
Sample records for budi chile consideraciones

  1. Studies to Control Endemic Typhoid Fever in Chile (United States)


    Society for Microbiology, Chapter 16. 10. Medina E, Yrarrazaval M. (1983) Fiebre tifoidea en Chile: Consideraciones epideniologicas. Revista Medica de...epidesiologia de la fiebre tifoidea . Boletin de !a Escuela de Medicina, Pontificia universidad catolica de Chile. 30:113-119. 14. Reyes H, Olea M, Hernandez


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    Adhi Kusmantoro


    Full Text Available Dalam dunia industri ada beberapasistem yang digunakan dalam mengoperasikan sistem pengendalielektromagnetik, antara lain sistem pengoperasian secara manual, semi otomatisdan otomatis.Tujuan pengabdian masyarakat di SMU Setia Budi Semarang adalah untuk memberikan kemampuan penggunaan software EKTS dan menambah pengetahuan atau wawasan teknik pengendali listrik di industri yang sedang berkembang dan banyak dipakai. Metode pelaksanaan kegiatan program Iptek bagi Masyarakat (IbM yang digunakan adalah metode pelatihan yang dibagi dalam tiga tahap, yaitu pelatihan secara teori, pelatihan menggunakan softawre EKTS dan beberapa rancangan pengendali motor listrik, dan tahap evaluasi dalam kegiatan awal sampai dengan akhir. Dalam kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat di SMU Setia Budi Semarang telah dibuat pengendali start stop, pengendali motor berurutan, dan pengendali membalik putaran motor listrik. ?é?á Kata Kunci : EKTS, motor listrik, kontaktor magnet

  3. Analisis Pengaruh Perilaku Konsumen dan Lingkungan Pemasaran terhadap Kepuasan Pelanggan Graparikios Telkomsel Komplek Setia Budi Medan


    Dewi, Debby Chitia


    Formulation of the problem in this study is whether consumer behavior and marketing environments have a positive and significant impact on customer satisfaction Graparikios Telkomsel Komplek Setia Budi Medan. The purpose of this study to determine and analyze the environmental impact of consumer behavior and marketing to customer satisfaction Graparikios Telkomsel Komplek Setia Budi Medan. Primary data collection through questionnaires distributed to subscribers Telkomsel complex Grapariki...

  4. Iman Kristen dan Akal Budi

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    Hermanto Suanglangi


    Full Text Available Apakah iman bertentangan dengan rasio atau akal budi, ataukah rasio adalahsesuatu yang tidak bersangkut paut dengan iman? Pertanyaan ini pertanyaan klasik di dalam kekristenan, oleh karena pertanyaan ini telah mempengaruhi agama Kristen selama berabad-abad lamanya. Dari pertanyaan di atas muncul dua macam ekstrim yang berbeda, di nurna ada yang memandang bahwa orang Kristen harus menekankan iman sebagai satu-satunya pokokyang harus menjadi landasan dalam kehidupan orang Kristen sehingga tidak menekankan rasio. Di lain pihak, ada yang menjadikan rasio sebagai satu-satunya standar segala sesuatu, kalau tidak masuk akal maka itu bukan kebenaran, seperti yang diungkapakan Immanuel Kant "gunakanlah rasiomu setinggi mungkin", bahkan Rene Descartes berkata, "Cogito ergo sum,I think therefore I am. I am am thinking being", sehingga segala sesuatu menjadi objek pikiran termasuk Allah, inilah pikiran era Rasionalisme.


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    Full Text Available Background:Sleep is a very fundamental need for every individual, especially for elderlypeople in socialinstitutions. Poor quality of sleep in the elderly may lead to several disturbances, such as vulnerability todiseases,forgetfulness, psychomotor disorders, disorientation and difficulty to make decision. Someintervention may include pharmacological and non-pharmacological therapy. One of non-pharmacologytherapies that isused to increase sleep qualityis rose aromatherapy.Objective:To determine the effect of rose aromatherapy on the quality of sleep in elderly at PSTW BudiLuhur KasonganBantul, Yogyakarta.Method:This study was a quasi-experiment research,with one group pretest-posttest design. Samples weretaken with simple random sampling technique, involving 24 respondents. Each respondent was given rosearomatherapy for 5 minutes for 5 consecutive days.Result:Statistical analysis with marginal-homogeneity test showed p-value of 0,000 (p value<0,05.Itsuggested that there was a significant effect ofrose aromatherapy on the quality of sleep in elderly atSocialInstitution of Tresna Werdha Budi Luhur Kasongan Bantul, Yogyakarta.Conclusion:Roses aroma therapy has effect in improving sleep quality in the elderly at Social Institution ofTresnaWerdha Budi LuhurKasonganBantul, Yogyakarta.

  6. Perkambangan Agama dan Moral yang tidak Tercapai pada AUD: Studi Kasus di Kelas A1 TK Masyitoh nDasari Budi Yogyakarta

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    Nur Tanfidiyah


    Full Text Available This research discuss religion and moral development of students of kindergarten in TK A nDasari Budi Krapyak Yogyakarta. This research is descriptive qualitative. The data is acquired from interview, observation, and another data collecting which is support this research. The result of this research is (1 Religion and moral development development which are not achieved by student of kindergarten in class A1 TK Masyitoh nDasari Budi Yogykarta, they are: only knowing religion and God trough song, they do not accustom to have worshipping activities, they have not understood what is good attitude, they have not been able to defferentiate between good attitude and bad attitude, and they have not know much about religious ritual but they have not known Islamic day celebrations; and they not known about the other religions. (2 They need to be given knowledge about children education and increasing affection and togetherness.  Abstrak Penelitian ini membahas tentang perkembangan agama dan moral pada anak usia dini di TK A nDasari Budi Krapyak Yogyakarta. Penelitian ini bersifat kualitatif deskriptif. Data diperoleh dari wawancara, observasi, dan pengumpulan data-data yang mendukung penelitian. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa (1 Perkembangan agama dan moral yang tidak tercapai pada AUD di kelas TK A1 Masyitoh nDasari Budi Yogyakarta diantaranya mengetahui agama dan Tuhanya lewat menyanyi, tidak membiasakan diri beribadah, belum memahami perilaku mulia, belum dapat membedakan perilaku yang baik dan buruk, dan sedikit sekali mengenal ritual kegamaan dan belum mengenal hari besar Islam; serta belum mengetahui agama orang lain. (2 perlu pengetahuan pemberikan tentang pendidikan anak dan meningkatkan kasih sayang serta kebersamaan dengan anak-anak.

  7. Primer "Entrenamiento en Metodologías de Investigación Clínica en Chile" (EMIC-Chile: Fundamentos psicoeducativos

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    B. Cabieses

    Full Text Available EMIC-Chile ("Entrenamiento en Metodologías para la Investigación Clínica en Chile" es un proyecto académico desarrollado durante el año 2008 en Chile para entrenar a profesionales de la salud y disciplinas afines en metodología de investigación clínica, con el objetivo de aumentar la calidad de los proyectos de investigación con fines concursables en nuestro país. El propósito de este artículo es dar a conocer el programa y sus fundamentos teóricos de enseñanza-aprendizaje, que estuvieron en la base de la estructura, metodología, evaluación y sistematización del conocimiento entregado. Para ello, primero se describe el programa, la metodología, la evaluación y el seguimiento. Posteriormente se detallan los aspectos psicoeducativos considerados, con especial énfasis en el aprendizaje social y la educación de adultos. Finalmente, se discute en torno a las posibles consideraciones de este programa para futuras intervenciones educativas en investigación en salud en Chile. Se espera que esta experiencia y sus fundamentos educativos sirvan de motor para futuras iniciativas en el área, a favor de la investigación en salud en Chile.

  8. Primer "Entrenamiento en Metodologías de Investigación Clínica en Chile" (EMIC-Chile: Fundamentos psicoeducativos First "Training in Clinical Research Methodologies in Chile" (EMIC-Chile: Psychoeducational foundations

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    B. Cabieses


    Full Text Available EMIC-Chile ("Entrenamiento en Metodologías para la Investigación Clínica en Chile" es un proyecto académico desarrollado durante el año 2008 en Chile para entrenar a profesionales de la salud y disciplinas afines en metodología de investigación clínica, con el objetivo de aumentar la calidad de los proyectos de investigación con fines concursables en nuestro país. El propósito de este artículo es dar a conocer el programa y sus fundamentos teóricos de enseñanza-aprendizaje, que estuvieron en la base de la estructura, metodología, evaluación y sistematización del conocimiento entregado. Para ello, primero se describe el programa, la metodología, la evaluación y el seguimiento. Posteriormente se detallan los aspectos psicoeducativos considerados, con especial énfasis en el aprendizaje social y la educación de adultos. Finalmente, se discute en torno a las posibles consideraciones de este programa para futuras intervenciones educativas en investigación en salud en Chile. Se espera que esta experiencia y sus fundamentos educativos sirvan de motor para futuras iniciativas en el área, a favor de la investigación en salud en Chile.EMIC-Chile ("Entrenamiento en Metodologías para la Investigación Clínica en Chile" is an academic project developed in Chile during 2008 to train health professionals in clinical research. The purpose of this initiative was to improve the quality of research projects that are submitted to apply for public funding. The aim of this article is to describe the psycho-educative theories that supported this training program, its structure, methods and evaluation. Firstly, the program is described in detail. Secondly, psycho-educative theories are described, with special emphasis of social learning theory and education for adults. Finally, implications of EMIC-Chile are stated, in order to improve future research training experiences in Chile. It is expected that this article enhance other research experts


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    Rijanti Abdurrachim


    Full Text Available Elderly tends to face health problems caused by a decrease in body functions due to aging. One of the most health problems experienced by elderly is in cardiovascular system like hypertension. Factors influenced blood pressures are overweight, less physical activity, and eating high sodium foods. This study aimed to determine the relationship between sodium intake, frequency and duration of physical activity to blood pressure of elderly at Tresna Werdha Budi Sejahtera and Bina Laras Budi Luhur nursing homes in Banjarbaru. This research used cross sectional design. Pearson test were applied (α = 0.05. This study involved 65 elderly aged 60-74 years, 28 males (43% and 37 females (57%. Data were collected using questionnaires. Nutrient contents were obtained using 1x24 hour food recall for 2 days included weekend. The result of Pearson test indicated that there was a significant positive correlation between sodium intake with systolic (p <0.05 and diastolic (p <0.05 levels. Moreover, there was a significant negative correlation between the frequency of physical activity with systolic (p < 0.05 and diastolic (p <0.05 levels; there was a significant negative correlation between physical activity duration and sistolic blood pressure (p<0.05. However, there was no significant correlation between physical activity duration and diastolic blood pressure. It was suggested that health workers should improve health promotion program using posters and do counseling about healthy lifestyles, i.e. suggesting people to avoid high sodium foods and do physical activity regularly.

  10. Pengembangan Instrumen Evaluasi Budi Pekerti Siswa SMU Negeri di Kabupaten Bantul

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    Esti Setiawati


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan instrumen evaluasi budi pekerti siswa SMU Negeri. Untuk itu perlu dirumuskan langkah-langkah pengembangan instrumen dan menyelidiki karakteristik instrumen tersebut. Subjek dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh siswa SMU Negeri di Kabupaten Bantul. Penentuan banyaknya sampel dilakukan dengan teknik Purposive sampling sesuai dengan tujuan pengembangan. Instrumen penelitian ini adalah inventory Data dianalisis dengan analisis faktor. Hasil analisis data uji coba pengembangan Instrumen adalah: 1 Uji coba pertama dengan 85 butir, menunjukkan angka KMO and bartllets test sebesar 0,644 dengan p < 0,05. Setelah butir-butir tersebut dianalisis sejumlah, terdapat 11 butir yang tidak layak analisis yaitu butir 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 14, 32, dan butir 77 karena angka MSA < 0,5. Hasil pengujian ulang dengan 74 &117 butir menunjukkan angka KMO and Bartllets test sebesar 0,761 dengan p < 0,05, berarti mengalami kenaikan sebesar 0,117. Angka kumulatif muatan faktor sebesar 41,351 % dan nilai reliabilitas instrumen sebesar 0, 9656 2 Uji coba kedua dengan 85 butir hasil perbaikan instrumen uji coba pertama, menunjukkan angka KMO and Bartllets test sebesar 0,874 dengan p < 0,05. Setelah butir-butir tersebut dikenakan sejumlah pengujian, terdapat 1 butir yang tidak layak analisis yaitu butir 11 karena angka MSA < 0,5 hasil pengujian ulang dengan 84 butir menunjukkan angka KMO and Bartllets test sebesar 0,876 dengan P < 0,05, yang berarti mengalami kenaikan sebesar 0,002, sedangkan angka kumulatif muatan faktor sebesar 42,775% dan nilai reliabilitas Instrumen sebesar 0,9634. Hasil analisis data tersebut menunjukkan tingkat reliabilitas instrumen tergolong tinggi, namun validitas konstruk masih rendah. Kata kunci: pengembangan instrument, evaluasi budi pekerti.

  11. Governance, violence and the struggle for economic regulation in South Sudan: the case of Budi County (Eastern Equatoria

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    Anne Walraet


    Full Text Available This article analyses how Budi County in Eastern Equatoria State (South Sudan was governed during the 1990s and up to mid-2007. Because its capital Chukudum was the SPLM/A headquarters almost throughout that period, it provides us with an interesting case from which to explore how the SPLM/A governed during the war and how this impacts on the post-war peace. One observation is that the war, besides a period of devastation and human suffering, was also a time of economic opportunities and social differentiation. For that reason this article will also explore livestock trade as a new mode of wealth appropriation and the changing nature of cattle raiding, and how this interferes with the struggle for regulatory power and governable “spaces”. This means that we comprehend the economy as a political terrain. At the same time we leave room for sociological perspectives, to complement the more restricted “competition for resources and gains” approach to conflict and violence. The article is written in three sections. In the first section we briefly clarify why in 1999 there was an uprising in Budi County against SPLM/A rule and why it engendered massive local support. In the second section we examine one of the most destructive manifestations of violence that affect Budi county: cattle raiding. We look at it from a perspective that has been under-researched in the eld: that of trans-border trade. In the last section we look at how, after the peace of 2005, newly appointed local government authorities are (reclaiming do- mains of state regulation that previously lay rmly in the hands of the military. Particular attention is given to the capacity of the local authorities to guarantee security and provide protection. Key words: governance, violent conflict, regulatory power, trans-border trade, South Sudan Eastern Equatoria

  12. Peranan Koperasi Wanita Serba Usaha Setia Budi Wanita Jawa Timur Dalam Memberikan Pinjaman LPDB Kepada Wirausaha di Malang

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    Celita Dwita Ardyani


    Full Text Available In an effort to encourage the development of SMEs in Indonesia is required funding one of which is cooperative. The background of this study was to determine the effect LPDB loans granted by the cooperative to members who need loan funds In this study the role of cooperatives as conduits LPDB loan is needed to simplify the process of lending LPDB. Subjects in this study is the Women's Cooperative “Setia Budi Wanita” East Java and its object is the independent variable in this study that LPDB loans (Revolving Fund Management Institution. This research is a qualitative descriptive study. Data collection techniques used in this research is the snowball sampling technique used in determining the subject to be interviewed. These results indicate that the role of Women's Cooperative Business Solutions Business “Setia Budi Wanita” East Java in lending LPDB (Institute of Management Revolving Fund had a positive effect for cooperative members who borrow loans LPDB (Institute of Management Revolving Fund, especially for the self-employed and the factors driving and obstacles in lending LPDB.

  13. The effectiveness of principal’s competencies implementation at SMAN 3 and Internasional Budi Mulia Dua Yogyakarta


    Vikate Phannalath; Lantip Diat Prasojo


    This study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of principal’s competencies implementation at SMA Negeri 3 Yogyakarta and SMA Internasional Budi Mulia Dua Yogyakarta, Indonesia. The research was an evaluation research using the discrepancy model of evaluation. The respondents were vice principals, teachers, as well as administrative officers. The data was collected through the questionnaires, the results of the study showed that the effectiveness of the principal’s competencies implementation ...

  14. Aktualisasi Diri Siswa dalam Proses Pembelajaran Pendidikan Agama Kristen dan Budi Pekerti Berdasarkan Perspektif Carl R. Rogers

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    Herly Janet Lesilolo


    Full Text Available This study aims to examine the application of self-actualization of students according to Carl, R. Rogers in the teaching and learning process of Christian Religious Education and Character Based on the curriculum 2013. Background of research problem is the teaching and learning process of Christian Education and Character Budi Pekerti Based on the 2013 curriculum in the fourth grade of school Basic has not developed self-actualization of students. Teachers have not helped students develop themselves, know themselves as unique human beings and help students realize the potentials that exist within students. As a result students are not critical and sensitive to social reality and have not been able to direct themselves in solving a problem. The objectives of the research are: (1 to describe the way of learning of students who self-actualize in teaching and learning process of PAK and morality based on curriculum 2013, (2 to describe the role of teacher so that students can mengatualisasikan self-learning process of PAK and Budi Pekerti based on curriculum 2013, 3 describe the teaching and learning process of PAK and Budi Pekerti based on the 2013 curriculum that self-actualizes students. The results showed, (1 Students become active learners, students develop thinking skills, communicate, act, and be virtuous; Students seek answers with their own student efforts based on correct facts; Students and teachers show the mutual relationships meet the needs because teachers and students have different roles in the PBM. (2 Teachers are not patronizing, teachers build trust between students and teachers, students with students, teachers invite students to participate, teachers do not patronize, do not restrict students looking and finding, independent of other students pouring ideas. (3 The learning process from the students 'experience, whether cognitive, attitudes, or skills, develops students' courage and skills, active interactional relationships


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    Ofri Johan


    Full Text Available Kegiatan budi daya karang hias di Indonesia perlu dilakukan untuk menjamin perdagangannya agar berjalan tanpa merusak keanekaragaman dan kondisi terumbu karang. Budi daya karang hias menggunakan rak berupa meja yang terbuat dari paralon PVC yang dinilai sangat ekonomis dan mudah diaplikasikan masyarakat lokal. Pengamatan pertumbuhan hanya dilakukan pada 1 rak masing-masing jenis karang yang dibudidayakan yaitu Acropora sp., Acropora formosa, Acropora humilis, Acropora millepora, Acropora nobilis, dan Seriatopora hystrix. Kegiatan dilakukan pada dua lokasi yaitu Pulau Simakakang-Mentawai, Sumatera Barat dan Gondol, Bali. Pengamatan dilakukan setiap dua bulan dan penelitian dilaksanakan selama 6 bulan. Hasil pengamatan diperoleh tingkat mortalitas pada lokasi Pulau Simakakang diperoleh 5,56% dari 36 sampel yang diukur dari 6 jenis karang dan 6 ulangan, pertambahan panjang jenis A. formosa 0,64 cm/bulan, lebih cepat dibandingkan dengan jenis A. millepora 0,58 cm/bulan dan jenis lain. Karang A. humilis memiliki laju perambatan pada substrat semen dan batang pengikat yang  lebih cepat dari jenis lain. Pada lokasi Gondol, Bali memiliki laju pertambahan panjang karang A. millepora lebih cepat (0,50 cm/bulan dibandingkan dengan jenis A. tenuis (0,43 cm/bulan dan jenis lain berkisar antara 0,21—0,39 cm/bulan.Tingkat kematian 3 koloni (7,1% dari total 42 koloni yang disampling. The culture of ornamental coral is important to be conducted to guarantee the coral trade can be run well without giving impact to coral reef biodiversities and coral reef condition in Indonesia. This cultured using table using nets as a place which is made from PVC pipe. This method can minimize cost comparing with others materials as well as applicable for coastal community. One table can be placed 12 (3x4 substrate with a distance among others of 25 cm, then fragmented coral were tied to that substrates. This activity was carried out in two locations that were Simakakang


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    I Nyoman Radiarta


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melakukan identifikasi kelayakan perairan untuk budi daya rumput laut dengan menggunakan metode long line berdasarkan parameter lingkungan di perairan Kecamatan Moro Provinsi Kepulauan Riau. Sebanyak 87 stasiun telah dikumpulkan selama survai lapangan pada bulan Agustus dan Oktober 2004. Data parameter lingkungan dan data penginderaan jauh selanjutnya dianalisis dengan menggunakan sistem informasi geografis dan multi kriteria analisis. Dari total potensial lokasi penelitian seluas 417 km2 (jarak 1 km dari garis pantai, kategori sangat layak di temukan di perairan sekitar Pulau Sugie dan Pulau Combol seluas 110 km2. Hasil verifikasi dari klasifikasi tingkat kelayakan menunjukkan bahwa sekitar 44% dari budi daya yang ada menempati kategori sangat layak. Terdapat sekitar 6% yang menempati perairan dengan kategori tidak layak. This study was conducted to identify suitability site for seaweed culture using long line method based on environmental parameters in adjacent water of Moro Sub District, Riau Island Province. Field observation was primary data sources used in this study that was conducted on August and October 2000. Total of 87 sampling stations were collected during the field survey. Environmental data together with remote sensing data were analyzed using geographic information system and multi criteria analysis. The final result showed that from the total potential site of about 417 km2 (1 km buffer from coastline, area around Sugie Island and Combol Island (about 110 km2 were classified as highly suitable. The result has been verified with the existing seaweed aquaculture. About 44% of existing seaweed culture matched with highly suitable site and about 6% was located in unsuitable site.

  17. Historiografía y Memoria en Chile. Algunas Consideraciones a partir del Manifiesto de Historiadores

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    Sergio Grez Toso


    Full Text Available A través del siguiente texto, se contextualiza brevemente la iniciativa del Manifiesto de Historiadores en la disputa por la memoria que se libra aún en Chile respecto de las últimas décadas de la historia nacional. Se expone la respuesta a las manipulaciones y tergiversaciones más significativas de la historia de nuestro tiempo contenidas en los textos de los exegetas de la dictadura, pero también con el Manifiesto se quiso hacer referencia a otras tentativas manipulatorias de la realidad histórica que emanan recurrentemente –y con particular fuerza desde el estallido del “caso Pinochet”- desde distintos círculos del poder político, mediático y económico._____________________ABSTRACT:The following text shortly contextualises the Historians’ Manifesto initiative in the discussion over the memory, concerning the last few decades of the national history, which is still taking place in Chile. It presents a response to the most significant manipulations and distortions of the history of our times, included in the texts of the exegetes of the dictatorship. Hovewer, the Manifesto also makes reference to other attempts to manipulate the historical reality which have been emanating recurrently, especially since the outbreak of the “Pinochet case”, from various circles of political, media and economic power.

  18. Algunas consideraciones sobre Neisseria gonorrhoeae


    Pardi, Germán; Pérez, María Fernanda; Pacheco, Aura; Mata de Henning, Magdalena


    En el presente artículo, se describen los principales aspectos relacionados con Neisseria gonorrhoeae, microorganismo que se puede encontrar presente como parte de la microbiota transitoria o transeúnte de la cavidad bucal de algunos individuos, donde se destacan: Historia, taxonomía, características morfológicas, fisiológicas y de cultivo, ultraestructura, estructura antigénica, así como algunas consideraciones en referencia a la ecología y a los mecanismos de patogenicidad por parte de esta...

  19. Persepsi Ibu Rumah Tangga Terhadap Iklan Produk Susu Bayi (Studi Deskriptif Persepsi Ibu-Ibu Di Komplek Tasbi (Taman Setia Budi Indah) Terhadap Iklan Susu Enfagrow+


    Harahap, Tariq Enda


    Permasalahan yang diangkat dalam penelitian ini adalah bagaimana persepsi ibu-ibu yang mempunyai anak balita/batita di Komplek Taman Setia Budi Indah terhadap iklan televisi susu Enfagrow+. Umumnya ibu-ibu sangat memperhatikan anak-anak mereka terutama balita dan batita. Pada masa ini banyak sekali perilaku khas pada anak-anak, di antaranya adalah dalam hal memenuhi kebutuhannya. Bagi para produsen makanan khususnya, produk susu anak balita/batita merupakan sasaran utama yang mempunyai pangsa...

  20. Makna Sistem Tanggung Renteng bagi Terjadinya Perubahan Perilaku Ekonomi Anggota Kelompok Pengusaha Pedagang Kecil (KPPK di Koperasi Wanita Serba Usaha “Setia Budi Wanita” Jawa Timur

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    Sjahandari Çriana


    Full Text Available Fokus penelitian adalah sejauh manakah sistem tanggung renteng memberikan makna bagi terjadinya perubahan perilaku ekonomi anggota Kelompok Pengusaha Pedagang Kecil (KPPK di Koperasi Wanita Serba Usaha “Setia Budi Wanita”. Pendekatan penelitian dilaksanakan secara kualita-tif, dengan menggali secara lebih dalam mengenai makna sistem tanggung renteng yang selama ini berhasil mengadakan perubahan sikap dan perilaku ekonomi bagi sebagian besar anggota. Temuan penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perilaku ekonomi anggota KPPK yang terdiri dari perilaku ekonomi di bidang: produksi, distribusi, konsumsi, investasi, menabung dan  simpan pinjam bila dikaitkan dengan enam tata nilai dasar sistem tanggung renteng yang terdiri dari kebersamaan, keterbukaan, musyawa-rah, percaya, disiplin dan tanggung jawab akan memberikan makna bagi perubahan perilaku ekonomi dalam hal menambah pengetahuan dan keterampilan serta merubah sikap dan kebiasaan menjadi le-bih berkualitas. Sedangkan implikasi penelitian memberikan makna sistem tanggung renteng yang diperoleh melalui kegiatan kelompok, serta memberikan makna sistem tanggung renteng dalam trans-formasi kelembagaan dan transformasi ekonomi. Hasil penelitian ini diharapkan bermanfaat dan bisa direkomendasikan bagi: (1 koperasi Setia Budi Wanita (2 kelompok-kelompok yang ada di masyarakat  seperti kelompok petani, nelayan, pelestari alam, PKK dan lainnya (3 pemerintah jika  diperlukan.  Kata kunci: sistem tangggung renteng, KPPK,  perilaku ekonomi


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    Muthoifin Muthoifin


    Full Text Available What an importance of character, Ki Hadjar makes it as a soul from the concept of his education. Even the government admitted, almost all national educational concepts referring to his idea. the focus of this issue is how the concept of Ki Hadjar's character in the Islamic view. The method used is historical approach, by the technique of content analysis, descriptive and comparative. The data is analyzed to be conclusion from the existing phenomenon. The results of the study, Ki Hadjar's idea about the character is not found the base that is closely related to faith, but rather stands on a universal national identity, it can be seen that the Ki Hadjar wants the Indonesian nation has a good attitude and personality and remain to stand on the personality of the Indonesian nation that has a distinctive culture and personality. While the characters in Islam can not be separated with monotheism and faith.   Keywords: character; Ki Hadjar Dewantara; budi pekerti; Islam.

  2. Diseño integrado para viviendas energéticamente eficientes en Chile: Enhebrando capacidades

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    Underlea Miotto Bruscato


    Full Text Available El diseño integrado es una estrategia para desarrollar proyectos de arquitectura sustentable, incorporando trabajo multidisciplinario y evaluaciones de desempeño, que ha demostrado ser un aporte relevante en la ejecución de edificios públicos de países desarrollados. Este artículo presenta la revisión de aspectos de diseño integrado para la elaboración de viviendas energéticamente eficientes en la zona sur de Chile, destinadas en particular a la reconstrucción post terremoto del 27 de Febrero del 2010. Realizando primeramente una síntesis de características de los procesos de diseño integrado, sus condiciones implícitas, participantes, etapas, recursos y resultados esperados según referencias internacionales. Luego se contrasta con la práctica regular de diseño de viviendas en Chile según la regulación vigente y entrevistas a profesionales. Posteriormente se analizan procesos de diseños de casas experimentales y conjuntos habitacionales particularmente enfocados al desempeño energético, realizando seguimientos y entrevistas para revisar aspectos significativos. Identificando algunas consideraciones y recursos relevantes aplicados en el diseño de las viviendas que permitieron el logro de mejoramientos ambientales.

  3. Penapisan Bakteri yang Diisolasi dari Tambak Udang sebagai Kandidat Probiotik pada Budi daya Udang Windu, Penaeus monodon

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    Muliani Muliani


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini bertujuan mendapatkan bakteri probiotik untuk budi daya udang windu P. monodon. Penelitian meliputi beberapa tahapan yaitu (1 isolasi bakteri dari tambak udang; (2 uji daya hambat terhadap Vibrio  harveyi; (3 karakterisasi secara fisiologi dan biokimia; (4 pertumbuhan bakteri pada beberapa konsentrasi NaCl; (5 pertumbuhan bakteri pada beberapa tingkat salinitas; (6 uji patogenisitas bakteri terhadap pascalarva udang windu; (7 uji tantang dengan V. harveyi dalam wadah pemeliharaan pascalarva udang windu; dan (8 analisis gen 16S-rRNA bakteri yang diisolasi dari tambak. Sedikitnya 14 isolat dari 2.228 isolat bakteri yang diisolasi dari tambak, potensial dijadikan probiotik pada budi daya udang windu. Sintasan udang windu tertinggi pada perlakuan yang menggunakan isolat BN2067. Isolat BT950 dan BT95 paling potensial menghambat pertumbuhan V. harveyi baik secara In vitro maupun In vivo. Hasil analisis gen 16Sr-RNA menunjukkan bahwa BT950 dan BT951 termasuk dalam kelompok Brevibacillus sp., sedangkan BN2067 termasuk dalam kelompok Vibrio vulnificus CMCP6 chr. This experiment was aimed for finding-out probiotic bacteria on tiger shrimp P. monodon culture. The research included several steps i.e. 1 isolation of bacteria from tiger shrimp pond; 2 inhibition test of  bacteria against V. harveyi; 3 biochemical and physiological characterization; 4 growth of bacteria at different concentration of NaCl; (5 growth of bacteria at different salinities; (6 pathogenicity test of bacteria to tiger shrimp post larvae, (7 challenge test of bacteria against V. harveyi in tiger shrimp culture media; (8 16S-rRNA gene analysis of  bacteria isolated from shrimp pond. Fourteen isolates of 2,228 isolates of bacteria isolated from tiger shrimp pond were potential for probiotic bacteria on tiger shrimp culture. The highest survival rate of tiger shrimp was obtained from those treated with BN2067 isolate. The potential isolates to inhibit V. harveyi both In

  4. Presencia de Hippidion y Equus (Amerhippus (Mammalia, Perissodactyla y su distribución en el Pleistoceno superior de Chile

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    Frassinetti, D.


    Full Text Available Fossil remains belonging to Equidae fram Chilean localities are described and taxonomically determined. Equus (Amerhippus and Hippidion species are identified; its geographic distribution in Chile and relations with others South American Equidae are given; a Late Pleistocene age is regarded for them. Stratigraphic and paleoecological considerations are also included.Se describen y sitúan taxonómicamente los restos de équidos de las localidades chilenas. Se identifican distintas especies de Equus (Amerhippus e Hippidion, señalando su distribución geográfica y relaciones con otros équidos sudamericanos, además de referirlos al Pleistoceno superior. Se analiza su situación estratigráfica así como consideraciones de tipo paleoecológico.

  5. Artritis reumatoide: consideraciones psicobiológicas


    Japcy Margarita Quiceno; Stefano Vinaccia


    En la literatura es bien conocido el peso de las emociones negativas en la fisiopatología de la artritis reumatoide, pero hay poca información empírica del impacto de variables psicosociales positivas sobre esta enfermedad. Por tanto, el propósito de este trabajo es hacer énfasis en los factores psicobiológicos relacionados con la artritis reumatoide. Se describen las consideraciones epidemiológicas, los síntomas físicos constitutivos, los factores psicosociales más relevantes, como el papel ...

  6. La Enseñanza de la Historia Consideraciones Generales.


    Lombardi, Angel


    INDICE Presentación La Enseñanza de la Historia Consideraciones Generales Angel Lombardi "Tras su manto de neblina,..." Las Islas Malvinas como creación escolar Marí, Cristina; Saab, Jorge; Suárez, Carlos, Giufra, Lidia; Gerszenszteig, Marina; Stülgemayer, Sabrina; Avila, Andrea; Osuna Gutiérrez, Patricia; Suárez, Lourdes La...


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    Bambang Gunadi


    Full Text Available Penelitian tentang aspek-aspek fisika, kimia, dan biologi perairan bekas galian pasir telah dilakukan di Situ Rawabebek Kabupaten Karawang. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mendapatkan data dasar bagi penyusunan model pengelolaan perikanan di perairan bekas galian pasir berdasarkan prinsip perikanan berbasis budi daya (culture-based fisheries, CBF. Hasil pengamatan menunjukkan bahwa fluktuasi air di Situ Rawabebek mencapai hingga 1,90 m dan sangat dipengaruhi oleh ketinggian air Sungai Citarum. Nilai semua parameter kualitas air berada dalam kisaran yang layak untuk mendukung kehidupan ikan sementara kadar logam berat berada dalam ambang aman untuk kehidupan organisme akuatik termasuk ikan dan kesehatan manusia. Indeks keragaman plankton (Indeks Shanon-Wiener pada setiap stasiun dan musim pengamatan berkisar antara 3,95—4,52 yang berarti bahwa komunitas plankton di Situ Rawabebek stabil dan perairannya dalam kondisi belum tercemar. Jenis ikan yang teramati untuk mengetahui pola reproduksinya di Situ Rawabebek antara lain lalawak (Puntius bramoides, paray (Rasbora argyrotaenia, dan seren (Cyclocheilichthys apogon dengan tingkat Indeks Kematangan Gonad (IKG masing-masing 3,43%; 12,82%; dan 3,95%. Dari analisis terhadap kondisi fisika, kimia, dan biologinya disimpulkan bahwa perairan bekas galian pasir Situ Rawabebek cukup layak untuk pengembangan perikanan berbasis budi daya. A study on the physical, chemical, and biological aspects of the abandoned sand mining reservoir was conducted in Rawabebek Reservoir (Karawang Regency, West Java. This study aimed to develop a model of fisheries management in the reservoir based on the culture based fisheries (CBF system. The study showed that the fluctuation of water level in the Rawabebek Reservoir was monitored up to 1.90 m and highly influenced by the water level of Citarum River. The average value of all water quality parameters and heavy metals were in the suitable range for aquatic organism, fish and

  8. Chile. (United States)


    Chile is a long (2650 miles), narrow (250 miles at widest point) country sandwiched between the Andes mountains and the Pacific. The northern desert is rich in copper and nitrates; the temperate middle region is agricultural and supports the major cities, including Santiago, the capital, and the port of Valparaiso; and the southern region is a cold and damp area of forests, grasslands, lakes, and fjords. The country is divided into 12 administrative regions. Chile's population of 12.5 million are mainly of Spanish or Indian descent or mestizos. Literacy is 92.3%, and the national language is Spanish. Infant mortality is 18.1/1000, and life expectancy is 68.2 years. 82% of the people are urban, and most are Roman Catholics. Chile was settled by the Spanish in 1541 and attached to the Viceroyalty of Peru. Independence was won in 1818 under the leadership of Bernardo O'Higgins. In the 1880s Chile extended its sovereignty over the Strait of Magellan in the south and areas of southern Peru and Bolivia in the north. An officially parliamentary government, elected by universal suffrage, drifted into oligarchy and finally into a military dictatorship under Carlos Ibanez in 1924. Constitutional government was restored in 1932. The Christian Democratic government of Eduardo Frei (1964-70) inaugurated major reforms, including land redistribution, education, and far-reaching social and economic policies. A Marxist government under Salvador Allende lasted from 1970 to 1973 when the present military government of General Pinochet Ugarte took power, overthrew Allende, abolished the Congress, and banned political parties. It has moved the country in the direction of a free market economy but at the cost of systematic violations of human rights. A new constitution was promulgated in 1981, and congressional elections have been scheduled for October, 1989. A "National Accord for Transition to Full Democracy" was mediated by the Catholic Church in 1985. The social reforms of the

  9. The Respon of IKIP BUDI UTOMO Students Toward The Instructional Book of Cell Biology Subject Aided by Interactive Multimedia

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    Tri Asih Wahyu Hartati


    Full Text Available The development of Science and Technology (Science and Technology takes place very rapidly. The development of science and technology will impact on graduate competency changes desired by the industry. This change of course will be followed by updating the curriculum, learning resources and teaching materials are used, one of them teaching materials on the subjects of Cell Biology. In the course of Cell Biology, the students only take textbooks without the support of interactive multimedia. Good teaching materials is the teaching materials arranged in a systematic, according to the needs and character of students, as well as validated by the teaching materials. The purpose of this study was to determine response students Biology Education IKIP Budi Utomo against Cell Biology course textbook aided interactive multimedia. The development method used is the 4D model consisting of stages define, design, develop, and disseminate. This study is limited to the stages develop. Legibility test results showed that students responded well teaching materials and provide proper assessment of the teaching materials.

  10. Consideraciones éticas en la evaluación educativa


    Moreno Olivos, Tiburcio


    En este artículo se abordan algunas consideraciones éticas respecto a las prácticas de evaluación educativa. Se analiza el papel de la ética en la conducta profesional evaluadora, así como algunos dilemas y controversias éticas que afrontan los evaluadores. Se recuperan aportes teóricos de especialistas del campo de la investigación y evaluación cualitativas, los cuales brindan un conjunto de orientaciones que se deben atender en el proceso de investigación educativa para asegurar que éste se...


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    Erna Luciasari


    Full Text Available Number of the elderly is increasing relatively fast in Indonesia. It is estimated by the US Bureau of the Cencus that this country will be the fourth in the world regarding the big number of it. As they are becoming older the physiological functions become weaker, it includes the function of intestine which influence the kind of food they can eat. This study has been carried out as to collect information's regarding level and variety of foods consumed by the elderly. A number of 53 elderly reside in two nursing homes, i.e. Budi Luhur and Hanna in Yogyakarta have been involved in the study. Important results show that most of the elderly used to eat main dish meal three times and snacks one-two time daily. The main staple food is rice which contributes 60-70% of total energy intake. Foods of fat sources contribute 15-20% of energy intake. Foods of animal protein sources are consumed 30-50 gram daily, and 50-100 gram of plant protein sources such as fermented soybean (tempe. Drinking water are drunk 6-9 glasses a day. By consuming such level and variety of foods, 47% of elderly are relatively thin, 47% sedentary and 6% relatively obese.Keywords: foods consume, elderly, nursing home

  12. Tourism in Chile | CTIO (United States)

    Program PIA Program GO-FAAR Program Other Opportunities Tourism Visits to Tololo Astro tourism in Chile Tourism in Chile Information for travelers Visit Tololo Media Relations News Press Release Publications ‹› You are here CTIO Home » Outreach » Tourism » Tourism in Chile Tourism in Chile Map of

  13. El proceso reproductivo: Algunas consideraciones sobre el maternaje

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    Ignacio González Labrador


    Full Text Available Se realizaron una serie de consideraciones generales sobre el proceso reproductivo, y como una consecuencia de él se consolida un proceso llamado maternaje, conceptualizándose según criterio del autor, cómo puede influir en la vida sexual de la mujer. Se conceptualiza según las letras que componen la palabra que denomina dicho procesoA series of general considerations on the reproductive process as a result of which the so-called motherhood process is strengthened were presented in this paper. The author conceptualizes the influence of this process on the woman’s sexual life. The conceptualization is based on the letters of the word defining such a process

  14. Chile. (United States)


    The background notes on Chile provide a statistical summary of the population, geography, government, and the economy, and more descriptive text on the history, population, government, economy, defense, and foreign relations. In brief, Chile has 13.3 million Spanish Indian (Mestizos), European, and Indian inhabitants and an annual growth rate of 1.6%. 96% are literate. Infant mortality is 18/1000. 34% of the population are involved in industry and commerce, 30% in services, 19% in agriculture and forestry and fishing, 7% in construction, and 2% in mining. The major city is Santiago. The government, which gained independence in 1810, is a republic with executive, legislative, and judicial branches. There are 12 regions. There are 6 major political parties. Suffrage is universal at 18 years. Gross domestic product (GDP) is $29.2 billion. The annual growth rate is 5% and inflation is 19%. Copper, timber, fish, iron ore, nitrates, precious metals, and molybdenum are its natural resources. Agricultural products are 9% of GDP and include wheat, potatoes, corn, sugar beets, onions, beans, fruits, and livestock. Industry is 21% of GDP and includes mineral refining, metal manufacturing, food and fish processing, paper and wood products, and finished textiles. $8.3 billion is the value of exports and $7 billion of imports. Export markets are in Japan, the US, Germany, Brazil, and the United Kingdom. Chile received $3.5 billion in economic aid between 1949-85, but little in recent years. 83% live in urban centers, principally around Santiago. Congressional representation is made on the basis of elections by a unique binomial majority system. Principal government officials are identified. Chile has a diversified free market economy and is almost self-sufficient in food production. The US is a primary trading partner. 49% of Chile's exports are minerals. Chile maintains diplomatic relations with 70 countries, however, relations are strained with Argentina and Bolivia. Relations

  15. Algunas consideraciones sobre la estrategia de mercadotecnia en los negocios internacionales


    Ernesto Raúl González Ramírez


    El presente artículo aborda algunas consideraciones sobre la estrategia de mercadotecnia en el contexto de los negocios internacionales. La primera parte está dirigida a describir las particularidades de las estrategias específicas de mercadotecnia (producto, precio, comunicación y distribución) en el área internacional. La segunda parte, trata sobre la importancia de tener presente el nivel de orientación al mercado o aplicación del concepto de mercadotecnia en este contexto.

  16. Artritis reumatoide: consideraciones psicobiológicas

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    Japcy Margarita Quiceno


    Full Text Available En la literatura es bien conocido el peso de las emociones negativas en la fisiopatología de la artritis reumatoide, pero hay poca información empírica del impacto de variables psicosociales positivas sobre esta enfermedad. Por tanto, el propósito de este trabajo es hacer énfasis en los factores psicobiológicos relacionados con la artritis reumatoide. Se describen las consideraciones epidemiológicas, los síntomas físicos constitutivos, los factores psicosociales más relevantes, como el papel que juegan las emociones positivas y negativas, el apoyo social, la resiliencia, la autotrascendencia y la percepción de enfermedad en la evolución y pronóstico de esta patología reumática. Conclusión: variables psicosociales positivas pueden promover la salud mental y física y aminorar el afecto negativo en pacientes con artritis reumatoide.

  17. Algunas consideraciones sobre la estrategia de mercadotecnia en los negocios internacionales

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    Ernesto Raúl González Ramírez


    Full Text Available El presente artículo aborda algunas consideraciones sobre la estrategia de mercadotecnia en el contexto de los negocios internacionales. La primera parte está dirigida a describir las particularidades de las estrategias específicas de mercadotecnia (producto, precio, comunicación y distribución en el área internacional. La segunda parte, trata sobre la importancia de tener presente el nivel de orientación al mercado o aplicación del concepto de mercadotecnia en este contexto.

  18. Redescripción y consideraciones biogeográficas de dos especies de Scotobius (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae de ambientes montanos del centro de Argentina y Chile

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    Violeta A. SILVESTRO


    Full Text Available El género neotropical Scotobius Germar (Tenebrioninae: Scotobiini comprende 61 especies distribuidas desde el centro de Perú y sur de Brasil hasta el sur de Argentina y Chile. En este trabajo, revisamos dos especies de Scotobius que habitan el oeste de las provincias de San Juan, Mendoza y Neuquén (Argentina y en Chile central, a lo largo de la Cordillera de los Andes y las montañas extra-andinas en Argentina: S. punctatus Eschscholtz, 1831 y S. andrassyi Kaszab, 1969. Se proveen redescripciones utilizando nuevos caracteres morfológicos y se proporcionan fotografías de los adultos y de los pronotos. Se consigna la distribución geográfica, rangos altitudinales y las provincias biogeográficas en las que habitan estas especies. Se utiliza un modelo predictivo de distribución de especies para proponer hipótesis sobre los factores que influencian la distribución espacial y que explicarían la alopatría de ambas especies.

  19. Alcances y consideraciones respecto del posicionamiento del Ingeniero Civil Industrial de la Universidad del Bío-Bío, Chile

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    Arnaldo Jélvez


    Full Text Available Mediante encuestas estructuradas y entrevistas en profundidad se obtiene información cuantitativa y cualitativa sobre el grado de percepción y  nivel de posicionamiento de la carrera de Ingeniería Civil Industrial en la provincia de Concepción, VIII región, Chile. En general, se percibe un buen nivel de posicionamiento para la carrera impartida por la Universidad del Bío-Bío,  sin embargo, existen discrepancias en relación a los factores variables que los empleadores valoran  en la búsqueda de sus profesionales.  Los factores identificados deben servir de base para la definición del perfil del profesional que se intenta formar, y por ende hacer este profesional más competitivo en el mundo laboral.



    Villarroel Soto,Raúl


    El presente artículo intenta dar cuenta de un debate de relevancia moral, social y política en Chile: la controversia acerca de la anticoncepción de emergencia y la iniciativa de las autoridades de gobierno de facultar a los servicios de salud del Estado para distribuir el fármaco comúnmente llamado "píldora del día después". Se abordan diferentes perspectivas de análisis y se recae, finalmente, en un examen bioético a la luz de una revisión de la perspectiva principialista clásica para adver...

  1. Diversidad de la familia Carabidae (Coleoptera en Chile Diversity of the family Carabidae (Coleoptera in Chile

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    Full Text Available Carabidae constituye dentro de los coléopteros chilenos, la cuarta familia en importancia por su cantidad de especies. El presente trabajo incluye una breve compilación acerca de la historia de la familia y de las primeras expediciones realizadas en Chile. También se realizan comparaciones de la diversidad de carábidos chilenos con respecto a otros países y el Neotrópico. Para Chile, se conocen 21 tribus, con 95 géneros y 365 especies, que representan el 38,8, 28,8 y 7,9 % de la fauna del Neotrópico, respectivamente. Chile posee un bajo número de tribus comparado con otros países, sin embargo, constituye un área importante por la presencia de seis tribus relictuales, principalmente pangeicas o gondwánicas. Chile posee 18 géneros endémicos (18,5 % de su fauna de Carabidae, 28 cuya distribución está restringida a Chile y Argentina y seis restringidos a Chile, Argentina y Uruguay. La cantidad de especies presentes en Chile es inferior a la que poseen otros países de América del Sur, pero la cantidad de especies endémicas es muy alta (204 y representa el 55,8 % de su fauna de carábidos. El alto grado de endemismo que posee Chile con respecto a otros países de América del Sur puede deberse a su condición de aislamiento, siendo las barreras más importantes la región desértica del norte y la cordillera de Los Andes. Este hecho también se vislumbra por la ausencia de importantes tribus neotropicales como Galeritini, Scaritini y Brachinini. También se incluyen en este trabajo claves para la identificación de todas las tribus y géneros presentes en Chile, como así también una breve descripción acerca de la diversidad y ambientes en los que se encuentra cada géneroThe family Carabidae is the fourth largest Coleoptera family in Chile. The present work includes a brief compilation on the taxonomic history of the family and the first expeditions to Chile. In addition, knowledge of carabid diversity in Chile is compared with

  2. Consideraciones esenciales para un modelo estratégico de negocio del diseño en Cuba

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    Miguel Ángel Rubio Toledo


    Full Text Available Las recientes modificaciones políticas y económicas en Cuba, han generado la posibilidad de desarrollar potencialmente negocios de diversa índole, donde la gestión estratégica del diseño puede ser un factor de crecimiento sostenido tanto para los negocios en un sentido amplio, como específicos de diseño. Así, el objetivo de este trabajo es analizar algunos argumentos básicos desde diversos autores especializados, con el fin de establecer algunas consideraciones esenciales para la creación de un modelo estratégico de negocio de diseño para Cuba. Metodológicamente, parte de los antecedentes y contexto general, para determinar el problema a través de un diagnóstico en cuanto a las oportunidades actuales sobre negocios de diseño en Cuba, y se problematiza con algunos argumentos teóricos. Luego, se discuten algunas reflexiones y pautas que permiten moldear estas consideraciones esenciales o primarias. Finalmente, en las conclusiones se ejemplifica el resultado del análisis con fines sumarios.

  3. Algunas consideraciones teóricas sobre el liderazgo transformacional

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    Otilia Bracho Parra


    Full Text Available El artículo tuvo como objetivo, realizar algunas consideraciones teóricas sobre el liderazgo transformacional, tomando como referencia los planteamientos de Bass y Avolio (2006, Velásquez (2006, Lerma (2007, Leithwood, Mascall y Strauss (2009, entre otros. El proceso metodológico implico revisión bibliográfica, a través de la hermenéutica. Concluyendo que el liderazgo transformacional implica convertir a los colaboradores en personas creativas, motivadas al logro, comprometidas e identificadas con la organización, además de inspirar en sus seguidores la participación, pensar en colectivo, esforzándose en alcanzar metas significativas, en pro de la misión y visión de la empresa.

  4. Consideraciones didácticas para la aplicación de estrategias de lectura

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    Solé, Maira


    Full Text Available Resumen: El propósito de este escrito es el de establecer ciertas consideraciones didácticas para la correcta aplicación de las estrategias de lectura. La estrategia por sí sola no genera ningún producto, es necesario que la maestra o el maestro la domine íntegramente aplicando la técnica adecuada para la consecución de los objetivos propuestos en el contenido. Se expondrán tres bloques de consideraciones didácticas: las de índole contextual, las constructivas y las de orden operativo o de actividad. La finalidad es analizar cada una de ellas, conocer cómo influyen y por último efectuar su aplicación en el proceso de lectura.Abstract: The intention of this writing is to establish certain didactic considerations for the correct application of the reading strategies. The strategy by itself does not generate any product, is necessary that the teacher dominates it completely applying the technique adapted for the attainment of the objectives proposed in the content. Three blocks of didactic considerations will be exposed: those of contextual nature, the constructives and those of operative order or activity. The purpose is to analyze each one of them, to know how they influence and finally to carry out its application in the reading process.

  5. Protecting Dark Skies in Chile (United States)

    Smith, R. Chris; Sanhueza, Pedro; Phillips, Mark


    Current projections indicate that Chile will host approximately 70% of the astronomical collecting area on Earth by 2030, augmenting the enormous area of ALMA with that of three next-generation optical telescopes: LSST, GMTO, and E-ELT. These cutting-edge facilities represent billions of dollars of investment in the astronomical facilities hosted in Chile. The Chilean government, Chilean astronomical community, and the international observatories in Chile have recognized that these investments are threatened by light pollution, and have formed a strong collaboration to work at managing the threats. We will provide an update on the work being done in Chile, ranging from training municipalities about new lighting regulations to exploring international recognition of the dark sky sites of Northern Chile.

  6. El Hotel Burj Al Arab. Consideraciones de su desempeño sostenible.


    Avila Higuera, Luis Fernando; Caicedo Lemus, José Fabio; Reyes Gaona, Javier Andrés; Tibaquirá Quintero, Carlos Alberto; Villamizar Bermúdez, María Clara


    El Hotel Burj Al Arab, ubicado en Dubai, Emiratos Árabes Unidos fue concebi-do y construido debido a la necesidad económica de convertir al emirato en un destino turís-tico, considerando que la actividad petrolera predominante en la región, no perdurará. Con un clima bastante exigente (Tropical húmedo), el edificio ha debido ser diseñado teniendo en cuenta consideraciones bioclimáticas y sostenibles. El artículo presenta un análisis bioclimático y de automatización del edificio considera...

  7. Algunas consideraciones teóricas acerca del uso de las tecnologías de la información y las comunicaciones en la enseñanza superior.

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    Yamilet Trelles Mutis


    Full Text Available El trabajo, que a continuación se expone se titula Algunas consideraciones teóricas acerca del uso de las tecnologías de la información y las comunicaciones en la enseñanza superior, en el mismo se presentan algunas consideraciones teóricas acerca del uso de las tecnologías de la información y las comunicaciones. Se ofrecen consideraciones sobre la necesidad de implementar un Sitio Web en la biblioteca universitaria, donde los usuarios de esta institución tendrán la posibilidad de acceder y evaluar los recursos digitales en la gestión de la información desde cualquier punto de la red necesarios para la docencia y la investigación. En la búsqueda del conocimiento se utilizan métodos y técnicas con sus diferentes instrumentos de la investigación educacional. Se expone la metodología para el diseño del sistema.

  8. Redescripción y consideraciones biogeográfcas de dos especies de Scotobius (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae de ambientes montanos del centro de Argentina y Chile Redescription and biogeographic considerations of two species of Scotobius (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae from mountain environments of central Argentina and Chile

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    Violeta A. Silvestro


    Full Text Available El género neotropical Scotobius Germar (Tenebrioninae: Scotobiini comprende 61 especies distribuidas desde el centro de Perú y sur de Brasil hasta el sur de Argentina y Chile. En este trabajo, revisamos dos especies de Scotobius que habitan el oeste de las provincias de San Juan, Mendoza y Neuquén (Argentina y en Chile central, a lo largo de la Cordillera de los Andes y las montañas extra-andinas en Argentina: S. punctatus Eschscholtz, 1831 y S. andrassyi Kaszab, 1969. Se proveen redescripciones utilizando nuevos caracteres morfológicos y se proporcionan fotografías de los adultos y de los pronotos. Se consigna la distribución geográfica, rangos altitudinales y las provincias biogeográficas en las que habitan estas especies. Se utiliza un modelo predictivo de distribución de especies para proponer hipótesis sobre los factores que influencian la distribución espacial y que explicarían la alopatría de ambas especies.The Neotropical genus Scotobius Germar (Tenebrioninae: Scotobiini comprises 61 species distributed from central Peru and southern Brazil to southern Argentine and Chile. In this contribution two species of Scotobius: S. punctatus Eschscholtz, 1831 and S. andrassyi Kaszab, 1969, that inhabit in western San Juan, Mendoza, and Neuquén provinces (Argentina and in central Chile, along the “Cordillera de los Andes” and extra-Andean mountains in Argentina, are revised. Redescriptions using new morphological data and photographs of habitus and pronota are provided. This article informs about the geographic distribution, altitudinal ranges and the biogeographic provinces that these species inhabit. A predictive model of species distribution is presented to propose hypothesis about the factors that influence the space distribution and the allopatry of these two species.

  9. Online Comic in Mandarin Chinese’s Vocabulary Learning: A Case Study of Budi Utama Multilingual School in Yogyakarta, Indonesia

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    Nuning Catur Sri Wilujeng


    Full Text Available This study was aimed to investigate 1 the improvement of CFL elementary-school students’ skill in learning Mandarin Chinese (hereafter referred to as Mandarin vocabulary through creating comic without online resources, creating online comics individually and collaboratively, 2 the CFL elementary-school students’ attitude towards the application of comics in learning Mandarin vocabulary, and 3 the CFL elementary-school students’ attitude towards the application of collaborative activities in learning Mandarin vocabulary. The research design was based on a quasi-experiment using both qualitative and quantitative approaches. Three classes participated in this study: one class was the control group using text-based instruction without online resources; the other two classes were the experimental groups 1 and 2. In the experimental group 1, students worked individually on online comic whereas in the experimental group 2, students worked collaboratively on online comic. All participants were Grade 5 students of Budi Utama Multilingual School in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. The collected and analyzed data included performances on Mandarin vocabulary, in-class observation, questionnaires, and interview. In Mandarin vocabulary performances, the experimental group 2 outperformed the other two groups and the experimental group 1 performed better than the control group. In the students’ attitude, the experimental group 2 behaved more positively than the two other groups, and the control group behaved more positively than the experimental group 1.

  10. Astro Tourism in Chile | CTIO (United States)

    Program PIA Program GO-FAAR Program Other Opportunities Tourism Visits to Tololo Astro tourism in Chile Tourism in Chile Information for travelers Visit Tololo Media Relations News Press Release Publications ‹› You are here CTIO Home » Outreach » Tourism » Astro Tourism in Chile Astro Tourism in

  11. Integración de criterios de desempeños en el mejoramiento energético-ambiental de viviendas sociales existentes en Chile

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    Paulina Wegertseder Martínez

    Full Text Available En Chile, 75% del parque habitacional existente fue construido sin consideraciones energéticas-ambientales, convirtiéndose en altos consumidores de energía. Hoy existen medidas de mejoramiento energético para viviendas existentes, pero éstas solo consideran algunos desempeños con implicancia en la demanda energética, siendo cada uno mejorado de manera independiente, sin considerar la relación y el efecto que conllevan al estar integrados. Esta investigación propone cubrir una brecha de conocimiento, de cómo diferentes criterios de desempeños actúan integralmente en el mejoramiento energético-ambiental de una vivienda. Actualmente se carece de tal conocimiento, que bajo la filosofía prestacional, genera diversas estrategias de mejoramiento para objetivos de desempeños en climas templados: Confort Térmico, Eficiencia Energética por Calefacción y Calidad del Aire Interior. Se somete un caso de estudio en el centro-sur de Chile, a un diagnostico post-ocupacional (monitorizaciones, simulaciones dinámicas y encuestas de percepción, para establecer criterios de desempeños, cuya relevancia e interdependencia se analiza mediante un estudio multifactorial. Se concluye que para alcanzar dichos objetivos es implícito mejorar la vivienda bajo la integración de criterios como: aumento de hermeticidad al aire, disminución del valor de transmitancia térmico y entrega del caudal de ventilación mínimo; siempre en una solución holística y no aislada.

  12. Consideraciones básicas en la auditoría de estados financieros


    Gil, Miriam


    El objetivo de este trabajo es presentar las consideraciones básicas que se deben cumplir en la realización de una auditoría de estados financieros. Se destacan las fases que enmarcan el trabajo del auditor, partiendo de la definición de auditoría, su objetivo y la aplicación de las Normas Internacionales de Auditoría (NIAs). En conclusión, todo contador público que se dedique al trabajo de auditoría, debe cumplir cada una de las fases, de manera que pueda emitir su dictamen, que pue...


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    Bexy Alfonso Espinosa


    Full Text Available



    Las consideraciones que en el presente trabajo se reflejan están enfocadas a enfatizar la importancia y necesidad de la aplicación de técnicas de verificación como las inspecciones de software, en la industria de software. Especialmente si de pequeñas y medianas empresas se trata pues en ellas recae la responsabilidad de lograr una industria de software de excelencia y con la calidad requerida en países en vías de desarrollo. Se analizan además, una serie de autores y las investigaciones que han realizado relativas a la concepción del proceso de inspección de software y los recursos y personal que deben tenerse en cuenta para ello.

  14. Modernitet og forbrugskultur i Chile

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Cristoffanini, Pablo Rolando


    I de sidste årtier er Chile blevet et egentligt forbrugersamfund. Udbredelsen af forbrugskulturen og forbrugerismen er centrale fænomener i chilenernes dagligliv og har nået et omfang, som har konsekvenser for de borgere, der ikke kan deltage fuldt ud heri, noget som er typisk for et samfund med en...... ujævn økonomisk udvikling og med store sociale forskelle. Denne proces er ikke et produkt af en stille, fredelig og naturlig samfundsudvikling, således som magteliten og de toneangivende intellektuelle i Chile har fremstillet det. Som jeg vil vise, er skabelsen af et egentlig forbrugssamfund knyttet til...... til i dag. Ifølge disse er Chile blevet et moderne samfund netop i kraft af, at Chile er et ægte forbrugersamfund med alt, hvad dette indebærer, såvel materielt som symbolsk. For det tredje er billedet af Chile som en ”supermoderne” nation i den latinamerikanske kontekst en udbredt forestilling hos...

  15. conelchilenoresistentearte, Solidaridad: Chile Vive, una Exposición en España contra el Chile Dictatorial withthechileanresistantart, Solidarity: Chile Vive, an Exposition in Spain against the Dictatorial Chile

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    Francisco Godoy


    Full Text Available En 1987 se realiza en Madrid Chile Vive, megaexposición que incluye diferentes manifestaciones artísticas para dar cuenta de la vitalidad cultural de Chile en dictadura. El ensayo, partiendo de una discusión conceptual sobre el problema de la exposición de arte latinoamericano en el extranjero, analiza la configuración de esta exposición, centrándose en las artes visuales como alineación unitaria de un discurso político de país, además de examinar su repercusión en la prensa española de la época. Por otro lado, reflexiona sobre las inclusiones y exclusiones de artistas y las proyecciones de Chile Vive en el problema de la exposición del arte chileno en el extranjero, particularmente el de un periodo tan complejo como el producido durante la dictadura militar.In 1987, Chile Vive, a mega-exhibition that included different artistic expressions, was performed in Madrid to inform people about the cultural vitality of Chile during their dictatorship. This essay will focus on a conceptual discussion about the problem of Latin American art exhibitions abroad. It will analyze the configuration of the mentioned exhibition, focusing on visual arts as a unitary alignment of a political discourse of nation. The text will also examine the repercussion in the Media of Spain in that period of time. On the other hand, the article will develop some thoughts on the artists incorporations, exclusions and projections of Chile Vive, focusing on why the exhibition of Chilean art abroad might be problematic, particularly the ones that belongs to this complex period of time; the military dictatorship.

