
Sample records for buena fe dos

  1. Buena fe subjetiva y buena fe objetiva. Equívocos a los que conduce la falta de claridad en la distinción de tales conceptos

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    Martha Lucía Neme Villarreal


    Full Text Available El presente escrito tiene por objeto dejar en evidencia la confusión que en cierto sector de la jurisprudencia colombiana existe entre el concepto de buena fe objetiva y el concepto de buena fe subjetiva, que ha trascendido, por demás, a una parte de la doctrina y la legislación (C. Co., art. 863, pero, sobre todo, busca advertir sobre los graves equívocos a los que dicha confusión conduce, entre los que se cuentan: asumir que la buena objetiva comprende tanto una buena fe exenta de culpa como una buena fe en la que la diligencia no resulta exigible; pretender que la regla que prohíbe el ir contra los actos propios está regida por la buena fe subjetiva y que es una manifestación de la teoría de la apariencia; pretender proteger a nombre del principio de buena fe la representación mental del deudor que cree haber cumplido, desconociendo la exigencia de la buena fe objetiva que impone desplegar un comportamiento efectivo; y apreciar de manera errónea los alcances de la presunción de buena fe; equívocos que llevan a plantear la necesidad de retomar los senderos del derecho romano, en el que el concepto originario de buena fe estuvo siempre atado al deber de comportamiento probo y leal frente a la otra parte en el contrato, es decir, a lo que hoy entendemos como buena fe objetiva y donde la exigencia de buena fe en la posesión del comprador (convicción o creencia debió ser una utilización particular de la bona fides contractual adaptada en función de la problemática posesoria, que luego se extendería a otras situaciones que se engloban hoy bajo el nombre de la teoría de la apariencia.

  2. La buena fe en la concurrencia sobre bienes inmuebles

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    Gastón Fernández Cruz


    Full Text Available El presente trabajo representa una apretada síntesis de la tesis titulada "El Papel de la buena fe en la transferencia de la Propiedad Inmueble". con la que el autor optó el grado de bachiller eb  Derecho en la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú en diciembre de 1984. Su pretensión no es otra que dejar claramente establecido el rol que representa la buena fe dentro de un sistema consensual de transferencia de la propiedad. cuando el derecho se enfrenta a una situación de excepción ante sucesivas transferencias.realizadas por un mismo sujeto.

  3. La presunción de buena fe en el sistema jurídico colombiano: una regla cuya aplicación tergiversada desnaturaliza el principio

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    Martha Lucía Neme Villarreal


    Full Text Available Una de las desafortunadas consecuencias de la ausencia de una adecuada diferenciación entre los conceptos de buena fe objetiva y buena fe subjetiva es la aplicación inapropiada de la presunción de buena fe, en cuanto aquello que constituye una excepción al régimen general, esto es, que la buena fe subjetiva posesoria se presume, se ha adoptado como regla general en materia de buena fe objetiva. Una tal generalización de la presunción; desnaturaliza el principio de buena fe, pues la regla general en materia de buena fe objetiva es que el cumplimiento de los deberes de comportamiento que emanan del principio no se presume, sino que se debe probar su efectiva realización, en tanto que los estados psicológicos o las creencias, en los que se funda la buena fe subjetiva, constituyen excepciones a la regla general en cuanto se permite su presunción. El Código de Bello consagra la regla de presunción de buena fe con alcances restringidos a los eventos de buena fe subjetiva y extenderla a situaciones en las que lo aplicable es la buena fe objetiva contraría la esencia misma del principio. En materia administrativa la Constitución colombiana consagra una excepción a la regla general que rige en materia de buena fe objetiva conforme a la cual la buena fe no se presume, al permitir que opere una presunción legal en favor del particular en las gestiones que este adelante ante aquella, como medida para equilibrar las relaciones entre la administración pública y los particulares, relación que se encuentra marcada por una fuerte asimetría.

  4. Buenas prácticas en integración de las TIC en educación en Andalucía : dos estudios de caso


    Boza Carreño, Ángel; Toscano Cruz, María O


    Este trabajo muestra resultados parciales del Proyecto de Investigación de Excelencia “Buenas prácticas en integración de TICs en centros de Educación Primaria y Secundaria de Andalucía” (P07- HUM-03035), financiado por la Consejería de Innovación, Ciencia y Empresa. Se trata de un estudio de casos múltiple, del que presentamos aquí dos casos de centros de Educación Primaria, en los que se han utilizado diversas estrategias cualitativas (entrevistas abiertas, observaciones partici...

  5. VIGENCIA DEL PRINCIPIO DE LA BUENA FE EN EL DERECHO DEL TRABAJO CHILENO Validity of the principle of good faith in the Chilean labor law

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    Pedro Irureta Uriarte


    Full Text Available La buena fe es un principio general del Derecho que, en el ámbito laboral, encuentra especial aplicación en la figura del contrato de trabajo. La buena fe es predicable tanto para el trabajador como para el empleador, y se verifica en los estadios previos a la contratación, durante el desarrollo mismo del contrato, así como al momento de la extinción. El Código del Trabajo chileno, sin referirse expresamente a este principio, ha terminado incorporando sus exigencias en distintas figuras laborales; cuestión que no impide que el núcleo esencial del principio se despliegue en toda su magnitud al momento de configurar los derechos y obligaciones de cada parte.Good faith is a general principle of law which, in the workplace, finds special application in the employment contract. This principle acts both from the worker and the employer and has to be present in stages prior to recruitment, during the fulfillment of the contract and the date of termination. The Chilean Labour Code, without explicitly referring to this principle, has incorporated its work demands in different shapes. This special technique does not interfere with a direct spillover of the legal core of that principle when the legal order configures the rights and obligations of each party.

  6. Las buenas practicas espanolas 1998

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    Nasarre y de Goicoechea, Fernando


    Full Text Available The II HABITAT Conference held at Istanbul on June 1996, adopted the Habitat Program -Global Action Plan, in within which two performance lines are especially reinforced to reach the two main goals of suitable e housing for all and sustainable human settlements: the collaboration and participation among all the levels of the government and the civil society and, the recognition of the importance of the urban policies. In this framework is addressed the International Award Best Practices for the Improvement of the Life Conditions that, sponsored by the municipality of Dubai, is celebrated every two years and is awarded to the 10 selected by an International Independent Jury. The goal of the Competition is to promote policies and strategies more effective for the sustainable development of the humanity and their settlements, through the transmission of information and knowledge on experiences and solutions proved in the practice. The obtained results in the last international competition, with 32 of the presented Practices included in the Data Base of the United Nations Good Practices, 18 classified among the 100 best (3 of them included among the 40 finalists and finally, one, among the 10 awarded (Programs for the improvement of the urban environment of Malaga, allow us to look forward with satisfaction the panorama of the urban policy in our country.La Conferencia HABITAT II celebrada en Estambul en junio de 1996 adopto el Programa Hábitat-Plan Global de Acción-, dentro del cual se refuerzan especialmente dos líneas de actuación: la colaboración y participación entre todos los niveles de gobierno y la sociedad civil y el reconocimiento de la importancia de las políticas urbanas para alcanzar los dos objetivos principales: vivienda adecuada para todos y asentamientos humanos sostenibles. En este marco se inscribe el Concurso Internacional de Buenas Practicas para la Mejora de las Condiciones de Vida que, patrocinado par la municipalidad

  7. Actitudes docentes hacia las TIC en centros de buenas prácticas educativas con orientación inclusiva

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    Full Text Available El presente artículo recoge los resultados de un estudio cuyo objetivo ha sido determinar las actitudes del profesorado hacia el uso e integración de las Tecnologías de la Información y Comunicación (TIC en aulas inclusivas, así como la identificación de aquellos factores que favorecen buenas prácticas educativas con apoyo de dichas tecnologías. Respecto del tipo de diseño, se trata de un estudio de casos múltiple, concretamente de dos centros educativos, de titularidad pública, de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria de la ciudad de Sevilla (España. La selección de los casos se hizo teniendo en cuenta el criterio de ser dos centros educativos de orientación inclusiva y estar catalogados por la Administración Educativa Andaluza como de «buenas prácticas». Las técnicas utilizadas para la recogida de la información han sido el cuestionario y el grupo de discusión. Los resultados señalan, por un lado, que de manera general los docentes poseen actitudes positivas hacia las TIC, especialmente el profesorado de género masculino y aquellos que cuentan con mayores posibilidades de interacción con las mismas. Por otro lado, el hecho de contar con medios materiales suficientes; dar importancia al constructivismo; adaptar las tareas y actividades a las características del alumnado; estimular el trabajo autónomo y colaborativo; y la capacidad para fomentar políticas y culturas inclusivas entre redes de centros educativos se presentan como factores importantes para desarrollar buenas prácticas educativas con apoyo de TIC.

  8. Derecho a la buena administración electrónica


    Sánchez Acevedo, Marco Emilio


    Existe un derecho a la “buena administración”, consagrado en la Carta de Derechos Fundamentales de la Unión Europea —Título V, sobre “Ciudadanía”; artículo 41, sobre el “Derecho a una buena Administración”— y es indudable que la “buena administración” constituye un verdadero “derecho” de los ciudadanos y una obligación de las administraciones públicas que ha calado en la legislación y en la jurisprudencia como expresión aglutinante de su buen funcionamiento y que se ha positivado en una seri...

  9. Análisis de las buenas prácticas de participación ciudadana en las unidades de gestión clínica del Servicio Andaluz de Salud


    M. Eugenia Gómez Martínez; Guadalupe Pastor Moreno; Olivia Pérez Corral; M. Teresa Iriarte de los Santos; Ángel Luis Mena Jiménez; M. Cecilia Escudero Espinosa; Inmaculada García Romera; Martín Germán Blanco García; Amelia Martín Barato


    Objetivo: Conocer buenas prácticas de participación ciudadana en las unidades de gestión clínica (UGC) del Servicio Andaluz de Salud (SAS) y explorar factores percibidos por profesionales de UGC del SAS que pueden influir en la existencia y la distribución de buenas prácticas de participación ciudadana. Método: Estudio con metodología mixta realizado en Andalucía en dos fases (2013-2015). En la fase 1 (estudio cuantitativo) se realizó un cuestionario online a directores/as de UGC con una c...

  10. Ética y estética de la conducta en los manuales de buenas maneras españoles Ética y estética de la conducta en los manuales de buenas maneras españoles

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    Fernando Ampudia de Haro


    Full Text Available The aim of the article is to give the reader a general idea as to established relationships between ethics and appearances in social conduct as they have appeared in various good manuals on social behaviour from medieval times to present.In relation to this, many proposals from varying viewpoints have been presented dealing with the decline of moral content in such manuals. Ultimately these manuals propose two comprehensive models concerning the relationship between ethics and appearances, refered to as aristotalian and kantian respectively.El propósito del artículo es efectuar una aproximación general al tipo de relación que se establece entre ética y estética de la conducta tal y como ésta ha sido planteada en los diferentes manuales de buenas maneras que se han publicado en España desde la Baja Edad Media hasta nuestros días. Se proponen, a partir de esos mismos manuales, dos modelos comprensivos de las relaciones entre ética y estética del comportamiento aquí denominados aristotélico y kantiano respectivamente. Por último, se presentan diversas propuestas explicativas en torno a la disolución del contenido moral de las buenas maneras en tales manuales.

  11. 75 FR 26794 - Alticor, Inc., Including Access Business Group International LLC and Amway Corporation, Buena... (United States)


    ..., Inc., Including Access Business Group International LLC and Amway Corporation, Buena Park, CA; Alticor, Inc., Including Access Business Group International LLC, and Amway Corporation, Ada, MI; Amended... of Alticor, Inc., including Access Business Group International LLC and Amway Corporation, Buena Park...

  12. Construyendo buenos ciudadanos con buenas prácticas en salud: dengue e influenza AH1N1 en Cali, Colombia

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    Alejandro Arango


    Full Text Available Este artículo discute la relación entre la dimensión biológica de las enfermedades y los hábitos de auto-cuidado o “conductas saludables”. Su pregunta central indaga por cómo un fenómeno aparentemente biológico genera ciertas “buenas prácticas” en torno a la salud, defendiendo la idea de la enfermedad como un asunto socio-cultura, más que un mero hecho biológico. El estudio aquí presentado se apoya en una investigación realizada en la ciudad de Cali y enfocada en dos enfermedades, dengue e influenza AH1N1, entre 2009 y 2010. El examen de la relevancia adquirida por estas dos dolencias, mostrará cómo la biología y las prácticas de auto-cuidado tienen una estrecha relación entre sí.

  13. Formación en buenas prácticas docentes para la educación virtual

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    Rodrigo Alberto Duran Rodríguez


    Full Text Available La educación virtual está confrontando problemas de calidad por la falta de planificación y control de indicadores claves tales como la planta docente contratada y las estrategias instrumentadas en el proceso de enseñanza y aprendizaje. El presente artículo tiene como propósitos: primero, explorar el potencial de las buenas prácticas docentes en la educación virtual y segundo, medir el grado de adopción de estas buenas prácticas por parte de los participantes en el corto, mediano y largo plazo. Se trabajó un estudio de caso específico con once candidatos a Máster en Docencia Superior de la Universidad Tecnológica Oteima en la República de Panamá y los resultados demuestran que el 72% de los participantes adoptarían la estrategia en el largo plazo (en dos o más años, mientras que un promedio del 50% de los equipos de trabajo adoptarían la estrategia en el largo plazo. Por ende, existe disposición en los segmentos individual y grupal de adoptar este tipo de estrategias en la planificación y diseño de cursos virtuales, lo que podría significar un aporte futuro a la calidad de la modalidad virtual. Sin embargo, por tratarse de un estudio de caso específico con una muestra limitada de n =11, no se pretende generalizar las conclusiones por lo que es necesario ampliar la muestra en otras investigaciones y recoger más datos.

  14. Buenas prácticas de gobierno societario para las Pymes cotizantes en Argentina


    María Luisa Streb


    La CNV modificó su Código de Gobierno Societario (GS) para las Emisoras que cuentan con autorización de oferta pública de sus acciones y obligaciones negociables, quedando exentas las pequeñas y medianas empresas (Pymes) de cualquier requerimiento que haga a buenas prácticas, a pesar de que acuden al ahorro público. Reconocer la importancia de buenas prácticas de GS lleva a admitir la existencia de conflictos de agencia. Para el caso de las Pymes el problema de agencia ocurre cuando un grupo ...

  15. Early archosauromorph remains from the Permo-Triassic Buena Vista Formation of north-eastern Uruguay. (United States)

    Ezcurra, Martín D; Velozo, Pablo; Meneghel, Melitta; Piñeiro, Graciela


    The Permo-Triassic archosauromorph record is crucial to understand the impact of the Permo-Triassic mass extinction on the early evolution of the group and its subsequent dominance in Mesozoic terrestrial ecosystems. However, the Permo-Triassic archosauromorph record is still very poor in most continents and hampers the identification of global macroevolutionary patterns. Here we describe cranial and postcranial bones from the Permo-Triassic Buena Vista Formation of northeastern Uruguay that contribute to increase the meagre early archosauromorph record from South America. A basioccipital fused to both partial exoccipitals and three cervical vertebrae are assigned to Archosauromorpha based on apomorphies or a unique combination of characters. The archosauromorph remains of the Buena Vista Formation probably represent a multi-taxonomic assemblage composed of non-archosauriform archosauromorphs and a 'proterosuchid-grade' animal. This assemblage does not contribute in the discussion of a Late Permian or Early Triassic age for the Buena Vista Formation, but reinforces the broad palaeobiogeographic distribution of 'proterosuchid grade' diapsids in Permo-Triassic beds worldwide.


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    Pilar Colás Bravo


    Full Text Available En este artículo se presentan los resultados de un estudio de casos llevado a cabo mediante entrevistas narrativas, cuyo objetivo es identificar los factores condicionantes de las buenas prácticas con TIC. Las buenas prácticas con TIC están relacionadas con dos áreas científicas de estudio. Una referida a la integración de las TIC en los sistemas educativos y, otra ligada a procesos de innovación. En esta aportación se presenta el estado de la cuestión respecto a factores condicionantes de las buenas prácticas desde ambas perspectivas. A partir de ahí situamos el marco teórico de este trabajo desde la perspectiva del profesorado. El análisis cualitativo realizado mediante el software científico Atlas.Ti 5.0 saca a la luz variables personales y contextuales asociadas a los procesos de innovación. In this article the results of a case study carried out are presented by means of narrative interviews, whose objective is to identify the determining factors of the good practices with ICT. The good practices with ICT are related to two scientific areas of study. One, above mentioned, related to the integration of the ICT in the educational systems and, another, connected with processes of innovation. In this contribution we present the state of the question related to determining factors of the good practices from both points of view. From there we situate the theoretical framework of this work since the perspective of the teachers. The qualitative analysis carried out by means of the program AtlasTi identifies personal and contextual factors associated to the processes of innovation.

  17. Sam Harris La promoción del humanismo exige el fin de la fe

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    Javier Monserrat Monserrat


    Full Text Available El tipo de ateísmo de San Harris es distinto del de otros autores porque se funda exclusivamente en la ponderación de la fe religiosa irracional como fuente de la violencia, del terror, del enfrentamiento social —interior a las naciones e internacional— que acaba por hacer imposible toda forma de cohesión social. Es evidente que Harris da por descontado que las creencias religiosas son irracionales y esto por dos razones. Primero porque la razón, en la ciencia y en la filosófica, no puede aducir argumento alguno para pensar que Dios o los dioses sean reales y existentes. Segundo porque las afirmaciones mismas de las religiones presentan un contenido que, por las buenas, no se puede creer, repugna inmediatamente a la razón, como puedan ser, por ejemplo, hablar de una «encarnación» de Dios o de que Mahoma ascendió al Cielo a lomos de un caballo alado, y otras afirmaciones de similar irracionalidad.

  18. Early archosauromorph remains from the Permo-Triassic Buena Vista Formation of north-eastern Uruguay

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    Martín D. Ezcurra


    Full Text Available The Permo-Triassic archosauromorph record is crucial to understand the impact of the Permo-Triassic mass extinction on the early evolution of the group and its subsequent dominance in Mesozoic terrestrial ecosystems. However, the Permo-Triassic archosauromorph record is still very poor in most continents and hampers the identification of global macroevolutionary patterns. Here we describe cranial and postcranial bones from the Permo-Triassic Buena Vista Formation of northeastern Uruguay that contribute to increase the meagre early archosauromorph record from South America. A basioccipital fused to both partial exoccipitals and three cervical vertebrae are assigned to Archosauromorpha based on apomorphies or a unique combination of characters. The archosauromorph remains of the Buena Vista Formation probably represent a multi-taxonomic assemblage composed of non-archosauriform archosauromorphs and a ‘proterosuchid-grade’ animal. This assemblage does not contribute in the discussion of a Late Permian or Early Triassic age for the Buena Vista Formation, but reinforces the broad palaeobiogeographic distribution of ‘proterosuchid grade’ diapsids in Permo-Triassic beds worldwide.


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    Jesús Valverde Berrocoso


    Full Text Available El objetivo de este estudio, que forma parte de una investigación más amplia sobre la innovación educativa y la integración de las Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación (TIC en el aula [1], es conocer el grado de «bienestar subjetivo» autopercibido por profesorado innovador y asociado a su realización de «buenas prácticas educativas con TIC». El bienestar subjetivo es un concepto que se extrae de las percepciones de las personas sobre su existencia o su visión subjetiva de su experiencia vital y profesional. En una muestra de profesorado innovador (N=41 de centros educativos seleccionados por sus «buenas prácticas con TIC», se aplicó un cuestionario para medir qué motivaciones, emociones y competencias están presentes en una práctica innovadora con tecnologías, así como el grado de satisfacción personal y profesional logrado tras la aplicación de estas buenas prácticas. Los resultados revelan las motivaciones que mueven al profesorado a implicarse en actividades docentes innovadoras, las percepciones de satisfacción y las emociones en las que se fundamenta su grado de bienestar subjetivo vinculado con las buenas prácticas educativas con TIC. Las motivaciones que impulsan la innovación o las buenas prácticas educativas con TIC son de carácter práctico (mejora del trabajo docente y mayor interés del alumnado, ético (deber y responsabilidad de uso por parte del profesorado y personal (superación de retos para lograr una mayor competencia digital. El profesorado manifiesta mayoritariamente emociones positivas relacionadas con el uso educativo de las TIC (orgullo, satisfacción, autoestima, autoconfianza y felicidad, autopercepción de logro de metas profesionales y una mayor eficacia en su actividad docente. El profesorado percibe que sus buenas prácticas inciden en la actitud positiva de sus compañeros hacias las innovaciones con TIC, el apoyo del equipo directivo hacia estos proyectos y a una mayor

  20. Lo que todos debemos saber de las buenas prácticas clínicas


    Lyda Osorio


    Cada vez son más los países que adoptan las guías de buenas prácticas clínicas como parte de la reglamentación de los estudios clínicos para el registro de productos farmacéuticos y de otros relacionados con la salud. Por ello, todos los involucrados en la investigación y el desarrollo de dichos productos tienen la obligación de conocerlas, implementarlas y velar por su cumplimiento. Sin embargo, las buenas prácticas clínicas son solo una de las iniciativas que buscan alcanzar los más altos e...

  1. Temporal and spatial variation on heavy metal concentrations in the bivalve Perna perna (LINNAEUS, 1758 on the northern coast of Rio de Janeiro State, Brazil

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    Alexandre Gomes Ferreira


    Full Text Available Heavy metal (Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb and Zn concentrations were studied in Perna perna from three beaches (Barra do Furado, Buena and Ponta do Retiro on the northern coast of Rio de Janeiro State by ICP-AES. The average concentration was 0.3 ± 0.04 (Cd; 1.9 ± 0.6 (Cr; 6.1 ± 0.7 (Cu; 1,130 ± 113 (Fe; 22 ± 3.2 (Mn; 9.3 ± 4.6 (Ni; 0.4 ± 0.2 (Pb; 44 ± 5.8 (Zn µg.g-1 dry weight. There were no significant difference for almost all the studied metals in relation to sex. Although, significant spatial variations (p Este trabalho descreve as concentrações de Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb and Zn em Perna perna das praias de Barra do Furado (BF, Buena (B and Ponta do Retiro (PR na costa Norte do Estado do Rio de Janeiro. As concentrações dos metais foram determinadas em ICP-AES. As concentrações médias foram 0.3 ± 0.04 (Cd; 1,9 ± 0.6 (Cr; 6,13 ± 0.7 (Cu; 1.130 ± 113 (Fe; 22 ± 3,2 (Mn; 9.3 ± 4,6 (Ni; 0.4 ± 0.2 (Pb; 44 ± 5,8 (Zn µg.g-1 de peso seco. Não ocorreram diferenças significativas para a maioria dos metais, em relação ao sexo. Variações espaciais significativas (p < 0.05 ocorreram para Cr, Pb e Ni com os maiores valores em BF. Variações temporais significativas (p < 0.05 ocorreram nas três praias, contudo, nenhuma tendência sazonal de acumulação foi observada. As concentrações dos metais foram similares aquelas áreas descritas sob baixo impacto de poluição por metais pesados, exceto para o Fe, cujos altos valores provavelmente estão associados a presença de substratos locais ricos em óxido de Fe.


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    Sofía Lissbrant


    Full Text Available Este trabajo presenta tres Buenas Prácticas que pueden brindar soluciones a la situación alarmante de inseguridad alimentaria y desnutrición que existe en la región Caribe colombiana, a pesar de tener alta potencialidad de producción de alimentos. Para identificar las Buenas Prácticas se indagaron a cerca de 400 profesionales de entidades públicas, privadas y ONG. Esa encuesta reveló tres ejemplos destacados de Buenas Prácticas que, con métodos distintos, generaron cambios positivos en la Seguridad Alimentaria y Nutricional de los habitantes de Sucre y Cesar. Adicionalmente, se sugirió que las tres Buenas Prácticas pueden ser replicadas y con poca dificultad incorporadas en los Planes de Desarrollo Departamentales. Si las iniciativas identificadas cuentan con el apoyo de los tomadores de decisiones, tienen potencial para fortalecer a los pequeños productores, reducir la inseguridad alimentaria y mejorar el estado nutricional de la población.

  3. Movimientos sociorreligiosos y lucha política: el movimiento de 'La Buena Nueva' y la rebelión del '62 entre los Nivaclé del Chaco boreal paraguayo

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    Ana María Spadaforo


    Full Text Available En el presente trabajo se analizan dos movimientos sociales que tuvieron lugar entre los indígenas nivaclé del Chaco paraguayo: El movimiento de La Buena Nueva acaecido durante la década del 50 y la rebelión indígena del 62. Ambos, uno desde lo religioso y el otro desde lo político, fueron respuesta a la situación de marginalidad creciente a la que se vió sometido el indígena.Se cuestionan determinadas posturas ortodoxas que tienden a ver los movimientos de tipo milenarista y de reivindicación étnica como fragmentarios, localistas y destinados al fracaso.

  4. Evaluar en contextos de exclusión educativa: buenas prácticas e inclusión social


    Amores Fernández, Francisco Javier; Ritacco Real, Maximiliano


    Desde un punto de vista educativo, las buenas prácticas en el ámbito de la evaluación en los centros escolares ubicados en contextos de exclusión social, responden a criterios como la flexibilidad, la adaptabilidad y la individualización, entre otros. Nuestro interés en la identificación de buenas prácticas se ha centrado en aquellas que, dentro de los programas y medidas encaminados a reducir o erradicar el fracaso escolar, están relacionadas con el proceso evaluativo y tienen en cuenta las ...

  5. Algunas experiencias para la difusión de buenas prácticas docentes en la enseñanza universitaria.

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    Carla Costa Sanz


    Full Text Available El presente escrito es una reseña del libro Buenas prácticas docentes en la universidad. Modelos y experiencias en la Universidad de Barcelona, que pretende dar a conocer el análisis de diversos proyectos que versan sobre la mejora de la docencia universitaria con el objetivo final de difundir unas buenas prácticas docentes en el marco de la enseñanza superior.

  6. Seguridad alimentaria y nutricional en la región caribe: consecuencias de la desnutrición y buenas prácticas como soluciones


    Sofia Lissbrant


    Este trabajo presenta tres Buenas Prácticas que pueden brindar soluciones a la situación alarmante de inseguridad alimentaria y desnutrición que existe en la región Caribe colombiana, a pesar de tener alta potencialidad de producción de alimentos. Para identificar las Buenas Prácticas se indagaron a cerca de 400 profesionales de entidades públicas, privadas y ONG. Esa encuesta reveló tres ejemplos destacados de Buenas Prácticas que, con métodos distintos, generaron cambios positivos en la Seg...

  7. Anharmonic phonons and magnons in BiFeO3

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Delaire, Olivier A [ORNL; Ma, Jie [ORNL; Stone, Matthew B [ORNL; Huq, Ashfia [ORNL; Gout, Delphine J [ORNL; Brown, Craig [National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST); Wang, Kefeng [Nanjing National Laboratory of Microstructures, Nanjing University, Nanjing; Ren, Zhifeng [Boston College, Chestnut Hill


    The phonon density of states (DOS) and magnetic excitation spectrum of polycrystalline BiFeO3 were measured for temperatures 200 < T < 750K , using inelastic neutron scattering (INS). Our results indicate that the magnetic spectrum of BiFeO3 closely resembles that of similar Fe perovskites, such as LaFeO3, despite the cycloid modulation in BiFeO3. We do not find any evidence for a spin gap. A strong T-dependence of the phonon DOS was found, with a marked broadening of the whole spectrum, providing evidence of strong anharmonicity. This anharmonicity is corroborated by large amplitude motions of Bi and O ions observed with neutron diffraction. These results highlight the importance of spin-phonon coupling in this material.


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    Fermín González García


    Full Text Available Se muestra en este trabajo un modelo de conocimiento construido sobre buenas prácticas docentes de una profesora universitaria, responsable de la asignatura "Circuitos y Sistemas I", correspondiente al primer curso (y primer cuatrimestre de la titulación de Ingeniería Técnica de Telecomunicación: Sonido e Imagen. El modelo fue realizado en el marco de una investigación que se ha llevado a cabo por 6 universidades españolas. El trabajo identifica, analiza, explicita y representa con la ayuda del programa informático CMap Tools el pensamiento pedagógico y la práctica docente de un profesor universitario caracterizado por su buena práctica, a partir de entrevistas en profundidad. El modelo de conocimiento construido de las buenas prácticas de este profesor, fácilmente accesible a través de Internet, constituye un excelente ejemplo que puede orientar tanto al profesor novel como a profesores experimentados que quieran mejorar la calidad de la docencia que imparten.

  9. 76 FR 45878 - Alticor, Inc., Including Access Business Group International LLC and Amway Corporation, Buena... (United States)


    ...,420B] Alticor, Inc., Including Access Business Group International LLC and Amway Corporation, Buena Park, CA; Alticor, Inc., Including Access Business Group International LLC and Amway Corporation...., Including Access Business Group International LLC and Amway Corporation, Including On-Site Leased Workers...

  10. Las computadoras ¿son buenas o malas para los niños?

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    Revista Chasqui


    Full Text Available Se trabaja sobre un estudio del Instituo Argentino de Computación. Sobre las computadoras hay criterios opuestos unos las defienden y otros las atacan, pero lo cierto es que éstas no son ni buenas ni malas para los niños. Da a los padres y maestros advertencias sobre los riesgos. Informa sobre el programa Kidkey que ayuda a fijar el tiempo de conexión a Internet.

  11. Aproximación a un modelo integrado de buenas prácticas de innovación docente que apoyan la construcción y el desarrollo de las competencias genéricas


    Bravo Ibarra, Edna Rocío; Simó Guzmán, Pep; Amante García, Beatriz


    El objetivo principal de esta investigación es el diseño de un modelo de buenas prácticas de innovación docente, que sirva de apoyo a los profesores en la adaptación de asignaturas, preparación de actividades, desarrollo, evaluación y seguimiento de competencias genéricas. este modelo de buenas prácticas ha sido desarrollado en cuatro fases: 1) fundamentación teórica, 2) identificación de buenas prácticas de innovación docente, 3) construcción del modelo de buenas prácticas y, ...


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    Manuel Guillermo García Sandoval


    Full Text Available RESUMEN La implementación de buenas prácticas para el desarrollo de software, son una compilación de métodos o técnicas que permiten llevar a cabo de manera óptima el conjunto de actividades que comprenden el desarrollo de un sistema de información. En el campo de desarrollo de software colaborativo, estas prácticas son empleadas con el fin de que las actividades realizadas por cada miembro de un equipo de trabajo, y esté tengan concordancia con las actividades realizadas por los demás miembros. Esto se realiza mediante el seguimiento de las normas correspondientes, que al ser implementadas, generan un proyecto comprensible por quienes conforman el equipo de trabajo. El no seguimiento de las mismas, puede generar retrasos e incluso fracaso en un proyecto de desarrollo colaborativo, debido qué al no establecer una metodología específica para la solución de un problema, cada miembro del equipo puede tomar diferentes caminos para la solución del mismo, pudiendo las discrepancias entre los mismos, provocar futuros problemas de compatibilidad dentro del sistema a implementar. Este proyecto pretende llevar a cabo el establecimiento de una metodología de desarrollo, que involucre una serie de actividades para la implementación colaborativa de un aplicativo web en el entorno colaborativo cloud9, basada en las buenas prácticas, con la posterior aplicación y evaluación de la misma, de acuerdo con los resultados obtenidos.

  13. Buenas prácticas en educación infantil y materiales didácticos. Análisis de tres estudios de caso


    Alvarez Seoane, Denebola; Rodríguez Rodríguez, Jesús; Romero Tena, Rosalía (Coordinador)


    En esta comunicación analizamos los materiales didácticos para educación infantil empleados en escuelas seleccionadas por sus buenas prácticas educativas. Esta aproximación al campo de estudio de los recursos educativos es parte del proyecto de investigación “Diseño Curricular y Buenas Prácticas en Educación Infantil: una visión internacional, multiculutral e interdisciplinar”, coordinado por el Catedrático Miguel Zabalza. El objetivo de investigación es a...

  14. Crystal-field spectra of fassaite from the Angra dos Reis meteorite

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Mao, H K; Bell, P M; Virgo, D [Carnegie Institution of Washington, D.C. (USA)


    Fassaitic pyroxene from the Angra dos Reis meteorite has striking spectral properties. The /sup 57/Fe Moessbauer spectra show no Fe/sup 3 +/, and thus the absorption is thought to originate from a complex charge-transfer process. Intense absorption at 480 nm dominates the spectrum of the meteorite and may be important in the interpretation of telescope spectra of objects in space.

  15. Buenas prácticas en la gestión de la investigación


    Luján Mora, Sergio


    Conferencia "Buenas prácticas en la gestión de la investigación" impartida en la Universidad Católica Santiago de Guayaquil (Guayaquil, Ecuador) el 1 de abril de 2016 en el marco del II Encuentro de vicerrectores de investigación y posgrado, organizado por la Red Ecuatoriana de Universidades y Escuelas Politécnicas para Investigación y Posgrados (REDU).

  16. Identificación de factores críticos para implantar buenas prácticas agrícolas

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    Nelson Gutiérrez Guzmán


    Full Text Available En este artículo se presenta la identificación de los factores críticos (FC que afectan la implantación de un programa de buenas prácticas agrícolas (BPA en productores de café y frutas del departamento del Huila, en Colombia, mediante la realización de un análisis factorial exploratorio utilizando como método de factorización el análisis de componentes principales (ACP; las ma- trices de datos se construyeron con los resultados de la aplicación de sendos instrumentos con estructura definida en las dos po- blaciones objeto de estudio, el instrumento Starbucks C.A.F.E. Practices –para pequeños caficultores en el caso de los producto- res de café– y EUREPGAP V2.1 Oct.2004 – Checklist-listado de verificación para frutas y hortalizas, aplicado a los productores de fruta. Los resultados de esta investigación permitieron la identificación de seis FC que deben de ser tenidos en cuenta al im- plantar un programa de BPA: infraestructura, actividades propias del proceso de producción establecido, toma y mantenimiento de registros, conciencia medioambiental, bienestar y seguridad de los trabajadores, y control de la calidad.

  17. Educar en valores para una buena convivencia en Educación Infantil


    Rivera Ramón, Belén


    Este Trabajo de Fin de Grado pretende mostrar la importancia que tiene una educación en valores desde la primera etapa educativa, para que haya una buena convivencia tanto dentro como fuera del aula. La propuesta didáctica que se lleva a cabo se realiza en el 2º ciclo de Educación Infantil, a través de unos cuentos y actividades, integrando dicho contenido en rutinas diarias. Que los niños y niñas adquieran ciertos valores desde sus primeras edades, les va proporcionando una actitud de aut...

  18. Buenas prácticas en la didáctica del Trabajo Social


    Ramos Feijóo, Clarisa; Lorenzo García, Josefa; Dellavalle, Marilena; Ariño Altuna, Miren; Munuera Gómez, Pilar


    La importancia de la innovación educativa en la formación de profesionales de Trabajo Social nos enfrenta a la necesidad de crear sinergias para adecuar los contenidos a las vicisitudes de la compleja realidad social. La producción de conocimiento científico específico del área, va acompañada de la demanda de una capacitación en competencias que favorezcan la intervención social. El presente trabajo presenta un análisis descriptivo de cuatro actividades docentes identificadas como buenas prác...

  19. Barreras para la integración de buenas prácticas con TIC. Estudio de caso.

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    Siria Padilla Partida


    Full Text Available Esta investigación analiza las barreras u obstáculos para la integración de las buenas prácticas educativas con TIC, en la segunda más grande universidad pública de México: La Universidad de Guadalajara. Se analiza el caso del Centro Universitario de Ciencias Económico Administrativas (CUCEA, el cual es uno de los 15 centros universitarios que integran la red universitaria de la UdeG. Para esta investigación fue diseñado un cuestionario cerrado, tipo rubrica, con una escala de 5 puntos que iba desde no se ha iniciado hasta consolidado, para poder identificar cuáles eran los principales obstáculos percibidos por los profesores para integrar las TIC en las prácticas educativas. El cuestionario estuvo dividido en dos partes, la primera exploraba las barreras atribuidas a la institución educativa, y la segunda, las barreras atribuidas a los profesores. El muestreo fue representativo y aleatorio, con una muestra de 210 profesores de un total de 460. Los resultados identificaron como los mayores obstáculos: La falta de incentivos para integrar las TIC en la enseñanza con 382 puntos de un total de 1055, la falta de flexibilidad curricular con 483 puntos, y por último, la falta de confianza en la educación a distancia con 583 puntos.

  20. Teores de Fe, Mn, Zn, Cu, Ni E Co em solos de referência de Pernambuco

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    Caroline Miranda Biondi


    Full Text Available Metais pesados formam um grupo de elementos com particularidades relevantes e de ocorrência natural no ambiente, como elementos acessórios na constituição de rochas. Esses elementos, apesar de associados à toxidez, exigem tratamento diferenciado em relação aos xenobióticos, uma vez que diversos metais possuem essencialidade (Fe, Mn, Cu, Zn e Ni e benefício (Co comprovados para as plantas. Nesse contexto, o objetivo deste trabalho foi determinar os teores naturais dos metais Fe, Mn, Zn, Ni, Cu e Co nos solos de referência de Pernambuco. Foram coletadas amostras de solo nas três regiões fisiográficas (Zona da Mata, Agreste e Sertão, dos dois primeiros horizontes dos 35 solos de referência do Estado de Pernambuco. A digestão das amostras baseou-se no método 3051A (USEPA, 1998, e a determinação foi efetuada em ICP-OES. Correlações significativas foram estabelecidas entre os metais e entre estes e a fração argila do solo, em ambos os horizontes, indicando a associação comum da maioria dos metais com solos mais argilosos. A maioria dos solos apresentou teores de Fe, Mn, Zn, Cu, Ni e Co menores que os de solos de outras regiões do País, com litologia mais máfica, o que corrobora o fato de que os teores desses elementos são mais diretamente relacionados aos minerais Fe-magnesianos. Os resultados indicam baixo potencial dos solos de Pernambuco em liberar Cu, Co e Ni para plantas, enquanto deficiências de Zn, Fe e Mn são menos prováveis. Os teores naturais de Fe, Mn, Zn, Cu, Ni e Co determinados podem ser utilizados como base para definição dos Valores de Referência de Qualidade para os solos de Pernambuco, de acordo com o preconizado pela legislação nacional.

  1. Magnetic Compton scattering study of Laves phase ZrFe2 and Sc doped ZrFe2: Experiment and Green function based relativistic calculations (United States)

    Bhatt, Samir; Mund, H. S.; Kumar, Kishor; Bapna, Komal; Dashora, Alpa; Itou, M.; Sakurai, Y.; Ahuja, B. L.


    Spin momentum densities of ferromagnetic ZrFe2 and Zr0.8Sc0.2Fe2 have been measured using magnetic Compton scattering with 182.65 keV circularly polarized synchrotron radiations. Site specific spin moments, which are responsible for the formation of total spin moment, have been deduced from Compton line shapes. At room temperature, the computed spin moment of ZrFe2 is found to be slightly higher than that of Sc doped ZrFe2 which is in consensus with the magnetization data. To compare the experimental data, we have also computed magnetic Compton profiles (MCPs), total and partial spin projected density of states (DOS) and the site specific spin moments using spin-polarized relativistic Korringa-Kohn-Rostoker method. It is observed that the spin moment at Fe site is aligned antiparallel to that of Zr site in both ZrFe2 and Zr0.8Sc0.2Fe2. The MCP results when compared with vibrating sample magnetometer based magnetization data, show a very small contribution of orbital moment in the formation of total magnetic moments in both the compounds. The DOS of ferromagnetic ground state of ZrFe2 and Zr0.8Sc0.2Fe2 are interpreted on the basis of a covalent magnetic model beyond the Stoner rigid band model. It appears that on alloying between a magnetic and a non-magnetic partner (with low valence), a polarization develops on the non-magnetic atom which is anti-parallel to that of the magnetic atom.

  2. Desarrollo de Herramientas Enfocadas en Ayudar a las Pymes de Desarrollo de Software en la Implementación de Buenas Prácticas de Gestión de Proyectos

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    Yolanda-Meredith García


    Full Text Available La Industria del desarrollo de software constituye un factor clave en la economía. En Latinoamérica este sector se compone por el 99% de pymes. Esto resalta la importancia de la implementación de buenas prácticas de ingeniería de software en las pymes para asegurar su mejora continua. En este contexto, existen diversos modelos y estándares que contienen buenas prácticas enfocadas en mejorar los procesos de desarrollo de software tales como CMMI, ISO-12207, ISO-15504, etc. Sin embargo, para aplicar dichos modelos, las pymes requieren adaptarlos según su tamaño y tipo de negocio. Por lo tanto, se apoyan de técnicas y herramientas para la implementación de buenas prácticas contenidas en ellos. El objetivo de este artículo es presentar una herramienta que facilita la implementación de buenas prácticas para realizar una la gestión de riesgos básica en una pyme.

  3. Mid-late Holocene environments of Agua Buena locality (34050'S; 69056'W), Mendoza, Argentina

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Navarro, Diego; Paez, M M; Mehl, A; Zarate, M A


    In southern South America the acquisition of high-quality Holocene paleoclimate data is a priority due to the paucity of complete, continuous and well dated records. Here we report preliminary results from a combined sedimentological and palynological study of an alluvial fan sequence and the laterally connected sedimentary deposits of the Vega de la Cueva profile at Agua Buena east of the Andes in central Argentina. The main geomorphological units of the area were identified and mapped based on satellite image analysis and multiple field surveys. The sedimentological and pollen results allowed us to reconstruct the development of some environments. The Agua Buena record corresponds to the distal facies of the Arroyo Bayo alluvial fan starting the aggradation process prior to ca. 4100 cal yr BP. The organic-rich levels found were formed during the development of wetlands (vegas) dominated by Cyperaceae, Juncaceae and Poaceae. These highly productive environments with almost permanent water saturation were important between 4100 and 2800 cal yr BP, indicating more stable conditions. After 2800 cal yr BP, the organic content was comparatively lower with increasing sedimentation rates that are indicative of higher fluvial discharges. This information is fundamental to interpret both the pollen and charcoal records of the area and to evaluate their representativeness and potential to reconstruct past local and/or regional vegetation.

  4. Buenas prácticas en el ámbito educativo y su orientación a la gestión del conocimiento

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    Doris Jerí Rodríguez


    Full Text Available El artículo aporta diversas aproximaciones sobre uno de los conceptos que ha ido cobrando fuerza en la literatura educativa interesada en reconocer los avances de las escuelas: las buenas prácticas. Para ello el texto contribuye, sobre la base de la bibliografía actual, a rescatar las definiciones y alcances de este enfoque centrado en las buenas prácticas educativas. El artículo logra además presentar las contribuciones de este enfoque en el ámbito de la gestión del conocimiento en las organizaciones educativas y, en particular, se presentan sus aportes en relación con la gestión del proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje.


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    Manuel Area Moreira


    Full Text Available En este artículo presentamos el diseño y resultados de un estudio realizado en la Universidad de La Laguna (ULL destinado a identificar buenas prácticas de aulas virtuales en la docencia universitaria desarrolladas bajo la modalidad de blended learning o enseñanza semipresencial. El estudio se desarrolló en el primer trimestre del año 2008 y analizó una importante muestra de las aulas virtuales (N= 107 existentes en el Campus Virtual de dicha universidad en el periodo 2005-07. Se seleccionaron seis ejemplos de aulas virtuales, clasificados por campos científicos, caracterizadas por la incorporación de recursos de información, de comunicación y de aprendizaje experiencial.

  6. Validación de dos índices biológicos de integridad (IBI en la subcuenca del río Angulo en el centro de México

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    Juan Pablo Ramírez-Herrejón


    Full Text Available Las acciones para detener el deterioro de los ecosistemas dulceacuícolas del centro del México requieren herramientas de biomonitoreo que permitan el análisis de su integridad biológica. En este trabajo se analizó la viabilidad del uso de dos índices biológicos de integridad (IBI con base en las comunidades de peces en ambientes lóticos y lénticos en la subcuenca del Río Angulo (Cuenca del Lerma-Chapala. Utilizando datos provenientes de recolectas independientes durante dos años consecutivos e información sobre los atributos ecológicos para cada una de las especies, se calcularon los valores de dos IBI en 16 sistemas lénticos y lóticos. Se estimó también la calidad ambiental a través de la evaluación de la calidad del agua y del hábitat en cada sitio. Se encontró integridad biótica pobre, regular y buena. El estudio no mostró sitios con buena calidad ambiental. Los valores de los IBI presentaron correlaciones altas y significativas con aquellos derivados de metodologías independientes de evaluación ambiental. Los IBI reflejaron de forma fehaciente las condiciones ambientales en la mayoría de los sitios de estudio. Con este análisis se logró la expansión de área de uso del IBI para ambientes lóticos y una validación inicial del IBI para ambientes lénticos. Estos resultados sugieren que las herramientas pueden ser utilizadas en futuros esfuerzos de conservación en cuerpos dulceacuícolas en la cuenca del Medio Lerma.

  7. Hipertiroidismo congénito, Reporte de dos casos

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    Víctor Clemente Mendoza Rojas


    Full Text Available Introducción: El hipertiroidismo es una patología tiroidea poco frecuente en neonatos, relacionada con el antecedente materno de enfermedad de Graves, y por lo tanto con el paso transplacentario de inmunoglobulinas estimulantes del receptor de TSH. Presentación de casos: Reportamos dos casos de sexo femenino, que se presentaron en el Hospital Universitario de Santander. El primero de los casos se manifestó en la primera semana; el segundo caso se presentó tardíamente después del primer mes de vida. Los síntomas que presentaron en común fueron taquicardia persistente e hiperactividad. En uno de los casos la presentación clínica fue confundida con una infección bacteriana, debido a la presencia de fiebre. Se confirma el diagnóstico con los niveles de TSH muy suprimidos y T4 libre elevada, al menos al doble del límite superior. Los dos casos observaron medicamentos antitiroideos y propanolol con buena evolución clínica y de laboratorios; no se observamos complicaciones a corto o largo plazo como arritmias o craneosinostosis. Discusión: El hipertiroidismo congénito es una patología poco frecuente y siempre debe ser sospechado en recién nacidos de madres con antecedente de enfermedad de Graves, sus manifestaciones pueden presentarse prenatalmente o postnatalmente, y su diagnóstico y tratamiento deben ser oportunos para evitar secuelas a largo plazo o incluso la muerte

  8. Neumonía eosinofílica: presentación de dos casos, agudo y crónico

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    Oscar Pamo Reyna


    Full Text Available Se presenta dos casos de neumonía eosinofílica idiopática, uno crónico y otro agudo. En el caso clínico 1 se realizó una confirmación anatomopatológica de neumonía eosinofílica idiopática y en el caso clínico 2 se tuvo una neumonia eosinofílica aguda probable. Ambos presentaron tos, fiebre y disnea. El estudio radiográfico reveló lesiones alveolares bilaterales con tendencia a la consolidación. La marcada eosinofilia en sangre periférica fue un dato resaltante que facilitó el diagnóstico. Ambos casos tuvieron muy buena respuesta a la corticoterapia.(Rev Med Hered 2007;18:39-44.

  9. Teores de Fe, Mn, Zn, Cu, Ni E Co em solos de referência de Pernambuco Concentrations of Fe, Mn, Zn, Cu, Ni and Co in benchmark soils of Pernambuco, Brazil

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    Caroline Miranda Biondi


    Full Text Available Metais pesados formam um grupo de elementos com particularidades relevantes e de ocorrência natural no ambiente, como elementos acessórios na constituição de rochas. Esses elementos, apesar de associados à toxidez, exigem tratamento diferenciado em relação aos xenobióticos, uma vez que diversos metais possuem essencialidade (Fe, Mn, Cu, Zn e Ni e benefício (Co comprovados para as plantas. Nesse contexto, o objetivo deste trabalho foi determinar os teores naturais dos metais Fe, Mn, Zn, Ni, Cu e Co nos solos de referência de Pernambuco. Foram coletadas amostras de solo nas três regiões fisiográficas (Zona da Mata, Agreste e Sertão, dos dois primeiros horizontes dos 35 solos de referência do Estado de Pernambuco. A digestão das amostras baseou-se no método 3051A (USEPA, 1998, e a determinação foi efetuada em ICP-OES. Correlações significativas foram estabelecidas entre os metais e entre estes e a fração argila do solo, em ambos os horizontes, indicando a associação comum da maioria dos metais com solos mais argilosos. A maioria dos solos apresentou teores de Fe, Mn, Zn, Cu, Ni e Co menores que os de solos de outras regiões do País, com litologia mais máfica, o que corrobora o fato de que os teores desses elementos são mais diretamente relacionados aos minerais Fe-magnesianos. Os resultados indicam baixo potencial dos solos de Pernambuco em liberar Cu, Co e Ni para plantas, enquanto deficiências de Zn, Fe e Mn são menos prováveis. Os teores naturais de Fe, Mn, Zn, Cu, Ni e Co determinados podem ser utilizados como base para definição dos Valores de Referência de Qualidade para os solos de Pernambuco, de acordo com o preconizado pela legislação nacional.Heavy metals are a group of elements with specific features and natural occurrence in the environment, representing an accessory in the formation of rocks. These elements, although associated with toxicity, must be treated different from xenobiotics, since many

  10. Buena fortuna y felicidad en la ética cartesiana

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    Marvin Estrada


    Full Text Available En este artículo pretendo principalmente mostrar por qué Descartes afirma que la buena fortuna no es necesaria para alcanzar la felicidad. Primero mostraré la diferencia que  Descartes establece entre felicidad y dicha. Luego mostraré que Descartes considera que la felicidad solo puede obtenerse mediante la práctica de la virtud ya que esta constituye el bien supremo al que puede aspirar cada individuo y expondré las razones que apoyan esta afirmación.  Al estar la virtud enteramente en nuestro poder se ve claramente que el favor de la fortuna no es necesario para alcanzar la felicidad. También mostraré que si bien los bienes de la fortuna pueden producir contento, no son necesarios para lograr la felicidad del individuo. Sin embargo, Descartes indica que estos bienes sí son importantes para lograr alcanzar el bien supremo del conjunto de todos los seres humanos. Finalmente expondré brevemente que, según Descartes, la virtud también es necesaria para poder disfrutar adecuadamente del favor de la fortuna.

  11. The changes in the electronic structure of B2 FeAl alloy with a Fe antisite and absorbed hydrogen

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gonzalez, E.A.; Jasen, P.V.; Luna, R.; Bechthold, P.; Juan, A.; Brizuela, G.


    The electronic structure and bonding in a B2 FeAl alloy with and without hydrogen interaction with a Fe antisite were computed using a density functional theoretical method. The hydrogen absorption turns out to be a favorable process. The hydrogen was found close to an octahedral site where one of its Al capped is replaced by a Fe antisite. The Fe-H distance is of 1.45 A same as the Al-H distance. The density of states (DOS) curves show several peaks below the d metal band which is made up mostly of hydrogen based states (>50% H 1s ) while the metal contribution in this region includes mainly s and p orbitals. An electron transfer of nearby 0.21e - comes from the metal to the H. The overlap population values reveal metal-metal bond breaking, the intermetallic bond being the most affected. The H bond mainly with the Al atom and the reported Fe-H overlap population is much lower than that corresponding to FePd alloys and BCC Fe. The changes in the overlap population show the Fe-Al bond is weakened nearly 41.5% after H absorption, while the Fe-Fe bond is only weakened 34.5%. H also develops a stronger bond with the Al atoms. The main bond is developed with Al being twice stronger than Fe-H.

  12. Factores socio-económicos asociados a la percepción de situación socioeconómica entre adultos mayores de dos países latinoamericanos (United States)

    Brenes-Camacho, Gilbert


    El objetivo principal del artículo es estudiar la asociación entre la percepción subjetiva sobre la situación económica propia y una serie de medidas objetivas de bienestar socioeconómico –fuentes de ingresos, tenencia de vivienda, nivel educativo y transferencias familiares informales de dinero- entre adultos mayores de dos países Latinoamericanos: México y Costa Rica. Los datos se obtienen de las primeras rondas de dos encuestas sobre envejecimiento: CRELES para Costa Rica y ENASEM para México. La variable dependiente más importante se obtiene de las respuestas a las pregunta “¿Cómo califica su situación económica actual?” en Costa Rica y “¿Diría usted que su situación económica es…?” en México. Para ambas encuestas, las respuestas se codificaron en forma binaria; el código 0 representa las categorías Excelente, Muy buena y Buena, y el código 1 representa a las categorías Regular y Mala. Se encontró que el ingreso por jubilación es un importante determinante de la percepción de bienestar en ambos países. En Costa Rica, el ingreso del cónyuge y la tenencia de vivienda son importantes predictores de la percepción de bienestar, mientras que en México, los ingresos por transferencias están fuertemente asociados con dicha percepción. PMID:25360057

  13. Dos traducciones costarricenses de Guy de Maupassant

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    Alejandro Alvarado Quirós


    Full Text Available La historia de la traducción literaria en Costa Rica ya tiene buena documentación académica que corrobora su desarrollo y su persistencia. Desde los años tempranos del siglo xx, no pocos escritores dedicaron su pluma, a modo de oficio paralelo, tanto a su creación literaria como a la traducción. Sin duda alguna, porque las obras que tradujeron significaban, en buena medida, sus verdaderos modelos de escritura, pero también porque como traductores, entendieron desde temprano que misión suya era también verter al español, y para Costa Rica, obras que de otro modo difícilmente se conocerían con prontitud en el medio. Un insigne escritor costarricense de aquella etapa inicial de las letras nacionales fue Alejandro Alvarado Quirós (1876-1945, autor de crónicas, crítica literaria y ensayos de singular interés. Como escritor asociado al modernismo costarricense, fue asiduo lector de las letras francesas de la segunda mitad del siglo xix, y varios de los grandes narradores del realismo y el simbolismo francés fueron sus preferidos. En 1912 reunió en el pequeño tomo titulado Lilas y resedas (Imprenta Alcina, San José varios cuentos franceses, especialmente del ilustre cuentista Guy de Maupassant. De esa colección se han extraído dos, para esta sección de Letras: «Nuestras cartas» y «Adiós», que pulcramente Alvarado Quirós vertió al español; desde luego, un español culto, al modo del discurso modernista, como conscientemente el traductor ejecutó su labor. Como Alvarado Quirós, no pocos modernistas se vieron seducidos por el oficio de traducir: Roberto Brenes Mesén, Ricardo Fernández Guardia, Fabio Baudrit, José Fabio Garnier. Fue una empresa que se fue convirtiendo en tarea obligada y, con el tiempo, en una especie de tradición solapada, que hasta nuestros días se extiende.

  14. Uso de voriconazol en el período neonatal. Reporte de dos casos = Voriconazole use during the neonatal period. Report of two cases

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    Carvajal Kalil, Luis Fernando


    Full Text Available Las infecciones micóticas son cada vez más frecuentes en las unidades de cuidado intensivo y aumentan la tasas de morbilidad y mortalidad. En años recientes se han desarrollado nuevos antimicóticos, entre ellos el voriconazol que es, en el momento actual, el tratamiento de elección para los casos de aspergilosis en pacientes adultos y niños mayores de dos años y se considera una opción terapeútica en otras infecciones micóticas. A pesar de esto, la experiencia de su uso en neonatos es escasa y aún se desconocen el perfil de seguridad y las variaciones en cuanto a farmacodinámica y farmacocinética en este grupo etario. Se presentan los casos de dos neonatos de sexo masculino con infecciones micóticas (Aspergillus y Rhodotorula que fueron tratados con voriconazol con buena tolerancia y respuesta clínica adecuada

  15. Validación de un modelo pronóstico para pacientes pluripatológicos en atención primaria: Estudio PROFUND en atención primaria

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    Pilar Bohórquez Colombo


    Conclusiones: el índice PROFUND mantiene una buena calibración reagrupado a tres estratos de riesgo, así como una buena precisión en el pronóstico a los dos años para poblaciones de pacientes pluripatológicos de atención primaria.

  16. Transparencia, buenas prácticas y gestión de la calidad en la actividad de la Administración Pública gallega


    Almeida Cerreda, Marcos; Santiago Iglesias, Diana


    Este artículo analiza la regulación gallega con respecto a la trasparencia, buenas prácticas y calidad en su Gestión Pública para clarificar su alcance, sus efectos y el grado de puesta en práctica.


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    Félix Huelves Martín


    Full Text Available Los equipos informáticos y sus periféricos están diseñados para el uso de un único usuario, constan de un único teclado, ratón; y de una única pantalla. De modo que en una clase de iniciación a la informática, la mejor opción parece ser un equipo por persona. Así, aparentemente, al interactuar individualmente se avanzará más. ¿Pero, y si no es posible contar con suficientes medios? ¿Es realmente imprescindible el “monopuesto” para lograr un aprendizaje significativo? Gracias a la experiencia durante varios cursos de alfabetización digital con adultos utilizando una metodología afín a los objetivos expondremos una buena práctica formativa, haciendo frente a factores adversos como la escasez de recursos. Sin lugar a dudas, sin descuidar la psicología del adulto, educando la adquisición de capacidades tecnológicas haciendo a la persona autónoma en su aprendizaje.

  18. Desarrollo de Herramientas Enfocadas en Ayudar a las Pymes de Desarrollo de Software en la Implementación de Buenas Prácticas de Gestión de Proyectos


    Yolanda-Meredith García; Mirna Muñoz; Jezreel Mejía; Juan-Manuel Martínez; Gloria-Piedad Gasca; Jesús-Andrés Hincapié


    La Industria del desarrollo de software constituye un factor clave en la economía. En Latinoamérica este sector se compone por el 99% de pymes. Esto resalta la importancia de la implementación de buenas prácticas de ingeniería de software en las pymes para asegurar su mejora continua. En este contexto, existen diversos modelos y estándares que contienen buenas prácticas enfocadas en mejorar los procesos de desarrollo de software tales como CMMI, ISO-12207, ISO-15504, etc. Sin embargo, para ap...

  19. Metodologías y buenas prácticas tecnológicas en los procesos de enseñanza - aprendizaje en la Media Técnica de desarrollo de software


    Vásquez Amaya, Lina Marcela


    Las metodologías y buenas prácticas tecnológicas implementadas en el proceso de enseñanza -aprendizaje en la modalidad de desarrollo de software ha tomado importancia ya que es un proceso que permite mejorar las demandas que plantea la sociedad, es así como su estudio es de vital importancia debido a que se podrá analizar e implementar metodologías y buenas prácticas tecnológicas que generen métodos de formación y acompañamiento que garanticen una apropiada unificación durante la formación pr...

  20. Buenas Prácticas docentes/discentes de motivación y participación del aprendizaje


    Rizo-Baeza, Mercedes; Gutiérrez-Hervás, Ana; Salazar-Agulló, Modesta; Martínez-Amorós, Natalia; Cortés Castell, Ernesto; Cortes, F. Xavier


    Actualmente se ha producido un cambio social importante en las aulas de la Universidad, donde se observa que una buena parte del alumnado no presta atención, interés y menos el planteamiento de dudas sobre lo expuesto por el profesor. La exposición tradicional mediante diapositivas, pizarra o lectura del tema, conduce al alumnado a mantener su interés menos de 1/3 de la duración de la clase. Este cambio debe plantearse en las aulas y en los nuevos enfoques del aprendizaje, dejando ser al estu...

  1. Manual de buenas prácticas de comunicación interna en la Biblioteca Universitaria (BUA)


    Biblioteca Universitaria


    Todo cuanto hace la biblioteca es comunicación, voluntaria o involuntariamente. La comunicación no es una actividad opcional. La biblioteca comunica sí o sí, lo sepa o no, lo quiera o no, consciente o inconscientemente… (adaptación al campo de la biblioteca de las palabras de Daniel Scheisohn). Con estas premisas comenzamos este Manual de buenas prácticas de comunicación interna en la BUA, con el objetivo de orientar, de una manera sencilla y práctica, hacia las herramientas, técnicas y canal...

  2. Implantación de guías de buenas prácticas en España. Programa de centros comprometidos con la excelencia en cuidados / Best Practice Guidelines Implementation in Spain. Best Practice Spotlight Organizations / Implementação de manuais sobre boas práticas na Espanha. Programa dos Centros comprometidos com a excelência no atendimento

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    Laura Albornos-Muñoz, BS.


    Full Text Available Introducción: El programa de implantación de Guías de Buenas Prácticas, denominado en España Centros Comprometidos con la Excelencia en Cuidados®, se inició en 2010 tras un acuerdo de colaboración entre la Unidad de Investigación en Cuidados de Salud (Investén-isciii de España, el Centro Colaborador Español del Instituto Joanna Briggs para los Cuidados de Salud basados en la Evidencia y la Registered Nurses' Association of Ontario (RNAO, siguiendo los mismos principios que el programa Best Practice Spotlight Organizations (BPSO® iniciado por RNAO, en Canadá, en 1999. Objetivo: Describir la implantación de Guías de Buenas Prácticas de RNAO en el marco del programa de Centros Comprometidos con la Excelencia en Cuidados® (Best Practice Spotlight Organizations® en España. El programa tiene como objetivo fomentar, facilitar y apoyar la implantación, evaluación y mantenimiento de buenas prácticas en cuidados, para el periodo 2012-2014. Metodología y Resultados: se han seleccionado 8 instituciones de salud y una universidad que implantan las guías de buenas prácticas de RNAO en función de sus necesidades. Tras los 24 primeros meses de implantación se ha formado a los profesionales de salud, constituido grupos estables de trabajo, desarrollado o actualizado protocolos de cuidados y registros correspondientes, también se han evaluado de forma sistemática los resultados de proceso y de salud de los pacientes. También se han difundido activamente los principales logros del programa. Conclusiones: Los candidatos a Centros Comprometidos con la Excelencia en Cuidados® están realizando un gran esfuerzo y los resultados empiezan a mostrar que son positivos, con una creciente cultura de cuidados basados en la evidencia, y el impulso de la investigación y el inicio de un trabajo colaborativo en red. [Albornos-Muñoz L, González-María E, Moreno-Casbas T. Implantación de guías de buenas prácticas en España. Programa de

  3. Physical Properties of Intermetallic FE2VA1

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Feng, Ye [Iowa State Univ., Ames, IA (United States)


    Fe2VAl has recently been discovered to have a negative temperature coefficient of resistivity, moderately enhanced specific heat coefficient, and a large DOS at the Fermi level by photoemission. This triggered a round of heated research to understand the ground state of this material, both theoretically and experimentally. here they report a comprehensive characterization of Fe2VAl. X-ray diffraction exhibited appreciable antisite disorder in all of our samples. FTIR spectroscopy measurements showed that the carrier density and scattering time had little sample-to-sample variation or temperature dependence for near-stoichiometric samples. FTIR and DC resistivity suggest that the transport properties of Fe2VAl are influenced by both localized and delocalized carriers, with the former primarily responsible for the negative temperature coefficient of resistivity. Magnetization measurements reveal that near-stoichiometric samples have superparamagnetic clusters with at least two sizes of moments. X-ray photoemission from Fe core level showed localized magnetic moments on site-exchanged Fe. They conclude that in Fe2VAl, antisite disorder causes significant modification to the semi-metallic band structure proposed by LDA calculations. With antisite disorder considered, they are now able to explain most of the physical properties of Fe2VAl.

  4. Physical Properties of Intermetallic FE2VA1

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ye Feng


    Fe 2 VAl has recently been discovered to have a negative temperature coefficient of resistivity, moderately enhanced specific heat coefficient, and a large DOS at the Fermi level by photoemission. This triggered a round of heated research to understand the ground state of this material, both theoretically and experimentally. here they report a comprehensive characterization of Fe 2 VAl. X-ray diffraction exhibited appreciable antisite disorder in all of our samples. FTIR spectroscopy measurements showed that the carrier density and scattering time had little sample-to-sample variation or temperature dependence for near-stoichiometric samples. FTIR and DC resistivity suggest that the transport properties of Fe 2 VAl are influenced by both localized and delocalized carriers, with the former primarily responsible for the negative temperature coefficient of resistivity. Magnetization measurements reveal that near-stoichiometric samples have superparamagnetic clusters with at least two sizes of moments. X-ray photoemission from Fe core level showed localized magnetic moments on site-exchanged Fe. They conclude that in Fe 2 VAl, antisite disorder causes significant modification to the semi-metallic band structure proposed by LDA calculations. With antisite disorder considered, they are now able to explain most of the physical properties of Fe 2 VAl

  5. La cultura organizacional y su influencia en las buenas prácticas para la gestión del conocimiento en las Pymes de Colombia

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    Full Text Available El objetivo del presente trabajo es la exposición de la relación existente entre la cultura organizacional y las buenas prácticas para la gestión del conocimiento en las Pymes de Colombia, la cual parte de un modelo de evaluación de gestión del conocimiento que fue aplicado a 321 empresas. Para el efecto, se utilizaron métodos de análisis y síntesis y un tipo de estudio descriptivo exploratorio y correlacional. Se concluye que la cultura modera de forma positiva y significativa las buenas prácticas para la gestión de conocimiento. Este estudio se espera que aporte al desarrollo de las pequeñas y medianas empresas del país para formular acciones que permitan potenciar su crecimiento.

  6. “Buen o buena docente” desde la perspectiva de estudiantes que han egresado de educación secundaria

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    Robert Caballero-Montañez


    Full Text Available “Buen o buena docente” es aquella persona que ha marcado e influido de manera trascendental en la vida personal y académica de sus estudiantes y cuya imagen permanece en su memoria escolar como un recuerdo prolongado y altamente positivo. En consecuencia, conocer cuáles son sus rasgos centrales y por qué impactaron de tal manera en sus estudiantes merece ser más investigado como un aporte al campo de estudio sobre la docencia en educación básica. En este marco, el objetivo central de esta investigación empírica ha sido analizar las características del “buen o buena docente” desde la percepción de sujetos egresados de educación secundaria de escuelas públicas y privadas de Lima (Perú. Los resultados de este estudio cualitativo, basado en entrevistas semiestructuradas a ocho estudiantes que han egresado, ha permitido describir, por un lado, los rasgos del buen personal docente en relación a su alumnado, caracterizado por un estilo vinculante expresado en el compromiso con este, en una percepción positiva y actitud motivadora y una calidad afectiva en la interacción profesorado-alumnado; y, por otro lado, rasgos en relación con su profesión como: su pasión por enseñar; su dominio sobre contenidos y la organización de la clase. El estudio concluye que el hecho que todos los egresados y egresadas hayan podido recordar al menos a un profesor o profesora como buen o buena docente revela la heterogeneidad de tipos de docentes que exige superar generalizaciones negativas y que la imagen docente es una construcción colectiva en varias promociones. Una de las implicaciones de este estudio es recuperar la voz de los exalumnos y exalumnas, tanto para el campo de las investigaciones como en el de la política educativa, por contener un valioso potencial para mejorar nuestra comprensión de la experiencia escolar y de la relación docente-estudiantes.

  7. Implementación de buenas prácticas de promoción de personal y su relación con la cultura y el compromiso con la organización

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    Merlin Patricia Grueso Hinestroza


    Full Text Available La investigación genera hipótesis y prueba un modelo de relaciones entre los valores de la cultura organizacional, la implementación de una buena práctica de promoción de personal desde la perspectiva de género y el compromiso con la organización. Para la prueba de hipótesis se emplea un modelo de ecuaciones estructurales y se realiza una encuesta a 425 empleados. Los resultados llevan a concluir que los valores distancia al poder y orientación de largo plazo predicen la implementación de buenas prácticas de promoción de personal; los componentes del compromiso con la organización no evidenciaron asociaciones significativas con la implementación de una buena práctica de promoción de personal. El estudio contribuye al desarrollo de un cuerpo de investigación en torno a las implicaciones de la perspectiva de género en las organizaciones.

  8. Barreras para la integración de buenas prácticas con TIC. Estudio de caso.


    Siria Padilla Partida; Carlos Iván Moreno; Rosario Hernández Castañeda


    Esta investigación analiza las barreras u obstáculos para la integración de las buenas prácticas educativas con TIC, en la segunda más grande universidad pública de México: La Universidad de Guadalajara. Se analiza el caso del Centro Universitario de Ciencias Económico Administrativas (CUCEA), el cual es uno de los 15 centros universitarios que integran la red universitaria de la UdeG. Para esta investigación fue diseñado un cuestionario cerrado, tipo rubrica, con una escala de 5 puntos que i...

  9. Convivencia escolar. Un estudio sobre buenas prácticas

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    María José Caballero Grande


    Full Text Available Este trabajo de investigación se centra en la convivencia escolar y puede enmarcarse en la línea de educación para la paz.La finalidad del mismo ha sido conocer algunas peculiaridades de prácticas educativas  que fomentan la paz y la convivencia en el ámbito escolar. Para esto, se ha recogido información, mediante entrevista estructurada, en diez centros  educativos de la provincia de Granada, acogidos a la Red Andaluza  “Escuela, espacio de paz”, sobre la puesta en marcha, desarrollo y evaluación de actuaciones encaminadas hacia la cohesión del grupo, la gestión democrática de normas, la educación en valores, las habilidades socioemocionales y la regulación pacífica de conflictos.Del análisis de las entrevistas, se desprende que hay una serie de medidas y actuaciones que se llevan a cabo en los centros educativos que favorecen la buena convivencia. La necesidad de cooperación entre todos los actores intervinientes en el proceso educativo o  la importancia de sistematizar e institucionalizar el trabajo que eduque para el fomento de una cultura de paz, conforman entre otras las conclusiones a las que se llega en este estudio.


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    Liliana del Carmen Ramírez-M


    Full Text Available Este articulo tiene como objetivo principal dar a conocer una serie de buenas prácticas planteadas para un mejor desarrollo de software, basadas en las metodologías agiles más representativas se han propuesto unos valores, unas características, unos roles, unas prácticas y un ciclo de vida para el desarrollo de un proyecto de software, con lo cual se busca abarcar todo el proceso desde que surge una necesidad por parte de un cliente, hasta el momento en se tiene la seguridad de que el cliente está totalmente satisfecho con el producto. Estas prácticas planteadas buscan comprometer al equipo de trabajo e integrarlo al proyecto de una manera beneficiosa para las personas participantes, ya que pueden estar desde el inicio hasta la fase final del proyecto cumpliendo un rol u otro específicamente, logrando con esto reducción de tiempo, costos y otros.

  11. Electronic Properties of LiFePO4 and Li doped LiFePO4

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhuang, G.V.; Allen, J.L.; Ross, P.N.; Guo, J.-H.; Jow, T.R.


    The potential use of different iron phosphates as cathode materials in lithium-ion batteries has recently been investigated.1 One of the promising candidates is LiFePO4. This compound has several advantages in comparison to the state-of-the-art cathode material in commercial rechargeable lithium batteries. Firstly, it has a high theoretical capacity (170 mAh/g). Secondly, it occurs as mineral triphylite in nature and is inexpensive, thermally stable, non-toxic and non-hygroscopic. However, its low electronic conductivity (∼10-9 S/cm) results in low power capability. There has been intense worldwide research activity to find methods to increase the electronic conductivity of LiFePO4, including supervalent ion doping,2 introducing non-carbonaceous network conduction3 and carbon coating, and the optimization of the carbon coating on LiFePO4 particle surfaces.4 Recently, the Li doped LiFePO4 (Li1+xFe1-xPO4) synthesized at ARL has yield electronic conductivity increase up to 106.5 We studied electronic structure of LiFePO4 and Li doped LiFePO4 by synchrotron based soft X-ray emission (XES) and X-ray absorption (XAS) spectroscopies. XAS probes the unoccupied partial density of states, while XES the occupied partial density of states. By combining XAS and XES measurements, we obtained information on band gap and orbital character of both LiFePO4 and Li doped LiFePO4. The occupied and unoccupied oxygen partial density of states (DOS) of LiFePO4 and 5 percent Li doped LiFePO4 are presented in Fig. 1. Our experimental results clearly indicate that LiFePO4 has wideband gap (∼ 4 eV). This value is much larger than what is predicted by DFT calculation. For 5 percent Li doped LiFePO4, a new doping state was created closer to the Fermi level, imparting p-type conductivity, consistent with thermopower measurement. Such observation substantiates the suggestion that high electronic conductivity in Li1.05Fe0.95 PO4 is due to available number of charge carriers in the material

  12. Variants, Layers of Authorial Intervention, and Texts in Lope de Vega’s La buena guarda and La encomienda bien guardada autograph manuscript

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    Stefania Capoia


    Full Text Available In this article I study, analyze and classify the variant readings and the different layers of authorial intervention that appear in Lope de Vega’s La buena guarda and La encomienda bien guardada manuscript. I contend that the second version of the work should be edited, a possibility thus far neglected by modern editors.

  13. Magnetic Properties and Microstructure of FeOx/Fe/FePt and FeOx/FePt Films

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    Jai-Lin Tsai


    Full Text Available The Fe(6 nm/FePt film with perpendicular magnetization was deposited on the glass substrate. To study the oxygen diffusion effect on the coupling of Fe/FePt bilayer, the plasma oxidation with 0.5~7% oxygen flow ratio was performed during sputtered part of Fe layer and formed the FeOx(3 nm/Fe(3 nm/FePt trilayer. Two-step magnetic hysteresis loops were found in trilayer with oxygen flow ratio above 1%. The magnetization in FeOx and Fe/FePt layers was decoupled. The moments in FeOx layer were first reversed and followed by coupled Fe/FePt bilayer. The trilayer was annealed again at 500°C and 800°C for 3 minutes. When the FeOx(3 nm/Fe(3 nm/FePt trilayer was annealed at 500°C, the layers structure was changed to FeOx(6 nm/FePt bilayer due to oxygen diffusion. The hard-magnetic FeOx(6 nm/FePt film was coupled with single switching field. The FeOx/(disordered FePt layer structure was observed with further annealing at 800°C and presented soft-magnetic loop. In summary, the coupling between soft-magnetic Fe, FeOx layer, and hard-magnetic L10 FePt layer can be controlled by the oxygen diffusion behavior, and the oxidation of Fe layer was tuned by the annealing temperature. The ordered L10 FePt layer was deteriorated by oxygen and became disordered FePt when the annealed temperature was up to 800°C.



    Oliveira, Eliane Alves de


    Esta dissertação tem como objetivo avaliar a pós-ocupação do Residencial Buena Vista IV, Goiânia, Goiás, em relação ás condições que o ambiente construído oferece em bens e serviços, equipamentos comunitários e infraestrutura básica. O Residencial foi inaugurado em 2009, localizado na Região Oeste da capital, integrante do Programa de Habitação de Interesse Social (PHIS) para atender as famílias que residiam em assentamentos precários em áreas de risco, áreas públicas, priva...

  15. Primer reporte de Phoneutrismo en el Perú: Presentación de dos casos

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    Ciro Maguiña Vargas


    Full Text Available Se presentan dos casos de mordedura de la araña Phoneutria spp. atendidos en el Hospital Nacional Cayetano Heredia (HNCH en los años 2005 y 2008. En ambos casos la mordedura fue de sintomatología leve y de buena evolución, y se debió a un accidente laboral en personas que trabajan en mercados de venta de fruta al extraer plátanos de cajas procedentes de Tingo María (Selva central. El phoneutrismo es un accidente por arácnidos poco común; sin embargo, sería un problema importante de salud pública sobretodo en las zonas rurales en donde el comercio de plátanos es una de las principales fuente de ingresos de la población. El personal médico no conoce del todo a esta araña, así como la clínica de sus mordeduras, por ello presentamos estos casos que permitirán reconocer estos accidentes para su adecuado manejo y control. (Rev. Med Hered. 2008;19:128-133



    Juan Manuel Escudero Muñoz


    En los últimos años, las buenas prácticas se han convertido en una perspectiva teórica y práctica aplicada a diversos ámbitos de las políticas sociales y educativas contra la exclusión. De forma singular también se ha desarrollado en relación con la vulnerabilidad y la exclusión educativa. Tras revisar algunas aproximaciones y hacerse eco de sus posibilidades y limitaciones teóricas y prácticas, el artículo propone un modelo marco que identifica diversos niveles y dimensiones del concepto de ...

  17. Análisis de una buena alimentación en los alumnos de Educación Primaria


    Sánchez Cancillo, Adrián


    La importancia que tiene una buena alimentación en el periodo escolar es vital para un desarrollo físico y emocional del niño. El presente Trabajo hace referencia a los hábitos alimenticios, en concreto al hábito alimentario infantil, llevado a cabo por los niños y guiada por sus progenitores, durante su etapa escolar. En primer lugar se presenta una investigación sobre la alimentación habitual del alumnado de Educación Primaria. Para ello se ha llevado a cabo un sondeo que busca averigua...

  18. El Documento de las Américas: Buenas Prácticas Clínicas para Autoridades Reguladoras


    Ricardo Palacios


    En 1996, cuando se adoptaron las Normas de Buenas Prácticas Clínicas de la Conferencia Internacional de Armonización (ICH, por su sigla en inglés), se proyectó facilitar la acción de autoridades reguladoras sobre los diferentes actores de la investigación clínica. Estas normas fueron creadas e incorporadas a la legislación de las tres regiones del mundo (Estados Unidos, Unión Europea y Japón) que producen la mayor parte de medicamentos, vacunas, biológicos, pruebas diagnósticas y equipos méd...


