
Sample records for bulimia nerviosa parte

  1. La bulimia nerviosa y sus subtipos


    Myriam Sierra Puentes


    En este artículo se realiza una reseña sobre los trastornos de la alimentación, anorexia y bulimia, la relación que hacen los individuos con este comportamiento y la prevalencia, características y tratamientos más efectivos empleados en la bulimia nerviosa. Además, algunas aproximaciones para establecer subtipos de bulimia diferentes a los del DSM-IV e investigaciones sobre este trastorno del comportamiento alimentario, como la bulimia nerviosa.

  2. La bulimia nerviosa y sus subtipos


    Sierra Puentes, Myriam


    En este artículo se realiza una reseña sobre los trastornos de la alimentación, anorexia y bulimia, la relación que hacen los individuos con este comportamiento y la prevalencia, características y tratamientos más efectivos empleados en la bulimia nerviosa. Además, algunas aproximaciones para establecer subtipos de bulimia diferentes a los del DSM-IV e investigaciones sobre este trastorno del comportamiento alimentario, como la bulimia nerviosa. In this article, a brief description is real...

  3. Bulimia nerviosa ¿Mas allá del DSM-IV?


    Sánchez-Carracedo, David; Mora, Marisol; Raich, Rosa; Torras, Joan


    En el articulo se discuten diversos estudios recientes sobre cada uno de los criterios diagnósticos del DSM-IV sobre la bulimia nerviosa. Se ha puesto una atención especial a aquellos síntomas que pueden formar parte de otro diagnóstico pero que en el marco de la Bulimia Nerviosa pueden presentar una muyor gravedad. También se analizan las posibles repercusiones diagnósticas y terapéuticas que comportarían cambios en las exigencias de algunos criterios.

  4. Conductas purgativas y estado nutricional en anorexia nerviosa y bulimia nerviosa Purging behaviours and nutritional status in anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa


    F. J. Vaz; Mª A. García-Herráiz; B. López-Vinuesa; M. Monge; Mª A. Fernández-Gil; J. A. Guisado


    Objetivos: La intención del estudio fue comprobar si el empleo de métodos purgativos en pacientes con trastornos alimentarios (anorexia nerviosa [AN], y bulimia nerviosa [BN]) podía reflejarse en la existencia de un estado nutricional específico. Ámbito y pacientes: El grupo en estudio estuvo formado por 184 pacientes ambulatorios con diagnóstico confirmado de trastorno de la alimentación DSM-IV. Ciento dieciséis pacientes (63%) padecían BN: 90 del subtipo purgativo y 26 del subtipo no-purgat...

  5. Bulimia nerviosa, estilos de afrontamiento y situaciones estresantes


    Echeverría Serrano, Elizabeth


    La presente investigación tuvo como objetivo estudiar la relación entre bulimia nerviosa, estilos de afrontamiento y situaciones estresantes. Se realizó una investigación no experimental, participaron 345 mujeres universitarias y la selección fue por disponibilidad. Los instrumentos utilizados fueron el Inventario de Trastornos de la Conducta Alimentaria (EDI-2), Test de Escalas de Afrontamiento para adolescentes (ACS) y la Escala de Apreciación General del Estrés (EAE). El ...

  6. Análisis de un caso de anorexia nerviosa


    Negro López, Cristina


    La anorexia nerviosa es el trastorno de la conducta alimentaria con las mayores tasas de mortalidad entre los trastornos psicológicos, además debido a la complejidad de su curso clínico los profesionales se encuentran con dificultades a la hora de realizar una intervención. En la primera parte, se realizó una revisión conceptual de la anorexia y bulimia nerviosa y, de otros trastornos que coexisten con ellos. En la segunda parte se analiza un caso real de anorexia nerviosa, mediante el anális...

  7. Diseño y validación de una tarea computarizada tipo Stroop para evaluar sesgos de la atención en bulimia nerviosa


    Camacho-Ruíz, Esteban Jaime; Mancilla-Díaz, Juan Manuel; Escoto-Ponce De León, María Del Consuelo; Yáñez-Tellez, María Guillermina


    Objetivo: Desarrollar una tarea computarizada tipo Stroop para evaluar sesgos en la atención hacia palabras relacionadas con la comida y la figura, en pacientes con bulimia nerviosa. Se desarrollaron cuatro listas de palabras con valencia positiva y negativa, relacionadas con la comida y la figura corporal. Método: treinta y dos mujeres con bulimia nerviosa emparejadas con 32 mujeres sin trastorno, respondieron la versión original y una modificada de la Prueba de Stroop computarizada. Resulta...

  8. Diseño y Validación de una Tarea Computarizada Tipo Stroop para Evaluar Sesgos de la Atención en Bulimia Nerviosa


    Esteban Jaime Camacho-Ruíz


    Objetivo: Desarrollar una tarea computarizada tipo Stroop para evaluar sesgos en la atención hacia palabras relacionadas con la comida y la figura, en pacientes con bulimia nerviosa. Se desarrollaron cuatro listas de palabras con valencia positiva y negativa, relacionadas con la comida y la figura corporal. Método: treinta y dos mujeres con bulimia nerviosa emparejadas con 32 mujeres sin trastorno, respondieron la versión original y una modificada de la Prueba de Stroop computarizada. Resulta...


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    Marisa Edith Oviedo Romero


    Full Text Available Basándose en el supuesto de que la espiritualidad es un factor que podría influir sobre los estilos de afrontamiento de las personas ante situaciones problemáticas, se analizó la influencia de la espiritualidad en el estilo de afrontamiento de pacientes diagnosticadas de anorexia y/o bulimia nerviosa.39 mujeres de Buenos Aires, Entre Ríos, San Luis y Mendoza (Argentina, fueron evaluadas mediante el Cuestionario de Modos de Afrontamiento (WCCL y el Inventario de Sistema de Creencias (SBI–15R.Los resultados mostraron una influencia moderada de la dimensión soporte social religioso (F(1;24= 2,094; p=0,054 en el uso y/o desarrollo del estilo de afrontamiento centrado en la evaluación, no así en los demás estilos, por parte de pacientes diagnosticadas de bulimia y/o anorexia nerviosa.

  10. Comorbilidad entre bulimia nerviosa purgativa y trastornos de la personalidad según el Inventario Clínico Multiaxial de Millon (MCMI-II

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    Carmen del Río Sánchez


    Full Text Available La comorbilidad entre trastornos de la personalidad y trastornos de la conducta alimentaria ha sido destacada en numerosas investigaciones, encontrándose frecuencias desde un 22% hasta un 95%, según los estudios. El objetivo de este trabajo ha sido analizar este tópico en la bulimia nerviosa. Un total de 33 mujeres que cumplían los criterios diagnósticos DSM-IV para la bulimia nerviosa subtipo purgativo cumplimentaron la versión española del MCMI-II. Los resultados mostraron altas puntuaciones en la escala Esquizoide (TB=76,97, seguida por la Autodestructiva (TB=68,64, Pasivo-Agresiva (TB=68,15 y Evitativa (TB=67,12. Un 81% de las pacientes presentaba niveles clínicamente significativos de comorbilidad en alguna de las escalas (TB>75: un 45% presentaba elevaciones en una, dos o tres escalas (15% respectivamente y el 36% restante, las presentaba en cuatro o más escalas. Nuestros resultados son relativamente consistentes con el único estudio que utiliza el MCMI-II con grupos diferenciados de trastornos de conductas alimentarias, entre ellos de bulimia nerviosa subtipo purgativo; no obstante, no es posible establecer un patrón típico de rasgos de personalidad para estas pacientes

  11. Evaluación del autoconcepto, la satisfacción con el propio cuerpo y las habilidades sociales en la anorexia y bulimia nerviosas

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    Full Text Available De acuerdo con la observación clínica, y en algunos casos con la literatura experimental, los trastornos alimenticios van asociados a insatisfacción con la imagen corporal, así como a baja autoestima o un mal autoconcepto, y aislamiento social, alexitimia, etc. que conllevarían dificultades en las relaciones sociales. Pero ¿son estos aspectos característicos de las personas que padecen anorexia y bulimia nerviosa los que permiten diferenciarlos claramente de otros grupos?. El objetivo del presente estudio es pues, comparar pacientes con Anorexia y Bulimia Nerviosa con tres grupos: control, mujeres que hacen dieta y mujeres en psicoterapia, en medidas de autoconcepto-autoestima, satisfacción con el propio cuerpo y habilidades sociales. Los resultados apoyan la idea de que un mal autoconcepto y ciertos déficits en habilidades sociales son característicos de pacientes con anorexia y bulimia nerviosa, y que los diferencian no sólo de grupos controles normales, sino también de personas que hacen dieta para adelgazar. La insatisfacción con el propio cuerpo caracteriza al grupo de anorexia, diferenciandole tanto del grupo control, como del de psicoterapia y del de dieta.

  12. Bulimias

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    Full Text Available En la clínica psicoanalítica no podemos hablar de la "bulimia", como lo hace el dsm-iv cuando define las características generales de la "bulimia nerviosa", pues lo que recibimos en la practica psicoanalítica son sujetos que se presentan como pacientes, c



    Rosalinda Guadarrama Guadarrama


    Este estudio identifica los factores de riesgo de anorexia y bulimia nerviosa en estudiantes de preparatoria de acuerdo a su sexo. Se trabajó con 316 alumnos de ambos sexos de una escuela privada del nivel medio superior. Los instrumentos aplicados fueron el Test de Bulit y el Test de Actitudes Alimentarias, los cuales cuentan con propiedades psicométricas adecuadas a la población mexicana. Los resultados muestran que 17% de la muestra estudiada mostró síntomas de trastorno alimentario, pred...

  14. Bulimia nerviosa y trastornos de la personalidad. Una revisión teórica de la literatura

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    Maite Gargallo Masjuán


    Full Text Available En la bulimia nerviosa, como en el caso de otros trastornos mentales, suele describirse con frecuencia una alta comorbilidad con otras patologías y/o trastornos psiquiátricos, y especialmente con trastornos de la personalidad. A pesar de que numerosos estudios analizan la relación existente entre trastornos de personalidad y trastornos de la alimentación, la importancia de ésta será contemplada de forma diversa y contradictoria en la literatura, donde la co-ocurrencia entre bulimia nerviosa y trastornos de personalidad oscila entre el 27-84% de los casos, siendo los trastornos de personalidad del cluster B, y especialmente el límite, los más frecuentemente descritos. A grandes rasgos, cabe señalar que en la literatura sobre los trastornos de la alimentación, trastornos de la personalidad comórbidos han sido generalmente asociados a diversos factores, tales como diagnóstico, mayor impulsividad y auto-agresiones, mayor abuso de sustancias tóxicas, intentos de suicidio, mayor frecuencia de conductas de purga, trastornos afectivos, abuso sexual, mayor comorbilidad y severidad del trastorno. Asimismo, los trastornos de la personalidad han sido identificados como predictores de peor pronóstico y asociados a una mayor frecuencia de abandonos del tratamiento. En el presente estudio teórico, se analizan de forma crítica los estudios aparecidos en la literatura, durante las últimas dos décadas, sobre este tema.

  15. [The nosological entity bulimia nerviosa]. (United States)

    López-Ibor Aliño, J J; Cervera Enguix, S


    Anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa are at the present moment, two well defined clinical entities among the group of the eating disorders. The psychopathological differentiation of both syndromes has a great importance for diagnosis and therapy. The authors make a phenomenological description, based on case histories of patients with diagnostics of anorexia and bulimia nervosa, and try to establish an approach to the essential symptomatology of those disorders. The presence of affective symptomatology--depressive, but not exclusively--in the eating behaviour disorders in general and particularly in bulimia nervosa, is nowadays interpreted as an unspecific emotional lability as a response to stressing situations. That is to say, it is a secondary depressive symptomatology, more than a primary mood disorder preceding or underlying bulimia. There is strong evidence in favour of a dysregulation of serotonin metabolism in patients with bulimia nervosa, in the sense of a reduced activity, which manifest itself clinically by binges with food with a high content in carbohydrates. High levels of 5-HT seem to induce increasing feelings of safety, fullness and lead to an interruption of eating. Fluoxetine and this active metabolite are selective inhibitors of the reuptake of 5-HT and their antibulimic effect could be mediated by this mechanism.

  16. Bulimia nerviosa a través de la percepción del profesional Bulimia nervosa across the perception of the professional

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    J.M. Perea-Baena


    Full Text Available Se presenta un caso de Bulimia nerviosa a través de la experiencia del enfermero referente del caso. La paciente escribe un diario con lo que come, las conductas purgativas y los pensamientos que tiene en esos momentos. En las sesiones se comentarán estos escritos. A continuación se presentan las reflexiones y comentarios del profesional de enfermería sobre el proceso, la paciente y los cambios que ésta sufre a través de los diálogos y reflexiones. En la conclusión se expone el rol de la enfermera referente en salud mental en el proceso de recuperación de esta enfermedad. Su herramienta es la palabra y el motor de la intervención el equipo multidisciplinar.In this paper, a case report of bulimia nervosa across view of nurse professional is presented. The patient keeps a diary of how often she eats and how often she purges. The patient might also write down his thoughts about food in the diary. In the sessions the patient begins talking about what she eats, her feelings and what she had written in the diary. Nurse’s reflexion about the process is comments and the patient’s changes across narrative. In the conclusion is expounded the importance of professional team and the narrative as work tool.

  17. Anorexia nerviosa en niños y adolescentes: Parte 2


    Lenoir, Melissa; Silber, Tomas José


    Se provee al pediatra la continuación de la actualización sobre anorexia nerviosa en niños y adolescentes (Parte 2). Se describe la evaluación médica requerida y el diagnóstico diferencial a considerar, se prosigue con información sobre el tratamiento, pronóstico y prevención, para concluir con una propuesta sobre el rol del pediatra en el manejo de la anorexia nerviosa. A review on anorexia nervosa among children and adolescents (Part 2) is provided for practicing pediatricians. The requi...

  18. Psicofisiología del ansia por la comida y la bulimia nerviosa

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    Sonia Rodríguez


    Full Text Available El ansia por la comida es una experiencia normal no asociada necesariamente a conductas alimentarias patológicas. Sin embargo, en ocasiones, este deseo irresistible de consumir un determinado alimento puede convertirse en un antecedente inmediato del atracón. Los factores que tradicionalmente se han propuesto como posibles desencadenantes del atracón han sido los afectos negativos y la práctica de dietas restrictivas. No obstante, la mayoría de estudios realizados basados en medidas verbales no han podido establecer relaciones causales entre dichos factores y el atracón. Actualmente, estudios experimentales basados en medidas psicofisiológicas están permitiendo conocer cuáles son los mecanismos motivacionales implicados en el ansia por la comida, así como las complejas interacciones entre restricción, emoción, ansia y atracón. El presente trabajo resume los avances en el campo de la investigación básica que están abriendo nuevas vías para la prevención y el tratamiento psicológico de la bulimia nerviosa.

  19. Aproximación teórica al estudio sociológico de la anorexia y la bulimia nerviosa

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    Full Text Available Partiendo de la teoría de Merton sobre la desviación, por la cual ciertos tipos de anomalías en la conducta derivan de la disociación entre las aspiraciones prescritas culturalmente y el acceso a los medios correctos para lograrlas, se llega a la conclusión de que la anorexia nerviosa y la bulimia son una típica respuesta a una situación de anomia. La belleza del cuerpo como objetivo cultural presenta una fuerte naturaleza anómica porque es esencialmente un atributo físico innato que no le ofrece al sujeto ningún modo de lograrlo si no se tiene. La belleza adquirida, que expresa la posibilildad que el individuo tiene de mejorar ciertos aspectos, juega un papel muy reducido. Acceder a los medios de adquirirla es algo restringido, como lo es todo lo contenido en un objeto de consumo y en el sistema de servicios, tanto económica como culturalmente.

  20. Anorexia y Bulimia: problemas de la sociedad desarrollada


    Asensio Aller, Marta


    Según el Instituto Nacional de la Salud de Estados Unidos un trastorno de la alimentación es una enfermedad que causa graves perturbaciones en la dieta diaria, tales como comer cantidades muy pequeñas o comer en exceso. Los trastornos de la alimentación generalmente aparecen durante la adolescencia o adultez temprana, pero también se pueden dar durante la niñez o la adultez avanzada. Los trastornos de la alimentación más comunes son la anorexia nerviosa, bulimia nerviosa y e...

  1. Prevalencia y factores de riesgo para la bulimia y la anorexia nerviosa en una muestra de adolescentes en colegios de Medellín

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    Gina Posada


    Full Text Available

    Los trastornos más conocidos de la alimentación como la anorexia nerviosa y la bulimia son entidades de orden psíquico que no poseen un factor etiológico único; se destaca la constante carga publicitaria que ha transformado el concepto de imagen corporal y los patrones alimentarios.
    Se ha observado que representan un problema de salud; los
    grupos más vulnerables son las mujeres de 13-18 años (0.5-1% en anorexia, y 1-5% en bulimia. Ambas entidades generalmente son de curso crónico y traen consecuencias tanto físicas como sicológicas, que incluso pueden acarrear la muerte de quienes la padecen. Conociendo su potencial peligrosidad y el incremento de las imágenes visuales y las presiones socioculturales que inducen diariamente a estar delgado, a cambiar los hábitos alimentarios y a realizar ejercicio, consideramos que es de suma importancia realizar un estudio de uno de los principales síndromes psiquiátricos modernos, siguiendo de cerca los factores predisponentes y la prevalencia en el grupo de personas que están en mayor riesgo de presentarlos como son las mujeres adolescentes y en la adultez temprana.



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    Daniel Jácome Roca


    Full Text Available


    Los bulímicos son adictos a los alimentos por dos mecanismos posibles: uno, que perciben en forma desmedida las señales subliminales multisensoriales enviadas por los alimentos (el color rojo de la fruta se percibe con más intensidad, por ejemplo. El segundo puede radicar en que los bulímicos sufren de untrastorno en la liberación y/o señalización cerebral de las hormonas de la saciedad alimenticia provenientes del tracto gastrointestinal y del tejido adiposo como la GH-RELINA y la LEPTINA. Este artículo también resume las alteraciones endocrinas en la bulimia, además de las características de los pacientes con trastornos alimenticios como la bulimia nerviosa, la anorexia nerviosa y la enfermedad de las “comilonas compulsivas”.

    Palabras Clave: Trastornos de la alimentación, saciedad, neuropéptidos/apetito, señalizaciones visuales y aromáticas


    Bulimic patients are food-addicts, through two posible mechanisms. One, these persons magnify multisensensorial subliminal signals, sent by foods (i.e., red color of a fruit is perceived with greater intensity. Two, bulimics have a disordered release and/or signaling of brain-gut hormones and adipose-tissue hormones participating in saciety, such as Gh-relin and leptin. This paper includes brief remarks on endocrine dysregulation seen in” bulimia nervosa”. Also, it presents features of eating-disorder patients, such as those suffering from bulimia nervosa, anorexia nervosa y “binge-eating” disorder.

    Key Words: Eating disorders, satiety, neuropeptides/ appetite, visual food cues/odor cues

  3. Dysthymia in anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa

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    Mercedes Borda-Más


    Full Text Available Este estudio ex post facto analiza la presencia de distimia en 155 mujeres. Noventa y tres pacientes cumplían los criterios diagnósticos para un trastorno de la conducta alimentaria (TCA: 31 con anorexia nerviosa restrictiva (ANr, 31 con anorexia nerviosa purgativa/bulímica (ANp y 31 con bulimia nerviosa purgativa (BNp; y 62 mujeres constituían los dos grupos comparativos: 31 con alto riesgo de padecer un TCA (grupo comparativo sintomático: GC-S y 31 sin patología conocida (grupo comparativo no sintomático: GC-NS. Todas ellas cumplimentaron la versión española del MCMI-II. En los resultados encontramos diferencias significativas en las medias obtenidas por los grupos con TCA respecto a los dos grupos comparativos, y que presentaban el posible síndrome distímico [puntuaciones Tasa Base (TB > 74] el 50% de las pacientes con ANr, el 60% con ANp y el 63,30% de las pacientes con BNp. Sólo el 16,70% de las mujeres de alto riesgo y el 5,70% de las mujeres sin patología lo presentaban. Estos hallazgos indican que el síndrome distímico es frecuente en las mujeres con TCA, y en aquellas que presentan conductas purgativas aumenta levemente la severidad del mismo.

  4. Repercusiones de la anorexia y la bulimia en la salud oral, prevención y tratamiento


    Gomez Jiménez, Antonio; Casals Peidró, Elías; Boj Quesada, Juan Ramón


    El presente artículo trata de aportar una puesta al día de los problemas que presentan los pacientes afectados de anorexia y de bulimia nerviosa. Se expone la información que el odontólogo debe tener en cuenta respecto al conocimiento de la enfermedad, sus manifestaciones orales, los criterios diagnósticos y los enfoques preventivos y terapéuticos necesarios.

  5. Trastornos de personalidad en pacientes aquejados de anorexia y bulimia nerviosa : un estudio piloto


    Echeburúa, Enrique; Marañón Guillan, Izaskun; Grijalvo López, Jorge


    En este artículo se comparó el perfil de trastornos de personalidad en 25 pacientes con un trastorno de la conducta alimentaria (5 con anorexia restrictiva, 7 con anorexia purgativa, 5 con bulimia purgativa y 8 con un trastorno de la conducta alimentari

  6. y sus subtipos

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    Myriam Sierra Puentes


    Full Text Available En este artículo se realiza una reseña sobre los trastornos de la alimentación, anorexia y bulimia, la relación que hacen los individuos con este comportamiento y la prevalencia, características y tratamientos más efectivos empleados en la bulimia nerviosa. Además, algunas aproximaciones para establecer subtipos de bulimia diferentes a los del DSM-IV e investigaciones sobre este trastorno del comportamiento alimentario, como la bulimia nerviosa.

  7. Bulimia nerviosa (United States)

    ... SOP) Infecciones de transmisión sexual (ITS) Fibromas uterinos Candidiasis vaginal Todos los temas de salud de la A ... SOP) Infecciones de transmisión sexual (ITS) Fibromas uterinos Candidiasis vaginal Todos los temas de salud de la A ...

  8. Bulimia nerviosa (United States)

    ... Virus del papiloma humano (VPH) Infertilidad Síndrome de ovario poliquístico (SOP) Infecciones de transmisión sexual (ITS) Fibromas ... Virus del papiloma humano (VPH) Infertilidad Síndrome de ovario poliquístico (SOP) Infecciones de transmisión sexual (ITS) Fibromas ...

  9. Anorexia nerviosa en niños y adolescentes (Parte 1): criterios diagnósticos, historia, epidemiología, etiología, fisiopatología, morbilidad y mortalidad


    Lenoir, Melissa; Silber, Tomas J


    Se provee al pediatra una actualización de la anorexia nerviosa en niños y adolescentes (Parte 1), donde se describen los actuales criterios diagnósticos para este trastorno, su historia, epidemiología, etiología, fisiopatología, morbilidad y mortalidad. A review of anorexia nervosa among children and adolescents (Part 1) is provided for practicing pediatricians, current diagnostic criteria for the disorder are described, as well as its history, epidemiology, etiology, pathophysiology, mor...

  10. Bulimia nerviosa y factores de riesgo asociados en adolescentes escolarizados de 14 a 18 años en Barranquilla (Colombia

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    Mariela Borda Pérez


    Full Text Available Objetivo: establecer la prevalencia de riesgo de bulimia y de factores de riesgo asociados en adolecentes escolarizados de 14 a 18 años de Barranquilla. Materiales y métodos: Estudio transversal partir de una muestra representativa de escolares de cuatro establecimientos educativos de Barranquilla. Participaron 149 sujetos de 14 a 18 años. Se aplicó instrumento para determinar imagen corporal y bulimia (Body Shape Questionarie, el Bulimia Test of Edinburgh, Test de Rosemberg y DASS21, se estimó IMC y se empleó un cuestionario para determinantes personales. Resultados: La prevalencia de riesgo de bulimia fue del 44,3 %. El perfil identifica preferencialmente a 51,3 % mujeres, una de cada cuatro con sobrepeso, y de ellos, el 53 % tenía 16 años o más. Las características relevantes: 18,2 % consumía diuréticos y laxantes para bajar de peso; el 40,9 % tenía problemas económicos; el 56 % manifestó ansiedad; el 53 % depresión y el 53 % insatisfacción con su imagen corporal. Se observó tendencia a la asociación con: sobrepeso, saltar comidas con frecuencia, consumir tres comidas y picar, consumir tres comidas, emplear diuréticos o laxantes para bajar de peso, ansiedad, depresión, estrés e insatisfacción corporal; se obtuvieron razones de disparidad significantes y probabilidad del chi-cuadrado menor de 0.05. Conclusión: El riesgo de bulimia se presentó preferencialmente en el grupo de ≥ 16 años, en mujeres y en el estrato medio. Se aprecia una asociación estadística con sobrepeso saltar comidas con frecuencia, consumir tres comidas y picar, consumir tres comidas, emplear diuréticos o laxantes para bajar de peso, ansiedad, depresión, estrés e insatisfacción corporal.

  11. Impulsividad y búsqueda de sensaciones: factores asociados a síntomas de anorexia y bulimia nerviosas en estudiantes de secundaria (Impulsiveness and sensation seeking: Factors associated with symptoms of anorexia and bulimia nervosa in high school students

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    Serafina Castro-Zamudio


    Full Text Available This study investigated the potential association of impulsiveness and sensation seeking and the attitudes and behaviour characteristic of anorexia and bulimia nervosa in male and female students (between 12 and 20 years. The study had an observational case-control design, in which the case group comprised symptomatic subjects who had scores above the cutoff point designated by the authors for several assessment instruments, and the control group, which comprised asymptomatic participants who had scores below the cutoff point. The study included 300 participants (136 men [45.33%] and 164 women [(54.66%] from Malaga (Spain. All participants received parental authorization to take part in the study. The participants anonymously completed the following self-administered tests: Eating Disorder Inventory (EDI-II, Eating Attitudes Test (EAT-26, Bulimia Test Revised (BULIT-R, Barratt Impulsiveness Scale (BIS-11, and (SSS-V. The results suggest an association between impulsiveness and symptomatology associated with eating disorders, anorexia, and bulimia nervosa. In contrast, sensation seeking was only associated with bulimic symptoms. In summary, the variables impulsivity and sensation seeking appear to be closely associated with eating disorders. Thus, these aspects should be addressed in healthy lifestyle programs, because their inclusion may help to reduce or prevent the increase in eating disorders in the teenage population.

  12. Síndrome de Straatsma. Caso familiar de mielinización de fibras nerviosas

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    Fanny Campos-Jiménez


    Full Text Available En condiciones normales sólo ocurre mielinización de fibras del nervio óptico por detrás de la lámina cribosa, pero se observa mielinización de parte de la capa de fibras nerviosas de la retina en el 0.32% a 0.98% de los pacientes. la mielinización intraocular generalmente es yuxtapapilar, y las fibras toman un aspecto característico: manchas blancas, nacaradas, parecidas a una pluma, que siguen la dirección de las fibras de la retina y a veces ocultan la papila. Aparte de estas características fundoscópicas, la mayoría de los pacientes son normales. Se ha encontrado que puede haber una asociación entre la mielinización de las fibras de la retina y una miopía ipsilateral, y también se ha observado ambliopía y estrabismo. Se describe un caso de mielinización de fibras nerviosas, en madre e hija, hecho que sugiere un factor genético en su génesis.

  13. Distorsión de la Percepción Corporal en Pacientes con Anorexia Nerviosa de Inicio Temprano vs. Tardío

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    María Yolanda Vellisca González


    Full Text Available La anorexia nerviosa, como trastorno de la conducta alimentaria, está asociada a una elevada preocupación por el peso, a ideas sobrevaloradas respecto a la delgadez, a una alteración de la imagen corporal y a un miedo excesivo a engordar. En este trabajo estudiamos las diferencias en la distorsión de la percepción corporal en pacientes con anorexia nerviosa de inicio temprano vs. tardío mediante el Cuestionario de la forma corporal (Body Shape Questionnaire de Cooper, Taylor, Cooper y Fairburn (1987. La muestra clínica estaba compuesta por un total 176 pacientes diagnosticadas de anorexia nerviosa (47.1% y anorexia nerviosa atípica (52.9%. En el 21.4% de la muestra los síntomas aparecieron antes de los 14 años. El grupo de anorexia nerviosa de inicio temprano presenta una mayor distorsión de su imagen corporal que el grupo de anorexia nerviosa de inicio tardío.

  14. Revisión bibliográfica: anorexia nerviosa en adolescentes y niños


    Caballero Castell, María


    Se trata de analizar los datos existentes sobre la eficacia de los tratamientos de la anorexia nerviosa en niños y adolescentes, para ello se realizó una búsqueda bibliográfica utilizando como descriptores: Tratamiento de la Anorexia nerviosa y adolescentes. Los artículos encontrados nos han proporcionado una muestra de 2784 niños y jóvenes de entre 9 y 27 años. El periodo abarcado es de 1989-2010

  15. Aspectos nutricionales de la anorexia nerviosa


    Delgado Santirso, Pablo


    El estudio que se presentará en las siguientes líneas pretende la actualización de los datos sobre los aspectos nutricionales de uno de los principales Trastornos de la Conducta Alimentaria (TCA), la Anorexia Nerviosa (AN), así como aportar información acerca de sus características generales, etiopatogenia, evaluación y diagnóstico y tratamiento. Se centrará fundamentalmente en las medidas higiénico-dietéticas necesarias del tratamiento nutricional y en el establecimiento de la función del di...

  16. Anorexia nerviosa: el cuerpo y los mandatos sociales-superyóicos

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    Sonia Patricia Murguía-Mier


    Full Text Available En este trabajo analítico y cualitativo presentamos los resultados de unainvestigación aplicada a cinco chicas con diagnóstico de anorexia nerviosa o trastorno alimentariono especificado. Utilizamos metodología de la sociología clínica en seis sesiones grupales y dosentrevistas individuales, para conocer las instancias psíquicas que se ponen en juego cuando lajoven con anorexia nerviosa es capaz de lastimar su cuerpo tan gravemente, y continuar con esadinámica a veces hasta la muerte. Encontramos que no las mueve un ideal de delgadez estético yque la enfermedad es regulada por el superyó, sostenida por lo que llamamos mandatos socialessuperyóicos,que son frases coaguladas -carentes de sentido-, que las instala en un fuera de control,como un regulador implacable, propiciando el dominio de la pulsión de muerte.

  17. Cardiomiopatía inducida por estrés (Takotsubo en una paciente con anorexia nerviosa

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    Sabrina Vadalá


    Full Text Available Presentamos el caso de una mujer con diagnóstico de anorexia nerviosa que desarrolló cardiomiopatía de takotsubo precipitada por estrés emocional y alteraciones del medio interno. Evolucionó favorablemente con manejo conservador. Los casos de cardiomiopatía inducida por estrés, descriptos en pacientes con trastornos de la conducta alimentaria, suelen alcanzar mayor gravedad y se asocian con la prolongación del intervalo QT por desequilibrios electrolíticos, arritmias ventriculares e hipoglucemia. Se realiza una revisión del compromiso cardiovascular en pacientes con anorexia nerviosa.

  18. Anorexia nerviosa: el cuerpo y los mandatos sociales-superyóicos

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    Sonia Patricia Murguía-Mier, México


    Full Text Available (analítico En este trabajo analítico y cualitativo presentamos los resultados de una investigación aplicada a cinco chicas con diagnóstico de anorexia nerviosa o trastorno alimentario no especificado. Utilizamos metodología de la sociología clínica en seis sesiones grupales y dos entrevistas individuales, para conocer las instancias psíquicas que se ponen en juego cuando la joven con anorexia nerviosa es capaz de lastimar su cuerpo tan gravemente, y continuar con esa dinámica a veces hasta la muerte. Encontramos que no las mueve un ideal de delgadez estético y que la enfermedad es regulada por el superyó, sostenida por lo que llamamos mandatos socialessuperyóicos, que son frases coaguladas -carentes de sentido-, que las instala en un fuera de control, como un regulador implacable, propiciando el dominio de la pulsión de muerte.

  19. Cognitive hypnotherapy with bulimia. (United States)

    Barabasz, Marianne


    Research on the efficacy of hypnosis in the treatment of bulimia nervosa has produced mixed findings. This is due in part to the interplay between the characteristics of people with bulimia and the wide variety of hypnosis interventions that have been employed. Several authors have noted that methodological limitations in hypnosis research often make evaluation of treatment efficacy difficult. Many of the studies extant provide insufficient information regarding the specifics of participants' hypnotizability, the hypnotic induction, or the hypnotic suggestion(s) employed. Such limitations preclude replication and clinical implementation. This article reviews the literature with replicable methodologies and discusses the implications for evaluating treatment efficacy.

  20. Bulimia nervosa


    Hay, Phillipa J; Claudino, Angélica Medeiros


    Up to 1% of young women may have bulimia nervosa, characterised by an intense preoccupation with body weight, uncontrolled binge-eating episodes, and use of extreme measures to counteract the feared effects of overeating. People with bulimia nervosa may be of normal weight, making it difficult to diagnose.Obesity has been associated with both an increased risk of bulimia nervosa and a worse prognosis, as have personality disorders and substance misuse.After 10 years, about half of people w...

  1. Anorexia nerviosa: Manejo nutricional en pediatría


    Miranda-Sánchez, Sergio


    La anorexia nerviosa es un padecimiento cuya incidencia y prevalencia van en aumento. Actualmente, las edades de presentación son cada vez más tempranas, por lo que es un tema de mucha importancia para la práctica pediátrica general. El manejo debe ser multidisciplinario. Es importante involucrar a la familia en el tratamiento por medio de terapia familiar. La primera tarea en el abordaje clínico es detectar criterios de hospitalización. Una vez iniciada la terapia se debe vigilar el surgimie...

  2. The Bulimia Test--Revised: Validation with "DSM-IV" Criteria for Bulimia Nervosa. (United States)

    Thelen, Mark H.; And Others


    The Bulimia Test--Revised (BULIT-R) was given to 23 female subjects who met the criteria for bulimia in the "Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders" (DSM-IV) and 124 female controls. The BULIT-R appears to be a valid instruction for identifying individuals who meet DSM-IV criteria for bulimia. (SLD)

  3. [Bulimia nervosa]. (United States)

    Zeeck, A; Hartmann, A; Sandholz, A; Joos, A


    Bulimia nervosa is characterized by episodes of binge eating and compensatory behaviours (self-induced vomiting, laxative misuse, dietary restriction). It has a complex aetiology and is mostly found in young women. Bulimia leads to substantial physical and psychosocial morbidity. Bulimia nervosa needs specialized psychotherapeutic treatment. In most cases outpatient treatment is sufficient, but comorbidity with other psychiatric disturbances has to be taken into account. Additional psychopharmacological interventions might be helpful. After 5 to 10 years about 50% of the patients show complete remissions, 30% partial remissions and about 20% a chronic course of the illness. General practitioners, dentists and gynaecologists should be informed about typical signs of the disorder that is often hidden by the patients.

  4. Aspectos controvertidos de la imagen corporal en los trastornos de la conducta alimentaria

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    Full Text Available Este trabajo revisa los resultados de 31 estudios que evalúan de alguna forma la "alteración de la imagen corporal" en anorexia nerviosa y bulimia nerviosa a través de los métodos de evaluación perceptiva o los métodos de evaluación actitudinal. Los estudios presentan en la mayoría de los casos resultados contradictorios entre ellos. Los autores ofrecen una serie de explicaciones metodológicas y meta-analíticas para tratar de interpretar los resultados.

  5. Trastorno de la conducta alimentaria, trastorno por déficit de atención e hiperactividad, e impulsividad: un estudio sobre su relación


    Unzeta Conde, Belén


    Los trastornos de la conducta alimentaria (TCA) componen un conjunto heterogéneo de trastornos psiquiátricos que van desde el grupo de la anorexia nerviosa restrictiva, con progresiva pérdida de peso y restricción alimentaria intensa con dos subtipos el restrictivo puro, sin atracones ni conductas purgativas, el subtipo purgativo con atracones y/o purgas en forma de vómitos, abuso de laxantes o diuréticos, hasta la bulimia nerviosa y el trastorno por atracones, donde el peso suele ser normal ...

  6. Frecuencia y fenomenología de lesiones autoinfligidas en mujeres colombianas con trastornos del comportamiento alimentario


    Rodríguez G, Maritza; Guerrero, Stella


    Para la realización del estudio se evaluaron tanto la frecuencia de las lesiones autoinfligidas sin intencionalidad suicida consciente como las variables asociadas con el riesgo de presentar este tipo de conducta, en 362 mujeres con anorexia nerviosa (n = 130), bulimia nerviosa (n = 141) o trastorno por atracones de alimentación (n = 91), atendidas en un programa ambulatorio en la ciudad de Bogotá, entre junio de 1997 y enero de 2005. Se encontraron 82 mujeres (22,6%) que, además de los sínto...

  7. Self construction, cognitive conflicts and polarization in bulimia nervosa

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    Guillem Feixas


    Full Text Available Este estudio explora las estructuras cognitivas, entendidas como sistemas de constructos, de pacientes afectadas de bulimia nerviosa (BN. Investigaciones previas sobre los sistemas de constructos personales con sintomatología alimentaria sugieren que éstas muestran una mayor distancia entre la construcción de su sí mismo y su yo ideal, y mayor rigidez. Además, este estudio explora la presencia de dilemas implicativos (DI. Se comparó un grupo de treinta y dos mujeres con diagnóstico de BN, con un grupo no clínico de 32 mujeres aparejadas por edad. Todas las participantes fueron evaluadas utilizando la técnica de rejilla (RGT. La presencia de DIs fue más frecuente en el grupo clínico (71,9% que en el grupo control (18,8%, y se encontró, además, mayor polarización y mayor discrepancia yo-ideal (especialmente cuanto más larga era la historia de BN. Las medidas obtenidas con la RGT pueden ser útiles para la evaluación de la construcción del sí mismo y los conflictos cognitivos en pacientes con BN, y para apreciar su papel en este trastorno. Además, esta técnica puede ser útil en la clínica para explorar el sistema de constructos de los pacientes, especialmente para identificar los DIs que puedan estar manteniendo los síntomas u obstaculizando el cambio.

  8. Distorsión de la Percepción Corporal en Pacientes con Anorexia Nerviosa de Inicio Temprano vs. Tardío


    María Yolanda Vellisca González; Santos Orejudo Hernández; José Ignacio Latorre Marín


    La anorexia nerviosa, como trastorno de la conducta alimentaria, está asociada a una elevada preocupación por el peso, a ideas sobrevaloradas respecto a la delgadez, a una alteración de la imagen corporal y a un miedo excesivo a engordar. En este trabajo estudiamos las diferencias en la distorsión de la percepción corporal en pacientes con anorexia nerviosa de inicio temprano vs. tardío mediante el Cuestionario de la forma corporal (Body Shape Questionnaire) de Cooper, Taylor, Cooper y Fairbu...

  9. Articulaciones (ATemporales en el Síntoma y en la Bulimia (ATemporal Articulations in the Symptom and Bulimia

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    Esteban Radiszcz


    Full Text Available Mediante la comparación de un caso de disorexia y de otro de bulimia, se explicitan las diferencias que separan a ambos fenómenos psicopatológicos en cuanto a sus articulaciones (atemporales. Se sostiene que mientras la disorexia se despliega en un futuro anterior propio de la temporalidad simbólica del retorno de lo reprimido, la bulimia da cuenta de una temporalidad circular impulsada por la repetición. Sin embargo, dichas diferencias sólo pueden explicarse en función de la presencia de una desigualdad aún más relevante en las articulaciones psicopato-lógicas de la bulimia y del síntoma. Si la (atemporalidad de la bulimia se distingue de aquella que opera en el síntoma, ello se debe a que la bulimia no constituye una verdadera formación sintomato-lógica.Through the comparison of a case of Dysorexia and another of Bulimia the differences, in terms of (atemporal articulations, among the two psychopathological phenomena are made explicit. It is argued that while Dysorexia unfolds in the past future of the symbolic temporality of the return of the repressed, Bulimia unravels in a circular temporality driven by repetition. These differences can only be explained through the presence of an even more relevant dissimilarity in the psycopatho-logical articulations of Bulimia and the symptom. If the (atemporality of Bulimia is distinguished from the one operating in the symptom, it is due to the fact that Bulimia does not constitute a true symptomato-logical formation.

  10. Bulimia nervosa. (United States)

    Hay, Phillipa J; Claudino, Angélica Medeiros


    Up to 1% of young women may have bulimia nervosa, characterised by an intense preoccupation with body weight, uncontrolled binge-eating episodes, and use of extreme measures to counteract the feared effects of overeating. People with bulimia nervosa may be of normal weight, making it difficult to diagnose. After 10 years, about half of people with bulimia nervosa will have recovered fully, one third will have made a partial recovery, and 10% to 20% will still have symptoms. We conducted a systematic review and aimed to answer the following clinical questions: What are the effects of treatments for bulimia nervosa in adults? What are the effects of discontinuing treatment in people with bulimia nervosa in remission? We searched: Medline, Embase, The Cochrane Library, and other important databases up to January 2010 (Clinical Evidence reviews are updated periodically, please check our website for the most up-to-date version of this review). We included harms alerts from relevant organisations such as the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the UK Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA). We found 27 systematic reviews, RCTs, or observational studies that met our inclusion criteria. We performed a GRADE evaluation of the quality of evidence for interventions. In this systematic review we present information relating to the effectiveness and safety of the following interventions: cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT; alone or plus exposure/response prevention enhancement), cognitive orientation therapy, dialectical behavioural therapy, discontinuing fluoxetine in people with remission, guided self-help cognitive behavioural therapy, hypnobehavioural therapy, interpersonal psychotherapy, mirtazapine, monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs), motivational enhancement therapy, pharmacotherapy plus psychotherapy, pure or unguided self-help cognitive behavioural therapy, reboxetine, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), topiramate, tricyclic

  11. Bulimia nervosa (United States)


    Introduction Up to 1% of young women may have bulimia nervosa, characterised by an intense preoccupation with body weight, uncontrolled binge-eating episodes, and use of extreme measures to counteract the feared effects of overeating. People with bulimia nervosa may be of normal weight, making it difficult to diagnose. After ten years, about half of people with bulimia nervosa will have recovered fully, a third will have made a partial recovery, and 10-20% will still have symptoms. Methods and outcomes We conducted a systematic review and aimed to answer the following clinical questions: What are the effects of treatments for bulimia nervosa in adults? What are the effects of discontinuing treatment in people with bulimia nervosa in remission? We searched: Medline, Embase, The Cochrane Library and other important databases up to June 2007 (BMJ Clinical Evidence reviews are updated periodically, please check our website for the most up-to-date version of this review). We included harms alerts from relevant organisations such as the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the UK Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA). Results We found 26 systematic reviews, RCTs, or observational studies that met our inclusion criteria. We performed a GRADE evaluation of the quality of evidence for interventions. Conclusions In this systematic review we present information relating to the effectiveness and safety of the following interventions: cognitive behavioural therapy (alone or plus exposure response prevention enhancement); cognitive orientation therapy; dialectical behavioural therapy; discontinuing fluoxetine in people with remission; guided self-help cognitive behavioural therapy; hypnobehavioural therapy; interpersonal psychotherapy; mirtazapine; monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs); motivational enhancement therapy; pharmacotherapy plus psychotherapy; pure or unguided self-help cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT); reboxetine; selective serotonin

  12. A qualitative study of young women's experiences of recovery from bulimia nervosa. (United States)

    Lindgren, Britt-Marie; Enmark, Annika; Bohman, Anna; Lundström, Mats


    To describe experiences of recovery from bulimia nervosa among young adult women. Most studies into recovery from eating disorders focus on anorexia nervosa, although some include both anorexia and bulimia nervosa. Recovery has been described as beginning with renewed self-esteem. Qualitative interview study. Fourteen women were invited to participate; five women, between 23-26 years of age, who assessed themselves as healthy for at least 2 years agreed to take part in narrative interviews. Tape-recorded interviews lasting 45-60 minutes (median 49 minutes) were conducted from February-April 2010 and transcribed verbatim. Data were analysed using qualitative content analysis. The interviews revealed four themes in recovery from bulimia nervosa: feeling stuck in bulimia nervosa, getting ready to change, breaking free of bulimia nervosa and grasping a new reality, each comprising two or more subthemes. The process of recovery was not linear, but rather went back and forth between progress and relapse. The women expressed strong ambivalence about leaving the illness behind. An important part of their recovery was their ability to accept themselves. It was essential for their recovery to be supported in developing a unique explanation of the cause of their illness. Women's ability to recover from bulimia nervosa and take control over their lives is based on their self-efficacy. Effective care should therefore strive to strengthen women's beliefs in their own abilities, to instil hope for recovery and thus to bolster their self-efficacy. © 2014 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  13. Tumores malignos de la vaina nerviosa periférica como origen de dolor orofacial

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    Jorge Chaurand-Lara


    Full Text Available Los tumores malignos de la vaina nerviosa periférica (TMVNP, también llamados neurofribrosarcomas o schwannomas malignos, representan el 10% de todos los sarcomas de tejidos blandos. El tumor usualmente se encuentra en las extremidades inferiores, y solo del 10 al 20% de las lesiones ocurren en la región de cabeza y cuello, convirtiéndolas en una entidad rara. Los neurofibromas son tumores de la vaina nerviosa que aparecen comúnmente en la neurofibromatosis 1 o enfermedad de Von Recklinghausen. Se ha reportado que los individuos con antecedentes familiares de neurofibromatosis 1 tienen un riesgo incrementado de desarrollar TMVNP en el transcurso de sus vidas, sin embargo, esta asociación no se ha confirmado en TMVNP a nivel de los nervios craneales. En este artículo los autores analizaron la literatura actual con respecto a los TMVNP del nervio trigémino, así como la inclusión de un caso inusual que involucra las 3 ramas de dicho nervio.

  14. Uncontrollable behavior or mental illness? Exploring constructions of bulimia using Q methodology. (United States)

    Churruca, Kate; Perz, Janette; Ussher, Jane M


    In medical and psychological literature bulimia is commonly described as a mental illness. However, from a social constructionist perspective the meaning of bulimia will always be socially and historically situated and multiple. Thus, there is always the possibility for other understandings or constructions of bulimia to circulate in our culture, with each having distinct real-world implications for those engaging in bulimic behaviors; for instance, they might potentially influence likelihood of help-seeking and the success of treatment. This study used Q methodology to explore culturally-available constructions of bulimia nervosa. Seventy-seven adults with varying experience of eating disorders took part in this Q methodological study. Online, they were asked to rank-order 42 statements about bulimia, and then answer a series of questions about the task and their knowledge of bulimia. A by-person factor analysis was then conducted, with factors extracted using the centroid technique and a varimax rotation. Six factors satisfied selection criteria and were subsequently interpreted. Factor A, "bulimia as uncontrolled behavior", positions bulimia as a behavioral rather than psychological issue. Factor B, entitled "bulimia is a distressing mental illness", reflects an understanding of bulimic behaviors as a dysfunctional coping mechanism, which is often found in psychological literature. Other perspectives position bulimia as about "self-medicating with food" (Factor C), "the pathological pursuit of thinness" (Factor D), "being the best at being thin" (Factor E), or as "extreme behavior vs. mentally ill" (Factor F). These constructions have distinct implications for the subjective experience and behavior of those engaged in bulimic behaviors, with some constructions possibly being more useful in terms of help-seeking (Factor B), while others position these individuals in ways that may be distressing, for instance as shallow (Factor D) or to blame (Factor E). This

  15. Celiac disease diagnosed after uncomplicated pregnancy in a patient with history of bulimia nervosa. (United States)

    Milisavljević, Nemanja; Cvetković, Mirjana; Nikolić, Goran; Filipović, Branka; Milinić, Nikola


    The association between celiac disease and eating disorders has been very rarely reported. This is the first report on celiac disease associated with bulimia in this part of Europe. An adult female patient with history of bulimia and one uncomplicated pregnancy was admitted to the Gastroenterology Department, due to long lasting dyspeptic symptoms, constipation, major weight loss and fatigue. After positive serological screening, the diagnosis of celiac disease was confirmed with histopathology examination of duodenal biopsy specimen. Complicated interactions between celiac disease and bulimia can make them difficult to diagnose and treat. It is important to consider the presence of celiac disease in patients with bulimia and gastrointestinal symptoms.

  16. Reboxetina no tratamento da bulimia nervosa Reboxetine in the treatment of bulimia nervosa

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    Simone Mancini Castilho


    Full Text Available É vasta a literatura demonstrando a eficácia dos antidepressivos inibidores seletivos da recaptação de serotonina na Bulimia Nervosa, diminuindo a freqüência do comportamento alimentar compulsivo e dos vômitos. A boa resposta terapêutica aos agentes farmacológicos noradrenérgicos, como a desipramina e a reboxetina, embora menos encontrada na literatura, também já foi documentada. O presente relato de caso descreve o tratamento de uma paciente com Bulimia Nervosa utilizando-se reboxetina na dose de 4 a 8 mg ao dia. A resposta terapêutica vem confirmar os resultados favoráveis do uso desta droga no tratamento da Bulimia Nervosa.There is a substancial body of literature demonstrating the efficacy of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors antidepressants (SSRI in reducing binge eating and vomiting frequency in Bulimia Nervosa. Good therapeutic response to noradrenergic agents, like desipramine and reboxetine, though not frequently reported in literature, has already been demonstrated. This case report describes the treatment of Bulimia Nervosa with reboxetine (4 to 8 mg/day and its favorable therapeutic results.

  17. Percepção de familiares sobre a anorexia e bulimia: revisão sistemática Percepción de familiares sobre la anorexia y bulimia: revisión sistemática Family perception of anorexia and bulimia: a systematic review

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    Cybele Ribeiro Espíndola


    Full Text Available Realizou-se revisão sistemática da literatura publicada entre 1990 e 2006 com metodologia qualitativa sobre a perspectiva de familiares de pessoas com anorexia e bulimia nervosa. Após revisão crítica dos artigos e metassíntese, utilizou-se a abordagem meta-etnográfica para analisar e sintetizar os dados. O processo de interpretação empregado foi a reciprocal translation. Dentre 3.415 estudos, nove atenderam aos critérios de inclusão e exclusão. Dois conceitos emergiram: reconhecimento da doença e repercussões da doença. Na reorganização familiar, o sentimento de impotência foi predominante. Os resultados indicam a presença de distorções sobre os conceitos da doença associadas a um comprometimento familiar, que modifica a comunicação, atitudes e comportamentos dentro de um contexto de impotência.Se realizó revisión sistemática de la literatura publicada entre 1990 y 2006 con metodología cualitativa sobre la perspectiva de familiares de personas con anorexia y bulimia nerviosa. Posterior a la revisión crítica de los artículos y metasíntesis, se utilizó el abordaje meta-etnográfico para analizar y sintetizar los datos. El proceso de interpretación empleado fue el reciprocal translation. Entre 3.415 estudios, nueve atendieron a los criterios de inclusión y exclusión. Dos conceptos emergieron: reconocimiento de la enfermedad y repercusiones de la enfermedad. En la reorganización familiar, el sentimiento de impotencia fue predominante. Los resultados indican la presencia de distorsiones sobre los conceptos de la enfermedad asociados a un compromiso familiar, que modifica la comunicación, actitudes y comportamientos dentro de un contexto de impotencia.A systematic literature review published between 1990 and 2006 using a qualitative approach was conducted to explore family members' perception of anorexia and bulimia nervosa patients. Articles were critically reviewed and a meta-synthesis analysis was carried out

  18. Bulimia symptoms and other risk behaviors during pregnancy in women with bulimia nervosa. (United States)

    Crow, Scott J; Keel, Pamela K; Thuras, Paul; Mitchell, James E


    The current study examined the change in bulimic symptoms as well as alcohol, drug, and tobacco use during pregnancy in subjects with bulimia nervosa. A self-report questionnaire was used to collect retrospective data on eating disorder symptoms and substance use during pregnancy from 129 participants in a long-term study of bulimia nervosa. Follow-up data were collected for a total of 322 pregnancies occurring over a 10-15-year period. Overall, subjects reported that body dissatisfaction worsened, but binge eating and purging improved during pregnancy. However, the number of women completely abstinent from bulimic symptoms did not change significantly with pregnancy. Body esteem often worsened with pregnancy, particularly for women with active bulimia symptoms. Self-reported alcohol use significantly declined with pregnancy. In general, bulimia nervosa symptoms decreased during pregnancy, although the number of women completely abstinent did not change significantly.

  19. Adolescent Eating Disorder: Bulimia. (United States)

    Muuss, Rolf E.


    Defines bulimia and lists associated features of bulimia, physical side effects, and cognitive disturbances related to binging and purging. Asserts that bulimics resist treatment; but that such methods as cognitive, group, family, behavior, and drug therapy, and hospitalization appear promising. (Author/ABB)

  20. Celiac disease diagnosed after uncomplicated pregnancy in a patient with history of bulimia nervosa

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Milisavljević Nemanja


    Full Text Available Introduction. The association between celiac disease and eating disorders has been very rarely reported. This is the first report on celiac disease associated with bulimia in this part of Europe. Case report. An adult female patient with history of bulimia and one uncomplicated pregnancy was admitted to the Gastroenterology Department, due to long lasting dyspeptic symptoms, constipation, major weight loss and fatigue. After positive serological screening, the diagnosis of celiac disease was confirmed with histopathology examination of duodenal biopsy specimen. Conclusion. Complicated interactions between celiac disease and bulimia can make them difficult to diagnose and treat. It is important to consider the presence of celiac disease in patients with bulimia and gastrointestinal symptoms.

  1. [Bulimia during adolescence]. (United States)

    de Tournemire, R


    Binge eating, bulimia nervosa, binge eating disorder, anorexia-bulimia are terms often used without really knowing what precisely one is referring to. Otherwise, there are many articles concerning anorexia nervosa in medical literature, a disease, which can be seen and fascinates. These eating disorders are frequent in today's society; medical, psychological and social consequences are important. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.

  2. Impacto de una solución para el estudio de vías de conducción nerviosa en Morfofisiología III


    José Manuel Ruiz Medina; Alicia Ríos Carbonell; Gisela Trevín Fernández; Elnis Quiala Ballester; Vivian Santoya Varela


    Fundamento: las condiciones actuales en que se imparte la asignatura Morfofisiología III y el conocimiento de las dificultades históricas que existen para que los estudiantes logren la comprensión de las características morfofuncionales de las vías de conducción nerviosa hacen necesario buscar una solución. Objetivo: confeccionar un conjunto de medios que proporcione un recurso práctico para el estudio de las características morfofuncionales de las vías de conducción nerviosa y evaluar el imp...

  3. Bulimia Nervosa/Purging Disorder. (United States)

    Castillo, Marigold; Weiselberg, Eric


    Bulimia nervosa was first described in 1979 by British psychiatrist Gerald Russell as a "chronic phase of anorexia nervosa" in which patients overeat and then use compensatory mechanisms, such as self-induced vomiting, laxatives, or prolonged periods of starvation. The characterization of bulimia nervosa continues to evolve with the introduction of the DSM-5 in 2013. In this article, the epidemiology and risk factors of bulimia nervosa are identified and reviewed, along with the medical complications and psychiatric comorbidities. The evaluation of a patient with suspected bulimia nervosa is addressed, with an emphasis on acquiring a complete and thorough history as well as discovering any comorbidities that are present. Management of the patient involves both medical interventions and behavioral counseling in order to address physical, psychological, and social needs. Lastly, a new diagnosis introduced in the DSM-5, purging disorder, is described and discussed. Copyright © 2017 Mosby, Inc. All rights reserved.

  4. Medical complications of bulimia nervosa. (United States)

    Mehler, Philip S; O'Melia, Anne; Brown, Carrie; Gibson, Dennis; Hollis, Jeff; Westmoreland, Patricia


    Bulimia nervosa is a psychiatric disorder with many different medical sequelae. This article reviews the principal medical complications associated with bulimia nervosa, and emphasizes the importance of a timely approach to diagnosis and management.

  5. The Group Treatment of Bulimia. (United States)

    Weinstein, Harvey M.; Richman, Ann


    Bulimia has become an increasing problem in the college population. This article describes a group psychotherapeutic treatment approach to the problem. A theoretical formulation of the psychodynamics that may underlie the development of bulimia is offered. (Author/DF)

  6. Bulimia and Interpersonal Relationships: A Longitudinal Study. (United States)

    Thelen, Mark H.; And Others


    Assessed changes in bulimia in female college students (N=44) and in relation between bulimia and interpersonal relationships over time. Found (1) stable symptomology for normals and bulimics; (2) strong negative correlations between bulimia measures and interpersonal relationships with men; and (3) improvement in symptomology and relationships…

  7. Texto y figuras preparatorios del Capítulo 6 (Tomo I) de la Histología del Sistema Nervioso de Cajal: ESTRUCTURA DE LA CÉLULA NERVIOSA.


    Freire, Miguel


    ESTRUCTURA DE LA CÉLULA NERVIOSA. Membrana celular y red pericelular. ─ Protoplasma (aparato tubular, espongioplasma, grumos cromáticos, espacios lagunares y jugo celular, red neurofibrilar, granulaciones de Altmann y Held, pigmento y centrosoma). ─ Estructura del axon y de las expansiones protoplásmicas. ─ Núcleo (membrana, red cromática, red de linina, bastoncillo intranuclear, jugo nuclear y nucleolo). ─ Estructura comparada de la célula nerviosa. Inducciones fisiológicas de la estructu...

  8. Physiological Bases of Bulimia, and Antidepressant Treatment. (United States)

    Getzfeld, Andrew R.

    This paper reviews the literature on the physiological causes of bulimia and investigates the rationale behind the usage of antidepressant medication in the treatment of bulimia nervosa. No definite conclusions can be stated regarding the physiology of bulimia, but a number of hypotheses are suggested. It appears that the hypothalamus is involved…

  9. Efecto de la realimentación en la composición corporal de mujeres con anorexia nerviosa restrictiva: antropometría frente a impedancia bioeléctrica


    Beatriz de Mateo Silleras; Paz Redondo del Río; Alicia Camina Martín; María Soto Célix; Sara R. Alonso Torre; Alberto Miján de la Torre


    Producción Científica Evaluar la composición corporal en un grupo de pacientes desnutridas con anorexia nerviosa, respecto de controles sanas, antes y después del soporte nutricional, mediante antropometría y bioimpedancia. Métodos: Estudio observacional prospectivo. Se realizó una antropometría completa y un análisis de bioimpedancia a 12 mujeres con anorexia nerviosa restrictiva (24,5 años) al ingreso hospitalario y semanalmente durante la realimentación. El grupo control estuvo formado ...

  10. Using the Health Belief Model for Bulimia Prevention. (United States)

    Grodner, Michele


    Discusses application of the Health Belief Model to the prevention of bulimia, describing each model component. The article considers the individual's beliefs about bulimia and bulimic-like behaviors as a means of predicting the likelihood of behavior change to prevent clinically diagnosable bulimia. (SM)

  11. Medical Complications of Anorexia Nervosa and Bulimia. (United States)

    Westmoreland, Patricia; Krantz, Mori J; Mehler, Philip S


    Anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa are serious psychiatric illnesses related to disordered eating and distorted body images. They both have significant medical complications associated with the weight loss and malnutrition of anorexia nervosa, as well as from the purging behaviors that characterize bulimia nervosa. No body system is spared from the adverse sequelae of these illnesses, especially as anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa become more severe and chronic. We review the medical complications that are associated with anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa, as well as the treatment for the complications. We also discuss the epidemiology and psychiatric comorbidities of these eating disorders. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  12. Epidemiology of anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa in Bornholm County, Denmark, 1970-1989

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Pagsberg, A K; Wang, A R


    In a retrospective study of anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa, potential cases were traced, studied, and diagnosed according to ICD-10. Forty-two cases were found in Bornholm County, comprising the island of Bornholm in Denmark, in a population of 47,000 from 1970 to 1989. Less than half...... the number of cases in the population year by year, also increased during the late part of the study period. In 1989 the incidence rate of the high-risk group of females 10 to 24 years of age was 136 per 100,000 for anorexia nervosa and 45 per 100,000 for bulimia nervosa, and the prevalence rate was 222 per...... 100,000 for anorexia nervosa and 89 per 100,000 for bulimia nervosa....

  13. Valoración nutricional de niños y adolescentes ingresados por anorexia nerviosa


    Caballero Sanz, Irene; Brito García Sousa Ferro, Inês de


    La anorexia nerviosa es el trastorno de la conducta alimentaria más prevalente en niños y adolecentes, y su tratamiento es largo y complejo, precisando de un equipo multidisciplinario. La rehabilitación nutricional y el restablecimiento del peso corporal saludable es uno de los objetivos más importantes en las primeras fases del tratamiento del paciente ingresado. Sin embargo, las recomendaciones actuales sobre las necesidades energéticas iniciales de los pacientes son inconsistentes, con una...

  14. Bulimia from a gynecological view: hormonal changes. (United States)

    Resch, M; Szendei, G; Haász, P


    Gynecological problems are one of the most frequent somatic complications of eating disorders. The purpose of the present study was to assess the role of improper eating habits in the aetiology of menstrual disturbances, anovulation and hormonal related changes. Bulimia nervosa is the focus of attention since amenorrhea is considered a diagnostic criterium in anorexia nervosa. Subjects of the BITE (Bulimia Investigation Test, Edinburgh) test who were infertile were studied (n = 58) In the studied population there were 6 cases of clinical and 8 cases of subclinical bulimia nervosa. Symptoms and severity subscales of the BITE test significantly correlated with body mass index (p = 0.003). All 14 patients suffering from clinical and subclinical bulimia nervosa had pathologically low FSH and LH hormone levels. In those with clinical bulimia nervosa (n = 6) we diagnosed 4 cases of multicystic ovary (MCO) and in the eating disorder not otherwise specified (EDNOS) group (n = 22) there were 2 cases of MCO and 5 cases of polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). The results suggest that unsatisfactory nutrition (binges and "crash diet") in bulimia nervosa results in hormonal dysfunction, menstrual disturbances and infertility. The authors question the necessity for immediately estrogen replacement: they consider the reversibility of the hormonal status by early treatment of eating disorders is more appropriate. Excessive use of hormonal contraceptives in therapy has to be questioned.

  15. Anorexia nerviosa: características y síntomas

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    Martha Bravo Rodríguez


    Full Text Available Se realiza una revisión clínica del síndrome anorexia nerviosa, con énfasis en su concepto, desarrollo y cuadro clínico. Se tiene en cuenta que es un trastorno que se presenta habitualmente en adolescentes sin obesidad acusada, sólo con un discreto sobrepeso. Estudios realizados muestran significativa relación entre los síntomas y el funcionamiento interpersonal de los adolescentes anoréxicos, pues estos tienden al aislamiento o buscan la compañía de muchachos más jóvenes. También son características de este cuadro los trastornos obsesivos-compulsivos que se relacionan o no con la comida. La restricción dietética conlleva a cambios biológicos y físicos importantes, y se destaca la alteración del sistema hipotalámico y endocrino, que da lugar a la aparición de signos y síntomas como la amenorrea, intolerancia al frío e hipotensión, entre otros. Los cambios neuroquímicos presentes en la anorexia nerviosa también se han atribuido a la desnutrición, y es probable que puedan perpetuar las alteraciones conductuales.A clinical review of the syndrome of anorexia nervosa is made, giving emphasis to its concept, development and clinical picture. It is a disorder that appears commonly in adolescents without an exaggerated obesity and with just a discrete overweight. Studies have been conducted that show a significant relation between the symptoms and the interpersonal functioning of the anorexic adolescents, since they tend to be isolated or to be accompanied by younger persons. The obesive compulsive disorders associated or not with food are also characterisitcs of this picture. The restricted diet leads to important biological and physical changes, among which the alteration of the hypothalamic and endocrine system, which gives rise to the appareance of signs and symptoms such as amenorrhea, intolerance to cold and hypotension, is stressed. The neurochemical changes present in anorexia nervosa have also been attributed to

  16. Subclinical bulimia predicts conduct disorder in middle adolescent girls. (United States)

    Viinamäki, Anni; Marttunen, Mauri; Fröjd, Sari; Ruuska, Jaana; Kaltiala-Heino, Riittakerttu


    This study investigates the comorbidity and longitudinal associations between self-reported conduct disorder and subclinical bulimia in a community-based sample of Finnish adolescents in a 2-year prospective follow-up study. There are 2070 adolescents who participated in the survey as ninth graders (mean age 15.5) and followed-up 2 years later. The Youth Self-Report Externalizing scale was used to measure conduct disorder and DSM-IV-based questionnaire to measure bulimia. Co-occurrence of female conduct disorder and subclinical bulimia was found at ages 15 and 17. Subclinical bulimia among girls at age 15 was a risk factor for conduct disorder at age 17, but conduct disorder at age 15 was not predictive of subclinical bulimia at age 17. The pathway from bulimia to conduct disorder may be suggestive of an association with future borderline personality disorder among girls. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and Eating Disorders Association.