  16. Capital social: consideraciones metódicas-conceptuales del rol de las comunidades locales


    Comparato, Gabriel Joaquín


    En un contexto de debate en torno a liberalización de los servicios en términos multilaterales, al papel de de la globalización y su efecto en el desarrollo local, al respeto y cuidado medioambiental e incluso en la redefinición de lo que hoy concebimos por desarrollo, el presente trabajo buscará formular unas consideraciones de tipo metodológicas y conceptuales a la hora de abordar el capital social en torno a la actividad turística. Todo ello, con el objeto de analizar y profundizar sobre e...

  17. Consideraciones psicológicas en la valoración educativa de la discapacidad intelectual


    Luque Parra, Diego Jesús


    En este artículo se trata de hacer una revisión sobre la evaluación psicológica de la discapacidad intelectual, como discapacidad caracterizada por limitaciones en el funcionamiento intelectual y en la conducta adaptativa, que se manifiesta en habilidades adaptativas conceptuales, sociales y prácticas. Se hace un acercamiento a su valoración interdisciplinar en un ámbito educativo, tratándose la evaluación de esas capacidades, concluyendo en consideraciones generales para la intervención psic...

  18. Algunas consideraciones acerca del retraso mental y su conceptualización. Retos para la prevención pedagógica y social

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    Martín Martín Cala


    Full Text Available Se ofrecen consideraciones críticas acerca del retraso mental y su conceptualización, refiriéndose los primeros estudios científicos realizados al respecto y a través de la historia.

  19. Registro nuevo de Amphipyrinae en Chile A new record of Amphipyrinae from Chile

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    Tania S. Olivares


    Full Text Available Se registra por primera vez en Chile la especie Agrotisia subhyalina Hampson, entre las latitudes 18° 29' S 70° 20' O hasta 29° 54' S 71° 16' O (I-IV regiones en Chile. Se redescriben los genitales del macho y de la hembra y se presentan algunos aspectos taxonómicos de la especie.The species Agrotisia subhyalina Hampson is recorded for the first time from Chile (18° 29' S 70° 20' W to 29° 54' S 71° 16' W, I to IV Chilean regions. Redescriptions of male and female are presented, along with some taxonomic aspects of the species.

  20. Current Discussions Between ESO and Chile (United States)


    [Joint Press Release by the Government of the Republic of Chile and the European Southern Observatory. The text is issued simultaneously in Santiago de Chile (in Spanish) and at the ESO Headquarters in Garching (in English).] Today, Tuesday, 18 April 1995, at the ESO Headquarters in Garching (Germany), Mr. Roberto Cifuentes, Plenipotentiary Ambassador representing the Government of the Republic of Chile, and the Director General of the European Southern Observatory, Professor Riccardo Giacconi, have signed a Supplementary, Interpretative and Amending Agreement to the Convention of 6 November 1963 which governs the relations between Chile and this International Organisation. This Agreement which in practice signifies a widening and strengthening of the cooperative relations between the Organisation and the Chilean scientific community will hereafter be submitted for ratification by the National Congress of the Republic of Chile (the Parliament) and by the ESO Council. According to the Agreement signed today, Chilean astronomers will have privileged access within up to 10 percent observing time on all present and future ESO telescopes in Chile. Moreover, ESO accepts to incorporate into its labour regulations for Chilean personnel concepts like freedom of association and collective bargaining. This signing of the Supplementary, Interpretative and Amending Agreement to the original Convention of 1963 follows after months of constructive dialogue between the parties. It constitutes an important step towards a solution of some of the pending points on the current agenda for discussions between the Government of Chile and ESO. Among the issues still pending, ESO has informed the Government of Chile that respect for its immunities by the Chilean State is of vital importance for the continuation of the construction of the world's largest telescope at Paranal, as well as the continued presence of the Organisation in Chile. The Chilean Government, on its side, and concerning

  1. Consideraciones sobre el fracaso escolar

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    Dora Laino


    Full Text Available En lo que respecta al fracaso escolar, el texto formula algunas consideraciones desde una aproximación conceptual que procura dar cuenta de los rasgos distintivos del aprendizaje de cada sujeto humano, en especial desde una psicosociología de los procesos cognoscentes que sustente las prácticas profesionales de una clínica del aprender. El reconocimiento que hagan de una criatura sus familiares más cercanos, sus educadores, sus compañeros, condiciona la construcción de su éxito o fracaso escolar. A partir de la comunicación intersubjetiva entablada entre adultos significativos e infantes, púberes o adolescentes (ya sea entre padres e hijos como entre docentes y alumnos se producen inscripciones inconscientes estructurantes de la subjetividad como de los esquemas de acción intelectual y de los habitus sociales de los aprendientes. No es el niño quien define las relaciones educativas en las que se ve involucrado. Tampoco, y por razones análogas, es el único responsable de los esquemas y habitus que construye en su historia vital, ni mucho menos de la graduación de los contenidos que le proponen para realizar sus aprendizajes. El entendimiento que logre en cada situación dependerá de la inteligibilidad, de la subjetividad, de la sociabilidad y de la corporalidad disponibles, como rasgos distintivos de sus posibilidades para aprender, en ese momento de su trayectoria vital.

  2. Internationalization of SMES: business opportunities in Chile


    Correia, João Filipe Amado


    The main goal of this study is to identify the main business opportunities in Chile, legal advantages in the business perspective and entry strategies for small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs). The methodology used was qualitative, by conducting several interviews with chamber of commerce representative from Portugal in Chile and Chile in Portugal, several young entrepreneurs from different nations operating in Chile, the CEO of a Spanish company that decided to not internationalize to...

  3. Consideraciones sobre ética, derecho y ambiente

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    Pierre Foy Valencia


    Full Text Available El presente ensayo aborda la importancia que progresivamente está adquiriendo la ética ambiental en relación con las variadas formas del ejercicio contemporáneo del Derecho, así como de sus diversificadas áreas o especialidades y, por cierto, en particular respecto del Derecho Ambiental. Para ello, en primer lugar, identificaremos conceptualmente el escenario y el proceso de la ética ambiental como presupuesto condicionante que impacta en los múltiples mecanismos de actuación social —léase la política, la economía, la educación, los sistemas jurídicos, entre otros—.2 Luego, estableceremos algunas premisas sobre la responsabilidad profesional en particular del abogado y cómo estas deberían ser integradas en una perspectiva ético-ambiental o, si se quiere, basadas en una ética de la sostenibilidad. Finalmente, interpretaremos cómo tales consideraciones debieran articularse con el ejercicio de las disciplinas jurídicas, en especial con el Derecho Ambiental, enfatizando la cuestión de la corrupción con la preocupación ambiental.

  4. Rule of Repression in Chile. (United States)

    American Indian Journal, 1979


    This report on the current condition of the Mapuche Indians of Chile is edited from a document on the "Situation of Human Rights in Chile" and details the repressive and inhumane treatment of the largest indigenous ethnic minority in the country. (Author/RTS)

  5. Costo de un sistema de atención de adultos mayores dependientes en Chile, 2012 - 2020

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    Mauricio Matus-López


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Obtener una estimación de los costos relativo y absoluto de un sistema de atención domiciliaria para los adultos mayores dependientes en Chile y reflexionar sobre las consideraciones metodológicas a tener en cuenta en estimaciones para otros modelos en otros países. MÉTODOS: Se utilizaron tasas de prevalencia por sexo y edad con base en los microdatos de la Encuesta Nacional de Dependencia (ENDPM 2009 y se proyectaron tres escenarios para 2012 - 2020. Se estimó la población beneficiaria y la demanda de 12 programas de servicios de atención domiciliaria. Las características de los programas, en horas y tipo de atención se obtuvieron del juicio de expertos, ajustados por la revisión bibliográfica. Se utilizaron salarios/hora del sistema público y privado. RESULTADOS: Entre los mayores de 65 años, 20,3% sería beneficiario del sistema; 21,7% sobre el total de mujeres y 18,4% sobre el total de hombres. Su número asciende a 336 874 personas para 2012. El costo anual del sistema alcanza los 1 214 millones de dólares para 2012. Esto equivale a 0,45% del PIB (producto interior bruto, que se podría incrementar entre 32,1% y 33,1% hasta 2020. CONCLUSIONES: El costo de un sistema inicial para adultos mayores dependientes en Chile es relativamente bajo en comparación con los modelos de los países industrializados. En términos metodológicos, se destaca la importancia de la discusión previa sobre el tipo de modelo que se desee implementar y las posibilidades financieras de llevarlo a cabo. Además, se valida la opción de utilizar juicios de expertos para la evaluación, aunque se aconseja ampliarla.

  6. Consideraciones sobre los conceptos de nación y colonia en la independencia de la India

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    Saurabh Dube


    Full Text Available Este artículo pone en perspectiva algunos enfoques novedosos para el estudio crítico de los conceptos de nación, imperio e historia. En primer lugar, se realiza una discusión alrededor de los conceptos clave para el estudio de la nación y el nacionalismo –por lo tanto, del Estado y la modernidad– surgidos de los estudios sobre la India. En segundo lugar, el artículo examina cómo dichos “desarrollos conceptuales” están vinculados, en las investigaciones académicas sobre la región, a consideraciones cruciales sobre el colonialismo y el imperio. En tercer lugar, se mira “hacia atrás” para enfocarse en los fascinantes atributos de las formaciones nacionalistas y explorar, con mayor detalle, los términos, texturas y transformaciones de los nacionalismos subalternos en el subcontinente. En cuarto lugar, el trabajo resalta las implicaciones más importantes de los enfoques antes revisados, para ofrecer una perspectiva novedosa en cuanto a la naturaleza de la escritura de la historia. Finalmente aparecen, en lugar de conclusiones, algunas consideraciones relacionadas a la manera en que se podría abordar, históricamente, la construcción de la descolonización y del nacionalismo, a futuro.

  7. Wildfires in Chile: A review (United States)

    Úbeda, Xavier; Sarricolea, Pablo


    This paper reviews the literature examining the wildfire phenomenon in Chile. Since ancient times, Chile's wildfires have shaped the country's landscape, but today, as in many other parts of the world, the fire regime - pattern, frequency and intensity - has grown at an alarming rate. In 2014, > 8000 fires were responsible for burning c. 130,000 ha, making it the worst year in Chile's recent history. The reasons for this increase appear to be the increment in the area planted with flammable species; the rejection of these landscape modifications on the part of local communities that target these plantations in arson attacks; and, the adoption of intensive forest management practices resulting in the accumulation of a high fuel load. These trends have left many native species in a precarious situation and forest plantation companies under considerable financial pressure. An additional problem is posed by fires at the wildland urban interface (WUI), threatening those inhabitants that live in Chile's most heavily populated cities. The prevalence of natural fires in Chile; the relationship between certain plant species and fire in terms of seed germination strategies and plant adaptation; the relationship between fire and invasive species; and, the need for fire prevention systems and territorial plans that include fire risk assessments are some of the key aspects discussed in this article. Several of the questions raised will require further research, including just how fire-dependent the ecosystems in Chile are, how the forest at the WUI can be better managed to prevent human and material damage, and how best to address the social controversy that pits the Mapuche population against the timber companies.

  8. Algunas consideraciones generales acerca de la etiología del autismo: factores innatos y ambientales


    Abal, Mauricio


    El presente trabajo se enmarca en el proyecto de investigación denominado “Las variedades del autismo: Sistematización y Evaluación de la Demanda Asistencial. Segunda Etapa” (2015-2017), acreditado y subsidiado por el Programa de Incentivos a la Investigación, UNLP, Dir. Lic. María Cristina Piro. En líneas generales pretende repasar algunas (y sólo algunas) de las consideraciones más sobresalientes sobre el autismo, las hipótesis etiológicas y sus implicancias a la hora de un abordaje tera...

  9. Chile Energy Policy Review 2009

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    Since 1990, Chile has been the fastest growing economy in Latin America thanks to sound economic management and integration into the global economy. Chile can also be proud of its energy policy achievements. The pioneering privatisation and liberalisation of its electricity sector in the 1980s was the foundation for a competitive energy sector, which has sustained the rapid growth of the Chilean economy over the past two decades. Nonetheless, Chile faces the continuing challenge of finding additional energy supplies to fuel economic growth. Chile has limited fossil energy resources and depends on imports to meet three-quarters of its energy needs. The country's electricity sector has faced three periods of significant stress over the past decade. The last episode took place in 2007/2008, when the loss of natural gas imports from Argentina was further exacerbated by a drought in the central system, where hydropower normally accounts for over half of electricity generation. Drawing on the experience of IEA member countries, the Review assesses Chile's major energy challenges and provides recommendations. Six main themes emerge: the successful liberalisation of the power sector in the 1980s; the essential role played by the state in ensuring energy security; the re-formulation of Chile's long-term energy policy; the proposed reorganisation of the institutional framework; greater independence for the system operators; and the need for a clear framework of regulation so that long-term investment decisions integrate social and environmental costs. This publication is essential reading for all who are interested in Chilean energy issues and in learning about the important role sound energy policy can play in developing a nation's economic and social welfare.

  10. Vnější ekonomické vztahy Chile


    Horáková, Anna


    Práce se zabývá vnějšími ekonomickými vztahy Chile. V první části je charakterizována ekonomika Chile. V druhé části je zmapován vývoj obchodní politiky Chile a zapojování Chile do ekonomické integrace. Poslední kapitola nejprve analyzuje vývoj obchodu Chile, ilustruje problém jednostranného zaměření chilského exportu a analyzuje obchodní vztahy s EU, USA a Čínou. Následně jsou naznačeny nové ?role? Chile ve vztahu ke světovému obchodu.

  11. Cáncer de colon recurrente: consideraciones actuales Recurrent colon cancer: present considerations

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    Zenén Rodríguez Fernández


    Full Text Available El cáncer colorrectal se considera la neoplasia más frecuente de este siglo y su morbilidad y mortalidad llevan un ritmo ascendente. Se presenta una revisión de las consideraciones actuales más relevantes, referidas a los tipos histológicos, pronósticos, tratamiento quirúrgico convencional y videolaparoscópico, terapia génica, seguimiento posoperatorio, prevención y tratamiento de dichos tumores.Colorectal cancer is considered the most frequent neoplasia of this century and its morbidity and mortality show an ascending rhythm. A review of the most significant current considerations regarding the histological, prognostic, conventional and videolaparoscopic treatment, gene therapy, postoperative follow-up, prevention and treatment of such tumors is presented

  12. [Papillomavirus and cervical cancer in Chile]. (United States)

    O'Ryan, Miguel; Valenzuela, María Teresa


    Molecular, clinical and epidemiological studies have established beyond doubt that human papiloma viruses (HPV) cause cervical cancer. The virus is also associated with genital warts and other less common cancers in oropharynx, vulva, vagina and penis. Worldwide, VPH genotypes 16 and 18 are the most common high risk genotypes, detected in near 70% of women with cervical cancer. The discovery of a cause-effect relationship between several carcinogenic microorganisms and cancer open avenues for new diagnostic, treatment and prevention strategies. In this issue of Revista Médica de Chile, two papers on HPV are presented. Guzman and colleagues demonstrate that HPV can be detected in 66% to 77% of healthy male adolescents bypolymerase chain reaction and that positivity depends on the site of the penis that is sampled. These results support the role of male to female transmission of high risk HPVs in Chile and should lead to even more active educational campaigns. The second paper provides recommendations for HPV vaccine use in Chile, generated by the Immunization Advisory Committee of the Chilean Infectious Disease Society. To issue these recommendations, the Committee analyzes the epidemiological information available on HPV infection and cervical cancer in Chile, vaccine safety and effectiveness data, and describes cost-effectiveness studies. Taking into account that universal vaccination is controversial, the Committee favors vaccine use in Chile and it's incorporation into a national program. However, there is an indication that the country requires the implementation of an integrated surveillance approach including cross matching of data obtained from HPV genotype surveillance, monitoring of vaccination coverage, and surveillance of cervical cancer. The final decision of universal vaccine use in Chile should be based on a through analysis of information.ev Mid Chile

  13. Chile: Civil-Military Relations and Democratic Consolidation (United States)


    Publishers, 1992), 41. 26 Javier Martinez and Alvaro Diaz , Chile The Great Transformation (Harrisonburg, Virginia: The Brookings Institution, 1996...the world economy, by means of technological advancements, makes it necessary to reduce 32 Javier Martinez and Alvaro Diaz , Chile the Great...disapproves the executive’s budget. There is no 60 Alicia Frohman, "Chile: External Actors and the Transition to Democracy," in Beyond Sovereignty

  14. Zahraničně obchodní politika Chile


    Horáková, Anna


    The Diploma thesis focuses on foreign trade policy of Chile. The first part is a brief summary of socio-economic characteristics of the country. The following section deals with the individual strategies in the approach to foreign trade policy applied in Chile since independence to the present. It exams the determinants of changes in foreign trade policy of Chile and monitors changes in territorial and commodity structure of the foreign trade of Chile. In the final section assesses the curren...

  15. Primary Medical Care in Chile

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Scarpaci, Joseph L.

    Primary medical care in Chile: accessibility under military rule [Front Cover] [Front Matter] [Title Page] Contents Tables Figures Preface Chapter 1: Introduction Chapter 2: The Restructuring of Medical Care Financing in Chile Chapter 3: Inflation and Medical Care Accessibility Chapter 4: Help......-Seeking Behavior of the Urban Poor Chapter 5: Spatial Organization and Medical Care Accessibility Chapter 6: Conclusion...

  16. Copper Bioleaching in Chile


    Juan Carlos Gentina; Fernando Acevedo


    Chile has a great tradition of producing and exporting copper. Over the last several decades, it has become the first producer on an international level. Its copper reserves are also the most important on the planet. However, after years of mineral exploitation, the ease of extracting copper oxides and ore copper content has diminished. To keep the production level high, the introduction of new technologies has become necessary. One that has been successful is bioleaching. Chile had the first...

  17. Parasites of the Green-backed Firecrown (Sephanoides sephaniodes in Chile Parásitos del picaflor chico (Sephanoides sephaniodes en Chile

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    Daniel González-Acuña


    Full Text Available Gastrointestinal and external parasites from 12 Green-backed Firecrown (Sephanoides sephaniodes were collected between January 2004 and December 2008 from the Biobío Region south-central Chile and Santiago (central Chile. Helminths collected included 1 trematode species (Mosesia sp. and 1 cestode species (Hymenolepis trinidadensis. The mite Proctophyllodes huitzilopchtlii was the only ectoparasite species found. All these parasites represent new records for Chile and the first parasites reported for this host species.Se recolectaron parásitos internos (gastrointestinales y externos de 12 picaflores (Sephanoides sephaniodes entre enero del 2004 y diciembre del 2008, de la región del Biobío en el centro-sur de Chile y en Santiago, en la región central de Chile. Los helmintos recolectados incluyeron 1 especie de trematodo (Mosesia sp. y 1 de cestodo (Hymenolepis trinidadensis. Únicamente se encontró 1 especie de ectoparásito, el ácaro Proctophyllodes huitzilopchtlii. Todos los parásitos mencionados representan nuevos registros para Chile y se registran por primera vez para este hospedero.

  18. Chile; Staff Report for the 2003 Article IV Consultation


    International Monetary Fund


    Chile has successfully resisted contagion from neighboring countries difficulties. Chile's inflation targeting framework has successfully anchored inflation expectations and increased the economy's resilience to external shocks while maintaining price stability. The floating exchange rate regime is an essential part of the macroeconomic policy framework and continues to serve Chile well. The interest in recapitalizing the central bank is welcomed. Executive Directors commend Chile for the tra...

  19. Where Do Mexico and Chile Stand on Inclusive Education? Short Title: Inclusion in Mexico and Chile (United States)

    García-Cedillo, Ismael; Romero-Contreras, Silvia; Ramos-Abadie, Liliana


    This paper discusses the background, current situation and challenges of educational integration and inclusive education in Mexico and Chile. These countries obtained similar low results on the academic achievement of their students (Mexico last and Chile second last) among OECD countries; and above average scores, among Latin-American countries.…

  20. Radioactive wastes management development in Chile

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mir, S.A.; Cruz, P.F.; Rivera, J.D.; Jorquera, O.H.


    A Facility for immobilizing and conditioning of radioactive wastes generated in Chile, has recently started in operation. It is a Radioactive Wastes Treatment Plant, RWTP, whose owner is Comision Chilena de Energia Nuclear, CCHEN. A Storgement Building of Conditioned Wastes accomplishes the facility for medium and low level activity wastes. The Project has been carried with participation of chilean professionals at CCHEN and Technical Assistance of International Atomic Energy Agency, IAEA. Processes developed are volume reduction by compaction; immobilization by cementation and conditioning. Equipment has been selected to process radioactive wastes into a 200 liters drum, in which wastes are definitively conditioned, avoiding exposition and contamination risks. The Plant has capacity to treat low and medium activity radioactive wastes produced in Chile due to Reactor Experimental No. 1 operation, and annex Laboratories in Nuclear Research Centers, as also those produced by users of nuclear techniques in Industries, Hospitals, Research Centers and Universities, in the whole country. With the infrastructure developed in Chile, a centralization of Radioactive Wastes Management activities is achieved. A data base system helps to control and register radioactive wastes arising in Chile. Generation of radioactive wastes in Chile, has found solution for the present production and that of near future

  1. The biomethane potential in Chile

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Seiffert, M.; Kaltschmitt, M.; Miranda, J.A.


    Within the last decade natural gas gained considerable importance in Chile. The contribution of natural gas within the energy system will increase in the future by predicted 3.6% annually until the year 2015. Due to limited resources within its own country, the energy system of Chile depends on natural gas imports preferential from Argentina. Therefore, the aim of several stakeholders from policy and industry is to reduce the share of imported primary energy within the overall energy system. In order to reach this goal, the use of domestic resources and particularly the utilisation of biomass as one of the most important renewable sources of energy in Chile could play an important role. Against this background, the goal of this paper is the analysis of the technical potentials of biomethane as a substitute for natural gas. For the production of biomethane the anaerobic or bio-chemical (i.e. Biogas) as well as the thermo-chemical conversion pathways (i.e. Bio-SNG) are considered. The results of this analysis show that biomass converted to biomethane is a promising energy provision option for Chile and it contributes to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions

  2. Algunas consideraciones sobre el uso de la prueba de Mc Nemar en las intervenciones educativas

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Irlán Amaro Guerra


    Full Text Available En este artículo se exponen algunas consideraciones acerca del empleo de la prueba de Mc Nemar en las intervenciones educativas, así como de los elementos que se deben tener en cuenta para su cálculo y correcta aplicación, dado que el sesgo de confusión constituye uno de los errores que con mayor frecuencia se observan en las investigaciones biomédicas, específicamente en la presentación y el análisis de la información en el mencionado diseño de estudio.

  3. Retail Bank Interest Rate Pass-Through; Is Chile Atypical?


    Alessandro Rebucci; Marco A Espinosa-Vega


    This paper investigates empirically the pass-through of money market interest rates to retail banking interest rates in Chile, the United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and five European countries. Overall, Chile's pass-through does not appear atypical. Based on a standard error-correction model, we find that, as in most countries considered, Chile's measured pass-through is incomplete. But Chile's pass-through is also faster than in many other countries considered and is comparable ...

  4. Socioeconomic determinants of disability in Chile. (United States)

    Zitko Melo, Pedro; Cabieses Valdes, Báltica


    Disability is a worldwide public health priority. A shift from a biomedical perspective of dysfunction to a broader social understanding of disability has been proposed. Among many different social factors described in the past, socioeconomic position remains as a key multidimensional determinant of health. The study goal was to analyze the relationship between disability and different domains of socioeconomic position in Chile. Cross-sectional analysis of an anonymized population-based survey conducted in Chile in 2006. Any disability (dichotomous variable) and 6 different types of disability were analyzed on the bases of their relationship with income quintiles, occupational status, educational level, and material living standards (quality of the housing, overcrowding rate and sanitary conditions). Confounding and interaction effects were explored using R statistical program. Income, education, occupation, and material measures of socioeconomic position, along with some sociodemographic characteristics of the population, were independently associated with the chance of being disabled in Chile. Interestingly, classic measures of socioeconomic position (income, education, and occupation) were consistently associated with any disability in Chile, whereas material living conditions were partially confounded by these classic measures. In addition to this, each type of disability showed a particular pattern of related social determinants, which also varied by age group. This study contributed to the understanding of disability in Chile and how different domains of socioeconomic position might be associated with this prevalent condition. Disability remains a complex multidimensional public health problem in Chile that requires the inclusion of a wide range of risk factors, of which socioeconomic position is particularly relevant. Copyright © 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  5. [Beginning of the Microbiology education in Chile: formation centers]. (United States)

    Osorio, Carlos


    The first Chair of Microbiology in Chile was created in the School of Medicine of the Cañadilla at the University of Chile in 1892. Dr. Alejandro del Río Soto Aguilar was its first Professor. For almost three decades it was the only educational center for microbiologists in Chile. Among them were the first Professors of the new School of Medicine of the Catholic University of Chile and of the University of Concepción.

  6. El proceso emprendedor en Chile


    José Miguel Benavente


    Este estudio analiza los factores que afectan en forma positiva y negativa el proceso de creación de emprendimientos dinámicos en Chile. Se basa en una encuesta a 200 empresas jóvenes, la cual es parte de una muestra de casi 2000 empresas de América Latina. El presente estudio se enfoca básicamente en el segmento de nuevos emprendimientos existentes en Chile.

  7. Los mitos griegos y la Hispania antigua : consideraciones metodológicas

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    José Carlos Bermejo Barrera


    Full Text Available El estudio de la difusión de la mitología griega a lo largo de la historia de la Hispania antigua debe llevarse a cabo con suma precaución, puesto que es muy fácil caer en alguna de las múltiples trampas que un devenir histórico muy complejo suele ir poniendo continuamente a nuestro paso. El problema no se reduce solamente a la escasez de las fuentes, que no nos permiten seguir las cronologías y las trayectorias de la difusión de estos mitos, sino que también se debe a la confusión metodológica que a veces reina en la mente de algunos historiadores. Por ello, con el fin de evitar este tipo de confusión, será necesario establecer de forma preliminar algunas consideraciones de método.

  8. The current situation for gastric cancer in Chile. (United States)

    Caglevic, Christian; Silva, Shirley; Mahave, Mauricio; Rolfo, Christian; Gallardo, Jorge


    Gastric cancer is a neoplasm with a high incidence and mortality rate in Chile where more than 3000 people die every year from this type of cancer. This study shows the clinical and epidemiological considerations of this disease, information about translational research on this pathology in Chile, the contribution of Chilean doctors to the development of gastric cancer management awareness and the general situation of gastric cancer in Chile.

  9. Rising Expectations in Brazil and Chile (United States)

    Elacqua, Gregory; Alves, Fatima


    Two themes connect Brazil and Chile: one is economic success; the other is social unrest. Protests rocked cities across Brazil in June 2013, and in Chile, recent student protests turned violent. Yet living conditions in both nations are better now than they've ever been. Successful economic and social reforms over the last two decades have led to…

  10. IDRC in Chile

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    occupied by Morocco). SENEGAL. GUINEA BISSAU. CHILE. Santiago. %. 0. 300 km. ARGENTINA. BOLIVIA. PERU. Arica. Punta Arenas . Puerto Montt . South. Pacific. Ocean. South. Atlantic. Ocean. Antofagasta. Coquimbo. Valparaiso. Concepcíon.

  11. ESO and Chile: 10 Years of Productive Scientific Collaboration (United States)


    ESO and the Government of Chile launched today the book "10 Years Exploring the Universe", written by the beneficiaries of the ESO-Chile Joint Committee. This annual fund provides grants for individual Chilean scientists, research infrastructures, scientific congresses, workshops for science teachers and astronomy outreach programmes for the public. In a ceremony held in Santiago on 19 June 2006, the European Organisation for Astronomical Research in the Southern Hemisphere (ESO) and the Chilean Ministry of Foreign Affairs marked the 10th Anniversary of the Supplementary Agreement, which granted to Chilean astronomers up to 10 percent of the total observing time on ESO telescopes. This agreement also established an annual fund for the development of astronomy, managed by the so-called "ESO-Chile Joint Committee". ESO PR Photo 21/06 ESO PR Photo 21/06 Ten Years ESO-Chile Agreement Ceremony The celebration event was hosted by ESO Director General, Dr. Catherine Cesarsky, and the Director of Special Policy for the Chilean Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ambassador Luis Winter. "ESO's commitment is, and always will be, to promote astronomy and scientific knowledge in the country hosting our observatories", said ESO Director General, Dr. Catherine Cesarsky. "We hope Chile and Europe will continue with great achievements in this fascinating joint adventure, the exploration of the universe." On behalf of the Government of Chile, Ambassador Luis Winter outlined the historical importance of the Supplementary Agreement, ratified by the Chilean Congress in 1996. "Such is the magnitude of ESO-Chile Joint Committee that, only in 2005, this annual fund represented 8 percent of all financing sources for Chilean astronomy, including those from Government and universities", Ambassador Winter said. The ESO Representative and Head of Science in Chile, Dr. Felix Mirabel, and the appointed Chilean astronomer for the ESO-Chile Joint Committee, Dr. Leonardo Bronfman, also took part in the

  12. Checklist, diversity and distribution of testate amoebae in Chile. (United States)

    Fernández, Leonardo D; Lara, Enrique; Mitchell, Edward A D


    Bringing together more than 170 years of data, this study represents the first attempt to construct a species checklist and analyze the diversity and distribution of testate amoebae in Chile, a country that encompasses the southwestern region of South America, countless islands and part of the Antarctic. In Chile, known diversity includes 416 testate amoeba taxa (64 genera, 352 infrageneric taxa), 24 of which are here reported for the first time. Species-accumulation plots show that in Chile, the number of testate amoeba species reported has been continually increasing since the mid-19th century without leveling off. Testate amoebae have been recorded in 37 different habitats, though they are more diverse in peatlands and rainforest soils. Only 11% of species are widespread in continental Chile, while the remaining 89% of the species exhibit medium or short latitudinal distribution ranges. Also, species composition of insular Chile and the Chilean Antarctic territory is a depauperated subset of that found in continental Chile. Nearly, the 10% of the species reported here are endemic to Chile and many of them are distributed only within the so-called Chilean biodiversity hotspot (ca. 25° S-47° S). These findings are here thoroughly discussed in a biogeographical and evolutionary context. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.

  13. Chile: los mapuches y el Bicentenario Chile: Mapuches e do Bicentenario Chile: Mapuche and the Bicentennial

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    José Bengoa


    Full Text Available El Bicentenario de la República de Chile se conmemoró en el mes de septiembre del año 2010. Además de marcar un importante hito histórico, coincidió con un cambio político en el Gobierno del país, el que pasó de la Concertación de Partidos por la Democracia a la Alianza de partidos formada por la derecha chilena. Se cumplieron por tanto 20 años desde que en el año 1990 cambiara el Gobierno militar presidido por el general Pinochet. Ese largo tiempo, dos décadas, coincide con un período de políticas que el Estado ha implementado hacia los Pueblos Indígenas. El Proyecto “Conmemoraciones y Memorias Subalternas” ha realizado durante el año 2010 un conjunto de investigaciones de terreno y documentales tendientes a comprender del modo más objetivo y científico lo ocurrido en el período y por tanto la situación actual de las sociedades mapuches en sus complejas relaciones con la chilena.O Bicentenario da República do Chile comemorou-se no mês de Setembro do ano 2010. Junto com transformar-se num marco histórico, coincidiu com uma mudança política no Governo do país, que passou da Concertação de Partidos pela Democracia (centro-esquerda à Aliança de partidos formada pela direita chilena. Cumpriram-se por tanto 20 anos desde que em 1990 mudasse o Governo militar presidido pelo general Pinochet. Esse longo tempo, duas décadas, coincide com um período de políticas que o Estado implementou para com os Povos Indígenas. O Projeto “Comemorações e Memórias Subalternas” realizou durante o ano 2010 um conjunto de pesquisas de campo e documentais tendentes a compreender do modo mais objetivo e científico o ocorrido no período e, por tanto, a situação atual das sociedades mapuches em suas complexas relações com a chilena.The conmeration of the 200 years of the Independence of Chile was in September 2010. This year was also the political change from the Concertación de Partidos por la Democracia to the right

  14. Central Chile (United States)


    The beginning of spring in central Chile looked like this to SeaWiFS. The snow-covered Andes mark the country's eastern border, and phytoplankton blooms and river sediment plumes fill the waters off its west coast. A large eddy due west of Concepcion is highlighted by the phytoplankton it contains.

  15. Studies to Control Endemic Typhoid Fever in Chile (United States)


    Bol. Inst. Bacteriol. Chile 1976; 18:33-37. 30. Escaff, M, Urbina, A, Mary, J. Contaminacion de repollos regados con aguas servidas. Agricultura...Tecnica 1979; 39:59-62. - 31. Lobos, H, Greive, R, Quijada, M, Brandt, H. Pesquisa del genero Vibrio en aguas servidas. Bol. Inst. Bact. Chile 1974; 16:40...REPORT #2 0") STUDIES TO CONTROL ENDEMIC TYPHOID N FEVER IN CHILE 0) ANNUAL REPORT U’ Contract Period 1/1/82-12/31/82 • I REPORT PREPARED BY: L

  16. Expedition Atacama - project AMOS in Chile (United States)

    Tóth, J.; Kaniansky, S.


    The Slovak Video Meteor Network operates since 2009 (Tóth et al., 2011). It currently consists of four semi-automated all-sky video cameras, developed at the Astronomical Observatory in Modra, Comenius University in Bratislava, Slovakia. Two new generations of AMOS (All-sky Meteor Orbit System) cameras operate fully automatically at the Canary Islands, Tenerife and La Palma, since March 2015 (Tóth et al., 2015). As a logical step, we plan to cover the southern hemisphere from Chile. We present observational experiences in meteor astronomy from the Atacama Desert and other astronomical sites in Chile. This summary of the observations lists meteor spectra records (26) between Nov.5-13, 2015 mostly Taurid meteors, single and double station meteors as well as the first light from the permanent AMOS stations in Chile.

  17. All projects related to chile | IDRC - International Development ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Strengthen the use of scientific evidence to inform climate policy, negotiations ... Evaluating the impact of digital tools to teach math and science in Chile ... Business Cooperation and Regional Productive Development in Chile, El Salvador, ...

  18. Doce magnos oradores: Breves consideraciones biográficas e intento de acercamiento a uno de sus discursos




    Este artículo ofrece una visión general sobre la vida de doce grandes oradores. En primera instancia, se presentan unas consideraciones teóricas sobre su biografía; posteriormente, se da a conocer uno de los discursos más famosos de algunos de los oradores escogidos. En el caso de otros, solo se presenta un fragmento; luego, se exponen algunas de sus frases célebres. Respecto de dos oradores, infortunadamente, no se presenta el texto del discurso debido a que no se halló –al menos hasta el mo...

  19. Intelectuais e política no Chile: Apontamentos sobre a revista Aurora de Chile (1938-1940

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ana Amélia M.C. Melo

    Full Text Available Resumo O objetivo deste artigo é o de examinar a revista Aurora de Chile que circula em Santiago entre 1938-1940. Criada por Pablo Neruda esta publicação apresentou-se como um importante órgão de comunicação da Alianza de Intelectuales de Chile para la Defensa de la Cultura (AICH, entidade fundada em articulação com outras organizações internacionais de intelectuais e com orientação da Comintern. A revista situou-se nos debates políticos e culturais desses anos no Chile e atuou vigorosamente na defesa dos princípios da democracia, das liberdades públicas e contra o fascismo. Neste estudo busco demonstrar o papel desta revista como uma das vozes da perspectiva frentista que passou a orientar o Partido Comunista Chileno no período.

  20. [Health inequality gap in inmigrant versus local children in Chile]. (United States)

    Cabieses, Baltica; Chepo, Macarena; Oyarte, Marcela; Markkula, Niina; Bustos, Patricia; Pedrero, Víctor; Delgado, Iris


    Children and young international migrants face different health challenges compa red with the local population, particularly if they live in insecure environments or adverse social conditions. This study seeks to identify gaps in health outcomes of children between immigrant and local population in Chile. This study analyses data from three sources: (i) Born in Chile: Electronic records of antenatal visits from all municipal antenatal clinics of Recoleta in 2012; (ii) Growing up in Chile: Population survey "National Socioeconomic Characterization" (CASEN) from 2013 and (iii) Getting sick in Chile: Data of all hospital discharges in 2012, provided by the department of statistics and health information (DEIS) of the Ministry of Health. (I) Born in Chile: Im migrants more frequently have psychosocial risk (62.3% vs 50.1% in Chileans) and enter later into the program (63.1% vs 33.4% enter later than 14 weeks of pregnancy). All birth outcomes were better among immigrants (e.g. caesarean sections rates: 24.2% immigrants vs % Chileans). (ii) Growing up in Chile: A higher proportion of migrant children is outside the school system and lives in multidi mensional poverty (40% immigrants vs 23.2% Chileans). (iii) Getting sick in Chile: Injuries and other external causes were more frequent cause of hospitalisation among migrants (23.6%) than the local population (16.7%) aged between 7 and 14 years. Addressing the needs of the children in Chile, regardless of their immigration status, is an ethical, legal and moral imperative.

  1. A solar radiation database for Chile. (United States)

    Molina, Alejandra; Falvey, Mark; Rondanelli, Roberto


    Chile hosts some of the sunniest places on earth, which has led to a growing solar energy industry in recent years. However, the lack of high resolution measurements of solar irradiance becomes a critical obstacle for both financing and design of solar installations. Besides the Atacama Desert, Chile displays a large array of "solar climates" due to large latitude and altitude variations, and so provides a useful testbed for the development of solar irradiance maps. Here a new public database for surface solar irradiance over Chile is presented. This database includes hourly irradiance from 2004 to 2016 at 90 m horizontal resolution over continental Chile. Our results are based on global reanalysis data to force a radiative transfer model for clear sky solar irradiance and an empirical model based on geostationary satellite data for cloudy conditions. The results have been validated using 140 surface solar irradiance stations throughout the country. Model mean percentage error in hourly time series of global horizontal irradiance is only 0.73%, considering both clear and cloudy days. The simplicity and accuracy of the model over a wide range of solar conditions provides confidence that the model can be easily generalized to other regions of the world.

  2. First record of Phoebis argante chincha Lamas (Lepidoptera, Pieridae in Chile

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Héctor A. Vargas


    Full Text Available First record of Phoebis argante chincha Lamas (Lepidoptera, Pieridae in Chile. The presence of Phoebis argante chincha Lamas, 1976 (Lepidoptera, Pieridae is reported for the first time in Chile, from the Azapa valley, Arica.Primeiro registro de Phoebis argante chincha Lamas (Lepidoptera, Pieridae no Chile. A presença de Phoebis argante chincha Lamas, 1976 (Lepidoptera; Pieridae é mencionada pela primeira vez para o Chile, no vale de Azapa, Arica.

  3. [Consumption of antidepressants in Chile from 1992 to 2004]. (United States)

    Jirón, Marcela; Machado, Márcio; Ruiz, Inés


    Data from the Ministry of Health show that in Chile in 2004, 17% of the population had some form of depression, and mood disorders are the tenth cause of disability-adjusted life years (DALY) loss. To determine consumption of antidepressants (ADs) in Chile from 1992 to 2004. National sales data were obtained from the company IMS Health Chile and converted into defined daily doses (DDDs) per 1,000 inhabitants per day. Available ADs were classified in four pharmacological groups (i.e., serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors, SNRLs; selective-serotonin reuptake inhibitors, SSRLs; tricyclic antidepressants, TCAs; and others). Total economic burden of ADs utilization and cost per DDDs were also calculated. Trends over time were analyzed using Pearson-R2. Total ADs consumption in Chile measured by DDDs per 1,000 inhabitants per day (DHD) increased linearly (y =0.901x + 1.9129; R2 =0.9296; p economic burden of ADs in Chile (total cost of DDDs consumed) increased from US$65.4 million in 2001 to US$74.6 million in 2004 (14% increase). Average cost per DDD of all AD increased linearly, however not significantly from US$ 0.94 in 2001 to US$ 1.04 in 2004 (y =0.0362x + 0.8784; R2 =0.7382; p =0,262). DDDs per 1,000 inhabitants per day increased linearly over 470% from 1992-2004. SSRLs were the most commonly consumed drugs in Chile. Future research should evaluate the cost-effectiveness of antidepressants in Chile, comparing the results with drug utilization, and determining if unnecessary expenditures have been paid out.

  4. Chile ushers in new hydro era

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Moxon, S.


    The planned construction of two hydroelectric power plants at Peuchen and Mampil, will help to meet Chile's growing electricity demand. Securing finance for the project has been straight forward thanks to the optimal hydrological conditions, rivers with a very strong flow providing a large head of water over short distance. Hydropower plays a central role in Chile's generating capacity providing 70% of total energy consumption. Thus, the future of these projects will be highly successful, it is argued. (UK)

  5. Spent Fuel in Chile

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    López Lizana, F.


    The government has made a complete and serious study of many different aspects and possible road maps for nuclear electric power with strong emphasis on safety and energy independence. In the study, the chapter of SFM has not been a relevant issue at this early stage due to the fact that it has been left for later implementation stage. This paper deals with the options Chile might consider in managing its Spent Fuel taking into account foreign experience and factors related to safety, economics, public acceptance and possible novel approaches in spent fuel treatment. The country’s distinctiveness and past experience in this area taking into account that Chile has two research reactors which will have an influence in the design of the Spent Fuel option. (author)

  6. 75 FR 3756 - Preserved Mushrooms from Chile, China, India, and Indonesia (United States)


    ...)] Preserved Mushrooms from Chile, China, India, and Indonesia AGENCY: United States International Trade... preserved mushrooms from Chile, China, India, and Indonesia. SUMMARY: The Commission hereby gives notice of... mushrooms from Chile, China, India, and Indonesia would be likely to lead to continuation or recurrence of...

  7. Primer registro de Heliotropium amplexicaule (Heliotropiaceae) en Chile


    Ibáñez, Sergio; Luebert, Federico; Gómez, Miguel


    The presence of the commonly known weed Heliotropium amplexicaule (Heliotropiaceae) is reported for Chile first time, from a collection recently made in Santiago. Its potential as weed in Chile is discussed in the context of the experience of other countries where the species has become naturalised.

  8. Estudio del campo ocupacional del traductor en Santiago de Chile (A Study of Opportunities for Professional Translators in Santiago, Chile). (United States)

    Cabrera, Ileana; And Others

    A study of translation as a profession in Chile covered two areas: a diagnostic study of the real need for literary, scientific, and technical translations, and a followup study of graduates of the translation degree program at the Catholic Pontifical University of Chile (Santiago). The analysis considered the relationship between the need for…

  9. The Revolutionary Left and Terrorist Violence in Chile. (United States)


    Fraude Electoral Designada por la Facultad de Derecho de la Pontifica Universidad de Chile," in Libro Blanco del Cambio de Gobierno de Chile, Editorial...Chilean law, could not be invaded by the police. The MIR never became a formal political party. It completely rejected the electoral process

  10. El desempleo estructural y la tasa natural de desempleo: algunas consideraciones teoricas y su estado actual en Colombia


    Will Alexander Yarce Posada


    n la actualidad, el concepto teórico de la tasa natural de desempleo ha trascendido las cátedras universitarias para convertirse en una herramienta útil para analistas y responsables de la política económica. En este artículo, la tasa natural de desempleo es el eje central de análisis y en él se plantean, en la primera parte, algunas consideraciones teóricas asociadas al desempleo estructural y a la tasa natural de desempleo y sus determinantes. La segunda parte del artículo se refiere a las ...

  11. Jazz en Chile: su historia y función social Jazz in Chile: its history and social function

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Álvaro Menanteau


    Full Text Available Este artículo presenta una visión general de la historia del jazz en Chile que destaca la función social de esta música y el cambio que tuvo a través del tiempo. Estos cambios se relacionaron con diferentes valoraciones de la práctica jazzística local. En un principio el jazz fue música popular masiva. Posteriormente fue valorado estéticamente por un segmento de élite, quienes eran profesionales en áreas no musicales y en muchos casos eran instrumentistas aficionados. En una tercera etapa, músicos profesionales asumieron la práctica del jazz como una plataforma para fusionar el lenguaje jazzístico con recursos tomados de la música tradicional chilena. Este tránsito del jazz en Chile está cruzado por factores socioeconómicos y estéticos, que se analizan en el trabajo.The article presents an overview of the history of jazz in Chile on the basis of the social function of jazz and the changes it has underwent over the years in terms of the valúes it has represented for Chilean society. Initially jazz was considered as mass popular music. Afterwards it was valued in aesthetic terms by a group belonging to the élite of Chilean society. Many of them belonged to non-music professions and in some cases were amateur musicians. Most recently professional musicians took up jazz as the basis for combining the jazz style with elements belonging to traditional music of Chile. This process in Chile is also influenced by social, economic and aesthetic aspects which are explored in this article.

  12. Psicología comunitaria y políticas sociales en Chile Psicologia comunitaria e políticas sociais no Chile Community psychology and social policies in Chile

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jaime Alfaro Inzunza


    Full Text Available En este artículo analizamos la relación entre Psicología Comunitaria y políticas sociales, estableciendo la influencia de las políticas sociales sobre el desarrollo contemporáneo de la Psicología Comunitaria en Chile. Sostenemos que su consolidación como profesión se asocia estrechamente a la implementación de políticas sociales a partir de la década de los noventa y su conformación actual está condicionada y tensionada por las orientaciones de estas políticas. Se examina la evolución tanto de las políticas sociales como de la Psicología Comunitaria en Chile, los puntos de encuentro y las tensiones, de las que derivamos una serie de desafíos y proyecciones que examinamos en el presente artículo, con el objetivo de avanzar en la comprensión de esta relación.Este artigo investigou a relação entre a Psicologia Comunitária e as políticas sociais, estabelecendo a influência das políticas sociais sobre o desenvolvimento contemporâneo da Psicologia Comunitária no Chile. Afirmamos que a sua consolidação como profissão está intimamente associada à implementação de políticas sociais desde a década de noventa e sua formação atual está condicionada e tensionada pelas diretrizes dessas políticas. O estudo analisa a evolução das políticas sociais e da psicologia comunitária no Chile, os pontos de encontro e de tensão, dos quais se deriva uma série de desafios e projeções discutidos neste artigo com o objetivo de fazer avançar a compreensão desta relação.In this article we analyze the evolution of community psychology in Chile, and the influences of social policies in its development. We hold that its consolidation as a profession is closely associated to the implementation of social policies since the nineties, and its present conformation is determined and tightened by the orientation of these policies. From the evolution of social policies and Community Psychology in Chile we have come up with a series

  13. Socialisme i Chile efter Pinochet

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Cristoffanini, Pablo Rolando


    Chile bliver ofte præsenteret som et paradigme for resten af det latinamerikanske kontinent: Et land med høj økonomisk vækst og politisk stabilitet. Landet har endda haft to socialistiske præsidenter siden 2000, den sidste den første kvindelige præsident. Succeshistorien har en bagside: De...... socialistiske regeringer har accepteret et begrænset demokrati og videreført en nyliberal økonomisk politik, der har bragt dem på konfrontationskurs med massebevægelserne og isoleret Chile fra de andre lande i regionen, der søger integration og gensidig støøte. Udgivelsesdato: Februar...

  14. Analýza obchodných vzťahov medzi EU a Chile


    Chabová, Zuzana


    The aim of my bachelor thesis is to particularly charakterize Chile's economy and to analyze its position in international trade. The main part of my whole work is the analysis of business relationship between European Union and Chile, which I also describe in point of law. The work has five main chapters. The first chapter describes the economical situation of Chile. The second chapter is concerned with Chile's whole foreign trade. The third chapter analyze Chile's foreign trade legally thro...

  15. All projects related to Chile | Page 2 | IDRC - International ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    ... living in poverty in the rural-urban territories of Chile, Colombia, and Mexico. ... Region: Brazil, Chile, Colombia, India ... Enhancing Women's Economic Empowerment Through Better Policies in Latin America ... Program: Employment and Growth ... Understanding Think Tank-University Relationships in Latin America.

  16. Virtual Borders Between Chile and Its Neighbors: Argentina, Peru and Bolivia (United States)


    Estadísticas, “ Inmigrantes en Chile ”, Santiago Census, 2002 20 ...Studies and Research Center, 1998), 13 22 Military Studies and Research Center, Chile en la Region. CESIM. 2001; available from <http...Estatuto de Inversiones Extranjeras en Chile ”, ( Santiago: 1974), Capitulo I,19 35 The International Center for Adjustment of Disputes of Investment

  17. Behavioral problems and tobacco use among adolescents in Chile

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Caris Luis


    Full Text Available OBJECTIVE: To examine the association between behavioral problems and tobacco smoking among adolescent students in Chile. METHODS: Data were drawn from a study that included questionnaire surveys of 46 907 school-attending adolescents in all 13 of the administrative regions of Chile. Assessments were based on an adapted, Spanish-language version of the Drug Use Screening Inventory. The conditional form of the logistic regression model was used for analysis, with matching of students on individual schools, and with further statistical adjustments for sex, age, and selected risk factors. RESULTS: The prevalence of tobacco smoking among the adolescents was very high across all of Chile, with a level between 56% and 65% in each of the 13 regions. The estimated odds of tobacco use in youths at the highest level of behavioral problems was about twice that for youths at the lowest levels, both before and after controlling for sex, age, lack of participation in recreational activities, level of irritability, and levels of problems with school, family attention, and mental health. CONCLUSIONS: These findings help to complement and complete the evidence of prior studies on tobacco smoking among adolescents with behavior problems, including recent research on Central American youths. Although the magnitude of observed associations in Chile was not as great as that for the associations found in Central America, both the strength of these associations and their statistical significance were observed throughout Chile. This is the first study in Chile on potentially causal relationships such as these.

  18. El IDRC en Chile

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    prácticas para promover la innovación ... Estudios para Latino américa sentaron las ... Argentina, Brasil, Canadá, Chile y Colombia. ... soluciones locales innovadoras y duraderas que apuntan a proporcionar opciones y cambios a aquellos ...

  19. Una arteria norte-sur y el Santiago de Chile „non plus ultra’: la historia de un largo trayecto. / A north-south artery and Santiago de Chile 'non plus ultra


    María Isabel Pavez Reyes


    Este escrito resume la prehistoria e historia del Complejo Vial Norte-Sur, de Santiago de Chile, como parte de las acciones del Estado de Chile, en la época del urbanismo realizado por el sector público. /This paper summarizes the prehistory and history of North-South Road Complex, Santiago de Chile, as part of the actions of the State of Chile, at the time of planning by the public sector.

  20. [Mental health in Chile and Finland: Challenges and lessons]. (United States)

    Retamal C, Pedro; Markkula, Niina; Peña, Sebastián


    This article analyses and compares the epidemiology of mental disorders and relevant public policies in Chile and Finland. In Chile, a specific mental health law is still lacking. While both countries highlight the role of primary care, Finland places more emphasis on participation and recovery of service users. Comprehensive mental health policies from Finland, such as a successful suicide prevention program, are presented. Both countries have similar prevalence of mental disorders, high alcohol consumption and high suicide rates. In Chile, the percentage of total disease burden due to psychiatric disorders is 13% and in Finland 14%. However, the resources to address these issues are very different. Finland spends 4.5% of its health budget on mental health, while in Chile the percentage is 2.2%. This results in differences in human resources and service provision. Finland has five times more psychiatric outpatient visits, four times more psychiatrists, triple antidepressant use and twice more clinical guidelines for different psychiatric conditions. In conclusion, both countries have similar challenges but differing realities. This may help to identify gaps and potential solutions for public health challenges in Chile. Finland’s experience demonstrates the importance of political will and long-term vision in the construction of mental health policies.

  1. Comparison of six green chile (capsicum annum) cultivars for efficiency of Etgar® machine harvest (United States)

    As U.S. demand for fresh market green chile rises green chile acreage in the U.S. is declining due to limited availability and high cost of hand labor to harvest it. Many farmers are opting to grow crops other than green chile. Green chile is a New Mexican pod-type chile that is harvested when the...

  2. El Parque Portal Bicentenario en Santiago de Chile / Portal Bicentennial Park in Santiago de Chile

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Beach Lobos, Myriam;


    Full Text Available Se presenta los principios que orientaron el diseño del Parque Portal Bicentenario, un parque de 50 hás. que será el eje principal de la nueva urbanización “Ciudad Parque Bicentenario”, actualmente en construcción en los terrenos del ex aeropuerto de Los Cerrillos en Santiago de Chile.The following text was submitted to the Architecture Competition together with the project drawings. It presents the principles that leaded the design. The 123 acres park will be the main axis of a new urban development in Santiago “Ciudad Parque Bicentenario” at present under construction on the area occupied by the former Cerrillos Airport, Santiago de Chile.

  3. Heurística para el balance de líneas de ensamble con consideraciones ergonómicas


    Emilsy Medina Chacón; Ruth Illada García


    El presente artículo expone el diseño de un método heurístico para el Balance de líneas de ensamble con consideraciones ergonómicas, el cual está basado en la combinación de las teorías de balance de líneas tradicionales y dos métodos de evaluación ergonómica, el Método REBA y la evaluación multitarea de carga física, lográndose que con una única herramienta, se alcance un equilibrio de las variables de tiempo y  biomecánicas. El valor agregado del planteamiento radica en el tratamiento simul...

  4. Heurística para el balance de líneas de ensamble con consideraciones ergonómicas


    Emilsy Medina Chacón; Ruth Illada García


    El presente artículo expone el diseño de un método heurístico para el Balance de líneas de ensamble con consideraciones ergonómicas, el cual está basado en la combinación de las teorías de balance de líneas tradicionales y dos métodos de evaluación ergonómica, el Método REBA y la evaluación multitarea de carga física, lográndose que con una única herramienta, se alcance un equilibrio de las variables de tiempo y biomecánicas. El valor agregado del planteamiento radica en el tratamiento simul...

  5. Una arteria norte-sur y el Santiago de Chile „non plus ultra’: la historia de un largo trayecto. / A north-south artery and Santiago de Chile 'non plus ultra

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    María Isabel Pavez Reyes


    Full Text Available Este escrito resume la prehistoria e historia del Complejo Vial Norte-Sur, de Santiago de Chile, como parte de las acciones del Estado de Chile, en la época del urbanismo realizado por el sector público. /This paper summarizes the prehistory and history of North-South Road Complex, Santiago de Chile, as part of the actions of the State of Chile, at the time of planning by the public sector.

  6. Vida Chile 1998-2006: resultados y desafíos de la política de promoción de la salud en Chile The Vida Chile program: results and challenges with health promotion policy in Chile, 1998-2006


    Judith Salinas; Anselmo Cancino; Sergio Pezoa; Fernando Salamanca; Marina Soto


    La prioridad política otorgada por el Gobierno de Chile a la promoción de la salud se expresa en el desarrollo alcanzado por el Consejo Vida Chile y su Plan Nacional de Promoción de la Salud (PNPS). En este artículo se presenta el modelo evaluativo del PNPS chileno y sus principales resultados preliminares en el ámbito técnico y económico en el período 1998-2006. Para medir los resultados de las metas de proceso se utilizaron indicadores de cobertura (número de personas, de espacios promotore...

  7. Aspectos docentes sobre medio ambiente urbano y sustentabilidad: su importancia actual. /Educational aspects of the urban environment and sustainability: its relevance today.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)



    Full Text Available Se refiere por qué Chile no se puede incluir entre los países con mayor tradición ambientalista y cómo el modelo económico que le ha valido prestigiosas consideraciones internacionales ha representado un alto costo ambiental y ha provocado daños irreparables al medio ambiente./ It argues the need for a training course at university level in the field of environment and sustainability, and attempts a definition of the components of the course.

  8. Oil and Gas Emergency Policy: Chile 2012 update

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    Chile has experienced several serious energy supply incidents over the last decade, including major droughts, a sustained gas supply cut from Argentina (since 2004), and a major earthquake in early 2010 which affected electricity networks and refineries, and caused several black-outs. Due to Chile's unique and sinuous geography - it runs 4 300 kilometres from North to South and only 175 kms from East to West- the country's energy markets are regionally disjointed, particularly as the regional gas and electricity grids are not connected. In the arid North, energy demand is dominated by the mining industry, and operates based on a separate thermal-based Sistema Interconectado Norte Grande (SING) electricity grid. The more densely-populated central region (including Santiago) operates on the more hydro-dependent Sistema Interconectado Central (SIC) electricity grid. The southernmost, hydro-rich regions of the country are not connected to the rest of Chile in terms of electricity and gas. The following report is based on an IEA Emergency Response Assessment carried out in 2010 and 2011 which looked specifically at Chile's capacity to respond to short-term emergencies in oil, gas and electricity.

  9. Oil and Gas Emergency Policy: Chile 2012 update

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    Chile has experienced several serious energy supply incidents over the last decade, including major droughts, a sustained gas supply cut from Argentina (since 2004), and a major earthquake in early 2010 which affected electricity networks and refineries, and caused several black-outs. Due to Chile's unique and sinuous geography - it runs 4 300 kilometres from North to South and only 175 kms from East to West- the country's energy markets are regionally disjointed, particularly as the regional gas and electricity grids are not connected. In the arid North, energy demand is dominated by the mining industry, and operates based on a separate thermal-based Sistema Interconectado Norte Grande (SING) electricity grid. The more densely-populated central region (including Santiago) operates on the more hydro-dependent Sistema Interconectado Central (SIC) electricity grid. The southernmost, hydro-rich regions of the country are not connected to the rest of Chile in terms of electricity and gas. The following report is based on an IEA Emergency Response Assessment carried out in 2010 and 2011 which looked specifically at Chile's capacity to respond to short-term emergencies in oil, gas and electricity.


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    Raúl Villarroel Soto


    Full Text Available El presente artículo intenta dar cuenta de un debate de relevancia moral, social y política en Chile: la controversia acerca de la anticoncepción de emergencia y la iniciativa de las autoridades de gobierno de facultar a los servicios de salud del Estado para distribuir el fármaco comúnmente llamado "píldora del día después". Se abordan diferentes perspectivas de análisis y se recae, finalmente, en un examen bioético a la luz de una revisión de la perspectiva principialista clásica para advertir algunas de sus insuficiencias analíticas y, por lo mismo, resituar la problemática desde la perspectiva de los derechos humanosO presente artigo tenta apresentar um debate de relevância moral, social e política no Chile: a controvérsia em torno da anticoncepção de emergência e a iniciativa das autoridades de governo de facultar os serviços de saúde do Estado para distribuir o fármaco popularmente conhecido como "pílula do dia seguinte". Abordam-se diferentes perspectivas de análise e se fixa, finalmente, num exame bioético do problema, à luz de uma revisão da perspectiva principialista clássica, para alertar a respeito de algumas de suas insuficiências analíticas e por, isto mesmo, recolocar a problemática a partir da perspectiva dos direitos humanosThis essay tries to show a moral, social and politically relevant debate in Chile: the controversy about emergency contraception and the decision of government authorities to authorize state health care services to distribute the drug commonly known as "the day after pill". Different views of analysis are studied to reach, finally, a bioethical reflection of the problem considering a re-examination of the classical principles perspective, to point out some of its analytical inadequacies and, for this reason, to rethink the problem under a human rights perspective

  11. Obchodní a kulturní zvláštnosti Chile


    Štieglerová, Renata


    The aim of this bachelor thesis is to analyse business and cultural particularities of Chile. The thesis is divided into three chapters. First chapter talks about general characteristics of Chile, which include economical, political and administrative facts, history of Chile and geographical conditions. Second chapter outlines cultural aspects such as structure of population, language and Chilean cuisine. Last chapter deals with business particularities of Chilean businessmen. A part of this ...