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    Full Text Available As características locais de um cemitério são importantes variáveis que determinam o caminho de contaminantes resultantes do processo de decomposição de cadáveres. Constituem-se também como fontes de contaminantes, o verniz, conservantes da madeira e as partes metálicas dos caixões, que podem liberar metais para o ambiente. O objetivo do trabalho foi estudar a mineralogia da fração argila e os teores de metais pesados dos solos do Cemitério Municipal do Boqueirão, em Curitiba (PR, e avaliar o risco de contaminação ambiental. Foram selecionados seis pontos dentro da área do cemitério, de onde se coletaram amostras em três profundidades (0-20, 20-80 e 80-120 cm. A fração de argila foi estudada por difratometria de raios X e análises térmicas. Os teores totais e trocáveis de Cr, Cu, Pb, Ni e Zn foram determinados. Os teores de Fe2O3 associados com minerais de Fe mais cristalinos foram baixos, o que reflete os baixos teores de Fe dos materiais de origem dos solos e diferentes estágios de desenvolvimentos dos solos. Dentre os metais analisados, os teores de Pb e Zn total foram os que apresentaram os maiores valores em relação a solos de mesmo material de origem, porém tais concentrações não são indicativas de poluição ambiental, e sim de uma branda contaminação. Conclui-se que os solos deste cemitério apresentam-se aptos para esta atividade, visto serem profundos, de textura argilosa e com alto potencial de adsorção de metais.

  20. Buenas preguntas del estudiantado en clases de biología, a partir de cuestiones socio-científicas


    Rojas Conejera, Alejandra


    Actualmente se habla de la importancia que tiene el desarrollo de la competencia de elaborar buenas preguntas en la clase de ciencia por parte del estudiantado, puesto que éstas confieren un rol protagónico en los procesos de enseñanza y aprendizaje de las ciencias. Por esto, conseguir estrategias concretas que promuevan mejores preguntas, se plantea como un desafío para la investigación en didáctica de las ciencias. Esta investigación analiza cómo actividades escritas que utilizan c...

  1. Buenas preguntas del estudiantado en clases de biología, a partir de cuestiones socio-científicas


    Rojas Conejera, Alejandra


    Actualmente se habla de la importancia que tiene el desarrollo de la competencia de elaborar buenas preguntas en la clase de ciencia por parte del estudiantado, puesto que éstas confieren un rol protagónico en los procesos de enseñanza y aprendizaje de las ciencias. Por esto, conseguir estrategias concretas que promuevan mejores preguntas, se plantea como un desafío para la investigación en didáctica de las ciencias. Esta investigación analiza cómo actividades escritas que utilizan cuestiones...

  2. Buena Vecindad y Populismo: El Caribe en las Relaciones Interamericanas de 1933 a 1946

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    Antonio Gaztambide-Géigel


    Full Text Available Resumen La historiografía sobre la Política del Buen Vecino nos ha permitido distinguir dos períodos en las relaciones estadounidenses con América Latina entre 1933 y 1945. Se ha discutido poco, sin embargo, acerca del efecto de ese cambio sobre las políticas y en las relaciones. Tampoco se ha dicho mucho sobre las diferencias entre el contenido e impacto del Buen Vecino en el Caribe y en el resto del hemisferio. Aquí se abordan ambas dimensiones de las relaciones entre Estados Unidos y el Caribe vinculándolas a los desarrollos políticos internos en diversas sociedades de la región. Entre otras cosas, se manifiesta una tendencia a interpretar los cambios en el Caribe utilizando conceptos y teorías de los países centrales (como fascismo, comunismo, etcétera y del contexto latinoamericano (como nacionalismo, populismo, Buen Vecino, antimperialismo, etcétera. Este trabajo intenta revisar la aplicación de las teorías y conceptos, adoptar una perspectiva más comparativa y abordar cada experiencia en sus propios términos. Palabras chaves: Caribe, EUA, Relaciones Interamericanas, populismo, Política de buena vencidad. Boa Vizinhança e Populismo: o Caribe nas relações interamericanas de 1933 a 1946. Resumo A historiografia da Política de Boa Vizinhança permitiu-nos distinguir dois períodos nas relações dos EUA com a América Latina entre 1933 e 1945. Tem sido discutido pouco, no entanto, o efeito dessa mudança sobre a política e as relações. Também não disse muito sobre as diferenças entre o conteúdo e o impacto da Boa Vizinhança no Caribe e em outras partes do hemisfério. Aqui ambas as dimensões das relações entre os EUA e o Caribe serão abordadas, relacionando-as aos desenvolvimentos políticos internos em várias sociedades da região. Entre outras coisas, há uma tendência para interpretar mudanças no Caribe, utilizando conceitos e teorias dos países centrais (como o fascismo, comunismo, etc. e o contexto

  3. Eficiência dos Ésteres de Fitoesteróis Alimentares na Redução dos Lípides Plasmáticos em Hipercolesterolêmicos Moderados

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    Lottenberg Ana M. P.


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO - Avaliar o efeito dos ésteres de fitoesteróis (FE da dieta, em função dos diferentes genótipos de apo E, sobre os lípides plasmáticos em indivíduos moderadamente hipercolesterolêmicos. MÉTODOS - Pacientes moderadamente hipercolesterolêmicos (20 a 60 anos de idade; 50 mulheres e 10 homens, mantidos em dieta habitual, receberam margarina (20g/dia enriquecida com fitoesteróis (2,8g/dia=1,68g de FE, ou margarina normal (placebo, por dois períodos de quatro semanas cada, em estudo duplo cego e cruzado. RESULTADOS - Fitoesteróis reduziram significativamente o colesterol total e o LDL-colesterol, respectivamente, em 10% e 12% quando comparado à fase basal de admissão ao programa, e 6% e 8% quando comparado à fase placebo. O HDL-colesterol e a trigliceridemia não se modificaram. CONCLUSÃO - Ésteres de fitoesteróis da dieta reduziram a colesterolemia e a redução do LDL-colesterol foi mais pronunciada nos indivíduos que apresentavam valores maiores de LDL-colesterol, quando admitidos no estudo. Em relação ao sinótipo de apo E não houve diferença significativa entre apo E 3/3 e apo E 3/4.

  4. El bienestar subjetivo ante las buenas prácticas educativas con TIC: su influencia en profesorado innovador


    Valverde Berrocoso, Jesús; Fernández Sánchez, María Rosa; Revuelta Domínguez, Francisco Ignacio


    El objetivo de este estudio, que forma parte de una investigación más amplia sobre la innovación educativa y la integración de las Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación (TIC) en el aula [1], es conocer el grado de «bienestar subjetivo» autopercibido por profesorado innovador y asociado a su realización de «buenas prácticas educativas con TIC». El bienestar subjetivo es un concepto que se extrae de las percepciones de las personas sobre su existencia o su visión subjetiva de su exper...

  5. Competencias adquiridas en la carrera de Medicina: Comparación entre egresados de dos universidades, una pública y otra privada

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    Amanda Galli

    Full Text Available Se entiende por competencia, la capacidad de hacer alguna cosa o la capacidad de cumplir una tarea. El propósito de este trabajo es conocer qué competencias profesionales han logrado los egresados; comprobar si existen diferencias entre dos grupos de egresados y establecer si existe alguna relación entre la cantidad de competencias que dicen haber logrado y la valoración global que hacen de la formación universitaria recibida. Se diseñó un cuestionario con 34 conductas profesionales (marcar sí cuando se siente capaz de realizarla en forma autónoma y una pregunta para valorar globalmente la formación recibida. El cuestionario se aplicó a dos grupos: egresados de una universidad pública (G1 y de una privada (G2. Los resultados se expresaron como porcentajes y medias de respuestas sí. Las 34 actividades se presentan agrupadas en 7 categorías. Se analizaron las diferencias entre ambos grupos. Respondieron 181 médicos, el promedio de respuestas positivas es de 28,18; diferencia significativa a favor del G1. El 100% de los egresados se sienten capaces de hacer una buena anamnesis y un examen físico completo. Los porcentajes más bajos de respuesta afirmativas se concentran en las conductas vinculadas a decisiones terapéuticas, a intervenciones en salud comunitaria y a habilidades para el autoaprendizaje. Sólo en 8 de las 34 conductas profesionales se hallaron diferencias significativas a favor de G1. El 53% de los egresados evalúa como Buena la formación recibida, no hay diferencia significativa entre ambos grupos. Se observa una correspondencia entre cantidad de respuestas sí y valoración de la formación recibida : a mejor valoración mayor número de respuestas positivas. Los resultados son similares en ambos grupos; los hallazgos están en consonancia con los de otros estudios publicados. Este tipo de cuestionario de autoevaluación puede ser uno de los instrumentos a utilizar en la evaluación de resultados de un programa de

  6. First-principles study of electronic properties of Si doped FeSe{sub 0.9} alloys

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kumar, Sandeep, E-mail:; Singh, Prabhakar P. [Department of Physics, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, Powai, Mumbai 400076 (India)


    We have performed first-principles study of electronic and superconducting properties of FeSe{sub 0.9-x}Si{sub x} (x = 0.0, 0.05) alloys using Korringa-Kohn-Rostoker Atomic Sphere Approximation within the coherent potential approximation (KKR-ASA-CPA). In our calculations, we used the local density approximation (LDA) for the exchange correlation potential. Our calculations show that these alloys are nonmagnetic in nature. We found that the substitution of Si at Se site into FeSe{sub 0.9} made subtle affects in the electronic structure with respect to the parent FeSe. The results have been analyzed in terms of changes in the density of states (DOS), band structures, Fermi surfaces and the superconducting transition temperature of FeSe{sub 0.9} and FeSe{sub 0.85}Si{sub 0.05} alloys.

  7. Vibrational thermodynamics of Fe90Zr7B3 nanocrystalline alloy from nuclear inelastic scattering

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Stankov, S.; Miglierini, M.; Chumakov, A. I.


    Recently we determined the iron-partial density of vibrational states (DOS) of nanocrystalline Fe(90)Zr(7)B(3) (Nanoperm), synthesized by crystallization of an amorphous precursor, for various stages of nanocrystallization separating the DOS of the nanograins from that of the interfaces [S. Stank......, vibrational entropy, and lattice specific heat as the material transforms from amorphous, through nanocrystalline, to fully crystallized state. The reported results shed new light on the previously observed anomalies in the vibrational thermodynamics of nanocrystalline materials....

  8. Buenas prácticas y nuevas tecnologías en la cooperación penal en el MERCOSUR

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    Juan José Cerdeira


    Full Text Available El presente aborda las diferentes problemáticas que presenta la cooperación jurídica en materia penal desde la perspectiva internacional del espacio MERCOSUR y Estados Asociados y la importancia que revisten las buenas prácticas y las nuevas tecnologías para el cabal desenvolvimiento de dicha cooperación internacional como instrumento de combate contra el crimen. En el desarrollo se expondrán los desafíos que se presentan actualmente en el marco regional, atento sus características como esquema de integración y seguidamente se expondrán algunas propuestas y soluciones como aporte.

  9. Nickel incorporation in Fe(II, III hydroxysulfate Green Rust: effect on crystal lattice spacing and oxidation products Incorporação de níquel em Fe (II-III Grenn Rust hidroxisulfato: efeito sobre a estrutura cristalina e produtos de oxidação

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    Lucia Helena Garófalo Chaves


    Full Text Available Ni(II-Fe(II-Fe(III layered double hydroxides (LDH or Ni-containing sulfate green rust (GR2 samples were prepared from Ni(II, Fe(II and Fe(III sulfate salts and analyzed with X ray diffraction. Nickel is readily incorporated in the GR2 structure and forms a solid solution between GR2 and a Ni(II-Fe(III LDH. There is a correlation between the unit cell a-value and the fraction of Ni(II incorporated into the Ni(II-GR2 structure. Since there is strong evidence that the divalent/trivalent cation ratio in GR2 is fixed at 2, it is possible in principle to determine the extent of divalent cation substitution for Fe(II in GR2 from the unit cell a-value. Oxidation forms a mixture of minerals but the LDH structure is retained if at least 20 % of the divalent cations in the initial solution are Ni(II. It appears that Ni(II is incorporated in a stable LDH structure. This may be important for two reasons, first for understanding the formation of LDHs, which are anion exchangers, in the natural environment. Secondly, this is important for understanding the fate of transition metals in the environment, particularly in the presence of reduced Fe compounds.Amostras de hidróxidos de dupla camada (HDC, ou "sulfate green rust" (GR2, contendo Ni foram preparadas utilizando-se sulfatos de Ni(II, Fe(II e Fe(III e analisadas por difração de raios X. O Ni está incorporado na estrutura do GR2 e forma um sólido entre GR2 e um HDC contendo Ni(II-Fe(III. Há correlação entre os valores de "a" da célula unitária e os da fração de Ni(II incorporado na estrutura do Ni(II-GR2. Desde que haja forte evidência de que a razão entre os cátions divalente/trivalente no GR2 seja igual a 2, é possível, a princípio, determinar a extensão da substituição do cátion divalente por Fe(II no GR2 a partir dos valores de "a" da célula unitária do cristal. Sob o efeito da oxidação, é formada uma mistura de minerais, porém a estrutura do HDC não é alterada se pelo menos

  10. DOS. (United States)

    Traven, Bill


    Discusses using the DOS PATH command (for MS-DOS) to enable the microcomputer user to move from directory to directory on a hard drive. Lists the commands to be programed, gives examples, and explains the use of each. (MVL)

  11. Fe-Mo double perovskite: From small clusters to bulk material

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Carvajal, E., E-mail: [Instituto Politecnico Nacional, ESIME-Culhuacan, Av. Santa Ana 1000, C.P. 04430 Mexico, D.F. (Mexico); Oviedo-Roa, R. [Programa de Investigacion en Ingenieria Molecular, Instituto Mexicano del Petroleo, Eje Central Lazaro Cardenas Norte 152, 07730 Mexico, D.F. (Mexico); Cruz-Irisson, M. [Instituto Politecnico Nacional, ESIME-Culhuacan, Av. Santa Ana 1000, C.P. 04430 Mexico, D.F. (Mexico); Navarro, O. [Instituto de Investigaciones en Materiales, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, A.P. 70-360, 04510 Mexico, D.F. (Mexico)


    To understand the differences in behaviour between up- and down-spin electrons observed in the half-metallic Sr{sub 2}FeMoO{sub 6} double perovskite, the density of states (DOS) was studied for the (FeO{sub 6}){sup -4} and (MoO{sub 6}){sup -6} octahedral clusters using first-principles density functional theory within the generalised gradient approximation (GGA) scheme and the Perdew-Burke-Ernzerhof (PBE) functional. Our results reveal that half-metallic character is present, even starting from an isolated (FeO{sub 6}){sup -4} cluster, and is a consequence of spin decoupling of antibonding hybridisations between iron t{sub 2g} states and oxygen p states (t{sub 2g}{sup a} states), i.e., t{sub 2g}{sup a} states lie below the Highest Occupied Molecular Orbital (HOMO) in the up-spin channel, whereas they lie above the HOMO level in the down-spin channel. The spin-induced shifting between up-spin and down-spin DOS situates the HOMO in such a way that the molecular orbitals oxygen p states (p bands) are fully spin-paired by octet electrons. Thus, the down-spin channel has metallic character because the HOMO lies just at the p bands, and the up-spin channel is semiconducting because the HOMO falls within the energy gap between the t{sub 2g}{sup a} and e{sub g}{sup a} bands. Finally, the (MoO{sub 6}){sup -6} octahedron does not inhibit the perovskite half-metallic character since this cluster has a zero total spin.

  12. Análisis de los Procesos de Comercialización de Tecnología en Dos Instituciones de Educación Superior Mexicanas

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    Pilar Perez-Hernandez


    Full Text Available La sociedad del conocimiento reserva un lugar especial a las instituciones de educación superior, particularmente aquellas capaces de dinamizar los procesos de generación de beneficios para la sociedad. Esta propuesta busca identificar las características que les permiten lograr la comercialización de tecnologías que generan, para ello, además de realizar una revisión de la literatura sobre el tema, se analiza información directa e indirecta de las dos principales instituciones de educación superior en México. Entre los resultados se pueden mencionar el creciente reconocimiento de buenas prácticas y procesos medulares para la comercialización, así como una creciente cultura entre sus comunidades respecto a la protección y comercialización de tecnología y sus implicaciones e impacto en el desarrollo institucional.

  13. First-principles study of electronic properties of FeSe{sub 1-x}S{sub x} alloys

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kumar, Sandeep, E-mail:; Singh, Prabhakar P. [Department of Physics, Indian Institute of Technology-Bombay, Mumbai-400076 (India)


    We have studied the electronic and superconducting properties of FeSe{sub 1-x}S{sub x} (x = 0.0, 0.04) alloys by first-principles calculations using the Korringa-Kohn-Rostoker Atomic Sphere Approximation within the coherent potential approximation (KKR-ASA-CPA). The electronic structure calculations show the ground states of S-doped FeSe to be nonmagnetic. We present the results of our unpolarized calculations for these alloys in terms of density of states (DOS), band structures, Fermi surfaces and the superconducting transition temperature of FeSe and FeSe{sub 0.96}S{sub 0.04} alloys. We find that the substitution of S at Se site into FeSe exhibit the subtle changes in the electronic structure with respect to the parent FeSe. We have also estimated bare Sommerfeld constant (γ{sub b}), electron-phonon coupling constant (λ) and the superconducting transition temperature (T{sub c}) for these alloys, which were found to be in good agreement with experiments.

  14. Comportamiento del consumidor de productos agroecológicos frente a la aplicación de buenas prácticas agrícolas

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    Jorge Merino Toro


    Full Text Available La presente investigación evalúa el comportamiento del consumidor de productos agroecológicos comercializados por productores de PACAT (Corporación de Asociaciones de Productores Agroecológicos y Comercio Asociativo de Tungurahua frente a la aplicación de Buenas Prácticas Agrícolas (BPA, tomando como punto de partida el aumento descontrolado de ferias que comercializan productos bajo la denominación de agroecológicos en la provincia de Tungurahua. La principal herramienta utilizada en esta investigación fue la encuesta, aplicada a una muestra de 217 consumidores y 33 productores agroecológicos, con el uso de esta herramienta se determinó el comportamiento del consumidor de la Plaza Pachano y además se analizó la aplicación de Buenas Prácticas Agrícolas. Se reconoce la alta calidad como la principal razón para consumir productos agroecológicos, la frescura constituye la característica física que más atrae, y el producto más comprado fueron las hortalizas. Respecto a productores se determinó que aplican correctamente BPA. Palabras clave: Economía del consumidor, mercados agrarios y marketing, análisis de la oferta y de la demanda, producción, consumo.

  15. Mid-late Holocene environments of Agua Buena locality (34{sup 0}50'S; 69{sup 0}56'W), Mendoza, Argentina

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Navarro, Diego; Paez, M M [Laboratorio de Paleoecologia y Palinologia, Departamento de Biologia, Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata, Funes 3350, (B7602AYL) Mar del Plata, Buenos Aires (Argentina); Mehl, A; Zarate, M A, E-mail:, E-mail: [INCITAP - Instituto de Ciencias de la Tierra y Ambientales de La Pampa. CONICET- Universidad Nacional de La Pampa, Uruguay 151, (L6300CLB) Santa Rosa, La Pampa (Argentina)


    In southern South America the acquisition of high-quality Holocene paleoclimate data is a priority due to the paucity of complete, continuous and well dated records. Here we report preliminary results from a combined sedimentological and palynological study of an alluvial fan sequence and the laterally connected sedimentary deposits of the Vega de la Cueva profile at Agua Buena east of the Andes in central Argentina. The main geomorphological units of the area were identified and mapped based on satellite image analysis and multiple field surveys. The sedimentological and pollen results allowed us to reconstruct the development of some environments. The Agua Buena record corresponds to the distal facies of the Arroyo Bayo alluvial fan starting the aggradation process prior to ca. 4100 cal yr BP. The organic-rich levels found were formed during the development of wetlands (vegas) dominated by Cyperaceae, Juncaceae and Poaceae. These highly productive environments with almost permanent water saturation were important between 4100 and 2800 cal yr BP, indicating more stable conditions. After 2800 cal yr BP, the organic content was comparatively lower with increasing sedimentation rates that are indicative of higher fluvial discharges. This information is fundamental to interpret both the pollen and charcoal records of the area and to evaluate their representativeness and potential to reconstruct past local and/or regional vegetation.

  16. Personas y comunidades: Actas del Segundo Congreso Internacional de Buenas Prácticas en Patrimonio Mundial: (29 -30 de abril, 1 y 2 de mayo de 2015)


    Castillo Mena, Alicia R. (ed.)


    Este volumen está compuesto por una introducción y los textos de las comunicaciones y pósteres del congreso internacional, con una participación de 30 países y casi 100 centros de investigación. Recoge un documento de Buenas Prácticas sobre el tema.

  17. The effect of disorder on electronic and magnetic properties of quaternary Heusler alloy CoFeMnSi with LiMgPbSb-type structure

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Feng, Yu; Chen, Hong; Yuan, Hongkuan; Zhou, Ying; Chen, Xiaorui


    Thin films based on Heusler alloy often lost their theoretical predicted ultra-high spin polarization owing to the appearance of disorder. Using the first-principles calculations within density functional theory (DFT), we investigate the effect of disorder including antisite and swap on electronic and magnetic properties of quaternary Heusler alloy CoFeMnSi with LiMgPbSb-type structure. Twelve kinds of antisites and six kinds of swap disorders are proposed and studied comprehensively. In our calculations, Co(Fe)-, Mn(Fe)-, Si(Mn)-antisite and Co–Fe swap disorders are most favorable due to their lowest formation energies. Moreover, the positive binding energies of Co–Fe, Co–Si, Fe–Si and Mn–Si swap disorders with respect to their corresponding antisite disorders indicate that these complex swap disorders are more stable compared with their corresponding isolated antisite disorders. The investigations on density of states (DOS) show that the spin down energy gap of disordered structures suffers contraction and their DOS entirely move towards lower zone. Besides, the 100% spin polarization is maintained in all structures with antisite and swap disorders except for those with Co(Mn)-, Co(Si)-antisite and Co–Mn, Co–Si swap disorders. Therefore, the half-metallicity of quaternary Heusler alloy CoFeMnSi is quite robust against interfering effects such as Si(Mn), Co(Fe) and Co–Fe disorders most possibly formed in the growth. - Highlights: • CoFeMnSi with LiMgPbSb-type structure is found to be a half-metallic ferromagnet. • Si(Mn), Co(Fe), Mn(Fe) antisites and Co–Fe swap disorders are most likely to form. • The half-metallicity of CoFeMnSi is robust against the most possible disorders. • The magnetic moments of the most possible disorders follow the Pauli-Slater rule

  18. Strain effects on electronic structure of Fe{sub 0.75}Ru{sub 0.25}Te

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Winiarski, M.J., E-mail: [Institute of Low Temperature and Structure Research, Polish Academy of Sciences, Okólna 2, 50-422, Wrocław (Poland); Samsel-Czekała, M. [Institute of Low Temperature and Structure Research, Polish Academy of Sciences, Okólna 2, 50-422, Wrocław (Poland); Ciechan, A. [Institute of Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences, al. Lotników 32/46, 02-668, Warsaw (Poland)


    Structural and electronic properties of a hypothetical Fe{sub 0.75}Ru{sub 0.25}Te alloy and the parent FeTe compound have been investigated from first principles within the density functional theory (DFT). For both systems the double-stripe antiferromagnetic ground state is predicted at ambient pressure. The incorporation of Ru atoms into FeTe in the nonmagnetic phase leads to a deep valley of density of states in the vicinity of the Fermi level and the DOS at the Fermi level is significantly diminished in the considered solid solution. The single-stripe antiferromagnetic phase in Fe{sub 0.75}Ru{sub 0.25}Te may be induced by tensile strain. These findings suggest that strained thin films of Fe{sub 1−x}Ru{sub x}Te are good candidates for new superconducting Fe-based materials. - Highlights: • Ru-doped FeTe systems are investigated by density-functional theory methods. • Structural and electronic properties of Fe{sub 0.75}Ru{sub 0.25}Te and parent FeTe are studied. • The double-stripe antiferromagnetic ground state is predicted for both systems. • The single-stripe antiferromagnetic phase may be induced by tensile strain. • Tensile strained Fe{sub 0.75}Ru{sub 0.25}Te is a candidate for a new Fe-based superconductor.


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    Zelmira Álvarez


    Full Text Available En la investigación cualitativa en educación, el enfoque biográfico y narrativo ha logrado su identidad propia. Siguiendo esta línea, se indaga aquí, por medio de entrevistas semi-flexibles, en las biografías de una selección de buenos docentes de la Facultad de Humanidades de la Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata, Argentina. Éstos fueron identificados a través de cuestionarios semi-abiertos administrados a estudiantes avanzados de los Profesorados de esta Facultad. Del análisis de las conversaciones, se han seleccionado seis casos que confieren a sus recorridos de vida públicos y privados la acepción de itinerarios físicos o intelectuales. La interpretación de los datos transforma a estos relatos en historias de vida y sugiere el entretejido de las buenas prácticas con las trayectorias. Se construye así en la educación superior -donde la enseñanza en el aula es privada- un conocimiento local pero colegiado.

  20. Del indicativo de la fe al imperativo de la ética

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    Tony Mifsud


    Full Text Available Después del Concilio Vaticano II, la reflexión de la Teología Moral abandona definitivamente un talante legalista a favor de un discurso enraizado en el horizonte bíblico de una respuesta humana a la llamada divina. Sin embargo, esta matriz bíblica no se entiende como una especie de "moral revelada", sino más bien como un ethos bíblico que da cuenta de una "realidad revelada" a la luz de la Buena Noticia y sus consecuencias en el estilo de vida de la comunidad de los discípulos. De esta manera, el indicativo de la fe se torna un imperativo ético.After the Second Vatican Council, the reflection of Moral Theology definitely abandons its legalistic spirit in favor of a discourse rooted in the biblical perspective of a human response to the divine call. However, this biblical matrix is not understood as a type of "revealed morality" but rather as a biblical ethos that accounts for a "revealed reality" in light of the Good News and its consequences on the lifestyle of the disciples' community. Thus, the indicative of faith becomes an ethical imperative.

  1. Conocimientos sobre vivienda saludable en dos barrios de Bucaramanga, Colombia - 2012

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    Johana Gutiérrez Zehr


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Determinar el conocimiento sobre vivienda saludable en dos barrios de Bucaramanga. Metodología: Estudio descriptivo transversal realizado en 100 padres o acudientes de niños y niñas adscritos a los hogares del Instituto de Bienestar Familiar de los barrios Estoraques y Girardot. Las variables recolectadas fueron sociodemográficas y conocimientos sobre vivienda saludable mediante un cuestionario autodiligenciado creado por los autores. En el análisis estadístico, se aplicaron medidas de tendencia central y de dispersión para las variables cuantitativas o frecuencia absolutas y relativas para las variables cualitativas. Para todo el análisis se consideró un nivel de significancia alpha=0.05. Resultados: Las preguntas que fueron respondidas correctamente en menor proporción fueron: la relacionada con acciones preventivas para evitar accidentes en los niños (Un hogar sin peligros implica tener buenas acciones, de las siguientes acciones cual es la más adecuada con un 7%; dos relacionadas con el dengue, la primera (de las siguientes acciones para evitar el dengue cual no es la correcta con un 8% y la segunda (de las siguientes cual no es una opción para protegernos de la picadura de mosquitos con un 35%; En una escala de 0 a 12 el promedio fue de 6,7± 1,8 y no se encontraron diferencias estadísticamente significativas por edad, sexo y educación previa. Conclusión: Es necesario la realización de programas que permitan aumentar y consolidar conocimientos sobre vivienda saludable, habilitación, adaptación, manejo, uso y mantenimiento de la vivienda y su entorno con seguridad y calidad, al igual que promover una orientación hacia prácticas protectoras para la salud, la promoción de la misma y la prevención de la enfermedades y de accidentes domésticos , al desestimular las actitudes y hábitos que pueden constituir riesgo para la familia y su hogar.

  2. Armonización de estándares de calidad para ensayos clínicos. Norma ISO 9001-Guía de Buena Práctica Clínica

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    Sandra Álvarez Guerra


    Full Text Available El proceso de ensayo clínico necesario para autorizar el uso de nuevos medicamentos en humanos es extenso y complejo. Para garantizar la calidad y estandarizar este proceso, la Conferencia Internacional de Armonización ha establecido la Guía E6 para la Buena Práctica Clínica, la cual ha sido asumida y adaptada por las agencias reguladoras nacionales para estandarizar este proceso en sus países. Otra norma que permite garantizar calidad es la ISO 9001:2008, que establece requisitos para implementar Sistema de Gestión de Calidad. El objetivo de este trabajo consistió en establecer elementos comunes que demuestren la armonización entre la Buena Práctica Clínica de la Conferencia Internacional de Armonización, la Buena Práctica Clínica cubana y la ISO 9001:2008 para su implementación en sistemas de calidad para los ensayos clínicos. Para ello se realizó el estudio de estos estándares analizando qué tienen en común en su aplicación para el proceso de ensayo clínico. Se determinó que el cliente, los proveedores, el enfoque de proceso, la documentación, la dirección, las revisiones, la forma de realización de la investigación y la mejora de la calidad son puntos comunes para los cuales se establecen requisitos a cumplir. Esto permitió afirmar que los estándares estudiados al ser usados de conjunto en el proceso de ensayo clínico, contribuyen a elevar la calidad, pues no existe ningún aspecto contemplado en ellos que refleje contradicción sino aspectos comunes que permiten su armonización y uso.

  3. Buenas prácticas para la selección de recursos educativos abiertos: experiencias del MOOC innovación educativa con REA


    Acuña Sossa, Mildred; Gil Rendón, María Eugenia; Sandoval Poveda, Alicia María


    El artículo expone la indagación acerca de los Recursos Educativos Abiertos (REA) con la colaboración interuniversitaria entre el Instituto Tecnológico de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey, México, y la Universidad Estatal a Distancia de Costa Rica. Esta temática ha sido poco estudiada y ambas universidades se vieron en la necesidad de conocer cómo se realiza la selección de estos recursos. Asimismo, expresa las buenas prácticas de selección de REA utilizadas por los participantes en el curso ...

  4. Electronic response of rare-earth magnetic-refrigeration compounds GdX2 (X = Fe and Co) (United States)

    Bhatt, Samir; Ahuja, Ushma; Kumar, Kishor; Heda, N. L.


    We present the Compton profiles (CPs) of rare-earth-transition metal compounds GdX2 (X = Fe and Co) using 740 GBq 137Cs Compton spectrometer. To compare the experimental momentum densities, we have also computed the CPs, electronic band structure, density of states (DOS) and Mulliken population (MP) using linear combination of atomic orbitals (LCAO) method. Local density and generalized gradient approximations within density functional theory (DFT) along with the hybridization of Hartree-Fock and DFT (B3LYP and PBE0) have been considered under the framework of LCAO scheme. It is seen that the LCAO-B3LYP based momentum densities give a better agreement with the experimental data for both the compounds. The energy bands and DOS for both the spin-up and spin-down states show metallic like character of the reported intermetallic compounds. The localization of 3d electrons of Co and Fe has also been discussed in terms of equally normalized CPs and MP data. Discussion on magnetization using LCAO method is also included.

  5. Characterization of dispersion, attenuation, and anisotropy at the Buena Vista Hills field, California (United States)

    Hackert, C.L.; Parra, J.O.; Brown, R.L.; Collier, H.A.


    We create a log of intrinsic dispersion and attenuation for the Antelope Shale formation of the Buena Vista Hills field, San Joaquin Valley, California. High dispersion (or low Q) values correlate with thin sand and carbonate beds within the Antelope Shale. These beds are at least ten times as permeable as the host shale formation, so this effect provides a possible avenue for seismic prediction of permeability. The dispersion log is formed through comparison of crosswell seismic velocities (measured at approximately 1 kHz) and sonic log velocities (measured at approximately 10 kHz). In order to provide a proper basis for comparison, the sonic log must first be adjusted for field anisotropy, scaling effects, and resolution of measurement. We estimate a local shale anisotropy of about 20% based on correlations generated from published measurements of other shale fields. We apply resolution enhancement to capture the thin sand and carbonate beds, and windowed Backus averaging to match the measurement scales. A modeling study verifies the technique, and shows that beds of thickness greater than 30 cm have a measurement signature. The actual resolution is on the order of the crosswell Fresnel length, or about 7 m for the model study.

  6. Ética de la investigación. Las buenas prácticas

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    López de la Vieja, M.ª Teresa


    Full Text Available The Act 14/2007 regulates biomedical research, including research with stem cells and cloning for therapeutic purposes. The Spanish legislation about those controversial topics could also exemplify the changing perspective about ethical codes and ethical committees, because now they are not only centered on rights, and guarantees for the subjects involved in experimentation, but on good practice. Research Ethics has usually been related to norms, and especially to respect for human rights in the biomedical field. From the Nurmberg Code, the Helsinki Declaration, the Oviedo Convention to the Addition Protocol on biomedical research, the perspective of rights prevailed over a wider perspective, which now aims to promote the researchers’ commitment and their responsibilities to health and welfare; the welfare of every subject, humans, and non-humans, and in every context, including the developing countries. The UNESCO Declaration could expand this perspective, including social justice issues in the agenda of research Ethics, usually centered on autonomy, as basic principle, and on the human rights approach. The article would analyze the good practice approach, with guidelines expanding the agenda of research Ethics in order to promote a better governance of scientific practice.La Ley 14/2007 regula la investigación biomédica, incluida la investigación con células troncales y la clonación con fines terapéuticos. La legislación española sobre estos temas tan controvertidos puede ejemplificar también ciertos cambios en el enfoque sobre códigos éticos y comités de Ética; ahora éstos no sólo se centran en los derechos y las garantías para los sujetos participantes en la experimentación, sino también en las buenas prácticas. La Ética de la investigación ha estado casi siempre asociada con las normas y, en especial, con el respeto por los derechos humanos en el ámbito de la Biomedicina. Desde el Código de Nürnberg, la Declaraci

  7. Remoción de Fe y Mn en aguas naturales por adsorción-oxidación sobre clinoptilolita

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    Carolina Cuchimaque Lugo


    Full Text Available En el presente trabajo de investigación se comprueba la eficiencia en la remoción de Fe y Mn de aguas naturales por el empleo de un medio adsorbente que consiste de zeolita natural (clinoptilolita, recubierta con Fe 2O3 y MnO2 a partir de FeCl3 y MnSO4, respectivamente. La zeolita por su gran capacidad de intercambio de cationes es un excelente soporte de estos óxidos. El mecanismo de la remoción es por adsorción-oxidación de estos metales sobre la superficie de la capa de óxido que cubre el grano de zeolita. En las pruebas de remoción mediante un sistema de filtración se estudiaron las variables pH, concentraciones de Fe y Mn, caudal en el a fluente y altura de la capa de la zeolita, resultando las dos últimas ser las de mayor relevancia en la remoción. Se utilizaron concentraciones de 1,0-7,0 mg/L para Fe y de 0,5-3,0 mg/L para Mn, en un rango de pH de 6,0-8,0. La eficiencia de la remoción disminuye con el aumento en la concentración de Fe, especialmente a valores de pH altos (> 7,5, por la formación de precipitados de Fe2O3 causando aceleración en la saturación del medio. No se obtuvo una diferencia significativa sobre la remoción con el empleo de los dos tipos de recubrimiento, aunque a altas concentraciones de estos metales, con la capa de Fe 2O3 se obtuvieron porcentajes de remoción un poco mayores, pero la desventaja es que con este tipo de óxido se obtuvo menor corrida de los filtros por la saturación del medio.

  8. Factor de riesgo suicida según dos cuestionarios, y factores asociados en estudiantes de la universidad nacional de Colombia sede Manizales

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    José Jaime Castaño Castrillón


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Determinar el factor de riesgo ( fr suicida según dos cuestionarios y factores asociados que presentan los estudiantes de la Universidad Nacio - nal de Colombia, sede Manizales (Caldas, Colombia en la jornada diurna. Materiales y métodos: La investigación fue de tipo corte transversal; la población estuvo constituida por 255 estudiantes de 3 facultades de la Universidad. Resultados: Prevalen - cia de riesgo suicida: 6,7 %, según Plutchik; 19,7 %, según Beck. Buena funcionalidad familiar: 39,8 %. Depresión ausente: 55,7 %. Se encontró una relación significativa entre el FR suicida, según Plutchik, y factores como el género, el gusto por el metal y la balada, la práctica de un deporte, hacer aeróbicos, la presencia de cuadros depresivos y la funcionali - dad familiar. Según Beck, dichos factores son género musical metal, depresión y funcionalidad familiar. Conclusiones: La prevalencia de riesgo suicida en esta población es inferior a la encontrada en otros estudios en poblaciones similares.

  9. Conteúdo de minerais dos ingredientes e da multimistura Mineral content of ingredients and multimixture

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    Celma de Oliveira Barbosa


    Full Text Available Os objetivos deste estudo foram determinar o conteúdo de minerais dos ingredientes e da multimistura, produzida e comercializada em Teresina-PI e avaliar a composição mineral da multimistura, relacionando-a com a ingestão diária recomendada (IDR. As amostras estudadas foram multimistura, pó da folha de macaxeira, farelo de arroz, farelo de trigo, farinha de trigo e fubá de milho. Os minerais Ca, Cu, K, Mn, Zn, Fe, Mg, Na e P foram determinados usando a técnica de espectrometria de emissão atômica com fonte de plasma indutivamente acoplado (ICP OES. A análise estatística dos dados foi realizada por meio de médias e desvios padrão. As amostras apresentaram baixos teores para a maioria dos minerais analisados, com exceção dos ingredientes farelo de trigo e farinha de trigo. Em especial, observou-se que a multimistura não atingiu o mínimo necessário de 25% do valor diário (VD, para ser considerada complemento nutricional pelo Ministério da Saúde, para os minerais analisados, com exceção do Mn e Mg. Concluiu-se que não existe uma padronização nas quantidades dos ingredientes no preparo da multimistura e que os teores dos minerais não atendem às recomendações diárias necessárias para crianças.The objectives of this study were to determine the mineral content of ingredients and multimixture produced and commercialized in Teresina-PI/Brazil and evaluate the mineral composition in relation to the dietary reference intakes (DRI. The studied samples were multimixture, cassava leaf powder, rice bran, wheat bran, wheat flour and corn flour. The minerals Ca, Cu, K, Mn, Zn, Fe, Mg, Na and P were determined using the atomic emission spectrometry (ICP OES. The statistics analysis of the data was carried out by mean and standard deviations. The samples had low levels in most of the analyzed minerals, except for wheat bran and wheat flour. In particular, it was observed that the multimixture did not reach the minimum of 25% of the

  10. Análisis de impacto y desarrollo de buenas práctica de auditoría en bases de datos Oracle 11G


    Delgado Picazo, Mario


    Este proyecto consiste en realizar un análisis y un estudio de los diferentes tipos de auditoría en Oracle 11g, con el objetivo de estudiar las características de las herramientas disponibles, así como su viabilidad. Mediante experimentación, se estudiará el comportamiento y el rendimiento de las diferentes modalidades de auditoría que Oracle 11g ofrece como motor de la base de datos, obteniendo resultados y comparativas que se utilizarán para preparar un manual de buenas prácticas acerca de ...

  11. At the Crossroads between Paris, Texas and the Buena Vista Social Club, Havana: Wim Wenders and Ry Cooder as Collaborators

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    Stephen Gregory


    Full Text Available I take the image of the crossroads first as a way of elucidating the approach Wim Wenders takes to making films and Ry Cooder to making music, and to the implicit politics that can be derived from their practice. I then look at Paris, Texas as a crossroads film to examine how the thematic and formal properties of the film can throw light on the nature of Cooder’s and Wenders’s collaboration on it. This is then used as a base from which to launch an attempt to demolish once and for all the widely held view that Buena Vista Social Club was an example of cultural imperialism.

  12. Moessbauer-spectroscopic study of structure and magnetism of the exchange-coupled layer systems Fe/FeSn{sub 2}, and Fe/FeSi/Si and the ion-implanted diluted magnetic semiconductor SiC(Fe); Moessbauerspektroskopische Untersuchung von Struktur und Magnetismus der austauschgekoppelten Schichtsysteme Fe/FeSn{sub 2} und Fe/FeSi/Si und des ionenimplantierten verduennten magnetischen Halbleiters SiC(Fe)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Stromberg, Frank


    In line with this work the structural and magnetic properties of the exchange coupled layered systems Fe/FeSn{sub 2} and Fe/FeSi/Si and of the Fe ion implanted diluted magnetic semiconductor (DMS) SiC(Fe) were investigated. The main measuring method was the isotope selective {sup 57}Fe conversion electron Moessbauer spectroscopy (CEMS), mostly in connection with the {sup 57}Fe tracer layer technique, in a temperature range from 4.2 K to 340 K. Further measurement techniques were X-ray diffraction (XRD), electron diffraction (LEED, RHEED), SQUID magnetometry and FMR (Ferromagnetic Resonance). In the first part of this work the properties of thin AF FeSn{sub 2}(001) films and of the exchange-bias system Fe/FeSn{sub 2}(001) on InSb(001) were investigated. With the application of {sup 57}Fe-tracer layers and CEMS both the Fe-spin structure and the temperature dependence of the magnetic hyperfine field (B{sub hf}) of FeSn{sub 2} could be examined. The evaporation of Fe films on the FeSn{sub 2} films produced in the latter ones a high perpendicular spin component at the Fe/FeSn{sub 2} interface. In some distance from the interface the Fe spins rotate back into the sample plane. Furthermore {sup 57}Fe-CEMS provided a correlation between the absolute value of the exchange field vertical stroke He vertical stroke and the amount of magnetic defects within the FeSn{sub 2}. Temperature dependent CEMS-measurements yielded informations about the spin dynamics within the AF. The transition temperatures T{sub B}{sup *}, which were interpreted as superparamagnetic blocking temperatures, obtain higher values compared to the temperatures T{sub B} of the exchange-bias effect, obtained with magnetometry measurements. The second part of this work deals with the indirect exchange coupling within Fe/FeSi/Si/FeSi/Fe multilayers and FeSi diffusion barriers. The goal was to achieve Fe free Si interlayers. The CEMS results show that starting from a thickness of t{sub FeSi}=10-12 A of the

  13. Drastic effect of the Mn-substitution in the strongly correlated semiconductor FeSb2. (United States)

    Kassem, Mohamed A.; Tabata, Yoshikazu; Waki, Takeshi; Nakamura, Hiroyuki


    We report the effects of Mn substitution, corresponding to hole doping, on the electronic properties of the narrow gap semiconductor, FeSb2, using single crystals of Fe1- x Mn x Sb2 grown by the Sb flux method. The orthorhombic Pnnm structure was confirmed by powder X-ray diffraction (XRD) for the pure and Mn-substituted samples. Their crystal structure parameters were refined using the Rietveld method. The chemical composition was investigated by wavelength-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (WDX). The solubility limit of Mn in FeSb2 is x max ˜ 0.05 and the lattice constants change monotonically with increasing the actual Mn concentration. A drastic change from semiconducting to metallic electronic transports was found at very low Mn concentration at x ˜ 0.01. Our experimental results and analysis indicate that the substitution of a small amount of Mn changes drastically the electronic state in FeSb2 as well as the Co-substitution does: closing of the narrow gap and emergence of the density of states (DOS) at the Fermi level.

  14. MFM study of NdFeB and NdFeB/Fe/NdFeB thin films

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gouteff, P.C.; Folks, L.; Street, R.


    Domain structures of NdFeB thin films, ranging in thickness between 1500 and 29 nm, have been studied qualitatively by magnetic force microscopy (MFM). Samples were prepared using a range of sputtering conditions resulting in differences in properties such as texture, coercivity and magnetic saturation. MFM images of all the films showed extensive interaction domain structures, similar to those observed in nanocrystalline bulk NdFeB. An exchange-coupled NdFeB/Fe/NdFeB trilayer with layer thicknesses 18 nm/15 nm/18 nm, respectively, was also examined using MFM. (orig.)

  15. Preparation and Mechanical Properties of TiC-Fe Cermets and TiC-Fe/Fe Bilayer Composites (United States)

    Zheng, Yong; Zhou, Yang; Li, Runfeng; Wang, Jiaqi; Chen, Lulu; Li, Shibo


    TiC-Fe cermets and TiC-Fe/Fe bilayer composites consisting of a pure Fe layer and a TiC-Fe cermets layer were fabricated by hot-pressing sintering. The pure Fe layer contributes to the toughness of composites, and the TiC-Fe cermets layer endows the composites with an improved tensile strength and hardness. The effect of TiC contents (30-60 vol.%) on the mechanical properties of TiC-Fe cermets and TiC-Fe/Fe bilayer composites was investigated. Among the TiC-Fe cermets, the 40 vol.% TiC-Fe cermets possessed the highest tensile strength of 581 MPa and Vickers hardness of 5.1 GPa. The maximum fracture toughness of 17.0 MPa m1/2 was achieved for the TiC-Fe cermets with 30 vol.% TiC. For the TiC-Fe/Fe bilayer composites, the 40 vol.% TiC-Fe/Fe bilayer composite owns the maximum tensile strength of 588 MPa, which is higher than that of 40 vol.% TiC-Fe cermets. In addition, the 33.5% increment of tensile strength of 30 vol.% TiC-Fe/Fe bilayer composite comparing with the 30 vol.% TiC-Fe cermets, which is attributed to the 30 vol.% TiC-Fe/Fe bilayer composite exhibited the largest interlaminar shear strength of 335 MPa. The bilayer composites are expected to be used as wear resistance components in some heavy wear conditions.

  16. Comparación de las prácticas de cuidado en dos grupos de gestantes en la ciudad de Sincelejo

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    Full Text Available Para comparar las prácticas de cuidado que realizan consigo mismas y con su hijo por nacer un grupo de gestantes adolescentes y otro grupo de gestantes adultas que asisten a control prenatal en Sincelejo, durante los meses de julio y septiembre de 2006, se desarrolló un estudio descriptivo, cuantitativo y transversal, con una muestra de 97 gestantes adolescentes entre 15 y 19 años y de 153 gestantes adultas entre 20 y 45 años, sin patologías asociadas, a quienes se les aplicó un instrumento sobre prácticas de cuidado, validado por la Universidad Nacional de Colombia, sede Bogotá. Estas prácticas se clasificaron en buenas, regulares y malas, en los dos grupos, para establecer la comparación cuantitativa de las mismas. Los principales resultados fueron: diferencias estadísticamente significativas en las dimensiones de estimulación prenatal, higiene y cuidados personales, alimentación y sustancias no beneficiosas; en estas cuatro dimensiones el resultado de buenas prácticas fue más favorable para las gestantes adultas; no se encontró diferencia significativa en las dimensiones de ejercicio y descanso, y sistemas de apoyo. La mayoría de las gestantes adultas (81,7% realizaban actividades domésticas que les producían cansancio; 23,53% no desarrollaban actividades recreativas; 25,77% de las gestantes adolescentes y 41,18% de las gestantes adultas consumían lácteos. 19,59% de las gestantes adolescentes y 6,54% de las adultas no evitaban el consumo de licor y 4,12% de las gestantes adolescentesy0,65% de lasgestantes adultas habían consumido sustancias psicoactivas. Tanto adolescentes (68,04% como adultas (52,29% realizaban prácticas de estimulación prenatal catalogadas como regulares. Solo 31,37% de las gestantes adultas y 21,65% de las gestantes adolescentes tenían prácticas adecuadas de estimulación prenatal.

  17. Maximum magnitude in bias-dependent spin accumulation signals of CoFe/MgO/Si on insulator devices

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ishikawa, M.; Sugiyama, H.; Inokuchi, T.; Tanamoto, T.; Saito, Y.; Hamaya, K.; Tezuka, N.


    We study in detail how the bias voltage (V bias ) and interface resistance (RA) depend on the magnitude of spin accumulation signals (|ΔV| or |ΔV|/I, where I is current) as detected by three-terminal Hanle measurements in CoFe/MgO/Si on insulator (SOI) devices with various MgO layer thicknesses and SOI carrier densities. We find the apparent maximum magnitude of spin polarization as a function of V bias and the correlation between the magnitude of spin accumulation signals and the shape of differential conductance (dI/dV) curves within the framework of the standard spin diffusion model. All of the experimental results can be explained by taking into account the density of states (DOS) in CoFe under the influence of the applied V bias and the quality of MgO tunnel barrier. These results indicate that it is important to consider the DOS of the ferromagnetic materials under the influence of an applied V bias and the quality of tunnel barrier when observing large spin accumulation signals in Si

  18. An ab initio study on the structural, electronic and mechanical properties of quaternary full-Heusler alloys FeMnCrSn and FeMnCrSb (United States)

    Erkişi, Aytaç


    The quaternary full Heusler alloys FeMnCrSn and FeMnCrSb, which have face-centred cubic (FCC) crystal structure and conform to ? space group with 216 space number, have been investigated using Generalised Gradient Approximation (GGA) in the Density Functional Theory (DFT) as implemented in VASP (Vienna Ab initio Simulation Package) software. These alloys are considered in ferromagnetic (FM) order. After the investigation of structural stability of these alloys, their mechanical and thermal properties and also electronic band structures have been examined. The calculated spin-polarised electronic band structures and total electronic density of states (DOS) within GGA approximation show that these alloys can exhibit both metallic and half-metallic characters in different structural phases. The calculated formation enthalpies and the plotted energy-volume graphs show that Type-III phase is most stable structural phase for these materials. Also, FeMnCrSb alloy in Type-I/Type-III phases and FeMnCrSn alloy in Type-III phase show half-metallic behaviour with integer total magnetic moments almost 2 and 1 μB per formula unit, respectively, since there are band gaps observed in spin-down states, whereas they have metallic behaviour in majority bands. Other structural phases of both systems are also metallic. Moreover, the calculated elastic constants and the estimated anisotropy shear factors indicate that these materials are stable mechanically in all of three phases except FeMnCrSn in Type-I phase that does not satisfy Born stability criteria in this phase and have high anisotropic behaviour.


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    Mª José Sosa Díaz


    Full Text Available The present paper tries to release some organizational Good Practices for the integration of the ICT's carried out by the Education System in Extremadura. For this, in a first moment, a theoretical review about the concept of Good Practices has been done, establishing some indicators which permit us identify Good Practices regarding the application of the ICT within Primary and Secondary schools, and specially pointing out the indicators that refer to organizational aspects in the educational establishments and classrooms. Secondly, the politics for the integration of New Technologies conducted by Junta de Extremadura are analyzed, emphasizing the figure of the ICT Coordinator as a quality measure, as well as the technological tools for school management and controlling the classes. Finally, we present the results obtained from several interviews that were made to different members of the school community, all in a broader investigation where diverse case studies of Primary and Secondary schools considered as Good Practices with ICT were effectuated.En el presente trabajo se pretende dar a conocer Buenas Prácticas de tipo organizativo para la integración de las TIC que ha llevado a cabo el Sistema Educativo Extremeño. Para ello, en un primer momento, se ha realizado una revisión teórica sobre el concepto de Buenas Prácticas, estableciendo algunos indicadores que nos permitan identificar Buenas Prácticas en el uso de las TIC en los centros educativos de Primaria y Secundaria, y destacando especialmente aquellos indicadores que hacen referencia a aspectos organizativos del centro y de las aulas. En segundo lugar, se ha efectuado un análisis de la política de integración de las tecnologías que ha llevado a cabo la Junta de Extremadura, enfatizando en la figura del/la Coordinador/a TIC como medida de calidad, así como en las herramientas tecnológicas de gestión del centro y control del aula. Por último, se presentan algunos resultados

  20. Dos visiones sobre la planificación regional en el final del auge desarrollista: las propuestas de orientación del crecimiento urbano (Santa Fe, Argentina, 1980

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    Gisela Ariana Rausch


    Full Text Available El desarrollismo de la segunda posguerra -en sus diferentes vertientes- llevó a su máxima expresión el ideal moderno de instrumentalización de la naturaleza como vía del mejoramiento social. En Argentina (como en América Latina, se adoptarían una variedad de prescripciones surgidas, principalmente, de la Comisión Económica para América Latina (CEPAL, mientras la disciplina urbanística sufriría una transformación profunda de sus bases teóricas, produciéndose un pasaje del “Urbanismo” al “planeamiento”. Esto como correlato directo del pasaje de una concepción “jurisdiccional” del territorio de intervención, a otra concepción “regional”. A partir de ello, se expondrán dos propuestas de crecimiento urbano para la ciudad de Santa Fe, una asentada en el desarrollismo tecnocrático, que hizo énfasis en las infraestructuras como medio técnico de control de la naturaleza, y la otra, más híbrida y alternativa, que hizo foco en la especificidad geográfica y cultural santafesina.

  1. Los procesos de globalización y transferencia tecnológica


    Luis Murillo Orozco.


    Este artículo presente un breve análisis del significado de globalización y de transferencia tecnológica, dos procesos indisolubles y concatenados entre sí que deben ser tomados como medios fundamentales y no como fines para enfrentar el giro de la competencia económica actual. Esta competencia se ha trasladado del ámbito empresarial y de país, al ámbito de la integración económica. Hay que tomar en cuenta que no Se puede lograr una buena posición en el ámbito internacional sin una buena y ad...

  2. Fe atom exchange between aqueous Fe2+ and magnetite. (United States)

    Gorski, Christopher A; Handler, Robert M; Beard, Brian L; Pasakarnis, Timothy; Johnson, Clark M; Scherer, Michelle M


    The reaction between magnetite and aqueous Fe(2+) has been extensively studied due to its role in contaminant reduction, trace-metal sequestration, and microbial respiration. Previous work has demonstrated that the reaction of Fe(2+) with magnetite (Fe(3)O(4)) results in the structural incorporation of Fe(2+) and an increase in the bulk Fe(2+) content of magnetite. It is unclear, however, whether significant Fe atom exchange occurs between magnetite and aqueous Fe(2+), as has been observed for other Fe oxides. Here, we measured the extent of Fe atom exchange between aqueous Fe(2+) and magnetite by reacting isotopically "normal" magnetite with (57)Fe-enriched aqueous Fe(2+). The extent of Fe atom exchange between magnetite and aqueous Fe(2+) was significant (54-71%), and went well beyond the amount of Fe atoms found at the near surface. Mössbauer spectroscopy of magnetite reacted with (56)Fe(2+) indicate that no preferential exchange of octahedral or tetrahedral sites occurred. Exchange experiments conducted with Co-ferrite (Co(2+)Fe(2)(3+)O(4)) showed little impact of Co substitution on the rate or extent of atom exchange. Bulk electron conduction, as previously invoked to explain Fe atom exchange in goethite, is a possible mechanism, but if it is occurring, conduction does not appear to be the rate-limiting step. The lack of significant impact of Co substitution on the kinetics of Fe atom exchange, and the relatively high diffusion coefficients reported for magnetite suggest that for magnetite, unlike goethite, Fe atom diffusion is a plausible mechanism to explain the rapid rates of Fe atom exchange in magnetite.

  3. The Moessbauer effect in Fe(III) HEDTA, Fe(III) EDTA, and Fe(III) CDTA compounds

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Prado, F.R.


    The dependence of Moessbauer spectra with pH value of Fe(III)HEDTA and Fe(III)CDTA compounds is studied. Informations on formation processes of LFe-O-FeL (L=ligand) type dimers by the relation of titration curves of Fe(III)EDTA, Fe(III)HEDTA and Fe(III)CDTA compounds with the series of Moessbauer spectra, are obtained. Some informations on Fe-O-Fe bond structure are also obtained. Comparing the titration curves with the series of Moessbauer spectra, it is concluded that the dimerization process begins when a specie of the form FeXOH α (X = EDTA, HEDTA, CDTA; α = -1, -2) arises. (M.C.K.) [pt

  4. Evaluación de impacto de un centro de innovación educativa (INED) en Chiapas, México: una mirada desde la evaluación cualitativa


    Estrada, Marcos J.


    El presente texto discute dos conceptos relacionados: buenas prácticas e innovación educativa, destacando que la primera es parte de un proceso más amplio denominado “innovación educativa”. A través de dos recortes de evaluación de impacto se analizan los aportes de un centro de innovación educativa ubicado en el estado mexicano de Chiapas. Se destaca en específico que INED contribuye al campo educativo en dos indicadores relevantes con los actores de la comunidad educativa con los que trabaj...

  5. Antimilitaristas y libertarias : La postura de las mujeres anarquistas ante el militarismo


    Manzoni, Gisela


    La historia del siglo XX ha estado marcada por un sinnúmero de conflictos armados. Su saldo en vidas es incalculable, las pérdidas materiales exorbitantes, han ocasionado desplazamientos de poblaciones, aniquilamientos culturales y la destrucción de buena parte de nuestro planeta. Dos Guerras Mundiales, una Guerra Fría y una montonera de conflictos menores entre dos países, entre más de dos, o en el interior de ellos, han atravesado al mundo en esos años. En su mayoría, no han afectado de ...

  6. Os organismos geneticamente modificados e a rotulagem dos alimentos - uma análise a partir dos direitos dos consumidores

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    Marcello Vitor Rocha Cota


    Full Text Available Ao longo do presente trabalho serão analisados os organismos geneticamente modificados (OGMs frente aos riscos à saúde alimentar e ao meio ambiente, sobretudo o princípio da precaução e a rotulagem dos produtos. A partir de uma dimensão comparativa de três realidades distintas, isto é, a estadunidense, a europeia, com ênfase mercado ao português, e a brasileira – sob um prisma ambiental, a rotulagem dos produtos será confrontada com os direitos dos consumidores, embora em determinadas ocasiões, diante da inexistência de informações adequadas e claras dos produtos, que estão sendo ofertados e consumidos, os consumidores não sabem o que estão consumindo.

  7. Effectiveness of FeEDDHA, FeEDDHMA, and FeHBED in Preventing Iron-Deficiency Chlorosis in Soybean. (United States)

    Bin, Levi M; Weng, Liping; Bugter, Marcel H J


    The performance of FeHBED in preventing Fe deficiency chlorosis in soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) in comparison to FeEDDHA and FeEDDHMA was studied, as well as the importance of the ortho-ortho and ortho-para/rest isomers in defining the performance. To this end, chlorophyll production (SPAD), plant dry matter yield, and the mass fractions of important mineral elements in the plant were quantified in a greenhouse pot experiment. All three Fe chelates increased SPAD index and dry matter yield compared to the control. The effect of FeHBED on chlorophyll production was visible over a longer time span than that of FeEDDHA and FeEDDHMA. Additionally, FeHBED did not suppress Mn uptake as much as the other Fe chelates. Compared to the other Fe chelates, total Fe content in the young leaves was lower in the FeHBED treatment; however, total Fe content was not directly related to chlorophyll production and biomass yield. For each chelate, the ortho-ortho isomer was found to be more effective than the other isomers evaluated.

  8. ¿Para quién y para qué son buenas las buenas prácticas? Unión Europea, integración de (in migrantes y despolitización/tecnificación de las políticas hegemónicas: un estudio de caso

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    Luca Sebastiani


    Full Text Available Entre finales de los años noventa y comienzos del nuevo siglo se ha ido afirmando un marco político en el ámbito de la Unión Europea, el cual fomenta el alcance de un entendimiento común de la integración de inmigrantes y promueve la coordinación, financiación e intercambio de información y “buenas prácticas” entre los diferentes niveles institucionales afectados, a través de herramientas de “políticas blandas” (soft policy. En este artículo analizaré y discutiré algunas de las consecuencias más relevantes originadas del entendimiento del concepto de “integración” por los principales actores implicados en este proceso, utilizando como ejemplo el caso de las “buenas prácticas” debido a su importancia dentro de los mecanismos de la “gobernanza multinivel” comunitaria. A través de este análisis, resaltaré que en el contexto comunitario, la noción de integración ha sido construida a través de un ejercicio de (aparente despolitización y tecnificación, cuyos resultados sin embargo son contradictorios -puesto que el elemento político a menudo retorna y se manifiesta “en el trasfondo”, “al margen” y “dentro” de lo técnico- a la vez que eficaces -en tanto en cuanto este ejercicio ha conseguido impulsar y moldear ciertas formas de saber, hablar y actuar sobre la integración de inmigrantes, naturalizando determinadas relaciones de poder existentes en la sociedad- . El material empírico para el presente artículo está basado en el trabajo de campo realizado en Bruselas entre 2011 y 2012 para la investigación doctoral. Consiste en entrevistas a los actores sociales y políticos más importantes del marco comunitario de la integración, en la observación de distintos encuentros y en la lectura de fuentes variadas.

  9. Autonomia profissional dos professores


    Guerra, Teresa P.; Veiga, Feliciano


    Este estudo pretendeu analisar as representações dos professores acerca da sua autonomia em contexto escolar, com recurso a uma amostra de 203 professores de ambos os sexos, pertencentes a escolas dos distritos de Lisboa, Setúbal, Leiria e Aveiro. Utilizou-se a Escala de Autonomia Profissional dos Professores (EAPP).

  10. Evaluación de dos métodos para la separación de RNA mensajero de Plasmodium falciparum

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    Heidy Y. Guerrero


    Full Text Available En muchos casos, el estudio de la regulación de la expresión de genes específicos, requiere el aislamiento de su RNA mensajero (mRNA a partir del RNA total presente en la célula. Con el fin de garantizar la presencia de secuencias que se expresan en baja abundancia, es indispensable obtener preparaciones de mRNA que sean representativas de la población de mensajeros del organismo en estudio. En este trabajo se evaluó el rendimiento del mRNA de Plasmodium falciparum obtenido por dos métodos: cromatografía de afinidad en columnas de oligo dT celulosa y captura del mRNA por hibridización en solución con un primeroligo dT. Con los dos métodos, se obtuvieron rendimientos similares en un rango entre 0,7 y 1,1% con respecto al RNA total de partida. El tamaño del cDNA sintetizado a partir de mensajeros separados por cromatografía fue de 0,4 a 4 Kb, mientras que los provenientes del método de captura, permitieron un rango entre 0,4 y 8 Kb. Este hecho sugiere las mejores posibilidades que ofrece el método de captura para obtener poblaciones de mensajeros con mayores tamaños, si se compara con el método tradicional. La presencia de clones con genes de copia única como son los de tubulina, actina II, miosina, calmodulina, glucosa fosfato-isomerasa y glucosa-fosfato-deshidrogenasa, en genotecas de cDNA, permiten inferir una buena representatividad de las secuencias expresadas en la preparación de mRNA.

  11. Structure and magnetism in Co/X, Fe/Si, and Fe/(FeSi) multilayers (United States)

    Franklin, Michael Ray

    Previous studies have shown that magnetic behavior in multilayers formed by repeating a bilayer unit comprised of a ferromagnetic layer and a non-magnetic spacer layer can be affected by small structural differences. For example, a macroscopic property such as giant magnetoresistance (GMR) is believed to depend significantly upon interfacial roughness. In this study, several complimentary structural probes were used to carefully characterize the structure of several sputtered multilayer systems-Co/Ag, Co/Cu, Co/Mo, Fe/Si, and Fe//[FeSi/]. X-ray diffraction (XRD) studies were used to examine the long-range structural order of the multilayers perpendicular to the plane of the layers. Transmission electron diffraction (TED) studies were used to probe the long-range order parallel to the layer plane. X-ray Absorption Fine Structure (XAFS) studies were used to determine the average local structural environment of the ferromagnetic atoms. For the Co/X systems, a simple correlation between crystal structure and saturation magnetization is discovered for the Co/Mo system. For the Fe/X systems, direct evidence of an Fe-silicide is found for the /[FeSi/] spacer layer but not for the Si spacer layer. Additionally, differences were observed in the magnetic behavior between the Fe in the nominally pure Fe layer and the Fe contained in the /[FeSi/] spacer layers.

  12. Modelagem de funções no cálculo dos índices DRIS Modelling of functions in calculating DRIS indices

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    Paulo Guilherme Salvador Wadt


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho foi modelar o fator k e as funções DRIS para a diagnose foliar de mangueiras cultivadas. Dez pomares comerciais, no estágio de produção, localizados no vale do Rio São Francisco, foram monitorados, mensalmente, durante dois anos, por meio da coleta de amostras foliares para determinação dos teores de N, P, K, Ca, Mg, B, Fe, Mn, Zn e Cu. Os dados foram testados quanto à normalidade e as relações entre as concentrações dos nutrientes foram usadas para calcular as normas DRIS, obtendo-se média, variância e limites máximo e mínimo de cada relação dentro da população amostrada. Os nutrientes foram classificados como macronutrientes de resposta freqüente (MAF (N, P e K, macronutrientes de resposta rara (MAR (Ca e Mg; micronutrientes de resposta freqüente (MIF (B, Fe, Mn e Zn e, micronutrientes de resposta rara (MIR (Cu. Funções DRIS foram desenvolvidas para cada classe de nutrientes. O modelo desenvolvido expressa o balanço nutricional das plantas cultivadas ajustado a cada nutriente e reflete o comportamento biológico das plantas como resultado da variação da disponibilidade dos nutrientes.The objective of this work was to model DRIS functions and k factor on foliar diagnosis of mango crops. Ten commercial orchards, at yield stage, in the São Francisco River valley were monitored, monthly, during a two-year period, by means of collecting leaf samples to determine N, P, K, Ca, Mg, B, Fe, Mn, Zn and Cu concentrations. Data were tested for normality and bivariate relationships between nutrient concentrations were used to calculate DRIS norms. Mean, variance as well as minimum and maximum values were calculated for each relationship within the population. Nutrients were classified as follows: highly responsive macronutrients (HRMa (N, P and K; rarely responsive macronutrients (RRMa (Ca and Mg; highly responsive micronutrients (HRMi (B, Fe, Mn and Zn, and rarely responsive micronutrients (RRMi (Cu

  13. El deber de información contractual y sus límites

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    Carlos Alberto Chinchilla Imbett


    Full Text Available El presente artículo trata del alcance y de los límites del deber de información, para lo cual, se establece que el deber de información es una obligación emanada de la buena fe y su cumplimiento permite el pleno uso de la libertad contractual en cuanto facilita decidir la conveniencia del negocio, prevenir los riesgos, determinar el alcance de las obligaciones y derechos asumidos. Adicionalmente se establece que la información suministrada deberá ser clara, oportuna y transparente, de manera que permita que el deber de información se cumpla de forma substancial y no meramente formal. Por último, el autor devela los límites que impone la buena fe al deber de información en forma tal de dotar a dicho deber de contenido, eficacia y precisión.

  14. Segregation of H, C and B to Σ = 5 (0 1 3) α-Fe grain boundary: A theoretical study

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gesari, S.; Irigoyen, B.; Juan, A.


    The ASED-MO theory is used to study the effects of H and the H-C and H-B pairs in the electronic structure of a Fe grain boundary (GB). The results obtained for H in a GB model are consistent with its behavior as a chemical embrittler. The total energies calculated for FeH, FeC and FeB clusters indicate that all interstitials segregate to the GB. C has the lowest energy, followed by B, and could compete with other impurities for the site location on the GB. The results obtained for FeCH and FeBH are consistent with the observed behavior of C and B as cohesion enhancers. A strong repulsive interaction between C and H and B and H atoms is developed if they occupy the nearest interstitial site on the GB. When C or B are present, the total energies are similar to that obtained for the FeH cluster. This indicates that H is displaced from the capped trigonal prism (CTP). Also, we do not detect any C-H or B-H interaction. Density of states (DOS) and crystal orbital overlap population (COOP) curves are used to shed more light on the interstitial-Fe GB interaction. The existence of strong metal-metalloid bonds is shown, which are primarily due to Fe 3d, 4s and C (or B) 2s, 2p interactions

  15. Strong 3D and 1D magnetism in hexagonal Fe-chalcogenides FeS and FeSe vs. weak magnetism in hexagonal FeTe. (United States)

    Parker, David S


    We present a comparative theoretical study of the hexagonal forms of the Fe-chalcogenides FeS, FeSe and FeTe with their better known tetragonal forms. While the tetragonal forms exhibit only an incipient antiferromagnetism and experimentally show superconductivity when doped, the hexagonal forms of FeS and FeSe display a robust magnetism. We show that this strong magnetism arises from a van Hove singularity associated with the direct Fe-Fe c-axis chains in the generally more three-dimensional NiAs structure. We also find that hexagonal FeTe is much less magnetic than the other two hexagonal materials, so that unconventional magnetically-mediated superconductivity is possible, although a large T c value is unlikely.

  16. Strong 3D and 1D magnetism in hexagonal Fe-chalcogenides FeS and FeSe vs. weak magnetism in hexagonal FeTe

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Parker, David S. [Oak Ridge National Lab. (ORNL), Oak Ridge, TN (United States)


    We present a comparative theoretical study of the hexagonal forms of the Fe-chalcogenides FeS, FeSe and FeTe with their better known tetragonal forms. While the tetragonal forms exhibit only an incipient antiferromagnetism and experimentally show superconductivity when doped, the hexagonal forms of FeS and FeSe display a robust magnetism. We show that this strong magnetism arises from a van Hove singularity associated with the direct Fe-Fe c-axis chains in the generally more three-dimensional NiAs structure. We also find that hexagonal FeTe is much less magnetic than the other two hexagonal materials, so that unconventional magnetically-mediated superconductivity is possible, although a large Tc value is unlikely.


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    Luis Humbert Andrade de Lemos


    Datos acerca del impacto ambiental generado por la disposición inadecuada de residuos sólidos son alarmantes, así como el costo que genera para el estado. El propósito de este trabajo es ilustrar como la ciencia del analisis del comportamiento puede contribuir a la creación de programas de intervención para la buena gestión de residuos sólidos. Haciendo uso de la investigación bibliográfica, algunos principios básicos de la ciencia del analisis del comportamiento se presentan en primer lugar. Siguiendo una revisión de algunos artículos publicados en el Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis 1968-2016, que describen algunas de las principales estrategias que aparecen en búsquedas sobre gestión de residuos sólidos. Finalmente se analizan tales búsquedas mediante dos categorías de intervenciones: eventos antecedentes de comportamiento a favor del ambiente, mientras que consideraciones finales proponen que loa resultados de estas búsquedas, tal como se describen, puedan ser usados como posibles contribuciones para la planeación de políticas públicas. Palabras clave: Residuos Sólidos; Medio Ambiente; Analisis de Comportamiento; Estrategias de Intervención.

  18. Influence of FeEDDS, FeEDTA, FeDTPA, FeEDDHA, and FeSO4 on Marigold Growth and Nutrition, and Substrate and Runoff Chemistry (United States)

    Objectives of the study were to determine effects of Fe source on plant growth, plant nutrition, substrate chemistry and runoff chemistry. Iron source (FS) treatments consisted of Fe-aminopolycarboxylic acid (APCA) complexones iron ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (FeEDTA), iron [S, S']-ethylenediam...

  19. Estudio hidrogeológico y de calidad de agua en el sector oriental de la Sierra de San Javier entre las localidades de Yerba Buena y el Manantial. Provincia de Tucuman, Republica Argentina

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    D’Urso, C. H.


    Full Text Available The study area is located in the center west of the county of Tucumán, in the NW of Argentina. It extends from the oriental border of San Javier’s mountain between the towns of Yerba Buena and Manantial. In the piedmont zone and plain, have settled down diverse urban, agricultural centers and an important industrial complex that are supplied by underground water. The objective of this paper is to define the different geologic factors that impact in the behavior of the underground water and to define areas with appropriate hydrogeological characteristics for its use. The investigation determined that the water contained in the aquifers is of good quality and due to the high permeability, important flows can be obtained, that guarantee the supply to the population, agriculture and industry.La zona de estudio está ubicada en el centro oeste de la provincia de Tucumán, en el noroeste de Argentina. Se extiende desde el borde oriental de la sierra de San Javier entre las localidades de Yerba Buena y el Manantial. En el piedemonte y llanura se han establecido diversos centros urbanos, agrícolas y un importante complejo industrial que se abastecen de agua subterránea. El objetivo del trabajo es delimitar los distintos factores geológicos que inciden en el comportamiento del agua subterránea y tratar de definir zonas con características hidrogeológicas apropiadas para su aprovechamiento. De esta investigación se determinó que el agua que contienen los acuíferos es de buena calidad y debido a la elevada permeabilidad de los mismos, se pueden obtener importantes caudales, con lo que se garantiza el abastecimiento a la población, agricultura e industria.

  20. Anomalous superconducting spin-valve effect in NbN/FeN/Cu/FeN/FeMn multilayers

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hwang, Tae Jong; Kim, Dong Ho [Yeungnam University, Gyeongsan (Korea, Republic of)


    We have studied magnetic and transport properties of NbN/FeN/Cu/FeN/FeMn spin-valve structure. In-plane magnetic moment exhibited typical hysteresis loops of spin valves in the normal state of NbN film at 20 K. On the other hand, the magnetic hysteresis loop in the superconducting state exhibited more complex behavior in which exchange bias provided by antiferrmagnetic FeMn layer to adjacent FeN layer was disturbed by superconductivity. Because of this, the ideal superconducting spin-valve effect was not detected. Instead the stray field originated from unsaturated magnetic states dominated the transport properties of NbN/FeN/Cu/FeN/FeMn multilayer.

  1. Soft magnetic properties of hybrid ferromagnetic films with CoFe, NiFe, and NiFeCuMo layers

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Choi, Jong-Gu [Eastern-western Biomedical Engineering, Sangji University, Wonju 220-702 (Korea, Republic of); Hwang, Do-Guwn [Dept. of Oriental Biomedical Engineering, Sangji University, Wonju 220-702 (Korea, Republic of); Rhee, Jang-Roh [Dept. of Physics, Sookmyung Women' s University, Seoul 140-742 (Korea, Republic of); Lee, Sang-Suk, E-mail: [Dept. of Oriental Biomedical Engineering, Sangji University, Wonju 220-702 (Korea, Republic of)


    Two-layered ferromagnetic alloy films (NiFe and CoFe) with intermediate NiFeCuMo soft magnetic layers of different thicknesses were investigated to understand the relationship between coercivity and magnetization process by taking into account the strength of hard-axis saturation field. The thickness dependence of H{sub EC} (easy-axis coercivity), H{sub HS} (hard-axis saturation field), and {chi} (susceptibility) of the NiFeCuMo thin films in glass/Ta(5 nm)/[CoFe or NiFe(5 nm-t/2)]/NiFeCuMo(t = 0, 4, 6, 8, 10 nm)/[CoFe or NiFe(5 nm-t/2)]/Ta(5 nm) films prepared using the ion beam deposition method was determined. The magnetic properties (H{sub EC}, H{sub HS}, and {chi}) of the ferromagnetic CoFe, NiFe three-layers with an intermediate NiFeCuMo super-soft magnetic layer were strongly dependent on the thickness of the NiFeCuMo layer.

  2. MIL-100-Fe derived N-doped Fe/Fe3C@C electrocatalysts for efficient oxygen reduction reaction (United States)

    Guo, Dakai; Han, Sancan; Wang, Jiacheng; Zhu, Yufang


    N-doped porous Fe/Fe3C@C electrocatalysts were prepared by the pyrolysis of the hexamethylenetetramine (HMT)-incorporated MIL-100-Fe at different temperatures (700-1000 °C) under N2 atmosphere. Rotary evaporation of MIL-100-Fe and HMT solution could make more N-enriched HMT molecules enter into the pores of MIL-100-Fe, thus improving nitrogen contents of the final pyrolyzed samples. All pyrolyzed samples show porous textures with middle specific surface areas. The X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) results demonstrate the successful introduction of N atoms into carbon framework. Sample Fe-N2-800 prepared by annealing the precursors with the HMT/MIL-100-Fe weight ratio of 2 at 800 °C exhibits the best electrocatalytic activity towards the oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) in terms of onset potential and current density because of high graphitic N and pyridinic N content. The enwrapped Fe/Fe3C nanoparticles and Fe-Nx active sites in these samples could also boost the ORR activity synergistically. Moreover, sample Fe-N2-800 demonstrates a dominant four electron reduction process, as well as excellent long-term operation stability and methanol crossover resistance. Thus, the N-doped Fe/Fe3C@C composites derived from the HMT-incorporated MIL-100-Fe are promising electrocatalysts to replace Pt/C for ORR in practical applications.

  3. The 54Fe(d,t)53Fe reaction and the neutron configuration in 54Fe

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    England, J.B.A.; Ophel, T.R.; Johnston, A.; Zeller, A.F.


    The 54 Fe(d,t) 53 Fe reaction has been used to study the levels populated in 54 Fe in an attempt to establish the neutron configuration in 54 Fe. The states observed show clear evidence for a 2p-4h admixture in 54 Fe. In particular, the strength of the first 3/2 - level relative to the 7/2 - ground state transition is 3-4 times that in neighbouring N = 28 nuclei



    Iriarte R, María M; Fermín, Orlando


    RESUMEN El objetivo de la investigación fue verificar el conocimiento que tiene el personal que prepara alimentos para buffet, sobre buenas prácticas de manipulación de alimentos. Se aplicó un cuestionario a empleados de cinco hoteles de 5 estrellas de la Isla de Margarita, escogidos por medio de un muestreo intencional. Se evaluaron seis tópicos relacionados con la manipulación de alimentos y el perfil social de los empleados. El 68,9% de los 101 participantes se catalogó con conocimientos N...

  5. Statistical modeling of the reactions Fe(+) + N2O → FeO(+) + N2 and FeO(+) + CO → Fe(+) + CO2. (United States)

    Ushakov, Vladimir G; Troe, Jürgen; Johnson, Ryan S; Guo, Hua; Ard, Shaun G; Melko, Joshua J; Shuman, Nicholas S; Viggiano, Albert A


    The rates of the reactions Fe(+) + N2O → FeO(+) + N2 and FeO(+) + CO → Fe(+) + CO2 are modeled by statistical rate theory accounting for energy- and angular momentum-specific rate constants for formation of the primary and secondary cationic adducts and their backward and forward reactions. The reactions are both suggested to proceed on sextet and quartet potential energy surfaces with efficient, but probably not complete, equilibration by spin-inversion of the populations of the sextet and quartet adducts. The influence of spin-inversion on the overall reaction rate is investigated. The differences of the two reaction rates mostly are due to different numbers of entrance states (atom + linear rotor or linear rotor + linear rotor, respectively). The reaction Fe(+) + N2O was studied either with (6)Fe(+) or with (4)Fe(+) reactants. Differences in the rate constants of (6)Fe(+) and (4)Fe(+) reacting with N2O are attributed to different contributions from electronically excited potential energy surfaces, such as they originate from the open-electronic shell reactants.