  17. Anorexia Nervosa/Bulimia: The Teenager's Dilemma. (United States)

    Thompson, G. Sue

    Anorexia nervosa and bulimia are currently being studied with great intensity by the medical profession. Anorexia nervosa was first described in the medical literature in 1868, but was considered a rarity until the late 1930's. Bulimia was not identified in the medical literature until 1979. Recent studies suggest that approximately five percent…

  18. Aspectos clínicos del trastorno por atracón o "binge eating disorder".


    Juan A Guisado Macías; Francisco J Vaz Leal


    El trastorno por atracón es un nuevo trastorno alimentario que consiste en episodios repetidos de atracones de comida sin realizar mecanismos compensatorios para evitar ganar peso, como ocurre en la bulimia nerviosa. Analizamos las características clínicas (conducta alimentaria, psicopatología e imagen corporal), instrumentos de medida y tratamiento para el manejo del trastorno por atracón

  19. The Life with Anorexia and Bulimia Nervosa


    Licková, Gabriela


    The Life with Anorexia and Bulimia Nervosa The Bachelor's thesis deals with problems of eating disordes. This work is focused on the manifestations of the illness and feelings of the women who are suffering from this disorder. The research part of the thesis is focused on the means the women use for fighting with this illness, how they deal with it and what helps them to manage the manifestations of the illness.

  20. Fad Bulimia: A Serious and Separate Counseling Issue. (United States)

    Cesari, Joan P.


    Differences between fad bulimia and clinical bulimia are presented using Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-III) criteria, personality assessment measures, and responses to counseling. (Author)

  1. Body and Bulimia Revisited: Reflections on "A Secret Life" (United States)

    Tillmann, Lisa M.


    In 1996, the author published "A Secret Life in a Culture of Thinness: Reflections on Body, Food, and Bulimia" (Tillmann-Healy, 1996), an account of her struggle with binging and purging from ages 15 to 25. She came to understand bulimia as a communicative act, expressing fear, anxiety, and grief. From 25 to 35, her recovery from bulimia involved…

  2. Un estudio sobre personalidad, ansiedad y depresión en padres de pacientes con un trastorno alimentario

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Íñigo Ochoa de Alda


    Full Text Available Objetivo: estudiar la personalidad, ansiedad y depresión en padres de pacientes con un trastorno alimentario (TA y un grupo control. Método: una muestra de 100 familias (padre, madre e hija cuyas hijas presentaban un TA según criterios diagnósticos del DSM-IV [32 con anorexia nerviosa restrictiva, 31 con anorexia nerviosa bulímica y 37 con bulimia nerviosa] y un grupo control formado por 90 familias, fue evaluada con el Eysenck Personality Questionnaire, el Beck Depression Inventory y la Self-Rating Anxiety Scale. Resultados: ambos padres presentan puntuaciones superiores en ansiedad, depresión, neuroticismo y psicoticismo. Discusión: estos resultados pueden estar asociados a la carga familiar, aunque también pueden ser previos a la patología de la hija y jugar algún papel etiológico en la misma. En ambas posibilidades el tratamiento en los TA podría verse mejorado con intervenciones sobre la carga familiar y las características de personalidad de los padres.

  3. Understanding Eating Disorders, Anorexia, Bulimia, and Binge-Eating (United States)

    ... Javascript on. Photo: iStock Eating disorders, such as anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, and binge eating , are among ... There are three main types of eating disorders: anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, and binge-eating disorder. People ...

  4. Prevalencia de trastornos del comportamiento alimentario (T.C.A en estudiantes de bachillerato.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Luis Alberto Ángel


    Full Text Available Antecedentes. El manual para estadística de diagnósticos en psiquiatría de la Asociación Americana de Psiquiatría, reconoce que existen varios tipos de trastornos mentales relacionados con la comida y que comparten entre ellos una intensa preocupación por el peso, los alimentos y las alteraciones de la figura corporal. La categoría diagnóstica se llama trastornos del apetito, pero es más preciso denominarlos como trastornos del comportamiento alimentario y se subdividen en anorexia nerviosa, bulimia nerviosa y los trastornos no especificados. Objetivos. Determinar la prevalencia de los trastornos de comportamiento alimentario en escolares de Bogotá y Sogamoso, su relación con estados de depresión, ansiedad, estrato socioeconómico y utilidad de la encuesta de comportamiento alimentario. Material y métodos. Los alumnos de secundaria de siete colegios que aceptaron participar, respondieron la encuesta de comportamiento alimentario. Aquellos con puntuación mayor que 22 y a un número equivalente y aleatorio con puntuación menor que 23 fueron reencuestados y entrevistados para diagnóstico de trastornos de comportamiento alimentario. Todos respondieron encuestas de depresión, ansiedad y test de figura corporal. Resultados. Se encuestaron 2770 escolares, 708 se reencuestaron y entrevistaron, con prevalencia de anorexia nerviosa de 0.28 por ciento, bulimia nerviosa 3.25 por ciento y trastornos de comportamiento alimentario no especificados 33.6 por ciento. Los escolares con trastornos de comportamiento alimentario tuvieron puntuaciones mayores de ansiedad como rasgo y mayor deseo de bajar de peso. No hubo diferencias por estrato socioeconómico. Conclusiones. La prevalencia de trastornos de comportamiento alimentario en escolares son acordes con la literatura sin diferencias por estrato pero con rasgos de ansiedad mayores. La encuesta de comportamiento alimentario es útil para tamización de trastornos de comportamiento alimentario.

  5. Bulimia: A Self-Psychological and Ego-Developmental View. (United States)

    Brenner-Liss, Deborah


    Discusses key clinical issues in the treatment of bulimia with clinical examples from a self-psychological and ego-developmental point of view. Identifies three developmental issues for bulimia: self-regulatory, differentiation, and self-esteem. (Author/ABB)

  6. Treating Women with Bulimia from a Sociocultural Perspective. (United States)

    Hotelling, Kathy


    Outlines a sociocultural perspective of bulimia. Notes that since bulimia occurs in a sociocultural context, which includes a socialized developmental path with concomittant norms and values, effective treatment must address those norms and values. Recommends group therapy. (ABB)

  7. Group Work for Bulimia: A Review of Outcomes. (United States)

    Zimpfer, David G.


    Reviews descriptive and experimental research relating to the eating disorder known as bulimia nervosa. Reviews outcome studies of group treatment of bulimia to examine the effectiveness of group intervention. Provides recommendations for practice and future research. (Author/PVV)

  8. Bulimia: Estimate of Incidence and Relationship of Shyness. (United States)

    Segal, Shirley Ann; Figley, Charles R.


    Surveyed 160 college women to examine the incidence of bulimia and its relationship to shyness. Results indicated 23 percent of the participants were bulimic. A significant relationship was found between bulimia and fear of rejection (private shyness). (JAC)

  9. A propósito de un caso de malnutrición muy extrema en una paciente que presenta Anorexia Nerviosa Restrictiva de larga evolución y no recibía tratamiento


    Pelegrina Cortés, Beatriz; Guillén Sacoto, María Augusta; Palma Milla, Samara; Lisbona Catalán, Arturo; Martín Fuentes, María; Gómez-Candela, Carmen


    La anorexia nerviosa es un trastorno de la conducta alimentaria que con frecuencia ocasiona malnutrición y asocia riesgo de mortalidad. Requiere la colaboración de un equipo multidisciplinar con amplia experiencia clínica para obtener óptimos resultados, una exitosa educación nutricional y evitar el síndrome de realimentación. El caso que se presenta constituye la malnutrición más severa secundaria a anorexia nerviosa que hemos tratado en nuestra unidad: una paciente de 33 años con IMC de 8.8...

  10. Neural signature of behavioural inhibition in women with bulimia nervosa. (United States)

    Skunde, Mandy; Walther, Stephan; Simon, Joe J; Wu, Mudan; Bendszus, Martin; Herzog, Wolfgang; Friederich, Hans-Christoph


    Impaired inhibitory control is considered a behavioural phenotype in patients with bulimia nervosa. However, the underlying neural correlates of impaired general and food-specific behavioural inhibition are largely unknown. Therefore, we investigated brain activation during the performance of behavioural inhibition to general and food-related stimuli in adults with bulimia nervosa. Women with bulimia and healthy control women underwent event-related fMRI while performing a general and a food-specific no-go task. We included 28 women with bulimia nervosa and 29 healthy control women in our study. On a neuronal level, we observed significant group differences in response to general no-go stimuli in women with bulimia nervosa with high symptom severity; compared with healthy controls, the patients showed reduced activation in the right sensorimotor area (postcentral gyrus, precentral gyrus) and right dorsal striatum (caudate nucleus, putamen). The present results are limited to adult women with bulimia nervosa. Furthermore, it remains unclear whether impaired behavioural inhibition in patients with this disorder are a cause or consequence of chronic illness. Our findings suggest that diminished frontostriatal brain activation in patients with bulimia nervosa contribute to the severity of binge eating symptoms. Gaining further insight into the neural mechanisms of behavioural inhibition problems in individuals with this disorder may inform brain-directed treatment approaches and the development of response inhibition training approaches to improve inhibitory control in patients with bulimia nervosa. The present study does not support greater behavioural and neural impairments to food-specific behavioural inhibition in these patients.

  11. Neural signature of behavioural inhibition in women with bulimia nervosa (United States)

    Skunde, Mandy; Walther, Stephan; Simon, Joe J.; Wu, Mudan; Bendszus, Martin; Herzog, Wolfgang; Friederich, Hans-Christoph


    Background Impaired inhibitory control is considered a behavioural phenotype in patients with bulimia nervosa. However, the underlying neural correlates of impaired general and food-specific behavioural inhibition are largely unknown. Therefore, we investigated brain activation during the performance of behavioural inhibition to general and food-related stimuli in adults with bulimia nervosa. Methods Women with bulimia and healthy control women underwent event-related fMRI while performing a general and a food-specific no-go task. Results We included 28 women with bulimia nervosa and 29 healthy control women in our study. On a neuronal level, we observed significant group differences in response to general no-go stimuli in women with bulimia nervosa with high symptom severity; compared with healthy controls, the patients showed reduced activation in the right sensorimotor area (postcentral gyrus, precentral gyrus) and right dorsal striatum (caudate nucleus, putamen). Limitations The present results are limited to adult women with bulimia nervosa. Furthermore, it remains unclear whether impaired behavioural inhibition in patients with this disorder are a cause or consequence of chronic illness. Conclusion Our findings suggest that diminished frontostriatal brain activation in patients with bulimia nervosa contribute to the severity of binge eating symptoms. Gaining further insight into the neural mechanisms of behavioural inhibition problems in individuals with this disorder may inform brain-directed treatment approaches and the development of response inhibition training approaches to improve inhibitory control in patients with bulimia nervosa. The present study does not support greater behavioural and neural impairments to food-specific behavioural inhibition in these patients. PMID:27575858

  12. Assertiveness in Women Reporting Symptoms of Bulimia. (United States)

    Ruhl, Berenice; McCanne, Thomas R.

    It has been suggested that a lack of assertiveness may be an important component of the psychological make-up of bulimic women, and that bulimic women may experience particular difficulties in asserting themselves in interactions with men. In this study, 23 women reporting the symptoms of bulimia by high scores on the Bulimia Test (BULIT) and 21…

  13. Incidence and outcomes of bulimia nervosa : a nationwide population-based study

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Keski-Rahkonen, A.; Hoek, H. W.; Linna, M. S.; Raevuori, A.; Sihvola, E.; Bulik, C. M.; Rissanen, A.; Kaprio, J.

    Background. Little is known about the epidemiology of bulimia nervosa outside clinical settings. We report the incidence, prevalence and outcomes of bulimia nervosa using for the first time a nationwide Study design. Method. To assess the incidence and natural course and outcomes of DSM-IV bulimia

  14. Lowered serum dipeptidyl peptidase IV activity in patients with anorexia and bulimia nervosa. (United States)

    van West, D; Monteleone, P; Di Lieto, A; De Meester, I; Durinx, C; Scharpe, S; Lin, A; Maj, M; Maes, M


    The aim of this study was to examine whether anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa are accompanied by lower serum activity of dipeptidyl peptidase IV (DPP IV, EC, a membrane-bound serine protease that catalyses the cleavage of dipeptides from the amino-terminus of oligo- and polypeptides. Substrates of DPP IV are, amongst others, neuroactive eptides, such as substance P, growth hormone releasing hormone, neuropeptide Y, and peptide YY. DPP IV activity was measured in the serum of 21 women with anorexia nervosa, 21 women with bulimia nervosa and 18 normal women. Serum DPP IV activity was significantly lower in patients with anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa than in the normal controls. In the total study group, there were significant and inverse relationships between serum DPP IV activity and the total scores on the Bulimic Investigatory Test, Edinburgh, the Eating Disorder Inventory (EDI) and the Hamilton Depression Rating Scale. In the total study group no significant correlations between DPP IV and age, body weight or body mass index could be found. It is concluded that lowered serum DPP IV activity takes part in the pathophysiology of anorexia and bulimia nervosa. It is hypothesised that a combined dysregulation of DPP IV and neuroactive peptides, which are substrates of DPP IV, e.g. neuropeptide Y and peptide YY, could be an integral component of eating disorders.

  15. Bulimia nervosa: revisão da literatura Bulimia nervosa: literature review

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rita Aparecida Romaro


    Full Text Available O presente estudo objetivou revisar a produção científica referente à bulimia nervosa, classificando-a em três dimensões de análise: países relacionados à pesquisa na área; periódicos de indexação; delineamentos e objetivos da pesquisa. A amostra foi composta de 200 abstracts de periódicos indexados nas bases de dados LILACS e MEDLINE, entre 1986 e outubro/2000, utilizando-se o descritor bulimia nervosa. Os Estados Unidos (43,5% e o Brasil (12,5% são os países com maior número de publicações. Os artigos estão distribuídos em 100 periódicos diferentes. O delineamento empírico predominou (75%, com destaque para o procedimento de comparação de grupos (63,5%, com a população adulta, predominado os estudos referentes às questões diagnósticas (24%, psicodinâmicas (21,5% e aos aspectos ligados ao tratamento (17%. Os dados encontrados sugerem um interesse crescente pelo assunto nos dois últimos anos, provavelmente pela maior incidência da doença, necessitando-se de mais pesquisas que associem as influências sociais e os aspectos preventivos.The aim of this paper was to revise the scientific production related to bulimia nervosa. It was classified in three dimensions of analysis: countries related to research in the area; indexed publications and designs and aims of the research. The sample comprised 200 abstracts of publications indexed in the LILACS and MEDLINE databases, between 1986 and october/2000, using the key word bulimia nervosa. The United States (43,5% and Brazil (12,5% are the countries having the largest number of publications. The articles are distributed among 100 different journals. The empirical design predominated (75%, with a greater emphasis on the procedure of group comparisons (63,5%, with adult population. Studies on diagnosis issues (24% psychodynamic issues (21,5% and aspects linked to treatment (17%. The data found suggest an increasing interest in the subject over the past two years, probably

  16. The Treatment of Anorexia Nervosa and Bulimia: A Multidimensional Group Approach. (United States)

    Richards, P. Scott

    This paper defines the eating disorders of anorexia nervosa, bulimia, and bulimia nervosa, a bulimic subtype of anorexia nervosa. The diagnosis of these disorders is discussed and similarities and differences among the three disorders are reviewed. Etiological factors are considered and current trends in treatment of anorexia nervosa, bulimia, and…

  17. Development and Validation of a Test for Bulimia. (United States)

    Smith, Marcia C.; Thelen, Mark H.


    Developed the Bulimia Test (BULIT) based on responses of clinically identified females (N=18) and normal female college students (N=119) to preliminary test items. Results showed that the BULIT provided an objective, reliable, and valid measure by which to identify individuals with symptoms of bulimia. (Instrument is appended.) (LLL)

  18. Altered intrinsic functional brain architecture in female patients with bulimia nervosa. (United States)

    Wang, Li; Kong, Qing-Mei; Li, Ke; Li, Xue-Ni; Zeng, Ya-Wei; Chen, Chao; Qian, Ying; Feng, Shi-Jie; Li, Ji-Tao; Su, Yun'Ai; Correll, Christoph U; Mitchell, Philip B; Yan, Chao-Gan; Zhang, Da-Rong; Si, Tian-Mei


    Bulimia nervosa is a severe psychiatric syndrome with uncertain pathogenesis. Neural systems involved in sensorimotor and visual processing, reward and impulsive control may contribute to the binge eating and purging behaviours characterizing bulimia nervosa. However, little is known about the alterations of functional organization of whole brain networks in individuals with this disorder. We used resting-state functional MRI and graph theory to characterize functional brain networks of unmedicated women with bulimia nervosa and healthy women. We included 44 unmedicated women with bulimia nervosa and 44 healthy women in our analyses. Women with bulimia nervosa showed increased clustering coefficient and path length compared with control women. The nodal strength in patients with the disorder was higher in the sensorimotor and visual regions as well as the precuneus, but lower in several subcortical regions, such as the hippocampus, parahippocampal gyrus and orbitofrontal cortex. Patients also showed hyperconnectivity primarily involving sensorimotor and unimodal visual association regions, but hypoconnectivity involving subcortical (striatum, thalamus), limbic (amygdala, hippocampus) and paralimbic (orbitofrontal cortex, parahippocampal gyrus) regions. The topological aberrations correlated significantly with scores of bulimia and drive for thinness and with body mass index. We reruited patients with only acute bulimia nervosa, so it is unclear whether the topological abnormalities comprise vulnerability markers for the disorder developing or the changes associated with illness state. Our findings show altered intrinsic functional brain architecture, specifically abnormal global and local efficiency, as well as nodal- and network-level connectivity across sensorimotor, visual, subcortical and limbic systems in women with bulimia nervosa, suggesting that it is a disorder of dysfunctional integration among large-scale distributed brain regions. These abnormalities

  19. Psychosocial factors associated with broadly defined bulimia nervosa during early pregnancy: findings from the Norwegian Mother and Child Cohort Study. (United States)

    Knoph Berg, Cecilie; Bulik, Cynthia M; Von Holle, Ann; Torgersen, Leila; Hamer, Robert; Sullivan, Patrick; Reichborn-Kjennerud, Ted


    The purpose of the present study was to investigate the relationship between psychosocial characteristics and broadly defined bulimia nervosa during early pregnancy, including factors associated with continuation, incidence and remission. A total of 41 157 women completed questionnaires at approximately gestation week 18, including items on eating disorders and psychosocial characteristics as a part of Norwegian Mother and Child Cohort Study conducted by the Norwegian Institute of Public Health. Incident bulimia nervosa during the first trimester was significantly associated with symptoms of anxiety and depression and low self-esteem and life satisfaction, whereas remission was significantly associated with higher self-esteem and life satisfaction. Continuation was not significantly related to any of the psychosocial variables tested. Onset of bulimia nervosa during pregnancy is associated with mood and anxiety symptoms. Remission of bulimic symptoms and new onset of bulimia nervosa are associated with opposite profiles of self-esteem, and life satisfaction measures.

  20. Increased mortality in bulimia nervosa and other eating disorders. (United States)

    Crow, Scott J; Peterson, Carol B; Swanson, Sonja A; Raymond, Nancy C; Specker, Sheila; Eckert, Elke D; Mitchell, James E


    Anorexia nervosa has been consistently associated with increased mortality, but whether this is true for other types of eating disorders is unclear. The goal of this study was to determine whether anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, and eating disorder not otherwise specified are associated with increased all-cause mortality or suicide mortality. Using computerized record linkage to the National Death Index, the authors conducted a longitudinal assessment of mortality over 8 to 25 years in 1,885 individuals with anorexia nervosa (N=177), bulimia nervosa (N=906), or eating disorder not otherwise specified (N=802) who presented for treatment at a specialized eating disorders clinic in an academic medical center. Crude mortality rates were 4.0% for anorexia nervosa, 3.9% for bulimia nervosa, and 5.2% for eating disorder not otherwise specified. All-cause standardized mortality ratios were significantly elevated for bulimia nervosa and eating disorder not otherwise specified; suicide standardized mortality ratios were elevated for bulimia nervosa and eating disorder not otherwise specified. Individuals with eating disorder not otherwise specified, which is sometimes viewed as a "less severe" eating disorder, had elevated mortality risks, similar to those found in anorexia nervosa. This study also demonstrated an increased risk of suicide across eating disorder diagnoses.

  1. Personality Dimensions in Bulimia Nervosa, Binge Eating Disorder, and Obesity (United States)

    Peterson, Carol B.; Thuras, Paul; Ackard, Diann M.; Mitchell, James E.; Berg, Kelly; Sandager, Nora; Wonderlich, Stephen A.; Pederson, Melissa W.; Crow, Scott J.


    Objective The purpose of this investigation was to examine differences in personality dimensions among individuals with bulimia nervosa, binge eating disorder, non-binge eating obesity and a normal weight comparison group as well as to determine the extent to which these differences were independent of self-reported depressive symptoms. Method Personality dimensions were assessed using the Multidimensional Personality Questionnaire in 36 patients with bulimia nervosa, 54 patients with binge eating disorder, 30 obese individuals who did not binge eat, and 77 normal weight comparison participants. Results Participants with bulimia nervosa reported higher scores on measures of stress reaction and negative emotionality compared to the other three groups, and lower well-being scores compared to the normal weight comparison and the obese samples. Patients with binge eating disorder scored lower on well-being and higher on harm avoidance than the normal weight comparison group. In addition, the bulimia nervosa and binge eating disorder groups scored lower than the normal weight group on positive emotionality. When personality dimensions were re-analyzed using depression as a covariate, only stress reaction remained higher in the bulimia nervosa group compared to the other three groups and harm avoidance remained higher in the binge eating disorder than the normal weight comparison group. Conclusions The higher levels of stress reaction in the bulimia nervosa sample and harm avoidance in the binge eating disorder sample after controlling for depression indicate that these personality dimensions are potentially important in the etiology, maintenance, and treatment of these eating disorders. Although the extent to which observed group differences in well-being, positive emotionality and negative emotionality reflect personality traits, mood disorders, or both is unclear, these features clearly warrant further examination in understanding and treating bulimia nervosa and

  2. Personality dimensions in bulimia nervosa, binge eating disorder, and obesity. (United States)

    Peterson, Carol B; Thuras, Paul; Ackard, Diann M; Mitchell, James E; Berg, Kelly; Sandager, Nora; Wonderlich, Stephen A; Pederson, Melissa W; Crow, Scott J


    The purpose of this investigation was to examine differences in personality dimensions among individuals with bulimia nervosa, binge eating disorder, non-binge eating obesity, and a normal-weight comparison group as well as to determine the extent to which these differences were independent of self-reported depressive symptoms. Personality dimensions were assessed using the Multidimensional Personality Questionnaire in 36 patients with bulimia nervosa, 54 patients with binge eating disorder, 30 obese individuals who did not binge eat, and 77 normal-weight comparison participants. Participants with bulimia nervosa reported higher scores on measures of stress reaction and negative emotionality compared to the other 3 groups and lower well-being scores compared to the normal-weight comparison and the obese samples. Patients with binge eating disorder scored lower on well-being and higher on harm avoidance than the normal-weight comparison group. In addition, the bulimia nervosa and binge eating disorder groups scored lower than the normal-weight group on positive emotionality. When personality dimensions were reanalyzed using depression as a covariate, only stress reaction remained higher in the bulimia nervosa group compared to the other 3 groups and harm avoidance remained higher in the binge eating disorder than the normal-weight comparison group. The higher levels of stress reaction in the bulimia nervosa sample and harm avoidance in the binge eating disorder sample after controlling for depression indicate that these personality dimensions are potentially important in the etiology, maintenance, and treatment of these eating disorders. Although the extent to which observed group differences in well-being, positive emotionality, and negative emotionality reflect personality traits, mood disorders, or both, is unclear, these features clearly warrant further examination in understanding and treating bulimia nervosa and binge eating disorder.

  3. Bulimia: Issues a University Counseling Center Needs To Address. (United States)

    Whitner, Phillip A.; Shetterly, Arminta

    The eating disorder known as bulimia is a relatively new and baffling phenomenon. This paper raises questions that college and university counseling center professionals need to address regarding this phenomenon. The first section focuses on defining the term "bulimia" and its evolution. The second section identifies numerous symptoms that need to…

  4. Cognitive specificity in the treatment of Bulimia nervosa



    M.A. (Clinical Psychology) The relatively rapid development of cognitive-behavioural approaches to various psychological conditions, has prompted clinicians and researchers to investigate the effects of this therapeutic modality on Bulimia Nervosa sufferers more closely. Research has evidenced the complexity and uniqueness of this disorder and much speculation still remains with regard to the etiology, description and treatment of Bulimia. Of the various treatments proposed, the cognitive~...

  5. Using latent growth curve modeling in clinical treatment research: An example comparing guided self-change and cognitive behavioral therapy treatments for bulimia nervosa

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    Sam A. Hardy


    Full Text Available Este estudio experimental muestra la utilidad de los modelos multigrupo de curva de crecimiento latente por etapas en investigación clínica, concretamente en la evaluación y comparación de los efectos de tratamiento. Sesenta y dos pacientes femeninas (media de edad = 28,1; DT = 8 con bulimia nerviosa fueron asignadas al azar a: a un auto-tratamiento guiado compuesto por un manual de autocuidados más ocho sesiones quincenales de terapia cognitivo conductual (TCC, o b a 16 sesiones semanales de terapia cognitivo conductual (TCC. Ambos grupos mostraron mejorías significativas durante el tratamiento, aunque la TCC mostró mayor mejoría. Sin embargo, el tratamiento auto-guiado evidenció una mejoría más continuada después del tratamiento. Ambos programas mostraron variabilidad en la eficacia durante el tratamiento al menos en un resultado, mientras que el auto-tratamiento mostró una mayor variabilidad que la TCC durante el seguimiento en dos resultados. Los niveles de la línea de base estaban relacionados con los niveles en el seguimiento, particularmente en el tratamiento auto-guiado. Los modelos de curva latente ofrecen un análisis rico de estos datos y resuelven importantes cuestiones sobre las diferencias en la efectividad de los dos programas de tratamiento.

  6. Anorexia Nervosa and Bulimia. (United States)

    Csapo, Marg


    The article reviews the literature on anorexia nervosa, with or without bulimia, and presents a comprehensive picture of this eating disorder, focusing on terminology, historical references, prevalence, prognosis, classification, diagnostic criteria, physical and psychological characteristics, evolution of the disability, etiology, treatment, and…

  7. Choosing Assessment Instruments for Bulimia Practice and Outcome Research (United States)

    Sandberg, Katie; Erford, Bradley T.


    Six commonly used instruments for assessment of eating disorders were analyzed. Effect size results from Erford et al.'s (2013) meta-analysis for the treatment of bulimia nervosa were used to compare each scale's ability to measure treatment outcomes for bulimia nervosa. Effect size comparisons indicated higher overall effect sizes using the…

  8. Adolescent Eating Disorders: Anorexia and Bulimia. Publication 352-004. (United States)

    Bayer, Alan E.; Baker, Daniel H.

    This document presents an overview of anorexia nervosa and bulimia in adolescents. A brief review of the historical background of these eating disorders is included. Causes of anorexia and bulimia are discussed and physical, behavioral, emotional, and perceptual characteristics of the disorders are listed in a section on symptoms. The need for a…

  9. The School Counselor and Bulimia. (United States)

    Hendrick, Susan S.


    Describes the symptoms, outcome, etiology and treatment for bulimia. Discusses the school counselor's role regarding prevention and intervention with bulimic students, and suggests individual counseling techniques to use with bulimics. (BH)

  10. Atypical bulimia nervosa in a male patient of rural north-east India

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    Manabendra Makhal


    Full Text Available Eating disorders such as bulimia nervosa rarely seem to manifest in males from non-Western cultures like India, but occur infrequently in milder forms with fewer symptoms as atypical bulimia nervosa. This report describes a male case of bulimia nervosa from rural area of India presenting with atypical features. He was treated successfully with fluoxetine and cognitive behavioural therapy.

  11. Prevalencia de la población de riesgo para anorexia nerviosa en el alumnado de Educación secundaria obligatoria de la provincia de Jaén. Especial atención al uso excesivo


    Rodríguez Marín, Inmaculada; Zagalaz Sánchez, Dra. María Luisa; Martínez López, Dr. Emilio J.


    La anorexia nerviosa es un trastorno de la conducta alimentaria que en los últimos años ha sensibilizado a la opinión pública y empieza a hacerlo con la política educativa. Actualmente se reconoce y acepta la naturaleza multicausal de la anorexia nerviosa. Es por ello que la tesis doctoral realizada conexiona la psicología con la educación, y más concretamente con la Educación Física, dado el interés que la práctica de ejercicio físico para perder peso presenta entre el alumnado de educación ...

  12. The relationship between Internet addiction and bulimia in a sample of Chinese college students: depression as partial mediator between Internet addiction and bulimia. (United States)

    Tao, ZhuoLi


    It has been reported that Internet addiction is associated with substance dependence. Eating disorders have high rates of co-morbidity with substance use disorders. The relationship between Internet addiction and eating disorders was reported in a previous study. To examine the hypothesis that Internet addiction is closely associated with bulimia. The hypothesis that depression mediates the relationship between Internet addiction and bulimia symptoms was also tested. 2,036 Chinese college students were assessed on Internet addiction, eating behaviors and depression. Binge eating, compensatory behaviors, weight concern, menarche and weight change were also reported. Multiple regression analysis was used to test the mediating effect of depression. Internet addicts showed significantly higher scores on most subscales on EDI-1 than the controls. They reported significantly more binge eating, weight concern and weight change than the controls. Among all of the participants, depression was found to be a partial mediator in the relationship between Internet addiction and bulimia. This survey provides evidence of the co-morbidity of Internet addiction and bulimia.

  13. Altered cortical thickness and attentional deficits in adolescent girls and women with bulimia nervosa. (United States)

    Berner, Laura A; Stefan, Mihaela; Lee, Seonjoo; Wang, Zhishun; Terranova, Kate; Attia, Evelyn; Marsh, Rachel


    Frontostriatal and frontoparietal abnormalities likely contribute to deficits in control and attentional processes in individuals with bulimia nervosa and to the persistence of dysregulated eating across development. This study assessed these processes and cortical thickness in a large sample of adolescent girls and women with bulimia nervosa compared with healthy controls. We collected anatomical MRI data from adolescent girls and women (ages 12-38 yr) with full or subthreshold bulimia nervosa and age-matched healthy controls who also completed the Conners Continuous Performance Test-II (CPT-II). Groups were compared on task performance and cortical thickness. Mediation analyses explored associations among cortical thickness, CPT-II variables, bulimia nervosa symptoms and age. We included 60 girls and women with bulimia nervosa and 54 controls in the analyses. Compared with healthy participants, those with bulimia nervosa showed increased impulsivity and inattention on the CPT-II, along with reduced thickness of the right pars triangularis, right superior parietal and left dorsal posterior cingulate cortices. In the bulimia nervosa group, exploratory analyses revealed that binge eating frequency correlated inversely with cortical thickness of frontoparietal and insular regions and that reduced frontoparietal thickness mediated the association between age and increased symptom severity and inattention. Binge eating frequency also mediated the association between age and lower prefrontal cortical thickness. These findings are applicable to only girls and women with bulimia nervosa, and our cross-sectional design precludes understanding of whether cortical thickness alterations precede or result from bulimia nervosa symptoms. Structural abnormalities in the frontoparietal and posterior cingulate regions comprising circuits that support control and attentional processes should be investigated as potential contributors to the maintenance of bulimia nervosa and useful

  14. Altered cortical thickness and attentional deficits in adolescent girls and women with bulimia nervosa. (United States)

    Berner, Laura A; Stefan, Mihaela; Lee, Seonjoo; Wang, Zhishun; Terranova, Kate; Attia, Evelyn; Marsh, Rachel


    Frontostriatal and frontoparietal abnormalities likely contribute to deficits in control and attentional processes in individuals with bulimia nervosa and to the persistence of dysregulated eating across development. This study assessed these processes and cortical thickness in a large sample of adolescent girls and women with bulimia nervosa compared with healthy controls. We collected anatomical MRI data from adolescent girls and women (ages 12-38 yr) with full or subthreshold bulimia nervosa and age-matched healthy controls who also completed the Conners Continuous Performance Test-II (CPT-II). Groups were compared on task performance and cortical thickness. Mediation analyses explored associations among cortical thickness, CPT-II variables, bulimia nervosa symptoms and age. We included 60 girls and women with bulimia nervosa and 54 controls in the analyses. Compared with healthy participants, those with bulimia nervosa showed increased impulsivity and inattention on the CPT-II, along with reduced thickness of the right pars triangularis, right superior parietal and left dorsal posterior cingulate cortices. In the bulimia nervosa group, exploratory analyses revealed that binge eating frequency correlated inversely with cortical thickness of frontoparietal and insular regions and that reduced frontoparietal thickness mediated the association between age and increased symptom severity and inattention. Binge eating frequency also mediated the association between age and lower prefrontal cortical thickness. These findings are applicable to only girls and women with bulimia nervosa, and our cross-sectional design precludes understanding of whether cortical thickness alterations precede or result from bulimia nervosa symptoms. Structural abnormalities in the frontoparietal and posterior cingulate regions comprising circuits that support control and attentional processes should be investigated as potential contributors to the maintenance of bulimia nervosa and useful

  15. Bulimia: The Transgenerational View. (United States)

    Roberto, Laura Giat


    Within families with bulimia, certain interactional patterns enable and perpetuate the patient's binge-eating and purging symptoms. A transgenerational treatment method is proposed, which intervenes in ongoing dysfunctional patterns, and provides a frame for creating a therapeutic metaphor ("legacy") to direct the therapy. Rationale and stages of…

  16. Cognitive-behavioral therapy for subthreshold bulimia nervosa: A case series. (United States)

    Peterson, C B; Miller, K B; Willer, M G; Ziesmer, J; Durkin, N; Arikian, A; Crow, S J


    The extent to which cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) is helpful in treating individuals with bulimic symptoms who do not meet full criteria for bulimia nervosa is unclear. The purpose of this investigation was to examine the potential efficacy of CBT for eating disorder individuals with bulimic symptoms who do not meet full criteria for bulimia nervosa. Twelve participants with subthreshold bulimia nervosa were treated in a case series with 20 sessions of CBT. Ten of the 12 participants (83.3%) completed treatment. Intent-to-treat abstinent percentages were 75.0% for objectively large episodes of binge eating (OBEs), 33.3% for subjectively large episodes of binge eating (SBEs), and 50% for purging at end of treatment. At one year follow-up, 66.7% were abstinent for OBEs, 41.7% for SBEs, and 50.0% for purging. The majority also reported improvements in associated symptoms. This case series provides support for the use of CBT with individuals with subthreshold bulimia nervosa.

  17. Dyscontrol evoked by erotic and food images in women with bulimia nervosa. (United States)

    Rodríguez, Sonia; Mata, José L; Lameiras, María; Fernández, M Carmen; Vila, Jaime


    The present study examined the emotional reactivity to erotic and food images of women with and without bulimia nervosa using the picture-viewing paradigm. A non-clinical student sample made up of 48 women, 24 diagnosed with bulimia nervosa and 24 healthy controls, aged between 18 and 27 years (M=21.79), participated in the study. Diagnosis was based on questionnaires and a structured interview following DSM-IV criteria. Participants assessed a set of food, erotic, neutral and unpleasant pictures using the Self-Assessment Manikin scales of valence, arousal and control. The women with bulimia nervosa rated as less pleasant the erotic and food pictures, which evoked greater dyscontrol, in comparison with the women without bulimia nervosa. No significant differences were found in the ratings for the remaining pictures. These results suggest that women with bulimia nervosa experience reduced pleasure and control over both food and sexual impulses. 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and Eating Disorders Association

  18. Altered cortical thickness and attentional deficits in adolescent girls and women with bulimia nervosa (United States)

    Stefan, Mihaela; Lee, Seonjoo; Wang, Zhishun; Terranova, Kate; Attia, Evelyn; Marsh, Rachel


    Background Frontostriatal and frontoparietal abnormalities likely contribute to deficits in control and attentional processes in individuals with bulimia nervosa and to the persistence of dysregulated eating across development. This study assessed these processes and cortical thickness in a large sample of adolescent girls and women with bulimia nervosa compared with healthy controls. Methods We collected anatomical MRI data from adolescent girls and women (ages 12–38 yr) with full or subthreshold bulimia nervosa and age-matched healthy controls who also completed the Conners Continuous Performance Test-II (CPT-II). Groups were compared on task performance and cortical thickness. Mediation analyses explored associations among cortical thickness, CPT-II variables, bulimia nervosa symptoms and age. Results We included 60 girls and women with bulimia nervosa and 54 controls in the analyses. Compared with healthy participants, those with bulimia nervosa showed increased impulsivity and inattention on the CPT-II, along with reduced thickness of the right pars triangularis, right superior parietal and left dorsal posterior cingulate cortices. In the bulimia nervosa group, exploratory analyses revealed that binge eating frequency correlated inversely with cortical thickness of frontoparietal and insular regions and that reduced frontoparietal thickness mediated the association between age and increased symptom severity and inattention. Binge eating frequency also mediated the association between age and lower prefrontal cortical thickness. Limitations These findings are applicable to only girls and women with bulimia nervosa, and our cross-sectional design precludes understanding of whether cortical thickness alterations precede or result from bulimia nervosa symptoms. Conclusion Structural abnormalities in the frontoparietal and posterior cingulate regions comprising circuits that support control and attentional processes should be investigated as potential

  19. An investigation into the individual experience of seeking help for bulimia nervosa, and the process of integrating and searching for identity following recovery from bulimia.


    Turek, Anna M.


    This research dossier was developed as an integral part of the practitioner doctorate degree in counselling psychology, and has evolved over the last three years. It contains three pieces of research: one literature review and two empirical studies. The literature review particularly focuses on the available help for bulimia nervosa and the process of seeking help for this type of human distress. By exploring the current trends in the eating disorders field and implications for individuals wh...

  20. Características morfofuncionais do trânsito orofaríngeo na bulimia: revisão de literatura Morphofunctional characteristics of the oropharyngeal tract in bulimia: review of literature

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    Catarina Matos Brito Santos


    Full Text Available TEMA: deglutição e bulimia. OBJETIVO: apresentar e discutir os achados científicos descritos na literatura quanto às características orofaríngeas relacionadas à deglutição em portadores de bulimia nervosa do tipo purgativa. CONCLUSÃO: a bulimia nervosa acarreta uma série de alterações em estruturas e funções que compõem o trânsito orofaríngeo, como erosão dentária, hipersensibilidade, enfraquecimento e fratura dos dentes, problemas de oclusão, cáries, doenças periodontais, dessensibilização intra-oral, hipogeusia, úlceras, granulomas, queilite angular, hipertrofia das glândulas parótidas, tosse e odinofagia. Existe um predomínio na literatura científica de relatos sobre alterações morfológicas em detrimento das funcionais. Poucos relatos abordaram diretamente a relação entre a bulimia e deglutição, apenas mencionando superficialmente as possibilidades de desencadeamento da disfagia orofaríngea.BACKGROUND: deglutition and bulimia. PURPOSE: to submit and discuss the scientific research concerning oropharyngeal characteristics related to deglutition in patients with purging type bulimia nervosa. CONCLUSIONS: bulimia nervosa entails a series of changes in structures and functions that compose the oropharyngeal tract, such as dental erosion, hypersensitivity, weakness and fracture of the teeth, occlusion problems, caries, periodontal diseases, intraoral desensitization, hypogeusia, ulceration, granulomas, angular cheilitis, enlargement of the parotid glands, coughs and odynophagia. There is a prevalence in the scientific literature of reports about morphologic alterations on the detriment of the functional ones. Few reports discussed the relationship between bulimia and deglutition, superficially mentioning the possibilities for triggering oropharyngeal dysphagia.

  1. Diagnostic Crossover in Anorexia Nervosa and Bulimia Nervosa: Implications for DSM-V (United States)

    Eddy, Kamryn T.; Dorer, David J.; Franko, Debra L.; Tahilani, Kavita; Thompson-Brenner, Heather; Herzog, David B.


    Objective The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) is designed primarily as a clinical tool. Yet high rates of diagnostic “crossover” among the anorexia nervosa subtypes and bulimia nervosa may reflect problems with the validity of the current diagnostic schema, thereby limiting its clinical utility. This study was designed to examine diagnostic crossover longitudinally in anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa to inform the validity of the DSM-IV-TR eating disorders classification system. Method A total of 216 women with a diagnosis of anorexia nervosa or bulimia nervosa were followed for 7 years; weekly eating disorder symptom data collected using the Eating Disorder Longitudinal Interval Follow-Up Examination allowed for diagnoses to be made throughout the follow-up period. Results Over 7 years, the majority of women with anorexia nervosa experienced diagnostic crossover: more than half crossed between the restricting and binge eating/purging anorexia nervosa subtypes over time; one-third crossed over to bulimia nervosa but were likely to relapse into anorexia nervosa. Women with bulimia nervosa were unlikely to cross over to anorexia nervosa. Conclusions These findings support the longitudinal distinction of anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa but do not support the anorexia nervosa subtyping schema. PMID:18198267

  2. Recurrent acute pancreatitis in anorexia and bulimia. (United States)

    Morris, Luc G; Stephenson, Kathryn E; Herring, Sharon; Marti, Jennifer L


    Mild pancreatitis has been reported as a consequence of anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, or what has been termed the "dietary chaos syndrome". Either chronic malnutrition, or refeeding after periods of malnutrition, may precipitate acute pancreatitis through several pathogenetic mechanisms. A 26-year-old woman with a ten-year history of anorexia and bulimia presented with a third episode of acute pancreatitis in three months. The patient had been abstinent from alcohol for many years. Imaging studies during all three admissions failed to identify any biliary disease, including gallstones or biliary sludge. A cholecystectomy was performed, with a normal intraoperative cholangiogram, and no abnormalities on pathologic examination of the gallbladder and bile. The patient was discharged on hospital day 10 with no pain, and she has begun to return to regular eating habits. Pancreatitis has not recurred after 6 months of follow up. We have identified 14 cases in the literature of acute pancreatitis associated with anorexia or bulimia. In the absence of evidence for gallstone, alcohol or metabolic etiologies, eating disorders may contribute to the pathophysiology of some idiopathic cases of pancreatitis.

  3. Symptom Management of Bulimia. (United States)

    Johnson, Craig; And Others


    Describes a treatment approach for the symptom management of bulimia that is a synthesis of various techniques, including cognitive-behavioral therapy, response prevention, relapse training, and psychodynamic therapy. The model has been a useful teaching tool for staff and patients in both group and individual formats. Addresses the challenges of…

  4. Validity of the Eating Attitudes Test and the Eating Disorders Inventory in Bulimia Nervosa. (United States)

    Gross, Janet; And Others


    Assessed criterion and concurrent validity of the Eating Attitudes Test and the Eating Disorder Inventory in 82 women with bulimia nervosa. Both tests demonstrated criterion validity by discriminating bulimia nervosa subjects from normals. Only weak support was found for concurrent validity within bulimia subjects. Recommends combination of…

  5. Anorexia Nervosa/Bulimia. LC Science Tracer Bullet, TB 85-8. (United States)

    Halasz, Hisako, Comp.

    This bibliography is intended to help readers locate material on anorexia nervosa and bulimia in the collections of the Library of Congress. A scope note briefly defines the terms "anorexia nervosa" and "bulimia" and discusses similarities and differences between the two eating disorders. Four references are included as introductions to the topic…

  6. Bulimia: A Medical Portrait. (United States)

    Santomango, Gloria Jean

    There are three known diseases of eating disorders: compulsive overeating, anorexia nervosa, and bulimia. All three affect various body systems, are pathological in nature, and are addictive behaviors that mainly affect females. All can be fatal if not treated or under-treated. Compulsive overeating is the most known of the three disorders. The…

  7. Manifestaciones muco cutáneas en anorexia nerviosa: Mucous and cutaneous manifestations of the anorexia nervosa

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    MB Leroux

    Full Text Available La anorexia nerviosa es una enfermedad psiquiátrica, cuya incidencia está creciendo en las últimas décadas. Afecta sobre todo a las adolescentes y mujeres jóvenes. Los signos clínicos son consecuencia de las carencias nutricionales y de los mecanismos de compensación, que el organismo implementa para conservar la vida. Las manifestaciones cutáneas y bucales son consecuencia de la desnutrición: vómitos autoprovocados, consumo de drogas o medicamentos no recetados y de la enfermedad psiquiátrica en sí misma. Se presentan diez pacientes, ocho mujeres y dos varones con signos cutáneos compatibles con anorexia nerviosa. El rango de edad es de 17 a 32 años. En orden de frecuencia se hallaron: acrocianosis, alopecia, acné, xerosis, palidez, hirsutismo, cambios en las membranas bucales y lesiones autoprovocadas. Creemos que el reconocimiento de estos signos cutáneos acompañado de un exhaustivo interrogatorio, puede colaborar en el diagnóstico de este trastorno alimentario.Anorexia nervosa is a psychiatric disease with an increasing incidence in the last decade, which affects principally adolescents and young women. Clinical signs are a consequence of malnutrition and the compensating mechanisms implemented to preserve life. Skin and oral lesions are caused by malnutrition, self-provoked vomiting, illegal drug consumption or therapeutic drugs utilization, and the psychiatric disease so far. Case reports: ten patients (eight females and two males with possible skin alterations due to anorexia nervosa, aged 17 to 32 yr. The most frequent signs, in order of priority were: acrocyanosis, alopecia, acne, xerodermia, pallor, hirsutism, oral injuries and self provoked injuries. We propose that the finding of these skin lesions plus an exhaustive questionnaire could aid to diagnose this eating disorder.

  8. Dialectical Behavior Therapy of Anorexia and Bulimia Nervosa among Adolescents: A Case Series (United States)

    Salbach-Andrae, Harriet; Bohnekamp, Inga; Pfeiffer, Ernst; Lehmkuhl, Ulrike; Miller, Alec L.


    The aim of this study was to describe a case series of adolescents (mean age = 16.5 years, SD = 1.0) with anorexia nervosa (AN) and bulimia nervosa (BN) who received dialectical behavior therapy (DBT). Twelve outpatients with AN and BN took part in 25 weeks of twice weekly therapy consisting of individual therapy and a skills training group.…

  9. Identifying Persuasive Public Health Messages to Change Community Knowledge and Attitudes About Bulimia Nervosa. (United States)

    McLean, Siân A; Paxton, Susan J; Massey, Robin; Hay, Phillipa J; Mond, Jonathan M; Rodgers, Bryan


    Addressing stigma through social marketing campaigns has the potential to enhance currently low rates of treatment seeking and improve the well-being of individuals with the eating disorder bulimia nervosa. This study aimed to evaluate the persuasiveness of health messages designed to reduce stigma and improve mental health literacy about this disorder. A community sample of 1,936 adults (48.2% male, 51.8% female) from Victoria, Australia, provided (a) self-report information on knowledge and stigma about bulimia nervosa and (b) ratings of the persuasiveness of 9 brief health messages on dimensions of convincingness and likelihood of changing attitudes. Messages were rated moderately to very convincing and a little to moderately likely to change attitudes toward bulimia nervosa. The most persuasive messages were those that emphasized that bulimia nervosa is a serious mental illness and is not attributable to personal failings. Higher ratings of convincingness were associated with being female, with having more knowledge about bulimia nervosa, and with lower levels of stigma about bulimia nervosa. Higher ratings for likelihood of changing attitudes were associated with being female and with ratings of the convincingness of the corresponding message. This study provides direction for persuasive content to be included in social marketing campaigns to reduce stigma toward bulimia nervosa.

  10. Recovery From Anorexia Nervosa and Bulimia Nervosa at 22-Year Follow-Up. (United States)

    Eddy, Kamryn T; Tabri, Nassim; Thomas, Jennifer J; Murray, Helen B; Keshaviah, Aparna; Hastings, Elizabeth; Edkins, Katherine; Krishna, Meera; Herzog, David B; Keel, Pamela K; Franko, Debra L


    The course of eating disorders is often protracted, with fewer than half of adults achieving recovery from anorexia nervosa or bulimia nervosa. Some argue for palliative management when duration exceeds a decade, yet outcomes beyond 20 years are rarely described. This study investigates early and long-term recovery in the Massachusetts General Hospital Longitudinal Study of Anorexia and Bulimia Nervosa. Females with DSM-III-R/DSM-IV anorexia nervosa or bulimia nervosa were assessed at 9 and at 20 to 25 years of follow-up (mean [SD] = 22.10 [1.10] years; study initiated in 1987, last follow-up conducted in 2013) via structured clinical interview (Longitudinal Interval Follow-Up Evaluation of Eating Disorders [LIFE-EAT-II]). Seventy-seven percent of the original cohort was re-interviewed, and multiple imputation was used to include all surviving participants from the original cohort (N = 228). Kaplan-Meier curves estimated recovery by 9-year follow-up, and McNemar test examined concordance between recovery at 9-year and 22-year follow-up. At 22-year follow-up, 62.8% of participants with anorexia nervosa and 68.2% of participants with bulimia nervosa recovered, compared to 31.4% of participants with anorexia nervosa and 68.2% of participants with bulimia nervosa by 9-year follow-up. Approximately half of those with anorexia nervosa who had not recovered by 9 years progressed to recovery at 22 years. Early recovery was associated with increased likelihood of long-term recovery in anorexia nervosa (odds ratio [OR] = 10.5; 95% CI, 3.77-29.28; McNemar χ²₁ = 31.39; P bulimia nervosa (OR = 1.0; 95% CI, 0.49-2.05; McNemar χ²₁ = 0; P = 1.0). At 22 years, approximately two-thirds of females with anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa were recovered. Recovery from bulimia nervosa happened earlier, but recovery from anorexia nervosa continued over the long term, arguing against the implementation of palliative care for most individuals with eating disorders. © Copyright

  11. A Comparison of Behavioral and Cognitive-Behavioral Interventions for Bulimia Nervosa. (United States)

    Thackwray, Donna E.; And Others


    Examined the relative efficacy of different treatment approaches for bulimia nervosa. Follow-up of a study using cognitive-behavioral, behavioral, and placebo groups show six-month abstinence highest in the cognitive behavioral group. Results support conceptualization of bulimia nervosa as a multifaceted disorder best treated with an approach that…

  12. Neural responses during social and self-knowledge tasks in bulimia nervosa

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Carrie J Mcadams


    Full Text Available Self-evaluation closely dependent upon body shape and weight is one of the defining criteria for bulimia nervosa. We studied 53 adult women, 17 with bulimia nervosa, 18 with a recent history of anorexia nervosa, and 18 healthy comparison women, using three different fMRI tasks that required thinking about self-knowledge and social interactions: the Social Identity task, the Physical Identity task, and the Social Attribution task. Previously, we identified regions of interest (ROI in the same tasks using whole brain voxel-wise comparisons of the healthy comparison women and women with a recent history of anorexia nervosa. Here, we report on the neural activations in those ROIs in subjects with bulimia nervosa. In the Social Attribution task, we examined activity in the right temporoparietal junction, an area frequently associated with mentalization. In the Social Identity task, we examined activity in the precuneus and dorsal anterior cingulate. In the Physical Identity task, we examined activity in a ventral region of the dorsal anterior cingulate. Interestingly, in all tested regions, the average activation in subjects with bulimia was more than the average activation levels seen in the subjects with a history of anorexia but less than that seen in healthy subjects. In three regions, the right temporoparietal junction, the precuneus, and the dorsal anterior cingulate, group responses in the subjects with bulimia were significantly different from healthy subjects but not subjects with anorexia. The neural activations of people with bulimia nervosa performing fMRI tasks engaging social processing are more similar to people with anorexia nervosa than healthy people. This suggests biological measures of social processes may be helpful in characterizing individuals with eating disorders.

  13. [Therapeutic itineraries of individuals with symptoms of anorexia and bulimia]. (United States)

    Carvalho, Maria Bernadete de; Val, Alexandre Costa; Ribeiro, Maria Mônica Freitas; Santos, Lúcia Grossi Dos


    The scope of this study is to identify and contextualize aspects of the therapeutic itineraries of patients treated at a university medical clinic specialized in nervous anorexia and bulimia. For this purpose, an attempt was made to reconstitute the succession of events triggered in 20 respondents and their families with the classification of anorexia and bulimia as "health problems." The narratives were analyzed in order to link the individual experiences and the social context of their occurrence (organization of health services, characteristics of treatment and medical knowledge and characteristics of contemporary subjectivity), in light of the theoretical studies of Public Health and Psychoanalysis. Data analysis revealed that these itineraries arise from connections and disconnections between two distinct approaches: one that organizes the management of patients and the other governing the conduct of health institutions and families. If the latter presuppose a quest for health, this is not what primarily concerns the individuals in question. Their refusal to moderate their own eating disorders is notable on their itineraries, and indicates the functionality of those practices. Such practices play a part in the reconstruction of their self-images.

  14. A Pilot Study of a Functional Contextual Treatment for Bulimia Nervosa (United States)

    Anderson, Drew A.; Simmons, Angela M.


    This paper describes the initial development of a treatment for bulimia nervosa using a functional contextual treatment approach. Seven women (6 with a diagnosis of bulimia nervosa and 1 with a diagnosis of eating disorder not otherwise specified) completed 12 sessions of functional contextual treatment. Participants were assessed with the Eating…

  15. Bilateral Parotid Sialadenosis Associated with Long-Standing Bulimia: A Case Report and Literature Review. (United States)

    Garcia Garcia, Blas; Dean Ferrer, Alicia; Diaz Jimenez, Nelida; Alamillos Granados, Francisco Jesus


    Bulimia is a common cause of sialadenosis. This paper presents a case of bilateral parotid sialadenosis associated with long-standing bulimia, and reviews the relevant literature and current treatment options. A 32-year-old woman had severe bilateral parotid sialomegaly for the last 6 years, which had occurred secondary to bulimia nervosa, which she had since 14 years. Treatment with pilocarpine was unsuccessful, so she underwent bilateral conservative parotidectomy. This procedure not only improved the aesthetic appearance of the patient but also improved her social and work life and overall quality of life. Sialomegaly secondary to bulimia results in a major alteration of the aesthetics of a patient's face. Conservative measures are not enough in many cases, and parotidectomy may be the only viable option, as it can also significantly improve adherence to psychiatric treatment for bulimia, in addition to correcting the facial aesthetics.



    Dr. Guillermo Gabler; Dr. Pablo Olguín; Dr. Alejandra Rodríguez


    Los trastornos de la conducta alimentaria presentan una amplia variedad de complicaciones médicas que deben ser consideradas a la hora de la evaluación y que en caso de no ser detectadas precozmente pueden conducir a la muerte del paciente. En el caso de la anorexia nerviosas las complicaciones dependen del bajo peso y la desnutrición; en la bulimia, en cambio, del tipo de purga utilizado; y en el caso del trastorno por atracones se asocian a la obesidad principalmente. El propósito del prese...

  17. Association between A218C polymorphism of the tryptophan-hydroxylase-1 gene, harm avoidance and binge eating behavior in bulimia nervosa. (United States)

    Monteleone, Palmiero; Tortorella, Alfonso; Martiadis, Vassilis; Serino, Ismene; Di Filippo, Carmela; Maj, Mario


    Genes involved in serotonin transmission are likely involved in the biological predisposition to bulimia nervosa. We investigated whether the A218C polymorphism of the tryptophan-hydroxylase-1 gene was associated to bulimia nervosa and/or to some phenotypic aspects of the disorder. One hundred eighty Caucasian women (91 patients with bulimia nervosa and 89 healthy controls) were enrolled into the study. They underwent a blood sample collection for A218C polymorphism of the tryptophan-hydroxylase-1 genotyping and a clinical evaluation assessing comorbidity for Axis I and II psychiatric disorders, harm avoidance personality dimension and bulimic symptoms. The distribution of both tryptophan-hydroxylase-1 A218C genotypes and alleles did not significantly differ between patients and controls. Bulimic women with the AA genotype exhibited a more severe binge eating behavior and higher harm avoidance scores than those with CC genotype. These findings support the idea that tryptophan-hydroxylase-1 A218C polymorphism does not play a part in the genetic susceptibility to bulimia nervosa, but it seems to be involved in predisposing bulimic patients to a more disturbed eating behavior and higher harm avoidance.

  18. The efficacy of a brief group CBT program in treating patients diagnosed with bulimia nervosa: a brief report

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jones, Allan; Clausen, Loa


    OBJECTIVE: The aim of the study was to evaluate the efficacy of a brief group cognitive behavior therapy (CBT) program in treating a large cohort of patients diagnosed with bulimia nervosa. METHOD: Treatment outcome defined as reductions in bulimia related behavioral symptoms and bulimia related...... distress was examined in 205 consecutive new patients enrolled in an eight-session group CBT program. RESULTS: Significant reductions in eating disorder pathology were found on all measures of bulimia related behavioral symptoms, as well as on all measures of bulimia related distress. DISCUSSION......: There is strong evidence for the efficacy of brief group CBT in treating patients with bulimia nervosa....

  19. Anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa: A meta-analysis of executive functioning. (United States)

    Hirst, Rayna B; Beard, Charlotte L; Colby, Katrina A; Quittner, Zoe; Mills, Brent M; Lavender, Jason M


    Research investigating the link between eating disorder (ED) diagnosis and executive dysfunction has had conflicting results, yet no meta-analyses have examined the overall association of ED pathology with executive functioning (EF). Effect sizes were extracted from 32 studies comparing ED groups (27 of anorexia nervosa, 9 of bulimia nervosa) with controls to determine the grand mean effect on EF. Analyses included effects for individual EF measures, as well as an age-based subgroup analysis. There was a medium effect of ED diagnosis on executive functioning, with bulimia nervosa demonstrating a larger effect (Hedges's g=-0.70) than anorexia nervosa (g=-0.41). Within anorexia nervosa studies, subgroup analyses were conducted for age and diagnostic subtype. The effect of anorexia nervosa on EF was largest in adults; however, subgroup differences for age were not significant. Anorexia and bulimia nervosa are associated with EF deficits, which are particularly notable for individuals with bulimia nervosa. The present analysis includes recommendations for future studies regarding study design and EF measurement. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  20. La última cena: anorexia y bulimia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Antonio García Cenador


    Full Text Available Reseña La última cena: anorexia y bulimia. Massimo Recalcati. Milán: Bruno Mondadori, 1997 (traducción de Teresa Rodríguez y Mariela para Ediciones del cifrado, Buenos Aires, 2004.

  1. Resolving bulimia nervosa using an innovative neural therapy approach: two case reports. (United States)

    Gurevich, Michael I; Chung, Myung Kyu; LaRiccia, Patrick J


    Conventional treatment of Bulimia Nervosa is long term, expensive, and often ineffective. Neural therapy holds promise for treating Bulimia Nervosa in a shorter term, lower cost, and more effective manner. Much of neural therapy involves the superficial injection of local anesthetic injections. Implementation into current practice would be feasible.

  2. Treatments of medical complications of anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa. (United States)

    Mehler, Philip S; Krantz, Mori J; Sachs, Katherine V


    Inherent to anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa are a plethora of medical complications which correlate with the severity of weight loss or the frequency and mode of purging. Yet, the encouraging fact is that most of these medical complications are treatable and reversible with definitive care and cessation of the eating-disordered behaviours. Herein, these treatments are described for both the medical complications of anorexia nervosa and those which are a result of bulimia nervosa.

  3. Visceral perceptions and gastric myoelectrical activity in healthy women and in patients with bulimia nervosa. (United States)

    Koch, K L; Bingaman, S; Tan, L; Stern, R M


    Bulimia nervosa remains a common eating disorder in young women. Little is known about upper gastrointestinal symptoms or gastric motility in patients with bulimia nervosa. The aim of this study was to measure gastric myoelectrical activity and hunger/satiety and stomach emptiness/fullness before and after a non-nutrient water load and solid-phase gastric emptying in hospitalized patients with bulimia nervosa (n = 12) and in healthy women (n = 13). Gastric myoelectrical activity was measured by means of cutaneous electrodes; visual analogue scales were used to measure perceptions of hunger/satiety and stomach emptiness/fullness. Before and after a standard water load the bulimia patients reported significantly greater stomach fullness and satiety compared with control subjects (P scrambled eggs showed the lag phase was shortened in the bulimic patients (16 +/- 4 min vs 31 +/- 4 min in controls, P < 0.01), but the percentage of meal emptied at 2 h was similar to control values. bulimia patients had exaggerated perceptions of stomach fullness and satiety in response to water; and abnormal gastric myoelectrical activity and accelerated lag phase of gastric emptying were objective stomach abnormalities detected in hospitalized patients with bulimia nervosa.

  4. Treating bulimia with hypnosis and low-level light therapy: a case report (United States)

    Laser, Eleanor; Sassack, Michael


    This case report describes an effort to control bulimia nervosa by combining low-level laser therapy (LLLT)-the application of red and near-infrared light to specific body points-and hypnosis. A 29-year old female with a 14-year history of bulimia received one session of LLLT combined with hypnosis. Two weeks later, following a measurable decrease in bulimic episodes (purging), a session of psychotherapy and hypnosis was administered. Six months post-treatment, the patient has experienced a complete cessation of purging activities without recurrence. LLLT, when used in conjunction with hypnosis and psychotherapy, was effective in managing bulimia and may prove useful in treating other eating disorders.

  5. Bulimia: Growing Awareness of an Eating Disorder. (United States)

    Yudkovitz, Elaine


    Describes bulimia, a disorder involving binge eating and purging increasingly prevalent in young women. Reviews the literature and describes symptoms, etiological factors, and treatment considerations and approaches for the disorder. (Author)

  6. Binging & Purging: Youth Who Suffer Bulimia. (United States)

    Strodel, Donna


    Describes bulimia, its symptoms, characteristics and bulimic's family profile. Disorder may be more difficult to hide at camp. Camp staff could be first to recognize symptoms. Describes behavior indicators of bulimics. Suggests appropriate responses and counseling techniques for helping bulimic campers. (TES)

  7. Resolving bulimia nervosa using an innovative neural therapy approach: two case reports


    Gurevich, Michael I.; Chung, Myung Kyu; LaRiccia, Patrick J.


    Key Clinical Message Conventional treatment of Bulimia Nervosa is long term, expensive, and often ineffective. Neural therapy holds promise for treating Bulimia Nervosa in a shorter term, lower cost, and more effective manner. Much of neural therapy involves the superficial injection of local anesthetic injections. Implementation into current practice would be feasible.

  8. Cigarette Smoking is Associated with Body Shape Concerns and Bulimia Symptoms Among Young Adult Females (United States)

    Kendzor, Darla E.; Adams, Claire E.; Stewart, Diana W.; Baillie, Lauren E.; Copeland, and Amy L.


    Elevated rates of cigarette smoking have been reported among individuals with Bulimia Nervosa. However, little is known about eating disorder symptoms within non-clinical samples of smokers. The purpose of the present study was to compare the eating disorder symptoms of young adult female smokers (n = 184) and non-smokers (n = 56), to determine whether smokers were more likely to endorse bulimic symptoms and report greater body shape concern than non-smokers. Analyses indicated that smokers scored significantly higher than non-smokers on the Body Shape Questionnaire, p = .03, and the Bulimia Test-Revised, p = .006. In addition, a higher proportion of smokers than non-smokers scored ≥ 85 on the Bulimia Test-Revised, p = .05, suggesting the possibility that Bulimia Nervosa diagnoses were more prevalent among smokers. No differences were found between smokers and non-smokers on other measures of eating behavior. Overall, findings suggest that smoking is specifically associated with symptoms of Bulimia Nervosa and body shape concern among young adult females. PMID:19171320

  9. Cigarette smoking is associated with body shape concerns and bulimia symptoms among young adult females. (United States)

    Kendzor, Darla E; Adams, Claire E; Stewart, Diana W; Baillie, Lauren E; Copeland, Amy L


    Elevated rates of cigarette smoking have been reported among individuals with Bulimia Nervosa. However, little is known about eating disorder symptoms within non-clinical samples of smokers. The purpose of the present study was to compare the eating disorder symptoms of young adult female smokers (n=184) and non-smokers (n=56), to determine whether smokers were more likely to endorse bulimic symptoms and report greater body shape concern than non-smokers. Analyses indicated that smokers scored significantly higher than non-smokers on the Body Shape Questionnaire, p=.03, and the Bulimia Test-Revised, p=.006. In addition, a higher proportion of smokers than non-smokers scored > or = 85 on the Bulimia Test-Revised, p=.05, suggesting the possibility that Bulimia Nervosa diagnoses were more prevalent among smokers. No differences were found between smokers and non-smokers on other measures of eating behavior. Overall, findings suggest that smoking is specifically associated with symptoms of Bulimia Nervosa and body shape concern among young adult females.