  12. Protection of Existing and Potential Astronomical Sites in Chile - an Update. (United States)

    Smith, M. G.; Sanhueza, P.; Norman, D.; Schwarz, H.; Orellana, D.


    The IAU's Working Group on Controlling Light Pollution (iauwg) has declared Mauna Kea and a wide strip of Northern Chile between Antofagasta and Chajnanator as top priorities for its efforts to protect existing and potential sites in the Northern and Southern hemispheres respectively. This report provides an update on the iauwg's co-ordinated efforts to protect areas around the major international optical observatories in Chile, as well as the "Chilean Special Zone" (CSZ) mentioned above. This zone is of current and potential interest for the installation of extremely large optical telescopes and includes the ALMA radio-astronomy site. The CSZ is potentially vulnerable to adverse effects of mining in the region. Progess has been made in demonstrating to local mining interests within the CSZ the economic advantages of quality lighting. Educational and outreach activities to a variety of target audiences are building on legislation covering dark skies - itself part of work by the Chilean government to protect the natural heritage of Chile. Substantial good will was generated by an international, bilingual conference held last March in Chile. Just in the region around AURA's Observatory in Chile (Gemini South, CTIO and SOAR), a portable planetarium has been used to reach out to over 600 teachers and 65,000 pupils in the RedLaSer schools network within the last three years. This has attracted the direct interest of Chile's Ministry of Education. Videoconferencing over Internet2 is being used for educational purposes between Chile and various sites in the US. The NSF- initiated Mamalluca municipal observatory now receives more visitors than all the international observatories in Chile combined and is the focus of an expanding local industry of astronomical eco-tourism. Most of this work was supported by funding from, or via, the US NSF through CTIO and Gemini, and from ESO, OCIW, CONAMA and the IDA.

  13. Política, Educación y Territorio en Chile (1950 - 2010: De las acciones colectivas a las acciones del mercado Política, Educação e Território no Chile (1950 - 2010: Das ações coletivas às ações do mercado Policy, Education and Territory in Chile (1950 - 2010: From Collective Action to Market Action

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Moyra Marcela Castro-Paredes


    Full Text Available Este artículo describe el trayecto de la política educativa territorial en Chile desde un enfoque sustentado en el Estado de Compromiso -anterior a la Dictadura- a un Estado Subsidiario que permanece inalterable en esta época. La primera parte expone la dinámica de la política educativa nacional desde la mitad del siglo pasado hasta la interrupción democrática en 1973; la segunda, la implantación de nuevas políticas educativas diseñadas esencialmente sobre la base de estructuras de /mandamiento que se vinculan a las reformas educativas acontecidas en el último cuarto del siglo XX. En ambas partes se analizan las políticas educacionales desarrolladas durante los periodos en comento y se caracteriza su implementación en el contexto subnacional. El texto finaliza con algunas consideraciones de la política educativa y sus posibilidades de apropiación y progresión en los gobiernos locales.Este artigo descreve o trajeto da política educativa territorial no Chile a partir de um enfoque sustentado no Estado de Compromisso - anterior à Ditadura - a um Estado Subsidiário, que permanece inalterável nesta época. A primeira parte expõe a dinâmica da política educativa nacional desde a metade do século passado até a interrupção democrática em 1973; a segunda, a implantação de novas políticas educativas desenhadas essencialmente sobre a base de estruturas de financiamento que se vinculam às reformas educativas realizadas no último quarto do século XX. Em ambas as partes, analisam-se as políticas educacionais desenvolvidas durante os períodos em comento e se caracteriza sua implementação no contexto subnacional. O texto finaliza com algumas considerações da política educativa e suas possibilidades de apropriação e progressão nos governos locais.The course of territorial policy on education in Chile is described in this article from a standpoint based on the State of Commitment - prior to the dictatorship - to a

  14. Vida Chile 1998-2006: resultados y desafíos de la política de promoción de la salud en Chile The Vida Chile program: results and challenges with health promotion policy in Chile, 1998-2006

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Judith Salinas


    Full Text Available La prioridad política otorgada por el Gobierno de Chile a la promoción de la salud se expresa en el desarrollo alcanzado por el Consejo Vida Chile y su Plan Nacional de Promoción de la Salud (PNPS. En este artículo se presenta el modelo evaluativo del PNPS chileno y sus principales resultados preliminares en el ámbito técnico y económico en el período 1998-2006. Para medir los resultados de las metas de proceso se utilizaron indicadores de cobertura (número de personas, de espacios promotores de la salud y de actividades y del grado de cumplimiento de las estrategias. El número de actividades durante el período aumentó significativamente; 98% de los municipios del país cuentan con un plan comunal de promoción y un comité Vida Chile, que surge como instancia de trabajo intersectorial y ejecutora del Plan Comunal de Promoción; se incrementó el número de organizaciones sociales incorporadas a las estrategias de promoción de la salud; 34% de los establecimientos de educación del país (preescolar, básica y media resultaron acreditadas como entidades promotoras de la salud; y aproximadamente 20% de la población total del país de todos los grupos de edad recibió beneficios directos de los planes comunales de promoción en 2006, entre otros logros. El costo total anual per capita de los planes comunales ascendió a $US 6,60. Los principales factores facilitadores identificados fueron contar con la participación de las organizaciones sociales y redes comunitarias y disponer de un presupuesto adecuado para el plan comunal. Los factores obstaculizadores más frecuentes fueron la falta de tiempo o de recursos humanos para la promoción, la dispersión geográfica de la población y los problemas de accesibilidad a las actividades. Se hacen recomendaciones para la aplicación y el mejoramiento de los programas de promoción de la salud en la comunidad.The Government of Chile has placed a high priority on health promotion. This is

  15. The Mass Media and Political Socialization: Chile, 1970-2000 (United States)

    Walter, Amy R.


    This project seeks to determine the effect of the mass media on political attitudes and behaviors in Chile between the years 1970 and 2000. The relationship between the media and "political socialization" is just now gaining recognition in scholarly research, and Chile offers an excellent case study. This paper traces these two variables…

  16. [Public health infrastructure investment difficulties in Chile: concessions and public tenders]. (United States)

    Goyenechea, Matías


    This paper seeks to highlight the problems of gaps in health infrastructure in Chile, and to analyze the mechanisms by which it is provided. In Chile this is done in two ways: the first is through competitive bidding or sector-wide modality. The second way is through hospital concessions. Both mechanisms have had difficulties in recent years, which are reported. Finally, we propose ways to improve the provision of health infrastructure in Chile.

  17. Adapting to climate variability and change in Chile's Maipo basin ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)


    Apr 9, 2014 ... Given the region's role in Chile's national economy, a strategy for adapting to ... to Chile's economy, and may be threatened by future water stress. ... for the project, with the goal of bringing together government, business, and ...


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Yusi Amdani


    Full Text Available The judge in deciding a case can perform all the legal interpretation is not explicitly defined in the legislation. On the basis of any decision that has been set by the judge, then the decision must be accountable. But in Decision No:04/Pid.Prap/2015/PN.Jkt.Sel, Budi Gunawan pretrial matters related to the Commission, the judge has made a legal interpretation considered contrary to the Criminal Code itself. Judge did interpretation of the Code of Criminal Procedure, on the status of Budi Gunawan as a suspect corruption. The decision has weak the authority of the Commission and the bad in the criminal justice system. Hakim dalam memutuskan suatu perkara dapat melakukan penafsiran hukum sepanjang belum ditentukan secara tegas dalam peraturan perundang-undangan. Atas dasar setiap putusan yang telah ditetapkan oleh hakim, maka putusan tersebut harus dapat dipertanggungjawabkan. Namun dalam Putusan No: 04/Pid.Prap/2015/PN.Jkt.Sel, terkait perkara praperadilan Budi Gunawan terhadap KPK, hakim telah melakukan penafsiran hukum yang dinilai bertentangan dengan KUHAP sendiri. Hakim melakukan penafsiran terhadap KUHAP, atas status Budi Gunawan sebagai tersangka korupsi. Putusan tersebut telah melemahkan kewenangan KPK dan berakibat buruk dalam sistem peradilan pidana.

  19. Consideraciones Legales Relativas a la Privacidad en Proyectos de Cloud Computing en el Exterior de Argentina

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    Juan Cruz González Allonca


    Full Text Available El modelo de prestación de servicios de cómputo en la nube (cloud computing ofrece múltiples ventajas tanto técnicas como económicas para las empresas y organismos que deciden implementarla. Este modelo, sin embargo, requiere tener consideraciones de carácter legal y de cumplimiento normativo desde el inicio del proyecto. Este estudio se propone recorrer la normativa argentina relativa a la protección de datos personales bajo esta plataforma, brindándole al lector un panorama sobre el cuerpo normativo vigente que debe ser aplicado a servicios de cloud computing en el exterior del país. A su vez identifica los riesgos asociados a estos servicios que deben ser contemplados con el fin de evitar responsabilidades.

  20. [Ecology and health in Chile: present and future development]. (United States)

    Oyarzún, M


    In response to the progressive environmental deterioration, the Ecological Society of America has made a proposal, called "Sustainable Biosphere Initiative", to do research, teaching and decision making processes on biodiversity, global change and the effects of human activities on environment. The goal of appropriate environmental protection and welfare for mankind includes health and quality of life. Presently, Chile faces a number of environmental problems such as pollution, excessive urban growth, loss of agricultural areas, disposal of solid waste and species extinction. The lack of education and information in Chile, on these problems, is worrisome. The role of universities to overcome this deficit should be crucial in the future sustainable development of Chile.

  1. Scenarios for wind power in Brazil, Argentina and Chile; Cenarios para a energia eolio eletrica no Brasil, Argentina e Chile

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Dedecca, Joao Gorestein; Nogueira, Larissa Goncalves; Jannuzzi, Gilberto de Martino [Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP), SP (Brazil). Fac. de Engenharia Mecanica. Dept. de Energia], emails:,,; Gomes, Rodolfo Dourado [International Energy Initiative-Latin America (IEI-LA), Campinas, SP (Brazil)], email:


    The Chilean, Argentinean and Brazilian power matrixes presented in the last two decades a growth of the non-renewable energy sources share, especially fossil sources, mainly in installed capacity and in a lesser degree in energy production. Greenpeace and the European Renewable Energy Council have elaborated a reference energy scenario together with a scenario analyzing the institution of ample measures for the promotion of renewable energy sources. Feed-in tariffs and auction or bidding mechanisms implemented in Brazil and Argentina and the renewable portfolio standard implemented in Chile allied with the wind industry state in these countries indicate that Chile and Argentina will fulfill the 2020 wind power installed capacity predicted in the reference scenarios, while Brazil will reach the energy revolution scenario prediction. Important energy policy changes are required if the Chile and Argentina energy revolution scenarios wind power installed capacity are to become a reality in 2020. (author)

  2. Citizenship ‘from Above’? The Case of Chile, 1964-2010

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Van der Ree, Gerard


    During the last fifty years, citizenship in Chile has been re-interpreted and reformulated in different ways. By combining top-down and bottom-up approaches towards citizenship, this article argues that the reformulation of citizenship in Chile has been brought about through both state-initiated

  3. National control and eradication program of bovine tuberculosis in Chile. (United States)

    Max, Vanessa; Paredes, Luis; Rivera, Alejandro; Ternicier, Claudio


    There have been reports of the presence of bovine tuberculosis (TB) in Chile for more than 100 years. Several prevalence studies have revealed that there is a wide spectrum of disease across the country with certain geographic areas where the disease is endemic through to other geographic areas where infection is sporadic and at very low prevalence. In 2009, this information was used to divide Chile into different geographic zones based on prevalence rates. This will enable the correct actions to be undertaken to reduce the prevalence of TB. Thus the northern part of Chile which has a medium to high prevalence of TB will be categorized as a control zone. In contrast, the southern part of Chile which has a high proportion of the bovine population, has a low prevalence of TB and will be classified as an eradication zone (Paredes, 2008). Although there have been several past attempts to create a national control and eradication program in Chile, none has been successful. A national program is proposed, and outlined in this paper. Progress toward program initiation in 2009 has been difficult, mostly because of the global economic crisis, difficulties in the milk and meat industry, and social and political issues. Copyright © 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  4. Hydrothermal Exploration at the Chile Triple Junction - ABE's last adventure? (United States)

    German, C. R.; Shank, T. M.; Lilley, M. D.; Lupton, J. E.; Blackman, D. K.; Brown, K. M.; Baumberger, T.; Früh-Green, G.; Greene, R.; Saito, M. A.; Sylva, S.; Nakamura, K.; Stanway, J.; Yoerger, D. R.; Levin, L. A.; Thurber, A. R.; Sellanes, J.; Mella, M.; Muñoz, J.; Diaz-Naveas, J. L.; Inspire Science Team


    In February and March 2010 we conducted preliminary exploration for hydrothermal plume signals along the East Chile Rise where it intersects the continental margin at the Chile Triple Junction (CTJ). This work was conducted as one component of our larger NOAA-OE funded INSPIRE project (Investigation of South Pacific Reducing Environments) aboard RV Melville cruise MV 1003 (PI: Andrew Thurber, Scripps) with all shiptime funded through an award of the State of California to Andrew Thurber and his co-PI's. Additional support came from the Census of Marine Life (ChEss and CoMarge projects). At sea, we conducted a series of CTD-rosette and ABE autonomous underwater vehicle operations to prospect for and determine the nature of any seafloor venting at, or adjacent to, the point where the the East Chile Rise subducts beneath the continental margin. Evidence from in situ sensing (optical backscatter, Eh) and water column analyses of dissolved CH4, δ3He and TDFe/TDMn concentrations document the presence of two discrete sites of venting, one right at the triple junction and the other a further 10km along axis, north of the Triple Junction, but still within the southernmost segment of the East Chile Rise. From an intercomparison of the abundance of different chemical signals we can intercompare likely characteristics of these differet source sites and also differentiate between them and the high methane concentrations released from cold seep sites further north along the Chile Margin, both with the CTJ region and also at the Concepcion Methane Seep Area (CMSA). This multi-disciplinary and international collaboration - involving scientists from Chile, the USA, Europe and Japan - can serve as an excellent and exciting launchpoint for wide-ranging future investigations of the Chile Triple Junction area - the only place on Earth where an oceanic spreading center is being actively subducted beneath a continent and also the only place on Earth where all known forms of deep

  5. Consideraciones de diseño para la eliminación biológica de fósforo empleando procesos biopelícula


    Castillo de Castro, Pedro; Tejero Monzón, Iñaki


    El siguiente artículo es un resumen del estado del arte de la Eliminación Biológica de Fósforo (EBF) empleando procesos de biopelícula. En él se describen minuciosamente los mecanismos que intervienen en la eliminación biológica de este elemento, así como las teorías actualmente aceptadas. Se presentan los procesos biopelícula actualmente desarrollados, así como los consideraciones de diseño para reactores biopelícula, y la forma de trabajo necesaria para conseguir la EBF.

  6. Consideraciones en torno a la tecnología y su didáctica

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    Luis Guillermo Gómez Ortiz


    Full Text Available En este artículo se exponen algunos de los desarrollos conceptuales que sustentan el proyecto “Diseño de propuestas de aula para la formación de maestros en el área de tecnología”, DTE-209-10, los cuales están relacionados con la noción de tecnología, los propósitos formativos en el campo de la tecnología, así como consideraciones en torno a la didáctica de la tecnología (dominios de representación y estilos de enseñanza/aprendizaje y el papel que en ella cumplen la metacognición y la reflexión en la acción; finalmente, se presenta una propuesta didáctica que tiene como finalidad el desarrollo de habilidades para el diseño, simulación, medición, graficación y análisis de respuesta en frecuencia de un circuito de filtro, en el marco de un tercer curso de circuitos eléctricos.

  7. Entrevista a Mónica Maldonado. Las condiciones carcelarias en Chile

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    Valeska David


    Full Text Available Abogada, egresada de la Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. Comenzó su carrera judicial en los Tribunales de Santiago en 1970 y a partir del año 2001 se desempeña como Fiscal Judicial de la Corte Suprema de Chile.

  8. First record of Phoebis argante chincha Lamas (Lepidoptera, Pieridae in Chile

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    Héctor A. Vargas


    Full Text Available First record of Phoebis argante chincha Lamas (Lepidoptera, Pieridae in Chile. The presence of Phoebis argante chincha Lamas, 1976 (Lepidoptera, Pieridae is reported for the first time in Chile, from the Azapa valley, Arica.

  9. International Summer School on Astronomy and Space Science in Chile, first experience. (United States)

    Stepanova, M.; Arellano-Baeza, A. A.

    I International Summer School on Astronomy and Space Science took place in the Elqui Valley Chile January 15-29 2005 Eighty 12-17 year old students from Chile Russia Venezuela and Bulgaria obtained a valuable experience to work together with outstanding scientists from Chile and Russia and with Russian cosmonaut Alexander Balandine They also had opportunity to visit the main astronomical observatories and to participate in workshops dedicated to the telescope and satellite design and remote sensing This activity was supported by numerous institutions in Chile including the Ministry of Education the European Southern Observatory Chilean Space Agency Chilean Air Force Latin American Association of Space Geophysics the principal Chilean universities and the First Lady Mrs Luisa Duran

  10. [Who finances medical research in Chile?]. (United States)

    Reyes, H; Kauffmann, R; Goic, A


    To identify those institutions granting medical research in Chile, every issue of Revista Médica de Chile published between 1987 and 1994 was reviewed, under the assumption that a vast majority (over 70%) of papers released by Chilean authors in topics of internal medicine and related subspecialties would have been submitted for publication in this journal. This assumption was based in the solid prestige of Revista Médica de Chile among Chilean physicians and investigators: it is one of the oldest medical journals in the world (founded in 1872) and its inclusion in the most important international indexes (e.g. Index Medicus, Current Contents) qualifies it in the "mainstream literature". Papers classified as "Original Articles", "Clinical Experiences", "Review Articles", "Public Health", "Case Reports", "Clinical Laboratory", "Special Articles" and "Medical Education" were screened for acknowledgment of financial support beyond the resources needed for routine clinical work. Among 1,528 manuscripts published, 344 were "Original Articles" and 61.3% of them acknowledged special financial support. Five hundred and one manuscripts were "Clinical Experiences" and 21.5% of them received special financial support; similar proportions were detected in "Review Articles" and "Public Health" topics. The institution ranked as providing support most often was the "Fondo Nacional de Ciencias y Tecnología" (FONDECYT), a governmental fund that assigns resources to research in all areas of science and technology through a peer-reviewed nationwide annual contest. FONDECYT was identified as provider of financial support to 45.2% of the "Original Articles" and "Clinical Experiences"; Chilean universities were mentioned by 33.6% and other entities (including pharmaceutical companies, other national and foreign organizations) by 23.1%. The University of Chile was the main Chilean university mentioned in the acknowledgments. The proportion of papers receiving special financial support

  11. Childcare in Chile. The role of ethnicity and socioeconomic inequalities

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Cárcamo Leiva, Rodrigo Alejandro


    Chile has embarked on a road that must lead to the reduction of inequality gaps for the population. A public policy called Chile Growths With You has focused on an increase in the breadth of coverage of non-maternal care through childcare centers to provide equal opportunities in early childhood and

  12. [Medical specialization in Chile. A centralized vision]. (United States)

    Clouet-Huerta, Diego E; González, Bárbara; Correa, Katherine


    Medical graduates face different postgraduate training options, but their priority is to obtain a primary medical specialty, defined as a specialty that does not derive from other. There are different specialty training programs in Chile, which can be dependent or independent of the Ministry of Health. The information about these programs is available in different Internet sites. However a centralized information service that groups and synthetize these programs is lacking, hampering graduate choice decisions. This article aims to review all specialization program modalities, providing a general vision of the institutional structure and implications that govern the specialization process in Chile.

  13. chile : tous les projets | Page 5 | CRDI - Centre de recherches pour ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Sujet: INTRAREGIONAL MIGRATION, WOMEN WORKERS, WOMEN'S RIGHTS. Région: ... Région: Brazil, South America, Chile, Colombia, North and Central America, Panama ... Région: Argentina, South America, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Dominican Republic, North and Central America, Ecuador, Mexico, Peru, Uruguay.

  14. [Eugenic abortion could explain the lower infant mortality in Cuba compared to that in Chile]. (United States)

    Donoso S, Enrique; Carvajal C, Jorge A


    Cuba and Chile have the lower infant mortality rates of Latin America. Infant mortality rate in Cuba is similar to that of developed countries. Chilean infant mortality rate is slightly higher than that of Cuba. To investigate if the lower infant mortality rate in Cuba, compared to Chile, could be explained by eugenic abortion, considering that abortion is legal in Cuba but not in Chile. We compared total and congenital abnormalities related infant mortality in Cuba and Chile during 2008, based on vital statistics of both countries. In 2008, infant mortality rates in Chile were significantly higher than those of Cuba (7.8 vs. 4.7 per 1,000 live born respectively, odds ratio (OR) 1.67; 95% confidence intervals (Cl) 1.52-1.83). Congenital abnormalities accounted for 33.8 and 19.2% of infant deaths in Chile and Cuba, respectively. Discarding infant deaths related to congenital abnormalities, infant mortality rate continued to be higher in Chile than in Cuba (5.19 vs. 3.82 per 1000 live born respectively, OR 1.36; 95%CI 1.221.52). Considering that antenatal diagnosis is widely available in both countries, but abortion is legal in Cuba but not in Chile, we conclude that eugenic abortion may partially explain the lower infant mortality rate observed in Cuba compared to that observed in Chile.

  15. Factores determinantes de la esperanza de vida en Chile

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    Planck Barahona-Urbina


    Full Text Available Introducción: En las últimas décadas, Chile ha experimentado un fuerte crecimiento económico, lo que ha permitido mejorar las condiciones de vida de los ciudadanos. Objetivos: Determinar los factores asociados a la esperanza de vida en Chile. Diseño: Análisis econométrico. Lugar: Chile. Intervenciones: Aplicación del modelo de regresión múltiple con series temporales para el análisis de la esperanza de vida en Chile. Se utilizó datos de naturaleza agregada del Instituto Nacional de Estadística (INE y el Banco Central de Chile para el período comprendido entre 1988 y 2008. Se utilizó como variable dependiente la esperanza de vida en años y, como variables explicativas, el PIB per cápita, número de médicos, número de enfermeras y gasto público en salud. Principales medidas de resultados: Factores asociados a la esperanza de vida. Resultados: Luego del análisis, los resultados han puesto de manifiesto que el ingreso per cápita, el número de médicos, número de enfermeras y el gasto en salud resultaron ser estadísticamente significativos, es decir, tienen un efecto positivo sobre la esperanza de vida de las personas. Conclusiones: A la luz de los resultados podría argumentarse lo beneficioso que puede resultar en términos cuantitativos un aumento del PIB per cápita a la hora de conseguir una mayor esperanza de vida de las personas. Igualmente, los resultados sugieren el efecto positivo que produce un incremento del número de personal médico en el país dado, pues esta variable ha permitido satisfacer la demanda sanitaria cada vez más creciente de la población. El aumento del presupuesto social en salud ha sido una variable que ha tenido un resultado positivo a la hora de valorar su efecto en la mejora de las condiciones de vida en Chile.

  16. Capsaicinoides en chiles nativos de Puebla, México


    Morán-Bañuelos, S. Hirán; Aguilar-Rincón, V. Heber; Corona-Torres, Tarsicio; Castillo-González, Fernando; Soto-Hernández, R. Marcos; San Miguel-Chávez, Rubén


    Los recursos genéticos del chile (Capsicum spp.) son importantes por ser la fuente natural de capsaicinoides que confieren el sabor picante a los frutos. Los reportes sobre la amplitud de esta característica en los chiles nativos cultivados por agricultores tradicionales en México son escasos. Por tanto, el objetivo del presente estudio fue identificar y cuantificar los capsaicinoides predominantes en 22 poblaciones recolectadas en nueve municipios de Puebla, México, mediante la extracción de...

  17. Assessing the Potential for Interstate Conflict Between Chile and Peru: A Political Economy Approach (United States)


    Militares Peru-Chile no Se Han Afectado por Diferendo,” El Comercio , April 6, 2008. 329 Chile/Peru: Tensions Flare on Maritime Border Change.” 330 “FF...Relaciones Militares Peru-Chile no Se Han Afectado por Diferendo.” El Comercio , April 6, 2008. “Relations Falter for Peru, Chile.” Chicago Tribune...América Latina y el Mediterráneo (Centro de Estudios e Investigaciones Militares: Santiago, 2000), 82. 129 “A. P. Bureau Chief in Peru is Ordered out of

  18. Chile y los Desafíos Globales de Seguridad

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    John Griffiths Spielman


    Full Text Available El presente artículo pretende abordar el tema "Chile y los desafíos globales de seguridad", asumiendo a modo de propuesta una noción de seguridad relativa a todo fenómeno violento e intencional, que como producto de su actuación provoca mortalidad, y ello desde la perspectiva de un país pequeño, tal y como Chile, si bien notablemente interconectado a nivel global. En consecuencia, Chile debería asumir un efecto potencialmente mayor de las principales amenazas globales. En síntesis, se expresa que en el actual escenario de seguridad, la lejanía geográfica de los fenómenos ya no es necesariamente un factor que prevenga los efectos de dichas amenazas sobre la seguridad de un Estado.

  19. Strontium isotope data for recent andesites in Ecuador and North Chile

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Francis, P.W.; Thorpe, R.S.; Moorbath, S.


    New Sr isotope data are presented for andesite lavas from active volcanoes in Ecuador and North Chile. Twenty-three samples from five Ecuadorian volcanoes have 87 Sr/ 86 Sr ratios most of which are essentially within analytical error, and average 0.7044. In contrast, 16 samples from the San Pedro-San Pablo volcano complex in North Chile have 87 Sr/ 86 Sr ratios between 0.7058 and 0.7072. These samples show no correlation between 87 Sr/ 86 Sr and 87 Rb/ 86 Sr, nor between 87 Sr/ 86 Sr and other elements or ratios. The major difference in setting between the two volcanic provinces lies in the thickness of the continental crust; 40-50 km beneath Ecuador, 70 km beneath North Chile. Andesites from both areas are derived primarily from the mantle, but those from North Chile show evidence of a significant Sr isotopic contribution from the continental crust. (Auth.)

  20. Eso's Situation in Chile (United States)


    ESO, the European Southern Observatory, in reply to questions raised by the international media, as well as an ongoing debate about the so-called "Paranal case" in Chilean newspapers, would like to make a number of related observations concerning its status and continued operation in that country [1]. THE ESO OBSERVATORY SITES IN CHILE The European Southern Observatory, an international organisation established and supported by eight European countries, has been operating more than 30 years in the Republic of Chile. Here ESO maintains one of the world's prime astronomical observatories on the La Silla mountain in the southern part of the Atacama desert. This location is in the Fourth Chilean Region, some 600 km north of Santiago de Chile. In order to protect the La Silla site against dust and light pollution from possible future mining industries, roads and settlements, ESO early acquired the territory around this site. It totals about 825 sq. km and has effectively contributed to the preservation of its continued, excellent "astronomical" quality. Each year, more than 500 astronomers from European countries, Chile and elsewhere profit from this when they come to La Silla to observe with one or more of the 15 telescopes now located there. In 1987, the ESO Council [2] decided to embark upon one of the most prestigious and technologically advanced projects ever conceived in astronomy, the Very Large Telescope (VLT). It will consist of four interconnected 8.2-metre telescopes and will become the largest optical telescope in the world when it is ready. It is safe to predict that many exciting discoveries will be made with this instrument, and it will undoubtedly play a very important role in our exploration of the distant universe and its many mysteries during the coming decades. THE VLT AND PARANAL In order to find the best site for the VLT, ESO performed a thorough investigation of many possible mountain tops, both near La Silla and in Northern Chile. They showed

  1. [Health research and health technology assessment in Chile]. (United States)

    Espinoza, Manuel Antonio; Cabieses, Báltica; Paraje, Guillermo


    Health research is considered an essential element for the improvement of population health and it has been recommended that a share of the national health budget should be allocated to develop this field. Chile has undertaken efforts in the last decades in order to improve the governmental structure created to promote the development of health research, which has increased human resources and funding opportunities. On the other hand, the sustained economic growth of Chile in the last decades suggests that the health expenditure will maintain its increasing trend in the following years. This additional funding could be used to improve coverage of current activities performed in the health system, but also to address the incorporation of new strategies. More recently, health technology assessment (HTA) has been proposed as a process to support decisions about allocation of resources based on scientific evidence. This paper examines the relationship between the development of health research and the HTA process. First, it presents a brief diagnosis of the situation of health research in Chile. Second, it reviews the conceptual basis and the methods that account for the relationship between a HTA process and the development of health research. In particular, it emphasizes the relevance of identifying information gaps where funding additional research can be considered a good use of public resources. Finally, it discusses the challenges and possible courses of action that Chile could take in order to guarantee the continuous improvement of an articulated structure for health research and HTA.

  2. Initial results from the operation of village hybrid systems in Chile

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Holz, R.; Baring-Gould, E.I.; Corbus, D. [and others


    The government of Chile has undertaken a rural electrification program to electrify 75% of the population by the year 2000. Renewable energy is considered within this program, and its application facilitated through a technical cooperation agreement between Chile`s national energy commission (CNE) and the U.S. Department of Energy. In order to introduce isolated mini-grid hybrid wind-energy systems into Chile, three pilot projects were implemented in Region IX. The goal of the pilot systems is to establish renewables as a viable option for rural electrification in the Chilean context. In this paper we report on the first six months of three pilot projects. Presented as background information are brief descriptions of the power systems, data acquisition systems, and the operation and maintenance (O&M) protocols. Analyses of loads, component performance, system operation, and balance of payments for O&M are the primary points presented. Important lessons learned and future plans are also discussed.

  3. El chile poblano criollo en la cultura alimentaria del Alto Atoyac

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Luis Joaquín Pérez Carrasco


    Full Text Available El chile poblano criollo producido en la re-gión Alto Atoyac en Puebla, forma parte de la cultura alimenticia de la población, junto con el maíz y el frijol. Ya sea en fresco o en seco es un componente fundamental en muy diver-sos platillos como: el mole poblano, los chiles en nogada, las rajas con huevo, por mencio-nar algunos. El objetivo del trabajo fue el en-tender las razones sociales y culturales de lo planteado e identificar la problemática del cultivo de chile poblano criollo y los factores que favorecen que los productores persistan en su cultivo en la región. Metodología. Se realizaron entrevistas estructuradas, siguien-do el método de muestreo por “bola de nieve” (Snowball, empleado frecuentemente en es-tudios con poblaciones marginales. Resulta-dos. El sistema de producción predominante en el Alto Atoyac, es el chile poblano criollo intercalado en árboles frutales, con superficies de siembra igual o menor a 100 m2, estrategia usada por los productores para diversificar el riesgo de las enfermedades del cultivo y con ello asegurar la sobrevivencia de sus tradicio-nes culinarias y la permanencia de su semilla con sus propias características. Limitaciones. El trabajo de investigación no pudo abarcar el rendimiento de chile poblano en la región y del perfil del productor. Conclusiones. El chi-le poblano criollo en el Alto Atoyac, se siem-bra en superficies pequeñas y condiciones de temporal, intercalado en árboles frutales y es afectado por la enfermedad pudrición radical o secadera. El productor continúa sembrando su semilla de chile poblano criollo, como estra-tegia para conservar sus tradiciones en la elabo-ración de los alimentos y mitigar en lo posible los daños ocasionados por las enfermedades.

  4. Regiones-commodities: Crisis y contagio en Chile

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    Antonio Daher


    Full Text Available La hipótesis de un nuevo dualismo entre una capital subglobal y sus "regiones-commodities" subyace en el estudio del impacto diferencial de las tres últimas crisis internacionales en las regiones de Chile, cuantificado a través de cuatro indicadores: el producto, el empleo, la inversión externa y las exportaciones, cuya variación permite verificar la disímil vulnerabilidad de cada región y su desigual exposición al riesgo de contagio de crisis. Fundamentado en un marco conceptual que sostiene que las crisis siguen siendo más regionales que globales, y que existe una verdadera geografía del contagio, el estudio muestra evidencia empírica que permite constatar: 1 la reproducción de un desbalance norte-sur al interior de Chile; 2 la doble paradoja de Santiago, cuya economía es la más diversificada y la más vulnerable, la más recesiva y la de mayor crecimiento; 3 la emergencia de Antofagasta como segunda economía regional de Chile, desplazando a Valparaíso y Concepción; 4 el paralelismo de Santiago y Antofagasta como regiones con el mayor producto, la mayor inversión extranjera y mayores exportaciones; y 5 la "mercosurización" de Santiago, capital subglobal, y la globalización de sus "regiones-commodities".The hypothesis of a new dualism between a sub-global capital city and its "commodities regions" underlies the study of the differential impact of the three last international crises on the regions of Chile. This impact is quantified through four indicators: product, employment, foreign investment and exports, and their variability allow the verification of the dissimilar vulnerability of each region and its dissimilar exposure to the risk of crisis contamination. The study is based on a conceptual frame that states that crisis continue to be more regional-like than global, and that there is a real geography of contamination. On the other hand, this study shows empirical evidence which makes it possible to verify: 1 the

  5. President of Chile at CERN

    CERN Multimedia


    The President of Chile, Michelle Bachelet, in the ATLAS cavern with, from left to right, Peter Jenni, ATLAS Spokesman, Vivian Heyl, CONICYT President, and Robert Aymar, CERN Director-General. Robert Aymar, CERN Director-General, and Vivian Heyl, CONICYT President, signing a cooperation agreement between CERN and Chile’s Comisión Nacional de Investigación Científica y Tecnológica (CONICYT).The President of Chile, Michelle Bachelet, paid a visit to CERN during her three-day tour of Switzerland. The charismatic Michelle Bachelet and her large delegation were greeted by the CERN Director-General and then taken to see the ATLAS experiment and the LHC. She also took time to meet the Chilean community working at CERN, comprising several physicists in the Theory Group and the ATLAS experiment. The meeting was followed by the signing of a cooperation agreement between CERN and Chile’s Comisión Nacional de Investigación Científi...

  6. [Mental disorders among immigrants in Chile]. (United States)

    Rojas, Graciela; Fritsch, Rosemarie; Castro, Ariel; Guajardo, Viviana; Torres, Pamela; Díaz, Berta


    Chile is receiving immigrant populations coming from other Latin-American countries. To determine the prevalence of Common Mental Disorders (CMD) among immigrants who live in Independencia, a quarter in Santiago, Chile. A cross sectional study was carried out in the primary health care clinic and in the state-funded school of Independencia. A representative sample of 282 adults and 341 children were interviewed. Mental disorders were diagnosed using CIS-R and MINI structured interviews. The interviewed immigrants came mostly from Peru. The prevalence of mental disorders in the adult population was 17.8% and among children, it was 29.3%. The adult immigrants have a lower prevalence of mental disorders than the Chilean population but it increases among children. Barriers of access to health services, that should be solved, were detected.

  7. [Illegitimate patients: Undocumented immigrants' access to health care in Chile]. (United States)

    Concha, Nanette Liberona; Mansilla, Miguel Ángel


    In recent decades, Chile has become a destination for immigrants from other South American countries, which has significantly impacted public services - particularly the public health system - at the economic, social, and cultural levels. The aim of this paper is to provide substantiated information on issues concerning undocumented immigrants' access to health care in Chile. A qualitative methodology, fundamentally an ethnography of the clinical setting, was used. Results were then analyzed in relation to theories of power asymmetries and interethnic relations. The research results highlight the lack of compliance with existing regulations and the exercise of discretionary personal judgment as barriers to access. It is concluded that in Chile immigrants in general, and undocumented immigrants in particular, are considered to be illegitimate patients.

  8. Illegitimate patients: Undocumented immigrants’ access to health care in Chile

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Nanette Paz Liberona Concha


    Full Text Available In recent decades, Chile has become a destination for immigrants from other South American countries, which has significantly impacted public services – particularly the public health system – at the economic, social, and cultural levels. The aim of this paper is to provide substantiated information on issues concerning undocumented immigrants’ access to health care in Chile. A qualitative methodology, fundamentally an ethnography of the clinical setting, was used. Results were then analyzed in relation to theories of power asymmetries and interethnic relations. The research results highlight the lack of compliance with existing regulations and the exercise of discretionary personal judgment as barriers to access. It is concluded that in Chile immigrants in general, and undocumented immigrants in particular, are considered to be illegitimate patients.

  9. Credit constraints in rural financial markets in Chile: determinants and consequences

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Reyes, A.


    Using data from two surveys carried out in 2006 and 2008 on 177 farmers in Chile, this study measures access to credit and empirically determine the effects of credit constraints on investment and production for market-oriented farmers in central Chile. More specifically, four issues are dealt

  10. 75 FR 28059 - Actual Effects of the Free Trade Agreements With Chile, Australia, and Singapore (United States)


    ... Agreements With Chile, Australia, and Singapore AGENCY: United States International Trade Commission. ACTION... Trade Agreements with Chile, Australia, and Singapore. DATES: July 15, 2010: Deadline for filing written... effects of the free trade agreements (FTAs) concluded with Chile, Singapore, and Australia. In its report...

  11. Chile: Una Vision Politica, Economica y Social (Chile: A Political, Economic, and Social View). (United States)

    Cortes-Hwang, Adriana


    This address seeks to explain in brief the historical background and political, economic, and social conditions leading to the democratic election of a Marxist president in Chile. A historical sketch of Chilean government from independence in 1810 is provided with a description of the situation just before Salvador Allende's election in 1969. Some…

  12. Surface Observations from Punta Arenas, Chile (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — Surface Observations from Punta Arenas, in extreme southern Chile. WMO station ID 85934. Period of record 1896-1954. The original forms were scanned at the Museo...

  13. Decades lost and found: Mexico and Chile since 1980


    Raphael Bergoeing; Patrick J. Kehoe; Timothy J. Kehoe; Raimundo Soto


    Both Chile and Mexico experienced severe economic crises in the early 1980s, yet Chile recovered much faster than Mexico. This study analyzes four possible explanations for this difference and rules out three, explanations based on money supply expansion, real wage and real exchange rate declines, and foreign debt overhangs. The fourth explanation is based on government policy reforms in the two countries. Using growth accounting and a calibrated growth model, the study determines that the on...

  14. Bullfighting at Santiago de Chile during the Colonial Period

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Escardiel González Estévez


    Full Text Available Despite the fact that in Chile there is no bullfighting and that people have forgotten it, bulls existed in this territory as in any other Spanish colony, with critical social implications. Although follow the Iberian trend, from ritual to a spectacle, some local factors made that bullfighting had special features in Chile, as is the case of the permanence of chivalrous bullfighting in the context of military training at the frontier with mapuche people.

  15. Breves consideraciones acerca de la importancia de los árboles de decisión en el análisis de carteras


    Julio César Riascos Hermoza; Jesús Enrique Molina Muñoz


    La cada vez más estrecha relación entre las ciencias y/o disciplinas no es ajena a la relación derivada en los últimos 50 años entre las nanzas, la Econometría, la modelación estadística y los procesos de simulación computacional. El propósito de este artículo introductorio reside en exponer algunas breves consideraciones con respecto al potencial manejo de los árboles de decisión en la teoría nanciera y particularmente como complemento al diseño de los tradicionales árboles de rentabilidad. ...

  16. Environmental management in Chile: The power plants case; Gestion ambiental en Chile: Caso de las centrales termoelectricas

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Jadrijevic, Maritza [Comision Nacional del Medio Ambiente, (Chile)


    In this paper are presented the general aspects of the historic evolution o the legal norms on environmental matters in Chile; general aspects of the electric generation system and the instruments of environmental management currently applied in the fossil fueled power plants, such as: the assessment system of the environmental impact; compliance of the air quality and emissions Standards and plans for decontamination [Espanol] En este trabajo se dan a conocer aspectos generales de la evolucion historica de las normas juridicas en materia ambiental en Chile; aspectos generales del sistema de generacion electrica y los instrumentos de gestion ambiental que actualmente se aplican a las plantas de generacion termoelectricas, tales como: el sistema de evaluacion de impacto ambiental; cumplimiento de normas de la calidad de aire y de emision y, planes de descontaminacion

  17. Environmental management in Chile: The power plants case; Gestion ambiental en Chile: Caso de las centrales termoelectricas

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Jadrijevic, Maritza [Comision Nacional del Medio Ambiente, (Chile)


    In this paper are presented the general aspects of the historic evolution o the legal norms on environmental matters in Chile; general aspects of the electric generation system and the instruments of environmental management currently applied in the fossil fueled power plants, such as: the assessment system of the environmental impact; compliance of the air quality and emissions Standards and plans for decontamination [Espanol] En este trabajo se dan a conocer aspectos generales de la evolucion historica de las normas juridicas en materia ambiental en Chile; aspectos generales del sistema de generacion electrica y los instrumentos de gestion ambiental que actualmente se aplican a las plantas de generacion termoelectricas, tales como: el sistema de evaluacion de impacto ambiental; cumplimiento de normas de la calidad de aire y de emision y, planes de descontaminacion

  18. [The 140th anniversary of Revista Médica de Chile]. (United States)

    Reyes, B Humberto; Andresen, H Max; Palma, H Joaquín


    Revista Médica de Chile was founded in 1872 and thus is one of the oldest medical journals being published since the 19th Century. The sponsoring institution--"Sociedad Médica de Santiago", founded in 1869--initially was the only scientific society in Chile, gathering medical doctors from every existing specialty. With the splitting of independent organizations representing specific specialties, including subspecial-ties of internal medicine, Sociedad Médica de Santiago focused its scope of action to become the "Chilean Society of Internal Medicine". Its official journal -Revista Médica de Chile--is currently a general and internal medicine journal that also publishes articles on scientific and technological advances in many fields of medicine and health sciences. While initially all authors were Chilean, the journal is now open to submissions from abroad and since the year 2000 articles are published in English when the local language of authors is not Spanish. The number of articles received determines an increasing administrative and editorial burden and, together with the high cost of publishing, will require changes in publication policies. The journal will participate in continuing medical education programs as soon as reaccreditation of medical specialties becomes officially organized in Chile.

  19. Chile and Mercosur: One Strategic Perspective

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library

    Oviedo, Humberto


    ... a big free trade area. Chile has been proactive to open its economy unilaterally and now is looking for creating the best conditions to participate in some important economic blocks, as a NAFTA, MERCOSUR, the Asian-Pacific...

  20. Nuclear public information activities in Chile; Programa de educacion publica de la energia nuclear en Chile

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Munoz Quintana, R [Comision Chilena de Energia Nuclear, Santiago (Chile)


    Nuclear plans and developing programs in developing and developed countries are facing-in a higher or lower degree- opposition from public opinion. The objectives and contents of the public education program on nuclear energy in Chile are dealt with in this paper.

  1. Biomass size-spectra of macrobenthic communities in the oxygen minimum zone off Chile (United States)

    Quiroga, Eduardo; Quiñones, Renato; Palma, Maritza; Sellanes, Javier; Gallardo, Víctor A.; Gerdes, Dieter; Rowe, Gilbert


    Estimates of macrofaunal secondary production and normalized biomass size-spectra (NBSS) were constructed for macrobenthic communities associated with the oxygen minimum zone (OMZ) in four areas of the continental margin off Chile. The presence of low oxygen conditions in the Humboldt Current System (HCS) off Chile was shown to have important effects on the size structure and secondary production of the benthic communities living in this ecosystem. The distribution of normalized biomass by size was linear (log 2-log 2 scale) at all stations. The slope of the NBSS ranged from -0.481 to -0.908. There were significant differences between the slopes of the NBS-spectra from the stations located in the OMZ (slope = -0.837) and those located outside the OMZ (slope = -0.463) ( p oxygen conditions (Chile (6.8 g C m -2 y -1) than off northern Chile (2.02 g C m -2 y -1) and off southern Chile (0.83 g C m -2 y -1). A comparison with other studies suggests that secondary production in terms of carbon equivalents was higher than in other upwelling regions.

  2. The Bulimulidae (Mollusca: Pulmonata) from the Región de Atacama, northern Chile. (United States)

    Araya, Juan Francisco


    The bulimulid genus Bostryx Troschel, 1847 is the most species-rich genus of land snails found in Chile, with the majority of its species found only in the northern part of the country, usually in arid coastal zones. This genus has been sparsely studied in Chile and there is little information on their distribution, diversity or ecology. Here, for the first time, a formal analysis of the diversity of bulimulids in the Región de Atacama, northern Chile, is reported. Of the seventeen species recorded for the area, most of them were efectively found in the field collections and one record was based on literature. Five taxa are described as new: Bostryx ancavilorum sp. nov., Bostryx breurei sp. nov., Bostryx calderaensis sp. nov., Bostryx ireneae sp. nov. and Bostryx valdovinosi sp. nov., and the known geographic distribution of seven species is extended. Results reveal that the Región de Atacama is the richest region in terrestrial snails in Chile, after the Juan Fernández Archipelago. All of the terrestrial molluscan species occurring in the area are endemic to Chile, most of them with restricted geographic distributions along the coastal zones, and none of them are currently protected by law. Further sampling in northern Chile will probably reveal more snail species to be discovered and described.

  3. Provisional catalogue of the flora of San Ignacio de Huinay, Chile

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    Ramón Morales


    Full Text Available Contribution to the vascular plants flora of San Ignacio de Huinay natural reserve, Comau fiord, Región de los Lagos, Chile. To date, 262 species with their herbaria sheets stored in 5 different American and European herbaria (CONC, M, MA, and SGO and that of Huinay, are known in the territory. In this work some first new records for the South Cone are included, such as Potentilla anglica, Plantago media, and Mentha x rotundifolia. Furthermore, some of the records are new for the Flora of Chile, such as Juncus burkartii, only known from Argentina. Other species very scarcely cited in Chile, such as Solanum nigrum and Bromus squarrosus, are also included.

  4. IAEA Mission Says Chile Committed to Enhancing Safety, Sees Regulatory Challenges

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    An International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) team of experts said Chile is committed to strengthening its regulatory framework for nuclear and radiation safety. To help achieve this aim, the team said the country should address challenges in some areas, including the need to ensure effective independence in regulatory decision-making. The Integrated Regulatory Review Service (IRRS) team today concluded a 12-day mission to assess the regulatory safety framework in Chile. The mission was conducted at the request of the Government and hosted by the Chilean Nuclear Energy Commission (CCHEN), which is responsible for regulatory supervision together with the Ministry of Health (MINSAL). The review mission covered all civilian nuclear and radiation source facilities and activities regulated in Chile.

  5. Forest nursery management in Chile (United States)

    Rene Escobar R.; Manuel Sanchez O.; Guillermo Pereira C.


    The forest economy in Chile is based on products from artificial reforestation efforts on approximately 2 million ha. From these, about 1.5 million ha (75%) are planted with Pinus radiata, 400,000 ha (20%) with species of Eucalyptus, principally E. globulus and E. nitens, and the rest (5%) composed by other...

  6. Los patelogastrópodos intermareales de Chile y Perú Intertidal limpets of Chile and Peru

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    Full Text Available En este estudio se entrega un sistema de clasificación que refleja las relaciones de parentesco, inferidas a partir del análisis de la región 16S de ADN mitocondrial, de los patelogastrópodos que habitan en la zona intermareal a lo largo de la costa rocosa de Chile y Perú. Además, se incluye el análisis comparativo de estos patelogastrópodos en relación con la estructura, la morfología y los patrones de color de la concha, los dientes de la rádula y la anatomía corporal. Adicionalmente, se entrega información respecto de la distribución y ecología para todos los miembros de este grupo. Los resultados muestran que la fauna Lottiidae de Chile y Perú consiste en al menos nueve especies de patelogastrópodos intermareales. Esto es, ocho especies de patelogastrópodos agrupadas dentro del clado monofilético Scurria (S. variabilis, S. zebrina, S. viridula, S. plana, S. scurra, S. araucana, S. ceciliana y una especie no determinada y un "taxón problemático" asignado preliminarmente dentro del género Lottia (Lottia orbignyi. El grupo está presente entre los 5º S y 54º S, registrándose en los niveles intermareales superior, medio e inferior, desde zonas expuestas a protegidas del oleaje. A nivel intraespecífico, los resultados nos permiten proponer la sinonimia de S. parasitica con S. variabilis, y de S. ceciliana con S. boehmita. Según esto, S. variabilis presentaría al menos tres ecofenotipos: (1 en sustratos rocosos a lo largo de todo su rango geográfico, (2 sobre las conchas de Fissurella crassa y F. limbata principalmente en Chile centro-sur y (3 sobre las placas del chitón Enoplochiton niger en el norte de Chile y sur del Perú. Por su parte, S. ceciliana es una especie de patelogastrópodo que presenta un patrón morfológico y de coloración de la concha altamente variable. En general, la alta variabilidad del patrón de color y morfología de la concha sitúa a estos patelogastrópodos entre los más complejos y

  7. Formación bruta de capital en bienes de equipo en chile, 1856-1930: Fuentes nacionales y extranjeras Gross Capital Formation in Equipment in Chile, 1856-1930: National and Foreign Sources

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    Cristián Ducoing


    Full Text Available Pese a contar con unas de las mejores estadísticas de los países en desarrollo, existen lagunas en las series económicas de Chile, las cuales se han corregido a lo largo de los años. El trabajo conjunto de los autores ha permitido conocer las similitudes y diferencias entre una evaluación basada en las estadísticas chilenas y otra elaborada con las estadísticas del comercio exterior del G-3 (Alemania, Estados Unidos y Gran Bretaña. El objetivo del artículo es contrastar las series de inversión en maquinaria para Chile desde 1856 hasta 1930 y servir de base para otros estudios que quieran aportar nuevas series que permitan entender el desarrollo de Chile en el largo plazo.Despite having the best statistics in developing countries, there are a number of gaps in Chile's economic series, which have been being corrected over the years. Our joint work has allowed knowing the similarities and differences between series made from the Chilean statistical yearbooks and official trade statistics of G-3 (Germany, USA and Great Britain. The article aims to contrast both machinery investment series for Chile from 1856 to 1930 and provide a basis for other studies that want to make new series for understanding the development of Chile in the long term.

  8. Early Child Care Education: Evidence from the New Law in Chile (United States)

    Castillo, Felipe Aravena; Lobos, Marta Quiroga


    In the last decade, Chile has focused on early childhood education and care (ECEC) as a key opportunity to increase student-learning outcomes and decrease socio-economic inequalities. The creation of Chile's Under-Secretariat of ECEC in 2015 highlights the relevance of this educational stage. The purpose of this study is to analyse the new law…

  9. [Brucellosis in Chile: Description of a series of 13 cases]. (United States)

    Olivares, Roberto; Vidal, Pamela; Sotomayor, Camila; Norambuena, Mackarenna; Luppi, Mario; Silva, Francisco; Cifuentes, Marcela


    Brucellosis is a zoonosis caused by Brucella spp. It may be acquired by consuming unpasteurized dairy products. Brucellosis has a low incidence in Chile, thus, we have a scarce data. To report and to characterize the first series of clinical cases of adult patients diagnosed with brucellosis in Chile. We describe a series of 13 clinical cases in patients diagnosed between 2000 and 2016 in three different centers in the Metropolitan Region, Chile. A retrospective analysis was performed on clinical presentation, laboratory, antibiotic treatment, morbidity and mortality. The mean age was 50 years old. Eight cases had a record of consumption of unpasteurized dairy products. The most frequently reported complaints were fever. The most frequent focal point involved was the spine. Only one patient had a positive blood culture, while the diagnosis was made using serological techniques in the other part of the group. The most indicated antibiotic regimens were doxycycline-rifampicin and doxycycline-gentamicin. The hospital stay was 20 days approximately as an average. Clinical cure was achieved in all cases. Brucellosis is an infrequent zoonosis in Chile, and it produces a nonspecific clinical picture, so it is necessary to have high suspicion to make the diagnosis based in the antecedent of consumption of unpasteurized dairy or raw meat.

  10. Pentecostalism and Politics in Neoliberal Chile

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    Martin Lindhardt


    Full Text Available Este artículo investiga las relaciones históricas y contemporáneas entre el Pentecostalismo y la política en Chile. La primera parte del artículo provee un resumen histórico del crecimiento y consolidación de la religión Pentecostal en relación a diferentes ambientes políticos. En este artículo se esclarecen además las diferentes posturas Pentecostales hacia la esfera política. En particular hago hincapié, en cómo surge una cultura de desencanto político en el Chile post-dictatorial que crea un vacío simbólico, el cual trae como consecuencia el nacimiento de movimientos religiosos. En la segunda parte de este artículo se discute las posibles afinidades entre el Pentecostalismo, como una cultura religiosa, y los principios democráticos. El argumento es que a pesar de que el Pentecostalismo puede contener algunas cualidades democráticas, también existe una compatibilidad notable entre la visión teísta e individualista Pentecostal acerca de los cambios sociales, y un orden social neoliberal, en donde la indolencia política se expande y en donde predomina un sentido de progreso individual y no colectivo. English: This article explores historical and contemporary relationships between Pentecostalism and politics in Chile. The first part of the article provides an historical account of the growth and consolidation of Pentecostal religion within changing political environments and sheds light on Pentecostal stances to and involvements with the political sphere. In particular, it focuses on how a culture of political disenchantment has emerged in post-dictatorial neo-liberal Chile, creating a symbolic void that can be filled by religious movements. The second part of the article discusses possible affinities between Pentecostalism as a religious culture and democratic principles and values. It argues that although Pentecostalism may contain certain democratic qualities, there is also a striking compatibility between, on the one

  11. Immigrant health workers in Chile: is there a Latin American "brain drain"? Inmigración de personal sanitario hacia Chile: ¿hay una "fuga de cerebros" hacia América Latina?

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    Baltica Cabieses


    Full Text Available Most research on the phenomenon of "brain drain" (one-way flow of highly skilled/educated individuals has focused on movement between the least developed and most highly developed countries. Therefore, the significance of patterns of migration to middle-income countries such as those in Latin America is less clear. The aim of this study was to outline key features of international health worker "brain drain" to Chile to promote discussion and further research on this phenomenon as it pertains to the Latin American region. The study compared immigrant health workers living in Chile to both Chilean-born health workers and other immigrants living in Chile using a qualitative nationwide dataset (the results of Chile's 2009 National Socioeconomic Characterization Survey. Demographic, socioeconomic, and health-related variables were included in the analyses, which were weighted by population to obtain nationally representative estimates. In 2009, immigrant health workers represented 2.2% of all health personnel and 2.6% of all resident immigrants in the country. While most immigrant health workers had a universitylevel education, about 25% had only a high school-level education or less. There was no statistically significant difference between the distribution of immigrant health workers' household income and that of Chilean-born health workers. A significantly higher proportion of the immigrant group reported no entitlement to health care provision. While the results of this study do not indicate a significant international health worker "brain drain" to Chile, they do suggest distinctive patterns of migration within the Latin American region. Future studies in Chile could confirm the validity of these results, using a larger sample of immigrant health workers.La mayoría de las investigaciones sobre el fenómeno de la "fuga de cerebros" (migración unidireccional de individuos sumamente capacitados y educados se ha centrado en la migración desde pa

  12. Nuclear public information activities in Chile

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Munoz Quintana; R


    Nuclear plans and developing programs in developing and developed countries are facing-in a higher or lower degree- opposition from public opinion. The objectives and contents of the public education program on nuclear energy in Chile are dealt with in this paper

  13. Illegitimate patients: Undocumented immigrants’ access to health care in Chile


    Nanette Paz Liberona Concha; Miguel Angel Mansilla


    In recent decades, Chile has become a destination for immigrants from other South American countries, which has significantly impacted public services – particularly the public health system – at the economic, social, and cultural levels. The aim of this paper is to provide substantiated information on issues concerning undocumented immigrants’ access to health care in Chile. A qualitative methodology, fundamentally an ethnography of the clinical setting, was used. Results were then analyzed ...

  14. Immigrant health workers in Chile: is there a Latin American "brain drain"?

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Baltica Cabieses


    Full Text Available Most research on the phenomenon of "brain drain" (one-way flow of highly skilled/educated individuals has focused on movement between the least developed and most highly developed countries. Therefore, the significance of patterns of migration to middle-income countries such as those in Latin America is less clear. The aim of this study was to outline key features of international health worker "brain drain" to Chile to promote discussion and further research on this phenomenon as it pertains to the Latin American region. The study compared immigrant health workers living in Chile to both Chilean-born health workers and other immigrants living in Chile using a qualitative nationwide dataset (the results of Chile's 2009 National Socioeconomic Characterization Survey. Demographic, socioeconomic, and health-related variables were included in the analyses, which were weighted by population to obtain nationally representative estimates. In 2009, immigrant health workers represented 2.2% of all health personnel and 2.6% of all resident immigrants in the country. While most immigrant health workers had a universitylevel education, about 25% had only a high school-level education or less. There was no statistically significant difference between the distribution of immigrant health workers' household income and that of Chilean-born health workers. A significantly higher proportion of the immigrant group reported no entitlement to health care provision. While the results of this study do not indicate a significant international health worker "brain drain" to Chile, they do suggest distinctive patterns of migration within the Latin American region. Future studies in Chile could confirm the validity of these results, using a larger sample of immigrant health workers.

  15. Immigrant health workers in Chile: is there a Latin American "brain drain"? (United States)

    Cabieses, Baltica; Tunstall, Helena


    Most research on the phenomenon of "brain drain" (one-way flow of highly skilled/educated individuals) has focused on movement between the least developed and most highly developed countries. Therefore, the significance of patterns of migration to middle-income countries such as those in Latin America is less clear. The aim of this study was to outline key features of international health worker "brain drain" to Chile to promote discussion and further research on this phenomenon as it pertains to the Latin American region. The study compared immigrant health workers living in Chile to both Chilean-born health workers and other immigrants living in Chile using a qualitative nationwide dataset (the results of Chile's 2009 National Socioeconomic Characterization Survey). Demographic, socioeconomic, and health-related variables were included in the analyses, which were weighted by population to obtain nationally representative estimates. In 2009, immigrant health workers represented 2.2% of all health personnel and 2.6% of all resident immigrants in the country. While most immigrant health workers had a universitylevel education, about 25% had only a high school-level education or less. There was no statistically significant difference between the distribution of immigrant health workers' household income and that of Chilean-born health workers. A significantly higher proportion of the immigrant group reported no entitlement to health care provision. While the results of this study do not indicate a significant international health worker "brain drain" to Chile, they do suggest distinctive patterns of migration within the Latin American region. Future studies in Chile could confirm the validity of these results, using a larger sample of immigrant health workers.