  6. Emissão de hidrogênio molecular e [FeII] em núcleos Seyfert (United States)

    Rodríguez-Ardila, A.; Pastoriza, M. G.; Viegas, S.


    Um dos problemas fundamentais em núcleos ativos de galáxias (AGN) é determinar os mecanismos de excitação dominantes do gás emissor de linhas estreitas, seja este excitado por mecanismos não-estelares (fotoionização por uma fonte central ou choques produzidos por um jato rádio no gás circumnuclear) ou estelares (fotoionização por estrelas OB ou choques originados por um remanescente de supernova em expansão). Essa ambiguedade se faz mais evidente ao intepretar o espectro de espécies tais como H2 e [FeII]. Na primeira, fluorescência UV, processos térmicos (choques e/ou aquecimento por fótons) ou illuminação por raios-x, podem ser responsáveis pelo espectro observado enquanto que na segunda, os dois últimos mechanismos seriam relevantes. Neste trabalho, utilizando espectroscópia JHK de média resolução para uma amostra de AGN encontramos que o H2 observado é gerado principalmente por processos térmicos associados à presença de episódios de formação estelar circumnuclear. No entanto, em galáxias tais como NGC4151 as observações mostram que o hidrogênio molecular origina-se, principalmente, da interação entre o jato radio e o gás da NLR. Esses resultados baseiam-se nos valores das razões de linhas H2 2.24/2.12 mm e H2 2.03/2.22 mm. H2 2.24/2.12 separa claramente processos não-térmicos dos térmicos enquanto H2 2.03/2.22 serve como indicador de temperatura da componente térmica, e portanto, discrimina entre choques e associações OB. Já para o [FeII], as observações são compatíveis com excitação produzida diretamente pela fonte central ou choques associados com o jato rádio. A comparação da largura dos perfis de linhas observados permite concluir que não há correlação entre a emissão de H2 e [FeII]. Em praticamente todos os casos analisados, os perfis das linhas de H2 são não-resolvidos, enquanto que os perfis de [FeII] indicam, em alguns casos, velocidades de até 600 km/s.

  7. Spin structure of exchange biased heterostructures. Fe/MnF{sub 2} and Fe/FeF{sub 2}

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sahoo, B


    In this work, the {sup 57}Fe probe layer technique is used in order to investigate the depth- and temperature-dependent Fe-layer spin structure of exchange biased Fe/MnF{sub 2} and Fe/FeF{sub 2} (pseudo-twinned) antiferromagnetic (AFM) systems by conversion electron Moessbauer spectroscopy (CEMS) and nuclear resonant scattering (NRS) of synchrotron radiation. Two kinds of samples with a 10 A {sup 57}Fe probe layer directly at or 35 A away from the interface, labeled as interface and center sample, respectively, were studied in this work. The results obtained by CEMS for Fe/MnF{sub 2} suggests that, at 80 K, i.e., above T{sub N}=67 K of MnF{sub 2}, the remanent state Fe-layer spin structure of the two studied samples are slightly different due to their different microstructure. In the temperature range from 300 K to 80 K, the Fe-layer spin structure does not change just by zero-field cooling the sample in remanence. For Fe/FeF{sub 2}, a continuous non-monotonic change of the remanent-state Fe spin structure was observed by cooling from 300 K to 18 K. NRS of synchrotron radiation was used to investigate the temperature- and depth-dependent Fe-layer spin structure during magnetization reversal in pseudo-twinned Fe/MnF{sub 2}. A depthdependent Fe spin structure in an applied magnetic field (applied along the bisector of the twin domains) was observed at 10 K, where the Fe spins closer to the interface are not aligned along the field direction. The depth-dependence disappears at 150 K. (orig.)

  8. First principle investigations on Boron doped Fe2VAl Heusler alloy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Venkatesh, Ch.; Srivastava, S.K.; Rao, V.V.


    The role of atomic size of sp-element is investigated through theoretical calculations and basic experiments to understand the physical properties of Boron doped Fe 2 VAl alloy. The results of ab-initio calculations on ordered L2 1 structure of Fe 2 VAl 1-x B x (x=0, 0.5, 1) alloys have been compared to understand the role of sp-element size on the hybridization among their respective valance states. Interestingly, semi-metallic and paramagnetic like ground states were found in the Boron doped alloys in similar to Fe 2 VAl, eliminating the role of size of the doppent sp-atom. These calculations result in hybridization where the covalent distribution of valance states among the atoms is responsible to produce a finite pseudo-gap at the Fermi level. The observed features could be explained on the basis of covalent theory of magnetism in which an amount of spectral weight transfer occurs in the DOS spectrum among the same spin orbitals, leading to symmetric distribution of bonding and anti-bonding states. However, the obtained experimental findings on Boron doped alloys are in contrast with these calculations, indicating that experimentally the alloy formation into an ideal L2 1 lattice does not happen while doping with Boron. Further, the micro structural analysis shows Boron segregation across the grain boundaries that may form magnetic inhomogeneities in the lattice of Boron doped Fe 2 VAl alloys which preferably cause these experimental anomalies

  9. How oxygen attacks [FeFe] hydrogenases from photosynthetic organisms (United States)

    Stripp, Sven T.; Goldet, Gabrielle; Brandmayr, Caterina; Sanganas, Oliver; Vincent, Kylie A.; Haumann, Michael; Armstrong, Fraser A.; Happe, Thomas


    Green algae such as Chlamydomonas reinhardtii synthesize an [FeFe] hydrogenase that is highly active in hydrogen evolution. However, the extreme sensitivity of [FeFe] hydrogenases to oxygen presents a major challenge for exploiting these organisms to achieve sustainable photosynthetic hydrogen production. In this study, the mechanism of oxygen inactivation of the [FeFe] hydrogenase CrHydA1 from C. reinhardtii has been investigated. X-ray absorption spectroscopy shows that reaction with oxygen results in destruction of the [4Fe-4S] domain of the active site H-cluster while leaving the di-iron domain (2FeH) essentially intact. By protein film electrochemistry we were able to determine the order of events leading up to this destruction. Carbon monoxide, a competitive inhibitor of CrHydA1 which binds to an Fe atom of the 2FeH domain and is otherwise not known to attack FeS clusters in proteins, reacts nearly two orders of magnitude faster than oxygen and protects the enzyme against oxygen damage. These results therefore show that destruction of the [4Fe-4S] cluster is initiated by binding and reduction of oxygen at the di-iron domain—a key step that is blocked by carbon monoxide. The relatively slow attack by oxygen compared to carbon monoxide suggests that a very high level of discrimination can be achieved by subtle factors such as electronic effects (specific orbital overlap requirements) and steric constraints at the active site. PMID:19805068

  10. Fe-vacancy and superconductivity in FeSe-based superconductors (United States)

    Wang, C. H.; Chen, T. K.; Chang, C. C.; Lee, Y. C.; Wang, M. J.; Huang, K. C.; Wu, P. M.; Wu, M. K.


    This review summarizes recent advancements in FeSe and related systems. The FeSe and related superconductors are currently receiving considerable attention for the high Tcs observed and for many similar features to the high Tc cuprate superconductors. These similarities suggest that understanding the FeSe based compounds could potentially help our understanding of the cuprates. We shall first review the common features observed in the FeSe-based system. It was found that with a careful control of material synthesizing processes, numerous rich phases have been observed in the FeSe-based system. Detailed studies show that the Fe-vacancy ordered phases found in the FeSe based compounds, which are non-superconducting Mott insulators, are the parent compounds of the superconductors. Superconductivity emerges from the parent phases by disordering the Fe vacancy order, often by a simple annealing treatment. Recent high temperature X-ray diffraction experiments show that the degree of structural distortion associated with the disorder of Fe-vacancy is closely related to volume fraction of the superconductivity observed. These results suggest the strong lattice to spin coupling are important for the occurrence of superconductivity in FeSe based superconductors.

  11. Exchange bias variations of the seed and top NiFe layers in NiFe/FeMn/NiFe trilayer as a function of seed layer thickness

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sankaranarayanan, V.K.; Yoon, S.M.; Kim, C.G.; Kim, C.O.


    Development of exchange bias at the seed and top NiFe layers in the NiFe (t nm)/FeMn(10 nm)/NiFe(5 nm) trilayer structure is investigated as a function of seed layer thickness, in the range of 2-20 nm. The seed NiFe layer shows maximum exchange bias at 4 nm seed layer thickness. The bias shows inverse thickness dependence with increasing thickness. The top NiFe layer on the other hand shows only half the bias of the seed layer which is retained even after the sharp fall in seed layer bias. The much smaller bias for the top NiFe layer is related to the difference in crystalline texture and spin orientations at the top FeMn/NiFe interface, in comparison to the bottom NiFe/FeMn interface which grows on a saturated NiFe layer with (1 1 1) orientation

  12. First-principles study on the thermodynamic stability, magnetism, and half-metallicity of full-Heusler alloy Ti{sub 2}FeGe (001) surface

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hu, Yan; Zhang, Jian-Min, E-mail:


    For the Ti{sub 2}FeGe Heusler alloy, the surface stability, electronic and magnetic properties of the various (001) surfaces have been studied by using first-principles calculations. The TiGe termination is the most stable one while the GeGe* termination is the most unstable one. Both the density of states (DOS) and atomic magnetic moments (AMMs) of the central layers are similar to the corresponding bulk characters due to no influence of surface effect as we expected. The TiGe termination has the highest spin polarization 96.67%, followed by the TiFe (67.17%), GeGe* (66.51%) and FeFe* terminations (62.02%). The TiTi* terminations has the lowest spin polarization 61.31%. The magnetic moments for atoms on the surfaces and subsurfaces of these terminations are different from the bulk case. - Highlights: • TiGe termination is the most stable while GeGe* termination is the most unstable. • TiGe termination has the highest spin polarization followed by TiFe, GeGe*, FeFe* and TiTi*. • Atomic magnetic moments at the (001) surfaces are greatly different from the bulk values.

  13. DOS cones along atomic chains

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kwapiński, Tomasz


    The electron transport properties of a linear atomic chain are studied theoretically within the tight-binding Hamiltonian and the Green’s function method. Variations of the local density of states (DOS) along the chain are investigated. They are crucial in scanning tunnelling experiments and give important insight into the electron transport mechanism and charge distribution inside chains. It is found that depending on the chain parity the local DOS at the Fermi level can form cone-like structures (DOS cones) along the chain. The general condition for the local DOS oscillations is obtained and the linear behaviour of the local density function is confirmed analytically. DOS cones are characterized by a linear decay towards the chain which is in contrast to the propagation properties of charge density waves, end states and Friedel oscillations in one-dimensional systems. We find that DOS cones can appear due to non-resonant electron transport, the spin–orbit scattering or for chains fabricated on a substrate with localized electrons. It is also shown that for imperfect chains (e.g. with a reduced coupling strength between two neighboring sites) a diamond-like structure of the local DOS along the chain appears. (paper)

  14. DOS cones along atomic chains (United States)

    Kwapiński, Tomasz


    The electron transport properties of a linear atomic chain are studied theoretically within the tight-binding Hamiltonian and the Green’s function method. Variations of the local density of states (DOS) along the chain are investigated. They are crucial in scanning tunnelling experiments and give important insight into the electron transport mechanism and charge distribution inside chains. It is found that depending on the chain parity the local DOS at the Fermi level can form cone-like structures (DOS cones) along the chain. The general condition for the local DOS oscillations is obtained and the linear behaviour of the local density function is confirmed analytically. DOS cones are characterized by a linear decay towards the chain which is in contrast to the propagation properties of charge density waves, end states and Friedel oscillations in one-dimensional systems. We find that DOS cones can appear due to non-resonant electron transport, the spin-orbit scattering or for chains fabricated on a substrate with localized electrons. It is also shown that for imperfect chains (e.g. with a reduced coupling strength between two neighboring sites) a diamond-like structure of the local DOS along the chain appears.

  15. Structural and magnetic properties of NdFeB and NdFeB/Fe films with Mo addition

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Urse, M; Grigoras, M; Lupu, N; Chiriac, H, E-mail: [National Institute of R and D for Technical Physics, 47 Mangeron Blvd., 700050 Iasi (Romania)


    The influence of the Mo addition on the microstructure and magnetic properties of Nd-Fe-B and Nd-Fe-B/Fe films was studied. The coercivity is a key parameter in the control of technical performances of Nd-Fe-B films. A small amount of about 1 at.% Mo can enhance the coercivity of Nd-Fe-B film by controlling the growth of soft and hard magnetic grains. A coercivity of 22.1 kOe, a remanence ratio, M{sub r}/M{sub s}, of 0.83 and a maximum energy product of 8 MGOe were obtained for Ta/[NdFeBMo(1at.%)(540nm)/Ta films annealed at 650{sup 0}C for 20 minutes due to Mo precipitates formed at the Nd{sub 2}Fe{sub 14}B phase boundaries which prevent the nucleation and expansion of the magnetic domains. Simultaneous use of Mo as addition and the stratification of Nd-Fe-B-Mo films using Fe as spacer layer are important tools for the improvement of the hard magnetic properties of Nd-Fe-B films. The Ta/[NdFeBMo(1at.%)(180nm)/Fe(1nm)]x3/Ta multilayer film annealed at 620{sup 0}C exhibits an increase in the coercivity from 12.1 kOe to 22.8 kOe, in the remanence ratio from 0.77 to 0.80, and in the maximum energy product from 4.5 to 7.1 MGOe in comparison with Ta/Nd-Fe-B/Ta film. As compared to Ta/Nd-Fe-B/Ta film, the Ta/[NdFeBMo(1at.%)(180nm)/Fe(1nm)]x3/Ta film presents a decrease in the crystallization temperature of about 30{sup 0}C.

  16. Isotopic fractionation associated with [NiFe]- and [FeFe]-hydrogenases

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Yang, Hui; Gandhi, Hasand; Cornish, Adam J.; Moran, James J.; Kreuzer, Helen W.; Ostrom, Nathaniel; Hegg, Eric L.


    Hydrogenases catalyze the reversible formation of H2 from electrons and protons with high efficiency. Understanding the relationships between H2 production, H2 uptake, and H2-H2O exchange can provide insight into the metabolism of microbial communities in which H2 is an essential component in energy cycling. In this manuscript, we used stable H isotopes (1H and 2H) to probe the isotope effects associated with three [FeFe]-hydrogenases and three [NiFe]-hydrogenases. All six hydrogenases displayed fractionation factors for H2 formation that were significantly less than 1, producing H2 that was severely depleted in 2H relative to the substrate, water. Consistent with differences in their active site structure, the fractionation factors for each class appear to cluster, with the three [NiFe]-hydrogenases (α = 0.27-0.40) generally having smaller values than the three [FeFe]-hydrogenases (α = 0.41-0.55). We also obtained isotopic fractionation factors associated with H2 uptake and H2-H2O exchange under conditions similar to those utilized for H2 production, providing us with a more complete picture of the three reactions catalyzed by hydrogenases. The fractionation factors determined in our studies can be used as signatures for different hydrogenases to probe their activity under different growth conditions and to ascertain which hydrogenases are most responsible for H2 production and/or uptake in complex microbial communities.

  17. Influence of an Fe cap layer on the structural and magnetic properties of Fe49Pt51/Fe bi-layers

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chao-Yang, Duan; Bin, Ma; Zong-Zhi, Zhang; Qing-Yuan, Jin; Fu-Lin, Wei


    The influences of an Fe cap layer on the structural and magnetic properties of FePt/Fe bi-layers are investigated. Compared with single FePt alloy films, a thin Fe layer can affect the crystalline orientation and improve the chemical ordering of L1 0 FePt films. Moreover, the coercivity increases when a thin Fe layer covers the FePt layer. Beyond a critical thickness, however, the Fe cover layer quickens the magnetization reversal of Fe 49 Pt 51 /Fe bi-layers by their exchange coupling

  18. Microstructure and properties of multiphase sintered cermets Fe-Fe{sub 2}B; Mikrostruktura i wlasnosci spiekanych reakcyjnie cermetali Fe-Fe{sub 2}B

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Nowacki, J. [Wydzial Inzynierii Materialowej, Politechnika Szczecinska, Szczecin (Poland); Klimek, L. [Instytut Inzynierii Materialowej i Technik Bezwiorowych, Politechnika Lodzka, Lodz (Poland)


    The process of multiphase sintering of iron in the vacuum has been analysed. As a result of the process iron-iron boride cermets have been produced. Fe-Fe{sub 2}B cermets were obtained as a result of sintering of the Fe and B pure elements in the vacuum. Attemps at sintering in the solid phase and with the participation of the liquid phase, the Fe-Fe{sub 2}B eutectic, have been made. Metallographic qualitative and quantitative studies, X-ray structural qualitative and qauantitative analysis allowed to determine the structure of Fe{sub 2}B cermets, as well as a description of the kinetics of quantitative changes in phase proportions in the course of sintering. It has been found that their structure varies widely depending on sintering parameters and the composition of the sinters. Measurements of the Fe-Fe{sub 2}B cermets hardness and measurements on wear during dry friction by the pin-on-disc method have shown distinct advantages of the cermets as a modern constructional materials. The hardness of Fe-Fe{sub 2}B cermets, depending on their chemical composition and sintering parameters, ranges widely from 150 to 1500 HV, and their resistance to wear is comparable to that of diffusively boronized steels. FeFe{sub 2}B cermets are a composite material in which iron boride, Fe{sub 2}B, with a hardness of about 1800 HV plays the role of the reinforcement,while iron-iron boride, Fe-Fe{sub 2}B, with a hardness of about 500 HV plays the role of matrix. The eutectic in the spaces between iron boride grains is composed of boron solid solution plates in iron with a hardness of arround 250 HV, and iron boride, Fe{sub 2}B, plates with a hardness of approximaly 1800 HV. The combination of such different materials, a hard reinforcement and a relatively plastic matrix produces favourable properties of the cermet thus produced high hardness (1500 HV) constant over whole cross section of the material, resistance of abrasive wear and acceptable ductility. The properties mentioned above

  19. Equilibrium Fe isotope fractionation between inorganic aqueous Fe(III) and the siderophore complex, Fe(III)-desferrioxamine B

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Dideriksen, Knud; Baker, Joel A.; Stipp, Susan Louise Svane


    be controlled by isotope fractionation between the free and complexed iron.We have determined the equilibrium Fe isotope fractionation induced by organic ligand activity in experiments with solutions having co-existing inorganic Fe(III) species and siderophore complexes, Fedesferrioxamine B (at pH 2). The two......-type fractionation during precipitation, this experiment yielded an isotope fractionation factor of a56Fesolution-solid=1.00027. Calculations based on these results indicate that isotopic re-equilibration is unlikely to significantly affect our determined equilibrium Fe isotope fractionation between inorganically...... and organically complexed Fe. To determine the equilibrium Fe isotope fractionation between inorganically and organically bound Fe(III), experiments with variable proportions of inorganic Fe were carried out at 25 °C. Irrespective of the proportion of inorganic Fe, equilibrium fractionation factors were within...

  20. Effectiveness of FeEDDHA, FeEDDHMA, and FeHBED in Preventing Iron-Deficiency Chlorosis in Soybean

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Bin, Levi M.; Weng, Liping; Bugter, Marcel H.J.


    The performance of FeHBED in preventing Fe deficiency chlorosis in soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) in comparison to FeEDDHA and FeEDDHMA was studied, as well as the importance of the ortho-ortho and ortho-para/rest isomers in defining the performance. To this end, chlorophyll production (SPAD),



    Oliveira, Gabriel Rech; Universidade de Caxias do Sul; Motta, Marta Elisete Ventura; Universidade de Caxias do Sul; Camargo, Maria Emilia; Universidade de Caxias do Sul; Tondolo, Vilmar Antonio Gonçalves; Universidade Federal de Rio Grande; Zanadrea, Gabriela; Universidade de Caxias do Sul; Russo, Suzana Leitão; Universidade Federal de Sergipe


    Com o objetivo de se tornarem competitivas, as empresas impulsionam a redução dos custos dos processos que impactam diretamente no preço do produto, destacando-se os custos de qualidade. Neste cenário, a busca pela qualidade total torna-se o caminho para a sobrevivência, devido ao fato da crescente exigência dos clientes para produtos com qualidade superior e preços baixos. Dentre os principais gastos que contribuem para o aumento dos custos da qualidade destacam-se a sucata e retrabalho de p...

  2. Rietveld refinement and electronic structure studies for the Sm2FeMnO6 new complex perovskite

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Landinez Tellez, D.A.; Munevar, J.A.; Arbey Rodriguez, J.M.; Fajardo, F.; Roa-Rojas, J.


    We report synthesis and crystalline structure study of the Sm 2 FeMnO 6 new complex perovskite, by X-ray diffraction experiments and through the application of Rietveld refinement. Results revealed the crystallization of system in a structure given by Pmn21 (no. 31) space group and lattice parameters a=7.621(1) A, b=5.675(3) A and c=5.378(3) A. Ab initio calculations of density of states (DOS) and electronic structure were carried out for this perovskite-like system by the density functional theory (DFT) and using the full-potential linearized augmented plane waves (FP-LAPW) method. All calculations were carried out using spin polarization. Material evidences a conductor-like character, predominantly due to d-xy Fe orbital of the spin down channel. Magnetic response of system has contributions of Fe and Mn spin up orientation. The calculated magnetic moment in cell was 34.48 μ B and the magnetic moment in interstitial was 1.54 μ B

  3. Raman-spectroscopic (Fe/Fe+Mg, CO2) and Structural studies of Mg-Fe cordierites

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Haefeker, U.


    In the course of this dissertation synthetic hexagonal and orthorhombic Mg-Fe-cordierites have been investigated with Raman-spectroscopy and XRD methods. Cordierite´s Mg- and Fe-end-members as well as their Mg-Fe solid solutions with the chemical formula (Mg, Fe 2+ ) 2 Al 4 Si 5 O 18 *nH 2 O have been synthesized. Raman-data of synthetic hydrous Mg- and Fe-cordierites have been obtained in the wavenumber-region 100-1250 cm-1 and the experimental data were then compared with the results of quantum-mechanical calculations. 86 theoretical bands could be related to specific vibrational modes of the tetrahedral and octahedral sites of the cordierite structure. Maximum and mean deviation between experimentally-derived bands and calculated modes were ±7 cm -1 for Mg-cordierite and ±19 cm -1 for Fe-cordierite. Spectra comparison revealed a trend of peak downshifting as a consequence of Fe-incorporation. The calculations now allow more accurate interpretation of the Raman spectra with respect to structural changes of cordierite, resulting from Al-Si ordering and Mg-Fe exchange. Atomic motions in cordierite have been compared with those of the structurally similar mineral beryl. Investigations of 16 H 2 O-bearing synthetic well-ordered Mg-Fe-cordierites (XFe =0-1) with micro-Raman spectroscopy revealed a linear correlation between the Fe/Mg ratio and the position of certain Raman peaks. The peaks (wave-number Mg-/Fe-cordierite) at 122/111, 262/257, 430/418, 579/571, 974/967, and 1012/1007 cm -1 were selected for a detailed deconvolution analysis . The shifts of these peaks were then plotted vs. XFe and regression of the data lead to the formulation of a set of linear equations. In addition, the effect of different H 2 O contents and the degree of Al-Si ordering on the Fe/Mg determination were also investigated. Testing the calibration against data from six well-characterized natural cordierite samples yielded excellent agreement. Existing calibration diagrams for CO 2

  4. Self-regulating the effortful "social dos". (United States)

    Cortes, Kassandra; Kammrath, Lara K; Scholer, Abigail A; Peetz, Johanna


    In the current research, we explored differences in the self-regulation of the personal dos (i.e., engaging in active and effortful behaviors that benefit the self) and in the self-regulation of the social dos (engaging in those same effortful behaviors to benefit someone else). In 6 studies, we examined whether the same trait self-control abilities that predict task persistence on personal dos would also predict task persistence on social dos. That is, would the same behavior, such as persisting through a tedious and attentionally demanding task, show different associations with trait self-control when it is framed as benefitting the self versus someone else? In Studies 1-3, we directly compared the personal and social dos and found that trait self-control predicted self-reported and behavioral personal dos but not social dos, even when the behaviors were identical and when the incentives were matched. Instead, trait agreeableness--a trait linked to successful self-regulation within the social domain--predicted the social dos. Trait self-control did not predict the social dos even when task difficulty increased (Study 4), but it did predict the social don'ts, consistent with past research (Studies 5-6). The current studies provide support for the importance of distinguishing different domains of self-regulated behaviors and suggest that social dos can be successfully performed through routes other than traditional self-control abilities. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2014 APA, all rights reserved).

  5. Giant magnetoimpedance effect in sputtered single layered NiFe film and meander NiFe/Cu/NiFe film

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chen, L.; Zhou, Y.; Lei, C.; Zhou, Z.M.; Ding, W.


    Giant magnetoimpedance (GMI) effect on NiFe thin film is very promising due to its application in developing the magnetic field sensors with highly sensitivity and low cost. In this paper, the single layered NiFe thin film and NiFe/Cu/NiFe thin film with a meander structure are prepared by the MEMS technology. The influences of sputtering parameters, film structure and conductor layer width on GMI effect in NiFe single layer and meander NiFe/Cu/NiFe film are investigated. Maximum of the GMI ratio in single layer and sandwich film is 5% and 64%, respectively. The results obtained are useful for developing the high-performance magnetic sensors based on NiFe thin film.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ramiro Escalera Vásquez


    Full Text Available Dos métodos no destructivos fueron desarrollados y validados para la determinación de concentraciones de sales de cromo en licores residuales de curtido que se producen en la fabricación de cueros: Un método espectrofotométrico y un método colorimétrico derivado. Los dos métodos se basan en el análisis de espectros de absorbancia-longitud de onda generados por soluciones patrón que fueron preparadas con los mismos reactivos químicos comerciales utilizados por una curtiembre local, en el intervalo de longitud de onda de 190-800 nm (UV-visible. Ambos métodos satisfacen los criterios fundamentales de validación: proporcionalidad (buena linealidad y buena sensibilidad dentro del intervalo de concentraciones de sales de cromo que se observa en los licores residuales de curtido; precisión (buena repetibilidad/reproducibilidad; exactitud (sin diferencias estadísticas respecto a métodos oficiales y selectividad (buena especificidad para la sal de cromo. Estos métodos son prácticos por su simplicidad, bajo costo y rapidez. Requieren equipos de bajo costo (un espectrofotómetro de rango visible o un colorímetro fabricado manualmente, usan los mismos reactivos químicos que se aplican en procesos de curtido corriente y no requieren de condiciones de seguridad especiales ni personal especializado. Los métodos pueden ser utilizados para el control de reciclado directo de licores de curtido-piquelado, facilitando de esta manera la adopción de esta técnica de Producción Más Limpia por parte de los fabricantes de cueros, especialmente curtiembres de escala pequeña y mediana.

  7. A temperature dependent tunneling study of the spin density wave gap in EuFe2As2 single crystals. (United States)

    Dutta, Anirban; Anupam; Hossain, Z; Gupta, Anjan K


    We report temperature dependent scanning tunneling microscopy and spectroscopy measurements on single crystals of EuFe2As2 in the 15-292 K temperature range. The in situ cleaved crystals show atomic terraces with homogeneous tunnel spectra that correlate well with the spin density wave (SDW) transition at a temperature, TSDW ≈ 186 K. Above TSDW the local tunnel spectra show a small depression in the density of states (DOS) near the Fermi energy (EF). The gap becomes more pronounced upon entering the SDW state with a gap value ∼90 meV at 15 K. However, the zero bias conductance remains finite down to 15 K indicating a finite DOS at the EF in the SDW phase. Furthermore, no noticeable change is observed in the DOS at the antiferromagnetic ordering transition of Eu(2+) moments at 19 K.

  8. Estudio del efecto de la adición de distintos mineralizadores en la síntesis cerámica del pigmento rosa coral de hierro-circón

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Llusar, M.


    Full Text Available The addition of several mineralizing agents (alkaline or alkaline-earth halides, KNO3, etc. in the traditional ceramic synthesis of the “coral pink” iron-zircon (Fe-ZrSiO4 ceramic pigment has been analysed, using two different Fe precursors (sulphate and goethite. FeSO4.7H2O employment as Fe precursor allows us to obtain a better reddish colour than with goethite (FeO(OH. Results let us to classify the studied mineralisers in two major groups: i primary or zircon-forming mineralisers, which activate somehow zircon formation with a good occlusion efficiency of hematite into the zircon matrix (NaF, NaCl and BaF2 when using FeSO4 and Na2SiF6 and NaAl3F6 with goethite,. and ii secondary or modifying mineralisers, that have a collateral effect on the pigment synthesis regulating both hematite crystallisation and occlusion (KNO3, Na2SiF6 and NaAl3F6 with FeSO4 and KI and KNO3 with goethite. With regard to the color yield, those compositions mineralised with the binary systems NaF-Na2SiF6, NaF-NaAl3F6 and NaF-KNO3 have been found to develop the best red color.

    Se ha analizado el efecto de la adición de distintos agentes mineralizadores (haluros alcalinos y alcalino-térreos, KNO3, etc. en la síntesis cerámica tradicional del pigmento rosa coral de hierro-circón (Fe-ZrSiO4, usando dos precursores diferentes para el hierro (sulfato y goetita. El empleo de FeSO4.7H2O como fuente de hierro permite obtener mejores coloraciones rojizas que con goetita (FeO(OH. Los resultados obtenidos permiten clasificar a los distintos mineralizadores ensayados en dos grandes grupos: i mineralizadores primarios o “formadores de circón”, los cuales permiten activar el desarrollo del circón con una buena eficiencia en el encapsulamiento de la hematita en los cristales de circón (NaF, NaCl y BaF2 con FeSO4, y Na2SiF6 y NaAl3F6 con goetita, y ii mineralizadores “secundarios o coadyuvantes”, con un efecto colateral sobre la síntesis del pigmento

  9. Molecular [(Fe3)–(Fe3)] and [(Fe4)–(Fe4)] coordination cluster pairs as single or composite arrays. (United States)

    Sañudo, E Carolina; Uber, Jorge Salinas; Pons Balagué, Alba; Roubeau, Olivier; Aromí, Guillem


    The synthesis of molecular cluster pairs is a challenge for coordination chemists due to the potential applications of these species in molecular spintronics or quantum computing. The ligand H(4)L, 1,3-bis-(3-oxo-3-(2-hydroxyphenyl)-propionyl)-2-methoxybenzene, has been successfully used to obtain a series of such complexes using the basic Fe(III) trinuclear carboxylates as starting materials. Synthetic control has allowed the isolation of the two molecular cluster pairs that form the composite [Fe(4)O(2)(PhCO(2))(6)(H(2)L)(pz)](2)[Fe(3)O(PhCO(2))(5)(py)(H(2)L)](2) (1). The dimers of trinuclear units, [Fe(3)O(PhCO(2))(5)(H(2)O)(H(2)L)](2) (2) and [Fe(3)O(o-MePhCO(2))(5)(H(2)L)(py)](2) (3), and the dimers of tetranuclear units, [Fe(4)O(2)(PhCO(2))(6)(H(2)L)(pz)](2) (4) and [Fe(4)O(2)(o-MePhCO(2))(6)(H(2)L)(pz)](2) (5), are presented here. The magnetic properties of the reported aggregates show that they are pairs of semi-independent clusters weakly interacting magnetically as required for two-qubit quantum gates.

  10. A [4Fe-4S]-Fe(CO)(CN)-l-cysteine intermediate is the first organometallic precursor in [FeFe] hydrogenase H-cluster bioassembly (United States)

    Rao, Guodong; Tao, Lizhi; Suess, Daniel L. M.; Britt, R. David


    Biosynthesis of the [FeFe] hydrogenase active site (the 'H-cluster') requires the interplay of multiple proteins and small molecules. Among them, the radical S-adenosylmethionine enzyme HydG, a tyrosine lyase, has been proposed to generate a complex that contains an Fe(CO)2(CN) moiety that is eventually incorporated into the H-cluster. Here we describe the characterization of an intermediate in the HydG reaction: a [4Fe-4S][(Cys)Fe(CO)(CN)] species, 'Complex A', in which a CO, a CN- and a cysteine (Cys) molecule bind to the unique 'dangler' Fe site of the auxiliary [5Fe-4S] cluster of HydG. The identification of this intermediate—the first organometallic precursor to the H-cluster—validates the previously hypothesized HydG reaction cycle and provides a basis for elucidating the biosynthetic origin of other moieties of the H-cluster.

  11. Study on adsorption of 99Tc on Fe, Fe2O3 and Fe3O4

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Liu Dejun; Fan Xianhua; Zhang Yingjie; Yao Jun; Zhou Duo; Wang Yong


    The absorption behavior of 99 Tc on Fe, Fe 2 O 3 and Fe 3 O 4 powders from aqueous 99 TcO 4 - solutions is studied by batch method in atmospheric conditions. After the adsorption reaches equilibrium, the valence state of 99 Tc in the aqueous solution is examined by extraction with tetraphenylarsonium chloride. The experimental results show that the adsorption ratio of 99 Tc on iron powders decreases with the increase of pH (in the range of 5-8) and of CO 3 2- concentration (in the range of 1 x 10 -8 -1 x 10 -2 mol/L). In opposite, the two factors have no significant influence on the absorption of 99 Tc on both Fe 2 O 3 and Fe 3 O 4 powders. The adsorption isotherms of 99 TcO 4 - on Fe, Fe 2 O 3 and Fe 3 O 4 powders can be well described by the Freundlich's equation. The major valence state of 99 Tc is deduced to be Tc(IV) when iron powders is used as the absorbent. In the case of Fe 2 O 3 or Fe 3 O 4 as an absorbent, the 99 Tc remains as the TcO 4 - form

  12. Atom exchange between aqueous Fe(II) and structural Fe in clay minerals. (United States)

    Neumann, Anke; Wu, Lingling; Li, Weiqiang; Beard, Brian L; Johnson, Clark M; Rosso, Kevin M; Frierdich, Andrew J; Scherer, Michelle M


    Due to their stability toward reductive dissolution, Fe-bearing clay minerals are viewed as a renewable source of Fe redox activity in diverse environments. Recent findings of interfacial electron transfer between aqueous Fe(II) and structural Fe in clay minerals and electron conduction in octahedral sheets of nontronite, however, raise the question whether Fe interaction with clay minerals is more dynamic than previously thought. Here, we use an enriched isotope tracer approach to simultaneously trace Fe atom movement from the aqueous phase to the solid ((57)Fe) and from the solid into the aqueous phase ((56)Fe). Over 6 months, we observed a significant decrease in aqueous (57)Fe isotope fraction, with a fast initial decrease which slowed after 3 days and stabilized after about 50 days. For the aqueous (56)Fe isotope fraction, we observed a similar but opposite trend, indicating that Fe atom movement had occurred in both directions: from the aqueous phase into the solid and from the solid into aqueous phase. We calculated that 5-20% of structural Fe in clay minerals NAu-1, NAu-2, and SWa-1 exchanged with aqueous Fe(II), which significantly exceeds the Fe atom layer exposed directly to solution. Calculations based on electron-hopping rates in nontronite suggest that the bulk conduction mechanism previously demonstrated for hematite1 and suggested as an explanation for the significant Fe atom exchange observed in goethite2 may be a plausible mechanism for Fe atom exchange in Fe-bearing clay minerals. Our finding of 5-20% Fe atom exchange in clay minerals indicates that we need to rethink how Fe mobility affects the macroscopic properties of Fe-bearing phyllosilicates and its role in Fe biogeochemical cycling, as well as its use in a variety of engineered applications, such as landfill liners and nuclear repositories.

  13. Evaluación de la exposición ambiental a plaguicidas orgánicos persistentes en dos barrios de la provincia de Córdoba

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Patricia Lucero


    Full Text Available Se determinó la concentración de plaguicidas organoclorados en 167 muestras de sangre entera de habitantes de dos barrios (Sitio Nº 1 y Sitio Nº 2 de la provincia de Córdoba ubicados en los alrededores de depósitos de plaguicidas obsoletos. La presencia de plaguicidas se determinó por cromatografía gaseosa con detector de captura electrónica utilizando columnas capilares de distinta polaridad. Los plaguicidas más frecuentemente encontrados fueron p,p'-DDE, β-HCH y HCB. La máxima concentración detectada fue 7,31 µg/l y correspondió a p,p'-DDE. El β-HCH mostró valores más altos que los otros isómeros en la familia de los hexaclorociclohexanos (HCH. Se observó buena correlación entre la concentración de p,p'-DDE y la edad tal como se esperaba para un contaminante persistente y bioacumulable. El trabajo aporta información sobre los niveles de plaguicidas organoclorados en sangre en una población con exposición ambiental estudiada frente a denuncias periodísticas y de los mismos habitantes del lugar.

  14. Process and genes for expression and overexpression of active [FeFe] hydrogenases (United States)

    Seibert, Michael; King, Paul W; Ghirardi, Maria Lucia; Posewitz, Matthew C; Smolinski, Sharon L


    A process for expression of active [FeFe]-hydrogenase in a host organism that does not contain either the structural gene(s) for [FeFe]-hydrogenases and/or homologues for the maturation genes HydE, HydF and HyG, comprising: cloning the structural hydrogenase gene(s) and/or the maturation genes HydE, HydF and HydG from an organisms that contains these genes into expression plasmids; transferring the plasmids into an organism that lacks a native [FeFe]-hydrogenase or that has a disrupted [FeFe]-hydrogenase and culturing it aerobically; and inducing anaerobiosis to provide [FeFe] hydrogenase biosynthesis and H?2#191 production.

  15. Photoelectron spectroscopy study of Fe-diluted Au-Fe alloys

    CERN Document Server

    Nahm, T U; Choi, B; Park, J S; Oh, S J; Cho, E J


    The electronic structure of Fe-diluted Au-Fe alloys has been studied by taking core-level and valence-band spectra using x-ray photoemission spectroscopy and synchrotron radiation. From the core-level spectroscopy, we found that the Fe 2p spectrum is composed of d sup 6 and d sup 7 multiplets from Fe impurity atoms. This behaviour is qualitatively discussed within the context of electron-electron interaction. In order to explore the electron-correlation effects in the valence band, we obtained Fe 3d partial spectral weights by taking advantage of the Cooper-minimum phenomenon of an Au 5d photoionization cross section. It was found that the spin-down states have an appreciable amount of spectral weights throughout the host Au 5d band, contrary to previous one-electron calculations predicting two-peak structure of the Fe 3d states. We suggest that this discrepancy results from the correlation effect of the Fe 3d electrons.

  16. Desarrollo de producto sobre la base de harinas de cereales y leguminosa para niños celíacos entre 6 y 24 meses; II: Propiedades de las mezclas


    Cerezal Mezquita, P.; Urtuvia Gatica, V.; Ramírez Quintanilla, V.; Arcos Zavala, R.


    Las formulaciones alimenticias de alto contenido proteico, aportado por una mezcla de harinas a partir de dos cultivos andinos, quinua (Chenopodium quinua Willd) y lupino (Lupi-nus albus L), con dos cereales tradicionales maíz (Zea mays L.) y arroz (Oryza sativa L.), conllevaron a la preparación de una 'mezcla dulce' para la elaboración de queques y otra "mezcla postre" saborizada con plátano, que puede ser preparada con agua o con leche, constituyeron una buena alternativa como suplemento al...

  17. Colorimeter determination of Fe(II)/Fe(III) ratio in glass

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Baumann, E.W.; Coleman, C.J.; Karraker, D.G.; Scott, W.H.


    A colorimetric method has been developed to determine the Fe(II)/Fe(III) ratio in glass containing nuclear waste. Fe(II) is stabilized with pentavalent vanadium during dissolution in sulfuric and hydrofluoric acids. The chromogen is FerroZine (Hach Chemical Company), which forms a magenta complex with Fe(II). The two-step color development consists of determining the Fe(II) by adding FerroZine, followed by determining total Fe after the Fe(III) present is reduced with ascorbic acid. The method was validated by analyzing mixtures of ferrous/ferric solutions and nonferrous glass frit, and by comparison with Moessbauer spectroscopy. The effect of gamma radiation was established. The procedure is generally applicable to nonradioactive materials such as minerals and other glasses

  18. Nature of impurities in fertilizers containing EDDHMA/Fe(3+), EDDHSA/Fe(3+), and EDDCHA/Fe(3+) chelates. (United States)

    Alvarez-Fernández, Ana; Cremonini, Mauro A; Sierra, Miguel A; Placucci, Giuseppe; Lucena, Juan J


    Iron chelates derived from ethylenediaminedi(o-hydroxyphenylacetic) acid (EDDHA), ethylenediaminedi(o-hydroxy-p-methylphenylacetic) acid (EDDHMA), ethylenediaminedi(2-hydroxy-5-sulfophenylacetic) acid (EDDHSA), and ethylenediaminedi(5-carboxy-2-hydroxyphenylacetic) acid (EDDCHA) are remarkably efficient in correcting iron chlorosis in plants growing in alkaline soils. This work reports the determination of impurities in commercial samples of fertilizers containing EDDHMA/Fe(3+), EDDHSA/Fe(3+), and EDDCHA/Fe(3+). The active components (EDDHMA/Fe(3+), EDDHSA/Fe(3+), and EDDCHA/Fe(3+)) were separated easily from other compounds present in the fertilizers by HPLC. Comparison of the retention times and the UV-visible spectra of the peaks obtained from commercial EDDHSA/Fe(3+) and EDDCHA/Fe(3+) samples with those of standard solutions showed that unreacted starting materials (p-hydroxybenzenesulfonic acid and p-hydroxybenzoic acid, respectively) were always present in the commercial products. 1D and 2D NMR experiments showed that commercial fertilizers based on EDDHMA/Fe(3+) contained impurities having structures tentatively assigned to iron chelates of two isomers of EDDHMA. These findings suggest that current production processes of iron chelates used in agriculture need to be improved.

  19. Melting relations in the Fe-rich portion of the system FeFeS at 30 kb pressure (United States)

    Brett, R.; Bell, P.M.


    The melting relations of FeFeS mixtures covering the composition range from Fe to Fe67S33 have been determined at 30 kb pressure. The phase relations are similar to those at low pressure. The eutectic has a composition of Fe72.9S27.1 and a temperature of 990??C. Solubility of S in Fe at elevated temperatures at 30 kb is of the same order of magnitude as at low pressure. Sulfur may have significantly lowered the melting point of iron in the upper mantle during the period of coalescence of metal prior to core formation in the primitive earth. ?? 1969.

  20. Comparison of Ab initio low-energy models for LaFePO, LaFeAsO, BaFe2As2, LiFeAs, FeSe, and FeTe. Electron correlation and covalency

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Miyake, Takashi; Nakamura, Kazuma; Arita, Ryotaro; Imada, Masatoshi


    Effective low-energy Hamiltonians for several different families of iron-based superconductors are compared after deriving them from the downfolding scheme based on first-principles calculations. Systematic dependences of the derived model parameters on the families are elucidated, many of which are understood from the systematic variation of the covalency between Fe-3d and pnictogen-/chalcogen-p orbitals. First, LaFePO, LaFeAsO (1111), BaFe 2 As 2 (122), LiFeAs (111), FeSe, and FeTe (11) have overall similar band structures near the Fermi level, where the total widths of 10-fold Fe-3d bands are mostly around 4.5 eV. However, the derived effective models of the 10-fold Fe-3d bands (d model) for FeSe and FeTe have substantially larger effective onsite Coulomb interactions U - 4.2 and 3.4 eV, respectively, after the screening by electrons on other bands and after averaging over orbitals, as compared to ∼2.5 eV for LaFeAsO. The difference is similar in the effective models containing p orbitals of As, Se or Te (dp or dpp model), where U ranges from ∼4 eV for the 1111 family to ∼7 eV for the 11 family. The exchange interaction J has a similar tendency. The family dependence of models indicates a wide variation ranging from weak correlation regime (LaFePO) to substantially strong correlation regime (FeSe). The origin of the larger effective interaction in the 11 family is ascribed to smaller spread of the Wannier orbitals generating larger bare interaction, and to fewer screening channels by the other bands. This variation is primarily derived from the distance h between the pnictogen/chalcogen position and the Fe layer: The longer h for the 11 family generates more ionic character of the bonding between iron and anion atoms, while the shorter h for the 1111 family leads to more covalent-bonding character, the larger spread of the Wannier orbitals, and more efficient screening by the anion p orbitals. The screened interaction of the d model is strongly orbital

  1. Magnetostrictive GMR spin valves with composite FeGa/FeCo free layers

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Liu, Luping [Key Laboratory of Magnetic Materials and Devices & Zhejiang Province Key Laboratory of Magnetic Materials and Application Technology, Ningbo Institute of Materials Technology and Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Ningbo 315201 (China); Institute of Materials Science, School of Materials Science and Engineering, Shanghai University, Shanghai 200072 (China); Zhan, Qingfeng, E-mail:, E-mail:; Yang, Huali; Li, Huihui; Zhang, Shuanglan; Liu, Yiwei; Wang, Baomin; Li, Run-Wei, E-mail:, E-mail: [Key Laboratory of Magnetic Materials and Devices & Zhejiang Province Key Laboratory of Magnetic Materials and Application Technology, Ningbo Institute of Materials Technology and Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Ningbo 315201 (China); Tan, Xiaohua [Institute of Materials Science, School of Materials Science and Engineering, Shanghai University, Shanghai 200072 (China)


    We have fabricated strain-sensitive spin valves on flexible substrates by utilizing the large magnetostrictive FeGa alloy to promote the strain sensitivity and the composite free layer of FeGa/FeCo to avoid the drastic reduction of giant magnetoresistance (GMR) ratio. This kind of spin valve (SV-FeGa/FeCo) displays a MR ratio about 5.9%, which is comparable to that of the conventional spin valve (SV-FeCo) with a single FeCo free layer. Different from the previously reported works on magnetostrictive spin valves, the SV-FeGa/FeCo displays an asymmetric strain dependent GMR behavior. Upon increasing the lateral strain, the MR ratio for the ascending branch decreases more quickly than that for the descending branch, which is ascribed to the formation of a spiraling spin structure around the FeGa/FeCo interface under the combined influences of both magnetic field and mechanical strain. A strain sensitivity of GF = 7.2 was achieved at a magnetic bias field of -30 Oe in flexible SV-FeGa/FeCo, which is significantly larger than that of SV-FeCo.

  2. Magnetostrictive GMR spin valves with composite FeGa/FeCo free layers

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Liu, Luping; Zhan, Qingfeng; Yang, Huali; Li, Huihui; Zhang, Shuanglan; Liu, Yiwei; Wang, Baomin; Li, Run-Wei; Tan, Xiaohua


    We have fabricated strain-sensitive spin valves on flexible substrates by utilizing the large magnetostrictive FeGa alloy to promote the strain sensitivity and the composite free layer of FeGa/FeCo to avoid the drastic reduction of giant magnetoresistance (GMR) ratio. This kind of spin valve (SV-FeGa/FeCo) displays a MR ratio about 5.9%, which is comparable to that of the conventional spin valve (SV-FeCo) with a single FeCo free layer. Different from the previously reported works on magnetostrictive spin valves, the SV-FeGa/FeCo displays an asymmetric strain dependent GMR behavior. Upon increasing the lateral strain, the MR ratio for the ascending branch decreases more quickly than that for the descending branch, which is ascribed to the formation of a spiraling spin structure around the FeGa/FeCo interface under the combined influences of both magnetic field and mechanical strain. A strain sensitivity of GF = 7.2 was achieved at a magnetic bias field of -30 Oe in flexible SV-FeGa/FeCo, which is significantly larger than that of SV-FeCo.

  3. Magnetostrictive GMR spin valves with composite FeGa/FeCo free layers (United States)

    Liu, Luping; Zhan, Qingfeng; Yang, Huali; Li, Huihui; Zhang, Shuanglan; Liu, Yiwei; Wang, Baomin; Tan, Xiaohua; Li, Run-Wei


    We have fabricated strain-sensitive spin valves on flexible substrates by utilizing the large magnetostrictive FeGa alloy to promote the strain sensitivity and the composite free layer of FeGa/FeCo to avoid the drastic reduction of giant magnetoresistance (GMR) ratio. This kind of spin valve (SV-FeGa/FeCo) displays a MR ratio about 5.9%, which is comparable to that of the conventional spin valve (SV-FeCo) with a single FeCo free layer. Different from the previously reported works on magnetostrictive spin valves, the SV-FeGa/FeCo displays an asymmetric strain dependent GMR behavior. Upon increasing the lateral strain, the MR ratio for the ascending branch decreases more quickly than that for the descending branch, which is ascribed to the formation of a spiraling spin structure around the FeGa/FeCo interface under the combined influences of both magnetic field and mechanical strain. A strain sensitivity of GF = 7.2 was achieved at a magnetic bias field of -30 Oe in flexible SV-FeGa/FeCo, which is significantly larger than that of SV-FeCo.

  4. Lucien Febvre. Vivre L’histoire

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Renán Silva


    Full Text Available En una edición buena, barata y fácil de manejar a pesar del número de páginas de la publicación, con todos los índices necesarios para hacer del propio libro un instrumento de investigación, y bajo la responsabilidad de dos verdaderos especialistas en la obra de Lucien Febvre —B. Mazon es la responsable de la organización de los archivos del gran historiador y B. Müller es bibliógrafo e intérprete de Febvre y responsable de la edición científica de su correspondencia con Marc Bloch—, se puede hoy disponer en un solo volumen de dos de las grandes obras de crítica histórica del notable historiador francés, uno de los fundadores de los Annales y en buena medida el responsable del programa de investigaciones históricas que durante el siglo xx caracterizó lo que con más o menos justicia se llamó la “escuela histórica francesa”.

  5. Computed oscillator strengths and energy levels for Fe III, Fe IV, Fe V, and Fe VI with calculated wavelengths and wavelengths derived from established data

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fawcett, B.C.


    Calculated weighted oscillator strengths are tabulated for spectral lines of Fe III, Fe IV, Fe V, and Fe VI. The lines belong to transition arrays 3d 6 -3d 5 4p and 3d 5 4s-3d 5 4p in Fe III, 3d 5 -3d 4 4p and 3d 4 4s-3d 4 4p in Fe IV, 3d 4 -3d 3 4p and 3d 3 4s-3d 3 4p in Fe V, and 3d 3 -3d 2 4p and 3d 2 4s-3d 2 4p in Fe VI. For the calculations, Slater parameters are optimized on the basis of minimizing the discrepancies between observed and computed wavelengths. Configuration interaction was included among the 3d n , 3d n-1 4s, 3d n-2 4s 2 , 3d n-1 4d, and 3d n-1 5s even configurations and among the 3d n-1 4p, 3d n-2 4s4p, and 3d n-1 5p odd configurations, with 3p 5 3d n+1 added for Fe VI. Calculated wavelengths are compared with observational data, and the compositions of energy levels are listed. This completes a series of similar computations for these complex configurations covering Fe I to Fe VI

  6. Clarifying roughness and atomic diffusion contributions to the interface broadening in exchange-biased NiFe/FeMn/NiFe heterostructures

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Nascimento, V.P., E-mail: [Departamento de Física, Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 29075-910 Vitória (Brazil); Merino, I.L.C.; Passamani, E.C. [Departamento de Física, Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 29075-910 Vitória (Brazil); Alayo, W. [Departamento de Física, Universidade de Pelotas, 96010-610 Pelotas (Brazil); Tafur, M. [Instituto de Ciências Exatas, Universidade Federal de Itajubá, 37500-903 Itajubá (Brazil); Pelegrini, F. [Instituto de Física, Universidade Federal de Goiás, 74001-970 Goiânia (Brazil); Magalhães-Paniago, R. [Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte (Brazil); Alvarenga, A.D. [Instituto Nacional de Metrologia, 25250-020 Xerém (Brazil); Saitovitch, E.B. [Coordenação de Física Experimental e Baixas Energias, Centro Brasileiro de Pesquisas Físicas, 22290-180 Rio de Janeiro (Brazil)


    NiFe(30 nm)/FeMn(13 nm)/NiFe(10 nm) heterostructures prepared by magnetron sputtering at different argon working pressures (0.27, 0.67 and 1.33 Pa) were systematically investigated by using specular and off-specular diffuse X-ray scattering experiments, combined with ferromagnetic resonance technique, in order to distinguish the contribution from roughness and atomic diffusion to the total structural disorder at NiFe/FeMn interfaces. It was shown that an increase in the working gas pressure from 0.27 to 1.33 Pa causes an enhancement of the atomic diffusion at the NiFe/FeMn interfaces, an effect more pronounced at the top FeMn/NiFe interface. In particular, this atomic diffusion provokes a formation of non-uniform magnetic dead-layers at the NiFe/FeMn interfaces (NiFeMn regions with paramagnetic or weak antiferromagnetic properties); that are responsible for the substantial reduction of the exchange bias field in the NiFe/FeMn system. Thus, this work generically helps to understand the discrepancies found in the literature regarding the influence of the interface broadening on the exchange bias properties (e.g., exchange bias field) of the NiFe/FeMn system. - Highlights: • Roughness and atomic diffusion contributions to the interface broadening • Clarification of the exchange bias field dependence on the interface disorder • Ferromagnetic, paramagnetic and antiferromagnetic phases at the magnetic interface • Magnetic dead layers formed by increasing the argon work pressure • Atomic diffusion in heterostructures prepared at higher argon pressure.

  7. Diseño de dos metodologías moleculares para la rápida identificación de aislamientos de Staphylococcus aureus resistente a meticilina asociados a la comunidad en Colombia

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    Javier Antonio Escobar


    Full Text Available Introducción. Los aislamientos de Staphylococcus aureus resistente a la meticilina asociado a la comunidad (SARM-AC, están aumentando la frecuencia de infecciones en personas sanas de la comunidad y en pacientes hospitalizados. En Colombia y en la región andina estos aislamientos tienen un componente genético relacionado con el clon pandémico USA300. Objetivo. Diseñar y estandarizar dos metodologías para la diferenciación rápida de aislamientos colombianos de S. aureus resistente a la meticilina asociado a la comunidad de los asociados al hospital (SARM-AH. Materiales y métodos. Se estandarizaron dos metodologías moleculares para la identificación de aislamientos de S. aureus resistente a la meticilina asociado a la comunidad. La primera se basa en la digestión diferencial con tres enzimas de restricción de los genes cinasa de carbamato (arcC y cinasa de guanilato (gmk para los tipos de secuencia 5 (ST5 y 8 (ST8, correspondientes a aislamientos de S. aureus resistente a la meticilina asociado al hospital y asociado a la comunidad, respectivamente. La segunda se basa en la amplificación por reacción en cadena de la polimerasa de cinco factores de virulencia que se encuentran de manera diferencial en estos aislamientos. Las dos metodologías fueron validadas en 237 aislamientos clínicos de S. aureus resistente a la meticilina. Resultados. Con la primera metodología se identificaron el 100 % y 93,2 % de los aislamientos de S. aureus resistente a la meticilina asociado a la comunidad y asociado al hospital, respectivamente. Con la segunda metodología se identificaron correctamente los dos tipos de aislamientos. Conclusiones. Estas dos metodologías son una buena alternativa en términos de ahorro en tiempo y dinero comparadas con otras técnicas, como la electroforesis en campo pulsado y la tipificación de secuencias multilocus para la rápida identificación de aislamientos de S. aureus resistente a la meticilina asociado a la

  8. Representações e expectativas dos profissionais dos serviços de pediatria do Hospital de Braga relativamente à intervenção dos "Doutores Palhaços"


    Almeida, Isabel Cristina Ferreira de


    Dissertação de mestrado em Estudos da Criança (área de especialização em Intervenção Psicossocial com Crianças, Jovens e Famílias) Neste estudo são dadas a conhecer as representações e expetativas dos profissionais de saúde dos serviços de pediatria do Hospital de Braga, relativamente ao trabalho dos palhaços profissionais da Operação Nariz Vermelho: os “Doutores Palhaços” (DP). A recolha dos dados realizou-se cerca de um mês antes do início da intervenção dos DP naquela unidad...

  9. Point defects in B.C.C. Fe-Al, Fe-Co, and Fe-Co-V ordered alloys

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Riviere, J.P.; Dinhut, J.F.


    Radiation damage produced at 20 K by 2.5 MeV electrons is studied in three B 2 type Fe-40 at % Al, Fe-Co, Fe-Co-V ordered alloys. The resistivity damage in Fe-40 at % Al ordered single crystals is found less effective in the directions. The results suggest that replacement collision chains are difficult to propagate along the direction. Frenkel pair creation superimposed with disordering can account for the resistivity damage in the initially ordered Fe-Co alloy. Informations concerning replacement collision sequences in direction are derived. During the recovery of all the alloys, three main stages are observed and an ordering enhancement occurs. (author)

  10. Thermodynamics of the Mo-Fe-C and W-Fe-C systems

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kleykamp, H.


    A study on the reaction behaviour of the components of the Mo 2 C-Fe and WC-Fe systems is presented. Both systems are stable if the mono-phase carbides are in equilibrium with the Fe-C solid solution within fixed carbon concentrations, the limits of which are calculated in this paper. Gibbs energies of formation at 1273 K of the intermetallic phases, of the binary and of the ternary carbides in the Mo-Fe-C and W-Fe-C systems were determined. The Fe corner in the phase diagrams of both systems and the calculated C boundaries in the two-phase field γ-Fe(Mo,C)-Mo 2 C and the γ-Fe(W,C)-WC, respectively, based on this study, are shown in figures. (GSC) [de

  11. Tesis doctoral: Buenas prácticas de gestión, satisfacción laboral, Burnout e intención de abandono en profesionales del sector del fitness


    Barranco Gil, David


    Introducción: El sector del fitness en España se está convirtiendo en una de las alternativas de práctica de actividad física más comunes. Por este motivo, parece de especial interés el conocer el estado de los recursos humanos que desempeñan su labor profesional en este sector. La finalidad principal de esta investigación fue la de determinar la interacción entre la presencia de buenas prácticas de gestión relacionadas con los recursos humanos, el síndrome de Burnout, los niveles de satisfac...

  12. Transferencia de buenas prácticas sobre gestión de recursos humanos en empresas españolas en el Golfo Pérsico o Arábigo


    García Ramírez, María José


    La Buenas Prácticas en Gestión de Recursos Humanos es un tema importante en la gestión empresarial, clave para triunfar en el periodo de internacionalización y expatriación de las empresas. Es imprescindible la transmisión de un modelo de gestión de recursos humanos adecuado que incluya las mejores prácticas o aquellas que están dentro de los llamados sistemas STAR (Sistemas de Trabajo de Alto Rendimiento) y que representen una ventaja competitiva para la empresa. En este trabajo se plantea u...

  13. La validez del Manual de Buenas Prácticas Comerciales para el Sector de los Supermercados y/o Similares y sus Proveedores de la Superintendencia de Control del Poder de Mercado


    Cordero Cuesta, Ana Belén


    This academic work aims to solve the legal problematic towards the Manual de Buenas Prácticas Comerciales para el Sector de Supermercados y Proveedores legal efectiveness. Subjects such as legal capacity to legislate non technical laws, Superintendencia del Control de Poder de Mercado and Junta de Regulación´s (Antitrust Authorities) legal capacity and legal remedies in order to reestablish the legal equilibrium among others themes are adressed here. El presente trabajo aborda la problema ...


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Joaquín Piedra


    Full Text Available Este trabajo, dentro del proyecto de investigación TEON XXI, analiza y describe buenas prácticas de Educación Física con perspectiva de género. Aplicamos la teoría sociológica de doing gender al desarrollo de criterios sobre cómo construir una nueva cultura de género en las escuelas, implicando los planos socioculturales, relacionales e individuales en un microanálisis etnográfico. Se interpreta el ajuste entre dichas prácticas y las necesidades del contexto educativos en que tienen lugar. Se investigan cuatro modelos de prácticas, la selección muestral es de tipo teórico, aplicando una estrategia de máxima variación apoyado en un proceso de vagabundeo y localización en bola de nieve de informantes y ejemplos claves; proceso que culmina con la selección, grabación y análisis de los casos ilustrativos. Se utilizan indicadores concretos y contextualizados para a la interpretación analítica, tales como: eficacia, efecto transformador, sostenibilidad, legitimidad y replicabilidad. El trabajo de campo implica analizar fuentes documentales, así como registros de observaciones participantes y entrevistas en profundidad a expertos/as, mediante análisis de contenido. Los resultados permiten dotar al profesorado de ejemplos, pero también aportar criterios, modelos e indicadores para que el profesorado pueda reflexionar sobre la calidad y bondad de sus prácticas considerando determinadas circunstancias contextuales y necesidades específicas.

  15. Al/Fe isomorphic substitution versus Fe{sub 2}O{sub 3} clusters formation in Fe-doped aluminosilicate nanotubes (imogolite)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Shafia, Ehsan [Politecnico di Torino, Department of Applied Science and Technology and INSTM Unit of Torino-Politecnico (Italy); Esposito, Serena [Università degli Studi di Cassino e del Lazio Meridionale, Department of Civil and Mechanical Engineering (Italy); Manzoli, Maela; Chiesa, Mario [Università di Torino, Dipartimento di Chimica and Centro Interdipartimentale NIS (Italy); Tiberto, Paola [Electromagnetism, I.N.Ri.M. (Italy); Barrera, Gabriele [Università di Torino, Dipartimento di Chimica and Centro Interdipartimentale NIS (Italy); Menard, Gabriel [Harvard University, Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology (United States); Allia, Paolo, E-mail: [Politecnico di Torino, Department of Applied Science and Technology and INSTM Unit of Torino-Politecnico (Italy); Freyria, Francesca S. [Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Department of Chemistry (United States); Garrone, Edoardo; Bonelli, Barbara, E-mail: [Politecnico di Torino, Department of Applied Science and Technology and INSTM Unit of Torino-Politecnico (Italy)


    Textural, magnetic and spectroscopic properties are reported of Fe-doped aluminosilicate nanotubes (NTs) of the imogolite type, IMO, with nominal composition (OH){sub 3}Al{sub 2−x}Fe{sub x}O{sub 3}SiOH (x = 0, 0.025, 0.050). Samples were obtained by either direct synthesis (Fe-0.025-IMO, Fe-0.050-IMO) or post-synthesis loading (Fe-L-IMO). The Fe content was either 1.4 wt% (both Fe-0.050-IMO and Fe-L-IMO) or 0.7 wt% (Fe-0.025-IMO). Textural properties were characterized by High-Resolution Transmission Electron Microscopy, X-ray diffraction and N{sub 2} adsorption/desorption isotherms at 77 K. The presence of different iron species was studied by magnetic moment measurements and three spectroscopies: Mössbauer, UV–Vis and electron paramagnetic resonance, respectively. Fe{sup 3+}/Al{sup 3+} isomorphic substitution (IS) at octahedral sites at the external surface of NTs is the main process occurring by direct synthesis at low Fe loadings, giving rise to the formation of isolated high-spin Fe{sup 3+} sites. Higher loadings give rise, besides IS, to the formation of Fe{sub 2}O{sub 3} clusters. IS occurs up to a limit of Al/Fe atomic ratio of ca. 60 (corresponding to x = 0.032). A fraction of the magnetism related to NCs is pinned by the surface anisotropy; also, clusters are magnetically interacting with each other. Post-synthesis loading leads to a system rather close to that obtained by direct synthesis, involving both IS and cluster formations. Slightly larger clusters than with direct synthesis samples, however, are formed. The occurrence of IS indicates a facile cleavage/sealing of Al–O–Al bonds: this opens the possibility to exchange Al{sup 3+} ions in pre-formed IMO NTs, a much simpler procedure compared with direct synthesis.

  16. Diffusion of Nb in Fe and in some Fe alloys

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kurokawa, S.; Ruzzante, J.E.; Hey, A.M.; Dyment, F.


    Diffusion data of microalloying elements such as Nb, V, Ti, are required when analysing the transformation and recrystallization behaviour of HSLA steels in order to optimize grain refinement and precipitation hardening. The diffusion behaviour of Nb in pure Fe, Fe 1.5 Mn, Fe 0.6 Si and Fe 1.5 Mn 0.6 Si has been measured between 1080 and 1200 0 C. Results indicate that Si increases Nb diffusivity while Mn decreases it. The sequence of diffusion coeficients values is: D sup(Nb) sub(Fe 1.5 Mn) [pt

  17. First principles calculations of the magnetic and hyperfine properties of Fe/N/Fe and Fe/O/Fe multilayers in the ground state of cohesive energy (United States)

    dos Santos, A. V.; Samudio Pérez, C. A.; Muenchen, D.; Anibele, T. P.


    The ground state properties of Fe/N/Fe and Fe/O/Fe multilayers were investigated using the first principles calculations. The calculations were performed using the Linearized Augmented Plane Wave (LAPW) method implemented in the Wien2k code. A supercell consisting of one layer of nitride (or oxide) between two layers of Fe in the bcc structure was used to model the structure of the multilayer. The research in new materials also stimulated theoretical and experimental studies of iron-based nitrides due to their variety of structural and magnetic properties for the potential applications as in high strength steels and for high corrosion resistance. It is obvious from many reports that magnetic iron nitrides such as γ-Fe4N and α-Fe16N2 have interesting magnetic properties, among these a high magnetisation saturation and a high density crimp. However, although Fe-N films and multilayers have many potential applications, they can be produced in many ways and are being extensively studied from the theoretical point of view there is no detailed knowledge of their electronic structure. Clearly, efforts to understand the influence of the nitrogen atoms on the entire electronic structure are needed as to correctly interpret the observed changes in the magnetic properties when going from Fe-N bulk compounds to multilayer structures. Nevertheless, the N atoms are not solely responsible for electronics alterations in solid compounds. Theoretical results showed that Fe4X bulk compounds, where X is a variable atom with increasing atomic number (Z), the nature of bonding between X and adjacent Fe atoms changes from more covalent to more ionic and the magnetic moments of Fe also increase for Z=7, i.e. N. This is an indicative that atoms with a Z number higher than 7, i.e., O, can produce several new alterations in the entire magnetic properties of Fe multilayers. This paper presents the first results of an ab-initio electronic structure calculations, performed for Fe-N and Fe

  18. Algoritmos evolutivos aplicados al diseño inteligente de parques eólicos


    Bilbao, Martín; Alba, Enrique


    En este documento se muestran dos tipos de algoritmos metaheurísticos aplicados al diseño inteligente de un parque eólico, la idea básica es utilizar CHC y algoritmos genéticos para obtener una buena configuración de molinos dentro del parque de tal manera que maximicen la energía total producida y minimicen la cantidad de molinos utilizados. En este trabajo analizaremos dos casos de estudios con una distribución real de vientos de la patagonia argentina, un terreno irregular con restriccione...

  19. Influence of the surface topography, morphology and structure on magnetic properties of ion beam sputtered iron layers, Fe/Cr/Fe- and Fe/MgO/Fe multilayers; Untersuchung der Morphologie und magnetische Eigenschaften von ionenstrahl-gesputterten Eisen-Einzelschichten, Fe/Cr/Fe- und Fe/MgO/Fe-Schichtsystemen

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Steeb, Alexandra


    In this PhD Thesis, the influence of the surface topography, morphology and structure on magnetic properties of ion beam sputtered iron layers on GaAs is examined. To analyze the structure of the produced iron films, low energy electron diffraction and scanning tunneling microscopy is employed. The utilized methods to investigate the magnetic properties are Kerr- and SQUID-magnetometry and ferromagnetic resonance. It is demonstrated that on untreated as well as on presputtered and heated GaAs substrates the sputtered iron films grow epitaxially. The least surface roughness of 1 A exhibit iron films grown on untreated GaAs, while iron films on heated GaAs have the highest roughness of 30 A. The largest crystal anisotropy constant is found for the presputtered GaAs/Fe-System. For this preparation method, two monolayers of iron are determined to be magnetically dead layers. At a film thickness of 100 A, 83% of the value for saturation magnetization of bulk iron are achieved. The small observed FMR-linewidths confirm the good bulk properties of the ion beam sputtered iron. Furthermore, an antiferromagnetic interlayer exchange coupling in sputtered Fe/Cr/Fe-films was achieved. For a thickness of 12 to 17 A of the chrome interlayer, a coupling strength up to 0.2 mJ/m{sup 2} is found. To account for the small coupling strength, a strong intermixing at the interface is assumed. Finally, epitaxial Fe/MgO/Fe/FeMn multilayers are deposited on GaAs. After the structuring, it is possible to detect tunneling processes in the tunneling contacts with current-voltage measurements. The tunnel magneto resistance values of 2% are small, which can be explained by the absence of sharp, well-defined interfaces between the Fe/FeMn and the Fe/MgO interfaces. These results demonstrate, that analog to MBE the ion beam sputtering method realizes good magnetic bulk properties. However, interface sensitive phenomena are weakened because of a strong intermixing at the interfaces. (orig.)

  20. De dragones, cascos y soldados de fortuna en el Occidente Antiguo. acerca de dos obras recientes sobre el mercenariado galo e hispano

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    García Jiménez, Gustavo


    Full Text Available Research on ancient mercenaries is fraught with problems, being the match between the scarce and partial data provided by the literary sources and the archaeological record a tricky and difficult matter. The recent publication of two books dealing with Iberian and Celtic mercenaries, by Raimon Graells and Luc Baray respectively, offers us an opportunity to dwell on a pervading discussion when studying cultural and military dynamics, and long distance relationships in Ancient Western Europe.La actividad mercenaria en la Antigüedad es uno de los campos de estudio más complejos de la investigación histórica, en buena medida debido a la difícil combinación que existe entre los siempre parciales datos de las fuentes literarias y la arqueología. La reciente publicación de dos monografías dedicadas al mercenario ibérico y celta, a cargo respectivamente de Raimon Graells y Luc Baray, nos brinda una magnífica oportunidad para retomar una vieja discusión siempre latente en el estudio de las dinámicas bélicas y culturales, y que nos permite ahondar en las intrincadas relaciones a larga distancia en el Occidente europeo antiguo.

  1. Mapa del proteoma de parásitos de Leishmania Viannia a partir de electroforesis de geles de poliacramida en dos dimensiones y otras técnicas asociadas

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    Rafael Góngora


    Full Text Available En este estudio demostramos el potencial de la electroforesis en dos dimensiones (2DE como herramienta para la caracterización del proteoma de Leishmania (expresión proteica complementaria del genoma. Los proteomas por 2DE en el rango neutro (pH 5-7 de extractos solubles de promastigotes de Leishmania (Viannia guyanensis y Leishmania (Viannia panamensis fueron reproducibles usando tampón de lisis de urea y nonidet P-40. Con la tinción de azul de Coomassie y nitrato de plata se detectaron, con buena resolución, 800 y 1.500 puntos de proteínas, respectivamente. Entre las proteínas de referencia comunes, aisladas de los proteomas de las cepas estudiadas, se identificaron por medio de espectrometría de masa de péptidos (LC-ES-MS/MS y métodos bioinformáticos, proteínas de choque térmico, proteína ribosomal S12, proteína de membrana del cinetoplasto 11 y una proteína hipotética específica de Leishmania de 13 kDa con función desconocida. Por inmunoblot y utilizando un anticuerpo monoclonal, se detectaron específicamente las proteínas paraflagelar 1 y 2 de 81,4 kDa y 77,5 kDa, respectivamente. La expresión proteica diferencial encontrada en los distintos clones de parásitos fueron reproducibles al ser comparados por medio de un programa analizador de imágenes. Estos datos demuestran el poder de resolución del análisis de proteomas por 2DE. La producción y caracterización de mapas proteicos básicos de Leishmania con buena calidad constituye un paso esencial en los estudios proteómicos comparativos orientados a la identificación de factores moleculares involucrados en la resistencia a drogas, virulencia de parásitos y el descubrimiento de blancos para nuevas drogas y vacunas.

  2. Fe65-PTB2 Dimerization Mimics Fe65-APP Interaction

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    Lukas P. Feilen


    Full Text Available Physiological function and pathology of the Alzheimer’s disease causing amyloid precursor protein (APP are correlated with its cytosolic adaptor Fe65 encompassing a WW and two phosphotyrosine-binding domains (PTBs. The C-terminal Fe65-PTB2 binds a large portion of the APP intracellular domain (AICD including the GYENPTY internalization sequence fingerprint. AICD binding to Fe65-PTB2 opens an intra-molecular interaction causing a structural change and altering Fe65 activity. Here we show that in the absence of the AICD, Fe65-PTB2 forms a homodimer in solution and determine its crystal structure at 2.6 Å resolution. Dimerization involves the unwinding of a C-terminal α-helix that mimics binding of the AICD internalization sequence, thus shielding the hydrophobic binding pocket. Specific dimer formation is validated by nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR techniques and cell-based analyses reveal that Fe65-PTB2 together with the WW domain are necessary and sufficient for dimerization. Together, our data demonstrate that Fe65 dimerizes via its APP interaction site, suggesting that besides intra- also intermolecular interactions between Fe65 molecules contribute to homeostatic regulation of APP mediated signaling.

  3. Fe65-PTB2 Dimerization Mimics Fe65-APP Interaction. (United States)

    Feilen, Lukas P; Haubrich, Kevin; Strecker, Paul; Probst, Sabine; Eggert, Simone; Stier, Gunter; Sinning, Irmgard; Konietzko, Uwe; Kins, Stefan; Simon, Bernd; Wild, Klemens


    Physiological function and pathology of the Alzheimer's disease causing amyloid precursor protein (APP) are correlated with its cytosolic adaptor Fe65 encompassing a WW and two phosphotyrosine-binding domains (PTBs). The C-terminal Fe65-PTB2 binds a large portion of the APP intracellular domain (AICD) including the GYENPTY internalization sequence fingerprint. AICD binding to Fe65-PTB2 opens an intra-molecular interaction causing a structural change and altering Fe65 activity. Here we show that in the absence of the AICD, Fe65-PTB2 forms a homodimer in solution and determine its crystal structure at 2.6 Å resolution. Dimerization involves the unwinding of a C-terminal α-helix that mimics binding of the AICD internalization sequence, thus shielding the hydrophobic binding pocket. Specific dimer formation is validated by nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) techniques and cell-based analyses reveal that Fe65-PTB2 together with the WW domain are necessary and sufficient for dimerization. Together, our data demonstrate that Fe65 dimerizes via its APP interaction site, suggesting that besides intra- also intermolecular interactions between Fe65 molecules contribute to homeostatic regulation of APP mediated signaling.

  4. Formation mechanisms of neutral Fe layers in the thermosphere at Antarctica studied with a thermosphere-ionosphere Fe/Fe+ (TIFe) model (United States)

    Chu, Xinzhao; Yu, Zhibin


    With a thermosphere-ionosphere Fe/Fe+ (TIFe) model developed from first principles at the University of Colorado, we present the first quantitative investigation of formation mechanisms of thermospheric Fe layers observed by lidar in Antarctica. These recently discovered neutral metal layers in the thermosphere between 100 and 200 km provide unique tracers for studies of fundamental processes in the space-atmosphere interaction region. The TIFe model formulates and expands the TIFe theory originally proposed by Chu et al. that the thermospheric Fe layers are produced through the neutralization of converged Fe+ layers. Through testing mechanisms and reproducing the 28 May 2011 event at McMurdo, we conceive the lifecycle of meteoric metals via deposition, transport, chemistry, and wave dynamics for thermospheric Fe layers with gravity wave signatures. While the meteor injection of iron species is negligible above 120 km, the polar electric field transports metallic ions Fe+ upward from their main deposition region into the E-F regions, providing the major source of Fe+ (and accordingly Fe) in the thermosphere. Atmospheric wave-induced vertical shears of vertical and horizontal winds converge Fe+ to form dense Fe+ layers. Direct electron-Fe+ recombination is the major channel to neutralize Fe+ layers to form Fe above 120 km. Fe layer shapes are determined by multiple factors of neutral winds, electric field, and aurora activity. Gravity-wave-induced vertical wind plays a key role in forming gravity-wave-shaped Fe layers. Aurora particle precipitation enhances Fe+ neutralization by increasing electron density while accelerating Fe loss via charge transfer with enhanced NO+ and O2+ densities.Plain Language SummaryThe discoveries of neutral metal layers reaching near 200 km in the thermosphere have significant scientific merit because such discoveries challenge the current understandings of upper atmospheric composition, chemistry, dynamics, electrodynamics, and

  5. Effects of Fe fine powders doping on hot deformed NdFeB magnets

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lin, Min; Wang, Huijie; Zheng, Jingwu; Yan, Aru


    The composite NdFeB magnets with blending melt-spun flakes and Fe fine powders were prepared by the hot-pressed and hot-deformed route. Characterizations of the hot-deformed NdFeB magnets affected by the doped Fe powders were tested. The doped Fe powders decrease the hot-deformed pressure when the strain is between 15 and 50%. XRD patterns show that the doped Fe powders have little influence on the c-axis alignment of hot-deformed NdFeB magnets in the press direction. The B r and the (BH) max get improved when the doped Fe powders are less than 3 wt%. The doped Fe of hot-deformed NdFeB magnets exists in the elongated state and the spherical state surrounded by the Nd-rich phase. With the Fe fraction increasing, the potential of magnet moves to the positive direction and the diameter of the Nyquist arc becomes larger, which indicate that the corrosion resistance improved effectively. The bending strength was enhanced by the elongated α-Fe phase embedded in the matrix 2:14:1 phase. - Highlights: • The doped Fe powders have little influence on the c-axis alignment of magnets. • The elongated Fe powders are more than the spherical Fe powders in the magnets. • The corrosion resistance is improved effectively with the increasing Fe fraction. • The bending strength is enhanced by the elongated α-Fe phase embedded in the matrix

  6. Effects of Fe fine powders doping on hot deformed NdFeB magnets

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lin, Min, E-mail: [Ningbo Institute of Material Technology & Engineering Chinese Academy of Science, Ningbo 315201 (China); Wang, Huijie [Ningbo Jinji Strong Magnetic Material Company, Ningbo 315041 (China); Zheng, Jingwu [Zhejiang University of Technology, Hangzhou 310014 (China); Yan, Aru [Ningbo Institute of Material Technology & Engineering Chinese Academy of Science, Ningbo 315201 (China)


    The composite NdFeB magnets with blending melt-spun flakes and Fe fine powders were prepared by the hot-pressed and hot-deformed route. Characterizations of the hot-deformed NdFeB magnets affected by the doped Fe powders were tested. The doped Fe powders decrease the hot-deformed pressure when the strain is between 15 and 50%. XRD patterns show that the doped Fe powders have little influence on the c-axis alignment of hot-deformed NdFeB magnets in the press direction. The B{sub r} and the (BH){sub max} get improved when the doped Fe powders are less than 3 wt%. The doped Fe of hot-deformed NdFeB magnets exists in the elongated state and the spherical state surrounded by the Nd-rich phase. With the Fe fraction increasing, the potential of magnet moves to the positive direction and the diameter of the Nyquist arc becomes larger, which indicate that the corrosion resistance improved effectively. The bending strength was enhanced by the elongated α-Fe phase embedded in the matrix 2:14:1 phase. - Highlights: • The doped Fe powders have little influence on the c-axis alignment of magnets. • The elongated Fe powders are more than the spherical Fe powders in the magnets. • The corrosion resistance is improved effectively with the increasing Fe fraction. • The bending strength is enhanced by the elongated α-Fe phase embedded in the matrix.

