
Sample records for beginn vor dem

  1. ifo Konjunkturprognose 2016–2018: Robuste deutsche Konjunktur vor einem Jahr ungewisser internationaler Wirtschaftspolitik


    Wollmershäuser, Timo; Nierhaus, Wolfgang; Hristov, Nikolay; Boumans, Dorine; Garnitz, Johanna; Göttert, Marcell; Grimme, Christian; Lauterbacher, Stefan; Lehmann, Robert; Meister, Wolfgang; Reif, Magnus; Schröter, Felix; Steiner, Andreas; Stöckli, Marc; Klaus, Wohlrabe


    Am 16. Dezember 2016 stellte das ifo Institut seine Prognose für die Jahre 2016, 2017 und 2018 vor. Der robuste Aufschwung, in dem sich die deutsche Wirtschaft seit dem Jahr 2013 befindet, wird sich fortsetzen. In diesem Jahr ist mit einem Zuwachs des realen BIP von 1,9% zu rechnen. 2017 dürfte der Anstieg auf 1,5% zurückgehen, was jedoch nur auf eine im Vergleich zum Vorjahr geringere Anzahl von Arbeitstagen zurückzuführen ist. Im Jahr 2018 wird das reale BIP vor­aussichtlich um 1,7% expandi...

  2. Investigations on pretreatment of waste prior to fermentation by percolation using the ISKA {sup registered} process; Untersuchungen zur Vorbehandlung von Abfaellen vor der Vergaerung mittels Perkolation nach dem ISKA {sup registered} -Verfahren

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Santen, H. [Technische Univ. Braunschweig (Germany). FG Abfallwirtschaft; Fricke, K. [Technische Univ. Braunschweig (Germany). Lehrstuhl Abfallwirtschaft; Engelhard, T.; Widmer, C. [ISKA GmbH, Ettlingen (Germany)


    Waste treatment prior to fermentation is a key aspect in achieving economic efficiency. One process is presented here in particular: percolation, in which waste is hydrolyzed aerobically, treated mechanically, and washed out with the aid of process water. The process involves a percolation stage followed by a fermentation stage. The process water burdened with organic matter is passed into a fermentation reactor in which the organic components are reacted anaerobically into biogas and bacterial mass, and the process water is recirculated into the percolation reactor. (orig.) [German] Vergaerungstechnologien zaehlen zu den etablierten Verfahren zur Gewinnung regenerativer Energien aus Biomasse. Fuer die Energieeffizienz dieser Verfahren sind die Leistung der Vergaerungsstufe, die Hoehe der Verfuegbarkeit der anaerob abzubauenden organischen Substanzen und der spezifische Energiebedarf des Behandlungsverfahrens massgeblich. Eine Schluesselstellung fuer die Optimierung beider Faktoren nimmt die Abfallaufbereitung vor der Vergaerung ein. Eine Technoloie zur Aufbereitung vor der Vergaerung basiert auf dem Verfahren der Perkolation, in der der Abfall aerob hydrolysiert,mechanisch aufgeschlossen und durch Zugabe von Prozesswasser ausgewaschen wird. Das Verfahren besteht aus einer Aufbereitung - der Perkolation - sowie einer nachgeschalteten Vergaerung. Das mit vergaerbarer Organik beladene Prozesswasser wird einem Vergaerungsreaktor zugefuehrt, in dem die organischen Komponenten anaerob zu Biogas und Bakterienmasse umgesetzt werden. Das aufbereitete Prozesswasser wird anschliessend wieder dem Perkolationsreaktor zugefuehrt. (orig.)

  3. AMMU Automotive Mixed Mock-Up: Konzeption einer neuen Entwicklungsplattform für die Automobilindustrie


    Geißel, Oliver


    Vor dem Hintergrund der großen Herausforderungen der Automobilindustrie zu Beginn des 21. Jahrhunderts beschäftigt sich diese Arbeit mit den Potentialen der Informationstechnologie, im speziellen der Mixed Reality, hinsichtlich der Anpassung von Methoden und Prozessen innerhalb der Produktentwicklung an die aktuellen Herausforderungen. Mit der Einführung von Mixed Reality in den Produktentwicklungsprozess wurde im Rahmen dieser Arbeit den Herausforderungen innerhalb der automobilen Entwick...

  4. Rehkitzrettung mit dem Fliegenden Wildretter: Erfahrungen der ersten Feldeinsätze


    Wimmer, Tilman; Israel, Martin; Haschberger, Peter; Weimann, Anita


    Der Fliegende Wildretter des Deutschen Zentrums für Luft- und Raumfahrt ist als prototypische Kleinserie seit dem Jahr 2010 erfolgreich in Deutsch-land und Österreich im Einsatz, um aus der Luft Wildtiere während der Wiesenmahd aufzuspüren, und diese so vor dem Tod durch das Mähwerk zu retten. Der Prototyp basiert auf einem ferngesteuerten Multikopter, der mit mehreren Kameras ausgestattet ist und damit im Flug zuverlässiger und wesentlich schneller Wildtiere er-kennen kann, als dies mit b...

  5. Geschäftsmodelle in der digitalen Wirtschaft. Vollstudie


    Müller, Simon C.; Böhm, Markus; Schröer, Marina; Bahkirev, Alexander; Baiasu, Bogdan-Cristian; Krcmar, Helmut; Welpe, Isabell M.


    Selten zuvor haben neuartige Konzepte und Technologien überall auf der Welt so schnell und weitreichend gesellschaftliche und wirtschaftliche Anwendung gefunden wie digitale Geschäftsmodelle und Smartphones in den letzten zehn Jahren. Meilensteine der Entwicklung waren der Beginn der Digitalisierung ganzer Bibliotheken beginnend mit dem Jahr 2005 und die Markteinführung des iPhones im Jahr 2007. Die digitale Transformation stellt Politik und Wirtschaft vor große Herausforderungen. Für eine fu...

  6. Sterblichkeit: der paradoxe Kunstgriff des Lebens - Eine Betrachtung vor dem Hintergrund der modernen Biologie (United States)

    Verbeek, Bernhard

    Leben gibt es auf der Erde seit fast 4 Mio. Jahren, trotz allen Katastrophen. Die Idee des Lebens scheint unsterblich. Der Tod aber offenbar auch. Jedes Lebewesen ist davon bedroht, ja für Menschen und andere "höhere“ Lebewesen ist er im Lebensprogramm eingebaut - todsicher. Diese Tatsache ist alles andere als selbstverständlich. Ist sie überhaupt kompatibel mit dem Prinzip der Evolution, nach dem der am besten Angepasste überlebt?

  7. Der Meteorologe : (aus dem Band "V". Tallinn 1998) / Elo Viiding ; aus dem Estnischen von Gisbert Jänicke

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Viiding, Elo, 1974-


    Sisu : Die Möglichkeit des Meteorologen = Meteoroloogi võimalikkusest ; "Der Meteorologe kam 1990 in die Stadt..." = "Meteoroloog saabus linna aastal 1990..." ; "Was wäre dir "Arbeit" des Meteorologen..." = "Mis oleks meteoroloogi töö..." ; "Und ein Unglück für den Meteorologen ist es auch..." = "Ja Meteoroloogi õnnetus on veel see..." ; Angst vor dem Altwerden des Meteorologen = Hirm Meteoroloogi vanakssaamise ees ; Fest. Geschenk = Pidu. Kink ; "Wenn der Meteorologe eine Grösse sieht, ist er darüber..." = "Kui meteoroloog näeb suurust, on ta selle kohal..." ; Der Meteorologe wird im Saal erwartet = Meteoroloogi oodatakse saali ; "Das Abkommen mit der Meteorologenerwartung kündigen..." = "Katkestada leping meteoroloogiootusega..." ; "Die "Wege des Herrn" sind der Meteorologe..." = "Looja tee" on Meteoroloog..." ; Von dem Fremden, der im Saal den Meteorologen traf = Võõra lugu, kes Meteoroloogi saalis kohtas ; "Den Fremden hervorzuhusten, der von dem..." = "Köhida enesest välja võõras, kes tahtis teha..." ; Der Fremde beruhigt sich nicht = Võõras ei jää rahule

  8. Platz der Östrogene in der Primärprävention der Osteoporose

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Birkhäuser M


    Full Text Available Die Gabe von Östrogenen allein (EET oder Östrogene + Gestagen (HET führt zu einer signifikanten Senkung des Frakturrisikos. Die Osteoporoseprävention bleibt in der frühen Postmenopause nach Meinung der Schweizerischen (SMG, der Europäischen (EMAS und der Internationalen (IMS Menopausengesellschaften einer der gesicherten Nutzen einer Östrogengabe und somit eine Therapie der ersten Wahl zur Frakturprävention bei Frauen in der Peri- und frühen Postmenopause. Bei schweren klimakterischen Beschwerden sind EET oder HET das unbestritten wirksamste Therapieprinzip (Hauptindikation einer EET/HET. Die gleichzeitig gesicherte Frakturprävention ist bei der Behandlung des klimakterischen Syndroms ein erwünschter günstiger Nebeneffekt. Jede EET/HET muss individualisiert sein und soll nur solange erfolgen, als sie notwendig ist. Bei gegebener Indikation kann die EET oder HET über die üblichen 3–5 Jahre hinaus fortgesetzt werden. Bei vorzeitiger Menopause (vor dem 40. Altersjahr und früher Menopause (vor dem 45. Altersjahr besteht eine absolute Indikation zum Beginn einer EET/HET. Frauen mit vorzeitiger Ovarialinsuffizienz benötigen meist höhere Dosierungen als solche mit zeitgerechter Menopause. Die EET/HET soll auch aus Gründen der Osteoporoseprävention mindestens bis zum normalen Menopausenalter weitergeführt werden (51– 52 Jahre. Bei Beginn einer HET innerhalb von 10 Jahren nach der Menopause oder in einem Alter von bis zu 60 Jahren überwiegt bei gegebener Indikation der Nutzen die Risiken. Dies muss bei der Behandlungswahl bei jüngeren postmenopausalen Frauen mit erhöhtem Osteoporoserisiko wieder vermehrt berücksichtigt werden, vor allem, wenn gleichzeitig klimakterische Beschwerden vorliegen.

  9. S1-Leitlinie Lipödem. (United States)

    Reich-Schupke, Stefanie; Schmeller, Wilfried; Brauer, Wolfgang Justus; Cornely, Manuel E; Faerber, Gabriele; Ludwig, Malte; Lulay, Gerd; Miller, Anya; Rapprich, Stefan; Richter, Dirk Frank; Schacht, Vivien; Schrader, Klaus; Stücker, Markus; Ure, Christian


    Die vorliegende überarbeitete Leitlinie zum Lipödem wurde unter der Federführung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Phlebologie (DGP) erstellt und finanziert. Die Inhalte beruhen auf einer systematischen Literaturrecherche und dem Konsens von acht medizinischen Fachgesellschaften und Berufsverbänden. Die Leitlinie beinhaltet Empfehlungen zu Diagnostik und Therapie des Lipödems. Die Diagnose ist dabei auf der Basis von Anamnese und klinischem Befund zu stellen. Charakteristisch ist eine umschriebene, symmetrisch lokalisierte Vermehrung des Unterhautfettgewebes an den Extremitäten mit deutlicher Disproportion zum Stamm. Zusätzlich finden sich Ödeme, Hämatomneigung und eine gesteigerte Schmerzhaftigkeit der betroffenen Körperabschnitte. Weitere apparative Untersuchungen sind bisher besonderen Fragestellungen vorbehalten. Die Erkrankung ist chronisch progredient mit individuell unterschiedlichem und nicht vorhersehbarem Verlauf. Die Therapie besteht aus vier Säulen, die individuell kombiniert und an das aktuelle Beschwerdebild angepasst werden sollten: komplexe physikalische Entstauungstherapie (manuelle Lymphdrainage, Kompressionstherapie, Bewegungstherapie, Hautpflege), Liposuktion und plastisch-chirurgische Interventionen, Ernährung und körperliche Aktivität sowie ggf. additive Psychotherapie. Operative Maßnahmen sind insbesondere dann angezeigt, wenn trotz konsequent durchgeführter konservativer Therapie noch Beschwerden bestehen bzw. eine Progredienz des Befundes und/oder der Beschwerden auftritt. Eine begleitend zum Lipödem bestehende morbide Adipositas sollte vor einer Liposuktion therapeutisch angegangen werden. © 2017 The Authors | Journal compilation © Blackwell Verlag GmbH, Berlin.

  10. PrimeFaces beginner's guide

    CERN Document Server

    Reddy, K Siva Prasad


    A guide for beginner's with step-by-step instructions and an easy-to-follow approach.PrimeFaces Beginners Guide is a simple and effective guide for beginners, wanting to learn and implement PrimeFaces in their JSF-based applications. Some basic JSF and jQuery skills are required before you start working through the book.

  11. Global CO{sub 2} emissions 2015. Trend reversion is still waiting, despite hopeful approaches; Weltweite CO{sub 2}-Emissionen 2015. Trendwende laesst trotz hoffnungsvoller Ansaetze nach wie vor auf sich warten

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ziesing, Hans-Joachim


    By 2015, global CO{sub 2} emissions were virtually unchanged from 2014 according to provisional calculations. On the whole, a slight increase may have resulted, which has slowed the growth of the past few years. In the previous year alone, the weakest growth since the beginning of the century had been recorded, with only 0.7% of the upturn (with the exception of the crises in 2008/2009). As a result, CO{sub 2} emissions in 2015 were only slightly higher than in the previous year, at 33.1 billion tonnes. A global trend reversal is still likely, but the CO{sub 2} emissions have declined in many countries, particularly in some industrialized countries. [German] Im Jahr 2015 haben sich die weltweiten CO{sub 2}-Emissionen nach vorlaeufigen Berechnungen gegenueber 2014 praktisch nicht veraendert. Insgesamt duerfte sich allenfalls ein leichtes Plus ergeben haben, womit der Zuwachs der vergangenen Jahre erneut gebremst wurde. Schon im Vorjahr war mit einem Plus von nur 0,7 % der bis dahin (mit Ausnahme der Krisenjahre 2008/2009) schwaechste Anstieg seit Beginn des Jahrhunderts zu verzeichnen gewesen. Im Ergebnis blieben die CO{sub 2}-Emissionen 2015 mit reichlich 33,1 Mrd. t nur geringfuegig ueber dem Niveau des Vorjahres. Eine weltweite Trendwende steht wohl noch nach wie vor aus, doch sind immerhin die CO{sub 2}-Emissionen in zahlreichen Laendern, insbesondere in etlichen Industrielaendern, gesunken.

  12. Interesting Instruction of Programming for Beginners


    横井, 仁史; Hitoshi, YOKOI; 聖徳学園女子短期大学; Shotoku Gakuen Women's Junior Collge


    Programming needs logoical thinking as mathematics. But I have an experience that I insturucted Programming for beginners as mathematics, then most of students did not like Prgramming. Interesting Insturuction for example to make pictures and games in computer fits for beginners. So I show Interesting Insturuction of programming for beginners in SHOTOKU Juior College.

  13. Liferay Beginner's Guide

    CERN Document Server

    Chen, Robert; Bhatt, Samir


    Part of Packt's Beginner's Guide series, each chapter follows the creation of a fictional neighbourhood site to demonstrate an aspect of Liferay portal with practical examples, screenshots, and step-by-step instructions. All you need in order to benefit from the Liferay Beginner's Guide is programming experience. No prior knowledge of Liferay is required, although experienced Liferay portal programmers who need to get up to speed with its latest features will also find this book useful.

  14. Das Recht vor seinem Gesetz: Franz Kafka zur (Un‐Möglichkeit einer Selbstreflexion des Rechts / The Law before its Law: Franz Kafka on the (Im‐Possibility of Law’s Self‐Reflection

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Gunther Teubner


    Full Text Available Stellen wir uns vor, der Mann vom Lande in Kafkas Parabel „Vor dem Gesetz“ sei nicht, wie es in der vorschnellen Rollenfixierung zahlreicher Kafka‐Interpretationen heißt, das menschliche Individuum, das der Gewalt der institutionalisierten Gesetzlichkeit (der Macht, der Moral, der Religion etc. ausgeliefert ist. Er sei stattdessen ein Richter „vom Lande“, einer der draußen im Lande einen Rechtsfall nach Recht und Gesetz zu behandeln hat und der nun in seinen Entscheidungsqualen mit dem Gesetz nicht zu Recht kommt. Let us imagine that the man from the country in Kafka’s parable “Before the law” is not the human individual who has been delivered up to the force of institutionalised legalism (power, morality, religion etc, as we find in numerous Kafka interpretations with their somewhat over‐hasty role fixation. Let us suppose instead that he is a judge “from the country”, who – back there, in the country – has to deal with a legal case according to the law, and who now, in the torment of decision‐making, cannot find what is right according to the law.

  15. Recent developments in the electricity generation market in 2014; Aktuelle Entwicklungen auf dem Stromerzeugungsmarkt im Jahr 2014

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hofmann, Holger [Oppenhoff und Partner Rechtsanwaelte Steuerberater mbB, Koeln (Germany)


    Following up the report on the developments in the Electricity market from last year to this case this article shall give an overview of the current developments in 2014. The year 2014 was marked by the energy sector Program of the coalition agreement, which, under the three objectives of security of supply Affordability and environmental impact which has made clear Specifications for the production side in particular with regard to the final Nuclear Phase-out phase, the announced amendment of the EEG, system stability and also Fracking. The predominant theme in 2014 this was certainly the reform of the EEG and around it rambling topics on European level. Too much uncertainty with plant operators, investors and companies in German power generation market, has led in addition to the mentioned legislative package the revision of the EU environmental and energy aid guidelines, State aid procedure of the European Commission regarding the German promotion of electricity from renewable Energy and the process in the case of Aaland Vindkraft before the ECJ. The dynamics on the generation side, inter alia through the increased connection of decentralized generation plants, result in an increasing regulation in power generation. Finally a first bill for Fracking is published at the end of 2014. [German] Anknuepfend an den Bericht ueber die Entwicklungen auf dem Stromerzeugungsmarkt aus dem letzten Jahr soll dieser Beitrag einen Ueberblick ueber die aktuellen Entwicklungen in 2014 geben. Das Jahr 2014 war gepraegt von dem energiewirtschaftlichen Programm des Koalitionsvertrags, das unter dem Zieldreieck aus Versorgungssicherheit, Preisguenstigkeit und Umweltvertraeglichkeit klare Vorgaben fuer die Erzeugerseite vor allem mit Blick auf den endgueltigen Atomausstieg, die angekuendigte Novellierung des EEG, Systemstabilitaet und auch Fracking gemacht hat. Das vorherrschende Thema im Jahr 2014 war hierbei sicherlich die Reform des EEG sowie die sich darum rankenden Themen auf

  16. Joomla! 25 Beginner's Guide

    CERN Document Server

    Tiggeler, Eric


    Written with a fast-paced but friendly and engaging approach, this Packt Beginner's guide is designed to be placed alongside the computer as your guide and mentor. Step-by-step tutorials are bolstered by explanations of the reasoning behind what you are doing. You will quickly pick up the necessary skills, tips, and tricks for building a successful Joomla! website. This book is written for beginners to website design. By the end of the book you will have built a complete custom content managed website, and be ready to build any kind of website.

  17. Manga studio 5 beginner's guide

    CERN Document Server

    Rhodes, Richard


    Using a step-by-step approach, this book will lead you through the process of building up complex, multi-page comic/Manga art, along with industry insights along the way. ""Manga Studio Beginner's Guide"" is for beginners in comic creation. The more you know about how comics are made, the better you will be, but it's not essential to get the most out of this book. Even if you're a professional comic artist, this book will get you up to speed on using Manga Studio 5.

  18. Nuclear power for beginners

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Croall, S.; Sempler, K.


    Witty, critically, and with expert knowledge, 'Atomic power for beginners' describes the development of nuclear power for military purposes and its 'peaceful uses' against the will of the population. Atomic power, the civil baby of the bomb is not only a danger to our lives - it is enemy to all life as all hard technologies are on which economic systems preoccupied with growth put their hopes. Therefore, 'Atomic power for beginners' does not stop at nuclear engineering but proceeds to investigate its consequences, nationally and with a view to the Third World. And since the consequences are so fatal and it is not enough to say no to nuclear power, it gives some thoughts to a better future - with soft technology and alternative production. (orig.) 891 HP/orig. 892 MKO [de

  19. Virtuelle Forschungsumgebungen in der Geschichtswissenschaft – Lösungsansätze und Perspektiven

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Thomas Meyer


    Full Text Available Seit 2008 werden „Virtuelle Forschungsumgebungen“ durch die Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG in einem Programm im Bereich der Literatur-und Informationsversorgung gefördert, vorangegangen sind dem verschiedene Entwicklungen vor allem in Großbritannien, wo das Thema schon einige Jahre früher auf der Agenda stand. „Virtuelle Forschungsumgebungen“ werden unter anderem entwickelt für die Schulbuchforschung ( , die Asienstudien (crossasia , für eine „Visuelle Ethnologie“ , im Bereich der Kunstgeschichte (Meta-Image oder die neutestamentliche Textforschung. Am Institut für Geschichtswissenschaften der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin beschäftigen sich die dort angesiedelten Projekte H-Soz-u-Kult und dessen Trägerverein Clio-online - Historisches Fachinformationssystem e.V. seit Beginn 2009 mit dem Thema; nach einem positiven Bescheid der DFG über die finanzielle Förderung zur Überführung der im Rahmen von Clio-online, H-Soz-u-Kult und damit verbundenen Projekten entwickelten Fachinformations- und Kommunikationsdienste in eine „Virtuelle Forschungsumgebung“ steht seit Januar 2011 deren praktische Umsetzung auf der Agenda des auf zwei Jahre angelegten Infrastrukturprojekts.

  20. Quantum Physics for Beginners. (United States)

    Strand, J.


    Suggests a new approach for teaching secondary school quantum physics. Reviews traditional approaches and presents some characteristics of the three-part "Quantum Physics for Beginners" project, including: quantum physics, quantum mechanics, and a short historical survey. (SK)

  1. Selecting literature for beginner readers in South Africa

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Hibbert, Liesel


    Full Text Available This article explores complexities of choosing appropriate reading material which may provide maximum engagement for beginner readers in Southern Africa, with the aim of instilling a lifelong love of reading. The article presents a case in favour of literary criteria as base line for choices of reading material for beginner readers. Furthermore, the article outlines general characteristics of reading material for beginner readers, as well as specific criteria to be considered in the Southern African context, taking into account the linguistic diversity which exists in formal education and the vast literacy backlog in the region. Furthermore, it is argued that translated children’s stories should ideally be adapted rather than literally translated, in order to meet the requirements of what is universally regarded as good children’s literature for beginner readers. A culture of reading can only be instilled by adhering to the following criteria, i.e. ensuring affective engagement, maximum meaning-making potential, delight, the engagement of the imagination for the purposes of developing the creative mind, and strong identification with the material for the purposes of developing a sense of agency.

  2. Urban DEM generation, analysis and enhancements using TanDEM-X (United States)

    Rossi, Cristian; Gernhardt, Stefan


    This paper analyzes the potential of the TanDEM-X mission for the generation of urban Digital Elevation Models (DEMs). The high resolution of the sensors and the absence of temporal decorrelation are exploited. The interferometric chain and the problems encountered for correct mapping of urban areas are analyzed first. The operational Integrated TanDEM-X Processor (ITP) algorithms are taken as reference. The ITP main product is called the raw DEM. Whereas the ITP coregistration stage is demonstrated to be robust enough, large improvements in the raw DEM such as fewer percentages of phase unwrapping errors, can be obtained by using adaptive fringe filters instead of the conventional ones in the interferogram generation stage. The shape of the raw DEM in the layover area is also shown and determined to be regular for buildings with vertical walls. Generally, in the presence of layover, the raw DEM exhibits a height ramp, resulting in a height underestimation for the affected structure. Examples provided confirm the theoretical background. The focus is centered on high resolution DEMs produced using spotlight acquisitions. In particular, a raw DEM over Berlin (Germany) with a 2.5 m raster is generated and validated. For this purpose, ITP is modified in its interferogram generation stage by adopting the Intensity Driven Adaptive Neighbourhood (IDAN) algorithm. The height Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) between the raw DEM and a reference is about 8 m for the two classes defining the urban DEM: structures and non-structures. The result can be further improved for the structure class using a DEM generated with Persistent Scatterer Interferometry. A DEM fusion is thus proposed and a drop of about 20% in the RMSE is reported.

  3. 76 FR 2800 - Amendment of VOR Federal Airways V-2 and V-21; Hawaii (United States)


    ...-1263; Airspace Docket No. 10-AWP-17] Amendment of VOR Federal Airways V-2 and V-21; Hawaii AGENCY... Omnidirectional Range (VOR) Federal airway legal descriptions in the State of Hawaii. The FAA is taking this... Regulations (14 CFR) part 71 by amending two VOR Federal Airways, V-2 and V-21, located in the State of Hawaii...

  4. concrete5 Beginner's Guide

    CERN Document Server

    Laubacher, Remo


    This book is part of Packt's Beginner's Guide series. You will be guided through the set up of a Concrete5 site with step-by-step practical examples. This book is ideal for developers who would like to build their first site with Concrete5. Some k


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Taranindya Zulhi Amalia


    Full Text Available Global communication concern brings human to be familiar with English as early as possible. Nowadays beginner students started English orally in elementary school even kindergarten. At this moment, they dealth with listening and speaking skills and put them into practice. When they came down to English, some beginners feel uncomfortable in their learning because of facing formal situation. The beginners who were typically keen on playing and having fun comfortably could not be treated in teaching-learning that was usually presented to intermediate level or adult. Teachers had to create informal situation so that they were more relaxed and got chemistry one another. Dealing with comfortable zone put into informal situation in listening and speaking practices for the beginners, this study focused on topical casual talks. It set up a relaxed spot in order to explore effective communication related to their subject matters. The teachers/tutors could apply one of classroom listening and speaking performance types, responsive. This study used qualitative approach. While it refered to library research. The primary source was Elementary School Silabus. Whereas the secondary data sources were English teaching-learning books. This issue discussed about listening and speaking skills for beginners. The beginners classified into age 6-8. In listening section, the students processed teacher talk instantly. Afterwards in speaking, suitable direct short response answered the teacher talk. This action could be assessed by subjective test in the form of wh-questions and short answers test. Ultimately, the next comparable studies may converse different competences and performances for beginners or any levels.

  6. JBoss ESB Beginner's Guide

    CERN Document Server

    DiMaggio, Len; Magesh, Kumar


    Part of Packt's Beginner's Guide series, each chapter contains practical examples with step-by-step instructions and plenty of screenshots to guide you through the implementation of JBoss ESB. This book is intended for Java programmers although you don't need previous experience with middleware such as application servers or ESBs.

  7. Mechanical-biological waste conditioning with controlled venting - the Meisenheim mechanical-biological waste conditioning plant; Mechanisch-biologische Restabfallbehandlung nach dem Kaminzugverfahren - MBRA Meisenheim

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hangen, H.O. [Abfallwirtschaftsbetrieb Landkreis Bad Kreuznach, Bad Kreuznach (Germany)


    The decision of the rural district of Bad Kreuznach to propose creating facilities for mechanical-biological waste conditioning at the new northern Meisenheim landfill was consistent and correct. It will ensure that the material deposited at this new, state-of-the-art landfill is organically `lean` and can be deposited with a high density. Preliminary sifting of the material prior to depositing safeguards that no improper components are inadvertently included. Three years of operation warrant the statement that waste components that cannot be appropriately biologically conditioned should be eliminated prior to rotting. (orig.) [Deutsch] Die Entscheidung des Landkreises Bad Kreuznach, der neu eingerichteten Norddeponie Meisenheim eine MBRA vorzuschlaten, war auf jeden Fall konsequent und richtig. Es ist damit sicher gestellt, dass in diesem neuen nach dem Stand der Technik eingerichteten Deponiebereich von Anfang an ein Material eingelagert wird, das `organisch abgemagert` ist und mit hoher Einbaudichte eingebaut werden kann. Die Sichtung des gesamten Deponie-Inputs in der Vorsortierhalle gibt ein Stueck Sicherheit, dass keine nicht zugelassenen Stoffe verdeckt dem Ablagerungsbereich der Deponie zugefuehrt werden. Nach mehr als 3 Jahren Betriebszeit kann festgestellt werden, dass biologisch nicht sinnvoll behandelbare Abfallbestandteile vor dem Rotteprozess abgetrennt werden sollten. (orig.)

  8. Immanenz lesen

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Alice Lagaay


    Full Text Available Der folgende Text eröffnete die Konferenz „Immanenz in zeitgenössischer Kunst und Philosophie“, die im Mai 2016 in Wien stattfand. Es handelt sich dabei um einen Reader mit Schlüsselaussagen zur Immanenz von Gilles Deleuze, Baruch de Spinoza, Giorgio Agamben, Henri Bergson, Francois Laruelle, Antonin Artaud und Friedrich Nietzsche. Dieser Reader wurde von Arno Böhler und Elisabeth Schäfer zusammengestellt. Susanne Valerie Granzer (S.V.G. verarbeitete den Inhalt zu einer Kollage und trug Fragmente der Texte zum Beginn der Konferenz vor. Sie wurde dabei gelegentlich von Alice Lagaay (A.L. unterbrochen, deren Einwürfe dazu dienten, Verbindungslinien zwischen den dichten theoretischen Texten und dem immanenten performativen Kontext zu ziehen, innerhalb dessen sie vorgetragen und aufgenommen wurden – d. h. dem Kontext der Konferenz. Der folgende Text bietet das Vorgetragene sowie die leichtherzigen – durchaus aber auch ernst gemeinten – Kommentare so dar, wie sie zur Aufführung kamen. Die Leser sind eingeladen, sich die Lebendigkeit (live-ness des Ereignisses vorzustellen und sie nachzuerleben (re-enact, wobei ihre eigenen Kommentare, Fragen und Überlegungen die Lektüre unterbrechen.

  9. Single or multi-repository concept? A personal contribution to the discussion of pros and cons; Ein- oder Mehr-Endlager-Konzept? Ein persoenlicher Beitrag zur Diskussion der Vor- und Nachteile

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Closs, K.-D. [Projektraeger fuer Wassertechnologie und Entsorgung, Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe GmbH (Germany); Duphorn, K. [Christian-Albrechts-Universitaet zu Kiel (Germany); Kuehn, K. [Institut fuer Bergbau, TU Clausthal-Zellerfeld (Germany)


    Gruenen nach der Bundestagswahl von 1998 wurde zur Entsorgung der deutschen Kernkraftwerke ein von der bis dahin angestrebten Praxis abweichender Weg vereinbart. Unter anderem soll nur ein einziges Endlager in tiefen geologischen Formationen etwa ab dem Jahr 2030 zur Verfuegung stehen. Die Erkundung des Salzstockes Gorleben soll aufgrund bestehender Zweifel unterbrochen werden bei paralleler grundsaetzlicher Diskussion zu potenziell geeigneten Wirtsgesteinen und Standorten. Der von der Bundesregierung einberufene 'Arbeitskreis Auswahlverfahren Endlagerstandorte (AkEnd)' soll mit diesen Vorgaben wissenschaftliche Standortkriterien erarbeiten. Die Autoren, Mitglieder des AkEnd, kommen aufgrund von fachlichen Erkenntnissen sowie der historisch gewachsenen Entsorgungs- und Standortsituation in Deutschland zu dem Schluss, dass ein Mehr-Endlager-Konzept substanzielle Vorteile aufweist. Folgende Aspekte werden dafuer genannt: - Entsorgungskonzeption: Das Mehr-Endlager-Konzept bietet mit dem weit fortgeschrittenen Endlagerprojekt Konrad eindeutige Vorteile. Dies auch vor dem Hintergrund der von der oeffentlichen Hand zu bewaeltigenden Menge an Abfaellen mit vernachlaessigbarer Waermeentwicklung. - Langzeitsicherheit: Vorteile, u.a. im Hinblick auf sicherheitstechnische Aspekte bezueglich der moeglichen Kompromisse bei einem Ein-Endlager-Konzept und der moeglichen Einschraenkung der Anzahl potenzieller Standorte, liegen vor. - Nachweisverfahren: Es liegen nachweistechnische Vorteile bei Aufteilung der Abfaelle auf zwei oder mehr Endlager vor. - Kosten: Eine differenzierte Betrachtung der Kosten fuer alle endzulagernden Abfaelle deutet auf Vorteile - insbesondere fuer die oeffentliche Hand - bei einem Mehr-Endlager-Konzept hin. (orig.)

  10. Vestibular Compensation in Unilateral Patients Often Causes Both Gain and Time Constant Asymmetries in The VOR

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mina eRanjbaran


    Full Text Available The vestibulo-ocular reflex (VOR is essential in our daily life to stabilize retinal images during head movements. Balanced vestibular functionality secures optimal reflex performance which can be distorted in case of peripheral vestibular lesions. Luckily, vestibular compensation in different neuronal sites restores VOR function to some extent over time. Studying vestibular compensation gives insight into the possible mechanisms for plasticity in the brain.In this work, novel experimental analysis tools are employed to reevaluate the VOR characteristics following unilateral vestibular lesions and compensation. Our results suggest that following vestibular lesions, asymmetric performance of the VOR is not only limited to its gain. Vestibular compensation also causes asymmetric dynamics, i.e. different time constants for the VOR during leftward or rightward passive head rotation. Potential mechanisms for these experimental observations are provided using simulation studies.

  11. French courses for Beginners

    CERN Multimedia

    HR Department


    French courses for beginners (level 0) will take place from 13 July to 27 August 2009. •\tTimetable: Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays (11:00 to 13:00 or 13:30 to 15:30) •\tDuration: 56 hours (8 hours a week) •\tPrice: 728 CHF For registration and further information on the courses, please consult our Web pages: or contact Mrs. Dumeaux, tel. 78144.

  12. French courses for Beginners

    CERN Multimedia

    HR Department


    French courses for beginners (level 0) will take place from 13 July to 27 August 2009. •\tTimetable: Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays (11:00 to 13:00 or 13:30 to 15:30) •\tDuration: 56 hours (8 hours a week) •\tPrice: 728 CHF For registration and further information on the courses, please consult our Web pages: or contact Mrs. Dumeaux: Tel. 78144.

  13. French courses for Beginners

    CERN Multimedia

    HR Department


    French courses for beginners (level 0) will take place from 13 July to 27 August 2009. •\tTimetable: Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays (11.00 to 13.00 or 13.30 to 15.30) •\tDuration: 56 hours (8 hours a week) •\tPrice: 728 CHF For registration and further information on the courses, please consult our Web pages: or contact Mrs. Dumeaux : Tel. 78144.

  14. TestNG beginner's guide

    CERN Document Server

    Menon, Varun


    This book is written in a friendly, beginner's guide style with plenty of step-by-step instructions with appropriate examples.This book is great for developers and testers who are new to TestNg and want to learn how to use TestNG for writing their application as well as functional tests. This book assumes that you have experience in Java and OOPs concepts and have worked with certain IDE.

  15. La Vorágine en Rusia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Hernando Martínez Rueda


    Full Text Available Las prensas del Estado Soviético han publicado en 1957, una traducción al ruso de la novela de José Eustacio Rivera. El traductor es B. H. Zaroski. Verter a una lengua tan diferente de la castellana una obra literaria tan local y tan llena de modismos y de términos indígenas como "La Vorágine" es una verdadera proeza.

  16. PhoneGap 3 beginner's guide

    CERN Document Server

    Natili, Giorgio


    Written in a friendly, example-driven Beginner's Guide format, there are plenty of step-by-step instructions to help you get started with PhoneGap.If you are a web developer or mobile application developer interested in an examples-based approach to learning mobile application development basics with PhoneGap, then this book is for you.

  17. Transforming beginner teacher mentoring interventions for social ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Transforming beginner teacher mentoring interventions for social reform. ... for developing scholarship of teaching, as it is aligned with the role of scholar and ... Keywords: Action research; learning styles; mentoring practice; professional ...

  18. Cormorants as visitors in the Vorsø colony

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bregnballe, Thomas; Vinas, Marta Mas; Gregersen, Jens


    Like other seabirds Great Cormorants Phalacrocorax carbo sinensis are known to prospect in potential breeding colonies during their first years of life before they settle to breed. Based on daily resightings of colour-ringed cormorants in the old Vorsø colony we examined the difference between...

  19. Joomla! 3 beginner's guide

    CERN Document Server

    Tiggeler, Eric


    An easy to use, step-by-step guide to creating professional, mobile-friendly websites with the free Joomla CMS. The Joomla! 3 Beginner's Guide Second Edition is the ultimate guide for web developers who wish to build upon their skills and knowledge on creating websites. Even if you're new to this subject, you won't have any difficulty understanding the clear and friendly instructions and explanations. No prior knowledge of HTML and CSS is required.

  20. What are the important manoeuvres for beginners to minimize surgical time in primary total knee arthroplasty? (United States)

    Harato, Kengo; Maeno, Shinichi; Tanikawa, Hidenori; Kaneda, Kazuya; Morishige, Yutaro; Nomoto, So; Niki, Yasuo


    It was hypothesized that surgical time of beginners would be much longer than that of experts. Our purpose was to investigate and clarify the important manoeuvres for beginners to minimize surgical time in primary total knee arthroplasty (TKA) as a multicentre study. A total of 300 knees in 248 patients (averaged 74.6 years) were enrolled. All TKAs were done using the same instruments and the same measured resection technique at 14 facilities by 25 orthopaedic surgeons. Surgeons were divided into three surgeon groups (four experts, nine medium-volume surgeons and 12 beginners). The surgical technique was divided into five phases. Detailed surgical time and ratio of the time in each phase to overall surgical time were recorded and compared among the groups in each phase. A total of 62, 119, and 119 TKAs were done by beginners, medium-volume surgeons, and experts, respectively. Significant differences in surgical time among the groups were seen in each phase. Concerning the ratio of the time, experts and medium-volume surgeons seemed cautious in fixation of the permanent component compared to other phases. Interestingly, even in ratio, beginners and medium-volume surgeons took more time in exposure of soft tissue compared to experts. (0.14 in beginners, 0.13 in medium-volume surgeons, 0.11 in experts, P time in exposure and closure of soft tissue compared to experts. Improvement in basic technique is essential to minimize surgical time among beginners. First of all, surgical instructors should teach basic techniques in primary TKA for beginners. Therapeutic studies, Level IV.

  1. PILOT: A Programming Language for Beginners. (United States)

    Schnorr, Janice M.

    The presentation describes PILOT (Programmed Inquiry, Learning or Teaching), a special programing language easy for beginners to learn and available for several brands of microcomputers. PILOT is explained to contain substantially fewer commands than most other languages and to be written in an easy to understand manner. Edit commands and their…

  2. Anforderungen an ein System zur Evaluierung potentieller Langzeitschäden durch den Einsatz gentechnischer Methoden in der Nahrungsmittelherstellung und -verarbeitung


    Katzek, Jens


    Der Einsatz der gentechnischer Methoden bei der Synthese und Veränderung von Lebensmittelbestandteilen unterliegt strengen gesetzlichen Regeln, die eine umfangreiche Risikoabschätzung vor dem Inverkehrbringen gewährleisten sollen. Erfahrungen aus anderen Technikbereichen – insbesondere der Pharmazie – zeigen jedoch, daß Risikoabschätzungen vor dem Inverkehrbringen eines Produktes nicht in der Lage sind, alle möglichen Rahmenbedingungen für die Evaluierung des Gefährdungspotentials bereits im ...

  3. 77 FR 64444 - VOR Federal Airway V-595; Oregon (United States)


    ... Aviation Administration (FAA), DOT. ACTION: Notice of proposed rulemaking (NPRM). SUMMARY: This action... this action to redescribe the route due to the scheduled decommissioning of the Portland, OR, VOR/DME... suggestions presented are particularly helpful in developing reasoned regulatory decisions on the proposal...

  4. qooxdoo Beginner's Guide

    CERN Document Server

    Raffi, Mohamed


    This is a Packt beginner's guide. The unique style of the book is to set the requirements for an application, Team Twitter, in the first chapter and apply the concepts in the application as you learn in the following chapters. When you complete this book, you would have developed a complete application. Although the scope of this book is only on the Qooxdoo framework, which is a client side framework, we have explained how to set up one of the RPC servers and demonstrated the end to end application in the Team Twitter. This book is intended for the client side developers who design and develop

  5. Stochastic cooling for beginners

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Moehl, D.


    These two lectures have been prepared to give a simple introduction to the principles. In Part I we try to explain stochastic cooling using the time-domain picture which starts from the pulse response of the system. In Part II the discussion is repeated, looking more closely at the frequency-domain response. An attempt is made to familiarize the beginners with some of the elementary cooling equations, from the 'single particle case' up to equations which describe the evolution of the particle distribution. (orig.)

  6. A new tool for investigating the functional testing of the VOR

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Paolo eColagiorgio


    Full Text Available Peripheral vestibular function may be tested quantitatively, by measuring the gain of the angular vestibulo-ocular reflex (aVOR, or functionally, by assessing how well the aVOR performs with respect to its goal of stabilizing gaze in space and thus allow to acquire visual information during the head movement. In recent years, several groups have developed clinical and quantitative approaches to functional testing of the vestibular system based on the ability to identify an optotype briefly displayed on screen during head rotations.Although the proposed techniques differ in terms of the parameters controlling the testing paradigm, no study has thus far dealt with understanding the role of such choices in determining the effectiveness and reliability of the testing approach. Moreover, recent work has shown that peripheral vestibular patients may produce corrective saccades during the head movement (covert saccades, yet the role of these eye movements towards reading ability during head rotations is not yet understood. Finally, no study has thus far dealt with measuring the true performance of their experimental setups, which is nonetheless likely to be crucial information for understanding the effectiveness of functional testing approaches. Thus we propose a new software and hardware research tool allowing the combined measurement of eye and head movements, together with the timing of the optotype on screen, during functional testing of the VOR based on the Head Impulse Test (HIT. The goal of such tool is therefore that of allowing functional testing of the VOR while collecting the experimental data necessary to understand, for instance, a the effectiveness of the covert saccades strategy towards image stabilization, b which experimental parameters are crucial for optimizing the diagnostic power of the functional testing approach, and c which conditions lead to a successful reading or an error trial.

  7. Critical Mass als performative Kritik der städtischen Verkehrspolitik? Fahrradfahren mit Judith Butler auf dem Gepäckträger

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Anke Strüver


    Full Text Available Obwohl die meisten deutschen Großstädte über eine sehr schlechte Radverkehrsinfrastruktur verfügen, gewinnent innerstädtisches Radfahren und ein Engagement für das Rad als gleichberechtigtes Verkehrsmittel stark an Bedeutung. Als Indiz für dieses Engagement gelten in Hamburg die monatlichen Critical Mass Radfahrten unter dem Motto „We aren’t blocking traffic… we are traffic!“. Der Beitrag fragt vor diesem Hintergrund, inwiefern die Critical Mass als Aktionsform in Hamburg den Diskurs der autogerechten Stadt, die Straßenverkehrspolitik und die dominante räumliche Ordnung in Frage stellen kann und ob die Critical Mass als performative Kritik der normativen Ordnung im Sinne Judith Butlers verstanden werden kann.

  8. NumPy 1.5 Beginner's Guide

    CERN Document Server

    Idris, Ivan


    The book is written in beginner's guide style with each aspect of NumPy demonstrated by real world examples. There is appropriate explained code with the required screenshots thrown in for the novice. This book is for the programmer, scientist or engineer, who has basic Python knowledge and would like to be able to do numerical computations with Python.

  9. Tuning of gravity-dependent and gravity-independent vertical angular VOR gain changes by frequency of adaptation. (United States)

    Yakushin, Sergei B


    The gain of the vertical angular vestibulo-ocular reflex (aVOR) was adaptively increased and decreased in a side-down head orientation for 4 h in two cynomolgus monkeys. Adaptation was performed at 0.25, 1, 2, or 4 Hz. The gravity-dependent and -independent gain changes were determined over a range of head orientations from left-side-down to right-side-down at frequencies from 0.25 to 10 Hz, before and after adaptation. Gain changes vs. frequency data were fit with a Gaussian to determine the frequency at which the peak gain change occurred, as well as the tuning width. The frequency at which the peak gravity-dependent gain change occurred was approximately equal to the frequency of adaptation, and the width increased monotonically with increases in the frequency of adaptation. The gravity-independent component was tuned to the adaptive frequency of 0.25 Hz but was uniformly distributed over all frequencies when the adaptation frequency was 1-4 Hz. The amplitude of the gravity-independent gain changes was larger after the aVOR gain decrease than after the gain increase across all tested frequencies. For the aVOR gain decrease, the phase lagged about 4° for frequencies below the adaptation frequency and led for frequencies above the adaptation frequency. For gain increases, the phase relationship as a function of frequency was inverted. This study demonstrates that the previously described dependence of aVOR gain adaptation on frequency is a property of the gravity-dependent component of the aVOR only. The gravity-independent component of the aVOR had a substantial tuning curve only at an adaptation frequency of 0.25 Hz.

  10. "Obamacare" vor dem Supreme Court / Guy Beaucamp

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Beaucamp, Guy


    USA tervishoiureformi ajaloost, 2010. a. ravikindlustusreformist ja USA ülemkohtu otsusest jätta jõusse oluline osa president Barack Obama tervishoiureformist (PPACA), hinnang kohtuotsusele ja võrdlused Saksamaaga

  11. Teatras popieriaus lape: Egono Schiele’s ekspresionistiniai autoportretai | Das Theater auf dem Papierblatt: zu den expressionistischen Selbstbildnissen von Egon Schiele

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Dalia Kolytaitė


    Full Text Available Im Werk von Egon Schiele ist der Körper (besonders sein eigener mit seinen mannigfaltigen Ausdrucksformen ein zentrales Thema. Die stark ausgeprägte und sehr spezifische Körpersprache entwickelte der Künstler vor dem Spiegel, wovon nicht nur biographische Daten, sondern auch Photos zeugen. Mit dem ausdrucksvollen Variieren seines Körpers präsentiert Schiele seine Neigung zum Wechseln der Identität, der Rollen, des Selbst, wobei er sich gleichzeitig in drei Positionen befindet: des Darstellers, des Regisseurs und des Zuschauers.Als Objekt der Analyse wurden die sechs Selbstbildnisse ausgewählt: „Selbstbildnis mit kariertem Hemd“ (1917, „Der Prediger (Selbstbildnis“ (1913, „Der Kämpfer (Selbstbildnis“ (1913, „Sitzender männlicher Akt (Selbstbildnis“ (1917, „Der Tänzer (Selbstbildnis“ (1911, „Männlicher Halbakt mit rotem Lendentuch (Selbstbildnis“ (1914. Sie stellen verschiedene plastischen Konfigurationen des Körpers im Raum dar. Obwohl diese Bilder in unterschiedlichen Jahren entstanden sind, lassen sich alle sechs Selbstbildnisse aufgrund der ähnlichen Darstellungsweise, Manier und derselben Technik als ein Pantomimestück betrachten. Für eine solche Betrachtungsweise spricht nicht nur die visuelle Assoziation – der Körper in allen Bildern stellt gleichsam stillgestellte Fragmente einer Bewegung dar, wie man dies bei den Photoherausgaben von Pantomimen oder beim Drehen eines Stummfilmes (sie haben ja die gleichen Elemente Bild und Bewegung beobachten kann. Den Anstoß für eine solche Behauptung gibt die Kunstgattung der Pantomime selbst. Sie ist ja „die große schweigende Kunst“, „das Spiel des bewusst bewegten Körpers“, „die Kunst der Form“, und das „Material, aus dem diese Form geschaffen wird, ist der menschliche Körper“. Schieles Selbstbildnisse entsprechen ihren Grundforderungen: dem begrenzten Raum, der Beleuchtung, dem eng am Körper anliegenden Kostüm, der sehr pers

  12. Shifting ontologies of a serious game and its relationships with English education for beginners

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hansbøl, Mikala; Meyer, Bente


      This paper takes its point of departure in a language project, which is a subproject under the larger ongoing (2007-2011) research project Serious Games on a Global Market Place. The language project follows how the virtual universe known as Mingoville ( ) becomes an ...... and learning situations of English for beginners. Keywords: Entanglement approach, relational ontology, serious games, teaching and learning English for beginners, educational technology research...... an actor in English education for beginners. The virtual universe provides an online environment for students beginning to learn English in schools and at home. This paper will focus on the shifting ontologies of Mingoville and teaching and learning situations in beginners' English. This paper takes its......  This paper takes its point of departure in a language project, which is a subproject under the larger ongoing (2007-2011) research project Serious Games on a Global Market Place. The language project follows how the virtual universe known as Mingoville ( ) becomes...

  13. Biomass utilisation seen against the background of AGENDA 21; Biomassenutzung vor dem Hintergrund der AGENDA 21

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Schoenwiesner-Bozkurt, C. [efreso AG, Muenchen (Germany)


    From 3 to 14 June 1992 Rio de Janeiro was host to the largest conference that had ever taken place up to that point in human history, the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED). One major programmatic outcome of the conference was the approval of Agenda 21. This document was signed by 179 states, but it is not binding under international law. Altogether AGENDA 21 comprises 40 chapters. The present paper draws on a selection of these chapters to exemplify the significance of energy production from biomass and its relationship with the goals of Agenda 21. The author has refrained from discussing the issue of climate and energy policy in a wider context, as this matter will undoubtedly already be known to the reader. [German] Zwischen dem 03. und 14. Juni 1992 fand in Rio die bis dahin groesste Konferenz der Menschheitsgeschichte statt. Die Konferenz der Vereinten Nationen ueber Umwelt und Entwicklung 'United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED)'. Als greifbares programmatisches Ergebnis der Konferenz wurde am Ende die Agenda 21 verabschiedet. Sie wurde von 179 Staaten unterzeichnet, ist aber voelkerrechtlich nicht verbindlich. Insgesamt umfasst die Agenda 21 40 Einzelkapitel. Beispielhaft soll anhand einiger Kapitel die Bedeutung und der Zusammenhang zwischen der energetischen Nutzung der Biomasse und den Zielen der Agenda 21 aufgezeigt werden. Bewusst wird hierbei der Themenbereich 'Klima- und Energiepolitik' nicht weiter betrachtet, da dieser Zusammenhang den Teilnehmern sicherlich bekannt ist. (orig.)

  14. Oracle Data Guard 11gR2 administration beginner's guide

    CERN Document Server

    Baransel, Emre


    Using real-world examples and hands-on tasks, Oracle Data Guard 11gR2 Administration Beginner's Guide will give you a solid foundation in Oracle Data Guard. It has been designed to teach you everything you need to know to successfully create and operate Data Guard environments with maximum flexibility, compatibility, and effectiveness.If you are an Oracle database administrator who wants to configure and administer Data Guard configurations, then ""Oracle Data Guard 11gR2 Administration Beginner's Guide"" is for you. With a basic understanding of Oracle database administration, you'll be able

  15. Astronomy for beginners

    CERN Document Server

    Becan, Jeff


    Astronomy For Beginners is a friendly and accessible guide to our universe, our galaxy, our solar system and the planet we call home. Each year as we cruise through space on this tiny blue-green wonder, a number of amazing and remarkable events occur. For example, like clockwork, we'll run head-on into asteroid and cometary debris that spreads shooting stars across our skies. On occasion, we'll get to watch the disk of the Moon passing the Sun, casting its shadow on the face of the Earth, and sometimes we'll get to watch our own shadow as it glides across the face of the Moon. The Sun's path w

  16. Irrlicht 17 Realtime 3D Engine Beginner's Guide

    CERN Document Server

    Stein, Johannes


    A beginner's guide with plenty of screenshots and explained code. If you have C++ skills and are interested in learning Irrlicht, this book is for you. Absolutely no knowledge of Irrlicht is necessary for you to follow this book!

  17. GeoServer beginner's guide

    CERN Document Server

    Youngblood, Brian


    Step-by-step instructions are included and the needs of a beginner are totally satisfied by the book. The book consists of plenty of examples with accompanying screenshots and code for an easy learning curve. You are a web developer with knowledge of server side scripting, and have experience with installing applications on the server. You have a desire to want more than Google maps, by offering dynamically built maps on your site with your latest geospatial data stored in MySQL, PostGIS, MsSQL or Oracle. If this is the case, this book is meant for you.

  18. CFEngine 3 Beginner's Guide

    CERN Document Server



    Part of Packt's Beginner's Guide series, this book guides you through setting up Cfengine to maximizing its potential. This book focuses on getting you through all the major learning points in a smooth, logical order. You'll also learn how to avoid some common pitfalls. If you are a System Administrator or Configuration manager with a growing infrastructure and if you are looking for a dependable tool to manage your infrastructure, then this book is for you. If your infrastructure is already big with hundreds and thousands of nodes and you are looking for a secure, versatile and stable configu

  19. Beginner teacher professional development: An action research and ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    beginner teacher taking part in an 'education sink or swim gala' be empowered to help transform society? Society in the .... greatest challenges that were perceived then and are still present ..... mentees 1, 4 and 5 have a triple dominant profile,.

  20. Coastal DEMs with Cross-Track Interferometry

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Greidanus, H.S.F.; Huising, E.J.; Platschorre, Y.; Bree, R.J.P. van; Halsema, D. van; Vaessen, E.M.J.