  16. International Uranium Resources Evaluation Project (IUREP) national favourability studies: Chile

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    Chile has an area of 740,760 square kilometers. The capital is Santiago. The country is 4,183 km. long and ranges from 22.5 to about 354 km. in width. Its chief topographic features para]lei each other - the Coastal Range, Andes Mountains and Central Valley. The Coastal Range rises to 2,130 meters in the north, but averages from 610 to 700 meters high generally. The range plunges into the Pacific Ocean far south of Valparaiso and reappears in the southern archipelagic islands. The Andes extend along nearly the entire length of Chile and contain 100 volcanoes. Andean peaks range mostly from 3,000 to 6,700 meters in elevation. In southern Chile the Andes are lower, and contain about a dozen major lakes. The mountains disappear in Chilean Patagonia, but reappear at Cape Horn. The Central Valley lies between the Coastal Range and the Andes, being best defined in the midland region as a 64 to 72 km sloping plain. It is the Chilean heartland with three-quarters of the country's population. Salt basins are found over much of northern Chile in the very arid desert, while the region south of the Gulf of Reloncavi consists of unpopulated islands, fjords, channels and heavily forested mountains. The Strait of Magellan, the Tierra del Fuego archipelago and a flat grassland area make up the extreme southern end of the country. Much of Chile is subject to flash floods, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, landslides and avalanches. In September 1976 the Comision Chilena de Energia Nuclear (CCEN) was given exclusive rights to negotiate contracts with private companies for the exploration, development and mining of uranium and other radioactive minerals. The new law provides the CCEN with considerable flexibility in the terms of the contracts. Pre-964 owners of uranium deposits may reach agreements with foreign companies to mine the uranium, but since 1964 all uranium has belonged to the state. Uranium produced in the country can only be exported after Chile's needs have been met. The

  17. The socioeconomic impact of drug-related crimes in Chile. (United States)

    Fernández, Matías


    Illegal drug use and trafficking are closely connected to crime. This article estimates the socioeconomic impact of this connection in Chile. Goldstein's tripartite model was applied quantifying drug-crime connections and then using those estimates to measure the socioeconomic impact of drug-related crimes. This was estimated in terms of both the monetary cost of law enforcement, and lost productivity due to incarceration. This socioeconomic impact can be divided into: (a) the direct costs arising from infractions to Chile's Drug Law, and the indirect costs originated by crimes linked only partially to drug consumption and trafficking; (b) is measured in productivity losses, as well as in costs to the three branches of Chile's criminal justice system (police, judiciary, and prisons); and (c) is attributed to the three illicit drugs most prevalent in Chile: cannabis, cocaine hydrochloride (CH) and cocaine base paste (CBP). The socioeconomic impact of Chile's drug-crime relationship in 2006 is estimated to be USD 268 million. Out of this amount, 36% is spent on national Drug Law enforcement, and the remaining 64% comes from the connection of drug use and trafficking with non-Drug-Law-related crimes. The police bear the largest share of drug enforcement costs (32%), followed by penitentiaries (25%). Productivity losses due to incarceration for drug-related crimes represent 29% of the total impact. 53% of the costs are attributable to CBP, 29% to CH, and the remaining 18% to cannabis. The impact of CBP is greater when indirect costs are taken into account, although direct costs are primarily associated with CH. The majority of costs is attributed to the trafficking and consumption of CBP, a drug with a relatively low prevalence. Based on the results, this study suggests reviewing drug enforcement policies to differentiate them according to the social and individual harm caused by each drug. Copyright © 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  18. Isaac Newton Institute of Chile: The fifteenth anniversary of its "Yugoslavia" Branch (United States)

    Dimitrijević, M. S.

    In 2002, the Isaac Newton Institute of Chile established in Belgrade its "Yugoslavia" Branch, one of 15 branches in nine countries in Eastern Europe and Eurasia. On the occasion of fifteen years since its foundation, the activities of "Yugoslavia" Branch of the Isaac Newton Institute of Chile are briefly reviewed.


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    Claudia Dides C


    Full Text Available El presente artículo es un ensayo reflexivo sobre el problema del aborto en Chile, a partir de la revisión del contexto histórico actual del país, así como un planteamiento crítico desde la perspectiva de género y bioética. El análisis se ha organizado en tres apartados: el contexto del aborto en Chile en el marco de los derechos humanos, las transformaciones en la intimidad y los aportes de la bioética y la perspectiva de género al debate. Por último, se presentan, a modo de reflexión, algunas de las tensiones existentes así como las interrogantes para posibles investigacionesO presente artigo é um ensaio reflexivo sobre o problema do aborto no Chile, a partir da revisão do contexto histórico atual do país, assim como um posicionamento crítico a partir da perspectiva de gênero e bioética. A análise foi organizada em três momentos: o contexto do aborto no Chile, no marco dos direitos humanos, as transfoamrações na intimidade e as contribuiçãos da bioética e a perspectiva de gênero ao debabe. Por último, apresentam-se, em forma de reflexão, algumas das tensões existentes, assim como as interrogações para as possíveis pesquisasThis paper is a reflexive essay about the abortion problem in Chile, considering the current historical context as well as a critical approach from the gender and bioethical perspective. The analysis has been organized in three tracks: the abortion context in Chile in relation to the human rights, the changes in privacy and the contribution of bioethics and gender perspective to this debate. Finally, for reflection, some current tensions as well as questions for future studies are presented

  20. Consideraciones sobre la produccion de frutas en Venezuela

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    Jesús Aular


    Full Text Available En la presente revisión se presenta información sobre superficie, producción, y rendimiento de los frutales en Venezuela. Además se hacen consideraciones sobre los sistemas de producción, destacando limitaciones, avances y sugerencias. La fruticultura en Venezuela ocupa el 3er. lugar dentro del sector agrícola vegetal. Existen 167.691 Ha de frutales y una producción 2.232.088 TM por año. Se producen comercialmente una docena de rubros frutícolas, siendo los principales: plátano, banano, naranjo y piña. Las áreas de producción van desde zonas bajas y áridas, en donde se obtienen uvas y piñas; hasta zonas altas y húmedas donde se hallan duraznos y fresas. Ha habido reducción de la superficie plantada, con excepción de lechosa, piña y aguacate. El manejo hortícola de los huertos frutícolas es heterogéneo, ya que se observa desde bajo hasta alto nivel de tecnología. La incorrecta aplicación de las prácticas hortícolas origina baja productividad y calidad de fruta. La poscosecha podría mejorarse a través del desarrollo e implementación de normas de clasificación, empaque, embalaje, y cadena de frío. La exportación de frutas venezolanas se ha reducido en los últimos años y se concentra en mango, naranja y lima Tahití. Los principales destinos son Colombia, Europa, Norteamérica y las islas del Caribe. Sólo la naranja se procesa de manera importante en Venezuela. Las perspectivas para la fruticultura venezolana es continuar como una actividad dirigida al mercado interno, no se vislumbra una mayor participación del país en el mercado internacional.

  1. Pre-crisis Conditions and Government Policy Responses: Chile and Mexico during the Great Recession


    Bruno Martorano


    Chile and Mexico reacted to the crisis by implementing several policy responses, they achieved different outcomes. In particular, the Chilean economy recovered faster than the Mexican one. However, the main differences are related to social outcomes. On one hand, the Gini coefficient decreased in both countries. On the other hand, both overall and child poverty dropped in Chile while they rose sharply in Mexico. , Chile introduced a stimulus package twice as large the Mexican one. When the fi...

  2. A drone flight over ESO’s experimental sites in Chile

    CERN Multimedia

    CERN Bulletin


    Paola Catapano, a member of CERN’s Communication Group, and Mike Struik, a member of the TE Department, were invited to visit ESO’s experimental sites – the ALMA observatory and the Very Large Telescope in Paranal, Chile. Enjoy some of the beautiful images they sent to the Bulletin.   Image courtesy Paola Catapano and Mike Struik. The 66 radio astronomy antennas of the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) observatory at 5,000 m altitude on the Chajnantor highland in Chile. The ALMA array specialises in the cold, invisible Universe, catching radiation from millimetre and submillimetre radiowaves night and day. ALMA is an international partnership between the European Southern Observatory (ESO), the US National Science Foundation (NSF) and the National Institutes of Natural Sciences (NINS) of Japan, together with NRC (Canada), NSC and ASIAA (Taiwan), and KASI (Republic of Korea), in cooperation with the Republic of Chile.   Image cour...

  3. May 1960 Puerto Montt, Valdivia, Chile Images (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — On May 22, 1960, a Mw 9.5 earthquake, the largest earthquake ever instrumentally recorded, occurred in southern Chile. The series of earthquakes that followed...

  4. Different Seed Selection and Conservation Practices for Fresh Market and Dried Chile Farmers in Aguascalientes, Mexico. (United States)

    Kraft, Kraig H; de Jesús Luna-Ruíz, José; Gepts, Paul


    Different Seed Selection and Conservation Practices for Fresh Market and Dried Chile Farmers in Aguascalientes, Mexico. The process of selecting and saving seed is the most basic and oldest of agricultural practices. In today's modern and highly capital-intensive agriculture, seeds are often treated like another chemical input. This study sought to examine seed selection and saving practices among chile farmers in Aguascalientes, Mexico, where both industrial and traditional agriculture are practiced. We observed a clear division among farmers who plant chile peppers commercially. Sixty-eight chile pepper farmers were surveyed in order to document seed selection and saving practices. Fifteen respondents (22%) planted chile peppers destined for the fresh market and all utilized purchased commercial seed of F1 hybrid varieties. Fifty-three farmers (78%) planted chiles to be dried and either saved their own or purchased seeds that others had saved and selected. Farmers who saved their own seed sought to maintain an ideotype, rather than directionally select for certain traits, much like Cleveland et al. (2000) chronicled in central Mexican maize farmers. Farmers would benefit from a participatory plant-breeding program in order to maintain productive seed stock for the continued cultivation of dried chile pepper in the state.

  5. Glacial Hazards in Chile: Processes, Assessment, Mitigation and Risk Management Strategies (United States)

    Glasser, N. F.; Wilson, R.; Casassa, G., Sr.; Reynolds, J.; Harrison, S.; Shannon, S. R.; Schaefer, M.; Iribarran, P.


    Glacial Lake Outburst Floods (GLOFs) are capable of travelling considerable distances from their source and they represent one of the most important glacial hazards. In line with observations in other parts of the world, the frequency of GLOF events in Chile has increased in recent decades highlighting the need to quantify the flood risk posed to downstream areas. This poster presents the work of the `Glacial Hazards in Chile' project which aims to (1) better understand the processes that govern the development of GLOFs in Chile, (2) estimate the socio-economic effects of GLOFs in Chile, and (3) provide a GLOF risk assessment framework that can be applied to Chile and other lower income countries globally. As an initial step towards the completion of these aims, we have recently compiled the first glacial lake inventory for the central and Patagonian Andes, which details the temporal development of glacial lakes in this region over the past three decades. This analysis was used to identify two lakes of interest that were visited during a fieldwork expedition in February 2017. The first of these, Lago Chileno in Patagonia, has recently produced a large GLOF causing significant damage to the downstream floodplain, whilst the second was identified as one of the fastest growing lakes in the central Andes. Both these lakes were surveyed using aerial imagery acquired with a drone and a custom-built bathymetry boat, data from which will help to improve our understanding of the physical processes associated with glacial lake development and failure within the Chilean Andes.

  6. Biogeografía marina de Chile continental Marine biogeography of continental Chile

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    Full Text Available Por casi un siglo, varios autores han analizado los patrones de distribución de la fauna y flora marina del Pacífico de Sudamérica y de la costa de Chile en particular, con el propósito de establecer el número de las unidades biogeográficas presentes. Si bien los patrones generales actuales son relativamente bien conocidos, la mayoría de los estudios se ha enfocado en las discontinuidades distribucionales y en propuestas de clasificación más que en los factores y procesos dinámicos que han formado las unidades espaciales identificadas. Aun en el caso de las clasificaciones, las conclusiones publicadas se basan principalmente en el análisis de uno o pocos grupos seleccionados, y presentan diferencias importantes en los criterios de selección de los grupos, el número de especies involucrado y la metodología usada. Por otra parte, las discrepancias entre estudios específicos tienden a obscurecer un fenómeno relevante y de mayor escala como es la dinámica de las biotas, uno de los aspectos biogeográficos menos conocidos en Chile. En tal contexto, este trabajo presenta una revisión de literatura sobre la biogeografía marina de Chile y sus aspectos asociados, con los siguientes objetivos: (a resumir las características oceanográficas, climáticas y geomorfológicas de la costa continental de Chile; (b discutir 27 clasificaciones biogeográficas publicadas para la costa chilena, analizando los criterios y procedimientos usados por los autores, sus conclusiones principales, y la concordancia entre los estudios; (c evaluar los procesos dispersivos y vicariantes asociados a los desplazamientos y modificaciones de las biotas de la región, en función de los antecedentes disponibles sobre las condiciones existentes y los principales eventos ocurridos durante los períodos Terciario y Cuaternario; y (d proponer un escenario de cambio biogeográfico basado en determinantes históricas y su influencia en la formación, carácter y din

  7. Distribution and habitat ecology of the sorediate species of Menegazzia (Parmeliaceae, lichenized Ascomycota in Chile Distribución y ecología de las especies sorediosas de Menegazzia (Parmeliaceae, Ascomycota liquenizado en Chile

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    Full Text Available ABSTRACT The taxonomy and ecology of the sorediate species of Menegazzia from the southernmost regions of Chile and Argentina and the South Atlantic Islands was recently published, only with sporadic reports from the more northern regions. In the present work the distribution patterns and habitat ecology of the sorediate species are discussed, with emphasis on the area north of 48º S. Eleven species are treated. Menegazzia subpertusa, an epiphyte of sclerophyll scrubs, is recorded from South America for the first time (Chile and Argentina. Menegazzia neozelandica has a disjunct distribution in Chile, with occurrences in Fray Jorge (Fourth Region of Chile and on Islas Juan Fernández, and along the coast south of latitude 38º S. Menegazzia kawesqarica and M. tenuis are most common in the southernmost part of Chile, but are also found at high altitudes at lower latitudes. Additional treated species are M. chrysogaster, M. fumarprotocetrarica, M. globulifera, M. magellanica, M. norsorediata, M. sanguinascens and M. wandae. Several of the sorediate species are early colonisers of newly developed substrates. They show variable occurrences along light and humidity gradients. Distribution maps and a revised key are presented.Recientemente se han publicado datos sobre la taxonomía y ecología de las especies sorediosas de Menegazzia representadas en las regiones más australes de Chile y Argentina e islas del Atlántico Sur, además de registros esporádicos en zonas ubicadas más al norte en Chile. En este trabajo se discuten los patrones de distribución y la ecología del hábitat de 11 especies sorediosas, con especial enfásis en aquellas que se desarrollan al norte de los 48º S. Menegazzia subpertusa, un epífito de arbustos esclerófilos, se registra por primera vez en América (Chile y Argentina. Menegazzia neozelandica tiene una distribución discontinua en Chile; ha sido recolectada en Fray Jorge (Cuarta Región de Chile, Islas Juan Fern

  8. Silencio y memoria: Nocturno de Chile

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    Pedro Iniesta Ruiz


    Full Text Available El presente estudio, sostenido por el Trabajo de Fin de Grado Representación y ficción: Nocturno de Chile y Sostiene Pereira (2015, se introduce en la construcción literaria articulada en la obra Nocturno de Chile, de Roberto Bolaño, examinando y evaluando sus fronteras, fronteras que resultan tan movedizas como las de cualquier construcción inserta en el marco de la ficción. Las implicaciones históricas y políticas del relato hacen que su impronta testimonial cobre una fuerza inusitada, y nociones como la memoria, la violencia o el silencio ayudan a vertebrar una obra de arte verbal que logra, en el decurso de su propia narración, asediar al lector con las angustiosas imágenes de un pasado hecho presente en el camino de un tiempo político que se subyuga a la propia creación artística.

  9. [Haiti, new immigrant community in Chile]. (United States)

    Sánchez P, Katherin; Valderas J, Jaime; Messenger C, Karen; Sánchez G, Carolina; Barrera Q, Francisco


    Migration is a growing phenomenon in Latin America influenced by several factors such as economic stability, employment, social welfare, education and health system. Currently Chile has a positive migration flow rate. Particularly, a significant number of Haitian immigrants has been observed du ring the last years, especially after earthquake of 2010. These immigrants present a different cultural background expressed in relevant aspects of living including parenting and healthcare. Knowing the Haitian culture and its health situation is relevant for a better understanding of their health needs. Haitian people come to Chile looking for a cordial reception and willing to find a place with better perspectives of wellbeing in every sense. Immigration represents a major challenge for Chilean health system that must be embraced. Integration efforts in jobs, health, education system and community living should be enhanced to ensure a prosper settlement in our country. A new immigration law is crucial to solving major problems derived from current law created in 1975.

  10. Seabird eggs as bioindicators of chemical contamination in Chile

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Cifuentes, Jacqueline Munoz; Becker, Peter H.; Sommer, Ute; Pacheco, Patricia; Schlatter, Roberto


    Seabird eggs are proposed as biomonitors of chemical contamination in Chile. - Seabird eggs were used as bioindicators of chemical contamination in Chile. Brown-hooded Gull (Larus maculipennis), Kelp Gull (Larus dominicanus), Trudeau's Tern (Sterna trudeaui), Neotropic Cormorant (Phalacrocorax brasilianus), and Pink-footed Shearwater (Puffinus creatopus) eggs were sampled at different breeding sites during the 1990s. Mercury and organochlorines (PCBs, DDT, HCB, HCH, and PCP) were quantified to reveal the interspecific differences, spatial and temporal trends in contamination levels. Trudeau's Tern displayed the highest levels of mercury (486 ng g{sup -1} wet weight). The highest {sigma}DDT concentrations were measured in Brown-hooded Gulls (726 ng g{sup -1}). PCB levels were similar among the species (102-236 ng g{sup -1}), but the composition of the PCB mixture was different in Pink-footed Shearwaters. With the exception of the Brown-hooded Gull, all species studied presented similar and low levels of organochlorines ({sigma}OHa). Residues of PCB and related compounds were not detected in any of the seabird eggs analyzed in Chile. Geographical variation was low, although levels of industrial chemicals were slightly higher in eggs from Concepcion Bay, and agricultural chemicals in eggs from Valdivia. Also interannual variation was low, but some evidence was found of decreasing levels in gull eggs throughout the time of the study. The causes of the low levels and small variability in space and time of environmental chemicals in Chilean seabirds are discussed. We propose the use of seabirds in future monitoring of the development of chemical contamination in Chile.

  11. Seabird eggs as bioindicators of chemical contamination in Chile

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cifuentes, Jacqueline Munoz; Becker, Peter H.; Sommer, Ute; Pacheco, Patricia; Schlatter, Roberto


    Seabird eggs are proposed as biomonitors of chemical contamination in Chile. - Seabird eggs were used as bioindicators of chemical contamination in Chile. Brown-hooded Gull (Larus maculipennis), Kelp Gull (Larus dominicanus), Trudeau's Tern (Sterna trudeaui), Neotropic Cormorant (Phalacrocorax brasilianus), and Pink-footed Shearwater (Puffinus creatopus) eggs were sampled at different breeding sites during the 1990s. Mercury and organochlorines (PCBs, DDT, HCB, HCH, and PCP) were quantified to reveal the interspecific differences, spatial and temporal trends in contamination levels. Trudeau's Tern displayed the highest levels of mercury (486 ng g -1 wet weight). The highest ΣDDT concentrations were measured in Brown-hooded Gulls (726 ng g -1 ). PCB levels were similar among the species (102-236 ng g -1 ), but the composition of the PCB mixture was different in Pink-footed Shearwaters. With the exception of the Brown-hooded Gull, all species studied presented similar and low levels of organochlorines (ΣOHa). Residues of PCB and related compounds were not detected in any of the seabird eggs analyzed in Chile. Geographical variation was low, although levels of industrial chemicals were slightly higher in eggs from Concepcion Bay, and agricultural chemicals in eggs from Valdivia. Also interannual variation was low, but some evidence was found of decreasing levels in gull eggs throughout the time of the study. The causes of the low levels and small variability in space and time of environmental chemicals in Chilean seabirds are discussed. We propose the use of seabirds in future monitoring of the development of chemical contamination in Chile

  12. Study of air pollution in Chile using biomonitors

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cortes, E.; Gras, N.; Guzman, G.; Pereira, I.


    A project has been undertaken within the framework of a Co-ordinated Research Programme (CRP) supported by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) to carry out a long term study on atmospheric air pollution in Chile using biomonitors. The present project aims at the selection of appropriate plants and other indicators for monitoring of air pollution in several cities and rural areas in Chile. Nuclear analytical techniques, in particular neutron activation analysis (NAA) will be used complemented by AAS for the analysis of selected elements and to determine the sources of pollutants and the applicability of biomonitors to study air pollution in large areas, using indicators either naturally grown or artificially introduced to the region under examination. (author)

  13. A typology of female sex work in the Metropolitan Region of Santiago, Chile. (United States)

    Belmar, Julieta; Stuardo, Valeria; Folch, Cinta; Carvajal, Bielka; Clunes, Maria José; Montoliu, Alexandra; Casabona, Jordi


    In Chile, sex work takes place covertly in a variety of venues and locations. Formative research using time-location sampling methods is important in order to understand the nature of this diversity. This study used qualitative methods to develop a typology of female sex work in the Metropolitan Region of Santiago, Chile, using semi-structured interviews, focus groups and ethnographic fieldwork during visits to sex work venues. The study identified seven types of venue, which reflect the context and regulatory framework of the country and the structural vulnerabilities that affect female sex workers in Chile. These venues and locations include: cafés con piernas (coffee with legs); nightclubs, topless bars and cabarets; brothels; hotels; street and highway soliciting; massage parlours; and private residences. Formative research methods were helpful in identifying and characterising the venues and locations in which sex work occurred. Barriers to accessing and mapping specific locations were also identified. Recommendations for addressing these barriers include working with non-governmental organisations to map venues and initiate contact with the populations of interest. A comprehensive typology of sex work in the Metropolitan Region of Santiago, Chile, is an essential element for future time-location sampling and bio-behavioural research in the context of second-generation surveillance for HIV and sexually transmitted infections in Chile.

  14. A decade towards better health in Chile. (United States)

    Helmke, Irene


    In 1990, after 17 years of dictatorship, Chile started rebuilding its political system with a focus on improving social conditions and health. A recent study of the last 10 years shows some positive results. Irene Helmke reports.

  15. The Mining Sectors in Chile and Norway, ca. 1870–1940

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ranestad, Kristin


    in development. More knowledge was developed and accumulated in Norway than in Chile, which indicates that there was a knowledge gap between the two countries. Mining instructions were similar, but there were striking differences when it came to (1) number of graduates, (2) number of travel arrangements...... of education, scholarships and the National Geological Survey. In Chile, these key knowledge organizations were given lower priority by political decision-makers....

  16. Ex-ante Study of a Possible Modernisation of the EU-Chile Association Agreement

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Henry de Frahan, Bruno; Hartwell, Christopher; Kuik, O.J.; Lirette, Paul; Mirecka, Katarzyna; Nolan Garcia, Kimberly; Pellandra, Andrea; Polanco, Rodrigo; Schmidt-Hebbel, Klaus; Shuvaieva, Iryna; Sidlo, Kataryna; Teresinski, Jan; Torrent, Ramon; Valdes, Albert

    This study provides an ex-ante impact assessment of the possible modernisation of the EU-Chile Association Agreement. Since the current agreement entered into force in 2003, Chilean exports of agricultural/food products and services to the EU have nearly tripled while EU exports to Chile have

  17. First parasitological study of the African clawed frog (Xenopus laevis, Amphibia in Chile

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    Cristóbal Castillo

    Full Text Available Abstract Introduced species can arrive into new territories with parasites; however, these species are expected to face lower parasite richness than in their original regions. Both introduced hosts and parasites can affect native fauna. Since their release into the wild in Chile following laboratory use, Xenopus laevis Daudin, 1802 has widely spread throughout central Chile. The only pathogen described on the host is the fungus Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis Longcore, Pessier, Nichols, 1999; thus, this is the first parasitological study of this species in Chile. In 10 localities in central Chile, 179 specimens of X. laevis were captured and examined for parasites in the gastrointestinal tube, cavities, lungs, liver, and skin. Only nine specimens of the genus Contracaecum Railliet, Henry, 1912 were found in six specimens of X. laevis from a private dam in La Patagua. It is likely that these parasites originated from species of native birds. This is the first record of Contracaecum sp. in Chilean amphibians.

  18. Protecting the Local Dark-Sky Areas around the International Observatories in Chile. (United States)

    Smith, M. G.


    This report covers efforts by IAU Commission 50's new Working Group on Light Pollution to slow or halt the spread of incipient light pollution near the VLT, the Magellan 6.5m telescopes, Gemini South, SOAR, Blanco and many smaller telescopes in Chile. An effort has just begun to protect the ALMA site in Northern Chile from RFI. Such work includes extensive outreach programs to the local population, schools and industry as well as to local, regional and national levels of government in Chile. The group is working internationally with such organizations as the IDA; one member has recently led the production of "The first world atlas of the artificial night-sky brightness". These efforts have resulted in the first national-level environmental legislation covering dark skies as part of a government effort to protect the environment. Chilean manufacturers are now producing competitive, full-cut-off, street lighting designed specifically to comply with the new legislation. The Chilean national tourism agency is supporting "Astronomical Tourism" based on the dark, clear skies of Chile. An international conference on Controlling Light Pollution and RFI will be held in La Serena, Chile on 5-7 March, 2002, backed up by a parallel meeting of Chilean amateur astronomers. Much work remains to be done. Most of this work is supported by funding from the US National Science Foundation through CTIO, and from ESO, OCIW and CONAMA.


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    Pablo Camus


    Full Text Available Este trabajo analiza las relaciones entre los seres humanos y su ambiente, a partir de la historia de la aclimatación y posterior invasión de conejos en Chile, constatando que, en el largo plazo, las acciones humanas tienen efectos e impactos insospechados sobre el medio natural. En efecto, si bien inicialmente los conejos fueron vistos como una oportunidad de desarrollo económico a partir del aprovechamiento de su piel y su carne, pronto esta especie se convirtió en una plaga difícil de controlar en diversas regiones del país, como Chile central, Tierra del Fuego e islas Juan Fernández. Así, con el paso del tiempo, el conejo se ha terminado por transformar en nuestro país en un verdadero "convidado de piedra".This work analyses the relationship between human beings and their environment taking into consideration the adjustment and eventual invasión of rabbits in Chile. It argües that in the long run, human actions have unsuspected effects upon the environment. In fact rabbits were seen initially as an opportunity for economic development because of the exploitation of their meat and skin. Later, rabbits became a plague in different áreas of Central Chile, Tierra del Fuego and Juan Fernández islands, which was difficult to control. Over the years rabbits became unwelcome guests in Chile.


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    Luis Felipe Maldaner


    Full Text Available Trade in the global market is one of the most important ways to achieve economic growth. Some countries sell raw materials and others sell value added products. Innovation is the key issue in this competition and, in a sense, it makes a big difference in trade balance worldwide. FTA (Free Trade Agreement is one of the means to gain different markets. The Korea-Chile FTA is a good example of success in terms of trade agreement. Korea sells value added products to Chile, and Chile sells raw materials to Korea, mainly copper. Korea and Chile can improve their Free Trade Agreement to the higher level, which is to produce conductors and semi-conductors in Chile through Korea’s investment. Korea has technology and Chile can offer tax advantages to Korean companies which are interested to invest in Chile. For Chile, it is possible to achieve a huge market in North and Latin America. This is one way to improve the successful Korea-Chile FTA. Keywords: Free Trade Agreement. Innovation. Government Strategy. Results and Improvement.     TRATADO DE LIVRE COMÉRCIO ENTRE COREIA DO SUL E CHILE – UM ESTUDO DE CASO DO PONTO DE VISTA CHILENO PARA ANALISAR COMO ESTE PODE SER AMPLIADO RESUMO O comércio no mercado global é um dos mais importantes caminhos para obter crescimento econômico. Alguns países vendem matérias-primas e outros vendem produtos com valor agregado. Inovação é um ponto-chave nessa competição e, em certo sentido, faz uma grande diferença na balança comercial mundial. Tratado de livre comércio é um dos caminhos para atingir diferentes mercados. O Tratado de Livre Comércio (TLC entre Coreia do Sul e Chile é um bom exemplo de sucesso, tratando-se de acordos comerciais. Coreia do Sul vende produtos de valor agregado para o Chile e o Chile vende matérias-primas para a Coreia, principalmente cobre. Coreia e Chile podem ampliar o seu tratado de livre comércio para um nível mais elevado, qual seja, produzir condutores e

  1. Genetic diversity and structure in semiwild and domesticated chiles (Capsicum annuum; Solanaceae) from Mexico. (United States)

    Aguilar-Meléndez, Araceli; Morrell, Peter L; Roose, Mikeal L; Kim, Seung-Chul


    The chile of Mesoamerica, Capsicum annuum, is one of five domesticated chiles in the Americas. Among the chiles, it varies the most in size, form, and color of its fruits. Together with maize, C. annuum is one of the principal elements of the neotropical diets of Mesoamerican civilizations. Despite the great economic and cultural importance of C. annuum both worldwide and in Mexico, however, very little is known about its geographic origin and number of domestications. Here we sampled a total of 80 accessions from Mexico (58 semiwild and 22 domesticated) and examined nucleotide sequence diversity at three single- or low-copy nuclear loci, Dhn, G3pdh, and Waxy. Across the three loci, we found an average reduction of ca. 10% in the diversity of domesticates relative to semiwild chiles and geographic structure within Mexican populations. The Yucatan Peninsula contained a large number of haplotypes, many of which were unique, suggesting an important region of chile domestication and center of diversity. The present sampling of loci did not conclusively resolve the number and location of domestications, but several lines of evidence suggest multiple independent domestications from widely distributed progenitor populations.


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    Danilo Alfonso López Sarmiento


    Full Text Available El artículo tiene como objetivos centrales hacer una revisión del estado del arte de IPTV (Televisión a través de IP y una propuesta para la implementación de esta tecnología en Colombia sobre una red IPv6. La convergencia de las teleco-municaciones ha dado origen a aplicaciones IP que permiten acceso a contenidos audiovisuales digitalizados a través de re-des que hacen uso de dicho protocolo. Se abordanestudios ac-tuales que tratan características fundamentales de televisión sobre la red de datos,  como el funcionamiento, la arquitectura, los estándares en los que se basa, propuestas para evaluar las políticas de calidad de servicio y por ultimo consideraciones técnicas para su implementación en una red IPv6.

  3. Santiago de Chile, ¿ejemplo de una reestructuración capitalista global?

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    Luis Fuentes


    Full Text Available Términos como "ciudad global", "ciudad difusa", "ciudad dual", entre otros, merecen ser rediscutidos y contrastados con el proceso de transformaciones experimentado por Santiago de Chile producto de la reestructuración capitalista. En este sentido, este trabajo pretende discutir acerca de la conveniencia de otorgar a la capital de Chile éstos y otros adjetivos frecuentemente utilizados en la literatura urbanística internacional.Terms like "global city", "diffuse city", "dual city", among others, deserve to be discussed and contrasted with urban processes that are been taking part in Santiago de Chile in the last decades. This article attempts to discuss the convenience of grant to Chile’s capital city these and others adjectives, commonly used in the urban literature

  4. Consideraciones quirúrgicas propias de la epilepsia en niños

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    Dr. Campos P. Manuel


    Entre el 25 al 33% de los niños presentan epilepsias resistentes a fármacos y la mitad de ellos son candidatos para iniciar un estudio prequirúrgico. En Chile, aproximadamente 347 niños al año necesitarían cirugía, pero no se operan más de 50 casos al año. Si a esto agregamos los casos rezagados de los años anteriores, significa que hay miles de niños que esperan por una cirugía de la epilepsia. Este artículo revisa el estado del arte actual.

  5. Maternity protection vs. maternity rights for working women in Chile: a historical review. (United States)

    Casas, Lidia; Herrera, Tania


    Maternity leave in Chile has been a social right since 1919, when the International Labour Organization set the first global standards. From its inception, Chile's labour legislation focused on protecting motherhood and the family. The length of maternity leave has been extended several times since then but its main aim remains the protection of infant health. In 1931, Chile's first Labour Code required anyone employing 20 or more women to provide day care services and facilitate childcare and paid breastfeeding time for all mothers of children under one. Labour laws began to play an important role in accommodating the care of infants within working conditions, though not always effectively. In spite of job protection during pregnancy and breastfeeding, women can be dismissed on grounds other than pregnancy. It was only under Salvador Allende and again in the past two decades that Chile has enfranchised women as holders of health rights. However, many unresolved tensions remain. Chile promotes motherhood, but often considers that working women who demand employment protection abuse the system. Motherhood is a magic wand that represents the selflessness of women, but society throws a blanket of mistrust over women who wish to exercise their maternity rights and to determine the number and spacing of their children. Copyright © 2012 Reproductive Health Matters. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  6. A dichotomous species of Codium (Bryopsidales, Chlorophyta is colonizing northern Chile Una especie dicotómica de Codium (Bryopsidales, Chlorophyta está colonizando el norte de Chile

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    Full Text Available In late 2001 and early 2002, a dichotomous species of Codium appeared colonizing the low intertidal and shallow subtidal bottoms of Caldera Bay, northern Chile (27° 03’ S, 70° 51’ W. Due to the ecological and economic impact the species is having in Caldera Bay and its potential spread along the Chilean coastline, we studied the taxonomic identity of the species and examined its relationships with other dichotomous species of Codium reported for temperate Pacific South America. Morphological analyses suggest that the seaweeds from Caldera Bay belong to Codium fragile (Suringar Hariot. Not only is there strong agreement in internal and external morphological characters, but among all the species reported for Peru and Chile, this is the only one exhibiting utricles with rounded, apiculate tip terminating in a mucron. This species has a broad geographic distribution in temperate waters. In Chile it was known only from the coasts of Valdivia to the Straits of Magellan (39° 48’ S, 73° 26’ W to 53° 10’ S, 73° 49’ W. This is the first record of C. fragile in northern Chile, and this study discusses several alternative hypotheses for the presence of the species into this area. The morphological characteristics of the material collected in Caldera partially agree with diagnostic characters known for C. fragile subspecies tasmanicum and C. fragile subspecies tomentosoides. However, the rapid population spread of the species in northern Chile, and recent molecular analysis support the identification of this form as the invasive C. fragile subspecies tomentosoidesA fines de 2001 y principio de 2002, apareció en el norte de Chile una especie del género Codium, de morfología dicotómica, colonizando los niveles intermareales y submareales de la Bahía de Caldera (27° 03’ S, 70° 51’ O. Debido al impacto ecológico y económico que ha provocado esta especie en la Bahía de Caldera y a su dispersión potencial a lo largo de la costa de

  7. Calculate the high solar radiation for photovoltaic panels in Chile; Aproximacio al calculo de la oferta de energia por paneles fotovoltaicos en Chile

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Cancino, Beatriz; Roth, Pedro; Stolz, German [Universidad Tecnica Federico Santa Maria, Valparaiso (Chile); Bonneschky, Alexis [Cottbus University, Cottbus (Germany)


    The aim of this work was to develop a method which permits to calculate and predict the theoretically possible electrical energy which can be obtained in different places in Chile with photovoltaic panels used in solar home systems. Chile is a country with a high solar radiation, specially in its northern part, between parallels 18 degrees with a daily mean energy of 4600 Wh/m{sup 2} over the year and 37 degrees, with 3700 Wh/m{sup 2}. Therefore, the use of photovoltaic power is an interesting alternative to be studied and used. Nevertheless, the photovoltaic possibilities have not been studied and no evaluation of real possibilities exist. In a previous paper, the absence of an installation guide for solar home systems have been mentioned. And also the lack of information regarding the real electrical energy needs of people. This work pretends to be the first approximation to a detailed chart and list of possible electric supplies using photovoltaic panels in different locations of Chile. It is made with a computer program which permits to calculate the solar radiation on a tilted surface, on a hourly bases. It uses geographical data and the daily average of monthly radiation. Therefore, the hourly energy, harnessed by the panel can be established and the total energy for some place calculated. [Spanish] El objetivo de este trabajo, es el de mostrar a traves de un listado y un mapa nacional, la cantidad teorica de energia electrica que puede ser obtenida a traves del uso de paneles fotovoltaicos principalmente destinados a Solar Home System (SHS) en Chile. Chile es un pais con una alta oferta de energia solar ubicada principalmente en la zona norte y centro del pais, aproximadamente entre los paralelos 18 grados (sobre 4600 Wh/m{sup 2} dia promedio anual) y 37 grados Sur (sobre 3700 Wh/m{sup 2} dia promedio anual). Por lo que el uso de paneles fotovoltaicos representa una alternativa interesante de ser estudiada y aprovechada. Sin embargo, no existe una evaluacion

  8. Radiation protection in pediatric interventional cardiology. Current status and challenges in Chile

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ubeda, Carlos; Miranda, Patricia; Vano, Eliseo; Nocetti, Diego


    Further actions to improve radiation safety in this medical practice are discussed. All the X-ray systems used in paediatric IC procedures in Chile have been characterized in terms of dose and image quality. In addition, dose rates of scattered radiation to the position of the eyes and ankles of cardiologists have been measured. In May 2010, in Santiago, Chile, a workshop organized by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) was the starting point for a pilot program on patient dosimetry and medical personnel for Latin America and the Caribbean, with participants from 11 countries. A pilot training course on Radiological Protection was given as part of the program. The first dose values reported for paediatric patients under the pilot program conducted by the IAEA in Latin America and the Caribbean included 70 procedures in Chile later extending to a total of 544 procedures. We think that a fundamental first step to improve IC radiation safety in Chile, would be to revise and update legislation on the use of ionizing radiation, including the implementation of quality assurance programs and training in radiation protection according to those involved in IC procedures

  9. Postes prefabricados de fibra: Consideraciones para su uso clínico

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    Hugo Calabria Díaz

    Full Text Available En la década de los 90 los Postes Prefabricados de Fibra (PPF se introdujeron al mercado como alternativa a los sistemas metálicos o cerámicos. Hasta la fecha se mantienen en uso, modificando de manera constante sus presentaciones comerciales y estrategias de fijación. Sus cualidades mecánicas como su bajo Módulo Elástico (ME similar al dentinario, introducen un nuevo paradigma en la rehabilitación del Diente Endodonticamente Tratado (DET: .ldquo;el poste debe acompañar en forma solidaria la flexión de los tejidos dentarios frente a las cargas.rdquo;. Sus actuales cualidades estéticas, la fácil remoción y la posibilidad de su cementado adhesivo, los han convertido en una alternativa válida a las soluciones convencionales. Sin embargo, algunos resultados contradictorios junto con la importante dificultad de lograr hibridación en la dentina radicular, mantienen interrogantes a resolver en el futuro. Se indican en casos en donde se prevea retratamiento, en pacientes jóvenes, de alta exigencia estética y toda vez que se quiera y pueda eludir los costos de aleaciones nobles. En el presente artículo se analizan los fundamentos clínicos y experimentales de distintos autores, extrapolándose consideraciones prácticas para su uso. Los mismos se ilustran en un caso clínico para un paciente joven, con antecedente de traumatismo y con altas expectativas estéticas

  10. Alstroemeria presliana Herb. (Alstroemeriaceae in Chile from a Cytogenetic Perspective Alstroemeria presliana Herb. (Alstroemeriaceae en Chile Bajo una Perspectiva Citogenética

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    Carlos M Baeza


    Full Text Available Alstroemeria (Alstroemeriaceae is an endemic genus of South America with two major distribution centers in the continent: Chile and Brazil. In Chile the genus is distributed from the North, near Iquique (20º13’ S, 70º09’ W to the Chilean and Argentine Patagonia (53º10’ S, 70º54’ W. The central zone of Chile presents the highest number of species. A. presliana Herb. grows from Curicó (34º59’ S, 71º14’ W to Cautín (38º45’ S, 72º34’ W in Chile and Neuquén (36º50’ S, 71º05’ W, Argentina. A comparative karyotype study was made between a population of A. presliana subsp. presliana and a population of A. presliana subsp. australis Ehr. Bayer. Both populations presented asymmetric karyotypes, with 2n = 2x = 16 chromosomes, but with different chromosome formulae: A. presliana subsp. presliana has a haploid formula with 4m + 1sm-sat + 1st-sat + 2t, i.e., four pairs ofmetacentric chromosomes, one submetacentric pair with satellite, one subtelocentric pair with satellite, and two telocentrics pairs. A. presliana subsp. australis has a formula with 2m + 1m-sat + 1sm + 4t chromosomes, i.e., two pairs of metacentric chromosomes, one metacentric pair with satellite, one submetacentric pair, and four telocentrics chromosomes. These results indicated that the karyotype of the subspecies is very different, and it would be possible to recognize A. presliana subsp. australis as a new species.Alstroemeria (Alstroemeriaceae es un género endémico de Sudamérica y presenta dos grandes centros de distribución: Chile y Brasil. En Chile se distribuye desde el norte, cerca de Iquique (20º13’ S, 70º09’ O hasta la Patagonia (53º10’ S, 70º54’ O. La zona central del país presenta el mayor número de especies. A. presliana Herb. crece con una distribución que va desde Curicó (34º59’ S, 71º14’ O a Cautín (38º45’ S, 72º34’ O en Chile y en la Provincia de Neuquén (36º50’ S, 71º05’ O, Argentina. Se hizo un

  11. Chile and Its Efforts to Present High-Level Technologies to the Developed World (United States)

    Young, Nathan


    Chile is rich in natural resources. Like many other resource-dependent nations, it has never made technology transfer a subject of intense focus. This article sheds light on the technological state of Chile today and its efforts to promote development, increase innovation and move towards a knowledge-based economy. The paper summarizes current…

  12. Género y protección social: las transferencias condicionadas de ingresos en Chile = Gender and social protection: conditional cash transfers in Chile

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    Tabbush, Constanza


    Full Text Available Este artículo pone de manifiesto las preguntas que le plantea a una perspectiva de género, las nuevas formas de pensar la protección social en la región. Para ello, se toma como ejemplo las transferencias condicionadas de ingresos (TCI puestas en marcha en Chile. Basándose en el ejemplo del programa Puente, la estrategia inicial del sistema de protección social denominado Chile Solidario, el objetivo de este trabajo es analizar cómo estas formas de protección apelan a la participación de las mujeres para salir de la pobreza. Los hallazgos indican que la política de lucha contra la pobreza en Chile se enmarca en una visión multidimensional de la pobreza que, sin embargo, termina posicionando a las mujeres como responsables de lograr el bienestar de todos los miembros de sus hogares. Este artículo concluye proponiendo que el escenario chileno constituye un extremo ejemplo de la extensión de las responsabilidades individuales de las mujeres en la gestión de pobreza, sin proporcionarles ningún componente comunitario o colectivo

  13. Ecology, genetic diversity, and phylogeographic structure of andes virus in humans and rodents in Chile. (United States)

    Medina, Rafael A; Torres-Perez, Fernando; Galeno, Hector; Navarrete, Maritza; Vial, Pablo A; Palma, R Eduardo; Ferres, Marcela; Cook, Joseph A; Hjelle, Brian


    Andes virus (ANDV) is the predominant etiologic agent of hantavirus cardiopulmonary syndrome (HCPS) in southern South America. In Chile, serologically confirmed human hantavirus infections have occurred throughout a wide latitudinal distribution extending from the regions of Valparaíso (32 to 33 degrees S) to Aysén (46 degrees S) in southern Patagonia. In this study, we found seropositive rodents further north in the Coquimbo region (30 degrees S) in Chile. Rodent seroprevalence was 1.4%, with Oligoryzomys longicaudatus displaying the highest seroprevalence (5.9%), followed by Abrothrix longipilis (1.9%) and other species exhibiting Chile. Phylogenetic analyses showed two major ANDV South (ANDV Sout) clades, congruent with two major Chilean ecoregions, Mediterranean (Chilean matorral [shrubland]) and Valdivian temperate forest. Human and rodent samples grouped according to geographic location. Phylogenetic comparative analyses of portions of S and medium segments (encoding glycoproteins Gn and Gc) from a subset of rodent specimens exhibited similar topologies, corroborating two major ANDV Sout clades in Chile and suggesting that yet unknown factors influence viral gene flow and persistence throughout the two Chilean ecoregions. Genetic algorithms for recombination detection identified recombination events within the S segment. Molecular demographic analyses showed that the virus is undergoing purifying selection and demonstrated a recent exponential growth in the effective number of ANDV Sout infections in Chile that correlates with the increased number of human cases reported. Although we determined virus sequences from four rodent species, our results confirmed O. longicaudatus as the primary ANDV Sout reservoir in Chile. While evidence of geographic differentiation exists, a single cosmopolitan lineage of ANDV Sout remains the sole etiologic agent for HCPS in Chile.

  14. Historia y documentos sobre la colonización alemana en Chile.


    Carrasco , Eduardo; Gleisner , Christine; Winkler , Lisette; de Pablo , Elisabeth


    Fonds audiovisuel du programme ESCoM-AAR (Equipe Sémiotique Cognitive et nouveaux Médias - Archives Audiovisuelles de la Recherche; 2001 - 2016).; Eduardo CARRASCO, Spezialist der Geschichte sowie des Kulturmanagements (Universität von Los Andes in Santiago de Chile) und Christine GLEISNER haben an der pontifikal-katholischen Universität Chiles Geschichte studiert. In dieser Reportage sprechen Sie von Ihren Arbeiten für die Archive « Emilio Held Winkler » des Chilenisch-Deutschen Verbands in ...

  15. Aerosols Observations with a new lidar station in Punta Arenas, Chile (United States)

    Barja, Boris; Zamorano, Felix; Ristori, Pablo; Otero, Lidia; Quel, Eduardo; Sugimoto, Nobuo; Shimizu, Atsushi; Santana, Jorge


    A tropospheric lidar system was installed in Punta Arenas, Chile (53.13°S, 70.88°W) in September 2016 under the collaboration project SAVERNET (Chile, Japan and Argentina) to monitor the atmosphere. Statistical analyses of the clouds and aerosols behavior and some cases of dust detected with lidar, at these high southern latitude and cold environment regions during three months (austral spring) are discussed using information from satellite, modelling and solar radiation ground measurements.


    Cianelli, Rosina; Ferrer, Lilian; Cabieses, Báltica; Araya, Alejandra; Matsumoto, Cristina; Miner, Sarah


    Chile is a country with an incipient HIV epidemic. Just as in other countries, disadvantaged groups in Chile are contributing to the increased incidence of the disease. The Mapuche indigenous population is one such group that has been affected by the spread of HIV. However, no prevention programs are tailored to the culturally specific needs of this community. In recognition of this discrepancy, an academic-community partnership was formed to develop an HIV educational module for a Mapuche community. The module was developed for use as part of an already established health-related program. The aims of the module were to identify perceptions about HIV among Mapuches and present information specific to HIV and its prevention. Focus was placed on cultural sensitivity. The module was carried out in connection with a first-aid course in an attempt to increase effectiveness of the intervention by working jointly with an established community program. Sixteen (16) Mapuches participated voluntarily and demonstrated some knowledge regarding HIV, but they lacked an overall understanding as to how it is transmitted and why prevention strategies are affective. Participants correctly identified sexual contact as a means of transmission, but when asked why, one person stated, “I just know it, I read it.” There were significant barriers to communication within the group, secondary to cultural practices related to age and gender. Major obstacles in controlling HIV are the lack of prevention strategies targeted to disadvantaged groups. The module developed for this intervention was the first effort of the Academic Community Partnership established between the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile and the Mapuche group around HIV prevention. Continued collaboration between academia and affected communities as well as incorporating HIV information into established programs are effective strategies for delivering prevention information to disadvantaged populations and for

  17. Consideraciones en torno al status jurídico de los profesores de religión católica (comentario de la STC 38/2007

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    Agustín Motilla


    Full Text Available La sentenza è riportata per esteso in calce al commento. SUMARIO: 1. Antecedentes: el largo y tortuoso camino hacia la delimitación del status profesional - 2. Planteamiento del recurso de inconstitucionalidad - 3. Algunas cuestiones previas a la resolución del fondo - 4. La compatibilidad del régimen del profesorado de religión católica con la aconfesionalidad del Estado. -5. La revisión judicial del procedimiento de designación de los profesores de religión católica - 6. Limitaciones al derecho de libertad religiosa de las personas que trabajan como profesores de religión - 7. Consideraciones finales.


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    Maria-Mihaela Győri


    Full Text Available The contemporary development of the Chilean Tourism sector is analyzed mainly on thebasis of data supplied by the National Service of Tourism in Chile. Figures on inboundtourism, domestic tourism, lodging, employment, receipts, as well as the existing structurewithin the sector, were taken into consideration for the investigated period of 1999-2006.

  19. Chile Confronts its Environmental Health Future After 25 Years of Accelerated Growth. (United States)

    Pino, Paulina; Iglesias, Verónica; Garreaud, René; Cortés, Sandra; Canals, Mauricio; Folch, Walter; Burgos, Soledad; Levy, Karen; Naeher, Luke P; Steenland, Kyle


    Chile has recently been reclassified by the World Bank from an upper-middle-income country to a high-income country. There has been great progress in the last 20 to 30 years in relation to air and water pollution in Chile. Yet after 25 years of unrestrained growth, there remain clear challenges posed by air and water pollution, as well as climate change. The aim of this study was to review environmental health in Chile. In late 2013, a 3-day workshop on environmental health was held in Santiago, Chile, bringing together researchers and government policymakers. As a follow-up to that workshop, here we review the progress made in environmental health in the past 20 to 30 years and discuss the challenges of the future. We focus on air and water pollution and climate change, which we believe are among the most important areas of environmental health in Chile. Air pollution in some cities remains among the highest in the continent. Potable water is generally available, but weak state supervision has led to serious outbreaks of infectious disease and ongoing issues with arsenic exposure in some regions. Climate change modeling in Chile is quite sophisticated, and a number of the impacts of climate change can be reasonably predicted in terms of which areas of the country are most likely to be affected by increased temperature and decreased availability of water, as well as expansion of vector territory. Some health effects, including changes in vector-borne diseases and excess heat mortality, can be predicted. However, there has yet to be an integration of such research with government planning. Although great progress has been made, currently there are a number of problems. We suspect that the Chilean experience in environmental health may be of some use for other Latin American countries with rapid economic development. Copyright © 2015 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  20. The Agency's Technical Co-operation programme in Chile, 1981-1991. Country programme evaluation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    Agency support for nuclear activities in Chile dates back to the early 1960s. During the last ten years, the period covered by this evaluation, this support has considerably expanded. In the period 1981-1991, 62 Agency projects with allotments amounting to over $7 million were completed or are under implementation. Through this co-operation Chile has received 360 man-months of expert services, $3.4 million worth of equipment, and 105 fellowships for some 390 man-months of training. In addition, 262 Chileans attended 219 Agency regional and interregional training courses, and Chilean institutions were awarded 40 research contracts worth over $325,000. This evaluation covers ten years of Agency technical co-operation with Chile, during which 35 projects were completed and 27 are still being implemented. Eight major sectors received assistance: general atomic energy development; nuclear physics; nuclear raw materials; nuclear engineering and technology; nuclear techniques in agriculture; nuclear medicine; hydrology; and nuclear safety. The evaluation concluded that, overall, the Agency's technical co-operation activities have, in keeping with the national priorities concerning peaceful nuclear applications, contributed substantially to the establishment of Chile's nuclear scientific and technical infrastructure, and played a major role in Chile's efforts to introduce nuclear applications in a number of sectors of the economy, with many benefits for broader national development objectives. Another strength of the Agency's programme with Chile is the high level of commitment and dedication that was noted in the great majority of recipient institutions, and in particular at the Comision Chilena de Energia Nuclear, CChEN. Mention should also be made of the fact that bureaucracy appears to be less severe than in some other developing countries, and that constraints that frequently affect other countries, such as insufficient counterpart commitment and lack of continuity of

  1. Radiological protection in interventional cardiology in Chile

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ramirez, A.; Leyton, F.A.; Farias, E.; Silva, A.M.; Vano, E.; Oyarzun, C.; Gamarra, J.; Ortiz, P.


    In September 2000, an expert mission was assigned to Chile, under the regional project named 'International BBS in Medical Practices Radiation Protection and Quality Assurance In Interventional Radiology' (ARCAL XLIX). The objective of the mission was to evaluate the level of radiation protection (RP) and safety in interventional cardiology ( IC ) installations. A team of local cardiologists, medical physicists and technologists was created for this purpose and during one week, several cardiology laboratories were evaluated and some basic quality controls (QC) were carried out. A basic pilot training course in radiation protection was imparted at the Hospital of the University of Chile in Santiago de Chile and some of the key objectives for a future national quality assurance programme were presented during the national congress of IC. In addition, a national survey on radiation protection aspects was circulated and its results evaluated. These activities enabled the local team to become familiar with the methodology of assessment of the level of protection and the organization of a programme, which was illustrated with the examples of similar European programmes. As result of these actions, several proposals were made to both the local authorities and the IAEA. The most important were: a) to initiate a basic QC programme, b) to organize a training in RP for cardiologists in order to formalize their accreditation, c) to improve personal occupational dosimetry, d) to initiate a programme of patient dosimetry, e) to optimize the technical and clinical protocols, f) to create a national registry of incidents with skin injuries. (author)

  2. A dainty review of the business and economic history of Chile and Latin America


    Bátiz-Lazo, Bernardo


    This introductory piece provides some context to the special edition on business and economic history of Chile and Latin America. It also provides an introduction to better understanding research and method in business history while inviting for this field to be further developed in Chile.


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    Jorge Sapunar Z., MD, MSC, FACP


    Finalmente, la frecuencia, morbilidad y mortalidad de la diabetes mellitus, se suman para explicar que el manejo de la enfermedad y sus complicaciones consuma el 10,2% del presupuesto en salud de Chile.

  4. Social Well-Being Among Colombian and Peruvian Immigrants in Northern Chile. (United States)

    Urzúa Morales, Alfonso; Delgado-Valencia, Eric; Rojas-Ballesteros, Mariela; Caqueo-Urízar, Alejandra


    In recent years, northern Chile has received a large number of immigrants attracted mainly by mining and related services. The last population census revealed that 70.5 % of foreigners in Chile came from South America, and were mainly Peruvians (30.5 %), Argentines (16.8 %), and Colombians (8.1 %). The aim of this cross-sectional study is to describe the social well-being levels reported by Colombian and Peruvian immigrants in northern Chile, as well as their connection to socio-demographic and relational factors. The Spanish version of the Scale of Social Well-being (Keyes in Soc Psychol Q 61:121-140, 1998) was administered to 431 men and women over 18 years old, with a minimum residence of 6 months in the city of Antofagasta. The highest-rated aspect was Social Contribution, and the lowest-rated aspect was Social Acceptance. The relational variables that show statistically significant differences in both populations relate to who the subject lives with, the degree of contact that the subject has with people from Chile, and the subject's relationship status. There are no differences that indicate a higher level of social well-being in one population more than the other; however, it appears that the Peruvian population has a greater perception of Social Coherence, while Colombians show a greater perception of Social Contribution.

  5. Robotics research in Chile

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    Javier Ruiz-del-Solar


    Full Text Available The development of research in robotics in a developing country is a challenging task. Factors such as low research funds, low trust from local companies and the government, and a small number of qualified researchers hinder the development of strong, local research groups. In this article, and as a case of study, we present our research group in robotics at the Advanced Mining Technology Center of the Universidad de Chile, and the way in which we have addressed these challenges. In 2008, we decided to focus our research efforts in mining, which is the main industry in Chile. We observed that this industry has needs in terms of safety, productivity, operational continuity, and environmental care. All these needs could be addressed with robotics and automation technology. In a first stage, we concentrate ourselves in building capabilities in field robotics, starting with the automation of a commercial vehicle. An important outcome of this project was the earn of the local mining industry confidence. Then, in a second stage started in 2012, we began working with the local mining industry in technological projects. In this article, we describe three of the technological projects that we have developed with industry support: (i an autonomous vehicle for mining environments without global positioning system coverage; (ii the inspection of the irrigation flow in heap leach piles using unmanned aerial vehicles and thermal cameras; and (iii an enhanced vision system for vehicle teleoperation in adverse climatic conditions.

  6. Doing Business 2014 Economy Profile : Chile


    World Bank; International Finance Corporation


    This economy profile presents the Doing Business indicators for Chile In a series of annual reports, Doing Business assesses regulations affecting domestic firms in 189 economies and ranks the economies in 10 areas of business regulation, such as starting a business, resolving insolvency and trading across borders. This year's report data cover regulations measured from June 2012 through M...

  7. Soviet Policy in Cuba and Chile. (United States)


    critical stance to the USSR for much of the rest of the decade. Along with Castro’s efforts to establish the Cuban experience of a rural guerrilla-based...Neresidades de Financamento Externo parea el Desarrollo de Chile, January 28. 1974, p. V-9. 17. New aid loans from the United States declined to $S.5 million

  8. ["Revista Médica de Chile": 120 years (July 1872-July 1992)]. (United States)

    Costa-Casaretto, C


    The "Revista Medica de Chile" founded in 1872 is the second oldest medical journal in Latin America after the "Gaceta Medica de Mexico" (1864). Among medical journals in the world it is placed 24. It has been published monthly without interruption, except for the period January through December 1891, due to the revolution taking place at that time. The first Editor was German Schneider, a German physician from Bonn who came to Chile in 1850 with the immigrants that settled in the South.

  9. Replantear los "aconteceres", replantear los espacios en Chile

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    Mauricio Onetto Pavez


    Full Text Available Este artículo tiene como objetivo reflexionar y profundizar sobre las perspectivas teóricas que se tuvieron en cuenta por el grupo de autores para crear el dossier “Memorias y circulaciones de un territorio. Chile, estudio de casos”. La primera parte del artículo abordará las diversas aristas que se intentaron considerar por el grupo de autores en relación al tema del espacio, la historia y la memoria. Con esto se pretende explicar de manera global lo relevante de esta corresponden-cia para los sujetos de estudio analizados en el dossier. En tanto, la segunda parte se centrará en presentar las inquietudes y preguntas que surgen al estudiar un caso como el de Chile.

  10. Dos edificios públicos a base de tierra en Chile

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    Pereira, Hugo


    Full Text Available Two works in Chile are reported: The House of the Culture in La Florida (Santiago and the Botalcura Concentred School in the Vlllth Zone. Both constructions have as common characteristic to be built with adobe and wooden girders, to present a certain continuity in the adapted criteria of desing -both from Architect Hugo Pereira- and to be newly constructed buildings, even partialy in construction. The fact that there are spaces with appropriate light and height for public use, so as the circumstance that the part which waas being constructed just at the moment of the great seism in Chile (February 1985 had and excelent behaviour, makes these works interesting to be published.Se presentan dos realizaciones en Chile: la Casa de la Cultura, en la barriada La Florida (Santiago y la Escuela Concentrada de Botalcura, en la VIII Región. Ambas construcciones tienen en común el haberse realizado a base de adobe y cerchas de madera, el presentar una cierta continuidad en los criterios de diseño adoptados, en ambas ha participado el Arquitecto Hugo Pereira, y ser edificios recién construidos, incluso parcialmente en construcción. El hecho de tratarse de espacios con luces y alturas propias de construcciones para uso público, así como la circunstancia de que la parte construida de la Casa de la Cultura en el momento del último gran sismo en Chile (marzo 1985, presentase un excelente comportamiento, son hechos que hacen especialmente interesante la publicación de estas realizaciones.

  11. Santiago de Chile, ¿ejemplo de una reestructuración capitalista global?

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    Luis Fuentes


    Full Text Available Términos como "ciudad global", "ciudad difusa", "ciudad dual", entre otros, merecen ser rediscutidos y contrastados con el proceso de transformaciones experimentado por Santiago de Chile producto de la reestructuración capitalista. En este sentido, este trabajo pretende discutir acerca de la conveniencia de otorgar a la capital de Chile éstos y otros adjetivos frecuentemente utilizados en la literatura urbanística internacional.

  12. Worthy Women of Chile: What Role Did They Play? Fulbright-Hays Summer Seminar Abroad Program 1995 (Chile). (United States)

    Hertzberg, Ruth A.

    This paper describes the lives of some notable women in the history of Chile from the time of the conquistadors to the present. The significant women described in the paper include: (1) Ines de Suarez (accompanied Pedro de Validivia in 1544); (2) Micaela Bastidas Puyucahua (wife of Incan leader Jose Gabriel Tupac Amaru, about 1780); (3) Gabriela…

  13. Evaluation of a New Mexico Landrace and Two Commercial Chile (Capsicum annuum Cultivars under Four Furrow Irrigation Schedules

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    Israel Joukhadar


    Full Text Available Commercial and landrace chile (Capsicum annuum cultivars are cultivated under furrow irrigation systems in Northern New Mexico. Yield and physiological differences between commercial and landrace chile cultivars under furrow irrigation systems have not been evaluated. In 2011 and 2012 two commercial chiles, ‘Sandia’ and ‘NuMex Big Jim’, with one landrace chile, ‘Chimayo’, were evaluated under four irrigation schedules, with irrigation once every 7, 9, 11, and 13-days. These four schedules represent possible water availability for farmers in Northern New Mexico. In 2011 there were inconsistent yield patterns; fresh red chile yield of ‘Chimayo’ at the seven-day interval was 90% more than at the nine-day interval. ‘Sandia’ had 138% better yields at the seven- than at the nine-day interval. ‘Chimayo’ fresh green chile yields at the nine-day interval were 47% better than the seven-day interval. ‘NuMex Big Jim’ fresh green yields were 40% greater at the seven-day interval than the 13-day interval. In 2012 no yield components were statistically different for cultivars across irrigation intervals. This data shows commercial green and landrace chile cultivars can be furrow irrigated as water becomes available on 7, 9, 11, or 13-day intervals with no yield effect.

