fuera electo para presidir la Academia para un primer período, cargo que ocupó del 1º de septiembre de 1932 al 26 de junio de 1934 y, reelegido, junto con la totalidad de su Junta Directiva, continuó en la Presidencia de la Academia de esta fecha hasta el 3 de septiembre de 1936. Veinte años después, el Profesor Jorge E. Cavelier Jiménez, Bogotano de nacimiento, de prosapia gala y cartagenera, se hizo cargo de la Presidencia de la Academia, entre el 26 de octubre de 1956 y el 2 de abril de 1959 cuando, por reelección, continuó en el cargo hasta el 9 de marzo de 1961. Unos pocos años después, el 11 de marzo de 1965, se posesionó el ilustre radiólogo bogotano, el Profesor Gonzalo Esguerra Gómez, en la Presidencia de la Academia. Reelegido en dicho cargo, lo ocupó del 16 de marzo de 1967 al 13 de marzo de 1969. Había pasado un poco más de una década cuando, el 20 de marzo de 1980, el ilustre Profesor Doctor Hernando Groot Liévano, nuestro querido Secretario Perpetuo, ocupaba por primera vez la Presidencia de la Academia, para la cual fue reelecto y se posesionó, nuevamente, el 18 de febrero de 1982, cargo en el cual permaneció hasta el 9 de febrero de 1984...

  3. The Design of Bulk Carrier Cargo Holds State Integrated Monitoring System

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    Gao Ru-jiang


    Full Text Available Most ship cargo hold Internal uses artificial watch or is unattended. Therefore, it is impossible to know the appropriate information of the cargo holds Internal timely and accurately. Cargo damage and ship accidents occurred frequently. Automation remote processing and monitoring alarm system for the bulk carrier is an important part of the marine automation. The system plays a significant role to guarantee the navigation safety for bulk carriers. The paper introduced the important parts of the integrated monitoring system, structural design, hardware configuration, various modules communication transmission and various data processing software design were included. Based on embedded development, the real time information including the cargo hold internal humidity temperature, oxygen concentration, smoke gas concentration, cold water well level and other data were collected, as well the hatch closed state was detected and the cargo hold internal real time video information was collected. Then the real-time communication between the control display and acquisition modules were assured. By adjusting the corresponding buttons on the bridge according to the monitoring information, so that the cargo hold always in a safe environment, so as to avoid cargo hold accidents.

  4. 19 CFR 4.62 - Accounting for inward cargo. (United States)


    ... 19 Customs Duties 1 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Accounting for inward cargo. 4.62 Section 4.62 Customs Duties U.S. CUSTOMS AND BORDER PROTECTION, DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY; DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY VESSELS IN FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC TRADES Foreign Clearances § 4.62 Accounting for inward cargo...

  5. Comparative International Air Cargo Solutions: The Pathway to a Resilient, Adaptable, Balanced and Sustainable Secure Global Air Cargo Supply Chain (United States)


    counterfeit merchandise smugglers, and remains the weakest link in the air cargo transportation chain. The TSA and CBP continue to seek administrative...been exploited by narcotics, human and counterfeit merchandise smugglers for centuries, remains the weakest link in the air cargo transportation chain... visual depiction of the European Union 3rd country security processes. 96 Official Journal of the

  6. Influencia del estilo de liderazgo del director en la gestión educativa de la Institución Educativa Secundaria Telesforo Catacora de la Ciudad de Juli


    Gutiérrez Maita, Mariana Liliana


    El informe de investigación titulado "Influencia del estilo de liderazgo del Director en la gestión educativa de la Institución Educativa Secundaria "Telésforo Catacora" de la ciudad de Juli", se realizó viendo la realidad de los directores que asumen el cargo por encargatura, sin ejercer un verdadero liderazgo y sobre todo desconociendo la existencia de los estilos de liderazgo, lo que afecta en la gestión educativa que se debe realizar logrando alcanzar las metas y objetivos institucionales...

  7. Cargo-mix optimization in Liner Shipping

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Christensen, Jonas Mark; Pacino, Dario; Fonseca, Joao Filipe Paiva

    International transportation constitutes one of the biggest challenges in limiting CO2 emission in theworld: it is technically hard to find viable alternatives to fossil fuels, and due to the internationalnature, it is very difficult to regulate CO2 emission of intercontinental trade. Moreover...... and have to find a load configuration (stowage plan)that both suits the current cargo to be loaded but also guarantees that the vessel can be utilizedto its maximum in future ports. The size of nowadays vessels is, however, making this work harderand harder (Pacino et al. (2011)). Moreover, the cargo...

  8. La estrategia educativa 2020 o las limitaciones del Banco Mundial para promover el "aprendizaje para todos"

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    Antoni Verger


    Full Text Available LA NUEVA Estrategia Educativa 2020 del Banco Mundial establece las prioridades de reforma educativa en países en vías de desarrollo para la década siguiente. El título explícito de la estrategia, Aprendizaje para Todos, es un claro reconocimiento de que, más allá de políticas centradas en el acceso, se debe hacer algo más para asegurar que la educación derive en experiencias positivas de aprendizaje. Sin embargo, como este artículo sostiene, las opciones de políticas explícitas y latentes en la Estrategia 2020 no son las más adecuadas para lograr el Aprendizaje para Todos. El artículo desarrolla tres tipos de argumentos al respecto. El primero se refiere al fuerte apego del Banco a un conocimiento disciplinario y un enfoque metodológico que es insuficiente para entender lo que aprenden los niños en la escuela y por qué. El segundo argumento se refiere al sesgo pro-mercado de la Estrategia por lo que respecta a la reforma del sector público y a nuevas formas de oferta educativa. En tercer lugar, el artículo señala las principales ausencias de la Estrategia, con especial atención a las omisiones relacionadas con la compleja relación entre educación y pobreza.

  9. How molecular motors are arranged on a cargo is important for vesicular transport.

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    Robert P Erickson


    Full Text Available The spatial organization of the cell depends upon intracellular trafficking of cargos hauled along microtubules and actin filaments by the molecular motor proteins kinesin, dynein, and myosin. Although much is known about how single motors function, there is significant evidence that cargos in vivo are carried by multiple motors. While some aspects of multiple motor function have received attention, how the cargo itself--and motor organization on the cargo--affects transport has not been considered. To address this, we have developed a three-dimensional Monte Carlo simulation of motors transporting a spherical cargo, subject to thermal fluctuations that produce both rotational and translational diffusion. We found that these fluctuations could exert a load on the motor(s, significantly decreasing the mean travel distance and velocity of large cargos, especially at large viscosities. In addition, the presence of the cargo could dramatically help the motor to bind productively to the microtubule: the relatively slow translational and rotational diffusion of moderately sized cargos gave the motors ample opportunity to bind to a microtubule before the motor/cargo ensemble diffuses out of range of that microtubule. For rapidly diffusing cargos, the probability of their binding to a microtubule was high if there were nearby microtubules that they could easily reach by translational diffusion. Our simulations found that one reason why motors may be approximately 100 nm long is to improve their 'on' rates when attached to comparably sized cargos. Finally, our results suggested that to efficiently regulate the number of active motors, motors should be clustered together rather than spread randomly over the surface of the cargo. While our simulation uses the specific parameters for kinesin, these effects result from generic properties of the motors, cargos, and filaments, so they should apply to other motors as well.

  10. Optimisation of key performance measures in air cargo demand management

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    Alexander May


    Full Text Available This article sought to facilitate the optimisation of key performance measures utilised for demand management in air cargo operations. The focus was on the Revenue Management team at Virgin Atlantic Cargo and a fuzzy group decision-making method was used. Utilising intelligent fuzzy multi-criteria methods, the authors generated a ranking order of ten key outcome-based performance indicators for Virgin Atlantic air cargo Revenue Management. The result of this industry-driven study showed that for Air Cargo Revenue Management, ‘Network Optimisation’ represents a critical outcome-based performance indicator. This collaborative study contributes to existing logistics management literature, especially in the area of Revenue Management, and it seeks to enhance Revenue Management practice. It also provides a platform for Air Cargo operators seeking to improve reliability values for their key performance indicators as a means of enhancing operational monitoring power.

  11. 49 CFR 173.33 - Hazardous materials in cargo tank motor vehicles. (United States)


    ... 49 Transportation 2 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Hazardous materials in cargo tank motor vehicles... Transportation § 173.33 Hazardous materials in cargo tank motor vehicles. (a) General requirements. (1) No person may offer or accept a hazardous material for transportation in a cargo tank motor vehicle except as...

  12. Safety of Oversize Cargo in Ports and in the Sea Transport

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    Miroslaw Chmielinski


    Full Text Available Author of the paper analyzes problems related to the safety of the oversize cargo in ports and in the sea transport. Various modes of transport are used to carry oversized units that often include maritime transport. Transport of oversized cargo includes non-standard large and heavy pieces of cargo, such as electric transformers, reactor vessels, wind turbines, airplane fuselage or nuclear power plant components. The above paper is based on results of research oversized cargo in the Elpo Service Company and Pol-Mare Ltd. forwarding consulting agency.

  13. Cooperating to Compete in the Global Air Cargo Industry: The Case of the DHL Express and Lufthansa Cargo A.G. Joint Venture Airline ‘AeroLogic’

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    Glenn Baxter


    Full Text Available This paper presents a case study of the DHL Express and Lufthansa Cargo strategic joint venture cargo airline ‘AeroLogic’, the global air cargo industry’s largest operative joint venture between an airline and a leading international express and logistics provider. The study used a qualitative research approach. The data gathered for the study was examined by document analysis. The strategic analysis of the AeroLogic joint venture was based on the use of Porter’s Five Forces framework. The study found that the AeroLogic joint venture airline has provided synergistic benefits to both partners and has allowed the partners to access new markets and to participate in the evolution of the air cargo industry. The new venture has also enabled both joint venture partners to enhance their competitive position in the global air cargo industry through strengthened service offerings and has provided the partners with increased cargo capacities, a larger route network, and greater frequencies within their own route networks. The study also found that the AeroLogic business model is unique in the air cargo industry. A limitation of the study was that AeroLogic’s annual revenue or freight traffic data was not available. It was, therefore, not possible to analyse the business performance of the joint venture.

  14. Historia del Hogar Casa Cuna de la ciudad de Mendoza: La institución que permanece


    Farias Carracedo, Ana Carolina


    Este trabajo presenta la historia del Hogar Casa Cuna en la ciudad de Mendoza, Argentina,desde sus orígenes, a principios del siglo XX, hasta la actualidad enmarcando dicha historia enel contexto legislativo nacional y provincial.En sus orígenes, la Casa Cuna fue fundada por las Damas de la Caridad. En 1950 el Estado, pormedio de la Dirección Provincial del Menor, se hizo cargo de dicha institución aunque delegó elcuidado de los niños a las Hermanas de Nuestra Señora del Rosario que desempeña...

  15. Final Report, Next-Generation Mega-Voltage Cargo-Imaging System for Cargo Conainer Inspection, March 2007

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Dr. James Clayton, Ph.D., Varian Medical Systems-Security & Inspection Products; Dr. Emma Regentova, Ph.D, University of Nevada Las Vegas; Dr. Evangelos Yfantis, Ph.D., University of Nevada, Las Vegas


    The UNLV Research Foundation, as the primary award recipient, teamed with Varian Medical Systems-Security & Inspection Products and the University of Nevada Las Vegas (UNLV) for the purpose of conducting research and engineering related to a "next-generation" mega-voltage imaging (MVCI) system for inspection of cargo in large containers. The procurement and build-out of hardware for the MVCI project has been completed. The K-9 linear accelerator and an optimized X-ray detection system capable of efficiently detecting X-rays emitted from the accelerator after they have passed through the device is under test. The Office of Science financial assistance award has made possible the development of a system utilizing a technology which will have a profound positive impact on the security of U.S. seaports. The proposed project will ultimately result in critical research and development advances for the "next-generation" Linatron X-ray accelerator technology, thereby providing a safe, reliable and efficient fixed and mobile cargo inspection system, which will very significantly increase the fraction of cargo containers undergoing reliable inspection as the enter U.S. ports. Both NNSA/NA-22 and the Department of Homeland Security's Domestic Nuclear Detection Office are collaborating with UNLV and its team to make this technology available as soon as possible.

  16. Final Report, Next-Generation Mega-Voltage Cargo-Imaging System for Cargo Container Inspection, March 2007

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dr. James Clayton, Ph.D., Varian Medical Systems-Security and Inspection Products; Dr. Emma Regentova, Ph.D, University of Nevada Las Vegas; Dr. Evangelos Yfantis, Ph.D., University of Nevada, Las Vegas


    The UNLV Research Foundation, as the primary award recipient, teamed with Varian Medical Systems-Security and Inspection Products and the University of Nevada Las Vegas (UNLV) for the purpose of conducting research and engineering related to a ''next-generation'' mega-voltage imaging (MVCI) system for inspection of cargo in large containers. The procurement and build-out of hardware for the MVCI project has been completed. The K-9 linear accelerator and an optimized X-ray detection system capable of efficiently detecting X-rays emitted from the accelerator after they have passed through the device is under test. The Office of Science financial assistance award has made possible the development of a system utilizing a technology which will have a profound positive impact on the security of U.S. seaports. The proposed project will ultimately result in critical research and development advances for the ''next-generation'' Linatron X-ray accelerator technology, thereby providing a safe, reliable and efficient fixed and mobile cargo inspection system, which will very significantly increase the fraction of cargo containers undergoing reliable inspection as the enter U.S. ports. Both NNSA/NA-22 and the Department of Homeland Security's Domestic Nuclear Detection Office are collaborating with UNLV and its team to make this technology available as soon as possible

  17. 46 CFR 153.976 - Transfer of packaged cargo or ship's stores. (United States)


    ... 46 Shipping 5 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Transfer of packaged cargo or ship's stores. 153.976 Section 153.976 Shipping COAST GUARD, DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY (CONTINUED) CERTAIN BULK DANGEROUS CARGOES SHIPS CARRYING BULK LIQUID, LIQUEFIED GAS, OR COMPRESSED GAS HAZARDOUS MATERIALS Operations Cargo Transfer Procedures § 153.976 Transfer of...

  18. 46 CFR 154.650 - Cargo tank and process pressure vessel welding. (United States)


    ... 46 Shipping 5 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Cargo tank and process pressure vessel welding. 154.650... Equipment Construction § 154.650 Cargo tank and process pressure vessel welding. (a) Cargo tank and process pressure vessel welding must meet Subpart 54.05 and Part 57 of this chapter. (b) Welding consumables used...

  19. Notas clínicas: Un quiste mucoide del ovario derecho de treinta y cuatro libras de peso, extraído con feliz éxito a una anciana de setenta años

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    Arturo Durán D.


    servicio de mujeres, salón de caridad, a cargo del doctor Alejandro Bernal Jiménez, del Hospital San José del Líbano, Departamento del Tolima, la enferma L. S., de 70 años de edad natural de Chiquinquirá, hija de Manuel Sánchez y Joaquina Cortés.

  20. Green channel cargo inspection system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Shi Yuanping; Yu Jingsheng; Sun Hongqiang; Hao Pu; Cai Wenxia


    A radiation detection device was installed in the lanes of a highway toll station, radioactive rays which was collimated emitted through the measured, and arrived the detector. The average density of the fresh agricultural products belonged to Green channel and other prohibited items vary greatly, the absorption of radiation are different between the Green Channel Cargo and other substances. Prior to the experimental group, different standard samples which represent different models and goods were measured, the different standard samples were stored in a computer database. When the trucks get through the Green Channel, the detector will detect the radiation signal and bring to the computer, the computer will process the measured data, and make a conclusion whether the goods are Green Channel cargo. (authors)

  1. Analysis of containerized cargo in the ship container terminal

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Obhodas, Jasmina, E-mail: jobhodas@irb.h [Ruder Boskovic Institute, Bijenicka c. 54, 10000 Zagreb (Croatia); Sudac, Davorin [Ruder Boskovic Institute, Bijenicka c. 54, 10000 Zagreb (Croatia); Valkovic, Vladivoj [A.C.T.d.o.o., Prilesje 4, 10000 Zagreb (Croatia); Baricevic, Martina [Ruder Boskovic Institute, Bijenicka c. 54, 10000 Zagreb (Croatia); Franulovic, Andrej [Croatian Custom, Alexandera von Humboldta 4, 10000 Zagreb (Croatia); Perot, Bertrand; Carasco, Cedric; Alain, Mariani; Anne-Cecile, Raoux; El Kanawati, Wassila [CEA, DEN, Cadarache, Nuclear Measurement Laboratory, F-13108 Saint-Paul-lez-Durance (France)


    The container scanning system based on the elemental analysis of suspect cargo by use of fast 14 MeV neutrons with detection of associated alpha particle has been recently developed under the EU-FP6 'EURITRACK' project. The system is currently set-up in port of Rijeka, Croatia, to be tested and upgraded under the EU-JLS ERITR-C project. Here we present results of analysis performed on 152 screened containers selected by the Croatian Custom and detail descriptive statistical analysis of their shipping manifests. Statistics such as distribution functions of container types, type of packages, type of cargos and average cargo densities were obtained in order to establish the properties of standard cargo traffic. The analyses by using multivariate statistical approach that included principal component analysis (PCA) and between group analysis (BGA) have shown that cargo matrices can be classified as metallic (Fe, Al, Cu, Zn, Ni...), ceramic-glass (Si, O) and organic (C, O, N). In this paper the organic matrices have been analysed in more detail since they are identified as most difficult because of their potential interference with main elements contained in threat materials such as explosives or drugs. Density as a discriminating factor has been included for better recognition of different types of goods.

  2. Non-verbal mother-child communication in conditions of maternal HIV in an experimental environment Comunicación no verbal madre/hijo em la existencia del HIV materna en ambiente experimental Comunicação não-verbal mãe/filho na vigência do HIV materno em ambiente experimental

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    Simone de Sousa Paiva


    Full Text Available Non-verbal communication is predominant in the mother-child relation. This study aimed to analyze non-verbal mother-child communication in conditions of maternal HIV. In an experimental environment, five HIV-positive mothers were evaluated during care delivery to their babies of up to six months old. Recordings of the care were analyzed by experts, observing aspects of non-verbal communication, such as: paralanguage, kinesics, distance, visual contact, tone of voice, maternal and infant tactile behavior. In total, 344 scenes were obtained. After statistical analysis, these permitted inferring that mothers use non-verbal communication to demonstrate their close attachment to their children and to perceive possible abnormalities. It is suggested that the mother’s infection can be a determining factor for the formation of mothers’ strong attachment to their children after birth.La comunicación no verbal es predominante en la relación entre madre/hijo. Se tuvo por objetivo verificar la comunicación no verbal madre/hijo en la existencia del HIV materno. En ambiente experimental, fueron evaluadas cinco madres HIV+, que cuidaban de sus hijos de hasta seis meses de vida. Las filmaciones de los cuidados fueron analizadas por peritos, siendo observados los aspectos de la comunicación no verbal, como: paralenguaje, cinestésica, proximidad, contacto visual, tono de voz y comportamiento táctil materno e infantil. Se obtuvo 344 escenas que, después de un análisis estadístico, posibilitó inferir que la comunicación no verbal es utilizada por la madre para demonstrar su apego íntimo a los hijos y para percibir posibles anormalidades. Se sugiere que la infección materna puede ser un factor determinante para la formación del fuerte apego de la madre por su bebé después el nacimiento.A comunicação não-verbal é predominante na relação entre mãe/filho. Objetivou-se verificar a comunicação não-verbal mãe/filho na vigência do HIV

  3. 46 CFR 153.1000 - Special operating requirements for cargoes reactive with water. (United States)


    ... 46 Shipping 5 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Special operating requirements for cargoes reactive with water. 153.1000 Section 153.1000 Shipping COAST GUARD, DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY (CONTINUED... MATERIALS Operations Special Cargo Procedures § 153.1000 Special operating requirements for cargoes reactive...

  4. Detection of fissionable materials in cargoes using monochromatic photon radiography (United States)

    Danagoulian, Areg; Lanza, Richard; O'Day, Buckley; LNSP Team


    The detection of Special Nuclear Materials (e.g. Pu and U) and nuclear devices in the commercial cargo traffic is one of the challenges posed by the threat of nuclear terrorism. Radiography and active interrogation of heavily loaded cargoes require ~ 1 - 10MeV photons for penetration. In a proof-of-concept system under development at MIT, the interrogating monochromatic photon beam is produced via a 11B(d , nγ) 12C reaction. To achieve this, a boron target is used along with the 3 MeV d+ RFQ accelerator at MIT-Bates. The reactions results in the emission of very narrow 4.4 MeV and 15.1 MeV gammas lines. The photons, after traversing the cargo, are detected by an array of NaI(Tl) detectors. A spectral analysis of the transmitted gammas allows to independently determine the areal density and the atomic number (Z) of the cargo. The proposed approach could revolutionize cargo inspection, which, in its current fielded form has to rely on simple but high dose bremsstrahlung sources. Use of monochromatic sources would significantly reduce the necessary dose and allow for better determination of the cargo's atomic number. The general methodology will be described and the preliminary results from the proof-of-concept system will be presented and discussed. Supported by NSF/DNDO Collaborative Research ARI-LA Award ECCS-1348328.

  5. Optimisation of key performance measures in air cargo demand management


    Alexander May; Adrian Anslow; Udechukwu Ojiako; Yue Wu; Alasdair Marshall; Maxwell Chipulu


    This article sought to facilitate the optimisation of key performance measures utilised for demand management in air cargo operations. The focus was on the Revenue Management team at Virgin Atlantic Cargo and a fuzzy group decision-making method was used. Utilising intelligent fuzzy multi-criteria methods, the authors generated a ranking order of ten key outcome-based performance indicators for Virgin Atlantic air cargo Revenue Management. The result of this industry-driven study showed that ...

  6. 49 CFR 1546.205 - Acceptance and screening of cargo. (United States)


    ... 49 Transportation 9 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Acceptance and screening of cargo. 1546.205... SECURITY Operations § 1546.205 Acceptance and screening of cargo. (a) Preventing or deterring the carriage... aircraft. (2) Prevents access by unauthorized persons other than an authorized foreign air carrier employee...

  7. Development of sup 6 sup 0 Co cargo train inspection system

    CERN Document Server

    Wu Zhi Fang


    The author introduces the research and development of sup 6 sup 0 Co cargo train inspection system. With the use of radiography principle, every car image is acquired when the cargo train runs through the inspection channel. It is evaluated whether the cargo in car matches the corresponding customs declaration information with digital image processing techniques. The system has been installed in railway port at Manzhouli Customs

  8. Consultorios adyacentes a farmacias privadas en México: infraestructura y características del personal médico y su remuneración

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    Veronika J Wirtz


    Full Text Available Objetivo. Analizar las características del personal médico y su remuneración, así como la infraestructura, apego a la regulación y servicios ofrecidos en consultorios adyacentes a farmacias (CAF, y compararlos con consultorios médicos independientes (CMI. Material y métodos. Cuestionario aplicado a 239 médicos generales en 18 entidades federativas, incluido el Distrito Federal, en México en 2012. Resultados. Los médicos en CAF tenían menor experiencia profesional (5 vs 12 años, menos estudios de posgrado (61.2% vs 81.8% y menor salario base promedio mensual (MXN 5 500 vs MXN 8 500 que en CMI. En CAF hubo menor cumplimiento de la regulación en relación con la historia clínica y la receta médica. Conclusiones. Los aspectos laborales explorados de médicos en CAF son más precarios que en CMI. Es necesario fortalecer la aplicación de la regulación vigente para consultorios y generar políticas a partir del monitoreo de su funcionamiento, particularmente, pero no de forma exclusiva, en CAF.

  9. ¿Quién toma las decisiones? Relaciones de género y puestos de toma de decisión en la Universidad Central del Ecuador.


    Villagómez Weir, Gayne Magdalena


    El ingreso masivo de las mujeres a las universidades del país, que desde hace más de una década representan más de la mitad del alumnado, no ha contrarrestado las desigualdades de género en la educación superior, siendo las asimetrías de género más evidentes entre más altos son los cargos en la pirámide ocupacional. Las diferenciaciones de género han marcado brechas en varios ámbitos, entre ellas, en la participación y representación de las mujeres en cargos directivos. El caso de estudio de ...

  10. Sacerdotisas, Curanderas, Parteras y Guerreras: Mujeres de élite en la costa norte del Perú Antiguo


    Alvarado Escudero, Alicia


    Los hallazgos arqueológicos en la costa norte peruana durante las últimas décadas han permitido constatar que el género femenino tuvo un peso muy importante en las estructuras regionales de poder. Se ha descubierto que las mujeres ocuparon cargos especiales en el mundo político-religioso, lo cual significa una importante contribución al actual análisis de la sociedad prehispánica en la costa norte del Perú. Este artículo analiza cuatro de estos cargos ocupados por mujeres de élite y argumenta...

  11. Reducción de la pobreza y fortalecimiento del capital social y la participación: La acción reciente del Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo


    Gustavo Yamada


    Este documento de trabajo resume la acción del BID en las áreas de la reducción de la pobreza y el fortalecimiento del capital social y la participación sobre la base de informes de la institución, libros y artículos preparados por las unidades especializadas a cargo de esta temática en el Banco. Afirma que una estrategia integral para la reducción de la pobreza debe incluir políticas específicas en las siguientes dimensiones: oportunidades para los pobres: activos y mercados, desarrollo huma...

  12. El Estado y su derecho, la comunidad y sus instituciones: un caso del Perú, la Ronda Campesina

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    Leif Korsbaek


    Full Text Available En este trabajo se presenta información acerca de la institución legal comunitaria de “la ronda campesina”, su trayectoria histórica y sus conflictos con el aparato legal del Estado. Se acerca a una primera comparación doble: se compara la región andina central con su ronda campesina con la región de Mesoamérica y su institución predilecta, el sistema de cargos, y se plantea hipotéticamente que la ronda campesina (de la cual están surgiendo réplicas en México, en Mesoamérica ha surgido históricamente del sistema de cargos (que existe también en la región andina, menos estudiado pero conocido bajo el nombre de “el sistema de fiestas” bajo la presión de la política neoliberal. Luego se realiza una reflexión acerca del trabajo de campo y la etnografía, y de la importancia de los métodos y técnicas de la Escuela de Manchester, resumiendo en la conclusión algunos de los resultados de la investigación de la ronda campesina y planteando una segunda etapa de esta investigación, que invoca una comparación con la región de Mesoamérica y el sistema de cargos

  13. Calidad del Programa de Detección Oportuna de Cáncer Cervicouterino en el estado de Nuevo León

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    Full Text Available Objetivo. Determinar la calidad del Programa de Detección Oportuna de Cáncer Cervicouterino en Nuevo León. Material y métodos. Se analizaron 4 791 informes citológicos emitidos por los módulos de detección oportuna de la Secretaría de Salud Estatal, el Hospital Universitario y el Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social, seleccionados al azar. Se excluyeron aquellos que pertenecían a mujeres con histerectomía, embarazo actual, menopausia o resultado citológico positivo. La calidad se midió con apego a estándares. El análisis incluyó, además de la estadística descriptiva, pruebas para diferencias de proporciones y de medias. Resultados. La calidad del Programa fue moderadamente satisfactoria en el ámbito estatal. La calidad de la toma de la muestra fue poco satisfactoria; 39.9% presentó células endocervicales. La calidad en términos de la cobertura fue poco satisfactoria; 15.6% correspondió a mujeres de 25 y más años atendidas por primera vez. La calidad en términos de la oportunidad fue muy satisfactoria; 8.5 ± .7 días hábiles entre las fechas de toma e interpretación. Conclusiones. Se requiere de estrategias para incrementar el impacto del Programa en el estado, tales como el mejoramiento en la calidad de la toma de la muestra y de la cobertura.

  14. El papel del sector naval en el desarrollo económico de Andalucía

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    Antonio Sánchez Aguilar


    Full Text Available La Industria de Construcción Naval es una actividad de gran tradición en nuestro país. A través de todo el litoral español ha existido, desde tiempos muy remotos, una gran vocación por la con strucción de barcos. Este apego a la Construcción Naval, que siempre ha sido una constante, ha dado como resultado un gran número de hombres altamente especializados, sin contar con esa legión de carpinteros de rivera, auténticos artesanos que en los varaderos se dedican a construir barcos de madera. Al paso de los años los continuos avances tecnológicos han ido configurando la situación actual, poniendo a nuestro alcance una tecnología de vanguardia. La Industria de Construcción Naval es una actividad que se caracteriza por la construcción del casco de los buques y el montaje de muchos elementos de fabricación ajena.

  15. Medición del potencial humano en las organizaciones

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    Rosa María Fuchs Ángeles


    Full Text Available Las empresas alrededor del mundo se encuentran preocupadas por la gestión del talento en sus organizaciones.Parte de la preocupación consiste en retener a los colaboradores talentosos y esto no puede ser posible, siestos no se identifican adecuadamente. Las evaluaciones de desempeño y potencial cobran, entonces,importancia. Las evaluaciones de desempeño califican el récord histórico del colaborador, por lo que sumedición se facilita. Sin embargo, la medición del potencial evalúa su posible desempeño en cargos futuros,razón por la cual no es una tarea sencilla. Por ello, en este artículo se presentarán las características que seevalúan en los colaboradores con potencial y las herramientas que se suelen utilizar. Se presenta, además,la realidad sobre este tema de cuatro empresas que operan en el Perú.

  16. Trastornos en el apego y su vinculación con las conductas transgresoras en los adolescentes en conflicto con la ley penal Attachment disorders and its links with adolescent´s in conflict with the criminal law transgressors behaviours

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    Alfredo Sarmiento


    Full Text Available El trabajo presenta las conclusiones preliminares correspondientes al proyecto de investigación UBACYT P811"Inhibición Psicológica y su relación con la transgresión en adolescentes en conflicto con la Ley". Este estudio, de carácter descriptivo exploratorio, tiene como objetivo analizar y describir la relación de las conductas transgresoras de los adolescentes en conflicto con la Ley Penal, partiendo de la hipótesis que las mismas tendrían como antecedentes severas deficiencias en el vínculo de apego. La muestra es probabilista intencional y está compuesta por dos grupos de sujetos. El primer grupo está conformado por 200 jóvenes, alojados en instituciones de régimen cerrado de la C.A.B.A. que han transgredido la ley penal. El segundo grupo está formado por 20 profesionales que desarrollan su actividad profesional en dichas instituciones. La recolección de datos se realizo a través de la aplicación de dos tipos de técnicas. Por un lado se aplicaron entrevistas semiestructuradas a profesionales que asisten a los jóvenes transgresores y cuestionarios a los jóvenes encuestados. Los resultado preliminares indican la existencia de correlación significativa entre las escalas Agresividad y Retraimiento del Cuestionario CC-A y las Escalas de estilo de Apego de tipo evitativo y ansioso.The paper presents the preliminary findings for the research project UBACYT P811 "psychological inhibition and its relation to the transgression in adolescents in conflict with the law" This study, descriptive exploratory study aims to analyze and describe the relationship of the offending conduct of adolescents in conflict with the Criminal Law, assuming that they have severe deficiencies as background in the attachment bond. The sample is probabilistic intentional and is composed of two groups of subjects. The first group consists of 200 young people housed in closed institutions of CABA who have transgressed the law. The second group consists of 20

  17. 77 FR 36008 - Agency Information Collection Activities; Proposed Collection: Cargo Theft Incident Report... (United States)


    ... Collection Activities; Proposed Collection: Cargo Theft Incident Report, Revision of a Currently Approved... collection: Revision of a currently approved collection. (2) The title of the form/collection: Cargo Theft... enforcement agencies. Brief Abstract: This collection is needed to collect information on cargo theft...

  18. Uso del indicador del retorno total del negocio como alternativa para optimizar la inversión en unidades de negocio en condiciones de incertidumbre

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    Hernán Herrera Echeverri


    Full Text Available En este artículo se hace un análisis sobre la validez de la TBR (Total Bussines Return como medida de rentabilidad de unidades de negocio que pertenecen a un portafolio corporativo. Se establecen cuáles son sus debilidades y en qué casos es posible aceptarlas como medida de rentabilidad asociada con la creación de valor. Se expone la coincidencia matemática entre la TBR y el WACC (costo promedio ponderado de capital a partir del descuento de flujos de caja proyectados y entre el CAV (creación adicional de valor y la diferencia entre el ingreso económico obtenido y el ingreso económico esperado en un periodo determinado. También se evidencia la equivalencia entre el CAV y la variación del valor de las operaciones más la variación del flujo de caja del periodo. Posteriormente se realiza una aplicación para mostrar cómo puede utilizar la TBR y la teoría moderna de portafolio para que un gerente corporativo pueda controlar la relación rendimiento-riesgo existente entre las distintas unidades de negocio a cargo de su corporación.

  19. El San José de Cano y Mena y la abadesa del convento del Ángel Custodio de Granada

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    García Cueto, David


    Full Text Available Los trabajos de Alonso Cano para la Catedral de Granada, iniciados tras conseguir por mediación regia el cargo de Racionero de ese templo, fueron compaginados por el artista con la realización de encargos de distintos conventos de la misma ciudad; entre éstos, fue el del Ángel Custodio el que más atenciones recibió por parte del maestro, ya que para él diseñó su arquitectura y realizó buena parte de su decoración pictórica y escultórica. Estas obras fueron emprendidas y financiadas por Sor María de Llagas, hija de los marqueses de Camarasa, fundadora y abadesa del Ángel Custodio, quien así cumplió un deseo de su padre, ya que el marqués estimaba que su hija era dama de muy alta posición como para ser religiosa en una fundación ajena…

  20. Reducing Aerodynamic Drag on Empty Open Cargo Vehicles (United States)

    Ross, James C.; Storms, Bruce L.; Dzoan, Dan


    Some simple structural modifications have been demonstrated to be effective in reducing aerodynamic drag on vehicles that have empty open cargo bays. The basic idea is to break up the airflow in a large open cargo bay by inserting panels to divide the bay into a series of smaller bays. In the case of a coal car, this involves inserting a small number (typically between two and four) of vertical full-depth or partial-depth panels.

  1. En una tierra inmensa y sin clérigos. La fundación del seminario del Tucumán, 1587-1611

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    Leticia Pérez Puente


    Full Text Available En este trabajo se estudia la creación del seminario conciliar de la diócesis del Tucumán. Un colegio muy distinto a los ordenados en el concilio de Trento, tanto por sus características, como porque su fundación formal tuvo por objetivo que la Compañía de Jesús se arraigara en el territorio tucumano y se hiciera cargo de la evangelización. Se trata de un ejemplo de cómo los mandatos del Concilio de Trento debieron modificarse al implantarse en Indias, pues, al igual que cualquier otra norma, los decretos canónicos tuvieron que adaptarse para responder a las necesidades de cada una de las diócesis, a las características de la tierra y a la forma en que en ella se organizaban los poderes.

  2. Versatile Loading of Diverse Cargo into Functional Polymer Capsules. (United States)

    Richardson, Joseph J; Maina, James W; Ejima, Hirotaka; Hu, Ming; Guo, Junling; Choy, Mei Y; Gunawan, Sylvia T; Lybaert, Lien; Hagemeyer, Christoph E; De Geest, Bruno G; Caruso, Frank


    Polymer microcapsules are of particular interest for applications including self-healing coatings, catalysis, bioreactions, sensing, and drug delivery. The primary way that polymer capsules can exhibit functionality relevant to these diverse fields is through the incorporation of functional cargo in the capsule cavity or wall. Diverse functional and therapeutic cargo can be loaded into polymer capsules with ease using polymer-stabilized calcium carbonate (CaCO 3 ) particles. A variety of examples are demonstrated, including 15 types of cargo, yielding a toolbox with effectively 500+ variations. This process uses no harsh reagents and can take less than 30 min to prepare, load, coat, and form the hollow capsules. For these reasons, it is expected that the technique will play a crucial role across scientific studies in numerous fields.

  3. Asphyxiation death caused by oxygen-depleting cargo on a ship. (United States)

    Sundal, Marjana Kjetland; Lilleng, Peer Kaare; Barane, Hans; Morild, Inge; Vevelstad, Merete


    The extreme danger associated with entering enclosed spaces loaded with oxygen-depleting organic cargo in ships and tanks is obviously underestimated, both among crew and management. We present a case report to highlight this occupational hazard and to increase the knowledge about the imperative precautions, in order to prevent future accidents. An experienced customs officer was found lifeless at the bottom of the unattended cargo hold on a ship loaded with woodchips. The oxygen content in the cargo atmosphere was below 2%, which is incompatible with life. Forensic autopsy revealed injuries related to the fall, and there were no positive toxicological findings in blood, lung or urine. Management and workers must be taught about the extreme rapidity of developing unconsciousness and asphyxiant death when entering enclosed spaces loaded with oxygen-depleting cargo. Even a single inhalation can result in unconsciousness and death. Dozens of annual deaths and severe injuries can easily be prevented if simple precautions are followed. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  4. Presión e intereses en torno al cargo de protector general de indios del Nuevo Reino de León: el caso de Nicolás de Villalobos, 1714-1734

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    Baeza Martín, Ascensión


    Full Text Available The pernicious transformation undergone by the system of use of the indigenous workpeople in the Nuevo Reino de Leon, characterized by the ravages and slavery to the Indians in the encomiendas or congregas, provoked their rebelliousness. The frequent assaults to the Spanish colonists and their properties, as well as the expeditions and punishments of these against the natives reflected the hard conditions of life in that province of the northeast of the Viceroyalty of Nueva España and the constant been military of the same one. With the substantial changes implanted from the viceregal government by means of the shipment in 1714 of the commissioner Francisco de Barbadillo Victoria and the creation by this one of the employment of General Indians Protector in that earth, one was to restrain this uncontrollable situation. The difficulty of which the figure of the protector, so necessary in the first times of the reforms, held fast, would let see the partisanship, passions and interests of the authorities and the diverse social sectors of that border region.