    Digital elevation models (DEMs) are produced from airborne radar cross-track interferometric measurements. Radar DEMs recorded from perpendicular orientations are intercompared, and compared to DEMs derived from airborne laser altimetry

  1. Review: Ways of teaching struggling reading students, and beginners

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Review: Ways of teaching struggling reading students, and beginners. ... International Journal of Pedagogy, Policy and ICT in Education. Journal Home · ABOUT THIS JOURNAL ... AJOL African Journals Online. HOW TO USE AJOL.

  2. "Das unausgesprochene Gefühl der Unzugehörigkeit" : Amerika als Zufluchtsmöglichkeit vor dem Selbst in Max Frischs Romanen Stiller und Homo faber

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Vesna Kondrič Horvat


    Full Text Available In seiner Rede Emigranten, die er 1958 anläßlich der Georg-BtichnerPreis- Verleihung hielt und woraus das Titelzitat des vorliegenden Beitrags stammt, äußerte Max Frisch die Meinung, jeder frei gewahlte Wohnsitz solle dem Schriftsteller das unausgesprochene Gefühl der Unzugehörigkeit gestatten. Mit dem Satz: "Ich bin nicht Stiller!" (St 9 beginnt Frisch seinen 1954 veröffentlichten Roman Stiller. Ein Mann - ein Bildhauer -, der viele Versuche unternommen hat, seiner 'eigentlichen ', seelisch-existentiellen Identität zu entgehen, flieht schlieBlich, als alle anderen Versuche (sich im Spanischen Bürgerkrieg als ein mutiger Mann, sich in der Ehe als ein idealer Mann, sich in der Kunst als erfolgreicher Bildhauer zu bewahren scheitern, nach Amerika und läßt seine lungenkranke Frau Julika im Sanatorium in Davos zurück. Nach mehr als sechsjahrigem Fernbleiben kehrt er unter anderem Namen in die Heimat zurück und wird an der Schweizer Grenze - wegen vermeintlicher Verwicklung in eine Spionage-Affäre - verhaftet. An diesem Punkt beginnt der Roman.

  3. Eine Analyse des Zusammenhangs zwischen dem Konsum von Alkopops und dem Problemverhalten von Jugendlichen


    Metzner, Cornelia Beate Isabel


    Zielsetzung: In dieser Arbeit wird untersucht, ob bei Jugendlichen ein Zusammenhang zwischen dem Konsum von Alkopops einerseits und dem sonstigen Alkoholtrinkverhalten, dem Konsum von Zigaretten und illegalen Drogen sowie weiteren Risikoverhaltensweisen andererseits besteht, ferner ob sich Unterschiede im Verhalten von Jungen und Mädchen ergeben. Theoretischer und empirischer Hintergrund: �Alkopops�, d. h. Mischgetränke diverser Hersteller aus Likör bzw. Schnaps und Limonade sowie wein- ...

  4. ArcticDEM Validation and Accuracy Assessment (United States)

    Candela, S. G.; Howat, I.; Noh, M. J.; Porter, C. C.; Morin, P. J.


    ArcticDEM comprises a growing inventory Digital Elevation Models (DEMs) covering all land above 60°N. As of August, 2017, ArcticDEM had openly released 2-m resolution, individual DEM covering over 51 million km2, which includes areas of repeat coverage for change detection, as well as over 15 million km2 of 5-m resolution seamless mosaics. By the end of the project, over 80 million km2 of 2-m DEMs will be produced, averaging four repeats of the 20 million km2 Arctic landmass. ArcticDEM is produced from sub-meter resolution, stereoscopic imagery using open source software (SETSM) on the NCSA Blue Waters supercomputer. These DEMs have known biases of several meters due to errors in the sensor models generated from satellite positioning. These systematic errors are removed through three-dimensional registration to high-precision Lidar or other control datasets. ArcticDEM is registered to seasonally-subsetted ICESat elevations due its global coverage and high report accuracy ( 10 cm). The vertical accuracy of ArcticDEM is then obtained from the statistics of the fit to the ICESat point cloud, which averages -0.01 m ± 0.07 m. ICESat, however, has a relatively coarse measurement footprint ( 70 m) which may impact the precision of the registration. Further, the ICESat data predates the ArcticDEM imagery by a decade, so that temporal changes in the surface may also impact the registration. Finally, biases may exist between different the different sensors in the ArcticDEM constellation. Here we assess the accuracy of ArcticDEM and the ICESat registration through comparison to multiple high-resolution airborne lidar datasets that were acquired within one year of the imagery used in ArcticDEM. We find the ICESat dataset is performing as anticipated, introducing no systematic bias during the coregistration process, and reducing vertical errors to within the uncertainty of the airborne Lidars. Preliminary sensor comparisons show no significant difference post coregistration

  5. RavenDB 2.x beginner's guide

    CERN Document Server

    Tannir, Khaled


    Written in a friendly, example-driven Beginner's Guide format, there are plenty of step-by-step instructions and examples that are designed to help you get started with RavenDB. If you are a .NET developer, new to document-oriented databases, and you wish to learn how to build applications using NoSQL databases, then this book is for you. Experience with relational database systems will be helpful, but not necessary.

  6. iAd Production Beginner's Guide

    CERN Document Server

    Collier, Ben


    This beginner's guide focuses on getting you through all the major learning points in a smooth, logical order. You'll also see how to avoid some common pitfalls. This book is for brands, advertisers and developers who want to create compelling, emotive, iAd advertisements that generate revenue and increase brand awareness. You don't need previous experience of creating adverts or apps for iPhone and iPad, as you'll be taken through the entire process to make motion-rich, beautiful ads.

  7. A Proposal of a Color Music Notation System on a Single Melody for Music Beginners (United States)

    Kuo, Yi-Ting; Chuang, Ming-Chuen


    Music teachers often encounter obstructions in teaching beginners in music reading. Conventional notational symbols require beginners to spend significant amount of time in memorizing, which discourages learning at early stage. This article proposes a newly-developed color music notation system that may improve the recognition of the staff and the…

  8. Android NDK Beginner's Guide

    CERN Document Server

    Ratabouil, Sylvain


    This beginner's guide focuses on getting you through all the major learning points in a smooth, logical order. You'll also see how to avoid some common pitfalls. Are you an Android Java programmer who needs more performance? Are you a C/C++ developer who doesn't want to bother with Java stuff and its out-of-control garbage collector? Do you want to create fast intensive multimedia applications or games? Answer yes to any of the above and this book is for you. With some general knowledge of C/C++ development, you will be able to dive head first into native Android development.

  9. Python 3 Web Development Beginner's Guide

    CERN Document Server

    Anders, Michel


    Part of Packt's Beginner's Guide Series, this book follows a sample application, with lots of screenshots, to help you get to grips with the techniques as quickly as possible. Moderately experienced Python programmers who want to learn how to create fairly complex, database-driven, cross browser compatible web apps that are maintainable and look good will find this book of most use. All key technologies except for Python 3 are explained in detail.

  10. Landbrugets trædemølle

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hansen, Henning Otte


    Teorien om landbrugets trædemølle siger, at teknologi medfører stigende produktivitet, stigende udbud og dermed faldende priser. Dermed øges behovet for ny teknologi. Det vedvarende teknologipres gavner de innovative landmænd, mens de mere afventende landmænd kun oplever de negative virkninger i...... form af prisfald. I denne artikel beskrives nærmere de enkelte elementer i trædemøllen. Samtidig vurderes trædemøllens betydning og mulige påvirkning. Det konkluderes, at trædemøllen, dens forudsætninger og afledte virkninger stadig er fuldt gældende. Det er ikke muligt for et enkelt land eller region...... af bremse trædemøllen på lang sigt. På lokalt plan kan man løse nogle sociale og økonomiske problemer skabt af trædemøllen gennem nemmere afvandring....

  11. Android Apps for Absolute Beginners

    CERN Document Server

    Jackson, Wallace


    Anybody can start building simple apps for the Android platform, and this book will show you how! Android Apps for Absolute Beginners takes you through the process of getting your first Android applications up and running using plain English and practical examples. It cuts through the fog of jargon and mystery that surrounds Android application development, and gives you simple, step-by-step instructions to get you started.* Teaches Android application development in language anyone can understand, giving you the best possible start in Android development * Provides simple, step-by-step exampl

  12. Reasoning process characteristics in the diagnostic skills of beginner, competent, and expert dentists. (United States)

    Crespo, Kathleen E; Torres, José E; Recio, María E


    The purpose of this study was to evaluate qualitative differences in the diagnostic reasoning process at different developmental stages of expertise. A qualitative design was used to study cognitive processes that characterize the diagnosis of oral disease at the stages of beginner (five junior students who had passed the NBDE I), competent (five GPR first-year residents), and expert dentists (five general dentists with ten or more years of experience). Individually, each participant was asked to determine the diagnosis of an oral condition based on a written clinical case, using the think aloud technique and retrospective reports. A subsequent interview was conducted to obtain the participants' diagnostic process model and pathophysiology of the case. The analysis of the verbal protocols indicated that experts referred to the patient's sociomedical context more frequently, demonstrated better organization of ideas, could determine key clinical findings, and had an ability to plan for the search of pertinent information. Fewer diagnostic hypotheses were formulated by participants who used forward reasoning, independent of the stage of development. Beginners requested additional diagnostic aids (radiographs, laboratory tests) more frequently than the competent/expert dentists. Experts recalled typical experiences with patients, while competent/beginner dentists recalled information from didactic courses. Experts evidenced cognitive diagnostic schemas that integrate pathophysiology of disease, while competent and beginner participants had not achieved this integration. We conclude that expert performance is a combination of a knowledge base, reasoning skills, and an accumulation of experiences with patients that is qualitatively different from that of competent and beginner dentists. It is important for dental education to emphasize the teaching of cognitive processes and to incorporate a wide variety of clinical experiences in addition to the teaching of

  13. Coastal Digital Elevation Models (DEMs) (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — Digital elevation models (DEMs) of U.S. and other coasts that typically integrate ocean bathymetry and land topography. The DEMs support NOAA's mission to understand...

  14. Android 30 Animations Beginner's Guide

    CERN Document Server

    Shaw, Alex


    Written in Packt's Beginner's Guide series, this book takes a step-by-step approach with each chapter made up of three to five tutorials that introduce and explain different animation concepts. All concepts are explained with real-world examples that are fun to read and work with. If you are familiar with developing Android applications and want to bring your apps to life by adding smashing animations, then this book is for you. The book assumes that you are comfortable with Java development and have familiarity with creating Android Views in XML and Java. The tutorials assume that you will wa

  15. French courses for beginners

    CERN Multimedia

    Françoise Benz


    If you wish to participate in one of the following courses, please tell to your supervisor and apply electronically from the course description pages that can be found on the Web at: or fill in an 'application for training'form available from your Departmental Secretariat or from your DTO (Departmental Training Officer). Applications will be accepted in the order in which they are received. French courses for beginners (level 0) From 17 July to 31 August 2006. Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays(8 hours a week / between 11.00 and 15.30) Duration: 56 hours Price: 728 CHF For registration and further information on the courses, please consult our Web pages: or contact Mrs. Benz: Tel. 73127.

  16. Zoophilie in Zoologie und Roman: Sex und Liebe zwischen Mensch und Tier bei Plutarch, Plinius dem Älteren, Aelian und Apuleius

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Judith Hindermann


    Full Text Available Die Bedeutung von Zoophilie in der antiken Literatur wurde bislang – mit Ausnahme des Mythos – kaum untersucht. Überblickt man die überlieferten literarischen Texte, fällt auf, dass Zoophilie ausserhalb des Mythos vor allem in zwei literarischen Gattungen auftritt : Einerseits in den zoologischen Schriften von Plutarch, Plinius dem Älteren und Aelian, andererseits im antiken Roman, d.h. in den Metamorphosen des Apuleius und im pseudo-lukianischen Onos. In diesem Beitrag soll untersucht werden, welche Funktion Zoophilie in den beiden literarischen Gattungen hat und wie die Autoren die sexuelle Praktik bewerten, die weder nach griechischem noch römischen Recht strafbar war. Da Vorstellungen über Tiere eng mit Gender und Geschlechterhierarchien verbunden sind, soll insbesondere die Frage berücksichtigt werden, inwiefern männliche und weibliche Verhaltens- und Rollenzuschreibungen bei der Darstellung zoophiler Akte wirksam werden.

  17. NET 40 Generics Beginner's Guide

    CERN Document Server

    Mukherjee, Sudipta


    This is a concise, practical guide that will help you learn Generics in .NET, with lots of real world and fun-to-build examples and clear explanations. It is packed with screenshots to aid your understanding of the process. This book is aimed at beginners in Generics. It assumes some working knowledge of C# , but it isn't mandatory. The following would get the most use out of the book: Newbie C# developers struggling with Generics. Experienced C++ and Java Programmers who are migrating to C# and looking for an alternative to other generic frameworks like STL and JCF would find this book handy.

  18. Kognitive Prozesse der Adressatenantizipation beim Schreiben


    Linnemann, Markus


    Im Fokus dieser Untersuchung stand die Textproduktion aus kognitiver Sicht. Diese umfasst im Wesentlichen vier Wissensbereiche. Neben dem thematischen und linguistischen Wissen, widmete sich die Arbeit vor allem dem pragmatischen, insbesondere dem Adressatenwissen und den dazugehörenden Prozessen. Es wurde dargestellt, dass der Adressat aufgrund seiner räumlichen und zeitlichen Distanz vom Schreiber antizipiert werden muss, wenn er erfolgreich kommunizieren will. Adressatenantizipation wurde ...

  19. Small catchments DEM creation using Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (United States)

    Gafurov, A. M.


    Digital elevation models (DEM) are an important source of information on the terrain, allowing researchers to evaluate various exogenous processes. The higher the accuracy of DEM the better the level of the work possible. An important source of data for the construction of DEMs are point clouds obtained with terrestrial laser scanning (TLS) and unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV). In this paper, we present the results of constructing a DEM on small catchments using UAVs. Estimation of the UAV DEM showed comparable accuracy with the TLS if real time kinematic Global Positioning System (RTK-GPS) ground control points (GCPs) and check points (CPs) were used. In this case, the main source of errors in the construction of DEMs are the errors in the referencing of survey results.

  20. Visual media processing using Matlab beginner's guide

    CERN Document Server

    Siogkas, George


    Written in a friendly, Beginner's Guide format, showing the user how to use the digital media aspects of Matlab (image, video, sound) in a practical, tutorial-based style.This is great for novice programmers in any language who would like to use Matlab as a tool for their image and video processing needs, and also comes in handy for photographers or video editors with even less programming experience wanting to find an all-in-one tool for their tasks.

  1. R statistical application development by example : beginner's guide

    CERN Document Server

    Tattar, Narayanachart Prabhanjan


    Full of screenshots and examples, this Beginner's Guide by Example will teach you practically everything you need to know about R statistical application development from scratch. You will begin learning the first concepts of statistics in R which is vital in this fast paced era and it is also a bargain as you do not need to do a preliminary course on the subject.

  2. dbVOR: a database system for importing pedigree, phenotype and genotype data and exporting selected subsets. (United States)

    Baron, Robert V; Conley, Yvette P; Gorin, Michael B; Weeks, Daniel E


    When studying the genetics of a human trait, we typically have to manage both genome-wide and targeted genotype data. There can be overlap of both people and markers from different genotyping experiments; the overlap can introduce several kinds of problems. Most times the overlapping genotypes are the same, but sometimes they are different. Occasionally, the lab will return genotypes using a different allele labeling scheme (for example 1/2 vs A/C). Sometimes, the genotype for a person/marker index is unreliable or missing. Further, over time some markers are merged and bad samples are re-run under a different sample name. We need a consistent picture of the subset of data we have chosen to work with even though there might possibly be conflicting measurements from multiple data sources. We have developed the dbVOR database, which is designed to hold data efficiently for both genome-wide and targeted experiments. The data are indexed for fast retrieval by person and marker. In addition, we store pedigree and phenotype data for our subjects. The dbVOR database allows us to select subsets of the data by several different criteria and to merge their results into a coherent and consistent whole. Data may be filtered by: family, person, trait value, markers, chromosomes, and chromosome ranges. The results can be presented in columnar, Mega2, or PLINK format. dbVOR serves our needs well. It is freely available from . Documentation for dbVOR can be found at .

  3. 76 FR 20835 - Amendment of VOR Federal Airways V-1, V-7, V-11 and V-20; Kona, HI (United States)


    ...; Airspace Docket No. 10-AWP-20] Amendment of VOR Federal Airways V-1, V-7, V-11 and V-20; Kona, HI AGENCY..., HI; V-1, V-7, V-11 and V-20. The FAA is taking this action due to procedural changes requiring..., (76 FR 13082), amends VOR Federal Airways V-1, V-7 V-11 and V-20; Kona, HI. These VHF Omnidirectional...

  4. Digitial Elevation Model (DEM) 100K (United States)

    Kansas Data Access and Support Center — Digital Elevation Model (DEM) is the terminology adopted by the USG to describe terrain elevation data sets in a digital raster form. The standard DEM consists of a...

  5. Digtial Elevation Model (DEM) 250K (United States)

    Kansas Data Access and Support Center — Digital Elevation Model (DEM) is the terminology adopted by the USGS to describe terrain elevation data sets in a digital raster form. The standard DEM consists of a...

  6. Digital Elevation Model (DEM) 24K (United States)

    Kansas Data Access and Support Center — Digital Elevation Model (DEM) is the terminology adopted by the USGS to describe terrain elevation data sets in a digital raster form. The standard DEM consists of a...

  7. Estimating Coastal Digital Elevation Model (DEM) Uncertainty (United States)

    Amante, C.; Mesick, S.


    Integrated bathymetric-topographic digital elevation models (DEMs) are representations of the Earth's solid surface and are fundamental to the modeling of coastal processes, including tsunami, storm surge, and sea-level rise inundation. Deviations in elevation values from the actual seabed or land surface constitute errors in DEMs, which originate from numerous sources, including: (i) the source elevation measurements (e.g., multibeam sonar, lidar), (ii) the interpolative gridding technique (e.g., spline, kriging) used to estimate elevations in areas unconstrained by source measurements, and (iii) the datum transformation used to convert bathymetric and topographic data to common vertical reference systems. The magnitude and spatial distribution of the errors from these sources are typically unknown, and the lack of knowledge regarding these errors represents the vertical uncertainty in the DEM. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI) has developed DEMs for more than 200 coastal communities. This study presents a methodology developed at NOAA NCEI to derive accompanying uncertainty surfaces that estimate DEM errors at the individual cell-level. The development of high-resolution (1/9th arc-second), integrated bathymetric-topographic DEMs along the southwest coast of Florida serves as the case study for deriving uncertainty surfaces. The estimated uncertainty can then be propagated into the modeling of coastal processes that utilize DEMs. Incorporating the uncertainty produces more reliable modeling results, and in turn, better-informed coastal management decisions.

  8. Eclipse plugin development by example beginner's guide

    CERN Document Server

    Blewitt, Alex


    A Beginner's Guide following the ""by Example"" approach. There will be 5-8 major examples that will be used in the book to develop advanced plugins with the Eclipse IDE.This book is for Java developers who are familiar with Eclipse as a Java IDE and are interested in learning how to develop plug-ins for Eclipse. No prior knowledge of Eclipse plug-in development or OSGi is necessary, although you are expected to know how to create, run, and debug Java programs in Eclipse.

  9. Radar and Lidar Radar DEM (United States)

    Liskovich, Diana; Simard, Marc


    Using radar and lidar data, the aim is to improve 3D rendering of terrain, including digital elevation models (DEM) and estimates of vegetation height and biomass in a variety of forest types and terrains. The 3D mapping of vegetation structure and the analysis are useful to determine the role of forest in climate change (carbon cycle), in providing habitat and as a provider of socio-economic services. This in turn will lead to potential for development of more effective land-use management. The first part of the project was to characterize the Shuttle Radar Topography Mission DEM error with respect to ICESat/GLAS point estimates of elevation. We investigated potential trends with latitude, canopy height, signal to noise ratio (SNR), number of LiDAR waveform peaks, and maximum peak width. Scatter plots were produced for each variable and were fitted with 1st and 2nd degree polynomials. Higher order trends were visually inspected through filtering with a mean and median filter. We also assessed trends in the DEM error variance. Finally, a map showing how DEM error was geographically distributed globally was created.

  10. A beginner's guide to the literature search in medical education. (United States)

    Martin, S; Hussain, Z; Boyle, J G


    Conducting a literature search can be a daunting prospect if you have not done it before. This article aims to provide a beginner's guide to searching the medical education literature, by describing how to construct an effective search strategy, the resources that are available and the basics of how searching works.

  11. Zend framework 2.0 by example beginner's guide

    CERN Document Server

    Shasankar, Krishna


    Zend Framework 2.0 by Example: Beginner's Guide is a step-by-step guide that aims to empower you to build web applications packed with some really exciting features using Zend Framework 2.0.If you are a PHP Developer who is new to Zend Framework, but you want to get hands-on with the product quickly, this book is for you. Basic knowledge of object oriented programming with PHP is expected.

  12. The legal compatibility of the German Act for mandatory use of electricity from renewables (Stromeinspeisungsgesetz) with the Treaty of Rome; Die Vereinbarkeit des Stromeinspeisungsgesetzes mit dem EG-Vertrag

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Iro, S.P.


    In force since 1990, the German Stromeinspeisungsgesetz (obliging electric utilities to purchase at mandatory prices electricity from renewable energy sources) still is an issue of debates about legal justification under German law and compatibility with legislation on the European Internal Market for elctricity. The contribution analyses the points of friction with the Treaty of Rome, in particular the European regulations governing subsidization of national industries or undertakings by their government, aspects of freedom of trade within the EU and restrictive trade practices law. The conclusion of the legal analysis is that the German act is compatible with the subsidy regulations of the EU, but calls for amendment to correct infringements of the principles of free trade and competition within the EU in the provisions excluding electricity from renewables generated in other EU Member States. (CB) [Deutsch] Es ist schon seit 1990 in Kraft, und das Stromeinspeisungsgesetz bietet nach wie vor Anlass zu Diskussionen, sowohl aus dem Blickwinkel des deutschen Rechts wie auch vom Standpunkt des EGV. Der Beitrag konzentriert sich auf die rechtlichen Reibungspunkte mit europaeischem Recht, konkret die Regelungen ueber erlaubte staatliche Beihilfen an nationale Unternehmen, deren Abgrenzung zu allgemein wirtschaftspolitischen Massnahmen eines Staates und Aspekte der Warenverkehrsfreiheit und des Wettbewerbs auf dem europaeischen Binnenmarkt. Das Ergebnis der rechtlichen Analyse des Beitrags sieht in der Subventionierung der Stromerzeugung aus erneuerbaren Energien eine politische Entscheidung, die mit EG-Interessen und EG-Recht vereinbar ist. Das Gesetz verstosse jedoch gegen die Warenverkehrsfreieheit auf dem Binnenmarkt in den Regelungen, wo es entsprechend erzeugten Strom aus anderen Mitgliedslaendern von der Subventionierung ausnimmt. (orig./CB)

  13. Hamlet vor Ödipus. Die Postmoderne als Mythos der Moderne


    Zizek, Slavoj


    Wenn wir in der Psychoanalyse über Mythen sprechen, sprechen wir in Wahrheit über einen Mythos, den Ödipusmythos . alle anderen Freudschen Mythen (der des Urvaters, Freuds Version des Moses-Mythos) sind, wenn auch notwendige, Variationen davon. Mit der Hamlet Erzählung kompli­ziert sich jedoch die Lage: Die standardisierte, vor-Lacansche .naive. psychoanalytische Lesart von Hamlet fixiert sich bekanntlich auf Hamlets inzestuöses Begehren nach seiner Mutter. Hamlets Schock über den Tod sei...

  14. [Beginners' operations and medical specialist standards : Avoidance of criminal liability and civil liability]. (United States)

    Schneider, H


    In all phases, patients are entitled to receive medical treatment according to medical specialist standards. This does not mean that patients necessarily have to be treated by a medical specialist. Operations performed by "beginners", e. g. assistant physicians, are permitted. However, there are increased liability risks, both for the specialist and the assistant physician. Furthermore, there are risks of criminal responsibility for causing bodily harm by negligence or negligent manslaughter. This article portrays the requirements of civil liability and criminal responsibility concerning beginners' operations on the basis of cases and judgments of the Federal Court and the Higher Regional Courts in Germany. Additionally, the reception of the jurisprudence by the relevant legal literature will be discussed. Jurisprudence and legal literature categorize breaches of duty of care. Assistant physicians can be subject to contributory negligence liabilities, while specialists can bear liabilities for negligent selection, organization or supervision. Responsible specialist and assistant physicians can protect themselves (and the patient) and avoid legal risks by only performing operations adequate to their educational level or by delegating operations to beginners and ensuring intervention by a specialist by supervision of the operation which is suitable to the assistant physician's level of education.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    M. Huber


    Full Text Available The TanDEM-X mission will derive a global digital elevation model (DEM with satellite SAR interferometry. Two radar satellites (TerraSAR-X and TanDEM-X will map the Earth in a resolution and accuracy with an absolute height error of 10m and a relative height error of 2m for 90% of the data. In order to fulfill the height requirements in general two global coverages are acquired and processed. Besides the final TanDEM-X DEM, an intermediate DEM with reduced accuracy is produced after the first coverage is completed. The last step in the whole workflow for generating the TanDEM-X DEM is the calibration of remaining systematic height errors and the merge of single acquisitions to 1°x1° DEM tiles. In this paper the current status of generating the intermediate DEM and first validation results based on GPS tracks, laser scanning DEMs, SRTM data and ICESat points are shown for different test sites.

  16. jQuery for designers beginner's guide

    CERN Document Server

    MacLees, Natalie


    A step-by-step guide that spices up your web pages and designs them in the way you want using the most widely used JavaScript library, jQuery. The beginner-friendly and easy-to-understand approach of the book will help get to grips with jQuery in no time. If you know the fundamentals of HTML and CSS, and want to extend your knowledge by learning to use JavaScript, then this is just the book for you. jQuery makes JavaScript straightforward and approachable - you'll be surprised at how easy it can be to add animations and special effects to your beautifully designed pages.

  17. Colloquial French the complete course for beginners

    CERN Document Server

    Demouy, Valérie


    Colloquial French: The Complete Course for Beginners has been carefully developed by an experienced teacher to provide a step-by-step course to French as it is written and spoken today. Combining a clear, practical and accessible style with a methodical and thorough treatment of the language, it equips learners with the essential skills needed to communicate confidently and effectively in French in a broad range of situations. No prior knowledge of the language is required. Colloquial French is exceptional; each unit presents a wealth of grammatical points that are reinforced with a wide range

  18. kawaihae_dem.grd (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — NGDC builds and distributes high-resolution, coastal digital elevation models (DEMs) that integrate ocean bathymetry and land topography to support NOAA's mission to...

  19. Vaimuliku ja ajalookirjutaja Timann Brakeli "Kristlik vestlus" (1579) kui alahinnatud ajalooallikas / Aija Sakova-Merivee

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Sakova-Merivee, Aija, 1980-


    Arvustus: Timann Brakel, Peter von Brakel. Christlich Gesprech. Darstellung der Geshcichte Livlands vor und während des "Livländischen Krieges" bis 1578 in gereimter Dialogform und Prosa von dem Prediger und Geschichtsschreiber Timann Brakel. Originaltext und Kommentaren, Erzählungen, Bildern und dem Lebenslauf des Timann Brakel. (Beiträge zur baltischen Geschichte, Band 19). Hirschheydt, 2012

  20. „Open book“ statt „Blatt vor dem Mund“

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Schlag, Thomas


    Full Text Available This paper discusses, in which sense a theological perspective on the one hand substantially enriches the self-understanding of religious education as theory and on the other hand how it can profile and enliven bible didactics as practice. It is based on an understanding of theological education that focuses on ‚the whole person‘. A bible-oriented education can be described as worthwhile if it is shaped in a general educational and socially critical way addressing life-relevant issues.

  1. A beginner's guide to 3D printing 14 simple toy designs to get you started

    CERN Document Server

    Rigsby, Mike


    A Beginner''s Guide to 3D Printing is the perfect resource for those who would like to experiment with 3D design and manufacturing, but have little or no technical experience with the standard software. Author Mike Rigsby leads readers step-by-step through 15 simple toy projects, each illustrated with screen caps of Autodesk 123D Design, the most common free 3D software available. The projects are later described using Sketchup, another free popular software package. Beginning with basics projects that will take longer to print than design, readers are then given instruction on more advanced t

  2. The Importance of Precise Digital Elevation Models (DEM) in Modelling Floods (United States)

    Demir, Gokben; Akyurek, Zuhal


    Digital elevation Models (DEM) are important inputs for topography for the accurate modelling of floodplain hydrodynamics. Floodplains have a key role as natural retarding pools which attenuate flood waves and suppress flood peaks. GPS, LIDAR and bathymetric surveys are well known surveying methods to acquire topographic data. It is not only time consuming and expensive to obtain topographic data through surveying but also sometimes impossible for remote areas. In this study it is aimed to present the importance of accurate modelling of topography for flood modelling. The flood modelling for Samsun-Terme in Blacksea region of Turkey is done. One of the DEM is obtained from the point observations retrieved from 1/5000 scaled orthophotos and 1/1000 scaled point elevation data from field surveys at x-sections. The river banks are corrected by using the orthophotos and elevation values. This DEM is named as scaled DEM. The other DEM is obtained from bathymetric surveys. 296 538 number of points and the left/right bank slopes were used to construct the DEM having 1 m spatial resolution and this DEM is named as base DEM. Two DEMs were compared by using 27 x-sections. The maximum difference at thalweg of the river bed is 2m and the minimum difference is 20 cm between two DEMs. The channel conveyance capacity in base DEM is larger than the one in scaled DEM and floodplain is modelled in detail in base DEM. MIKE21 with flexible grid is used in 2- dimensional shallow water flow modelling. The model by using two DEMs were calibrated for a flood event (July 9, 2012). The roughness is considered as the calibration parameter. From comparison of input hydrograph at the upstream of the river and output hydrograph at the downstream of the river, the attenuation is obtained as 91% and 84% for the base DEM and scaled DEM, respectively. The time lag in hydrographs does not show any difference for two DEMs and it is obtained as 3 hours. Maximum flood extents differ for the two DEMs

  3. Relativity and quantum physics for beginners

    CERN Document Server

    Manly, Steven L


    As we humans have expanded our horizons to see things vastly smaller, faster, larger, and farther than ever before, we have been forced to confront preconceptions born of the human experience and create wholly new ways of looking at the world around us. The theories of relativity and quantum physics were developed out of this need and have provided us with phenomenal, mind-twisting insights into the strange and exciting reality show of our universe.Relativity and Quantum Physics For Beginners is an entertaining and accessible introduction to the bizarre concepts that fueled the scientific revolution of the 20th century and led to amazing advances in our understanding of the universe.

  4. Research on the method of extracting DEM based on GBInSAR (United States)

    Yue, Jianping; Yue, Shun; Qiu, Zhiwei; Wang, Xueqin; Guo, Leping


    Precise topographical information has a very important role in geology, hydrology, natural resources survey and deformation monitoring. The extracting DEM technology based on synthetic aperture radar interferometry (InSAR) obtains the three-dimensional elevation of the target area through the phase information of the radar image data. The technology has large-scale, high-precision, all-weather features. By changing track in the location of the ground radar system up and down, it can form spatial baseline. Then we can achieve the DEM of the target area by acquiring image data from different angles. Three-dimensional laser scanning technology can quickly, efficiently and accurately obtain DEM of target area, which can verify the accuracy of DEM extracted by GBInSAR. But research on GBInSAR in extracting DEM of the target area is a little. For lack of theory and lower accuracy problems in extracting DEM based on GBInSAR now, this article conducted research and analysis on its principle deeply. The article extracted the DEM of the target area, combined with GBInSAR data. Then it compared the DEM obtained by GBInSAR with the DEM obtained by three-dimensional laser scan data and made statistical analysis and normal distribution test. The results showed the DEM obtained by GBInSAR was broadly consistent with the DEM obtained by three-dimensional laser scanning. And its accuracy is high. The difference of both DEM approximately obeys normal distribution. It indicated that extracting the DEM of target area based on GBInSAR is feasible and provided the foundation for the promotion and application of GBInSAR.

  5. Kritische Psychologie und die Rhetorik der Kritik


    Billig, Michael


    'Der Beitrag beschäftigt sich mit dem gegenwärtigen Stellenwert der kritischen Psychologie. Aufmerksamkeit wird vor allem der Situation in Großbritannien gewidmet, wo sich kritische Psychologie in den letzten Jahren deutlich weiterentwickelt hat. Die rhetorische Verwendung des Begriffs 'kritisch' wird untersucht und die These vertreten, dass drei Elemente impliziert sind: (a) eine Kritik gegenwärtiger Sozialstrukturen, (b) eine Kritik anderer akademischer Herangehensweisen, vor allem solcher,...

  6. Enhancing Beginners' Second Language Learning through an Informal Online Environment (United States)

    Chakowa, Jessica


    Web 2.0 tools are used increasingly to support second language learning, but there have been limited studies involving beginner learners, multiple technologies, and informal settings. This current study addresses this gap and investigates the factors affecting students' interest in a nongraded online learning environment and what kinds of tools,…

  7. Collection Development for the School Library Media Program: A Beginner's Guide (United States)

    Kerby, Mona


    A valuable resource for new or experienced school librarians, "Collection Development for the School Library Media Program: A Beginner's Guide" is an easy-to-use guide to collection development. It provides practical and relevant information about collection development issues such as: the school users, policies, selection criteria and sources,…

  8. Alternative Regulierungsansätze im Kontext der Better Regulation Agenda : eine Analyse von Konzepten, Potenzialen und Erfolgsfaktoren von Regulierung im Schatten staatlicher Hierarchie


    Denker, Philipp


    Der vorliegende Beitrag untersucht das Potential und die Bedingungen alternativer Regulierungsformen vor dem Hintergrund von Better Regulation in Deutschland. Nahezu alle EU- und OECD-Staaten betreiben heute umfassende politische Reformprogramme zur Modernisierung der Regulierungsarchitekturen, die unter dem Label Better Regulation subsumiert werden. Die Zielsetzung dieser Programme besteht zum einen in der wirtschaftsfreundlichen Reduktion von Regulierungskosten und zum anderen in der Effekt...

  9. Automated Quality Control for Ortholmages and DEMs

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Höhle, Joachim; Potucková, Marketa


    The checking of geometric accurancy of orthoimages and digital elevation models (DEMs) is discussed. As a reference, an existing orthoimage and a second orthoimage derived from an overlapping aerial image, are used. The proposed automated procedures for checking the orthoimages and DEMs are based...

  10. Semiokapitalismus und imperiale Kontrollgesellschaft Zur Digitalisierung der Produktion am Beginn des 21. Jahrhunderts

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Wolfgang Neurath


    Full Text Available Wolfgang Neurath analysiert angesichts des kybernetischen Semiokapitalismus und des durch ihn entstandenen "Kognitariats" in welcher Art und Weise digitale Produktions- und Wertschöpfungsprozesse am Beginn des 21. Jahrhunderts zur Kontrolle eingesetzt werden ...

  11. International production versus global competition. Bosch`s business area `water heating systems` meets the press; International im globalen Wettbewerb. Bosch Geschaeftsbereich Thermotechnik stellt sich der Fachpresse vor

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The business area `water heating systems` has developed into an internationally operating enterprise of the Bosch group. Its factories are distributed over seven countries: Junkers at Wernau (Germany), Worcester at Worcester (Great Britain), Radson at Houthalen (Belgium), Vulcano at Aveiro (Portugal), e.I.m. leblanc at Drancy and Brest (France) and at Lecong (PR China).- The article reports impressions gathered at a meeting of representatives of the technical press, organized by Bosch Thermotechnik at Aveiro, Portugal. This colloquy in a European site of production enabled representatives of the press to inform themselves on the spot on the internationality of the enterprise. (orig.) [Deutsch] Der Geschaeftsbereich Thermotechnik hat sich zu einem international operierenden Unternehmen der Bosch-Gruppe entwickelt. In sieben Laendern hat er Fertigungsstaetten, Junkers in Wernau (D), Worcester in Worcester (GB), Radson in Houthalen (B), Vulcano in Aveiro (P), e.l.m. Leblanc in Drancy und Brest (F) und in Lecong (VR China). Im folgenden wird ueber Eindruecke aus einem Fachpresse-Kolloquium berichtet, zu dem Bosch Thermotechnik Fachpressevertreter nach Aveiro in Portugal eingeladen hatte. Es fand also an einem der europaeischen Standorte statt, so dass sich die Pressevertreter vor Ort ein konkretes Bild zum Thema `Internationalitaet` verschaffen konnten. (orig.)

  12. Estimating River Surface Elevation From ArcticDEM (United States)

    Dai, Chunli; Durand, Michael; Howat, Ian M.; Altenau, Elizabeth H.; Pavelsky, Tamlin M.


    ArcticDEM is a collection of 2-m resolution, repeat digital surface models created from stereoscopic satellite imagery. To demonstrate the potential of ArcticDEM for measuring river stages and discharges, we estimate river surface heights along a reach of Tanana River near Fairbanks, Alaska, by the precise detection of river shorelines and mapping of shorelines to land surface elevation. The river height profiles over a 15-km reach agree with in situ measurements to a standard deviation less than 30 cm. The time series of ArcticDEM-derived river heights agree with the U.S. Geological Survey gage measurements with a standard deviation of 32 cm. Using the rating curve for that gage, we obtain discharges with a validation accuracy (root-mean-square error) of 234 m3/s (23% of the mean discharge). Our results demonstrate that ArcticDEM can accurately measure spatial and temporal variations of river surfaces, providing a new and powerful data set for hydrologic analysis.

  13. Specific problems of beginners at study of programming and possibilities of their solution


    Procházková, Petra


    This thesis deals with the problems of beginners in the study of programming at University of Economics in Prague, Faculty of Informatics and Statistics. This applies particularly to students who are studying the subject Programming in Java.

  14. Algumas anedotas sobre Demóstenes: uma releitura

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Maddalena Vallozza


    Full Text Available Muitas das anedotas sobre Demóstenes estão relacionados a seus problemas de voz e a suas dificuldades no momento da hypokrisis. Eu proponho uma reinterpretação das páginas em que eles nos são transmitidos: de Quintiliano (11, 3, a principal testemunha, a Cícero (Orator 26 e 56-58, Brutus 142, De Oratore I 261 e III 213, do autor da seção sobre Demóstenes nas Vidas dos Dez Oradores (844 d-845 b à Vida de Demóstene, de Plutarco. Com base nisso, particularmente graças a Plutarco, que cita Hermipo e Demétrio de Fáleros, é possível formular a hipótese de que a tradição nasceu no Perípato, na área de interesses pela hypokrisis que demonstram o perdido Perì hypokríseos de Teofrasto e os fragmentos da Retórica de Demétrio de Fáleros.

  15. Language Training: French course for beginners

    CERN Multimedia

    Françoise Benz


    If you wish to participate in one of the following courses, please discuss with your supervisor and apply electronically directly from the course description pages that can be found on the Web at: or fill in an 'application for training' form available from your Divisional Secretariat or from your DTO (Divisional Training Officer). Applications will be accepted in the order of their receipt. A French course for beginners (level 0) will take place from 12 July to 27 August. Timetable: not yet fixed Duration: 54 hours / 2 hours a day Price: CHF 702 Please enrol as soon as possible through the Web: FORMATION EN LANGUES LANGUAGE TRAINING Françoise Benz 73127

  16. Language Training: French course for beginners

    CERN Multimedia

    Françoise Benz


    If you wish to participate in one of the following courses, please discuss with your supervisor and apply electronically directly from the course description pages that can be found on the Web at: or fill in an 'application for training' form available from your Divisional Secretariat or from your DTO (Divisional Training Officer). Applications will be accepted in the order of their receipt. A French course for beginners (level 0) will take place from 12 July to 27 August. Timetable: not yet fixed Duration: 54 hours / 2 hours a day Price: 702 SF Please enrol as soon as possible through the Web: FORMATION EN LANGUES LANGUAGE TRAINING Françoise Benz 73127

  17. ASTER Orthorectified Digital Elevation Model (DEM) V003 (United States)

    National Aeronautics and Space Administration — The ASTER L3 DEM and Orthorectified Images form a multi-file product that contains both the Digital Elevation Model (DEM), and the Orthorectified Image products....

  18. Vaadin 7 UI design by example beginner's guide

    CERN Document Server

    Duarte, Alejandro


    This book is a hands-on Beginner's Guide for developers who are new to Vaadin and/or Vaadin UI components. The book will teach readers through examples to use each of the exciting components to build and add various aspects of the user interface to their web apps.If you have experience with the Java language and want to create web applications that look good without having to deal with HTML, XML, and JavaScript, this book is for you. Basic Java programming skills are required, but no web development knowledge is needed at all.

  19. Landschaftsplanung als Steuerungsinstrument im Urbanisierungsprozess am Beispiel der beiden Hauptstädte Seoul und Berlin


    Lee, Ji-Young


    Als Begleiterscheinungen des rasanten Wirtschaftswachstums und der nicht behutsamen Raumentwicklungen Südkoreas seit Beginn der 60er Jahre kristallisierten sich monotone Stadtstrukturen, regionaler Identitätsverlust und enorme ökologische Belastung als negative Erscheinungsformen der Raumordnung heraus. Erhebliche Umweltbelastungen, Veränderungen des Stadtbilds und die Flächeninanspruchnahme sind vor allem in der Hauptstadt Seoul signifikante Folgen der städtischen Ausdehnung und Verdichtung....

  20. Die Kardiomyopathie in der Friedreich-Ataxie


    Reichert [geb. Florescu], Christiane Katharina


    Die Friedreich-Ataxie ist eine autosomal-rezessiv vererbte neurodegenerative Erkrankung, die sich meistens vor dem 20. Lebensjahr manifestiert. Der Erkrankung liegt eine GAA-Trinukleotid-Expansion im FXN-Gen (Chromosom 9q13) zu Grunde. Diese Mutation führt zu einer verminderten Bildung von Frataxin, wodurch es zur Eisenanreicherung in den Mitochondrien kommt. Diese Eisenakkumulation führt zu oxidativem Stress und mitochondrialer Dysfunktion, die sich vor allem in Gewebe mit einem hohen An...

  1. Envolving the Operations of the TerraSAR-X/TanDEM-X Mission Planning System during the TanDEM-X Science Phase


    Stathopoulos, Fotios; Guillermin, Guillaume; Garcia Acero, Carlos; Reich, Karin; Mrowka, Falk


    After the successful Global Coverage of the Digital Elevation Model, the TanDEM-X Science phase was initiated in September of 2014, dedicated to the demonstration of innovative techniques and experiments. The TanDEM-X Science phase had a large impact on the TerraSAR-X/TanDEM-X Mission Planning System. The two main challenges were the formation flying changes and the activation of a new acquisition mode, the so called Dual Receive Antenna (DRA) acquisition mode. This paper describes all action...

  2. Disease specific stress of tumor patients at the beginning of radiotherapy. Effect on psychosocial support requirement; Krankheitsspezifische Belastungen von Tumorpatienten zu Beginn einer Strahlentherapie. Auswirkungen auf den psychosozialen Betreuungsbedarf

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sehlen, S.; Hollenhorst, H.; Schymura, B.; Firsching, M.; Duehmke, E. [Ludwig-Maximilians-Univ., Muenchen (Germany). Klinik und Poliklinik fuer Strahlentherapie und Radioonkologie; Aydemir, U. [Inst. fuer Biometrie und Epidemiologie, Klinikum Grosshadern, Ludwig-Maximilians-Univ., Muenchen (Germany); Herschbach, P. [Technische Univ. Muenchen (Germany). Inst. und Poliklinik fuer Psychosomatische Medizin, Psychotherapie und medizinische Psychologie


    requirement. (orig.) [German] Hintergrund: Die Radiotherapie bringt Tumorpatienten in eine besondere Lebenssituation, in der sie eine Reihe von unterschiedlichen Faktoren ausgesetzt werden, deren Auspraegung weitgehend unbekannt ist. Intention dieser Querschnittsstudie war es, erstmals systematisch die spezifischen Belastungen von Tumorpatienten zu Beginn einer Strahlentherapie aufzuzeigen und einen belastungsabhaengigen Betreuungswunsch zu erheben mit dem Ziel einer Belastungsreduktion und Verbesserung von Lebensqualitaet und Compliance waehrend einer radioonkologischen Behandlung. Patienten und Methoden: 732 Patienten wurden zunaechst in die Studie aufgenommen, von denen 446 (60,9%) die Einschlusskriterien erfuellten (Ablehnung 21,0%, Karnofsky-Index 6,6%, organisatorische Probleme 3,4%, Sprachbarrieren 3,0%, kognitive Einschraenkung 2,6%, Tod 2,5%). Folgende Erhebungsinstrumente gingen in die Auswertung zu Beginn der Strahlentherapie ein: medizinische und soziodemographische Daten, Lebenssituation (LS), Fragebogen zur Belastung von Krebspatienten (FBK), selbst definierter Betreuungswunsch (BB). 262 Maenner und 184 Frauen (medianes Alter 60,0 Jahre) mit unterschiedlichen Diagnosen wurden untersucht. Ergebnisse: Auf Skalenebene des Fragebogens zur Belastung von Krebspatienten zeigte sich vor allem eine Belastung durch Einschraenkung der Leistungsfaehigkeit, Angst und Schmerz. Frauen hatten signifikant hoehere Belastungswerte in den Bereichen Schmerz (p=0,016) und Angst (p=0,009), Patienten unter 45 Jahren im Bereich Information (p=0,002) und Patienten zwischen 45 und 60 Jahren in den Bereichen Angst (p=0,002) und Gesamtbelastung (p=0,003). Patientinnen mit einem Mammakarzinom waren am staerksten belastet. Der Anteil von stark belasteten Patienten war in den Skalen Leistungsfaehigkeit (43%) und Angst (40%) am hoechsten. Es bestand ein signifikanter Zusammenhang zwischen hoher Belastung und hohem Betreuungswunsch (insbesondere nach Arzt-/Psychologengespraechen und Information

  3. Programming Languages or Generic Software Tools, for Beginners' Courses in Computer Literacy? (United States)

    Neuwirth, Erich


    Discussion of methods that can be used to teach beginner courses in computer literacy focuses on students aged 10-12. The value of using a programing language versus using a generic software package is highlighted; Logo and Prolog are reviewed; and the use of databases is discussed. (LRW)

  4. CS Circles: An In-Browser Python Course for Beginners


    Pritchard, David; Vasiga, Troy


    Computer Science Circles is a free programming website for beginners that is designed to be fun, easy to use, and accessible to the broadest possible audience. We teach Python since it is simple yet powerful, and the course content is well-structured but written in plain language. The website has over one hundred exercises in thirty lesson pages, plus special features to help teachers support their students. It is available in both English and French. We discuss the philosophy behind the cour...

  5. A comparative appraisal of hydrological behavior of SRTM DEM at catchment level (United States)

    Sharma, Arabinda; Tiwari, K. N.


    The Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) data has emerged as a global elevation data in the past one decade because of its free availability, homogeneity and consistent accuracy compared to other global elevation dataset. The present study explores the consistency in hydrological behavior of the SRTM digital elevation model (DEM) with reference to easily available regional 20 m contour interpolated DEM (TOPO DEM). Analysis ranging from simple vertical accuracy assessment to hydrological simulation of the studied Maithon catchment, using empirical USLE model and semidistributed, physical SWAT model, were carried out. Moreover, terrain analysis involving hydrological indices was performed for comparative assessment of the SRTM DEM with respect to TOPO DEM. Results reveal that the vertical accuracy of SRTM DEM (±27.58 m) in the region is less than the specified standard (±16 m). Statistical analysis of hydrological indices such as topographic wetness index (TWI), stream power index (SPI), slope length factor (SLF) and geometry number (GN) shows a significant differences in hydrological properties of the two studied DEMs. Estimation of soil erosion potentials of the catchment and conservation priorities of microwatersheds of the catchment using SRTM DEM and TOPO DEM produce considerably different results. Prediction of soil erosion potential using SRTM DEM is far higher than that obtained using TOPO DEM. Similarly, conservation priorities determined using the two DEMs are found to be agreed for only 34% of microwatersheds of the catchment. ArcSWAT simulation reveals that runoff predictions are less sensitive to selection of the two DEMs as compared to sediment yield prediction. The results obtained in the present study are vital to hydrological analysis as it helps understanding the hydrological behavior of the DEM without being influenced by the model structural as well as parameter uncertainty. It also reemphasized that SRTM DEM can be a valuable dataset for

  6. Discovering SQL A Hands-On Guide for Beginners

    CERN Document Server

    Kriegel, Alex


    Teaching the SQL skills that businesses demand when hiring programmers If you're a SQL beginner, you don't just want to learn SQL basics, you also want to get some practical SQL skills you can use in the job market. This book gives you both. Covering the basics through intermediate topics with clear explanations, hands-on exercises, and helpful solutions, this book is the perfect introduction to SQL. Topics include both the current SQL:2008 standards, the upcoming SQL:2011 standards, and also how to use SQL against current releases of the most popular commercial SQL databases, such as Oracle,

  7. Large Scale Landform Mapping Using Lidar DEM

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Türkay Gökgöz


    Full Text Available In this study, LIDAR DEM data was used to obtain a primary landform map in accordance with a well-known methodology. This primary landform map was generalized using the Focal Statistics tool (Majority, considering the minimum area condition in cartographic generalization in order to obtain landform maps at 1:1000 and 1:5000 scales. Both the primary and the generalized landform maps were verified visually with hillshaded DEM and an orthophoto. As a result, these maps provide satisfactory visuals of the landforms. In order to show the effect of generalization, the area of each landform in both the primary and the generalized maps was computed. Consequently, landform maps at large scales could be obtained with the proposed methodology, including generalization using LIDAR DEM.

  8. Die «ASEAN-Wirtschaftsgemeinschaft»

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Juego, Bonn


    Seit dem Ende der 1990er-Jahre verfolgt die ASEAN die Vision einer politischen, wirtschaftlichen und sozialen Gemeinschaft. Doch wie realistisch ist die Umsetzung eines solch ambitionierten Vorhabens vor dem Hintergrund der enormen Heterogenität der Region? ASEAN vereint Staaten auf...... Entwicklungsstufen, wie sie unterschiedlicher kaum sein können. Der Autor, Bonn Juego, nimmt die ASEAN Vision 2020 sowie die Debatten, die diesbezüglich in den einzelnen Ländern geführt werden, unter die Lupe. Er geht dem Potenzial des ASEANAnsatzes zu sozialer Teilhabe und wirtschaftlicher Verteilungsgerechtigkeit...

  9. Die WTO in Hongkong: Zwischenergebnisse einer "Entwicklungsrunde"


    Küblböck, Karin; Six, Clemens


    Die sechste Ministerkonferenz der Welthandelsorganisation (WTO), die von 13. bis 18. Dezember 2005 in Hongkong stattfand, war mit dem Anspruch angetreten, die Agenda der Doha-Entwicklungsrunde, also die B erücksichtigung der Interessen und ökonomischen Bedürfnisse der Entwicklungsländer und insbesondere der am wenigsten entwickelten Staaten, um wesentliche Schritte im Hinblick auf einen erfolgreichen Abschluss voranzubringen. Die Ergebnisse sind vor dem Hintergrund des Anspruches dieser Verha...

  10. Research on a dem Coregistration Method Based on the SAR Imaging Geometry (United States)

    Niu, Y.; Zhao, C.; Zhang, J.; Wang, L.; Li, B.; Fan, L.


    Due to the systematic error, especially the horizontal deviation that exists in the multi-source, multi-temporal DEMs (Digital Elevation Models), a method for high precision coregistration is needed. This paper presents a new fast DEM coregistration method based on a given SAR (Synthetic Aperture Radar) imaging geometry to overcome the divergence and time-consuming problem of the conventional DEM coregistration method. First, intensity images are simulated for two DEMs under the given SAR imaging geometry. 2D (Two-dimensional) offsets are estimated in the frequency domain using the intensity cross-correlation operation in the FFT (Fast Fourier Transform) tool, which can greatly accelerate the calculation process. Next, the transformation function between two DEMs is achieved via the robust least-square fitting of 2D polynomial operation. Accordingly, two DEMs can be precisely coregistered. Last, two DEMs, i.e., one high-resolution LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) DEM and one low-resolution SRTM (Shutter Radar Topography Mission) DEM, covering the Yangjiao landslide region of Chongqing are taken as an example to test the new method. The results indicate that, in most cases, this new method can achieve not only a result as much as 80 times faster than the minimum elevation difference (Least Z-difference, LZD) DEM registration method, but also more accurate and more reliable results.