  10. Possible effects of the popular and medical recognition of bulimia nervosa. (United States)

    Habermas, T


    Historical changes in psychological symptoms are analysed not only from a social causation approach but also from a labelling perspective. Modern eating disorders lend themselves to such an analysis because of their historical variability. Effects of the introduction and dispersion of the psychiatric concept of 'bulimia nervosa' at normal body weight and its propagation through the mass media are examined (relying on Devereux's model of 'ethnic disorders'). Data of an exploratory interview study with 39 bulimic patients evaluated along these lines (a) indicate that the recognition of bulimia has facilitated seeking of professional and non-professional help, (b) invite categorization of bulimic behaviour implying less self-blame, (c) render imitation of bulimia more probable, and (d) covary with less secretive illness behaviour indicating a broadening of underlying motivations.

  11. Greater left cerebral hemispheric metabolism in bulimia assessed by positron emission tomography

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Wu, J.C.; Hagman, J.; Buchsbaum, M.S.; Blinder, B.; Derrfler, M.; Tai, W.Y.; Hazlett, E.; Sicotte, N. (Univ. of California, Irvine (USA))


    Eight women with bulimia and eight age- and sex-matched normal control subjects were studied with positron emission tomography using (18F)-fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG) as a tracer of brain metabolic rate. Subjects performed a visual vigilance task during FDG uptake. In control subjects, the metabolic rate was higher in the right hemisphere than in the left, but patients with bulimia did not have this normal asymmetry. Lower metabolic rates in the basal ganglia, found in studies of depressed subjects, and higher rates in the basal ganglia, reported in a study of anorexia nervosa, were not found. This is consistent with the suggestion that bulimia is a diagnostic grouping distinct from these disorders.

  12. Plasma homovanillic acid in adolescents with bulimia nervosa. (United States)

    Castro-Fornieles, Josefina; Deulofeu, Ramón; Martínez-Mallen, Esteve; Baeza, Immaculada; Fernández, Lorena; Lázaro, Luisa; Toro, Josep; Vila, Montserrat; Bernardo, Miquel


    Dopaminergic abnormalities in bulimia nervosa have been reported in some studies, but results are not consistent across studies. In the present study, clinical characteristics, plasma level of homovanillic acid (pHVA) and two scales - the Eating Attitudes Test (EAT) and the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) - were assessed in 36 adolescent bulimia nervosa patients (mean age16.3 years, S.D. 1.1) who were consecutively seen on an Eating Disorder Unit. Levels of pHVA were also measured in 16 healthy control adolescents from the general population. Patients had significantly higher mean pHVA than controls. Eighteen patients (50%) had a pHVA level equal to or higher than the mean of control subjects plus one standard deviation, and this group of patients had significantly higher mean BDI scores and non-significantly higher mean EAT scores, although they did not differ from the other patients in age, time elapsed since the onset of disorder, body mass index and number of binges or vomits. Moreover, in logistic regression analysis the BDI score proved to be an independent predictor of high pHVA. The level of pHVA is increased in bulimia nervosa patients with high scores on measures of depressive and eating symptomatology.

  13. Stressful task increases drive for thinness and bulimia: a laboratory study.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sandra eSassaroli


    Full Text Available The scientific literature has suggested that stress undergirds the development of eating disorders (ED. Therefore, this study explored whether laboratory induced stress increases self-reported drive for thinness and bulimic symptoms measured via self-report. The relationship between control, perfectionism, stress, and cognition related to ED was examined using correlational methodology. 86 participants completed an experimental task using a personal computer. All individuals completed a battery of tests before and after the stressful task. Analyses showed a significant statistical increase in average scores on the drive for thinness and bulimia measured before and after a stressful task, and path analysis revealed two different cognitive models for the mechanism leading to drive for thinness and bulimia. These findings suggest that stress is an important factor in the development of the drive for thinness and bulimia.

  14. Innovations in the Treatment of Bulimia: Transpersonal Psychology, Relaxation, Imagination, Hypnosis, Myth, and Ritual. (United States)

    Brown, Michael H.


    Written for counselors who must help clients deal with bulimia, this article reviews bulimia's most obvious physical signs and symptoms, etiology, and behavioral characteristics. Considers innovative counseling approaches including Transpersonal Psychology, relaxation training, imagination, fantasy, hypnosis, myths, and rituals. (Author)

  15. Acute gastric dilatation in a bulimic patient: Systemic effects


    Franco-López, Ángeles; Badillo, S.; Contreras, Julio P.


    Objetivos: Mostrar mediante un caso clínico, la repercusión sistémica y las complicaciones orgánicas, que pueden darse tras una dilatación gástrica aguda, ocasionada por un atracón bulímico. Caso clínico: Mujer joven, diagnosticada de bulimia nerviosa, acude a urgencias tras un atracón. A su llegada, presenta gran distensión abdominal y refiere dificultad para provocarse el vómito. Con el paso de unas horas, comienza a presentar signos de inestabilidad hemodinámica y oliguria. Se realiza un T...

  16. Práctica de mindfulnes en trastornos de la conducta alimentaria a partir de un programa de educación para la salud


    Muñoz Carriazo, Irene


    Trabajo fin de grado en Enfermería Introducción: En la actualidad los trastornos de la conducta alimentaria, concretamente la anorexia y bulimia nerviosa, están teniendo un papel importante en la población infantil española. En el tratamiento de dichas patologías, además de la farmacológica se aplican múltiples terapias psicológicas y como terapia complementaria a las demás, se está utilizando la práctica de mindfulness. Objetivo principal: Elaborar un programa de Educación para la Salu...

  17. Obesidad y trastornos de alimentación


    U. Isabel Errandonea, Dra. M.


    La obesidad es una enfermedad crónica con múltiples causas. Su etiopatogenia es un desequilibrio entre la ingesta y el gasto energético. Factores sociales, psiquiátricos y psicológicos influyen en un patrón de ingesta alterado, uno de ellos son los trastornos de alimentación. Los trastornos de alimentación más frecuentemente asociados a la obesidad son los no especificados, el trastorno por atracones, el síndrome del comedor nocturno y la bulimia nerviosa. El objetivo de este artículo es revi...

  18. Bulimia: A Model for Group Therapy. (United States)

    Bauer, Barbara G.

    Bulimia, an eating disorder characterized by binge eating followed by purging and intense feelings of guilt and failure, is increasing among young women. The eating behavior is only a symptom of more complex underlying problems such as feelings of inadequacy, social isolation, depression, rigid thinking, self-defeating thoughts, and perfectionism.…

  19. A abordagem familiar no tratamento da anorexia e bulimia nervosa Family assessment in the treatment of anorexia and bulimia nervosa

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Alicia Weisz Cobelo


    Full Text Available O final do século XX enfatiza a inclusão da família no tratamento de pacientes portadores de anorexia e bulimia nervosa. Pesquisas (Castro et al.,2000; Webster et al.,2000 colocam como relevante considerar a estrutura familiar, as práticas conversacionais e os legados transgeracionais como elementos que podem estar contribuindo, de modo significativo, no desenvolvimento ou na manutenção dos transtornos alimentares. No Ambulatório de Bulimia e Transtornos Alimentares e no Projeto de Atendimento a Crianças e Adolescentes do IPQ, o grande desafio dos terapeutas de família tem sido compartilhar com famílias e pacientes suas histórias repletas de inseguranças e angústias e construir uma ponte de união entre a família e a equipe multidisciplinar, para que a compreensão dos significados, refletida por todos, possa ser agilizada e transformada em novas contribuições de vida para as pacientes e seus familiares.The end of the 20th century emphasizes the inclusion of the family in the treatment of the patients with anorexia and bulimia nervosa. Researches (Castro et al.,2000; Webster et al.,2000 determine as relevant to consider the family structure, the interaction pattern, and the "transgeneration bequest" - the legacy that goes from one generation to the next - as elements that might contribute in a significant way to the development or maintenance of the eating disorders. At the Bulimia and Eating Disorders Ambulatory and in the IPQ's Project for Attendance of Children and Adolescents, the great challenge for the family therapists has been to share with the families and patients their histories full of insecurity and anguish. The therapists must also overcome the difficulties of building a bridge that brings together the family and the multidisciplinary team so that the comprehension of the meanings, reflected by all, might be quickly transformed into new life contributions to these patients and their families.

  20. Anorexia Nervosa and Bulimia: A Research Review. (United States)

    Sweeten, Mary K.


    The eating disorders called anorexia nervosa and bulimia are examined in terms of their symptomatology, etiology, and treatment, and in terms of how the extension home economist or teacher can help. Resources for additional information or help are listed. (CT)

  1. Food Addiction and Bulimia Nervosa: New Data Based on the Yale Food Addiction Scale 2.0. (United States)

    de Vries, Sarah-Kristin; Meule, Adrian


    Previous research on 'food addiction' as measured with the Yale Food Addiction Scale (YFAS) showed a large overlap between addiction-like eating and bulimia nervosa. Most recently, a revised version of the YFAS has been developed according to the changes made in the diagnostic criteria for substance use disorder in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders fifth edition. The current study examined prevalence and correlates of the YFAS2.0 in individuals with bulimia (n = 115) and controls (n = 341). Ninety-six per cent of participants with bulimia and 14% of controls received a YFAS2.0 diagnosis. A higher number of YFAS2.0 symptoms was associated with lower interoceptive awareness, higher depressiveness, and higher impulsivity in both groups. However, a higher number of YFAS2.0 symptoms was associated with higher body mass and weight suppression in controls only and not in participants with bulimia. The current study is the first to show a large overlap between bulimia and 'food addiction' as measured with the YFAS2.0, replicating and extending findings from studies, which used the previous version of the YFAS. Compensatory weight control behaviours in individuals with bulimia likely alleviate the association between addiction-like eating and higher body mass. Thus, the large overlap between bulimia and 'food addiction' should be taken into consideration when examining the role of addiction-like eating in weight gain and obesity. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and Eating Disorders Association. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and Eating Disorders Association.

  2. Bulimia and Binge Eating in College Women: A Comparison of Personality and Behavioral Characteristics. (United States)

    Katzman, Melanie A.; Wolchik, Sharlene A.


    Assessed several behavioral and personality characteristics that have been implicated in studying the onset of bulimia in female college students (N=80) classified into bulimia, binge eating, and control groups. Results indicated that bulimics and binge eaters differed significantly on all but a few variables. (LLL)

  3. Binge eating as a meaningful experience in bulimia nervosa and anorexia nervosa: a qualitative analysis. (United States)

    Eli, Karin


    Clinical studies describe binge eating as a reaction to hunger, negative affect, or the need to dissociate. However, little is known about the meanings that women with bulimia nervosa and anorexia nervosa associate with binge eating. To examine how women with anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa interpret their experiences of binge eating. Sixteen women who engaged in binge eating and had been diagnosed with anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, or their subclinical variants were interviewed about their experiences of eating disorder. Interview data were analyzed using phenomenologically-informed thematic analysis. Participants described binge eating as a practice through which the self experiences a sense of release, and existential emptiness is replaced by overwhelming fullness. Meaningful experiences of release and fullness are central to binge eating in bulimia nervosa and anorexia nervosa, and may contribute to the long-term maintenance of this practice.

  4. Sexual function of women suffering from anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa. (United States)

    Gonidakis, Fragiskos; Kravvariti, Vasilliki; Varsou, Eleftheria


    The cross-sectional study aimed at examining the sexual function of young adult women suffering from eating disorders. The authors interviewed 53 women (26 with anorexia nervosa and 27 with bulimia nervosa) and 58 female students. Each participant was administered the Female Sexual Function Index, the Eating Attitudes Test, the Body Shape Questionnaire, and the Beck Depression Inventory. Comparisons among the 3 groups showed that patients with anorexia nervosa scored lower in each Female Sexual Function Index subscale than did healthy controls. There was no significant difference between bulimia nervosa and healthy controls. Sexual functionality of patients with anorexia nervosa was correlated only with body mass index (r = 0.5, p =.01). Sexual functionality of patients with bulimia nervosa was correlated only with the Beck Depression Inventory (r = -0.4, p =.03) Patients with anorexia nervosa had more disturbed sexual function than did controls. Sexual function can be related to the level of starvation and symptoms of depression.

  5. Bulimia nervosa: mood changes do have an impact on body width estimation. (United States)

    Kulbartz-Klatt, Y J; Florin, I; Pook, M


    This study was designed to investigate the impact of mood changes on body width estimation in women with bulimia nervosa. A pre-post controlled experimental design was chosen. Mood changes were induced in 40 women with bulimia nervosa, 20 women with panic disorder and 40 women with no diagnosis of a psychological disorder. A combination of autobiographical memory method and music induction method was used to induce positive and negative mood, respectively. Before and after mood induction a video distorting technique was used for body width estimation. Induction of negative mood increased and induction of positive mood decreased the body width estimations of women with bulimia. Patients with panic disorder and 'healthy' controls did not show these changes after mood induction. The findings suggest that change in mood state rather than the more habitual mood quality are relevant for bulimic women's body perception.

  6. Bulimia nervosa – its prevalence, symptoms and treatment with special attention to oral health

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    Agata Osińska


    Full Text Available Bulimia nervosa is a serious and complex health problem encountered by many professionals, including general practitioners and dentists. The aim of the study was to describe the problem of bulimia (its prevalence, symptoms, special situations, treatment, with particular emphasis on the aspect of the oral health. The paper presents the causes and factors contributing to the disease, diagnostic criteria, the onset and the possible course of the disease, dental and oral mucosa pathologies due to bulimia as well as other comorbidities (including diabetes. The paper is of descriptive nature. The research method was based on the analysis of the available literature on bulimia nervosa supplemented by our own experience. It was concluded based on the analysed sources that appropriate diagnosis and treatment of bulimia nervosa is possible only with the cooperation of many specialists: psychiatrists or paediatric psychiatrists, dentists and general practitioners as well as other doctors if necessary. Psychotherapy is a necessary and integral aspect of treatment. Early treatment onset is essential for good treatment outcomes. Due to the low sense of illness, some patients would never meet a psychiatrist if not for the intervention of a family doctor or a dentist.

  7. Fearing Fat: A Literature Review of Family Systems Understandings and Treatments of Anorexia and Bulimia. (United States)

    Killian, Kyle D.


    Reviews literature examining family variables associated with anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa and family systems treatments for these eating disorders. Presents definitions of and diagnostic criteria for anorexia and bulimia, and discusses prevalence of these disorders. Reviews role played by psychopathological, sociological, and…

  8. The Relationship between Body Image Satisfaction and Bulimia Nervosa among King Saud University Students (United States)

    Aljomaa, Suliman Saleh


    The study aimed at examining the relationship between body image satisfaction and bulimia nervosa among the students of education faculty at king said university students. The author used the tests of bulimia nervosa and body image test. The researcher verified tests reliability. Students from King Saud University randomly selected (No. 337)…

  9. Initial evaluation, diagnosis, and treatment of anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa. (United States)

    Harrington, Brian C; Jimerson, Michelle; Haxton, Christina; Jimerson, David C


    Eating disorders are life-threatening conditions that are challenging to address; however, the primary care setting provides an important opportunity for critical medical and psychosocial intervention. The recently published Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 5th ed., includes updated diagnostic criteria for anorexia nervosa (e.g., elimination of amenorrhea as a diagnostic criterion) and for bulimia nervosa (e.g., criterion for frequency of binge episodes decreased to an average of once per week). In addition to the role of environmental triggers and societal expectations of body size and shape, research has suggested that genes and discrete biochemical signals contribute to the development of eating disorders. Anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa occur most often in adolescent females and are often accompanied by depression and other comorbid psychiatric disorders. For low-weight patients with anorexia nervosa, virtually all physiologic systems are affected, ranging from hypotension and osteopenia to life-threatening arrhythmias, often requiring emergent assessment and hospitalization for metabolic stabilization. In patients with frequent purging or laxative abuse, the presence of electrolyte abnormalities requires prompt intervention. Family-based treatment is helpful for adolescents with anorexia nervosa, whereas short-term psychotherapy, such as cognitive behavior therapy, is effective for most patients with bulimia nervosa. The use of psychotropic medications is limited for anorexia nervosa, whereas treatment studies have shown a benefit of antidepressant medications for patients with bulimia nervosa. Treatment is most effective when it includes a multidisciplinary, teambased approach.

  10. Oral health considerations in anorexia and bulimia nervosa. 1. Symptomatology and diagnosis. (United States)

    Bassiouny, Mohamed A


    Eating disorders have captured the attention of medical and dental professionals as well as the public for decades and continue to raise concern today. The literature devoted to anorexia and bulimia highlights myriad psychological, systemic, and dental health complications. Dental practitioners are in a unique position to discover early manifestations of these disorders. The present article reviews anorexia and bulimia, summarizing telltale behavioral traits, systemic manifestations, and dental features to facilitate recognition and enable accurate diagnosis.

  11. Neuroendocrine and Metabolic Disorders in Bulimia Nervosa. (United States)

    Milano, Walter; Capasso, Anna


    Bulimia nervosa, is an eating disorder characterized by excessive influence of weight and body shape on the levels of self-esteem, with pervasive feelings of failure and inadequacy. The eating is characterized by the presence of episodes of uncontrolled eating (Binge), during which the person ingests mass wide variety of foods and the feeling of not being able to stop eating. This review focuses on the metabolic and hormonal alterations in the in bulimia nervosa. A literature search was conducted using the electronic database Medline and PubMed and with additional hand searches through the reference list obtained from the articles found. Journal were searched up to 2015. Inclusion criteria were: 1) full text available in English; 2) published in a peer-reviewed journal and using the following keywords: neurotrasmitters (AgRP, BDNF, αMSH, NP Y, endocannabinoids, adiponectin, CCK, ghrelin, GLP-1, insulin, leptin, PP, PYY), hormones (FSH, LH, estrogen, progesterone, testosterone) and bulimia nervosa, eating disorders. All data reported in the present review indicated that changes in the central and peripheral neuroendocrine equilibria may favor the onset and influence the course and prognosis of an DA. However, it is still questionable whether the alterations of the peptides and hormones regulating the mechanisms of eating behavior are the cause or consequence of a compromised diet. The results of the present review indicate that the altered balance of the various peptides or hormones can be relevant not only for the genesis and / or maintenance of altered dietary behaviors, but also for the development of specific psychopathological aspects in eating disorders. Copyright© Bentham Science Publishers; For any queries, please email at

  12. Preliminary Evidence for the Off-Label Treatment of Bulimia Nervosa With Psychostimulants: Six Case Reports. (United States)

    Keshen, Aaron; Helson, Thomas


    Psychostimulants have been assessed in bulimia nervosa patients with comorbid attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), but few studies have examined the impact of psychostimulants on bulimia nervosa patients without comorbid ADHD. The aim of this study was to examine psychostimulants as a potential treatment for bulimia nervosa and to assess the concern of weight loss, given the medication's appetite-suppressing effects. This retrospective study describes 6 case reports of outpatients who were prescribed a psychostimulant specifically for their bulimia nervosa. The number of binge/purge days per months and body mass index were assessed. All patients demonstrated reductions in the number of binge/purge days per month, and 1 patient experienced total remission of bulimic symptoms. Minor fluctuations in weight were observed, but no clinically significant reductions in weight were noted. These findings support the need for clinical trials to examine the efficacy and safety of this potential treatment. © 2017, The American College of Clinical Pharmacology.

  13. The Changing “Weightscape” of Bulimia Nervosa (United States)

    Bulik, Cynthia M.; Marcus, Marsha D.; Zerwas, Stephanie; Levine, Michele D.; Via, Maria La


    Case Ms. Z, a 35-year-old African-American single woman with a body mass index (BMI) of 37.8 kg/m2 (height 5 feet, 5.5 inches, weight 238 lb.), presents for an evaluation for bulimia nervosa. She was referred to the eating disorders program by her primary care physician who knew about her eating disorder, but was primarily concerned about her weight and blood pressure. Ms. Z has an advanced degree and is employed full time. She has struggled with her eating, weight, and body image since childhood and began binge eating regularly (1–2× week) at age 15. Fasting and self-induced vomiting began in her early twenties, when she achieved her lowest adult BMI of 21.6 kg (weight 130 lb. at age 23). She gained 100 pounds in the past 7 years and currently binges and purges 1–2 times a day. A typical binge consists of a box of cookies, a pint of ice cream, 7 oz. of cheese, two bowls of cereal with 2 cups of milk, and 4 pickles. Ms. Z has seen five therapists to address her eating behaviors and weight concerns and participated in numerous commercial weight loss programs. She states binge eating has always served a self-soothing purpose for her. Ms. Z has a demanding university-related job that absorbs most of her time. She has few friends and has not been in a romantic relationship for the past five years believing that no one would be interested in a woman of her size. She also claimed that food is more reliable than any man because “it’s always there when you need it and you don’t have to take care of it or stoke its ego.” She spends evenings at home working until she is completely exhausted, heads to the kitchen for an all-out binge, vomits everything up, and then cries herself to sleep. She has never smoked and does not drink alcohol. Current medications prescribed by her primary care physician include Fluoxetine (20 mg), Norvasc (5 mg), and Clonazepam (prn). What are Ms. Z’s treatment goals? What are her primary care physician’s? Is her medication for

  14. Comparison of Two Group Treatments for Bulimia. (United States)

    Kirkley, Betty G.; And Others


    Examined the relative efficacy of two group treatments for bulimia patients (N=28). The cognitive-behavioral group was instructed to make changes in eating and vomiting behavior, whereas the nondirective group was given no instructions. The cognitive-behavioral treatment tended to have fewer dropouts and yielded significantly greater decreases in…

  15. Treatment of Bulimia Nervosa: Psychological and Psychopharmacologic Considerations. (United States)

    Phillips, Elaine L.; Greydanus, Donald E.; Pratt, Helen D.; Patel, Dilip R.


    Reviews the current literature on psychological and psychopharmacologic treatments for bulimia nervosa in the adolescent population. Describes the two most researched psychological treatments--cognitive behavior therapy and interpersonal therapy--in terms of treatment protocols and outcome research. Reviews psychopharmacologic treatment, including…

  16. Temperamental dimensions of the TEMPS-A in females with co-morbid bipolar disorder and bulimia. (United States)

    Rybakowski, Janusz K; Kaminska, Katarzyna; Charytonik, Jolanta; Akiskal, Kareen K; Akiskal, Hagop S


    We investigated the effect of co-morbid bipolar disorder and bulimia on temperamental dimensions measured by TEMPS-A, relative to "pure" bulimia and "pure" bipolar disorder, in female patients. The study was performed on 47 patients with bipolar disorder (BD) with a mean age of 36±10 years, 96 patients with bulimia or bulimic type of anorexia, mean age 26±9 years and 50 control healthy females (HC), mean age 29±6 years. Among bulimic patients, a group of 68 subjects with co-morbid bulimia with bipolarity (BD+B) was identified, based on positive score of the Mood Disorder Questionnaire (MDQ). The TEMPS-A questionnaire, 110 questions version, has been used, evaluating five temperament domains: depressive, cyclothymic, hyperthymic, irritable and anxious. Parametric analysis was performed for 4 groups (BD, "pure" bulimia (PB), BD+B and HC), with 28 subjects randomly chosen from each group, using analysis of variance and cluster analysis. All clinical groups significantly differed from control group by having higher scores of depressive, cyclothymic, irritable and anxious temperaments and lower of hyperthymic one. Among patients, significantly higher scores of cyclothymic and irritable temperaments were found in BD+B compared to both PB and BD. These differences were also reflected in cluster analysis, where two clusters were identified. Bipolarity in bulimic patients assessed only by the MDQ. These results show that co-morbid bulimia and bipolar disorder is characterized by extreme dimensions of both cyclothymic and irritable temperaments, significantly higher than each single diagnosis. Possible clinical implications of such fact are discussed. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  17. Use of aspirin to facilitate vomiting in a young woman with bulimia nervosa: a case report. (United States)

    Gordon, J; Ramsay, R; Treasure, J


    A 25-year-old female patient with a 9-year history of bulimia nervosa gave a 2-year history of regularly ingesting up to 24 x 300 mg aspirin tablets to facilitate vomiting after a binge. Awareness of this dangerous practice is important when asking for an eating disorder history. Assessing for the possible physical sequelae of aspirin misuse and educating the patient about the risks would be an important part of the overall treatment.

  18. The Effectiveness of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy on Improving Body Image of Female Students with Bulimia Nervosa

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    Moslem Abbasi


    Full Text Available Background & objectives: Patients with bulimia nervosa may have impaired mental image of their body and fear of weight gain. The aim of current research is study the effectiveness of acceptance and commitment therapy on improving body image of female students with bulimia nervosa.   Methods: The design of current study is as quasi-experiment research with pre-test and post-test with control group . Statistical population consists all 12-16 years old female students with bulimia nervosa of Ardabil city in the 2013-13 academic years. In order to select the sample, at first 400 students were selected by multi stage cluster sampling method. Then between the students with bulimia nervosa, 40 subjects were selected randomly and were put in two experimental and control groups. The experimental group participated in 8 sessions of acceptance and commitment based training. Thecontrol group received no intervention. The gathered data were analyzed using multivariate analysis of covariance (MANCOVA.   Results: The results show that acceptance and commitment therapy improved body image and reduced the symptoms of bulimia nervosa subjects of experimental group in comparison with the control group in the post-test (P<0.001. Conclusions: The results indicated that acceptance and commitment therapy by therapeutic strategies, improved body image of female students with bulimia nervosa. Thus, interventions based on this approach in schools for students lead to decreasing the psychological problems


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    Dr. Guillermo Gabler


    Full Text Available Los trastornos de la conducta alimentaria presentan una amplia variedad de complicaciones médicas que deben ser consideradas a la hora de la evaluación y que en caso de no ser detectadas precozmente pueden conducir a la muerte del paciente. En el caso de la anorexia nerviosas las complicaciones dependen del bajo peso y la desnutrición; en la bulimia, en cambio, del tipo de purga utilizado; y en el caso del trastorno por atracones se asocian a la obesidad principalmente. El propósito del presente artículo es revisar las principales complicaciones médicas de estas entidades clínicas.

  20. Obesidad y trastornos de alimentación

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    U. Isabel Errandonea, Dra. M.


    Full Text Available La obesidad es una enfermedad crónica con múltiples causas. Su etiopatogenia es un desequilibrio entre la ingesta y el gasto energético. Factores sociales, psiquiátricos y psicológicos influyen en un patrón de ingesta alterado, uno de ellos son los trastornos de alimentación. Los trastornos de alimentación más frecuentemente asociados a la obesidad son los no especificados, el trastorno por atracones, el síndrome del comedor nocturno y la bulimia nerviosa. El objetivo de este artículo es revisar su presentación clínica, evolución y tratamiento.

  1. Neural Correlates of Impaired Reward-Effort Integration in Remitted Bulimia Nervosa. (United States)

    Mueller, Stefanie Verena; Morishima, Yosuke; Schwab, Simon; Wiest, Roland; Federspiel, Andrea; Hasler, Gregor


    The integration of reward magnitudes and effort costs is required for an effective behavioral guidance. This reward-effort integration was reported to be dependent on dopaminergic neurotransmission. As bulimia nervosa has been associated with a dysregulated dopamine system and catecholamine depletion led to reward-processing deficits in remitted bulimia nervosa, the purpose of this study was to identify the role of catecholamine dysfunction and its relation to behavioral and neural reward-effort integration in bulimia nervosa. To investigate the interaction between catecholamine functioning and behavioral, and neural responses directly, 17 remitted bulimic (rBN) and 21 healthy individuals (HC) received alpha-methyl-paratyrosine (AMPT) over 24 h to achieve catecholamine depletion in a randomized, crossover study design. We used functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) and the monetary incentive delay (MID) task to assess reward-effort integration in relation to catecholaminergic neurotransmission at the behavioral and neural level. AMPT reduced the ability to integrate rewards and efforts effectively in HC participants. In contrast, in rBN participants, the reduced reward-effort integration was associated with illness duration in the sham condition and unrelated to catecholamine depletion. Regarding neural activation, AMPT decreased the reward anticipation-related neural activation in the anteroventral striatum. This decrease was associated with the AMPT-induced reduction of monetary earning in HC in contrast to rBN participants. Our findings contributed to the theory of a desensitized dopaminergic system in bulimia nervosa. A disrupted processing of reward magnitudes and effort costs might increase the probability of maintenance of bulimic symptoms.

  2. Childhood Sexual and Physical Abuse as Risk Factors for the Development of Bulimia Nervosa: A Community-Based Case Control Study. (United States)

    Welch, Sarah L.; Fairburn, Christopher G.


    Young women (n=102) with bulimia nervosa were compared with 204 control subjects without an eating disorder and with 102 subjects with other psychiatric disorders. Results suggest that sexual and physical abuse are both risk factors for psychiatric disorders in general, including bulimia nervosa, but are not specific risk factors for bulimia. (DB)

  3. Anorexia nervosa e bulimia nervosa: abordagem cognitivo-construtivista de psicoterapia Anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa: a psychotherapeutic cognitive-constructivist approach

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    Cristiano Nabuco de Abreu


    Full Text Available Dos transtornos alimentares, a anorexia nervosa e a bulimia nervosa são os que mais têm levado pacientes adolescentes, geralmente do sexo feminino e cada vez mais jovens, a buscar ajuda. Essa ajuda se dá através de um tratamento multidisciplinar envolvendo médicos psiquiatras, psicólogos e nutricionistas. A psicoterapia tem se mostrado um componente eficaz para a melhora dessas pacientes. O presente artigo tem por objetivo expor uma proposta de tratamento psicoterápico a partir da abordagem cognitivo-construtivista.Among the eating disorders, anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa are the ones that have made adolescent patients - often females and aged younger and younger - seek for help. This help is provided through a multidisciplinary treatment involving psychiatrists, psychologists and dietists. Psychotherapy has shown to be an efficient component for these patients' improvement. The present article aims at presenting a proposal of psychotherapeutic treatment based on a cognitive-constructivist approach.

  4. Tratamento nutricional da bulimia nervosa Nutritional therapy for bulimia nervosa

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    Marle dos Santos Alvarenga


    Full Text Available A bulimia nervosa é um transtorno alimentar caracterizado por compulsões alimentares e métodos compen-satórios recorrentes. Os pacientes apresentam ingestão alimentar inadequada e comportamentos alimentares disfuncionais. O adequado tratamento do transtorno requer uma equipe multiprofissional e terapia nutricional especializada. Compreender as características desse transtorno, os padrões de consumo e o comportamento alimentar, bem como atentar para as atitudes alimentares dos pacientes, é fundamental para o planejamento e para a adequada condução da abordagem nutricional. A terapia nutricional para esse transtorno é diferenciada, exigindo do nutricionista maiores habilidades de aconselhamento nutricional. Educação nutricional e acon-selhamento nutricional, com ênfase na abordagem de atitudes alimentares e insatisfação corporal, são o foco da terapia nutricional. Para o atendimento eficaz desses pacientes e o sucesso no tratamento nutricional, é importante que o profissional se mantenha atualizado sobre nutrição e transtornos alimentares e procure especialização e experiência nessa área do conhecimento.Bulimia nervosa is an eating disorder characterized by binge eating and compensatory behaviors. The patients present inappropriate food intake and dysfunctional eating behaviors. Proper treatment of this disorder requires a multidisciplinary team and specialized nutrition therapy. It is fundamental to understand the characteristics of this disorder, the intake patterns and the eating behavior, and be attentive to the eating attitudes of these patients to plan and conduct a nutritional approach properly. The nutrition therapy for this disorder is specific and demands greater skillfulness in nutrition counseling from the dietician. Nutrition therapy focuses on nutrition education and nutrition counseling, mainly addressing eating attitudes and dissatisfaction with body image. The professional must keep abreast on nutrition and

  5. Correlates of Bulimia Nervosa: Early Family Mealtime Experiences. (United States)

    Miller, Debra A. F.; And Others


    Examined relationship of early mealtime experiences to later bulimia in 128 female college students. Found significant group differences among bulimics, nonbulimics, and repeat dieters on early meal experience questionnaire, with bulimic group reporting most negative and unusual experiences. Found significant differences among groups on depression…

  6. Biological Aspects of Anorexia Nervosa and Bulimia Nervosa. (United States)

    Kaplan, Allan S.; Woodside, D. Blake


    Reviews biological factors relevant to the understanding of anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa. Considers the physical presentation of these disorders; the medical complications of starvation, binging, and purging; and the cognitive and behavioral effects of starvation. Reviews neurophysiological and neurochemical aspects of these illnesses and…

  7. Neural response to catecholamine depletion in remitted bulimia nervosa: Relation to depression and relapse. (United States)

    Mueller, Stefanie Verena; Mihov, Yoan; Federspiel, Andrea; Wiest, Roland; Hasler, Gregor


    Bulimia nervosa has been associated with a dysregulated catecholamine system. Nevertheless, the influence of this dysregulation on bulimic symptoms, on neural activity, and on the course of the illness is not clear yet. An instructive paradigm for directly investigating the relationship between catecholaminergic functioning and bulimia nervosa has involved the behavioral and neural responses to experimental catecholamine depletion. The purpose of this study was to examine the neural substrate of catecholaminergic dysfunction in bulimia nervosa and its relationship to relapse. In a randomized, double-blind and crossover study design, catecholamine depletion was achieved by using the oral administration of alpha-methyl-paratyrosine (AMPT) over 24 h in 18 remitted bulimic (rBN) and 22 healthy (HC) female participants. Cerebral blood flow (CBF) was measured using a pseudo continuous arterial spin labeling (pCASL) sequence. In a follow-up telephone interview, bulimic relapse was assessed. Following AMPT, rBN participants revealed an increased vigor reduction and CBF decreases in the pallidum and posterior midcingulate cortex (pMCC) relative to HC participants showing no CBF changes in these regions. These results indicated that the pallidum and the pMCC are the functional neural correlates of the dysregulated catecholamine system in bulimia nervosa. Bulimic relapse was associated with increased depressive symptoms and CBF reduction in the hippocampus/parahippocampal gyrus following catecholamine depletion. AMPT-induced increased CBF in this region predicted staying in remission. These findings demonstrated the importance of depressive symptoms and the stress system in the course of bulimia nervosa. Copyright © 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  8. Altered insula response to sweet taste processing after recovery from anorexia and bulimia nervosa. (United States)

    Oberndorfer, Tyson A; Frank, Guido K W; Simmons, Alan N; Wagner, Angela; McCurdy, Danyale; Fudge, Julie L; Yang, Tony T; Paulus, Martin P; Kaye, Walter H


    Recent studies suggest that altered function of higher-order appetitive neural circuitry may contribute to restricted eating in anorexia nervosa and overeating in bulimia nervosa. This study used sweet tastes to interrogate gustatory neurocircuitry involving the anterior insula and related regions that modulate sensory-interoceptive-reward signals in response to palatable foods. Participants who had recovered from anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa were studied to avoid confounding effects of altered nutritional state. Functional MRI measured brain response to repeated tastes of sucrose and sucralose to disentangle neural processing of caloric and noncaloric sweet tastes. Whole-brain functional analysis was constrained to anatomical regions of interest. Relative to matched comparison women (N=14), women recovered from anorexia nervosa (N=14) had significantly diminished and women recovered from bulimia nervosa (N=14) had significantly elevated hemodynamic response to tastes of sucrose in the right anterior insula. Anterior insula response to sucrose compared with sucralose was exaggerated in the recovered group (lower in women recovered from anorexia nervosa and higher in women recovered from bulimia nervosa). The anterior insula integrates sensory reward aspects of taste in the service of nutritional homeostasis. One possibility is that restricted eating and weight loss occur in anorexia nervosa because of a failure to accurately recognize hunger signals, whereas overeating in bulimia nervosa could represent an exaggerated perception of hunger signals. This response may reflect the altered calibration of signals related to sweet taste and the caloric content of food and may offer a pathway to novel and more effective treatments.

  9. Understanding bulimia. (United States)

    Hay, Phillipa J


    Bulimia nervosa (BN) and related eating disorders such as binge eating disorder are common. General practitioners can play a key role in the identification and management of BN and related eating disorders. This article describes the presenting and associated features of BN and overviews evidence based treatment approaches. Key features are recurrent episodes of binge eating, extreme weight control behaviours and over concern about weight and shape issues. By definition people are not underweight. Risk factors include being from a western culture, obesity, exposure to a restrictive dieting environment and low self esteem. People are more likely to present asking for help in weight control or a physical problem secondary to the eating disorder. Evidenced based therapies with good outcomes in current use are cognitive behaviour therapy (in full or guided self help forms), high dose fluoxetine, and interpersonal psychotherapy. It is important to convey optimism about treatment efficacy and outcomes.

  10. Eating and weight/shape criticism as a specific life-event related to bulimia nervosa: a case control study. (United States)

    Gonçalves, Sonia Ferreira; Machado, Bárbara César; Martins, Carla


    The present study aims to evaluate the occurrence of life events preceding the onset of eating problems in bulimia nervosa patients. A case-control design was used involving the comparison of 60 female subjects who meet DSM-IV criteria for bulimia nervosa with 60 healthy control subjects and 60 subjects with other psychiatric disorders. The RFI (Fairburn et al., 1998) subset of factors that represent exposure to life events in the 12 months immediately before the development of eating problems was used. Women with bulimia nervosa reported higher rates of major stress, criticism about eating, weight and shape and also a great number of antecedent life events during the year preceding the development of eating problems than the healthy control group. However, when compared with the general psychiatric control group only the exposure to critical comments about weight, shape, or eating emerged as a specific trigger for bulimia nervosa. Our findings support the fact that eating and shape/weight criticism in the year preceding the development of eating disturbance seems to be specifically related to bulimia nervosa.

  11. Interpersonal Group Therapy for Women Experiencing Bulimia (United States)

    Choate, Laura


    Bulimia Nervosa (BN) is a chronic disorder that results in a high degree of psychological impairment for many women. This article presents a description of Interpersonal Therapy for Group (IPT-G), an evidence-based approach for the treatment of BN. The author presents a rationale for the use of IPT-G, an outline of the group model, and provides…

  12. Exposure Plus Response-Prevention Treatment of Bulimia Nervosa. (United States)

    Leitenberg, Harold; And Others


    Evaluated exposure plus response-prevention treatment of bulimia nervosa among 47 women. Subjects were assigned to either exposure plus response-prevention in one setting, exposure plus response-prevention in multiple settings, cognitive-behavioral therapy, or waiting-list control conditions. Found three treatment groups improved significantly on…

  13. The validity and utility of subtyping bulimia nervosa

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    van Hoeken, Daphne; Veling, Wim; Sinke, Sjoukje; Mitchell, James E.; Hoek, Hans W.

    Objective: To review the evidence for the validity and utility of subtyping bulimia nervosa (BN) into a purging (BN-P) and a nonpurging subtype (BN-NP), and of distinguishing BN-NP from binge eating disorder (BED), by comparing course, complications, and treatment. Method: A literature search of

  14. The validity and utility of subtyping bulimia nervosa

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    van Hoeken, Daphne; Veling, Wim; Sinke, Sjoukje; Mitchell, James E.; Hoek, Hans W.


    Objective: To review the evidence for the validity and utility of subtyping bulimia nervosa (BN) into a purging (BN-P) and a nonpurging subtype (BN-NP), and of distinguishing BN-NP from binge eating disorder (BED), by comparing course, complications, and treatment. Method: A literature search of

  15. Ato e deriva pulsional na clínica da anorexia-bulimia

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    Cristina Moreira Marcos


    Full Text Available Los síntomas contemporáneos parecen sostenerse en un rechazo del inconsciente y resisten a entrar en el discurso. En lugar de resaltar el aspecto simbólico del síntoma, la anorexia-bulimia revela el síntoma como la fijación de goce, lo que indica un rechazo del inconsciente. Este aspecto se evidencia en la práctica clínica de la anorexia y bulimia, en los que se ha hallado un intercambio del significante para el goce, que apunta a una patología del acto y no de las manifestaciones clínicas del inconsciente. Esta cuestión se abordará a partir del testimonio de Fabiola De Clercq, publicado en Tutto il pane del mondo (Todo el pan del mundo. Su asociación con la anorexia y la bulimia revela la ausencia de la alteridad a través de la entrega a una deriva pulsional. A partir de este testimonio, se busca cuestionar el modo particular de presentación de esta clínica en la que la dimensión del acto es decisiva.

  16. The role of BDNF, leptin, and catecholamines in reward learning in bulimia nervosa. (United States)

    Homan, Philipp; Grob, Simona; Milos, Gabriella; Schnyder, Ulrich; Eckert, Anne; Lang, Undine; Hasler, Gregor


    A relationship between bulimia nervosa and reward-related behavior is supported by several lines of evidence. The dopaminergic dysfunctions in the processing of reward-related stimuli have been shown to be modulated by the neurotrophin brain derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) and the hormone leptin. Using a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, crossover design, a reward learning task was applied to study the behavior of 20 female subjects with remitted bulimia nervosa and 27 female healthy controls under placebo and catecholamine depletion with alpha-methyl-para-tyrosine (AMPT). The plasma levels of BDNF and leptin were measured twice during the placebo and the AMPT condition, immediately before and 1 hour after a standardized breakfast. AMPT-induced differences in plasma BDNF levels were positively correlated with the AMPT-induced differences in reward learning in the whole sample (P=.05). Across conditions, plasma brain derived neurotrophic factor levels were higher in remitted bulimia nervosa subjects compared with controls (diagnosis effect; P=.001). Plasma BDNF and leptin levels were higher in the morning before compared with after a standardized breakfast across groups and conditions (time effect; Pbulimia nervosa and controls. A role of leptin in reward learning is not supported by this study. However, leptin levels were sensitive to a depletion of catecholamine stores in both remitted bulimia nervosa and controls. © The Author 2015. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of CINP.

  17. An fMRI Study of Self-Regulatory Control and Conflict Resolution in Adolescents With Bulimia Nervosa (United States)

    Marsh, Rachel; Horga, Guillermo; Wang, Zhishun; Wang, Pengwei; Klahr, Kristin W.; Berner, Laura A.; Walsh, B. Timothy; Peterson, Bradley S.


    Objective The authors examined functional activity in the frontostriatal systems that mediate self-regulatory capacities and conflict resolution in adolescents with bulimia nervosa. Method Functional magnetic resonance imaging was used to compare blood-oxygen-level-dependent response in 18 female adolescents with bulimia nervosa and 18 healthy female age-matched subjects during performance on a Simon spatial incompatibility task. Bayesian analyses were used to compare the two groups on patterns of brain activation during correct responses to conflict stimuli and to explore the effects of antecedent stimulus context on group differences in self-regulation and conflict resolution. Results Adolescents with and without bulimia nervosa performed similarly on the task. During correct responses in conflict trials, frontostriatal circuits—including the right inferolateral and dorsolateral prefrontal cortices and putamen—failed to activate to the same degree in adolescents with bulimia nervosa as in healthy comparison subjects. Instead, deactivation was seen in the left inferior frontal gyrus as well as a neural system encompassing the posterior cingulate cortex and superior frontal gyrus. Group differences in cortical and striatal regions were driven by the differential responses to stimuli preceded by conflict and nonconflict stimuli, respectively. Conclusions When engaging the self-regulatory control processes necessary to resolve conflict, adolescents with bulimia nervosa displayed abnormal patterns of activation in frontostriatal and default-mode systems. Their abnormal processing of the antecedent stimulus context conditioned their brain response to conflict differently from that of healthy comparison subjects, specifically in frontal regions. It is suspected that functional disturbances in frontal portions of frontostriatal systems may release feeding behaviors from regulatory control, thereby perpetuating the conflicting desires to consume fattening foods and

  18. Reward Abnormalities Among Women with Full and Subthreshold Bulimia Nervosa: A Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Study (United States)

    Bohon, Cara; Stice, Eric


    Objective To test the hypothesis that women with full and subthreshold bulimia nervosa show abnormal neural activation in response to food intake and anticipated food intake relative to healthy control women. Method Females with and without full/subthreshold bulimia nervosa recruited from the community (N = 26) underwent functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) during receipt and anticipated receipt of chocolate milkshake and a tasteless control solution. Results Women with bulimia nervosa showed trends for less activation than healthy controls in the right anterior insula in response to anticipated receipt of chocolate milkshake (versus tasteless solution) and in the left middle frontal gyrus, right posterior insula, right precentral gyrus, and right mid dorsal insula in response to consumptions of milkshake (versus tasteless solution). Discussion Bulimia nervosa may be related to potential hypo-functioning of the brain reward system, which may lead these individuals to binge eat to compensate for this reward deficit, though the hypo-responsivity might be a result of a history of binge eating highly palatable foods. PMID:21997421

  19. Impact of fasting on food craving, mood and consumption in bulimia nervosa and healthy women participants. (United States)

    Moreno-Domínguez, Silvia; Rodríguez-Ruiz, Sonia; Fernández-Santaella, M Carmen; Ortega-Roldán, Blanca; Cepeda-Benito, Antonio


    Researchers have found that dietary restraint increases food cravings and may contribute to loss of control over eating. Negative mood states often precede food cravings and binge eating. In the present study, we tested the influence of a prolonged food deprivation period over emotional states and food cravings. Twenty-one bulimia nervosa participants and 20 healthy women participants were asked to refrain from any eating for 20 hours and reported, at baseline, after 6 hours and at the end of the fasting period, their mood and craving states. Food consumption was also measured. Fasting increased food cravings in both groups but increased negative mood in healthy women only. Bulimia nervosa participants reported improved mood following food deprivation. Whereas Bulimia nervosa and healthy women participants ate moderate and similar amounts of food following the 20-hour fasting period, food cravings were significantly associated with the number of calories ingested. These findings are congruent with self-regulation theories that predict that prolonged fasting may reduce negative emotions in women with bulimia nervosa. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and Eating Disorders Association.

  20. Reward abnormalities among women with full and subthreshold bulimia nervosa: a functional magnetic resonance imaging study. (United States)

    Bohon, Cara; Stice, Eric


    To test the hypothesis that women with full and subthreshold bulimia nervosa show abnormal neural activation in response to food intake and anticipated food intake relative to healthy control women. Females with and without full/subthreshold bulimia nervosa recruited from the community (N = 26) underwent functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) during receipt and anticipated receipt of chocolate milkshake and a tasteless control solution. Women with bulimia nervosa showed trends for less activation than healthy controls in the right anterior insula in response to anticipated receipt of chocolate milkshake (vs. tasteless solution) and in the left middle frontal gyrus, right posterior insula, right precentral gyrus, and right mid dorsal insula in response to consumptions of milkshake (vs. tasteless solution). Bulimia nervosa may be related to potential hypofunctioning of the brain reward system, which may lead these individuals to binge eat to compensate for this reward deficit, though the hypo-responsivity might be a result of a history of binge eating highly palatable foods. Copyright © 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  1. [Adaptation of psychodrama in psychotherapy of patients with anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa]. (United States)

    Izydorczyk, Bernadetta


    The aim of the article was an attempt to present selected theoretical motifs and moreover self experience in the adaptation of elements of psychodrama by Moreno in psychodynamic psychotherapy (individual and group psychotherapy) in a group of people with anorexia and bulimia nervosa. Psychodrama through own creativity, spontaneity and taking action on the "here and now" stage helps to attain and intensify therapeutic aims which concern the consciousness of inner conflict of persons with anorexia and bulimia nervosa, which is translocated on their body.

  2. "Diagnostic shift" from eating disorder not otherwise specified to bulimia nervosa using DSM-5 criteria: a clinical comparison with DSM-IV bulimia. (United States)

    MacDonald, Danielle E; McFarlane, Traci L; Olmsted, Marion P


    In the 5th edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5), the diagnostic threshold for binging and compensation in bulimia nervosa (BN) decreased from twice to once weekly for 3 months. This study investigates the validity of this change by examining whether BN patients and those whose diagnoses "shift" to BN with DSM-5 are similar in their psychological functioning. EDNOS patients whose symptoms met DSM-5 BN criteria (n=25) were compared to DSM-IV BN patients (n=146) on clinically relevant variables. No differences were found on: BMI; weight-based self-evaluation; perfectionism; depression and anxiety symptoms; or readiness for change. Differences were found on one Eating Disorder Inventory subscale (i.e., bulimia), with the BN group reporting higher scores, consistent with group definitions. These findings support the modified criteria, suggesting that psychopathology both directly and indirectly related to eating disorders is comparable between those with once weekly versus more frequent bulimic episodes. © 2013.

  3. Therapist adherence is associated with outcome in cognitive–behavioral therapy for bulimia nervosa

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Folke, Sofie; Daniel, Sarah Ingrid Franksdatter; Gondan, Matthias


    Studies of therapist adherence in relation to treatment outcome have produced mixed results. The aim of the present study was to investigate change in therapist adherence to cognitive–behavioral therapy (CBT) for bulimia nervosa over time, and to investigate the relationship between adherence...... and client outcome in early, middle, and late phases of treatment. Thirty-six clients received the focused form of “enhanced” CBT (CBT-E) for bulimia nervosa. Trained observers rated audiotapes of 92 full-length therapy sessions from early (Session 3), middle (Session 11), and late phases (Session 20...

  4. Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Bulimia: An Initial Outcome Study. (United States)

    Ordman, Arnold M.; Kirschenbaum, Daniel S.


    Examined the efficacy of a cognitive-behavioral therapy for bulimia. Assigned 20 bulimic women to full- or brief-intervention therapy programs. Results indicated that full-intervention clients, relative to brief-intervention clients, substantially reduced the frequency of their bingeing-vomiting; improved their psychological adjustment; and…

  5. Anorexia and bulimia nervosa. (United States)

    Kaye, W H; Klump, K L; Frank, G K; Strober, M


    Anorexia nervosa (AN) and bulimia nervosa (BN) are disorders characterized by abnormal patterns of weight regulation and eating behavior and by disturbances in attitudes and perceptions toward weight and body shape. Etiologic research has indicated substantial genetic influence on these disorders, suggesting significant biological contributions to their development. Obsessional, perfectionistic, and anxious personality styles may be premorbid traits that contribute to this pathogenesis. Studies of neuroendocrine, neuropeptide, and neurotransmitter functioning in patients with AN and BN indicate that disturbances of these systems may contribute to the maintenance as well as the etiology of these sometimes fatal disorders. The efficacy of psychological treatments and pharmacotherapy has been more clearly established for BN than for AN.

  6. Effect of eating rate on binge size in Bulimia Nervosa (United States)

    Kissileff, Harry R; Zimmerli, Ellen J; Torres, Migdalia I; Devlin, Michael J; Walsh, B Timothy


    Effect of eating rate on binge size in bulimia nervosa. Bulimia Nervosa (BN) is an eating disorder characterized by recurrent episodes of binge eating. During binge eating episodes, patients often describe the rapid consumption of food, and laboratory studies have shown that during binges patients with BN eat faster than normal controls (NC), but the hypothesis that a rapid rate of eating contributes to the excessive intake of binge meals has not yet been experimentally tested. The aim of this study was to assess the effect of eating rate on binge size in BN, in order to determine whether binge size is mediated, in part, by rate of eating. Thirteen BN and 14 NC subjects were asked to binge eat a yogurt shake that was served at a fast rate (140g/min) on one occasion and at a slow rate (70g/min) on another. NC subjects consumed 169 g more when eating at the fast rate than when eating at the slow rate. In contrast, consumption rates failed to influence binge size in patients with BN (fast: 1205 g; slow: 1195 g). Consequently, there was a significant group by rate interaction. As expected, patients with BN consumed more overall than NC subjects (1200 g vs. 740 g). When instructed to binge in the eating laboratory, patients with BN ate equally large amounts of food at a slow rate as at a fast rate. NC subjects ate less at a slow rate. These findings indicate that in a structured laboratory meal paradigm binge size is not affected by rate of eating. PMID:17996257

  7. Negative affect and neural response to palatable food intake in bulimia nervosa. (United States)

    Bohon, Cara; Stice, Eric


    Binge eating is often preceded by reports of negative affect, but the mechanism by which affect may lead to binge eating is unclear. This study evaluated the effect of negative affect on neural response to anticipation and receipt of palatable food in women with bulimia nervosa (BN) versus healthy controls. We also evaluated connectivity between the amygdala and reward-related brain regions. Females with and without BN (n=26) underwent functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) during receipt and anticipated receipt of chocolate milkshake and a tasteless solution. We measured negative affect just prior to the scan. Women with BN showed a positive correlation between negative affect and activity in the putamen, caudate, and pallidum during anticipated receipt of milkshake (versus tasteless solution). There were no significant relations between negative affect and receipt of milkshake. Connectivity analyses revealed a greater relation of amygdala activity to activation in the left putamen and insula during anticipated receipt of milkshake in the bulimia group relative to the control group. The opposite pattern was found for the taste of milkshake; the control group showed a greater relation of amygdala activity to activation in the left putamen and insula in response to milkshake receipt than the bulimia group. Results show that as negative affect increases, so does responsivity of reward regions to anticipated intake of palatable food, implying that negative affect may increase the reward value of food for individuals with bulimia nervosa or that negative affect has become a conditioned cue due to a history of binge eating in a negative mood. Copyright © 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  8. Content Analysis of the Construction of Self and Others in Women with Bulimia Nervosa


    Dada, Gloria; Izu, Sheila; Montebruno, Claudia; Grau, Antoni; Feixas, Guillem


    The purpose of this study was to explore the content of personal constructs in people diagnosed with bulimia nervosa (BN). We expected to find differences in the predominant content of the construct systems between women with and without BN. We analyzed the constructs elicited using the repertory grid technique from 120 women aged between 18 to 45 years, divided into two groups: a clinical group of women diagnosed with bulimia (n = 62) and a control group of university students (n = 58). The ...

  9. The impact of bulimia nervosa on oral health: A review of the literature. (United States)

    Rosten, A; Newton, T


    Eating disorders are a potentially life-threatening group of mental disorders, which affect a patient's relationship with food and their body. This manifests itself through chaotic and disordered eating habits. One such eating disorder is bulimia nervosa, which has a lifetime prevalence of 1%. While there is consensus that bulimic behaviour directly causes dental erosion due to vomiting and acidic food choices, there is less clear evidence for a direct link between bulimia nervosa and dental caries, although there does still appear to be an association. Reduced salivary flow rate is a common feature among bulimics, but this is often due to anti-depressant medication rather than dietary habits or vomiting, and the effects are largely limited to unstimulated whole salivary flow rate and don't affect stimulated whole salivary flow rate. Parotid enlargement is present in a number of cases but this tends to be a minority. Further research is required given the limitations of current studies, especially gender imbalances among the populations studied and a lack of clear focus on bulimia nervosa.

  10. Depressive Thought Content Among Female College Students With Bulimia. (United States)

    Brouwers, Mariette


    Compared overall depression scores on Beck Depression Inventory between women with and without bulimia and examined differences in specific depression items. Results indicated that bulimics were more depressed than controls and had distorted thoughts regarding body image, self-blame, somatic preoccupation, guilt, and suicidal ideation. (Author/NB)

  11. Psychopharmacotherapy of anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa and binge-eating disorder. (United States)

    Krüger, S; Kennedy, S H


    Pharmacotherapy for anorexia nervosa is considered to be of limited efficacy. However, many studies suffer methodological limitations, and the utility of newer drugs in the treatment of anorexia has not been examined yet. Although there have been more fruitful investigations on the efficacy of medication in the management of bulimia nervosa, there are still many unresolved issues regarding the optimal management of partial remission during the acute treatment phase and the intensity and duration of pharmacotherapy to achieve optimal prophylaxis. Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) control the binge urges in binge-eating disorder, but more trials are required to investigate the utility of SSRIs and other agents in maintenance treatment. We review the current status of psychopharmacotherapy for anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa and binge-eating disorder and evaluate the merits of newer agents in the treatment of these disorders.

  12. Psychopharmacotherapy of anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa and binge-eating disorder (United States)

    Kruger, S; Kennedy, SH


    Pharmacotherapy for anorexia nervosa is considered to be of limited efficacy. However, many studies suffer methodological limitations, and the utility of newer drugs in the treatment of anorexia has not been examined yet. Although there have been more fruitful investigations on the efficacy of medication in the management of bulimia nervosa, there are still many unresolved issues regarding the optimal management of partial remission during the acute treatment phase and the intensity and duration of pharmacotherapy to achieve optimal prophylaxis. Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) control the binge urges in binge-eating disorder, but more trials are required to investigate the utility of SSRIs and other agents in maintenance treatment. We review the current status of psychopharmacotherapy for anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa and binge-eating disorder and evaluate the merits of newer agents in the treatment of these disorders. PMID:11109300

  13. Dying on the Inside: What Every Teacher Needs to Know About Anorexia Nervosa, Bulimia, and the Individual Child. (United States)

    Zimmer, Marc

    This document provides teachers with information on the identifying features of anorexia nervosa and bulimia and suggests steps which teachers can take to encourage individual children in more positive behavior. The paper makes clear distinctions between anorexia nervosa, bulimia, and bulimarexia, describing the symptoms of each disorder. It is…

  14. Meal-induced compositional changes in blood and saliva in persons with bulimia nervosa

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Dynesen, Anja Weirsøe; Jensen, Allan Bardow; Astrup, Arne


    in controls before and after intake of a meal and whether these changes may be reflected in saliva. Design: Twenty women with bulimia nervosa and 20 age- and sex-matched healthy controls participated. After an overnight fast, the subjects ate a standardized carbohydrate-rich breakfast. Whole saliva and blood...... were collected, and visual analogue scales for hunger and satiety were completed once before and continuously for 5 h after the breakfast. Results: A lower pre- and postprandial whole saliva flow rate was found in subjects with bulimia nervosa, which might have been attributable to a concomitant intake...

  15. A Naturalistic Investigation of Eating Behavior in Bulimia Nervosa. (United States)

    Davis, Ron; And Others


    Investigated parameters of eating behavior in subjects with bulimia nervosa (BN). BN and female comparison (FC) subjects monitored hourly over several days their food intake, mood, hunger, social circumstances, and experiences of unpleasant events. BN subjects reported more positive moods prior to consuming a meal, and more negative moods prior to…

  16. Eating disorder not otherwise specified in an inpatient unit: the impact of altering the DSM-IV criteria for anorexia and bulimia nervosa. (United States)

    Dalle Grave, Riccardo; Calugi, Simona


    To evaluate (1) the Eating Disorder Not Otherwise Specified (EDNOS) prevalence in an eating disorder inpatient unit; (2) the impact of altering the diagnostic criteria for anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa on the prevalence of EDNOS. One hundred and eighty six eating disorder patients consecutively hospitalised were included in the study. The prevalence of anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa and EDNOS was evaluated with the Eating Disorder Examination (EDE). The EDNOS prevalence was recalculated after the alteration of three diagnostic criteria for anorexia nervosa and one for bulimia nervosa. Seventy eight patients (41.9%) met the diagnostic criteria for anorexia nervosa, 33 (17.8%) for bulimia nervosa and 75 (40.3%) for EDNOS. The alteration of the DSM-IV diagnostic criteria reduced the prevalence of EDNOS to 28 cases (15%). EDNOS is a very frequent diagnostic category in an inpatient setting. Altering the diagnostic criteria for anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa reduced significantly the prevalence of EDNOS. 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and Eating Disorders Association

  17. Achalasia as a complication of bulimia nervosa: A case report ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Objective: Oesophageal achalasia is a medical condition characterised by oesophageal aperistalsis, an increased resting pressure with partial or incomplete relaxation of the lower oesophageal sphincter. Bulimia nervosa (BN) is an eating disorder manifested by binge eating attacks followed by recurrent inappropriate ...

  18. Disfonia e bulimia: avaliação dos sintomas e sinais vocais e laríngeos Dysphonia and bulimia: evaluation of vocal and laryngeal signs and symptoms

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Cynthia Priscila Ferreira


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Descrever os sintomas e sinais vocais e laríngeos de pacientes com diagnóstico de bulimia. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal, descritivo, randomizado, com experimento cego. Avaliou-se 11 indivíduos com diagnóstico de bulimia, com o subtipo purgativo, do sexo feminino e idade variando de 18 a 34 anos, que foram submetidas à avaliação fonoaudiológica e otorrinolaringológica. RESULTADOS: Os sintomas laríngeos e vocais mais relatados foram: o pigarro e a sensação de globus faríngeo relatados por dez sujeitos (90,9%. Na avaliação perceptivo-auditiva, os escores de maior ocorrência foram de grau leve em todos os parâmetros analisados. Os achados laríngeos de maior ocorrência foram os acúmulos de secreção espessa na laringe em cinco paciente (45,4%, seguido de fenda triangular médio-posterior e espessamento de mucosa na região interaritenoidea, ambos, ocorrendo em quatro sujeitos (36,3%. CONCLUSÃO: Os achados laringológicos e perceptivo-auditivos foram menos expressivos que os sintomas vocais e laríngeos relatados pelas pacientes.PURPOSE: To describe vocal and laryngeal signs and symptoms in patients with bulimia. METHODS: A blind, descriptive, randomized, transversal study was carried out. Eleven female subjects with the diagnosis of purgative bulimia nervosa and ages ranging from 18 to 34 years underwent otorhinolaryngological and vocal evaluations. RESULTS: The most common vocal and laryngeal symptoms were throat clearing and globus faringeus, related by 10 subjects (90.9%. In the auditory-perceptive evaluation, the most common scores were characterized as light in all analyzed parameters. The accumulation of thick mucus over the larynx occurred in five patients (45.4%, followed by median-posterior triangular glottic chink and mucosal thickening at the interaytenoid region, in four patients (36.3%. CONCLUSION: The laryngeal and perceptual findings were less expressive than vocal and laryngeal complaints.

  19. La amenorrea como criterio diagnóstico de la anorexia nerviosa / Amenorrhea as a Diagnostic Criterion for Anorexia Nervosa

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Santos Orejudo Hernández


    Full Text Available La amenorrea es un criterio para el diagnostico de la anorexia nerviosa (AN según el DSM-IV-TR. Sin embargo, al comparar grupos de pacientes que cumplen todos los criterios de este manual para la AN con grupos de mujeres que los presentan todos salvo la amenorrea, algunos estudios no han encontrado diferencias significativas en la psicopatología típicamente asociadas con la AN. El propósito de nuestro estudio ha sido comparar variables demográficas, antropométricas, psicológicas y psicopatológicas, en ambos grupos. No se observaron diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre ambos grupos en las variables evaluadas, pero el grupo con amenorrea tenía un índice de masa corporal significativamente más bajo. Nuestros datos apoyan la hipótesis de que la amenorrea podría no ser un criterio diagnóstico útil para la AN.

  20. Recurrent aborted sudden cardiac death with seizures and rhabdomyolysis due to bulimia-induced hypokalemia: report of one case. (United States)

    Finsterer, Josef; Stöllberger, Claudia


    Recurrent vomiting due to bulimia associated with abuse of furosemide and laxatives causing severe hypokalemia may result in recurrent aborted sudden cardiac death (SCD) and seizures. We report a 25-year-old female with a history of bulimia associated with abuse of furosemide and laxatives since the age of 15 years, migraine since puberty, renal abscesses at age 20 y, and rhabdomyolysis of unknown cause at age 24 y. She experienced aborted SCD due to severe hypokalemia with symptomatic seizures at 21 and 25 years of age. Bulimia patients additionally taking laxatives or furosemide are at particular risk of SCD and rhabdomyolysis and require periodic determination of electrolytes, potassium substitution, and adequate psychiatric therapy and surveillance.

  1. [Anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa. Psychological considerations for its treatment]. (United States)

    Barriguete Meléndez, J Armando; Rojo, Luis; Emmelhainz, Marisa


    It is presented the current perspectives in the study and treatment of the eating disorders, in specific: anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa, epidemiology, and the interface among the different medical specialties, nutrition and sciences of the behavior, the diagnostic approaches, instruments and current therapeutic models.

  2. Weight Suppression Predicts Time to Remission from Bulimia Nervosa (United States)

    Lowe, Michael R.; Berner, Laura A.; Swanson, Sonja A.; Clark, Vicki L.; Eddy, Kamryn T.; Franko, Debra L.; Shaw, Jena A.; Ross, Stephanie; Herzog, David B.


    Objective: To investigate whether, at study entry, (a) weight suppression (WS), the difference between highest past adult weight and current weight, prospectively predicts time to first full remission from bulimia nervosa (BN) over a follow-up period of 8 years, and (b) weight change over time mediates the relationship between WS and time to first…

  3. [Anesthesia in patients with anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa]. (United States)

    Zenker, J; Hagenah, U; Rossaint, R


    Eating disorders are typical diseases of adolescence and early adulthood. About 1-3% of female juveniles suffer from anorexia nervosa (AN) or bulimia nervosa (BN). Today AN is still the psychiatric disease with the highest mortality rate. The peri-operative mortality rate of patients suffering from AN is in the range up to 15%. The beginning of AN is a lingering process and the majority of patients show increasingly restrictive eating habits ending in cachexia. Patients are obsessed by the predominant idea of being obese in spite of having a significant underweight. Patients suffering from bulimia break the strict regimen by eating enormous amounts of high calorie food. Such eating attacks are followed by weight reducing measures, mostly vomiting. Most of the physical changes caused by AN are due to starvation and loss of weight. The most significant medical complications are alterations of the cardiovascular system accompanied by decreasing contractility of the heart, bradycardia, electrocardiographic changes as well as disequilibrium of electrolytic and water balance. Most of these symptoms can be reversed by putting on weight.