    La perniciosa transformación sufrida por el sistema de utilización de la mano de obra indígena en el Nuevo Reino de León, caracterizado por los estragos y esclavitud a los indios en las encomiendas o congregas, provocaban su rebeldía. Los frecuentes asaltos a los colonos españoles y sus propiedades, así como las expediciones y castigos de estos contra los aborígenes reflejaban las duras condiciones de vida en esa provincia del nordeste del Virreinato de Nueva España y el constante estado de guerra de la misma. Con los substanciales cambios implantados desde el gobierno virreinal mediante el envío en 1714 del comisionado Francisco de Barbadillo Victoria y la creación por éste del cargo de protector general de indios en esa tierra, se trató de frenar esta incontrolable situación. La dificultad de que se afianzara la figura del protector, tan necesaria en los primeros tiempos

  5. Redes del cuidado: Ética del destino compartido en las madres comunitarias antioqueñas


    Mauricio Hernando Bedoya-Hernández


    En este artículo abordo el problema de las redes de apoyo de las madres comunitarias. Objetivo: Identificar el significado que las madres comunitarias dan al cuidado propio, en relación al cuidado promovido en los niños y niñas de los hogares comunitarios a su cargo. Alcance: ampliación de las comprensiones acerca de las prácticas de cuidado en las madres comunitarias de la ciudad de Medellín. Metodología: con enfoque cualitativo y metodología fenomenológica-hermenéutica, del estudio particip...

  6. Selección del talento humano frente a la calidad de los servicios de salud en las empresas sociales del estado del departamento de Sucre

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    María Nelly Flórez-Rodríguez


    Full Text Available En esta investigación se analizan los procesos de selección del talento humano y su incidencia en la calidad de la prestación de los servicios de salud de las ESEs, del régimen subsidiado en el Departamento de Sucre. Se identifican y describen los factores que inciden en la percepción que tienen los usuarios sobre la calidad del servicio que se les presta. Los informantes fueron gerentes, empleados y usuarios de tres ESEs, a los que se les entrevistó y aplicó un cuestionario Servqual. Los resultados evidencian altos grados de insatisfacción de los usuarios con los servicios recibidos, y altos niveles de homogeneidad en las respuestas entre los tres estamentos. Se evidencia para la vinculación de personal, el uso de técnicas basadas en relaciones de amistad o por recomendaciones de políticos, lo que no les permite a los encargados de la selección del talento humano ser imparciales al seleccionar los mejores talentos con los perfiles para el cargo que se desee suplir, lo que termina afectando que se den soluciones oportunas a las necesidades de salud de los usuarios.

  7. Screening Cargo Containers to Remove a Terrorist Threat

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hazi, A


    Each year some 48 million cargo containers move between the world's ports. More than 6 million of these enter the U.S., but only about 2 percent are opened and inspected when they arrive at U.S. seaports. The West Coast ports of Los Angeles-Long Beach, Oakland, and Seattle alone process 11,000 containers per day, or about 8 containers per minute. Because of this high traffic volume, U.S. seaports are especially vulnerable to a terrorist attack. Illicit radioactive materials could be hidden in any one of the cargo-filled containers that arrive at U.S. ports. Yet, searching every shipment would be bring legitimate commercial activities to a halt. Improving security at U.S. ports is thus one of the nation's most difficult technical and practical challenges because the systems developed for screening cargo must operate in concert with ongoing seaport activities. Working at this intersection of commerce and national security, Lawrence Livermore researchers are applying their expertise in radiation science and detection to develop improved technologies for detecting hidden radioactive materials. One new technology being designed and tested at the Laboratory is a neutron interrogation system for cargo containers. This system will quickly screen incoming shipments to ensure that nuclear materials such as plutonium and highly enriched uranium (HEU) are not smuggled into the U.S

  8. Investigating Block-Copolymer Micelle Dynamics for Tunable Cargo Delivery (United States)

    Li, Xiuli; Kidd, Bryce; Cooksey, Tyler; Robertson, Megan; Madsen, Louis

    Block-copolymer micelles (BCPMs) can carry molecular cargo in a nanoscopic package that is tunable using polymer structure in combination with cargo properties, as well as with external stimuli such as temperature or pH. For example, BCPMs can be used in targeted anticancer drug delivery due to their biocompatibility, in vivo degradability and prolonged circulation time. We are using NMR spectroscopy and diffusometry as well as SANS to investigate BCPMs. Here we study a diblock poly(ethylene oxide)-b-(caprolactone) (PEO-PCL) that forms spherical micelles at 1% (w/v) in the mixed solvent D2O/THF-d8. We quantify the populations and diffusion coefficients of coexisting micelles and free unimers over a range of temperatures and solvent compositions. We use temperature as a stimulus to enhance unimer exchange and hence trigger cargo release, in some cases at a few degrees above body temperature. We present evidence for dominance of the insertion-expulsion mechanism of unimer exchange in these systems, and we map phase diagrams versus temperature and solvent composition. This study sheds light on how intermolecular interactions fundamentally affect cargo release, unimer exchange, and overall micelle tunability.

  9. 46 CFR 91.60-5 - Cargo Ship Safety Construction Certificate. (United States)


    ... 46 Shipping 4 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Cargo Ship Safety Construction Certificate. 91.60-5... VESSELS INSPECTION AND CERTIFICATION Certificates Under International Convention for Safety of Life at Sea, 1974 § 91.60-5 Cargo Ship Safety Construction Certificate. (a) All vessels on an international voyage...

  10. 46 CFR 189.60-10 - Cargo Ship Safety Equipment Certificate. (United States)


    ... 46 Shipping 7 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Cargo Ship Safety Equipment Certificate. 189.60-10... VESSELS INSPECTION AND CERTIFICATION Certificates Under International Convention for Safety of Life at Sea, 1974 § 189.60-10 Cargo Ship Safety Equipment Certificate. (a) All vessels on an international voyage...

  11. 46 CFR 189.60-5 - Cargo Ship Safety Construction Certificate. (United States)


    ... 46 Shipping 7 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Cargo Ship Safety Construction Certificate. 189.60-5... VESSELS INSPECTION AND CERTIFICATION Certificates Under International Convention for Safety of Life at Sea, 1974 § 189.60-5 Cargo Ship Safety Construction Certificate. (a) All vessels on an international voyage...

  12. Analysis of Thermal Behavior in a Cargo Hold of LILW Transport Ship

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lee, Unjang; Kim, Dohyung; Lee, Dongkyu; Choi, Kyusup [Korea Nuclear Engineering and Service Corporation, Seoul (Korea, Republic of)


    With determining Kyongju as a repository site for the low and intermediate-level radioactive waste (LILW), it is time to decide transportation method to bring the waste from NPPs (Nuclear Power Plants) to the site. Now considering transport ship as an alternative, it is important to design cargo compartments in the ship. Especially, it is necessary to ensure thermal criteria in the cargo hold by using natural or forced convection. According to INF Code, there is addressed a technical standard of the cargo that adequate ventilation or refrigeration of enclosed cargo spaces shall be provided so that the average ambient temperature within such spaces does not exceed 55 .deg. C at any time. And many counties which operate LILW transport ships are conformable to the standard, and Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries of Korea also follows it. In this article analytical study of ventilation system in a cargo hold shows to keep the temperature below 55 .deg. C or not.


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    Dănilă Ștefan MATEI


    Full Text Available Cargo international transport is an engine for the development of the economic relations between states involving cross-border movement of goods through the crossing of at least one border of a state (international transport or by crossing at least two border crossing points, in which case we are in the presence of an international cargo transit. During the transit the goods transported may be subject to an insurance. The object of the cargo insurance is, thus, represented by the goods, the items expressly listed in the insurance policy, within the territorial limits specified in the insurance policy, both during the transport and during the storage, in the latter case, at the express request of the insured and with the acceptance of the insurer. This paper analyzes the characteristics of the cargo insurance aiming to present the theoretical and practical aspects of interest with regard to the cargo insurance concluded in case of an international land freight transport.

  14. 49 CFR 178.348 - Specification DOT 412; cargo tank motor vehicle. (United States)


    ... 49 Transportation 2 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Specification DOT 412; cargo tank motor vehicle... SPECIFICATIONS FOR PACKAGINGS Specifications for Containers for Motor Vehicle Transportation § 178.348 Specification DOT 412; cargo tank motor vehicle. ...

  15. 49 CFR 178.347 - Specification DOT 407; cargo tank motor vehicle. (United States)


    ... 49 Transportation 2 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Specification DOT 407; cargo tank motor vehicle... SPECIFICATIONS FOR PACKAGINGS Specifications for Containers for Motor Vehicle Transportation § 178.347 Specification DOT 407; cargo tank motor vehicle. ...

  16. 49 CFR 178.346 - Specification DOT 406; cargo tank motor vehicle. (United States)


    ... 49 Transportation 2 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Specification DOT 406; cargo tank motor vehicle... SPECIFICATIONS FOR PACKAGINGS Specifications for Containers for Motor Vehicle Transportation § 178.346 Specification DOT 406; cargo tank motor vehicle. ...

  17. Column generation approaches to ship scheduling with flexible cargo sizes

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Brønmo, Geir; Nygreen, Bjørn; Lysgaard, Jens

    We present a Dantzig-Wolfe procedure for the ship scheduling problem with flexible cargo sizes. This problem is similar to the well-known pickup and delivery problem with time windows, but the cargo sizes are defined by an interval instead of a fixed value. We show that the introduction of flexible...

  18. 46 CFR 189.60-15 - Cargo Ship Safety Radio Certificate. (United States)


    ... 46 Shipping 7 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Cargo Ship Safety Radio Certificate. 189.60-15 Section... VESSELS INSPECTION AND CERTIFICATION Certificates Under International Convention for Safety of Life at Sea, 1974 § 189.60-15 Cargo Ship Safety Radio Certificate. Every vessel equipped with a radio installation...

  19. 46 CFR 91.60-10 - Cargo Ship Safety Equipment Certificate. (United States)


    ... 46 Shipping 4 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Cargo Ship Safety Equipment Certificate. 91.60-10... VESSELS INSPECTION AND CERTIFICATION Certificates Under International Convention for Safety of Life at Sea, 1974 § 91.60-10 Cargo Ship Safety Equipment Certificate. (a) All vessels on an international voyage are...

  20. A matheuristic for the Cargo Mix Problem with Block Stowage

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Christensen, Jonas Mark; Pacino, Dario


    The cargo-mix problem aims at selecting the amount of containers of a given type to load on a vessel. In this article we present an extended definition that includes the analysis of a circular route with draft restrictions, limitations on expected cargo and the use of a block stowage strategy...

  1. 46 CFR 308.545 - Facultative cargo policy, Form MA-316. (United States)


    ... 46 Shipping 8 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Facultative cargo policy, Form MA-316. 308.545 Section 308.545 Shipping MARITIME ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION EMERGENCY OPERATIONS WAR RISK... policy, Form MA-316. The standard form of War Risk Facultative Cargo Policy, Form MA-316, may be obtained...

  2. Reducing Mission Logistics with Multipurpose Cargo Transfer Bags (United States)

    Baccus, Shelley; Broyan, James Lee, Jr.; Borrego, Melissa


    The Logistics Reduction (LR) project within Advanced Exploration Systems (AES) is tasked with reducing logistical mass and repurposing logistical items. Multipurpose Cargo Transfer Bags (MCTB) have been designed such that they can serve the same purpose as a Cargo Transfer Bag (CTB), the common logistics carrying bag for the International Space Station (ISS). After use as a cargo carrier, a regular CTB becomes trash, whereas the MCTB can be unfolded into a flat panel for reuse. Concepts and potential benefits for various MCTB applications will be discussed including partitions, crew quarters, solar radiation storm shelters, acoustic blankets, and forward osmosis water processing. Acoustic MCTBs are currently in use on ISS to reduce the noise generated by the T2 treadmill, which reaches the hazard limit at high speeds. The development of the AMCTB included identification of keep-out zones, acoustic properties, deployment considerations, and structural testing. Features developed for these considerations are applicable to MCTBs for all crew outfitting applications.

  3. Shared Value Potential of Transporting Cargo via Hyperloop

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Max Werner


    Full Text Available This research estimates the shared value created by constructing a hypothetical Hyperloop to transport cargo along 300 km in Northern Germany. Following Porter-Kramer (2011, we identified and evaluated eight factors that create shared value: travel speed, operating costs, safety, noise pollution, air pollution, climate effect/carbon footprint, separation effect/ property efficiency, and maintenance. Using official data compiled by several German institutes and organizations, we conducted comparative analysis to quantify and compare the abovementioned factors for Hyperloop and over-the-road cargo transport in Germany. Then, we monetized the individual and collective benefits of the shared value created by Hyperloop replacing a significant share of cargo transported by truck. Our findings indicate that the hypothetical Hyperloop project in Northern Germany would create €660 to €900 million of shared value annually. Our research method establishes a framework for assessing future transportation projects like Hyperloop, and our findings can be generalized to industrialized nations beyond Germany.

  4. 46 CFR 91.60-15 - Cargo Ship Safety Radio Certificate. (United States)


    ... 46 Shipping 4 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Cargo Ship Safety Radio Certificate. 91.60-15 Section 91... VESSELS INSPECTION AND CERTIFICATION Certificates Under International Convention for Safety of Life at Sea, 1974 § 91.60-15 Cargo Ship Safety Radio Certificate. Every vessel equipped with a radio installation on...

  5. Power unit-cargo space link in transport

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Radmilović Zoran R.


    Full Text Available This paper deals with transportation technology regarding links between power unit and cargo space. These links can be divided into two groups: rigid and flexible. Rigid link, established between power unit and cargo space, is dominant in maritime and road transport (sea ships and trucks, and occasionally in transport on inland waterways (self- propelled barges. Flexible link is used in the railroad transport (systems with trailers and semi trailers, and in inland waterway transport (push - towing and pulling systems, and combinations of the systems. The main goal of this research is determination of possible link types and organization of the means of transportation.

  6. Cuestionamientos de la constitucionalidad del artículo 19 del Código Municipal, a la luz de la acción de inconstitucionalidad tramitada en el expediente n.º 12-000255-0007-CO de la Sala Constitucional

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    Bradly Yamil Chacón Murillo


    Full Text Available Analiza el artículo 19 del Código Municipal a la luz del primer plebiscito revocatorio de mandato, celebrado el pasado 18 de diciembre de 2011, en el cantón de Pérez Zeledón, que a criterio del autor, es una norma que contiene insuficiencias constitucionales y legales. Inicia con el concepto jurídico de plebiscito, para pasar a analizar varias deficiencias de la figura del plebiscito en el ordenamiento jurídico costarricense, exponiendo entre otros temas la falta de definición legislativa de las categorías de plebiscito, el acuerdo de convocatoria, los motivos para dictar la revocatoria del mandato y la perturbación en el ejercicio de un cargo de elección popular

  7. Hydrogel Walkers with Electro-Driven Motility for Cargo Transport. (United States)

    Yang, Chao; Wang, Wei; Yao, Chen; Xie, Rui; Ju, Xiao-Jie; Liu, Zhuang; Chu, Liang-Yin


    In this study, soft hydrogel walkers with electro-driven motility for cargo transport have been developed via a facile mould-assisted strategy. The hydrogel walkers consisting of polyanionic poly(2-acrylamido-2-methylpropanesulfonic acid-co-acrylamide) exhibit an arc looper-like shape with two "legs" for walking. The hydrogel walkers can reversibly bend and stretch via repeated "on/off" electro-triggers in electrolyte solution. Based on such bending/stretching behaviors, the hydrogel walkers can move their two "legs" to achieve one-directional walking motion on a rough surface via repeated "on/off" electro-triggering cycles. Moreover, the hydrogel walkers loaded with very heavy cargo also exhibit excellent walking motion for cargo transport. Such hydrogel systems create new opportunities for developing electro-controlled soft systems with simple design/fabrication strategies in the soft robotic field for remote manipulation and transportation.

  8. Experimental ship fire measurements with simulated radioactive cargo

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Koski, J.A.; Arviso, M.; Bobbe, J.G.; Wix, S.D.; Cole, J.K.; Hohnstreiter, G.F.; Beene, D.E. Jr.


    Results from a series of eight test fires ranging in size from 2.2 to 18.8 MW conducted aboard the Coast Guard fire test ship Mayo Lykes at Mobile, Alabama are presented and discussed. Tests aboard the break bulk type cargo ship consisted of heptane spray fires simulating engine room and galley fires, wood crib fires simulating cargo hold fires, and pool fires staged for comparison to land based regulatory fire results. Primary instrumentation for the tests consisted of two pipe calorimeters that simulated a typical package shape for radioactive materials packages

  9. Experimental ship fire measurements with simulated radioactive cargo

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Koski, J.A.; Arvisol, M.; Bobbe, J.G.; Wix, S.D.; Cole, J.K.; Hohnstreiter, G.F.; Wix, S.D.; Beene, D.E.; Keane, M.P.


    Results from a series of eight test fires ranging in size from 2.2 to 18.8 MW conducted aboard the Coast Guard fire test ship Mayo Lykes at Mobile, Alabama are presented and discussed. Tests aboard the break-bulk type cargo ship consisted of heptane spray fires simulating engine room and galley fires, wood crib fires simulating cargo hold fires, and pool fires staged for comparison to land-based regulatory fire results. Primary instrumentation for the tests consisted of two pipe calorimeters that simulated a typical package shape for radioactive materials packages. (authors)

  10. Design of heavy lift cargo aircraft (United States)

    National Aeronautics and Space Administration — This is the bird of the skies of the future. The heavy lift cargo aircraft which is currently being developed by me has twice the payload capacity of an Antonov...

  11. National Security Science and Technology Initiative: Air Cargo Screening

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bingham, Philip R [ORNL; White, Tim [Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL); Cespedes, Ernesto [Idaho National Laboratory (INL); Bowerman, Biays [Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL); Bush, John [Battelle


    The non-intrusive inspection (NII) of consolidated air cargo carried on commercial passenger aircraft continues to be a technically challenging, high-priority requirement of the Department of Homeland Security's Science and Technology Directorate (DHS S&T), the Transportation Security Agency and the Federal Aviation Administration. The goal of deploying a screening system that can reliably and cost-effectively detect explosive threats in consolidated cargo without adversely affecting the flow of commerce will require significant technical advances that will take years to develop. To address this critical National Security need, the Battelle Memorial Institute (Battelle), under a Cooperative Research and Development Agreement (CRADA) with four of its associated US Department of Energy (DOE) National Laboratories (Oak Ridge, Pacific Northwest, Idaho, and Brookhaven), conducted a research and development initiative focused on identifying, evaluating, and integrating technologies for screening consolidated air cargo for the presence of explosive threats. Battelle invested $8.5M of internal research and development funds during fiscal years 2007 through 2009. The primary results of this effort are described in this document and can be summarized as follows: (1) Completed a gap analysis that identified threat signatures and observables, candidate technologies for detection, their current state of development, and provided recommendations for improvements to meet air cargo screening requirements. (2) Defined a Commodity/Threat/Detection matrix that focuses modeling and experimental efforts, identifies technology gaps and game-changing opportunities, and provides a means of summarizing current and emerging capabilities. (3) Defined key properties (e.g., elemental composition, average density, effective atomic weight) for basic commodity and explosive benchmarks, developed virtual models of the physical distributions (pallets) of three commodity types and three

  12. Cargo container inspection test program at ARPA's Nonintrusive Inspection Technology Testbed (United States)

    Volberding, Roy W.; Khan, Siraj M.


    An x-ray-based cargo inspection system test program is being conducted at the Advanced Research Project Agency (ARPA)-sponsored Nonintrusive Inspection Technology Testbed (NITT) located in the Port of Tacoma, Washington. The test program seeks to determine the performance that can be expected from a dual, high-energy x-ray cargo inspection system when inspecting ISO cargo containers. This paper describes an intensive, three-month, system test involving two independent test groups, one representing the criminal smuggling element and the other representing the law enforcement community. The first group, the `Red Team', prepares ISO containers for inspection at an off-site facility. An algorithm randomly selects and indicates the positions and preparation of cargoes within a container. The prepared container is dispatched to the NITT for inspection by the `Blue Team'. After in-gate processing, it is queued for examination. The Blue Team inspects the container and decides whether or not to pass the container. The shipment undergoes out-gate processing and returns to the Red Team. The results of the inspection are recorded for subsequent analysis. The test process, including its governing protocol, the cargoes, container preparation, the examination and results available at the time of submission are presented.

  13. Safety evaluation for packaging transport of LSA-II liquids in MC-312 cargo tanks

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Carlstrom, R.F.


    This safety evaluation for packaging authorizes the onsite transfer of bulk LSA-II radioactive liquids in the 222-S Laboratory Cargo Tank and Liquid Effluent Treatment Facility Cargo Tanks (which are U.S. Department of Transportation MC-312 specification cargo tanks) from their operating facilities to tank farm facilities.

  14. Relación entre el tipo de apego y los esquemas maladaptativos tempranos de las áreas de los límites y las expectativas razonables en niños de 2 a 6 años de edad


    Álvarez Posada, José Luis; Villa Londoño, Antonio Jose; Acevedo Álvarez4, Viviana Alejandra; Muñoz Henao5, Cristian David


    Link between attachment type and the early maladaptive schemes of the limits and reasonable expectations areas in children of 2 to 6 years of ageResumenEl artículo presenta resultados de una investigación orientada a identificar los tipos de apego y los Esquemas Maladaptativos Tempranos de las áreas de los límites y las expectativas razonables, en niños de 2 a 6 años de edad de la ciudad de Medellín, y determinar la correlación estadística y psicológica que sea significativa entre las dos var...

  15. 46 CFR 105.25-7 - Ventilation systems for cargo tank or pumping system compartment. (United States)


    ... 46 Shipping 4 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Ventilation systems for cargo tank or pumping system... Requirements-When Cargo Tanks Are Installed Below Decks § 105.25-7 Ventilation systems for cargo tank or pumping system compartment. (a) Each compartment shall be provided with a mechanical exhaust system...

  16. 46 CFR Table I to Part 150 - Alphabetical List of Cargoes (United States)


    ... cargo name), see Caustic potash solution 5 2 CPS Potassium oleate 34 POE Potassium salt of polyolefin... Sodium polyacrylate solution 43 2 Sodium salt of Ferric hydroxyethylethylenediaminetriacetic acid... 46 Shipping 5 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Alphabetical List of Cargoes I Table I to Part 150...

  17. Las cartas olvidadas del astronauta; de Javier Campos: Una propuesta de lectura desde / para la Ciencia-Ficción.

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    Cristián Cisternas Ampuero


    Full Text Available El autor del ensayo se hace cargo de ciertos elementos temáticos propios de la Ciencia-Ficción y su importancia en el poemario "Las cartas olvidadas del astronauta" del poeta chileno Javier Campos, en orden a dilucidar tanto la condición existencial del hablante lírico como su visión del mundo, de la historia y del vínculo con el otro -la Amada-. The author of this essay takes charge of certain thematic elements proper to Science Fiction with theis particular importance in the Book of Poems "The Astronaut's Forgotten Letter" of the Chilean poet Javier Campos, in arder to elucidate the existential condition of the lyric voice in its world vision, its view of history and its relationship to the Other -the Beloved.

  18. Study on Alternative Cargo Launch Options from the Lunar Surface

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Cheryl A. Blomberg; Zamir A. Zulkefli; Spencer W. Rich; Steven D. Howe


    In the future, there will be a need for constant cargo launches from Earth to Mars in order to build, and then sustain, a Martian base. Currently, chemical rockets are used for space launches. These are expensive and heavy due to the amount of necessary propellant. Nuclear thermal rockets (NTRs) are the next step in rocket design. Another alternative is to create a launcher on the lunar surface that uses magnetic levitation to launch cargo to Mars in order to minimize the amount of necessary propellant per mission. This paper investigates using nuclear power for six different cargo launching alternatives, as well as the orbital mechanics involved in launching cargo to a Martian base from the moon. Each alternative is compared to the other alternative launchers, as well as compared to using an NTR instead. This comparison is done on the basis of mass that must be shipped from Earth, the amount of necessary propellant, and the number of equivalent NTR launches. Of the options, a lunar coil launcher had a ship mass that is 12.7% less than the next best option and 17 NTR equivalent launches, making it the best of the presented six options.

  19. 46 CFR 308.524 - Application for cancellation of Open Cargo Policy, Form MA-304. (United States)


    ... 46 Shipping 8 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Application for cancellation of Open Cargo Policy, Form... § 308.524 Application for cancellation of Open Cargo Policy, Form MA-304. The standard form of application for cancellation of an Open Cargo Policy Form MA-304 may be obtained from the American War Risk...

  20. Presentación del libro Crítica y creatividad. Acercamiento a la literatura chilena y latinoamericana

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Irmtrud König


    Full Text Available Texto leído con ocasión de la presentación del libro Critica y Creatividad. Acercamiento a la literatura chilena y latinoamericana (Edición a cargo de Gilberto Triviños y Dieter Oelker. Concepción: Editorial Universidad de Concepción. Serie Monografías, 2007. 406 pp., en el marco del Cuarto Seminario de Investigación Literaria, organizado por los Programas de Postgrado y el Proyecto MECESUP UCO 0203 del Departamento de Español de la Universidad de Concepción (01- 03 de agosto de 2007.

  1. Validação de um vídeo educativo para promoção do apego entre mãe soropositiva para HIV e seu filho

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    Régia Moura Barbosa


    Full Text Available O objetivo da pesquisa foi construir um vídeo educativo para promoção do apego entre mãe HIV positiva e seu filho. Tratou-se de um ensaio clínico randomizado. As fases do estudo foram constituídas por desenvolvimento de um roteiro, avaliação, gravação e edição do vídeo, coleta de dados, filmagem do binômio e validação. O roteiro foi avaliado por especialistas técnicos e de conteúdo. Participaram 24 gestantes HIV positivas atendidas no período (Grupo Controle=12 e Grupo Experimental=12. O vídeo foi validado com um protocolo de observação da interação mãe-bebê. As mães do grupo intervenção obtiveram resultados mais favoráveis do que o controle, mostrando a eficácia do vídeo.

  2. Discurso del 24 de julio de 1947 ante la Asamblea Constituyente

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Benedetto Croce


    Full Text Available El 26 de enero de 1910, a los cuarenta y tres años de edad, Benedetto Croce es nombrado Senador. Inicia así una larga y compleja carrera política marcada por una siempre atenta mirada a los grandes temas de la situación política italiana de la primera mitad del siglo XX, pese a que, tanto por su carácter sobrio y discreto, como por el progresivo arrinconamiento del Parlamento durante el régimen fascista sobre todo a partir de los años treinta, sus actuaciones son relativamente escasas. Estas contadas ocasiones en las que tomó parte activa suponen, siempre y en todo caso, no solo un reflejo de la evolución y desarrollo de sus presupuestos filosóficos, éticos y morales a lo largo de más de cuatro décadas, sino que son al mismo tiempo un claro ejemplo de su compromiso intelectual. Sirvan de ejemplo, en este sentido, algunas de sus intervenciones tal vez menos recordadas, como la del 6 de julio de 1920, año en que fue nombrado Ministro della Pubblica Istruzione con el gobierno de Giolitti, en la que proponía una necesaria reforma de los exámenes estatales con la intención de revigorizar la escuela pública; o el discurso del 24 de mayo de 1929, en el que se oponía a la instrumentalización política por parte de Mussolini del Concordato con la Santa Sede. Tras la caída del régimen Croce volvió a la arena política aceptando la presidencia del Partido Liberal Italiano, buscando la conciliación de los distintos partidos antifascistas durante el periodo de la Resistencia y aceptando en 1944 el cargo de Ministro sin cartera en el segundo gobierno de Badoglio, y ello pese a las graves discrepancias que mantenía tanto con él como con Vittorio Emanuele III, a los que no dudó en echar en cara su connivencia con Mussolini. Pocos meses después, en junio de 1944, y una vez liberada Roma, Croce retoma su actividad política formando parte del segundo gobierno de Bonomi, aunque apenas se mantendrá en el cargo unos pocos meses

  3. Stereo imaging and random array stratified imaging for cargo radiation inspecting

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wang Jingjin; Zeng Yu


    This paper presents a Stereo Imaging and Random Array Stratified Imaging for cargo container radiation Inspecting. By using dual-line vertical detector array scan, a stereo image of inspected cargo can be obtained and watched with virtual reality view. The random detector array has only one-row of detectors but distributed in a certain horizontal dimension randomly. To scan a cargo container with this random array detector, a 'defocused' image is obtained. By using 'anti-random focusing', one layer of the image can be focused on the background of all defocused images from other layers. A stratified X-ray image of overlapped bike wheels is presented

  4. El acceso de la mujer a cargos de toma de decisiones en las empresas colombianas que cotizan en bolsa

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    Lina Marrugo-Salas


    Full Text Available En este artículo se analiza el fenómeno del techo de cristal y se presenta un panorama de la proporción de mujeres en los más altos cargos directivos de 76 empresas colombianas que cotizan en bolsa. La investigación fue de carácter documental mediante la recolección, procesamiento y análisis de la información pública disponible. Los resultados muestran la baja participación de las mujeres en dichos puestos de responsabilidad, por lo que se propone aumentar el rol que tienen en las empresas mediante el desarrollo de programas de responsabilidad social.

  5. 46 CFR 308.523 - Application for revision of Open Cargo Policy, Form MA-303. (United States)


    ... 46 Shipping 8 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Application for revision of Open Cargo Policy, Form MA... Application for revision of Open Cargo Policy, Form MA-303. An application for the revision of an Open Cargo Policy shall be filed in duplicate with the Underwriting Agent on a form which may be obtained from the...

  6. Multipurpose Cargo Transfer Bags fro Reducing Exploration Mission Logistics (United States)

    Baccus, Shelley; Broyan, James Lee, Jr.; Borrego, Melissa


    The Logistics Reduction (LR) project within the Advanced Exploration Systems (AES) division is tasked with reducing logistical mass and repurposing logistical items. Multipurpose Cargo Transfer Bags (MCTB) have been designed such that they can serve the same purpose as a Cargo Transfer Bag (CTB), the common logistics carrying bag for the International Space Station (ISS). After use as a cargo carrier, a regular CTB becomes trash, whereas the MCTB can be unfolded into a flat panel for reuse. Concepts and potential benefits for various MCTB applications will be discussed including partitions, crew quarters, solar radiation storm shelters, acoustic blankets, and forward osmosis water processing. Acoustic MCTBs are currently in use on ISS to reduce the noise generated by the T2 treadmill, which reaches the hazard limit at high speeds. The development of the AMCTB included identification of keep out zones, acoustic properties, deployment considerations, and structural testing. Features developed for these considerations are applicable to MCTBs for all crew outfitting applications.

  7. Recent advances in fast neutron radiography for cargo inspection

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sowerby, B.D.; Tickner, J.R.


    Fast neutron radiography techniques are attractive for screening cargo for contraband such as narcotics and explosives. Neutrons have the required penetration, they interact with matter in a manner complementary to X-rays and they can be used to determine elemental composition. Compared to neutron interrogation techniques that measure secondary radiation (neutron or gamma-rays), neutron radiography systems are much more efficient and rapid and they are much more amenable to imaging. However, for neutron techniques to be successfully applied to cargo screening, they must demonstrate significant advantages over well-established X-ray techniques. This paper reviews recent developments and applications of fast neutron radiography for cargo inspection. These developments include a fast neutron and gamma-ray radiography system that utilizes a 14 MeV neutron generator as well as fast neutron resonance radiography systems that use variable energy quasi-monoenergetic neutrons and pulsed broad energy neutron beams. These systems will be discussed and compared with particular emphasis on user requirements, sources, detector systems, imaging ability and performance

  8. Prácticas y representaciones bibliotecarias en la Biblioteca Pública de Buenos Aires: Una lectura del libro de "Cargo y data" (1810-1818 Library practices and representations in the public library of Buenos Aires: a reading of the book of "Cargo y data" (1810-1818

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    Alejandro E. Parada


    Full Text Available El artículo estudia, brevemente, las prácticas de gestión bibliotecaria en la Biblioteca Pública de Buenos Aires durante el período 1810-1818. El mismo se basa en un documento existente en el Archivo General de la Nación: el "Libro de cargo y data, o de cuenta corriente de los encargados de los gastos de la Biblioteca Pública formado por el Director de ella Dr. Dn. Luis José Chorroarín en el año 1812". Gracias a esta fuente es posible rastrear la administración y los diversos procesos que permitieron administrar a ese importante establecimiento, una de las primeras creaciones de política cultural de la Revolución de Mayo. De este modo, se abordan varios tópicos de particular interés: ingresos y gastos, personal, venta de ejemplares duplicados y deteriorados, encuadernación de obras, adquisición de libros, mantenimiento edilicio, etc. Entre otras conclusiones se señala la importancia de este tipo de documentos administrativos y burocráticos para conocer la variedad de las prácticas bibliotecarias dentro del marco de la Historia de la Bibliotecología en la Argentina.The article briefly studies the library management practices in the Public Library of Buenos Aires from 1810 to 1818. It is based on a document from the General Archive of the Nation: the "Libro de cargo y data, o de cuenta corriente de los encargados de los gastos de la Biblioteca Pública formado por el Director de ella Dr. Dn. Luis José Chorroarín en el año 1812". Thanks to that source it is possible to track the administration and the different processes that allowed to manage that important place, one of the first creations of cultural politics of the Revolution of May. Thus, several subjects of particular interest are seen here: incomes and expenditures; personnel; selling of duplicate or damaged material; bookbinding; book acquisition; building maintenance; etc. Among several conclusions, the relevance of this type of administrative and bureaucratic

  9. Cuerpos amortajados en la luz. La muerte vivificante: J. Lezama Lima, S. Weil, M. Zambrano


    Gonzalo Carbó, Antoni


    Para los místicos que exaltan de una manera unánime la vida en el espíritu y rechazan el apego al cuerpo y a la vida terrestre, la muerte voluntaria es la prefiguración de la experiencia espiritual por excelencia. En el cristianismo, los textos de los maestros del monacato antiguo insisten constantemente en los temas del martirio espiritual, de la cruz, de la muerte mística. En ellos nada aparece con más frecuencia que la idea de que el monje está muerto para la presente vida: es el «ejercici...

  10. Factores de protección ante el uso de tabaco y alcohol en jóvenes menores de edad

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    Full Text Available El presente trabajo analiza el peso de 23 posibles factores de protección frente al inicio del consumo de tabaco y alcohol en jóvenes escolarizados. Se empleó una muestra de 112 sujetos menores de 18 años. Siete factores resultaron significativos (p<0,05: apego familiar, normas claras en la familia, alta autoestima, alto rendimiento escolar, cumplimiento de normas como ciudadano, normas claras en la escuela, autosatisfacción con el físico. Para el inicio en el consumo de alcohol se obtuvieron ocho factores significativos; apego familiar, normas claras en la familia, miedo a las drogas, alto rendimiento escolar, cumplimiento de normas como ciudadano, normas claras en la escuela, recibir buena formación en la escuela y búsqueda de consejo en la familia ante la realización nuevas actividades. Dichos factores resultaron afectados por las siguientes variables: sexo, antecedentes familiares y consumo en el grupo de iguales.

  11. Turismo y género: desempeño laboral de la mujer en los organismos turísticos públicos del estado Nueva Esparta

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    Mila Rujano


    Full Text Available Se determinó el desempeño laboral del género femenino en los organismos públicos relacionados con la actividad turística del estado Nueva Esparta. La metodología es descriptiva y de campo, basada en la revisión bibliográfica, en entrevistas dirigidas a los Gerentes o representantes de estos organismos, en la aplicación de un cuestionario a las mujeres empleadas en ellos. Se revisaron leyes y reglamentos que regulan la participación de la mujer en estos organismos. Se concluye que en relación al perfil de la mujer, estas ocupan cargos relevantes en áreas administrativas y directivas; con experiencia laboral en los organismos relacionados con el turismo, e igualdad de participación con respecto a los hombres. Los representantes de estos organismos consideran positivo el aporte del recurso humano femenino, demostrado en el manejo eficiente de información y habilidades para desempeñar las funciones relacionadas con su cargo.

  12. Cargo/Weapons Elevator Land Based Engineering Site (United States)

    Federal Laboratory Consortium — The Cargo and Weapons Facility consists of a suite of full scale and component test facilities contiguously located in building 77H. The site was constructed in 1987...

  13. Safety evaluation for packaging (Onsite) transport of LSA-II liquids in MC-312 cargo tanks

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Carlstrom, R.F.


    This safety evaluation for packaging authorizes the onsite transfer of bulk LSA-II radioactive liquids in the 222-S Laboratory Cargo Tank and Liquid Effluent Treatment Facility Cargo Tanks (which are U.S. Department of Transportation MC-312 specification cargo tanks) from their operating facilities to tank farm facilities

  14. La venta de cargos municipales : tres casos concretos en Tarifa a principios del siglo XVIII

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    Andrés Sarriá Muñoz


    Full Text Available A la hora de analizar un tema tan propio del gobierno municipal en el Antiguo Régimen como el que aquí abordamos, cabe plantearse una cuestión inicial que nos acerque al centro del problema: ¿Cómo es posible que mientras la evolución general de las monarquías modernas en Europa tendía hacia una cada vez mayor centralización política, se adoptara una práctica que venía a socavar esos mismos principios de la autoridad real? Pues, sin duda, la enajenación de la Corona de los oficios municipales, especialmente los de regidores, conllevaba una peligrosa carga de independencia política personal del poseedor con respecto al Estado. Se trata de dos ideas exactamente divergentes en su concepción de la administración pública. Sin embargo, fueron de la mano durante todo el período que comprende la Edad Moderna, constituyendo éste uno de los aspectos de más interesante estudio sobre la Administración pública. En definitiva, la venta de oficios públicos en el municipio castellano tuvo una larga y ambigua existencia. Su partida de nacimiento se sitúa en la baja Edad Media, desapareciendo en los albores de la contemporaneidad española, esto es, con las cortes de Cádiz y su labor desmanteladora de los restos feudovasalláticos que aún pervivían en la estructura social y política del país.

  15. Multi-energy x-ray detectors to improve air-cargo security (United States)

    Paulus, Caroline; Moulin, Vincent; Perion, Didier; Radisson, Patrick; Verger, Loïck


    X-ray based systems have been used for decades to screen luggage or cargo to detect illicit material. The advent of energy-sensitive photon-counting x-ray detectors mainly based on Cd(Zn)Te semi-conductor technology enables to improve discrimination between materials compared to single or dual energy technology. The presented work is part of the EUROSKY European project to develop a Single European Secure Air-Cargo Space. "Cargo" context implies the presence of relatively heavy objects and with potentially high atomic number. All the study is conducted on simulations with three different detectors: a typical dual energy sandwich detector, a realistic model of the commercial ME100 multi-energy detector marketed by MULTIX, and a ME100 "Cargo": a not yet existing modified multi-energy version of the ME100 more suited to air freight cargo inspection. Firstly, a comparison on simulated measurements shows the performances improvement of the new multi-energy detectors compared to the current dual-energy one. The relative performances are evaluated according to different criteria of separability or contrast-to-noise ratio and the impact of different parameters is studied (influence of channel number, type of materials and tube voltage). Secondly, performances of multi-energy detectors for overlaps processing in a dual-view system is accessed: the case of orthogonal projections has been studied, one giving dimensional values, the other one providing spectral data to assess effective atomic number. A method of overlap correction has been proposed and extended to multi-layer objects case. Therefore, Calibration and processing based on bi-material decomposition have been adapted for this purpose.

