
Sample records for butadieno estireno abs

  1. Caracterización de polipropileno con fibra de vidrio y policarbonato/acrilonitrilo butadieno estireno microespumados mediante moldeo por inyección MuCell®


    Rojas Jiménez, Ana


    El proyecto tiene como objetivo el análisis morfológico y de propiedades mecánicas de placas de polipropileno con fibra de vidrio (PP-GF30) y de policarbonato/acrilonitrilo butadieno estireno (PC/ABS), inyectadas mediante microespumación física (MuCell®). Este proyecto se enmarca dentro de un estudio más amplio que tiene como objetivo la comparación entre dos métodos de espumado físico mediante moldeo por inyección: el proceso MuCell® y un nuevo proceso del grupo Volkswagen...

  2. Estudo da tenacidade à fratura por meio do método do trabalho essencial de fratura (EWF) da blenda PBT/ABS, reforçada com fibra de vidro


    Carlos do Amaral Razzino


    O terpolímero acrilonitrila-butadieno-estireno (ABS) com alto teor de borracha tem sido utilizado para tenacificar PBT. Como resultados, são obtidas blendas de PBT/ABS super tenazes sob impacto Izod entalhado. No entanto, ocorre uma redução significativa no módulo elástico. O desenvolvimento de um balanço de rigidez-tenacidade em blendas de PBT/ABS pode ser alcançado pela adição de fibras curtas de vidro. O desempenho dos compósitos é fortemente dependente da interface matriz-fibra e conseque...

  3. Caracterización de materiales termoplásticos de ABS y PLA semi - rígido impresos en 3D con cinco mallados internos diferentes


    Molina Osejos, Jaime Vinicio


    En este trabajo se estudia las propiedades mecánicas del Acrilonitrilo Butadieno Estireno (ABS) y Ácido Poliláctico (PLA) de las probetas obtenidas mediante manufactura aditiva con la técnica de la impresión 3D por el proceso de deposición de material fundido, se investiga el comportamiento mecánico de los materiales al estar conformado internamente por mallados que ocupa 1/3 del espesor de la probeta, formados por figuras geométricas, como: triángulo, cuadrado, el pentágono, círculos concént...

  4. Anisotropy and humidity effect on tensile properties and electrical volume resistivity of fused deposition modeled acrylonitrile butadiene styrene composites


    Almenara Cueto, Carlos Ignacio


    En la presente tesis, se estudió la influencia de la anisotropía y la humedad en las propiedades mecánicas a la tracción y la resistividad volumétrica de los compuestos de Acrilonitrilo Butadieno Estireno reforzado con Nano Tubos de Carbono y Acrilonitrilo Butadieno Estireno reforzado con Micro Fibras de Carbono impresos en 3D de por Deposición de Material Fundido. Para estudiar la influencia de la anisotropía, tres diferentes orientaciones de impresión de capa fueron compar...

  5. Desarrollo de una metodología para la fabricación de injertos compuestos de polvo de hueso y un biopolímero


    Sandra Quevedo-B.; Fabio A. Rojas-M.; Argemiro Michael Sanabria


    El propósito de este trabajo es presentar el desarrollo de una metodología para producir implantes a partir de materiales compuestos a base de una mezcla de polvo de hueso cortical bovino y ABS (poliacrilonitrilo - butadieno - estireno). La morfología del polvo y sus dimensiones, así como el porcentaje del mismo en la mezcla, fueron establecidos como las variables de diseño del estudio realizado en este primer intento para producir objetos a partir de biomateriales híbridos par...

  6. Caracterización morfológica de asfalto modificado con diferentes copolímeros a altas concentraciones.




    Se analizaron las microestructuras de asfalto modificado con diferentes copolimeros comerciales, estireno-butadieno-estireno (SBS), ethilen-vinil-acetato (EVA) y etilen-glicil-acrilato (EGA), mezclados con asfalto AC-20™, de Petróleos Mexicanos, mediante microscopia electrónica de transmisión. Las mezclas se realizaron con un mezclador de alto esfuerzo cortante a ISOOC por una hora. en un intervalo de concentración de lOa 12 % de polimero modificador.

  7. Estudo de sistema de absorção de 1,3-butadieno em NMP.


    Leonardo Mendonça Pompei


    O propósito deste trabalho foi o desenvolvimento de um procedimento simulador de processo reproduzindo a etapa de destilação extrativa de uma unidade de extração de butadieno a partir de uma corrente de hidrocarbonetos na faixa de quatro átomos de carbono, através da adição do solvente n-metil-2- pirrolidona (NMP). Os resultados obtidos foram comparados e validados com dados de processo obtidos por uma unidade industrial de extração de butadieno. O aprofundamento nos conceitos do processo de ...



    Jiménez, Esteban; Villegas, Ana María


    El presente trabajo se enfocó en desarrollar un proceso para la eliminación del gas estireno, un contaminante orgánico generador de malos olores en el aire. Se construyó un sistema de biofiltración en el cual se emplearon bacterias del tipo Pseudomona aeruginosa y Escherichia coli adheridas a un soporte de piedra pómez. Se contaminó aire con estireno en concentraciones por encima del estándar norteamericano (TLV 40 ppm, ACGIH 2002), para simular una atmósfera laboral de alto riesg...

  9. Avaliação da degradação térmica e fotooxidativa do ABS para fins de reciclagem Evaluation of thermal and photo-oxidative ABS degradation with recycling purposes

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    Elisabete Maria Saraiva Sanchez


    Full Text Available Este trabalho tem como objetivo avaliar a degradação térmica e fotooxidativa do terpolímero poli (acrilonitrila-butadieno-estireno, ABS, utilizado em componentes internos de automóveis. Corpos de prova de ABS moldados por injeção foram submetidos ao envelhecimento térmico, segundo a norma ASTM D794, e ao envelhecimento fotooxidativo segundo as normas ASTM G24 e G53. As amostras envelhecidas foram submetidas às análises dinâmico-mecânica, e microscópicas por microscopia de força atômica no modo não contato. Os resultados mostraram que as transições, tanto da fase vítrea quanto da fase elastomérica na superfície do ABS, são afetadas pela degradação. As áreas dos picos das curvas de módulo de perda em função da temperatura relativos às transições vítreas do ABS foram correlacionadas ao alongamento na ruptura, em função do tempo e tipo de envelhecimento. As propriedades mecânicas são influenciadas de forma mais acentuada pela extensão da degradação da matriz. O método de envelhecimento ASTM G24 mostrou-se mais agressivo que o G53, seja para a fase BR ou para a fase SAN. As imagens microscópicas mostraram que os diferentes envelhecimentos provocaram diferentes variações na rugosidade das superfícies. Amostras fotooxidadas, com perda de alongamento maior que 50%, foram reprocessadas e mostraram uma recuperação superior a 90% nessa propriedade.The aim of this work is the evaluation of thermal and photo-oxidative degradation of the terpolymer acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene, ABS, used in internal automotive components. Injection molded specimens were aged by ASTM D794, ASTM G24 and ASTM G53 standards. The aged test specimens were studied by means of dynamic mechanical analysis and non-contact atomic force microscopy. The results revealed that the transitions of the glass and rubber phases were affected by the degradation. The area under linear loss modulus-temperature curves was related to tensile properties

  10. Blendas SAN/NBR: influência do teor de acrilonitrila e da viscosidade da borracha nitrílica nas propriedades mecânicas


    Leitzke,Tatiana Cunha; Pezzin,Ana Paula Testa; Pezzin,Sérgio Henrique


    Com o objetivo de desenvolver materiais poliméricos com elevada tenacidade, borrachas de poli(butadieno-co-acrilonitrila) (NBR), com teores de acrilonitrila (NA) variando de 32,9 a 45,7%, foram incorporadas ao poli(estireno-co-acrilonitrila) (SAN), por extrusão seguida de injeção. A adição do NBR resultou em um aumento significativo na resistência ao impacto e na deformação na ruptura, que foram fortemente influenciadas pela composição da blenda, pelo teor de acrilonitrila e pela viscosidade ...

  11. Influência das condições de processamento na obtenção de blendas PBT/ABS Influence of the processing parameters during preparation of PBT/ABS blends

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    José D Ambrósio


    Full Text Available Foram desenvolvidos dispositivos para obtenção de fitas extrudadas de blendas poli(tereftalato de butileno/terpolímero acrilonitrila-butadieno-estireno (PBT/ABS, que serviram para correlacionar diretamente as condições de preparação destas blendas em extrusoras com rosca dupla corotacional e interpenetrante (ERDCI com as suas propriedades. Quando compatibilizada com terpolímero reativo metacrilato de metila-co-metacrilato de glicidila-co-acrilato de etila (MGE, a blenda ternária PBT/ABS/MGE apresentou maior viscosidade, menor entalpia de fusão e menor temperatura de transição frágil dúctil (TTFD que a blenda binária PBT/ABS, devido possivelmente à reação do grupo epóxi do MGE com os terminais de cadeias do PBT. A blenda compatibilizada e processada com velocidade de rotação das roscas de 120 rpm apresentou maior viscosidade, menor entalpia de fusão e melhores propriedades de resistência ao impacto que aquela processada a 240 rpm. A maior velocidade de rotação das roscas pode ter degradado os componentes da blenda. A taxa de alimentação foi a variável de processo que mais influenciou nas propriedades da blenda, pois a taxa de 3,5 kg/h deteriorou completamente as propriedades de impacto, reduziu a viscosidade e aumentou a entalpia de fusão, quando comparada com a taxa de 7,0 kg/h. A deterioração das propriedades de impacto foi atribuída ao maior tempo de residência da blenda na ERDCI, que submeteu a blenda ao cisalhamento e à temperatura por mais tempo, causando degradação dos componentes da blenda.In order to correlate processing conditions in intermeshing co-rotational twin-screw extrusion (ICTSE and properties of PBT/ABS blends, devices have been developed to obtain extruded strips from PBT/ABS blends. The PBT/ABS blend compatibilized with reactive copolymer methyl methacrylate- glycidyl methacrylate (MGE has shown higher viscosity, lower heat of fusion and lower ductile-brittle transition temperature (DBTT


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    Esteban Jiménez

    Full Text Available El presente trabajo se enfocó en desarrollar un proceso para la eliminación del gas estireno, un contaminante orgánico generador de malos olores en el aire. Se construyó un sistema de biofiltración en el cual se emplearon bacterias del tipo Pseudomona aeruginosa y Escherichia coli adheridas a un soporte de piedra pómez. Se contaminó aire con estireno en concentraciones por encima del estándar norteamericano (TLV 40 ppm, ACGIH 2002, para simular una atmósfera laboral de alto riesgo a la salud. A fin de evaluar la eficiencia del sistema, se midieron directamente las concentraciones de estireno a la entrada y a la salida, utilizando un medidor de vapores orgánicos. Durante los primeros días se obtuvieron remociones por encima del 55%, para un promedio de 5 mediciones diarias, durante un periodo de 10 días. El sistema se fue estabilizando progresivamente durante la fase inicial, por lo que la remoción no fue la óptima. A partir del día 8 se alcanzaron remociones promedio por encima del 70% y remociones específicas superiores al 90%. El soporte de piedra pómez demostró ser una buena alternativa, facilitando la formación de una biopelícula; la rápida saturación de sus microporos permitió garantizar la baja adsorción del compuesto orgánico en el medio (piedra pómez + microorganismos, confirmando un auténtico proceso de biodegradación.

  13. Pirólise de resíduos de borrachas do setor de mineração para a produção de combustíveis: estudos em escala piloto

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    Rochel Montero Lago

    Full Text Available Resumo Neste trabalho, estudou-se em escala piloto a pirólise de três diferentes rejeitos de borracha do setor de mineração, i.e. peças de moinho de composição nominal de borracha estireno e butadieno (SBR, peneiras e correias transportadoras com composição nominal à base de borracha natural e butadieno (NR/BR e pneus offroad de composição complexa (mistura de borracha natural, nitrílica, butadieno e estireno-butadieno em temperaturas de 450, 600 e 800°C. As reações realizadas a 450°C mostraram uma pirólise incompleta, sendo que a 600 e 800°C os rejeitos de borracha se convertem totalmente em três produtos: 15-25% de gás, 42-44% sólido e 34-45% de líquido. Análises por cromatografia gasosa (CG dos produtos gasosos mostraram majoritariamente a presença de hidrocarbonetos C1-C4 com valores de poder calorífico inferior (PCI iguais a 8.496 e 7.325 kcal kg-1, similares ao gás liquefeito de petróleo (GLP. Análise dos sólidos obtidos por análise elementar de carbono, hidrogênio e nitrogênio (CHN, espectrômetria de emissão atômica com plasma induzido (ICP-AES Spectro Ciros CCD para a determinação de enxofre, análise térmica gravimétrica e diferencial (TG/DTA, carbono fixo, cinzas, voláteis mostraram a presença de 72-89% de carbono com 2% de enxofre. Análises dos produtos líquidos por cromatografia gasosa acoplado a espectrometria de massas (CG-EM indicaram a presença de misturas complexas de hidrocarbonetos majoritariamente até C20. As amostras NR/BR e pneu produzem líquidos com concentração de compostos aromáticos próxima a 50%, enquanto a amostra SBR resulta na formação de um líquido de concentração próxima a 87%. A mistura dessa fração líquida obtida pela pirólise (sem qualquer purificação com um diesel comercial nas proporções de 0,5, 1 e 3 vol% mostrou que nenhum parâmetro de qualidade de combustível definido pela ANP (Agência Nacional do Petróleo, Gás Natural e Biocombust

  14. Deshidrogenación catalítica del etilbenceno a estireno


    Causado Escobar, Robert; Universidad de Cartagena; Muñoz Martínez, Rosario; Universidad de Cartagena; Barbosa López, Aída Liliana; Universidad de Cartagena


    Este trabajo está orientado a mostrar el estado actual de las diversas investigaciones acerca de la reacción de deshidrogenación catalítica del etilbenceno en la producción de estireno, de acuerdo con las formulaciones catalíticas probadas en los últimos veinte años. Para ello se describen aspectos generales del proceso de deshidrogenación –entre los que se destaca el papel de los catalizadores en la reacción y sus aspectos cinéticos–, se analizan sus ventajas y desventajas frente a los agent...

  15. Redução e substituição do ácido crômico na etapa de condicionamento de ABS para metalização Reduction and replacement of chromic acid in step-conditioning of ABS for metallization

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    Ana Paula Kurek


    Full Text Available Na etapa de condicionamento de peças em acrilonitrila-butadieno-estireno (ABS, geralmente, são empregadas soluções sulfocrômicas, resultando na geração de efluentes altamente tóxicos e ambientalmente poluentes. Este trabalho apresenta resultados do estudo do emprego de soluções condicionantes visando à redução e substituição do ácido crômico. O condicionamento das amostras foi realizado em banhos contendo soluções de ácido crômico e ácido sulfúrico, permanganato de potássio e ácido fosfórico, e ácido sulfúrico, ácido fosfórico e dicromato de potássio, variando-se concentração, tempo de imersão e temperatura. A morfologia e estrutura da superfície das amostras foram analisadas por microscopia eletrônica de varredura (MEV, rugosidade e espectroscopia no infravermelho (FITR/ATR e a qualidade da adesão metálica após cromagem foi avaliada por inspeção visual, testes de adesão e de corrosão por exposição à névoa salina. Os resultados mostraram que o condicionamento químico ocasionou remoção dos componentes do ABS na superfície das amostras, provocando modificações como rugosidade e formação de poros, cavidades e reentrâncias, que influenciaram na adesão e foram dependentes da solução e das condições empregadas. O ácido crômico pode ser empregado em concentrações menores que a solução padrão (400 g.L-1 e soluções isentas deste foram eficientes na modificação da superfície e adesão metálica.In step-conditioning (etching of acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene (ABS terpolymer, use is generally made of sulfuric/chromic acid solutions resulting in the generation of highly toxic, environmentally polluting waste. The present work reports the results of a study of reduction and replacement of chromic acid from the etching solution. The samples conditioning was carried out in baths containing solutions of chromic and sulfuric acids, potassium permanganate and phosphoric acid, and sulfuric

  16. Copolimerización en Emulsión del Acrilato de Butilo y Estireno


    Sagrario López-Ramirez; Anayansi Estrada-Monje; Juan Roberto Herrera-Reséndiz


    La polimerización en emulsión es un proceso que se utiliza ampliamente para producir hules sintéticos así como polímeros vinílicos y acrílicos, entre otros; es un proceso ampliamente empleado a nivel industrial por la facilidad de control en la reacción y la obtención simultánea de altos pesos moleculares y altas velocidades de reacción. En este trabajo se reporta la cinética de la copolimerización de Acrilato de n-Butilo (BuA) y Estireno (Sty), BuA/Sty 65/35, empleando como entrecruzantes el...

  17. Efeito do SBS epoxidado como um agente compatibilizante para obtenção de nanocompósitos de SBS/argila cloisite 10A

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    Patrícia Alves da Silva


    Full Text Available Atualmente, cargas nanométricas são utilizadas para desenvolver novos materiais poliméricos com melhor desempenho mecânico. Neste trabalho, foi empregada uma mistura de borracha termoplástica de poli(estireno-b-butadieno-b-estireno (SBS e de argila Montmorilonita (Cloisite 10A via intercalação por fusão. Uma suspensão de Cloisite 10A em ciclohexano foi adicionada a SBS em solução. Para maior compatibilidade entre a argila e a borracha termoplástica utilizou-se uma borracha termoplástica epoxidada como agente compatibilizante. Neste estudo, a proporção argila compatibilizante foi de 0,6 até 3,0 para verificar a influência desta proporção nas propriedades mecânicas dos nanocompósitos. As propriedades morfológicas e mecânicas dos nanocompósitos foram avaliadas através da difração de raios X, microscopia eletrônica de transmissão, ensaio de tração, análise dinâmico-mecânica (DMA e avaliação do torque final da mistura. A combinação de argila/conpatibilizante favoreceu a formação de estruturas mais alongadas de argila que promoveram o ganho de módulo e tensão com pequena redução de alongamento.

  18. Exposición a estireno en cabinas prefabricadas: Estudio comparativo 2003 - 2005 Styrene exposure in pre-built cabins: Comparative study 2003 - 2005

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    Adriana Cousillas


    Full Text Available Los objetos fabricados con las resinas reforzadas pueden liberar al medio ambiente, vapor de estireno, lo que conlleva a tener una exposición al disolvente. En Uruguay, para el desarrollo de diferentes tareas administrativas, de vigilancia, de comercio, etc. se utilizan unas cabinas que son fabricadas con resinas de poliester no saturadas. En un trabajo anterior se comprobó que existía exposición a estireno en este tipo de cabinas. El objetivo de este trabajo fue estudiar los riesgos higiénicos a los que está expuesto el personal de empresa que desarrolla sus tareas administrativas en cabinas de fibra de vidrio reforzadas de resina. Se realizaron muestreos ambientales en cabinas ubicadas en diferentes zonas del Montevideo durante el año 2004 y 2005. Los valores de referencia que se utilizaron fueron los de la American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH de 2006. El trabajo realizado demuestra que no existe exposición del personal a vapores de estireno en sus lugares de trabajo con el consiguiente riesgo descrito para estos productos. Considerando los resultados del año 2003, se concluye que los valores obtenidos ese año fueron puntuales del tipo de cabinas.The objects made with reinforced resins can release styrene steam to the indoor environment, which involves worker´s exposure to this toxic solvent. In Uruguay, some administrative, commerce, and more tasks are carried out in those fiber glass cabins which are manufactured with those resins. In a previous study we had high values of styrene in air and his metabolites in urine for people working in this buildings. The aim of this study is the evaluation of the hygienic risks to exposed workers from different companies who perform their administrative tasks in reinforced fiber glass cabins. Environmental samplings were made. The reference values used were those of the American Conference of Industrial Governmental Hygienists of 2005 (ACGIH. The results obtained

  19. Reciclagem de carcaças de monitores: propriedades mecânicas e morfológicas

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    Adjanara P. Gabriel


    Full Text Available A substituição da tecnologia CRT (cathode ray tube utilizada em televisores e monitores, há mais de 60 anos, pelas novas tecnologias de Plasma, LCD (liquid crystal display e LED (light-emitting diode tem gerado grande quantidade de resíduos. Não existem estatísticas oficiais da quantidade de resíduos gerados no Brasil, contudo, para alguns países, como os EUA, a China e Taiwan, estimam-se descartes anuais de 3,2 milhões, 5 milhões e 1 milhão de televisores e monitores, respectivamente. Os monitores são compostos por polímeros, metais e cerâmicas, incluindo alguns materiais tóxicos. Este trabalho está focado na caracterização e reciclagem da carcaça polimérica dos monitores CRT. Foram coletados monitores danificados ou obsoletos e as carcaças foram separadas por marca, caracterizadas, cominuídas e injetadas para obter corpos de provas para os ensaios mecânicos. A caracterização mostrou que as carcaças, independentemente da marca, utilizam o mesmo material polimérico, o ABS (Acrilonitrila Butadieno Estireno. Os resultados dos ensaios mecânicos apresentaram variações nas diferentes marcas, provavelmente por possuírem composições diferenciadas. Esta variação também foi verificada analisando a superfície de fratura dos corpos de prova após o ensaio de tração. Com base nos resultados pode-se concluir que o material reciclado apresentou desempenho mecânico satisfatório, viabilizando tecnicamente a sua reciclagem.

  20. Efeito da adição de diferentes copolímeros em blendas HDPE/HIPS pós-consumo: morfologia de fases e propriedades térmicas The effect of different block copolymers on post consumer HDPE/HIPS Blends: phase morphology and thermal properties

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    Igor S. B. Perez


    Full Text Available Blendas de poliolefinas/HIPS têm sido exploradas para obter filmes especiais com determinadas propriedades desejadas, tornando imperativo desenvolver vários estudos para um melhor conhecimento do comportamento desses materiais. Neste trabalho, efeitos da adição dos copolímeros comerciais de estireno-butadieno multibloco (SBS e de estireno-(etileno-co-butileno-estireno (SEBS tribloco linear em blendas pós-consumo de HDPE e HIPS são reportados. A diminuição nas dimensões da microfase dispersa, aliada à rugosidade superficial da fase HDPE após extração seletiva do HIPS, independentemente de a fase matriz ser HIPS ou HDPE, mostraram mais eficiência do SEBS como modificador interfacial de tensão ou como surfactante entre os diferentes domínios quando comparado com o SBS. Os resultados das caracterizações térmicas, por exemplo, menor Tm e menor grau de cristalinidade do HDPE, e maior Tg do poliestireno na presença de SEBS corroboraram esta conclusão, como será discutido posteriormente.Blending of post-consumer polyolefins/HIPS has been exploited for obtaining special films with a desired set of properties, which has required studies to understand the behavior of these materials. In this work the effects of commercial multiblock styrene-butadiene (SBS and linear triblock styrene-(ethylene-co-butylene-styrene (SEBS copolymers in blends of post-consumer high density polyethylene (HDPE and HIPS are reported. Thermal properties and phase morphology were comparatively analyzed for the additives aiming at verifying possible correlations between them. Decreased dimensions of the minor micro phase along with HDPE surface roughness after HIPS selective extraction, independently of the matrix being HIPS or HDPE, showed better effectiveness for SEBS as interfacial tension modifier or as surfactant at the different domains interface when compared with SBS. The results of thermal characterizations, e.g. lower HDPE melting temperature, lower

  1. Propriedades mecânicas e morfologia de blendas de polipropileno com Tpes Morphology and mechanical properties of polypropylenes/Tpes blends

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    Flávia O. M. S. Abreu


    Full Text Available Blendas de polipropileno e elastômeros termoplásticos (TPEs, estireno-b-butadieno-b-estireno (SBS e estireno-b-etileno-co-butileno-b-estireno(SEBS foram preparadas com o objetivo de avaliar a influência do tipo e da concentração do elastômero nas propriedades mecânicas e na morfologia das blendas. Foram utilizados dois tipos de polipropileno, um homopolímero de propileno (PP-H e um copolímero randômico de propileno-etileno (PP-R, sendo avaliado também o efeito das características da matriz termoplástica. O elastômero termoplástico aumentou a resistência ao impacto do PP, e a variação da rigidez das blendas foi dependente somente da quantidade de TPE adicionada, sendo estas comparativamente mais rígidas que aquelas com igual teor de elastômero convencional, tipo EPDM e EPR. A blenda com melhor balanço rigidez-impacto foi aquela de PP-R com 10% de SEBS. As blendas do copolímero de propileno-etileno com os TPEs apresentaram maior deformação do que aquelas com o homopolímero, devido à natureza menos cristalina da matriz do copolímero de propileno. As blendas tanto do homo quanto do copolímero de propileno com SEBS ficaram mais homogêneas em função da maior afinidade do bloco central poliolefínico EB (etileno-co-butileno do primeiro com a região amorfa da matriz, sendo esta mais significativa no PP-R.Blends of polypropylene and thermoplastic elastomers (TPEs of styrene-butadiene-styrene (SBS and styrene-ethylene-co-butene-styrene (SEBS triblock copolymers were prepared to evaluate the effect of the elastomer and its concentration on the material properties. For this purpose, a polypropylene homopolymer (PP-H and a propylene-ethylene random copolymer (PP-R were used to evaluate the matrix effect on the tensile properties and morphology of the blends. The addition of TPEs to PP promotes increase on impact resistance and the PP-R/SEBS 10%wt blend showed the best balance in stiffness-impact resistance. The morphology of

  2. Reciclagem de poli(estireno-divinilbenzeno via processo de polimerização em massa-suspensão Recycling of styrene-divinylbenzene via mass-suspension polymerization process

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    Nathália M. Campelo


    Full Text Available O presente trabalho trata da reutilização de resinas de troca iônica a base de estireno-divinil benzeno (Sty-DVB na síntese de materiais poliméricos. Partículas micrométricas de poliestireno e poli(estireno-acrilato de etila foram obtidas via processo de polimerização sequencial do tipo massa-suspensão. A técnica experimental proposta mostrou-se bastante apropriada para uma boa dispersão da carga microparticulada de Sty-DVB na matriz polimérica termoplástica. O material final apresentou boa estabilidade térmica, e perfil de degradação similar ao do poliestireno puro. Observou-se também que partículas poliméricas com morfologia esférica podem ser obtidas. Além disso, a incorporação de acrilato de etila à cadeia polimérica do poliestireno minimiza o efeito indesejável de fratura nas partículas poliméricas, melhorando as propriedades mecânicas do material final.This work illustrates the reuse of ion exchange resins based on crosslinked styrene-divinyl benzene copolymer (Sty-DVB for the production of polymeric materials. Micro-sized particles of polystyrene and poly(styrene-ethyl acrylate were obtained by mass-suspension sequential polymerization process. With the proposed experimental technique it was possible to perform proper dispersion of the Sty-DVB in the thermoplastic matrix of polystyrene. The final material showed good thermal stability, and a degradation profile similar to that for pure polystyrene. It was also observed that polymer particles with spherical morphology can be obtained. In addition, the incorporation of ethyl acrylate into the polystyrene chains minimizes the undesirable effect of fracture in polymeric particles, improving the mechanical properties of the final material.


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    Alexander Contreras


    Full Text Available En este trabajo se realizaron reacciones de polimerización estereoselectiva de estireno con los precursores catalíticos( 5-ciclopentadienil-triclorotitanio [1] e (5-indenil-triclorotitanio [2] utilizando polimetilaluminoxano (MAO como cocatalizador. Se encontró que la polimerización de 1/MAO sólo requiere de relaciones de Al/Ti de 3500 con una actividad de 1,31 x 107g/mol2.h a 50 °C (diez veces superior a la conocida hasta el momento disminuyendo la cantidad de cocatalizador, precursor catalítico y tiempo de reacción. La polimerización de 2/MAO presenta una mayor actividad (1,9 x 107g/mol2.h y estereoselectividad (96,8% sindiotáctico que 1/MAO en las mismas condiciones de polimerización y alcanzando un valor máximo de 3,5 x 107 (g/mol2h a valores Al/Ti de 4000. El poliestireno sindiotáctico obtenido en estas reacciones fue caracterizado completamente por IR, DSC solubilidad y pesomolecular por viscosimetría.

  4. Microesferas poliméricas magnéticas à base de estireno e divinilbenzeno com morfologia casca e núcleo Magnetic polymeric microspheres based on styrene and divinylbenzene with core-shell morphology

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    Washington J. F. Formiga


    Full Text Available Microesferas poliméricas com propriedades magnéticas à base de estireno (STY e divinilbenzeno (DVB foram sintetizadas usando a técnica de polimerização em suspensão em duas etapas. Na primeira, foram preparados os núcleos poliméricos à base de STY e DVB e magnetita. Na segunda, os núcleos foram previamente inchados em uma emulsão de STY e DVB e novamente polimerizados para a formação da casca. Foram variados o método de adição da emulsão e o tempo de inchamento. Os materiais obtidos foram caracterizados quanto ao tamanho de partícula por peneiramento, análise termogravimétrica (TGA, microscopia eletrônica de varredura (SEM e magnetometria de amostra vibrante (VSM. Os métodos avaliados na formação da casca de poli(estireno-co-divinilbenzeno produziram partículas com diâmetro médio maior do que o núcleo. Este resultado indica a formação de morfologia casca e núcleo. O controle morfológico só foi obtido com as resinas RR48/1 e RR48/3. O método onde a emulsão de estireno e divinilbenzeno foi adicionada em etapa única, seguida de 48 horas de inchamento do núcleo a 10 °C (RR48/1, forneceu o maior rendimento (64%. Além disso, todas as resinas casca-núcleo foram sensíveis ao estímulo magnético realizado por um ímã, atestando assim que foram produzidas resinas com propriedades magnéticas.Magnetic polymeric microspheres based on styrene (STY and divinylbenzene (DVB were synthesized in two steps. Firstly, the polymeric core, constituted by STY, DVB and magnetite, was prepared by suspension polymerization. Then, the core was swollen in a STY and DVB emulsion. Subsequently, a second suspension polymerization was carried out in order to form a shell. The emulsion addition method and the swelling time were varied. The particle size, morphology, thermal stability and magnetic properties of the microspheres were studied by sieving, thermogravimetric analysis (TGA, scanning electron microscopy (SEM and vibrating

  5. Caraterização composicional do AES - um copolímero de enxertia de poli(estireno-co-acrilonitrila em poli(etileno-co-propileno-co-dieno Compositional characterization of AES a graft copolymer based on poly(styrene-co-acrylonitrile and poly(etyhlene-co-propylene-co-diene

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    Renato Turchet


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho é a caracterização do AES, um copolímero de enxertia de poli(estireno-co-acrilonitrila, SAN, em poli(etileno-co-propileno-co-dieno, EPDM. Para tanto, o AES foi submetido à extração seletiva de seus componentes: o SAN livre, o EDPM livre, e o copolímero de enxertia EPDM-g-SAN. O AES e suas frações foram caracterizados por espectroscopia de infravermelho, análise elementar, calorimetria diferencial de varredura e ressonância magnética nuclear, RMN¹H e RMN13C. O AES analisado apresenta a seguinte composição em massa: 65% de EPDM-g-SAN, 13% de EPDM livre e 22% de SAN livre. O EPDM apresenta 69,8% em massa de etileno, 26,5% em massa de propileno e 4,6% em massa do dieno, 2-etilideno-5-norboneno, ENB. O SAN apresenta razão em massa acrilonitrila/estireno de 28/72 e distribuição randômica de comonômeros de estireno e acrilonitrila. Estes resultados são concordantes com a composição do AES fornecida pelo fabricante, indicando que a metodologia proposta é adequada.This work aims the characterization of AES, a graft copolymer based on poly(styrene-co-acrylonitrile, SAN, and poly(etyhlene-co-propylene-co-diene, EPDM. AES was submitted to selective extraction of its components: free SAN, EPDM chains and the graft copolymer EPDM-g-SAN. AES and its fractions were characterized by infrared spectroscopy, elemental analysis, differential scanning calorimetry, 13C and ¹H nuclear magnetic resonance. The AES has 65 wt % of EPDM-g-SAN, 13 wt % of free EPDM and 22 wt % of free SAN. EPDM has 69.8 wt % of ethylene, 26.5 wt % of propylene and 4.6 wt % of diene, 2-ethylidene-5-norbonene ENB. SAN presents acrylonitrile/styrene mass ratio of 28/72 and a random distribution of acrylonitrile and styrene comonomers. These results are in agreement with the composition reported by the AES supplier, indicating that the proposed methodology is adequate.

  6. Obtenção de membranas poliméricas fluoradas para uso em células a combustível


    Adriana Napoleão Geraldes


    A enxertia de estireno induzida pela radiação gama nos filmes fluorados, poli(tetrafluoroetileno-co-hexafluoropropileno) (FEP), poli(etileno-cotetrafluoroetileno) (ETFE), poli(fluoreto de vinilideno) (PVDF), poli(tetrafluoroetileno-co-perfluoro alquil vinil eter) (PFA) e poli(tetrafluoroetileno) (PTFE) foi realizada pelo método simultâneo de irradiação utilizando uma fonte de cobalto-60. Os filmes fluorados foram imersos em soluções de estireno/tolueno, estireno/isopropanol e estireno/metanol...

  7. Clinical significance of combined detection of multiple serum antibodies (AsAb, EmAb, AcAb, AoAb, ToxAb) in infertile women

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chen Jing; Jiang Li; Lu Ya


    Objective: To determine the clinical significance of combined detection of multiple serum antibodies in infertile women. Methods; Serum multiple antibodies were examined in 120 infertile women, including 88 failed to get pregnancy and 32 with repeated spontaneous abortion. The antibodies tested were: (1) anti-sperm antibody (AsAb) (2) endometrial antibody (EmAb) (3) anti-cardiophospholipid antibody (AcAb) (4) Anti-ovarian antibody (AoAb) and Toxoplasmosis antibody (ToxAb). Results: In 48 of the infertile women, none of the five antibodies were positive (40% of 120). The rest were: one antibody positive--38/120 or 31.6%; two antibodies positive--31/120 or 25.83%, three and four antibodies positive--4/120 or 3.33%. None of the women were positive with all five antibodies. Conclusion: Immune factor was the chief cause of infertility in women. (authors)

  8. Determinação de temperatura de transição dúctil-frágil de plásticos através de testes de impacto instrumentado Determination of the brittle-ductile transition temperature in plastics by intrumented impact test 76

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    Carlos A. Correa


    Full Text Available Nesse trabalho é realizada uma análise descritiva do teste de impacto tipo Izod instrumentado e são mostradas suas vantagens em relação ao impacto convencional na obtenção de diagramas de força e energia de fratura em tempo-real. Estes diagramas além de fornecerem dados do material em termos de sua resistência ao impacto tradicional, contém informações detalhadas sobre os mecanismos de fratura e as principais características apresentadas durante a propagação da trinca no corpo de prova. A medida da variação da resistência ao impacto com a temperatura pode ser utilizada como uma forma de se determinar a existência de transições dúctil-frágeis ou alternativamente a suscetibilidade de materiais poliméricos à concentração de tensões, i.e., profundidade e raio da extremidade do entalhe. As curvas de carga e energia, obtidas à várias temperaturas, são utilizadas na determinação de parâmetros do material e da temperatura de transição dúctil-frágil de um copolímero de acrilonitrila-butadieno-estireno (ABS. A análise da superfície de fratura por microscopia eletrônica de varredura, (MEV permitiu a correlação da forma das curvas de impacto com o modo de fratura observado e detalhes da microestrutura do material.The present work intends to point out some of the advantages of using instrumented impact testing over conventional non-instrumented methods in the failure analysis of plastics. In this method, force-displacement diagrams are obtained in "real-time" and used to calculate partial energies of initiation and complete fracture of the specimens. The diagrams yield important information on fracture mechanisms and main characteristics of the failure process. Variations of impact energy with temperature can be used in the determination of brittle-ductile transitions or alternatively for evaluation of material susceptibility to stress concentrations, i.e. depth and crack tip radii. The load and energy diagrams

  9. Estudio de mezclas binarias Asfalto - Polímero

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    Juan Camilo Múnera


    Full Text Available El asfalto es un material constituido por una mezcla de diversos hidrocarburos de origen natural cuyas buenas propiedades aglutinantes e hidrofóbicas lo han llevado a ser ampliamente utilizado en aplicaciones que van desde la impermeabilización hasta la fabricación de vías. Mundialmente, la técnica de adicionar polímeros al asfalto ha permitido obtener materiales que cumplen con prestaciones que un asfalto por si solo no resistiría. En este trabajo se presenta el efecto de la modificación polimérica de un asfalto de origen colombiano en sus características: morfológicas, reológicas y térmicas con el objeto de identificar diferentes niveles de modificación. Se utilizaron como polímeros modificadores: cera de polietileno (CPE, copolímero de estireno butadieno estireno (SBS y caucho molido de llanta (CR, que fueron adicionados al asfalto en proporciones de 3 al 15 %p/p. Los asfaltos, tanto en estado crudo como modificados, fueron caracterizados mediante ensayos de penetración y punto de ablandamiento. Las características térmicas y reológicas se analizaron mediante calorimetría diferencial de barrido (DSC y reometría rotacional. Los cambios en la morfología se analizaron mediante microscopía de fuerza atómica (AFM. Los resultados experimentales demostraron que las mezclas con la CPE tuvieron el efecto más acentuado sobre las propiedades convencionales logrando una disminución del 75% en la penetración y un aumento 250% en el punto de ablandamiento, con respecto al asfalto sin modificar. Los resultados obtenidos mediante DSC permitieron identificar tres temperaturas de transición vítreas (Tg en el asfalto crudo que están relacionadas con sus componentes fundamentales. Las mezclas con SBS alteraron dichas Tg evidenciando la modificación de las características térmicas del asfalto crudo. Las mezclas con CPE y SBS presentaron los mayores valores de G*. Los resultados obtenidos mediante AFM, permitieron identificar tres

  10. Clinical significance of determination of serum leptin and AsAb, EmAb levels in infertile women

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Luo Jian; Zhou Minglian; Sun Gang; He Haoming


    Objective: To study the clinical significance of determination of serum leptin, AsAb, and EmAb levels in infertile women. Methods: Serum leptin (with RIA) and AsAb, EmAb (with ELISA) levels were detected in 32 infertile women and 35 controls. Results: Serum leptin levels in infertile women were significantly lower than those in controls (P<0.01). Serum AsAb and EmAb were both positive in 25 of the 32 infertile women (78.1%) and EmAb (one of two Abs) was positive in the rest 7 women (21.9%). These positive rates were also significantly higher than the respective ones in the controls (both P<0.01). Conclusion: Lower serum leptin level with highly positive AsAb and EmAb might be the chief cause of infertility in women. (authors)

  11. Effect of unlabelled monoclonal antibody (MoAb) on biodistribution of /sup 111/Indium labelled (MoAb)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lamki, L M; Murray, J L; Rosenblum, M G; Patt, Y Z; Babaian, Richard; Unger, M W


    We have evaluated immunoscintigraphy in cancer patients using four /sup 111/In-labelled murine monoclonal antibodies (MoAb): 96.5 (anti-P97 of melanoma), ZME-018 (anti-high molecular weight antibody of melanoma), ZCE-025 (anti-CEA for colon cancer) and PAY-276 (anti-prostatic acid phosphatase for prostatic cancer). The effect of increasing the doses of unlabelled MoAb (co-infused with 1 mg labelled MoAb) on the relative body distribution of each labelled MoAb was assessed. Localization in the liver decreased significantly in all cases, with increasing MoAb dose, except for ZME-018. Localization in other organs increased significantly as the liver activity decreased. The spleen activity, however, fell in the case of MoAb ZME-018. Blood-pool activity increased with MoAb dose in all four MoAbs. These findings correlated with the rise in the detection rate of metastases, the plasma half-life, and other pharmacokinetic parameters. However, the dose level at which this correlation occurred varied with each antibody. These data demonstrate the co-infusion of unlabelled MoAb with /sup 111/In-labelled MoAb could alter the organ distribution, pharmacokinetics and tumour uptake in a favourable manner, though the degree to which this occurs depends on the antibody in question.

  12. Homology of ab1 and ab3 monoclonal antibodies that neutralize Semliki Forest virus

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Fernandez, IM; Bos, NA; Harmsen, M; Verheul, AFM; Snippe, H; Kraaijeveld, CA


    A noninternal image monoclonal antiidiotypic antibody (ab2 mAb), designated 1,13A321, that had proved its efficacy as vaccine against infection with Semliki Forest virus (SFV) in BALB/c mice, was used as immunogen to generate a panel of SFV-neutralizing monoclonal anti-anti-idiotypic antibodies (ab3

  13. Diode laser surgery. Ab interno and ab externo versus conventional surgery in rabbits. (United States)

    Karp, C L; Higginbotham, E J; Edward, D P; Musch, D C


    Fibroblastic proliferation of subconjunctival tissues remains a primary mechanism of failure in filtration surgery. Minimizing the surgical manipulation of episcleral tissues may reduce scarring. Laser sclerostomy surgery involves minimal tissue dissection, and is gaining attention as a method of potentially improving filter duration in high-risk cases. Twenty-five New Zealand rabbits underwent filtration surgery in one eye, and the fellow eye remained as the unoperated control. Ten rabbits underwent ab externo diode laser sclerostomy surgery, ten underwent ab interno diode sclerostomy surgery, and five had posterior sclerostomy procedures. Filtration failure was defined as a less-than-4-mmHg intraocular pressure (IOP) difference between the operative and control eyes. The mean time to failure for the ab externo, ab interno, and conventional posterior sclerostomy techniques measured 17.4 +/- 11.5, 13.1 +/- 6.7, and 6.0 +/- 3.1 days, respectively. In a comparison of the laser-treated groups with the conventional procedure, the time to failure was significantly longer (P = 0.02) for the ab externo filter. The mean ab interno sclerostomy duration was longer than the posterior lip procedure, but this difference was not statistically significant (P = 0.15). The overall level of IOP reduction was similar in the three groups. These data suggest that diode laser sclerostomy is a feasible technique in rabbits, and the ab externo approach resulted in longer filter duration than the conventional posterior lip procedure in this model.

  14. Ab initio pseudopotential theory

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yin, M.T.; Cohen, M.L.


    The ab initio norm-conserving pseudopotential is generated from a reference atomic configuration in which the pseudoatomic eigenvalues and wave functions outside the core region agree with the corresponding ab initio all-electron results within the density-functional formalism. This paper explains why such pseudopotentials accurately reproduce the all-electron results in both atoms and in multiatomic systems. In particular, a theorem is derived to demonstrate the energy- and perturbation-independent properties of ab initio pseudopotentials

  15. Propriedades reométricas e mecânicas e morfologia de compósitos desenvolvidos com resíduos elastoméricos vulcanizados Cure characteristics, mechanical properties and morphology of composites developed with addition of elastomeric vulcanized ground scraps

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    Aline Zanchet


    Full Text Available Uma alternativa para as empresas geradoras de resíduos elastoméricos é a incorporação dos mesmos em suas formulações. Esse trabalho tem como objetivo preparar compósitos a partir da incorporação de resíduos industriais de SBR (copolímero de butadieno-estireno e de EPDM (terpolímero de etileno-propileno-dieno, em formulação ASTM específica para cada tipo de elastômero. Foram avaliadas as propriedades reométricas, mecânicas e morfológicas dos compósitos desenvolvidos. A incorporação do resíduo permitiu a obtenção de produtos que vulcanizam em menores tempos quando comparados a composições sem resíduo. A quantidade de resíduo, para o melhor resultado de resistência à tração foi de 37 e de 196 phr para os compósitos com SBR e EPDM, respectivamente. As micrografias de MEV corroboraram os resultados mecânicos dessas composições, indicando melhor homogeneidade do resíduo na respectiva matriz elastomérica.One alternative for elastomeric scraps generation is its incorporation in conventional formulations in the industry itself. In this work, compositions with incorporation of SBR (styrene butadiene rubber and EPDM (ethylene propylene diene rubber industrial scraps, in specific ASTM formulation for each elastomer, were prepared. Rheometric characteristics, mechanical properties and the morphology of the compounds developed were evaluated. With the ground scraps incorporation the vulcanization time decreases, comparing with compounds without ground scraps. The amount of scraps for the best tensile strength properties was 37 and 196 phr for SBR and EPDM compositions, respectively. Micrographs corroborated the mechanical results, indicating the best homogeneity of the scraps in the elastomeric matrix for these compositions.

  16. Biosorption of Acid Blue 290 (AB 290) and Acid Blue 324 (AB 324) dyes on Spirogyra rhizopus

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ozer, Ayla; Akkaya, Goenuel; Turabik, Meral


    In this study, the biosorption of Acid Blue 290 and Acid Blue 324 on Spirogyra rhizopus, a green algae growing on fresh water, was studied with respect to initial pH, temperature, initial dye concentration and biosorbent concentration. The optimum initial pH and temperature values for AB 290 and AB 324 biosorption were found to be 2.0, 30 deg. C and 3.0, 25 deg. C, respectively. It was observed that the adsorbed AB 290 and AB 324 amounts increased with increasing the initial dye concentration up to 1500 and 750 mg/L, respectively. The Langmuir, Freundlich, Redlich-Peterson and Koble-Corrigan isotherm models were applied to the experimental equilibrium data and the isotherm constants were determined by using Polymath 4.1 software. The monolayer coverage capacities of S. rhizopus for AB 290 and AB 324 dyes were found as 1356.6 mg/g and 367.0 mg/g, respectively. The intraparticle diffusion model and the pseudo-second order kinetic model were applied to the experimental data in order to describe the removal mechanism of these acidic dyes by S. rhizopus. The pseudo-second order kinetic model described very well the biosorption kinetics of AB 290 and AB 324 dyes. Thermodynamic studies showed that the biosorption of AB 290 and AB 324 on S. rhizopus was exothermic in nature

  17. Revealing strategies of quorum sensing in Azospirillum brasilense strains Ab-V5 and Ab-V6. (United States)

    Fukami, Josiane; Abrantes, Julia Laura Fernandes; Del Cerro, Pablo; Nogueira, Marco Antonio; Ollero, Francisco Javier; Megías, Manuel; Hungria, Mariangela


    Azospirillum brasilense is an important plant-growth promoting bacterium (PGPB) that requires several critical steps for root colonization, including biofilm and exopolysaccharide (EPS) synthesis and cell motility. In several bacteria these mechanisms are mediated by quorum sensing (QS) systems that regulate the expression of specific genes mediated by the autoinducers N-acyl-homoserine lactones (AHLs). We investigated QS mechanisms in strains Ab-V5 and Ab-V6 of A. brasilense, which are broadly used in commercial inoculants in Brazil. Neither of these strains carries a luxI gene, but there are several luxR solos that might perceive AHL molecules. By adding external AHLs we verified that biofilm and EPS production and cell motility (swimming and swarming) were regulated via QS in Ab-V5, but not in Ab-V6. Differences were observed not only between strains, but also in the specificity of LuxR-type receptors to AHL molecules. However, Ab-V6 was outstanding in indole acetic acid (IAA) synthesis and this molecule might mimic AHL signals. We also applied the quorum quenching (QQ) strategy, obtaining transconjugants of Ab-V5 and Ab-V6 carrying a plasmid with acyl-homoserine lactonase. When maize (Zea mays L.) was inoculated with the wild-type and transconjugant strains, plant growth was decreased with the transconjugant of Ab-V5-confirming the importance of an AHL-mediated QS system-but did not affect plant growth promotion by Ab-V6.

  18. Undoing Gender Through Legislation and Schooling: the Case of AB 537 and AB 394 IN California, USA (United States)

    Knotts, Greg


    This article investigates California laws AB 537: The Student Safety and Violence Prevention Act of 2000, and the recently enacted AB 394: Safe Place to Learn Act. Both demand that gender identity and sexual orientation be added to the lexicon of anti-harassment protection in public education. However, despite these progressive measures, schools have an unconscious acceptance of heteronormativity and gendered norms, which undermines both the spirit and language of these laws. This paper examines how California schools can both change standard practices and realise the transformative social change that laws like AB 537 and AB 394 can instigate. I assert that the systemic implementation of these laws, through the adoption, enforcement and evaluation of existing AB 537 Task Force Recommendations, is necessary for their success. My second assertion is that AB 537 and AB 394 have the potential to change and reconstitute gender-based and heteronormative standards at school sites.

  19. Phosphine-catalyzed cycloadditions of allenic ketones: new substrates for nucleophilic catalysis. (United States)

    Wallace, Debra J; Sidda, Rachel L; Reamer, Robert A


    A range of phosphine-catalyzed cycloaddition reactions of allenic ketones have been studied, extending the scope of these processes from the more widely used 2,3-butadienoates to allow access to a number of synthetically useful products. Reaction of allenyl methyl ketone 4 with exo-enones afforded spirocyclic compounds in good regioselectivity and promising enantioselectivity via a [2 + 3] cycloaddtion. Aromatic allenyl ketones undergo a phosphine-promoted dimerization to afford functionalized pyrans, leading to a formal [2 + 4] Diels-Alder product, but did not react in the [2 + 3] cycloaddition. The results from other reactions that had found utility with 2,3-butadienoates are also reported.

  20. Ab initio study of the isomerism of (LiAB)2 salt dimers with 24 valence electrons (AB- = NO-, PO-, NS-, PS-)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Charkin, O.P.; Klimenko, N.M.; MakKi, M.L.


    The nonempiric calculations of the potential energies surfaces in the vicinity of the key structures of the loose dimer molecules of the (LiNO) 2 , (LiPO) 2 , (LiNS) 2 and (LiPS) 2 lithium salts with 24 valence electrons are accomplished within the frames of the MP2/6-31G * //HF/6-31g * + ZPE(HF/6-31G * and MP4SDTQ/6-31G * //MP2/6-31G * + ZPE(MP2/6-31G * ) approximation. The equilibrium geometrical parameters, relative energies and isomer decay energies, frequencies and IR-intensities of normal vibrations are determined. The geometrical deformations and shifts of vibrational frequencies of the cis- and trans-dianions under the effect of cations by different ways of their coordination as well as tendencies of the molecular properties behaviour in various series of dimers (LiAB) 2 are analyzed. The results obtained are compared with the data of previous calculations of the LiAB salts monomeric molecules, the Li 2 AB + ions with 12 valence electrons and the (LiAB) 2 dimers with 20 valence electrons [ru

  1. Ab initio vel ex eventu (United States)

    Thiessen, P. A.; Treder, H.-J.

    Der gegenwärtige Stand der physikalischen Erkenntnis, in Sonderheit die Atomistik und die Quantentheorie, ermöglicht (in wohldefinierten Energie-Bereichen) eine ab initio-Berechnung aller physikalischen und chemischen Prozesse und Strukturen. Die Schrödinger-Gleichung erlaubt zusammen mit den Prinzipien der Quantenstatistik (Pauli-Prinzip) aus dem Planckschen Wirkungsquantum h und den atomischen Konstanten die Berechnung aller Energieumsätze, Zeitabläufe etc., die insbesondere die chemische Physik bestimmen. Die Rechenresultate gelten auch quantitativ bis auf die unvermeidliche Stochastik.Die ab initio-Berechnungen korrespondieren einerseits und sind andererseits komplementär zu den auf den Methoden der theoretischen Chemie und der klassischen Thermodynamik beruhenden Ergebnissen ex eventu. Die theoretische Behandlung ab initio führt zu mathematischen Experimenten, die die Laboratoriums-Experimente ergänzen oder auch substituieren.Translated AbstractAb initio vel ex eventuThe present state of physical knowledge, in peculiar atomistic and quantum theory, makes an ab initio calculation of all physical and chemical processes and structures possible (in well defined reaches of energy). The Schrödinger equation together with the principles of quantum statistics (Pauli principle) permits from the Planck and atomistic constants to calculate all exchanges of energy, courses of time, etc. which govern chemical physics. The calculated results are valid even quantitatively apart from the unavoidable stochastics.These ab initio calculations on the one hand correspond and are on the other complimentary to results ex eventu based on the methods of theoretical chemistry and classical thermodynamics. Theoretical treatment ab initio leads to mathematical experiments which add to or even substitute experiments in the laboratory.

  2. Efeito da adição de material vegetal (fibra da castanha de cutia e polímero (SBS nas propriedades do ligante asfáltico (CAP 50/70 Effect of addition of plant material (fiber of cutia chesnut and polymer (SBS on the properties of asphalt binder (CAP 50/70

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    Tayana M. F. Cunha


    Full Text Available Tendo em vista a necessidade do mercado brasileiro por ligantes que minimizem a prematura falência estrutural dos revestimentos nas vias urbanas, a modificação do cimento asfáltico de petróleo (CAP 50/70 constitui uma excelente opção tecnológica. Nesta pesquisa utilizou-se 2% p/p do copolímero de estireno-butadieno-estireno (SBS e 2% p/p de fibra natural da casca dos frutos de Couepia edulis (Prance, conhecida como castanha de cutia, material vegetal com característica de reforço e biodisponibilidade na região Amazônica. Os efeitos oxidativos e térmicos, bem como as características físicas dos materiais asfálticos modificados, foram estudados e comparados ao ligante convencional, utilizando-se ensaios estabelecidos pela Agência Nacional de Petróleo, Gás Natural e Biocombustíveis (ANP e análise térmica - termogravimetria (TG, a fim de determinar as propriedades de degradação e estabilização térmica. Os resultados para os ligantes modificados, confrontados ao ligante tradicional, apresentaram: maior resistência ao envelhecimento, melhorias evidenciadas pelo aumento da consistência, ponto de amolecimento, além da excelente estabilidade térmica em toda faixa de temperatura de utilização (10 ºC a 80 ºC e aplicação (130 ºC a 170 ºC dos cimentos asfálticos de petróleo, fornecendo uma opção ao pavimento regional.There is a need in the Brazilian market for asphalt binders that minimize premature structural failure of the coatings on urban roads, and the modification of asphalt cement oil (CAP 50/70 is an excellent option. In this research we used 2% w/w of the styrene - butadiene-styrene (SBS copolymer and 2% w/w of natural fiber from Couepia edulis (Prance, known as cutia chesnut, which is a plant from the Amazon region with strengthening properties. The oxidative and thermal effects, as well as the physical characteristics of the asphalt modified materials, were studied and compared to the conventional binder

  3. Study on Exothermic Oxidation of Acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene (ABS Resin Powder with Application to ABS Processing Safety

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    Jenq-Renn Chen


    Full Text Available Oxidative degradation of commercial grade ABS (Acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene resin powders was studied by thermal analysis. The instabilities of ABS containing different polybutadiene (PB contents with respect to temperature were studied by Differential Scanning Calorimeter (DSC. Thermograms of isothermal test and dynamic scanning were performed. Three exothermic peaks were observed and related to auto-oxidation, degradation and oxidative decomposition, respectively. Onset temperature of the auto-oxidation was determined to be around 193 °C. However, threshold temperature of oxidation was found to be as low as 140 °C by DSC isothermal testing. Another scan of the powder after degeneration in air showed an onset temperature of 127 °C. Reactive hazards of ABS powders were verified to be the exothermic oxidation of unsaturated PB domains, not the SAN (poly(styrene-acrylonitrile matrix. Heat of oxidation was first determined to be 2,800 ± 40 J per gram of ABS or 4,720 ± 20 J per gram of PB. Thermal hazards of processing ABS powder are assessed by adiabatic temperature rise at process conditions. IR spectroscopy associated with heat of oxidation verified the oxidative mechanism, and these evidences excluded the heat source from the degradation of SAN. A specially prepared powder of ABS without adding anti-oxidant was analyzed by DSC for comparing the exothermic behaviors. Exothermic onset temperatures were determined to be 120 °C and 80 °C by dynamic scanning and isothermal test, respectively. The assessment successfully explained fires and explosions in an ABS powder dryer and an ABS extruder.

  4. Solvent (acetone-butanol: ab) production (United States)

    This article describes production of butanol [acetone-butanol-ethanol, (also called AB or ABE or solvent)] by fermentation using both traditional and current technologies. AB production from agricultural commodities, such as corn and molasses, was an important historical fermentation. Unfortunately,...

  5. The 2-alkyl-2H-indazole regioisomers of synthetic cannabinoids AB-CHMINACA, AB-FUBINACA, AB-PINACA, and 5F-AB-PINACA are possible manufacturing impurities with cannabimimetic activities


    Longworth, Mitchell; Banister, Samuel D.; Mack, James B. C.; Glass, Michelle; Connor, Mark; Kassiou, Michael


    Indazole-derived synthetic cannabinoids (SCs) featuring an alkyl substituent at the 1-position and l-valinamide at the 3-carboxamide position (e.g., AB-CHMINACA) have been identified by forensic chemists around the world, and are associated with serious adverse health effects. Regioisomerism is possible for indazole SCs, with the 2-alkyl-2H-indazole regioisomer of AB-CHMINACA recently identified in SC products in Japan. It is unknown whether this regiosiomer represents a manufacturing impurit...

  6. Ab-initio calculation of electronic structure and optical properties of AB-stacked bilayer α-graphyne (United States)

    Behzad, Somayeh


    Monolayer α-graphyne is a new two-dimensional carbon allotrope with many special features. In this work the electronic properties of AA- and AB-stacked bilayers of this material and then the optical properties are studied, using first principle plane wave method. The electronic spectrum has two Dirac cones for AA stacked bilayer α-graphyne. For AB-stacked bilayer, the interlayer interaction changes the linear bands into parabolic bands. The optical spectra of the most stable AB-stacked bilayer closely resemble to that of the monolayer, except for small shifts of peak positions and increasing of their intensity. For AB-stacked bilayer, a pronounced peak has been found at low energies under the perpendicular polarization. This peak can be clearly ascribed to the transitions at the Dirac point as a result of the small degeneracy lift in the band structure.

  7. Field Trial Performance of Herculex XTRA (Cry34Ab1/Cry35Ab1) and SmartStax (Cry34Ab1/Cry35Ab1 + Cry3Bb1) Hybrids and Soil Insecticides Against Western and Northern Corn Rootworms (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae). (United States)

    Johnson, K D; Campbell, L A; Lepping, M D; Rule, D M


    Western corn rootworm, Diabrotica virgifera virgifera LeConte (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae), and northern corn rootworm, Diabrotica barberi Smith and Lawrence (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae), are important insect pests in corn, Zea mays L. For more than a decade, growers have been using transgenic plants expressing proteins from the bacterium Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) to protect corn roots from feeding. In 2011, western corn rootworm populations were reported to have developed resistance to Bt hybrids expressing Cry3Bb1 and later found to be cross-resistant to hybrids expressing mCry3A and eCry3.1Ab. The identification of resistance to Cry3 (Cry3Bb1, mCry3A, and eCry3.1Ab) hybrids led to concerns about durability and efficacy of products with single traits and of products containing a pyramid of a Cry3 protein and the binary Bt proteins Cry34Ab1 and Cry35Ab1. From 2012 to 2014, 43 field trials were conducted across the central United States to estimate root protection provided by plants expressing Cry34Ab1/Cry35Ab1 alone (Herculex RW) or pyramided with Cry3Bb1 (SmartStax). These technologies were evaluated with and without soil-applied insecticides to determine if additional management measures provided benefit where Cry3 performance was reduced. Trials were categorized for analysis based on rootworm damage levels on Cry3-expressing hybrids and rootworm feeding pressure within each trial. Across scenarios, Cry34Ab1/Cry35Ab1 hybrids provided excellent root protection. Pyramided traits provided greater root and yield protection than non-Bt plus a soil-applied insecticide, and only in trials where larval feeding pressure exceeded two nodes of damage did Cry34Ab1/Cry35Ab1 single-trait hybrids and pyramided hybrids show greater root protection from the addition of soil-applied insecticides. © The Authors 2017. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of Entomological Society of America. All rights reserved. For Permissions, please email:

  8. HHV-6A/B Integration and the Pathogenesis Associated with the Reactivation of Chromosomally Integrated HHV-6A/B. (United States)

    Collin, Vanessa; Flamand, Louis


    Unlike other human herpesviruses, human herpesvirus 6A and 6B (HHV-6A/B) infection can lead to integration of the viral genome in human chromosomes. When integration occurs in germinal cells, the integrated HHV-6A/B genome can be transmitted to 50% of descendants. Such individuals, carrying one copy of the HHV-6A/B genome in every cell, are referred to as having inherited chromosomally-integrated HHV-6A/B (iciHHV-6) and represent approximately 1% of the world's population. Interestingly, HHV-6A/B integrate their genomes in a specific region of the chromosomes known as telomeres. Telomeres are located at chromosomes' ends and play essential roles in chromosomal stability and the long-term proliferative potential of cells. Considering that the integrated HHV-6A/B genome is mostly intact without any gross rearrangements or deletions, integration is likely used for viral maintenance into host cells. Knowing the roles played by telomeres in cellular homeostasis, viral integration in such structure is not likely to be without consequences. At present, the mechanisms and factors involved in HHV-6A/B integration remain poorly defined. In this review, we detail the potential biological and medical impacts of HHV-6A/B integration as well as the possible chromosomal integration and viral excision processes.

  9. Simulation and Robust Contol of Antilock Braking System ABS

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    David Jordan DELICHRISTOV


    Full Text Available This paper deals with simulation and robust control of Antilock Braking System ABS. The briefly are described the main parts of ABS hydraulic system and control algorithm of ABS. Hydraulic system described here is BOSCH ABS 5.x series. The goal of ABS system is vehicle stability and vehicle steering response when braking. If during the braking occurred slip at one or more wheels from any reason, ABS evaluates this by “brake slip” controller. At this moment ABS is trying to use maximal limits of adhesion between tire and road. It means that is necessary control the differences between braking torque and friction torque , which reacts to the wheel via friction reaction tire-road surface. This is realized through the solenoid valves, which are controls (triggered by on the base of PID controller described further in chapter 4. Presented concept is more or less standard for most of the existing ABS systems. The issue should be applied concept of robust ABS control algorithm, which is specific for every type of ABS.

  10. SdAb heterodimer formation using leucine zippers (United States)

    Goldman, Ellen R.; Anderson, George P.; Brozozog-Lee, P. Audrey; Zabetakis, Dan


    Single domain antibodies (sdAb) are variable domains cloned from camel, llama, or shark heavy chain only antibodies, and are among the smallest known naturally derived antigen binding fragments. SdAb derived from immunized llamas are able to bind antigens with high affinity, and most are capable of refolding after heat or chemical denaturation to bind antigen again. We hypothesized that the ability to produce heterodimeric sdAb would enable reagents with the robust characteristics of component sdAb, but with dramatically improved overall affinity through increased avidity. Previously we had constructed multimeric sdAb by genetically linking sdAb that bind non-overlapping epitopes on the toxin, ricin. In this work we explored a more flexible approach; the construction of multivalent binding reagents using multimerization domains. We expressed anti-ricin sdAb that recognize different epitopes on the toxin as fusions with differently charged leucine zippers. When the initially produced homodimers are mixed the leucine zipper domains will pair to produce heterodimers. We used fluorescence resonance energy transfer to confirm heterodimer formation. Surface plasmon resonance, circular dichroism, enzyme linked immunosorbent assays, and fluid array assays were used to characterize the multimer constructs, and evaluate their utility in toxin detection.

  11. AB/sub 5/-catalyzed hydrogen evolution cathodes

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hall, D E; Sawada, T; Shepard, V R; Tsujikawa, Y


    The AB/sub 5/ metal compounds are highly efficient hydrogen evolution electrocatalysts in alkaline electrolyte. Three types of AB/sub 5/-catalyzed cathode structures were made, using the hydride-forming AB/sub 5/ compounds in particulate form. Plastic-bonded cathodes containing >90 w/o AB/sub 5/ (finished-weight basis) were the most efficient, giving hydrogen evolution overpotentials (/eta/ /SUB H2/ ) of about 0.05 V at 200 mA cm/sup -2/. However, they tended to swell and shed material during electrolysis. Pressed, sintered cathodes containing 40-70 w/o catalyst in a nickel binder gave /eta/ /SUB H2/ about0.08 V; catalyst retention was excellent. Porous, sintered cathode coatings were made with 30-70 w/o AB/sub 5/ catalyst loadings. Their overpotentials were similar to those of the pressed, sintered cathodes. However, at catalyst loadings below about 40 w/o, high overpotentials characteristic of the nickel binder were observed. The structural and electrochemical properties of the three AB/sub 5/-catalyzed cathodes are discussed.

  12. Preparation, biodistribution, and dosimetry of 188Re-Labeled MoAb ior cea1 and its f(ab')2 fragments by avidin-biotin strategy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ferro-Flores, Guillermina; Pimentel-Gonzalez, Gilmara; Gonzalez-Zavala, Maria Antonia; Murphy, Consuelo Arteaga de; Melendez-Alafort, Laura; Tendilla, Jose I.; Croft, Barbara Y.


    The biotinylated monoclonal antibody (MoAb) ior cea1 and its F(ab') 2 fragments were labeled with Re-188 by combination of avidin-biotin strategy. 188 Re-MoAb, 188 Re-MoAb-biotin, 188 Re-F(ab') 2 , and 188 Re-F(ab') 2 -biotin preparations were produced for these studies with specific activities of 1.30±0.18 GBq/mg and from instant freeze-dried kit formulations using ethane-1-hydroxy-1,1-diphosphonic acid (EHDP) as a weak competing ligand. There were no significant differences (p>0.05) between the biodistribution in mice of biotinylated and unbiotinylated 188 Re-labeled immunoconjugates. When avidin was injected as a chase after injection of 188 Re-MoAb-biotin or 188 Re-F(ab') 2 -biotin, the blood radioactivity level decreased approximately 75% (cumulated activity) and the effective dose decreased almost 25% with respect to that of the radioimmunoconjugates in which the chase effect was not used. Our results suggest that 188 Re-labeled biotinylated MoAb ior cea1 and its F(ab') 2 fragments prepared by this method are stable complexes in vivo

  13. Genetics Home Reference: GM2-gangliosidosis, AB variant (United States)

    ... Resources Genetic Testing (1 link) Genetic Testing Registry: Tay-Sachs disease, variant AB General Information from MedlinePlus (5 links) ... AB variant Activator Deficiency/GM2 Gangliosidosis Activator-deficient Tay-Sachs disease GM2 Activator Deficiency Disease GM2 gangliosidosis, type AB ...

  14. Expression of Cry1Ab and Cry2Ab by a polycistronic transgene with a self-cleavage peptide in rice.

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    Qichao Zhao

    Full Text Available Insect resistance to Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt crystal protein is a major threat to the long-term use of transgenic Bt crops. Gene stacking is a readily deployable strategy to delay the development of insect resistance while it may also broaden insecticidal spectrum. Here, we report the creation of transgenic rice expressing discrete Cry1Ab and Cry2Ab simultaneously from a single expression cassette using 2A self-cleaving peptides, which are autonomous elements from virus guiding the polycistronic viral gene expression in eukaryotes. The synthetic coding sequences of Cry1Ab and Cry2Ab, linked by the coding sequence of a 2A peptide from either foot and mouth disease virus or porcine teschovirus-1, regardless of order, were all expressed as discrete Cry1Ab and Cry2Ab at high levels in the transgenic rice. Insect bioassays demonstrated that the transgenic plants were highly resistant to lepidopteran pests. This study suggested that 2A peptide can be utilized to express multiple Bt genes at high levels in transgenic crops.

  15. Collective rotation from ab initio theory

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Caprio, M.A.; Maris, P.; Vary, J.P.; Smith, R.