  7. Pr2Fe14B/α-Fe nanocomposites for thermal applications

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Silva, Suelanny Carvalho da


    In this work, Pr x Fe 94 - x B 6 (x = 6, 8, 10 and 12) nanostructured powders were prepared by a combination of hydrogenation, disproportionation, desorption and recombination (HDDR) process with high energy milling applied to the mixture of an as-cast alloy (Pr 14 Fe 80 B 6 ) and α-Fe. The produced nanoparticles showed magnetic properties comparable to those reported in hyperthermia studies. The optimal time to obtain the magnetic nanoparticles is 5 hours (at 900 rpm). It was verified that longer milling times cause an increase in carbon percentage on the particles. The carbon is derived from oleic acid added as a surfactant in the milling step. The nanocomposites exhibit coercive force ranging from 80 Oe (6.5 kAm -1 ) to 170 Oe (13.5 kAm -1 ) and magnetic moments in the range of 81 129 Am2kg -1 . From the X-ray diffraction analyses, only two phases were found in all samples: α-Fe and the magnetic phase Pr 2 Fe 14 B. Individual nanoparticles with diameter of about 20 nm were verified. The samples studied presented heating when exposed to an alternating magnetic field (f = 222 kHz e H max ∼3.7 kAm -1 ) comparable to reported in literature. Temperature variations (ΔT) of the powders were: 51 K for Pr 6 Fe 88 B 6 , 41 K for Pr 8 Fe 86 B 6 , 38 K for Pr 10 Fe 8 4 B 6 and T = 34 K for Pr 12 Fe 82 B 6 . The specific absorption rates (SARs) of the powders were 201 Wkg -1 for Pr 6 Fe 88 B 6 composition, 158 Wkg -1 on the composition Pr 8 Fe 86 B 6 , and 114 Wkg -1 for Pr 10 Fe 84 B 6 and Pr 12 Fe 82 B 6 compositions. (author)

  8. Caracterización de propóleos provenientes del municipio de Caldas obtenido por dos métodos de recolección

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    Julián Martínez G.


    Full Text Available Objetivo. Determinar las características fisicoquímicas y la actividad antimicrobiana de propóleos de Apis mellifera, provenientes del municipio de Caldas, obtenidos por dos métodos de recolección. Materiales y métodos. Se utilizaron dos métodos de recolección: de raspado y trampa plastica. Se estableció el contenido de cera, ceniza, material insoluble y resina de los propóleos crudos. Al extracto etanólico de los propóleos se les determinó el perfil cromatográfico (GC-MS y el espectro UV; además, se evaluó la actividad antimicrobiana in vitro frente a hongos (Aspergillus sp., Penicillium sp., Colletotrichum acutatum y C. gloesporioides, y bacterias (Salmonella tiphy, Bacillus subtilis, Staphylococcus aureus y Escherichia coli. Resultados. El material obtenido mediante malla matrizada presentó un perfil químico amplio, buena actividad antimicrobiana y mejores parámetros de calidad, de acuerdo con estándares establecidos por normas internacionales que los propóleos obtenidos por el método de raspado. Además, pudo observarse que la acción antimicrobiana de los propóleos fue dependiente de la concentración del extracto y del hongo o bacteria evaluada. Conclusiones. La composición química y la actividad antibacteriana y antifúngica de los propóleos están relacionadas con el método de recolección. El presente estudio aporta información para la selección de la técnica de cosecha del propóleo de acuerdo con la aplicación que se desee dar.

  9. Microstructure and properties of multiphase sintered cermets Fe-Fe2B

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nowacki, J.; Klimek, L.


    The process of multiphase sintering of iron in the vacuum has been analysed. As a result of the process iron-iron boride cermets have been produced. Fe-Fe 2 B cermets were obtained as a result of sintering of the Fe and B pure elements in the vacuum. Attemps at sintering in the solid phase and with the participation of the liquid phase, the Fe-Fe 2 B eutectic, have been made. Metallographic qualitative and quantitative studies, X-ray structural qualitative and qauantitative analysis allowed to determine the structure of Fe 2 B cermets, as well as a description of the kinetics of quantitative changes in phase proportions in the course of sintering. It has been found that their structure varies widely depending on sintering parameters and the composition of the sinters. Measurements of the Fe-Fe 2 B cermets hardness and measurements on wear during dry friction by the pin-on-disc method have shown distinct advantages of the cermets as a modern constructional materials. The hardness of Fe-Fe 2 B cermets, depending on their chemical composition and sintering parameters, ranges widely from 150 to 1500 HV, and their resistance to wear is comparable to that of diffusively boronized steels. FeFe 2 B cermets are a composite material in which iron boride, Fe 2 B, with a hardness of about 1800 HV plays the role of the reinforcement,while iron-iron boride, Fe-Fe 2 B, with a hardness of about 500 HV plays the role of matrix. The eutectic in the spaces between iron boride grains is composed of boron solid solution plates in iron with a hardness of arround 250 HV, and iron boride, Fe 2 B, plates with a hardness of approximaly 1800 HV. The combination of such different materials, a hard reinforcement and a relatively plastic matrix produces favourable properties of the cermet thus produced high hardness (1500 HV) constant over whole cross section of the material, resistance of abrasive wear and acceptable ductility. The properties mentioned above, resulting from the cermet

  10. Tuning high frequency magnetic properties and damping of FeGa, FeGaN and FeGaB thin films

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    Derang Cao


    Full Text Available A series of FeGa, FeGaN and FeGaB films with varied oblique angles were deposited by sputtering method on silicon substrates, respectively. The microstructure, soft magnetism, microwave properties, and damping factor for the films were investigated. The FeGa films showed a poor high frequency magnetic property due to the large stress itself. The grain size of FeGa films was reduced by the additional N element, while the structure of FeGa films was changed from the polycrystalline to amorphous phase by the involved B element. As a result, N content can effectively improve the magnetic softness of FeGa film, but their high frequency magnetic properties were still poor both when the N2/Ar flow rate ratio is 2% and 5% during the deposition. The additional B content significantly led to the excellent magnetic softness and the self-biased ferromagnetic resonance frequency of 1.83 GHz for FeGaB film. The dampings of FeGa films were adjusted by the additional N and B contents from 0.218 to 0.139 and 0.023, respectively. The combination of these properties for FeGa films are helpful for the development of magnetostrictive microwave devices.

  11. Interparticle interactions of FePt core and Fe{sub 3}O{sub 4} shell in FePt/Fe{sub 3}O{sub 4} magnetic nanoparticles

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Akbari, Hossein, E-mail: [Department of Physics, Ardabil Branch, Islamic Azad University, Ardabil (Iran, Islamic Republic of); Zeynali, Hossein [Department of Physics, Kashan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Kashan (Iran, Islamic Republic of); Bakhshayeshi, Ali [Department of Physics, Mashhad Branch, Islamic Azad University, Mashhad (Iran, Islamic Republic of)


    Monodisperse FePt nanoparticles were successfully synthesized using simple wet chemical method. Fe{sub 3}O{sub 4} was used as a magnetic shell around each FePt nanoparticles. In FePt/Fe{sub 3}O{sub 4} core/shell system, core thickness is 2 nm and shell thickness varies from zero to 2.5 nm. A theoretical model presented to calculate the shell thickness dependence of Coercivity. Presented model is compared with the results from Stoner–Wohlfarth model to interpret the shell thickness dependence of Coercivity in FePt/Fe{sub 3}O{sub 4} core/shell nanoparticles. There is a difference between the results from Stoner–Wohlfarth model and experimental data when the shell thickness increases. In the presented model, the effects of interparticle exchange and random magneto crystalline anisotropy are added to the previous models of magnetization reversal for core/shell nanostructures in order to achieve a better agreement with experimental data. For magnetic shells in FePt/Fe{sub 3}O{sub 4} core/shell, effective coupling between particles increases with increasing shell thickness which leads to Coercivity destruction for stronger couplings. According to the boundary conditions, in the harder regions with higher exchange stiffness, there is small variation in magnetization and so the magnetization modes become more localized. We discussed both localized and non-localized magnetization modes. For non-zero shell thickness, non-localized modes propagate in the soft phase which effects the quality of particle exchange interactions. - Highlights: • Monodisperse FePt nanoparticles were successfully synthesized using simple wet chemical method. • Fe{sub 3}O{sub 4} was used as a magnetic shell around each FePt nanoparticles. • A theoretical model presented to calculate the shell thickness dependence of Coercivity. • Magnetic shells increase effective coupling between particles with increasing shell thickness. • Magnetization modes are more localized in the regions with


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    Victor Codina


    Full Text Available Basta ter tido um pouco de experiência pastoral com setores populares, concretamente na América Latina, para constatar a importância dos sacramentais na vida cristã do povo. Além das manifestações de piedade popular que se costuma estudar sob a rubrica de religiosidade popular (peregrinações, festas de padroeiro, procissões..., gostaria de destacar aqui outros elementos mais estreitamente ligados ao mundo dos sacramentos, ainda que não formem parte dos sete sacramentos tridentinos.

  13. Camponeses e esquecimento na Antiguidade Tardia: as revoltas dos bagaudas e dos circunceliões

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    Uiran Gebara da Silva


    Full Text Available Esse artigo apresenta alguns dos problemas com os quais eu tive de lidar ao realizar um estudo comparativo entre dois conjuntos de revoltas rurais do Império Romano tardio: as revoltas dos bagaudas na Gália e dos circunceliões na África. O artigo toma como eixo articulador a hipótese lançada por E. A. Thompson sobre o papel do esquecimento na produção dos relatos antigos sobre os bagaudas e a problematiza. Num segundo momento o artigo trata do problema relacionado à compreensão do caráter social de ambos os grupos, levando em consideração os múltiplos relatos presentes nas fontes antigas e as divergentes interpretações modernas sobre eles, enfatizando a necessidade de se reconhecer a tópica da inversão social como um elemento que diferencia os relatos sobre os revoltosos daqueles sobre a bandidagem. Outro elemento importante é o reconhecimento da heterogeneidade dos discursos cristãos com relação às classes subalternas e aos revoltosos, que apontam não para um fortalecimento do patronato rural, mas para o enfraquecimento ou para a crise dessas relações no campo tardo-romano.

  14. Strengthening mechanisms of Fe nanoparticles for single crystal Cu–Fe alloy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Shi, Guodong; Chen, Xiaohua; Jiang, Han; Wang, Zidong; Tang, Hao; Fan, Yongquan


    A single crystal Cu–Fe alloy with finely dispersed precipitate Fe nanoparticles was fabricated in this study. The interface relationship of iron nanoparticle and copper matrix was analyzed with a high-resolution transmission electron microscope (HRTEM), and the effect of Fe nanoparticles on mechanical properties of single crystal Cu–Fe alloy was discussed. Results show that, the finely dispersed Fe nanoparticles can be obtained under the directional solidification condition, with the size of 5–50 nm and the coherent interface between the iron nanoparticle and the copper matrix. Single crystal Cu–Fe alloy possesses improved tensile strength of 194.64 MPa, and total elongation of 44.72%, respectively, at room temperature, in contrast to pure Cu sample. Nanoparticles which have coherent interface with matrix can improve the dislocation motion state. Some dislocations can slip through the nanoparticle along the coherent interface and some dislocations can enter into the nanoparticles. Thus to improve the tensile strength of single crystal Cu–Fe alloy without sacrificing the ductility simultaneously. Based on the above analyses, strengthening mechanisms of Fe nanoparticles for single crystal Cu–Fe alloy was described

  15. Experimental phases diagram Zr-Fe and Zr-Sn-Fe of the Fe rich zone at a temperature of 1100oC

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nieva, N.; Jimenez, J.; Gomez, A; Granovsky, M.S


    Zr-based alloys are frequently used in the nuclear energy industry; among these are the Zr-based Zircaloys whose main alloys are Sn and Fe. In order to experimentally evaluate part of the diagram of the binary Zr-Fe phases and the ternary Zr-Sn-Fe in the Fe-rich zone, different binary alloys in the area closest to the composition of the ZrFe 2 and Zr 6 Fe 23 compounds were designed as well as a ternary alloy of Zr-Sn-Fe in the Fe-rich region of the ternary system. All the alloys underwent a two month heat treatment at a temperature of 1100 o C. Later the phases that were present were identified using different complementary techniques (mainly X-ray diffraction and microanalysis). The clear presence of the Zr 6 Fe 23 phase was not observed in any of the alloys. A new ternary phase consisting approximately of Zr 2 0Sn 14 Fe 66 was verified in the ternary alloy

  16. Modification of interlayer exchange coupling in Fe/V/Fe trilayers using hydrogen

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Skoryna, J., E-mail: [Institute of Molecular Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences, Smoluchowskiego 17 St., 60-179 Poznań (Poland); Marczyńska, A. [Institute of Molecular Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences, Smoluchowskiego 17 St., 60-179 Poznań (Poland); Lewandowski, M. [NanoBioMedical Centre, Adam Mickiewicz University, Umultowska 85 St., 61-614 Poznań (Poland); Smardz, L. [Institute of Molecular Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences, Smoluchowskiego 17 St., 60-179 Poznań (Poland)


    Highlights: • Magnetic films and multilayers. • Thin films. • Hydrogen absorbing materials. • Magnetic measurements. • Exchange coupling. - Abstract: Fe/V/Fe trilayers with constant-thickness Fe and step-like wedged V sublayers were prepared at room temperature using UHV magnetron sputtering. The bottom Fe layer grows onto oxidised Si(1 0 0) substrate and shows relatively high coercivity. The top Fe layer grows on vanadium spacer and shows considerably lower coercivity. The planar growth of the Fe and V sublayers was confirmed in-situ by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. Results show that the Fe sublayers are weakly exchange coupled for d{sub V} > 1.4 nm. Results on the coercivity studies as a function of the V interlayer thickness show near d{sub V} ∼ 1.95 nm (∼2.45 nm) weak antiferromagnetic (ferromagnetic) coupling, respectively. The hydrogenation of the Fe/V/Fe trilayers leads to increase of the strength of the ferromagnetic interlayer exchange coupling.

  17. Adhesive and Cohesive Strength in FeB/Fe2B Systems (United States)

    Meneses-Amador, A.; Blancas-Pérez, D.; Corpus-Mejía, R.; Rodríguez-Castro, G. A.; Martínez-Trinidad, J.; Jiménez-Tinoco, L. F.


    In this work, FeB/Fe2B systems were evaluated by the scratch test. The powder-pack boriding process was performed on the surface of AISI M2 steel. The mechanical parameters, such as yield stress and Young's modulus of the boride layer, were obtained by the instrumented indentation technique. Residual stresses produced on the boride layer were estimated by using the x-ray diffraction (XRD) technique. The scratch test was performed in order to evaluate the cohesive/adhesive strength of the FeB/Fe2B coating. In addition, a numerical evaluation of the scratch test on boride layers was performed by the finite element method. Maximum principal stresses were related to the failure mechanisms observed by the experimental scratch test. Shear stresses at the interfaces of the FeB/Fe2B/substrate system were also evaluated. Finally, the results obtained provide essential information about the effect of the layer thickness, the residual stresses, and the resilience modulus on the cohesive/adhesive strength in FeB/Fe2B systems.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Gabriel Rech Oliveira


    Full Text Available Com o objetivo de se tornarem competitivas, as empresas impulsionam a redução dos custos dos processos que impactam diretamente no preço do produto, destacando-se os custos de qualidade. Neste cenário, a busca pela qualidade total torna-se o caminho para a sobrevivência, devido ao fato da crescente exigência dos clientes para produtos com qualidade superior e preços baixos. Dentre os principais gastos que contribuem para o aumento dos custos da qualidade destacam-se a sucata e retrabalho de produtos durante o processo produtivo. Devido à ocorrência desses fatores, este trabalho tem como finalidade analisar os custos da qualidade e propor melhorias no processo produtivo utilizando ferramentas da qualidade para reduzir os desperdícios com sucata. As fases do projeto envolvem o comprometimento e dedicação de equipes para levantar as principais causas dos principais problemas do processo de produção de tubos capilares em cobre, resultando na redução dos gastos com sucata e aumento da produtividade. As metodologias utilizadas para atingir os objetivos foram baseadas pesquisa exploratória e estudo de caso. A partir da redução de custo e aumento da produtividade alcançada, constata-se a importância deste trabalho envolvendo equipes responsáveis para a obtenção de resultados em curto prazo.

  19. Protonation/reduction dynamics at the [4Fe-4S] cluster of the hydrogen-forming cofactor in [FeFe]-hydrogenases. (United States)

    Senger, Moritz; Mebs, Stefan; Duan, Jifu; Shulenina, Olga; Laun, Konstantin; Kertess, Leonie; Wittkamp, Florian; Apfel, Ulf-Peter; Happe, Thomas; Winkler, Martin; Haumann, Michael; Stripp, Sven T


    The [FeFe]-hydrogenases of bacteria and algae are the most efficient hydrogen conversion catalysts in nature. Their active-site cofactor (H-cluster) comprises a [4Fe-4S] cluster linked to a unique diiron site that binds three carbon monoxide (CO) and two cyanide (CN - ) ligands. Understanding microbial hydrogen conversion requires elucidation of the interplay of proton and electron transfer events at the H-cluster. We performed real-time spectroscopy on [FeFe]-hydrogenase protein films under controlled variation of atmospheric gas composition, sample pH, and reductant concentration. Attenuated total reflection Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy was used to monitor shifts of the CO/CN - vibrational bands in response to redox and protonation changes. Three different [FeFe]-hydrogenases and several protein and cofactor variants were compared, including element and isotopic exchange studies. A protonated equivalent (HoxH) of the oxidized state (Hox) was found, which preferentially accumulated at acidic pH and under reducing conditions. We show that the one-electron reduced state Hred' represents an intrinsically protonated species. Interestingly, the formation of HoxH and Hred' was independent of the established proton pathway to the diiron site. Quantum chemical calculations of the respective CO/CN - infrared band patterns favored a cysteine ligand of the [4Fe-4S] cluster as the protonation site in HoxH and Hred'. We propose that proton-coupled electron transfer facilitates reduction of the [4Fe-4S] cluster and prevents premature formation of a hydride at the catalytic diiron site. Our findings imply that protonation events both at the [4Fe-4S] cluster and at the diiron site of the H-cluster are important in the hydrogen conversion reaction of [FeFe]-hydrogenases.

  20. Lattice locations and properties of Fe in Co/Fe co-implanted ZnO

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Gunnlaugsson, H.P.; Johnston, K.; Mølholt, T.E.


    The lattice locations and electronic configurations of Fe in 57Co/57Fe implanted ZnO (to (5‐6) × 1014 Fe/cm−2) have been studied by 57Fe Mössbauer emission spectroscopy. The spectra acquired upon room temperature implantation show ∼20% of the probe atoms as Fe2+ on perturbed Zn sites and the rema......The lattice locations and electronic configurations of Fe in 57Co/57Fe implanted ZnO (to (5‐6) × 1014 Fe/cm−2) have been studied by 57Fe Mössbauer emission spectroscopy. The spectra acquired upon room temperature implantation show ∼20% of the probe atoms as Fe2+ on perturbed Zn sites...... and the remaining fraction as Fe2+ in damage sites of interstitial character. After annealing at 773 K, ∼20% remain on crystalline sites, while the damage fraction has partly disappeared and instead a ∼30% fraction occurs as high‐spin Fe3+, presumably in precipitates. This suggests that precipitation of Co/Fe in ZnO...... likely takes place at relatively low temperatures, thus explaining some of the discrepancies in the literature regarding magnetic properties of 3d metal‐doped ZnO....

  1. Moessbauer Study of Electrodeposited Fe/Fe-Oxide Multilayers

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kuzmann, E.; Homonnay, Z.; Klencsar, Z.; Vertes, A.; Lakatos-Varsanyi, M.; Miko, A.; Varga, L.K.; Kalman, E.; Nagy, F.


    Iron has been deposited electrochemically by short current pulses in Na-saccharin containing FeII-chloride and sulphate solution electrolytes. Combined electrochemical techniques with initial pulse plating of iron nanolayer and its subsequent anodic oxidation under potential control have been used for production of Fe/Fe-oxide multilayers. 57Fe CEM spectra of pulse plated iron revealed the presence of a minor doublet attributed mainly to γ-FeOOH in addition to the dominant sextet of α-iron. In the case of anodically oxidized pulse plated iron and of samples after repeated deposition of anodically oxidized pulse plated iron an additional minor doublet, assigned to ferrous chloride, also appears in the Moessbauer spectra. A significant change in the magnetic anisotropy of α-iron was observed with the anodic oxidation. The thickness of the layers were estimated from the CEM spectrum data by a modified computer program of the Liljequist method. The coercive field and the power loss versus frequency data showed that the pulse plated iron cores are good inductive elements up to several kHz frequencies

  2. Colorimetric determination of Fe2+/Fe3+ ratio in radioactive glasses

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Coleman, C.J.; Baumann, E.W.; Bibler, N.E.


    In the vitrification of nuclear wastes, the Fe 2+ /Fe 3+ ratio in the glass is a measure of the redox properties of the glass melt. It is necessary to measure this ratio to ensure that the melt redox properties are suitable for the glass melter. A colorimetric method for measuring the Fe 2+ /Fe 3+ ratio in highly radioactive glasses was developed and tested remotely in a shielded cell. The tests were performed on glasses similar in composition and radioactivity to those that will be produced in the Savannah River Site Defense Waste Processing Facility. The first step of the method is dissolution of finely crushed glass with a hydrofluoric/sulfuric acid mixture with ammonium vanadate added to preserve the Fe 2+ content of the glass during the dissolution. Boric acid is then added to complex fluoride and to destroy iron-fluoride complexes. After adjusting the solution to pH 5, FerroZine TM (trademark of the Hach Company, Loveland, CO) reagent is added to form a magenta-colored complex with Fe 2+ . The absorbance at 562 nm is measured by using a fiber optic-coupled photodiode array spectrophotometer. Ascorbic acid is then used to reduce all the iron in solution to Fe 2+ and the absorbance is again measured. The difference in absorbance measurements corresponds to the Fe 3+ in the sample and the Fe 2+ /Fe 3+ ratio can be calculated

  3. Behaviour of Fe4O5-Mg2Fe2O5 solid solutions and their relation to coexisting Mg-Fe silicates and oxide phases (United States)

    Uenver-Thiele, Laura; Woodland, Alan B.; Miyajima, Nobuyoshi; Ballaran, Tiziana Boffa; Frost, Daniel J.


    Experiments at high pressures and temperatures were carried out (1) to investigate the crystal-chemical behaviour of Fe4O5-Mg2Fe2O5 solid solutions and (2) to explore the phase relations involving (Mg,Fe)2Fe2O5 (denoted as O5-phase) and Mg-Fe silicates. Multi-anvil experiments were performed at 11-20 GPa and 1100-1600 °C using different starting compositions including two that were Si-bearing. In Si-free experiments the O5-phase coexists with Fe2O3, hp-(Mg,Fe)Fe2O4, (Mg,Fe)3Fe4O9 or an unquenchable phase of different stoichiometry. Si-bearing experiments yielded phase assemblages consisting of the O5-phase together with olivine, wadsleyite or ringwoodite, majoritic garnet or Fe3+-bearing phase B. However, (Mg,Fe)2Fe2O5 does not incorporate Si. Electron microprobe analyses revealed that phase B incorporates significant amounts of Fe2+ and Fe3+ (at least 1.0 cations Fe per formula unit). Fe-L2,3-edge energy-loss near-edge structure spectra confirm the presence of ferric iron [Fe3+/Fetot = 0.41(4)] and indicate substitution according to the following charge-balanced exchange: [4]Si4+ + [6]Mg2+ = 2Fe3+. The ability to accommodate Fe2+ and Fe3+ makes this potential "water-storing" mineral interesting since such substitutions should enlarge its stability field. The thermodynamic properties of Mg2Fe2O5 have been refined, yielding H°1bar,298 = - 1981.5 kJ mol- 1. Solid solution is complete across the Fe4O5-Mg2Fe2O5 binary. Molar volume decreases essentially linearly with increasing Mg content, consistent with ideal mixing behaviour. The partitioning of Mg and Fe2+ with silicates indicates that (Mg,Fe)2Fe2O5 has a strong preference for Fe2+. Modelling of partitioning with olivine is consistent with the O5-phase exhibiting ideal mixing behaviour. Mg-Fe2+ partitioning between (Mg,Fe)2Fe2O5 and ringwoodite or wadsleyite is influenced by the presence of Fe3+ and OH incorporation in the silicate phases.

  4. 57Fe Moessbauer and magnetic studies of ErFe12-xNbx

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wang, J L; Campbell, S J; Cadogan, J M; Tegus, O; Edge, A V J


    The structural and magnetic properties of ErFe 12-x Nb x compounds (x 0.6, 0.7 and 0.8) have been investigated by x-ray diffraction, ac susceptibility and dc magnetization measurements and 57 Fe Moessbauer spectroscopy. Refinements of the x-ray diffraction patterns show that the Nb atoms preferentially occupy the 8i sites; this can be understood in the terms of enthalpy effects and differences in the metallic radii. The average Fe-Fe distance at the different sites is found to behave as d Fe-Fe (8i)> d Fe-Fe (8j)> d Fe-Fe (8f). The unit cell volume increases slightly with increasing Nb content, consistent with the larger radius of Nb compared with Fe. A spin reorientation from easy-axis at room temperature to easy-cone at low temperatures has been detected for all compounds. The spin reorientation temperatures T sr in ErFe 12-x Nb x compounds remain essentially unchanged (T sr ∼42-44 K) with increasing Nb concentration, whereas a significant decrease in T sr (T sr1 ∼236-204 K; T sr2 ∼154-94 K) is obtained in DyFe 12-x Nb x from x = 0.6 to 0.8. This can be understood by taking the different crystal-field terms responsible for the spin reorientation in the two systems into account. We find that the spin-reorientation process is particularly sensitive to the sixth-order term B 60 O 60 of the crystal field acting on the Er 3+ ion, due to its large and positive value of γ J . 57 Fe hyperfine interaction parameters and magnetic moments values have been determined for the 8i, 8j and 8f sites from the Moessbauer spectra. The weighted average 57 Fe hyperfine field values were found to follow a T 2 dependence; this suggests that a single-particle excitation mechanism is responsible for reduction of the 3d-sublattice magnetization with increasing temperature

  5. Hyperfine fields of Fe in Nd2Fe14BandSm2Fe17N3 (United States)

    Akai, Hisazumi; Ogura, Masako


    High saturation magnetization of rare-earth magnets originates from Fe and the strong magnetic anisotropy stems from f-states of rare-earth elements such as Nd and Sm. Therefore the hyperfine fields of both Fe and rare-earth provide us with important pieces of information: Fe NMR enable us to detect site dependence of the local magnetic moment and magnetic anisotropy (Fe sites also contribute to the magnetic anisotropy) while rare-earth NQR directly give the information of electric field gradients (EFG) that are related to the shape of the f-electron cloud as well as the EFG produced by ligands. In this study we focus on the hyperfine fields of materials used as permanent magnets, Nd2Fe14BandSm2Fe17N3 from theoretical points of view. The detailed electronic structure together with the hyperfine interactions are discussed on the basis of the first-principles calculation. In particular, the relations between the observed hyperfine fields and the magnetic properties are studies in detail. The effects of doping of those materials by other elements such as Dy and the effects of N adding in Sm2Fe17N3 will be discussed. This work was supported by Elements Strategy Initiative Center for Magnetic Materials Project, the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, Japan.

  6. Notas clínicas: Observaciones sobre el metabolismo hidrocarbonado en las eclámpticas

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Marco Gómez


    Full Text Available Catalina Casas.-Cama N° 21. Residencia: Barrio de La Fragua. Edad, 24 años. Soltera. Fecha de entrada: agosto 21 de 1933. Ocupación: sirvienta. Fecha de salida: septiembre 13 de 1933. Nta.: Chiquinquirá. Diagnostico: Eclampsismo de Bard. Causa de salida: Curación. Antecedentes heredicarios, la madre murió no sabe la enferma de qué; tuvo 10 hijos: 6 murieron siendo niños, sin que se sepa la causa; dos hermanas de la enferma son casadas: una tiene dos hijos y la otra cuatro, ninguna de las dos ha tenido complicaciones en sus embarazos y partos; otro hermano vive en buena salud. El padre murió de paludismo.

  7. Ferromagnetic resonance on oxideless magnetic Fe and FeRh nanoparticles; Ferromagnetische Resonanz an oxidfreien magnetischen Fe und FeRh Nanopartikeln

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Trunova, Anastasia


    This work is dedicated to investigations of structural and magnetic properties of the colloidal Fe/Fe{sub x}O{sub y} nanocubes (13 nm) and the Fe{sub x}Rh{sub 100-x} core/shell nanoparticles (2 nm). As compared with other works, where the measurements on oxidized nanoparticles were carried out, we additionally performed investigations on nanoparticles in an oxide free state. In order to make the measurements on oxide free particles possible, oxygen- and hydrogenplasma was used to remove the ligands and reduce the oxide shell of the Fe nanocubes. The oxide free Fe nanocubes were covered with a Ag/Pt protective coating to prevent them from new oxidation. This method allowed carrying out the magnetic measurements on oxide free Fe nanocubes. Micromagnetic simulations as well as simulations of the high frequency susceptibility were used for the data analysing. It was found that both the g-factor g=2.09{+-}0.01 and the anisotropy constant K{sub 4}=(4.8{+-}0.5).10{sup 4} J/m{sup 3} coincide with that of bulk iron. However, the saturation magnetization M{sub S}(5 K)=(1.2{+-}0.12).10{sup 6} A/m differs from the bulk value by 30%. The reduction by 30% compared to the bulk value in the case of nanoparticles may be caused by the following possible reasons: a) the presence of inner oxide layer (approx. 10 at.%) that cannot be reduced; b) the anti-parallel order between magnetic moments of iron core and magnetic moments of antiferomagnetic iron oxide; c) some structural changes of the surface after plasma treatment. The obtained damping parameter {alpha}=0.03{+-}0.005 is ten times larger than that of the Fe layers as it is known for nanoparticles systems in general. The core/shell Fe{sub x}Rh{sub 100-x} nanoparticles (x=80,50) were produced under Ar-atmosphere and were sealed into a quartz tube to prevent oxidation. The analysis of g-factors shows that the value for the FePh nanoparticles with Fe-rich core is larger (g=2.08{+-}0.01) than that for the nanoparticles with Rh

  8. Kerr microscopy study of exchange-coupled FePt/Fe exchange spring magnets

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hussain, Zaineb; Kumar, Dileep [UGC-DAE Consortium for Scientific Research, University Campus, Khandwa Road, Indore 452001 (India); Reddy, V. Raghavendra, E-mail: [UGC-DAE Consortium for Scientific Research, University Campus, Khandwa Road, Indore 452001 (India); Gupta, Ajay [Amity Center for Spintronic Materials, Amity University, Noida 201303 (India)


    Magnetization reversal and magnetic microstructure of top soft magnetic layer (Fe) in exchange spring coupled L1{sub 0} FePt/Fe is studied using high resolution Kerr microscopy. With remnant state of the hard magnetic layer (L1{sub 0} FePt) as initial condition, magnetization loops along with magnetic domains are recorded for the top soft magnetic layer (Fe) using Kerr microscopy. Considerable shifting of Fe layer hysteresis loop from center which is similar to exchange bias phenomena is observed. It is also observed that one can tune the magnitude of hysteresis shift by reaching the remanent state from different saturating fields (H{sub SAT}) and also by varying the angle between measuring field and H{sub SAT}. The hysteresis loops and magnetic domains of top soft Fe layer demonstrate unambiguously that soft magnetic layer at remanent state in such exchange coupled system is having unidirectional anisotropy. An analogy is drawn and the observations are explained in terms of established model of exchange bias phenomena framed for field-cooled ferromagnetic - antiferromagnetic bilayer systems. - Highlights: • Kerr microscopy of top soft magnetic Fe layer in exchange spring coupled L1{sub 0} FePt (30 nm)/Fe (22 nm) is reported. • Considerable shifting of Fe layer hysteresis loop from center which is similar to exchange bias phenomena is observed. • Tuneable nature of magnitude of hysteresis shift is shown. • It is unambiguously shown that the top soft Fe magnetic layer at remanent state is having unidirectional anisotropy.

  9. Neurobiologia dos transtornos do controle dos impulsos The neurobiology of impulse control disorders

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Wendol A Williams


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Revisar os artigos sobre substratos neurobiológicos dos transtornos do controle dos impulsos. O jogo patológico é o foco central desta revisão na medida em que a maioria dos estudos biológicos dos formalmente classificados como transtornos do controle dos impulsos examinou este transtorno. MÉTODO: Foi feita uma busca no banco de dados Medline de artigos publicados de 1966 até o presente para identificar aqueles relevantes para serem revisados neste artigo. DESFECHOS: Estudos pré-clínicos sugerem que a neuromodulação das monoaminas cerebrais está associada à tomada de decisões impulsivas e aos comportamentos de risco. Os estudos clínicos implicam diversos sistemas de neurotransmissores (serotoninérgico, dopaminérgico, adrenérgico e opióide na fisiopatologia do jogo patológico e de outros transtornos do controle dos impulsos. Estudos de neuroimagem preliminares têm indicado o córtex pré-frontal ventromedial e o estriato ventral como atuantes na fisiopatologia do jogo patológico e de outros transtornos do controle dos impulsos. As contribuições genéticas para o jogo patológico parecem substanciais e os estudos iniciais têm relacionado esse transtorno a polimorfismos alélicos específicos, ainda que os achados de varredura genômica ainda tenham que ser publicados. CONCLUSÃO: Mesmo que tenham sido logrados avanços significativos em nossa compreensão sobre os transtornos do controle dos impulsos, mais pesquisas são necessárias para ampliar o conhecimento existente e traduzir esses achados em avanços clínicos.OBJECTIVE: To review the neurobiological substrates of impulse control disorders. Pathological gambling is a main focus of the review in that most biological studies of the formal impulse control disorders have examined this disorder. METHOD: The medical database Medline from 1966 to present was searched to identify relevant articles that were subsequently reviewed to generate this manuscript

  10. Fe2O3/Reduced Graphene Oxide/Fe3O4 Composite in Situ Grown on Fe Foil for High-Performance Supercapacitors. (United States)

    Zhao, Chongjun; Shao, Xiaoxiao; Zhang, Yuxiao; Qian, Xiuzhen


    A Fe 2 O 3 /reduced graphene oxide (RGO)/Fe 3 O 4 nanocomposite in situ grown on Fe foil was synthesized via a simple one-step hydrothermal growth process, where the iron foil served as support, reductant of graphene oxide, Fe source of Fe 3 O 4 , and also the current collector of the electrode. When it directly acted as the electrode of a supercapacitor, as-synthesized Fe 2 O 3 /RGO/Fe 3 O 4 @Fe exhibited excellent electrochemical performance with a high capability of 337.5 mF/cm 2 at 20 mA/cm 2 and a superior cyclability with 2.3% capacity loss from the 600th to the 2000th cycle.

  11. Ferromagnetic resonance study of sputtered NiFe/V/NiFe heterostructures

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Alayo, W., E-mail: [Departamento de Física – IFM, Universidade Federal de Pelotas, 96010-900 Rio Grande do Sul (Brazil); Pelegrini, F. [Instituto de Física, Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 74001-970 (Brazil); Baggio-Saitovitch, E. [Centro Brasileiro de Pesquisas Físicas, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, 22290-180 (Brazil)


    The Ni{sub 81}Fe{sub 19}/V/Ni{sub 81}Fe{sub 19} heterostructures has been produced by magnetron sputtering and analyzed by ferromagnetic resonance. Two systems were investigated: the non symmetrical NiFe(50 Å)/V(t)/NiFe(30 Å) trilayers and the symmetrical NiFe(80 Å)/V(t)/NiFe(80 Å) trilayers, with variable ultrathin V thickness t. Ferromagnetic exchange coupling was evidenced for t below 10 Å by the excitation of the optic mode, in the case of the non symmetrical samples, and by the observation of a single resonance mode for the symmetrical trilayers. For larger V thickness, all samples exhibited two modes, which were attributed to the resonance of the individual NiFe layers with different effective magnetizations. The analysis with the equilibrium and resonance conditions provided the exchange coupling constants and effective magnetizations. - Highlights: • We present a study of symmetrical and non symmetrical NiFe/V/NiFe trilayers deposited on Si single crystals by ferromagnetic resonance (FMR) at room temperature. • For the non symmetrical trilayers, the FMR spectra show the optic and acoustic modes for samples with very thin V layer thicknesses, evidencing ferromagnetic exchange coupling, whereas, for larger V thickness, the spectra exhibited two well resolved modes associated to each independent NiFe layer. For the symmetrical trilayers, strong ferromagnetic exchange coupling is evidenced by the observation of a single resonance mode. • The analysis with the equilibrium condition and dispersion relation provides the exchange coupling constants and effective magnetizations.

  12. Fe-Vacancy-Induced Ferromagnetism in Tetragonal FeSe Thin Films

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yong-Feng, Li; Gui-Bin, Liu; Li-Jie, Shi; Bang-Gui, Liu


    Motivated by recent experiments, we investigate structural, electronic, and magnetic properties of tetragonal FeSe with Fe vacancies using the state-of-the-art first-principles method. We show that Fe vacancies tend to stay in the same one of the two sublattices and thus induce ferromagnetism in the ground-state phase. Our calculated net moment is in good agreement with the experimental data available. Therefore, the ferromagnetism observed in tetragonal FeSe thin films is explained. It could be made controllable soon for spintronic applications

  13. Participação dos Pais na Psicoterapia da Criança: Práticas dos Psicoterapeutas

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Luiz Ronaldo Freitas de Oliveira

    Full Text Available Resumo A participação dos pais na psicoterapia de crianças é um tema controverso na literatura. Há autores a favor de uma abordagem mais intervencionista em relação aos pais e outros que circunscrevem seu papel à manutenção do tratamento e provimento de informações sobre a criança. O objetivo deste estudo exploratório, de levantamento, transversal, foi identificar experiências de psicoterapeutas de crianças brasileiros quanto às formas de inclusão dos pais no tratamento. Participaram 76 psicólogos, que responderam a um questionário on-line e as análises contemplaram estatística descritiva e análise de conteúdo. De acordo com os resultados, os respondentes foram predominantemente mulheres (89,5%, residentes na Região Sul (86,8%, entre 26 e 35 anos (53,9% e com até três anos de experiência clínica (43,4%. De maneira geral, os participantes incluem os pais na psicoterapia (76,3%; em entrevistas específicas (90,8%; coleta de informações (88,2%, para aconselhamento/orientação (72,4%; e para fortalecer a aliança terapêutica (61,8%. Riscos e benefícios da participação dos pais foram reportados e constituíram seis categorias: a criança como sintoma dos conflitos familiares; resistência dos pais à psicoterapia e às mudanças; cumprimento do contrato pelos pais; aliança terapêutica; compreensão da dinâmica familiar e dos sintomas da criança; e fortalecimento dos vínculos pais-filhos. Conclui-se que há tendência de inclusão dos pais, por parte dos psicoterapeutas, no processo de psicoterapia de crianças.

  14. Mössbauer Studies of Core-Shell FeO/Fe3O4 Nanoparticles (United States)

    Kamzin, A. S.; Valiullin, A. A.; Khurshid, H.; Nemati, Z.; Srikanth, H.; Phan, M. H.


    FeO/Fe3O4 nanoparticles were synthesized by thermal decomposition. Electron microscopy revealed that these nanoparticles were of the core-shell type and had a spherical shape with an average size of 20 nm. It was found that the obtained FeO/Fe3O4 nanoparticles had exchange coupling. The effect of anisotropy on the efficiency of heating (hyperthermic effect) of FeO/Fe3O4 nanoparticles by an external alternating magnetic field was examined. The specific absorption rate (SAR) of the studied nanoparticles was 135 W/g in the experiment with an external alternating magnetic field with a strength of 600 Oe and a frequency of 310 kHz. These data led to an important insight: the saturation magnetization is not the only factor governing the SAR, and the efficiency of heating of magnetic FeO/Fe3O4 nanoparticles may be increased by enhancing the effective anisotropy. Mössbauer spectroscopy of the phase composition of the synthesized nanoparticles clearly revealed the simultaneous presence of three phases: magnetite Fe3O4, maghemite γ-Fe2O3, and wustite FeO.

  15. Neutron irradiation effects in Fe and Fe-Cr at 300 °C

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chen, Wei-Ying; Miao, Yinbin; Gan, Jian; Okuniewski, Maria A.; Maloy, Stuart A.; Stubbins, James F.


    Fe and Fe-Cr (Cr = 10–16 at.%) specimens were neutron-irradiated at 300 °C to 0.01, 0.1 and 1 dpa. The TEM observations indicated that the Cr significantly reduced the mobility of dislocation loops and suppressed vacancy clustering, leading to distinct damage microstructures between Fe and Fe-Cr. Irradiation-induced dislocation loops in Fe were heterogeneously observed in the vicinity of grown-in dislocations, whereas the loop distribution observed in Fe-Cr is much more uniform. Voids were observed in the irradiated Fe samples, but not in irradiated Fe-Cr samples. Increasing Cr content in Fe-Cr results in a higher density, and a smaller size of irradiation-induced dislocation loops. Orowan mechanism was used to correlate the observed microstructure and hardening, which showed that the hardening in Fe-Cr can be attributed to the formation of dislocation loops and α′ precipitates. -- Graphical abstract: Addition of Cr in Fe suppressed the mobility of mobile 1/2<111> dislocation loops and increased the proportion of immobile <100> dislocation loops, leading to a transition of loop distribution from highly heterogeneous to uniform. Display Omitted

  16. Fe-N and (Fe, Ni)-N Fine Powders for Magnetic Recording

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chen Ziyu; Li Fashen


    Combining Moessbauer spectroscopy with magnetic property measurement, we have studied Fe-N and (Fe, Ni)-N powders for magnetic recording. The typical particles of the core (α-Fe)/shell (γ'-Fe 4 N) structure have been successfully prepared. All the products are stabilized in a multi-organic solution. It has been found that the coercivity can be changed from 300 to 800 Oe by adjusting the shape of the particles. The special saturation magnetization of the particles can be adjusted from 120 to 180emu/g and their chemical stability is improved by substituting nickel for iron in γ'-Fe 4 N. Following experiments for corrosion resistance, it is expected that (Fe, Ni)-N and the core/shell particles will be applied as recording media in the near future

  17. Fe-N and (Fe, Ni)-N Fine Powders for Magnetic Recording

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Chen Ziyu; Li Fashen [Lanzhou University, Department of Physics (China)


    Combining Moessbauer spectroscopy with magnetic property measurement, we have studied Fe-N and (Fe, Ni)-N powders for magnetic recording. The typical particles of the core ({alpha}-Fe)/shell ({gamma}'-Fe{sub 4}N) structure have been successfully prepared. All the products are stabilized in a multi-organic solution. It has been found that the coercivity can be changed from 300 to 800 Oe by adjusting the shape of the particles. The special saturation magnetization of the particles can be adjusted from 120 to 180emu/g and their chemical stability is improved by substituting nickel for iron in {gamma}'-Fe{sub 4}N. Following experiments for corrosion resistance, it is expected that (Fe, Ni)-N and the core/shell particles will be applied as recording media in the near future.

  18. Exchange biased FeNi/FeMn bilayers with coercivity and switching field enhanced by FeMn surface oxidation

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    A. V. Svalov


    Full Text Available FeNi/FeMn bilayers were grown in a magnetic field and subjected to heat treatments at temperatures of 50 to 350 °C in vacuum or in a gas mixture containing oxygen. In the as-deposited state, the hysteresis loop of 30 nm FeNi layer was shifted. Low temperature annealing leads to a decrease of the exchange bias field. Heat treatments at higher temperatures in gas mixture result in partial oxidation of 20 nm thick FeMn layer leading to a nonlinear dependence of coercivity and a switching field of FeNi layer on annealing temperature. The maximum of coercivity and switching field were observed after annealing at 300 °C.

  19. Spin-dependent electronic transport characteristics in Fe4N/BiFeO3/Fe4N perpendicular magnetic tunnel junctions (United States)

    Yin, Li; Wang, Xiaocha; Mi, Wenbo


    Perpendicular magnetic tunnel junctions (MTJs) have attracted increasing attention owing to the low energy consumption and wide application prospects. Herewith, against Julliere's formula, an inverse tunnel magnetoresistance (TMR) appears in tetragonal Fe4N/BiFeO3/Fe4N perpendicular MTJs, which is attributed to the binding between the interface resonant tunneling state and central (bordered) hot spots. Especially, antiferromagnetic BiFeO3 shows an extra spin-polarized resonant state in the barrier, which provides a magnetic-barrier factor to affect the tunneling transport in MTJs. Meanwhile, due to the spin-polarized transport in Fe4N/BiFeO3/Fe4N MTJs, the sign of TMR can be tuned by the applied bias. The tunable TMR and resonant magnetic barrier effect pave the way for clarifying the tunneling transport in other junctions and spintronic devices.

  20. Effect of Fe-Mn addition on microstructure and magnetic properties of NdFeB magnetic powders (United States)

    Kurniawan, C.; Purba, A. S.; Setiadi, E. A.; Simbolon, S.; Warman, A.; Sebayang, P.


    In this paper, the effect of Fe-Mn alloy addition on microstructures and magnetic properties of NdFeB magnetic powders was investigated. Varied Fe-Mn compositions of 1, 5, and 10 wt% were mixed with commercial NdFeB type MQA powders for 15 minutes using shaker mill. The characterizations were performed by powder density, PSA, XRD, SEM, and VSM. The Fe-Mn addition increased the powder density of NdFeB/Fe-Mn powders. On the other side, particle size distribution slightly decreased as the Fe-Mn composition increases. Magnetic properties of NdFeB/Fe-Mn powders changed with the increasing of Fe-Mn content. SEM analysis showed the particle size of NdFeB/Fe-Mn powder was smaller as the Fe-Mn composition increases. It showed that NdFeB/Fe-Mn particles have different size and shape for NdFeB and Fe-Mn particles separately. The optimum magnetic properties of NdFeB/Fe-Mn powder was achieved on the 5 wt% Fe-Mn composition with remanence M r = 49.45 emu/g, coercivity H c = 2.201 kOe, and energy product, BH max = 2.15 MGOe.

  1. Ab initio calculations of the Fe(II) and Fe(III) isotopic effects in citrates, nicotianamine, and phytosiderophore, and new Fe isotopic measurements in higher plants (United States)

    Moynier, Frédéric; Fujii, Toshiyuki; Wang, Kun; Foriel, Julien


    Iron is one of the most abundant transition metal in higher plants and variations in its isotopic compositions can be used to trace its utilization. In order to better understand the effect of plant-induced isotopic fractionation on the global Fe cycling, we have estimated by quantum chemical calculations the magnitude of the isotopic fractionation between different Fe species relevant to the transport and storage of Fe in higher plants: Fe(II)-citrate, Fe(III)-citrate, Fe(II)-nicotianamine, and Fe(III)-phytosiderophore. The ab initio calculations show firstly, that Fe(II)-nicotianamine is ˜3‰ (56Fe/54Fe) isotopically lighter than Fe(III)-phytosiderophore; secondly, even in the absence of redox changes of Fe, change in the speciation alone can create up to ˜1.5‰ isotopic fractionation. For example, Fe(III)-phytosiderophore is up to 1.5‰ heavier than Fe(III)-citrate2 and Fe(II)-nicotianamine is up to 1‰ heavier than Fe(II)-citrate. In addition, in order to better understand the Fe isotopic fractionation between different plant components, we have analyzed the iron isotopic composition of different organs (roots, seeds, germinated seeds, leaves and stems) from six species of higher plants: the dicot lentil (Lens culinaris), and the graminaceous monocots Virginia wild rye (Elymus virginicus), Johnsongrass (Sorghum halepense), Kentucky bluegrass (Poa pratensis), river oat (Uniola latifolia), and Indian goosegrass (Eleusine indica). The calculations may explain that the roots of strategy-II plants (Fe(III)-phytosiderophore) are isotopically heavier (by about 1‰ for the δ56Fe) than the upper parts of the plants (Fe transported as Fe(III)-citrate in the xylem or Fe(II)-nicotianamine in the phloem). In addition, we suggest that the isotopic variations observed between younger and older leaves could be explained by mixing of Fe received from the xylem and the phloem.

  2. Análisis de impacto y potencial de transferibilidad de Buenas Prácticas latinoamericanas

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    Susana Simón Tenorio


    Full Text Available ResumenLa escala y el rápido proceso de urbanización de América Latina suponen un reto para las políticas urbanas. El trabajo analiza la tipología, los agentes implicados y los resultados de las políticas urbanas desarrolladas desde la Conferencia de Estambul (1996 de cara a establecer un proceso de reflexión previo a la Conferencia Hábitat III que se celebrará en 2016. Para ello se han identificado  las ciudades más exitosas en el Concurso de Buenas Prácticas y se ha analizado el impacto de las experiencias y su adecuación con los problemas urbanos.Palabras clavePrograma Hábitat, indicadores urbanos, políticas urbanas, Belo Horizonte, Córdoba, Medellín, Montevideo, Santiago de Chile.AbstractThe size, as well as the fast urbanisation process in Latin-América, mean a challenge for Urban Policies. This paper analyses the typology, the skate-holders involved and the results of the developed urban policies since "The Istanbul Conference" in 1996. This is in order to establish a reflection process before the "Habitat Conference III" which will be held in 2016. To that effect, the most successful cities from the Good Practices Competition have been analysed as well as the impact of these experiences and their adequacy to the urban problems. KeywordsHabitat Program, urban indicator, urban policies, Belo Horizonte, Córdoba, Medellín, Montevideo, Santiago de Chile.

  3. Effects of metal ions on the reactivity and corrosion electrochemistry of Fe/FeS nanoparticles. (United States)

    Kim, Eun-Ju; Kim, Jae-Hwan; Chang, Yoon-Seok; Turcio-Ortega, David; Tratnyek, Paul G


    Nano-zerovalent iron (nZVI) formed under sulfidic conditions results in a biphasic material (Fe/FeS) that reduces trichloroethene (TCE) more rapidly than nZVI associated only with iron oxides (Fe/FeO). Exposing Fe/FeS to dissolved metals (Pd(2+), Cu(2+), Ni(2+), Co(2+), and Mn(2+)) results in their sequestration by coprecipitation as dopants into FeS and FeO and/or by electroless precipitation as zerovalent metals that are hydrogenation catalysts. Using TCE reduction rates to probe the effect of metal amendments on the reactivity of Fe/FeS, it was found that Mn(2+) and Cu(2+) decreased TCE reduction rates, while Pd(2+), Co(2+), and Ni(2+) increased them. Electrochemical characterization of metal-amended Fe/FeS showed that aging caused passivation by growth of FeO and FeS phases and poisoning of catalytic metal deposits by sulfide. Correlation of rate constants for TCE reduction (kobs) with electrochemical parameters (corrosion potentials and currents, Tafel slopes, and polarization resistance) and descriptors of hydrogen activation by metals (exchange current density for hydrogen reduction and enthalpy of solution into metals) showed the controlling process changed with aging. For fresh Fe/FeS, kobs was best described by the exchange current density for activation of hydrogen, whereas kobs for aged Fe/FeS correlated with electrochemical descriptors of electron transfer.

  4. Asymmetric interfaces in Fe/Ag and Ag/Fe bilayers prepared by molecular beam evaporation

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Tunyogi, A. [KFKI Research Institute for Particle and Nuclear Physics, P.O. Box 49, H-1525 Budapest (Hungary)]. E-mail:; Paszti, F. [KFKI Research Institute for Particle and Nuclear Physics, P.O. Box 49, H-1525 Budapest (Hungary); Osvath, Z. [MTA Research Institute for Technical Physics and Materials Science, P.O. Box 49, H-1525 Budapest (Hungary); Tancziko, F. [KFKI Research Institute for Particle and Nuclear Physics, P.O. Box 49, H-1525 Budapest (Hungary); Major, M. [KFKI Research Institute for Particle and Nuclear Physics, P.O. Box 49, H-1525 Budapest (Hungary); Szilagyi, E. [KFKI Research Institute for Particle and Nuclear Physics, P.O. Box 49, H-1525 Budapest (Hungary)


    Single layers of Fe and Ag, as well as Fe/Ag (iron deposited first) and Ag/Fe bilayers were prepared by molecular beam evaporation onto Si. The samples were investigated with backscattering spectrometry (BS) and atomic force microscopy (AFM). BS spectra of Fe/Ag and Ag/Fe indicate a significant difference at the interface. In the case of Fe/Ag the Ag peak has a long tail at the interface, while for Ag/Fe the interface is abrupt. The tail in the Fe/Ag spectrum is too large to be caused by double or plural scattering. According to AFM, the effect of surface roughness is also negligible. In spite of the fact that Fe and Ag are completely immiscible in equilibrium, this tail, however, suggests that some Ag is located in the Fe layer. After annealing, both samples show mixing between the two layers; this is much larger again for Fe/Ag.

  5. Influence of ruthenium ions on the precipitation of α-FeOOH, α-Fe2O3 and Fe3O4 in highly alkaline media

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Krehula, Stjepko; Music, Svetozar


    The influence of ruthenium ions on the precipitation of goethite (α-FeOOH), α-Fe 2 O 3 and Fe 3 O 4 in highly alkaline media was investigated by 57 Fe Moessbauer and FT-IR spectroscopies, thermal field emission scanning electron microscope (FE SEM) and EDS. The presence of Ru-dopant strongly affected the precipitation of α-FeOOH at highly alkaline pH, i.e. the formation of α-Fe 2 O 3 was also noticed. A decrease of hyperfine magnetic field (HMF) at RT from 35.1 T (undoped α-FeOOH) to 31.3 T for sample with [Ru]/([Ru] + [Fe]) = 0.0196 was assigned to the incorporation of ruthenium ions into the α-FeOOH structure. Moessbauer spectroscopy showed the formation of stoichiometric Fe 3 O 4 for [Ru]/([Ru] + [Fe]) = 0.0291-0.0909. α-Fe 2 O 3 and Fe 3 O 4 did not show a tendency to the formation of solid solutions with ruthenium ions. FE SEM observations of the samples showed that reference α-FeOOH sample contained acicular particles of good uniformity, which increased the length up to ∼5 times with increase of concentration of ruthenium ions. On the other hand, large octahedral Fe 3 O 4 crystals (particles) were associated with small particles of ruthenium (hydrous) oxide with a size in the range ∼100 nm or less. A possible catalytic action of ruthenium that created reduction conditions for Fe 3+ ions and formation of Fe 2+ ions for precipitation of Fe 3 O 4 was discussed

  6. Experimental and thermodynamic assessments of substitutions in the AlFeSi, FeMnSi, FeSiZr and AlCaFeSi systems (65 wt % Si) - solidification simulation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gueneau, C.; Ansara, I.


    The substitutions of Al Si, Fe Mn and Fe Zr in some intermetallic compounds of the Al-Fe-Si, Fe-Mn-Si and Fe-Si-Zr systems are modelled in the Si-rich corner using a two sublattice model. The solidification paths of the studied alloys are determined at equilibrium. The ascalculated phase volume fractions of the alloys are compared to the experimental ones. Finally, a solidification simulation using the Gulliver-Scheil's model is performed in order to explain the formation of some precipitates experimentally observed. (authors). 14 figs., 19 refs

  7. FeEDDHA-facilitated Fe uptake in relation to the behaviour of FeEDDHA components in the soil-plant system as a function of time and dosage.


    Schenkeveld, W.D.C.; Temminghoff, E.J.M.; Reichwein, A.M.; Riemsdijk, van, W.H.


    FeEDDHA products are widely used to prevent and remedy Fe chlorosis in crops grown on calcareous soils. These products consist of a mixture of FeEDDHA components: racemic o,o-FeEDDHA, meso o,o-FeEDDHA, o,p-FeEDDHA and rest-FeEDDHA. The FeEDDHA components differ in physical and chemical properties, and as a consequence also in effectiveness as Fe fertilizer. In order to efficiently match dose, frequency and moment of FeEDDHA application with the Fe requirements of plants, it is important to un...

  8. Synthesis and characterization of magnetic Fe/CNTs composites with controllable Fe nanoparticle concentration

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhao Fan; Duan Hongyan; Wang Weigao; Wang Jun


    Fe/CNTs composites, with different concentrations of Fe nanoparticles (NPs) on carbon nanotube (CNT) surfaces, were successfully fabricated via a facile solvothermal method. The lengths of CNTs are up to 10 μm and the mean diameter of the Fe nanoparticles is about 25 nm. The structures, composition and magnetic properties of the Fe/CNTs were characterized by XRD, FTIR, FE-SEM, TEM and PPMS. We found that the concentrations of Fe nanoparticles depositing on the CNTs could be controlled by adjusting the initial mass ratio of ferrocene to CNTs. The Fe/CNTs composites display good ferromagnetic properties at room temperature, with a saturation magnetization of 125 emu/g-Fe and a coercivity of 276 Oe. The Curie temperature of the sample is about 1038 K, slightly lower than that (1043 K) of the bulk iron.

  9. Horticultura periurbana: Implementación de un programa de “buenas prácticas” en Pilar

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Luciana Galván


    Full Text Available La producción de verduras que se realiza en la periferia exterior del Área Metropolitana de Buenos Aires (AMBA constituye una actividad esencial a la hora de asegurar el abastecimiento alimentario cotidiano de 13 millones de habitantes. El trabajo se propone sistematizar la experiencia de implementación de un programa que se está llevando a cabo actualmente con 74 productores que se localizan en el partido de Pilar, uno de los más afectados por el avance de la urbanización. El mismo, denominado PRO.A.A.S. (Promoción de la Actividad Agropecuaria Sustentable, se ha instituido durante 2007 a través de un convenio formalizado entre la Municipalidad de Pilar y el Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria. Tiene como propósito que los horticultores, en su gran mayoría de origen boliviano, mejoren sus procedimientos a través de “buenas prácticas” tecno-productivas. El trabajo pretende determinar en qué medida este tipo de experiencias interpelan al investigador sobre los modos de la urbanización en una metrópolis como Buenos Aires considerando que el periurbano, un espacio de interfase urbano-rural, constituye un territorio “de borde”, con la carga simbólica y las dificultades de abordaje metodológico que su situación “transicional” trae aparejada.

  10. Formation and stability of Fe-rich precipitates in dilute Zr(Fe) single-crystal alloys

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zou, H.; Hood, G.M.; Roy, J.A.; Schultz, R.J.


    The formation and stability of Fe-rich precipitates in two α-Zr(Fe) single-crystal alloys with nominal compositions (I, 50 ppma Fe, and II, 650 ppma Fe) have been investigated (the maximum solid solubility of Fe in α-Zr is 180 ppma - 800 C). Optical microscopy, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) have been used to examine the characteristics of Fe-rich precipitates. SEM and TEM micrographs show that in as-grown alloy II, Zr 2 Fe precipitates are located at 'stringers'. Precipitates were not observed in as-grown alloy I. During annealing, below the solvus, Fe diffuses to the surfaces to form Zr 3 Fe precipitates in both alloys. The precipitates on the surfaces of alloy I tend to be star-like (0001) or pyramidal (1010), and their distribution is heterogeneous. Dissolution of Zr 3 Fe surface precipitates of alloy I (annealing above the solvus) leaves precipitate-like features on the surfaces. Zr 2 Fe precipitates in as-grown alloy II can be dissolved only by β-phase annealing. (Author) 8 figs., 18 refs

  11. FeEDDHA-facilitated Fe uptake in relation to the behaviour of FeEDDHA components in the soil-plant system as a function of time and dosage.

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Schenkeveld, W.D.C.; Temminghoff, E.J.M.; Reichwein, A.M.; Riemsdijk, van W.H.


    FeEDDHA products are widely used to prevent and remedy Fe chlorosis in crops grown on calcareous soils. These products consist of a mixture of FeEDDHA components: racemic o,o-FeEDDHA, meso o,o-FeEDDHA, o,p-FeEDDHA and rest-FeEDDHA. The FeEDDHA components differ in physical and chemical properties,

  12. Fe(II)/Fe(III)-Catalyzed Intramolecular Didehydro-Diels-Alder Reaction of Styrene-ynes. (United States)

    Mun, Hyeon Jin; Seong, Eun Young; Ahn, Kwang-Hyun; Kang, Eun Joo


    The intramolecular didehydro-Diels-Alder reaction of styrene-ynes was catalyzed by Fe(II) and Fe(III) to produce various naphthalene derivatives under microwave heating conditions. Mechanistic calculations found that the Fe(II) catalyst activates the styrenyl diene in an inverse-electron-demand Diels-Alder reaction, and the consecutive dehydrogenation reaction can be promoted by either Fe(II)-catalyzed direct dehydrogenation or an Fe(III)-catalyzed rearomatization/dehydrogenation pathway.

  13. Mössbauer spectroscopic studies in U-Fe and U-Fe-Zr alloys

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Panda, Alaka; Singh, L. Herojit; Rajagopalan, S.; Govindaraj, R., E-mail:; Ramachandran, Renjith; Kalavathi, S.; Amarendra, G. [Materials Science Group, Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research, Kalpakkam (India)


    {sup 57}Fe Mössbauer studies have been carried out in an alloy of U and Fe with atomic percentage in the ratio of 68%:32% in order to understand the local structure and valence of Fe atoms associated with different phases that may get formed. The effect of changes in the hyperfine parameters such as isomer shift and quadrupole splitting at Fe sites due to additional alloying of Zr has been studied in an alloy of U, Fe and Zr in the ratio of 44%:33%:23% respectively with respect to that of the U-Fe alloy chosen in the present study. Possible effect of solute clustering in these systems has been addressed in an analogous alloy of uranium and zirconium using positron lifetime spectroscopy.

  14. Reactions of laser-ablated iron atoms and cations with carbon monoxide: Infrared spectra of FeCO+, Fe(CO)2+, Fe(CO)x, and Fe(CO)x- (x=1-4) in solid neon (United States)

    Zhou, Mingfei; Andrews, Lester


    Laser-ablated iron atoms, cations, and electrons have been reacted with CO molecules during condensation in excess neon. The FeCO molecule is observed at 1933.7 cm-1 in solid neon. Based on isotopic shifts and density functional calculations, the FeCO molecule has the same 3Σ- ground state in solid neon that has been observed at 1946.5 cm-1 in a recent high resolution gas phase investigation [Tanaka et al., J. Chem. Phys. 106, 2118 (1997)]. The C-O stretching vibration of the Fe(CO)2 molecule is observed at 1917.1 cm-1 in solid neon, which is in excellent agreement with the 1928.2 cm-1 gas phase value for the linear molecule. Anions and cations are also produced and trapped, absorptions at 1782.0, 1732.9, 1794.5, and 1859.7 cm-1 are assigned to the linear FeCO-, Fe(CO)2-, trigonal planar Fe(CO)3-, and C3v Fe(CO)4- anions, respectively, and 2123.0, 2134.0 cm-1 absorptions to the linear FeCO+ and Fe(CO)2+ cations. Doping these experiments with CCl4 virtually eliminates the anion absorptions and markedly increases the cation absorptions, which confirms the charge identifications. Higher iron carbonyl Fe(CO)3, Fe(CO)4, and Fe(CO)5 absorptions are produced on photolysis.

  15. Desarrollo de materiales compuestos tipo Cermet de matriz Fe

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Gordo, E.


    Full Text Available The objective of this study aims to the development of Fe-matrix composites with high carbide content to achieve properties between high-speed steels (HSS and cemented carbides. Cemented carbides are harder and show higher wear resistance than HSS, but lower toughness. Besides, the substitution of Co or Ni for other binders is desirable due to the carcinogen character of these metals. In this work, a material constituted by an iron matrix and a 50 % wt of WC and TaC carbides is developed. Highenergy milling has been used to obtain composite powders presenting a good bonding and homogeneous distribution of the carbides in the matrix. Those powders were characterised and compacted by die pressing. The green compacts were sintered at different temperatures, and properties like hardness and density were determined. Also, the wear behaviour was studied and microstructural analysis by SEM was carried out to complete the study.

    El objetivo de este trabajo es el desarrollo de materiales compuestos de matriz Fe con alto contenido en carburos con propiedades entre los aceros rápidos y los carburos cementados, ya que estos últimos son más duros y presentan mayor resistencia al desgaste que los primeros pero también menor tenacidad. Además, se hace deseable la sustitución de Co o Ni por otros aglomerantes debido a los riesgos medioambientales y para la salud que estos metales representan. En este trabajo se estudia la obtención de un material formado por una matriz de acero con adición de 50 % en masa de carburos de wolframio (WC y tantalio (TaC. Para ello se han utilizado técnicas de molienda de alta energía que permiten obtener un polvo compuesto con una buena unión metal-cerámica y una distribución homogénea de carburos en la matriz. Después de la caracterización del polvo compuesto se compactaron probetas en matriz uniaxial con objeto de estudiar la sinterabilidad del material. Los compactos fueron sinterizados en vacío a

  16. Stability of the high pressure phase Fe3S2 up to Earth's core pressures in the Fe-S-O and the Fe-S-Si systems (United States)

    Zurkowski, C. C.; Chidester, B.; Davis, A.; Brauser, N.; Greenberg, E.; Prakapenka, V. B.; Campbell, A.


    Earth's core is comprised of an iron-nickel alloy that contains 5-15% of a light element component. The abundance and alloying capability of sulfur, silicon and oxygen in the bulk Earth make them important core alloy candidates; therefore, the high-pressure phase equilibria of the Fe-S-O and Fe-S-Si systems are relevant for understanding the possible chemistry of Earth's core. Previously, a Fe3S2 phase was recognized as a low-pressure intermediate phase in the Fe-FeS system that is stable from 14-21 GPa, but the structure of this phase has not been resolved. We report in-situ XRD and chemical analysis of recovered samples to further examine the stability and structure of Fe3S2 as it coexists with other phases in the Fe-S-O and Fe-S-Si systems. In situ high P-T synchrotron XRD experiments were conducted in the laser-heated diamond anvil cell to determine the equilibrium phases in Fe75S7O18 and Fe80S5Si15 compositions between 30 and 174 GPa and up to 3000 K. In the S,O-rich samples, an orthorhombic Fe3S2 phase coexists with hcp-Fe, Fe3S and FeO and undergoes two monoclinic distortions between 60 and 174 GPa. In the S,Si-rich samples, the orthorhombic Fe3S2 phase was observed up to 115 GPa. With increasing pressure, the Fe3S2 phase becomes stable to higher temperatures in both compositions, suggesting possible Fe3(S,O)2 or Fe3(S,Si)2 solid solutions. SEM analysis of a laser heated Fe75S7O18 sample recovered from 40 GPa and 1450 K confirms a Fe3(S,O)2 phase with O dissolved into the structure. Based on the current melting data in the Fe-S-O and Fe-S-Si systems, the Fe3(S,O)2 stability field intersects the solidus in the outer core and could be a possible liquidus phase in Fe,S,O-rich planetary cores, whereas Fe3S is the stable sulfide at outer core pressures in Fe,S,Si-rich systems.

  17. Moessbauer and XRD study of pulse plated Fe-P and Fe-Ni thin layers

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Miko, Annamaria; Kuzmann, Erno; Lakatos-Varsanyi, Magda; Kakay, Attila; Nagy, Ferenc; Varga, Lajos Karoly


    57 Fe conversion electron Moessbauer spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction, electrochemical and magnetic measurements were used to study pulse electroplated Fe-P and Ni-Fe coatings. XRD and 57 Fe CEMS measurements revealed the amorphous character of the novel pulse plated Fe-P alloys. CEM spectra indicated significant differences in the short range order and in the magnetic anisotropy between the Fe-P deposits pulse plated at medium long deposition time (t on = 2 ms), with short relaxation time (t off = 9 ms) and low current density (I p = 0.05 Acm -2 ) or at short deposition time (t on = 1 ms) with long relaxation time (t off = 250 ms) and high current density (I p = 1.0 Acm -2 ). The broad peaks centred around the fcc reflections in XRD of the pulse plated Ni-22 wt.% Fe deposit reflected a microcrystalline Ni-Fe alloy with a very fine, 5-8 nm, grain size. The CEM spectrum of the pulse plated Ni-22 wt.% Fe coating corresponded to a highly disordered solid solution alloy containing a minute amount of ferrihydrite. Extreme favourable soft magnetic properties were observed with these Ni-Fe and Fe-P pulse plated thin layers.

  18. Characterization of rust layer formed on Fe, Fe-Ni and Fe-Cr alloys exposed to Cl-rich environment by Cl and Fe K-edge XANES measurements

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Konishi, Hiroyuki; Mizuki, Jun'ichiro; Yamashita, Masato; Uchida, Hitoshi


    Chloride in atmosphere considerably reduces the corrosion resistance of conventional weathering steel containing a small amount of Cr. Ni is an effective anticorrosive element for improving the corrosion resistance of steel in a Cl-rich environment. In order to clarify the structure of the protective rust layer of weathering steel, Cl and Fe K-edge X-ray absorption near edge structure (XANES) spectra of atmospheric corrosion products (rust) formed on Fe, Fe-Ni and Fe-Cr alloys exposed to Cl-rich atmosphere were measured. The Fe K-XANES measurements enable the characterization of mixture of iron oxides such as rust. The chemical composition of the rust was determined by performing pattern fitting of the measured spectra. All the rust is composed mainly of goethite, akaganeite, lepidocrocite and magnetite. Among these iron oxides, akaganeite in particular is the major component in the rust. Additionally, the amount of akaganeite in the rust of Fe-Ni alloy is much greater than that in rust of Fe-Cr alloy. Akaganeite is generally considered to facilitate the corrosion of steel, but our results indicate that akaganeite in the rust of Fe-Ni alloy is quantitatively different from that in rust of Fe-Cr alloy and does not facilitate the corrosion of steel. The shoulder peak observed in Cl K-XANES spectra reveals that the rust contains a chloride other than akaganeite. The energy of the shoulder peak does not correspond to that of any well-known chlorides. In the measured spectra, there is no proof that Cl, by combining with the alloying element, inhibits the alloying element from acting in corrosion resistance. The shoulder peak appears only when the content of the alloying element is lower than a certain value. This suggests that the generation of the unidentified chloride is related to the corrosion rate of steel. (author)

  19. Speciative Determination of Dissolved Inorganic Fe(II), Fe(III) and Total Fe in Natural Waters by Coupling CPE with FAAS

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gurkan, R.; Altunay, N.


    A new cloud point extraction (CPE) method for the preconcentration of trace iron speciation in natural waters prior to determination by flame atomic absorption spectrometry (FAAS) was developed in the present study. In this method, Fe(II) sensitively and selectively reacts with Calcon carboxylic acid (CCA) in presence of cetylpyridinium chloride (CPC) yielding a hydrophobic complex at pH 10.5, which is then entrapped in surfactant-rich phase. Total Fe was accurately and reliably determined after the reduction of Fe(III) to Fe(II) with sulfite. The amount of Fe(III) in samples was determined from the difference between total Fe and Fe(II). CPC was used not only as an auxiliary ligand in CPE, but also as sensitivity enhancement agent in FAAS. The nonionic surfactant, polyethylene glycol tert-octylphenyl ether (Triton X-114) was used as an extracting agent. The analytical variables affecting CPE efficiency were investigated in detail. The preconcentration/enhancement factors of 50 and 82 respectively, were obtained for the preconcentration of Fe(II) with 50 mL solution. Under the optimized conditions, the detection limit of Fe(II) in linear range of 0.2-60 μg L/sup -1/ was 0.06 μg L/sup -1/. The relative standard deviation was 2.7 percentage (20 μg L/sup -1/, N: 5), recoveries for Fe(II) were in range of 99.0-102.0 percentage for all water samples including certified reference materials (CRMs). In order to verify its accuracy, two CRMs were analyzed and the results obtained were statistically in good agreement with the certified values. (author)

  20. Properties of porous FeAlOy/FeAlx ceramic matrix composite ...

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    Home; Journals; Bulletin of Materials Science; Volume 36; Issue 7. Properties of porous FeAlO/FeAl ceramic matrix composite influenced by mechanical activation of FeAl powder. V Usoltsev S Tikhov A Salanov V Sadykov G Golubkova O Lomovskii. Volume 36 Issue 7 December 2013 pp 1195-1200 ...

  1. Obtention of the TiFe compound by high-energy milling of Ti+Fe and TiH{sub 2}+Fe powder mixtures; Obtencao do composto TiFe a partir da moagem de alta energia de misturas Ti+Fe e TiH{sub 2}+Fe

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Falcao, R.B.; Dammann, E.D.C.C.; Rocha, C.J.; Leal Neto, R.M., E-mail: railson.falcao@usp.b [Instituto de Pesquisas Energeticas e Nucleares (IPEN/CNEN-SP), Sao Paulo, SP (Brazil). Centro de Ciencias e Tecnologia de Materiais. Lab. de Intermetalicos


    In this work TiFe compound was obtained by two process routes involving high-energy ball milling: mechanical alloying from Ti and Fe powders (route 1) and mechanical milling from TiH{sub 2} and Fe powders, both followed by an annealing heat treatment. Shaker and planetary ball mills were utilized for times varying from 1-25 hours. Milled and annealed powders were characterized by SEM and X-ray diffraction analyses. TiFe compound was formed in both routes. A strong powder adherence in the milling vial and balls occurred with route 1 in both mills. Powder adherence was significantly reduced by using TiH{sub 2} (route 2) mainly in the planetary mill, in spite of TiFe formation has only occurred after the annealing treatment. (author)

  2. Spectrophotometric speciation of Fe(II) and Fe(III) using hydrazone-micelle systems and flow injections

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Khojali, Inas Osman


    Two hydrazones were synthesised, namely salicylhyrazone (SH) and trihydroxyacetophenone (THAPH) were synthesised with the objective of developing a method for determining of Fe(II) and Fe(III) in the presence of each other and hence the total iron.those hydrazones were selected so as to combine the ability of phenolic compounds to complex Fe(III) ions and the complexing characteristics of hydrazones. The complexes of Fe(II) S H and Fe(III) S H as well those of Fe(II)-THAPH and Fe(III)-THAPH had shown maximum absorbance at λ=412 nm which was not not modified by presence of micelles i.e. sodium n-dodecyl sulphate (SDS) and n-hexa dodecyl pyridinium bromide. The maximum absorbance for all complexes takes place around a neutral pH. Generally, in addition, of n-hexa dodecylpyridinium bromide to fe(II)-SH and Fe(III)-SH absorbance of the complexes increases with increasing the concentration of the micelle. The effects of the addition of sodium n-dodecyle sulphate (SDS) to Fe(III)-SH is also studied. Generally, increasing the concentration of the micelle decrease the absorbance of the complexes. To study the effect of the presence of Fe(II) and Fe(III) on the determination of each other,mixtures of Fe(II)-SH and Fe(III)-SH are studied. However, the use of ascorbic acid as a reducing reagent for Fe(III) did not produce the needed results but non reducible results, which may be due to the masking effect of ascorbic acid and thus making the metal not available to the ligand. However, conversion of Fe(II) to Fe(III) prior to the determination was avoided as this requires the use of oxidant, which will oxidise the ligand as well. To establish the condition for the maximum absorbance of THAPH complexes, the effect of the base was investigated by using sodium and ammonium hydroxide. Generally, increasing the concentration of the base decreases the abosrbance. as expected, ammonium hydroxide produced positive results than sodium hydroxide. After establishing the optimum Fi

  3. CO-Bridged H-Cluster Intermediates in the Catalytic Mechanism of [FeFe]-Hydrogenase CaI. (United States)

    Ratzloff, Michael W; Artz, Jacob H; Mulder, David W; Collins, Reuben T; Furtak, Thomas E; King, Paul W


    The [FeFe]-hydrogenases ([FeFe] H 2 ases) catalyze reversible H 2 activation at the H-cluster, which is composed of a [4Fe-4S] H subsite linked by a cysteine thiolate to a bridged, organometallic [2Fe-2S] ([2Fe] H ) subsite. Profoundly different geometric models of the H-cluster redox states that orchestrate the electron/proton transfer steps of H 2 bond activation have been proposed. We have examined this question in the [FeFe] H 2 ase I from Clostridium acetobutylicum (CaI) by Fourier-transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy with temperature annealing and H/D isotope exchange to identify the relevant redox states and define catalytic transitions. One-electron reduction of H ox led to formation of H red H + ([4Fe-4S] H 2+ -Fe I -Fe I ) and H red ' ([4Fe-4S] H 1+ -Fe II -Fe I ), with both states characterized by low frequency μ-CO IR modes consistent with a fully bridged [2Fe] H . Similar μ-CO IR modes were also identified for H red H + of the [FeFe] H 2 ase from Chlamydomonas reinhardtii (CrHydA1). The CaI proton-transfer variant C298S showed enrichment of an H/D isotope-sensitive μ-CO mode, a component of the hydride bound H-cluster IR signal, H hyd . Equilibrating CaI with increasing amounts of NaDT, and probed at cryogenic temperatures, showed H red H + was converted to H hyd . Over an increasing temperature range from 10 to 260 K catalytic turnover led to loss of H hyd and appearance of H ox , consistent with enzymatic turnover and H 2 formation. The results show for CaI that the μ-CO of [2Fe] H remains bridging for all of the "H red " states and that H red H + is on pathway to H hyd and H 2 evolution in the catalytic mechanism. These results provide a blueprint for designing small molecule catalytic analogs.