  16. Combining technologies - radiography and neutron based - for cargo security applications

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gozani, T.; Liu, F.; Sivakumar, M.; Brown, D.


    Inspection of air and sea cargo has traditionally been done by X-ray systems of various energies relying on operators to analyze images looking for anomalies in the image of cargo that may signify a threat. This has shown only limited success in detecting explosives and other threats, which do not have any distinctive shapes. OSI Systems, through its subsidiaries Rapiscan and Ancore, has combined high-energy x-ray radiography with thermal neutron analysis (TNA) to create the combined system-''TNX''. The system provides automatic material specific detection of bulk threat items, like explosives, while furnishing the operator with a high-resolution image for weapons detection and also to identify anomalies for the TNA to inspect. Similarly the Pulsed Fast Neutron Analysis (PFNA) can be combined with high-energy x-ray to create a ''FNX'' system for both air and sea cargo applications. This enables the operator obtain a three dimensional image of the material composition of the cargo under inspection and remove the clutter from the image leaving only the potentially hazardous material(s) automatically while viewing a high resolution image for manifest verification and weapons. The current status of the technology will be discussed and data be presented

  17. Scientific opinion on the evaluation of substances as acceptable previous cargoes for edible fats and oils

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Petersen, Annette

    Shipping of edible fats and oils into Europe is permitted in bulk tanks, provided that the previous cargo is included in a positive list. The European Commission requested EFSA to evaluate the acceptability as previous cargoes for fats and oils the substances calcium lignosulphonate, methyl acetate...... the criteria for acceptability as previous cargoes. Due to uncertainties, mainly with regard to the composition and toxicity of the low molecular mass fraction, and the fact that the toxicological database is limited to the 40–65 grade and does not cover all grades of calcium lignosulphonate shipped...... as previous cargoes, the EFSA Panel on Contaminants in the Food Chain (CONTAM Panel) concluded that calcium lignosulphonate does not meet the criteria for acceptability as a previous cargo. Only food-grade ammonium sulphate meets the criteria for acceptability as a previous cargo due to uncertainties about...

  18. 46 CFR 35.30-10 - Cargo tank hatches, ullage holes, and Butterworth plates-TB/ALL. (United States)


    ... 46 Shipping 1 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Cargo tank hatches, ullage holes, and Butterworth plates... OPERATIONS General Safety Rules § 35.30-10 Cargo tank hatches, ullage holes, and Butterworth plates—TB/ALL. No cargo tank hatches, ullage holes, or Butterworth plates shall be opened or shall remain open...

  19. Models for Comparing Air-Only and Sea/Air Transportation of Wartime Deployment Cargo

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library

    Theres, Michael


    ...) to an overseas Port of Debarkation (POD). This thesis evaluates a proposal to load air-transportable cargo aboard vessels at CONUS seaports and to ship that cargo to an appropriately located sea-air-interface (SAI...

  20. 77 FR 11145 - Intent to Request Renewal From OMB of One Current Public Collection of Information: Air Cargo... (United States)


    ... operating under a security program, and all-cargo carriers. The collections of information that make up this ICR are security programs, security threat assessments (STA), known shipper data via the Known Shipper Management System (KSMS), Air Cargo Data Management System (ACDMS), Cargo Reporting Tool for cargo screening...

  1. Local synaptic signaling enhances the stochastic transport of motor-driven cargo in neurons

    KAUST Repository

    Newby, Jay; Bressloff, Paul C


    The tug-of-war model of motor-driven cargo transport is formulated as an intermittent trapping process. An immobile trap, representing the cellular machinery that sequesters a motor-driven cargo for eventual use, is located somewhere within a

  2. 19 CFR 4.33 - Diversion of cargo. (United States)


    ... the result of a strike or other emergency at a United States port for which inward foreign cargo is... substituted for the domestic port of discharge. If the application is approved, it shall be handled in the...

  3. Fixing Trailer Hitch for Roof Rack of Cargos

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    Darina Matisková


    Full Text Available This article presents a new technical solution of fixing trailer hitch which serves as a connection between single track vehicle and cargo, mainly light trailer. They are manufactured from steel girder and nets which are constructed by point welding. They are designed to indicate the necessary solidity and the required load bearing capacity of the cargo. The application of roof racks is universal and these products are in great demand in the field of game management. There are a lot of trailer hitches which the manufacturers tailor to customers´ demands. The stated technical solution is subject of published industrial utility model at the Industrial property office of the Slovak republic.

  4. 19 CFR 19.41 - Movement of containerized cargo to a container station. (United States)


    ... 19 Customs Duties 1 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Movement of containerized cargo to a container station. 19.41 Section 19.41 Customs Duties U.S. CUSTOMS AND BORDER PROTECTION, DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND... THEREIN Container Stations § 19.41 Movement of containerized cargo to a container station. Containerized...

  5. Violencia filio-parental: La experiencia del centro de menores


    Ortolá Dinnbier, José Gabriel; II Jornada sobre cuestiones prácticas en las crisis familiares


    Ponencia a cargo de José Gabriel Ortolá Dinnbier (Abogado. Coordinador del Punto de Encuentro Familiar de Valencia) en la II Jornada sobre cuestiones prácticas en las crisis familiares. La conferencia tuvo lugar el día 14 de noviembre de 2014 en el salón de actos de la Biblioteca Gregori Maians y fue organizada y moderada por las profesoras Mª Dolores Mas Badia y Fabiola Meco Tebar (Facultad de Derecho).Producción: Centre de Formació i Qualitat Manuel Sanchis Guarner (

  6. Competencias laborales del trabajador vistas desde el mercado laboral (parte B

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    Emilia López Luna


    Full Text Available El presente artículo es producto de la investigación titulada Competencias laborales del Trabajador Social desde el mercado laboral, realizada en el año 2004. El marco conceptual que se presenta, como soporte, esta enfocado a las competencias laborales concebidas por la Organización Internacional del Trabajo OIT; tipo de estudio descriptivo, se utilizó como técnica la encuesta, a partir de la entrevista estructurada a los jefes inmediatos del Trabajador social; la muestra estuvo conformada por 134 instituciones de las áreas de intervención en salud, laboral, desarrollo comunitario, familia y menor, rehabilitación y educación. Los resultados que se presentan, están fundamentados en conocer la estructura general de cada una de las áreas describiendo el perfil del cargo, las competencias básicas, genéricas y específicas. Lo anterior se constituye en una fuente para adecuar la formación profesional a las necesidades del mercado de trabajo; orientar la oferta educativa hacia el logro de las expectativas y resultados que las empresas desean tener de la educación.

  7. Competencias laborales del trabajador vistas desde el mercado laboral (parte A

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Emilia López Luna


    Full Text Available El presente artículo es producto de la investigación titulada Competencias laborales del Trabajador Social desde el mercado laboral, realizada en el año 2004. El marco conceptual que se presenta, como soporte, esta enfocado a las competencias laborales concebidas por la Organización Internacional del Trabajo OIT; tipo de estudio descriptivo, se utilizó como técnica la encuesta, a partir de la entrevista estructurada a los jefes inmediatos del Trabajador social; la muestra estuvo conformada por 134 instituciones de las áreas de intervención en salud, laboral, desarrollo comunitario, familia y menor, rehabilitación y educación. Los resultados que se presentan, están fundamentados en conocer la estructura general de cada una de las áreas describiendo el perfil del cargo, las competencias básicas, genéricas y específicas. Lo anterior se constituye en una fuente para adecuar la formación profesional a las necesidades del mercado de trabajo; orientar la oferta educativa hacia el logro de las expectativas y resultados que las empresas desean tener de la educación.

  8. Influencia de los Roles de Equipo en las Actividades del Desarrollador de Software

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    Elsa Estrada Guzmán


    Full Text Available Uno de los roles básicos en el proceso del software es precisamente el de desarrollador, también denominado ingeniero de software, cuyas actividades principales son: el análisis, diseño, programación y pruebas del producto a desarrollar. Estas actividades, dependiendo generalmente del tamaño del proyecto y de la metodología, pueden estar a cargo de diferentes personas o bien de un grupo de desarrolladores que en conjunto las llevan todas a cabo; en este último caso, estaríamos hablando de trabajo en equipo entre iguales o pares. Por otro lado, de acuerdo con la teoría de roles de equipo, las personas tienden a comportarse de manera regular en forma distintiva cuando colaboran, estas formas particulares de colaborar es probable que influyan en el desempeño del equipo de desarrolladores de software. En este documento se presenta un caso de estudio con la finalidad de entender la influencia de los roles de equipo en ciertas actividades involucradas en el proceso de desarrollo de software.


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    María Isidora Mena Edwards


    Full Text Available Resumen:El presente artículo analiza y sistematiza los resultados de investigaciones realizadas en Estados Unidos e Inglaterra sobre la aplicación de programas escolares de desarrollo socio afectivo. Después de describir las investigaciones, explica los ámbitos donde impacta este tipo de programas: mejora la disposición del contexto escolar para el aprendizaje, el apego a la escuela y la consecuente actitud disciplinada, la actitud y habilidad para aprender, el rendimiento académico, la salud mental y auto cuidado y naturalmente, las habilidades socioemocionales y ciudadanas.Los resultados permiten relevar la importancia del desarrollo de la dimensión socio afectiva y ética al interior de la escuela pública chilena y latinoamericana, como un modo eficaz para enfrentar los desafíos de la educación del siglo XXI. Siguiendo las recomendaciones emanadas de las intervenciones exitosas, se sugiere no desvincular la dimensión social y emocional de la intelectual, resignificando esta doble dimensión de la escuela, que actúa como un círculo virtuoso.Abstract:This article analyzes and systematizes the results of researches developed in The United States and England about the application of school programs of socio affective development. After describe the investigations, the article identifies the areas where this type of programs have impact: improvements of the school context for the learning, the attachment to the school and the consistent disciplined attitude, the willingness and skill to learn, the academic performance, the mental health and self care and naturally, the socio emotional and civil skills.The results highlight the importance of development of the socio affective and ethical dimension inside Chilean and Latin-American public school, as an effective way to face educational challenges in the 21st century. Taking into consideration the recommendations coming from these successful interventions, it is suggested not to separate

  10. The use of x-ray imaging technology in cargo inspection

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Palgan, Renato D.


    The aftermath of the September 11,2001 terrorist attack in the United States has brought a significant change in the conduct of trade and commerce among nations. The introduction on non-intrusive cargo inspection equipment, most x-ray and gamma ray scanners, among customs administrations worldwide has been widely employed and incorporated in their respective cargo examination procedures as part of their security initiative to deter terrorist threats. In compliance with our international commitment and agreement passed by the World Customs Organization which required the use of modern technology in cargo inspection, the Bureau of Customs had acquired 30 units of container x-ray scanners in 2006 from China that became operational in 2007 and the acquisition of which was guided by the following objectives: maximize collection of government revenues,facilitate trade and commerce, prevent smuggling, and safeguard the public and environment against the entry of hazardous and harmful substance. In this light, this paper discusses the brief background of the non-intrusive container inspection system project of the Bureau of Customs, an overview of the technical features of x-ray imaging technology acquired, the procedures in the application of x-ray inspection in containerized cargo, the radiation safety infrastructures and considerations, and a review of some major accomplishments after its two years of existence. (author)

  11. Las funciones contables del Racional de Valencia según los Capitols del quitament de 1669. Estudio de la última década de su oficio (1697-1707

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    Francisco Mayordomo García-Chicote


    Full Text Available En este trabajo se analiza la institución del Racional de Valencia en la última década de este oficio, coincidiendo con el momento en que la normativa municipal le confirmaba las importantes competencias tradicionalmente ostentadas desde la creación del cargo en el siglo XIV; bien como componente de la comisión que dirigía la política local, o bien a título particular, disponiendo de amplias facultades en ambos casos para intervenir y auditar las cuentas de la ciudad y de su Banco, así como participar en el proceso de absolución de los responsables de dichas cuentas, auxiliado por un equipo de expertos contables y legales.

  12. 46 CFR 31.40-10 - Cargo Ship Safety Equipment Certificate-T/ALL. (United States)


    ... 46 Shipping 1 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Cargo Ship Safety Equipment Certificate-T/ALL. 31.40-10 Section 31.40-10 Shipping COAST GUARD, DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY TANK VESSELS INSPECTION AND CERTIFICATION Certificates Under International Convention for Safety of Life at Sea, 1974 § 31.40-10 Cargo Ship...

  13. 46 CFR 31.40-5 - Cargo Ship Safety Construction Certificate-T/ALL. (United States)


    ... 46 Shipping 1 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Cargo Ship Safety Construction Certificate-T/ALL. 31.40-5 Section 31.40-5 Shipping COAST GUARD, DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY TANK VESSELS INSPECTION AND CERTIFICATION Certificates Under International Convention for Safety of Life at Sea, 1974 § 31.40-5 Cargo Ship...

  14. 46 CFR 31.40-15 - Cargo Ship Safety Radio Certificate-T/ALL. (United States)


    ... 46 Shipping 1 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Cargo Ship Safety Radio Certificate-T/ALL. 31.40-15 Section 31.40-15 Shipping COAST GUARD, DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY TANK VESSELS INSPECTION AND CERTIFICATION Certificates Under International Convention for Safety of Life at Sea, 1974 § 31.40-15 Cargo Ship...

  15. Analysis of forecasting methods of cargo flows in International transportation by land transport


    Ponomareva, N.


    Advantages and disadvantages of the existing forecasting methods of cargo flows are presented. The improvement of cargo flows forecasting method in international transportation by land transport is considered on the basis of a interregional balance model to get more correct and fuller forecast.

  16. Dangers of releasing CO₂ to fight fires in the cargo hold of seagoing bulk carriers

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hedlund, Frank Huess; Jarleivson Hilduberg, Øssur

    the application of CO₂ to deep-seated fires involving solids subject to smoldering, but without identifying or alerting the reader to the potential presence of explosive pyrolysis gases. NFPA 12 appears to presume that electrostatic discharges will dissipate safety if metal nozzles are used and the entire system......On seagoing general cargo vessels, the cargo is stored in bulk in the holds. Fire protection for cargo holds comprises detection and firefighting capability. Detection normally incorporates a smoke sampling system that continuously draws air from each cargo hold and passes it to a smoke detector...... cabinet. The fire can be fought by flooding the cargo hold with inert carbon dioxide. The carbon dioxide is stored in its liquid form at pressures in excess of 50 bar and kept in multiple vertical steel cylinders arranged in a battery. For firefighting to be effective, SOLAS regulations require...


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    Efrén González Rodríguez


    Full Text Available Este trabajo es un análisis crítico sobre la situación del régimen de Carrera Administrativa en Colombia, relacionando aspectos jurídicos, históricos y políticos. Señala la necesidad de establecer normatividad y procedimientos garantes del sistema de mérito, como opuesto al clientelismo y el favoritismo, para garantizar el derecho constitucional de acceder a cargos y funciones públicos, así como crear una administración eficiente, eficaz y moral. Igualmente, en el se denuncia cómo el Congreso de la República aprobó un proyecto de Acto Legislativo, sobre inscripción extraordinaria a empleados en provisionalidad, que privilegiaba clientelismo, amiguismo y nepotismo, contradiciendo la Carta Política imperativa sobre el sistema de mérito.

  18. El espaciamiento de los nacimientos: una estrategia para conciliar trabajo y familia en España

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    Julia Cordero


    Full Text Available Los intervalos entre nacimientos apenas han sido considerados un fenómeno de interés en los países desarrollados, sino una mera consecuencia de las decisiones de los individuos sobre el tamaño total de la familia y la edad al tener el primer hijo. Sin embargo, es posible que las mujeres espacien los nacimientos de forma estratégica para hacer que el empleo y la maternidad sean más compatibles. El objetivo de este artículo es arrojar luz sobre el análisis de la influencia que el apego a trabajar fuera del hogar por parte de las mujeres y el hecho de recibir ayuda con las tareas domésticas pueden ejercer sobre la duración del intervalo entre el primer nacimiento y el segundo. Para ello, tomo la información de una muestra de 871 mujeres españolas con edades entre los 35 y los 49 años. Los datos han sido extraídos de la Encuesta de Fecundidad y Familia para España, llevada a cabo en 1995. Los resultados obtenidos a través de modelos de regresión lineal multivariada indican que un fuerte apego al trabajo fuera del hogar afecta negativamente sobre la duración del intervalo entre los dos primeros nacimientos, en especial entre mujeres con un nivel alto de educación. No obstante, el efecto positivo de recibir ayuda con las tareas domésticas puede contrarrestar la influencia de las características mencionadas.

  19. Fidelidad de una intervención educativa: el papel de los facilitadores Fidelity of an educational process: role of the interventionists

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    Juana Edith Cruz Quevedo


    Full Text Available Objetivo: evaluar las estrategias de aseguramiento de fidelidad utilizadas en un estudio de intervención controlada y aleatorizada, tales como protocolización y estandarización de la intervención, selección y entrenamiento de los facilitadores, establecimiento de criterios de evaluación de apego y monitoreo del mismo. Métodología: análisis de las estrategias a través de las evaluaciones pre y post entrenamiento, los reportes de monitoreo, evaluaciones de final de día y comentarios de participantes de investigación. Resultados: el análisis muestra que la selección y entrenamiento aseguró que los facilitadores contaran con el conocimiento suficiente para la entrega del currículo pero también que se sintieran autoeficaces en el proceso y confiaran en la eficiencia de resultado. La protocolización del currículo, y el monitoreo aseguraron el apego a la intervención. Las evaluaciones de final de día de los facilitadores y los comentarios de los participantes reflejan una actuación dinámica, asertiva y apegada a currículo de los facilitadores. Conclusiones: el cuidado de los elementos que definen tanto el apego como la entrega competente en una intervención controlada y aleatorizada permite garantizar la integridad de la intervención y con ello disminuir la posibilidad de sesgo por esta fuente.Objective: to evaluate treatment fidelity strategies used in a randomized controlled trail study such as record and standardization of intervention, selection and training of interventionists, and implementation of criteria for adherence and monitoring. Methodology: strategies analysis through pre and post training evaluation, monitor reporting, day-after evaluation and participants comments. Results: the analysis shows the selection and training of able interventionists with sufficient knowledge of curriculum delivery, self-efficient in processes and trustworthy in results. The day-after evaluations and participant´s comment reflect a

  20. Nonlinear roll damping of a barge with and without liquid cargo in spherical tanks

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    Wenhua Zhao


    Full Text Available Damping plays a significant role on the maximum amplitude of a vessel's roll motion, in particular near the resonant frequency. It is a common practice to predict roll damping using a linear radiation–diffraction code and add that to a linearized viscous damping component, which can be obtained through empirical, semi-empirical equations or free decay tests in calm water. However, it is evident that the viscous roll damping is nonlinear with roll velocity and amplitude. Nonlinear liquid cargo motions inside cargo tanks also contribute to roll damping, which when ignored impedes the accurate prediction of maximum roll motions. In this study, a series of free decay model tests is conducted on a barge-like vessel with two spherical tanks, which allows a better understanding of the nonlinear roll damping components considering the effects of the liquid cargo motion. To examine the effects of the cargo motion on the damping levels, a nonlinear model is adopted to calculate the damping coefficients. The liquid cargo motion is observed to affect both the linear and the quadratic components of the roll damping. The flow memory effect on the roll damping is also studied. The nonlinear damping coefficients of the vessel with liquid cargo motions in spherical tanks are obtained, which are expected to contribute in configurations involving spherical tanks.

  1. The GRIP1/14-3-3 pathway coordinates cargo trafficking and dendrite development

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Geiger, J.C.; Lipka, Joanna; Hoyer, S.; Schlager, M.A.; Wulf, Phebe; Weinges, S.; Demmers, J.; Hoogenraad, Casper


    Regulation of cargo transport via adaptor molecules is essential for neuronal development. However, the role of PDZ scaffolding proteins as adaptors in neuronal cargo trafficking is still poorly understood. Here, we show by genetic deletion in mice that the multi-PDZ domain scaffolding protein


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    A. M. Okorokov


    Full Text Available Purpose. Making the qualitative administrative decisions defining strategy and tactics of transport cargo complexes development, and also its subsystems, is possible only in the presence of flexible optimization model. This model has to consider multiparametricity and multicriteriality of the given task, uncertainty and vagueness of input information, and also to provide process automation of searching the best parameters of the given production facility. The purpose of the research is to develop procedures for the strategic management of complex with view of the most important factors and their stochastic nature, which will execute the improvement of technical equipment of TCC. Methodology. The problem of strategic management is based on solving the complex of issues of the optimal number of shunting locomotives, optimal processing capability of handling the front and rational capacity of warehouses. The problem is solved on the basis of the proposed optimality criterion – the specific set of profit per unit of capital assets of freight industry. The listed problems are solved using simulation modeling of the freight industry. Findings. The use of developed procedure allows one to improve the technical equipment of the freight stations and complexes. Originality. For the first time it was developed the procedure of strategic management of development. This procedure allows taking into account the probabilistic nature of demand for services of transport freight complexes and technological processes of client services on the complex stations. The proposed procedure can be applied during when planning the investments in the creation of transport freight complexes. Practical value. Use as a basic tool of simulation models of complex cargo operation allows estimating the effectiveness of the capital investments, the level of operating costs, as well as the quality of meeting the demands of potential customers in transportations at the stage of

  3. Producción de conocimiento social: retos del investigador

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    Eustoquio García


    Full Text Available El propósito de este trabajo es contribuir a mejorar el proceso que debe seguir el investigador en la producciónde nuevo conocimiento en el campo social. El trabajo plantea que la contribución de la investigación social a laproducción de nuevo conocimiento, o al avance del conocimiento existente, ha sido limitada. Entre los factores quehan influido para ello desatacan: (a la falta de acuerdo entre los propios investigadores sobre el conocimiento queexiste y su naturaleza; (b el apego a los paradigmas que han sido aceptados y tienen vigencia; (c la incertidumbre yla ambigüedad que puedan generar las prácticas de investigación propiamente dichas; y (d la actitud y la motivacióndel propio investigador. Luego de un análisis de los elementos críticos de la investigación social (investigador, sistemasocial y método el trabajo presenta una serie de tácticas que el investigador podría utilizar para responder a los retosque debe enfrentar en su producción de nuevo conocimiento. Para concluir, se hace una breve síntesis sobre la frónesisy la investigación social fronética que tomaría en consideración elementos fundamentales que la investigación de lasciencias puras no considera, como sería el caso de la prudencia y la sabiduría práctica.

  4. 46 CFR 154.1872 - Cargo emergency jettisoning. (United States)


    ... shall ensure that cargo is not jettisoned in a U.S. port. (d) When ethylene oxide is carried, the master.... Sulfur dioxide IG Yes Dry T C 154.660 (b) (3), 154.1345 (c), (d), 154.1400 (c), 154.1405, 154.1410, 154...

  5. Bicaudal-D: Switching motors, cargo and direction

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    G.D. Splinter (Daniël)


    textabstractScope of this thesis Transport of vesicles and organelles is an essential cellular process. Proteins like Rab GTPases, specialized adaptor proteins and motor proteins are involved in targeting and movement of cargos to their destination. This thesis describes the function of the

  6. Container cargo simulation modeling for measuring impacts of infrastructure investment projects in Pearl River Delta (United States)

    Li, Jia-Qi; Shibasaki, Ryuichi; Li, Bo-Wei


    In the Pearl River Delta (PRD), there is severe competition between container ports, particularly those in Hong Kong, Shenzhen, and Guangzhou, for collecting international maritime container cargo. In addition, the second phase of the Nansha terminal in Guangzhou’s port and the first phase of the Da Chang Bay container terminal in Shenzhen opened last year. Under these circumstances, there is an increasing need to quantitatively measure the impact these infrastructure investments have on regional cargo flows. The analysis should include the effects of container terminal construction, berth deepening, and access road construction. The authors have been developing a model for international cargo simulation (MICS) which can simulate the movement of cargo. The volume of origin-destination (OD) container cargo in the East Asian region was used as an input, in order to evaluate the effects of international freight transportation policies. This paper focuses on the PRD area and, by incorporating a more detailed network, evaluates the impact of several infrastructure investment projects on freight movement.

  7. Research on combination forecast of port cargo throughput based on time series and causality analysis

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    Chi Zhang


    Full Text Available Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to develop a combined model composed of grey-forecast model and Logistic-growth-curve model to improve the accuracy of forecast model of cargo throughput for the port. The authors also use the existing data of a current port to verify the validity of the combined model.Design/methodology/approach: A literature review is undertaken to find the appropriate forecast model of cargo throughput for the port. Through researching the related forecast model, the authors put together the individual models which are significant to study further. Finally, the authors combine two individual models (grey-forecast model and Logistic-growth-curve model into one combined model to forecast the port cargo throughput, and use the model to a physical port in China to testify the validity of the model.Findings: Test by the perceptional data of cargo throughput in the physical port, the results show that the combined model can obtain relatively higher forecast accuracy when it is not easy to find more information. Furthermore, the forecast made by the combined model are more accurate than any of the individual ones.Research limitations/implications: The study provided a new combined forecast model of cargo throughput with a relatively less information to improve the accuracy rate of the forecast. The limitation of the model is that it requires the cargo throughput of the port have an S-shaped change trend.Practical implications: This model is not limited by external conditions such as geographical, cultural. This model predicted the port cargo throughput of one real port in China in 2015, which provided some instructive guidance for the port development.Originality/value: This is the one of the study to improve the accuracy rate of the cargo throughput forecast with little information.

  8. 14 CFR 25.858 - Cargo or baggage compartment smoke or fire detection systems. (United States)


    ... detection systems. 25.858 Section 25.858 Aeronautics and Space FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT... Construction Fire Protection § 25.858 Cargo or baggage compartment smoke or fire detection systems. If... must be met for each cargo or baggage compartment with those provisions: (a) The detection system must...

  9. K-Rankine systems for piloted and cargo Mars missions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mills, J.C.; Rovang, R.D.; Johnson, G.A.


    Studies are performed to demonstrate the attractiveness of potassium-Rankine (K-Rankine) nuclear electric propulsion (NEP) systems for both piloted and cargo Mars missions. The key results of the piloted mission study are that a full-up piloted mission can be accomplished with a trip time of less than 390 days with an attractive initial mass in low earth orbit (IMLEO) of 700 metric tons. This is achieved by coupling two advanced cermet fuel reactors (1550 K outlet temperature) to K-Rankine power-conversion systems to produce the 46 MWe needed to power advanced ion engines. This design approach offers an alternative to a more risky split-sprint mission where comparable trip times and IMLEO can be achieved with a nearer-term reactor (SP-100 at 1350 K outlet temperature) technology. The results of the cargo-mission study indicate that a lower-power K-Rankine system (5.5 MWe) operating at SP-100 reactor conditions would best perform a representative Mars cargo transport. A round-trip mission (480 days outbound; 600 day return) to Mars requires only 225 metric tons IMLEO and permit possible system reuse. 6 refs

  10. Mars Hybrid Propulsion System Trajectory Analysis. Part II; Cargo Missions (United States)

    Chai, Patrick R.; Merrill, Raymond G.; Qu, Min


    NASA's Human Spaceflight Architecture Team is developing a reusable hybrid transportation architecture in which both chemical and electric propulsion systems are used to send crew and cargo to Mars destinations such as Phobos, Deimos, the surface of Mars, and other orbits around Mars. By combining chemical and electrical propulsion into a single spaceship and applying each where it is more effective, the hybrid architecture enables a series of Mars trajectories that are more fuel-efficient than an all chemical architecture without significant increases in flight times. This paper shows the feasibility of the hybrid transportation architecture to pre-deploy cargo to Mars and Phobos in support of the Evolvable Mars Campaign crew missions. The analysis shows that the hybrid propulsion stage is able to deliver all of the current manifested payload to Phobos and Mars through the first three crew missions. The conjunction class trajectory also allows the hybrid propulsion stage to return to Earth in a timely fashion so it can be reused for additional cargo deployment. The 1,100 days total trip time allows the hybrid propulsion stage to deliver cargo to Mars every other Earth-Mars transit opportunity. For the first two Mars surface mission in the Evolvable Mars Campaign, the short trip time allows the hybrid propulsion stage to be reused for three round-trip journeys to Mars, which matches the hybrid propulsion stage's designed lifetime for three round-trip crew missions to the Martian sphere of influence.

  11. Cosmic Ray Background Analysis For A Cargo Container Counter

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ensslin, Norbert; Geist, W.H.; Lestone, J.P.; Mayo, D.R.; Menlove, Howard O.


    We have developed a new model for calculating the expected yield of cosmic-ray spallation neutrons in a Cargo Container Counter, and we have benchmarked the model against measurements made with several existing large neutron counters. We also developed two versions of a new measurement uncertainty prediction code based on Microsoft Excel spreadsheets. The codes calculate the minimum detectability limit for the Cargo Container Counter for either neutron singles or doubles counting, and also propagate the uncertainties associated with efficiency normalization flux monitors and cosmic ray flux monitors. This paper will describe the physics basis for this analysis, and the results obtained for several different counter designs.

  12. Cargo distributions differentiate pathological axonal transport impairments. (United States)

    Mitchell, Cassie S; Lee, Robert H


    Axonal transport is an essential process in neurons, analogous to shipping goods, by which energetic and cellular building supplies are carried downstream (anterogradely) and wastes are carried upstream (retrogradely) by molecular motors, which act as cargo porters. Impairments in axonal transport have been linked to devastating and often lethal neurodegenerative diseases, such as Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis, Huntington's, and Alzheimer's. Axonal transport impairment types include a decrease in available motors for cargo transport (motor depletion), the presence of defective or non-functional motors (motor dilution), and the presence of increased or larger cargos (protein aggregation). An impediment to potential treatment identification has been the inability to determine what type(s) of axonal transport impairment candidates that could be present in a given disease. In this study, we utilize a computational model and common axonal transport experimental metrics to reveal the axonal transport impairment general characteristics or "signatures" that result from three general defect types of motor depletion, motor dilution, and protein aggregation. Our results not only provide a means to discern these general impairments types, they also reveal key dynamic and emergent features of axonal transport, which potentially underlie multiple impairment types. The identified characteristics, as well as the analytical method, can be used to help elucidate the axonal transport impairments observed in experimental and clinical data. For example, using the model-predicted defect signatures, we identify the defect candidates, which are most likely to be responsible for the axonal transport impairments in the G93A SOD1 mouse model of ALS. Copyright © 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  13. X-ray scan detection for cargo integrity (United States)

    Valencia, Juan; Miller, Steve


    The increase of terrorism and its global impact has made the determination of the contents of cargo containers a necessity. Existing technology allows non-intrusive inspections to determine the contents of a container rapidly and accurately. However, some cargo shipments are exempt from such inspections. Hence, there is a need for a technology that enables rapid and accurate means of detecting whether such containers were non-intrusively inspected. Non-intrusive inspections are most commonly performed utilizing high powered X-ray equipment. The challenge is creating a device that can detect short duration X-ray scans while maintaining a portable, battery powered, low cost, and easy to use platform. The Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) has developed a methodology and prototype device focused on this challenge. The prototype, developed by PNNL, is a battery powered electronic device that continuously measures its X-ray and Gamma exposure, calculates the dose equivalent rate, and makes a determination of whether the device has been exposed to the amount of radiation experienced during an X-ray inspection. Once an inspection is detected, the device will record a timestamp of the event and relay the information to authorized personnel via a visual alert, USB connection, and/or wireless communication. The results of this research demonstrate that PNNL's prototype device can be effective at determining whether a container was scanned by X-ray equipment typically used for cargo container inspections. This paper focuses on laboratory measurements and test results acquired with the PNNL prototype device using several X-ray radiation levels.

  14. Rediseño del organigrama y elaboración del manual de funciones de la Sociedad de Lucha Contra el Cáncer SOLCA Núcleo de Cuenca período 2014


    Cedillo Mantilla, Azucena del Carmen; Landázuri Paredes, María Gabriela


    En este trabajo se realizó una reestructuración del organigrama y se elaboró el manual de funciones con el fin de precisar aspectos referentes a la estructura organizacional, funciones, relaciones, responsabilidad y coordinación que compete a cada cargo. This work contents the development and results of the restructuration of the SOLCA’S organogram, that includes the manual of functions in order to specify the issues with regard to the organizational structure, function, relationship, resp...

  15. Shift designs for freight handling personnel at air cargo terminals

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Rong, Aiying; Grunow, Martin


    This paper presents an integrated mixed integer linear programming (MILP) model for determining manpower requirements and related personnel shift designs for the build-up and break-down of the unit load devices (ULDs) at the air cargo terminal to minimize manpower costs. To utilize the manpower...... resources efficiently, we implement a new mechanism for demand leveling. In addition, we consider the qualification hierarchy between build-up and break-down workers. A case study based on the real-life data shows that the model is useful for manpower planning at air cargo terminals and the integrated...

  16. A Ship Cargo Hold Inspection Approach Using Laser Vision Systems


    SHEN Yang; ZHAO Ning; LIU Haiwei; MI Chao


    Our paper represents a vision system based on the laser measurement system (LMS) for bulk ship inspection. The LMS scanner with 2-axis servo system is installed on the ship loader to build the shape of the ship. Then, a group of real-time image processing algorithms are implemented to compute the shape of the cargo hold, the inclination angle of the ship and the relative position between the ship loader and the cargo hold. Based on those computed inspection data of the ship, the ship loader c...

  17. Detection of Special Nuclear Material in Cargo Containers Using Neutron Interrogation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Slaughter, D.; Accatino, M.; Bernstein, A.; Candy, J.; Dougan, A.; Hall, J.; Loshak, A.; Manatt, D.; Meyer, A.; Pohl, B.; Prussin, S.; Walling, R.; Weirup, D.


    The goal of the work reported here is to develop a concept for an active neutron interrogation system that can detect small targets of SNM contraband in cargo containers, roughly 5 kg HEU or 1 kg Pu, even when well shielded by a thick cargo. It is essential that the concept be reliable and have low false-positive and false-negative error rates. It also must be rapid to avoid interruption of commerce, completing the analysis in minutes. A new radiation signature unique to SNM has been identified that utilizes high-energy (E γ = 3-7 MeV) fission product γ-ray emission. Fortunately, this high-energy γ-ray signature is robust in that it is very distinct compared to normal background radiation where there is no comparable high-energy γ-ray radiation. Equally important, it has a factor of 10 higher yield than delayed neutrons that are the basis of classical interrogation technique normally used on small unshielded specimens of SNM. And it readily penetrates two meters of low-Z and high-Z cargo at the expected density of ∼ 0.5 gm/cm 3 . Consequently, we expect that in most cases the signature flux at the container wall is at least 2-3 decades more intense than delayed neutron signals used historically and facilitates the detection of SNM even when shielded by thick cargo. Experiments have verified this signature and its predicted characteristics. However, they revealed an important interference due to the activation of 16 O by the 16 O(n,p) 16 N reaction that produces a 6 MeV γ-ray following a 7-sec β-decay of the 16 N. This interference is important when irradiating with 14 MeV neutrons but is eliminated when lower energy neutron sources are utilized since the reaction threshold for 16 O(n,p) 16 N is 10 MeV. The signature γ-ray fluxes exiting a thick cargo can be detected in large arrays of scintillation detectors to produce useful signal count rates of 2-4 x 10 4 cps. That is high enough to quickly identify SNM fission by its characteristic high energy

  18. 14 CFR 399.86 - Payments for non-air transportation services for air cargo. (United States)


    ... 14 Aeronautics and Space 4 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Payments for non-air transportation... Enforcement § 399.86 Payments for non-air transportation services for air cargo. The Board considers that... air carriers for non-air transportation preparation of air cargo shipments are for services ancillary...

  19. Aspectos epidemiológicos del síndrome de Burnout en personal sanitario

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    Atance Martínez Juan Carlos


    Full Text Available FUNDAMENTOS: El Síndrome Burnout se invoca como probable responsable de la desmotivación que sufren los profesionales sanitarios actualmente. Esto sugiere la posibilidad de que este síndrome esté implicado en las elevadas tasas de absentismo laboral que presentan estos profesionales. El estudio pretende aportar una serie de caracterizaciones de las variables epidemiológicas universales que permitan una aproximación al perfil de riesgo en esta profesión. MÉTODO: Estudiamos una muestra de 294 profesionales de atención primaria y atención especializada aleatoriamente. a los que se les aplicó el instrumento de medida del Síndrome de Burnout (Maslach Burnout Inventory de forma autoadministrada. Se hizo estadística descriptiva con comparación de medias para variables sociodemográficas (P< 0,05 con Epiinfo V.60 y SPSS PC.W. RESULTADOS: Obtuvimos 87,76% de respuestas frente al 12,23% de pérdidas. Esta muestra nos permite una confianza del 95% y un error del 5%. Obtuvimos diferencias significativas en función del sexo, edad, estado civil, antigüedad en la profesión en el centro de trabajo, número de trabajadores en el centro, lugar de trabajo, número de enfermos a cargo, horas de trabajo semanales, tiempo de interacción con los pacientes. La media de presencia del síndrome de Burnout fue 47,16 + 7.93, siendo las mayores proporciones las consignadas para las dimensiones cansancio emocional y falta de realización. CONCLUSIONES: El perfil epidemiológico de riesgo obtenido sería: mujer de más de 44 años sin pareja estable, con más de 19 años de antigüedad en la profesión y más de 11 en el centro, profesional de atención especializada, con más de 21 pacientes diarios a su cargo, a los que dedica más del 70% de la jornada laboral y a ésta entre 36 y 40 horas semanales.