    Through ab initio approaches in nuclear theory, we may now seek to quantitatively understand the wealth of nuclear collective phenomena starting from the underlying internucleon interactions. No-core configuration interaction (NCCI) calculations for p-shell nuclei give rise to rotational bands, as evidenced by rotational patterns for excitation energies, electromagnetic moments and electromagnetic transitions. In this review, NCCI calculations of 7–9 Be are used to illustrate and explore ab initio rotational structure, and the resulting predictions for rotational band properties are compared with experiment. We highlight the robustness of ab initio rotational predictions across different choices for the internucleon interaction. (author)

  16. Effect of monoclonal antibodies (MoAb) to class I and class II HLA antigens on lectin- and MoAb OKT3-induced lymphocyte proliferation. (United States)

    Akiyama, Y; Zicht, R; Ferrone, S; Bonnard, G D; Herberman, R B


    We have examined the effect of several monoclonal antibodies (MoAb) to monomorphic determinants of class II HLA antigens, and MoAb to monomorphic determinants of class I HLA antigens and to beta-2-microglobulin (beta 2-mu) on lectin- and MoAb OKT3-induced proliferation of human peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMNC) and cultured T cells (CTC). Some, but not all, anti-class II HLA MoAb inhibited the proliferative response of PBMNC to MoAb OKT3 and pokeweed mitogen (PWM). The degree of inhibitory effect varied considerably. This effect was not limited to anti-class II HLA MoAb since anti-class I HLA MoAb and anti-beta 2-mu MoAb also inhibited MoAb OKT3- or PWM-induced proliferative responses. In contrast, the response of PBMNC to phytohemagglutinin (PHA) and concanavalin A (Con A) was not blocked by any anti-class II HLA MoAb. However, some anti-class II HLA MoAb also inhibited the proliferative response of CTC plus allogeneic peripheral blood adherent accessory cells (AC) to PHA or Con A as well as to MoAb OKT3 or PWM. This may be attributable to the substantially greater class II HLA antigen expression by CTC than by fresh lymphocytes. Pretreatment of either CTC or AC with anti-class II HLA MoAb inhibited OKT3-induced proliferation. In contrast, pretreatment of CTC, but not AC, with anti-class I HLA MoAb inhibited the proliferative response of CTC to OKT3. Pretreatment of CTC with anti-class I HLA MoAb inhibited PHA-, Con A and PWM-induced proliferation, to a greater degree than the anti-class II HLA MoAb. It appears as if lymphocyte activation by different mitogens exhibits variable requirements for the presence of cells expressing major histocompatibility determinants. Binding of Ab to membrane markers may interfere with lymphocyte-AC cooperation, perhaps by inhibiting binding of mitogens to their receptors or by interfering with lymphocyte and AC function. We also have examined the role of class II HLA antigens on CTC by depleting class II HLA-positive cells

  17. Protective mAbs and Cross-Reactive mAbs Raised by Immunization with Engineered Marburg Virus GPs.

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    Marnie L Fusco


    Full Text Available The filoviruses, which include the marburg- and ebolaviruses, have caused multiple outbreaks among humans this decade. Antibodies against the filovirus surface glycoprotein (GP have been shown to provide life-saving therapy in nonhuman primates, but such antibodies are generally virus-specific. Many monoclonal antibodies (mAbs have been described against Ebola virus. In contrast, relatively few have been described against Marburg virus. Here we present ten mAbs elicited by immunization of mice using recombinant mucin-deleted GPs from different Marburg virus (MARV strains. Surprisingly, two of the mAbs raised against MARV GP also cross-react with the mucin-deleted GP cores of all tested ebolaviruses (Ebola, Sudan, Bundibugyo, Reston, but these epitopes are masked differently by the mucin-like domains themselves. The most efficacious mAbs in this panel were found to recognize a novel "wing" feature on the GP2 subunit that is unique to Marburg and does not exist in Ebola. Two of these anti-wing antibodies confer 90 and 100% protection, respectively, one hour post-exposure in mice challenged with MARV.

  18. Ab initio study of isomerism in molecular ions Li2AB+ with 10 valence electrons

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Charkin, O.P.; Mak-Ki, M.L.; Shlojer, P.R.


    Ab initio calculations of surfaces of Li 2 AB + molecular ion potential energy with biatomic anions AB - with 10 valence electrons have been made in the framework of approximations MP2/6-31G 1 /HF/6-31G*+ZPE(HF/6-31G*) and MP4SDTQ/631G*//MP2/6-31G*+ZPE(MP2/6-31G*). Influence of electron correlation on the accuracy of calculations of their structural and vibrational characteristics is studied. The following most favourable structures have been found: linear for Li 2 BO + , Li 2 CN + , and bent one for Li 2 BS + , with cations coordinated at different anion atoms; onium one for AlOLi 2 + , AlSLi 2 + , SiNLi 2 + and SiPLi 2 + with both cations at electronegative atom of anion

  19. AP calculus AB & BC crash course

    CERN Document Server

    Rosebush, J


    AP Calculus AB & BC Crash Course - Gets You a Higher Advanced Placement Score in Less Time Crash Course is perfect for the time-crunched student, the last-minute studier, or anyone who wants a refresher on the subject. AP Calculus AB & BC Crash Course gives you: Targeted, Focused Review - Study Only What You Need to Know Crash Course is based on an in-depth analysis of the AP Calculus AB & BC course description outline and actual AP test questions. It covers only the information tested on the exams, so you can make the most of your valuable study time. Written by experienced math teachers, our

  20. Modeling of truck's braking dynamics with ABS

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    Maxym DYACHUK


    Full Text Available In the article some questions of ABS simulation on the basis of plane vehicle's dynamics and automatic modeling are considered. The author's algorithm of ABS modulators control is presented.

  1. Misturas NR/SBR: modos de preparação e propriedades

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    Visconte Leila L. Y.


    Full Text Available Aplicações de artefatos de borracha muitas vezes requerem um conjunto de propriedades que não podem ser fornecidas por um único elastômero sendo, então necessário, que misturas de dois ou mais polímeros sejam empregadas. Nesses casos, os demais ingredientes que normalmente são adicionados, distribuem-se de modo diferente dependendo de sua afinidade com cada uma das borrachas. O grau de dispersão de cada um desses ingredientes em cada fase elastomérica irá influenciar a velocidade e o grau de vulcanização e, certamente, terá conseqüências sobre o desempenho do composto final. Neste trabalho, a borracha natural (NR foi misturada ao elastômero de butadieno-estireno (SBR na proporção de 1:1 em peso. As composições foram preparadas em misturador de cilindros, segundo a norma ASTM D 3182, empregando-se quatro maneiras distintas para a incorporação dos aditivos. Após a vulcanização foram estudadas propriedades mecânicas, como resistências à tração e ao rasgamento e dureza, propriedades termo-dinâmico-mecânicas e a morfologia de cada uma das composições. As propriedades mecânicas foram avaliadas de acordo com as normas ASTM específicas para cada ensaio. Os resultados mostram que, apesar de se usar a mesma formulação, o modo de preparo tem grande influência sobre as propriedades, o que é detectável pelas propriedades mecânicas e pela análise morfológica, e evidenciado através de testes sensíveis, como o dinâmico-mecânico. No caso da mistura NR/SBR as melhores propriedades são obtidas quando é favorecida a vulcanização da borracha que, isoladamente, apresenta propriedades inferiores.

  2. Ab initio study of isomerism of Li2AB2 molecules and Li2AB2+ ions with 16 valent electrons

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Charkin, O.P.; Klimenko, N.M.; MakKi, M.L.


    In the framework of MP2(6-31*//HF/6-31G + ZPE(HF/6-31G*) and MP4SDTQ/6-31G*//MP2/6-31G* + ZPE(MP2/6-31G*) approximations ab initio calculations of surfaces of potential energy of molecules of lithium salts of Li 2 AB 2 (Li 2 BeO 2 , L 2 MgO 2 , Li 2 BeS 2 , Li 2 MgS 2 , Li 2 CN 2 , Li 2 SiN 2 , Li 2 CP 2 ) type and ions of Li 2 AB 2 + (Li 2 BO 2 + , Li 2 AlO 2 + , Li 2 BS 2 + , Li 2 AlS 2 + , Li 2 N 3 + , Li 2 PN 2 + , Li 2 P 3 + ) type with 16 valent electrons are done. For oxide and nitride systems global minimum corresponds to symmetric linear structure D ∞h and for their sulfide and phosphorus analogues curved plane or unplane (C 2 ) structure with bond angle φ(LBA)=90-110 Deg are preferable. Equilibrium geometric parameters, relative energies and energies of isomer decomposition, frequencies and IR-intensities of normal vibrations are determined [ru

  3. Undoing Gender through Legislation and Schooling: The Case of AB 537 and AB 394 in California, USA (United States)

    Knotts, Greg


    This article investigates California laws AB 537: The Student Safety and Violence Prevention Act of 2000, and the recently enacted AB 394: Safe Place to Learn Act. Both demand that gender identity and sexual orientation be added to the lexicon of anti-harassment protection in public education. However, despite these progressive measures, schools…


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    Clara Saux


    Full Text Available Se estudió la oxidación selectiva de estireno para la obtención de benzaldehído sobre zeolitas ZSM-5 modificadas con diferentes metales de transición (cromo, cobalto, hierro, zinc, manganeso y cobre y utilizando peróxido de hidrógeno como oxidante. Dado que los mejores resultados se obtuvieron utilizando Cr-ZSM-5, estos materiales se estudiaron evaluando el efecto del tiempo de reacción, la masa de catalizador, la relación molar estireno/hidroperóxido, la naturaleza del solvente y la temperatura de reacción. Los mejores resultados de las condiciones evaluadas se obtuvieron trabajando con una relación molar sustrato/oxidante de 0,45 y utilizando acetonitrilo como solvente, dado su carácter aprótico y de mayor polaridad de los solventes evaluados (acetonitrilo, acetona, 2-butanol y 2-propanol. El aumento en la temperatura de reacción mostró un incremento en la conversión de estireno, el cual se desaceleró al superar los 60 oC por descomposición térmica del peróxido de hidrógeno.


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    A. K. Porunova


    Full Text Available It is shown that developed method of titrating AB0 antibodies allows defi ning the titer of the investigational antibodies more precisely on 1–3 dilution of serum compared to the prototype method (titration method of antibodiesin saline medium on the plane. It is more obvious as it excludes hardly interpretable results due to the possibility of conducting visual assessment of agglutination reaction in the gel card thick column and requires less time foranalysis. The results can be saved for comparison with the results of further research. That is not possible under prototype titration method. Aim: our aim is to create a laboratory technique that can accurately, reliably and clearly produce titration of AB0 system antibodies, including in patients with low initial concentration of agglutinins in the blood; a technique more economical in terms of spending serum and that takes less time.Materials and methods: those modes were empirically chosen which allow titration of AB0 system agglutinins using gel technology based micro typing; to titer group antibodies 1640 serum assays of recipients in AB0-incompatibletransplantation were analyzed.The result of the use of specially developed method in organ transplantation from incompatible blood donors consists in enhancing accuracy, sensitivity of natural, complete and incomplete AB0 system immune antibodies titration, in its clarity, using of blood micro-doses for earlier detection of sensitizing of the patient, which is especially important in Pediatrics. Conclusion: the developed procedure of AB0-antibodies’ titration using modern gel technology makes possible a more precise monitoring of the titer of antibodies that is necessary to predict the graft rejection risk, to select the Protocol of preoperative preparation and postoperative management of patients, to assess the effectiveness of therapy in patients for whom it is diffi cult to fi nd a compatible blood type donor, and for whom today AB

  6. Styrene photocatalytic degradation reaction kinetics


    Taffarel, Silvio R.; Lansarin, Marla A.; Moro, Celso C.


    A reação de degradação fotocatalítica do estireno foi estudada utilizando-se TiO2 P-25 (Degussa) como catalisador. Os experimentos foram realizados em um reator “slurry” em bateladas, com controle de temperatura, empregando-se uma lâmpada UV. Foram estudados os efeitos do pH, da concentração inicial de estireno, da concentração do catalisador e da adição de H2O2 sobre a velocidade da reação. Os resultados mostraram que, em 90 min, cerca de 95% da quantidade inicial da molécula foi consumida p...

  7. Improved radioimaging and tumor localization with monoclonal F(ab')2

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wahl, R.L.; Parker, C.W.; Philpott, G.W.


    Monoclonal anti-tumor antibodies have great promise for radioimmunodetection and localization of tumors. Fab and F(ab')2 fragments, which lack the Fc fragment of antibody (Ab), are cleared more rapidly from the circulation and may have less nonspecific tissue binding than intact Ab. In radioimaging studies using a murine monoclonal antibody to carcinoembryonic antigen in a human colon carcinoma xenografted into hamsters, F(ab')2 fragments were shown superior to Fab fragments and intact antibody for scintiscanning. In double-label experiments with anti-CEA antibody and control monoclonal IgG, F(ab')2 fragments were found to give better and more rapid specific tumor localization than intact antibody or Fab fragments. F(ab')2 fragments offer significant promise for tumor imaging and possibly therapy

  8. Avaliação das condições de envelhecimento do sistema catalítico versatato de neodímio/hidreto de di-isobutilalumínio/cloreto de t-butila na polimerização de 1,3-butadieno

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Neusa Maria Tocchetto Pires


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho foi estudar sistemas catalíticos ternários constituídos por versatato de neodímio, cloreto de t-butila e hidreto de di-isobutil-alumínio para a polimerização de 1,4-cis de butadieno em hexano. Foi investigado o efeito do envelhecimento natural do catalisador (1 a 60 dias a 8,5°C sobre a conversão, a atividade catalítica e a micro- e macroestrutura do polibutadieno. Foi estudado também o efeito do envelhecimento forçado (40°C, das diferentes fases do preparo do catalisador sobre as características da polimerização e do polímero sintetizado. Os polímeros foram caracterizados por cromatografia de exclusão por tamanho (SEC, espectroscopia na região do infravermelho (FT-IR, viscosimetria em solução e no estado fundido. O envelhecimento forçado das diferentes fases do catalisador (F1, F2, F3 e F4 afetou a conversão e a atividade catalítica de maneiras distintas. Os resultados de conversão e atividade catalítica mostraram que a fase mais afetada pelo envelhecimento forçado a 40°C foi a F1, etapa em que o versatato de neodímio é adicionado à solução de hidreto de di-isobutil-alumínio (Catalisador 447. A microestrutura não se alterou com o envelhecimento natural do catalisador enquanto que a macroestrutura mostrou dependência desta variável. Foi observado um ligeiro aumento na conversão e na atividade catalítica à medida que o tempo de envelhecimento do catalisador aumentou de 1 para 10 dias.

  9. Ab initio model of porous periclase

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Drummond, Neil D.; Swift, Damian C.; Ackland, Graeme J.


    A two-phase equilibrium equation of state (EOS) for periclase (MgO) was constructed using ab initio quantum mechanics, including a rigorous calculation of quasiharmonic phonon modes. Much of the shock wave data reported for periclase is on porous material. We compared the theoretical EOS with porous data using a simple 'snowplough' treatment and also a model using finite equilibration rates suitable for continuum mechanics simulations. (This model has been applied previously to various heterogeneous explosives as well as other porous materials.) The results were consistent and matched the data well at pressures above the regime affected by strength - and ramp-wave formation - during compaction. Ab initio predictions of the response of porous material have been cited recently as a novel and advanced capability; we feel that this is a fairly routine extension to established ab initio techniques

  10. Development of Anti-lock Braking System (ABS) for Vehicles Braking


    Minh Vu Trieu; Oamen Godwin; Vassiljeva Kristina; Teder Leo


    This paper develops a real laboratory of anti-lock braking system (ABS) for vehicle and conducts real experiments to verify the ability of this ABS to prevent the vehicle wheel from being locked while braking. Two controllers of PID and fuzzy logic are tested for analysis and comparison. This ABS laboratory is designed for bachelor and master students to simulate and analyze performances of ABS with different control techniques on various roads and load conditions. Thi...

  11. [Kidney allotransplantation from the AB0-incompatible donors]. (United States)

    Goriaĭnov, V A; Kaabak, M M; Babenko, N N; Shishlo, L A; Morozova, M M; Ragimov, A A; Dazhkova, N G; Salimov, E L


    The experience of 28 kidney allotransplantations from the AB0-incompatible donors was analyzed. The comparative group consisted of 38 patients, who received the AB0-compatible organ. The results were assessed using the following parameters: renal function, morphology of the biopsy samples of the transplanted kidney and actuary survival of the recipients with functioning transplants in both groups. The comparative analysis showed no significant difference between the two groups, giving the right to consider the kidney allotransplantation from the AB0-incompatible donors safe and effective.

  12. An ab initio molecular

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    mechanisms of two molecular crystals: An ab initio molecular dynamics ... for Computation in Molecular and Materials Science and Department of Chemistry, School of ..... NSAF Foundation of National Natural Science Foun- ... Matter 14 2717.

  13. Ab initio derivation of model energy density functionals

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dobaczewski, Jacek


    I propose a simple and manageable method that allows for deriving coupling constants of model energy density functionals (EDFs) directly from ab initio calculations performed for finite fermion systems. A proof-of-principle application allows for linking properties of finite nuclei, determined by using the nuclear nonlocal Gogny functional, to the coupling constants of the quasilocal Skyrme functional. The method does not rely on properties of infinite fermion systems but on the ab initio calculations in finite systems. It also allows for quantifying merits of different model EDFs in describing the ab initio results. (letter)

  14. Ab initio study of isomerism in molecular Li2AB+ ions with 12 and 14 valence electrons

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Charkin, O.P.; Klimenko, N.M.; Mak-Ki, M.L.; Shlojer, P.R.


    Ab initio calculations of potential energy surfaces (PES) of molecular ions Li 2 AB + with 12 and 14 valence electrons have been made in the framework of approximations MP2/6-31G*//HF/6-31G*+ZPE(HF/6-31G*) and MP4SDTQ/6-31*//MP2/6-31G*+ZPE(MP2/6-31G*). The following most favourable structures have been found: a double-terminal linear for LiNO + (a triplet); a plane bicyclic one for Li 2 OF + , Li 2 SCl + , Li 2 NO + (a singlet) and Li 2 PS + (a singlet), where both cations are coordinated to A-B bond; rectangular (T-shaped) for Li 2 OCl + and SFLi + , as well as for LiNS + and POLi 2 + ions in singlet and triplet states; in the form of a half-opened butterfly for Li 2 PS + (a triplet) and Li 2 SCl +

  15. Development of Anti-lock Braking System (ABS) for Vehicles Braking (United States)

    Minh, Vu Trieu; Oamen, Godwin; Vassiljeva, Kristina; Teder, Leo


    This paper develops a real laboratory of anti-lock braking system (ABS) for vehicle and conducts real experiments to verify the ability of this ABS to prevent the vehicle wheel from being locked while braking. Two controllers of PID and fuzzy logic are tested for analysis and comparison. This ABS laboratory is designed for bachelor and master students to simulate and analyze performances of ABS with different control techniques on various roads and load conditions. This paper provides educational theories and practices on the design of control for system dynamics.

  16. [VDRL and FTA-ABS reactivity in cerebrospinal fluid: our experience]. (United States)

    García-Rodríguez, J A; Martín-Sánchez, A M; Canut, A; García-García, L; Cacho, J


    The reactivity of 194 samples of CSF against VDRL and FTA-ABS was studied in patients attending the Clinical Hospital in Salamanca over a five years period. This laboratory was asked to rule out an etiology of syphilis. Twelve samples of CSF proved to be reactive (6.2%) against VDRL and/or FTA-ABS. Seven of these corresponded to six adults diagnosed as suffering from neurosyphilis and one to an infant with early congenital syphilis without neurological alterations; these had in common the presence of active syphilis and a reactive FTA-ABS in serum. In the CSF of the six cases of neurosyphilis, VDRL was reactive in two patients (33.3%) and FTA-ABS in five (83.3%). One minimally reactive VDRL and four FTA-ABS were detected in the remaining five patients, with no known previous history of syphilis, that were suffering from different neurological alterations and that had a nonreactive FTA-ABS in serum. The results obtained in this study point to inappropriate use in CSF of VDRL and FTA-ABS to exclude neurosyphilis in our hospital since only 3.6% of the CSF studied corresponded to patients diagnosed as suffering from neurosyphilis and also to the need for improving the criteria for patient selection.

  17. Comportamento mecânico e termo-mecânico de blendas poliméricas PBT/ABS Mechanical and thermo-mechanical behavior of PBT/ABS polymer blends

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Luís Antonio S. Ferreira


    Full Text Available RESUMO: Blendas de poli(tereftalato de butileno (PBT e copolímero ABS foram estudadas usando-se três tipos diferentes de ABS. As blendas foram caracterizadas mecanicamente através de ensaios de tração e de impacto, e termo-mecanicamente através da determinação da temperatura de deflexão térmica (HDT. Uma influência mais pronunciada foi observada para a variação da composição química do ABS, em relação às diferentes composições de fase, onde blendas com ABS de maior proporção de acrilonitrila mostraram melhor comportamento. Foi observado que baixos níveis de ABS nas blendas proporcionam principalmente um aumento pronunciado da HDT e sem variação da resistência ao impacto, em relação ao PBT puro. Por outro lado, baixos níveis de PBT nas blendas não alteram as propriedades em relação ao ABS puro, com exceção da resistência ao impacto, que mostrou uma redução significativa.ABSTRACT: Polymer blends of poly(butylene terephthalate, PBT, and three grades of Acrylonitrile-Butadiene-Styrene copolymer, ABS, were studied. Polymer blends were characterized by impact resistance, tensile strength and heat deflection temperature tests. It was observed a stronger influence of the chemical composition of the ABS resin on the blends properties, mainly for the blends with higher ABS content which show better properties, than the phase composition of the ABS. It was observed that low levels of ABS in the blends promote mainly a high increase in HDT at the same level of impact resistance, as compared to neat PBT. On the other hand, low levels of PBT in the blend basically keep all the properties at the same level except the impact resistance which shows a significant decrease.

  18. Workshop on automated beam steering and shaping (ABS). Proceedings

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lindroos, M [ed.


    A workshop on Automated Beam Steering and Shaping (ABS) was held at CERN in December 1998. This was the first workshop dedicated to this subject. The workshop had two major goals: to review the present status of ABS algorithms and systems around the world and to create a worldwide ABS community. These proceedings contain summary reports from all sessions, contributions from several presentations held at the workshop, and a complete set of abstracts for all presentations. (orig.)

  19. Workshop on automated beam steering and shaping (ABS). Proceedings

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lindroos, M.


    A workshop on Automated Beam Steering and Shaping (ABS) was held at CERN in December 1998. This was the first workshop dedicated to this subject. The workshop had two major goals: to review the present status of ABS algorithms and systems around the world and to create a worldwide ABS community. These proceedings contain summary reports from all sessions, contributions from several presentations held at the workshop, and a complete set of abstracts for all presentations. (orig.)

  20. Speed-up of ab initio hybrid Monte Carlo and ab initio path integral hybrid Monte Carlo simulations by using an auxiliary potential energy surface

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nakayama, Akira; Taketsugu, Tetsuya; Shiga, Motoyuki


    Efficiency of the ab initio hybrid Monte Carlo and ab initio path integral hybrid Monte Carlo methods is enhanced by employing an auxiliary potential energy surface that is used to update the system configuration via molecular dynamics scheme. As a simple illustration of this method, a dual-level approach is introduced where potential energy gradients are evaluated by computationally less expensive ab initio electronic structure methods. (author)

  1. Ab initio valence calculations in chemistry

    CERN Document Server

    Cook, D B


    Ab Initio Valence Calculations in Chemistry describes the theory and practice of ab initio valence calculations in chemistry and applies the ideas to a specific example, linear BeH2. Topics covered include the Schrödinger equation and the orbital approximation to atomic orbitals; molecular orbital and valence bond methods; practical molecular wave functions; and molecular integrals. Open shell systems, molecular symmetry, and localized descriptions of electronic structure are also discussed. This book is comprised of 13 chapters and begins by introducing the reader to the use of the Schrödinge

  2. Cell Culture Systems To Study Human Herpesvirus 6A/B Chromosomal Integration. (United States)

    Gravel, Annie; Dubuc, Isabelle; Wallaschek, Nina; Gilbert-Girard, Shella; Collin, Vanessa; Hall-Sedlak, Ruth; Jerome, Keith R; Mori, Yasuko; Carbonneau, Julie; Boivin, Guy; Kaufer, Benedikt B; Flamand, Louis


    Human herpesviruses 6A/B (HHV-6A/B) can integrate their viral genomes in the telomeres of human chromosomes. The viral and cellular factors contributing to HHV-6A/B integration remain largely unknown, mostly due to the lack of efficient and reproducible cell culture models to study HHV-6A/B integration. In this study, we characterized the HHV-6A/B integration efficiencies in several human cell lines using two different approaches. First, after a short-term infection (5 h), cells were processed for single-cell cloning and analyzed for chromosomally integrated HHV-6A/B (ciHHV-6A/B). Second, cells were infected with HHV-6A/B and allowed to grow in bulk for 4 weeks or longer and then analyzed for the presence of ciHHV-6. Using quantitative PCR (qPCR), droplet digital PCR, and fluorescent in situ hybridization, we could demonstrate that HHV-6A/B integrated in most human cell lines tested, including telomerase-positive (HeLa, MCF-7, HCT-116, and HEK293T) and telomerase-negative cell lines (U2OS and GM847). Our results also indicate that inhibition of DNA replication, using phosphonoacetic acid, did not affect HHV-6A/B integration. Certain clones harboring ciHHV-6A/B spontaneously express viral genes and proteins. Treatment of cells with phorbol ester or histone deacetylase inhibitors triggered the expression of many viral genes, including U39 , U90 , and U100 , without the production of infectious virus, suggesting that the tested stimuli were not sufficient to trigger full reactivation. In summary, both integration models yielded comparable results and should enable the identification of viral and cellular factors contributing to HHV-6A/B integration and the screening of drugs influencing viral gene expression, as well as the release of infectious HHV-6A/B from the integrated state. IMPORTANCE The analysis and understanding of HHV-6A/B genome integration into host DNA is currently limited due to the lack of reproducible and efficient viral integration systems. In the

  3. Bicanonical ab Initio Molecular Dynamics for Open Systems. (United States)

    Frenzel, Johannes; Meyer, Bernd; Marx, Dominik


    Performing ab initio molecular dynamics simulations of open systems, where the chemical potential rather than the number of both nuclei and electrons is fixed, still is a challenge. Here, drawing on bicanonical sampling ideas introduced two decades ago by Swope and Andersen [ J. Chem. Phys. 1995 , 102 , 2851 - 2863 ] to calculate chemical potentials of liquids and solids, an ab initio simulation technique is devised, which introduces a fictitious dynamics of two superimposed but otherwise independent periodic systems including full electronic structure, such that either the chemical potential or the average fractional particle number of a specific chemical species can be kept constant. As proof of concept, we demonstrate that solvation free energies can be computed from these bicanonical ab initio simulations upon directly superimposing pure bulk water and the respective aqueous solution being the two limiting systems. The method is useful in many circumstances, for instance for studying heterogeneous catalytic processes taking place on surfaces where the chemical potential of reactants rather than their number is controlled and opens a pathway toward ab initio simulations at constant electrochemical potential.

  4. 12 CFR Appendixes A-B to Part 41 - [Reserved (United States)


    ... 12 Banks and Banking 1 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false [Reserved] A Appendixes A-B to Part 41 Banks and Banking COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY, DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY FAIR CREDIT REPORTING Appendixes A-B to Part 41 [Reserved] ...

  5. ABS, MBS and CDO compared : An empirical analysis

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Vink, D.; Thibeault, A.


    The capital market in which the asset-backed securities are issued and traded is composed of three main categories: ABS, MBS and CDOs. We were able to examine a total number of 3,951 loans (worth €730.25 billion) of which 1,129 (worth €208.94 billion) have been classified as ABS. MBS issues

  6. Ab initio and Gordon--Kim intermolecular potentials for two nitrogen molecules

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ree, F.H.; Winter, N.W.


    Both ab initio MO--LCAO--SCF and the electron-gas (or Gordon--Kim) methods have been used to compute the intermolecular potential (Phi) of N 2 molecules for seven different N 2 --N 2 orientations. The ab initio calculations were carried out using a [4s3p] contracted Gaussian basis set with and without 3d polarization functions. The larger basis set provides adequate results for Phi>0.002 hartree or intermolecular separations less than 6.5--7 bohr. We use a convenient analytic expression to represent the ab initio data in terms of the intermolecular distance and three angles defining the orientations of the two N 2 molecules. The Gordon--Kim method with Rae's self-exchange correction yields Phi, which agrees reasonably well over a large repulsive range. However, a detailed comparison of the electron kinetic energy contributions shows a large difference between the ab initio and the Gordon--Kim calculations. Using the ab initio data we derive an atom--atom potential of the two N 2 molecules. Although this expression does not accurately fit the data at some orientations, its spherical average agrees with the corresponding average of the ab initio Phi remarkably well. The spherically averaged ab initio Phi is also compared with the corresponding quantities derived from experimental considerations. The approach of the ab initio Phi to the classical quadrupole--quadrupole interaction at large intermolecular separation is also discussed

  7. Ab-initio ZORA calculations

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Faas, S.; Snijders, Jaap; van Lenthe, J.H.; HernandezLaguna, A; Maruani, J; McWeeny, R; Wilson, S


    In this paper we present the first application of the ZORA (Zeroth Order Regular Approximation of the Dirac Fock equation) formalism in Ab Initio electronic structure calculations. The ZORA method, which has been tested previously in the context of Density Functional Theory, has been implemented in

  8. AB Manpower Plan 2007

    CERN Document Server

    Myers, Stephen


    The present exercise is not as such a "manpower plan" but a purely budgetary comparison of known plus requested resources with the known commitments over the period 2007-2012. From a purely budgetary point of view, AB will have the capacity to maintain all those recently hired staff who fulfill the criteria for long term employment at CERN. Following this budgetary exercise, AB proposes to perform a CERN-wide staff work plan so as to compare the manpower available to the quantity of work to be done in the totality of the work-packages. If there is a significant mismatch between these two quantities then we propose the following measures which would create personnel economies and allow us to redress the mismatch by increased recruitment: a new job severance scheme; CERN restructuring; use of the new CERN-ITER agreement; more flexibility in transfers from Materials to Personnel budgets. Failing this a re-examination of possible closure of lower priority facilities may be needed.

  9. Report on enrichment work at AB Atomenergi, 1965-1978

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Maartensson, M.


    A review of the Rand D performed at AB Atomenergi (now Studsvik Energiteknik AB) in the field of enrichment during the period 1965-1978. The report also describes the international development, and discusses the possibilities for continued Swedish efforts in this area. (L.E.)

  10. A Kine-chemical Investigation of the AB Dor Moving Group "Stream" (United States)

    Barenfeld, Scott A.; Bubar, Eric J.; Mamajek, Eric E.; Young, Patrick A.


    The AB Dor Moving Group consists of a "nucleus" of ~10 stars at d ~= 20 pc, along with dozens of purported "stream" members distributed across the sky. We perform a chemical and kinematic analysis of a subsample of AB Dor stream stars to test whether they constitute a physical stellar group. We use the NEMO Galactic kinematic code to investigate the orbits of the stream members, and perform a chemical abundance analysis using high resolution spectra taken with the Magellan Clay 6.5 m telescope. Using a χ2 test with the measured abundances for 10 different elements, we find that only half of the purported AB Dor stream members could possibly constitute a statistically chemically homogeneous sample. Some stream members with three-dimensional velocities were hundreds of parsecs from the AB Dor nucleus ~108 yr ago, and hence were unlikely to share a common origin. We conclude that the published lists of AB Dor moving group stream members are unlikely to represent the dispersed remnant of a single star formation episode. A subsample of the stream stars appears to be both statistically chemically homogeneous and in the vicinity of the AB Dor nucleus at birth. Their mean metallicity is [Fe/H] = 0.02 ± 0.02 dex, which we consider representative for the AB Dor group. Finally, we report a strong lower limit on the age of the AB Dor nucleus of >110 Myr based on the pre-main sequence contraction times for K-type members which have reached the main sequence.

  11. Differential screening of phage-ab libraries by oligonucleotide microarray technology.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Paolo Monaci

    Full Text Available A novel and efficient tagArray technology was developed that allows rapid identification of antibodies which bind to receptors with a specific expression profile, in the absence of biological information. This method is based on the cloning of a specific, short nucleotide sequence (tag in the phagemid coding for each phage-displayed antibody fragment (phage-Ab present in a library. In order to set up and validate the method we identified about 10,000 different phage-Abs binding to receptors expressed in their native form on the cell surface (10 k Membranome collection and tagged each individual phage-Ab. The frequency of each phage-Ab in a given population can at this point be inferred by measuring the frequency of its associated tag sequence through standard DNA hybridization methods. Using tiny amounts of biological samples we identified phage-Abs binding to receptors preferentially expressed on primary tumor cells rather than on cells obtained from matched normal tissues. These antibodies inhibited cell proliferation in vitro and tumor development in vivo, thus representing therapeutic lead candidates.

  12. Helicase properties of the Escherichia coli UvrAb protein complex

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Oh, E.Y.; Grossman, L.


    The Escherichia coli UvrA protein has an associated ATPase activity with a turnover number affected by the presence of UvrB protein as well as by DNA. Specifically, the structure of DNA significantly influences the turnover rate of the UvrAB ATPase activity. Double-stranded DNA maximally activates the turnover rate 10-fold whereas single-stranded DNA maximally activates the turnover rate 20-fold, suggesting that the mode of interaction of UvrAB protein with different DNAs is distinctive. We have previously shown that the UvrAB protein complex, driven by the binding energy of ATP, can locally unwind supercoiled DNA. The nature of the DNA unwinding activity and single-stranded DNA activation of ATPase activity suggest potential helicase activity. In the presence of a number of helicase substrates, the UvrAB complex, indeed, manifests a strand-displacement activity-unwinding short duplexes and D-loop DNA, thereby generating component DNA structures. The energy for the activity is derived from ATP or dATP hydrolysis. Unlike the E. coli DnaB, the UvrAB helicase is sensitive to UV-induced photoproducts

  13. AB toxins: a paradigm switch from deadly to desirable. (United States)

    Odumosu, Oludare; Nicholas, Dequina; Yano, Hiroshi; Langridge, William


    To ensure their survival, a number of bacterial and plant species have evolved a common strategy to capture energy from other biological systems. Being imperfect pathogens, organisms synthesizing multi-subunit AB toxins are responsible for the mortality of millions of people and animals annually. Vaccination against these organisms and their toxins has proved rather ineffective in providing long-term protection from disease. In response to the debilitating effects of AB toxins on epithelial cells of the digestive mucosa, mechanisms underlying toxin immunomodulation of immune responses have become the focus of increasing experimentation. The results of these studies reveal that AB toxins may have a beneficial application as adjuvants for the enhancement of immune protection against infection and autoimmunity. Here, we examine similarities and differences in the structure and function of bacterial and plant AB toxins that underlie their toxicity and their exceptional properties as immunomodulators for stimulating immune responses against infectious disease and for immune suppression of organ-specific autoimmunity.

  14. AB Toxins: A Paradigm Switch from Deadly to Desirable

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Oludare Odumosu


    Full Text Available To ensure their survival, a number of bacterial and plant species have evolved a common strategy to capture energy from other biological systems. Being imperfect pathogens, organisms synthesizing multi-subunit AB toxins are responsible for the mortality of millions of people and animals annually. Vaccination against these organisms and their toxins has proved rather ineffective in providing long-term protection from disease. In response to the debilitating effects of AB toxins on epithelial cells of the digestive mucosa, mechanisms underlying toxin immunomodulation of immune responses have become the focus of increasing experimentation. The results of these studies reveal that AB toxins may have a beneficial application as adjuvants for the enhancement of immune protection against infection and autoimmunity. Here, we examine similarities and differences in the structure and function of bacterial and plant AB toxins that underlie their toxicity and their exceptional properties as immunomodulators for stimulating immune responses against infectious disease and for immune suppression of organ-specific autoimmunity.

  15. Ab interno trabeculectomy: patient selection and perspectives (United States)

    Vinod, Kateki; Gedde, Steven J


    Ab interno trabeculectomy is one among several recently introduced minimally invasive glaucoma surgeries that avoid a conjunctival incision and full-thickness sclerostomy involved in traditional glaucoma surgery. Ablation of the trabecular meshwork and inner wall of Schlemm’s canal is performed in an arcuate fashion via a clear corneal incision, alone or in combination with phacoemulsification cataract surgery. Intraocular pressure reduction following ab interno trabeculectomy is limited by resistance in distal outflow pathways and generally stabilizes in the mid-to-high teens. Relief of medication burden has been demonstrated by some studies. A very low rate of complications, most commonly transient hyphema and intraocular pressure elevations in the immediate postoperative period, have been reported. However, available data are derived from small retrospective and prospective case series. Randomized, controlled trials are needed to better elucidate the potential merits of ab interno trabeculectomy in the combined setting versus phacoemulsification cataract surgery alone and to compare it with other minimally invasive glaucoma surgeries. PMID:27574396

  16. Kinesin-2 KIF3AB exhibits novel ATPase characteristics. (United States)

    Albracht, Clayton D; Rank, Katherine C; Obrzut, Steven; Rayment, Ivan; Gilbert, Susan P


    KIF3AB is an N-terminal processive kinesin-2 family member best known for its role in intraflagellar transport. There has been significant interest in KIF3AB in defining the key principles that underlie the processivity of KIF3AB in comparison with homodimeric processive kinesins. To define the ATPase mechanism and coordination of KIF3A and KIF3B stepping, a presteady-state kinetic analysis was pursued. For these studies, a truncated murine KIF3AB was generated. The results presented show that microtubule association was fast at 5.7 μm(-1) s(-1), followed by rate-limiting ADP release at 12.8 s(-1). ATP binding at 7.5 μm(-1) s(-1) was followed by an ATP-promoted isomerization at 84 s(-1) to form the intermediate poised for ATP hydrolysis, which then occurred at 33 s(-1). ATP hydrolysis was required for dissociation of the microtubule·KIF3AB complex, which was observed at 22 s(-1). The dissociation step showed an apparent affinity for ATP that was very weak (K½,ATP at 133 μm). Moreover, the linear fit of the initial ATP concentration dependence of the dissociation kinetics revealed an apparent second-order rate constant at 0.09 μm(-1) s(-1), which is inconsistent with fast ATP binding at 7.5 μm(-1) s(-1) and a Kd ,ATP at 6.1 μm. These results suggest that ATP binding per se cannot account for the apparent weak K½,ATP at 133 μm. The steady-state ATPase Km ,ATP, as well as the dissociation kinetics, reveal an unusual property of KIF3AB that is not yet well understood and also suggests that the mechanochemistry of KIF3AB is tuned somewhat differently from homodimeric processive kinesins. © 2014 by The American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Inc.

  17. ABS 3D printed solutions for cryogenic applications (United States)

    Bartolomé, E.; Bozzo, B.; Sevilla, P.; Martínez-Pasarell, O.; Puig, T.; Granados, X.


    3D printing has become a common, inexpensive and rapid prototyping technique, enabling the ad hoc fabrication of complex shapes. In this paper, we demonstrate that 3D printed objects in ABS can be used at cryogenic temperatures, offering flexible solutions in different fields. Firstly, a thermo-mechanical characterization of ABS 3D printed specimens at 77 K is reported, which allowed us to delimit the type of cryogenic uses where 3D printed pieces may be implemented. Secondly, we present three different examples where ABS 3D printed objects working at low temperatures have provided specific solutions: (i) SQUID inserts for angular magnetometry (low temperature material characterization field); (ii) a cage support for a metamaterial ;magnetic concentrator; (superconductivity application), and (iii) dedicated tools for cryopreservation in assisted reproductive techniques (medicine field).

  18. Identification of Bacillus thuringiensis Cry1AbMod binding-proteins from Spodoptera frugiperda. (United States)

    Martínez de Castro, Diana L; García-Gómez, Blanca I; Gómez, Isabel; Bravo, Alejandra; Soberón, Mario


    Bacillus thuringiensis Cry toxins are currently used for pest control in transgenic crops but evolution of resistance by the insect pests threatens the use of this technology. The Cry1AbMod toxin was engineered to lack the alpha helix-1 of the parental Cry1Ab toxin and was shown to counter resistance to Cry1Ab and Cry1Ac toxins in different insect species including the fall armyworm Spodoptera frugiperda. In addition, Cry1AbMod showed enhanced toxicity to Cry1Ab-susceptible S. frugiperda populations. To gain insights into the mechanisms of this Cry1AbMod-enhanced toxicity, we isolated the Cry1AbMod toxin binding proteins from S. frugiperda brush border membrane vesicles (BBMV), which were identified by pull-down assay and liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS). The LC-MS/MS results indicated that Cry1AbMod toxin could bind to four classes of aminopeptidase (N1, N3, N4 y N5) and actin, with the highest amino acid sequence coverage acquired for APN 1 and APN4. In addition to these proteins, we found other proteins not previously described as Cry toxin binding proteins. This is the first report that suggests the interaction between Cry1AbMod and APN in S. frugiperda. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  19. Radioimmunoimaging using F(ab')2 fragment of monoclonal antibodies against human alpha-fetoprotein

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sakahara, Harumi; Endo, Keigo; Nakashima, Tetsuo; Koizumi, Mitsuru; Ohta, Hitoya; Torizuka, Kanji; Okada, Kenichiro; Yoshida, Osamu; Nishi, Shinzo.


    Using monoclonal antibodies against human α-fetoprotein (AFP), radioiodinated F(ab') 2 fragments were compared with whole IgG as a radiotracer for radioimmunoimaging of cancer. F(ab') 2 fragments were obtained by pepsin digestion of whole IgG (IgGl). IgG and F(ab') 2 were labeled with 125 I or 131 I by the chloramine-T method with almost full retention of antibody activity. F(ab') 2 fragments were cleared more rapidly from the circulation in normal mice with a half life of 6.3 hours than whole IgG with a half life of 5.5 days. Radioactivity of F(ab') 2 in various organs also decreased faster than IgG. In nude mice transplanted with AFP-producing human testicular tumor, F(ab') 2 fragments demonstrated superior scintigrams to whole IgG at 2 days after the injection, because of the fast disappearance of background radioactivity. Although absolute accumulation of 131 I labeled F(ab') 2 in the tumor was less than that of 131 I labeled IgG, tumor to other organ ratios were much higher with F(ab') 2 than those of IgG. The tumor to blood ratio of 131 I labeled F(ab') 2 was 1.04 at day 2, whereas tumor to blood ratio of 131 I labeled IgG was 0.55 at day 2 and 0.92 at day 4, respectively. These results indicated that for the radiolabeling of monoclonal antibodies, F(ab') 2 fragments would be superior to whole IgG in the radioimmunoimaging of cancer. (author)

  20. CRY 1AB trangenic cowpea obtained by nodal electroporation ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Electroporation-mediated genetic transformation was used to introduce Cry 1 Ab insecticidal gene into cowpea. Nodal buds were electroporated in planta with a plasmid carrying the Cry 1Ab and antibiotic resistance npt II genes driven by a 35S CaMV promoter. T1 seeds derived from electroporated branches were selected ...

  1. Electronic brakes. From ABS to brake-by-wire. 2. ed.; Elektronische Bremssysteme. Vom ABS zum Brake-by-Wire

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Reichel, H.R.


    The book reports trends in vehicle brakes from 1968 to 1998. This was the age of the electronic revolution. The book presents conventional brakes, antiblocking systems (ABS), antislip systems (ASS), brake assistants (BAS), dynamic control systems, and brake-by-wire systems. [German] Das Buch berichtet ueber Entwicklungen an Fahrzeugbremsanlagen in der Zeitspanne von 1968 bis etwa 1998. Diese Zeit war gepraegt vom Vordringen der Elektronik in die Bremsen, was fuer Hersteller und Kunden eine Revolution bedeutete. Behandelt sind: (a) Konventionelle Bremsanlagen, (b) Antiblockiersysteme (ABS), (c) Anti-Schlupf-regelungen (ASR), (d) Bremsassistenten (BAS), (e) Fahrdynamikregelungen (FDR, ESP), (f) Brake-by-Wire (orig.)

  2. Pengaruh bahan pengisi serat kaca terhadap sifat fisik dan kristalinitas polipaduan PC/ABS

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Dwi Wahini Nurhajati


    Full Text Available This research aimed to determine the effects of the addition of glass fibers on the physical and crystallinity properties of PC/ABS polyblends. The ratio of PC/ABS used in this research was 75/25, while the addition of glass fibers ranged from 0; 5; 10; to 15 phr (based on the weight of PC/ABS. Polyblends of PC/ABS/glass fibers were prepared in a twin screw extruder. The test results showed that density and tensile strength of PC/ABS polyblends increased with an increase in the glass fiber content. The presence of glass fibers decreased MFI and impact strength of these PC/ABS polyblends. The functional groups were determined by the fourier transform infrared (FTIR spectrophotometer while crystallinity was examined using X-ray diffractometer (XRD.

  3. Misturas BR/SBR: propriedades mecânicas em função do modo de preparo BR/SBR blends: mechanical properties as a function of the preparation mode

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Adriana F. de Alcantara


    Full Text Available Misturas com borracha são freqüentemente usadas para se conseguir o balanço das propriedades desejadas e também, em alguns casos, a redução de custos. As misturas elastoméricas são normalmente sistemas multifásicos e a distribuição dos aditivos entre as fases não é necessariamente uniforme. Neste trabalho, o polibutadieno (BR foi misturado ao elastômero de butadieno-estireno (SBR na proporção 1:1 em peso. As composições foram preparadas utilizando um misturador de rolos, segundo a norma ASTM D3182, sendo que a incorporação dos aditivos foi realizada de quatro formas diferentes. Após a avaliação das propriedades reométricas e a vulcanização, foram estudadas as propriedades mecânicas para cada composição, avaliadas de acordo com as normas ASTM específicas para cada ensaio. Os resultados mostram que os diferentes modos de preparo de uma mesma formulação podem provocar mudança significativa nas propriedades mecânicas de misturas envolvendo essas duas borrachas. No caso das misturas BR/SBR estudadas, as propriedades apresentaram valores intermediários aos das borrachas isoladas.Rubber blends are frequently prepared to give a balance of the desired properties and, in some cases, reduction of cost as well. Elastomeric mixtures are usually multiphase systems and the dispersion of the additives may not be uniform throughout the phases. In this work, polybutadiene rubber (BR was mixed with polybutadiene-styrene rubber (SBR in a 50:50 w/w ratio. The compositions were prepared in a two-roll mill, according to ASTM D3182, and the incorporation of the ingredients was carried out according to four different modes. After the determination of the rheometric properties and the vulcanization of the compounds, mechanical properties were evaluated according to specific ASTM procedures. The results show that the mechanical properties may be altered by changing the procedure to prepare a given formulation. In the case of BR

  4. Isolation and Characterization of a Virulent Bacteriophage AB1 of Acinetobacter baumannii

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jia Shiru


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Acinetobacter baumannii is an emerging nosocomial pathogen worldwide with increasing prevalence of multi-drug and pan-drug resistance. A. baumannii exists widely in natural environment, especially in health care settings, and has been shown difficult to be eradicated. Bacteriophages are often considered alternative agent for controlling bacterial infection and contamination. In this study, we described the isolation and characterization of one virulent bacteriophage AB1 capable of specifically infecting A. baumannii. Results A virulent bacteriophage AB1, specific for infecting a clinical strain A. baumannii KD311, was first isolated from marine sediment sample. Restriction analysis indicated that phage AB1 was a dsDNA virus with an approximate genome size of 45.2 kb to 46.9 kb. Transmission electron microscopy showed that phage AB1 had an icosahedral head with a non-contractile tail and collar or whisker structures, and might be tentatively classified as a member of the Siphoviridae family. Proteomic pattern of phage AB1, generated by SDS-PAGE using purified phage particles, revealed five major bands and six minor bands with molecular weight ranging from 14 to 80 kilo-dalton. Also determined was the adsorption rate of phage AB1 to the host bacterium, which was significantly enhanced by addition of 10 mM CaCl2. In a single step growth test, phage AB1 was shown having a latent period of 18 minutes and a burst size of 409. Moreover, pH and thermal stability of phage AB1 were also investigated. At the optimal pH 6.0, 73.2% of phages survived after 60 min incubation at 50°C. When phage AB1 was used to infect four additional clinical isolates of A. baumannii, one clinical isolate of Stenotrophomonas maltophilia, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa lab strains PAK and PAO1, none of the tested strains was found susceptible, indicating a relatively narrow host range for phage AB1. Conclusion Phage AB1 was capable of eliciting efficient lysis

  5. Importance of radioimmunoassays (HBsAg, HBsAb and HBcAb) for reducing the risk of hepatitis B transfer by blood

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Novak, J.; Kselikova, M.


    The principles are reported of the radioimmunoanalytical assay of the hepatitis B surface antigen, antibodies against this antigen which constitute immunologically indirect evidence, and antibodies against the nucleus of Dane's particles, which is circumstantial immunological evidence. The results obtained by radioimmunoassay are compared with those obtained by enzyme immunoassay. The results are presented obtained during the investigations of a total of 79 individuals, blood donors, health workers, and haemodialytic patients. In the whole group the hepatitis B surface antigen was proved by radioimmunoassay in 54%, by enzyme immunoassay in 47%; the antibody against the hepatitis B surface antigen in 19%; the antibody against the nucleus of the hepatitis B virus showed the largest proportion 75%. In 6.3% radioimmunoassay showed symptoms all three of hepatitis B, i.e., the surface antigen, the antibody against it, and the antibody against the hepatitis B virus nucleus; the correlation of the three symptoms is shown. The presence of HBsAg, HBsAb, and HBcAb is believed to be a contraindication of blood taking for routine purposes; the disappearance of HBsAg for a longer time may justify the re-inclusion among blood donors; the presence of HBsAb and HBcAb does not preclude the preparation of the plasma from such blood for the production of a specific anti-HBs immunoglobulin. (author)

  6. Highly scalable Ab initio genomic motif identification

    KAUST Repository

    Marchand, Benoit; Bajic, Vladimir B.; Kaushik, Dinesh


    We present results of scaling an ab initio motif family identification system, Dragon Motif Finder (DMF), to 65,536 processor cores of IBM Blue Gene/P. DMF seeks groups of mutually similar polynucleotide patterns within a set of genomic sequences and builds various motif families from them. Such information is of relevance to many problems in life sciences. Prior attempts to scale such ab initio motif-finding algorithms achieved limited success. We solve the scalability issues using a combination of mixed-mode MPI-OpenMP parallel programming, master-slave work assignment, multi-level workload distribution, multi-level MPI collectives, and serial optimizations. While the scalability of our algorithm was excellent (94% parallel efficiency on 65,536 cores relative to 256 cores on a modest-size problem), the final speedup with respect to the original serial code exceeded 250,000 when serial optimizations are included. This enabled us to carry out many large-scale ab initio motiffinding simulations in a few hours while the original serial code would have needed decades of execution time. Copyright 2011 ACM.

  7. Polyvalent horse F(Ab`) 2 snake antivenom: Development of ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    F(ab´)2 fragments were further purified by Q-Fast Flow chromatography, concentrated by molecular ultrafiltration and sterilized by filtration through 0.22 m membranes. The resulting F(ab´)2 preparations were rich in intact L and in pieces of H IgG(T) chains, as demonstrated by electrophoresis and Western blot and exhibited ...

  8. ABS, MBS and CDO pricing comparisons : An empirical analysis

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Vink, D.; Thibeault, A.


    The capital market in which asset-backed securities are issued and traded is composed of three main categories: ABS, MBS and CDOs. The authors examined a total of 3,466 loans (worth €548.51 billion) of which 1,102 (worth €163.90 billion) have been classified as ABS. MBS issues represent 1,782 issues

  9. 40 CFR 174.506 - Bacillus thuringiensis Cry34Ab1 and Cry35Ab1 proteins in corn; exemption from the requirement of... (United States)


    ... 40 Protection of Environment 23 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Bacillus thuringiensis Cry34Ab1 and Cry35Ab1 proteins in corn; exemption from the requirement of a tolerance. 174.506 Section 174.506 Protection of Environment ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY (CONTINUED) PESTICIDE PROGRAMS PROCEDURES AND REQUIREMENTS FOR PLANT-INCORPORATED PROTECTANTS...

  10. Graft Polymerization of Styrene to Polyethylene; Polymerisation par greffage du styrene sur des pellicules de polyethylene; Privitaya polimerizatsiya stirola k poliehtilen; Polimerizacion por injerto de estireno en polietileno

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Silverman, J.; Srinivasan, S. I.; Phalangas, C. J. [Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Maryland, College Park, MD (United States)


    obtenues 4 la suite d'experiences de greffage a 18 et a 40{sup o}C sur des pellicules et des peluches de polyethylene, avec des doses de rayons gamma de {sup 60}Co allant jusqu'a 8,0 x 10{sup 5} r/h. Les auteurs ont egalement mesure la vitesse de conversion du styrene en homopolymere dans les peluches en suspension. Ils ont fait des examens microscopiques des pellicules greffees afin de connaitre la quantite d'homopolymere absorbe. Les resultats obtenus montrent que l'augmentation de poids dans les echantillons de pellicules est due en grande partie a l'homopolymere absorbe. Pour les experiences faites sur les peluches, dans lesquelles l'augmentation de poids est imputable en grande partie au copolymere greffe, cette augmentation est a peu pres proportionnelle a la dose et la vitesse de reaction est presque proportionnelle a la racine carree du debit de dose des rayons gamma. Du fait d'une energie d'activation faible pour la vitesse de reaction, on ne peut pas agir sur la vitesse de diffusion dans les peluches et dans des pellicules minces si les debits de dose sont inferieurs a 10{sup 5} r/h. La vitesse de formation de l'homopolymere dans les experiences sur peluches faites a 18{sup o}C et a 7,2 x 10{sup 4} r/h est la meme que dans l a polymerisation du styrene pur. L'energie d'activation, 3,5 kcal/mole, represente a peu pres la moitie de la valeur enregistree pour le monomere pur. (author) [Spanish] Del estudio de los datos publicados acerca del injerto radioinducido de estireno en peliculas de polietileno de baja densidad, se deduce que la intensidad de la dosis gamma y el espesor de la pelicula ejercen una influencia poco acusada sobre el fndice de incremento de peso. Los autores demuestran que los modelos utilizados por otros investigadores en la interpretacion de los datos sobre el incremento de peso con miras a determinar las constantes de velocidad carecen de validez en este caso. Presentan datos obtenidos en experimentos de injerto a 18{sup o}C y 40{sup o}C con

  11. Radiator-induced erythema ab igne in 8-year-old girl. (United States)

    Brzezinski, Piotr; Ismail, Samir; Chiriac, Anca


    The cutaneous lesion of erythema ab Igne are characterized by a reticulate erythema, hyperpigmentation, fine scaling, epidermal atrophy and telangiectasias, and reticulated erythema. We report a case of erythema ab igne on the hands of a 8-year-old girl, induced by classic homemade radiator.

  12. Physical and Mechanical Characteristics of Kevlar Fiber-Reinforced PC/ABS Composites

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Kuljira Sujirote


    Full Text Available In this research, the composites between polycarbonate (PC and acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene (ABS alloy and Kevlar fiber were prepared. The flexural and tensile properties of PC/ABS alloy and its composites were determined using a universal testing machine. The synergistic behavior of flexural modulus was observed for all regions of PC contents, while the synergism of flexural strength and tensile strength were found in some PC contents. It was found that the optimum weight ratio of PC:ABS was 60:40. In the Kevlar Fiber-reinforced PC/ABS composite system at PC:ABS of 60:40, both flexural modulus and strength were increased with matrix contents. Additionally, the flexural strength drastically increased with the matrix content and then reached the maximum value of 167 MPa at the matrix content of 33.4 wt%. The results from peel test, water contact measurement, and scanning electron microscopy (SEM reveal that the interfacial adhesion between the Kevlar fiber and the polymer matrix could be improved by increasing the PC content in the matrix.

  13. Ultra-low-power, class-AB, CMOS four-quadrant current multiplier

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Sawigun, C.; Serdijn, W.A.


    A class-AB four-quadrant current multiplier constituted by a class-AB current amplifier and a current splitter which can handle input signals in excess of ten times the bias current is presented. The proposed circuit operation is based on the exponential characteristic of BJTs or subthreshold

  14. Stacking stability of MoS2 bilayer: An ab initio study

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tao Peng; Guo Huai-Hong; Yang Teng; Zhang Zhi-Dong


    The study of the stacking stability of bilayer MoS 2 is essential since a bilayer has exhibited advantages over single layer MoS 2 in many aspects for nanoelectronic applications. We explored the relative stability, optimal sliding path between different stacking orders of bilayer MoS 2 , and (especially) the effect of inter-layer stress, by combining first-principles density functional total energy calculations and the climbing-image nudge-elastic-band (CI-NEB) method. Among five typical stacking orders, which can be categorized into two kinds (I: AA, AB and II: AA', AB', A'B), we found that stacking orders with Mo and S superposing from both layers, such as AA' and AB, is more stable than the others. With smaller computational efforts than potential energy profile searching, we can study the effect of inter-layer stress on the stacking stability. Under isobaric condition, the sliding barrier increases by a few eV/(ucGPa) from AA' to AB', compared to 0.1 eV/(ucGPa) from AB to [AB]. Moreover, we found that interlayer compressive stress can help enhance the transport properties of AA'. This study can help understand why inter-layer stress by dielectric gating materials can be an effective means to improving MoS 2 on nanoelectronic applications. (condensed matter: structural, mechanical, and thermal properties)

  15. Production and characterization of monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) against human serum albumin (HSA) for the development of an immunoaffinity system with oriented anti-HSA mAbs as immobilized ligand. (United States)

    Rajak, Poonam; Vijayalakshmi, M A; Jayaprakash, N S


    Proteins present in human serum are of immense importance in the field of biomarker discovery. But, the presence of high-abundant proteins like albumin makes the analysis more challenging because of masking effect on low-abundant proteins. Therefore, removal of albumin using highly specific monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) can potentiate the discovery of low-abundant proteins. In the present study, mAbs against human serum albumin (HSA) were developed and integrated in to an immunoaffinity based system for specific removal of albumin from the serum. Hybridomas were obtained by fusion of Sp2/0 mouse myeloma cells with spleen cells from the mouse immunized with HSA. Five clones (AHSA1-5) producing mAbs specific to HSA were established and characterized by enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and immunoblotting for specificity, sensitivity and affinity in terms of antigen binding. The mAbs were able to bind to both native albumin as well as its glycated isoform. Reactivity of mAbs with different mammalian sera was tested. The affinity constant of the mAbs ranged from 10(8) to 10(9)M(-1). An approach based on oriented immobilization was followed to immobilize purified anti-HSA mAbs on hydrazine activated agarose gel and the dynamic binding capacity of the column was determined. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  16. Ab initio study of ortho-meta-isomerism of Li4AB3+ ions of nitrite and phosphite oxo- and thiosalts (A=N, P; B=O, S)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Charkin, O.D.; MakKi, M.L.; Charkin, O.P.


    In the framework of MP2(6-31*//HF/6-31G + ZPE(HF/6-31G*) and MP4SDTQ/6-31G*//MP2/6-31G* + ZPE(MP2/6-31G*) approximations ab initio calculations of surfaces of potential energy of Li 4 NO 3 + , Li 4 PO 3 + , Li 4 NS 3 + , LiPS 3 + ions and Li 3 NO 3 , Li 3 PO 3 , Li 3 NS 3 , Li 3 PS 3 molecules of lithium oxo-and thiosalts with 26 valent electrons. Several low-level energy local minimums are determined for each of these ions including (Li + ) 4 ·AB 3 3- ortho-structure of C 3V symmetry with pyramidal three-charge AB 3 3- anion and totality of meta-structures of L + ·AB 2 - ·BL 3 + ion type and AB 2 - ·BL 4 2+ ion pair of C 2V and C s symmetry with onium OLi 3 + , OLi 4 2+ cations or their thio-analogues. Equilibrium geometric parameters and relative energy of isomers, energy of different channels of decomposition, frequencies and IR-intensities of normal vibrations, characteristics of electron density distribution are determined [ru

  17. Multiple time step integrators in ab initio molecular dynamics

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Luehr, Nathan; Martínez, Todd J.; Markland, Thomas E.


    Multiple time-scale algorithms exploit the natural separation of time-scales in chemical systems to greatly accelerate the efficiency of molecular dynamics simulations. Although the utility of these methods in systems where the interactions are described by empirical potentials is now well established, their application to ab initio molecular dynamics calculations has been limited by difficulties associated with splitting the ab initio potential into fast and slowly varying components. Here we present two schemes that enable efficient time-scale separation in ab initio calculations: one based on fragment decomposition and the other on range separation of the Coulomb operator in the electronic Hamiltonian. We demonstrate for both water clusters and a solvated hydroxide ion that multiple time-scale molecular dynamics allows for outer time steps of 2.5 fs, which are as large as those obtained when such schemes are applied to empirical potentials, while still allowing for bonds to be broken and reformed throughout the dynamics. This permits computational speedups of up to 4.4x, compared to standard Born-Oppenheimer ab initio molecular dynamics with a 0.5 fs time step, while maintaining the same energy conservation and accuracy

  18. Effect of gamma irradiation on nutritional components and Cry1Ab protein in the transgenic rice with a synthetic cry1Ab gene from Bacillus thuringiensis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wu Dianxing; Ye Qingfu; Wang Zhonghua; Xia Yingwu


    The effects of gamma irradiation on the transgenic rice containing a synthetic cry1Ab gene from Bacillus thuringiensis were investigated. There was almost no difference in the content of the major nutritional components, i.e. crude protein, crude lipid, eight essential amino acids and total ash between the irradiated grains and the non-irradiated transgenic rice. However, the amounts of Cry1Ab protein and apparent amylose in the irradiated transgenic rice were reduced significantly by the doses higher than 200 Gy. In vivo observation showed that Cry1Ab protein contents also decreased in the fresh leaf tissues of survival seedlings after irradiation with 200 Gy or higher doses and showed inhibition of seedling growth. The results indicate that gamma irradiation might improve the quality of transgenic rice due to removal of the toxic Cry1Ab protein

  19. Ab Initio Calculation of Hyperfine Interaction Parameters: Recent Evolutions, Recent Examples

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cottenier, Stefaan; Vanhoof, Veerle; Torumba, Doru; Bellini, Valerio; Cakmak, Mehmet; Rots, Michel


    For some years already, ab initio calculations based on Density Functional Theory (DFT) belong to the toolbox of the field of hyperfine interaction studies. In this paper, the standard ab initio approach is schematically sketched. New features, methods and possibilities that broke through during the past few years are listed, and their relation to the standard approach is explained. All this is illustrated by some highlights of recent ab initio work done by the Nuclear Condensed Matter Group at the K.U.Leuven.

  20. Extraction of Proteins with ABS

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Desai, R.K.; Streefland, M.; Wijffels, R.H.; Eppink, M.H.M.


    Over the past years, there has been an increasing trend in research on the extraction and purification of proteins using aqueous biphasic systems (ABS) formed by polymers, e.g., polyethylene glycol (PEG). In general, when dealing with protein purification processes, it is essential to maintain their

  1. Comparative Study of Electroless Copper Film on Different Self-Assembled Monolayers Modified ABS Substrate

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jiushuai Xu


    Full Text Available Copper films were grown on (3-Mercaptopropyltrimethoxysilane (MPTMS, (3-Aminopropyltriethoxysilane (APTES and 6-(3-(triethoxysilylpropylamino-1,3,5- triazine-2,4-dithiol monosodium (TES self-assembled monolayers (SAMs modified acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene (ABS substrate via electroless copper plating. The copper films were examined using scanning electron microscopy (SEM and X-ray diffraction (XRD. Their individual deposition rate and contact angle were also investigated to compare the properties of SAMs and electroless copper films. The results indicated that the formation of copper nuclei on the TES-SAMs modified ABS substrate was faster than those on the MPTMS-SAMs and APTES-SAMs modified ABS substrate. SEM images revealed that the copper film on TES-SAM modified ABS substrate was smooth and uniform, and the density of copper nuclei was much higher. Compared with that of TES-SAMs modified resin, the coverage of copper nuclei on MPTMS and APTES modified ABS substrate was very limited and the copper particle size was too big. The adhesion property test demonstrated that all the SAMs enhanced the interfacial interaction between copper plating and ABS substrate. XRD analysis showed that the copper film deposited on SAM-modified ABS substrate had a structure with Cu(111 preferred orientation, and the copper film deposited on TES-SAMs modified ABS substrate is better than that deposited on MPTMS-SAMs or APTES-SAMs modified ABS resins in electromigrtion resistance.

  2. A Case of Laptop Computer-Induced Erythema Ab Igne

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Nurettin Özgür Doğan


    Full Text Available Erythema ab igne, also known as toasted skin syndrome, is a skin reaction characterized by reticulate erythema, brown pigmentation, and telangiectasia. In some cases, epidermal atrophy and scaling are also identified. The condition is usually caused by prolonged exposure to a source of heat or infrared radiation. Here, we report a case of erythema ab igne associated with laptop computer use.

  3. Towards hydrogen metallization: an Ab initio approach; Vers la metallisation de l`hydrogene: approche AB initio

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bernard, St


    The quest for metallic hydrogen is a major goal for both theoretical and experimental condensed matter physics. Hydrogen and deuterium have been compressed up to 200 GPa in diamond anvil cells, without any clear evidence for a metallic behaviour. Loubeyere has recently suggested that hydrogen could metallize, at pressures within experimental range, in a new Van der Waals compound: Ar(H{sub 2}){sub 2} which is characterized at ambient pressure by an open and anisotropic sublattice of hydrogen molecules, stabilized by an argon skeleton. This thesis deals with a detailed ab initio investigation, by Car-Parrinello molecular dynamics methods, of the evolution under pressure of this compound. In a last chapter, we go to much higher pressures and temperatures, in order to compare orbital and orbital free ab initio methods for the dense hydrogen plasma. (author) 109 refs.

  4. Towards hydrogen metallization: an Ab initio approach; Vers la metallisation de l`hydrogene: approche AB initio

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bernard, St


    The quest for metallic hydrogen is a major goal for both theoretical and experimental condensed matter physics. Hydrogen and deuterium have been compressed up to 200 GPa in diamond anvil cells, without any clear evidence for a metallic behaviour. Loubeyere has recently suggested that hydrogen could metallize, at pressures within experimental range, in a new Van der Waals compound: Ar(H{sub 2}){sub 2} which is characterized at ambient pressure by an open and anisotropic sublattice of hydrogen molecules, stabilized by an argon skeleton. This thesis deals with a detailed ab initio investigation, by Car-Parrinello molecular dynamics methods, of the evolution under pressure of this compound. In a last chapter, we go to much higher pressures and temperatures, in order to compare orbital and orbital free ab initio methods for the dense hydrogen plasma. (author) 109 refs.

  5. Modeling Disordered Materials with a High Throughput ab-initio Approach (United States)


    Modeling Disordered Materials with a High Throughput ab - initio Approach Kesong Yang,1 Corey Oses,2 and Stefano Curtarolo3, 4 1Department of...J. Furthmüller, Efficient iterative schemes for ab initio total-energy calculations using a plane-wave basis set, Phys. Rev. B 54, 11169–11186 (1996

  6. Embedded atom approach for gold–silicon system from ab initio

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    In the present paper, an empirical embedded atom method (EAM) potential for gold–silicon (Au–Si) is developed by fitting to ab initio force (the 'force matching' method) and experimental data. The force database is generated within ab initio molecular dynamics (AIMD). The database includes liquid phase at various ...

  7. Ab initio potential for solids

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Chetty, N.; Stokbro, Kurt; Jacobsen, Karsten Wedel


    . At the most approximate level, the theory is equivalent to the usual effective-medium theory. At all levels of approximation, every term in the total-energy expression is calculated ab initio, that is, without any fitting to experiment or to other calculations. Every step in the approximation procedure can...