  4. Controlled family study of anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa: evidence of shared liability and transmission of partial syndromes. (United States)

    Strober, M; Freeman, R; Lampert, C; Diamond, J; Kaye, W


    Lifetime rates of full and partial anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa were determined in first-degree relatives of diagnostically pure proband groups and relatives of matched, never-ill comparison subjects. Rates of each eating disorder were obtained for 1,831 relatives of 504 probands on the basis of personal structured clinical interviews and family history. Best-estimate diagnoses based on all available information were rendered without knowledge of proband status and pedigree identity. Only definite and probable diagnoses were considered. Whereas anorexia nervosa was rare in families of the comparison subjects, full and partial syndromes of anorexia nervosa aggregated in female relatives of both anorexic and bulimic probands. For the full syndrome of anorexia nervosa, the relative risks were 11.3 and 12.3 in female relatives of anorexic and bulimic probands, respectively. Bulimia nervosa was more common than anorexia nervosa in female relatives of comparison subjects, but it, too, aggregated in the families of ill probands; the corresponding relative risks for bulimia nervosa were 4.2 and 4.4 for female relatives of anorexic and bulimic probands, respectively. When partial syndromes of anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa were considered, relative risks fell by one-half in each group of ill probands. Both anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa are familial. Their cross-transmission in families suggests a common, or shared, familial diathesis. The additional observation that familial aggregation and cross-transmission extend to milder phenotypes suggests the validity of their inclusion in a continuum of familial liability.

  5. Anorexia Nervosa and Bulimia: Questions and Answers for School Personnel. (United States)

    Mallick, M. Joan


    School personnel can have a vital role in the early detection and treatment of anorexia nervosa and bulimia by understanding certain signs and symptoms. This article provides specific information about early detection, approaches to use when confronting the student, and methods to facilitate treatment. (Author/DF)

  6. Insatisfação com a imagem corporal e relação com estado nutricional, adiposidade corporal e sintomas de anorexia e bulimia em adolescentes Body image dissatisfaction and its relationship with nutritional status, body fat, and anorexia and bulimia symptoms in adolescents

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Cilene Rebolho Martins


    Full Text Available Objetivos: Identificar a prevalência de insatisfação com a imagem corporal e de sintomas de anorexia e bulimia em adolescentes do sexo feminino da cidade de Santa Maria (RS e verificar a associação da insatisfação com a imagem corporal com estado nutricional, adiposidade corporal e sintomas de anorexia e bulimia. Método: Foram analisadas 258 adolescentes do sexo feminino (11 a 13 anos, estudantes de escolas públicas. Aplicou-se o Body Shape Questionnaire e o Teste de Atitudes Alimentares (EAT-26. Foram calculados o índice de massa corporal e o percentual de gordura. Foram utilizados o teste qui-quadrado e a regressão logística. Resultados: A prevalência de insatisfação com a imagem corporal foi de 25,3% e a de sintomas de anorexia e bulimia foi de 27,6%. A insatisfação com a imagem corporal apresentou associação com o estado nutricional, sendo que as adolescentes com excesso de peso apresentaram maior insatisfação (razão de chances = 2,64; IC95%= 1,02-6,83. Conclusão: As prevalências de insatisfação corporal e sintomas de anorexia e bulimia foram elevadas. O estado nutricional parece ser o melhor preditor da insatisfação corporal.Objectives: To identify the prevalence of body image dissatisfaction and anorexia and bulimia symptoms in adolescent girls from the city of Santa Maria, Brazil, and to determine the association of body image dissatisfaction with nutritional status, body fat, and anorexia and bulimia symptoms. Method: We investigated 258 adolescent girls (11 to 13 years from public schools. The Body Shape Questionnaire and the Eating Attitudes Test (EAT-26 were used. Body mass index and percent body fat were calculated. The chi-square test and logistic regression were used. Results: The prevalence of body image dissatisfaction was 25.3% and the prevalence of anorexia and bulimia symptoms was 27.6%. Body image dissatisfaction was associated with nutritional status, with overweight girls presenting higher

  7. State self-esteem ratings in women with bulimia nervosa and bulimia nervosa in remission. (United States)

    Daley, Karen A; Jimerson, David C; Heatherton, Todd F; Metzger, Eran D; Wolfe, Barbara E


    Bulimia nervosa (BN) is associated with low self-esteem. This study was designed to assess whether low self-esteem persists in nondepressed individuals who have recovered from BN (BN-R). Study groups included BN (n = 22), BN-R (n = 20), and healthy controls (n = 42). Participants were medication-free, and none met criteria for current major depression. Assessment instruments included the State Self-Esteem Scale (SSES), a self-rating scale designed to measure state-related changes in self-esteem. Consistent with previous reports, SSES scores for BN were lower than for controls (p p p p low self-esteem following recovery from BN. Follow-up studies are needed to assess whether low self-esteem contributes to recurrent dieting and risk for relapse.

  8. Relationship-focused therapy for bulimia and binge eating: Introduction to the special section. (United States)

    Thompson-Brenner, Heather


    Individuals with bulimia nervosa and binge eating disorder commonly report co-occurring interpersonal problems, and treatment that focuses on relationships and relational functioning has shown benefit relative to other forms of treatment. Relational psychotherapy for eating disorders can vary on several important dimensions, such as how structured and symptom-focused versus exploratory and patient-directed it is, whether it focuses on past relationships and patterns in relationships over time versus focusing on current relationships, and whether it includes the relationship with the therapist as an explicit topic of conversation and mechanism for relational change. The cases in this special section provide the opportunity to closely compare 3 therapeutic approaches on each of these dimensions. Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy for Bulimia Nervosa, Integrative Dynamic Therapy for Bulimia Nervosa, and Interpersonal Psychotherapy for the Prevention of Weight Gain and Eating Disorders are each highly distinct approaches. The authors of each case explain the intended mechanisms of treatment response, the measures that assess changes in eating disorder symptoms as well as the mechanisms of change, and provide extensive excerpts from case material to demonstrate and illustrate the particular evidence-based treatment. Therapists and researchers may usefully consider the process and outcome variables described in these interpersonal approaches. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2016 APA, all rights reserved).

  9. Bulimia and Anorexia Nervosa in Dental and Dental Hygiene Curricula. (United States)

    Gross, Karen B. W.; And Others


    Dentists and dental hygienists are in a unique position to identify an eating disorder patient from observed oral manifestations and to refer the patient for psychological therapy. The inclusion of information on general and oral complications of bulimia and anorexia nervosa in dental and dental hygiene curriculum was examined. (MLW)

  10. Selective Visual Attention during Mirror Exposure in Anorexia and Bulimia Nervosa (United States)

    Tuschen-Caffier, Brunna; Bender, Caroline; Caffier, Detlef; Klenner, Katharina; Braks, Karsten; Svaldi, Jennifer


    Objective Cognitive theories suggest that body dissatisfaction results from the activation of maladaptive appearance schemata, which guide mental processes such as selective attention to shape and weight-related information. In line with this, the present study hypothesized that patients with anorexia nervosa (AN) and bulimia nervosa (BN) are characterized by increased visual attention for the most dissatisfying/ugly body part compared to their most satisfying/beautiful body part, while a more balanced viewing pattern was expected for controls without eating disorders (CG). Method Eye movements were recorded in a group of patients with AN (n = 16), BN (n = 16) and a CG (n = 16) in an ecologically valid setting, i.e., during a 3-min mirror exposure. Results Evidence was found that patients with AN and BN display longer and more frequent gazes towards the most dissatisfying relative to the most satisfying and towards their most ugly compared to their most beautiful body parts, whereas the CG showed a more balanced gaze pattern. Discussion The results converge with theoretical models that emphasize the role of information processing in the maintenance of body dissatisfaction. Given the etiological importance of body dissatisfaction in the development of eating disorders, future studies should focus on the modification of the reported patterns. PMID:26714279

  11. Selective Visual Attention during Mirror Exposure in Anorexia and Bulimia Nervosa.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Brunna Tuschen-Caffier

    Full Text Available Cognitive theories suggest that body dissatisfaction results from the activation of maladaptive appearance schemata, which guide mental processes such as selective attention to shape and weight-related information. In line with this, the present study hypothesized that patients with anorexia nervosa (AN and bulimia nervosa (BN are characterized by increased visual attention for the most dissatisfying/ugly body part compared to their most satisfying/beautiful body part, while a more balanced viewing pattern was expected for controls without eating disorders (CG.Eye movements were recorded in a group of patients with AN (n = 16, BN (n = 16 and a CG (n = 16 in an ecologically valid setting, i.e., during a 3-min mirror exposure.Evidence was found that patients with AN and BN display longer and more frequent gazes towards the most dissatisfying relative to the most satisfying and towards their most ugly compared to their most beautiful body parts, whereas the CG showed a more balanced gaze pattern.The results converge with theoretical models that emphasize the role of information processing in the maintenance of body dissatisfaction. Given the etiological importance of body dissatisfaction in the development of eating disorders, future studies should focus on the modification of the reported patterns.

  12. [Gynecologic and endocrinologic sequelae of bulimia--hormonal changes]. (United States)

    Resch, Mária; Szendei, György; Haász, Péter


    Gynecological problems are one of the most frequent somatic complications of eating disorders. The purpose of the present study was to assess the role of improper eating habits causing menstrual disturbances, anovulation and related hormonal changes. Latent bulimia nervosa is in the focus of attention since amenorrhea is considered as a diagnostic criterion of anorexia nervosa. Subjects of the BITE (Bulimia Investigation Test, Edinburgh) test were infertile patients (n = 34) of the gynecological outpatient departments after medical examination, blood-test (LH, FSH, androstenedione, DHEAS, progesterone, testosterone, SHBG, prolactin) and ultrasonic examination (uterus and ovaries). Symptoms and severity subscales of the BITE test and body mass index (BMI) were close correlation (p = 0.003, p = 0.033). In comparison with previous results, EDNOS (Eating Disorders Not Otherwise Specified) prevalence was 48%. Of hormonal changes, low LH and FSH levels (6/6) and hyperandrogenism (5/6) were significant in patients with subclinical eating disorders (n = 6) by infertile women as compared with the "normal" infertile group (n = 18; 7/18, 8/18). The recent results suggests that unsatisfactory nutrition (bulimic binges, "crash diet") is as relevant in hormonal dysfunction, menstrual disturbances and infertility as pathologically low weight in anorexia nervosa. Excessive application of contraceptives in therapy has to be taken into consideration.

  13. Case Study of An Adopted Chinese Woman with Bulimia Nervosa: A Cultural and Transcultural Approach. (United States)

    de Montgremier, Marion Vu-Augier; Chen, Liangliang; Chen, Jue; Moro, Marie Rose


    For a long time, eating disorders were considered as culture-bound syndromes, specific to Western countries. This theory has been refuted for anorexia, but few transcultural studies have been carried out on bulimia nervosa. As a result, knowledge concerning this disorder is limited. On the basis of a clinical case involving a bulimic Chinese girl, we attempt to demonstrate the impact of cultural factors on the disorder. We discuss the atypical characteristics of her symptom profile, in particular the absence of preoccupations concerning her appearance and the psycho-pathological impact of the secrecy surrounding her adoption. In this particular case, bulimia triggered a search for filiation and identity that could have later enabled her to restore harmonious family ties and to gain autonomy. We also examine the case in the context of adoption in China. This clinical case points out how important it is to take cultural factors into account and how useful a transcultural approach is in order to understand bulimia, and suggest effective methods of care.

  14. An Update on Genetic and Serotoneric Biomarker Findings in Bulimia Nervosa

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sjögren, Magnus


    support in understanding the pathophysiology of BN, and potentially in diagnosing, and monitoring of effects of treatment. This review describes genetic and serotonergic biomarkers for BN. Method: A literature search using PUBMED (20 June 2017) was done using the following search terms: 1) “Bulimia...

  15. A Primary Prevention Program to Reduce Bulimia and Anorexia Nervosa. (United States)

    Cullari, Salvatore; Redmon, William K.

    This paper presents a theoretical model for a primary prevention program for bulimia and anorexia nervosa to be used with adolescents and young women considered most at risk of developing these eating disorders. Characteristics of potential anorexics and bulimics are identified to aid in the selection of target groups for the program. It is…

  16. Altered structural and effective connectivity in anorexia and bulimia nervosa in circuits that regulate energy and reward homeostasis. (United States)

    Frank, G K W; Shott, M E; Riederer, J; Pryor, T L


    Anorexia and bulimia nervosa are severe eating disorders that share many behaviors. Structural and functional brain circuits could provide biological links that those disorders have in common. We recruited 77 young adult women, 26 healthy controls, 26 women with anorexia and 25 women with bulimia nervosa. Probabilistic tractography was used to map white matter connectivity strength across taste and food intake regulating brain circuits. An independent multisample greedy equivalence search algorithm tested effective connectivity between those regions during sucrose tasting. Anorexia and bulimia nervosa had greater structural connectivity in pathways between insula, orbitofrontal cortex and ventral striatum, but lower connectivity from orbitofrontal cortex and amygdala to the hypothalamus (Pbulimia nervosa effective connectivity was directed from anterior cingulate via ventral striatum to the hypothalamus. Across all groups, sweetness perception was predicted by connectivity strength in pathways connecting to the middle orbitofrontal cortex. This study provides evidence that white matter structural as well as effective connectivity within the energy-homeostasis and food reward-regulating circuitry is fundamentally different in anorexia and bulimia nervosa compared with that in controls. In eating disorders, anterior cingulate cognitive-emotional top down control could affect food reward and eating drive, override hypothalamic inputs to the ventral striatum and enable prolonged food restriction.

  17. Eating Disorders. What Parents Need to Know About Anorexia and Bulimia. (United States)

    Our Children, 1998


    Examines facts about eating disorders, which typically affect females in their teens, discussing the causes of anorexia and bulimia, describing their effects on the body, and explaining available treatment. Though eating disorders are very serious and potentially fatal, they are treatable. Treatment includes physician evaluation, possible…

  18. Eating disorders focused on anorexia and bulimia nervosa.


    Zinková, Alžběta


    The study deals with eating disorders. It tries to bring the most comprehensive overview of the two majority eating disorders, anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa, respectively. Both diseases have a lot in common, but also some of its specifics which are pointed out in the study. The study is conceived to make the reader in the early chapters acquainted with the various eating disorders according to international diagnostic criteria. Then there is a brief history, epidemiology and etiology a...

  19. Defining recovery in adult bulimia nervosa. (United States)

    Yu, Jessica; Agras, W Stewart; Bryson, Susan


    To examine how different definitions of recovery lead to varying rates of recovery, maintenance of recovery, and relapse in bulimia nervosa (BN), end-of-treatment (EOT) and follow-up data were obtained from 96 adults with BN. Combining behavioral, physical, and psychological criteria led to recovery rates between 15.5% and 34.4% at EOT, though relapse was approximately 50%. Combining these criteria and requiring abstinence from binge eating and purging when defining recovery may lead to lower recovery rates than those found in previous studies; however, a strength of this definition is that individuals who meet this criteria have no remaining disordered behaviors or symptoms.

  20. Just Desserts? Exploring Constructions of Food in Women's Experiences of Bulimia. (United States)

    Churruca, Kate; Ussher, Jane M; Perz, Janette


    Bulimia, an eating disorder that affects more women than men, involves binging and compensatory behaviors. Given the importance of food in experiences of these behaviors, in this article, we examine constructions of food in accounts of bulimic behavior: how these constructions relate to cultural discourses, and their implications for subjectivity. Fifteen women who engaged in bulimic behaviors were interviewed. Through a thematic decomposition of their accounts, we identified six discursive constructions of food: "good/healthy" or "bad/unhealthy," "contaminating body and soul," "collapsed into fat," "pleasurable reward," "comfort," and "fuel for the body." Many constructions were consolidated through participants' embodied experiences, but made available through discourses in public health, biomedicine, and femininity, and had implications for subjectivity in terms of morality, spirituality, and self-worth. Thus, despite women deploying these constructions to make sense of their bulimic behaviors, they are culturally normative; this point has implications for therapeutic and preventive strategies for bulimia.

  1. Thyroxine, shape, and weight: interaction of Graves' disease and bulimia nervosa. (United States)

    Teufel, Martin; Giel, Katrin Elisabeth; Lehr, Jule; Becker, Sandra; Muthig, Michaela; Zipfel, Stephan; Kuprion, Jürgen


    A case of a 25-year-old woman with bulimia nervosa and Graves' disease is presented. Graves' disease is the cause of 50-80 % of hyperthyroidism. The disease is characterized by increases of thyroid hormone production, activation of the metabolism, and successive weight loss. Bulimia nervosa is characterized by purging behavior after binge eating episodes. We report a patient suffering from both entities. A pronounced non-compliance to the intake of antithyroid drugs (Carbimazole) correlated with eating disorder symptoms like negative evaluation of the body and fear of weight gain. Thus, elevated hyperthyroidism due to Graves' disease served as a purging method. During 8 weeks of inpatient psychotherapy, the patient adapted to a structured eating behavior. Self-esteem was less influenced by body shape and body weight, and compliance to endocrinological recommendations improved. Non-compliance to antithyroid drugs may be a symptom of an eating disorder. A careful and primarily non-confronting interdisciplinary diagnostic and treatment approach is required.

  2. Women with bulimia nervosa exhibit attenuated secretion of glucagon-like peptide 1, pancreatic polypeptide, and insulin in response to a meal

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Naessén, Sabine; Carlström, Kjell; Holst, Jens Juul


    The eating disorder bulimia nervosa (BN) is characterized by frequent episodes of binge eating, followed regularly by inappropriate compensatory behavior, such as self-induced vomiting.......The eating disorder bulimia nervosa (BN) is characterized by frequent episodes of binge eating, followed regularly by inappropriate compensatory behavior, such as self-induced vomiting....

  3. Emotional theory of mind in eating disorders

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Cristina Medina-Pradas


    Full Text Available El objetivo general del presente estudio ex post facto fue investigar el componente emocional de la teoría de la mente (eToM en una muestra de 97 mujeres con trastornos de la conducta alimentaria (TCA, considerando todos los subtipos diagnósticos. La investigación empírica realizada a este respecto en los TCA es limitada, enfocada especialmente en anorexia nerviosa (AN, y los resultados encontrados han sido contradictorios. Se administró el "Test de los Ojos" a las pacientes y a 39 controles sanos. La valencia emocional de los ítems también se examinó. Las pacientes con bulimia nerviosa (BN y TCA no especificado (TCANE mostraron una peor habilidad en eToM que las controles, especialmente en relación a las emociones positivas y a los estados cognitivos no emocionales. No se encontraron diferencias entre las pacientes con AN y el grupo control. Los resultados sugieren que las pacientes con BN y TCANE podrían mostrar un patrón específico de dificultades a la hora de inferir emociones complejas en los otros, mientras el grupo de AN no presentaría ninguna dificultad relevante. Estos déficits necesitarían ser tenidos en cuenta en el tratamiento psicológico.

  4. Nutritional supplements in eating disorders. (United States)

    Díaz-Marsá, Marina; Alberdi-Páramo, Iñigo; Niell-Galmés, Lluis


    Eating disorders (EDs) are a series of differentiated nosological entities sharing the common link of a continuous alteration in food intake or in food intake-related behavior. Within this classification, the following disorders are noteworthy: anorexia nerviosa (AN) and bulimia nerviosa (BN). Anorexia nervosa is a chronic disorder characterized mainly by negative or decreased food intake accompanied by a distortion of body image and intense accompanying fear of weight gain. The estimated vital prevalence of this disorder in adolescence is approximately 0.5%-1%.1 The primary feature of BN is the presence of binge eating accompanied by compensatory behavior (in the form of intense exercise and the use of laxatives and diuretics, etc.). The prevalence of BN is estimated to be between 2% and 4% in young women, and it generally starts at somewhat later stages than AN. It is believed that biological, psychological, and environmental factors, as well as genetic vulnerability, influence the pathogenesis of EDs. A variety of therapies exist, both biological and psychological, whose effectiveness is supported by the scientific literature. Nonetheless, we find these therapies only partially effective and new targets as well as new treatments should be sought. Although the etiopathogenesis of EDs is unclear, some of the neurobiological dysfunction found suggests that diet and nutrient supplementation could be relevant in their treatment. We review in this article new treatments focusing on nutritional deficits.

  5. Familial Contributions to the Etiology and Course of Anorexia Nervosa and Bulimia. (United States)

    Strober, Michael; Humphrey, Laura Lynn


    Discusses familial influences in anorexia nervosa and bulimia. Reviews descriptions of family interaction, familial correlates of course and phenomenology of symptoms, and studies of familial transmission. Concludes that certain personality factors, possibly genetically determined, predispose the individual to greater sensitivity and vulnerability…

  6. Brief Group Psychoeducation for Bulimia Nervosa: Assessing the Clinical Significance of Change. (United States)

    Davis, Ron; And Others


    Brief intervention designed to promote symptom management was completed by 41 women with bulimia nervosa. Findings revealed diversity of outcomes that individuals reported following participation in intervention. Found differential reporting of clinically significant change in favor of specific eating psychopathology relative to personality…

  7. Association of CNR1 and FAAH endocannabinoid gene polymorphisms with anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa: evidence for synergistic effects. (United States)

    Monteleone, P; Bifulco, M; Di Filippo, C; Gazzerro, P; Canestrelli, B; Monteleone, F; Proto, M C; Di Genio, M; Grimaldi, C; Maj, M


    Endocannabinoids modulate eating behavior; hence, endocannabinoid genes may contribute to the biological vulnerability to eating disorders. The rs1049353 (1359 G/A) single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) of the gene coding the endocannabinoid CB1 receptor (CNR1) and the rs324420 (cDNA 385C to A) SNP of the gene coding fatty acid amide hydrolase (FAAH), the major degrading enzyme of endocannabinoids, have been suggested to have functional effects on mature proteins. Therefore, we explored the possibility that those SNPs were associated to anorexia nervosa and/or bulimia nervosa. The distributions of the CNR1 1359 G/A SNP and of the FAAH cDNA 385C to A SNP were investigated in 134 patients with anorexia nervosa, 180 patients with bulimia nervosa and 148 normal weight healthy controls. Additive effects of the two SNPs in the genetic susceptibility to anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa were also tested. As compared to healthy controls, anorexic and bulimic patients showed significantly higher frequencies of the AG genotype and the A allele of the CNR1 1359 G/A SNP. Similarly, the AC genotype and the A allele of the FAAH cDNA 385C to A SNP were significantly more frequent in anorexic and bulimic individuals. A synergistic effect of the two SNPs was evident in anorexia nervosa but not in bulimia nervosa. Present findings show for the first time that the CNR1 1359 G/A SNP and the FAAH cDNA 385C to A SNP are significantly associated to anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa, and demonstrate a synergistic effect of the two SNPs in anorexia nervosa.

  8. Effectiveness of individualized, integrative outpatient treatment for females with anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa. (United States)

    Freudenberg, Cara; Jones, Rebecca A; Livingston, Genvieve; Goetsch, Virginia; Schaffner, Angela; Buchanan, Linda


    The effectiveness of an individualized outpatient program was investigated in the treatment of bulimia nervosa (BN) and anorexia nervosa (AN). Participants included 151 females who received outpatient eating disorder treatment in the partial hospitalization program, the intensive outpatient program, or a combination of the two programs. Outcome measures included the Eating Disorder Inventory (EDI-2), Beck Depression Inventory (BDI-II), frequency of binge eating and purging, and mean body weight. Findings included significant increases in weight for the AN group, reductions in binge eating frequency for the BN group, and reductions in EDI-2 and BDI-II scores and purging frequency for both groups. This study provides preliminary support for the efficacy of a multimodal program for the treatment of both anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa.

  9. Emotion Awareness and Identification Skills in Adolescent Girls with Bulimia Nervosa (United States)

    Sim, Leslie; Zeman, Janice


    This study examined emotion-identification skills in 19 adolescent girls (M age = 16 years, 8 months) diagnosed with a Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (4th ed. [DSM-IV], American Psychiatric Association, 1994) diagnosis of bulimia nervosa or eating disorder not otherwise specified in the bulimic spectrum, 19 age-matched girls…

  10. A longitudinal investigation of mortality in anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa. (United States)

    Franko, Debra L; Keshaviah, Aparna; Eddy, Kamryn T; Krishna, Meera; Davis, Martha C; Keel, Pamela K; Herzog, David B


    OBJECTIVE Although anorexia nervosa has a high mortality rate, our understanding of the timing and predictors of mortality in eating disorders is limited. The authors investigated mortality in a long-term study of patients with eating disorders. METHOD Beginning in 1987, 246 treatment-seeking female patients with anorexia nervosa or bulimia nervosa were interviewed every 6 months for a median of 9.5 years to obtain weekly ratings of eating disorder symptoms, comorbidity, treatment participation, and psychosocial functioning. From January 2007 to December 2010 (median follow-up of 20 years), vital status was ascertained with a National Death Index search. RESULTS Sixteen deaths (6.5%) were recorded (lifetime anorexia nervosa, N=14; bulimia nervosa with no history of anorexia nervosa, N=2). The standardized mortality ratio was 4.37 (95% CI=2.4-7.3) for lifetime anorexia nervosa and 2.33 (95% CI=0.3-8.4) for bulimia nervosa with no history of anorexia nervosa. Risk of premature death among patients with lifetime anorexia nervosa peaked within the first 10 years of follow-up, resulting in a standardized mortality ratio of 7.7 (95% CI=3.7-14.2). The standardized mortality ratio varied by duration of illness and was 3.2 (95% CI=0.9-8.3) for patients with lifetime anorexia nervosa for 0 to 15 years (4/119 died), and 6.6 (95% CI=3.2-12.1) for those with lifetime anorexia nervosa for >15 to 30 years (10/67 died). Multivariate predictors of mortality included alcohol abuse, low body mass index, and poor social adjustment. CONCLUSIONS These findings highlight the need for early identification and intervention and suggest that a long duration of illness, substance abuse, low weight, and poor psychosocial functioning raise the risk for mortality in anorexia nervosa.

  11. Anorexia and Bulimia: An Inventory of Public Awareness and Popular Questions. (United States)

    Zimmer, Marc A.

    Prevention and early intervention in cases of anorexia and bulimia require that both professionals and the general public have knowledge about these eating disorders. A study was conducted to identify the questions about these disorders most often asked by the general public and to develop a guide to answer those questions for individuals of…

  12. Assessment and Treatment of Anorexia Nervosa and Bulimia in School Age Children. (United States)

    Peters, Carole; And Others


    Anorexia nervosa and bulimia are major concerns for high school students, especially females. These syndromes interfere with normal functioning and social development and can be life-threatening. Definitions, characteristics, symptoms, and treatment approaches for these two eating disorders are discussed, and suggestions for involvement of the…

  13. New recommendations for management of eating disorders (anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa from NICE

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Vitaliy Bezsheiko


    Full Text Available The UK's National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE, one of the most authoritative institutions in the field of evidence-based medicine, has issued standards for management of patients with anorexia and bulimia nervosa.

  14. Dysregulated behaviors in bulimia nervosa: a case-control study


    Gonçalves, Sónia; Machado, Bárbara Freire Brito César; Martins, C.; Brandão, Isabel; Torres, António Roma; Machado, Paulo P. P.


    Background: Bulimia nervosa (BN) is often related to self-control difficulties and to dysregulated behaviours. This study aimed to evaluate the frequency of self-injurious behaviour, suicide attempts, and other dysregulated behaviours in BN, using two control groups (a healthy group and a general psychiatric group), and also to examine the association between these behaviours and alleged sexual abuse in BN.Method: Women (N = 233) aged between 13 and 38 years old were evaluated using a semi-st...

  15. Distinguishing Between Risk Factors for Bulimia Nervosa, Binge Eating Disorder, and Purging Disorder. (United States)

    Allen, Karina L; Byrne, Susan M; Crosby, Ross D


    Binge eating disorder and purging disorder have gained recognition as distinct eating disorder diagnoses, but risk factors for these conditions have not yet been established. This study aimed to evaluate a prospective, mediational model of risk for the full range of binge eating and purging eating disorders, with attention to possible diagnostic differences. Specific aims were to determine, first, whether eating, weight and shape concerns at age 14 would mediate the relationship between parent-perceived childhood overweight at age 10 and a binge eating or purging eating disorder between age 15 and 20, and, second, whether this mediational model would differ across bulimia nervosa, binge eating disorder, and purging disorder. Participants (N = 1,160; 51 % female) were drawn from the Western Australian Pregnancy Cohort (Raine) Study, which has followed children from pre-birth to age 20. Eating disorders were assessed via self-report questionnaires when participants were aged 14, 17 and 20. There were 146 participants (82 % female) with a binge eating or purging eating disorder with onset between age 15 and 20 [bulimia nervosa = 81 (86 % female), binge eating disorder = 43 (74 % female), purging disorder = 22 (77 % female)]. Simple mediation analysis with bootstrapping was used to test the hypothesized model of risk, with early adolescent eating, weight and shape concerns positioned as a mediator between parent-perceived childhood overweight and later onset of a binge eating or purging eating disorder. Subsequently, a conditional process model (a moderated mediation model) was specified to determine if model pathways differed significantly by eating disorder diagnosis. In the simple mediation model, there was a significant indirect effect of parent-perceived childhood overweight on risk for a binge eating or purging eating disorder in late adolescence, mediated by eating, weight and shape concerns in early adolescence. In the conditional process model

  16. The body in anorexia and bulimia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Maria Helena Fernandes


    Full Text Available The psychoanalytic clinic for anorexia and bulimia puts us into immediate contact with the question of the body, as well as with aspects typical of adolescence. These aspects especially include difficulties in early relationships with the mother regarding the management of the drives, and relationships with primary identification. Consequently, we are dealing with ideals, differentiation, autonomy, time and death. Here hypotheses that were drawn up on the basis of metapsychology are discussed, with the objective of contributing to a broader understanding of the construction of the bodily image. This process includes the perception, representation and internal experience of the patients' own bodies. The impasses experienced in the analytic situation also indicate particularities in managing the transference in these cases.

  17. Body image dissatisfaction and its relationship with nutritional status, body fat, and anorexia and bulimia symptoms in adolescents


    Martins, Cilene Rebolho; Pelegrini, Andreia; Matheus, Silvana Corrêa; Petroski, Edio Luiz


    Objetivos: Identificar a prevalência de insatisfação com a imagem corporal e de sintomas de anorexia e bulimia em adolescentes do sexo feminino da cidade de Santa Maria (RS) e verificar a associação da insatisfação com a imagem corporal com estado nutricional, adiposidade corporal e sintomas de anorexia e bulimia. Método: Foram analisadas 258 adolescentes do sexo feminino (11 a 13 anos), estudantes de escolas públicas. Aplicou-se o Body Shape Questionnaire e o Teste de Atitudes Alimentares (E...

  18. Client Pretreatment Characteristics as Predictors of Outcome in Brief Therapy for Bulimia. (United States)

    Guiffrida, Douglas A.; Barnes, Kristin L.; Hoskins, Christine M.; Roman, Lisa L.


    Presents an overview for college counselors of the literature on bulimia treatment outcomes for purposes of screening, treatment, and referral. Outlines pretreatment characteristics that seem amenable to success in brief therapy, as well as those that do not lead to a positive outcome. (Contains 37 references and 2 tables.) (Author/GCP)

  19. Anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa - a psychotherapeutic cognitive-constructivist approach. (United States)

    Abreu, Cristiano Nabuco de; Cangelli Filho, Raphael


    Of the eating disorders, anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa are the ones that have made adolescent patients-often females and aged younger and younger-seek for help. This help is provided through a multidisciplinary treatment involving psychiatrists, psychologists and dietists. Psychotherapy has shown to be an efficient component for these patients' improvement. The present article aims at presenting a proposal of psychotherapeutic treatment based on a cognitive-constructivist approach.

  20. Acompanhamento da evolução dos distúrbios de imagem corporal em pacientes com bulimia nervosa, ao longo do tratamento multiprofissional Longitudinal assessment of body image disturbances in patients with bulimia nervosa submitted to multidisciplinary treatment

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Fernanda Timerman


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Aumentar a compreensão sobre os distúrbios da imagem corporal em pacientes com bulimia nervosa e sua evolução após o tratamento multidisciplinar. MÉTODOS: Onze mulheres responderam dois questionários de imagem corporal (Body Attitudes Questionnaire e Escala de Figuras de Stunkard antes e após o tratamento e preencheram o diário alimentar, utilizado para a análise de sintomas de bulimia nervosa. RESULTADOS: Tanto no pré quanto no pós-tratamento o índice de massa corporal médio se encontrava na faixa de eutrofia. Cerca de 57,0% da amostra teve remissão total dos sintomas de bulimia nervosa. Em relação à imagem corporal, na escala de Stunkard, o tamanho da figura escolhida como ideal aumentou e houve redução da insatisfação corporal após o tratamento. Não houve redução significativa da superestimativa do tamanho corporal, porém no início do tratamento 57,1% das pacientes já não superestimavam seu tamanho. Em relação ao questionário de atitudes, notou-se diminuição das seguintes variáveis: depreciação corporal; sentir-se gorda; sensação de ter gordura nos membros inferiores e importância pessoal do corpo. CONCLUSÕES: O tratamento foi eficaz em alguns aspectos atitudinais, porém deve ser aprimorado em outros, como a distorção perceptual.OBJECTIVE: Increase the comprehension of body image disturbances in patients with bulimia nervosa and its evolution after treatment, multidisciplinary. METHODS: Eleven women answered two body image questionnaires (Body Attitudes Questionnaire and Stunkard's Figure Scale before and after treatment and filled a food diary used to analyze the frequency of bulimia nervosa symptoms. RESULTS: The mean body mass index was found at normal weight category before and after treatment. Approximately 57.0% of the sample had total remission of bulimia nervosa symptoms. In relation to body image based on Stunkard's scale, the size of the figure chosen as ideal increased and body

  1. Weight-Loss Expectancies, Relative Weight, and Symptoms of Bulimia in Young Women. (United States)

    Thombs, Dennis L.; And Others


    A canonical correlation analysis of various weight concerns in a sample of college women revealed that strong expectations of weight loss benefits and a high relative body weight were positively correlated with the four major symptoms of bulimia. Expectations of increased self-worth and social confidence were linked to eating problems. (RJM)

  2. Bulimia y estrategias de afrontamiento en adolescentes escolarizadas de la ciudad de Pereira, Colombia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Marly Johana Bahamón Muñetón


    Full Text Available El artículo presenta resultados de la investigación dirigida a identificar y relacionar la presencia de síntomas bulímicos con el uso de estrategias de afrontamiento y variables socio-demográficas en mujeres entre los 10 y 17 años de edad. Se utilizó un diseño correlacional y se aplicó el BITEpara la medición de síntomas bulímicos y el ACS para la identificación de las estrategias de afrontamiento. Se identificó que el 59% de las 278 participantes no presenta comportamientos alterados frente a la comida y 41% presenta síntomas de bulimia. Se identificaron correlaciones entre la gravedad y el estrato socio-económico. Se hallaron correlaciones positivas entre síntomas de bulimia y las estrategias de autoinculparse y búsqueda de apoyo espiritual. También se encontró correlación positiva entre gravedad y las estrategias de búsqueda de apoyo espiritual y distracción física. Los resultados coinciden parcialmente con estudios previos sobre el tema puesto que las estrategias que se relacionan con los síntomas y gravedad de la bulimia son evitativas y centradas en la emoción. Finalmente, se expone la necesidad de realizar más estudios comparando muestras clínicas y no clínicas.

  3. Content Analysis of the Construction of Self and Others in Women with Bulimia Nervosa. (United States)

    Dada, Gloria; Izu, Sheila; Montebruno, Claudia; Grau, Antoni; Feixas, Guillem


    The purpose of this study was to explore the content of personal constructs in people diagnosed with bulimia nervosa (BN). We expected to find differences in the predominant content of the construct systems between women with and without BN. We analyzed the constructs elicited using the repertory grid technique from 120 women aged between 18 to 45 years, divided into two groups: a clinical group of women diagnosed with bulimia ( n = 62) and a control group of university students ( n = 58). The constructs were categorized using the Classification System for Personal Constructs (CSPC), composed of six themes which are broken down into 45 categories. For this study, a new area called "Physical" was included, and it consists of three categories. The results indicated that women diagnosed with bulimia used significantly more constructs related to the body, while the control group used more constructs from the personal area. In addition, the congruent constructs from the clinical sample were predominantly moral, or related to values and interests, while discrepant constructs were personal and physical. The findings provide evidence for the clinical use of the CSPC as an instrument for exploring the content of personal meaning systems. Understanding the patient's personal constructions about herself and others is useful for treatment. Moreover, it is important for clinicians to explore the content of constructs related to symptomatic areas, which could be hindering change, and focus on them to facilitate improvement.

  4. Low Self-Esteem as a Treatment Issue in the Psychotherapy of Anorexia and Bulimia. (United States)

    Baird, Pryor; Sights, Judith R.


    Observation has indicated that low self-esteem is pervasive in clients with anorexia and bulimia. Possible origins of the self-esteem deficit, its relationship to eating problems, and psychotherapeutic strategies to counteract the deficits are explored. (Author/BL)

  5. Psychopharmacotherapy of anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa and binge-eating disorder


    Kruger, S; Kennedy, SH


    Pharmacotherapy for anorexia nervosa is considered to be of limited efficacy. However, many studies suffer methodological limitations, and the utility of newer drugs in the treatment of anorexia has not been examined yet. Although there have been more fruitful investigations on the efficacy of medication in the management of bulimia nervosa, there are still many unresolved issues regarding the optimal management of partial remission during the acute treatment phase and the intensity and durat...

  6. How Schools Can Help Combat Student Eating Disorders. Anorexia Nervosa and Bulimia. (United States)

    Levine, Michael P.

    This book presents a comprehensive review of anorexia nervosa and bulimia and the roles that schools can have in preventing, identifying, and treating these disorders. Chapter 1 provides an overview of student eating disorders and presents a case study of a high school student with an eating disorder. Chapter 2 discusses the nature of anorexia…

  7. Electrocortical processing of food and emotional pictures in anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa. (United States)

    Blechert, Jens; Feige, Bernd; Joos, Andreas; Zeeck, Almut; Tuschen-Caffier, Brunna


    Objective To compare the electrocortical processing of food pictures in participants with anorexia nervosa (n = 21), bulimia nervosa (n = 22), and healthy controls (HCs) (n = 32) by measuring the early posterior negativity, an event-related potential that reflects stimulus salience and selective attention. Methods We exposed these three groups to a rapid stream of high- and low-calorie food pictures, as well as standard emotional and neutral pictures. Results Event-related potentials in the time range of 220 milliseconds to 310 milliseconds on posterior electrodes differed between groups: patients with eating disorders showed facilitated processing of both high- and low-calorie food pictures relative to neutral pictures, whereas HC participants did so only for the high-calorie pictures. Subjective palatability of the pictures was rated highest by patients with anorexia nervosa, followed by the HC and bulimia nervosa groups. Conclusions Patients with eating disorders show a generalized attentional bias for food images, regardless of caloric value. This might explain the persistent preoccupation with food in these individuals.

  8. Measurement of nonclinical personality characteristics of women with anorexia nervosa or bulimia nervosa. (United States)

    Pryor, T; Wiederman, M W


    Past research on personality and eating disorders has most often emphasized personality psychopathology and personality disorders. We further investigated nonclinical personality characteristics among women with anorexia nervosa (n = 35) or bulimia nervosa (n = 45) using the Multidimensional Personality Questionnaire (MPQ; Tellegen, 1982, 1985). The MPQ measures several personality traits that have been shown to consist of a substantial genetic component (Tellegen et al., 1988). In logistic regression analyses, women with anorexia nervosa evidenced greater degrees of control (vs. impulsivity) and general constraint, and a lower degree of absorption in sensory experiences relative to those with bulimia nervosa. Relative to the normative population (Tellegen, 1982), our sample evidenced very low scores on Well-being, Social Closeness, and Positive Affectivity and high scores on Stress Reaction, Alienation, and Negative Affectivity. Our results emphasize the importance of considering nonclinical personality features and temperament, and varying methods of assessment, in the understanding of predisposing factors for eating disorders.

  9. Subjective binge eating with compensatory behaviors: a variant presentation of bulimia nervosa. (United States)

    Watson, Hunna J; Fursland, Anthea; Bulik, Cynthia M; Nathan, Paula


    To determine whether a variant bulimic-type presentation, whereby one meets criteria for bulimia nervosa (BN) except that binge eating episodes are not objectively large (i.e., "subjective bulimia nervosa," SBN), has comparable clinical severity to established eating disorders, particularly BN. Treatment-seeking adults with BN (N = 112), SBN (N = 28), anorexia nervosa restricting type (AN-R) (N = 45), and AN-binge/purge type (AN-B/P) (N = 24) were compared. Overall, SBN could not be meaningfully distinguished from BN. SBN and BN had equivalent eating pathology, depression and anxiety symptoms, low quality of life, impulsivity, Axis I comorbidity, and lifetime psychiatric history, and comparable clinical severity to AN-R and AN-B/P. Individuals with SBN, differing from BN only by the smaller size of their binge eating episodes, had a form of eating disorder comparable in clinical severity to threshold AN and BN and warranting clinical attention. Health professionals and the community require greater awareness of this variant to optimize detection, treatment-seeking, and outcomes. Copyright © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  10. Dysregulation of brain reward systems in eating disorders: neurochemical information from animal models of binge eating, bulimia nervosa, and anorexia nervosa. (United States)

    Avena, Nicole M; Bocarsly, Miriam E


    Food intake is mediated, in part, through brain pathways for motivation and reinforcement. Dysregulation of these pathways may underlay some of the behaviors exhibited by patients with eating disorders. Research using animal models of eating disorders has greatly contributed to the detailed study of potential brain mechanisms that many underlie the causes or consequences of aberrant eating behaviors. This review focuses on neurochemical evidence of reward-related brain dysfunctions obtained through animal models of binge eating, bulimia nervosa, or anorexia nervosa. The findings suggest that alterations in dopamine (DA), acetylcholine (ACh) and opioid systems in reward-related brain areas occur in response to binge eating of palatable foods. Moreover, animal models of bulimia nervosa suggest that while bingeing on palatable food releases DA, purging attenuates the release of ACh that might otherwise signal satiety. Animal models of anorexia nervosa suggest that restricted access to food enhances the reinforcing effects of DA when the animal does eat. The activity-based anorexia model suggests alterations in mesolimbic DA and serotonin occur as a result of restricted eating coupled with excessive wheel running. These findings with animal models complement data obtained through neuroimaging and pharmacotherapy studies of clinical populations. Information on the neurochemical consequences of the behaviors associated with these eating disorders will be useful in understanding these complex disorders and may inform future therapeutic approaches, as discussed here. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled 'Central Control of Food Intake'. Copyright © 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  11. Client attachment security predicts alliance in a randomized controlled trial of two psychotherapies for bulimia nervosa

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Folke, Sofie; Daniel, Sarah Ingrid Franksdatter; Poulsen, Stig Bernt


    interaction whereby dismissing clients would develop weaker alliances in psychoanalytic psychotherapy and preoccupied clients would develop weaker alliances in cognitive-behavioral therapy. Conclusions: As the first study to examine client attachment and therapeutic alliance using observer-based instruments......Objective: This study investigated the relation between clients’ attachment patterns and the therapeutic alliance in two psychotherapies for bulimia nervosa. Method: Data derive from a randomized clinical trial comparing cognitive-behavioral therapy and psychoanalytic psychotherapy for bulimia...... to be a significant (p = .007) predictor of alliance levels at the three measured time points, with clients higher on attachment security developing stronger alliances with their therapists in both treatments as compared to clients higher on attachment insecurity. No evidence was found to support a hypothesized...

  12. Abdominal aortic occlusion and vascular compromise secondary to acute gastric dilatation in a patient with bulimia. (United States)

    Elsharif, M; Doulias, T; Aljundi, W; Balchandra, S


    Acute gastric dilation is a rare but recognised complication in patients with bulimia and anorexia following binge episodes owing to decreased bowel motility. We present a rare case of acute gastric dilation secondary to bulimia in an otherwise healthy 18-year-old female patient that resulted in compression and complete occlusion of the abdominal aorta, leading to acute mesenteric and bilateral lower limb ischaemia. This resolved immediately following a laparotomy and gastric decompression. Management of these patients is very challenging owing to the lack of a successful precedent. To our knowledge, such a catastrophic complication has only ever been reported once in the literature and the outcome was fatal. Our case is of additional importance as it offers a successful management strategy for these patients.

  13. Cognitive Behavior Therapy with Body Image Exposure for Bulimia Nervosa: A Case Example (United States)

    Delinsky, Sherrie S.; Wilson, G. Terence


    Cognitive behavior therapy (CBT) is an effective treatment for bulimia nervosa (BN). However, among patients with BN, symptom improvement is more pronounced for behavioral eating symptoms (i.e., bingeing and purging) than for body image disturbance, and the persistence of body image disturbance is associated with relapse. The need for more…

  14. Predictors and Moderators of Outcome in Family-Based Treatment for Adolescent Bulimia Nervosa (United States)

    Le Grange, Daniel; Crosby, Ross D.; Lock, James


    The predictors and moderators of treatment outcome for adolescents with bulimia nervosa (BN) are explored among those who participated in family based treatment or individual supportive psychotherapy. It is concluded that family-based treatment of BN may be most effective in those cases with low levels of eating disorder psychopathology.

  15. Comparison of Six- and Eight-Session Cognitive Guided Self-Help for Bulimia Nervosa (United States)

    Furber, Gareth; Steele, Anna; Wade, Tracey D.


    A previous case-series evaluation of a six-session guided self-help (GSH) approach with 15 people with bulimia nervosa (BN) showed significant reductions across all measures, including binge eating, self-induced vomiting, weight concern, shape concern and dietary restraint. However, the reduction of binge eating and self-induced vomiting was…

  16. Mechanisms of Action in Cognitive-Behavioral and Pharmacological Interventions for Obesity and Bulimia Nervosa. (United States)

    Craighead, Linda W.; Agras, W. Stewart


    Summarizes data pertaining to separate and combined effects of cognitive-behavioral and psychopharmacologic treatments for obesity and bulimia nervosa. Anorexiant medication appears to enhance restraint and facilitates weight loss with behavioral interventions in the treatment of obesity, but relapse occurs once medication is withdrawn.…

  17. Depression and Drive for Thinness are Associated with Persistent Bulimia Nervosa in the Community

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Keski-Rahkonen, Anna; Raevuori, Anu; Bulik, Cynthia M.; Hoek, Hans W.; Sihvola, Elina; Kaprio, Jaakko; Rissanen, Aila

    Objective To examine psychiatric comorbidity and factors that influence the outcome of bulimia nervosa (BN) in the general population. Method Women from the nationwide birth cohorts of Finnish twins were screened for lifetime BN (N=59) by using questionnaires and the Structured Clinical Interview

  18. Taste Reward Circuitry Related Brain Structures Characterize Ill and Recovered Anorexia Nervosa and Bulimia Nervosa (United States)

    Frank, Guido K.; Shott, Megan E.; Hagman, Jennifer O.; Mittal, Vijay A.


    Objective The pathophysiology of the eating disorder anorexia nervosa remains obscure, but structural brain alterations could be functionally important biomarkers. Here we assessed taste pleasantness and reward sensitivity in relation to brain structure, which might be related to food avoidance commonly seen in eating disorders. Method We used structural magnetic resonance brain imaging to study gray and white matter volumes in individuals with restricting type currently ill (n = 19) or recovered-anorexia nervosa (n = 24), bulimia nervosa (n= 19) and healthy control women (n=24). Results All eating disorder groups showed increased gray matter volume of the medial orbitofrontal cortex (gyrus rectus). Manually tracing confirmed larger gyrus rectus volume, and predicted taste pleasantness across all groups. The analyses also indicated other morphological differences between diagnostic categories: Ill and recovered-anorexia nervosa had increased right, while bulimia nervosa had increased left antero-ventral insula gray matter volumes compared to controls. Furthermore, dorsal striatum volumes were reduced in recovered-anorexia and bulimia nervosa, and predicted sensitivity to reward in the eating disorder groups. The eating disorder groups also showed reduced white matter in right temporal and parietal areas when compared to healthy controls. Notably, the results held when controlling for a range of covariates (e.g., age, depression, anxiety, medications). Conclusion Brain structure in medial orbitofrontal cortex, insula and striatum is altered in eating disorders and suggests altered brain circuitry that has been associated with taste pleasantness and reward value. PMID:23680873

  19. Observed connection and individuation: relation to symptoms in families of adolescents with bulimia nervosa. (United States)

    Thomas, Sarah A; Hoste, Renee Rienecke; Le Grange, Daniel


    To examine the relation between observed familial connection and individuation and adolescent bulimia nervosa (BN) symptoms. As part of a treatment study for adolescent BN, adolescents (n = 54) and their parents participated in a videotaped semi-structured interview. Participants were rated on observed connection and individuation from these interviews using the Scale of Intergenerational Relationship Quality and two measures of connection. There was a significant negative relation between individuation from parents and adolescent BN symptoms. Connection both to and from mothers and adolescents was negatively associated with BN symptoms. Increased eating concern was significantly associated with a greater likelihood of expressing a desire for more connection with the family. Investigating and understanding family factors present at the time of adolescent BN may assist in providing treatment specific to the needs of the family to best aid the adolescent's recovery process. Copyright © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  20. Body image, binge eating, and bulimia nervosa in male bodybuilders. (United States)

    Goldfield, Gary S; Blouin, Arthur G; Woodside, D Blake


    Male bodybuilders (MBB) exhibit more severe body dissatisfaction, bulimic eating behaviour, and negative psychological characteristics, compared with male athletic and nonathletic control subjects, but few studies have directly compared MBB and men with eating disorders. This study compared men with bulimia nervosa (MBN), competitive male bodybuilders (CMBB), and recreational male bodybuilders (RMBB) on a broad range of eating attitudes and behaviours and psychological characteristics to more accurately determine similarities and differences among these groups. Anonymous questionnaires, designed to assess eating attitudes, body image, weight and shape preoccupation, prevalence of binge eating, weight loss practices, lifetime rates of eating disorders, anabolic androgenic steroid (AAS) use, and general psychological factors, were completed by 22 MBN, 27 CMBB, and 25 RMBB. High rates of weight and shape preoccupation, extreme body modification practices, binge eating, and bulimia nervosa (BN) were reported among MBB, especially among those who competed. CMBB reported higher rates of binge eating, BN, and AAS use compared with RMBB, but exhibited less eating-related and general psychopathology compared with MBN. Few psychological differences were found between CMBB and RMBB. MBB, especially competitors, and MBN appear to share many eating-related features but few general psychological ones. Longitudinal research is needed to determine whether men with a history of disordered eating or BN disproportionately gravitate to competitive bodybuildin and (or) whether competitive bodybuilding fosters disordered eating, BN, and AAS use.

  1. When Dieting Becomes Dangerous: A Guide to Understanding and Treating Anorexia and Bulimia. (United States)

    Michel, Deborah Marcontell; Willard, Susan G.

    This book about anorexia and bulimia is written for patients and the people who care about them. It describes the symptoms and warning signs of eating disorders, explains their presumed causes and complexities, and suggests effective treatments. The book emphasizes the critical role of psychotherapy and family therapy in recovery, explains how…

  2. An Examination of the Mechanisms of Action in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Bulimia Nervosa (United States)

    Spangler, Diane L.; Baldwin, Scott A.; Agras, W. Stewart


    Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) for bulimia nervosa (BN) has received considerable empirical support for its efficacy. However, few investigators have examined the mechanisms proposed to account for the reduction of BN symptoms during CBT. The current study examined the associations between therapist interventions, client mechanisms, and…

  3. A study of temperament and personality in anorexia and bulimia nervosa. (United States)

    Díaz-Marsá, M; Carrasco, J L; Sáiz, J


    Although temperament and personality traits could influence the development and course of eating disorders, only a few studies examined the similarities and differences in personality between anorexia and bulimia nervosa. We compared 72 patients with DSM-IV eating disorders and 30 healthy controls. Dimensions of personality and personality disorders were evaluated with the Eysenck's EPQ, Cloninger's TCI, and the SCID-II questionnaires. The rates of impulsivity and clinical features were evaluated using specific rating scales. A comorbid personality disorder was found in 61.8% of patients with eating disorder. Avoidant personality disorder appeared was relatively common in anorexia nervosa restricting type; borderline personality disorder was most frequent in bulimia nervosa and the binge eating-purging type of anorexia nervosa. From a dimensional perspective, anorexic patients presented high scores in the dimension of persistence. Higher harm avoidance and impulsivity was found in bulimic patients. The overall eating disorders group presented high scores in neuroticism and low scores in self-directedness. Eating disorder patients have heterogeneous features of temperament and personality traits. Cluster C personality disorders seem more common in anorexia nervosa restricting type and impulsive personality features are associated with bulimic symptoms. Impulsivity seems to be a key aspect of temperament of bulimic patients, whereas anorexic symptoms are linked to persistent temperament traits.

  4. As terapias cognitivo-comportamentais no tratamento da bulimia nervosa: uma revisão

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Tatiana A. Bertulino da Silva


    Full Text Available Objetivo Realizar uma revisão na literatura sobre a utilização da terapia cognitivo-comportamental (TCC no tratamento da bulimia nervosa entre 2009 e 2013. Métodos Três bases de dados eletrônicas foram pesquisadas, considerando artigos em língua inglesa, espanhola e portuguesa. Resultados Após as análises e exclusão dos artigos, seguindo o método PRISMA, foram selecionados 20 artigos. Os artigos selecionados foram produzidos ou na Europa ou nos Estados Unidos, em língua inglesa. Os diagnósticos da amostra variaram de exclusivamente bulimia nervosa (60% aos que incluíram pessoas com transtorno de compulsão alimentar (35%, além de diagnósticos mistos (5%. Os estudos foram, em sua maioria, realizados em mulheres adultas. A TCC, em sua abordagem clássica no consultório, foi utilizada em todos os artigos, ora utilizada individualmente, ora comparada com outras intervenções (internet, CD-ROM e autoajuda. Encontrou-se como resultado que a TCC diminui os sintomas de compulsão alimentar e de purgação, além de oferecer ganhos secundários aos participantes, como melhora de sintomas depressivos, de ansiedade e até mudanças na personalidade. As outras intervenções pesquisadas obtiveram bons resultados na modificação dos sintomas, demonstrando que há um novo caminho a ser galgado com essas novas formas de tratamento. Conclusão O tratamento da bulimia nervosa possui evidências suficientes para que seja realizado com a terapia cognitivo-comportamental. Além dela, intervenções psicoterápicas inovadoras baseadas na TCC clássica apresentam bons indicativos de eficácia. Futuras pesquisas sobre essas diferentes intervenções são necessárias.

  5. Anorexia and bulimia nervosa in same-sex and opposite-sex twins: lack of association with twin type in a nationwide study of Finnish twins. (United States)

    Raevuori, Anu; Kaprio, Jaakko; Hoek, Hans W; Sihvola, Elina; Rissanen, Aila; Keski-Rahkonen, Anna


    The authors tested the hypothesis that either prenatal feminization or masculinization hormone influences in utero or later socialization affects the risk for anorexia and bulimia nervosa and disordered eating in members of opposite-sex twin pairs. Finnish twins (N=2,426 women, N=1,962 men with known zygosity) from birth cohorts born 1974-1979 were assessed at age 22 to 28 years with a questionnaire for eating disorder symptoms. Based on the questionnaire screen, women (N=292), men (N=53), and their cotwins were interviewed to assess diagnoses of anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa (per DSM-IV and broad criteria). In women from opposite-sex twin pairs, the prevalence of DSM-IV or broad anorexia nervosa was not significantly different than that of women from monozygotic pairs or same-sex dizygotic pairs. Of the five male anorexia nervosa probands, only one was from an opposite-sex twin pair. Bulimia nervosa in men was too rare to be assessed by zygosity; the prevalence of DSM-IV or broad bulimia nervosa did not differ in women from opposite- versus same-sex twin pairs. In both sexes, the overall profile of indicators on eating disorders was rather similar between individuals from opposite- and same-sex pairs. The authors found little evidence that the risk for anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, or disordered eating was associated with zygosity or sex composition of twin pairs, thus making it unlikely that in utero femininization or masculinization or socialization effects of growing up with an opposite-sex twin have a major influence on the later development of eating disorders.

  6. Therapeutic writing as an intervention for symptoms of bulimia nervosa: effects and mechanism of change. (United States)

    Johnston, Olwyn; Startup, Helen; Lavender, Anna; Godfrey, Emma; Schmidt, Ulrike


    This study explored the effects on bulimic symptomatology of a writing task intended to reduce emotional avoidance. Eighty individuals reporting symptoms of bulimia completed, by e-mail, a therapeutic or control writing task. Participants completed questionnaires on bulimic symptoms, mood, and potential moderating and mediating factors, and were followed up after 4 and 8 weeks. Writing content was explored using a word count package and qualitative framework analysis. Bulimic symptoms decreased in both groups, although in both groups the number of participants who improved was approximately equal to the number who did not improve. Symptom decreases were associated with increases in perceived mood regulation abilities, and decreases in negative beliefs about emotions. Participants preferred internet delivery to face to face discussion. For individuals experiencing symptoms of bulimia, the effects of therapeutic writing did not differ significantly from effects of a control writing task. 2009 by Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  7. Stigmatizing attitudes and beliefs toward bulimia nervosa: the importance of knowledge and eating disorder symptoms. (United States)

    Rodgers, Rachel Florence; Paxton, Susan J; McLean, Siân A; Massey, Robin; Mond, Jonathan M; Hay, Phillipa J; Rodgers, Bryan


    Widely held stigmatizing attitudes and beliefs toward bulimic eating disorders may lead to self-blame and reduced treatment seeking. Knowledge and familiarity with mental disorders may help decrease associated stigma. However, these relationships are not well understood in bulimia nervosa (BN). A community sample of 1828 adults aged 18 to 70 years completed a survey assessing stigmatizing attitudes and beliefs toward BN, knowledge and familiarity with the disorder, as well as levels of eating disorder symptoms. Knowledge of BN was negatively associated with three dimensions of stigmatization, personal responsibility (ρ = -0.28), unreliability (ρ = -0.19), and advantages of BN (ρ = -0.23). Familiarity revealed no association with stigmatization. Both men and women with high levels of eating disorder symptoms perceived BN as less serious than the participants with low levels of symptoms. Increasing community knowledge about bulimia may help mitigate stigmatization and perceived barriers to treatment.

  8. Atitudes em relação ao corpo e à alimentação de pacientes com anorexia e bulimia nervosa

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Aline Cavalcante de Souza


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Avaliar como se relacionam as atitudes alimentares e corporais de pacientes com anorexia ou bulimia nervosa. Métodos: Pacientes adultas de um ambulatório especializado, com diagnóstico de anorexia (n = 48 ou bulimia nervosa (n = 58, responderam à Disordered Eating Attitude Scale (DEAS para avaliação das atitudes alimentares e ao Body Attitude Questionnaire (BAQ para atitudes corporais – ambos traduzidos e validados para mulheres jovens do Brasil. A correlação entre os escores da DEAS e do BAQ foi avaliada utilizando o coeficiente de Pearson. Modelos de regressão linear testaram preditores para atitudes alimentares e corporais. Resultados: Pacientes com bulimia apresentam relação com o alimento mais disfuncional – subescala 1 da DEAS (p 0,6 para ambas apenas quando se analisou a relação com o alimento e o sentir-se gorda e entre atitudes corporais como um todo e a relação com o alimento. O escore total da DEAS foi preditor da BAQ total: cada um ponto na DEAS aumenta 0,788 na BAQ (R2 = 0,628. Conclusão: Pacientes com bulimia apresentam pior relação com o alimento e piores atitudes corporais. As atitudes corporais se correlacionaram com as atitudes alimentares, de maneira mais forte para pacientes com anorexia; atitudes alimentares mais disfuncionais predizem pior relação com o corpo para ambos os diagnósticos.

  9. Subtyping adolescents with bulimia nervosa. (United States)

    Chen, Eunice Y; Le Grange, Daniel


    Cluster analyses of eating disorder patients have yielded a "dietary-depressive" subtype, typified by greater negative affect, and a "dietary" subtype, typified by dietary restraint. This study aimed to replicate these findings in an adolescent sample with bulimia nervosa (BN) from a randomized controlled trial and to examine the validity and reliability of this methodology. In the sample of BN adolescents (N=80), cluster analysis revealed a "dietary-depressive" subtype (37.5%) and a "dietary" subtype (62.5%) using the Beck Depression Inventory, Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale and Eating Disorder Examination Restraint subscale. The "dietary-depressive" subtype compared to the "dietary" subtype was significantly more likely to: (1) report co-occurring disorders, (2) greater eating and weight concerns, and (3) less vomiting abstinence at post-treatment (all p'sreliability of the subtyping scheme, a larger sample of adolescents with mixed eating and weight disorders in an outpatient eating disorder clinic (N=149) was subtyped, yielding similar subtypes. These results support the validity and reliability of the subtyping strategy in two adolescent samples.

  10. Anorexia nervosa versus bulimia nervosa : differences based on retrospective correlates in a case-control study

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Machado, Barbara C.; Goncalves, Sonia F.; Martins, Carla; Brandao, Isabel; Roma-Torres, Antonio; Hoek, Hans W.; Machado, Paulo P.

    This study is the result of two Portuguese case-control studies that examined the replication of retrospective correlates and preceding life events in anorexia nervosa (AN) and bulimia nervosa (BN) development. This study aims to identify retrospective correlates that distinguish AN and BN A

  11. Dysregulation of Brain Reward Systems in Eating Disorders: Neurochemical Information from Animal Models of Binge Eating, Bulimia Nervosa, and Anorexia Nervosa (United States)

    Avena, Nicole M.; Bocarsly, Miriam E.


    Food intake is mediated, in part, through brain pathways for motivation and reinforcement. Dysregulation of these pathways may underlay some of the behaviors exhibited by patients with eating disorders. Research using animal models of eating disorders has greatly contributed to the detailed study of potential brain mechanisms that many underlie the causes or consequences of aberrant eating behaviors. This review focuses on neurochemical evidence of reward-related brain dysfunctions obtained through animal models of binge eating, bulimia nervosa, or anorexia nervosa. The findings suggest that alterations in dopamine (DA), acetylcholine (ACh) and opioid systems in reward-related brain areas occur in response to binge eating of palatable foods. Moreover, animal models of bulimia nervosa suggest that while bingeing on palatable food releases DA, purging attenuates the release of ACh that might otherwise signal satiety. Animal models of anorexia nervosa suggest that restricted access to food enhances the reinforcing effects of DA when the animal does eat. The activity-based anorexia model suggests alterations in mesolimbic DA and serotonin occur as a result of starvation coupled with excessive wheel running. These findings with animal models complement data obtained through neuroimaging and pharmacotherapy studies of clinical populations. Finally, information on the neurochemical consequences of the behaviors associated with these eating disorders will be useful in understanding these complex disorders and may inform future therapeutic approaches, as discussed here. PMID:22138162


    Alex Sánchez, María Dolores


    The Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) have an increasing influence on the way we relate and in shaping personal identity. The phenomenon of online social networking emerges strongly and contributes to the development of new spaces breaking with the official discourse that marks the scientific evidence on health. This paper analyzes the impact of ICT in relation to the identity of the digital natives and eating disorders (ED). Particular attention to how the network society determines the response of young people in situations of social tension is dedicated. To do this, provides a perspective on the concept of interaction from the analysis of the discourse on anorexia and bulimia in the network, and how to care nurses should consider these factors to improve efficiency and quality in clinical care and patient care.

  13. Coping Strategies in Bulimia Nervosa Treatment: Impact on Outcome in Group Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (United States)

    Binford, Roslyn B.; Mussell, Melissa Pederson; Crosby, Ross D.; Peterson, Carol B.; Crow, Scott J.; Mitchell, James E.


    This study's purpose was to examine the extent to which participants (N = 143) receiving cognitive-behavioral therapy for bulimia nervosa (BN) reported implementing therapeutic strategies to abstain from BN behaviors, and to assess whether use of specific strategies predicts outcome at treatment end and 1-and 6-month follow-up. Frequency of…

  14. The Clinical Features of Binge Eating Disorder and Bulimia Nervosa: What Are the Differences? (United States)

    Sullivan, Keri A.