  20. 78 FR 50134 - Altus Pharmaceuticals, Inc., Blackhawk Capital Group BDC, Inc., Cargo Connection Logistics... (United States)


    ... SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION [File No. 500-1] Altus Pharmaceuticals, Inc., Blackhawk Capital Group BDC, Inc., Cargo Connection Logistics Holding, Inc., Diapulse Corporation of America, Globus... lack of current and accurate information concerning the securities of Cargo Connection Logistics...

  1. Electrostatic assembly/disassembly of nanoscaled colloidosomes for light-triggered cargo release

    KAUST Repository

    Li, Song


    Colloidosome capsules possess the potential for the encapsulation and release of molecular and macromolecular cargos. However, the stabilization of the colloidosome shell usually requires an additional covalent crosslinking which irreversibly seals the capsules, and greatly limits their applications in large-cargos release. Herein we report nanoscaled colloidosomes designed by the electrostatic assembly of organosilica nanoparticles (NPs) with oppositely charged surfaces (rather than covalent bonds), arising from different contents of a bridged nitrophenylene-alkoxysilane [NB; 3-nitro-N-(3-(triethoxysilyl)propyl)-4-(((3-(triethoxysilyl)propyl)-amino)methyl)benzamid] derivative in the silica. The surface charge of the positively charged NPs was reversed by light irradiation because of a photoreaction in the NB moieties, which impacted the electrostatic interactions between NPs and disassembled the colloidosome nanosystems. This design was successfully applied for the encapsulation and light-triggered release of cargos. © 2015 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  2. 77 FR 6135 - Agency Information Collection Activities: Cargo Manifest/Declaration, Stow Plan, Container Status... (United States)


    ... Activities: Cargo Manifest/ Declaration, Stow Plan, Container Status Messages and Importer Security Filing... the Paperwork Reduction Act: Cargo Manifest/Declaration, Stow Plan, Container Status Messages and.../Declaration, Stow Plan, Container Status Messages and Importer Security Filing. OMB Number: 1651-0001. Form...

  3. 29 CFR 1918.85 - Containerized cargo operations. (United States)


    ...” (activated) container gantry crane lifting beams or attached devices are used as anchorage points, the... maximum cargo weight, in pounds. (b) Container weight. No container shall be hoisted by any lifting... of loading or discharging, or every crane or other hoisting equipment operator and signalman, that...


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Nikolay Anatolievich Atrokhov


    Full Text Available This article examines the legal documents governing the securing of cargo in road transport, provides an overview of international experience in the safety of road transport of goods by means of securing.

  5. Probing intracellular motor protein activity using an inducible cargo trafficking assay. (United States)

    Kapitein, Lukas C; Schlager, Max A; van der Zwan, Wouter A; Wulf, Phebe S; Keijzer, Nanda; Hoogenraad, Casper C


    Although purified cytoskeletal motor proteins have been studied extensively with the use of in vitro approaches, a generic approach to selectively probe actin and microtubule-based motor protein activity inside living cells is lacking. To examine specific motor activity inside living cells, we utilized the FKBP-rapalog-FRB heterodimerization system to develop an in vivo peroxisomal trafficking assay that allows inducible recruitment of exogenous and endogenous kinesin, dynein, and myosin motors to drive specific cargo transport. We demonstrate that cargo rapidly redistributes with distinct dynamics for each respective motor, and that combined (antagonistic) actions of more complex motor combinations can also be probed. Of importance, robust cargo redistribution is readily achieved by one type of motor protein and does not require the presence of opposite-polarity motors. Simultaneous live-cell imaging of microtubules and kinesin or dynein-propelled peroxisomes, combined with high-resolution particle tracking, revealed that peroxisomes frequently pause at microtubule intersections. Titration and washout experiments furthermore revealed that motor recruitment by rapalog-induced heterodimerization is dose-dependent but irreversible. Our assay directly demonstrates that robust cargo motility does not require the presence of opposite-polarity motors, and can therefore be used to characterize the motile properties of specific types of motor proteins. Copyright © 2010 Biophysical Society. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  6. 75 FR 6092 - Special Conditions: Model C-27J Airplane; Class E Cargo Compartment Lavatory (United States)


    ... envision that a lavatory would be installed inside a Class E cargo compartment. Lavatories, including the... envision that a lavatory would be installed in a Class E cargo compartment. Therefore, special conditions...

  7. Retóricas sobre el fraccionamiento del Partido Liberal en Medellín: 1958-1986

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    Juan Carlos Arenas Gómez


    Full Text Available Este artículo pretende poner en evidencia los motivos y analizar las razones esgrimidas por los miembros de los partidos cuando protagonizan un proceso de fragmentación. Aborda las retóricas o conjunto de argumentos utilizados, de manera individual o colectiva, por los miembros del partido liberal en Medellín para justificar los procesos de fragmentación y su desmonte durante el Frente Nacional. El examen se estructura a partir del vínculo entre dichas retóricas y las problemáticas que afrontan las organizaciones partidistas y los individuos que actúan dentro de ellas para mantenerse vigentes: en primer lugar, la aplicación de reglas del juego impuestas tanto por el sistema político como por las autoridades del partido; en segundo lugar, las tensiones surgidas tanto alrededor de la selección de candidatos a cargos públicos como del reparto burocrático; en tercer lugar, las elecciones y los resultados que los partidos obtienen en ellas.

  8. Improving customs’ border control by creating a reference database of cargo inspection X-ray images

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    Selina Kolokytha


    Full Text Available Countries’ effective and efficient border security is becoming increasingly important in today’s global world of economy and trade. To ensure these, customs organisations are responsible for the prevention of illicit goods’ transportation across borders, particularly upon entry. The predicament of the customs administrations will soon be aggravated by both the increase of global trade and the trend towards 100% screening. It is therefore a goal to advance inspection methods to enable successful cargo handling, a scope towards which this research was aimed at. This work was carried out as part of the project ACXIS “Automated Comparison of X-ray Images for cargo Scanning” a European research project within the seventh framework programme answering the call SEC-2012.3.4-1: « Research on Automated Comparison of X-ray Images for cargo Scanning », to improve the process with the largest impact to trade flow: the procedures of freight X-ray scanning. As such, this project was focused on to implementing a manufacturer independent reference database for X-ray images of illicit and non-illicit cargo, developing procedures and algorithms in order to uniform X-ray images of different cargo scanners, and developing a training simulator for inspection officers and a toolbox enclosing several assisted and automated identification techniques for potentially illicit cargo.

  9. An illustrative application example: cargo state monitoring

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    van Leeuwen, C.; Diaz, V.C.; Kotian, R.; del Toro Matamoros, R.; Papp, Z.; Rieter-Barrel, Y.; Papp, Z.; Exarchakos, G.


    This chapter describes a real self-adaptive system carried out using the DEMANES tool chain. This chapter focuses on the design and implementation stages of a real use case development. The use case under study is a subsystem, called Cargo Monitoring System (CMS) , that monitors the state of the

  10. Accelerator requirements for fast-neutron interrogation of luggage and cargo

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Micklich, B.J.; Fink, C.L.; Yule, T.J.


    Several different fast-neutron based techniques are being studied for the detection of contraband substances in luggage and cargo containers. The present work discusses the accelerator requirements for fast-neutron transmission spectroscopy (FNTS), pulsed fast-neutron analysis (PFNA), and 14-MeV neutron interrogation. These requirements are based on the results of Monte-Carlo simulations of neutron or gamma detection rates. Accelerator requirements are driven by count-rate considerations, spatial resolution and acceptable uncertainties in elemental compositions. The authors have limited their analyses to luggage inspection with FNTS and to cargo inspection with PFNA or 14-MeV neutron interrogation

  11. Violencia en las relaciones de pareja adolescentes


    Bonilla Algovia, Enrique; Rivas Rivero, Esther; Vázquez Cabrera, José Juan


    Las primeras relaciones de noviazgo, establecidas principalmente en la adolescencia, podrían definir las pautas conductuales de las posteriores etapas. En este sentido, la socialización diferenciada, basada principalmente en la tradicional relación sexo-género, tiene un papel fundamental en el mantenimiento de la desigualdad entre hombres y mujeres. El objetivo de esta investigación es analizar la presencia de sexismo, los mitos del amor romántico y los estilos de apego como posibles desencad...

  12. Crystal Structures of the Tetratricopeptide Repeat Domains of Kinesin Light Chains: Insight into Cargo Recognition Mechanisms

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Zhu, Haizhong; Lee, Han Youl; Tong, Yufeng; Hong, Bum-Soo; Kim, Kyung-Phil; Shen, Yang; Lim, Kyung Jik; Mackenzie, Farrell; Tempel, Wolfram; Park, Hee-Won (SGC-Toronto); (PPCS); (Toronto)


    Kinesin-1 transports various cargos along the axon by interacting with the cargos through its light chain subunit. Kinesin light chains (KLC) utilize its tetratricopeptide repeat (TPR) domain to interact with over 10 different cargos. Despite a high sequence identity between their TPR domains (87%), KLC1 and KLC2 isoforms exhibit differential binding properties towards some cargos. We determined the structures of human KLC1 and KLC2 tetratricopeptide repeat (TPR) domains using X-ray crystallography and investigated the different mechanisms by which KLCs interact with their cargos. Using isothermal titration calorimetry, we attributed the specific interaction between KLC1 and JNK-interacting protein 1 (JIP1) cargo to residue N343 in the fourth TRP repeat. Structurally, the N343 residue is adjacent to other asparagines and lysines, creating a positively charged polar patch within the groove of the TPR domain. Whereas, KLC2 with the corresponding residue S328 did not interact with JIP1. Based on these finding, we propose that N343 of KLC1 can form 'a carboxylate clamp' with its neighboring asparagine to interact with JIP1, similar to that of HSP70/HSP90 organizing protein-1's (HOP1) interaction with heat shock proteins. For the binding of cargos shared by KLC1 and KLC2, we propose a different site located within the groove but not involving N343. We further propose a third binding site on KLC1 which involves a stretch of polar residues along the inter-TPR loops that may form a network of hydrogen bonds to JIP3 and JIP4. Together, these results provide structural insights into possible mechanisms of interaction between KLC TPR domains and various cargo proteins.

  13. El debate de la sucesión del Líder Supremo en Irán: La influencia de los Pāsdārān en el imaginario político post ‘Alī Jamenehēī


    Garduño García, Moisés


    Este artículo aborda el debate de la sucesión de ‘Alī Jamenēī como Líder Supremo en Irán. Se pretende demostrar que el cargo político más importante de la República Islámica lo ostentará un personaje que actúe a favor de los intereses de los Pāsdārān y no a favor del principio del “más docto” que, constitucionalmente, es el prioritario y más deseable para tener el cargo. Los candidatos de los Pāsdārān deberán competir con los candidatos provenientes de otros centros de poder importantes en Ir...

  14. Spatial relationships and movement patterns of the air cargo industry in airport regions

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Petrus J. van V. Coetzee


    Full Text Available Background: During the past few years, with the increase in air traffic and the expansion of airports, very few industries had such a large spatial development and movement impact as that of airport-related clusters or airport regions. Although much research was done on the various impacts of the airport industry, very little research was done on the air cargo industry in airport regions. Objectives: This article specifically explored the unique spatial relationships, impacts, trends and movement patterns of the air cargo industry within a typical airport region. Method: The article focused on the OR Tambo International Airport in Gauteng, South Africa, as a case study and was informed by an extensive quantitative spatial and land use analysis and modelling of the study area. Results: The article presented findings and insights on the movement patterns and relationships between (1 the airport facility and (2 the spatial configuration of air cargo industries in the particular airport region. These findings also provided some framework for a possible spatial model and guideline that could assist in steering and managing development and movement patterns in airport regions. Conclusion: The article provided new insights and understanding on the spatial dynamics of airport regions and the air cargo industry, ultimately addressing some gaps in this knowledge field. The article in the end highlighted the need for a different and novel approach to the planning and management of the air cargo industry in airport regions and a basis for further research.

  15. Caracterización del manejo del tiempo y la carga de trabajo de los representantes de venta en empresa distribuidora de productos químicos en Colombia


    Hoyos Gómez, Juan Camilo


    La presente investigación pretende determinar la carga de trabajo del departamento de ventas de una empresa dedicada a la distribución y comercialización de productos químicos y materias primas para la industria en general, establecer el perfil tiempo-actividad por cargo y compararlo con el perfil esperado por los directivos -- Para esto se realizaron encuestas a todos los representantes de ventas, quienes a su vez, ayudaron a establecer las actividades más comunes que realizan día a día -- C...

  16. Overview of Crane Control Systems and the Related Problems: Analysis of Container Oscillation Using Different Types of Cargoes

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    Tomas Eglynas


    Full Text Available Growing international trading increased cargo transportation in containers, therefore the port cranes have higher loads. Increased cargo flows can influence transportation safety. It is therefore necessary to review the crane systems and determine what factors might influence the volatility of the container and its cargo during transportation. The paper includes consideration and analysis of crane control systems and related problems. The authors consider the reasons of problems, probable damage and solution methods. The paper also provides the analysis of the relationship between different container cargoes and container oscillations occurring during handling operations using a container crane prototype. The analysis of the effect of different cargoes in containers on loading process and the results of occurring oscillations are presented.

  17. Antecedentes y reforma en la administración de depósitos del Cabildo Catedral de Toledo (1591-1613

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    Susana Villaluenga de Gracia


    del arca. Tras su aprobación, el memorial regularía la elección anual del depositario, dificultando su reelección, intensificaría el control sobre el depósito con el nombramiento de dos visitadores y concretaría el proceder en el registro de las operaciones que se ejecutaban en torno al mismo. A este respecto, cada entrada y salida de dinero del depósito se anotaba en dos libros: libro primero y segundo del arca de depósitos, cuya teneduría ratificaba el Memorial. Además de estos dos libros, las operaciones se registraban en un Manual y Mayor por partida doble. Al final del año y, antes de la elección de los oficios prevista para el 22 de diciembre, los visitadores tomaban la cuenta al depositario por cargo y descargo, revelándose este método compatible con la partida doble, como se demostrará en este trabajo.

  18. Marco Ontológico para la Gestión de Perfiles de Cargos basada en Competencias Laborales (Ontological Framework for the Management of Job Profiles based on Labor Competencies

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    franklin jose sandoval


    Full Text Available Resumen Debido a los cambios constantes producidos en el entorno, las organizaciones deben adaptarse a los avances tecnológicos y variaciones causadas en los procesos asociados. Consecuentemente, se requiere personal altamente motivado y calificado para facilitar su adaptación a la alta variabilidad existente, necesitando mejorar el desempeño del trabajador mediante la identificación de potencialidades que contribuyan en la formación de planes de carrera y la creación de las tablas de reemplazo. No obstante, existen limitaciones que impiden alcanzar el total desarrollo del talento pues realizar una selección, evaluación o capacitación del personal, es un proceso complejo porque es necesario procesar grandes volúmenes de información dispersa, no consensuada ni estandarizada, que además se puede interpretar de maneras diferentes. Para ello, se propone la construcción de un Marco Ontológico para la Gestión de Perfiles de Cargos que provea una solución generalizada para el intercambio de información y servicios, que inter-opere de manera colaborativa con los sistemas empresariales relacionados con la gestión del talento humano. Con este propósito, se combinan tres componentes básicos: el primero, la definición del modelo de gestión de perfiles de cargos; el segundo, la definición y construcción de una ontología para compartir información y construir conocimiento dentro de un gestor ontológico; por último, la definición de un marco de trabajo con un enfoque orientado a identificar procesos, actividades e interfaces relacionadas con los perfiles de cargos. La articulación de estos componentes permite sustentar de manera sistemática la evaluación del desempeño y por consiguiente el desarrollo del talento humano, reusando el conocimiento que optimiza la gestión del talento organizacional. Los prototipos funcionales desarrollados permitieron compartir y organizar la información de: perfiles, desempeño, brechas y

  19. 46 CFR 308.551 - War risk insurance clearing agency agreement for cargo, Form MA-321. (United States)


    ... 46 Shipping 8 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false War risk insurance clearing agency agreement for cargo... EMERGENCY OPERATIONS WAR RISK INSURANCE War Risk Cargo Insurance Iv-General § 308.551 War risk insurance... American War Risk Agency or MARAD. ...

  20. 76 FR 4362 - Extension of Agency Information Collection Activity Under OMB Review: Air Cargo Security... (United States)


    ... airports, passenger aircraft operators, foreign air carriers, indirect air carriers operating under a security program, and all-cargo carriers. These five categories are: Security programs, security threat assessments (STA), known shipper data via the Known Shipper Management System (KSMS), cargo screening...

  1. Impact of a radio-frequency identification system and information interchange on clearance processes for cargo at border posts

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    Ernest Bhero


    Full Text Available Background: Improved operational efficiency is important to role players in cross-border logistics and trade corridors. Cargo owners and cargo forwarders have been particularly concerned about long delays in the processing and clearing of cargo at border posts. Field studies suggest that these delays are due to a combination of factors, such as a lack of optimum system configurations and non-optimised human-dependent operations, which make the operations prone to corruption and other malpractices. Objectives: This article presents possible strategies for improving some of the operations in this sector. The research hinges on two key questions: (1 what is the impact of information interchange between stakeholders on the cargo transit time and (2 how will cargo transit time be impacted upon by automatic identification of cargo and the status of cargo seals on arriving vehicles at the border? Method: The use of information communication systems enabled by automatic identification systems (incorporating radio-frequency identification technology is suggested. Results: Results obtained by the described simulation model indicate that improvements of up to 82% with regard to transit time are possible using these techniques. Conclusion: The findings therefore demonstrate how operations at border posts can be improved through the use of appropriate technology and configuration of the operations.

  2. Periodización de la formación de posgrado del médico en etapa de especialización en medicina general integral: dimensiones, variables y claves hermenéuticas


    Escobar Yéndez, Nilia Victoria; Almaguer Delgado, Alcides J; Plasencia Asorey, Carolina G


    Los profesionales que ejercen la medicina general integral, han tenido a su cargo la enorme responsabilidad de transformar la atávica concepción de la medicina prevaleciente durante varios lustros en un nuevo esquema con enfoque integral del individuo, su familia y la comunidad. Para este trabajo se identificaron 3 hitos de periodización e igual número de etapas; pero también dimensiones, variables y claves hermenéuticas del proceso de formación de posgrado del médico en etapa de especializac...

  3. Identification of rice cornichon as a possible cargo receptor for the Golgi-localized sodium transporter OsHKT1;3


    Rosas-Santiago, Paul; Lagunas-G?mez, Daniel; Barkla, Bronwyn J.; Vera-Estrella, Rosario; Lalonde, Sylvie; Jones, Alexander; Frommer, Wolf B.; Zimmermannova, Olga; Sychrov?, Hana; Pantoja, Omar


    Membrane proteins are synthesized and folded in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER), and continue their path to their site of residence along the secretory pathway. The COPII system has been identified as a key player for selecting and directing the fate of membrane and secretory cargo proteins. Selection of cargo proteins within the COPII vesicles is achieved by cargo receptors. The cornichon cargo receptor belongs to a conserved protein family found in eukaryotes that has been demonstrated to pa...

  4. Mechanized azobenzene-functionalized zirconium metal-organic framework for on-command cargo release. (United States)

    Meng, Xiangshi; Gui, Bo; Yuan, Daqiang; Zeller, Matthias; Wang, Cheng


    Stimuli-responsive metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) have gained increasing attention recently for their potential applications in many areas. We report the design and synthesis of a water-stable zirconium MOF (Zr-MOF) that bears photoresponsive azobenzene groups. This particular MOF can be used as a reservoir for storage of cargo in water, and the cargo-loaded MOF can be further capped to construct a mechanized MOF through the binding of β-cyclodextrin with the azobenzene stalks on the MOF surface. The resulting mechanized MOF has shown on-command cargo release triggered by ultraviolet irradiation or addition of competitive agents without premature release. This study represents a simple approach to the construction of stimuli-responsive mechanized MOFs, and considering mechanized UiO-68-azo made from biocompatible components, this smart system may provide a unique MOF platform for on-command drug delivery in the future.

  5. The EARP Complex and Its Interactor EIPR-1 Are Required for Cargo Sorting to Dense-Core Vesicles.

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    Irini Topalidou


    Full Text Available The dense-core vesicle is a secretory organelle that mediates the regulated release of peptide hormones, growth factors, and biogenic amines. Dense-core vesicles originate from the trans-Golgi of neurons and neuroendocrine cells, but it is unclear how this specialized organelle is formed and acquires its specific cargos. To identify proteins that act in dense-core vesicle biogenesis, we performed a forward genetic screen in Caenorhabditis elegans for mutants defective in dense-core vesicle function. We previously reported the identification of two conserved proteins that interact with the small GTPase RAB-2 to control normal dense-core vesicle cargo-sorting. Here we identify several additional conserved factors important for dense-core vesicle cargo sorting: the WD40 domain protein EIPR-1 and the endosome-associated recycling protein (EARP complex. By assaying behavior and the trafficking of dense-core vesicle cargos, we show that mutants that lack EIPR-1 or EARP have defects in dense-core vesicle cargo-sorting similar to those of mutants in the RAB-2 pathway. Genetic epistasis data indicate that RAB-2, EIPR-1 and EARP function in a common pathway. In addition, using a proteomic approach in rat insulinoma cells, we show that EIPR-1 physically interacts with the EARP complex. Our data suggest that EIPR-1 is a new interactor of the EARP complex and that dense-core vesicle cargo sorting depends on the EARP-dependent trafficking of cargo through an endosomal sorting compartment.

  6. 49 CFR 180.416 - Discharge system inspection and maintenance program for cargo tanks transporting liquefied... (United States)


    ... section. (v) Stainless steel flexible connectors with damaged reinforcement braid. (vi) Internal self... program for cargo tanks transporting liquefied compressed gases. 180.416 Section 180.416 Transportation... PACKAGINGS Qualification and Maintenance of Cargo Tanks § 180.416 Discharge system inspection and maintenance...

  7. 75 FR 9919 - Extension of Agency Information Collection Activity Under OMB Review: Air Cargo Security... (United States)


    ... operating under a security program, and all-cargo carriers. These five categories are: security programs, security threat assessments (STA), known shipper data via the Known Shipper Management System (KSMS), cargo... Verification Form, Aircraft Operator or Air Carrier Reporting Template, Security Threat Assessment Application...

  8. 77 FR 24506 - Extension of Agency Information Collection Activity Under OMB Review: Air Cargo Security... (United States)


    ... air carriers, indirect air carriers and all-cargo carriers operating under a TSA-approved security program. These five categories are: Security programs, security threat assessments (STAs), known shipper data via the Known Shipper Management System (KSMS), cargo screening reporting, and evidence of...

  9. La carrera del profesor de derecho en Pavía durante la etapa española (XVI-XVII

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    Maria Carla ZORZOLI


    Full Text Available RESUMEN: La llegada de la dominación española a Lombardía cierra un largo período de incertidumbre política. Desde la caída de Ludovico Sforza (1499 hasta la paz de Bolonia (1530 se habían alternado en el gobierno del Ducado de Milán personajes simpatizantes del rey de Francia con otros allegados a los Sforza. Entre 1526 y 1529 —el denominado cuatrienio «de anarquía»— dos burocracias, a las órdenes de Carlos V y Francisco II Sforza, se habían repartido los cargos en las zonas respectivamente ocupadas.

  10. La carrera del profesor de derecho en Pavía durante la etapa española (XVI-XVII)


    Zorzoli, Maria Carla


    RESUMEN: La llegada de la dominación española a Lombardía cierra un largo período de incertidumbre política. Desde la caída de Ludovico Sforza (1499) hasta la paz de Bolonia (1530) se habían alternado en el gobierno del Ducado de Milán personajes simpatizantes del rey de Francia con otros allegados a los Sforza. Entre 1526 y 1529 —el denominado cuatrienio «de anarquía»— dos burocracias, a las órdenes de Carlos V y Francisco II Sforza, se habían repartido los cargos en las zonas respectivament...

  11. Opportunity of Constructing a Cargo Terminal – Case Study Brașov International Airport, Romania

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    Gabriel BRĂTUCU


    Full Text Available Air transport and especially air cargo transport became ever more important during the last 25 years, with a signifi cant impact upon economic development. Air cargo transport supports regional economic development, provided there is suffi cient local demand for its services. In our study, we have identifi ed signifi cant elements of the impact a cargo terminal at the International Brașov-Ghimbav Airport would have upon local economic development. For this purpose, we have conducted a quantitative market research. We have reached the conclusion that constructing a cargo terminal at the Brașov-Ghimbav Airport is a necessary investment in the current economic context, with an important contribution to the economic development of its surrounding counties. The positive results registered in our study could contribute to improving the economic and fi nancial prospects of Brașov-Ghimbav Airport and attract investors in this project.

  12. Safety evaluation for packaging 222-S laboratory cargo tank for onetime type B material shipment

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nguyen, P.M.


    The purpose of this Safety Evaluation for Packaging (SEP) is to evaluate and document the safety of the onetime shipment of bulk radioactive liquids in the 222-S Laboratory cargo tank (222-S cargo tank). The 222-S cargo tank is a US Department of Transportation (DOT) MC-312 specification (DOT 1989) cargo tank, vehicle registration number HO-64-04275, approved for low specific activity (LSA) shipments in accordance with the DOT Title 49, Code of Federal Regulations (CFR). In accordance with the US Department of Energy, Richland Operations Office (RL) Order 5480.1A, Chapter III (RL 1988), an equivalent degree of safety shall be provided for onsite shipments as would be afforded by the DOT shipping regulations for a radioactive material package. This document demonstrates that this packaging system meets the onsite transportation safety criteria for a onetime shipment of Type B contents


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    Full Text Available The controllability of military transport aircraft deteriorates at heavy single piece landing. To solve this problem and a specific methodology for pilotage of the pre-emption, and automation tools are being developed. Preliminary study ofpilotage technique and authomatic control algorythm demand a reliable mathematical model of aircraft dynamics at cargo item drop. Such model should take into account significant change in the position of the aircraft center of mass and aircraft inertia tensor. Simplified models were based on modeling the movement of the center of mass and rotation around the cen- ter of mass of the aircraft. Such models do not take into account the inertial forces and moments of moving a cargo item. This circumstance does not allow to obtain reliable results in the simulation. The article presents the description of the complete mathematical model of the movement of military transport aircraft in landing of a cargo item. Examines the com- plex material system of solids and a detailed description of the properties of its components. The equations of motion of the aircraft as a system carrier (aircraft without a cargo item and wear (of moving a cargo item bodies to reflect the changes in the inertia tensor. The functioning of the power plant, steering actuators, flight control system, an exhaust chute, the sen- sors of the primary information are taken into account. The equations of motion for systems of bodies projected on the air- craft reference plane are being recorded. This approach takes into account changes of the inertia tensor and the position of the main central axes of inertia in the process of landing of a cargo item. It allows us to simulate the condition of the air- craft at all speeds of the pitch, normal overload, and masses of single piece and placement, as evidenced by the high con- vergence of modeling results with data from flight tests.

  14. 46 CFR 105.20-3 - Cargo tanks. (United States)


    ...) Construction and Materials. (1) The cargo tanks must be constructed of iron, steel, copper, nickel alloy... inches and gage number 2,3 Nickel copper B127, hot rolled sheet or plate 0.107 (USSG 12). Copper nickel 1... sheet and plate iron and steel. The letters “AWG” stand for “American Wire Gage” (or Brown and Sharpe...

  15. Marine cargo imports and forest pest introductions (United States)

    Frank H. Koch


    A major pathway for the introduction of nonindigenous forest pests is accidental transport on cargo imported from overseas. Diseases may be brought into the United States via commercial trade of nursery stock or other live plant material, as has been suggested for Phytophthora ramorum, the pathogen that causes sudden oak death (Ivors and others 2006). Insects may...

  16. Morintides: cargo-free chitin-binding peptides from Moringa oleifera. (United States)

    Kini, Shruthi G; Wong, Ka H; Tan, Wei Liang; Xiao, Tianshu; Tam, James P


    Hevein-like peptides are a family of cysteine-rich and chitin-binding peptides consisting of 29-45 amino acids. Their chitin-binding property is essential for plant defense against fungi. Based on the number of cysteine residues in their sequences, they are divided into three sub-families: 6C-, 8C- and 10C-hevein-like peptides. All three subfamilies contain a three-domain precursor comprising a signal peptide, a mature hevein-like peptide and a C-terminal domain comprising a hinge region with protein cargo in 8C- and 10C-hevein-like peptides. Here we report the isolation and characterization of two novel 8C-hevein-like peptides, designated morintides (mO1 and mO2), from the drumstick tree Moringa oleifera, a drought-resistant tree belonging to the Moringaceae family. Proteomic analysis revealed that morintides comprise 44 amino acid residues and are rich in cysteine, glycine and hydrophilic amino acid residues such as asparagine and glutamine. Morintides are resistant to thermal and enzymatic degradation, able to bind to chitin and inhibit the growth of phyto-pathogenic fungi. Transcriptomic analysis showed that they contain a three-domain precursor comprising an endoplasmic reticulum (ER) signal sequence, a mature peptide domain and a C-terminal domain. A striking feature distinguishing morintides from other 8C-hevein-like peptides is a short and protein-cargo-free C-terminal domain. Previously, a similar protein-cargo-free C-terminal domain has been observed only in ginkgotides, the 8C-hevein-like peptides from a gymnosperm Ginkgo biloba. Thus, morintides, with a cargo-free C-terminal domain, are a stand-alone class of 8C-hevein-like peptides from angiosperms. Our results expand the existing library of hevein-like peptides and shed light on molecular diversity within the hevein-like peptide family. Our work also sheds light on the anti-fungal activity and stability of 8C-hevein-like peptides.

  17. FAM21 directs SNX27–retromer cargoes to the plasma membrane by preventing transport to the Golgi apparatus (United States)

    Lee, Seongju; Chang, Jaerak; Blackstone, Craig


    The endosomal network maintains cellular homeostasis by sorting, recycling and degrading endocytosed cargoes. Retromer organizes the endosomal sorting pathway in conjunction with various sorting nexin (SNX) proteins. The SNX27–retromer complex has recently been identified as a major endosomal hub that regulates endosome-to-plasma membrane recycling by preventing lysosomal entry of cargoes. Here, we show that SNX27 directly interacts with FAM21, which also binds retromer, within the Wiskott–Aldrich syndrome protein and SCAR homologue (WASH) complex. This interaction is required for the precise localization of SNX27 at an endosomal subdomain as well as for recycling of SNX27-retromer cargoes. Furthermore, FAM21 prevents cargo transport to the Golgi apparatus by controlling levels of phosphatidylinositol 4-phosphate, which facilitates cargo dissociation at the Golgi. Together, our results demonstrate that the SNX27–retromer–WASH complex directs cargoes to the plasma membrane by blocking their transport to lysosomes and the Golgi. PMID:26956659

  18. Evaluación del impacto de un nuevo modelo de atención de urgencias en un hospital de cuarto nivel


    Martínez Rojas, Edwin Fernando; Merchán Alba, Catalina


    Introducción: Los centros de urgencias tienen procesos rápidos, eficientes y eficaces, la calidad en la atención del paciente y su satisfacción son los objetivos fundamentales. En la Fundación Santa Fe de Bogotá se han implementado diferentes modelos de atención de urgencias con el fin de mejorar la calidad en la atención. Se pretendió evaluar el impacto del cambio a un modelo de atención a cargo de médicos Emergenciólogos, con pacientes clasificados como triage 2. Metodología: Estudio de...

  19. Apunte biográfico del regidor madrileño D. Gaspar Coello (1571-1587

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    Full Text Available El crecimiento y desarrollo urbano que a partir de los siglos XV y XVI se produce en España motiva el que sus estructuras básicas se afiancen y se consoliden de manera bastante homogénea hasta el siglo XVIII ', convirtiéndose en un foco de atracción de riqueza y poder que contribuirá con el paso del tiempo a la consolidación de un sistema oligárquico de control político, económico y social. Estas oligarquías urbanas necesitadas de un apoyo institucional, a través del cual podrían poner de manifiesto su superioridad y sus diferencias sobre el resto del común de los vecinos, tenderán incensantemente a copar todos aquellos cargos en el gobierno municipal de las ciudades que les permitan medrar, destacar, hacerse con un prestigio social codiciado o, simplemente, satisfacer sus intereses personales sobre los de la colectividad.

  20. 76 FR 4709 - Extension of Agency Information Collection Activity Under OMB Review: Certified Cargo Screening... (United States)


    ... facilities upstream in the air cargo supply chain, such as shippers, manufacturers, warehousing entities... enable aircraft operators and other entities upstream in the air cargo supply chain to accept, screen... Request (ICR), OMB control number 1652-0053, abstracted below to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB...

  1. Pick-up, transport and release of a molecular cargo using a small-molecule robotic arm (United States)

    Kassem, Salma; Lee, Alan T. L.; Leigh, David A.; Markevicius, Augustinas; Solà, Jordi


    Modern-day factory assembly lines often feature robots that pick up, reposition and connect components in a programmed manner. The idea of manipulating molecular fragments in a similar way has to date only been explored using biological building blocks (specifically DNA). Here, we report on a wholly artificial small-molecule robotic arm capable of selectively transporting a molecular cargo in either direction between two spatially distinct, chemically similar, sites on a molecular platform. The arm picks up/releases a 3-mercaptopropanehydrazide cargo by formation/breakage of a disulfide bond, while dynamic hydrazone chemistry controls the cargo binding to the platform. Transport is controlled by selectively inducing conformational and configurational changes within an embedded hydrazone rotary switch that steers the robotic arm. In a three-stage operation, 79-85% of 3-mercaptopropanehydrazide molecules are transported in either (chosen) direction between the two platform sites, without the cargo at any time fully dissociating from the machine nor exchanging with other molecules in the bulk.

  2. Kajian Kinerja Pelayanan General Cargo Terminal Jamrud Di Pelabuhan Tanjung Perak Surabaya

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    Ayu Fajar Ulfany


    Full Text Available Terminal Jamrud is a busy terminal among three others terminals run by PT. Pelabuhan Indonesia III branch of Tanjung Perak that serving general goods cargoes and dry bulk both dosmetically and internationally. The source of the problem to increase terminal performance are capacity building, efficiency, productivity and environment. The objectives of this study were to identify the existing performance of loading and unloading of general cargo and to arrange strategies for the development of Terminal Jamrud at Tanjung Perak Port using SWOT analysis. Based on secondary data: 1 the best operational performance of service is the productivity of loading and unloading of general cargo, 2 the best performance is the approach time (AT, 3 the waiting time (TW has not fulfilled the expected achievement as it is stil below the standard, 4 attributes of utility services, non-container terminal dock facilities, SOR and YOR still needs to be improved. The development strategies of Terminal Jamrud at kuadran I i.e grapid rowth strategy.

  3. Air cargo in the Mid-America Freight Coalition region. (United States)


    This report contains a contextual review of air cargo transportation in the 10-state Mid-America Freight Coalition (MAFC) region including the industrys recent history, security implications, and integration within the greater MAFC economy. The re...

  4. 41 CFR 102-117.140 - What is cargo preference? (United States)


    ...-9US-FLAG e-mail: [email protected] [65 FR 60060, Oct. 6, 2000; 65 FR 81405, Dec. 26, 2000] ...-borne cargo that moves internationally be transported on U.S. flag vessels. Deviations or waivers from...

  5. Calcium and cargoes as regulators of myosin 5a activity

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sellers, James R.; Thirumurugan, Kavitha; Sakamoto, Takeshi; Hammer, John A.; Knight, Peter J.


    Myosin 5a is a two-headed actin-dependent motor that transports various cargoes in cells. Its enzymology and mechanochemistry have been extensively studied in vitro. It is a processive motor that takes multiple 36 nm steps on actin. The enzymatic activity of myosin 5 is regulated by an intramolecular folding mechanism whereby its lever arms fold back against the coiled-coil tail such that the motor domains directly bind the globular tail domains. We show that the structure seen in individual folded molecules is consistent with electron density map of two-dimensional crystals of the molecule. In this compact state, the actin-activated MgATPase activity of the molecule is markedly inhibited and the molecule cannot move processively on surface bound actin filaments. The actin-activated MgATPase activity of myosin 5a is activated by increasing the calcium concentration or by binding of a cargo-receptor molecule, melanophilin, in vitro. However, calcium binding to the calmodulin light chains results in dissociation of some of the calmodulin which disrupts the ability of myosin 5a to move on actin filaments in vitro. Thus we propose that the physiologically relevant activation pathway in vivo involves binding of cargo-receptor proteins

  6. Compressed Sensing Techniques Applied to Ultrasonic Imaging of Cargo Containers

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    Yuri Álvarez López


    Full Text Available One of the key issues in the fight against the smuggling of goods has been the development of scanners for cargo inspection. X-ray-based radiographic system scanners are the most developed sensing modality. However, they are costly and use bulky sources that emit hazardous, ionizing radiation. Aiming to improve the probability of threat detection, an ultrasonic-based technique, capable of detecting the footprint of metallic containers or compartments concealed within the metallic structure of the inspected cargo, has been proposed. The system consists of an array of acoustic transceivers that is attached to the metallic structure-under-inspection, creating a guided acoustic Lamb wave. Reflections due to discontinuities are detected in the images, provided by an imaging algorithm. Taking into consideration that the majority of those images are sparse, this contribution analyzes the application of Compressed Sensing (CS techniques in order to reduce the amount of measurements needed, thus achieving faster scanning, without compromising the detection capabilities of the system. A parametric study of the image quality, as a function of the samples needed in spatial and frequency domains, is presented, as well as the dependence on the sampling pattern. For this purpose, realistic cargo inspection scenarios have been simulated.

  7. Clientelismo y Sistema Político. El Caso del Servicio Exterior Costarricense (1940-1990. Algunos Apuntes Preliminares.

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    Carlos Humberto Cascante Segura


    Full Text Available Este artículo analiza a grandes rasgos las relaciones entre sistema político y servicio exterior, mediante el concepto de clientelismo empleado en las Ciencias Políticas. El objetivo central es determinar la existencia de un sistema clientelar que permitió el desarrollo de un modelo político durante la segunda mitad del siglo XX, a partir del estudio de la integración y patrones seguidos por el grupo de personas que desempeñaron el cargo de jefes de misión. Desde esta perspectiva el estudio sugiere la existencia de ese sistema, así como ciertas pautas que pueden explican su éxito y funcionamiento.

  8. ATHLETE: Lunar Cargo Handling for International Lunar Exploration (United States)

    Wilcox, Brian H.