  8. Diffusion of hydrogen interstitials in Zr based AB2 and mischmetal based AB5 alloys

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mani, N; Ravi, N; Ramaprabhu, S


    The Zr based AB 2 alloys ZrMnFe 0.5 Ni 0.5 , ZrMnFe 0.5 Co 0.5 and mischmetal (Mm) based AB 5 alloy MmNi 3.5 Al 0.5 Fe 0.5 Co 0.5 have been prepared and characterized by means of powder x-ray diffractograms. The hydrogen absorption kinetics of these alloys have been studied in the temperature and pressure ranges 450-650 0 C and 10-100 mbar respectively with a maximum H to host alloy formula unit ratio of 0.01, using a pressure reduction technique. The diffusion coefficient of the hydrogen interstitials has been determined from hydrogen absorption kinetics experiments. The dependence of the diffusion coefficient on the alloy content has been discussed. For Mm based MmNi 3.5 Al 0.5 Fe 0.5 Co 0.5 alloy, the diffusion coefficient is about an order of magnitude higher than that of the Zr based alloys

  9. Student Measurements of STFA 10AB (Theta Tauri) (United States)

    Gillette, Sean; Estrada, Chris; Estrada, Reed; Aguilera, Sophia; Chavez, Valerie; Givens, Jalynn; Lindorfer, Sarah; Michels, Kaylie; Mobley, Makenzie; Reder, Gabriel; Renteria, Kayla; Shattles, Jenna; Wilkin, Aiden; Woodbury, Maisy; Rhoades, Breauna; Rhoades, Mark


    Eighth grade students at Vanguard Preparatory School measured the double star STFA 10AB using a 22-inch Newtonian Alt/Az telescope and a Celestron Micro Guide eyepiece. Bellatrix was used as the calibration star. The calculated means of multiple observations of STFA 10AB resulted in a separation of 45.18,” a scale constant of 7.88 arcseconds per division, and position angle of 257.9°. These measurements were compared to the most recent values in the Washington Double Star Catalog.

  10. Numerical evaluation of ABS parts fabricated by fused deposition modeling and vapor smoothing

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sung-Uk Zhang


    Full Text Available The automotive industry has focused to use polymer materials in order to increase energy efficiency. So, the industry pays attention to use 3D printing technologies using several polymers. Among several 3D printer technologies, fused deposition modeling (FDM is one of the popular 3D printing technologies due to an inexpensive extrusion machine and multi-material printing. FDM could use thermoplastics such as ABS, PLA, ULTEM so on. However, it has a problem related to the post-processing because FDM has relatively poor layer resolution. In this study, the mechanical properties of ABS parts fabricated by FDM were measured. The ABS parts were divided into one with vapor smoothing process and the other without the vapor smoothing process which is one of the post-processing methods. Using dynamic mechanical analysis (DMA and dilatometer, temperature-dependent storage modulus and CTE for ABS specimens were measured. Based on the measured thermo-mechanical properties of ABS parts, finite element analysis was performed for an automotive bumper made of ABS. Moreover, response surface methodology was applied to study relationships among design parameters of thickness of the bumper, ambient temperature, and application of the vapor smoothing process. In result, a design guideline for a ABS product could be provided without time-consuming experiments

  11. The adnAB Locus, Encoding a Putative Helicase-Nuclease Activity, Is Essential in Streptomyces (United States)

    Zhang, Lingli; Nguyen, Hoang Chuong; Chipot, Ludovic; Piotrowski, Emilie; Bertrand, Claire


    Homologous recombination is a crucial mechanism that repairs a wide range of DNA lesions, including the most deleterious ones, double-strand breaks (DSBs). This multistep process is initiated by the resection of the broken DNA ends by a multisubunit helicase-nuclease complex exemplified by Escherichia coli RecBCD, Bacillus subtilis AddAB, and newly discovered Mycobacterium tuberculosis AdnAB. Here we show that in Streptomyces, neither recBCD nor addAB homologues could be detected. The only putative helicase-nuclease-encoding genes identified were homologous to M. tuberculosis adnAB genes. These genes are conserved as a single copy in all sequenced genomes of Streptomyces. The disruption of adnAB in Streptomyces ambofaciens and Streptomyces coelicolor could not be achieved unless an ectopic copy was provided, indicating that adnAB is essential for growth. Both adnA and adnB genes were shown to be inducible in response to DNA damage (mitomycin C) and to be independently transcribed. Introduction of S. ambofaciens adnAB genes in an E. coli recB mutant restored viability and resistance to UV light, suggesting that Streptomyces AdnAB could be a functional homologue of RecBCD and be involved in DNA damage resistance. PMID:24837284

  12. Influence of Cellulose on the Mechanical and Thermal Stability of ABS Plastic Composites

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    K. Crews


    Full Text Available Microcrystalline cellulose was explored as possible biodegradable fillers in the fabrication of ABS plastic composites. TGA indicates that upon inclusion of cellulose microcrystals the thermal stability of the ABS plastics was improved significantly when compared to the neat ABS plastic counterparts. Furthermore, inclusion of extracted cellulose from plant biomass showed a higher thermal stability with maximum decomposition temperatures around 131.95°C and 124.19°C for cellulose from cotton and Hibiscus sabdariffa, respectively, when compared to that of the purchased cellulose. In addition, TMA revealed that the average CTE value for the neat ABS and 1 : 1 ratio of cellulose to ABS fabricated in this study was significantly lower than the reported CTE (ca. 73.8 μm/m°C.

  13. Multicapillary SDS-gel electrophoresis for the analysis of fluorescently labeled mAb preparations: a high throughput quality control process for the production of QuantiPlasma and PlasmaScan mAb libraries. (United States)

    Székely, Andrea; Szekrényes, Akos; Kerékgyártó, Márta; Balogh, Attila; Kádas, János; Lázár, József; Guttman, András; Kurucz, István; Takács, László


    Molecular heterogeneity of mAb preparations is the result of various co- and post-translational modifications and to contaminants related to the production process. Changes in molecular composition results in alterations of functional performance, therefore quality control and validation of therapeutic or diagnostic protein products is essential. A special case is the consistent production of mAb libraries (QuantiPlasma™ and PlasmaScan™) for proteome profiling, quality control of which represents a challenge because of high number of mAbs (>1000). Here, we devise a generally applicable multicapillary SDS-gel electrophoresis process for the analysis of fluorescently labeled mAb preparations for the high throughput quality control of mAbs of the QuantiPlasma™ and PlasmaScan™ libraries. © 2014 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  14. Sorbitol crystallization-induced aggregation in frozen mAb formulations. (United States)

    Piedmonte, Deirdre Murphy; Hair, Alison; Baker, Priti; Brych, Lejla; Nagapudi, Karthik; Lin, Hong; Cao, Wenjin; Hershenson, Susan; Ratnaswamy, Gayathri


    Sorbitol crystallization-induced aggregation of mAbs in the frozen state was evaluated. The effect of protein aggregation resulting from sorbitol crystallization was measured as a function of formulation variables such as protein concentration and pH. Long-term studies were performed on both IgG1 and IgG2 mAbs over the protein concentration range of 0.1-120 mg/mL. Protein aggregation was measured by size-exclusion HPLC (SE-HPLC) and further characterized by capillary-electrophoresis SDS. Sorbitol crystallization was monitored and characterized by subambient differential scanning calorimetry and X-ray diffraction. Aggregation due to sorbitol crystallization is inversely proportional to both protein concentration and formulation pH. At high protein concentrations, sorbitol crystallization was suppressed, and minimal aggregation by SE-HPLC resulted, presumably because of self-stabilization of the mAbs. The glass transition temperature (Tg ') and fragility index measurements were made to assess the influence of molecular mobility on the crystallization of sorbitol. Tg ' increased with increasing protein concentration for both mAbs. The fragility index decreased with increasing protein concentration, suggesting that it is increasingly difficult for sorbitol to crystallize at high protein concentrations. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. and the American Pharmacists Association.

  15. Ab interno trabeculectomy: ultrastructural evidence and early tissue response in a human eye. (United States)

    Ferrari, Ettore; Ortolani, Fulvia; Petrelli, Lucia; Contin, Magali; Pognuz, Derri Roman; Marchini, Maurizio; Bandello, Francesco


    To report the results of ultrastructural analysis of the postoperative effects of ab interno trabeculectomy in a human eye. Department of Ophthalmology, Palmanova Hospital, Palmanova, Udine, Italy. A 60-year-old woman with cataract and glaucoma had enucleation for a choroidal melanoma 10 days after ab interno trabeculectomy combined with phacoemulsification. A second ab interno trabeculectomy was performed after enucleation to evaluate the outcomes of the previous trabeculectomy. Light and transmission electron microscopy analyses were performed on samples excised from areas (1) not subjected to a procedure (control samples), (2) that had ab interno trabeculectomy before enucleation, and (3) that had ab interno trabeculectomy immediately after enucleation. Control samples showed normal trabecular features. Semithin sections of all ab interno trabeculectomy samples showed full-thickness removal of trabeculum segments, with Schlemm's canal lumen opening into the anterior chamber and apparent preservation of the adjacent structures. On ultrathin sections of samples that had ab interno trabeculectomy before enucleation, the endothelium lining the outer wall of Schlemm's canal and other angle components showed intact ultrastructural features. In trabecular beams that were not removed, the extracellular matrix appeared to have maintained its fine texture and was free of activated fibroblasts or leucocyte infiltrates. Observations confirm that ab interno trabeculectomy causes direct communication between Schlemm's canal lumen and the anterior chamber in vivo and immediately after enucleation during the early postoperative period. The absence of an evident inflammatory reaction in the examined case should be considered with caution because of possible tumor-induced immune suppression.

  16. Rescue of failed filtering blebs with ab interno trephination. (United States)

    Shihadeh, Wisam A; Ritch, Robert; Liebmann, Jeffrey M


    We evaluated the effectiveness of ab interno automated trephination as a technique for rescuing failed mature filtering blebs. A retrospective chart review of 40 failed blebs of 38 patients who had a posttrephination follow-up period of at least 3 months was done. With success defined as intraocular pressure (IOP) control with other modalities of management. Complications were few. We believe that ab interno trephination is an excellent option for rescuing selected failed filtering blebs.

  17. Gas atomization of Cu-modified AB5 metal hydride alloys

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Young, K.; Ouchi, T.; Banik, A.; Koch, J.; Fetcenko, M.A.; Bendersky, L.A.; Wang, K.; Vaudin, M.


    Research highlights: → The gas atomization process together with a hydrogen annealing process was demonstrated on AB5 alloys. → The method was found to be effective in restoring the original cycle life sacrificed by the incorporation of copper in the alloy formula as a means of improving the low temperature performance of AB 5 alloys. → The new process also improves high rate, low temperature, and charge retention performances for both Cu-free and Cu-containing AB 5 alloys. - Abstract: Gas atomization together with a hydrogen annealing process has been proposed as a method to achieve improved low-temperature performance of AB 5 alloy electrodes in Ni/MH batteries and restore the original cycle life which was sacrificed by the incorporation of copper in the alloy formula. While the gas atomization process reduces the lattice constant aspect ratio c/a of the Cu-containing alloys, the addition of a hydrogen annealing step recovers this property, although it is still inferior to the conventionally prepared annealed Cu-free alloy. This observation correlates very well with the cycle life performance. In addition to extending the cycle life of the Cu-containing metal hydride electrode, processing by gas atomization with additional hydrogen annealing improves high-rate, low-temperature, and charge retention performances for both Cu-free and Cu-containing AB 5 alloys. The degradation mechanisms of alloys made by different processes through cycling are also discussed.

  18. Thyroglobulin (Tg) Testing Revisited: Tg Assays, TgAb Assays, and Correlation of Results With Clinical Outcomes. (United States)

    Netzel, Brian C; Grebe, Stefan K G; Carranza Leon, B Gisella; Castro, M Regina; Clark, Penelope M; Hoofnagle, Andrew N; Spencer, Carole A; Turcu, Adina F; Algeciras-Schimnich, Alicia


    Measurement of thyroglobulin (Tg) by mass spectrometry (Tg-MS) is emerging as a tool for accurate Tg quantification in patients with anti-Tg autoantibodies (TgAbs). The objective of the study was to perform analytical and clinical evaluations of two Tg-MS assays in comparison with immunometric Tg assays (Tg-IAs) and Tg RIAs (Tg-RIAs) in a cohort of thyroid cancer patients. A total of 589 samples from 495 patients, 243 TgAb-/252 TgAb+, were tested by Beckman, Roche, Siemens-Immulite, and Thermo-Brahms Tg and TgAb assays, two Tg-RIAs, and two Tg-MS assays. The frequency of TgAb+ was 58%, 41%, 27%, and 39% for Roche, Beckman, Siemens-Immulite, and Thermo-Brahms, respectively. In TgAb- samples, clinical sensitivities and specificities of 100% and 74%-100%, respectively, were observed across all assays. In TgAb+ samples, all Tg-IAs demonstrated assay-dependent Tg underestimation, ranging from 41% to 86%. In TgAb+ samples, the use of a common cutoff (0.5 ng/mL) for the Tg-MS, three Tg-IAs, and the USC-RIA improved the sensitivity for the Tg-MSs and Tg-RIAs when compared with the Tg-IAs. In up to 20% of TgAb+ cases, Tg-IAs failed to detect Tg that was detectable by Tg-MS. In Tg-RIAs false-high biases were observed in TgAb+ samples containing low Tg concentrations. Tg-IAs remain the method of choice for Tg quantitation in TgAb- patients. In TgAb+ patients with undetectable Tg by immunometric assay, the Tg-MS will detect Tg in up to 20% additional cases. The Tg-RIA will detect Tg in approximately 35% cases, but a significant proportion of these will be clinical false-positive results. The undetectable Tg-MS seen in approximately 40% of TgAb+ cases in patients with disease need further evaluation.

  19. Characterization of virulence factor regulation by SrrAB, a two-component system in Staphylococcus aureus. (United States)

    Pragman, Alexa A; Yarwood, Jeremy M; Tripp, Timothy J; Schlievert, Patrick M


    Workers in our laboratory have previously identified the staphylococcal respiratory response AB (SrrAB), a Staphylococcus aureus two-component system that acts in the global regulation of virulence factors. This system down-regulates production of agr RNAIII, protein A, and toxic shock syndrome toxin 1 (TSST-1), particularly under low-oxygen conditions. In this study we investigated the localization and membrane orientation of SrrA and SrrB, transcription of the srrAB operon, the DNA-binding properties of SrrA, and the effect of SrrAB expression on S. aureus virulence. We found that SrrA is localized to the S. aureus cytoplasm, while SrrB is localized to the membrane and is properly oriented to function as a histidine kinase. srrAB has one transcriptional start site which results in either an srrA transcript or a full-length srrAB transcript; srrB must be cotranscribed with srrA. Gel shift assays of the agr P2, agr P3, protein A (spa), TSST-1 (tst), and srr promoters revealed SrrA binding at each of these promoters. Analysis of SrrAB-overexpressing strains by using the rabbit model of bacterial endocarditis demonstrated that overexpression of SrrAB decreased the virulence of the organisms compared to the virulence of isogenic strains that do not overexpress SrrAB. We concluded that SrrAB is properly localized and oriented to function as a two-component system. Overexpression of SrrAB, which represses agr RNAIII, TSST-1, and protein A in vitro, decreases virulence in the rabbit endocarditis model. Repression of these virulence factors is likely due to a direct interaction between SrrA and the agr, tst, and spa promoters.

  20. Effects of 4WD and ABS of safe driving on slippery roads; Tei {mu} ji ni okeru 4WD to ABS no koka to unten sosa hoho

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kojima, Y [National Research Inst. of Police Science, Tokyo (Japan); Takigami, K; Asano, K [Japan Safe Driving Center, Tokyo (Japan); Nagai, M [Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, Tokyo (Japan)


    Effects of 4WD and ABS on safe driving were examined by brake, obstacle avoidance, acceleration, cornering and lane-changing tests on slippery road. The braking operations, used in these tests, are full, intermitted and modulated brakings. As the results of discussion, the major findings are (1) ABS is effective to shorten the stopping distance and to increase the ability of obstacle avoidance in many cases, (2) `Modulated Braking (without wheel locks)` has the same function as ABS, and (3) 4WD is effective to increase the stability while accelerating, cornering and lane-changing. 5 refs., 6 figs.

  1. Inhibition of cholera toxin and other AB toxins by polyphenolic compounds (United States)

    All AB-type protein toxins have intracellular targets despite an initial extracellular location. These toxins use different methods to reach the cytosol and have different effects on the target cell. Broad-spectrum inhibitors against AB toxins are therefore hard to develop because the toxins use dif...

  2. Summation of Parquet diagrams as an ab initio method in nuclear structure calculations

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bergli, Elise; Hjorth-Jensen, Morten


    Research highlights: → We present a Green's function based approach for doing ab initio nuclear structure calculations. → In particular the sum the subset of so-called Parquet diagrams. → Applying the theory to a simple but realistic model, results in good agreement with other ab initio methods. → This opens up for ab initio calculations for medium-heavy nuclei. - Abstract: In this work we discuss the summation of the Parquet class of diagrams within Green's function theory as a possible framework for ab initio nuclear structure calculations. The theory is presented and some numerical details are discussed, in particular the approximations employed. We apply the Parquet method to a simple model, and compare our results with those from an exact solution. The main conclusion is that even at the level of approximation presented here, the results shows good agreement with other comparable ab initio approaches.

  3. PirAB Toxin from Photorhabdus asymbiotica as a Larvicide against Dengue Vectors▿


    Ahantarig, Arunee; Chantawat, Nantarat; Waterfield, Nicholas R.; ffrench-Constant, Richard; Kittayapong, Pattamaporn


    We have evaluated Photorhabdus insect-related protein (Pir) from Photorhabdus asymbiotica against dengue vectors. PirAB shows larvicidal activity against both Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus larvae but did not affect the Mesocyclops thermocyclopoides predator. PirAB expressed the strongest toxicity compared to PirA, PirB, or the mixture of PirA plus PirB. Whether the presence of an enterobacterial repetitive intergenic consensus sequence in PirAB, but not in PirA, PirB, or the mixture of P...

  4. Standardiserat arbete i produktionssystemet hos Inission Munkfors AB


    Jonas, Arnesson


    Sammanfattning Denna rapport behandlar införandet av standardiserat arbete i produktionssystemet hos företaget Inission Munkfors AB. Arbetet har utförts i kursen Examensarbete för högskoleingenjörsexamen i maskinteknik (MSGC17), som ges vid Fakulteten för hälsa, natur & teknikvetenskap på Karlstads universitet.Företaget Inission Munkfors AB har som mål att från år 2012 till år 2017 kunna fördubbla omsättningen och halvera ledtiden, med samma personalstyrka som år 2012 (75st anställda). De...

  5. Neutron Reflection Study of Surface Adsorption of Fc, Fab, and the Whole mAb. (United States)

    Li, Zongyi; Li, Ruiheng; Smith, Charles; Pan, Fang; Campana, Mario; Webster, John R P; van der Walle, Christopher F; Uddin, Shahid; Bishop, Steve M; Narwal, Rojaramani; Warwicker, Jim; Lu, Jian Ren


    Characterizing the influence of fragment crystallization (Fc) and antigen-binding fragment (Fab) on monoclonal antibody (mAb) adsorption at the air/water interface is an important step to understanding liquid mAb drug product stability during manufacture, shipping, and storage. Here, neutron reflection is used to study the air/water adsorption of a mAb and its Fc and Fab fragments. By varying the isotopic contrast, the adsorbed amount, thickness, orientation, and immersion of the adsorbed layers could be determined unambiguously. While Fc adsorption reached saturation within the hour, its surface adsorbed amount showed little variation with bulk concentration. In contrast, Fab adsorption was slower and the adsorbed amount was concentration dependent. The much higher Fc adsorption, as compared to Fab, was linked to its lower surface charge. Time and concentration dependence of mAb adsorption was dominated by Fab behavior, although both Fab and Fc behaviors contributed to the amount of mAb adsorbed. Changing the pH from 5.5 to 8.8 did not much perturb the adsorbed amount of Fc, Fab, or mAb. However, a small decrease in adsorption was observed for the Fc over pH 8-8.8 and vice versa for the Fab and mAb, consistent with a dominant Fab behavior. As bulk concentration increased from 5 to 50 ppm, the thicknesses of the Fc layers were almost constant at 40 Å, while Fab and mAb layers increased from 45 to 50 Å. These results imply that the adsorbed mAb, Fc, and Fab all retained their globular structures and were oriented with their short axial lengths perpendicular to the interface.

  6. The combined benefits of motorcycle antilock braking systems (ABS) in preventing crashes and reducing crash severity. (United States)

    Rizzi, Matteo; Kullgren, Anders; Tingvall, Claes


    Several studies have reported the benefits of motorcycle antilock braking systems (ABS) in reducing injury crashes, due to improved stability and braking performance. Both aspects may prevent crashes but may also reduce the crash severity when a collision occurs. However, it is still unknown to what extent the reductions in injury crashes with ABS may be due to a combination of these mechanisms. Swedish hospital and police reports (2003-2012) were used. The risk for permanent medical impairment (RPMI) was calculated, showing the risk of at least 1 or 10% permanent medical impairment. In total, 165 crashes involving ABS-equipped motorcycles were compared with 500 crashes with similar motorcycles without ABS. The analysis was performed in 3 steps. First, the reduction in emergency care visits with ABS was calculated using an induced exposure approach. Secondly, the injury mitigating effects of ABS were investigated. The mean RPMI 1+ and RPMI 10+ were analyzed for different crash types. The distributions of impairing injuries (PMI 1+) and severely impairing injuries (PMI 10+) were also analyzed. In the third step, the total reduction of PMI 1+ and PMI 10+ injured motorcyclists was calculated by combining the reductions found in the previous steps. An additional analysis of combined braking systems (CBS) together with ABS was also performed. The results showed that emergency care visits were reduced by 47% with ABS. In the second step, it was found that the mean RPMI 1+ and RPMI 10+ with ABS were 15 and 37% lower, respectively. Finally, the third step showed that the total reductions in terms of crash avoidance and mitigation of PMI 1+ and PMI 10+ injured motorcyclists with ABS were 67 and 55%, respectively. However, PMI 1+ and PMI 10+ leg injuries were not reduced by ABS to the same extent. Indications were found suggesting that the benefits of ABS together with CBS may be greater than ABS alone. This article indicated that motorcycle ABS reduced impairing injuries

  7. Report on the Personnel Dosimetry at AB Atomenergi during 1965

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Edvardsson, K A


    This report presents the results of the personnel dosimetry at AB Atomenergi during 1965. No doses exceeding the recommendations of ICRP were reported. For AB Atomenergi the average external total body dose during the year was 60 mrem which corresponds to 89.4 manrem. 31200 gamma films and 5850 neutron films were evaluated. 2067 urine analyses and 692 measurements of body activity were made.

  8. Report on the Personnel Dosimetry at AB Atomenergi during 1965

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Edvardsson, K.A.


    This report presents the results of the personnel dosimetry at AB Atomenergi during 1965. No doses exceeding the recommendations of ICRP were reported. For AB Atomenergi the average external total body dose during the year was 60 mrem which corresponds to 89.4 manrem. 31200 gamma films and 5850 neutron films were evaluated. 2067 urine analyses and 692 measurements of body activity were made

  9. Radiolabeled F(ab')2-cetuximab for theranostic purposes in colorectal and skin tumor-bearing mice models. (United States)

    Bellaye, P-S; Moreau, M; Raguin, O; Oudot, A; Bernhard, C; Vrigneaud, J-M; Dumont, L; Vandroux, D; Denat, F; Cochet, A; Brunotte, F; Collin, B


    This study aimed to investigate theranostic strategies in colorectal and skin cancer based on fragments of cetuximab, an anti-EGFR mAb, labeled with radionuclide with imaging and therapeutic properties, 111 In and 177 Lu, respectively. We designed F(ab') 2 -fragments of cetuximab radiolabeled with 111 In and 177 Lu. 111 In-F(ab') 2 -cetuximab tumor targeting and biodistribution were evaluated by SPECT in BalbC nude mice bearing primary colorectal tumors. The efficacy of 111 In-F(ab') 2 -cetuximab to assess therapy efficacy was performed on BalbC nude mice bearing colorectal tumors receiving 17-DMAG, an HSP90 inhibitor. Therapeutic efficacy of the radioimmunotherapy based on 177 Lu-F(ab') 2 -cetuximab was evaluated in SWISS nude mice bearing A431 tumors. Radiolabeling procedure did not change F(ab') 2 -cetuximab and cetuximab immunoreactivity nor affinity for HER1 in vitro. 111 In-DOTAGA-F(ab') 2 -cetuximab exhibited a peak tumor uptake at 24 h post-injection and showed a high tumor specificity determined by a significant decrease in tumor uptake after the addition of an excess of unlabeled-DOTAGA-F(ab') 2 -cetuximab. SPECT imaging of 111 In-DOTAGA-F(ab') 2 -cetuximab allowed an accurate evaluation of tumor growth and successfully predicted the decrease in tumor growth induced by 17-DMAG. Finally, 177 Lu-DOTAGA-F(ab') 2 -cetuximab radioimmunotherapy showed a significant reduction of tumor growth at 4 and 8 MBq doses. 111 In-DOTAGA-F(ab') 2 -cetuximab is a reliable and stable tool for specific in vivo tumor targeting and is suitable for therapy efficacy assessment. 177 Lu-DOTAGA-F(ab') 2 -cetuximab is an interesting theranostic tool allowing therapy and imaging.

  10. YaxAB, a Yersinia enterocolitica Pore-Forming Toxin Regulated by RovA (United States)

    Wagner, Nikki J.; Lin, Carolina P.; Borst, Luke B.


    The transcriptional regulator RovA positively regulates transcription of the Yersinia enterocolitica virulence gene inv. Invasin, encoded by inv, is important for establishment of Y. enterocolitica infection. However, a rovA mutant is more attenuated for virulence than an inv mutant, implying that RovA regulates additional virulence genes. When the Y. enterocolitica RovA regulon was defined by microarray analysis, YE1984 and YE1985 were among the genes identified as being upregulated by RovA. Since these genes are homologous to Xenorhabdus nematophila cytotoxin genes xaxA and xaxB, we named them yaxA and yaxB, respectively. In this work, we demonstrate the effects of YaxAB on the course of infection in the murine model. While a yaxAB mutant (ΔyaxAB) is capable of colonizing mice at the same level as the wild type, it slightly delays the course of infection and results in differing pathology in the spleen. Further, we found that yaxAB encode a probable cytotoxin capable of lysing mammalian cells, that both YaxA and YaxB are required for cytotoxic activity, and that the two proteins associate. YaxAB-mediated cell death occurs via osmotic lysis through the formation of distinct membrane pores. In silico tertiary structural analysis identified predicted structural homology between YaxA and proteins in pore-forming toxin complexes from Bacillus cereus (HBL-B) and Escherichia coli (HlyE). Thus, it appears that YaxAB function as virulence factors by inducing cell lysis through the formation of pores in the host cell membrane. This characterization of YaxAB supports the hypothesis that RovA regulates expression of multiple virulence factors in Y. enterocolitica. PMID:24002058

  11. Monte Carlo simulation of AB-copolymers with saturating bonds

    CERN Document Server

    Chertovich, A V; Khokhlov, A R; Bohr, J


    Structural transitions in a single AB-copolymer chain where saturating bonds can be formed between A-and B-units are studied by means of Monte Carlo computer simulations using the bond fluctuation model. Three transitions are found, coil-globule, coil-hairpin and globule-hairpin, depending on the nature of a particular AB-sequence: statistical random sequence, diblock sequence and 'random-complementary' sequence (one-half of such an AB-sequence is random with Bernoulli statistics while the other half is complementary to the first one). The properties of random-complementary sequences are closer to those of diblock sequences than to the properties of random sequences. The model (although quite rough) is expected to represent some basic features of real RNA molecules, i.e. the formation of secondary structure of RNA due to hydrogen bonding of corresponding bases and stacking interactions of the base pairs in helixes. We introduce the notation of RNA-like copolymers and discuss in what sense the sequences studie...

  12. Imam et Mahdi : Ibn Abî Mahallî

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mercedes García-Arenal


    Full Text Available Ibn Abî Mahallî (m. 1613 est le dernier mahdi maghrébin à avoir pris le pouvoir. Je fais usage dans cet article, de trois types de sources : les œuvres d'Ibn Abî Mahallî lui-même, les sources arabes contemporaines et postérieures, soutenant toujours le pouvoir dynastique régnant et, troisièmement, les documents d'archive européens écrits par des observateurs et des voyageurs contemporains. Cette variété de sources permet de tracer le spectre qui va depuis les attentes et les croyances populaires des adeptes, jusqu'à la personne et à l'élaboration doctrinale d'Ibn Abî Mahallî. J'ai donc tenté de percevoir quelles parties ou aspects d'une pensée individuelle arrivent à acquérir, et de quelle manière, une légitimité publique, en se transformant en même temps.

  13. Studies on the runaway reaction of ABS polymerization process

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hu, K.-H.; Kao, C.-S.; Duh, Y.-S.


    Taiwan has the largest acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene (ABS) copolymer production in the world. Preventing on unexpected exothermic reactions and related emergency relief hazard is essential in the safety control of ABS emulsion polymerization. A VSP2 (Vent Sizing Package 2) apparatus is capable of studying both normal and abnormal conditions (e.g., cooling failure, mischarge, etc.) of industrial process. In this study, the scenarios were verified from the following abnormal conditions: loss of cooling, double charge of initiator, overcharge of monomer, without charge of solvent, and external fire. An external fire with constant heating will promote higher self-heat rate and this is recommended as the worst case scenario of emulsion polymerization on butadiene. Cooling failure coupled with bulk system of reactant was determined to be the credible worst case in ABS emulsion polymerization. Finally, the emergency vent sizing based on thermokinetics from VSP associated with DIERS methodology were used for evaluating the vent sizing and compared to that of the industrial plants

  14. The NISTmAb Reference Material 8671 lifecycle management and quality plan. (United States)

    Schiel, John E; Turner, Abigail


    Comprehensive analysis of monoclonal antibody therapeutics involves an ever expanding cadre of technologies. Lifecycle-appropriate application of current and emerging techniques requires rigorous testing followed by discussion between industry and regulators in a pre-competitive space, an effort that may be facilitated by a widely available test metric. Biopharmaceutical quality materials, however, are often difficult to access and/or are protected by intellectual property rights. The NISTmAb, humanized IgG1κ Reference Material 8671 (RM 8671), has been established with the intent of filling that void. The NISTmAb embodies the quality and characteristics of a typical biopharmaceutical product, is widely available to the biopharmaceutical community, and is an open innovation tool for development and dissemination of results. The NISTmAb lifecyle management plan described herein provides a hierarchical strategy for maintenance of quality over time through rigorous method qualification detailed in additional submissions in the current publication series. The NISTmAb RM 8671 is a representative monoclonal antibody material and provides a means to continually evaluate current best practices, promote innovative approaches, and inform regulatory paradigms as technology advances. Graphical abstract The NISTmAb Reference Material (RM) 8671 is intended to be an industry standard monoclonal antibody for pre-competitive harmonization of best practices and designing next generation characterization technologies for identity, quality, and stability testing.

  15. Explicit and Implicit Subject Bias in the "ABS Journal Quality Guide" (United States)

    Hoepner, Andreas G. F.; Unerman, Jeffrey


    This paper addresses issues raised in two recent papers published in this journal about the UK "Association of Business Schools' Journal Quality Guide (ABS Guide)". While much of the debate about journal rankings in general, and the "ABS Guide" in particular, has focused on the construction, power and (mis)use of these…

  16. The melt rheological behavior of AB, ABA, BAB, and (AB)n block copolymers with monodisperse aramide segments

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Araichimani, A.; Dullaert, Konraad; Gaymans, R.J.


    The melt rheological behavior of segmented block copolymers with high melting diamide (A) hard segments (HS) and polyether (B) soft segments was studied. The block copolymers can be classified as B (monoblock), AB (diblock), ABA (triblock, diamide end segment), BAB (triblock, diamide mid-segment)

  17. Preparation of a pure 99mTc-F(ab')2 radioimmunoconjugate by direct labeling methods

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Griffiths, G.L.; Jones, A.L.; Hansen, H.J.; Goldenberg, D.M.


    Intact IgG and Fab' can be labeled directly with 99m Tc to give quantitative incorporation of radioactivity into the protein. With F(ab') 2 the reductive conditions yield a mixture of 99m Tc-F(ab') 2 and 99m Tc-Fab'. We now report a direct labeling method to produce only 99m Tc-F(ab') 2 in quantitative yield and contaminated with 99m Tc-Fab'. The properties, stability and biodistribution of the 99m Tc-F(ab') 2 have been compared to 99m Tc-Fab'. This new technology will allow us to compare technetium direct-labeled IgG, F(ab') 2 and Fab' derivatives of the same antibody for radioimmunodetection. (author)

  18. Towards hydrogen metallization: an Ab initio approach

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bernard, St.


    The quest for metallic hydrogen is a major goal for both theoretical and experimental condensed matter physics. Hydrogen and deuterium have been compressed up to 200 GPa in diamond anvil cells, without any clear evidence for a metallic behaviour. Loubeyere has recently suggested that hydrogen could metallize, at pressures within experimental range, in a new Van der Waals compound: Ar(H 2 ) 2 which is characterized at ambient pressure by an open and anisotropic sublattice of hydrogen molecules, stabilized by an argon skeleton. This thesis deals with a detailed ab initio investigation, by Car-Parrinello molecular dynamics methods, of the evolution under pressure of this compound. In a last chapter, we go to much higher pressures and temperatures, in order to compare orbital and orbital free ab initio methods for the dense hydrogen plasma. (author)

  19. Many-body optimization using an ab initio monte carlo method. (United States)

    Haubein, Ned C; McMillan, Scott A; Broadbelt, Linda J


    Advances in computing power have made it possible to study solvated molecules using ab initio quantum chemistry. Inclusion of discrete solvent molecules is required to determine geometric information about solute/solvent clusters. Monte Carlo methods are well suited to finding minima in many-body systems, and ab initio methods are applicable to the widest range of systems. A first principles Monte Carlo (FPMC) method was developed to find minima in many-body systems, and emphasis was placed on implementing moves that increase the likelihood of finding minimum energy structures. Partial optimization and molecular interchange moves aid in finding minima and overcome the incomplete sampling that is unavoidable when using ab initio methods. FPMC was validated by studying the boron trifluoride-water system, and then the method was used to examine the methyl carbenium ion in water to demonstrate its application to solvation problems.

  20. Report on the Personnel Dosimetry at AB Atomenergi during 1964

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Edvardsson, K.A.; Hagsgaard, S.


    This report presents the results of the personnel dosimetry at AB Atomenergi during 1964. No doses exceeding the recommendations of ICRP were reported. The sum of the reported external total body doses during the year was for AB Atomenergi 51.5 manrem which, distributed over the whole company personnel, corresponds to an average dose of about 35 mrem per year and person or less than 1 % of the maximum permissible dose. 31,400 gamma films and 5,800 neutron films were evaluated. The films were changed every month. Urine analyses numbered 2,731 and whole body measurements 485. A comparison is made between dose distributions at AB Atomenergi and at institutions in other countries. The fraction of all personnel carrying dosimeters and exposed to more than a nominal dose seems generally to have been less than 10-20 %

  1. Report on the Personnel Dosimetry at AB Atomenergi during 1964

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Edvardsson, K A; Hagsgaard, S


    This report presents the results of the personnel dosimetry at AB Atomenergi during 1964. No doses exceeding the recommendations of ICRP were reported. The sum of the reported external total body doses during the year was for AB Atomenergi 51.5 manrem which, distributed over the whole company personnel, corresponds to an average dose of about 35 mrem per year and person or less than 1 % of the maximum permissible dose. 31,400 gamma films and 5,800 neutron films were evaluated. The films were changed every month. Urine analyses numbered 2,731 and whole body measurements 485. A comparison is made between dose distributions at AB Atomenergi and at institutions in other countries. The fraction of all personnel carrying dosimeters and exposed to more than a nominal dose seems generally to have been less than 10-20 %.

  2. The preparation of F(ab')2 fragment and it's application in tumor radioimmunoimaging

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yang Ziyi


    Monoclonal antibody against lung cancer was digested into F(ab') 2 fragment by pepsin and papain digestion. The yields of pure F(ab') 2 were 32.3 ± 5.5% and 52.3 ± 12.0% respectively. The immunoreactivity of F(ab') 2 was based on the ELISA assay and the cell binding studies was retained well. In the localization experiments, radioiodinated F(ab') 2 was injected intraperitoneally into the nude mice bearing human xenografts of lung cancer. The highest radioactivity in tumors, 1.37% of injected dose per gram, was reached on the first day after injection; its T/NT ratios were higher than those of the intact IgG in all tissues except kidney. The localization index (LI) in tumors was 4.95, while the average LI value of normal tissues was 1.25. After the injection of 131 I-F(ab') 2 intraperitoneally into lung tumor-bearing nude mice, photo scintigraphy was performed at intervals of 12 hrs. The xenografts were visualized distinctly during 36 ∼ 48 hr, and the nonspecific background was very low at 48 hr

  3. A Force Balanced Fragmentation Method for ab Initio Molecular Dynamic Simulation of Protein

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mingyuan Xu


    Full Text Available A force balanced generalized molecular fractionation with conjugate caps (FB-GMFCC method is proposed for ab initio molecular dynamic simulation of proteins. In this approach, the energy of the protein is computed by a linear combination of the QM energies of individual residues and molecular fragments that account for the two-body interaction of hydrogen bond between backbone peptides. The atomic forces on the caped H atoms were corrected to conserve the total force of the protein. Using this approach, ab initio molecular dynamic simulation of an Ace-(ALA9-NME linear peptide showed the conservation of the total energy of the system throughout the simulation. Further a more robust 110 ps ab initio molecular dynamic simulation was performed for a protein with 56 residues and 862 atoms in explicit water. Compared with the classical force field, the ab initio molecular dynamic simulations gave better description of the geometry of peptide bonds. Although further development is still needed, the current approach is highly efficient, trivially parallel, and can be applied to ab initio molecular dynamic simulation study of large proteins.

  4. Study on the relationship between changes of serum true insulin (Tl) C-peptide, GAD-Ab, INS-Ab contents and age, course of disease, degree of obesity in patients with DM2

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Du Tongxin; Wang Zizheng; Cao Jiwei; Wu Jindan; Tao Xiaojun


    Objective: To study the changes of serum TI, C-peptide, GAD-Ab and INS-Ab in different groups of patients with DM2 (age,course of disease and degree of obesity). Methods: Serum C-peptide(with CLIA), INS-Ab(with RIA) and TI, GAD-Ab(with ELISA) contents were measured in altogether 428 patients with DM2. Relationship between changes of the above parameters and different groups of patients was studide in accordance with age, course of disease and degree of obesity respectively. Results: 1)Relationship among different age groups:(below 50, n=86, 51-70, n=216, over 71 n=126). The serum levels of the 4 parameters were significantly higher in all age group than those in the controls(n=40). Among the various age groups, the levels of all parameters were significantly lower in age group below 50 than the levels,in the other 2 groups with the only exception of INS-Ab, which was not significantly different from that in age group 51-70.The levels were significantly different between age-group 51-70 and age groups over 70, with the only exception of GAD-Ab, which was about the same in the two age-groups. 2)Relationship between changes of serum levels and course of disease(below 5yrs n=157, 6-10yrs n=168,over 1yrs,n=103). The serum levels in patients with disease less than 5years were significantly lower than those in other groups with the exception of GAD-Ab, which was not significantly different from that in patients with disease 6-10 years. 3) Relationship among different degree of obesity(non-obese, BMI BMI≥25, n=202, super-obese BMI≥32 n=50): The serum levels of all the parameters were significantly lower in the non-obese subjects than those in the other two groups.The levels in the super-obese group were also significantly higher than those in the obese group (P<0.01, P<0.05). Conclusion: Serum levels of the 4 parameters (TI, C-peptide, GAD-Ab, INS-Ab)were significantly increased in patients with DM2, especially in the older patients with prolonged course of disease as

  5. Production and characterization of anti-human IgG F(ab')2 antibody fragment. (United States)

    Valedkarimi, Zahra; Nasiri, Hadi; Aghebati-Maleki, Leili; Abdolalizadeh, Jalal; Esparvarinha, Mojghan; Majidi, Jafar


    In present study an optimized protocol for the separation of antibodies into antigen-binding fragments F(ab')2 using pepsin digestion was investigated. The production of these fragments is a consequential step in the development of medical research, treatment and diagnosis. For production of polyclonal antibody rabbit received antigen in four steps. The rabbit serum at 1/128000 dilution showed high absorbance in reaction with human IgG at the designed ELISA method. Rabbit IgG was purified by Ion-Exchange Chromatography (IEC) method. Purity was assessed by SDS-PAGE method. In non-reduced condition only one band was seen in about 150 kDa MW position and in reduced form, two bands were seen in 50 and 25 kDa MW positions. Rabbit IgG was digested by pepsin enzyme. The antibody fragments solution was applied to Gel filtration column to isolate the F(ab')2. Non-reduced SDS-PAGE for determining the purity of F(ab')2 fragment resulted in one band in 100 kDa corresponds to F(ab')2 fragment and a band in 150 kDa MW position corresponds to undigested IgG antibodies. The activities of FITC conjugated F(ab')2 fragment and commercial ones were compared using flowcytometry method. The activity results implied that the FITC conjugated- anti human F(ab')2 fragment worked as efficiently as the commercial one.

  6. Susceptibility of different subsets of immature thymocytes to apoptosis induced by anti-TCRmAb

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Li Hongmei; Zhong Renqian; Yu Jiaping; Kong Xiantao; Chen Weifeng


    To analysis the susceptibility of different subsets of immature mice thymocytes to apoptosis induced by anti-TCRmAbs in vitro apoptosis was induced in unfractionated mice thymocytes by anti-TCRmAb. In Vivo apoptosis was induced in BALB/c mice by anti-TCR mAb, and thymocytes were examined by FACS. Results showed that CD4 + CD8 + DP thymocytes and CD4 - CD8 + CD3 - thymocytes were equally sensitive to apoptosis after treatment with the anti-TCR mAb. In sharp contrast, the early migrants or precursor containing thymocytes which are CD4 - CD8 - CD3 - TN have a lower spontaneous apoptosis rate and were relatively resistant to the anti-TCR mAb. The findings showed a breakpoint in thymocyte sensitivity to apoptosis which occurs after the onset of CD4 - CD8 + CD3 expression, suggesting that susceptibility of thymocytes to apoptosis is developmentally regulated

  7. Performance of the BioPlex 2200 HIV Ag-Ab assay for identifying acute HIV infection. (United States)

    Eshleman, Susan H; Piwowar-Manning, Estelle; Sivay, Mariya V; Debevec, Barbara; Veater, Stephanie; McKinstry, Laura; Bekker, Linda-Gail; Mannheimer, Sharon; Grant, Robert M; Chesney, Margaret A; Coates, Thomas J; Koblin, Beryl A; Fogel, Jessica M

    Assays that detect HIV antigen (Ag) and antibody (Ab) can be used to screen for HIV infection. To compare the performance of the BioPlex 2200 HIV Ag-Ab assay and two other Ag/Ab combination assays for detection of acute HIV infection. Samples were obtained from 24 individuals (18 from the US, 6 from South Africa); these individuals were classified as having acute infection based on the following criteria: positive qualitative RNA assay; two negative rapid tests; negative discriminatory test. The samples were tested with the BioPlex assay, the ARCHITECT HIV Ag/Ab Combo test, the Bio-Rad GS HIV Combo Ag-Ab EIA test, and a viral load assay. Twelve (50.0%) of 24 samples had RNA detected only ( > 40 to 13,476 copies/mL). Ten (43.5%) samples had reactive results with all three Ag/Ab assays, one sample was reactive with the ARCHITECT and Bio-Rad assays, and one sample was reactive with the Bio-Rad and BioPlex assays. The 11 samples that were reactive with the BioPlex assay had viral loads from 83,010 to >750,000 copies/mL; 9/11 samples were classified as Ag positive/Ab negative by the BioPlex assay. Detection of acute HIV infection was similar for the BioPlex assay and two other Ag/Ab assays. All three tests were less sensitive than a qualitative RNA assay and only detected HIV Ag when the viral load was high. The BioPlex assay detected acute infection in about half of the cases, and identified most of those infections as Ag positive/Ab negative. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  8. Study of lamellar structure and crystallization behavior of poly(butylene terephthalate (PBT) in PBT/ABS and PBT/ABS/MMA-GMA blends using DSC, SAXS and DMTA

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mantovani, Gerson L.; Pessan, Luiz A.; Hage, Elias; Torriani, Iris L.


    The effects of processing conditions and blend composition in the crystallization behaviour and lamellar structure of poly(butylene terephthalate) (PBT) in blends with acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene copolymer (ABS) were studied. Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) and dynamic mechanical thermal analysis (DMTA) were used to observe those effects. Addition of reactive acrylic compatibilizer to the PBT/ABS blends has promoted an increase in the heat of crystallization of the related blends. The Long Period (L), obtained from the peak in the Lorentz-corrected SAXS pattern, was used to observe the effect in the lamellar structure of PBT phase in the blends. The results were in good agreement with the calculated values from de correlation function and the values of L do not show a significant dependence with the PBT mass fraction, either in the binary blends (PBT/ABS) or in the compatibilized blends. A slight but clear increase of the long period (from 3 to 5 angstrom) is noted for the systems injection molded at 240 deg C when compared to the ones molded at 260 deg C, although PBT crystallinity in the blends does not change significantly with blend composition or processing conditions. DMTA curves show a slight shift in the temperature of the tan δ main peaks for both PBT and ABS phases in the compatibilized blends, thereby indicating changes in the degree of miscibility or interaction between phases of those blends. Changes in the compatibilized blends miscibility may be responsible by the effects in the crystallization behaviour and lamellar structure of the PBT/ABS blends. (author)

  9. Study of lamellar structure and crystallization behavior of poly(butylene terephthalate (PBT) in PBT/ABS and PBT/ABS/MMA-GMA blends using DSC, SAXS and DMTA

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Mantovani, Gerson L.; Pessan, Luiz A.; Hage, Elias [Sao Carlos Univ., SP (Brazil). Dept. de Engenharia de Materiais]. E-mail:; Plivelic, Tomas S. [Laboratorio Nacional de Luz Sincrotron (LNLS), Campinas, SP (Brazil); Torriani, Iris L. [Universidade Estadual de Campinas, SP (Brazil). Inst. de Fisica Gleb Wataghin


    The effects of processing conditions and blend composition in the crystallization behaviour and lamellar structure of poly(butylene terephthalate) (PBT) in blends with acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene copolymer (ABS) were studied. Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) and dynamic mechanical thermal analysis (DMTA) were used to observe those effects. Addition of reactive acrylic compatibilizer to the PBT/ABS blends has promoted an increase in the heat of crystallization of the related blends. The Long Period (L), obtained from the peak in the Lorentz-corrected SAXS pattern, was used to observe the effect in the lamellar structure of PBT phase in the blends. The results were in good agreement with the calculated values from de correlation function and the values of L do not show a significant dependence with the PBT mass fraction, either in the binary blends (PBT/ABS) or in the compatibilized blends. A slight but clear increase of the long period (from 3 to 5 angstrom) is noted for the systems injection molded at 240 deg C when compared to the ones molded at 260 deg C, although PBT crystallinity in the blends does not change significantly with blend composition or processing conditions. DMTA curves show a slight shift in the temperature of the tan {delta} main peaks for both PBT and ABS phases in the compatibilized blends, thereby indicating changes in the degree of miscibility or interaction between phases of those blends. Changes in the compatibilized blends miscibility may be responsible by the effects in the crystallization behaviour and lamellar structure of the PBT/ABS blends. (author)

  10. An ab initio and TD DFT

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    The photophysical behaviour of N-(2-hydroxy benzylidene) aniline or most commonly known as salicylideneaniline (SA) has been investigated using the ab initio and DFT levels of theory. The quantum chemical calculations show that the optimized non planar enol (1) form of the SA molecule is the most stable conformer ...

  11. Síntese e caracterização de copolímeros de estireno e divinilbenzeno clorometilados Synthesis and characterization of chloromethylated styrene-divinylbenzene copolymers

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Viviane G. Teixeira


    Full Text Available A reação de clorometilação de copolímeros de estireno e divinilbenzeno (S-DVB em presença de HCl, formaldeído e cloreto de zinco foi estudada em meios aquoso e orgânico. O copolímero S-DVB foi, primeiramente, sintetizado por polimerização em suspensão e caracterizado quanto às suas propriedades porosas. Em meio aquoso, o copolímero foi clorometilado borbulhando-se HCl na mistura de solução aquosa de formaldeído a 37% (formalina 37% e solução aquosa de cloreto de zinco (catalisador. Em meio orgânico (1,2-dicloroetano, foram usados HCl (borbulhado na solução reacional, paraformaldeído e cloreto de zinco sólido. A presença de grupos clorometila foi identificada por espectroscopia na região do infravermelho e o teor desses grupos foi determinado por titulação potenciométrica dos íons cloreto, liberados após a reação de quaternização com piridina. A reação em meio aquoso originou copolímeros com baixos graus de clorometilação, mesmo sob condições drásticas (uso do catalisador sólido e ácido clorídrico concentrado como meio reacional. Em meio orgânico, devido à maior estabilidade do eletrófilo, foram originados copolímeros com teores mais altos de grupos clorometila. Foi estudada a influência dos parâmetros reacionais sobre o grau de clorometilação dos copolímeros em meio orgânico. A temperatura e a razão copolímero/catalisador foram parâmetros determinantes do grau de clorometilação obtido.Cloromethylation of styrene-divinylbenzene copolymer (S-DVB in presence of hydrogen chloride, formaldehyde and zinc chloride was studied in aqueous and organic media. S-DVB was first synthesized by suspension polymerization and its porosity was characterized. In aqueous medium, S-DVB was chloromethylated by using a mixture of hydrogen chloride, aqueous formaldehyde solution (formalin 37% and aqueous zinc chloride solution as catalyst. In organic medium (1,2-dichloroethane, a mixture of hydrogen chloride

  12. Effectiveness of motorcycle antilock braking systems (ABS) in reducing crashes, the first cross-national study. (United States)

    Rizzi, Matteo; Strandroth, Johan; Kullgren, Anders; Tingvall, Claes; Fildes, Brian


    This study set out to evaluate the effectiveness of motorcycle antilock braking systems (ABS) in reducing real-life crashes. Since the European Parliament has voted on legislation making ABS mandatory on all new motorcycles over 125 cc from 2016, the fitment rate in Europe is likely to increase in the coming years. Though previous research has focused on mostly large displacement motorcycles, this study used police reports from Spain (2006-2009), Italy (2009), and Sweden (2003-2012) in order to analyze a wide range of motorcycles, including scooters, and compare countries with different motorcycling habits. The statistical analysis used odds ratio calculations with an induced exposure approach. Previous research found that head-on crashes were the least ABS-affected crash type and was therefore used as the nonsensitive crash type for ABS in these calculations. The same motorcycle models, with and without ABS, were compared and the calculations were carried out for each country separately. Crashes involving only scooters were further analyzed. The effectiveness of motorcycle ABS in reducing injury crashes ranged from 24% (95% confidence interval [CI], 12-36) in Italy to 29% (95% CI, 20-38) in Spain, and 34% (95% CI, 16-52) in Sweden. The reductions in severe and fatal crashes were even greater, at 34% (95% CI, 24-44) in Spain and 42% (95% CI, 23-61) in Sweden. The overall reductions of crashes involving ABS-equipped scooters (at least 250 cc) were 27% (95% CI, 12-42) in Italy and 22% (95% CI, 2-42) in Spain. ABS on scooters with at least a 250 cc engine reduced severe and fatal crashes by 31% (95% CI, 12-50), based on Spanish data alone. At this stage, there is more than sufficient scientific-based evidence to support the implementation of ABS on all motorcycles, even light ones. Further research should aim at understanding the injury mitigating effects of motorcycle ABS, possibly in combination with combined braking systems.

  13. Perspective: Ab initio force field methods derived from quantum mechanics (United States)

    Xu, Peng; Guidez, Emilie B.; Bertoni, Colleen; Gordon, Mark S.


    It is often desirable to accurately and efficiently model the behavior of large molecular systems in the condensed phase (thousands to tens of thousands of atoms) over long time scales (from nanoseconds to milliseconds). In these cases, ab initio methods are difficult due to the increasing computational cost with the number of electrons. A more computationally attractive alternative is to perform the simulations at the atomic level using a parameterized function to model the electronic energy. Many empirical force fields have been developed for this purpose. However, the functions that are used to model interatomic and intermolecular interactions contain many fitted parameters obtained from selected model systems, and such classical force fields cannot properly simulate important electronic effects. Furthermore, while such force fields are computationally affordable, they are not reliable when applied to systems that differ significantly from those used in their parameterization. They also cannot provide the information necessary to analyze the interactions that occur in the system, making the systematic improvement of the functional forms that are used difficult. Ab initio force field methods aim to combine the merits of both types of methods. The ideal ab initio force fields are built on first principles and require no fitted parameters. Ab initio force field methods surveyed in this perspective are based on fragmentation approaches and intermolecular perturbation theory. This perspective summarizes their theoretical foundation, key components in their formulation, and discusses key aspects of these methods such as accuracy and formal computational cost. The ab initio force fields considered here were developed for different targets, and this perspective also aims to provide a balanced presentation of their strengths and shortcomings. Finally, this perspective suggests some future directions for this actively developing area.

  14. Training in AB Department 2004/2005

    CERN Document Server

    Schinzel, Josi; CERN. Geneva. AB Department


    This note provides an overview of the training attended by members of the AB Department during the years 2004 and 2005, giving a break-down of the different courses and costs as well as training directions. It describes the organisation of training in the department, and evolution in training directions and planning.

  15. A/B Testing in Improving Conversion on a Website : Case: Sanoma Entertainment Oy


    Arento, Thomas


    The purpose of this thesis is to study marketing possibilities of improved conversion rates on websites. The study was made for Sanoma Entertainment Oy’s Gaming & Online unit. The main objective was to explore A/B testing as a tool to improve conversion rates by increasing click-through rates. The secondary objective was to test Google Website Optimizer as an A/B testing tool in comparison to current methods of A/B testing in Sanoma Entertainment Oy. The results of this study will be used as ...

  16. Síntese e caracterização de copolímeros reticulados à base de estireno, divinilbenzeno e metacrilato de metila com propriedades magnéticas Synthesis and characterization of crosslinked copolymers based on syrene, divinylbenzene and methyl methacrylate with magnetic properties

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Flavio S. Souza


    Full Text Available Neste trabalho, foram sintetizados copolímeros à base de estireno (STY, divinilbenzeno (DVB e metacrilato de metila (MMA com propriedades magnéticas pela técnica de polimerização em suspensão. Os copolímeros foram caracterizados quanto a sua morfologia, ao teor de ferro incorporado, a densidade aparente, a distribuição de tamanho de partículas e as suas propriedades magnéticas. Foi avaliado o efeito da concentração de MMA sobre as características das partículas poliméricas obtidas. Copolímeros que não utilizaram MMA foram, em geral, os que apresentaram maior incorporação de ferro e melhor controle morfológico. Quando a temperatura foi alterada de 80 ºC para 70 ºC e a velocidade de agitação de 480 rpm para 360 rpm, houve aumento no teor de ferro incorporado nas partículas poliméricas.In this work, copolymers based on styrene (STY, divinylbenzene (DVB and methyl methacrylate (MMA with magnetic properties were synthesized using the suspension polymerization technique. The copolymers were characterized according to morphology, iron content incorporated, bulk density, particle size distribution and magnetic properties. The effect of MMA content on the characteristics of polymeric particles was investigated. Generally, copolymers without MMA presented the biggest iron content incorporated and the best morphologic control. When the temperature was decreased from 80 ºC to 70 ºC and the stirring speed was reduced from 480 rpm to 360 rpm the iron content in the polymeric particles increased.

  17. Ab Initio Studies of Shock-Induced Chemical Reactions of Inter-Metallics (United States)

    Zaharieva, Roussislava; Hanagud, Sathya


    Shock-induced and shock assisted chemical reactions of intermetallic mixtures are studied by many researchers, using both experimental and theoretical techniques. The theoretical studies are primarily at continuum scales. The model frameworks include mixture theories and meso-scale models of grains of porous mixtures. The reaction models vary from equilibrium thermodynamic model to several non-equilibrium thermodynamic models. The shock-effects are primarily studied using appropriate conservation equations and numerical techniques to integrate the equations. All these models require material constants from experiments and estimates of transition states. Thus, the objective of this paper is to present studies based on ab initio techniques. The ab inito studies, to date, use ab inito molecular dynamics. This paper presents a study that uses shock pressures, and associated temperatures as starting variables. Then intermetallic mixtures are modeled as slabs. The required shock stresses are created by straining the lattice. Then, ab initio binding energy calculations are used to examine the stability of the reactions. Binding energies are obtained for different strain components super imposed on uniform compression and finite temperatures. Then, vibrational frequencies and nudge elastic band techniques are used to study reactivity and transition states. Examples include Ni and Al.

  18. Clinical significance of detection of GAD-Ab, ICA and IAA in patients with diabetes mellitus

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhou Jinhong; Liu Zhenzong; Wang Huimin


    To explore value of combined detection of glutamic acid decarboxylase antibody(GAD-Ab), islet cell antibody (ICA) and insulin autoantibody (IAA) in patients with diabetes mellitus (DM). Serum GAD-Ab, ICA and IAA were detected by chemiluminescent immunoassay and RIA in 46 of type 1 diabetes mellitus (1 DM), 78 of 2 DM respectively, and in 50 nondiabetic subjects as control group, and analysed according to the positive rates of different groups. Results showed that the positive rate of GAD-Ab was 67.39%, ICA 39.73%, IAA 23.91% in 1 DM,and that of GAD-Ab was 8.97%, ICA 15.39%, IAA 10.26% in 2 DM respectively. The positive rate of combined detection of GAD-Ab, ICA and IAA was 91.30% in patients with 1 DM, and 29.49% which was higher than that in control group (P<0.01). The detection of serum GAD-Ab,ICA and IAA might be regarded as clinical significance for classification, treatment and predict prognosis of DM. (authors)

  19. Unique synergism in flame retardancy in ABS based composites through blending PVDF and halloysite nanotubes (United States)

    Remanan, Sanjay; Sharma, Maya; Jayashree, Priyadarshini; Parameswaranpillai, Jyotishkumar; Fabian, Thomas; Shih, Julie; Shankarappa, Prasad; Nuggehalli, Bharath; Bose, Suryasarathi


    This study demonstrates flame retardant materials designed using bi-phasic polymer blends of acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS) and polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) containing halloysite nanotubes (HNTs) and Cloisite 30B nanoclay. The prepared blends with and without nanoparticles were extensively characterized. The nanoparticles were added in different weight concentrations to improve the flame retardancy. It was observed that prepared ABS/PVDF blends showed better flame retardancy than ABS based composites. The flame resistance was further improved by the addition of nanoparticles in the blends. The microscale combustion calorimetry (MCC) test showed better flame resistance in ABS/PVDF blends filled with 5 wt% HNTs than other composites. The total heat release of ABS/PVDF blend filled with 5 wt% HNTs decreased by 31% and also the heat of combustion decreased by 26% as compared to neat ABS. When compared with nanoparticles, the addition of PVDF reduced the peak heat release rate (PHRR) and increased the char residue more effectively. A synergistic improvement was observed from both PVDF and HNTs on the flame resistance properties.

  20. Use of laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy for the determination of polycarbonate (PC) and acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene (ABS) concentrations in PC/ABS plastics from e-waste. (United States)

    Costa, Vinicius Câmara; Aquino, Francisco Wendel Batista; Paranhos, Caio Marcio; Pereira-Filho, Edenir Rodrigues


    Due to the continual increase in waste generated from electronic devices, the management of plastics, which represents between 10 and 30% by weight of waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE or e-waste), becomes indispensable in terms of environmental and economic impacts. Considering the importance of acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene (ABS), polycarbonate (PC), and their blends in the electronics and other industries, this study presents a new application of laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) for the fast and direct determination of PC and ABS concentrations in blends of these plastics obtained from samples of e-waste. From the LIBS spectra acquired for the PC/ABS blend, multivariate calibration models were built using partial least squares (PLS) regression. In general, it was possible to infer that the relative errors between the theoretical or reference and predicted values for the spiked samples were lower than 10%. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  1. Metode Abû Dâwud Dalam Menulis Al-Sunan


    Ma'sum, Ma'sum


    In this paper the author will reveal one of the prominent figures who have long been through the mill of hadith more over the quality of his knowledge in this field does not need to worry about, Abû Dâwud made a large contribution which includes hadith of the prophet in the his book. This study on the book of hadith methodology writing is owned by Abû Dâwud hadith have found some result of hadîth da‘îf that contained therein. the indication of hadîth da‘îf loading (also mawdû‘ according to Ib...

  2. Metode Abû Dâwud dalam Menulis al-Sunan


    Ma'sum Ma'sum


    In this paper the author will reveal one of the prominent figures who have long been through the mill of hadith more over the quality of his knowledge in this field does not need to worry about, Abû Dâwud made a large contribution which includes hadith of the prophet in the his book. This study on the book of hadith methodology writing is owned by Abû Dâwud hadith have found some result of hadîth da‘îf that contained therein. the indication of hadîth da‘îf loading (also mawdû‘ according to Ib...

  3. Cry1Ab protein from Bt transgenic rice does not residue in rhizosphere soil

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wang Haiyan; Ye Qingfu; Wang Wei; Wu Licheng; Wu Weixiang


    Expression of Cry1Ab protein in Bt transgenic rice (KMD) and its residue in the rhizosphere soil during the whole growth in field, as well as degradation of the protein from KMD straw in five soils under laboratory incubation were studied. The residue of Cry1Ab protein in KMD rhizosphere soil was undetectable (below the limit of 0.5 ng/g air-dried soil). The Cry1Ab protein contents in the shoot and root of KMD were 3.23-8.22 and 0.68-0.89 μg/g (fresh weight), respectively. The half-lives of the Cry1Ab protein in the soils amended with KMD straw (4%, w/w) ranged from 11.5 to 34.3 d. The residence time of the protein varied significantly in a Fluvio-marine yellow loamy soil amended with KMD straw at the rate of 3, 4 and 7%, with half-lives of 9.9, 13.8 and 18 d, respectively. In addition, an extraction method for Cry1Ab protein in soil was developed, with extraction efficiencies of 46.4-82.3%. - Cry1Ab protein was not detected in the rhizosphere soil of field-grown Bt transgenic rice

  4. URHEILUN SPONSOROINTI JA LUMILAUTAILU : FOREX Bank Ab:n mahdollisuudet lumilautailun sponsorointiin


    Autio, Suvi


    FOREX Bank Ab on Pohjoismaiden suurin valuutanvaihtoon erikoistunut yritys. FOREXin liikeideana on tarjota maasta lähteville ja maahan saapuville matkailijoille valuuttaa joustaviin kellonaikoihin, keskeisillä paikoilla, sekä kilpailukykyisillä kursseilla ja toimitusmaksuilla. Opinnäytetyön aiheena oli urheilun sponsorointi ja lumilautailu. Opinnäytetyön tarkoituksena oli selvittää FOREX Bank Ab:n sponsoroinnin nykytilaa ja lumilautailun sopivuutta FOREXin sponsorointikohteeksi. Teoriaosu...

  5. Energy conservation campaign at Sandvik AB in Sandviken

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Larsson, Rune


    Sandvik AB's performed an analysis showing oil consumption for steam production was increasing considerably. Energy conservation measures were implemented to decrease the oil consumption and to make lasting changes.

  6. Popular Herbig AE star AB Aur

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Shevchenko, V.S.


    The variability of AB Aur emission line H α , H β , H γ profiles, equivalent widths (EW λ ) and relative intensity have been observed on the photoelectric scanner. During the 20 d observation period EW λ H α ranged from 23.20 to 35.35 A. Mean EW λ H α is 27.25 A, daily average deviation is 3.60 ± 0.07 A. The minimum time of variability is 1 h . The chromospheric lines near-infrared triplet Ca II and KCaII and emission lines H β -H13, P12-P20, 0I 8446.5 A and the variability of other lines have been studied on the photographic and image-tube spectra. The intensity of these lines and EW λ changed 2-4 times during an interval from 1 h to several years. The AB Aur variability nature of emission lines made it possible to assume that the ''deep chromosphere'' is not a centre-symmetrical or axisymmetrical formation but is a conglomerate of different density and speed gas condensations

  7. Ab initio calculations of 3H(d,n)4He fusion

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Navratil, Petr; Quaglioni, Sofia


    We build a new ab initio many-body approach capable of describing simultaneously both bound and scattering states in light nuclei, by combining the resonating-group method with the ab initio no-core shell model. In this way, we complement a microscopic-cluster technique with the use of realistic interactions, and a microscopic and consistent description of the nucleon clusters. We will present the first results of the d- 3 H and d- 3 He fusion calculation obtained within our ab initio approach. We will also discuss our d- 4 He, 3 H- 4 He and 3 H- 3 H scattering calculations and the outline of the extension of the formalism to include three-cluster final states with the goal to calculate the 3 H( 3 H,2n) 4 He cross section

  8. Ab Initio Nuclear Structure and Reaction Calculations for Rare Isotopes

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Draayer, Jerry P. [Louisiana State Univ., Baton Rouge, LA (United States)


    We have developed a novel ab initio symmetry-adapted no-core shell model (SA-NCSM), which has opened the intermediate-mass region for ab initio investigations, thereby providing an opportunity for first-principle symmetry-guided applications to nuclear structure and reactions for nuclear isotopes from the lightest p-shell systems to intermediate-mass nuclei. This includes short-lived proton-rich nuclei on the path of X-ray burst nucleosynthesis and rare neutron-rich isotopes to be produced by the Facility for Rare Isotope Beams (FRIB). We have provided ab initio descriptions of high accuracy for low-lying (including collectivity-driven) states of isotopes of Li, He, Be, C, O, Ne, Mg, Al, and Si, and studied related strong- and weak-interaction driven reactions that are important, in astrophysics, for further understanding stellar evolution, X-ray bursts and triggering of s, p, and rp processes, and in applied physics, for electron and neutrino-nucleus scattering experiments as well as for fusion ignition at the National Ignition Facility (NIF).

  9. Ab Initio Nuclear Structure and Reaction Calculations for Rare Isotopes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Draayer, Jerry P.


    We have developed a novel ab initio symmetry-adapted no-core shell model (SA-NCSM), which has opened the intermediate-mass region for ab initio investigations, thereby providing an opportunity for first-principle symmetry-guided applications to nuclear structure and reactions for nuclear isotopes from the lightest p-shell systems to intermediate-mass nuclei. This includes short-lived proton-rich nuclei on the path of X-ray burst nucleosynthesis and rare neutron-rich isotopes to be produced by the Facility for Rare Isotope Beams (FRIB). We have provided ab initio descriptions of high accuracy for low-lying (including collectivity-driven) states of isotopes of Li, He, Be, C, O, Ne, Mg, Al, and Si, and studied related strong- and weak-interaction driven reactions that are important, in astrophysics, for further understanding stellar evolution, X-ray bursts and triggering of s, p, and rp processes, and in applied physics, for electron and neutrino-nucleus scattering experiments as well as for fusion ignition at the National Ignition Facility (NIF).

  10. Effects of goat manure liquid fertilizer combined with AB-MIX on foliage vegetables growth in hydroponic (United States)

    Sunaryo, Y.; Purnomo, D.; Darini, M. T.; Cahyani, V. R.