  11. Is Contrast Enhanced Ultrasonography a useful tool in a beginner's hand? How much can a Computer Assisted Diagnosis prototype help in characterizing the malignancy of focal liver lesions? (United States)

    Moga, Tudor Voicu; Popescu, Alina; Sporea, Ioan; Danila, Mirela; David, Ciprian; Gui, Vasile; Iacob, Nicoleta; Miclaus, Gratian; Sirli, Roxana


    Contrast enhanced ultrasound (CEUS) improved the characterization of focal liver lesions (FLLs), but is an operatordependent method. The goal of this paper was to test a computer assisted diagnosis (CAD) prototype and to see its benefit in assisting a beginner in the evaluation of FLLs. Our cohort included 97 good quality CEUS videos[34% hepatocellular carcinomas (HCC), 12.3% hypervascular metastases (HiperM), 11.3% hypovascular metastases (HipoM), 24.7% hemangiomas (HMG), 17.5% focal nodular hyperplasia (FNH)] that were used to develop a CAD prototype based on an algorithm that tested a binary decision based classifier. Two young medical doctors (1 year CEUS experience), two experts and the CAD prototype, reevaluated 50 FLLs CEUS videos (diagnosis of benign vs. malignant) first blinded to clinical data, in order to evaluate the diagnostic gap beginner vs. expert. The CAD classifier managed a 75.2% overall (benign vs. malignant) correct classification rate. The overall classification rates for the evaluators, before and after clinical data were: first beginner-78%; 94%; second beginner-82%; 96%; first expert-94%; 100%; second expert-96%; 98%. For both beginners, the malignant vs. benign diagnosis significantly improved after knowing the clinical data (p=0.005; p=0,008). The expert was better than the beginner (p=0.04) and better than the CAD (p=0.001). CAD in addition to the beginner can reach the expert diagnosis. The most frequent lesions misdiagnosed at CEUS were FNH and HCC. The CAD prototype is a good comparing tool for a beginner operator that can be developed to assist the diagnosis. In order to increase the classification rate, the CAD system for FLL in CEUS must integrate the clinical data.

  12. Zur kompositorischen Arbeit von Vitezslav Novák an Beispielen von Materialien der Kammermusik-werke

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Krupkovä Lenka


    Full Text Available (nemački Man kann den Entwicklungsprozess im Bereich der Mikrostruktur der Komposition in Nováks Kammermusikwerke, also der eigentlichen motivischthematischen Arbeit, betrachten. In dem Bestreben, auf das romantische, auf umfangreichen thematischen Gebilden basierende Klischee zu verzichten, näherte sich Novák der kompositorischen Methode von Johannes Brahms, der Nováks rationellem Denken nah verwandt war, an. Noch vor dem Entstehen des II. Schönbergs Quartetts schuf Novák das Balladesken Trio, in dem auf der Ebene eines ununterbrochenen Satzes einzelne Teile des Sonatenzyklus durchlaufen und in dem die Sonatenexposition sogar Merkmale eines selbstständigen Sonatensatzes aufweist.

  13. iClone 431 3D Animation Beginner's Guide

    CERN Document Server

    McCallum, MD


    This book is a part of the Beginner's guide series, wherein you will quickly start doing tasks with precise instructions. Then the tasks will be followed by explanation and then a challenging task or a multiple choice question about the topic just covered. Do you have a story to tell or an idea to illustrate? This book is aimed at film makers, video producers/compositors, vxf artists or 3D artists/designers like you who have no previous experience with iClone. If you have that drive inside you to entertain people via the internet on sites like YouTube or Vimeo, create a superb presentation vid

  14. Precise baseline determination for the TanDEM-X mission (United States)

    Koenig, Rolf; Moon, Yongjin; Neumayer, Hans; Wermuth, Martin; Montenbruck, Oliver; Jäggi, Adrian

    The TanDEM-X mission will strive for generating a global precise Digital Elevation Model (DEM) by way of bi-static SAR in a close formation of the TerraSAR-X satellite, already launched on June 15, 2007, and the TanDEM-X satellite to be launched in May 2010. Both satellites carry the Tracking, Occultation and Ranging (TOR) payload supplied by the GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences. The TOR consists of a high-precision dual-frequency GPS receiver, called Integrated GPS Occultation Receiver (IGOR), and a Laser retro-reflector (LRR) for precise orbit determination (POD) and atmospheric sounding. The IGOR is of vital importance for the TanDEM-X mission objectives as the millimeter level determination of the baseline or distance between the two spacecrafts is needed to derive meter level accurate DEMs. Within the TanDEM-X ground segment GFZ is responsible for the operational provision of precise baselines. For this GFZ uses two software chains, first its Earth Parameter and Orbit System (EPOS) software and second the BERNESE software, for backup purposes and quality control. In a concerted effort also the German Aerospace Center (DLR) generates precise baselines independently with a dedicated Kalman filter approach realized in its FRNS software. By the example of GRACE the generation of baselines with millimeter accuracy from on-board GPS data can be validated directly by way of comparing them to the intersatellite K-band range measurements. The K-band ranges are accurate down to the micrometer-level and therefore may be considered as truth. Both TanDEM-X baseline providers are able to generate GRACE baselines with sub-millimeter accuracy. By merging the independent baselines by GFZ and DLR, the accuracy can even be increased. The K-band validation however covers solely the along-track component as the K-band data measure just the distance between the two GRACE satellites. In addition they inhibit an un-known bias which must be modelled in the comparison, so the

  15. Hydraulic correction method (HCM) to enhance the efficiency of SRTM DEM in flood modeling (United States)

    Chen, Huili; Liang, Qiuhua; Liu, Yong; Xie, Shuguang


    Digital Elevation Model (DEM) is one of the most important controlling factors determining the simulation accuracy of hydraulic models. However, the currently available global topographic data is confronted with limitations for application in 2-D hydraulic modeling, mainly due to the existence of vegetation bias, random errors and insufficient spatial resolution. A hydraulic correction method (HCM) for the SRTM DEM is proposed in this study to improve modeling accuracy. Firstly, we employ the global vegetation corrected DEM (i.e. Bare-Earth DEM), developed from the SRTM DEM to include both vegetation height and SRTM vegetation signal. Then, a newly released DEM, removing both vegetation bias and random errors (i.e. Multi-Error Removed DEM), is employed to overcome the limitation of height errors. Last, an approach to correct the Multi-Error Removed DEM is presented to account for the insufficiency of spatial resolution, ensuring flow connectivity of the river networks. The approach involves: (a) extracting river networks from the Multi-Error Removed DEM using an automated algorithm in ArcGIS; (b) correcting the location and layout of extracted streams with the aid of Google Earth platform and Remote Sensing imagery; and (c) removing the positive biases of the raised segment in the river networks based on bed slope to generate the hydraulically corrected DEM. The proposed HCM utilizes easily available data and tools to improve the flow connectivity of river networks without manual adjustment. To demonstrate the advantages of HCM, an extreme flood event in Huifa River Basin (China) is simulated on the original DEM, Bare-Earth DEM, Multi-Error removed DEM, and hydraulically corrected DEM using an integrated hydrologic-hydraulic model. A comparative analysis is subsequently performed to assess the simulation accuracy and performance of four different DEMs and favorable results have been obtained on the corrected DEM.

  16. Which DEM is best for analyzing fluvial landscape development in mountainous terrains? (United States)

    Boulton, Sarah J.; Stokes, Martin


    Regional studies of fluvial landforms and long-term (Quaternary) landscape development in remote mountain landscapes routinely use satellite-derived DEM data sets. The SRTM and ASTER DEMs are the most commonly utilised because of their longer availability, free cost, and ease of access. However, rapid technological developments mean that newer and higher resolution DEM data sets such as ALOS World 3D (AW3D) and TanDEM-X are being released to the scientific community. Geomorphologists are thus faced with an increasingly problematic challenge of selecting an appropriate DEM for their landscape analyses. Here, we test the application of four medium resolution DEM products (30 m = SRTM, ASTER, AW3D; 12 m = TanDEM-X) for qualitative and quantitative analysis of a fluvial mountain landscape using the Dades River catchment (High Atlas Mountains, Morocco). This landscape comprises significant DEM remote sensing challenges, notably a high mountain relief, steep slopes, and a deeply incised high sinuosity drainage network with narrow canyon/gorge reaches. Our goal was to see which DEM produced the most representative best fit drainage network and meaningful quantification. To achieve this, we used ArcGIS and Stream Profiler platforms to generate catchment hillshade and slope rasters and to extract drainage network, channel long profile and channel slope, and area data. TanDEM-X produces the clearest landscape representation but with channel routing errors in localised high relief areas. Thirty-metre DEMs are smoother and less detailed, but the AW3D shows the closest fit to the real drainage network configuration. The TanDEM-X elevation values are the closest to field-derived GPS measurements. Long profiles exhibit similar shapes but with minor differences in length, elevation, and the degree of noise/smoothing, with AW3D producing the best representation. Slope-area plots display similarly positioned slope-break knickpoints with modest differences in steepness and concavity

  17. Verbesserung der Lebensqualität bei Kinderwunsch-Behandlung durch den Gebrauch patientenfreundlicher Follitropin-Fertigpens

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Bitzer J


    Full Text Available Zur Behandlung des unerfüllten Kinderwunsches unterziehen sich viele Frauen einer assistierten Reproduktionstherapie mit ovarieller Stimulation. Dazu erfolgen tägliche subkutane Injektionen mit Gonadotropinen, welche die Patientinnen eigenständig durchführen können. Häufig haben Patientinnen dabei Angst vor Spritzen und injektionsbedingten Schmerzen. Die vorliegende Beobachtungsstudie zum Einfluss der Anwendung des Follitropin alfa-Fertigpens (Gonal-f®-Pen auf die Lebensqualität der Patientinnen zeigt die Ergebnisse einer Befragung von 170 Frauen zu Angst und Zufriedenheit mit diesem Applikationssystem. Die Erfahrungen wurden vor und nach den Behandlungszyklen auf numerischen Analogskalen quantifiziert und nachfolgend verglichen. Die Studie ergab, dass durch die Verwendung des Gonal-f®-Pens die Angst vor der Injektion und vor Schmerzen signifikant abnahm. Zudem waren die Patientinnen mit dem Applikationssystem äußerst zufrieden.

  18. Vom Fachwissen zur Handlungskompetenz - die Berufsschule vor den Herausforderungen des sozioökonomischen Strukturwandels


    Kouli, Ekaterina


    Der sozioökonomische Wandel und die damit einhergehenden Veränderungen der Wirtschafts- und Beschäftigungsstrukturen stellen das Bildungssystem in Deutschland vor neuartige Herausforderungen. Wesentliche Momente dieses Wandels sind die technologische Entwicklung, die Globalisierung der Wirtschaft, der Übergang von der Industrie- zur Wissensgesellschaft sowie Veränderungen in den gesellschaftlichen Wertvorstellungen. Diese Entwicklungen verändern die Arbeitsprozesse in den Unternehmen und dami...

  19. Utilization of balance equipment in windsurf beginners off water training.


    Frič, Čestmír


    Work name: Utilization of balance equipment in windsurf beginners off water training. Aim of work: To determin and evaluate significance of balance equipment in off water training. Method: The method of comparative experiment have been used in this thesis. Than the obtained data were evaluated. It was nessesary to create and compare two groups of people, compound of young healthy individuals in the age 20 - 30 both male and female. The only condition for the research was their zero experience...

  20. Eerbied voor het leven

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Thoomes, D.T.


    De ethische grondhouding van 'Ehrfurcht vor dem Leben' gaat terug op jeugdervaringen van Albert Schweitzer, rond 1900, in combinatie met christelijk-wijsgerige opvattingen. Deze ethische benadering krijgt in onze tijd opnieuw betekenis in samenhang met de milieuproblematiek en de

  1. Produktherkunft und Preis als Einflussfaktoren auf die Kaufentscheidung


    Leitow, Detmar


    Vor dem Hintergrund gesättigter und informationsüberlasteter Märkte wird die Bedeutung der regionalen Herkunft von Lebensmitteln für das Konsumentenverhalten diskutiert. Obwohl diesem Produktattribut in wissenschaftlichen Befragungen eine marketingrelevante Bedeutung bescheinigt wird, spiegelt sich die geäußerte Präferenz und Mehrpreisbereitschaft aus Sicht des Einzelhandels häufig nicht im Kaufverhalten wider. Dies deutet auf eine Diskrepanz zwischen der Einstellung und dem Verhalten hin. Zi...

  2. Accuracy of Cartosat-1 DEM and its derived attribute at multiple ...

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    and information content was compared using mean elevation, variance and entropy statistics. Various ... required, but for local studies large scale represen- tation is ... been made to examine the effect of DEM accuracy ... accuracy of DEM is evaluated with respect to grid .... that loss of entropy is a measure of DEM quality or.

  3. Cross Validation on the Equality of Uav-Based and Contour-Based Dems (United States)

    Ma, R.; Xu, Z.; Wu, L.; Liu, S.


    Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) have been widely used for Digital Elevation Model (DEM) generation in geographic applications. This paper proposes a novel framework of generating DEM from UAV images. It starts with the generation of the point clouds by image matching, where the flight control data are used as reference for searching for the corresponding images, leading to a significant time saving. Besides, a set of ground control points (GCP) obtained from field surveying are used to transform the point clouds to the user's coordinate system. Following that, we use a multi-feature based supervised classification method for discriminating non-ground points from ground ones. In the end, we generate DEM by constructing triangular irregular networks and rasterization. The experiments are conducted in the east of Jilin province in China, which has been suffered from soil erosion for several years. The quality of UAV based DEM (UAV-DEM) is compared with that generated from contour interpolation (Contour-DEM). The comparison shows a higher resolution, as well as higher accuracy of UAV-DEMs, which contains more geographic information. In addition, the RMSE errors of the UAV-DEMs generated from point clouds with and without GCPs are ±0.5 m and ±20 m, respectively.

  4. Niedermolekulare Verbindungen aus Spinnen als chemische Sensoren

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Olsen, Christian Adam; Kristensen, Anders S.; Strømgaard, Kristian


    sie als Leitstrukturen für die Entwicklung, Synthese und biologische Untersuchung synthetischer Analoga verwendet. Weit weniger erforscht sind hingegen Verbindungen, die der Kommunikation von Spinnen dienen. Vor kurzem wurden jedoch auf dem Gebiet der Pheromone und Allomone aus Spinnen neue...

  5. English Idioms and Iranian Beginner Learners: A Focus on Short Stories and Pictures (United States)

    Mehrpour, Saeed; Mansourzadeh, Nurullah


    Idiomatic expressions are among the most difficult and challenging aspects in the realm of lexicon. The focus of the present study was on investigating the effect of short stories and pictures on learning idiomatic expressions by beginner EFL learners. For this aim, 52 Iranian EFL learners were chosen and assigned to three groups randomly: two…

  6. Der Ritter mit dem Hemd : drei Fassungen einer mittelalterlichen Erzählung


    Dunphy, Graeme


    Unter den zahlreichen Motiven, die in der mittelalterlichen Literatur mit Frauendienst verbunden sind, gehört das vom Ritter mit dem Hemd zu den besonders interessanten. Es erscheint zunächst in dem ersten von fünf Fabliaux aus einer verlorenen Turiner Handschrift, die dem sonst unbekannten altfranzösischen Dichter Jacques de Baisieux zugeschrieben werden, einer heiteren Kurzgeschichte mit dem Titel "Des trois chevaliers et del chainse". In der vorliegenden Untersuchung gilt es, der Frage der...

  7. Uncertainty of soil erosion modelling using open source high resolution and aggregated DEMs

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Arun Mondal


    Full Text Available Digital Elevation Model (DEM is one of the important parameters for soil erosion assessment. Notable uncertainties are observed in this study while using three high resolution open source DEMs. The Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation (RUSLE model has been applied to analysis the assessment of soil erosion uncertainty using open source DEMs (SRTM, ASTER and CARTOSAT and their increasing grid space (pixel size from the actual. The study area is a part of the Narmada river basin in Madhya Pradesh state, which is located in the central part of India and the area covered 20,558 km2. The actual resolution of DEMs is 30 m and their increasing grid spaces are taken as 90, 150, 210, 270 and 330 m for this study. Vertical accuracy of DEMs has been assessed using actual heights of the sample points that have been taken considering planimetric survey based map (toposheet. Elevations of DEMs are converted to the same vertical datum from WGS 84 to MSL (Mean Sea Level, before the accuracy assessment and modelling. Results indicate that the accuracy of the SRTM DEM with the RMSE of 13.31, 14.51, and 18.19 m in 30, 150 and 330 m resolution respectively, is better than the ASTER and the CARTOSAT DEMs. When the grid space of the DEMs increases, the accuracy of the elevation and calculated soil erosion decreases. This study presents a potential uncertainty introduced by open source high resolution DEMs in the accuracy of the soil erosion assessment models. The research provides an analysis of errors in selecting DEMs using the original and increased grid space for soil erosion modelling.

  8. Dementia-free life expectancy (demFLE) in the Netherlands

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Perenboom, R.J.M.; Boshuizen, H.C.; Breteler, M.M.B.; Alewijn, O.; Water, H.P.A. van de


    To gain an insight into the burden of dementia in an aging society, life expectancy with dementia and its counterpart dementia-free life expectancy (DemFLE) in The Netherlands are presented. Sullivan's method was used to calculate DemFLE. For elderly living either independently or in homes for the

  9. [Julia Rosche. Zwischen den Fronten. Die Rolle Estlands zwischen dem Hitler-Stalin-Pakt und dem Ende des Zweiten Weltkriegs im internationalen Kontext] / Olaf Mertelsmann

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Mertelsmann, Olaf, 1969-


    Arvustus: Rosche, Julia. Zwischen den Fronten. Die Rolle Estlands zwischen dem Hitler-Stalin-Pakt und dem Ende des Zweiten Weltkriegs im internationalen Kontext. Diplomica Verlag. Hamburg 2012. Unter demselben Titel mit identischem Text auch: Grin Verlag. München 2013

  10. Riots - Zur Verortung eines unscharfen Phänomens

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Janna Frenzel


    Full Text Available Bei riots handelt es sich um unscharfe Phänomene, die von urbanen Jugendaufständen bis zu gewaltvoll eskalierenden Demonstrationen reichen. Auch der Begriff riot ist trotz seiner teils regen Verwendung in Medien und Wissenschaft nach wie vor diffus und unscharf. Neben diesen konzeptionellen Leerstellen gibt es in den Sozialwissenschaften bisher kein klar umrissenes Forschungsfeld zu riots. Auch der Sozialen Bewegungsforschung gelingt es nicht, riots als Protestphänomene zu fassen. Vor dem Hintergrund dieser Lücken im Forschungsstand versucht sich der vorliegende Text an einer wissenschaftlichen Verortung von riot als Phänomen und als Begriff. Dabei werden zwei zentrale Aspekte der bisherigen sozialwissenschaftlichen Debatte zu riots untersucht: das Verhältnis zwischen riots und Gewalt sowie das Verhältnis zwischen riots und dem Politischen. Normal 0 21 false false false DE X-NONE X-NONE /* Style Definitions */ table.MsoNormalTable {mso-style-name:"Normale Tabelle"; mso-tstyle-rowband-size:0; mso-tstyle-colband-size:0; mso-style-noshow:yes; mso-style-priority:99; mso-style-parent:""; mso-padding-alt:0cm 5.4pt 0cm 5.4pt; mso-para-margin:0cm; mso-para-margin-bottom:.0001pt; mso-pagination:widow-orphan; font-size:10.0pt; font-family:"Times New Roman","serif";} Bei riots handelt es sich um unscharfe Phänomene, die von urbanen Jugendaufständen bis zu gewaltvoll eskalierenden Demonstrationen reichen. Auch der Begriff riot ist trotz seiner teils regen Verwendung in Medien und Wissenschaft nach wie vor diffus und unscharf. Neben diesen konzeptionellen Leerstellen gibt es in den Sozialwissenschaften bisher kein klar umrissenes Forschungsfeld zu riots. Auch der Sozialen Bewegungsforschung gelingt es nicht, riots als Protestphänomene zu fassen. Vor dem Hintergrund dieser Lücken im Forschungsstand versucht sich der vorliegende Text an einer wissenschaftlichen Verortung von riot als Phänomen und als Begriff. Dabei werden zwei zentrale Aspekte der

  11. Rezension: Felix Heidenreich: Theorien der Gerechtigkeit - Eine Einführung


    Kramer, Hans-Ulrich


    Schon vor der griechischen Antike, nämlich bei den alten Ägyptern und im alten Israel ansetzend, werden unter dem Titel „Antike: Gegebene Gerechtigkeit“ (Kapitel 2) anschließend die Theorien der griechischen Klassiker Platon und Aristoteles sowie des Römers Cicero behandelt. Weiter geht es in chronologischer, übersichtlicher Gliederung mit den zwei Gerechtigkeiten des Mittelalters (Kapitel 3), die auf der Zwei-Reiche-Lehre des Augustinus‘ aufbauen. Kapitel 4 steht unter dem Motto: „N...

  12. Review: Felix Heidenreich (2011): Theorien der Gerechtigkeit - Eine Einführung


    Kramer, Hans-Ulrich


    Schon vor der griechischen Antike, nämlich bei den alten Ägyptern und im alten Israel ansetzend, werden unter dem Titel „Antike: Gegebene Gerechtigkeit“(Kapitel 2) anschließend die Theorien der griechischen Klassiker Platon und Aristoteles sowie des Römers Cicero behandelt. Weiter geht es in chronologischer, übersichtlicher Gliederung mit den zwei Gerechtigkeiten des Mittelalters (Kapitel 3), die auf der Zwei-Reiche-Lehre des Augustinus‘ aufbauen. Kapitel 4 steht unter dem Motto: „Neuzeit: Ge...

  13. Von Mumien, Cyborgs und Röntgenbildern

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Regina Schleicher


    Full Text Available Unter dem Titel Techniken der Reproduktion liegt ein Sammelband vor, der die Beiträge einer Tagung an der Universität Paderborn vom Dezember 2001 enthält. In enger Verknüpfung verschiedener disziplinärer Perspektiven werden Schlaglichter auf eine Vielzahl von Themen geworfen, die sich mit dem Begriff „Reproduktion“ verbinden. Dabei wird deutlich, wie eng die Geschichte der Medien und die Entwicklung von Technologien der biologischen Fortpflanzung miteinander verzahnt sind.

  14. Ein Verfahren zur schnellen experimentellen Charakterisierung der Quietschneigung von Kfz-Scheibenbremsen


    Gödecker, Holger


    Die Hauptaufgabe der bei dieser Arbeit im Vordergrund stehenden Kfz-Scheibenbremse ist das Verzögern des Fahrzeuges durch den auftretenden Reibeffekt. Dabei kann es zu ungewollten selbsterregten Schwingungen und damit zu störenden Geräuschentwicklungen kommen. Dieses bei der Entwicklung und Konstruktion von Bremsen vorherzusagen und zu vermeiden ist ein großes Thema in Industrie und Forschung. In dieser Arbeit wird ein Verfahren beschrieben, mit dem experimentell schnell, noch vor dem Auft...

  15. Shareholder Kapitalismus und das Casino Spiel an den Börsen


    Young, Brigitte; Hegelich, Simon


    'Das Konzept des Shareholder Value ist durch die jüngsten Entwicklungen im Unternehmenssektor, vor allem durch die Bilanz- und Betrugsskandale von TNC's und die damit verbundene Vernichtung von Arbeitsplätzen in die Kritik geraten. In den politischen Debatten über Shareholder Value wird ein Systemunterschied zwischen dem 'Stakeholder-Ansatz' (wie im rheinischen Kapitalismus) und dem mit der Liberalisierung der Finanzmärkte Ende der 70er Jahre in den USA entwickelten Begriff Shareholder Value ...

  16. A new subsidy regulation for coal after 2002 on the basis of the EC treaty; Eine neue Beihilferegelung fuer die Steinkohle nach dem Jahr 2002 auf der Basis des EG-Vertrags

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Reichel, W. [Gesamtverband des Deutschen Steinkohlenbergbaus, Essen (Germany)


    Coal is and will remain the most important indigenous energy resource in Europe. Hence, an appropriate ECSC regulation must be drawn up for coal subsidies in the EC Treaty after 2002 to enable a core mining industry based on the long-term safeguarding of supply. This is primarily not a legal, but a political question. Neither Kyoto nor the expansion of natural gas or image problems militate against coal. Its future contribution to the energy mix requires above all advances in technology. (orig.) [German] Die Kohle ist und bleibt die wichtigste heimische Energieressource Europas. Fuer die Kohlenbeihilfen muss daher ab dem Jahr 2002 eine adaequate EGKS-Nachfolgeregelung im Rahmen des EG-Vertrags getroffen werden, um einen mit der langfristigen Versorgungssicherung begruendeten Kernbergbau zu ermoeglichen. Dies ist primaer keine rechtliche, sondern eine politische Frage. Weder Kyoto noch die Erdgasexpansion oder Imageprobleme sprechen grundsaetzlich gegen die Kohle. Ihr zukuenftiger Beitrag zum Energiemix erfordert vor allem eine Technikoffensive. (orig.)

  17. Rezension von: Thomas Martinec, Claudia Nitschke (Hg.: Familie und Identität in der deutschen Literatur. Frankfurt am Main u.a.: Peter Lang Verlag 2009. — Ariane Eichenberg: Familie – Ich – Nation. Göttingen: V&R unipress 2009.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Christine Kanz


    Full Text Available Die Themen Generation und Familie gehören zu den wichtigsten Sujets literarischer Texte, insbesondere wenn diese die Herausbildung oder die Zerstörung von Identität problematisieren. Ein neuer, von Claudia Nitschke und Thomas Martinec herausgegebener Tagungsband ist der literatur- und kulturwissenschaftlichen Auseinandersetzung mit diesen Themen gewidmet. Sechs Jahrzehnte nach dem Ende des Zweiten Weltkrieges hat vor allem das Genre des Generationenromans Hochkonjunktur, insbesondere Texte der dritten Generation zum Umgang der Großeltern-Generation mit dem Nationalsozialismus. Den Verfasser/-innen dieses neuen, in sich heterogenen Genres wird in der Studie von Ariane Eichenberg allerdings keine allzu große Wirkmächtigkeit bescheinigt. Im Gegenteil nährten die modischen Texte mit den Funden aus der Vergangenheit vor allem das Ich der Erzähler/-innen, deren eigene Gefühle und Selbstvergewisserung in einer von Unsicherheiten geprägten Gegenwart.

  18. Digital Elevation Model (DEM), The county-wide DEM is published with a 20-foot grid size, though we have a more detailed DEM/DTM for some parts of the county, particularly the Green Bay Metro area, Published in 2000, 1:4800 (1in=400ft) scale, Brown County Government. (United States)

    NSGIC Local Govt | GIS Inventory — Digital Elevation Model (DEM) dataset current as of 2000. The county-wide DEM is published with a 20-foot grid size, though we have a more detailed DEM/DTM for some...

  19. Emotionen und Kontrollüberzeugungen beim komplexen Problemlösen : eine experimentelle Untersuchung anhand des computersimulierten Problemlöseszenarios FSYS 2.0


    Spering, Miriam


    Diese Studie untersucht den Einfluss positiver und negativer Emotionen auf komplexes Problemlösen unter Berücksichtigung der Kompetenz- und Kontrollüberzeugungen als Traits. 74 studentische männliche und weibliche Probanden bearbeiteten das computersimulierte Szenario FSYS 2.0 (Wagener & Conrad, 1997), anhand dessen sich Aussagen sowohl über die Problemlösegüte als auch das Problemlöseverhalten (z.B. Informationsmanagement) treffen lassen. Emotionen wurden vor Beginn des Szenarios und nach de...

  20. ifo Konjunkturprognose 2015/2017: Verhaltener Aufschwung setzt sich fort


    Wollmershäuser, Timo; Nierhaus, Wolfgang; Berg, Tim Oliver; Breuer, Christian; Garnitz, Johanna; Grimme, Christian; Hristov, Atanas; Hristov, Nikolay; Meister, Wolfgang; Reif, Magnus; Schröter, Felix; Steiner, Andreas; Wohlrabe, Klaus; Wolf, Anna


    Am 9. Dezember 2015 stellte das ifo Institut seine Prognose für die Jahre 2015, 2016 und 2017 vor. Der verhaltene Aufschwung, in dem sich die deutsche Wirtschaft seit einiger Zeit befindet, wird sich fortsetzen. In diesem Jahr dürfte das reale Bruttoinlandsprodukt um 1,7% zulegen, bevor es im kommenden Jahr vor­aussichtlich um 1,9% steigt. Im Jahr 2017 dürfte die Zuwachsrate dann wieder auf 1,7% zurückgehen. Der private Konsum wird weiterhin die Stütze des Aufschwungs bleiben, der durch die e...

  1. Glacier Volume Change Estimation Using Time Series of Improved Aster Dems (United States)

    Girod, Luc; Nuth, Christopher; Kääb, Andreas


    Volume change data is critical to the understanding of glacier response to climate change. The Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER) system embarked on the Terra (EOS AM-1) satellite has been a unique source of systematic stereoscopic images covering the whole globe at 15m resolution and at a consistent quality for over 15 years. While satellite stereo sensors with significantly improved radiometric and spatial resolution are available to date, the potential of ASTER data lies in its long consistent time series that is unrivaled, though not fully exploited for change analysis due to lack of data accuracy and precision. Here, we developed an improved method for ASTER DEM generation and implemented it in the open source photogrammetric library and software suite MicMac. The method relies on the computation of a rational polynomial coefficients (RPC) model and the detection and correction of cross-track sensor jitter in order to compute DEMs. ASTER data are strongly affected by attitude jitter, mainly of approximately 4 km and 30 km wavelength, and improving the generation of ASTER DEMs requires removal of this effect. Our sensor modeling does not require ground control points and allows thus potentially for the automatic processing of large data volumes. As a proof of concept, we chose a set of glaciers with reference DEMs available to assess the quality of our measurements. We use time series of ASTER scenes from which we extracted DEMs with a ground sampling distance of 15m. Our method directly measures and accounts for the cross-track component of jitter so that the resulting DEMs are not contaminated by this process. Since the along-track component of jitter has the same direction as the stereo parallaxes, the two cannot be separated and the elevations extracted are thus contaminated by along-track jitter. Initial tests reveal no clear relation between the cross-track and along-track components so that the latter seems not to be

  2. Novel application of DEM to modelling comminution processes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Delaney, Gary W; Cleary, Paul W; Sinnott, Matt D; Morrison, Rob D


    Comminution processes in which grains are broken down into smaller and smaller sizes represent a critical component in many industries including mineral processing, cement production, food processing and pharmaceuticals. We present a novel DEM implementation capable of realistically modelling such comminution processes. This extends on a previous implementation of DEM particle breakage that utilized spherical particles. Our new extension uses super-quadric particles, where daughter fragments with realistic size and shape distributions are packed inside a bounding parent super-quadric. We demonstrate the flexibility of our approach in different particle breakage scenarios and examine the effect of the chosen minimum resolved particle size. This incorporation of the effect of particle shape in the breakage process allows for more realistic DEM simulations to be performed, that can provide additional fundamental insights into comminution processes and into the behaviour of individual pieces of industrial machinery.

  3. Generation and performance assessment of the global TanDEM-X digital elevation model (United States)

    Rizzoli, Paola; Martone, Michele; Gonzalez, Carolina; Wecklich, Christopher; Borla Tridon, Daniela; Bräutigam, Benjamin; Bachmann, Markus; Schulze, Daniel; Fritz, Thomas; Huber, Martin; Wessel, Birgit; Krieger, Gerhard; Zink, Manfred; Moreira, Alberto


    The primary objective of the TanDEM-X mission is the generation of a global, consistent, and high-resolution digital elevation model (DEM) with unprecedented global accuracy. The goal is achieved by exploiting the interferometric capabilities of the two twin SAR satellites TerraSAR-X and TanDEM-X, which fly in a close orbit formation, acting as an X-band single-pass interferometer. Between December 2010 and early 2015 all land surfaces have been acquired at least twice, difficult terrain up to seven or eight times. The acquisition strategy, data processing, and DEM calibration and mosaicking have been systematically monitored and optimized throughout the entire mission duration, in order to fulfill the specification. The processing of all data has finally been completed in September 2016 and this paper reports on the final performance of the TanDEM-X global DEM and presents the acquisition and processing strategy which allowed to obtain the final DEM quality. The results confirm the outstanding global accuracy of the delivered product, which can be now utilized for both scientific and commercial applications.

  4. Boreal forest biomass classification with TanDEM-X


    Torano Caicoya, Astor; Kugler, Florian; Papathanassiou, Kostas; Hajnsek, Irena


    High spatial resolution X-band interferometric SAR data from the TanDEM-X, in the operational DEM generation mode, are sensitive to forest structure and can therefore be used for thematic boreal forest classification of forest environments. The interferometric coherence in absence of temporal decorrelation depends strongly on forest height and structure. Due to the rather homogenous structure of boreal forest, forest biomass can be derived from forest height, on the basis of allometric equati...

  5. Neues aus dem Forschungsfeld Deutsch als Zweitsprache. Sammelrezension

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Claus Altmayer


    Full Text Available Neues aus dem Forschungsfeld Deutsch als Zweitsprache. Sammelrezension (Teil 2 von Bernt Ahrenholz (Hrsg. (2009, Empirische Befunde zu DaZ-Erwerb und Sprachförderung. Beiträge aus dem 3. ‚Workshop Kinder mit Migrationshintergrund‘; Karen Schramm & Christoph Schröder (Hrsg. (2009, Empirische Zugänge zu Spracherwerb und Sprachförderung in Deutsch als Zweitsprache; Stefan Jeuk (2010, Deutsch als Zweitsprache in der Schule. Grundlagen - Diagnose – Förderung

  6. Modelling above Ground Biomass in Tanzanian Miombo Woodlands Using TanDEM-X WorldDEM and Field Data

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Stefano Puliti


    Full Text Available The use of Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR data has great potential for monitoring large scale forest above ground biomass (AGB in the tropics due to the increased ability to retrieve 3D information even under cloud cover. To date; results in tropical forests have been inconsistent and further knowledge on the accuracy of models linking AGB and InSAR height data is crucial for the development of large scale forest monitoring programs. This study provides an example of the use of TanDEM-X WorldDEM data to model AGB in Tanzanian woodlands. The primary objective was to assess the accuracy of a model linking AGB with InSAR height from WorldDEM after the subtraction of ground heights. The secondary objective was to assess the possibility of obtaining InSAR height for field plots when the terrain heights were derived from global navigation satellite systems (GNSS; i.e., as an alternative to using airborne laser scanning (ALS. The results revealed that the AGB model using InSAR height had a predictive accuracy of R M S E = 24.1 t·ha−1; or 38.8% of the mean AGB when terrain heights were derived from ALS. The results were similar when using terrain heights from GNSS. The accuracy of the predicted AGB was improved when compared to a previous study using TanDEM-X for a sub-area of the area of interest and was of similar magnitude to what was achieved in the same sub-area using ALS data. Overall; this study sheds new light on the opportunities that arise from the use of InSAR data for large scale AGB modelling in tropical woodlands.

  7. Interaktion mit virtuellen Agenten? Zur Aneignung eines ungewohnten Artefakts

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Krummheuer, Antonia Lina

    sprechen, schließt der soziologische Interaktionsbegriff nichtmenschliche Gesprächspartner aus. Es stellt sich daher die Frage, mit welchen Konzepten die Soziologie dieses neue Phänomen fassen kann. Vor dem Hintergrund der techniksoziologischen Debatte um die Handlungsträgerschaft von Artefakten werden die...

  8. Ueber einige Entwicklungsstadien von Rhopilema hispidum (Vanhoeffen) Maas

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Stiasny, G.


    Gelegentlich der Durchsicht einiger älterer Planktonfänge aus dem malayischen Archipel in den Sammlungen des Rijks Museum van Natuurlijke Historie in Leiden fanden sich zahlreiche Entwicklungsstadien von Rhopilema hispidum (VANH.) MAAS vor, über die ich hier kurz berichten will. Ueber die

  9. The transfer function method for the evaluation of short-circuit tests and on-site diagnostics of power transformers; Die Uebertragungsfunktion als Methode zur Beurteilung der Stosskurzschlusspruefung und Vor-Ort-Isolationsdiagnose

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Christian, J.; Feser, K. [Stuttgart Univ. (Germany). Inst. fuer Energieuebertragung und Hochspannungstechnik; Leibfried, T. [Siemens AG, Nuernberg (Germany). Geschaeftsgebiet Leistungstransformatoren; Jaeggi, F. [Aare-Tessin AG fuer Elektrizitaet, Olten (Switzerland)


    A short circuit test according to IEC 76-5 was performed on a 125 MVA, 245 kV/53 kV power transformer from the Siemens factory in Nuremberg at the Kema high power laboratory (Arnhem, Netherlands) in March 1997. Thereby, the transfer function method was examined as an additional method for evaluating the short-circuit test. The visual inspection of the transformer after returning to the Nuremberg factory carried out by engineers from Atel and Siemens and representatives of Kema showed no changes of the core and coil assembly. At the Flumenthal substation a second transformer of the same type was installed. Before commissioning, the transfer functions of both transformers have been measured. These measurements provide essential information concerning the comparability of measurements from different transformers and are the basis for measurements to be carried out in the future. (orig.) [Deutsch] Im Maerz 1997 wurde ein 125-MVA-Leistungstranformator aus dem Siemens Transformatorenwerk Nuernberg im Hochleistungslabor der Kema, Arnheim einer Stosskurzschlusspruefung unterzogen. Dabei wurde die Analyse der Uebertragungsfunktion des Transformators als zusaetzliche Methode zur Beurteilung der Stosskurzschlusspruefung untersucht. Der Aktivteil wurde danach im Herstellerwerk begutachtet. Dabei ergaben sich keine Beanstandungen. Im Umspannwerk Flumenthal wurde ein zweiter baugleicher Transformator installiert. Vor der Inbetriebnahme wurden zusaetzliche Vergleichsmessungen an den zwei baugleichen Transformatoren durchgefuehrt. (orig.)

  10. A Case Study: Writing a Spanish Dictionary as a Collaborative Task among Beginner Students (United States)

    Lopez, Nuria


    This article reports a small-scale study carried out in a beginners' Spanish class of second year undergraduate students. The purpose of the study was to investigate the effectiveness of a vocabulary task in terms of its impact on vocabulary acquisition, the learners' approach to vocabulary learning and their motivation and engagement. The task…

  11. ArcticDEM Year 3; Improving Coverage, Repetition and Resolution (United States)

    Morin, P. J.; Porter, C. C.; Cloutier, M.; Howat, I.; Noh, M. J.; Willis, M. J.; Candela, S. G.; Bauer, G.; Kramer, W.; Bates, B.; Williamson, C.


    Surface topography is among the most fundamental data sets for geosciences, essential for disciplines ranging from glaciology to geodynamics. The ArcticDEM project is using sub-meter, commercial imagery licensed by the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency, petascale computing, and open source photogrammetry software to produce a time-tagged 2m posting elevation model and a 5m posting mosaic of the entire Arctic region. As ArcticDEM enters its third year, the region has gone from having some of the sparsest and poorest elevation data to some of the most precise and complete data of any region on the globe. To date, we have produced and released over 80,000,000 km2 as 57,000 - 2m posting, time-stamped DEMs. The Arctic, on average, is covered four times though there are hotspots with more than 100 DEMs. In addition, the version 1 release includes a 5m posting mosaic covering the entire 20,000,000 km2 region. All products are publically available through, ESRI web services, and a web viewer. The final year of the project will consist of a complete refiltering of clouds/water and re-mosaicing of all elevation data. Since inception of the project, post-processing techniques have improved significantly, resulting in fewer voids, better registration, sharper coastlines, and fewer inaccuracies due to clouds. All ArcticDEM data will be released in 2018. Data, documentation, web services and web viewer are available at


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    N. F. Khalid


    Full Text Available Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer-Global Digital Elevation Model (ASTER GDEM, Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM, and Global Multi-resolution Terrain Elevation Data 2010 (GMTED2010 are freely available Digital Elevation Model (DEM datasets for environmental modeling and studies. The quality of spatial resolution and vertical accuracy of the DEM data source has a great influence particularly on the accuracy specifically for inundation mapping. Most of the coastal inundation risk studies used the publicly available DEM to estimated the coastal inundation and associated damaged especially to human population based on the increment of sea level. In this study, the comparison between ground truth data from Global Positioning System (GPS observation and DEM is done to evaluate the accuracy of each DEM. The vertical accuracy of SRTM shows better result against ASTER and GMTED10 with an RMSE of 6.054 m. On top of the accuracy, the correlation of DEM is identified with the high determination of coefficient of 0.912 for SRTM. For coastal zone area, DEMs based on airborne light detection and ranging (LiDAR dataset was used as ground truth data relating to terrain height. In this case, the LiDAR DEM is compared against the new SRTM DEM after applying the scale factor. From the findings, the accuracy of the new DEM model from SRTM can be improved by applying scale factor. The result clearly shows that the value of RMSE exhibit slightly different when it reached 0.503 m. Hence, this new model is the most suitable and meets the accuracy requirement for coastal inundation risk assessment using open source data. The suitability of these datasets for further analysis on coastal management studies is vital to assess the potentially vulnerable areas caused by coastal inundation.

  13. Impacts of DEM resolution and area threshold value uncertainty on ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    ... that DEM resolution influences the selected flow accumulation threshold value; the suitable flow accumulation threshold value increases as the DEM resolution increases, and shows greater variability for basins with lower drainage densities. The link between drainage area threshold value and stream network extraction ...

  14. Der Fliegende Wildretter in Aktion: DLR und BJV nutzen ferngesteuerte Flugplattform zur Rehkitzrettung


    Wimmer, Tilman; Israel, Martin; Haschberger, Peter; Weimann, Anita


    Der Fliegende Wildretter des Deutschen Zentrums für Luft- und Raumfahrt ist als prototypische Kleinserie seit dem Jahr 2010 erfolgreich in Deutschland und Österreich im Einsatz, um aus der Luft Wildtiere während der Wiesenmahd aufzuspüren und diese so vor dem Tod durch das Mähwerk zu retten. Der Prototyp basiert auf einem ferngesteuerten Multikopter, der mit mehreren Kameras ausgestattet ist und damit im Flug zuverlässiger und wesentlich schneller Wildtiere erkennen kann, als dies mit bish...

  15. アイヒマンの悪における「陳腐さ」について


    香月, 恵里


    Adolf Eichmann, einer der bekanntesten Täter des Holocaust, der seit 1950 in Argentinien untertaucht war, wurde im Mai 1960 vom israelischen Geheimdienst entführt und saß im folgenden Jahr vor dem Jerusalemer Gericht. Die Philosophin Hannah Arendt hat als Reporterin Eichmann hinter dem Panzerglas im Gericht beobachtet und die Reportage „Eichmann in Jerusalem“ geschrieben. Doch der Untertitel ihres Berichtes, die „Banalität des Bösen“ hat eine wilde Kontroverse ausgelöst. Man hat ihre These al...


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    L. Girod


    Full Text Available Volume change data is critical to the understanding of glacier response to climate change. The Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER system embarked on the Terra (EOS AM-1 satellite has been a unique source of systematic stereoscopic images covering the whole globe at 15m resolution and at a consistent quality for over 15 years. While satellite stereo sensors with significantly improved radiometric and spatial resolution are available to date, the potential of ASTER data lies in its long consistent time series that is unrivaled, though not fully exploited for change analysis due to lack of data accuracy and precision. Here, we developed an improved method for ASTER DEM generation and implemented it in the open source photogrammetric library and software suite MicMac. The method relies on the computation of a rational polynomial coefficients (RPC model and the detection and correction of cross-track sensor jitter in order to compute DEMs. ASTER data are strongly affected by attitude jitter, mainly of approximately 4 km and 30 km wavelength, and improving the generation of ASTER DEMs requires removal of this effect. Our sensor modeling does not require ground control points and allows thus potentially for the automatic processing of large data volumes. As a proof of concept, we chose a set of glaciers with reference DEMs available to assess the quality of our measurements. We use time series of ASTER scenes from which we extracted DEMs with a ground sampling distance of 15m. Our method directly measures and accounts for the cross-track component of jitter so that the resulting DEMs are not contaminated by this process. Since the along-track component of jitter has the same direction as the stereo parallaxes, the two cannot be separated and the elevations extracted are thus contaminated by along-track jitter. Initial tests reveal no clear relation between the cross-track and along-track components so that the latter

  17. De leyendas y pinturas áureas: Jacobo de Vorágine y Simone Martini

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    Ricardo Isidro PIÑERO MORAL


    Full Text Available RESUMEN: Este artículo investiga la conexión existente entre la literatura artística y el arte plástico de la Edad Media mediante el análisis de la relación entre Jacobo de Vorágine, un narrador de leyendas, y Simone Martini, un pintor de historias. Así, el objetivo principal es mostrar que, en ocasiones, narrar leyendas no es algo tan diferente del hecho de pintarlas. De hecho, en el contexto examinado en este artículo, escribir y pintar se presentan como actos imbricados en los que el hombre se muestra a sí mismo narrando historias que pretenden dar razón de este mundo, pero que terminan yendo más allá de élABSTRACT: This article delves into the connection between artistic literature and artistic production in the Middle Ages through the analysis of the links between Jacobo de Vorágine, a tale spinner, and Simore Martini, a painter of stories. The main objective is to illustrate how sometimes to narrate stories is not that different from painting them. In fact, in the context of the article, to write and to paint are presented as intimately related. Man reasons out the world through stories but those stories go well beyond man himself.

  18. Enhanced ASTER DEMs for Decadal Measurements of Glacier Elevation Changes (United States)

    Girod, L.; Nuth, C.; Kääb, A.


    Elevation change data is critical to the understanding of a number of geophysical processes, including glaciers through the measurement their volume change. The Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER) system on-board the Terra (EOS AM-1) satellite has been a unique source of systematic stereoscopic images covering the whole globe at 15m resolution and at a consistent quality for over 15 years. While satellite stereo sensors with significantly improved radiometric and spatial resolution are available today, the potential of ASTER data lies in its long consistent time series that is unrivaled, though not fully exploited for change analysis due to lack of data accuracy and precision. ASTER data are strongly affected by attitude jitter, mainly of approximately 4 and 30 km wavelength, and improving the generation of ASTER DEMs requires removal of this effect. We developed MMASTER, an improved method for ASTER DEM generation and implemented it in the open source photogrammetric library and software suite MicMac. The method relies on the computation of a rational polynomial coefficients (RPC) model and the detection and correction of cross-track sensor jitter in order to compute DEMs. Our sensor modeling does not require ground control points and thus potentially allows for automatic processing of large data volumes. When compared to ground truth data, we have assessed a ±5m accuracy in DEM differencing when using our processing method, improved from the ±30m when using the AST14DMO DEM product. We demonstrate and discuss this improved ASTER DEM quality for a number of glaciers in Greenland (See figure attached), Alaska, and Svalbard. The quality of our measurements promises to further unlock the underused potential of ASTER DEMs for glacier volume change time series on a global scale. The data produced by our method will thus help to better understand the response of glaciers to climate change and their influence on runoff and sea level.

  19. Ein „neuer" javanischer Fundort von Phrynoglossus laevis laevis ( Gthr.)

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Brongersma, L.D.


    In der herpetologischen Sammlung, die dem Rijksmuseum van Natuurlijke Historie, Leiden, vor etwa hundert Jahre von Boie und Macklot übersandt wurde, befanden sich zwei Exemplare von Phrynoglossus laevis laevis (Gthr.). Diese Stücke wurden von Van Kampen (1923, p. 232 Fussnote: Oxyglossus laevis) in

  20. Information to go: Kommunikation im Prozess der Migration am Beispiel syrischer und irakischer Flüchtlinge auf ihrem Weg nach Deutschland

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    Anke Fiedler


    Full Text Available Vor dem Hintergrund der Flüchtlingsdebatte in Deutschland 2015 wird in diesem Beitrag danach gefragt, welche (Massen-Kommunikationskanäle Flüchtlinge vor, während und nach der Flucht nutzen, um sich über migrationsrelevante Themen zu informieren und sich darüber mit anderen Migrationswilligen auszutauschen. Dabei wird nicht nur die Frage nach der subjektiven Bewertung der genutzten Quellen gestellt, sondern auch untersucht, ob die Flüchtlinge eine informierte Entscheidung in den verschiedenen Phasen der Migration treffen. Auf Basis des Uses-and-Gratifications-Ansatzes und der Handlungstheorie (symbolischer Interaktionismus wurden zwischen November 2015 und Februar 2016 vier Fokusgruppen und 36 Tiefeninterviews mit syrischen und irakischen Flüchtlingen durchgeführt. Die Ergebnisse verdeutlichen, dass sich die befragten Flüchtlinge vor und während der Flucht gut informiert fühlten, da persönliche Kontakte und soziale Medien die Informationsbedürfnisse weitgehend befriedigen konnten. Informationsdefizite zeigten sich vor allem nach der Ankunft in Deutschland.

  1. Model simulation studies to clarify the effect on saccadic eye movements of initial condition velocities set by the Vestibular Ocular Reflex (VOR) (United States)

    Nam, M. H.; Winters, J. M.; Stark, L.


    Voluntary active head rotations produced vestibulo-ocular reflex eye movements (VOR) with the subject viewing a fixation target. When this target jumped, the size of the refixation saccades were a function of the ongoing initial velocity of the eye. Saccades made against the VOR were larger in magnitude. Simulation of a reciprocally innervated model eye movement provided results comparable to the experimental data. Most of the experimental effect appeared to be due to linear summation for saccades of 5 and 10 degree magnitude. For small saccades of 2.5 degrees, peripheral nonlinear interaction of state variables in the neuromuscular plant also played a role as proven by comparable behavior in the simulated model with known controller signals.

  2. Consideration of a Learning Programming Process based on Software Design for Beginners


    大村, 基将; 紅林, 秀治


    We considered a learning programming process based on software design for technology education. Lessons of computer program-aided measurement and control are for beginners to learn programming. These lessons are efficient to learn the step of programming, but the main of the lessons are works of typing the sample programming and debugging. Therefore, these lessons have a fundamental lack of the concept of design. Then we considered learning processes of programming and applied the process of ...

  3. 57th report of the Arbeitsgemeinschaft Rhein-Wasserwerke e.V. (ARW). Annual report 2000; 57. Bericht der Arbeitsgemeinschaft Rhein-Wasserwerke e.V. (ARW). Jahresbericht 2000

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    This is the 57th annual report of the Arbeitsgemeinschaft Rhein-Wasserwerke e.V. (ARW) on Rhine water quality from the view of drinking water supply. The positive trends continued in some fields, especially in the case of chloride concentrations and freights. On the other hand, there was a significant increase of some organic pollutants like DTPA, glyphosate and AMPA. The microbiological specifications of the new Drinking Water Ordinance and the concentrations of tensides and their metabolites are gone into. The ARW is worried about new or newly identified organic substances in Rhine water, especially as there is a lack of toxicological data on these substances and of data concerning their behaviour during freshwater preparation for drinking. [German] Die Arbeitsgemeinschaft Rhein-Wasserwerke e.V. (ARW) legt hiermit ihren nunmehr 57. Jahresbericht vor, in dem ueber ihre Aktivitaeten und wichtige Ergebnisse aus dem Untersuchungsprogramm der Rhein-Wasserwerke berichtet wird. Wie in den Vorjahren steht im Mittelpunkt der fachlichen Arbeiten der ARW die Bewertung der Rheinwasserbeschaffenheit aus Sicht der Trinkwasserversorgung. Im ersten Teil dieses Jahresberichtes sind die wichtigsten Ergebnisse zusammengefasst, die insgesamt erkennen lassen, dass sich die positiven Tendenzen bei vielen Wassergueteparametern auch im Berichtsjahr 2000 fortgesetzt haben. Dies gilt vor allem fuer die Chlorid-Konzentrationen und -Frachten im Rhein, die im Vergleich zum Vorjahr deutlich zurueckgegangen sind. Im Gegensatz dazu haben die Konzentrationen einiger organischer Einzelstoffe, wie z. B. DTPA sowie Glyphosat und AMPA, im Jahr 2000 z. T. deutlich zugenommen. Weiterhin sind in diesem Jahresbericht eine ausfuehrliche Zusammenstellung ueber die mikrobiologischen Anforderungen, die sich aus der neuen Trinkwasserverordnung ergeben sowie ein Bericht ueber das Vorkommen von Tensiden und deren Metaboliten in Oberflaechengewaessern, wie z. B. im Rhein, enthalten. Insbesondere das Auftreten

  4. Volcanic geomorphology using TanDEM-X (United States)

    Poland, Michael; Kubanek, Julia


    Topography is perhaps the most fundamental dataset for any volcano, yet is surprisingly difficult to collect, especially during the course of an eruption. For example, photogrammetry and lidar are time-intensive and often expensive, and they cannot be employed when the surface is obscured by clouds. Ground-based surveys can operate in poor weather but have poor spatial resolution and may expose personnel to hazardous conditions. Repeat passes of synthetic aperture radar (SAR) data provide excellent spatial resolution, but topography in areas of surface change (from vegetation swaying in the wind to physical changes in the landscape) between radar passes cannot be imaged. The German Space Agency's TanDEM-X satellite system, however, solves this issue by simultaneously acquiring SAR data of the surface using a pair of orbiting satellites, thereby removing temporal change as a complicating factor in SAR-based topographic mapping. TanDEM-X measurements have demonstrated exceptional value in mapping the topography of volcanic environments in as-yet limited applications. The data provide excellent resolution (down to ~3-m pixel size) and are useful for updating topographic data at volcanoes where surface change has occurred since the most recent topographic dataset was collected. Such data can be used for applications ranging from correcting radar interferograms for topography, to modeling flow pathways in support of hazards mitigation. The most valuable contributions, however, relate to calculating volume changes related to eruptive activity. For example, limited datasets have provided critical measurements of lava dome growth and collapse at volcanoes including Merapi (Indonesia), Colima (Mexico), and Soufriere Hills (Montserrat), and of basaltic lava flow emplacement at Tolbachik (Kamchatka), Etna (Italy), and Kīlauea (Hawai`i). With topographic data spanning an eruption, it is possible to calculate eruption rates - information that might not otherwise be available

  5. DSM-IV und DSM-5: Was hat sich tatsächlich verändert?


    Ehret, Anna M.; Berking, Matthias


    Im Mai 2013 ist die fünfte Auflage des Diagnostischen und Statistischen Manuals Psychischer Störungen (DSM-5) der American Psychiatric Association erschienen. Um die Vor- und Nachteile des DSM-5 beurteilen und gegebenenfalls in Forschung und Praxis angemessen berücksichtigen zu können, sollten Wissenschaftler und Praktiker gleichermaßen über die Änderungen gegenüber dem DSM-IV informiert sein. In diesem Beitrag werden die wesentlichen Unterschiede zwischen dem DSM-IV und DSM-5 beschrieben. Ze...