    Compares the clinical characteristics of binge eating disorder (BED) and the related syndrome bulimia nervosa (BN). Findings suggest individuals with BED are distinguishable from those with BN on a number of traits, including higher rates of obesity and lower levels of eating concern and dietary restraint. (Contains 29 references and 2 tables.)…

  15. [Attachment patterns, self-esteem, gender schema in anorexia and bulimia nervosa]. (United States)

    Józefik, Barbara; Iniewicz, Grzegorz; Ulasińska, Romualda


    The aim of the study was comparison of perception of attachment patterns between adolescent girls suffering from anorexia nervosa (restrictive type), bulimia nervosa and healthy peers. Moreover, we tried to find the differences between the groups in self-esteem and identification with the culture-defined sex role. We examined 40 patients with anorexia, 32 with bulimia and 63 girls from the comparison group. Three questionnaires were used: Parental Bonding Instrument, The Culture-Free Self-Esteem Inventory and Psychological Sex Inventory. Results indicate that the parents' emotional commitment in relations with daughters from the clinical sample is weaker, and they are controlled by parents more then those from the control group. In all groups, the mothers' emotional commitment correlates positively with daughters' social self-esteem. In the anorectic group, fathers' control correlates negatively with daughters' identification with the culture-defined feminine role. In the bulimic group, fathers' emotional commitment correlates positively with self-esteem as well as daughters' identification with the culture-defined masculine role. The results concerning the bonds between the ED patients and their parents indicating dysfunctions of the bonds are generally consistent with the data from literature. Additionally they show the relationship between quality of the bonds between the patients and parents and its influence on development of self-evaluation and a sense of feminity/masculinity in anorectic and bulimic girls.

  16. Can an intervention based on a serious videogame prior to cognitive behavioral therapy be helpful in bulimia nervosa? A clinical case study.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Cristina eGiner-Bartolomé


    Full Text Available Background: Several studies have highlighted the implications of impulsivity and novelty seeking for both the maintenance and the process of recovery from bulimia nervosa. Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT is the treatment of choice for bulimia nervosa, but for some cases, this treatment alone might not be sufficient for reducing the high levels of impulsivity. The paper presents a case report of a patient with bulimia nervosa, examining the effectiveness of using a videogame (Playmancer as an additional intervention designed to address impulsivity. Design: Psychometric and neuropsychological measures were collected at baseline. After this assessment, Playmancer was applied prior to CBT, following an A-B-A-C-A single case experimental design. Impulsivity levels were assessed with the Conners’ Continuous Performance Test II (CPT-II. After the Playmancer treatment, the patient started CBT, and the levels of impulsivity were recorded again. Finally, psychometric and neuropsychological measures were collected after treatment. Weekly frequency of binges and vomiting were also recorded during the entire procedure. Results: After the videogame intervention, psychometric measures such as anxiety levels, impulsivity and novelty seeking decreased. Regarding the neuropsychological measures, impulsivity levels (measured with the CPT-II progressively decreased throughout the intervention, and an improvement in decision making capacities was observed. Furthermore, the frequency of binges also decreased during and after the videogame intervention. Discussion: This case report suggests that using the Playmancer videogame to reduce impulsivity prior to CBT may enhance the final results of the treatment for bulimia nervosa.

  17. Investigating the use of CD-Rom CBT for bulimia nervosa and binge eating disorder in an NHS adult outpatient eating disorders service. (United States)

    Graham, Lisa; Walton, Mark


    Many patients who experience bulimia nervosa (BN) and binge eating disorder (BED) find it hard to access evidence-based treatments. Rates of failure to enter outpatient services following initial assessment are high, as are dropout rates from specialist outpatient eating disorders services. To offer CD-Rom CBT, a cognitive-behavioural multi-media supported self-help treatment, in a locality-based outpatient NHS Eating Disorders Service to patients who have binge eating disorder and bulimia nervosa. Patients referred to a catchment-based NHS outpatient eating disorders service who were assessed and had an eating disorder with a binge-eating component were offered CD-Rom based CBT (Overcoming Bulimia) whilst on the waiting list for individual CBT. Forty patients completed the 8 sessions and attended the evaluation appointment (13 had BN, 27 had BED). For both groups, there were significant improvements in well-being and functioning, as well as significant reductions in problems and risk. There was also a significant reduction on the "Bulimic Subscale" of the EDI. These results were comparable with the original study findings (Schmidt, Treasure and Williams, 2001). Dropouts from the CD-Rom reflected rates common to other EDS treatments suggesting that CD-Rom did not directly impact upon service dropout rates. Computer assisted CBT for Eating Disorders offers a promising, feasible and acceptable first step for patients who have bulimia nervosa or binge eating disorder and access treatment from specialist eating disorders services.

  18. Theory of mind in bulimia nervosa. (United States)

    Kenyon, Martha; Samarawickrema, Nelum; Dejong, Hannah; Van den Eynde, Frederique; Startup, Helen; Lavender, Anna; Goodman-Smith, Emily; Schmidt, Ulrike


    This study aimed to investigate theory of mind (ToM) in individuals with bulimia nervosa (BN), an area neglected by empirical research despite social functioning difficulties in this disorder and evidence of ToM deficits in people with anorexia nervosa (AN). ToM was assessed in 48 BN and 34 Eating Disorder Not Otherwise Specified BN-type (EDNOS-BN) outpatients and 57 healthy controls (HCs) using the Reading the Mind in the Eyes and the Reading the Mind in the Films (RMF), an ecologically valid task novel to BN research. Overall performance in BN and EDNOS-BN groups was equivalent to HCs on both tasks. Individuals with BN had enhanced negative emotion recognition on the RMF. Individuals with AN and BN have distinct socio-cognitive profiles. Further research into social cognition is required to establish the link between interpersonal difficulties and psychopathology in people with BN. Copyright © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  19. Regional grey matter volume abnormalities in bulimia nervosa and binge-eating disorder. (United States)

    Schäfer, Axel; Vaitl, Dieter; Schienle, Anne


    This study investigated whether bulimia nervosa (BN) and binge-eating disorder (BED) are associated with structural brain abnormalities. Both disorders share the main symptom binge-eating, but are considered differential diagnoses. We attempted to identify alterations in grey matter volume (GMV) that are present in both psychopathologies as well as disorder-specific GMV characteristics. Such information can help to improve neurobiological models of eating disorders and their classification. A total of 50 participants (patients suffering from BN (purge type), BED, and normal-weight controls) underwent structural MRI scanning. GMV for specific brain regions involved in food/reinforcement processing was analyzed by means of voxel-based morphometry. Both patient groups were characterized by greater volumes of the medial orbitofrontal cortex (OFC) compared to healthy controls. In BN patients, who had increased ventral striatum volumes, body mass index and purging severity were correlated with striatal grey matter volume. Altogether, our data implicate a crucial role of the medial OFC in the studied eating disorders. The structural abnormality might be associated with dysfunctions in food reward processing and/or self-regulation. The bulimia-specific volume enlargement of the ventral striatum is discussed in the framework of negative reinforcement through purging and associated weight regulation. Copyright 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  20. Getting better byte by byte: a pilot randomised controlled trial of email therapy for bulimia nervosa and binge eating disorder. (United States)

    Robinson, Paul; Serfaty, Marc


    One hundred and ten people in an university population responded to emailed eating disorder questionnaires. Ninty-seven fulfilling criteria for eating disorders (bulimia nervosa (BN), binge eating disorder (BED), EDNOS) were randomised to therapist administered email bulimia therapy (eBT), unsupported Self directed writing (SDW) or Waiting list control (WLC). Measures were repeated at 3 months. Diagnosis, Beck depression inventory (BDI) and Bulimia investigatory test (BITE) scores were recorded. Follow-up rate was 63% and results must be interpreted cautiously. However significantly fewer participants who had received eBT or SDW fulfilled criteria for eating disorders at follow up compared to WLC. There was no significant difference between eBT and SDW in the analysis of variance (ANOVA), although in separate analyses, eBT was significantly superior to WLC (p < 0.02) and the difference for SDW approached significance (p = 0.06). BDI and BITE scores showed no significant change. For eBT participants there was a significant positive correlation between words written and improvement in BITE severity score. BN, BED and EDNOS can be treated via email. (c) 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and Eating Disorders Association

  1. [Nasogastric tube feeding in bulimia. Controlled study with follow-up at 3 months]. (United States)

    Rigaud, Daniel; Brayer, Véronique; Biton-Jélic, Violaine; Païs, Vanessa; Pennacchio, Hélène; Brun, Jean-Marcel


    Few effective treatments are available for severe forms of bulimia nervosa, which are accompanied by malnutrition, anxiety, and depressive mood. We previously showed in an open study that nasogastric tube feeding (TF) reduced binges and purging in patients with anorexia nervosa. This prospective randomized trial compared bulimia patients in two treatment groups: one group received TF at home, together with psychotherapy, nutritional counseling and a support group while the control group received only psychotherapy, nutritional counseling, and a support group. Patients in the first group underwent TF for 8 weeks (exclusively for 10 days and associated with meals thereafter). Assessment was based on clinical examination, laboratory results, and a variety of questionnaires (our in-house instrument for measuring binge and vomiting episodes, eating disorder inventory, Beck's depression inventory and the Hamilton rating scale for anxiety), all performed at the onset of treatment and at 8 days, 8 weeks (i.e., the end of TF), and 3 months after treatment began. Binges and vomiting disappeared faster and more frequently in TF patients than in the control group: 65% versus 29% (pbulimia nervosa, reducing the number of binge and vomiting episodes and improving nutritional status and mood.

  2. Bulimia nervosa in adolescents: prevalence and treatment challenges (United States)

    Hail, Lisa; Le Grange, Daniel


    Bulimia nervosa (BN) is a serious psychiatric illness that typically develops during adolescence or young adulthood, rendering adolescents a target for early intervention. Despite the increasing research devoted to the treatment of youth with anorexia nervosa (AN) and adults with BN, there remains a dearth of evidence for treating younger individuals with BN. To date, there have been four published randomized controlled trials comparing psychosocial treatments, leaving significant room to improve treatment outcomes. Family-based treatment is the leading treatment for youth with AN, while cognitive-behavioral therapy is the leading intervention for adults with BN. Involving caregivers in treatment shows promising results, however, additional research is needed to investigate ways in which this treatment can be adapted further to achieve higher rates of recovery. PMID:29379324

  3. The psychosexual histories of young women with bulimia. (United States)

    Abraham, S F; Bendit, N; Mason, C; Mitchell, H; O'Connor, N; Ward, J; Young, S; Llewellyn-Jones, D


    While it is known that anorexia nervosa patients show a wide range of sexual knowledge, attitudes and practices, the psychosexual histories of bulimia patients have not been studied. In this paper the psychosexual histories of 20 bulimic patients and 20 matched control subjects are presented. Bulimic patients were more likely to experience orgasm with masturbation, were more likely to have experimented with anal intercourse, and were more likely to describe their libido as 'above average.' Control subjects were more likely to experience orgasm during sexual intercourse. Bulimic patients associated high body weights with unattractiveness, and tended to withdraw from social and sexual activity at high weights. In other aspects of their sexual behaviour, and in their attitudes to sexual matters, the two groups were similar.

  4. A Randomized Controlled Comparison of Integrative Cognitive-Affective Therapy and Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy-Enhanced for Bulimia Nervosa (United States)

    Wonderlich, Stephen A.; Peterson, Carol B.; Crosby, Ross D.; Smith, Tracey L.; Klein, Marjorie H.; Mitchell, James E.; Crow, Scott J.


    Background The purpose of this investigation was to compare a new psychotherapy for bulimia nervosa, Integrative Cognitive-Affective Therapy (ICAT), with an established treatment, Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy-Enhanced (CBT-E). Method Eighty adults with symptoms of bulimia nervosa were randomized to ICAT or CBT-E for 21 sessions over 19 weeks. Bulimic symptoms, measured by the Eating Disorder Examination, were assessed at baseline, end of treatment, and 4-month follow-up. Treatment outcome, as measured by binge eating frequency, purging frequency, global eating disorder severity, emotion regulation, self-oriented cognition, depression, anxiety, and self-esteem, was determined using generalized estimating equations, logistic regression, and a general linear model (intent-to-treat). Results Both treatments were associated with significant improvement in bulimic symptoms as well as all measures of outcome, and no statistically significant differences were observed between the two conditions at end of treatment or follow-up. Intent-to-treat abstinence rates for ICAT (37.5% at end of treatment, 32.5% at follow-up) and CBT-E (22.5% at both end of treatment and follow-up) were not significantly different. Conclusions ICAT was associated with significant improvements in bulimic and associated symptoms that did not differ from those obtained with CBT-E. This initial randomized controlled trial of a new individual psychotherapy for bulimia nervosa suggests that targeting emotion and self-oriented cognition in the context of nutritional rehabilitation may be efficacious and worthy of further study. PMID:23701891

  5. Wait Not, Want Not: Factors Contributing to the Development of Anorexia Nervosa and Bulimia Nervosa. (United States)

    Murray, Trish


    The purpose of this literature review is to examine prevalence and incident rates of both anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa. In addition, this article will review the psychological and sociological factors that contribute to the development and maintenance of an eating disorder. Finally, different treatment approaches will be discussed in…

  6. Health services use in women with a history of bulimia nervosa or binge eating disorder

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Striegel-Moore, RH; Dohm, FA; Kraemer, HC; Schreiber, GB; Crawford, PB; Daniels, [No Value

    Objective: The current study examined health services use during the past 12 months in a sample of young women with a history of an adolescent eating disorder (bulimia nervosa [BN] or binge eating disorder [BED]). Method: A community sample of 1,582 young women (mean age = 21.5 years) was

  7. Does Post-operative Psychotherapy Contribute to Improved Comorbidities in Bariatric Patients with Borderline Personality Disorder Traits and Bulimia Tendencies? A Prospective Study. (United States)

    Gallé, Francesca; Maida, Pietro; Cirella, Assunta; Giuliano, Elena; Belfiore, Patrizia; Liguori, Giorgio


    Borderline personality disorder (BPD) and eating disorders may affect the outcomes of bariatric surgery. This study was aimed to evaluate the influence of a post-operative dialectical behavioral therapy (DBT) intervention on weight loss and comorbidities in a sample of comorbid obese Italian patients with BPD traits and bulimia tendencies who underwent laparoscopic Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (LRYGB) and laparoscopic adjustable gastric banding (LAGB). One hundred fifty-four LRYGB or LAGB patients showing BPD and bulimia traits and type II diabetes, hypertension, and/or sleep apnea (OSAS) voluntarily adhered to DBT (n = 72) or treatment as usual (n = 82) for 12 months after surgery. Total weight loss (%TWL) and remission/improvement of comorbidities were considered as outcomes. Differences between treatment groups and between LRYGB and LAGB subgroups were evaluated through Student's t test for TWL and chi-square test for comorbidities. DBT was more effective than treatment as usual (TAU) in reducing weight loss (p bulimia tendencies. Further in-depth investigations and a longer follow-up are needed to strengthen these results.

  8. Age at menarche and digit ratio (2D:4D): relationships with body dissatisfaction, drive for thinness, and bulimia symptoms in women. (United States)

    Oinonen, Kirsten A; Bird, Jessica L


    This study examined the hypothesis that lower prenatal androgen exposure and earlier puberty are associated with more dysfunctional eating attitudes and behaviors. Relationships between both age at menarche (AAM) and 2D:4D (a marker of prenatal androgen exposure), and EDI-2-Body Dissatisfaction, EDI-2-Drive for Thinness, and EDI-2-Bulimia scores, were examined in women using correlations and regressions. Earlier menarche was associated with higher drive for thinness after controlling for BMI and negative affect, but only in women who were not exclusively heterosexual. Higher 2D:4D was associated with higher Bulimia and Body Dissatisfaction scores, but only in exclusively heterosexual women, and relationships disappeared when covariates were controlled. Later AAM and higher 2D:4D were unique predictors of higher Bulimia scores for exclusive heterosexuals when BMI was controlled. These findings suggest future research should examine sexual orientation as a mediator or moderator of prenatal and postnatal organizational hormonal effects on women's disordered eating attitudes and behaviors. Copyright © 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  9. Binge Eating Disorder and Its Relationship to Bulimia Nervosa and Obesity


    LaCaille, Lara Schultz


    Recent research indicates that 2% to 4% of the population meet diagnostic criteria for the newly proposed binge eating disorder, and that it is much more common (30%) among the treatment-seeking obese. Although recognized as a significant problem, binge eating disorder is l1l not well understood, and there is debate about whether binge eating disorder is a distinct disorder. It has been argued that binge eating disorder is simply a variant or milder form of bulimia nervosa and not a separate ...

  10. The prevalence of DSM-IV personality pathology among individuals with bulimia nervosa, binge eating disorder and obesity

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    De Jonge, PV; Van Furth, EF; Lacey, JH; Waller, G


    Background. There are numerous reports of personality disorder pathology in different eating disorders. However, few studies have directly compared personality pathology in bulimia nervosa, binge eating disorder and obesity. The present study examines group differences in DSM-IV personality

  11. Fractures in Patients with Anorexia Nervosa, Bulimia Nervosa, and Other Eating Disorders - A Nationwide Register Study

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Vestergaard, P.; Emborg, C.; Støving, R.K.


    OBJECTIVE: To study fracture risk in patients with anorexia nervosa (AN), bulimia nervosa (BN), or eating disorders not otherwise specified (EDNOS). METHOD: Cohort study including all Danes diagnosed with AN (n = 2,149), BN (n = 1,294), or EDNOS (n = 942) between 1977 and 1998. Each patient...

  12. Internet-delivered cognitive-behavioural therapy v. conventional guided self-help for bulimia nervosa: long-term evaluation of a randomised controlled trial. (United States)

    Wagner, Gudrun; Penelo, Eva; Wanner, Christian; Gwinner, Paulina; Trofaier, Marie-Louise; Imgart, Hartmut; Waldherr, Karin; Wöber-Bingöl, Ciçek; Karwautz, Andreas F K


    Cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT)-based guided self-help is recommended as a first step in the treatment of bulimia nervosa. To evaluate in a randomised controlled trial ( registration number: NCT00461071) the long-term effectiveness of internet-based guided self-help (INT-GSH) compared with conventional guided bibliotherapy (BIB-GSH) in females with bulimia nervosa. A total of 155 participants were randomly assigned to INT-GSH or BIB-GSH for 7 months. Outcomes were assessed at baseline, month 4, month 7 and month 18. The greatest improvement was reported after 4 months with a continued reduction in eating disorder symptomatology reported at month 7 and 18. After 18 months, 14.6% (n = 7/48) of the participants in the INT-GSH group and 25% (n = 7/28) in the BIB-GSH group were abstinent from binge eating and compensatory measures, 43.8% (n = 21/48) and 39.2% (n = 11/28) respectively were in remission. No differences regarding outcome between the two groups were found. Internet-based guided self-help for bulimia nervosa was not superior compared with bibliotherapy, the gold standard of self-help. Improvements remain stable in the long term.

  13. Genetic analysis of bulimia nervosa: methods and sample description. (United States)

    Kaye, Walter H; Devlin, Bernie; Barbarich, Nicole; Bulik, Cynthia M; Thornton, Laura; Bacanu, Silviu-Alin; Fichter, Manfred M; Halmi, Katherine A; Kaplan, Allan S; Strober, Michael; Woodside, D Blake; Bergen, Andrew W; Crow, Scott; Mitchell, James; Rotondo, Alessandro; Mauri, Mauro; Cassano, Giovanni; Keel, Pamela; Plotnicov, Katherine; Pollice, Christine; Klump, Kelly L; Lilenfeld, Lisa R; Ganjei, J Kelly; Quadflieg, Norbert; Berrettini, Wade H


    Twin and family studies suggest that genetic variants contribute to the pathogenesis of bulimia nervosa (BN) and anorexia nervosa (AN). The Price Foundation has supported an international, multisite study of families with these disorders to identify these genetic variations. The current study presents the clinical characteristics of this sample as well as a description of the study methodology. All probands met modified criteria for BN or bulimia nervosa with a history of AN (BAN) as defined in the 4th ed. of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV; American Psychiatric Association, 1994). All affected relatives met DSM-IV criteria for BN, AN, BAN, or eating disorders not otherwise specified (EDNOS). Probands and affected relatives were assessed diagnostically using both trained-rater and self-report assessments. DNA samples were collected from probands, affected relatives, and available biologic parents. Assessments were obtained from 163 BN probands and 165 BAN probands. Overall, there were 365 relative pairs available for linkage analysis. Of the affected relatives of BN probands, 62 were diagnosed as BN (34.8%), 49 as BAN (27.5%), 35 as AN (19.7%), and 32 as EDNOS (18.0%). For the relatives of BAN probands, 42 were diagnosed as BN (22.5%), 67 as BAN (35.8%), 48 as AN (25.7%), and 30 as EDNOS (16.0%). This study represents the largest genetic study of eating disorders to date. Clinical data indicate that although there are a large number of individuals with BN disorders, a range of eating pathology is represented in the sample, allowing for the examination of several different phenotypes in molecular genetic analyses. Copyright 2004 by Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Int J Eat Disord 35: 556-570, 2004.

  14. The impact of exposure to images of ideally thin models in TV commercials on eating behavior: an experimental study with women diagnosed with bulimia nervosa. (United States)

    Rühl, Ilka; Legenbauer, Tanja; Hiller, Wolfgang


    This study investigates whether eating behavior in women with diagnosed bulimia nervosa is influenced by prior exposure to images of ideally thin models. Twenty-six participants diagnosed with bulimia nervosa (BN) and 30 normal controls (NC) were exposed to body-related and neutral TV commercials; then food that typically triggers binge eating was provided, and the amount of food eaten was measured. No significant difference for food intake between NC and BN could be found, but food intake for BN was predicted by the degree of thoughts related to eating behaviors during exposure to the thin ideal. No impact of general body image or eating pathology on food intake could be found. The results emphasize the importance of action-relevance of dysfunctional cognitions for the maintenance of eating-disordered behaviors in women with bulimia nervosa, when exposed to eating-disorder-specific triggers. Copyright © 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  15. Effect of management of patients with Anorexia and Bulimia nervosa on symptoms and impulsive behavior. (United States)

    Sernec, Karin; Tomori, Martina; Zalar, Bojan


    The aim of the study was to provide further and up to date information on the evaluation of the management of Anorexia and Bulimia nervosa at the Eating Disorders Unit (EDU) of the Ljubljana Psychiatric Clinic, based upon detailed assessment of the eating disorders specific and non specific symptoms of impulsive behaviors, highly correlated with these entities. 34 female patients with anorexia (restrictive or purgative type) and 38 female patients with Bulimia nervosa (purgative or non-purgative type) undergoing hospital treatment at the EDU were evaluated upon admission, as well as upon discharge and three and six months after discharge, using the Eating Disorder Questionnaire. Upon discharge a marked decrease in the overall symptoms was noted. The differences in symptoms incidences between the two groups were significantly specific for the individual form of eating disorder, especially upon admission, and were more pronounced in anorexia group. In later measurements, performed during the period of three and six months after discharge, a mild trend of increase in the disorder specific symptoms was detected in both groups, but was not statistically significant. In addition to binging on food, striking, quarreling and spending sprees are characteristics of patients with eating disorders, which in particular apply to the Bulimia nervosa group. Apart from the disorder specific symptoms, impulsive behavior was also reduced during study period, while the difference in its occurrence between the two groups gradually became non-significant. The management of patients with eating disorders at the EDU was successful in both groups, confirmed by an intense reduction of the disorder specific symptoms, impulsive behavior and increased stability recorded three and six months after discharge. The study strongly suggests that the effect of treatment regime for eating disorders can be predicted by careful assessment of the relevant symptoms and impulsive behavioral patterns.

  16. Symptoms predicting psychosocial impairment in bulimia nervosa. (United States)

    Jenkins, Paul E; Staniford, Jessica; Luck, Amy


    The current study aimed to determine which particular eating disorder (ED) symptoms and related features, such as BMI and psychological distress, uniquely predict impairment in bulimia nervosa (BN). Two hundred and twenty-two adults with BN completed questionnaires assessing ED symptoms, general psychological distress, and psychosocial impairment. Regression analyses were used to determine predictors which account for variance in impairment. Four variables emerged as significant predictors of psychosocial impairment: concerns with eating; concerns with weight and shape; dietary restraint; and general psychological distress. Findings support previous work highlighting the importance of weight and shape concerns in determining ED-related impairment. Other ED symptoms, notably dietary restraint and concerns with eating, were also significant predictors as was psychological distress. Results suggest that cognitive aspects of EDs, in addition to psychological distress, may be more important determinants of impairment than behavioural symptoms, such as binge eating or purging.

  17. Family perception of anorexia and bulimia: a systematic review. (United States)

    Espíndola, Cybele Ribeiro; Blay, Sérgio Luís


    A systematic literature review published between 1990 and 2006 using a qualitative approach was conducted to explore family members' perception of anorexia and bulimia nervosa patients. Articles were critically reviewed and a meta-synthesis analysis was carried out based on a meta-ethnographic method to analyze and summarize data. Of a total of 3,415 studies, nine met the study inclusion and exclusion criteria. Reciprocal translation was used for data interpretation allowing to identifying two concepts: disease awareness and disease impacts. Feelings of impotence were often described in family reorganization. The study results point to distortions in the concept of disease associated with family involvement, resulting in changes in communication, attitudes, and behaviors in a context of impotence.

  18. Bulimia e transtorno da compulsão alimentar periódica: revisão sistemática e metassíntese Bulimia and binge eating disorder: systematic review and metasynthesis

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Cybele Ribeiro Espíndola


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Esta revisão sistemática teve como objetivo organizar o conjunto das informações disponibilizadas pelos estudos qualitativos sobre a vivência dos pacientes portadores de bulimia e transtorno da compulsão alimentar periódica. METODOLOGIA: Pesquisas foram conduzidas nas seguintes bases de dados: PubMed, ISI, PsycINFO, EMBASE, LILACS e SciELO, no período de 1990 a 2005. Critérios de inclusão: 1 artigos com foco principal na bulimia ou transtorno da compulsão alimentar periódica; 2 pesquisas originais em inglês, espanhol, francês ou português; 3 uso de qualquer método qualitativo, como entrevista, grupo focal ou observação de campo. Critérios de exclusão: artigos exclusivamente teóricos ou que utilizam população infantil ou da terceira idade. Utilizou-se a abordagem meta-etnográfica para sintetizar os dados. Cada estudo foi lido, e as categorias centrais de cada um foram comparadas e interpretadas com as categorias de todos os outros estudos. RESULTADOS: Foram incluídos 15 estudos de um total de 3.415 artigos. Sete temas centrais que se sobrepõem foram identificados: representação da doença; sentimentos negativos (medo, culpa, raiva, solidão, perda de controle; sentimentos positivos (auto-controle; poder; função do sintoma; relacionamentos interpessoais; história pessoal; contexto sociocultural; recuperação. CONCLUSÕES: Embora muitos aspectos sejam negativos, a experiência, como um todo, não é referida apenas como má. Alguns aspectos dos transtornos alimentares são sentidos como benéficos, segundo os pacientes.OBJECTIVE: The aim of this systematic review is to identify the scope of qualitative investigations on the life experience of patients with bulimia and binge eating disorder. METHODOLOGY: Searches were conducted using the following databases: PubMed, ISI, PsycInfo, Embase, LILACS and Scielo, for articles published between 1990 and 2005. Inclusion criteria were: 1 articles with main focus on

  19. [Bulimia and anorexia among the teenagers]. (United States)

    Ben Salem, Hela; Gaigi, Imene; El Fray, Hamouda; Gaigi, Sadok; El Ati, Jalila


    The disturbances related to the feeding behavior are increasing in Tunisia. To evaluate the impact of an adapted and personalized therapeutic program, including dietetic advises and practice of yoga in Tunisian teenagers suffering from bulimia or anorexia. Our study was carried out on 31 teenagers, old 16 to 19 years, 10 were anorexics (9 girls and 1 boy) and 21 were bulimics (14 girls and 7 boys). After twelve weeks of program application a clear improvement of the physical and mental state of our subjects was recorded. Indeed, an average fall of 7.3% of the body weight of the compulsive eaters and an increase of 6.6% of that of the anorexics were obtained. On the mental level, the frequency of the subjects which make daily crises passed from 29% to 19%. More half of the subjects (54.8%) paid more not to vomit but occasionally (less than one once out of two crises). These results show that an assumption of responsibility targeted of the teenagers suffering from food behavioral problems can help them to be left there.

  20. Therapeutic Alliance and Treatment Adherence in Two Interventions for Bulimia Nervosa: A Study of Process and Outcome (United States)

    Loeb, Katharine L.; Wilson, G. Terence; Labouvie, Erich; Pratt, Elizabeth M.; Hayaki, Jumi; Walsh, B. Timothy; Agras, W. Stewart; Fairburn, Christopher G.


    The relationship between therapeutic alliance, therapist adherence to treatment protocol, and outcome was analyzed in a randomized trial of cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) and interpersonal psychotherapy for bulimia nervosa. Independent observers rated audiotapes of full-length therapy sessions. Purging frequency was the primary outcome…

  1. Técnicas projetivas na avaliação de aspectos psicopatológicos da anorexia e bulimia Projective techniques in the assessment of psychopathology of patients with anorexia and bulimia

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    Rodrigo Sanches Peres


    Full Text Available O presente estudo teve como objetivo verificar a utilização de técnicas projetivas na avaliação de características psicopatológicas de pacientes com transtornos alimentares. Trata-se de uma revisão sistemática de literatura, realizada a partir de buscas nas bases de dados LILACS e Banco de Teses/CAPES com o emprego dos descritores "anorexia" e "bulimia". As referências localizadas foram selecionadas, recuperadas na íntegra e submetidas a uma apreciação qualitativa, organizada em dimensões de análise específicas. As principais características psicopatológicas reportadas foram: passividade, introversão e obsessividade, conflitos, tensões e angústias em relação à figura materna, grave distorção da imagem corporal e tendência à fusão nos relacionamentos interpessoais. Evidenciou-se, ainda, o predomínio de delineamentos metodológicos incipientes. Novas pesquisas envolvendo o emprego de técnicas projetivas no contexto dos transtornos alimentares são necessárias para prover os profissionais de evidências empíricas, que possam ser aproveitadas em protocolos de avaliação multidisciplinar adequados à população brasileira.This study aimed to review the Brazilian literature on the use of projective techniques in the assessment of psychopathological features of patients with eating disorders. It is a systematic literature review from searches on LILACS and CAPES Thesis Databases, with the use of the descriptors "anorexia" and "bulimia". The obtained references were selected and, later, recovered in full version and submitted to a qualitative appreciation, organized in specific dimensions. The main psychopathological features reported were: passivity, introversion and obsessiveness, conflicts, tensions and anxieties in relation to the maternal figure, severe distortion of body image and tendency to merge in interpersonal relationships. The researches analysis revealed predominance of weak methodological designs. New

  2. Neuroendocrinology and brain imaging of reward in eating disorders: A possible key to the treatment of anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa. (United States)

    Monteleone, Alessio Maria; Castellini, Giovanni; Volpe, Umberto; Ricca, Valdo; Lelli, Lorenzo; Monteleone, Palmiero; Maj, Mario


    Anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa are severe eating disorders whose etiopathogenesis is still unknown. Clinical features suggest that eating disorders may develop as reward-dependent syndromes, since eating less food is perceived as rewarding in anorexia nervosa while consumption of large amounts of food during binge episodes in bulimia nervosa aims at reducing the patient's negative emotional states. Therefore, brain reward mechanisms have been a major focus of research in the attempt to contribute to the comprehension of the pathophysiology of these disorders. Structural brain imaging data provided the evidence that brain reward circuits may be altered in patients with anorexia or bulimia nervosa. Similarly, functional brain imaging studies exploring the activation of brain reward circuits by food stimuli as well as by stimuli recognized to be potentially rewarding for eating disordered patients, such as body image cues or stimuli related to food deprivation and physical hyperactivity, showed several dysfunctions in ED patients. Moreover, very recently, it has been demonstrated that some of the biochemical homeostatic modulators of eating behavior are also implicated in the regulation of food-related and non-food-related reward, representing a possible link between the aberrant behaviors of ED subjects and their hypothesized deranged reward processes. In particular, changes in leptin and ghrelin occur in patients with anorexia or bulimia nervosa and have been suggested to represent not only homeostatic adaptations to an altered energy balance but to contribute also to the acquisition and/or maintenance of persistent starvation, binge eating and physical hyperactivity, which are potentially rewarding for ED patients. On the basis of such findings new pathogenetic models of EDs have been proposed, and these models may provide new theoretical basis for the development of innovative treatment strategies, either psychological and pharmacological, with the aim to

  3. Tratamientos integrales en el POS para la rehabilitación de niños, niñas y adolescentes con anorexia y bulimia


    Monroy Fontalvo, Tania Paola


    Este trabajo busca establecer si en Colombia el ordenamiento jurídico contempla un tratamiento integral para la rehabilitación de los niños, niñas y adolescentes que padecen de anorexia y bulimia. Para ello, se hará una descripción de la anorexia y la bulimia en niños, niñas y adolescentes, se examinarán las normas que desarrollan el POS estableciendo la reglamentación que se consagra para la rehabilitación de estas enfermedades y se llegará a la conclusión de acuerdo al pronunciamiento de la...

  4. Randomized controlled trial of a treatment for anorexia and bulimia nervosa (United States)

    Bergh, Cecilia; Brodin, Ulf; Lindberg, Greger; Södersten, Per


    Evidence for the effectiveness of existing treatments of patients with eating disorders is weak. Here we describe and evaluate a method of treatment in a randomized controlled trial. Sixteen patients, randomly selected out of a group composed of 19 patients with anorexia nervosa and 13 with bulimia nervosa, were trained to eat and recognize satiety by using computer support. They rested in a warm room after eating, and their physical activity was restricted. The patients in the control group (n = 16) received no treatment. Remission was defined by normal body weight (anorexia), cessation of binge eating and purging (bulimia), a normal psychiatric profile, normal laboratory test values, normal eating behavior, and resumption of social activities. Fourteen patients went into remission after a median of 14.4 months (range 4.9–26.5) of treatment, but only one patient went into remission while waiting for treatment (P = 0.0057). Relapse is considered a major problem in patients who have been treated to remission. We therefore report results on a total of 168 patients who have entered our treatment program. The estimated rate of remission was 75%, and estimated time to remission was 14.7 months (quartile range 9.6 ≥ 32). Six patients (7%) of 83 who were treated to remission relapsed, but the others (93%) have remained in remission for 12 months (quartile range 6–36). Because the risk of relapse is maximal in the first year after remission, we suggest that most patients treated with this method recover. PMID:12082182

  5. A Proposal for a Study of Bulimia Among Women in the United States Air Force (United States)


    to be effective (7). Activities on many bases are limitless and frequently include softball, basketball, football, baseball, volleyball, soccer ...that bulimia occurs because of early family interactions . Some researchers have discovered that mothers of bulimics are often controlling, while...caloric food withen a short time span. Bulimics frequently eat easily consumed simple carbohydrates like cakes, cookies and donuts, though other foods

  6. Subtyping Women with Bulimia Nervosa along Dietary and Negative Affect Dimensions: Further Evidence of Reliability and Validity (United States)

    Stice, Eric; Bohon, Cara; Marti, C. Nathan; Fischer, Kathryn


    Studies have found that individuals with bulimia nervosa can be classified into dietary and dietary-negative affect subtypes and that the latter exhibit greater eating pathology, psychiatric comorbidity, and functional impairment; a more protracted clinical course; and a worse treatment response. In this report, the authors describe 2 prospective…

  7. Psychiatric Disorders Associated with the Onset and Persistence of Bulimia Nervosa and Binge Eating Disorder during Adolescence. (United States)

    Zaider, Talia I.; Johnson, Jeffrey G.; Cockell, Sarah J.


    Conducted a prospective longitudinal study to investigate whether anxiety, depressive, personality, or substance abuse disorders increase risk for onset of bulimia nervosa (BN) or binge eating disorder (BED) during adolescence. Findings for 201 adolescents suggest that adolescents with chronic depressive symptoms may be at elevated risk for the…

  8. The Effectiveness of Acceptance and Commitment Based Training on the Maladaptive Schemas of Female Students with Bulimia Nervosa

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    Moslem Abbasia


    Full Text Available Background & Aims of the Study: Recently, a lot of discussions have been done about the third wave of behavioral and cognitive approaches, particularly in areas with eating disorders. The aim of current research is the effectiveness of acceptance and commitment based training on the maladaptive schemas of female students with bulimia nervosa. Materials & Methods: The design of current study is as quasi-experiment research with pre-test and post-test with control group. Statistical population consist of all high school female students of Arak city in the 2013-14 academic years. Samples were selected at first by multi stage cluster sampling method and after completing young schema questionnaire short form and Diagnostic Interview, were placement using random sampling method in two experimental and control groups (N=20 per group. The experimental group participated in 8 sessions of acceptance and commitment based training and control group received no intervention. The gathered data were analyzed using Multivariate analysis of covariance (MANCOVA. Results: The results show that there exist significant differences between the pre-test and post-test scores of the experimental group. This difference is significant at the level of 0.01. Therefore it seems that acceptance and commitment based training decreased maladaptive schemas of students with bulimia nervosa. Conclusions: The results of current research explain the importance of acceptance and commitment therapy in decreasing maladaptive schema of female students with bulimia nervosa. Thus, interventions based on this approach in schools for students lead to decreasing the psychological problems

  9. Do Mortality Rates in Eating Disorders Change over Time? A Longitudinal Look at Anorexia Nervosa and Bulimia Nervosa (United States)

    Franko, Debra L.; Keshaviah, Aparna; Eddy, Kamryn T.; Krishna, Meera; Davis, Martha C.; Keel, Pamela K.; Herzog, David B.


    Objective Although anorexia nervosa has a high mortality rate, our understanding of the timing and predictors of mortality in eating disorders is limited. The authors investigated mortality in a long-term study of patients with eating disorders. Method Beginning in 1987, 246 treatment-seeking women with anorexia nervosa or bulimia nervosa were interviewed every 6 months for a median of 9.5 years to obtain weekly ratings of eating disorder symptoms, comorbidity, treatment participation, and psychosocial functioning. From January 2007 to December 2010 (median follow-up of 20 years), vital status was ascertained with a National Death Index search. Results Sixteen deaths (6.5%) were recorded (lifetime anorexia nervosa, N=14; bulimia nervosa with no history of anorexia nervosa, N=2). The standardized mortality ratio was 4.37 [95% CI=2.4-7.3] for lifetime anorexia nervosa and 2.33 [95% CI=0.3-8.4] for bulimia nervosa with no history of anorexia nervosa. Risk of premature death among women with lifetime anorexia nervosa peaked within the first 10 years of follow-up resulting in a standardized mortality ratio of 7.7 [95% CI=3.7-14.2]. The standardized mortality ratio varied by duration of illness and was 3.2 [95% CI=0.9-8.3] for women with lifetime anorexia nervosa for 0-15 years (4/119 died), and 6.6 [95% CI=3.2-12.1] for women with lifetime anorexia nervosa for >15-30 years (10/67 died). Multivariate predictors of mortality included alcohol abuse (panorexia nervosa. PMID:23771148

  10. Weight Suppression But Not Symptom Improvement Predicts Weight Gain During Inpatient Treatment for Bulimia Nervosa. (United States)

    Hessler, Johannes Baltasar; Diedrich, Alice; Greetfeld, Martin; Schlegl, Sandra; Schwartz, Caroline; Voderholzer, Ulrich


    Fear of gaining weight is a common obstacle to seeking treatment for bulimia nervosa (BN). We investigated changes in body mass index (BMI) during inpatient treatment for BN in relation to treatment outcome and weight suppression (WS). Female inpatients of a specialized eating disorders clinic were grouped as deteriorated/unchanged, reliably improved, and clinically significantly improved based on Eating Disorder Inventory-2 scores. Repeated measures ANOVA was employed to examine changes in BMI between admission and discharge depending on treatment outcome and WS. One-hundred seventy-nine patients were included. Overall, the average BMI significantly increased by 0.54 kg/m 2 (SD = 1.24). Repeated measures ANOVA revealed no association of change in BMI with treatment outcome [F(df) = 1.13 (2166), p = 0.327] but with WS [F(df) = 2.76 (3166), p Bulimia nervosa can be successfully treated without causing excessive weight gain. Patients with higher WS might expect somewhat more weight gain. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and Eating Disorders Association. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and Eating Disorders Association.

  11. Clinical, psychopathological and personality correlates of interoceptive awareness in anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa and obesity. (United States)

    Fassino, Secondo; Pierò, Andrea; Gramaglia, Carla; Abbate-Daga, Giovanni


    To determine the levels of interoceptive awareness (IA), which measures the ability of an individual to discriminate between sensations and feelings, and between the sensations of hunger and satiety, in eating disorder patients and to identify the clinical, psychopathological and personal variables correlated with IA. Sixty-one restrictor anorectics, 61 binge-purging anorectics, 104 purging bulimics, 49 obese subjects with binge eating disorder (BED) and 47 obese subjects without BED were compared. They were assessed with the Eating Disorder Inventory-2, the Temperament and Character Inventory, and the Beck Depression Inventory, and their clinical and sociodemographic features were recorded. In all patients, the levels of IA were higher than the 'normal' ones; in bulimia nervosa, they were higher than in anorexia nervosa and obesity. Similar personal features and eating attitudes are shared by patients with bulimia nervosa and BED. In the total sample, the following variables independently correlate with IA: the Beck Depression Inventory, self- directedness and persistence. The importance of an altered IA in eating disorders is supported. Both depression and a perfectionist and poorly self-directive personality can lead to greater difficulties in discriminating hunger and satiety. Copyright 2004 S. Karger AG, Basel

  12. Comparing cognitive behavioural therapy for eating disorders integrated with behavioural weight loss therapy to cognitive behavioural therapy-enhanced alone in overweight or obese people with bulimia nervosa or binge eating disorder: study protocol for a randomised controlled trial. (United States)

    Palavras, Marly Amorim; Hay, Phillipa; Touyz, Stephen; Sainsbury, Amanda; da Luz, Felipe; Swinbourne, Jessica; Estella, Nara Mendes; Claudino, Angélica


    Around 40 % of individuals with eating disorders of recurrent binge eating, namely bulimia nervosa and binge eating disorder, are obese. In contrast to binge eating disorder, currently there is no evidence base for weight management or weight loss psychological therapies in the treatment of bulimia nervosa despite their efficacy in binge eating disorder. Thus, a manualised therapy called HAPIFED (Healthy APproach to weIght management and Food in Eating Disorders) has been developed. HAPIFED integrates the leading evidence-based psychological therapies, cognitive behavioural therapy-enhanced (CBT-E) and behavioural weight loss treatment (BWLT) for binge eating disorder and obesity respectively. The aim of the present study is to detail the protocol for a randomised controlled trial (RCT) of HAPIFED versus CBT-E for people with bulimia nervosa and binge eating disorder who are overweight/obese. A single-blind superiority RCT is proposed. One hundred Brazilian participants aged ≥ 18 years, with a diagnosis of bulimia nervosa or binge eating disorder, BMI > 27 to bulimia nervosa as well as with binge eating disorder. It will have the potential to improve health outcomes for the rapidly increasing number of adults with co-morbid obesity and binge eating disorder or bulimia nervosa. US National Institutes of Health clinical trial registration number NCT02464345 , date of registration 1 June 2015.

  13. Therapist adherence is associated with outcome in cognitive-behavioral therapy for bulimia nervosa. (United States)

    Folke, Sofie; Daniel, Sarah I F; Gondan, Matthias; Lunn, Susanne; Tækker, Louise; Poulsen, Stig


    Studies of therapist adherence in relation to treatment outcome have produced mixed results. The aim of the present study was to investigate change in therapist adherence to cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) for bulimia nervosa over time, and to investigate the relationship between adherence and client outcome in early, middle, and late phases of treatment. Thirty-six clients received the focused form of "enhanced" CBT (CBT-E) for bulimia nervosa. Trained observers rated audiotapes of 92 full-length therapy sessions from early (Session 3), middle (Session 11), and late phases (Session 20) of treatment using the Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy Treatment Protocol Adherence Scale. Change in adherence across the 3 treatment phases was examined using multilevel analysis. The relationship between early, middle, and late adherence levels and end-of-treatment binging frequency was examined using multilevel Poisson regression analysis. Adherence decreased significantly over the course of treatment. Higher levels of therapist adherence in early and middle phases of treatment were associated with reduced binging frequency, whereas higher levels of adherence measured late in treatment was not. Results indicate that therapists' adherence to the CBT-E treatment protocol decreases over time and that high levels of protocol adherence in early and middle phases of treatment are more important for positive client outcomes than high levels of adherence in the end of treatment. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2017 APA, all rights reserved).

  14. The economic effect of Planet Health on preventing bulimia nervosa. (United States)

    Wang, Li Yan; Nichols, Lauren P; Austin, S Bryn


    To assess the economic effect of the school-based obesity prevention program Planet Health on preventing disordered weight control behaviors and to determine the cost-effectiveness of the intervention in terms of its combined effect on prevention of obesity and disordered weight control behaviors. On the basis of the intervention's short-term effect on disordered weight control behaviors prevention, we projected the number of girls who were prevented from developing bulimia nervosa by age 17 years. We further estimated medical costs saved and quality-adjusted life years gained by the intervention over 10 years. As a final step, we compared the intervention costs with the combined intervention benefits from both obesity prevention (reported previously) and prevention of disordered weight control behaviors to determine the overall cost-effectiveness of the intervention. Middle schools. A sample of 254 intervention girls aged 10 to 14 years. The Planet Health program was implemented during the school years from 1995 to 1997 and was designed to promote healthful nutrition and physical activity among youth. Intervention costs, medical costs saved, quality-adjusted life years gained, and cost-effectiveness ratio. An estimated 1 case of bulimia nervosa would have been prevented. As a result, an estimated $33 999 in medical costs and 0.7 quality-adjusted life years would be saved. At an intervention cost of $46 803, the combined prevention of obesity and disordered weight control behaviors would yield a net savings of $14 238 and a gain of 4.8 quality-adjusted life years. Primary prevention programs, such as Planet Health, warrant careful consideration by policy makers and program planners. The findings of this study provide additional argument for integrated prevention of obesity and eating disorders.

  15. Teoria e eficácia da terapia comportamental dialética na bulimia nervosa e no transtorno da compulsão alimentar periódica Theory and efficacy of dialectical behavior therapy of bulimia nervosa and binge eating disorder

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    Rui Alexandre Nunes-Costa


    Full Text Available OBJETIVOS: Procura-se analisar as atuais evidências empíricas e teóricas sobre o modo de operar nas intervenções comportamentais dialéticas. Procedeu-se igualmente à análise da eficácia dessa terapia no tratamento da bulimia nervosa e no transtorno da compulsão alimentar periódica. MÉTODO: Realizou-se uma revisão agregativa da literatura, recorrendo às palavras-chave "dialectical behavior therapy", "bulimia nervosa" e "binge eating disorder" nas bases de dados PsycInfo e MedLine e em livros da especialidade, sob o critério da atualidade e premência das publicações levantadas. RESULTADOS: A terapia comportamental dialética, inicialmente desenhada para o transtorno de personalidade borderline, tem-se estendido a outros transtornos do eixo I. Sua aplicação às perturbações alimentares sustentase num paradigma dialético com o recurso das estratégias comportamentais e cognitivas. Esse modelo permite aos pacientes uma regulação mais efetiva dos estados afetivos negativos, reduzindo a probabilidade da ocorrência de comportamentos bulímicos e de compulsão alimentar periódica. CONCLUSÃO: Embora escasseiem estudos sobre a sua eficácia, os resultados existentes parecem comprovar a eficácia da terapia comportamental dialética nas populações descritas.OBJECTIVES: Current theoretical and empirical evidences on how to operate in dialectical behavioral interventions were examined. The effectiveness of these interventions in the treatment of bulimia nervosa and binge eating disorder were analyzed too. METHOD: An aggregative literature review was made, using the keywords "dialectical behavior therapy", "bulimia nervosa" and "binge eating disorder", from the database PsycInfo and MedLine and from reference books, selecting the most representative and recent scientific texts about this psychotherapy model. RESULTS: Dialectical behavior therapy, initially designed for borderline personality disorder, has been extended to other

  16. [Nurses and clientele with anorexia and bulimia: a case study]. (United States)

    Martins, Claudia Regina Carvalho; Caccavo, Paulo Vaccari


    The research aimed to identify the interaction of nurses and clients suffering from bulimia and anorexia. We use the case study as a resource in which we collect clinical data and did interviews with eight of fourteen nurses, who have been our subject-object. According to the nurses, clients are isolated from the world living in a world without hunger and mirrors reflecting a body always above the "ideal weight", they were lonely people, personnel who have lost their shine, sending signals that could extinguish their lives at any time. In the study, was possible to identify the manner in which nurses interacted and perceived customers and, as a result, we elucidate a peculiar practice in nursing.

  17. A psychological typology of females diagnosed with anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa or binge eating disorder


    Bernadetta Izydorczyk


    Background The present paper reports the results of research aimed at identifying intra-group differences among females suffering from different eating disorders (anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa or binge eating disorder) in terms of the subjects’ psychological traits, adoption of socio-cultural norms (through media pressure, internationalization of norms, and exposure to information concerning body image standards), and the level of body dissatisfaction. The following research question...

  18. Randomized Clinical Trial of Family-Based Treatment and Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Adolescent Bulimia Nervosa. (United States)

    Le Grange, Daniel; Lock, James; Agras, W Stewart; Bryson, Susan W; Jo, Booil


    There is a paucity of randomized clinical trials (RCTs) for adolescents with bulimia nervosa (BN). Prior studies suggest cognitive-behavioral therapy adapted for adolescents (CBT-A) and family-based treatment for adolescent bulimia nervosa (FBT-BN) could be effective for this patient population. The objective of this study was to compare the relative efficacy of these 2 specific therapies, FBT-BN and CBT-A. In addition, a smaller participant group was randomized to a nonspecific treatment (supportive psychotherapy [SPT]), whose data were to be used if there were no differences between FBT-BN and CBT-A at end of treatment. This 2-site (Chicago and Stanford) randomized controlled trial included 130 participants (aged 12-18 years) meeting DSM-IV criteria for BN or partial BN (binge eating and purging once or more per week for 6 months). Outcomes were assessed at baseline, end of treatment, and 6 and 12 months posttreatment. Treatments involved 18 outpatient sessions over 6 months. The primary outcome was defined as abstinence from binge eating and purging for 4 weeks before assessment, using the Eating Disorder Examination. Participants in FBT-BN achieved higher abstinence rates than in CBT-A at end of treatment (39% versus 20%; p = .040, number needed to treat [NNT] = 5) and at 6-month follow-up (44% versus 25%; p = .030, NNT = 5). Abstinence rates between these 2 groups did not differ statistically at 12-month follow-up (49% versus 32%; p = .130, NNT = 6). In this study, FBT-BN was more effective in promoting abstinence from binge eating and purging than CBT-A in adolescent BN at end of treatment and 6-month follow-up. By 12-month follow-up, there were no statistically significant differences between the 2 treatments. Study of Treatment for Adolescents With Bulimia Nervosa;; NCT00879151. Copyright © 2015 American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  19. Predictors of 12-Month Outcome in Bulimia Nervosa and the Influence of Attitudes to Shape and Weight. (United States)

    Fairburn, Christopher G.; And Others


    Patients with bulimia nervosa were treated with either cognitive behavioral, behavioral, or a form of interpersonal psychotherapy for 19 sessions in an 18-week period. Assessments were made at pretreatment; posttreatment; and 4-, 8-, and 12-month follow-up. The nature of the relationship between attitudinal disturbance and outcome was complex and…

  20. Exploring experience of family relations by patients with anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa using a projective family test. (United States)

    Fäldt Ciccolo, Erica B


    Elements of family dynamics have been shown to be related to onset, course, as well as prognosis of anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa. The goal was to explore the experience of family relations in a group of patients with eating disorders using a projective family test. The Patient group (anorexia=21, bulimia=16), as well as a healthy Control group, were given a projective family test, the Eating Disorder Inventory-2, as well as Karolinska Scales of Personality. The Patient group expressed more discord within the family picture than the Control group, such as cold and loveless relationships and not feeling validated. The group of patients reporting the most family discord did not show more eating disorder pathology or general psychopathology. They did, however, have higher scores on the Eating Disorder Inventory-2 subscale Maturity Fears, as well as higher values on the Karolinska Scales of Personality subscale Socialization. These results are interpreted within the background of methodological challenges in this area of research.

  1. Evidence for a vagal pathophysiology for bulimia nervosa and the accompanying depressive symptoms. (United States)

    Faris, Patricia L; Eckert, Elke D; Kim, Suck-Won; Meller, William H; Pardo, Jose V; Goodale, Robert L; Hartman, Boyd K


    The bilateral vagus nerves (Cranial X) provide both afferent and efferent connections between the viscera and the caudal medulla. The afferent branches increasingly are being recognized as providing significant input to the central nervous system for modulation of complex behaviors. In this paper, we review evidence from our laboratory that increases in vagal afferent activity are involved in perpetuating binge-eating and vomiting in bulimia nervosa. Preliminary findings are also presented which suggest that a subgroup of depressions may have a similar pathophysiology. Two main approaches were used to study the role of vagal afferents. Ondansetron (ONDAN), a 5-HT3 antagonist, was used as a pharmacological tool for inhibiting or reducing vagal afferent neurotransmission. Second, somatic pain detection thresholds were assessed for monitoring a physiological process known to be modulated by vagal afferents, including the gastric branches involved in meal termination and satiety. High levels of vagal activity result in an increase in pain detection thresholds. Depressive symptoms were assessed using the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI). Positron Emission Tomography (PET) was used to identify higher cortical brain areas activated by vagal stimulation produced by proximal gastric distention in normal eating subjects. Double-blind treatment of severe bulimia nervosa subjects with ONDAN resulted in a rapid and significant decrease in binge-eating and vomiting compared to placebo controls. The decrease in abnormal eating episodes was accompanied by a return of normal satiety. Pain detection thresholds measured weekly over the course of the treatment protocol were found to dynamically fluctuate in association with bulimic episodes. Thresholds were the most elevated during periods of short-term abstinence from the behaviors, suggesting that not engaging in a binge/vomit episode is accompanied by an increase in vagal activity. ONDAN also resulted in abolition of the

  2. Reduced resting-state functional connectivity of the somatosensory cortex predicts psychopathological symptoms in women with bulimia nervosa. (United States)

    Lavagnino, Luca; Amianto, Federico; D'Agata, Federico; Huang, Zirui; Mortara, Paolo; Abbate-Daga, Giovanni; Marzola, Enrica; Spalatro, Angela; Fassino, Secondo; Northoff, Georg


    Alterations in the resting-state functional connectivity (rs-FC) of several brain networks have been demonstrated in eating disorders. However, very few studies are currently available on brain network dysfunctions in bulimia nervosa (BN). The somatosensory network is central in processing body-related stimuli and it may be altered in BN. The present study therefore aimed to investigate rs-FC in the somatosensory network in bulimic women. Sixteen medication-free women with BN (age = 23 ± 5 years) and 18 matched controls (age = 23 ± 3 years) underwent a functional magnetic resonance resting-state scan and assessment of eating disorder symptoms. Within-network and seed-based functional connectivity analyses were conducted to assess rs-FC within the somatosensory network and to other areas of the brain. Bulimia nervosa patients showed a decreased rs-FC both within the somatosensory network (t = 9.0, df = 1, P = 0.005) and with posterior cingulate cortex and two visual areas (the right middle occipital gyrus and the right cuneus) (P = 0.05 corrected for multiple comparison). The rs-FC of the left paracentral lobule with the right middle occipital gyrus correlated with psychopathology measures like bulimia (r = -0.4; P = 0.02) and interoceptive awareness (r = -0.4; P = 0.01). Analyses were conducted using age, BMI (body mass index), and depressive symptoms as covariates. Our findings show a specific alteration of the rs-FC of the somatosensory cortex in BN patients, which correlates with eating disorder symptoms. The region in the right middle occipital gyrus is implicated in body processing and is known as extrastriate body area (EBA). The connectivity between the somatosensory cortex and the EBA might be related to dysfunctions in body image processing. The results should be considered preliminary due to the small sample size.

  3. Emotion-focused group therapy for women with symptoms of bulimia nervosa. (United States)

    Wnuk, Susan M; Greenberg, Les; Dolhanty, Joanne


    This study provides outcome pilot data for an outpatient emotion-focused therapy group for 12 women with DSM-IV diagnoses of binge-eating disorder, bulimia nervosa, or eating disorder not otherwise specified. The emotion-focused therapy group involved 16 weekly sessions that targeted problematic emotions connected to eating disorder symptoms. Semi-structured clinical interviews were conducted pre- and post-treatment and self-report questionnaires were administered. From pre- to post-treatment, changes in binge eating and scores on self-report measures were statistically significant. Participants reported a decrease in the frequency of binge episodes, improvements in mood, and improvements in emotion regulation and self-efficacy.

  4. Alterations in brain structures related to taste reward circuitry in ill and recovered anorexia nervosa and in bulimia nervosa. (United States)

    Frank, Guido K; Shott, Megan E; Hagman, Jennifer O; Mittal, Vijay A


    The pathophysiology of anorexia nervosa remains obscure, but structural brain alterations could be functionally important biomarkers. The authors assessed taste pleasantness and reward sensitivity in relation to brain structure, which may be related to food avoidance commonly seen in eating disorders. The authors used structural MR imaging to study gray and white matter volumes in women with current restricting-type anorexia nervosa (N=19), women recovered from restricting-type anorexia nervosa (N=24), women with bulimia nervosa (N=19), and healthy comparison women (N=24). All eating disorder groups exhibited increased gray matter volume of the medial orbitofrontal cortex (gyrus rectus). Manual tracing confirmed larger gyrus rectus volume, and volume predicted taste pleasantness ratings across all groups. Analyses also indicated other morphological differences between diagnostic categories. Antero-ventral insula gray matter volumes were increased on the right side in the anorexia nervosa and recovered anorexia nervosa groups and on the left side in the bulimia nervosa group relative to the healthy comparison group. Dorsal striatum volumes were reduced in the recovered anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa groups and predicted sensitivity to reward in all three eating disorder groups. The eating disorder groups also showed reduced white matter in right temporal and parietal areas relative to the healthy comparison group. The results held when a range of covariates, such as age, depression, anxiety, and medications, were controlled for. Brain structure in the medial orbitofrontal cortex, insula, and striatum is altered in eating disorders and suggests altered brain circuitry that has been associated with taste pleasantness and reward value.

  5. Analysis of multi-instrumental assessment of eating disorders: comparison between Anorexia and Bulimia. (United States)

    Juli, Maria-Rosaria


    The origin and course of eating disorders constitute a multifactorial etiopathology. This is why it is important to consider the psychological, developmental, biological and socio - cultural evaluation of each patient. The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual DSM IV - TR (APA, 1994) distinguishes two main eating disorders: Anorexia Nervosa and Bulimia Nervosa. Together with them are described a broad and heterogeneous category (EDNOS) of "atypical eating disorders," that is a clinically significant eating disorder, but that does not meet all the diagnostic criteria for Anorexia Nervosa or Bulimia Nervosa. The aim of this pilot study was to analyze the differences detectable in anorexic and bulimic patients in relation to several factors of mental functioning, particularly with respect to the presence of distinctive characteristics and symptoms and the associated substrate personality. 20 patients with eating disorders who have a residential rehabilitation program, all women, 10 diagnosed with AN aged between 18 years and 31 years, including (5 Restrictive and 5 with Purging) and 10 diagnosed with BN aged between 19 years and 31 years (including 5 with Purging). The pictures of AN and BN can be placed within a continuum of symptoms that distinguishes them exclusively for the presence or absence of bulimic episodes; also the symptom of bulaemia can be considered a most important aspect in the distinction between anorexia and bulimia as all other aspects of mental functioning appear to be similar in almost direct measurement, and finally some food pathological events are associated with personality characteristics, Axis I symptoms and quality of life, linked to specific types of global functioning. Some symptoms may have different functions depending on the patient's personality style: a patient may develop a symptom of anorexia because it is competitive and a perfectionist, another as a form of self-punishment or as a strategy to regulate the feeling of being out of

  6. Predictors of early change in bulimia nervosa after a brief psychoeducational therapy. (United States)

    Fernàndez-Aranda, Fernando; Álvarez-Moya, Eva M; Martínez-Viana, Cristina; Sànchez, Isabel; Granero, Roser; Penelo, Eva; Forcano, Laura; Peñas-Lledó, Eva


    We aimed to examine baseline predictors of treatment response in bulimic patients. 241 seeking-treatment females with bulimia nervosa completed an exhaustive assessment and were referred to a six-session psychoeducational group. Regression analyses of treatment response were performed. Childhood obesity, lower frequency of eating symptomatology, lower body mass index, older age, and lower family's and patient's concern about the disorder were predictors of poor abstinence. Suicidal ideation, alcohol abuse, higher maximum BMI, higher novelty seeking and lower baseline purging frequency predicted dropouts. Predictors of early symptom changes and dropouts were similar to those identified in longer CBT interventions.

  7. Selective processing of linguistic and pictorial food stimuli in females with anorexia and bulimia nervosa. (United States)

    Stormark, Kjell Morten; Torkildsen, Øivind


    This study investigated subjects with eating disorders' selective attention to linguistic and pictorial representations of food stimuli in a version of the Stroop color-naming task. If subjects with eating disorders' attention really are biased by food stimuli, one would expect equally delayed color-naming latencies to food pictures as previous studies have found to food words. Twenty females with eating disorders (anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, or a combination of both) and 24 female controls identified the color of Stroop versions of linguistic and pictorial representations of color, food, emotional, and neutral stimuli. The eating disorder group was slower than the controls in identifying the color of all words (including the food words) and the pictures depicting food stimuli (but not any of the other pictures). The eating disorder group was also slower in identifying the color of both food and emotional than neutral stimuli, both for the linguistic and pictorial stimuli. These findings indicate that females with bulimia and anorexia nervosa's biased attention to food stimuli are not restricted to linguistic representations. The delayed responses to the emotional words and pictures suggest that processing of negative emotional stimuli, in addition to dysfunctional concerns about stimuli related to food and eating, is important in the maintenance of eating disorders.

  8. Hypovitaminosis D3, Leukopenia, and Human Serotonin Transporter Polymorphism in Anorexia Nervosa and Bulimia Nervosa. (United States)

    Tasegian, Anna; Curcio, Francesco; Dalla Ragione, Laura; Rossetti, Francesca; Cataldi, Samuela; Codini, Michela; Ambesi-Impiombato, Francesco Saverio; Beccari, Tommaso; Albi, Elisabetta


    Vitamin D3 has been described to have different extraskeletal roles by acting as parahormone in obesity, diabetes, cancer, cognitive impairment, and dementia and to have important regulatory functions in innate immunity. There are no studies showing extraskeletal changes associated with hypovitaminosis D3 in eating disorders. Methods. We have analyzed the blood of 18 patients affected by anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa collected over a 15-month period. We performed a panel of chemical and clinical analyses: the assay of vitamin D3, the immunoblotting of vitamin D receptor and peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma, and the genotyping of 5-hydroxytryptamine transporter linked polymorphic region. Results. We choose 18 patients with a normal blood test profile such as thyroid hormones, hepatic and renal parameters, triglycerides, proteins, vitamin B12, and folic acid. Among these emerged the case of a woman with long-term anorexia nervosa and the case of a woman with long-term bulimia nervosa both complicated by anxiety and depression, severe hypovitaminosis D3, decrease of vitamin D receptor, leukopenia, and 5-hydroxytryptamine transporter linked polymorphic region short allele. Conclusion. The results induce hypothesising that the severe hypovitaminosis D3 might be responsible for the lack of the inflammatory response and the depressive symptoms in patients with long-term eating disorders.