    Hydroponic as one of the protected cultivation practices is very important to be developed in Indonesia due to not only the reduction of arable agricultural lands in lines with increasing of residential demand and other public facilities but also due to the negative influences of climate change as well global warming to plant growth. The effects of liquid fertilizer made from goat manure (LFGM) in combination with AB-Mix on three kinds of foliage vegetable growth was examined in hydroponics. The research was conducted by 3 x 4 factorial experiment and arranged in Completely Randomized Design with 3 replications. The first factor was foliage vegetable consisting of 3 levels: Mustard Green, Lettuce, and Red Spinach. The second factor was the mixture composition of nutrient solution consisting of 4 levels: LFGM + AB-Mix (v/v: 1:1), LFGM + AB-Mix (v/v: 1:3), LFGM + AB-Mix (v/v: 3:1), and A/B mix as control. Results indicated that the application of LFGM + AB-Mix (v/v: 1:3) resulted in similar plant growth as control (AB-Mix application), and also resulted in the highest chlorophyll content of Mustard green.

  11. Ab Initio molecular dynamics with excited electrons

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Alavi, A.; Kohanoff, J.; Parrinello, M.; Frenkel, D.


    A method to do ab initio molecular dynamics suitable for metallic and electronically hot systems is described. It is based on a density functional which is costationary with the finite-temperature functional of Mermin, with state being included with possibly fractional occupation numbers.

  12. Synthesis and characterization of poly(styrene-co-methyl methacrylate); Sintese e caracterizacao do poli(estireno-co-metacrilato de metila)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Augustinho, Tiago R.; Abarca, Silvia A.C.; Machado, Ricardo A.F. [Departamento de Engenharia Quimica e Alimentos - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina - UFSC, Florianopolis, SC (Brazil)


    Polystyrene (PS) is nowadays commonly used due its advantages over competitors. PS presents a lower cost when compared with Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene (ABS) and with Polyethylene Tere-phthalate (PET), and can be easier processed than polypropylene (PP). At expandable form (EPS), can be used as projective equipment, thermal insulation, floating boards, refrigerators, isothermal, and low cost applications such as packaging and disposable material. Searching for more resistant materials and with a low cost, researches with copolymers materials are being developed. In this study, copolymerization reactions were carried out by suspension polymerization using monomers styrene and methyl methacrylate (MMA) with styrene. Styrene was in the highest percentage in relation to the MMA. The MMA was selected because is a monomer that presents a higher resistance than PS. The copolymerization was confirmed by performing infrared spectroscopy (IR), nuclear magnetic resonance of hydrogen (RMN{sup 1}H), differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and thermogravimetry (TGA). (author)

  13. Ab Initio Calculations Of Light-Ion Reactions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Navratil, P.; Quaglioni, S.; Roth, R.; Horiuchi, W.


    The exact treatment of nuclei starting from the constituent nucleons and the fundamental interactions among them has been a long-standing goal in nuclear physics. In addition to the complex nature of nuclear forces, one faces the quantum-mechanical many-nucleon problem governed by an interplay between bound and continuum states. In recent years, significant progress has been made in ab initio nuclear structure and reaction calculations based on input from QCD employing Hamiltonians constructed within chiral effective field theory. In this contribution, we present one of such promising techniques capable of describing simultaneously both bound and scattering states in light nuclei. By combining the resonating-group method (RGM) with the ab initio no-core shell model (NCSM), we complement a microscopic cluster approach with the use of realistic interactions and a microscopic and consistent description of the clusters. We discuss applications to light nuclei scattering, radiative capture and fusion reactions.

  14. Single-ion 4f element magnetism: an ab-initio look at Ln(COT)2(-). (United States)

    Gendron, Frédéric; Pritchard, Benjamin; Bolvin, Hélène; Autschbach, Jochen


    The electron densities associated with the Ln 4f shell, and spin and orbital magnetizations ('magnetic moment densities'), are investigated for the Ln(COT)2(-) series. The densities are obtained from ab-initio calculations including spin-orbit coupling. For Ln = Ce, Pr the magnetizations are also derived from crystal field models and shown to agree with the ab-initio results. Analysis of magnetizations from ab-initio calculations may be useful in assisting research on single molecule magnets.

  15. Labelling of MoAb with 153SmH1ETA: Preliminary results

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ferro-Flores, G.; De, F.; Ramirez, M.; Pedraza-Lopez, M.; Tendilla, J.I.; Melendez-Alafort, L.; Murphy, C.A.


    A method to label MoAb with Sm-153 using 1,5,9,13-tetraazacyclohexadecane N,N',N'',N''' tetraacetic acid (H 4 ETA) as a bifunctional chelator was developed. H 4 ETA and SmH 1 ETA were synthesized in our laboratory and characterized by IR spectroscopy, TGA (thermogravimetric analysis), SEM (Scattering Electronic Microscopy), EDAX (Elemental Dispersion Analysis by X-rays) and EPR (Electron Paramagnetic Resonance) at 6 K. The 153 SmH 1 ETAMoAb was prepared by a simple incubation of the MoAb ior cea1, and the 153 SmH 1 ETA complex at neutral pH and at room temperature for 24 h. The specific activity of the labelled antibody was 111 MBq/mg (3 mCi/mg). Sm-153(III) is commercially available with specific activities up to 318.2 GBq/mg. Therefore, under the conditions described above 153 SmH 1 ETA labelled MoAb could be obtained with specific activity up to 1.14 GBq/mg (30.7 mCi/mg). (author)

  16. The mechanochemical cycle of mammalian kinesin-2 KIF3A/B under load (United States)

    Andreasson, Johan O.L.; Shastry, Shankar; Hancock, William O.; Block, Steven M.


    Summary The response of motor proteins to external loads underlies their ability to work in teams and determines the net speed and directionality of cargo transport. The mammalian kinesin-2, KIF3A/B, is a heterotrimeric motor involved in intraflagellar transport and vesicle motility in neurons. Bidirectional cargo transport is known to result from the opposing activities of KIF3A/B and dynein bound to the same cargo, but the load-dependent properties of kinesin-2 are poorly understood. We used a feedback-controlled optical trap to probe the velocity, run length and unbinding kinetics of mouse KIF3A/B under various loads and nucleotide conditions. The kinesin-2 motor velocity is less sensitive than kinesin-1 to external forces, but its processivity diminishes steeply with load, and the motor was observed occasionally to slip and reattach. Each motor domain was characterized by studying homodimeric constructs, and a global fit to the data resulted in a comprehensive pathway that quantifies the principal force-dependent kinetic transitions. The properties of the KIF3A/B heterodimer are intermediate between the two homodimers, and the distinct load-dependent behavior is attributable to the properties of the motor domains, and not to the neck-linkers or the coiled-coil stalk. We conclude that the force-dependent movement of KIF3A/B differs significantly from conventional kinesin-1. Against opposing dynein forces, KIF3A/B motors are predicted to rapidly unbind and rebind, resulting in qualitatively different transport behavior from kinesin-1. PMID:25866395

  17. Studies of the distribution of intrathecally injected 125I-tetanus antitoxin-F(ab')2

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hanauske, A.R.


    Overall F(ab') 2 and antitetanus-f(ab') 2 - fragments were labelled with 125 I and injected into normal juvenile cats and adult rats. One group of rats was normal; in the other, unilateral local tetanus had been induced by injection of tetanus toxin into a M. gastrocnemius. The animals were sacrificed 24 h after the injection, and tissue samples were taken for histoautoradiography. 125 I-antitetanus-F(ab') 2 permeated into the extracellular space of the spinal cord, roots, and ganglia but not into the neuronal intracellular space. 125 I-overall-F(ab') showed identical permeation behaviour. 125 I-antitetanus-F(ab') 2 reacted with tetanus toxin issuing from the motoneurons after injection, forming an immunocomplex around the motorneurons. The immunocomplex was not formed around pseudo-unipolar ganglian cells in the spinal ganglia even though some of the ganglian cells contained tetanus toxin, and 125 I-antitetanus-F(ab') 2 was present in the extracellular space. As an explanation, it was suggested that tetanus toxin does not permeate into the extracellular space through the membrane of the pseudo-unipolar ganglian cells so that immune reactions will not occur. These findings help to explain the widely divergent results of tetanus therapy by means of injection of tetanus antitoxin. Recommendations for future therapy measures are derived from the findings. (orig./MG) [de

  18. Cationization increases brain distribution of an amyloid-beta protofibril selective F(ab')2 fragment


    Syvänen, Stina; Edén, Desireé; Sehlin, Dag


    Antibodies and fragments thereof are, because of high selectivity for their targets, considered as potential therapeutics and biomarkers for several neurological disorders. However, due to their large molecular size, antibodies/fragments do not easily penetrate into the brain. The aim of the present study was to improve the brain distribution via adsorptive-mediated transcytosis of an amyloid-beta (A beta) protofibril selective F(ab')2 fragment (F(ab')2-h158). F(ab')2-h158 was cationized to d...

  19. High Yield Chemical Vapor Deposition Growth of High Quality Large-Area AB Stacked Bilayer Graphene (United States)

    Liu, Lixin; Zhou, Hailong; Cheng, Rui; Yu, Woo Jong; Liu, Yuan; Chen, Yu; Shaw, Jonathan; Zhong, Xing; Huang, Yu; Duan, Xiangfeng


    Bernal stacked (AB stacked) bilayer graphene is of significant interest for functional electronic and photonic devices due to the feasibility to continuously tune its band gap with a vertical electrical field. Mechanical exfoliation can be used to produce AB stacked bilayer graphene flakes but typically with the sizes limited to a few micrometers. Chemical vapor deposition (CVD) has been recently explored for the synthesis of bilayer graphene but usually with limited coverage and a mixture of AB and randomly stacked structures. Herein we report a rational approach to produce large-area high quality AB stacked bilayer graphene. We show that the self-limiting effect of graphene growth on Cu foil can be broken by using a high H2/CH4 ratio in a low pressure CVD process to enable the continued growth of bilayer graphene. A high temperature and low pressure nucleation step is found to be critical for the formation of bilayer graphene nuclei with high AB stacking ratio. A rational design of a two-step CVD process is developed for the growth of bilayer graphene with high AB stacking ratio (up to 90 %) and high coverage (up to 99 %). The electrical transport studies demonstrated that devices made of the as-grown bilayer graphene exhibit typical characteristics of AB stacked bilayer graphene with the highest carrier mobility exceeding 4,000 cm2/V·s at room temperature, comparable to that of the exfoliated bilayer graphene. PMID:22906199

  20. Dynamics of immature mAb glycoform secretion during CHO cell culture

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jimenez del Val, Ioscani; Fan, Yuzhou; Weilguny, Dietmar


    Ensuring consistent glycosylation-associated quality of therapeutic monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) has become a priority in pharmaceutical bioprocessing given that the distribution and composition of the carbohydrates (glycans) bound to these molecules determines their therapeutic efficacy and immu......Ensuring consistent glycosylation-associated quality of therapeutic monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) has become a priority in pharmaceutical bioprocessing given that the distribution and composition of the carbohydrates (glycans) bound to these molecules determines their therapeutic efficacy...

  1. AB Levitator and Electricity Storage


    Bolonkin, Alexander


    The author researched this new idea - support of flight by any aerial vehicles at significant altitude solely by the magnetic field of the planet. It is shown that current technology allows humans to create a light propulsion (AB engine) which does not depend on air, water or ground terrain. Simultaniosly, this revolutionary thruster is a device for the storage of electricity which is extracted and is replenished (during braking) from/into the storage with 100 percent efficiency. The relative...

  2. Report on the Personnel Dosimetry at AB Atomenergi during 1962

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Edvardsson, K.A.; Hagsgaard, S.


    This report presents the results of the personnel dosimetry at AB Atomenergi during 1962. No doses exceeding the recommendations of ICRP have been reported. The sum of the reported external total body doses (≥ 100 mrem/quarter) is for the whole of AB Atomenergi during this year 74. 2 manrem corresponding to about 50 mrem/year and person or 1 % of the maximum permissible dose. 32500 gamma films and 6200 neutron films have been evaluated. The total number of urine analyses is 2700 and of whole body measurements 10

  3. Report on the Personnel Dosimetry at AB Atomenergi during 1962

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Edvardsson, K A; Hagsgaard, S


    This report presents the results of the personnel dosimetry at AB Atomenergi during 1963. No doses exceeding the recommendations of ICRP have been reported. The sum of the reported external total body doses during the year is for AB Atomenergi 64.2 manrem which, distributed over the whole company personnel, corresponds to about 40 mrem per year and person or about 1 % of the maximum permissible dose. 37800 gamma films and 6700 neutron films have been evaluated. The total number of urine analyses is 3603 and of whole body measurements 211.

  4. Report on the Personnel Dosimetry at AB Atomenergi during 1962

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Edvardsson, K A; Hagsgaard, S


    This report presents the results of the personnel dosimetry at AB Atomenergi during 1962. No doses exceeding the recommendations of ICRP have been reported. The sum of the reported external total body doses ({>=} 100 mrem/quarter) is for the whole of AB Atomenergi during this year 74. 2 manrem corresponding to about 50 mrem/year and person or 1 % of the maximum permissible dose. 32500 gamma films and 6200 neutron films have been evaluated. The total number of urine analyses is 2700 and of whole body measurements 10.

  5. Use of ab initio quantum chemical methods in battery technology

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Deiss, E [Paul Scherrer Inst. (PSI), Villigen (Switzerland)


    Ab initio quantum chemistry can nowadays predict physical and chemical properties of molecules and solids. An attempt should be made to use this tool more widely for predicting technologically favourable materials. To demonstrate the use of ab initio quantum chemistry in battery technology, the theoretical energy density (energy per volume of active electrode material) and specific energy (energy per mass of active electrode material) of a rechargeable lithium-ion battery consisting of a graphite electrode and a nickel oxide electrode has been calculated with this method. (author) 1 fig., 1 tab., 7 refs.

  6. Phosphoric acid doped AB-PBI membranes and its applications in high temperature PEMFC

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    He, Ronghuan; Qingfeng, Li; Bjerrum, Niels


    Poly(2,5-benzimidazole) (ab-PBI) was prepared from 3,4-diaminobenzoic acid via a polymerisation reaction. The obtained polymer exhibits excellent thermal stability in a temperature range ….. The membrane of ab-PBI when doped with phosphoric acid at room temperaturepresents high proton conductivity...

  7. Remodeling of the AB site of rat parvalbumin and oncomodulin into a canonical EF-hand

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Cox, J A; Durussel, I; Scott, D J


    -residue canonical loop. To create an optical conformational probe we also expressed the homologs with a F102W replacement. Unexpectedly, in none of the proteins did the mutation reactivate the AB site. The AB-remodeled parvalbumins bind two Ca2+ ions with strong positive cooperativity (nH = 2......Parvalbumin (PV) and the homologous protein oncomodulin (OM) contain three EF-hand motifs, but the first site (AB) cannot bind Ca2+. Here we aimed to recreate the putative ancestral proteins [D19-28E]PV and [D19-28E]OM by replacing the 10-residue-long nonfunctional loop in the AB site by a 12...... conformations. The AB-remodeled oncomodulins also bind two Ca2+ with [Ca2+]0.5 = 43 microM and nH = 1.45. Mg2+ does not affect Ca2+ binding. Again the Ca2+ forms display two-thirds of the alpha-helical content in the wild-type, while their core is still strongly hydrophobic as monitored by Trp and Tyr...

  8. Misturas NR/SBR: influência da composição e do modo de preparação sobre propriedades mecânicas e reométricas NR/SBR mixtures: influence of composition and preparation mode on the mechanical and rheological properties

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Hérlon M. B. Abreu Junior


    Full Text Available Aplicações de produtos à base de borracha diversas vezes requerem um conjunto de propriedades as quais, geralmente, não são fornecidas por um único elastômero. Dessa forma, um dos recursos utilizados é a mistura de dois ou mais polímeros para obtenção de novas propriedades. Neste caso, os demais ingredientes que são adicionados, normalmente distribuem-se de forma irregular, dependendo de sua afinidade com cada uma das borrachas. O grau de dispersão de cada um desses ingredientes em cada fase elastomérica irá então influenciar a velocidade de cura e o grau de vulcanização e, certamente, terá conseqüências nas propriedades do produto final. Neste trabalho, a borracha natural (NR foi misturada ao elastômero de butadieno-estireno (SBR nas proporções de 75:25 e 50:50, em massa. As composições foram preparadas empregando-se quatro maneiras distintas para a incorporação dos aditivos. Os resultados das propriedades mecânicas mostraram que, apesar da utilização de uma mesma formulação, o modo de preparo tem grande influência sobre as propriedades. No caso da mistura NR/SBR as melhores propriedades são obtidas quando é favorecida a vulcanização da borracha que, isoladamente, apresenta propriedades inferiores.Frequently a set of properties required for a given application cannot be accomplished by one elastomer only and, thus, mixtures of two or more polymers must be employed. In these cases, the other ingredients added are normally dispersed in a non homogeneous way, depending on their affinity to each polymer. The degree of dispersion each additive experiences in each elastomeric phase will influence the rate and the degree of vulcanization and will certainly have consequences on the properties of the final product. In this work, natural rubber (NR was mixed with styrene-butadiene elastomer (SBR in 75:25 and 50:50 w/w ratios. The compositions were prepared in a two-roll mill, by introducing the additives according to

  9. EST Table: AB046365 [KAIKOcDNA[Archive

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available 1073 aa FBpp0259641|DyakGE14631-PA 10/08/27 47 %/329 aa W03F8.5#CE34386#WBGene00002247#locus:lam- 1#laminin#...AB046365 10/09/29 97 %/1069 aa dbj|BAB21565.1| laminin [Bombyx mori] 10/08/27 40 %/

  10. Personality at Work: A Study of Type A-B

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Amber Raza


    Full Text Available The objective of this study was to measure the impact of stressors on personality types in Call Centers. Based on literature survey five potential workplace stressors were identified, namely (1 Task Demands, (2 Role Demands, (3 Interpersonal Demands, (4 Organizational Structure and (5 Organizational Leadership. Based on the literature survey, a relationship model was developed that was inclusive of the above stressors, and three personality types, which were Type A, Type AB and Type B.The sample size for the study was 100. The subjects were supervisors and agents drawn non-randomly from various Call Centers of Karachi. All the subjects completed a questionnaire comprised of 27 questions based on occupational stress index (Srivasta and Singh 1981 and AB Personality Continuum (National Institute of Safety and Health 1975. The three personality types A, B & AB all go through stress, however it is the Type A, which thrives on stress. The sources of stress measured in the study were Task Demand, Role Demand, Interpersonal Demands, Organizational Structure and Organizational Leadership.The stressor that most contributed to the Personality type A’s stress in the study was Interpersonal Demand (0.38, which is justified by the literature review as Personality type A are not team players and prefer to work alone.Whereas Personality type B was stressed because of Role Demand (0.38 which is also proved by the literature review as personality type B are laid back and do not take there roles seriously. Hence it can be concluded that it type A tends to cope well with stress as compared to type AB and type B. The performance of the respondents can be made better if the supervisors are aware of the personality types and thereby motivate them according.

  11. Comparison of F(ab')2 versus Fab antivenom for pit viper envenomation: a prospective, blinded, multicenter, randomized clinical trial. (United States)

    Bush, Sean P; Ruha, Anne-Michelle; Seifert, Steven A; Morgan, David L; Lewis, Brandon J; Arnold, Thomas C; Clark, Richard F; Meggs, William J; Toschlog, Eric A; Borron, Stephen W; Figge, Gary R; Sollee, Dawn R; Shirazi, Farshad M; Wolk, Robert; de Chazal, Ives; Quan, Dan; García-Ubbelohde, Walter; Alagón, Alejandro; Gerkin, Richard D; Boyer, Leslie V


    Crotalidae Polyvalent Immune Fab (Ovine) has been the only antivenom commercially available in the US since 2007 for treatment of Crotalinae envenomation. Late coagulopathy can occur or recur after clearance of Fab antivenom, often after hospital discharge, lasting in some cases more than 2 weeks. There have been serious, even fatal, bleeding complications associated with recurrence phenomena. Frequent follow-up is required, and additional intervention or hospitalization is often necessary. F(ab')2 immunoglobulin derivatives have longer plasma half life than do Fab. We hypothesized that F(ab')2 antivenom would be superior to Fab in the prevention of late coagulopathy following treatment of patients with Crotalinae envenomation. We conducted a prospective, double-blind, randomized clinical trial, comparing late coagulopathy in snakebitten patients treated with F(ab')2 with maintenance doses [F(ab')2/F(ab')2], or F(ab')2 with placebo maintenance doses [F(ab')2/placebo], versus Fab with maintenance doses [Fab/Fab]. The primary efficacy endpoint was coagulopathy (platelet count Fab/Fab cohort experienced late coagulopathy versus 4/39 (10.3%, p < 0.05) in the F(ab')2/F(ab')2 cohort and 2/38 (5.3%, p < 0.05) in the F(ab')2/placebo cohort. The lowest heterologous protein exposure was with F(ab')2/placebo. No serious adverse events were related to study drug. In each study arm, one patient experienced an acute serum reaction and one experienced serum sickness. In this study, management of coagulopathic Crotalinae envenomation with longer-half-life F(ab')2 antivenom, with or without maintenance dosing, reduced the risk of subacute coagulopathy and bleeding following treatment of envenomation.

  12. Pressure tracking control of vehicle ABS using piezo valve modulator (United States)

    Jeon, Juncheol; Choi, Seung-Bok


    This paper presents a wheel slip control for the ABS(anti-lock brake system) of a passenger vehicle using a controllable piezo valve modulator. The ABS is designed to optimize for braking effectiveness and good steerability. As a first step, the principal design parameters of the piezo valve and pressure modulator are appropriately determined by considering the braking pressure variation during the ABS operation. The proposed piezo valve consists of a flapper, pneumatic circuit and a piezostack actuator. In order to get wide control range of the pressure, the pressure modulator is desired. The modulator consists of a dual-type cylinder filled with different substances (fluid and gas) and a piston rod moving vertical axis to transmit the force. Subsequently, a quarter car wheel slip model is formulated and integrated with the governing equation of the piezo valve modulator. A sliding mode controller to achieve the desired slip rate is then designed and implemented. Braking control performances such as brake pressure and slip rate are evaluated via computer simulations.

  13. Ab initio nuclear structure - the large sparse matrix eigenvalue problem

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Vary, James P; Maris, Pieter [Department of Physics, Iowa State University, Ames, IA, 50011 (United States); Ng, Esmond; Yang, Chao [Computational Research Division, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, CA 94720 (United States); Sosonkina, Masha, E-mail: jvary@iastate.ed [Scalable Computing Laboratory, Ames Laboratory, Iowa State University, Ames, IA, 50011 (United States)


    The structure and reactions of light nuclei represent fundamental and formidable challenges for microscopic theory based on realistic strong interaction potentials. Several ab initio methods have now emerged that provide nearly exact solutions for some nuclear properties. The ab initio no core shell model (NCSM) and the no core full configuration (NCFC) method, frame this quantum many-particle problem as a large sparse matrix eigenvalue problem where one evaluates the Hamiltonian matrix in a basis space consisting of many-fermion Slater determinants and then solves for a set of the lowest eigenvalues and their associated eigenvectors. The resulting eigenvectors are employed to evaluate a set of experimental quantities to test the underlying potential. For fundamental problems of interest, the matrix dimension often exceeds 10{sup 10} and the number of nonzero matrix elements may saturate available storage on present-day leadership class facilities. We survey recent results and advances in solving this large sparse matrix eigenvalue problem. We also outline the challenges that lie ahead for achieving further breakthroughs in fundamental nuclear theory using these ab initio approaches.

  14. Ab initio nuclear structure - the large sparse matrix eigenvalue problem

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Vary, James P; Maris, Pieter; Ng, Esmond; Yang, Chao; Sosonkina, Masha


    The structure and reactions of light nuclei represent fundamental and formidable challenges for microscopic theory based on realistic strong interaction potentials. Several ab initio methods have now emerged that provide nearly exact solutions for some nuclear properties. The ab initio no core shell model (NCSM) and the no core full configuration (NCFC) method, frame this quantum many-particle problem as a large sparse matrix eigenvalue problem where one evaluates the Hamiltonian matrix in a basis space consisting of many-fermion Slater determinants and then solves for a set of the lowest eigenvalues and their associated eigenvectors. The resulting eigenvectors are employed to evaluate a set of experimental quantities to test the underlying potential. For fundamental problems of interest, the matrix dimension often exceeds 10 10 and the number of nonzero matrix elements may saturate available storage on present-day leadership class facilities. We survey recent results and advances in solving this large sparse matrix eigenvalue problem. We also outline the challenges that lie ahead for achieving further breakthroughs in fundamental nuclear theory using these ab initio approaches.

  15. Ab-initio calculations of superconducting properties of YBa2Cu3O7

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhao, G.L.; Bagayoko, D.


    The authors present ab-initio calculations for the electronic structure and superconducting properties of YBa 2 Cu 3 O 7 (YBCO). The electronic structure was calculated using a self-consistent ab-initio LCAO method. They solved the anisotropic Eliashberg gap equation numerically. The strong coupling of the high energy optical phonons around 60--73 meV, with the electrons at the Fermi surface, leads to a high Tc in YBCO. The calculated Tc is about 89 K for μ* = 0.1. The good agreement of the calculated results with experimental measurements and the ab-initio nature of the calculations support the scenario of an anisotropic s-wave superconductor for YBCO

  16. On the impact of `smart tyres' on existing ABS/EBD control systems (United States)

    Cheli, Federico; Leo, Elisbetta; Melzi, Stefano; Sabbioni, Edoardo


    The paper focuses on the possibility of enhancing the performances of the ABS (Antilock Braking System)/EBD (electronic braking distribution) control system by using the additional information provided by 'smart tyres' (i.e. tyres with embedded sensors and digital-computing capability). In particular, on the basis of previous works [Braghin et al., Future car active controls through the measurement of contact forces and patch features, Veh. Syst. Dyn. 44 (2006), pp. 3-13], the authors assumed that these components should be able to provide estimates for the normal loads acting on the four wheels and for the tyre-road friction coefficient. The benefits produced by the introduction of these additional channels into the existing ABS/EBD control logic were evaluated through simulations carried out with a validated 14 degrees of freedom (dofs) vehicle + ABS/EBD control logic numerical model. The performance of the ABS control system was evaluated through a series of braking manoeuvres on straight track focusing the attention on μ -jump conditions, while the performance of the EBD control system was assessed by means of braking manoeuvres carried out considering several weight distributions.

  17. RssAB signaling coordinates early development of surface multicellularity in Serratia marcescens.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Yu-Huan Tsai

    Full Text Available Bacteria can coordinate several multicellular behaviors in response to environmental changes. Among these, swarming and biofilm formation have attracted significant attention for their correlation with bacterial pathogenicity. However, little is known about when and where the signaling occurs to trigger either swarming or biofilm formation. We have previously identified an RssAB two-component system involved in the regulation of swarming motility and biofilm formation in Serratia marcescens. Here we monitored the RssAB signaling status within single cells by tracing the location of the translational fusion protein EGFP-RssB following development of swarming or biofilm formation. RssAB signaling is specifically activated before surface migration in swarming development and during the early stage of biofilm formation. The activation results in the release of RssB from its cognate inner membrane sensor kinase, RssA, to the cytoplasm where the downstream gene promoters are located. Such dynamic localization of RssB requires phosphorylation of this regulator. By revealing the temporal activation of RssAB signaling following development of surface multicellular behavior, our findings contribute to an improved understanding of how bacteria coordinate their lifestyle on a surface.

  18. Tratamento químico superficial e metalização de ABS, PVC e blendas de PVC/ABS

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ana Paula Kurek


    Full Text Available Visando à substituição do ABS em peças cromadas, amostras de PVC e blendas de PVC/ABS, na razão mássica de 20/80, 40/60 e 60/40, foram submetidas ao pré-tratamento em solução sulfocrômica sob diferentes condições de concentração, tempo e temperatura e sendo em seguida cromadas. As modificações na superfície das peças após o condicionamento foram analisadas por microscopia eletrônica de varredura, microscopia de força atômica e rugosidade. A qualidade da deposição metálica foi avaliada por inspeção visual e teste de adesão. Os resultados mostraram que, aumentando a concentração de PVC nas peças necessitou-se de condições operacionais mais agressivas, tais como maiores temperaturas de banho, tempo de imersão e concentração de solução sulfocrômica para que ocorresse a adesão da camada metálica. De todas as condições testadas com a solução condicionante sulfocrômica no tratamento das peças de PVC e blendas PVC/ABS de 20/80 e 40/60, a concentração de 350 g/L de ácido crômico e 400 g/L de ácido sulfúrico, temperatura de 70°C e tempo de imersão de 15 minutos, ocasionou deposição do metal em toda a superfície das peças, as quais foram aprovadas nos testes de adesão e corrosão.

  19. Ab Initio Atomistic Thermodynamics for Surfaces: A Primer

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library

    Rogal, Jutta; Reuter, Karsten


    .... These techniques are referred to as first-principles (or in latin: ab initio) to indicate that they do not rely on empirical or fitted parameters, which then makes them applicable for a wide range of realistic conditions...

  20. Inheritance Patterns, Dominance and Cross-Resistance of Cry1Ab- and Cry1Ac-Selected Ostrinia furnacalis (Guenée

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Tiantao Zhang


    Full Text Available Two colonies of Asian corn borer, Ostrinia furnacalis (Guenée, artificially selected from a Bt-susceptible colony (ACB-BtS for resistance to Cry1Ab (ACB-AbR and Cry1Ac (ACB-AcR toxins, were used to analyze inheritance patterns of resistance to Cry1 toxins. ACB-AbR and ACB-AcR evolved significant levels of resistance, with resistance ratios (RR of 39-fold and 78.8-fold to Cry1Ab and Cry1Ac, respectively. The susceptibility of ACB-AbR larvae to Cry1Ac and Cry1F toxins, which had not previously been exposed, were significantly reduced, being >113-fold and 48-fold, respectively. Similarly, susceptibility of ACB-AcR larvae to Cry1Ab and Cry1F were also significantly reduced (RR > nine-fold, RR > 18-fold, respectively, indicating cross-resistance among Cry1Ab, Cry1Ac, and Cry1F toxins. However, ACB-AbR and ACB-AcR larvae were equally susceptible to Cry1Ie as were ACB-BtS larvae, indicating no cross-resistance between Cry1Ie and Cry1Ab or Cry1Ac toxins; this may provide considerable benefits in preventing or delaying the evolution of resistance in ACB to Cry1Ab and Cry1Ac toxins. Backcrossing studies indicated that resistance to Cry1Ab toxin was polygenic in ACB-AbR, but monogenic in ACB-AcR, whilst resistance to Cry1Ac toxin was primarily monogenic in both ACB-AbR and ACB-AcR, but polygenic as resistance increased.

  1. Formation of reflective and conductive silver film on ABS surface via covalent grafting and solution spray

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Chen, Dexin; Zhang, Yan [School of Mechanical and Automotive Engineering, South China University of Technology, 381 Wushan, Guangzhou 510640 (China); Bessho, Takeshi [Higashifuji Technical Center, Toyota Motor Corporation, 1200 Mishuku, Susono, Shizuoka 410-1193 (Japan); Kudo, Takahiro; Sang, Jing; Hirahara, Hidetoshi; Mori, Kunio [Faculty of Engineering, Iwate University, 4-3-5 Ueda, Morioka 020-8551 (Japan); Kang, Zhixin, E-mail: [School of Mechanical and Automotive Engineering, South China University of Technology, 381 Wushan, Guangzhou 510640 (China)


    Highlights: • A pure and homogenous silver film was deposited by spray-style plating technique. • The mechanism of covalent bonding between coating and substrate was studied. • The silver coating is highly reflective and conductive. • UV light was used to activate the ABS surface with triazine azide derivative. - Abstract: Conductive and reflective silver layers on acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS) plastics have been prepared by photo grafting of triazine azides upon ultraviolet activation, self-assembling of triazine dithiols and silver electroless plating by solution spray based on silver mirror reaction. The as-prepared silver film exhibited excellent adhesion with ABS owing to covalent bonds between coating and substrate, and the detailed bonding mechanism have been investigated by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). X-ray diffraction (XRD) result revealed that silver film on ABS was pure and with a nanocrystalline structure. Atomic force microscope (AFM) analysis demonstrated that massive silver particles with sizes varying from 80 to 120 nm were deposited on ABS and formed a homogenous and smooth coating, resulting in highly reflective surface. Furthermore, silver maintained its unique conductivity even as film on ABS surface in term of four-point probe method.

  2. Formation of reflective and conductive silver film on ABS surface via covalent grafting and solution spray

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chen, Dexin; Zhang, Yan; Bessho, Takeshi; Kudo, Takahiro; Sang, Jing; Hirahara, Hidetoshi; Mori, Kunio; Kang, Zhixin


    Highlights: • A pure and homogenous silver film was deposited by spray-style plating technique. • The mechanism of covalent bonding between coating and substrate was studied. • The silver coating is highly reflective and conductive. • UV light was used to activate the ABS surface with triazine azide derivative. - Abstract: Conductive and reflective silver layers on acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS) plastics have been prepared by photo grafting of triazine azides upon ultraviolet activation, self-assembling of triazine dithiols and silver electroless plating by solution spray based on silver mirror reaction. The as-prepared silver film exhibited excellent adhesion with ABS owing to covalent bonds between coating and substrate, and the detailed bonding mechanism have been investigated by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). X-ray diffraction (XRD) result revealed that silver film on ABS was pure and with a nanocrystalline structure. Atomic force microscope (AFM) analysis demonstrated that massive silver particles with sizes varying from 80 to 120 nm were deposited on ABS and formed a homogenous and smooth coating, resulting in highly reflective surface. Furthermore, silver maintained its unique conductivity even as film on ABS surface in term of four-point probe method

  3. Evaluation of a fully automated treponemal test and comparison with conventional VDRL and FTA-ABS tests. (United States)

    Park, Yongjung; Park, Younhee; Joo, Shin Young; Park, Myoung Hee; Kim, Hyon-Suk


    We evaluated analytic performances of an automated treponemal test and compared this test with the Venereal Disease Research Laboratory test (VDRL) and fluorescent treponemal antibody absorption test (FTA-ABS). Precision performance of the Architect Syphilis TP assay (TP; Abbott Japan, Tokyo, Japan) was assessed, and 150 serum samples were assayed with the TP before and after heat inactivation to estimate the effect of heat inactivation. A total of 616 specimens were tested with the FTA-ABS and TP, and 400 were examined with the VDRL. The TP showed good precision performance with total imprecision of less than a 10% coefficient of variation. An excellent linear relationship between results before and after heat inactivation was observed (R(2) = 0.9961). The FTA-ABS and TP agreed well with a κ coefficient of 0.981. The concordance rate between the FTA-ABS and TP was the highest (99.0%), followed by the rates between FTA-ABS and VDRL (85.0%) and between TP and VDRL (83.8%). The automated TP assay may be adequate for screening for syphilis in a large volume of samples and can be an alternative to FTA-ABS.

  4. AP calculus AB/BC

    CERN Document Server

    Schwartz, Stu


    All Access for the AP® Calculus AB & BC Exams Book + Web + Mobile Everything you need to prepare for the Advanced Placement® exam, in a study system built around you! There are many different ways to prepare for an Advanced Placement® exam. What's best for you depends on how much time you have to study and how comfortable you are with the subject matter. To score your highest, you need a system that can be customized to fit you: your schedule, your learning style, and your current level of knowledge. This book, and the free online tools that come with it, will help you personalize your AP® Cal

  5. Combined glaucoma and cataract surgery: Comparison of viscocanalostomy, endocyclophotocoagulation, and ab interno trabeculectomy. (United States)

    Moghimi, Sasan; Hamzeh, Nikoo; Mohammadi, Massood; Khatibi, Nassim; Bowd, Christopher; Weinreb, Robert N


    To compare outcomes of phacoemulsification combined with viscocanalostomy, endocyclophotocoagulation (ECP), or ab interno trabulectomy for intraocular pressure (IOP) control and safety in eyes with open-angle glaucoma and visually significant cataract. Farabi Eye Hospital, Tehran, Iran. Retrospective case series. Medical records of patients who had combined surgery and were followed for at least 1 year were reviewed. Complete success, postoperative IOP, number of medications at each visit, and complications were evaluated and compared before and after adjustments for confounders. Forty-six eyes had combined phacoviscocanalostomy, 35 had phaco-ECP, and 28 eyes phaco-ab interno trabulectomy. The groups were matched for baseline IOP (P = .24). At the final follow-up (mean 17.2 months ± 5.5 [SD]), the phacoviscocanalostomy group had the lowest mean IOP (13.5 ± 4.7 mm Hg, 29% decrease) (P = .01). There was no significant difference in the final IOP between phaco-ECP and phaco-ab interno trabulectomy (16.4 ± 3.9 mm Hg, 20% decrease versus 15.8 ± 4.2 mm Hg, 15% decrease) (P = .88). The reduction in the number of medications was greater with phacoviscocanalostomy (77%) than with phaco-ECP (40%) and phaco-ab interno trabulectomy (44%) (P = .01). Phacoemulsification-ab interno trabulectomy had the fewest complications. Intraocular pressure spikes were more frequent in the phaco-ECP group (20%) than in the other groups (4%) (P = .05). All procedures significantly lowered IOP. Phacoemulsification-ab interno trabulectomy resulted in fewest complications and phacoviscocanalostomy led to the largest IOP drop and largest reduction of medications. Copyright © 2018 ASCRS and ESCRS. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  6. Field-evolved resistance to Cry1Ab maize by Spodoptera frugiperda in Brazil. (United States)

    Omoto, Celso; Bernardi, Oderlei; Salmeron, Eloisa; Sorgatto, Rodrigo J; Dourado, Patrick M; Crivellari, Augusto; Carvalho, Renato A; Willse, Alan; Martinelli, Samuel; Head, Graham P


    The first Bt maize in Brazil was launched in 2008 and contained the MON 810 event, which expresses Cry1Ab protein. Although the Cry1Ab dose in MON 810 is not high against fall armyworm (FAW), Spodoptera frugiperda (J.E. Smith), MON 810 provided commercial levels of control. To support insect resistance management in Brazil, the baseline and ongoing susceptibility of FAW was examined using protein bioassays, and the level of control and life history parameters of FAW were evaluated on MON 810 maize. Baseline diet overlay assays with Cry1Ab (16 µg cm(-2) ) caused 76.3% mortality to field FAW populations sampled in 2009. Moderate mortality (48.8%) and significant growth inhibition (88.4%) were verified in leaf-disc bioassays. In greenhouse trials, MON 810 had significantly less damage than non-Bt maize. The surviving FAW larvae on MON 810 (22.4%) had a 5.5 day increase in life cycle time and a 24% reduction in population growth rate. Resistance monitoring (2010-2015) showed a significant reduction in Cry1Ab susceptibility of FAW over time. Additionally, a significant reduction in the field efficacy of MON 810 maize against FAW was observed in different regions from crop season 2009 to 2013. The decrease in susceptibility to Cry1Ab was expected, but the specific contributions to this resistance by MON 810 maize cannot be distinguished from cross-resistance to Cry1Ab caused by exposure to Cry1F maize. Technologies combining multiple novel insecticidal traits with no cross-resistance to the current Cry1 proteins and high activity against the same target pests should be pursued in Brazil and similar environments. © 2015 Society of Chemical Industry. © 2015 Society of Chemical Industry.

  7. Synthesis of an A'B' Precursor to Angelmicin B: Product Diversification in the Suárez Lactol Fragmentation. (United States)

    Li, Jialiang; Todaro, Louis; Mootoo, David R


    We describe a synthetic strategy for the angelimicin family of anthraquinoid natural products that involves converting a central highly oxygenated decalin intermediate to the AB and A'B' subunits. Herein, we report the synthesis of the bicyclic A'B' subunit that complements our earlier route to the tricyclic AB framework. The differentiating tact in the two syntheses focused on controlling the Suárez radical fragmentation of lactol precursors by modulating the substrate's structural rigidity. A more flexible lactol gave the tricyclic AB framework, whereas a more rigid substrate led to the bicyclic A'B' precursor, presumably through divergent pathways from the radical produced in the initial fragmentation step. These results establish a versatile advanced synthetic precursor for the angelimicins, and on a more general note, illustrate strategies for applying the Suárez fragmentation to diverse and complex molecular frameworks.

  8. AB INITIO calculations of magneto-optical effects

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Kuneš, Jan; Oppeneer, P. M.


    Roč. 2, - (2002), s. 141-146 ISSN 1346-7948 R&D Projects: GA AV ČR IAA1010214 Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z1010914 Keywords : electronic structure * ab initio calculation * polar magneto-optical Kerr effect * transitiom metal * uranium intermetallics * CrO 2 Subject RIV: BM - Solid Matter Physics ; Magnetism

  9. Evaluation of tumor targeting with radiolabeled F(ab2 fragment of a humanized monoclonal antibody

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    "Babaei MH


    Full Text Available Humanized monoclonal antibody U36 and its F(ab'2 fragment, radio labeled with 125I, were tested for tumor localization in nude mice bearing a squamous cell carcinoma xenograft line derived from a head and neck carcinoma. Monoclonal antibody IgG or F(ab'2 fragment were injected in parallel and at days 1, 2 and 3, mice were dissected for determination of isotope biodistribution. IgG as well as F(ab'2 showed highly specific localization in tumor tissue. The mean tumor uptake (n=3 is expressed as the percentage of the injected dose per gram of tumor tissue (%ID/g. %ID/g of IgG was 11.7% at day 1 and decreased to 10.9% at day 3 whereas %ID/g of F(ab'2 was 2.9% at day 1 and decreased on following days. Tumor to blood ratios (T/B at day 1 were 0.86 for IgG and 1.32 for F(ab'2 and reached a maximum at day 3 with values of 4.41 and 1.84 respectively. These findings suggest that the superior tumor to non-tumor ratios in the day of 1 render the F(ab'2 fragment more qualified for specific targeting radioisotopes to tumor xenografts in this exprimental setting.

  10. Ab initio investigation of isomerism in not rigid dimer molecules of (LiAB)2 salts with 20 valent electrons (AB-=BO-, AlO-, BS-, AlS-, CN-, CP-, SiN-, SiP-)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Charkin, O.P.; Klimenko, N.M.; MakKi, M.L.; Shlojer, P.R.


    Ab initio calculations of potential energy surfaces in neighborhood of key structures of non rigid dimer molecules of lithium salts of (LiAB) 2 type - (LiBO) 2 , (LiAlO) 2 , (LiBS) 2 , (LiAlS) 2 , (LiCN) 2 , (LiSiN) 2 , (LiCP) 2 , (LiSiP) 2 - with 20 valent electrons are done in the framework of MP2/6-31G8//HF/6-31G* + ZPE(HF/6-31G*) and MP4SDTQ/6-31G*//MP2/6-31G* + ZPE(MP2/6-31G*) approximations. Totality of low-lying isomers containing four- and six-membered cycles with lithium bridges is localized. It is shown that for all cycles not rigidity to high deformation of angles in the case of low energy changes is characterized. Equilibrium geometrical parameters, relative energy and energy of isomer decomposition, frequency and intensities of normal vibrations are determined [ru

  11. Leonid Apananski müüs AB Grupi maa oma firmale / Silva Männik

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Männik, Silva, 1974-


    Ilmunud ka: Den za Dnjom Nov/26 lk. 8. Apananski müüs AB Kindlustuse Grupile kuulunud Maakri tänava kinnistu. Skeem: AB Grupist on välja viidud ligikaudu 70 milj. krooni. Ilmunud ka: Den za Dnjom 23. nov. lk. 3

  12. Bioinformatic analysis of phage AB3, a phiKMV-like virus infecting Acinetobacter baumannii. (United States)

    Zhang, J; Liu, X; Li, X-J


    The phages of Acinetobacter baumannii has drawn increasing attention because of the multi-drug resistance of A. baumanni. The aim of this study was to sequence Acinetobacter baumannii phage AB3 and conduct bioinformatic analysis to lay a foundation for genome remodeling and phage therapy. We isolated and sequenced A. baumannii phage AB3 and attempted to annotate and analyze its genome. The results showed that the genome is a double-stranded DNA with a total length of 31,185 base pairs (bp) and 97 open reading frames greater than 100 bp. The genome includes 28 predicted genes, of which 24 are homologous to phage AB1. The entire coding sequence is located on the negative strand, representing 90.8% of the total length. The G+C mol% was 39.18%, without areas of high G+C content over 200 bp in length. No GC island, tRNA gene, or repeated sequence was identified. Gene lengths were 120-3099 bp, with an average of 1011 bp. Six genes were found to be greater than 2000 bp in length. Genomic alignment and phylogenetic analysis of the RNA polymerase gene showed that similar to phage AB1, phage AB3 is a phiKMV-like virus in the T7 phage family.

  13. Augmented wave ab initio EFG calculations: some methodological warnings

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Errico, Leonardo A.; Renteria, Mario; Petrilli, Helena M.


    We discuss some accuracy aspects inherent to ab initio electronic structure calculations in the understanding of nuclear quadrupole interactions. We use the projector augmented wave method to study the electric-field gradient (EFG) at both Sn and O sites in the prototype cases SnO and SnO 2 . The term ab initio is used in the standard context of the also called first principles methods in the framework of the Density Functional Theory. As the main contributions of EFG calculations to problems in condensed matter physics are related to structural characterizations on the atomic scale, we discuss the 'state of the art' on theoretical EFG calculations and make a brief critical review on the subject, calling attention to some fundamental theoretical aspects

  14. Augmented wave ab initio EFG calculations: some methodological warnings

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Errico, Leonardo A. [Departamento de Fisica-IFLP (CONICET), Facultad de Ciencias Exactas, Universidad Nacional de La Plata, CC67 (1900) La Plata (Argentina); Renteria, Mario [Departamento de Fisica-IFLP (CONICET), Facultad de Ciencias Exactas, Universidad Nacional de La Plata, CC67 (1900) La Plata (Argentina); Petrilli, Helena M. [Instituto de Fisica-DFMT, Universidade de Sao Paulo, C.P. 66318, 05315-970 Sao Paulo, SP (Brazil)]. E-mail:


    We discuss some accuracy aspects inherent to ab initio electronic structure calculations in the understanding of nuclear quadrupole interactions. We use the projector augmented wave method to study the electric-field gradient (EFG) at both Sn and O sites in the prototype cases SnO and SnO{sub 2}. The term ab initio is used in the standard context of the also called first principles methods in the framework of the Density Functional Theory. As the main contributions of EFG calculations to problems in condensed matter physics are related to structural characterizations on the atomic scale, we discuss the 'state of the art' on theoretical EFG calculations and make a brief critical review on the subject, calling attention to some fundamental theoretical aspects.

  15. Data characteristics and preliminary results from the atacama b-mode search (ABS) (United States)

    Visnjic, Catherine

    The Atacama B-Mode Search (ABS) is a 145 GHz polarimeter located at a high altitude site on Cerro Toco, in the Andes of northern Chile. Having deployed in early 2012, it is currently in its second year of operation, observing the polarization of the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB). It seeks to probe the as yet undetected odd-parity B-modes of the polarization, which would have been created by the primordial gravitational wave background (GWB) predicted by theories of inflation. The magnitude of the B-mode signal is characterized by the tensor-to-scalar ratio, r. ABS features 60 cm cryogenic reflectors in the crossed-Dragone configuration, and a warm, continuously rotating sapphire half-wave plate to modulate the polarization of incoming radiation. The focal plane consists of 480 antenna-coupled transition edge sensor bolometers, arranged in orthogonal pairs for polarization sensitivity, and coupled to feedhorns in a hexagonal array. In this thesis we describe the ABS instrument in the state in which it is now operating, outline the first season of observations, and characterize the data obtained. Focusing on observations of the primary CMB field during a one month reference period, we detail the algorithms currently used to select the data suitable for making maps. This is the first pass at data cuts and provides a conservative estimate for the sensitivity of ABS to the polarization modes in the sky. We project that with one year total observation time of the primary CMB field, ABS should be able to detect the B-mode signal at roughly the level of r = 0.03.

  16. Combined clear corneal phacoemulsification and ab interno trabeculectomy: three-year case series. (United States)

    Ferrari, Ettore; Bandello, Francesco; Roman-Pognuz, Derri; Menchini, Francesca


    To evaluate the efficacy and safety of a novel surgical approach, ab interno trabeculectomy, in a combined procedure (clear corneal phacoemulsification + ab interno trabeculectomy) for the management of concurrent cataract and glaucoma with prognostic factors for filtration failure. Department of Ophthalmology, Palmanova Hospital, Udine, Italy. A prospective noncomparative case series of 11 eyes of 11 consecutive cataract patients with medically uncontrolled primary open-angle glaucoma or pseudoexfoliation glaucoma was performed. Each patient had phacoemulsification + intraocular lens implantation + ab interno trabeculectomy, which consisted of a gonioscopically controlled ab interno removal of a quadrant (3 clock hours) of the trabecular meshwork. The main outcome measures were intraocular pressure (IOP), the number of antiglaucomatous medications used, and complications. Ten patients completed a 3-year follow-up. One patient had further surgery because of poor IOP control; in this case, the last valid observation was carried forward for IOP calculation. Mean preoperative IOP and IOPs measured 1, 3, 6, 12, 24, and 36 months after surgery were 25.0, 15.8, 15.4, 15.4, 15.2, 15.0, and 15.3 (-38.56%) mm Hg respectively. The number of medications averaged 2.4 before surgery and dropped to 0.8 at the end of follow-up. No major complications occurred during the follow-up period. The new surgical procedure combining phacoemulsification with ab interno trabeculectomy can induce a clinically relevant decrease in IOP in eyes with cataract and glaucoma with poor prognosis for filtering surgery. However, a randomized controlled clinical trial with a more extended follow-up and a larger series of patients is needed to ascertain the actual effectiveness and safety of this procedure.

  17. The Pu–U–Am system: An ab initio informed CALPHAD thermodynamic study

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Perron, A.; Turchi, P.E.A.; Landa, A.; Söderlind, P.; Ravat, B.; Oudot, B.; Delaunay, F.


    Highlights: • The ab initio informed CALPHAD assessment of the Am–U system has been realized. • A strong tendency toward phase separation across the whole composition range is predicted. • The ab initio informed Pu–U–Am thermodynamic database has been developed. • The solubility of Am and U in the liquid phase is improved by adding Pu. • The δ-Pu (fcc) phase is strongly stabilized by Am, on the contrary to the bcc phase. - Abstract: Phase diagram and thermodynamic properties of the Am–U system, that are experimentally unknown, are calculated using the CALPHAD method with input from ab initio electronic-structure calculations for the fcc and bcc phases. A strong tendency toward phase separation across the whole composition range is predicted. In addition, ab initio informed Pu–U and Am–Pu thermodynamic assessments are combined to build a Pu–U–Am thermodynamic database. Regarding the Pu-rich corner of the ternary system, predictions indicate that Am acts as a powerful δ-Pu (fcc) stabilizer. In the U-rich corner, similar predictions are made but to a lesser extent. In both cases, the bcc phase is destabilized and the fcc phase is enhanced. Finally, results and methodology are discussed and compared with previous assessments and guidelines are provided for further experimental studies

  18. The Pu–U–Am system: An ab initio informed CALPHAD thermodynamic study

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Perron, A., E-mail: [Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, CA 94550 (United States); Turchi, P.E.A.; Landa, A.; Söderlind, P. [Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, CA 94550 (United States); Ravat, B.; Oudot, B.; Delaunay, F. [CEA-Centre de Valduc, 21120 Is sur Tille (France)


    Highlights: • The ab initio informed CALPHAD assessment of the Am–U system has been realized. • A strong tendency toward phase separation across the whole composition range is predicted. • The ab initio informed Pu–U–Am thermodynamic database has been developed. • The solubility of Am and U in the liquid phase is improved by adding Pu. • The δ-Pu (fcc) phase is strongly stabilized by Am, on the contrary to the bcc phase. - Abstract: Phase diagram and thermodynamic properties of the Am–U system, that are experimentally unknown, are calculated using the CALPHAD method with input from ab initio electronic-structure calculations for the fcc and bcc phases. A strong tendency toward phase separation across the whole composition range is predicted. In addition, ab initio informed Pu–U and Am–Pu thermodynamic assessments are combined to build a Pu–U–Am thermodynamic database. Regarding the Pu-rich corner of the ternary system, predictions indicate that Am acts as a powerful δ-Pu (fcc) stabilizer. In the U-rich corner, similar predictions are made but to a lesser extent. In both cases, the bcc phase is destabilized and the fcc phase is enhanced. Finally, results and methodology are discussed and compared with previous assessments and guidelines are provided for further experimental studies.

  19. Ab initio lattice dynamics of metal surfaces

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Heid, R.; Bohnen, K.-P.


    Dynamical properties of atoms on surfaces depend sensitively on their bonding environment and thus provide valuable insight into the local geometry and chemical binding at the boundary of a solid. Density-functional theory provides a unified approach to the calculation of structural and dynamical properties from first principles. Its high accuracy and predictive power for lattice dynamical properties of semiconductor surfaces has been demonstrated in a previous article by Fritsch and Schroeder (Phys. Rep. 309 (1999) 209). In this report, we review the state-of-the-art of these ab initio approaches to surface dynamical properties of metal surfaces. We give a brief introduction to the conceptual framework with focus on recent advances in computational procedures for the ab initio linear-response approach, which have been a prerequisite for an efficient treatment of surface dynamics of noble and transition metals. The discussed applications to clean and adsorbate-covered surfaces demonstrate the high accuracy and reliability of this approach in predicting detailed microscopic properties of the phonon dynamics for a wide range of metallic surfaces

  20. Focused Wind Mass Accretion in Mira AB (United States)

    Karovska, Margarita; de Val-Borro, M.; Hack, W.; Raymond, J.; Sasselov, D.; Lee, N. P.


    At a distance of about only 100pc, Mira AB is the nearest symbiotic system containing an Asymptotic Giant Branch (AGB) star (Mira A), and a compact accreting companion (Mira B) at about 0.5" from Mira A. Symbiotic systems are interacting binaries with a key evolutionary importance as potential progenitors of a fraction of asymmetric Planetary Nebulae, and SN type Ia, cosmological distance indicators. The region of interaction has been studied using high-angular resolution, multiwavelength observations ranging from radio to X-ray wavelengths. Our results, including high-angular resolution Chandra imaging, show a "bridge" between Mira A and Mira B, indicating gravitational focusing of the Mira A wind, whereby components exchange matter directly in addition to the wind accretion. We carried out a study using 2-D hydrodynamical models of focused wind mass accretion to determine the region of wind acceleration and the characteristics of the accretion in Mira AB. We highlight some of our results and discuss the impact on our understanding of accretion processes in symbiotic systems and other detached and semidetached interacting systems.

  1. Ab initio transport across bismuth selenide surface barriers

    KAUST Repository

    Narayan, Awadhesh; Rungger, Ivan; Droghetti, Andrea; Sanvito, Stefano


    © 2014 American Physical Society. We investigate the effect of potential barriers in the form of step edges on the scattering properties of Bi2Se3(111) topological surface states by means of large-scale ab initio transport simulations. Our results

  2. Phage-Mediated Competitive Chemiluminescent Immunoassay for Detecting Cry1Ab Toxin by Using an Anti-Idiotypic Camel Nanobody. (United States)

    Qiu, Yulou; Li, Pan; Dong, Sa; Zhang, Xiaoshuai; Yang, Qianru; Wang, Yulong; Ge, Jing; Hammock, Bruce D; Zhang, Cunzheng; Liu, Xianjin


    Cry toxins have been widely used in genetically modified organisms for pest control, raising public concern regarding their effects on the natural environment and food safety. In this work, a phage-mediated competitive chemiluminescent immunoassay (c-CLIA) was developed for determination of Cry1Ab toxin using anti-idiotypic camel nanobodies. By extracting RNA from camels' peripheral blood lymphocytes, a naive phage-displayed nanobody library was established. Using anti-Cry1Ab toxin monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) against the library for anti-idiotypic antibody screening, four anti-idiotypic nanobodies were selected and confirmed to be specific for anti-Cry1Ab mAb binding. Thereafter, a c-CLIA was developed for detection of Cry1Ab toxin based on anti-idiotypic camel nanobodies and employed for sample testing. The results revealed a half-inhibition concentration of developed assay to be 42.68 ± 2.54 ng/mL, in the linear range of 10.49-307.1 ng/mL. The established method is highly specific for Cry1Ab recognition, with negligible cross-reactivity for other Cry toxins. For spiked cereal samples, the recoveries of Cry1Ab toxin ranged from 77.4% to 127%, with coefficient of variation of less than 9%. This study demonstrated that the competitive format based on phage-displayed anti-idiotypic nanobodies can provide an alternative strategy for Cry toxin detection.

  3. Avaliação da degradação térmica e fotooxidativa do ABS Automotivo Thermal degradation and Photo-oxidation of the ABS used for automotive applications

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Elisabete M. S. Sanchez


    Full Text Available A degradação do ABS foi avaliada após envelhecimento térmico (ASTM D794 e fotooxidativo (ASTM G53 e G24. Essas condições foram escolhidas na tentativa de simular as condições a que esse polímero é submetido durante seu ciclo de vida como componente automobilístico. As mudanças ocorridas no ABS envelhecido pelos três métodos, em diferentes tempos, foram caracterizadas por ensaios mecânicos de tração e impacto, pelo índice de fluidez, pelo índice de carbonilas (FT-IR, pelo índice de amarelecimento e por fotografias ampliadas das fraturas de impacto. Os resultados mostraram que cada técnica utilizada fornece uma resposta característica em função do método de envelhecimento utilizado. A aplicação de técnicas de análise multivariada aos resultados permitiu uma visualização da degradação do material em função das técnicas de envelhecimento.The ABS degradation was investigated after thermal- (80°C and photo-oxidative ageing (ASTM G53 and G24. These conditions were selected to simulate a car interior and the ABS lifetime weatherability. ABS changes were characterised by mechanical properties, melt flow index, carbonyl index (FT-IR, yellowing index and macro-photography of impact fracture. The results showed that each technique gives a characteristically answer for the ageing method. The multivariate analysis provided the degradation view as a function of the ageing method.

  4. Time-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy and ab initio multiple spawning studies of hexamethylcyclopentadiene

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Wolf, T. J. A.; Kuhlman, Thomas Scheby; Schalk, O.


    Time-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy and ab initio multiple spawning were applied to the ultrafast non-adiabatic dynamics of hexamethylcyclopentadiene. The high level of agreement between experiment and theory associates wavepacket motion with a distinct degree of freedom.......Time-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy and ab initio multiple spawning were applied to the ultrafast non-adiabatic dynamics of hexamethylcyclopentadiene. The high level of agreement between experiment and theory associates wavepacket motion with a distinct degree of freedom....

  5. Ab Initio Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Furfural at the Liquid-Solid Interface


    Sanwu Wang; Hongli Dang; Wenhua Xue; Darwin Shields; Xin Liu; Friederike C. Jentoft; Daniel E. Resasco


    The bonding configuration and the heat of adsorption of a furfural molecule on the Pd(111) surface were determined by ab initio density-functional-theory calculations. The dynamics of pure liquid water, the liquid-solid interface formed by liquid water and the Pd(111) surface, as well as furfural at the water-Pd interface, were investigated by ab initio molecular dynamics simulations at finite temperatures. Calculations and simulations suggest that the bonding configurati...

  6. Atomic carbon chains as spin-transmitters: An ab initio transport study

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Fürst, Joachim Alexander; Brandbyge, Mads; Jauho, Antti-Pekka


    An atomic carbon chain joining two graphene flakes was recently realized in a ground-breaking experiment by Jin et al. (Phys. Rev. Lett., 102 (2009) 205501). We present ab initio results for the electron transport properties of such chains and demonstrate complete spin-polarization of the transmi......An atomic carbon chain joining two graphene flakes was recently realized in a ground-breaking experiment by Jin et al. (Phys. Rev. Lett., 102 (2009) 205501). We present ab initio results for the electron transport properties of such chains and demonstrate complete spin...

  7. Ab initio study of alanine polypeptide chain twisting

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Solov'yov, Ilia; Yakubovich, Alexander V.; Solov'yov, Andrey V.


    chains. These particular degrees of freedom are essential for the characterization of the proteins folding process. Calculations have been carried out within the ab initio theoretical framework based on the density functional theory and accounting for all the electrons in the system. We have determined...

  8. Ab initio simulation of dislocation cores in metals

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ventelon, L.


    In the framework of the multi scale simulation of metals and alloys plasticity, the aim of this study is to develop a methodology of ab initio dislocations study and to apply it to the [111] screw dislocation in the bc iron. (A.L.B.)

  9. ParABS Systems of the Four Replicons of Burkholderia cenocepacia: New Chromosome Centromeres Confer Partition Specificity† (United States)

    Dubarry, Nelly; Pasta, Franck; Lane, David


    Most bacterial chromosomes carry an analogue of the parABS systems that govern plasmid partition, but their role in chromosome partition is ambiguous. parABS systems might be particularly important for orderly segregation of multipartite genomes, where their role may thus be easier to evaluate. We have characterized parABS systems in Burkholderia cenocepacia, whose genome comprises three chromosomes and one low-copy-number plasmid. A single parAB locus and a set of ParB-binding (parS) centromere sites are located near the origin of each replicon. ParA and ParB of the longest chromosome are phylogenetically similar to analogues in other multichromosome and monochromosome bacteria but are distinct from those of smaller chromosomes. The latter form subgroups that correspond to the taxa of their hosts, indicating evolution from plasmids. The parS sites on the smaller chromosomes and the plasmid are similar to the “universal” parS of the main chromosome but with a sequence specific to their replicon. In an Escherichia coli plasmid stabilization test, each parAB exhibits partition activity only with the parS of its own replicon. Hence, parABS function is based on the independent partition of individual chromosomes rather than on a single communal system or network of interacting systems. Stabilization by the smaller chromosome and plasmid systems was enhanced by mutation of parS sites and a promoter internal to their parAB operons, suggesting autoregulatory mechanisms. The small chromosome ParBs were found to silence transcription, a property relevant to autoregulation. PMID:16452432

  10. A New Algorithm for ABS/GPS Integration Based on Fuzzy-Logic in Vehicle Navigation System

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ali Amin Zadeh


    Full Text Available GPS based vehicle navigation systems have difficulties in tracking vehicles in urban canyons due to poor satellite availability. ABS (Antilock Brake System Navigation System consists of self-contained optical encoders mounted on vehicle wheels that can continuously provide accurate short-term positioning information. In this paper, a new concept regarding GPS/ABS integration, based on Fuzzy Logic is presented. The proposed algorithm is used to identify GPS position accuracy based on environment and vehicle dynamic knowledge. The GPS is used as reference during the time it is in a good condition and replaced by ABS positioning system when GPS information is unreliable. We compare our proposed algorithm with other common algorithm in real environment. Our results show that the proposed algorithm can significantly improve the stability and reliability of ABS/GPS navigation system.

  11. Comparative study of intact A7 MoAc and F(ab')2 fragments for radioimmunoimaging of human colon cancer in nude mice

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kojima, Shuji; Suzuki, Naomi; Shimura, Noriko; Kubodera, Akiko; Kubota, Kazuhiko; Yamaguchi, Toshiharu; Takahashi, Toshio; Oyamada, Hiyoshimaru


    Differences of pharmacokinetics and tumor imaging ability between intact monoclonal antibody A7 (A7 MoAb) and F(ab) 2 fragments were studied in human colon cancer (LS-174T)-bearing nude mice. The authors examined the yield and the immunoreactivity of F(ab) 2 fragments after treatment with ficin as a function of time. The yield of F(ab) 2 fragments reached about 50% after ficin treatment for 8 h, and the F(ab) 2 retained about 80% of the immunoreactivity of the corresponding MoAb. Longer digestion with ficin produced smaller fragments (less than 92 kDa) with a lower yield and most of the immunoreactivity was lost. In pharmacokinetics studies, the F(ab') 2 was preferentially taken up by the tumor, cleared more rapidly from the blood circulation and seemed to have less non-specific tissue binding than intact A7 MoAb. The tumor image obtained at an early time using 131 I-F(ab') 2 was much superior in quality to that with intact 131 I-A7 MoAb. The use of F(ab') 2 fragments may be effective for tumor diagnosis and therapy. (author)

  12. Stellar Origin of 15N-rich Presolar SiC Grains of Type AB: Supernovae with Explosive Hydrogen Burning

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Liu, Nan; Nittler, Larry R.; Alexander, Conel M. O’D.; Wang, Jianhua; Pignatari, Marco


    We report C, N, and Si isotopic data for 59 highly 13 C-enriched presolar submicron- to micron-sized SiC grains from the Murchison meteorite, including eight putative nova grains (PNGs) and 29 15 N-rich ( 14 N/ 15 N ≤ solar) AB grains, and their Mg–Al, S, and Ca–Ti isotope data when available. These 37 grains are enriched in 13 C, 15 N, and 26 Al with the PNGs showing more extreme enhancements. The 15 N-rich AB grains show systematically higher 26 Al and 30 Si excesses than the 14 N-rich AB grains. Thus, we propose to divide the AB grains into groups 1 ( 14 N/ 15 N < solar) and 2 ( 14 N/ 15 N ≥ solar). For the first time, we have obtained both S and Ti isotopic data for five AB1 grains and one PNG and found 32 S and/or 50 Ti enhancements. Interestingly, one AB1 grain had the largest 32 S and 50 Ti excesses, strongly suggesting a neutron-capture nucleosynthetic origin of the 32 S excess and thus the initial presence of radiogenic 32 Si ( t 1/2 = 153 years). More importantly, we found that the 15 N and 26 Al excesses of AB1 grains form a trend that extends to the region in the N–Al isotope plot occupied by C2 grains, strongly indicating a common stellar origin for both AB1 and C2 grains. Comparison of supernova models with the AB1 and C2 grain data indicates that these grains came from supernovae that experienced H ingestion into the He/C zones of their progenitors.

  13. Use of an anti-platelet monoclonal antibody F (ab')2 fragment for imaging thrombus

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Loutfi, I.; Stuttle, A.W.J.; Peters, A.M.; George, P.; Lavender, J.P.; Lumley, P.


    Ten patients with suspected thrombus have been studied using 111 In-labelled F (ab')2 fragments of P256, a monoclonal antibody which recognizes an epitope on the platelet membrane glycoprotein IIb/IIIa complex. The F (ab')2 fragment was radiolabelled with 111 In via diethylenetri-aminepentamacetic acid to give a specific activity of up to 190 MBq (5mCi) mg - 1 without impairment of immunoreactivity. In vitro platelet aggregation studies showed that the F (ab')2 fragment caused less platelet aggregation than the whole antibody on a molar ratio and was without significant effect upon the sensitivity of platelets to a range of aggregating agents. Platalets were labelled in ten patients by intravenous injection of approximately 100 μg P256 F (ab')2. Of the ten patients studies, six showed localization of activity consistent with platelet accumulation. Localization was clearly seen when associated with thrombus of the lower limbs (three patients: deep vein thrombosis; one patient: aortofemoral graft), and was apparent although less marked in two other cases, one of aortic aneurysm and one of carotid stenosis. Use of radiolabelled P256 F (ab')2 offers a means of non-invasive detection of thrombus which, from in vitro studies, would appear to have less direct effect of platelet behaviour than the whole antibody. (author). 9 refs. 8 figs. 1 tab

  14. Preparation and characterization of ABS/anhydrous cobalt chloride composites (United States)

    Shao, Chengli; Shang, Peng; Mao, Yapeng; Li, Qiuying; Wu, Chifei


    Anhydrous cobalt chloride (CoCl2) particles filled acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene (ABS) composites were successfully prepared and investigated. A strong interfacial interaction between CoCl2 particles and ABS matrix was generated by heat pressing at 190 °C for 15 min. SEM results demonstrated that the particles were dispersed uniformly in the matrix. Fourier transform infrared, x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and electron spin resonance were used for the investigation of the coordination reaction. The interfacial interaction resulted from a solid-state coordination reaction between nitrile groups (-CN) and cobalt ions (Co2+), leading to an increase in mechanical properties and glass transition temperature. Moreover, heat deflection temperatures were measured and proved to achieve an improvement of 30.6 °C when the CoCl2 content was 7 wt%.