  6. Entweder/Und, Wiederkunft/Erlösung


    Löschenkohl, Birte


    Mit merklicher Begeisterung verfasst Walter Benjamin am 6. Januar 1938 einen Brief an Max Horkheimer, in dem er ihm von einem "seltnen Fund" von höchster Bedeutsamkeit berichtet, der seine Arbeit "entscheidend beeinflussen" werde (GB VI, 9). Bei dem Fund handelte es sich um Louis Auguste Blanquis (1805–1881) kosmologische Schrift 'L’Éternité par les astres', verfasst 1871 im Kerker einer Gefängnisburg vor der Küste der Bretagne. Der Autor, einer der umtriebigsten Revolutionäre Frankreichs im ...

  7. In memoriam Michel Butor (1926 – 2016

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    Christof Weiand


    Full Text Available Am Mittwoch, dem 24. August 2016, ist Michel Butor gestorben, drei Wochen vor seinem 90. Geburtstag. Als Beispiel für Michel Butors Dichtung soll an dieser Stelle ein Gedicht aus den Textes récents – 37 pages/Neueste Texte – 37 Seiten stehen, die 2012 erstmals erschienen sind:Michel Butor, Textes récents – 37 pages/Neueste Texte – 37 Seiten, aus dem Französischen übersetzt, kommentiert und eingerichtet von Christof Weiand (Heidelberg: Universitätsverlag Winter, 2012.

  8. Influence of Terraced area DEM Resolution on RUSLE LS Factor (United States)

    Zhang, Hongming; Baartman, Jantiene E. M.; Yang, Xiaomei; Gai, Lingtong; Geissen, Viollette


    Topography has a large impact on the erosion of soil by water. Slope steepness and slope length are combined (the LS factor) in the universal soil-loss equation (USLE) and its revised version (RUSLE) for predicting soil erosion. The LS factor is usually extracted from a digital elevation model (DEM). The grid size of the DEM will thus influence the LS factor and the subsequent calculation of soil loss. Terracing is considered as a support practice factor (P) in the USLE/RUSLE equations, which is multiplied with the other USLE/RUSLE factors. However, as terraces change the slope length and steepness, they also affect the LS factor. The effect of DEM grid size on the LS factor has not been investigated for a terraced area. We obtained a high-resolution DEM by unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) photogrammetry, from which the slope steepness, slope length, and LS factor were extracted. The changes in these parameters at various DEM resolutions were then analysed. The DEM produced detailed LS-factor maps, particularly for low LS factors. High (small valleys, gullies, and terrace ridges) and low (flats and terrace fields) spatial frequencies were both sensitive to changes in resolution, so the areas of higher and lower slope steepness both decreased with increasing grid size. Average slope steepness decreased and average slope length increased with grid size. Slope length, however, had a larger effect than slope steepness on the LS factor as the grid size varied. The LS factor increased when the grid size increased from 0.5 to 30-m and increased significantly at grid sizes >5-m. The LS factor was increasingly overestimated as grid size decreased. The LS factor decreased from grid sizes of 30 to 100-m, because the details of the terraced terrain were gradually lost, but the factor was still overestimated.

  9. Uncertainty of SWAT model at different DEM resolutions in a large mountainous watershed. (United States)

    Zhang, Peipei; Liu, Ruimin; Bao, Yimeng; Wang, Jiawei; Yu, Wenwen; Shen, Zhenyao


    The objective of this study was to enhance understanding of the sensitivity of the SWAT model to the resolutions of Digital Elevation Models (DEMs) based on the analysis of multiple evaluation indicators. The Xiangxi River, a large tributary of Three Gorges Reservoir in China, was selected as the study area. A range of 17 DEM spatial resolutions, from 30 to 1000 m, was examined, and the annual and monthly model outputs based on each resolution were compared. The following results were obtained: (i) sediment yield was greatly affected by DEM resolution; (ii) the prediction of dissolved oxygen load was significantly affected by DEM resolutions coarser than 500 m; (iii) Total Nitrogen (TN) load was not greatly affected by the DEM resolution; (iv) Nitrate Nitrogen (NO₃-N) and Total Phosphorus (TP) loads were slightly affected by the DEM resolution; and (v) flow and Ammonia Nitrogen (NH₄-N) load were essentially unaffected by the DEM resolution. The flow and dissolved oxygen load decreased more significantly in the dry season than in the wet and normal seasons. Excluding flow and dissolved oxygen, the uncertainties of the other Hydrology/Non-point Source (H/NPS) pollution indicators were greater in the wet season than in the dry and normal seasons. Considering the temporal distribution uncertainties, the optimal DEM resolutions for flow was 30-200 m, for sediment and TP was 30-100 m, for dissolved oxygen and NO₃-N was 30-300 m, for NH₄-N was 30 to 70 m and for TN was 30-150 m. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  10. Spatial Characterization of Landscapes through Multifractal Analysis of DEM

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    P. L. Aguado


    Full Text Available Landscape evolution is driven by abiotic, biotic, and anthropic factors. The interactions among these factors and their influence at different scales create a complex dynamic. Landscapes have been shown to exhibit numerous scaling laws, from Horton’s laws to more sophisticated scaling of heights in topography and river network topology. This scaling and multiscaling analysis has the potential to characterise the landscape in terms of the statistical signature of the measure selected. The study zone is a matrix obtained from a digital elevation model (DEM (map 10 × 10 m, and height 1 m that corresponds to homogeneous region with respect to soil characteristics and climatology known as “Monte El Pardo” although the water level of a reservoir and the topography play a main role on its organization and evolution. We have investigated whether the multifractal analysis of a DEM shows common features that can be used to reveal the underlying patterns and information associated with the landscape of the DEM mapping and studied the influence of the water level of the reservoir on the applied analysis. The results show that the use of the multifractal approach with mean absolute gradient data is a useful tool for analysing the topography represented by the DEM.

  11. Artificial terraced field extraction based on high resolution DEMs (United States)

    Na, Jiaming; Yang, Xin; Xiong, Liyang; Tang, Guoan


    With the increase of human activities, artificial landforms become one of the main terrain features with special geographical and hydrological value. Terraced field, as the most important artificial landscapes of the loess plateau, plays an important role in conserving soil and water. With the development of digital terrain analysis (DTA), there is a current and future need in developing a robust, repeatable and cost-effective research methodology for terraced fields. In this paper, a novel method using bidirectional DEM shaded relief is proposed for terraced field identification based on high resolution DEM, taking Zhifanggou watershed, Shannxi province as the study area. Firstly, 1m DEM is obtained by low altitude aerial photogrammetry using Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV), and 0.1m DOM is also obtained as the test data. Then, the positive and negative terrain segmentation is done to acquire the area of terraced field. Finally, a bidirectional DEM shaded relief is simulated to extract the ridges of each terraced field stages. The method in this paper can get not only polygon feature of the terraced field areas but also line feature of terraced field ridges. The accuracy is 89.7% compared with the artificial interpretation result from DOM. And additional experiment shows that this method has a strong robustness as well as high accuracy.

  12. DEM-based research on the landform features of China (United States)

    Tang, Guoan; Liu, Aili; Li, Fayuan; Zhou, Jieyu


    Landforms can be described and identified by parameterization of digital elevation model (DEM). This paper discusses the large-scale geomorphological characteristics of China based on numerical analysis of terrain parameters and develop a methodology for characterizing landforms from DEMs. The methodology is implemented as a two-step process. First, terrain variables are derived from a 1-km DEM in a given statistical unit including local relief, the earth's surface incision, elevation variance coefficient, roughness, mean slope and mean elevation. Second, every parameter regarded as a single-band image is combined into a multi-band image. Then ISODATA unsupervised classification and the Bayesian technique of Maximum Likelihood supervised classification are applied for landform classification. The resulting landforms are evaluated by the means of Stratified Sampling with respect to an existing map and the overall classification accuracy reaches to rather high value. It's shown that the derived parameters carry sufficient physiographic information and can be used for landform classification. Since the classification method integrates manifold terrain indexes, conquers the limitation of the subjective cognition, as well as a low cost, apparently it could represent an applied foreground in the classification of macroscopic relief forms. Furthermore, it exhibits significance in consummating the theory and the methodology of DEMs on digital terrain analysis.

  13. Accuracy assessment of the global TanDEM-X Digital Elevation Model with GPS data (United States)

    Wessel, Birgit; Huber, Martin; Wohlfart, Christian; Marschalk, Ursula; Kosmann, Detlev; Roth, Achim


    The primary goal of the German TanDEM-X mission is the generation of a highly accurate and global Digital Elevation Model (DEM) with global accuracies of at least 10 m absolute height error (linear 90% error). The global TanDEM-X DEM acquired with single-pass SAR interferometry was finished in September 2016. This paper provides a unique accuracy assessment of the final TanDEM-X global DEM using two different GPS point reference data sets, which are distributed across all continents, to fully characterize the absolute height error. Firstly, the absolute vertical accuracy is examined by about three million globally distributed kinematic GPS (KGPS) points derived from 19 KGPS tracks covering a total length of about 66,000 km. Secondly, a comparison is performed with more than 23,000 "GPS on Bench Marks" (GPS-on-BM) points provided by the US National Geodetic Survey (NGS) scattered across 14 different land cover types of the US National Land Cover Data base (NLCD). Both GPS comparisons prove an absolute vertical mean error of TanDEM-X DEM smaller than ±0.20 m, a Root Means Square Error (RMSE) smaller than 1.4 m and an excellent absolute 90% linear height error below 2 m. The RMSE values are sensitive to land cover types. For low vegetation the RMSE is ±1.1 m, whereas it is slightly higher for developed areas (±1.4 m) and for forests (±1.8 m). This validation confirms an outstanding absolute height error at 90% confidence level of the global TanDEM-X DEM outperforming the requirement by a factor of five. Due to its extensive and globally distributed reference data sets, this study is of considerable interests for scientific and commercial applications.

  14. DEM Resolution Impact on the Estimation of the Physical Characteristics of Watersheds by Using SWAT

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    Waranyu Buakhao


    Full Text Available A digital elevation model (DEM is an important spatial input for automatic extraction of topographic parameters for the soil and water assessment tool (SWAT. The objective of this study was to investigate the impact of DEM resolution (from 5 to 90 m on the delineation process of a SWAT model with two types of watershed characteristics (flat area and mountain area and three sizes of watershed area (about 20,000, 200,000, and 1,500,000 hectares. The results showed that the total lengths of the streamline, main channel slope, watershed area, and area slope were significantly different when using the DEM datasets to delineate. Delineation using the SRTM DEM (90 m, ASTER DEM (30 m, and LDD DEM (5 m for all watershed characteristics showed that the watershed sizes and shapes obtained were only slightly different, whereas the area slopes obtained were significantly different. The total lengths of the generated streams increased when the resolution of the DEM used was higher. The stream slopes obtained using the small area sizes were insignificant, whereas the slopes obtained using the large area sizes were significantly different. This suggests that water resource model users should use the ASTER DEM as opposed to a finer resolution DEM for model input to save time for the model calibration and validation.

  15. Task-Based Language Teaching for Beginner-Level Learners of L2 French: An Exploratory Study (United States)

    Erlam, Rosemary; Ellis, Rod


    This study investigated the effect of input-based tasks on the acquisition of vocabulary and grammar by beginner-level learners of L2 French and reported the introduction of task-based teaching as an innovation in a state secondary school. The experimental group (n = 19) completed a series of focused input-based language tasks, taught by their…

  16. Dem Generation from Close-Range Photogrammetry Using Extended Python Photogrammetry Toolbox (United States)

    Belmonte, A. A.; Biong, M. M. P.; Macatulad, E. G.


    Digital elevation models (DEMs) are widely used raster data for different applications concerning terrain, such as for flood modelling, viewshed analysis, mining, land development, engineering design projects, to name a few. DEMs can be obtained through various methods, including topographic survey, LiDAR or photogrammetry, and internet sources. Terrestrial close-range photogrammetry is one of the alternative methods to produce DEMs through the processing of images using photogrammetry software. There are already powerful photogrammetry software that are commercially-available and can produce high-accuracy DEMs. However, this entails corresponding cost. Although, some of these software have free or demo trials, these trials have limits in their usable features and usage time. One alternative is the use of free and open-source software (FOSS), such as the Python Photogrammetry Toolbox (PPT), which provides an interface for performing photogrammetric processes implemented through python script. For relatively small areas such as in mining or construction excavation, a relatively inexpensive, fast and accurate method would be advantageous. In this study, PPT was used to generate 3D point cloud data from images of an open pit excavation. The PPT was extended to add an algorithm converting the generated point cloud data into a usable DEM.

  17. The role of DEM at CERN

    CERN Document Server

    Van der Bij, E


    The DEM group in the Technical Support department provides services for the fabrication of special printed circuits that are invaluable for the whole particle physics community. The capability is based around a core technology that is developed by using skills to etch and process materials that are not commonly used in industry, combined with production methods used in PCB manufacturing. The role of the prototyping facilities is to assist engineers and physicists and to offer them easy access to competencies often not available from industry. At the same time, with the expertise and production capacity available, it makes that CERN is always geared up to handle emergency situations. The design office and the assembly workshop that are also part of DEM have similar roles that lower the cost and improve the quality and maintainability of electronics developed at CERN.

  18. 76 FR 13082 - Amendment of VOR Federal Airways V-1, V-7, V-11 and V-20; Kona, HI (United States)


    ... V-20; Kona, HI AGENCY: Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), DOT. ACTION: Final rule. SUMMARY: This action amends four VHF Omnidirectional Range (VOR) Federal airways in the vicinity of Kona, HI; V- 1, V-7... Keahole Airport property Kailua-Kona, HI. This will enhance the management of aircraft operations over...

  19. Nachrichtenberichterstattung über Terrorismus. Eine Analyse der TV-Nachrichten über die Terroranschläge in Kenia 2002

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    Nicole Haußecker


    Full Text Available Nach der starken Kritik der Medienberichterstattung über Terrorismus, besonders nach dem 11.09.2001, werden die theoretischen Hintergründe ausgewählter Kritikpunkte betrachtet und ein weiteres terroristisches Ereignis, die Anschläge in Kenia am 28.11.2002, inhaltsanalytisch untersucht. Ziel dabei ist es, Aussagen bezüglich inhaltlicher und formaler Merkmale der Fernseh-berichterstattung über ein terroristisches Ereignis zu treffen. Deshalb liegt der Fokus auf den folgenden drei Forschungsfragen: 1. Welche Nachrichtenfaktoren spielen für die Selektion und Intensität der Berichterstattung über das terroristische Ereignis eine Rolle? 2. Wird mit Emotionalisierung gearbeitet? 3. Liegen negative Stereotype und/oder Feindbilder bezüglich der islamischen und arabischen Welt vor? Die Ergebnisse der Untersuchung zeigen erwartete Tendenzen sowohl die Merkmale der Terrorismusberichterstattung als auch die Senderkonvergenzen und -divergenzen im dualen System betreffend. Der Nachrichtenwert eines terroristischen Ereignisses ist anfänglich sehr hoch, jedoch verliert das Ereignis ab dem dritten Tag aufgrund diverser Nachrichtenfaktoren deutlich an Beachtung in der Berichterstattung. Das Vorkommen emotionalisierender Mittel wird empirisch bestätigt. Nicht nur emotionale Sprache und Sprechweise, sondern vor allem Formen der expliziten Emotionalisierung sind vertreten. Damit wird die Vermutung bekräftigt, dass die Medien die mit den terroristischen Ereignissen verbundene beängstigende Stimmung senderabhängig unterschiedlich stark aufgreifen. Ein direkter islamischer Feindbildaufbau ist in der Berichterstattung nicht zu verzeichnen. Allerdings liegen latente negative Bewertungstendenzen sowie negative Stereotype bezüglich der arabischen und islamischen Welt vor, die das seit dem 11.09.2001 negativ geprägte Bild festigen. Die meist narrativ inszenierte Fixierung auf Bin Laden und al Qaida erfolgt oberflächlich und vernachlässigt m

  20. Revisión crítico-comparada de las principales teorías científico sociales sobre la delincuencia femenina (Vergleichend kritische Überarbeitung der wichtigsten wissenschaftlichen und sozialen Theorien über die Fraunkriminalität

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    Gudrun Stenglein


    Full Text Available Wenn man von Verbrechen spricht, scheint man mit einem reinen männlichen Phänomen konfrontiert zu sein. Die wissenschaftlichen Arbeiten über Kriminalität beschäftigen sich normalerweise mit dem Verhalten männlicher Krimineller. Die Frauen werden nur als passive Subjekte, meist als Opfer dargestellt. Die Frauenkriminalitätsproblematik wird aber immer gewichtiger, die Anzahl der Delikte, die durch Frauen begangen werden, und der Frauen als Strafgefangene wächst. Aber in der akademischen Welt wird diese Problematik nach wie vor als nicht wichtig dargestellt, sie spielt eine wesentlich kleinere Rolle. Das Phänomen der Frauenkriminalität wird bis zum heutigen Tage mit dem biologischen Unterschied, mit der Form des Seins der Frau erklärt. Die Vorstellungswelt der Frau beschäftigt sich nur mit der Suche nach einem adäquaten Parter und mit der Rolle als Mutter und Ehefrau, die sich um ihre Familie kümmert. Jahrhundertelang war dieses Thema auf die Verhaltensweisen in Verbindung mit der sozialen Reputation beschränkt. Mit diesem Artikel wird eine Einleitung in die verschiedenen biologischen und sozialen Erklärungsansätze dieses Phänomens unter dem besonderen funktionalistischen Blickwinkel der Rollentheorie und der Theorie der sozialen Kontrolle gegeben. Ein anderer Ansatzpunkt ist die Etikettierungsthorie, Labeling Approach. Einige Erklärungsansätze, wie die Sozialisierung der Frau, haben nach wie vor Gültigkeit, vor allem, weil es sich bei dem Problem der Frauenkriminalität um ein multidisziplinäres Thema handelt. Die individuellen und sozialen Faktoren müssen miteinander verbunden werden. Die Gesellschaft macht aus den Personen, was sie sind, zumindest potenziert sie die individuellen Bedingungen. Einige Erklärungen wurden mit der Zeit relativiert. Manche können mitlerweile für veraltet gehalten werden, andere sind in ihren Ansichtsweisen teilweise zu beschränkt, so dass sie heutzutage als befremdlich oder

  1. Developmental Eye Movement (DEM Test Norms for Mandarin Chinese-Speaking Chinese Children.

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    Yachun Xie

    Full Text Available The Developmental Eye Movement (DEM test is commonly used as a clinical visual-verbal ocular motor assessment tool to screen and diagnose reading problems at the onset. No established norm exists for using the DEM test with Mandarin Chinese-speaking Chinese children. This study aims to establish the normative values of the DEM test for the Mandarin Chinese-speaking population in China; it also aims to compare the values with three other published norms for English-, Spanish-, and Cantonese-speaking Chinese children. A random stratified sampling method was used to recruit children from eight kindergartens and eight primary schools in the main urban and suburban areas of Nanjing. A total of 1,425 Mandarin Chinese-speaking children aged 5 to 12 years took the DEM test in Mandarin Chinese. A digital recorder was used to record the process. All of the subjects completed a symptomatology survey, and their DEM scores were determined by a trained tester. The scores were computed using the formula in the DEM manual, except that the "vertical scores" were adjusted by taking the vertical errors into consideration. The results were compared with the three other published norms. In our subjects, a general decrease with age was observed for the four eye movement indexes: vertical score, adjusted horizontal score, ratio, and total error. For both the vertical and adjusted horizontal scores, the Mandarin Chinese-speaking children completed the tests much more quickly than the norms for English- and Spanish-speaking children. However, the same group completed the test slightly more slowly than the norms for Cantonese-speaking children. The differences in the means were significant (P0.05; compared with Spanish-speaking children, the scores were statistically significant (P0.05. DEM norms may be affected by differences in language, cultural, and educational systems among various ethnicities. The norms of the DEM test are proposed for use with Mandarin Chinese

  2. Operating experience with innovative environmental technologies; Betriebserfahrungen mit innovativen Umwelttechnologien

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Spindler, H.; Bauermeister, U.; Kliche, H.; Seiffarth, K. (comps.)


    The MUT '99 (Merseburger Umwelt-Tag) discussed modern processes, technologies and plants for treatment and utilisation of waste. The conference was attended by industrial organisations and scientific institutions. [German] Der 9. Merseburger Umwelt-Tag MUT '99 steht unter dem Motto 'Betriebserfahrungen mit innovativen Umwelttechnologien - Moderne wirtschaftliche Verfahren, Technologien und Anlagen zur Behandlung/Verwertung nichtvermeidbaren Abfalls', wobei der Begriff 'Abfall' sich letztlich auf alle Umweltmedien bezieht. Entsprechend dem Motto dieser Tagung stellen Unternehmen, Betriebe und wissenschaftliche Einrichtungen ihre Erfahrungen auf dem Gebiet der Umwelttechnologien vor, um Entwicklungen auf diesem Gebiet einer breiten Diskussion zu eroeffnen. Dabei soll es insbesondere um die Behandlung nicht vermeidbarer Abfaelle und Abwaesser gehen. (orig.)

  3. Sornig, Karl (1993: Sprache: Spiel. (Das agonale Prinzip in der Kommunikation (lrr­ ttimer, Irreführungen, Spiel der Gestalten. Grazer Linguistische Monographien 9. Graz. 416 Seiten.

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    Stojan Bračič


    Full Text Available Das besprochene Heft 9 aus der Serie "Grazer Linguistische Monographien" ist eigentlich das fünfte Faszikel einer umfangreicheren Studie des Autors, die bis jetzt bereits folgende Themata behandelte: Vom Ur-Schweigen ins Reden (fasc. I, Am­ biguitäten (fasc. II, Metapher (fasc. III, Sprachmagische Strategien (fasc. IV. Im vor­ liegenden fünften Faszikel ist die Rede von lrrtümern (Pannen, Irreführungen und dem Spiel der Gestalten, die alle dem Spiel der Sprache und mit der Sprache zugrunde liegen.

  4. Frauen im Netz weltweit – ausgegrenzt und mittendrin

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    Sigrid Peuker


    Full Text Available Mit dem Global Center for Women’s Studies and Politics (GLOW ist das Feministische Institut der Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung 1998 online gegangen. Mit diesem Schritt wurden Fragen nach den Möglichkeiten und Grenzen sowie nach den Gestaltungsräumen virtueller Kommunikation für Frauen zentral. Mit feminist_spaces. Frauen im Netz. Diskurse – Communities – Visionen, legt die Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung zusammen mit dem Feministischen Institut Antworten aus internationaler Perspektive vor. Das Buch geht auf die gleichnamige zweitätige Konferenz in Berlin im November 2001 zurück.

  5. High-Accuracy Tidal Flat Digital Elevation Model Construction Using TanDEM-X Science Phase Data (United States)

    Lee, Seung-Kuk; Ryu, Joo-Hyung


    This study explored the feasibility of using TanDEM-X (TDX) interferometric observations of tidal flats for digital elevation model (DEM) construction. Our goal was to generate high-precision DEMs in tidal flat areas, because accurate intertidal zone data are essential for monitoring coastal environment sand erosion processes. To monitor dynamic coastal changes caused by waves, currents, and tides, very accurate DEMs with high spatial resolution are required. The bi- and monostatic modes of the TDX interferometer employed during the TDX science phase provided a great opportunity for highly accurate intertidal DEM construction using radar interferometry with no time lag (bistatic mode) or an approximately 10-s temporal baseline (monostatic mode) between the master and slave synthetic aperture radar image acquisitions. In this study, DEM construction in tidal flat areas was first optimized based on the TDX system parameters used in various TDX modes. We successfully generated intertidal zone DEMs with 57-m spatial resolutions and interferometric height accuracies better than 0.15 m for three representative tidal flats on the west coast of the Korean Peninsula. Finally, we validated these TDX DEMs against real-time kinematic-GPS measurements acquired in two tidal flat areas; the correlation coefficient was 0.97 with a root mean square error of 0.20 m.

  6. Analysis the Accuracy of Digital Elevation Model (DEM) for Flood Modelling on Lowland Area (United States)

    Zainol Abidin, Ku Hasna Zainurin Ku; Razi, Mohd Adib Mohammad; Bukari, Saifullizan Mohd


    Flood is one type of natural disaster that occurs almost every year in Malaysia. Commonly the lowland areas are the worst affected areas. This kind of disaster is controllable by using an accurate data for proposing any kinds of solutions. Elevation data is one of the data used to produce solutions for flooding. Currently, the research about the application of Digital Elevation Model (DEM) in hydrology was increased where this kind of model will identify the elevation for required areas. University of Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia is one of the lowland areas which facing flood problems on 2006. Therefore, this area was chosen in order to produce DEM which focussed on University Health Centre (PKU) and drainage area around Civil and Environment Faculty (FKAAS). Unmanned Aerial Vehicle used to collect aerial photos data then undergoes a process of generating DEM according to three types of accuracy and quality from Agisoft PhotoScan software. The higher the level of accuracy and quality of DEM produced, the longer time taken to generate a DEM. The reading of the errors created while producing the DEM shows almost 0.01 different. Therefore, it has been identified there are some important parameters which influenced the accuracy of DEM.

  7. Eröffnung des „Hauses der Astronomie“ auf dem Königsstuhl


    Pössel, Markus; Tschira, Klaus


    Mit dem „Haus der Astronomie“ (HdA) auf dem Königsstuhl ist ein neues Zentrum für astronomische Bildungs- und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit in Heidelberg eröffnet. Das Haus der Astronomie ist eine gemeinsame Einrichtung der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft (MPG) und der Klaus Tschira Stiftung unter Beteiligung der Stadt Heidelberg und der Ruperto Carola, deren Zentrum für Astronomie eng mit dem HdA zusammenarbeitet. Ziel des HdA ist es, astronomische Forschung einer breiten Öffentlichkeit in verständlicher Fo...

  8. Relative Error Evaluation to Typical Open Global dem Datasets in Shanxi Plateau of China (United States)

    Zhao, S.; Zhang, S.; Cheng, W.


    Produced by radar data or stereo remote sensing image pairs, global DEM datasets are one of the most important types for DEM data. Relative error relates to surface quality created by DEM data, so it relates to geomorphology and hydrologic applications using DEM data. Taking Shanxi Plateau of China as the study area, this research evaluated the relative error to typical open global DEM datasets including Shuttle Radar Terrain Mission (SRTM) data with 1 arc second resolution (SRTM1), SRTM data with 3 arc second resolution (SRTM3), ASTER global DEM data in the second version (GDEM-v2) and ALOS world 3D-30m (AW3D) data. Through process and selection, more than 300,000 ICESat/GLA14 points were used as the GCP data, and the vertical error was computed and compared among four typical global DEM datasets. Then, more than 2,600,000 ICESat/GLA14 point pairs were acquired using the distance threshold between 100 m and 500 m. Meanwhile, the horizontal distance between every point pair was computed, so the relative error was achieved using slope values based on vertical error difference and the horizontal distance of the point pairs. Finally, false slope ratio (FSR) index was computed through analyzing the difference between DEM and ICESat/GLA14 values for every point pair. Both relative error and FSR index were categorically compared for the four DEM datasets under different slope classes. Research results show: Overall, AW3D has the lowest relative error values in mean error, mean absolute error, root mean square error and standard deviation error; then the SRTM1 data, its values are a little higher than AW3D data; the SRTM3 and GDEM-v2 data have the highest relative error values, and the values for the two datasets are similar. Considering different slope conditions, all the four DEM data have better performance in flat areas but worse performance in sloping regions; AW3D has the best performance in all the slope classes, a litter better than SRTM1; with slope increasing

  9. a High Precision dem Extraction Method Based on Insar Data (United States)

    Wang, Xinshuang; Liu, Lingling; Shi, Xiaoliang; Huang, Xitao; Geng, Wei


    In the 13th Five-Year Plan for Geoinformatics Business, it is proposed that the new InSAR technology should be applied to surveying and mapping production, which will become the innovation driving force of geoinformatics industry. This paper will study closely around the new outline of surveying and mapping and then achieve the TerraSAR/TanDEM data of Bin County in Shaanxi Province in X band. The studying steps are as follows; Firstly, the baseline is estimated from the orbital data; Secondly, the interferometric pairs of SAR image are accurately registered; Thirdly, the interferogram is generated; Fourth, the interferometric correlation information is estimated and the flat-earth phase is removed. In order to solve the phase noise and the discontinuity phase existing in the interferometric image of phase, a GAMMA adaptive filtering method is adopted. Aiming at the "hole" problem of missing data in low coherent area, the interpolation method of low coherent area mask is used to assist the phase unwrapping. Then, the accuracy of the interferometric baseline is estimated from the ground control points. Finally, 1 : 50000 DEM is generated, and the existing DEM data is used to verify the accuracy through statistical analysis. The research results show that the improved InSAR data processing method in this paper can obtain the high-precision DEM of the study area, exactly the same with the topography of reference DEM. The R2 can reach to 0.9648, showing a strong positive correlation.


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    Y. Wang


    Full Text Available Images from two sensors, the High-Resolution Imaging Science Experiment (HiRISE and the Context Camera (CTX, both on-board the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO, were used to generate high-quality DEMs (Digital Elevation Models of the Martian surface. However, there were discrepancies between the DEMs generated from the images acquired by these two sensors due to various reasons, such as variations in boresight alignment between the two sensors during the flight in the complex environment. This paper presents a systematic investigation of the discrepancies between the DEMs generated from the HiRISE and CTX images. A combined adjustment algorithm is presented for the co-registration of HiRISE and CTX DEMs. Experimental analysis was carried out using the HiRISE and CTX images collected at the Mars Rover landing site and several other typical regions. The results indicated that there were systematic offsets between the HiRISE and CTX DEMs in the longitude and latitude directions. However, the offset in the altitude was less obvious. After combined adjustment, the offsets were eliminated and the HiRISE and CTX DEMs were co-registered to each other. The presented research is of significance for the synergistic use of HiRISE and CTX images for precision Mars topographic mapping.

  11. Optimizing digital elevation models (DEMs) accuracy for planning and design of mobile communication networks (United States)

    Hassan, Mahmoud A.


    Digital elevation models (DEMs) are important tools in the planning, design and maintenance of mobile communication networks. This research paper proposes a method for generating high accuracy DEMs based on SPOT satellite 1A stereo pair images, ground control points (GCP) and Erdas OrthoBASE Pro image processing software. DEMs with 0.2911 m mean error were achieved for the hilly and heavily populated city of Amman. The generated DEM was used to design a mobile communication network resulted in a minimum number of radio base transceiver stations, maximum number of covered regions and less than 2% of dead zones.

  12. Development of a Portable Training Tool for Simulating Visceral Angiographic Procedures for Beginners

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yamagami, Takuji; Osuga, Keigo; Yoshimatsu, Rika; Matsumoto, Tomohiro; Miura, Hiroshi; Terayama, Koshi; Anai, Hiroshi; Takahashi, Masahide; Hasebe, Terumitsu; Nishimura, Tsunehiko


    The purpose of this study was to evaluate the usefulness of a tool that we developed to simulate performance of visceral angiography to train beginners in the field of splanchnic angiography. Seven residents and two fellows who were rotating within the Division of Interventional Radiology at our institution between June and August 2008 participated in the evaluation of this tool. They had no experience in performing visceral angiography as an operator. Time for selection of arterial branches arising from the celiac axis on the model was measured before and after training. After such training, the participants performed actual visceral angiography as an operator with instructors beside them. Success of the trainees in selecting visceral arterial branches was evaluated in these real-life cases. In the first test using the model, seven of nine trainees (77.8%) succeeded in selecting all required arteries, while the remaining two failed to select all required arteries. After training using the model, all trainees succeeded in selecting all required arteries just before the actual angiographic study. In the actual angiography, the catheter was successfully inserted from the femoral artery and advanced to the superior mesenteric, celiac, splenic, common hepatic, gastroduodenal, and right and left hepatic arteries by all trainees with only two exceptions. In conclusion, this tool is helpful for training beginners in visceral angiographic procedures.

  13. IceBridge DMS L3 Photogrammetric DEM (United States)

    National Aeronautics and Space Administration — The IceBridge DMS L3 Photogrammetric DEM (IODMS3) data set contains gridded digital elevation models and orthorectified images of Greenland derived from the Digital...

  14. Peculiarities of mathematics instruction for beginners for children with disabilities in regular primary schools

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    Jablan Branka


    Full Text Available The paper studies the issue of education of visually impaired children, hearing impaired children and children with intellectual disabilities in regular primary schools in the context of mathematics instruction for beginners. The authors state the basic characteristics of mathematics instruction for beginners with respect to the contents studied in the first four grades of primary school, as well as the key problems and educational needs of visually impaired children, hearing impaired children and children with intellectual disabilities. The basic characteristics of inclusive education and the key role of teacher in this process are pointed out. Starting from the developmental peculiarities of children with disabilities, the authors emphasize the importance of applying an individualized approach in teaching mathematics. Possible didactic and methodical solutions are discussed, as well as different approaches in teaching this subject that can facilitate learning of mathematical contents to visually impaired children, hearing impaired children and children with intellectual disabilities. Bearing in mind the peculiarities of inclusive education, i.e. the need for the children with disabilities to participate in common activities with the other children in the class, the authors emphasize the importance of encouraging interaction and communication among children in the process of learning mathematical contents.

  15. 2016 USGS Lidar DEM: Maine QL2 (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — Product: These are Digital Elevation Model (DEM) data for Franklin, Oxford, Piscataquis, and Somerset Counties, Maine as part of the required deliverables for the...

  16. Blaze-DEMGPU: Modular high performance DEM framework for the GPU architecture

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    Nicolin Govender


    Full Text Available Blaze-DEMGPU is a modular GPU based discrete element method (DEM framework that supports polyhedral shaped particles. The high level performance is attributed to the light weight and Single Instruction Multiple Data (SIMD that the GPU architecture offers. Blaze-DEMGPU offers suitable algorithms to conduct DEM simulations on the GPU and these algorithms can be extended and modified. Since a large number of scientific simulations are particle based, many of the algorithms and strategies for GPU implementation present in Blaze-DEMGPU can be applied to other fields. Blaze-DEMGPU will make it easier for new researchers to use high performance GPU computing as well as stimulate wider GPU research efforts by the DEM community.


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    W. M. Li


    Full Text Available DEM beneath forest canopy is difficult to extract with optical stereo pairs, InSAR and Pol-InSAR techniques. Tomographic SAR (TomoSAR based on different penetration and view angles could reflect vertical structure and ground structure. This paper aims at evaluating the possibility of TomoSAR for underlying DEM extraction. Airborne L-band repeat-pass Pol-InSAR collected in BioSAR 2008 campaign was applied to reconstruct the 3D structure of forest. And sum of kronecker product and algebraic synthesis algorithm were used to extract ground structure, and phase linking algorithm was applied to estimate ground phase. Then Goldstein cut-branch approach was used to unwrap the phases and then estimated underlying DEM. The average difference between the extracted underlying DEM and Lidar DEM is about 3.39 m in our test site. And the result indicates that it is possible for underlying DEM estimation with airborne L-band repeat-pass TomoSAR technique.

  18. Evaluation of Airborne l- Band Multi-Baseline Pol-Insar for dem Extraction Beneath Forest Canopy (United States)

    Li, W. M.; Chen, E. X.; Li, Z. Y.; Jiang, C.; Jia, Y.


    DEM beneath forest canopy is difficult to extract with optical stereo pairs, InSAR and Pol-InSAR techniques. Tomographic SAR (TomoSAR) based on different penetration and view angles could reflect vertical structure and ground structure. This paper aims at evaluating the possibility of TomoSAR for underlying DEM extraction. Airborne L-band repeat-pass Pol-InSAR collected in BioSAR 2008 campaign was applied to reconstruct the 3D structure of forest. And sum of kronecker product and algebraic synthesis algorithm were used to extract ground structure, and phase linking algorithm was applied to estimate ground phase. Then Goldstein cut-branch approach was used to unwrap the phases and then estimated underlying DEM. The average difference between the extracted underlying DEM and Lidar DEM is about 3.39 m in our test site. And the result indicates that it is possible for underlying DEM estimation with airborne L-band repeat-pass TomoSAR technique.

  19. Language Learning Shifts and Attitudes towards Language Learning in an Online Tandem Program for Beginner Writers (United States)

    Tolosa, Constanza; Ordóñez, Claudia Lucía; Guevara, Diana Carolina


    We present findings of a project that investigated the potential of an online tandem program to enhance the foreign language learning of two groups of school-aged beginner learners, one learning English in Colombia and the other learning Spanish in New Zealand. We assessed the impact of the project on students' learning with a free writing…

  20. From Theory to Practice: Beginner Teachers' Experiences of the Rigour of the Postgraduate Certificate in Education Programme (United States)

    Nomlomo, Vuyokazi; Sosibo, Zilungile


    This article focuses on how recent graduates perceive the rigour of the Postgraduate Certificate in Education (PGCE) initial teacher education (ITE) programme. The article is based on qualitative data collected from a purposely selected sample of 19 beginner teachers who graduated from two higher education institutions that offer PGCE programmes…

  1. Practice for beginners programming lesson using App Lab: Introduction of programming learning for undergraduate students


    榊原, 直樹


    App Lab is an online programming education environment. It was designed classes of programming for beginners using the App Lab. Through 15 lessons of the class, it was to understand the basic structure of the programming of the sequential-repetition-branch. Students were allowed to complete the game as a final project. The effectiveness of App the Lab has been confirmed from these results.

  2. A photogrammetric DEM of Greenland based on 1978-1987 aerial photos: validation and integration with laser altimetry and satellite-derived DEMs

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Korsgaard, Niels Jákup; Kjær, Kurt H.; Nuth, Christopher

    Here we present a DEM of Greenland covering all ice-free terrain and the margins of the GrIS and local glaciers and ice caps. The DEM is based on the 3534 photos used in the aero-triangulation which were recorded by the Danish Geodata Agency (then the Geodetic Institute) in survey campaigns...... spanning the period 1978-1987. The GrIS is covered tens of kilometers into the interior due to the large footprints of the photos (30 x 30 km) and control provided by the aero-triangulation. Thus, the data are ideal for providing information for analysis of ice marginal elevation change and also control...

  3. 2014 USACE NCMP Topobathy Lidar DEM: Oregon (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — These Digital Elevation Model (DEM) files contain rasterized topobathy lidar elevations at a 1 m grid size, generated from data collected by the Coastal Zone Mapping...

  4. FusionCharts Beginner's Guide The Official Guide for FusionCharts Suite

    CERN Document Server

    Nadhani, Sanket; Bhattacharya, Shamasis


    The book is written as a practical, step-by-step guide to using FusionCharts Suite. The book not only teaches you the fundamentals and implementation of FusionCharts Suite, but also makes you the data visualization guru among your friends and colleagues by teaching how to select the right chart type and usability tips. Filled with examples, code samples and practical tips in a no-nonsense way, the book is a breeze to read.This book is both for beginners and advanced web developers who need to create interactive charts for their web applications. No previous knowledge of FusionCharts Suite is a

  5. Adobe Flash 11 Stage3D (Molehill) Game Programming Beginner's Guide

    CERN Document Server

    Kaitila, Christer


    Written in an informal and friendly manner, the style and approach of this book will take you on an exciting adventure. Piece by piece, detailed examples help you along the way by providing real-world game code required to make a complete 3D video game. Each chapter builds upon the experience and achievements earned in the last, culminating in the ultimate prize - your game! If you ever wanted to make your own 3D game in Flash, then this book is for you. This book is a perfect introduction to 3D game programming in Adobe Molehill for complete beginners. You do not need to know anything about S

  6. Alte Thesen neu gelesen: Perspektiven kritischer Stadtforschung. Kommentar zu Hartmut Häußermann & Walter Siebels „Thesen zur Soziologie der Stadt“

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    Carsten Keller


    Full Text Available [Dieser Artikel ist Teil einer Debatte] Der Text „Thesen zur Soziologie der Stadt“ scheint mir besonders in den abschließend formulierten Perspektiven, die Hartmut Häußermann und Walter Siebel unter der Überschrift „Aufgaben einer kritischen Soziologie der Stadt“ formulieren, nach wie vor lesenswert und aktuell zu sein. Drei Perspektiven werden hier aufgezeigt: erstens eine Wissenschafts- und Ideologiekritik, zweitens eine empirisch orientierte Zustandsbeschreibung städtischer Strukturen und von Stadtentwicklung sowie drittens eine Analyse der staatlichen Stadtpolitik. Diese drei abschließenden Perspektiven möchte ich im Folgenden kommentieren. Es wird mithin keine immanente Auseinandersetzung mit dem gesamten Text und weiteren Arbeiten der beiden Autoren angestrebt. Es hätte mich zwar durchaus gereizt, die Entwicklung der Arbeiten von Häußermann und Siebel vor dem Hintergrund dieses frühen, emphatisch formulierten Textes zu reflektieren. Vielleicht auch wegen der persönlichen Bekanntschaft mit Häußermann, den ich als Projekt- und Dissertationsbetreuer an der Humboldt-Universität kennenlernte, erschien mir eine solche Zugangsweise zu den „Thesen“ durchaus naheliegend. [...

  7. Die prädikatsergänzung (das prädikatsattribut in der Slovenischen Syntax

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    Breda Pogorelec


    Full Text Available In der vorliegenden Abhandlung wird die erwähnte Problematik in der slovenischen grammatischen -Überlieferung behandelt und mit interessanten Ergebnissen vor allem der tschechischen Sprachtheorie ergänzt, es wird der Terminus Prädikatsergänzung gegenüber dem Terminus Prädikatsattribut begründet; auf dieser Grundlage werden auch die bisher behandelten Arten von Prädikatsergänzungen mit neuen ergänzt. Dabei findet wenn nur möglich das einfache Transformationsverfahren Verwendung, das die Veranschaulichung der stufenweisen Determinierung durch das Prädikatsattribut ermöglicht. Das Material entstammt vorwiegend der Sprache der Kunst, der Grund dafür ist vor allem in der Tatsache zu suchen, daß in dieser Sprache dieser Form die Rolle eines natürlichen Kondensators zufällt, weshalb sie verhältnismäßig häufig vorkommt. Die Abhandlung befaßt sich eingehender auch mit dem Problem der Wortfolge und berührt auch die graphische Darstellung der bei der Prädikatsergänzung üblichen Pausen.

  8. bildbild – visuelle Kompetenz im Unterricht

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    Norbert Grube


    Full Text Available Der vorliegende Artikel stellt das Webseiten-Projekt bildbild vor. Der Webseite liegt die Motivation zugrunde, Schülerinnen und Schüler für ein Nachdenken über globale Themen zu sensibilisieren. Ein solches Nachdenken ist immer auch eines über bildlich vermittelte Wirklichkeit. Es ist mit bildbild ein Anliegen, angesichts einer allseits konstatierten «Bilderflut» ein didaktisches Medium zu entwickeln, das einen Fundus an historischen und aktuellen Fotografien zur Verfügung stellt und diese so aufbereitet, dass sie gerade nicht hinter ihrer illustrativen Funktion verschwinden. Dadurch sollen die Bilder für ein selbständiges Lernen auf dem Weg hin zu einer visuellen Kompetenz einsetzbar gemacht werden. Der Beitrag beleuchtet die Entwicklung der Webseite vor dem Hintergrund kulturkritischer Haltungen zum Bild seit der Moderne sowie im Rahmen dessen, was seit den 1970er Jahren im pädagogischen Kontext als Visual Literacy diskutiert und gefördert wird. Dabei wird auch auf die medialen Potenziale einer Webseite für die Bildlesekompetenz von Jugendlichen eingegangen.


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    M. Peng


    Full Text Available The multi-source DEMs generated using the images acquired in the descent and landing phase and after landing contain supplementary information, and this makes it possible and beneficial to produce a higher-quality DEM through fusing the multi-scale DEMs. The proposed fusion method consists of three steps. First, source DEMs are split into small DEM patches, then the DEM patches are classified into a few groups by local density peaks clustering. Next, the grouped DEM patches are used for sub-dictionary learning by stochastic coordinate coding. The trained sub-dictionaries are combined into a dictionary for sparse representation. Finally, the simultaneous orthogonal matching pursuit (SOMP algorithm is used to achieve sparse representation. We use the real DEMs generated from Chang’e-3 descent images and navigation camera (Navcam stereo images to validate the proposed method. Through the experiments, we have reconstructed a seamless DEM with the highest resolution and the largest spatial coverage among the input data. The experimental results demonstrated the feasibility of the proposed method.

  10. TanDEM-X the Earth surface observation project from space level - basis and mission status

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    Jerzy Wiśniowski


    Full Text Available TanDEM-X is DLR (Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt the Earth surface observation project using high-resolution SAR interferometry. It opens a new era in space borne radar remote sensing. The system is based on two satellites: TerraSAR-X (TSX and TanDEM-X (TDX flying on the very close, strictly controlled orbits. This paper gives an overview of the radar technology and overview of the TanDEM-X mission concept which is based on several innovative technologies. The primary objective of the mission is to deliver a global digital elevation model (DEM with an unprecedented accuracy, which is equal to or surpass the HRTI-3 specifications (12 m posting, relative height accuracy ±2 m for slope < 20% and ±4 m for slope > 20% [8]. Beyond that, TanDEM-X provides a highly reconfigurable platform for the demonstration of new radar imaging techniques and applications.[b]Keywords[/b]: remote sensing, Bistatic SAR, digital elevation model (DEM, Helix formation, SAR interferomery, HRTI-3, synchronization


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    J. J. Ruiz


    Full Text Available In this work we evaluated how the use of different positioning systems affects the accuracy of Digital Elevation Models (DEMs generated from aerial imagery obtained with Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs. In this domain, state-of-the-art DEM generation algorithms suffer from typical errors obtained by GPS/INS devices in the position measurements associated with each picture obtained. The deviations from these measurements to real world positions are about meters. The experiments have been carried out using a small quadrotor in the indoor testbed at the Center for Advanced Aerospace Technologies (CATEC. This testbed houses a system that is able to track small markers mounted on the UAV and along the scenario with millimeter precision. This provides very precise position measurements, to which we can add random noise to simulate errors in different GPS receivers. The results showed that final DEM accuracy clearly depends on the positioning information.

  12. A beginner's guide to writing the nursing conceptual model-based theoretical rationale. (United States)

    Gigliotti, Eileen; Manister, Nancy N


    Writing the theoretical rationale for a study can be a daunting prospect for novice researchers. Nursing's conceptual models provide excellent frameworks for placement of study variables, but moving from the very abstract concepts of the nursing model to the less abstract concepts of the study variables is difficult. Similar to the five-paragraph essay used by writing teachers to assist beginning writers to construct a logical thesis, the authors of this column present guidelines that beginners can follow to construct their theoretical rationale. This guide can be used with any nursing conceptual model but Neuman's model was chosen here as the exemplar.

  13. Using Reciprocal Peer Teaching to Develop Learner Autonomy: An Action Research Project with a Beginners' Chinese Class (United States)

    Liu, Weiming; Devitt, Ann


    Peer teaching has been used as a mechanism for promoting learner autonomy in a range of language learning contexts. This article explores how absolute beginners in a Chinese class can engage in reciprocal peer teaching (RPT) from the start of their language learning experience and how this contributes to the development of their autonomy as…

  14. Factors That Contribute to Transfer and Bachelor's Degree Attainment of Low-Income Community College Beginners (United States)

    Felder, Andrea Darlene


    Transfer and bachelor's degree attainment rates of low-income community college beginners lag behind their middle- and high-income peers. As community college continues to be an affordable and accessible route to higher education, consideration should be given to how to close the gap in transfer and bachelor's degree attainment rates of low-income…

  15. Konstruieren von Pkw-Karosserien: Grundlagen, Elemente und Baugruppen, Vorschriftenübersicht, Beispiele mit CATIA V4 und V5 (United States)

    Grabner, Jörg; Nothhaft, Richard

    Die Faszination, die vom Auto ausgeht, ist und bleibt ungebrochen. Entsprechend interessant ist es, sich vor dem Hintergrund konventioneller Konstruktionstechniken über die virtuelle Produktentwicklung von Pkw-Karosserien an modernen CAD-Arbeitsplätzen informieren zu können. Die Autoren führen in die Grundlagen ein und zeigen anhand von Beispielen und zahlreichen Abbildungen, wie mit dem System CATIA der Rohbau sowie die Ausstattung innen und au=C3=9Fen konstruiert werden. Darüber hinaus wird das so genannte "Package" an Beispielen beschrieben, also das Management und die Harmonisierung der Anforderungen an die Bauräume (z.

  16. Estimating Horizontal Displacement between DEMs by Means of Particle Image Velocimetry Techniques

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    Juan F. Reinoso


    Full Text Available To date, digital terrain model (DTM accuracy has been studied almost exclusively by computing its height variable. However, the largely ignored horizontal component bears a great influence on the positional accuracy of certain linear features, e.g., in hydrological features. In an effort to fill this gap, we propose a means of measurement different from the geomatic approach, involving fluid mechanics (water and air flows or aerodynamics. The particle image velocimetry (PIV algorithm is proposed as an estimator of horizontal differences between digital elevation models (DEM in grid format. After applying a scale factor to the displacement estimated by the PIV algorithm, the mean error predicted is around one-seventh of the cell size of the DEM with the greatest spatial resolution, and around one-nineteenth of the cell size of the DEM with the least spatial resolution. Our methodology allows all kinds of DTMs to be compared once they are transformed into DEM format, while also allowing comparison of data from diverse capture methods, i.e., LiDAR versus photogrammetric data sources.

  17. Öffentliche Wohnraumförderung — auf dem richtigen Weg?


    van Suntum, Ulrich; Gedaschko, Axel; Voigtländer, Michael; Schrooten, Mechthild; Theurl, Theresia


    Die hohen Flüchtlingszahlen und die wachsende Nachfrage nach Wohnungen in den Ballungsräumen haben die Politik veranlasst, die lange vernachlässigte öffentliche Wohnraumförderung wieder in den Blick zu nehmen. Um rasch neuen Wohnraum anzubieten, schlagen die Autoren unterschiedliche Maßnahmen vor. Dabei kommt es darauf an, sie effizient auf die Zielgruppe zuzuschneiden. Welche Gewichtung die Objekt- und die Subjektförderung dabei haben sollte, wird unterschiedlich bewertet. Genossenschaften s...

  18. Acute environmental toxicity and persistence of DEM, a chemical agent simulant: Diethyl malonate. [Diethyl malonate

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Cataldo, D.A.; Ligotke, M.W.; Harvey, S.D.; Fellows, R.J.; Li, Shu-mei W.; Van Voris, P.; Wentsel, R.S.


    The purpose of the following chemical simulant studies is to assess the potential acute environmental effects and persistence of diethyl malonate (DEM). Deposition velocities for DEM to soil surfaces ranged from 0.04 to 0.2 cm/sec. For foliar surfaces, deposition velocities ranged from 0.0002 cm/sec at low air concentrations to 0.05 cm/sec for high dose levels. The residence times or half-lives of DEM deposited to soils was 2 h for the fast component and 5 to 16 h for the residual material. DEM deposited to foliar surfaces also exhibited biphasic depuration. The half-life of the short residence time component ranged from 1 to 3 h, while the longer time component had half-times of 16 to 242 h. Volatilization and other depuration mechanisms reduce surface contaminant levels in both soils and foliage to less than 1% of initial dose within 96 h. DEM is not phytotoxic at foliar mass loading levels of less than 10 {mu}m/cm{sup 2}. However, severe damage is evident at mass loading levels in excess of 17 {mu}g/cm{sup 2}. Tall fescue and sagebrush were more affected than was short-needle pine, however, mass loading levels were markedly different. Regrowth of tall fescue indicated that the effects of DEM are residual, and growth rates are affected only at higher mass loadings through the second harvest. Results from in vitro testing of DEM indicated concentrations below 500 {mu}g/g dry soil generally did not negatively impact soil microbial activity. Short-term effects of DEM were more profound on soil dehydrogenase activity than on soil phosphatase activity. No enzyme inhibition or enhancement was observed after 28 days in incubation. Results of the earthworm bioassay indicate survival to be 86 and 66% at soil doses of 107 and 204 {mu}g DEM/cm{sup 2}, respectively. At higher dose level, activity or mobility was judged to be affected in over 50% of the individuals. 21 refs., 10 figs., 15 tabs.