  4. Magnetic and structural characterizations on nanoparticles of FePt, FeRh and their composites

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ko, Hnin Yu Yu; Suzuki, Takao; Nam, Nguyen T.; Phuoc, Nguyen N.; Cao Jiangwei; Hirotsu, Yoshihiko


    The various compositions of FePt and FeRh nanoparticles, and their composite particles have been fabricated by the solution-phase chemical method and their magnetic properties characterized. High-resolution transmission electron microscopic observations indicate that mono-dispersed FeRh and FePt/FeRh nanoparticles are fabricated with the average size of 3-5 nm. However, larger size particles are distributed in the annealed state. From X-ray diffraction results, the as-deposited FeRh nanoparticles reveal a chemically disordered fcc structure which can be transformed into CsCl-type structure through thermal annealing. Similarly, the annealed FePt nanoparticles show the L1 0 -phase fct structure although the fcc structure is apparent in the as-deposited state. It is also found that the first time in the exchange bias effect in the composite of ferromagnetic (FePt) and anti-ferromagnetic (FeRh) nanoparticles; result in a shift of the hysteresis loop after field cooling process

  5. Diseño e implementación de un programa de buenas prácticas de almacenamiento en una industria multinacional cosmética. Caso aplicado a productos AVON Ecuador S.A.


    Pereira Ordóñez, Gabriela Soledad


    Para Avon, su objetivo fundamental es conseguir la satisfacción de sus representantes, y para ello tenemos presente que la calidad de los productos es primordial para que este objetivo se cumpla; por ello la compañía se ve en la obligación sobre el cumplimiento de estándares de producto como en su manejo, almacenamiento y distribución. La implementación de las Buenas Prácticas de Almacenamiento se la realizó en el Centro de Distribución Avon Ecuador, partiendo de una necesidad ...

  6. Moessbauer and XRD study of pulse plated Fe-P and Fe-Ni thin layers

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Miko, Annamaria [Bay Zoltan Institute for Material Science (Hungary); Kuzmann, Erno, E-mail: [Eoetvoes Lorand University, Research Group for Nuclear Methods in Structural Chemistry, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Department of Nuclear Chemistry (Hungary); Lakatos-Varsanyi, Magda [Bay Zoltan Institute for Material Science (Hungary); Kakay, Attila [Research Institute for Solid State Physics and Optics (Hungary); Nagy, Ferenc [Eoetvoes Lorand University, Research Group for Nuclear Methods in Structural Chemistry, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Department of Nuclear Chemistry (Hungary); Varga, Lajos Karoly [Research Institute for Solid State Physics and Optics (Hungary)


    {sup 57}Fe conversion electron Moessbauer spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction, electrochemical and magnetic measurements were used to study pulse electroplated Fe-P and Ni-Fe coatings. XRD and {sup 57}Fe CEMS measurements revealed the amorphous character of the novel pulse plated Fe-P alloys. CEM spectra indicated significant differences in the short range order and in the magnetic anisotropy between the Fe-P deposits pulse plated at medium long deposition time (t{sub on} = 2 ms), with short relaxation time (t{sub off} = 9 ms) and low current density (I{sub p} = 0.05 Acm{sup -2}) or at short deposition time (t{sub on} = 1 ms) with long relaxation time (t{sub off} = 250 ms) and high current density (I{sub p} = 1.0 Acm{sup -2}). The broad peaks centred around the fcc reflections in XRD of the pulse plated Ni-22 wt.% Fe deposit reflected a microcrystalline Ni-Fe alloy with a very fine, 5-8 nm, grain size. The CEM spectrum of the pulse plated Ni-22 wt.% Fe coating corresponded to a highly disordered solid solution alloy containing a minute amount of ferrihydrite. Extreme favourable soft magnetic properties were observed with these Ni-Fe and Fe-P pulse plated thin layers.

  7. Accumulation of Fe oxyhydroxides in the Peruvian oxygen deficient zone implies non-oxygen dependent Fe oxidation (United States)

    Heller, Maija I.; Lam, Phoebe J.; Moffett, James W.; Till, Claire P.; Lee, Jong-Mi; Toner, Brandy M.; Marcus, Matthew A.


    Oxygen minimum zones (OMZs) have been proposed to be an important source of dissolved iron (Fe) into the interior ocean. However, previous studies in OMZs have shown a sharp decrease in total dissolved Fe (dFe) and/or dissolved Fe(II) (dFe(II)) concentrations at the shelf-break, despite constant temperature, salinity and continued lack of oxygen across the shelf-break. The loss of both total dFe and dFe(II) suggests a conversion of the dFe to particulate form, but studies that have coupled the reduction-oxidation (redox) speciation of both dissolved and particulate phases have not previously been done. Here we have measured the redox speciation and concentrations of both dissolved and particulate forms of Fe in samples collected during the U.S. GEOTRACES Eastern tropical Pacific Zonal Transect (EPZT) cruise in 2013 (GP16). This complete data set allows us to assess possible mechanisms for loss of dFe. We observed an offshore loss of dFe(II) within the oxygen deficient zone (ODZ), where dissolved oxygen is undetectable, accompanied by an increase in total particulate Fe (pFe). Total pFe concentrations were highest in the upper ODZ. X-ray absorption spectroscopy revealed that the pFe maximum was primarily in the Fe(III) form as Fe(III) oxyhydroxides. The remarkable similarity in the distributions of total particulate iron and nitrite suggests a role for nitrite in the oxidation of dFe(II) to pFe(III). We present a conceptual model for the rapid redox cycling of Fe that occurs in ODZs, despite the absence of oxygen.

  8. Informatividade dos lucros contábeis e divulgação dos ativos biológicos: evidências brasileiras


    Holanda, Allan Pinheiro


    A pesquisa tem o objetivo de investigar a influência exercida pela divulgação dos ativos biológicos na informatividade dos lucros contábeis nas firmas brasileiras listadas na BM&FBovespa, considerando-se o período de 2010 a 2011. Para a investigação da informatividade dos ativos biológicos foi utilizada a adaptação dos modelos propostos por Easton e Harris (1991) e Francis e Schipper (1999). Os ativos biológicos, por sua vez, foram mensurados de duas maneiras, pela simples existência da c...

  9. Structural and magnetic study of mechanically deformed Fe rich FeAlSi ternary alloys

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Legarra, E.; Apiñaniz, E.; Plazaola, F.


    Highlights: ► Addition of Si to binary Fe–Al alloys makes the disordering more difficult. ► Si addition opposes the large volume increase found in FeAl alloys with deformation. ► Disordering induces a redistribution of non-ferrous atoms around Fe atoms in Fe 75 Al 25−x Si x and Fe 70 Al 30−x Si x . ► Addition of Si to binary Fe 75 Al 25 and Fe 70 Al 30 alloys opposes the magnetic behavior induced by Al in the magnetism of Fe. ► Si inhibits the para-ferro transition found in Fe 60 Al 40 alloy with disordering. - Abstract: In this work we study systematically the influence of different Al/Si ratios on the magnetic and structural properties of mechanically disordered powder Fe 75 Al 25−x Si x , Fe 70 Al 30−x Si x and Fe 60 Al 40−x Si x alloys by means of Mössbauer spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction and magnetic measurements. In order to obtain different stages of disorder the alloys were deformed by different methods: crushing induction melted alloys and ball milling annealed (ordered) alloys using different number of balls and speed. X-ray and Mössbauer data show that mechanical deformation induces the disordered A2 structure in these alloys. The results indicate that addition of Si to binary Fe–Al alloys makes the disordering more difficult. In addition, X-ray diffraction patterns show that the normalized lattice parameter variation of the disordered alloys of each composition decreases monotonically with Si content, indicating clearly that Si addition opposes the large volume increase found in FeAl alloys with deformation. The study of the hyperfine fields indicates that there is a redistribution of non-ferrous atoms around Fe atoms with the disordering; indeed, there is an inversion of the behavior of the hyperfine field of the Fe atoms. On the other hand, the magnetic measurements indicate that addition of Si to binary Fe 75 Al 25 and Fe 70 Al 30 alloys opposes the magnetic behavior induced by Al in the magnetism of Fe.

  10. Spectral distribution of Fe2+ photoionization cross section in InP:Fe

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Iikawa, F.


    Measurements of Fe 2+ ( 5 E) photoionization cross section in InP at 80 0 K, using constant current photoconductivity technique, were done. The spectrum presents a threshold energy of ∼ 0,65 eV due to the transition from Fe 2+ charge state, in the ground state, to Fe 3+ with an electron emission for the minimum conduction band. In the measurement of photoluminescence at ∼ 2 0 K, a wide emission of Fe complexe with the strong lattice interaction. In order to analyse the experimental data of Fe 2+ cross section in InP, a theoretical model was used. (M.C.K.) [pt

  11. Estudo de oxidação avançada de corantes básicos via reação Fenton (Fe2+/H2O2

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Thiago Romário Soares Paulino


    Full Text Available RESUMOO processo de oxidação avançada do tipo reação Fenton (Fe2+/H2O2 foi estudado neste trabalho para descoloração de dois efluentes sintéticos, contendo os corantes Azul de Metileno (AM e Rodamina B (RB. Experimentalmente, soluções em concentração de 10 mg L-1 dos corantes foram submetidas a diferentes dosagens de agente oxidante (H2O2 e catalisador (Fe2+ em uma temperatura de 27 °C e pH 3. Os resultados obtidos apresentaram altos níveis de remoção de cor, com eficiência da ordem de 96% para o AM e 86% no RB. Os dados mostraram bom ajuste ao modelo cinético. O monitoramento do espectro de absorção dos corantes mostrou uma diminuição da amplitude dos picos relacionados aos grupos cromóforos em ambos compostos, corroborando com os níveis de eficiência alcançados. A análise de remoção de matéria orgânica em termos de Demanda Química de Oxigênio (DQO não acompanhou a mesma taxa de decréscimo de descoloração, obtendo-se reduções de 40,9% para o AM e 25,5% para o RB.

  12. Insights into Resistance to Fe Deficiency Stress from a Comparative Study of In Vitro-Selected Novel Fe-Efficient and Fe-Inefficient Potato Plants

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Georgina A. Boamponsem


    Full Text Available Iron (Fe deficiency induces chlorosis (IDC in plants and can result in reduced plant productivity. Therefore, development of Fe-efficient plants is of great interest. To gain a better understanding of the physiology of Fe-efficient plants, putative novel plant variants were regenerated from potato (Solanum tubersosum L. var. ‘Iwa’ callus cultures selected under Fe deficient or low Fe supply (0–5 μM Fe. Based on visual chlorosis rating (VCR, 23% of callus-derived regenerants were classified as Fe-efficient (EF and 77% as Fe-inefficient (IFN plant lines when they were grown under Fe deficiency conditions. Stem height was found to be highly correlated with internodal distance, leaf and root lengths in the EF plant lines grown under Fe deficiency conditions. In addition, compared to the IFN plant lines and control parental biotype, the EF plants including the lines named A1, B2, and B9, exhibited enhanced formation of lateral roots and root hairs as well as increased expression of ferritin (fer3 in the leaf and iron-regulated transporter (irt1 in the root. These morphological adaptations and changes in expression the fer3 and irt1 genes of the selected EF potato lines suggest that they are associated with resistance to low Fe supply stress.

  13. Interstitial Fe in MgO

    CERN Document Server

    Mølholt, T E; Gunnlaugsson, H P; Svane, A; Masenda, H; Naidoo, D; Bharuth-Ram, K; Fanciulli, M; Gislason, H P; Johnston, K; Langouche, G; Ólafsson, S; Sielemann, R; Weyer, G


    Isolated Fe-57 atoms were studied in MgO single-crystals by emission Mossbauer spectroscopy following implantation of Mn-57 decaying to Fe-57. Four Mossbauer spectral components were found corresponding to different Fe lattice positions and/or charge states. Two components represent Fe atoms substituting Mg as Fe2+ and Fe3+, respectively; a third component is due to Fe in a strongly implantation-induced disturbed region. The fourth component, which is the focus of this paper, can be assigned to Fe at an interstitial site. Comparison of its measured isomer shift with ab initio calculations suggests that the interstitial Fe is located on, or close to, the face of the rock-salt MgO structure. To harmonize such an assignment with the measured near-zero quadrupole interaction a local motion process (cage motion) of the Fe has to be stipulated. The relation of such a local motion as a starting point for long range diffusion is discussed.

  14. Alterações clínicas e hematológicas em gatos domésticos naturalmente infectados pelo Vírus da Leucemia Felina (FeLV

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Nádia Rossi de Almeida


    Full Text Available O Vírus da Leucemia Felina (FeLV é um retrovírus imunossupressor e o maior causador de morte dentre as doenças infecciosas felinas. O FeLV induz ao desenvolvimento de distúrbios degenerativos e/ou mieloproliferativos nos animais infectados, que sucumbem à infecções oportunistas devido à imunossupressão. As alterações nos parâmetros hematológicos em gatos FeLV positivos muitas vezes não condizem com o estado clínico do animal, podendo o mesmo ser um portador assintomático apresentando alterações hematológicas, ou sintomático sem alterações nestes parâmetros. O objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar as alterações nos parâmetros clínicos e hematológicos de gatos domésticos infectados naturalmente pelo FeLV, nas fases sintomáticas e assintomáticas da doença. Desta forma, foram selecionados 40 gatos domiciliados previamente testados como positivos para o FeLV pela técnica de imunofluorescência indireta. O exame físico foi realizado e os animais foram separados em dois grupos: os gatos sintomáticos e os assintomáticos para a infecção. Amostras de sangue para a realização de hemograma foram coletadas de ambos os grupos e o teste estatístico ANOVA foi realizado para a comparação das alterações hematológicas. O exame clínico indicou 37,5% dos gatos como portadores assintomáticos e 62,5% sintomáticos, sendo a perda de peso e alterações de mucosas os achados mais frequentes. O hemograma evidenciou anemia e linfopenia como os parâmetros hematológicos que apresentaram diferenças estatísticas entre os dois grupos estudados, sendo que 56% dos gatos assintomáticos apresentaram anemia. Em face aos resultados encontrados, concluiu-se que gatos FeLV positivos sintomáticos apresentaram alterações hematológicas condizentes com o quadro de imunossupressão clínico.

  15. A method for determination of [Fe3+]/[Fe2+] ratio in superparamagnetic iron oxide (United States)

    Jiang, Changzhao; Yang, Siyu; Gan, Neng; Pan, Hongchun; Liu, Hong


    Superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles (SPION), as a kind of nanophase materials, are widely used in biomedical application, such as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), drug delivery, and magnetic field assisted therapy. The magnetic property of SPION has close connection with its crystal structure, namely it is related to the ratio of Fe3+ and Fe2+ which form the SPION. So a simple way to determine the content of the Fe3+ and Fe2+ is important for researching the property of SPION. This review covers a method for determination of the Fe3+ and Fe2+ ratio in SPION by UV-vis spectrophotometry based the reaction of Fe2+ and 1,10-phenanthroline. The standard curve of Fe with R2 = 0.9999 is used for determination the content of Fe2+ and total iron with 2.5 mL 0.01% (w/v) SPION digested by HCl, pH = 4.30 HOAc-NaAc buffer 10 mL, 0.01% (w/v) 1,10-phenanthroline 5 mL and 10% (w/v) ascorbic acid 1 mL for total iron determine independently. But the presence of Fe3+ interfere with obtaining the actual value of Fe2+ (the error close to 9%). We designed a calibration curve to eliminate the error by devising a series of solution of different ratio of [Fe3+]/[Fe2+], and obtain the calibration curve. Through the calibration curve, the error between the measured value and the actual value can be reduced to 0.4%. The R2 of linearity of the method is 0.99441 and 0.99929 for Fe2+ and total iron respectively. The error of accuracy of recovery and precision of inter-day and intra-day are both lower than 2%, which can prove the reliability of the determination method.

  16. Electric-field tunable perpendicular magnetic anisotropy in tetragonal Fe4N/BiFeO3 heterostructures (United States)

    Yin, Li; Wang, Xiaocha; Mi, Wenbo


    Electric field control on perpendicular magnetic anisotropy (PMA) is indispensable for spintronic devices. Herewith, in tetragonal Fe4N/BiFeO3 heterostructures with the FeAFeB/Fe-O2 interface, PMA in each Fe4N layer, not merely interfacial layers, is modulated by the electric field, which is attributed to the broken spin screening of the electric field in highly spin-polarized Fe4N. Moreover, the periodical dx y+dy z+dz2 and dx y+dx2-y2 orbital-PMA oscillation enhances the interactions between adjacent FeAFeB and (FeB)2N atomic layers, which benefits the electric field modulation on PMA in the whole Fe4N atomic layers. The electric-field control on PMA in Fe4N/BiFeO3 heterostructures is favored by the electric-field-lifted potential in Fe4N.

  17. Magnetic nanowires (Fe, Fe-Co, Fe-Ni – magnetic moment reorientation in respect of wires composition

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    Kalska-Szostko Beata


    Full Text Available Magnetic nanowires of Fe, Fe-Co, and Fe-Ni alloy and layered structure were prepared by electrochemical alternating current (AC deposition method. The morphology of the nanowires in and without the matrix was studied by energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX, scanning electron microscopy (SEM, and X-ray diffraction (XRD, respectively. The wires either show strong dependence on the combination of elements deposition (alloy or layered or chemical composition (Co or Ni. The magnetic properties of the nanostructures were determined on the basis of Mössbauer spectroscopy (MS.

  18. Fe-Impregnated Mineral Colloids for Peroxide Activation: Effects of Mineral Substrate and Fe Precursor. (United States)

    Li, Yue; Machala, Libor; Yan, Weile


    Heterogeneous iron species at the mineral/water interface are important catalysts for the generation of reactive oxygen species at circumneutral pH. One significant pathway leading to the formation of such species arises from deposition of dissolved iron onto mineral colloids due to changes in redox conditions. This study investigates the catalytic properties of Fe impregnated on silica, alumina, and titania nanoparticles (as prototypical mineral colloids). Fe impregnation was carried out by immersing the mineral nanoparticles in dilute Fe(II) or Fe(III) solutions at pH 6 and 3, respectively, in an aerobic environment. The uptake of iron per unit surface area follows the order of nTiO2 > nAl2O3 > nSiO2 for both types of Fe precursors. Impregnation of mineral particles in Fe(II) solutions results in predominantly Fe(III) species due to efficient surface-mediated oxidation. The catalytic activity of the impregnated solids to produce hydroxyl radical (·OH) from H2O2 decomposition was evaluated using benzoic acid as a probe compound under dark conditions. Invariably, the rates of benzoic acid oxidation with different Fe-laden particles increase with the surface density of Fe until a critical density above which the catalytic activity approaches a plateau, suggesting active Fe species are formed predominantly at low surface loadings. The critical surface density of Fe varies with the mineral substrate as well as the aqueous Fe precursor. Fe impregnated on TiO2 exhibits markedly higher activity than its Al2O3 and SiO2 counterparts. The speciation of interfacial Fe is analyzed with diffuse reflectance UV-vis analysis and interpretation of the data in the context of benzoic oxidation rates suggests that the surface activity of the solids for ·OH generation correlates strongly with the isolated (i.e., mononuclear) Fe species. Therefore, iron dispersed on mineral colloids is a significant form of reactive iron surfaces in the aquatic environment.

  19. Rapid thermal annealing of FePt and FePt/Cu thin films

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Brombacher, Christoph


    Chemically ordered FePt is one of the most promising materials to reach the ultimate limitations in storage density of future magnetic recording devices due to its high uniaxial magnetocrystalline anisotropy and a corrosion resistance superior to rare-earth based magnets. In this study, FePt and FePt/Cu bilayers have been sputter deposited at room temperature onto thermally oxidized silicon wafers, glass substrates and self-assembled arrays of spherical SiO{sub 2} particles with diameters down to 10 nm. Millisecond flash lamp annealing, as well as conventional rapid thermal annealing was employed to induce the phase transformation from the chemically disordered A1 phase into the chemically ordered L1{sub 0} phase. The influence of the annealing temperature, annealing time and the film thickness on the ordering transformation and (001) texture evolution of FePt films with near equiatomic composition was studied. Whereas flash lamp annealed FePt films exhibit a polycrystalline morphology with high chemical L1{sub 0} order, rapid thermal annealing can lead to the formation of chemically ordered FePt films with (001) texture on amorphous SiO{sub 2}/Si substrates. The resultant high perpendicular magnetic anisotropy and large coercivities up to 40 kOe are demonstrated. Simultaneously to the ordering transformation, rapid thermal annealing to temperatures exceeding 600 C leads to a break up of the continuous FePt film into separated islands. This dewetting behavior was utilized to create regular arrays of FePt nanostructures on SiO{sub 2} particle templates with periods down to 50 nm. The addition of Cu improves the (001) texture formation and chemical ordering for annealing temperatures T{sub a} {<=}600 C. In addition, the magnetic anisotropy and the coercivity of the ternary FePtCu alloy can be effectively tailored by adjusting the Cu content. The prospects of FePtCu based exchange spring media, as well as the magnetic properties of FePtCu nanostructures fabricated

  20. High-frequency permeability of electroplated CoNiFe and CoNiFe-C alloys

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rhen, Fernando M.F.; McCloskey, Paul; O'Donnell, Terence; Roy, Saibal


    We have investigated CoNiFe and CoNiFe-C electrodeposited by pulse reverse plating (PRP) and direct current (DC) techniques. CoNiFe(PRP) films with composition Co 59.4 Fe 27.7 Ni 12.8 show coercivity of 95 A m -1 (1.2 Oe) and magnetization saturation flux (μ 0 M s ) of 1.8 T. Resistivity of CoNiFe (PRP) is about 24 μΩ cm and permeability remains almost constant μ r ' ∼475 up to 30 MHz with a quality factor (Q) larger than 10. Additionally, the permeability spectra analysis shows that CoNiFe exhibits a classical eddy current loss at zero bias field and ferromagnetic resonance (FMR) when biased with 0.05 T. Furthermore, a crossover between eddy current and FMR loss is observed for CoNiFe-PRP when baised with 0.05 T. DC and PRP plated CoNiFe-C, which have resistivity and permeability of 85, 38 μΩ cm, μ r '=165 and 35 with Q>10 up to 320 MHz, respectively, showed only ferromagnetic resonance losses. The ferromagnetic resonance peaks in CoNiFe and CoNiFe-C are broad and resembles a Gaussian distribution of FMR frequencies. The incorporation of C to CoNiFe reduces eddy current loss, but also reduces the FMR frequency

  1. NifI inhibits nitrogenase by competing with Fe protein for binding to the MoFe protein

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dodsworth, Jeremy A.; Leigh, John A.


    Reduction of substrate by nitrogenase requires direct electron transfer from the Fe protein to the MoFe protein. Inhibition of nitrogenase activity in Methanococcus maripaludis occurs when the regulatory protein NifI 1,2 binds the MoFe protein. This inhibition is relieved by 2-oxoglutarate. Here we present evidence that NifI 1,2 binding prevents association of the two nitrogenase components. Increasing amounts of Fe protein competed with NifI 1,2 , decreasing its inhibitory effect. NifI 1,2 prevented the co-purification of MoFe protein with a mutant form of the Fe protein that forms a stable complex with the MoFe protein, and NifI 1,2 was unable to bind to an AlF 4 - -stabilized Fe protein:MoFe protein complex. NifI 1,2 inhibited ATP- and MoFe protein-dependent oxidation of the Fe protein, and 2OG relieved this inhibition. These results support a model where NifI 1,2 competes with the Fe protein for binding to MoFe protein and prevents electron transfer

  2. Silencio en la contratación. Análisis del Código Civil peruano y de la Convención de Viena sobre compraventa interna- cional de mercaderías

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    Luis Cárdenas Rodríguez


    Full Text Available En este trabajo se enfoca el rol del silencio en la celebración de contratos. Más que un estudio de teoría general, se busca un acer- camiento práctico a la aplicación de la normativa del Derecho peruano y de la Convención de Viena. Para ello se incluyen alusiones a pronunciamientos jurisprudenciales sobre: contratos de seguro, fianza y compraventa internacional. Se brinda especial atención a los casos donde exista un uso para el comercio o una práctica entre las partes de contratación sin respuesta expresa. Asimismo, se explica la importancia de la buena fe en la calificación del silencio circunstanciado, pues en ocasiones se deriva de ella un deber o una carga de hablar en caso de que no se quiera que se dote al silencio de valor positivo conducente a la conclusión del contrato. Finalmente, se resalta el papel de la buena fe y la costumbre en pos de una actitud flexible frente a novedosos supuestos y perma- nentes exigencias que impone la práctica.

  3. Na7 [Fe2S6 ] , Na2 [FeS2 ] and Na2 [FeSe2 ] : New 'reduced' sodium chalcogenido ferrates (United States)

    Stüble, Pirmin; Peschke, Simon; Johrendt, Dirk; Röhr, Caroline


    Three new 'reduced' FeII containing sodium chalcogenido ferrates were obtained applying a reductive synthetic route. The mixed-valent sulfido ferrate Na7 [Fe2S6 ] , which forms bar-shaped crystals with metallic greenish luster, was synthesized in pure phase from natural pyrite and elemental sodium at a maximum temperature of 800 °C. Its centrosymmetric triclinic structure (SG P 1 bar , a = 764.15(2), b = 1153.70(2), c = 1272.58(3) pm, α = 62.3325 (7) , β = 72.8345 (8) , γ = 84.6394 (8) ° , Z = 3, R1 = 0.0185) exhibits two crystallographically different [Fe2S6 ] 7 - dimers of edge-sharing [FeS4 ] tetrahedra, with somewhat larger Fe-S distances than in the fully oxidized FeIII dimers of e.g. Na6 [Fe2III S6 ] . In contrast to the localized AFM ordered pure di-ferrates(III), the Curie-Weiss behavior of the magnetic susceptibility proves the rarely observed valence-delocalized S = 9/2 state of the mixed-valent FeIII /FeII dimer. The nearly spin-only value of the magnetic moment combined with the chemical bonding not generally differing from that in pure ferrates(II) and (III), provides a striking argument, that the reduction of the local Fe spin moments observed in all condensed sulfido ferrate moieties is connected with the AFM spin ordering. The two isotypic ferrates(II) Na2 [FeS2 ] and Na2 [FeSe2 ] with chain-like structural units (SG Ibam, a = 643.54(8)/ 660.81(1), b = 1140.2(2)/1190.30(2) c = 562.90(6)/585.59(1) pm, Z = 4, R1 = 0.0372/0.0466) crystallize in the K2 [ZnO2 ] -type structure. Although representing merely further members of the common series of chalcogenido metallates(II) Na2 [MIIQ2 ] , these two new phases, together with Na6 [FeS4 ] and Li2 [FeS2 ] , are the only examples of pure FeII alkali chalcogenido ferrates. The new compounds allow for a general comparison of di- and chain ferrates(II) and (III) and mixed-valent analogs concerning the electronic and magnetic properties (including Heisenberg super-exchange and double-exchange interactions

  4. Structural and magnetic properties of Ce/Fe and Ce/FeCoV multilayers

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Tixier, S; Boeni, P [Paul Scherrer Inst. (PSI), Villigen (Switzerland); Mannix, D; Stirling, W G [Liverpool Univ. (United Kingdom); Lander, G H


    Ce/Fe and Ce/FeCoV multilayers have been grown by magnetron sputtering. The interfaces are well defined and the layers are crystalline down to an individual layer thickness of 20 A. Ce/FeCoV multilayers show sharper interfaces than Ce/Fe but some loss of crystallinity is observed. Hysteresis loops obtained by SQUID show different behaviour of the bulk magnetisation as a function of the layer thickness. Fe moments are found by Moessbauer spectroscopy to be perpendicular to the interfaces for multilayers with small periodicity. (author) 2 figs., 2 refs.

  5. Effect of the oxidation rate and Fe(II) state on microbial nitrate-dependent Fe(III) mineral formation (United States)

    Senko, John M.; Dewers , Thomas A.; Krumholz, Lee R.


    A nitrate-dependent Fe(II)-oxidizing bacterium was isolated and used to evaluate whether Fe(II) chemical form or oxidation rate had an effect on the mineralogy of biogenic Fe(III) (hydr)oxides resulting from nitrate-dependent Fe(II) oxidation. The isolate (designated FW33AN) had 99% 16S rRNA sequence similarity to Klebsiella oxytoca. FW33AN produced Fe(III) (hydr)oxides by oxidation of soluble Fe(II) [Fe(II)sol] or FeS under nitrate-reducing conditions. Based on X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis, Fe(III) (hydr)oxide produced by oxidation of FeS was shown to be amorphous, while oxidation of Fe(II)sol yielded goethite. The rate of Fe(II) oxidation was then manipulated by incubating various cell concentrations of FW33AN with Fe(II)sol and nitrate. Characterization of products revealed that as Fe(II) oxidation rates slowed, a stronger goethite signal was observed by XRD and a larger proportion of Fe(III) was in the crystalline fraction. Since the mineralogy of Fe(III) (hydr)oxides may control the extent of subsequent Fe(III) reduction, the variables we identify here may have an effect on the biogeochemical cycling of Fe in anoxic ecosystems.

  6. Magnetic properties of FeZr{sub 2} and Fe{sub 2}Zr intermetallic compounds

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Prajapat, C. L., E-mail:; Singh, M. R.; Mishra, P. K. [Technical Physics Division, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Mumbai, INDIA-400085 (India); Chattaraj, D. [Product Development Division, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Mumbai, INDIA-400085 (India); Mishra, R. [Chemistry Division, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Mumbai, INDIA-400085 (India); Ravikumar, G. [Scientific Information Resources Division, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Mumbai, INDIA-400085 (India)


    Magnetic properties of Fe-Zr system, viz., FeZr{sub 2} and Fe{sub 2}Zr have been studied. Both the compounds show soft ferromagnetic behavior. Curie temperature is well above the room temperature. Lower saturation magnetization for the zirconium rich sample, FeZr{sub 2}, could be due to possible donation of electrons from the Zr-rich neighbors to Fe atoms or diminution of long range magnetic order by defects.

  7. O Jardim dos Sonhos

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    Full Text Available O jardim dos sonhos sempre foi um ideal dos homens. No Antigo Egito, já se falava em um jardim sempre verde para onde as pessoas de bom coração iam após a morte. E na mitologia grega, um lindo jardim era palco das festas bucólicas dos deuses. As grandes religiões também citavam jardins como paraísos, como o Jardim do Éden. Neste artigo, Raul Cânovas nos leva a refletir sobre o sentido de um “jardim perfeito”, sem tratar a perfeição como apenas plástica e estruturada com exatidão, mas referindo-se a um jardim que nos inspire e emocione, emancipado de modismos passageiros. O paisagista também nos alerta sobre as condições mutáveis de um jardim, que nunca está finalizado. O paisagismo não é apenas técnica; é também sensibilidade, utilidade, sustentabilidade e equilíbrio das forças da natureza.

  8. Removal of FePO4 and Fe3(PO4)2 crystals on the surface of passive fillers in Fe0/GAC reactor using the acclimated bacteria

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lai, Bo; Zhou, Yuexi; Yang, Ping; Wang, Juling; Yang, Jinghui; Li, Huiqiang


    Highlights: ► Fe 3 (PO 4 ) 2 and FePO 4 crystals would weaken treatment efficiency of Fe 0 /GAC reactor. ► Fe 3 (PO 4 ) 2 and FePO 4 crystals could be removed by the acclimated bacteria. ► FeS and sulfur in the passive film would be removed by the sulfur-oxidizing bacteria. ► Develop a cost-effective bio-regeneration technology for the passive fillers. - Abstract: As past studies presented, there is obvious defect that the fillers in the Fe 0 /GAC reactor begin to be passive after about 60 d continuous running, although the complicated, toxic and refractory ABS resin wastewater can be pretreated efficiently by the Fe 0 /GAC reactor. During the process, the Fe 3 (PO 4 ) 2 and FePO 4 crystals with high density in the passive film are formed by the reaction between PO 4 3− and Fe 2+ /Fe 3+ . Meanwhile, they obstruct the formation of macroscopic galvanic cells between Fe 0 and GAC, which will lower the wastewater treatment efficiency of Fe 0 /GAC reactor. In this study, in order to remove the Fe 3 (PO 4 ) 2 and FePO 4 crystals on the surface of the passive fillers, the bacteria were acclimated in the passive Fe 0 /GAC reactor. According to the results, it can be concluded that the Fe 3 (PO 4 ) 2 and FePO 4 crystals with high density in the passive film could be decomposed or removed by the joint action between the typical propionic acid type fermentation bacteria and sulfate reducing bacteria (SRB), whereas the PO 4 3− ions from the decomposition of the Fe 3 (PO 4 ) 2 and FePO 4 crystals were released into aqueous solution which would be discharged from the passive Fe 0 /GAC reactor. Furthermore, the remained FeS and sulfur (S) in the passive film also can be decomposed or removed easily by the oxidation of the sulfur-oxidizing bacteria. This study provides some theoretical references for the further study of a cost-effective bio-regeneration technology to solve the passive problems of the fillers in the zero-valent iron (ZVI) or Fe 0 /GAC reactor.

  9. Optimization of Fe2+ supplement in anaerobic digestion accounting for the Fe-bioavailability. (United States)

    Cai, Yafan; Zhao, Xiaoling; Zhao, Yubin; Wang, Hongliang; Yuan, Xufeng; Zhu, Wanbin; Cui, Zongjun; Wang, Xiaofen


    Fe is widely used as an additive in anaerobic digestion, but its bioavailability and the mechanism by which it enhances digestion are unclear. In this study, sequential extraction was used to measure Fe bioavailability, while biochemical parameters, kinetics model and Q-PCR (fluorescence quantitative PCR) were used to explore its mechanism of stimulation. The results showed that sequential extraction is a suitable method to assess the anaerobic system bioavailability of Fe, which is low and fluctuates to a limited extent (1.7 to -3.1wt%), indicating that it would be easy for Fe levels to be insufficient. Methane yield increased when the added Fe 2+ was 10-500mg/L. Appropriate amounts of Fe 2+ accelerated the decomposition of rice straw and facilitated methanogen metabolism, thereby improving reactor performance. The modified Gompertz model better fitted the results than the first-order kinetic model. Feasibility analysis showed that addition of Fe 2+ at ≤50mg/L was suitable. Copyright © 2017. Published by Elsevier Ltd.

  10. Chemical consequences of the nuclear reactions 58Fe(n,γ)59Fe and 57Co(EC)57Fe in soluble Prussian Blue

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Fenger, Jes; Maddock, A. G.; Siekierska, K. E.


    KFe[Fe(CN)6],H2O was prepared with 58Fe in either the cation or the complex, and both samples were neutron-irradiated and analysed for free and complexed 59Fe. Parallel experiments were performed on K4[Fe(CN)6],3H2O. In Prussian Blue the retention in the hexacyano-complex is ca. 5% and can be inc...

  11. Perpendicular exchange coupling effects in ferrimagnetic TbFeCo/GdFeCo hard/soft structures (United States)

    Wang, Ke; Wang, Yahong; Ling, Fujin; Xu, Zhan


    Bilayers consisting of magnetically hard TbFeCo and soft GdFeCo alloy were fabricated. Exchange-spring and sharp switching in a step-by-step fashion were observed in the TbFeCo/GdFeCo hard/soft bilayers with increasing GdFeCo thickness. A perpendicular exchange bias field of several hundred Oersteds is observed from the shift of minor loops pinned by TbFeCo layer. The perpendicular exchange energy is derived to be in the range of 0.18-0.30 erg/cm2. The exchange energy is shown to increase with the thickness of GdFeCo layer in the bilayers, which can be attributed to the enhanced perpendicular anisotropy of GdFeCo layer in our experimental range.

  12. Prioridades dos Programas de Pós-Fraduação Stricto Sensu em Educação Física: a visão dos egressos Prioridades de los Programas de Postgrado Stricto Sensu en Educación Física: la visión de los egresos Priorities of the Stricto Sensu Post Graduation's Programs in Physical Education: graduate student's point of view

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    Evando Carlos Moreira


    Full Text Available Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo identificar, junto aos alunos egressos dos Programas de Pós-Graduação Stricto Sensu em Educação Física, as prioridades do processo formativo estabelecidas pela Instituição em que realizaram seus cursos. A pesquisa envolve a coleta de dados dos objetivos desses Programas, além de questionário aplicado aos egressos dos mesmos e que receberam titulação entre os anos de 2001 e 2006. Os Programas de Pós-Graduação em Educação Física precisam dedicar mais tempo ao processo de formação dos professores para o nível superior, considerando que boa parte deles destaca ter sido significativa a dedicação à produção de pesquisa em detrimento à formação docente.Esta investigación ha tenido como objetivo identificar junto a los estudiantes egresos de los Programas de Postgrado Stricto Sensu en Educación Física las prioridades del proceso formativo establecidas por la Instituición en que los cursos fueran realizados. La investigación envuelve la colecta de datos de los objetivos de esos Programas, además de cuestionario aplicado para los egresos de la misma y que recibieran titulación entre los años de 2001 y 2006. Los Programas de Postgrado en Educación Física necesitan dedicar más tiempo al proceso de formación de los profesores para el nível superior, considerando que buena parte de ellos hace hincapié en tener un impacto significativo de la dedicación a la producción de investigación en detrimento a la formación docente.This research aimed to identify the priorities of the training process by the point of view of the graduate students of Stricto Sensu Post Graduation Programs in Physical Education. The research involves the collection of data of the objectives of these Programs, and questionnaires applied to the graduate students of such Programs which received their titles between 2001 and 2006. Results show that Post Graduation Programs in Physical Education must focus the

  13. Exchange-coupled Fe3O4/CoFe2O4 nanoparticles for advanced magnetic hyperthermia (United States)

    Glassell, M.; Robles, J.; Das, R.; Phan, M. H.; Srikanth, H.

    Iron oxide nanoparticles especially Fe3O4, γ-Fe2O3 have been extensively studied for magnetic hyperthermia because of their tunable magnetic properties and stable suspension in superparamagnetic regime. However, their relatively low heating capacity hindered practical application. Recently, a large improvement in heating efficiency has been reported in exchange-coupled nanoparticles with exchange coupling between soft and hard magnetic phases. Here, we systematically studied the effect of core and shell size on the heating efficiency of the Fe3O4/CoFe2O4 core/shell nanoparticles. The nanoparticles were synthesized using thermal decomposition of organometallic precursors. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) showed formation of spherical shaped Fe3O4 and Fe3O-/CoFe2O4 nanoparticles. Magnetic measurements showed high magnetization (≅70 emu/g) and superparamagnetic behavior for the nanoparticles at room temperature. Magnetic hyperthermia results showed a large increase in specific absorption rate (SAR) for 8nm Fe3O4/CoFe2O4 compared to Fe3O4 nanoparticles of the same size. The heating efficiency of the Fe3O4/CoFe2O4 with 1 nm CoFe2O4 (shell) increased from 207 to 220 W/g (for 800 Oe) with increase in core size from 6 to 8 nm. The heating efficiency of the Fe3O4/CoFe2O4 with 2 nm CoFe2O4 (shell) and core size of 8 nm increased from 220 to 460 W/g (for 800 Oe). These exchange-coupled Fe3O4/CoFe2O4 core/shell nanoparticles can be a good candidate for advanced hyperthermia application.

  14. [{sup 18}F]FE-SUPPY and [{sup 18}F]FE-SUPPY:2 - metabolic considerations

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Haeusler, Daniela [Dept. of Nuclear Medicine, Medical Univ. of Vienna, A-1090 Vienna (Austria); Dept. of Pharmaceutical Technology and Biopharmaceutics, Univ. of Vienna, A-1090 Vienna (Austria); Nics, Lukas [Dept. of Nuclear Medicine, Medical Univ. of Vienna, A-1090 Vienna (Austria); Dept. of Nutritional Sciences, Univ. of Vienna, A-1090 Vienna (Austria); Mien, Leonhard-Key [Dept. of Nuclear Medicine, Medical Univ. of Vienna, A-1090 Vienna (Austria); Dept. of Pharmaceutical Technology and Biopharmaceutics, Univ. of Vienna, A-1090 Vienna (Austria); Ungersboeck, Johanna [Dept. of Nuclear Medicine, Medical Univ. of Vienna, A-1090 Vienna (Austria); Dept. of Inorganic Chemistry, Univ. of Vienna, A-1090 Vienna (Austria); Lanzenberger, Rupert R. [Dept. of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, Medical Univ. of Vienna, A-1090 Vienna (Austria); Shanab, Karem [Dept. of Drug and Natural Product Synthesis, Univ. of Vienna, A-1090 Vienna (Austria); Sindelar, Karoline M. [Dept. of Nuclear Medicine, Medical Univ. of Vienna, A-1090 Vienna (Austria); Viernstein, Helmut [Dept. of Pharmaceutical Technology and Biopharmaceutics, Univ. of Vienna, A-1090 Vienna (Austria); Wagner, Karl-Heinz [Dept. of Nutritional Sciences, Univ. of Vienna, A-1090 Vienna (Austria); Dudczak, Robert; Kletter, Kurt [Dept. of Nuclear Medicine, Medical Univ. of Vienna, A-1090 Vienna (Austria); Wadsak, Wolfgang [Dept. of Nuclear Medicine, Medical Univ. of Vienna, A-1090 Vienna (Austria); Dept. of Inorganic Chemistry, Univ. of Vienna, A-1090 Vienna (Austria); Mitterhauser, Markus [Dept. of Nuclear Medicine, Medical Univ. of Vienna, A-1090 Vienna (Austria); Dept. of Pharmaceutical Technology and Biopharmaceutics, Univ. of Vienna, A-1090 Vienna (Austria); Hospital Pharmacy of the General Hospital of Vienna, A-1090 Vienna (Austria)], E-mail:


    Introduction: Recently, [{sup 18}F]FE-SUPPY and [{sup 18}F]FE-SUPPY:2 were introduced as the first positron emission tomography (PET) tracers for the adenosine A{sub 3} receptor. Thus, aim of the present study was the metabolic characterization of the two adenosine A{sub 3} receptor PET tracers. Methods: In vitro carboxylesterase (CES) experiments were conducted using incubation mixtures containing different concentrations of the two substrates, porcine CES and phosphate-buffered saline. Enzymatic reactions were stopped by adding acetonitrile/methanol (10:1) after various time points and analyzed by a high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) standard protocol. In vivo experiments were conducted in male wild-type rats; tracers were injected through a tail vein. Rats were sacrificed after various time points (n=3), and blood and brain samples were collected. Sample cleanup was performed by an HPLC standard protocol. Results: The rate of enzymatic hydrolysis by CES demonstrated Michaelis-Menten constants in a micromolar range (FE-SUPPY, 20.15 {mu}M, and FE-SUPPY:2, 13.11 {mu}M) and limiting velocities of 0.035 and 0.015 {mu}M/min for FE-SUPPY and FE-SUPPY:2, respectively. Degree of metabolism in blood showed the following: 15 min pi 47.7% of [{sup 18}F]FE-SUPPY was intact compared to 33.1% of [{sup 18}F]FE-SUPPY:2; 30 min pi 30.3% intact [{sup 18}F]FE-SUPPY was found compared to 15.6% [{sup 18}F]FE-SUPPY:2. In brain, [{sup 18}F]FE-SUPPY:2 formed an early hydrophilic metabolite, whereas metabolism of [{sup 18}F]FE-SUPPY was not observed before 30 min pi Conclusion: Knowing that metabolism in rats is several times faster than in human, we conclude that [{sup 18}F]FE-SUPPY should be stable for the typical time span of a clinical investigation. As a consequence, from a metabolic point of view, one would tend to decide in favor of [{sup 18}F]FE-SUPPY.

  15. Fe biomineralization mirrors individual metabolic activity in a nitrate-dependent Fe(II-oxidizer

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    Jennyfer eMIOT


    Full Text Available Microbial biomineralization sometimes leads to periplasmic encrustation, which is predicted to enhance microorganism preservation in the fossil record. Mineral precipitation within the periplasm is however thought to induce death, as a result of permeability loss preventing nutrient and waste transit across the cell wall. This hypothesis had however never been investigated down to the single cell level. Here, we cultured the nitrate reducing Fe(II oxidizing bacteria Acidovorax sp. strain BoFeN1 that have been previously shown to promote the precipitation of a diversity of Fe minerals (lepidocrocite, goethite, Fe phosphate encrusting the periplasm. We investigated the connection of Fe biomineralization with carbon assimilation at the single cell level, using a combination of electron microscopy and Nano-Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry (NanoSIMS. Our analyses revealed strong individual heterogeneities of Fe biomineralization. Noteworthy, a small proportion of cells remaining free of any precipitate persisted even at advanced stages of biomineralization. Using pulse chase experiments with 13C-acetate, we provide evidences of individual phenotypic heterogeneities of carbon assimilation, correlated with the level of Fe biomineralization. Whereas non- and moderately encrusted cells were able to assimilate acetate, higher levels of periplasm encrustation prevented any carbon incorporation. Carbon assimilation only depended on the level of Fe encrustation and not on the nature of Fe minerals precipitated in the cell wall. Carbon assimilation decreased exponentially with increasing cell-associated Fe content. Persistence of a small proportion of non-mineralized and metabolically active cells might constitute a strategy of survival in highly ferruginous environments. Eventually, our results suggest that periplasmic Fe biomineralization may provide a signature of individual metabolic status, which could be looked for in the fossil record and in modern

  16. Cysteine as a ligand platform in the biosynthesis of the FeFe hydrogenase H cluster. (United States)

    Suess, Daniel L M; Bürstel, Ingmar; De La Paz, Liliana; Kuchenreuther, Jon M; Pham, Cindy C; Cramer, Stephen P; Swartz, James R; Britt, R David


    Hydrogenases catalyze the redox interconversion of protons and H2, an important reaction for a number of metabolic processes and for solar fuel production. In FeFe hydrogenases, catalysis occurs at the H cluster, a metallocofactor comprising a [4Fe-4S]H subcluster coupled to a [2Fe]H subcluster bound by CO, CN(-), and azadithiolate ligands. The [2Fe]H subcluster is assembled by the maturases HydE, HydF, and HydG. HydG is a member of the radical S-adenosyl-L-methionine family of enzymes that transforms Fe and L-tyrosine into an [Fe(CO)2(CN)] synthon that is incorporated into the H cluster. Although it is thought that the site of synthon formation in HydG is the "dangler" Fe of a [5Fe] cluster, many mechanistic aspects of this chemistry remain unresolved including the full ligand set of the synthon, how the dangler Fe initially binds to HydG, and how the synthon is released at the end of the reaction. To address these questions, we herein show that L-cysteine (Cys) binds the auxiliary [4Fe-4S] cluster of HydG and further chelates the dangler Fe. We also demonstrate that a [4Fe-4S]aux[CN] species is generated during HydG catalysis, a process that entails the loss of Cys and the [Fe(CO)2(CN)] fragment; on this basis, we suggest that Cys likely completes the coordination sphere of the synthon. Thus, through spectroscopic analysis of HydG before and after the synthon is formed, we conclude that Cys serves as the ligand platform on which the synthon is built and plays a role in both Fe(2+) binding and synthon release.

  17. Efecto de abonos orgánicos en las propiedades químicas del suelo y el rendimiento de la mora (Rubus adenotrichus en dos zonas agroecológicas de Costa Rica

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rafael Orozco Rodríguez


    Full Text Available El objetivo de esta investigación es evaluar el efecto de dos abonos orgánicos en las propiedades quími- cas del suelo y el rendimiento de plantas de mora (Rubus adenotrichus cv.’Vino’ en dos zonas de Costa Rica. Para ello se establecieron dos experimentos, uno en Buena Vista de Pérez Zeledón (BVPZ y otro en San Mar tín de León Cor tés (SMLC, ambos en la provin- cia de San José, Costa Rica. La investigación se realizó entre agosto del 2005 y julio del 2008. Se evaluaron tres tratamientos en cada experimen- to: Compost (C y Lombricompost (L, a razón de 4 kg/planta y 3 kg/planta respectivamente, y un testi- go sin abono (T. La frecuencia de aplicación de los abonos a la siembra se dio a los 6, 12, 18 y 24 meses para un total de 6,6 t/ha para el C y 4,9 t/ha para el L. Se tomaron muestras de suelo a los 0, 6, 12, 18, 24 y 35 meses, después de la siembra para su análisis. Los resultados muestran que, en ambos agro-ecosis- temas, la aplicación del C y L incrementó el pH del suelo, redujo la acidez, incrementó la disponibilidad de Ca, Mg, K, N, y P, y favoreció la capacidad de in- tercambio catiónico efectiva (CICE y el porcentaje de materia orgánica. No se observó acumulación de Mn, Cu y Zn. En cuanto al rendimiento, en BVPZ solo se encon- traron diferencias significativas (P=0,00188 entre C (1,8 t/ha y el T (0,9 t/ha; mientras que en SMLC, no se encontraron diferencias estadísticas significativas (P





    El Programa de Alimentación del Preescolar (PAP) de la Fundación Integra, tiene como beneficiarios a más de 70.000 niños de los quintiles de ingreso más bajos del país, distribuidos en cerca de 900 establecimientos en todo Chile. En los últimos años, la inocuidad de alimentos ha tomado gran relevancia a nivel mundial debido al aumento en las Enfermedades Transmitidas por Alimentos (ETA). Entre las medidas para mejorar este panorama, se encuentran las Buenas Prácticas de Fabrica...

  19. Caracterização de pigmentos inorgânicos à base de Fe, Zn e Cr utilizando resíduo de galvanoplastia como matéria-prima Characterization of Fe-, Zn- and Cr-based inorganic pigments using galvanic solid waste

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    K. W. Milanez


    Full Text Available O lodo proveniente do tratamento de efluentes do processo de galvanoplastia tem recebido particular atenção devido à natureza de sua constituição baseada em metais alcalinos e de transição. O descarte ou estocagem inadequada deste resíduo poderá causar danos ao meio ambiente e a saúde. Este trabalho propõe uma alternativa para a inertização dos resíduos galvânicos incorporando-os na formulação de pigmentos inorgânicos. Para a incorporação do lodo na formulação dos pigmentos inorgânicos, este foi caracterizado por técnicas de análise química elementar como fluorescência de raios X e espectroscopia de absorção atômica, e por meio de técnicas como termogravimétricas e difração de raios X. Após a caracterização do resíduo, este foi incorporado a uma mistura de óxidos metálicos para obtenção do pigmento inorgânico. A formação do pigmento foi acompanhada através de difração de raios X, onde foi observada a formação de fases espinélias contendo os metais Fe, Cr e Zn. O pigmento foi caracterizado por meio de microscopia eletrônica de varredura, distribuição de tamanho de partículas a laser, análise térmica diferencial e termogravimétrica. Os pigmentos calcinados por um ciclo de 8 h formaram fases espinélias cristalinas, provocando a inertização dos metais. Foi possível incorporar até 20% do resíduo de galvanoplastia na produção de pigmentos inorgânicos a base de Fe, Cr e Zn, sem que as características e qualidades fundamentais dos mesmos fossem alteradas.The solid waste in the effluent treatment from the galvanization process, its sludge, has received special attention due to the nature of its constituents. This waste presents in its composition, a high concentration of alkaline and transition metals. Inadequate discharge or storage of this waste could cause damage to the environment and to health. This work purposes an alternative for the inertization of galvanic wastes incorporating

  20. Os Fungos no Funcionamento dos Ecossistemas Florestais


    Santos-Silva, Celeste; Machado, Helena


    Os fungos no funcionamento dos ecossistemas Florestais: Papel dos fungos sapróbios na degradação da matériaorgânica Papel dos fungos micorrízicos na nutrição e saúde das árvores Diversidade fúngica e estabilidade das florestas Relações entre os fungos e os animais Doenças radiculares associadas ao declínio do montado de sobro e azinho

  1. Resonant Ni and Fe KLL Auger spectra photoexcited from NiFe alloys

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Koever, L.; Cserny, I.; Berenyi, Z.; Egri, S.; Novak, M.


    Complete text of publication follows. KLL Auger spectra of 3d transition metal atoms in solid environment, measured using high energy resolution, give an insight into the details of the local electronic structure surrounding the particular atoms emitting the signal Auger electrons. Fine tuning the energy of the exciting monochromatic photons across the K-absorption edge, features characteristic to resonant phenomena can be identified in the spectra. The shapes of the resonantly photoexcited KLL Auger spectra induced from 3d transition metals and alloys are well interpreted by the single step model of the Auger process, based on the resonant scattering theory. The peak shapes are strongly influenced by the 4p partial density of unoccupied electronic states around the excited atom. High energy resolution studies of KLL Auger spectra of 3d transition metals using laboratory X-ray sources, however, request very demanding experiments and yield spectra of limited statistical quality making the evaluation of the fine details in the spectra difficult. The Tunable High Energy XPS (THE- XPS) instrument at BW2 offers optimum photon x and energy resolution for spectroscopy of deep core Auger transitions. For the present measurements high purity polycrystalline Ni and Fe sheets as well as NiFe alloy samples of different compositions (Ni 80 Fe 20 , Ni 50 Fe 50 , Ni 20 Fe 80 ) were used. The surfaces of the samples were cleaned by in-situ argon ion sputtering. The measurements of the Ni and Fe KL 23 L 23 Auger spectra of the metal and alloy samples were performed with the THE-XPS instrument using high electron energy resolution (0.2 eV). In Fig.1, the measured Fe KL 23 L 23 spectrum, photoexcited at the Fe K absorption edge from Fe metal, is compared with the respective spectrum excited from a Ni 50 Fe 50 alloy. A significant broadening of the 1 D 2 peak and an enhancement of the spectral intensity at the low energy loss part of this peak observed in the alloy sample, while the

  2. Electrical resistivity surface for FeO-Fe2O3-P2O5 glasses (United States)

    Vaughan, J. G.; Kinser, D. L.


    The dc electrical properties and microstructure of x(FeO-Fe2O3)-(100-x)P2O5 glasses were investigated up to a maximum of x = 75 mol %. Results indicate that, in general, the minimum resistivity of the glass does not occur at equal Fe(2+) and Fe(3+) concentrations, although for the special case where x = 55 mol % the minimum does occur at Fe(2+)/Fe total = 0.5, as reported by other investigators. Evidence presented shows that the position of the minimum resistivity is a function of total iron content. The minimum shifts to glasses richer in Fe(2+) at higher total iron concentrations.

  3. Role of PO4 tetrahedron in LiFePO4 and FePO4 system. (United States)

    Zeng, Yuewu


    Using high resolution transmission electron microscopy with image simulation and Fourier analysis, the Li1- x FePO4 (x < 0.01), Li1- x FePO4 (x ∼ 0.5), and FePO4 particles, prepared by charging or discharging the 053048 electrochemical cells (thickness: 5 mm, width: 30 mm, height: 48 mm) and dismantled inside an Ar-filled dry box, were investigated. The high resolution images reveal: (1) the solid solution of Li1- x FePO4 (x < 0.01) contains some missing Li ions leading PO4 group distorted around M1 tunnel of the unit cell; (2) the texture of the particles of Li1- x FePO4 (x ∼0.5) has homogeneously distributed compositional domains of LiFePO4 and FePO4 resulting from spinodal decomposition which promote Li ion easily getting into the particle due to uphill diffusion, (3) the particles of FePO4 formed in charging have heavily distorted lattice and contain some isolated LiFePO4 , (4) interface between LiFePO4 and FePO4 and between amorphous and crystal region provides the lattice distortion of small polarons. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  4. Microstructure, magnetic and Moessbauer studies on spark-plasma sintered Sm-Co-Fe/Fe(Co) nanocomposite magnets

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Rao, N V Rama; Saravanan, P; Gopalan, R; Raja, M Manivel; Rao, D V Sreedhara; Chandrasekaran, V [Defence Metallurgical Research Laboratory, Hyderabad-500 058 (India); Sivaprahasam, D [International Advanced Research Centre for Powder Metallurgy and New Materials Hyderabad-500 005 (India); Ranganathan, R [Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics, Kolkata-700 064 (India)], E-mail:


    Nanocomposite powders comprising Sm-Co-Fe intermetallic phases and Fe(Co) were synthesized by high-energy ball milling and were consolidated into bulk magnets by the spark-plasma sintering (SPS) technique. While the microstructure of the SPS samples was characterized by transmission electron microscopy (TEM), the solubility of Fe in different phases was investigated using Moessbauer spectroscopy. TEM studies revealed that the spark-plasma sintered sample has Sm(Co,Fe){sub 5} as a major phase with Sm{sub 2}(Co,Fe){sub 17}, Sm(Co,Fe){sub 2} and Fe(Co) as secondary phases. The size of the nanocrystalline grains of all these phases was found to be in the range 50-100 nm. The Moessbauer spectra of the as-milled powders exhibited two different subspectra: a sextet corresponding to the Fe phase and a broad sextet associated with the Fe(Co) phase; while that of the SPS sample showed four different subspectra: a sextet corresponding to Fe and other three sextets corresponding to the Fe(Co), Sm(Co,Fe){sub 5} and Sm{sub 2}(Co,Fe){sub 17} phases; these results are in accordance with the TEM observation. Recoil magnetization and reversible susceptibility measurements revealed magnetically single phase behaviour of the SPS magnets.

  5. Exchange bias in sputtered FeNi/FeMn systems: Effect of short low-temperature heat treatments

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Savin, Peter, E-mail: [Department of Magnetism and Magnetic Nanomaterials, Laboratory of Magnetic Sensors, Ural Federal University, 620002 Ekaterinburg (Russian Federation); Guzmán, Jorge [Instituto de Ciencia de Materiales de Madrid-CSIC, 28049 Madrid (Spain); Lepalovskij, Vladimir [Department of Magnetism and Magnetic Nanomaterials, Laboratory of Magnetic Sensors, Ural Federal University, 620002 Ekaterinburg (Russian Federation); Svalov, Andrey; Kurlyandskaya, Galina [Department of Magnetism and Magnetic Nanomaterials, Laboratory of Magnetic Sensors, Ural Federal University, 620002 Ekaterinburg (Russian Federation); Departamento de Electricidad y Electrónica, Universidad del País Vasco (UPV/EHU), 48940 Leioa, Vizcaya (Spain); Asenjo, Agustina [Instituto de Ciencia de Materiales de Madrid-CSIC, 28049 Madrid (Spain); Vas’kovskiy, Vladimir [Department of Magnetism and Magnetic Nanomaterials, Laboratory of Magnetic Sensors, Ural Federal University, 620002 Ekaterinburg (Russian Federation); Vazquez, Manuel [Department of Magnetism and Magnetic Nanomaterials, Laboratory of Magnetic Sensors, Ural Federal University, 620002 Ekaterinburg (Russian Federation); Instituto de Ciencia de Materiales de Madrid-CSIC, 28049 Madrid (Spain)


    Short (5 min) post-deposition thermal treatments under magnetic field at low temperature (up to 200 °C) performed in exchange-coupled FeNi(40 nm)/FeMn(20 nm) bilayer thin films prepared by magnetron sputtering are shown to be effective to significantly modify their exchange field (from around 40 Oe down to 27 Oe) between FeNi and FeMn layers. A similar exchange field decrease was observed for the first deposited FeNi layer of the FeNi(40 nm)/FeMn(20 nm)/FeNi(40 nm) trilayer films after the same thermal treatments. The exchange field value for the second FeNi layer was not substantially changed. The X-ray diffraction patterns indicates that such a heat treatment has no effect on the grain size and crystalline texture of the films, while atomic force microscope studies reveal an increase of the surface roughness after the treatment which is more noticeable in the case of the trilayer film. Analysis of the experimental results leads us to conclude that the variations of the exchange field after heat treatment are likely caused by a modification of interfacial roughness and/or interfacial magnetic structure, but unlikely by the changes in the microstructure and/or changes of composition of the antiferromagnetic FeMn layer. - Highlights: • FeNi/FeMn bilayers and FeNi/FeMn/FeNi trilayers were prepared by magnetron sputtering. • Post-deposition heat treatments at the temperatures below 200 °C during 5 min were made. • Annealing reduces the exchange field for the first FeNi layer in trilayers. • The exchange field value for the second FeNi layer was not substantially changed. • Exchange field changes are most likely caused by a modification of interface roughness.

  6. Fe/V and Fe/Co (0 0 1) superlattices: growth, anisotropy, magnetisation and magnetoresistance

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nordblad, P.; Broddefalk, A.; Mathieu, R.; Blomqvist, P.; Eriksson, O.; Waeppling, R.


    Some physical properties of BCC Fe/V and Fe/Co (0 0 1) superlattices are reviewed. The dependence of the magnetic anisotropy on the in-plane strain introduced by the lattice mismatch between Fe and V is measured and compared to a theoretical derivation. The dependence of the magnetic anisotropy (and saturation magnetisation) on the layer thickness ratio Fe/Co is measured and a value for the anisotropy of BCC Co is derived from extrapolation. The interlayer exchange coupling of Fe/V superlattices is studied as a function of the V layer thickness (constant Fe thickness) and layer thickness of Fe (constant V thickness). A region of antiferromagnetic coupling and GMR is found for V thicknesses 12-14 monolayers. However, surprisingly, a 'cutoff' of the antiferromagnetic coupling and GMR is found when the iron layer thickness exceeds about 10 monolayers

  7. Structural and electronic properties of metalloporphyrin (MP, M = Fe, Co and Zn) adsorbed on single walled BNNT and SiCNT

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Rezvani, M. [Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Arak Branch, Islamic Azad University, Arak (Iran, Islamic Republic of); Darvish Ganji, M., E-mail: [Department of Nanochemistry, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Pharmaceutical Sciences Branch, Islamic Azad University (IAUPS), Tehran (Iran, Islamic Republic of); Jameh-Bozorghi, S. [Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Hamedan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Hamedan (Iran, Islamic Republic of)


    Graphical abstract: First-principles calculations showed that SiCNTs is a very promising candidate for metalloporphyrin adsorption and sensing/detection. - Highlights: • Theoretical study of MPs adsorption on SiCNT and BNNT were studied. • The interaction FeP with SiCNT is stronger than the other counterparts. • The interaction of FeP with SiCNT is six times stronger than with BNNT. • The FeP-BNNT complex might be suitable material for spintronics. • SiCNTs are very promising candidate for MPs adsorption and sensing. - Abstract: In the present work, we report a detailed theoretical investigation of a series of metalloporphyrin, MP (M = FeP, CoP and ZnP), molecules interacting with silicon carbide nanotube (SiCNT) by means of density functional theory (DFT) calculations. In all calculations, we used the Perdew–Burke–Erzenhof (PBE) functional as employed in the SIESTA package. The detailed analysis of the structural and electronical properties of various optimized configurations is performed. The results show that among the MPs, adsorption of FeP molecule on the Si site with zigzag orientation is the most energetically preferable with a binding energy of −2.10 eV. Compared to SiCNTs, boron nitride nanotubes (BNNTs) have weaker interaction strength with the FeP molecule with −0.34 eV of binding energy. We have analyzed charge transfer between two interacting species trough well-known Mulliken, Hirshfeld and Voronoi charges analysis for aforementioned systems. The spin-polarized DFT calculations showed that the density of states (DOSs) are spin-polarized for the Fe-BNNT complex while the spin-polarization of the DOS spectra turn out to be less notable for MP-SiCNT complexes. Our results propose that FeP-SiCNT complex could be used for interesting applications in solar cell technology and nano-biosensors while FeP-BNNT complex might be considered for spintronic molecular devices.

  8. High Temperature Magnetic Properties of Indirect Exchange Spring FePt/M(Cu,C/Fe Trilayer Thin Films

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    Anabil Gayen


    Full Text Available We report the investigation of temperature dependent magnetic properties of FePt and FePt(30/M(Cu,C/Fe(5 trilayer thin films prepared by using magnetron sputtering technique at ambient temperature and postannealed at different temperatures. L10 ordering, hard magnetic properties, and thermal stability of FePt films are improved with increasing postannealing temperature. In FePt/M/Fe trilayer, the formation of interlayer exchange coupling between magnetic layers depends on interlayer materials and interface morphology. In FePt/C/Fe trilayer, when the C interlayer thickness was about 0.5 nm, a strong interlayer exchange coupling between hard and soft layers was achieved, and saturation magnetization was enhanced considerably after using interlayer exchange coupling with Fe. In addition, incoherent magnetization reversal process observed in FePt/Fe films changes into coherent switching process in FePt/C/Fe films giving rise to a single hysteresis loop. High temperature magnetic studies up to 573 K reveal that the effective reduction in the coercivity decreases largely from 34 Oe/K for FePt/Fe film to 13 Oe/K for FePt/C(0.5/Fe film demonstrating that the interlayer exchange coupling seems to be a promising approach to improve the stability of hard magnetic properties at high temperatures, which is suitable for high-performance magnets and thermally assisted magnetic recording media.

  9. Ferromagnetic resonance on oxideless magnetic Fe and FeRh nanoparticles

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Trunova, Anastasia


    This work is dedicated to investigations of structural and magnetic properties of the colloidal Fe/Fe x O y nanocubes (13 nm) and the Fe x Rh 100-x core/shell nanoparticles (2 nm). As compared with other works, where the measurements on oxidized nanoparticles were carried out, we additionally performed investigations on nanoparticles in an oxide free state. In order to make the measurements on oxide free particles possible, oxygen- and hydrogenplasma was used to remove the ligands and reduce the oxide shell of the Fe nanocubes. The oxide free Fe nanocubes were covered with a Ag/Pt protective coating to prevent them from new oxidation. This method allowed carrying out the magnetic measurements on oxide free Fe nanocubes. Micromagnetic simulations as well as simulations of the high frequency susceptibility were used for the data analysing. It was found that both the g-factor g=2.09±0.01 and the anisotropy constant K 4 =(4.8±0.5).10 4 J/m 3 coincide with that of bulk iron. However, the saturation magnetization M S (5 K)=(1.2±0.12).10 6 A/m differs from the bulk value by 30%. The reduction by 30% compared to the bulk value in the case of nanoparticles may be caused by the following possible reasons: a) the presence of inner oxide layer (approx. 10 at.%) that cannot be reduced; b) the anti-parallel order between magnetic moments of iron core and magnetic moments of antiferomagnetic iron oxide; c) some structural changes of the surface after plasma treatment. The obtained damping parameter α=0.03±0.005 is ten times larger than that of the Fe layers as it is known for nanoparticles systems in general. The core/shell Fe x Rh 100-x nanoparticles (x=80,50) were produced under Ar-atmosphere and were sealed into a quartz tube to prevent oxidation. The analysis of g-factors shows that the value for the FePh nanoparticles with Fe-rich core is larger (g=2.08±0.01) than that for the nanoparticles with Rh-rich core and coincides within error bars with the g-factor of bulk

  10. Effect of Iron Fe (II and Fe (III in a Binary System Evaluated Bioluminescent Method

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    Elena Sorokina


    Full Text Available The effect of iron ions Fe2+ and Fe3+ on the bioluminescent recombinant strain of Escherichia coli in a single-component and binary system. Found that for the bacteria E. coli Fe3+ ions are more toxic than Fe2+. Under the combined effect of iron toxicity increases, the percentage of luminescence quenching increases, but the value is much less than the sum of the indicator for the Fe2+ and Fe3+. The biological effect of insertion of iron is not proportional to their content in the mixture.

  11. Magnetic structure of molecular magnet Fe[Fe(CN) 6

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    We have studied the magnetic structure of Fe[Fe(CN)6]·4H2O, prepared by precipitation method, using neutron diffraction technique. Temperature dependent DC magnetization study down to 4.2 K shows that the compound undergoes from a high temperature disordered (paramagnetic) to an ordered magnetic phase ...

  12. 57Fe Moessbauer and magnetization study of the Th7Fe3 and the hydride Th7Fe3H/sub n/

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Viccaro, P.J.; Shenoy, G.K.; Dunlap, B.D.; Westlake, D.G.; Malik, S.K.; Wallace, W.E.


    Th 7 Fe 3 is known to be a Pauli paramagnet and to undergo a superconducting transition at 1.86K. Its hydride Th 7 Fe 3 H/sub n/ is shown to possess magnetic ordering. The 57 Fe saturated hyperfine field in the hydride is estimated to be aproximately 20kG. A positive isomer shift of 0.30 +- 0.02 mm/s at 300 K relative to Th 7 Fe 3 would be consistent with an increase in d-like electrons on Fe. Preliminary magnetization results indicate a magnetic moment of about 0.5 μ/sub B/ for the hydride and a transition temperature near 300 K

  13. Kinetics and mechanism of diclofenac removal using ferrate(VI): roles of Fe3+, Fe2+, and Mn2. (United States)

    Zhao, Junfeng; Wang, Qun; Fu, Yongsheng; Peng, Bo; Zhou, Gaofeng


    In this study, the effect of Fe 3+ , Fe 2+ , and Mn 2+ dose, solution pH, reaction temperature, background water matrix (i.e., inorganic anions, cations, and natural organic matters (NOM)), and the kinetics and mechanism for the reaction system of Fe(VI)/Fe 3+ , Fe(VI)/Fe 2+ , and Fe(VI)/Mn 2+ were investigated systematically. Traces of Fe 3+ , Fe 2+ , and Mn 2+ promoted the DCF removal by Fe(VI) significantly. The pseudo-first-order rate constant (k obs ) of DCF increased with decreasing pH (9-6) and increasing temperature (10-30 °C) due to the gradually reduced stability and enhanced reactivity of Fe(VI). Cu 2+ and Zn 2+ ions evidently improved the DCF removal, while CO 3 2- restrained it. Besides, SO 4 2- , Cl - , NO 3 - , Mg 2+ , and Ca 2+ almost had no influence on the degradation of DCF by Fe(VI)/Fe 3+ , Fe(VI)/Fe 2+ , and Fe(VI)/Mn 2+ within the tested concentration. The addition of 5 or 20 mg L -1 NOM decreased the removal efficiency of DCF. Moreover, Fe 2 O 3 and Fe(OH) 3 , the by-products of Fe(VI), slightly inhibited the DCF removal, while α-FeOOH, another by-product of Fe(VI), showed no influence at pH 7. In addition, MnO 2 and MnO 4 - , the by-products of Mn 2+ , enhanced the DCF degradation due to catalysis and superposition of oxidation capacity, respectively. This study indicates that Fe 3+ and Fe 2+ promoted the DCF removal mainly via the self-catalysis for Fe(VI), and meanwhile, the catalysis of Mn 2+ and the effect of its by-products (i.e., MnO 2 and MnO 4 - ) contributed synchronously for DCF degradation. Graphical abstract ᅟ.

  14. Accumulating the hydride state in the catalytic cycle of [FeFe]-hydrogenases (United States)

    Winkler, Martin; Senger, Moritz; Duan, Jifu; Esselborn, Julian; Wittkamp, Florian; Hofmann, Eckhard; Apfel, Ulf-Peter; Stripp, Sven Timo; Happe, Thomas


    H2 turnover at the [FeFe]-hydrogenase cofactor (H-cluster) is assumed to follow a reversible heterolytic mechanism, first yielding a proton and a hydrido-species which again is double-oxidized to release another proton. Three of the four presumed catalytic intermediates (Hox, Hred/Hred and Hsred) were characterized, using various spectroscopic techniques. However, in catalytically active enzyme, the state containing the hydrido-species, which is eponymous for the proposed heterolytic mechanism, has yet only been speculated about. We use different strategies to trap and spectroscopically characterize this transient hydride state (Hhyd) for three wild-type [FeFe]-hydrogenases. Applying a novel set-up for real-time attenuated total-reflection Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy, we monitor compositional changes in the state-specific infrared signatures of [FeFe]-hydrogenases, varying buffer pH and gas composition. We selectively enrich the equilibrium concentration of Hhyd, applying Le Chatelier's principle by simultaneously increasing substrate and product concentrations (H2/H+). Site-directed manipulation, targeting either the proton-transfer pathway or the adt ligand, significantly enhances Hhyd accumulation independent of pH.

  15. Simulation of radiation damage in Fe and Fe-Cr

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lagerstedt, Christina


    Steel is an important structural material in nuclear reactors used for example in pressure vessels and fast reactor cladding. In reactor environments it has been observed that ferritic steels are more resistant to swelling than the austenitic steels typically used. Much effort has been put into developing basic models of FeCr alloys which can serve as model alloys for describing ferritic steels. As a result, a number of interatomic potentials for Fe and FeCr alloys exist today. For the work in this thesis, basic material properties coming from experiments or ab initio calculations were used to fit interatomic potentials for Fe, Cr and FeCr implementing both the embedded atom method and the Finnis-Sinclair formalisms. The potentials were then validated by molecular dynamic calculations of material properties such as defect formation energies, migration energies and thermal expansion. Further studies of potential performance were carried out in simulations of radiation damage cascades and thermal aging. The influence of the interatomic potential on the primary defect state in materials under irradiation was analyzed in a study comparing results obtained using four different potentials. The objective of the study was to find correlations between potential properties and the primary damage state produced in simulations of displacement cascades. The defect evolution and clustering during different cascade stages were also investigated to try to gain a better understanding of these processes

  16. A percepção dos trabalhadores de enfermagem sobre o manejo dos resíduos químicos perigosos

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Taiza Florêncio Costa


    Full Text Available Este estudo objetivou identificar a percepção dos trabalhadores de enfermagem sobre o manejo dos resíduos químicos perigosos no Hospital Universitário da Universidade de São Paulo e elaborar uma proposta para o manejo desses resíduos. Trata-se de pesquisa de abordagem qualitativa, cuja amostra foi intencional, composta por dezoito trabalhadores de enfermagem. A coleta de dados foi realizada por meio da técnica de grupo focal. Com a análise temática foram identificadas quatro categorias que evidenciaram a deficiência de treinamento nas etapas do manejo, como a primeira dificuldade expressa, tendo aparecido ainda o desconhecimento da exposição e impactos, assim como o uso dos equipamentos de proteção individual em detrimento da proteção coletiva, seguidos das sugestões quanto às medidas de competência institucional e dos trabalhadores para o manejo seguro dos resíduos químicos perigosos. Esses dados permitiram recomendar propostas para o manejo adequado dos resíduos químicos perigosos pela enfermagem.

  17. A percepção dos trabalhadores de enfermagem sobre o manejo dos resíduos químicos perigosos

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Taiza Florêncio Costa

    Full Text Available Este estudo objetivou identificar a percepção dos trabalhadores de enfermagem sobre o manejo dos resíduos químicos perigosos no Hospital Universitário da Universidade de São Paulo e elaborar uma proposta para o manejo desses resíduos. Trata-se de pesquisa de abordagem qualitativa, cuja amostra foi intencional, composta por dezoito trabalhadores de enfermagem. A coleta de dados foi realizada por meio da técnica de grupo focal. Com a análise temática foram identificadas quatro categorias que evidenciaram a deficiência de treinamento nas etapas do manejo, como a primeira dificuldade expressa, tendo aparecido ainda o desconhecimento da exposição e impactos, assim como o uso dos equipamentos de proteção individual em detrimento da proteção coletiva, seguidos das sugestões quanto às medidas de competência institucional e dos trabalhadores para o manejo seguro dos resíduos químicos perigosos. Esses dados permitiram recomendar propostas para o manejo adequado dos resíduos químicos perigosos pela enfermagem.

  18. Investigation of Synthesis and Magnetic Properties of Rod-Shaped CoFe2O4 via Precipitation-Topotactic Reaction Employing α-FeOOH and γ-FeOOH As Templates (United States)

    Cao, Xiaohui; Dong, Hongfei; Tan, Yuzhuo; Meng, Jinhong


    Rod-shaped CoFe2O4 was prepared by chemical precipitation-topotactic reaction method, and in this preparation needle-like γ-FeOOH and α-FeOOH were synthesized to use as template materials. The evolution of phase and morphology in the process of calcination exhibits that α-FeOOH and γ-FeOOH experienced different routes to form the α-Fe2O3 middle phase with different crystallinity and morphology. The synthesis process of CoFe2O4 revealed that the crystallinity, purity and morphology of CoFe2O4 depend on the α-Fe2O3 middle phase. The magnetic measurement showed that the CoFe2O4 prepared from α-FeOOH has higher saturation magnetization and coercivity, and the crystallinity and morphology may play important roles in achieving a better magnetic performance.