  9. Bulimia nervosa in adolescents: prevalence and treatment challenges

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    Hail L


    Full Text Available Lisa Hail, Daniel Le Grange Department of Psychiatry, University of California, San Francisco, CA, USA Abstract: Bulimia nervosa (BN is a serious psychiatric illness that typically develops during adolescence or young adulthood, rendering adolescents a target for early intervention. Despite the increasing research devoted to the treatment of youth with anorexia nervosa (AN and adults with BN, there remains a dearth of evidence for treating younger individuals with BN. To date, there have been four published randomized controlled trials comparing psychosocial treatments, leaving significant room to improve treatment outcomes. Family-based treatment is the leading treatment for youth with AN, while cognitive-behavioral therapy is the leading intervention for adults with BN. Involving caregivers in treatment shows promising results, however, additional research is needed to investigate ways in which this treatment can be adapted further to achieve higher rates of recovery. Keywords: eating disorders, youth, family-based treatment, cognitive behavioral therapy, psychodynamic therapy, psychopharmacological treatment, evidence based treatment

  10. The influence of cognitive-behavioural stress management therapy on self-concept personality trait and negative emotions in women with Bulimia nervosa disorder

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    Masiha Eskandari


    Full Text Available Background: The etiology of Bulimia nervosa disorder has not been determined yet. The somatic psychological problems need to be addressed in the treatment of these patients. The aim of this study was to determine the influence of cognitive-behavioural stress management training on self-concept personality trait and negative emotions in women with Bulimia nervosa disorder. Methods: The subjects consisted of 50 patients with Bulimia nervosa disorder that were randomly assigned to experimental (25 and control (25 groups. The experimental group received group cognitive behavioural therapy. The BSCT and DASS tests were performed on both groups before and after treatment. The results were analysed by MANCOVA. Results: In terms of self-concept, the results of pre-test and post-test in experimental group were (M: 53.44 and SD: 12.62 and (M:10.48 and SD:14.21, respectively, but for control group, the results of pre-test and post-test were (M: 50.64 and SD: 13.72 and (M: 49.56 and SD:13.75, respectively. In the case of negative emotions; the findings of pre-test and post-test for experimental group were (M: 12.76 and SD: 4.06 and (M:12.08 and SD: 4.06, respectively. However, the results of pre-test and post-test for control group were (M: 27.24 and SD: 4.17, and (M: 26.36 and SD: 4.09, respectively. Within-group comparisons indicated, the pre-test results of self-concept (M: 53.44 and SD: 12.62 were higher than those of the post-test (M: 10.48 and SD:14.21, and the pre-test results of negative emotions in experimental group (M:12.76 and SD:4.06 indicated a little change in the post-test (M:12.08 and SD: 4.06. Conclusion: This study showed that cognitive-behavioural therapy is effective for increasing the self-concept and decreasing negative emotions in patients with Bulimia nervosa disorder (P<0.000.

  11. Cortisol responses on the dexamethasone suppression test among women with Bulimia-spectrum eating disorders: associations with clinical symptoms. (United States)

    Bruce, Kenneth R; Steiger, Howard; Israël, Mimi; Groleau, Patricia; Ng Ying Kin, N M K; Ouellette, Anne-Sophie; Sycz, Lindsay; Badawi, Ghislaine


    Evidence associates Bulimia Nervosa (BN) with altered functioning of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis, but the clinical implications of such alterations need to be better understood. We contrasted cortisol responses to the dexamethasone suppression test (DST) in bulimic and non-eating disordered women and examined relationships among DST cortisol responses, eating symptoms and co-morbid disturbances. Sixty women with Bulimia Spectrum (BS) Disorders (either BN or normal weight Eating Disorder NOS with regular binge eating or purging) and 54 non-eating disordered women of similar age and body mass index participated in a 0.5 mg DST, and completed interviews and questionnaires assessing eating symptoms and co-morbid psychopathology. Compared with the normal-eater group, the BS women demonstrated significantly less DST suppression. Among BS women, DST non-suppression was associated with more severe depression, anxiety and eating preoccupations. Our findings show BS women to show less DST suppression compared to normal eater women, and results link extent of non-suppression, in BS individuals, to severity of depression, anxiety and eating preoccupations. Copyright © 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  12. Using imagery to identify and characterise core beliefs in women with bulimia nervosa, dieting and non-dieting women. (United States)

    Somerville, Kate; Cooper, Myra


    Women with bulimia nervosa (BN), dieters and non-dieting control participants were questioned about spontaneous imagery linked to concern with food and eating, weight and shape. The downward arrow technique was used to access any associated negative or core beliefs, which were examined for belief, distress and content. A semi-structured interview with open and closed questions was used. Negative self (core) beliefs were successfully accessed, and responses to the interview items had good test-retest and good inter-rater reliability. Patients with BN reported significantly more negative self (core) beliefs than those in the other two groups. Only a very small number of core beliefs about other people or the world in general were reported. Emotional belief ratings appeared to be higher overall than rational belief ratings. Patient's negative self-beliefs contained themes of "self-value", followed by "failure", "self-control" and "physical attractiveness", in descending order of frequency. The findings are discussed in relation to existing research, and implications for cognitive theories of bulimia nervosa and clinical practice are briefly discussed.

  13. Oral health considerations in anorexia and bulimia nervosa. 2. Multidisciplinary management and personalized dental care. (United States)

    Bassiouny, Mohamed A; Tweddale, Elizabeth


    This article outlines a comprehensive, multidisciplinary strategy for treatment of patients with anorexia and bulimia nervosa. In this approach, primary medical intervention and emergency dental care are followed by the staging of treatment phases that integrate medical care, psychotherapy, nutritional counseling, and dental management, which may encompass various treatment options for repair of damaged dentition. Emphasis is placed on prevention of further tissue damage during all phases of management and following completion of the treatment course.

  14. Effectiveness of a web-based treatment program using intensive therapeutic support for female patients with bulimia nervosa, binge eating disorder and eating disorders not otherwise specified: study protocol of a randomized controlled trial. (United States)

    ter Huurne, Elke D; Postel, Marloes G; de Haan, Hein A; DeJong, Cor A J


    Disordered eating behavior and body dissatisfaction affect a large proportion of the Dutch population and account for severe psychological, physical and social morbidity. Yet, the threshold for seeking professional care is still high. In the Netherlands, only 7.5% of patients with bulimia nervosa and 33% of patients with anorexia nervosa are treated within the mental health care system. Easily accessible and low-threshold interventions, therefore, are needed urgently. The internet has great potential to offer such interventions. The aim of this study is to determine whether a web-based treatment program for patients with eating disorders can improve eating disorder psychopathology among female patients with bulimia nervosa, binge eating disorder and eating disorders not otherwise specified. This randomized controlled trial will compare the outcomes of an experimental treatment group to a waiting list control group. In the web-based treatment program, participants will communicate personally and asynchronously with their therapists exclusively via the internet. The first part of the program will focus on analyzing eating attitudes and behaviors. In the second part of the program participants will learn how to change their attitudes and behaviors. Participants assigned to the waiting list control group will receive no-reply email messages once every two weeks during the waiting period of 15 weeks, after which they can start the program. The primary outcome measure is an improvement in eating disorder psychopathology as determined by the Eating Disorder Examination Questionnaire. Secondary outcomes include improvements in body image, physical and mental health, body weight, self-esteem, quality of life, and social contacts. In addition, the participants' motivation for treatment and their acceptability of the program and the therapeutic alliance will be measured. The study will follow the recommendations in the CONSORT statement relating to designing and reporting on

  15. The Production of "Everything You Always Wanted to Know about Anorexia and Bulimia, but Were Afraid to Ask". (United States)

    Zimmer, Marc A.

    This report describes the research study involved in developing a document on anorexia and bulimia for the lay population. Chapter I focuses on the basic areas that provided the foundation for the study: (1) the definitions of specific eating disorders; (2) the role of the mass media in affecting anorexics and bulimics, and in educating the public…

  16. Relacionamentos Afetivo-Familiares em Mulheres com Anorexia e Bulimia

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    Carolina Leonidas

    Full Text Available RESUMOEste estudo teve por objetivo investigar a rede social de apoio de mulheres com anorexia e bulimia, com ênfase em suas relações afetivo-familiares. A amostra foi composta por 12 participantes atendidas em hospital universitário. Os instrumentos utilizados foram: roteiro de entrevista semiestruturada, Mapa de Rede e Genograma. Os resultados indicaram que as redes sociais das participantes têm configuração restrita, com proeminência de membros da família em sua composição. Os relacionamentos familiares oscilam, contudo, entre turbulência e distanciamento afetivo. As relações de afeto mantidas com pais, cônjuges e namorados são marcadas por divergências e insatisfações. A baixa densidade da rede de amizades e o empobrecimento da vida social resultam em isolamento e dificuldades de dar início e/ou manter relacionamentos afetivos duradouros.

  17. Anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa: brains, bones and breeding. (United States)

    Starr, Taylor B; Kreipe, Richard E


    Recent research has modified both the conceptualization and treatment of eating disorders. New diagnostic criteria reducing the "not otherwise specified" category should facilitate the early recognition and treatment of anorexia nervosa (AN) and bulimia nervosa (BN). Technology-based studies identify AN and BN as "brain circuit" disorders; epidemiologic studies reveal that the narrow racial, ethnic and income profile of individuals no longer holds true for AN. The major organs affected long term-the brain and skeletal system-both respond to improved nutrition, with maintenance of body weight the best predictor of recovery. Twin studies have revealed gene x environment interactions, including both the external (social) and internal (pubertal) environments of boys and of girls. Family-based treatment has the best evidence base for effectiveness for younger patients. Medication plays a limited role in AN, but a major role in BN. Across diagnoses, the most important medicine is food.

  18. Reconciliarse consigo misma: cuando la enfermera sufre anorexia

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    Inmaculada Tejada Morón

    Full Text Available Relato biográfico de Sonia, una enfermera que sufrió anorexia y bulimia nerviosa, cuando estaba cursando la carrera de enfermería. El objetivo ha sido conocer de las palabras de la propia informante, cómo se vive la anorexia desde la perspectiva de una enfermera con conocimientos amplios sobre el tema, y cómo desde su posición de profesional puede ayudar a otros. Para construir el relato he realizado una entrevista semiestructurada, con preguntas abiertas centradas en los temas esenciales. La informante relata su historia describiendo aspectos como la percepción de lucha interna con la que describe el factor desencadenante y el desarrollo de la enfermedad, las estrategias de afrontamiento que utiliza para recuperar la salud y la principal motivación que la llevó a tomar conciencia del problema y querer tomar el control de su vida. Este tipo de relatos puede servir de ayuda y aprendizaje a la sociedad y en especial a otros jóvenes que pueden verse reflejados en el mismo.

  19. Hypovitaminosis D3, Leukopenia, and Human Serotonin Transporter Polymorphism in Anorexia Nervosa and Bulimia Nervosa

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    Anna Tasegian


    Full Text Available Vitamin D3 has been described to have different extraskeletal roles by acting as parahormone in obesity, diabetes, cancer, cognitive impairment, and dementia and to have important regulatory functions in innate immunity. There are no studies showing extraskeletal changes associated with hypovitaminosis D3 in eating disorders. Methods. We have analyzed the blood of 18 patients affected by anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa collected over a 15-month period. We performed a panel of chemical and clinical analyses: the assay of vitamin D3, the immunoblotting of vitamin D receptor and peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma, and the genotyping of 5-hydroxytryptamine transporter linked polymorphic region. Results. We choose 18 patients with a normal blood test profile such as thyroid hormones, hepatic and renal parameters, triglycerides, proteins, vitamin B12, and folic acid. Among these emerged the case of a woman with long-term anorexia nervosa and the case of a woman with long-term bulimia nervosa both complicated by anxiety and depression, severe hypovitaminosis D3, decrease of vitamin D receptor, leukopenia, and 5-hydroxytryptamine transporter linked polymorphic region short allele. Conclusion. The results induce hypothesising that the severe hypovitaminosis D3 might be responsible for the lack of the inflammatory response and the depressive symptoms in patients with long-term eating disorders.

  20. Bulimia nervosa and its relation to voice changes in young adults: A simple review of epidemiology, complications, diagnostic criteria and management (United States)

    Rajiah, Kingston; Mathew, Elizabeth M; Veettil, Sajesh K; Kumar, Suresh


    Background: Bulimia nervosa (BN) is a type of feeding disorder that starts in adolescence and presents a variety of symptoms, recurrent vomiting in the oral cavity that may reach down to the larynx – similarly to gastro-esophageal reflux, causing laryngeal and voice disorder alterations. Objective: These studies aimed at surveying the literature and investigate the studies that considered BN a risk factor for voice disorders and its epidemiology, complications, diagnostic criteria, and management. Materials and Methods: A review of the literature was done based on a survey of BIOMED CENTRAL and COCHRANE @ OVID databases, which are linked to the IMU ezproxy virtual library ( The keywords “bulimia nervosa”, “teenage complications” and “voice changes” were used. Citations with summaries were chosen to limit the topic, for the period between 2000 and 2010, in English. Results: Of the ninety three papers we found, twenty three were used as a basis for this review. Among them, only three discuss BN as an etiology factor associated with voice changes in adult women, and we did not find any paper associating this with bulimic teenagers. Conclusion: It is necessary to observe laryngeal and vocal signs and symptoms associated with BN, especially in teenagers whose voices are going through a period of change. The contribution of this type of investigation, which should begin with a clinical history, is essential for minimizing the complications of bulimia nervosa. Thus, adolescents and adults with voice disorders should be investigated in greater detail. PMID:23798933

  1. Bulimia nervosa and its relation to voice changes in young adults: A simple review of epidemiology, complications, diagnostic criteria and management

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    Kingston Rajiah


    Full Text Available Background: Bulimia nervosa (BN is a type of feeding disorder that starts in adolescence and presents a variety of symptoms, recurrent vomiting in the oral cavity that may reach down to the larynx - similarly to gastro-esophageal reflux, causing laryngeal and voice disorder alterations. Objective: These studies aimed at surveying the literature and investigate the studies that considered BN a risk factor for voice disorders and its epidemiology, complications, diagnostic criteria, and management. Materials and Methods: A review of the literature was done based on a survey of BIOMED CENTRAL and COCHRANE @ OVID databases, which are linked to the IMU ezproxy virtual library ( The keywords "bulimia nervosa", "teenage complications" and "voice changes" were used. Citations with summaries were chosen to limit the topic, for the period between 2000 and 2010, in English. Results: Of the ninety three papers we found, twenty three were used as a basis for this review. Among them, only three discuss BN as an etiology factor associated with voice changes in adult women, and we did not find any paper associating this with bulimic teenagers. Conclusion: It is necessary to observe laryngeal and vocal signs and symptoms associated with BN, especially in teenagers whose voices are going through a period of change. The contribution of this type of investigation, which should begin with a clinical history, is essential for minimizing the complications of bulimia nervosa. Thus, adolescents and adults with voice disorders should be investigated in greater detail.

  2. Identificação de distúrbios da imagem corporal e comportamentos favoráveis ao desenvolvimento da bulimia nervosa em adolescentes de uma Escola Pública do Ensino Médio de Maringá, Estado do Paraná - DOI: 10.4025/actascihealthsci.v30i2.5986 Identifying body image disorders and behaviors leading to the development of bulimia nervosa in adolescents from a Public High School in Maringá, Paraná State - DOI: 10.4025/actascihealthsci.v30i2.5986

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    Daniele de Pinto Freitas Kneube


    Full Text Available Ciente da importância de estudos de transtornos alimentares em adolescentes, este trabalho identificou a ocorrência de distúrbios da imagem corporal e de bulimia nervosa, em 187 adolescentes. Pelo Body Shape Questionnaire (BSQ, foi demonstrado que 48,13% dos adolescentes apresentaram distúrbios de imagem corporal. A aplicação do Teste de Investigação Bulímica de Edimburgo (BITE demonstrou que 3,74 e 39,04% dos adolescentes apresentaram alto e médio grau de desordem alimentar, respectivamente. Na subescala de gravidade do BITE, verificou-se que 2,67 e 7,49% dos adolescentes apresentaram gravidade alta e moderada de bulimia nervosa. Os resultados demonstram alguns adolescentes com atitudes e comportamentos que favorecem o desenvolvimento da bulimia nervosa, devido à percepção distorcida da própria imagem corporal. Portanto, são necessárias campanhas educacionais para esclarecer que o culto ao corpo está associado a graves transtornos alimentares.Conscious of the importance of studying eating disorders in adolescents, this work identified the onset of body image disorders and bulimia nervosa in 187 adolescents. Using the Body Shape Questionnaire (BSQ, it was shown that 48.13% of adolescents displayed body image disorders. The application of the Bulimic Investigatory Test, Edinbugh (BITE demonstrated that 3.74 and 39.04% of adolescents presented a high or medium level of eating disorder, respectively. In the subscale of BITE severity, it was detected that 2.67 and 7.49% of adolescents showed high and moderated gravity of bulimia nervosa. The results revealed some adolescents with attitudes and behaviors that favor the development of bulimia nervosa, due to a distorted perception of their body image. Therefore, educational campaigns are necessary to clarify that the cult of the body is associated with serious eating disorders.

  3. Processo de Enfermagem para pacientes com Anorexia Nervosa Proceso de Enfermería para pacientes con Anorexia Nerviosa Nursing Process to patients with Anorexia Nervosa

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    Vanessa Pellegrino Toledo


    Full Text Available Relato de experiência da aplicação do Processo de Enfermagem a uma paciente portadora de Anorexia Nervosa, utilizando histórico, diagnósticos, intervenções e resultados de enfermagem. As intervenções foram fundamentadas nos diagnósticos de enfermagem: distúrbio da imagem corporal, nutrição desequilibrada menos que as necessidades corporais, ansiedade, baixa autoestima crônica, intolerância a atividade, controle ineficaz do regime terapêutico, risco de infecção, volume de líquidos deficiente e isolamento social. A partir da aplicação do Processo de Enfermagem, os resultados planejados foram alcançados, proporcionando melhor qualidade de vida, no período em que permaneceu internada. Os fatores psíquicos, neurológicos, endócrinos e imunológicos, peculiares na anorexia nervosa, propiciaram a elaboração de um Processo de Enfermagem, que contribuiu de maneira positiva para a complementação da reabilitação da saúde da mesmaRelato de experiencia de la aplicación del proceso de enfermería (PE a una paciente portadora de Anorexia Nerviosa, utilizando histórico, diagnósticos, intervenciones y resultados de enfermería. Las intervenciones fueron basadas en los diagnósticos de enfermería: trastorno de la imagen corporal, nutrición alterada ingesta inferior a las necesidades corporales, ansiedad, autoestima baja crónica, intolerancia a la actividad, manejo ineficaz del régimen terapéutico, riesgo de infección, déficits de volumen de líquidos y aislamiento social. A partir de la aplicación del Proceso de Enfermería, los resultados planeados fueron alcanzados, proporcionando mejor calidad de vida en el período en que permaneció hospitalizada. Los factores psíquicos, neurológicos, endócrinos y inmunológicos, peculiares en la anorexia nerviosa, propiciaron la elaboración de un Proceso de Enfermería, que contribuyó de manera positiva para la complementación de la rehabilitación de su salud

  4. Enfermeiros e clientela com bulimia e anorexia: estudo de caso

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    Claudia Regina Carvalho Martins


    Full Text Available Investigação que objetivou identificar a interação de enfermeiros e clientes portadores de bulimia e anorexia. Utilizamos o estudo de caso como recurso, para o qual coletamos dados de prontuários e fizemos entrevistas com oito de quatorze enfermeiros, que foram nossos sujeitos-objeto. De acordo com os enfermeiros, os clientes se isolavam do mundo, vivendo num mundo sem fome e de espelhos que refletiam um corpo sempre acima do "peso ideal"; eram pessoas solitárias, que perderam o brilho pessoal, emitindo sinais de que podiam extinguir a vida deles a qualquer momento. Com o estudo, foi possível identificar a maneira pela qual os enfermeiros interagiam e percebiam os clientes e, em decorrência disso, explicitamos uma prática de cuidar peculiar na enfermagem.

  5. [EDNOS is an eating disorder of clinical relevance, on a par with anorexia and bulimia nervosa]. (United States)

    Dingemans, A E; van Furth, E F


    The category 'eating disorder 'not otherwise specified'' (EDNOS) in DSM-IV is restricted to eating disorders of clinical severity that do not completely fulfil the criteria for anorexia and bulimia nervosa. The EDNOS category is, by definition, often regarded as a a residual category and in principle designed to incorporate a small group of patients with atypical characteristics. Health insurance companies argue that the treatment of patients diagnosed with EDNOS should not be treated in mental health institutions and therefore should not get their treatment costs reimbursed by the insurance companies. The most important argument of the insurance companies is that patients in the EDNOS category do not display serious psychiatric symptoms. The aim of this paper is to show that EDNOS is an eating disorder category of clinical relevance. The article provides a critical overview of literature on EDNOS which studies the prevalence, severity and course of the disorder. We also discuss to what extent the fifth version of dsm solves the problems relating to this residual category. We reviewed the literature. The classification given in DSM-IV is not an accurate reflection of clinical reality. Half of the patients presenting with an eating disorder and seeking treatment do meet the criteria for EDNOS. The duration and the severity of eating disorder psychopathology, the presence of comorbidity, the mortality, and the use of the mental health care services by individuals with an eating disorder appear to be very similar in EDNOS patients and in patients with anorexia and bulimia nervosa. Eating disorder classifications can be regarded as snapshots taken throughout the course of an illness. Over of the years patients can be afflicted with various subtypes of an eating disorder. DSM-5 places fewer patients in the EDNOS category that did DSM-IV. In the latest version of dsm, namely DSM-5, the number of patients with an eating disorder classified as EDNOS has declined. There

  6. A Needs Assessment for Health Care Professionals in the Detection, Intervention and Interdisciplinary Treatment of Bulimia Nervosa Using Focus Group Methodology (United States)

    Hague, Anne; Kovacich, Joann


    The incidence of bulimia nervosa has increased significantly in the second half of the twentieth century and its occurrence is more than twice that of anorexia nervosa. Due to its complex nature, successful treatment requires an interdisciplinary approach with nutritional, psychological, medical, pharmacological and dental therapies. Despite…

  7. Mental Health Literacy and Eating-Disordered Behavior: Beliefs of Adolescent Girls Concerning the Treatment of and Treatment-Seeking for Bulimia Nervosa (United States)

    Mond, J. M.; Marks, P.; Hay, P. J.; Rodgers, B.; Kelly, C.; Owen, C.; Paxton, S. J.


    This research examined the "mental health literacy" of adolescents concerning eating-disordered behavior. A vignette describing a fictional 16-year old female meeting diagnostic criteria for bulimia nervosa was presented to 522 female high school students, followed by a series of questions concerning treatment of and treatment-seeking…

  8. Conducción nerviosa en niños con insuficiencia renal crónica

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    Dania Fuentes Martínez


    Full Text Available La polineuropatía urémica es la complicación neurológica más frecuente de la insuficiencia renal crónica, y son insuficientemente conocidos su prevalencia, síntomas y patrones neurofisiológicos de expresión en la población pediátrica. Es por ello que se estudiaron 23 pacientes en edades comprendidas entre 7 y 21 años, con insuficiencia renal crónica en sus diferentes grados y 23 niños supuestamente sanos, buscando la presencia de neuropatía periférica clínica o subclínica. Se realizó examen físico general y neurológico, así como la medición de las velocidades de conducción motora y sensitiva. Los síntomas predominantes fueron el dolor a la marcha (55,5 % y las parestesias (44,4 %, y fueron más frecuentes en el grupo de pacientes dialíticodependientes. La función nerviosa periférica estuvo alterada en todos los grupos estudiados, y existió correlación significativa entre la velocidad de conducción sensitiva y los valores medios de urea, creatinina y filtrado glomerular. Se hallaron diferencias significativas entre las medias de la velocidad de conducción sensitiva de los niños de los grupos predialítico, dialíticodependiente y el grupo control, y entre los grupos predialítico y con transplante renal no existieron diferencias significativas.Uremic polyneuropathy is the most frequent neurological complication of the chronic renal failure but its prevalence, symptoms and neurophysiological patterns of expression in the pediatric population are not well known. This is the reason why 23 patients aged 7-21 years with chronic renal failure at different stages and 23 supposedly healthy children were studied to look for clinical or subclinical peripheral neuropathy. General physical and neurological exams were made and sensory and motor conduction velocities were measured. The prevailing symptoms were pain on walking(55,5% and paresthesias (44,4% mainly found in dialysis-dependent patients. All the studied groups

  9. An exploratory assessment of theory of mind and psychological impairment in patients with bulimia nervosa. (United States)

    Laghi, Fiorenzo; Cotugno, Armando; Cecere, Francesco; Sirolli, Arianna; Palazzoni, David; Bosco, Francesca M


    This study aimed to investigate psychosocial functioning and different dimensions of theory of mind (ToM) in people with bulimia nervosa (BN) and Eating Disorder Not Otherwise Specified-BN type (EDNOS-BN). Psychosocial functioning and ToM were assessed in a sample of young adult females, 16 BN and 16 EDNOS-BN outpatients and 16 healthy controls (HCs). They were assessed using the Eating Disorder Inventory-Symptom Checklist-2 (EDI-2 SC) for evaluating psychological traits associated with eating disorders; the Symptom Checklist-90-Revised (SCL-90-R) for evaluating psychopathological status; and the Theory of Mind Assessment Scale (Th.o.m.a.s.), a semi-structured interview aimed at assessing a person's different dimensions of ToM. The BN and EDNOS-BN groups exhibited worse performance than the control group on all dimensions of the SCL-90-R, and on all dimensions of the EDI-2 SC. The only difference for perfectionism was that BN obtained higher scores than EDNOS-BN group. Our results also revealed an impairment of third-person and second-order ToM in patients with bulimia (BN and EDNOS-BN) with respect to control subjects. These preliminary data have important implications for future empirical work, in that they provide valuable information regarding the importance of investigating the various facets of ToM ability separately, in order to provide a more detailed profile of ToM functioning in the clinical samples. © 2013 The British Psychological Society.

  10. Estudio de la capa de fibras nerviosas de la retina mediante tomografía de coherencia óptica y polarimetría láser en pacientes con esclerosis múltiple: correlación con la función visual y los hallazgos de la resonancia magnética


    Abalo Lojo, José Manuel


    Introducción: La tomografía de coherencia óptica (OCT) y la polarimetría láser (GDx) son técnicas exploratorias de la capa de fibras nerviosas de la retina (CFNR). Hipótesis: En los pacientes con EM, el posible daño estructural de la CFNR y su correspondiente alteración de la función visual sería un reflejo del daño del SNC y por lo tanto se correlacionaría con las alteraciones de la resonancia magnética (RM) y la discapacidad Material y métodos: El estudio se ha realizado con 96 paci...

  11. DSM-IV threshold versus subthreshold bulimia nervosa. (United States)

    le Grange, Daniel; Binford, Roslyn B; Peterson, Carol B; Crow, Scott J; Crosby, Ross D; Klein, Marjorie H; Bardone-Cone, Anna M; Joiner, Thomas E; Mitchell, James E; Wonderlich, Stephen A


    The purpose of the present work is to determine whether bulimia nervosa (BN) and eating disorder not otherwise specified, BN type (EDNOS-BN) were qualitatively distinct in terms of eating and general psychopathology. This study presents a comparison of 138 women with BN and 57 with EDNOS-BN from a multisite study on eating-related and general psychopathology measures. Although women with BN reported higher lifetime history rates of anorexia nervosa, greater binge eating and vomiting frequency, and more eating concerns, no significant differences were observed between groups on measures of perfectionism, impulsivity, obsessive-compulsiveness, anxiety, depressive symptomatology, or alcohol/substance problems. Based on the partial eta2 values, the distinction between BN and EDNOS-BN accounted for EDNOS-BN with objective bulimic episodes (OBEs; n=34) versus no OBEs (n=23) found greater EDEQ-4 Restraint subscale scores for EDNOS-BN without OBEs. However, there was no significant difference on the EDEQ-4 Eating Concern subscale between the two EDNOS-BN subgroups. The findings highlight the clinical significance of BN partial syndrome and prompt reevaluation of existing BN diagnostic boundaries. Post hoc analyses also underscore the need for greater differentiation within EDNOS. Copyright (c) 2006 by Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  12. [Prevention and Treatment of Eating Disorders: The Health Care Network Anorexia and Bulimia nervosa]. (United States)

    Weigel, Angelika; Gumz, Antje; Kästner, Denise; Romer, Georg; Wegscheider, Karl; Löwe, Bernd


    The "Health care network anorexia and bulimia nervosa", a subproject of psychenet - the Hamburg network for mental health - aims to decrease the incidence of eating disorders as well as the risk for chronic illness courses. One focal project, therefore, evaluates a school-based prevention manual in a randomized controlled trial. The other one examines the impact of a systemic public health intervention on early treatment initiation in anorexia nervosa. The present article provides an overview about study design and interventions in both focal projects as well as preliminary results. © Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York.

  13. Altered 5-HT2A Receptor Binding after Recovery from Bulimia-Type Anorexia Nervosa: Relationships to Harm Avoidance and Drive for Thinness (United States)

    Bailer, Ursula F; Price, Julie C; Meltzer, Carolyn C; Mathis, Chester A; Frank, Guido K; Weissfeld, Lisa; McConaha, Claire W; Henry, Shannan E; Brooks-Achenbach, Sarah; Barbarich, Nicole C; Kaye, Walter H


    Several lines of evidence suggest that a disturbance of serotonin neuronal pathways may contribute to the pathogenesis of anorexia nervosa (AN) and bulimia nervosa (BN). This study applied positron emission tomography (PET) to investigate the brain serotonin 2A (5-HT2A) receptor, which could contribute to disturbances of appetite and behavior in AN and BN. To avoid the confounding effects of malnutrition, we studied 10 women recovered from bulimia-type AN (REC AN–BN, >1 year normal weight, regular menstrual cycles, no binging, or purging) compared with 16 healthy control women (CW) using PET imaging and a specific 5-HT2A receptor antagonist, [18F]altanserin. REC AN–BN women had significantly reduced [18F]altanserin binding potential relative to CW in the left subgenual cingulate, the left parietal cortex, and the right occipital cortex. [18F]altanserin binding potential was positively related to harm avoidance and negatively related to novelty seeking in cingulate and temporal regions only in REC AN–BN subjects. In addition, REC AN–BN had negative relationships between [18F]altanserin binding potential and drive for thinness in several cortical regions. In conclusion, this study extends research suggesting that altered 5-HT neuronal system activity persists after recovery from bulimia-type AN, particularly in subgenual cingulate regions. Altered 5-HT neurotransmission after recovery also supports the possibility that this may be a trait-related disturbance that contributes to the pathophysiology of eating disorders. It is possible that subgenual cingulate findings are not specific for AN–BN, but may be related to the high incidence of lifetime major depressive disorder diagnosis in these subjects. PMID:15054474

  14. Visual selective attention in body dysmorphic disorder, bulimia nervosa and healthy controls. (United States)

    Kollei, Ines; Horndasch, Stefanie; Erim, Yesim; Martin, Alexandra


    Cognitive behavioral models postulate that selective attention plays an important role in the maintenance of body dysmorphic disorder (BDD). It is suggested that individuals with BDD overfocus on perceived defects in their appearance, which may contribute to the excessive preoccupation with their appearance. The present study used eye tracking to examine visual selective attention in individuals with BDD (n=19), as compared to individuals with bulimia nervosa (BN) (n=21) and healthy controls (HCs) (n=21). Participants completed interviews, questionnaires, rating scales and an eye tracking task: Eye movements were recorded while participants viewed photographs of their own face and attractive as well as unattractive other faces. Eye tracking data showed that BDD and BN participants focused less on their self-rated most attractive facial part than HCs. Scanning patterns in own and other faces showed that BDD and BN participants paid as much attention to attractive as to unattractive features in their own face, whereas they focused more on attractive features in attractive other faces. HCs paid more attention to attractive features in their own face and did the same in attractive other faces. Results indicate an attentional bias in BDD and BN participants manifesting itself in a neglect of positive features compared to HCs. Perceptual retraining may be an important aspect to focus on in therapy in order to overcome the neglect of positive facial aspects. Future research should aim to disentangle attentional processes in BDD by examining the time course of attentional processing. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  15. Alexithymia in anorexia and bulimia: Ubiquitous and primary trait?

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    F. Amianto


    Full Text Available Background: Alexithymia is associated to Eating Disorders (ED and relevant for their prognosis but it is uncertain if it is ubiquitous, primary and necessary for ED outburst. Methods: 124 ED outpatients and 80 healthy controls were compared with the Toronto Alexithymia Scale, personality and psychopathology measures. Alexithymia and the other features are compared between anorexia nervosa (AN, bulimia nervosa (BN and control groups. Alexithymia-based clusters were explored and compared with controls. Alexithymia traits are correlated with the other features. Results: Difficulty in identifying feelings was ubiquitous in ED subjects. A Non-Alexithymic Cluster (NAC and an Alexithymic Cluster (ALC were found with no difference in AN/BN distribution. ALC displays disordered personality and high psychopathology. Self-directiveness and interoceptive awareness were independently related to alexithymia and to depressive feelings. These two features along with depressive features completely accounted for alexithymia variance. Conclusion: even though the difficulty in identifying feelings is ubiquitous in ED subjects, Alexithymia may not represent a primary trait but a complex dysfunction consequent to co-occurring character immaturity, altered interoceptive awareness, and depressive traits.

  16. The emergence and treatment of anorexia and bulimia nervosa. A comprehensive and practical model. (United States)

    Blank, Shulamit; Zadik, Zvi; Katz, Inbal; Mahazri, Yemima; Toker, Iris; Barak, Igal


    The objective was to propose and describe a new bio-psycho-social model of emergence and maintenance of anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa, and demonstrate its application to treatment. An original model, based on literature review and our own clinical experience, was created. Therapeutic guidelines were derived from the theoretical model and applied in the treatment of 97 anorexia and bulimia nervosa patients presented at the eating disorders unit at Kaplan Hospital in Israel over 18 months. A team comprising a pediatrician, a child psychiatrist, a dietician, and trained nurses collaborated in a comprehensive systemic therapeutic approach involving parents, schools, and community agents. Ninety-one girls and six boys were treated in the eating disorder unit (55 had AN, 29 had BN and 13 had EDNOS). Thirty-seven patients were hospitalized and sixty were treated in the outpatient clinic. Mean hospitalization time of the first five patients was 108 days. Mean hospitalization time of the remaining 32 patients was reduced to 32 days. The mean number of outpatient clinic interventions was 12. At the one-year follow up, 74 patients were doing well in all respects. Fourteen patients still needed a lot of supervision in eating. Five are still hospitalized and four were lost to follow up. The proposed model proves to be more than just another theory in that it is successfully applied in treatment. Short systemic therapy is very effective. The longer the delay in drastic, aggressive treatment, the worse the prognosis. Extended hospitalization periods worsen the prognosis. Weakness of the parental unit is a strong indication for inpatient care. The longer the experience in treating eating disorders, the shorter the hospitalization and number of interventions.

  17. Latent class analysis of eating and impulsive behavioral symptoms in Taiwanese women with bulimia nervosa. (United States)

    Tseng, Mei-Chih Meg; Hu, Fu-Chang


    The implications of impulsivity in its relationship with binge-eating or purging behaviors remain unclear. This study examined the patterns of eating behaviors and co-morbid impulsive behaviors in individuals with bulimia nervosa n optimally homogeneous classes using latent class analysis (LCA). All participants (n=180) were asked to complete a series of self-reported inventories of impulsive behaviors and other psychological measures. Information regarding the lifetime presence of symptoms of eating disorder was assessed by clinical interviews. LCA was conducted using eating disorder symptoms, impulsive behaviors, and the number of purging methods. Three latent classes of bulimic women were identified. These were women who exhibited relatively higher rates of purging, symptoms of impulsive behavior, and multiple purging methods (17.8%), women who used no more than one purging method with a low occurrence of impulsive behavior (41.7%), and women who showed higher rates of purging behaviors and the use of multiple purging methods with a low rate of impulsive behavior (41.7%). The impulsive sub-group had comparable severity of eating-related measures, frequency of binge-eating, and higher levels of general psychopathology than that of the other two sub-groups. This study provides empirical support for the existence of an impulsive subgroup with distinctive features among a non-Western group of BN patients. This study also suggests that mechanisms other than impulse dysregulation may exist for the development of binge-eating and purging behaviors in bulimia nervosa patients, or the mechanisms contributing to binge-eating and impulsive behaviors may be different. Copyright © 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  18. Daily and Momentary Mood and Stress Are Associated with Binge Eating and Vomiting in Bulimia Nervosa Patients in the Natural Environment (United States)

    Smyth, Joshua M.; Wonderlich, Stephen A.; Heron, Kristin E.; Sliwinski, Martin J.; Crosby, Ross D.; Mitchell, James E.; Engel, Scott G.


    The relation of mood and stress to binge eating and vomiting in the natural environments of patients with bulimia nervosa (BN) was examined using real-time data collection. Women (n = 131; mean age = 25.3 years) with BN carried a palmtop computer for 2 weeks and completed ratings of positive affect (PA), negative affect (NA), anger/hostility (AH),…

  19. The role of maternal anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa before and during pregnancy in early childhood wheezing: Findings from the NINFEA birth cohort study. (United States)

    Popovic, Maja; Pizzi, Costanza; Rusconi, Franca; Gagliardi, Luigi; Galassi, Claudia; Trevisan, Morena; Merletti, Franco; Richiardi, Lorenzo


    This study evaluates associations of maternal eating disorders (bulimia nervosa, anorexia nervosa, and purging behaviors) with infant wheezing and examines the effects of eating disorders on several wheezing determinants. We studied 5,150 singletons from the NINFEA birth cohort. Maternal bulimia nervosa and anorexia nervosa diagnoses were ascertained from the questionnaires completed in pregnancy and 6 months after delivery, and were analyzed as: ever diagnosis, only before pregnancy, and during pregnancy. Purging behaviors were assessed for 12 months before or during pregnancy. The associations with wheezing between 6 and 18 months of age were assessed in models adjusted for a priori selected confounders. Children born to mothers with lifetime eating disorders were at an increased risk of developing wheezing (adjusted OR 1.68; [95% CI: 1.08, 2.60]), and this risk further increased when the disorders were active during pregnancy (2.52 [1.23, 5.19]). Increased risk of offspring wheezing was observed also for purging behaviors without history of eating disorder diagnosis (1.50 [1.10, 2.04]). The observed associations were not explained by comorbid depression and/or anxiety. Bulimia nervosa and/or anorexia nervosa during pregnancy were also associated with several risk factors for wheezing, including maternal smoking, adverse pregnancy outcomes, shorter breastfeeding duration, and day-care attendance. The associations of maternal eating disorders with offspring wheezing suggest long-term adverse respiratory outcomes in children of mothers with eating disorders. A better understanding of mechanisms implicated is necessary to help reduce the respiratory disease burden in these children. © 2018 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  20. Anorexia and Bulimia Nervosa in Same-Sex and Opposite-Sex Twins : Lack of Association With Twin Type in a Nationwide Study of Finnish Twins

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Raevuori, Anu; Kaprio, Jaakko; Hoek, Hans W.; Sihvola, Elina; Rissanen, Aila; Keski-Rahkonen, Anna


    Objective: The authors tested the hypothesis that either prenatal feminization or masculinization hormone influences in utero or later socialization affects the risk for anorexia and bulimia nervosa and disordered eating in members of opposite-sex twin pairs. Method: Finnish twins (N=2,426 women,

  1. La inclusión social por la vía del cuerpo en mujeres diagnosticadas con anorexia bulimia en la ciudad de Medellín, Colombia = Social inclusion through the body in women with anorexia-bulimia in Medellín, Colombia

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    Marín Cortés, Andrés Felipe


    Full Text Available Este informe presenta los hallazgos de la investigación "Narrativas identitarias sobre la vivencia corporal en mujeres diagnosticadas con trastorno de la alimentación" efectuada en Medellín.Objetivo: reconocer cómo el significado atribuido a la vivencia corporal devela la construcción de la identidad en mujeres con trastornos de la alimentación.Metodología: enfoque cualitativo, con diseño de casos múltiples analizados mediante los procedimientos del método fenomenológico-hermenéutico. Se hicieron entrevistas en profundidad y grupos focales. El estudio se ajustó a los principios éticos para la investigación en que participan seres humanos, incluyendo el consentimiento informado de cada una de las participantes.Resultados: 1 la evaluación que estas mujeres hacen de sí mismas está cruzada por la mirada de los otros; 2 existen contextos sociales de aparición que estimulan la anorexia-bulimia; 3 se hallaron tres formas de configuración de la anorexia-bulimia: estético-erótica, estéticoatlética y estético-afectiva; 4 la recuperación no consiste solamente en comer, sino también en permitir que el cuerpo se historice, es decir, que muestre en él las marcas del paso del tiempo.

  2. Social patterning of overeating, binge eating, compensatory behaviours and symptoms of bulimia nervosa in young adult women: results from the Australian Longitudinal Study on Women's Health. (United States)

    Koupil, Ilona; Tooth, Leigh; Heshmati, Amy; Mishra, Gita


    To study social patterning of overeating and symptoms of disordered eating in a general population. A representative, population-based cohort study. The Australian Longitudinal Study on Women's Health (ALSWH), Survey 1 in 1996 and Survey 2 in 2000. Women (n 12 599) aged 18-23 years completed a questionnaire survey at baseline, of whom 6866 could be studied prospectively. Seventeen per cent of women reported episodes of overeating, 16 % reported binge eating and 10 % reported compensatory behaviours. Almost 4 % of women reported symptoms consistent with bulimia nervosa. Low education, not living with family, perceived financial difficulty (OR=1·8 and 1·3 for women with severe and some financial difficulty, respectively, compared with none) and European language other than English spoken at home (OR=1·5 for European compared with Australian/English) were associated with higher prevalence of binge eating. Furthermore, longitudinal analyses indicated increased risk of persistent binge eating among women with a history of being overweight in childhood, those residing in metropolitan Australia, women with higher BMI, smokers and binge drinkers. Overeating, binge eating and symptoms of bulimia nervosa are common among young Australian women and cluster with binge drinking. Perceived financial stress appears to increase the risk of binge eating and bulimia nervosa. It is unclear whether women of European origin and those with a history of childhood overweight carry higher risk of binge eating because of genetic or cultural reasons.

  3. Doubt and fear of self in bulimia nervosa. (United States)

    Wilson, Samantha; Aardema, Frederick; O'Connor, Kieron


    Several overlapping cognitive processes have been identified in eating disorders (EDs) and obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD). Drawing from the OCD literature, the present study examined whether bulimia nervosa (BN) is associated with a maladaptive inductive reasoning style characterized by the over-investment in possibility-based (as opposed to reality-based) information. Women with BN (n = 25) and healthy controls (HC; n = 24) completed the Inference Processes Task (IPT), an ecological inductive reasoning task previously validated in OCD samples. Participants also completed the Fear of Self Questionnaire (FSQ) that evaluates investment in a feared possible identity. Significant differences on the IPT indicate that the BN group was more influenced by possibility-based information throughout the task than the HC group (F[5.44, 255.78] = 6.94, p > .001). It was also found that the BN group scored significantly higher on the FSQ than the HC group (t[29.98] = 8.4, p > .001), replicating previous findings. Finally, scores on the IPT were significantly correlated with measures of symptom severity. These findings suggest that BN may be associated with maladaptive inductive reasoning processes characterized by over-investment in possibility-based feared outcomes and identities. © 2017 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  4. Bulimia nervosa in overweight and normal-weight women. (United States)

    Masheb, Robin; White, Marney A


    The aim of the present study was to examine overweight bulimia nervosa (BN) in a community sample of women. Volunteers (n = 1964) completed self-report questionnaires of weight, binge eating, purging, and cognitive features. Participants were classified as overweight (body mass index ≥25) or normal weight (body mass index <25). Rates of BN within the overweight and normal-weight classes did not differ (6.4% vs 7.9%). Of the 131 participants identified as BN, 64% (n = 84) were classified as overweight BN and 36% (n = 47) as normal-weight BN. The overweight BN group had a greater proportion of ethnic minorities and reported significantly less restraint than the normal-weight BN group. Otherwise, the 2 groups reported similarly, even in terms of purging and depression. In summary, rates of BN did not differ between overweight and normal-weight women. Among BN participants, the majority (two thirds) were overweight. Differences in ethnicity and restraint, but little else, were found between overweight and normal-weight BN. Findings from the present study should serve to increase awareness of the weight range and ethnic diversity of BN, and highlight the need to address weight and cultural sensitivity in the identification and treatment of eating disorders. Copyright © 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  5. De la casa de muñecas al gloss. La irrupción de la industria de la belleza en la cultura mediática infantil

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    Elena Verchili Martí


    Full Text Available La extensión de la ‘tiranía de las apariencias’ a las niñas y pre-adolescentes españolas está propiciando la irrupción de una serie de contenidos asociados a la industria de la belleza en los medios de comunicación consumidos por este target. Éstos, de hecho, están actuando como factor social de influencia y refuerzo de un determinado modelo de feminidad infantil marcado por un interés desmesurado por la imagen y los beneficios sociales asociados a la consecución de un canon hegemónico de belleza. El análisis de estos contenidos revela la prevalencia de un modelo extremadamente preocupado por su aspecto físico. Un modelo que puede causar insatisfacción corporal en las niñas que aspiran a él y que las hace especialmente vulnerables a padecer trastornos relacionados con su auto-percepción corporal. En el caso de las niñas, bulimia y anorexia nerviosa, entre otras psicopatologías, como el abuso de las operaciones de cirugía estética.

  6. Gustatory and olfactory sensitivity in patients with anorexia and bulimia in the course of treatment. (United States)

    Aschenbrenner, Katja; Scholze, Ninette; Joraschky, Peter; Hummel, Thomas


    The majority of studies on taste and smell in eating disorders have revealed several alterations of olfactory or gustatory functions. Aim of this prospective study was to employ detailed olfactory and gustatory testing in female subjects of three homogenous groups - anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa and healthy controls - and to look at the effects of treatment on these measures. Sixteen hospitalized female patients with anorexia (restricting type, mean age [M]=24.5 years), 24 female patients with bulimia (purging type, M=24.3 years) as well as 23 healthy controls (M=24.5 years) received olfactory ("Sniffin' Sticks") and gustatory testing ("Taste Strips"). Group differences in olfactory and gustatory sensitivity, body mass index (BMI), the Beck depression inventory, the eating attitudes test (EAT), and the influence of therapy on gustatory and olfactory function were investigated. (1) Group differences were present for odor discrimination and overall olfactory function with anorexic patients having the lowest scores. (2) Regarding taste function, controls scored higher than patients with anorexia. (3) At admission small but significant correlations were found between overall olfactory function and body weight (r(63)=0.35), BMI (r(63) = 0.37), and EAT score (r(63) = -0.27). Similarly, (4) the taste test score correlated significantly with body weight (r(63)= 0.48), and BMI (r(63) = 0.45). Finally, (5) at discharge overall olfactory and gustatory function were significantly higher compared to admission in anorexic patients. As compared to healthy controls and bulimic patients our results show lowered olfactory and gustatory sensitivities in anorexic patients that improved with increasing BMI and decreasing eating pathology in the course of treatment.

  7. Cardiac Risk and Disordered Eating: Decreased R Wave Amplitude in Women with Bulimia Nervosa and Women with Subclinical Binge/Purge Symptoms. (United States)

    Green, Melinda; Rogers, Jennifer; Nguyen, Christine; Blasko, Katherine; Martin, Amanda; Hudson, Dominique; Fernandez-Kong, Kristen; Kaza-Amlak, Zauditu; Thimmesch, Brandon; Thorne, Tyler


    The purpose of the present study was threefold. First, we examined whether women with bulimia nervosa (n = 12) and women with subthreshold binge/purge symptoms (n = 20) showed decreased mean R wave amplitude, an indicator of cardiac risk, on electrocardiograph compared to asymptomatic women (n = 20). Second, we examined whether this marker was pervasive across experimental paradigms, including before and after sympathetic challenge tasks. Third, we investigated behavioural predictors of this marker, including binge frequency and purge frequency assessed by subtype (dietary restriction, excessive exercise, self-induced vomiting, and laxative abuse). Results of a 3 (ED symptom status) × 5 (experimental condition) mixed factorial ANCOVA (covariates: body mass index, age) indicated women with bulimia nervosa and women with subclinical binge/purge symptoms demonstrated significantly reduced mean R wave amplitude compared to asymptomatic women; this effect was pervasive across experimental conditions. Multiple regression analyses showed binge and purge behaviours, most notably laxative abuse as a purge method, predicted decreased R wave amplitude across all experimental conditions. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and Eating Disorders Association. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and Eating Disorders Association.

  8. The ABBA study - approach bias modification in bulimia nervosa and binge eating disorder: study protocol for a randomised controlled trial


    Brockmeyer, Timo; Schmidt, Ulrike Hermine; Friederich, H C


    Background: The core symptoms of bulimia nervosa (BN) and binge eating disorder (BED) are recurrent episodes of binge eating. Despite negative psychological and physical consequences, BN/BED patients show uncontrollable approach tendencies towards food. This cognitive bias occurs at an early stage of information processing. Cognitive bias modification (CBM) directly targets such biases and has been shown to be effective in treating several mental disorders. In alcohol addiction, automatic act...

  9. A bulimia nervosa como fator de risco para distúrbios da voz: artigo de revisão Bulimia nervosa as a risk factor for voice disorders: literature review

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    Patricia Balata


    Full Text Available A bulimia nervosa é um tipo de transtorno alimentar que tem início na adolescência e que apresenta uma variedade de sintomas, dentre estes, os episódios recorrentes de vômitos que acometem a cavidade oral, podendo alcançar a laringe de forma semelhante ao refluxo gastroesofágico, ocasionando alterações laríngeas e distúrbios na voz. OBJETIVO: Este trabalho teve como objetivo investigar através da revista da literatura os estudos que relacionassem a BN como fator de risco para os distúrbios da voz. RESULTADOS: Dos noventa e três artigos levantados, vinte e três foram usados como base para esta revisão, dentre os quais, apenas três referem-se à BN com fator etiológico de alterações na voz em mulheres adultas, não sendo encontrado nenhum trabalho referindo esta relação em adolescentes bulímicos. CONCLUSÃO: Faz-se necessária a observância de sinais e sintomas laríngeos e vocais que possam estar relacionados à BN, em especial nos adolescentes cuja voz passa por significativas mudanças quando do período da muda vocal.Bulimia nervosa (BN is a type of feeding disorder that starts in adolescence and presents a variety of symptoms, recurrent vomiting in the oral cavity that may reach down to the larynx - similarly to gastro-esophageal reflux, causing laryngeal and voice disorder alterations. AIM: These studies aimed at surveying the literature and investigate the studies that considered BN a risk factor for voice disorders. RESULTS: of the ninety three papers we found, twenty-three were used as a basis for this review, among them, only three discuss BN as an etiology factor associated with voice changes in adult women, and we did not find any paper associating this with bulimic teenagers. CONCLUSION: It is necessary to observe laryngeal and vocal signs and symptoms associated with BN, especially in teenagers whose voices are going through a period of change.

  10. Safety of pharmacotherapy options for bulimia nervosa and binge eating disorder. (United States)

    Bello, Nicholas T; Yeomans, Bryn L


    Eating disorders represent a set of psychiatric illnesses with lifelong complications and high relapse rates. Individuals with eating disorders are often stigmatized and clinicians have a limited set of treatments options. Pharmacotherapy has the potential to improve long term compliance and patient commitment to treatment for eating disorders. Areas covered: This review will examine the efficacy and safety profile of the FDA-approved medications for the treatment of bulimia nervosa (BN) and binge eating disorder (BED). This will include the evaluation of fluoxetine for BN, and lisdexamfetamine for BED. Safety information will be review from randomized control trials (RCT), open label trials, and case reports. Expert opinion: Fluoxetine for BN and lisdexamfetamine for BED are relatively safe and well-tolerated. Despite these properties, these two medications represent a limited arsenal for the pharmacological treatment of eating disorders. Thus, more research-based strategies are needed to develop safe, effective, and more targeted therapies for eating disorders.

  11. Establishing guidelines for pharmacotherapy trials in bulimia nervosa and anorexia nervosa. (United States)

    Mitchell, J E; Tareen, B; Sheehan, W; Agras, S; Brewerton, T D; Crow, S; Devlin, M; Eckert, E; Halmi, K; Herzog, D; Marcus, M; Powers, P; Stunkard, A; Walsh, B T


    This paper addresses the lack of a standard protocol for pharmacotherapy trials for patients with bulimia nervosa (BN) and anorexia nervosa (AN). Twenty-two surveys were sent to established researchers in the field of eating disorders to elicit their opinions regarding medication trials, including baseline laboratory tests, the optimal length/frequency of medication management sessions, and the information that should or should not be included in these sessions. Sixteen of 22 researchers completed and returned the survey. Their answers are the basis of the data presented. We propose a battery of screening laboratory tests for both conditions. We suggest 30-45-min initial medication management sessions in both AN and BN trials with 15-min follow-ups to be held weekly for AN subjects, and weekly for 2 weeks, then biweekly for 2 weeks, then monthly, for BN subjects. We also recommend that published trials should include explicit details of medication management. Copyright 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

  12. Integrative dynamic therapy for bulimia nervosa: An evidence-based case study. (United States)

    Richards, Lauren K; Shingleton, Rebecca M; Goldman, Rachel; Siegel, Deborah; Thompson-Brenner, Heather


    Both cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) and psychodynamic psychotherapy are commonly used to treat eating disorders. To further investigate the effectiveness of integrative dynamic therapy (IDT) for bulimia nervosa (BN), our research group undertook a randomized, controlled pilot study comparing IDT with CBT for BN. The case described here was selected from a sample of N = 38 female patients with the symptoms of BN who enrolled in the study. IDT incorporated aspects of the first 4-week stage of CBT, including psychoeducation, self-monitoring, and regular eating. Subsequently, the treatment focused on emotional expression, emotion regulation (defenses), intrapsychic conflict, and interpersonal relationships. The objectives of the report are to demonstrate the effectiveness of an integrative approach to the treatment of eating disorders to address the symptoms of BN and personality issues using pre-, mid-, and posttreatment data, and to illustrate the patient and clinician reactions to each approach to treatment using excerpts from session transcripts and alliance data. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2016 APA, all rights reserved).

  13. Tratamento da bulimia nervosa: síntese das evidências

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    Bacaltchuk Josué


    Full Text Available As duas abordagens terapêuticas mais estudadas para o tratamento da bulimia nervosa (BN são os tratamentos psicológicos, principalmente a terapia cognitivo-comportamental (TCC e o uso de antidepressivos. Os resultados de duas revisões sistemáticas da literatura mostram que a TCC é melhor que fila de espera e que os antidepressivos são superiores ao placebo na remissão a curto prazo dos sintomas bulímicos. A comparação direta das duas abordagens mostra que, quando usados como abordagens exclusivas, a TCC é clinicamente mais eficaz e mais aceita do que os antidepressivos. A associação dos dois tipos de tratamento é clinicamente mais eficaz que cada um isoladamente, mas a aceitação das abordagens psicológicas exclusivas é maior. Como a BN é um transtorno grave e com baixa taxa de remissão espontânea, o tratamento associado, com abordagem multidimensional e multidisciplinar, pode ser indicado.

  14. Emotion Recognition in Face and Body Motion in Bulimia Nervosa. (United States)

    Dapelo, Marcela Marin; Surguladze, Simon; Morris, Robin; Tchanturia, Kate


    Social cognition has been studied extensively in anorexia nervosa (AN), but there are few studies in bulimia nervosa (BN). This study investigated the ability of people with BN to recognise emotions in ambiguous facial expressions and in body movement. Participants were 26 women with BN, who were compared with 35 with AN, and 42 healthy controls. Participants completed an emotion recognition task by using faces portraying blended emotions, along with a body emotion recognition task by using videos of point-light walkers. The results indicated that BN participants exhibited difficulties recognising disgust in less-ambiguous facial expressions, and a tendency to interpret non-angry faces as anger, compared with healthy controls. These difficulties were similar to those found in AN. There were no significant differences amongst the groups in body motion emotion recognition. The findings suggest that difficulties with disgust and anger recognition in facial expressions may be shared transdiagnostically in people with eating disorders. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and Eating Disorders Association. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and Eating Disorders Association.

  15. Validation of the Inventory of Interpersonal Problems (IIP-64): a comparison of Swedish female outpatients with anorexia nervosa or bulimia nervosa and controls. (United States)

    Lindberg, Karolin; Nevonen, Lauri; Gustafsson, Sanna Aila; Nyman-Carlsson, Erika; Norring, Claes


    The aim of the study was to explore the psychometric properties of the Inventory of Interpersonal Problems (IIP-64) and to compare levels of interpersonal distress in Swedish female outpatients with anorexia nervosa or bulimia nervosa with age- and gender-matched controls. Totally, 401 participants were included; anorexia nervosa (n = 74), bulimia nervosa (n = 85) and controls (n = 242). All participants completed the IIP-64. The eating disorder (ED) patients also filled out the Eating Disorder Inventory-2/3 (EDI). Internal consistency of IIP-64 was acceptable to high. Principal component analyses with varimax rotation of the IIP-64 subscales confirmed the circumplex structure with two underlying orthogonal dimensions; affiliation and dominance. Significant correlations between EDI-3 composite scales ineffectiveness and interpersonal problems and IIP-64 were found. ED patients reported higher levels of interpersonal distress than controls on all but one subscale (intrusive/needy). IIP-64 can be considered to have acceptable to good reliability and validity in a Swedish ED sample. IIP-64 can be a useful complement in assessment of interpersonal problems in ED.

  16. Bulimia nervosa-nonpurging subtype: closer to the bulimia nervosa-purging subtype or to binge eating disorder? (United States)

    Jordan, Jennifer; McIntosh, Virginia V W; Carter, Janet D; Rowe, Sarah; Taylor, Kathryn; Frampton, Christopher M A; McKenzie, Janice M; Latner, Janet; Joyce, Peter R


    DSM-5 has dropped subtyping of bulimia nervosa (BN), opting to continue inclusion of the somewhat contentious diagnosis of BN-nonpurging subtype (BN-NP) within a broad BN category. Some contend however that BN-NP is more like binge eating disorder (BED) than BN-P. This study examines clinical characteristics, eating disorder symptomatology, and Axis I comorbidity in BN-NP, BN-P, and BED groups to establish whether BN-NP more closely resembles BN-P or BED. Women with BN-P (n = 29), BN-NP (n = 29), and BED (n = 54) were assessed at baseline in an outpatient psychotherapy trial for those with binge eating. Measures included the Structured Clinical Interviews for DSM-IV, Eating Disorder Examination, and Eating Disorder Inventory-2. The BN-NP subtype had BMIs between those with BN-P and BED. Both BN subtypes had higher Restraint and Drive for Thinness scores than BED. Body Dissatisfaction was highest in BN-NP and predicted BN-NP compared to BN-P. Higher Restraint and lower BMI predicted BN-NP relative to BED. BN-NP resembled BED with higher lifetime BMIs; and weight-loss clinic than eating disorder clinic attendances relative to the BN-P subtype. Psychiatric comorbidity was comparable except for higher lifetime cannabis use disorder in the BN-NP than BN-P subtype These results suggest that BN-NP sits between BN-P and BED however the high distress driving inappropriate compensatory behaviors in BN-P requires specialist eating disorder treatment. These results support retaining the BN-NP group within the BN category. Further research is needed to determine whether there are meaningful differences in outcome over follow-up. Copyright © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  17. Hematoma subagudo tras mamoplastia de aumento relacionado con bulimia. Caso clínico

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    Vicente Plascencia-Valadez

    Full Text Available Resumen La mamoplastia de aumento con implantes es una cirugía muy común en nuestro medio, con complicaciones bien descritas en la literatura. El hematoma agudo posterior a mamoplastia de aumento tiene una incidencia del 2-10%, sin embargo los hematomas subagudos y tardíos son más raros, siendo la complicación tardía más común la contractura capsular. Presentamos el caso de una paciente de 22 años de edad a la cual se realizó mamoplastia de aumento y presentó hematoma a los 19 días de postoperatorio, tras inducirse el vómito después de ingerir alimentos con la finalidad de conservar su peso, sin conocerse previamente sus antecedentes de bulimia.

  18. Seasonal patterns of birth for subjects with bulimia nervosa, binge eating, and purging: results from the National Women's Study. (United States)

    Brewerton, Timothy D; Dansky, Bonnie S; O'Neil, Patrick M; Kilpatrick, Dean G


    Studies of birth patterns in anorexia nervosa have shown relative increases between March and August, while studies in Bulimia Nervosa (BN) have been negative. Since there are no studies using representative, nonclinical samples, we looked for seasonal birth patterns in women with BN and in those who ever endorsed bingeing or purging. A national, representative sample of 3,006 adult women completed structured telephone interviews including screenings for bulimia nervosa (BN) and questions about month, date, and year of birth. Season of birth was calculated using traditional definitions. Differences across season of birth between subjects with (n = 85) and without BN (n = 2,898), those with (n = 749) and without bingeing (n = 2,229), and those with (n = 267) and without any purging (n = 2,715) were compared using chi-square analyses. There were significant differences across season of birth between subjects: (1) with and without BN (p = 0.033); (2) with and without bingeing (p = 0.034), and; (3) with and without purging (p = 0.001). Fall had the highest relative number of births for all categories, while spring had the lowest. In a national representative study of nontreatment seeking subjects significant differences in season of birth were found for subjects with lifetime histories of BN, binge eating and purging. © 2011 by Wiley Periodicals, Inc. (Int J Eat Disord 2012). Copyright © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  19. Evaluation of a functional treatment for binge eating associated with bulimia nervosa. (United States)

    Giddings, T D; Miltenberger, R G


    Binge-eating disorders (BED) are a common problem affecting up to 5 percent of the American population in any given 6-month period. Currently, the most widely accepted treatment is some variation of Cognitive Behavior Therapy, although the abstinence rates following this type of treatment are only around 50%. A recent study by Bosch et al. explored the effects of extinction with four women who engaged in binge-eating behavior associated with BED and bulimia nervosa (BN). The treatment was successful, with three of the four participants obtaining abstinence. To date, this has been the only study examining this procedure. The purpose of the current study was to further evaluate extinction of binge eating with four young women who met diagnostic criteria for BN. The results showed that the treatment decreased binge eating to zero for all four women, although one dropped out of the study shortly after beginning the intervention.

  20. [Consensus document about the nutritional evaluation and management of eating disorders: bulimia nervosa, binge eating disorder, and others]. (United States)

    Gómez Candela, Carmen; Palma Milla, Samara; Miján-de-la-Torre, Alberto; Rodríguez Ortega, Pilar; Matía Martín, Pilar; Loria Cohen, Viviana; Campos Del Portillo, Rocío; Virgili Casas, M ª Nuria; Martínez Olmos, Miguel Á; Mories Álvarez, M ª Teresa; Castro Alija, M ª José; Martín-Palmero, Ángela


    Bulimia nervosa and binge eating disorder are unique nosological entities. Both show a large variability related to its presentation and severity which involves different therapeutic approaches and the need to individualize the treatment, thus it is indispensable a multidisciplinary approach. Patients with bulimia nervosa may suffer from malnutrition and deficiency states or even excess weight, while in binge eating disorders, it is common overweight or obesity, which determine other comorbidities. Many of the symptoms and complications are associated with compensatory behaviors. There are many therapeutic tools available for the treatment of these patients. The nutritional approach contemplates the individualized dietary advice which guarantees an adequate nutritional state and nutritional education. Its objective is to facilitate the voluntary adoption of eating behaviors that promote health and allow the long-term modification of eating habits and the cessation of purgatory and bingeing behaviors. Psychological support is a first-line treatment and it must address the frequent disorder of eating behavior and psychiatric comorbidities. Psychotropic drugs are effective and widely used although these drugs are not essential. The management is carried out mainly at an outpatient level, being the day hospital useful in selected patients. Hospitalization should be reserved to correct serious somatic or psychiatric complications or as a measure to contain non-treatable conflict situations. Most of the guidelines' recommendations are based on expert consensus, with little evidence which evaluates clinical results and cost-effectiveness.

  1. [Prevalence of anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa and other eating disorders in adolescent girls in Reus (Spain)]. (United States)

    Olesti Baiges, M; Piñol Moreso, J L; Martín Vergara, N; de la Fuente García, M; Riera Solé, A; Bofarull Bosch, J Maria; Ricomá de Castellarnau, G


    Eating disorders are characterized by changes in eating patterns associated with a series of psychosocial conflicts, low self-esteem and poor empathy, and an obsession with slimming. The aims of the present study were: 1. To determinate the prevalence of anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa and other eating disorders in a representative sample of adolescent girls between the ages of 12 and 21 living in the city of Reus (Spain). 2. To evaluate the association between eating disorders and alterations on the Eating Attitudes Test-40 (EAT-40), Body Attitudes Test (BAT), and the Aesthetic Body Shape Questionnaire (CIMEC). We performed a cross-sectional observational study in a random sample of adolescent girls aged between 12 and 21 years old. Information was gathered from a structured questionnaire on demographic and anthropometric factors (age, place of birth, education, etc.), clinical examination, clinical interview, DMS-IV diagnostic criteria, and three self-administered tests: EAT-40, BAT and CIMEC. A total of 551 adolescents were analyzed. The mean age was 17.6+/-2.5 years. Diagnostic criteria of anorexia nervosa were found in 0.9% (95% CI: 0.4-2.4), bulimia nervosa in 2.9% (95% CI: 1.7-4.7), and other eating disorders in 5.3% (95% CI: 3.6-7.5). The test showing the greatest alterations was the CIMEC (38%), followed by the BAT (27.1%) and EAT-40 (23.1%). All the adolescents that met the diagnostic criteria of anorexia nervosa showed alterations in all three tests. The high prevalence of eating disorders indicates the need for greater direct involvement among health professionals. The EAT-40, BAT and CIMEC are effective screening instruments for these disorders.