  19. Three-dimensional framework of vigor, organization, and resilience (VOR) for assessing rangeland health: a case study from the alpine meadow of the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau, China. (United States)

    Li, Yuan-yuan; Dong, Shi-kui; Wen, Lu; Wang, Xue-xia; Wu, Yu


    Rangeland health assessments play an important role in providing qualitative and quantitative data about ecosystem attributes and rangeland management. The objective of this study is to test the feasible of a modified model and visualize the health in a three-dimensional model. A modified Costanza model was employed, and eight indicators, including the biomass, biodiversity, and carrying capacity [associated with the vigor, organization, and resilience (VOR)] were applied. An entropy method was also developed to calculate the weight of each indicator, and a three-dimensional framework was applied to visualize the indicators and health index. The conceptual model was demonstrated using data from a case study on the alpine rangeland of the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau, one of the globally important grassland biomes being severely degraded by natural and human factors. The health indices of four grassland plots at different levels of degradation were calculated using a modified approach to measuring their VOR. The results indicated that the least disturbed plot was relatively healthy compared to the other plots. In addition, the health indices presented in the three-dimensional VOR framework decreased in a consistent manner across the four plots along the disturbance gradients. Such rangeland health assessments should be integrated with management efforts to insure their long-term sustainable use.

  20. Identification and delineation of areas flood hazard using high accuracy of DEM data (United States)

    Riadi, B.; Barus, B.; Widiatmaka; Yanuar, M. J. P.; Pramudya, B.


    Flood incidents that often occur in Karawang regency need to be mitigated. These expectations exist on technologies that can predict, anticipate and reduce disaster risks. Flood modeling techniques using Digital Elevation Model (DEM) data can be applied in mitigation activities. High accuracy DEM data used in modeling, will result in better flooding flood models. The result of high accuracy DEM data processing will yield information about surface morphology which can be used to identify indication of flood hazard area. The purpose of this study was to identify and describe flood hazard areas by identifying wetland areas using DEM data and Landsat-8 images. TerraSAR-X high-resolution data is used to detect wetlands from landscapes, while land cover is identified by Landsat image data. The Topography Wetness Index (TWI) method is used to detect and identify wetland areas with basic DEM data, while for land cover analysis using Tasseled Cap Transformation (TCT) method. The result of TWI modeling yields information about potential land of flood. Overlay TWI map with land cover map that produces information that in Karawang regency the most vulnerable areas occur flooding in rice fields. The spatial accuracy of the flood hazard area in this study was 87%.

  1. How large is the Upper Indus Basin? The pitfalls of auto-delineation using DEMs (United States)

    Khan, Asif; Richards, Keith S.; Parker, Geoffrey T.; McRobie, Allan; Mukhopadhyay, Biswajit


    Extraction of watershed areas from Digital Elevation Models (DEMs) is increasingly required in a variety of environmental analyses. It is facilitated by the availability of DEMs based on remotely sensed data, and by Geographical Information System (GIS) software. However, accurate delineation depends on the quality of the DEM and the methodology adopted. This paper considers automated and supervised delineation in a case study of the Upper Indus Basin (UIB), Pakistan, for which published estimates of the basin area show significant disagreement, ranging from 166,000 to 266,000 km2. Automated delineation used ArcGIS Archydro and hydrology tools applied to three good quality DEMs (two from SRTM data with 90m resolution, and one from 30m resolution ASTER data). Automatic delineation defined a basin area of c.440,000 km2 for the UIB, but included a large area of internal drainage in the western Tibetan Plateau. It is shown that discrepancies between different estimates reflect differences in the initial extent of the DEM used for watershed delineation, and the unchecked effect of iterative pit-filling of the DEM (going beyond the filling of erroneous pixels to filling entire closed basins). For the UIB we have identified critical points where spurious addition of catchment area has arisen, and use Google Earth to examine the geomorphology adjacent to these points, and also examine the basin boundary data provided by the HydroSHEDS database. We show that the Pangong Tso watershed and some other areas in the western Tibetan plateau are not part of the UIB, but are areas of internal drainage. Our best estimate of the area of the Upper Indus Basin (at Besham Qila) is 164,867 km2 based on the SRTM DEM, and 164,853 km2 using the ASTER DEM). This matches the catchment area measured by WAPDA SWHP. An important lesson from this investigation is that one should not rely on automated delineation, as iterative pit-filling can produce spurious drainage networks and basins, when

  2. Wheelchair propulsion kinematics in beginners and expert users: influence of wheelchair settings. (United States)

    Gorce, P; Louis, N


    Biomechanical studies have linked the handrim wheelchair propulsion with a prevalence of upper limb musculoskeletal disorders. The purpose of this study was to examine the influence of the wheelchair settings on upper limb kinematics during wheelchair propulsion. Recordings were made under various wheelchair configuration conditions to understand the effect of wheelchair settings on kinematics parameters such shoulder, elbow and wrist angles. Ten experts and ten beginners' subjects propelled an experimental wheelchair on a roller ergometer system at a comfortable speed. Twelve wheelchair configurations were tested. Kinematics were recorded for each configuration. Based on the hand position relatively to the handrim, the main kinematic parameters of wheelchair propulsion were investigated on the whole propulsion cycle and a key event such as handrim contact and release. Compared to the beginner subjects, all the experts' subjects generally present higher joint amplitude and propulsion speeds. Seat height and antero-posterior axle position influence usage of the hand-rim, timing parameters and configurations of upper limb joints. Results seem to confirm that low and backward seat position allow a greater efficiency. Nevertheless, according that proximity of joint limit is a well known factor of musculoskeletal disorders, our results let us think that too low and backward seat position, increasing joints positions and amplitudes, could increase the risk of upper limb injuries in relation with manual wheelchair propulsion. Kinematic differences highlight that future studies on wheelchair propulsion should only be done with impaired experienced subjects. Furthermore, this study provides indications on how wheelchair settings can be used for upper limb injury prevention. Copyright © 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  3. Combined DEM Extration Method from StereoSAR and InSAR (United States)

    Zhao, Z.; Zhang, J. X.; Duan, M. Y.; Huang, G. M.; Yang, S. C.


    A pair of SAR images acquired from different positions can be used to generate digital elevation model (DEM). Two techniques exploiting this characteristic have been introduced: stereo SAR and interferometric SAR. They permit to recover the third dimension (topography) and, at the same time, to identify the absolute position (geolocation) of pixels included in the imaged area, thus allowing the generation of DEMs. In this paper, StereoSAR and InSAR combined adjustment model are constructed, and unify DEM extraction from InSAR and StereoSAR into the same coordinate system, and then improve three dimensional positioning accuracy of the target. We assume that there are four images 1, 2, 3 and 4. One pair of SAR images 1,2 meet the required conditions for InSAR technology, while the other pair of SAR images 3,4 can form stereo image pairs. The phase model is based on InSAR rigorous imaging geometric model. The master image 1 and the slave image 2 will be used in InSAR processing, but the slave image 2 is only used in the course of establishment, and the pixels of the slave image 2 are relevant to the corresponding pixels of the master image 1 through image coregistration coefficient, and it calculates the corresponding phase. It doesn't require the slave image in the construction of the phase model. In Range-Doppler (RD) model, the range equation and Doppler equation are a function of target geolocation, while in the phase equation, the phase is also a function of target geolocation. We exploit combined adjustment model to deviation of target geolocation, thus the problem of target solution is changed to solve three unkonwns through seven equations. The model was tested for DEM extraction under spaceborne InSAR and StereoSAR data and compared with InSAR and StereoSAR methods respectively. The results showed that the model delivered a better performance on experimental imagery and can be used for DEM extraction applications.

  4. Food Ration and Mental Training for the Improvement of the Free Throw Performance in Congolese Beginners Basketball Players (United States)

    Bouhika, Eddie Janvier; Moussouami, Simplice Innocent; Tsiama Portejoie, Jean Aimé; Bazaba Kayilou, Jean Michel; Moyen, Rachel; Mizere Moungondo, Martin; Maouene, Michel; Mbemba, François


    Objective: Through an experimental study, the present work aims at testing the effectiveness of diet and mental imagery on the success of free throw in Congolese beginners Basketball Players. Method: 45 players participated in this experimental study in Brazzaville (Congo). These subjects were divided into 3 groups. Group I (n = 15), made up of…

  5. Enhanced Recognition of Written Words and Enjoyment of Reading in Struggling Beginner Readers through Whole-Word Multimedia Software (United States)

    Karemaker, Arjette; Pitchford, Nicola J.; O'Malley, Claire


    The effectiveness of a reading intervention using the whole-word multimedia software "Oxford Reading Tree (ORT) for Clicker" was compared to a reading intervention using traditional ORT Big Books. Developing literacy skills and attitudes towards learning to read were assessed in a group of 17 struggling beginner readers aged 5-6 years. Each child…

  6. 2015 USACE NCMP Topobathy Lidar DEM: Avalon (NJ) (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — These Digital Elevation Model (DEM) files contain rasterized topobathy lidar elevations at a 1 m grid size, generated from data collected by the Coastal Zone Mapping...

  7. 2013 USACE NCMP Topobathy Lidar DEM: Niihau (HI) (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — These Digital Elevation Model (DEM) files contain rasterized topobathy lidar elevations at a 1 m grid size, generated from data collected by the Coastal Zone Mapping...

  8. Granular dynamics, contact mechanics and particle system simulations a DEM study

    CERN Document Server

    Thornton, Colin


    This book is devoted to the Discrete Element Method (DEM) technique, a discontinuum modelling approach that takes into account the fact that granular materials are composed of discrete particles which interact with each other at the microscale level. This numerical simulation technique can be used both for dispersed systems in which the particle-particle interactions are collisional and compact systems of particles with multiple enduring contacts. The book provides an extensive and detailed explanation of the theoretical background of DEM. Contact mechanics theories for elastic, elastic-plastic, adhesive elastic and adhesive elastic-plastic particle-particle interactions are presented. Other contact force models are also discussed, including corrections to some of these models as described in the literature, and important areas of further research are identified. A key issue in DEM simulations is whether or not a code can reliably simulate the simplest of systems, namely the single particle oblique impact wit...

  9. DemQSAR: predicting human volume of distribution and clearance of drugs. (United States)

    Demir-Kavuk, Ozgur; Bentzien, Jörg; Muegge, Ingo; Knapp, Ernst-Walter


    In silico methods characterizing molecular compounds with respect to pharmacologically relevant properties can accelerate the identification of new drugs and reduce their development costs. Quantitative structure-activity/-property relationship (QSAR/QSPR) correlate structure and physico-chemical properties of molecular compounds with a specific functional activity/property under study. Typically a large number of molecular features are generated for the compounds. In many cases the number of generated features exceeds the number of molecular compounds with known property values that are available for learning. Machine learning methods tend to overfit the training data in such situations, i.e. the method adjusts to very specific features of the training data, which are not characteristic for the considered property. This problem can be alleviated by diminishing the influence of unimportant, redundant or even misleading features. A better strategy is to eliminate such features completely. Ideally, a molecular property can be described by a small number of features that are chemically interpretable. The purpose of the present contribution is to provide a predictive modeling approach, which combines feature generation, feature selection, model building and control of overtraining into a single application called DemQSAR. DemQSAR is used to predict human volume of distribution (VD(ss)) and human clearance (CL). To control overtraining, quadratic and linear regularization terms were employed. A recursive feature selection approach is used to reduce the number of descriptors. The prediction performance is as good as the best predictions reported in the recent literature. The example presented here demonstrates that DemQSAR can generate a model that uses very few features while maintaining high predictive power. A standalone DemQSAR Java application for model building of any user defined property as well as a web interface for the prediction of human VD(ss) and CL is

  10. Smart Meter Rollout: Intelligente Messsysteme als Schnittstelle zum Kunden im Smart Grid und Smart Market (United States)

    Vortanz, Karsten; Zayer, Peter

    Das Gesetz zur Digitalisierung der Energiewende ist verabschiedet. Ab 2017 sind moderne Messeinrichtungen (mME) und intelligente Messsysteme (iMSys) zu verbauen und zu betreiben. Der "deutsche Weg" für die Einführung von Smart Metern sieht einen stufenweisen Rollout sowie ein Höchstmaß an Informations- und Datensicherheit vor. Dabei spielen iMSys und mME eine wichtige Rolle bei der Neugestaltung der intelligenten Netze (Smart Grids) und des neuen Marktmodells (Smart Market). Dieser Beitrag beschäftigt sich mit den neuen Gesetzen, den Marktrollen und ihren Aufgaben, Datenschutz und Datensicherheit, dem iMSys als sichere Lösung, dem sicheren Betrieb von Smart Meter Gateways, Smart Grid - Smart Market, dem Zusammenspiel zwischen reguliertem Bereich und Markt, den Einsatzbereichen der iMSys sowie den Auswirkungen auf Prozesse und Systeme und gibt Handlungsempfehlungen.

  11. On the COSMO-SkyMed Exploitation for Interferometric DEM Generation (United States)

    Teresa, C. M.; Raffaele, N.; Oscar, N. D.; Fabio, B.


    DEM products for Earth observation space-borne applications are being to play a role of increasing importance due to the new generation of high resolution sensors (both optical and SAR). These new sensors demand elevation data for processing and, on the other hand, they provide new possibilities for DEM generation. Till now, for what concerns interferometric DEM, the Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) has been the reference product for scientific applications all over the world. SRTM mission [1] had the challenging goal to meet the requirements for a homogeneous and reliable DEM fulfilling the DTED-2 specifications. However, new generation of high resolution sensors (including SAR) pose new requirements for elevation data in terms of vertical precision and spatial resolution. DEM are usually used as ancillary input in different processing steps as for instance geocoding and Differential SAR Interferometry. In this context, the recent SAR missions of DLR (TerraSAR-X and TanDEM-X) and ASI (COSMO-SkyMed) can play a promising role thanks to their high resolution both in space and time. In particular, the present work investigates the potentialities of the COSMO/SkyMed (CSK) constellation for ground elevation measurement with particular attention devoted to the impact of the improved spatial resolution wrt the previous SAR sensors. The recent scientific works, [2] and [3], have shown the advantages of using CSK in the monitoring of terrain deformations caused by landslides, earthquakes, etc. On the other hand, thanks to the high spatial resolution, CSK appears to be very promising in monitoring man-made structures, such as buildings, bridges, railways and highways, thus enabling new potential applications (urban applications, precise DEM, etc.). We present results obtained by processing both SPOTLIGHT and STRIPMAP acquisitions through standard SAR Interferometry as well as multi-pass interferometry [4] with the aim of measuring ground elevation. Acknowledgments

  12. TecDEM: A MATLAB Based Toolbox for understanding Tectonics from Digital Elevation Models (United States)

    Shahzad, F.; Mahmood, S. A.; Gloaguen, R.


    TecDEM is a MATLAB based tool box for understanding the tectonics from digital elevation models (DEMs) of any area. These DEMs can be derived from data of any spatial resolution (Low, medium and High). In the first step we extract drainage network from the DEMs using flow grid approach. Drainage network is a group of streams having elevation and catchment area information as a function of spatial locations. We implement an array of stream structure to study this drainage network. Knickpoints can be identified on each stream of the drainage network by a graphical user interface and are helpful for understanding stream morphology. Stream profile analysis in steady state condition is applied on all streams to calculate geomorphic parameters and regional uplift rates. Hack index is calculated for all the profiles at a certain interval and over the change of knickpoints. Reports menu of this tool box generates detailed statistics report, complete tabulated report, graphical output of each analyzed stream profile and Hack index profile. All the calculated values are part of stream structure and is saved as .mat file for later use with this tool box. The spatial distribution of geomorphic parameters, uplift rates and knickpoints are exported as a shape files for visualization in professional GIS software. We test this tool box on DEMs from different tectonic settings worldwide and received verifiable results with other studies.

  13. A New Approach to Programming Language Education for Beginners with Top-Down Learning

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    Daisuke Saito


    Full Text Available There are two basic approaches in learning new programming language: a bottom-up approach and a top-down approach. It has been said that if a learner has already acquired one language, the top-down approach is more efficient to learn another while, for a person who has absolutely no knowledge of any programming languages; the bottom-up approach is preferable. The major problem of the bottom-up approach is that it requires longer period to acquire the language. For quicker learning, this paper applies a top-down approach for a beginners who has not yet acquired any programming languages.

  14. Joint use of multi-orbit high-resolution SAR interferometry for DEM generation in mountainous area

    KAUST Repository

    Zhang, Lu; Jiang, Houjun; Liao, Mingsheng; Balz, Timo; Wang, Teng


    SAR interferometry has long been regarded as an effective tool for wide-area topographic mapping in hilly and mountainous areas. However, quality of InSAR DEM product is usually affected by atmospheric disturbances and decorrelation-induced voids, especially for data acquired in repeat-pass mode. In this paper, we proposed an approach for improved topographic mapping by optimal fusion of multi-orbit InSAR DEMs with correction of atmospheric phase screen (APS). An experimental study with highresolution TerraSAR-X and COSMO-SkyMed datasets covering a mountainous area was carried out to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach. Validation with a reference DEM of scale 1:50,000 indicated that vertical accuracy of the fused DEM can be better than 5 m.

  15. Joint use of multi-orbit high-resolution SAR interferometry for DEM generation in mountainous area

    KAUST Repository

    Zhang, Lu


    SAR interferometry has long been regarded as an effective tool for wide-area topographic mapping in hilly and mountainous areas. However, quality of InSAR DEM product is usually affected by atmospheric disturbances and decorrelation-induced voids, especially for data acquired in repeat-pass mode. In this paper, we proposed an approach for improved topographic mapping by optimal fusion of multi-orbit InSAR DEMs with correction of atmospheric phase screen (APS). An experimental study with highresolution TerraSAR-X and COSMO-SkyMed datasets covering a mountainous area was carried out to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach. Validation with a reference DEM of scale 1:50,000 indicated that vertical accuracy of the fused DEM can be better than 5 m.

  16. A Drawing and Multi-Representational Computer Environment for Beginners' Learning of Programming Using C: Design and Pilot Formative Evaluation (United States)

    Kordaki, Maria


    This paper presents both the design and the pilot formative evaluation study of a computer-based problem-solving environment (named LECGO: Learning Environment for programming using C using Geometrical Objects) for the learning of computer programming using C by beginners. In its design, constructivist and social learning theories were taken into…

  17. Wie man Elementarteilchen entdeckt vom Zyklotron zum LHC : ein Streifzug durch die Welt der Teilchenbeschleuniger

    CERN Document Server

    Freytag, Carl


    Dieses Buch erklärt die physikalischen Grundlagen und die Technologien der Elementarteilchenforschung und beschreibt allgemeinverständlich Teilchenbeschleuniger und -detektoren sowie ihr Zusammenspiel. An einigen Meilensteinen der Forschung – von der Erzeugung von Transuranen über die Entdeckung exotischer Mesonen bis zum Higgs-Boson – zeigen die Autoren den Weg von der Theorie über das Experiment zum Forschungsergebnis auf. Gravitonen, Higgs-Teilchen, Neutrinos und Quarks – das Interesse an den kleinsten uns bekannten Teilchen ist seit Jahrzehnten ungebrochen und rückt damit auch die Laboratorien in den Blick, die an die Grenzen der Physik vorstoßen: Neben dem größten Experimentierfeld, das wir haben – dem Universum selbst - sind es die gigantischen Maschinen der Elementarteilchenphysik in Großforschungseinrichtungen wie dem CERN und dem DESY. Mit ihnen versuchen Forscher weltweit unter Einsatz extrem hoher Energien Zustände zu simulieren, wie sie zum Beginn unseres Universums kurz nach d...

  18. Demência na doença de Parkinson Dementia in Parkinsn's disease

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Leonardo Caixeta


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: A presença de síndromes psiquiátricas, incluindo demência, associada a distúrbios motores tem sido cada vez mais reconhecida durante a última década, com destaque para o prejuízo cognitivo na doença de Parkinson idiopática. Esta revisão enfocará a epidemiologia, os aspectos clínicos, diagnósticos diferenciais, mecanismos subjacentes e o tratamento da demência na doença de Parkinson idiopática. MÉTODO: Uma revisão da literatura dos estudos que investigaram a demência da doença de Parkinson idiopática foi realizada. RESULTADOS: A demência é altamente prevalente na doença de Parkinson idiopática. O protótipo da demência na doença de Parkinson idiopática consiste numa síndrome disexecutiva com comprometimento da atenção, funções executivas e, secundariamente, a memória. Neuroquimicamente, o déficit mais significativo parece ser colinérgico; a demência se correlaciona com a presença de corpos de Lewy corticais e límbicos. Evidências preliminares sugerem que os anticolinesterásicos podem ser efetivos na demência da doença de Parkinson idiopática. CONCLUSÕES: O prejuízo cognitivo na doença de Parkinson idiopática é associado a características próprias e é responsável por importante incapacidade nestes pacientes.OBJECTIVE: The concomitant presence of psychiatric syndromes, including dementia, with motor disturbance has been increasingly recognized during the last decade, with emphasis on cognitive impairment in idiopatic Parkinson's disease. This review will focus on the epidemiology, clinical aspects, differential diagnosis, underlying mechanisms and treatment of dementia in Parkinson's disease. METHOD: A literature review of the studies that investigated the dementia in Parkinson's disease was performed. RESULTS: Dementia is highly prevalent in Parkinson's disease. The prototype of dementia in Parkinson's disease is a dysexecutive syndrome with impaired attention, executive functions and

  19. A guide to MATLAB for beginners and experienced users

    CERN Document Server

    Hunt, Brian R; Rosenberg, Jonathan M


    Now in its third edition, this outstanding textbook explains everything you need to get started using MATLAB®. It contains concise explanations of essential MATLAB commands, as well as easily understood instructions for using MATLAB's programming features, graphical capabilities, simulation models, and rich desktop interface. MATLAB 8 and its new user interface is treated extensively in the book. New features in this edition include: a complete treatment of MATLAB's publish feature; new material on MATLAB graphics, enabling the user to master quickly the various symbolic and numerical plotting routines; and a robust presentation of MuPAD® and how to use it as a stand-alone platform. The authors have also updated the text throughout, reworking examples and exploring new applications. The book is essential reading for beginners, occasional users and experienced users wishing to brush up their skills. Further resources are available from the authors' website at

  20. Plädoyer für eine Re-Lektüre feministischer Texte vor der ‚Butlermania‘

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Susanne Maurer


    Full Text Available Eine wesentliche Botschaft der Textsammlung von Christiane Schmerl lautet, dass es eine mehr als unglückliche Verkürzung sei, feministischen Texten vor Judith Butlers Gender Trouble vorzuhalten, sie würden ‚Geschlecht‘ einfach nur ‚reifizieren‘. Damit – so eine Quintessenz – schneiden sich heutige Kritiken von ihrer eigenen Geschichte ab. Die Lektüre des Bandes von Christiane Schmerl zeigt, dass manche aktuellen Texte hinter ein bereits erreichtes Niveau feministischer Reflexion(smöglichkeiten oftmals zurückfallen.

  1. DEM analysis of FOXSI-2 microflare using AIA observations (United States)

    Athiray Panchapakesan, Subramania; Glesener, Lindsay; Vievering, Juliana; Camilo Buitrago-Casas, Juan; Christe, Steven; Inglis, Andrew; Krucker, Sam; Musset, Sophie


    The second flight of Focusing Optics X-ray Solar Imager (FOXSI) sounding rocket experiment was successfully completed on 11 December 2014. FOXSI makes direct imaging and spectral observation of the Sun in hard X-rays using grazing incidence optics modules which focus X-rays onto seven focal plane detectors kept at a 2m distance, in the energy range 4 to 20 keV, to study particle acceleration and coronal heating. Significant HXR emissions were observed by FOXSI during microflare events with A0.5 and A2.5 class, as classified by GOES, that occurred during FOXSI-2 flight.Spectral analysis of FOXSI data for these events indicate presence of plasma at higher temperatures (>10MK). We attempt to study the plasma content in the corona at different temperatures, characterized by the differential emission measure (DEM), over the FOXSI-2 observed flare regions using the Atmospheric Imaging Assembly (SDO/AIA) data. We utilize AIA observations in different EUV filters that are sensitive to ionized iron lines, to determine the DEM by using a regularized inversion method. This poster will show the properties of hot plasma as derived from FOXSI-2 HXR spectra with supporting DEM analysis using AIA observations.

  2. Review of The Atheist’s Primer and Atheism for Beginners

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Andrew J Bissette


    Full Text Available The New Atheists are occasionally accused of lacking nuance and sophistication, or of existing in an intellectual vacuum. To some it may seem that Dawkins 'et al'. are naïve logical positivists; this perspective may be reinforced by recent authors’ explicit rejection of the value of philosophy and other non-scientific approaches to knowledge (cf. Lawrence Krauss, Stephen Hawking. Into the fray steps Michael Palmer, offering his attempt to popularise a version of atheism that is underpinned by a long tradition of philosophical inquiry. 'The Atheist’s Primer', a condensed version of Palmer’s previous work, is aptly named: it is a crash course on the history and major arguments of atheism from a firmly philosophical angle. Its companion text, 'Atheism For Beginners', is a coursebook aimed at tutors seeking to teach this material.

  3. Shifting ontologies of a serious game and its relationships with English education for beginners

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hansbøl, Mikala; Meyer, Bente


      This paper takes its point of departure in a language project, which is a subproject under the larger ongoing (2007-2011) research project Serious Games on a Global Market Place. The language project follows how the virtual universe known as Mingoville ( ) becomes...... point of departure in neither Mingoville as part of the media ecologies of the classroom, nor in the epistemological ramifications of Mingoville. Instead, it suggests that opening up the shifting ontologies of Mingoville (i.e. what mediates Mingoville and its relationships with doing beginners English...

  4. An Overview of the CapDEM Integrated Engineering Environment

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library

    Lam, Sylvia; Poursina, Shiva; Spafford, Tim


    In order to gain a better understanding of the approach and the technology requirements to support collaborative engineering activities, the Collaborative Capability Definition, Engineering and Management (CapDEM...

  5. DEM investigation of weathered rocks using a novel bond contact model

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Zhenming Shi


    Full Text Available The distinct element method (DEM incorporated with a novel bond contact model was applied in this paper to shed light on the microscopic physical origin of macroscopic behaviors of weathered rock, and to achieve the changing laws of microscopic parameters from observed decaying properties of rocks during weathering. The changing laws of macroscopic mechanical properties of typical rocks were summarized based on the existing research achievements. Parametric simulations were then conducted to analyze the relationships between macroscopic and microscopic parameters, and to derive the changing laws of microscopic parameters for the DEM model. Equipped with the microscopic weathering laws, a series of DEM simulations of basic laboratory tests on weathered rock samples was performed in comparison with analytical solutions. The results reveal that the relationships between macroscopic and microscopic parameters of rocks against the weathering period can be successfully attained by parametric simulations. In addition, weathering has a significant impact on both stress–strain relationship and failure pattern of rocks.

  6. A Novel DEM Approach to Simulate Block Propagation on Forested Slopes (United States)

    Toe, David; Bourrier, Franck; Dorren, Luuk; Berger, Frédéric


    In order to model rockfall on forested slopes, we developed a trajectory rockfall model based on the discrete element method (DEM). This model is able to take the complex mechanical processes at work during an impact into account (large deformations, complex contact conditions) and can explicitly simulate block/soil, block/tree contacts as well as contacts between neighbouring trees. In this paper, we describe the DEM model developed and we use it to assess the protective effect of different types of forest. In addition, we compared it with a more classical rockfall simulation model. The results highlight that forests can significantly reduce rockfall hazard and that the spatial structure of coppice forests has to be taken into account in rockfall simulations in order to avoid overestimating the protective role of these forest structures against rockfall hazard. In addition, the protective role of the forests is mainly influenced by the basal area. Finally, the advantages and limitations of the DEM model were compared with classical rockfall modelling approaches.

  7. Teaching of reading to school beginners : a study of reading programmes in primary one in Uganda


    Kemizano, Rosert


    Abstract The study examines reading programmes with the reference to the teaching/learning of reading to school beginners. The teaching of reading at the early stages is important because it is the quality of the experiences that children get that affect or lay the foundation for reading development (Chall, 1996).Therefore, the phenomenon, “teaching of reading to school beginners” studied is of great importance. The theoretical background used includes reading and its importance, Languag...

  8. A coupled DEM-CFD method for impulse wave modelling (United States)

    Zhao, Tao; Utili, Stefano; Crosta, GiovanBattista


    Rockslides can be characterized by a rapid evolution, up to a possible transition into a rock avalanche, which can be associated with an almost instantaneous collapse and spreading. Different examples are available in the literature, but the Vajont rockslide is quite unique for its morphological and geological characteristics, as well as for the type of evolution and the availability of long term monitoring data. This study advocates the use of a DEM-CFD framework for the modelling of the generation of hydrodynamic waves due to the impact of a rapid moving rockslide or rock-debris avalanche. 3D DEM analyses in plane strain by a coupled DEM-CFD code were performed to simulate the rockslide from its onset to the impact with still water and the subsequent wave generation (Zhao et al., 2014). The physical response predicted is in broad agreement with the available observations. The numerical results are compared to those published in the literature and especially to Crosta et al. (2014). According to our results, the maximum computed run up amounts to ca. 120 m and 170 m for the eastern and western lobe cross sections, respectively. These values are reasonably similar to those recorded during the event (i.e. ca. 130 m and 190 m respectively). In these simulations, the slope mass is considered permeable, such that the toe region of the slope can move submerged in the reservoir and the impulse water wave can also flow back into the slope mass. However, the upscaling of the grains size in the DEM model leads to an unrealistically high hydraulic conductivity of the model, such that only a small amount of water is splashed onto the northern bank of the Vajont valley. The use of high fluid viscosity and coarse grain model has shown the possibility to model more realistically both the slope and wave motions. However, more detailed slope and fluid properties, and the need for computational efficiency should be considered in future research work. This aspect has also been

  9. Videobasierte Systeme (United States)

    Knoll, Peter

    Videosensoren spielen für Fahrerassistenz systeme eine zentrale Rolle, da sie die Interpretation visueller Informationen (Objektklassifikation) gezielt unterstützen. Im Heckbereich kann die Video sensorik in der einfachsten Variante die ultraschallbasierte Einparkhilfe bei Einpark- und Rangiervorgängen unterstützen. Beim Nachtsichtsystem NightVision wird das mit Infrarotlicht angestrahlte Umfeld vor dem Fahrzeug mit einer Frontkamera aufgenommen und im Fahrzeugcockpit auf einem Display dem Fahrer angezeigt (s. Nachtsichtsysteme). Andere Fahrerassistenzsysteme verarbeiten die Videosignale und generieren daraus gezielt Informationen, die für eigenständige Funktionen (z. B. Spurverlassenswarner) oder aber als Zusatzinformation für andere Funktionen ausgewertet werden (Sensordatenfusion).

  10. Israelische Public Diplomacy und ihre Wahrnehmung durch deutsche Journalisten

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Florian Fleischer


    Full Text Available Public Diplomacy stellt insbesondere für Staaten in internationalen Konflikten wie Israel ein wichtiges Kommunikationsinstrument dar, um ausländische Bevölkerungen zu erreichen. Der Artikel zeigt die Ergebnisse einer Studie, in der untersucht wurde, wie die israelische Public Diplomacy von deutschen Journalisten aufgenommen und verarbeitet wird. Journalisten kommt dabei eine Schlüsselrolle als Mittler zwischen dem israelischen Staat und der deutschen Bevölkerung zu. In Anlehnung an den Katalog der Public Diplomacy-Maßnahmen von Gilboa (2006 wurde die Relevanz einzelner Maßnahmen für Journalisten erfragt. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass persönliche Kontakte für Journalisten nach wie vor eine wichtige Quelle darstellen und nicht von Cyber-Public Diplomacy ersetzt werden können. Staatliche Public Diplomacy wird zwar wahrgenommen, jedoch wird ihre Objektivität bezweifelt, während NGOs und Stiftungen als vertrauenswürdiger eingestuft werden. Des Weiteren wird Israel in der Öffentlichkeit nach wie vor dominierend mit dem Nahostkonflikt identifiziert, was sich nach Meinung der befragten Journalisten auch in Zukunft nicht durch gezielte Öffentlichkeitsarbeit verhindern lässt.

  11. Sensitivity of Particle Size in Discrete Element Method to Particle Gas Method (DEM_PGM) Coupling in Underbody Blast Simulations (United States)


    Particle Size in Discrete Element Method to Particle Gas Method (DEM_PGM) Coupling in Underbody Blast Simulations Venkatesh Babu, Kumar Kulkarni, Sanjay...buried in soil viz., (1) coupled discrete element & particle gas methods (DEM-PGM) and (2) Arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian (ALE), are investigated. The...DEM_PGM and identify the limitations/strengths compared to the ALE method. Discrete Element Method (DEM) can model individual particle directly, and

  12. Objective-C for Absolute Beginners iPhone and Mac Programming Made Easy

    CERN Document Server

    Bennett, Gary; Fisher, Mitchell


    It seems as if everyone is writing applications for Apple's iPhone and iPad, but how do they all do it? It's best to learn Objective-C, the native language of both the iOS and Mac OS X, but where to begin? Right here, even if you've never programmed before! Objective-C for Absolute Beginners will teach you how to write software for your Mac, iPhone,or iPad using Objective-C, an elegant and powerful language with a rich set of developer tools. Using a hands-on approach, you'll learn to think in programming terms, how to use Objective-C to build program logic, and how to write your own applicati

  13. Reputationsorientiertes Themen- und Issues-Management : Konzeption, Regelbetrieb, Weiterentwicklung


    Fahrenbach, Christian


    Die Dissertation untersucht, wie Organisationen ein reputationsorientiertes Themen- und Issues-Management aufbauen, betreiben und weiterentwickeln können. Dazu wird das operative Modell des Issues Managements mit dem strategischen Zielkonstrukt Reputation verbunden. Zu Beginn der Arbeit beschreiben zwei Theorie-Kapitel ausführlich Relevanz und die Steuerung von Reputation und im Issues Management. Auf dieser Basis wird ein praxisorientiertes integriertes Modell entwickelt. Es beschreibt da...

  14. VT USGS NED Hydro-flattened DEM (30 meter) - statewide (United States)

    Vermont Center for Geographic Information — (Link to Metadata) VTHYDRODEM was created to produce a "hydrologically correct" DEM, compliant with the Vermont Hydrography Dataset (VHD) in support of the "flow...

  15. DEM GPU studies of industrial scale particle simulations for granular flow civil engineering applications (United States)

    Pizette, Patrick; Govender, Nicolin; Wilke, Daniel N.; Abriak, Nor-Edine


    The use of the Discrete Element Method (DEM) for industrial civil engineering industrial applications is currently limited due to the computational demands when large numbers of particles are considered. The graphics processing unit (GPU) with its highly parallelized hardware architecture shows potential to enable solution of civil engineering problems using discrete granular approaches. We demonstrate in this study the pratical utility of a validated GPU-enabled DEM modeling environment to simulate industrial scale granular problems. As illustration, the flow discharge of storage silos using 8 and 17 million particles is considered. DEM simulations have been performed to investigate the influence of particle size (equivalent size for the 20/40-mesh gravel) and induced shear stress for two hopper shapes. The preliminary results indicate that the shape of the hopper significantly influences the discharge rates for the same material. Specifically, this work shows that GPU-enabled DEM modeling environments can model industrial scale problems on a single portable computer within a day for 30 seconds of process time.

  16. Simulation of TanDEM-X interferograms for urban change detection (United States)

    Welte, Amelie; Hammer, Horst; Thiele, Antje; Hinz, Stefan


    Damage detection after natural disasters is one of the remote sensing tasks in which Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) sensors play an important role. Since SAR is an active sensor, it can record images at all times of day and in all weather conditions, making it ideally suited for this task. While with the newer generation of SAR satellites such as TerraSAR-X or COSMOSkyMed amplitude change detection has become possible even for urban areas, interferometric phase change detection has not been published widely. This is mainly because of the long revisit times of common SAR sensors leading to temporal decorrelation. This situation has changed dramatically with the advent of the TanDEM-X constellation, which can create single-pass interferograms from space at very high resolutions, avoiding temporal decorrelation almost completely. In this paper the basic structures that are present for any building in InSAR phases, i.e. layover, shadow, and roof areas, are examined. Approaches for their extraction from TanDEM-X interferograms are developed using simulated SAR interferograms. The extracted features of the building signature will in the future be used for urban change detection in real TanDEM-X High Resolution Spotlight interferograms.

  17. Landform classification using a sub-pixel spatial attraction model to increase spatial resolution of digital elevation model (DEM

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Marzieh Mokarrama


    Full Text Available The purpose of the present study is preparing a landform classification by using digital elevation model (DEM which has a high spatial resolution. To reach the mentioned aim, a sub-pixel spatial attraction model was used as a novel method for preparing DEM with a high spatial resolution in the north of Darab, Fars province, Iran. The sub-pixel attraction models convert the pixel into sub-pixels based on the neighboring pixels fraction values, which can only be attracted by a central pixel. Based on this approach, a mere maximum of eight neighboring pixels can be selected for calculating of the attraction value. In the mentioned model, other pixels are supposed to be far from the central pixel to receive any attraction. In the present study by using a sub-pixel attraction model, the spatial resolution of a DEM was increased. The design of the algorithm is accomplished by using a DEM with a spatial resolution of 30 m (the Advanced Space borne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer; (ASTER and a 90 m (the Shuttle Radar Topography Mission; (SRTM. In the attraction model, scale factors of (S = 2, S = 3, and S = 4 with two neighboring methods of touching (T = 1 and quadrant (T = 2 are applied to the DEMs by using MATLAB software. The algorithm is evaluated by taking the best advantages of 487 sample points, which are measured by surveyors. The spatial attraction model with scale factor of (S = 2 gives better results compared to those scale factors which are greater than 2. Besides, the touching neighborhood method is turned to be more accurate than the quadrant method. In fact, dividing each pixel into more than two sub-pixels decreases the accuracy of the resulted DEM. On the other hand, in these cases DEM, is itself in charge of increasing the value of root-mean-square error (RMSE and shows that attraction models could not be used for S which is greater than 2. Thus considering results, the proposed model is highly capable of

  18. Grain sedimentation with SPH-DEM and its validation

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Robinson, M.J.; Luding, Stefan; Ramaioli, Marco; Yu, A; Dong, K; Yang, R; Luding, S


    Our mesoscale simulation method [M. Robinson, S. Luding, and M. Ramaioli, submitted (2013)] for multiphase fluid-particle flows couples Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) and the Discrete Element Method (DEM) and enjoys the flexibility of meshless methods, such as being capable to handling free

  19. Investigações epidemiológicas sobre demência nos países em desenvolvimento

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    M Scazufca


    Full Text Available Na medida em que a população mundial está envelhecendo, a demência está se constituindo em importante problema de saúde pública, particularmente nos países em desenvolvimento. Investigações epidemiológicas nestes países são escassas e apresentam dificuldades metodológicas adicionais, principalmente no que se refere à adequação sociocultural dos instrumentos utilizados para a definição de casos. Tendo em vista estas preocupações, foi fundado o "Grupo de Pesquisa em Demência 10/66", que é constituído por uma rede internacional de pesquisadores, predominantemente de países em desenvolvimento. O nome do grupo tem como referência o paradoxo de que menos de 10% dos estudos populacionais sobre demência são dirigidos aos 2/3 ou mais de casos de pessoas com demência que vivem em países em desenvolvimento. O objetivo do artigo é atualizar informações da literatura sobre as diferenças de prevalência e incidência de demência encontradas em países desenvolvidos e em desenvolvimento.

  20. Investigações epidemiológicas sobre demência nos países em desenvolvimento

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Scazufca M


    Full Text Available Na medida em que a população mundial está envelhecendo, a demência está se constituindo em importante problema de saúde pública, particularmente nos países em desenvolvimento. Investigações epidemiológicas nestes países são escassas e apresentam dificuldades metodológicas adicionais, principalmente no que se refere à adequação sociocultural dos instrumentos utilizados para a definição de casos. Tendo em vista estas preocupações, foi fundado o "Grupo de Pesquisa em Demência 10/66", que é constituído por uma rede internacional de pesquisadores, predominantemente de países em desenvolvimento. O nome do grupo tem como referência o paradoxo de que menos de 10% dos estudos populacionais sobre demência são dirigidos aos 2/3 ou mais de casos de pessoas com demência que vivem em países em desenvolvimento. O objetivo do artigo é atualizar informações da literatura sobre as diferenças de prevalência e incidência de demência encontradas em países desenvolvidos e em desenvolvimento.

  1. Automatic relative RPC image model bias compensation through hierarchical image matching for improving DEM quality (United States)

    Noh, Myoung-Jong; Howat, Ian M.


    The quality and efficiency of automated Digital Elevation Model (DEM) extraction from stereoscopic satellite imagery is critically dependent on the accuracy of the sensor model used for co-locating pixels between stereo-pair images. In the absence of ground control or manual tie point selection, errors in the sensor models must be compensated with increased matching search-spaces, increasing both the computation time and the likelihood of spurious matches. Here we present an algorithm for automatically determining and compensating the relative bias in Rational Polynomial Coefficients (RPCs) between stereo-pairs utilizing hierarchical, sub-pixel image matching in object space. We demonstrate the algorithm using a suite of image stereo-pairs from multiple satellites over a range stereo-photogrammetrically challenging polar terrains. Besides providing a validation of the effectiveness of the algorithm for improving DEM quality, experiments with prescribed sensor model errors yield insight into the dependence of DEM characteristics and quality on relative sensor model bias. This algorithm is included in the Surface Extraction through TIN-based Search-space Minimization (SETSM) DEM extraction software package, which is the primary software used for the U.S. National Science Foundation ArcticDEM and Reference Elevation Model of Antarctica (REMA) products.

  2. Discrete Element Modeling (DEM) of Triboelectrically Charged Particles: Revised Experiments (United States)

    Hogue, Michael D.; Calle, Carlos I.; Curry, D. R.; Weitzman, P. S.


    In a previous work, the addition of basic screened Coulombic electrostatic forces to an existing commercial discrete element modeling (DEM) software was reported. Triboelectric experiments were performed to charge glass spheres rolling on inclined planes of various materials. Charge generation constants and the Q/m ratios for the test materials were calculated from the experimental data and compared to the simulation output of the DEM software. In this paper, we will discuss new values of the charge generation constants calculated from improved experimental procedures and data. Also, planned work to include dielectrophoretic, Van der Waals forces, and advanced mechanical forces into the software will be discussed.

  3. 2016 NOAA Topobathy Lidar DEM: Upper Lake Michigan Islands (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — This digital elevation model (DEM) was created from data collected by Leading Edge Geomatics using a Leica Chiroptera II Bathymetric & Topographic Sensor. The...

  4. Tropical-forest biomass estimation at X-Band from the spaceborne TanDEM-X interferometer (United States)

    R. Treuhaft; F. Goncalves; J.R. dos Santos; M. Keller; M. Palace; S.N. Madsen; F. Sullivan; P.M.L.A. Graca


    This letter reports the sensitivity of X-band interferometric synthetic aperture radar (InSAR) data from the first dual-spacecraft radar interferometer, TanDEM-X, to variations in tropical-forest aboveground biomass (AGB). It also reports the first tropical-forest AGB estimates fromTanDEM-X data. Tropical forests account for...

  5. Transformation


    Laux, Gunther


    Die Arbeit befasst sich mit der These, dass jegliche technologische Entwicklung ihre Widerspiegelung in Gesellschaft, Wirtschaft und Stadt findet. In diesem Zusammenhang wird untersucht ob, wodurch, inwieweit oder warum eine Veränderung des europäischen Stadtbildes und des Raumbegriffs aufgrund der aktuellen Medientechnologie stattfindet. Vor dem Hintergrund situativer, phänomenologischer, historischer, soziologischer, regulativer und ökonomischer Betrachtungen bildet die Entwicklung einer al...

  6. Altautoverwertung zwischen Staat und Markt: Bedingungen und Potentiale zur Modernisierung von Lagerhaltung und Marketing gebrauchter Autoteile


    Lucas, Rainer


    Das Arbeitspapier diskutiert vor dem Hintergrund veränderter gesetzlicher Rahmen-und Wettbewerbsbedingungen in der Autoverwertung Ziele und Maßnahmen zurStärkung kleiner und mittelständischer Verwertungsbetriebe. Der Bereich GebrauchteAutoteile wird im Rahmen eines regionalen Fallbeispiels einer tiefergehenden Analyseunterzogen. Hieraus werden Vorschläge zur regionalen Netzwerkbildung innerhalb derBranche und neue Dienstleistungsperspektiven abgeleitet. Ein wesentliches Koope-rationsfeld ist ...

  7. Gewinnt der Mensch nur da, wo er spielt? Ein Essay über Gamification zur Bewältigung von Anforderungen der Arbeitswelt


    Grünberger, Nina


    Unternehmen sind erfinderisch geworden. In unserer an Output-Steigerung orientierten Marktgesellschaft werden unter dem Schlagwort „Gamification“ bewusst spielerische Elemente in gewöhnliche Arbeitsprozesse implementiert. Dies erfolgt u.a., um die Arbeitsleistung der Mitarbeitenden zu steigern. Kreativ und frei arbeiten, ja, aber nur innerhalb der Vorgaben und analog zur Unternehmensphilosophie? Ergebnisorientierung und Effizienz, ja, und zugleich eine ausgewogene Work-Life-Balance? Der vorli...

  8. Soziale Interaktion, Lebensqualität und Krankheitsverarbeitung bei Akne-Patienten : Fall-Kontroll-Studie mit 32 Akne-Patienten und einer parallelisierten Gruppe Gesunder


    Dittmer, Julia Gesine Erdmute


    Hintergrund Acne vulgaris ist mehr als ein vorübergehendes Pubertätsproblem: Sie kann schwere psychische Folgeerscheinungen verursachen. Fragestellung In der vorliegenden zweiarmigen Studie sollten Erkenntnisse zu sozialer Interaktion, Lebensqualität und Krankheitsverarbeitung von Akne-Patienten im Vergleich zu einer gesunden Kontrollgruppe gewonnen werden. Besonderes Interesse galt dabei der sozialen Interaktionsangst und dem Affekt Ekel. Ferner wurde die Entwicklung der genannten P...

  9. Auswirkungen eines Intensivtherapie-Programms für verhaltensgestörte Geistigbehinderte auf ihre Bezugspersonen im Heim


    Elbing, Ulrich; Rohmann, Ulrich H.


    Die vorliegende Studie dokumentiert die Auswirkungen eines Intensivtherapie-Programms für Geistigbehinderte mit schweren Verhaltensstörungen oder autistischen Verhaltensweisen auf ihre in das Programm mit einbezogenen Betreuer hinsichtlich ihrer fachlichen Kompetenz, ihrer Interaktionsqualität mit den Klienten, ihrer Teamkultur und ihrer Arbeitszufriedenheit. In einem quasiexperimentellen Design schätzten sich die Betreuer vor und nach dem Intensivtherapie-Programm mit einer Ratingskala im Hi...

  10. Use of DEMs Derived from TLS and HRSI Data for Landslide Feature Recognition

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    Maurizio Barbarella


    Full Text Available This paper addresses the problems arising from the use of data acquired with two different remote sensing techniques—high-resolution satellite imagery (HRSI and terrestrial laser scanning (TLS—for the extraction of digital elevation models (DEMs used in the geomorphological analysis and recognition of landslides, taking into account the uncertainties associated with DEM production. In order to obtain a georeferenced and edited point cloud, the two data sets require quite different processes, which are more complex for satellite images than for TLS data. The differences between the two processes are highlighted. The point clouds are interpolated on a DEM with a 1 m grid size using kriging. Starting from these DEMs, a number of contour, slope, and aspect maps are extracted, together with their associated uncertainty maps. Comparative analysis of selected landslide features drawn from the two data sources allows recognition and classification of hierarchical and multiscale landslide components. Taking into account the uncertainty related to the map enables areas to be located for which one data source was able to give more reliable results than another. Our case study is located in Southern Italy, in an area known for active landslides.

  11. 2015 USACE NCMP Topobathy Lidar DEM: Egmont Key (FL) (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — These 1 m gridded bare earth Digital Elevation Model (DEM) files contain rasterized topobathy lidar elevations generated from data collected by the Coastal Zone...

  12. Rezension von: Ulrike Klöppel: XX0XY ungelöst. Hermaphroditismus, Sex und Gender in der deutschen Medizin. Eine historische Studie zur Intersexualität. Bielefeld: transcript Verlag 2010.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sarah Radtke


    Full Text Available Ulrike Klöppel führt in ihrer materialreichen Studie vor, dass Hermaphroditismus für die Medizin immer wieder Anlass war, sich mit der Vielfalt der das Geschlecht bestimmenden Faktoren – Gestalt und Form der Genitalien, Chromosomengeschlecht, Keimdrüsengeschlecht (Hoden vs. Eierstöcke, Hormonhaushalt, Geschlechtsrolle und Geschlechtsidentität – zu befassen und zu versuchen, Geschlechtszugehörigkeiten verbindlich festzulegen. Neben einem historischen Teil, der vor allem die Medizingeschichte der Frühen Neuzeit, der Aufklärungszeit und des 19. Jahrhunderts in den Blick nimmt, wird im zweiten Teil der Arbeit der Zusammenhang zwischen der Formierung des gender-Konzepts und dem damit verbundenen Paradigmenwechsel in der Behandlung von Intersexualität dargestellt.

  13. High-accuracy single-pass InSAR DEM for large-scale flood hazard applications (United States)

    Schumann, G.; Faherty, D.; Moller, D.


    In this study, we used a unique opportunity of the GLISTIN-A (NASA airborne mission designed to characterizing the cryosphere) track to Greenland to acquire a high-resolution InSAR DEM of a large area in the Red River of the North Basin (north of Grand Forks, ND, USA), which is a very flood-vulnerable valley, particularly in spring time due to increased soil moisture content near state of saturation and/or, typical for this region, snowmelt. Having an InSAR DEM that meets flood inundation modeling and mapping requirements comparable to LiDAR, would demonstrate great application potential of new radar technology for national agencies with an operational flood forecasting mandate and also local state governments active in flood event prediction, disaster response and mitigation. Specifically, we derived a bare-earth DEM in SAR geometry by first removing the inherent far range bias related to airborne operation, which at the more typical large-scale DEM resolution of 30 m has a sensor accuracy of plus or minus 2.5 cm. Subsequently, an intelligent classifier based on informed relationships between InSAR height, intensity and correlation was used to distinguish between bare-earth, roads or embankments, buildings and tall vegetation in order to facilitate the creation of a bare-earth DEM that would meet the requirements for accurate floodplain inundation mapping. Using state-of-the-art LiDAR terrain data, we demonstrate that capability by achieving a root mean squared error of approximately 25 cm and further illustrating its applicability to flood modeling.

  14. Assessing Verbal Functioning in South African School Beginners from Diverse Socioeconomic Backgrounds: A Comparison between Verbal Working Memory and Vocabulary Measures (United States)

    Cockcroft, Kate; Bloch, Lauren; Moolla, Azra


    This study investigated whether measures of verbal working memory are less sensitive to children's socioeconomic background than traditional vocabulary measures. Participants were 120 school beginners, divided into high and low socioeconomic groups. The groups contained equal numbers of English first-language and second-language speakers. All were…

  15. 2016 USACE NCMP Topobathy Lidar DEM: Gulf Coast (TX) (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — These bare earth Digital Elevation Model (DEM) files contain rasterized topobathy lidar elevations at a 1 meter grid size, generated from data collected by the...

  16. 58th report of the Arbeitsgemeinschaft Rhein-Wasserwerke e.V. (ARW). Annual report 2001; 58. Bericht der Arbeitsgemeinschaft Rhein-Wasserwerke e.V. (ARW). Jahresbericht 2001

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    This annual report focuses on Rhine water quality from the view of water treatment for drinking. While the 'classic' parameters, i.e. nutrients, salts, heavy metals, summary organic substance parameters have reached have reached a more or less satisfactory and stable level, there are always enhanced concentrations or new compounds of anthropogenic zenobiotics. [German] Die Arbeitsgemeinschaft Rhein-Wasserwerke e.V. (ARW) legt hiermit ihren 58. Jahresbericht vor, in dem ueber ihre Taetigkeiten, Ergebnisse aus dem Untersuchungsprogramm der Rhein-Wasserwerke and aktuelle Fragestellungen berichtet wird. In diesem Jahrsbericht wird wiederum schwerpunktmaessig auf die Beschaffenheit des Rheinwassers unter dem Aspekt der Trinkwassergewinnung eingegangen. Waehrend bei den klassischen Parametern (Naehrstoffe, Salze, Schwermetalle, summarische organische Messgroessen) inzwischen ein ueberwiegend guter chemischer Zustand erreicht ist, werden bei den anthropogenen xenobiotischen Einzelstoffen immer wieder erhoehte Konzentrationen oder 'neue' Verbindungen im Rhein entdeckt. (orig.)