  14. Estado del conocimiento y principales amenazas de los humedales boscosos de agua dulce de Chile Knowledge status and principal threats to freshwater forested wetlands of Chile

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    Full Text Available Los humedales boscosos de agua dulce son áreas naturalmente inundadas o saturadas, que sustentan vegetación boscosa hidrófila, están presentes en todo el mundo, y en Chile son conocidos como "pitrantos, hualves o hualhues". El presente estudio entrega el estado del conocimiento de estos humedales en Chile, mediante una descripción de sus características biológicas, fisicoquímicas e hidrodinámicas, identificando las principales amenazas para su conservación y las principales necesidades de investigación. Estos ambientes pueden presentar inundación permanente o temporal, dependiendo de un conjunto de procesos microclimáticos, biológicos y edafológicos. Su vegetación, del tipo hidrófila boscosa, es dominada por especies de la familia Myrtaceae. Tanto el comportamiento hídrico como la estructura vegetacional destacan dentro de los aspectos que determinan directamente las características fisicoquímicas del agua y los patrones de distribución de las comunidades biológicas. Los humedales boscosos de Chile han sido ampliamente estudiados desde un punto de vista vegetacional y florístico, pero carecen de estudios limnológicos, hidrológicos o faunísticos básicos, de lo cual deriva un total desconocimiento en relación a su funcionamiento a nivel ecosistémico y los efectos que pueden tener las actividades humanas en sus cuencas (e.g., agrícola, ganadera, forestal sobre sus componentes hídricos y biológicos. A pesar de ser ecosistemas de gran relevancia cultural y ecológica, se identifican importantes falencias en cuanto a su estado de conservación, al no encontrarse protegidos por las actuales herramientas de conservación existentes en el país. Por lo tanto, emergen como ecosistemas únicos, de relevancia mundial, prácticamente desconocidos en Chile y de gran interés para el desarrollo de numerosas líneas de investigación, aunque su alta susceptibilidad ante perturbaciones de origen antrópico amenaza su permanencia

  15. Vinos, carnes, ferrocarriles y el Tratado de Libre Comercio entre Argentina y Chile (1905-1910)


    Lacoste, Pablo


    Entre 1905 y 1910 Chile y Argentina negociaron la firma de un Tratado de Comercio con vistas a suprimir los aranceles aduaneros y consagrar el principio de "Cordillera Libre". El centro de atracción eran las exportaciones de ganado argentino a Chile y de vino chileno a Argentina. Pero en ambos países se produjo una fuerte reacción de los intereses creados con vistas a frustrar las tratativas diplomáticas. Tanto la Sociedad Nacional de Agricultura (Chile) como el Centro Vitivinícola Nacional (...

  16. Science, Technology, and Innovation in Chile | IDRC - International ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Book cover Science, Technology, and Innovation in Chile ... With this in mind, and following a conversation between Canadian Prime Minister Jean Chrétien and ... Call for new OWSD Fellowships for Early Career Women Scientists now open.

  17. Disponibilidad de médicos en Chile al año 2004


    Román A, Oscar; Acuña F, Miguel; Señoret S, Miriam


    Background: The number of physicians available in a given country, their efficiency, quality and specialization is of utmost epidemiological importance. Aim: To evaluate the availability of physicians in Chile. Material and methods: The information about the number of physicians in Chile up to the year 2004, was obtained from the Ministry of Health, national universities and the register of immigrant physicians since 1950. Results: The total number of physicians licensed to practice was 25,54...

  18. Indicator based sustainability analysis of future energy situation of Santiago de Chile


    Stelzer, Volker; Quintero, Adriana; Vargas, Luis; Paredes, Gonzalo; Simon, Sonja; Nienhaus, Kristina; Kopfmüller, Jürgen


    Up to now, the Chilean Energy system has fulfilled the energy needs of Santiago de Chile considerably well. However, development trends of the current system impose significant future risks on the energy system. A detailed sustainability analysis of the energy sector of the Metropolitan Region of Santiago de Chile was conducted, using selected energy indicators and a distance-to-target approach. Risks for the sustainable development of the energy sector are detected, such...

  19. Fires in Chile (United States)


    On February 5, 2002, the dense smoke from numerous forest fires stretched out over the Pacific Ocean about 400 miles south of Santiago, Chile. This true-color Moderate-resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) image shows the fires, which are located near the city of Temuco. The fires are indicated with red dots (boxes in the high-resolution imagery). The fires were burning near several national parks and nature reserves in an area of the Chilean Andes where tourism is very popular. Southeast of the fires, the vegetation along the banks of the Rio Negro in Argentina stands out in dark green. Image courtesy Jacques Descloitres, MODIS Land Rapid Response Team at NASA GSFC

  20. [Chile's experience with developing abalone (Haliotis spp.) farming: opportunities and challenges]. (United States)

    Enríquez, R; Villagrán, R


    Intensive abalone farming--specifically of the red abalone (Haliotis rufescens) and the green (or Japanese) abalone (Haliotis discus hannai)--has expanded rapidly in Chile since the late 1990s, and this article presents an overview of the challenges facing the industry and the factors which favour its development. At present, 100% of Chile's abalone enterprises farm the H. rufescens species, owing to its suitability for full-cycle culture. In the analysis of factors that facilitate the development of abalone farming in Chile, those that stand out include the characteristics of the aquatic ecosystem, existing entrepreneurial and professional skills, decisive government support in co-financing scientific and technological projects, infrastructure and associated services to support these development initiatives and a market where prices have remained stable and demand for abalone products has been steady. The greatest challenges facing intensive abalone farming in Chile are providing a constant supply of macroalgae for abalone feed and developing complementary feed, as well as updating current legislation on intensive abalone farming, strengthening producer associations and establishing health certification. The article discusses examples of the impact that native organisms can have on animals introduced into an aquatic ecosystem and the international transmission of agents such as withering syndrome and sabellid polychaete infestation disease, associated with the movement of abalone seeds and broodstock. The article also emphasises the importance of implementing the recommendations of the World Organisation for Animal Health.

  1. All projects related to Chile | Page 4 | IDRC - International ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    ... complex knowledge economy demands economic, social and environmental data ... Region: Brazil, South America, Chile, Colombia, Uruguay, North and Central ... Labour Market Regulations, Outcomes and Income Distribution in Colombia ...

  2. The GNSS Component of the Seismic Monitoring System in Chile (United States)

    Barrientos, S. E.


    Chile is amongst the most seismically active countries in the world. Since mid-XVI Century, a magnitude 8 or more earthquake has taken place every dozen of years, as an average. In the last 100 years, more than ten events with magnitudes around 8 or larger have taken place in this part of world. Three events with M>8 have taken place only in the last six years. The largest earthquake ever recorded took place in May, 1960, in southern Chile. Such extreme seismic activity is the result of the interaction of the Nazca, Antarctic, Scotia and South American plates in southwestern South America where Chile is located. These megathrust earthquakes exhibit long rupture regions reaching several hundreds of km with fault displacements of several tens of meters. At least eighteen of these earthquakes have generated local tsunamis with runups larger than 4 m -including events in 2010, 2014 and 2015- therefore it is mandatory to establish a system with capabilities to rapidly evaluate the tsunamigenic potential of these events. In 2013, the newly created National Seismological Center (CSN) of the University of Chile was tasked to upgrade the countrýs seismic network by increasing the numbers of real-time monitoring stations. The most important change to previous practices is the establishment of a GNSS network composed by 130 devices, in addition to the incorporation of 65 new collocated broadband and strong motion instruments. Additional 297 strong motion instruments for engineering purposes complement the system. Forty units -of the 130 devices- present an optional RTX capability, where satellite orbits and clock corrections are sent to the field device producing a 1-Hz position stream at 4-cm level. First records of ground displacement -using this technology-were recorded at the time of the largest aftershock (Mw=7.6) of the sequence that affected northern Chile in 2014. The CSN is currently developing automatic detectors and amplitude estimators of displacement from the

  3. Climate change and energy policy in Chile: Up in smoke?

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mundaca T, Luis


    This paper provides an ex-post assessment of the climate and energy policy developments in Chile emerging from a neoliberal economic model, during the period 1971–2007. First, correlation and regression analyses were performed to analyse historical CO 2 emissions as a product of demographic, economic and energy-wide drivers. Then I estimate indicators related to CO 2 emissions, energy use and economic activity. In the light of empirical results, I identify policy instruments and structural issues. Finally, I present a comparative analysis of Chile and other Latin American countries. Statistical tests show that variability of CO 2 emissions is explained mostly by GDP per capita (‘affluence’) than any other tested variable. Indicators show that the diversification and decarbonisation of the energy mix has been a major policy challenge. With two notable exceptions (hydro and natural gas), the CO 2 intensity of the energy supply mix suggests no effective policies, while energy security crises triggered negative carbon effects and increased prices. No clear policies to promote energy efficiency can be identified until 2005. Explicit policy instruments to promote renewable energy are only recognised after 2004. The results strongly suggest that Chile lacked of policies to effectively decarbonise its energy–economy system. - Highlight: ► The first paper that quantitatively assesses key drivers of CO 2 emissions in Chile. ► It examines energy and climate policy development during the period 1971–2007. ► GDP per capita (‘affluence’) is the main determinant of CO 2 emissions. ► Diversification and decarbonisation of energy mix has been a major policy challenge. ► Policy approach under analysed period not suited for a low-carbon economy.

  4. Public health infrastructure investment difficulties in Chile: concessions and public tenders

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    Matías Goyenechea


    Full Text Available Resumen El presente trabajo busca evidenciar los problemas de brechas en infraestructura sanitaria en Chile, así como analizar los mecanismos mediante los cuales ésta se provee. Ello se realiza mediante dos modalidades, la primera es la licitación competitiva o modalidad sectorial. La segunda forma es la concesión hospitalaria. En los últimos años ambos mecanismos presentan dificultades, las cuales se relatan en este documento. Finalmente, se plantean propuestas con el fin de mejorar la provisión de infraestructura sanitaria en Chile.

  5. [Notes about other epidemics in Colonial Chile]. (United States)

    Laval, Enrique


    In chronicles or in the historiography of the Colony in Chile there are few references about epidemics different to smallpox; like typhus, typhoid fever, dysentery, etc. Almost all, fast spreading in the country and some with high lethality, which led to overflowing the capacity of hospitals in the Chilean colonial period.

  6. [Teenage fecundity rates in Chile: a serious public health problem]. (United States)

    Molina C, Ramiro; Molina G, Temístocles; González A, Electra


    Teenage fecundity rates are an indicator of epidemiological discrimination in developing countries. To study fertility rates of girls under 14 years of age in Chile from 1993 to 2003. Information of children born alive from mothers aged 10 to 15 years, was obtained from the Chilean National Institute of Statistics. Age segmented population data was obtained from the Ministry of Health. Trends were analyzed by regions and single ages. The rates in communities of the Metropolitan Region were compared. Between 1993 and 2003, there was an increasing trend in fecundity rates, ratios and crude numbers. These rates duplicate from 14 to 15 years of age. In the Metropolitan Region, the fecundity ratios of communities with lower economical incomes is seven times greater than those with higher incomes. During 2003, the fecundity rates in Chile were 100 and 10 higher than those of Holland and Sweden in 1981. In developing countries with very low infant mortality rates such as Chile, the high fecundity rates of young girls is an indicator of a deficient human and social development. Sexual Education and Health Services for adolescents are essential to prevent this public health problem.

  7. Hantavirus en roedores de la Octava Región de Chile Hantavirus in rodents of the VIII Region of Chile

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    Full Text Available La Octava Región de Chile corresponde a la segunda región con el mayor número de casos de Síndrome Cardiopulmonar por Hantavirus (SCPH. Por tal motivo se realizó un estudio para detectar la presencia de anticuerpos contra hantavirus en roedores y su distribución local en la Octava Región. El estudio comprendió las cuatro provincias de la región y consideró once sitios de muestreo. Se capturaron siete especies de roedores, Abrothrix olivaceus fue la más abundante seguida de Oligoryzomys longicaudatus. De los 300 roedores analizados, cinco ejemplares (1,66 % resultaron ser positivos a hantavirus y correspondieron a tres especies de sigmodontinos: a saber, Loxodontomys micropus, que corresponde al único registro de este tipo para la especie en Chile, Abrotrix longipilis y Oligoryzomys longicaudatusThe Eight Region has the second highest number of cases of Hantavirus Cardiopulmonary Syndrome (HCPS in humans for Chile. A study was performed to identify the number of rodents serologically positive to hantavirus and their local distribution in this region. To achieve this goal, we sampled eleven sites in the four provinces of the region. Seven rodents species were collected, with Abrothrix olivaceus presenting the largest number of captures followed by Oligoryzomys longicaudatus. Of the 300 rodents analyzed, five (1.66 % were sero-positives to hantavirus and belonged to three different sigmodontine species: Abrothrix longipilis, O. longicaudatus, and Loxodontomys micropus. No previous records of seropositive L. micropus existed.

  8. Forensic psychiatry in Chile. (United States)

    St Denis, Emily E; Sepúlveda, Enrique; Téllez, Carlos; Arboleda-Flórez, Julio; Stuart, Heather; Lam, Miu


    Mental disorders are among the most prevalent of chronic disorders, and a high prevalence of these disorders has been consistently found in jails and prisons. This study was a retrospective case series that described the population of adults charged with a criminal offense who were court ordered to undergo a psychiatric assessment within the Medical Legal Service in Santiago, Chile from 2005 to 2006. Characteristics were explored in order to better understand this population in light of the recent reforms in the judicial and health systems of Chile. Ninety percent of sampled individuals were male, primarily between the ages of 18-39 years. Seventy percent of the evaluations came from the pre-reformed judicial system and 30% were from the reformed system. Approximately 63% of evaluated offenders were considered to have a psychiatric pathology, the most common being the personality disorders. Of the evaluated offenders, approximately 84% were considered by a psychiatrist to be criminally responsible for their crime, 7% were regarded as having diminished criminal responsibility, 4% were considered to be not criminally responsible for their crime, and 4% were cases where criminal responsibility was not applicable. Profession status, municipality of residence, type of residence, ICD-10 diagnosis, treatment recommendation, and criminal responsibility were found to be significantly different between male and female evaluated offenders. Results from this investigation will contribute to knowledge about forensic psychiatry and mental health in Latin America, and will hopefully pave the way for more research and international comparisons. Copyright © 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  9. 77 FR 70874 - Notification of the Next Meetings of the U.S.-Chile FTA Environmental Affairs Council and ECA... (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF STATE [Public Notice: 8095] Notification of the Next Meetings of the U.S.-Chile FTA... Commission pursuant to Chapter 19 (Environment) of the United States-Chile Free Trade Agreement (``FTA'') and...: Article 19.3 of the United States-Chile FTA establishes an Environment Affairs Council, which shall meet...

  10. A Decade Lost and Found: Mexico and Chile in the 1980s


    Raphael Bergoeing; Patrick J. Kehoe; Raimundo Soto


    Chile and Mexico experienced severe economic crises in the early 1980s. This paper analyzes four possible explanations for why Chile recovered much faster than did Mexico. Comparing data from the two countries allows us to rule out a monetarist explanation, an explanation based on falls in real wages and real exchange rates, and a debt overhang explanation. Using growth accounting, a calibrated growth model, and economic theory, we conclude that the crucial difference between the two countrie...

  11. Muerte encefálica: consideraciones clínicas y legales

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    W. Arnold Hoppe, Dr.


    Full Text Available Temor y ambivalencia son aspectos centrales en la matriz sociocultural relacionada con la muerte encefálica. Para el médico que debe evaluar pacientes y certificar el diagnóstico de muerte encefálica es crucial contar con una sólida comprensión de la fisiopatología, los criterios diagnósticos y de los exámenes complementarios. La existencia de un marco legal coherente y completo para el diagnóstico de muerte encefálica, independiente de la potencial donación de órganos, es ciertamente crucial para el médico. La relevancia que tiene en este sentido el fallo del Tribunal Constitucional de Chile del 13 de agosto de 1995 se analiza en profundidad.

  12. Male attitudes to family planning education in Santiago, Chile. (United States)

    Hall, M F


    Male attitudes toward family planning education were assessed through a study of 720 men in Santiago and 240 men in a nearby rural area of Chile. Interviews were conducted by male students at the University of Chile School of Public Health. A large majority of the men were using or planned to use contraception in the future. There was a near consensus that adults should be informed regarding family planning. More than a majority of the respondents favored provision of contraceptive information for unmarried women, but most did not approve of premarital sexual activity for females. Most respondents favored the teaching of sex education in schools "according to the age of the children." Younger and higher class males tended to hold the most liberal attitudes.

  13. Ideological Configurations and Prediction of Attitudes toward Immigrants in Chile and Germany

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    Héctor Carvacho


    Full Text Available

    The concept of ideological configuration is proposed to refer to a complex of ideological attitudes – Right-Wing Authoritarianism (RWA and Social Dominance
    Orientation (SDO – based on a shared core of derogation of outgroups. This concept is used in two surveys, in Chile and in Germany, to predict
    attitudes toward foreigners. Analyses using structural equation modeling (SEM showed that a second-order factor involving RWA and SDO predicts hostility
    toward foreigners in Germany and affection toward Peruvian and Argentinean immigrants in Chile. This prediction was stronger in Germany than in Chile.
    The difference in strength is discussed in terms of the kind of measurements, different contexts of migration, and characteristics of the immigrants. Further
    research using the concept of ideological configuration is proposed.

  14. Diversity patterns and composition of native and exotic floras in central Chile (United States)

    Figueroa, Javier A.; Teillier, Sebastián; Castro, Sergio A.


    Floristic changes in the Mediterranean region of central Chile brought about by human impact appear to be shared with other climatic regions, although there is a notable absence of empirical studies and available quantitative evidence for the central Chile region. This study examines the cover, richness and composition of native and exotic plant species in a representative area of central Chile. Through floristic characterization of 33 sites sampled using 40 × 40 m plots distributed along transect on which the two farthest sites were separated by 50 km, the floristic richness and cover patterns, as well as the general land use characteristics were evaluated (native matorral, espinal, abandoned farming field, forest plantations, periurban sites, road sites, river bank, and burnt site). We recorded 327 species of plants; 213 species were native and 114 were exotic. The average number of species was heterogeneous in all sites, showing a greater relative native frequency in those sites with a lower level of anthropic intervention. Except for the matorral, the cover of exotic species was greater than that of native species. No relation was found between richness and cover in relation to the different types of land use. The relationship between cover of native and exotic was negative, although for richness did not show relationship. Results show that the exotic species are limited by resources, although they have not completely displaced the native species. The native and exotic floras respond to different spatial distribution patterns, so their presence makes it possible to establish two facts rarely quantified in central Chile: first, that the exotic flora replaces (but does not necessarily displace) the native flora, and second, that at the same time, because of its greater geographic ubiquity and the abundance levels that it achieves, it contributes to the taxonomic and physiognomic homogenization of central Chile.

  15. CASE STUDY: Chile — Health, environment, and indigenous culture ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)


    Jan 6, 2011 ... CASE STUDY: Chile — Health, environment, and indigenous culture .... For example, the National Corporation for Indigenous Development (CONADI) ... Institute for Agriculture Development (INDAP), and applied research on ...

  16. Privatización de los servicios de salud: las experiencias de Chile y Costa Rica Health services privatization: the experiences of Chile and Costa Rica

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    N. Homedes


    Full Text Available El trabajo cuestiona los argumentos que justifican la privatización neoliberal de la financiación, gestión y prestación de servicios de salud, y analiza el significado y estrategias de privatización. Comparamos la privatización en Costa Rica y Chile, y en la discusión se sugiere que el modelo costarricense de privatización selectiva, limitada y concebida autóctonamente de Costa Rica lleva a un sistema de salud más solidario, equitativo, eficiente y satisfactorio para los usuarios que el modelo importado de privatización chileno.This study questions the premises that justify the neoliberal privatization of financing, managing and delivering health services. It also analyses the meaning of privatization and its strategies. We compare privatization in Chile and Costa Rica and suggest that the more limited, selective and locally designed privatization process in Costa Rica has resulted in a more equitable, and efficient health system than the imported privatization model introduced in Chile. The Costa Rican system also produces greater patient satisfaction and at the same time preserves the solidarity principle.

  17. Socio-economic Segregation with (without) Competitive Education Policies: A Comparative Analysis of Argentina and Chile. (United States)

    Narodowski, Mariano; Nores, Milagros


    The view that competition initiatives in education, such as Chile's introduction of vouchers, promote socioeconomic segregation in schools is questioned. Chile and Argentina have faced very different decentralization reforms, carried out within different regulatory frameworks, but have arrived at similar situations in terms of schools'…

  18. Estado de conservación de Chiasognathus granti Stephens 1831 (Coleóptera: Lucanidae en Chile Conservation status of Chiasognathus granti Stephens 1831 (Coleoptera: Lucanidae in Chile

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    Full Text Available Las estrategias de conservación en Chile han analizado la diversidad de nuestro país en base a información de especies grandes, carismáticas, paraguas y poco abundantes. Actualmente, nuestro interés ha estado dirigido a analizar la información de invertebrados para definir áreas de endemismo, áreas prioritarias para conservación y áreas naturales importantes desde el punto de vista filogenético. El lucánido Chiasognathus granti es una especie emblemática para la entomología chilena. Este trabajo es pionero en evaluar el estado de conservación de esta especie en Chile, para lo cual fueron calculados los índices de prioridad de conservación (SUMIN y CPI en base a literatura especializada, colecciones de referencia y prospecciones en terreno. C. granti es considerada una especie Rara, de acuerdo al índice de SUMIN y Vulnerable, de acuerdo al índice CPI. Nosotros concluimos que C. granti puede ser considerada Vulnerable en Chile con una alta probabilidad de extinción, hecho que podría afectar la sobrevivencia de las poblaciones presentes en Argentina.Based on information of large body size, charismatic, umbrella and Rare species, the Conservation strategies have analyzed the diversity of Chile. Define endemism areas, priorities conservation areas and geographic areas with high phylogenetic value has been the aims of our studies in beetles. An emblematic species for the Chilean entomologic community is the stag beetle C. granti. We assign priorities for the conservation of C. granti through conservation priority indexes (SUMIN and CPI based on literature, reference collection and field studies. C. granti can be considered Rare by SUMIN index and Vulnerable by CPI index. We concluded that C. granti is Vulnerable with a high probability of extinction in Chile; this situation could affect the survival of populations in Argentina.

  19. Sensory properties of chile pepper heat - and its importance to food quality and cultural preference. (United States)

    Guzmán, Ivette; Bosland, Paul W


    Chile peppers are one of the most important vegetable and spice crops in the world. They contain capsaicinoids that are responsible for the characteristic burning (pungency) sensation. Currently, there are 22 known naturally occurring capsaicinoids that can cause the heat sensation when consumed. Each produces a different heat sensation effect in the mouth. A need exists for a standard and new terminology to describe the complex heat sensation one feels when eating a chile pepper. A comprehensive set of descriptors to describe the sensory characteristics of chile pepper heat was developed. It was validated with trained panelists tasting samples representing the five domesticated species and 14 pod-types within these species. Five key attributes that define and reference a lexicon for describing the heat sensation of chile peppers were determined to describe the heat sensation in any product, and importantly, can be used in the food industry worldwide. Copyright © 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.. All rights reserved.

  20. Discovering Chile's hidden water treasures – rock glaciers | IDRC ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)


    May 30, 2011 ... This means the research methods for investigating rock glaciers are ... group advising Chile's national environmental protection agency on ... Communities' perception of climate change risks in South America's Atlantic coasts.

  1. Personas con discapacidad y políticas públicas de inclusión educativa en Chile

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    Juan Guillermo Estay


    Full Text Available Introducción: Chile se ve enfrentado en la actualidad a un cambio de paradigma en materia educacional. La Reforma Educativa, hasta el momento, no hace mención a la educación de Personas con Discapacidad y Necesidades Educativas Especiales, que de plasmarse en ley, dejaría a Chile -entre un reducido número de países no desarrollados-, con una educación inclusiva consagrada constitucionalmente. Objetivo: Identificar las políticas de educación inclusiva que amparan a las personas con discapacidad en Chile. Metodología: Artículo de revisión. Se realizó una búsqueda de la literatura en la biblioteca nacional de Chile y Google Scholar. Resultados: Se abordaron las temáticas: sistema educativo chileno, normativa internacional en materia de educación inclusiva, normativa chilena sobre inclusión y normativa chilena sobre educación e inclusividad. Conclusión: A pesar de la normatividad sobre discapacidad existente en Chile, no ha existido una verdadera inclusión de las personas con discapacidad y necesidades educativas especiales en el sistema educativo.

  2. Andes virus infections in the rodent reservoir and in humans vary across contrasting landscapes in Chile (United States)

    Torres-Pérez, Fernando; Palma, R. Eduardo; Hjelle, Brian; Ferres, Marcela; Cook, Joseph A.


    Hantavirus cardiopulmonary syndrome (HCPS) is an emerging infectious disease first reported in Chile in 1995. Andes hantavirus (ANDV) is responsible for the more than 500 cases of HCPS reported in Chile. Previous work showed that ANDV is genetically differentiated in Chile across contrasting landscapes. To determine whether the reservoir rodent (Oligoryzomys longicaudatus) populations are also geographically segregated, we conducted range-wide spatial genetic analyses of O. longicaudatus in Chile using the mitochondrial DNA cytochrome b gene. Given that landscape structure influences the incidence of hantavirus infections, we also tested 772 O. longicaudatus specimens for antibodies to ANDV captured during the period 2000 − 2006. Population genetic analyses of O. longicaudatus are largely congruent with those reported for ANDV, with the host primarily differentiated according to three defined ecoregions, Mediterranean, Valdivian rain forest and North Patagonian rain forest. Significant differences in the relative prevalence of anti-ANDV antibodies in rodent samples also were found across the three ecoregions. We relate these results to the number of reported human HCPS cases in Chile, and discuss the importance of landscape differences in light of ANDV transmission to humans and among rodent populations. PMID:19632357

  3. Fruit production in Chile: bright past, uncertain future

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    Jorge B. Retamales


    Full Text Available In 2007 (the last agricultural census, Chile had 308, 445 ha of fruit orchards: an increase of almost 32% from the previous census (1997. The most important species were table grapes (20%, avocados (13% and apples (12%. Some 22% of the fruit crops growing area corresponded to juvenile orchards; within the species with higher proportion of juvenile orchards were prunes (42% and blueberries (56%. Most orchards are located between latitude 27º18` S (Copiapó and 40º36´S (Puerto Varas. The industry is driven by the export component which accounts for more than 50% of the fruits produced. In the crop season 2009-2010, approximately 254 million boxes (around 2.5 million tons were exported, representing over US$ 3.5 million. Processed and fresh fruits represented 8.2 and 26.7% of the total forest and agricultural Chilean exports in 2008, respectively. The main markets for this fruits were USA/Canada (42% and Europe (32%. The fruit grower receives, on average, 12-16% of the total price of the fruit in its final destination. Each year the fruit industry employs 450.000 people directly, of which 1/3 are permanent. Even though the fruit industry employs the highest proportion of the agricultural labor and the growing area has increased in the last 20 years, the proportion of agricultural employment has decreased from 19.5% in 1989 to 10.8% in 2008. It might also be noted that Chile invests only 0.7% of the GDP in research. In the last 40 years, the fruit industry has been a motor for the Chilean economic development, but the lower rates of currency exchange, the rising costs of energy (oil, electricity, and the increasing scarcity of hand labor have drastically reduced the profitability and are putting at risk the viability of a large proportion of the fruit orchards in Chile. It is estimated that this season around 65% of the orchards will have a negative economic balance in their operations. Higher investment in research, improvements in fruit quality

  4. El Caso del Dinero Desaparecido Chile 1984-1986


    Felipe Larraín; Aníbal Larraín


    Between the third quarter of 1984 and the second one of 1986, Chile's real money balances (seasonally adjusted, real MI) decreased by 11%. In the same period, Gross Domestic Product grew by 12.3% and the effective short-term interest rate systematically d

  5. Apprenticeship in Latin America: The INACAP Program in Chile. A Case Study. Occasional Paper #6. (United States)

    Corvalan-Vasquez, Oscar E.

    The development of apprenticeship programs in several Latin American countries was investigated with a focus on the results of an industrial apprenticeship program in Santiago, Chile. The program studied was the Instituto Nacional de Capacitacion Profesional (INACAP), the national vocational training institute of Chile. The purpose of the study…

  6. niño lector en Chile (1860-1960

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    Clara-Maria Parra-Triana


    Full Text Available En este artículo se propone establecer las coordenadas para el estudio de la formación del niño lector en Chile a partir del análisis de las publicaciones periódicas comprendidas entre 1860 y 1960, periodo conocido como el del Estado Liberal hasta los tiempos de la Reforma y Revolución. Se revisan algunas fuentes bibliográficas básicas para la comprensión de la problemática lectora en el Chile moderno junto con la consideración de ciertas herramientas teórico-conceptuales que ayudarían al estudio de un corpus ejemplificado con tres publicaciones periódicas de tres diferentes momentos, que muestran el proceso de modernización de las prácticas lectoras que dan paso al ejercicio de la lectura como actividad de entretenimiento.

  7. Riparian leaf litter processing by benthic macroinvertebrates in a woodland stream of central Chile Procesamiento de detritus ripariano por macroinvertebrados bentónicos en un estero boscoso de Chile central

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    Full Text Available Leaf litter input from riparian landscapes has been identified as both a major energy flow to stream ecosystems and as a food source for stream macroinvertebrates. In riparian landscapes of woodland streams of central Chile, the native deciduous hardwoods are being artificially replaced by exotic coniferous trees at a large spatial scale. It is suggested that this process has a significant impact on the stream communities of central Chile. Today, exotic plantations occur throughout central Chile, with Pinus radiata (D. Don (Monterrey pine accounting for about 80 % of the more than 1,800,000 ha of exotic forests. The objective of this paper was to analyze the effect of the litter beds of a dominant native species (Nothofagus pumilio and an exotic species (P. radiata on the detritus processing carried out by benthic macroinvertebrates, in an experimental catchment of central Chile (Rucúe Creek; 36° 26'00" S, 71° 35'40" W. Results revealed that processing rates of native leaf packs are higher than rates of coniferous leaf packs, suggesting that the replacement of the native hardwoods by exotic coniferous riparian flora has an important impact on the stream energy flow in central Chile. The decay rate coefficients (k were 0.0072 for N. pumilio, and 0.0027 for P. radiata. The greater abundance and biomass of shredders per gram of leaf pack of native Nothofagus would explain the differences in leaf processing rates, especially through the activity of two Plecoptera Gripopterygidae, Limnoperla jaffueli and Antarctoperla michaelseniLa entrada de detritus foliar procedente de áreas riparianas ha sido reconocido como un componente importante en la energética de ecosistemas fluviales y como fuente de alimento de macroinvertebrados acuáticos. En áreas riparianas de esteros boscosos de Chile central los componentes nativos caducifolios están siendo artificialmente reemplazados a gran escala por coníferas exóticas, sugiriendo que este proceso tiene

  8. El desempleo estructural y la tasa natural de desempleo: algunas consideraciones teóricas y su estado actual en Colombia

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    Will Alexander Yarce


    Full Text Available n la actualidad, el concepto teórico de la tasa natural de desempleo ha trascendido las cátedras universitarias para convertirse en una herramienta útil para analistas y responsables de la política económica. En este artículo, la tasa natural de desempleo es el eje central de análisis y en él se plantean, en la primera parte, algunas consideraciones teóricas asociadas al desempleo estructural y a la tasa natural de desempleo y sus determinantes. La segunda parte del artículo se refiere a las estimaciones de la tasa natural en Colombia, los cambios estructurales en años recientes y a los cálculos del autor de la tasa natural para el periodo 1984-1997. Por último, se plantean algunas conclusiones, a manera de reflexiones finales e implementaciones de política.

  9. Detection and phylogenetic analysis of infectious pancreatic necrosis virus in Chile. (United States)

    Tapia, D; Eissler, Y; Torres, P; Jorquera, E; Espinoza, J C; Kuznar, J


    Infectious pancreatic necrosis virus (IPNV) is the etiological agent of a highly contagious disease that is endemic to salmon farming in Chile and causes great economic losses to the industry. Here we compared different diagnostic methods to detect IPNV in field samples, including 3 real-time reverse transcription PCR (qRT-PCR) assays, cell culture isolation, and indirect fluorescent antibody test (IFAT). Additionally, we performed a phylogenetic analysis to investigate the genogroups prevailing in Chile, as well as their geographic distribution and virulence. The 3 qRT-PCR assays used primers that targeted regions of the VP2 and VP1 genes of the virus and were tested in 46 samples, presenting a fair agreement within their results. All samples were positive for at least 2 of the qRT-PCR assays, 29 were positive for cell culture, and 23 for IFAT, showing less sensitivity for these latter 2 methods. For the phylogenetic analysis, portions of 1180 and 523 bp of the VP2 region of segment A were amplified by RT-PCR, sequenced and compared with sequences from reference strains and from isolates reported by previous studies carried out in Chile. Most of the sequenced isolates belonged to genogroup 5 (European origin), and 5 were classified within genogroup 1 (American origin). Chilean isolates formed clusters within each of the genogroups found, evidencing a clear differentiation from the reference strains. To our knowledge, this is the most extensive study completed for IPNV in Chile, covering isolates from sea- and freshwater salmon farms and showing a high prevalence of this virus in the country.

  10. Letter from Chile: Re-establishing health care in Chile (United States)

    Jiménez, Jorge


    Chile's long term social policy has produced very impressive outcomes in general health indicators, with a national health service established as early as 1952. During the years of the Pinochet dictatorship (1973-89) public health institutions were greatly affected, with sharp diminution in financing which affected investment and salaries. The democratic government initiated in 1990 faced a difficult situation, with underpaid staff and decrepit hospitals. The ministry took immediate action to improve salaries and start an ambitious health sector reform including investment in infrastructure, technology, and modern management. Decentralisation and autonomy, changes in payment for service mechanisms, and a public-private mix are the main objectives of this reform, keeping the public role as predominant in the proposed structure. This process has been affected by union unrest and public opinion dissatisfaction, which tend to present obstacles to progress in this complicated issue. Imagesp729-ap730-a


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    Nataly O\\u2019Leary


    Full Text Available Se presenta una revisión taxonómica y nomenclatural del género Glandularia para Chile. El género está representado por 12 especies y una variedad, ocho de estos taxones son endémicos de Chile. Las especies se distribuyen desde la zona más septentrional del territorio, región de Arica y Parinacota, hasta la región de Los Lagos, al sur. Sin embargo la mayor diversidad específica se encuentra en las regiones centrales, de Coquimbo, Valparaíso y Metropolitana. Se describen e ilustran cada una de las 12 especies de Glandularia. A su vez, se proponen 14 nuevos sinónimos y tres nuevas combinaciones: Glandularia landbecki, G. multiglandulosa y G. ribifolia; se designan 15 lectotipos para: Erinus laciniatus, Verbena bella, V. berteroi, V. corymbosa, V. foetida, V. gynobasis, V. gynobasis var. strigosa, V. landbeckii, V. lipozygioides, V. multiglandulosa, V. porrigens, V. ribifolia, V. sulphurea var. fuscorubra, V. sulphurea var. pedunculata, y V. trachea; y se postula un neotipo para Verbena paulseni.

  12. Field survey of the 16 September 2015 Chile tsunami (United States)

    Lagos, Marcelo; Fritz, Hermann M.


    On the evening of 16 September, 2015 a magnitude Mw 8.3 earthquake occurred off the coast of central Chile's Coquimbo region. The ensuing tsunami caused significant inundation and damage in the Coquimbo or 4th region and mostly minor effects in neighbouring 3rd and 5th regions. Fortunately, ancestral knowledge from the past 1922 and 1943 tsunamis in the region along with the catastrophic 2010 Maule and recent 2014 tsunamis, as well as tsunami education and evacuation exercises prompted most coastal residents to spontaneously evacuate to high ground after the earthquake. There were a few tsunami victims; while a handful of fatalities were associated to earthquake induced building collapses and the physical stress of tsunami evacuation. The international scientist joined the local effort from September 20 to 26, 2015. The international tsunami survey team (ITST) interviewed numerous eyewitnesses and documented flow depths, runup heights, inundation distances, sediment deposition, damage patterns, performance of the navigation infrastructure and impact on the natural environment. The ITST covered a 500 km stretch of coastline from Caleta Chañaral de Aceituno (28.8° S) south of Huasco down to Llolleo near San Antonio (33.6° S). We surveyed more than 40 locations and recorded more than 100 tsunami and runup heights with differential GPS and integrated laser range finders. The tsunami impact peaked at Caleta Totoral near Punta Aldea with both tsunami and runup heights exceeding 10 m as surveyed on September 22 and broadcasted nationwide that evening. Runup exceeded 10 m at a second uninhabited location some 15 km south of Caleta Totoral. A significant variation in tsunami impact was observed along the coastlines of central Chile at local and regional scales. The tsunami occurred in the evening hours limiting the availability of eyewitness video footages. Observations from the 2015 Chile tsunami are compared against the 1922, 1943, 2010 and 2014 Chile tsunamis. The

  13. Explaining judicial corruption in the courts of Chile, Peru and Ecuador

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    Santiago Basabe-Serrano


    Full Text Available This article identifies the main variables that explain judicial corruption in Chile, Peru, and Ecuador. Improving the current methodological strategies used to measure judicial corruption and incorporating endogenous and exogenous variables in the model, this article argues that legal training of the judges, respect for the judicial career, and the fragmentation of political power explain different degrees of judicial corruption. Through a comparative diachronic and synchronic research design of Chile, Peru and Ecuador, the article shows institutional designs with more legal steps will be more inclined to illegal payments or other types of judicial corruption.

  14. Evaluación del primer "Entrenamiento en Metodología de Investigación Clínica en Chile" Evaluation of the first training on clinical research methodology in Chile

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    Manuel Espinoza


    Full Text Available Este trabajo describe la evaluación del primer "Entrenamiento en Metodología de Investigación Clínica en Chile (EMIC-Chile tras 12 meses de haber finalizado. Se aplicó una encuesta online para alumnos y el método Delphi para el equipo docente. Entre los estudiantes, la mayoría informó que el programa apoyó su desarrollo profesional y que transmitieron los conocimientos en su lugar de trabajo. El 41% presentó un proyecto a fondos concursables de investigación una vez finalizado el curso. Entre los profesores, las áreas de mayor interés fueron la estrategia comunicacional, la metodología educativa, las características del equipo docente y las posibles estrategias de permanencia de EMIC-Chile a futuro. Esta experincia podría servir a futuras iniciativas de formación en investigación para profesionales de la salud. Se reconocen como desafíos la incorporación de profesiones no médicas en la investigación clínica, complejidades asociadas a la metodología semi-presencial y permanencia duradera de iniciativas de esta envergadura a nivel nacional y regional.This paper describes the evaluation of the first training on clinical research methodology in Chile (EMIC-Chile 12 months after its completion. An online survey was conducted for students and the Delphi method was used for the teaching team. Among the students, the majority reported that the program had contributed to their professional development and that they had shared some of the knowledge acquired with colleagues in their workplace. Forty-one percent submitted a project to obtain research funding through a competitive grants process once they had completed the course. Among the teachers, the areas of greatest interest were the communication strategy, teaching methods, the characteristics of the teaching team, and potential strategies for making the EMIC-Chile permanent in the future. This experience could contribute to future research training initiatives for health

  15. Nuevos inmigrantes en Chile: Los determinantes de su actividad emprendedora

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    Claudio MANCILLA


    Full Text Available En Chile es poca la literatura que estudia a los inmigrantes desde una perspectiva económica, y menos la que aborda su actitud emprendedora (a pesar de que son proporcionalmente más emprendedores que los habitantes locales. El objetivo de este trabajo es estudiar los factores que influyen en el emprendimiento de los in - migrantes sudamericanos en Chile. Se utilizó un modelo logit ajustado para even - tos extraños para determinar el impacto sobre la probabilidad de emprendimiento individual. Algunos resultados indican que el tiempo de residencia, forma legal de ingreso al país, nivel educacional y experiencia previa de emprendimiento, influyen en la probabilidad de crear una actividad empresarial.

  16. All projects related to Chile | Page 3 | IDRC - International ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    The Maipo River Basin in central Chile is home to six million people, most residing in the city of ... Program: Climate Change ... Program: Governance and Justice ... Rethinking Political Legitimacy: Citizen Inclusion and Social Digital Media.

  17. A snapshot of cancer in Chile:Analytical frameworks for developing a cancer policy


    De Jimenez La Jara, Jorge; Bastias, Gabriel; Ferreccio, Catterina; Moscoso, Cristian; Sagues, Sofia; Cid, Camilo; Bronstein, Eduardo; Herrera, Cristian; Nervi, Bruno; Corvalan, Alejandro; Velasquez, Ethel V.; Gonzalez, Pamela; Castellon, Enrique; Bustamante, Eva; Oñate, Sergio


    Introduction: The South American country Chile now boasts a life expectancy of over 80 years. As a consequence, Chile now faces the increasing social and economic burden of cancer and must implement political policy to deliver equitable cancer care. Hindering the development of a national cancer policy is the lack of comprehensive analysis of cancer infrastructure and economic impact. Objectives: Evaluate existing cancer policy, the extent of national investigation and the socio-economic impa...

  18. How efficient are pension fund managers in Chile? Quão eficientes são os administradores de fundos de pensão no Chile?

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    Armando Barrientos


    Full Text Available The paper measures and evaluates technical efficiency among pension fund managers in Chile. Recent pension reform has established pension fund management market in nine countries in Latin America. The new pension providers compete for affiliates on the basis of fees, rates of return, and quality of service, and are subject to extensive regulation. Applying data envelopment analysis to data from Chile 1982-1999, the paper examines issues of efficiency, competition, and regulation. The analysis concludes that pension fund managers operate below the estimated "efficiency frontier", and there is no evidence of a sustained upward trend in technical efficiency over time.Este artigo se propõe a avaliar e medir a eficiência técnica dos administradores de fundos de previdência privada no Chile. A recente reforma sofrida pela previdência deu lugar a um mercado de gestão de fundos de aposentadoria em nove países da América Latina. Esses novos gestores de fundos de pensão competem por investidores através do custo de suas tarifas, dos índices de rendimento oferecidos e da qualidade do serviço prestado, estando sujeitos a uma regulamentação rigorosa. Aplicando a análise por envoltória de dados (DEA aos dados obtidos para o Chile entre 1982 e 1999, examinamos aqui as questões de eficiência, competitividade e regulamentação. Nossa análise conclui que os administradores de fundos de previdência privada operam abaixo do nível de eficiência desejado, e não há previsão de que venha a ocorrer nenhuma melhora consistente na eficiência técnica desses fundos num futuro próximo.

  19. La prensa satírica de Chile

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    Paúl Alonso


    Full Text Available Refiere el autor sobre la revista más vendida de Chile y convertida en el referente obligado de la prensa alternativa en Latinoamérica. De humor descarnado, irreverente, de marcado rechazo a la Dictadura militar de Pinochet y en la búsqueda constante por revelar las contradicciones de la sociedad chilena.

  20. Ecología trófica del jabalí europeo (Sus scrofa silvestre en Chile Trophic ecology of the wild boar (Sus scrofa in Chile

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    Full Text Available Documentamos la dieta del jabalí silvestre en el centro-sur de Chile basados en el examen de 20 estómagos colectados en los faldeos de volcán Mocho-Choshuenco (39°54' S, 72°02' O y en el Parque Nacional Vicente Pérez Rosales (41°03' S, 71°54' O. La dieta está representada por animales, vegetales y hongos. Entre los vegetales y hongos son consumidas tanto las partes epígeas como hipógeas, lo mismo que frutos y semillas. Hongos y rizomas de Gunnera tinctoria constituyen ítemes vegetales cuantitativamente importantes en la alimentación. El jabalí forrajea en general en ambiente boscoso, pero las especies vegetales más frecuentes en la dieta se encuentran en espacios abiertos o fuera del bosque. El ambiente dominado por Chusquea spp. constituye un importante sitio de alimentación. Los roedores de la familia Muridae dominan entre los animales determinados en la dieta del jabalí. Esta situación, sin embargo, parece obedecer a la ocurrencia de una ratada producto de la semillación masiva de Chusquea spp. durante la época de muestreo. Las aves de la familia Rhinocryptidae e invertebrados (en especial larvas del coleóptero Chiasognathus grantii constituyen parte frecuente de los ítemes animales de la dieta del jabalí. En comparación a estudios en otras partes del mundo, el jabalí silvestre en Chile consume hongos en porcentaje de ocurrencia similar (65 % a su dieta en Estados Unidos de América pero bastante más alta que su dieta en Europa (5-32 %. En relación al volumen del componente animal, el jabalí en Chile consume más (16,1 % que en Estados Unidos de América (6 % y que en Europa (7-13 %We document the diet of wild boar in south-central Chile based on analysis of 20 stomachs collected on the outskirts of Mocho-Choshuenco volcano (39°54' S, 72°02' W and of Vicente Pérez Rosales National Park (41°03' S, 71°54' W. The diet incorporates animals, plants and fungi. Among the latter two, both epigeal and hypogeal parts

  1. Teenage sexuality and rights in Chile: from denial to punishment. (United States)

    Casas, Lidia; Ahumada, Claudia


    While Chile sees itself as a country that has fully restored human rights since its return to democratic rule in 1990, the rights of teenagers to comprehensive sexuality education are still not being met. This paper reviews the recent history of sexuality education in Chile and related legislation, policies and programmes. It also reports a 2008 review of the bylaws of 189 randomly selected Chilean schools, which found that although such bylaws are mandatory, the absence of bylaws to prevent discrimination on grounds of pregnancy, HIV and sexuality was common. In relation to how sexual behaviour and discipline were addressed, bylaws that were non-compliant with the law were very common. Opposition to sexuality education in schools in Chile is predicated on the denial of teenage sexuality, and many schools punish sexual behaviour where transgression is perceived to have taken place. While the wider Chilean society has been moving towards greater recognition of individual autonomy and sexual diversity, this cultural shift has yet to be reflected in the government's political agenda, in spite of good intentions. Given this state of affairs, the Chilean polity needs to recognise its youth as having human rights, or will continue to fail in its commitment to them.

  2. [Early detection of cervical cancer in Chile: time for change]. (United States)

    Léniz Martelli, Javiera; Van De Wyngard, Vanessa; Lagos, Marcela; Barriga, María Isabel; Puschel Illanes, Klaus; Ferreccio Readi, Catterina


    Mortality rates for cervical cancer (CC) in Chile are higher than those of developed countries and it has an unequal socioeconomic distribution. The recognition of human papilloma virus (HPV) as the causal agent of cervical cancer in the early 80's changed the prevention paradigms. Current goals are to prevent HPV infection by vaccination before the onset of sexual activity and to detect HPV infection in women older than 30 years. This article reviews CC prevention and early detection methods, discusses relevant evidence to support a change in Chile and presents an innovation proposal. A strategy of primary screening based on HPV detection followed by triage of HPV-positive women by colposcopy in primary care or by cytological or molecular reflex testing is proposed. Due to the existence in Chile of a well-organized nationwide CC prevention program, the replacement of a low-sensitivity screening test such as the Papanicolau test with a highly sensitive one such as HPV detection, could quickly improve the effectiveness of the program. The program also has a network of personnel qualified to conduct naked-eye inspections of the cervix, who could easily be trained to perform triage colposcopy. The incorporation of new prevention strategies could reduce the deaths of Chilean women and correct inequities.


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    Full Text Available This article deals with Huth & Co.'s activities in Chile during the 1820s-1850s. Huth was the only London merchant-banker that decided to go global before 1850, and also the only one to open a branch in Chile. The analysis of how his branches operated should take this into account, yet Huth's activities in Chile have only previously been examined using a bilateral approach to examine the economic relations between Chile and Britain. This situation was mainly due to the fact that the richest collection of primary material on Huth & Co. (the Huth papers at University College London had been ignored by scholars working on Anglo-Chilean economic relations during the first half of the nineteenth-century. The main focus of this paper is on the information that we were made unaware of due to this restricted investigative approach. Among them are the connections established between Huth's branches in Chile and the USA, Asia, continental Europe and the rest of Latin America; and the important trade in Spanish quicksilver.El presente artículo trata sobre las actividades económicas en Chile de Huth & Co. durante el período 1820-1850. Huth & Co. fue el único mercader banquero de Londres que decidió tener una empresa global antes de 1850 y el único también en abrir una oficina en Chile. Por lo tanto, las actividades de la sucursal en Chile deben ser analizadas considerando estos dos importantes hechos. Sin embargo, antes de este estudio, las actividades de Huth en el país fueron examinadas usando un enfoque estrictamente bilateral de las relaciones entre Chile y Gran Bretaña. Esta visión restrictiva se debió en gran parte al desconocimiento de los historiadores interesados en las relaciones anglo-chilenas de una importante fuente de información: los archivos de Huth disponibles en el University College London. Debido a este desconocimiento, la historiografía no ha dado cuenta de importantes hechos tratado en este artículo. Por ejemplo, de las

  4. Chile a jeho místo v integračních procesech Latinské Ameriky


    Netuka, Petr


    Thesis briefly mentions history of Chile and introduces three efforts for regional integration - Free Trade Area of the Americas, Andean Community of Nations and Mercosur. In next chapters, bilateral relations of Chile to four other countries are described, namely relations to its neighbours (Argentina, Bolivia and Peru) and to Brazil as a largest economy of the Latin America. The goal of the work is to analyse an effort of Chile for regional integration.

  5. [Mental health financing in Chile: a pending debt]. (United States)

    Errázuriz, Paula; Valdés, Camila; Vöhringer, Paul A; Calvo, Esteban


    In spite of the high prevalence of mental health disorders in Chile, there is a significant financing deficit in this area when compared to the world's average. The financing for mental health has not increased in accordance with the objectives proposed in the 2000 Chilean National Mental Health and Psychiatry Plan, and only three of the six mental health priorities proposed by this plan have secure financial coverage. The National Health Strategy for the Fulfilment of Health Objectives for the decade 2011-2020 acknowledges that mental disorders worsen the quality of life, increase the risk of physical illness, and have a substantial economic cost for the country. Thus, this article focuses on the importance of investing in mental health, the cost of not doing so, and the need for local mental health research. The article discusses how the United States is trying to eliminate the financial discrimination suffered by patients with mental health disorders, and concludes with public policy recommendations for Chile.

  6. Equity in out-of-pocket payment in Chile. (United States)

    Mondaca, Alicia Lorena Núñez; Chi, Chunhuei


    To assess the distribution of financial burden in Chile, with a focus on the burden and progressivity of out-of-pocket payment. Based on the principle of ability to pay, we explore factors that contribute to inequities in the health system finance and issues about the burden of out-of-pocket payment, as well as the progressivity and redistributive effect of out-of-pocket payment in Chile. Our analysis is based on data from the 2006 National Survey on Satisfaction and Out-of-Pocket Payments. Results from this study indicate evidence of inequity, in spite of the progressivity of the healthcare system. Our analysis also identifies relevant policy variables such as education, insurance system, and method of payment that should be taken into consideration in the ongoing debates and research in improving the Chilean system. In order to reduce the detected disparities among income groups, healthcare priorities should target low-income groups. Furthermore, policies should explore changes in the access to education and its impact on equity.

  7. Vinos, carnes, ferrocarriles y el Tratado de Libre Comercio entre Argentina y Chile (1905-1910

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    Pablo Lacoste


    Full Text Available Entre 1905 y 1910 Chile y Argentina negociaron la firma de un Tratado de Comercio con vistas a suprimir los aranceles aduaneros y consagrar el principio de "Cordillera Libre". El centro de atracción eran las exportaciones de ganado argentino a Chile y de vino chileno a Argentina. Pero en ambos países se produjo una fuerte reacción de los intereses creados con vistas a frustrar las tratativas diplomáticas. Tanto la Sociedad Nacional de Agricultura (Chile como el Centro Vitivinícola Nacional (Argentina realizaron intensas gestiones para alcanzar sus objetivos; esta última corporación llegó a movilizar miles de personas para oponerse al tratado; y hasta solicitó ayuda a los ferrocarriles británicos para que obstaculizaran el ingreso de los vinos chilenos al mercado argentino. La intensa resistencia de estas corporaciones terminaron por frustrar el proyecto, el cual fue definitivamente archivado en 1911.Between 1905 and 1910, Chile and Argentina negotiated the signature of a Trade Agreement in order to abolish the customs duties and consecrate the principle of "Free Mountain Range". The centre of attraction was the exports of Argentinean cattle to Chile and of Chilean wine to Argentina. But in both countries there aroused a strong reaction of the vested interests, purposely to thwart the diplomatic negotiations. Both, the Sociedad Nacional de Agricultura (Chile as well as the Centro Vitivinícola Nacional (Argentina carried out intense negotiations to reach their objectives; the latter even movilized thousands of people to oppose the treaty and went as far as requesting the help of the British railroads to block the entrance of Chilean wines to the Argentinean market. The stiff opposition of these corporations finally frustrated the project, which was definitively filed away in 1911.

  8. 75 FR 32901 - Notice of Determination of Pest-Free Areas in the Republic of Chile (United States)


    ..., based on the findings of a pest risk analysis, can be safely imported subject to one or more of the...] Notice of Determination of Pest-Free Areas in the Republic of Chile AGENCY: Animal and Plant Health... additional area of the Republic of Chile as a pest-free area for Ceratitis capitata, Mediterranean fruit fly...

  9. Chile: protección social de la salud Chile: social protection in health

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    Rafael Urriola


    Full Text Available This piece begins with a brief discussion of the concepts leading to the social right to health protection. Special emphasis is placed on the principle of social cohesion, which has influenced social health protection in European countries. Chile’s experience in this field from the 1990s to the present is described, as exemplified in three dimensions. In the first place, social security coverage is presented as a means to achieve universal (horizontal coverage. A discussion follows on vertical coverage, where the author identifies health problems for which insured persons have guaranteed rights of access to medical care. This section describes available emergency care, primary health care, and the special plan for Universal Access to Explicit Guarantees (Acceso Universal de Garantías Explícitas de salud, or AUGE. Thirdly, the discussion covers the funding sources supporting the Chilean health care system: Government subsidies, contributions to social security, and out-of-pocket disbursements for private care. Chile’s public health system has various special programs. One of them is catastrophic insurance, which covers 100% of the care needed for complex and very costly treatments. Older persons (over 65 have coverage for 100% of the cost of eyeglasses and hearing aids, and for 50% of the cost of home care. If life expectancy is an appropriate indicator of health system results, it is worth noting that Chile and the United States of America have both achieved a life expectancy of 77 years, even though Chile spends only 5.9% of its gross domestic product on health care, as compared to the 15% spent by the United States.

  10. Protection of Northern Chile as an ICOMOS/IAU ``Window to the Universe'' (United States)

    Smith, Malcolm G.


    Over the last two decades, La Serena's population has increased by about 70 percent. A site description of the AURA Observatory in Chile as a ``Window to the Universe`` is now available on the recently-launched UNESCO-IAU Astronomical Heritage Web Portal, This can serve as an example of possible material for the Chilean authorities, should they wish to propose the dark skies over much of northern Chile for protection as a World Scientific Heritage site. Some of the steps involved are discussed briefly here.


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    Full Text Available Chile has participated in peacekeeping operations since 1935, before the creation of the United Nations Organization, but its participation has increased since 1991 and stronger from 2004 on occasion of the deployment of a Light Battalion as part of the Multinational Interim Force for Haiti (MIFH and later with its participation at MINUSTAH. All of this, combined with the change of the nature of the world recently, indicates that Chile will address new futures challenges in the context of the National Defense and Foreign Policy of the State.

  12. The Implementation of Monetary Policy in an Emerging Economy: The Case of Chile


    Christian A Johnson; Rodrigo Vergara


    Central bank authorities base implementation of monetary policy on an analysis of multiple variables known as monetary policy indicators. In a small open economy such as Chile, these indicators may include in-flation misalignments, unemployment, GDP growth, money growth, the current account balance, exchange rate volatility and international re-serves. A neural network approach is used to establish the correspond-ing weights considered by the Board of the Central Bank of Chile dur-ing the per...

  13. Black carbon and other light-absorbing impurities in the Andes of Northern Chile (United States)

    Rowe, P. M.; Cordero, R.; Warren, S. G.; Pankow, A.; Jorquera, J.; Schrempf, M.; Doherty, S. J.; Cabellero, M.; Carrasco, J. F.; Neshyba, S.


    Black carbon (BC) and other light-absorbing impurities in snow absorb solar radiation and thus have the potential to accelerate glacial retreat and snowmelt. In Chile, glaciers and seasonal snow are important sources of water for irrigation and domestic uses. In July 2015 (Austral winter) we sampled snow in the western Andes in a north-south transect of Chile from 18 S to 34 S. Most of the sampled snow had fallen during a single synoptic event, during 11-13 July. The snow was melted and passed through 0.4 micrometer nuclepore filters. Preliminary estimates indicate that (1) the ratio of BC to dust in snow increases going south from Northern to Central Chile, and (2) in snow sampled during the two weeks following the snowstorm, the impurities were concentrated in the upper 5 cm of snow, indicating that the surface layer became polluted over time by dry deposition.


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    Jorge Szot Meza


    Full Text Available Fundamento:En Chile se ha modificado de manera significativa la estructura demográfica y las causas de morbilidad y de mortalidad de la población en un período relativamente breve de tiempo. Estas variaciones se enmarcan dentro de los procesos denominados transición demográfica y transición epidemiológica respectivamente. El propósito de este trabajo es evidenciar la transición demográfica y la transición epidemiológica ocurridas en el país entre 1960 y 2001. Método: Se trata de un estudio de series temporales que recoge información demográfica y de mortalidad de Chile entre los años 1960 y 2001. Los datos fueron obtenidos de los Anuarios de Demografía del Instituto Nacional de Estadísticas (INE, de información producida por el Departamento de Estudios Prospectivos del Ministerio de Planificación y Cooperación y del Ministerio de Salud de Chile. Resultados: En 1960 un 39,6% de la población tenía menos de 14 años, la tasa de natalidad era de 36,3 por 1000, la tasa de mortalidad general de 12,3 por 1.000 y la tasa de mortalidad infantil de 120 por 1.000. El 44% de la mortalidad general se generaba en causas infecciosas y perinatales. En el año 2001 un 28% de la población tiene menos de 14 años, la tasa de natalidad es de 18,3 por 1.000, la tasa de mortalidad general de 5,4 por 1.000 y la tasa de mortalidad infantil de 8,9 por 1000. El 68% de la mortalidad general se produce por enfermedades crónicas. Conclusiones: En base a los resultados, es posible afirmar que Chile se encuentra en una fase tardía tanto de transición demográfica como de transición epidemiológica. Conocer la realidad de Chile aportará información a aquellos países de América Latina que se encuentren en fases más tempranas de este tipo de transiciones.

  15. The 2010-2015 megadrought in central Chile: impacts on regional hydroclimate and vegetation (United States)

    Garreaud, René D.; Alvarez-Garreton, Camila; Barichivich, Jonathan; Boisier, Juan Pablo; Christie, Duncan; Galleguillos, Mauricio; LeQuesne, Carlos; McPhee, James; Zambrano-Bigiarini, Mauricio


    Since 2010 an uninterrupted sequence of dry years, with annual rainfall deficits ranging from 25 to 45 %, has prevailed in central Chile (western South America, 30-38° S). Although intense 1- or 2-year droughts are recurrent in this Mediterranean-like region, the ongoing event stands out because of its longevity and large extent. The extraordinary character of the so-called central Chile megadrought (MD) was established against century long historical records and a millennial tree-ring reconstruction of regional precipitation. The largest MD-averaged rainfall relative anomalies occurred in the northern, semi-arid sector of central Chile, but the event was unprecedented to the south of 35° S. ENSO-neutral conditions have prevailed since 2011 (except for the strong El Niño in 2015), contrasting with La Niña conditions that often accompanied past droughts. The precipitation deficit diminished the Andean snowpack and resulted in amplified declines (up to 90 %) of river flow, reservoir volumes and groundwater levels along central Chile and westernmost Argentina. In some semi-arid basins we found a decrease in the runoff-to-rainfall coefficient. A substantial decrease in vegetation productivity occurred in the shrubland-dominated, northern sector, but a mix of greening and browning patches occurred farther south, where irrigated croplands and exotic forest plantations dominate. The ongoing warming in central Chile, making the MD one of the warmest 6-year periods on record, may have also contributed to such complex vegetation changes by increasing potential evapotranspiration. We also report some of the measures taken by the central government to relieve the MD effects and the public perception of this event. The understanding of the nature and biophysical impacts of the MD helps as a foundation for preparedness efforts to confront a dry, warm future regional climate scenario.