  15. Stellar Origin of 15N-rich Presolar SiC Grains of Type AB: Supernovae with Explosive Hydrogen Burning (United States)

    Liu, Nan; Nittler, Larry R.; Pignatari, Marco; O'D. Alexander, Conel M.; Wang, Jianhua


    We report C, N, and Si isotopic data for 59 highly 13C-enriched presolar submicron- to micron-sized SiC grains from the Murchison meteorite, including eight putative nova grains (PNGs) and 29 15N-rich (14N/15N ≤ solar) AB grains, and their Mg-Al, S, and Ca-Ti isotope data when available. These 37 grains are enriched in 13C, 15N, and 26Al with the PNGs showing more extreme enhancements. The 15N-rich AB grains show systematically higher 26Al and 30Si excesses than the 14N-rich AB grains. Thus, we propose to divide the AB grains into groups 1 (14N/15N PNG and found 32S and/or 50Ti enhancements. Interestingly, one AB1 grain had the largest 32S and 50Ti excesses, strongly suggesting a neutron-capture nucleosynthetic origin of the 32S excess and thus the initial presence of radiogenic 32Si (t 1/2 = 153 years). More importantly, we found that the 15N and 26Al excesses of AB1 grains form a trend that extends to the region in the N-Al isotope plot occupied by C2 grains, strongly indicating a common stellar origin for both AB1 and C2 grains. Comparison of supernova models with the AB1 and C2 grain data indicates that these grains came from supernovae that experienced H ingestion into the He/C zones of their progenitors.

  16. Dominant Modes in Light Nuclei - Ab Initio View of Emergent Symmetries

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Draayer, J P; Dytrych, T; Launey, K D; Dreyfuss, A C; Langr, D


    An innovative symmetry-guided concept is discussed with a focus on emergent symmetry patterns in complex nuclei. In particular, the ab initio symmetry-adapted no-core shell model (SA-NCSM), which capitalizes on exact as well as partial symmetries that underpin the structure of nuclei, provides remarkable insight into how simple symmetry patterns emerge in the many-body nuclear dynamics from first principles. This ab initio view is complemented by a fully microscopic no-core symplectic shell-model framework (NCSpM), which, in turn, informs key features of the primary physics responsible for the emergent phenomena of large deformation and alpha-cluster substructures in studies of the challenging Hoyle state in Carbon-12 and enhanced collectivity in intermediate-mass nuclei. Furthermore, by recognizing that deformed configurations often dominate the low-energy regime, the SA-NCSM provides a strategy for determining the nature of bound states of nuclei in terms of a relatively small subspace of the symmetry-reorganized complete model space, which opens new domains of nuclei for ab initio investigations, namely, the intermediate-mass region, including isotopes of Ne, Mg, and Si

  17. Realization of prediction of materials properties by ab initio ...

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)


    alization of the results of ab initio molecular dynamics simulation on atom insertion process to C60 and to carbon nanotube ... micro-clusters to estimate absolute highest occupied mo- .... To analyse the observed properties theoretically,.

  18. (4)He Thermophysical Properties: New Ab Initio Calculations. (United States)

    Hurly, John J; Mehl, James B


    Since 2000, atomic physicists have reduced the uncertainty of the helium-helium "ab initio" potential; for example, from approximately 0.6 % to 0.1 % at 4 bohr, and from 0.8 % to 0.1 % at 5.6 bohr. These results led us to: (1) construct a new inter-atomic potential ϕ 07, (2) recalculate values of the second virial coefficient, the viscosity, and the thermal conductivity of (4)He from 1 K to 10,000 K, and (3), analyze the uncertainties of the thermophysical properties that propagate from the uncertainty of ϕ 07 and from the Born-Oppenheimer approximation of the electron-nucleon quantum mechanical system. We correct minor errors in a previous publication [J. J. Hurly and M. R. Moldover, J. Res. Nat. Inst. Standards Technol. 105, 667 (2000)] and compare our results with selected data published after 2000. The ab initio results tabulated here can serve as standards for the measurement of thermophysical properties.

  19. 4He Thermophysical Properties: New Ab Initio Calculations (United States)

    Hurly, John J.; Mehl, James B.


    Since 2000, atomic physicists have reduced the uncertainty of the helium-helium “ab initio” potential; for example, from approximately 0.6 % to 0.1 % at 4 bohr, and from 0.8 % to 0.1 % at 5.6 bohr. These results led us to: (1) construct a new inter-atomic potential ϕ07, (2) recalculate values of the second virial coefficient, the viscosity, and the thermal conductivity of 4He from 1 K to 10,000 K, and (3), analyze the uncertainties of the thermophysical properties that propagate from the uncertainty of ϕ07 and from the Born-Oppenheimer approximation of the electron-nucleon quantum mechanical system. We correct minor errors in a previous publication [J. J. Hurly and M. R. Moldover, J. Res. Nat. Inst. Standards Technol. 105, 667 (2000)] and compare our results with selected data published after 2000. The ab initio results tabulated here can serve as standards for the measurement of thermophysical properties. PMID:27110456

  20. Experimental study of biotin-avidin pretargeting technique for anti-CEA McAb radioimmunoimaging

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sun Jianzhong; Zhu Chengmo; Guan Liang; Li Biao; Zhang Jixian; Shi Ailan; Zhang Suyin


    Biotin-avidin pretargeting technique was used in promoting the diagnostic efficacy of anti-CEA McAb radioimmunoimaging. CEA McAb was conjugated with biotin McAb (B-McAb), streptavidin (SA) was labeled with 131 I ( 131 I-SA) and DTPA-biotin with 111 In( 111 In-DTPA-B). Experimental human colonic tumor bearing nude mice were used. Two step method: B-McAb was preinjected, followed by 131 I SA 48h later, 24, 48, 96 and 120 h postinjection, γ-imaging and biodistribution were studied. Three step method: B-McAb was preinjected, followed by cold SA 24h later and 111 In-DTPA-B another 24h later. 2,6,24 and 48h postinjection, γ-imaging and biodistribution were also studied. Two step method: T/NT of all organs in experimental group was significantly increased compared with controls. The blood T/NT in experimental group and control group at 24 and 120h was 1.11:0.42 and 8.58:3.51, respectively. Tumor % ID/g in all organs slightly decreased compared with direct group. In γ-imaging radioactivity has been accumulated in tumor site as early as 24h, while only slightly visualized or non-visualized in controls. Three step method: in experimental group the blood T/NT reached 4.19 at 2 h, whereas all was < 1.37 at each phase of controls, the T/NT of all organs was also higher in experimental grouped than in controls. The tumor % ID/g in experimental group was 9.72% at 2h and 3.65% at 48h whereas % ID/g in controls in all phases was <3.07. The tumor clearly visualized at 2h and clearer at 48h in γ-imaging. In controls, the tumor was slightly visualized also to early stage, but faded away later on. Biotin-avidin pretargeting technique can elevate the T/NT ratio and decrease the blood background. Early imaging was obtained with better imaging quality

  1. Immunogenicity and therapeutic effects of recombinant Ag85AB fusion protein vaccines in mice infected with Mycobacterium tuberculosis. (United States)

    Liang, Yan; Zhang, Junxian; Yang, Yourong; Bai, Xuejuan; Yu, Qi; Li, Ning; Hou, Ying; Shi, Yingchang; Wang, Lan; Wu, Xueqiong


    The immune function of tuberculosis (TB) patients is disordered. By using immune regulators to assist chemotherapy for TB the curative effect might be improved. In this study, a vaccine containing Mycobacterium tuberculosis (M. tuberculosis) recombinant Ag85AB fusion protein (rAg85AB) was constructed and evaluated. The mice were immunized intramuscularly three times at two-week intervals with Ag85AB fusion protein combined with Corynebacterium parvum adjuvant (rAg85AB+CP). In comparison to control mice that received either CP alone or saline, the mice that received rAg85AB+CP had significantly higher number of T cells secreting IFN-γ and higher levels of specific antibodies of IgG, IgG1 and IgG2a isotypes in sera. The specific antibodies also had higher ratios of IgG2a to IgG1, indicating a predominant Th1 immune response. To test for immunotherapy of TB, M. tuberculosis infected mice were given three intramuscular doses of 20μg, 40μg or 60μg of rAg85AB in rAg85AB+CP, or phosphate-buffered saline (PBS), or CP or Mycobacterium phlei (M. Phlei) F.U.36. Compared with the PBS group, 20µg, 40µg and 60µg rAg85AB+CP and M. phlei F.U.36 groups reduced the pulmonary bacterial loads by 0.13, 0.15, 0.42 and 0.40 log 10 , and the liver bacterial loads by 0.64, 0.64, 0.53 and 0.61 log 10 , respectively. Pathological changes of lungs were less, and the lesions were limited to a certain extent in 40µg and 60µg rAg85AB+CP and M. phlei F.U.36 groups. These results showed that rAg85AB+CP had immunotherapeutic effect on TB, significantly increasing the cellular immune response, and inhibiting the growth of M. tuberculosis. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  2. AB0-incompatible living donor kidney transplantation: the long-term outcomes

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ya. G. Moysyuk


    Full Text Available Background: AB0-incompatible kidney transplantation is one of the ways to effectively expand the pool of living donors. In Russia, this technology has been used for more than 10 years, but until now there have been no reports on its long-term results. Aim: To evaluate the short- and long-term outcomes of the living-related AB0-incompatible kidney transplantations. Materials and methods: We analyzed the results of 49 consecutive AB0-incompatible kidney transplantations, performed from 2011 to 2017. Preoperative management of recipients included administration of rituximab and intravenous immunoglobulin, plasmapheresis and/or selective immunoadsorption, and combination of tacrolimus, mycophenolates and steroids. The target of anti-A/B antibody levels were is 1:8. All patients received standard immunosuppression after transplantation. Results: At baseline, median anti-A/B titer was 1:16 (1:2 to 1:1024 for IgM and 1:4 (0 to 1:512 for IgG. Median rituximab dose was 286 mg/m2 (range, from 94 to 396. To achieve target antibody levels, up to 10 plasmapheresis and/or immunoadsorption sessions (median, 2 were required. There were no deaths during the follow-up. Five grafts were lost, one of them due to hyperacute rejection. The incidence of biopsy-proven rejection was 6%. One-, three and six-year graft survival was 94%, 90% and 80%, respectively. Conclusion: Kidney transplantation across the AB0-incompatibility barrier is a  safe, successful and reasonable option to reduce the organ shortage. 

  3. Baseline sensitivity of lepidopteran corn pests in India to Cry1Ab insecticidal protein of Bacillus thuringiensis. (United States)

    Jalali, Sushil K; Lalitha, Yadavalli; Kamath, Subray P; Mohan, Komarlingam S; Head, Graham P


    Genetically engineered corn (Bt corn) expressing Bacillus thuringiensis Berliner insecticidal protein Cry1Ab is a biotechnological option being considered for management of lepidopteran corn pests in India. As a resistance management practice it was essential to determine the sensitivity of multiple populations of the stalk borer Chilo partellus (Swinhoe), pink borer Sesamia inferens (Walker) and the cob borer Helicoverpa armigera (Hübner) to Cry1Ab protein through bioassays. The insect populations were collected during growing seasons of Rabi 2005 (October 2005 to February 2006) and Kharif 2006 (May to September 2006). Multiple populations of the three lepidopteran corn pests were found to be susceptible to Cry1Ab. Median lethal concentrations (LC(50)) ranged between 0.008 and 0.068 microg Cry1Ab mL(-1) diet for 18 populations of C. partellus (across two seasons), between 0.12 and 1.99 microg mL(-1) for seven populations of H. armigera and between 0.46 and 0.56 microg mL(-1) for two populations of S. inferens. Dose-response concentrations for lethality and growth inhibition have been determined to mark baseline sensitivity of multiple populations of key lepidopteran corn pests in India to Cry1Ab protein. These benchmark values will be referenced while monitoring resistance to Cry1Ab should Bt corn hybrids expressing Cry1Ab be approved for commercial cultivation in India. Copyright (c) 2010 Society of Chemical Industry.

  4. Unraveling the structure of the h-BN/Rh(111) nanomesh with ab initio calculations

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Laskowski, R; Blaha, P


    The properties of a single layer of h-BN on top of a Rh(111) surface are discussed in terms of an ab initio generated force field approach as well as by direct ab initio density-functional theory (DFT) calculations. A single-layer model for the h-BN/Rh(111) nanomesh, in contrast to a previously considered (incomplete) double-layer model of h-BN, can explain the experimental data. The main focus of this work is to compare a force field approach described earlier in (Laskowski et al 2007 Phys. Rev. Lett. 98 106802) with direct ab initio calculations. The calculated geometry of the h-BN layer is very similar to the structure predicted by the force field approach. The ab initio calculated density of states projected on N-p x,y of BN corresponding to 'low' and 'high' regions with respect to the Rh surface shows a 1 eV splitting and thus explains the observed σ-band splitting. Moreover, we find good agreement between calculated and experimental scanning tunneling microscope (STM) images of this system

  5. A new approach to quantification of DTPA incorporation into monoclonal antibodies (MoAbs) labeled by the cyclic anhydride DTPA method

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wang, T.S.T.; Ng, A.K.; Fawwaz, R.A.; Alsedairy, S.; Alderson, P.O.


    A method for determining the ratio of DTPA molecules attached per molecule of Ab was developed and used to examine the immunoreactivity of different Abs as a function of the amount of incorporated DTPA. The bicyclic anhydride of DTPA[2-C-14]acetic acid (BADTPA-C-14) was synthesized by reacting DTPA[2-C-14]acetic acid (1mCi/mmo1) and acetic anhydride. BADTPA-C-14 then was reacted with a MoAb to a melanoma associated antigen (MA) and to a MoAb to human HLA class II antigen (HLA) at 2mg/m1 of MoAb concentration, at MoAb to BADTPA-C-14 ratios (mmo1/mmo1) of l:1, 1:10, 1:00, l:200. The conjugate was dialyzed exhaustively against HEPES at pH 7.0. The MoAb concentration was measured at 280mm of uv; the DTPA/MoAb ratio was calculated based on the specific activity of BADTPA-C-14, and the immunoreactivity was assessed by direct cell-binding to melanoma, the HLA antigen and control (lymphoma) cells. Percent binding to the lymphoid cell line was less than 3%. The authors' results demonstrated a method for directly determining the number of DTPA molecules attached to a MOAb, and demonstrated variations in immunoreactivity as the number of DTPA groups per MoAb is altered

  6. Ab Initio Calculations of Transport in Titanium and Aluminum Mixtures (United States)

    Walker, Nicholas; Novak, Brian; Tam, Ka Ming; Moldovan, Dorel; Jarrell, Mark

    In classical molecular dynamics simulations, the self-diffusion and shear viscosity of titanium about the melting point have fallen within the ranges provided by experimental data. However, the experimental data is difficult to collect and has been rather scattered, making it of limited value for the validation of these calculations. By using ab initio molecular dynamics simulations within the density functional theory framework, the classical molecular dynamics data can be validated. The dynamical data from the ab initio molecular dynamics can also be used to calculate new potentials for use in classical molecular dynamics, allowing for more accurate classical dynamics simulations for the liquid phase. For metallic materials such as titanium and aluminum alloys, these calculations are very valuable due to an increasing demand for the knowledge of their thermophysical properties that drive the development of new materials. For example, alongside knowledge of the surface tension, viscosity is an important input for modeling the additive manufacturing process at the continuum level. We are developing calculations of the viscosity along with the self-diffusion for aluminum, titanium, and titanium-aluminum alloys with ab initio molecular dynamics. Supported by the National Science Foundation through cooperative agreement OIA-1541079 and the Louisiana Board of Regents.

  7. Field evidence for the exposure of ground beetles to Cry1Ab from transgenic corn. (United States)

    Zwahlen, Claudia; Andow, David A


    Non-target organisms associated with the soil might be adversely affected by exposure to the CrylAb protein from Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) in transgenic corn (Zea mays L.). To check for such exposure, we used ELISA to test for Cry1Ab in ground beetles collected live from fields with Bt corn residues and Bt corn (Bt/Bt), Bt corn residues and non-Bt crops (Bt/non-Bt), or non-Bt corn residues and non-Bt crops (non-Bt/non-Bt). In fields with Bt corn residues (Bt/Bt and Bt/non-Bt), Cry1Ab was present in all seven species of ground beetles examined (Agonum placidum, Bembidion rupicola, Clivina impressefrons, Cyclotrachelus iowensis, Harpalus pensylvanicus, Poecilus chalcites, and Poecilus lucublandus). For the two most abundant species, P. chalcites and P. lucublandus, the proportion of beetles with Cry1Ab was significantly higher in Bt/Bt fields (0.50-1.0) and Bt/non-Bt fields (0.41-0.50) than in non-Bt/non-Bt fields (0.0). This is the first field evidence that some ground beetle species are exposed to Cry1Ab. The implications of exposure on the performance of these non-target organisms are unclear.

  8. Supplementary Material for Finding the Stable Structures of N1-xWX with an Ab-initio High-Throughput Approach (United States)


    Supplementary material for “Finding the stable structures of N1−xWX with an ab - initio high-throughput approach” Michael J. Mehl∗ Center for...AND SUBTITLE Supplementary Material for ’Finding the Stable Structures of N1-xWX with an ab - initio High-throughput Approach’ 5a. CONTRACT NUMBER 5b...and J. Hafner, Ab initio molecular dynamics for open-shell transition metals, Phys. Rev. B 48, 13115–13118 (1993). 2 G. Kresse and J. Hafner, Ab initio

  9. Ultra-Low Voltage Class AB Switched Current Memory Cell

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Igor, Mucha


    This paper presents the theoretical basis for the design of class AB switched current memory cells employing floating-gate MOS transistors, suitable for ultra-low-voltage applications. To support the theoretical assumptions circuits based on these cells were designed using a CMOS process with thr......This paper presents the theoretical basis for the design of class AB switched current memory cells employing floating-gate MOS transistors, suitable for ultra-low-voltage applications. To support the theoretical assumptions circuits based on these cells were designed using a CMOS process...... with threshold voltages of 0.9V. Both hand calculations and PSPICE simulations showed that the cells designed allowed a maximum signal range better than +/-13 micoamp, with a supply voltage down to 1V and a quiescent bias current of 1 microamp, resulting in a very high current efficiency and effective power...

  10. Further Food for Thought on the "ABS Guide" (United States)

    Hussain, Simon


    This paper replies to points raised by the editors of the "ABS Guide", Huw Morris, Charles Harvey, Aidan Kelly and Michael Rowlinson (2011) "Accounting Education: an international journal", 20(6), pp. 561-573) in response to a paper published in a previous issue of "Accounting Education" (Hussain, S. (2011)…

  11. DNA degradation in genetically modified rice with Cry1Ab by food processing methods: implications for the quantification of genetically modified organisms. (United States)

    Xing, Fuguo; Zhang, Wei; Selvaraj, Jonathan Nimal; Liu, Yang


    Food processing methods contribute to DNA degradation, thereby affecting genetically modified organism detection and quantification. This study evaluated the effect of food processing methods on the relative transgenic content of genetically modified rice with Cry1Ab. In steamed rice and rice noodles, the levels of Cry1Ab were ⩾ 100% and <83%, respectively. Frying and baking in rice crackers contributed to a reduction in Pubi and Cry1Ab, while microwaving caused a decrease in Pubi and an increase in Cry1Ab. The processing methods of sweet rice wine had the most severe degradation effects on Pubi and Cry1Ab. In steamed rice and rice noodles, Cry1Ab was the most stable, followed by SPS and Pubi. However, in rice crackers and sweet rice wine, SPS was the most stable, followed by Cry1Ab and Pubi. Therefore, Cry1Ab is a better representative of transgenic components than is Pubi because the levels of Cry1Ab were less affected compared to Pubi. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  12. Ionizing radiation effect study by electron beam on acrylonitrile butadiene styrene - ABS terpolymer

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Landi, Tania Regina Lourenco


    The great advantage in the researches involving development has as objective to increase significantly the quality of the products. The ABS (acrylonitrile, butadiene, styrene) resins are terpolymers formed by an elastomer and two thermoplastics amorphous components. The three different monomeric units from the terpolymer ABS contribute separately to the material characteristics exhibited. The molecular stiffness originating from polystyrene and the benzene ring hanging on the chain is responsible for the flexion module ABS. The acrylonitrile and the styrene incorporated butadiene exercises strong influence in the resistance to the impact because it reduces the bonding among them. The engineering use of this terpolymer became important due their mechanical properties and mainly, for the responses of this to tensions or deformations applied. The polymeric materials, when submitted to the ionizing radiation are modified by the transference of energy to these materials, introducing excitation and ionization of the molecules, generating chemical reactions that can produce permanent modifications in the polymeric physicochemical structure. The induced modifications can result in the polymeric material degradation or crosslinking, which can result in the improvement of some properties. This work has, as objective, to study the electron beam ionizing radiation effect, at different doses, in the properties of the polymer ABS. The studied properties were: tensile strength at break, elongation at break, Izod impact strength, flexural strength, melt flow index, Vicat softening temperature and the thermic distortion temperature. Also researches on Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC) and Thermogravimetric Analyses (TGA) were accomplished. From the experimental results, it was showed that for doses until 500 kGy, at 22.6 kGy/s dose rate, in the presence of air, the crosslinking process of ABS prevails. (author)

  13. Ab Initio Calculations and Raman and SERS Spectral Analyses of Amphetamine Species

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Berg, Rolf W.; Nørbygaard, Thomas; White, Peter C.


    For the first time, the differences between the spectra of amphetamine and amphetamine-H+ and between different conformers are thoroughly studied by ab initio model calculations, and Raman and surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS) spectra are measured for different species of amphetamine....... The spectra of amphetamine and amphetamine-H+ sampleswere obtained and assigned according to a comparison of the experimental spectra and the ab initio MO calculations, performed using the Gaussian 03W program (Gaussian, Inc., Pittsburgh, PA). The analyses were based on complete geometry minimization...

  14. Ab Initio Predictions of Structures and Densities of Energetic Solids

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library

    Rice, Betsy M; Sorescu, Dan C


    We have applied a powerful simulation methodology known as ab initio crystal prediction to assess the ability of a generalized model of CHNO intermolecular interactions to predict accurately crystal...

  15. Highly reddened Type Ia supernova SN 2004ab: another case of anomalous extinction (United States)

    Chakradhari, N. K.; Sahu, D. K.; Anupama, G. C.; Prabhu, T. P.


    We present optical photometric and spectroscopic data for supernova SN 2004ab, a highly reddened normal Type Ia supernova. The total reddening is estimated as E(B - V) = 1.70 ± 0.05 mag. The intrinsic decline-rate parameter Δm15(B)true is 1.27 ± 0.05, and the B-band absolute magnitude at maximum MB^{max} is -19.31 ± 0.25 mag. The host galaxy NGC 5054 is found to exhibit anomalous extinction with a very low value of RV = 1.41 ± 0.06 in the direction of SN 2004ab. The peak bolometric luminosity is derived as log L_bol^max = 43.10 ± 0.07 erg s-1. The photospheric velocity measured from the absorption minimum of the Si II λ6355 line shows a velocity gradient of \\dot{v} = 90 km s-1 d-1, indicating that SN 2004ab is a member of the high velocity gradient (HVG) subgroup. The ratio of the strengths of the Si II λ5972 and λ6355 absorption lines, R(Si II), is estimated as 0.37, while their pseudo-equivalent widths suggest that SN 2004ab belongs to the broad line (BL) type subgroup.

  16. Time-resolved High Spectral Resolution Observation of 2MASSW J0746425+200032AB

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Wang, Ji; Mawet, Dimitri [Department of Astronomy, California Institute of Technology, MC 249-17, 1200 E. California Boulevard, Pasadena, CA 91106 (United States); Prato, Lisa, E-mail: [Lowell Observatory, 1400 West Mars Hill Road, Flagstaff, AZ 86001 (United States)


    Many brown dwarfs (BDs) exhibit photometric variability at levels from tenths to tens of percents. The photometric variability is related to magnetic activity or patchy cloud coverage, characteristic of BDs near the L–T transition. Time-resolved spectral monitoring of BDs provides diagnostics of cloud distribution and condensate properties. However, current time-resolved spectral studies of BDs are limited to low spectral resolution ( R ∼ 100) with the exception of the study of Luhman 16 AB at a resolution of 100,000 using the VLT+CRIRES. This work yielded the first map of BD surface inhomogeneity, highlighting the importance and unique contribution of high spectral resolution observations. Here, we report on the time-resolved high spectral resolution observations of a nearby BD binary, 2MASSW J0746425+200032AB. We find no coherent spectral variability that is modulated with rotation. Based on simulations, we conclude that the coverage of a single spot on 2MASSW J0746425+200032AB is smaller than 1% or 6.25% if spot contrast is 50% or 80% of its surrounding flux, respectively. Future high spectral resolution observations aided by adaptive optics systems can put tighter constraints on the spectral variability of 2MASSW J0746425+200032AB and other nearby BDs.

  17. Steel — ab Initio: Quantum Mechanics Guided Design of New Fe-Based Materials (United States)

    Prahl, Ulrich; Bleck, Wolfgang; Saeed-Akbari, Alireza

    This contribution reports the results of the collaborative research unit SFB 761 "Steel — ab initio", a cooperative project between RWTH Aachen University and the Max-Planck-Institute for Iron Research in Düsseldorf (MPIE) financed by the German Research Foundation (DFG). For the first time, it is exploited how ab initio approaches may lead to a detailed understanding and thus to a specific improvement of material development. The challenge lies in the combination of abstract natural science theories with rather engineering-like established concepts. Aiming at the technological target of the development of a new type of structural materials based on Fe-Mn-C alloys, the combination of ab initio and engineering methods is new, but could be followed quite successfully. Three major topics are treated in this research unit: a) development of a new method for material- and process-development based on ab initio calculations; b) design of a new class of structural materials with extraordinary property combinations; c) acceleration of development time and reduction of experimental efforts and complexity for material- and process-development. In the present work, an overview of the results of the first five years as well as an outlook for the upcoming three-year period is given.

  18. Does Cry1Ab protein affect learning performances of the honey bee Apis mellifera L. (Hymenoptera, Apidae)? (United States)

    Ramirez-Romero, R; Desneux, N; Decourtye, A; Chaffiol, A; Pham-Delègue, M H


    Genetically modified Bt crops are increasingly used worldwide but side effects and especially sublethal effects on beneficial insects remain poorly studied. Honey bees are beneficial insects for natural and cultivated ecosystems through pollination. The goal of the present study was to assess potential effects of two concentrations of Cry1Ab protein (3 and 5000 ppb) on young adult honey bees. Following a complementary bioassay, our experiments evaluated effects of the Cry1Ab on three major life traits of young adult honey bees: (a) survival of honey bees during sub-chronic exposure to Cry1Ab, (b) feeding behaviour, and (c) learning performance at the time that honey bees become foragers. The latter effect was tested using the proboscis extension reflex (PER) procedure. The same effects were also tested using a chemical pesticide, imidacloprid, as positive reference. The tested concentrations of Cry1Ab protein did not cause lethal effects on honey bees. However, honey bee feeding behaviour was affected when exposed to the highest concentration of Cry1Ab protein, with honey bees taking longer to imbibe the contaminated syrup. Moreover, honey bees exposed to 5000 ppb of Cry1Ab had disturbed learning performances. Honey bees continued to respond to a conditioned odour even in the absence of a food reward. Our results show that transgenic crops expressing Cry1Ab protein at 5000 ppb may affect food consumption or learning processes and thereby may impact honey bee foraging efficiency. The implications of these results are discussed in terms of risks of transgenic Bt crops for honey bees.

  19. The identification and characterization of nucleic acid chaperone activity of human enterovirus 71 nonstructural protein 3AB. (United States)

    Tang, Fenfen; Xia, Hongjie; Wang, Peipei; Yang, Jie; Zhao, Tianyong; Zhang, Qi; Hu, Yuanyang; Zhou, Xi


    Human enterovirus 71 (EV71) belongs to the genus Enterovirus in the family Picornaviridae and has been recognized as one of the most important pathogens that cause emerging infectious disease. Despite of the importance of EV71, the nonstructural protein 3AB from this virus is little understood for its function during EV71 replication. Here we expressed EV71 3AB protein as recombinant protein in a eukaryotic expression system and uncovered that this protein possesses a nucleic acid helix-destabilizing and strand annealing acceleration activity in a dose-dependent manner, indicating that EV71 3AB is a nucleic acid chaperone protein. Moreover, we characterized the RNA chaperone activity of EV71 3AB, and revealed that divalent metal ions, such as Mg(2+) and Zn(2+), were able to inhibit the RNA helix-destabilizing activity of 3AB to different extents. Moreover, we determined that 3B plus the last 7 amino acids at the C-terminal of 3A (termed 3B+7) possess the RNA chaperone activity, and five amino acids, i.e. Lys-80, Phe-82, Phe-85, Tyr-89, and Arg-103, are critical and probably the active sites of 3AB for its RNA chaperone activity. This report reveals that EV71 3AB displays an RNA chaperone activity, adds a new member to the growing list of virus-encoded RNA chaperones, and provides novel knowledge about the virology of EV71. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  20. Cutaneous horn and thermal keratosis in erythema AB igne

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sood Apra


    Full Text Available A 46 - year - old Kashmiri lady developed erythema ab igne on both legs. She subsequently developed multiple keratoses and a cutaneous horn in the involved skin. An uncommon association of these three clinical conditions is being presented.

  1. Comparison of Directigen Flu A+B with Real Time PCR in the Diagnosis of Influenza. (United States)

    Bosevska, Golubinka; Panovski, Nikola; Janceska, Elizabeta; Mikik, Vladimir; Topuzovska, Irena Kondova; Milenkovik, Zvonko


    Early diagnosis and treatment of patients with influenza is the reason why physicians need rapid high-sensitivity influenza diagnostic tests that require no complex lab equipment and can be performed and interpreted within 15 min. The Aim of this study was to compare the rapid Directigen Flu A+B test with real time PCR for detection of influenza viruses in the Republic of Macedonia. One-hundred-eight respiratory samples (combined nose and throat swabs) were routinely collected for detection of influenza virus during influenza seasons. Forty-one patients were pediatric cases and 59 were adult. Their mean age was 23 years. The patients were allocated into 6 age groups: 0-4 yrs, 5-9 yrs, 10-14 yrs, 15-19 yrs, 20-64 yrs and > 65 yrs. Each sample was tested with Directigen Flu A+B and CDC real time PCR kit for detection and typisation/subtypisation of influenza according to the lab diagnostic protocol. Directigen Flu A+B identified influenza A virus in 20 (18.5%) samples and influenza B virus in two 2 (1.9%) samples. The high specificity (100%) and PPV of Directigen Flu A+B we found in our study shows that the positive results do not need to be confirmed. The overall sensitivity of Directigen Flu A+B is 35.1% for influenza A virus and 33.0% for influenza B virus. The sensitivity for influenza A is higher among children hospitalized (45.0%) and outpatients (40.0%) versus adults. Directigen Flu A+B has relatively low sensitivity for detection of influenza viruses in combined nose and throat swabs. Negative results must be confirmed.

  2. A Review of Solid-Solution Models of High-Entropy Alloys Based on Ab Initio Calculations

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Fuyang Tian


    Full Text Available Similar to the importance of XRD in experiments, ab initio calculations, as a powerful tool, have been applied to predict the new potential materials and investigate the intrinsic properties of materials in theory. As a typical solid-solution material, the large degree of uncertainty of high-entropy alloys (HEAs results in the difficulty of ab initio calculations application to HEAs. The present review focuses on the available ab initio based solid-solution models (virtual lattice approximation, coherent potential approximation, special quasirandom structure, similar local atomic environment, maximum-entropy method, and hybrid Monte Carlo/molecular dynamics and their applications and limits in single phase HEAs.

  3. Exploring the ab initio/classical free energy perturbation method: The hydration free energy of water

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sakane, Shinichi; Yezdimer, Eric M.; Liu, Wenbin; Barriocanal, Jose A.; Doren, Douglas J.; Wood, Robert H.


    The ab initio/classical free energy perturbation (ABC-FEP) method proposed previously by Wood et al. [J. Chem. Phys. 110, 1329 (1999)] uses classical simulations to calculate solvation free energies within an empirical potential model, then applies free energy perturbation theory to determine the effect of changing the empirical solute-solvent interactions to corresponding interactions calculated from ab initio methods. This approach allows accurate calculation of solvation free energies using an atomistic description of the solvent and solute, with interactions calculated from first principles. Results can be obtained at a feasible computational cost without making use of approximations such as a continuum solvent or an empirical cavity formation energy. As such, the method can be used far from ambient conditions, where the empirical parameters needed for approximate theories of solvation may not be available. The sources of error in the ABC-FEP method are the approximations in the ab initio method, the finite sample of configurations, and the classical solvent model. This article explores the accuracy of various approximations used in the ABC-FEP method by comparing to the experimentally well-known free energy of hydration of water at two state points (ambient conditions, and 973.15 K and 600 kg/m3). The TIP4P-FQ model [J. Chem. Phys. 101, 6141 (1994)] is found to be a reliable solvent model for use with this method, even at supercritical conditions. Results depend strongly on the ab initio method used: a gradient-corrected density functional theory is not adequate, but a localized MP2 method yields excellent agreement with experiment. Computational costs are reduced by using a cluster approximation, in which ab initio pair interaction energies are calculated between the solute and up to 60 solvent molecules, while multi-body interactions are calculated with only a small cluster (5 to 12 solvent molecules). Sampling errors for the ab initio contribution to

  4. Geometry optimization of supersymmetrical molecules in quantum chemical ab-initio calculations

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gruenbichler, H.


    One-dimensional geometry optimizations in ab-initio SCF-calculations are investigated. It is shown, that the well known standard algorithms are sometimes too expensive and can be replaced or accompanied by more recent algorithms. Two alternatives were realized in the molecule calculating program GAUSSIAN 80, basing on the Fibonacci algorithm and Kryachco potential adjustment. The algorithms were compared in terms of accuracy of results, CPU-time used and reliability of the method. The results are presented in various tables, showing the efficiency of the various methods. A survey of the usual model potentials is given and the compatibility with ab-initio data is evaluated. (Author, shortened and translated by A.N.)

  5. Expression of the AcrAB Components of the AcrAB-TolC Multidrug Efflux Pump of Yersinia enterocolitica Is Subject to Dual Regulation by OmpR.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Adrianna Raczkowska

    Full Text Available OmpR is a transcriptional regulator implicated in the control of various cellular processes and functions in Enterobacteriaceae. This study was undertaken to identify genes comprising the OmpR regulon in the human gastrointestinal pathogen Yersinia enterocolitica. Derivatives of an ompR-negative strain with random transposon insertions creating transcriptional fusions with the reporter gene lacZ were isolated. These were supplied with the wild-type ompR allele in trans and then screened for OmpR-dependent changes in β-galactosidase activity. Using this strategy, five insertions in genes/operons positively regulated by OmpR and two insertions in genes negatively regulated by this protein were identified. Genetic analysis of one of these fusion strains revealed that the gene acrR, encoding transcriptional repressor AcrR is negatively regulated by OmpR. Differential analysis of membrane proteins by SDS-PAGE followed by mass spectrometry identified the protein AcrB, a component of the AcrAB-TolC multidrug efflux pump, as being positively regulated by OmpR. Analysis of the activity of the acrR and acrAB promoters using gfp fusions confirmed their OmpR-dependent repression and activation, respectively. The identification of putative OmpR-binding sites and electrophoretic mobility shift assays confirmed that this regulator binds specifically to both promoter regions with different affinity. Examination of the activity of the acrR and acrAB promoters after the exposure of cells to different chemicals showed that bile salts can act as an OmpR-independent inducer. Taken together, our findings suggest that OmpR positively controls the expression of the AcrAB-TolC efflux pump involved in the adaptive response of Y. enterocolitica O:9 to different chemical stressors, thus conferring an advantage in particular ecological niches.

  6. J-type Carbon Stars: A Dominant Source of {sup 14}N-rich Presolar SiC Grains of Type AB

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Liu, Nan; Nittler, Larry R.; Alexander, Conel M. O’D.; Wang, Jianhua [Department of Terrestrial Magnetism, Carnegie Institution for Science, Washington, DC 20015 (United States); Stephan, Thomas; Boehnke, Patrick; Davis, Andrew M.; Trappitsch, Reto; Pellin, Michael J., E-mail: [Department of the Geophysical Sciences, The University of Chicago, Chicago, IL 60637 (United States)


    We report Mo isotopic data of 27 new presolar SiC grains, including 12 {sup 14}N-rich AB ({sup 14}N/{sup 15}N > 440, AB2) and 15 mainstream (MS) grains, and their correlated Sr and Ba isotope ratios when available. Direct comparison of the data for the MS grains, which came from low-mass asymptotic giant branch (AGB) stars with large s -process isotope enhancements, with the AB2 grain data demonstrates that AB2 grains show near-solar isotopic compositions and lack s -process enhancements. The near-normal Sr, Mo, and Ba isotopic compositions of AB2 grains clearly exclude born-again AGB stars, where the intermediate neutron-capture process ( i -process) takes place, as their stellar source. On the other hand, low-mass CO novae and early R- and J-type carbon stars show {sup 13}C and {sup 14}N excesses but no s -process enhancements and are thus potential stellar sources of AB2 grains. Because both early R-type carbon stars and CO novae are rare objects, the abundant J-type carbon stars (10%–15% of all carbon stars) are thus likely to be a dominant source of AB2 grains.

  7. Performance evaluation of four dominant anti-hepatitis B core antigen (HBcAb) kits in Japan for preventing de novo hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection. (United States)

    Kobayashi, Eiji; Deguchi, Matsuo; Kagita, Masanori; Yoshioka, Nori; Kita, Mifumi; Asari, Seishi; Suehisa, Etsuji; Hidaka, Yoh; Iwatani, Yoshinori


    The determination of antibody to hepatitis B core antigen (HBcAb) has become an important means of evaluating the risk factors of de novo hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection before starting intensive immunosuppressive drug therapies. Four dominant HBcAb determination reagents used in Japan were evaluated with HBcIgM, HBsAg, HBsAb, HBeAb, and HBV DNA reagents in order to study their clinical utility. Four kinds of HBcAb reagent kits (HBcAb Total and HBcAb-IgG reagent) were evaluated with 526 clinical specimens, including 344 negative specimens, at Osaka University Hospital. The dynamic range of each kit was evaluated by testing serially diluted serum from pooled sera with high HBcAb concentration. The reagent that showed the largest dynamic range was the Lumipulse HBcAb-N (HBcAb-IgG reagent). Regarding clinical sensitivity and specificity, Centaur HBcAb (HBcAb Total reagent) gave several "doubtful negative" results and ARCHITECT HBcII (HBcAb Total reagent) had the most discrepant positive results. By comparing the cut-off-index distribution of negative specimens using a parameter of "distance from the mean to the cut-off divided by the SD", Centaur was determined to be the best (distance/SD = 12.65), with Lumipulse and Elecsys Anti-HBc (HBcAb Total reagent) in the second group (8.13 and 7.00, respectively), and ARCHITECT rated as the worst (3.25). In this evaluation, Elecsys and Lumipulse HBcAb kits showed good clinical sensitivity and specificity and were considered to be suitable for evaluating the risk factors of de novo HBV infection.

  8. Matrix product operators, matrix product states, and ab initio density matrix renormalization group algorithms (United States)

    Chan, Garnet Kin-Lic; Keselman, Anna; Nakatani, Naoki; Li, Zhendong; White, Steven R.


    Current descriptions of the ab initio density matrix renormalization group (DMRG) algorithm use two superficially different languages: an older language of the renormalization group and renormalized operators, and a more recent language of matrix product states and matrix product operators. The same algorithm can appear dramatically different when written in the two different vocabularies. In this work, we carefully describe the translation between the two languages in several contexts. First, we describe how to efficiently implement the ab initio DMRG sweep using a matrix product operator based code, and the equivalence to the original renormalized operator implementation. Next we describe how to implement the general matrix product operator/matrix product state algebra within a pure renormalized operator-based DMRG code. Finally, we discuss two improvements of the ab initio DMRG sweep algorithm motivated by matrix product operator language: Hamiltonian compression, and a sum over operators representation that allows for perfect computational parallelism. The connections and correspondences described here serve to link the future developments with the past and are important in the efficient implementation of continuing advances in ab initio DMRG and related algorithms.


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    E. Getsovich


    Full Text Available Numerical modeling of vehicle braking process with ABS are presented. The applicability estimation of control process improvement in dual adaptive control systems is executed. Laboratory experiment results of determining pressure actuator characteristics are published. Piston diameter optimization is provided.

  10. Diagnostic value of Tg and TgAb for metastasis following ablation in patients with differentiated thyroid carcinoma coexistent with Hashimoto thyroiditis. (United States)

    Chai, Hong; Zhu, Zhao-Jin; Chen, Ze-Quan; Yu, Yong-Li


    This study was designed to investigate the clinical value of serum thyroglobulin (Tg) and antithyroglobulin antibody (TgAb) measurements and the cutoff value after ablation in differentiated thyroid carcinoma (DTC) complicated by Hashimoto thyroiditis (HT) with metastasis. We measured serum Tg and TgAb levels and evaluated the disease status in 164 cases of DTC coexistent with HT in pathologically confirmed patients after surgery and post-remnant ablation during a 3-year follow-up. All Tg and TgAb levels were assessed by chemiluminescent immunoassay (IMA). Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve analysis was used to evaluate the prognostic value of Tg and TgAb for disease metastasis. The relationship between Tg and TgAb was analyzed using the scatter diagram distribution method. We found that the cutoff values of Tg and TgAb were 1.48 µg/L and 45 kIU/L, respectively. The area under the ROC curve (AUC) of Tg and TgAb was 0.907 and 0.650, respectively. In DTC coexistent with HT patients, the optimal cutoff value correlated with metastasis in Tg and TgAb was 1.48 µg/L and 45 kIU/L, respectively.

  11. Computational methods for ab initio detection of microRNAs

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Malik eYousef


    Full Text Available MicroRNAs are small RNA sequences of 18-24 nucleotides in length, which serve as templates to drive post transcriptional gene silencing. The canonical microRNA pathway starts with transcription from DNA and is followed by processing via the Microprocessor complex, yielding a hairpin structure. Which is then exported into the cytosol where it is processed by Dicer and then incorporated into the RNA induced silencing complex. All of these biogenesis steps add to the overall specificity of miRNA production and effect. Unfortunately, their modes of action are just beginning to be elucidated and therefore computational prediction algorithms cannot model the process but are usually forced to employ machine learning approaches. This work focuses on ab initio prediction methods throughout; and therefore homology-based miRNA detection methods are not discussed. Current ab initio prediction algorithms, their ties to data mining, and their prediction accuracy are detailed.

  12. PirAB protein from Xenorhabdus nematophila HB310 exhibits a binary toxin with insecticidal activity and cytotoxicity in Galleria mellonella. (United States)

    Yang, Qing; Zhang, Jie; Li, Tianhui; Liu, Shen; Song, Ping; Nangong, Ziyan; Wang, Qinying


    PirAB (Photorhabdus insect-related proteins, PirAB) toxin was initially found in the Photorhabdus luminescens TT01 strain and has been shown to be a binary toxin with high insecticidal activity. Based on GenBank data, this gene was also found in the Xenorhabdus nematophila genome sequence. The predicted amino acid sequence of pirA and pirB in the genome of X. nematophila showed 51% and 50% identity with those gene sequences from P. luminescens. The purpose of this experiment is to identify the relevant information for this toxin gene in X. nematophila. The pirA, pirB and pirAB genes of X. nematophila HB310 were cloned and expressed in Escherichia coli BL21 (DE3) using the pET-28a vector. A PirAB-fusion protein (PirAB-F) was constructed by linking the pirA and pirB genes with the flexible linker (Gly) 4 DNA encoding sequence and then efficiently expressed in E. coli. The hemocoel and oral insecticidal activities of the recombinant proteins were analyzed against the larvae of Galleria mellonella. The results show that PirA/B alone, PirA/B mixture, co-expressed PirAB protein, and PirAB-F all had no oral insecticidal activity against the second-instar larvae of G. mellonella. Only PirA/B mixture and co-expressed PirAB protein had hemocoel insecticidal activity against G. mellonella fifth-instar larvae, with an LD 50 of 2.718μg/larva or 1.566μg/larva, respectively. Therefore, we confirmed that PirAB protein of X. nematophila HB310 is a binary insecticidal toxin. The successful expression and purification of PirAB laid a foundation for further studies on the function, insecticidal mechanism and expression regulation of the binary toxin. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  13. Stellar Origin of {sup 15}N-rich Presolar SiC Grains of Type AB: Supernovae with Explosive Hydrogen Burning

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Liu, Nan; Nittler, Larry R.; Alexander, Conel M. O’D.; Wang, Jianhua [Department of Terrestrial Magnetism, Carnegie Institution for Science, Washington, DC 20015 (United States); Pignatari, Marco [E. A. Milne Centre for Astrophysics, Department of Physics and Mathematics, University of Hull, Hull HU6 7RX (United Kingdom)


    We report C, N, and Si isotopic data for 59 highly {sup 13}C-enriched presolar submicron- to micron-sized SiC grains from the Murchison meteorite, including eight putative nova grains (PNGs) and 29 {sup 15}N-rich ({sup 14}N/{sup 15}N ≤ solar) AB grains, and their Mg–Al, S, and Ca–Ti isotope data when available. These 37 grains are enriched in {sup 13}C, {sup 15}N, and {sup 26}Al with the PNGs showing more extreme enhancements. The {sup 15}N-rich AB grains show systematically higher {sup 26}Al and {sup 30}Si excesses than the {sup 14}N-rich AB grains. Thus, we propose to divide the AB grains into groups 1 ({sup 14}N/{sup 15}N < solar) and 2 ({sup 14}N/{sup 15}N ≥ solar). For the first time, we have obtained both S and Ti isotopic data for five AB1 grains and one PNG and found {sup 32}S and/or {sup 50}Ti enhancements. Interestingly, one AB1 grain had the largest {sup 32}S and {sup 50}Ti excesses, strongly suggesting a neutron-capture nucleosynthetic origin of the {sup 32}S excess and thus the initial presence of radiogenic {sup 32}Si ( t {sub 1/2} = 153 years). More importantly, we found that the {sup 15}N and {sup 26}Al excesses of AB1 grains form a trend that extends to the region in the N–Al isotope plot occupied by C2 grains, strongly indicating a common stellar origin for both AB1 and C2 grains. Comparison of supernova models with the AB1 and C2 grain data indicates that these grains came from supernovae that experienced H ingestion into the He/C zones of their progenitors.

  14. ABS: Sequence alignment by scanning

    KAUST Repository

    Bonny, Mohamed Talal; Salama, Khaled N.


    Sequence alignment is an essential tool in almost any computational biology research. It processes large database sequences and considered to be high consumers of computation time. Heuristic algorithms are used to get approximate but fast results. We introduce fast alignment algorithm, called Alignment By Scanning (ABS), to provide an approximate alignment of two DNA sequences. We compare our algorithm with the well-known alignment algorithms, the FASTA (which is heuristic) and the 'Needleman-Wunsch' (which is optimal). The proposed algorithm achieves up to 76% enhancement in alignment score when it is compared with the FASTA Algorithm. The evaluations are conducted using different lengths of DNA sequences. © 2011 IEEE.

  15. ABS: Sequence alignment by scanning

    KAUST Repository

    Bonny, Mohamed Talal


    Sequence alignment is an essential tool in almost any computational biology research. It processes large database sequences and considered to be high consumers of computation time. Heuristic algorithms are used to get approximate but fast results. We introduce fast alignment algorithm, called Alignment By Scanning (ABS), to provide an approximate alignment of two DNA sequences. We compare our algorithm with the well-known alignment algorithms, the FASTA (which is heuristic) and the \\'Needleman-Wunsch\\' (which is optimal). The proposed algorithm achieves up to 76% enhancement in alignment score when it is compared with the FASTA Algorithm. The evaluations are conducted using different lengths of DNA sequences. © 2011 IEEE.


    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Aller, Kimberly M.; Liu, Michael C.; Magnier, Eugene A.; Best, William M. J.; Kotson, Michael C.; Burgett, William S.; Chambers, Kenneth C.; Hodapp, Klaus W.; Flewelling, Heather; Kaiser, Nick; Tonry, John L.; Wainscoat, Richard J.; Waters, Christopher [University of Hawaii, Institute of Astronomy, 2860 Woodlawn Drive, Honolulu, HI 96822 (United States); Metcalf, Nigel [Department of Physics, Durham University, South Road, Durham DH1 3LE (United Kingdom)


    Substellar members of young (≲150 Myr) moving groups are valuable benchmarks to empirically define brown dwarf evolution with age and to study the low-mass end of the initial mass function. We have combined Pan-STARRS1 (PS1) proper motions with optical–IR photometry from PS1, Two Micron All Sky Survey (2MASS), and WISE to search for substellar members of the AB Dor Moving Group within ≈50 pc and with spectral types of late M to early L, corresponding to masses down to ≈30 M {sub Jup} at the age of the group (≈125 Myr). Including both photometry and proper motions allows us to better select candidates by excluding field dwarfs whose colors are similar to young AB Dor Moving Group members. Our near-IR spectroscopy has identified six ultracool dwarfs (M6–L4; ≈30–100 M {sub Jup}) with intermediate surface gravities (int-g) as candidate members of the AB Dor Moving Group. We find another two candidate members with spectra showing hints of youth but consistent with field gravities. We also find four field brown dwarfs unassociated with the AB Dor Moving Group, three of which have int-g gravity classification. While signatures of youth are present in the spectra of our ≈125 Myr objects, neither their J – K nor W 1 – W 2 colors are significantly redder than field dwarfs with the same spectral types, unlike younger ultracool dwarfs. We also determined PS1 parallaxes for eight of our candidates and one previously identified AB Dor Moving Group candidate. Although radial velocities (and parallaxes, for some) are still needed to fully assess membership, these new objects provide valuable insight into the spectral characteristics and evolution of young brown dwarfs.

  17. ESR Studies and Dating of Egyptian Gypsum at Ras Mala'ab, Sinai, Egypt

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Abdel-Monem, A. A.; Abdei-Razek, Y. A.; Rasheed, N. M.; Hassan, G.M.; Eissa, H.M.; El-Morsy, M.


    A gypsum sample from the famous gypsum-anhydrite evaporitic deposit composing the Ras Mala'ab Formation, Upper Miocene, occurring at Ras Mala'ab, on the east coast of the Gulf of Suez, was subjected to (ESR) dosimetric studies. Also, (ESR) was used to date the formation or most recent recrystallization of that gypsum. The gypsum derivative (ESR) spectrum is characterized by the large broad Fe 2+ signal (g=2.50) and HF-sixtet Mn 2+ signals. Only the characteristic gypsum signal (G l, g=2.0040) was detected between the third and fourth lines of the HF-Mn 2+ which is attributed to the electron-center SO 3 - . This signal was sensitive to artificial γ-irradiation and showed significant enhancement using a γ-dose of 550 Gy. Also, the signal was very stable up to 400 o C. The gypsum sample with a total dose (TD) of 1500 Gy, determined graphically by extrapolating the linear relationship between defect concentration and the artificial γ-doses for (G l, g=2.0040) and an annual dose (D) due to cosmic rays (0.3 mGy), yielded an age of 5.00 Ma. This could mean the age of formation or latest recrystallization of this gypsum deposit. The geologic age assignment of the Ras Mala'ab Group including the evaporitic gypsum unit, is Middle to Late Miocene. It is directly overlain by the Pliocene elastics at the locality of Ras Mala'ab. This might suggest that these evaporitic gypsum facies represent the top of the Miocene in the Gulf of Suez area, since the Miocene-Pliocene boundary is now put at 5.00-5.50 Ma ago. Therefore, the ESR age of the Ras Mala'ab gypsum is consistent with the geologic age assignment

  18. Rashid al-Din. Shu’ab-i panjganah. 2. The Mongols and Turks (1 »

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Chulpan I. Khamidova


    Full Text Available Research objectives and materials: The “Shu’ab-i panjganah” is a Persian manuscript of Rashid al-Din’s works – the medieval historian who lived in Persia and worked at the Ilkhanid court at the end of the 13th – beginning of the 14th centuries. The manuscript is a largely genealogical work written on the basis of a more comprehensive historical work of Rashid al-Din – “Jami al-Tawarikh”. “Shu’ab-i panjganah” contains genealogies of the prophets of Abrahamic religions, the rulers of the Arab Caliphate until the conquest of Baghdad by the Mongols, the Chinese dynasties and rulers of the Holy Roman Empire, as well as a list of the Popes. The greatest interest for this study is spurred by the fifth part, dedicated to the Chinggisids. The article presents a part of the translation of the 2nd chapter of the manuscript. This part contains a genealogical tree of Chinggis Khan (from his ancestor Dubun bayan, but without his descendants. The results of translation and analyses of the text of the manuscript could serve to various purposes: study of Rashid al-Din’s heritage, Great Horde history, genealogical history of Chinggis Khan and his descendants. The translation of the manuscript has never been published neither partly nor fully. Research results and novelty: The genealogy of Chinggis Khan’s ancestors contained in “Shu’ab-i panjganah” mainly repeats the information from “Jami al-Tawarikh”, although additional data is also available. Comparison of “Shu’ab-i panjganah” with brief genealogical tables in “Jami al-Tawarikh” shows that, on the one hand, “Shu’ab-i panjganah” is an addition to “Jami al-Tawarikh”, and on the other hand, the tables in “Jami al-Tawarikh” is a kind of rough version of the genealogical trees contained in “Shu’ab-i panjganah”.

  19. J-type Carbon Stars: A Dominant Source of 14 N-rich Presolar SiC Grains of Type AB

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Liu, Nan; Stephan, Thomas; Boehnke, Patrick; Nittler, Larry R.; Alexander, Conel M. O’D.; Wang, Jianhua; Davis, Andrew M.; Trappitsch, Reto; Pellin, Michael J.


    We report Mo isotopic data of 27 new presolar SiC grains, including 12 N-14-rich AB (N-14/N-15 > 440, AB2) and 15 mainstream (MS) grains, and their correlated Sr and Ba isotope ratios when available. Direct comparison of the data for the MS grains, which came from low-mass asymptotic giant branch (AGB) stars with large s-process isotope enhancements, with the AB2 grain data demonstrates that AB2 grains show near-solar isotopic compositions and lack s-process enhancements. The near-normal Sr, Mo, and Ba isotopic compositions of AB2 grains clearly exclude born-again AGB stars, where the intermediate neutron-capture process (i-process) takes place, as their stellar source. On the other hand, low-mass CO novae and early R-and J-type carbon stars show C-13 and N-14 excesses but no s-process enhancements and are thus potential stellar sources of AB2 grains. Because both early R-type carbon stars and CO novae are rare objects, the abundant J-type carbon stars (10%-15% of all carbon stars) are thus likely to be a dominant source of AB2 grains.

  20. Marker-assisted selection on E. coli F4ab/ac resistance and the effect on neonatal survival in piglets

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jørgensen, Claus Bøttcher; Anderson, Susan I.; Cirera, Susanna

    Enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (ETEC) that express the F4ab or F4ac fimbriae (formerly known as K88ab/ac) are major causes of diarrhea and death in neonatal and young pigs. A locus controlling susceptibility towards ETEC F4ab/ac has previously been mapped to pig chromosome 13q41. A number...

  1. Investigations of immunogenic, allergenic and adjuvant properties of Cry1Ab protein after intragastric exposure in a food allergy model in mice. (United States)

    Andreassen, Monica; Bøhn, Thomas; Wikmark, Odd-Gunnar; Bodin, Johanna; Traavik, Terje; Løvik, Martinus; Nygaard, Unni Cecilie


    In genetically modified (GM) crops there is a risk that the inserted genes may introduce new allergens and/or adjuvants into the food and feed chain. The MON810 maize, expressing the insecticidal Cry1Ab toxin, is grown in many countries worldwide. In animal models, intranasal and intraperitoneal immunisations with the purified Cry1Ab proteins have induced immune responses, and feeding trials with Cry1Ab-containing feed have revealed some altered immune responses. Previous investigations have primarily measured antibody responses to the protein, while investigations of clinical food allergy symptoms, or allergy promotion (adjuvant effect) associated with the Cry1Ab protein are largely missing. We aimed to investigate immunogenic, allergenic and adjuvant properties of purified Cry1Ab toxin (trypCry1Ab, i.e., trypsin activated Cry1Ab) in a mouse model of food allergy. Female C3H/HeJ mice were immunized by intragastric gavage of 10 μg purified, trypsin activated Cry1Ab toxin (trypCry1Ab) alone or together with the food allergen lupin. Cholera toxin was added as a positive control for adjuvant effect to break oral tolerance. Clinical symptoms (anaphylaxis) as well as humoral and cellular responses were assessed. In contrast to results from previous airway investigations, we observed no indication of immunogenic properties of trypCry1Ab protein after repeated intragastric exposures to one dose, with or without CT as adjuvant. Moreover, the results indicated that trypCry1Ab given by the intragastric route was not able to promote allergic responses or anaphylactic reactions against the co-administered allergen lupin at the given dose. The study suggests no immunogenic, allergenic or adjuvant capacity of the given dose of trypCry1Ab protein after intragastric exposure of prime aged mice.

  2. Monte Carlo simulation of AB-copolymers with saturating bonds

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Chertovich, A.C.; Ivanov, V.A.; Khokhlov, A.R.


    Structural transitions in a single AB-copolymer chain where saturating bonds can be formed between A- and B-units are studied by means of Monte Carlo computer simulations using the bond fluctuation model. Three transitions are found, coil-globule, coil-hairpin and globule-hairpin, depending...

  3. Ab initio calculations and modelling of atomic cluster structure

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Solov'yov, Ilia; Lyalin, Andrey G.; Solov'yov, Andrey V.


    The optimized structure and electronic properties of small sodium and magnesium clusters have been investigated using it ab initio theoretical methods based on density-functional theory and post-Hartree-Fock many-body perturbation theory accounting for all electrons in the system. A new theoretical...

  4. Sphinx: merging knowledge-based and ab initio approaches to improve protein loop prediction. (United States)

    Marks, Claire; Nowak, Jaroslaw; Klostermann, Stefan; Georges, Guy; Dunbar, James; Shi, Jiye; Kelm, Sebastian; Deane, Charlotte M


    Loops are often vital for protein function, however, their irregular structures make them difficult to model accurately. Current loop modelling algorithms can mostly be divided into two categories: knowledge-based, where databases of fragments are searched to find suitable conformations and ab initio, where conformations are generated computationally. Existing knowledge-based methods only use fragments that are the same length as the target, even though loops of slightly different lengths may adopt similar conformations. Here, we present a novel method, Sphinx, which combines ab initio techniques with the potential extra structural information contained within loops of a different length to improve structure prediction. We show that Sphinx is able to generate high-accuracy predictions and decoy sets enriched with near-native loop conformations, performing better than the ab initio algorithm on which it is based. In addition, it is able to provide predictions for every target, unlike some knowledge-based methods. Sphinx can be used successfully for the difficult problem of antibody H3 prediction, outperforming RosettaAntibody, one of the leading H3-specific ab initio methods, both in accuracy and speed. Sphinx is available at Supplementary data are available at Bioinformatics online. © The Author 2017. Published by Oxford University Press.

  5. Evaluation of ABS resin disk certified reference materials for heavy metal analysis by x-ray fluorescence analysis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ohata, Masaki; Kidokoro, Toshihiro; Kurahashi, Masayasu; Hioki, Akiharu


    ABS resin disk certified reference materials (CRMs) for heavy-metal analysis (NMIJ CRM 8105-a, NMIJ CRM 8106-a, NMIJ CRM 8115-a and NMIJ CRM 8116-a) were evaluated using an energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence (ED-XRF) analysis. The homogeneities of elements for both among-disks and within-disk were evaluated by ED-XRF analysis without any sample pre-treatment, which were similar to those evaluated by ICP-MS analysis after a sample digenstion procedure. The normalized XRF sensitivities for Cd, Cr and Pb in different ABS resin disk CRMs were compared, and the differences among them for those ABS resin disks that have similar matrices were observed. Moreover, Hg in those ABS resin disk CRMs was stable for long-term X-ray irradiation during ED-XRF analysis. (author)

  6. Radioimmunoimaging of sup 131 I labeled CEA McAb in nude mice bearing human colonic cancer

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Peiyong, Li [Shanghai Second Medical Univ., SH (China). Ruijing Hospital; and others


    CEA McAb was purified by protein A-Sepharose 4B. ELISA had no obvious crossreaction with NCA and NFA. 1.85 {similar to} 3.7 MBq/10 {mu} g CEA McAb was injected into nude mice by intraperitoneal route. Radioimmunoimaging and biodistribution were performed at 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th day after injection. Results showed that satisfactory tumor imaging can be got after 5th day. On the 6th day, tumor and blood ratio was at its maximum, 301 +-0.1. There was significant difference between the CEA McAb and the IgG control group.

  7. Quantum phases of AB2 fermionic chains

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Murcia-Correa, L S; Franco, R; Silva-Valencia, J


    A fermionic chain is a one-dimensional system with fermions that interact locally and can jump between sites in the lattice, in particular an AB n chain type, where A and B are sites that exhibit a difference in energy level of Δ and site B is repeated n-times, such that the unit cell has n +1 sites. A limit case of this model, called the ionic Hubbard model (n = 1), has been widely studied due to its interesting physics and applications. In this paper, we study the ground state of an AB 2 chain, which describes the material R 4 [Pt 2 (P 2 O 5 H 2 ) 4 X] · nH 2 O. Specifically, we consider a filling with two electrons per unit cell, and using the density matrix renormalization group method we found that the system exhibits the band insulator and Mott correlated insulator phases, as well as an intermediate phase between them. For couplings of Δ = 2,10 and 20, we estimate the critical points that separate these phases through the structure factor and the energy gap in the sector of charge and spin, finding that the position of the critical point rises as a function of Δ. (paper)

  8. The fluorescent treponemal antibody-absorption (FTA-ABS) test for syphilis. (United States)

    Hunter, E F


    The FTA test was developed at a time when immunofluorescence procedures were not well-defined. Through technique control and research, a modification of the FTA test, the FTA-ABS, has attained a position as one of the leading treponemal tests to confirm the reagin tests for syphilis. In this review of the FTA-ABS test, attention has been focused on reagent development, with the anticipation that reagent standardization may soon become a reality. The T. pallidum antigen obtained by extracting infected rabbit testicular tissue has evolved from a preparation in which the treponemes remained in the initial extracting fluid to a reagent that can be free of rabbit tissue and globulin. These washed antigen preparations improve visibility of the treponemes on the microscope slide, reduce background fluorescence, and reduce or prevent from occurring nonspecific reactions that are a result of tissue and globulin components. Both washed and nonwashed antigens are available commercially, and, to date, little differentiation has appeared on the product label. The predominant immunoglobulin that reacts with T. pallidum in the indirect fluorescent antibody tests appears to be IgG. This is the major immunoglobulin detected in the FTA-ABS test. IgM, although increased in early syphilis, is also increased in other clinical conditions. Several reports suggest that adult IgM detection in the present FTA-ABS test would be nonspecific. Until specific IgM antibody in adult syphilis can be detected without a risk to test specificity, the conjugate for the FTA-ABS test should continue to be an anti-IgG reagent. Class-specific, anti-IgG reagents are more expensive than other reagents; however, their use may eliminate the problem of nonspecificity resulting from IgM detection. Additionally, micromethods can be used to reduce cost, and this possibility should be investigated. The sorbent that contains an antigen to the Reiter treponeme may or may not specifically absorb the reactivity that

  9. Inelastic neutron scattering an ab-initio calculation of negative thermal expansion in Ag2O

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gupta, M.K.; Mittal, R.; Rols, S.; Chaplot, S.L.


    The compound Ag 2 O undergoes large and isotropic negative thermal expansion over 0-500 K. We report temperature dependent inelastic neutron scattering measurements and ab-initio calculations of the phonon spectrum. The temperature dependence of the experimental phonon spectrum shows strong anharmonic nature of phonon modes of energy around 2.4 meV. The ab-initio calculations reveal that the maximum negative Grüneisen parameter, which is a measure of the relevant anharmonicity, occurs for the transverse phonon modes that involve bending motions of the Ag 4 O tetrahedra. The thermal expansion is evaluated from the ab-initio calculation of the pressure dependence of the phonon modes, and found in good agreement with available experimental data.

  10. Intrinsic Channeling of Vortices along the ab Plane in Vicinal YBa2Cu3O7-δ Films

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Berghuis, P.; Di Bartolomeo, E.; Wagner, G.A.; Evetts, J.E.


    We have measured the critical current density j c as a function of the orientation of a magnetic field in vicinal YBa 2 Cu 3 O 7-δ films. When both field and Lorentz force lie within the ab plane, we observe a minimum in j c . At high temperatures, as the c -axis coherence length approaches the ab -plane distance, the minimum in j c could not be observed, indicating that this effect is related to the breakdown of the rectilinear vortex state for fields at a small angle to the ab planes. Our results are the first demonstration of intrinsic channeling of vortex strings along the ab planes. copyright 1997 The American Physical Society

  11. Large-scale ab initio configuration interaction calculations for light nuclei

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Maris, Pieter; Potter, Hugh; Vary, James P; Aktulga, H Metin; Ng, Esmond G; Yang Chao; Caprio, Mark A; Çatalyürek, Ümit V; Saule, Erik; Oryspayev, Dossay; Sosonkina, Masha; Zhou Zheng


    In ab-initio Configuration Interaction calculations, the nuclear wavefunction is expanded in Slater determinants of single-nucleon wavefunctions and the many-body Schrodinger equation becomes a large sparse matrix problem. The challenge is to reach numerical convergence to within quantified numerical uncertainties for physical observables using finite truncations of the infinite-dimensional basis space. We discuss strategies for constructing and solving the resulting large sparse matrix eigenvalue problems on current multicore computer architectures. Several of these strategies have been implemented in the code MFDn, a hybrid MPI/OpenMP Fortran code for ab-initio nuclear structure calculations that can scale to 100,000 cores and more. Finally, we will conclude with some recent results for 12 C including emerging collective phenomena such as rotational band structures using SRG evolved chiral N3LO interactions.

  12. Soliton solutions for ABS lattice equations: I. Cauchy matrix approach (United States)

    Nijhoff, Frank; Atkinson, James; Hietarinta, Jarmo


    In recent years there have been new insights into the integrability of quadrilateral lattice equations, i.e. partial difference equations which are the natural discrete analogues of integrable partial differential equations in 1+1 dimensions. In the scalar (i.e. single-field) case, there now exist classification results by Adler, Bobenko and Suris (ABS) leading to some new examples in addition to the lattice equations 'of KdV type' that were known since the late 1970s and early 1980s. In this paper, we review the construction of soliton solutions for the KdV-type lattice equations and use those results to construct N-soliton solutions for all lattice equations in the ABS list except for the elliptic case of Q4, which is left to a separate treatment.