  17. A new DEM of the Austfonna ice cap by combining differential SAR interferometry with ICESat laser altimetry

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    Geir Moholdt


    Full Text Available We present a new digital elevation model (DEM of the Austfonna ice cap in the Svalbard Archipelago, Norwegian Arctic. Previous DEMs derived from synthetic aperture radar (SAR and optical shape-from-shading have been tied to airborne radio echo-sounding surface profiles from 1983 which contain an elevation-dependent bias of up to several tens of metres compared with recent elevation data. The new and freely available DEM is constructed purely from spaceborne remote sensing data using differential SAR interferometry (DInSAR in combination with ICESat laser altimetry. Interferograms were generated from pairs of SAR scenes from the one-day repeat tandem phase of the European Remote Sensing Satellites 1/2 (ERS-1/2 in 1996. ICESat elevations from winter 2006–08 were used as ground control points to refine the interferometric baseline. The resulting DEM is validated against the same ground control points and independent surface elevation profiles from Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS and airborne laser altimetry, yielding root mean square (RMS errors of about 10 m in all cases. This quality is sufficient for most glaciological applications, and the new DEM will be a baseline data set for ongoing and future research at Austfonna. The technique of combining satellite DInSAR with high-resolution satellite altimetry for DEM generation might also be a good solution in other glacier regions with similar characteristics, especially when data from TanDEM-X and CryoSat-2 become available.

  18. 2015 USACE NCMP Topobathy Lidar DEM: Sand Island (WA) (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — These Digital Elevation Model (DEM) files contain rasterized topobathy lidar elevations at a 1 m grid size, generated from data collected by the Coastal Zone Mapping...

  19. Data analysis using SPSS for Windows, versions 8 - 10 a beginner's guide

    CERN Document Server

    Foster, Jeremy J, Dr


    A new edition of this best-selling introductory book to cover the latest SPSS versions 8.0 - 10.0 This book is designed to teach beginners how to use SPSS for Windows, the most widely used computer package for analysing quantitative data. Written in a clear, readable and non-technical style the author explains the basics of SPSS including the input of data, data manipulation, descriptive analyses and inferential techniques, including; - creating using and merging data files - creating and printing graphs and charts - parametric tests including t-tests, ANOVA, GLM - correlation, regression and factor analysis - non parametric tests and chi square reliability - obtaining neat print outs and tables - includes a CD-Rom containing example data files, syntax files, output files and Excel spreadsheets.

  20. The Beginner's Guide to Wind Tunnels with TunnelSim and TunnelSys (United States)

    Benson, Thomas J.; Galica, Carol A.; Vila, Anthony J.


    The Beginner's Guide to Wind Tunnels is a Web-based, on-line textbook that explains and demonstrates the history, physics, and mathematics involved with wind tunnels and wind tunnel testing. The Web site contains several interactive computer programs to demonstrate scientific principles. TunnelSim is an interactive, educational computer program that demonstrates basic wind tunnel design and operation. TunnelSim is a Java (Sun Microsystems Inc.) applet that solves the continuity and Bernoulli equations to determine the velocity and pressure throughout a tunnel design. TunnelSys is a group of Java applications that mimic wind tunnel testing techniques. Using TunnelSys, a team of students designs, tests, and post-processes the data for a virtual, low speed, and aircraft wing.

  1. A stargazing program for beginners a pocket field guide

    CERN Document Server

    Carter, Jamie


     By investing just an hour a week and $50 in binoculars, it’s possible to learn a few simple techniques and quickly gain a real insight into the night sky's ever-changing patterns – and what they tell us about Earth, the seasons and ourselves. Searching more for a learned appreciation of nature and our exact place within the cosmos than academic scientific knowledge, science and travel writer Jamie Carter takes the reader on a 12 month tour of the night sky's incredible annual rhythms that say so much about Earth. During the journey he learns about the celestial mechanics at work in the skies above that are – to the beginner – almost beyond belief. As well as the vital constellations and clusters, and the weird and wonderful nebulas, he searches out “dark sky destinations” across the globe that help increase knowledge and give a new perspective on familiar night sky sights. On the journey he witnesses a solar eclipse and grapples with star-charts, binoculars, smartphone apps, telescopes, spots sa...

  2. Häftlinge im Frauenkonzentrationslager Ravensbrück The Ravensbrück Concentration Camp for Women

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    Theresa Reinold


    Full Text Available Im Zentrum der Arbeit von Christa Schikorra steht die Frage nach den Mechanismen gesellschaftlicher Ausgrenzung „asozialer“ Frauen – zur Zeit des Nationalsozialismus, aber auch in der Nachkriegszeit. Wenn auch die Zugehörigkeit zur Gruppe der „Asozialen“ erst im Nationalsozialismus lebensbedrohlich wurde, so lassen sich in der Stigmatisierung und Ausgrenzung von Menschen, die mit dem Etikett „asozial“ versehen wurden und werden, gesellschaftliche Traditionslinien erkennen, die schon vor dem Nationalsozialismus wirksam waren und es bis heute sind – so die These der Autorin. Ihre Analyse fragt nach der Entstehung des Stigmas „asozial“: Auf welche Vorurteilsstrukturen und Stereotypen gründet eine solche Kategorisierung? Wer trägt zu ihrer Entstehung bei, d.h. wer sind die Akteure gesellschaftlicher Ausgrenzung? Welche Rolle spielen der Staat und seine Institutionen? Wie funktioniert Normsetzung, und wie manifestiert sich diese? Bezogen auf die konkreten Lebensgeschichten „asozialer“ Frauen fragt Schikorra nach dem Leben vor der Haft, nach der Verfolgungsgeschichte, den Erfahrungen im Konzentrationslager, der Stellung in der Häftlingsgesellschaft sowie dem Leben nach dem Umgang mit Ausgrenzung und Benachteiligung auch nach 1945.Concentration camps were instruments of discriminiation and segregation (and, eventually, instruments of extermination. Similarly, research on concentration camps and attempts at coming to terms with this part of German history have fallen prey to discrimination and stigmatization directed against certain groups of victims and survivors. This review introduces two new publications which aim to direct the readers’ attention to long neglected research topics. Both works put those who were persecuted and placed in concentration camps at the centre, rendering visible the experiences and stories of those who had been ignored thus far. Both books deal with the women’s concentration camp, Ravensbr

  3. Viele Daten, hohe Hürden: eine Bilanz aus dem Projekt Open-Access-Statistik


    Herb, Ulrich


    Dieser Artikel referiert die Ergebnisse des Projekts Open-Access-Statistik, dessen Ziel es war, standardisierte Nutzungszahlen für wissenschaftliche Dokumente zu erheben. Die gesammelten Nutzungsdaten sollten in erster Linie dazu dienen, Impact-Werte für Open-Access-Dokumente zu ermitteln. Das Projekt sah auch die Implementierung anspruchsvollerer Verfahren wie Netzwerk-Analysen vor, sah sich jedoch mit komplexen rechtlichen Anforderungen konfrontiert. Der Beitrag versucht überdies, Open-Acce...

  4. Von den Dispositiven der Macht und ihrer sozialen Morphologie - Zur Aktualität der Machtanalysen Michel Foucaults

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    Wolfgang Neurath


    Full Text Available Dieser Beitrag rekapituliert im Blick auf die Überlappungen von Macht, Souveränität und Herrschaft die soziale Morphologie der Foucaultschen Gesellschaftstheorie und betont dabei die Aktualität von Forschungen, die sich machtkritisch an den Dispositivbegriff anlehnen. Was ein Dispositiv ist, wird im Rekurs auf Deleuze und Agamben vor Augen geführt, um in der Figur der "schizophrenen Flucht" ein entscheidendes Moment der französischen Debatten auszumachen. Dabei ist der Panoptismus nach wie vor ein bemerkenswertes Modell, um historisch die innere Funktionsweise von Disziplinargesellschaften zu begreifen, die sich zu Kontrollgesellschaften gewandelt haben. Dem Homo digitalis steht angesichts von Big Data im Semiokapitalismus des 21. Jahrhunderts ein System wechselseitiger Kontrolle vor Augen, dem er sich lückenlos unterwerfen soll. Dem setzt sich nach wie vor die Figur der widerständigen Subjektivierung entgegen, wie sie Foucault in seinem Spätwerk entworfen hat. Auf allgemeinster Ebene hebt dieser Artikel hervor, dass wir auch heute noch ein politisches Modell vor Augen haben, dass der antiken Arena im Sinne einer politischen Heterotopie entspricht, in der es im Krieg um das nackte Überleben geht. Zusammenfassend wird Foucaults Kriegsparadigma über Michel de Certeaus Modellierung von Strategie und Taktik auf die Figur des Bürgerkriegs bezogen, um insgesamt zu betonen, dass dort wo Macht ist, immer auch Widerstand möglich ist. This article recaps the social morphology of Foucault’s theory of society in the light of power, sovereignty, and domination, emphasizing the actuality of research that is referring to the concept of apparatus. This concept is pointed out in the recourse to Deleuze and Agamben, to identify – in the figure of "schizophrenic escape" – a decisive moment in the French debates. Panoptism is still a remarkable model for historical understanding of the internal functioning of disciplinary societies that have

  5. Lesekompetenz im Französisch als 1. und 2. Fremdsprache in einer mehrsprachigen Perspektive bei Primarschüler/innen am Ende der 6. Klasse

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    Giuseppe Manno


    Full Text Available Im Beitrag werden Resultate eines laufenden Forschungsprojekts vorgestellt, das die Lesekompetenz im Französisch als 1. und 2. Fremdsprache (Umkehrung der bisherigen Reihenfolge durch die Fremdsprachenreform in der Schweiz unter Berücksichtigung der Schulsprache Deutsch in einer mehrsprachigen Perspektive am Ende der Primarstufe (6. Klasse untersucht. Die zentrale Fragestellung ist, ob die Schüler/innen mit Französisch als 1. Fremdsprache über eine bessere Lesekompetenz verfügen als mit Französisch als 2. Fremdsprache (jeweiliger Beginn: 5. Klasse. Des Weiteren wird der Zusammenhang zwischen der Französischlesekompetenz und der Schulsprache untersucht. Für die Überprüfung dieser Fragestellungen liegt ein quasi-experimentelles Design vor, bei dem beide Gruppen zeitverschoben gemessen wurden. In this article we will present some results of an ongoing project which studies the reading comprehension in French at the end of primary school (6th grade as first and as second foreign language (reversal of the previous order in the current reform of the foreign languages in Switzerland by also considering the school language (German within a multilingual approach. The focus of this article is whether learners with French as second foreign language reach a higher proficiency than learners with French as first foreign language (French being still taught from grade 5 on. Furthermore we will study the correlation between the reading comprehension proficiency in French and in German. The quasi-experimental research design is given by the fact that classes in the old and new system could be recorded at different times.

  6. An experimentally validated DEM study of powder mixing in a paddle blade mixer


    Pantaleev, Stefan; Yordanova, Slavina; Janda, Alvaro; Marigo, Michele; Ooi, Jin


    An investigation on the predictive capabilities of Discrete Element Method simulations of a powder mixing process in a laboratory scale paddle blade mixer is presented. The visco-elasto-plastic frictional adhesive DEM contactmodel of Thakur et al. (2014) was used to represent the cohesive behaviour of an aluminosilicate powder in which the model parameters were determined using experimental flow energy measurements from the FT4powder rheometer. DEM simulations of the mixing process using the ...

  7. FE-DEM Analysis of the Effect of Tread Pattern on the Tractive Performance of Tires Operating on Sand (United States)

    Nakashima, Hiroshi; Takatsu, Yuzuru; Shinone, Hisanori; Matsukawa, Hisao; Kasetani, Takahiro

    Soil-tire system interaction is a fundamental and important research topic in terramechanics. We applied a 2D finite element, discrete element method (FE-DEM), using FEM for the tire and the bottom soil layer and DEM for the surface soil layer. Satisfactory performance analysis was achieved. In this study, to clarify the capabilities and limitations of the method for soil-tire interaction analysis, the tractive performance of real automobile tires with two different tread patterns—smooth and grooved—was analyzed by FE-DEM, and the numerical results compared with the experimental results obtained using an indoor traction measurement system. The analysis of tractive performance could be performed with sufficient accuracy by the proposed 2D dynamic FE-DEM. FE-DEM obtained larger drawbar pull for a tire with a grooved tread pattern, which was verified by the experimental results. Moreover, the result for the grooved tire showed almost the same gross tractive effort and similar running resistance as in experiments. However, for a tire with smooth tread pattern, the analyzed gross tractive effort and running resistance behaved differently than the experimental results, largely due to the difference in tire sinkage in FE-DEM.

  8. Volcanic activity at Etna volcano, Sicily, Italy between June 2011 and March 2017 studied with TanDEM-X SAR interferometry (United States)

    Kubanek, J.; Raible, B.; Westerhaus, M.; Heck, B.


    High-resolution and up-to-date topographic data are of high value in volcanology and can be used in a variety of applications such as volcanic flow modeling or hazard assessment. Furthermore, time-series of topographic data can provide valuable insights into the dynamics of an ongoing eruption. Differencing topographic data acquired at different times enables to derive areal coverage of lava, flow volumes, and lava extrusion rates, the most important parameters during ongoing eruptions for estimating hazard potential, yet most difficult to determine. Anyhow, topographic data acquisition and provision is a challenge. Very often, high-resolution data only exists within a small spatial extension, or the available data is already outdated when the final product is provided. This is especially true for very dynamic landscapes, such as volcanoes. The bistatic TanDEM-X radar satellite mission enables for the first time to generate up-to-date and high-resolution digital elevation models (DEMs) repeatedly using the interferometric phase. The repeated acquisition of TanDEM-X data facilitates the generation of a time-series of DEMs. Differencing DEMs generated from bistatic TanDEM-X data over time can contribute to monitor topographic changes at active volcanoes, and can help to estimate magmatic ascent rates. Here, we use the bistatic TanDEM-X data to investigate the activity of Etna volcano in Sicily, Italy. Etna's activity is characterized by lava fountains and lava flows with ash plumes from four major summit crater areas. Especially the newest crater, the New South East Crater (NSEC) that was formed in 2011 has been highly active in recent years. Over one hundred bistatic TanDEM-X data pairs were acquired between January 2011 and March 2017 in StripMap mode, covering episodes of lava fountaining and lava flow emplacement at Etna's NSEC and its surrounding area. Generating DEMs of every bistatic data pair enables us to assess areal extension of the lava flows, to

  9. Antarctic 1 km Digital Elevation Model (DEM) from Combined ERS-1 Radar and ICESat Laser Satellite Altimetry (United States)

    National Aeronautics and Space Administration — This data set provides a 1 km resolution Digital Elevation Model (DEM) of Antarctica. The DEM combines measurements from the European Remote Sensing Satellite-1...

  10. GeNeMe ´98 - Virtuelle Organisation und Neue Medien 1998



    Aus dem Vorwort: "Die ausgehenden neunziger Jahre zeigen nach allgemeiner Ansicht vor allem durch die Möglichkeiten des Internet die Auswirkungen der Informationstechnologie auf Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft. Als militärisches Informationsnetzwerk geboren und lange Zeit einer wissenschaftlich arbeitenden Minderheit Vorbehalten, hat sich das „Netz der Netze“ zu einem nahezu ubiquitär verfügbaren Medium entwickelt. Umso erstaunlicher erscheint es, daß die ökonomische Nutzbarkeit dieser Plattfo...

  11. Mobilitätsbiografie und Netzwerkgeografie. Kontaktmobilität in ego-zentrierten Netzwerken


    Ohnmacht, Timo


    Vor dem Hintergrund der erkennbaren zunehmenden Mobilisierung sozialer Akteure – sowohl im kurzfristigen Alltag als auch bei längerfristigen Standortentscheidungen – stieg in jüngster Vergangenheit das Interesse der Sozialwissenschaften an der räumlichen Mobilität sozialer Akteure und den daraus resultierenden Auswirkungen auf die sozialen Prozesse der Vergemeinschaftung. Auf diesem Forschungsgebiet aufbauend steht in dieser Arbeit die Wechselwirkung von Raum, Mobilität und soz...

  12. Alternativen zur gegenwärtigen Finanzierung des öffentlich-rechtlichen Rundfunks


    Terschüren, Anna


    Der Rundfunkbeitrag soll die öffentlich-rechtliche Rundfunkfinanzierung sicherstellen. Doch schon ein Jahr nach seiner Einführung zeigt sich, dass er zu ungerechtfertigt stärkeren Belastungen von Unternehmen und Kommunen führt. Zudem ist der Rundfunkbeitrag nicht verfassungskonform ausgestaltet. Die Autorin stellt ein alternatives System der Rundfunkfinanzierung vor, in dem auf Einnahmen aus Werbung und Sponsoring verzichtet und der öffentlich-rechtliche Rundfunk aus Steuermitteln finanziert ...

  13. Das Sabbatjahr für Lehrerinnen und Lehrer: Wer profitiert und in welcher Form?


    Rothland, Martin


    Das Sabbatjahr für Lehrerinnen und Lehrer wird programmatisch als Maßnahme der Belastungsreduktion, der Regeneration sowie der Ressourcenstärkung diskutiert. Empirische Belege für die erwarteten Effekte finden sich jedoch kaum. Im Rahmen einer Längsschnittstudie mit drei Erhebungszeitpunkten vor, während und nach dem Sabbatjahr werden die Entwicklung der Belastungswahrnehmung, des Gesundheitszustands und allgemeiner sowie arbeitsbezogener Emotionen (Berufs- und Lebenszufriedenheit) auf der Ba...

  14. Untersuchungen über Veronica triloba (Opiz) Kerner in Rheinhessen


    Oesau, Albert


    Untersuchungen in den Jahren 1977-1979 ergaben, daß Veronica triloba (Opiz) Kerner, eine Sippe aus dem Veronica hederifolia-Aggregat, in Rheinhessen überraschenderweise weit verbreitet ist und bisher übersehen wurde. Sie siedelt vor allem in Ackerunkraut- und Felsgrus-Gesellschaften sowie lückigen Trockenrasen, ohne eine gesellschaftsspezifische Bindung zu zeigen. Gut ausgeprägte morphologische Merkmale gestatten eine sichere Differenzierung gegenüber den übrigen Sippenvertretern V. hederifol...

  15. Assessment of neuro-optometric rehabilitation using the Developmental Eye Movement (DEM test in adults with acquired brain injury

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    Neera Kapoor


    Full Text Available Purpose: This pilot study sought to determine the efficacy of using the Developmental Eye Movement (DEM test in the adult, acquired brain injury (ABI population to quantify clinically the effects of controlled, laboratory-performed, oculomotor-based vision therapy/vision rehabilitation. Methods: Nine adult subjects with mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI and five with stroke were assessed before and after an eight-week, computer-based, versional oculomotor (fixation, saccades, pursuit, and simulated reading training program (9.6 h total. The protocol incorporated a cross-over, interventional design with and without the addition of auditory feedback regarding two-dimensional eye position. The clinical outcome measure was the Developmental Eye Movement (DEM test score (ratio, errors taken before, midway, and immediately following training. Results: For the DEM ratio parameter, improvements were found in 80–89% of the subjects. For the DEM error parameter, improvements were found in 100% of the subjects. Incorporation of the auditory feedback component revealed a trend toward enhanced performance. The findings were similar for both DEM parameters, as well as for incorporation of the auditory feedback, in both diagnostic groups. Discussion: The results of the present study demonstrated considerable improvements in the DEM test scores following the oculomotor-based training, thus reflecting more time-optimal and accurate saccadic tracking after the training. The DEM test should be considered as another clinical test of global saccadic tracking performance in the ABI population. Resumen: Objetivo: Este estudio piloto trató de determinar la eficacia del uso de la prueba DEM (Developmental Eye Movement en la población adulta con daño cerebral adquirido (DCA para cuantificar clínicamente los efectos de la rehabilitación/terapia visual controlada, realizada en laboratorio, y de carácter oculomotor. Métodos: Se valoraron nueve sujetos adultos con

  16. Radiosurgery with the gamma knife; Radiochirurgie mit dem Gamma-Knife

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Wowra, B.; Reulen, H.J.


    Radiosurgery is a novel modality introduced by the neurosurgeon Lars Leksell. For the most important lesions, (arteriovenous angiomas, benign tumors in the base of the skull, formation of metastases in the brain), radiosurgery is a valuable additional tool in the range of therapies available to the benefit of patients. The gamma knife has been gaining a leading rank in the range of therapies applied in Germany. (orig.) [Deutsch] Radiochirurgie ist ein neues, von dem Neurochirurgen Lars Leksell konzipiertes Prinzip. Bei den wichtigsten Indikationen (arteriovenoese Angiome, gutartige Tumoren der Schaedelbasis, Hirnmetastasen etc.) bereichert und ergaenzt die Radiochirurgie das therapeutische Arsenal der Neurochirurgie zum Vorteil der Patienten betraechtlich. Dem Gamma-Knife kommt jetzt auch in Deutschland ein prominenter Platz unter den verschiedenen radiochirurgischen Verfahren zu. (orig.)

  17. A Comparison between Verbal Working Memory and Vocabulary in Bilingual and Monolingual South African School Beginners: Implications for Bilingual Language Assessment (United States)

    Cockcroft, Kate


    This study compared bilingual and monolingual school beginners on measures of simple and complex verbal working memory and receptive and expressive vocabulary. The aim was to determine whether the tests of working memory are fairer measures of language ability than the vocabulary tests for bilingual children when tested in their second language.…

  18. Assessment of neuro-optometric rehabilitation using the Developmental Eye Movement (DEM) test in adults with acquired brain injury. (United States)

    Kapoor, Neera; Ciuffreda, Kenneth Joseph

    This pilot study sought to determine the efficacy of using the Developmental Eye Movement (DEM) test in the adult, acquired brain injury (ABI) population to quantify clinically the effects of controlled, laboratory-performed, oculomotor-based vision therapy/vision rehabilitation. Nine adult subjects with mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI) and five with stroke were assessed before and after an eight-week, computer-based, versional oculomotor (fixation, saccades, pursuit, and simulated reading) training program (9.6h total). The protocol incorporated a cross-over, interventional design with and without the addition of auditory feedback regarding two-dimensional eye position. The clinical outcome measure was the Developmental Eye Movement (DEM) test score (ratio, errors) taken before, midway, and immediately following training. For the DEM ratio parameter, improvements were found in 80-89% of the subjects. For the DEM error parameter, improvements were found in 100% of the subjects. Incorporation of the auditory feedback component revealed a trend toward enhanced performance. The findings were similar for both DEM parameters, as well as for incorporation of the auditory feedback, in both diagnostic groups. The results of the present study demonstrated considerable improvements in the DEM test scores following the oculomotor-based training, thus reflecting more time-optimal and accurate saccadic tracking after the training. The DEM test should be considered as another clinical test of global saccadic tracking performance in the ABI population. Copyright © 2017 Spanish General Council of Optometry. All rights reserved.

  19. Digital Elevation Models (DEMs) for the main 8 Hawaiian Islands (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — Digital elevation model (DEM) data are arrays of regularly spaced elevation values referenced horizontally either to a Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) projection...

  20. Evaluation of TanDEMx and SRTM DEM on watershed simulated ...

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)


    **Department of Environmental and Water Resource Engineering. School of Civil .... Few studies have investigated the impact of DEM on watershed delineation like ..... on Integrating GIS and Environmental Modelling, Santa Fe, New. Mexico.

  1. Original Product Resolution (OPR) Source Digital Elevation Models (DEMs) - USGS National Map 3DEP Downloadable Data Collection (United States)

    U.S. Geological Survey, Department of the Interior — This data collection is the Original Product Resolution (OPR) Digital Elevation Model (DEM) as provided to the USGS. This DEM is delivered in the original...

  2. Uncertainty modelling and analysis of volume calculations based on a regular grid digital elevation model (DEM) (United States)

    Li, Chang; Wang, Qing; Shi, Wenzhong; Zhao, Sisi


    The accuracy of earthwork calculations that compute terrain volume is critical to digital terrain analysis (DTA). The uncertainties in volume calculations (VCs) based on a DEM are primarily related to three factors: 1) model error (ME), which is caused by an adopted algorithm for a VC model, 2) discrete error (DE), which is usually caused by DEM resolution and terrain complexity, and 3) propagation error (PE), which is caused by the variables' error. Based on these factors, the uncertainty modelling and analysis of VCs based on a regular grid DEM are investigated in this paper. Especially, how to quantify the uncertainty of VCs is proposed by a confidence interval based on truncation error (TE). In the experiments, the trapezoidal double rule (TDR) and Simpson's double rule (SDR) were used to calculate volume, where the TE is the major ME, and six simulated regular grid DEMs with different terrain complexity and resolution (i.e. DE) were generated by a Gauss synthetic surface to easily obtain the theoretical true value and eliminate the interference of data errors. For PE, Monte-Carlo simulation techniques and spatial autocorrelation were used to represent DEM uncertainty. This study can enrich uncertainty modelling and analysis-related theories of geographic information science.

  3. Greenland 5 km DEM, Ice Thickness, and Bedrock Elevation Grids (United States)

    National Aeronautics and Space Administration — A Digital Elevation Model (DEM), ice thickness grid, and bedrock elevation grid of Greenland acquired as part of the PARCA program are available in ASCII text format...

  4. 78 FR 19985 - Modification of VOR Federal Airways V-68, V-76, V-194, and V-548 in the Vicinity of Houston, TX (United States)


    ..., and V-548 in the Vicinity of Houston, TX AGENCY: Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), DOT. ACTION... airways V-68, V-76, V-194, and V-548 in the vicinity of Houston, TX. The FAA is taking this action to... vicinity of Houston, TX. Specifically, the FAA amends V-68 and V-76 to reflect the Hobby VOR/DME 289[deg...

  5. Der digitalisierte Steuerpflichtige

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    Ehrke-Rabel, Tina


    Full Text Available Der digitalisierte Steuerpflichtige ist digitalisiert in seinem Wirtschaften und digitalisiert in seiner Interaktion mit der Finanzverwaltung. Digitale und digitalisierte Wirtschaftsmodelle stellen sowohl den Gesetzgeber als auch den Abgabenvollzug vor Herausforderungen, weil einerseits die physische Anknüpfung von Sachverhalten an staatliches Territorium nahezu unmöglich wird und andererseits staatliche Kontrolle von digitalen Wirtschaftsmodellen im derzeitigen System schwer möglich ist. Halten sich Steuerpflichtige an ihre Pflichten gegenüber der Finanzverwaltung, bietet die Digitalisierung jedoch Chancen für die Effizienzsteigerung des Vollzuges. Die Balance zwischen staatlicher Effizienz durch Digitalisierung und Schutz des Einzelnen vor übermäßigen Eingriffen in das Grundrecht auf Wahrung der Privatsphäre einerseits und dem Recht auf gute Verwaltung andererseits scheint derzeit jedoch noch nicht umfassend erreicht.

  6. Lernen und Problemlösen: Deweys Psychologie im bildungshistorischen Kontext

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    Jürgen Oelkers


    Full Text Available Karl Popper hat eine seiner letzten Essaysammlungen überschrieben mit Alles Leben ist Problemlösen (deutsch 1994. Die Geschichte des Problemlösens berührt er dabei nicht. Sein vierstufiges Modell des Problemlösens aber ist deutlich antizipiert in John Deweys How We Think (1910, eine pragmatische Denkpsychologie, die vor dem Hintergrund der zeitgenössischen Didaktik verstanden werden kann. Der Artikel diskutiert zwei dieser Ansätze, nämlich die ökologischen «nature studes» und William Kilpatricks «Projektmethode». Deweys Theorie des Problemlösens wird bis heute vor allem mit der Projektmethode in Verbindung gebracht. Der Artikel zeigt, dass die rein didaktische Inanspruchnahme Deweys Theorie nicht gerecht wird und Popper sie vermutlich deswegen nicht beachtet hat.

  7. Psychosocial distress and need for supportive counselling in patients during radiotherapy; Subjektiv erlebte Belastung und Bedarf an psychosozialer Unterstuetzung bei Tumorpatienten in strahlentherapeutischer Behandlung

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Vries, A. de; Steixner, E.; Stzankay, A.; Iglseder, W. [Universitaetsklinik fuer Strahlentherapie und Radioonkologie, Innsbruck (Austria); Soellner, W.; Auer, V.; Schiessling, G. [Universitaetsklinik fuer Medizinische Psychologie und Psychotherapie, Innsbruck (Austria); Lukas, P.


    Purpose: Psychosocial distress and patient attitude towards psychosocial support as well as the correlations with clinical and sociodemographic characteristics should be assessed. Methods: The stress due to cancer was measured in a consecutive sample of tumor patients at the start of radiotherapy (n=117) by use of the Hornheide Questionnaire. In addition, the interest of these patients in professional psychosocial support was assesed with the help of the Questionnaire for Psychosocial Support. Results: Patients in the course of radiotherapy and patients with a poor prognosis and advanced disease were more strongly distressed. 32.7% of patients wished professional psychosocial support from the oncologist treating them, 40.6% of the patients wished support from the oncologist and additionally from a psychotherapist or social worker. Interest in professional psychosocial support correlated with the amount of distress, but not with sociodemographic variables. Conclusions: Results stress the importance of training programs for oncologists in order to improve their ability to detect psychosocial distress in cancer patients and to offer adequate emotional support to them. (orig.) [Deutsch] Hintergrund: Tumorpatienten fuehlen sich vor allem am Beginn einer strahlentherapeutischen Behandlung belastet. Der Mangel an ausreichendem Wissen ueber die Art und das Ausmass der Belastung sowie ueber die Einstellung der Patienten gegenueber psychosozialer Unterstuetzung erschwert die Ausarbeitung adaequater Unterstuetzungsangebote. Patienten und Methoden: Bei einer konsekutiven Stichprobe von Krebspatienten am Beginn der strahlentherapeutischen Behandlung (n=117) wurde die Belastung durch die Tumorerkrankung mit der Kurzform des Hornheider Fragebogens untersucht. Das Interesse an professioneller psychosozialer Unterstuetzung wurde mit Hilfe des Fragebogens zur psychosozialen Unterstuetzung erhoben. Letztere wurde in einen an den behandelnden Onkologen sowie an einen Psychotherapeuten

  8. Eine neue Tornaria aus dem Ostindischen Archipel (Tornaria Sunieri)

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Stiasny, G.


    Da aus dem malayischen Archipel durch die Siboga-Monographie Spengels (2) zwar eine Anzahl Enteropneusten, jedoch nur eine einzige Tornaria bekannt worden ist, war anzunehmen, dass noch andere Tornarien in diesem Gebiete nachzuweisen sein würden. Von dieser Erwartung ausgehend wandte ich mich an

  9. Demência como fator de risco para fraturas graves em idosos

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    Carvalho Aline de Mesquita


    Full Text Available INTRODUÇÃO: As quedas entre pessoas idosas constituem importante problema de saúde pública devido à sua alta incidência, às complicações para a saúde e aos altos custos assistenciais. O estudo realizado visa a estimar a associação entre demência e ocorrência de quedas e fraturas entre idosos. MÉTODOS: Foi conduzido estudo caso-controle de 404 indivíduos com 60 ou mais anos de idade, da cidade do Rio de Janeiro, Brasil. Casos e controles foram pareados por idade, sexo e hospital. Os dados foram coletados por meio de entrevista estruturada com os idosos. Foram considerados portadores de quadro demencial idosos cuja pontuação no questionário BOAS fosse superior a dois. Foram obtidos odds ratios (OR ajustados por fatores potenciais de confusão, utilizando-se regressão logística condicional. RESULTADOS: As quedas distribuíram-se igualmente entre os períodos da manhã, tarde e noite, havendo uma redução em sua freqüência durante a madrugada. Acidentaram-se dentro de casa 78% dos idosos com demência, contra 55% daqueles sem essa doença. O OR não-ajustado para a associação entre demência e fratura grave foi de 2,0 (IC95%, 1,23-3,25. Após o ajuste por fatores de confusão, houve uma pequena redução dessa associação (OR=1,82, 1,03-3,23. CONCLUSÃO: Idosos com quadro demencial apresentam maior risco de caírem e ser hospitalizados por fratura do que idosos sem demência. Tal fato implica a necessidade de cuidados especiais com esses indivíduos, visando a minimizar o risco desses acidentes.

  10. Micromechanics of non-active clays in saturated state and DEM modelling

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    Pagano Arianna Gea


    Full Text Available The paper presents a conceptual micromechanical model for 1-D compression behaviour of non-active clays in saturated state. An experimental investigation was carried out on kaolin clay samples saturated with fluids of different pH and dielectric permittivity. The effect of pore fluid characteristics on one-dimensional compressibility behaviour of kaolin was investigated. A three dimensional Discrete Element Method (DEM was implemented in order to simulate the response of saturated kaolin observed during the experiments. A complex contact model was introduced, considering both the mechanical and physico-chemical microscopic interactions between clay particles. A simple analysis with spherical particles only was performed as a preliminary step in the DEM study in the elastic regime.

  11. Moving forward: Revisiting the Spanish for High Beginners course

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    Flavia Belpoliti


    Full Text Available This paper presents a case study on the redesign of a Spanish for High Beginners (SHB course at a large metropolitan university in Texas, USA. The first section presents a discussion on the diverse nature of students who can benefit from an intensive first-year Spanish course and the challenges that these learners’ mixed abilities pose for instruction. The second section describes the redesign process of the SHB course, including placement procedures, the Spanish Language Program sequence, and changes in the syllabus to integrate communicative and transcultural competences by implementing a combination of focused instruction, collaborative learning and task-based approaches. The last section introduces a short presentation of four activities implemented in the redesigned course, which provide paths for future development of advanced beginners’ integrative tasks. The final section focuses on the results of an exit survey measuring students’ perceptions of the course. The successful implementation of changes and its outcomes demonstrate that this course could be a relevant solution for Spanish programs at tertiary institutions with diverse populations, helping to solve challenges of placement, articulation, and time-to-graduation effectiveness.

  12. Coastal Digital Elevation Models (DEMs) for tsunami hazard assessment on the French coasts (United States)

    Maspataud, Aurélie; Biscara, Laurie; Hébert, Hélène; Schmitt, Thierry; Créach, Ronan


    Building precise and up-to-date coastal DEMs is a prerequisite for accurate modeling and forecasting of hydrodynamic processes at local scale. Marine flooding, originating from tsunamis, storm surges or waves, is one of them. Some high resolution DEMs are being generated for multiple coast configurations (gulf, embayment, strait, estuary, harbor approaches, low-lying areas…) along French Atlantic and Channel coasts. This work is undertaken within the framework of the TANDEM project (Tsunamis in the Atlantic and the English ChaNnel: Definition of the Effects through numerical Modeling) (2014-2017). DEMs boundaries were defined considering the vicinity of French civil nuclear facilities, site effects considerations and potential tsunamigenic sources. Those were identified from available historical observations. Seamless integrated topographic and bathymetric coastal DEMs will be used by institutions taking part in the study to simulate expected wave height at regional and local scale on the French coasts, for a set of defined scenarii. The main tasks were (1) the development of a new capacity of production of DEM, (2) aiming at the release of high resolution and precision digital field models referred to vertical reference frameworks, that require (3) horizontal and vertical datum conversions (all source elevation data need to be transformed to a common datum), on the basis of (4) the building of (national and/or local) conversion grids of datum relationships based on known measurements. Challenges in coastal DEMs development deal with good practices throughout model development that can help minimizing uncertainties. This is particularly true as scattered elevation data with variable density, from multiple sources (national hydrographic services, state and local government agencies, research organizations and private engineering companies) and from many different types (paper fieldsheets to be digitized, single beam echo sounder, multibeam sonar, airborne laser

  13. Calibration of DEM parameters on shear test experiments using Kriging method (United States)

    Xavier, Bednarek; Sylvain, Martin; Abibatou, Ndiaye; Véronique, Peres; Olivier, Bonnefoy


    Calibration of powder mixing simulation using Discrete-Element-Method is still an issue. Achieving good agreement with experimental results is difficult because time-efficient use of DEM involves strong assumptions. This work presents a methodology to calibrate DEM parameters using Efficient Global Optimization (EGO) algorithm based on Kriging interpolation method. Classical shear test experiments are used as calibration experiments. The calibration is made on two parameters - Young modulus and friction coefficient. The determination of the minimal number of grains that has to be used is a critical step. Simulations of a too small amount of grains would indeed not represent the realistic behavior of powder when using huge amout of grains will be strongly time consuming. The optimization goal is the minimization of the objective function which is the distance between simulated and measured behaviors. The EGO algorithm uses the maximization of the Expected Improvement criterion to find next point that has to be simulated. This stochastic criterion handles with the two interpolations made by the Kriging method : prediction of the objective function and estimation of the error made. It is thus able to quantify the improvement in the minimization that new simulations at specified DEM parameters would lead to.

  14. DEM Calibration Approach: design of experiment (United States)

    Boikov, A. V.; Savelev, R. V.; Payor, V. A.


    The problem of DEM models calibration is considered in the article. It is proposed to divide models input parameters into those that require iterative calibration and those that are recommended to measure directly. A new method for model calibration based on the design of the experiment for iteratively calibrated parameters is proposed. The experiment is conducted using a specially designed stand. The results are processed with technical vision algorithms. Approximating functions are obtained and the error of the implemented software and hardware complex is estimated. The prospects of the obtained results are discussed.

  15. Der Fall Wal-Mart : institutionelle Grenzen ökonomischer Globalisierung


    Senge, Konstanze


    "In dem Text werden Gründe für die gescheiterte Expansionsstrategie des weltgrößten Einzelhandelsunternehmens Wal-Mart nach Deutschland diskutiert. Differenziert werden vor allem drei Fehlerquellen: So hat Wal-Mart die ökonomischen, politischen und kulturellen Besonderheiten in Deutschland nicht ausreichend beachtet. Zur Erklärung der Situation Wal-Marts in Deutschland wird das Modell des soziologischen Neo-Institutionalismus herangezogen, insbesondere wird auf die Konzepte 'Legitimität' und ...

  16. Der Fall Wal-Mart


    Senge, Konstanze


    In dem Text werden Gründe für die gescheiterte Expansionsstrategie des weltgrößten Einzelhandelsunternehmens Wal-Mart nach Deutschland diskutiert. Differenziert werden vor allem 3 Fehlerquellen: So hat Wal-Mart die ökonomischen, politischen und kulturellen Besonderheiten in Deutschland nicht ausreichend beachtet. Zur Erklärung der Situation Wal-Marts in Deutschland wird das Modell des soziologischen Neo-Institutionalismus herangezogen, insbesondere wird auf die Konzepte Legitimität und Iso...

  17. Forschungsförderung: geschlechtsneutral – Spitzenpositionen: männlich

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    Daniela Heitzmann


    Full Text Available Seit Juli 2002 ist die Förderung der „Chancengleichheit von Männern und Frauen in der Wissenschaft“ als Vereinszweck der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG festgeschrieben. Drei Jahre später begann ein von der DFG unterstütztes Forschungsprojekt, in dem die Geschlechter(ungleichheit im Antrags- und Bewilligungswesen sowie die Repräsentanz von Wissenschaftlerinnen in den Gremien und Ausschüssen der DFG untersucht wurden; dessen Dokumentation liegt nun vor.

  18. Sinnvolle Lebensführung im Spannungsfeld von Risiko und Sicherheit Die Ethik der Risikominimierung im Lichte von Kierkegaards und Nietzsches Kritik der Moderne

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    Hüsch Sebastian


    Full Text Available Der Beitrag betrachtet die für die Gegenwartsgesellschaft charakteristische Orientierung an Sicherheit und Risikovermeidung vor dem Hintergrund der Reflexionen Søren Kierkegaards und Friedrich Nietzsches bezüglich der Abgründigkeit der menschlichen Existenz. Die Untersuchung wirft die Frage auf, ob die Suche nach einem im alltäglichen Sinne verstandenen „guten Leben“ letzten Endes zu Lasten der Möglichkeiten einer als sinnhaft erlebten Existenz geht.

  19. Postoperative Verlaufskontrollen beim Ulcus cruris nach Shave-Operation und Hauttransplantation


    Pantelaki, Ioanna


    \\(\\bf Hintergrund:\\) Die Arbeit hat das Ziel die Shave-Operation mit Meshgraft-Deckung hinsichtlich der Einheilungsrate und der Schmerzreduktion zu untersuchen. \\(\\bf Methoden:\\) 56 Patienten mit einem Ulcus cruris unterzogen sich dem genannten Eingriff. Vor und 6 Monate nach der Operation wurden die Ulkusgröße, die bakterielle Besiedlung und die Schmerzintensität analysiert. \\(\\bf Ergebnis:\\) Bei 42,86% der Patienten konnte eine Abheilung erreicht werden, wobei die Ergebnisse hoch sign...

  20. Entwicklung von Stallgebäuden zur Milchviehhaltung unter Berücksichtigung der klimatischen Bedingungen in ariden und semiariden Gebieten


    Georges, Marwan


    Globale Statistiken (FAO) deuten für aride und semiaride Länder auf einen Mangel bei der Milchproduktion hin. Die Unterversorgung ist nicht nur auf die geringe Milchleistung der ein-heimischen Rassen, sondern auch auf schlechte, vorhandene Stallbausysteme zurückzufüh-ren. Die Mehrzahl der Milchviehhaltungsgebäude entspricht dort nicht dem geforderten Stan-dard, vor allem im Hinblick auf ein tierangepasstes Umgebungsklima. Viele neue Material- und Konstruktionsentwicklungen zielen auf die ...

  1. Qualifizierungsbedarfe, -ansätze und -strategien im Secondhand Sektor. Ein Europäischer Good-Practice-Bericht


    Arold, Heike; Koring, Claudia; Windelband, Lars


    Vor dem Hintergrund eines sich ändernden Konsumverhaltens sowie des Wandels in der Umweltpolitik ist zukünftig mit einem Wachstum des Secondhand Sektors zu rechnen. Um die Qualität sowie die Professionalisierung innerhalb der im Sektor operierenden Unternehmen zu stärken, bedarf es der Entwicklung einer europaweit einheitlichen und sektorspezifischen Qualifizierung, die an den realen Arbeitsprozessen und Anforderungen ausgerichtet ist. Der vorliegende Good-Practice-Bericht zeigt neben einer a...

  2. Rechnungsgrundlagen und Prämien in der Personen- und Schadenversicherung – Aktuelle Ansätze, Möglichkeiten und Grenzen. Proceedings zum 3. FaRis & DAV Symposium am 7. Dezember 2012 in Köln


    Strobel, Jürgen; Nießen, Gero; Herrmann, Richard; Pasdika, Ulrich


    Die Prämienbestimmung ist nicht nur vor dem Hintergrund von Unisex ein über viele Versicherungssparten aktuell diskutiertes Thema. Häufige Veränderungen des Rechtsrahmens, die stete Entwicklung neuer Produkte, Weiterentwicklungen der Methoden und geänderte Anforderungen des Marktes beeinflussen die Wahl der Rechnungsgrundlagen als Basis der Prämienkalkulation. Einigen ausgewählten Fragestellungen aus diesem Umfeld ist das 3. FaRis & DAV-Symposium nachge-gangen. Dazu wurden Sterblichkeit und L...

  3. Virtuelle Auskunft mit Mehrwert : Chatbots in Bibliotheken


    Christensen, Anne


    Die virtuelle Auskunft mit Hilfe elektronischer Informationsassistenten, auch Chatbots oder Chatterbots genannt, ist ein seit dem Jahr 2004 zu beobachtender Trend im deutschen Bibliothekswesen. Die Arbeit stellt die vier Chatbots ASKademicus, Stella, INA und das Sachsen-I vor. Am Beispiel von Stella aus der SUB Hamburg werden dann die Funktionsweise von Chatbots sowie die Anforderungen an die Konzeption dieser virtuellen Berater erläutert. Den Schwerpunkt der Arbeit bilden der Vergleich von C...

  4. Rockslide and Impulse Wave Modelling in the Vajont Reservoir by DEM-CFD Analyses (United States)

    Zhao, T.; Utili, S.; Crosta, G. B.


    This paper investigates the generation of hydrodynamic water waves due to rockslides plunging into a water reservoir. Quasi-3D DEM analyses in plane strain by a coupled DEM-CFD code are adopted to simulate the rockslide from its onset to the impact with the still water and the subsequent generation of the wave. The employed numerical tools and upscaling of hydraulic properties allow predicting a physical response in broad agreement with the observations notwithstanding the assumptions and characteristics of the adopted methods. The results obtained by the DEM-CFD coupled approach are compared to those published in the literature and those presented by Crosta et al. (Landslide spreading, impulse waves and modelling of the Vajont rockslide. Rock mechanics, 2014) in a companion paper obtained through an ALE-FEM method. Analyses performed along two cross sections are representative of the limit conditions of the eastern and western slope sectors. The max rockslide average velocity and the water wave velocity reach ca. 22 and 20 m/s, respectively. The maximum computed run up amounts to ca. 120 and 170 m for the eastern and western lobe cross sections, respectively. These values are reasonably similar to those recorded during the event (i.e. ca. 130 and 190 m, respectively). Therefore, the overall study lays out a possible DEM-CFD framework for the modelling of the generation of the hydrodynamic wave due to the impact of a rapid moving rockslide or rock-debris avalanche.

  5. Uma revisão bibliográfica das principais demências que acometem a população brasileira

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    Claudia Lysia de O. Araújo


    Full Text Available Demência pode ser definida como uma síndrome caracterizada pelo declínio progressivo e global de memória e outras funções cognitivas. O presente trabalho é uma revisão bibliográfica que tem como objetivo identificar e apresentar a produção científica relacionada com a temática. O levantamento bibliográfico foi nas Bases de Dados da Biblioteca Virtual de Saúde - BIREME. Os tipos de demência aqui levadas em conta são: Demência de Alzheimer, Demência por Corpos de Lewy (DCL, Demência Frontotemporal (DFT e Demência Vascular. Nas demências, os fatores de risco variam de acordo com os estressores genéticos e ambientais, além da idade e histórico clínico, conforme cada indivíduo. As principais alterações cerebrais são: placas senis e emaranhados neurofibrilares, com comprometimento da neurotransmissão colinérgica e atrofia cerebral extensa. Na sua maior parte são patologias de início insidioso e deterioração progressiva. O primeiro sinal/sintoma é a perda da memória seguida de declínio cognitivo e funcional. Podem ser divididas em estágios conforme o acometimento. O diagnóstico é realizado por meio de história clínica, exames laboratoriais e de neuroimagem, exame clínico neurológico e exames neuropsicológicos. Conclui-se que ainda não se tem a cura das demências e que os estudos de células-tronco podem contribuir nesse sentido.

  6. Extraction and Validation of Geomorphological Features from EU-DEM in The Vicinity of the Mygdonia Basin, Northern Greece (United States)

    Mouratidis, Antonios; Karadimou, Georgia; Ampatzidis, Dimitrios


    The European Union Digital Elevation Model (EU-DEM) is a relatively new, hybrid elevation product, principally based on SRTM DEM and ASTER GDEM data, but also on publically available Russian topographic maps for regions north of 60° N. More specifically, EU-DEM is a Digital Surface Model (DSM) over Europe from the Global Monitoring for Environment and Security (GMES) Reference Data Access (RDA) project - a realisation of the Copernicus (former GMES) programme, managed by the European Commission/DG Enterprise and Industry. Even if EU-DEM is indeed more reliable in terms of elevation accuracy than its constituents, it ought to be noted that it is not representative of the original elevation measurements, but is rather a secondary (mathematical) product. Therefore, for specific applications, such as those of geomorphological interest, artefacts may be induced. To this end, the purpose of this paper is to investigate the performance of EU-DEM for geomorphological applications and compare it against other available datasets, i.e. topographic maps and (almost) global DEMs such as SRTM, ASTER-GDEM and WorldDEM™. This initial investigation is carried out in Central Macedonia, Northern Greece, in the vicinity of the Mygdonia basin, which corresponds to an area of particular interest for several geoscience applications. This area has also been serving as a test site for the systematic validation of DEMs for more than a decade. Consequently, extensive elevation datasets and experience have been accumulated over the years, rendering the evaluation of new elevation products a coherent and useful exercise on a local to regional scale. In this context, relief classification, drainage basin delineation, slope and slope aspect, as well as extraction and classification of drainage network are performed and validated among the aforementioned elevation sources. The achieved results focus on qualitative and quantitative aspects of automatic geomorphological feature extraction from

  7. An Optimal DEM Reconstruction Method for Linear Array Synthetic Aperture Radar Based on Variational Model

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    Shi Jun


    Full Text Available Downward-looking Linear Array Synthetic Aperture Radar (LASAR has many potential applications in the topographic mapping, disaster monitoring and reconnaissance applications, especially in the mountainous area. However, limited by the sizes of platforms, its resolution in the linear array direction is always far lower than those in the range and azimuth directions. This disadvantage leads to the blurring of Three-Dimensional (3D images in the linear array direction, and restricts the application of LASAR. To date, the research on 3D SAR image enhancement has focused on the sparse recovery technique. In this case, the one-to-one mapping of Digital Elevation Model (DEM brakes down. To overcome this, an optimal DEM reconstruction method for LASAR based on the variational model is discussed in an effort to optimize the DEM and the associated scattering coefficient map, and to minimize the Mean Square Error (MSE. Using simulation experiments, it is found that the variational model is more suitable for DEM enhancement applications to all kinds of terrains compared with the Orthogonal Matching Pursuit (OMPand Least Absolute Shrinkage and Selection Operator (LASSO methods.

  8. DEM Development from Ground-Based LiDAR Data: A Method to Remove Non-Surface Objects

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    Maneesh Sharma


    Full Text Available Topography and land cover characteristics can have significant effects on infiltration, runoff, and erosion processes on watersheds. The ability to model the timing and routing of surface water and erosion is affected by the resolution of the digital elevation model (DEM. High resolution ground-based Light Detecting and Ranging (LiDAR technology can be used to collect detailed topographic and land cover characteristic data. In this study, a method was developed to remove vegetation from ground-based LiDAR data to create high resolution DEMs. Research was conducted on intensively studied rainfall–runoff plots on the USDA-ARS Walnut Gulch Experimental Watershed in Southeast Arizona. LiDAR data were used to generate 1 cm resolution digital surface models (DSM for 5 plots. DSMs created directly from LiDAR data contain non-surface objects such as vegetation cover. A vegetation removal method was developed which used a slope threshold and a focal mean filter method to remove vegetation and create bare earth DEMs. The method was validated on a synthetic plot, where rocks and vegetation were added incrementally. Results of the validation showed a vertical error of ±7.5 mm in the final DEM.

  9. Optical spectra of phthalocyanines and related compounds a guide for beginners

    CERN Document Server

    Isago, Hiroaki


    This book displays how optical (absorption, emission, and magnetic circular dichroism) spectra of phthalocyanines and related macrocyclic dyes can be varied from their prototypical ones depending on conditions. As these compounds can be involved in colorful chemistry (which might be driven by impurities in solvents), their spectra behave like the sea-god Proteus in their mutability. Therefore, those who have been engaged with phthalocyanines for the first time, including even educated professional researchers and engineers, may have been embarrassed by the deceptive behavior of their compounds and could have, in the worst cases, given up their projects. This book is aimed not merely at reviewing the optical spectra, but also at helping such people, particularly beginners, to figure them out by showing some examples of their prototypical spectra and their variations in several situations. For the purpose of better understanding, the book also provides an introduction to their theoretical backgrounds as graphic...

  10. Historical review of European gasoline lead content regulations and their impact on German industrial markets

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hagner, C. [GKSS-Forschungszentrum Geesthacht GmbH (Germany). Inst. fuer Hydrophysik


    Deutschland das erste europaeische Land, das Gesetze zur Reduktion des Bleigehalts in Benzin erliess. Vor dem Hintergrund der Diskussion um die Gefahr des Waldsterbens wurde seit 1985 nicht nur in Deutschland, sondern ab 1986 auch in einigen anderen Laendern der EU bleifreies Benzin angeboten. Mit zeitlicher Verzoegerung fuehrten diese gesetzlichen Massnahmen zur Reduktion der Bleikonzentrationen in verschiedenen Umweltmedien, wie z.B. in der Atmosphaere oder auch im Menschen. Oekonomische Auswirkungen hatte die Bleireduktion im Benzin in Deutschland vor allem auf die Mineraloel- und Automobilindustrie. Dabei war die Preisentwicklung fuer bleifreies Benzin durch steuerliche Anreize stark beeinflusst, die nicht nur den Handel, sondern auch die Autofahrer beguenstigte. Im Automobilsektor profitierten vorwiegend die Hersteller, die bereits durch Exporte auf den US-Markt Erfahrungen mit abgasarmen Techniken, wie z.B. dem Katalysator, gesammelt hatten. Abgesehen vom Wettbewerb, hatte die Bleigesetzgebung jedoch keinen Einfluss auf volkswirtschaftliche Indikatoren. (orig.)