  19. Fe-Ti/Fe (II)-loading on ceramic filter materials for residual chlorine removal from drinking water. (United States)

    Man, Kexin; Zhu, Qi; Guo, Zheng; Xing, Zipeng


    Ceramic filter material was prepared with silicon dioxide (SiO 2 ), which was recovered from red mud and then modified with Fe (II) and Fe-Ti bimetal oxide. Ceramic filter material can be used to reduce the content of residual chlorine from drinking water. The results showed that after a two-step leaching process with 3 M hydrochloric acid (HCl) and 90% sulfuric acid (H 2 SO 4 ), the recovery of SiO 2 exceeded 80%. Fe (II)/Fe-Ti bimetal oxide, with a high adsorption capacity of residual chlorine, was prepared using a 3:1 M ratio of Fe/Ti and a concentration of 0.4 mol/L Fe 2+ . According to the zeta-potential, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and Brunauer-Emmett-Teller (BET) analysis, Fe (II) and Fe-Ti bimetal oxide altered the zeta potential and structural properties of the ceramic filter material. There was a synergistic interaction between Fe and Ti in which FeOTi bonds on the material surface and hydroxyl groups provided the active sites for adsorption. Through a redox reaction, Fe (II) transfers hypochlorite to chloride, and FeOTiCl bonds were formed after adsorption. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  20. Determination of the 54Fe(n, 2n)53gFe and 54Fe(n, 2n)53mFe cross sections averaged over a 235U fission neutron spectrum

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ribeiro Guevara, S.; Arribere, M.; Kestelman, A.J.


    The reaction cross sections averaged over a 235 U fission neutron spectrum have been measured for the 54 Fe(n, 2n) 53g Fe and 54 Fe(n, 2n) 53m Fe threshold reactions. The values found are, respectively: (1.14 ± 0.13) μb, and (0.52 ± 0.16) μb. The measured cross sections are referred to the (111± 3) mb standard cross section of the 58 Ni(n, p) 58m+g Co reaction. The (81.7 ± 2.2) mb standard cross section value for the 54 Fe(n, p) 54 Mn reaction, was also used as a monitor to check the results obtained with the Ni standard, leading to an excellent agreement. (author)

  1. A Teoria dos Conjuntos de Cantor

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    Antônio Acra Freiria


    Full Text Available No final dos anos 50 e começo doe anos 60, houve uma reformulação significativa da Matemática no Brasil. Sob a bandeira do modernismo, seus defensores buscaram inovações no ensino da Matemática. Dessa forma, os reformistas se concentraram essencialmente na linguagem abusiva e no formalismo da Teoria dos Conjuntos, o que trouxe mais danos do que benefícios do ensino da Matemática de 1º e 2ºgraus. A linguagem formal da Teoria dos Conjuntos é porém sua parte menos importante. A teoria criada por Cantor tão logo revelou-se como o fundamento de toda a Matemática, possibilitando o desenvolvimento de novas disciplinas, como a Topologia, a Algebra Abstrata, a Teoria da Medida e Integração, a Teoria da Probabilidade e a Análise Funcional. O objetivo deste trabalho é um relato sucinto de como surgiu essa teoria, apresentando o "Conjunto de Cantor" como um dos mais ricos exemplos de "Conjunto perfeito" encontrados na literatura matemática.

  2. Modeling Equilibrium Fe Isotope Fractionation in Fe-Organic Complexes: Implications for the use of Fe Isotopes as a Biomarker and Trends Based on the Properties of Bound Ligands (United States)

    Domagal-Goldman, S.; Kubicki, J. D.


    Fe Isotopes have been proposed as a useful tracer of biological and geochemical processes. Key to understanding the effects these various processes have on Fe isotopes is accurate modeling of the reactions responsible for the isotope fractionations. In this study, we examined the theoretical basis for the claims that Fe isotopes can be used as a biomarker. This was done by using molecular orbital/density functional theory (MO/DFT) calculations to predict the equilibrium fractionation of Fe isotopes due to changes in the redox state and the bonding environment of Fe. Specifically, we predicted vibrational frequencies for iron desferrioxamine (Fe-DFOB), iron triscatechol (Fe(cat)3), iron trisoxalate (Fe(ox)3), and hexaaquo iron (Fe(H2O)6) for complexes containing both ferrous (Fe2+) and ferric (Fe3+) iron. Using these vibrational frequencies, we then predicted fractionation factors between these six complexes. The predicted fractionation factors resulting from changes in the redox state of Fe fell in the range 2.5- 3.5‰. The fractionation factors resulting from changes in the bonding environment of Fe ranged from 0.2 to 1.4‰. These results indicate that changes in the bonding strength of Fe ligands are less important to Fe isotope fractionation processes than are changes to the redox state of Fe. The implications for use of Fe as a tracer of biological processes is clear: abiological redox changes must be ruled out in a sample before Fe isotopes are considered as a potential biomarker. Furthermore, the use of Fe isotopes to measure the redox state of the Earths surface environment through time is supported by this work, since changes in the redox state of Fe appear to be the more important driver of isotopic fractionations. In addition to the large differences between redox-driven fractionations and ligand-driven fractionations, we will also show general trends in the demand for heavy Fe isotopes as a function of properties of the bound ligand. This will help the

  3. Ferromagnetic alloy material CoFeC with high thermal tolerance in MgO/CoFeC/Pt structure and comparable intrinsic damping factor with CoFeB (United States)

    Chen, Shaohai; Zhou, Jing; Lin, Weinan; Yu, Jihang; Guo, Rui; Poh, Francis; Shum, Danny; Chen, Jingsheng


    The thermal tolerance and perpendicular magnetic anisotropy (PMA) of ferromagnetic alloy Co40Fe40C20 in the structure MgO/CoFeC/Pt (or Ta) were investigated and compared with the commonly used CoFeB alloy. It is found that the PMA of CoFeC with {{K}i,CoFeC}=2.21 erg c{{m}-2} , which is 59% higher than that of CoFeB, can be obtained after proper post-annealing treatment. Furthermore, CoFeC alloy provides better thermal tolerance to temperature of 400 °C than CoFeB. The studies on ferromagnetic resonance show that the intrinsic damping constant α in of Co40Fe40C20 alloy is 0.0047, which is similar to the reported value of 0.004 for Co40Fe40B20 alloy. The comprehensive comparisons indicate that CoFeC alloy is a promising candidate for the application of the integration of spin torque transfer magnetic random access memory with complementary metal-oxide semiconductor processes.

  4. Fe++/Fe+++ concentration relationship and mechanical properties of phosphate glasses useful for wastes immobilization

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Garcia, D.A.; Prado, Miguel O.


    Under different melting conditions, glasses with different Fe(II)/Fe(III) concentration relationship were prepared within each type of glass 43Fe 2 O 3 -57P 2 O 5 and 33,33Fe 2 O 3 - 66,67P 2 O 5 . Using Moessbauer spectroscopy Fe(II)/Fe(III) concentration values were determined. Vickers and Knoop indentations were used for determining their hardness, toughness, Young modulus and brittleness. The same measurements were carried on some silicate and aluminosilicate glasses. Also Weibull statistics was done to determine the characteristics (Weibull modulus and and fracture probability) of glass fracture. We found that silicate glasses (SG) are harder than phosphate glasses (PG). Toughness values for PG, are in the same range than for SG, although for the same density exhibit larger values or smaller brittleness than silicate glasses. For one of the glasses it was found that the mechanical load P 0 needed for a fracture probability of 63% increases with the Fe(II) content. (author)

  5. Ion-irradiation induced chemical ordering of FePt and FePtAu nanoparticles

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Seetala, Naidu V. [Department of Physics, Grambling State University, RWE Jones Drive, Carver Hall 81, Grambling, LA 71245 (United States)]. E-mail:; Harrell, J.W. [MINT Center, University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, AL 35487 (United States); Lawson, Jeremy [MINT Center, University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, AL 35487 (United States); Nikles, David E. [MINT Center, University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, AL 35487 (United States); Williams, John R. [Department of Physics, Auburn University, Auburn, AL 36849 (United States); Isaacs-Smith, Tamara [Department of Physics, Auburn University, Auburn, AL 36849 (United States)


    We have studied the effect of ion-beam irradiation on reducing the ordering temperature of FePt and FePtAu nanoparticles. FePt and FePt(Au14%) 4 nm particles dispersed on a Si-substrate were irradiated by 300 keV Al-ions with a dose of 1 x 10{sup 16} ions/cm{sup 2} at 43 {sup o}C using a water-cooled flange in order to minimize the vacancy migration and voids formation within the collision cascades. Partial chemical ordering has been observed in as-irradiated particles with coercivity of 60-130 Oe. Post-irradiation annealing at 220 {sup o}C enhanced chemical ordering in FePt nanoparticles with coercivity of 3500 Oe, magnetic anisotropy of 1.5 x 10{sup 7} erg/cc, and thermal stability factor of 130. A much higher 375 {sup o}C post-irradiation annealing was required in FePtAu, presumably because Au atoms were trapped at Fe/Pt lattice sites at lower temperatures. As the annealing temperature increased, anomalous features in the magnetization reversal curves were observed that disappeared at higher annealing temperatures.


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    Full Text Available Os corretivos da acidez dos solos podem ter dois equivalentes em carbonato de cálcio: um, calculado pelos teores de cálcio e magnésio utilizando a expressão: % CaO x 1,79 + % MgO x 2,48 = %ECaCO3; outro, determinado analiticamente pelo poder ou valor de neutralização. Para uma mesma amostra ambos os valores deveriam coincidir, o que raramente acontece. Diversas hipóteses foram levantadas para justificar essa diferença. Os resultados deste trabalho permitiram inferir que nem todo o cálcio e magnésio dos corretivos devem estar associados às bases quimicamente efetivas mas também a fosfato, sulfato ou outras bases de forças inexpressivas; também os constituintes neutralizantes podem estar aprisionados em cristais de outros componentes dos corretivos, como sílica por exemplo, que só são atingidos por um ataque mais enérgico da amostra. Como conclusão, a avaliação química atual dos corretivos da acidez dos solos pode não estar se compatibilizando com o comportamento agrícola desses produtos.Agricultural liming materials can have two calcium carbonate equivalents: one calculated in function of calcium and magnesium oxide percentages, by the expression: % CaO x 1,79 + % MgO x 2,48 = %ECaCO3; and the other determined analytically by the neutralization power or value. For one sample, both values should be similar, however, this rarely occurs. Several hypoteses were raised to justify the difference. Results of this research permit to infer that not all calcium and magnesium should be associated to the chemically effective bases, but they are also associated to phosphate, sulphate or other bases of inexpressive strength. It is also possible that, the neutralizing components could be captured inside cristals, like silica for example, which react only after a strong solubilization of the sample. It is concluded that the chemical evaluation of agricultural liming materials at the present time cannot explain the agronomical behaviour of

  7. Tratamento descentralizado de esgotos de empreendimentos comercial e residencial empregando a ecotecnologia dos wetlandsconstruídos

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    Camila Maria Trein

    Full Text Available ResumoO objetivo deste trabalho é apresentar o desempenho dos wetlandsconstruídos de fluxo vertical (WCFV submetidos a diferentes carregamentos orgânicos e hidráulicos, a fim de incorporar esta tecnologia como opção no tratamento descentralizado de esgotos em empreendimentos comercial e residencial. Avaliou-se ao longo de dois anos dois sistemas de tratamento: (i sistema 1 - empreendimento comercial: composto por um Reator Aneróbio Compartimentado (RAC seguido de WCFV (área superficial total de 189 m2; (ii sistema 2 - condomínio residencial: composto pela sequência RAC e WCFV com fundo saturado (área superficial total de 3.141 m2. Com o monitoramento operacional e analítico junto aos wetlands, determinaram-se taxas hidráulicas aplicadas variando de 130 a 12 mm.d-1 e carregamentos médios aplicados variando de 87 a 1,9 gDQO m-2.d-1 para os sistemas 1 e 2, respectivamente. Os distintos carregamentos foram resultantes da demanda atual dos empreendimentos, sendo que os sistemas 1 e 2 apresentaram eficiências médias globais de remoção em termos de concentração de 75% e 93% para DQO, de 88% e 97% para DBO e de 83% e 94% para SS, respectivamente. A partir dos resultados obtidos, recomenda-se a utilização dos WCFV como alternativa tecnológica de tratamento de esgoto sob o contexto da descentralização.

  8. Buenas prácticas para el diseño e implementación de sistemas nacionales de monitoreo para la adaptación al cambio climático

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Naswa, Prakriti; Trærup, Sara Lærke Meltofte; Bouroncle, Claudia

    temade adaptación al cambio climático e indicadores de M&E para la adaptación. El segundo capítulo analizalos enfoques de M&E existentes, mientras que el capítulo 3 ofrece un panorama general de los enfoquesde M&E para la adaptación al cambio climático. Los capítulos 4 y 5 definen y discuten la......En este informe identificaremos, analizaremos y compararemos buenas prácticas internacionales dediseño e implementación de indicadores para sistemas de monitoreo y evaluación para la adaptación alcambio climático. El primer capítulo ofrece una introducción al contexto y la terminología clave en el...

  9. Magnetic properties of Fe/NiO/Fe(001) trilayers

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Biagioni, P.; Brambilla, A.; Portalupi, M.; Rougemaille, N.; Schmid, A.K.; Lanzara, A.; Vavassori, P.; Zani, M.; Finazzi, M.; Duo, L.; Ciccacci, F.


    We have investigated the magnetic properties of epitaxially grown Fe/NiO/Fe(001) trilayers, for different thicknesses of the NiO spacer. Magneto Optical Kerr Effect has been exploited to study the in-plane magnetization reversal processes in the iron layers. We found that the NiO thickness t AFM has a critical value t C for the magnetic coupling between the Fe layers: for t AFM C the magnetization directions align perpendicularly, with zero applied field, while the alignment is collinear for thicker spacers. A phenomenological model has been developed to reproduce and discuss the results. Complementary information has been obtained by means of spin polarized low energy electron microscopy

  10. Magnetic properties of Fe/NiO/Fe(001) trilayers

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Biagioni, P [INFM - Dipartimento di Fisica, Politecnico di Milano, Piazza Leonardo da Vinci 32, 20133 Milan (Italy); Brambilla, A [INFM - Dipartimento di Fisica, Politecnico di Milano, Piazza Leonardo da Vinci 32, 20133 Milan (Italy); Portalupi, M [INFM - Dipartimento di Fisica, Politecnico di Milano, Piazza Leonardo da Vinci 32, 20133 Milan (Italy); Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, CA 94720 (United States); Rougemaille, N [Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, CA 94720 (United States); Schmid, A K [Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, CA 94720 (United States); Lanzara, A [Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, CA 94720 (United States); Department of Physics, University of California at Berkeley, Berkeley, CA 94720 (United States); Vavassori, P [INFM - Dipartimento di Fisica, Universita di Ferrara, Via Paradiso 12, 44100 Ferrara (Italy); Zani, M [INFM - Dipartimento di Fisica, Politecnico di Milano, Piazza Leonardo da Vinci 32, 20133 Milan (Italy); Finazzi, M [INFM - Dipartimento di Fisica, Politecnico di Milano, Piazza Leonardo da Vinci 32, 20133 Milan (Italy); Duo, L [INFM - Dipartimento di Fisica, Politecnico di Milano, Piazza Leonardo da Vinci 32, 20133 Milan (Italy); Ciccacci, F [INFM - Dipartimento di Fisica, Politecnico di Milano, Piazza Leonardo da Vinci 32, 20133 Milan (Italy)


    We have investigated the magnetic properties of epitaxially grown Fe/NiO/Fe(001) trilayers, for different thicknesses of the NiO spacer. Magneto Optical Kerr Effect has been exploited to study the in-plane magnetization reversal processes in the iron layers. We found that the NiO thickness t{sub AFM} has a critical value t{sub C} for the magnetic coupling between the Fe layers: for t{sub AFM}

  11. O Cabimento dos Embargos de Divergência




    A presente pesquisa objetiva demonstrar os embargos de divergência com enfoque nos elementos processuais do cabimento de tal modalidade recursal em nosso ordenamento jurídico. Para tanto, investigaremos os aspectos gerais dos embargos de divergência, a partir da análise dos elementos históricos enquanto a criação do instituto, como também sua finalidade e classificação no ordenamento jurídico brasileiro. Após, analisaremos o requisito de admissibilidade do cabimento dos embargo...

  12. Thermodynamic Description Of Ternary Fe-B-X Systems. Part 2: Fe-B-Ni

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Miettinen J.


    Full Text Available Przedstawiono termodynamiczny opis trójskładnikowego układu Fe-B-Ni w kontekście nowej bazy danych dla układów Fe-B-X (X = Cr, Ni, Mn, Si, Ti, V, C. Parametry termodynamiczne dwuskładnikowych stopów Fe-B. Fe-Ni i B-Ni zostały są zaczerpnięte z wcześniejszych opracowań, przy tym opis B-Ni został nieznacznie zmodyfikowany. Parametry dla układu Fe-B-Ni zostały zoptymalizowane w tej pracy w oparciu o eksperymentalne równowagi fazowe i dane termodynamiczne zaczerpnięte z literatury. Roztwory stałe w układzie Fe-B-Ni opisano przy użyciu modelu roztworu substytucyjnego, a borki traktowane są jako fazy stechiometryczne lub półstechiometryczne typu (A.BpCq opisane przy użyciu modelu dwu podsieci.

  13. Structure, magnetism, and interface properties of epitactical thin Fe and FePt films on GaAs(001) substrates; Struktur, Magnetismus und Grenzflaecheneigenschaften epitaktischer duenner Fe- und FePt-Filme auf GaAs(001)-Substraten

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Schuster, Ellen Ursula


    The research in this thesis is focused on the study of the Fe spin structure and interface magnetism of thin epitaxial Fe layers or epitaxial FePt alloy films with chemical L1{sub 0} order on GaAs(001) surfaces. The main method of investigation was isotope-specific conversion electron Moessbauer spectroscopy (CEMS) combined with the {sup 57}Fe probe-layer technique in the temperature range of 4.2-300 K. The film structure was studied using electron diffraction (RHEED) and X-ray diffraction (XRD). The chemical order parameter S determined by XRD was found to increase with rising growth temperature, T{sub S}, to a maximum value of 0.71, until long range order is destroyed at T{sub S}>350 C by alloying with the substrate. As an important result a linear correlation between short-range order (revealed by the relative spectral area of the L1{sub 0} phase) and long-range order S was observed. The observed perpendicular Fe spin texture, characterized by the mean tilting angle left angle {theta} right angle of the Fe spins (relative to the film normal direction), was found to correlate with the L1{sub 0} phase content and with S. Furthermore, epitaxial Fe(001) films on GaAs(001)-(4 x 6) and on GaAs(001)-LED surfaces were grown successfully. In the initial stage of Fe film growth non-monotonous behavior of the in-plane lattice parameter was observed by RHEED. The magnetic hyperfine field distributions P(B{sub hf}) at the Fe/GaAs interface extracted from CEMS spectra for T{sub S}=-140 C or room temperature (RT) were found to be very similar. The observed large mean hyperfine fields of left angle B{sub hf} right angle {approx}25-27 T at the interface indicate the presence of high average Fe moments of 1.7-1.8 {mu}{sub B}. Nonmagnetic interface layers either can be excluded (Fe/GaAs) or are very thin (0.5 ML,Fe/GaAs-LED). Owing to its island structure an ultrathin (1.9 ML thick) uncoated Fe(001) film on GaAs(001)-(4 x 6) shows superparamagnetism with a blocking temperature of

  14. Psychometric properties of the Positive and Negative Affect Scale for Children (PANAS-C in Peru

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    Liliana Casuso


    Full Text Available Este estudio tiene como objetivo investigar las propiedades psicométricas de la Lista de afecto positivo y negativo para la Infancia (PANAS-C en Perú. Después de traducir la escala en español, su validez y fiabilidad se investigaron en los datos obtenidos de un estudio longitudinal de dos ondas con una muestra de estudiantes peruanos preadolescentes (N = 170. La estructura factorial de la escala fue investigada por técnicas de análisis factorial de confirmación, mientras que la validez convergente y discriminante se analizaron utilizando la Escala de Soledad Lovaina para Niños y Adolescentes y el Inventario estresantes eventos para preadolescentes. Los resultados apoyan la idoneidad de un modelo de dos factores (afecto positivo y afecto negativo en todos los casos. Los resultados también mostraron una buena validez convergente y discriminante, así como una buena fiabilidad. Los presentes hallazgos sugieren que los cosntructos de PA y NA son menos distinguibles en los niños más pequeños y que dichos conceptos se presentan más claramente definidos a medida que los niños crecen, posiblemente debido a una creciente capacidad para categorizar la experiencia emocional.

  15. Exchange coupling behavior in bimagnetic CoFe{sub 2}O{sub 4}/CoFe{sub 2} nanocomposite

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Leite, G.C.P. [Instituto de Fisica, Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso, 78060-900 Cuiaba-MT (Brazil); Chagas, E.F., E-mail: [Instituto de Fisica, Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso, 78060-900 Cuiaba-MT (Brazil); Pereira, R.; Prado, R.J. [Instituto de Fisica, Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso, 78060-900 Cuiaba-MT (Brazil); Terezo, A.J. [Departamento de Quimica, Universidade Federal do Mato Grosso, 78060-900 Cuiaba-MT (Brazil); Alzamora, M.; Baggio-Saitovitch, E. [Centro Brasileiro de Pesquisas Fisicas, Rua Xavier Sigaud 150 Urca, Rio de Janeiro (Brazil)


    In this work we report a study of the magnetic behavior of ferrimagnetic oxide CoFe{sub 2}O{sub 4} and ferrimagnetic oxide/ferromagnetic metal CoFe{sub 2}O{sub 4}/CoFe{sub 2} nanocomposite. The latter compound is a good system to study hard ferrimagnet/soft ferromagnet exchange coupled. Two steps were followed to synthesize the bimagnetic CoFe{sub 2}O{sub 4}/CoFe{sub 2} nanocomposite: (i) first, preparation of CoFe{sub 2}O{sub 4} nanoparticles using a simple hydrothermal method, and (ii) second, reduction reaction of cobalt ferrite nanoparticles using activated charcoal in inert atmosphere and high temperature. The phase structures, particle sizes, morphology, and magnetic properties of CoFe{sub 2}O{sub 4} nanoparticles were investigated by X-Ray diffraction (XRD), Mossbauer spectroscopy (MS), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), and vibrating sample magnetometer (VSM) with applied field up to 3.0 kOe at room temperature and 50 K. The mean diameter of CoFe{sub 2}O{sub 4} particles is about 16 nm. Mossbauer spectra revealed two sites for Fe{sup 3+}. One site is related to Fe in an octahedral coordination and the other one to the Fe{sup 3+} in a tetrahedral coordination, as expected for a spinel crystal structure of CoFe{sub 2}O{sub 4}. TEM measurements of nanocomposite showed the formation of a thin shell of CoFe{sub 2} on the cobalt ferrite and indicate that the nanoparticles increase to about 100 nm. The magnetization of the nanocomposite showed a hysteresis loop that is characteristic of exchange coupled systems. A maximum energy product (BH){sub max} of 1.22 MGOe was achieved at room temperature for CoFe{sub 2}O{sub 4}/CoFe{sub 2} nanocomposites, which is about 115% higher than the value obtained for CoFe{sub 2}O{sub 4} precursor. The exchange coupling interaction and the enhancement of product (BH){sub max} in nanocomposite CoFe{sub 2}O{sub 4}/CoFe{sub 2} are discussed. - Highlights: Black-Right-Pointing-Pointer CoFe{sub 2}O{sub 4}/CoFe{sub 2} nanocomposite

  16. Treatment of reverse osmosis (RO) concentrate by the combined Fe/Cu/air and Fenton process (1stFe/Cu/air-Fenton-2ndFe/Cu/air). (United States)

    Ren, Yi; Yuan, Yue; Lai, Bo; Zhou, Yuexi; Wang, Juling


    To decompose or transform the toxic and refractory reverse osmosis (RO) concentrate and improve the biodegradability, 1stFe/Cu/air-Fenton-2ndFe/Cu/air were developed to treat RO concentrate obtained from an amino acid production plant in northern China. First, their operating conditions were optimized thoroughly. Furthermore, 5 control experiments were setup to confirm the superiority of 1stFe/Cu/air-Fenton-2ndFe/Cu/air and synergistic reaction between Fe/Cu/air and Fenton. The results suggest that the developed method could obtain high COD removal (65.1%) and BOD5/COD ratio (0.26) due to the synergistic reaction between Fe/Cu/air and Fenton. Under the optimal conditions, the influent and effluent of 1stFe/Cu/air-Fenton-2ndFe/Cu/air and 5 control experiments were analyzed by using UV, FTIR, EEM and LC, which confirm the superiority of 1stFe/Cu/air-Fenton-2ndFe/Cu/air. Therefore, the developed method in this study is a promising process for treatment of RO concentrate. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  17. Ordering phenomena in FeCo-films and Fe/Cr-multilayers: an X-ray and neutron scattering study

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Nickel, B.


    The following topics are covered: critical phenomena in thin films, critical adsorption, finite size scaling, FeCo Ising model, kinematical scattering theory for thin films, FeCo thin films, growth and characterisation of single crystal FeCo thin films, X-ray study of ordering in FeCo films, antiferromagnetic coupling in Fe/Cr multilayers, neutron scattering on Fe/Cr multilayers (WL)

  18. Shape anisotropy and hybridization enhanced magnetization in nanowires of Fe/MgO/Fe encapsulated in carbon nanotubes

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Aryee, Dennis [Army Research Laboratory, Weapons and Materials Research Directorate, Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD 21005 (United States); Department of Physics and Engineering Physics, Morgan State University, Baltimore, MD 21251 (United States); Seifu, Dereje, E-mail: [Department of Physics and Engineering Physics, Morgan State University, Baltimore, MD 21251 (United States)


    Arrays of tunneling magnetoresistance (TMR) nanowires were synthesized for the first time by filling Fe/MgO/Fe inside vertically grown and substrate supported carbon nanotubes. The magnetic properties of nanowires and planar nanoscale thin films of Fe/MgO/Fe showed several similarities, such as two-fold magnetic symmetry and ratio of orbital moment to spin moment. Nanowires of Fe/MgO/Fe showed higher saturation magnetization by a factor of 2.7 compared to planar thin films of Fe/MgO/Fe at 1.5 kOe. The enhanced magnetic properties likely resulted from shape anisotropy of the nanowires and as well as the hybridization that occur between the π- electronic states of carbon and 3d-bands of the Fe-surface.

  19. Fabrication and magnetic properties of Fe/GaAs/Fe hybrid structures


    Wong, P.K.J.; Zhang, W.; Zhang, W.; Wu, J.; Will, I.G.; Xu, Y.B.; Farrer, I.; Ritchie, D.A.


    In this contribution, experimental results on the fabrication and magnetic characterization of a novel type vertical Fe/GaAs(100)/Fe spin-valve (SV) spintronic device are presented. An array of techniques has been developed by combining use of ex-situ chemical and selective etching of GaAs/AlGaAs/n-GaAs epilayers and ultrahigh vacuum deposition of Fe by molecular beam epitaxy (MBE). The thinnest achievable GaAs membrane by these sequences can be as thin as 50 nm.

  20. A synthetic system links FeFe-hydrogenases to essential E. coli sulfur metabolism

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    Grandl Gerald


    Full Text Available Abstract Background FeFe-hydrogenases are the most active class of H2-producing enzymes known in nature and may have important applications in clean H2 energy production. Many potential uses are currently complicated by a crucial weakness: the active sites of all known FeFe-hydrogenases are irreversibly inactivated by O2. Results We have developed a synthetic metabolic pathway in E. coli that links FeFe-hydrogenase activity to the production of the essential amino acid cysteine. Our design includes a complementary host strain whose endogenous redox pool is insulated from the synthetic metabolic pathway. Host viability on a selective medium requires hydrogenase expression, and moderate O2 levels eliminate growth. This pathway forms the basis for a genetic selection for O2 tolerance. Genetically selected hydrogenases did not show improved stability in O2 and in many cases had lost H2 production activity. The isolated mutations cluster significantly on charged surface residues, suggesting the evolution of binding surfaces that may accelerate hydrogenase electron transfer. Conclusions Rational design can optimize a fully heterologous three-component pathway to provide an essential metabolic flux while remaining insulated from the endogenous redox pool. We have developed a number of convenient in vivo assays to aid in the engineering of synthetic H2 metabolism. Our results also indicate a H2-independent redox activity in three different FeFe-hydrogenases, with implications for the future directed evolution of H2-activating catalysts.

  1. Molecular magnetism of a linear Fe(III)-Mn(II)-Fe(III) complex. Influence of long-range exchange interaction

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lengen, M.; Chaudhuri, P.


    The magnetic properties of [L-Fe(III)-dmg 3 Mn(II)-Fe(III)-L] (ClO 4 ) 2 have been characterized by magnetic susceptibility, EPR, and Moessbauer studies. L represents 1,4,7-trimethyl-,1,4,7-triazacyclononane and dmg represents dimethylglyoxime. X-ray diffraction measurements yield that the arrangement of the three metal centers is strictly linear with atomic distances d Fe-Mn 0.35 nm and d Fe-Fe = 0.7 nm. Magnetic susceptibility measurements (3-295 K) were analyzed in the framework of the spin-Hamiltonian formalism considering Heisenberg exchange and Zeeman interaction: H = J Fe-Mn (S Fe1 + S Fe2 )S Mn + J Fe-Fe S Fe1 S Fe2 + gμ B S total B. The spins S Fe1 = S Fe2 = S Mn = 5/2 of the complex are antiferromagnetically coupled, yielding a total spin of S total = 5/2 with exchange coupling constants F Fe-Mn = 13.4 cm -1 and J Fe-Fe = 4.5 cm -1 . Magnetically split Moessbauer spectra were recorded at 1.5 K under various applied fields (20 mT, 170 mT, 4 T). The spin-Hamiltonian analysis of these spectra yields isotropic magnetic hyperfine coupling with A total /(g N μ N ) = -18.5 T. The corresponding local component A Fe is related to A total via spin-projection: A total = (6/7)A Fe . The resulting A Fe /(g N μ N ) -21.6 T is in agreement with standard values of ferric high-spin complexes. Spin-Hamiltonian parameters as obtained from Moessbauer studies and exchange coupling constants as derived from susceptibility measurements are corroborated by temperature-dependent EPR studies. (orig.)

  2. Redox reactions of [FeFe]-hydrogenase models containing an internal amine and a pendant phosphine. (United States)

    Zheng, Dehua; Wang, Mei; Chen, Lin; Wang, Ning; Sun, Licheng


    A diiron dithiolate complex with a pendant phosphine coordinated to one of the iron centers, [(μ-SCH2)2N(CH2C6H4-o-PPh2){Fe2(CO)5}] (1), was prepared and structurally characterized. The pendant phosphine is dissociated together with a CO ligand in the presence of excess PMe3, to afford [(μ-SCH2)2N(CH2C6H4-o-PPh2){Fe(CO)2(PMe3)}2] (2). Redox reactions of 2 and related complexes were studied in detail by in situ IR spectroscopy. A series of new Fe(II)Fe(I) ([3](+) and [6](+)), Fe(II)Fe(II) ([4](2+)), and Fe(I)Fe(I) (5) complexes relevant to Hox, Hox(CO), and Hred states of the [FeFe]-hydrogenase active site were detected. Among these complexes, the molecular structures of the diferrous complex [4](2+) with the internal amine and the pendant phosphine co-coordinated to the same iron center and the triphosphine diiron complex 5 were determined by X-ray crystallography. To make a comparison, the redox reactions of an analogous complex, [(μ-SCH2)2N(CH2C6H5){Fe(CO)2(PMe3)}2] (7), were also investigated by in situ IR spectroscopy in the absence or presence of extrinsic PPh3, which has no influence on the oxidation reaction of 7. The pendant phosphine in the second coordination sphere makes the redox reaction of 2 different from that of its analogue 7.

  3. Characterization of Bi and Fe co-doped PZT capacitors for FeRAM. (United States)

    Cross, Jeffrey S; Kim, Seung-Hyun; Wada, Satoshi; Chatterjee, Abhijit


    Ferroelectric random access memory (FeRAM) has been in mass production for over 15 years. Higher polarization ferroelectric materials are needed for future devices which can operate above about 100 °C. With this goal in mind, co-doping of thin Pb(Zr 40 ,Ti 60 )O 3 (PZT) films with 1 at.% Bi and 1 at.% Fe was examined in order to enhance the ferroelectric properties as well as characterize the doped material. The XRD patterns of PZT-5% BiFeO 3 (BF) and PZT 140-nm thick films showed (111) orientation on (111) platinized Si wafers and a 30 °C increase in the tetragonal to cubic phase transition temperature, often called the Curie temperature, from 350 to 380 °C with co-doping, indicating that Bi and Fe are substituting into the PZT lattice. Raman spectra revealed decreased band intensity with Bi and Fe co-doping of PZT compared to PZT. Polarization hysteresis loops show similar values of remanent polarization, but square-shaped voltage pulse-measured net polarization values of PZT-BF were higher and showed higher endurance to repeated cycling up to 10 10 cycles. It is proposed that Bi and Fe are both in the +3 oxidation state and substituting into the perovskite A and B sites, respectively. Substitution of Bi and Fe into the PZT lattice likely creates defect dipoles, which increase the net polarization when measured by the short voltage pulse positive-up-negative-down (PUND) method.

  4. Regulation of brain copper homeostasis by the brain barrier systems: Effects of Fe-overload and Fe-deficiency

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Monnot, Andrew D.; Behl, Mamta; Ho, Sanna; Zheng, Wei


    Maintaining brain Cu homeostasis is vital for normal brain function. The role of systemic Fe deficiency (FeD) or overload (FeO) due to metabolic diseases or environmental insults in Cu homeostasis in the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and brain tissues remains unknown. This study was designed to investigate how blood-brain barrier (BBB) and blood-SCF barrier (BCB) regulated Cu transport and how FeO or FeD altered brain Cu homeostasis. Rats received an Fe-enriched or Fe-depleted diet for 4 weeks. FeD and FeO treatment resulted in a significant increase (+ 55%) and decrease (− 56%) in CSF Cu levels (p < 0.05), respectively; however, neither treatment had any effect on CSF Fe levels. The FeD, but not FeO, led to significant increases in Cu levels in brain parenchyma and the choroid plexus. In situ brain perfusion studies demonstrated that the rate of Cu transport into the brain parenchyma was significantly faster in FeD rats (+ 92%) and significantly slower (− 53%) in FeO rats than in controls. In vitro two chamber Transwell transepithelial transport studies using primary choroidal epithelial cells revealed a predominant efflux of Cu from the CSF to blood compartment by the BCB. Further ventriculo-cisternal perfusion studies showed that Cu clearance by the choroid plexus in FeD animals was significantly greater than control (p < 0.05). Taken together, our results demonstrate that both the BBB and BCB contribute to maintain a stable Cu homeostasis in the brain and CSF. Cu appears to enter the brain primarily via the BBB and is subsequently removed from the CSF by the BCB. FeD has a more profound effect on brain Cu levels than FeO. FeD increases Cu transport at the brain barriers and prompts Cu overload in the CNS. The BCB plays a key role in removing the excess Cu from the CSF.

  5. Regulation of brain copper homeostasis by the brain barrier systems: Effects of Fe-overload and Fe-deficiency

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Monnot, Andrew D.; Behl, Mamta; Ho, Sanna; Zheng, Wei, E-mail:


    Maintaining brain Cu homeostasis is vital for normal brain function. The role of systemic Fe deficiency (FeD) or overload (FeO) due to metabolic diseases or environmental insults in Cu homeostasis in the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and brain tissues remains unknown. This study was designed to investigate how blood-brain barrier (BBB) and blood-SCF barrier (BCB) regulated Cu transport and how FeO or FeD altered brain Cu homeostasis. Rats received an Fe-enriched or Fe-depleted diet for 4 weeks. FeD and FeO treatment resulted in a significant increase (+ 55%) and decrease (- 56%) in CSF Cu levels (p < 0.05), respectively; however, neither treatment had any effect on CSF Fe levels. The FeD, but not FeO, led to significant increases in Cu levels in brain parenchyma and the choroid plexus. In situ brain perfusion studies demonstrated that the rate of Cu transport into the brain parenchyma was significantly faster in FeD rats (+ 92%) and significantly slower (- 53%) in FeO rats than in controls. In vitro two chamber Transwell transepithelial transport studies using primary choroidal epithelial cells revealed a predominant efflux of Cu from the CSF to blood compartment by the BCB. Further ventriculo-cisternal perfusion studies showed that Cu clearance by the choroid plexus in FeD animals was significantly greater than control (p < 0.05). Taken together, our results demonstrate that both the BBB and BCB contribute to maintain a stable Cu homeostasis in the brain and CSF. Cu appears to enter the brain primarily via the BBB and is subsequently removed from the CSF by the BCB. FeD has a more profound effect on brain Cu levels than FeO. FeD increases Cu transport at the brain barriers and prompts Cu overload in the CNS. The BCB plays a key role in removing the excess Cu from the CSF.

  6. Teaching Bibliometric Analysis and MS/DOS Commands. (United States)

    Dou, Henri; And Others


    Outlines the steps involved in bibliometric studies, and demonstrates the ability to execute simple studies on microcomputers by downloading files using only the capability of MS/DOS. Detailed illustrations of the MS/DOS commands used are provided. (eight references) (CLB)

  7. Biomineralization associated with microbial reduction of Fe3+ and oxidation of Fe2+ in solid minerals (United States)

    Zhang, G.; Dong, H.; Jiang, H.; Kukkadapu, R.K.; Kim, J.; Eberl, D.; Xu, Z.


    Iron-reducing and oxidizing microorganisms gain energy through reduction or oxidation of iron, and by doing so play an important role in the geochemical cycling of iron. This study was undertaken to investigate mineral transformations associated with microbial reduction of Fe3+ and oxidation of Fe2+ in solid minerals. A fluid sample from the 2450 m depth of the Chinese Continental Scientific Drilling project was collected, and Fe3+-reducing and Fe2+-oxidizing microorganisms were enriched. The enrichment cultures displayed reduction of Fe3+ in nontronite and ferric citrate, and oxidation of Fe2+ in vivianite, siderite, and monosulfide (FeS). Additional experiments verified that the iron reduction and oxidation was biological. Oxidation of FeS resulted in the formation of goethite, lepidocrocite, and ferrihydrite as products. Although our molecular microbiological analyses detected Thermoan-aerobacter ethanolicus as a predominant organism in the enrichment culture, Fe3+ reduction and Fe2+ oxidation may be accomplished by a consortia of organisms. Our results have important environmental and ecological implications for iron redox cycling in solid minerals in natural environments, where iron mineral transformations may be related to the mobility and solubility of inorganic and organic contaminants.

  8. O ecologismo dos pobres

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Juan Martinez ALIER


    Full Text Available O ecologísmo tem colocado em cheque as leis capitalistas de mercado, principalmente na sua fase globalizada, devido à apropriação e exploração inconsequente dos recursos naturais. Ao mesmo tempo tem apontado que o meio ambiente não se reduz ao tratamento somente cientifico da natureza. O presente artigo ressalta aspectos importantes do ecologísmo como a participação das mulheres, o marxismo, o neo-narodnismo, etc. e é rico em exemplos de problemas ambientais decorrentes das relações de produção. O ecologísmo dos pobres é apontado como uma perspectiva necessária às lutas ambientais no Terceiro Mundo.

  9. Negro é o inferno! Um ensaio sobre as cores dos homens, dos demônios e dos deuses

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Walker Douglas Pincerati


    Full Text Available Problematiza-se o par negro.branco na formação social brasileira, trabalhando a hipótese de que ‘negro’ não é cor, mas a metáfora do corpo do ser infernal. Estatísticas oficiais, a história da formação do Brasil, um enunciado de um Deputado Federal Pastor, o quadro A libertação dos Escravos de Pedro Américo (1889 e a história da construção das catedrais góticas medievais são evocadas para analisá-lo, desde o ponto de vista linguístico-discursivo. Nota-se, destarte, uma longa história do alinhamento dos significantes branco-luz-deuses-céu-liberdade... e negro-escuridão-demônios-inferno-escravidão... atuando ainda no nosso país.

  10. Influence of chemical composition of CoFeB on tunneling magnetoresistance and microstructure in polycrystalline CoFeB/MgO/CoFeB magnetic tunnel junctions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tsunekawa, Koji; Choi, Young-Suk; Nagamine, Yoshinori; Djayaprawira, David D.; Takeuchi, Takashi; Kitamoto, Yoshitaka


    We report, for the first time, the correlation between tunneling magnetoresistance (TMR) and the microstructure of polycrystalline CoFeB/MgO/CoFeB magnetic tunnel junctions with various Co/Fe ratios in the (CoFe) 81 B 19 reference and free layers. It is found that the Co/Fe ratio in the (CoFe) 81 B 19 reference layer strongly affects the (001) out-of-plane texture of the MgO tunnel barrier, resulting in the variation in TMR ratio. Further microstructure characterization of the magnetic tunnel junction with a higher TMR ratio and a stronger (001) out-of-plane texture in the MgO tunnel barrier reveals a grain-to-grain lattice match between the crystallized bcc CoFeB reference layer and MgO with a 45deg rotational epitaxial relationship, that is, CoFeB(001)[110]//MgO(001)[100]. (author)

  11. Study on adsorption of O2 on LaFe1−xMgxO3 (0 1 0) surface by density function theory calculation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Liu, Xing; Cheng, Bin; Hu, Jifan; Qin, Hongwei


    Highlights: ► Mg-doping can change the electronic properties of LaFeO 3 (0 1 0) surface by decreasing the band gap. ► The position and content of Mg-doping can both affect the ability to adsorb O 2 . ► The strong hybridization between O 2 p and Fe d orbital is the origin of binding mechanism. - Abstract: The adsorption of O 2 on the clean and Mg doped LaFeO 3 (0 1 0) surface has been investigated using the density functional theory (DFT) method. Calculation results show that Mg-doping can change the electronic properties of LaFeO 3 (0 1 0) surface by decreasing the band gap. When Mg ions were not on the first layer of the surface, with increasing Mg content the adsorption of O 2 was enhanced. When Mg ions were on the first layer, the adsorption of O 2 was weakened with the increase of Mg content. The analysis results of the DOS indicated that the Mg ion and adsorbed O 2 had no strong hybridization, and the bonding mechanism was originated from the strong hybridization between the O p and Fe d orbital. Referring to all the calculation results, it was found that except for the increase of stability of oxygen adsorption, the Mg doping could not improve the sensitivity to O 2 .

  12. A pulse synthesis of beta-FeSi sub 2 layers on silicon implanted with Fe sup + ions

    CERN Document Server

    Batalov, R I; Terukov, E I; Kudoyarova, V K; Weiser, G; Kuehne, H


    The synthesis of thin beta-FeSi sub 2 films was performed by means of the Fe sup + ion implantation into Si (100) and the following nanosecond pulsed ion treatment of implanted layer. Using the beta-FeSi sub 2 beta-FeSi sub 2 e X-ray diffraction it is shown that the pulsed ion treatment results in the generation of the mixture of two phases: FeSi and beta-FeSi sub 2 with stressed crystal lattices. The following short-time annealing leads to the total transformation of the FeSi phase into the beta-FeSi sub 2 one. The Raman scattering data prove the generation of the beta-FeSi sub 2 at the high degree of the silicon crystallinity. The experimental results of the optical absorption testify to the formation of beta-FeSi sub 2 layers and precipitates with the straight-band structure. The photoluminescence signal at lambda approx = 1.56 mu m observes up to 210 K



    NASCIMENTO,Ronaldo F.; CERRONI,Jefferson L.; CARDOSO,Daniel R.; LIMA NETO,Benedito Santos; FRANCO,Douglas W.


    É apresentado um estudo comparativo entre os métodos oficiais e cromatográficos para a análise de aldeídos e de ácidos em bebidas alcoólicas. Foram analisadas trinta e cinco amostras de destilados alcoólicos. Com respeito a determinação dos teores totais de aldeídos e de ácidos. Os métodos oficiais e cromatográficos apresentam similar exatidão e reprodutibilidade. Entretanto, apenas os métodos cromatográficos permitem identificar e quantificar os componentes de cada série homologa. As metodol...


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Edelmira Ochoa Camacho


    Full Text Available Uno de los propósitos explícitos en el proceso de educar debería ser el favorecer la comprensión de la mirada interdisciplinar del conocimiento, que aporte a la formación de personas integrales, curiosas, críticas e imaginativas (Mendoza, Callejas, Porras y Moralejo 2011, y la universidad juega un papel importante en este aspecto. Por lo que esta investigación busca contribuir al acercamiento de las dos culturas, la humanística y la  científico-tecnológica,  separadas  tradicionalmente  por  los  prejuicios  que  han propiciado la incomprensión y el rechazo hacia los otros.  Esta investigación forma parte del Proyecto de Enseñanza y Aprendizaje sobre la Naturaleza de la Ciencia y la Tecnología (EANCYT. En este trabajo se presentan los resultados globales obtenidos en un curso de Electiva interdisciplinar titulado “Consolidación de la cultura científica” de nivel universitario, donde se aplicó una Secuencia de Enseñanza y Aprendizaje (SEA  denominada “¿Dos culturas o dos prejuicios?”, diseñada por Mendoza et al (2011, que tuvo como uno de los objetivos que los estudiantes interpreten las relaciones entre las ciencias y las humanidades con base en la lectura de textos y la discusión con pares. Antes  y  después  de  la  aplicación  de  la  SEA,  se  aplicó  un  test  a  los  estudiantes estructurado  por    6 cuestiones  pertenecientes  al  Cuestionario  de Opiniones  sobre Ciencia-Tecnología-Sociedad, COCTS (Manassero, Vázquez y Acevedo, 2003. Luego de la aplicación de la SEA se obtuvieron mayores índices (que significan opiniones más adecuadas en las cuestiones referidas a unión de dos culturas, valores y estándares, decisiones sociales, ética e instituciones educativas.

  15. In situ QXAFS observation of the reduction of Fe2O3 and CaFe2O4

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kimura, Masao; Takayama, Toru; Murao, Reiko; Nomura, Masaharu; Uemura, Yohei; Asakura, Kiyotaka


    In situ QXAFS studies of the reduction of α-Fe 2 O 3 and CaFe 2 O 4 were conducted to determine their reduction kinetics and mechanisms. The reduction of α-Fe 2 O 3 involved two steps, the first being a very fast process in which Fe 3+ was reduced to Fe 2+ and the second being the reduction of Fe 2+ to Fe metal over a longer period. In contrast, the reduction of Fe in CaFe 2 O 4 was a single first-order reaction, although an induction period was clearly observed at the beginning of the reduction process. The reduction processes were successfully studied using a combination of in situ QXAFS spectra at the Ca and Fe K-edges.

  16. Maintaining the Violent Status Quo: The Political Economy of the Colombian Insurgency (United States)


    negotiations were suspended when the FARC ambushed a senator’s motorcade. Resuming in Tlaxcala, Mexico , in March 1992, discussions were again...Santafé de Bogotá Señor Presidente. Las Autodefensas Unidas de Colombia, en un gesto de buena voluntad, y como aporte sustancial al ambiente de...sus corregimientos; Puerto Coca, Tiquisio Nuevo, Ventura, Quebrada del Medio , Dos Bocas, Colorado, Caño Guacamayo, Solís, Aguas Negras, Puerto Rico


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Manuel Area Moreira


    Full Text Available We present the design and results of a study conducted at the University of La Laguna (ULL to identify best practices in virtual classrooms in Higher Education developed in the form of blended learning. The study was conducted in the first quarter of 2008 and analyzed a large sample of virtual classrooms (N = 107 in the Virtual Campus of the University during the period 2005-07. This article presents six examples of virtual classrooms by scientific fields characterized by the incorporation of information resources, communication and experiential learning. En este artículo presentamos el diseño y resultados de un estudio realizado en la Universidad de La Laguna (ULL destinado a identificar buenas prácticas de aulas virtuales en la docencia universitaria desarrolladas bajo la modalidad de blended learning o enseñanza semipresencial. El estudio se desarrolló en el primer trimestre del año 2008 y analizó una importante muestra de las aulas virtuales (N= 107 existentes en el Campus Virtual de dicha universidad en el periodo 2005-07. Se seleccionaron seis ejemplos de aulas virtuales, clasificados por campos científicos, caracterizadas por la incorporación de recursos de información, de comunicación y de aprendizaje experiencial.

  18. Presence of 60Fe in eucrite Piplia Kalan: A new perspective to the initial 60Fe/ 56Fe in the early solar system

    Digital Repository Service at National Institute of Oceanography (India)

    Rudraswami, N.G.; Sahijpal, S.; Bhandari, N.

    Fe-Ni isotope measurements of ferrous pyroxenes of the Piplia Kalan eucrite using Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometer revealed the presence of sup (60) Ni excess corresponding to the initial 60Fe/56Fe of (5.2 + or - 2.4) × 10 sup(-9). Combining...

  19. Electrostaticspray preparation and properties of RDX/DOS composites

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jian Yao


    Full Text Available A composite explosive based on 1, 3, 5-trinitro-1, 3, 5-triazinane (RDX was prepared by electrostaticspray method with dioctyl sebacate (DOS as desensitizer. After preparation, the particle size and crystal structure were characterized and chemical features, such as chemical bonds, functional groups, thermal decomposition parameters and mechanical sensitivity were investigated as well. In terms of the morphologies of the composites, the particle sizes were in the range of 1–3 μm. Compared with RDX, the crystal types, chemical bonds and functional groups of the RDX/DOS composites were unchanged. The activation energy of the composites was lower than that of raw RDX, and the 3wt % DOS composites had the lowest activation energy. The impact sensitivity and friction sensitivity of the RDX/DOS composites were lower than those of raw RDX, and the 10wt% DOS composites had the highest H50 (125.9 cm and the lowest friction sensitivity (8%.

  20. Coercivity Recovery Effect of Sm-Fe-Cu-Al Alloy on Sm2Fe17N3 Magnet (United States)

    Otogawa, Kohei; Asahi, Toru; Jinno, Miho; Yamaguchi, Wataru; Takagi, Kenta; Kwon, Hansang


    The potential of a Sm-Fe-Cu-Al binder for improvement of the magnetic properties of Sm2Fe17N3 was examined. Transmission electron microscope (TEM) observation of a Sm-Fe-Cu-Al alloy-bonded Sm2Fe17N3 magnet which showed high coercivity revealed that the Sm-Fe-Cu-Al alloy had an effect of removing the surface oxide layer of the Sm2 Fe17N3 grains. However, the Sm-Fe-Cu-Al binder was contaminated by carbon and nitrogen, which originated from the organic solvent used as the milling medium during pulverization. To prevent carbon and nitrogen contamination, the Sm-Fe- Cu-Al alloy was added directly on the surface of the Sm2Fe17N3 grains by sputtering. Comparing the recovered coercivity per unit amount of the added binder the uncontaminated binder-coated sample had a higher coercivity recovery effect than the milled binder-added sample. These results suggested that sufficient addition of the contamination-free Sm-Fe-Cu-Al binder has the possibility to reduce the amount of binder necessary to produce a high coercive Sm2Fe17N3 magnet.

  1. Effect of Soil Parameters on the Kinetics of the Displacement of Fe from FeEDDHA Chelates by Cu

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Schenkeveld, W.D.C.; Reichwein, A.M.; Temminghoff, E.J.M.; Riemsdijk, van W.H.


    In soil application, o,o-FeEDDHA (iron (3+) ethylene diamine-N,N'-bis(2-hydroxy phenyl acetic acid) complex) is the active ingredient of FeEDDHA chelate-based Fe fertilizers. The effectiveness of o,o-FeEDDHA is potentially compromised by the displacement of Fe from FeEDDHA by Cu. The actual impact

  2. A new rhodamine-based fluorescent probe for the discrimination of Fe"3"+ from Fe"2"+

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    You, Qi Hua; Huang, Hua Bin; Zhuang, Zhi Xia; Wang, Xiao Ru; Chan, Wing Hong


    A new rhodamine-based fluorescent probe for the discrimination of Fe"3"+ from Fe"2"+ has been designed and investigated. The probe shows an immediate visual color change in response to Fe"3"+ and Cu"2"+, while only Fe"3"+ triggers the fluorescent change of the probe. The existence of large amount of other metal ions shows negligible interference in the detection of Fe"3"+. The association constant K_a_s_s of 4.64 × 10"8 M"-"2 (R"2 = 0.994) and 5.38 × 10"8 M"-"2 (R"2 = 0.991) of the complex was derived from UV/Vis and fluorescence titration assuming 1:2 stoichiometry of probe–Fe"3"+ complex, respectively

  3. Determination of K shell fluorescence cross-section and Kβ/Kα intensity ratios for Fe, Se, Te, FeSe, FeTe and TeSe

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Saydam, M.; Aksoy, C.; Cengiz, E.; Alaşalvar, C.; Tıraşoğlu, E.; Apaydın, G.


    The fluorescence cross-sections (σ Ki ) and the intensity ratios K β /K α for pure Fe, Se, Te elements and FeSe, FeTe, TeSe complexes have been investigated. The samples were excited by 59.5 keV γ-rays from 241 Am annular radioactive source and emitted X-rays. They were counted by an Ultra-LEGe detector with resolution of 150 eV at 5.9 keV. For pure elements results have been compared with the theoretical calculated values. According to our results band length and mutual interaction of atoms affected the results. We claimed that these effects would help researchers who study on superconductors, especially determining which compound can be show the superconductor properties. - Highlights: ► TeSe, FeSe and FeTe complexes have affected each other in terms of charge transfer. ► Fe excitement and enhancement have been made by Se and Te. ► Attractive interactions between electrons can help to becoming superconductivity.

  4. Crystallization behavior and magnetic properties in High Fe content FeBCSiCu alloy system

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Fan, X.D., E-mail:; Shen, B.L., E-mail:


    High Fe content FeBCSiCu nanocrystalline alloys are prepared by annealing melt-spun amorphous ribbons with aim at increasing saturation magnetic flux density. Microstructures identified by XRD and TEM reveal that Cu addition inhibits the surface crystallization of Fe{sub 86}B{sub 7}C{sub 7} alloy and improve its glass-forming ability. Activation energy of crystallization calculated by Kissinger's equation indicates that both Cu and Si addition promotes the precipitation of α-Fe phase and improves the thermal stability. VSM and DC B–H loop tracer measurements show that the Fe{sub 85.5}B{sub 7}C{sub 6}Si{sub 1}Cu{sub 0.5} nanocrystalline alloy exhibits high saturation magnetic flux density of 1.8 T and low coercivity of 10 A/m, respectively. AC properties measured by AC B–H analyzer show this alloy exhibits low core loss of 0.35 W/kg at 1 T at 50 Hz. Low material cost and convenient productivity make the Fe{sub 85.5}B{sub 7}C{sub 6}Si{sub 1}Cu{sub 0.5} nanocrystalline alloy an economical application in industry. - Highlights: • Cu addition inhibits the surface crystallization and improves the GFA. • The competitive formation of Fe{sub 3}C and α-Fe phase impedes the devitrification. • Fe{sub 85.5}B{sub 7}C{sub 6}Si{sub 1}Cu{sub 0.5} nanocrystalline alloy exhibits excellent magnetic properties. • The alloy system has an economical advantage and convenient productivity.

  5. Gas phase synthesis of core-shell Fe@FeO{sub x} magnetic nanoparticles into fluids

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Aktas, Sitki, E-mail:; Thornton, Stuart C.; Binns, Chris [University of Leicester, Department of Physics and Astronomy (United Kingdom); Denby, Phil [Ensol As, Nesttun (Norway)


    Sorbitol, short chain molecules, have been used to stabilise of Fe@FeO{sub x} nanoparticles produced in the gas phase under the ultra-high vacuum (UHV) conditions. The sorbitol coated Fe@FeO{sub x} nanoparticles produced by our method have a narrow size distribution with a hydrodynamic diameter of 35 nm after NaOH is added to the solution. Magnetisation measurement shows that the magnetic nanoparticles are superparamagnetic at 100 K and demonstrate hysteresis at 5 K with an anisotropy constant of 5.31 × 10{sup 4} J/m{sup 3} (similar to bulk iron). Also, it is shown that sorbitol is only suitable for stabilising the Fe@FeO{sub x} suspensions, and it does not prevent further oxidation of the metallic Fe core. According to MRI measurement, the nanoparticles have a high transverse relaxation rate of 425 mM{sup −1} s{sup −1}.

  6. Sulfide phase in the Fe-Ti-S and Fe-C-Ti-S alloys

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Malinochka, Ya.N.; Balakina, N.A.; Shmelev, Yu.S.


    The nature of the sulfide phases in Fe-Ti-S and Fe-C-Ti-S alloys was studied. The carbide and the sulfide phase were identified the aid of X-ray spectral microanalysis. It was established that for a small content of titanium and sulfur in ternary Fe-Ti-S alloys the solidification of the γ-solution on the boundaries of dendritic branches is accompanied, along with the precipitation of a sulfide rich in iron of the (Fe, Ti) S type where a small quantity of titanium is dissolved, by the formation of a titanium-bearing sulfide eutectic γ + TiS. The amount of the sulfide eutectic increases with the contents of titanium and sulfur until a purely eutectic alloy is formed. Both carbides and sulfides may be formed in the solidification of quaternary alloys Fe-C-Ti-S

  7. Physiology, Fe(II oxidation, and Fe mineral formation by a marine planktonic cyanobacterium grown under ferruginous conditions

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Elizabeth D. Swanner


    Full Text Available Evidence for Fe(II oxidation and deposition of Fe(III-bearing minerals from anoxic or redox-stratified Precambrian oceans has received support from decades of sedimentological and geochemical investigation of Banded Iron Formations (BIF. While the exact mechanisms of Fe(II oxidation remains equivocal, reaction with O2 in the marine water column, produced by cyanobacteria or early oxygenic phototrophs, was likely. In order to understand the role of cyanobacteria in the deposition of Fe(III minerals to BIF, we must first know how planktonic marine cyanobacteria respond to ferruginous (anoxic and Fe(II-rich waters in terms of growth, Fe uptake and homeostasis, and Fe mineral formation. We therefore grew the common marine cyanobacterium Synechococcus PCC 7002 in closed bottles that began anoxic, and contained Fe(II concentrations that span the range of possible concentrations in Precambrian seawater. These results, along with cell suspension experiments, indicate that Fe(II is likely oxidized by this strain via chemical oxidation with oxygen produced during photosynthesis, and not via any direct enzymatic or photosynthetic pathway. Imaging of the cell-mineral aggregates with scanning electron microscopy (SEM and confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM are consistent with extracellular precipitation of Fe(III (oxyhydroxide minerals, but that >10% of Fe(III sorbs to cell surfaces rather than precipitating. Proteomic experiments support the role of reactive oxygen species (ROS in Fe(II toxicity to Synechococcus PCC 7002. The proteome expressed under low Fe conditions included multiple siderophore biosynthesis and siderophore and Fe transporter proteins, but most siderophores are not expressed during growth with Fe(II. These results provide a mechanistic and quantitative framework for evaluating the geochemical consequences of perhaps life’s greatest metabolic innovation, i.e. the evolution and activity of oxygenic photosynthesis, in ferruginous

  8. Accelerated Removal of Fe-Antisite Defects while Nanosizing Hydrothermal LiFePO4 with Ca(2). (United States)

    Paolella, Andrea; Turner, Stuart; Bertoni, Giovanni; Hovington, Pierre; Flacau, Roxana; Boyer, Chad; Feng, Zimin; Colombo, Massimo; Marras, Sergio; Prato, Mirko; Manna, Liberato; Guerfi, Abdelbast; Demopoulos, George P; Armand, Michel; Zaghib, Karim


    Based on neutron powder diffraction (NPD) and high angle annular dark field scanning transmission electron microscopy (HAADF-STEM), we show that calcium ions help eliminate the Fe-antisite defects by controlling the nucleation and evolution of the LiFePO4 particles during their hydrothermal synthesis. This Ca-regulated formation of LiFePO4 particles has an overwhelming impact on the removal of their iron antisite defects during the subsequent carbon-coating step since (i) almost all the Fe-antisite defects aggregate at the surface of the LiFePO4 crystal when the crystals are small enough and (ii) the concomitant increase of the surface area, which further exposes the Fe-antisite defects. Our results not only justify a low-cost, efficient and reliable hydrothermal synthesis method for LiFePO4 but also provide a promising alternative viewpoint on the mechanism controlling the nanosizing of LiFePO4, which leads to improved electrochemical performances.

  9. Fabrication of FeSi and Fe{sub 3}Si compounds by electron beam induced mixing of [Fe/Si]{sub 2} and [Fe{sub 3}/Si]{sub 2} multilayers grown by focused electron beam induced deposition

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Porrati, F.; Sachser, R.; Huth, M. [Physikalisches Institut, Goethe-Universität, Max-von-Laue-Str. 1, D-60438 Frankfurt am Main (Germany); Gazzadi, G. C. [S3 Center, Nanoscience Institute-CNR, Via Campi 213/a, 41125 Modena (Italy); Frabboni, S. [S3 Center, Nanoscience Institute-CNR, Via Campi 213/a, 41125 Modena (Italy); FIM Department, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Via G. Campi 213/a, 41125 Modena (Italy)


    Fe-Si binary compounds have been fabricated by focused electron beam induced deposition by the alternating use of iron pentacarbonyl, Fe(CO){sub 5}, and neopentasilane, Si{sub 5}H{sub 12} as precursor gases. The fabrication procedure consisted in preparing multilayer structures which were treated by low-energy electron irradiation and annealing to induce atomic species intermixing. In this way, we are able to fabricate FeSi and Fe{sub 3}Si binary compounds from [Fe/Si]{sub 2} and [Fe{sub 3}/Si]{sub 2} multilayers, as shown by transmission electron microscopy investigations. This fabrication procedure is useful to obtain nanostructured binary alloys from precursors which compete for adsorption sites during growth and, therefore, cannot be used simultaneously.

  10. Magnetic properties of Fe-oxide and (Fe, Co) oxide nanoparticles synthesized in polystyrene resin matrix (United States)

    Rodak, D.; Kroll, E.; Tsoi, G. M.; Vaishnava, P. P.; Naik, R.; Wenger, L. E.; Suryanarayanan, R.; Naik, V. M.; Boolchand, P.


    Magnetic nanoparticles have potential applications ranging from drug delivery and imaging in the medical field to sensing and memory storage in technology. The preparation, structure, and physical properties of iron oxide-based nanoparticles synthesized by ion exchange in a polystyrene resin matrix have been investigated. Employing a synthesis method developed originally by Ziolo, et. al^1, nanoparticles were prepared in a sulfonated divinyl benzene polystyrene resin matrix using various aqueous solutions of (1) FeCl_2, (2) FeCl_3, (3) FeCl2 : 2FeCl3 , (4) 9FeCl2 : CoCl_2, and (5) 4FeCl2 : CoCl_2. Powder x-ray diffraction measurements were used to identify the phases present while transmission electron microscopy was used for particle size distribution determinations. SQUID magnetization measurements (field-cooled and zero-field-cooled) and Fe^57 Mössbauer effect measurements indicate the presence of ferromagnetic iron oxide phases and a superparamagnetic behavior with blocking temperatures (T_B) varying from 50 K to room temperature. Nanoparticles synthesized using a stoichiometric mixture of FeCl2 and FeCl3 exhibit the lowest TB and smallest particle size distribution. The Mössbauer effect measurements have also been used to identify the iron oxides phases present and their relative amounts in the nanoparticles ^1R.F. Ziolo, et al., Science 207, 219 (1992). *Permanent address: Kettering University, Flint, MI 48504

  11. Magnetism and metal insulator transition in FeSi and FeGe. Ab Initio investigations of the electronic structure; Magnetismus und Metall-Isolator-Uebergang in FeSi und FeGe. Ab-initio-Untersuchungen der elektronischen Struktur

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Neef, Matthias


    Aim of this thesis was to reach by a systematic study of different ab initio procedures an improved description of the electronic properties of FeSi and FeGe. Central result is the itinerant description of FeSi as a semiconductor in the neighbourhood of a ferromagnetic instability. The regardment of the nonlocal exchange in the effective one-particle approximation leads to a metastable magnetic state scarcely above the magnetic ground state. The application of the hybrid functional leads to a 1st order metal-isolator transition for large lattice parameters: FeSi transforms at increasement of the lattice parameter from an unmagnetic isolator to a magnetic metal. A similar behavior is found in the isostructural compound FeGe. The two systems FeSi and FeGe were systematically and detailedly analyzed by means of ab initio procedures. Thereby the structural, electronic, and magnetic properties were studied with DFT and HF calculations. Both calculations with spin polarization and without spin polarization were performed.

  12. Validación de dos índices biológicos de integridad (IBI en la subcuenca del río Angulo en el centro de México Validation of two indices of biological integrity (IBI for the Angulo River subbasin in Central Mexico

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Juan Pablo Ramírez-Herrejón


    Full Text Available Las acciones para detener el deterioro de los ecosistemas dulceacuícolas del centro del México requieren herramientas de biomonitoreo que permitan el análisis de su integridad biológica. En este trabajo se analizó la viabilidad del uso de dos índices biológicos de integridad (IBI con base en las comunidades de peces en ambientes lóticos y lénticos en la subcuenca del Río Angulo (Cuenca del Lerma-Chapala. Utilizando datos provenientes de recolectas independientes durante dos años consecutivos e información sobre los atributos ecológicos para cada una de las especies, se calcularon los valores de dos IBI en 16 sistemas lénticos y lóticos. Se estimó también la calidad ambiental a través de la evaluación de la calidad del agua y del hábitat en cada sitio. Se encontró integridad biótica pobre, regular y buena. El estudio no mostró sitios con buena calidad ambiental. Los valores de los IBI presentaron correlaciones altas y significativas con aquellos derivados de metodologías independientes de evaluación ambiental. Los IBI reflejaron de forma fehaciente las condiciones ambientales en la mayoría de los sitios de estudio. Con este análisis se logró la expansión de área de uso del IBI para ambientes lóticos y una validación inicial del IBI para ambientes lénticos. Estos resultados sugieren que las herramientas pueden ser utilizadas en futuros esfuerzos de conservación en cuerpos dulceacuícolas en la cuenca del Medio Lerma.Efforts to halt freshwater ecosystem degradation in central Mexico can benefit from using bio-monitoring tools that reflect the condition of their biotic integrity. We analyzed the applicability of two fish-based indices of biotic integrity using data from lotic and lentic systems in the Angulo River subbasin (Lerma-Chapala basin. Both independent data from our own collections during two consecutive years, and existing information detailing the ecological attributes of each species, were used to

  13. Timing for a sustainable fertilisation of Glycine max by using HBED/Fe3+ and EDDHA/Fe3+ chelates. (United States)

    Martín-Fernández, Clara; López-Rayo, Sandra; Hernández-Apaolaza, Lourdes; Lucena, Juan J


    Efficient use of Fe chelates is crucial to avoid environmental risks and reduce economic losses. HBED/Fe 3+ has been recently approved by the European Union for soil fertilisation, but studies delving into the best timing for its application are necessary. In this work, a batch incubation experiment and two biological experiments were developed to determine the optimal physiological stage for a sustainable application of HBED/Fe 3+ in soil fertilisation compared with EDDHA/Fe 3+ fertilisers using 57 Fe. HBED/Fe 3+ demonstrated a high durability in soils and soil materials, maintaining more than 80% of Fe chelated after 70 days, and its application at an early physiological stage resulted in a high Fe accumulation in soybean and soil after 36 days. In contrast, the stability of EDDHA/Fe 3+ decreased because of the retention of its lowest stable isomers. The best timing for chelates application was confirmed in a 52 day experiment. The application of HBED/Fe 3+ at the early stage increased the Fe translocation to fruits; while o,o-EDDHA/Fe 3+ accumulated more Fe in fruits when added at the fructification stage. The high HBED/Fe 3+ stability in calcareous soil requires a differentiate application timing, and its addition at early physiological stages leads into the most efficient fertilisation. © 2016 Society of Chemical Industry. © 2016 Society of Chemical Industry.

  14. N2O decomposition over Fe/ZSM-5: reversible generation of highly active cationic Fe species

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Zhu, Q.; Hensen, E.J.M.; Mojet, B.L.; Wolput, van J.H.M.C.; Santen, van R.A.


    Fe-oxide species in Fe/ZSM-5 (prepared by chemical vapor deposition of FeCl3)-active in N2O decomposition-react with zeolite protons during high temperature calcination to give highly active cationic Fe species, this transformation being reversible upon exposure to water vapor at lower temperature

  15. Magnetic properties of ball-milled TbFe2 and TbFe2B

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)


    1. Introduction. The RFe2 (R = rare earth) Laves phase compounds are known to possess large cubic anisotropy (Clark et al 1972) and highest Curie temperature (TC) of all RT2 compounds. (T = transition metal). RFe2 ... TbFe2 and TbFe2B were prepared by arc melting the high pure elements (Tb and B, 99⋅9% purity; Fe, ...

  16. μ(4)-Orthothio-carbonato-tetra-kis-[tri-carbonyl-iron(I)](2 Fe-Fe). (United States)

    Shi, Yao-Cheng; Cheng, Huan-Ren; Yuan, Li-Min; Li, Qian-Kun


    The fused bis-butterfly-shaped title compound, [Fe(4)(CS(4))(CO)(12)], possesses an orthothio-carbonate (CS(4) (4-)) ligand that acts as a bridge between two Fe(2)(CO)(6) units. A short intra-molecular S⋯S contact [2.6984 (8) and 2.6977 (8) Å] occurs in each S(2)Fe(2)(CO)(6) fragment.

  17. Protein profile of Beta vulgaris leaf apoplastic fluid and changes induced by Fe deficiency and Fe resupply

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Laura eCeballos-Laita


    Full Text Available The fluid collected by direct leaf centrifugation has been used to study the proteome of the sugar beet apoplastic fluid as well as the changes induced by Fe deficiency and Fe resupply to Fe-deficient plants in the protein profile. Plants were grown in Fe-sufficient and Fe-deficient conditions, and Fe resupply was carried out with 45 μM Fe(III-EDTA for 24 h. Protein extracts of leaf apoplastic fluid were analyzed by two-dimensional isoelectric focusing-SDS-PAGE electrophoresis. Gel image analysis revealed 203 consistent spots, and proteins in 81% of them (164 were identified by nLC-MS/MS using a custom made reference repository of beet protein sequences. When redundant UniProt entries were deleted, a non-redundant leaf apoplastic proteome consisting of 109 proteins was obtained. TargetP and SecretomeP algorithms predicted that 63% of them were secretory proteins. Functional classification of the non-redundant proteins indicated that stress and defense, protein metabolism, cell wall and C metabolism accounted for approximately 75% of the identified proteome. The effects of Fe-deficiency on the leaf apoplast proteome were limited, with only five spots (2.5% changing in relative abundance, thus suggesting that protein homeostasis in the leaf apoplast fluid is well maintained upon Fe shortage. The identification of three chitinase isoforms among proteins increasing in relative abundance with Fe-deficiency suggests that one of the few effects of Fe deficiency in the leaf apoplast proteome includes cell wall modifications. Iron resupply to Fe deficient plants changed the relative abundance of 16 spots when compared to either Fe-sufficient or Fe-deficient samples. Proteins identified in these spots can be broadly classified as those responding to Fe-resupply, which included defense and cell wall related proteins, and non-responsive, which are mainly protein metabolism related proteins and whose changes in relative abundance followed the same trend as

  18. Los procesos de globalización y transferencia tecnológica

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Luis Murillo Orozco.


    Full Text Available Este artículo presente un breve análisis del significado de globalización y de transferencia tecnológica, dos procesos indisolubles y concatenados entre sí que deben ser tomados como medios fundamentales y no como fines para enfrentar el giro de la competencia económica actual. Esta competencia se ha trasladado del ámbito empresarial y de país, al ámbito de la integración económica. Hay que tomar en cuenta que no Se puede lograr una buena posición en el ámbito internacional sin una buena y adecuada productividad, la cual sólo será posible con un eficiente proceso de transferencia tecnológica. En este trabajo se establecerán las características de mayor importancia de ambos procesos, tomando como referencia el caso centroamericano.

  19. Phase analysis of Fe-nanowires encapsulated into multi-walled carbon nanotubes via 57Fe Moessbauer spectroscopy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ruskov, T.; Spirov, I.; Ritschel, M.; Mueller, C.; Leonhardt, A.; Ruskov, R.


    We have performed morphological analysis of samples of Fe-nanowires encapsulated into aligned multi-walled carbon nanotubes (Fe-MWCNT) via 57 Fe Moessbauer spectroscopy. The aligned Fe-MWCNTs were obtained by pyrolysis of ferrocene onto an oxidized Si substrate. Transmission Moessbauer spectroscopy (TMS) and back scattered conversion electron Moessbauer spectroscopy (CEMS) were applied in order to distinguish different Fe-phases and their spatial distribution within the whole sample and along the tubes' height. A characterization (on a large spatial scale) of the aligned CNT samples were performed by obtaining TMS spectra for selected spots positioned at different locations of the sample. While the total Fe content changes considerably from one location to another, the γ-Fe/α-Fe phase ratio is constant onto a relatively large area. Using TMS and CEMS for all aligned Fe-MWCNTs samples it is also shown that along the CNT axes, going to the top of the nanotube the relative content of the γ-Fe phase increases. Going to the opposite direction, i.e. towards the silicon substrate, the relative content of the Fe 3 C phase increases, that is in agreement with our previous works. The results of an additional Moessbauer spectroscopy experiment in TMS and CEMS modes performed on a non-aligned sample support the conclusion that in our case the iron phases in the channels of carbon nanotubes are spatially separated as individual nanoparticles. The relative intensity ratio of the α-Fe phase Moessbauer sextets show good magnetic texture along nanotubes axis for one of the aligned samples and the lack of such orientation for the others. (authors)

  20. Percepção de valor em uma oferta: o papel dos valores dos consumidores


    Xavier Júnior, Carlos Eduardo Ramos


    O valor percebido e os valores pessoais dos consumidores são temas que vêm sendo investigados na literatura de marketing por diversos pesquisadores há décadas. Neste sentido, o objetivo desta dissertação foi investigar as relações entre os valores pessoais (KAHLE; KENNEDY, 1989) dos consumidores e a importância atribuída por estes às diversas dimensões do valor percebido apresentadas na literatura (SWEENEY; SOUTAR, 2001). Para isto, definiu-se o público de estudantes universitá...

  1. Abordagem teórica dos condicionantes da formação e consolidação dos parques tecnológicos

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Alexandre Augusto Pereira Gaino


    Full Text Available O artigo discute as condições teóricas para a instalação e consolidação dos parques tecnológicos, mecanismos utilizados na promoção da inovação tecnológica e do desenvolvimento regional, alvo de diversas iniciativas de políticas públicas na atualidade. Para a consecução desse objetivo foi adotada uma abordagem teórica e exploratória, por meio de revisão bibliográfica, em especial de referências internacionais. O artigo apresenta e analisa diversos conceitos e definições de parque tecnológico e constata que essa diversidade decorre das diferentes realidades regionais e das variadas motivações dos stakeholders. O papel dos parques tecnológicos no desenvolvimento regional assume múltiplas feições em decorrência dos distintos interesses dos atores envolvidos em sua instalação. O artigo enfatiza e adverte que há importantes limitações da ideia de que o sucesso do parque depende fundamentalmente da capacidade de cooperação e mobilização de recursos por parte dos agentes envolvidos.

  2. Influência dos valores laborais dos pais sobre os valores laborais dos filhos Parents work values influence on sons work values

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    Juliana Barreiros Porto


    Full Text Available Valores laborais são princípios ou metas, hierarquicamente organizadas, que as pessoas buscam e que guiam a sua vida no trabalho. A família, a escola e a experiência de trabalho são apontadas como as variáveis mais influentes na formação dos valores laborais. Os pais são considerados os agentes socializadores mais influentes nesse processo, pois servem como modelo de trabalhador para as crianças. O objetivo do presente trabalho é investigar a influência dos valores paterno e materno nos valores laborais de estudantes universitários. Participaram 129 estudantes universitários, de 17 cursos escolhidos aleatoriamente, seus pais (84 mães e 45 pais e 956 colegas de curso dos estudantes. Os participantes responderam à Escala de Valores Relativos ao Trabalho. Os resultados das regressões hierárquicas indicaram que os pais e os colegas exercem influência sobre os valores laborais de Realização Profissional e Estabilidade dos estudantes. São discutidas a relevância e as limitações desses resultados no artigo.Work values are principles or goals, ordered by importance, that people seek and that guide his/her life at work. Family, school and work experiences are indicated as the most important factors in the formation of work values. Parents are considered the most influential social agent in this process, since they serve as a role model to their children. The present study examines the impact of the work values of parents on the work values of college students. One hundred and twenty nine (129 students and their parents (84 mothers and 45 fathers in 17 randomly chosen undergraduate courses, as well as 956 colleagues of these students participated in this investigation. They answered the Work Values Scale. The results of the hierarchical regressions demonstrated that parents and colleagues influence the student's work values of Professional Achievement and Stability. The relevance and limitations of these results are discussed in

  3. Magnetic properties of {alpha}-Fe and Fe{sub 3}C nanowires

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lutz, M U; Weissker, U; Wolny, F; Mueller, C; Loeffler, M; Muehl, T; Leonhardt, A; Buechner, B; Klingeler, R, E-mail: m.lutz@ifw-dresden.d [Leibniz Institute for Solid State and Materials Research IFW Dresden, Helmholtzstrasse 20, 01069 Dresden (Germany)


    The magnetic properties of single domain {alpha}-Fe and Fe{sub 3}C nanowires encapsulated within Multi Walled Carbon Nanotubes (MWNT) are investigated with a Magnetic Force Microscope (MFM). The wires are formed during the Chemical Vapour Deposition growth process, partially filling the hollow center of the MWNTs. The wires have a diameter variation of 10-60nm and can be several {mu}m long. The phase and crystal orientation of the filling relative to the long tube axis are probed by Transmission Electron Microscopy. The remanent magnetization states of the wires are investigated by MFM imaging. The {alpha}-Fe wires show shape dominated magnetization along the tube axis, whereas the FesC wires show a perpendicular magnetization imposed by magneto-crystalline anisotropy. Switching fields of {alpha}-Fe nanowires are determined by the application of an in-situ magnetic field, revealing a tip triggered magnetization reversal by localized nucleation.