  16. Strepsicrates smithiana Walsingham (Lepidoptera, Tortricidae: first record from Chile and a newly documented host plant

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    Héctor A. Vargas


    Full Text Available Strepsicrates smithiana Walsingham (Lepidoptera, Tortricidae: first record from Chile and a newly documented host plant. Strepsicrates smithiana Walsingham, 1892 (Lepidoptera, Tortricidae is recorded for the first time from Chile. Male and female adults were reared from leaf-tying larvae collected on Myrica pavonis (Myricaceae, which is a new host plant record for S. smithiana.

  17. Domestic Violence and Women's Mental Health in Chile (United States)

    Ceballo, Rosario; Ramirez, Cynthia; Castillo, Marcela; Caballero, Gabriela Alejandra; Lozoff, Betsy


    Domestic violence against women is a pervasive, global health problem. This study investigates the correlates and psychological outcomes of domestic abuse among women in a semi-industrial country. The participants included 215 mothers residing in working-class communities located on the outskirts of Santiago, Chile. We utilized structural equation…

  18. Simbolic boundaries and middle classes. Social mobility in Chile

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    Mayarí Castillo


    Full Text Available After more than three decades of the implementation of the policies of structural adjustment in Chile, the middle classes increased their weight in the social structure and changed their economic sector, occupation and trajectories of social mobility. This article analyzes the perceptionof symbolic boundaries, which emerging of these macro-processes and shapes the subjectivity of middle class subjects into upward mobility processes and modifies their perceptions of inequality. Whit this objective the paper presents a qualitative analysis of cases in which discursive components like meritocracy, the effort and the idea of “barriers/obstacles” became a key discursive axis. This article is inscribed within the recent studies on middle classes for the Chilean case, which focus specially on the cultural aspects after reproduction of stratification and inequality in Chile.

  19. [AIDS in Chile: a problem with multiple facets]. (United States)

    Ormazabal, B


    Chile's 1st case of AIDS was diagnosed in 1984. Some 250 AIDS cases and 1600 HIV positive persons have since been reported, although the actual number by some estimates may reach 5000. Chile, although in the initial stages of the epidemic, already has a serious problem which at present can only be combatted through education. It will be necessary to convince the population that significant modifications of sexual behavior are needed to control the spread of the disease. Education for AIDS prevention is a priority of the National Commission on AIDS (CONASIDA), which is basing its program on the premise that stable monogamy is the most natural form of expression of a couple. Manuals for prevention are under development, and the 1st, for health workers and the general population, is in process of publication. A series of pamphlets and educational videos for workers in sexually transmitted disease clinics are under development. Educational materials are also being created for specific groups such as university students and agricultural workers and for groups at high risk. A social communications campaign has been prepared and approved by the authorities, and is awaiting funding for dissemination. Education of the population is also a concern for the Catholic Church, which views reinforcement of the family and its mission of providing sex education as a primary means of preventing AIDS. CONASIDA is also responsible for epidemiological study of AIDS in Chile through surveillance of sentinel groups and in quality control of the blood supply. Condoms are to be distributed in sexually transmitted disease clinics for the purpose of AIDS prevention.

  20. Conservation and sustainable use in the buffer zone of the moorland of Chiles, Department of Nariño

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    Jorge Anibal Maya Pantoja


    Full Text Available this project was able to determine the need of strengthen the indigenous communities in Chiles, so they claim to nature, by prioritizing projects that can generate income to low income people which allow to decrease the negative impact on the moorland. the Chiles moorland is inhabited by 3.637 people of which 100% belong to indigenous council with Sisben level one, sidewalks nearby that are part of it are Calera, Chiles, Cristo Rey, and Marpi Nazate, the moorland of Chile has 5.626 hectares, soils formed entirely of pyroclastic material from volcanoes: Chiles, Azufral, Cumbal, their use is destined in a 3.8% for agriculture, 8.2% for pasture, devoted to dairy farming and a 78% is considered protected area without any use. Human activities that threaten the integrity of this ecosystem, are deforestation (8 ha/year and burning (10 ha/ year, 70% of the population of the indigenous reserve of Chiles perceives an average monthly income below $ 50,000 (USD$20 from activities such as farmers, laborers, masons, carpenters, among others. Every year, the agricultural frontier is expanding into 10 ha/year, 120 to 150 trees / ha per year of species such as yellow, oak, quasar, colla, capulicillo are cut and around 30 families residing in Marpi and Nazate are dedicated to charcoal production, using around 80 trees / year.

  1. Comunistas y anticomunistas. Redes políticas y culturales en Argentina y Chile durante la Guerra Fría (circa 1960

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    Elena Carmen Scirica


    Full Text Available Los trabajos incluidos en este dossier analizan los posicionamientos, las prácticas y las redes de relaciones de diversos espacios anticomunistas y comunistas en la Argentina y Chile. Esta propuesta, pues, pone en comunicación los distintos núcleos en lugar de concentrarse exclusivamente en el análisis de grupos abroquelados dentro de una misma familia ideológica o partidaria. Al respecto, se parte del supuesto de que el despliegue de cada uno de ellos se construye en íntima conexión con las prácticas, anclajes y discursividades de los otros, y en forma articulada con los imaginarios y las representaciones creadas sobre esos mismos otros.Con estas consideraciones presentes, este abordaje articula dos espacios vecinos y contemporáneos a partir de un problema en común (Bloch, 1992. El mismo está dado, como se indicó, por el modo en que se configuraron organizaciones, dispositivos y apuestas anticomunistas de distinto signo –ya sea desde esferas progresistas, investigadas en este dossier por Jorge Nallim a través de su estudio comparativo sobre el Congreso por la Libertad de la Cultura en ambos países, o desde múltiples espacios de derecha, analizados por Ernesto Boholavsky y Martín Vicente en el caso argentino– entre mediados de la década de 1950 y 1960, al fragor de la Guerra Fría en América latina. Al mismo tiempo, esa misma concatenación incidió en la propia estrategia del campo comunista y su búsqueda de alianzas o apelación a otros sectores. Inserta en esa lógica, la otra cuestión abordada refiere al contexto y los avatares que se desplegaron en torno a la organización del Primer Congreso Latinoamericano de Mujeres realizado en Santiago de Chile, así como su denostación como “pantalla” del comunismo internacional, según sus detractores –problemáticas examinadas por Adriana Valobra–.En esta dinámica, el influjo de la Revolución Cubana acentuó expectativas y resquemores en los actores en estudio, a

  2. Chile Successfully Halts Rise in Childhood Obesity; Chile detiene el aumento de la obesidad infantil

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Gorisek, Aleksandra Sasa [International Atomic Energy Agency, Department of Nuclear Sciences and Applications, Vienna (Austria)


    The increasing prevalence of childhood obesity in Latin America has become a cause for concern. The IAEA has worked closely with the Institute of Nutrition and Food Technology (INTA) at the University of Chile since 1997 to address the problem of malnutrition in the country. In Santiago, the Laboratory of Energy Metabolism and Stable Isotopes was established in 1998 with the help of the IAEA to provide an isotope ratio mass spectrometer and training in the use of stable isotope techniques to assess body composition, infant feeding practices and total daily energy expenditure.

  3. El Parque Portal Bicentenario en Santiago de Chile / Portal Bicentennial Park in Santiago de Chile


    Beach Lobos, Myriam;; Montealegre Klenner, Alberto


    Se presenta los principios que orientaron el diseño del Parque Portal Bicentenario, un parque de 50 hás. que será el eje principal de la nueva urbanización “Ciudad Parque Bicentenario”, actualmente en construcción en los terrenos del ex aeropuerto de Los Cerrillos en Santiago de Chile.The following text was submitted to the Architecture Competition together with the project drawings. It presents the principles that leaded the design. The 123 acres park will be the main axis of a new urban dev...

  4. Mortalidad por enfermedades respiratorias en Chile durante 1999 MORTALITY DUE TO RESPIRATORY DISEASES, CHILE-1999




    Se trata de un estudio descriptivo que presenta características sobre la mortalidad por causas respiratorias (CR) en Chile durante 1999. Se muestra que las CR constituyen la tercera causa de muerte en el país. La "neumonía por agente no especificado" (NANE) es la primera causa aislada de muerte respiratoria en ambos sexos con un 64%, seguida de enfermedades respiratorias crónicas que originan un 30% de las defunciones. Por lo anterior se hace necesario prevenir la ocurrencia de la NANE, asegu...

  5. 75 FR 5034 - Determination of Pest-Free Areas in the Republic of Chile; Request for Comments (United States)


    ...] Determination of Pest-Free Areas in the Republic of Chile; Request for Comments AGENCY: Animal and Plant Health... from the government of the Republic of Chile to recognize additional areas as pest-free areas for... has determined that these areas meet the criteria in our regulations for recognition as pest-free...

  6. Una forma moderna de sociabilidad: inicio de la Masonería en Chile (1862

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    Marcos Mauricio Parada Ulloa


    Full Text Available El presente estudio es un análisis heurístico e interpretativo y tiene como propósito analizar los antecedentes fundacionales de la masonería en Chile durante la segunda mitad del siglo XIX. Para ello, se identifican las vías de ingreso de los extranjeros en territorio Latinoamericano y nacional que fue a partir de los puertos del pacífico lo que permitió la fundación de logias. En el caso de Chile el ingreso de la masonería fue a través de los puertos de Valparaíso y Talcahuano, gracias a la movilidad de comerciantes, artesanos y profesionales de origen británico, francés y norteamericano, lo que permitió la llegada de la Orden a las ciudades de Concepción y Copiapó. La institucionalización de la masonería en Chile fue con la fundación de la Gran Logia de Chile en 1862, lo que favoreció la consolidación de la Orden en el país, la fundación de logias en distintas ciudades y la iniciación de chilenos durante las siguientes décadas.

  7. Geothermal Potential Evaluation for Northern Chile and Suggestions for New Energy Plans

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    Monia Procesi


    Full Text Available Chile is a country rich in natural resources, and it is the world’s largest producer and exporter of copper. Mining is the main industry and is an essential part of the Chilean economy, but the country has limited indigenous fossil fuels—over 90% of the country’s fossil fuels must be imported. The electricity market in Chile comprises two main independent systems: the Northern Interconnected Power Grid (SING and the Central Interconnected Power Grid (SIC. Currently, the primary Chilean energy source is imported fossil fuels, whereas hydropower represents the main indigenous source. Other renewables such as wind, solar, biomass and geothermics are as yet poorly developed. Specifically, geothermal energy has not been exploited in Chile, but among all renewables it has the greatest potential. The transition from thermal power plants to renewable energy power plants is an important target for the Chilean Government in order to reduce dependence on imported fossil fuels. In this framework, the proposed study presents an evaluation of the geothermal potential for northern Chile in terms of power generation. The El Tatio, Surire, Puchuldiza, Orriputunco-Olca and Apacheta geothermal fields are considered for the analysis. The estimated electrical power is approximately 1300 MWe, and the energy supply is 10,200 GWh/year. This means that more than 30% of the SING energy could be provided from geothermal energy, reducing the dependence on imported fossil fuels, saving 8 Mton/year of CO2 and supplying the mining industry, which is Chile’s primary energy user.

  8. Clinical and Demographical Characteristics of Patients with Medication Overuse Headache in Argentina and Chile

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Shand, Beatriz; Goicochea, Maria Teresa; Valenzuela, Raul


    population was formed by 240 MOH subjects, 110 from Chile and 130 from Argentina, consecutively attending the local headache centres. In each centre, specifically trained neurologist interviewed and confirmed the diagnosis according to the ICHD-II criteria. A detailed history was collected on an electronic......BACKGROUND: Data on the characteristics of Medication Overuse Headache (MOH) in Latin American (LA) are scarce. Here we report the demographic and clinical features of the MOH patients from Argentina and Chile enrolled in the multinational COMOESTAS project in the period 2008-2010. METHODS: The LA......, where it affects mostly women, in the most active decades of life. Some differences emerge as regards the demographic and clinical characteristics of MOH in this population as compared to Europe or Northern America. What seems more worrying about MOH in Argentina and Chile is that most patients overuse...

  9. Spatial and temporal trends of bat-borne rabies in Chile. (United States)

    Escobar, L E; Restif, O; Yung, V; Favi, M; Pons, D J; Medina-Vogel, G


    In Chile, while dog rabies has decreased markedly over the last 30 years, bat rabies is still reported frequently. In order to shed new light on the spatiotemporal trends of these reports, we analysed active and passive data from years 1985 and 2012, which included 61 076 samples from 289 counties of Chile. We found that from 1994 to 2012, more than 15 000 bat samples were submitted for diagnostics through passive surveillance, 9·5% of which tested positive for rabies. By contrast, the prevalence of infection was only ~0·4% among the nearly 12 000 bat samples submitted through active surveillance. We found that the prevalence of dog rabies dropped steadily over the same period, with just a single confirmed case since 1998. None of the 928 samples from wild animals, other than bats, were positive for rabies. Although there has been only one confirmed case of human rabies in Chile since 1985, and a single confirmed case in a dog since 1998, bats remain a reservoir for rabies viruses. While active surveillance indicates that rabies prevalence is low in bat colonies, the high proportion of positive bats submitted through passive surveillance is a concern. To prevent human rabies, local public health agencies should increase research on the basic ecology of bats and the role of stray dogs and cats as potential rabies amplifiers.

  10. Chile : tous les projets | Page 4 | CRDI - Centre de recherches pour ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)


  11. Chile rural electrification cooperation

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Flowers, L. [National Renewable Energy Lab., Golden, CO (United States)


    The author describes a joint program to use renewables for rural electrification projects in Chile. The initial focus was in a limited part of the country, involving wind mapping, pilot project planning, training, and development of methodologies for comparative evaluations of resources. To this point three wind hybrid systems have been installed in one region, as a part of the regional private utility, and three additional projects are being designed. Additional resource assessment and training is ongoing. The author points out the difficulties in working with utilities, the importance of signed documentation, and the need to look at these programs as long term because of the time involved in introducing such new technologies.

  12. Racismo en Chile. La piel como marca de la inmigración (María Emilia Tijoux)


    Gonzalo Díaz Letelier


    Racismo en Chile. La piel como marca de la inmigración Editora: María Emilia TIJOUX — Editorial: Universitaria. Santiago, Chile. Año: 2016 Páginas: 284 ISBN: 978-956-11-2502-5 Autor de la reseña: Gonzalo DÍAZ LETELIER


    Preserving the Dark Skies La Oficina de Protección de la Calidad del Cielo del Norte de Chile - OPCC Light el acceso a ambas cumbres. Los tanques de agua sobre Tololo fueron dañados causando una fuga importante, y las líneas de control se cortaron poniendo fuera de operación las bombas de agua. Las

  14. Estado, iglesia y sistema educativo durante la república en Chile

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    Jaime Caiceo Escudero


    Full Text Available Las investigaciones realizadas en los últimos 28 años, tanto en la Universidad Católica deChile (1979 -1994 como en la Universidad Metropolitana de Ciencias de la Educación(desde 1996 a la fecha, en el ámbito de la Historia de la Educación Chilena, le hanentregado al autor de este trabajo una visión bastante acotada de las relaciones que tanto laIglesia Católica como el estado han tenido respecto a la educación en el país. Por lomismo, el objetivo de esta exposición consiste en describir los diferentes aportes queambos agentes educativos han realizado en Chile desde el siglo XIX a la fecha, analizandoy comparando las diferentes posiciones que esas instituciones encarnan. La metodologíautilizada es la propia de los estudios históricos, recurriendo a fuentes primarias ysecundarias; se han analizado textos originales de diferentes autores y se han realizadoentrevistas a testigos presenciales de los últimos cincuenta años. Durante estos años se hanefectuado diferentes investigaciones sobre aspectos puntuales, se han dirigido tesis depostgrado y, especialmente, se ha analizado la presencia de Dewey en Chile y la vida y elpensamiento de los diferentes Premios Nacionales de Educación. Las conclusiones másimportantes apuntan a que la Iglesia y el Estado han sido actores relevantes de la educaciónen Chile durante los dos últimos siglos y que, a pesar que a veces ha habidoenfrentamientos en cuanto a posiciones ideológicas diferentes, siempre ha primado el biencomún del país, el cual se ha beneficiado con las miles de escuelas, liceos y universidadesque tanto la Iglesia como el Estado han creado durante estos 200 años.


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    Marcelo Neira Navarro


    Full Text Available El presente artículo permitió generar una serie de categorías de castigos femeninos, considerando que durante buena parte del siglo XIX la policía pudo aplicar "justicia correccional", es decir, sancionar delitos menores. De un universo de más de 32.000 arrestos efectuados en la ciudad de Santiago de Chile entre los años 1830 a 1840 y utilizando el criterio "femenino", el levantamiento logró una muestra que alcanzó al 12% del total. Los datos sistematizados permiten señalar que durante la primera mitad del siglo XIX el delito femenino fue parte importante de la actividad represiva en Chile y dio origen a un castigo relacionado a la Cárcel Correccional. Aunque también se observan otras penas como trabajo de casa formal o encierro en monasterios, forman parte de un circuito restrictivo en función del encierro de mujeres.The present article allowed to generate a series of categories of female punishments, considering that during a great part of the XIX century the police could apply "correctional justice", in other words, punish minor offences. In a universe of more than 32,000 arrest in the city of Santiago, Chile between the years 1830 and 1840 and using a "female" criteria, the uprising achieved a sample that reached 12% of the total. The systematized information shows that during the firt half of the xix century the female offence was an important part of the repressive activity in Chile and it gave origin to a punishment related to a correctional. Even though some other punishments were observed such a work in a formal house or monastery confinemet, they formed part of a restricting circuit functioning with the confinement of women.

  16. Las relaciones entre Chile y Suecia durante el primer gobierno de Olof Palme, 1969-1976

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    Fernando Camacho Padilla


    Full Text Available Durante el primer gobierno del socialdemócrata Olof Palme, las relaciones bilaterales entre Chile y Suecia fueron las más intensas de toda su historia, tanto en cercanía como en conflictividad. La razón la encontramos en los distintos fenómenos políticos que vivió Chile en ese periodo, puesto que Palme coincidió temporalmente con tres gobiernos claramente diferenciados: la Democracia Cristiana, la Unidad Popular y el Régimen Militar. Si las relaciones sueco-chilenas tuvieron su mejor momento durante el mandato de Salvador Allende, el golpe de Estado significó todo lo contrario. El compromiso que tuvo el embajador de Suecia, Harald Edelstam, por quienes eran perseguidos en Chile le llevó a su expulsión, lo que se tradujo en un claro deterioro de las relaciones y el inicio de una nueva etapa marcada por el gran contingente de exiliados que comenzaron a llegar a Suecia. Este trabajo analiza los principales acontecimientos diplomáticos ocurridos entre Chile y Suecia así como las consecuencias que tuvieron durante el gobierno de Olof Palme.

  17. Listening carefully. Unique observations of harmonic tremor at Lascar volcano, Chile

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hellweg, M. [Stuttgart Univ., Stuttgart (Germany). Inst. fuer Geophysik


    During the deployment of Proyecto de Investigacion Sismologica de la Cordillera Occidental 94 (PISCO '94) in the Atacama Desert of Northern Chile, a broadband seismic station and a network od three short-period three-component stations were installed around the active volcano Lascar (Chile). The paper analyzes the resulting data set, which include a sequence of harmonic tremor with a fundamental at a about 0.63 Hz and up to 30 overtones lasting 18 h. Power spectra and spectrograms of Lascar's harmonic tremor from the various stations demonstrate that the frequencies recorded cannot be explained as path effects, and must therefore be attributed to mechanisms at or near the source.

  18. La refundación del capitalismo y la transición a la democracia en Chile (1973-2004

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    Igor Goicovic Donoso


    Full Text Available La transición política en Chile ha sido objeto de exhaustivos análisis por parte de las ciencias sociales, tanto en Chile como en el exterior. No obstante los historiadores han permanecido al margen del análisis de los fenómenos que definen las peculiaridades de la transición chilena y, en consecuencia, no se han hecho cargo de los debates que ello ha provocado. En este artículo nos proponemos analizar el proceso histórico de larga duración que deviene en la transición, desde una perspectiva socio-política, a objeto de identificar los antecedentes y dinámicas que se encuentran en la base de la transformación del Estado y del régimen político en Chile.____________________ABSTRACT:The political transition in Chile has been deeply investigated by the social sciences as much inChile than in others countries. But the historians did not integrate the analisis of the factors defining the particularities of the chilean transition, and, as a result, did not assume the debates generated by this. In this article, we will propose an analisis of the historical proces of very long duration concluying with the transition, from a social-political perpective, in order to identify the origins and dynamics present in the base of the transformation of the state and of the political regime in Chile.

  19. Distribución de Alimentos e Intervención en la Nutrición: El Caso de Chile


    Lloyd Harbert; Pasquale L Scandizzo


    The paper analyzes the impact of Chile's Complementary Feeding Program (CFP), both on the direct and indirect beneficiaries. The paper describes Chile's major nutrition intervention programs and establishes the relative importance of the CFP in terms of b

  20. Severe mortality impact of the 1957 influenza pandemic in Chile

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Chowell, Gerardo; Simonsen, Lone; Fuentes, Rodrigo


    INTRODUCTION: Epidemiological studies of the 1957 influenza pandemic are scarce, particularly from lower income settings. METHODS: We analyzed the spatial-temporal mortality patterns of the 1957 influenza pandemic in Chile including detailed age-specific mortality data from a large city...... with high baseline mortality (R2=41.8%; P=0.02), but not with latitude (P>0.7). Excess mortality rates increased sharply with age. Transmissibility declined from R=1.4-2.1 to R=1.2-1.4 between the two pandemic waves. CONCLUSIONS: The estimated A/H2N2 mortality burden in Chile is the highest on record...... for this pandemic - about 3-5 times as severe as that experienced in wealthier nations. The global impact of this pandemic may be substantially underestimated from previous studies based on high-income countries....

  1. The shallow-water chitons (Mollusca, Polyplacophora of Caldera, Region of Atacama, northern Chile

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    Juan Francisco Araya


    Full Text Available The Molluscan species of the northern littoral of Chile have been sparsely studied. This work reviews for the first time the diversity of polyplacophoran molluscs around the port of Caldera, in the Region of Atacama (26°45’49”S; 70°45’17”W to 27°20’23”S; 70°56’46”W, northern Chile. Eleven species were found in this study: Acanthopleura echinata (Barnes, 1824; Callistochiton pulchellus (Gray, 1828; Calloplax vivipara (Plate, 1899, Chaetopleura peruviana (Lamarck, 1819; Chiton cumingsii Frembly, 1827; Chiton granosus Frembly, 1827; Chiton magnificus Deshayes, 1827; Enoplochiton niger (Barnes, 1824, Radsia barnesii (Gray, 1828, Tonicia atrata (G. B. Sowerby II, 1840 and Tonicia chilensis (Frembly, 1827. All of the species occurring in the area have distributions in the southeastern Pacific Ocean, from Ecuador to central Chile, and three of them are species endemic to the Chilean coasts (Calloplax vivipara, Radsia barnesii, and Tonicia atrata. This diversity of species is comparable to that of better surveyed faunas of central and southern Chile or Patagonia. Of the eleven species recorded, the geographic distribution records for Callistochiton pulchellus, Radsia barnesii and Tonicia atrata are extended, and Calloplax vivipara is found alive again after 40 years, filling a gap in its known distribution. Illustrations of living specimens in their habitat, distribution records and a taxonomic key for all the studied taxa are also provided.

  2. All projects related to chile | Page 2 | IDRC - International ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)


    The Impact of Price, Tax, and Advertising Policies on Alcohol Use in Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, and Peru. Project. Alcohol consumption in the Americas comes at a considerable cost. End Date: July 11, 2017. Topic: SURVEYS, STATISTICAL ANALYSIS, POLICY MAKING, LOW INCOME GROUPS, SOCIAL PROBLEMS, ...

  3. Dynamics of Investment for Market-Oriented Farmers in Chile

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Reyes, A.; Kuyvenhoven, A.; Lensink, R.; Moll, H.A.J.


    Using panel data from a survey conducted in 2006 and 2008 of 177 market-oriented farmers in central Chile, we investigate investment under imperfect capital markets. Specifically we determine the impact of formal credit constraints on fixed investment. By controlling for endogeneity problems, we

  4. Viabilidad económica de la producción de espárrago en la Región del Maule, Chile Economic viability of asparagus production in the Maule Region, Chile

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    Germán L Andrade


    Full Text Available En esta investigación se estimaron indicadores de viabilidad y de eficiencia económica de la producción de espárrago (Asparagus officinalis L. en Chile. Los coeficientes técnicos fueron tomados de los registros históricos de un predio localizado en la zona de Linares, Región del Maule, Chile. Los indicadores de viabilidad calculados fueron el valor actual neto (VAN, tasa interna de retorno (TIR, índice de valor actual neto (IVAN, razón beneficio-costo (RBC, y período de recuperación del capital (PRC. Los indicadores de eficiencia económica fueron el costo medio total (CMET, margen unitario ponderado (MUP y la rentabilidad sobre capital (RSC. Como unidad de análisis se consideró una hectárea. Para productores con tierra, los resultados obtenidos en la situación estándar fueron: Ch$1,52 millones (VAN, 12,1% (TIR, 0,3 (IVAN, 1,1 (RBC y 10 años (PRC. Para la etapa de producción se proyectó un CMET mínimo de Ch $317,8 kg-1, un MUP máximo de Ch$407 kg-1 y una RSC de 20,3%. La principal conclusión es que el cultivo de espárrago en la región del Maule, en Chile, es viable para los productores con tierra.Viability and economic efficiency indicators for asparagus (Asparagus officinalis L. production in Chile were evaluated. Technical parameters were obtained from an historical farm located in Linares area, Maule Region, Chile. Viability was assessed by means of net present value (VAN, internal rate of return (TIR, net present value index (IVAN, cost-benefit ratio (RBC, and investment recovery period (PRC. Economic efficiency was assessed through production average cost (CMET, weighted unit margin (MUP, and return on equity (RSC. The analysis was based upon one hectare. Results for producers who own their land were US$ 2,529 ha-1 (VAN, 12.14% (TIR, 0.25 (IVAN, and 1.1 (RBC. The minimum CMET was estimated at US$ 0.53 kg-1 the maximum MUP at US$ 0.68 kg-1, and RSC until 20.3%. The main conclusion is that asparagus production in the

  5. A new species of Alsodes (Anura: Alsodidae) from Altos de Cantillana, central Chile. (United States)

    Charrier, Andrés; Correa, Claudio; Castro, Camila; Méndez, Marco A


    Based on morphological and molecular evidence (mitochondrial and nuclear sequences) we describe a new species of spiny-chest frog, Alsodes cantillanensis, from central Chile (around 34°S). The type locality, Quebrada Infiernillo, is located in the Coastal Range at approximately 65 km from Santiago (Metropolitan Region), the capital of Chile. The distribution of the new species is included entirely in that of A. nodosus (32-36°S approximately), which was identified as the sister taxon according to molecular phylogenetic analyses. Moreover, both species are sympatric in the type locality. The new species was found in a Nothofagus macrocarpa relict forest potentially threatened by gold mining activities. We identify other threats for its conservation and some biological data needed for understanding the evolution of this species. This discovery reveals the scarce knowledge about biogeography, evolution and ecology of spiny-chest frogs from central Chile

  6. [Undergraduate and postgraduate studies in the biological sciences in Chile (1985)]. (United States)

    Niemeyer, H


    A study group of scientists was convened by the Sociedad de Biología de Chile (Biological Society of Chile) and the Regional Program for Graduate Training in Biological Sciences, PNUD-Unesco, RLA 78/024, to assess undergraduate and graduate studies in life sciences in Chile. The group presented this report at the 28th Annual Meeting of the Society. Discussion centered on the features that should characterize the studies leading to the academic degrees of Licenciado (Licenciate), Magíster (Master) and Doctor (Ph. D) in Sciences, and also on the qualifications that the universities should satisfy in order to grant them. After analyzing the present situation of undergraduate and graduate studies in Biological Sciences in Chilean universities, the group made the following main suggestions: 1. It is recommended that Chilean universities agree on a 4-year plan for the Licenciado degree, without the requirement of a thesis. The importance of providing the students with good laboratory exercises and field experience and with the opportunity to perform short research projects is stressed. In addition, a sound theoretical training on mathematics, physics and chemistry in the education of a modern Biologist is important. Licenciate studies ought to be the basis for professional careers and the universities should offer to the Licenciados free access to their professional schools. 2. It is considered appropriate for Chile and its universities to develop graduate programs in those disciplines that have reached a level of excellence. To accomplish this aim, adequate finance of the universities is necessary to permit them to provide the essential facilities for doing research, and to create a wide system of fellowships for graduate students. Direct government support for research and graduate student fellowships is requested. 3. Research experience of the kind needed for the preparation of a doctoral thesis is recommended as the academic level appropriate for those engaged in

  7. The 2010–2015 megadrought in central Chile: impacts on regional hydroclimate and vegetation

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    R. D. Garreaud


    Full Text Available Since 2010 an uninterrupted sequence of dry years, with annual rainfall deficits ranging from 25 to 45 %, has prevailed in central Chile (western South America, 30–38° S. Although intense 1- or 2-year droughts are recurrent in this Mediterranean-like region, the ongoing event stands out because of its longevity and large extent. The extraordinary character of the so-called central Chile megadrought (MD was established against century long historical records and a millennial tree-ring reconstruction of regional precipitation. The largest MD-averaged rainfall relative anomalies occurred in the northern, semi-arid sector of central Chile, but the event was unprecedented to the south of 35° S. ENSO-neutral conditions have prevailed since 2011 (except for the strong El Niño in 2015, contrasting with La Niña conditions that often accompanied past droughts. The precipitation deficit diminished the Andean snowpack and resulted in amplified declines (up to 90 % of river flow, reservoir volumes and groundwater levels along central Chile and westernmost Argentina. In some semi-arid basins we found a decrease in the runoff-to-rainfall coefficient. A substantial decrease in vegetation productivity occurred in the shrubland-dominated, northern sector, but a mix of greening and browning patches occurred farther south, where irrigated croplands and exotic forest plantations dominate. The ongoing warming in central Chile, making the MD one of the warmest 6-year periods on record, may have also contributed to such complex vegetation changes by increasing potential evapotranspiration. We also report some of the measures taken by the central government to relieve the MD effects and the public perception of this event. The understanding of the nature and biophysical impacts of the MD helps as a foundation for preparedness efforts to confront a dry, warm future regional climate scenario.

  8. A Universal Design Approach to Government Service Delivery: The Case of ChileAtiende. (United States)

    Sandoval, Leonardo


    A common challenge for government administrations that aim to improve the delivery of information and services to citizens is to go beyond a government-centred approach. By focusing on citizens and the needs of a wide range of citizens, Universal Design (UD) can help to increase the effectiveness, efficiency and satisfaction of government services. This paper examines the case of an internationally recognised Chilean government service delivery programme inspired by UD principles known as ChileAtiende ("ChileService"). A brief account of its creation and current status is provided.

  9. Cine y censura en Chile: Entre lo local y lo transnacional, 1910-1945


    Purcell, Fernando


    Este trabajo considera el fenómeno de la censura cinematográfica en Chile durante la primera mitad del siglo XX. El argumento central, elaborado a partir de documentación recogida en Chile y los Estados Unidos, es que lejos de ser un fenómeno estrictamente local, la censura cinematográfica chilena se debatió y aplicó a la luz del diálogo y participación de numerosos y variados actores internacionales. Esto fue posible gracias al predominio hegemónico global del cine hollywoodense, lo que faci...

  10. Rodulfo Amando Philippi, el naturalista de mayor aporte al conocimiento taxonómico de la diversidad biológica de Chile

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    Full Text Available Rodulfo Amando Philippi (1808-1904 es considerado uno de los naturalistas más influyentes en el desarrollo de las Ciencias Naturales en Chile. Entre las actividades científicas que desempeñó en el país está su dedicación al trabajo taxonómico y sistemático, que lo llevó a describir numerosas especies de plantas, animales y hongos. En este artículo se determina su contribución al conocimiento del patrimonio biológico de Chile, cuantificando el número y proporción de las especies actualmente válidas. De las especies descritas, 1.670 son consideradas válidas. Esta cifra equivale al 5,8 % de la diversidad biológica reconocida para Chile. Su mayor aporte se concentra en plantas vasculares, donde se encuentran vigentes 1.017 especies, que representan el 19 % de la flora vascular de Chile. Mención especial requiere el caso de algunos grupos, tales como anfibios, fasmatódeos, dermápteros y dípteros, cuya actual diversidad incluye 14, 30, 16 y 9 % de las especies de descritas por Philippi, respectivamente. De acuerdo a lo anterior y en comparación con otros taxónomos, Rodulfo Amando Philippi es el autor del mayor número de descripciones de especies válidas de la biota de ChileRodulfo Amando Philippi (1808-1904 is considered one of most influential in the development of natural sciences in Chile. Among his scientific endeavors, he contributed taxonomic descriptions of the biological diversity of Chile, encompassing organisms in three living kingdoms: plants, animals and fungi. In this article we examine his contribution to the knowledge of the biological wealth of Chile, quantifying the number and proportion of current valid species he described. Our findings indicate that Philippi described 1,670 valid species, equivalent to 5.8 % of the recognized biological diversity for Chile. His greatest contributions were in vascular plants with 1,017 species descriptions, which represent 19 % of the vascular flora of Chile. Special

  11. Evictions and the Right to Housing: Experience from Canada, Chile ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    ... Experience from Canada, Chile, the Dominican Republic, South Africa, and South Korea ... all of whom are working to defend and advance the right to housing. ... IDRC congratulates first cohort of Women in Climate Change Science Fellows.

  12. Interdisciplinary studies of eruption at Chaiten Volcano, Chile (United States)

    John S. Pallister; Jon J. Major; Thomas C. Pierson; Richard P. Hoblitt; Jacob B. Lowenstern; John C. Eichelberger; Lara. Luis; Hugo Moreno; Jorge Munoz; Jonathan M. Castro; Andres Iroume; Andrea Andreoli; Julia Jones; Fred Swanson; Charlie Crisafulli


    There was keen interest within the volcanology community when the first large eruption of high-silica rhyolite since that of Alaska's Novarupta volcano in 1912 began on 1 May 2008 at Chaiten volcano, southern Chile, a 3-kilometer-diameter caldera volcano with a prehistoric record of rhyolite eruptions. Vigorous explosions occurred through 8 May 2008, after which...

  13. The Araucanian Indian in Chile. IWGIA Document 20. (United States)

    Berdichewsky, Bernardo

    One of the larger of the native peoples of South America, the Araucanians include different ethnic subgroups, some of which are now extinct. Once geographically spread extensively over the southern cone of South America, at present they are reduced to only two closely related groups: (1) the Mapuche of southern Chile, the largest one; and (2) the…

  14. “Corte Transversal”: una mega escultura entre el río Mapocho y la autopista Costanera Norte en Santiago de Chile/ “Corte Transversal”: a mega sculpture between the Mapocho River and the Costanera Norte toll road in Santiago de Chile

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    Revista de Urbanismo, Departamento de Urbanismo de la Facultad de Arquitectura y Urbanismo de la Universidad de Chile. (Reportaje de M.I.PavezR.- M.P.Henríquez.O


    Full Text Available “Corte Transversal”: una mega escultura entre el río Mapocho y la autopista Costanera Norte en Santiago de Chile/“Corte Transversal”: a mega sculpture between the Mapocho River and the Costanera Norte toll road in Santiago de Chile

  15. LA NOVELA DE LA DICTADURA EN CHILE The novel of the dictatorship's period in Chile


    Mario Lulo C


    Para un sector de la crítica y de la academia chilena, la gran novela de la Dictadura es una asignatura pendiente. En este artículo se problematiza este tema mediante la formulación de una hipótesis según la cual una serie de novelas aparecidas en Chile entre 1977 y 2006 cumplen con la función de narrar -desde su fragmentariedad- las causas y consecuencias del 11 de septiembre de 1973. Así, busca plantear las bases epistemológicas e históricas que posibiliten llevar a cabo una investigación d...

  16. Descentralización, territorio y sustentabilidad regional

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    Jorge Rodríguez Grossi


    Full Text Available Este trabajo, busca establecer que en Chile el tema de la descentralización ha sido colocado en la agenda pública, más que por razones ideológicas sustentadas en un "modelo de economía social de mercado", por consideraciones netamente de índole administrativo y político. La carencia de un marco axiológico y doctrinario del proceso de descentralización, es sin lugar a dudas la principal debilidad del proceso chileno y por lo mismo, procesos de redemocratización, a través de la reestructuración del Estado y de sus funciones, o la relegitimación del Estado han estado más presentes que ninguna otra consideración.

  17. 76 FR 78231 - Notice of Decision To Authorize the Importation of Fresh Cape Gooseberry Fruit With Husks From Chile (United States)


    ... gooseberry fruit (Physalis peruviana L.) with husks from Chile. Based on the findings of a pest risk analysis... fresh Cape gooseberry fruit (Physalis peruviana L.) with husks from Chile. We solicited comments on the...

  18. Perfil del paciente con tuberculosis que abandona el tratamiento en Chile: profile of patients in Chile




    El abandono del tratamiento de la tuberculosis es uno de los factores más importantes que disminuyen la eficiencia de la terapia. Dentro de sus causas se observan factores relacionados con el paciente, con los fármacos y con el sistema de salud. En Chile, el porcentaje de abandono se ha mantenido en torno al 7%, a pesar de las distintas estrategias implementadas para su prevención. Este estudio corresponde al análisis de las auditorías que se realizan en los casos de abandono y busca definir ...

  19. Cooperating to compete : associative peasant business firms in Chile

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Berdegué Sacristán, J.A.


    Since 1990 the government of Chile has carried out a major effort to support the participation of small scale agriculture in one of the most liberalized and competitive economies of the developing world. In particular, the Agricultural Development Institute (INDAP), and agency of the Ministry of

  20. Analysis of the dynamic of underground water in Agua Verde, Quebrada de Taltal, region of Antofagasta, Chile

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rojas, Luis; Lillo, Adrian; Salazar, Carlos; Aguirre, Evelyn


    The extreme aridity and geological situation in northern. Chile requires an exhaustive investigation on water resources for supporting rational usage. The Direccion General de Aguas and Comision Chilena de Energia Nuclear have performed studies in arid zones in northern Chile using isotopic and hydrochemical tools. In Quebrada de Taltal's basin, located in one of the must arid arid zones of Chile (Segunda Region de Antofagasta), was studies groundwater dynamics and recharge process from a geochemical approach in terms of water quality, temperature and isotopic composition ( 2 H, 18 O, 3 H, 14 C). The recharge generated above 3000 m a.s.t has a slow dynamics and involve little flow (author)

  1. Climatic zoning of chia (Salvia hispanica L. in Chile using a species distribution model

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    Daniela Cortés


    Full Text Available Salvia hispanica L., known as chia, is a plant species originally from tropical and subtropical Mesoamerica. It is economically important because its seeds produce omega-3, thus its demand has increased in Chile and internationally. As there is no commercial production in Chile, we investigated the places in the country where this species could be cultivated in order to satisfy at the least the national demand. The aim of the study was to quantify the main climatic requirements of chia and to produce a climatic aptitude map for chia cultivation in Chile. The methodology was based on the Maxent species distribution model. We used 78 georeferenced data points where chia is grown throughout the world, mostly from the GBIF database, along with raster climatic layers from the Worldclim project. We estimated the performance curves of annual precipitation and temperature along with their respective optimal and critical values, in analogy with the Ecocrop method. The maps used two scenarios for crops in different conditions, with and without irrigation. The results indicated that the intermediate depression and coastal edge of mainly the Arica y Parinacota, Tarapacá, Antofagasta and Atacama regions have optimum conditions for irrigated crops, but it would be impossible in rainfed conditions. We conclude that chia’s cultivation niche is reduced due to its tropical climate requirements; however, it can be cultivated under irrigation in northern Chile.

  2. Climatic zoning of chia (Salvia hispanica L.) in Chile using a species distribution model

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cortés, D.; Silva, H.; Baginsky, C.; Morales, L.


    Salvia hispanica L., known as chia, is a plant species originally from tropical and subtropical Mesoamerica. It is economically important because its seeds produce omega-3, thus its demand has increased in Chile and internationally. As there is no commercial production in Chile, we investigated the places in the country where this species could be cultivated in order to satisfy at the least the national demand. The aim of the study was to quantify the main climatic requirements of chia and to produce a climatic aptitude map for chia cultivation in Chile. The methodology was based on the Maxent species distribution model. We used 78 georeferenced data points where chia is grown throughout the world, mostly from the GBIF database, along with raster climatic layers from the Worldclim project. We estimated the performance curves of annual precipitation and temperature along with their respective optimal and critical values, in analogy with the Ecocrop method. The maps used two scenarios for crops in different conditions, with and without irrigation. The results indicated that the intermediate depression and coastal edge of mainly the Arica y Parinacota, Tarapacá, Antofagasta and Atacama regions have optimum conditions for irrigated crops, but it would be impossible in rainfed conditions. We conclude that chia’s cultivation niche is reduced due to its tropical climate requirements; however, it can be cultivated under irrigation in northern Chile.

  3. Climatic zoning of chia (Salvia hispanica L.) in Chile using a species distribution model

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Cortés, D.; Silva, H.; Baginsky, C.; Morales, L.


    Salvia hispanica L., known as chia, is a plant species originally from tropical and subtropical Mesoamerica. It is economically important because its seeds produce omega-3, thus its demand has increased in Chile and internationally. As there is no commercial production in Chile, we investigated the places in the country where this species could be cultivated in order to satisfy at the least the national demand. The aim of the study was to quantify the main climatic requirements of chia and to produce a climatic aptitude map for chia cultivation in Chile. The methodology was based on the Maxent species distribution model. We used 78 georeferenced data points where chia is grown throughout the world, mostly from the GBIF database, along with raster climatic layers from the Worldclim project. We estimated the performance curves of annual precipitation and temperature along with their respective optimal and critical values, in analogy with the Ecocrop method. The maps used two scenarios for crops in different conditions, with and without irrigation. The results indicated that the intermediate depression and coastal edge of mainly the Arica y Parinacota, Tarapacá, Antofagasta and Atacama regions have optimum conditions for irrigated crops, but it would be impossible in rainfed conditions. We conclude that chia’s cultivation niche is reduced due to its tropical climate requirements; however, it can be cultivated under irrigation in northern Chile.

  4. Ectoparasites of the black-chinned siskin Spinus barbatus (Passeriformes: Fringillidae in Chile

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    Danny Fuentes-Castillo

    Full Text Available Abstract Despite being a bird with a broad and extensive distribution in Chile, the black-chinned siskin, Spinus barbatus Molina, 1782 is not well studied in relation to its parasites. This paper aims to describe the ectoparasite fauna of S. barbatus in central and southern Chile. A total of 125 individuals caught with mist nets were examined alive; a total of 22 parasites were found dead and were exposed to parasit autopsy. The extracted parasites were preserved in 70% alcohol for subsequent mounting and identification. Ectoparasites were found in 56 black-chinned siskins (38%; 48 of them (33% had 870 mites – 680 feather mites (Astigmata: Analgoidea were identified as Proctophyllodes spini, 167 as Knemidokoptes jamaicensis, 19 as Strelkoviacarus critesi, and one as Analges passerinus. Moreover, three mites were chiggers belonging to the tribe Schoengastiini (Prostigmata: Trombiculidae. In 21 birds (14%, 54 lice were found, 21 of which were identified as Philopterus roehreri, 18 as Myrsidea serini, and 15 as Ricinus carolynae. Endoparasites were not found in the necropsied individuals. All of the parasites that were found represent new records for Chile, and they also serve as new records of host–parasite associations for S. barbatus.

  5. [Breast feeding in Chile, past and present (author's transl)]. (United States)

    Mardones, F


    Breastfeeding practices have greatly diminished in all industrialized countries in the past 30 years; only now breastfeeding is enjoying a revival, especially among better educated people, as data gathered in Sweden and in the U.S. show. In Chile, as in most underdeveloped countries, the practice of breastfeeding began declining in urban, then in rural areas, reaching the largest decline in 1930. Modernization and all the factors connected with it, and especially urbanization, are accountable for this change. To encourage breastfeeding in Chile several recommendations are possible, among which is the education of parents on the advantages of breastfeeding. Mass media and all communication channels should be used; 2) better alimentation, when necessary at government expenses, for pregnant and nursing mothers; 3) legislation regulating the advertisement and distribution of infant formulas; 4) information on the possible effects of oral contraception on lactation; and 5) new social legislation protecting pregnant and nursing mothers.

  6. Participación política de las mujeres en Chile 2011

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    Sonia Araneda Briones


    Full Text Available Panorama de la participación política de las mujeres en Chile. Inicia con un repaso del sistema electoral y la legislación existente, si bien en el país las cuotas de participación política de la mujer no están reguladas de forma específica y no se cuenta con legislación o norma sobre cuotas de género, cabe destacar los avances jurisprudenciales que en materia de género ha realizado el Tribunal Constitucional de Chile, en lo tocante a resguardar la garantía constitucional de la igualdad ante la ley.

  7. Governing the Extractive Sector: The Politics of Globalisation and Copper Policy in Chile

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    Jewellord T. Nem Singh


    Full Text Available Chile exhibits an immense continuity in its copper policy and the sector’s reliable output contributes enormously to the tax revenues of the state. Copper in Chile is thus an interesting case because it challenges the presumed failure of neoliberal reforms in Latin America. It does this in a number of different ways. First, the sector is a clear success in terms of its output and contribution to GDP. Second, private capital and foreign direct investment in particular plays a critical role in developing the mining sector. Third, state- owned CODELCO has stood firmly against multinational companies. And fourth, Chile simultaneously exhibits a stability of rules inherited from Pinochet’s neoliberalism; labour relations characterised by conflict and co-optation; and a depoliticised mode of governance marked by copper policy technopols and an indirect link between copper and social policy. This paper argues that the Chilean state under La Concertación government has played an important ‘steering’ role by defusing the various political conflicts, contradictions and tensions in copper policy.

  8. Seeking a preferential option for the rural poor in Chile

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    Edward Dew


    Full Text Available From colonial times well into the twentieth century (and, unfortunately, even beyond the man/land relationship in Latin America has been markedly unjust. Small numbers of families have owned large tracts of the best land, while large numbers of poor families have struggled with tiny plots of marginal land or labored on the estates of the rich. Chile was no exception to this pattern. Thus, its experiment with land reform in the 1960s and 1970s, the setback of reform under the military in the 1970s and 1980s, and the resumption of reform under democrats in the 1990s, may provide lessons for the rest of Latin America. Is a preferential option for the rural poor still possible in a neoliberal economic system? In Chile, the answer is a qualified “yes”

  9. Three new species of Neofidelia (Hymenoptera: Apoidea: Megachilidae) from Northern Chile. (United States)

    Dumesh, Sheila; Packer, Laurence


    Neofidelia apacheta Dumesh and Packer, sp. nov., N. camanchaca Dumesh and Packer, sp. nov., and N. submersa Dumesh and Packer, sp. nov. are described from northern Chile. Neofidelia apacheta is known from large numbers of specimens and localities at moderately high elevation (1600-3200m). Neofidelia camanchaca is only known from the ho-lotype male. Neofidelia submersa is known from the holotype male and a pair of paratypes in poor condition, all from a coastal fog oasis. Comparisons are made with the two previously described species of the genus. The collection of N. apa-cheta from so far north in Chile suggests that Neofidelia is likely to be found in southern Peru. A key for the five species of the genus is provided.

  10. All projects related to chile | Page 7 | IDRC - International ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    The Latin American Schoolnets (REDAL) network and the Latin American Education Portals Network (RELPE) have made a substantive contribution to ... The municipality of Peñalolén in Santiago, Chile, is characterized by great socioeconomic diversity and strong social networks (clubs for the elderly and young people, ...

  11. Book Review Helm Field Guides — Birds of Chile including the ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Book Review Helm Field Guides — Birds of Chile including the Antarctic Peninsula, the Falkland Islands and South Georgia by Albaro Jaramillo with illustrations by Peter Burke and David Beadle (2003)

  12. [The Revista Médica the Chile and medical education]. (United States)

    Goic, Alejandro


    With this issue, Revista Médica de Chile will have been published uninterruptedly, for 130 years. Formal medical education had an early development since Chile became independent from Spain (1817). The first Medical Sciences Course was organized in 1833 by the Irish physician William C Blest. The Santiago Medical Society was founded in 1869 and its journal-Revista Médica de Chile--in 1872. Its first director was Dr. German Schneider. Revista Medica is the oldest serial publication in South America and the second oldest in the Spanish speaking world. This is a remarkable fact for a comparatively young country. With the creation of the Medical Society and Revista Medica, a process of continuous medical education was started and they became a real Graduate School. The Journal has adopted the main changes in knowledge and technology. Some important milestones of its development, during the second half of the 20th century, were the definition of its objectives and structure, the incorporation of peer review of manuscripts (even with foreign reviewers) the adoption of international guidelines for publication, its incorporation into the main biomedical journal indexes, the modernization of its printing process, the making of a computer generated index of all papers published since 1872, its incorporation into a digital library in INTERNET and the active participation of its editors in the World Association of Medical Journal Editors. The success of the journal is influenced by the independence that the Medical Society has conferred to the editors (all outstanding University Professors), as well as to the characteristics of an educational campus "invisible and without tumult" (Ingelfinger).

  13. A snapshot of cancer in Chile: analytical frameworks for developing a cancer policy. (United States)

    Jimenez de la Jara, Jorge; Bastias, Gabriel; Ferreccio, Catterina; Moscoso, Cristian; Sagues, Sofia; Cid, Camilo; Bronstein, Eduardo; Herrera, Cristian; Nervi, Bruno; Corvalan, Alejandro; Velasquez, Ethel V; Gonzalez, Pamela; Castellon, Enrique; Bustamante, Eva; Oñate, Sergio; McNerney, Eileen; Sullivan, Richard; Owen, Gareth I


    The South American country Chile now boasts a life expectancy of over 80 years. As a consequence, Chile now faces the increasing social and economic burden of cancer and must implement political policy to deliver equitable cancer care. Hindering the development of a national cancer policy is the lack of comprehensive analysis of cancer infrastructure and economic impact. Evaluate existing cancer policy, the extent of national investigation and the socio-economic impact of cancer to deliver guidelines for the framing of an equitable national cancer policy. Burden, research and care-policy systems were assessed by triangulating objective system metrics--epidemiological, economic, etc.--with political and policy analysis. Analysis of the literature and governmental databases was performed. The oncology community was interviewed and surveyed. Chile utilizes 1% of its gross domestic product on cancer care and treatment. We estimate that the economic impact as measured in Disability Adjusted Life Years to be US$ 3.5 billion. Persistent inequalities still occur in cancer distribution and treatment. A high quality cancer research community is expanding, however, insufficient funding is directed towards disproportionally prevalent stomach, lung and gallbladder cancers. Chile has a rapidly ageing population wherein 40% smoke, 67% are overweight and 18% abuse alcohol, and thus the corresponding burden of cancer will have a negative impact on an affordable health care system. We conclude that the Chilean government must develop a national cancer strategy, which the authors outline herein and believe is essential to permit equitable cancer care for the country.

  14. Música, etnicidad e identidad mapuche. Una mirada crítica al Chile multicultural

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    Juan Gustavo Núñez Olguín


    Full Text Available El objetivo del presente trabajo es aproximarse, desde una perspectiva etnomusicológica, a las estrategias de reproducción identitaria del Pueblo mapuche, en un contexto actual y bajo la lógica multicultural imperante en Chile. Para esto, revisaremos algunos sucesos que condicionan la actual relación entre el Estado chileno y el Pueblo mapuche, y centraremos el análisis de las manifestaciones culturales y musicales en los conceptos de etnicidad y relevancia social. De esta manera, y escapando de cualquier presupuesto idealista, intentaré sugerir una reflexión basada en el grado de conexión entre música y cultura, analizando usos y funciones, en casos concretos y en contextos específicos.Palabras Clave: Pueblo Mapuche, Chile, multiculturalismo, música, etnicidad, identidad______________________________Abstract:The objective of this work is to outline, from an ethnomusicologic perspective, the strategies of identity reproduction of the Mapuche people in the present context under the prevailing multicultural logic in Chile. For this, we will review some events that condition the present relation between the Chilean State and the Mapuche people and will carry out the analysis of the cultural and musical manifestations based on the ethnicity and social relevance concepts. In this way, by analyzing uses and functions in particular cases and specific contexts and avoiding any idealisation of data, I will suggest that a discussion of the present issue should be based on the degree of connection between music and culture.Keywords: Mapuche people, Chile, multiculturalism, music, ethnicity, identity

  15. A snapshot of cancer in Chile: analytical frameworks for developing a cancer policy

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    Jorge Jimenez de la Jara


    Full Text Available INTRODUCTION: The South American country Chile now boasts a life expectancy of over 80 years. As a consequence, Chile now faces the increasing social and economic burden of cancer and must implement political policy to deliver equitable cancer care. Hindering the development of a national cancer policy is the lack of comprehensive analysis of cancer infrastructure and economic impact. OBJECTIVES: Evaluate existing cancer policy, the extent of national investigation and the socio-economic impact of cancer to deliver guidelines for the framing of an equitable national cancer policy. METHODS: Burden, research and care-policy systems were assessed by triangulating objective system metrics -epidemiological, economic, etc. - with political and policy analysis. Analysis of the literature and governmental databases was performed. The oncology community was interviewed and surveyed. RESULTS: Chile utilizes 1% of its gross domestic product on cancer care and treatment. We estimate that the economic impact as measured in Disability Adjusted Life Years to be US$ 3.5 billion. Persistent inequalities still occur in cancer distribution and treatment. A high quality cancer research community is expanding, however, insufficient funding is directed towards disproportionally prevalent stomach, lung and gallbladder cancers. CONCLUSIONS: Chile has a rapidly ageing population wherein 40% smoke, 67% are overweight and 18% abuse alcohol, and thus the corresponding burden of cancer will have a negative impact on an affordable health care system. We conclude that the Chilean government must develop a national cancer strategy, which the authors outline herein and believe is essential to permit equitable cancer care for the country.

  16. The Republic of Chile: An Upper Middle-Income Country at the Crossroads of Economic Development and Aging (United States)

    Gitlin, Laura N.; Fuentes, Patricio


    Chile is a developing country with a rapidly expanding economy and concomitant social and cultural changes. It is expected to become a developed country within 10 years. Chile is also characterized as being in an advanced demographic transition. Unique challenges are posed by the intersection of rapid economic development and an aging population,…

  17. The histories and destinies of Chile and California (United States)

    Brooke Penaluna


    In Strangers on Familiar Soil, Edward Dallam Melillo shows how Californians and Chileans each have one foot on their land and the other connecting them through the Pacific Ocean. Melillo reframes our understanding of US history in the west and links the histories and destinies of Chile and California from 1786 to the current day. Contrary to popular belief, Melillo...

  18. Gender and Social Legitimacy of Entrepreneurship: Contribution to Entrepreneurial Intention in University Students from Chile and Colombia

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    Karla Soria


    Full Text Available The research extends the application of TBP model including gender and SLE as moderator and mediator, respectively, and see if the prior results in developing countries are coincident with those of this research. In sum, the results could strength the contribution of TBP model including SLE as mediator and gender as moderator through EI. The research is a bi-country study based on 351 University students of business management in Chile and Colombia (245 students corresponds to Chile and 106 corresponds to Colombia. The data were subjected first to a confirmatory factor analysis (CFA using Lisrel package. A structural equation model (SEM analysis by the method of partial least squares (PLS was used to test hypotheses. The results show that the Ajzen´s model explains the EI in Chile; while in the case of Colombia, only two of the variables suite the model. The social legitimacy of entrepreneurship is a factor that mediates attitude toward entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial intention for both countries. Finally, gender moderates perceived control behavior for the less male culture, Chile, according to Hofstede dimension.

  19. [Antimicrobial susceptibility in Chile 2012]. (United States)

    Cifuentes-D, Marcela; Silva, Francisco; García, Patricia; Bello, Helia; Briceño, Isabel; Calvo-A, Mario; Labarca, Jaime


    Bacteria antimicrobial resistance is an uncontrolled public health problem that progressively increases its magnitude and complexity. The Grupo Colaborativo de Resistencia, formed by a join of experts that represent 39 Chilean health institutions has been concerned with bacteria antimicrobial susceptibility in our country since 2008. In this document we present in vitro bacterial susceptibility accumulated during year 2012 belonging to 28 national health institutions that represent about 36% of hospital discharges in Chile. We consider of major importance to report periodically bacteria susceptibility so to keep the medical community updated to achieve target the empirical antimicrobial therapies and the control measures and prevention of the dissemination of multiresistant strains.

  20. Stressful life events in countries of differing economic development: Nicaragua, Chile, and Spain. (United States)

    Vazquez, José Juan; Panadero, Sonia; Rincón, Paulina Paz


    the aim was to describe a study involving 481 psychology students in the last courses of their degrees (M age = 21.9 yr., SD=4.2; 94 men and 386 women) from Nicaragua, Chile, and Spain. The study examined the potential risk of experiencing certain stressful life events, the number of stressors, and their characteristics. Also were analyzed the strength of their relation to social class and stressful life events experienced. Greater presence of stressful life events were reported among people from less developed countries, Chile and Nicaragua, and among people belonging to lower social class.

  1. Sarcocystis spp. in red deer (Cervus elaphus, fallow deer (Dama dama, and pudu (Pudu pudu in southern Chile

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    Esteban Reyes Lobão-Tello

    Full Text Available ABSTRACT: Worldwinde, cervids are considered an important source of infection and dissemination of a wide variety of pathogens, both for farm animals and humans. Among this diseases is sarcosporidiosis, which is a parasitic disease caused by Sarcocystis spp. (Protozoa: Apicomplexa. Most frequent clinical signs are hemolytic anemia, weakness, weight loss and decrease of growth and some species of Sarcocystis might cause abortions. The clinical disease in ruminants is fairly rare but the infection is very frequent. Infections are accumulative and the parasite does not generate immunity in any of the hosts. Ovine sarcosporidiosis is a serious issue in the some regions of Chile due to the macrocysts located in the muscle which means condemnation of the whole carcass. Sarcocystis spp. has been widely reported in red deer and other cervid species but in Chile the situation remains unknown. Nowadays there is little to no evidence of Sarcocystis in foreign deer in Chile and there is only one report of the parasite on pudu. The main goal of this study is to demonstrate the presence of Sarcocystis spp. in myocardium of red deer and fallow deer in Chile, and confirm the presence of Sarcocystis spp. in pudu. All cervid cases from 1994 to 2013 of the Institute of Animal Pathology of the Universidad Austral de Chile were reviewed. The animals selected were those in which a myocardium sample was taken. From the histopathological samples observed, it was found that 5 of the 9 red deer, 1 of the 4 fallow deer and in 11 of the 23 pudu there were Sarcocystis cysts in the myocardium. This study represents the first record for Chile of Sarcocystis spp. in myocardium of red deer and fallow deer. Stablishing the red deer, fallow deer and pudu as hosts of Sarcocystis aids to have a better understanding of the parasite epidemiology in Chile and the role of wild and captive cervids in the maintenance and spread of these parasites.