  11. Qualität auf dem Prüfstand (United States)

    Michaelis, Michael

    An einem Wochenende im Dezember 2009 beendete der chinesische Eisenbahn-Vizeminister Hu Yadong in Begleitung einer hochrangigen Delegation aus Experten des Department of Safety seines Ministeriums eine mehrtägige Europareise mit einem Besuch in der Konzernzentrale des weltweit führenden Herstellers von Bremssystemen für Schienen- und Nutzfahrzeuge in München. Schon in wenigen Jahren wird China über die weltweit größte Flotte an Hochgeschwindigkeitszügen verfügen und dabei sind Sicherheit und Qualität vorrangige Anforderungen. Knorr-Bremse liefert 100% der Bremsanlagen dieser Züge und hat vor kurzem mit rund 500 Millionen Euro den größten Auftrag in der Firmengeschichte erhalten. Das Unternehmen wird zusammen mit seinen chinesischen Partnern insgesamt 2.720 neue Wagen des chinesischen Hochgeschwindigkeitszuges CRH3 mit Brems- und Türsystemen ausrüsten.

  12. Resource Management in Diffserv On DemAnd (RODA) PHR

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Westberg, L.; Jacobsson, M.; de Kogel, M.; Oosthoek, S.; Partain, D.; Rexhepi, V.; Wallentin, P.; Karagiannis, Georgios

    The purpose of this draft is to present the Resource Management in Diffserv (RMD) On DemAnd (RODA) Per Hop Reservation (PHR) protocol. The RODA PHR protocol is used on a per-hop basis in a Differentiated Services (Diffserv) domain and extends the Diffserv Per Hop Behavior (PHB) with resource

  13. Doppler Centroid Estimation for Airborne SAR Supported by POS and DEM

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    CHENG Chunquan


    Full Text Available It is difficult to estimate the Doppler frequency and modulating rate for airborne SAR by using traditional vector method due to instable flight and complex terrain. In this paper, it is qualitatively analyzed that the impacts of POS, DEM and their errors on airborne SAR Doppler parameters. Then an innovative vector method is presented based on the range-coplanarity equation to estimate the Doppler centroid taking the POS and DEM as auxiliary data. The effectiveness of the proposed method is validated and analyzed via the simulation experiments. The theoretical analysis and experimental results show that the method can be used to estimate the Doppler centroid with high accuracy even in the cases of high relief, instable flight, and large squint SAR.

  14. BOREAS HYP-8 DEM Data Over The NSA-MSA and SSA-MSA in The AEAC Projection (United States)

    Knapp, David E.; Hall, Forrest G. (Editor); Wang, Xue-Wen; Band, L. E.; Smith, David E. (Technical Monitor)


    These data were derived from the original Digital Elevation Models (DEMs) produced by the Boreal Ecosystem-Atmosphere Study (BOREAS) Hydrology (HYD)-8 team. The original DEMs were in the Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) projection, while this product is projected in the Albers Equal-Area Conic (AEAC) projection. The pixel size of the data is 100 meters, which is appropriate for the 1:50,000-scale contours from which the DEMs were made. The original data were compiled from information available in the 1970s and 1980s. This data set covers the two Modeling Sub-Areas (MSAs) that are contained within the Southern Study Area (SSA) and the Northern Study Area (NSA). The data are stored in binary, image format files. The DEM data over the NSA-MSA and SSA-MSA in the AEAC projection are available from the Earth Observing System Data and Information System (EOSDIS) Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) Distributed Active Archive Center (DAAC). The data files are available on a CD-ROM (see document number 20010000884).

  15. A new 100-m Digital Elevation Model of the Antarctic Peninsula derived from ASTER Global DEM: methods and accuracy assessment

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    A. J. Cook


    Full Text Available A high resolution surface topography Digital Elevation Model (DEM is required to underpin studies of the complex glacier system on the Antarctic Peninsula. A complete DEM with better than 200 m pixel size and high positional and vertical accuracy would enable mapping of all significant glacial basins and provide a dataset for glacier morphology analyses. No currently available DEM meets these specifications. We present a new 100-m DEM of the Antarctic Peninsula (63–70° S, based on ASTER Global Digital Elevation Model (GDEM data. The raw GDEM products are of high-quality on the rugged terrain and coastal-regions of the Antarctic Peninsula and have good geospatial accuracy, but they also contain large errors on ice-covered terrain and we seek to minimise these artefacts. Conventional data correction techniques do not work so we have developed a method that significantly improves the dataset, smoothing the erroneous regions and hence creating a DEM with a pixel size of 100 m that will be suitable for many glaciological applications. We evaluate the new DEM using ICESat-derived elevations, and perform horizontal and vertical accuracy assessments based on GPS positions, SPOT-5 DEMs and the Landsat Image Mosaic of Antarctica (LIMA imagery. The new DEM has a mean elevation difference of −4 m (± 25 m RMSE from ICESat (compared to −13 m mean and ±97 m RMSE for the original ASTER GDEM, and a horizontal error of less than 2 pixels, although elevation accuracies are lower on mountain peaks and steep-sided slopes. The correction method significantly reduces errors on low relief slopes and therefore the DEM can be regarded as suitable for topographical studies such as measuring the geometry and ice flow properties of glaciers on the Antarctic Peninsula. The DEM is available for download from the NSIDC website: (Fusion of space-borne multi-baseline and multi-frequency interferometric results based on extended Kalman filter to generate high quality DEMs (United States)

    Zhang, Xiaojie; Zeng, Qiming; Jiao, Jian; Zhang, Jingfa


    Repeat-pass Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR) is a technique that can be used to generate DEMs. But the accuracy of InSAR is greatly limited by geometrical distortions, atmospheric effect, and decorrelations, particularly in mountainous areas, such as western China where no high quality DEM has so far been accomplished. Since each of InSAR DEMs generated using data of different frequencies and baselines has their own advantages and disadvantages, it is therefore very potential to overcome some of the limitations of InSAR by fusing Multi-baseline and Multi-frequency Interferometric Results (MMIRs). This paper proposed a fusion method based on Extended Kalman Filter (EKF), which takes the InSAR-derived DEMs as states in prediction step and the flattened interferograms as observations in control step to generate the final fused DEM. Before the fusion, detection of layover and shadow regions, low-coherence regions and regions with large height error is carried out because MMIRs in these regions are believed to be unreliable and thereafter are excluded. The whole processing flow is tested with TerraSAR-X and Envisat ASAR datasets. Finally, the fused DEM is validated with ASTER GDEM and national standard DEM of China. The results demonstrate that the proposed method is effective even in low coherence areas.

  16. Wenn ich nur wüsste, ob…: Der beamtenrechtliche Aufstieg im deutschen Bibliothekswesen am Beispiel des Freistaates Bayern

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    Kathrin Schwärzel


    Full Text Available Mit dem Gesetz zum Neuen Dienstrecht in Bayern hat der bayerische Gesetzgeber im Jahre 2010 das Laufbahnrecht grundlegend reformiert. Als Kernstück der Reform gilt der Regelungskomplex zum beamtenrechtlichen Aufstieg, insbesondere zur sogenannten modularen Qualifizierung, mit dem der Landesgesetzgeber einen modernen Weg im Personalmanagement einschlägt. Der Beitrag ordnet die Regelungen in ihren laufbahnrechtlichen Kontext ein und stellt das neue Instrument der Personalentwicklung näher vor. In 2010, the Bavarian legislator introduced a fundamental public employment law reform. Emphasis was put on professional advancement through modular training as a new approach to human resource management in public administration. This article takes a closer look at this new personnel development instrument and its regulation.

  17. Metal recycling - a renewable resource in Gulf Cooperative Countries region

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kassem, M.E. [Bahrain Univ. (Bahrain). Dept. of Chemical Engineering


    The exhaustion of natural resources and growing environmental awareness highlighted the necessity of metal recycling all over the world. The production/consumption activities in the GCC region do generate annually a huge amount of valuable ferrous and nonferrous metal scrap. This paper deals with the benefits of metal recycling to the GCC region in lights of energetic, environmental and economic points of view. (orig.) [Deutsch] Die abnehmenden Vorraete von Primaermetallen sowie das zunehmende Umweltbewusstsein machen das Metall-Recycling auf der ganzen Welt notwendig. Die Produktions- und Verbrauchsaktivitaeten in der GCC-Region erzeugen jaehrlich riesige Mengen von wertvollem eisen- und nicht eisenhaltigen Schrott. Dieser Beitrag befasst sich mit dem Energie-Verbrauch, dem Umweltschutz und der Wirtschaft des Recycling und stellt dessen Vorteile fuer die GCC-Region vor. (orig.)

  18. [Peter von Brackel. Christlich Gesprech von der grawsamen Zerstörung in Lifland durch den Muscowiter vom 58. Jar her geschehenn...] / Stefan Donecker

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Donecker, Stefan, 1977-


    Arvustus: Christlich Gesprech von der grawsamen Zerstörung in Lifland durch den Muscowiter vom 58. Jar her geschehenn: auch ihren Ursachen mit einer kurtzen Predig und Vermanung, wie beid, Gotlosenn unnd Frommen, diese schreckliche Mutation fruchtbarlich behertzigen und ihnen zu Nutz machen sollen: durch Timannum Brakel Livoniensem, der Gemeine Christi vonn der Augsburgischen Confession Prediger zu Anttorf einfeltig gestellet unnd inn Druck verfertiget = Darstellung der Geschichte Livlands vor und während des "Livländischen Krieges" bis 1578 in gereimter Dialogform und Prosa von dem Prediger und Geschichtsschreiber Timann Brakel : Originaltext und Übersetzung ins Hochdeutsche mit Kommentaren, Ergänzungen, Bildern und dem Lebenslauf des Timann Brakel. (Beiträge zur baltischen Geschichte, 19). Verlag Harro von Hirschheydt. Wedemark 2012

  19. AMANDA and D0 as a Test Environment for the LHC Computing Grid

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Harenberg, Torsten [Univ. of Wuppertal (United States)


    Die Suche nach den Grundbausteinen der Materie und nach den Kräften, die zwischen ihnen wirken, ist das Forschungsgebiet der Hochenergiephysik. Mit immer größer werdenden Teilchenbeschleunigern erreicht man immer tiefer gehende Erkenntnisse und dringt dabei in Energiebereiche vor, wie sie kurz nach dem Urknall herrschten. Im Moment ist das Tevatron am Fermilab der energ piereichste Teilchenbeschleuniger der Welt mit einer Schwerpunktsenergie von √s = 1, 96 TeV. Um die bei diesen hohen Energien entstehende Anzahl von Teilchen zu messen, sind auch immer höher auflösende Detektoren nötig. Dem wurde dadurch Rechnung getragen, dass mit der Steigerung der Schwerpunktsenergie am Tevatron auch die Detektoren DØ und CDF1) teilweise erneuert wurden.

  1. Background information and first results on eco-audits in the water management and disposal sector; Hintergruende und Erfahrungen zur Oekoauditierung im Wasser- und Entsorgungsbereich

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Keune, H.


    In spite of the large number of publications on eco-auditing, there are still details that are not generally known and may come as a surprise. The author presents various aspects of auditing, e.g. the indirect effects of customers`s wishes and competitors on the incentives given by new legal regulations, on the obstacles to eco-auditing posed by European and German legislation, and the fears of auditing. (orig.) [Deutsch] Trotz einer kaum noch ueberschaubaren Zahl von Veroeffentlichungen zum Oeko-Audit gibt es immer noch Details, die nicht allgemein bekannt sind und die zuweilen sogar noch ueberraschen koennen. Der Autor geht auf verschiedene Aspekte im Zusammenhang mit der Auditierung ein: Auf den `indirekten Zwang`, der von Kunden und der Konkurrenz ausgeuebt wird, auf die Anreize durch neue gesetzliche Regelungen, auf die Huerden der Auditierung aufgrund der EU-Verordnung und des deutschen Umweltaudit-Gesetzes zusammen mit dem Verwaltungs- und Strafrecht, dem Umweltinformationsrecht und dem Recht ueber den unlauteren Wettbewerb sowie auf die Angst vor der Auditierung. (orig.)

  2. Evaluating DEM results with FEM perspectives of load : soil interaction

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Tadesse, D.


    Keywords: Load - soil interaction, soil structure, soil mechanical properties, FEM (Finite Element Method), Plaxis (Finite Element Code), granular particles, shear stress, DEM (Distinct Element Method),

  3. VT Lidar Hydro-flattened DEM (0.7 meter) - 2015 - Windham County (United States)

    Vermont Center for Geographic Information — (Link to Metadata) This metadata applies to the following collection area(s): Windham County 2015 0.7m and Digital Elevation Model (DEM) dataset of the following...

  4. All you need is shape: Predicting shear banding in sand with LS-DEM (United States)

    Kawamoto, Reid; Andò, Edward; Viggiani, Gioacchino; Andrade, José E.


    This paper presents discrete element method (DEM) simulations with experimental comparisons at multiple length scales-underscoring the crucial role of particle shape. The simulations build on technological advances in the DEM furnished by level sets (LS-DEM), which enable the mathematical representation of the surface of arbitrarily-shaped particles such as grains of sand. We show that this ability to model shape enables unprecedented capture of the mechanics of granular materials across scales ranging from macroscopic behavior to local behavior to particle behavior. Specifically, the model is able to predict the onset and evolution of shear banding in sands, replicating the most advanced high-fidelity experiments in triaxial compression equipped with sequential X-ray tomography imaging. We present comparisons of the model and experiment at an unprecedented level of quantitative agreement-building a one-to-one model where every particle in the more than 53,000-particle array has its own avatar or numerical twin. Furthermore, the boundary conditions of the experiment are faithfully captured by modeling the membrane effect as well as the platen displacement and tilting. The results show a computational tool that can give insight into the physics and mechanics of granular materials undergoing shear deformation and failure, with computational times comparable to those of the experiment. One quantitative measure that is extracted from the LS-DEM simulations that is currently not available experimentally is the evolution of three dimensional force chains inside and outside of the shear band. We show that the rotations on the force chains are correlated to the rotations in stress principal directions.

  5. Diagnostic of the temperature and differential emission measure (DEM based on Hinode/XRT data

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    P. Rudawy


    Full Text Available We discuss here various methodologies and an optimal strategy of the temperature and emission measure diagnostics based on Hinode X-Ray Telescope data. As an example of our results we present the determination of the temperature distribution of the X-rays emitting plasma using a filters ratio method and three various methods of the calculation of the differential emission measure (DEM. We have found that all these methods give results similar to the two filters ratio method. Additionally, all methods of the DEM calculation gave similar solutions. We can state that the majority of the pairs of the Hinode filters allows one to derive the temperature and emission measure in the isothermal plasma approximation using standard diagnostics based on the two filters ratio method. In cases of strong flares one can also expect good conformity of the results obtained using a Withbroe – Sylwester, genetic algorithm and least-squares methods of the DEM evaluation.

  6. Combined SDO/AIA, Hinode/XRT and FOXSI-2 microflare observations - DEM analysis and energetics (United States)

    Panchapakesan, S. A.; Glesener, L.; Vievering, J. T.; Ryan, D.; Christe, S.; Inglis, A. R.; Buitrago-Casas, J. C.; Musset, S.; Krucker, S.


    The Focusing Optics X-ray Solar Imager (FOXSI) sounding rocket makes directimaging and spectral observation of the Sun in hard X-rays (HXRs) using highlysensitive focusing HXR optics. The second flight of FOXSI was launchedsuccessfully on 11 December 2014 and observed significant HXR emissions duringmicroflares. Some of these flares showed heating up to severalmillion Kelvin and were visible in the Extreme Ultraviolet (EUV) with the AtmosphericImaging Assembly (SDO/AIA). Spectral observations from FOXSI suggest emission upto 10-12 MK. We utilize SDO/AIA EUV, Hinode/XRT soft X-ray, and FOXSI-2 highenergy X-ray observations to derive the differential emission measure (DEM) ofthe microflares. The AIA and XRT observations provide broad temperaturecoverage but are poorly constrained at the hotter end. We therefore use FOXSI-2to better determine the high temperature component, thus producing a moreconstrained DEM than is possible with typically available observations. We usethis more highly constrained DEM to investigate the energetics of the observedmicroflares.

  7. Rezension von: Barbara Holland-Cunz: Gefährdete Freiheit. Über Hannah Arendt und Simone de Beauvoir. Opladen u.a.: Verlag Barbara Budrich 2012.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mirjam Dierkes


    Full Text Available Von Barbara Holland-Cunz, die sich mit Simone de Beauvoir und Hannah Arendt bereits einzeln beschäftigt hat, liegt nun ein Band vor, in dem sie sich diesen herausragenden Denkerinnen des 20. Jahrhunderts gemeinsam widmet. In einer beinahe synoptisch anmutenden Herangehensweise fokussiert sie dabei auf den Begriff der Freiheit, der bei beiden von eminenter Bedeutung für das jeweilige Theoriegebäude ist. Holland-Cunz zufolge verstehen beide, bei einigen Unterschieden, Freiheit so, dass sie sich vor allem durch eine in sich eingeschriebene Gefährdung auszeichnet: Diese resultiert aus einem heroisch-emphatischen Gestus, der in paradoxer Weise gepaart wird mit einem abgeklärten Realismus. Über weite Strecken liest sich der Weg zu dieser Deutung, v. a. auch wegen einer teilweise sympathisch unkonventionellen und originellen Herangehensweise, sehr anregend und überzeugend.

  8. 3D DEM analyses of the 1963 Vajont rock slide (United States)

    Boon, Chia Weng; Houlsby, Guy; Utili, Stefano


    The 1963 Vajont rock slide has been modelled using the distinct element method (DEM). The open-source DEM code, YADE (Kozicki & Donzé, 2008), was used together with the contact detection algorithm proposed by Boon et al. (2012). The critical sliding friction angle at the slide surface was sought using a strength reduction approach. A shear-softening contact model was used to model the shear resistance of the clayey layer at the slide surface. The results suggest that the critical sliding friction angle can be conservative if stability analyses are calculated based on the peak friction angles. The water table was assumed to be horizontal and the pore pressure at the clay layer was assumed to be hydrostatic. The influence of reservoir filling was marginal, increasing the sliding friction angle by only 1.6˚. The results of the DEM calculations were found to be sensitive to the orientations of the bedding planes and cross-joints. Finally, the failure mechanism was investigated and arching was found to be present at the bend of the chair-shaped slope. References Boon C.W., Houlsby G.T., Utili S. (2012). A new algorithm for contact detection between convex polygonal and polyhedral particles in the discrete element method. Computers and Geotechnics, vol 44, 73-82, Kozicki, J., & Donzé, F. V. (2008). A new open-source software developed for numerical simulations using discrete modeling methods. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 197(49-50), 4429-4443.

  9. DEM Simulation of Biaxial Compression Experiments of Inherently Anisotropic Granular Materials and the Boundary Effects

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Zhao-Xia Tong


    Full Text Available The reliability of discrete element method (DEM numerical simulations is significantly dependent on the particle-scale parameters and boundary conditions. To verify the DEM models, two series of biaxial compression tests on ellipse-shaped steel rods are used. The comparisons on the stress-strain relationship, strength, and deformation pattern of experiments and simulations indicate that the DEM models are able to capture the key macro- and micromechanical behavior of inherently anisotropic granular materials with high fidelity. By using the validated DEM models, the boundary effects on the macrodeformation, strain localization, and nonuniformity of stress distribution inside the specimens are investigated using two rigid boundaries and one flexible boundary. The results demonstrate that the boundary condition plays a significant role on the stress-strain relationship and strength of granular materials with inherent fabric anisotropy if the stresses are calculated by the force applied on the wall. However, the responses of the particle assembly measured inside the specimens are almost the same with little influence from the boundary conditions. The peak friction angle obtained from the compression tests with flexible boundary represents the real friction angle of particle assembly. Due to the weak lateral constraints, the degree of stress nonuniformity under flexible boundary is higher than that under rigid boundary.

  10. Effect of DEM resolution and comparison between different weighting factors for hydrologic connectivity index (United States)

    Cantreul, Vincent; Cavalli, Marco; Degré, Aurore


    The emerging concept of hydrological connectivity is difficult to quantify. Some indices have been proposed. The most cited is Borselli's one. It mainly uses the DEM as input. The pixel size may strongly impacts the result of the calculation. It has not been studied yet in silty areas. Another important aspect is the choice of the weighting factor which strongly influences the index value. The objective of this poster is so to compare 8 different DEM's resolutions (12, 24, 48, 72, 96, 204, 504 and 996cm) and 3 different weighting factors (factor C of Wischmeier, Manning's factor and rugosity index) in the Borselli's index calculation. The IC was calculated in a 124ha catchment (Hevillers), in the loess belt, in Belgium. The DEM used is coming from a UAV with a maximum resolution of 12 cm. Permanent covered surfaces are not considered in order to avoid artefact due to the vegetation (2% of the surface). Regarding the DEM pixel size, the IC increases for a given pixel when the pixel size decreases. That confirms some results observed in the Alpine region by Cavalli (2014). The mean difference between 12 cm and 10 m resolution is 35% with higher values up to 100% for higher connectivity zones (flow paths). Another result is the lower impact of connections in the watershed (grass strips…) at lower pixel sizes. This is linked to the small width of some connections which are sometimes comparing to cell size. Furthermore, a great loss of precision is observed from the 500 cm pixel size and upper. That remark is quite intuitive. Finally, some very well disconnected zones appear for the highest resolutions. Regarding the weighting factor, IC values calculated using C factor are lower than with the rugosity index which is only a topographic factor. With very high resolution DEM, it permits to represent the fine topography. For the C factor, the zones up to very well disconnected areas (grass strips, wood…) are well represented with lower index values than downstream

  11. Richard H. Thaler: Wirtschaftsnobelpreisträger 2017


    Bruttel, Lisa Verena; Stolley, Florian


    Der diesjährige Nobelpreisträger Richard H. Thaler ist einer breiteren Öffentlichkeit vor allem durch sein mit Cass R. Sunstein gemeinsam verfasstes Buch zum Nudging bekannt geworden. Tatsächlich hat er in den vergangenen 40 Jahren die Entwicklung der Verhaltensökonomie entscheidend mitgeprägt und vorangebracht. Thaler hat die Annahmen hinter dem Modell des Homo oeconomicus untersucht und die Abweichungen menschlichen Verhaltens von den Rationalitätsannahmen auf zwei wesentliche Ursachen zurü...

  12. Optimierung von Elektrophorese- und Blottingtechnik der vWF-Multimeranalyse


    Thiel, Christopher


    Die vWF-Multimeranalyse ist in ihrem Ablauf eine sehr komplexe, arbeitsaufwendige und störungsanfällige Methode zur Diagnostik eines VWS. So war es in der Vergangenheit schwierig, einen streng horizontalen Lauf der Plasmen während der Elektrophorese sicherzustellen. Es kam oftmals, vermutlich durch Leitfähigkeitsunterschiede, zu einem Aufstieg und Übertritt der Plasmen in den darüberliegenden Elektrodenpuffer. Ausserdem war es notwendig vor dem Blotten einen exakten Kontakt zwischen Agarosege...

  13. Entwicklung von Immunochemischen und PCR-Methoden zum Qualitativen Nachweis von Tilletia-Arten und Ustilago nuda in Saatgut


    Kellerer, Thomas Georg


    Weizensteinbrand (Tilletia caries), Weizenzwergsteinbrand (Tilletia controversa) und der Quarantäneorganismus Indischer Steinbrand (Tilletia indica) sind Brandkrankheiten, die einen erheblichen Einfluss auf die Qualität und Quantität vor allem in Öko-Saatgut haben. Ein Nachweis und die Unterscheidung waren bisher nur schwer und nicht immer eindeutig unter dem Mikroskop durchführbar. Anhand des HSP60 Gens wurden drei spezifische Primerpaare für einen PCR-Nachweis sowie polyklonale Antikörper f...

  14. Untersuchung von binderfreien Schwefelkathoden als Hochenergiespeicher der nächsten Generation


    Hagen, Markus


    Für die Elektromobilität, stationäre Energiespeicherung und tragbare Consumer Anwendungen werden sichere, kostengünstige, verlässliche und vor allem leistungsfähige Energiespeicher benötigt. Da kommerzialisierte Lithium-Ionen Systeme hinsichtlich ihrer Energiedichte langsam an ihre physikalischen Grenzen stoßen, rücken neue Materialsysteme in den Fokus. Das System Lithium-Schwefel ist ein interessanter Kandidat, vom dem sich in Zukunft höhere gravimetrische und volumetrische Energiedichten ve...

  15. Bedarf an medizinischer Psychologie in der Zahnheilkunde:eine wissenschaftliche Untersuchung unter Zahnärzten und Zahnmedizinstudenten


    Bastian, C. (Cordula)


    Die teilnehmenden Stichprobengruppen (52 Zahnärzte, 78 Studenten) wurden zu dem Thema "Bedarf an medizinischer Psychologie in der Zahnheilkunde" befragt, wobei eine Mehrheit von 89% aller Befragten eine psychologische Schulung eines Zahnarztes für wichtig erachtet. In Ermangelung einer ausreichenden psychologischen Vor- und Weiterbildung halten sich die befragten Zahnärzte und Studenten auch nicht für gut genug gerüstet, schwierige Situationen im Beruf adäquat zu meistern ("wenig bis durchsch...

  16. DRGs: Auswirkungen auf Ökonomie und Struktur einer Krankenhausabteilung am Beispiel der Plastischen Chirurgie


    Heinze, Ralf M.


    Mit der Einführung des DRG-Systems als Abrechnungsinstrument in deutschen Kliniken änderten sich die Abrechnungsmodalitäten grundlegend. Für die Abbildung des Fachbereiches Plastische Chirurgie im DRG-System lagen bisher noch keine ausführlichen Daten vor. In dieser Arbeit werden mit der Untersuchung und Auswertung von 236 Diagnosen und 1302 Prozeduren aus dem plastisch chirurgischen Fachgebiet und deren DRG-Einordnung erstmals umfassende Daten über die Abbildung der Plastischen Chirurgie im ...

  17. Von Donuts und Zucker: Mit Neutronen biologische Makromoleküle erforschen (United States)

    May, Roland P.


    Für die Erforschung von Biomolekülen bieten Neutronen einzigartige Eigenschaften. Vor allem ihre unterschiedliche Wechselwirkung mit dem natürlichen Wasserstoff und seinem schweren Isotop Deuterium ermöglicht tiefe Einblicke in Struktur, Funktion und Dynamik von Proteinen, Nukleinsäuren und Biomembranen. Bei vielen Fragestellungen zur Strukturaufklärung gibt es kaum oder keine Alternative zum Neutron. Das Institut Laue-Langevin trägt Bahnbrechendes zum Erfolg der Neutronen-Methoden in der Biologie bei.

  18. Visuell-verbale Beziehungszusammenhänge im Comic. Eine Untersuchung anhand ausgewählter franko-belgischer Comics und der jeweiligen deutschen Übersetzungen.


    Schröder, Katja


    Comics erfreuen sich bei allen Altersgruppen großer Beliebtheit und bereits in der Kindheit beginnen viele mit dem Lesen von Micky Maus-Magazinen oder Asterix-Bänden. Sie werden im Schulunterricht verwendet, es werden Tagungen, Messen und Festivals (Wichtige Veranstaltungen sind in dieser Hinsicht der Comic-Salon in Erlangen, das Comicfestival München, das Sym-posium zur Förderung und Vernetzung der Comicforschung Comics - Intermedial und Interdisziplinär und vor allem das Festival) zum Them...

  19. Studying Reconfigurations of Discourse:Tracing the Stability and Materiality of "Sustainability/Carbon"


    Lippert, Ingmar


    Die Stabilität von Diskursen ist nicht gegeben, sondern hergestellt. Sie wird erreicht durch die Dispositiv-Konfigurationen, also dem praktischen und andauernden ›assembling‹ von semiotischen und materiellen Entitäten. Der Artikel stellt eine Assemblage von Theorien, Methoden und Methodologien vor, die es erlauben nachzuverfolgen, wie heterogene Entitäten (re) (kon)figuriert werden, um das Performieren der Stabilität eines Diskurses zu erreichen. Anhand alltäglicher Büropraktiken, die den bet...

  20. Primary extraparenchymal hemorrhage of the posterior cranal fossa as a premonitory symptom of atlanto-axial instability; Traumatische extraparenchymale Blutung der hinteren Schaedelgrube als Warnsymptom einer atlantoaxialen Instabilitaet

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Holl, K.; Rolli, K.; Olschowski, A.; Wurm, G. [Neurochirurgische Abt., Landesnervenklinik Linz (Austria); Nussbaumer, K. [Neuroradiologische Abt., Landesnervenklinik Linz (Austria)


    The contribution discusses the cases of five patients with cranio-cerebral trauma, (four children and one adult patient), where CT examination revealed extraparenchymal hemorrhage of the posterior cranal fossa, which did not fit into their pattern of intracranial trauma and therefore gave reason to suspect a lesion of the upper cervical spine. The various types of hemorrhage found are explained, as well as the underlying cervical spine lesions, and the choice of respective therapies which proved to be successful. (orig./CB) [German] Wir berichten ueber fuenf Patienten nach Schaedel-Hirn-Trauma, deren gemeinsamer Befund in der kraniellen Computertomographie eine extraparenchymale Blutung der hinteren Schaedelgrube (HSG) ohne Zusammenhang mit dem uebrigen intrakraniellen Verletzungsmuster bzw. ohne sonstige intrakranielle Verletzung war. Es handelte sich um vier Kinder und einen Erwachsenen mit einem Durchschnittsalter von 8,8 (4-22) Jahren. Drei dieser Patienten wiesen eine epidurale Blutung am Clivus bzw. am Foramen magnum auf, bei einem Patienten handelte es sich um eine Subarachnoidalblutung um das Cerebellum, bei einem weiteren Patienten lag eine Blutung im IV. Ventrikel vor. Diese infratentoriellen Blutungen waren der erste Hinweis, dass eine Verletzung in der oberen Halswirbelsaeule (HWS) vorliegen koennte. Es wurde bei den vier Kindern als zugrundeliegende Ursache der Blutung eine ligamentaere Verletzung C1/C2 diagnostiziert, nur bei dem erwachsenen Patienten lag eine knoecherne Verletzung C1/C2 vor. Die Therapie erfolgte in den vier Faellen mit Instabilitaet chirurgisch, bei dem Patienten ohne Instabilitaet konservativ. Nach einem mittleren Nachbeobachtungszeitraum von 5,2 Jahren waren alle operierten Patienten klinisch gebessert bzw. weiterhin neurologisch unauffaellig. Es konnte bei allen Patienten eine stabile Situation C1/C2 bei guter Funktionalitaet der HWS nachgewiesen werden. (orig.)

  1. Digital Elevation Model (DEM), DEM data are useful for terrain analysis and modeling including slope and aspect calculations. They may be used to produced shaded relief maps and contour maps., Published in 2001, 1:24000 (1in=2000ft) scale, Louisiana State University (LSU). (United States)

    NSGIC Education | GIS Inventory — Digital Elevation Model (DEM) dataset current as of 2001. DEM data are useful for terrain analysis and modeling including slope and aspect calculations. They may be...

  2. The EVE plus RHESSI DEM for Solar Flares, and Implications for Residual Non-Thermal X-Ray Emission (United States)

    McTiernan, James; Caspi, Amir; Warren, Harry


    Solar flare spectra are typically dominated by thermal emission in the soft X-ray energy range. The low energy extent of non-thermal emission can only be loosely quantified using currently available X-ray data. To address this issue, we combine observations from the EUV Variability Experiment (EVE) on-board the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) with X-ray data from the Reuven Ramaty High Energy Spectroscopic Imager (RHESSI) to calculate the Differential Emission Measure (DEM) for solar flares. This improvement over the isothermal approximation helps to resolve the ambiguity in the range where the thermal and non-thermal components may have similar photon fluxes. This "crossover" range can extend up to 30 keV.Previous work (Caspi 2014ApJ...788L..31C) concentrated on obtaining DEM models that fit both instruments' observations well. For this current project we are interested in breaks and cutoffs in the "residual" non-thermal spectrum; i.e., the RHESSI spectrum that is left over after the DEM has accounted for the bulk of the soft X-ray emission. As in our earlier work, thermal emission is modeled using a DEM that is parametrized as multiple gaussians in temperature. Non-thermal emission is modeled as a photon spectrum obtained using a thin-target emission model ('thin2' from the SolarSoft Xray IDL package). Spectra for both instruments are fit simultaneously in a self-consistent manner.For this study, we have examined the DEM and non-thermal resuidual emission for a sample of relatively large (GOES M class and above) solar flares observed from 2011 to 2014. The results for the DEM and non-thermal parameters found using the combined EVE-RHESSI data are compared with those found using only RHESSI data.

  3. Effect of aging in HDPE blended with DEM in decalin

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Silva, P.; Albano, C.; Karam, A.; Vargas, M.G.; Perera, R.


    Electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) was used to study the effect of aging on irradiated samples of high-density polyethylene (HDPE) blended with diethyl maleate (DEM) in different proportions. Initially, we synthesize the HDPE using bis-(cyclopentadienyl) zirconium dichloride and P-MAO. The functionalization of the synthesized HDPE was carried out in a 10% weight/vol of polyethylene in decalin solution using different percentages of diethyl maleate (5, 10, 15 and 30% in weight). The samples were irradiated at 5, 15 and 30 kGy. An exponential decay in the total free radicals concentration was observed in the pure HDPE sample at the 15 and 30 kGy irradiation doses, as it was expected. For the 15 and 30 kGy irradiation doses the HDPE blended with 15 and 30% of DEM in decalin shows an increase in the total free radical concentrations as the storage time is increased. This behavior has been interpreted in terms of trapped free radicals. (Author)

  4. Parallel Resolved Open Source CFD-DEM: Method, Validation and Application

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    A. Hager


    Full Text Available In the following paper the authors present a fully parallelized Open Source method for calculating the interaction of immersed bodies and surrounding fluid. A combination of computational fluid dynamics (CFD and a discrete element method (DEM accounts for the physics of both the fluid and the particles. The objects considered are relatively big compared to the cells of the fluid mesh, i.e. they cover several cells each. Thus this fictitious domain method (FDM is called resolved. The implementation is realized within the Open Source framework CFDEMcOupling (, which provides an interface between OpenFOAM® based CFD-solvers and the DEM software LIGGGHTS ( While both LIGGGHTS and OpenFOAM® were already parallelized, only a recent improvement of the algorithm permits the fully parallel computation of resolved problems. Alongside with a detailed description of the method, its implementation and recent improvements, a number of application and validation examples is presented in the scope of this paper.

  5. GPU based contouring method on grid DEM data (United States)

    Tan, Liheng; Wan, Gang; Li, Feng; Chen, Xiaohui; Du, Wenlong


    This paper presents a novel method to generate contour lines from grid DEM data based on the programmable GPU pipeline. The previous contouring approaches often use CPU to construct a finite element mesh from the raw DEM data, and then extract contour segments from the elements. They also need a tracing or sorting strategy to generate the final continuous contours. These approaches can be heavily CPU-costing and time-consuming. Meanwhile the generated contours would be unsmooth if the raw data is sparsely distributed. Unlike the CPU approaches, we employ the GPU's vertex shader to generate a triangular mesh with arbitrary user-defined density, in which the height of each vertex is calculated through a third-order Cardinal spline function. Then in the same frame, segments are extracted from the triangles by the geometry shader, and translated to the CPU-side with an internal order in the GPU's transform feedback stage. Finally we propose a "Grid Sorting" algorithm to achieve the continuous contour lines by travelling the segments only once. Our method makes use of multiple stages of GPU pipeline for computation, which can generate smooth contour lines, and is significantly faster than the previous CPU approaches. The algorithm can be easily implemented with OpenGL 3.3 API or higher on consumer-level PCs.

  6. FEM × DEM: a new efficient multi-scale approach for geotechnical problems with strain localization

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Nguyen Trung Kien


    Full Text Available The paper presents a multi-scale modeling of Boundary Value Problem (BVP approach involving cohesive-frictional granular materials in the FEM × DEM multi-scale framework. On the DEM side, a 3D model is defined based on the interactions of spherical particles. This DEM model is built through a numerical homogenization process applied to a Volume Element (VE. It is then paired with a Finite Element code. Using this numerical tool that combines two scales within the same framework, we conducted simulations of biaxial and pressuremeter tests on a cohesive-frictional granular medium. In these cases, it is known that strain localization does occur at the macroscopic level, but since FEMs suffer from severe mesh dependency as soon as shear band starts to develop, the second gradient regularization technique has been used. As a consequence, the objectivity of the computation with respect to mesh dependency is restored.

  7. Parallelizing flow-accumulation calculations on graphics processing units—From iterative DEM preprocessing algorithm to recursive multiple-flow-direction algorithm (United States)

    Qin, Cheng-Zhi; Zhan, Lijun


    As one of the important tasks in digital terrain analysis, the calculation of flow accumulations from gridded digital elevation models (DEMs) usually involves two steps in a real application: (1) using an iterative DEM preprocessing algorithm to remove the depressions and flat areas commonly contained in real DEMs, and (2) using a recursive flow-direction algorithm to calculate the flow accumulation for every cell in the DEM. Because both algorithms are computationally intensive, quick calculation of the flow accumulations from a DEM (especially for a large area) presents a practical challenge to personal computer (PC) users. In recent years, rapid increases in hardware capacity of the graphics processing units (GPUs) provided in modern PCs have made it possible to meet this challenge in a PC environment. Parallel computing on GPUs using a compute-unified-device-architecture (CUDA) programming model has been explored to speed up the execution of the single-flow-direction algorithm (SFD). However, the parallel implementation on a GPU of the multiple-flow-direction (MFD) algorithm, which generally performs better than the SFD algorithm, has not been reported. Moreover, GPU-based parallelization of the DEM preprocessing step in the flow-accumulation calculations has not been addressed. This paper proposes a parallel approach to calculate flow accumulations (including both iterative DEM preprocessing and a recursive MFD algorithm) on a CUDA-compatible GPU. For the parallelization of an MFD algorithm (MFD-md), two different parallelization strategies using a GPU are explored. The first parallelization strategy, which has been used in the existing parallel SFD algorithm on GPU, has the problem of computing redundancy. Therefore, we designed a parallelization strategy based on graph theory. The application results show that the proposed parallel approach to calculate flow accumulations on a GPU performs much faster than either sequential algorithms or other parallel GPU

  8. Engineering failure assessment methods applied to pressurized components; Bruchmechanische Bewertung druckfuehrender Komponenten mittels ingenieurmaessiger Bewertungsverfahren

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Zerbst, U.; Beeck, F.; Scheider, I.; Brocks, W. [GKSS-Forschungszentrum Geesthacht GmbH (Germany). Inst. fuer Werkstofforschung


    Under the roof of SINTAP (Structural Integrity Assessment Procedures for European Industry), a European BRITE-EURAM project, a study is being carried out into the possibility of establishing on the basis of existing models a standard European flaw assessment method. The R6 Routine and the ETM are important, existing examples in this context. The paper presents the two methods, explaining their advantages and shortcomes as well as common features. Their applicability is shown by experiments with two pressure vessels subject to internal pressure and flawed by a surface crack or a through-wall crack, respectively. Both the R6 Routine and the ETM results have been compared with results of component tests carried out in the 1980s at TWI and are found to yield acceptable conservative, i.e. sufficiently safe, lifetime predictions, as they do not give lifetime assessments which unduly underestimate the effects of flaws under operational loads. (orig./CB) [Deutsch] Gegenwaertig wird im Rahmen von SINTAP (Structural Integrity Assessment Procedures for European Industries), einem europaeischen BRITE-EURAM-Projekt geprueft, inwieweit auf der Grundlage vorhandener Modelle eine einheitliche europaeische Fehlerbewertungsmethode erstellt werden kann. Eine zentrale Stellung kommt dabei Verfahren wie der R6-Routine und dem ETM zu. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurden beide Methoden vorgestellt, wobei ihre Vor- und Nachteile, aber auch ihre Gemeinsamkeiten herausgearbeitet wurden. Die Anwendung wurde an zwei innendruckbelasteten Behaeltern mit Oberflaechen- bzw. wanddurchdringendem Riss demonstriert. Sowohl R6-Routine als auch ETM ergaben im Vergleich mit am TWI zu Beginn der 80er Jahre durchgefuehrten Bauteilexperimenten eine vertretbare konservative Vorhersage, d.h. eine nicht allzu grosse Unterschaetzung der ertragbaren Last der Bauteile. (orig.)

  9. Language Learning Shifts and Attitudes Towards Language Learning in an Online Tandem Program for Beginner Writers

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Constanza Tolosa


    Full Text Available We present findings of a project that investigated the potential of an online tandem program to enhance the foreign language learning of two groups of school-aged beginner learners, one learning English in Colombia and the other learning Spanish in New Zealand. We assessed the impact of the project on students’ learning with a free writing activity done as pretest and posttest and used a semi-structured interview to explore their attitudes towards language learning and their perceived development of their native language. Data analysis indicated statistically significant gains in foreign language writing and positive attitudinal changes toward foreign and native language learning.

  10. Evaluating the Quality and Accuracy of TanDEM-X Digital Elevation Models at Archaeological Sites in the Cilician Plain, Turkey

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Stefan Erasmi


    Full Text Available Satellite remote sensing provides a powerful instrument for mapping and monitoring traces of historical settlements and infrastructure, not only in distant areas and crisis regions. It helps archaeologists to embed their findings from field surveys into the broader context of the landscape. With the start of the TanDEM-X mission, spatially explicit 3D-information is available to researchers at an unprecedented resolution worldwide. We examined different experimental TanDEM-X digital elevation models (DEM that were processed from two different imaging modes (Stripmap/High Resolution Spotlight using the operational alternating bistatic acquisition mode. The quality and accuracy of the experimental DEM products was compared to other available DEM products and a high precision archaeological field survey. The results indicate the potential of TanDEM-X Stripmap (SM data for mapping surface elements at regional scale. For the alluvial plain of Cilicia, a suspected palaeochannel could be reconstructed. At the local scale, DEM products from TanDEM-X High Resolution Spotlight (HS mode were processed at 2 m spatial resolution using a merge of two monostatic/bistatic interferograms. The absolute and relative vertical accuracy of the outcome meet the specification of high resolution elevation data (HRE standards from the National System for Geospatial Intelligence (NSG at the HRE20 level.

  11. Large-baseline InSAR for precise topographic mapping: a framework for TanDEM-X large-baseline data

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    M. Pinheiro


    Full Text Available The global Digital Elevation Model (DEM resulting from the TanDEM-X mission provides information about the world topography with outstanding precision. In fact, performance analysis carried out with the already available data have shown that the global product is well within the requirements of 10 m absolute vertical accuracy and 2 m relative vertical accuracy for flat to moderate terrain. The mission's science phase took place from October 2014 to December 2015. During this phase, bistatic acquisitions with across-track separation between the two satellites up to 3.6 km at the equator were commanded. Since the relative vertical accuracy of InSAR derived elevation models is, in principle, inversely proportional to the system baseline, the TanDEM-X science phase opened the doors for the generation of elevation models with improved quality with respect to the standard product. However, the interferometric processing of the large-baseline data is troublesome due to the increased volume decorrelation and very high frequency of the phase variations. Hence, in order to fully profit from the increased baseline, sophisticated algorithms for the interferometric processing, and, in particular, for the phase unwrapping have to be considered. This paper proposes a novel dual-baseline region-growing framework for the phase unwrapping of the large-baseline interferograms. Results from two experiments with data from the TanDEM-X science phase are discussed, corroborating the expected increased level of detail of the large-baseline DEMs.

  12. 101 amazing sights of the night sky a guided tour for beginners

    CERN Document Server

    Moromisato, George


    Is there anything more wondrous and alluring than the night sky? You've seen the stars, and you know about the constellations--but there's so much more to discover! George Moromisato's magnificent full-color guide introduces you to 101 amazing sights, from Saturn's famous rings to the Andromeda Galaxy. Learn what to look for and when and where to find it! This astronomy book is perfect for beginners, so many objects can be seen with the unaided eye or binoculars, while others simply require a small telescope. Book Features: Guide to 101 phenomena and objects of the night sky, ranked by beauty, accessibility and historical importance Information about equipment needed, from binoculars to small telescopes Full-color photographs, including many from NASA Astrophotography tips on taking pictures of the night sky, such as snapping shots with a phone through a telescope Charts to know when to look for solar eclipses, meteor showers and other notable events.

  13. Air-electron stream interactions during magnetic resonance IGRT. Skin irradiation outside the treatment field during accelerated partial breast irradiation

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Park, Jong Min [Seoul National University Hospital, Department of Radiation Oncology, Seoul (Korea, Republic of); Seoul National University Hospital, Biomedical Research Institute, Seoul (Korea, Republic of); Seoul National University Medical Research Center, Institute of Radiation Medicine, Seoul (Korea, Republic of); Advanced Institutes of Convergence Technology, Robotics Research Laboratory for Extreme Environments, Suwon (Korea, Republic of); Shin, Kyung Hwan; Wu, Hong-Gyun [Seoul National University Hospital, Department of Radiation Oncology, Seoul (Korea, Republic of); Seoul National University Hospital, Biomedical Research Institute, Seoul (Korea, Republic of); Seoul National University Medical Research Center, Institute of Radiation Medicine, Seoul (Korea, Republic of); Seoul National University College of Medicine, Department of Radiation Oncology, Seoul (Korea, Republic of); Kim, Jung-in; Park, So-Yeon; Kim, Jin Ho [Seoul National University Hospital, Department of Radiation Oncology, Seoul (Korea, Republic of); Seoul National University Hospital, Biomedical Research Institute, Seoul (Korea, Republic of); Seoul National University Medical Research Center, Institute of Radiation Medicine, Seoul (Korea, Republic of); Jeon, Seung Hyuck [Seoul National University Hospital, Department of Radiation Oncology, Seoul (Korea, Republic of); Choi, Noorie [Seoul National University College of Medicine, Department of Radiation Oncology, Seoul (Korea, Republic of)


    ein Elektronenstrahl ausserhalb der Therapiefelder entstehen. In dieser Studie wurde fuer akzelerierte Teilbrustbestrahlungen (APBI) diese Strahlung abgeschirmt und naeher untersucht. Fuer diese Studie wurden prospektiv 20 Patientinnen ausgewaehlt, die eine APBI mit einer MRT-gefuehrten Strahlentherapie (MR-IGRT) erhielten. Die Bestrahlung erfolgte mit einem Tri-Kobalt-System, das mit einem Magnetresonanztomographen kombiniert war (ViewRay). Es wurden jeweils 10 Fraktionen mit einer Einzeldosis von 3,85 Gy und der resultierenden Gesamtdosis von 38,5 Gy appliziert. Zur Reduktion der Hautdosis wurden pro Patientin 2 unterschiedliche Therapieplaene fuer jeweils 5 Fraktionen mit unterschiedlichen Tragarmwinkeln eingesetzt. Zur Abschirmung des unerwuenschten Elektronenstrahls ausserhalb der Strahlenfelder wurde ein 1 cm starker Bolus vor dem Kiefer sowie vor der ipsilateralen Schulter und dem Arm der Patientin positioniert. Vor dem Bolusmaterial (Richtung Brust) und hinter dem Bolusmaterial (Richtung Kopf) wurden EBT3-Radiochromroentgenfilme befestigt, um die ein- und austretende Dosis zu messen. Die Abhaengigkeiten der Messwerte von der Lokalisation des bestrahlten Tumors, der Bestrahlungszeit und der Tumorgroesse wurden untersucht. Fuer jeweils eine Strahlenfraktion wurden auf den Roentgenfilmen vor dem Bolusmaterial (Richtung Brust) die von den einzelnen Isodosen eingeschlossenen Flaechen vermessen: die 14 %-Isodosis (0,54 Gy) umschloss im Mittel eine Flaeche von 3,6 cm{sup 2}, die 12 %-Isodosis (0,46 Gy) im Mittel 10,4 cm{sup 2} und die 10 %-Isodosis (0,39 Gy) im Mittel 21,4 cm{sup 2}. Die Roentgenfilme hinter dem Bolusmaterial zeigten hingegen keine signifikante Dosisbelastung an. Statistisch signifikante, aber nur geringe Korrelationen wurden zwischen der Dosisbelastung und den Behandlungszeiten beobachtet. Werden Brustkrebspatientinnen mit einem MRT-gefuehrten Tri-Kobalt-Bestrahlungsgeraet behandelt, kann durch eine Wechselwirkung von Strahlenquelle und

  14. Development of a LiDAR derived digital elevation model (DEM) as Input to a METRANS geographic information system (GIS). (United States)


    This report describes an assessment of digital elevation models (DEMs) derived from : LiDAR data for a subset of the Ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach. A methodology : based on Monte Carlo simulation was applied to investigate the accuracy of DEMs ...

  15. Drainage network extraction from a high-resolution DEM using parallel programming in the .NET Framework (United States)

    Du, Chao; Ye, Aizhong; Gan, Yanjun; You, Jinjun; Duan, Qinyun; Ma, Feng; Hou, Jingwen


    High-resolution Digital Elevation Models (DEMs) can be used to extract high-accuracy prerequisite drainage networks. A higher resolution represents a larger number of grids. With an increase in the number of grids, the flow direction determination will require substantial computer resources and computing time. Parallel computing is a feasible method with which to resolve this problem. In this paper, we proposed a parallel programming method within the .NET Framework with a C# Compiler in a Windows environment. The basin is divided into sub-basins, and subsequently the different sub-basins operate on multiple threads concurrently to calculate flow directions. The method was applied to calculate the flow direction of the Yellow River basin from 3 arc-second resolution SRTM DEM. Drainage networks were extracted and compared with HydroSHEDS river network to assess their accuracy. The results demonstrate that this method can calculate the flow direction from high-resolution DEMs efficiently and extract high-precision continuous drainage networks.

  16. Flow Dynamics of green sand in the DISAMATIC moulding process using Discrete element method (DEM)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hovad, E; Walther, J H; Thorborg, J; Hattel, J H; Larsen, P


    The DISAMATIC casting process production of sand moulds is simulated with DEM (discrete element method). The main purpose is to simulate the dynamics of the flow of green sand, during the production of the sand mould with DEM. The sand shot is simulated, which is the first stage of the DISAMATIC casting process. Depending on the actual casting geometry the mould can be geometrically quite complex involving e.g. shadowing effects and this is directly reflected in the sand flow during the moulding process. In the present work a mould chamber with “ribs” at the walls is chosen as a baseline geometry to emulate some of these important conditions found in the real moulding process. The sand flow is simulated with the DEM and compared with corresponding video footages from the interior of the chamber during the moulding process. The effect of the rolling resistance and the static friction coefficient is analysed and discussed in relation to the experimental findings. (paper)

  17. Landsat 5 TM images and DEM in lithologic mapping of Payen Volcanic Field (Mendoza Province, Argentina)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fornaciai, A.; Bisson, M.; Mazzarini, F.; Del Carlo, P.; Pasquare, G.


    Satellite image such as Landsat 5 TM scene provides excellent representation of Earth and synoptic view of large geographic areas in different band combination. Landsat TM images allow automatic and semi-automatic classification of land cover, nevertheless the software frequently may some difficulties in distinguishing between similar radiometric surfaces. In this case, the use of Digital Elevation Model (DEM) can be an important tool to identify different surface covers. In this study, several False Color Composite (FCC) of Landsat 5 TM Image, DEM and the respective draped image of them, were used to delineate lithological boundaries and tectonic features of regional significance of the Paven Volcanic Field (PVF). PFV is a Quaternary fissural structure belonging to the black-arc extensional areas of the Andes in the Mendoza Province (Argentina) characterized by many composite basaltic lava flow fields. The necessity to identify different lava flows with the same composition, and then with same spectral features, allows to highlight the improvement of synergic use of TM images and shaded DEM in the visual interpretation. Information obtained from Satellite data and DEM have been compared with previous geological maps and transferred into a topographical base map. Based on these data a new lithological map at 1:100.000 scale has been presented [it

  18. Experimental dem Extraction from Aster Stereo Pairs and 3d Registration Based on Icesat Laser Altimetry Data in Upstream Area of Lambert Glacier, Antarctica (United States)

    Hai, G.; Xie, H.; Chen, J.; Chen, L.; Li, R.; Tong, X.


    DEM Extraction from ASTER stereo pairs and three-dimensional registration by reference to ICESat laser altimetry data are carried out in upstream area of Lambert Glacier, East Antarctica. Since the study area is located in inland of East Antarctica where few textures exist, registration between DEM and ICESat data is performed. Firstly, the ASTER DEM generation is based on rational function model (RFM) and the procedure includes: a) rational polynomial coefficient (RPC) computation from ASTER metadata, b) L1A image product de-noise and destriping, c) local histogram equalization and matching, d) artificial collection of tie points and bundle adjustment, and e) coarse-to-fine hierarchical matching of five levels and grid matching. The matching results are filtered semi-automatically. Hereafter, DEM is interpolated using spline method with ground points converted from matching points. Secondly, the generated ASTER DEM is registered to ICESat data in three-dimensional space after Least-squares rigid transformation using singular value decomposition (SVD). The process is stated as: a) correspondence selection of terrain feature points from ICESat and DEM profiles, b) rigid transformation of generated ASTER DEM using selected feature correspondences based on least squares technique. The registration shows a good result that the elevation difference between DEM and ICESat data is low with a mean value less than 2 meters and the standard deviation around 7 meters. This DEM is generated and specially registered in Antarctic typical region without obvious ground rock control points and serves as true terrain input for further radar altimetry simulation.