  13. Anti-CD25 mAb administration prevents spontaneous liver transplant tolerance. (United States)

    Li, W; Carper, K; Liang, Y; Zheng, X X; Kuhr, C S; Reyes, J D; Perkins, D L; Thomson, A W; Perkins, J D


    Liver allografts are accepted spontaneously in all mouse strain combinations without immunosuppressive therapy. The mechanisms underlying this phenomenon remain largely undefined. In this study, we examined the effect of CD4+ CD25+ T regulatory cells (Treg) on the induction of mouse liver transplant tolerance. Orthotopic liver transplantation was performed from B10 (H2b) to C3H (H2k) mice. Depleting rat anti-mouse CD25 mAb (PC61) was given to the donors or recipients (250 microg/d IP) pretransplant or to the recipients postoperatively. At day 5 posttransplantation, both effector T cells (mainly CD8) and CD4+ CD25+ Treg were increased in the liver allografts and host spleens compared to naïve mice. Anti-CD25 mAb administration, either pretransplantation or posttransplantation, reduced the ratio of CD4+ CD25+ Treg to the CD3 T cells of liver grafts and recipient spleens and induced liver allograft acute rejection compared to IgG treatment. Anti-CD25 mAb administration elevated anti-donor T-cell proliferative responses and CTL and NK activities of graft infiltrates and host splenocytes; reduced CTLA4, Foxp3, and IDO mRNA levels; increased IL-10 and IFN-gamma; and decreased IL-4 mRNA levels in the livers or host spleens. The number of apoptotic T cells was reduced significantly in the liver grafts and treated host spleens. Therefore, anti-CD25 mAb administration changed the balance of CD4+ CD25+ Treg to activated T cells of liver graft recipients, preventing liver transplant tolerance. This was associated with enhanced anti-donor immune reactivity, downregulated Treg gene expression, and reduced T cell apoptosis in the grafts and host spleens.

  14. A case study to estimate thermal conductivity of ABS in Cold Climate Chamber


    Mughal, Umair Najeeb; Makarova, Marina; Virk, Muhammad Shakeel; Polanco Pinerez, Geanette


    Open Access (Romeo Green journal), publishers version / PDF may be used Non steady state thermal conductivity of ABS was estimated using an analytical approach in a Cold Climate Chamber at ?10?C and ?14?C. Two hollow cylinders of ABS of varying thickness were used to estimate the conductivity. The material was porous but the porosity was unknown. This paper is a case study to understand, if it is reasonable to estimate the thermal conductivity using th...

  15. H. pylori clinical isolates have diverse babAB genotype distributions over different topographic sites of stomach with correlation to clinical disease outcomes

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sheu Shew-Meei


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Intragenomic recombination between babA and babB mediates antigenic variations and may help H. pylori colonization. This study determined whether variable genotypes of babA and babB correlate to different clinical disease outcomes, and can distribute over the different gastric niches. Results This study enrolled 92 clinical strains (45 from peptic ulcer, 27 from gastritis, and 20 from gastric cancer to detect whether the babA and babB are at locus A or B by PCR reactions using the primers designed from the upstream and variable region of the babA and babB genes. Four genotypes of babA and babB (A B, AB B, A AB, AB AB were found. The distribution of the 4 genotypes in 92 clinical strains was significantly different among patients with different gastric diseases (p vs. 9.7%, p p p > 0.05. Besides, the study enrolled 19 patients to verify whether variable genotypes of babAB existed in the different gastric niches. Among the patients infected with more than one babAB genotypes over antrum and corpus, there were higher rate of genotypes as A B or AB AB in isolates from antrum than in those from corpus (75.0 % vs. 16.7%, p  Conclusions The H. pylori isolate with the AB AB genotype correlates with an increased gastric cancer risk, and colonize in an antrum predominant manner.

  16. A cell-based fluorescent assay to detect the activity of AB toxins that inhibit protein synthesis (United States)

    AB-type protein toxins, produced by numerous bacterial pathogens and some plants, elicit a cytotoxic effect involving the inhibition of protein synthesis. To develop an improved method to detect the inhibition of protein synthesis by AB-type toxins, the present study characterized a Vero cell line t...

  17. Shear stiffness in nanolaminar Ti3SiC2 challenges ab initio calculations

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kisi, E H; Zhang, J F; Kirstein, O; Riley, D P; Styles, M J; Paradowska, A M


    Nanolaminates such as the M n+1 AX n (MAX) phases are a material class with ab initio derived elasticity tensors published for over 250 compounds. We have for the first time experimentally determined the full elasticity tensor of the archetype MAX phase, Ti 3 SiC 2 , using polycrystalline samples and in situ neutron diffraction. The experimental elastic constants show extreme shear stiffness, with c 44 more than five times greater than expected for an isotropic material. Such shear stiffness is quite rare in hexagonal materials and strongly contradicts the predictions of all published MAX phase elastic constants derived from ab initio calculations. It is concluded that second order properties such as elastic moduli derived from ab initio calculations require careful experimental verification. The diffraction technique used currently provides the only method of verification for the elasticity tensor for the majority of new materials where single crystals are not available. (fast track communication)

  18. Proper construction of ab initio global potential surfaces with accurate long-range interactions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ho, Tak-San; Rabitz, Herschel


    An efficient procedure based on the reproducing kernel Hilbert space interpolation method is presented for constructing intermolecular potential energy surfaces (PES) using not only calculated ab initio data but also a priori information on long-range interactions. Explicitly, use of the reciprocal power reproducing kernel on the semiinfinite interval [0,∞) yields a set of exact linear relations between dispersion (multipolar) coefficients and PES data points at finite internuclear separations. Consequently, given a combined set of ab initio data and the values of dispersion (multipolar) coefficients, the potential interpolation problem subject to long-range interaction constraints can be solved to render globally smooth, asymptotically accurate ab initio potential energy surfaces. Very good results have been obtained for the one-dimensional He-He potential curve and the two-dimensional Ne-CO PES. The construction of the Ne-CO PES was facilitated by invoking a new reproducing kernel for the angular coordinate based on the optimally stable and shape-preserving Bernstein basis functions. (c) 2000 American Institute of Physics

  19. ATP-dependent partitioning of the DNA template into supercoiled domains by Escherichia coli UvrAB

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Koo, Hyeon-Sook; Liu, L.F.; Claassen, L.; Grossman, L.


    The helicase action of the Escherichia coli UvrAB complex on a covalently closed circular DNA template was monitored using bacterial DNA topoisomerase I, which specifically removes negative supercoils. In the presence of E. coli DNA topoisomerase I and ATP, the UvrAB complex gradually introduced positive supercoils into the input relaxed plasmid DNA template. Positive supercoils were not produced when E. coli DNA topoisomerase I was replaced by eukaryotic DNA topoisomerase I or when both E. coli and eukaryotic DNA topoisomerases I were added simultaneously. These results suggest that like other DNA helix-tracking processes, the ATP-dependent action of the UvrAM complex on duplex DNA simultaneously generates both positive and negative supercoils, which are not constrained by protein binding but are torsionally strained. The supercoiling activity of UvrAB on UV-damaged DNA was also studied using UV-damaged plasmid DNA and a mutant UvrA protein that lacks the 40 C-terminal amino acids and is defective in preferential binding to UV-damaged DNA. UvrAB was found to preferentially supercoil the UV-damaged DNA template, whereas the mutant protein supercoiled UV-damaged and undamaged DNA with equal efficiency. The authors results therefore suggest that the DNA helix-tracking activity of UvrAB may be involved in searching and/or prepriming the damaged DNA for UvrC incision. A possible role of supercoiled domains in the incision process is discussed

  20. Radioimmunotherapy of human colon cancer xenografts by using 131I labeled-CAb1 F(ab')2

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Li Ling; Xu Huiyun; Mi Li; Bian Huijie; Qin Jun; Xiong Hua; Feng Qiang; Wen Ning; Tian Rong; Xu Liqing; Shen Xiaomei; Tang Hao; Chen Zhinan


    Purpose: Therapeutic efficacy, suitable dose, and administration times of 131 I-CAb 1 F(ab') 2 , a new monoclonal antibody therapeutics specifically directed against a cell surface-associated glycoprotein of colon cancer, were investigated in this article. Methods and Materials: In human colon cancer xenografts, 131 I-CAb 1 F(ab') 2 at the dose of 125 μCi, 375 μCi, and 1125 μCi were administrated intraperitoneally on Days 6 and 18 after implantation of HR8348 cells with CAb 1 high reactivity. Survival time and tumor growth inhibition rate were used to evaluate the efficacy and safety of 131 I-CAb 1 F(ab') 2 in treatment of colon cancer xenografts. Results: Treatment of 125, 375, and 1125 μCi 131 I-CAb1 F(ab') 2 did not significantly decrease the mean survival time of nude mice when compared with nontreated groups (p = 0.276, 0.865, 0.582, respectively). Moreover, the mean survival times of nude mice receiving 375 μCi and 1125 μCi 131 I-CAb1 F(ab') 2 were significantly longer than that of 5-FU-treated groups (p 0.018 and 0.042). Tumor growth inhibition rates of the first therapy were 35.67% and 41.37%, with corresponding 131 I-labeled antibody dosage of 375 μCi and 1125 μCi. After single attack dosage, second reinforcement therapy may rise efficacy significantly. Tumor growth inhibition rates of 125 μCi, 375 μCi, and 1125 μCi 131 I-labeled antibody on Day 20 posttherapy were 42.65%, 56.56%, and 84.41%, respectively. Histopathology examination revealed that tissue necrosis of various degrees was found in 131 I-CAb1 F(ab') 2 -treated groups. Conclusion: 131 I-CAb 1 F(ab') 2 is safe and effective for colon cancer. It may be a novel and potentially adjuvant therapeutics for colon cancer

  1. Ab initio results for intermediate-mass, open-shell nuclei (United States)

    Baker, Robert B.; Dytrych, Tomas; Launey, Kristina D.; Draayer, Jerry P.


    A theoretical understanding of nuclei in the intermediate-mass region is vital to astrophysical models, especially for nucleosynthesis. Here, we employ the ab initio symmetry-adapted no-core shell model (SA-NCSM) in an effort to push first-principle calculations across the sd-shell region. The ab initio SA-NCSM's advantages come from its ability to control the growth of model spaces by including only physically relevant subspaces, which allows us to explore ultra-large model spaces beyond the reach of other methods. We report on calculations for 19Ne and 20Ne up through 13 harmonic oscillator shells using realistic interactions and discuss the underlying structure as well as implications for various astrophysical reactions. This work was supported by the U.S. NSF (OCI-0904874 and ACI -1516338) and the U.S. DOE (DE-SC0005248), and also benefitted from the Blue Waters sustained-petascale computing project and high performance computing resources provided by LSU.

  2. Ab initio theory and calculations of X-ray spectra

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rehr, J.J.; Kas, J.J.; Prange, M.P.; Sorini, A.P.; Takimoto, Y.; Vila, F.


    There has been dramatic progress in recent years both in the calculation and interpretation of various x-ray spectroscopies. However, current theoretical calculations often use a number of simplified models to account for many-body effects, in lieu of first principles calculations. In an effort to overcome these limitations we describe in this article a number of recent advances in theory and in theoretical codes which offer the prospect of parameter free calculations that include the dominant many-body effects. These advances are based on ab initio calculations of the dielectric and vibrational response of a system. Calculations of the dielectric function over a broad spectrum yield system dependent self-energies and mean-free paths, as well as intrinsic losses due to multielectron excitations. Calculations of the dynamical matrix yield vibrational damping in terms of multiple-scattering Debye-Waller factors. Our ab initio methods for determining these many-body effects have led to new, improved, and broadly applicable x-ray and electron spectroscopy codes. (authors)

  3. Ab Initio Many-Body Calculations Of Nucleon-Nucleus Scattering

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Quaglioni, S; Navratil, P


    We develop a new ab initio many-body approach capable of describing simultaneously both bound and scattering states in light nuclei, by combining the resonating-group method with the use of realistic interactions, and a microscopic and consistent description of the nucleon clusters. This approach preserves translational symmetry and Pauli principle. We outline technical details and present phase shift results for neutron scattering on {sup 3}H, {sup 4}He and {sup 10}Be and proton scattering on {sup 3,4}He, using realistic nucleon-nucleon (NN) potentials. Our A = 4 scattering results are compared to earlier ab initio calculations. We find that the CD-Bonn NN potential in particular provides an excellent description of nucleon-{sup 4}He S-wave phase shifts. We demonstrate that a proper treatment of the coupling to the n-{sup 10}Be continuum is successful in explaining the parity-inverted ground state in {sup 11}Be.

  4. Different efficiency of UmuDC and MucAB proteins in UV light induced mutagenesis in Escherichia coli

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Blanco, M.; Herrera, G.; Aleixandre, V.


    Two multicopy plasmids carrying either the umuDC or the mucAB operon were used to compare the efficiency of UmuDC and MucAB proteins in UV mutagenesis of Escherichia coli K12. It was found that in recA + uvr + bacteria, plasmid pIC80, mucAB + mediated UV mutagenesis more efficiently than did plasmid pSE 117, umuDC + . A similar result was obtained in lex A51(Def) cells, excluding the possibility that this was due to a differential regulation by LexA of the umuDC and mucAB operons. We conclude that some structural characteristic of the UmuDC and MucAB proteins determines their different efficiency in UV mutagenesis. This characteristic could be also responsible for the observation that in the recA430 mutant, pIC80 but no pSE117 can mediate UV mutagenesis. In the recAS142 mutant pIC80 also promoted UV mutagenesis more efficiently than pSE117. In this mutant, the recombination proficiency, the protease activity toward LexA and the mutation frequency were increased by the presence of adenine in the medium. In recA + uvrB5 bacteria, plasmid pSE117, umuDC caused both an increase in UV sensitivity as well as a reduction in the mutation frequency. These negative effects resulting from the overproduction of UmuDC proteins were higher in recA142 uvrB5 than in recA + uvrB5 cells. In contrast, overproduction of MucAB proteins in excision-deficient bacteria containing pIC80 led to a large increase in the mutation frequency. We suggest that the functional differences between UmuDC and MucAB proteins might be due to their different dependence on the direct role of RecA protease in UV mutagenesis. (orig.)

  5. Modeling of nuclear glasses by classical and ab initio molecular dynamics

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ganster, P.


    A calcium aluminosilicate glass of molar composition 67 % SiO 2 - 12 % Al 2 O 3 - 21 % CaO was modelled by classical and ab initio molecular dynamics. The size effect study in classical MD shows that the systems of 100 atoms are more ordered than the larger ones. These effects are mainly due to the 3-body terms in the empirical potentials. Nevertheless, these effects are small and the structures generated are in agreement with experimental data. In such kind of glass, we denote an aluminium avoidance and an excess of non bridging oxygens which can be compensated by tri-coordinated oxygens. When the dynamics of systems of 100 and 200 atoms is followed by ab initio MD, some local arrangements occurs (bond length, angular distributions). Thus, more realistic vibrational properties are obtained in ab initio MD. The modelling of thin films shows that aluminum atoms extend to the most external part of the surface and they are all tri-coordinated. Calcium atoms are set in the sub layer part of the surface and they produce a depolymerization of the network. In classical MD, tri-coordinated aluminium atoms produce an important electric field above the surface. With non bridging oxygens, they constitute attractive sites for single water molecules. (author) [fr

  6. Modelling of nuclear glasses by classical and ab initio molecular dynamics

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ganster, P.


    A calcium aluminosilicate glass of molar composition 67 % SiO 2 - 12 % Al 2 O 3 - 21 % CaO was modelled by classical and ab initio molecular dynamics. The size effect study in classical MD shows that the systems of 100 atoms are more ordered than the larger ones. These effects are mainly due to the 3-body terms in the empirical potentials. Nevertheless, these effects are small and the structures generated are in agreement with experimental data. In such kind of glass, we denote an aluminium avoidance and an excess of non bridging oxygens which can be compensated by tri coordinated oxygens. When the dynamics of systems of 100 and 200 atoms is followed by ab initio MD, some local arrangements occurs (bond length, angular distributions). Thus, more realistic vibrational properties are obtained in ab initio MD. The modelling of thin films shows that aluminium atoms extend to the most external part of the surface and they are all tri-coordinated. Calcium atoms are set in the sub layer part of the surface and they produce a depolymerization of the network. In classical MD, tri-coordinated aluminium atoms produce an important electric field above the surface. With non bridging oxygens, they constitute attractive sites for single water molecules. (author)

  7. Ab initio study of phase equilibria in TiCx

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Korzhavyi, P.A.; Pourovskii, L.V.; Hugosson, H.W.


    The phase diagram for the vacancy-ordered structures in the substoichiometric TiCx (x = 0.5-1.0) has been established from Monte Carlo simulations with the long-range pair and multisite effective interactions obtained from ab initio calculations. Three ordered superstructures of vacancies (Ti2C, Ti...

  8. Move of Purchasing Offices TS – AB* – AT*

    CERN Multimedia

    FI Department


    The TS – AB* - AT* Purchasing Offices and the Purchasing Pool have moved to Building 5 – 2nd and *3rd floors. The phone and fax numbers are unchanged. We apologize for any inconvenience caused by the move. Thank you for your understanding. Finance Department – Purchasing Service.

  9. The htpAB operon of Legionella pneumophila cannot be deleted in the presence of the groE chaperonin operon of Escherichia coli. (United States)

    Nasrallah, Gheyath K; Gagnon, Elizabeth; Orton, Dennis J; Garduño, Rafael A


    HtpB, the chaperonin of the intracellular bacterial pathogen Legionella pneumophila , displays several virulence-related functions in vitro. To confirm HtpB's role in vivo, host infections with an htpB deletion mutant would be required. However, we previously reported that the htpAB operon (encoding co-chaperonin and chaperonin) is essential. We attempted here to delete htpAB in a L. pneumophila strain carrying the groE operon (encoding the Escherichia coli co-chaperonin and chaperonin). The groE operon was inserted into the chromosome of L. pneumophila Lp02, and then allelic replacement of htpAB with a gentamicin resistance cassette was attempted. Although numerous potential postallelic replacement transformants showed a correct selection phenotype, we still detected htpAB by PCR and full-size HtpB by immunoblot. Southern blot and PCR analysis indicated that the gentamicin resistance cassette had apparently integrated in a duplicated htpAB region. However, we showed by Southern blot that strain Lp02, and the Lp02 derivative carrying the groE operon, have only one copy of htpAB. These results confirmed that the htpAB operon cannot be deleted, not even in the presence of the groE operon, and suggested that attempts to delete htpAB under strong phenotypic selection result in aberrant genetic recombinations that could involve duplication of the htpAB locus.

  10. Growth suppression of colorectal cancer by plant-derived multiple mAb CO17-1A × BR55 via inhibition of ERK1/2 phosphorylation. (United States)

    Kwak, Dong Hoon; Moussavou, Ghislain; Lee, Ju Hyoung; Heo, Sung Youn; Ko, Kisung; Hwang, Kyung-A; Jekal, Seung-Joo; Choo, Young-Kug


    We have generated the transgenic Tabaco plants expressing multiple monoclonal antibody (mAb) CO7-1A × BR55 by cross-pollinating with mAb CO17-1A and mAb BR55. We have demonstrated the anti-cancer effect of plant-derived multiple mAb CO17-1A × BR55. We find that co-treatment of colorectal mAbs (anti-epithelial cellular adhesion molecule (EpCAM), plant-derived monoclonal antibody (mAb(P)) CO17-1A and mAb(P) CO17-1A × BR55) with RAW264.7 cells significantly inhibited the cell growth in SW620 cancer cells. In particular, multi mAb(P) CO17-1A × BR55 significantly and efficiently suppressed the growth of SW620 cancer cells compared to another mAbs. Apoptotic death-positive cells were significantly increased in the mAb(P) CO17-1A × BR55-treated. The mAb(P) CO17-1A × BR55 treatment significantly decreased the expression of B-Cell lymphoma-2 (BCl-2), but the expression of Bcl-2-associated X protein (Bax), and cleaved caspase-3 were markedly increased. In vivo, the mAb(P) CO17-1A × BR55 significantly and efficiently inhibited the growth of colon tumors compared to another mAbs. The apoptotic cell death and inhibition of pro-apoptotic proteins expression were highest by treatment with mAb(P) CO17-1A × BR55. In addition, the mAb(P) CO17-1A × BR55 significantly inhibited the extracellular signal-regulated kinase 1 and 2 (ERK1/2) phosphorylation in cancer cells and tumors. Therefore, this study results suggest that multiple mAb(P) CO17-1A × BR55 has a significant effect on apoptosis-mediated anticancer by suppression of ERK1/2 phosphorylation in colon cancer compared to another mAbs. In light of these results, further clinical investigation should be conducted on mAb(P) CO17-1A × BR55 to determine its possible chemopreventive and/or therapeutic efficacy against human colon cancer.

  11. Virtual synthesis of crystals using ab initio MD: Case study on LiFePO4 (United States)

    Mishra, S. B.; Nanda, B. R. K.


    Molecular dynamics simulation technique is fairly successful in studying the structural aspects and dynamics of fluids. Here we study the ability of ab initio molecular dynamics (ab initio MD) to carry out virtual experiments to synthesize new crystalline materials and to predict their structures. For this purpose the olivine phosphate LiFePO4 (LFPO) is used as an example. As transition metal oxides in general are stabilized with layered geometry, we carried out ab initio MD simulations over a hypothetical layered configuration consisting of alternate LiPO2 and FeO2 layers. With intermittent steps of electron minimization, the resulted equilibrium lattice consist of PO4 tetrahedra and distorted Fe-O complexes similar to the one observed in the experimental lattice.

  12. Ab initio multiple cloning algorithm for quantum nonadiabatic molecular dynamics

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Makhov, Dmitry V.; Shalashilin, Dmitrii V. [Department of Chemistry, University of Leeds, Leeds LS2 9JT (United Kingdom); Glover, William J.; Martinez, Todd J. [Department of Chemistry and The PULSE Institute, Stanford University, Stanford, California 94305, USA and SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, Menlo Park, California 94025 (United States)


    We present a new algorithm for ab initio quantum nonadiabatic molecular dynamics that combines the best features of ab initio Multiple Spawning (AIMS) and Multiconfigurational Ehrenfest (MCE) methods. In this new method, ab initio multiple cloning (AIMC), the individual trajectory basis functions (TBFs) follow Ehrenfest equations of motion (as in MCE). However, the basis set is expanded (as in AIMS) when these TBFs become sufficiently mixed, preventing prolonged evolution on an averaged potential energy surface. We refer to the expansion of the basis set as “cloning,” in analogy to the “spawning” procedure in AIMS. This synthesis of AIMS and MCE allows us to leverage the benefits of mean-field evolution during periods of strong nonadiabatic coupling while simultaneously avoiding mean-field artifacts in Ehrenfest dynamics. We explore the use of time-displaced basis sets, “trains,” as a means of expanding the basis set for little cost. We also introduce a new bra-ket averaged Taylor expansion (BAT) to approximate the necessary potential energy and nonadiabatic coupling matrix elements. The BAT approximation avoids the necessity of computing electronic structure information at intermediate points between TBFs, as is usually done in saddle-point approximations used in AIMS. The efficiency of AIMC is demonstrated on the nonradiative decay of the first excited state of ethylene. The AIMC method has been implemented within the AIMS-MOLPRO package, which was extended to include Ehrenfest basis functions.

  13. Metodología para el cálculo de la viscosidad empleando como caso práctico el reprocesado de ABS

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Francisco Parres García


    Full Text Available This paper explains the methodology for calculating the viscosity, using as a case study the recycling of Acrylonitrile–Butadiene–Styrene (ABS. To simulate recycled ABS, virgin ABS was processed through 5 cycles, at extreme processing temperatures, 220ºC and 260ºC. The virgin ABS and the recycled ABS were rheologically characterized after the various cycles of reprocessing in order to evaluate their corresponding properties and correlate them with the number of cycles undergone. The viscosity is expressed using the mathematical model of Cross-WLF. This mathematical model is used to introduce viscosity in Computer Aided Engineering (CAE. The results show that viscosity decreases as the number of reprocessing cycles increases.

  14. Ab initio assisted process modeling for Si-based nanoelectronic devices

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Windl, Wolfgang


    In this paper, we discuss concepts and examples of ab initio calculations assisting physics-based process simulation. We focus on how to determine diffusion and reaction constants, where modern methods such as the nudged elastic band method allow a systematic and reliable search for the minimum energy migration path and barrier. We show that once the saddle point is determined, the underlying harmonic transition state theory also allows to calculate the prefactors. The discussed examples include nitrogen diffusion, boron deactivation and boron interface segregation. Finally, some concepts are discussed for future device technologies such as molecular devices, where the currently prevalent multiscale approach (kinetic parameters used in higher level models like diffusion-reaction or kinetic Monte Carlo modeling) would not be sensible anymore. As an example, we described the ab initio temperature-accelerated dynamics modeling of contact formation in carbon nanotube devices

  15. Effects of 3-AB on PARP expression of Hela cells and apoptosis and cell cycle progression of Hela cells after X-rays irradiation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Du Xiang; Zhao Hongguang; Guo Wei; Gong Shouliang; Wang Wen


    Objective: To study the changes of apoptosis and cell cycle progression of Hela cells after the poly (ADP- ribose) polymerase (PARP) was inhibited by its inhibitor 3-aminobenzamid (3-AB) and the mechanisms of PARP interaction with Hela cells damaged by irradiation. Methods: Hela cell line was used. Flow cytometry (FCM) was used to examine the PARP expression of control and 3 AB groups at 0, 2, 4, 8, 12 h alter administration with 5 mmol·L -1 3-AB. The percentage of apoptotic cells and cell cycle progression ol control, irradiation, 3-AB plus irradiation groups were measured with FCM at 2, 8, 12, 24 h after exposure to 2 Gy irradiation following administration with 5 mmol·L -1 3-AB. Results: The percentage of Hela cells with positive expression of PARP protein decreased after administration with 3-AB and there was significant difference between 3-AB plus irradiation group and control group (P 2 cells in the 3-AB plus irradiation group were lower than those in the irradiation group (P 2 arrest induced by irradiation. (authors)

  16. Radioimmunoimaging of nude mice bearing human lung adenocarcinoma xenografts after injecting 131I-McAbs

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Liu Liang


    Monoclonal antibodies (Lc86a-C5, Lc86a-H8) directed against human lung adenocarcinoma cell line LTEP-a-2 and normal BALB/c IgG were labelled with iodine-131 by chloramine T. The 131 I-McAbs and 131 I-IgG were respectively injected into the peritoneal cavities of nude mice bearing transplanted human lung adenocarcinoma cell line LTEP-a-2. After 72 h, the tumor tissue in nude mice injected with 131 I-McAbs was distinguishable from normal tissues as a very clear image obtained during gamma scintigraphy. No difference was found between tumor and normal tissues in the nude mice injected with 131 I-IgG. The tumor: blood ration was 3.1:1 in nude injected with 131 I McAb(H8) and 0.9:1 in nude mice injected with 131 I-IgG respectively. This indicates that the tumor tissue image was the result of specific binding of the 131 I-McAbs, which have high specificity and affinity both in vitro and in vivo, to tumor cells, and these monoclonal antibodies may serve as potential agents in tumor diagnosis and treatment

  17. Modelagem da polimerização simultânea de estireno em suspensão e emulsão Modeling styrene simultaneous suspension and emulsion polymerization systems

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Marcelo K. Lenzi


    Full Text Available Apesar dos processos de polimerização em suspensão e emulsão serem processos heterogêneos, cada um origina características peculiares para a distribuição de tamanho de partículas, distribuição de pesos moleculares, taxa de nucleação das partículas de polímero, taxa de polimerização, entre outras. Neste trabalho, são realizadas polimerizações de estireno simultaneamente em suspensão e emulsão. A carga inicial do reator equivale à receita de uma polimerização em suspensão tradicional, enquanto os constituintes da emulsão são adicionados ao longo da batelada. Analisa-se como as propriedades finais do polímero e o curso da polimerização dependem do momento em que a carga característica da emulsão é adicionada à polimerização em suspensão. Apresenta-se, também, um modelo matemático para a descrição do sistema, sendo que o modelo proposto possui boa concordância com dados experimentais de conversão, pesos moleculares médios e curva de distribuição de pesos moleculares. A morfologia da partícula de polímero e os pesos moleculares médios mudam significativamente, dependendo do momento da adição da emulsão, podendo até mesmo ser obtidas curvas de distribuição de pesos moleculares bimodais. Verificou-se que as partículas apresentam características do tipo núcleo/casca, sendo o núcleo formado pelas partículas obtidas pela polimerização em suspensão e a casca formada pelas partículas do processo em emulsão.Although both emulsion and suspension polymerization processes are performed in heterogeneous media, each process presents its own typical characteristics, such as the particle size distribution, molecular weight distribution, polymer particle nucleation rates, rates of polymerization, and so on. In this work styrene polymerizations are carried out in suspension and emulsion processes simultaneously. The initial reactor charge resembles the recipe of standard styrene suspension

  18. The Optical Transmission Spectrum of the Inflated Hot Jupiter WASP-94Ab (United States)

    Berta-Thompson, Zachory; Diamond-Lowe, Hannah; Osip, David; McDonald, Michael; Triaud, Amaury; Hellier, Coel; Gillon, Michael; Delrez, Laetitia; Queloz, Didier; Neveu-VanMalle, Marion; Demory, Brice-Olivier


    Exoplaneteers study the color of sunset on other planets, by measuring the wavelength-dependence of the fraction of starlight transmitted through the planets' atmospheres during transit. These transmission spectroscopy observations can reveal the molecular composition and aerosol distribution along the planet's day-night terminator. Here, we present new observations of the transmission spectrum of WASP-94Ab, an inflated hot Jupiter in a 3.95 day orbit around a bright 6200K, V=10.1 dwarf star. The star is in a visual binary with a nearly identical star (6100K, V=10.5) located 15" away. We observed three transits of WASP-94Ab with the Magellan/LDSS3C multiobject spectrograph, taking advantage of the nearby companion to correct for temporal variations in Earth's telluric spectrum. Thanks to the Magellan Clay telescope's large 6.5m aperture and WASP-94Ab's low surface gravity, we achieve a spectrophotometric precision (in units of atmospheric scale heights) that rivals Hubble/STIS spectroscopy of the famous and much brighter hot Jupiter system HD209458b. We highlight the valuable role ground-based telescopes can play for exoplanetary characterization in the TESS era.

  19. Decline in titers of anti-idiotypic antibodies specific to autoantibodies to GAD65 (GAD65Ab precedes development of GAD65Ab and type 1 diabetes.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Helena Elding Larsson

    Full Text Available The humoral Idiotypic Network consisting of antibodies and their anti-idiotypic antibodies (anti-Id can be temporarily upset by antigen exposure. In the healthy immune response the original equilibrium is eventually restored through counter-regulatory mechanisms. In certain autoimmune diseases however, autoantibody levels exceed those of their respective anti-Id, indicating a permanent disturbance in the respective humoral Idiotypic Network. We investigated anti-Id directed to a major Type 1 diabetes (T1D-associated autoantibody (GAD65Ab in two independent cohorts during progression to disease. Samples taken from participants of the Natural History Study showed significantly lower anti-Id levels in individuals that later progressed to T1D compared to non-progressors (anti-Id antibody index of 0.06 vs. 0.08, respectively, p = 0.02. We also observed a significant inverse correlation between anti-Id levels and age at sampling, but only in progressors (p = 0.014. Finally, anti-Id levels in progressors showed a significant decline during progression as compared to longitudinal anti-Id levels in non-progressors (median rate of change: -0.0004 vs. +0.0004, respectively, p = 0.003, suggesting a loss of anti-Id during progression. Our analysis of the Diabetes Prediction in Skåne cohort showed that early in life (age 2 individuals at risk have anti-Id levels indistinguishable from those in healthy controls, indicating that low anti-Id levels are not an innate characteristic of the immune response in individuals at risk. Notably, anti-Id levels declined significantly in individuals that later developed GAD65Ab suggesting that the decline in anti-Id levels precedes the emergence of GAD65Ab (median rate of change: -0.005 compared to matched controls (median rate of change: +0.001 (p = 0.0016. We conclude that while anti-Id are present early in life, their levels decrease prior to the appearance of GAD65Ab and to the development of T1D.

  20. MicroRNA-20a/b regulates cholesterol efflux through post-transcriptional repression of ATP-binding cassette transporter A1. (United States)

    Liang, Bin; Wang, Xin; Song, Xiaosu; Bai, Rui; Yang, Huiyu; Yang, Zhiming; Xiao, Chuanshi; Bian, Yunfei


    ATP-binding cassette transporter A1 (ABCA1) plays a crucial role in reverse cholesterol transport and exhibits anti-atherosclerosis effects. Some microRNAs (miRs) regulate ABCA1 expression, and recent studies have shown that miR-20a/b might play a critical role in atherosclerotic diseases. Here, we attempted to clarify the potential contribution of miR-20a/b in post-transcriptional regulation of ABCA1, cholesterol efflux, and atherosclerosis. We performed bioinformatics analysis and found that miR-20a/b was highly conserved and directly bound to ABCA1 mRNA with low binding free energy. Luciferase-reporter assay also confirmed that miR-20a/b significantly reduced luciferase activity associated with the ABCA1 3' untranslated region reporter construct. Additionally, miR-20a/b decreased ABCA1 expression, which, in turn, decreased cholesterol efflux and increased cholesterol content in THP-1 and RAW 264.7 macrophage-derived foam cells. In contrast, miR-20a/b inhibitors increased ABCA1 expression and cholesterol efflux, decreased cholesterol content, and inhibited foam-cell formation. Consistent with our in vitro results, miR-20a/b-treated ApoE -/- mice showed decreased ABCA1expression in the liver and reductions of reverse cholesterol transport in vivo. Furthermore, miR-20a/b regulated the formation of nascent high-density lipoprotein and promoted atherosclerotic development, whereas miR-20a/b knockdown attenuated atherosclerotic formation. miR-20 is a new miRNA capable of targeting ABCA1 and regulating ABCA1 expression. Therefore, miR-20 inhibition constitutes a new strategy for ABCA1-based treatment of atherosclerosis. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  1. Polyvalent horse F(Ab`)2 snake antivenom: Development of process ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)



    Apr 19, 2010 ... African Journal of Biotechnology Vol. 9 (16), pp. ... filtered through a 30 kDa ultrafiltration membrane. F(ab´)2 .... was added to the plasma pool obtained from the horses immunized with whole ..... revision of the manuscript.

  2. Detection of GAD-Ab index in diabetic patients using 35S labeled recombinant human GAD65 antigen

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Huang Gan; Zhao Zhiguang; Peng Jian; Yan Xiang; Zhu Xuping; Yang Lin; Li Xia; Wang Jianping; Jiang Tiejian


    Objective: To establish a novel method for measuring glutamic acid decarboxylase autoanti-bodies(GAD-Ab). Methods: Recombinant human GAD 65 was used as the antigen, in vitro transcribed and translated 35 S-GAD 65 as the tracer, a self-designed rotating incubation apparatus as the incubator, protein-A sepharose as the precipitator, and the liquid scintillation counter was used to measure radioactive count value to detect GAD-Ab. The positive cut-off point of GAD-Ab index was determined as > 0.05 by the 99.5% percentile in 109 healthy individuals. GAD-Ab levels were determined in 43 type 1 and 226 type 2 diabetic patients. Results: The optimized working conditions included SJ1515 35 S-methionine for in vitro transcription and translation, 20-30 r/min setup of rotating incubation apparatus, test temperature 4-25 degree C, freshly prepared buffer of pH 7.2-7.4, and horizontal rotor centrifuge. The new method was better than original one, with intra-assay CV of 4.9%-8.3% and inter-assay CV of 7.1%-10.8 %, specificity of 98.2%. The results were comparable with the figures issued by an international standardized laboratory (concordance was 98.3%, Kappa value 0.971). The positive rate of GAD-Ab was 58.1% (25 of 43) in type 1 and 10.2%(23 of 226) in type 2 diabetes patients, but only 1.8% (2 of 109) in healthy individuals. Conclusion: The new assay for GAD-Ab is a highly sensitive, accurate, specific and reproducible method for clinical use

  3. Raman spectroscopy, ab-initio model calculations, and conformational, equilibria in ionic liquids

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Berg, Rolf W.


    spectroscopy and ab-initio molecular orbital calculations. A discussion is given, based mainly on some recent FT- Raman spectroscopic results on the model ionic liquid system of 1-butyl-3-methyl-imidazolium ([C4C1Im]+X-) salts. The rotational isomerism of the [C4C1Im]+ cation is described: the presence of anti.......3 Brief introduction to ab-initio model calculations .... 312 12.4 Case study on Raman spectroscopy and structure of imidazolium-based ionic liquids ..... 312 12.5 Raman spectra and structure of [C4C1Im]+ liquids ..... 315 12.6 Normal mode analysis and rotational isomerism of the [C4C1Im]+ cation...

  4. Radioimmunoassay of antibody e against hepatitis-B virus (HBeAb, anti-HBe)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kselikova, M.; Novak, J.; Urbankova, J.


    The Abbott-HBe kit renders possible a radioimmunoassay of antibody e against antigen e of the hepatitis-B virus. This detection proceeds in 2 phases: the higher the antibody-e titer in the examined serum the lower the number of pulses measured. HBeAb occurred in 87 test persons. The antibody was most frequently detected in symptom-free carriers of the surface antigen (80%), furthermore in the medical staff of the departments of infectious hepatitides (39%), in hospitalized patients with infectious hepatitis (36%), and in employees of the first-aid service (25%). In blood donors as control group HBeAb was not detected. (author)

  5. Production of PVC/Abs/Nbr blend and the study of its physical and mechanical properties, thermal behaviour and its morphology

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mehrabzadeh, M.; Honarkar, H.


    In this research a product of triplet blend of polyvinyl chloride, acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene, acrylonitrile butadiene rubber (PVC/Abs/Nbr) is obtained. The physical, mechanical and thermal behaviour as well as morphology of the blend were studied. Results show that optimum properties in ratio PVC/Abs: 60/40 is obtained. For substituting the Nbr by a portion of Dop to modify the migration to surface, a triplet blend of PVC/Abs/Nbr was made. Experiments with constant amount of Nbr and variable Dop and vice versa were carried out. For preparation of triplet blend from PVC/Abs, a ratio of 60/40 was used. The best results were obtained for a blend with Nbr (10%) and PVC powder, 20% Nbr and PVC granules containing 34% Dop and the thermo formability of PVC/Abs/Nbr blend was examined as well

  6. The binding parameters of radiolabelled monoclonal F (ab')2 and Fab' fragments relative to immunoglobulin G in reactions with surface-bound antigens

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fjeld, J.G.; Nustad, K.; Michaelsen, T.E.


    The binding parameters of iodine-125-labelled intact monoclonal immunoglobulin G (IgG), F(ab') 2 and Fab' fragments were compared. The study was carried out with the two monoclonal antibodies (MoAbs) K13 and K16 specific for human Ig light chains κ and λ, respectively. When testing the 125 I-MoAbs against monodisperse polymer particles coated with the specific antigens, the K a for the F(ab') 2 fragments were similar to that for IgG, while the K a for the Fab' fragments were reduced to 10%-20% of that for IgG. The number N of effective target sites revealed with Fab' was higher than with F(ab') and IgG, presumably because less surface area is occupied by the small Fab' molecules. The immunoreactive fraction F ranged according to IgG>F(ab') 2 >Fab'. The explanation of the moderate difference between the K a of the monoclonal Fab' and the divalent IgG and F(ab') 2 was that the divalent molecules were not divalently attached to the particles. When testing the same antibody preparations against humanlymphoma cells producing Ig with light chains κ or λ, the binding results were less reliable than when particles were utilised, presumably due to antigen shedding. Different MoAbs vary in their loss of immunoreactivity due to enzymatic degradation and the radiolabelling procedure. The preparation of the radiolabelled fragments should therefore be optimized for each MoAb, and evaluation is necessary before injection. Artificial targets with a low leakage of antigen, like the monodisperse polymer particles here applied, are recommended for the in vitro evaluation of the immunoreactivity of labelled MoAb preparations. (orig.)

  7. Establishment and comparison of four constitutive relationships of PC/ABS from low to high uniaxial strain rates (United States)

    Wang, Haitao; Zhang, Yun; Huang, Zhigao; Tang, Zhongbin; Wang, Yanpei; Zhou, Huamin


    The objective of this paper is to accurately predict the rate/temperature-dependent deformation of a polycarbonate (PC) and acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene (ABS) blend at low, moderate, and high strain rates for various temperatures. Four constitutive models have been employed to predict stress-strain responses of PC/ABS under these conditions, including the DSGZ model, the original Mulliken-Boyce (M-B) model, the modified M-B model, and an adiabatic model named the Wang model. To more accurately capture the large deformation of PC/ABS under the high strain rate loading, the original M-B model is modified by allowing for the evolution of the internal shear strength. All of the four constitutive models above have been implemented in the finite element software ABAQUS/Explicit. A comparison of prediction accuracies of the four constitutive models over a wide range of strain rates and temperatures has been presented. The modified M-B model is observed to be more accurate in predicting the deformation of PC/ABS at high strain rates for various temperatures than the original M-B model, and the Wang model is demonstrated to be the most accurate in simulating the deformation of PC/ABS at low, moderate, and high strain rates for various temperatures.

  8. Exploring the speed and performance of molecular replacement with AMPLE using QUARK ab initio protein models

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Keegan, Ronan M. [STFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, Didcot OX11 0FA (United Kingdom); Bibby, Jaclyn; Thomas, Jens [University of Liverpool, Liverpool L69 7ZB (United Kingdom); Xu, Dong [Sanford-Burnham Medical Research Institute, 10901 North Torrey Pines Road, La Jolla, CA 92037 (United States); Zhang, Yang [University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI 48109 (United States); Mayans, Olga [University of Liverpool, Liverpool L69 7ZB (United Kingdom); Winn, Martyn D. [Science and Technology Facilities Council Daresbury Laboratory, Warrington WA4 4AD (United Kingdom); Rigden, Daniel J., E-mail: [University of Liverpool, Liverpool L69 7ZB (United Kingdom); STFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, Didcot OX11 0FA (United Kingdom)


    Two ab initio modelling programs solve complementary sets of targets, enhancing the success of AMPLE with small proteins. AMPLE clusters and truncates ab initio protein structure predictions, producing search models for molecular replacement. Here, an interesting degree of complementarity is shown between targets solved using the different ab initio modelling programs QUARK and ROSETTA. Search models derived from either program collectively solve almost all of the all-helical targets in the test set. Initial solutions produced by Phaser after only 5 min perform surprisingly well, improving the prospects for in situ structure solution by AMPLE during synchrotron visits. Taken together, the results show the potential for AMPLE to run more quickly and successfully solve more targets than previously suspected.

  9. Designing neuro-fuzzy controller for electromagnetic anti-lock braking system (ABS) on electric vehicle (United States)

    Pramudijanto, Josaphat; Ashfahani, Andri; Lukito, Rian


    Anti-lock braking system (ABS) is used on vehicles to keep the wheels unlocked in sudden break (inside braking) and minimalize the stop distance of the vehicle. The problem of it when sudden break is the wheels locked so the vehicle steering couldn’t be controlled. The designed ABS system will be applied on ABS simulator using the electromagnetic braking. In normal condition or in condition without braking, longitudinal velocity of the vehicle will be equal with the velocity of wheel rotation, so the slip ratio will be 0 (0%) and if the velocity of wheel rotation is 0 (in locked condition) then the wheels will be slip 1 (100%). ABS system will keep the value of slip ratio so it will be 0.2 (20%). In this final assignment, the method that is used is Neuro-Fuzzy method to control the slip value on the wheels. The input is the expectable slip and the output is slip from plant. The learning algorithm which is used is Backpropagation that will work by feedforward to get actual output and work by feedback to get error value with target output. The network that was made based on fuzzy mechanism which are fuzzification, inference and defuzzification, Neuro-fuzzy controller can reduce overshoot plant respond to 43.2% compared to plant respond without controller by open loop.

  10. Quantifying transition voltage spectroscopy of molecular junctions: Ab initio calculations

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Chen, Jingzhe; Markussen, Troels; Thygesen, Kristian Sommer


    Transition voltage spectroscopy (TVS) has recently been introduced as a spectroscopic tool for molecular junctions where it offers the possibility to probe molecular level energies at relatively low bias voltages. In this work we perform extensive ab initio calculations of the nonlinear current...

  11. Ab initio and empirical studies on the asymmetry of molecular current-voltage characteristics

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hoft, R C; Armstrong, N; Ford, M J; Cortie, M B


    We perform theoretical calculations of the tunnelling current through various small organic molecules sandwiched between gold electrodes by using both a tunnel barrier model and an ab initio transport code. The height of the tunnelling barrier is taken to be the work function of gold as modified by the adsorbed molecule and calculated from an ab initio electronic structure code. The current-voltage characteristics of these molecules are compared. Asymmetry is introduced into the system in two ways: an asymmetric molecule and a gap between the molecule and the right electrode. The latter is a realistic situation in scanning probe experiments. The asymmetry is also realized in the tunnel barrier model by two distinct work functions on the left and right electrodes. Significant asymmetry is observed in the ab initio i(V) curves. The tunnel barrier i(V) curves show much less pronounced asymmetry. The relative sizes of the currents through the molecules are compared. In addition, the performance of the WKB approximation is compared to the results obtained from the exact Schroedinger solution to the tunnelling barrier problem

  12. Modelling of nuclear glasses by classical and ab initio molecular dynamics; Modelisation de verres intervenant dans le conditionnement des dechets radioactifs par dynamiques moleculaires classique et ab initio

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ganster, P


    A calcium aluminosilicate glass of molar composition 67 % SiO{sub 2} - 12 % Al{sub 2}O{sub 3} - 21 % CaO was modelled by classical and ab initio molecular dynamics. The size effect study in classical MD shows that the systems of 100 atoms are more ordered than the larger ones. These effects are mainly due to the 3-body terms in the empirical potentials. Nevertheless, these effects are small and the structures generated are in agreement with experimental data. In such kind of glass, we denote an aluminium avoidance and an excess of non bridging oxygens which can be compensated by tri coordinated oxygens. When the dynamics of systems of 100 and 200 atoms is followed by ab initio MD, some local arrangements occurs (bond length, angular distributions). Thus, more realistic vibrational properties are obtained in ab initio MD. The modelling of thin films shows that aluminium atoms extend to the most external part of the surface and they are all tri-coordinated. Calcium atoms are set in the sub layer part of the surface and they produce a depolymerization of the network. In classical MD, tri-coordinated aluminium atoms produce an important electric field above the surface. With non bridging oxygens, they constitute attractive sites for single water molecules. (author)

  13. Comparison between the harris and ab expressions for the description of nuclear superdeformed rotational bands

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hu Zuoxian; Zeng Jinyan


    The superdeformed rotational bands in the A ≅3D 190 region are systematically analyzed using the Harris two-parameter formula and the ab expression, respectively. Similar to the situations in normally deformed nuclei, there exist obvious and systematic deviation of Harris formula from the experiments. In contrast, the prediction of ab formula is very close to experiments, and can be conveniently used for the description of nuclear superdeformed bands

  14. Membranas híbridas basadas en estireno-metacrilato-sílice y ácido fosfowolfrámico obtenidas por sol-gel para pilas de combustible de intercambio protónico (PEMFC

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mosa, J.


    Full Text Available Contrary to internal combustion engines, proton-exchange membrane fuel cells (PEMFC used in transportation operate with zero emissions of environmental pollutants. The increase of the operation temperature in PEMFC above 100°C is a great concern for the application of this type of cells in electric vehicles. Hybrid organic-inorganic membranes with nanosized interfaces can combine the main properties of their components to meet this objective. Styrene-methacrylate-silica membranes doped with phosphotungstic acid (PWA were prepared through acid catalyzed sol-gel process and free-radical copolymerization. Additionally, sulfonation processes of aromatic rings to produce attached SO3H groups were applied to increase the proton conductivity. The effect of sulfonation degree and PWA doping on the membrane properties such as chemical and thermal stability, water uptake, ion exchange capacity, and proton conductivity were investigated. The measurement of conductivity shows a general increase with rising temperatures and with the increasing of SO3H groups density, reaching a maximum value of 3.2 10-3 S/cm at 130ºC and 100%HR.

    Comparadas con los motores de combustión interna, las pilas de combustible de intercambio de protones (PEMFC son capaces de operar sin emisiones de agentes contaminantes. El aumento de la temperatura de operación de la pila de combustible por encima de 100ºC es uno de los grandes objetivos en este campo ya que facilitaría el desarrollo comercial de los vehículos eléctricos impulsados por pilas de combustible. Las membranas híbridas orgánico-inorgánicas nanoestructuradas combinan las propiedades necesarias para este tipo de aplicación. Se obtuvieron membranas híbridas dopadas con ácido fosfowolfrámico (PWA por copolimerización radicálica a partir de alquilalcóxidos y monómeros de estireno y metacrilato, y por reacción sol-gel vía catálisis ácida. La conductividad protónica se logra realizando un proceso

  15. The CodY-dependent clhAB2 operon is involved in cell shape, chaining and autolysis in Bacillus cereus ATCC 14579. (United States)

    Huillet, Eugénie; Bridoux, Ludovic; Wanapaisan, Pagakrong; Rejasse, Agnès; Peng, Qi; Panbangred, Watanalai; Lereclus, Didier


    The Gram-positive pathogen Bacillus cereus is able to grow in chains of rod-shaped cells, but the regulation of chaining remains largely unknown. Here, we observe that glucose-grown cells of B. cereus ATCC 14579 form longer chains than those grown in the absence of glucose during the late exponential and transition growth phases, and identify that the clhAB2 operon is required for this chain lengthening phenotype. The clhAB2 operon is specific to the B. cereus group (i.e., B. thuringiensis, B. anthracis and B. cereus) and encodes two membrane proteins of unknown function, which are homologous to the Staphylococcus aureus CidA and CidB proteins involved in cell death control within glucose-grown cells. A deletion mutant (ΔclhAB2) was constructed and our quantitative image analyses show that ΔclhAB2 cells formed abnormal short chains regardless of the presence of glucose. We also found that glucose-grown cells of ΔclhAB2 were significantly wider than wild-type cells (1.47 μm ±CI95% 0.04 vs 1.19 μm ±CI95% 0.03, respectively), suggesting an alteration of the bacterial cell wall. Remarkably, ΔclhAB2 cells showed accelerated autolysis under autolysis-inducing conditions, compared to wild-type cells. Overall, our data suggest that the B. cereus clhAB2 operon modulates peptidoglycan hydrolase activity, which is required for proper cell shape and chain length during cell growth, and down-regulates autolysin activity. Lastly, we studied the transcription of clhAB2 using a lacZ transcriptional reporter in wild-type, ccpA and codY deletion-mutant strains. We found that the global transcriptional regulatory protein CodY is required for the basal level of clhAB2 expression under all conditions tested, including the transition growth phase while CcpA, the major global carbon regulator, is needed for the high-level expression of clhAB2 in glucose-grown cells.

  16. Cyclin dependent kinase inhibitor 2A/B gene deletions are markers of poor prognosis in Indian children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia. (United States)

    Agarwal, Manisha; Bakhshi, Sameer; Dwivedi, Sadanand N; Kabra, Madhulika; Shukla, Rashmi; Seth, Rachna


    Cyclin dependent kinase inhibitor 2A/B (CDKN2A/B) genes are implicated in many malignancies including acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL). These tumor suppressor genes, with a key regulatory role in cell cycle are located on chromosome 9p21.3. Previous studies involving CDKN2A/B gene deletions have shown mixed associations with survival outcome in childhood ALL. Hundred and four newly diagnosed children with ALL (1-14 years) were enrolled in this study. Genomic DNA from pretreatment bone marrow/peripheral blood samples of these children was investigated for copy number alterations in CDKN2A/B genes using multiplex ligation dependent probe amplification assay. Immunophenotype subtyping and cytogenetic and molecular analysis of ALL was performed at start of induction chemotherapy in all children. Children were monitored for response to prednisolone (Day 8), complete morphological remission, and minimal residual disease at the end of induction. The minimum postinduction follow-up period was 6 months. CDKN2A/B deletions were seen in 19.8% (18/91) of B lineage acute lymphoblastic leukemia (B-ALL) and 38.5% (5/13) of T lineage acute lymphoblastic leukemia (T-ALL). Monoallelic CDKN2A/B deletions were found in 61.1% of total deletions in B-ALL while all the children with T-ALL harbored biallelic deletions. The prevalence of CDKN2A/B gene deletions was found to be significantly higher in older children (P = 0.002), in those with higher leukocyte count (P = 0.037), and in National Cancer Institute high risk group patients (P = 0.001) in the B-ALL subgroup. Hazard ratio was significantly high for children with CDKN2A/B deletions in total cohort (P = 0.004). Children with CDKN2A/B deletion had significantly lesser event free survival (P = 0.03). CDKN2A/B deletions were significantly more prevalent in T-ALL subgroup and were found to have higher hazard ratio and lesser event free survival in total cohort in our study. © 2018 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  17. Ab initio calculations of mechanical properties: Methods and applications

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Pokluda, J.; Černý, Miroslav; Šob, Mojmír; Umeno, Y.


    Roč. 73, AUG (2015), s. 127-158 ISSN 0079-6425 R&D Projects: GA ČR(CZ) GAP108/12/0311 Institutional support: RVO:68081723 Keywords : Ab initio methods * Elastic moduli * Intrinsic hardness * Stability analysis * Theoretical strength * Intrinsic brittleness/ductility Subject RIV: BM - Solid Matter Physics ; Magnetism Impact factor: 31.083, year: 2015

  18. Radioimmunoimaging of human colon carcinoma grafted into nudemice using 131I-labeled monoclonal anticea antibody and its F(ab')2 fragments

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Liu Guangda


    131 I-labeled monoclonal anti-CEA antibody and its F(ab') 2 fragments were injected into nude mice bearing human colon carcinoma xenografts for tumor localization and radioimmunoimaging studies. Transplanted tumors were visualized in 12 hours after injection of the labeled anti-CEA or its F(ab') 2 by gamma camera. Biodistribution data indicated that F(ab') 2 fragments were cleared more rapidly from blood (T 1/2 = 13.3 h for F(ab') 2 , T 1/2 = 21.1 h for intact antibody) over 6-24 h and had higher tumor blood ratios. The intact antibody was concentrated in the tumor better than F(ab') 2 . In double-label experiments, a nonspecific localization of the control ( 125 I-labeled anti-HCG) in the tumor was also observed

  19. Preparation, biodistribution and dosimetry of copper-64-labeled anti-colorectal carcinoma monoclonal antibody fragments 1A3-F(ab')2

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Anderson, C.J.; Schwarz, S.W.; Connett, J.M.


    Antibody fragments labeled with a radiometal using bifunctional chelates generally undergo renal clearance followed by trapping of the metabolites, leading to high radiation doses to the kidneys. Copper-64-labeled BAT-2IT-1A3-F(ab') 2 was recently reported to accumulate in colorectal tumors in an animal model, however, kidney uptake was also high. In this study, the preparation of 64 Cu-BAT-2IT-1A3-F(ab') 2 was optimized to reduce the renal uptake. The bifunctional chelate 6-bromoacetamidobenzyl-1,4,8,11-tetraazacyclotetradecane-N,N',N double-prime,N'double-prime-tetraacetic acid (BAT) was conjugated to 1A3-F(ab') 2 using the linking agent 2-iminothiolane (2IT). The conjugation reaction produced 20% of a lower molecular weight impurity found to be TETA-1A3-Fab'. The conjugation procedure was optimized to include FPLC purification of the BAT-2IT-1A3-F(ab') 2 from TETA-1A3-Fab' after conjugation prior to labeling with 64 Cu. The biodistribution of 64 Cu-labeled FPLC-purified and unpurified conjugates was determined in normal Sprague-Dawley rats and tumor-bearing Golden Syrian hamsters. Human absorbed doses were calculated from rat biodistribution data and PET imaging of a baboon. Upon FPLC purification of the BAT-2IT-1A3-F(ab') 2 , the immunoreactivity of 64 Cu-labeled 1A3-F(ab') 2 was significantly improved over that of non-FPLC-purified 64 Cu-BAT-2IT-1A3-F(ab') 2 , and the kidney uptake was decreased in normal rats. The biodistribution in hamsters showed some improvement in both tumor uptake and kidney clearance with FPLC-purified 64 Cu-BAT-2IT-1A3-F(ab') 2 .The improved dosimetry of 64 Cu-labeled FPLC purified BAT-2IT-1A3-F(ab') 2 should more readily allow this agent to be investigated clinically to image colorectal cancer using PET. 33 refs., 7 figs., 3 tabs

  20. A targeted complement-dependent strategy to improve the outcome of mAb therapy, and characterization in a murine model of metastatic cancer (United States)

    Elvington, Michelle; Huang, Yuxiang; Morgan, B. Paul; Qiao, Fei; van Rooijen, Nico; Atkinson, Carl


    Complement inhibitors expressed on tumor cells provide an evasion mechanism against mAb therapy and may modulate the development of an acquired antitumor immune response. Here we investigate a strategy to amplify mAb-targeted complement activation on a tumor cell, independent of a requirement to target and block complement inhibitor expression or function, which is difficult to achieve in vivo. We constructed a murine fusion protein, CR2Fc, and demonstrated that the protein targets to C3 activation products deposited on a tumor cell by a specific mAb, and amplifies mAb-dependent complement activation and tumor cell lysis in vitro. In syngeneic models of metastatic lymphoma (EL4) and melanoma (B16), CR2Fc significantly enhanced the outcome of mAb therapy. Subsequent studies using the EL4 model with various genetically modified mice and macrophage-depleted mice revealed that CR2Fc enhanced the therapeutic effect of mAb therapy via both macrophage-dependent FcγR-mediated antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity, and by direct complement-mediated lysis. Complement activation products can also modulate adaptive immunity, but we found no evidence that either mAb or CR2Fc treatment had any effect on an antitumor humoral or cellular immune response. CR2Fc represents a potential adjuvant treatment to increase the effectiveness of mAb therapy of cancer. PMID:22442351

  1. Early stage precipitation in aluminum alloys : An ab initio study

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Zhang, X.


    Multiscale computational materials science has reached a stage where many complicated phenomena or properties that are of great importance to manufacturing can be predicted or explained. The word “ab initio study” becomes commonplace as the development of density functional theory has enabled the

  2. Ab initio electronic properties of dual phosphorus monolayers in silicon

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Drumm, Daniel W.; Per, Manolo C.; Budi, Akin


    In the midst of the epitaxial circuitry revolution in silicon technology, we look ahead to the next paradigm shift: effective use of the third dimension - in particular, its combination with epitaxial technology. We perform ab initio calculations of atomically thin epitaxial bilayers in silicon...

  3. Investigation of polarization effects in the gramicidin A channel from ab initio molecular dynamics simulations. (United States)

    Timko, Jeff; Kuyucak, Serdar


    Polarization is an important component of molecular interactions and is expected to play a particularly significant role in inhomogeneous environments such as pores and interfaces. Here we investigate the effects of polarization in the gramicidin A ion channel by performing quantum mechanics/molecular mechanics molecular dynamics (MD) simulations and comparing the results with those obtained from classical MD simulations with non-polarizable force fields. We consider the dipole moments of backbone carbonyl groups and channel water molecules as well as a number of structural quantities of interest. The ab initio results show that the dipole moments of the carbonyl groups and water molecules are highly sensitive to the hydrogen bonds (H-bonds) they participate in. In the absence of a K(+) ion, water molecules in the channel are quite mobile, making the H-bond network highly dynamic. A central K(+) ion acts as an anchor for the channel waters, stabilizing the H-bond network and thereby increasing their average dipole moments. In contrast, the K(+) ion has little effect on the dipole moments of the neighboring carbonyl groups. The weakness of the ion-peptide interactions helps to explain the near diffusion-rate conductance of K(+) ions through the channel. We also address the sampling issue in relatively short ab initio MD simulations. Results obtained from a continuous 20 ps ab initio MD simulation are compared with those generated by sampling ten windows from a much longer classical MD simulation and running each window for 2 ps with ab initio MD. Both methods yield similar results for a number of quantities of interest, indicating that fluctuations are fast enough to justify the short ab initio MD simulations.

  4. Post-exilic conflict as “possible” historical background to Psalm 69:10ab


    Alphonso Groenewald


    As is the case with Psalm 8a, Psalm 69:10a, also commences with the emphatic particle kî. 10a and 10b are syndetically bound together by means of the conjunction “and”. What has already been stated in cola 8ab, is repeated and even expressed in clearer terms in these cola (10ab). The supplicant does not believe that he deserves his present distress. Actually, the distress and insult he is enduring come as a direct result of his devotion to God and God’s service. Even his fasting and mourning ...

  5. The development of the brake system of the BMW 850i including ABS and ASC. Entwicklung des Bremssystems des BMW 850i einschliesslich ABS und ASC

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kraft, H.J.; Leffler, H.


    The brake system of the new BMW 850i is described in the following. The brake actuation takes place via an hydraulic brake booster. The disc brakes at front and rear axle are arranged in diagnonal brake split. The 4-channel ABS is fitted as standard equipment. The ABS control unit also incorporates the algorithm for the Automatic Stability Control System ASC or ASC+T. The ASC+T shows improved traction compared with the pure stability system ASC and is standard in the BMW 850i with manual gear box. The automatic gear box equipped BMW 850i are supplied with ASC, the ASC+T is available as an option. Both systems, the ASC and the ASC+T are described with special view on the electronical and hydraulical network in the car. A performance comparison of the ASC-systems completes the description. (orig.).

  6. Ab Initio Calculations for the BaTiO3 (001) Surface Structure

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)

    XUE Xu-Yan; WANG Chun-Lei; ZHONG Wei-Lie


    @@ The ab initio method within the local density approximation is applied to calculate cubic BaTiO3 (001) surface relaxation and rumpling for two different terminations (BaO and TiO2). Our calculations demonstrate that cubic perovskite BaTiO3 crystals possess surface polarization, accompanied by the presence of the relevant electric field.We analyse their electronic structures (band structure, density of states and the electronic density redistribution with emphasis on the covalency effects). The results are also compared with that of the previous ab initio calculations. Considerable increases of Ti-O chemical bond covalency nearby the surface have been observed.The band gap reduces especially for the TiO2 termination.

  7. Hydrogen Bond Dynamics in Aqueous Solutions: Ab initio Molecular ...

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    Rate equation for the decay of CHB(t) · Definition of Hydrogen Bonds · Results of Molecular Dynamics · Dynamics of anion-water and water-water hydrogen bonds · Structural relaxation of anion-water & water-water H-bonds · Ab initio Molecular Dynamics : · Slide 14 · Dynamics of hydrogen bonds : CPMD results · Slide 16.

  8. Common lines modeling for reference free Ab-initio reconstruction in cryo-EM. (United States)

    Greenberg, Ido; Shkolnisky, Yoel


    We consider the problem of estimating an unbiased and reference-free ab initio model for non-symmetric molecules from images generated by single-particle cryo-electron microscopy. The proposed algorithm finds the globally optimal assignment of orientations that simultaneously respects all common lines between all images. The contribution of each common line to the estimated orientations is weighted according to a statistical model for common lines' detection errors. The key property of the proposed algorithm is that it finds the global optimum for the orientations given the common lines. In particular, any local optima in the common lines energy landscape do not affect the proposed algorithm. As a result, it is applicable to thousands of images at once, very robust to noise, completely reference free, and not biased towards any initial model. A byproduct of the algorithm is a set of measures that allow to asses the reliability of the obtained ab initio model. We demonstrate the algorithm using class averages from two experimental data sets, resulting in ab initio models with resolutions of 20Å or better, even from class averages consisting of as few as three raw images per class. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  9. Passive immunotherapy for influenza A H5N1 virus infection with equine hyperimmune globulin F(ab'2 in mice

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Li Yanbin


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Avian influenza virus H5N1 has demonstrated considerable pandemic potential. Currently, no effective vaccines for H5N1 infection are available, so passive immunotherapy may be an alternative strategy. To investigate the possible therapeutic effect of antibody against highly pathogenic H5N1 virus on a mammal host, we prepared specific equine anti-H5N1 IgGs from horses vaccinated with inactivated H5N1 virus, and then obtained the F(ab'2 fragments by pepsin digestion of IgGs. Methods The horses were vaccinated with inactivated H5N1 vaccine to prepare anti-H5N1 IgGs. The F(ab'2 fragments were purified from anti-H5N1 hyperimmune sera by a protocol for 'enhanced pepsin digestion'. The protective effect of the F(ab'2 fragments against H5N1 virus infection was determined in cultured MDCK cells by cytopathic effect (CPE assay and in a BALB/c mouse model by survival rate assay. Results By the protocol for 'enhanced pepsin digestion', total 16 g F(ab'2 fragments were finally obtained from one liter equine antisera with the purity of over 90%. The H5N1-specific F(ab'2 fragments had a HI titer of 1:1024, and the neutralization titre of F(ab'2 reached 1: 2048. The in vivo assay showed that 100 μg of the F(ab'2 fragments could protect BALB/c mice infected with a lethal dose of influenza H5N1 virus. Conclusion The availability of highly purified H5N1-specific F(ab'2 fragments may be promising for treatment of influenza H5N1 infection. Our work has provided experimental support for the application of the therapeutic equine immunoglobulin in future large primate or human trials.

  10. Ab initio molecular dynamics simulation of laser melting of silicon

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Silvestrelli, P.-L.; Alavi, A.; Parrinello, M.; Frenkel, D.


    The method of ab initio molecular dynamics, based on finite temperature density functional theory, is used to simulate laser heating of crystal silicon. We have found that a high concentration of excited electrons dramatically weakens the covalent bond. As a result, the system undergoes a melting

  11. Ab initio I-V characteristics of short C-20 chains

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Roland, C.; Larade, B.; Taylor, Jeremy Philip


    We have calculated the I-V characteristics of short chains of C-20 molecular cages between Al and Au leads with an ab initio formalism. The results indicate that a linear chain of such molecules acts primarily as metallic nanowires. The transmission, however, depends sensitively both...

  12. Outburst in Mira AB? (United States)

    Karovska, Margarita


    The nearby system Mira AB composed of an aging AGB star (Mira A) and a WD companion (Mira B) offers a unique laboratory for studying wind accretion processes, a poorly understood phenomenon in many sources. Recent Chandra ACIS-S Obs.(70ks on 12/6/03; PI.M.Karovska) resolved for the first time the components (~0.6") in X-rays, and detected a new bright soft source (A. This is the first detection of X-rays from an AGB star. This source was not detected by ROSAT in 1993 or recently by XMM 8/03 (AAS/03,J.Kastner), and could be a transient phenomenon. Model fitting shows that the soft X-ray emission is likely several emission lines, rather then a continuum; with ACIS spectral resolution we cannot resolve or identify these lines. We propose a 40ks LETG+HRC-S obs. to identify the lines and determine the emission mechanism.

  13. Controllable spin filter composed of ferromagnetic AB-stacking bilayer graphenes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yu, Yong; Liang, Qifeng; Dong, Jinming


    The electron's tunneling and spin transport in the normal/ferromagnetic/normal (N/FM/N) AB-stacking bilayer graphene (BLG) junction have been studied using Landauer-Buettiker formula. It is found that the resonant conductance peaks could be split well into spin-up and down ones by the exchange field in its FM barrier, leading to a very large spin polarization. More importantly, if a perpendicular electric field is also applied on the FM barrier, a completely spin-polarized flow can be realized by changing its barrier height, making the N/FM/N AB-stacking BLG junction act as a controllable spin filter. -- Highlights: → A study of spin transport in the ferromagnetic bilayer graphene junctions. → A serious of resonant conductance peaks could appear by tuning the barrier height. → The exchange splitting in FM barrier leads to a large spin polarization P. → P=±1 can be realized if a perpendicular electric field is applied to the FM barrier.

  14. Ab initio quantum chemistry in parallel-portable tools and applications

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Harrison, R.J.; Shepard, R.; Kendall, R.A.


    In common with many of the computational sciences, ab initio chemistry faces computational constraints to which a partial solution is offered by the prospect of highly parallel computers. Ab initio codes are large and complex (O(10 5 ) lines of FORTRAN), representing a significant investment of communal effort. The often conflicting requirements of portability and efficiency have been successfully resolved on vector computers by reliance on matrix oriented kernels. This proves inadequate even upon closely-coupled shared-memory parallel machines. We examine the algorithms employed during a typical sequence of calculations. Then we investigate how efficient portable parallel implementations may be derived, including the complex multi-reference singles and doubles configuration interaction algorithm. A portable toolkit, modeled after the Intel iPSC and the ANL-ACRF PARMACS, is developed, using shared memory and TCP/IP sockets. The toolkit is used as an initial platform for programs portable between LANS, Crays and true distributed-memory MIMD machines. Timings are presented. 53 refs., 4 tabs

  15. Step growth of an AB2 monomer, with cycle formation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Cameron, Colin; Fawcett, Allan H.; Hetherington, Cecil R.