  4. A subsurface Fe-silicate weathering microbiome (United States)

    Napieralski, S. A.; Buss, H. L.; Roden, E. E.


    Traditional models of microbially mediated weathering of primary Fe-bearing minerals often invoke organic ligands (e.g. siderophores) used for nutrient acquisition. However, it is well known that the oxidation of Fe(II) governs the overall rate of Fe-silicate mineral dissolution. Recent work has demonstrated the ability of lithtrophic iron oxidizing bacteria (FeOB) to grow via the oxidation of structural Fe(II) in biotite as a source of metabolic energy with evidence suggesting a direct enzymatic attack on the mineral surface. This process necessitates the involvement of dedicated outer membrane proteins that interact with insoluble mineral phases in a process known as extracellular electron transfer (EET). To investigate the potential role FeOB in a terrestrial subsurface weathering system, samples were obtained from the bedrock-saprolite interface (785 cm depth) within the Rio Icacos Watershed of the Luquillo Mountains in Puerto Rico. Prior geochemical evidence suggests the flux of Fe(II) from the weathering bedrock supports a robust lithotrophic microbial community at depth. Current work confirms the activity of microorganism in situ, with a marked increase in ATP near the bedrock-saprolite interface. Regolith recovered from the interface was used as inoculum to establish enrichment cultures with powderized Fe(II)-bearing minerals serving as the sole energy source. Monitoring of the Fe(II)/Fe(total) ratio and ATP generation suggests growth of microorganisms coupled to the oxidation of mineral bound Fe(II). Analysis of 16S rRNA gene and shotgun metagenomic libraries from in situ and enrichment culture samples lends further support to FeOB involvement in the weathering process. Multiple metagenomic bins related to known FeOB, including Betaproteobacteria genera, contain homologs to model EET systems, including Cyc2 and MtoAB. Our approach combining geochemistry and metagenomics with ongoing microbiological and genomic characterization of novel isolates obtained

  5. Epitaxial Fe3Si/Ge/Fe3Si thin film multilayers grown on GaAs(001)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jenichen, B.; Herfort, J.; Jahn, U.; Trampert, A.; Riechert, H.


    We demonstrate Fe 3 Si/Ge/Fe 3 Si/GaAs(001) structures grown by molecular-beam epitaxy and characterized by transmission electron microscopy, electron backscattered diffraction, and X-ray diffraction. The bottom Fe 3 Si epitaxial film on GaAs is always single crystalline. The structural properties of the Ge film and the top Fe 3 Si layer depend on the substrate temperature during Ge deposition. Different orientation distributions of the grains in the Ge and the upper Fe 3 Si film were found. The low substrate temperature T s of 150 °C during Ge deposition ensures sharp interfaces, however, results in predominantly amorphous films. We find that the intermediate T s (225 °C) leads to a largely [111] oriented upper Fe 3 Si layer and polycrystal films. The high T s of 325 °C stabilizes the [001] oriented epitaxial layer structure, i.e., delivers smooth interfaces and single crystal films over as much as 80% of the surface area. - Highlights: • Fe 3 Si/Ge/Fe 3 Si/GaAs(001) structures are grown by MBE. • The bottom Fe 3 Si film is always single crystalline. • The properties of the Ge film depend on the substrate temperature during deposition. • Optimum growth conditions lead to almost perfect epitaxy of Ge on Fe 3 Si

  6. Study of the reaction of astrophysical interest 60Fe(n,γ)61Fe via (d,pγ) transfer reaction

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Giron, S.


    60 Fe is of special interest in nuclear astrophysics. Indeed the recent observations of 60 Fe characteristic gamma-ray lines by the RHESSI and INTEGRAL spacecrafts allowed to measure the total flux of 60 Fe over the Galaxy. Moreover the observation in presolar grains of an excess of the daughter-nuclei of 60 Fe, 60 Ni, gives constraints on the conditions of formation of the early solar system. However, the cross-sections of some reactions involved in 60 Fe nucleosynthesis and included to stellar models are still uncertain. The destruction reaction of 60 Fe, 60 Fe(n, γ) 61 Fe, is one of them. The total cross-section can be separate into two contributions: the direct one, involving states below the neutron separation threshold of 61 Fe, and the resonant one.We improved 61 Fe spectroscopy in order to evaluate the direct capture part of the 60 Fe(n, γ) 61 Fe reaction cross-section. 60 Fe(n, γ) 61 Fe was thus studied via d( 60 Fe, pγ) 61 Fe transfer reaction with the CATS/MUST2/EXOGAM setup at LISE-GANIL. DWBA analysis of experimental proton differential cross-sections allowed to extract orbital angular momentum and spectroscopic factors of different populated states identified below the neutron threshold. A comparison of experimental results for 61 Fe with experimental results for similar nuclei and with shell-model calculations was also performed. (author) [fr

  7. 48 CFR 632.702-70 - DOS policy. (United States)


    ... 48 Federal Acquisition Regulations System 4 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false DOS policy. 632.702-70... REQUIREMENTS CONTRACT FINANCING Contract Funding 632.702-70 DOS policy. The Department's policy is to provide... incremental funding of cost-reimbursement contracts. Fixed-price, labor-hour, and time-and-materials contracts...

  8. Magnetization reversal in textured NdFeB-Fe composites observed by domain imaging

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Thielsch, Juliane, E-mail: j.thielsch@ifw-dresden.d [IFW Dresden, Institute for Metallic Materials, P.O. Box 27 01 16, D-01171 Dresden (Germany); Hinz, Dietrich; Schultz, Ludwig; Gutfleisch, Oliver [IFW Dresden, Institute for Metallic Materials, P.O. Box 27 01 16, D-01171 Dresden (Germany)


    Textured composite samples consisting of Nd{sub 13.6}Fe{sub 73.6}Ga{sub 0.6}Co{sub 6.6}B{sub 5.6} (MQU-F{sup TM}) and micron-sized Fe particles with weight ratios from 100:0 to 70:30 have been prepared by hot deformation. Microstructure studies revealed a layered structure of both phases with the layer normal parallel to the pressing direction. Magnetic measurements showed single-phase hysteresis curves for all samples when measured along the pressing direction, which is also the easy axis of magnetization. Coercivity decreased drastically from 1.32 T for pure NdFeB samples to 0.154 T for a sample with 30 wt% Fe. Magneto-optical Kerr microscopy with a digitally enhanced imaging technique has been used to examine the evolution of magnetic domains in the hard and soft phase during demagnetizing a sample consisting of 70 wt% NdFeB and 30 wt% Fe. It is shown that demagnetization takes place via domain rearrangements within the soft phase, which lead to and support the nucleation of reversed interaction domains at phase boundaries. Also nucleation of interaction domains within the hard magnetic phase could be revealed.

  9. Magnetization reversal in textured NdFeB-Fe composites observed by domain imaging

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Thielsch, Juliane; Hinz, Dietrich; Schultz, Ludwig; Gutfleisch, Oliver


    Textured composite samples consisting of Nd 13.6 Fe 73.6 Ga 0.6 Co 6.6 B 5.6 (MQU-F TM ) and micron-sized Fe particles with weight ratios from 100:0 to 70:30 have been prepared by hot deformation. Microstructure studies revealed a layered structure of both phases with the layer normal parallel to the pressing direction. Magnetic measurements showed single-phase hysteresis curves for all samples when measured along the pressing direction, which is also the easy axis of magnetization. Coercivity decreased drastically from 1.32 T for pure NdFeB samples to 0.154 T for a sample with 30 wt% Fe. Magneto-optical Kerr microscopy with a digitally enhanced imaging technique has been used to examine the evolution of magnetic domains in the hard and soft phase during demagnetizing a sample consisting of 70 wt% NdFeB and 30 wt% Fe. It is shown that demagnetization takes place via domain rearrangements within the soft phase, which lead to and support the nucleation of reversed interaction domains at phase boundaries. Also nucleation of interaction domains within the hard magnetic phase could be revealed.

  10. High saturation magnetization FeB(C) nanocapsules

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ma, S.; Si, P.Z.; Zhang, Y.; Wu, B.; Li, Y.B.; Liu, J.J.; Feng, W.J.; Ma, X.L.; Zhang, Z.D.


    FeB(C) nanocapsules were prepared by arc-discharging Fe 80 B 20 alloy in Ar and CH 4 . X-ray diffraction and transmission electron microscopy analyses showed that the FeB(C) nanocapsules had a core-shell structure with α-Fe and Fe 3 B as cores and graphite as shells. The formation mechanism of the FeB(C) nanocapsules is discussed. The graphite shells display a strong anti-acid effect. The saturation magnetization at room temperature of the FeB(C) nanocapsules is much higher than that of Fe(B) nanocapsules. The blocking temperature of FeB(C) nanocapsules is above 300 K

  11. Enhanced antibacterial performance of Fe3O4–Ag and MnFe2O4 ...

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    sity in our daily life. ... enhances the biological activity of Ag NPs, but many stud- ... against Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria in this ..... Antimicrobial effects of Fe3O4@Nico@Ag, Fe3O4@His@Ag and Fe3O4@HA@Ag against Fe3O4 ...

  12. Microstructure and Properties of Fe3Al-Fe3AlC x Composite Prepared by Reactive Liquid Processing (United States)

    Verona, Maria Nalu; Setti, Dalmarino; Paredes, Ramón Sigifredo Cortés


    A Fe3Al-Fe3AlC x composite was prepared using reactive liquid processing (RLP) through controlled mixture of carbon steel and aluminum in the liquid state. The microstructure and phases of the composite were assessed using X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy, energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy, optical microscopy, and differential scanning calorimetry. In addition, the density, hardness, microhardness, and elastic modulus were evaluated. The Fe3Al-Fe3AlC x composite consisted of 65 vol pct Fe3Al and 35 vol pct Fe3AlC x ( κ). The κ phase contained 10.62 at. pct C, resulting in the stoichiometry Fe3AlC0.475. The elastic modulus of the Fe3Al-Fe3AlC0.475 composite followed the rule of mixtures. The RLP technique was shown to be capable of producing Fe3Al-Fe3AlC0.475 with a microstructure and properties similar to those achieved using other processing techniques reported in the literature.

  13. Efficacy of Fe(o,o-EDDHA) and Fe(o,p-EDDHA) isomers in supplying Fe to strategy I plants differs in nutrient solution and calcareous soil. (United States)

    Rojas, Carmen L; Romera, Francisco J; Alcántara, Esteban; Pérez-Vicente, Rafael; Sariego, Cristina; Garcaí-Alonso, J Ignacio; Boned, Javier; Marti, Gabriel


    The FeEDDHA [iron(3+) ethylenediamine di(o-hydroxyphenylacetic) acid] is one of the most efficient iron chelates employed in the correction of iron clorosis in calcareous soils. FeEDDHA presents different positional isomers: the ortho-ortho (o,o), the ortho-para (o,p), and the para-para (p,p). Of these isomers, the p,p cannot chelate Fe in soil solution in a wide range of pH values, while both o,o and o,p can. The objective of this work was to compare the efficiency of both isomers (o,o and o,p) to provide Fe to two Strategy I plants (tomato and peach) in nutrient solution (pH approximately 6.0), as well as in calcareous soil (pH approximately 8.4; CALCIXEREPT). For this, chelates of both o,o-EDDHA and o,p-EDDHA with 57Fe (a nonradioactive isotope of Fe) were used, where the 57Fe acts as a tracer. The results obtained showed that the o,o isomer is capable of providing sufficient Fe to plants in both nutrient solution and calcareous soil. However, the o,p isomer is capable of providing sufficient Fe to plants in nutrient solution but not in calcareous soil.

  14. Fabrication of NdFeB microstructures using a silicon molding technique for NdFeB/Ta multilayered films and NdFeB magnetic powder

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jiang Yonggang; Fujita, Takayuki; Uehara, Minoru; Iga, Yuki; Hashimoto, Taichi; Hao, Xiuchun; Higuchi, Kohei; Maenaka, Kazusuke


    The silicon molding technique is described for patterning of NdFeB/Ta multilayered magnetic films and NdFeB magnetic powder at the micron scale. Silicon trenches are seamlessly filled by 12-μm-thick NdFeB/Ta multilayered magnetic films with a magnetic retentivity of 1.3 T. The topography image and magnetic field distribution image are measured using an atomic force microscope and a magnetic force microscope, respectively. Using a silicon molding technique complemented by a lift-off process, NdFeB magnetic powder is utilized to fabricate magnetic microstructures. Silicon trenches as narrow as 20 μm are filled by a mixture of magnetic powder and wax powder. The B-H hysteresis loop of the patterned magnetic powder is characterized using a vibrating sample magnetometer, which shows a magnetic retentivity of approximately 0.37 T. - Highlights: → We demonstrate the fabrication of micro-magnets using silicon molding processes. → NdFeB/Ta films are well filled in silicon trenches with a thickness of 12 μm. → The 12-μm-thick NdFeB/Ta magnetic film shows a retentivity of 1.3 T. → Magnetic structures as narrow as 20 μm are fabricated using NdFeB magnetic powder. → VSM measurement shows a retentivity of 0.37 T for patterned NdFeB magnetic powder.

  15. Fabrication of NdFeB microstructures using a silicon molding technique for NdFeB/Ta multilayered films and NdFeB magnetic powder

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Jiang Yonggang, E-mail: [School of Mechanical Engineering and Automation, Beihang University, Xueyuan Road No. 37, Haidian District, Beijing 100191 (China); Maenaka Human-Sensing Fusion project, Japan Science and Technology Agency, 2167 Shosha, Himeji, Hyogo 671-2280 (Japan); Fujita, Takayuki [Maenaka Human-Sensing Fusion project, Japan Science and Technology Agency, 2167 Shosha, Himeji, Hyogo 671-2280 (Japan); Graduate School of Engineering, University of Hyogo, 2167 Shosha, Himeji, Hyogo 671-2280 (Japan); Uehara, Minoru [NEOMAX Co. Ltd., 2-15-17, Egawa, Shimamoto-Cho, Mishima-gun, Osaka 618-0013 (Japan); Iga, Yuki [Maenaka Human-Sensing Fusion project, Japan Science and Technology Agency, 2167 Shosha, Himeji, Hyogo 671-2280 (Japan); Hashimoto, Taichi [Graduate School of Engineering, University of Hyogo, 2167 Shosha, Himeji, Hyogo 671-2280 (Japan); Hao, Xiuchun; Higuchi, Kohei [Maenaka Human-Sensing Fusion project, Japan Science and Technology Agency, 2167 Shosha, Himeji, Hyogo 671-2280 (Japan); Maenaka, Kazusuke [Maenaka Human-Sensing Fusion project, Japan Science and Technology Agency, 2167 Shosha, Himeji, Hyogo 671-2280 (Japan); Graduate School of Engineering, University of Hyogo, 2167 Shosha, Himeji, Hyogo 671-2280 (Japan)


    The silicon molding technique is described for patterning of NdFeB/Ta multilayered magnetic films and NdFeB magnetic powder at the micron scale. Silicon trenches are seamlessly filled by 12-{mu}m-thick NdFeB/Ta multilayered magnetic films with a magnetic retentivity of 1.3 T. The topography image and magnetic field distribution image are measured using an atomic force microscope and a magnetic force microscope, respectively. Using a silicon molding technique complemented by a lift-off process, NdFeB magnetic powder is utilized to fabricate magnetic microstructures. Silicon trenches as narrow as 20 {mu}m are filled by a mixture of magnetic powder and wax powder. The B-H hysteresis loop of the patterned magnetic powder is characterized using a vibrating sample magnetometer, which shows a magnetic retentivity of approximately 0.37 T. - Highlights: > We demonstrate the fabrication of micro-magnets using silicon molding processes. > NdFeB/Ta films are well filled in silicon trenches with a thickness of 12 {mu}m. > The 12-{mu}m-thick NdFeB/Ta magnetic film shows a retentivity of 1.3 T. > Magnetic structures as narrow as 20 {mu}m are fabricated using NdFeB magnetic powder. > VSM measurement shows a retentivity of 0.37 T for patterned NdFeB magnetic powder.

  16. Fabrication of α-Fe/Fe3C/Woodceramic Nanocomposite with Its Improved Microwave Absorption and Mechanical Properties

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Weihong Zhou


    Full Text Available Furan resin and fir powder pretreated by FeCl3 and aqueous ammonia solution were used to fabricate α-Fe/Fe3C/woodceramic nanocomposite. The bands of the pretreated wood powder were characterized by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR. The structural characterization of the nanocomposites was performed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM and X-ray diffraction (XRD. The microwave absorption of the nanocomposites was measured by a vector network analyzer in the range of 2–18 GHz. The mechanical properties of the composites were also investigated. XRD and SEM results show that the α-Fe and Fe3C nanoparticles are in-situ generated and disperse in the matrix of the woodceramic. The diameters of these nanoparticles increase with the increasing of concentration of FeCl3 solution. The experimental results show that both the complex permittivity and the complex permeability of α-Fe/Fe3C/woodceramic nanocomposites increase as the concentration of FeCl3 solution increases. The composites pretreated with 0.60 mol·L−1 FeCl3 have the best absorption properties. The maximum value of reflection loss (RL at 3 mm thickness reaches −25.60 dB at 10.16 GHz and the bandwidth below −10 dB is about 2.5 GHz. Compared to woodceramic, the bending strength and compressive strength of α-Fe/Fe3C/woodceramic nanocomposites increase by 22.5% and 18.7% at most, respectively.

  17. Swelling of Fe-Mn and Fe-Cr-Mn alloys at high neutron fluence

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Garner, F.A.; Brager, H.R.


    Swelling data on neutron-irradiated simple Fe-Cr-Mn and Fe-Mn alloys, as well as commercial Fe-Cr-Mn base alloys are now becoming available at exposure levels approaching 50 dpa. The swelling rate decreases from the ∼1%/dpa found at lower exposures, probably due to the extensive formation of ferritic phases. As expected, commercial alloys swell less than the simple alloys

  18. Structural Investigation of Fe-Ni-S and Fe-Ni-Si Melts by High-temperature Fluorescence XAFS Measurements

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Manghnani, Murli H.; Balogh, John; Hong Xinguo; Newville, Matthew; Amulele, G.


    Iron-nickel (Fe-Ni) alloy is regarded as the most abundant constituent of Earth's core, with an amount of 5.5 wt% Ni in the core based on geochemical and cosmochemical models. The structural role of nickel in liquid Fe-Ni alloys with light elements such as S or Si is poorly understood, largely because of the experimental difficulties of high-temperature melts. Recently, we have succeeded in acquiring Ni K-edge fluorescence x-ray absorption fine structure (XAFS) spectra of Fe-Ni-S and Fe-Ni-Si melts and alloys. Different structural environment of Ni atoms in Fe-Ni-S and Fe-Ni-Si melts is observed, supporting the effect of light elements in Fe-Ni melts

  19. Silicon induced Fe deficiency affects Fe, Mn, Cu and Zn distribution in rice (Oryza sativa L.) growth in calcareous conditions. (United States)

    Carrasco-Gil, Sandra; Rodríguez-Menéndez, Sara; Fernández, Beatriz; Pereiro, Rosario; de la Fuente, Vicenta; Hernandez-Apaolaza, Lourdes


    A protective effect by silicon in the amelioration of iron chlorosis has recently been proved for Strategy 1 species, at acidic pH. However in calcareous conditions, the Si effect on Fe acquisition and distribution is still unknown. In this work, the effect of Si on Fe, Mn, Cu and Zn distribution was studied in rice (Strategy 2 species) under Fe sufficiency and deficiency. Plants (+Si or-Si) were grown initially with Fe, and then Fe was removed from the nutrient solution. The plants were then analysed using a combined approach including LA-ICP-MS images for each element of interest, the analysis of the Fe and Si concentration at different cell layers of root and leaf cross sections by SEM-EDX, and determining the apoplastic Fe, total micronutrient concentration and oxidative stress indexes. A different Si effect was observed depending on plant Fe status. Under Fe sufficiency, Si supply increased Fe root plaque formation, decreasing Fe concentration inside the root and increasing the oxidative stress in the plants. Therefore, Fe acquisition strategies were activated, and Fe translocation rate to the aerial parts was increased, even under an optimal Fe supply. Under Fe deficiency, +Si plants absorbed Fe from the plaque more rapidly than -Si plants, due to the previous activation of Fe deficiency strategies during the growing period (+Fe + Si). Higher Fe plaque formation due to Si supply during the growing period reduced Fe uptake and could activate Fe deficiency strategies in rice, making it more efficient against Fe chlorosis alterations. Silicon influenced Mn and Cu distribution in root. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.

  20. Magnetostrictive properties of FeAl/polyester and FeAl/silicone composites

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Riesgo, G. [Dpto. de Ciencias y Técnicas de la Navegación, Universidad de Oviedo, Campus universitario de Gijón, 33203 Gijón (Spain); Carrizo, J. [Dpto. de Física de la Universidad de Oviedo, c/ Calvo Sotelo s/n, 33007 Oviedo (Spain); Elbaile, L., E-mail: [Dpto. de Física de la Universidad de Oviedo, c/ Calvo Sotelo s/n, 33007 Oviedo (Spain); Crespo, R.D. [Dpto. de Física de la Universidad de Oviedo, c/ Calvo Sotelo s/n, 33007 Oviedo (Spain); Sepúlveda, R. [Dpto. de Ingeniería Mecánica y de los Materiales, Universidad de Sevilla, Isla Cartuja, 41092 Sevilla (Spain); García, J.A. [Dpto. de Física de la Universidad de Oviedo, c/ Calvo Sotelo s/n, 33007 Oviedo (Spain)


    Highlights: • Nanocrystalline powders of FeAl have been obtained from the Fe{sub 81}Al{sub 19} ribbon produced by melt spinning. • The method allows the obtainment of a FeAl solid solution from the starting process. • The microstructure and magnetic properties of the powders were investigated. • Composites with a magnetostriction of 45 ppm have been obtained. - Abstract: Ribbons of composition Fe{sub 81}Al{sub 19} obtained by the melt spinning method have been used to yield powder by mechanical milling. Using this method, a rapid nanocrystallization and a FeAl solid solution phase was obtained from the start of the process. The microstructural and magnetic properties as well as the XRD patterns of the powders were studied in function of the milling time. Grain refinement and an increase of the coercive field were the main transformations resulting from increasing the milling time. Two sets of magnetostrictive composites were produced from the 100 h-milled powder. In one of them polyester was used as matrix and in the other one silicone. In the case of the silicone composites cured in a magnetic field of 140 mT in the longitudinal direction a saturation magnetostriction as high as 45 ppm was obtained.

  1. Considerações gerais sôbre os órgãos odoríferos sexuais dos machos dos Lepidópteros

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rudolf Barth


    Full Text Available São determinadas as seguintes regras sôbre a função dos órgãos odoríferos dos machos dos Lepidópteros: l.ª regra: A secreção das glândulas age em forma de gás sobre a fêmea diminuindo a reação normal de fuga e provocando a disposição e preparação para a copulação. 2.ª regra: Os órgãos odoríferos nos machos de um grupo de espécies parentes encontram-se constantemente nos mesmos órgãos possuindo o mesmo tipo de estrutura (constância orgânica . 3.ª regra: As partes quitinosas (escamas odoríferas, cerdas distribuidoras, inserções etc. são especificadas para cada espécie (constância de forma. 4.ª regra: O grau de desenvolvimento e com isto o grau de eficiência dos órgãos odoríferos dos Lepidópteros noturnos é sempre mais elevado do que os dos diurnos.

  2. Fe II/Fe III mixed-valence state induced by Li-insertion into the metal-organic-framework Mil53(Fe): A DFT+U study (United States)

    Combelles, C.; Ben Yahia, M.; Pedesseau, L.; Doublet, M.-L.

    The iron-based metal-organic-framework MIL53(Fe) has recently been tested as a cathode materials for Li-Ion batteries, leading to promising cycling life and rate capability. Despite a poor capacity of 70 mAh g -1 associated with the exchange of almost 0.5Li/Fe, this result is the first evidence of a reversible lithium insertion never observed in a MOF system. In the present study, the MIL53(Fe) redox mechanism is investigated through first-principles DFT+U calculations. The results show that MIL53(Fe) is a weak antiferromagnetic charge transfer insulator at T = 0 K, with iron ions in the high-spin S = 5/2 state. Its reactivity vs elemental lithium is then investigated as a function of lithium composition and distribution over the most probable Li-sites of the MOF structure. The redox mechanism is fully interpreted as a two-step insertion/conversion mechanism, associated with the stabilization of the Fe 3+/Fe 2+ mixed-valence state prior to the complete decomposition of the inorganic-organic interactions within the porous MOF architecture.

  3. Acetone sensors based on microsheet-assembled hierarchical Fe2O3 with different Fe3+ concentrations (United States)

    Wang, Han; Yan, Lei; Li, Shuo; Li, Yu; Liu, Li; Du, Liting; Duan, Haojie; Cheng, Yali


    Several different morphologies of microsheet-assembled Fe2O3 have been fabricated by hydrothermal method using diverse concentrations of Fe3+ precursor solutions (0.025, 0.020, 0.015, 0.010 mol/L Fe3+). The as-synthesized materials have been characterized by scanning electron microscope (SEM), X-ray powder diffraction (XRD), and energy-dispersive X-ray spectrometry (EDS). The SEM images reflect that the morphologies of as-synthesized materials are affected by the concentrations of Fe3+ in precursor solutions. The less concentration of Fe3+, the more porous of Fe2O3 microflowers, and thinner of slices distributed on the surface. Furthermore, gas sensors based on these Fe2O3 microflowers manufactured and tested to various common gases. The optimum response value to 100 ppm acetone is 52 at the working temperature of 220 °C. Meanwhile, the Fe2O3 microflower sensors possess ultrafast response-recovery speed, which are 8 and 19 s, respectively. The possible sensing mechanism was mainly attributed to the high surface area, three-dimensional porous structure.

  4. Chemical synthesis of magnetic Fe-B and Fe-Co-B particles and chains

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fulmer, P.; Kim, J.; Manthiram, A.; Sanchez, J.M.


    With an objective to develop magnetic materials with high saturation magnetization for the Magnetically Assisted Chemical Separation (MACS) process the chemical synthesis of Fe-B and Fe-Co-B alloys by reducing iron and cobalt chloride solutions with potassium borohydride has been investigated systematically. The influence of the concentration of the reactants, applied magnetic field, reaction atmosphere, and method of mixing the reactants on the microstructure, particle size, composition and magnetic properties has been studied. Both M-B (M = Fe and Co) particles and elongated chains composed of nanometer size M-B particles have been obtained depending on the reaction conditions. The Fe-B samples exhibit saturation magnetization of M S of 120--190 emu/g, remanent magnetization M r of 10--22 emu/g, and coercive field H c of 400--900 Oe. A high M S value of 190 emu/g, which is close to the theoretical value of 218 emu/g for pure Fe, has been achieved particularly for samples with well-defined chain structures. Increasing the Co content in the Fe-Co-B alloys increases the boron content and thereby decreases the crystallinity and M S values although marginal increase in H c (1,250 Oe) and M r (36 emu/g) values could be made in some Fe-Co-B compositions. The chain structure with high M S may be attractive for other magnetic separation processes as well

  5. Uptake and Release of Cerium During Fe-Oxide Formation and Transformation in Fe(II) Solutions

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nedel, Sorin; Dideriksen, Knud; Christiansen, Bo C.


    Fe-oxides are ubiquitous in soils and sediments and form during Fe(0) corrosion. Depending on redox conditions and solution composition, Fe-oxides such as ferrihydrite, goethite, magnetite, and green rust (GR) may form. These phases typically have high surface area and large affinity for adsorption......(III) release. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy revealed Ce(III) adsorbed on magnetite. When Fe-oxides were synthesized by air oxidation of Fe(II) solutions at pH 7, GR(Na,SO4) played a catalytic role in the oxidation of Ce(III) to Ce(IV) by O-2, removing more than 90% of the dissolved Ce. Transmission electron...

  6. OptaDOS - a new tool for EELS calculations (United States)

    Nicholls, R. J.; Morris, A. J.; Pickard, C. J.; Yates, J. R.


    Many modern (Scanning) Transmission Electron Microscopes ((S)TEMs) are equipped with an energy loss spectrometer. The Electron Energy Loss (EEL) spectra collected provide an experimental method of probing the bonding within a material. With the extra addition of monochromators, the energy resolution obtainable means that even more information is revealed within the fine structure of the spectra. Interpreting the fine structure can often be aided by simulation. Density-functional theory (DFT) is one method of simulating EEL spectra. DFT allows us to simulate DOS and EEL spectra from different structures. This comparison between simulation and experiment enables us to explore how changes in the spectrum are related to changes within the sample. CASTEP is a pseudopotential DFT code which can simulate both low-loss and core-loss EEL spectra. Recent developments have resulted in a separate analysis tool, OptaDOS. This package computes various spectral properties including DOS, projected DOS, joint DOS, core-loss and low-loss EEL spectra and optical spectra. One of the important aspects of the code is the way in which the DOS is calculated. This is done via linear extrapolation or adaptive smearing, methods which are not currently available within CASTEP (or indeed any other code) and which allow detailed analysis of spectral properties. This paper summarises these developments and what they mean for the interpretation of EEL spectra.

  7. Adsorption induced modification of in-plane magnetic anisotropy in epitaxial Co and Fe/Co films on Fe(110) (United States)

    Ślezak, M.; Ślezak, T.; Matlak, K.; DróŻdŻ, P.; Korecki, J.


    A study of in-plane magnetic anisotropy (MA) in epitaxial bcc Co films and Fe/Co bilayers on a Fe(110) surface is reported. Surface MA of as-deposited Co films and Fe/Co bilayers strongly depends on the Co (dCo) and Fe (dFe) thickness. Adsorption of residual gases drastically modifies in-plane MA of both Co films and Fe/Co bilayers. We present two dimensional MA maps in the (dCo, dFe) space for both as grown and adsorption-modified films. Our results indicate how to precisely engineer in-plane MA that can be controlled by dCo, dFe and is sensitive to the residual gas adsorption.

  8. Thermodynamical properties of 56Fe

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tavukcu, E.; Becker, J. A.; Bernstein, L. A.; Garrett, P. E.; Younes, W.; Guttormsen, M.; Rekstad, J.; Siem, S.; Mitchell, G. E.; Schiller, A.; Voinov, A.


    Average nuclear level densities close to the nuclear binding energy in 56Fe and 57Fe are extracted from primary γ-ray spectra. A step structure is observed in the level density for both isotopes, and is interpreted as breaking of Cooper pairs. Thermal properties of 56Fe are studied within the statistical canonical ensemble. The experimental heat capacity in 56Fe is compared with the theoretical heat capacity calculated within the shell model Monte Carlo approach

  9. Ab-initio study of the interfacial properties in ultrathin MgO films on O-rich FeO/Fe(001) surfaces

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Jeon, Junjin; Yu, Byungdeok [University of Seoul, Seoul (Korea, Republic of)


    Using ab-initio simulations based on density functional theory, we systematically studied the interfacial properties of MgO films on O-rich FeO/Fe(001) surfaces with increasing number of MgO layers from one to three monolayers (MLs). The structural and the adhesion properties of the MgO/FeO/Fe(001) system were assessed and compared with those of simple MgO/Fe(001) interfaces. Our calculated results showed that the adhesion energy for MgO/FeO/Fe(001) was smaller than that for simple MgO/Fe(001). An analysis of the electronic structures and the charge rearrangements of the MgO/FeO/Fe(001) interfaces was also performed. The work functions of the MgO/FeO/Fe(001) systems upon the deposition of MgO films exhibited smaller decreases (0.45 - 0.67 eV) than those (1.43 - 1.74 eV) of the MgO/Fe(001) systems. In addition, the obtained work functions (3.77 - 3.99 eV) for MgO/FeO/Fe(001) were much larger than those (2.12 - 2.43 eV) for MgO/Fe(001).



    Ivo Lesbaupin


    O Brasil tem visto nos últimos tempos o surgimento e desenvolvimento de inúmeros movimentos: movimentos de bairro, movimentos de mulheres, movimento negro, movimento dos atingidos pelas barragens, movimento dos sem-terra, movimento ecológico, e outros. Porque se formam tais movimentos? Qual o alcance, a capacidade de mudança social que têm estes movimentos? Quais as condições para que u m movimento seja bem sucedido?

  11. Fabricating Fe3O4/Fe/Biocarbon Fibers using Cellulose Nanocrystals for High-Rate Li-ion Battery Anode

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhang, Shuzhen; He, Wen; Zhang, Xudong; Yang, Guihua; Ma, Jingyun; Yang, Xuena; Song, Xin


    Highlights: • Mesoporous biocarbon fibers adhered with Fe 3 O 4 /Fe nanoparticles (Fe 3 O 4 /Fe/MBCFs) are synthesized. • This method uses the natural cotton as a template and carbon source. • Fe 3 O 4 /Fe/MBCFs exhibit excellent cycling performance at higher current. - ABSTRACT: Searching the high rate Fe 3 O 4 -based materials for lithium ion batteries (LIBs) is still a great challenge. Here we tackle this problem by developing a facile and green method which uses the natural cotton as a biotemplate and a activity biocarbon source. By this new method, we synthesized the mesoporous biocarbon fibers adhered with Fe 3 O 4 /Fe nanoparticles (Fe 3 O 4 /Fe/MBCFs). Fe 3 O 4 /Fe/MBCFs are a highly stable anode material for high-rate LIBs due to its excellent cycling performance at higher current and fast charging feature. This anode shows a high reversible capacity of 472 mAh g −1 after 500 cycles and can be rapidly charge to 100% in 28.3 min. After 160 cycles at varied current densities from 1 A g −1 to 10 A g −1 , it still delivered a high discharge capacity of 524.6 mAh g −1 and an ultra-high coulombic efficiency close to 100%. This is attributed to the synergistic effects of several factors including the unique mesoporous hybrid construction, the graphitized biocarbon fibers and the chemical bonding between Fe 3 O 4 and Fe nanoparticles. This work is instructive for fabrication and design of nanostructured electrodes with extraordinary properties from biomass renewable resources

  12. Formation of hard magnetic L1{sub 0}-FePt/FePd monolayers from elemental multilayers

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Goo, Nam Hoon


    In this thesis, ordered L1{sub 0}-FePt and FePd films of different nominal compositions are prepared from Fe/Pt and Fe/Pd multilayers by annealing. In case of the L1{sub 0}-FePt films the composition of the films is modified by changing the individual elemental layer thicknesses in the multilayer precursors. This simple variation of the composition is the great advantage of the multilayer approach compared to sputtering single alloy layer from an alloy target. The formation mechanism of the fct phase from the multilayers and the microstructural properties are investigated. The characteristics of the hysteresis loop (coercivity {mu}{sub 0}H{sub c}, remanence J{sub r}) and of the intrinsic magnetic properties (anisotropy constant K{sub l}, spontaneous polarization J{sub s}, exchange constant A) of the ordered L1{sub 0}-FePt and FePd films are studied. The effects of the composition of the L1{sub 0}-FePt films on the microstructural and magnetic properties are investigated. The microstructure of these ordered L1{sub 0}-FePt films are then correlated to the magnetic properties with microstructural parameters by investigating the temperature dependence of the coercivity. (orig.)

  13. CoFeRh alloys

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tabakovic, Ibro; Qiu Jiaoming; Riemer, Steve; Sun Ming; Vas'ko, Vlad; Kief, Mark


    The electrochemical behavior of Rh(III) species in CoFe solution containing RhCl 3 , NH 4 Cl, H 3 BO 3 , CoSO 4 , FeSO 4 , saccharin, and NaLS (Na lauryl sulfate) has been investigated. The electrochemistry of Rh(III) species is influenced by each of the compounds present in CoFe plating solution, but especially by addition of saccharin and H 3 BO 3 to the RhCl 3 -NH 4 Cl solution. The nucleation and growth of Rh on GC (glassy carbon), Ru, and Cu electrodes from NH 4 Cl solution was studied using the potentiostatic current-transient methods. The results support a predominantly progressive nucleation of Rh on all three-electrode surfaces. The nucleation kinetic parameters ANo (steady state nucleation rate) and Ns (saturation nuclear number density) were found to vary with potential and are electrode-dependent in order: GC > Ru∼Cu. The electrodeposited Rh films obtained from NH 4 Cl solution and nonmagnetic CoFeRh film obtained from CoFe solution were characterized in terms of the following properties: morphology, surface roughness, crystal structure and chemical composition. The origin of light elements found in Rh and CoFeRh films (O, Cl, S, C, N) was discussed

  14. Disk Operating System--DOS. Teacher Packet. Learning Activity Packets. (United States)

    Oklahoma State Dept. of Vocational and Technical Education, Stillwater. Curriculum and Instructional Materials Center.

    The Learning Activity Packets (LAPs) contained in this manual are designed to assist the beginning user in understanding DOS (Disk Operating System). LAPs will not work with any version below DOS Version 3.0 and do not address the enhanced features of versions 4.0 or higher. These elementary activities cover only the DOS commands necessary to…

  15. Impact of Fe(III)-OM complexes and Fe(III) polymerization on SOM pools reactivity under different land uses (United States)

    Giannetta, B.; Plaza, C.; Zaccone, C.; Siebecker, M. G.; Rovira, P.; Vischetti, C.; Sparks, D. L.


    Soil organic matter (SOM) protection and long-term accumulation are controlled by adsorption to mineral surfaces in different ways, depending on its molecular structure and pedo-climatic conditions. Iron (Fe) oxides are known to be key regulators of the soil carbon (C) cycle, and Fe speciation in soils is highly dependent on environmental conditions and chemical interactions with SOM. However, the molecular structure and hydrolysis of Fe species formed in association with SOM is still poorly described. We hypothesize the existence of two pools of Fe which interact with SOM: mononuclear Fe(III)-SOM complexes and precipitated Fe(III) hydroxides. To verify our hypothesis, we investigated the interactions between Fe(III) and physically isolated soil fractions by means of batch experiments at pH 7. Specifically, we examined the fine silt plus clay (FSi+C) fraction, obtained by ultrasonic dispersion and wet sieving. The soil samples spanned several land uses, including coniferous forest (CFS), grassland (GS), technosols (TS) and agricultural (AS) soils. Solid phase products and supernatants were analyzed for C and Fe content. X-ray diffraction (XRD) and Brunauer-Emmett-Teller (BET) analysis were also performed. Attenuated total reflectance Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (ATR-FTIR) was used to assess the main C functional groups involved in C complexation and desorption experiments. Preliminary linear combination fitting (LCF) of Fe K-edge extended X-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS) spectra suggested the formation of ferrihydrite-like polymeric Fe(III) oxides in reacted CFS and GS samples, with higher C and Fe concentration. Conversely, mononuclear Fe(III) OM complexes dominated the speciation for TS and AS samples, characterized by lower C and Fe concentration, inhibiting the hydrolysis and polymerization of Fe (III). This approach will help revealing the mechanisms by which SOM pools can control Fe(III) speciation, and will elucidate how both Fe

  16. Nano-sized magnetic instabilities in Fe/NiO/Fe(001) epitaxial thin films

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Brambilla, A [Dipartimento di Fisica-Politecnico di Milano, Leonardo da Vinci 32, 20133 Milan (Italy); Biagioni, P [Dipartimento di Fisica-Politecnico di Milano, Leonardo da Vinci 32, 20133 Milan (Italy); Rougemaille, N [National Center for Electron Microscopy, Lawrence Berkeley National Lab, Berkeley, CA 94720 (United States); Schmid, A K [National Center for Electron Microscopy, Lawrence Berkeley National Lab, Berkeley, CA 94720 (United States); Lanzara, A [Department of Physics, University of California at Berkeley, Berkeley, CA 94720 (United States); Duo, L [Dipartimento di Fisica-Politecnico di Milano, Leonardo da Vinci 32, 20133 Milan (Italy); Ciccacci, F [Dipartimento di Fisica-Politecnico di Milano, Leonardo da Vinci 32, 20133 Milan (Italy); Finazzi, M [Dipartimento di Fisica-Politecnico di Milano, Leonardo da Vinci 32, 20133 Milan (Italy)


    We report on a magnetic imaging study of the Fe/NiO/Fe(001) trilayer structure, by means of X-ray photoemission electron microscopy (XPEEM) and spin-polarised low-energy electron microscopy (SPLEEM). Two different magnetic couplings between the Fe layers are observed depending on the NiO thickness being greater or smaller than a critical value. Very small magnetic domains and domain walls are observed in the top Fe layer. They are dramatically smaller than those observed in the Fe substrate, and have a convoluted topology. Furthermore they seem to be unstable with respect to an applied magnetic field for any NiO thickness except that corresponding to the transition between the different coupling regimes. The phenomenology of such magnetic nano-structures and the dependence of the magnetic behaviour of the layered structure on the NiO spacer thickness are discussed on the basis of the experimental results and of state-of-the-art theoretical models.

  17. Nano-sized magnetic instabilities in Fe/NiO/Fe(001) epitaxial thin films

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Brambilla, A.; Biagioni, P.; Rougemaille, N.; Schmid, A.K.; Lanzara, A.; Duo, L.; Ciccacci, F.; Finazzi, M.


    We report on a magnetic imaging study of the Fe/NiO/Fe(001) trilayer structure, by means of X-ray photoemission electron microscopy (XPEEM) and spin-polarised low-energy electron microscopy (SPLEEM). Two different magnetic couplings between the Fe layers are observed depending on the NiO thickness being greater or smaller than a critical value. Very small magnetic domains and domain walls are observed in the top Fe layer. They are dramatically smaller than those observed in the Fe substrate, and have a convoluted topology. Furthermore they seem to be unstable with respect to an applied magnetic field for any NiO thickness except that corresponding to the transition between the different coupling regimes. The phenomenology of such magnetic nano-structures and the dependence of the magnetic behaviour of the layered structure on the NiO spacer thickness are discussed on the basis of the experimental results and of state-of-the-art theoretical models

  18. Diffusion in ordered Fe-Si alloys

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sepiol, B.; Vogl, G.


    The measurement of the diffusional Moessbauer line broadening in single crystalline samples at high temperatures provides microscopic information about atomic jumps. We can separate jumps of iron atoms between the various sublattices of Fe-Si intermetallic alloys (D0 3 structure) and measure their frequencies. The diffusion of iron in Fe-Si samples with Fe concentrations between 75 and 82 at% shows a drastic composition dependence: the jump frequency and the proportion between jumps on Fe sublattices and into antistructure (Si) sublattice positions change greatly. Close to Fe 3 Si stoichiometry iron diffusion is extremely fast and jumps are performed exclusively between the three Fe sublattices. The change in the diffusion process when changing the alloy composition from stoichiometric Fe 3 Si to the iron-rich side is discussed. (orig.)

  19. Evidências Empíricas sobre a Rentabilidade dos Ativos dos Bancos no Brasil antes da Crise Americana do Subprime

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Fernando da Silva Vinhado


    Full Text Available Segundo a visão pós-keynesiana, defendida por Tobin (1982, os ativos dos bancos são divididos basicamente entre aqueles de natureza defensiva, representados fundamentalmente por títulos financeiros, com característica de maior liquidez e menor rentabilidade, e as operações de crédito, que são ativos não defensivos com perfil de oferecer menor liquidez e maior rentabilidade. Com base nessa visão e a partir de dados organizados em painel, contemplando 71 instituições financeiras que atuaram no Brasil entre 2000 e 2008, no presente artigo foi utilizada a técnica econométrica do método dos momentos generalizados em sistema (GMM-SYS a fim de analisar empiricamente a influência de variáveis macro e microeconômicas sobre a rentabilidade de ativos dos bancos no país, tanto em títulos financeiros quanto em operações de crédito. Os exercícios econométricos propostos, que objetivaram melhorar a compreensão em relação à formação da rentabilidade dos ativos dos bancos no mercado bancário brasileiro, permitiram identificar aspectos como a persistência nos níveis de rentabilidade, a nacionalidade e personalidade jurídica dos bancos mais rentáveis por tipo de ativo, a influência do tamanho da instituição e do nível de capitalização sobre a rentabilidade dessas aplicações, além das evidências contrárias à hipótese de estrutura-conduta-performance (HCP no mercado bancário brasileiro. As estimativas envolvendo as variáveis macroeconômicas revelaram influência positiva da taxa básica de juros e característica pró-cíclica da rentabilidade dos ativos bancários. Assim, os achados permitem melhor decifrar o comportamento do desempenho dos ativos das instituições financeiras no Brasil, o que pode, inclusive, vir a orientar esforços de gestão e supervisão no sistema financeiro.

  20. Evidências Empíricas sobre a Rentabilidade dos Ativos dos Bancos no Brasil antes da Crise Americana do Subprime

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Fernando da Silva Vinhado


    Full Text Available Segundo a visão pós-keynesiana, defendida por Tobin (1982, os ativos dos bancos são divididos basicamente entre aqueles de natureza defensiva, representados fundamentalmente por títulos financeiros, com característica de maior liquidez e menor rentabilidade, e as operações de crédito, que são ativos não defensivos com perfil de oferecer menor liquidez e maior rentabilidade. Com base nessa visão e a partir de dados organizados em painel, contemplando 71 instituições financeiras que atuaram no Brasil entre 2000 e 2008, no presente artigo foi utilizada a técnica econométrica do método dos momentos generalizados em sistema (GMM-SYS a fim de analisar empiricamente a influência de variáveis macro e microeconômicas sobre a rentabilidade de ativos dos bancos no país, tanto em títulos financeiros quanto em operações de crédito. Os exercícios econométricos propostos, que objetivaram melhorar a compreensão em relação à formação da rentabilidade dos ativos dos bancos no mercado bancário brasileiro, permitiram identificar aspectos como a persistência nos níveis de rentabilidade, a nacionalidade e personalidade jurídica dos bancos mais rentáveis por tipo de ativo, a influência do tamanho da instituição e do nível de capitalização sobre a rentabilidade dessas aplicações, além das evidências contrárias à hipótese de estrutura-conduta-performance (HCP no mercado bancário brasileiro. As estimativas envolvendo as variáveis macroeconômicas revelaram influência positiva da taxa básica de juros e característica pró-cíclica da rentabilidade dos ativos bancários.  Assim, os achados permitem melhor decifrar o comportamento do desempenho dos ativos das instituições financeiras no Brasil, o que pode, inclusive, vir a orientar esforços de gestão e supervisão no sistema financeiro.

  1. Microstructure and magnetic properties of nanocomposite FePt/MgO and FePt/Ag films

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chen, S.C.; Kuo, P.C.; Sun, A.C.; Chou, C.Y.; Fang, Y.H.; Wu, T.H.


    An in-plane magnetic anisotropy of FePt film is obtained in the MgO 5 nm/FePt t nm/MgO 5 nm films (where t=5, 10 and 20 nm). Both the in-plane coercivity (H c- parallel ) and the perpendicular magnetic anisotropy of FePt films are increased when introducing an Ag-capped layer instead of MgO-capped layer. An in-plane coercivity is 3154 Oe for the MgO 5 nm/FePt 10 nm/MgO 5 nm film, and it can be increased to 4846 Oe as a 5 nm Ag-capped layer instead of MgO-capped layer. The transmission electron microscopy (TEM)-energy disperse spectrum (EDS) analysis shows that the Ag mainly distributed at the grain boundary of FePt, that leads the increase of the grain boundary energy, which will enhance coercivity and perpendicular magnetic anisotropy of FePt film

  2. Fe magnetic moment formation and exchange interaction in Fe{sub 2}P: A first-principles study

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Liu, X.B., E-mail: [Department of Physics, University of Texas at Arlington, Arlington, TX 76019 (United States); Ping Liu, J.; Zhang, Qiming [Department of Physics, University of Texas at Arlington, Arlington, TX 76019 (United States); Altounian, Z. [Center for the Physics of Materials and Department of Physics, McGill University, 3600 University Street, Montreal, Quebec, H3A 2T8 (Canada)


    Electronic structure and magnetic properties of Fe{sub 2}P have been studied by a first-principles density functional theory calculation. The ground state is ferromagnetic and the calculated magnetic moments for Fe{sub 1} (3f) and Fe{sub 2} (3g) are 0.83 and 2.30μ{sub B}, respectively. The nearest neighbor inter-site magnetic exchange coupling parameter at the Fe{sub 1} layer (0.02 mRy) is much smaller than that at the Fe{sub 2} layer (1.29 mRy). The Fe moment at the 3f site is metastable and sensitive to the inter-site exchange interaction with its magnetic neighbors, which is responsible for the first order magnetic transition and large magneto-caloric effect around T{sub C}.

  3. Carbonate-mediated Fe(II) oxidation in the air-cathode fuel cell: a kinetic model in terms of Fe(II) speciation. (United States)

    Song, Wei; Zhai, Lin-Feng; Cui, Yu-Zhi; Sun, Min; Jiang, Yuan


    Due to the high redox activity of Fe(II) and its abundance in natural waters, the electro-oxidation of Fe(II) can be found in many air-cathode fuel cell systems, such as acid mine drainage fuel cells and sediment microbial fuel cells. To deeply understand these iron-related systems, it is essential to elucidate the kinetics and mechanisms involved in the electro-oxidation of Fe(II). This work aims to develop a kinetic model that adequately describes the electro-oxidation process of Fe(II) in air-cathode fuel cells. The speciation of Fe(II) is incorporated into the model, and contributions of individual Fe(II) species to the overall Fe(II) oxidation rate are quantitatively evaluated. The results show that the kinetic model can accurately predict the electro-oxidation rate of Fe(II) in air-cathode fuel cells. FeCO3, Fe(OH)2, and Fe(CO3)2(2-) are the most important species determining the electro-oxidation kinetics of Fe(II). The Fe(II) oxidation rate is primarily controlled by the oxidation of FeCO3 species at low pH, whereas at high pH Fe(OH)2 and Fe(CO3)2(2-) are the dominant species. Solution pH, carbonate concentration, and solution salinity are able to influence the electro-oxidation kinetics of Fe(II) through changing both distribution and kinetic activity of Fe(II) species.

  4. Biomimetic peptide-based models of [FeFe]-hydrogenases: utilization of phosphine-containing peptides

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Roy, Souvik [Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry; Arizona State University; Tempe, USA; Nguyen, Thuy-Ai D. [Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry; Arizona State University; Tempe, USA; Gan, Lu [Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry; Arizona State University; Tempe, USA; Jones, Anne K. [Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry; Arizona State University; Tempe, USA


    Peptide based models for [FeFe]-hydrogenase were synthesized utilizing unnatural phosphine-amino acids and their electrocatalytic properties were investigated in mixed aqueous-organic solvents.

  5. Fe hydroxyphosphate precipitation and Fe(II) oxidation kinetics upon aeration of Fe(II) and phosphate-containing synthetic and natural solutions

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Grift, B. van der; Behrends, T.; Osté, L.A.; Schot, P.P.; Wassen, M.J.; Griffioen, J.


    Exfiltration of anoxic Fe-rich groundwater into surface water and the concomitant oxidative precipitation of Fe are important processes controlling the transport of phosphate (PO4) from agricultural areas to aquatic systems. Here, we explored the relationship between solution composition, reaction

  6. Fe hydroxyphosphate precipitation and Fe(II) oxidation kinetics upon aeration of Fe(II) and phosphate-containing synthetic and natural solutions

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    van der Grift, B.; Behrends, T.; Osté, L.A.; Schot, P.P.; Wassen, M.J.; Griffioen, J.


    Abstract Exfiltration of anoxic Fe-rich groundwater into surface water and the concomitant oxidative precipitation of Fe are important processes controlling the transport of phosphate (PO4) from agricultural areas to aquatic systems. Here, we explored the relationship between solution composition,

  7. Mechanism of thermal decomposition of K{sub 2}FeO{sub 4} and BaFeO{sub 4}: A review

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sharma, Virender K., E-mail: [Texas A& M University, Department of Environmental and Occupational Health, School of Public Health (United States); Machala, Libor [Palacky University, Regional Centre of Advanced Technologies and Materials, Departments of Experimental Physics and Physical Chemistry, Faculty of Science (Czech Republic)


    This paper presents thermal decomposition of potassium ferrate(VI) (K{sub 2}FeO{sub 4}) and barium ferrate(VI) (BaFeO{sub 4}) in air and nitrogen atmosphere. Mössbauer spectroscopy and nuclear forward scattering (NFS) synchrotron radiation approaches are reviewed to advance understanding of electron-transfer processes involved in reduction of ferrate(VI) to Fe(III) phases. Direct evidences of Fe {sup V} and Fe {sup IV} as intermediate iron species using the applied techniques are given. Thermal decomposition of K{sub 2}FeO{sub 4} involved Fe {sup V}, Fe {sup IV}, and K{sub 3}FeO{sub 3} as intermediate species while BaFeO{sub 3} (i.e. Fe {sup IV}) was the only intermediate species during the decomposition of BaFeO{sub 4}. Nature of ferrite species, formed as final Fe(III) species, of thermal decomposition of K{sub 2}FeO{sub 4} and BaFeO{sub 4} under different conditions are evaluated. Steps of the mechanisms of thermal decomposition of ferrate(VI), which reasonably explained experimental observations of applied approaches in conjunction with thermal and surface techniques, are summarized.

  8. Adsorption of As(V) from water using Mg-Fe-based hydrotalcite (FeHT)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Tuerk, T. [Mineral Processing Division, Department of Mining Engineering, Karadeniz Technical University, 61080 Trabzon (Turkey); Alp, I., E-mail: [Mineral Processing Division, Department of Mining Engineering, Karadeniz Technical University, 61080 Trabzon (Turkey); Deveci, H. [Mineral Processing Division, Department of Mining Engineering, Karadeniz Technical University, 61080 Trabzon (Turkey)


    This paper describes a study of the sorptive removal of arsenate (As(V)) from aqueous solutions by synthetically prepared Mg-Fe-based hydrotalcites (FeHT) as layered double hydroxide (LDH) adsorbents. The synthesis of Fe{sup 3+}-substituted hydrotalcites (FeHT) with the chemical formula [Mg(II){sub 6}Fe(III){sub 2}(OH){sub 16}]{sup 2+}[CO{sub 3} x yH{sub 2}O]{sup 2-} was achieved by a co-precipitation method. The reaction products were characterized by powder X-ray diffraction analysis. The influences of solution pH, initial arsenate (As(V)) concentration, and sorbent concentration were investigated in multiple kinetic runs. The adsorption rates and isotherms were investigated in batch experiments. The pseudo-first-order and second-order kinetic models were tested and the latter was found to fit better to the experimental data. Langmuir and Freundlich isotherms were used to describe the adsorption data from equilibrium experiments. The results have shown that FeHT has a high arsenate removal efficiency, with the ability to reduce the concentration of arsenate in the aqueous solution from an initial value of 330 {mu}g/l to <10 {mu}g/l (i.e. below the limit value specified by WHO).

  9. Análise da lucratividade dos clientes


    Madeira, Paulo


    Um bom sistema de Análise da lucratividade de Clientes pode ajudar a melhorar a rendibilidade global do negócio, selecionando os clientes de qualidade, e a indicar o principal caminho a segui rpara atingir uma maior lucartividade, indicando o impacto financeiro actual e potencial dos movimentos estratégicos dos clientes.

  10. Probing Fe (III)/Fe (II) redox potential in a clayey material

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tournassat, Christophe; Chainet, Fabien; Betelu, Stephanie; Hadi, Jebril; Gaucher, Eric C.; Ignatiadis, Ioannis; Greneche, Jean-Marc; Charlet, Laurent


    Document available in extended abstract form only. Redox is one of the main factors affecting the migration of redox-sensitive radionuclides. As a consequence reducing conditions are considered of strategic importance for the confinement properties of a clayey formation towards nuclear waste. A representative redox potential of clay formation such as Callovian- Oxfordian (COx) can be derived from thermodynamic calculations considering equilibrium between observed redox phases such as pyrite and siderite. However, there is little information on the reactivity of the different reservoirs of redox constituents in this type of complex material. The present study aims at investigating the reactivity of the Fe(III)/Fe(II) redox couple in the structure of clay minerals using different investigation methods: electrochemistry and O 2 reduction kinetic experiments. Clay modified electrodes were specifically designed to probe Fe(III)/Fe(II) redox potential in the structure of clay minerals. The clay fraction of a Callovian-Oxfordian argillite sample originating from the same level than ANDRA underground research laboratory was used after pre-treatment to remove organic matter and accessory minerals such as pyrite that could influence redox potential measurements. These electrodes were used to verify the validity of the model of Favre et al. (2006) that links the redox potential (E clay ) to the the Fe(II)/Fe tot ratio in the structure (m rel ), the pH and the sodium concentration in solution: equation 1. The good agreement between direct potential measurements and model prediction provides a strong evidence of the relevance of this model in our experimental conditions although the clay composition and its too low Fe content do not a priori fulfil the conditions set by Drits and Manceau (2000) for the calculation of K 0 parameter. Following the verification of the model, we tried to apply it to the specific case of a Callovian-Oxfordian sample that had been very well preserved

  11. Incidente com Jornalistas portugueses no Iraque. Imprudência ou espírito missionário? A batalha dos argumentos nas colunas dos jornais


    Oliveira, Madalena


    O chamado jornalismo de guerra é, desde o desenvolvimento de tecnologias que permitiram o relato de conflitos em directo, um dos tópicos mais estimulantes do debate em torno dos escolhos e dos desafios do ofício daqueles que têm por missão informar. Os riscos associados às movimentações dos jornalistas em campos de bata-lha são, com frequência, o fermento de notícias que enchem secções especializadas nos media. O baleamento de uma jornalista da SIC e o sequestro de um repórter da TSF, no Iraq...

  12. A study of the Fe(III)/Fe(II)-triethanolamine complex redox couple for redox flow battery application

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wen, Y.H.; Zhang, H.M.; Qian, P.; Zhou, H.T.; Zhao, P.; Yi, B.L.; Yang, Y.S.


    The electrochemical behavior of the Fe(III)/Fe(II)-triethanolamine(TEA) complex redox couple in alkaline medium and influence of the concentration of TEA were investigated. A change of the concentration of TEA mainly produces the following two results. (1) With an increase of the concentration of TEA, the solubility of the Fe(III)-TEA can be increased to 0.6 M, and the solubility of the Fe(II)-TEA is up to 0.4 M. (2) In high concentration of TEA with the ratio of TEA to NaOH ranging from 1 to 6, side reaction peaks on the cathodic main reaction of the Fe(III)-TEA complex at low scan rate can be minimized. The electrode process of Fe(III)-TEA/Fe(II)-TEA is electrochemically reversible with higher reaction rate constant than the uncomplexed species. Constant current charge-discharge shows that applying anodic active materials of relatively high concentrations facilitates the improvement of cell performance. The open-circuit voltage of the Fe-TEA/Br 2 cell with the Fe(III)-TEA of 0.4 M, after full charging, is nearly 2.0 V and is about 32% higher than that of the all-vanadium batteries, together with the energy efficiency of approximately 70%. The preliminary exploration shows that the Fe(III)-TEA/Fe(II)-TEA couple is electrochemically promising as negative redox couple for redox flow battery (RFB) application

  13. Electronic structures and magnetism of CaFeAsH and CaFeAsF

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wang Guangtao; Shi Xianbiao; Liu Haipeng; Liu Qingbo


    We studied the electronic structures, magnetism, and Fermi surface (FS) nesting of CaFeAsH and CaFeAsF by first-principles calculations. In the nonmagnetic (NM) states, we found strong FS nesting, which induces magnetic instability and a spin density wave (SDW). Our calculations indicate that the ground state of CaFeAsH and CaFeAsF is the stripe antiferromagnetic state. The calculated bare susceptibility χ 0 (q) peaked at the M-point and was clearly suppressed and became slightly incommensurate with both electron doping and hole doping for both materials. (author)

  14. Buenas prácticas para la mejora de las condiciones de vida en las ciudades

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Nicolás Rodrigo, José Luis


    Full Text Available The Spanish Habitat Committee, in the pursuit of the application of the action plans on the issue of human settlements, promoted by the United Nations Center Human Settlements (UNCHS, and in agreement with the commitments assumed in the Conference Habitat II (Istambul, 1996 and its sanction in the occurrence of the Special Session of the General Assembly of United Nations Estambul+5. (Nav York, 2001, has continued its activity impelling the debate on the sustainable city and promoting the exchange of experiences that favor their development. In this frame is included the Third National Best Practices Award for the improvement of living conditions, some of which are included in this monographic of REPORTS of the Construction. as well as the call for the Fourth National Award, already in the phase of selection of the best practices for his remission to the international summonsEl Comité Hábitat español, en el seguimiento de la aplicación de los planes de acción en materia de asentamientos humanos promovidos por el Centro de Naciones Unidas para los Asentamientos Humanos (CNUAH, y de acuerdo con los compromisos adoptados en la Conferencia Hábitat II (Estambul, 1996 y su ratificación con motivo de la Sesión Especial de la Asamblea General de Naciones Unidas "Estambul+5" (Nueva York, 2001. ha continuado su actividad impulsando el debate sobre la ciudad sostenible y promocionando el intercambio de experiencias que favorezcan su desarrollo. En este marco se inscribe el III Concurso Nacional de Buenas Prácticas para la mejora de las condiciones de vida, algunas de las cuales se recogen en este monográfico de INFORMES de la Construcción, así como la convocatoria del IV Concurso Nacional, en fase ya de selección de las mejores prácticas para su remisión a la convocatoria internacional.

  15. How Formaldehyde Inhibits Hydrogen Evolution by [FeFe]-Hydrogenases: Determination by ¹³C ENDOR of Direct Fe-C Coordination and Order of Electron and Proton Transfers. (United States)

    Bachmeier, Andreas; Esselborn, Julian; Hexter, Suzannah V; Krämer, Tobias; Klein, Kathrin; Happe, Thomas; McGrady, John E; Myers, William K; Armstrong, Fraser A


    Formaldehyde (HCHO), a strong electrophile and a rapid and reversible inhibitor of hydrogen production by [FeFe]-hydrogenases, is used to identify the point in the catalytic cycle at which a highly reactive metal-hydrido species is formed. Investigations of the reaction of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii [FeFe]-hydrogenase with formaldehyde using pulsed-EPR techniques including electron-nuclear double resonance spectroscopy establish that formaldehyde binds close to the active site. Density functional theory calculations support an inhibited super-reduced state having a short Fe-(13)C bond in the 2Fe subsite. The adduct forms when HCHO is available to compete with H(+) transfer to a vacant, nucleophilic Fe site: had H(+) transfer already occurred, the reaction of HCHO with the Fe-hydrido species would lead to methanol, release of which is not detected. Instead, Fe-bound formaldehyde is a metal-hydrido mimic, a locked, inhibited form analogous to that in which two electrons and only one proton have transferred to the H-cluster. The results provide strong support for a mechanism in which the fastest pathway for H2 evolution involves two consecutive proton transfer steps to the H-cluster following transfer of a second electron to the active site.

  16. Implementación de la guía de buenas prácticas: valoración del riesgo y prevención de úlceras por presión: experiencia en la Fundación Oftalmológica de Santander (FOSCAL / Implementation of the Good Practices Guide: Risk Assessment and Prevention of Pressure Ulcers, an Experience at “Fundacion Oftalmológica of Santander” (FOSCAL / Implementando do manual de boas práticas: avaliação do risco e prevenção de úlceras de pressão: experiênciana Fundação Oftalmológica do Santander (FOSCAL

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Maribel Esparza-Bohórquez


    Full Text Available Introducción: Desde hace tiempo se reconoce la importancia de la valoración del riesgo como estrategia de prevención del desarrollo de úlceras por presión (UPP existen guías de práctica clínica que se caracterizan por recolectar la mejor evidencia disponible para este tipo de recomendación, entre ellas se encuentra la guía de valoración del riesgo y prevención de úlceras por presión de la Registered Nurses Association of Ontario (RNAO. Las úlceras por presión son un problema durante el proceso de atención hospitalaria porque afectan y deterioran el estado de salud, la calidad de vida y la funcionalidad familiar, sin olvidar las repercusiones económicas y legales para las instituciones. Objetivo: Describir la experiencia en la implementación de la guía de buenas prácticas de enfermería de la RNAO en dos servicios de hospitalización y en la unidad de cuidado intensivo adulto, durante un periodo entre 2013 y 2015. Metodología: Estudio descriptivo prospectivo de implementación de la guía de valoración del riesgo y prevención de úlceras por presión de la RNAO, en dos servicios de hospitalización y en la unidad de cuidado intensivo adulto, organizado en dos fases: a Fase Preparación: convenio, selección y capacitación; b Fase Implementación: auditoría y seguimiento. Resultados: Para la guía de valoración del riesgo y prevención de úlceras por presión se trabajó con una población de 16,264 usuarios hospitalizados, de los cuales 6,712 (41% se clasificaron con riesgo de desarrollar UPP al ingreso de la hospitalización; se les practicó intervención de superficies de apoyo a 5,196 (77% y un total de 250 (4% pacientes desarrollaron UPP en estadio 2, evidenciando anualmente disminución gradual en la prevalencia. La adherencia del personal de enfermería al cumplimiento de las recomendaciones de la guía fue del 91%. Conclusiones: Se evidenció en el ingreso de los pacientes al servicio, un aumento en el

  17. Profound Interfacial Effects in CoFe2O4/Fe3O4 and Fe3O4/CoFe2O4 Core/Shell Nanoparticles (United States)

    Polishchuk, Dmytro; Nedelko, Natalia; Solopan, Sergii; Ślawska-Waniewska, Anna; Zamorskyi, Vladyslav; Tovstolytkin, Alexandr; Belous, Anatolii


    Two sets of core/shell magnetic nanoparticles, CoFe2O4/Fe3O4 and Fe3O4/CoFe2O4, with a fixed diameter of the core ( 4.1 and 6.3 nm for the former and latter sets, respectively) and thickness of shells up to 2.5 nm were synthesized from metal chlorides in a diethylene glycol solution. The nanoparticles were characterized by X-ray diffraction, transmission electron microscopy, and magnetic measurements. The analysis of the results of magnetic measurements shows that coating of magnetic nanoparticles with the shells results in two simultaneous effects: first, it modifies the parameters of the core-shell interface, and second, it makes the particles acquire combined features of the core and the shell. The first effect becomes especially prominent when the parameters of core and shell strongly differ from each other. The results obtained are useful for optimizing and tailoring the parameters of core/shell spinel ferrite magnetic nanoparticles for their use in various technological and biomedical applications.

  18. {sup 57}Fe Mössbauer spectroscopic studies of single-crystalline K{sub x}Fe{sub 2-y}S{sub 2} and K{sub x}Fe{sub 2-y}Se{sub 2}

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Tsuchiya, Yuu, E-mail:; Ikeda, Shugo; Kobayashi, Hisao [University of Hyogo (Japan)


    We have investigated the physical properties of single-crystalline K{sub x}Fe{sub 2-y}S{sub 2} and K{sub x}Fe{sub 2-y}Se{sub 2} samples using {sup 57}Fe Mössbauer spectroscopy. The observed {sup 57}Fe Mössbauer spectra were reconstructed using a major antiferromagnetic ordered K{sub 2}Fe{sub 4}Se{sub 5} phase and a minor paramagnetic phase down to 5 K, despite being superconducting below 32.2 K in K{sub x}Fe{sub 2-y}Se{sub 2}. The analysis of {sup 57}Fe Mössbauer spectrum for K{sub x}Fe{sub 2-y}S{sub 2} at 290 K confirms the presence of a major antiferromagnetic ordered K{sub 2}Fe{sub 4}S{sub 5} phase and a minor paramagnetic phase in the K{sub x}Fe{sub 2-y}S{sub 2} single crystal. The derived hyperfine interaction parameters of the paramagnetic phase in K{sub x}Fe{sub 2-y}S{sub 2} suggest that the microstructure of this phase in K{sub x}Fe{sub 2-y}S{sub 2} is similar to that of the superconducting phase in K{sub x}Fe{sub 2-y}Se{sub 2} although the K{sub x}Fe{sub 2-y}S{sub 2} single crystals exhibit no superconductivity down to 5 K.

  19. Texturing for bulk α-Fe/Nd2Fe14B nanocomposites with enhanced magnetic properties

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lou, L.; Hou, F.C.; Wang, Y.N.; Cheng, Y.; Li, H.L.; Li, W.; Guo, D.F.; Li, X.H.; Zhang, X.Y.


    In the present study, the texturing of bulk α-Fe/Nd 2 Fe 14 B nanocomposites produced from Nd-lean amorphous Nd x Fe 92.5−x Cu 1.5 B 6 (x=9 to 11.5 at%) via a hot deformation under a uniaxial stress of ∼350 MPa at 973 K has been studied. An enhanced (00l) texture of the hard phase is observed with increasing Nd content, which results in an increase in the magnetic anisotropy of the nanocomposite magnets. As a result, both the coercivity and the remanence of the magnets increase simultaneously with increasing Nd content from x=9–11.5 at%, yielding a significant enhancement of the maximum energy product from (BH) max =13.2 to 17.5 MGOe in the direction parallel to stress axis. - Highlights: • Textured bulk α-Fe/Nd 2 Fe 14 B nanocomposites have been produced from Nd-lean alloys. • Nd content has an effect on the texturing of α-Fe/Nd 2 Fe 14 B nanocomposite magnets. • An enhanced (00l) texture of hard phase is observed with increasing Nd content. • Both the coercivity and remanence increase simultaneously with Nd content

  20. Action of a clay suspension on an Fe(0) surface under anoxic conditions: Characterization of neoformed minerals at the Fe(0)/solution and Fe(0)/atmosphere interfaces

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Le Pape, Pierre; Rivard, Camille; Pelletier, Manuel; Bihannic, Isabelle; Gley, Renaud; Mathieu, Sandrine; Salsi, Lise; Migot, Sylvie; Barres, Odile; Villiéras, Frédéric; Michau, Nicolas


    Highlights: • Immersion of an Fe(0) foil in a clay suspension at 90 °C and in anoxic conditions. • Magnetite was observed on the atmospheric part. • Iron-rich 7 Å serpentines were observed on the clay suspension part. • A gradient in serpentine cristallochemistry was observed. • A pure Fe–Si phyllosilicate was identified at the Fe(0)/clay suspension contact. - Abstract: To better understand the reaction mechanisms involved at the Fe(0)/clay minerals interface, we investigate in the present study the reaction between an Fe(0) surface and a clay suspension extracted from the Callovo-Oxfordian claystone (COx). Batch experiments were carried out under anoxic conditions in sealed autoclave, at 90 °C to mimic predicted radioactive waste disposal conditions. An Fe(0) foil was introduced into the autoclave so that the lower part of the foil was immersed in the clay suspension while the upper part was contacted with the atmosphere of the experimental setup. After two months, the mineralogical deposits that precipitated at the surface of the Fe(0) foil were analyzed using multiple techniques, namely X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning/transmission electron microscopy associated to microanalysis (SEM/TEM–EDXS), and micro-spectroscopic measurements (μ-FTIR and μ-Raman). Both parts of the Fe(0) foil were then shown to react: magnetite was the main resulting mineral formed at the Fe(0) surface in the atmospheric conditions whereas serpentine 1:1 phyllosilicates were the main end-products in the clay suspension. The analyses performed on the immersed part of the foil revealed a spatial heterogeneity in both serpentine cristallochemistry and morphology, with a gradient from the Fe(0) contact point toward the clay suspension. A pure Fe–Si phyllosilicate ring was observed at the direct contact point with the Fe(0) foil and a progressive incorporation of Al instead of Fe into the clay phases was identified as deposit thickness increased from the Fe(0) surface to

  1. Structure and dynamics of hydrated Fe(II) and Fe(III) ions. Quantum mechanical and molecular mechanical simulations

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Remsungnen, T.


    Classical molecular dynamics (MD) and combined em ab initio quantum mechanical/molecular mechanical molecular dynamics (QM/MM-MD) simulations have been performed to investigate structural, dynamical and energetical properties of Fe(II), and Fe(III) transition metal ions in aqueous solution. In the QM/MM-MD simulations the ion and its first hydration sphere were treated at the Hartree-Fock ab initio quantum mechanical level, while ab initio generated pair plus three-body potentials were employed for the remaining system. For the classical MD simulation the pair plus three-body potential were employed for all ion-water interactions. The coordination number of the first hydration shell is 100 % of 6 in both cases. The number of waters in the second hydration shell obtained from classical simulations are 13.4 and 15.1 for Fe(II) and Fe(III), respectively, while QM/MM-MD gives the values of 12.4 and 13.4 for Fe(II) and Fe(III). The energies of hydration obtained from MD and QM/MM-MD for Fe(II) are 520 and 500 kcal/mol, and for Fe(III) 1160 and 1100 kcal/mol respectively. The mean residence times of water in the second shell obtained from QM/MM-MD are 24 and 48 ps for Fe(II) and Fe(III), respectively. In contrast to the data obtained from classical MD simulation, the QM/MM-MD values are all in good agreement with the experimental data available. These investigations and results clearly indicate that many-body effects are essential for the proper description of all properties of the aqueous solution of both Fe(II) and Fe(III) ions. (author)

  2. Use of Fe(III) oxalate for oxidativewastewater treatment; Einsatz von Fe(III)-Oxalat zur chemisch-oxidativen Abwasserbehandlung

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kim, S.M.; Vogelpohl, A. [Clausthal Univ., Clausthal-Zellerfeld (Germany). Inst. fuer Thermische Verfahrenstechnik


    Iron(III)-oxalate was used as an iron catalyst for the Photo Fenton reaction. Iron(III) oxalations ([Fe(C{sub 2}O{sub 4}){sub 3}]{sup 3-}) are reduced to Fe(II) by irradiation using near UV-light ({lambda} = 300 - 400 nm) or visible light ({lambda} > 400 nm). At the same time, CO{sub 2}{sup -} or C{sub 2}O{sub 4}{sup -}-radicals originate, which cause the secondary reduction of Fe(III) to Fe(II). By means of the photolytically regenerated Fe(II) ions, hydroxyl radicals are increasingly formed, so that the degradation of organic substances is accelerated. The work aimed to assess the catalytic effect of Fe(III) oxalate for photochemical oxidation processes and to establish the parameters influencing further treatment of leachate from a municipal waste sanitary landfill by means of technical-scale experiments. (orig.) [Deutsch] In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde Eisen(III)-Oxalat als Eisenkatalysator fuer die Photo-Fenton-Reaktion eingesetzt. Eisen(III)-Oxalationen ([Fe(C{sub 2}O{sub 4}){sub 3}]{sup 3-}) werden durch Strahlung mit nahem UV-Licht ({lambda}=300 bis 400 nm) oder mit sichtbarem Licht ({lambda}>400 nm) zu Fe(II) reduziert. Gleichzeitig entstehen CO{sub 2}{sup .-} oder C{sub 2}O{sub 4}{sup .-}-Radikale, die eine sekundaere Reduktion von Fe(III) zu Fe(II) bewirken. Mit Hilfe der photolytiisch regenerierten Fe(II)-Ionen werden vermehrt Hydroxylradikale gebildet und damit die Abbaugeschwindigkeit der organischen Substanzen beschleunigt. Ziel der hier vorgestellten Arbeit war es, die katalytische Wirkung von Fe(III)-Oxalat fuer photochemische Oxidationsverfahren abzuschaetzen und die Einflussparameter zur weitergehenden Behandlung eines Deponiesickerwassers aus Hausmuelldeponie anhand von Technikumsversuchen zu ermitteln. (orig.)

  3. Design and Micromagnetic Simulation of Fe/L10-FePt/Fe Trilayer for Exchange Coupled Composite Bit Patterned Media at Ultrahigh Areal Density

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Warunee Tipcharoen


    Full Text Available Exchange coupled composite bit patterned media (ECC-BPM are one candidate to solve the trilemma issues, overcome superparamagnetic limitations, and obtain ultrahigh areal density. In this work, the ECC continuous media and ECC-BPM of Fe/L10-FePt/Fe trilayer schemes are proposed and investigated based on the Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert equation. The switching field, Hsw, of the hard phase in the proposed continuous ECC trilayer media structure is reduced below the maximum write head field at interlayer exchange coupling between hard and soft phases, Aex, higher than 20 pJ/m and its value is lower than that for continuous L10-FePt single layer media and L10-FePt/Fe bilayer. Furthermore, the Hsw of the proposed ECC-BPM is lower than the maximum write head field with exchange coupling coefficient between neighboring dots of 5 pJ/m and Aex over 10 pJ/m. Therefore, the proposed ECC-BPM trilayer has the highest potential and is suitable for ultrahigh areal density magnetic recording technology at ultrahigh areal density. The results of this work may be gainful idea for nanopatterning in magnetic media nanotechnology.