  2. Chile: Political and Economic Conditions and U.S. Relations (United States)


    S) AND ADDRESS(ES) Congressional Research Service,Library of Congress,101 Independence Ave , SE,Washington,DC,20540-7500 8. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION...Chileno por Crímenes de ‘Caravana de la Muerte ’,” Agencia Mexicana de Noticias, October 15, 2008. 64 “Chile Arrests 25 Ex-Military On Rights Abuse

  3. Exploración de la diversidad morfológica de chiles regionales en Yaxcabá, Yucatán, México

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    Luis Latournerie


    Full Text Available El objetivo de este trabajo fue conocer los tipos y usos del chile, los criterios de selección, y obtener muestras de las variantes o poblaciones criollas. El sistema estudiado fue el policultivo maíz, frijol, chile y calabaza (milpa y se estableció en dos fases: a una encuesta a 60 familias de la comunidad, a fin de obtener información del cultivo y de los sistemas de cultivo que manejan en la milpa, pach pakal (área apta para hortalizas y solares. b una exploración etnobotánica para colectar material genético, y realizar una valoración in situ de los caracteres morfológicos de planta, fruto y flor. En la comunidad, se siembran un total de ocho tipos regionales de chiles, siete pertenecen a Capsicum annuum (yaax ic, xcat’ic, cha’hua, chile dulce, sucurre, pico paloma y maax, este último C. annuum var. aviculares y uno a Capsicum chinense (habanero. El chile yaax ic es el de mayor aceptación en la comunidad. Los agricultores basan la selección de su germoplasma en el tamaño del fruto, sabor, tolerancia a plagas y enfermedades, y usos culinarios. Los chiles regionales se siembran en asociación con otros cultivos tanto en la milpa como en los solares



    Loyola Heufemann, AMANDA


    Los efectos del embarazo adolescente en Chile han sido poco estudiados aun cuando existe diversa literatura para el resto del mundo, en especial para países desarrollados. Este trabajo estima el efecto del embarazo adolescente sobre la asistencia o completitud de la educación secundaria, años de escolaridad y participación laboral. Usando datos de corte transversal del a˜no 2012 y un enfoque de variable instrumental a trav´es del uso de la entrega comunal de la píldora anticoncept...

  5. Mutaciones de la subjetividad en la comunicación digital interactiva. Consideraciones en torno al acontecimiento en los nativos digitales

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    Juan Carlos Amador


    Full Text Available El artículo explora algunas consideraciones teóricoconceptuales acerca de las mutaciones de la subjetividad en las infancias contemporáneas, comprendidas como el conjunto de tránsitos, continuidades e irrupciones en las formas de ser y estar en el mundo de estos sujetos, en particular, por medio de la producción de lenguajes, saberes y convergencias culturales que proceden de su vinculación a la comunicación digital interactiva. Para tal efecto, se desarrolla el concepto de comunicación digital interactiva, apoyado en investigadores como Scolari, Igarza, Rueda y Piscitelli; posteriormente, se aborda el núcleo de las mutaciones de la subjetividad y su relación con el advenimiento de sujetos comunicativos e hiperconectados; finalmente, se presentan algunas reflexiones en torno a la condición ontológica de las infancias contemporáneas y su relación con la desestabilización de la infancia moderna y la crisis de las instituciones que pretenden gobernarlas.

  6. ¿Es Chile un país católico? Polémica en torno a un libro del padre Hurtado

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    P. Pedro Espinosa Santander


    Full Text Available Cuando a fines de 1941 el Padre Alberto Hurtado publicó su libro "¿Es Chile un País Católico?", invitaba especialmente a los jóvenes de la Acción Católica a conocer el país real: ¿cómo era de verdad Chile y su Iglesia? Alberto Hurtado con su mirada de apóstol miró a Chile desde la mirada de Jesús y remeció conciencias e incomodó a muchos con su denuncia de los males que corroían el alma nacional: miseria, injusticias, vicios, salarios miserables, falta de educación del pueblo, viviendas indignas, y junto con esto, la lejanía de los pobres de la Iglesia y la escasez de sacerdotes. Para él había una tarea pendiente que muchos esquivaban: conquistar Chile para Cristo. El libro y la invitación fueron acogidos con gran entusiasmo, por los jóvenes especialmente; pero las cr��ticas arreciaron de parte del clero y laicado conservadores. Para ellos, la visión de Hurtado era peligrosamente amarga y desconocía la labor que la Iglesia, desde la Colonia, hacía en el país formando el "alma de Chile". La polémica de fondo era una sorda crítica a Hurtado, asesor nacional de los jóvenes de la Acción Católica. El artículo muestra la polémica en torno al libro y a su autor, los diferentes actores que intervinieron y la significación eclesial de todo el proceso: ¿Era Chile un país católico?When at the end of 1941 Father Alberto Hurtado Publisher his book, "¿Es Chile un País Católico?" ("Is Chile a Catholic Country?", he especially invited the youth of Catholic Action (Acción Católica to become acquainted with the real country: What was Chile and its Church really like? Alberto Hurtado, with his characteristic view of an apostle, looked upon Chile with the gaze of Jesus and shook consciences, making many people uncomfortable with his condemnation of the evils corroding the national soul: the misery, injustices, vices, paltry salaries, lack of education, undignified living conditions and, together with all this, the

  7. Reconocimiento Mapu-Che de Chile: Tratado ante Constitución, Historia frente a Derecho

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    Full Text Available Desde el año 1991, el compromiso adquirido por los sucesivos gobiernos chilenos para reconocer a nivel constitucional la presencia indígena en el ordenamiento del Estado ha puesto de manifiesto el desconocimiento académico y jurídico mutuo por parte de Chile con respecto a las evidencias para una reposición de Mapu-Che. El presente trabajo hace un recorrido histórico y jurídico por las formas de relación entre el Estado chileno y el Estado Mapu, que hasta la conquista chilena de Mapu en la década de los ochenta del siglo XIX se manifestaron a través de Tratados y Parlamentos que implicaban un reconocimiento mutuo de ambas entidades en una esfera internacional. Las comisiones de estudios, informes oficiales e invocaciones de verdad para un nuevo trato, primero de las Naciones Unidas, y después de la República de Chile, han observado estas evidencias de la significación constitucional e internacional de los Tratados, pero Chile ha convertido su peculiar forma de reconocimiento constitucional de la presencia indígena en un alarde de unidad e indivisibilidad nacional. Este encubrimiento nace del deseo de mantener una Constitución exclusiva, al que se une la certeza de que otra forma de reconocimiento obligaría a un replanteamiento de las propias raíces de los fundamentos constitucionales de la República de Chile.

  8. Country watch: Chile. (United States)

    Montoya Leiva, M


    Servicio Paz y Justicia (SERPAJ) is a nongovernmental organization (NGO) established in Chile in 1977. It supports fundamental human dignity and rights by fighting discrimination and exclusion based upon individual differences. SERPAJ promotes training, organization, and the political participation of community members as part of the democratic process, working mainly with the at risk women, street children, and youth of Santiago's working-class neighborhoods. Groups participate in workshops and training courses on human rights and development, civic education, and methods of non-violent community action. In 1987, SERPAJ-Sur Oriente began to include the topic of sexuality and AIDS/STDs in courses training working-class women as community human rights agents. The NGO is therefore one of the first mainstream Chilean human rights organizations to incorporate HIV/AIDS issues. A basic facts brochure was developed, followed by a pilot education project developed in one neighborhood which was then systematically replicated in other neighborhoods. The comments of some people who have participated in SERPAJ workshops are presented.

  9. ¿Qué hacer con los impuestos que pagan las ganancias de capital en Chile?


    Eduardo Engel; Alexander Galetovic


    Este trabajo analiza cualitativamente las consecuencias económicas de los impuestos a las ganancias de capital actualmente vigentes en Chile. Se describen los tratamientos especiales que reciben los distintos tipos de ganancia de capital y se analizan sus consecuencias sobre la asignación de recursos. Las principales conclusiones y proposiciones del estudio son las siguientes. Primero, la regla general en Chile es que las ganancias de capital deben tributar como ingreso ordinario. Esto es una...

  10. Family responsibility, organizational practices, work-family balance and subjective welfare in Chile

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    Andrés Jiménez Figueroa


    Full Text Available The study of family responsibility has become more relevant in Chile. Research suggests that from the public and private sectors various initiatives towards the implementation of public policies that favor this inclusion are required. The global labor scene has changed considerably in the social, economic and family areas, exposing the need to reorganize the distribution of work responsibilities between men and women. As a contribution to the discussion, we analyze here the main background, and the need to review public policies, to implement the measures in the organizational field and to investigate further appropriate measures to Chile as a means to improve the quality of workinglife in the country

  11. Testing the Latino paradox in Latin America: a population-based study of Intra-regional immigrants in Chile. (United States)

    Cabieses, Baltica; Tunstall, Helena; Pickett, Kate


    Several studies in high-income countries report better health status of immigrants compared to the local population ("healthy migrant" effect), regardless of their socioeconomic deprivation. This is known as the Latino paradox. To test the Latino paradox within Latin America by assessing the health of international immigrants to Chile, most of them from Latin American countries, and comparing them to the Chilean-born. Secondary data analysis of the population-based CASEN survey-2006. Three health outcomes were included: disability, illness/accident, and cancer/chronic condition (dichotomous). Demographics (age, sex, marital status, urban/rural, ethnicity), socioeconomic-status (SES: educational level, employment status and household income per-capita), and material standards (overcrowding, sanitation, housing quality). Crude and adjusted weighted regression models were performed. One percent of Chile's population were immigrants, mainly from other Latin American countries. A "healthy migrant" effect appeared within the total immigrant population: this group had a significantly lower crude prevalence of almost all health indicators than the Chilean-born, which remained after adjusting for various demographic characteristics. However, this effect lost significance when adjusting by SES for most outcomes. The Latino paradox was not observed for international immigrants compared to the local population in Chile. Also, health of immigrants with the longest time of residency showed similar health rates to the Chilean-born. The Latino paradox was not observed in Chile. Protecting low SES immigrants in Chile could have large positive effects in their health at arrival and over time.

  12. Challenges for psychiatric recruitment and training in Chile. (United States)

    Vicente, Benjamín; Rosel, Leonardo


    This paper aims to describe the current challenges to recruitment of psychiatrists in Chile, and investigate factors related to interest in psychiatry from medical students of the Chilean Biobío Region. An online survey was completed by 39 medical students currently performing the internship. This survey included questions regarding socio-demographic aspects, probability of choosing a medical speciality, influencing factors on the choice of the medical speciality, and personal features. Students were separated in two groups for the analysis based on their likelihood of choosing psychiatry as a career. A total of 35.9% of the respondents showed some degree of interest in psychiatry. Factors considered important by the respondents were academic opportunities, training vacancies, and balance between job and personal life. The low participation in the study does not allow the extrapolation of data to the national situation, and may represent response bias to those already interested in psychiatry as a career. However, Chile has an average psychiatrist rate per number of inhabitants for the region, but an uneven distribution of this resource. National policies must be focused on this issue in order to reduce the gap in mental healthcare.

  13. Spatial and temporal variability of planktonic archaeal abundance in the Humboldt Current System off Chile (United States)

    Quiñones, Renato A.; Levipan, Héctor A.; Urrutia, Homero


    The latest advances in the field of microbial ecology have shown that planktonic Archaea are one of the most abundant unicellular microorganisms of the oceans. However, no information is available on the contribution this group makes to the prokaryote assemblages that inhabit the eastern South Pacific Ocean. Here, we describe the relative abundance and vertical distribution of planktonic Archaea off northern and central-southern Chile. Data come from several cruises and a 45-month time series at a station located on the shelf off central-southern Chile. Both the taxonomic composition of the prokaryote community and its relative abundance were determined using quantitative dot blot 16S-rRNA hybridizations. Total Archaea in central-southern Chile made up 6-87% of the prokaryote rRNA in the water column and did not present evidence of any seasonal pattern. Crenarchaea were the most abundant archaeal group at this site and were significantly associated with the ammonium concentration ( r2=0.16, p=0.0003, n=80). Archaeal abundance in the time series was usually greater in the deeper layer (>50 m), with contributions reaching up to ˜90% of the prokaryote rRNA on certain occasions, and decreasing towards the surface. Important increments in the relative abundance of total Archaea were observed on given dates at the surface of the time-series station off central-southern Chile. Off northern Chile, total Archaea normally contributed from ˜10% to 50% of the prokaryote rRNA found between 10 and 1000 m, and were generally important in the mesopelagic realm. Our results indicate that Archaea constitute an important fraction of the prokaryote assemblage in the water column of the Humboldt Current System, especially in the oxygen minimum zone.

  14. Consideraciones en torno a la estructura ontológica existencial de la muerte en Martin Heidegger

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    Elsa González Moscoso


    Full Text Available [ES] La pretensión del presente texto es el de dar cuenta de la concepción heideggeriana de la muerte a partir de las consideraciones de El Ser y el Tiempo. Para tal propósito se describe y desarrolla brevemente algunos elementos centrales tales como la idea de la muerte como fenómeno de la vida y no su simple terminación; la explicación de la muerte como posibilidad o un “aún no”; la proyección existenciaria de la propia muerte; la libertad de la muerte como abrirse a ella y la existencia auténtica. Todos estos elementos gravitando alrededor del concepto ontológico-existenciario de la muerte. [EN] The aim of the present writing is to offer an account of the heideggerian conception of death from the considerations of Being and Time. For that purpose, this paper briefly describes and develops some central elements such as the idea of death as a phenomenon collateral to life and not its simple ending; the explanation of death as a possibility or a “not yet”; the existentialist projection of the own death; the freedom of death as an opening to it and to the true existence. All of these elements gravitating around the ontological-existential concept of death.

  15. Diseño e implementación de cursos abiertos masivos en línea (MOOC: expectativas y consideraciones prácticas

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    Carmen M. Méndez García


    Full Text Available La popularidad de los cursos abiertos masivos en línea (MOOC durante los dos últimos años ha llevado a muchos diseñadores, docentes e instituciones a interesarse por este nuevo modelo de docencia, que incluso ha llegado a postularse como solución a algunos problemas de la educación universitaria. En este artículo trataremos de analizar cuáles son sus ventajas y desventajas, y sus diferencias respecto a otros modelos de enseñanza (cursos tradicionales, LMS para evaluar su utilidad y viabilidad dentro de la educación superior. También estudiaremos varios cursos creados según este modelo MOOC (específicamente, xMOOC, atendiendo a aspectos de diseño y de expectativas por parte de los distintos agentes del proceso educativo, para sistematizar una serie de consideraciones prácticas que pueden ayudar a quien se acerque al diseño e implementación de MOOC por primera vez.

  16. Consideraciones sobre la administración de proyectos de desarrollo de software, con ciclo de vida ágil, en el contexto costarricense

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    Anayansie Fallas Badilla


    Full Text Available En Costa Rica, la adopción de metodologías ágiles para el desarrollo de software ha traído consigo nuevas interrogantes para los administradores de proyectos: ¿cómo planificar este tipo de proyectos?, ¿cómo darles control y seguimiento en su ejecución? ¿cuáles competencias son las deseables para quienes tengan que administrar este tipo de proyectos? Este artículo presenta un marco teórico al respecto, da un panorama general del desarrollo de software en Costa Rica y del profesional en tecnologías de la información con que cuenta el país, y a partir de lo anterior enumera una serie de consideraciones que puedan servir como guía para quien requiera administrar proyectos de desarrollo de software con este tipo de metodología en el contexto costarricense.

  17. Germinación en semilla de chile piquín (Capsicum annuum var. aviculare).


    Cano Vázquez, Anaid


    El chile piquín es una planta silvestre que presenta ciertos mecanismos para asegurar la perpetuación de la especie. Dentro de estos mecanismos se encuentra la latencia de sus semillas. La germinación de las semillas de chile piquín presenta problemas para siembras intensivas comerciales. En este trabajo se planteó: 1) comparar diversas colectas en cuanto a su capacidad germinativa; 2) indagar si la baja germinación se debe a impermeabilidad en la semilla o a alguna característica estructura...



    Pérez, Vicente


    Se presentan epónimos de gea, flora y fauna de Chile, erigidos en honor de Charles Darwin, naturalista a bordo del H.M.S. Beagle (1831-1836), para denominar accidentes geográficos de territorio chileno y nuevas especies de flora y fauna descritas de ejemplares recolectados en Chile por él. Eponyms of gea, flora and fauna, erected in honour of Charles Darwin, naturalist on board of the H.M.S. Beagle (1831-1836), for desígnate geographic accidents and new species of flora and fauna described...

  19. The Neutral Interest Rate: Estimates for Chile


    Rodrigo Fuentes S; Fabián Gredig U.


    To estimate the neutral real interest rate for Chile, we use a variety of methods that can be classified into three categories: those derived from economic theory, the neutral rate implicit in financial assets, and statistical procedures using macroeconomic data. We conclude that the neutral rate is not constant over time, but it is closely related with—though not equivalent to—the potential GDP growth rate. The application of the different methods yields fairly similar results. The neutral r...

  20. Monetary Policy in Chile: a black box?


    Angel Cabrera; Luis Felipe Lagos


    This paper studies monetary policy in Chile during the 1986-1997 period. We concentrate in understanding the monetary transmission mechanism by which the Central Bank instrument—the real interest rate—affects total expenditure, output and the inflation rate. The methodology used is structural VARS. We find a weak effect of the interest rate on all the variables. The interest rate has a significant effect on the expenditure-output gap. Both the interest rate and the expenditure-output gap have...

  1. Metropolizaciones Colombia-Chile: Experiencias de Bogotá, Medellín, Santiago y Concepción

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    Luz Ángela Silva Álvarez


    Full Text Available El libro Metropolizaciones Colombia-Chile: Experiencias de Bogotá, Medellín, Santiago y Concepción surge en el marco de la alianza entre dos grupos de investigación de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia: el Grupo de Estudios sobre la Problemática Urbano-Regional en Colombia (Geourbe del Departamento de Geografía, sede Bogotá; y el de Dinámicas Urbano-Regionales de la Facultad de Arquitectura, sede Medellín. Posteriormente, la Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile se sumó a la alianza con la organización del seminario Dinámicas Metropolitanas Colombia-Chile, diálogo entre Bogotá, Medellín, Santiago y Concepción, en noviembre de 2012 en la ciudad de Santiago. Los trabajos allí presentados fueron la base para la edición y materialización de esta interesante obra que contiene diecisiete textos, en los que se examina el proceso de metropolización en cuatro ciudades de Colombia y Chile desde diferentes perspectivas, donde el término ‘metropolizaciones’, en plural, sugiere la riqueza de aportes y enfoques tanto teóricos como metodológicos, expuestos para estudiar las metrópolis en cuanto a sus particularidades, formas y dinámicas resultantes.

  2. Evaluating satellite-derived long-term historical precipitation datasets for drought monitoring in Chile (United States)

    Zambrano, Francisco; Wardlow, Brian; Tadesse, Tsegaye; Lillo-Saavedra, Mario; Lagos, Octavio


    Precipitation is a key parameter for the study of climate change and variability and the detection and monitoring of natural disaster such as drought. Precipitation datasets that accurately capture the amount and spatial variability of rainfall is critical for drought monitoring and a wide range of other climate applications. This is challenging in many parts of the world, which often have a limited number of weather stations and/or historical data records. Satellite-derived precipitation products offer a viable alternative with several remotely sensed precipitation datasets now available with long historical data records (+30years), which include the Climate Hazards Group InfraRed Precipitation with Station (CHIRPS) and Precipitation Estimation from Remotely Sensed Information using Artificial Neural Networks-Climate Data Record (PERSIANN-CDR) datasets. This study presents a comparative analysis of three historical satellite-based precipitation datasets that include Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) Multi-satellite Precipitation Analysis (TMPA) 3B43 version 7 (1998-2015), PERSIANN-CDR (1983-2015) and CHIRPS 2.0 (1981-2015) over Chile to assess their performance across the country and for the case of the two long-term products the applicability for agricultural drought were evaluated when used in the calculation of commonly used drought indicator as the Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI). In this analysis, 278 weather stations of in situ rainfall measurements across Chile were initially compared to the satellite data. The study area (Chile) was divided into five latitudinal zones: North, North-Central, Central, South-Central and South to determine if there were a regional difference among these satellite products, and nine statistics were used to evaluate their performance to estimate the amount and spatial distribution of historical rainfall across Chile. Hierarchical cluster analysis, k-means and singular value decomposition were used to analyze

  3. A Tsunami Model for Chile for (Re) Insurance Purposes (United States)

    Arango, Cristina; Rara, Vaclav; Puncochar, Petr; Trendafiloski, Goran; Ewing, Chris; Podlaha, Adam; Vatvani, Deepak; van Ormondt, Maarten; Chandler, Adrian


    Catastrophe models help (re)insurers to understand the financial implications of catastrophic events such as earthquakes and tsunamis. In earthquake-prone regions such as Chile,(re)insurers need more sophisticated tools to quantify the risks facing their businesses, including models with the ability to estimate secondary losses. The 2010 (M8.8) Maule (Chile) earthquake highlighted the need for quantifying losses from secondary perils such as tsunamis, which can contribute to the overall event losses but are not often modelled. This paper presents some key modelling aspects of a new earthquake catastrophe model for Chile developed by Impact Forecasting in collaboration with Aon Benfield Research partners, focusing on the tsunami component. The model has the capability to model tsunami as a secondary peril - losses due to earthquake (ground-shaking) and induced tsunamis along the Chilean coast are quantified in a probabilistic manner, and also for historical scenarios. The model is implemented in the IF catastrophe modelling platform, ELEMENTS. The probabilistic modelling of earthquake-induced tsunamis uses a stochastic event set that is consistent with the seismic (ground shaking) hazard developed for Chile, representing simulations of earthquake occurrence patterns for the region. Criteria for selecting tsunamigenic events (from the stochastic event set) are proposed which take into consideration earthquake location, depth and the resulting seabed vertical displacement and tsunami inundation depths at the coast. The source modelling software RuptGen by Babeyko (2007) was used to calculate static seabed vertical displacement resulting from earthquake slip. More than 3,600 events were selected for tsunami simulations. Deep and shallow water wave propagation is modelled using the Delft3D modelling suite, which is a state-of-the-art software developed by Deltares. The Delft3D-FLOW module is used in 2-dimensional hydrodynamic simulation settings with non-steady flow

  4. Análisis de eficiencia hospitalaria en Chile

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    Planck Barahona-Urbina


    Full Text Available Introducción: La importancia del análisis envolvente de datos (AED radica en poder determinar cuáles de los hospitales regionales presentan un mejor desempeño relativo y cuáles podrían mejorar el uso de los recursos. Objetivos: Analizar, haciendo uso de la técnica no paramétrica de análisis envolvente de datos, la eficiencia técnica hospitalaria en Chile. Diseño: Análisis de tipo no paramétrico. Lugar: Hospitales públicos regionales de Chile. Intervenciones: Aplicación del AED para la evaluación de la eficiencia de los establecimientos de la salud. Materiales: Se utilizó datos para el período comprendido entre 1997 y 2006 de las doce regiones del país más la región Metropolitana (RM, de 190 hospitales públicos de distintos grados de especialización. Se identificó datos de actividad hospitalaria y personal facultativo, esto es, como inputs a médicos, enfermeras, matronas, camas disponibles, y como variable output el egreso hospitalario. Principales medidas de resultados: Eficiencia hospitalaria. Resultados: En el año 1997, las regiones IV, VII, VIII, y IX fueron calificadas como técnicamente eficientes, lo que ha significado que han hecho un adecuado uso de sus recursos. Conclusiones: En diez años de estudio, 1997 a 2006, únicamente en el año 1997 cuatro regiones de Chile fueron eficientes. Los hospitales regionales deberían reducir sus inputs en promedio un 10% para situarse sobre la frontera eficiente. El análisis DEA es una buena herramienta para llevar a cabo mediciones de eficiencia y evaluar resultados de gestión, pues permite conocer aquellas unidades que realizan la mejor asignación de sus recursos en comparación al resto de la muestra.

  5. The Republic of Chile: An Upper Middle-Income Country at the Crossroads of Economic Development and Aging (United States)

    Gitlin, Laura N.; Fuentes, Patricio


    Chile is a developing country with a rapidly expanding economy and concomitant social and cultural changes. It is expected to become a developed country within 10 years. Chile is also characterized as being in an advanced demographic transition. Unique challenges are posed by the intersection of rapid economic development and an aging population, making Chile an intriguing case study for examining the impact of these societal-level trends on the aging experience. This paper highlights essential characteristics of this country for understanding its emerging aging society. It reveals that there is a fundamental lack of adequate and depthful epidemiologic and country-specific research from which to fully understand the aging experience and guide new policies in support of health and well-being. PMID:22534464

  6. Physical dating violence victimization in college women in Chile. (United States)

    Lehrer, Jocelyn A; Lehrer, Evelyn L; Zhao, Zhenxiang


    There are no published studies on physical dating violence in college students in Chile, and campuses across the country currently lack systematized programs to prevent or respond to this public health problem. This is the first study to examine prevalence and predictors of physical dating violence victimization with a sample of female college students in Chile. A closed-ended questionnaire was administered to students enrolled in general education courses at a major public university. The prevalence of women's physical dating violence victimization was calculated, and generalized ordered logit models were used to estimate risk factors for such victimization (n = 441). Ancillary analyses examined associations of dating violence victimization with experiences of unwanted sexual contact and forced condom nonuse. Approximately 21% of subjects reported one or more incidents of physical dating violence not involving physical injury since age 14, and another 5% reported at least one incident resulting in physical injury during this time period. Risk factors identified in five sequential models were sexual abuse and witnessing of domestic violence in childhood, low parental education, residence away from the parental home, urban residence, and having had sexual intercourse. Maternal employment and religious participation had protective effects. Dating violence victimization was found to be significantly associated with experiences of unwanted sexual contact and forced condom nonuse. The study findings show a high prevalence of physical dating violence, strong associations between several sociodemographic factors and dating violence, and links between dating violence and sexual/reproductive risk. Our results indicate a need to expand attention to this public health problem in Chile as well as other developing countries, where research and prevention/response initiatives have generally been similarly limited. The findings also have important implications for the content of

  7. On the generation of coastal lows in central Chile

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rutllant, J.


    Previous studies of the coastal-low occurrences in central Chile have been aimed at the formulation of a conceptual model to explain observed features in connection with applied studies. The most prominent weather pattern associated with CL occurrences, (type A), coincides with the onset of a warm, middle-troposphere ridge over central Chile, and a surface high over northern Argentina. The synoptic forcing of the low is related to weak frontal disturbances that travel equatorwards. They result in a thickening of the marine layer that becomes blocked by the coastal escarpment, at the time of the onset of the ridge aloft. The blocking of the stable air above the subsidence inversion by the Andes is also hypothesized. The analysis of the subsidence inversion, the geometry of the coastal and Andes mountain ranges, and a scale analysis of the non-dimensional governing equations for the generation of the coastal lows, following the approach of Reason and Steyn (1990); leads to the conclusion that both blocking actions are strong and persistent in central Chile. An interactive mechanism between the upper and lower blocking effects is postulated to explain the cyclonic vorticity and the initial steering of the coastal lows. The scale analysis of the governing equations for the propagation stage of the low suggests that, departing for the South African case, non-linearity is important here, and that solitary Kelvin waves could be expected. Theoretical phase propagation speeds and Rossby radii are found to range between 8 and 15 m s-1 and 100-250 km, respectively. The importance of strong southerly winds ahead of the low and weak winds at its trailing edge is also stressed, as another major departure from the coastal-low behaviour elsewhere. (author). 17 refs, 4 figs, 4 tabs

  8. All projects related to chile | Page 3 | IDRC - International ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Project. While countries in Latin America have a relatively plentiful supply of water on a per-capita basis and high coverage of water supply services, there is ample evidence that water scarcity is affecting the daily lives of millions. ... Impact of Prices and Taxes on Tobacco Product Use in Argentina,Bolivia,and Chile. Project.

  9. Surveillance System for Infectious Diseases of Pets, Santiago, Chile (United States)

    López, Javier; Abarca, Katia; Valenzuela, Berta; Lorca, Lilia; Olea, Andrea; Aguilera, Ximena


    Pet diseases may pose risks to human health but are rarely included in surveillance systems. A pilot surveillance system of pet infectious diseases in Santiago, Chile, found that 4 canine and 3 feline diseases accounted for 90.1% and 98.4% of notifications, respectively. Data also suggested association between poverty and pet diseases. PMID:19861073

  10. New records of water mites (Acari: Hydrachnidia, Halacaroidea) from Patagonia (Chile)

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Pešić, V.; Smit, H.; Datry, T.


    New records of water mite species (Acari: Hydrachnidia, Halacaroidea) from Patagonia (Southern Chile) are reported. Four species, Anisitsiellides australis Smit, 2002, Peregrinacarus falklandensis Bartsch, 2001, Lobohalacarus weberi (Romijn & Viets, 1924) and Soldanellonyx monardi Walter, 1919 are

  11. Ecology and Geography of Transmission of Two Bat-Borne Rabies Lineages in Chile (United States)

    Escobar, Luis E.; Peterson, A. Townsend; Favi, Myriam; Yung, Verónica; Pons, Daniel J.; Medina-Vogel, Gonzalo


    Rabies was known to humans as a disease thousands of years ago. In America, insectivorous bats are natural reservoirs of rabies virus. The bat species Tadarida brasiliensis and Lasiurus cinereus, with their respective, host-specific rabies virus variants AgV4 and AgV6, are the principal rabies reservoirs in Chile. However, little is known about the roles of bat species in the ecology and geographic distribution of the virus. This contribution aims to address a series of questions regarding the ecology of rabies transmission in Chile. Analyzing records from 1985–2011 at the Instituto de Salud Pública de Chile (ISP) and using ecological niche modeling, we address these questions to help in understanding rabies-bat ecological dynamics in South America. We found ecological niche identity between both hosts and both viral variants, indicating that niches of all actors in the system are undifferentiated, although the viruses do not necessarily occupy the full geographic distributions of their hosts. Bat species and rabies viruses share similar niches, and our models had significant predictive power even across unsampled regions; results thus suggest that outbreaks may occur under consistent, stable, and predictable circumstances. PMID:24349592

  12. Ecology and geography of transmission of two bat-borne rabies lineages in Chile. (United States)

    Escobar, Luis E; Peterson, A Townsend; Favi, Myriam; Yung, Verónica; Pons, Daniel J; Medina-Vogel, Gonzalo


    Rabies was known to humans as a disease thousands of years ago. In America, insectivorous bats are natural reservoirs of rabies virus. The bat species Tadarida brasiliensis and Lasiurus cinereus, with their respective, host-specific rabies virus variants AgV4 and AgV6, are the principal rabies reservoirs in Chile. However, little is known about the roles of bat species in the ecology and geographic distribution of the virus. This contribution aims to address a series of questions regarding the ecology of rabies transmission in Chile. Analyzing records from 1985-2011 at the Instituto de Salud Pública de Chile (ISP) and using ecological niche modeling, we address these questions to help in understanding rabies-bat ecological dynamics in South America. We found ecological niche identity between both hosts and both viral variants, indicating that niches of all actors in the system are undifferentiated, although the viruses do not necessarily occupy the full geographic distributions of their hosts. Bat species and rabies viruses share similar niches, and our models had significant predictive power even across unsampled regions; results thus suggest that outbreaks may occur under consistent, stable, and predictable circumstances.

  13. Government Programs for the Insertion of Youth and Women in Chile's Labor Market: A Discussion


    Castro-Fernandez, Rodriguo; Clert, Carine; Wodon, Quentin


    In Chile, labor-based inclusion policies and training programs have been targeted at social groups seen as especially vulnerable. Using results from the 1990 CASEN household survey, the democratic governments identified youths and women heads of households as target groups in need of training. This led to the creation of two training programs: one for women (Capacitacion para Mujeres Jefes de Hogar), and one for youths (Chile J6ven). Do young workers and women need these special training prog...

  14. Pólipos y adenomas de la vesícula biliar: consideraciones clínico-patológicas


    Roa E,Iván; Aretxabala U,Xabier de; Morgan F,René; Molina U,Ricardo; Araya O,Juan C; Roa S,Juan; Ibacahe S,Gilda


    Background: Chile has a high frequency of gallbladder cancer. Polyps are common lesions of gallbladder mucosa but there is little information about their morphological features. Aim: To report the clinical and pathological features of 219 gallbladder polyps. Material and methods: Cholecystectomies samples in which a polypoid lesion was diagnosed microscopically. In all cases, complete clinical information and digitalized images of the complete surgical specimens was reviewed. Results: In a pe...

  15. Configuración de la homosexualidad medicalizada en Chile

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    Juan Rolando Cornejo

    Full Text Available Este artículo realiza un análisis histórico de la producción intelectual chilena en torno a la homosexualidad y constata una permanencia del paradigma medicalizador, verificable hasta la actualidad. Tal paradigma, su conceptualización y representación, además de influenciar imaginarios sociales, dan lugar a la homofobia y a las dificultades para introducir reformas pro derechos de la comunidad LGBT. Sus antecedentes inmediatos se encuentran en el higienismo y en intentos modernizadores acaecidos en Chile durante las primeras décadas del siglo XX. Dicho paradigma habría transitado en Chile por cuatro momentos: un período de instalación; otro de predominio de la interpretación psicoanalítica; un tercero de hegemonía del método fenomenológico; y finalmente un período de apologética medicalizadora, años, coincidente con la vuelta a la democracia, la irrupción de los movimientos LGBT organizados y las reivindicaciones de derechos para las personas LGBT.

  16. Genetic diversity of bovine viral diarrhoea virus (BVDV from Peru and Chile Diversidade genética de vírus da diarréia viral bovina (BVDV do Peru e Chile

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    Karl Ståhl


    Full Text Available Twenty-five BVDV strains, detected in serum from persistently infected cattle from Peru (n=15 and Chile (n=10 were genetically characterized. The phylogenetic analysis based on the 5' UTR showed that all 25 strains belonged to genotype 1. Twenty-three of the strains could further be subdivided into subtype 1b, and two out of ten Chilean strains into subtype 1a. In conclusion, in total 23 out of 25 strains analyzed were of genotype 1, subtype 1b. This is the predominant BVDV subtype in many countries all over the world, including USA. The close homology with previously described strains reflects the influence of livestock trade on the diversity of BVDV circulating within and between countries and continents. Peru and Chile have imported large numbers of cattle from USA and Europe, mostly with insufficient or lacking health documentation.Um total de 25 isolados do vírus da diarréia viral bovina (BVDV, sendo 15 originarias do Peru e 10 do Chile foram sujeitas a caracterização genética. A árvore filogenética baseada na análise da região proximal não-codificante (5'UTR do genoma viral demonstrou que as 25 estirpes pertencem ao genótipo 1 do vírus BVD. Vinte e três destas estirpes puderam adicionalmente ser subdivididas no subtipo 1b, enquanto duas das 10 estirpes isolados provenientes do Chile foram identificadas como pertencentes ao subtipo 1a. Em conclusão, 23 de um total de 25 isolados analisados pertencem ao genótipo 1, subtipo 1b. Este é o subtipo de BVDV predominante em muitos países do mundo, incluindo os EUA. A elevada similaridade genética com isolados descritos anteriormente em outras regiões do mundo realça o papel do comércio internacional de gado no estabelecimento de diversidade genética do vírus BVD. Tanto o Peru como o Chile têm historia de importação de grandes quantidades de gado dos Estados Unidos e da Europa, no entanto sem suficiente documentação comprovativa do estado sanitário no que concerne a esta

  17. A new terrestrial snail species (Gastropoda: Bulimulidae from the Región de Antofagasta, northern Chile

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Juan Francisco Araya


    Full Text Available A new species of Scutalus Albers, 1850 (Gastropoda: Bulimulidae, Scutalus chango sp. n., is described from a coastal area of northern Chile. Empty shells of this new species were found buried in sand and under boulders and rocks in the foothills of the Chilean Coastal Range at Paposo, Región de Antofagasta. This new species is distinguished from all other Chilean terrestrial snails by its slender shell with a flared and reflected aperture, and by the presence of a columellar fold. This is the first record of Scutalus in Chile, and the southernmost record for this endemic South American bulimulid genus. The presence of this species in Paposo highlights the need for further research and for conservation guidelines in coastal areas of northern Chile, which have comparatively high levels of biodiversity and endemism.

  18. Variability of 14C reservoir age and air-sea flux of CO2 in the Peru-Chile upwelling region during the past 12,000 years (United States)

    Carré, Matthieu; Jackson, Donald; Maldonado, Antonio; Chase, Brian M.; Sachs, Julian P.


    The variability of radiocarbon marine reservoir age through time and space limits the accuracy of chronologies in marine paleo-environmental archives. We report here new radiocarbon reservoir ages (ΔR) from the central coast of Chile ( 32°S) for the Holocene period and compare these values to existing reservoir age reconstructions from southern Peru and northern Chile. Late Holocene ΔR values show little variability from central Chile to Peru. Prior to 6000 cal yr BP, however, ΔR values were markedly increased in southern Peru and northern Chile, while similar or slightly lower-than-modern ΔR values were observed in central Chile. This extended dataset suggests that the early Holocene was characterized by a substantial increase in the latitudinal gradient of marine reservoir age between central and northern Chile. This change in the marine reservoir ages indicates that the early Holocene air-sea flux of CO2 could have been up to five times more intense than in the late Holocene in the Peruvian upwelling, while slightly reduced in central Chile. Our results show that oceanic circulation changes in the Humboldt system during the Holocene have substantially modified the air-sea carbon flux in this region.


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    Full Text Available La historia de Chile está cruzada por el conflicto entre la cultura moderna europea y las culturas indígenas. El tiempo lineal impuesto por el Estado nacional ha dejado al descubierto su irresponsabilidad con el tiempo indígena de los Andes. Esta temporalidad expresa una profunda y sustentable «ontología arcaica». Tras el fin de la Guerra Fría, y la postdictadura de Pinochet, esta propuesta se vuelve acuciante con las demandas políticas y los desafíos epistémicos indígenas del siglo XXI. En el «círculo de la vida» estos pueblos reclaman presencia, pasado y futuro: su historia. Este trabajo es resultado del proyecto de investigación de la Universidad de Santiago de Chile sobre la historia y la cultura de los pueblos indígenas en Chile en los siglos XX y XXI (Fondecyt 1121083, 2012-2014.

  20. La biblioteca virtual especializada de los derivados de la caña de azúcar: consideraciones, experiencias y perspectivas

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    Hernández Curbelo, Maby


    Full Text Available In this paper, the results of a project for the design and implementation of a specialized virtual library for sugar cane by-products are presented, including initial considerations, an architecture for working in a web environment, and the basic characteristics of software for managing a digital collection. This library supports research into sugar cane by-products and also represents an initial step toward the creation of a specialized virtual centre of information and knowledge for the sugar industry.

    En este trabajo se describen los resultados del proyecto de diseño e implementación de la biblioteca virtual especializada sobre los derivados de la caña de azúcar. Se abordan consideraciones, arquitectura de trabajo en ambiente de Internet y características básicas del software para la administración de su colección digital. Esta biblioteca es soporte para la investigación sobre los derivados de la caña de azúcar y constituye el paso inicial hacia la creación de un centro virtual especializado de información y conocimiento para el sector azucarero.

  1. Mario Matus González (2012), Crecimiento sin desarrollo. Precios y salarios reales durante el Ciclo Salitrero en Chile, 1880-1930, Editorial Universitaria, Santiago de Chile, 342 pp [Ressenya de llibre


    Yáñez, César


    El libro de Mario Matus González, Crecimiento sin desarrollo. Precios y salarios reales durante el Ciclo Salitrero en Chile, 1880-1930, marcará un hito en la historiografía chilena. Un antes y un después que tiene al menos dos pilares. Por una parte, se trata de un sólido análisis de la economía chilena en la época de la « primera globalización », que en el caso de Chile se caracterizó por un largo período de crecimiento apoyado en las exportaciones de salitre que se extraían de las provincia...

  2. Integrated geophysical characteristics of the 2015 Illapel, Chile, earthquake

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Herman, Matthew W.; Nealy, Jennifer L.; Yeck, William L.; Barnhart, William D.; Hayes, Gavin P.; Furlong, Kevin P.; Benz, Harley M.


    On 16 September 2015, a Mw 8.3 earthquake ruptured the subduction zone offshore of Illapel, Chile, generating an aftershock sequence with 14 Mw 6.0–7.0 events. A double source W phase moment tensor inversion consists of a Mw 7.2 subevent and the main Mw 8.2 phase. We determine two slip models for

  3. Abastecimiento de sangre durante desastres: la experiencia de Chile en 2010 Blood supply during disasters: the experience of Chile in 2010

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    Marcela Vásquez


    Full Text Available Se realizó una revisión de la gestión del abastecimiento y suministro de sangre durante desastres a partir de las experiencias de diversos eventos ocurridos principalmente en la primera década de este siglo, y en particular el terremoto grado 8,8 en la escala de Richter que afectó la zona centro sur de Chile el 27 de febrero de 2010. El objetivo fue proporcionar información que pueda ser útil para mejorar las estrategias y planes de respuesta durante potenciales desastres futuros. La información descriptiva sobre los procedimientos de respuesta se obtuvo mediante entre-vistas, reportes internos y la base de datos del sistema informático del Centro Productivo Regional de Sangre del Maule. Los resultados permiten concluir que para responder de manera eficiente y efectiva a las necesidades de sangre inmediatamente después de un desastre es de importancia clave tener un sistema centralizado de gestión que facilite el abastecimiento y el suministro de sangre y con-tar con personal voluntario competente en salud que esté dispuesto a acudir con celeridad durante estos eventos. Asimismo, se ha observado que durante dichas emergencias se produce un cambio en el perfil de quienes donan sangre. En Chile, por ejemplo, durante las dos semanas siguientes al terremoto la razón hombre/mujer en los donantes se invirtió, con 61,1% de participación por parte de las mujeres, quienes en la semana previa al evento representaban a solo 37%.A review of the management of blood supply and its administration during disasters was conducted based on the experience of several events that occurred primarily from 2000-2010, particularly the earthquake that measured 8.8 on the Richter scale that struck central and southern Chile on 27 February 2010. The objective was to provide information that could be useful in improving response plans and strategies during potential future disasters. The descriptive information on response procedures was obtained from

  4. Chile's pipelines - who's out in the cold?

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bellhouse, G.


    There is a battle on in Northern Chile to supply the region with gas and electricity. Two pipelines and a transmission line are being built, but there is insufficient demand to merit the construction of all of these projects. It is widely believed that the first pipeline to be finished will be the overall winner, but the situation is not that simple. A more sensible conclusion could be the merger of the two pipeline projects, rationalising supply of gas to the region. (Author)

  5. Isotopic composition and origin of the precipitation in Northern Chile

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Aravena, R.; Pena, H.; Grilli, A.; Pollastri, A.; Fuenzalida, H.


    Full text: A three years isotope data on precipitation collected in northern Chile show a very distinct pattern, with depleted δ 18 and -150/00 observed at high altitude stations, compared to δ 18 0 values ranging between - 10 and -6/00 measured at the lower altitude areas. The depleted δ 0 values observed in the high altitude area, the Altiplano, are related to different processes that affect the air masses as moved from the Atlantic, crossed the Amazon Basin (continental effect), ascend the Andes (altitude effect) and precipitated (convective effect) in the Altiplano. It is postulated that a second source of moisture, associated to air masses from the Pacific, explained the enriched isotopic values observed in the lower altitude areas. Similar isotopic pattern, documented in springs and groundwater, indicates that the rain data presented in this paper is an accurate representation of the long term behavior of the isotopic composition of the rain in northern Chile

  6. Economic impact of pneumococcal conjugate vaccination in Brazil, Chile, and Uruguay. (United States)

    Constenla, Dagna O


    To evaluate the economic impact of vaccination with the pneumococcal 7-valent conjugate vaccine (PCV7) in Brazil, Chile, and Uruguay. A decision analytic model was constructed to compare pneumococcal vaccination of children 0-5 years old with no vaccination in Brazil, Chile, and Uruguay. Costs and health outcomes were analyzed from the societal perspective. Vaccine, demographic, epidemiologic, and cost data were incorporated into this economic analysis. At the rate of diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis (DTP) vaccine coverage and a vaccine price of US$ 53 per dose, PCV7 was projected to prevent 23 474 deaths per year in children under 5 years old in the three countries studied, thus averting 884,841 disability-adjusted life years (DALYs) yearly. To vaccinate the entire birth cohort of the three countries, total vaccine costs would be US$ 613.9 million. At US$ 53 per dose, the cost per DALY averted from a societal perspective would range from US$ 664 (Brazil) to US$ 2019 (Chile). At a cost of US$ 10 per dose, vaccine cost is lower than the overall cost of illness averted (US$ 125,050,497 versus US$ 153,965,333), making it cost effective and cost-saving. The results of this study demonstrate that the incorporation of PCV7 vaccine at US$ 53 per dose confers health benefits at extra costs. It is unclear whether vaccinatfon at the current price is affordable to these countries.

  7. On the magnetic anomaly at Easter Island during the 2010 Chile tsunami

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    Benlong Wang


    Full Text Available A magnetic anomaly was recorded at Easter Island on 27 February 2010 during the Chile tsunami event. The physics of the magnetic anomaly is analyzed using kinematic dynamo theory. Using a single wave model, the space and time behavior of the magnetic field is given. By joint analysis of the magnetic observations, tide gauge data and numerical results of the global tsunami propagation, we show the close resemblance between the predicted spatial and temporal magnetic distributions and the field data, indicating the magnetic anomaly at Easter Island was actually induced by the motion of seawater under tsunami waves. Similarity between the field magnetic data at Easter Island during 2010 Chile tsunami and sea surface level is verified with realistic tsunami propagating model.

  8. A sesenta años de la antropología en Chile

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    Milka Castro Lucic


    Full Text Available En este trabajo se presenta la historia de la antropología en Chile desde los precursores que llegan a Chile desde Europa en el siglo XIX. Se caracterizan cuatro etapas de su desarrollo: la iniciación destacando los aportes de los precursores, su institucionalización como una disciplina de formación académica universitaria, el impacto del golpe y dictadura militar en las universidades y sus efectos en la consolidación académica, orientaciones teóricas, y campo profesional. Las fuentes de este escrito provienen de revisión bibliográfica sobre la historia de la antropología y entrevistas a colegas de diferentes universidades del país

  9. Exponential growth of dental schools in Chile: effects on academic, economic and workforce issues. (United States)

    Cartes-Velásquez, Ricardo Andrés


    In the last 30 years, Chile has undergone noteworthy economic development and an exponential growth in the access of its population to higher education. The aim of this paper was to review the changes in academic, economic and workforce issues that occurred as a consequence of the growth in supply of undergraduate dental vacancies between 1997 and 2011. Data collected from the Consejo de Educación Superior - CES, Comisión Nacional de Acreditación - CNA, and Instituto Nacional de Estadísticas de Chile - INE included these variables: number of dental schools, school type (private or traditional, see explanation below), city where the school is located, entry vacancies, total student enrollment, admission scores, percentile rank of dentistry as a university career, tuition fees, accreditation status, and number of inhabitants. There was an exponential increase in dental schools in Chile (5 to 34) that occurred in association with the rise in tuition fees (US$ 3900 to US$ 9800), a deterioration in the academic level of dental students (650 to 550 points in admission scores) and a predicted 77.5% oversupply of dentists by 2025, according to WHO criteria. The exponential increase in dental schools in Chile brought about negative consequences, such as increasing career costs, deterioration in the academic level of dental students, and an oversupply of dentists, associated with lower incomes and possibly leading to unemployment. Additional research should be conducted to determine whether an increase in the number of dentists can improve the population's access to dental care and reduce the oral disease burden.

  10. Exponential growth of dental schools in Chile: effects on academic, economic and workforce issues

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    Ricardo Andres Cartes-Velasquez


    Full Text Available In the last 30 years, Chile has undergone noteworthy economic development and an exponential growth in the access of its population to higher education. The aim of this paper was to review the changes in academic, economic and workforce issues that occurred as a consequence of the growth in supply of undergraduate dental vacancies between 1997 and 2011. Data collected from the Consejo de Educación Superior - CES, Comisión Nacional de Acreditación - CNA, and Instituto Nacional de Estadísticas de Chile - INE included these variables: number of dental schools, school type (private or traditional, see explanation below, city where the school is located, entry vacancies, total student enrollment, admission scores, percentile rank of dentistry as a university career, tuition fees, accreditation status, and number of inhabitants. There was an exponential increase in dental schools in Chile (5 to 34 that occurred in association with the rise in tuition fees (US$ 3900 to US$ 9800, a deterioration in the academic level of dental students (650 to 550 points in admission scores and a predicted 77.5% oversupply of dentists by 2025, according to WHO criteria. The exponential increase in dental schools in Chile brought about negative consequences, such as increasing career costs, deterioration in the academic level of dental students, and an oversupply of dentists, associated with lower incomes and possibly leading to unemployment. Additional research should be conducted to determine whether an increase in the number of dentists can improve the population's access to dental care and reduce the oral disease burden.

  11. A bi-national appellation of origin: Pisco in Chile and Peru

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    Pablo Lacoste


    Full Text Available Pisco is a brandy made from selected grapes, restricted as Appellation of Origin (AO in 1931 in Chile by executive order number 181 of May 15, and also legally protected by Peru in 1991 by executive resolution of December 12 and executive order 001-91-ICTI/IND of January 16. This AO has given rise to a commercial controversy between producers of both countries, who claim it as their own. This article proposes a new thesis: The AO of pisco is actually bi-national, belonging to Chile as well as to Peru. The reason is that the producers of the two countries contributed to the origin and consolidation of this product. Pisco would not exist without the participation of both of them. Therefore, the two countries have co-ownership rights since they are co-founders.

  12. CHILES, Singularity Strength of Linear Elastic Bodies by Finite Elements Method

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Benzley, S.E.; Beisinger, Z.E.


    1 - Description of problem or function: CHILES is a finite element computer program that calculates the strength of singularities in linear elastic bodies. Plane stress, plane strain, and axisymmetric conditions are treated. Crack tip singularity problems are solved by this version of the code, but any type of integrable singularity may be properly modeled by modifying selected subroutines in the program. 2 - Method of solution: A generalized, quadrilateral finite element that includes a singular point at a corner node is incorporated in the code. The displacement formulation is used and inter-element compatibility is maintained so that monotone convergence is preserved. 3 - Restrictions on the complexity of the problem: CHILES allows three singular points to be modeled in the body being analyzed and each singular point may have coupled Mode I and II deformations. 1000 nodal points may be used

  13. Asociaciones políticas de inmigrantes peruanos y la "Lima Chica" en Santiago de Chile


    Luque Brazán, José Carlos


    El presente trabajo describe y examina la emergencia y desarrollo de tres asociaciones políticas de inmigrantes peruanos y su relación con el surgimiento de un "vecindario cultural", conocido por sus habitantes, la prensa chilena y algunos investigadores como la "Lima Chica", en Santiago de Chile. Nos referimos al Comité de Refugiados Peruanos en Chile, a la Asociación de Inmigrantes por la Integración Latinoamericana y del Caribe (APILA) y al Programa Andino para la Dignidad Humana (Proandes...

  14. Co-evolution of land use changes, water quality deterioration and social conflicts in arid Northern Chile (United States)

    Zang, Carina; Dame, Juliane


    Water scarcity concerns not only the limited availability of water but also water of inadequate quality in terms of its designated purposes. Arid regions, such as found in Northern Chile, are especially vulnerable to water contamination, owing to missing dilution. Additionally, the national government of Chile's goal to make the country a globally important food exporter has led to the widespread expansion of agricultural surfaces over the last 20 years, thereby increasing pressure on limited water resources and water quality. Mining, being one of the most important economic sectors in Chile, threatens both surface and groundwater quality. This scenario increases the potential for water use conflicts, which is further compounded by the demand for potable water provided by rivers and groundwater. In order to better understand the role of both physical and human dimensions of water quality, this research uses a socio-hydrological conceptual framework. This approach is used in order to broaden the scope of hydrology to include the anthropogenic impact on the environment. It therefore focuses on human and natural interactions and two-sided feedback loops, instead of purely hydrological cycles. Using the case study of the Rio Huasco watershed changes in water quality, which originate at the nexus of physical parameters, social conflicts and changing land use regimes in Northern Chile, are discussed. This region was chosen as an exemplary case for the development of Chile's arid regions: the valley is located at the southern edge of the Atacama Desert, where water scarcity is a major problem. At present, the watershed is predominantly used for agriculture. Many small farmers still practise strip cultivation, but are pressured to shift towards an international export-orientated future with monocultures. International companies are planning to mine the Pascua Lama Mine, one of the world's biggest gold reserves located in the headwaters of the Rio Huasco. Meanwhile, the

  15. Una Nota sobre la Construcción de Series de Precios de Activos Reales: Tierra y Casas en Chile Una Nota sobre la Construcción de Series de Precios de Activos Reales: Tierra y Casas en Chile


    Raimundo Soto; Felipe Morandé


    Una Nota sobre la Construcción de Series de Precios de Activos Reales: Tierra y Casas en Chile This note presents previously unpublished data on prices of agricultural land in Chile's central region and houses (both rental and purchasing prices) in Santiago, with the corresponding methodology. As such, it is a follow-up to an Appendix in Morande (1992).





    La investigación que presento a continuación es el recorrido de dos años de trabajo en la Maestría de Estudios Políticos y Sociales de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. El recorrido tiene su origen en Santiago de Chile, en el año 2008, con el anuncio por parte del gobierno de Chile de la acogida y reasentamiento de un grupo de refugiados palestinos que se encontraban en un campamento de refugiados en la frontera entre Iraq y Siria, como parte del Programa de Reas...





    La investigación que presento a continuación es el recorrido de dos años de trabajo en la Maestría de Estudios Políticos y Sociales de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. El recorrido tiene su origen en Santiago de Chile, en el año 2008, con el anuncio por parte del gobierno de Chile de la acogida y reasentamiento de un grupo de refugiados palestinos que se encontraban en un campamento de refugiados en la frontera entre Iraq y Siria, como parte del Programa de Reasentam...

  18. Sowing Consumers in the Garden of Mass Retailing in Chile

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ossandón, José


    It is known that some key elements of modern consumer credit were originally developed in department stores. However, almost no attention has been given to new developments in this area. This paper studies the case of retail credit in Chile. Special attention is given to a particular technique kn...

  19. Iodine-129, Iodine-127 and Caesium-137 in the environment: soils from Germany and Chile

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Daraoui, A.; Michel, R.; Gorny, M.; Jakob, D.; Sachse, R.; Synal, H.-A.; Alfimov, V.


    Soil profiles from Bavaria in southern Germany and from Chile were analysed for 129 I by accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS), for 127 I by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS), and for 137 Cs by gamma-spectrometry. The mean deposition density of 137 Cs in soils from Bavaria was (41 × 1.5 ±1 ) kBq m −2 (geometric mean and geometric standard deviation), originating mostly from the Chernobyl fall-out. The deposition density of 129 I in these soils was (109 × 1.5 ±1 ) mBq m −2 . The dominant sources of 129 I in Bavaria are, however, the reprocessing plants La Hague and Sellafield and not the Chernobyl fall-out. The 129 I/ 127 I isotopic ratios of the Bavarian soils were between 10 −7 and 10 −10 , i.e. 10 2 –10 5 times higher than the ratios observed for the samples from Chile. The 129 I integral deposition densities in Chile, Easter Island and Antarctica were between 0.3 mBq m −2 and 2 mBq m −2 . In these soils, the observed 129 I/ 127 I ratios were about 10 −12 . The soils from Chile allow the determination of the 129 I fall-out from the atmospheric nuclear weapons explosions undisturbed from contaminations due to releases from reprocessing plants. An upper limit of the integral 129 I deposition density of the atmospheric nuclear weapons explosions on the Southern Hemisphere (27°S) is about 1 mBq m −2 . Finally, the dependence of the migration behaviour of 137 Cs, 127 I and of 129 I on the soil properties is discussed. It turns out that there is a distinctly different behaviour of 127 I, 129 I, and 137 Cs in the soils exhibiting different sorption mechanisms for old and recent iodine as well as for 137 Cs. - Highlights: ► I-129 from European reprocessing plants drastically changed its natural abundances. ► We report here inventories of the Cs-137 and I-129 in Bavaria and Chile. ► The dominant sources of I-129 in Bavaria are the European reprocessing plants. ► The dominant sources of I-129 in Chile are the atmospheric

  20. Factores que inciden en el financiamiento de los estudios Universitarios en Chile Factors that impact on funding for higher education in Chile

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    Rodolfo Schmal


    Full Text Available El artículo da cuenta de los principales factores que inciden en el financiamiento de los estudios universitarios en Chile, exponiéndose los fundamentos y relaciones de un modelo para estimar el volumen de los recursos comprometidos y sus opciones de provisión. En las últimas dos década el mercado universitario ha duplicando su masa de estudiantes fenómeno que continuará por esta senda, implicando serias presiones sobre el financiamiento público, en un sistema que ya tiene una elevada participación financiera privada. El modelo que se propone apunta a proveer un enfoque sistémico para abordar la problemática planteada.The article covers the main factors that impact on funding higher education in Chile, presenting the fundaments and relations of a model to estimate the volume of resources committed and options for provision. In the last two decades the university market has doubled its total of students - a phenomenon that should continue, entailing serious pressures on public funding. The model proposed here points to a systems approach to the problem.

  1. 75 FR 8111 - Preserved Mushrooms From Chile, China, India, and Indonesia (United States)


    ... INTERNATIONAL TRADE COMMISSION [Investigation Nos. 731-TA-776-779 (Second Review)] Preserved Mushrooms From Chile, China, India, and Indonesia AGENCY: United States International Trade Commission. ACTION: Revised schedule for the subject reviews. DATES: Effective Date: February 17, 2010. FOR FURTHER...


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    Pablo Lacoste


    Full Text Available El presente artículo examina las instalaciones y el equipamiento de los establecimientos vitivinícolas del Reino de Chile en el siglo XVIII. El tema es relevante porque en ese momento, Chile era el principal polo vitivinícola de América y ejercía un liderazgo en la región. Se estudian las distintas formas de lagares, tanto los de cuero como los de adobe, cal y ladrillo; también se indaga en la evolución de la vasija vinaria, de la greda la madera. Los hornos botijeros ocuparon un lugar importante por su aporte a la fabricación de tinajas y botijas. Estos recipientes fueron como un icono característico de la viticultura del sur de América (en México la vasija no era de greda sino de madera, aún al comienzo de la industria vitivinícola. Posteriormente, a partir de la mitad de la centuria, comenzó la incorporación de vasija de madera (pipas y barriles en Chile. Durante cincuenta años éstas convivieron con los recipientes de greda, hasta comenzar a sustituirlos progresivamente en el siglo XIX. Este equipamiento hizo posible el desarrollo de una de las principales industrias que hubo en América española durante la época colonial y que, actualmente, sigue siendo la principal industria de Chile.

  3. The evolution of seabirds in the Humboldt Current: new clues from the Pliocene of Central Chile.

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    Martín Chávez Hoffmeister

    Full Text Available During the last decade, new Neogene fossil assemblages from South America have revealed important clues about the evolution of seabird faunas in one of the major upwelling systems of the world: the Humboldt Current. However, most of this record comes from arid Northern Chile and Southern Peru and, in consequence, our knowledge of the evolutionary history of seabirds in the temperate transitional zone is negligible. A new Late Pliocene assemblage of fossil birds from the coastal locality of Horcon in Central Chile offers a unique opportunity to fill this gap.Isolated bones of a medium-sized penguin are the most abundant bird remains. Morphological and cladistic analyses reveal that these specimens represent a new species of crested penguin, Eudyptes calauina sp. nov. Eudyptes is a penguin genus that inhabit temperate and subantarctic regions and currently absent in central Chile. Additionally, a partial skeleton of a small species of cormorant and a partial tarsometatarsus of a sooty shearwater have been identified.The Horcon fossils suggest the existence of a mixed avifauna in central Chile during the Pliocene in concordance with the latitudinal thermal gradient. This resembles the current assemblages from the transitional zone, with the presence of species shared with Northern Chile and Southern Peru and a previously unrecorded penguin currently absent from the Humboldt System but present in the Magellanic region. Comparison of Pliocene seabird diversity across the Pacific coast of South America shows that the Horcon avifauna represents a distinctive assemblage linking the living faunas with the Late Miocene ones. A comparison with the fossil record near the Benguela Current (west coast of southern Africa suggests that the thermic gradient could play an important role in the preservation of a higher diversity of cold/temperate seabirds in the Humboldt Current.