    A computer-based lattice model of the step growth reaction of an AB2 monomer, the next elaborate system after an AB monomer, has been devised that allows the simultaneous and explicit occurrence of inter- and intramolecular reactions of A and B groups of the flexible and moving molecules according...... with fractal characteristics. Growth stops when each molecule contains a cycle. For the model explored, in which six lattice sites are used for each monomer, the limiting value of the number average degree of polymerization, 〈x〉n,∞, is 14.6(±0.3) (after infinite time). The occurrence within the system of rings...... of m residues (m=1,2,3,...) is found to depend upon m and the extent of reaction of the A groups, pa, according to Rm=C0pm am-2.71, the constant C0 reflecting the structure of the lattice and the monomer, and being shown to determine the final degree of polymerization. The exponent of the integers m...

  16. Prospective evaluation of the Alere i Influenza A&B nucleic acid amplification versus Xpert Flu/RSV. (United States)

    Nguyen Van, J C; Caméléna, F; Dahoun, M; Pilmis, B; Mizrahi, A; Lourtet, J; Behillil, S; Enouf, V; Le Monnier, A


    The rapid and accurate detection of influenza virus in respiratory specimens is required for optimal management of patients with acute respiratory infections. Because of the variability of the symptoms and the numerous other causes of influenza-like illness, the diagnosis of influenza cannot be made on the basis of clinical criteria alone. Thus, rapid influenza diagnostic tests have been developed such as the Alere i Influenza A&B isothermal nucleic acid assay. We prospectively evaluated the performance of the Alere i Influenza A&B assay in comparison with our routine Xpert Flu/RSV assay. Positive samples were subtyped according to the protocol from the National Influenza Center (Paris, France). A total of 96 respiratory nasal swab samples were analyzed: with both methods, 38 were positive and 56 were negative. Samples were prospectively collected from January 20 to April 8, 2015, from patient (86 adult and 10 pediatric patients) presenting with an influenza-like illness through the French influenza season. In comparison with the Xpert Flu/RSV assay, the overall sensitivity and specificity of the Alere i Influenza A&B assay were 95% and 100%, respectively. Our results indicate that the Alere i Influenza A&B assay has a good overall analytical performance and a high degree of concordance with the PCR-based Xpert Flu/RSV assay. The Alere i Influenza A&B isothermal nucleic acid amplification test is a powerful tool for influenza detection due to its high sensitivity and specificity as well as its ability to generate results within 15min. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  17. Ab initio calculation of tensile strength in iron

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Friák, Martin; Šob, Mojmír; Vitek, V.


    Roč. 83, 31-34 (2003), s. 3529-3537 ISSN 1478-6435. [Multiscale Materials Modelling: Working Theory for Industry /1./. London, 17.06.2002-20.06.2002] R&D Projects: GA AV ČR IAA1041302; GA ČR GA202/03/1351; GA MŠk OC 523.90 Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z2041904 Keywords : ab initio calculations * electronic structure * theoretical tensile strength Subject RIV: BM - Solid Matter Physics ; Magnetism

  18. Monoclonal antibody proteomics: use of antibody mimotope displaying phages and the relevant synthetic peptides for mAb scouting. (United States)

    Hajdú, István; Flachner, Beáta; Bognár, Melinda; Végh, Barbara M; Dobi, Krisztina; Lőrincz, Zsolt; Lázár, József; Cseh, Sándor; Takács, László; Kurucz, István


    Monoclonal antibody proteomics uses nascent libraries or cloned (Plasmascan™, QuantiPlasma™) libraries of mAbs that react with individual epitopes of proteins in the human plasma. At the initial phase of library creation, cognate protein antigen and the epitope interacting with the antibodies are not known. Scouting for monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) with the best binding characteristics is of high importance for mAb based biomarker assay development. However, in the absence of the identity of the cognate antigen the task represents a challenge. We combined phage display, and surface plasmon resonance (Biacore) experiments to test whether specific phages and the respective mimotope peptides obtained from large scale studies are applicable to determine key features of antibodies for scouting. We show here that mAb captured phage-mimotope heterogeneity that is the diversity of the selected peptide sequences, is inversely correlated with an important binding descriptor; the off-rate of the antibodies and that represents clues for driving the selection of useful mAbs for biomarker assay development. Carefully chosen synthetic mimotope peptides are suitable for specificity testing in competitive assays using the target proteome, in our case the human plasma. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  19. Iron -chromium alloys and free surfaces: from ab initio calculations to thermodynamic modeling

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Levesque, M.


    Ferritic steels possibly strengthened by oxide dispersion are candidates as structural materials for generation IV and fusion nuclear reactors. Their use is limited by incomplete knowledge of the iron-chromium phase diagram at low temperatures and of the phenomena inducing preferential segregation of one element at grain boundaries or at surfaces. In this context, this work contributes to the multi-scale study of the model iron-chromium alloy and their free surfaces by numerical simulations. This study begins with ab initio calculations of properties related to the mixture of atoms of iron and chromium. We highlight complex dependency of the magnetic moments of the chromium atoms on their local chemical environment. Surface properties are also proving sensitive to magnetism. This is the case of impurity segregation of chromium in iron and of their interactions near the surface. In a second step, we construct a simple energy model for high numerical efficiency. It is based on pair interactions on a rigid lattice to which are given local chemical environment and temperature dependencies. With this model, we reproduce the ab initio results at zero temperature and experimental results at high temperature. We also deduce the solubility limits at all intermediate temperatures with mean field approximations that we compare to Monte Carlo simulations. The last step of our work is to introduce free surfaces in our model. We then study the effect of ab initio calculated bulk and surface properties on surface segregation.Finally, we calculate segregation isotherms. We therefore propose an evolution model of surface composition of iron-chromium alloys as a function of bulk composition. which are given local chemical environment and temperature dependencies. With this model, we reproduce the ab initio results at zero temperature and experimental results at high temperature. We also deduce the solubility limits at all intermediate temperatures with mean field approximations that

  20. Transconjunctival orbital decompression in Graves' ophthalmopathy: lateral wall approach ab interno

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    A.D.A. Paridaens (Dion); K. Verhoeff; D. Bouwens; W.A. van den Bosch (Willem)


    textabstractAIMS: A modified surgical technique is described to perform a one, two, or three wall orbital decompression in patients with Graves' ophthalmopathy. METHODS: The lateral wall was approached ab interno through a "swinging eyelid" approach (lateral canthotomy

  1. Cyanogen Azide. Ionization Potentials and Ab Initio SCF MO Calculation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bak, Börge; Jansen, Peter; Stafast, Herbert


    The Ne(I) and He(I) photoelectron(PE) spectra of cyanogen azide, NCN3, have been recorded at high resolution. Their interpretation is achieved by comparison with the PE spectrum of HN3 and an ab initio LCGO SCF MO calculation. Deviations from Koopmans' theorem of quite different magnitudes...

  2. Young Modulus of Crystalline Polyethylene from ab Initio Molecular Dynamics

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Hageman, J.C.L.; Meier, Robert J.; Heinemann, M.; Groot, R.A. de


    The Young modulus for crystalline polyethylene is calculated using ab initio molecular dynamics based on density functional theory in the local density approximation (DFT-LDA). This modulus, which can be seen as the ultimate value for the Young modulus of polyethylene fibers, is found to be 334 GPa.

  3. Ab initio and kinetic modeling studies of formic acid oxidation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Marshall, Paul; Glarborg, Peter


    A detailed chemical kinetic model for oxidation of formic acid (HOCHO) in flames has been developed, based on theoretical work and data from literature. Ab initio calculations were used to obtain rate coefficients for reactions of HOCHO with H, O, and HO2. Modeling predictions with the mechanism...

  4. The Properties of Some Simple Covalent Hydrides: An Ab Initio ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Some properties of the monomeric binary hydrides of the elements of the first two rows of the periodic table have been determined using ab initio molecular orbital theory. The properties in question are the energetic, structural, electronic, topological and vibrational characteristics. In general, a gradual convergence towards ...

  5. Food for Thought on the "ABS Academic Journal Quality Guide" (United States)

    Hussain, Simon


    This paper discusses issues relating to the use of the Association of Business Schools' (ABS) "Academic Journal Quality Guide" within UK business schools. It also looks at several specific issues raised by the Chair of the British Accounting Association/British Accounting and Finance Association regarding the ratings for top…

  6. Polyvalent horse F(Ab`)2 snake antivenom: Development of process ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)



    Apr 19, 2010 ... 2Laboratório de Biologia do Reconhecer, Centro de Biociencias e Biotecnologia, Universidade Estadual do Norte. Fluminense – Darcy Ribeiro, Campos dos ... Flow chromatography, concentrated by molecular ultrafiltration and sterilized by filtration through 0.22 μm membranes. The resulting F(ab´)2 ...

  7. Comparisons of fully automated syphilis tests with conventional VDRL and FTA-ABS tests. (United States)

    Choi, Seung Jun; Park, Yongjung; Lee, Eun Young; Kim, Sinyoung; Kim, Hyon-Suk


    Serologic tests are widely used for the diagnosis of syphilis. However, conventional methods require well-trained technicians to produce reliable results. We compared automated nontreponemal and treponemal tests with conventional methods. The HiSens Auto Rapid Plasma Reagin (AutoRPR) and Treponema Pallidum particle agglutination (AutoTPPA) tests, which utilize latex turbidimetric immunoassay, were assessed. A total of 504 sera were assayed by AutoRPR, AutoTPPA, conventional VDRL and FTA-ABS. Among them, 250 samples were also tested by conventional TPPA. The concordance rate between the results of VDRL and AutoRPR was 67.5%, and 164 discrepant cases were all VDRL reactive but AutoRPR negative. In the 164 cases, 133 showed FTA-ABS reactivity. Medical records of 106 among the 133 cases were reviewed, and 82 among 106 specimens were found to be collected from patients already treated for syphilis. The concordance rate between the results of AutoTPPA and FTA-ABS was 97.8%. The results of conventional TPPA and AutoTPPA for 250 samples were concordant in 241 cases (96.4%). AutoRPR showed higher specificity than that of VDRL, while VDRL demonstrated higher sensitivity than that of AutoRPR regardless of whether the patients had been already treated for syphilis or not. Both FTA-ABS and AutoTPPA showed high sensitivities and specificities greater than 98.0%. Automated RPR and TPPA tests could be alternatives to conventional syphilis tests, and AutoRPR would be particularly suitable in treatment monitoring, since results by AutoRPR in cases after treatment became negative more rapidly than by VDRL. Copyright © 2013. Published by Elsevier Inc.

  8. Permanent and induced dipole requirements in ab initio calculations of electron affinities of polar molecules

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Garrett, W.R.


    Through the use of a molecular pseudopotential method, we determine the a approximate magnitudes of errors that result when electron affinity determinations of polar negative ions are made through ab initio calculations in which the use of a given basis set yields inappropriate values for permanent and induced dipole moments of the neutral molecule. These results should prove useful in assessing the adequacy of basis sets in ab initio calculations of molecular electron affinities for simple linear polar molecules



    Žuraulis, Vidas; van der Merwe, Nico A.; Scholtz, Odette; Els, P. Schalk


    The main purpose of a vehicle anti-lock braking system (ABS) is to prevent the tyres from locking-up in order to brake efficiently whilst maintaining steering control and stability. Sport utility vehicles (SUV) are designed to drive on various roads under different driving conditions, making it challenging to identify optimal operating conditions for ABS algorithms to be implemented. This paper describes the development and modelling of a testing trailer that is designed to benefit the res...

  10. Controlled Synthesis of AB2 amphiphilic triarm star-shaped block copolymers by ring-opening polymerization


    Petrova, Svetla; Riva, Raphaël; Jérôme, Christine; Lecomte, Philippe; Mateva, Rosa


    This paper describes the synthesis of a novel amphiphilic AB2 triarm star-shaped copolymer with A = non-toxic and biocompatible hydrophilic poly(ethylene oxide) (PEO) and B = biodegradable and hydrophobic poly(ε-caprolactone) (PCL). A series of AB2 triarm star-shaped copolymers with different molecular weights for the PCL block were successfully synthesized by a three-step procedure. α-methoxy-ω-epoxy-poly(ethylene oxide) (PEO-epoxide) was first synthesized by the nucleophilic substitution of...

  11. Ab initio/interpolated quantum dynamics on coupled electronic states with full configuration interaction wave functions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Thompson, K.; Martinez, T.J.


    We present a new approach to first-principles molecular dynamics that combines a general and flexible interpolation method with ab initio evaluation of the potential energy surface. This hybrid approach extends significantly the domain of applicability of ab initio molecular dynamics. Use of interpolation significantly reduces the computational effort associated with the dynamics over most of the time scale of interest, while regions where potential energy surfaces are difficult to interpolate, for example near conical intersections, are treated by direct solution of the electronic Schroedinger equation during the dynamics. We demonstrate the concept through application to the nonadiabatic dynamics of collisional electronic quenching of Li(2p). Full configuration interaction is used to describe the wave functions of the ground and excited electronic states. The hybrid approach agrees well with full ab initio multiple spawning dynamics, while being more than an order of magnitude faster. copyright 1999 American Institute of Physics

  12. Inland post-glacial dispersal in East Asia revealed by mitochondrial haplogroup M9a'b

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Wang Wen-Zhi


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Archaeological studies have revealed a series of cultural changes around the Last Glacial Maximum in East Asia; whether these changes left any signatures in the gene pool of East Asians remains poorly indicated. To achieve deeper insights into the demographic history of modern humans in East Asia around the Last Glacial Maximum, we extensively analyzed mitochondrial DNA haplogroup M9a'b, a specific haplogroup that was suggested to have some potential for tracing the migration around the Last Glacial Maximum in East Eurasia. Results A total of 837 M9a'b mitochondrial DNAs (583 from the literature, while the remaining 254 were newly collected in this study pinpointed from over 28,000 subjects residing across East Eurasia were studied here. Fifty-nine representative samples were further selected for total mitochondrial DNA sequencing so we could better understand the phylogeny within M9a'b. Based on the updated phylogeny, an extensive phylogeographic analysis was carried out to reveal the differentiation of haplogroup M9a'b and to reconstruct the dispersal histories. Conclusions Our results indicated that southern China and/or Southeast Asia likely served as the source of some post-Last Glacial Maximum dispersal(s. The detailed dissection of haplogroup M9a'b revealed the existence of an inland dispersal in mainland East Asia during the post-glacial period. It was this dispersal that expanded not only to western China but also to northeast India and the south Himalaya region. A similar phylogeographic distribution pattern was also observed for haplogroup F1c, thus substantiating our proposition. This inland post-glacial dispersal was in agreement with the spread of the Mesolithic culture originating in South China and northern Vietnam.

  13. Sustainability of Recycled ABS and PA6 by Banana Fiber Reinforcement: Thermal, Mechanical and Morphological Properties (United States)

    Singh, Rupinder; Kumar, Ranvijay; Ranjan, Nishant


    In the present study efforts have been made to prepare functional prototypes with improved thermal, mechanical and morphological properties from polymeric waste for sustainability. The primary recycled acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS) and polyamide 6 (PA6) has been selected as matrix material with bio-degradable and bio-compatible banana fibers (BF) as reinforcement. The blend (in form of feed stock filament wire) of ABS/PA6 and BF was prepared in house by conventional twin screw extrusion (TSE) process. Finally feed stock filament of ABS/PA6 reinforced with BF was put to run on open source fused deposition modelling based three dimensional printer (without any change in hardware/software of the system) for printing of functional prototypes with improved thermal/mechanical/morphological properties. The results are supported by photomicrographs, thermographs and mechanical testing.

  14. Crystallization and preliminary X-ray analysis of AbsC, a novel regulator of antibiotic production in Streptomyces coelicolor

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Stevenson, Clare E. M.; Kock, Holger; Mootien, Saraspadee; Davies, Sîan C.; Bibb, Mervyn J.; Lawson, David M.


    A novel regulator of antibiotic production in S. coelicolor, AbsC, has been crystallized in space group P2 1 2 1 2 1 . X-ray data to 2.25 Å resolution were collected on station PX 14.1 at Daresbury. Crystals of recombinant AbsC (subunit MW = 18 313 Da; 158 amino acids), a novel regulator of antibiotic production from Streptomyces coelicolor, were grown by vapour diffusion. The protein crystallizes in space group P2 1 2 1 2 1 , with unit-cell parameters a = 43.53, b = 121.30, c = 143.75 Å. Native data to a resolution of 2.25 Å were recorded at station PX 14.1 (Daresbury) from a single crystal. Preliminary analysis of these data suggests that the asymmetric unit contains four copies of the AbsC monomer, giving an estimated solvent content of 47.0%. AbsC belongs to the MarR family of proteins that mediate ligand-responsive transcriptional control

  15. Clinical evaluation of chitotriosidase enzyme activity in Gaucher and Niemann Pick A/B diseases: A retrospective study from India. (United States)

    Kadali, Srilatha; Kolusu, Anusha; Sunkara, Satish; Gummadi, Maheshwar Reddy; Undamatla, Jayanthi


    Plasma chitotriosidase originates from activated macrophages and is reported to be elevated in many Lysosomal Storage Disorders. Measurement of this enzyme activity has been an available tool for monitoring therapy of Gaucher disease. The degree of elevation of chitotriosidase is useful for differential diagnosis of Gaucher disease and Niemann Pick A/B. However the potential utility of this chitotriosidase assay depends on the frequency of deficient chitotriosidase activity in a particular population. We therefore aim to study the clinical utility of this assay Gaucher and Niemann Pick A/B diseases in the backdrop of chitotriosidase deficiency in our population. The study comprises 173 patients with clinical suspicion of either Gaucher disease (n=108) or Niemann Pick A/B (n=65) and 92 healthy controls. The plasma samples of controls, Gaucher disease, and Niemann Pick A/B showed chitotriosidase deficiency of 12%, 25% and 27% respectively. The degree of elevation of chitotriosidase in Gaucher disease and Niemann Pick A/B patients is 40-326 (11,325.7±6395.4nmol/h/ml) and 7-22 folds (1192.5±463.0nmol/h/ml) respectively. In view of these findings of distinguishable fold elevation of chitotriosidase in Gaucher disease or Niemann Pick A/B, it can be a potential surrogate differential diagnostic marker for these groups of diseases, except in the patients in whom this enzyme is deficient. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  16. Indium mediated isoprenylation of carbonyl compounds with 2-bromomethyl-1,3-butadiene: a short synthesis of (±)-ipsenol


    Ceschi Marco A.; Petzhold Cesar; Schenato Rossana A.


    Isoprenylation of aldehydes and ketones was directly performed by selective indium insertion on a mixture of 2-bromomethyl-1,3-butadiene and its vinylic isomers in good yields. A short synthesis of (±)-ipsenol, an aggregation pheromone of the Ips paraconfusus bark beetle, demonstrates the utility of this method in organic synthesis. A isoprenilação de aldeídos e cetonas foi realizada através da inserção seletiva de índio sobre uma mistura de 2-bromometil-1,3-butadieno e seus isômeros viníl...

  17. Performance comparison of the 4th generation Bio-Rad Laboratories GS HIV Combo Ag/Ab EIA on the EVOLIS™ automated system versus Abbott ARCHITECT HIV Ag/Ab Combo, Ortho Anti-HIV 1+2 EIA on Vitros ECi and Siemens HIV-1/O/2 enhanced on Advia Centaur. (United States)

    Mitchell, Elizabeth O; Stewart, Greg; Bajzik, Olivier; Ferret, Mathieu; Bentsen, Christopher; Shriver, M Kathleen


    A multisite study was conducted to evaluate the performance of the Bio-Rad 4th generation GS HIV Combo Ag/Ab EIA versus Abbott 4th generation ARCHITECT HIV Ag/Ab Combo. The performance of two 3rd generation EIAs, Ortho Diagnostics Anti-HIV 1+2 EIA and Siemens HIV 1/O/2 was also evaluated. Study objective was comparison of analytical HIV-1 p24 antigen detection, sensitivity in HIV-1 seroconversion panels, specificity in blood donors and two HIV false reactive panels. Analytical sensitivity was evaluated with International HIV-1 p24 antigen standards, the AFFSAPS (pg/mL) and WHO 90/636 (IU/mL) standards; sensitivity in acute infection was compared on 55 seroconversion samples, and specificity was evaluated on 1000 negative blood donors and two false reactive panels. GS HIV Combo Ag/Ab demonstrated better analytical HIV antigen sensitivity compared to ARCHITECT HIV Ag/Ab Combo: 0.41 IU/mL versus 1.2 IU/mL (WHO) and 12.7 pg/mL versus 20.1 pg/mL (AFSSAPS); GS HIV Combo Ag/Ab EIA also demonstrated slightly better specificity compared to ARCHITECT HIV Ag/Ab Combo (100% versus 99.7%). The 4th generation HIV Combo tests detected seroconversion 7-11 days earlier than the 3rd generation HIV antibody only EIAs. Both 4th generation immunoassays demonstrated excellent performance in sensitivity, with the reduction of the serological window period (7-11 days earlier detection than the 3rd generation HIV tests). However, GS HIV Combo Ag/Ab demonstrated improved HIV antigen analytical sensitivity and slightly better specificity when compared to ARCHITECT HIV Ag/Ab Combo assay, with higher positive predictive values (PPV) for low prevalence populations. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  18. Different Effects of Bacillus thuringiensis Toxin Cry1Ab on Midgut Cell Transmembrane Potential of Mythimna separata and Agrotis ipsilon Larvae

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Yingying Wang


    Full Text Available Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt Cry toxins from the Cry1A family demonstrate significantly different toxicities against members of the family Noctuidae for unknown reasons. In this study, membrane potential was measured and analyzed in freshly isolated midgut samples from Mythimna separata and Agrotis ipsilon larvae under oral administration and in vitro incubation with Bt toxin Cry1Ab to elucidate the mechanism of action for further control of these pests. Bioassay results showed that the larvae of M. separata achieved a LD50 of 258.84 ng/larva at 24 h after ingestion; M. separata larvae were at least eightfold more sensitive than A. ipsilon larvae to Cry1Ab. Force-feeding showed that the observed midgut apical-membrane potential (Vam of M. separata larvae was significantly depolarized from −82.9 ± 6.6 mV to −19.9 ± 7.2 mV at 8 h after ingestion of 1 μg activated Cry1Ab, whereas no obvious changes were detected in A. ipsilon larvae with dosage of 5 μg Cry1Ab. The activated Cry1Ab caused a distinct concentration-dependent depolarization of the apical membrane; Vam was reduced by 50% after 14.7 ± 0.2, 9.8 ± 0.4, and 7.6 ± 0.6 min of treatment with 1, 5, and 10 μg/mL Cry1Ab, respectively. Cry1Ab showed a minimal effect on A. ipsilon larvae even at 20 μg/mL, and Vam decreased by 26.3% ± 2.3% after 15 min. The concentrations of Cry1Ab displayed no significant effect on the basolateral side of the epithelium. The Vam of A. ipsilon (−33.19 ± 6.29 mV, n = 51 was only half that of M. separata (−80.94 ± 6.95 mV, n = 75. The different degrees of sensitivity to Cry1Ab were speculatively associated with various habits, as well as the diverse physiological or biochemical characteristics of the midgut cell membranes.

  19. Mechanical properties of carbynes investigated by ab initio total-energy calculations

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Castelli, Ivano E.; Salvestrini, Paolo; Manini, Nicola


    As sp carbon chains (carbynes) are relatively rigid molecular objects, can we exploit them as construction elements in nanomechanics? To answer this question, we investigate their remarkable mechanical properties by ab initio total-energy simulations. In particular, we evaluate their linear...

  20. Synthesis and characterization of compatibilizers for blends of PA and ABS

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Staal, M.P.B.


    Blends of polyamide (PA) and acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene (ABS) copolymers yield polymeric materials that are highly solvent resistant, easy to process and have high impact strengths over a wide temperature range. These properties make these blends interesting materials for various applications

  1. Ab initio studies of vacancies in (8,0) and (8,8) single-walled carbon and boron nitride nanotubes

    CSIR Research Space (South Africa)

    Mashapa, MG


    Full Text Available -1 Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Vol. 12, 7030?7036, 2012 Ab Initio Studies of Vacancies in (8,0) and (8,8) Single-Walled Carbon and Boron Nitride NanotubesAb M. G. Mashapa 1, 2, *, N. Chetty 2, and S. Sinha Ray 1, 3 1 DST...

  2. PDGF-AB rich-trombocyte lysate supplementation from breast cancer patients increased the proliferation of breast cancer stem cells

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Wiwi A. Kartolo


    Full Text Available Background: Thrombocytosis in breast cancer (BC patient was thought to play a role in the invasiveness of breast cancer stem cells (BCSCs. Modification of tumor microenvironment was proposed to increase the efficacy of anticancer therapy. This study was aimed to analyze the effect of platelet lysate (PL as well as its PDGF-AB content as a tumor microenvironment on (CD24-/CD44+ BCSC proliferation.Methods: This was an experimental study that treated culture of BCSCs with PL from breast cancer (BC patients or healthy donors. Venous blood from all subjects were subjected to prior hematology test and then processed to obtain platelet rich plasma  (PRP. Platelet counts in PRP were determined. PRP was processed to obtain PL. PDGF-AB contents in PL were measured. PL at concentrations of 0.01% (v/v was supplemented into DMEM-F12 medium and used for culturing BCSCs (CD24-/CD44+ cells. After 48 hours, total cell count, population doubling time (PDT, and cell viability were calculated and their correlation with platelet count and PDGF-AB levels were analyzed.Results: BC patients (n=5 had higher platelet counts and PDGF-AB levels in PL compared to healthy donors (n=15, (p=0.02. PL from BC patients could stimulate the proliferation of BCSCs higher than healthy donors (p<0.001 and showed lower PDT value (p=0.001. Cell proliferation and PDT showed strong correlation with PDGF-AB level. This observation suggests that PDGF-AB has a role on BCSCs proliferation. PL showed no effect on BCSCs viability.Conclusion: Breast cancer patient platelet lysate stimulated BCSC proliferation.

  3. Studies of urea geometry by means of ab initio methods and computer simulations of liquids


    Cirino, José Jair Vianna; Bertran, Celso Aparecido


    A study was carried out on the urea geometries using ab initio calculation and Monte Carlo computational simulation of liquids. The ab initio calculated results showed that urea has a non-planar conformation in the gas phase in which the hydrogen atoms are out of the plane formed by the heavy atoms. Free energies associated to the rotation of the amino groups of urea in water were obtained using the Monte Carlo method in which the thermodynamic perturbation theory is implemented. The magnitud...

  4. Adesivos poliméricos à base de SBR: influência de diferentes tipos de agentes promotores de adesão SBR-based polymeric adhesives: influence of different types of adhesion promoting agents

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mauro E. C. B. Pinto


    Full Text Available Neste trabalho, foi desenvolvido um novo adesivo não estrutural à base de copolímero de SBR com alto teor em estireno (SBR-53. O objetivo deste novo produto é avaliar a possibilidade de sua utilização no segmento moveleiro, em substituição ao adesivo de policloropreno (CR-M, cujo polímero-base é importado. Diferentes formulações de adesivos foram desenvolvidas, específicas para a indústria moveleira, e o desempenho do elastômero SBR-53 foi comparado ao dos elastômeros SBR-23 comercial (SBR tradicional - baixo teor de estireno e CR-M, quanto à estabilidade em solução, viscosidade e propriedades mecânicas.In this work a new non-structural adhesive based on a high styrene content SBR copolymer (SBR-53 was developed. This new product is intended to be used in the furniture segment, to replace the chloroprene rubber (CR-M adhesive, whose base polymer is imported. Different adhesive formulations were developed specifically for the furniture industry, and the performance of the elastomer SBR-53 was compared to that of commercial elastomers SBR-23 (low-styrene traditional SBR and CR-M, as for solution stability, viscosity and mechanical properties.

  5. Social Media Marketing : CASE: OY SUOMEN LYYRA AB


    Eriksson, Irene


    This bachelor thesis was commissioned by Oy Suomen Lyyra Ab, the largest student online media and student card producer for higher education students in Finland. The the-sis objective was to understanding the current social media situation and activity among the students of higher education in Finland, the social media networks that the case company currently uses as well as understanding how to use these networks for successful marketing activities. The quantitative research was conducted in...

  6. GAUSSIAN 76: an ab initio molecular orbital program

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Binkley, J.S.; Whiteside, R.; Hariharan, P.C.; Seeger, R.; Hehre, W.J.; Lathan, W.A.; Newton, M.D.; Ditchfield, R.; Pople, J.A.

    Gaussian 76 is a general-purpose computer program for ab initio Hartree-Fock molecular orbital calculations. It can handle basis sets involving s, p and d-type gaussian functions. Certain standard sets (STO-3G, 4-31G, 6-31G*, etc.) are stored internally for easy use. Closed shell (RHF) or unrestricted open shell (UHF) wave functions can be obtained. Facilities are provided for geometry optimization to potential minima and for limited potential surface scans

  7. PxAPN5 serves as a functional receptor of Cry2Ab in Plutella xylostella (L.) and its binding domain analysis. (United States)

    Pan, Zhi-Zhen; Xu, Lian; Liu, Bo; Zhang, Jing; Chen, Zheng; Chen, Qing-Xi; Zhu, Yu-Jing


    Lepidopteran midgut aminopeptidases N (APNs) are widely studied for their potential roles as one of the receptors for Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) crystal toxins. In the present study, a loss of function analyses by RNAi (RNA interference) silencing of the Plutella xylostella APN5 (PxAPN5), a binding protein of Bt crystal toxin Cry2Ab, were performed. The knocking down of PxAPN5 in P. xylostella larvae greatly reduced their susceptibility to Cry2Ab and led to a decrease of Cry2Ab binding to P. xylostella midgut. Four truncated fragments of PxAPN5 were further constructed and expressed in Escherichia coli (E.coli) to find the binding region of PxAPN5 to Cry2Ab. The ligand blot result indicated that D1 domain (residues 1-262) and D3 domain (residues 510-620) of PxAPN5 could specially bind to Cry2Ab. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  8. AB stacked few layer graphene growth by chemical vapor deposition on single crystal Rh(1 1 1) and electronic structure characterization

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kordatos, Apostolis; Kelaidis, Nikolaos; Giamini, Sigiava Aminalragia; Marquez-Velasco, Jose; Xenogiannopoulou, Evangelia; Tsipas, Polychronis; Kordas, George; Dimoulas, Athanasios


    Highlights: • Growth of non-defective few layer graphene on Rh(1 1 1) substrates using an ambient- pressure CVD method. • Control of graphene stacking order via the cool-down rate. • Graphene is grown with a mainly AB-stacking geometry on single-crystalline Rhodium for a slow cool-down rate and non-AB for a very fast cool-down. • Good epitaxial orientation of the surface is presented through the RHEED data and confirmed with ARPES characterization for the lower cool-down rate, where graphene's ΓK direction a perfectly aligned with the ΓK direction of the Rh(1 1 1) single crystal. - Abstract: Graphene synthesis on single crystal Rh(1 1 1) catalytic substrates is performed by Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD) at 1000 °C and atmospheric pressure. Raman analysis shows full substrate coverage with few layer graphene. It is found that the cool-down rate strongly affects the graphene stacking order. When lowered, the percentage of AB (Bernal) -stacked regions increases, leading to an almost full AB stacking order. When increased, the percentage of AB-stacked graphene regions decreases to a point where almost a full non AB-stacked graphene is grown. For a slow cool-down rate, graphene with AB stacking order and good epitaxial orientation with the substrate is achieved. This is indicated mainly by Raman characterization and confirmed by Reflection high-energy electron diffraction (RHEED) imaging. Additional Scanning Tunneling Microscopy (STM) topography data confirm that the grown graphene is mainly an AB-stacked structure. The electronic structure of the graphene/Rh(1 1 1) system is examined by Angle resolved Photo-Emission Spectroscopy (ARPES), where σ and π bands of graphene, are observed. Graphene's ΓK direction is aligned with the ΓK direction of the substrate, indicating no significant contribution from rotated domains.

  9. AB stacked few layer graphene growth by chemical vapor deposition on single crystal Rh(1 1 1) and electronic structure characterization

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kordatos, Apostolis [National Center for Scientific Research “Demokritos”, Athens, 15310 (Greece); Kelaidis, Nikolaos, E-mail: [National Center for Scientific Research “Demokritos”, Athens, 15310 (Greece); Giamini, Sigiava Aminalragia [National Center for Scientific Research “Demokritos”, Athens, 15310 (Greece); University of Athens, Department of Physics, Section of Solid State Physics, Athens, 15684 Greece (Greece); Marquez-Velasco, Jose [National Center for Scientific Research “Demokritos”, Athens, 15310 (Greece); National Technical University of Athens, Department of Physics, Athens, 15784 Greece (Greece); Xenogiannopoulou, Evangelia; Tsipas, Polychronis; Kordas, George; Dimoulas, Athanasios [National Center for Scientific Research “Demokritos”, Athens, 15310 (Greece)


    Highlights: • Growth of non-defective few layer graphene on Rh(1 1 1) substrates using an ambient- pressure CVD method. • Control of graphene stacking order via the cool-down rate. • Graphene is grown with a mainly AB-stacking geometry on single-crystalline Rhodium for a slow cool-down rate and non-AB for a very fast cool-down. • Good epitaxial orientation of the surface is presented through the RHEED data and confirmed with ARPES characterization for the lower cool-down rate, where graphene's ΓK direction a perfectly aligned with the ΓK direction of the Rh(1 1 1) single crystal. - Abstract: Graphene synthesis on single crystal Rh(1 1 1) catalytic substrates is performed by Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD) at 1000 °C and atmospheric pressure. Raman analysis shows full substrate coverage with few layer graphene. It is found that the cool-down rate strongly affects the graphene stacking order. When lowered, the percentage of AB (Bernal) -stacked regions increases, leading to an almost full AB stacking order. When increased, the percentage of AB-stacked graphene regions decreases to a point where almost a full non AB-stacked graphene is grown. For a slow cool-down rate, graphene with AB stacking order and good epitaxial orientation with the substrate is achieved. This is indicated mainly by Raman characterization and confirmed by Reflection high-energy electron diffraction (RHEED) imaging. Additional Scanning Tunneling Microscopy (STM) topography data confirm that the grown graphene is mainly an AB-stacked structure. The electronic structure of the graphene/Rh(1 1 1) system is examined by Angle resolved Photo-Emission Spectroscopy (ARPES), where σ and π bands of graphene, are observed. Graphene's ΓK direction is aligned with the ΓK direction of the substrate, indicating no significant contribution from rotated domains.

  10. Combining ZnO/microwave treatment for changing wettability of WEEE styrene plastics (ABS and HIPS) and their selective separation by froth flotation (United States)

    Thanh Truc, Nguyen Thi; Lee, Byeong-Kyu


    This study reports a simple froth flotation method to separate plastic wastes of acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene (ABS) and high impact polystyrene (HIPS) after initial hydrophilization by coating the plastics with ZnO and microwave treatment. ABS and HIPS are typical styrene-based WEEE plastics having similar density and hydrophobicity, which hinders their separation for recycling. After coating with ZnO, 2-min microwave treatment rearranged the ABS surface and thus changed its molecular mobility and increased its hydrophilicity. The combined ZnO coating/microwave treatment facilitated the selective separation of ABS and HIPS with 100% and 95.2% recovery and 95.4% and 100% purity in froth flotation, respectively. The combination of ZnO coating-microwave treatment and froth flotation can be utilized as a selective ABS/HIPS separation technique for improved recycling of WEEE plastics.

  11. Contribution of the Chromosomal ccdAB Operon to Bacterial Drug Tolerance. (United States)

    Gupta, Kritika; Tripathi, Arti; Sahu, Alishan; Varadarajan, Raghavan


    One of the first identified and best-studied toxin-antitoxin (TA) systems in Escherichia coli is the F-plasmid-based CcdAB system. This system is involved in plasmid maintenance through postsegregational killing. More recently, ccdAB homologs have been found on the chromosome, including in pathogenic strains of E. coli and other bacteria. However, the functional role of chromosomal ccdAB genes, if any, has remained unclear. We show that both the native ccd operon of the E. coli O157 strain ( ccd O157 ) and the ccd operon from the F plasmid ( ccd F ), when inserted on the E. coli chromosome, lead to protection from cell death under multiple antibiotic stress conditions through formation of persisters, with the O157 operon showing higher protection. While the plasmid-encoded CcdB toxin is a potent gyrase inhibitor and leads to bacterial cell death even under fully repressed conditions, the chromosomally encoded toxin leads to growth inhibition, except at high expression levels, where some cell death is seen. This was further confirmed by transiently activating the chromosomal ccd operon through overexpression of an active-site inactive mutant of F-plasmid-encoded CcdB. Both the ccd F and ccd O157 operons may share common mechanisms for activation under stress conditions, eventually leading to multidrug-tolerant persister cells. This study clearly demonstrates an important role for chromosomal ccd systems in bacterial persistence. IMPORTANCE A large number of free-living and pathogenic bacteria are known to harbor multiple toxin-antitoxin systems, on plasmids as well as on chromosomes. The F-plasmid CcdAB system has been extensively studied and is known to be involved in plasmid maintenance. However, little is known about the function of its chromosomal counterpart, found in several pathogenic E. coli strains. We show that the native chromosomal ccd operon of the E. coli O157 strain is involved in drug tolerance and confers protection from cell death under multiple

  12. Land use developmental trends in cadastral area Žabčice

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Petra Fukalová


    Full Text Available This article is focused on the land use development in the cadastral area Žabčice since the mid of the 20th century. Žabčice lies in South Moravia at a distance of less than 25 km south from Brno and its land area is 817 ha. This selected cadastre is part of University Agricultural Enterprise (UAE Žabčice area and has been chosen because of the relevance for the MUAF in Brno. Dominant activity in this cadastral area is agriculture. The land use was evaluated from 1950’s to the present time.According to availability of suitable map underlays three basic time profiles (1953, 1990 and 2007 were chosen. For evaluation of land use development following materials were used: archival aerial photographs, ortophotos, basic and cadastral maps, archival documents. Field survey of selected area was also necessary. Thirteen land use categories have been identified as an outcome of interpretation of maps. These categories were compared by methods of comparative measurement of areas. The area of particular land use categories in landscape with regard to land area of whole model area in hectares and further their percentage representation were found out. Data processing and all analyses were done in GIS environment (software ArcGIS 9.1.In 2007 (compared with 1953 forest area had increased by about 1 %, orchards by 2 %, vineyards by 12 % and the increase of built-up and other areas by 8 % was also evident. The area of following categories decreased: arable land by 21 %, TTP by 2 %, garden by 1 %. The most significant trend in the cadastral Žabčice is decrease of arable land area recorded during the whole period. Other trends are following: the increase of vineyard areas, smaller increase of the orchard area and increase of built-up and other areas. In the context of political and socio-economic factors, non-forest vegetation was ne­ga­ti­ve­ly marked. These changes correspond with changes in Czech Republic in the same time

  13. Materials Screening for the Discovery of New Half-Heuslers: Machine Learning versus ab Initio Methods. (United States)

    Legrain, Fleur; Carrete, Jesús; van Roekeghem, Ambroise; Madsen, Georg K H; Mingo, Natalio


    Machine learning (ML) is increasingly becoming a helpful tool in the search for novel functional compounds. Here we use classification via random forests to predict the stability of half-Heusler (HH) compounds, using only experimentally reported compounds as a training set. Cross-validation yields an excellent agreement between the fraction of compounds classified as stable and the actual fraction of truly stable compounds in the ICSD. The ML model is then employed to screen 71 178 different 1:1:1 compositions, yielding 481 likely stable candidates. The predicted stability of HH compounds from three previous high-throughput ab initio studies is critically analyzed from the perspective of the alternative ML approach. The incomplete consistency among the three separate ab initio studies and between them and the ML predictions suggests that additional factors beyond those considered by ab initio phase stability calculations might be determinant to the stability of the compounds. Such factors can include configurational entropies and quasiharmonic contributions.

  14. Equine Immunoglobulin and Equine Neutralizing F(ab')₂ Protect Mice from West Nile Virus Infection. (United States)

    Cui, Jiannan; Zhao, Yongkun; Wang, Hualei; Qiu, Boning; Cao, Zengguo; Li, Qian; Zhang, Yanbo; Yan, Feihu; Jin, Hongli; Wang, Tiecheng; Sun, Weiyang; Feng, Na; Gao, Yuwei; Sun, Jing; Wang, Yanqun; Perlman, Stanley; Zhao, Jincun; Yang, Songtao; Xia, Xianzhu


    West Nile virus (WNV) is prevalent in Africa, Europe, the Middle East, West Asia, and North America, and causes epidemic encephalitis. To date, no effective therapy for WNV infection has been developed; therefore, there is urgent need to find an efficient method to prevent WNV disease. In this study, we prepared and evaluated the protective efficacy of immune serum IgG and pepsin-digested F(ab')₂ fragments from horses immunized with the WNV virus-like particles (VLP) expressing the WNV M and E proteins. Immune equine F(ab')₂ fragments and immune horse sera efficiently neutralized WNV infection in tissue culture. The passive transfer of equine immune antibodies significantly accelerated the virus clearance in the spleens and brains of WNV infected mice, and reduced mortality. Thus, equine immunoglobulin or equine neutralizing F(ab')₂ passive immunotherapy is a potential strategy for the prophylactic or therapeutic treatment of patients infected with WNV.

  15. Raman Spectroscopy and Ab-Initio Model Calculations on Ionic Liquids

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Berg, Rolf W.


    spectroscopy and ab-initio molecular orbital calculations. A discussion is given, based mainly on some recent FT-Raman spectroscopic results on the model ionic liquid system of 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium ([C4mim][X]) salts. The rotational isomerism of the [C4mim]þ cation is described: the presence of anti...

  16. Information Manual: Procedures, Planning Concepts, Subsystems. ABS Publication No. 3. (United States)

    California Univ., Berkeley.

    This report, the third in a series which presents the results of a systems analysis of the problem of providing science and engineering buildings at the university level, is a technical manual for using the Academic Building Systems (ABS) approach in programing, designing, and constructing such facilities. The document presents (1) planning…

  17. UV light-induced mutability in Salmonella strains containing the umuDC or the mucAB operon

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Herrera, G.; Urios, A.; Aleixandre, V.; Blanco, M.


    Multicopy plasmids carrying either the umuDC operon of Escherichia coli or its analog mucAB operon, were introduced into Ames Salmonella strains in order to analyze the influence of UmuDC and MucAB proteins on repair and mutability after UV irradiation. It was found that in uvr + bacteria, plasmid pICV80:mucAB increased the frequency of UV-induced His + revertants whereas pSE117:umuDC caused a smaller increase in UV mutagenesis. In ΔuvrB bacteria, the protective role of pSE117 against UV killing was weak, and there was a great reduction in the mutant yield. In contrast, in these cells, pICV80 led to a large increase in both cell survival and mutation frequency. These results suggest that in Salmonella, as in E. coli, MucAB proteins mediate UV mutagenesis more efficiently than UmuDC proteins do. Plasmid pICV84:umuD + C - significantly increased UV mutagenesis of TA2659:ΔuvrB cells whereas in them, pICV77:mucA + B - had no effect on mutability indicating the presence in Salmonella TA2659 of a gene functionally homologous to umuC. 18 refs.; 1 figure; 3 tabs

  18. Hexamethylcyclopentadiene: time-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy and ab initio multiple spawning simulations

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Wolf, T. J. A.; Kuhlman, Thomas Scheby; Schalk, O.


    comparing time-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy (TRPES) with ab initio multiple spawning (AIMS) simulations on the MS-MR-CASPT2 level of theory. We disentangle the relationship between two phenomena that dominate the immediate molecular response upon light absorption: a spectrally dependent delay...

  19. Precise Ab-initio prediction of terahertz vibrational modes in crystalline systems

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jepsen, Peter Uhd; Clark, Stewart J.


    We use a combination of experimental THz time-domain spectroscopy and ab-initio density functional perturbative theory to accurately predict the terahertz vibrational spectrum of molecules in the crystalline phase. Our calculations show that distinct vibrational modes found in solid-state materials...

  20. Ab-interno scleral suture loop fixation with cow-hitch knot in posterior chamber intraocular lens decentration

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ertugrul Can


    Full Text Available Aim of Study: To describe a simplified ab-interno cow-hitch suture fixation technique for repositioning decentered posterior chamber intraocular lens (PC IOL. Materials and Methods: Two cases are presented with the surgical correction of decentered and subluxated IOL. Ab-interno scleral suture fixation technique with hitch-cow knot in the eye was performed with a ciliary sulcus guide instrument and 1 year follow-up was completed. Results: Both of the patients had well centered lenses postoperatively. Corrected distant and near visual acuities of the patients were improved. There was no significant postoperative complication. In the follow-up period of 1 year, no evidence of suture erosion was found. Conclusions: Ab-interno scleral suture loop fixation with hitch-cow knot in the eye was effective in repositioning decentered or subluxated PC IOLs with excellent postoperative centered lenses and visual outcomes.

  1. Pilot study of 68Ga-DOTA-F(ab?)2-trastuzumab in patients with breast cancer


    Beylergil, Volkan; Morris, Patrick G.; Smith-Jones, Peter M.; Modi, Shanu; Solit, David; Hudis, Clifford A.; Lu, Yang; O?Donoghue, Joseph; Lyashchenko, Serge K.; Carrasquillo, Jorge A.; Larson, Steven M.; Akhurst, Timothy J.


    Objective 68Ga-1,4,7,10-Tetraazacyclododecane-N,N?,N??,N???-tetraacetic acid (DOTA)-F(ab?)2-trastuzumab [68Ga-DOTA-F(ab?)2-trastuzumab] has been developed at our institution as a positron imaging reagent for assessing human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2) expression status by in-vivo imaging. Initial studies on animals demonstrated promising results in the monitoring of treatment response to heat shock protein 90-targeted drugs that inhibit the client protein HER2. We report here ou...

  2. Ab initio molecular dynamics simulation of liquid water by quantum Monte Carlo

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zen, Andrea; Luo, Ye; Mazzola, Guglielmo; Sorella, Sandro; Guidoni, Leonardo


    Although liquid water is ubiquitous in chemical reactions at roots of life and climate on the earth, the prediction of its properties by high-level ab initio molecular dynamics simulations still represents a formidable task for quantum chemistry. In this article, we present a room temperature simulation of liquid water based on the potential energy surface obtained by a many-body wave function through quantum Monte Carlo (QMC) methods. The simulated properties are in good agreement with recent neutron scattering and X-ray experiments, particularly concerning the position of the oxygen-oxygen peak in the radial distribution function, at variance of previous density functional theory attempts. Given the excellent performances of QMC on large scale supercomputers, this work opens new perspectives for predictive and reliable ab initio simulations of complex chemical systems

  3. A fragment-based approach towards ab-initio treatment of polymeric ...

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    Reshma S Pingale


    Jun 20, 2017 ... Keywords. π-Conjugated polymer; divide and conquer; ab-initio; fragmentation. PACS Nos 31.15.A−; 36.20. ... cut the parent system into a set of overlapping small fragments and .... some oligomers, we approached the problem by increas- ..... Financial support of DST, Govt. of India, New Delhi, in the form of ...

  4. Ab initio study of the bcc-hcp transformation in iron

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Friák, Martin; Šob, Mojmír


    Roč. 77, č. 17 (2008), 174117/1-174117/7 ISSN 1098-0121 R&D Projects: GA MŠk OC 147; GA AV ČR IAA1041302 Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z20410507 Keywords : ab initio calculations * phase transformations * iron Subject RIV: BM - Solid Matter Physics ; Magnetism Impact factor: 3.322, year: 2008

  5. Comparative study of the monomer grafting: ethylene, acetylene, 1,3-butadiene and estyrene in the matrix of recycled polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE); Estudo comparativo da enxertia dos monomeros: etileno, acetileno, 1,3-butadieno e estireno na matriz de politetrafluoroetileno (PTFE) reciclado

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ikari, Carolina T.; Rosner, Gerhardyne O.; Oliveira, Ana C.F. [Instituto de Pesquisas Energeticas e Nucleares (IPEN/CNEN-SP), Sao Paulo, SP (Brazil). Centro de Quimica e Meio Ambiente (CQMA); Faculdades Oswaldo Cruz, Sao Paulo, SP (Brazil); Ferreto, Helio F.R.; Lima, Luiz F.C.P.; Lugao, Ademar B., E-mail: hferreto@ipen.b [Instituto de Pesquisas Energeticas e Nucleares (IPEN/CNEN-SP), Sao Paulo, SP (Brazil). Centro de Quimica e Meio Ambiente (CQMA); Moreira, Otavio M. [Faculdades Oswaldo Cruz, Sao Paulo, SP (Brazil)


    In this study it is used the recycled polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE), that with the gamma radiation under inert atmosphere or in presence of air, it is obtained free radicals and a posterior the monomer grafting (ethylene, acetylene, styrene or 1.3 butadiene), obtaining the copolymer polytetrafluoroethylene-g-monomer. It is studied the obtention of the polymer by two methods: by direct way, via grafting, where the polymer is irradiated in presence of monomer, and via grafting when the polymer is irradiated in absence of monomer and under inert or air. The characterization of the copolymer was performed by the techniques of infrared region absorption spectroscopy with Fourier transformation (FTIR), thermogravimetric (TGA) and derivative thermogravimetry (DTG), and percentage of mass grafting (DOG)

  6. Serious Gaming for Test & Evaluation of Clean-Slate (Ab Initio) National Airspace System (NAS) Designs (United States)

    Allen, B. Danette; Alexandrov, Natalia


    Incremental approaches to air transportation system development inherit current architectural constraints, which, in turn, place hard bounds on system capacity, efficiency of performance, and complexity. To enable airspace operations of the future, a clean-slate (ab initio) airspace design(s) must be considered. This ab initio National Airspace System (NAS) must be capable of accommodating increased traffic density, a broader diversity of aircraft, and on-demand mobility. System and subsystem designs should scale to accommodate the inevitable demand for airspace services that include large numbers of autonomous Unmanned Aerial Vehicles and a paradigm shift in general aviation (e.g., personal air vehicles) in addition to more traditional aerial vehicles such as commercial jetliners and weather balloons. The complex and adaptive nature of ab initio designs for the future NAS requires new approaches to validation, adding a significant physical experimentation component to analytical and simulation tools. In addition to software modeling and simulation, the ability to exercise system solutions in a flight environment will be an essential aspect of validation. The NASA Langley Research Center (LaRC) Autonomy Incubator seeks to develop a flight simulation infrastructure for ab initio modeling and simulation that assumes no specific NAS architecture and models vehicle-to-vehicle behavior to examine interactions and emergent behaviors among hundreds of intelligent aerial agents exhibiting collaborative, cooperative, coordinative, selfish, and malicious behaviors. The air transportation system of the future will be a complex adaptive system (CAS) characterized by complex and sometimes unpredictable (or unpredicted) behaviors that result from temporal and spatial interactions among large numbers of participants. A CAS not only evolves with a changing environment and adapts to it, it is closely coupled to all systems that constitute the environment. Thus, the ecosystem that

  7. Identification of Clusters that Condition Resistance to Anthracnose in the Common Bean Differential Cultivars AB136 and MDRK. (United States)

    Campa, Ana; Trabanco, Noemí; Ferreira, Juan José


    The correct identification of the anthracnose resistance systems present in the common bean cultivars AB136 and MDRK is important because both are included in the set of 12 differential cultivars proposed for use in classifying the races of the anthracnose causal agent, Colletrotrichum lindemuthianum. In this work, the responses against seven C. lindemuthianum races were analyzed in a recombinant inbred line population derived from the cross AB136 × MDRK. A genetic linkage map of 100 molecular markers distributed across the 11 bean chromosomes was developed in this population to locate the gene or genes conferring resistance against each race, based on linkage analyses and χ 2 tests of independence. The identified anthracnose resistance genes were organized in clusters. Two clusters were found in AB136: one located on linkage group Pv07, which corresponds to the anthracnose resistance cluster Co-5, and the other located at the end of linkage group Pv11, which corresponds to the Co-2 cluster. The presence of resistance genes at the Co-5 cluster in AB136 was validated through an allelism test conducted in the F 2 population TU × AB136. The presence of resistance genes at the Co-2 cluster in AB136 was validated through genetic dissection using the F 2:3 population ABM3 × MDRK, in which it was directly mapped to a genomic position between 46.01 and 47.77 Mb of chromosome Pv11. In MDRK, two independent clusters were identified: one located on linkage group Pv01, corresponding to the Co-1 cluster, and the second located on LG Pv04, corresponding to the Co-3 cluster. This report enhances the understanding of the race-specific Phaseolus vulgaris-C. lindemuthianum interactions and will be useful in breeding programs.

  8. Utilização de abóbora e moranga na produção de doce de leite pastoso com coco


    Souza,; Oliveira,; Shirose, I.; Valle,; Carvalho, C.R.L.


    Foi estudado a utilização dos frutos abóbora e moranga na produção de doce de leite pastoso. Estudou-se os seguintes tratamentos: 1) polpa de abórora, 2) polpa de moranga, e 3) polpa de abóbora e moranga. Os resultados experimentais mostraram que o melhor fruto a mesclar com o doce de leite é a moranga, vindo em seguida a mistura dos frutos. Tanto o doce de leite com moranga como com mistura de frutos, classifica-se no grau de apreciação entre "gostei" e "gostei muito". Já com a abóbora, no g...

  9. Ab initio calculation of intermolecular potentials for dimer Cl_2-Cl_2 and prediction of second virial coefficients

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nguyen Thanh Duoc; Nguyen Thi Ai Nhung; Tran Duong; Pham Van Tat


    The results presented in this paper are the ab initio intermolecular potentials and the second virial coefficient, B_2 (T) of the dimer Cl_2-Cl_2. These ab initio potentials were proposed by the quantum chemical calculations at high level of theory CCSD(T) with basis sets of Dunning valence correlation-consistent aug-cc-pVmZ (m = 2, 3); these results were extrapolated to complete basis set limit aug-cc-pV23Z. The ab initio energies of complete basis set limit aug-cc-pV23Z resulted from the exponential extrapolation were used to construct the 5-site pair potential functions. The second virial coefficients for this dimer were predicted from those with four-dimensional integration. The second virial coefficients were also corrected to first-order quantum effects. The results turn out to be in good agreement with experimental data, if available, or with those from empirical correlation. The quality of ab initio 5-site potentials proved the reliability for prediction of molecular thermodynamic properties. (author)

  10. Aquatic degradation of Cry1Ab protein and decomposition dynamics of transgenic corn leaves under controlled conditions. (United States)

    Böttger, Rita; Schaller, Jörg; Lintow, Sven; Gert Dudel, E


    The increasing cultivation of genetically modified corn plants (Zea mays) during the last decades is suggested as a potential risk to the environment. One of these genetically modified variety expressed the insecticidal Cry1Ab protein originating from Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt), resulting in resistance against Ostrinia nubilalis, the European corn borer. Transgenic litter material is extensively studied regarding the decomposition in soils. However, only a few field studies analyzed the fate of the Cry1Ab protein and the impact of green and senescent leaf litter from corn on the decomposition rate and related ecosystem functions in aquatic environments. Consequently, a microbial litter decomposition experiment was conducted under controlled semi-natural conditions in batch culture using two maize varieties: one variety with Cry1Ab and another one with the appertaining Iso-line as control treatment. The results showed no significant differences between the treatment with Cry1Ab and the Iso-line regarding loss of total mass in dry weight of 43% for Iso-line and 45% for Bt-corn litter, lignin content increased to 137.5% (Iso-line) and 115.7% (Bt-corn), and phenol loss decreased by 53.6% (Iso-line), 62.2% (Bt-corn) during three weeks of the experiment. At the end of the experiment Cry1Ab protein was still detected with 6% of the initial concentration. A slightly but significant lower cellulose content was found for the Cry1Ab treatment compared to the Iso-line litter at the end of the experiment. The significant higher total protein (25%) and nitrogen (25%) content in Bt corn, most likely due to the additionally expression of the transgenic protein, may increase the microbial cellulose degradation and decrease microbial lignin degradation. In conclusion a relevant year by year input of protein and therefore nitrogen rich Bt corn litter into aquatic environments may affect the balanced nutrient turnover in aquatic ecosystems. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights

  11. IgM rheumatoid factor removal and performance of the FTA-ABS (IgM) test in congenital syphilis. (United States)

    Meyer, M P; Roditi, D; Louw, S


    To determine the performance of the FTA-ABS (IgM) test in congenital syphilis after eliminating interference by IgM rheumatoid factor (RF) and preventing competitive inhibition by IgG. The FTA-ABS (IgM) test was carried out before and after RF removal (achieved by immunoprecipitation of the IgG) in infants with congenital syphilis and controls. Newborns delivered in the Peninsula Maternal and Neonatal Services in Cape Town and infants presenting at Red Cross War Memorial Children's Hospital. Infants with congenital syphilis aged 0-4 months were divided into those with clinical signs at presentation and those who were asymptomatic at delivery. In addition, patients without congenital syphilis but with similar clinical signs at presentation were investigated as were control infants. The diagnosis of congenital syphilis was based on the criteria suggested by Kaufman et al (1977). Amongst symptomatic infants with congenital syphilis the FTA-ABS (IgM) test was positive in 34 (92%) of 37 cases prior to abolishing the RF effect and in 29 (78.4%) of 37 cases afterwards (p = 0.19). In 12 cases of congenital syphilis who were asymptomatic at birth, 10 had positive FTA-ABS (IgM) tests before RF removal and only three had positive tests afterwards (p = 0.006). False positive tests were not found amongst 15 symptomatic infants whose clinical features mimicked those of the infants with congenital syphilis. Among 51 healthy infants the test had a false-positive rate of 2% in newborns and 13% in older infants. The false positive reactions were eradicated by IgG precipitation. Following IgG and RF removal there was an improvement in the specificity of the FTA-ABS (IgM) test but this was at the expense of a loss of sensitivity, particularly in asymptomatic newborns. For newborns, if the FTA-ABS (IgM) test was positive, the patient was likely to require treatment for congenital syphilis, regardless of whether the result was due to the presence of RF or specific IgM.

  12. Identification and Characterization of Hyphantria cunea Aminopeptidase N as a Binding Protein of Bacillus thuringiensis Cry1Ab35 Toxin

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Yakun Zhang


    Full Text Available The fall webworm, Hyphantria cunea (Drury is a major invasive pest in China. Aminopeptidase N (APN isoforms in lepidopteran larvae midguts are known for their involvement in the mode of action of insecticidal crystal (Cry proteins from Bacillus thuringiensis. In the present work, we identified a putative Cry1Ab toxin-binding protein, an APN isoform designated HcAPN3, in the midgut of H. cunea by ligand blot and mass spectrometry. HcAPN3 was highly expressed throughout all larval developmental stages and was abundant in the midgut and hindgut tissues. HcAPN3 was down-regulated at 6 h, then was up-regulated significantly at 12 h and 24 h after Cry1Ab toxin treatment. We expressed HcAPN3 in insect cells and detected its interaction with Cry1Ab toxin by ligand blot assays. Furthermore, RNA interference (RNAi against HcAPN3 using oral delivery and injection of double-stranded RNA (dsRNA resulted in a 61–66% decrease in transcript level. Down-regulating of the expression of HcAPN3 was closely associated with reduced susceptibility of H. cunea to Cry1Ab. In addition, the HcAPN3E fragment peptide expressed in Escherichia coli enhanced Cry1Ab toxicity against H. cunea larvae. This work represents the first evidence to suggest that an APN in H. cunea is a putative binding protein involved in Cry1Ab susceptibility.

  13. Heterophilic interference in specimens yielding false-reactive results on the Abbott 4th generation ARCHITECT HIV Ag/Ab Combo assay. (United States)

    Lavoie, S; Caswell, D; Gill, M J; Kadkhoda, K; Charlton, C L; Levett, P N; Hatchette, T; Garceau, R; Maregmen, J; Mazzulli, T; Needle, R; Kadivar, K; Kim, J


    False-reactivity in HIV-negative specimens has been detected in HIV fourth-generation antigen/antibody or 'combo' assays which are able to detect both anti-HIV-1/HIV-2 antibodies and HIV-1 antigen. We sought to characterize these specimens and determine the effect of heterophilic interference. Specimens previously testing as false-reactive on the Abbott ARCHITECT HIV Ag/Ab combo assay and re-tested on a different (Siemens ADVIA Centaur HIV Ag/Ab) assay. A subset of these specimens were also pre-treated with heterophilic blocking agents and re-tested on the Abbott assay. Here we report that 95% (252/264) of clinical specimens that were repeatedly reactive on the Abbott ARCHITECT HIV Ag/Ab combo assay (S/Co range, 0.94-678) were negative when re-tested on a different fourth generation HIV combo assay (Siemens ADVIA Centaur HIV Ag/Ab). All 264 samples were subsequently confirmed to be HIV negative. On a small subset (57) of specimens with available volume, pre-treatment with two different reagents (HBT; Heterophilic Blocking Tube, NABT; Non-Specific Blocking Tube) designed to block heterophilic antibody interference either eliminated (HBT) or reduced (NABT) the false reactivity when re-tested on the ARCHITECT HIV Ag/Ab combo assay. Our results suggest that the Abbott ARCHITECT HIV Ag/Ab combo assay can be prone to heterophilic antibody interference. Crown Copyright © 2018. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  14. Roles of TgAb and TPOAb in the development of hypothyroidism after 131I treatment in hyperthyroid patients with Graves' disease

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Han Yunfeng; Tong Liangqian; Lan Qiong; Zhu Xiaohua; Chen Jing; Zhao Ming


    To evaluate the roles of antithyroid peroxidase antibodies (TPOAb) and antithyroglobulin antibodies (TbAb) in the development of hypothyroidism after 131 I treatment in hyperthyroid patients with Graves' disease (GD), data were collected from 160 GD patients who were treated with 131 I in the department of nuclear medicine of Tongji Hospital between January 2008 and February 2011. Patients were divided into four groups: group A (TgAb 131 I. The incidence of hypothyroidism after 131 I treatment was different for each group(P=0.034 131 I treatment. In conclusion, because TgAb and TPOAb play important roles in the occurrence of hypothyroidism after 131 I therapy, in patients with positive levels of TgAb and TPOAb, lower doses of 131 I might prevent hypothyroidism. (authors)

  15. Studies Of Urea Geometry By Means Of Ab Initio Methods And Computer Simulations Of Liquids [estudo Da Geometria Da Uréia Por Métodos Ab Initio E Simulaição Computacional De Líquidos


    Cirino J.J.V.; Bertran C.A.


    A study was carried out on the urea geometries using ab initio calculation and Monte Carlo computational simulation of liquids. The ab initio calculated results showed that urea has a non-planar conformation in the gas phase in which the hydrogen atoms are out of the plane formed by the heavy atoms. Free energies associated to the rotation of the amino groups of urea in water were obtained using the Monte Carlo method in which the thermodynamic perturbation theory is implemented. The magnitud...

  16. Ab initio study of hot electrons in GaAs


    Bernardi, Marco; Vigil-Fowler, Derek; Ong, Chin Shen; Neaton, Jeffrey B.; Louie, Steven G.


    Hot carrier dynamics critically impacts the performance of electronic, optoelectronic, photovoltaic, and plasmonic devices. Hot carriers lose energy over nanometer lengths and picosecond timescales and thus are challenging to study experimentally, whereas calculations of hot carrier dynamics are cumbersome and dominated by empirical approaches. In this work, we present ab initio calculations of hot electrons in gallium arsenide (GaAs) using density functional theory and many-body perturbation...

  17. Comparison and validation of methods to quantify Cry1Ab toxin from Bacillus thuringiensis for standardization of insect bioassays. (United States)

    Crespo, André L B; Spencer, Terence A; Nekl, Emily; Pusztai-Carey, Marianne; Moar, William J; Siegfried, Blair D


    Standardization of toxin preparations derived from Bacillus thuringiensis (Berliner) used in laboratory bioassays is critical for accurately assessing possible changes in the susceptibility of field populations of target pests. Different methods were evaluated to quantify Cry1Ab, the toxin expressed by 80% of the commercially available transgenic maize that targets the European corn borer, Ostrinia nubilalis (Hübner). We compared three methods of quantification on three different toxin preparations from independent sources: enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and densitometry (SDS-PAGE/densitometry), and the Bradford assay for total protein. The results were compared to those obtained by immunoblot analysis and with the results of toxin bioassays against susceptible laboratory colonies of O. nubilalis. The Bradford method resulted in statistically higher estimates than either ELISA or SDS-PAGE/densitometry but also provided the lowest coefficients of variation (CVs) for estimates of the Cry1Ab concentration (from 2.4 to 5.4%). The CV of estimates obtained by ELISA ranged from 12.8 to 26.5%, whereas the CV of estimates obtained by SDS-PAGE/densitometry ranged from 0.2 to 15.4%. We standardized toxin concentration by using SDS-PAGE/densitometry, which is the only method specific for the 65-kDa Cry1Ab protein and is not confounded by impurities detected by ELISA and Bradford assay for total protein. Bioassays with standardized Cry1Ab preparations based on SDS-PAGE/densitometry showed no significant differences in LC(50) values, although there were significant differences in growth inhibition for two of the three Cry1Ab preparations. However, the variation in larval weight caused by toxin source was only 4% of the total variation, and we conclude that standardization of Cry1Ab production and quantification by SDS-PAGE/densitometry may improve data consistency in monitoring efforts to identify changes in

  18. Ab initio theory of charge-carrier conduction in ultrapure organic crystals

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Hannewald, K.; Bobbert, P.A.


    We present an ab initio description of charge-carrier mobilities in organic molecular crystals of high purity. Our approach is based on Holstein's original concept of small-polaron bands but generalized with respect to the inclusion of nonlocal electron-phonon coupling. By means of an explicit

  19. Force fields for silicas and aluminophosphates based on ab initio calculations

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Beest, van B.W.H.; Kramer, G.J.; Santen, van R.A.


    Authors address the problem of finding interat. force fields for silicas from ab initio calcns. on small clusters. The force field cannot be detd. from cluster data alone; incorporation of bulk-system information into the force field remains essential. Bearing this in mind, authors derive a force

  20. Bismuth Infusion of ABS Enables Additive Manufacturing of Complex Radiological Phantoms and Shielding Equipment

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Justin Ceh


    Full Text Available Radiopacity is a critical property of materials that are used for a range of radiological applications, including the development of phantom devices that emulate the radiodensity of native tissues and the production of protective equipment for personnel handling radioactive materials. Three-dimensional (3D printing is a fabrication platform that is well suited to creating complex anatomical replicas or custom labware to accomplish these radiological purposes. We created and tested multiple ABS (Acrylonitrile butadiene styrene filaments infused with varied concentrations of bismuth (1.2–2.7 g/cm3, a radiopaque metal that is compatible with plastic infusion, to address the poor gamma radiation attenuation of many mainstream 3D printing materials. X-ray computed tomography (CT experiments of these filaments indicated that a density of 1.2 g/cm3 of bismuth-infused ABS emulates bone radiopacity during X-ray CT imaging on preclinical and clinical scanners. ABS-bismuth filaments along with ABS were 3D printed to create an embedded human nasocranial anatomical phantom that mimicked radiological properties of native bone and soft tissue. Increasing the bismuth content in the filaments to 2.7 g/cm3 created a stable material that could attenuate 50% of 99mTechnetium gamma emission when printed with a 2.0 mm wall thickness. A shielded test tube rack was printed to attenuate source radiation as a protective measure for lab personnel. We demonstrated the utility of novel filaments to serve multiple radiological purposes, including the creation of anthropomorphic phantoms and safety labware, by tuning the level of radiation attenuation through material customization.