  4. Zumbi dos Palmares: a afroresiliencia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Josué Petrônio Quirino de Oliveira


    Full Text Available O artigo buscou fazer uma releitura de Zumbi dos Palmares sob o prisma da resiliência, demonstrando uma visão singular ao olhar para os escravos nos quilombos e suas histórias de superação e transformação perante as adversidades, levando não só a reconstruir o imaginário afrodescendente brasileiro com o caleidoscópio da resiliência, mas revelar que a resiliência sempre foi inerente a história dos negros no Brasil. Para tanto se caracterizou como uma pesquisa exploratória com abordagem qualitativa e procedimentos bibliográficos que foram essenciais para a construção do artigo, amadurecendo e ampliando os conhecimentos envolvidos na temática. Nesta abordagem o quilombo dos Palmares foi um conjunto complexo de condições, atitudes e ações que apesar das adversidades tiveram resultados positivos, os fatos demonstraram que os negros nos quilombos foram uma prova que a resiliência negra não foi apenas um fator individual, mas uma característica comunitária que desencadeou um processo de ruptura e recuperação social, um grito de liberdade em defesa da consciência de uma raça, e de um povo. Zumbi não foi apenas um líder de um movimento libertário que marcou a história dos negros oriundos de Pernambuco e Alagoas, mas a história de uma raça por gerações no país, que se tornou sinônimo de resiliência.

  5. Physical conditions in CaFe interstellar clouds


    Gnacinski, P.; Krogulec, M.


    Interstellar clouds that exhibit strong Ca I and Fe I lines were called CaFe clouds. The ionisation equilibrium equations were used to model the column densities of Ca II, Ca I, K I, Na I, Fe I and Ti II in CaFe clouds. The chemical composition of CaFe clouds is that of the Solar System and no depletion of elements onto dust grains is seen. The CaFe clouds have high electron densities n=1 cm^-3 that leads to high column densities of neutral Ca and Fe.

  6. Molecular orbital (SCF-X-α-SW) theory of Fe2+-Mn3+, Fe3+-Mn2+, and Fe3+-Mn3+ charge transfer and magnetic exchange in oxides and silicates (United States)

    Sherman, David M.


    Metal-metal charge-transfer and magnetic exchange interactions have important effects on the optical spectra, crystal chemistry, and physics of minerals. Previous molecular orbital calculations have provided insight on the nature of Fe2+-Fe3+ and Fe2+-Ti4+ charge-transfer transitions in oxides and silicates. In this work, spin-unrestricted molecular orbital calculations on (FeMnO10) clusters are used to study the nature of magnetic exchange and electron delocalization (charge transfer) associated with Fe3+-Mn2+, Fe3+-Mn3+, and Fe2+-Mn3+ interactions in oxides and silicates. 

  7. Reduction under hydrogen of ferrite MFe{sub 2}O{sub 4} (M: Fe, Co, Ni) nanoparticles obtained by hydrolysis in polyol medium: A novel route to elaborate CoFe{sub 2}, Fe and Ni{sub 3}Fe nanoparticles

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ballot, N.; Schoenstein, F.; Mercone, S.; Chauveau, T.; Brinza, O. [Laboratoire des Sciences des Procedes et des Materiaux, CNRS, LSPM - UPR 3407, Universite Paris 13, PRES Sorbonne-Paris-Cite, 99 Avenue J.-B. Clement, 93430 Villetaneuse (France); Jouini, N., E-mail: [Laboratoire des Sciences des Procedes et des Materiaux, CNRS, LSPM - UPR 3407, Universite Paris 13, PRES Sorbonne-Paris-Cite, 99 Avenue J.-B. Clement, 93430 Villetaneuse (France)


    Highlights: Black-Right-Pointing-Pointer Spinels nano-particles MFe{sub 2}O{sub 4} (M: Co, Fe or Ni) are obtained by hydrolysis in polyol medium. Black-Right-Pointing-Pointer Gentle reduction under hydrogen flow of spinel nano-particles yields metal and alloy nanoparticles. Black-Right-Pointing-Pointer TEM and X-ray analysis show that CoFe{sub 2}, Fe and Ni{sub 3}Fe nano-particles are monocrystalline particles with size less than 160 nm. Black-Right-Pointing-Pointer Iron with size of 150 nm presents ferromagnetic behavior. Black-Right-Pointing-Pointer CoFe{sub 2} alloy with size of 55 nm could be considered as a superparamagnetic material. - Abstract: A novel method to process metal and various alloy particles of nanometric size is described. The first step consists in the elaboration of MFe{sub 2}O{sub 4} (M: Fe, Ni or Co) spinel nanoparticles in polyol medium via hydrolysis and the second one in gently reducing these latter under hydrogen at 300 Degree-Sign C. X-ray diffraction analysis shows that pure Fe and CoFe{sub 2} alloy are well obtained by reducing Fe{sub 3}O{sub 4} and CoFe{sub 2}O{sub 4}, respectively. This is not the case when we try to reduce NiFe{sub 2}O{sub 4}. A mixture of Fe and Ni{sub 3}Fe is observed. TEM analysis reveals that the size of metal particles stays within the range of a few tenths of nm up to 150 nm, while the precursors (MFe{sub 2}O{sub 4}) never exceed 5 nm. Our results show that the formation of metal particles occurs via two main steps: (i) reduction of the spinel oxide nanoparticles into metal ones and (ii) aggregation of the latter, leading to larger metal nanoparticles. Magnetic measurements indicate that the as-obtained metallic materials have good magnetic properties mainly affected by the sizes of the nanoparticles and the purity of the reduced phases.

  8. CoFeRh alloys

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Tabakovic, Ibro [Seagate Technology, Research and Development, Bloomington, MN 55435 (United States)], E-mail:; Qiu Jiaoming; Riemer, Steve; Sun Ming; Vas' ko, Vlad; Kief, Mark [Seagate Technology, Research and Development, Bloomington, MN 55435 (United States)


    The electrochemical behavior of Rh(III) species in CoFe solution containing RhCl{sub 3}, NH{sub 4}Cl, H{sub 3}BO{sub 3}, CoSO{sub 4}, FeSO{sub 4}, saccharin, and NaLS (Na lauryl sulfate) has been investigated. The electrochemistry of Rh(III) species is influenced by each of the compounds present in CoFe plating solution, but especially by addition of saccharin and H{sub 3}BO{sub 3} to the RhCl{sub 3}-NH{sub 4}Cl solution. The nucleation and growth of Rh on GC (glassy carbon), Ru, and Cu electrodes from NH{sub 4}Cl solution was studied using the potentiostatic current-transient methods. The results support a predominantly progressive nucleation of Rh on all three-electrode surfaces. The nucleation kinetic parameters ANo (steady state nucleation rate) and Ns (saturation nuclear number density) were found to vary with potential and are electrode-dependent in order: GC > Ru{approx}Cu. The electrodeposited Rh films obtained from NH{sub 4}Cl solution and nonmagnetic CoFeRh film obtained from CoFe solution were characterized in terms of the following properties: morphology, surface roughness, crystal structure and chemical composition. The origin of light elements found in Rh and CoFeRh films (O, Cl, S, C, N) was discussed.

  9. Synthesis, characterization, and comparative gas-sensing properties of Fe{sub 2}O{sub 3} prepared from Fe{sub 3}O{sub 4} and Fe{sub 3}O{sub 4}-chitosan

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Cuong, Nguyen Duc [Faculty of Hospitality and Tourism, Hue University, 22 Lam Hoang, Vy Da Ward, Hue City (Viet Nam); College of Sciences, Hue University, 77 Nguyen Hue, Phu Nhuan Ward, Hue City (Viet Nam); International Training Institute for Materials Science (ITIMS), Hanoi University of Science and Technology (HUST), Hanoi (Viet Nam); Hoa, Tran Thai; Khieu, Dinh Quang [College of Sciences, Hue University, 77 Nguyen Hue, Phu Nhuan Ward, Hue City (Viet Nam); Lam, Tran Dai [Institute of Materials Science, Vietnamese Academy of Science and Technology, Hanoi (Viet Nam); Hoa, Nguyen Duc [International Training Institute for Materials Science (ITIMS), Hanoi University of Science and Technology (HUST), Hanoi (Viet Nam); Van Hieu, Nguyen, E-mail: [International Training Institute for Materials Science (ITIMS), Hanoi University of Science and Technology (HUST), Hanoi (Viet Nam)


    Highlights: Black-Right-Pointing-Pointer We have demonstrated a facile method to prepare Fe{sub 3}O{sub 4} nanoparticles and chitosan-coated Fe{sub 3}O{sub 4} nanoparticles. Black-Right-Pointing-Pointer {alpha}-Fe{sub 2}O{sub 3} sensors prepared from those Fe{sub 3}O{sub 4} materials have been investigated and compared. Black-Right-Pointing-Pointer The results show potential application of {alpha}-Fe{sub 2}O{sub 3} for CO sensors in environmental monitoring. - Abstract: In this paper, Fe{sub 3}O{sub 4} and chitosan (CS)-coated Fe{sub 3}O{sub 4} nanoparticles were synthesized via co-precipitation method and subsequent covalent binding of CS onto the surface for functionalization, respectively. Characterization of the crystal structures and morphologies of as-synthesized nanoparticles by X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy, and transmission electron microscopy demonstrated that Fe{sub 3}O{sub 4} had a cubic spinal structure with irregular shapes and average diameters of 10-20 nm. The surface states and magnetic properties of Fe{sub 3}O{sub 4}-CS nanoparticles were characterized by Fourier transform infrared spectra and vibrating sample magnetometry. Results showed that Fe{sub 3}O{sub 4}-CS nanoparticles possessed super-paramagnetic properties, with saturated magnetization up to 60 emu/g. In addition, Fe{sub 3}O{sub 4} and CS-coated Fe{sub 3}O{sub 4} nanoparticles were used in the fabrication of {alpha}-Fe{sub 2}O{sub 3} based gas sensors. Gas sensing measurements revealed that the {alpha}-Fe{sub 2}O{sub 3} gas sensor prepared from Fe{sub 3}O{sub 4}-CS had a better response to H{sub 2}, CO, C{sub 2}H{sub 5}OH, and NH{sub 3} compared with the device prepared from pristine Fe{sub 3}O{sub 4}. Furthermore, the {alpha}-Fe{sub 2}O{sub 3} sensor prepared from Fe{sub 3}O{sub 4}-CS nanoparticles exhibited the highest response to CO among the test gases, suggesting that it has great potential for practical applications in environmental monitoring.

  10. Impacto de las buenas prácticas de gobierno corporativo en la generación de valor financiero de las empresas de explotación de minerales metálicos y de carbón en Colombia


    Bravo, Leonardo; Ortiz, Fabiano; Tramelli, Maria Jose; Velásquez, Luísa Fernanda


    En este trabajo se presentan los resultados de un estudio descriptivo, cuyo objetivo fue determinar el impacto de las buenas prácticas de gobierno corporativo en la generación de valor financiero, a partir de una muestra de 11 empresas de explotación de minerales metálicos y de carbón en Colombia. Se diseñó un cuestionario argumentado a partir de un constructo literario y sujeto a un efecto cuantificable. Los resultados presumen el impacto que tiene el Gobierno Corporativo sobr...

  11. Pressure effect on Fe3+/FeT in silicate melts and applications to magma redox, particularly in magma oceans (United States)

    Zhang, H.; Hirschmann, M. M.


    The proportions of Fe3+ and Fe2+ in magmas reflect the redox conditions of their origin and influence the chemical and physical properties of natural silicate liquids, but the relationship between Fe3+/FeT and oxygen fugacity depends on pressure owing to different molar volumes and compressibilities of Fe3+ and Fe2+ in silicates. An important case where the effect of pressure effect may be important is in magma oceans, where well mixed (and therefore potentially uniform Fe3+/FeT) experiencses a wide range of pressures, and therefore can impart different ƒO2 at different depths, influencing magma ocean degassing and early atmospheres, as well as chemical gradients within magma oceans. To investigate the effect of pressure on magmatic Fe3+/FeT we conducted high pressure expeirments on ƒO2-buffered andestic liquids. Quenched glasses were analyzed by Mössbauer spectroscopy. To verify the accuracy of Mössbauer determinations of Fe3+/FeT in glasses, we also conducted low temperature Mössbauer studies to determine differences in the recoilless fraction (ƒ) of Fe2+ and Fe3. These indicate that room temperature Mössbauer determinations of on Fe3+/FeT glasses are systematically high by 4% compared to recoilless-fraction corrected ratios. Up to 7 GPa, pressure decreases Fe3+/FeT, at fixed ƒO2 relative to metal-oxide buffers, meaning that an isochemical magma will become more reduced with decreasing pressure. Consequently, for small planetary bodies such as the Moon or Mercury, atmospheres overlying their MO will be highly reducing, consisting chiefly of H2 and CO. The same may also be true for Mars. The trend may reverse at higher pressure, as is the case for solid peridotite, and so for Earth, Venus, and possibly Mars, more oxidized atmospheres above MO are possible. Diamond anvil experiments are underway to examine this hypothesis.

  12. Efficient spin injection and giant magnetoresistance in Fe / MoS 2 / Fe junctions

    KAUST Repository

    Dolui, Kapildeb


    We demonstrate giant magnetoresistance in Fe/MoS2/Fe junctions by means of ab initio transport calculations. We show that junctions incorporating either a monolayer or a bilayer of MoS2 are metallic and that Fe acts as an efficient spin injector into MoS2 with an efficiency of about 45%. This is the result of the strong coupling between the Fe and S atoms at the interface. For junctions of greater thickness, a maximum magnetoresistance of ∼300% is obtained, which remains robust with the applied bias as long as transport is in the tunneling limit. A general recipe for improving the magnetoresistance in spin valves incorporating layered transition metal dichalcogenides is proposed. © 2014 American Physical Society.

  13. Thermodynamic study of NaFe complex oxides. High temperature properties of Na sub 5 FeO sub 4 and Na sub 3 FeO sub 3

    CERN Document Server

    Furukawa, T


    In order to contribute the investigation into corrosion mechanism of the structural materials by leakage sodium, thermodynamic study of Na-Fe complex oxides formed by the reactions was carried out. Na sub 5 FeO sub 4 and Na sub 3 FeO sub 3 were used as the sample. Its high temperature properties (i.e. melting, solidification and transformation) were observed by Differential Scanning Calorimetry, DSC. Moreover, the original test named 'melting point confirmation test' was performed for the observation of traces of melting and solidification after the tests. Following contents have been obtained by this study. (1) Na sub 5 FeO sub 4 was stably as the solid without phase transformation and melting until 800degC. However, the compound was showing a tendency to change into Na sub 4 FeO sub 3 with temperature increasing under the low oxygen potential. (2) The stability of Na sub 3 FeO sub 3 is the same as that of Na sub 5 FeO sub 4 until 700degC. Over the temperature, the compound was changed differential compound ...

  14. Effect of Fe on the phases and microstructure of TiC-Fe cermets by combustion synthesis/quasi-isostatic pressing

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhang Weifang; Zhang Xinghong; Wang Jianli; Hong Changqing


    Fully dense TiC-Fe cermets (x = 10, 20, 30, and 40 wt.%) were produced from Ti-C-Fe powder mixtures by combustion synthesis with quasi-isostatic pressing. The effect of Fe content on combustion temperature, combustion wave velocity, and final product density was investigated. The final product was characterized by XRD, SEM, and TEM. The combustion temperature and wave velocity decreased with increasing Fe content. Product density increased with increasing Fe content (96% at 30 wt.%). X-ray diffraction and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) revealed the final product to contain TiC, Fe phases, lath martensite, and Fe 2 Ti. The TiC particle size decreased with increasing Fe content. In addition, a low density of dislocations was observed in both the TiC particles and Fe binder, indicative of annealing and recrystallization, respectively

  15. Structural investigations of LiFePO4 electrodes and in situ studies by Fe X-ray absorption spectroscopy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Deb, Aniruddha; Bergmann, Uwe; Cramer, S.P.; Cairns, Elton J.


    Fe K-edge X-ray absorption near edge spectroscopy (XANES) and extended X-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS) have been performed on electrodes containing LiFePO 4 to determine the local atomic and electronic structure and their stability with electrochemical cycling. A versatile electrochemical in situ cell has been constructed for long-term soft and hard X-ray experiments for the structural investigation on battery electrodes during the lithium-insertion/extraction processes. The device is used here for an X-ray absorption spectroscopic study of lithium insertion/extraction in a LiFePO 4 electrode, where the electrode contained about 7.7 mg of LiFePO 4 on a 20 μm thick Al-foil. Fe K-edge X-ray absorption near edge spectroscopy (XANES) and extended X-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS) have been performed on this electrode to determine the local atomic and electronic structure and their stability with electrochemical cycling. The initial state (LiFePO 4 ) showed iron to be in the Fe 2+ state corresponding to the initial state (0.0 mAh) of the cell, whereas in the delithiated state (FePO 4 ) iron was found to be in the Fe 3+ state corresponding to the final charged state (3 mAh). XANES region of the XAS spectra revealed a high spin configuration for the two states (Fe (II), d 6 and Fe (III), d 5 ). The results confirm that the olivine structure of the LiFePO 4 and FePO 4 is retained by the electrodes in agreement with the XRD observations reported previously. These results confirm that LiFePO 4 cathode material retains good structural short-range order leading to superior cycling capability

  16. Atividades Física, Educativa e de Dança: Um Estudo dos Valores Pessoais dos Consumidores Idosos

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    Luciana Torres Souza Kelly


    Full Text Available Este artigo apresenta como objetivo principal identificar os valores pessoais dos consumidores idosos dos serviços de atividades física, educativa e de dança, sob o aspecto motivacional hedônico e utilitário. Adotou-se o modelo de cadeia meios-fim de Gutman (1982, o qual sugere que a pesquisa deve utilizar uma abordagem qualitativa através da entrevista em profundidade no levantamento dos dados e da análise de conteúdo. Uma fase da metodologia é quantitativa, decorrente da tabulação das conseqüências e valores em tabelas, visando construir os mapas hierárquicos, os quais se constituem em diagramas de freqüência. Por meio dos resultados indicados nos mapas hierárquicos de valor foi possível observar que os valores e benefícios associados à participação em cada atividade são tanto de interesse individual quanto coletivo, e tanto de natureza hedônica quanto utilitária. Constatou-se através dos resultados, a identificação de valores convergentes e divergentes apontando o perfil heterogêneo do consumidor idoso indicando que a cultura, as vivências, as experiências e as realidades atuais corroboram para a manifestação de um valor pessoal característico na sua vida. E nas situações de compra e utilização de serviços, apresentam como meta a aquisição de novas amizades e a experimentação de momentos variados (com novidades na vida diária. DOI: 10.5585/remark.v10i3.2251

  17. Study of structural, electronic and magnetic properties of CoFeIn and Co2FeIn Heusler alloys

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    El Amine Monir, M.; Khenata, R.; Baltache, H.; Murtaza, G.; Abu-Jafar, M.S.; Bouhemadou, A.; Bin Omran, S.


    The structural, electronic and magnetic properties of half-Heusler CoFeIn and full-Heusler Co 2 FeIn alloys have been investigated by using the state of the art full-potential linearized augmented plane wave (FP-LAPW) method. The exchange-correlation potential was treated with the generalized gradient approximation (PBE-GGA) for the calculation of the structural properties, whereas the PBE-GGA+U approximation (where U is the Hubbard Coulomb energy term) is applied for the computation of the electronic and magnetic properties in order to treat the “d” electrons. The structural properties have been calculated in the paramagnetic and ferromagnetic phases where we have found that both the CoFeIn and Co 2 FeIn alloys have a stable ferromagnetic phase. The obtained results of the spin-polarized band structure and the density of states show that the CoFeIn alloy is a metal and the Co 2 FeIn alloy has a complete half-metallic nature. Through the obtained values of the total spin magnetic moment, we conclude that in general, the Co 2 FeIn alloy is half-metallic ferromagnet material whereas the CoFeIn alloy has a metallic nature. - Highlights: • Based on DFT calculations, CoFeIn and Co2FeIn Heusler alloys were investigated. • The magnetic phase stability was determined from the total energy calculations. • Electronic properties reveal the metallic (half-metallic) nature for CoFeIn (Co2FeIn)

  18. Cl K-edge XANES spectra of atmospheric rust on Fe, Fe-Cr and Fe-Ni alloys exposed to saline environment

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Konishi, Hiroyuki; Mizuki, Jun'ichiro; Yamashita, Masato; Uchida, Hitoshi


    Cl K-edge XANES measurements of atmospheric corrosion products (rust) formed on Fe, Fe-Ni and Fe-Cr alloys in chloride pollution have been performed using synchrotron radiation in order to clarify roles of anticorrosive alloying elements and of Cl in the corrosion resistance of weathering steel. The spectra of binary alloys show a shoulder structure near the absorption edge. The intensity of the shoulder peak depends on the kind and amount of the alloying element, whereas the energy position is invariant. This indicates that Cl is not combined directly with alloying elements in the rust. (author)

  19. Thick CoFeB with perpendicular magnetic anisotropy in CoFeB-MgO based magnetic tunnel junction

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    V. B. Naik


    Full Text Available We have investigated the effect of an ultra-thin Ta insertion in the CoFeB (CoFeB/Ta/CoFeB free layer (FL on magnetic and tunneling magnetoresistance (TMR properties of a CoFeB-MgO system with perpendicular magnetic anisotropy (PMA. It is found that the critical thickness (tc to sustain PMA is doubled (tc = 2.6 nm in Ta-inserted CoFeB FL as compared to single CoFeB layer (tc = 1.3 nm. While the effective magnetic anisotropy is found to increase with Ta insertion, the saturation magnetization showed a slight reduction. As the CoFeB thickness increasing, the thermal stability of Ta inserted structure is significantly increased by a factor of 2.5 for total CoFeB thickness less than 2 nm. We have observed a reasonable value of TMR for a much thicker CoFeB FL (thickness = 2-2.6 nm with Ta insertion, and without significant increment in resistance-area product. Our results reveal that an ultra-thin Ta insertion in CoFeB might pay the way towards developing the high-density memory devices with enhanced thermal stability.

  20. High quality β-FeSi2 thin films prepared on silicon (100) by using pulsed laser ablation of Fe target

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Xu, S.C.; Yang, C.; Liu, M.; Jiang, S.Z.; Ma, Y.Y.; Chen, C.S.; Gao, X.G.; Sun, Z.C.; Hu, B.; Wang, C.C.; Man, B.Y.


    High quality β-FeSi 2 thin films have been fabricated on silicon (100) substrate by the pulsed laser deposition (PLD) technique with the Fe and sintered FeSi 2 targets. The crystalline quality and surface morphology of the samples were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscope (SEM), atomic force microscope (AFM), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy. These results indicate that the samples prepared with a Fe target can acquire a better crystalline quality and a smoother surface than those with a sintered FeSi 2 target. The reasons were discussed with subsurface superheating mechanism. The intrinsic PL spectrum attributed to the interband transition of β-FeSi 2 for all the samples was compared, showing that the film prepared with Fe target can acquire a good PL property by optimizing experimental parameters. It is suggested that sputtering Fe on Si substrate by the pulsed laser offers a cheap and convenient way to prepare the β-FeSi 2 thin films. -- Highlights: ► β-FeSi 2 films were fabricated by PLD technique with the Fe and FeSi 2 targets. ► The films prepared with Fe target have good crystalline quality and smooth surface. ► The Fe target prepared film acquired a high PL intensity. ► Sputtering Fe on Si substrate offers a convenient way to prepare the β-FeSi 2 films.

  1. Buenas plumas

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    Jimena Montaña Cuéllar


    Full Text Available El periodismo en Antioquia. Juan José Hoyos (selección y prólogo. Biblioteca Pública Piloto. Concejo de Medellín, Alcadía de Medellín,Secretaría de Cultura Ciudadana de Medellín, 2003. 502 págs.

  2. Nematicity and Magnetism in FeSe and Other Families of Fe-Based Superconductors

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    Youichi Yamakawa


    Full Text Available Nematicity and magnetism are two key features in Fe-based superconductors, and their interplay is one of the most important unsolved problems. In FeSe, the magnetic order is absent below the structural transition temperature T_{str}=90  K, in stark contrast to the fact that the magnetism emerges slightly below T_{str} in other families. To understand such amazing material dependence, we investigate the spin-fluctuation-mediated orbital order (n_{xz}≠n_{yz} by focusing on the orbital-spin interplay driven by the strong-coupling effect, called the vertex correction. This orbital-spin interplay is very strong in FeSe because of the small ratio between the Hund’s and Coulomb interactions (J[over ¯]/U[over ¯] and large d_{xz}, d_{yz}-orbital weight at the Fermi level. For this reason, in the FeSe model, the orbital order is established irrespective of the fact that the spin fluctuations are very weak, so the magnetism is absent below T_{str}. In contrast, in the LaFeAsO model, the magnetic order appears just below T_{str} both experimentally and theoretically. Thus, the orbital-spin interplay due to the vertex correction is the key ingredient in understanding the rich phase diagram with nematicity and magnetism in Fe-based superconductors in a unified way.

  3. Research Progress on Fe-based Amorphous Coatings

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    LIANG Xiu-bing


    Full Text Available The latest research progresses on Fe-based amorphous coatings were reviewed. The typical alloy system and the classification of Fe-based amorphous coatings were clarified. The status, progress and development of the Fe-based amorphous coatings prepared by thermal spray processing and laser cladding process were discussed. The main mechanical properties and potential applications of the Fe-based amorphous coatings were also described. Furthermore, based on the main problems mentioned above, the future development of the Fe-based amorphous coatings was discussed, including the exploitation preparation technologies of high amorphous content of the Fe-based coatings, the development of the low cost and high performance Fe-based coating alloys system, the broadening application of Fe-based amorphous coatings, and so on.

  4. Amorphous NiFe-OH/NiFeP Electrocatalyst Fabricated at Low Temperature for Water Oxidation Applications

    KAUST Repository

    Liang, Hanfeng


    Water splitting driven by electricity or sunlight is one of the most promising ways to address the global terawatt energy needs of future societies; however, its large-scale application is limited by the sluggish kinetics of the oxygen evolution reaction (OER). NiFe-based compounds, mainly oxides and hydroxides, are well-known OER catalysts and have been intensively studied; however, the utilization of the synergistic effect between two different NiFe-based materials to further boost the OER performance has not been achieved to date. Here, we report the rapid conversion of NiFe double hydroxide into metallic NiFeP using PH3 plasma treatment and further construction of amorphous NiFe hydroxide/NiFeP/Ni foam as efficient and stable oxygen-evolving anodes. The strong electronic interactions between NiFe hydroxide and NiFeP significantly lower the adsorption energy of H2O on the hybrid and thus lead to enhanced OER performance. As a result, the hybrid catalyst can deliver a geometrical current density of 300 mA cm–2 at an extremely low overpotential (258 mV, after ohmic-drop correction), along with a small Tafel slope of 39 mV decade–1 and outstanding long-term durability in alkaline media.

  5. Thermodynamical Properties of 56Fe

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tavukcu, E.; Becker, J.A.; Bernstein, L.A.; Garrett, P.E.; Guttormsen, M.; Mitchell, G.E.; Rekstad, J.; Schiller, A.; Siem, S.; Voinov, A.; Younes, W.


    Average nuclear level densities close to the nuclear binding energy in 56 Fe and 57 Fe are extracted from primary γ-ray spectra. Thermal properties of 56 Fe are studied within the statistical canonical ensemble. The experimental heat capacity is compared with the theoretical heat capacity calculated within the shell model Monte Carlo approach


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    Helena Parente Cunha


    Full Text Available Tem sido a conquista dos últimos anos o reconhecimento das autoras brasileiras dos séculos passados, mias numerosas do que se supunha e que foram esquecidas devido aos preconceitos do canone Literário. A partir da segunda metade do século XIX, com o levantamento dos períodos em todo o país, dirigidos e editados por mulheres e para mulheres, veiculavam as ideias avançadas e, ao mesmo tempo, concepções do sistema patriarcado. O medo do corpo e do erotismo se transmite à produção literária feminina que, ao se inspirar no amor, quase sempre usa linguagem pudica, procuando santificar o sentimento. Mas não raro surgem passagens de uma audácia inesperada, num desafio ostensivo aos convencionalizmos do cânone comportamental. Estudam-se como as escritoreas Ana Ribeiro, Ildefonsa Laura César e Adelio Fonseca, dentro deste contexto

  7. The reduction of 4-chloronitrobenzene by Fe(II)-Fe(III) oxide systems - correlations with reduction potential and inhibition by silicate

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Jones, Adele M., E-mail:; Kinsela, Andrew S.; Collins, Richard N.; Waite, T. David, E-mail:


    Recent studies have demonstrated that the rate at which Fe(II)-Fe(III) oxyhydroxide systems catalyze the reduction of reducible contaminants, such as 4-chloronitrobenzene, is well correlated to their thermodynamic reduction potential. Here we confirm this effect in the presence of Fe(III) oxyhydroxide phases not previously assessed, namely ferrihydrite and nano-goethite, as well as Fe(III) oxyhydroxide phases previously examined. In addition, silicate is found to decrease the extent of Fe(II) sorption to the Fe(III) oxyhydroxide surface, increasing the reduction potential of the Fe(II)-Fe(III) oxyhydroxide suspension and, accordingly, decreasing the rate of 4-chloronitrobenzene reduction. A linear relationship between the reduction potential of the Fe(II)-Fe(III) oxyhydroxide suspensions and the reduction rate of 4-chloronitrobenzene (normalized to surface area and concentration of sorbed Fe(II)) was obtained in the presence and absence of silicate. However, when ferrihydrite was doped with Si (through co-precipitation) the reduction of 4-chloronitrobenzene was much slower than predicted from its reduction potential. The results obtained have significant implications to the likely effectiveness of naturally occurring contaminant degradation processes involving Fe(II) and Fe(III) oxyhydroxides in groundwater environments containing high concentrations of silicate, or other species which compete with Fe(II) for sorption sites.

  8. Estudio de inmunogenicidad para dos vacunas recombinantes contra hepatitis B

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    O. Juliao


    Full Text Available Este estudio compara la inmunogenicidad (seroconversión, seroprotección e Hiperrespuesta, producida por dos vacunas recombinantes contra la hepatitis B (Engerix-B de Bélgica y Cubana, en dos esquemas (012 y 016 meses, empleando los métodos de cuantificación para Anti-HBsAg (Abbott y Organón, los cuales fueron también comparados. En el estudio participaron 257 voluntarios,  divididos al azar en 4 grupos (dos vacunas, dos esquemas. Resultados: los dos métodos de Abbon y Organon, no presentan diferencias estadísticas significativas. La vacuna cubana muestra una mayor respuesta inmunogénica para dos dosis de vacuna y para el esquema 012. No hay diferencia entre los esquemas 012 y 016 y en el esquema 016 no se ven diferencias estadísticamente significativas con la vacuna Engerix-B. En esta Última el esquema 016 muestra mejores resultados que el 012.

  9. Transport and superconducting properties of Fe-based superconductors: a comparison between SmFeAsO1-xFx and Fe1+yTe1-xSex (United States)

    Tropeano, M.; Pallecchi, I.; Cimberle, M. R.; Ferdeghini, C.; Lamura, G.; Vignolo, M.; Martinelli, A.; Palenzona, A.; Putti, M.


    In this paper we carry out a direct comparison between transport and superconducting properties—namely resistivity, magnetoresistivity, Hall effect, Seebeck effect, thermal conductivity, upper critical field—of two different families of Fe-based superconductors, which can be viewed in many respects as end members: SmFeAsO1 - xFx with the largest Tc and the largest anisotropy and Fe1 + yTe1 - xSex, with the largest Hc2, the lowest Tc and the lowest anisotropy. In the case of the SmFeAsO1 - xFx series, we find that a single-band description allows us to extract an approximate estimation of band parameters such as carrier density and mobility from experimental data, although the behaviour of the Seebeck effect as a function of doping demonstrates that a multiband description would be more appropriate. On the contrary, experimental data for the Fe1 + y(Te1 - x, Sex) series exhibit a strongly compensated behaviour, which can be described only within a multiband model. In the Fe1 + y(Te1 - x, Sex) series, the role of the excess Fe, tuned by Se stoichiometry, is found to be twofold: on one hand it dopes electrons in the system and on the other hand it introduces localized magnetic moments, responsible for Kondo like scattering and likely pairbreaking of Cooper pairs. Hence, Fe excess also plays a crucial role in determining superconducting properties such as the Tc and the upper critical field Hc2. The huge Hc2 values of the Fe1 + yTe1 - xSex samples are described by a dirty limit law, opposed to the clean limit behaviour of the SmFeAsO1 - xFx samples. Hence, magnetic scattering by excess Fe seems to drive the system in the dirty regime, but its detrimental pairbreaking role seems not to be as severe as predicted by theory. This issue has yet to be clarified, addressing the more fundamental issue of the interplay between magnetism and superconductivity.

  10. Thermodynamic properties of Y/sub 3/Fe/sub 5/O/sub 12/ and TbFeO/sub 3/

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Shchelkotunov, V A; Danilov, V N; Reznitskii, L A; Korobeinikova, A V [Moskovskij Gosudarstvennyj Univ. (USSR)


    Two types of chemical compounds-garnets and perovskites - exist in Fe/sub 2/O/sub 3/-Y/sub 2/O/sub 3/ and Fe/sub 2/O/sub 3/-Tb/sub 2/ 3/ systems. Both of them are noncompensated antiferromagnetics. Thermal-physical properties of TbFeO/sub 3/ were determined. Values of Csub(p),(Hsub(t)-Hsub(o)) and Ssub(T) in the temperature range 298 to 700 deg K for Y/sub 3/Fe/sub 5/O/sub 12/ and in the range 298 to 600 deg K for TbFeO/sub 3/ were calculated using the experimental data on TbFeO/sub 3/ and Y/sub 3/Fe/sub 5/O/sub 12/ thermal capacity. Magnetic contribution for Y/sub 3/Fe/sub 5/O/sub 12/ Usub(mag)=1617 cal/mol and cal/mol.deg. was determined.

  11. Erosion resistance of FeAl-TiB2 and FeAl-WC at room and elevated temperatures

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Alman, D.E.; Tylczak, J.H.; Hawk, J.A.


    The resistance of FeAl-40%TiB 2 and FeAl-80%WC cermets to solid particle erosion at 25, 180, 500 and 700 C was evaluated and compared to the behavior of WC-6%Co (Co-90%WC) cemented carbides. Even though the WC-Co contained a higher volume fraction of the hard phase, the erosion rates of the FeAl-cermets were similar in magnitude to the erosion rates of the WC-Co. However, the erosion rates of the FeAl-cermets either were constant (FeAl-TiB 2 ) or decreased (FeAl-WC) with increasing test temperature; whereas, the erosion rates of the WC-Co cemented carbides increased with increasing test temperature. This indicated that once the microstructures of the FeAl-cermets are optimized for wear resistance, these materials might make promising candidates for high-temperature wear applications

  12. Atributos químicos, mineralógicos e micromorfológicos de horizontes coesos de latossolos e argissolos dos tabuleiros costeiros do estado de Alagoas Mineralogy and micromorphology of cohesive horizons in oxisols and ultisols of the coastal tablelands of Alagoas, Brazil

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    José de Almeida Lima Neto


    Full Text Available O caráter coeso é um atributo característico de horizontes subsuperficiais que, quando secos, apresentam consistência muito dura e extremamente dura, passando a friável ou firme quando úmidos. A formação desses horizontes, entretanto, ainda é um assunto polêmico, não estando completamente esclarecida. O objetivo deste trabalho foi realizar uma caracterização química, mineralógica e micromorfológica de solos coesos, visando entender a sua gênese e definir características que possam complementar a definição do caráter coeso no Sistema Brasileiro de Classificação de Solos. Quatro perfis de solos foram coletados na região dos tabuleiros costeiros de Alagoas, envolvendo um Argissolo Amarelo, um Argissolo Acinzentado e dois Latossolos Amarelos. Os solos foram descritos morfologicamente, e as amostras dos horizontes coesos e não coesos foram coletadas para execução de análises químicas de Fe, Al e Si por extração com DCB, oxalato, CaCl2 e água quente, análises mineralógicas por DRX e caracterização micromorfológica. Os solos apresentaram baixos teores de Fe, com domínio das formas de baixa cristalinidade e predominância de caulinitas com moderado a alto grau de desordem estrutural em todos os horizontes. Não foi observada, nos horizontes coesos, tendência de aumento dos teores de Al e Si extraídos com DCB e oxalato, indicando que a sua gênese não se deve à presença de agentes cimentantes. Os resultados das análises mineralógicas e micromorfológicas sugerem que a gênese do caráter coeso apresenta duas fases distintas, sendo formado inicialmente pelo entupimento dos poros decorrente da iluviação de argila fina, havendo posteriormente uma perda de Fe na parte superior, que colapsa a estrutura e provoca um ajuste face a face da caulinita.The cohesive character is a property of subsurface soil horizons with hard to extremely hard consistency when dry, and friable or firm when wet. Despite the agricultural

  13. Magnetism mediated by a majority of [Fe³⁺ + VO²⁻] complexes in Fe-doped CeO₂ nanoparticles. (United States)

    Paidi, V K; Ferreira, N S; Goltz, D; van Lierop, J


    We examine the role of Fe(3+) and vacancies (V(O)) on the magnetism of Fe-doped CeO2 nanoparticles. Magnetic nanoparticles of Ce(100-x)Fe(x)O2 (x  =  0, 0.26, 1.82, 2.64, 5.26, 6.91, and 7.22) were prepared by a co-precipitation method, and their structural, compositional and magnetic properties were investigated. The CeO2 nanoparticles had a mixed valance of Ce(4+) and Ce(3+) ions, and doping introduced Fe(3+) ions. The decrease in Ce(3+) and increase in Fe(3+) concentrations indicated the presence of more [Fe(3+) + V(O)(2-)] complexes with Fe loading in the particles. Charge neutralization, Fe(3+) + V(O)(2-) + 2Ce(4+) ↔ 2Ce(3+) + Fe(3+), identified the impact of V(O) on the magnetism, where our results suggest that the Fe-doped CeO2 nanoparticle magnetism is mediated by a majority of [Fe(3+) + V(O)(2-)]-Ce(3+) -[Fe(3+) + V(O)(2-)] complexes.

  14. The effect of Fe-coverage on the structure, morphology and magnetic properties of α-FeSi2 nanoislands

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tripathi, J K; Goldfarb, I; Garbrecht, M; Kaplan, W D; Markovich, G


    Self-assembled α-FeSi 2 nanoislands were formed using solid-phase epitaxy of low (∼1.2 ML) and high (∼21 ML) Fe coverages onto vicinal Si(111) surfaces followed by thermal annealing. At a resulting low Fe-covered Si(111) surface, we observed in situ, by real-time scanning tunneling microscopy and surface electron diffraction, the entire sequence of Fe–silicide formation and transformation from the initially two-dimensional (2 × 2)-reconstructed layer at 300 °C into (2 × 2)-reconstructed nanoislands decorating the vicinal step-bunch edges in a self-ordered fashion at higher temperatures. In contrast, the silicide nanoislands at a high Fe-covered surface were noticeably larger, more three-dimensional, and randomly distributed all over the surface. Ex situ x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and high-resolution transmission electron microscopy indicated the formation of an α-FeSi 2 island phase, in an α-FeSi 2 { 112} ∥ Si{ 111} orientation. Superconducting quantum interference device magnetometry showed considerable superparamagnetism, with ∼1.9 μ B /Fe atom at 4 K for the low Fe-coverage, indicating stronger ferromagnetic coupling of individual magnetic moments, as compared to high Fe-coverage, where the calculated moments were only ∼0.8 μ B /Fe atom. Such anomalous magnetic behavior, particularly for the low Fe-coverage case, is radically different from the non-magnetic bulk α-FeSi 2 phase, and may open new pathways to high-density magnetic memory storage devices. (paper)

  15. Cuidados Centrados na Família: impacto da formação e de um manual de boas práticas em pediatria Cuidados Centrados en la Familia: impacto de la formación y de un manual de buenas prácticas en pediatria Family-centered care: impact of training and a best practice guide in pediatrics

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    Marta Isabel Correia Gaio Apolinário


    Full Text Available Os Cuidados Centrados na Família (CCF constituem uma nova conceção do cuidar pediátrico em que as necessidades das Famílias e Crianças são centrais nesse processo. No entanto, na prática, a sua aplicação nas unidades hospitalares é ainda deficiente, sendo emergente o empenho para que esta filosofia de cuidados se efetive na prática diária dos Enfermeiros. Realizou-se um estudo quase experimental tipo pré teste, pós teste sem grupo de controlo, baseado numa metodologia quantitativa, cujos objetivos foram avaliar o impacto da formação e de um manual de boas práticas nos conhecimentos dos Enfermeiros e na sua perceção quanto à aplicação dos CCF em Pediatria. Da amostra fizeram parte 24 Enfermeiros de um serviço de pediatria a quem foram aplicados três questionários. Confirmou-se que existe diferença positiva nos conhecimentos dos Enfermeiros sobre os CCF e na sua perceção quanto à aplicação desta filosofia na prática diária antes e depois da formação e da implementação do manual de boas práticas, o que demonstra o impacto e eficácia da intervenção desenvolvida na efetivação desta filosofia nas unidades pediátricas.Los cuidados centrados en la familia (CCF constituyen una nueva concepción del cuidar pediátrico en que las necesidades de las familias y de los niños son centrales en dicho proceso. Sin embargo, en realidad, su aplicación en las unidades hospitalarias sigue siendo insuficiente, a pesar de que haya surgido un esfuerzo para que esta filosofía de atención forme parte efectiva de la práctica diaria de los enfermeros. Se realizó un estudio casi experimental, de tipo pre-test y con un post-test sin grupo de control, basado en una metodología cuantitativa, cuyos objetivos fueron evaluar el impacto de la formación y de un manual de buenas prácticas en los conocimientos de los enfermeros y en su percepción con respecto a la aplicación de los CCF en pediatría. La muestra consistió en 24

  16. Heterobimetallic [NiFe] Complexes Containing Mixed CO/CN- Ligands: Analogs of the Active Site of the [NiFe] Hydrogenases. (United States)

    Perotto, Carlo U; Sodipo, Charlene L; Jones, Graham J; Tidey, Jeremiah P; Blake, Alexander J; Lewis, William; Davies, E Stephen; McMaster, Jonathan; Schröder, Martin


    The development of synthetic analogs of the active sites of [NiFe] hydrogenases remains challenging, and, in spite of the number of complexes featuring a [NiFe] center, those featuring CO and CN - ligands at the Fe center are under-represented. We report herein the synthesis of three bimetallic [NiFe] complexes [Ni( N 2 S 2 )Fe(CO) 2 (CN) 2 ], [Ni( S 4 )Fe(CO) 2 (CN) 2 ], and [Ni( N 2 S 3 )Fe(CO) 2 (CN) 2 ] that each contain a Ni center that bridges through two thiolato S donors to a {Fe(CO) 2 (CN) 2 } unit. X-ray crystallographic studies on [Ni( N 2 S 3 )Fe(CO) 2 (CN) 2 ], supported by DFT calculations, are consistent with a solid-state structure containing distinct molecules in the singlet ( S = 0) and triplet ( S = 1) states. Each cluster exhibits irreversible reduction processes between -1.45 and -1.67 V vs Fc + /Fc and [Ni( N 2 S 3 )Fe(CO) 2 (CN) 2 ] possesses a reversible oxidation process at 0.17 V vs Fc + /Fc. Spectroelectrochemical infrared (IR) and electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) studies, supported by density functional theory (DFT) calculations, are consistent with a Ni III Fe II formulation for [Ni( N 2 S 3 )Fe(CO) 2 (CN) 2 ] + . The singly occupied molecular orbital (SOMO) in [Ni( N 2 S 3 )Fe(CO) 2 (CN) 2 ] + is based on Ni 3d z 2 and 3p S with the S contributions deriving principally from the apical S-donor. The nature of the SOMO corresponds to that proposed for the Ni-C state of the [NiFe] hydrogenases for which a Ni III Fe II formulation has also been proposed. A comparison of the experimental structures, and the electrochemical and spectroscopic properties of [Ni( N 2 S 3 )Fe(CO) 2 (CN) 2 ] and its [Ni( N 2 S 3 )] precursor, together with calculations on the oxidized [Ni( N 2 S 3 )Fe(CO) 2 (CN) 2 ] + and [Ni( N 2 S 3 )] + forms suggests that the binding of the {Fe(CO)(CN) 2 } unit to the {Ni(CysS) 4 } center at the active site of the [NiFe] hydrogenases suppresses thiolate-based oxidative chemistry involving the bridging thiolate S donors

  17. Single peak parameters technique for simultaneous measurements: Spectrophotometric sequential injection determination of Fe(II) and Fe(III). (United States)

    Kozak, J; Paluch, J; Węgrzecka, A; Kozak, M; Wieczorek, M; Kochana, J; Kościelniak, P


    Spectrophotometric sequential injection system (SI) is proposed to automate the method of simultaneous determination of Fe(II) and Fe(III) on the basis of parameters of a single peak. In the developed SI system, sample and mixture of reagents (1,10-phenanthroline and sulfosalicylic acid) are introduced into a vessel, where in an acid environment (pH≅3) appropriate compounds of Fe(II) and Fe(III) with 1,10-phenanthroline and sulfosalicylic acid are formed, respectively. Then, in turn, air, sample, EDTA and sample again, are introduced into a holding coil. After the flow reversal, a segment of air is removed from the system by an additional valve and as EDTA replaces sulfosalicylic acid forming a more stable colorless compound with Fe(III), a complex signal is registered. Measurements are performed at wavelength 530 nm. The absorbance measured at minimum of the negative peak and the area or the absorbance measured at maximum of the signal can be used as measures corresponding to Fe(II) and Fe(III) concentrations, respectively. The time of the peak registration is about 2 min. Two-component calibration has been applied to analysis. Fe(II) and Fe(III) can be determined within the concentration ranges of 0.04-4.00 and 0.1-5.00 mg L(-1), with precision less than 2.8% and 1.7% (RSD), respectively and accuracy better than 7% (RE). The detection limit is 0.04 and 0.09 mg L(-1) for Fe(II) and Fe(III), respectively. The method was applied to analysis of artesian water samples. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  18. Fe-V redox flow batteries (United States)

    Li, Liyu; Kim, Soowhan; Yang, Zhenguo; Wang, Wei; Zhang, Jianlu; Chen, Baowei; Nie, Zimin; Xia, Guanguang


    A redox flow battery having a supporting solution that includes Cl.sup.- anions is characterized by an anolyte having V.sup.2+ and V.sup.3+ in the supporting solution, a catholyte having Fe.sup.2+ and Fe.sup.3+ in the supporting solution, and a membrane separating the anolyte and the catholyte. The anolyte and catholyte can have V cations and Fe cations, respectively, or the anolyte and catholyte can each contain both V and Fe cations in a mixture. Furthermore, the supporting solution can contain a mixture of SO.sub.4.sup.2- and Cl.sup.- anions.

  19. Study of magnetization and magnetoelectricity in CoFe2O4/BiFeO3 core-shell composites (United States)

    Kuila, S.; Tiwary, Sweta; Sahoo, M. R.; Barik, A.; Babu, P. D.; Siruguri, V.; Birajdar, B.; Vishwakarma, P. N.


    CoFe2O4 (core)/BiFeO3 (shell) nanoparticles are prepared by varying the relative molar concentration of core and shell materials (40%CoFe2O4-60%BiFeO3, 50%CoFe2O4-50%BiFeO3, and 60%CoFe2O4-40%BiFeO3). The core-shell nature is confirmed from transmission electron microscopy on these samples. A plot of ΔM (=MFC-MZFC) vs temperature suggests the presence of two types of spin dynamics: (a) particle size dependent spin blocking and (b) spin-disorder. These two spin dynamic processes are found to contribute independently to the generation of magnetoelectric voltage. Very clear first order and second order magnetoelectric voltages are recorded. The resemblance of the first order magnetoelectric coefficient vs temperature plot to that of building up of order parameters in the mean field theory suggests that spin disorder can act like one of the essential ingredients in building the magnetoelectric coupling. The best result is obtained for the 50-50 composition sample, which may be due to better coupling of magnetostrictive CoFe2O4, and piezoelectric BiFeO3, because of the optimum thickness of shell and core.

  20. Cs[FeSe{sub 2}], Cs{sub 3}[FeSe{sub 2}]{sub 2}, and Cs{sub 7}[Fe{sub 4}Se{sub 8}]. Missing links of known chalcogenido ferrate series

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Stueble, Pirmin; Roehr, Caroline [Institut fuer Anorganische und Analytische Chemie, Universitaet Freiburg (Germany)


    The three cesium selenido ferrate title compounds with an Se:Fe ratio of 2:1 were synthesized from stoichiometric samples reacting elemental Cs either (A) with Fe and Se in a double-crucible setup (Cs[FeSe{sub 2}], Cs{sub 3}[FeSe{sub 2}]{sub 2}) or (B) with previously prepared FeSe{sub 2} (Cs{sub 3}[FeSe{sub 2}]{sub 2}, Cs{sub 7}[Fe{sub 4}S{sub 8}]) (T{sub max} = 800-1000 C). The pure Fe{sup III} ferrate Cs[FeSe{sub 2}] crystallizes in the Tl[FeSe{sub 2}] type [monoclinic, space group C2/m, a = 1392.95(10), b = 564.43(3), c = 737.44(6) pm, β = 119.163(5) , Z = 4, R{sub 1} = 0.0550]. It is thus not isotypic to all other alkali ferrates(III) A[FeS{sub 2}] and A[FeSe{sub 2}] containing chains of edge-sharing tetrahedra, but crystallizes in a t2 subgroup of the Immm structure of Cs[FeS{sub 2}]. The mixed-valent chain compound Cs{sub 3}[FeSe{sub 2}]{sub 2} is isotypic to its sulfido analogue [orthorhombic, space group Pnma, a = 777.88(6), b = 1151.02(6), c = 1341.61(7) pm, Z = 4, R{sub 1} = 0.0470]. In contrast to the isopunctal Na{sub 3}[FeSe{sub 2}]{sub 2} type K/Rb compounds the chains are only slightly corrugated. The monoclinic, likewise mixed-valent Fe{sup II/III} selenido ferrate Cs{sub 7}[Fe{sub 4}Se{sub 8}] [monoclinic, space group C2/c, a = 1953.79(10), b = 879.71(5), c = 1717.03(10) pm, β = 117.890(2) , Z = 4, R{sub 1} = 0.0816] is isostructural both to the cesium sulfido and tellurido compound. The structure contains oligomeric moieties of four edge sharing [FeSe{sub 4}] tetrahedra forming slightly distorted tetrahedral clusters [Fe{sub 4}Se{sub 8}]{sup 7-}, which are surrounded by a cube of 26 Cs cations. Based on a structure map, the crystal chemistry of the three title compounds is discussed together with all chain/cluster ferrates of the general series A{sub 1+x}[Fe{sup III}{sub 1-x}Fe{sup II}{sub x}Q{sub 2}] (x = 0-1; A = Na, K, Rb, Cs; Q = S, Se, Te). (copyright 2017 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH and Co. KGaA, Weinheim)

  1. Fe(III) and Fe(II) ions different effects on Enterococcus hirae cell growth and membrane-associated ATPase activity

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Vardanyan, Zaruhi [Department of Biophysics of the Biology Faculty, Yerevan State University, 1 A. Manoukian Str., 0025 Yerevan (Armenia); Trchounian, Armen, E-mail: [Department of Biophysics of the Biology Faculty, Yerevan State University, 1 A. Manoukian Str., 0025 Yerevan (Armenia)


    Highlights: Black-Right-Pointing-Pointer Fe{sup 3+} stimulates but Fe{sup 2+} suppresses Enterococcus hirae wild-type and atpD mutant growth. Black-Right-Pointing-Pointer Fe ions change oxidation-reduction potential drop during cell growth. Black-Right-Pointing-Pointer Fe{sup 3+} and Fe{sup 2+} have opposite effects on a membrane-associated ATPase activity. Black-Right-Pointing-Pointer These effects are either in the presence of F{sub 0}F{sub 1} inhibitor or non-functional F{sub 0}F{sub 1}. Black-Right-Pointing-Pointer Fe ions decrease protons and coupled potassium ions fluxes across the membrane. -- Abstract: Enterococcus hirae is able to grow under anaerobic conditions during glucose fermentation (pH 8.0) which is accompanied by acidification of the medium and drop in its oxidation-reduction potential (E{sub h}) from positive values to negative ones (down to {approx}-200 mV). In this study, iron (III) ions (Fe{sup 3+}) have been shown to affect bacterial growth in a concentration-dependent manner (within the range of 0.05-2 mM) by decreasing lag phase duration and increasing specific growth rate. While iron(II) ions (Fe{sup 2+}) had opposite effects which were reflected by suppressing bacterial growth. These ions also affected the changes in E{sub h} values during bacterial growth. It was revealed that ATPase activity with and without N,N Prime -dicyclohexylcarbodiimide (DCCD), an inhibitor of the F{sub 0}F{sub 1}-ATPase, increased in the presence of even low Fe{sup 3+} concentration (0.05 mM) but decreased in the presence of Fe{sup 2+}. It was established that Fe{sup 3+} and Fe{sup 2+} both significantly inhibited the proton-potassium exchange of bacteria, but stronger effects were in the case of Fe{sup 2+} with DCCD. Such results were observed with both wild-type ATCC9790 and atpD mutant (with defective F{sub 0}F{sub 1}) MS116 strains but they were different with Fe{sup 3+} and Fe{sup 2+}. It is suggested that the effects of Fe{sup 3+} might be due to

  2. Modeling thermodynamics of Fe-N phases; characterisation of e-Fe2N1-z

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Pekelharing, M.I.; Böttger, A.; Somers, Marcel A.J.


    In order to arrive at modeling the thermodynamics of Fe-N phases, including long-range (LRO) and short-range ordering (SRO) of the N atoms, it is important to understand the role of N interstitially dissolved in an Fe-host lattice. The crystal structure of -Fe2N1-z consists of an h.c.p. iron...... sublattice and a hexagonal nitrogen sublattice formed by octahedral interstices of the Fe sublattice [1]. Two ground-state structures have been proposed for the ordered arrangement of the N atoms on their own sublattice [1], which were shown to be thermodynamically favourable [2]: configuration A for Fe2N1...... investigated with X-ray diffraction (XRD) and Mössbauer spectroscopy. A thermodynamic model accounting for the two configurations of LRO of the N atoms [2,3] was fitted to the N-absorption isotherm at 723 K and resulted in the occupancies of the sites of the nitrogen sublattice. A miscibility gap between...

  3. Enhancement of plasticity of Fe-based bulk metallic glass by Ni substitution for Fe

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Guo, S.F. [State Key Laboratory of Material Processing and Die and Mould Technology, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, 430074 Wuhan (China); State Key Laboratory for Advanced Metals and Materials, University of Science and Technology Beijing, Beijing 100083 (China); Li, N.; Zhang, C. [State Key Laboratory of Material Processing and Die and Mould Technology, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, 430074 Wuhan (China); Liu, L., E-mail: [State Key Laboratory of Material Processing and Die and Mould Technology, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, 430074 Wuhan (China)


    Bulk metallic glasses (BMGs) (Fe{sub 1-x}Ni{sub x}){sub 71}Mo{sub 5}P{sub 12}C{sub 10}B{sub 2} (x = 0, 0.1 and 0.2) with a diameter of 3 mm were synthesized by copper mold casting. The effect of Ni substitution for Fe on the structure, thermal and mechanical properties has been studied by X-ray diffraction (XRD), differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and compressive testing. It was found that the substitution of Ni for Fe enhances the glass forming ability, and improves the plasticity of Fe{sub 71}Mo{sub 5}P{sub 12}C{sub 10}B{sub 2} BMG as indicated by the increase in the plastic strain from 3.1% (x = 0) to 5.2% (x = 0.2). The improvement of the plasticity is discussed in term of the reduction of glass transition temperature and the supercooled liquid region due to the substitution of Ni for Fe.

  4. Crystal and magnetic structures of CaCu3Fe4O12 and LaCu3Fe4O12: distinct charge transitions of unusual high valence Fe

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Shimakawa, Yuichi


    New 134-type perovskites, CaCu 3 Fe 4 O 12 (CCFO) and LaCu 3 Fe 4 O 12 (LCFO), were prepared by means of high-pressure synthesis. The compounds contain unusual high valence Fe 4+ in CCFO and Fe 3.75+ in LCFO at high temperatures. With decreasing temperature, the instabilities of the high valence states of Fe are relieved by distinct charge transitions, which are charge disproportionation (4Fe 4+   →  2Fe 3+   +  2Fe 5+ ) in CCFO and intermetallic charge transfer (3Cu 2+   +  4Fe 3.75+   →  3Cu 3+   +  4Fe 3+ ) in LCFO. Crystal structure analysis with synchrotron x-ray diffraction and magnetic structure analysis with neutron diffraction revealed the nature of the transitions. Although the two behaviors look completely different from each other in simple ionic models, they can both be explained by the localization of ligand holes, which are produced by the strong hybridization of low-lying Fe-d and oxygen p orbitals in the oxides. The ligand holes in the charge disproportionated CCFO are localized at the Fe–O sites alternately (4d 5 L  →  2d 5   +  2d 5 L 2 ) and the ligand holes in the charge transferred LCFO are localized at the Cu–O sites (3d 9   +  4d 5 L 0.75   →  3d 9 L  +  4d 5 ). (review)


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    Full Text Available Os curculionídeos são insetos que causam grandes problemas econômicos aos agricultores e atingem culturas, como coco, dendê, cana-de-açúcar, milho, banana, algodão, etc. O controle de pragas agrícolas, ainda hoje, utiliza grandes quantidades de inseticidas, que são prejudiciais à saúde dos animais, do homem e do meio ambiente. Uma alternativa ao uso desses inseticidas é o uso de feromônios, por serem mais seletivos e menos tóxicos. Nesse trabalho, descrevemos a síntese, em escala preparativa, dos compostos (±-5-Nonanol, (±-2-Metil-4-octanol, (±-2-Metil-4-heptanol, (±-3-Metil-4-octanol, (±-5-Metil-4-octanol, (±-4-Metil-5-nonanol, (±-6-Metil-2-hepten-4-ol, 2-Metil-4-octanona, 2-Metil-4-heptanona e (±-4-Metil-5-nonanona, principais constituintes feromonais de alguns insetos dos gêneros Metamasius e Rhynchophoruseas. A síntese consistiu na reação de Grignard entre um aldeído e um brometo de alquilmagnésio. As oxidações dos álcoois para obtenção das cetonas foram realizadas com hipoclorito de sódio.

  6. Cd Mobility in Anoxic Fe-Mineral-Rich Environments - Potential Use of Fe(III)-Reducing Bacteria in Soil Remediation (United States)

    Muehe, E. M.; Adaktylou, I. J.; Obst, M.; Schröder, C.; Behrens, S.; Hitchcock, A. P.; Tylsizczak, T.; Michel, F. M.; Krämer, U.; Kappler, A.


    Agricultural soils are increasingly burdened with heavy metals such as Cd from industrial sources and impure fertilizers. Metal contaminants enter the food chain via plant uptake from soil and negatively affect human and environmental health. New remediation approaches are needed to lower soil metal contents. To apply these remediation techniques successfully, it is necessary to understand how soil microbes and minerals interact with toxic metals. Here we show that microbial Fe(III) reduction initially mobilizes Cd before its immobilization under anoxic conditions. To study how microbial Fe(III) reduction influences Cd mobility, we isolated a new Cd-tolerant, Fe(III)-reducing Geobacter sp. from a heavily Cd-contaminated soil. In lab experiments, this Geobacter strain first mobilized Cd from Cd-loaded Fe(III) hydroxides followed by precipitation of Cd-bearing mineral phases. Using Mössbauer spectroscopy and scanning electron microscopy, the original and newly formed Cd-containing Fe(II) and Fe(III) mineral phases, including Cd-Fe-carbonates, Fe-phosphates and Fe-(oxyhydr)oxides, were identified and characterized. Using energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy and synchrotron-based scanning transmission X-ray microscopy, Cd was mapped in the Fe(II) mineral aggregates formed during microbial Fe(III) reduction. Microbial Fe(III) reduction mobilizes Cd prior to its precipitation in Cd-bearing mineral phases. The mobilized Cd could be taken up by phytoremediating plants, resulting in a net removal of Cd from contaminated sites. Alternatively, Cd precipitation could reduce Cd bioavailability in the environment, causing less toxic effects to crops and soil microbiota. However, the stability and thus bioavailability of these newly formed Fe-Cd mineral phases needs to be assessed thoroughly. Whether phytoremediation or immobilization of Cd in a mineral with reduced Cd bioavailability are feasible mechanisms to reduce toxic effects of Cd in the environment remains to be

  7. New method for simultaneous determination of 55Fe and 59Fe in blood serum samples

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Saukkonen, H.; Uhlenius, R.


    Routine methods for the measurement of 55 Fe and 59 Fe activities in biological samples are frequently required in metabolic studies of iron. A new simple method for the simultaneous determination of 59 Fe and 55 Fe concentration in 5 cm 3 samples of blood is described and carefully evaluated. Before the measurement of the activity, organic matter was eliminated by HNO 3 -HClO 4 wet ashing and iron was electroplated onto a copper plate. The accuracy of results was studied by assessing samples, which contained known amounts of radioactivity and determining the counts per nanocurie in each case. The accuracy of the results of 59 Fe and 55 Fe determinations was found to be about 5%. The method has been routinely used to determine iron resorption in patients using the double isotope method. The determination proved to be satisfactory and not too laborious. When performing the yield determination there is a way of detecting and correcting mistakes or incompleteness in different stages of the measurement, thus leading to a high degree of reliability. (T.G.)

  8. Experimental investigation and thermodynamic calculation of the Fe-Mg-Mn and Fe-Mg-Ni systems

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Wang, Peisheng; Zhao, Jingrui; Xu, Honghui; Liu, Shuhong; Ouyang, Hongwu [Central South Univ., Hunan (China). State Key Lab. of Powder Metallurgy; Du, Yong [Central South Univ., Hunan (China). State Key Lab. of Powder Metallurgy; Harbin Institute of Technology (China). State Key Lab. of Advanced Welding Production Technology; Gang, Tie; Fen, Jicai [Harbin Institute of Technology (China). State Key Lab. of Advanced Welding Production Technology; Zhang, Lijun [Central South Univ., Hunan (China). State Key Lab. of Powder Metallurgy; Bochum Univ. (Germany). ICAMS Inst.; He, Cuiyun [Guangxi Univ. (China). College of Physical Science and Technology


    Based on the thermodynamic calculations extrapolated from the corresponding binary sub-systems, four decisive alloys in the Fe-Mg-Mn system and three in the Fe-Mg-Ni system were selected and prepared using a powder metallurgy method to measure the isothermal sections at 500 C in both systems. The prepared samples were annealed at 500 C, and then subjected to X-ray diffraction, optical microscopy, scanning electron microscopy with energy-dispersive X-ray spectrometry as well as electron probe microanalysis. Taking into account the presently obtained experimental data and the experimental data available in the literature, thermodynamic modeling was performed for the above systems. It was found that a direct extrapolation from the corresponding three binary systems can well reproduce all the experimental data in the Fe-Mg-Mn system, while two thermodynamic parameters are needed in the Fe-Mg-Ni system to fit all the experimental data. The liquidus projections and reaction schemes for the Fe-Mg-Mn and Fe-Mg-Ni systems are also presented. (orig.)

  9. Ocorrência de lepidópteros de importância médica (Lepidoptera: Aididae, Lasiocampidae, Limacodidae e Megalopygidae no Cerro da Buena, município de Morro Redondo, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ricardo Russo Siewert


    Full Text Available   O propósito deste estudo foi registrar a fauna de lepidópteros de importância médica ocorrente no Cerro da Buena, município de Morro Redondo, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil, entre fevereiro de 2009 a janeiro de 2011. Foram registradas 32 espécies de mariposas, pertencentes à Aididae (1, Lasiocampidae (17, Limacodidae (7 e Megalopygidae (7. Três novas ocorrências de Lasiocampidae para o Rio Grande do Sul foram realizadas: Artace argentina Schaus, 1924, Euglyphis kotzschi Draudt, 1927 e Tolype trilinea (Dognin, 1901.

  10. Assessment of heavy metals in soils of a vineyard region with the use of principal component analysis Avaliação de metais pesados em solos de região de vinhedos com o uso da análise dos componentes principais

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Gustavo Souza Valladares


    Full Text Available Agricultural management with chemicals may contaminate the soil with heavy metals. The objective of this study was to apply Principal Component Analysis and geoprocessing techniques to identify the origin of the metals Cu, Fe, Mn, Zn, Ni, Pb, Cr and Cd as potential contaminants of agricultural soils. The study was developed in an area of vineyard cultivation in the State of São Paulo, Brazil. Soil samples were collected and GPS located under different uses and coverings. The metal concentrations in the soils were determined using the DTPA method. The Cu and Zn content was considered high in most of the samples, and was larger in the areas cultivated with vineyards that had been under the application of fungicides for several decades. The concentrations of Cu and Zn were correlated. The geoprocessing techniques and the Principal Component Analysis confirmed the enrichment of the soil with Cu and Zn because of the use and management of the vineyards with chemicals in the preceding decades.O manejo agrícola com agroquímicos pode levar a contaminação dos solos por metais pesados. O objetivo deste trabalho foi aplicar a Análise dos Componentes Principais e técnicas de geoprocessamento para identificar a origem dos metais pesados Cu, Fe, Mn, Zn, Ni, Pb, Cr e Cd como contaminantes potenciais em solos agrícolas. O estudo foi desenvolvido em uma área cultivada com vinhedos no Estado de São Paulo, Brazil. Amostras de solos foram coletadas e georeferenciadas por GPS sob diferentes usos e coberturas. As concentrações dos metais nos solos foram obtidas pelo método de extração com DTPA. As concentrações de Cu e Zn foram consideradas altas na maioria das amostras pesquisadas, sendo maiores nas áreas cultivadas com vinhedos sob aplicações de fungicidas por décadas. As concentrações de Cu e Zn apresentaram correlação. As técnicas de geoprocessamento e a Análise dos Componentes Principais indicaram enriquecimento do solo com Cu e Zn

  11. Synthesis of highly efficient α-Fe{sub 2}O{sub 3} catalysts for CO oxidation derived from MIL-100(Fe)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Cui, Lifeng; Zhao, Di; Yang, Yang [Environment and Low-Carbon Research Center, School of Environment and Architecture, University of Shanghai for Science and Technology, Shanghai 200093 (China); Wang, Yuxin [Institute of Applied Biotechnology, Taizhou Vocation & Technical College, Taizhou, Zhejiang 318000 (China); Zhang, Xiaodong, E-mail: [Environment and Low-Carbon Research Center, School of Environment and Architecture, University of Shanghai for Science and Technology, Shanghai 200093 (China)


    Mesoporous hollow α-Fe{sub 2}O{sub 3} bricks were synthesized via a hydrothermal method to create a precursor MIL-100(Fe) and a subsequent calcination process was applied to prepare the Fe{sub 2}O{sub 3} phase. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) results showed the morphology of hollow α-Fe{sub 2}O{sub 3} bricks which inherited from the MIL-100(Fe) template. The catalytic activities of hollow α-Fe{sub 2}O{sub 3} bricks for CO oxidation are studied in this work. Due to better low temperature reduction behavior, mesoporous hollow α-Fe{sub 2}O{sub 3} bricks obtained at calcination temperature of 430 °C displayed high catalytic activity and excellent stability with a complete CO conversion temperature (T{sub 100}) of 255 °C. - Graphical abstract: Synthesis of highly efficient α-Fe{sub 2}O{sub 3} catalysts for CO oxidation derived from MIL-100(Fe). - Highlights: • α-Fe{sub 2}O{sub 3} is prepared by the thermolysis of a MIL-100(Fe) template. • The morphology of hollow α-Fe{sub 2}O{sub 3} bricks is inherited from MIL-100(Fe) template. • α-Fe{sub 2}O{sub 3} obtained at calcined temperature of 430 °C displays high activity • Enhanced activity is attributed to crystal plane and reduction behavior.

  12. Números primos: os átomos dos números


    Rigoti, Marcio Dominicali


    Este trabalho apresenta um estudo sobre os Números Primos que passa por resultados básicos, como a infinitude dos números primos e o Teorema Fundamental da Aritmética, e resultados mais sofisticados, como o Teorema de Wilson e a consequente função geradora de primos. Além dos resultados teóricos apresenta-se uma interpretação geométrica para os números primos. Essa interpretação e aplicada na ilustração de alguns dos resultados relacionados a primos abordados no ensino básico. Atividades envo...

  13. Efeitos deleterios dos cloretos em reservatorios de concreto


    Matoski, Adalberto


    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnologico Caracterização dos reservatórios de água potável das regiões de Curitiba e Florianópolis, quanto às patologias apresentadas. Utilização do ensaio de potencial de eletrodo para a definição das linhas equipotenciais sobre a laje de concreto dos reservatórios. Análise dos efeitos do cloro adicionado à água, para sua desinfecção, sobre o concreto. Comparaçao entre os ensaios químico e de espectrometria de raio...

  14. Compression of Fe-Si-H alloys (United States)

    Tagawa, S.; Ohta, K.; Hirose, K.


    The light elements in the Earth's core have not been fully identified yet, but hydrogen is now collecting more attention in part because recent planet formation theory suggests that large amount of water should have been brought to the Earth during its formation (giant-impact stage). Nevertheless, the effect of hydrogen on the property of iron alloys is little known so far. The earlier experimental study by Hirao et al. [2004 GRL] examined the compression behavior of dhcp FeHx (x ≈ 1) and found that it becomes much stiffer than pure iron above 50 GPa, where magnetization disappears. Here we examined the solubility of hydrogen into iron-rich Fe-Si alloys and the compression behavior of dhcp Fe-Si-H alloy at room temperature. Fe+6.5wt.%Si or Fe+9wt.%Si foil was loaded into a diamond-anvil cell (DAC), and then liquid hydrogen was introduced at temperatures below 20 K. X-ray diffraction measurements at SPring-8 revealed the formation of a dhcp phase with or without thermal annealing by laser above 8.4 GPa. The concentration of hydrogen in such dhcp lattice was calculated following the formula reported by Fukai [1992]; y = 0.5 and 0.2 for Fe-6.5wt.%Si-H or Fe-9wt.%Si-H alloys, respectively when y is defined as Fe(1-x)SixHy. Unlike Fe-H alloy, hydrogen didn't fully occupy the octahedral sites even under hydrogen-saturated conditions in the case of Fe-Si-H system. Anomaly was observed in obtained pressure-volume curve around 44 Å3 of unit-cell volume for both Fe-6.5wt.%Si-H and Fe-9wt.%Si-H alloys, which may be related to the spin transition in the dhcp phase. They became slightly stiffer at higher pressures, but their compressibility was still similar to that of pure iron.

  15. Stress impedance effect of FeCoSiB/Cu/FeCoSiB sandwich layers on flexible substrate

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Peng, B.; Zhang, W.L.; Liu, J.D.; Zhang, W.X.


    FeCoSiB/Cu/FeCoSiB sandwich layers were deposited on flexible substrate to develop flexible stress/strain sensors. The influence of stress on the impedance of the multilayers is reported. The results show that the variation of the impedance increases with the increase in deflection of the free end of the cantilever. A relative change in impedance of 6.4% is obtained in the FeCoSiB(1.5 μm)/Cu(0.25 μm)/FeCoSiB(1.5 μm) sandwich layers at 1 MHz with deflection of 2 mm. The stress impedance effects are sensitive to the frequency of the current and the thickness of both FeCoSiB and Cu layers. The stress impedance effect increases with the increase in the thickness of FeCoSiB or Cu layers. The stress impedance effect increases slightly with the increase in frequency and decreases with the further increase in frequency, which can be understood by the stress and frequency-dependent permeability of magnetic films. - Research highlights: → We deposited FeCoSiB/Cu/FeCoSiB multilayer on flexible substrate. → We studied the stress impedance effect of FeCoSiB/Cu/FeCoSiB multilayer. → Stress impedance effect increases with thickness of both FeCoSiB and Cu layer.→ Stress impedance effect is dependent on current frequency. → Results are understood using stress and frequency-dependent permeability.

  16. Viscosity of SiO2-"FeO"-Al2O3 System in Equilibrium with Metallic Fe (United States)

    Chen, Mao; Raghunath, Sreekanth; Zhao, Baojun


    The present study delivered the measurements of viscosities in SiO2-"FeO"-Al2O3 system in equilibrium with metallic Fe. The rotational spindle technique was used in the measurements at the temperature range of 1473 K to 1773 K (1200 °C to 1500 °C). Molybdenum crucibles and spindles were employed in all measurements. The Fe saturation condition was maintained by an iron plate placed at the bottom of the crucible. The equilibrium compositions of the slags were measured by EPMA after the viscosity measurements. The effect of up to 20 mol. pct Al2O3 on the viscosity of the SiO2-"FeO" slag was investigated. The "charge compensation effect" of the Al2O3 and FeO association has been discussed. The modified quasi-chemical viscosity model has been optimized in the SiO2-"FeO"-Al2O3 system in equilibrium with metallic Fe to describe the viscosity measurements of the present study.

  17. Impact of lattice strain on the tunnel magnetoresistance in Fe/insulator/Fe and Fe/insulator/La0.67Sr0.33MnO3 magnetic tunnel junctions

    KAUST Repository

    Useinov, Arthur


    The objective of this work is to describe the tunnel electron current in single-barrier magnetic tunnel junctions within an approach that goes beyond the single-band transport model. We propose a ballistic multichannel electron transport model that can explain the influence of in-plane lattice strain on the tunnel magnetoresistance as well as the asymmetric voltage behavior. We consider as an example single-crystal magnetic Fe(110) electrodes for Fe/insulator/Fe and Fe/insulator/La0.67Sr0.33MnO3 tunnel junctions, where the electronic band structures of Fe and La0.67Sr0.33MnO3 are derived by ab initio calculations.

  18. Impact of lattice strain on the tunnel magnetoresistance in Fe/insulator/Fe and Fe/insulator/La0.67Sr0.33MnO3 magnetic tunnel junctions

    KAUST Repository

    Useinov, Arthur; Saeed, Yasir; Schwingenschlö gl, Udo; Singh, Nirpendra; Useinov, N.


    The objective of this work is to describe the tunnel electron current in single-barrier magnetic tunnel junctions within an approach that goes beyond the single-band transport model. We propose a ballistic multichannel electron transport model that can explain the influence of in-plane lattice strain on the tunnel magnetoresistance as well as the asymmetric voltage behavior. We consider as an example single-crystal magnetic Fe(110) electrodes for Fe/insulator/Fe and Fe/insulator/La0.67Sr0.33MnO3 tunnel junctions, where the electronic band structures of Fe and La0.67Sr0.33MnO3 are derived by ab initio calculations.

  19. V-insertion in Li(Fe,Mn)FePO4 (United States)

    Wu, T.; Liu, J.; Sun, L.; Cong, L.; Xie, H.; Abdel-Ghany, A.; Mauger, A.; Julien, C. M.


    Insertion of 3% vanadium in LiMn1-yFeyPO4 has been investigated, with y = 0.2 corresponding to the highest manganese concentration before the stress/strain field degrades the electrochemical performance. V substitutes for Fe2+ in the trivalent state V3+. This substitution is accompanied with the formation of Fe vacancies while Mn remains in the Mn2+ valence state, leading to a composition LiMn0.8Fe0.2-0.045V0.03□0.015PO4 where □ is a Fe vacancy. The comparison between electrochemical properties of a pristine sample and a sample with 3 mol.% vanadium made of particles with the same morphology (spherical particles with the same dispersion 100-150 nm in size) and same carbon coating (same conductivity of the carbon layer) is reported. Although the vanadium is in the V3+ state at open circuit voltage (2.6 V) before cycling, a reversible V3+/V2+ is observed when the potential of the half-cell is lowered below the redox potential of 1.8 V vs Li+/Li, due to Li-vacancies. The V-insertion improves the electrochemical properties, due to a synergetic effect of an increase of the lithium diffusion coefficient by a factor two and an increase of the electric conductivity at any Li-concentration during the cycling process, in contradiction with prior claims that attributed the increase of conductivity to V-based impurities.

  20. Switchable transport strategy to deposit active Fe/Fe3C cores into hollow microporous carbons for efficient chromium removal. (United States)

    Liu, Dong-Hai; Guo, Yue; Zhang, Lu-Hua; Li, Wen-Cui; Sun, Tao; Lu, An-Hui


    Magnetic hollow structures with microporous shell and highly dispersed active cores (Fe/Fe3 C nanoparticles) are rationally designed and fabricated by solution-phase switchable transport of active iron species combined with a solid-state thermolysis technique, thus allowing selective encapsulation of functional Fe/Fe3 C nanoparticles in the interior cavity. These engineered functional materials show high loading (≈54 wt%) of Fe, excellent chromium removal capability (100 mg g(-1)), fast adsorption rate (8766 mL mg(-1) h(-1)), and easy magnetic separation property (63.25 emu g(-1)). During the adsorption process, the internal highly dispersed Fe/Fe3 C nanoparticles supply a driving force for facilitating Cr(VI) diffusion inward, thus improving the adsorption rate and the adsorption capacity. At the same time, the external microporous carbon shell can also efficiently trap guest Cr(VI) ions and protect Fe/Fe3 C nanoparticles from corrosion and subsequent leaching problems. Copyright © 2013 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.