    As part of the Human-Robot Systems Project within the NASA Exploration Technology Development Program, the Jet Propulsion Laboratory is developing a vehicle called ATHLETE: the All-Terrain Hex-Limbed Extra-Terrestrial Explorer. The basic idea of ATHLETE is to have six relatively small wheels on the ends of legs. The small wheels and associated drive actuators are much less massive than the larger wheels and gears needed for an "all terrain" vehicle that cannot "walk" out of extreme terrain. The mass savings for the wheels and wheel actuators is greater than the mass penalty of the legs, for a net mass savings. Starting in 2009, NASA became engaged in detailed architectural studies for international discussions with the European Space Agency (ESA), the Japanese Space Agency (JAXA), and the Canadian Space Agency (CSA) under the auspices of the International Architecture Working Group (IAWG). ATHLETE is considered in most of the campaign options considered, providing a way to offload cargo from large Altair-class landers (having a cargo deck 6+ meters above the surface) as well as offloading international landers launched on Ariane-5 or H-2 launch vehicles. These international landers would carry provisions as well as scientific instruments and/or small rovers that would be used by international astronauts as part of an international effort to explore the moon.Work described in this paper includes architectural studies in support of the international missions as well as field testing of a half-scale ATHLETE prototype performing cargo offloading from a lander mockup, along with multi-kilometer traverse, climbing over greater than 1 m rocks, tool use, etc.

  9. Implementation of cargo MagLev in the United States

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Rose, Chris R [Los Alamos National Laboratory; Peterson, Dean E [Los Alamos National Laboratory; Leung, Eddie M [MAGTEC ENGINEERING


    Numerous studies have been completed in the United States, but no commercial MagLev systems have been deployed. Outside the U.S., MagLev continues to attract funding for research, development and implementation. A brief review of recent global developments in MagLev technology is given followed by the status of MagLev in the U.S. The paper compares the cost of existing MagLev systems with other modes of transport, notes that the near-term focus of MagLev development in the U.S. should be for cargo, and suggests that future MagLev systems should be for very high speed cargo. The Los Angeles to Port of Los Angeles corridor is suggested as a first site for implementation. The benefits of MagLev are described along with suggestions on how to obtain funding.

  10. 46 CFR 32.50-1 - Cargo pumps for tank vessels constructed on or after November 10, 1936-TB/ALL. (United States)


    ... 46 Shipping 1 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Cargo pumps for tank vessels constructed on or after... TANK VESSELS SPECIAL EQUIPMENT, MACHINERY, AND HULL REQUIREMENTS Pumps, Piping, and Hose for Cargo Handling § 32.50-1 Cargo pumps for tank vessels constructed on or after November 10, 1936—TB/ALL. On all...

  11. La interventoría en la ejecución del contrato de obra


    Silva Rojas, Oscar Manuel


    La construcción normativa en la contratación no ha sido estática en Colombia, diversos factores inciden en la constante modificación. Con antelación a 1991, el modelo de Estado, y luego los principios de la función pública previstos junto con los fines esenciales a cargo del Estado, son derroteros constantes para el legislador, quien intentando superar la presencia de la corrupción se ha inclinado hacia la transparencia y el establecimiento de figuras para asegurar la adjudicación de los cont...

  12. 29 CFR Appendix III to Part 1918 - The Mechanics of Conventional Cargo Gear (Non-mandatory) (United States)


    ... 29 Labor 7 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false The Mechanics of Conventional Cargo Gear (Non-mandatory.... 1918, App. III Appendix III to Part 1918—The Mechanics of Conventional Cargo Gear (Non-mandatory) Note: This appendix is non-mandatory and provides an explanation of the mechanics in the correct spotting of...


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    Maria CIEŚLA


    Full Text Available This paper presents the problem of improper security of cargo in trucks as the cause of about 25% of the accidents that takes place in road transport. Attention was drawn to aspects of legal liability for errors resulting from incorrect load securing according to polish law. Article was enriched with practical examples illustrating the effects of improper cargo securing on transport unit and shows how it had to be prepared properly. When planning the proper transport protection of metal sheets rolled both calculation methods and computer applications were used.

  14. Multi-Criteria Optimisation of Liquid Cargo Transport According to Linguistic Approach to the Route Selection Task

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    Guze Sambor


    Full Text Available The main aim of the paper is to present the possibility of use of the multi-criteria optimization method Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP to liquid cargo transportation by sea. Finding the optimal solution is not simple. There are many factors influencing the shipping process. In the case of liquid cargo, the most important thing is the safety of the crew, ship, and environment. Therefore, the Mathematical Theory of Evidence is introduced and used to determine the optimal path in terms of time and safety of transport. Moreover, the details of liquid cargo transport process are described with particular attention to ship to ship operations. Besides, the basic concept of the AHP method, steps of the algorithm are introduced. Finally, the multicriteria optimization of the transport of the liquid cargo from the Persian Gulf to Port of Gdansk is done. It is based on the experts′ opinions.

  15. A Benchmarking of Operational Efficiency in Asia Pacific International Cargo Airports

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Tae-won Chung


    Full Text Available This paper compares operational efficiency of major cargo airports in the Asia Pacific region. The multi-dimensional scaling cluster analysis by R-square method was used as the benchmarking tool to provide airport management with a means to examine various aspects of their operational efficiency against those of other airports. Ten operational efficiency factors for the clustering and efficiency estimation of airports in the Asia Pacific region were used in a regression model to overcome the complexity of multi-dimensional scaling approach. The resulting classification is used to identify the efficiency benchmarks of leading air cargo airports which have implications for Incheon airport in Korea.

  16. Neutron interrogation system using high gamma ray signature to detect contraband special nuclear materials in cargo (United States)

    Slaughter, Dennis R [Oakland, CA; Pohl, Bertram A [Berkeley, CA; Dougan, Arden D [San Ramon, CA; Bernstein, Adam [Palo Alto, CA; Prussin, Stanley G [Kensington, CA; Norman, Eric B [Oakland, CA


    A system for inspecting cargo for the presence of special nuclear material. The cargo is irradiated with neutrons. The neutrons produce fission products in the special nuclear material which generate gamma rays. The gamma rays are detecting indicating the presence of the special nuclear material.

  17. 46 CFR 153.975 - Preparation for cargo transfer. (United States)


    ... system to have a fire protection system. (b) Any electrical bonding of the tankship to the transfer... plugged. (m) Smoking is limited to safe places. (n) Fire fighting and safety equipment is ready. (o) He is... or continue cargo transfer unless the following conditions are met: (a) No fires or open flames are...

  18. Scanning Cargo Containers with Tagged Neutrons

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Viesti, G.; Botosso, C.; Fabris, D.; Lunardon, M.; Moretto, S.; Nebbia, G.; Pesente, S.; Zenoni, A.; Donzella, A.; Perot, B.; Carasco, C.; Bernard, S.; Mariani, A.; Szabo, J.-L.; Sannie, G.; Valkovic, V.; Sudac, D.; Nad, K.; Peerani, P.; Sequeira, V.


    A new Tagged Neutron Inspection System (TNIS) able to detect illicit materials such as explosives and narcotics in cargo containers has been developed within the EURopean Illicit TRAfficing Countermeasures Kit (EURITRACK) project. After the R and D phase, the inspection portal has been installed and commissioned at the Rijeka seaport in Croatia, where it has been operated in connection with the existing X-ray scanner for a first two-month demonstration campaign. Results obtained are presented and discussed in this paper

  19. CargoMover - the driverless 'truck on rails'; CargoMover - der fahrerlose 'Lkw auf Schienen'

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Mairhofer, F. [Siemens AG, Erlangen (Germany). Transportation Systems, Cargo Logistics; Janssen, G. [DB Netz AG, NL West, Duisburg (Germany)


    Year after year, more and more freight is transported in Europe. Most of it is transported by road, because users currently see the truck as the fastest, most flexible and most economic solution. But road haulage is already leading to a lot of congestion, so that is it becoming more and more important to shift traffic onto the railways. The high-availability CargoMover {sup registered} system complements existing rail freight transport services. It combines the strategic advantages of truck and rail transport and offers flexible driverless rail freight transport to individual destinations - including at regional and local level, and for short-term requirements or small loads. (orig.) [German] Jahr fuer Jahr werden in Europa mehr Gueter bewegt. Der Grossteil dieser Transporte erfolgt auf der Strasse, weil der LKW von vielen Nutzern momentan als die schnellste, flexibelste und wirtschaftlichste Loesung angesehen wird. Schon heute fuehrt der Lkw-Verkehr aber zu vielen Staus, so dass es immer wichtiger wird, mehr Transportvolumen auf die Schiene zu bringen. Der CargoMover {sup registered} komplettiert als hochverfuegbares System das Gueterverkehrsangebot auf der Schiene. Er verbindet die strategischen Vorteile des Lkw mit denen des Bahnsystems und ermoeglicht fahrerlosen, zielreinen und flexiblen Gueterverkehr auf der Schiene - auch im Regional- und Nahverkehr, bei kurzfristigem Bedarf oder kleineren Losgroessen. (orig.)

  20. Maternal and paternal parenting styles in adolescence and its relationship with resilience, attachment and bullying involvement


    Gómez Ortiz, Olga; Rey Alamillo, Rosario del; Romera Félix, Eva María; Ortega Ruiz, Rosario


    El primer objetivo de este trabajo es establecer una clasificación de estilos parentales y el segundo examinar la relación entre los estilos materno, paterno y la coherencia entre ambos, y el ajuste adolescente, evaluado mediante la resiliencia, el apego y la implicación en bullying. Para ello, una muestra incidental de 626 estudiantes (49.7% chicas) de educación secundaria de la provincia de Córdoba, cumplimentaron la Escala para la evaluación del estilo educativo de padres y madres de adole...

  1. Intervención profiláctica no farmacológica en gestantes de riesgo de hipertensión arterial en un hogar materno


    Canciano Chirino, Ernesto; Río Ponciano, Orlando; Machín Noa, Odalis; Cabo Báez, Yadira; Rodríguez Hernández, Marialis; Ramos Junco, Idalma


    Introducción: el manejo profiláctico no farmacológico en gestantes de riesgo de hipertensión arterial tiene escasos resultados, por pobre apego al tratamiento. Objetivos: analizar los resultados de una intervención profiláctica no farmacológica en gestantes con más de 2 factores de riesgo de hipertensión arterial tratadas en el Hogar Materno (HM), de otras seguidas ambulatoriamente, se evaluó: evolución del índice de masa corporal (IMC), control de las cifras tensionales según tiempo de gesta...

  2. Design of an experiment to measure fire exposure of packages aboard container cargo ships

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Koski, J.A.


    The test described in this paper is intended to measure the typical accident environment for a radioactive materials package in a fire abroad a container cargo ship. A stack of nice used standard cargo containers will be variously loaded with empty packages, simulated packages and combustible cargo and placed over a large hydrocarbon pool fire of one hour duration. Fire environments, both inside and outside the containers, typical of on-deck stowage will be measured as well as the potential for container-to-container fire spread. With the use of the inverse heat conduction calculations, the local heat transfer to the simulated packages can be estimated from thermocouple data. Data recorded will also provide information on fire durations in each container, fire intensity and container-to-container fire spread characteristics. (authors)

  3. MW-Class Electric Propulsion System Designs for Mars Cargo Transport (United States)

    Gilland, James H.; LaPointe, Michael R.; Oleson, Steven; Mercer, Carolyn; Pencil, Eric; Maosn, Lee


    Multi-kilowatt electric propulsion systems are well developed and have been used on commercial and military satellites in Earth orbit for several years. Ion and Hall thrusters have also propelled robotic spacecraft to encounters with asteroids, the Moon, and minor planetary bodies within the solar system. High power electric propulsion systems are currently being considered to support piloted missions to near earth asteroids, as cargo transport for sustained lunar or Mars exploration, and for very high-power piloted missions to Mars and the outer planets. Using NASA Mars Design Architecture 5.0 as a reference, a preliminary parametric analysis was performed to determine the suitability of a nuclear powered, MW-class electric propulsion system for Mars cargo transport. For this initial analysis, high power 100-kW Hall thrusters and 250-kW VASIMR engines were separately evaluated to determine optimum vehicle architecture and estimated performance. The DRA 5.0 cargo mission closed for both propulsion options, delivering a 100 t payload to Mars orbit and reducing the number of heavy lift launch vehicles from five in the baseline DRA 5.0 architecture to two using electric propulsion. Under an imposed single engine-out mission success criteria, the VASIMR system took longer to reach Mars than did the Hall system, arising from the need to operate the VASIMR thrusters in pairs during the spiral out from low Earth orbit.

  4. Radiological risks from irradiation of cargo contents with EURITRACK neutron inspection systems

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Giroletti, E.; Bonomi, G.; Donzella, A.; Viesti, G.; Zenoni, A.


    The radiological risk for the population related to the neutron irradiation of cargo containers with a tagged neutron inspection system has been studied. Two possible effects on the public health have been assessed: the modification of the nutritional and organoleptic properties of the irradiated materials, in particular foodstuff, and the neutron activation of consumer products (i.e. food and pharmaceuticals). The result of this study is that irradiation of food and foodstuff, pharmaceutical and medical devices in container cargoes would neither modify the properties of the irradiated material nor produce effective doses of concern for public health. Furthermore, the dose received by possible stowaways present inside the container during the inspection is less than the annual effective dose limit defined by European Legislation for the public. - Highlights: ► Neutron irradiation of cargo containers implies a radiological risk. ► The risk is about the modification of food properties and the products activation. ► Assessment is made about the EURITRACK neutron irradiation system. ► Results show that the EURITRACK scanning is not dangerous for the population.

  5. Integrated nanotechnology platform for tumor-targeted multimodal imaging and therapeutic cargo release. (United States)

    Hosoya, Hitomi; Dobroff, Andrey S; Driessen, Wouter H P; Cristini, Vittorio; Brinker, Lina M; Staquicini, Fernanda I; Cardó-Vila, Marina; D'Angelo, Sara; Ferrara, Fortunato; Proneth, Bettina; Lin, Yu-Shen; Dunphy, Darren R; Dogra, Prashant; Melancon, Marites P; Stafford, R Jason; Miyazono, Kohei; Gelovani, Juri G; Kataoka, Kazunori; Brinker, C Jeffrey; Sidman, Richard L; Arap, Wadih; Pasqualini, Renata


    A major challenge of targeted molecular imaging and drug delivery in cancer is establishing a functional combination of ligand-directed cargo with a triggered release system. Here we develop a hydrogel-based nanotechnology platform that integrates tumor targeting, photon-to-heat conversion, and triggered drug delivery within a single nanostructure to enable multimodal imaging and controlled release of therapeutic cargo. In proof-of-concept experiments, we show a broad range of ligand peptide-based applications with phage particles, heat-sensitive liposomes, or mesoporous silica nanoparticles that self-assemble into a hydrogel for tumor-targeted drug delivery. Because nanoparticles pack densely within the nanocarrier, their surface plasmon resonance shifts to near-infrared, thereby enabling a laser-mediated photothermal mechanism of cargo release. We demonstrate both noninvasive imaging and targeted drug delivery in preclinical mouse models of breast and prostate cancer. Finally, we applied mathematical modeling to predict and confirm tumor targeting and drug delivery. These results are meaningful steps toward the design and initial translation of an enabling nanotechnology platform with potential for broad clinical applications.

  6. Scientific opinion on the evaluation of substances as acceptable previous cargoes for edible fats and oils

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Knutsen, Helle Katrine; Alexander, Jan; Barregård, Lars; Bignami, Margherita; Brüschweiler, Beat; Ceccatelli, Sandra; Cottrill, Bruce; Dinovi, Michael; Edler, Lutz; Hogstrand, Christer; Hoogenboom, L.A.P.; Nebbia, Carlo; Oswald, Isabelle; Petersen, Annette; Rose, Martin; Roudot, Alain-Claude; Schwerdtle, Tanja; Vollmer, Günter; Wallace, Heather; Grasl-Kraupp, Bettina; Grob, Konrad; Penninks, André; Binaglia, Marco; Roldán Torres, Ruth; Vleminckx, Christiane


    Shipping of edible fats and oils into Europe is permitted in bulk tanks, provided that the previous cargo is included in a positive list. The European Commission requested EFSA to evaluate the acceptability as previous cargoes for fats and oils the substances calcium lignosulphonate, methyl acetate,

  7. Molecular sleds comprising a positively -charged amino acid sequence and a molecular cargo and uses thereof

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Mangel, F Walter; Blainey, Paul C; Graziano, Vito; Herrmann, Andreas; McGrath, William J; van Oijen, Antonius Martinus; Xie, Xiaoliang Sunney


    The present invention relates to compositions which may comprise a molecular sled linked to cargo and uses thereof. In particular, the present invention relates to a non-naturally occurring or engineered composition which may comprise a molecular sled, linkers and a molecular cargo connected to the

  8. Development of efficiency module of organization of Arctic sea cargo transportation with application of neural network technologies (United States)

    Sobolevskaya, E. Yu; Glushkov, S. V.; Levchenko, N. G.; Orlov, A. P.


    The analysis of software intended for organizing and managing the processes of sea cargo transportation has been carried out. The shortcomings of information resources are presented, for the organization of work in the Arctic and Subarctic regions of the Far East: the lack of decision support systems, the lack of factor analysis to calculate the time and cost of delivery. The architecture of the module for calculating the effectiveness of the organization of sea cargo transportation has been developed. The simulation process has been considered, which is based on the neural network. The main classification factors with their weighting coefficients have been identified. The architecture of the neural network has been developed to calculate the efficiency of the organization of sea cargo transportation in Arctic conditions. The architecture of the intellectual system of organization of sea cargo transportation has been developed, taking into account the difficult navigation conditions in the Arctic. Its implementation will allow one to provide the management of the shipping company with predictive analytics; to support decision-making; to calculate the most efficient delivery route; to provide on demand online transportation forecast, to minimize the shipping cost, delays in transit, and risks to cargo safety.

  9. Photonuclear-based Detection of Nuclear Smuggling in Cargo Containers (United States)

    Jones, J. L.; Haskell, K. J.; Hoggan, J. M.; Norman, D. R.; Yoon, W. Y.


    The Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory (INEEL) and the Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) have performed experiments in La Honda, California and at the Idaho Accelerator Center in Pocatello, Idaho to assess and develop a photonuclear-based detection system for shielded nuclear materials in cargo containers. The detection system, measuring photonuclear-related neutron emissions, is planned for integration with the ARACOR Eagle Cargo Container Inspection System (Sunnyvale, CA). The Eagle Inspection system uses a nominal 6-MeV electron accelerator and operates with safe radiation exposure limits to both container stowaways and to its operators. The INEEL has fabricated custom-built, helium-3-based, neutron detectors for this inspection application and is performing an experimental application assessment. Because the Eagle Inspection system could not be moved to LANL where special nuclear material was available, the response of the Eagle had to be determined indirectly so as to support the development and testing of the detection system. Experiments in California have successfully matched the delayed neutron emission performance of the ARACOR Eagle with that of the transportable INEEL electron accelerator (i.e., the Varitron) and are reported here. A demonstration test is planned at LANL using the Varitron and shielded special nuclear materials within a cargo container. Detector results are providing very useful information regarding the challenges of delayed neutron counting near the photofission threshold energy of 5.5 - 6.0 MeV, are identifying the possible utilization of prompt neutron emissions to allow enhanced signal-to-noise measurements, and are showing the overall benefits of using higher electron beam energies.

  10. Dynamics of topological solitons, knotted streamlines, and transport of cargo in liquid crystals (United States)

    Sohn, Hayley R. O.; Ackerman, Paul J.; Boyle, Timothy J.; Sheetah, Ghadah H.; Fornberg, Bengt; Smalyukh, Ivan I.


    Active colloids and liquid crystals are capable of locally converting the macroscopically supplied energy into directional motion and promise a host of new applications, ranging from drug delivery to cargo transport at the mesoscale. Here we uncover how topological solitons in liquid crystals can locally transform electric energy to translational motion and allow for the transport of cargo along directions dependent on frequency of the applied electric field. By combining polarized optical video microscopy and numerical modeling that reproduces both the equilibrium structures of solitons and their temporal evolution in applied fields, we uncover the physical underpinnings behind this reconfigurable motion and study how it depends on the structure and topology of solitons. We show that, unexpectedly, the directional motion of solitons with and without the cargo arises mainly from the asymmetry in rotational dynamics of molecular ordering in liquid crystal rather than from the asymmetry of fluid flows, as in conventional active soft matter systems.

  11. Automated X-ray image analysis for cargo security: Critical review and future promise. (United States)

    Rogers, Thomas W; Jaccard, Nicolas; Morton, Edward J; Griffin, Lewis D


    We review the relatively immature field of automated image analysis for X-ray cargo imagery. There is increasing demand for automated analysis methods that can assist in the inspection and selection of containers, due to the ever-growing volumes of traded cargo and the increasing concerns that customs- and security-related threats are being smuggled across borders by organised crime and terrorist networks. We split the field into the classical pipeline of image preprocessing and image understanding. Preprocessing includes: image manipulation; quality improvement; Threat Image Projection (TIP); and material discrimination and segmentation. Image understanding includes: Automated Threat Detection (ATD); and Automated Contents Verification (ACV). We identify several gaps in the literature that need to be addressed and propose ideas for future research. Where the current literature is sparse we borrow from the single-view, multi-view, and CT X-ray baggage domains, which have some characteristics in common with X-ray cargo.

  12. 46 CFR 32.50-25 - Cargo pumps and piping on tank vessels constructed prior to November 10, 1936-TB/ALL. (United States)


    ... 46 Shipping 1 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Cargo pumps and piping on tank vessels constructed prior... SECURITY TANK VESSELS SPECIAL EQUIPMENT, MACHINERY, AND HULL REQUIREMENTS Pumps, Piping, and Hose for Cargo Handling § 32.50-25 Cargo pumps and piping on tank vessels constructed prior to November 10, 1936—TB/ALL...

  13. Active and passive transport of cargo in a corrugated channel: A lattice model study (United States)

    Dey, Supravat; Ching, Kevin; Das, Moumita


    Inside cells, cargos such as vesicles and organelles are transported by molecular motors to their correct locations via active motion on cytoskeletal tracks and passive, Brownian diffusion. During the transportation of cargos, motor-cargo complexes (MCCs) navigate the confining and crowded environment of the cytoskeletal network and other macromolecules. Motivated by this, we study a minimal two-state model of motor-driven cargo transport in confinement and predict transport properties that can be tested in experiments. We assume that the motion of the MCC is directly affected by the entropic barrier due to confinement if it is in the passive, unbound state but not in the active, bound state where it moves with a constant bound velocity. We construct a lattice model based on a Fokker Planck description of the two-state system, study it using a kinetic Monte Carlo method and compare our numerical results with analytical expressions for a mean field limit. We find that the effect of confinement strongly depends on the bound velocity and the binding kinetics of the MCC. Confinement effectively reduces the effective diffusivity and average velocity, except when it results in an enhanced average binding rate and thereby leads to a larger average velocity than when unconfined.

  14. Spiders (Araneae) Found in Bananas and Other International Cargo Submitted to North American Arachnologists for Identification. (United States)

    Vetter, Richard S; Crawford, Rodney L; Buckle, Donald J


    Spiders found in international cargo brought into North America are sometimes submitted to arachnologists for identification. Often, these spiders are presumed to be of medical importance because of size or a submitter's familiarity with a toxic spider genus from the continent of origin. Starting in 2006, requests were made for spiders found in international cargo brought into North America, in addition to the specimens from similar cargo shipments already in our museum collections. This was an ad hoc study that allowed us to focus on spiders of concern to the discoverer. We identified 135 spiders found in international cargo. A key for the most common species is provided. The most frequently submitted spiders were the pantropical huntsman spider, Heteropoda venatoria (L.) (Sparassidae), and the redfaced banana spider, Cupiennius chiapanensis Medina Soriano (Ctenidae). Spiders of medical importance were rare. The most common cargo from which spiders were submitted was bananas with most specimens coming from Central America, Ecuador, or Colombia. Lack of experience with nonnative fauna caused several experienced American arachnologists to misidentify harmless ctenid spiders (C. chiapanensis, spotlegged banana spider, Cupiennius getazi Simon) as highly toxic Phoneutria spiders. These misidentifications could have led to costly, unwarranted prophylactic eradication measures, unnecessary employee health education, heightened employee anxiety and spoilage when perishable goods are left unloaded due to safety concerns. © 2014 Entomological Society of America.

  15. Technical means overview of the oversize cargoes customs control


    Dukhnitskiy P.S.


    this article focuses on the technical means used by the customs authorities when they control oversize cargoes. Customs inspection efficiency improvement as one of the main forms of customs control during the implementation of sampling is possible by the use of technical means of customs control.

  16. Relocatable cargo x-ray inspection systems utilizing compact linacs

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sapp, W. Wade; Adams, William L.; Callerame, Joseph; Grodzins, Lee; Rothschild, Peter J.; Schueller, Richard; Mishin, Andrey V.; Smith, Gerald J.


    Magnetron-powered, X-band linacs with 3-4 MeV capability are compact enough to be readily utilized in relocatable high energy cargo inspection systems. Just such a system is currently under development at AS and E trade mark sign using the commercially available ISOSearch trade mark sign cargo inspection system as the base platform. The architecture permits the retention of backscatter imaging, which has proven to be an extremely valuable complement to the more usual transmission images. The linac and its associated segmented detector will provide an additional view with superior penetration and spatial resolution. The complete system, which is housed in two standard 40 ' ISO containers, is briefly described with emphasis on the installation and operating characteristics of the portable linac. The average rf power delivered by the magnetron to the accelerator section can be varied up to the maximum of about 1 kW. The projected system performance, including radiation dose to the environment, will be discussed and compared with other high energy systems


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    Martín Hopenhayn


    Full Text Available La dispersión posmoderna ha alcanzado a los intelectuales latinoamericanos y afecta sus modos de inserción en la sociedad y el Estado. El intelectual prototípico de antaño que escudriñaba el movimiento de la historia para dictaminar sus grandes orientaciones hacia el futuro, ahora se disgrega en una multiplicidad de roles y funciones que no es posible subsumir en un denominador común. El vínculo entre el trabajo del intelectual y el cambio societal se difumina, y los intelectuales quedan dispersos entre quienes perseveran en la academia, los medios de comunicación, la industria editorial, la asesoría de empresas, las ONG o los cargos de gobiernos. Entre unos y otros se miran con desconfianza, se ironizan y descalifican, tal como pretendo graficarlo en los textos entre paréntesis que he intercalado en el presente artículo. Crece la división entre ellos en medio de una coexistencia sin convivencia de sensibilidades y lógicas múltiples. Este amplio mapa de las interpelaciones recíprocas da una idea de la profusa red de inserciones posibles del intelectual en la sociedad.

  18. Los tantos lugares del intelectual latinoamericano

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Martín Hopenhayn


    Full Text Available La dispersión posmoderna ha alcanzado a los intelectuales latinoamericanos y afecta sus modos de inserción en la sociedad y el Estado. El intelectual prototípico de antaño que escudriñaba el movimiento de la historia para dictaminar sus grandes orientaciones hacia el futuro, ahora se disgrega en una multiplicidad de roles y funciones que no es posible subsumir en un denominador común. El vínculo entre el trabajo del intelectual y el cambio societal se difumina, y los intelectuales quedan dispersos entre quienes perseveran en la academia, los medios de comunicación, la industria editorial, la asesoría de empresas, las ONG o los cargos de gobiernos.Entre unos y otros se miran con desconfianza, se ironizan y descalifican, tal como pretendo graficarlo en los textos entre paréntesis que he intercalado en el presente artículo. Crece la división entre ellos en medio de una coexistencia sin convivencia de sensibilidades y lógicas múltiples. Este amplio mapa de las interpelaciones recíprocas da una idea de la profusa red de inserciones posibles del intelectual en la sociedad.

  19. Local synaptic signaling enhances the stochastic transport of motor-driven cargo in neurons

    KAUST Repository

    Newby, Jay


    The tug-of-war model of motor-driven cargo transport is formulated as an intermittent trapping process. An immobile trap, representing the cellular machinery that sequesters a motor-driven cargo for eventual use, is located somewhere within a microtubule track. A particle representing a motor-driven cargo that moves randomly with a forward bias is introduced at the beginning of the track. The particle switches randomly between a fast moving phase and a slow moving phase. When in the slow moving phase, the particle can be captured by the trap. To account for the possibility that the particle avoids the trap, an absorbing boundary is placed at the end of the track. Two local signaling mechanisms-intended to improve the chances of capturing the target-are considered by allowing the trap to affect the tug-of-war parameters within a small region around itself. The first is based on a localized adenosine triphosphate (ATP) concentration gradient surrounding a synapse, and the second is based on a concentration of tau-a microtubule-associated protein involved in Alzheimer\\'s disease-coating the microtubule near the synapse. It is shown that both mechanisms can lead to dramatic improvements in the capture probability, with a minimal increase in the mean capture time. The analysis also shows that tau can cause a cargo to undergo random oscillations, which could explain some experimental observations. © 2010 IOP Publishing Ltd.

  20. Improving the competitiveness of the Spanish port system by optimizing the cargo service; Mejora de la competitividad del Sistema Portuario Espanol mediante la optimizacion del servicio de manipulacion de mercancias

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Almazan Garate, J. L.; Parra Serrano, M. P.


    Port services are responsible for most of the cost for the passing of goods through the port, especially the cargo handling service. Reliability and efficiency in the provision of them are key in a sector where there is a high opacity. With this study, we provide the responsible Administration, the Port Authority, with a tool that will help to objectify the decision making process, both at the time of granting the required licenses and during the period of the service provision. Also, proposes a number of measures w hoses implementation would improve the conditions of the service delivery and will reduce the total cost of transporting goods through the port. (Author) 11 refs.

  1. Administración de vacunas y casos de muerte súbita del lactante en el Perú, 2001. ¿Asociación o coincidencia temporal?


    Vargas H, Javier; Centro Nacional de Salud Pública, Instituto Nacional de Salud. Lima, Perú.; Suárez J, Magna; Centro Nacional de Salud Pública, Instituto Nacional de Salud. Lima, Perú.; Llamoga S, Alejandro; Centro Nacional de Salud Pública, Instituto Nacional de Salud. Lima, Perú.; Quispe T, Neyda; Centro Nacional de Salud Pública, Instituto Nacional de Salud. Lima, Perú.; Alva R, Fernando; Chu C, Julia; Centro Nacional de Producción de Biológicos, Instituto Nacional de Salud. Lima Perú.; Pereyra S, Héctor; Oficina General de Epidemiología, Ministerio de Salud. Lima, Perú.; Ticona Z, María; Oficina General de Epidemiología, Ministerio de Salud. Lima, Perú.; Medrano G, Jorge; Dirección General de Salud de las Personas, Ministerio de Salud. Lima, Perú.; Cerna D, Carolina; Dirección General de Salud de las Personas, Ministerio de Salud. Lima, Perú.


    Objetivos: Describir las características clínicas, socioeconómicas, y patológicas de nueve casos de lactantes que fallecieron horas después de administrárseles vacunas antipolio y DPT junto con anti Haemophilus influenzae b o asociada con antihepatitis B o BCG. Materiales y métodos: Revisión de la historia clínica, entrevista con el equipo de salud a cargo de la vacunación y con los padres del lactante fallecido. Revisión de los informes del protocolo de autopsia e informes de anatomía patoló...

  2. Technical means overview of the oversize cargoes customs control

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Dukhnitskiy P.S.


    Full Text Available this article focuses on the technical means used by the customs authorities when they control oversize cargoes. Customs inspection efficiency improvement as one of the main forms of customs control during the implementation of sampling is possible by the use of technical means of customs control.

  3. Protocells and their use for targeted delivery of multicomponent cargos to cancer cells (United States)

    Brinker, C Jeffrey; Ashley, Carlee Erin; Jiang, Xingmao; Liu, Juewen; Peabody, David S; Wharton, Walker Richard; Carnes, Eric; Chackerian, Bryce; Willman, Cheryl L


    Various embodiments provide materials and methods for synthesizing protocells for use in targeted delivery of cargo components to cancer cells. In one embodiment, the lipid bilayer can be fused to the porous particle core to form a protocell. The lipid bilayer can be modified with targeting ligands or other ligands to achieve targeted delivery of cargo components that are loaded within the protocell to a target cell, e.g., a type of cancer. Shielding materials can be conjugated to the surface of the lipid bilayer to reduce undesired non-specific binding.

  4. Problemática de los profesores que ocupan cargos directivos y sus creencias acerca del ejército de la función directiva. Un estudio descriptivo

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    Full Text Available RESUMEN: La investigación a la que se refiere el presente artículo forma parte de otro trabajo más amplio desarrollado por los autores. Aquí damos cuenta del estudio realizado con una muestra de doscientos cuarenta y cuatro profesores que ocupan cargos directivos en el nivel de educación básica, a quienes se les aplicó un cuestionario y un inventario de creencias: el primero para conocer los problemas a los que los directivos tienen que enfrentarse en su labor diaria en la actualidad y el segundo para saber sus opiniones sobre la formación que reciben y los cursos formativos que para su desarrollo profesional son programados por la administración educativa. Se presenta un estudio detallado de la muestra en cada uno de los Ítems correspondientes a los datos previos del cuestionario, se describen los dos instrumentos construidos (cuestionario e inventario de creencias, el procedimiento de validación seguido y se discuten los resultados de los datos descriptivos obtenidos mediante la aplicación del programa 2D del paquete estadístico BMDP.ABSTRACT: The research to which this article refers form a part of another more extensive work that authors have developed. Here we give an account of the study carried out with a sample maked up by two hundred and forty four teachers taking up managerial posts in the primary school level, whom a questionnaire and a inventory of beliefs was applied: the first to know the problems which managers have to confront every day at the present time, and the second to know their opinions about the training that they receive, and the formative courses that educative administration programmes for their professional development. We present a detailed study of the sample in each item corresponding to preliminary data of questionnaire, we describe the two instruments made (questionnaire and inventory of beliefs, the procedure of validation we followed, and we dicuss outcomes of the descriptive data got through

  5. El papel de la contabilidad en procesos derivados de irregularidades en la gestión de rentas y reclamación de alcances. La contabilidad del Refitor de la Catedral de Toledo Gonzalo Patiño (1582-1583

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    Susana Villaluenga


    En torno al cargo y data, un método más jurídico que contable, se articulaba un sistema de garantías que salvaguardaba los intereses del titular del negocio. Así, tomando como base los registros contables del refitor de la Catedral de Toledo entre 1582 y 1583, este trabajo pretende ser un ejemplo del papel que desempeñaba esta forma de llevar la cuenta en procesos derivados de irregularidades en la gestión de rentas y reclamación de alcances. Esto aunque el método contable utilizado a diario en la oficina fuera la partida doble.

  6. De nuestros corresponsales nacionales y extranjeros patología del Caquetá

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    Jose Ignacio Valenzuela


    Full Text Available En el número 3 de la Revista de Medicina y Cirugía correspondiente al mes de septiembre del presente año, corre impreso un artículo titulado "Estudio sobre la Patología del Caquetá, del doctor Jorge Camacho Gamba, en el cual se hacen afirmaciones que juzgadas con el criterio que he logrado formarme, respecto de las materias objeto de ellas, me parecen inexactas, infundadas, o por lo menos, prematuras. No es solamente el interés científico que despierta el esclarecimiento de los problemas que las cuestiones aludidas plantean lo que me mueve a hacerles algunos reparos a las conclusiones que el articulista establece en forma rotunda en un caso, y en otros sugiere con fuertes visos de evidencia, sino que el solo hecho de afirmarlas entraña una injusticia y puede implicar un perjuicio inmotivado para el colono huilense creando contra él un ambiente de prevención en el ánimo de las entidades a cuyo cargo se hallen las labores de colonización, al menos en lo tocante a su aspecto sanitario.

  7. Análisis de seguridad y salud ocupacional en el equipo de investigación a cargo del proyecto puesta en valor del patrimonio cultural del noreste de Santa Cruz a través del turismo

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    Ester Beatriz Bravo


    Full Text Available El equipo de investigación al que la becaria se incorpora, indaga el patrimonio cultural del noreste de Santa Cruz. Su plan de formación buscaba vincular el objeto de análisis con la Tecnicatura Universitaria en Seguridad e Higiene en el Trabajo que la alumna estudia. Resultó prioritario trabajar en el análisis de las condiciones propias de desempeño del equipo de investigación en relación a la seguridad, con el anhelo de contribuir al desarrollo de un sistema de gestión de Seguridad y Salud Ocupacional –recientemente iniciado- para posteriormente, adaptarlo a los diversos sitios y lugares de patrimonio cultural regionales.

  8. In vitro selection of shape-changing DNA nanostructures capable of binding-induced cargo release. (United States)

    Oh, Seung Soo; Plakos, Kory; Xiao, Yi; Eisenstein, Michael; Soh, H Tom


    Many biological systems employ allosteric regulatory mechanisms, which offer a powerful means of directly linking a specific binding event to a wide spectrum of molecular functionalities. There is considerable interest in generating synthetic allosteric regulators that can perform useful molecular functions for applications in diagnostics, imaging and targeted therapies, but generating such molecules through either rational design or directed evolution has proven exceptionally challenging. To address this need, we present an in vitro selection strategy for generating conformation-switching DNA nanostructures that selectively release a small-molecule payload in response to binding of a specific trigger molecule. As an exemplar, we have generated a DNA nanostructure that hybridizes with a separate 'cargo strand' containing an abasic site. This abasic site stably sequesters a fluorescent cargo molecule in an inactive state until the DNA nanostructure encounters an ATP trigger molecule. This ATP trigger causes the nanostructure to release the cargo strand, thereby liberating the fluorescent payload and generating a detectable fluorescent readout. Our DNA nanostructure is highly sensitive, with an EC50 of 30 μM, and highly specific, releasing its payload in response to ATP but not to other chemically similar nucleotide triphosphates. We believe that this selection approach could be generalized to generate synthetic nanostructures capable of selective and controlled release of other small-molecule cargos in response to a variety of triggers, for both research and clinical applications.