  1. Effect of Fe2O3 and Binder on the Electrochemical Properties of Fe2O3/AB (Acetylene Black) Composite Electrodes (United States)

    Anh, Trinh Tuan; Thuan, Vu Manh; Thang, Doan Ha; Hang, Bui Thi


    In an effort to find the best anode material for Fe/air batteries, a Fe2O3/AB (Acetylene Black) composite was prepared by dry-type ball milling using Fe2O3 nanoparticles and AB as the active and additive materials, respectively. The effects of various binders and Fe2O3 content on the electrochemical properties of Fe2O3/AB electrodes in alkaline solution were investigated. It was found that the content of Fe2O3 strongly affected the electrochemical behavior of Fe2O3/AB electrodes; with Fe2O3 nanopowder content reaching 70 wt.% for the electrode and showing improvement of the cyclability. When the electrode binder polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) was used, clear redox peaks were observed via cyclic voltammetry (CV), while polyvinylidene fluoride-containing electrodes provided CV curves with unobservable redox peaks. Increasing either binder content in the electrode showed a negative effect in terms of the cyclability of the Fe2O3/AB electrode.

  2. Preliminary assessment of the feasibility of using AB words to assess candidacy in adults. (United States)

    Vickers, Deborah A; Riley, Alison; Ricaud, Rebecca; Verschuur, Carl; Cooper, Stacey; Nunn, Terry; Webb, Kath; Muff, Joanne; Harris, Frances; Chung, Mark; Humphries, Jane; Langshaw, Alison; Poynter-Smith, Emma; Totten, Catherine; Tapper, Lynne; Ridgwell, Jillian; Mawman, Deborah; de Estibariz, Unai Martinez; O'Driscoll, Martin; George, Nicola; Pinto, Francesca; Hall, Anne; Llewellyn, Carol; Miah, Razun; Al-Malky, Ghada; Kitterick, Pádraig T


    Adult cochlear implant (CI) candidacy is assessed in part by the use of speech perception measures. In the United Kingdom the current cut-off point to fall within the CI candidacy range is a score of less than 50% on the BKB sentences presented in quiet (presented at 70 dBSPL). The specific goal of this article was to review the benefit of adding the AB word test to the assessment test battery for candidacy. The AB word test scores showed good sensitivity and specificity when calculated based on both word and phoneme scores. The word score equivalent for 50% correct on the BKB sentences was 18.5% and it was 34.5% when the phoneme score was calculated; these scores are in line with those used in centres in Wales (15% AB word score). The goal of the British Cochlear Implant Group (BCIG) service evaluation was to determine if the pre-implant assessment measures are appropriate and set at the correct level for determining candidacy, the future analyses will determine whether the speech perception cut-off point for candidacy should be adjusted and whether other more challenging measures should be used in the candidacy evaluation.

  3. Contribution of EmrAB efflux pumps to colistin resistance in Acinetobacter baumannii. (United States)

    Lin, Ming-Feng; Lin, Yun-You; Lan, Chung-Yu


    Efflux pumps play an important role in antimicrobial resistance for Acinetobacter baumannii. However, the function of the Emr pump system and the relationship between Emr and drug resistance has not been characterized in A. baumannii. In this study, four possible groups of emr-like genes were found by searching a genome database. Among them, A1S_1772 (emrB) and A1S_1773 (emrA) were demonstrated to be co-transcribed as a single operon. Moreover, during osmotic stress, A1S_1772 showed the largest change in gene expression compared to the other emrB-like genes, and deletion of A1S_1772 (AB ΔemrB) significantly slowed cell growth in 20% sucrose. Using a phenotypic microarray analysis, the AB ΔemrB mutant was more susceptible to colistin and nafcillin, paromomycin, spiramycin, and D,L-serine hydroxmate than the wild type. The spot assay, time kill assay and minimal inhibition concentration determination also indicated that the wild type could tolerate colistin better than the AB ΔemrB mutant. Finally, the increased expression levels of all emrB-like genes, including A1S_0775, A1S_0909, A1S_1772, and A1S_1799, in colistin resistance-induced A. baumannii further supported the possible involvement of the emrB genes in A. baumannii colistin resistance. Together, the Emr pump systems in A. baumannii contribute to adaptation to osmotic stress and resistance to colistin.

  4. Using Ab-Initio Calculations to Appraise Stm-Based - and Kink-Formation Energies (United States)

    Feibelman, Peter J.


    Ab-initio total energies can and should be used to test the typically model-dependent results of interpreting STM morphologies. The benefits of such tests are illustrated here by ab-initio energies of step- and kink-formation on Pb and Pt(111) which show that the STM-based values of the kink energies must be revised. On Pt(111), the computed kink-energies for (100)- and (111)-microfacet steps are about 0.25 and 0.18 eV. These results imply a specific ratio of formation energies for the two step types, namely 1.14, in excellent agreement with experiment. If kink-formation actually cost the same energy on the two step types, an inference drawn from scanning probe observations of step wandering,(M. Giesen et al., Surf. Sci. 366, 229(1996).) this ratio ought to be 1. In the case of Pb(111), though computed energies to form (100)- and (111)-microfacet steps agree with measurement, the ab-initio kink-formation energies for the two step types, 41 and 60 meV, are 40-50% below experimental values drawn from STM images.(K. Arenhold et al., Surf. Sci. 424, 271(1999).) The discrepancy results from interpreting the images with a step-stiffness vs. kink-energy relation appropriate to (100) but not (111) surfaces. Good agreement is found when proper account of the trigonal symmetry of Pb(111) is taken in reinterpreting the step-stiffness data.

  5. Ab initio study of H + + H 2 collisions: Elastic/inelastic and charge transfer processes (United States)

    Saieswari, A.; Kumar, Sanjay


    An ab initio full configuration interaction study has been undertaken to obtain the global potential energy surfaces for the ground and the first excited electronic state of the H + + H 2 system employing Dunning's cc-pVQZ basis set. Using the ab initio approach the corresponding quasi-diabatic potential energy surfaces and coupling potentials have been obtained. A time-independent quantum mechanical study has been also undertaken for both the inelastic and charge transfer processes at the experimental collision energy Ec.m. = 20.0 eV and the preliminary results show better agreement with the experimental data as compared to the earlier available theoretical studies.

  6. Attenuation coefficient determination of printed ABS and PLA samples in diagnostic radiology standard beams

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Veneziani, G.R.; Correa, E.L.; Potiens, M.P.A.; Campos, L.L.


    IAEA code of practice TRS-457 states that standard phantoms should offer the same primary attenuation and scatter production as relevant body section of a representative patient. Material cost, availability and dimensional stability must also be considered. The goal of this study is to determine the attenuation coefficient of printed ABS and PLA in standard X-ray beams, verifying if phantoms printed with these materials could be an easier-handle substitute for PMMA, enabling the creation of different designs in an easier and cheaper way. Results show that PMMA presents higher attenuation coefficient, followed by PLA and ABS, which means that thinner PMMA layer creates higher radiation attenuation. (author)

  7. Electronic properties of liquid Hg-In alloys : Ab-initio molecular dynamics study

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sharma, Nalini; Ahluwalia, P. K.; Thakur, Anil


    Ab-initio molecular dynamics simulations are performed to study the structural properties of liquid Hg-In alloys. The interatomic interactions are described by ab-initio pseudopotentials given by Troullier and Martins. Three liquid Hg-In alloys (Hg_1_0In_9_0, Hg_3_0In_7_0_,_. Hg_5_0In_5_0, Hg_7_0In_3_0, and Hg_9_0Pb_1_0) at 299 K are considered. The calculated results for liquid Hg (l-Hg) and lead (l-In) are also drawn. Along with the calculated results of considered five liquid alloys of Hg-In alloy. The results obtained from electronic properties namely total density of state and partial density of states help to find the local arrangement of Hg and In atoms and the presence of liquid state in the considered five alloys.

  8. Effect analysis of material properties of picosecond laser ablation for ABS/PVC (United States)

    Tsai, Y. H.; Ho, C. Y.; Chiou, Y. J.


    This paper analytically investigates the picosecond laser ablation of ABS/PVC. Laser-pulsed ablation is a wellestablished tool for polymer. However the ablation mechanism of laser processing for polymer has not been thoroughly understood yet. This study utilized a thermal transport model to analyze the relationship between the ablation rate and laser fluences. This model considered the energy balance at the decomposition interface and Arrhenius law as the ablation mechanisms. The calculated variation of the ablation rate with the logarithm of the laser fluence agrees with the measured data. It is also validated in this work that the variation of the ablation rate with the logarithm of the laser fluence obeys Beer's law for low laser fluences. The effects of material properties and processing parameters on the ablation depth per pulse are also discussed for picosecond laser processing of ABS/PVC.

  9. Nuclear quantum effects in ab initio dynamics: Theory and experiments for lithium imide (United States)

    Ceriotti, Michele; Miceli, Giacomo; Pietropaolo, Antonino; Colognesi, Daniele; Nale, Angeloclaudio; Catti, Michele; Bernasconi, Marco; Parrinello, Michele


    Owing to their small mass, hydrogen atoms exhibit strong quantum behavior even at room temperature. Including these effects in first-principles calculations is challenging because of the huge computational effort required by conventional techniques. Here we present the first ab initio application of a recently developed stochastic scheme, which allows to approximate nuclear quantum effects inexpensively. The proton momentum distribution of lithium imide, a material of interest for hydrogen storage, was experimentally measured by inelastic neutron-scattering experiments and compared with the outcome of quantum thermostatted ab initio dynamics. We obtain favorable agreement between theory and experiments for this purely quantum-mechanical property, thereby demonstrating that it is possible to improve the modeling of complex hydrogen-containing materials without additional computational effort.

  10. Substrate specificity of the OqxAB multidrug resistance pump in Escherichia coli and selected enteric bacteria

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hansen, Lars Hestbjerg; Jensen, Lars Bogø; Sørensen, Heidi Iskou


    Objectives: A plasmid-encoded multidrug eff lux pump, OqxAB, identified in Escherichia coli of porcine origin, was tested for substrate specificity against selected antibiotics, detergents and disinfectants. The ability of horizontal transfer to food-borne pathogens of the Enterobacteriaceae family......: The plasmid-encoded OqxAB pump has a wide substrate specificity and can be transferred between Enterobacteriaceae conferring reduced susceptibility to a multitude of substrates. These results could indicate some dependence on the outer membrane proteins present in the different species....

  11. Thrombus imaging with indium-111 and iodine-131-labeled fibrin-specific monoclonal antibody and its F(ab')2 and Fab fragments

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rosebrough, S.F.; Grossman, Z.D.; McAfee, J.G.


    We have previously reported successful imaging of fresh (2-4 hr old) and aged (1-5 days old) canine thrombi with 131 I-labeled intact monoclonal antibody (MAb) specific for fibrin. We now report thrombus imaging with 131 I-labeled F(ab')2 and Fab and 111 In-labeled intact MAb, F(ab')2, and Fab. Indium-111-labeled F(ab')2 proved to be the best imaging agent due to less nonspecific binding in the liver than whole IgG. Image quality was improved by the higher administered dose permissible with 111 In and its better physical characteristics for imaging, compared to 131 I. Immunofluorescence of fresh human histologic sections showed intact MAb and F(ab')2 binding to thrombi, pulmonary emboli, and atherosclerotic plaques, strengthening the feasibility of clinical thrombus imaging

  12. An ultrasensitive label-free electrochemiluminescent immunosensor for measuring Cry1Ab level and genetically modified crops content. (United States)

    Gao, Hongfei; Wen, Luke; Wu, Yuhua; Fu, Zhifeng; Wu, Gang


    The development of genetically modified (GM) insect-resistant crops has aroused great public concern about the risks on the eco-environment resulting from a release of toxic Cry proteins (such as Cry1Ab) to the soil. Therefore, it is of crucial importance to measure the Cry proteins level and the GM crops content. Here, we have tested for the first time a method that uses novel carbon nanospheres (CNPs) label-free electrochemiluminescent (ECL) immunosensor for the ultrasensitive quantification of Cry1Ab and GM crops. In this work, novel CNPs were prepared from printer toner with a very facile approach, and linked with anti-Cry1Ab antibodies to modify a golden working electrode. The immunoreaction between Cry1Ab and its antibody formed an immunocomplex on the bioreceptor region of the sensor, which inhibited electron transfer between the electrode surface and the ECL substance, leading to a decrease of ECL response. Under the optimal conditions, the fabricated label-free ECL immunosensor determined Cry1Ab down to 3.0pgmL -1 within a linear range of 0.010-1.0ngmL -1 , showing significant improvement of sensitivity than that of most previous reports. Meanwhile, the proposed method was successfully applied for GM rice BT63 and GM maize MON810 detections down to 0.010% and 0.020%, respectively. Due to its outstanding advantages such as high sensitivity, ideal selectivity, simple fabrication, rapid detection, and low cost, the developed method can be considered as a powerful and pioneering tool for GM crops detection. Its use can also be extended to other toxin protein sensing in foods. Copyright © 2017. Published by Elsevier B.V.

  13. The computation of ionization potentials for second-row elements by ab initio and density functional theory methods

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jursic, B.S.


    Up to four ionization potentials of elements from the second-row of the periodic table were computed using the ab initio (HF, MP2, MP3, MP4, QCISD, GI, G2, and G2MP2) and DFT (B3LY, B3P86, B3PW91, XALPHA, HFS, HFB, BLYP, BP86, BPW91, BVWN, XAPLY, XAP86, XAPW91, XAVWN, SLYR SP86, SPW91 and SVWN) methods. In all of the calculations, the large 6-311++G(3df,3pd) gaussian type of basis set was used. The computed values were compared with the experimental results and suitability of the ab initio and DFF methods were discussed, in regard to reproducing the experimental data. From the computed ionization potentials of the second-row elements, it can be concluded that the HF ab initio computation is not capable of reproducing the experimental results. The computed ionization potentials are too low. However, by using the ab initio methods that include electron correlation, the computed IPs are becoming much closer to the experimental values. In all cases, with the exception of the first ionization potential for oxygen, the G2 computation result produces ionization potentials that are indistinguishable from the experimental results

  14. The anti-(+-methamphetamine monoclonal antibody mAb7F9 attenuates acute (+-methamphetamine effects on intracranial self-stimulation in rats.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Andrew C Harris

    Full Text Available Passive immunization with monoclonal antibodies (mAbs against (+-methamphetamine (METH is being evaluated for the treatment of METH addiction. A human/mouse chimeric form of the murine anti-METH mAb7F9 has entered clinical trials. This study examined the effects of murine mAb7F9 on certain addiction-related behavioral effects of METH in rats as measured using intracranial self-stimulation (ICSS. Initial studies indicated that acute METH (0.1-0.56 mg/kg, s.c. lowered the minimal (threshold stimulation intensity that maintained ICSS. METH (0.3 mg/kg, s.c. also blocked elevations in ICSS thresholds (anhedonia-like behavior during spontaneous withdrawal from a chronic METH infusion (10 mg/kg/day x 7 days. In studies examining effects of i.v. pretreatment with mAb7F9 (at 30, 100, or 200 mg/kg, 200 mg/kg blocked the ability of an initial injection of METH (0.3 mg/kg, s.c. to reduce baseline ICSS thresholds, but was less capable of attenuating the effect of subsequent daily injections of METH. MAb7F9 (200 mg/kg also produced a small but significant reduction in the ability of METH (0.3 mg/kg, s.c. to reverse METH withdrawal-induced elevations in ICSS thresholds. These studies demonstrate that mAb7F9 can partially attenuate some addiction-related effects of acute METH in an ICSS model, and provide some support for the therapeutic potential of mAb7F9 for the treatment of METH addiction.

  15. Characterisation of five candidate genes within the ETEC F4ab/ac candidate region in pigs

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jacobsen, Mette Juul; Cirera Salicio, Susanna; Joller, David


    by haplotype sharing to a 2.5 Mb region on pig chromosome 13, a region containing 18 annotated genes. FINDINGS: The coding regions of five candidate genes for susceptibility to ETEC F4ab/ac infection (TFRC, ACK1, MUC20, MUC4 and KIAA0226), all located in the 2.5 Mb region, were investigated for the presence...... polymorphism in exon 22 of KIAA0226. Transcriptional profiles of the five genes were investigated in a porcine tissue panel including various intestinal tissues. All five genes were expressed in intestinal tissues at different levels but none of the genes were found differentially expressed between ETEC F4ab/ac...... of the amino acids composition. However, we cannot exclude that the five tested genes are bona fide candidate genes for susceptibility to ETEC F4ab/ac infection since the identified polymorphism might affect the translational apparatus, alternative splice forms may exist and post translational mechanisms might...

  16. Feasible and realiable ab initio atomistic modeling for nuclear waste management

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Beridze, George


    The studies in this PhD dissertation focus on finding a computationally feasible ab initio methodology which would make the reliable first principle atomistic modeling of nuclear materials possible. Here we tested the performance of the different DFT functionals and the DFT-based methods that explicitly account for the electronic correlations, such as the DFT+U approach, for prediction of structural and thermochemical properties of lanthanide- and actinide-bearing materials. In the previous studies, the value of the Hubbard U parameter, required by the DFT+U method, was often guessed or empirically derived. We applied and extensively tested the recently developed ab initio methods such as the constrained local density approximation (cLDA) and the constrained random phase approximation (cRPA), to compute the Hubbard U parameter values from first principles, thus making the DFT+U method a real it ab initio parameter free approach. Our successful benchmarking studies of the parameter-free DFT+U method, for prediction of the structures and the reaction enthalpies of actinide- and lanthanide-bearing molecular compounds and solids indicate, that the linear response method (cLDA) provides a very good, and consistent with the cRPA prediction, estimate of the Hubbard U parameter. In particular, we found that the Hubbard U parameter value, which describes the strength of the on-site Coulomb repulsion between f-electrons, depends strongly on the oxidation state of the f-element, its local bonding environment and crystalline structure of the materials, which has never been considered in such detail before. We have shown, that the applied computational approach substantially, if not dramatically, reduces the error of the predicted reaction enthalpies making the accuracy of the prediction comparable with the uncertainty of the computational unfeasible, higher order methods of quantum chemistry, and experiments. The derived methodology resulted in various, already published

  17. Feasible and realiable ab initio atomistic modeling for nuclear waste management

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Beridze, George


    The studies in this PhD dissertation focus on finding a computationally feasible ab initio methodology which would make the reliable first principle atomistic modeling of nuclear materials possible. Here we tested the performance of the different DFT functionals and the DFT-based methods that explicitly account for the electronic correlations, such as the DFT+U approach, for prediction of structural and thermochemical properties of lanthanide- and actinide-bearing materials. In the previous studies, the value of the Hubbard U parameter, required by the DFT+U method, was often guessed or empirically derived. We applied and extensively tested the recently developed ab initio methods such as the constrained local density approximation (cLDA) and the constrained random phase approximation (cRPA), to compute the Hubbard U parameter values from first principles, thus making the DFT+U method a real it ab initio parameter free approach. Our successful benchmarking studies of the parameter-free DFT+U method, for prediction of the structures and the reaction enthalpies of actinide- and lanthanide-bearing molecular compounds and solids indicate, that the linear response method (cLDA) provides a very good, and consistent with the cRPA prediction, estimate of the Hubbard U parameter. In particular, we found that the Hubbard U parameter value, which describes the strength of the on-site Coulomb repulsion between f-electrons, depends strongly on the oxidation state of the f-element, its local bonding environment and crystalline structure of the materials, which has never been considered in such detail before. We have shown, that the applied computational approach substantially, if not dramatically, reduces the error of the predicted reaction enthalpies making the accuracy of the prediction comparable with the uncertainty of the computational unfeasible, higher order methods of quantum chemistry, and experiments. The derived methodology resulted in various, already published

  18. Absorbed Doses and Risk Estimates of (211)At-MX35 F(ab')2 in Intraperitoneal Therapy of Ovarian Cancer Patients

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Cederkrantz, Elin; Andersson, Håkan; Bernhardt, Peter


    dose associated with i.p. administration of (211)At-MX35 F(ab')2. METHODS AND MATERIALS: Patients in clinical remission after salvage chemotherapy for peritoneal recurrence of ovarian cancer underwent i.p. infusion of (211)At-MX35 F(ab')2. Potassium perchlorate was given to block unwanted accumulation...... 100 MBq/L, organ equivalent doses were less than 10% of the estimated tolerance dose. CONCLUSION: Intraperitoneal (211)At-MX35 F(ab')2 treatment is potentially a well-tolerated therapy for locally confined microscopic ovarian cancer. Absorbed doses to normal organs are low, but because the effective...

  19. Ab initio study of gas phase and water-assisted tautomerization of ...

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)


    Water-assisted tautomerization in maleimide and formamide showed that difference in energy barrier reduces to 2⋅83 kcal/mol from 10⋅41 kcal/mol (in gas phase) at B3LYP level, which resulted that maleimide readily undergoes tautomerization in water molecule. Keywords. Ab Initio calculations; maleimide; formamide; ...

  20. Crystallization and molecular-replacement studies of the monoclonal antibody mAbR310 specific for the (R)-HNE-modified protein

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ito, Sohei; Tatsuda, Emi; Ishino, Kousuke; Suzuki, Kenichiro; Sakai, Hiroshi; Uchida, Koji


    Antigen-free Fab fragment of mAbR310, which recognizes (R)-HNE modified protein, has been crystallized. Initial phases have been obtained by molecular replacement. 4-Hydroxy-2-nonenal (HNE), a major racemic product of lipid peroxidation, reacts with histidine to form a stable HNE–histidine Michael addition-type adduct possessing three chiral centres in the cyclic hemiacetal structure. Monoclonal antibodies against HNE-modified protein have been widely used for assessing oxidative stress in vitro and in vivo. Here, the purification, crystallization and preliminary crystallographic analysis of a Fab fragment of novel monoclonal antibody R310 (mAbR310), which recognizes (R)-HNE-modified protein, are reported. The Fab fragment of mAbR310 was obtained by digestion with papain, purified and crystallized. Using hanging-drop vapour-diffusion crystallization techniques, crystals of mAbR310 Fab were obtained. The crystal belongs to the monoclinic space group C2 (unit-cell parameters a = 127.04, b = 65.31, c = 64.29 Å, β = 118.88°) and diffracted X-rays to a resolution of 1.84 Å. The asymmetric unit contains one molecule of mAbR310, with a corresponding crystal volume per protein weight of 2.51 Å 3 Da −1 and a solvent content of 51.0%

  1. The new allelic variant of the subtilase cytotoxin (subAB2) is common among Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli strains from large game animals and their meat and meat products. (United States)

    Sánchez, Sergio; Díaz-Sánchez, Sandra; Martínez, Remigio; Llorente, María Teresa; Herrera-León, Silvia; Vidal, Dolors


    Subtilase cytotoxin (SubAB) is an AB5 toxin produced by Shiga toxin (Stx)-producing Escherichia coli (STEC) strains usually lacking the eae gene product intimin. Two allelic variants of SubAB encoding genes have been described: subAB1, located on a plasmid, and subAB2, located on a pathogenicity island (PAI) together with tia gene. While subAB1 has been reported to be more frequent among bovine strains, subAB2 has been mainly associated with strains from small ruminants. We investigated the presence of the two variants of subAB among 59 eae-negative STEC from large game animals (deer and wild boar) and their meat and meat products in order to assess the role of other species in the epidemiology of subAB-positive, eae-negative STEC. For this approach, the strains were PCR-screened for the presence of subAB, including the specific detection of both allelic variants, for the presence of saa, tia and sab, and for stx subtyping. Overall, subAB genes were detected in 71.2% of the strains: 84.1% of the strains from deer and 33.3% of the strains from wild boar. Most of them (97.6%) possessed subAB2 and most of these subAB2-positive strains (92.7%) were also positive for tia and negative for saa, suggesting the presence of the subAB2-harbouring PAI. Subtype stx2b was present in most of the strains (67.8%) and a statistically significant association could be established between subAB2 and stx2b. Our results suggest that large game animals, mainly deer, may represent an important animal reservoir of subAB2-positive, eae-negative STEC, and also highlight the risk of human infection posed by the consumption of large game meat and meat products. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  2. TiAl doping by vanadium: ab initio study

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Smirnova, E.A.; Isaev, Eh.I.; Vekilov, Yu.Kh.


    Tetragonality degree in TiAl and vanadium doping effect on it were studied using the methods of calculation based on approximation of coherent potential and ab initio pseudopotentials. It is shown that vanadium substitution for Ti sublattice atoms entails increase in tetragonality degree but with substitution of the atoms in aluminium sublattice the tetragonality of the TiAl:V alloy decreases and at the content of vanadium about 8 at. % the lattice becomes actually cubical. In its turn, it may result in increase in TiAl ductility, the alloy being brittle at low temperatures [ru

  3. Magnetoband structures of AB-stacked zigzag nanographite ribbons

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Chang, C.P.; Chiu, C.W.; Shyu, F.L.; Chen, R.B.; Lin, M.F


    Magnetoband structures of AB-stacked zigzag nanographite ribbons are studied by the tight-binding model. The magnetic field changes band width, energy space, and energy dispersions (the produce of Landau subbands and Landau levels). It causes many zero energy points. Such points and corresponding localized states are studied in detail. There are certain important differences between localized states and edge states. Oscillation period of Landau subbands are determined by these points. The interribbon interactions also affect magnetoband structures, such as energy dispersions, band width, oscillation period of Landau subbands, and flux dependence of Hofstadter butterflies.

  4. Quantum calculations of the IR spectrum of liquid water using ab initio and model potential and dipole moment surfaces and comparison with experiment

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Liu, Hanchao; Wang, Yimin; Bowman, Joel M. [Cherry L. Emerson Center for Scientific Computation and Department of Chemistry, Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia 30322 (United States)


    The calculation and characterization of the IR spectrum of liquid water have remained a challenge for theory. In this paper, we address this challenge using a combination of ab initio approaches, namely, a quantum treatment of IR spectrum using the ab initio WHBB water potential energy surface and a refined ab initio dipole moment surface. The quantum treatment is based on the embedded local monomer method, in which the three intramolecular modes of each embedded H{sub 2}O monomer are fully coupled and also coupled singly to each of six intermolecular modes. The new dipole moment surface consists of a previous spectroscopically accurate 1-body dipole moment surface and a newly fitted ab initio intrinsic 2-body dipole moment. A detailed analysis of the new dipole moment surface in terms of the coordinate dependence of the effective atomic charges is done along with tests of it for the water dimer and prism hexamer double-harmonic spectra against direct ab initio calculations. The liquid configurations are taken from previous molecular dynamics calculations of Skinner and co-workers, using the TIP4P plus E3B rigid monomer water potential. The IR spectrum of water at 300 K in the range of 0–4000 cm{sup −1} is calculated and compared with experiment, using the ab initio WHBB potential and new ab initio dipole moment, the q-TIP4P/F potential, which has a fixed-charged description of the dipole moment, and the TTM3-F potential and dipole moment surfaces. The newly calculated ab initio spectrum is in very good agreement with experiment throughout the above spectral range, both in band positions and intensities. This contrasts to results with the other potentials and dipole moments, especially the fixed-charge q-TIP4P/F model, which gives unrealistic intensities. The calculated ab initio spectrum is analyzed by examining the contribution of various transitions to each band.

  5. Quantum calculations of the IR spectrum of liquid water using ab initio and model potential and dipole moment surfaces and comparison with experiment

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Liu, Hanchao; Wang, Yimin; Bowman, Joel M.


    The calculation and characterization of the IR spectrum of liquid water have remained a challenge for theory. In this paper, we address this challenge using a combination of ab initio approaches, namely, a quantum treatment of IR spectrum using the ab initio WHBB water potential energy surface and a refined ab initio dipole moment surface. The quantum treatment is based on the embedded local monomer method, in which the three intramolecular modes of each embedded H 2 O monomer are fully coupled and also coupled singly to each of six intermolecular modes. The new dipole moment surface consists of a previous spectroscopically accurate 1-body dipole moment surface and a newly fitted ab initio intrinsic 2-body dipole moment. A detailed analysis of the new dipole moment surface in terms of the coordinate dependence of the effective atomic charges is done along with tests of it for the water dimer and prism hexamer double-harmonic spectra against direct ab initio calculations. The liquid configurations are taken from previous molecular dynamics calculations of Skinner and co-workers, using the TIP4P plus E3B rigid monomer water potential. The IR spectrum of water at 300 K in the range of 0–4000 cm −1 is calculated and compared with experiment, using the ab initio WHBB potential and new ab initio dipole moment, the q-TIP4P/F potential, which has a fixed-charged description of the dipole moment, and the TTM3-F potential and dipole moment surfaces. The newly calculated ab initio spectrum is in very good agreement with experiment throughout the above spectral range, both in band positions and intensities. This contrasts to results with the other potentials and dipole moments, especially the fixed-charge q-TIP4P/F model, which gives unrealistic intensities. The calculated ab initio spectrum is analyzed by examining the contribution of various transitions to each band


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    O.P. Shevchenko


    Full Text Available It is shown that liver transplantation (LT from donor with incompatible blood type (AB0i may be effective and safe, but the impact of such operation upon the various systems of the body has not been investigated yet. Insulinlike growth factor-1 (IGF-1 is synthesized in the liver and mediates the action of growth hormone. The level of IGF-1 is a marker of the processes of cell proliferation and tissue regeneration. Aim. To evaluate levels of IGF-1 in children-recipients with liver transplant from AB0i (incompatible and AB0c (compatible donors.Materials and methods. 140 children aged 3 to 36 (19,5 ± 16,5 months with congenital diseases of the hepatobiliar system, 58 of them boys, were surveyed. All patients underwent transplantation of left lateral liver sector from living related donors: 111 children were transplanted with fragment of the liver from AB0c donors, 29 – from AB0i donors; in 10 children with AB0i liver before and/or after LT operation anti-group antibodies (anti-A/B were revealed. The concentration of IGF-1 was determined by ELISA using specifi c kits (Immunodiagnostic System, USA in samples of blood plasma, which were received up to a month and a year after a liver transplant.Results. Average level of IGF-1 21,0 ± 29,5 μg/l in patients before LT was signifi cantly lower than in healthy children (52,2 ± 26,3 μg/l, p < 0,001 and did not vary in children, having received later a piece of liver from a compatible (AB0c donor and from donor AB0i (23,5 ± 30,9 and 21,2 ± 23,2 μg/l respectively, p = 0,70. In patients with anti-A/B prior to surgery average level of IGF-1 was not different from that of the patients without antibodies (32,6 ± 27,6 and 22,3 ± 29,6 μg/l respectively, p = 0,4. One month after LT level of IGF-1 has increased both in the general group, and in patients with AB0c and AV0i liver (92,1 ± 77,8 and 131,2 ± 106,7 μg/l respectively, p = 0,09. The level of IGF-1 was not varied in the group with antibodies

  7. Analysis of T-786C and 4a/b endothelial nitric oxide synthase gene polymorphisms in retinopathy of prematurity

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Pantelić Jelica R.


    Full Text Available Retinopathy of prematurity (ROP is a vascular proliferative disorder of retina, that causes visual impairment in premature children. Beside well known risk factors such as short gestational age, low birth weight and early oxygen exposure, genetic susceptibility is considered as a risk factor for development of the disease. The aim of our study was to explore the association of T-786C and 4a/b eNOS gene polymorphisms with the development of severe ROP. Study included 174 preterm infants, 84 with ROP and 90 as a control group. No differences have been observed in genotypes and alleles distributions of eNOS T-786C and eNOS 4a/b polymorphisms between two analyzed groups. There was significant difference in female infants by dominant model for 4a/b genotypes (4bb/4ba+4aa. Namely, female infants in ROP group were more frequently carriers of 4ba and 4aa genotypes than female infants in control group (p=0.037. Analysis of association between 4a/b eNOS polymorphism and ROP among preterm infants have not shown statistically significant association (p=0.288. Gestational age values by recessive model (4bb+4ba/4aa were significantly lower in infants with 4aa genotype (t=2.034 p=0.044. Almost all detected 4aa genotypes were present in the group of infants with gestational age under 30 weeks (p=0.032, but multivariate linear regression analysis does not show association of 4a/b genotypes with gestational age of premature infants. According to results of the present study T-786C and 4a/b polymorphisms of the eNOS gene may not be the risk factors for the manifestation of severe ROP in Serbian infants. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 175091

  8. Ab initio electronic stopping power in materials

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Shukri, Abdullah-Atef


    The average energy loss of an ion per unit path length when it is moving through the matter is named the stopping power. The knowledge of the stopping power is essential for a variety of contemporary applications which depend on the transport of ions in matter, especially ion beam analysis techniques and ion implantation. Most noticeably, the use of proton or heavier ion beams in radiotherapy requires the knowledge of the stopping power. Whereas experimental data are readily available for elemental solids, the data are much more scarce for compounds. The linear response dielectric formalism has been widely used in the past to study the electronic stopping power. In particular, the famous pioneering calculations due to Lindhard evaluate the electronic stopping power of a free electron gas. In this thesis, we develop a fully ab initio scheme based on linear response time-dependent density functional theory to predict the impact parameter averaged quantity named the random electronic stopping power (RESP) of materials without any empirical fitting. The purpose is to be capable of predicting the outcome of experiments without any knowledge of target material besides its crystallographic structure. Our developments have been done within the open source ab initio code named ABINIT, where two approximations are now available: the Random-Phase Approximation (RPA) and the Adiabatic Local Density Approximation (ALDA). Furthermore, a new method named 'extrapolation scheme' have been introduced to overcome the stringent convergence issues we have encountered. These convergence issues have prevented the previous studies in literature from offering a direct comparison to experiment. First of all, we demonstrate the importance of describing the realistic ab initio electronic structure by comparing with the historical Lindhard stopping power evaluation. Whereas the Lindhard stopping power provides a first order description that captures the general features of the

  9. A numerical study on the effects of temperature and mass transfer in high temperature PEM fuel cells with ab-PBI membrane

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sun, Hong; Xie, Chen; Chen, Hao; Almheiri, Saif


    Highlights: • A two-dimensional model is developed to study the HT-PEMFC with ab-PBI membrane. • The temperature distribution in the ab-PBI membrane is uneven. • With the increase of temperature, the resistance in ab-PBI membrane decreases. • Porosity has the most significant effect on the performance of HT-PEMFC. - Abstract: A two-dimensional, single-phase model is developed to study high temperature proton exchange membrane (HT-PEM) fuel cell with poly(2,5-benzimidazole) (ab-PBI) membrane. In this model, simulation region not only includes the cathode and anode, but also includes ab-PBI membrane; the continuity boundary condition at the interface between the catalyst layer (CL) and the gas diffusion layer (GDL) at each side of the cell is omitted by including the catalyst layers in the respective unified domains for the cathode and the anode. The flows, species, energy, current density are all coupled in the model. Experiments have been conducted to validate the proposed numerical simulations, and it is found that there is a good agreement between the modeling results and those obtained experimentally. By this simulation, not only the oxygen and water fraction distribution in the cathode, but also the temperature distribution and resistance distribution in the ab-PBI membrane are obtained, and the effects of the cell temperature, the porosity in the diffusion layer and its thickness on the current density are analyzed. The innovative researching results are that the temperature distribution is uneven in the ab-PBI membrane and its resistance is greatly affected by the operating temperature. Other results show that the increase of the cell temperature and the porosity in the diffusion layer, and the decrease of the diffusion layer thickness all improve the performance of HT-PEM fuel cells by promoting its internal mass transfer.

  10. Ab initio and template-based prediction of multi-class distance maps by two-dimensional recursive neural networks

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Martin Alberto JM


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Prediction of protein structures from their sequences is still one of the open grand challenges of computational biology. Some approaches to protein structure prediction, especially ab initio ones, rely to some extent on the prediction of residue contact maps. Residue contact map predictions have been assessed at the CASP competition for several years now. Although it has been shown that exact contact maps generally yield correct three-dimensional structures, this is true only at a relatively low resolution (3–4 Å from the native structure. Another known weakness of contact maps is that they are generally predicted ab initio, that is not exploiting information about potential homologues of known structure. Results We introduce a new class of distance restraints for protein structures: multi-class distance maps. We show that Cα trace reconstructions based on 4-class native maps are significantly better than those from residue contact maps. We then build two predictors of 4-class maps based on recursive neural networks: one ab initio, or relying on the sequence and on evolutionary information; one template-based, or in which homology information to known structures is provided as a further input. We show that virtually any level of sequence similarity to structural templates (down to less than 10% yields more accurate 4-class maps than the ab initio predictor. We show that template-based predictions by recursive neural networks are consistently better than the best template and than a number of combinations of the best available templates. We also extract binary residue contact maps at an 8 Å threshold (as per CASP assessment from the 4-class predictors and show that the template-based version is also more accurate than the best template and consistently better than the ab initio one, down to very low levels of sequence identity to structural templates. Furthermore, we test both ab-initio and template-based 8

  11. En torno a Abén Humeya: Aproximaciones literarias (Literary Approaches to Aben Humeya

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    José Ignacio Barrio Olano


    Full Text Available Abstract: The article covers several literary works which deal with the historical figure of Aben Humeya, the leader of a thwarted Moorish revolt against Philip II of Spain in the XVI century. Aben Humeya in literature embraces both political symbolism and aesthetic pageantry. On the one hand, for the Romantic liberals of the 19th century he serves as an antecedent of the struggle against a repressive government, both in the peninsula and in the colonies (Martínez de la Rosa; Fernández y González. On the other hand, he accommodates well the inclination of Romantics and Modernists to Orientalism (Villaespesa. The rise of the historical novel in the past few decades also found in Aben Humeya a valuable fount to revive the Moorish chronicles (Acosta Montoro, Asenjo Sedano, Salvador, Villena, Falcones.Resumen: El artículo estudia varias obras literarias relacionadas con la figura histórica de Abén Humeya, el líder de una frustrada revuelta morisca contra Felipe II en el siglo XVI. Por un lado, los intelectuales liberales del siglo XIX encontraron en Abén Humeya un antecedente de la lucha contra un gobierno represivo, tanto en la península como en las colonias (Martínez de la Rosa; Fernández y González. Por otro lado, Abén Humeya se acomoda bien al gusto de románticos y modernistas por el Orientalismo (Villaespesa. El repunte de la novela histórica en las últimas décadas encontró también en Abén Humeya un rico filón para reelaborar las crónicas de los moriscos (Acosta Montoro, Asenjo Sedano, Salvador, Villena, Falcones.

  12. A 52-week safety study in cynomolgus macaques for genetically modified rice expressing Cry1Ab/1Ac protein. (United States)

    Mao, Jie; Sun, Xing; Cheng, Jian-Hua; Shi, Yong-Jie; Wang, Xin-Zheng; Qin, Jun-Jie; Sang, Zhi-Hong; He, Kun; Xia, Qing


    A 52-week feeding study in cynomolgus macaques was carried out to evaluate the safety of Bt rice Huahui 1 (HH1), a transgenic rice line expressing Cry1Ab/1Ac protein. Monkeys were fed a diet with 20% or 60% HH1 rice, 20% or 60% parental rice (Minghui 63, MH63), normal diet, normal diet spiked with purified recombinant Cry1Ab/1Ac fusion protein or bovine serum albumin (BSA) respectively. During the feeding trail, clinical observations were conducted daily, and multiple parameters, including body weight, body temperature, electrocardiogram, hematology, blood biochemistry, serum metabolome and gut microbiome were examined at regular intervals. Upon sacrifice, the organs were weighted, and the macroscopic, microscopic and electron microscopic examinations were performed. The results show no adverse or toxic effects of Bt rice HH1 or Cry1Ab/1Ac fusion protein on monkeys. Therefore, the present 52-week primate feeding study suggests that the transgenic rice containing Cry 1Ab/1Ac is equivalent to its parental rice line MH63. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  13. Forecasting of chalcogenide spinels of the general formula AB2X4 using the method of training of an electronic computer

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kiseleva, N.N.; Savitskij, E.M.


    Experimental evidence on the existence of AB 2 X 4 compounds in A-B-X systems (A and B are any elements of the periodic system, in particular, rare earth elements, X is S or Se) and the data on the properties of elements and simple sulphides (selenides) were used for an attempt to find the probability of formation of AB 2 X 4 compounds as a function of the component properties. The experimental evidence was analyzed by a computer employing algorithms of concept formation training. The results were used to predict new AB 2 X 4 compounds. The computer training method proved an efficient means of revealing the connection between probability of spinel type compounds existence with the component properties. Certain compounds of general formula AB 2 X 4 were predicted and the probability that they possess spinel structure was evaluated

  14. An Efficient Method for Electron-Atom Scattering Using Ab-initio Calculations

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Xu, Yuan; Yang, Yonggang; Xiao, Liantuan; Jia, Suotang [Shanxi University, Taiyuan (China)


    We present an efficient method based on ab-initio calculations to investigate electron-atom scatterings. Those calculations profit from methods implemented in standard quantum chemistry programs. The new approach is applied to electron-helium scattering. The results are compared with experimental and other theoretical references to demonstrate the efficiency of our method.

  15. Cross-resistance to purified Bt proteins, Bt corn and Bt cotton in a Cry2Ab2-corn resistant strain of Spodoptera frugiperda. (United States)

    Yang, Fei; Kerns, David L; Head, Graham P; Price, Paula; Huang, Fangneng


    Gene-pyramiding by combining two or more dissimilar Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) proteins into a crop has been used to delay insect resistance. The durability of gene-pyramiding can be reduced by cross-resistance. Fall armyworm, Spodoptera frugiperda, is a major target pest of the Cry2Ab2 protein used in pyramided Bt corn and cotton. Here, we provide the first experimental evaluation of cross-resistance in S. frugiperda selected with Cry2Ab2 corn to multiple Bt sources including purified Bt proteins, Bt corn and Bt cotton. Concentration - response bioassays showed that resistance ratios for Cry2Ab2-resistant (RR) relative to Cry2Ab2-susceptible (SS) S. frugiperda were -1.4 for Cry1F, 1.2 for Cry1A.105, >26.7 for Cry2Ab2, >10.0 for Cry2Ae and -1.1 for Vip3A. Larvae of Cry2Ab2-heterozygous (RS), SS and RR S. frugiperda were all susceptible to Bt corn and Bt cotton containing Cry1 (Cry1F or Cry1A.105) and/or Vip3A proteins. Pyramided Bt cotton containing Cry1Ac + Cry2Ab2 or Cry1Ab + Cry2Ae were also effective against SS and RS, but not RR. These findings suggest that Cry2Ab2-corn-selected S. frugiperda is not cross-resistant to Cry1F, Cry1A.105 or Vip3A protein, or corn and cotton plants containing these Bt proteins, but it can cause strong cross-resistance to Cry2Ae and Bt crops expressing similar Bt proteins. © 2017 Society of Chemical Industry. © 2017 Society of Chemical Industry.

  16. AB0 blood groups and rhesus factor expression as prognostic parameters in patients with epithelial ovarian cancer - a retrospective multi-centre study. (United States)

    Seebacher, Veronika; Polterauer, Stephan; Reinthaller, Alexander; Koelbl, Heinz; Achleitner, Regina; Berger, Astrid; Concin, Nicole


    AB0 blood groups and Rhesus factor expression have been associated with carcinogenesis, response to treatment and tumor progression in several malignancies. The aim of the present study was to test the hypothesis that AB0 blood groups and Rhesus factor expression are associated with clinical outcome in patients with epithelial ovarian cancer (EOC). AB0 blood groups and Rhesus factor expression were evaluated in a retrospective multicenter study including 518 patients with EOC. Their association with patients' survival was assessed using univariate and multivariable analyses. Neither AB0 blood groups nor Rhesus factor expression were associated with clinico-pathological parameters, recurrence-free, cancer-specific, or overall survival. In a subgroup of patients with high-grade serous adenocarcinoma, however, blood groups B and AB were associated with a better 5-year cancer-specific survival rate compared to blood groups A and 0 (60.3 ± 8.6% vs. 43.8 ± 3.6%, p = 0.04). Yet, this was not significant in multivariable analysis. AB0 blood groups and Rhesus factor expression are both neither associated with features of biologically aggressive disease nor clinical outcome in patients with EOC. Further investigation of the role of the blood group B antigen on cancer-specific survival in the subgroup of high-grade serous should be considered.

  17. Ab initio calculations and experimental measurement of the deuterium quadrupole coupling constant in Na2PDO3

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Trudeau, J.D.; Schwartz, J.L.; Farrar, T.C.


    The deuterium quadrupole coupling constant, χ D , in the PDO 3 2- anion has been measured in solution by NMR spin-lattice (T 1 ) relaxation time measurements and it has been calculated via ab initio methods. The experimental value of 94.7 ± 0.5 kHz is in excellent agreement with the ab initio value of 95.0 kHz. The activation energy for the ion reorientation is 2.23 ± 0.01 kJ mol -1

  18. Ab initio theories of electric transport in solid systems with reduced dimensions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Weinberger, Peter


    Ab initio theories of electric transport in solid systems with reduced dimensions, i.e., systems that at best are characterized by two-dimensional translational invariance, are reviewed in terms of a fully relativistic description of the Kubo-Greenwood equation. As the use of this equation requires concepts such as collinearity and non-collinearity in order to properly define resistivities or resistances corresponding to particular magnetic configurations, respective consequences of the (local) density functional theory are recalled in quite a detailed manner. Furthermore, since theoretical descriptions of solid systems with reduced dimensions require quantum mechanical methods different from bulk systems (three-dimensional periodicity), the so-called Screened Korringa-Kohn-Rostoker (SKKR-) method for layered systems is introduced together with a matching coherent potential approximation (inhomogeneous CPA). The applications shown are mainly meant to illustrate various aspects of electric transport in solid systems with reduced dimensions and comprise not only current-in-plane (CIP) experiments, but also current perpendicular to the planes of atoms geometries, consequences of tunneling, and finite nanostructures at or on metallic substrates. In order to give a more complete view of available ab initio methods also a non-relativistic approach based on the Tight Binding Linear Combination of muffin tin orbitals (TB-LMTO-) method and the so-called Kubo-Landauer equation in terms of transmission and reflection matrices is presented. A compilation of references with respect to ab-initio type approaches not explicitly discussed in here finally concludes the discussion of electric properties in solid systems with reduced dimensions

  19. 3D-Printed ABS and PLA Scaffolds for Cartilage and Nucleus Pulposus Tissue Regeneration

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Derek H. Rosenzweig


    Full Text Available Painful degeneration of soft tissues accounts for high socioeconomic costs. Tissue engineering aims to provide biomimetics recapitulating native tissues. Biocompatible thermoplastics for 3D printing can generate high-resolution structures resembling tissue extracellular matrix. Large-pore 3D-printed acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS and polylactic acid (PLA scaffolds were compared for cell ingrowth, viability, and tissue generation. Primary articular chondrocytes and nucleus pulposus (NP cells were cultured on ABS and PLA scaffolds for three weeks. Both cell types proliferated well, showed high viability, and produced ample amounts of proteoglycan and collagen type II on both scaffolds. NP generated more matrix than chondrocytes; however, no difference was observed between scaffold types. Mechanical testing revealed sustained scaffold stability. This study demonstrates that chondrocytes and NP cells can proliferate on both ABS and PLA scaffolds printed with a simplistic, inexpensive desktop 3D printer. Moreover, NP cells produced more proteoglycan than chondrocytes, irrespective of thermoplastic type, indicating that cells maintain individual phenotype over the three-week culture period. Future scaffold designs covering larger pore sizes and better mimicking native tissue structure combined with more flexible or resorbable materials may provide implantable constructs with the proper structure, function, and cellularity necessary for potential cartilage and disc tissue repair in vivo.

  20. 3D-Printed ABS and PLA Scaffolds for Cartilage and Nucleus Pulposus Tissue Regeneration. (United States)

    Rosenzweig, Derek H; Carelli, Eric; Steffen, Thomas; Jarzem, Peter; Haglund, Lisbet


    Painful degeneration of soft tissues accounts for high socioeconomic costs. Tissue engineering aims to provide biomimetics recapitulating native tissues. Biocompatible thermoplastics for 3D printing can generate high-resolution structures resembling tissue extracellular matrix. Large-pore 3D-printed acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS) and polylactic acid (PLA) scaffolds were compared for cell ingrowth, viability, and tissue generation. Primary articular chondrocytes and nucleus pulposus (NP) cells were cultured on ABS and PLA scaffolds for three weeks. Both cell types proliferated well, showed high viability, and produced ample amounts of proteoglycan and collagen type II on both scaffolds. NP generated more matrix than chondrocytes; however, no difference was observed between scaffold types. Mechanical testing revealed sustained scaffold stability. This study demonstrates that chondrocytes and NP cells can proliferate on both ABS and PLA scaffolds printed with a simplistic, inexpensive desktop 3D printer. Moreover, NP cells produced more proteoglycan than chondrocytes, irrespective of thermoplastic type, indicating that cells maintain individual phenotype over the three-week culture period. Future scaffold designs covering larger pore sizes and better mimicking native tissue structure combined with more flexible or resorbable materials may provide implantable constructs with the proper structure, function, and cellularity necessary for potential cartilage and disc tissue repair in vivo.

  1. The Impact of Dissociator Cooling on the Beam Intensity and Velocity in the SpinLab ABS (United States)

    Stancari, M.; Barion, L.; Bonomo, C.; Capiluppi, M.; Contalbrigo, M.; Ciullo, G.; Dalpiaz, P. F.; Giordano, F.; Lenisa, P.; Pappalardo, L.; Statera, M.; Wang, M.


    At the SpinLab laboratory (University of Ferrara, Italy), a three stage cooling system was installed along the dissociator tube of an atomic beam source (ABS). With this tool, it is possible to observe correlations between the measured temperatures and the atomic beam intensity. The existence of such correlations is suggested by the larger intensity of the RHIC ABS, the only other source with additional cooling stages. An increased intensity at lower cooling temperatures was observed in SpinLab, while no change in the beam's velocity distribution was observed.

  2. Avaliação de um sistema industrial de resfriamento de água.


    Eduardo Hiroshi Oikawa


    Neste trabalho, foi estudado o desempenho de um sistema constituído de torres de resfriamento e a sua integração em uma planta industrial de hidrogenação de butadieno. Caracterizou-se o desempenho das torres de resfriamento com base em um modelo fenomenológico, cujos parâmetros foram obtidos a partir da medição de variáveis operacionais reais. O processo de hidrogenação foi configurado em um simulador de processos, sendo o caso base estabelecido nas condições de projeto. Elaborou-se um módulo...

  3. Cyclodialysis ab interno as a surgical approach to intractable glaucoma. (United States)

    Jordan, Jens F; Dietlein, Thomas S; Dinslage, Sven; Lüke, Christoph; Konen, Walter; Krieglstein, Günter K


    In glaucoma filtration surgery, the problem of subconjunctival scarring has still not been satisfactorily solved. Suprachoroidal drainage of aqueous humour offers a promising, alternative option for intractable glaucoma. We here present a clinical study on the surgical approach of gonioscopic cyclodialysis ab interno. Twenty-eight eyes of 20 patients with intractable glaucoma were included in this prospective, consecutive, case-control study. The eyes had had a mean of 4.4 +/- 2.4 previous antiglaucomatous interventions. Baseline intraocular pressure (IOP) was 34.3 +/- 10.5 mmHg despite maximum therapy. Under gonioscopic control, cyclodialysis ab interno was performed over two clock times to gain access to the suprachoroidal space. No additional trabecular meshwork surgery was performed. Success was defined as a lowering of IOP to below 21 mmHg without the need for further medication or intervention. Mean postoperative IOP was 14.6 +/- 12.4 mmHg. Mean follow-up (FU) for all eyes was 121.8 days. After a mean of 60 days, 21 eyes (75%) needed further surgical intervention. Qualified success was seen in four eyes (14.3%), with a mean FU of 383.6 days. Three eyes (10.7%) showed absolute success after a mean FU period of 202.7 days. In our series, we obtained the best results for phakic eyes, followed by pseudophakic and aphakic eyes. The results of this study do not provide convincing evidence of the functional efficacy of cyclodialysis ab interno. Nevertheless, the technique is easy to perform and offers safe and atraumatic access to the resorptive capability of the choroid. Conjunctival manipulation is avoided. Contrary to reports in the current literature, in our series, the best results were obtained for phakic eyes, though the small number of eyes included does not allow reliable statistics. Further studies will need to focus on the use of different space-retaining substances or a widening of the cyclodialysis cleft to improve surgical outcome.

  4. Characterization of Asia 1 sdAb from camels bactrianus (C. bactrianus and conjugation with quantum dots for imaging FMDV in BHK-21 cells.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Shuanghui Yin

    Full Text Available Foot-and-mouth disease (FMD, caused by FMD virus (FMDV, is a highly contagious viral disease affecting cloven-hoofed animals. Camelids have a unique immunoglobulin profile, with the smallest functional heavy-chain antibodies (sdAb or VHH naturally devoid of light chains with antigen-binding capacity. We screened and characterized five sdAbs against FMDV by immunized library from C. bactrianus with Asia 1 virus-like particles (VLPs. Three of five recombinant sdAbs were stably expressed in E.coli, remained highly soluble, and were serotype-specific for VP1 protein of FMDV Asia 1 by ELISA. These failed to completely neutralize the Asia 1 virus. According to the KD value of binding affinity to three sdAbs, which ranged from 0.44 to 0.71 nm by SPR, sdAb-C6 was selected and conjugated with Zn/CdSe quantum dots (QDs to form a QDs-C6 probe, which was used to trace and image the subcellular location of FMDV in BHK-21 cells. The results show that FMD virions were observed from 3 h.p.i., and most of virions were distributed on one side of the nucleus in the cytoplasm. We demonstrate the utility of sdAbs as functionalized QDs are powerful tools for FMDV research.

  5. Ab initio molecular dynamics simulation of hydrogen fluoride at several thermodynamic states

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kreitmeir, M.; Bertagnolli, H.; Mortensen, Jens Jørgen


    Liquid hydrogen fluoride is a simple but interesting system for studies of the influence of hydrogen bonds on physical properties. We have performed ab initio molecular dynamics simulations of HF at several thermodynamic states, where we examine the microscopic structure of the liquid as well...

  6. Ab initio Calculations of Charge Symmetry Breaking in the A=4 Hypernuclei

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Gazda, Daniel; Gal, A.


    Roč. 116, č. 12 (2016), s. 122501 ISSN 0031-9007 R&D Projects: GA ČR(CZ) GA15-04301S Institutional support: RVO:61389005 Keywords : ab initio * shell model * four-body calculations Subject RIV: BE - Theoretical Physics Impact factor: 8.462, year: 2016

  7. Ab initio calculation atomics ground state wave function for interactions Ion- Atom

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Shojaee, F.; Bolori zadeh, M. A.


    Ab initio calculation atomics ground state wave function for interactions Ion- Atom Atomic wave function expressed in a Slater - type basis obtained within Roothaan- Hartree - Fock for the ground state of the atoms He through B. The total energy is given for each atom.

  8. Ab-initio calculations of electric field gradient in Ru compounds and ...

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    S N Mishra


    Jul 11, 2017 ... with calculated electric field gradient (EFG) for a large number of Ru-based compounds. The ab-initio ... zz assumed to stem from geometric arrangement of ... tant nuclear probes for the measurements of quadrupole ... with the unit cell including the nucleus and no restriction is put on ..... The effect of on-site ...

  9. [Trabeculotomy ab interno combined with extracapsular cataract extraction and IOL implantation]. (United States)

    Alekseev, B N; Ermolaev, A P


    We made a total of 96 surgeries of extracapsular cataract extraction and IOL implantation combined with trabeculotomy ab interno during a period of 7 years. Patients with both open-angle and narrow-angle glaucoma of stages I and II and with the intraocular pressure (IOP) below or equal to 23 mm Hg according to Goldman under the conditions of hypotensive medicamental regimen were selected for surgery. After IOL was implanted into the lens bag, trabeculotomy ab interno was implemented as stage 2. A special mirror, introduced through the cataract incision, was used for direct gonioscopic monitoring. The trabecula was incised by the edge of a curved surgical knife under direct visual control. We regarded bleeding from the opened sinus as a favorable sign indicative of that the intrascleral collectors were intact. Only minor hyphemas were registered as postoperative complications; there was not a single case of ciliary-and-choroidal detachment. IOP was compensated for, in 6 months after surgery, in 94% of patients--69.8% of them did not use any hypotensive drops.

  10. Ab interno management of blocked Ahmed valve in the posterior segment. (United States)

    Odrich, Steven; Wald, Kenneth; Sperber, Laurence


    To report a case of late failure of a posterior segment placed Ahmed valve in a uveitic eye with a corneal graft and a minimally invasive, ab interno approach in restoring valve function, pressure control, and preservation of vision. Case report. A 25 gauge trans-conjunctival 3-port pars plana vitrectomy was performed to inspect and clean the ostium of the Ahmed valve of any vitreous debris. The Ahmed valve was not disturbed externally and conjunctival dissection was not performed. A 27-gauge blunt cannula was introduced through the vitrector site and used to cannulate the tube and flush it with balanced salt solution. A bleb was immediately re-established and all instruments were removed requiring no sutures. Intraocular pressure returned to target levels and a filtration bleb was re-established. Corneal graft clarity was restored with resolution of preoperative microcystic edema. Postoperative inflammation was minimal and vision was restored. A nonfunctioning tube shunt residing in the vitreous cavity may be revised ab interno without disturbing the shunt placement or the conjunctiva under which it resides to re-establish filtration.

  11. Thermal transport in nanocrystalline Si and SiGe by ab initio based Monte Carlo simulation. (United States)

    Yang, Lina; Minnich, Austin J


    Nanocrystalline thermoelectric materials based on Si have long been of interest because Si is earth-abundant, inexpensive, and non-toxic. However, a poor understanding of phonon grain boundary scattering and its effect on thermal conductivity has impeded efforts to improve the thermoelectric figure of merit. Here, we report an ab-initio based computational study of thermal transport in nanocrystalline Si-based materials using a variance-reduced Monte Carlo method with the full phonon dispersion and intrinsic lifetimes from first-principles as input. By fitting the transmission profile of grain boundaries, we obtain excellent agreement with experimental thermal conductivity of nanocrystalline Si [Wang et al. Nano Letters 11, 2206 (2011)]. Based on these calculations, we examine phonon transport in nanocrystalline SiGe alloys with ab-initio electron-phonon scattering rates. Our calculations show that low energy phonons still transport substantial amounts of heat in these materials, despite scattering by electron-phonon interactions, due to the high transmission of phonons at grain boundaries, and thus improvements in ZT are still possible by disrupting these modes. This work demonstrates the important insights into phonon transport that can be obtained using ab-initio based Monte Carlo simulations in complex nanostructured materials.

  12. IgM rheumatoid factor removal and performance of the FTA-ABS (IgM) test in congenital syphilis.


    Meyer, M P; Roditi, D; Louw, S


    OBJECTIVE--To determine the performance of the FTA-ABS (IgM) test in congenital syphilis after eliminating interference by IgM rheumatoid factor (RF) and preventing competitive inhibition by IgG. DESIGN--The FTA-ABS (IgM) test was carried out before and after RF removal (achieved by immunoprecipitation of the IgG) in infants with congenital syphilis and controls. SETTING--Newborns delivered in the Peninsula Maternal and Neonatal Services in Cape Town and infants presenting at Red Cross War Me...

  13. The coherent interlayer resistance of a single, rotated interface between two stacks of AB graphite

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Habib, K. M. Masum, E-mail:; Sylvia, Somaia S.; Neupane, Mahesh; Lake, Roger K., E-mail: [Department of Electrical Engineering, University of California, Riverside, California 92521-0204 (United States); Ge, Supeng [Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of California, Riverside, California 92521-0204 (United States)


    The coherent, interlayer resistance of a misoriented, rotated interface between two stacks of AB graphite is determined for a variety of misorientation angles. The quantum-resistance of the ideal AB stack is on the order of 1 to 10 mΩ μm{sup 2}. For small rotation angles, the coherent interlayer resistance exponentially approaches the ideal quantum resistance at energies away from the charge neutrality point. Over a range of intermediate angles, the resistance increases exponentially with cell size for minimum size unit cells. Larger cell sizes, of similar angles, may not follow this trend. The energy dependence of the interlayer transmission is described.

  14. The coherent interlayer resistance of a single, rotated interface between two stacks of AB graphite

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Habib, K. M. Masum; Sylvia, Somaia S.; Neupane, Mahesh; Lake, Roger K.; Ge, Supeng


    The coherent, interlayer resistance of a misoriented, rotated interface between two stacks of AB graphite is determined for a variety of misorientation angles. The quantum-resistance of the ideal AB stack is on the order of 1 to 10 mΩ μm 2 . For small rotation angles, the coherent interlayer resistance exponentially approaches the ideal quantum resistance at energies away from the charge neutrality point. Over a range of intermediate angles, the resistance increases exponentially with cell size for minimum size unit cells. Larger cell sizes, of similar angles, may not follow this trend. The energy dependence of the interlayer transmission is described

  15. New tool for spreading proteins to the environment: Cry1Ab toxin immobilized to bioplastics. (United States)

    Moldes, Cristina; Farinós, Gema P; de Eugenio, Laura I; García, Pedro; García, José L; Ortego, Félix; Hernández-Crespo, Pedro; Castañera, Pedro; Prieto, María A


    A new tool to provide an environmentally friendly way to deliver active proteins to the environment has been developed, based on the use of polyhydroxyalkanoate (PHA, bioplastic) granules. To illustrate this novel approach, a derived Cry1Ab insect-specific toxin protein was in vivo immobilized into PHA granules through the polypeptide tag BioF. The new toxin, named Fk-Bt1, was shown to be active against Sesamia nonagrioides (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). The dose-mortality responses of the new toxin granule formulation (PFk-Bt1) and purified Cry1Ab have been compared, demonstrating the effectiveness of PFk-Bt1 and suggesting a common mode of action.

  16. Catalisadores Sulfônicos Imobilizados em Polímeros: Síntese, Caracterização e Avaliação

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Coutinho Fernanda M.B.


    Full Text Available Suportes poliméricos à base de estireno (Sty e divinilbenzeno (DVB foram preparados por polimerização em suspensão aquosa em presença de diluente (mistura de tolueno e n-heptano em composição variada em um grau de diluição de 100 % e com quatro teores diferentes de DVB (10, 20, 40 e 60 %. Os suportes foram caracterizados nos estados seco e inchado. No estado seco foram analisados quanto à densidade aparente, área específica, volume de poros e morfologia, e no estado inchado foi observado o comportamento em dois diferentes tipos de solventes, um bom e um mau solvente para o copolímero de estireno-divinilbenzeno. As propriedades dos suportes poliméricos, nos estados seco e inchado, foram relacionadas com os parâmetros de síntese. Os suportes poliméricos foram sulfonados em presença de solvente capaz de inchar a rede polimérica (1,2-dicloroetano. Os catalisadores sulfônicos obtidos foram caracterizados no estado seco e inchado e a atividade catalítica foi avaliada em reações de esterificação de ácido acético com n-butanol. Também foi avaliado o efeito da reciclagem dos catalisadores na sua atividade catalítica.

  17. Blood group AB is protective factor for gestational diabetes mellitus: a prospective population-based study in Tianjin, China. (United States)

    Zhang, Cuiping; Li, Yi; Wang, Leishen; Sun, Shurong; Liu, Gongshu; Leng, Junhong; Guo, Jia; Lv, Li; Li, Weidong; Zhang, Cuilin; Hu, Gang; Yu, Zhijie; Yang, Xilin


    The ABO blood types are associated with cancers, cardiovascular diseases and type 2 diabetes mellitus but whether they are also associated with gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) is unknown. We examined the relationship between the ABO blood types and the risk of GDM in a prospective population-based Chinese cohort. From 2010 to 2012, we recruited 14,198 pregnant women within the first 12 weeks of gestation in Tianjin, China. All women had a glucose challenge test (GCT) at 24-28 gestational weeks, followed by a 75-g 2-h oral glucose tolerance test if the results from GCT were ≥7.8 mmol/L. GDM was diagnosed based on the glucose cut-points of the International Association of Diabetes and Pregnancy Study Group criteria. Logistic regression was used to obtain odds ratios (ORs) and 95% confidence intervals (CIs) adjusted for traditional risk factors. Stratified analysis was performed by family history of diabetes (yes versus no). Sensitivity analyses were also performed by using the World Health Organization (WHO) criteria for GDM. Women with blood groups A, B or O (i.e. non-AB) were associated with increased risk of GDM as compared with those with blood group AB (adjusted OR: 1.44, 95% CI: 1.13-1.83). Sensitivity analyses showed that the result was consistent using WHO criteria. The adjusted OR of blood group non-AB versus AB for GDM was enhanced among women with a family history of diabetes (2.69, 1.21-5.96) and attenuated among those without (1.33, 1.03-1.71). Blood group AB was a protective factor against GDM in pregnant Chinese women. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

  18. Influence of transgenic rice expressing a fused Cry1Ab/1Ac protein on frogs in paddy fields. (United States)

    Wang, Jia-Mei; Chen, Xiu-Ping; Liang, Yu-Yong; Zhu, Hao-Jun; Ding, Jia-Tong; Peng, Yu-Fa


    As genetic engineering in plants is increasingly used to control agricultural pests, it is important to determine whether such transgenic plants adversely affect non-target organisms within and around cultivated fields. The cry1Ab/1Ac fusion gene from Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) has insecticidal activity and has been introduced into rice line Minghui 63 (MH63). We evaluated the effect of transgenic cry1Ab/1Ac rice (Huahui 1, HH1) on paddy frogs by comparing HH1 and MH63 rice paddies with and without pesticide treatment. The density of tadpoles in rice fields was surveyed at regular intervals, and Cry1Ab/1Ac protein levels were determined in tissues of tadpoles and froglets collected from the paddy fields. In addition, Rana nigromaculata froglets were raised in purse nets placed within these experimental plots. The survival, body weight, feeding habits, and histological characteristics of the digestive tract of these froglets were analyzed. We found that the tadpole density was significantly decreased immediately after pesticide application, and the weight of R. nigromaculata froglets of pesticide groups was significantly reduced compared with no pesticide treatment, but we found no differences between Bt and non-Bt rice groups. Moreover, no Cry1Ab/1Ac protein was detected in tissue samples collected from 192 tadpoles and froglets representing all four experimental groups. In addition, R. nigromaculata froglets raised in purse seines fed primarily on stem borer and non-target insects, and showed no obvious abnormality in the microstructure of their digestive tracts. Based on these results, we conclude that cultivation of transgenic cry1Ab/1Ac rice does not adversely affect paddy frogs.

  19. Ab initio calculations on hydrogen storage in porous carbons

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Maresca, O.; Marinelli, F.; Pellenq, R.J.M.; Duclaux, L.; Azais, Ph.; Conard, J.


    We have investigated through ab initio computations the possible ways to achieve efficient hydrogen storage on carbons. Firstly, we have considered how the curvature of a carbon surface could affect the chemisorption of atomic H 0 Secondly, we show that electron donor elements such as Li and K, used as dopants for the carbon substrate, strongly enhance the physi-sorption energy of H 2 , allowing in principle its storage in this type of material at room temperature under mild conditions of pressure. (authors)

  20. Ab Initio theory of the Gilbert damping in random ferromagnetic alloys

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Drchal, Václav; Turek, I.; Kudrnovský, Josef


    Roč. 30, č. 6 (2017), s. 1669-1672 ISSN 1557-1939 R&D Projects: GA ČR GA15-13436S Institutional support: RVO:68378271 Keywords : Gilbert damping * ferromagnetic alloys * ab initio * nonlocal torques Subject RIV: BM - Solid Matter Physics ; Magnetism OBOR OECD: Condensed matter physics (including formerly solid state physics, supercond.) Impact factor: 1.180, year: 2016