  2. Are single-parent families different from two-parent families in the treatment of adolescent bulimia nervosa using family-based treatment? (United States)

    Doyle, Angela Celio; McLean, Carmen; Washington, Blaine N; Hoste, Renee Rienecke; le Grange, Daniel


    To examine whether family-based treatment (FBT) for adolescent bulimia nervosa (BN), which emphasizes family involvement in helping to reduce binge eating and purging behaviors, is differentially efficacious in single-parent families versus two-parent families. Forty-one adolescents (97.6% female; 16.0 +/- 1.7 years old) with either BN (n = 18) or subthreshold BN (n = 23) were randomized to FBT as part of a larger randomized controlled trial studying treatments for adolescent BN. Two-parent (n = 27; 65.9%) and single-parent (n = 14; 34.2%) families were compared on demographic variables, presence of comorbid psychiatric illnesses, and symptoms of BN at baseline, post, and 6-month follow-up. ANOVA and chi-square analyses revealed no statistically significant differences between two-parent and single-parent families on any variables with the exception of ethnicity, for which a greater proportion of Caucasians and Hispanic families had two- parent families compared with African-American families (chi(2) = 8.68, p = .01). These findings suggest that FBT may be an appropriate and efficacious treatment for single-parent families as well as two-parent families, despite the reliance on parental intervention to reduce bulimic symptoms and normalize eating patterns.

  3. El "presente cíclico" de las crisis bulímicas The 'cyclical present' of bulimic crisis

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    Gustavo Federico Del Cioppo


    Full Text Available La incidencia poblacional y el crecimiento progresivo de los denominados "Trastornos de la conducta alimentaria", muestran un papel cada vez mas destacado de la bulimia nerviosa y más específicamente, una cada vez mayor frecuencia de síntomas bulímicos. Analizando las crisis bulímicas, y buscando articular la modalidad subjetiva y trascendental de la temporalidad, se puede señalar una estructura temporal de características restrictivas a la que se denominará "presente cíclico". Con esta noción, se busca dar razón no sólo del"circulo vicioso" o ciclo "atracón-culpa-purga...", sino también esa modalidad de ser propia que gira alrededor de la circularidad. No sólo se trata del ciclo "me atracovoy a engordar-siento culpa-vomito", del fenómeno puntual de la crisis, sino también de un "presente viviente"que se halla constantemente "atracado".The incidence of population and the progressive growth of the "eating conduct disorders" show an increasing and outstanding role of bulimia nervosa and, more specifically, more frequent bulimic symptoms. When analyzing bulimic crisis, and searching the articulation of the subjective and transcendental modality of temporality, it can be found a temporal structure of restrictive characteristics that will be called 'cyclical present'. The purpose of this concept is to give grounds not only to the 'vicious cycle' or 'binge-eating/guilt/purge' cycle, but to that own modality of being that goes around circularity. It is not only the cycle 'I over eat-I'm going to put on weight- I feel guilty - I vomit' of the punctual crisis phenomenon but a 'living present' that is continuously'binge-eaten'.

  4. Predictors for good therapeutic outcome and drop-out in technology assisted guided self-help in the treatment of bulimia nervosa and bulimia like phenotype. (United States)

    Wagner, Gudrun; Penelo, Eva; Nobis, Gerald; Mayrhofer, Anna; Wanner, Christian; Schau, Johanna; Spitzer, Marion; Gwinner, Paulina; Trofaier, Marie-Louise; Imgart, Hartmut; Fernandez-Aranda, Fernando; Karwautz, Andreas


    Technology assisted guided self-help has been proven to be effective in the treatment of bulimia nervosa (BN). The aim of this study was to determine predictors of good long-term outcome as well as drop-out, in order to identify patients for whom these interventions are most suitable. One hundred and fifty six patients with BN were assigned to either 7 months internet-based guided self-help (INT-GSH) or to conventional guided bibliotherapy (BIB-GSH), both guided by e-mail support. Evaluations were taken at baseline, after 4, 7, and 18 months. As potential predictors, psychiatric comorbidity, personality features, and eating disorder psychopathology were considered. Higher motivation, lower frequency of binge eating, and lower body dissatisfaction at baseline predicted good outcome after the end of treatment. Lower frequency of binge eating predicted good outcome at long-term follow-up. Factors prediciting drop-out were higher depression and lower self-directedness at baseline. Technology assisted self-help can be recommended for patients with a high motivation to change, lower binge-eating frequency and lower depression scores. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and Eating Disorders Association.

  5. Do virtual ao real: um estudo psicanalítico sobre anorexia, bulimia e as relações familiares


    Gonçalves, Kelly Cristina Arrigatto


    Uma pesquisa sobre anorexia e bulimia, que teve início no mundo virtual e acabou transbordando para o real constitui o verdadeiro resumo do que a presente dissertação de mestrado apresenta. A pesquisa teve início através do site de relacionamento Orkut, onde busquei comunidades virtuais de anoréxicas e bulímicas, e as convidei a participar de uma entrevista pelo MSN. Ao entrevistar as jovens com transtornos alimentares, tentei manter o foco na relação entre a etiologia dos t...

  6. Medical Complications In Anorexia And Bulimia Nervosa. (United States)

    Gravina, Giovanni; Milano, Walter; Nebbiai, Grazia; Piccione, Carla; Capasso, Anna


    Anorexia Nervosa (AN), Bulimia Nervosa (BN) and their variants are characterized by persistent alteration of eating behaviour, such as restricted intake or bingeing and purging, as well as excessive concerns about body shape and body weight. Purging behaviour may include self induced vomiting and/or abuse of laxatives, diuretics and physical hyperactivity. Unlike other psychiatric disorders, patients suffering from AN and BN have a high prevalence of many different medical complications, through the sequelae of undernutrition and purging, often with a serious impairment of health status and quality of life. This article describes the main diagnostic and clinical aspects of medical complications in AN and BN. The medical complications of ED are extremely variable and can occur with only modest biological and physical damage up to extremely serious and life-threatening conditions; the mortality rate of young subjects with AN is 4 - 11% with a risk of death about 12 times higher than that of subjects of the same age of the general population. The management of the medical-internship aspects of AN and BN is rightly placed within complex and articulated programs of interdisciplinary treatment with different levels of intensity of care (outpatient, semi-residential/residential, hospital in cases of emergency/medical and/or psychiatric emergency). the results of the investigations carried out, describe the functions of the various organs and apparatuses and the alterations detected, the possible complications and physiological adaptations to malnutrition. Copyright© Bentham Science Publishers; For any queries, please email at

  7. Virtual Reality as a Promising Strategy in the Assessment and Treatment of Bulimia Nervosa and Binge Eating Disorder: A Systematic Review. (United States)

    de Carvalho, Marcele Regine; Dias, Thiago Rodrigues de Santana; Duchesne, Monica; Nardi, Antonio Egidio; Appolinario, Jose Carlos


    Several lines of evidence suggest that Virtual Reality (VR) has a potential utility in eating disorders. The objective of this study is to review the literature on the use of VR in bulimia nervosa (BN) and binge eating disorder (BED). Using PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses) statement for reporting systematic reviews, we performed a PubMed, Web of Knowledge and SCOPUS search to identify studies employing VR in the assessment and treatment of BN and BED. The following search terms were used: "virtual reality", "eating disorders", "binge eating", and "bulimia nervosa". From the 420 articles identified, 19 were selected, nine investigated VR in assessment and 10 were treatment studies (one case-report, two non-controlled and six randomized controlled trials). The studies using VR in BN and BED are at an early stage. However, considering the available evidence, the use of VR in the assessment of those conditions showed some promise in identifying: (1) how those patients experienced their body image; and (2) environments or specific kinds of foods that may trigger binge-purging cycle. Some studies using VR-based environments associated to cognitive behavioral techniques showed their potential utility in improving motivation for change, self-esteem, body image disturbances and in reducing binge eating and purging behavior.

  8. Self-harm and suicidal behavior in borderline personality disorder with and without bulimia nervosa. (United States)

    Reas, Deborah L; Pedersen, Geir; Karterud, Sigmund; Rø, Øyvind


    Few studies have investigated whether a diagnosis of Bulimia nervosa (BN) confers additional risk of life-threatening behaviors such as self-harm and suicidal behavior in borderline personality disorder (BPD). Participants were 483 treatment-seeking women diagnosed with BPD according to the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV Axis II Personality Disorders (SCID-II; First, Gibbon, Spitzer, Williams, & Benjamin, 1997; Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 4th ed.; APA, 1994) and admitted to the Norwegian Network of Psychotherapeutic Day Hospitals between 1996 and 2009. Of these, 57 (11.8%) women met DSM-IV diagnostic criteria for BN according to the Mini-International Neuropsychiatric Interview (M.I.N.I.; Sheehan et al., 1998) and they were compared with women with BPD and other Axis I disorders. We found that comorbid BN is uniquely and significantly associated with increased risk of suicidal behavior among women being treated for BPD. Findings underscore the importance of routinely screening for BN among women seeking treatment for BPD, as co-occurring bulimia appears to be a significant marker for immediate life-threatening behaviors in this already high-risk population, which is a significant public health issue. A significantly greater proportion of women with BPD-BN reported suicidal ideation at intake (past 7 days), engaged in self-harm behavior during treatment, and attempted suicide during treatment. All bivariate associations remained significant in the logistic regression models after controlling for mood, anxiety, and substance-related disorders. The presence of a concurrent diagnosis of BN among women with BPD is significantly and uniquely associated with recent suicidal ideation, and self-harm behavior and suicide attempts during treatment after controlling for major classes of mental disorders. Co-occurring BN appears to represent a significant marker for immediate life-threatening behaviors in women seeking treatment for BPD

  9. Resting-state synchrony between anterior cingulate cortex and precuneus relates to body shape concern in anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa. (United States)

    Lee, Seojung; Ran Kim, Kyung; Ku, Jeonghun; Lee, Jung-Hyun; Namkoong, Kee; Jung, Young-Chul


    Cortical areas supporting cognitive control and salience demonstrate different neural responses to visual food cues in patients with eating disorders. This top-down cognitive control, which interacts with bottom-up appetitive responses, is tightly integrated not only in task conditions but also in the resting-state. The dorsal anterior cingulate cortex (dACC) is a key node of a large-scale network that is involved in self-referential processing and cognitive control. We investigated resting-state functional connectivity of the dACC and hypothesized that altered connectivity would be demonstrated in cortical midline structures involved in self-referential processing and cognitive control. Seed-based resting-state functional connectivity was analyzed in women with anorexia nervosa (N=18), women with bulimia nervosa (N=20) and age matched healthy controls (N=20). Between group comparisons revealed that the anorexia nervosa group exhibited stronger synchronous activity between the dACC and retrosplenial cortex, whereas the bulimia nervosa group showed stronger synchronous activity between the dACC and medial orbitofrontal cortex. Both groups demonstrated stronger synchronous activity between the dACC and precuneus, which correlated with higher scores of the Body Shape Questionnaire. The dACC-precuneus resting-state synchrony might be associated with the disorder-specific rumination on eating, weight and body shape in patients with eating disorders. © 2013 Published by Elsevier Ireland Ltd.

  10. Autonomous motivation: a predictor of treatment outcome in bulimia-spectrum eating disorders. (United States)

    Mansour, Sandra; Bruce, Kenneth R; Steiger, Howard; Zuroff, David C; Horowitz, Sarah; Anestin, Annelie S; Sycz, Lindsay


    Individuals with eating disorders are said to be highly ambivalent towards change and thus have difficulty maintaining a commitment to, and motivation for, treatment. Self-Determination Theory postulates that autonomous motivation for therapy exists when individuals view their participation as freely chosen. The present study was designed to ascertain whether or not autonomous motivation was associated with treatment response in individuals with bulimia-spectrum eating disorders (BSED). One hundred and fifty-five women with DSM-IV-TR BSED participated in multimodal group therapy and completed measures to assess motivation, eating and comorbid symptoms. Hierarchical multiple regression analyses demonstrated that higher levels of autonomous motivation at pretreatment predicted lower post-treatment scores on measures of eating preoccupations (shape, weight and eating concerns), binge eating, anxiety/depression, relationship to self and others and impulsivity. These results indicate that autonomous motivation may be an important predictor of outcome following treatment for BSED. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and Eating Disorders Association.

  11. Bulimia nervosa symptoms in the multimodal treatment study of children with ADHD. (United States)

    Mikami, Amori Yee; Hinshaw, Stephen P; Arnold, L Eugene; Hoza, Betsy; Hechtman, Lily; Newcorn, Jeffrey H; Abikoff, Howard B


    We investigated body image dissatisfaction and bingeing/purging characteristics of bulimia nervosa (BN) in the ongoing prospective follow-up of the Multimodal Treatment Study of Children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Participants were 337 boys and 95 girls with ADHD and 211 boys and 53 girls forming a local normative comparison group (LNCG), reassessed in midadolescence (mean age, 16.4), 8 years after original recruitment. Youth with childhood ADHD showed more BN symptoms in midadolescence than did LNCG youth, and girls demonstrated more BN symptoms than did boys, with effect sizes between small and medium. Childhood impulsivity, as opposed to hyperactivity or inattention, best predicted adolescent BN symptoms, particularly for girls. Among youth with ADHD, treatment received during the follow-up period was not associated with BN pathology. Both boys and girls with ADHD may be at risk for BN symptoms in adolescence because of the impulsivity central to both disorders.

  12. Trail making task performance in inpatients with anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa. (United States)

    Vall, Eva; Wade, Tracey D


    Set-shifting inefficiencies have been consistently identified in adults with anorexia nervosa (AN). It is less clear to what degree similar inefficiencies are present in those with bulimia nervosa (BN). It is also unknown whether perfectionism is related to set-shifting performance. We employed a commonly used set-shifting measure, the Trail Making Test (TMT), to compare the performance of inpatients with AN and BN with a healthy control sample. We also investigated whether perfectionism predicted TMT scores. Only the BN sample showed significantly suboptimal performance, while the AN sample was indistinguishable from controls on all measures. There were no differences between the AN subtypes (restrictive or binge/purge), but group sizes were small. Higher personal standards perfectionism was associated with better TMT scores across groups. Higher concern over mistakes perfectionism predicted better accuracy in the BN sample. Further research into the set-shifting profile of individuals with BN or binge/purge behaviours is needed. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and Eating Disorders Association.

  13. Stigmatizing Attitudes and Beliefs About Anorexia and Bulimia Nervosa Among Italian Undergraduates. (United States)

    Caslini, Manuela; Crocamo, Cristina; Dakanalis, Antonios; Tremolada, Martina; Clerici, Massimo; Carrà, Giuseppe


    Stigmatizing attitudes toward eating disorders (EDs) may lead to reduced treatment seeking. We aimed to estimate the prevalence of stigmatizing trends and beliefs related to anorexia nervosa (AN) and bulimia nervosa (BN), and the associations with the experiential knowledge of the problem, in a large sample of Italian undergraduates. A total of 2109 participants completed an online survey including questionnaires related to stigmatizing beliefs toward AN and BN, and personal contacts with people with EDs. Undergraduates reported almost overlapping low levels of stigmatizing trends for AN and BN, apart from personal responsibility and social distance. Those aged 18 to 25 and living with family held higher stigmatizing attitudes. Stigma was lower in underweight participants and in those (12%) reporting a previous ED diagnosis. Although not improving stigmatizing attitudes, 83% of the sample was familiar with people with an ED. Antistigma actions to increase awareness on EDs and to improve treatment-seeking behaviors are needed.

  14. Achalasia as a complication of bulimia nervosa: A case report

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Meryem O. Kutuk


    Full Text Available Objective: Oesophageal achalasia is a medical condition characterised by oesophageal aperistalsis, an increased resting pressure with partial or incomplete relaxation of the lower oesophageal sphincter. Bulimia nervosa (BN is an eating disorder manifested by binge eating attacks followed by recurrent inappropriate compensatory behaviours, such as self-induced vomiting and excessive exercise. Dysphagia, regurgitation, vomiting, retrosternal pain, heartburn, weight loss, avoidance of eating, consumption of large amount of liquids and aberrant eating behaviours are symptoms of both achalasia and BN. Owing to these common signs and symptoms, oesophageal achalasia can be misdiagnosed as an eating disorder. In addition, oesophageal achalasia can occur as a complication of BN. It is often difficult to distinguish organic and psychological vomiting or comorbidity because of overlapping of the symptoms. Case report: We report the case of a patient who developed oesophageal achalasia following severe, repetitive vomiting as a complication of BN. Conclusion: We want to raise awareness regarding the development of a medical illness in the presence of a psychiatric disorder. Importantly, physicians should have a fundamental knowledge of these two diseases regarding their clinical patterns to differentially diagnose one or both disorders as quickly as possible.

  15. Frequency of Binge Eating Episodes in Bulimia Nervosa and Binge Eating Disorder: Diagnostic Considerations (United States)

    Wilson, G. Terence; Sysko, Robyn


    Objective In DSM-IV, to be diagnosed with Bulimia Nervosa (BN) or the provisional diagnosis of Binge Eating Disorder (BED), an individual must experience episodes of binge eating is “at least twice a week” on average, for three or six months respectively. The purpose of this review was to examine the validity and utility of the frequency criterion for BN and BED. Method Published studies evaluating the frequency criterion were reviewed. Results Our review found little evidence to support the validity or utility of the DSM-IV frequency criterion of twice a week binge eating; however, the number of studies available for our review was limited. Conclusion A number of options are available for the frequency criterion in DSM-V, and the optimal diagnostic threshold for binge eating remains to be determined. PMID:19610014

  16. Satiation deficits and binge eating: Probing differences between bulimia nervosa and purging disorder using an ad lib test meal. (United States)

    Keel, Pamela K; Haedt-Matt, Alissa A; Hildebrandt, Britny; Bodell, Lindsay P; Wolfe, Barbara E; Jimerson, David C


    Purging disorder (PD) has been included as a named condition within the DSM-5 category of Other Specified Feeding or Eating Disorder and differs from bulimia nervosa (BN) in the absence of binge-eating episodes. The current study evaluated satiation through behavioral and self-report measures to understand how this construct may explain distinct symptom presentations for bulimia nervosa (BN) and purging disorder (PD). Women (N = 119) were recruited from the community if they met DSM-5 criteria for BN (n = 57), PD (n = 31), or were free of eating pathology (n = 31 controls). Participants completed structured clinical interviews and questionnaires and an ad lib test meal during which they provided reports of subjective states. Significant group differences were found on self-reported symptoms, ad lib test meal intake, and subjective responses to food intake between individuals with eating disorders and controls and between BN and PD. Further, ad lib intake was associated with self-reported frequency and size of binge episodes. In a multivariable model, the amount of food consumed during binges as reported during clinical interviews predicted amount of food consumed during the ad lib test meal, controlling for other binge-related variables. Satiation deficits distinguish BN from PD and appear to be specifically linked to the size of binge episodes. Future work should expand exploration of physiological bases of these differences to contribute to novel interventions. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  17. [Validation of a German-language Version of the Body Checking Questionnaire (BCQ) in Adolescents with Anorexia and Bulimia Nervosa]. (United States)

    Steinfeld, Beate; Bauer, Anika; Waldorf, Manuel; Engel, Nicole; Braks, Karsten; Huber, Thomas J; Vocks, Silja


    Body-related checking behavior, as a behavioral manifestation of a disturbed body image, fosters the development and maintenance of eating disorders. The Body Checking Questionnaire (BCQ) is the most commonly used questionnaire for measuring body-related checking behavior internationally. To date, validation studies are only available for adult populations. Therefore, the aim of this study was to statistically test the German-language version of the BCQ in adolescents. A total of N=129 female adolescents were examined, comprising n=57 with Anorexia Nervosa, n=24 with Bulimia Nervosa, and n=48 healthy female adolescents. A confirmatory factor analysis supports the subdivision of the BCQ into a general factor and the subfactors "overall appearance", "specific body parts" and "idiosyncratic checking", which was also found in the original version. The internal consistencies are good (α≥0.81), and the BCQ is able to differentiate well between adolescents with and without eating disorders. Significant correlations between the BCQ and other body image questionnaires point to a good convergent validity. The German-language BCQ thus constitutes a valid and reliable instrument for measuring body-related checking behavior among adolescents in clinical research and practice. © Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York.

  18. Reduction of bulimia nervosa symptoms after psychostimulant initiation in patients with comorbid ADHD: five case reports. (United States)

    Keshen, Aaron; Ivanova, Iryna


    Studies reveal a higher occurrence of bulimia nervosa (BN) in patients with attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) compared to controls. Due to this high degree of comorbidity, some clinicians have used psychostimulants in this population. The goal of this article is to describe five patients with comorbid BN and ADHD and their responses to a course of psychostimulants. After medication initiation, all five patients experienced a decrease in binge/purging and an improvement in ADHD symptoms. Overall, the medications were well tolerated. Possible mechanisms underlying the relationship between ADHD and BN, and words of caution are discussed. The need for clinical trials to further evaluate the efficacy of psychostimulants in this population is warranted.

  19. Gait analysis in anorexia and bulimia nervosa. (United States)

    Cimolin, Veronica; Galli, Manuela; Vismara, Luca; Vimercati, Sara Laura; Precilios, Helmer; Cattani, Laila; Fabris De Souza, Shirley; Petroni, Maria Letizia; Capodaglio, Paolo


    Anorexia (AN) and Bulimia Nervosa (BN) are two common eating disorders, which appear to share some reduced motor capacities, such as a reduced balance. The presence and the extent of other motor disorders have not been investigated in a comprehensive way. The aim of this study was to quantify gait pattern in AN and BN individuals in order to ascertain possible differences from the normality range and provide novel data for developing some evidence-based rehabilitation strategies. Nineteen AN patients (age 30.16+9.73) and 20 BN patients (age 26.8+8.41) were assessed with quantitative 3D computerized Gait Analysis. Results were compared with a group of healthy controls (CG; 30.7+5.6). AN and BN patients were characterized by different gait strategies compared to CG. Spatio-temporal parameters indicated shorter step length, with AN showing the shortest values. AN walked slower than BN and CG. As for kinematics, AN and BN showed a nonphysiologic pattern at pelvis and hip level on the sagittal and frontal plane, with BN yielding the most abnormal values. Both AN and BN patients were characterized by high ankle plantar flexion capacity at toe-off when compared to CG. As for ankle kinetics, both AN and BN showed physiologic patterns. Stiffness at hip level was close to CG in both pathologic groups; at the ankle level, stiffness was significantly decreased in both groups, with AN displaying lower values. Both AN and BN were characterized by an altered gait pattern compared to CG. Biomechanical differences were evident mainly at pelvis and hip level. Loss of lean mass may lead to musculoskeletal adaptation, ultimately causing alterations in the gait pattern.

  20. Anorexia, bulimia y obesidad, las enfermedades del siglo XXI : la negación del cuerpo : [memoria y reportaje


    Sánchez Franco, María Estefanía; Vallejo Butrón, Rosario


    El área de los trastornos alimentarios ha experimentado una rápida evolución en los últimos veinte años. La anorexia, bulimia y obesidad nunca se han planteado de manera conjunta pues, es aconsejable establecer una similitud entre ambas ya que, presentan rasgos que preceden unas de otras. Diríamos que las dos primeras son alteraciones mentales y la tercera, una condición física, pero las tres están bajo el punto de mira de ‘adelgazar’. Además, respecto a su incidencia en la sociedad cabe menc...

  1. Understanding the Relation between Anorexia Nervosa and Bulimia Nervosa in a Swedish National Twin Sample (United States)

    Bulik, Cynthia M; Thornton, Laura; Root, Tammy L.; Pisetsky, Emily M.; Lichtenstein, Paul; Pedersen, Nancy L.


    Background We present a bivariate twin analysis of anorexia nervosa (AN) and bulimia nervosa (BN) to determine the extent to which shared genetic and environmental factors contribute to liability to these disorders. Method Focusing on females from the Swedish Twin study of Adults: Genes and Environment (STAGE) (N=7000), we calculated heritability estimates for narrow and broad AN and BN and estimated their genetic correlation. Results In the full model, the heritability estimate for narrow AN was (a2 = .57; 95% CI: .00, .81) and for narrow BN (a2 = .62; 95% CI: .08, .70) with the remaining variance accounted for by unique environmental factors. Shared environmental factors estimates were (c2 = .00; 95% CI: .00, .67) for AN and (c2 = .00; 95% CI: .00, .40) for BN. Moderate additive genetic (.46) and unique environmental (.42) correlations between AN and BN were observed. Heritability estimates for broad AN were lower (a2 = .29; 95% CI: .04, .43) than for narrow AN, but estimates for broad BN were similar to narrow BN. The genetic correlation for broad AN and BN was .79 and the unique environmental correlation was .44. Conclusions We highlight the contribution of additive genetic factors to both narrow and broad AN and BN and demonstrate a moderate overlap of both genetic and unique environmental factors that influence the two conditions. Common concurrent and sequential comorbidity of AN and BN can in part be accounted for by shared genetic and environmental influences on liability although independent factors also operative. PMID:19828139






  3. Cognitive-Behavioral and Psychodynamic Therapy in Female Adolescents With Bulimia Nervosa: A Randomized Controlled Trial. (United States)

    Stefini, Annette; Salzer, Simone; Reich, Günter; Horn, Hildegard; Winkelmann, Klaus; Bents, Hinrich; Rutz, Ursula; Frost, Ulrike; von Boetticher, Antje; Ruhl, Uwe; Specht, Nicole; Kronmüller, Klaus-Thomas


    The authors compared cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) and psychodynamic therapy (PDT) for the treatment of bulimia nervosa (BN) in female adolescents. In this randomized controlled trial, 81 female adolescents with BN or partial BN according to the DSM-IV received a mean of 36.6 sessions of manualized disorder-oriented PDT or CBT. Trained psychologists blinded to treatment condition administered the outcome measures at baseline, during treatment, at the end of treatment, and 12 months after treatment. The primary outcome was the rate of remission, defined as a lack of DSM-IV diagnosis for BN or partial BN at the end of therapy. Several secondary outcome measures were evaluated. The remission rates for CBT and PDT were 33.3% and 31.0%, respectively, with no significant differences between them (odds ratio [OR] = 0.90, 95% CI = 0.35-2.28, p = .82). The within-group effect sizes were h = 1.22 for CBT and h = 1.18 for PDT. Significant improvements in all secondary outcome measures were found for both CBT (d = 0.51-0.82) and PDT (d = 0.24-1.10). The improvements remained stable at the 12-month follow-up in both groups. There were small between-group effect sizes for binge eating (d = 0.23) and purging (d = 0.26) in favor of CBT and for eating concern (d = -0.35) in favor of PDT. CBT and PDT were effective in promoting recovery from BN in female adolescents. The rates of remission for both therapies were similar to those in other studies evaluating CBT. This trial identified differences with small effects in binge eating, purging, and eating concern. Clinical trial registration information-Treating Bulimia Nervosa in Female Adolescents With Either Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT) or Psychodynamic Therapy (PDT).; ISRCTN14806095. Copyright © 2017 American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  4. Neurobiología de la impulsividad y los trastornos de la conducta alimentaria* (United States)

    Orozco-Cabal, Luis Felipe; Herin, David


    Resumen Introducción La impulsividad es un rasgo de personalidad multidimensional relacionado con el control del comportamiento y las emociones. Está presente de manera diversa en los trastornos de la conducta alimentaria, particularmente, en la bulimia nerviosa (BN). Aunque la relación entre la impulsividad y BN ha sido objeto de numerosas investigaciones, en la actualidad se desconocen los sustratos neurobiológicos de esta relación. Objetivos Discutir críticamente la evidencia que sugiere que las alteraciones en los sistemas neuronales relacio-nados con las funciones ejecutivas, con la formación de preferencias y con la regulación de los estados emocionales sirven como base para el rasgo de personalidad impulsiva, así como su estado en subgrupos de pacientes con BN. Métodos Búsqueda selectiva de la literatura relevante. Resultados y conclusiones Esta discusión ilustra la complejidad de la relación entre la impulsividad y BN, donde la impulsividad actúa como un factor de vulnerabilidad que puede sensibilizar al sujeto con BN a estados emocionales negativos, durante los cuales modifica el impacto de estímulos internos y externos sobre el comportamiento y su regulación, favoreciendo así patrones de comportamiento maladaptativos e inflexibles. PMID:19838321

  5. Transtornos de alimentación en adolescentes y sus implicancias en la salud bucal

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    Lorena Flores Barrantes


    Full Text Available Los trastornos de alimentación hoy en día son uno de los problemas más importantes que pone en riesgo la salud y a veces hasta la vida de muchos adolescentes en el mundo. Las causas de los trastornos de alimentación son aún desconocidas sin embargo factores sociales, culturales, genéticos y psiquiátricos serían los posibles causales de esta enfermedad. Trastornos como la anorexia y la bulimia nerviosa han venido siendo estudiados por mayor tiempo, sin embargo hoy se conocen otros tipos de alteraciones las cuales ya son consideras como desordenes de alimentación y que requieren tratamiento multidisciplinario. En la cavidad oral de pacientes con desordenes alimenticios podemos encontrar algunos signos que nos hacen sospechar del problema o nos confirman el mismo, estos deben ser conocidos por el odontólogo para su diagnóstico oportuno y adecuado manejo. El objetivo del presente artículo de revisión es proporcionar al odontólogo los conocimientos generales sobre los diferentes tipos de trastornos alimenticios así como sus signos y síntomas para dar un correcto diagnóstico y acertado tratamiento.

  6. Position of the American Dietetic Association: Nutrition intervention in the treatment of anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, and other eating disorders. (United States)


    It is the position of the American Dietetic Association that nutrition intervention, including nutritional counseling, by a registered dietitian (RD) is an essential component of the team treatment of patients with anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, and other eating disorders during assessment and treatment across the continuum of care. Diagnostic criteria for eating disorders provide important guidelines for identification and treatment. However, it is thought that a continuum of disordered eating may exist that ranges from persistent dieting to subthreshold conditions and then to defined eating disorders, which include anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, and binge eating disorder. Understanding the complexities of eating disorders, such as influencing factors, comorbid illness, medical and psychological complications, and boundary issues, is critical in the effective treatment of eating disorders. The nature of eating disorders requires a collaborative approach by an interdisciplinary team of psychological, nutritional, and medical specialists. The RD is an integral member of the treatment team and is uniquely qualified to provide medical nutrition therapy for the normalization of eating patterns and nutritional status. RDs provide nutritional counseling, recognize clinical signs related to eating disorders, and assist with medical monitoring while cognizant of psychotherapy and pharmacotherapy that are cornerstones of eating disorder treatment. Specialized resources are available for RDs to advance their level of expertise in the field of eating disorders. Further efforts with evidenced-based research must continue for improved treatment outcomes related to eating disorders along with identification of effective primary and secondary interventions.

  7. Oral mucosal lesions in Anorexia Nervosa, Bulimia Nervosa and EDNOS. (United States)

    Panico, Rene; Piemonte, Eduardo; Lazos, Jerónimo; Gilligan, Gerardo; Zampini, Anibal; Lanfranchi, Héctor


    The aim of this study is to describe oral lesions in patients with eating disorders (ED), including Anorexia Nervosa (AN), Bulimia Nervosa (BN) and eating disorders not otherwise specified (EDNOS). A prospective case-control study was carried out from April 2003 to May 2004. Inclusion criteria for the study group were individuals with a diagnosis of ED; age and sex-matched individuals without ED were included as controls. Clinical data regarding ED, medical complications and oral examination were performed by previously calibrated professionals. Study group (n = 65) presented 46 cases of BN (71%), 13 of EDNOS (20%) and 6 of AN (9%); also, 94% (n = 61) showed oral lesions. The most common were: labial erythema, exfoliative cheilitis, orange-yellow palate, hemorrhagic lesions, lip-cheek biting and non-specific oral atrophies. Only two patients of the study group had dental erosions, and no case of major salivary gland swelling was found. ED display a wide array of oral mucosal lesions that can be regarded as their early manifestations. The dentist could be the first professional to detect symptoms of eating disorders, potentially improving early detection and treatment of ED. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  8. Neuropsychological correlates of decision making in patients with bulimia nervosa. (United States)

    Brand, Matthias; Franke-Sievert, Christiane; Jacoby, Georg E; Markowitsch, Hans J; Tuschen-Caffier, Brunna


    In addition to the core psychopathology of bulimia nervosa (BN), patients with BN often show impulsive behavior that has been related to decision making deficits in other patient groups, such as individuals with anorexia nervosa and pathological gamblers. However, it remains unclear whether BN patients also show difficulties in decision making. In this study, 14 patients with BN and 14 healthy comparison subjects, matched for age, gender, education, body mass index, and intelligence, were examined with the Game of Dice Task (M. Brand, E. Fujiwara, et al., 2005), a gambling task that has fixed winning probabilities and explicit rules for gains and losses, as well as with a neuropsychological test battery and personality questionnaires. On the task, the patients with BN chose the disadvantageous alternatives more frequently than did the comparison subjects. Performance on the Game of Dice Task was related to executive functioning but not to other neuropsychological functions, personality, or disease-specific variables in the BN group. Thus, in patients with BN, decision making abnormalities and executive reductions can be demonstrated and might be neuropsychological correlates of the patients' dysfunctional everyday-life decision making behavior. Neurocognitive functions should be considered in the treatment of BN. PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2007 APA, all rights reserved.

  9. Bulimia and anorexia nervosa in winter depression: lifetime rates in a clinical sample. (United States)

    Gruber, N P; Dilsaver, S C


    Symptoms of an eating disorder (hyperphagia, carbohydrate craving, and weight gain) are characteristic of wintertime depression. Recent findings suggest that the severity of bulimia nervosa peaks during fall and winter months, and that persons with this disorder respond to treatment with bright artificial light. However, the rates of eating disorders among patients presenting for the treatment of winter depression are unknown. This study was undertaken to determine these rates among 47 patients meeting the DSM-III-R criteria for major depression with a seasonal pattern. All were evaluated using standard clinical interviews and the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-III-R. Twelve (25.5%) patients met the DSM-III-R criteria for an eating disorder. Eleven patients had onset of mood disorder during childhood or adolescence. The eating disorder followed the onset of the mood disorder. Clinicians should inquire about current and past symptoms of eating disorders when evaluating patients with winter depression. PMID:8580121

  10. The role of the evaluation of gastric emptying in anorexia nervosa and bulimia

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Joyce, J.M.; Humphries, L.; Shih, W.J.; Donohoe, K.J.; Ryo, U.Y.


    Anorexia nervosa and bulimia are common eating disorders that are frequently associated with symptoms of bloating, belching, nausea, and vomiting. The authors currently studying this population with Tc-99m TETA to determine the gastric emptying time (ET) and response to metoclopramide. The authors' findings to date show that the majority (80%) of anorexics have a normal ET; the remainder are delayed. The bulimics demonstrate a normal ET in 34%, delayed in 45%, and rapid in 21%. The response to metoclopramide was good in the delayed anorexic patients and in 71% of bulimic patients treated. The extent of rapidity or delay in ET is being compared with the clinical data including age, weight/height, length and degree of disorder, diet, degree of symptoms, and response to drug and diet therapy. This correlation will help determine the incidence and severity of ET abnormality, the relation of disease and symptom severity to ET, and the effect of different treatments based on the ET

  11. Neural correlates of the processing of self-referent emotional information in bulimia nervosa. (United States)

    Pringle, A; Ashworth, F; Harmer, C J; Norbury, R; Cooper, M J


    There is increasing interest in understanding the roles of distorted beliefs about the self, ostensibly unrelated to eating, weight and shape, in eating disorders (EDs), but little is known about their neural correlates. We therefore used functional magnetic resonance imaging to investigate the neural correlates of self-referent emotional processing in EDs. During the scan, unmedicated patients with bulimia nervosa (n=11) and healthy controls (n=16) responded to personality words previously found to be related to negative self beliefs in EDs and depression. Rating of the negative personality descriptors resulted in reduced activation in patients compared to controls in parietal, occipital and limbic areas including the amygdala. There was no evidence that reduced activity in patients was secondary to increased cognitive control. Different patterns of neural activation between patients and controls may be the result of either habituation to personally relevant negative self beliefs or of emotional blunting in patients. Copyright © 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  12. Does avoidant personality disorder impact on the outcome of treatment for bulimia nervosa? (United States)

    Rowe, Sarah L; Jordan, Jennifer; McIntosh, Virginia V W; Carter, Frances A; Frampton, Chris; Bulik, Cynthia M; Joyce, Peter R


    To examine the impact of avoidant personality disorder (AVPD) on bulimia nervosa (BN) treatment outcome over 3 years. Women with BN were participating in a randomized treatment trial. The sample was split into: AVPD (n = 37), other PD (n = 37), and no PD (n = 60). Eating disorder symptomatology, depressive symptoms and psychosocial functioning were examined at pretreatment and follow-up. Multiple regression was conducted to control for high axis I comorbidity. There were no significant differences across the groups at pretreatment or follow-up on eating disorder symptoms. AVPD had worse depressive symptoms and psychosocial functioning at pretreatment which continued 3 years post-treatment. Multiple regression analyses revealed that the presence of any lifetime mood disorder contributed to these significant results. These findings suggest AVPD is not a significant predictor of BN outcome. However, AVPD is associated with poorer psychiatric symptoms although much of this variance appears to be attributable to the lifetime presence of any mood disorder. 2009 by Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  13. Reduced resting state functional connectivity of the somatosensory cortex predicts psychopathological symptoms in women with bulimia nervosa

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    Luca eLavagnino


    Full Text Available BackgroundAlterations in the resting state functional connectivity (rs-FC of several brain networks have been demonstrated in eating disorders. However, very few studies are currently available on brain network dysfunctions in bulimia nervosa (BN. The somatosensory network is central in processing body-related stimuli and it may be altered in BN. The present study therefore aimed to investigate rs-FC in the somatosensory network in bulimic women. MethodsSixteen medication-free women with BN (age=23±5 years and 18 matched controls (age=23±3 years underwent a functional magnetic resonance resting state scan and assessment of eating disorder symptoms. Within-network and seed-based functional connectivity analyses were conducted to assess rs-FC within the somatosensory network and to other areas of the brain. ResultsBN patients showed a decreased resting state functional connectivity both within the somatosensory network (t=9.0, df=1, P=0.005 and with posterior cingulate cortex (PCC and two visual areas (the right middle occipital gyrus and the right cuneus(P=0.05 corrected for multiple comparison. The region in the right middle occipital gyrus is implicated in body processing and is known as extrastriate body area, or EBA. The rs-FC of the left paracentral lobule with the EBA correlated with psychopathology measures like bulimia (r=-0.4; P=0.02 and interoceptive awareness (r=-0.4; P=0.01. Analyses were conducted using age, BMI (body mass index and depressive symptoms as covariates. ConclusionsOur findings show a specific alteration of the rs-FC of the somatosensory cortex in BN patients, which correlates with eating disorder symptoms. The connectivity between the somatosensory cortex and the EBA might be related to dysfunctions in body image processing. The results should be considered preliminary due to the small sample size.

  14. Treatments for bulimia nervosa: a network meta-analysis. (United States)

    Slade, Eric; Keeney, Edna; Mavranezouli, Ifigeneia; Dias, Sofia; Fou, Linyun; Stockton, Sarah; Saxon, Leanne; Waller, Glenn; Turner, Hannah; Serpell, Lucy; Fairburn, Christopher G; Kendall, Tim


    Bulimia nervosa (BN) is a severe eating disorder that can be managed using a variety of treatments including pharmacological, psychological, and combination treatments. We aimed to compare their effectiveness and to identify the most effective for the treatment of BN in adults. A search was conducted in Embase, Medline, PsycINFO, and Central from their inception to July 2016. Studies were included if they reported on treatments for adults who fulfilled diagnostic criteria for BN. Only randomised controlled trials (RCTs) that examined available psychological, pharmacological, or combination therapies licensed in the UK were included. We conducted a network meta-analysis (NMA) of RCTs. The outcome analysed was full remission at the end of treatment. We identified 21 eligible trials with 1828 participants involving 12 treatments, including wait list. The results of the NMA suggested that individual cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) (specific to eating disorders) was most effective in achieving remission at the end of treatment compared with wait list (OR 3.89, 95% CrI 1.19-14.02), followed by guided cognitive behavioural self-help (OR 3.81, 95% CrI 1.51-10.90). Inconsistency checks did not identify any significant inconsistency between the direct and indirect evidence. The analysis suggested that the treatments that are most likely to achieve full remission are individual CBT (specific to eating disorders) and guided cognitive behavioural self-help, although no firm conclusions could be drawn due to the limited evidence base. There is a need for further research on the maintenance of treatment effects and the mediators of treatment outcome.

  15. Interhemispheric functional connectivity in anorexia and bulimia nervosa. (United States)

    Canna, Antonietta; Prinster, Anna; Monteleone, Alessio Maria; Cantone, Elena; Monteleone, Palmiero; Volpe, Umberto; Maj, Mario; Di Salle, Francesco; Esposito, Fabrizio


    The functional interplay between hemispheres is fundamental for behavioral, cognitive, and emotional control. Anorexia nervosa (AN) and bulimia nervosa (BN) have been largely studied with brain magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in relation to the functional mechanisms of high-level processing, but not in terms of possible inter-hemispheric functional connectivity anomalies. Using resting-state functional MRI (fMRI), voxel-mirrored homotopic connectivity (VMHC) and regional inter-hemispheric spectral coherence (IHSC) were studied in 15 AN and 13 BN patients and 16 healthy controls (HC). Using T1-weighted and diffusion tensor imaging MRI scans, regional VMHC values were correlated with the left-right asymmetry of corresponding homotopic gray matter volumes and with the white matter callosal fractional anisotropy (FA). Compared to HC, AN patients exhibited reduced VMHC in cerebellum, insula, and precuneus, while BN patients showed reduced VMHC in dorso-lateral prefrontal and orbito-frontal cortices. The regional IHSC analysis highlighted that the inter-hemispheric functional connectivity was higher in the 'Slow-5' band in all regions except the insula. No group differences in left-right structural asymmetries and in VMHC vs. callosal FA correlations were significant in the comparisons between cohorts. These anomalies, not explained by structural changes, indicate that AN and BN, at least in their acute phase, are associated with a loss of inter-hemispheric connectivity in regions implicated in self-referential, cognitive control and reward processing. These findings may thus gather novel functional markers to explore aberrant features of these eating disorders. © 2016 Federation of European Neuroscience Societies and John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  16. A twin study of specific bulimia nervosa symptoms. (United States)

    Mazzeo, S E; Mitchell, K S; Bulik, C M; Aggen, S H; Kendler, K S; Neale, M C


    Twin studies have suggested that additive genetic factors significantly contribute to liability to bulimia nervosa (BN). However, the diagnostic criteria for BN remain controversial. In this study, an item-factor model was used to examine the BN diagnostic criteria and the genetic and environmental contributions to BN in a population-based twin sample. The validity of the equal environment assumption (EEA) for BN was also tested. Participants were 1024 female twins (MZ n=614, DZ n=410) from the population-based Mid-Atlantic Twin Registry. BN was assessed using symptom-level (self-report) items consistent with DSM-IV and ICD-10 diagnostic criteria. Items assessing BN were included in an item-factor model. The EEA was measured by items assessing similarity of childhood and adolescent environment, which have demonstrated construct validity. Scores on the EEA factor were used to specify the degree to which twins shared environmental experiences in this model. The EEA was not violated for BN. Modeling results indicated that the majority of the variance in BN was due to additive genetic factors. There was substantial variability in additive genetic and environmental contributions to specific BN symptoms. Most notably, vomiting was very strongly influenced by additive genetic factors, while other symptoms were much less heritable, including the influence of weight on self-evaluation. These results highlight the importance of assessing eating disorders at the symptom level. Refinement of eating disorder phenotypes could ultimately lead to improvements in treatment and targeted prevention, by clarifying sources of variation for specific components of symptomatology.

  17. Specific comorbidity between bulimia nervosa and personality disorders. (United States)

    Carroll, J M; Touyz, S W; Beumont, P J


    The present study investigates the comorbidity between bulimia nervosa (BN) and the entire range of American Psychiatric Association's Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 3rd rev. ed. (DSM-III-R) personality disorders and controls for the presence of coexisting depression. The Personality Disorders Examination (PDE), a structured interview that encompasses all 13 (provisional) DSM-III-R personality disorders, was administered to three groups of subjects: depressed BN patients (n = 15), nondepressed BN patients (n = 15), and nonpsychiatric controls (n = 15). The BN patients were referrals to a dieting disorder unit affiliated with the University of Sydney. They all met DSM-III-R criteria and all had body mass indexes (BMIs) greater than 19. The nonpsychiatric control group were recruited from an undergraduate psychology course. All subjects were given the Bulimic Investigatory Test, Edinburgh (BITE), the Eating Disorders Inventory-2 (EDI-2), the Hamilton Depression Rating Scale (HDRS), and the PDE. 46.7% of depressed BN patients met the criteria for at least one Axis II diagnosis, as assessed by the PDE, and 33.3% of nondepressed BN patients received such a diagnosis, whereas only 6.7% of nonpsychiatric control subjects met this criterion (p personality disorders and BN that cannot be attributed to the confounding influence of coexisting depression. This finding enables the identification of subgroups of individuals with BN, enabling them to be compared and contrasted. The identification of differences between subgroups may provide information regarding prognosis and differential response to treatment, which could enable more appropriate treatment decisions to be made.

  18. Art therapy, psychodrama, and verbal therapy. An integrative model of group therapy in the treatment of adolescents with anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa. (United States)

    Diamond-Raab, Lisa; Orrell-Valente, Joan K


    Anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa typically afflict individuals in adolescence. Given the intractability of these diseases in combination with the natural recalcitrance of adolescence, treatment with this population presents a daunting challenge. Traditional group therapy that focuses on verbal therapy is often not effective with this population, particularly in the acute stages of the diseases. A group therapy approach that integrates art therapy, psychodrama, and verbal therapy offers an innovative alternative to traditional group therapy.

  19. Negative reinforcement eating expectancies, emotion dysregulation, and symptoms of bulimia nervosa. (United States)

    Hayaki, Jumi


    Research suggests that emotion dysregulation or difficulties in the modulation of emotional experience constitute risk for eating disorders. Recent work has also highlighted the role of certain eating-related cognitions, specifically expectations of negative emotional reinforcement from eating, in the development of disturbed eating patterns. However, it is unclear whether these expectancies are merely a dimension of a general inability to regulate emotions effectively or rather a unique cognitive-affective risk factor for the development of an eating disorder. This study examines the unique contribution of eating expectancies to symptoms of bulimia nervosa (BN) after controlling for two dimensions of emotion dysregulation (alexithymia and experiential avoidance) previously implicated in the phenomenology of eating disorders. Participants were 115 undergraduate women who self-reported demographics, alexithymia, experiential avoidance, eating expectancies, and symptoms of BN. Eating expectancies uniquely contributed 12.4% of the variance in symptoms of BN, F(2, 108) = 11.74, p symptoms of BN. These results suggest that individuals who expect eating to provide emotional relief may be especially susceptible to disordered eating. Findings are discussed in terms of emotional risk models and clinical interventions for BN.

  20. Anorexia, bulimia, and obesity: shared decision making deficits on the Iowa Gambling Task (IGT). (United States)

    Brogan, Amy; Hevey, David; Pignatti, Riccardo


    The pathological eating behaviors in Anorexia Nervosa (AN), Bulimia Nervosa (BN), and obesity are characterized by a preference for high immediate reward, despite higher future losses in terms of both physical and psychological outcomes. The present study compared the decision making profile of females with a diagnosis of AN (n = 22), BN (n = 17), obesity (n = 18), and a healthy weight comparison group (n = 20) using a standardized neuropsychological test, the Iowa Gambling Task (IGT). The three clinical groups (AN, BN, obesity) were significantly impaired on the IGT compared with the comparison group on both overall task performance and task learning; however, the three clinical groups were not significantly different from each other. Sixty-one percent to 77% of the clinical groups reached the threshold for impairment on the IGT, compared with 15% of the comparison group. The potential basis for this shared decision making profile is discussed.

  1. Psicopatología en pacientes con obesidad mórbida poscirugía gástrica Psychopathology in patients with morbid obesity after gastric surgery

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Juan A. Guisado


    Full Text Available Se sabe que la obesidad mórbida es una enfermedad compleja que puede deberse a factores biológicos, psicológicos o sociales, además de estar influida por determinados factores metabólicos y de comportamiento. Se analizó la psicopatología de un grupo compuesto por 100 pacientes (85 mujeres, 15 hombres con obesidad mórbida, que habían recibido tratamiento quirúrgico de restricción gástrica (gastroplastia vertical bandeada para perder peso. Cada paciente completó la Symptom Check List- 90-R (SCL-90-R 18 meses después de la cirugía; 40 (40% cumplieron criterios CIE-10 de patología psiquiátrica. Se determinaron los diagnósticos psiquiátricos más frecuentes: trastornos afectivos, de ansiedad, alimentarios (trastorno por atracón, anorexia nerviosa, bulimia nerviosa y dependencia de alcohol. Se precisó la conflictiva de pareja en el 50 % de las pacientes con patología psiquiátrica. El estudio de regresión logística ha mostrado relación entre la existencia de patología psiquiátrica y las escalas de depresión, ansiedad, hostilidad e índice de severidad general de la SCL-90-R. No se halló relación entre la edad de inicio y la psicopatología detectada. Se comprobó que los pacientes con enfermedad mórbida presentan una importante tasa de patología psiquiátrica y elevados niveles de malestar psicológico y dicho estado se relaciona con el índice de severidad general de la SCL-90R.It is known that morbid obesity is a complex disease that may be caused by biological, psychological or social factors and that certain metabolic and compartmental factors influence on it. The psychopathology of a group made up of 100 patients (85 women, 15 men with morbid obesity that had undergone surgical treatment of gastric restriction (vertical banding gastroplasty to lose weight was analyzed. Each patient completed the Symptom Check List-90-R (SCL-90-R. 18 months after surgery, 40 of them (40 % fulfilled the ICD-10 criteria of psychiatric

  2. Food cravings discriminate between anorexia and bulimia nervosa. Implications for "success" versus "failure" in dietary restriction. (United States)

    Moreno, Silvia; Warren, Cortney S; Rodríguez, Sonia; Fernández, M Carmen; Cepeda-Benito, Antonio


    Food cravings are subjective, motivational states thought to induce binge eating among eating disorder patients. This study compared food cravings across eating disorders. Women (N=135) diagnosed with anorexia nervosa, restrictive (ANR) or binge-purging (ANBP) types, or bulimia nervosa, non-purging (BNNP) or purging (BNP) types completed measures of food cravings. Discriminant analysis yielded two statistically significant functions. The first function differentiated between all the four group pairs except ANBP and BNNP, with levels of various food-craving dimensions successively increasing for ANR, ANBP, BNNP, and BNP participants. The second function differentiated between ANBP and BNNP participants. Overall, the functions improved classification accuracy above chance level (44% fewer errors). The findings suggest that cravings are more strongly associated with loss of control over eating than with dietary restraint tendencies.

  3. An interoceptive model of bulimia nervosa: A neurobiological systematic review. (United States)

    Klabunde, Megan; Collado, Danielle; Bohon, Cara


    The objective of our study was to examine the neurobiological support for an interoceptive sensory processing model of bulimia nervosa (BN). To do so, we conducted a systematic review of interoceptive sensory processing in BN, using the PRISMA guidelines. We searched PsychInfo, Pubmed, and Web of Knowledge databases to identify biological and behavioral studies that examine interoceptive detection in BN. After screening 390 articles for inclusion and conducting a quality assessment of articles that met inclusion criteria, we reviewed 41 articles. We found that global interoceptive sensory processing deficits may be present in BN. Specifically there is evidence of abnormal brain function, structure and connectivity in the interoceptive neural network, in addition to gastric and pain processing disturbances. These results suggest that there may be a neurobiological basis for global interoceptive sensory processing deficits in BN that remain after recovery. Data from taste and heart beat detection studies were inconclusive; some studies suggest interoceptive disturbances in these sensory domains. Discrepancies in findings appear to be due to methodological differences. In conclusion, interoceptive sensory processing deficits may directly contribute to and explain a variety of symptoms present in those with BN. Further examination of interoceptive sensory processing deficits could inform the development of treatments for those with BN. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  4. Empirical Comparison of Two Psychological Therapies: Self Psychology and Cognitive Orientation in the Treatment of Anorexia and Bulimia (United States)

    Bachar, Eytan; Latzer, Yael; Kreitler, Shulamit; Berry, Elliot M.


    The authors investigated the applicability of self psychological treatment (SPT) and cognitive orientation treatment (COT) to the treatment of anorexia and bulimia. Thirty-three patients participated in this study. The bulimic patients (n = 25) were randomly assigned either to SPT, COT, or control/nutritional counseling only (C/NC). The anorexic patients (n = 8) were randomly assigned to either SPT or COT. Patients were administered a battery of outcome measures assessing eating disorders symptomatology, attitudes toward food, self structure, and general psychiatric symptoms. After SPT, significant improvement was observed. After COT, slight but nonsignificant improvement was observed. After C/NC, almost no changes could be detected.(The Journal of Psychotherapy Practice and Research 1999; 8:115–128) PMID:10079459

  5. [Purging behaviors and nutritional status in anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa]. (United States)

    Vaz, F J; García-Herráiz, A; López-Vinuesa, B; Monge, M; Fernández-Gil, M A; Guisado, J A


    The aim of the study was to investigate whether the use of purgative methods in patients with eating disorders (anorexia nervosa [AN] and bulimia nervosa [BN]) could be capable of producing changes in the nutritional status of the patients. The group under study was composed of 184 female eating disordered outpatients. One hundred and sixteen patients (63.0%) fulfilled the DSM-IV diagnostic criteria for BN (90 purging type, 26 nonpurging type). Sixty eight patients (37.0%) fulfilled the DSM-IV criteria for the diagnosis of AN (48 restricting type, 20 binging-purging type). The assessment process included anthropometry (body circumferences and skinfold thickness) and body impedance analysis. The two subgroups of AN patients significantly differed from each of the BN subgroups. From a nutritional point of view, some significant differences between the two DSM-IV subtypes of AN existed, but not between the purging type and the nonpurging type of BN. The paper discusses the clinical significance of these findings. An alternative subtypification of AN patients is proposed: 1) restricting type [patients who control their food intake and do not purge]; 2) purging type [patient with true episodes of binging which are followed by purgative behaviors]; and 3) pseudopurging type [patients with subjective binging episodes who use purging methods].

  6. Rumination but not distraction increases eating-related symptoms in anorexia and bulimia nervosa. (United States)

    Naumann, Eva; Tuschen-Caffier, Brunna; Voderholzer, Ulrich; Caffier, Detlef; Svaldi, Jennifer


    Recent models of eating disorders emphasize the importance of ruminative thinking in the occurrence of unhealthy eating behavior. Hence, the aim of the current study was to examine the influence of induced rumination and distraction on the desire to engage in eating-related symptoms in anorexia (AN) and bulimia nervosa (BN). After a sadness induction, either a ruminative or distractive emotion regulation style was encouraged in women with AN (n = 38), BN (n = 37), and non-eating disordered controls (CG; n = 36). At baseline and after the emotion regulation induction feelings of sadness, desire to abstain from eating (DTA) and desire to binge (DTB) were assessed. Main results reveal that rumination led to a significant increase of DTA in the AN group and of DTB in patients with BN. In the CG, DTA significantly decreased after distraction. Although there were significant increases in subjective sadness in the rumination condition, no changes were found in the distraction condition. The results suggest that rumination in response to sadness has a detrimental effect on eating-related symptoms in eating disorders. (c) 2015 APA, all rights reserved).

  7. Serotonin alterations in anorexia and bulimia nervosa: new insights from imaging studies. (United States)

    Kaye, Walter H; Frank, Guido K; Bailer, Ursula F; Henry, Shannan E; Meltzer, Carolyn C; Price, Julie C; Mathis, Chester A; Wagner, Angela


    Anorexia nervosa (AN) and bulimia nervosa (BN) are related disorders with relatively homogenous presentations such as age of onset and gender distribution. In addition, they share symptoms, such as extremes of food consumption, body image distortion, anxiety and obsessions, and ego-syntonic neglect, raises the possibility that these symptoms reflect disturbed brain function that contributes to the pathophysiology of this illness. Recent brain imaging studies have identified altered activity in frontal, cingulate, temporal, and parietal cortical regions in AN and BN. Importantly, such disturbances are present when subjects are ill and persist after recovery, suggesting that these may be traits that are independent of the state of the illness. Emerging data point to a dysregulation of serotonin pathways in cortical and limbic structures that may be related to anxiety, behavioral inhibition, and body image distortions. In specific, recent studies using PET with serotonin specific radioligands implicate alterations of 5-HT1A and 5-HT2A receptors and the 5-HT transporter. Alterations of these circuits may affect mood and impulse control as well as the motivating and hedonic aspects of feeding behavior. Such imaging studies may offer insights into new pharmacology and psychotherapy approaches.

  8. Smoking Status and Psychosocial Factors in Binge Eating Disorder and Bulimia Nervosa (United States)

    Chao, Ariana; White, Marney A.; Grilo, Carlos M.


    Objective To examine eating disorder psychopathology and depressive symptoms by smoking status (never, former, or current smoker) in persons with binge eating disorder (BED) and bulimia nervosa (BN). Methods Participants were 575 adult volunteers from the community (mean age=36.0±12 years and BMI=32.9±9.5 kg/m2; 80% white; 88% female) who were classified with BED (n=410) or BN (n=165). Participants completed a battery of questionnaires, including items about current and historical cigarette smoking, the Eating Disorder Examination-Questionnaire, and the Beck Depression Inventory. Results Among those with BED, depressive symptoms were significantly higher in current smokers than former or never smokers (p=.001). There were no significant differences in depressive symptoms by smoking status in participants with BN and no differences in eating disorder psychopathology by smoking status in either the BED or BN groups. Discussion In this non-clinical group of community volunteers, we found that smoking history or status was not associated with eating disorder psychopathology in participants classified with BED and BN but was significantly associated with depressive symptoms in participants with BED. PMID:26741260

  9. Smoking status and psychosocial factors in binge eating disorder and bulimia nervosa. (United States)

    Chao, Ariana M; White, Marney A; Grilo, Carlos M


    To examine eating-disorder psychopathology and depressive symptoms by smoking status (never, former, or current smoker) in persons with binge eating disorder (BED) and bulimia nervosa (BN). Participants were 575 adult volunteers from the community (mean age=36.0±12years and BMI=32.9±9.5kg/m(2); 80% white; 88% female) who were classified with BED (n=410) or BN (n=165). Participants completed a battery of questionnaires, including items about current and historical cigarette smoking, the Eating Disorder Examination -Questionnaire, and the Beck Depression Inventory. Among those with BED, depressive symptoms were significantly higher in current smokers than former or never smokers (p=.001). There were no significant differences in depressive symptoms by smoking status in participants with BN and no differences in eating-disorder psychopathology by smoking status in either the BED or BN groups. In this non-clinical group of community volunteers, we found that smoking history or status was not associated with eating disorder psychopathology in participants classified with BED and BN but was significantly associated with depressive symptoms in participants with BED. Copyright © 2015. Published by Elsevier Ltd.

  10. Is the diagnostic threshold for bulimia nervosa clinically meaningful? (United States)

    Chapa, Danielle A N; Bohrer, Brittany K; Forbush, Kelsie T


    The DSM-5 differentiates full- and sub-threshold bulimia nervosa (BN) according to average weekly frequencies of binge eating and inappropriate compensatory behaviors. This study was the first to evaluate the modified frequency criterion for BN published in the DSM-5. The purpose of this study was to test whether community-recruited adults (N=125; 83.2% women) with current full-threshold (n=77) or sub-threshold BN (n=48) differed in comorbid psychopathology and eating disorder (ED) illness duration, symptom severity, and clinical impairment. Participants completed the Clinical Impairment Assessment and participated in semi-structured clinical interviews of ED- and non-ED psychopathology. Differences between the sub- and full-threshold BN groups were assessed using MANOVA and Chi-square analyses. ED illness duration, age-of-onset, body mass index (BMI), alcohol and drug misuse, and the presence of current and lifetime mood or anxiety disorders did not differ between participants with sub- and full-threshold BN. Participants with full-threshold BN had higher levels of clinical impairment and weight concern than those with sub-threshold BN. However, minimal clinically important difference analyses suggested that statistically significant differences between participants with sub- and full-threshold BN on clinical impairment and weight concern were not clinically significant. In conclusion, sub-threshold BN did not differ from full-threshold BN in clinically meaningful ways. Future studies are needed to identify an improved frequency criterion for BN that better distinguishes individuals in ways that will more validly inform prognosis and effective treatment planning for BN. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  11. CCK response in bulimia nervosa and following remission. (United States)

    Hannon-Engel, Sandra L; Filin, Evgeniy E; Wolfe, Barbara E


    The core defining features of bulimia nervosa (BN) are repeated binge eating episodes and inappropriate compensatory (e.g., purging) behavior. Previous studies suggest an abnormal post-prandial response in the satiety-signaling peptide cholecystokinin (CCK) in persons with BN. It is unknown whether this altered response persists following remission or if it may be a potential target for the development of clinical treatment strategies. To examine the nature of this altered response, this study assessed whether CCK normalizes following remission from BN (RBN). This study prospectively evaluated the plasma CCK response and corresponding eating behavior-related ratings (e.g., satiety, fullness, hunger, urge to binge and vomit) in individuals with BN-purging subtype (n=10), RBN-purging subtype (n=14), and healthy controls (CON, n=13) at baseline, +15, +30, and +60 min following the ingestion of a standardized liquid test meal. Subject groups did not significantly differ in CCK response to the test meal. A significant relationship between CCK response and satiety ratings was observed in the RBN group (r=.59, p<.05 two-tailed). A new and unanticipated finding in the BN group was a significant relationship between CCK response and ratings of "urge to vomit" (r=.86, p<.01, two-tailed). Unlike previous investigations, CCK response did not differ in BN and CON groups. Thus the role of symptom severity remains an area of further investigation. Additionally, findings suggest that in this sample, CCK functioning following remission from BN-purging subtype is not different from controls. It remains unknown whether or not CCK functioning may be a protective or liability factor in the stabilization and recovery process. Replication studies utilizing a larger sample size are needed to further elucidate the role of CCK in recovery from BN and its potential target of related novel treatment strategies. © 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  12. Using the eating disorder examination in the assessment of bulimia and anorexia: issues of reliability and validity. (United States)

    Guest, T


    The Eating Disorder Examination will be assessed according to its reliability and validity in the assessment of anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa. A thorough review of the literature was conducted to judge the reliability and validity of the Eating Disorder Examination and its subscales. The review shows that the EDE and its subscales have good interrater reliability and internal consistency reliability. Similarly, high levels of discriminant validity, construct validity, and treatment validity in the assessment of eating disorders were also found. A summary of each study concerning the various types of reliability and validity will be provided. The EDE is considered to be the "gold standard" by which to identify eating disorders, so this tool used in conjunction with other behavioral measures will be imperative for clinical social work practice.