  9. Evolución del Programa de Control de Tuberculosis en el Servicio Seccional de Salud del Meta

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    Pedro Pablo Velásquez Rico


    Full Text Available

    La Academia Nacional de Medicina y el Ministerio de Salud patrocinaron en la sede de nuestra Corporación, un Seminario Coordinado por el académico doctor Gilberto Rueda Pérez, para estudiar el estado actual de la Campana contra la Tuberculosis en el país y optimizar las labores que en este caso se adelantan.
    Corno reconocimiento y estímulo al trabajo más completo y objetivo de los presentados en este certamen. publicamos el estudio que sobre la lucha anti-tuberculosa en el Meta. realizó la delegación de este Departamento. Médico Coordinador:’ Dr. Velásquez.

    Dentro del marco del XII CURSO DE EPIDEMIOLOGIA y CONTROL DE LA TUBERCULOSIS, para médicos, enfermeras y bacteriólogas realizado del 3 al 30 de octubre de 1988, en el Hospital Santa Clara, organizado por la sección de Transmisibles del Ministerio de Salud a cargo del Doctor Guido Chaves Montagno; se llevó también a cabo el XVIII SEMINARIO NACIONAL DE EVALUACION DEL PROGRAMA DE TUBERCULOSIS, en el cual cada Servicio Seccional de Salud presentó un trabajo para concurso, mostrando la evolución del programa del año 1982 a 1987.

    Concurso en el cual el primer puesto le fue otorgado al Programa de Control de Tuberculosis del Servicio Seccional de Salud del Meta: este trabajo es el que a continuación se presenta. Quiere el Coordinador del Programa en el Meta, presentar agradecimientos al Ministerio de Salud y al Instituto Nacional de Salud por el gran apoyo que siempre se le ha brindado; lo mismo ljue a todos los funcionarios del Servicio Seccional de Salud, como a los de los diferentes organismos de salud del Departamento y un reconocimiento muy especial a todo el grupo de Tuberculosis del Hospital San Antonio de Villavicencio, donde funciona el Consultorio de Vías Respiratorias; ya que gracias a su activa participación en las diferentes actividades del Programa es quc se

  10. Percepción del enfermero en procesos estrategicos de programas de protección específica y detección temprana en ips de bogota


    Cruz Riveros, Jhonny Walyt; Gómez, Olga Janneth


    La investigación de "percepción del enfermero en procesos estratégicos de programas de protección específica y detección temprana", es un estudio descriptivo que muestra la percepción de profesionales de enfermería que se encuentran a cargo de estos programas en Bogotá, los procesos se describen desde los estándares del Sistema Único de Acreditación, reglamentado en el marco legal de las instituciones de salud en Colombia por el Decreto 1011 de 2006. Los estándares se aplicaron a una població...

  11. The salvaging of the Mont Louis cargo ship

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Vastel, D.


    On Saturday the 25th of August 1984, at 2:20 P.M., the German car ferry Olau Britannia with 800 passengers aboard rammed the rear starboard side of the French cargo ship Mont Louis. The collision occurred in the English Channel at a point 18 kilometers north of Ostend. At 7:00 P.M. the Mont Louis sank to a depth of 15 meters at a distance of several miles by rail from Antwerp. Half the ship's hull lay uncovered at low tide. The cargo included 30 type 48-Y containers, each filled with 12 tons of UF 6 , and 22 empty type 30-B containers for return of the enriched uranium. The UF 6 was to be enriched to 4% in the Soviet Union for use as fuel in nuclear power plants. The table below details the nature of the UF 6 . After salvaging operation the containers have been inspected and no damage or leaks have been detected. The accident involved no risk of radioactive or chemical contamination of the sea water. The systematic misinformation campaign by Greenpeace and news media is briefly described. (orig./HP)


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    Simone Gonçalves Vasconcelos


    Full Text Available La lactancia natural de la madre infectada por el VIH al hijo es factor de riesgo para la transmisión del virus, por lo tanto se recomienda excluir la lactancia natural. El hecho de no darle el pecho puede dificultar la comunicación del binomio madre-hijo. Fue desarrollado un estudio comparativo a la luz de los factores proxémicos entre madre e hijo durante la alimentación artificial y lactancia materna entre madres seropositivas y seronegativas para el VIH. En alojamiento conjunto fueron analizadas 84 interacciones entre cuatro binomios. La distancia íntima prevalece en el 100% de las interacciones, así como la postura sentada. Los bebés de las madres seropositivas permanecieron la mayor parte del tiempo activos en comparación a los verticalmente expuestos. Probablemente, la calidad de las interacciones a lo largo del tiempo y la responsividad materna al bebé irán determinar los efectos de la falta de lactancia natural en el desarrollo del apego entre madre e hijo.

  13. The nuclear car wash: A system to detect nuclear weapons in commercial cargo shipments (United States)

    Slaughter, D. R.; Accatino, M. R.; Bernstein, A.; Biltoft, P.; Church, J. A.; Descalle, M. A.; Hall, J. M.; Manatt, D. R.; Mauger, G. J.; Moore, T. L.; Norman, E. B.; Petersen, D. C.; Pruet, J. A.; Prussin, S. G.


    A concept for detecting the presence of special nuclear material ( 235U or 239Pu) concealed in intermodal cargo containers has been developed, studied, and recent performance results are described. It is based on interrogation with a pulsed beam of 3-7 MeV neutrons that produce fission events and subsequent detection of their β-delayed neutron emission or β-delayed high-energy γ-radiation reveals the presence of fissionable material. Fission product β-delayed γ-rays above 3 MeV are nearly 10 times more abundant than β-delayed neutrons and are distinct from natural radioactivity and from nearly all of the induced activity in a normal cargo. Detector backgrounds and potential interferences with the fission signature radiation have been identified and quantified. Their impact on detection sensitivity is relatively minor and can be addressed readily. Components of a simple laboratory prototype have been assembled, tested with the most challenging cargo threat scenarios, and results compared to computer simulations. Preliminary results will be presented.

  14. The nuclear car wash: A system to detect nuclear weapons in commercial cargo shipments

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Slaughter, D.R.; Accatino, M.R.; Bernstein, A.; Biltoft, P.; Church, J.A.; Descalle, M.A.; Hall, J.M.; Manatt, D.R.; Mauger, G.J.; Moore, T.L.; Norman, E.B.; Petersen, D.C.; Pruet, J.A.; Prussin, S.G.


    A concept for detecting the presence of special nuclear material ( 235 U or 239 Pu) concealed in intermodal cargo containers has been developed, studied, and recent performance results are described. It is based on interrogation with a pulsed beam of 3-7 MeV neutrons that produce fission events and subsequent detection of their β-delayed neutron emission or β-delayed high-energy γ-radiation reveals the presence of fissionable material. Fission product β-delayed γ-rays above 3 MeV are nearly 10 times more abundant than β-delayed neutrons and are distinct from natural radioactivity and from nearly all of the induced activity in a normal cargo. Detector backgrounds and potential interferences with the fission signature radiation have been identified and quantified. Their impact on detection sensitivity is relatively minor and can be addressed readily. Components of a simple laboratory prototype have been assembled, tested with the most challenging cargo threat scenarios, and results compared to computer simulations. Preliminary results will be presented

  15. Tracking 800-year-old Shipments: An Archaeological Investigation of the Mado Shipwreck Cargo, Taean, Korea (United States)

    Kim, Minkoo; Moon, Whan Suk


    This paper examines cargo from an 800-year-old shipwreck and discusses its implications in relation to the exchange networks and maritime transportation of the Goryeo period (A.D. 918-1392) in Korea. In 2007, two local fishermen fortuitously discovered porcelain vessels from a Goryeo-period shipwreck off the mid-western coast of the Korean peninsula. Underwater excavation conducted by the National Research Institute of Maritime Cultural Heritage (NRIMCH) revealed that the ship was carrying a myriad of cargoes destined for Gaegyeong, the capital of the Goryeo dynasty. Excavation indicates that the main body of the cargo was porcelain vessels produced in the southern part of the peninsula. Archaeobotanical investigation of the wreck deposits revealed that the ship was carrying crops such as rice ( Oryza sativa L.), broomcorn millet ( Panicum miliaceum L.), foxtail millet ( Setaria italica (L.) P. Beauv.), and buckwheat ( Fagopyrum esculentum Moench) bound for the capital. Among the recovered objects were 73 wooden cargo tags with Chinese letters. These tags, equivalent to the modern day air bill, contained detailed information about the senders, recipients, and shipped goods. These findings indicate that during the Goryeo period maritime transportation played an important role in the interpersonal exchange of products over long distances.

  16. Teoría del Reconocimiento versus Teoría del Discurso Theory of Recognition vs. Theory of Discourse

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    Gregor Sauerwald


    Full Text Available Axel Honneth se pregunta si el concepto del reconocimiento puede hacerse cargo de la función que Jürgen Habermas había atribuido al concepto de la comunicación. Con ello se coloca en posición crítica frente a la tradición de pensamiento en la que él mismo se inscribe, la teoría crítica. Cuestiona ante todo el carácter abstracto o formal de la teoría moral que se da en la Ética del Discurso, que remite finalmente a Habermas a Kant. Honneth, por su lado, se apoya en el joven y casi materialista Hegel de Jena y en el behaviorista G. H. Mead, para proponer una teoría de la sociedad, no ajena a lo empírico, que contenga sustancia normativa (normativ gehaltvoll, equidistante del formalismo de la ética comunicativa y de la materialidad del comunitarismo, superando así las dos tendencias, la universalista y la relativista, con el fin de mediarlas.Axel Honneth asks himself if the concept of recognition can assume the function that Jürgen Habermas had attributed to the concept of communication. Thus he places himself in a critical position regarding the thinking tradition he belonged to-the critic theory. He questions the abstract or formal character of the moral theory of the Ethics of Discourse, which ultimately leads to Habermas and Kant. Honneth, on his side, seeks support in the young and almost materialist Hegel of Jena and in the behaviorist G. H. Mead to propose a theory of society, not altogether unempirical, somehow normative (normativ gehaltvoll, equidistant from the formalism of communicative ethics and from the materiality of "communitarism", and going beyond both universalism and relativism.

  17. Electrostatic assembly/disassembly of nanoscaled colloidosomes for light-triggered cargo release

    KAUST Repository

    Li, Song; Moosa, Basem; Croissant, Jonas G.; Khashab, Niveen M.


    the capsules, and greatly limits their applications in large-cargos release. Herein we report nanoscaled colloidosomes designed by the electrostatic assembly of organosilica nanoparticles (NPs) with oppositely charged surfaces (rather than covalent bonds

  18. La formación de los docentes en la detección temprana de los factores de riesgo para determinar la presencia del Trastorno del Espectro Autista en niños y niñas de 4 a 5 años en centros educativos fiscales de la ciudad de Cuenca, 2013-2014


    Salinas Paredes, Verónica Paola


    Los docentes en los centros educativos, son las personas que se encuentran a cargo y en constante relación con los niños y niñas, por lo que es de suma importancia que tengan pleno conocimiento del desarrollo tanto físico como psicológico del niño. Así mismo identificar algunos signos y síntomas que no se encuentren de acuerdo a las diferentes etapas evolutivas. Lo que conllevaría a una detección, diagnóstico oportuno y un tratamiento eficaz. Es por ello, que esta investigación se centra en e...

  19. 19 CFR 10.41a - Lift vans, cargo vans, shipping tanks, skids, pallets, and similar instruments of international... (United States)


    ... imported cargo to a point where export cargo is to be loaded or to an exterior port of departure by a... section 402, Tariff Act of 1930 (19 U.S.C. 1401a), as amended by the Trade Agreements Act of 1979 (TAA...

  20. The dependencies for determining the cargo capacity of lng carriers with spherical tanks and membrane tanks at the initial stages of design


    Xinshuo, Dong


    The boiling point of liquefied natural gas (LNG) reaches –163 °c, it means that it is necessary to use the special cargo tanks for the LNG carriers to ensure the safety of transport. In this article, the general classification of the cargo system in the LNG carriers at the first time of their operation is demonstrated. And the author summarizes the process of development of the two most common type of cargo tanks: the spherical Moss types and the membrane types. Moreover, the cargo capacity a...

  1. Determination of Fire Enviroment in Stacked Cargo Containers with Radioactive Materials Packages

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Arviso, M.; Bobbe, J.G.; Dukart, R.D.; Koski, J.A.


    Results from a Fire Test with a three-by-three stack of standard 6 m long International Standards Organization shipping containers containing combustible fuels and empty radioactive materials packages are reported and discussed. The stack is intended to simulate fire conditions that could occur during on-deck stowage on container cargo ships. The fire is initated by locating the container stack adjacent to a 9.8 x 6 m pool fire. Temperatures of both cargoes (empty and simulated radioactive materials packages) and containers are recorded and reported. Observations on the duration, intensity and spread of the fire are discussed. Based on the results, models for simulation of fire exposure of radioactive materials packages in such fires are suggested.

  2. 75 FR 63192 - Intent To Request Renewal From OMB of One Current Public Collection of Information: Air Cargo... (United States)


    ... carriers, indirect air carriers operating under a security program, and all-cargo carriers: Security programs, security threat assessments (STA), known shipper data via the Known Shipper Management System... system to screen, inspect, report, or otherwise ensure the security of all cargo that is to be...

  3. 46 CFR Table II to Part 150 - Grouping of Cargoes (United States)


    ... solution Potassium oleate Potassium salt of polyolefin acid Propyl acetate Propylene carbonate Propylene... lignosulfonate solution Sodium polyacrylate solution 2 Sodium salt of Ferric hydroxyethylethylenediamine... 46 Shipping 5 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Grouping of Cargoes II Table II to Part 150 Shipping...

  4. Evaluation difference between mass of received cargo and mass of handed over the cargo in the determination of the masses by draft survey

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    Yakuta I. V.


    Full Text Available The paper provides the analysis of problems associated with the evaluation of difference between the mass of received and handed over cargo in determining the masses by draft survey and due to the difference in the measurement conditions at the loading and unloading ports (due to the change errors in various stages of the measurement procedures. The errors that may arise in determining the mass of the cargo due to roughness when measuring draft, due to using the inclinometer to determine the draft from one of boards, due to instrumental errors in the determination of the density of seawater, due to other possible errors have been investigated and evaluated. To estimate the errors of draft due to heaving and errors of inclinometer some formula are to be applied, their derivation has been done in this paper. It has been recommended to use the traditional formula of high-speed drawdown with the replacement of vessel speed on current rate to calculate the error of precipitation arising from the drawdowns ship on a current. The value per unit displacement draft from loading scale has been used to evaluate the error of the displacement appearing in the presence of draft errors. As a result two similar criteria (rigorous and statistical of allowable discrepancies calculated by draft survey mass of cargo in the port of loading and port of discharge have been substantiated. These criteria require the calculation and accumulation in a table of all the errors and calculate the total error of displacement. Criteria will allow the consignee and the carrier come to a reasonable and agreed decision about the significance of differences of the masses taking into account the indifference of conditions and measuring instruments.

  5. Cargo flows distribution over the loading sites of enterprises by using methods of artificial intelligence

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    Олександр Павлович Кіркін


    Full Text Available Development of information technologies and market requirements in effective control over cargo flows, forces enterprises to look for new ways and methods of automated control over the technological operations. For rail transportation one of the most complicated tasks of automation is the cargo flows distribution over the sites of loading and unloading. In this article the solution with the use of one of the methods of artificial intelligence – a fuzzy inference has been proposed. The analysis of the last publications showed that the fuzzy inference method is effective for the solution of similar tasks, it makes it possible to accumulate experience, it is stable to temporary impacts of the environmental conditions. The existing methods of the cargo flows distribution over the sites of loading and unloading are too simplified and can lead to incorrect decisions. The purpose of the article is to create a distribution model of cargo flows of the enterprises over the sites of loading and unloading, basing on the fuzzy inference method and to automate the control. To achieve the objective a mathematical model of the cargo flows distribution over the sites of loading and unloading has been made using fuzzy logic. The key input parameters of the model are: «number of loading sites», «arrival of the next set of cars», «availability of additional operations». The output parameter is «a variety of set of cars». Application of the fuzzy inference method made it possible to reduce loading time by 15% and to reduce costs for preparatory operations before loading by 20%. Thus this method is an effective means and holds the greatest promise for railway competitiveness increase. Interaction between different types of transportation and their influence on the cargo flows distribution over the sites of loading and unloading hasn’t been considered. These sites may be busy transshipping at that very time which is characteristic of large enterprises

  6. Fuel Economy and Emissions Effects of Low Tire Pressure, Open Windows, Roof Top and Hitch-Mounted Cargo, and Trailer

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Thomas, John F [ORNL; Huff, Shean P [ORNL; West, Brian H [ORNL


    To quantify the fuel economy (FE) effect of some common vehicle accessories or alterations, a compact passenger sedan and a sport utility vehicle (SUV) were subjected to SAE J2263 coastdown procedures. Coastdowns were conducted with low tire pressure, all windows open, with a roof top or hitch-mounted cargo carrier, and with the SUV pulling an enclosed cargo trailer. From these coastdowns, vehicle dynamometer coefficients were developed which enabled the execution of vehicle dynamometer experiments to determine the effect of these changes on vehicle FE and emissions over standard drive cycles and at steady highway speeds. The FE penalty associated with the rooftop cargo box mounted on the compact sedan was as high as 25-27% at higher speeds, where the aerodynamic drag is most pronounced. For both vehicles, use of a hitch mounted cargo tray carrying a similar load resulted in very small FE penalties, unlike the rooftop cargo box. The results for the SUV pulling a 3500 pound enclosed cargo trailer were rather dramatic, resulting in FE penalties ranging from 30%, for the city cycle, to 50% at 80 mph, at which point significant CO generation indicated protective enrichment due to high load. Low tire pressure cases resulted in negligible to 10% FE penalty depending on the specific case and test point. Driving with all four windows open decreased FE by 4-8.5% for the compact sedan, and 1-4% for the SUV.

  7. Shared Value Potential of Transporting Cargo via Hyperloop


    Werner, Max; Eissing, Klaus; Langton, Sebastian


    This research estimates the shared value created by constructing a hypothetical Hyperloop to transport cargo along 300 km in Northern Germany. Following Porter and Kramer (2011, 2012), we identified and evaluated eight factors that create shared value: travel speed, operating costs, safety, noise pollution, air pollution, climate effect/carbon footprint, separation effect/property efficiency, and maintenance. Using official data compiled by several German institutes and organizations, we cond...

  8. Sulina and Danube-Black Sea Channels: Competitors or Allies on Cargo Transport in South-Eastern Europe?

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    Ionica Soare


    Full Text Available The two river channels which connect the Black Sea to the inland Romanian area, have constituted since the beginning of their building two very important transport routes for the cargo and passenger traffic (Sulina that have connected Black Sea to the internal ports of Romania, thus representing ”transport highways” of the Romanian economy. The present study tries to present the chronological evolution of these two shipping routes, regarding their importance to the cargo traffic, as well as the financial policy imposed by the administration of these channels. We will present and analyze retrospectively the major elements regarding the administration of these channels, a comparative analysis of the role of these two channels in the river cargo transport, consequently trying to predict a future evolution of these two river communication routes.

  9. Justification of the project a network of freight terminals unitized cargo

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    Ilesaliev D.I.


    Full Text Available In this paper we consider the question of Uzbekistan in promoting the development of international transport in supply chains. The development of transport infrastructure to ensure timely delivery of goods is one of the main tasks in supply chain management. The aim is to study of the project network terminal unitized cargo Uzbekistan in supply chains. Methods the study is based on analysis of existing methods and techniques of Russian scientists in the field of place-ment of objects. The method of searching the most rational location of logistics facility in the supply chain. Also pre-justified the project network terminal unitized cargo in Uzbekistan. Given the state of the problems and prospects of transport logistics of Uzbekistan, the developed method can be used by experts when performing the supporting calcula-tions location of logistic objects.

  10. 77 FR 65395 - Air Cargo Advance Screening (ACAS) Pilot Program (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY U.S. Customs and Border Protection Air Cargo Advance Screening (ACAS) Pilot Program Correction In notice document 2012-26031 appearing on pages 65006-65009 in the issue of October 24, 2012 make the following correction: On page 65007, in the first column, under the...

  11. Shock and vibration environments encountered during normal rail transportation of heavy cargo

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Magnuson, C.F.


    This study was conducted to obtain vibration and superimposed shock data during normal rail shipment of heavy cargo. The data were obtained during a regularly scheduled rail shipment of a 45-tonne (50-ton) cargo which consisted of an empty spent-fuel container, its supporting structure, and associated hoisting devices. The shipment was made over rail lines which are operated by the Atchison, Topeka, and Santa Fe Railway Company between Denver, Colorado and Albuquerque, New Mexico. The instrumented rail car was equipped with 0.38-m (15-in.) hydraulic end-of-car coupling devices. The 99 percentile levels of vibration acceleration amplitudes and single degree-of-freedom superimposed shock response spectra for the longitudinal, transverse, and vertical axes are presented

  12. A Bi-Level Programming Model for the Railway Express Cargo Service Network Design Problem

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    Boliang Lin


    Full Text Available Service network design is fundamentally crucial for railway express cargo transportation. The main challenge is to strike a balance between two conflicting objectives: low network setup costs and high expected operational incomes. Different configurations of these objectives will have different impacts on the quality of freight transportation services. In this paper, a bi-level programming model for the railway express cargo service network design problem is proposed. The upper-level model forms the optimal decisions in terms of the service characteristics, and the low-level model selects the service arcs for each commodity. The rail express cargo is strictly subject to the service commitment, the capacity restriction, flow balance constraints, and logical relationship constraints among the decisions variables. Moreover, linearization techniques are used to convert the lower-level model to a linear one so that it can be directly solved by a standard optimization solver. Finally, a real-world case study based on the Beijing–Guangzhou Railway Line is carried out to demonstrate the effectiveness and efficiency of the proposed solution approach.

  13. La influencia del género en los estilos de liderazgo y dirección


    García Ruiz, Luna


    Este Trabajo Fin de Máster (TFM) pretende llevar a cabo un análisis de la influencia del género en los estilos de liderazgo y en los estilos de dirección empleados por los directores/as que ocupan cargos de responsabilidad, a través de la revisión y estudio de diversas publicaciones. En primer lugar, y con el fin de poder llegar a concluir si el género puede ser un factor influyente en los estilos de liderazgo y dirección, hemos tratado de establecer a través de las definiciones aportadas ...

  14. Una vuelta a la “casa bonita”. Un bricolage interpretativo de las fuentes documentales sobre los rituales de menarquía de los pueblos originarios de la Patagonia argentina (Siglos XIX y XX

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    Graciela Hernández


    Full Text Available El principal objetivo de este trabajo es proponer un nuevo análisis del texto del británico Georges Musters, de su descripción de una ceremonia de menarquía (a la que denominó “casa bonita” observada entre tehuelches de la Patagonia en 1869, para contextualizarla históricamente y desde una perspectiva de género.Desde la metodología cualitativa hemos armado un bricolage que se expresa en un recorrido articulado por una genealogía de fuentes documentales del siglo XIX, por testimonios producidos en trabajos antropológicos y lingüísticos en la segunda mitad del siglo XX, y por registros etnográficos de nuestros trabajos en historia oral que focalizan en  rituales para propiciar el hilado.La triangulación de fuentes de los documentos seleccionados nos lleva a pensar en la hipótesis que en las ceremonias de primera menstruación, del siglo XIX en adelante, se propiciaba el apego al hilado y tejido,  en sociedades que también  ritualizaron toda la esfera del trabajo textil.

  15. Book Review: Radiation protection and measurement issues related to cargo scanning with accelerator-produced high-energy X rays, NCRP Commentary No. 20

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    May, Robert


    Having spent roughly the first third of his health physics career on the Norfolk, VA waterfront area, the reviewer was excited to see the NCRP Commentary 20, 'Radiation Protection and Measurements Issues Related to Cargo Scanning with Accelerator Technology'. It signals the advent of the Cargo Advanced Automated Radiography System (CAARS). The waterfront is a border that challenges physical security programs and technology. As Commentary 20 provides in the introduction, waterfront cargo terminals and land border crossings together represent over 300 ports of entry in the USA. Every year, the USA receives over 10 million cargo containers from commercial shipping and a roughly equal amount from land border crossings. While rapidly processing containerized cargo, CAARS will be able to detect small quantities of high atomic number radioactive materials and dense shielding materials used for radioactive gamma ray sources and even illicit human cargo - important concerns for homeland security. It will also be able to detect other contraband such as explosives, weapons and drugs. Section 1 of the Commentary presents an executive summary with NCRP's radiation dose management recommendations and related operational recommendations for effective implementation of CAARS technology in the current regulatory environment.

  16. Identification of rice cornichon as a possible cargo receptor for the Golgi-localized sodium transporter OsHKT1;3 (United States)

    Rosas-Santiago, Paul; Lagunas-Gómez, Daniel; Barkla, Bronwyn J.; Vera-Estrella, Rosario; Lalonde, Sylvie; Jones, Alexander; Frommer, Wolf B.; Zimmermannova, Olga; Sychrová, Hana; Pantoja, Omar


    Membrane proteins are synthesized and folded in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER), and continue their path to their site of residence along the secretory pathway. The COPII system has been identified as a key player for selecting and directing the fate of membrane and secretory cargo proteins. Selection of cargo proteins within the COPII vesicles is achieved by cargo receptors. The cornichon cargo receptor belongs to a conserved protein family found in eukaryotes that has been demonstrated to participate in the selection of integral membrane proteins as cargo for their correct targeting. Here it is demonstrated at the cellular level that rice cornichon OsCNIH1 interacts with OsHKT1;3 and, in yeast cells, enables the expression of the sodium transporter to the Golgi apparatus. Physical and functional HKT–cornichon interactions are confirmed by the mating-based split ubiquitin system, bimolecular fluorescence complementation, and Xenopus oocyte and yeast expression systems. The interaction between the two proteins occurs in the ER of plant cells and their co-expression in oocytes leads to the sequestration of the transporter in the ER. In the yeast cornichon mutant erv14, OsHKT1;3 is mistargeted, preventing the toxic effects of sodium transport in the cell observed in wild-type cells or in the erv14 mutant that co-expressed OsHKT1;3 with either OsCNIH1 or Erv14p. Identification and characterization of rice cornichon as a possible cargo receptor opens up the opportunity to improve our knowledge on membrane protein targeting in plant cells. PMID:25750424

  17. Os diagnósticos de enfermagem da taxonomia da NANDA em mulheres com o filho prematuro hospitalizado e o sistema conceitual de King Los diagnosticos de enfermería de la taxonomía de la NANDA de mujeres con hijo prematuro hospitalizado y el sistema conceptual de King Nursing diagnoses from NANDA's taxonomy in women with a hospitalized preterm child and King's conceptual system

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    Cláudia Silveira Viera


    Full Text Available Os objetivos deste estudo foram identificar os diagnósticos de enfermagem em mães com o filho prematuro hospitalizado em UTI Neonatal, mediante a utilização do Sistema Conceitual de King e da Taxonomia I dos diagnósticos de enfermagem da NANDA (1999. Para tanto utilizou-se a metodologia de estudo de caso aplicada a 35 puérperas. Foram identificados oito diagnósticos de enfermagem com freqüência igual ou maior que 50%, a saber, Risco para Infecção, Risco para Injúria, Integridade Tissular Prejudicada, Manutenção da Saúde Alterada, Risco para Amamentação Ineficaz; Risco para Alteração no Desenvolvimento do Apego entre Pais e Filho; Medo; Conflito no Desempenho de Papéis dos Pais.Los objetivos de este estudio fueron: identificar los diagnósticos de enfermería de madres con hijo prematuro hospitalizado en una Unidad de Tratamiento Intensivo Neonatal mediante la utilización del Sistema Conceptual de King y la Taxonomía I de los diagnósticos de enfermeria de la NANDA (1999. Para esto se utilizó la metodología del estudio de caso a 35 puerperas. Fueron identificados ocho diagnósticos con frecuencia igual o mayor de 50%, el Riesgo para Daño, Riesgo para Lesión, Integridad del Tejido Dañada, Mantenimiento de la Salud Alterada, Riesgo para lactancia Ineficaz; Riesgo para Alteración en el Desarrollo del Apego entre Padres e Hijo; Miedo; Conflicto en el desempeño del Papel Paternal.This study aimed at identifying nursing diagnoses presented by mothers with a hospitalized preterm child in an NICU by the use of King's Conceptual System and Taxonomy I of NANDA's nursing diagnoses. The case-study methodology was applied to 35 puerperal women. Eight diagnoses were identified, the frequency of which was over 50%, as follows: Risk of Infection, Risk of Injury, Impaired Tissue Integrity, Altered Health Maintenance, Risk of Inefficient Breast-feeding; Risk of Altered Parent/Infant Attachment; Fear; Parental Role Conflict and Impaired

  18. The carriage of dangerous and nuclear cargoes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    King, P.E.


    In an area of real public concern it is regrettable that the applicable principles of legal liability at common law are not certain nor readily adaptable to admittedly remarkable technological change. Whilst the ever-flexible principle of negligence suggests a way forward, in the case of totally destructive cargoes or where evidence of fault may be scarce, principles of strict liability find a necessary operation. This is the approach reflected in the international codes referred to, especially in the area of uranium-related activities which Australia has not yet adopted

  19. Fidelización de internautas en la blogostera

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    Cayetano Medina Molina


    Full Text Available Internet presenta un alto potencial como herramienta de fidelización para las marcas humanas. Entre ellas, los blogs se constituyen como uno de los modelos más atractivos para tal fin al tiempo que sirven para que sus autores se enfrenten a uno de los mayores peligros asociados a Internet: la circulación de información negativa. Si bien trabajos previos muestran como satisfacción, confianza y apego favorecen el desarrollo de compromiso, al tiempo que éste reduce el impacto de la información negativa sobre el comportamiento del consumidor, el presente trabajo se centra en el análisis del papel jugado por el género como variable moderadora en tales relaciones. Los resultados verifican como la relación entre compromiso e interpretación de la información negativa resulta superior para la muestras del género femenino.


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    M. M. Biliaiev


    Full Text Available Purpose. The scientific work is concentrated on development of 3D, 2D numerical models for the prediction of atmospheric pollution during transport of bulk cargo in the railway car. Methodology. To solve this problem numerical models were developed, based on the use of the motion equations of inviscid incompressible fluid and mass transfer, to determine the field of wind velocity near the cars and dispersion of dust in the atmosphere. For the numerical integration of the pollutant transport equation implicit alternating-triangular difference scheme was used. When constructing a difference scheme splitting of the transport equation is carried out that allows us to construct an efficient algorithm for solving a differential problem. Unknown value of the pollutant concentration at every step of splitting is determined by the explicit scheme – the method of point-to-point computation, which provides a simple numerical implementation of splitting equations. For numerical integration of the 3D equation for the velocity potential method of Richardson is applied. For numerical integration of the 2D equation for the velocity potential the method of total approximation is applied. The developed numerical models are the basis of established software package. On the basis of the constructed numerical models a computational experiment to assess the level of air pollution when demolition of coal dust from the gondola car was carried out. Findings. 3D, 2D numerical models that belong to the class «diagnostic models» were developed. These models take into account the main physical factors affecting the process of dust pollution dispersion in the atmosphere during transportation of bulk cargo, but require small costs of the computer time in the practice at the low and medium power machines. These models are used for serial calculations of various situations of scenarios related to issues of environmental protection and pollution intensity diagnostics for

  1. Vps33B is required for delivery of endocytosed cargo to lysosomes. (United States)

    Galmes, Romain; ten Brink, Corlinda; Oorschot, Viola; Veenendaal, Tineke; Jonker, Caspar; van der Sluijs, Peter; Klumperman, Judith


    Lysosomes are the main degradative compartments of eukaryotic cells. The CORVET and HOPS tethering complexes are well known for their role in membrane fusion in the yeast endocytic pathway. Yeast Vps33p is part of both complexes, and has two mammalian homologues: Vps33A and Vps33B. Vps33B is required for recycling of apical proteins in polarized cells and a causative gene for ARC syndrome. Here, we investigate whether Vps33B is also required in the degradative pathway. By fluorescence and electron microscopy we show that Vps33B depletion in HeLa cells leads to significantly increased numbers of late endosomes that together with lysosomes accumulate in the perinuclear region. Degradation of endocytosed cargo is impaired in these cells. By electron microscopy we show that endocytosed BSA-gold reaches late endosomes, but is decreased in lysosomes. The increase in late endosome numbers and the lack of internalized cargo in lysosomes are indicative for a defect in late endosomal-lysosomal fusion events, which explains the observed decrease in cargo degradation. A corresponding phenotype was found after Vps33A knock down, which in addition also resulted in decreased lysosome numbers. We conclude that Vps33B, in addition to its role in endosomal recycling, is required for late endosomal-lysosomal fusion events. © 2015 John Wiley & Sons A/S. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  2. Viabilidad de los mecanismos alternos de resolución de conflictos tratándose del ambiente

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    Billy Quirós Muñoz


    Full Text Available Los medios alternativos de resolución de conflictos han ido ganando terreno en nuestro país; cada vez son más las personas, tanto físicas como jurídicas, que acuden a este tipo de mecanismos para solucionar sus conflictos de intereses. De ahí su importancia en determinar si éstos se pueden aplicar en materia ambiental para lograr una verdadera protección del ambiente según el mandato constitucional definido en el artículo 50. Tratándose del ambiente sobre lo que se concilia o se puede someter a un arbitraje, es sobre los efectos y cuantificación patrimonial a cargo del infractor, no sobre las medidas y los esfuerzos de éste para la reparación o mitigación del daño causado. Es posible arbitrar o conciliar con los plazos y formas de ejecutar las medidas, siempre y cuando éstos estén supervisados y controlados por expertos. Lo que es interesa la protección real y efectiva del ambiente, no infractores detrás de rejas, incluso a pesar de haber sido diligentes, caso que son los menos. Y es que precisamente cuando en el ambiente opera de manera real el Principio de Responsabilidad Objetiva, en donde la diligencia del infractor se asume, es cuando cobra con mayor fuerza la búsqueda de una solución pronta, cumplida y oportuna a favor del ambiente como elemento básico

  3. Microbial behaviour and cross contamination between cargoes in containerized transportation of food

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Abban, Stephen

    Transportation is central to the global food and feed supply chain. Thus issues of safety, especially cross contamination with pathogens during food transit should be important in food handling operations. A large proportion of the worlds’ food cargo is moved using intermodal cargo containers...... chain, its role in food safety cannot be ignored. Unfortunately not much effort has been put, scientifically, into understanding the role of the various features of the transportation links in food cross contamination (compared to studies for homes, processing factories and farm yards). The PhD project...... has attempted to shed light on containerized food transport and some of its important attributes as regards hygiene and cross contamination. The overall aim of the study was to ‘identify possible microbial hazards and ways of cross contamination during containerized transportation of foods...

  4. Autonomous Cargo Transport System for an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle, using Visual Servoing

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    Noah Kuntz


    Full Text Available This paper presents the design and testing of a system for autonomous tracking, pickup, and delivery of cargo via an unmanned helicopter. The tracking system uses a visual servoing algorithm and is tested using open loop velocity control of a six degree of freedom gantry system with a camera mounted via a pan-tilt unit on the end effecter. The pickup system uses vision to direct the camera pan tilt unit to track the target, and uses a hook attached to a second pan tilt unit to pick up the cargo. The ability of the pickup system to hook a target is tested by mounting it on the Systems Integrated Sensor Test Rig gantry system while recorded helicopter velocities are played back by the test rig.

  5. Design of an experiment to measure the fire exposure of radioactive materials packages aboard container cargo ships

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Koski, J.A.


    The test described in this paper is intended to measure the typical accident environment for a radioactive materials package in a fire aboard a container cargo ship. A stack of nine used standard cargo containers will be variously loaded with empty packages, simulated packages and combustible cargo and placed over a large hydrocarbon pool fire of one hour duration. Both internal and external fire container fire environments typical of on-deck stowage will be measured as well as the potential for container to container fire spread. With the use of the inverse heat conduction calculations, the local heat transfer to the simulated packages can be estimated from thermocouple data. Data recorded will also provide information on fire durations in each container, fire intensity and container to container fire spread characteristics

  6. Identification of rice cornichon as a possible cargo receptor for the Golgi-localized sodium transporter OsHKT1;3. (United States)

    Rosas-Santiago, Paul; Lagunas-Gómez, Daniel; Barkla, Bronwyn J; Vera-Estrella, Rosario; Lalonde, Sylvie; Jones, Alexander; Frommer, Wolf B; Zimmermannova, Olga; Sychrová, Hana; Pantoja, Omar


    Membrane proteins are synthesized and folded in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER), and continue their path to their site of residence along the secretory pathway. The COPII system has been identified as a key player for selecting and directing the fate of membrane and secretory cargo proteins. Selection of cargo proteins within the COPII vesicles is achieved by cargo receptors. The cornichon cargo receptor belongs to a conserved protein family found in eukaryotes that has been demonstrated to participate in the selection of integral membrane proteins as cargo for their correct targeting. Here it is demonstrated at the cellular level that rice cornichon OsCNIH1 interacts with OsHKT1;3 and, in yeast cells, enables the expression of the sodium transporter to the Golgi apparatus. Physical and functional HKT-cornichon interactions are confirmed by the mating-based split ubiquitin system, bimolecular fluorescence complementation, and Xenopus oocyte and yeast expression systems. The interaction between the two proteins occurs in the ER of plant cells and their co-expression in oocytes leads to the sequestration of the transporter in the ER. In the yeast cornichon mutant erv14, OsHKT1;3 is mistargeted, preventing the toxic effects of sodium transport in the cell observed in wild-type cells or in the erv14 mutant that co-expressed OsHKT1;3 with either OsCNIH1 or Erv14p. Identification and characterization of rice cornichon as a possible cargo receptor opens up the opportunity to improve our knowledge on membrane protein targeting in plant cells. © The Author 2015. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Society for Experimental Biology.