  4. Status of market, regulation and research of genetically modified crops in Chile. (United States)

    Sánchez, Miguel A; León, Gabriel


    Agricultural biotechnology and genetically modified (GM) crops are effective tools to substantially increase productivity, quality, and environmental sustainability in agricultural farming. Furthermore, they may contribute to improving the nutritional content of crops, addressing needs related to public health. Chile has become one of the most important global players for GM seed production for counter-season markets and research purposes. It has a comprehensive regulatory framework to carry out this activity, while at the same time there are numerous regulations from different agencies addressing several aspects related to GM crops. Despite imports of GM food/feed or ingredients for the food industry being allowed without restrictions, Chilean farmers are not using GM seeds for farming purposes because of a lack of clear guidelines. Chile is in a rather contradictory situation about GM crops. The country has invested considerable resources to fund research and development on GM crops, but the lack of clarity in the current regulatory situation precludes the use of such research to develop new products for Chilean farmers. Meanwhile, a larger scientific capacity regarding GM crop research continues to build up in the country. The present study maps and analyses the current regulatory environment for research and production of GM crops in Chile, providing an updated overview of the current status of GM seeds production, research and regulatory issues. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  5. Creating Three New Bike Tours in Santiago de Chile Case Study: Huaso Tours & Bike Rental


    Heino, Jenni


    The purpose of this Bachelor´s thesis was to create new bike tour services for the thesis case company Huaso Tours & Bike Rental, based in Santiago de Chile. The idea for the thesis was perceived from a free time activity of mountain biking in Santiago de Chile´s popular tourist attraction San Cristobal hill. This park draws thousands of bikers monthly to enjoy the green areas of the city, however, there is no mountain bike service offered to visit this hill. By conducting a small pre-researc...

  6. El pasado vivo de Chile en el año del Informe sobre la Tortura


    Pérotin-Dumon, Anne


    El pasado reciente de Chile, el de la dictadura (1973-1990), es como una sombra tendida sobre el presente. Ese pasado está saturado de la experiencia de quienes lo vivieron y lo recuerdan. El espacio en el cual nos movemos está habitado por las cosas ocurridas entonces y develadas de manera incidental, al azar de una conversación o una lectura. Dicho esto, desde 1993, fecha en que nos instalamos en Chile, fuimos testigos de un cambio considerable en la memoria social de la dictadura. La gente...

  7. Indios urbanos: inmigraciones, alteridad y ladinización en Santiago de Chile (siglos XVI-XVII

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jaime Valenzuela Márquez


    Full Text Available During the period following the Conquista and when the Santiago de Chile's urban society was formed, one can observe various indigenous peoples that migrated to the city: Andinos, Huarpes of Cuyo, Juries from Tucaman, and Mapuche-Huilliches from the south of the Kingdom of Chile. The objective of this article is to show the great geographic and ethnic diversity of the city by studying the arrival, deployment and mobility of these actors and their descendants, as well as their forms of settlement and their strategies for integration.

  8. Economic impact of pneumococcal conjugate vaccination in Brazil, Chile, and Uruguay Impacto económico de la vacuna antineumocócica conjugada en Brasil, Chile y Uruguay

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    Dagna O. Constenla


    Full Text Available OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the economic impact of vaccination with the pneumococcal 7-valent conjugate vaccine (PCV7 in Brazil, Chile, and Uruguay. METHODS: A decision analytic model was constructed to compare pneumococcal vaccination of children 0-5 years old with no vaccination in Brazil, Chile, and Uruguay. Costs and health outcomes were analyzed from the societal perspective. Vaccine, demographic, epidemiologic, and cost data were incorporated into this economic analysis. RESULTS: At the rate of diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis (DTP vaccine coverage and a vaccine price of US$ 53 per dose, PCV7 was projected to prevent 23 474 deaths per year in children under 5 years old in the three countries studied, thus averting 884 841 disability-adjusted life years (DALYs yearly. To vaccinate the entire birth cohort of the three countries, total vaccine costs would be US$ 613.9 million. At US$ 53 per dose, the cost per DALY averted from a societal perspective would range from US$ 664 (Brazil to US$ 2 019 (Chile. At a cost of US$ 10 per dose, vaccine cost is lower than the overall cost of illness averted (US$ 125 050 497 versus US$ 153 965 333, making it cost effective and cost-saving. CONCLUSIONS: The results of this study demonstrate that the incorporation of PCV7 vaccine at US$ 53 per dose confers health benefits at extra costs. It is unclear whether vaccination at the current price is affordable to these countries.OBJETIVOS: Evaluar el impacto económico de la aplicación de la vacuna antineumocócica conjugada heptavalente (PCV7 en Brasil, Chile y Uruguay. MÉTODOS: Se elaboró un modelo analítico de decisiones para comparar la vacunación antineumocócica de los niños de 0-5 años de edad con la no vacunación, en Brasil, Chile y Uruguay. Los costos y los desenlaces para la salud se analizaron desde el punto de vista de la sociedad. Al análisis económico se incorporaron los costos y los datos demográficos, epidemiológicos y de la vacuna. RESULTADOS

  9. Elementos contextuales a la investigación en psicología en Chile

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    Alfonso Urzúa M.


    Full Text Available Se presenta una introducción a la enseñanza universitaria en Chile a fin de enmarcar el desarrollo de las Universidades y las Escuelas de Psicología en el país, en el contexto de la acreditación universitaria. A continuación, se describen las principales fuentes públicas de financiamiento, seguidas por una breve descripción del recurso humano especializado y los postgrados existentes en Chile en Psicología. Finalmente se mencionan las líneas de investigación que declaran las diversas escuelas, como también la información disponible sobre publicaciones indexadas en Psicología.

  10. Neoliberal Education and Student Movements in Chile: Inequalities and Malaise (United States)

    Cabalin, Cristian


    This article examines the major consequences of the neoliberal education system implemented in Chile during the dictatorship of Augusto Pinochet and how two important student movements contested this structure. In 2006 and 2011, thousands of students filled the streets to demand better public education, more social justice and equal opportunities.…

  11. How Local Market Pressures Shape Leadership Practices: Evidence from Chile (United States)

    Carrasco, Alejandro; Fromm, Germán


    Chile is well known worldwide for its extensive use of market-driven mechanisms in education. Using a case study strategy in three schools, this paper shows that "universal" voucher system and mixed provision (co-existence of subsidised private and state-funded schools) policies are reshaping school management practices. The paper draws…

  12. Triassic volcanic units in coastal region of Antofagasta, northern Chile

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Basso, M.; Cortes, J.A.; Marinovic, N


    U-Pb geochronological evidence of a Middle to Late Triassic volcanic event was found in the coastal region of Antofagasta, northern Chile (23 o -23 o 30 ). Two new ages were obtained from rhyolitic tuffs and an associated dome, which have classically been attributed to the Jurassic La Negra Formation (au)

  13. La Medicina Mapuche en la cultura neoliberal de Chile

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Cancino, Rita

    La Medicina Mapuche en la cultura neoliberal de Chile La medicina mapuche juega, junto con la religion mapuche, un papel importante para muchos chilenos, tanto como una expresión de los raíces de la cultura chilena, y como símbolo de una visión del mundo mágico. Para los mapuches, los ‘machis’ son...

  14. Rapid characterization of seismic sources in Chile: Contribution of the GNSS component (United States)

    Barrientos, S. E.; Riquelme, S.; Baez, J. C., Sr.


    The recently created National Seismological Center (CSN) of the University of Chile was tasked to upgrade the countrýs seismic network in 2013. The upgrade included new 65 collocated accelerometer and broadband instruments together with 130 GNSS devices designed to transmit their data in real time. Forty units of the GNSS devices include the RTX option, a real time 1-Hz positioning capability at 4-cm error level. The observation system is complemented with 297 additional stand-alone strong motion instruments mainly located in basins for seismic engineering purposes. Broadband data can be accessed in real time from IRIS Data Management Service under networks C and C1. Strong motion event data can be retrieved through the CSN database ( A server is being established to handle GNSS data requests through an NTRIP Caster. Completion of the connectivity of the GNSS remote units to the main acquisition servers is expected to take place within several months. In addition to the 40 units providing real time positioning through the RTX option, Precise Point Positioning (PPP) algorithms are being tested on the CSN main servers to enable real time estimates every second for all GNSS remote devices. Because of the high earthquake productivity rate in Chile, the RTX system capabilities have been positively tested in two cases already, demonstrating their excellent performance: i) the main aftershock (M7.6) of the April 1, 2014, northern Chile event and ii) the April 24, 2017, (M6.9) event in central Chile. The former produced coastal horizontal static displacements of the order of 30 cm while the latter of the order of 5 cm. In addition to rapid earthquake characterization through static deformation, W-phase displacement waveform inversions are included in the fast analysis providing excellent results. These new applications and methodologies have profoundly impacted the rapid evaluation of the tsunamigenic potential of large earthquakes in the near field.

  15. Field Survey of the 2015 Ilapel Tsunami in North Central Chile (United States)

    Lagos, M.; Fritz, H. M.


    The magnitude Mw 8.3 earthquake in north-central Chile on September 16, 2015 generated a tsunami that rapidly flooded coastal areas. The tsunami impact was concentrated in Coquimbo region, while the regions of Valparaiso and Atacama were also affected. Fortunately, ancestral knowledge from the past tsunamis in the region, as well as tsunami education and evacuation exercises prompted most coastal residents to spontaneously evacuate to high ground after the earthquake. The event caused 11 fatalities: 8 were associated with the tsunami, while 3 were attributed to building collapses caused by the earthquake. The international scientist joined the local effort from September 20 to 26, 2015. The international tsunami survey team (ITST) interviewed numerous eyewitnesses and documented flow depths, runup heights, inundation distances, sediment deposition, damage patterns, performance of the navigation infrastructure and impact on the natural environment. The ITST covered a 500 km stretch of coastline from Caleta Chañaral de Aceituno (28.8° S) south of Huasco down to Llolleo near San Antonio (33.6° S). We surveyed more than 40 locations and recorded more than 100 tsunami and runup heights with differential GPS and integrated laser range finders. The tsunami impact peaked at Caleta Totoral near Punta Aldea with both tsunami and runup heights exceeding 10 m as surveyed on September 22. Runup exceeded 10 m at a second uninhabited location some 15 km south of Caleta Totoral. A significant variation in tsunami impact was observed along the coastlines of central Chile at local and regional scales. The tsunami occurred in the evening hours limiting the availability of eyewitness video footages. Observations from the 2015 Chile tsunami are compared with recent Chilean tsunamis. The tsunami was characterized by rapid arrival within minutes in the nearfield requiring spontaneous self-evacuation as warning messages did not reach some of the hardest hit fishing villages prior to

  16. complejidad en Chile

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Miguel Alejandro Bustamante-Ubilla


    Full Text Available El presente estudio tiene por objetivo caracterizar el clima organizacional al interior de 2 hospitales dealta complejidad de Chile, determinando las dimensiones más y menos influyentes. Para su desarrollose aplicó un cuestionario que consta de 71 variables agrupadas en 14 dimensiones a una muestra de561 funcionarios. La interpretación de los resultados se realizó a través del análisis del valor prome-dio estandarizado y su confiabilidad ratificada mediante el alfa de Cronbach. A partir de lo anterior, sedeterminó que las dimensiones que influyen por encima del promedio fueron: identidad, motivaciónlaboral y responsabilidad; en tanto que las dimensiones que muestran un nivel de impacto por debajodel promedio resultaron ser: equipo y distribución de personas y material, administración del conflictoy comunicación.© 2015 Universidad ICESI. Publicado por Elsevier España, S.L.U. Este es un artículo Open Access bajo lalicencia CC BY (

  17. Studies to Control Endemic Typhoid Fever in Chile (United States)


    Es - cuelas del Area Norte respecto a sus, res,,onsabilidades en este programa: 1. Asegurar que lob escolares escri- ban en su libreta de comuiiic~cio...vaccination between May 3 and June 18, 1982. -25- REFERENCES 1. Departamento Planificacion Estadistica, Mjnisterio de Salud, Santiago Chile. 2. Ristori...nifios escolares en el ’area norte de Santiago. Como es de su conocimiento esta exp~eriencia debAi.ser postergada, porque este Ministerio esti-m6


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    Supriyono Eko Wardoyo


    Full Text Available Ikan ini menjadi sangat populer setelah pertama kali diintroduksikan ke Indonesia pada tahun 1969 dari Taiwan. Ikan ini dikenal karena mudah berkembangbiak, pertumbuhannya cepat, anaknya banyak, ukuran badan relatif besar, tahan penyakit, sangat mudah beradaptasi dengan lingkungan, relatif murah harganya, dan enak dagingnya. Keunggulan ikan ini dapat dibuktikan dengan meningkatnya produksi budi daya ikan ini di Indonesia dari tahun 1993 sampai dengan tahun 2002. Daerah yang terbanyak menghasilkan ikan nila yang dibesarkan pada sistem kolam dan KJA adaIah Provinsi Jawa Barat. Pembudi daya umumnya sangat percaya keberhasilan usaha budi daya ikan nila karena produktivitasnya yang tinggi, dalam hal lingkungan mempunyai sifat yang tahan (resistant, dalam hal pakan secara alami adalah plankton feeder yang cenderung omnivorous, sehingga rantai makanannya pendek, dan dalam hal mutu genetik mempunyai sifat cepat per-tumbuhannya, apalagi dengan sistem monoseks jantan. Ikan ini mempunyai potensi yang sangat besar untuk dikembangkan. Potensi lahan budi daya di perairan umum di Indonesia seluas 141.690 ha baru dimanfaatkan sekitar 45,5% (64.469 ha yang penyebarannya terkonsentrasi di beberapa daerah saja. Di air payau ikan nila sangat berpotensi untuk dikembangkan di tambak-tambak udang intensif yang banyak ditelantarkan. Direktorat Jenderal Perikanan Budidaya menyatakan potensi nasional tambak sebesar 1 juta ha, pemanfaatannya baru 35% atau seluas 350.000 ha. Di air laut berdasarkan beberapa literatur pembesaran ikan nila merah masih bisa dilakukan. Lahan potensial budi daya di air Iaut diperkirakan mencapai 1,9 juta ha. Masalah-masalah yang masih ada seperti penyebaran tingkat pemanfaatan perairan umum, pemanfaatan Culture Based Fisheries di Jawa, dan pemodal besar yang hanya bertujuan mencari keuntungan yang sebesar-besarnya tanpa mem-pedulikan lingkungannya harus dipecahkan. Selain itu perlu peningkatan penyediaan dan distribusi fasilitas sarana produksi

  19. Impact of Intrathermocline eddies on seamount and oceanic island off Central Chile: Observation and modeling (United States)

    Hormazabal, Samuel; Morales, Carmen; Cornejo, Marcela; Bento, Joaquim; Valencia, Luis; Auger, Pierre; Rodriguez, Angel; Correa, Marco; Anabalón, Valeria; Silva, Nelson


    In the Southeast Pacific, oceanographic processes that sustain the biological production necessary to maintain the ecosystems associated to seamounts and oceanic islands are still poorly understood. Recent studies suggest that the interaction of mesoscale and submesoescale eddies with oceanic islands and seamounts could be playing an important role in the time-space variability of primary production. In this work, research cruises, satellite data and Regional Ocean Modeling System (ROMS) results have been used to describe the main characteristics of intrathermocline eddies (ITE) and their impact on the Juan Fernández archipelago (JFA), off central Chile. The JFA is located off the coast of central Chile (33°S), and is composed of three main islands: Robinson Crusoe (RC), Alejandro Selkirk (AS) and Santa Clara (SC). Between the RC and AS are located the westernmost seamounts (JF6 and JF5) of the Juan Fernández archipelago. Satellite altimetry data (sea surface height from AVISO) were used to detect and track mesoscale eddies through eddy-tracking algorithm. Physical, chemical and biological parameters as temperature, salinity, dissolved oxygen and fluorescence were measured in the water column at JF5 and JF6, and along the coast off central Chile (30-40°S). Results from the research cruise exhibit the interaction between an ITE and the seamount JF6. Eddy-tracking results showed that the ITE observed at the JF6 was formed at the coast off central-southern Chile, traveled ~900 km seaward and after ~9 months reached the JF5 and JF6 region. Observations along the Chilean coast confirmed that the coast corresponds to the formation area of the observed ITE. In this region, ITEs are represented by subsurface lenses (~100 km diameter; 400 m thickness) of homogeneous salinity, nutrient rich and oxygen-poor equatorial subsurface water mass (ESSW) which is transported poleward by the Peru-Chile undercurrent in the coastal band and seaward by ITEs. The effect of ITEs on the

  20. Thermal and lighting perception in four fully glazed office buildings in Santiago, Chile

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    Claudio Vásquez


    Full Text Available Corresponding author: Claudio Vásquez, School of Architecture, Catholic University of Chile. 1916 El Comendador str. Providencia, Santiago, ZIP: 7530091, Chile. Tel.: +56 9 92826305; E-mail: This paper is part of a general research project whose main objective is to establish a baseline for post-occupancy energy consumption and indoor environmental quality for office buildings in Santiago, Chile. This study aims at understanding how architectonical variables relate to, and can even determine, user comfort perception. Thus, one-year continuous monitoring in several floors at four office buildings was performed and seasonal surveys were completed. Survey participants were asked a series of questions regarding spatial orientation and comfort perception in their workspace. The data from the comfort survey and onsite measurements such as season of the year, case study, type of workspace and possibility of an outdoor view from the workstation were contrasted with the components obtained by a Principal Component Analysis (PCA. Three components were selected from the PCA, and three Maps of Perception (MP were produced. These maps were then analyzed and interpreted so as to obtain information on the general perception of thermal and lighting comfort at workspaces within several office buildings in Santiago.

  1. Hospital management autonomy in Chile: the challenges for human resources in health. (United States)

    Méndez, Claudio A; Torres A, M Cristina


    In Latin America, some health sector reforms have included steps to the implementation of autonomous hospitals. In Chile, the health system is implementing a reform that introduces a network of self-managed institutions. These organizations will be high complexity centers that involve greater technical diversity, cost centers and mechanisms to evaluate users' satisfaction. For human resources in health, the implementation of these centers creates challenges in the planning of service provision and a change from the traditional management style of the teams to one based on networks. These challenges include the estimation of gaps in medical specialists and in other professions in the health sector. In order to be successful with self-management, Chile needs to establish universal and local policies that address training and the organization of health service provisioning in these institutions.

  2. [Detection of flavivirus in mosquitoes (Diptera: Culicidae) from Easter Island-Chile]. (United States)

    Collao, Ximena; Prado, Lorena; González, Christian; Vásquez, Ana; Araki, Romina; Henríquez, Tuki; Peña, Cindy M


    Flaviviruses are arthropod-borne viruses, mainly by mosquitoes of the genera Aedes and Culex (Culicidae) that are detected in tropical and subtropical areas. Main flaviviruses of public health importance are: dengue, West Nile virus, yellow fever, among others. In continental Chile, flaviviruses has not been detected. However, there are indigenous cases of dengue detected in Easter Island since 2002, as the presence of its vector Aedes aegypti. The aim of this study was: To determine diversity of flavivirus mosquitoes present in Easter Island. Thirty pools of mosquitoes collected in Hanga Roa were analyzed; a RT-PCR nested flavivirus was performed. Thirteen positive samples were detected and the amplification products were sequenced, identifying two specific flavivirus Insect, the Cell fusing agent virus and other related viruses Kamiti River. This is the first study in Chile showed the presence of flavivirus in vectors in Easter Island.

  3. Village microgrids: The Chile project

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Baring-Gould, E.I.


    This paper describes a village application in Chile. The objective was to demonstrate the technical, economic and institutional viability of renewable energy for rural electrification, as well as to allow local partners to gain experience with hybrid/renewable technology, resource assessment, system siting and operation. A micro-grid system is viewed as a small village system, up to 1200 kWh/day load with a 50 kW peak load. It can consist of components of wind, photovoltaic, batteries, and conventional generators. It is usually associated with a single generator source, and uses batteries to cover light day time loads. This paper looks at the experiences learned from this project with regard to all of the facets of planning and installing this project.

  4. La transición demográfico-epidemiológica en Chile, 1960-2001

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    Szot Meza Jorge


    Full Text Available Fundamento: En Chile se ha modificado de manera significativa la estructura demográfica y las causas de morbilidad y de mortalidad de la población en un período relativamente breve de tiempo. Estas variaciones se enmarcan dentro de los procesos denominados transición demográfica y transición epidemiológica respectivamente. El propósito de este trabajo es evidenciar la transición demográfica y la transición epidemiológica ocurridas en el país entre 1960 y 2001. Método: Se trata de un estudio de series temporales que recoge información demográfica y de mortalidad de Chile entre los años 1960 y 2001. Los datos fueron obtenidos de los Anuarios de Demografía del Instituto Nacional de Estadísticas (INE, de información producida por el Departamento de Estudios Prospectivos del Ministerio de Planificación y Cooperación y del Ministerio de Salud de Chile. Resultados: En 1960 un 39,6% de la población tenía menos de 14 años, la tasa de natalidad era de 36,3 por 1000, la tasa de mortalidad general de 12,3 por 1.000 y la tasa de mortalidad infantil de 120 por 1.000. El 44% de la mortalidad general se generaba en causas infecciosas y perinatales. En el año 2001 un 28% de la población tiene menos de 14 años, la tasa de natalidad es de 18,3 por 1.000, la tasa de mortalidad general de 5,4 por 1.000 y la tasa de mortalidad infantil de 8,9 por 1000. El 68% de la mortalidad general se produce por enfermedades crónicas. Conclusiones: En base a los resultados, es posible afirmar que Chile se encuentra en una fase tardía tanto de transición demográfica como de transición epidemiológica. Conocer la realidad de Chile aportará información a aquellos países de América Latina que se encuentren en fases más tempranas de este tipo de transiciones.

  5. Intense Seismic Activity at Chiles and Cerro Negro Volcanoes on the Colombia-Ecuador Border (United States)

    Torres, R. A.; Cadena, O.; Gomez, D.; Ruiz, M. C.; Prejean, S. G.; Lyons, J. J.; White, R. A.


    The region of Chiles and Cerro Negro volcanoes, located on the Colombian-Ecuadorian border, has experienced an ongoing seismic swarm beginning in Aug. 2013. Based on concern for local residents and authorities, a cooperative broadband monitoring network was installed by the Servicio Geológico Colombiano in Colombia and the Instituto Geofísico of the Escuela Politécnica Nacional in Ecuador. Since November 2013 more than 538,000 earthquakes were recorded; although since May 2015 the seismicity has decreased significantly to an average of 70 events per day. Three large earthquake swarms with increasing energy occurred in Aug.-Oct. 2013, March-May 2014, and Sept.-Dec. 2014. By the end of 2014, roughly 400 earthquakes greater than M 3 had occurred with a maximum rate of 8000 earthquakes per day. The largest earthquake was a 5.6 ML on Oct. 20, 2014. This event produced an InSAR coseismic deformation of ~23 cm (S. Ebmeier, personal communication). Most events are typical brittle failure volcano-tectonic (VT) earthquakes that are located in a cluster beneath the southern flank of Chiles volcano, with depths between 1.5 and 10 km. Although the great majority of earthquakes are VT, some low-frequency (LF, ~0.5 Hz) and very-low-frequency (VLF) events have occurred. Particle motion analysis suggests that the VLF source migrated with time. While a VLF on Oct. 15, 2014 was located south of Chiles volcano, near the InSAR source, the VLF registered on Feb. 14, 2015 was likely located very close to Chiles Volcano. We infer that magma intrusion and resulting fluid exsolution at depths greater than 5 km are driving seismicity in the Chiles-Cerro Negro region. However earthquakes are failing in a manner consistent with regional tectonics. Relative relocations reveal a structure consistent with mapped regional faults. Thus seismicity is likely controlled by an interaction of magmatic and tectonic processes. Because the regional stress field is highly compressional and the volcanoes

  6. Promoting Dark Sky Protection in Chile: the Gabriel Mistral IDA Dark Sky Sanctuary and Other AURA Initiatives (United States)

    Smith, R. Chris; Smith, Malcolm; Pompea, Stephen; Sanhueza, Pedro; AURA-Chile EPO Team


    For over 20 years, AURA has been leading efforts promoting the protection of dark skies in northern Chile. Efforts began in the early 1990s at AURA's Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory (CTIO), working in collaboration with other international observatories in Chile including Las Campanas Observatory (LCO) and the European Southern Observatory (ESO). CTIO also partnered with local communities, for example supporting Vicuña's effort to establish the first municipal observatory in Chile. Today we have developed a multifaceted effort of dark sky protection, including proactive government relations at national and local levels, a strong educational and public outreach program, and a program of highlighting international recognition of the dark skies through the IDA Dark Sky Places program. Work on international recognition has included the declaration of the Gabriel Mistral IDA Dark Sky Sanctuary, the first such IDA sanctuary in the world.

  7. Acanthamoeba belonging to T3, T4, and T11: genotypes isolated from air-conditioning units in Santiago, Chile. (United States)

    Astorga, Berbeli; Lorenzo-Morales, Jacob; Martín-Navarro, Carmen M; Alarcón, Verónica; Moreno, Johanna; González, Ana C; Navarrete, Elizabeth; Piñero, José E; Valladares, Basilio


    Free-living amoebae (FLA) of the genus Acanthamoeba are widely distributed in the environment, in the air, soil, and water, and have also been isolated from air-conditioning units. The objective of this work was to investigate the presence of this genus of FLA in the air-conditioning equipment at the Institute of Public Health of Chile in Santiago, Chile. Water and air samples were collected from air-conditioning systems and were checked for the presence of Acanthamoeba spp. Positive samples were further classified at the genotype level after sequencing the highly variable diagnostic fragment 3 (DF3) region of the 18S rRNA gene. This is the first report of the T3, T4, and T11 genotypes of Acanthamoeba in air-conditioning units from Chile. Overall, the widespread distribution of potentially pathogenic Acanthamoeba strains in the studied source demands more awareness within the public and health professionals in Chile as this pathogen is emerging as a risk for human health worldwide. © 2011 The Author(s) Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology © 2011 International Society of Protistologists.

  8. CHILD MIGRATION: the rights to family reunification of peruvian children in Chile

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    Iskra Pavez Soto


    Full Text Available This article aims to analyze the ways migrant Peruvian children in Santiago, Chile experience family reunification. The article considers the various ways in which the multi-national socio-juridical structure influences and, somehow, determines child participation in this process, given children as subjects of rights and social actors. In addition, this paper aims to contribute to the debate that currently exists around the development of a new “immigration policy” in Chile. Recently, the government of President Sebastian Piñera (2010-2014 presented a Preliminary Draft of an Immigration and Nationality Law to the Congress for discussion and modification. Several international legal instruments ratified by the Chilean state promote and guarantee the basic right of children to live with their families. Such is the case of the International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families and the Convention on the Rights of the Child. However, due to the complexity of migration processes, sometimes this law is seriously violated due to migratory policies (either by restriction or omission, job insecurity conditions and housing of migrant families, and the decisions that the adults of the family groups that are generally made without the opinion of children. Migrant families inevitably undergo fragmentation, which affects relationships and generational ties. Often children do not have control of the events and decisions that will substantially change their lives.  keywords: child migration, peru, chile, protective laws. --- Migração Infantil: o direito de crianças peruanas no Chile à reunificação familiar  O objetivo deste artigo é analisar as formas como as crianças peruanas migrantes em Santiago, Chile, experienciam a reunificação familiar. O artigo considera as diversas maneiras pelas quais as estruturas multi-nacionais e sócio-jurídicas influenciam e, de


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    Muh Nashiruddin


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui korelasi antara: 1 kreativitas guru PAI terhadap peningkatan mutu pembelajaran Pendidikan Agama dan Budi Pekerti  , 2 motivasi kerja guru PAI terhadap peningkatan mutu pembelajaran Pendidikan Agama dan Budi Pekerti , dan 3 kreativitas dan motivasi kerja guru terhadap peningkatan mutu pembelajaran Pendidikan Agama dan Budi. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskripsi korelasional dengan melibatkan 33 orang sampel yang dipilih secara dengan metode sensus.  Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan angket/kuesioner. Teknikanalisis data diawali dengan  uji prasyarat yaitu uji normalitas dan linieritas. Uji hipotesis menggunakanuji regresi sederhana danuji regresi ganda. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan ; 1 Kreativitas guru berpengaruh terhadap peningkatan mutu pembelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam dan Budi Pekerti.  2  motivasi kerja guru  berpengaruh terhadap peningkatan mutu pembelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam dan Budi Pekerti.  3 kreativitas guru  dan motivasi kerja guru secara bersama-sama atau simultan berpengaruh terhadap mutu pembelajaran.  Hasil analisis juga  menunjukkan bahwa rata-rata nilai dari ketiga variabel tersebut hanya dapat dimasukkan dalam kategori sedang, sehingga  untuk meningkatkan kinerja guru dalam mengajar perlu diperhatikan faktor-faktor lain seperti: gaji, jaminan kerja, jaminan hari tua, penghargaan atas prestasi kerja, dan sebagainya.   Kata kunci: kreativitas, motivasi, mutupembelajaran   Abstract [The Relationship Between Teachers’ Creativity and Motivation Toward Learning Improvement]. This research aim at determine the correlation between the creativity of teachers on the improvement of learning quality of religious education and behavior, the work motivation of teachers on the improvement of learning quality of religious education and behavior, and  the creativity and the work motivation of eachers on the improvement  of learning quality of religious education and

  10. Reforming Educational Reform: Teachers' Union Leading Teacher Research in Chile (United States)

    Montecinos, Carmen


    The teacher research movement in Chile has, historically, been an expression of the profession's concerns with the ways in which schooling reproduces and produces the social order in the broader society. The work currently done by members of the union's Pedagogical Movement is described, showing the connections between the scope of problems…

  11. Evolution in Freedom? The Meanings of "Free School" in Chile (United States)

    Leihy, Peodair; Martini, Héctor Arancibia; Armijo, Pablo Castillo; Fernandez, José Saldaña


    This article examines the background in which enterprises called free schools, as well as complementary educational activities, have taken root in Chile. Two kinds of recently burgeoning free schools are identified; one supplementing regular schooling with a social justice focus, and another that is a fully fledged alternative to other schooling.…

  12. Alloxenic distribution of cystacanths of two Profilicollis species in sympatric crustacean hosts in Chile. (United States)

    Balboa, L; Hinojosa, A; Riquelme, C; Rodríguez, S; Bustos, J; George-Nascimento, M


    The taxonomic status of Profilicollis ( = Falsifilicollis Webster, 1948) species in crustaceans in Chile is examined. Mole crabs, Emerita analoga (Stimpson 1857), living in the splash zone of a sandy beach at Lenga off the coast of central Chile, harbor Polymorphus (Profilicollis) bullocki Mateo, Córdova and Guzmán 1982, while the estuarine crabs, Hemigrapsus crenulatus (Milne-Edwards, 1837), living in an oligohaline inlet at the same site, harbor Profilicollis spp. cystacanths which cannot be distinguished specifically to either Profilicollis antarcticus or P. chasmagnathi Holcman-Spector, Mañé-Garzón and Dei-Cas 1977. We found no morphological data supporting records of P. altmani along the coast of Chile. Therefore, and after examination of both their morphology and the literature, we consider that P. bullocki must be reinstated as a valid species in the genus. There is a widespread distribution of habitats, such as sandy beaches and inlets, as well as a variety of host taxa involved in the life cycle of Profilicollis spp. Consequently, they provide an interesting scenario for testing hypotheses regarding the coevolution and host specificity of these parasites.

  13. Prevalence and correlates of physical fighting among school-going adolescents in Santiago, Chile Prevalencia e correlaciones de la lucha física entre adolescentes escolares en Santiago de Chile, Chile

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    Emmanuel Rudatsikira


    Full Text Available OBJECTIVE: There is a growing interest in injury as a public health issue across the world. There is paucity of data on the prevalence and social correlates of non-fatal interpersonal violence in low- and middle-income income nations. The objective of this study was to estimate the prevalence of, and associated factors for physical fighting among school-going adolescents in Santiago, Chile. METHOD: We conducted a secondary analysis of the Chilean Global School-Based Health Survey conducted in 2004 in Santiago. We aimed to assess the prevalence and social correlates of having been involved in a physical fight in the prior 12 months. RESULTS: Of the 2111 respondents, 40.7% (54.3% males and 26.6% females reported having been in a physical fight in the prior 12 months. Males were more likely to have been in a physical fight than females [OR = 3.89, 95% CI (3.11, 4.85]. Substance use (cigarette smoking, drinking alcohol, and using drugs and bullying victimization were positively associated with fighting [OR = 3.05, 95% CI (2.40, 3.87 for substance use, and OR = 1.65, 95% CI (1.32, 2.05 for bullying]. Parental supervision was negatively associated with physical fighting [OR = 0.62, 95% CI (0.50, 0.78]. CONCLUSION: We have estimated the prevalence of having engaged in a physical fight among in-school adolescents in Santiago, Chile. We have found that the prevalence is similar to what has been reported in diverse settings in Africa, Europe and North America.OBJETIVO: Existe un creciente interés en el daño como un asunto de salud pública a través del mundo. Hay escasez de datos en la prevalencia y correlaciones sociales de violencia interpersonal no fatal, en naciones con bajos y medianos ingresos. El objetivo de este estudio fue estimar la prevalencia y el factor asociado a lucha física entre estudiantes adolescentes en Santiago, Chile. MÉTODO: Hemos conducido un análisis secundario de la Encuesta Global Chilena de Salud Basada en Escuelas

  14. Anthropogenic Contribution to the Southeast Pacific Precipitation Decline and Recent (2010-2015) Mega-Drought in Chile (United States)

    Boisier, J. P.


    Within the large uncertainties in the precipitation response to the anthropogenic climate forcing, the projections towards dryer conditions in the southeast Pacific sector and west bound of southern South America represent a particularly robust signature in climate model simulations. A rainfall decline of consistent direction but of larger amplitude than those simulated has been observed in Chile during the last decades, but the causes of this trend have never been formally attributed. With this purpose, we analyze local rain-gauge data and contrast them to a large ensemble both of fully-coupled and sea surface temperature-forced simulations. In concomitance with large-scale circulation changes, we show that the Pacific Decadal Oscillation explains about 50% of the rainfall trend observed since 1979 in central Chile. Our results also indicate that the remaining fraction of the observed drying is unlikely (p Chile since 2010, emerges as a realistic scenario for this region under the current socio-economic pathway.

  15. Assessment of Market Efficiency in Argentina, Brazil and Chile: an Event Study of Mergers and Acquisitions

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    Mario Domingues Simões


    Full Text Available This paper presents an investigation into the relationship between the announcement of mergers and acquisitions, the existence of positive abnormal returns for shares of these firms, and market efficiency in Argentina, Brazil and Chile. Statistically significant Standardized Abnormal Returns were present in the event announcement and the following days in Argentina and Chile and on the event day in Brazil, confirming value creation signaling. Furthermore, the significance of abnormal returns in the event window, namely in the 5 days following the event in Argentina and Chile and the absence of such in Brazil suggests a more efficient market exists in Brazil, in keeping with the semi-strong market efficiency hypothesis. The absence of semi-strong efficient market behavior could prove valuable to investors who could use a window of a few days after the event announcement to accumulate abnormal returns, provided the appropriate research into news of possible mergers or acquisitions has been made.

  16. External and gastrointestinal parasites of the rufous-collared sparrow Zonotrichia capensis (Passeriformes, Emberizidae in Chile

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    Sebastián Llanos-Soto

    Full Text Available Abstract A total of 277 rufous-collared sparrows, Zonotrichia capensis Müller, 1776 (Emberizidae, were examined for external parasites. The birds were captured using mist nets in seven locations in northern and central Chile. Additionally, seven carcasses from central Chile (the Biobío region were necropsied to evaluate the presence of endoparasite infection. Ectoparasites were found on 35.8% (99/277 of the examined birds and they were represented by the following arthropods: feather mites Amerodectes zonotrichiae Mironov and González-Acuña, 2014 (Analgoidea: Proctophyllodidae, Proctophyllodes polyxenus Atyeo and Braasch, 1966 (Analgoidea: Proctophyllodidae, and Trouessartia capensis Berla, 1959 (Analgoidea: Trouessartiidae; a louse Philopterus sp. (Phthiraptera: Ischnocera; and ticks Amblyomma tigrinum Koch, 1844 (Acari: Ixodidae and Ixodes auritulus Neumann, 1904 (Acari: Ixodidae. Two of the seven necropsied carcasses were infected with the acanthocephalan Mediorhynchus papillosus Van Cleave, 1916 (Gigantorhynchida: Gigantorhynchidae. To our knowledge, this study reports P. polyxenus, Philopterus sp., A. tigrinum, and M. papillosus for the first time for Z. capensis and expands the distributional range for T. capensis to Chile.

  17. [Psychiatry and occupational diseases act in Chile: historical and critical review of a complex relationship]. (United States)

    Almonte, Juan C; Mena, Cristián; Ortiz, Sofía; Osorio, Juan P


    The Work Accidents and Occupational Diseases Act exists in Chile since 1968. It uses a single model for the understanding and management of both somatic diseases like silicosis and psychiatric disorders. During the last decade in Chile, the consultation rates due to psychiatric conditions of probable labor origin has rose over 1,000%, a factor that underscored the deficiencies of this model. The aim of this paper is to analyze the consequences of the application of this act in the psychiatric field for almost 50 years after its promulgation. This article contains an historical overview and an epistemological debate based on the authors’ experience dealing with clinical and administrative work both in occupational psychiatry departments and in regulatory entities. The development of occupational mental health in Chile is examined as part of an historical process that initially did not consider the relationship between work and mental suffering as relevant. The application of a single causality model in psychiatry, as well as the effects of building a psychiatric nosology upon legal rather than medical criteria is contested.

  18. Using satellite images to monitor glacial-lake outburst floods: Lago Cachet Dos drainage, Chile (United States)

    Friesen, Beverly A.; Cole, Christopher J.; Nimick, David A.; Wilson, Earl M.; Fahey, Mark J.; McGrath, Daniel J.; Leidich, Jonathan


    The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) is monitoring and analyzing glacial-lake outburst floods (GLOFs) in the Colonia valley in the Patagonia region of southern Chile. A GLOF is a type of flood that occurs when water impounded by a glacier or a glacial moraine is released catastrophically. In the Colonia valley, GLOFs originating from Lago Cachet Dos, which is dammed by the Colonia Glacier, have recurred periodically since 2008. The water discharged during these GLOFs flows under or through the Colonia Glacier, into Lago Colonia and then the Río Colonia, and finally into the Río Baker—Chile's largest river in terms of volume of water.

  19. Juventud, migración y discriminación en el Chile contemporáneo


    Aravena Reyes, Andrea; Alt Álvarez, Carolina


    En este trabajo se analiza el tema de la inmigración juvenil en el Chile Contemporáneo y se aborda la percepción desde «lo juvenil» de la alteridad en el país, tanto desde el punto de vista de la población chilena como desde el punto de vista de los inmigrantes. Lo anterior, a partir de fuentes de información cuantitativas, como el Censo del año 2002 y la casen 2006, las versiones Quinta y Sexta de la serie de Encuestas de Juventud de Chile (2007 y 2009), y de un conjunto de antecedentes cual...


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    Full Text Available Basado en los informes diplomáticos chilenos, este artículo analiza el tema de las relaciones entre Chile y Canadá, en el período en que esos países avanzaron hacia el intercambio de embajadas, entre 1941 y 1944. En él se explica que hasta antes de esos años, Canadá solo tenía un interés comercial en América Latina, mientras que para Chile era más importante el plano diplomático, a causa de su interés en reforzar su posición internacional, un tanto debilitada desde comienzos del siglo XX. Las razones que llevaron a ambos países a tomar esa decisión estuvieron directamente relacionadas con el contexto de la Segunda Guerra Mundial. Una vez instaladas las embajadas, se comentan las impresiones que tuvieron los primeros representantes de Chile en Ottawa acerca de lo que era Canadá, lo que muestra las dificultades en comprender el funcionamiento de un país bastante distinto a Chile. El artículo concluye que el establecimiento de embajadas no trajo un incremento significativo a corto plazo en las relaciones entre ambos países, ni a nivel comercial ni políticoBased on the reports of the Chilean foreign mission in Canada, this article deals with the relations between Chile and Canada during the period in which both countries decided to exchange embassies. It explains that before those years, Canada was interested in Latin America mainly in commercial topics, while Chile showed more interest on the diplomatic side. This difference is due to the fact that Chile found itself in a rather vulnerable position before 1939. The Second World War was the main reason that led to the establishment of embassies in both countries. The article analyzes also the first impressions of the Chilean representatives in Ottawa, showing that it was not easy for Chilieans to understand the nature of a country like Canada. It ends saying that in the short term, the establishment of embassies did not lead to an increase in the commercial or the political

  1. Regiones-commodities: Crisis y contagio en Chile


    Antonio Daher


    La hipótesis de un nuevo dualismo entre una capital subglobal y sus "regiones-commodities" subyace en el estudio del impacto diferencial de las tres últimas crisis internacionales en las regiones de Chile, cuantificado a través de cuatro indicadores: el producto, el empleo, la inversión externa y las exportaciones, cuya variación permite verificar la disímil vulnerabilidad de cada región y su desigual exposición al riesgo de contagio de crisis. Fundamentado en un marco conceptual que sostiene...

  2. Chile Successfully Halts Rise in Childhood Obesity

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gorisek, Aleksandra Sasa


    The increasing prevalence of childhood obesity in Latin America has become a cause for concern. The IAEA has worked closely with the Institute of Nutrition and Food Technology (INTA) at the University of Chile since 1997 to address the problem of malnutrition in the country. In Santiago, the Laboratory of Energy Metabolism and Stable Isotopes was established in 1998 with the help of the IAEA to provide an isotope ratio mass spectrometer and training in the use of stable isotope techniques to assess body composition, infant feeding practices and total daily energy expenditure

  3. Algunas consideraciones teóricas acerca del tráfico de mujeres en el contexto de la globalización

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    Arun Kumar Acharya


    Full Text Available El objetivo del artículo es presentar algunas consideraciones teóricas relacionadas con los conceptos de migración, tráfico y contrabando de personas, particularmente de las mujeres. Se pretenden explicar las conexiones y desconexiones entre estos fenómenos sociales. Tanto el tráfico como el contrabando forman parte de los procesos de migración, los cuales pueden ocurrir con o sin el consentimiento de las personas. Cuando ocurren sin la anuencia de la persona o mediante medios coercitivos, puede hablarse de tráfico de migrantes; en contraste, cuando el traslado ocurre con el total consentimiento de un individuo para ingresar ilegalmente a un país, se habla de contrabando de personas. Así pues, el propósito principal que se encuentra detrás de ambas actividades es el mismo: el comercio de trabajadoras sexuales, la explotación de personas que son sometidas a realizar labores en condiciones de esclavitud, entre otras actividades, situación que hasta cierto punto es igual para el caso del fenómeno de la migración cuando ocurre con o sin el consentimiento de las personas.

  4. [First report of Montagnea arenaria (D.C.) Zeller (Agaricales) in Chile]. (United States)

    Madrid Lorca, Hugo; Muñoz, Mélica


    Montagnea arenaria (D.C.) Zeller (Agaricales), an interesting basidiomycete adapted to arid environments is recorded for the first time from a sample collected on sandy soil in the northern zone of Chile. Its mature fruiting body is described. Taxonomic and ecological comments are also addressed.


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    José Nicolás Vizcaya Carrillo


    Full Text Available it is true that all human activities today are capable of analysis and prospective projection, confirmed there are a number of areas of knowledge which are considered key to the development of mankind and therefore of each company in each country is to see the evolution of the relevant future. It is true that today there are hundreds of professional disciplines that are studied and are performed as day to day and that play important roles in the welfare and development of society and in particular if this trial will be analyzed in the development of techniques current looking for Chile.





    Las recomendaciones sobre consumo de alimentos basadas en sus propiedades saludables son un elemento clave en su comercialización, pero deben basarse en evidencias científicas para evitar abusos con los consumidores. Dichas recomendaciones pueden constituir un valor agregado significativo para muchos productos alimentarios chilenos. Este proyecto surge de la experiencia e información obtenidas en seis años de operación del Proyecto Ciencia, Vino y Salud de la Universidad Católica de Chile, qu...

  7. Reducción de la mortalidad materna en Chile de 1990 a 2000 The reduction in maternal mortality in Chile, 1990­2000

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    Enrique Donoso Siña


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Determinar si Chile alcanzó el objetivo de reducir en 50% la mortalidad materna entre 1990 y 2000, conforme a lo establecido en el Plan de Acción Regional para la Reducción de la Mortalidad Materna en las Américas. MÉTODOS: Se diseñó un estudio observacional y descriptivo que permitiera analizar la tendencia de la mortalidad materna en el país durante 1990­2000. Las variables evaluadas fueron la razón de mortalidad materna, las causas de muerte y la edad de las madres fallecidas. Las causas se clasificaron de acuerdo con la novena revisión de la Clasificación internacional de enfermedades,traumatismos y causas de defunción (CIE-9, y los datos brutos se obtuvieron de los anuarios del Instituto Nacional de Estadísticas de Chile. La fluctuación de las variables se estimó según el porcentaje de cambio acumulado, y la tendencia, mediante análisis de correlación de Pearson. RESULTADOS: El estudio demostró una reducción de la mortalidad materna de 60,3% de 1990 a 2000; la razón de mortalidad materna más baja, de 18,7/100 000 nacidos vivos, se registró en el año 2000. El análisis indica que las cinco causas más importantes de muerte materna fueron: hipertensión arterial, aborto, enfermedades maternas concurrentes (pregestacionales, sepsis puerperal y hemorragia posparto. Se observó una tendencia descendente significativa de la mortalidad materna por hipertensión arterial (r= ­0,712; P= 0,014, aborto (r= ­0,810; P = 0,003 y sepsis puerperal (r= ­0,718; P= 0,013, pero no se encontraron cambios estadísticamente significativos en la mortalidad por enfermedades maternas concurrentes ni por hemorragia posparto. La cifra más alta de mortalidad materna correspondió a las mujeres de 40 años de edad y mayores (100,2/100 000 nacidos vivos, y la más baja a las adolescentes de 15 a 19 años (18,7/100 000 nacidos vivos. CONCLUSIONES: Chile cumplió el objetivo del Plan de Acción Regional para la Reducción de la

  8. Asymbiotic germination in three Chloraea species (Orchidaceae) from Chile




    ABSTRACT Orchids require symbiotic fungi and/or specific conditions to germinate. Asymbiotic techniques have been shown successful for orchid germination. In Chile, Chloraea include many endemic, and potentially ornamental, terrestrial orchid species. In this study, individuals of Chloraea crispa, C. gavilu and C. virescens were manually autopollinated. The resulting capsules were sterilized and seeds were aseptically obtained. We evaluated asymbiotic germination in: Agar Water (AW), Knudson ...

  9. Water Services in Chile : Comparing Private and Public Performance


    Bitrán, Gabriel A.; Valenzuela, Eduardo P.


    In 1988, Chile put in place a new regulatory regime for water and sanitation, allowing rates to reflect the actual cost of providing services. The government then reorganized the sector under 13 state-owned regional water companies and, in 1998, started to partially privatize some of them. Four years after the first sale, it is now possible to assess the early results of privatization. Thi...

  10. Polen y esporas de la Formación Navidad, Neógeno de Chile Pollen and spores of the Navidad Formation, Neogene from Chile

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    Full Text Available El análisis palinológico de la Formación Navidad en afloramientos de la Cordillera de la Costa, Chile central, brindó asociaciones dominadas por leños, cutículas, algas de agua dulce, esporas y granos de polen (elementos de origen continental con muy escasa participación de quistes de dinoflagelados, acritarcos y cubiertas internas de foraminíferos arenáceos (componentes marinos indicando que estas asociaciones se habrían acumulado en un ambiente marino. Las asociaciones de polen y esporas indican el desarrollo de una vegetación de bosque con participación de elementos gondwánicos (Podocarpaceae, Araucariaceae, Nothofagaceae y neotropicales (Sapotaceae, Malphigiaceae, Arecaceae, Chloranthaceae, Tiliaceae/Bombacaceae -Paleoflora Mixta- apoyando hipótesis previas basadas en las megafloras. En las márgenes de los bosques se habrían desarrollado parches con vegetación esclerófila con AAnacardiaceae y Fabaceae como componentes principales. Sobre suelos arenosos o marismas salinos se habrían desarrollado elementos herbaceo-arbustivos, xerofíticos y halofíticos, como Chenopodiaceae y Calyceraceae. Se destaca el primer registro de taxones endémicos de las familias Calyceraceae y Asteraceae (Barnadesioideae para la palinoflora de Chile. Estas comunidades vegetales se habrían desarrollado bajo condiciones de clima subtropical, cálido y húmedo. Desde el punto de vista cronoestratigráfico las asociaciones esporopolínicas sustentan una edad neógena para la Formación Navidad.Palynological assemblages recovered from the Navidad Formation in outcrops of the Cordillera de la Costa, central Chile, are dominated by wood remains, cuticles, spores and pollen grains and fresh water algae (continental elements with scarce dinoflagellate cysts, acritarchs, foraminiferal linnings marine palynomorphs indicating that these assemblages would have been accumulated in a marine environment. Spore-pollen assemblages indicate a forest vegetation

  11. Chile : tous les projets | CRDI - Centre de recherches pour le ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Plusieurs études ont montré que certaines formes de réseautage d'affaires collaboratif peuvent avoir une incidence positive sur l'innovation, les résultats financiers et le développement régional. Région: Chile, El Salvador, Paraguay, Uruguay. Programme: Initiative Think tank. Financement total : CA$ 250,000.00.

  12. Evictions and the Right to Housing: Experience from Canada, Chile ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    This book tells the story of evictions and planned evictions in the Canadian cities of Vancouver, Toronto, and Calgary. It explores the housing plight of Santiago de Chile's urban poor during the military dictatorship of Augusto Pinochet. It looks at how the 500th anniversary of Columbus's arrival in America resulted in mass ...

  13. Genetic composition of Mytilus species in mussel populations from southern Chile Composición genética de especies de Mytilus en poblaciones de mejillón del sur de Chile

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    María Angélica Larraín


    Full Text Available Mussels are one of the most cultivated and commercialized bivalves worldwide and in southern Chile its culture represent an important economic activity. The species identification within the Mytilus genera, by morphological features, is unreliable, so we used a polymorphism RFLP in the gene encoding the polyphenolic adhesive protein as a species-specific genetic marker to describe Mytilus species diversity in southern Chile, and evaluate possible applications in traceability, food quality and safety. Using Me 15-16 marker most mussels were M. chilensis, finding no other pure individuals; however, putative hybrids of M. chilensis x M. trossulus and M. chilensis x M. galloprovincialis were detected. There was no evidence of M. edulis. The presence of the M. trossulus allele, faraway from its distribution area, demands further analysis with different genetic markers to allow a better understanding of its origin. In addition, the correspondence between markers that distinguishes northern from southern hemisphere M. galloprovincialis, with those who discriminates between M. chilensis and M. galloprovincialis would contribute to the taxonomic status of Chilean blue mussels. In Chile, the genetic composition of Mytilus indicates that geographical origin of mussels and its traceability cannot be established merely from the identification of the species. The use of other markers would be required.Los mejillones son una de las especies de bivalvos más cultivadas y comercializadas, en el sur de Chile donde su cultivo representa una actividad económica importante. La identificación de la especie dentro del género Mytilus, basada en las características morfológicas no es confiable por lo que se utilizó un polimorfismo RFLP en el gen que codifica la proteína adhesiva polifenólica como marcador genético específico de la especie para describir la diversidad de especies Mytilus en el sur de Chile, y evaluar posibles aplicaciones en trazabilidad

  14. [Toxoplasmosis, a parasitic zoonoses prevalent in Chile: count and challenges]. (United States)

    Mimica, Francisco; Muñoz-Zanzi, Claudia; Torres, Marisa; Padilla, Oslando


    Toxoplasmosis, cosmopolitan parasitic zoonosis often found in humans, is transmitted mainly by food and water, and is considered a significant risk of morbidity and mortality in pregnant women, newborns and immunocompromised patients. To identify the information about this zoonosis and its first reports in Chile. Review of publications in Pubmed, Mesh search of systematic reviews, case studies, cross-sectional studies, systematic reviews, meta-analysis and specialty publications. In addition, other publications in parasitology journals were analyzed. There are reports of the presence of this disease in Chile for 60 years. During this time several differences in prevalence depending on geographic location, age and education level of the population have been detected. There is low epidemiological vigilance and lack of specific official preventive measures for this disease, despite the possible introduction of new parasite genotypes of an increased virulence and pathogenicity in the country through the importation of meat. New enigmas have arisen in relation to this disease associating it with Alzheimer, Parkinson's disease, autism, learning disabilities, among others.

  15. Isotopic composition and origin of the precipitation in Northern Chile

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Aravena, R.; Suzuki, O.; Pena, H.; Pollastri, A.; Fuenzalida, H.; Grilli, A.


    A 3 a data set of isotopes in precipitation from northern Chile show a very distinct pattern, with δ 18 O values ranging between -18 and -15per thousand at high altitude stations, compared to δ 18 O values between -10 and -6per thousand at the lower altitude areas. The 18 O-depleted values observed in the high altitude area, the Altiplano, are related to processes that affect the air masses that originated over the Atlantic, cross the Amazon Basin (continental effect), ascend the Andes (altitude effect) and precipitated (convective effect) in the Altiplano. It is postulated that a second source of moisture, associated with air masses from the Pacific, may contribute to the 18 O-enriched values observed in the lower altitude areas. Similar isotopic patterns are documented in springs and groundwater indicating that the data presented in this paper are an accurate representation of the long term behavior isotopic composition of rain in northern Chile. (Copyright (c) 1999 Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. All rights reserved.)

  16. Cobre labrado, alambique y aguardiente. Chile y Argentina, 1586-1850

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    Pablo Lacoste


    Full Text Available El estudio examina el desarrollo de la producción, transporte y distribu- ción de cobres labrados y alambiques para elaborar aguardiente en Chile y el oeste de la actual Argentina, desde el primer alambique registrado (1586 hasta mediados del siglo XIX. Se detecta que el principal polo de manufactura de estos artefactos se encontraba en el Norte Chico de Chile, entre Huasco y La Serena. Desde allí, el uso de los alambiques se difundió por un amplio espacio. La ruta del alambique y el cobre labrado se extendió por 5.000 kilómetros, llegando a Guayaquil, Trujillo, Callao, Cinti, Jujuy y Salta por el norte; y a Valdivia y Chiloé por el sur, a ambos lados de la cordillera de los Andes. Floreció así un intenso proceso de integración socioeconómica regional, a la vez que se fortaleció el desa- rrollo agroindustrial con la posibilidad de destilar aguardientes. De esta manera se sentaron las bases para el surgimiento de varios productos típicos.

  17. Isotopic composition and origin of the precipitation in Northern Chile

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Aravena, R. [Department of Earth Sciences, University of Waterloo, Waterloo (Canada); Suzuki, O. [Exploracion y Desarrollo de Recursos Hidricos, Santiago (Chile); Pena, H. [Direccion General de Aguas, Ministerio de Obras Publicas, Santiago (Chile); Pollastri, A. [Comision Chilena de Energia Nuclear, Santiago (Chile); Fuenzalida, H. [Departamento de Geofisica, Universidad of Chile, Santiago (Chile); Grilli, A. [Empresa Metropolitana de Obras Sanitarias, Santiago (Chile)


    A 3 a data set of isotopes in precipitation from northern Chile show a very distinct pattern, with {delta}{sup 18}O values ranging between -18 and -15per thousand at high altitude stations, compared to {delta}{sup 18}O values between -10 and -6per thousand at the lower altitude areas. The {sup 18}O-depleted values observed in the high altitude area, the Altiplano, are related to processes that affect the air masses that originated over the Atlantic, cross the Amazon Basin (continental effect), ascend the Andes (altitude effect) and precipitated (convective effect) in the Altiplano. It is postulated that a second source of moisture, associated with air masses from the Pacific, may contribute to the {sup 18}O-enriched values observed in the lower altitude areas. Similar isotopic patterns are documented in springs and groundwater indicating that the data presented in this paper are an accurate representation of the long term behavior isotopic composition of rain in northern Chile. (Copyright (c) 1999 Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. All rights reserved.)

  18. Equidad de género en el acceso a la atención de salud en Chile


    Vega M, Jeanette; Bedregal G, Paula; Jadue H, Liliana; Delgado B, Iris


    Background: In the last two decades, Chile has experienced advances in economical development and global health indicators. However, gender inequities persist in particular related to access to health services and financing of health insurance. Aim: To examine gender inequities in the access to health care in Chile. Material and methods: An analysis of data obtained from a serial national survey applied to assess social policies (CASEN) carried out by the Ministry of Planning. During the surv...

  19. La lectura en formatos digitales en el Chile actual: nuevas prácticas y viejas desigualdades

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    Cristóbal Moya


    Full Text Available En el presente artículo se caracteriza la fisionomía de la lectura en formatos digitales, especialmente en comparación con los impresos. Para esto se analiza la lectura en formatos digitales de cuatro materiales de lectura en el Chile actual (libros, revistas, periódicos e historietas a partir del Estudio de Comportamiento Lector 2014. Las prácticas lectoras son analizadas en cuanto prácticas culturales más amplias, lo que permite dar cuenta de la afinidad existente entre prácticas lectoras y determinados grupos sociales. En particular, se examinan las implicancias de ser un “lector omnívoro” en términos de formatos digitales e impresos. Se encuentra que los “lectores omnívoros” corresponden a perfiles lectores de posiciones sociales aventajadas en términos de educación e ingresos del hogar. Además, los omnívoros son quienes exhiben una mayor disposición a leer distintos materiales y en distintos formatos. Finalmente, se evidencia que existe una reproducción intergeneracional de la desigual disposición a leer en formatos digitales a partir del análisis de la educación de los padres. PALABRAS CLAVE: lectura digital en Chile, prácticas lectoras en Chile, lectura y distinción social, omnivorismo lector. In this article the main features of the format of digital reading are presented, particularly in comparison with print. In order to carry out this aim, the reading in digital format of four reading materials in contemporary Chile (books, magazines, newspapers and comics is analyzed drawing on the Estudio de Comportamiento Lector 2014 (Study of Reading Behavior. Reading practices are analyzed as broader cultural practices, which allows to establish links between reading practices and certain social groups. Particularly, the implications of being an ‘omnivore reader’ are examined, considering digital and print formats. Results show that ‘omnivore readers’ correspond to reading profiles of advantaged social

  20. Understanding differences in access and use of healthcare between international immigrants to Chile and the Chilean-born: a repeated cross-sectional population-based study in Chile. (United States)

    Cabieses, Baltica; Tunstall, Helena; Pickett, Kate E; Gideon, Jasmine


    International evidence indicates consistently lower rates of access and use of healthcare by international immigrants. Factors associated with this phenomenon vary significantly depending on the context. Some research into the health of immigrants has been conducted in Latin America, mostly from a qualitative perspective. This population-based study is the first quantitative study to explore healthcare provision entitlement and use of healthcare services by immigrants in Chile and compare them to the Chilean-born. Data come from the nationally representative CASEN (Socioeconomic characterization of the population in Chile) surveys, conducted in 2006 and 2009. Self-reported immigrants were compared to the Chilean-born, by demographic characteristics (age, sex, urban/rural, household composition, ethnicity), socioeconomic status (SES: education, household income, contractual status), healthcare provision entitlement (public, private, other, none), and use of primary services. Weighted descriptive, stratified and adjusted regression models were used to analyse factors associated with access to and use of healthcare. There was an increase in self-reported immigrant status and in household income inequality among immigrants between 2006 and 2009. Over time there was a decrease in the rate of immigrants reporting no healthcare provision and an increase in reporting of private healthcare provision entitlement. Compared to the Chilean-born, immigrants reported higher rates of use of antenatal and gynaecological care, lower use of well-baby care, and no difference in the use of Pap smears or the number of attentions received in the last three months. Immigrants in the bottom income quintile were four times more likely to report no healthcare provision than their equivalent Chilean-born group (with different health needs, i.e. vertical inequity). Disabled immigrants were more likely to have no healthcare provision compared to the disabled Chilean-born (with similar health