  13. Refluxo laringofaríngeo e bulimia nervosa: alterações vocais e larínegas Laryngopharyngeal reflux and bulimia nervosa: laryngeal and voice disorders

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Carla Aparecida Cielo


    Full Text Available TEMA: Características da bulimia nervosa (BN e do Refluxo Laringofaríngeo (RLF e alterações vocais e laríngeas que podem decorrer da exposição da laringe ao ácido gástrico. OBJETIVO: Descrever, por meio de revisão de literatura, as características do RLF e da BN, relacionando-os com as alterações vocais e laríngeas que podem se originar da exposição da laringe ao ácido gástrico que ocorre em ambas as condições. CONCLUSÃO: A BN se caracteriza por um transtorno alimentar de causa principalmente psicológica em que ocorre ingestão compulsiva de grande quantidade de alimentos, seguida de episódios de vômitos auto-induzidos com a finalidade de evitar o ganho de peso. O RLF consiste em uma variação clínica da DRGE, na qual o fluxo retrógrado do alimento e do ácido gástrico entra em contato com a laringe e suas estruturas. Em comum, a BN e o RLF apresentam este mecanismo de regurgitação que pode atingir a laringe. Dentre os sinais e sintomas laríngeos e vocais decorrentes da regurgitação do ácido gástrico sobre a laringe estão: globus faríngeo, disfonia, rouquidão, tosse seca, disfagia, halitose, lesões inflamatórias nas pregas vocais, laringite, amigdalite, edema e eritema glótico posterior e ou de aritenóides, da região retrocricóidea e interaritenóidea, estenose subglótica, irregularidades na mucosa das pregas vocais, hipertrofia de mucosa laríngea, leucoplasia, carcinoma, laringoespasmos, granulomas, úlcera de contato, nódulos vocais, pólipos vocais, edema difuso, granuloma, fixação uni ou bilateral de aritenóides, edema de Reinke, laringomalácia, estridor, e odinofagia.BACKGROUND: Characteristics of bulimia nervosa (BN and laryngopharyngeal reflux (LPR and laryngeal and voice disorders that can arise from exposure to gastric acid of the larynx. PURPOSE: To describe, through literature review, the characteristics of LPR and the BN, linking them with laryngeal and voice disorders that can stem

  14. Evaluation of the DSM-5 severity indicator for bulimia nervosa. (United States)

    Grilo, Carlos M; Ivezaj, Valentina; White, Marney A


    This study examined the DSM-5 severity criterion for bulimia nervosa (BN) based on the frequency of inappropriate weight compensatory behaviors. 199 community volunteers classified with BN were categorized using DSM-5 severity levels and compared on demographic and clinical variables. 77 (39%) participants were categorized as mild, 68 (34%) as moderate, 32 (16%) as severe, and 22 (11%) as extreme. The severity groups did not differ significantly in demographic variables or body mass index. Shape and Weight concerns did not differ significantly across severity groups. Binge eating differed with the extreme group having significantly higher frequency than the severe, moderate, and mild groups, which did not differ from each other. Restraint differed with the extreme group having significantly higher levels than the mild group. Eating concerns differed with the extreme group having significantly higher levels than moderate and mild groups. Depression differed with the extreme group having significantly higher levels than severe, moderate, and mild groups, which did not differ from each other. Findings from this non-clinical group provide new, albeit modest, support for DSM-5 severity rating for BN based on frequency of inappropriate weight compensatory behaviors. Statistical findings indicate that differences in collateral clinical variables associated with the DSM-5 severity ratings reflect small effect sizes. Further research is needed with treatment-seeking patient groups with BN to establish the validity of the DSM-5 severity specifier and should include broader clinical and functional validators. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  15. Central coherence in adolescents with bulimia nervosa spectrum eating disorders. (United States)

    Darcy, Alison M; Fitzpatrick, Kathleen Kara; Manasse, Stephanie M; Datta, Nandini; Klabunde, Megan; Colborn, Danielle; Aspen, Vandana; Stiles-Shields, Colleen; Labuschagne, Zandre; Le Grange, Daniel; Lock, James


    Weak central coherence-a tendency to process details at the expense of the gestalt-has been observed among adults with bulimia nervosa (BN) and is a potential candidate endophenotype for eating disorders (EDs). However, as BN behaviors typically onset during adolescence it is important to assess central coherence in this younger age group to determine whether the findings in adults are likely a result of BN or present earlier in the evolution of the disorder. This study examines whether the detail-oriented and fragmented cognitive inefficiency observed among adults with BN is observable among adolescents with shorter illness duration, relative to healthy controls. The Rey-Osterrieth Complex Figure Test (RCFT) was administered to a total of 47 adolescents with DSM5 BN, 42 with purging disorder (PD), and 25 healthy controls (HC). Performance on this measure was compared across the three groups. Those with BN and PD demonstrated significantly worse accuracy scores compared to controls in the copy and delayed recall condition with a moderate effect size. These findings were exacerbated when symptoms of BN increased. Poorer accuracy scores reflect a fragmented and piecemeal strategy that interferes with visual-spatial integration in BN spectrum disorders. This cognitive inefficiency likely contributes to broad difficulties in executive functioning in this population especially in the context of worsening bulimic symptoms. The findings of this study support the hypothesis that poor global integration may constitute a cognitive endophenotype for BN. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  16. Personality psychopathology differentiates risky behaviors among women with bulimia nervosa. (United States)

    Pearson, Carolyn M; Pisetsky, Emily M; Goldschmidt, Andrea B; Lavender, Jason M; Wonderlich, Stephen A; Crosby, Ross D; Engel, Scott G; Mitchell, James E; Crow, Scott J; Peterson, Carol B


    Individuals with bulimia nervosa (BN) frequently endorse risky behaviors such as self-harm and substance use. However, no studies of BN to date have examined factors associated with engaging in individual or co-occurring risky behaviors. Given that individuals with BN often have personality psychopathology, which has been linked to symptoms and course of illness, this study sought to examine how personality may differentiate engagement in risky behaviors among BN individuals. A sample of 133 women with BN completed self-report measures of personality psychopathology at baseline, and then reported on bulimic and risky behaviors (e.g., substance misuse, self-harm) over 2 weeks using ecological momentary assessment. A series of hierarchical multiple regression analyses were conducted to examine the unique associations between state-level predictor variables (each risky behavior, e.g., substance misuse, and combination of risky behaviors, e.g., substance misuse plus self-harm) and trait-level personality constructs. Substance misuse behavior, above and beyond all other risky behaviors, was significantly associated with higher scores on trait dissocial behavior (P = 0.004). Substance misuse in BN has a unique association with dissocial behavior, a personality trait characterized by hostility, impulsivity, and entitlement. These results suggest that targeting personality variables may help facilitate more effective treatment of risky behaviors, including substance use in BN. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. (Int J Eat Disord 2016; 49:681-688). © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  17. Texto y figuras preparatorios del Capítulo 11 (Tomo I) de la Histología del Sistema Nervioso de Cajal: [ESTRUCTURA DE LA SUBSTANCIA BLANCA DE LA MÉDULA].


    Freire, Miguel


    [ESTRUCTURA DE LA SUBSTANCIA BLANCA DE LA MÉDULA]. Tubos nerviosos, [fibras sin mielina,] células neuróglicas y colaterales nerviosas. ─ Variedades de colaterales distinguidas por el área gris en que se terminan ─ Fibras nerviosas terminales. ─ Fascículos dislocados de la substancia blanca. [Ver: Freire, Miguel. Metodología usada en la presente edición. Metodología e historia de la edición en la correspondencia de Cajal.

  18. The effect of driven exercise on treatment outcomes for adolescents with anorexia and bulimia nervosa. (United States)

    Stiles-Shields, Colleen; DclinPsy, Bryony Bamford; Lock, James; Le Grange, Daniel


    This study investigated the prevalence of driven exercise (DE) and its role in treatment outcome for adolescents with bulimia nervosa (BN) and anorexia nervosa (AN). Participants were 201 adolescents with an eating disorder (ED) (80 with BN and 121 with AN) presenting for outpatient treatment at two specialist clinics. All adolescents participated in one of two randomized controlled trials. Descriptive statistics were conducted to evaluate the presence and frequency of baseline DE. Exploratory hierarchical regressions were used to evaluate the effect of baseline DE on treatment outcomes. About 66.3% of adolescents with BN and 23.1% of adolescents with AN presented with baseline DE. The presence of baseline DE predicted significantly worse outcomes for adolescents with AN in terms of ED symptom severity (ps adolescents with BN (ps adolescents with BN and AN. However, DE may be related to different constructs for adolescents with AN than those with BN, suggesting differences in treatment needs. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  19. Investigation of Oxytocin Secretion in Anorexia Nervosa and Bulimia Nervosa: Relationships to Temperament Personality Dimensions. (United States)

    Monteleone, Alessio Maria; Scognamiglio, Pasquale; Volpe, Umberto; Di Maso, Virginia; Monteleone, Palmiero


    Published studies suggested an implication of oxytocin in some temperament characteristics of personality. Therefore, we measured oxytocin secretion in 23 women with anorexia nervosa (AN), 27 with bulimia nervosa (BN) and 19 healthy controls and explored the relationships between circulating oxytocin and patients' personality traits. Plasma oxytocin levels were significantly reduced in AN women but not in BN ones. In healthy women, the attachment subscale scores of the reward dependence temperament and the harm avoidance (HA) scores explained 82% of the variability in circulating oxytocin. In BN patients, plasma oxytocin resulted to be negatively correlated with HA, whereas no significant correlations emerged in AN patients. These findings confirm a dysregulation of oxytocin production in AN but not in BN and show, for the first time, a disruption of the associations between hormone levels and patients' temperament traits, which may have a role in certain deranged behaviours of eating disorder patients. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and Eating Disorders Association.

  20. Test de Actitudes Alimentarias: Evidencias de Validez de una Nueva Versión Reducida

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    Valdiney Veloso Gouveia


    Full Text Available El objetivo de este estudio ha sido presentar una version reducida del Eating Attitudes Test (EAT-26 para su utilizacion en el contexto espanol. Se busco especificamente conocer su fiabilidad y estructura factorial para, finalmente, comprobar el modelo teorico propuesto. Para ello, contamos con una muestra de 212 estudiantes universitarios con una edad media de 19.4 anos, la mayoria mujeres (61.8%. Estos respondieron al EAT-26 y a preguntas sociodemograficas. Inicialmente, a traves de un analisis paralelo se observo la coherencia de la estructura factorial. A continuacion se seleccionaron, a partir del poder discriminativo (p < 0.05, cuatro items para cada factor. Mediante el analisis de Escalamiento Multidimensional, se observo que los 12 items resultantes se distribuian segun las dimensiones teoricas esperadas (S-Stress = 0.07; RSQ = 0.97, aspecto corroborado a traves del analisis factorial confirmatorio (x2 / g.l = 2.08; GFI = 0.92; AGFI = 0.88; CFI = 0.94; e RMSEA = 0.071. Los Alfas de Cronbach para los tres factores pueden ser considerados satisfactorios: Hacer dieta (0.87, Bulimia y preocupacion por la alimentacion (0.60 y Control oral (0.52. Se concluye que la version propuesta presenta parametros psicometricos satisfactorios, pudiendo ser utilizada como medida de screening en la deteccion precoz de casos de anorexia nerviosa en la poblacion general.

  1. Compulsão alimentar e bulimia nervosa em praticantes de exercício físico

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Cláudia Raulino Tramontt


    Full Text Available INTRODUÇÃO: Estudos nacionais mostram variações na prevalência de compulsão alimentar entre 14,9 a 18,1%, enquanto a bulimia nervosa (BN apresenta-se em torno de 1 a 3,6%. Indivíduos que apresentam transtornos alimentares procuram espaços onde o exercício físico é estimulado e assim mascaram características da doença, exercitando-se compulsivamente após um episódio de compulsão alimentar. OBJETIVO: Identificar a prevalência de transtorno da compulsão alimentar periódica (TCAP e bulimia nervosa em praticantes de exercício físico associando ao estado nutricional, modalidade, frequência, duração e objetivo da prática do exercício físico. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal composto por 103 indivíduos maiores de 18 anos com idade média de 37,7 (DP±15,6 anos, de ambos os sexos, praticantes de exercício físico há pelo menos três meses ininterruptos antes do início da pesquisa. Para análise da prevalência de TCAP e BN foi utilizado o Questionário sobre Alimentação e Peso (QEWP-R e um questionário específico sobre exercício físico. O estado nutricional foi classificado conforme o IMC. RESULTADOS: A prevalência de TCAP entre os indivíduos praticantes de exercício físico foi de 0,97%. Houve associação entre valores de IMC mais alto (p=0,026, idade menor (para TCAP p=0,036, BN p=0,01 e objetivo da prática de exercício físico declarado "estética" (para TCAP p=0,011 e BN p=0,043 com maiores pontuações nos escores de TCAP e BN. CONCLUSÃO: A prevalência de TCAP e BN encontrada neste estudo está de acordo com o referido na literatura internacional. Não foram encontradas associações entre compulsão alimentar e maior frequência de exercício físico.

  2. Can the reinforcing value of food be measured in bulimia nervosa? (United States)

    Schebendach, Janet; Broft, Allegra; Foltin, Richard W; Walsh, B Timothy


    Binge eating is a core clinical feature of bulimia nervosa (BN). Enhanced reinforcing value of food may play a role in this behavioral disturbance, but a systematic behavioral assessment of objective measures of the rewarding value of binge eating is lacking. The purpose of this study was to quantify the reinforcing value of food in BN patients as compared with normal controls. A progressive ratio (PR) computerized work task was completed under binge and non-binge instruction. The task consisted of 12 trials. The first trial required 50 keyboard taps to earn one portion of yogurt shake, and subsequent trials required progressive work increments of 200 taps for each additional portion. Completion of all 12 trials required 13,800 taps to earn 2100ml of shake. The breakpoint, defined as the largest ratio completed before a participant stopped working, was the measure of reinforcing efficacy. Ten patients and 10 controls completed the experiment. Under binge instruction, patients completed more trials and taps, and had a higher breakpoint than controls. The non-binge instruction yielded opposite findings; compared to controls, patients completed fewer trials and taps, and had a lower breakpoint. These results support the feasibility and potential utility of a PR task to quantify the reinforcing value of food in patients with BN. Copyright © 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  3. Does anger mediate between personality and eating symptoms in bulimia nervosa? (United States)

    Amianto, Federico; Siccardi, Sara; Abbate-Daga, Giovanni; Marech, Lucrezia; Barosio, Marta; Fassino, Secondo


    The goals of the study were to explore anger correlation with bulimic symptoms and to test the mediation power of anger between personality and eating psychopathology. A total of 242 bulimia nervosa (BN) outpatients and 121 healthy controls were recruited. Assessment was performed using Temperament and Character Inventory (TCI); State-Trait Anger Expression Inventory 2 (STAXI-2); Eating Disorder Inventory-2 (EDI-2); Body Shape Questionnaire (BSQ); Binge Eating Scale (BES); and Beck Depression Inventory (BDI). Mediation was tested on the whole BN group, on controls and on two BN subgroups based on a previous history of anorexia nervosa. Self-Directedness and Cooperativeness extensively relate to anger and psychopathology in bulimic group. Bulimic symptoms are related to Trait Reactive Anger. Trait Anger and Anger Expression fully mediate Cooperativeness effects on binge eating and Impulsiveness in the BN subjects. Anger Expression-In partially mediates between Harm Avoidance and Social Insecurity/Interpersonal Distrust in BN subjects. The comparison with controls and the analysis of subgroups underlines that these patterns are specific for BN. Anger mediation between Cooperativeness, and binge eating and impulsive behaviours confirm the relevance of relational dynamics in the expression of these core eating symptoms. Relational skills may represent a relevant target for the treatment of BN. Copyright © 2012 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.

  4. Differences and similarities between bulimia nervosa, compulsive buying and gambling disorder. (United States)

    Jiménez-Murcia, Susana; Granero, Roser; Moragas, Laura; Steiger, Howard; Israel, Mimi; Aymamí, Neus; Gómez-Peña, Mónica; Sauchelli, Sarah; Agüera, Zaida; Sánchez, Isabel; Riesco, Nadine; Penelo, Eva; Menchón, José M; Fernández-Aranda, Fernando


    The objective of the study was to analyse shared commonalities and differences between bulimia nervosa (BN) and certain impulse-related disorders, namely compulsive buying (CB) and gambling disorder (GD), with respect to general psychopathology and personality traits. A total of 188 female patients [50 BN without comorbid CB (BN-CB), 49 BN with comorbid CB (BN+CB), 53 GD and 36 CB] and 50 comparison non-psychiatric women participated in the current study. All patients were diagnosed using the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth revised edition, the Temperament and Character Inventory-Revised, and other clinical indices. A positive-growing trend was observed in psychopathology and personality traits across the four clinical groups. Comorbid BN with CB was associated with highest eating psychopathology and social anxiety. On Novelty Seeking, the CB, GD and BN+CB were similar to each other, whereas BN-CB presented a distinct profile. Moreover, the BN+CB group displayed more dysfunctional personality traits and higher general psychopathology. The clinical groups demonstrated overall higher levels of psychopathology compared with the control group. The results of this study demonstrate that disorders with impulsive traits (CB, GD, BN+CB and BN-CB) follow a linear trend in general psychopathology and specific personality traits, but differ along specific personality and psychopathological dimensions. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and Eating Disorders Association.

  5. Tc-99m labeled triethelene tetraamine polysterene resin gastric emptying studies in bulimia patients

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Shih Weijen; Castellanos, F.X.; Domstad, P.A.; DeLand, F.H.; Humphries, L.; Digenis, G.A.


    To evaluate gastric emptying in patients with bulimia, 20 patients (all women, ranging in age from 12 to 49 years) with upper gastrointestinal symptoms ingested 150-200 99m/ Tc-triethelene tetraamine polysterene resin in cereal and had scintigraphy in the supine position. Data were accumulated at 5 min intervals to determine the gastric emptying time (GET). The results showed that the gastric emptying time was prolonged in 12 patients and decreased in 8. All 12 patients with prolonged emptying time were given 10 mg metoclopramide intravenously; 9 of these had a good response and 3 had no response. Although all patients had subjective symptoms of gastric dysfunction, the results indicate that about 60% had delayed and 40% had rapid gastric emptying. The findings of two extremes of gastric emptying time remain to be explained, however, this enables (Albibi and McCullum 1983) objective documentation of gastric emptying as this technique (American Psychiatric Association 1980) can separate those patients with rapid GET from those with prolonged GET, who might benefit from metoclopramide.

  6. Tc-99m labeled triethelene tetraamine polysterene resin gastric emptying studies in bulimia patients

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Shih Weijen; Castellanos, F.X.; Domstad, P.A.; DeLand, F.H.; Humphries, L.; Digenis, G.A.


    To evaluate gastric emptying in patients with bulimia, 20 patients (all women, ranging in age from 12 to 49 years) with upper gastrointestinal symptoms ingested 150-200 μCi 99m Tc-triethelene tetraamine polysterene resin in cereal and had scintigraphy in the supine position. Data were accumulated at 5 min intervals to determine the gastric emptying time (GET). The results showed that the gastric emptying time was prolonged in 12 patients and decreased in 8. All 12 patients with prolonged emptying time were given 10 mg metoclopramide intravenously; 9 of these had a good response and 3 had no response. Although all patients had subjective symptoms of gastric dysfunction, the results indicate that about 60% had delayed and 40% had rapid gastric emptying. The findings of two extremes of gastric emptying time remain to be explained, however, this enables (Albibi and McCullum 1983) objective documentation of gastric emptying as this technique (American Psychiatric Association 1980) can separate those patients with rapid GET from those with prolonged GET, who might benefit from metoclopramide. (orig.)

  7. The role of depression and impulsivity in the psychopathology of bulimia nervosa. (United States)

    Vaz-Leal, Francisco J; Rodríguez-Santos, Laura; García-Herráiz, M Angustias; Chimpén-López, Carlos A; Rojo-Moreno, Luís; Beato-Fernández, Luís; Ramos-Fuentes, María Isabel


    The study aimed to analyze the role of depression and impulsivity in the psychopathology of bulimia nervosa (BN). Seventy female patients with DSM-IV BN, purging subtype, were assessed for eating-related symptoms, body dissatisfaction, affective symptoms, impulsivity, and personality traits. Factor analysis and structural equation modeling methods were used for statistical analysis. BN appeared as a condition which incorporated 5 general dimensions: a) binge eating and compensatory behaviours; b) restrictive eating; c) body dissatisfaction; d) dissocial personality traits; and e) a cluster of features which was called «emotional instability» The 5 obtained dimensions can be grouped into 2 basic factors: body dissatisfaction/eating behaviour and personality traits/psychopathology. The first one contains the clinical items used for the definition of BN as a clinical condition in the DSM-V and the International Classification of Diseases 10, and reflects the morphology and the severity of the eating-related symptoms. The second dimension includes a cluster of symptoms (depressive symptoms, impulsivity, and borderline, self-defeating and dissocial personality traits) which could be regarded as the «psychopathological core» of BN and may be able to condition the course and the prognosis of BN. Copyright © 2013 SEP y SEPB. Published by Elsevier España. All rights reserved.

  8. Anorexia Nervosa, Bulimia Nervosa, and Binge Eating Disorder in Midlife and Beyond. (United States)

    Elran-Barak, Roni; Fitzsimmons-Craft, Ellen E; Benyamini, Yael; Crow, Scott J; Peterson, Carol B; Hill, Laura L; Crosby, Ross D; Mitchell, James E; Le Grange, Daniel


    We examined eating disorders in midlife and beyond by comparing frequency of anorexia nervosa (AN), bulimia nervosa (BN), binge eating disorder (BED), and other specified feeding or eating disorder (OSFED) among midlife eating disorder treatment-seeking individuals and younger controls. We also compared demographic and eating disorder-related characteristics across diagnoses and age groups. Participants included 2,118 treatment-seeking adults who self-reported their eating-related symptoms on the Eating Disorder Questionnaire. Results showed that percent of patients with BN was significantly lower whereas percent of patients with BED and OSFED was significantly higher among midlife relative to younger patients. Percent of patients with AN did not differ between midlife and younger patients. Additionally, midlife and younger patients with BED and OSFED differed on several demographic (e.g., marital status) and eating disorder-related characteristics (e.g., BMI, compulsive exercising). This study suggests that BN is less common whereas BED and OSFED are more common among midlife eating disorder treatment-seeking individuals relative to younger controls. In addition, AN and BN present fairly similarly whereas BED and OSFED present fairly differently among midlife patients relative to younger controls. Attention to these differences and similarities is necessary to understand eating disorders in midlife.

  9. Estudio preliminar experimental en ratas: uso de plasma rico en plaquetas en el tratamiento de lesiones agudas de nervios periféricos

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    Natalia Sorrenti-Pírez

    Full Text Available Antecedentes y Objetivos. Si consideramos la importancia social y laboral que han adquirido las lesiones de los nervios periféricos por las graves y permanentes secuelas motoras, sensitivas y vegetativas a que dan lugar, cualquier esfuerzo terapéutico para mejorar los resultados de la reparación nerviosa representa un paso positivo dentro del abordaje general de esta afección. A pesar de realizar una sutura técnicamente perfecta, nunca se logra repoblar el segmento distal con la misma cantidad de axones. Esto hace que se busquen alternativas para potenciar la regeneración nerviosa. Dentro de las terapias emergentes, la utilización de plasma rico en plaquetas (PRP tiene un efecto beneficioso en la reparación nerviosa. Hasta este momento los estudios se han centrado en la utilización del PRP dentro de injertos o tutores interpuestos entre los cabos y no se ha prestado atención a la aplicación del mismo en la sutura directa. Material y Métodos. Estudiamos 8 ratas Wistar a las que se les seccionaron ambos nervios ciáticos; a una de las suturas se le aplicó PRP y el otro nervio suturado se tomó como caso control. En una segunda etapa realizamos la biopsia de ambos nervios a diferentes tiempos y fijamos con un fluoróforo lipofílico que tiñe las fibras regeneradas. Tomamos 2 grupos: a los 40 días y a los 60 días. Calculamos el índice de función del nervio ciático. Resultados. Los nervios seccionados y tratados con PRP presentaron un adelanto en la recuperación de la función nerviosa medida por pruebas funcionales; confirmamos anatómicamente mediante el estudio histológico del nervio. Conclusiones. Los resultados obtenidos en el estudio indican una estimulación del proceso fisiológico de reparación nerviosa usando PRP.

  10. Weight Suppression in Bulimia Nervosa: Associations with Biology and Behavior (United States)

    Bodell, Lindsay P.; Keel, Pamela K.


    Bulimia nervosa (BN) is a serious eating disorder that can persist for years and contribute to medical complications and increased mortality, underscoring the need to better understand factors maintaining this disorder. Higher levels of weight suppression (WS) have been found to predict both the onset and maintenance of BN; however, no studies have examined mechanisms that may account for the effects of WS on BN. We hypothesized that high WS would lead to reduced leptin levels, which may increase risk of binge eating by modulating reward responses to food. The current study examined the relationship between WS, leptin levels, and the reinforcing value of food in women with BN (n=32) and non-eating disorder controls (n=30). Participants provided information on WS, completed a fasting blood draw to obtain serum leptin, and completed a progressive ratio task to measure the reinforcing value of food. Individuals with BN had greater WS (p<.01) and reinforcing food value (p<.05) compared to controls. Additionally, higher WS was associated with both lower leptin (p<.05) and increased reinforcing value of food (p<.05). Contrary to hypotheses, BN and control participants did not differ significantly on leptin levels, and leptin levels were not significantly associated with the reinforcing value of food. Findings support that efforts to conform to the thin ideal may alter drive to consume rewarding foods and leave women vulnerable to binge episodes. However, mechanisms through which WS contributes to food reward and binge eating remain unknown. PMID:26191637

  11. Impulsivity and test meal intake among women with bulimia nervosa. (United States)

    Sysko, Robyn; Ojserkis, Rachel; Schebendach, Janet; Evans, Suzette M; Hildebrandt, Tom; Walsh, B Timothy


    Many patients with bulimia nervosa (BN) also meet criteria for a lifetime alcohol use disorder (AUD). In order to understand possible mechanisms contributing to the co-occurrence and perpetuation of these disorders, this study investigated the importance of impulsivity and test meal intake among patients with BN by comparing women with BN only (n = 18), BN and current/past AUDs (n = 13), and healthy controls (n = 12). All participants completed assessments of eating disorder symptoms, frequency of alcohol use, binge eating, and purging via questionnaires and semi-structured interviews over two sessions. Measures of impulsivity consisted of computerized and self-report measures, and laboratory test meals. Significant differences between individuals with BN with/without comorbid AUDs were not found for test meal intake, impulsivity measures, or self-reported psychological symptoms. As hypothesized, compared to healthy controls, individuals with BN had significantly higher scores on two subscales and the total score of the Barratt Impulsiveness Scale, a trait measure of impulsivity, and consumed significantly more calories in the binge instruction meal. Total Barratt Impulsiveness Scale scores were also significantly related to kcal consumed during the laboratory test meal when individuals were instructed to binge eat (BN groups). Data from this study add to the existing literature implicating impulsivity in the psychopathology of disorders of binge eating, including BN, and also support the use of laboratory meals as a symptom-specific measure of this trait in eating disorder populations. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  12. Therapeutic alliance in a randomized clinical trial for bulimia nervosa. (United States)

    Accurso, Erin C; Fitzsimmons-Craft, Ellen E; Ciao, Anna; Cao, Li; Crosby, Ross D; Smith, Tracey L; Klein, Marjorie H; Mitchell, James E; Crow, Scott J; Wonderlich, Stephen A; Peterson, Carol B


    This study examined the temporal relation between therapeutic alliance and outcome in two treatments for bulimia nervosa (BN). Eighty adults with BN symptoms were randomized to 21 sessions of integrative cognitive-affective therapy (ICAT) or enhanced cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT-E). Bulimic symptoms (i.e., frequency of binge eating and purging) were assessed at each session and posttreatment. Therapeutic alliance (Working Alliance Inventory) was assessed at Sessions 2, 8, 14, and posttreatment. Repeated-measures analyses using linear mixed models with random intercepts were conducted to determine differences in alliance growth by treatment and patient characteristics. Mixed-effects models examined the relation between alliance and symptom improvement. Overall, patients in both treatments reported strong therapeutic alliances. Regardless of treatment, greater therapeutic alliance between (but not within) subjects predicted greater reductions in bulimic behavior; reductions in bulimic behavior also predicted improved alliance. Patients with higher depression, anxiety, or emotion dysregulation had a stronger therapeutic alliance in CBT-E than ICAT, while those with more intimacy problems had greater improvement in therapeutic alliance in ICAT compared to CBT-E. Therapeutic alliance has a unique impact on outcome, independent of the impact of symptom improvement on alliance. Within- and between-subjects effects revealed that changes in alliance over time did not predict symptom improvement, but rather that individuals who had a stronger alliance overall had better bulimic symptom outcomes. These findings indicate that therapeutic alliance is an important predictor of outcome in the treatment of BN. (c) 2015 APA, all rights reserved).

  13. Attention Network Dysfunction in Bulimia Nervosa - An fMRI Study.

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    Jochen Seitz

    Full Text Available Recent evidence has suggested an increased rate of comorbid ADHD and subclinical attentional impairments in bulimia nervosa (BN patients. However, little is known regarding the underlying neural mechanisms of attentional functions in BN.Twenty BN patients and twenty age- and weight-matched healthy controls (HC were investigated using a modified version of the Attention Network Task (ANT in an fMRI study. This design enabled an investigation of the neural mechanisms associated with the three attention networks involved in alerting, reorienting and executive attention.The BN patients showed hyperactivation in parieto-occipital regions and reduced deactivation of default-mode-network (DMN areas during alerting compared with HCs. Posterior cingulate activation during alerting correlated with the severity of eating-disorder symptoms within the patient group. Conversely, BN patients showed hypoactivation during reorienting and executive attention in anterior cingulate regions, the temporo-parietal junction (TPJ and parahippocampus compared with HCs, which was negatively associated with global ADHD symptoms and impulsivity, respectively.Our findings demonstrate altered brain mechanisms in BN associated with all three attentional networks. Failure to deactivate the DMN and increased parieto-occipital activation required for alerting might be associated with a constant preoccupation with food or body image-related thoughts. Hypoactivation of executive control networks and TPJ might increase the likelihood of inattentive and impulsive behaviors and poor emotion regulation. Thus, dysfunction in the attentional network in BN goes beyond an altered executive attentional domain and needs to be considered in the diagnosis and treatment of BN.

  14. Attention Network Dysfunction in Bulimia Nervosa - An fMRI Study (United States)

    Dahmen, Brigitte; Schulte-Rüther, Martin; Legenbauer, Tanja; Herpertz-Dahlmann, Beate; Konrad, Kerstin


    Objective Recent evidence has suggested an increased rate of comorbid ADHD and subclinical attentional impairments in bulimia nervosa (BN) patients. However, little is known regarding the underlying neural mechanisms of attentional functions in BN. Method Twenty BN patients and twenty age- and weight-matched healthy controls (HC) were investigated using a modified version of the Attention Network Task (ANT) in an fMRI study. This design enabled an investigation of the neural mechanisms associated with the three attention networks involved in alerting, reorienting and executive attention. Results The BN patients showed hyperactivation in parieto-occipital regions and reduced deactivation of default-mode-network (DMN) areas during alerting compared with HCs. Posterior cingulate activation during alerting correlated with the severity of eating-disorder symptoms within the patient group. Conversely, BN patients showed hypoactivation during reorienting and executive attention in anterior cingulate regions, the temporo-parietal junction (TPJ) and parahippocampus compared with HCs, which was negatively associated with global ADHD symptoms and impulsivity, respectively. Discussion Our findings demonstrate altered brain mechanisms in BN associated with all three attentional networks. Failure to deactivate the DMN and increased parieto-occipital activation required for alerting might be associated with a constant preoccupation with food or body image-related thoughts. Hypoactivation of executive control networks and TPJ might increase the likelihood of inattentive and impulsive behaviors and poor emotion regulation. Thus, dysfunction in the attentional network in BN goes beyond an altered executive attentional domain and needs to be considered in the diagnosis and treatment of BN. PMID:27607439

  15. Neuropsychological function in patients with anorexia nervosa or bulimia nervosa. (United States)

    Weider, Siri; Indredavik, Marit Saebø; Lydersen, Stian; Hestad, Knut


    This study explored the neuropsychological performance of patients diagnosed with anorexia nervosa (AN) or bulimia nervosa (BN) compared with healthy controls (HCs). An additional aim was to investigate the effect of several possible mediators on the association between eating disorders (EDs) and cognitive function. Forty patients with AN, 39 patients with BN, and 40 HCs who were comparable in age and education were consecutively recruited to complete a standardized neuropsychological test battery covering the following cognitive domains: verbal learning and memory, visual learning and memory, speed of information processing, visuospatial ability, working memory, executive function, verbal fluency, attention/vigilance, and motor function. The AN group scored significantly below the HCs on eight of the nine measured cognitive domains. The BN group also showed inferior performance on six cognitive domains. After adjusting for possible mediators, the nadir body mass index (lowest lifetime BMI) and depressive symptoms explained all findings in the BN group. Although this adjustment reduced the difference between the AN and HC groups, the AN group still performed worse than the HCs regarding verbal learning and memory, visual learning and memory, visuospatial ability, working memory, and executive functioning. Patients with EDs scored below the HCs on several cognitive function measures, this difference being most pronounced for the AN group. The nadir BMI and depressive symptoms had strong mediating effects. Longitudinal studies are needed to identify the importance of weight restoration and treatment of depressive symptoms in the prevention of a possible cognitive decline. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  16. Dieting in bulimia nervosa is associated with increased food restriction and psychopathology but decreased binge eating. (United States)

    Lowe, Michael R; Witt, Ashley A; Grossman, Stephanie L


    The cognitive behavioral model of bulimia nervosa (BN) suggests that dieting is central to the maintenance of binge eating. However, correlational and experimental studies suggest that additional clarification is needed about the nature of this relationship. Dieting, weight, eating disorder psychopathology, and depression were assessed at admission among 166 patients with BN presenting for residential treatment. As in past research, a significant fraction (43%) of patients with BN reported not currently dieting. A comparison of weight loss dieters and non-dieters found greater food restriction and eating disorder psychopathology among weight loss dieters. However, dieters reported less frequent binge eating. There were no significant group differences in depression. Results suggest that 1) while many individuals with BN are attempting to restrict their food intake, the goal of losing weight fundamentally alters the effect of such restriction on binge eating, and 2) treatment may benefit from helping patients to establish a healthier approach to achieving long-term weight stability. © 2013.

  17. Effects of emotional acceptance and rumination on media-induced body dissatisfaction in anorexia and bulimia nervosa. (United States)

    Naumann, Eva; Tuschen-Caffier, Brunna; Voderholzer, Ulrich; Schäfer, Johanna; Svaldi, Jennifer


    Body dissatisfaction is an important risk and maintaining factor for eating disorders. The aim of the present study was to experimentally test the effects of two emotion regulation strategies - acceptance and rumination - on media-induced body dissatisfaction in eating disorders. After watching pictures of thin models, women with anorexia nervosa (AN; n = 39) and bulimia nervosa (BN; n = 39) were encouraged to either use emotional acceptance or rumination to cope with their feelings. Body dissatisfaction and mood were repeatedly assessed. Acceptance significantly improved body dissatisfaction in women with BN. Rumination led to a significant increase of body dissatisfaction in both eating disorder groups. Results were independent from mood changes. Findings highlight the importance ruminative thinking may have in the aggravation of dissatisfaction with the own body in AN and BN. Results suggest that emotional acceptance is a useful strategy to regulate body dissatisfaction after exposure to thin-ideal media in BN. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  18. Dialectical behavior therapy for clients with binge-eating disorder or bulimia nervosa and borderline personality disorder. (United States)

    Chen, Eunice Y; Matthews, Lauren; Allen, Charese; Kuo, Janice R; Linehan, Marsha Marie


    This treatment development study provides summary data for standard Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) with minimal adaptation for 8 women with binge-eating disorder (BED) (5) or bulimia nervosa (BN) (3) and Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD). DBT involved 6 months of weekly skills group, individual DBT, therapist consultation team meeting, and 24-hour telephone coaching. Assessments were conducted at pre-, post-treatment, and 6-months follow-up and utilized standardized clinical interviews including the Eating Disorders Examination (EDE), Personality Disorders Exam, and the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV. From pre- to post-treatment, effect sizes for objective binge eating, total EDE scores and global adjustment were large and for number of non-eating disorder axis I disorders and for suicidal behavior and self-injury were medium. From pre- to 6-months follow-up, effect sizes were large for all these outcomes. This provides promising pilot data for larger studies utilizing DBT for BED or BN and BPD. (c) 2008 by Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  19. Comportamento alimentar e imagem corporal em atletas Comportamiento alimentario e imagen corporal de los atletas Eating behavior and body image in athletes

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    Fátima Palha de Oliveira


    ção.El ambiente deportivo puede ser un medio amplificador de presiones socioculturales motivadas por el ideal del cuerpo magro. La presente investigación tiene por objeto verificar la presencia de comportamientos sugestivos de trastornos del comportamiento alimenticio (TCAs, de alteraciones de la imagen corporal y de disfunciones menstruales en atletas de la EEFD-UFRJ. Fueron evaluadas 12 atletas de sexo femenino (20 ± 2,0 años con 4,6 ± 2,3 años de entrenamiento (13,8 ± 2,9 horas/semana y sus resultados serán comparados con 32 jovenes no atletas (15,0 ± 1,4 años. La evaluación de actitudes y comportamientos relacionados con la nutrición y el control del peso fue evaluado un test, Eating Attitudes Test (Test de Actitudes Nutricionales EAT-26, la existencia de los comportamientos sugestivos de bulimia nerviosa por el test, Bulimic Investigatory Test Edimburgh (Test de Investigación de Bulimia de Edimburgo, BITE y el grado de insatisfacción con la imagen corporal por el test; Body Shape Questionnaire (Cuestionario de la forma Corporal BSQ. Estos son instrumentos de autoaplicación usados en una versión portuguesa. Las atletas presentaron una masa corporal total de 59 ± 7,0kg, una estatura de 1,65 ± 0,03m, un porcentual de grasa corporal (%G 23 ± 4,0% y un índice de massa corporal (IMC de 21,6 ± 2,0kg/m². El test BSQ apuntó que un 33% de las atletas presentaron una leve distorción de la imagen corporal mismo estando con valores para grasa corporal dentro de los patrones esperados para la edad y el sexo. El test BITE apuntó que el 16,6% de las atletas con un padrón alimenticio no usual en la escala de síntomas, sin que estas presentasen expresiones en la escala de gravedad. Las atletas con patrón alimenticio no usual están incluídas en el total sugestivo de distorsión de la imagen corporal. El test EAT-26 mostró un resultado negativo para todas las atletas. Los resultados encontrados en el análisis sugieren la presencia de síntomas que no se

  20. The role of leptin, melanocortin, and neurotrophin system genes on body weight in anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa. (United States)

    Yilmaz, Zeynep; Kaplan, Allan S; Tiwari, Arun K; Levitan, Robert D; Piran, Sara; Bergen, Andrew W; Kaye, Walter H; Hakonarson, Hakon; Wang, Kai; Berrettini, Wade H; Brandt, Harry A; Bulik, Cynthia M; Crawford, Steven; Crow, Scott; Fichter, Manfred M; Halmi, Katherine A; Johnson, Craig L; Keel, Pamela K; Klump, Kelly L; Magistretti, Pierre; Mitchell, James E; Strober, Michael; Thornton, Laura M; Treasure, Janet; Woodside, D Blake; Knight, Joanne; Kennedy, James L


    Although low weight is a key factor contributing to the high mortality in anorexia nervosa (AN), it is unclear how AN patients sustain low weight compared with bulimia nervosa (BN) patients with similar psychopathology. Studies of genes involved in appetite and weight regulation in eating disorders have yielded variable findings, in part due to small sample size and clinical heterogeneity. This study: (1) assessed the role of leptin, melanocortin, and neurotrophin genetic variants in conferring risk for AN and BN; and (2) explored the involvement of these genes in body mass index (BMI) variations within AN and BN. Our sample consisted of 745 individuals with AN without a history of BN, 245 individuals with BN without a history of AN, and 321 controls. We genotyped 20 markers with known or putative function among genes selected from leptin, melanocortin, and neurotrophin systems. There were no significant differences in allele frequencies among individuals with AN, BN, and controls. AGRP rs13338499 polymorphism was associated with lowest illness-related BMI in those with AN (p = 0.0013), and NTRK2 rs1042571 was associated with highest BMI in those with BN (p = 0.0018). To our knowledge, this is the first study to address the issue of clinical heterogeneity in eating disorder genetic research and to explore the role of known or putatively functional markers in genes regulating appetite and weight in individuals with AN and BN. If replicated, our results may serve as an important first step toward gaining a better understanding of weight regulation in eating disorders. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  1. Enhanced ghrelin secretion in the cephalic phase of food ingestion in women with bulimia nervosa. (United States)

    Monteleone, Palmiero; Serritella, Cristina; Scognamiglio, Pasquale; Maj, Mario


    In humans, the cephalic phase response to food ingestion consists mostly of vagal efferent activation, which promotes the secretion of entero-pancreatic hormones, including ghrelin. Since symptomatic patients with bulimia nervosa (BN) are characterized by increased vagal tone, we hypothesized an enhanced ghrelin secretion in the cephalic phase of vagal stimulation. Therefore, we investigated ghrelin response to modified sham feeding (MSF) in both BN and healthy women. Six drug-free BN women and 7 age-matched healthy females underwent MSF with initially seeing and smelling a meal, and then chewing the food without swallowing it. Blood samples were drawn immediately before and after MSF for hormone assay. Circulating ghrelin increased after MSF in both groups with BN individuals exhibiting a greater ghrelin increase, which positively correlated with the patients' weekly frequency of binge-purging. These results show for the first time an increased ghrelin secretion in the cephalic phase of vagal stimulation in symptomatic BN patients, likely resulting in a potentiation of the peripheral hunger signal, which might contribute to their aberrant binge-purging behavior. 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  2. Impact of altering DSM-IV criteria for anorexia and bulimia nervosa on the base rates of eating disorder diagnoses. (United States)

    Thaw, J M; Williamson, D A; Martin, C K


    The diagnostic criteria used to define eating disorders have been the focus of debate for many years. The primary aim of this study was to evaluate the impact of altering DSM-IV diagnostic criteria upon the base rates of anorexia nervosa (AN), bulimia nervosa (BN) and eating disorder not otherwise specified (EDNOS). Five controversial criteria were systematically modified and the impact of these changes on base rates of full-syndrome and partial-syndrome eating disorders was assessed in 193 patients referred to two specialty eating disorder clinics. Modification of a single criterion resulted in relatively small changes in base rates of AN and BN, whereas modification of the two severity criteria led to more substantial changes. These findings have significant implications for future modifications of the DSM classification.

  3. The Core Symptoms of Bulimia Nervosa, Anxiety, and Depression: A Network Analysis (United States)

    Levinson, Cheri A.; Zerwas, Stephanie; Calebs, Benjamin; Forbush, Kelsie; Kordy, Hans; Watson, Hunna; Hofmeier, Sara; Levine, Michele; Crosby, Ross D.; Peat, Christine; Runfola, Cristin D.; Zimmer, Benjamin; Moesner, Markus; Marcus, Marsha D.; Bulik, Cynthia M.


    Bulimia nervosa (BN) is characterized by symptoms of binge eating and compensatory behavior, and overevaluation of weight and shape, which often co-occur with symptoms of anxiety and depression. However, there is little research identifying which specific BN symptoms maintain BN psychopathology and how they are associated with symptoms of depression and anxiety. Network analyses represent an emerging method in psychopathology research to examine how symptoms interact and may become self-reinforcing. In the current study of adults with a DSM-IV diagnosis of BN (N = 196), we used network analysis to identify the central symptoms of BN, as well as symptoms that may bridge the association between BN symptoms and anxiety and depression symptoms. Results showed that fear of weight gain was central to BN psychopathology, whereas binge eating, purging, and restriction were less central in the symptom network. Symptoms related to sensitivity to physical sensations (e.g., changes in appetite, feeling dizzy, wobbly) were identified as bridge symptoms between BN, and anxiety and depressive symptoms. We discuss our findings with respect to cognitive-behavioral treatment approaches for BN. These findings suggest that treatments for BN should focus on fear of weight gain, perhaps through exposure therapies. Further, interventions focusing on exposure to physical sensations may also address BN psychopathology, as well as co-occurring anxiety and depressive symptoms. PMID:28277735

  4. A Meta-analysis on Resting State High-frequency Heart Rate Variability in Bulimia Nervosa. (United States)

    Peschel, Stephanie K V; Feeling, Nicole R; Vögele, Claus; Kaess, Michael; Thayer, Julian F; Koenig, Julian


    Autonomic nervous system function is altered in eating disorders. We aimed to quantify differences in resting state vagal activity, indexed by high-frequency heart rate variability comparing patients with bulimia nervosa (BN) and healthy controls. A systematic search of the literature to identify studies eligible for inclusion and meta-analytical methods were applied. Meta-regression was used to identify potential covariates. Eight studies reporting measures of resting high-frequency heart rate variability in individuals with BN (n = 137) and controls (n = 190) were included. Random-effects meta-analysis revealed a sizeable main effect (Z = 2.22, p = .03; Hedge's g = 0.52, 95% CI [0.06;0.98]) indicating higher resting state vagal activity in individuals with BN. Meta-regression showed that body mass index and medication intake are significant covariates. Findings suggest higher vagal activity in BN at rest, particularly in unmedicated samples with lower body mass index. Potential mechanisms underlying these findings and implications for routine clinical care are discussed. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and Eating Disorders Association. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and Eating Disorders Association.

  5. Is technology assisted guided self-help successful in treating female adolescents with bulimia nervosa? (United States)

    Wagner, Gudrun; Wagner, Gudrun; Penelo, Eva; Nobis, Gerald; Mayerhofer, Anna; Schau, Johanna; Spitzer, Marion; Imgart, Hartmut; Karwautz, Andreas


    This study aims to evaluate the long-term outcome of new technology assisted guided self-help in adolescents with bulimia nervosa (BN). One hundred and twenty-six patients with BN (29 adolescents and 97 adults) were randomly allocated to a cognitive behavioural therapy-based self-help program delivered by the Internet or bibliotherapy, both accompanied by e-mail guidance. Outcomes were assessed at baseline, month 4, 7 and 18 including remission rates and eating disorder associated psychopathology. In all, 44% of adolescents vs. 38.7% of adults were in remission at month 7, and 55% of adolescents vs. 62.5% of adults were in remission at follow-up. Objective binge eating and compensatory behaviour improved significantly over time in both groups, with the highest decrease during the first 4 months. A significant decrease over time and no group differences have been found in almost all EDI-2 subscales. E-mail guided self-help (delivered via the Internet or bibliotherapy) is equally effective for adolescents as for adults with BN, and can be recommended as an initial step of treatment for this younger age group.

  6. Cue-exposure software for the treatment of bulimia nervosa and binge eating disorder. (United States)

    Gutiérrez-Maldonado, José; Pla-Sanjuanelo, Joana; Ferrer-García, Marta


    Cue-exposure therapy (CET) has proven its efficacy in treating patients with bulimia nervosa and binge eating disorder who are resistant to standard treatment. Furthermore, incorporating virtual reality (VR) technology is increasingly considered a valid exposure method that may help to increase the efficacy of standard treatments in a variety of eating disorders. Although immersive displays improve the beneficial effects, expensive technology is not always necessary. We aimed to assess whether exposure to food related virtual environments could decrease food craving in a non-clinical sample. In addition, we specifically compared the effects of two VR systems (one non-immersive and one immersive) during CET. We therefore applied a one-session CET to 113 undergraduate students. Decreased food craving was found during exposure to both VR environments compared with pre-treatment levels, supporting the efficacy of VR-CET in reducing food craving. We found no significant differences in craving between immersive and non-immersive systems. Low-cost non-immersive systems applied through 3D laptops can improve the accessibility of this technique. By reducing the costs and improving the usability, VR-CET on 3D laptops may become a viable option that can be readily applied in a greater range of clinical contexts.

  7. Neurologia i regulació educativa del comportament


    Nogués, Ramon M.


    El artículo pretende confrontar algunos datos de la neurología humana con algunos planteamientos educativos, desde la convicción de que existe la correspondencia entre estructura y fisiología nerviosas de una parte, y las estrategias educativas de otra, pero resulta todavía muy poco precisable. Se examinan cinco capítulos, y a propósito de cada uno de ellos, se considera algun aspecto de la actividad educativa que pueda ser iluminado a partir de algunos datos recientes deducidos del estudio d...

  8. Effectiveness of mindfulness-based cognitive therapy on clinical syndrome and body image in women with bulimia nervosa

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Marjan Moradi


    Full Text Available Introduction: The purpose of present research was to investigate the effectiveness of mindfulness-based cognitive therapy on clinical syndrome and body image in women with bulimia nervosa disorder. Materials and Methods: This is a quasi-experimental study with pre-test, post-test, and control group. The study population consisted of all women who referred to two nutrition and diet therapy clinics in Mashhad between February and May 2015, among which 30 women with inclusion and exclusion criteria were selected as the sample using convenience sampling. The 30 participants were randomly assigned to two 15-person groups. The first group received mindfulness-based cognitive therapy and the second group was the control group that was placed on a waiting list. Binge Eating questionnaire (Gormally, 1982, Fisher’s image inventory and Depression Anxiety Stress Scale (DASS-21 were used to collect data. Data analysis was conducted using analysis of covariance in SPSS. Results: Based on the test results, mindfulness-based cognitive therapy significantly reduced depression (P

  9. Core psychopathology in anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa: A network analysis. (United States)

    Forrest, Lauren N; Jones, Payton J; Ortiz, Shelby N; Smith, April R


    The cognitive-behavioral theory of eating disorders (EDs) proposes that shape and weight overvaluation are the core ED psychopathology. Core symptoms can be statistically identified using network analysis. Existing ED network studies support that shape and weight overvaluation are the core ED psychopathology, yet no studies have estimated AN core psychopathology and concerns exist about the replicability of network analysis findings. The current study estimated ED symptom networks among people with anorexia nervosa (AN) and bulimia nervosa (BN) and among a combined group of people with AN and BN. Participants were girls and women with AN (n = 604) and BN (n = 477) seeking residential ED treatment. ED symptoms were assessed with the Eating Disorder Examination-Questionnaire (EDE-Q); 27 of the EDE-Q items were included as nodes in symptom networks. Core symptoms were determined by expected influence and strength values. In all networks, desiring weight loss, restraint, shape and weight preoccupation, and shape overvaluation emerged as the most important symptoms. In addition, in the AN and combined networks, fearing weight gain emerged as an important symptom. In the BN network, weight overvaluation emerged as another important symptom. Findings support the cognitive-behavioral premise that shape and weight overvaluation are at the core of AN psychopathology. Our BN and combined network findings provide a high degree of replication of previous findings. Clinically, findings highlight the importance of considering shape and weight overvaluation as a severity specifier and primary treatment target for people with EDs. © 2018 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  10. Impaired prefrontal cognitive control over interference by food images in binge-eating disorder and bulimia nervosa. (United States)

    Lee, Jung Eun; Namkoong, Kee; Jung, Young-Chul


    Binge-eating disorder (BED)characterized by recurrent episodes of binge-eating without inappropriate compensatory behaviors is classified as an official diagnosis in DSM-5. However, the neural bases that differentiate BED from other eating disorders such as bulimia nervosa (BN), are still under debate. Thirty-nine participants (HC, n=14; BN, n=13; BED, n=12) underwent functional MRI while performing a Stroop-Match-to-Sample task. This pilot study investigated how food images interfered with the behavioral performances and blood-oxygenation-level-dependent neuronal activity. Compared to healthy controls, participants with BN showed lower accuracy indicating impaired cognitive control over interference. Compared to healthy controls, participants with BED demonstrated stronger activations in the ventral striatum in response to food images. By contrast, participants with BN exhibited stronger activations in the premotor cortex and dorsal striatum. These aberrant ventral and dorsal frontostriatal activations in response to food images are associated with increased reward sensitivity and habitual binge-eating/purging behaviors in BED and BN. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  11. Fractures in patients with anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, and other eating disorders--a nationwide register study. (United States)

    Vestergaard, Peter; Emborg, Charlotte; Støving, René K; Hagen, Claus; Mosekilde, Leif; Brixen, Kim


    To study fracture risk in patients with anorexia nervosa (AN), bulimia nervosa (BN), or eating disorders not otherwise specified (EDNOS). Cohort study including all Danes diagnosed with AN (n = 2,149), BN (n = 1,294), or EDNOS (n = 942) between 1977 and 1998. Each patient was compared with three randomly drawn age- and gender-matched control subjects. Fracture risk was increased in AN after diagnosis compared to controls (incidence rate ratio: 1.98, 95% CI: 1.60-2.44), but not before. The increased fracture risk persisted more than 10 years after diagnosis. A significant increase in fracture risk was found before diagnosis in BN (1.31, 95% CI: 1.04-1.64), with a trend towards an increase after diagnosis (1.44, 95% CI: 0.93-2.22). EDNOS patients had a significant increase in fracture risk before (1.39, 95% CI: 1.06-1.81) and after diagnosis (1.77, 95% CI: 1.25-2.51). The increased fracture risk many years after diagnosis indicates permanent skeletal damage. Copyright 2002 by Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  12. Neurobiology of anorexia and bulimia nervosa. (United States)

    Kaye, Walter


    Anorexia nervosa (AN) and bulimia nervosa (BN) are related disorders of unknown etiology that most commonly begin during adolescence in women. AN and BN have unique and puzzling symptoms, such as restricted eating or binge-purge behaviors, body image distortions, denial of emaciation, and resistance to treatment. These are often chronic and relapsing disorders, and AN has the highest death rate of any psychiatric disorder. The lack of understanding of the pathogenesis of this illness has hindered the development of effective interventions, particularly for AN. Individuals with AN and BN are consistently characterized by perfectionism, obsessive-compulsiveness, and dysphoric mood. Individuals with AN tend to have high constraint, constriction of affect and emotional expressiveness, ahendonia and asceticism, whereas individuals with BN tend to be more impulsive and sensation seeking. Such symptoms often begin in childhood, before the onset of an eating disorder, and persist after recovery, suggesting they are traits that create a vulnerability for developing an ED. There is growing acknowledgement that neurobiological vulnerabilities make a substantial contribution to the pathogenesis of AN and BN. Considerable evidence suggests that altered brain serotonin (5-HT) function contributes to dysregulation of appetite, mood, and impulse control in AN and BN. Brain imaging studies, using 5-HT specific ligands, show that disturbances of 5-HT function occur when people are ill, and persist after recovery from AN and BN. It is possible that a trait-related disturbance of 5-HT neuronal modulation predates the onset of AN and contributes to premorbid symptoms of anxiety, obsessionality, and inhibition. This dysphoric temperament may involve an inherent dysregulation of emotional and reward pathways which also mediate the hedonic aspects of feeding, thus making these individuals vulnerable to disturbed appetitive behaviors. Restricting food intake may become powerfully

  13. Blood levels of the endocannabinoid anandamide are increased in anorexia nervosa and in binge-eating disorder, but not in bulimia nervosa. (United States)

    Monteleone, Palmiero; Matias, Isabelle; Martiadis, Vassilis; De Petrocellis, Luciano; Maj, Mario; Di Marzo, Vincenzo


    The endocannabinoid system, consisting of two cannabinoid receptors (CB1 and CB2) and the endogenous ligands anandamide (arachidonoylethanolamide (AEA)) and 2-arachidonoylglycerol (2-AG), has been shown to control food intake in both animals and humans, modulating either rewarding or quantitative aspects of the eating behavior. Moreover, hypothalamic endocannabinoids seem to be part of neural circuitry involved in the modulating effects of leptin on energy homeostasis. Therefore, alterations of the endocannabinoid system could be involved in the pathophysiology of eating disorders, where a deranged leptin signalling has been also reported. In order to verify this hypothesis, we measured plasma levels of AEA, 2-AG, and leptin in 15 women with anorexia nervosa (AN), 12 women with bulimia nervosa (BN), 11 women with binge-eating disorder (BED), and 15 healthy women. Plasma levels of AEA resulted significantly enhanced in both anorexic and BED women, but not in bulimic patients. No significant change occurred in the plasma levels of 2-AG in all the patients' groups. Moreover, circulating AEA levels were significantly and inversely correlated with plasma leptin concentrations in both healthy controls and anorexic women. These findings show for the first time a derangement in the production of the endogenous cannabinoid AEA in drug-free symptomatic women with AN or with BED. Although the pathophysiological significance of this alteration awaits further studies to be clarified, it suggests a possible involvement of AEA in the mediation of the rewarding aspects of the aberrant eating behaviors occurring in AN and BED.

  14. The core symptoms of bulimia nervosa, anxiety, and depression: A network analysis. (United States)

    Levinson, Cheri A; Zerwas, Stephanie; Calebs, Benjamin; Forbush, Kelsie; Kordy, Hans; Watson, Hunna; Hofmeier, Sara; Levine, Michele; Crosby, Ross D; Peat, Christine; Runfola, Cristin D; Zimmer, Benjamin; Moesner, Markus; Marcus, Marsha D; Bulik, Cynthia M


    Bulimia nervosa (BN) is characterized by symptoms of binge eating and compensatory behavior, and overevaluation of weight and shape, which often co-occur with symptoms of anxiety and depression. However, there is little research identifying which specific BN symptoms maintain BN psychopathology and how they are associated with symptoms of depression and anxiety. Network analyses represent an emerging method in psychopathology research to examine how symptoms interact and may become self-reinforcing. In the current study of adults with a Diagnostic and Statistical Manual for Mental Disorders-Fourth Edition ( DSM-IV ) diagnosis of BN (N = 196), we used network analysis to identify the central symptoms of BN, as well as symptoms that may bridge the association between BN symptoms and anxiety and depression symptoms. Results showed that fear of weight gain was central to BN psychopathology, whereas binge eating, purging, and restriction were less central in the symptom network. Symptoms related to sensitivity to physical sensations (e.g., changes in appetite, feeling dizzy, and wobbly) were identified as bridge symptoms between BN, and anxiety and depressive symptoms. We discuss our findings with respect to cognitive-behavioral treatment approaches for BN. These findings suggest that treatments for BN should focus on fear of weight gain, perhaps through exposure therapies. Further, interventions focusing on exposure to physical sensations may also address BN psychopathology, as well as co-occurring anxiety and depressive symptoms. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2017 APA, all rights reserved).

  15. Ecological momentary assessment of stressful events and negative affect in bulimia nervosa. (United States)

    Goldschmidt, Andrea B; Wonderlich, Stephen A; Crosby, Ross D; Engel, Scott G; Lavender, Jason M; Peterson, Carol B; Crow, Scott J; Cao, Li; Mitchell, James E


    Negative affect precedes binge eating and purging in bulimia nervosa (BN), but little is known about factors that precipitate negative affect in relation to these behaviors. We aimed to assess the temporal relation among stressful events, negative affect, and bulimic events in the natural environment using ecological momentary assessment. A total of 133 women with current BN recorded their mood, eating behavior, and the occurrence of stressful events every day for 2 weeks. Multilevel structural equation mediation models evaluated the relations among Time 1 stress measures (i.e., interpersonal stressors, work/environment stressors, general daily hassles, and stress appraisal), Time 2 negative affect, and Time 2 binge eating and purging, controlling for Time 1 negative affect. Increases in negative affect from Time 1 to Time 2 significantly mediated the relations between Time 1 interpersonal stressors, work/environment stressors, general daily hassles, and stress appraisal and Time 2 binge eating and purging. When modeled simultaneously, confidence intervals for interpersonal stressors, general daily hassles, and stress appraisal did not overlap, suggesting that each had a distinct impact on negative affect in relation to binge eating and purging. Our findings indicate that stress precedes the occurrence of bulimic behaviors and that increases in negative affect following stressful events mediate this relation. Results suggest that stress and subsequent negative affect may function as maintenance factors for bulimic behaviors and should be targeted in treatment. PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2014 APA, all rights reserved.

  16. The Impact of Alexithymia on Emotion Dysregulation in Anorexia Nervosa and Bulimia Nervosa over Time. (United States)

    Brown, Tiffany A; Avery, Jade C; Jones, Michelle D; Anderson, Leslie K; Wierenga, Christina E; Kaye, Walter H


    Research supports that anorexia nervosa-restricting subtype (AN-R) and bulimia nervosa (BN) are associated with emotion regulation difficulties and alexithymia. However, the impact of diagnosis on the relationship between these constructs is less well understood. The purpose of the present study was to examine whether eating disorder diagnosis moderated the association between admission alexithymia and emotion regulation through discharge. Adult patients with AN-R (n = 54) and BN (n = 60) completed assessments at treatment admission and discharge from a partial hospital program. Eating disorder diagnosis moderated the association between admission alexithymia levels and change in global emotion dysregulation, impulse control difficulties and access to emotion regulation strategies. At higher levels of admission alexithymia, there were no differences between AN-R and BN on emotion dysregulation, whereas at lower levels of alexithymia, AN-R patients demonstrated lower levels of emotion dysregulation. Results imply that difficulties with alexithymia appear to have a greater impact on emotion dysregulation for AN-R patients. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and Eating Disorders Association. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and Eating Disorders Association.

  17. Increased Subjective Distaste and Altered Insula Activity to Umami Tastant in Patients with Bulimia Nervosa

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rikukage Setsu


    Full Text Available The aim of this study was to examine differences in brain neural activation in response to monosodium glutamate (MSG, the representative component of umami, between patients with bulimia nervosa (BN and healthy women (HW controls. We analyzed brain activity after ingestion of an MSG solution using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI in a group of women with BN (n = 18 and a group of HW participants (n = 18. Both groups also provided a subjective assessment of the MSG solution via a numerical rating scale. The BN group subjectively rated the MSG solution lower in pleasantness and liking than the control group, although no difference in subjective intensity was noted. The fMRI results demonstrated greater activation of the right insula in the BN group versus the control group. Compared with the HW controls, the BN patients demonstrated both altered taste perception-related brain activity and more negative hedonic scores in response to MSG stimuli. Different hedonic evaluation, expressed as the relative low pleasing taste of umami tastant and associated with altered insula function, may explain disturbed eating behaviors, including the imbalance in food choices, in BN patients.

  18. Increased Subjective Distaste and Altered Insula Activity to Umami Tastant in Patients with Bulimia Nervosa. (United States)

    Setsu, Rikukage; Hirano, Yoshiyuki; Tokunaga, Miki; Takahashi, Toru; Numata, Noriko; Matsumoto, Koji; Masuda, Yoshitada; Matsuzawa, Daisuke; Iyo, Masaomi; Shimizu, Eiji; Nakazato, Michiko


    The aim of this study was to examine differences in brain neural activation in response to monosodium glutamate (MSG), the representative component of umami, between patients with bulimia nervosa (BN) and healthy women (HW) controls. We analyzed brain activity after ingestion of an MSG solution using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) in a group of women with BN ( n  = 18) and a group of HW participants ( n  = 18). Both groups also provided a subjective assessment of the MSG solution via a numerical rating scale. The BN group subjectively rated the MSG solution lower in pleasantness and liking than the control group, although no difference in subjective intensity was noted. The fMRI results demonstrated greater activation of the right insula in the BN group versus the control group. Compared with the HW controls, the BN patients demonstrated both altered taste perception-related brain activity and more negative hedonic scores in response to MSG stimuli. Different hedonic evaluation, expressed as the relative low pleasing taste of umami tastant and associated with altered insula function, may explain disturbed eating behaviors, including the imbalance in food choices, in BN patients.

  19. Expectancies related to thinness, dietary restriction, eating, and alcohol consumption in women with bulimia nervosa. (United States)

    Bruce, Kenneth; Mansour, Sandra; Steiger, Howard


    To investigate behavior-outcome expectancies relating to thinness, dietary restriction, eating, and alcohol consumption in women with bulimia nervosa (BN). Women with BN (N = 29), women with BN and a co-morbid lifetime alcohol use disorder (AUD; N = 18), and control women (N = 24), completed interviews and questionnaires assessing eating- and alcohol-related symptoms, as well as questionnaires measuring expectancies relating to thinness, dietary restriction, eating, and alcohol consumption. Compared with the control group, both bulimic groups reported greater positive expectancies relating to thinness, dietary restriction and eating; expectancy endorsements were also predictive of the severity of eating-related symptoms. Compared with the other groups, the bulimic group with comorbid lifetime AUD had elevated positive alcohol-related expectancies, and alcohol expectancy endorsements predicted severity of alcohol-related symptoms. Women with BN endorsed more positive expectancies relating to thinness, dietary restriction, and eating, whereas women with BN and a lifetime comorbid AUD endorsed more positive alcohol expectancies. The results are consistent with expectancy theory in that positive expectancy endorsements were associated with symptom severity in a syndrome-specific manner. Expectancies related to thinness, dietary restriction, eating, and alcohol consumption in women with BN. (c) 2008 by Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  20. Anorexia nervosa versus bulimia nervosa: differences based on retrospective correlates in a case-control study. (United States)

    Machado, Bárbara C; Gonçalves, Sónia F; Martins, Carla; Brandão, Isabel; Roma-Torres, António; Hoek, Hans W; Machado, Paulo P


    This study is the result of two Portuguese case-control studies that examined the replication of retrospective correlates and preceding life events in anorexia nervosa (AN) and bulimia nervosa (BN) development. This study aims to identify retrospective correlates that distinguish AN and BN METHOD: A case-control design was used to compare a group of women who met Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition criteria for AN (N = 98) and BN (N = 79) with healthy controls (N = 86) and with other psychiatric disorders (N = 68). Each control group was matched with AN patients regarding age and parental social categories. Risk factors were assessed by interviewing each person with the Oxford Risk Factor Interview. Compared to AN, women with BN reported significantly higher rates of paternal high expectations, excessive family importance placed on fitness/keeping in shape, and negative consequences due to adolescent overweight and adolescent objective overweight. Overweight during adolescence emerged as the most relevant retrospective correlate in the distinction between BN and AN participants. Family expectations and the importance placed on keeping in shape were also significant retrospective correlates in the BN group.