  7. Análisis crítico del sistema de remoción de autoridades edilicias en la jurisdicción electoral chilena

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    Carlos Manuel Rosales


    Full Text Available La destitución de autoridades municipales por el incumplimiento de sus funciones es un tema particular y relevante en el sistema procesal electoral chileno. Este mecanismo judicial involucra la fiscalización, la supervisión y la vigilancia de las funciones de los Alcaldes y Concejales como servidores públicos. La jurisdicción es ejercida por un tribunal electoral, que tiene como objetivo calificar la conducta del funcionario edilicio y por tanto, ratificar o separar a la autoridad juzgada del cargo municipal. Esta remoción se presenta por dos motivos principalmente, el grave y notable abandono de deberes y/o faltas a la probidad administrativa, causales señaladas por la Ley de Municipalidades

  8. Recaudación de rentas, control contable y ejecución del gasto. Las reformas combinadas de la renta del tabaco y la Tesorería General en el Siglo XVIII español

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    Sergio Solbes Ferri


    trabajados por la historiografía reciente relativa al siglo XVIII español. La primera se constituye como ejemplo paradigmático para el análisis de la recaudación de rentas reales; la segunda resulta fundamental para explicar el modo de ejecución del gasto conjunto de la monarquía hispánica. Sin embargo, ambos espacios han quedado historiográficamente aislados en una dualidad referida a ingresos y gastos, sin conexión alguna entre ellos. El presente artículo pretende superar dicha separación para analizar cómo el producto de las rentas reales acaba siendo gestionado por la Tesorería General bajo un solo cargo y una sola data. Se estudia la ordenación administrativa y contable de ambos organismos, así como el procedimiento por el que los caudales del estanco general quedan a disposición de la Tesorería General.

  9. Régimen jurídico del trabajo rural

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    Héctor Zapirain


    Full Text Available La explotación rural se encuentra sujeta a diversos factores que le otorgan características singulares. Se trata de una actividad asentada preponderantemente en el campo donde el uso de la tierra es esencial. Actividad que, en su ejecución y resultado, depende estrechamente de la naturaleza, de los ciclos biológicos y de las variaciones climáticas. Existe una distancia entre tiempo de trabajo y tiempo de producción. Esta explica, entre otras causas, la tendencia a la precarización de la mano de obra rural. El trabajo regular o permanente, a tiempo completo y remunerado, no es la modalidad predominante, principalmente de países en desarrollo. Esas particularidades han contribuido a la creación de una legislación especial. Una práctica que se observa en la legislación laboral comparada. Orientación que ha influido en el legislador uruguayo.Introducción. Primera parte. Conceptos generales: Trabajo rural (agrario. Peculiaridades especiales de la actividad rural. La reglamentación del trabajo en el agro. Segunda parte. Estatuto del trabajador rural: Breve reseña de la evolución legislativa.  Precisiones pertinentes. Trabajador rural. Tiempo de trabajo y régimen de descansos. Feriados y vacaciones anuales. Salario y beneficios complementarios. Otras prestaciones a cargo del empleador rural. Seguridad y salud en el trabajo. Régimen de despido. Contralor administrativo 

  10. An effector of the Irish potato famine pathogen antagonizes a host autophagy cargo receptor (United States)

    Dagdas, Yasin F; Belhaj, Khaoula; Maqbool, Abbas; Chaparro-Garcia, Angela; Pandey, Pooja; Petre, Benjamin; Tabassum, Nadra; Cruz-Mireles, Neftaly; Hughes, Richard K; Sklenar, Jan; Win, Joe; Menke, Frank; Findlay, Kim; Banfield, Mark J; Kamoun, Sophien; Bozkurt, Tolga O


    Plants use autophagy to safeguard against infectious diseases. However, how plant pathogens interfere with autophagy-related processes is unknown. Here, we show that PexRD54, an effector from the Irish potato famine pathogen Phytophthora infestans, binds host autophagy protein ATG8CL to stimulate autophagosome formation. PexRD54 depletes the autophagy cargo receptor Joka2 out of ATG8CL complexes and interferes with Joka2's positive effect on pathogen defense. Thus, a plant pathogen effector has evolved to antagonize a host autophagy cargo receptor to counteract host defenses. DOI: PMID:26765567

  11. Evaluación del desempeño de los egresados del programa de enfermería de la universidad de Santander 2004-2010

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    Claudia Consuelo Torres Contreras


    Full Text Available Introducción: El objetivo del estudio fue evaluar el impacto laboral de los egresados del programa de enfermería de la universidad de Santander entre el periodo 2004-2010, con el fin de medir el desempeño laboral basado en calidad y posicionamiento en el medio. Siendo este importante para establecer la calidad del programa académico cursado y el nivel de competencia profesional de los egresados. Materiales y Métodos: Estudio observacional de corte transversal, la recolección de la información se llevo a cabo en el segundo periodo académico del 2011 y primer periodo del 2012. La población estuvo conformada por los Empleadores de egresados del Programa de Enfermería de la Universidad de Santander UDES y Egresados del Programa de Enfermería de la Universidad de Santander UDES. Ambas muestras fueron seleccionadas mediante muestreo no probabilístico de tipo intencional o conveniencia. Resultados: se encuestaron 105 egresados, se contactaron 20 empleadores que evaluaron en total 53 egresados. La evaluación realizada por los empleadores respecto a conocimientos y capacidades de los egresados a su cargo muestra que en cuanto a conocimientos teóricos más del 50% perciben que el nivel de sus subalternos es bueno, el 60% perciben bueno la comunicación oral y escrita, la capacidad de resolver problemas y creatividad fueron calificados por un 45% de los evaluadores dentro de las categorías de bueno y excelente, el 65% perciben un nivel de excelencia para el compromiso ético, integridad y honestidad. Discusión y Conclusiones: El perfil de los egresados evaluados del Programa de Enfermería UDES es asistencial en un 60%. Los egresados del Programa de Enfermería UDES obtuvieron una calificación buena en conocimientos prácticos, aprendizaje, capacidad de análisis, comunicación oral, comunicación escrita, adaptación a cambios, trabajar bajo presión y asumir responsabilidades. (Rev Cuid 2012; 3

  12. Exit-strategies - smart ways to release phospholipid vesicle cargo


    Mellal Denia; Zumbuehl Andreas


    This highlight describes recent trends in fundamental phospholipid research towards possible future drug delivery technology. In particular it focuses on synthetic phospholipids and their vesicular constructs and describes selected “smart” ways to release cargo from liposomes. Various chemical and physical release triggers are discussed such as temperature changes, application of ultrasound, enzyme degradation, changes in pH, redox reactions, photochemical reactions, as well as the effects of...

  13. La desviación del poder como límite a la discrecionalidad en la declaración de insubsistencia de funcionarios de libre nombramiento y remoción

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    William Andrés Ordóñez Bastidas


    Full Text Available Pese a la confianza que requieren los cargos de libre nombramiento y remoción, la discrecionalidad en los actos administrativos que declaran su insubsistencia no implica facultades absolutas, sino que somete a la administración al mejoramiento del servicio, al interés general, a los requisitos legales de inscripción en la hoja de vida, a los parámetros jurisprudenciales de registro de motivos y al respeto por los derechos fundamentales del servidor público. Metodológicamente, se explicarán los elementos que acreditan la desviación del poder ante una arbitrariedad en la insubsistencia de este tipo de empleos, sus principales medios de prueba, y se justificará la acción de repetición.

  14. Microfluidic Droplet-Facilitated Hierarchical Assembly for Dual Cargo Loading and Synergistic Delivery. (United States)

    Yu, Ziyi; Zheng, Yu; Parker, Richard M; Lan, Yang; Wu, Yuchao; Coulston, Roger J; Zhang, Jing; Scherman, Oren A; Abell, Chris


    Bottom-up hierarchical assembly has emerged as an elaborate and energy-efficient strategy for the fabrication of smart materials. Herein, we present a hierarchical assembly process, whereby linear amphiphilic block copolymers are self-assembled into micelles, which in turn are accommodated at the interface of microfluidic droplets via cucurbit[8]uril-mediated host-guest chemistry to form supramolecular microcapsules. The monodisperse microcapsules can be used for simultaneous carriage of both organic (Nile Red) and aqueous-soluble (fluorescein isothiocyanate-dextran) cargo. Furthermore, the well-defined compartmentalized structure benefits from the dynamic nature of the supramolecular interaction and offers synergistic delivery of cargos with triggered release or through photocontrolled porosity. This demonstration of premeditated hierarchical assembly, where interactions from the molecular to microscale are designed, illustrates the power of this route toward accessing the next generation of functional materials and encapsulation strategies.

  15. Los orígenes del Instituto provincial de higiene de las Canarias orientales y la sanidad municipal (1926-1927: cambios estructurales y asistenciales

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    Martín del Castillo, Juan Francisco


    Full Text Available The «Instituto Provincial de Higiene de las Canarias Orientales» is an example of Estatuto Provincial of José Calvo Sotelo (1925. Involved in administrative affaires and economical distributions between the Townhall of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria and Insular Council, its beginning is labour of Doctor Antonio Ortiz de Landázuri, in that moment Health Inspector. In this paper, be described the structure and functions of Hygiene Institute, so the change of technical members of laboratories and stations of previous town health services.

    El Instituto Provincial de Higiene de las Canarias Orientales es un ejemplo de la puesta en marcha del Estatuto Provincial de José Calvo Sotelo (1925. Envuelto en medidas administrativas y repartos financieros entre el Ayuntamiento de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria y el Cabildo Insular, su inicio es obra directa del doctor Antonio Ortiz de Landázuri, en aquellos momentos al cargo de la Inspección de Sanidad. En el presente, quedan descritos la estructura y funciones del Instituto de Higiene, además del pase de los miembros facultativos de los laboratorios y estaciones de anteriores servicios municipales del ramo.

  16. Diseño de un Plan de Carrera y Sucesión por Competencias, en el departamento de Mantenimiento y Operación de la Subgerencia de Producción para la Unidad de Negocio Termopichincha, de la Corporación Eléctrica del Ecuador, CELEC EP


    Chalá Meza, Cristian Paúl


    La presente investigación, pretende diseñar planes de carrera y sucesión, en base al Modelado de Perfiles por Competencias (MPC), metodología de la empresa Alfredo Paredes y Asociados, en la Unidad de Negocio Termopichincha, de la Corporación Eléctrica del Ecuador, CELEC EP. La planeación de la carrera, permite analizar y determinar rutas de carrera de los cargos, de manera horizontal y/o vertical, en base a los requerimientos y diferencias de cada cargo. La planeación de la sucesión colabor...

  17. Columbus stowage optimization by cast (cargo accommodation support tool) (United States)

    Fasano, G.; Saia, D.; Piras, A.


    A challenging issue related to the International Space Station utilization concerns the on-board stowage, implying a strong impact on habitability, safety and crew productivity. This holds in particular for the European Columbus laboratory, nowadays also utilized to provide the station with logistic support. The volume exploitation has to be maximized, in compliance with the given accommodation rules. At each upload step, the stowage problem must be solved quickly and efficiently. This leads to the comparison of different scenarios to select the most suitable one. Last minute upgrades, due to possible re-planning, may, moreover arise, imposing the further capability to rapidly readapt the current solution to the updated status. In this context, looking into satisfactory solutions represents a very demanding job, even for experienced designers. Thales Alenia Space Italia has achieved a remarkable expertise in the field of cargo accommodation and stowage. The company has recently developed CAST, a dedicated in-house software tool, to support the cargo accommodation of the European automated transfer vehicle. An ad hoc version, tailored to the Columbus stowage, has been further implemented and is going to be used from now on. This paper surveys the on-board stowage issue, pointing out the advantages of the proposed approach.

  18. Determinants of Operational Efficiency at Chemical Cargo Terminals


    T.A. Gúlcan; S. Esmer; Y. Zorba; G. Şengónúl


    In today’s globalized world, one of the requirements of global supply chains is efficient transportation systems. Approximately 80 per cent of world merchandise trade carried by sea and handled by ports worldwide. For this reason, maritime transport has the strategic economic importance. Loading of oil and gas has the biggest share (%30) in commodities carried by sea and 2.9 billion tons oil and gas loaded to ship in 2013. This study is focus on chemical cargo terminals which is a special ter...

  19. Risk Analysis on Ship Wreck and Container Cargo to Ship Navigation

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    Muhammad Badrus Zaman


    Full Text Available Wreck of a ship is an incident that must be avoided. Ship accidents are generally caused by a several cases, such as human error, natural disaster, technical errors, missed communication, poor condition of the ship, and many more. Ship wreckage have huge impact for ship navigation, environment, economics, and others. Those impact have many disadvantages for the shipowners, and also for environment. For examples the fuel spills that pollute the environment, make disturbance to sailing ship because the track for those navigation is blocked by the ship wreck and their cargo especially on shallow location (<50 m. These research will discuss the effect the container when it is floats on the sea and its interference other ships. The main objective of this study is to present a risk assessment on the environmental impact of the wreck and container cargo. Wrecks on the seabed is likely to pose a risk to passing ships. container and its contents as well as the possibility of refloat, and also their environmental risks emanating from the wreck and container cargo, such as fuels, lubricants, and chemical cargo. Variations scenario is a collision between ships that pass by floating containers. The frequency of refloating container, and the consequences of the passing ship depends on several factors, which will be the subject of research. However, because of the frequency of refloating containers is unlikely, then the risk is low and does not pose a danger to navigation. These risk assessment using risk matrix 5x5 which is the combined value of the frequency and consequences of the incident. The results of this study indicate the level of risk, whether the risk is accepted, not accepted or received by considering the costs and benefits (ALARP. To consequence, there are two parameters which energy is absorbed and the penetration occurs. The absorbed energy is divided into two, namely the energy absorbed by ship and the energy absorbed by containers. In this

  20. ¿Todos los profesores de la Universitat Jaume I son iguales?: Estudio comparativo del bienestar laboral dependiendo de la relación contractual


    Peñalver González, Jonathan; Bosorogan, Ioana; Bresó Esteve, Edgar


    El objetivo de esta investigación es analizar el puesto de trabajo del profesor universitario de la Universitat Jaume I, para observar si existen diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre las diferentes estructuras jerárquicas, además de permitirnos realizar un diagnóstico y una intervención adecuadas. Para el presente estudio se utilizó una muestra compuesta por 45 profesores universitarios (21 mujeres y 24 hombres) con diferentes cargos laborales (P. Titular de Univer...

  1. 77 FR 44528 - Dry Cargo Residue Discharges in the Great Lakes (United States)


    ... occurs during cargo unloading. Within tunnels, large pieces of DCR that remain after unloading should be...) as a condition in which deck residues ``consist only of dust, powder, or isolated and random pieces... associated with the amount of DCR going dealing with removal of this IR into the water and voluntary...

  2. 46 CFR 32.50-35 - Remote manual shutdown for internal combustion engine driven cargo pump on tank vessels-TB/ALL. (United States)


    ... 46 Shipping 1 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Remote manual shutdown for internal combustion engine... for Cargo Handling § 32.50-35 Remote manual shutdown for internal combustion engine driven cargo pump on tank vessels—TB/ALL. (a) Any tank vessel which is equipped with an internal combustion engine...

  3. Mãe e filho: os primeiros laços de aproximação Madre e hijo: los primeros lazos de aproximación Mother and child: the first ties of closeness

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    Rosiane da Rosa


    Full Text Available Estudo qualitativo exploratório-descritivo, realizado no Centro Obstétrico do Hospital Universitário da Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, de agosto a novembro de 2008, com o objetivo de identificar e analisar os sentimentos maternos expressados pelas mães durante o contato íntimo com os filhos, logo após o parto. Os dados foram coletados pela observação participante e entrevista semiestruturada com 11 mulheres e seus filhos. A análise foi realizada com o suporte da reflexão sobre a Teoria do Apego. Emergiram cinco categorias: a Sentimentos na hora da expulsão: a espera ansiosa pelo choro do bebê; b O recebimento do filho; c Sentimentos quanto às respostas do filho à aproximação; d A primeira separação; e e Sentimentos sobre o acompanhante nas primeiras aproximações com o filho. Conclui-se que os primeiros contatos, na percepção das mulheres, são preponderantes para propiciar o reconhecimento entre mãe e filho, estimulando e incentivando o aprendizado das tarefas culturais da maternagem.Estudio cualitativo exploratorio-descriptivo, realizado en el Centro Obstétrico del Hospital Universitario de la Universidad Federal de Santa Catarina, de agosto a noviembre de 2008, con el objetivo de identificar y analizar los sentimientos de las madres expresados durante el contacto intimo con sus hijos después del parto. Los datos fueron colectados por medio de observación participante y entrevistas semi-estructuradas, con once mujeres y sus hijos. El análisis fue realizado basándose en la Teoría del Apego. Surgieron cinco categorías: a Sentimientos en el momento de la expulsión del bebé: la espera ansiosa por el llanto del bebé; b El momento de acoger el recién nacido ; c Sentimientos relacionadas con las respuestas del hijo con la aproximación materna; d La primera separación; y e Sentimientos sobre quien acompaña a la madre durante las primeras aproximaciones con el hijo. Se concluyó , que en la percepción de

  4. 14 CFR 399.41 - Zones of limited suspension for international cargo rates. (United States)


    ... TRANSPORTATION (AVIATION PROCEEDINGS) POLICY STATEMENTS STATEMENTS OF GENERAL POLICY Policies Relating to Rates and Tariffs § 399.41 Zones of limited suspension for international cargo rates. (a) Applicability. This section states the Board's policy for suspending rate changes for the transportation of property...

  5. System/subsystem specifications for the Worldwide Port System (WPS) Regional Integrated Cargo Database (ICDB)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Rollow, J.P.; Shipe, P.C.; Truett, L.F. [Oak Ridge National Lab., TN (United States); Faby, E.Z.; Fluker, J.; Grubb, J.; Hancock, B.R. [Univ. of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN (United States); Ferguson, R.A. [Science Applications International Corp., Oak Ridge, TN (United States)


    A system is being developed by the Military Traffic Management Command (MTMC) to provide data integration and worldwide management and tracking of surface cargo movements. The Integrated Cargo Database (ICDB) will be a data repository for the WPS terminal-level system, will be a primary source of queries and cargo traffic reports, will receive data from and provide data to other MTMC and non-MTMC systems, will provide capabilities for processing Advance Transportation Control and Movement Documents (ATCMDs), and will process and distribute manifests. This System/Subsystem Specifications for the Worldwide Port System Regional ICDB documents the system/subsystem functions, provides details of the system/subsystem analysis in order to provide a communication link between developers and operational personnel, and identifies interfaces with other systems and subsystems. It must be noted that this report is being produced near the end of the initial development phase of ICDB, while formal software testing is being done. Following the initial implementation of the ICDB system, maintenance contractors will be in charge of making changes and enhancing software modules. Formal testing and user reviews may indicate the need for additional software units or changes to existing ones. This report describes the software units that are components of this ICDB system as of August 1995.

  6. 49 CFR 172.331 - Bulk packagings other than portable tanks, cargo tanks, tank cars and multi-unit tank car tanks. (United States)


    ... 49 Transportation 2 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Bulk packagings other than portable tanks, cargo tanks, tank cars and multi-unit tank car tanks. 172.331 Section 172.331 Transportation Other Regulations... packagings other than portable tanks, cargo tanks, tank cars and multi-unit tank car tanks. (a) Each person...

  7. La localización del daño: etnografía, espacio, y confesión en el escenario transicional colombiano

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Alejandro Castillejo-Cuéllar


    Full Text Available En este texto exploro un aspecto particular de lo que podrían denominarse "etnografías de los escenarios transicionales", en la medida que se concentra en algunos de los espacios sociales e investigativos oficiales a cargo de la Fiscalía General de la Nación creados por la puesta en marcha de la Ley de Justicia y Paz (Ley 975 del 2005 en Colombia, el marco legal que permitió la desmovilización parcial de las Autodefensas Unidas de Colombia (AUC, también conocidas como "paramilitares". Este trabajo se debe gracias a mi participación como observador en un equipo de investigación de la Fiscalía durante una "diligencia" realizada a comienzos del 2012 con el objeto de "certificar" el "daño" causado por la guerra a poblaciones concretas. El trabajo explora las múltiples mediaciones narrativas, visuales, cartográficas y testimoniales que se cruzan en estos procesos de investigación y que enmarcan, de maneras incluso contradictorias, las concepciones del sufrimiento y del daño colectivo.

  8. The ''nuclear car wash'': a scanner to detect illicit special nuclear material in cargo containers

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Slaughter, D. R.; Accatino, M. R.; Bernstein, A.; Dougan, A. D.; Hall, J. M.; Loshak, A.; Manatt, D. R.; Pohl, B. A.; Prussin, S. G.; Walling, R. S.; Weirup, D. L.


    There is an urgent need to improve the reliability of screening cargo containers for illicit nuclear material that may be hidden there for terrorist purposes. A screening system is described for detection of fissionable material hidden in maritime cargo containers. The system makes use of a low intensity neutron beam for producing fission; and the detection of the abundant high-energy γ rays emitted in the β-decay of short-lived fission products and β-delayed neutrons. The abundance of the delayed γ rays is almost an order of magnitude larger than that of the delayed neutrons normally used to detect fission and they are emitted on about the same time scale as the delayed neutrons, i.e., ∼1 min. The energy and temporal distributions of the delayed γ rays provide a unique signature of fission. Because of their high energy, these delayed γ rays penetrate loW--Z cargoes much more readily than the delayed neutrons. Coupled with their higher abundance, the signal from the delayed γ rays escaping from the container is predicted to be as much as six decades more intense than the delayed neutron signal, depending upon the type and thickness of the intervening cargo. The γ rays are detected in a large array of scintillators located along the sides of the container as it is moved through them. Measurements have confirmed the signal strength in somewhat idealized experiments and have also identified one interference when 14.5 MeV neutrons from the D, T reaction are used for the interrogation. The interference can be removed easily by the appropriate choice of the neutron source

  9. Relationships between Cargo, Cell Penetrating Peptides and Cell Type for Uptake of Non-Covalent Complexes into Live Cells

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    Andrea-Anneliese Keller


    Full Text Available Modulating signaling pathways for research and therapy requires either suppression or expression of selected genes or internalization of proteins such as enzymes, antibodies, nucleotide binding proteins or substrates including nucleoside phosphates and enzyme inhibitors. Peptides, proteins and nucleotides are transported by fusing or conjugating them to cell penetrating peptides or by formation of non-covalent complexes. The latter is often preferred because of easy handling, uptake efficiency and auto-release of cargo into the live cell. In our studies complexes are formed with labeled or readily detectable cargoes for qualitative and quantitative estimation of their internalization. Properties and behavior of adhesion and suspension vertebrate cells as well as the protozoa Leishmania tarentolae are investigated with respect to proteolytic activity, uptake efficiency, intracellular localization and cytotoxicity. Our results show that peptide stability to membrane-bound, secreted or intracellular proteases varies between different CPPs and that the suitability of individual CPPs for a particular cargo in complex formation by non-covalent interactions requires detailed studies. Cells vary in their sensitivity to increasing concentrations of CPPs. Thus, most cells can be efficiently transduced with peptides, proteins and nucleotides with intracellular concentrations in the low micromole range. For each cargo, cell type and CPP the optimal conditions must be determined separately.

  10. Targeting transferrin receptors at the blood-brain barrier improves the uptake of immunoliposomes and subsequent cargo transport into the brain parenchyma

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Johnsen, Kasper B.; Burkhart, Annette; Melander, Fredrik


    Drug delivery to the brain is hampered by the presence of the blood-brain barrier, which excludes most molecules from freely diffusing into the brain, and tightly regulates the active transport mechanisms that ensure sufficient delivery of nutrients to the brain parenchyma. Harnessing the possibi...... cargo uptake in the brain endothelium and subsequent cargo transport into the brain. These findings suggest that transferrin receptor-targeting is a relevant strategy of increasing drug exposure to the brain....... investigate the possibility of delivering immunoliposomes and their encapsulated cargo to the brain via targeting of the transferrin receptor. We find that transferrin receptor-targeting increases the association between the immunoliposomes and primary endothelial cells in vitro, but that this does...... not correlate with increased cargo transcytosis. Furthermore, we show that the transferrin receptor-targeted immunoliposomes accumulate along the microvessels of the brains of rats, but find no evidence for transcytosis of the immunoliposome. Conversely, the increased accumulation correlated both with increased...

  11. Air cargo: An Integrated Systems View. 1978 Summer Faculty Fellowship Program in Engineering Systems Design (United States)

    Keaton, A. (Editor); Eastman, R. (Editor); Hargrove, A. (Editor); Rabiega, W. (Editor); Olsen, R. (Editor); Soberick, M. (Editor)


    The national air cargo system is analyzed and how it should be in 1990 is prescribed in order to operate successfully through 2015; that is through one equipment cycle. Elements of the system which are largely under control of the airlines and the aircraft manufacturers are discussed. The discussion deals with aircraft, networks, facilities, and procedures. The regulations which govern the movement of air freight are considered. The larger public policy interests which must be served by the kind of system proposed, the air cargo integrated system (ACIS), are addressed. The possible social, economical, political, and environment impacts of the system are considered. Recommendations are also given.

  12. National Security Science and Technology Initiative: Air Cargo Screening, Final Report for CRADA Number NFE-07-01081

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bingham, Philip [ORNL; Bush, John [Battelle Memorial Institute; Bowerman, Biays [Brookhaven National Laboratory; Cespedes, Ernesto [Idaho National Laboratory; White, Timothy [Pacific Northwest National Laboratory


    The non-intrusive inspection (NII) of consolidated air cargo carried on commercial passenger aircraft continues to be a technically challenging, high-priority requirement of the Department of Homeland Security’s Science and Technology Directorate (DHS S&T), the Transportation Security Agency and the Federal Aviation Administration. The goal of deploying a screening system that can reliably and cost-effectively detect explosive threats in consolidated cargo without adversely affecting the flow of commerce will require significant technical advances that will take years to develop. To address this critical National Security need, the Battelle Memorial Institute (Battelle), under a Cooperative Research and Development Agreement (CRADA) with four of its associated US Department of Energy (DOE) National Laboratories (Oak Ridge, Pacific Northwest, Idaho, and Brookhaven), conducted a research and development initiative focused on identifying, evaluating, and integrating technologies for screening consolidated air cargo for the presence of explosive threats. Battelle invested $8.5M of internal research and development funds during fiscal years 2007 through 2009.

  13. Injuries sustained by passengers travelling in the cargo area of light ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    All patients presenting to the Pietermaritzburg Metropolitan Trauma Service in KwaZulu-Natal Province following an event in which they had been travelling in the cargo area of an LDV between January 2011 and December 2012 were included in the audit. Results. A total of 66 patients were treated during the study period; ...

  14. Structural basis for cargo binding and autoinhibition of Bicaudal-D1 by a parallel coiled-coil with homotypic registry

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Terawaki, Shin-ichi; Yoshikane, Asuka; Higuchi, Yoshiki; Wakamatsu, Kaori


    Bicaudal-D1 (BICD1) is an α-helical coiled-coil protein mediating the attachment of specific cargo to cytoplasmic dynein. It plays an essential role in minus end-directed intracellular transport along microtubules. The third C-terminal coiled-coil region of BICD1 (BICD1 CC3) has an important role in cargo sorting, including intracellular vesicles associating with the small GTPase Rab6 and the nuclear pore complex Ran binding protein 2 (RanBP2), and inhibiting the association with cytoplasmic dynein by binding to the first N-terminal coiled-coil region (CC1). The crystal structure of BICD1 CC3 revealed a parallel homodimeric coiled-coil with asymmetry and complementary knobs-into-holes interactions, differing from Drosophila BicD CC3. Furthermore, our binding study indicated that BICD1 CC3 possesses a binding surface for two distinct cargos, Rab6 and RanBP2, and that the CC1-binding site overlaps with the Rab6-binding site. These findings suggest a molecular basis for cargo recognition and autoinhibition of BICD proteins during dynein-dependent intracellular retrograde transport. - Highlights: • BICD1 CC3 is a parallel homodimeric coiled-coil with axial asymmetry. • The coiled-coil packing of BICD1 CC3 is adapted to the equivalent heptad position. • BICD1 CC3 has distinct binding sites for two classes of cargo, Rab6 and RanBP2. • The CC1-binding site of BICD1 CC3 overlaps with the Rab6-binding site

  15. Structural basis for cargo binding and autoinhibition of Bicaudal-D1 by a parallel coiled-coil with homotypic registry

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Terawaki, Shin-ichi, E-mail: [Graduate School of Science and Technology, Gunma University, 1-5-1 Tenjin-cho, Kiryu, Gunma 376-8515 (Japan); SPring-8 Center, RIKEN, 1-1-1 Koto, Sayo-cho, Sayo-gun, Hyogo 679-5148 (Japan); Yoshikane, Asuka [Graduate School of Science and Technology, Gunma University, 1-5-1 Tenjin-cho, Kiryu, Gunma 376-8515 (Japan); SPring-8 Center, RIKEN, 1-1-1 Koto, Sayo-cho, Sayo-gun, Hyogo 679-5148 (Japan); Higuchi, Yoshiki [Department of Life Science, Graduate School of Life Science, University of Hyogo, 3-2-1 Koto, Kamigori-cho, Ako-gun, Hyogo 678-1297 (Japan); Department of Picobiology, Graduate School of Life Science, University of Hyogo, 3-2-1 Koto, Kamigori-cho, Ako-gun, Hyogo 678-1297 (Japan); SPring-8 Center, RIKEN, 1-1-1 Koto, Sayo-cho, Sayo-gun, Hyogo 679-5148 (Japan); Wakamatsu, Kaori [Graduate School of Science and Technology, Gunma University, 1-5-1 Tenjin-cho, Kiryu, Gunma 376-8515 (Japan); SPring-8 Center, RIKEN, 1-1-1 Koto, Sayo-cho, Sayo-gun, Hyogo 679-5148 (Japan)


    Bicaudal-D1 (BICD1) is an α-helical coiled-coil protein mediating the attachment of specific cargo to cytoplasmic dynein. It plays an essential role in minus end-directed intracellular transport along microtubules. The third C-terminal coiled-coil region of BICD1 (BICD1 CC3) has an important role in cargo sorting, including intracellular vesicles associating with the small GTPase Rab6 and the nuclear pore complex Ran binding protein 2 (RanBP2), and inhibiting the association with cytoplasmic dynein by binding to the first N-terminal coiled-coil region (CC1). The crystal structure of BICD1 CC3 revealed a parallel homodimeric coiled-coil with asymmetry and complementary knobs-into-holes interactions, differing from Drosophila BicD CC3. Furthermore, our binding study indicated that BICD1 CC3 possesses a binding surface for two distinct cargos, Rab6 and RanBP2, and that the CC1-binding site overlaps with the Rab6-binding site. These findings suggest a molecular basis for cargo recognition and autoinhibition of BICD proteins during dynein-dependent intracellular retrograde transport. - Highlights: • BICD1 CC3 is a parallel homodimeric coiled-coil with axial asymmetry. • The coiled-coil packing of BICD1 CC3 is adapted to the equivalent heptad position. • BICD1 CC3 has distinct binding sites for two classes of cargo, Rab6 and RanBP2. • The CC1-binding site of BICD1 CC3 overlaps with the Rab6-binding site.

  16. De las aulas universitarias a la toga: la trayectoria académica de los ministros del Supremo Tribunal Federal brasileño (1988-2013

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    Rafael Mafei Rabelo Queiroz


    Full Text Available A través del estudio de las trayectorias académicas de los ministros de Supremo Tribunal Federal de Brasil y mediante la inclusión del requisito del “notorio saber jurídico”, impuesto por la Constitución de 1988 a todos los miembros de la corte, este artículo pretende desvelar patrones o criterios, hoy poco claros, de lo que en la práctica ha sido considerada una trayectoria de vida sobresaliente de los ministros elegidos, y su mayor o menor relación con el pasado académico de los magistrados. De tal forma se propone adentrarse en el interrogante sobre cómo los cambios en el mercado jurídico de las últimas décadas han impactado en la forma en que se han provisto los cargos de magistrados en este tribunal.

  17. Model of Optimal Cargo Transport Structure by Full Container Ship on Predefined Sailing Route

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    Serđo Kos


    Full Text Available This paper presents the mathematical model for solving theproblem of defining optimal cargo transport structure, occurringwhen, on a predefined sailing route, adequate number ofcontainers of various types, masses and sizes, possibly includingRO!RO cargo, is to be selected, i.e., a "container lot" is to beestablished in loading ports with the aim of gaining maximumship profit and, at the same time, of exploiting useful load andtransport capacity of container ship as much as possible. Theimplementation of the proposed model enables considerableincrease in the efficiency of container ship operations. Themodel was tested using a numerical example with real data.The applied post-optimal analysis examines the influence ofchange in some values of the mathematical model on the resultingoptimal program.

  18. Elaboración del manual de funciones de la Unidad Educativa Técnico Salesiano en la ciudad de Cuenca en el periodo 2014


    León Ortiz, Ximena Magdalena; Vaca Yar, Mishel Dayana


    El presente documento detalla las diferentes fases que se deben cursar para la elaboración del manual de funciones de la Unidad Educativa Técnico Salesiano de la Ciudad de Cuenca, el mismo que se convierte en una herramienta de gran importancia y utilidad para el Departamento de Gestión de Talento Humano, aportando la Institución un descriptivo de funciones, responsabilidades y requerimientos que amerita cada uno de los cargos. This document details the different phases that must take for ...

  19. Active colloids as mobile microelectrodes for unified label-free selective cargo transport. (United States)

    Boymelgreen, Alicia M; Balli, Tov; Miloh, Touvia; Yossifon, Gilad


    Utilization of active colloids to transport both biological and inorganic cargo has been widely examined in the context of applications ranging from targeted drug delivery to sample analysis. In general, carriers are customized to load one specific target via a mechanism distinct from that driving the transport. Here we unify these tasks and extend loading capabilities to include on-demand selection of multiple nano/micro-sized targets without the need for pre-labelling or surface functionalization. An externally applied electric field is singularly used to drive the active cargo carrier and transform it into a mobile floating electrode that can attract (trap) or repel specific targets from its surface by dielectrophoresis, enabling dynamic control of target selection, loading and rate of transport via the electric field parameters. In the future, dynamic selectivity could be combined with directed motion to develop building blocks for bottom-up fabrication in applications such as additive manufacturing and soft robotics.

  20. Temperamento del niño y personalidad de la madre como antecedentes de la seguridad del apego


    Brito de la Nuez, Alfredo G.; Martínez-Fuentes, María Teresa; Pérez-López, Julio


    The aim of this study is to analyse the role of infant temperament and maternal personality, in attachment security in infancy. 41 mother baby dyads were observed. Maternal personality was assessed during the last trimester of pregnancy by Cattell's 16 Personality Factor Questionnaire (16PF, Seisdedos, 1981). From this questionnaire, we obtained the following personality traits: unxiety, extraversion, socialization and independence. Infant temperament was evaluated when babies reached 3 month...

  1. Automatic continuous monitoring system for dangerous sites and cargoes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Smirnov, S.N.


    The problems of creation of automatic comprehensive continuous monitoring system for nuclear and radiation sites and cargoes of Rosatom Corporation, which carries out data collecting, processing, storage and transmission, including informational support to decision-making, as well as support to modelling and forecasting functions, are considered. The system includes components of two levels: site and industry. Currently the system is used to monitor over 8000 integrated parameters, which characterise the status of nuclear and radiation safety on Rosatom sites, environmental and fire safety


    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lou, Tak Pui; Antolak, Arlyn


    High fidelity, three-dimensional computer models based on a CAD drawing of an intermodal cargo container, representative payload objects, and detector array panels were developed to simulate the underlying physical events taking place during active interrogation. These computer models are used to assess the performance of interrogation systems with different sources and detection schemes. In this presentation, we will show that the use oversimplified models, such as analyzing homogenized payloads only, can lead to errors in determining viable approaches for interrogation

  3. MELTER: A model of the thermal response of cargos transported in the Safe-Secure Trailer subject to fire environments for risk assessment applications

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Larsen, M.E.


    MELTER is an analysis of cargo responses inside a fire-threatened Safe-Secure Trailer (SST) developed for the Defense Program Transportation Risk Assessment (DPTRA). Many simplifying assumptions are required to make the subject problem tractable. MELTER incorporates modeling which balances the competing requirements of execution speed, generality, completeness of essential physics, and robustness. Input parameters affecting the analysis include those defining the fire scenario, those defining the cargo loaded in the SST, and those defining properties of the SST. For a specified fire, SST, and cargo geometry MELTER predicts the critical fire duration that will lead to a failure. The principal features of the analysis include: (a) Geometric considerations to interpret fire-scenario descriptors in terms of a thermal radiation boundary condition, (b) a simple model of the SST's wall combining the diffusion model for radiation through optically-thick media with an endothermic reaction front to describe the charring of dimensional, rigid foam in the SST wall, (c) a transient radiation enclosure model, (d) a one-dimensional, spherical idealization of the shipped cargos providing modularity so that cargos of interest can be inserted into the model, and (e) associated numerical methods to integrate coupled, differential equations and find roots

  4. Molecular Recognition of PTS-1 Cargo Proteins by Pex5p: Implications for Protein Mistargeting in Primary Hyperoxaluria

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    Noel Mesa-Torres


    Full Text Available Peroxisomal biogenesis and function critically depends on the import of cytosolic proteins carrying a PTS1 sequence into this organelle upon interaction with the peroxin Pex5p. Recent structural studies have provided important insights into the molecular recognition of cargo proteins by Pex5p. Peroxisomal import is a key feature in the pathogenesis of primary hyperoxaluria type 1 (PH1, where alanine:glyoxylate aminotransferase (AGT undergoes mitochondrial mistargeting in about a third of patients. Here, we study the molecular recognition of PTS1 cargo proteins by Pex5p using oligopeptides and AGT variants bearing different natural PTS1 sequences, and employing an array of biophysical, computational and cell biology techniques. Changes in affinity for Pex5p (spanning over 3–4 orders of magnitude reflect different thermodynamic signatures, but overall bury similar amounts of molecular surface. Structure/energetic analyses provide information on the contribution of ancillary regions and the conformational changes induced in Pex5p and the PTS1 cargo upon complex formation. Pex5p stability in vitro is enhanced upon cargo binding according to their binding affinities. Moreover, we provide evidence that the rational modulation of the AGT: Pex5p binding affinity might be useful tools to investigate mistargeting and misfolding in PH1 by pulling the folding equilibria towards the native and peroxisomal import competent state.

  5. Preliminary results utilizing high-energy fission product γ-rays to detect fissionable material in cargo (United States)

    Slaughter, D. R.; Accatino, M. R.; Bernstein, A.; Church, J. A.; Descalle, M. A.; Gosnell, T. B.; Hall, J. M.; Loshak, A.; Manatt, D. R.; Mauger, G. J.; Moore, T. L.; Norman, E. B.; Pohl, B. A.; Pruet, J. A.; Petersen, D. C.; Walling, R. S.; Weirup, D. L.; Prussin, S. G.; McDowell, M.


    A concept for detecting the presence of special nuclear material (235U or 239Pu) concealed in intermodal cargo containers is described. It is based on interrogation with a pulsed beam of 7 MeV neutrons that produce fission events and their β-delayed neutron emission or β-delayed high-energy γ radiation between beam pulses provide the detection signature. Fission product β-delayed γ-rays above 3 MeV are nearly 10 times more abundant than β-delayed neutrons and are distinct from natural radioactivity and from nearly all of the induced activity in a normal cargo. Detector backgrounds and potential interferences with the fission signature radiation have been identified and quantified.

  6. Evaluación de aspirantes a docentes en la Facultad de Ingeniería de la Universidad del Valle del Momboy mediante un modelo difuso de soporte de decisiones

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    Iván Pérez


    Full Text Available La demanda sobre las instituciones de educación superior públicas o privadas ha mantenido un déficit significativo, la apertura de las aulas a un número mayor de estudiantes depende de múltiples factores, sin embargo, incrementar la disponibilidad del recurso humano docente es clave para atender la demanda insatisfecha de una educación pertinente y de calidad. El ingreso del personal docente ordinario (permanente a las instituciones de educación superior está regulado plenamente para las instituciones públicas en la legislación vigente, a pesar de ello todas las Universidades se ven en la necesidad recurrente de contratar personal (temporal a fin de atender la oferta académica que debe garantizarse a la comunidad estudiantil. El proceso de contratación implica, en alguna de sus fases, la selección del candidato a ingresar entre un grupo de aspirantes al cargo ofertado, la cual suele apoyarse en algún baremo sobre el que se comparan los méritos de los aspirantes. La selección es una actividad grupal que requiere la opinión de los integrantes de un panel de evaluación. Las exigencias de objetividad y transparencia han forzado sistemáticamente a la cuantificación discreta de los méritos, lo cual en esencia va en contrasentido con la forma imprecisa del lenguaje de comunicación del ser humano. En este trabajo se propone un modelo lingístico de toma de decisiones colectivas que permita seleccionar el mejor candidato a ingresar como personal docente, que afronta las ambigedades propias del lenguaje con base en la lógica difusa, promoviendo una forma más natural de emitir opinión en todo el rango de valores esperados. El sistema propuesto se adecuó al proceso empleado por la Universidad Valle del Momboy, y se usó para evaluar una lista de aspirantes docentes para la Facultad de Ingeniería, validando la consistencia del modelo y estimando su capacidad predictora en el desempeño docente.

  7. Evolución del consumo de fármacos antipsicóticos en Castilla y León (1990-2001

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    García del Pozo Javier


    Full Text Available Fundamento: A lo largo de la última década se han introducido nuevos fármacos y nuevos abordajes terapéuticos que permiten suponer cambios en la utilización de antipsicóticos en nuestro medio. El objetivo del presente estudio fue caracterizar el patrón de utilización de antipsicóticos en Castilla y León para el periodo 1990-2001 así como conocer la influencia que la introducción de los nuevos antipsicóticos ha podido tener en el patrón de consumo de estos fármacos. Métodos: Los datos de consumo de medicamentos se obtuvieron de la base de datos ECOM (Especialidades Consumo de Medicamentos del Ministerio de Sanidad y Consumo. Esta base contiene información sobre el consumo de medicamentos dispensados con cargo al Sistema Nacional de Salud en farmacias comunitarias en todo el territorio nacional. Con el fin de estimar el consumo fuera del Sistema Nacional de Salud, se han utilizado datos de la empresa IMS (International Marketing Services referidos a los años 2000 y 2001. Los datos se expresaron en Dosis Diarias Definidas por 1.000 habitantes y día. Resultados: El uso de antipsicóticos creció un 146 % desde 1990 al 2001. A lo largo del periodo estudiado, haloperidol ha sido el antipsicótico más utilizado en España y en Castilla y León. Los antipsicóticos atípicos representaron un 49% del consumo total en el año 2001 y un 90% de los costes; se observa una fuerte tendencia hacia un aumento de su consumo en detrimento de los antipsicóticos típicos. Se ha estimado que un 14% de los antipsicóticos utilizados en Castilla y León lo fue fuera del Sistema Nacional de Salud. Existen notables diferencias entre las distintas provincias. Conclusiones: El consumo de antipsicóticos en Castilla y León creció un 146% durante los 12 años estudiados. En este incremento, la oferta de nuevos antipsicóticos atípicos y las medidas legales relacionadas con la desinstitucionalización de los enfermos mentales han podido jugar un papel

  8. Evolución del consumo de fármacos antipsicóticos en Castilla y León (1990-2001

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    Javier García de Pozo


    Full Text Available Fundamento:A lo largo de la última década se han introducido nuevos fármacos y nuevos abordajes terapéuticos que permiten suponer cambios en la utilización de antipsicóticos en nuestro medio. El objetivo del presente estudio fue caracterizar el patrón de utilización de antipsicóticos en Castilla y León para el periodo 1990-2001 así como conocer la influencia que la introducción de los nuevos antipsicóticos ha podido tener en el patrón de consumo de estos fármacos. Métodos:Los datos de consumo de medicamentos se obtuvieron de la base de datos ECOM (Especialidades Consumo de Medicamentos del Ministerio de Sanidad y Consumo. Esta base contiene información sobre el consumo de medicamentos dispensados con cargo al Sistema Nacional de Salud en farmacias comunitarias en todo el territorio nacional. Con el fin de estimar el consumo fuera del Sistema Nacional de Salud, se han utilizado datos de la empresa IMS (International Marketing Services referidos a los años 2000 y 2001. Los datos se expresaron en Dosis Diarias Definidas por 1.000 habitantes y día. Resultados: El uso de antipsicóticos creció un 146 % desde 1990 al 2001. A lo largo del periodo estudiado, haloperidol ha sido el antipsicótico más utilizado en España y en Castilla y León. Los antipsicóticos atípicos representaron un 49% del consumo total en el año 2001 y un 90% de los costes; se observa una fuerte tendencia hacia un aumento de su consumo en detrimento de los antipsicóticos típicos. Se ha estimado que un 14% de los antipsicóticos utilizados en Castilla y León lo fue fuera del Sistema Nacional de Salud. Existen notables diferencias entre las distintas provincias. Conclusiones: El consumo de antipsicóticos en Castilla y León creció un 146% durante los 12 años estudiados. En este incremento, la oferta de nuevos antipsicóticos atípicos y las medidas legales relacionadas con la desinstitucionalización de los enfermos mentales han podido jugar un papel

  9. Factores familiares asociados a la conducta sexual en adolescentes

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    Patricia Andrade Palos


    Full Text Available El propósito del estudio fue determinar las diferencias de los factores familiares en adolescentes que han y no han iniciado su actividad sexual. La muestra estuvo conformada por 1942 estudiantes de escuelas técnicas del D.F., 44.7% hombres y 55.3% mujeres. El 19.3% reportó ser sexualmente activo. Con fines de comparación se eligió una muestra de adolescentes sin vida sexual activa equivalente a la del grupo con vida sexual en cuanto a género y edad. Los resultados mostraron que las mujeres con vida sexual reportaron una menor comunicación y apego con ambos padres, así como, mayor rechazo por parte de la mamá en comparación con las mujeres sin vida sexual. Relativo a los hombres, los que tienen vida sexual reportaron mayor comunicación sobre temas de sexualidad y más permisividad de ambos padres, así como, altos puntajes de rechazo por parte de la mamá en comparación con los hombres sin vida sexual.


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    Jorge Raúl Palacios Delgado


    Full Text Available El propósito del estudio fue determinar las diferencias de los factores familiares en adolescentes que han y no han iniciado su actividad sexual. La muestra estuvo conformada por 1942 estudiantes de escuelas técnicas del D.F., 44.7% hombres y 55.3% mujeres. El 19.3% reportó ser sexualmente activo. Con fines de comparación se eligió una muestra de adolescentes sin vida sexual activa equivalente a la del grupo con vida sexual en cuanto a género y edad. Los resultados mostraron que las mujeres con vida sexual reportaron una menor comunicación y apego con ambos padres, así como, mayor rechazo por parte de la mamá en comparación con las mujeres sin vida sexual. Relativo a los hombres, los que tienen vida sexual reportaron mayor comunicación sobre temas de sexualidad y más permisividad de ambos padres, así como, altos puntajes de rechazo por parte de la mamá en comparación con los hombres sin vida sexual.

  11. Comparison of neutron and high-energy X-ray dual-beam radiography for air cargo inspection

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Liu, Y.; Sowerby, B.D.; Tickner, J.R.


    Dual-beam radiography techniques utilising various combinations of high-energy X-rays and neutrons are attractive for screening bulk cargo for contraband such as narcotics and explosives. Dual-beam radiography is an important enhancement to conventional single-beam X-ray radiography systems in that it provides additional information on the composition of the object being imaged. By comparing the attenuations of transmitted dual high-energy beams, it is possible to build a 2D image, colour coded to indicate material. Only high-energy X-rays, gamma-rays and neutrons have the required penetration to screen cargo containers. This paper reviews recent developments and applications of dual-beam radiography for air cargo inspection. These developments include dual high-energy X-ray techniques as well as fast neutron and gamma-ray (or X-ray) radiography systems. High-energy X-ray systems have the advantage of generally better penetration than neutron systems, depending on the material being interrogated. However, neutron systems have the advantage of much better sensitivity to material composition compared to dual high-energy X-ray techniques. In particular, fast neutron radiography offers the potential to discriminate between various classes of organic material, unlike dual energy X-ray techniques that realistically only offer the ability to discriminate between organic and metal objects

  12. International air cargo operations and gateways : their emerging importance to the state of Texas. (United States)


    Air cargo transport has become particularly important in todays expanding global : economy for the movement of high-value goods such as electronics, computer components, : precision equipment, medical supplies, auto parts, and perishables. Air car...


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    Helena González


    Full Text Available Puede hacerse cargo la poeta del nosotros sin sucumbir a una idea de comunidad sentimental vertebrada a partir de una postergación utópica? ¿Cómo puede llevar a debate al mismo tiempo la causa de las mujeres y la de la nación subalterna sin que una tienda a abarcar a la otra como paraguas totalizador? ¿Cómo se construye una épica no heroica adecuada a un tiempo en el que no son posibles las narraciones míticas o técnicas sobre el origen de una comunidad? Chus Pato y Ana Romaní ofrecen en sus poemarios publicados a partir del año 2000 modelos que interrogan a la comunidad desde la transformación de las formas poéticas de lo épico para cuestionar la identidad nacional desde la diferencia sexual.

  14. Caracterización del sistema de dirección en la Atención Primaria de Salud Characterization of the management system in Primary Health Care

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    Alina María Segredo Pérez


    Full Text Available Se realizó una investigación descriptiva de corte transversal con el objetivo de caracterizar las condiciones organizativas y estructurales del sistema de dirección en la Atención Primaria de Salud, en el año 2003. El universo de estudio estuvo constituido por los directores de áreas de salud del país, donde se exploraron variables como: edad, sexo, estado civil, tiempo en el cargo, vía de acceso al cargo, condiciones de trabajo para desempeñar la labor, planificación del trabajo y tiempo de superación. Para el desarrollo de la investigación se confeccionó y aplicó un cuestionario donde se encontró que: el grupo de edades de 30 a 35 años es el más representativo para un 59, 5 %; el 79,8 % de los directores de áreas dirigen hace menos de un año o entre 1 y 3 años; que accede al cargo de dirección promovido de otro cargo el 42,1 %; sólo el 42,5 % tienen equipo de dirección completo. Asimismo se precisó que el 81,7 % de los encuestados realizan reuniones dentro y fuera del horario laboral y sólo el 55 % de estas reuniones se relacionan con los objetivos de la institución. El 80 % planifica trabajo para los días no laborables y nada más el 40,5 % dedica tiempo a la superación. Se concluye que los directores de las áreas de salud investigadas desempeñan sus funciones en condiciones organizativas y estructurales desfavorable lo que resta tiempo a su capacitación y preparación.A cross-sectional descriptive research was conducted aimed at characterizing the organizational and structural conditions of the management system in Primary Health Care, in 2003. The directors of the health areas of the country were included in the study. The following variables were analyzed: age, sex, marital status, time in the position, ways of access to the post, working conditions, work planning and time devoted to upgrading. To develop the research, a questionnaire was made and applied. It was found that the age group 30-35 was the most

  15. Rail freight vibration impact sleep and community response: An overview of CargoVibes

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Persson Waye, K.; Janssen, S.A.; Waddington, D.; Groll, W.; Croy, I.; Hammar, O.; Koopman, A.; Moorhouse, A.; Peris, E.; Sharp, C.; Sica, G.; Smith, M.G.; Vos, H.; Woodcock, J.; Ogren, M.


    The European Union funded project: CargoVibes involving ten partners from eight nations has aimed to examine ground-borne vibration affecting residents close to freight railway lines. The paper presents an overview of the work package investigating human response to vibration, with particular focus

  16. Applications and Challenges for Use of Cell-Penetrating Peptides as Delivery Vectors for Peptide and Protein Cargos

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    Mie Kristensen


    Full Text Available The hydrophilic nature of peptides and proteins renders them impermeable to cell membranes. Thus, in order to successfully deliver peptide and protein-based therapeutics across the plasma membrane or epithelial and endothelial barriers, a permeation enhancing strategy must be employed. Cell-penetrating peptides (CPPs constitute a promising tool and have shown applications for peptide and protein delivery into cells as well as across various epithelia and the blood-brain barrier (BBB. CPP-mediated delivery of peptides and proteins may be pursued via covalent conjugation of the CPP to the cargo peptide or protein or via physical complexation obtained by simple bulk-mixing of the CPP with its cargo. Both approaches have their pros and cons, and which is the better choice likely relates to the physicochemical properties of the CPP and its cargo as well as the route of administration, the specific barrier and the target cell. Besides the physical barrier, a metabolic barrier must be taken into consideration when applying peptide-based delivery vectors, such as the CPPs, and stability-enhancing strategies are commonly employed to prolong the CPP half-life. The mechanisms by which CPPs translocate cell membranes are believed to involve both endocytosis and direct translocation, but are still widely investigated and discussed. The fact that multiple factors influence the mechanisms responsible for cellular CPP internalization and the lack of sensitive methods for detection of the CPP, and in some cases the cargo, further complicates the design and conduction of conclusive mechanistic studies.

  17. Models for microtubule cargo transport coupling the Langevin equation to stochastic stepping motor dynamics: Caring about fluctuations. (United States)

    Bouzat, Sebastián


    One-dimensional models coupling a Langevin equation for the cargo position to stochastic stepping dynamics for the motors constitute a relevant framework for analyzing multiple-motor microtubule transport. In this work we explore the consistence of these models focusing on the effects of the thermal noise. We study how to define consistent stepping and detachment rates for the motors as functions of the local forces acting on them in such a way that the cargo velocity and run-time match previously specified functions of the external load, which are set on the base of experimental results. We show that due to the influence of the thermal fluctuations this is not a trivial problem, even for the single-motor case. As a solution, we propose a motor stepping dynamics which considers memory on the motor force. This model leads to better results for single-motor transport than the approaches previously considered in the literature. Moreover, it gives a much better prediction for the stall force of the two-motor case, highly compatible with the experimental findings. We also analyze the fast fluctuations of the cargo position and the influence of the viscosity, comparing the proposed model to the standard one, and we show how the differences on the single-motor dynamics propagate to the multiple motor situations. Finally, we find that the one-dimensional character of the models impede an appropriate description of the fast fluctuations of the cargo position at small loads. We show how this problem can be solved by considering two-dimensional models.

  18. Esclavitud y ética comercial en el siglo XVI

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    Jörg Alejandro Tellkamp


    Full Text Available En varios tratados españoles del siglo XVI, la esclavitud como fenómeno social y comercial adquirió una importancia teórica cada vez mayor con respecto al estatus legal y moral de los seres humanos. El presente trabajo trata de esbozar algunos de los argumentos con respecto al comercio de esclavos y sus implicaciones morales y legales de acuerdo los autores Tomás de Mercado (1530-1576 y Bartolomé Frías de Albornoz (s. XVI, mostrando cómo la discusión se encaminó hacia la expresión de derechos individuales, sin, no obstante, superar el tradicional apego al concepto de esclavitud legal.

  19. La Revolución Comunicacional y el Uso Didáctico del Periódico en la Enseñanza Geográfica

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    José Armando Santiago Rivera


    Full Text Available El artículo analiza en el contexto de la revolución comunicacional, el uso didáctico del periódico en la enseñanza geográfica. Se asume que la prensa populariza diariamente noticias, informaciones y conocimientos al facilitar datos a la ciudadanía sobre sucesos ambientales, geográficos y sociales, mientras en la práctica escolar cotidiana se preserva el apego al libro, con la aplicación pedagógica y didáctica de acento tradicional. Eso determinó metodológicamente, realizar una revisión bibliográfica que explica el periódico como medio de comunicación social y la problemática geográfica, el uso didáctico del periódico e innovar la enseñanza de la geografía, el periódico y sus efectos pedagógicos en la enseñanza de la geografía en la habitual actividad escolar. Concluye al destacar la importancia del periódico pues contribuye a formar esencialmente una matriz de opinión crítica y reflexiva sobre la geografía cotidiana comunitaria en el inicio del nuevo milenio. Palabras clave Revolución comunicacional, periódico, enseñanza geográfica. Communicational Revolution and the Didactic Use of Newspapers in Teaching Geography Abstract The article analyzes the context of the Communications Revolution; the educational use of newspapers in teaching Geography. It is assumed that the Press popularizes daily news, information and knowledge to provide information to the public on environmental, geographical and social events, while in everyday practice school attached to the book is preserved, with the pedagogical and didactic application of traditional accent. It determined methodologically, conduct and literature review that explains the newspaper as a means of social communication and the problem of geographical, educational use of newspapers. In order to innovate in the teaching of geography, newspapers and its pedagogical effect on the teaching of geography in the usual school activity. It concludes by highlighting the

  20. La evaluación de la eficiencia administrativa del equipamiento urbano municipal. El caso de León, Guanajuato

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    Jorge Acevedo Alarid


    Full Text Available Esta investigación tiene como objetivo el análisis de la operación y manejo del equipamiento urbano a cargo del gobierno municipal de León, Guanajuato. Se trata de una medición de desempeño que se inscribe en el ámbito de uno de los componentes del llamado proceso administrativo que es el de control. En el abordaje metodológico, se recurre a la evaluación desde el enfoque de las políticas públicas -como variante del proceso de control-, la cual es concebida como la aplicación sistemática de los procedimientos de la investigación social para valorar la conceptualización, el diseño, la implantación y la utilidad de los programas públicos. Se diseña un esquema de trabajo compuesto por tres principales dimensiones que son la estructura jurídica, la estructura administrativa y la participación social -todas con sus respectivos componentes e indicadores de medición-, y se seleccionan cuatro áreas del gobierno municipal a ser evaluadas, en el presente trabajo se presenta la relativa al área de panteones. Una vez realizada la evaluación, se pudo determinar un Índice de Eficiencia Administrativa (IEA para cada dimensión, para cada área y para la dependencia analizada. Se plantean también un conjunto de propuestas dirigidas a mejorar el desempeño administrativo en el manejo y operación del equipamiento urbano municipal.

  1. Análisis de la motricidad de la cultura indígena Sikuani: un estudio para el departamento del Meta (Colombia)


    Velásquez Arjona, Alberto; Campos Polo, Fernando


    La comunidad indígena Sikuani, confinada desde hace cuarenta años en el resguardo indígena Wayoko, región de la Orinoquia colombiana, fue concentrada allí contra su tradición nómada. A pesar de sus vicisitudes, los miembros de la comunidad se han caracterizado por un férreo apego a sus tradiciones.El proceso de transformacion de la comunidad Sikuani, el cual se ha denominado como transculturización, lleva ya varios años haciendo estragos en la idiosincracia indígena. A pesar de que muchas com...

  2. Post-targeting strategy for ready-to-use targeted nanodelivery post cargo loading. (United States)

    Zhu, J Y; Hu, J J; Zhang, M K; Yu, W Y; Zheng, D W; Wang, X Q; Feng, J; Zhang, X Z


    Based on boronate formation, this study reports a post-targeting methodology capable of readily installing versatile targeting modules onto a cargo-loaded nanoplatform in aqueous mediums. This permits the targeted nanodelivery of broad-spectrum therapeutics (drug/gene) in a ready-to-use manner while overcoming the PEGylation-dilemma that frequently occurs in conventional targeting approaches.

  3. The insurance of bulk oil cargoes and adjustment of shortage claims

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tavendale, R.


    Shortage claims discussed in this article include those due to a definite disaster such as a fire, those due to cargo contamination and storage, and those identified in documentation as occurring between loading and unloading. The principal types of cover are examined, and the distinction between gross and net quantities, claim documentation, the petroleum measurement tables, and guaranteed out turn cover are described in detail. (UK)

  4. Dose to drivers during drive-through cargo scanning using GEANT4 Monte Carlo simulation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gomes, Rogerio S.; Gomes, Joana D'Arc R.L.; Costa, Mara Lucia L.


    The use of radiation technologies to perform screening for cargo containers has been increased due to security issues, mainly, as a consequence of the United States (US) legislation which requires, from 2013, the scanning of all intermodal cargo containers which arrive at US ports. Currently, systems to cargo inspections, using accelerator-driven high energy X-rays, between 4 and 9 MeV, are available for scanning operations. It is expected that, in the future, the use of these systems will be widely spread on roads, ports and airports in Brazil. However, in order to improve the productivity and reduce the costs of acquisition, operation and maintenance these systems require that the driver drives its vehicle through irradiation area, in a situation where members of the public (the truck drivers) enter in controlled area and are deliberately exposed to high-energy beam. Some manufacturers justifies this procedure arguing that the drivers are exposed briefly, and only to the scattered beam, since there are safety systems in order to avoid that the drivers are exposed to direct beam. In this work, it is presented the preliminary results of Monte Carlo simulations concerning the dose of drivers during scanning operations, including the dose due to a failure of safety system, producing an exposure of drivers to the direct beam, as well as, an analysis of the justification of practice, mainly related to the drive-through operational procedure. (author)

  5. 49 CFR 178.320 - General requirements applicable to all DOT specification cargo tank motor vehicles. (United States)


    ... removed from the motor vehicle; and (3) Is not fabricated under a specification for cylinders... determine leak tightness of the cargo tank when testing with pneumatic pressure. Internal self-closing stop...

  6. Imagen corporativa sobre la Universidad del Zulia: Opinión y percepción de los líderes del estado Zulia

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    Efraín Rincón


    Full Text Available El artículo presenta la evaluación de las opiniones y percepciones que poseen los lideres de opinión de la ciudad de Maracaibo acerca de la Universidad del Zulia. Para ello, se conformaron las bases teóricas desde la filosofía mercadotecnista, asumiendo la posición de autores calificados en este campo del saber. Desde la perspectiva metodológica, el tipo de investigación fue descriptiva, con diseño no experimental de campo. La muestra fue de tipo intencional, compuesta por dieciséis (16 líderes de opinión, distribuidos en el municipio Maracaibo. Se utilizó como instrumento el cuestionario estructurado, aplicando la validez de contenido mediante una muestra de cinco (5 jueces expertos en el área de mercadeo y ventas. Además, se proporcionó al instrumento una confiabilidad objetiva dada por el orden lógico de las preguntas, la fluidez de las mismas y el grado en que el entrevistado pudo contestarlas con facilidad ya que la técnica de recolección de datos fue la entrevista cara a cara y el procesamiento de los mismos estuvo a cargo del Centro de Estadística e Investigación de Operaciones de la Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Sociales (LUZ. Los resultados revelan que en opinión de los lideres zulianos, otras universidades son percibidas más favorablemente que LUZ, en su política comunicacional, a pesar que mayoritariamente se piense que es una institución fundamental en el proceso de desarrollo del estado Zulia. De igual manera, la información transmitida por sus medios, no satisface plenamente las necesidades que manifiestan los líderes regionales, con lo cual deja de aprovecharse efectivamente la importancia de la comunicación con su entorno más inmediato.

  7. Diseño instruccional en la educación a distancia: la importancia y contribución del tecnopedagogo

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    Elizabeth Nanllely Vázquez Mejía


    Full Text Available Las nuevas tecnologías de la información y comunicaciones provocan cambios en las maneras y los medios para educar. Se conciben nuevas formas de planificar, ejecutar, evaluar y retroalimentar el aprendizaje. Todo este bagaje de posibilidades de enseñar y aprender a distancia ha generado conceptos y modalidades como el e-learning, b-learning, m-learning, u-learning y s-learning, grandes oportunidades para la gestión del conocimiento. A través de la tecnopedagogía se le da a los contenidos y a los diversos medios tecnológicos y de telecomunicaciones el justo valor educativo. La figura del tecnopedagogo resulta importante e imprescindible, pues tiene a su cargo el diseño instruccional, y en específico la creación de los guiones instruccionales tecnopedagógicos, en los que se aprovechan las nuevas tecnologías para el aprendizaje.

  8. Finite element analysis of container ship's cargo hold using ANSYS and POSEIDON software (United States)

    Tanny, Tania Tamiz; Akter, Naznin; Amin, Osman Md.


    Nowadays ship structural analysis has become an integral part of the preliminary ship design providing further support for the development and detail design of ship structures. Structural analyses of container ship's cargo holds are carried out for the balancing of their safety and capacity, as those ships are exposed to the high risk of structural damage during voyage. Two different design methodologies have been considered for the structural analysis of a container ship's cargo hold. One is rule-based methodology and the other is a more conventional software based analyses. The rule based analysis is done by DNV-GL's software POSEIDON and the conventional package based analysis is done by ANSYS structural module. Both methods have been applied to analyze some of the mechanical properties of the model such as total deformation, stress-strain distribution, Von Mises stress, Fatigue etc., following different design bases and approaches, to indicate some guidance's for further improvements in ship structural design.

  9. Design and application of radiation apparatus for sup 6 sup 0 Co cargo train on-line inspection system

    CERN Document Server

    Wu Zhi Fang; Zhang Yuai


    Based on the special requirement for radiation apparatus of sup 6 sup 0 Co cargo train on-line inspection system, a radiation apparatus including two-level shutter, working container, storing container and electromagnetism are designed. The makeup, working mode and functional realization of the radiation apparatus are introduced. The system is used in Manzhouli customs cargo train on-line inspection system. The practice shows that the radiation apparatus is reliable to work steadily and the operating speed of the main shutter can reach 0.1 s open and 0.15 s close

  10. Significant role of PB1 and UBA domains in multimerization of Joka2, a selective autophagy cargo receptor from tobacco

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    Katarzyna eZientara-Rytter


    Full Text Available Tobacco Joka2 protein is a hybrid homolog of two mammalian selective autophagy cargo receptors, p62 and NBR1. These proteins can directly interact with the members of ATG8 family and the polyubiquitinated cargoes designed for degradation. Function of the selective autophagy cargo receptors relies on their ability to form protein aggregates. It has been shown that the N-terminal PB1 domain of p62 is involved in formation of aggregates, while the UBA domains of p62 and NBR1 have been associated mainly with cargo binding. Here we focus on roles of PB1 and UBA domains in localization and aggregation of Joka2 in plant cells. We show that Joka2 can homodimerize not only through its N-terminal PB1-PB1 interactions but also via interaction between N-terminal PB1 and C-terminal UBA domains. We also demonstrate that Joka2 co-localizes with recombinant ubiquitin and sequestrates it into aggregates and that C-terminal part (containing UBA domains is sufficient for this effect. Our results indicate that Joka2 accumulates in cytoplasmic aggregates and suggest that in addition to these multimeric forms it also exists in the nucleus and cytoplasm in a monomeric form.


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    Esperanza Del Niño Jesús Cabrera Díaz


    Full Text Available El presente artículo de reflexión es producto de la revisión de la tesis de grado del doctorado titulada “dilemas Bioéticos en las prácticas discursivas de psicoterapeutas que atienden el maltrato infantil”, y realiza una deliberación sobre la dignidad de niños y niñas. Parte de los conceptos de dignidad propios de Grecia y Roma, donde la dignidad es propia del varón por origen aristocrático, o dada por el desempeño en un cargo público. En este ambiente, el concepto de dignidad es impensable para los niños y niñas. Este concepto surge simultáneamente con el de pater familiae, en el mismo contexto. Para el pater familiae, el niño o niña es un objeto-propiedad del adulto, sin reconocimiento como ser humano con dignidad y respeto. Es un niño o niña subordinado al adulto, sin voz, sin posibilidad alguna de tomar decisiones o de ser considerado un ser humano. Este acervo cultural sobre dignidad y de niño o niña, históricamente permea la cultura occidental y llega hasta nuestros días. Por lo anterior, se plantea la necesidad de reflexionar sobre la dignidad del niño o niña, transformar la cultura para que el niño o niña sea considerado un ser digno, perteneciente a la especie humana, con igual dignidad a la del adulto. Desde la Bioética, este cambio conceptual sobre lo que es un niño o niña, lleva a la expresión cotidiana de valorar, respetar, dignificar al niño o niña, a través de la escucha, el diálogo, el consenso, el acuerdo, la participación activa en toda decisión que le compete.

  12. An Improved Spectral Analysis Method for Fatigue Damage Assessment of Details in Liquid Cargo Tanks (United States)

    Zhao, Peng-yuan; Huang, Xiao-ping


    Errors will be caused in calculating the fatigue damages of details in liquid cargo tanks by using the traditional spectral analysis method which is based on linear system, for the nonlinear relationship between the dynamic stress and the ship acceleration. An improved spectral analysis method for the assessment of the fatigue damage in detail of a liquid cargo tank is proposed in this paper. Based on assumptions that the wave process can be simulated by summing the sinusoidal waves in different frequencies and the stress process can be simulated by summing the stress processes induced by these sinusoidal waves, the stress power spectral density (PSD) is calculated by expanding the stress processes induced by the sinusoidal waves into Fourier series and adding the amplitudes of each harmonic component with the same frequency. This analysis method can take the nonlinear relationship into consideration and the fatigue damage is then calculated based on the PSD of stress. Take an independent tank in an LNG carrier for example, the accuracy of the improved spectral analysis method is proved much better than that of the traditional spectral analysis method by comparing the calculated damage results with the results calculated by the time domain method. The proposed spectral analysis method is more accurate in calculating the fatigue damages in detail of ship liquid cargo tanks.

  13. Early results utilizing high-energy fission product gamma rays to detect fissionable material in cargo

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Slaughter, D.R.; Accatino, M.R.; Alford, O.J.; Bernstein, A.; Descalle, M.; Gosnell, T.B.; Hall, J.M.; Loshak, A.; Manatt, D.R.; McDowell, M.R.; Moore, T.L.; Petersen, D.C.; Pohl, B.A.; Pruet, J.A.; Prussin, S.G.


    Full text: A concept for detecting the presence of special nuclear material ( 235 U or 239 Pu) concealed in inter modal cargo containers is described. It is based on interrogation with a pulsed beam of 6-8 MeV neutrons and fission events are identified between beam pulses by their β-delayed neutron emission or β -delayed high-energy γ-radiation. The high-energy γ-ray signature is being employed for the first time. Fission product γ-rays above 3 MeV are distinct from natural radioactivity and from nearly all of the induced activity in a normal cargo. High-energy γ-radiation is nearly 10X more abundant than the delayed neutrons and penetrates even thick cargo's readily. The concept employs two large (8x20 ft) arrays of liquid scintillation detectors that have high efficiency for the detection of both delayed neutrons and delayed γ-radiation. Detector backgrounds and potential interferences with the fission signature radiation have been identified and quantified. This information, together with predicted signature strength, has been applied to the estimation of detection probability for the nuclear material and estimation of false alarm rates. This work was performed under the auspices of the U.S. Department of Energy by the University of California, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory under contract No. W-7405-Eng-48

  14. ¿A lo imposible nadie está obligado? Una mirada crítica de su aplicación dentro del sistema penal colombiano a propósito de la obligación alimentaria

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    Norberto Hernández Jiménez


    Full Text Available En este artículo de reflexión se exponen algunos comentarios críticos rela cionados con el dictum de Ulpiano: Ultra posse nemo obigatum 1 , común mente utilizado como mecanismo de defensa en los delitos contra la asisten cia alimentaria en beneficio del ascendiente irresponsable, e irrespetado, para efectos de acusación por la omisión del progenitor a cuyo cargo se encuentran los hijos, lo cual puede degenerar en la lesión o puesta en peligro de la vida u otros derechos a favor de su descendiente, siendo exigible en contra de aquel la superación de este paradigma a toda costa.

  15. 76 FR 13313 - Hazardous Materials: Cargo Tank Motor Vehicle Loading and Unloading Operations (United States)


    ...-the-job complacency. As a result, PHMSA expects a reduction in the number of loading and unloading... monitoring of internal tank pressure and cargo temperature. C. CSB Accident Investigations CSB has... unloading practices is impractical. ATA states that, ``[i]t is critically important that PHMSA not choose a...

  16. La justicia en venta. El beneficio de cargos americanos de audiencia bajo Carlos II (1683-1700

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    Sanz Tapia, Ángel


    Full Text Available The article deals with the provision and «beneficio» (sale of Justice appointments to Spanish American Audiencias (Higher Courts in the 17th century, that modifies and completes previous research. The sale process of posts in American Audiencias (Crown attorneys, civil and criminal judges and attorneys for Indian defence is studied beginning with the antecedents in the reign of Felipe IV and the mercantile start in 1683 to the final years of Carlos II. Together with the Crown policy on this respect, it is offered a yearly analysis of the provided posts and beneficiaries, amounts paid and posts holders, along with some social aspects of the buyers (origin, status and professional experience.

    El artículo trata la provisión y «beneficio» (venta de los cargos de Justicia de las audiencias hispanoamericanas durante el siglo XVII, modificando y completando investigaciones anteriores. Estudia el proceso de venta de las plazas audienciales indianas (fiscales, oidores, alcaldes del crimen y fiscales protectores de indios desde sus antecedentes con Felipe IV y su inicio mercantil en 1683 hasta finales de Carlos II. Junto al planteamiento de la Corona se ofrece un completo análisis anual de las plazas provistas y beneficiadas, cantidades abonadas y personas titulares, junto con algunos aspectos sociales de los compradores (origen, estatus, experiencia.

  17. Peces del Noroeste del Ecuador


    Barriga, Ramiro


    La ictiofauna del occidente del Ecuador es poco conocida. Los peces del noroccidente son diferentes a los del suroccidente del Ecuador. 34 familias y 82 especies fueron colectadas que equivale al 11 % de las especies de peces continentales registradas en el Ecuador. Icteogeográficamente se sabe que la costa ecuatoriana posee dos provincias: la del Pacifico Norte y la del Guayas, se determinó que el límite de las dos provincias es el río Santiago ya que las especies del mencionado río so...

  18. Recepción de estereotipos de la serie norteamericana Lost entre jóvenes que habitan en Monterrey, México

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    Beatriz Elena Inzunza Acedo


    Full Text Available El objetivo del estudio consistió en el análisis de recepción de los personajes de la serie estadounidense Lost, cuyas representaciones variaron entre norteamericanos, latinos, europeos, coreanos, rusos, árabes, australianos y africanos; hombres y mujeres; niños, jóvenes, adultos y ancianos. Se llevaron a cabo cinco grupos de discusión con 29 jóvenes que habitaban en Monterrey, México. Para la interpretación de resultados, se utilizó el modelo de Palmer y Hafen, en la versión ampliada de Inzunza Acedo, y los tipos de empatía de Igartua y Muñiz. Las conclusiones apuntan a una tendencia de aceptación o rechazo de tipo ingenuo de los personajes, puesto que no hay una reflexión crítica respecto a los estereotipos, debido al apego emocional por parte de los espectadores o a elementos humorísticos del guion.


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    I. M. Tsarenkova


    Full Text Available Рurpose. The article is aimed to develop and adapt the theoretical and methodological foundations for improving logistics system of cargo delivery by road transport in the framework of the scientific support of formation processes of transport-logistical system of the country. Methodology. The theory of system functioning control requires formalization of connections within the system. The qualitative and quantitative characteristics of entity were performed and the regularities of elements interaction in the system of road goods transportation were found out. The role of the road in transport industry and the influence of transportation and logistics space on the road itself in the process of its functioning were clarified. In the study of this topic the system approach, methods of synthesis and rational problem solving, theory of mass service were used. Findings. The work presents the highway as an element of the cargo transportation system that will make it possible to increase its economic efficiency in a constantly changing environment of transportation and logistics space according to the chosen criterion, the lower total costs to promote material flow. Theoretical-methodological bases of perfection of logistics system of cargo delivery by road transport include substantiation for the use of logistics as an effective control element to reduce the costs associated with goods transportation. They are distinguished by the presence of evidence-based methods for calculating the timing and sequence of execution of road works, logistic integration involved in the carriage of goods of the enterprises, structure and volume of material and accompanying flows and the formation of the logistics chain of its promotion. Originality. The road is represented by the link of single integral process of creation and management of the material flows. We propose formation of sub-system of the elements of road and transportation components with their further

  20. Examining the links between attachment, perfectionism, and job motivation potential with job engagement and workaholism

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    Aharon Tziner


    Full Text Available El propósito de este artículo fue investigar las asociaciones entre los estilos de apego, el perfeccionismo y el potencial de motivación laboral con el compromiso con el trabajo y la adicción al trabajo. Una muestra de 139 empleados cumplimentó un cuestionario de autoinforme que incluía medidas psicométricamente sólidas de los constructos clave. Se realizó un análisis de correlaciones, una regresión múltiple jerárquica y un modelo de ecuaciones estructurales para poner a prueba las relaciones propuestas y las hipótesis de mediación. Se encontró que el perfeccionismo funcional se relacionaba con el compromiso con el trabajo, mientras que el perfeccionismo disfuncional emergía asociado a los estilos de apego seguros y no seguros. Además, sólo un estilo de apego (no seguro y un tipo de perfeccionismo (disfuncional estaban ligados a la adicción al trabajo. Los directivos deberían prestar atención a los empleados que se caractericen por un es- tilo de apego no seguro y por una personalidad perfeccionista. También se debería hacer un esfuerzo para mejorar el compromiso entre los empleados y facilitar la adicción constructiva al trabajo.