  19. Dissipation consistent fabric tensor definition from DEM to continuum for granular media (United States)

    Li, X. S.; Dafalias, Y. F.


    In elastoplastic soil models aimed at capturing the impact of fabric anisotropy, a necessary ingredient is a measure of anisotropic fabric in the form of an evolving tensor. While it is possible to formulate such a fabric tensor based on indirect phenomenological observations at the continuum level, it is more effective and insightful to have the tensor defined first based on direct particle level microstructural observations and subsequently deduce a corresponding continuum definition. A practical means able to provide such observations, at least in the context of fabric evolution mechanisms, is the discrete element method (DEM). Some DEM defined fabric tensors such as the one based on the statistics of interparticle contact normals have already gained widespread acceptance as a quantitative measure of fabric anisotropy among researchers of granular material behavior. On the other hand, a fabric tensor in continuum elastoplastic modeling has been treated as a tensor-valued internal variable whose evolution must be properly linked to physical dissipation. Accordingly, the adaptation of a DEM fabric tensor definition to a continuum constitutive modeling theory must be thermodynamically consistent in regards to dissipation mechanisms. The present paper addresses this issue in detail, brings up possible pitfalls if such consistency is violated and proposes remedies and guidelines for such adaptation within a recently developed Anisotropic Critical State Theory (ACST) for granular materials.

  20. Dolmetscher/inneneinsatz in der qualitativen Sozialforschung. Zu Anforderungen und Auswirkungen in gedolmetschten Interviews

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Gwendolin Lauterbach


    Full Text Available Der Einsatz von Dolmetscher/innen in der qualitativen Sozialforschung, insbesondere in qualitativen Interviews, stand bisher nicht im Mittelpunkt der Forschung, stellt jedoch die Interviewteilnehmer/innen vor Herausforderungen. Diese betreffen v.a. den Umgang mit dem Dolmetscher/der Dolmetscherin und deren Rolle sowie die Interviewauswertung und die Qualität der Daten und folgenden wissenschaftlichen Erkenntnisse. Aus der bisherigen Diskussion lassen sich nur bedingt methodische Leitlinien aus anderen, verwandten Bereichen ableiten. Anhand von Expert/inneninterviews mit Forscher/innen und Dolmetscher/innen werden daher Erfahrungen mit dem Dolmetscher/inneneinsatz in der qualitativen Sozialforschung dokumentiert und Handlungsempfehlungen abgeleitet. Mithilfe von Gesprächsaufzeichnungen gedolmetschter Interviews werden die Aushandlungen zwischen Originalen und Dolmetschungen aufgezeigt sowie Auswirkungen des Dolmetscher/inneneinsatzes auf den Interviewprozess dargelegt. URN:

  1. Von Mumien, Cyborgs und Röntgenbildern Mummies, Cyborgs and X-rays

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    Regina Schleicher


    Full Text Available Unter dem Titel Techniken der Reproduktion liegt ein Sammelband vor, der die Beiträge einer Tagung an der Universität Paderborn vom Dezember 2001 enthält. In enger Verknüpfung verschiedener disziplinärer Perspektiven werden Schlaglichter auf eine Vielzahl von Themen geworfen, die sich mit dem Begriff „Reproduktion“ verbinden. Dabei wird deutlich, wie eng die Geschichte der Medien und die Entwicklung von Technologien der biologischen Fortpflanzung miteinander verzahnt sind.This collected volume, Techniques of Reproduction, contains contributions from a conference at the University of Potsdam in December 2001. Different disciplinary perspectives shed light on many topics linked to the concept of ‘reproduction’. It becomes clear how closely linked the history of the media and the development of biological reproduction technologies are to one another.

  2. Endometriosezentren verschiedener Stufen zur Verbesserung der medizinischen Versorgungsqualität, der Forschung sowie der ärztlichen Fort- und Weiterbildung

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    Ebert AD


    Full Text Available In Europa wird die Idee der Qualitätsverbesserung auf dem Gebiet der Endometriose vertieft. Verschiedene "Task Forces" arbeiten mit zum Teil identischen Methoden am gleichen Ziel. Die Bildung spezialisierter Endometriosezentren verbunden mit einer breiten Qualifikation der Ärzte und des medizinischen Personals gehören – begleitet von der Unterstützung der Forschung – ebenso in dieses Spektrum wie die Schulung und Information der betroffenen Frauen sowie die Sensibilisierung der Gesundheitspolitik, der Kostenträger und der Industrie. Vor dem Hintergrund knapper Ressourcen ist eine Bündelung des vorhandenen nationalen und internationalen Engagements absehbar und notwendig. Inwieweit dies zur konsequenten Gründung von einheitlichen nationalen Endometriose-Gruppen als Basis einer europäischen Dachgesellschaft führen könnte, bleibt abzuwarten. Wünschenswert ist es allemal.

  3. Die Struktur von schlankem Materialfluss mit Lean Production Kanban und Innovationen (United States)

    Scheid, Wolf-Michael

    In der Literatur wird Materialfluss überwiegend in Spezialdisziplinen betrachtet, etwa der Steuerungslogik, der Logistiktechnik oder dem Supply Chain Management. Ein charakterisierendes Merkmal des Materialflusses ist jedoch, dass er sich aus vielfältigen Einzelbausteinen zusammensetzt, die alle harmonisch abgestimmt sein müssen. Die maximal erreichbare Effizienz wird nicht durch Höchstleistungen in dem einen oder anderen Spezialthema bestimmt, sondern durch das schwächste Glied im gesamten komplexen Netzwerk. Den Schnittstellen zwischen den betroffenen Fachbereichen in einem Unternehmen kommt hier eine ganz besondere Bedeutung zu: Erst ein harmonischer Einklang ermöglicht hohe Effektivität. Dies setzt umfassendes Verständnis für interdisziplinäre Notwendigkeiten, ein hohes Maß an Abstimmung mit den operativen Prozessen und letztlich einen einvernehmlichen Umgang und den Respekt vor den Problemstellungen des Anderen voraus.

  4. High-resolution DEMs for High-mountain Asia: A systematic, region-wide assessment of geodetic glacier mass balance and dynamics (United States)

    Shean, D. E.; Arendt, A. A.; Osmanoglu, B.; Montesano, P.


    High Mountain Asia (HMA) constitutes the largest glacierized region outside of the Earth's polar regions. Although available observations are limited, long-term records indicate sustained regional glacier mass loss since 1850, with increased loss in recent decades. Recent satellite data (e.g., GRACE, ICESat-1) show spatially variable glacier mass balance, with significant mass loss in the Himalaya and Hindu Kush and slight mass gain in the Karakoram. We generated 4000 high-resolution digital elevation models (DEMs) from sub-meter commercial stereo imagery (DigitalGlobe WorldView/GeoEye) acquired over glaciers in High-mountain Asia from 2002-present (mostly 2013-present). We produced a regional 8-m DEM mosaic for 2015 and estimated 15-year geodetic mass balance for 40000 glaciers larger than 0.1 km2. We are combining with other regional DEM sources to systematically document the spatiotemporal evolution of glacier mass balance for the entire HMA region. We also generated monthly to interannual DEM and velocity time series for high-priority sites distributed across the region, with >15-20 DEMs available for some locations from 2010-present. These records document glacier dynamics, seasonal snow accumulation/redistribution, and processes that affect glacier mass balance (e.g., ice-cliff retreat, debris cover evolution). These efforts will provide basin-scale assessments of snow/ice melt runoff contributions for model cal/val and downstream water resources applications. We will continue processing all archived and newly available commercial stereo imagery for HMA, and will release all DEMs through the HiMAT DAAC.

  5. The industrial application of fracture mechanics concepts discussed at the background of international standards and guidelines; Die industrielle Anwendung bruchmechanischer Konzepte vor dem Hintergrund internationaler Bewertungsvorschriften und Regelwerke

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Zerbst, U. [GKSS-Forschungszentrum Geesthacht GmbH (Germany). Inst. fuer Werkstofforschung; Langenberg, P. [Ingenieurbuero fuer Werkstofftechnik, Aachen (Germany)


    Many features from the background for an intensified application of fracture mechanics concepts in many industries world-wide. These include requirements for a permanent increase of the level of performance of technical components and structures by the introduction of new materials, joining technologies and design principles, the problem of ageing components and life extension, an increased emphasis on non-destructive in-service inspection combined with improved NDT techniques, and also a number of failure events caused by fatigue and fracture The aim of the present paper is to give a brief state-of-the-art review on how fracture mechanics is applied in different industrial branches today. This is based on standards and guidelines in the aerospace industry, in the nuclear and fossil power generation, in the chemical and petrochemical and the pipeline industry, in civil engineering, offshore technique and other fields. Based on the review an outlook is given on a future development that would be reasonable and desirable from the point of view of a basically unified philosophy of fracture mechanics application. (orig.) [German] Die Erhoehung der Leistungsparameter vieler Maschinen und Anlagen verbunden mit dem Einsatz neuer Werkstoffe, Fuegeverfahren und Konstruktionsprinzipien, der Betrieb vieler Strukturen ueber ihre projektierte Lebensdauer hinaus, technische Verbesserungen und ein durchgaengigerer Einsatz zerstoerungsfreier Defektpruefverfahren, aber auch immer wieder einmal auftretende Schadensfaelle bilden den Hintergrund fuer die zunehmende Nutzung bruchmechanischer Bewertungsvorschriften in der industriellen Praxis. Die vorliegende Studie zieht eine momentane Bilanz dieser Entwicklung am Beispiel von Fachbereichsstandards der Luft- und Raumfahrtindustrie, der konventionellen und Kernkrafttechnik, der Chemie und Petrochemie, der Pipelineindustrie, des Stahlbaus, der Offshore-Technik und anderer Bereiche. Ausgehend von dieser Bestandsaufnahme wird ein Ausblick

  6. Review of applications of TLBO algorithm and a tutorial for beginners to solve the unconstrained and constrained optimization problems

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    R. Venkata Rao


    Full Text Available The teaching-learning-based optimization (TLBO algorithm is finding a large number of applications in different fields of engineering and science since its introduction in 2011. The major applications are found in electrical engineering, mechanical design, thermal engineering, manufacturing engineering, civil engineering, structural engineering, computer engineering, electronics engineering, physics, chemistry, biotechnology and economics. This paper presents a review of applications of TLBO algorithm and a tutorial for solving the unconstrained and constrained optimization problems. The tutorial is expected to be useful to the beginners.

  7. Ein PKI-basiertes Protokoll für sichere und praktikable Onlinewahlen

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    Lucie Langer


    Full Text Available Wir stellen ein Protokoll für Onlinewahlen vor, welches auf dem Schema von Ohkubo et al. [13] basiert. Besonders an diesem Protokoll ist, dass der Auszähler nicht vertrauenswürdig sein muss. Der geheime Schlüssel des Auszählers wird am Ende der Wahl veröffentlicht und ermöglicht so die universelle Verifizierbarkeit der Stimmauszählung. Wir diskutieren die Sicherheit des Protokolls angesichts der allgemein anerkannten Sicherheitsanforderungen für elektronische Wahlschemata.

  8. Der Euro als Triebfeder des deutschen Exports?


    Götz Zeddies


    Die ausufernde Verschuldung insbesondere der südeuropäischen Mitgliedstaaten stellt die Europäische Währungsunion (EWU) derzeit vor große Herausforderungen. Während über lange Zeit Einigkeit darüber herrschte, den vollständigen Erhalt der Währungsunion mit einem milliardenschweren Rettungsschirm zu sichern, wurden jüngst erste Forderungen nach einem Austritt Griechenlands aus dem Euroraum laut. Insbesondere in Deutschland wird befürchtet, dass ein Austritt einzelner Länder oder gar ein komple...

  9. Erbschaftsteuer: Firmenprivilegien begrenzen, Steuerbelastungen strecken


    Stefan Bach


    Nach dem Erbschaftsteuer-Urteil des Bundesverfassungsgerichts muss der Gesetzgeber die weitreichenden Vergünstigungen für Unternehmensvermögen begrenzen. Diese haben in den vergangenen Jahren die Hälfte des erbschaftsteuerlich erfassten Vermögens freigestellt. Vor allem hohe Übertragungen, die weitgehend aus Unternehmensvermögen bestehen, profitieren von den Vergünstigungen. In den Jahren 2012 und 2013 waren Erwerbe ab fünf Millionen Euro zu mehr als der Hälfte steuerbefreit, Erwerbe ab 20 Mi...

  10. Editorial Note


    Tatjana Krička


    Berichtet wird von den zurückliegenden zwei Jahren, in denen FQS Review ein fester Bestandteil des Online-Angebots geworden ist. Dazu werden einige Eckdaten wie z.B. Absprachen mit den kooperierenden Verlagen vorgestellt und Erfahrungen mit dem Einwerben von Rezensierenden und mit deren Betreuung besprochen. Trotz der insgesamt positiven Bilanz – hierzu gehört neben der Tatsache, dass FQS Review sich als Teil von FQS hat etablieren können vor allem, dass Rezensionen mehr und mehr als eigenstä...

  11. CFD-DEM Onset of Motion Analysis for Application to Bed Scour Risk Assessment

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sitek, M. A. [Argonne National Lab. (ANL), Argonne, IL (United States); Lottes, S. A. [Argonne National Lab. (ANL), Argonne, IL (United States)


    This CFD study with DEM was done as a part of the Federal Highway Administration’s (FHWA’s) effort to improve scour design procedures. The Computational Fluid Dynamics-Discrete Element Method (CFD-DEM) model, available in CD-Adapco’s StarCCM+ software, was used to simulate multiphase systems, mainly those which combine fluids and solids. In this method the motion of discrete solids is accounted for by DEM, which applies Newton's laws of motion to every particle. The flow of the fluid is determined by the local averaged Navier–Stokes equations that can be solved using the traditional CFD approach. The interactions between the fluid phase and solids phase are modeled by use of Newton's third law. The inter-particle contact forces are included in the equations of motion. Soft-particle formulation is used, which allows particles to overlap. In this study DEM was used to model separate sediment grains and spherical particles laying on the bed with the aim to analyze their movement due to flow conditions. Critical shear stress causing the incipient movement of the sediment was established and compared to the available experimental data. An example of scour around a cylindrical pier is considered. Various depths of the scoured bed and flow conditions were taken into account to gain a better understanding of the erosion forces existing around bridge foundations. The decay of these forces with increasing scour depth was quantified with a ‘decay function’, which shows that particles become increasingly less likely to be set in motion by flow forces as a scour hole increases in depth. Computational and experimental examples of the scoured bed around a cylindrical pier are presented.

  12. Comparison of elevation derived from insar data with dem from topography map in Son Dong, Bac Giang, Viet Nam (United States)

    Nguyen, Duy


    Digital Elevation Models (DEMs) are used in many applications in the context of earth sciences such as in topographic mapping, environmental modeling, rainfall-runoff studies, landslide hazard zonation, seismic source modeling, etc. During the last years multitude of scientific applications of Synthetic Aperture Radar Interferometry (InSAR) techniques have evolved. It has been shown that InSAR is an established technique of generating high quality DEMs from space borne and airborne data, and that it has advantages over other methods for the generation of large area DEM. However, the processing of InSAR data is still a challenging task. This paper describes InSAR operational steps and processing chain for DEM generation from Single Look Complex (SLC) SAR data and compare a satellite SAR estimate of surface elevation with a digital elevation model (DEM) from Topography map. The operational steps are performed in three major stages: Data Search, Data Processing, and product Validation. The Data processing stage is further divided into five steps of Data Pre-Processing, Co-registration, Interferogram generation, Phase unwrapping, and Geocoding. The Data processing steps have been tested with ERS 1/2 data using Delft Object-oriented Interferometric (DORIS) InSAR processing software. Results of the outcome of the application of the described processing steps to real data set are presented.

  13. Numerical modelling of powder caking at REV scale by using DEM (United States)

    Guessasma, Mohamed; Silva Tavares, Homayra; Afrassiabian, Zahra; Saleh, Khashayar


    This work deals with numerical simulation of powder caking process caused by capillary condensation phenomenon. Caking consists in unwanted agglomeration of powder particles. This process is often irreversible and not easy to predict. To reproduce mechanism involved by caking phenomenon we have used the Discrete Elements Method (DEM). In the present work, we mainly focus on the role of capillary condensation and subsequent liquid bridge formation within a granular medium exposed to fluctuations of ambient relative humidity. Such bridges cause an attractive force between particles, leading to the formation of a cake with intrinsic physicochemical and mechanical properties. By considering a Representative Elementary Volume (REV), the DEM is then performed by means of a MULTICOR-3D software tacking into account the properties of the cake (degree of saturation) in order to establish relationships between the microscopic parameters and the macroscopic behaviour (tensile strength).

  14. Numerical modelling of powder caking at REV scale by using DEM

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    Guessasma Mohamed


    Full Text Available This work deals with numerical simulation of powder caking process caused by capillary condensation phenomenon. Caking consists in unwanted agglomeration of powder particles. This process is often irreversible and not easy to predict. To reproduce mechanism involved by caking phenomenon we have used the Discrete Elements Method (DEM. In the present work, we mainly focus on the role of capillary condensation and subsequent liquid bridge formation within a granular medium exposed to fluctuations of ambient relative humidity. Such bridges cause an attractive force between particles, leading to the formation of a cake with intrinsic physicochemical and mechanical properties. By considering a Representative Elementary Volume (REV, the DEM is then performed by means of a MULTICOR-3D software tacking into account the properties of the cake (degree of saturation in order to establish relationships between the microscopic parameters and the macroscopic behaviour (tensile strength.

  15. Study of the electrooxidation of ethanol on hydrophobic electrodes by DEMS and HPLC

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gonzalez Pereira, M.; Davila Jimenez, M.; Elizalde, M.P.; Manzo-Robledo, A.; Alonso-Vante, N.


    The electrochemical oxidation of ethanol in alkaline solution has been studied on Cu-PVC electrode and Ni/Cu-PVC composite electrodes modified by ruthenium nanoparticles. The techniques used were cyclic voltammetry (CV), steady-state potentiostatic method, on line differential electrochemical mass spectrometry (DEMS), and high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). The chemical products: acetaldehyde and acetic acid were detected measuring the proper mass charge (m/z) ratios. These products were also confirmed by HPLC. The surface modification of composite electrodes by ruthenium nanoparticles promotes the formation of acetaldehyde. As shown by DEMS, the surface modification shifts the onset potential for oxygen evolution reaction on the Cu-PVC composite electrode towards more anodic values

  16. Study of the electrooxidation of ethanol on hydrophobic electrodes by DEMS and HPLC

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Gonzalez Pereira, M.; Davila Jimenez, M.; Elizalde, M.P.; Manzo-Robledo, A.; Alonso-Vante, N


    The electrochemical oxidation of ethanol in alkaline solution has been studied on Cu-PVC electrode and Ni/Cu-PVC composite electrodes modified by ruthenium nanoparticles. The techniques used were cyclic voltammetry (CV), steady-state potentiostatic method, on line differential electrochemical mass spectrometry (DEMS), and high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). The chemical products: acetaldehyde and acetic acid were detected measuring the proper mass charge (m/z) ratios. These products were also confirmed by HPLC. The surface modification of composite electrodes by ruthenium nanoparticles promotes the formation of acetaldehyde. As shown by DEMS, the surface modification shifts the onset potential for oxygen evolution reaction on the Cu-PVC composite electrode towards more anodic values.

  17. Review: Christian Thiel (2011. Das "bessere" Geld: Eine ethnographische Studie über Regionalwährungen

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    Rolf F.H. Schröder


    Full Text Available Seit einigen Jahren zirkulieren in verschiedenen Teilen Deutschlands Regionalwährungen. Die Initiatoren dieser Projekte sehen in diesen Ergänzungen zum etablierten Euro einen wesentlichen Beitrag zur Lösung der sozialen und ökologischen Herausforderungen unserer Zeit. Die Dissertationsschrift von Christian THIEL offeriert einen Blick hinter die Kulissen und fragt in ihrer systematischen Analyse nach den Triebfedern dieser sozialen Bewegung sowie ihren Erfolgschancen. Der Autor hat sein Forschungsprogramm vor dem Hintergrund eines sich wandelnden Grundverständnisses zum Thema Geld entwickelt. Dabei stützt er sich vor allem auf die theoretischen Reflexionen von Viviana ZELIZER. Mittels teilhabender Beobachtung, Interviews sowie der Auswertung von Materialien entwickelt er ein detailliertes Bild von den Regionalwährungen. Die Darstellung dieser Bewegung auf der Bundesebene wird ergänzt durch eine Fallstudie zum Chiemgauer, der bedeutendsten Einrichtung dieser Art. URN:

  18. "Das Konkrete ist das Abstrakte, an das man sich schließlich gewöhnt hat." (Laurent Schwartz) Über den Ablauf des mathematischen Verstehens (United States)

    Lowsky, Martin

    Die im Titel genannte Aussage findet sich in den Lebenserinnerungen von Laurent Schwartz (1915-2002), einem der fruchtbarsten Mathematiker, Mitglied der Gruppe Bourbaki. Im Original lautet die Aussage: "un objet concret est un objet abstrait auquel on a fini par s'habituer." Schwartz erläutert sie am Beispiel des Integrals über {e^{-1/2{x^2}}} , das den Wert Wurzel aus 2π hat und in dem sich also die Zahlen e und π verknüpfen. Was Schwartz aber vor allem ausdrücken will, ist dies: Das mathematische Verständnisd geht langsam vor sich und es bedarf der Anstrengung. "Es ist eine Frage der Zeit und der Energie", sagt Schwartz, und gerade dies mache es so schwer, die höhere Mathematik unter das Volk zu bringen. Das Lernen und Lehren von Mathematik laufe eben mühevoll und langsam ab.

  19. BRS Deméter: nova cultivar de cevada cervejeira irrigada para o Cerrado do Brasil Central BRS Deméter: new malting barley cultivar for irrigated Brazilian savanna

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    Renato Fernando Amabile


    Full Text Available BRS Deméter é uma cultivar de cevada dística (duas fileiras de grãos de ampla adaptação, sob irrigação, ao Cerrado do Brasil Central. Apresenta potencial produtivo de grãos acima de 5.000 kg ha-1, estabilidade de produção e alta qualidade industrial malte-cervejeira. A cultivar atende às demandas do produtor por rendimento competitivo e às da indústria malteira por alta qualidade cervejeira.BRS Deméter is a spring, two-rowed barley, widely adapted to irrigated areas of the savanna, in Central Brazil. It presents production stability and high malting quality, with yield potential above 5,000 kg ha-1. It fulfills both the farmer and malting industry expectations regarding competitive yield and brewing quality.

  20. BOREAS HYD-8 DEM Data Over the NSA-MSA and SSA-MSA in the UTM Projection (United States)

    Wang, Xue-Wen; Hall, Forrest G. (Editor); Knapp, David E. (Editor); Band, L. E.; Smith, David E. (Technical Monitor)


    The BOREAS HYD-8 team focused on describing the scaling behavior of water and carbon flux processes at local and regional scales. These DEMs were produced from digitized contours at a cell resolution of 100 meters. Vector contours of the area were used as input to a software package that interpolates between contours to create a DEM representing the terrain surface. The vector contours had a contour interval of 25 feet. The data cover the BOREAS MSAs of the SSA and NSA and are given in a UTM map projection. Most of the elevation data from which the DEM was produced were collected in the 1970s or 1980s. The data are stored in binary, image format files. The data files are available on a CD-ROM (see document number 20010000884) or from the Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) Distributed Active Archive Center (DAAC).


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    T. Kim


    Full Text Available Automated generation of digital elevation models (DEMs from high resolution satellite images (HRSIs has been an active research topic for many years. However, stereo matching of HRSIs, in particular based on image-space search, is still difficult due to occlusions and building facades within them. Object-space matching schemes, proposed to overcome these problem, often are very time consuming and critical to the dimensions of voxels. In this paper, we tried a new least square matching (LSM algorithm that works in a 3D object space. The algorithm starts with an initial height value on one location of the object space. From this 3D point, the left and right image points are projected. The true height is calculated by iterative least squares estimation based on the grey level differences between the left and right patches centred on the projected left and right points. We tested the 3D LSM to the Worldview images over 'Terrassa Sud' provided by the ISPRS WG I/4. We also compared the performance of the 3D LSM with the correlation matching based on 2D image space and the correlation matching based on 3D object space. The accuracy of the DEM from each method was analysed against the ground truth. Test results showed that 3D LSM offers more accurate DEMs over the conventional matching algorithms. Results also showed that 3D LSM is sensitive to the accuracy of initial height value to start the estimation. We combined the 3D COM and 3D LSM for accurate and robust DEM generation from HRSIs. The major contribution of this paper is that we proposed and validated that LSM can be applied to object space and that the combination of 3D correlation and 3D LSM can be a good solution for automated DEM generation from HRSIs.

  2. Three stitch hernioplasty: A novel technique for beginners (United States)

    Patchayappan, Manikandan; Narayanasamy, Sangara Narayanan; Duraisamy, Nagarajan


    Objective: To analyze mesh fixation with minimum sutures and postoperative complications. Study Design: Prospective study. Place and Duration of Study: Department of General Surgery, Thanjavur Medical College and Hospital, Tamil Nadu, from July 2010 to June 2012. Materials and Methods: All inguinal hernia patients, who fulfilled the sample selection criteria, were admitted and planned for surgery. The prolene mesh is fashioned as in Lichtenstein's repair, placed and fixed only by three prolene stitches. The first stitch is made in the periosteum of pubic tubercle. The second stitch is taken in the inguinal ligament (1.5 cm lateral to the pubic tubercle) and the third stitch is from the medial most part of the conjoint tendon, that is, the mesh is fixed in the medial aspect alone. Results: Majority of the patients fall between the age group of 40 and 60 (72%) years and all are male patients. Of the total cases, 50% were right sided, 25% were left sided, and 25% were bilateral. Of the postoperative complications, 12% had seroma, 4% had hematoma, 2% developed surgical site infection, 2% developed chronic groin pain, 1% presented with recurrence, and none developed foreign body sinus. Conclusion: The incidence of long-term complications of three stitch hernioplasty are comparable to that of the other standard, tension-free open hernia repair as well as other laparoscopic procedures. Moreover, the three stitch hernioplasty method is a simple method, easy for the beginners to adopt, has less foreign body reaction, less time consuming, causes less tissue trauma, and lesser chance for vascular injury. PMID:26629464

  3. Influence of different DEMs on the quality of the InSAR results: case study over Bankya and Mirovo areas (United States)

    Nikolov, Hristo; Atanasova, Mila


    One of the key input parameters in obtaining end products from SAR data is the DEM used during their processing. This holds true especially when persistent scatterers InSAR method should be applied for example to study slow moving landslides or subsidence. Since nowadays most of the raw SAR data are of space borne origin for their correct processing to high precision products for relatively small areas with centimeter accuracy a DEM taking into account the particularities of the local topography is needed. Most of the DEMs used by the SAR processing software such as SRTM or ASTER are obtained by the same type of instrument and present some disagreements with height information acquired by leveling measurements or other geodetic means. This was the motivation for initiating this research - to prove the need of creating and using local DEM in SAR data processing at small scale and to check what the magnitude of the discrepancy between final InSAR products is in both cases where SRTM/ASTER and local DEM has been used. In addition investigated were two scenarios for SAR data processing - one with small baseline between image pairs and one having large baseline image pairs - in order to find out in which case local DEM has bigger impact. In course of this study two reference areas were considered - Bankya village near Sofia (SW region of Bulgaria) and Mirovo salt extraction site (NE region of Bulgaria). The reason those areas were selected lies in the high number of landslides registered and monitored by the competent authorities in the mentioned locations. The significance of the results obtained is witnessed by the fact that both sites we used have been included as reference sites for Bulgaria in the PanGeo EU funded project dealing with delivering information regarding ground instability geohazard as areas prone to subsidence of natural and manmade origin. In the said project largest part of the information has been extracted from Envisat SAR data, but now this

  4. Rosenzweig: A ética como "primeira filosofia" e o dever de traduzir

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    Inácio Abdulkader


    Full Text Available Die Bedeutung und der Einfluss des Werkes von Franz Rosenzweig, jüdisch-deutscher Philosoph vom Beginn des vergangenen Jahrhunderts, werden noch immer nicht angemessen gewürdigt. Rosenzweig entwickelt in seinem Hauptwerk, der Stern der Erlösung, ausgehend von eminent theologischen Kategorien, sein philosophisches System. Dem "Monolog des Ich" der traditionellen Philosophie setzt Rosenzweig ein "Neues Denken" von existenzialistischem Gepräge entgegen, das die Mündlichkeit und den Dialog mit dem "Anderen" aufwertet und den Verstand ald Werkzeug der Reflexion ersetzt. Dieses Denken weist Korrespondenzen zur Philosophie W. Benjamins auf. Das "Neue Denken" übte einen starken Einfluss auf E. Lévinas aus, sowie auf zahlreiche interessante philosophie und theologische Ansätze nach dem "linguistic turn" und auf die postmoderne jüdische Geistigkeit. Rosenzweigs Philosophie hat andererseits in seiner Übersetzertätigkeit eine wichtige direkte Anwendung gefunden. Übersetzen erscheint Rosenzweig als Verpflichtung, die aus einer Ethik, verstanden als grundlegender Philosophie, erwächst. Der vorliegende Artikel analysiert einige Aspekte der Schriften Rosenzweigs, in denen sich eine "Philosophie der Übersetzung" abzeichnet.

  5. Der Zusammenhang von Partnermarktopportunitäten aus dem Freundeskreis und der Stabilität von Paarbeziehungen : Eine Analyse mit den Daten des Partnermarktsurvey


    Häring, Armando


    "Der Beitrag analysiert den Zusammenhang zwischen Partnermarktoportunitäten aus dem Freundeskreis und der Stabilität von Paarbeziehungen. Unter Verwendung des theoretischen Konzepts der Theorie der Interaktionsgelegenheiten sowie von Annahmen der Austauschtheorie und der Familienökonomie, werden mögliche Zusammenhänge zwischen gemeinsamen Freundeskreisen mit dem Partner, Partnermarktgelegenheiten aus dem Freundeskreis (sex ratio) und der Stabilität von Paarbeziehungen diskutiert. Der Beitrag ...

  6. Modeling bubble heat transfer in gas-solid fluidized beds using DEM

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Patil, A.V.; Peters, E.A.J.F.; Kolkman, T.; Kuipers, J.A.M.


    Discrete element method (DEM) simulations of a pseudo 2-D fluidized bed at non-isothermal conditions are presented. First implementation details are discussed. This is followed by a validation study where heating of a packed column by a flow of heated fluid is considered. Next hot gas injected into

  7. Der antiskeptische Boden unter dem Gehirn im Tank


    Müller, Olaf L.


    Crispin Wright hat die bislang beste Rekonstruktion von Putnams Beweis gegen die skeptische Hypothese vom Gehirn im Tank vorgelegt. Aber selbst in Wrights Fassung hat der Beweis einen Mangel: Er wird mithilfe eines Prädikates wie z.B. "Tiger" geführt und funktioniert nur, wenn man sich darauf verlassen kann, dass es Tiger wirklich gibt. Aber die Skeptikerin bestreitet, über die Existenz von Tigern bescheid zu wissen. Das Problem lässt sich dadurch beheben, dass man den Beweis – statt mit dem ...

  8. Wissen - nihilismus – bejahung: Fichtes transzendentalphilosophischer offenbarungsbegriff

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Drilo Kazimir


    Full Text Available In dem Zeitraum zwischen 1792 und 1805 entwickelt Johann Gottlieb Fichte zwei verschiedene Bestimmungen des Offenbarungsbegriffs: 1. Offenbarung ist eine auf der göttlichen Autorität beruhende Lehre, mit der das sittliche Handeln gefördert werden soll, 2. Offenbarung ist das Zusammenhalten des Wissens im Sein und so die Rettung vor dem Nihilismus. In dem Beitrag wird gezeigt, dass Fichte in seiner späten Wissenschaftslehre und in ständiger Auseinandersetzung mit Jacobis Kritik, Idealismus sei Nihilismus, mit dieser letzten Bestimmung eine tragfähige Alternative zu dem ersten, traditionellen Offenbarungsbegriff gibt. Offenbarung, so wie Fichte sie in seiner Spätphilosophie versteht, dient weder der Förderung der Moral, noch hält sie den Prozess der Selbsterkenntnis des Absoluten im Gang oder ist eine Entäußerung Gottes. Der Begriff der transzendentalphilosophischen Offenbarung hat vielmehr seine Bedeutung als der Garant der Realität des Wissens. Als Beleg für diese These dienen die Schriften „Versuch einer Kritik aller Offenbarung“, „Erlanger Wissenschaftslehre“ und „Erlanger Logik“. Darüber hinaus wird auf die Interpretation der Fichte‘schen Religionsphilosophie von Emanuel Hirsch eingegangen, der Fichtes Offenbarungsbegriff im Rahmen der theologischen Fragestellung mit dem Gedanken der „Bejahung“ des Absoluten produktiv weiterführt.

  9. Multi-scale sensitivity analysis of pile installation using DEM (United States)

    Esposito, Ricardo Gurevitz; Velloso, Raquel Quadros; , Eurípedes do Amaral Vargas, Jr.; Danziger, Bernadete Ragoni


    The disturbances experienced by the soil due to the pile installation and dynamic soil-structure interaction still present major challenges to foundation engineers. These phenomena exhibit complex behaviors, difficult to measure in physical tests and to reproduce in numerical models. Due to the simplified approach used by the discrete element method (DEM) to simulate large deformations and nonlinear stress-dilatancy behavior of granular soils, the DEM consists of an excellent tool to investigate these processes. This study presents a sensitivity analysis of the effects of introducing a single pile using the PFC2D software developed by Itasca Co. The different scales investigated in these simulations include point and shaft resistance, alterations in porosity and stress fields and particles displacement. Several simulations were conducted in order to investigate the effects of different numerical approaches showing indications that the method of installation and particle rotation could influence greatly in the conditions around the numerical pile. Minor effects were also noted due to change in penetration velocity and pile-soil friction. The difference in behavior of a moving and a stationary pile shows good qualitative agreement with previous experimental results indicating the necessity of realizing a force equilibrium process prior to any load-test to be simulated.

  10. Rezension : Wissen um den Wahn. Foucaults Geschichte der Psychiatrie ; zu "Foucaults Geschichte der Psychiatrie"


    Krause, Robert


    Aus dem umfangreichen Werk des französischen Philosophen und Sozialhistorikers Michel Foucault (1926-1984) ist ein weiteres Buch auf Deutsch erschienen. Der Band „Die Macht der Psychiatrie" geht auf eine Reihe von Vorlesungen zurück, die Foucault im Wintersemester '73/'74 am Collège de France gehalten hat. Die in Frankreich bereits im Jahr 2003 veröffentlichten 12 Vorlesungen sind der Geschichte der Psychiatrie gewidmet und konzentrieren sich vor allem auf ihre Frühphase. Wesentlich gestützt ...

  11. Driver assistant system for industrial vehicles; Fahrerassistenzsysteme fuer Nutzfahrzeuge

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Winterhagen, J.


    It is the intention of DaimlerChrysler AG to automatize future industrial vehicles by means of driver assistant systems. The components - from automatic distance control to fully electric steering - are in different stages of maturity. Some prototypes were presented recently at the Papenburg test site. [German] Fahrerassistenzsysteme werden das Nutzfahrzeug der Zukunft nach Vorstellungen der DaimlerChrysler AG weitestgehend automatisieren. Die dazu notwendigen Techniken - vom automatischen Abstandsregler bis zur vollelektrischen Lenkung - haben unterschiedliche Reifegrade. Einige Prototypen stellte das Unternehmen kuerzlich auf dem Pruefgelaende Papenburg vor. (orig.)

  12. Hinderniserkennung und -verfolgung mit einer PMD-kamera im automobil (United States)

    Schamm, Thomas; Vacek, Stefan; Natroshvilli, Koba; Marius Zöllner, J.; Dillmann, Rüdiger

    Die Detektion von Hindernissen vor dem Automobil ist eine Hauptanforderung an moderne Fahrerassistenzsysteme (FAS). In dieser Arbeit wird ein System vorgestellt, das mit Hilfe einer PMDKamera (Photomischdetektor) Hindernisse auf der Fahrspur erkennt und deren relevante Parameter bestimmt. Durch die PMD-Kamera werden zunächst 3D-Tiefenbilder der Fahrzeugumwelt generiert. Nach einem initialen Filterprozess werden im Tiefenbild mit Hilfe eines Bereichswachstumsverfahrens Hindernisse gesucht. Zur Stabilisierung des Verfahrens und zur Parameterberechnung wird ein Kaiman Filter eingesetzt. Das Ergebnis ist eine Liste aller Hindernisse im Fahrbereich des Automobils.

  13. Energy-saving engines reduce operating cost and environmental pollution; Energiesparmotoren senken die Betriebskosten und schonen die Umwelt

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Maletz, H.; Stengel, S. [Siemens AG, Erlangen (Germany). Automatisierungs- und Antriebstechnik


    Reduction of the energy cost will make production more economical and, in consequence, gain a competitive advantage. In view of high energy cost, new international legislation and increasing energy-awareness, the new generation of energy-saving engines is gaining increasing acceptance. [German] Hohe Energiekosten schlagen im Rahmen der Betriebskosten voll zu Buche. Gelingt es, sie spuerbar zu senken, wird die Produktion letzten Endes wirtschaftlicher und wettbewerbsfaehiger. Vor dem Hintergrund hoher Energiepreise, der neuen internationalen Gesetzgebung und zunehmenden Energiebewusstseins, gewinnen Energiesparmotoren der neuen Generation zunehmend an Bedeutung. (orig.)

  14. Character Learning Strategies Among Danish and Swedish Beginners of Chinese as a Foreign Language (CFL)

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Zhang, Chun; Chen, Yi-ting

    Inventory for Language Learning (SILL) by Oxford (1990), we adapted Shen’ (2005) questionnaire into two online surveys. The first survey was done in February 2016 aiming to discover some Chinese character learning strategies employed by Danish and Swedish learners. Based on the 1st survey, the second survey......This study was conducted at three universities (i.e., Aarhus University, Copenhagen University, and Stockholm University) at two Nordic countries (i.e., Denmark and Sweden). 39 beginner Danish and Swedish of Chinese (L2) university students participated in the study. Drawing from the strategy...... was developed and thereafter conducted in March 2016. A preliminary analysis revealed that the students used primarily three types of strategies (1) compensation strategies (i.e., application-assisted tools), (2) cognitive strategies (i.e., orthographic knowledge) and (3) memory strategies (i.e., repeated...

  15. Satisfação sexual na demência Sexual satisfaction in dementia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Marcela Moreira Lima Nogueira


    Full Text Available CONTEXTO: A demência pode resultar em comprometimento da intimidade e sexualidade de casais idosos. OBJETIVOS: Avaliar alterações na atividade sexual, bem como os fatores de satisfação e/ou insatisfação sexual de casais nos quais um dos parceiros possua demência. MÉTODO: Busca nas bases de dados ISI, PubMed/Medline e SciELO de artigos sobre sexualidade na demência, entre janeiro de 1990 e março de 2012, utilizando as palavras-chave: "demência", "satisfação sexual", "intimidade" e "sexualidade". RESULTADOS: Foram encontrados 12 artigos. A sobrecarga de cuidados e a alteração de papéis na relação conjugal foram consideradas as principais causas para o declínio da atividade sexual. A disfunção erétil em pacientes e cônjuges, a capacidade decisória para o consentimento da relação sexual por parte do paciente demenciado e os problemas referentes à idade e à saúde (física e emocional do cônjuge e/ou paciente foram os fatores associados à insatisfação sexual. CONCLUSÃO: A intimidade e a atividade sexual dos casais em que um dos parceiros é portador de demência são influenciadas negativamente pela relação de cuidados decorrente da doença e pela sobrecarga dos cônjuges. Por outro lado, a atividade sexual pode ser positivamente substituída por demonstrações de carinho e empatia entre os cônjuges.BACKGROUND: Dementia may result on impairment in intimacy and sexuality of elderly couples. OBJECTIVES: Evaluate changes in sexual activity, as well as the factors which cause sexual satisfaction and/or dissatisfaction in couples in which one of the partners has dementia. METHOD: A search at ISI, PubMed/Medline and SciELO was made for articles about sexuality in dementia, from January 1990 to March 2012, using the keywords: "dementia", "sexual satisfaction", "intimacy" and "sexuality". RESULTS: Twelve articles were selected. The burden of care and the change of roles in couples' relationship were the main reasons for

  16. Insight From the Statistics of Nothing: Estimating Limits of Change Detection Using Inferred No-Change Areas in DEM Difference Maps and Application to Landslide Hazard Studies (United States)

    Haneberg, W. C.


    Remote characterization of new landslides or areas of ongoing movement using differences in high resolution digital elevation models (DEMs) created through time, for example before and after major rains or earthquakes, is an attractive proposition. In the case of large catastrophic landslides, changes may be apparent enough that simple subtraction suffices. In other cases, statistical noise can obscure landslide signatures and place practical limits on detection. In ideal cases on land, GPS surveys of representative areas at the time of DEM creation can quantify the inherent errors. In less-than-ideal terrestrial cases and virtually all submarine cases, it may be impractical or impossible to independently estimate the DEM errors. Examining DEM difference statistics for areas reasonably inferred to have no change, however, can provide insight into the limits of detectability. Data from inferred no-change areas of airborne LiDAR DEM difference maps of the 2014 Oso, Washington landslide and landslide-prone colluvium slopes along the Ohio River valley in northern Kentucky, show that DEM difference maps can have non-zero mean and slope dependent error components consistent with published studies of DEM errors. Statistical thresholds derived from DEM difference error and slope data can help to distinguish between DEM differences that are likely real—and which may indicate landsliding—from those that are likely spurious or irrelevant. This presentation describes and compares two different approaches, one based upon a heuristic assumption about the proportion of the study area likely covered by new landslides and another based upon the amount of change necessary to ensure difference at a specified level of probability.

  17. Improving low-relief coastal LiDAR DEMs with hydro-conditioning of fine-scale and artificial drainages

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Thomas Richard Allen


    Full Text Available Improvements in Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR technology and spatial analysis of high-resolution digital elevation models (DEMs have advanced the accuracy and diversity of applications for coastal hazards and natural resources management. This article presents a concise synthesis of LiDAR analysis for coastal flooding and management applications in low-relief coastal plains and a case study demonstration of a new, efficient drainage mapping algorithm. The impetus for these LiDAR applications follows historic flooding from Hurricane Floyd in 1999, after which the State of North Carolina and the Federal Emergency Management Agency undertook extensive LiDAR data acquisition and technological developments for high-resolution floodplain mapping. An efficient algorithm is outlined for hydro-conditioning bare earth LiDAR DEMs using available US Geological Survey National Hydrography Dataset canal and ditch vectors. The methodology is illustrated in Moyock, North Carolina, for refinement of hydro-conditioning by combines pre-existing bare earth DEMs with spatial analysis of LiDAR point clouds in segmented and buffered ditch and canal networks. The methodology produces improved maps of fine-scale drainage, reduced omission of areal flood inundation, and subwatershed delineations that typify heavily ditched and canalled drainage areas. These preliminary results illustrate the capability of the technique to improve the representation of ditches in DEMs as well as subsequent flow and inundation modeling that could spur further research on low-relief coastal LiDAR applications.

  18. Optimizing landslide susceptibility zonation: Effects of DEM spatial resolution and slope unit delineation on logistic regression models (United States)

    Schlögel, R.; Marchesini, I.; Alvioli, M.; Reichenbach, P.; Rossi, M.; Malet, J.-P.


    We perform landslide susceptibility zonation with slope units using three digital elevation models (DEMs) of varying spatial resolution of the Ubaye Valley (South French Alps). In so doing, we applied a recently developed algorithm automating slope unit delineation, given a number of parameters, in order to optimize simultaneously the partitioning of the terrain and the performance of a logistic regression susceptibility model. The method allowed us to obtain optimal slope units for each available DEM spatial resolution. For each resolution, we studied the susceptibility model performance by analyzing in detail the relevance of the conditioning variables. The analysis is based on landslide morphology data, considering either the whole landslide or only the source area outline as inputs. The procedure allowed us to select the most useful information, in terms of DEM spatial resolution, thematic variables and landslide inventory, in order to obtain the most reliable slope unit-based landslide susceptibility assessment.

  19. Höhepunkte der Thyreologie: Eine historische Vignette

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    Weissel M


    Full Text Available Die vorliegende Übersicht gibt einen historischen Überblick über die Entwicklung des Verständnisses für Erkrankungen der Schilddrüse und die Möglichkeiten, diese zu behandeln. Erkenntnisse vom 3. Jahrtausend vor Christus bis ins 19. Jahrhundert ergeben, dass ein mit der Nahrung aufgenommener Stoff zur Vermeidung eines Kropfes notwendig ist, dass Kröpfe (die in gebirgigen Gegenden gehäuft vorkommen oft mit Kretinismus einhergehen und dass die Schilddrüse ein Organ ist, dessen 2 Lappen durch einen Isthmus verbunden sind. Kurz nach der Entdeckung des Halogens Jod (1811 erkennt man schon seine Bedeutung für die Behandlung und Vermeidung vom Strumawachstum. Sein Vorkommen in der Schilddrüse und im menschlichen Plasma wird eine Dekade später entdeckt. Die Klinik der Hyperthyreose wird bereits genau beschrieben, nur dauert es eine gewisse Zeit, bis man sie einer Überfunktion der Schilddrüse zuordnet. Die Klärung der Ätiologie der autoimmun bedingten Hyperthyreose erfolgte erst ab der Mitte des 20. Jahrhunderts. Therapeutisch war anfangs die Kropfexstirpation die einzige Möglichkeit. Wien und Bern waren die Zentren mit der weltweit besten Expertise. Zur Behandlung des nachfolgenden Myxödems wurden Extrakte von Schaf-Schilddrüsen verwendet. Radiojod wird seit 1946 routinemäßig zur Behandlung der Hyperthyreose und auch des Schilddrüsenkarzinoms eingesetzt. Seit 1948 stehen die Thyreostatika unverändert zur Therapie der Hyperthyreose zur Verfügung. Die verschiedenen Arten der Entzündung der Schilddrüse werden ab Ende des 19. und Beginn des 20. Jahrhunderts beschrieben. Die Pathogenese der chronischen Autoimmunthyroiditis wurde 1956 geklärt, wobei unter anderem auf das außergewöhnliche Schicksal des Erstbeschreibers H. Hashimoto eingegangen wird. Das Schilddrüsenhormon Thyroxin wurde zu Beginn des 20. Jahrhunderts entdeckt. Die Synthese gelang etwa 10 Jahre danach. Die Existenz von 3,5,3’-Triojodthyronin (T3 wurde Mitte der

  20. Faszinierende Physik ein bebilderter Streifzug vom Universum bis in die Welt der Elementarteilchen

    CERN Document Server

    Bahr, Benjamin; Riebe, Kristin


    Von den Rätseln der Quantenwelt bis zum Polarlicht - von Schwarzen Löchern bis zum GPS-System -von Teilchenbeschleunigern, dem Higgs und der Supersymmetrie bis zum Foucaultschen Pendel – dieses Buch bietet einen packenden Streifzug durch die spannendsten und aktuellsten Themen der modernen Physik! Auf jeweils einer Doppelseite wird dem Leser dabei mit vielen Bildern ein kompakter und klar verständlicher Einstieg in jeweils ein Thema und den Stand der Forschung geboten – und so insgesamt etwa 140 verschiedene Themen beleuchtet und jedes treffend erläutert. Dabei liegt die besondere Stärke des Buches in der klaren Sprache und den Erklärungen, die nahezu ganz ohne Formeln auskommen – begleitet von atemberaubenden und weltweit eingeholten Bildern renommierter Forscher und Institute, die uns die Schönheit unserer Welt vor Augen führen.

  1. Die Sprache der Körper

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ulla Bock


    Full Text Available Was ist Geschlecht? Diese Frage beantwortet Gitta Mühlen Achs vor dem theoretischen Hintergrund des ‚doing gender‘, nach dem Geschlecht nicht etwas ist, was wir haben oder sind, sondern etwas, was wir tun. Natürlich gibt es Geschlecht, aber keine natürlichen Geschlechterkategorien, ist die grundlegende Aussage des Buches. Das Anliegen der Autorin ist es zu zeigen, wie wir mit unseren Körpern Geschlecht zum Ausdruck bringen und wie mit einer geschlechtsspezifischen Körpersprache Hierarchien (nicht nur zwischen den Geschlechtern symbolisiert und gefestigt werden. Ihre Aussagen werden durch ein umfangreiches Bildmaterial im zweiten Teil des Buches erhärtet. Am Ende steht die Erkenntnis, daß Schweigen in der Körpersprache praktisch unmöglich ist, daß aber durch eine Sensibilisierung für die Sprache der Körper den traditionellen Verhaltensmustern entgegengewirkt werden kann.

  2. Comparative evaluation of power generation systems with integrated gasification of biomass; Vergleich von Systemen zur Stromerzeugung mit integrierter Biomassevergasung

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Roesch, C [Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe (Germany); Kaltschmitt, M [Stuttgart Univ. (Germany)


    Gasification of biomass followed by power generation from the lean product gas can make a significant contribution to power generation without affecting the climate or environment. It is made even more interesting by the high efficiencies and promising pollution ratings that can be achieved. To make full use of this technology, some technical problems still require solving, and some non-technical obstacles need to be removed. (orig./SR) [Deutsch] Zusammenfassend kann festgehalten werden, dass die Biomassevergasung mit anschliessender Verstromung des Schwachgases einen nennenswerten Beitrag zu einer umwelt- und klimavertraeglicheren Energiebereitstellung in Europa leisten kann. Dies gilt insbesondere vor dem Hintergrund der erreichbaren hohen Stromwirkungsgrade und der vielversprechenden Umweltkenngroessen, durch die diese Technik gekennzeichnet ist. Um die Vorteile der Biomassevergasung realisieren zu koennen, muessen jedoch noch verschiedene technische Probleme geloest und nicht technische Hindernisse aus dem Weg geraeumt werden. (orig./SR)

  3. Effect of particle breakage on cyclic densification of ballast: A DEM approach

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Thakur, P K; Vinod, J S; Indraratna, B


    In this paper, an attempt has been made to investigate the effect of particle breakage on densification behaviour of ballast under cyclic loading using Discrete Element Method (DEM). Numerical simulations using PFC 2D have been carried out on an assembly of angular particles with and without incorporation of particle breakage. Two-dimensional projection of angular ballast particles were simulated using clusters of bonded circular particles. Degradation of the bonds within a cluster was considered to represent particle breakage. Clump logic was used to make the cluster of particles unbreakable. DEM simulation results highlight that the particle breakage has a profound influence on the cyclic densification behaviour of ballast. The deformation behaviour exhibited by the assembly with breakage is in good agreement with the laboratory experiments. In addition, the evolution of particle displacement vectors clearly explains the breakage mechanism and associated deformations during cyclic loading.

  4. High Resolution Airborne InSAR DEM of Bagley Ice Valley, South-central Alaska: Geodetic Validation with Airborne Laser Altimeter Data (United States)

    Muskett, R. R.; Lingle, C. S.; Echelmeyer, K. A.; Valentine, V. B.; Elsberg, D.


    Bagley Ice Valley, in the St. Elias and Chugach Mountains of south-central Alaska, is an integral part of the largest connected glacierized terrain on the North American continent. From the flow divide between Mt. Logan and Mt. St. Elias, Bagley Ice Valley flows west-northwest for some 90 km down a slope of less than 1o, at widths up to 15 km, to a saddle-gap where it turns south-west to become Bering Glacier. During 4-13 September 2000, an airborne survey of Bagley Ice Valley was performed by Intermap Technologies, Inc., using their Star-3i X-band SAR interferometer. The resulting digital elevation model (DEM) covers an area of 3243 km2. The DEM elevations are orthometric heights, in meters above the EGM96 geoid. The horizontal locations of the 10-m postings are with respect to the WGS84 ellipsoid. On 26 August 2000, 9 to 18 days prior to the Intermap Star-3i survey, a small-aircraft laser altimeter profile was acquired along the central flow line for validation. The laser altimeter data consists of elevations above the WGS84 ellipsoid and orthometric heights above GEOID99-Alaska. Assessment of the accuracy of the Intermap Star-3i DEM was made by comparison of both the DEM orthometric heights and elevations above the WGS84 ellipsoid with the laser altimeter data. Comparison of the orthometric heights showed an average difference of 5.4 +/- 1.0 m (DEM surface higher). Comparison of elevations above the WGS84 ellipsoid showed an average difference of -0.77 +/- 0.93 m (DEM surface lower). This indicates that the X-band Star-3i interferometer was penetrating the glacier surface by an expected small amount. The WGS84 comparison is well within the 3 m RMS accuracy quoted for GT-3 DEM products. Snow accumulation may have occurred, however, on Bagley Ice Valley between 26 August and 4-13 September 2000. This will be estimated using a mass balance model and used to correct the altimeter-derived surface heights. The new DEM of Bagley Ice Valley will provide a reference

  5. Ideas. A History: From Fire to Freud. 2. ed.; Ideen. Eine Kulturgeschichte von der Entdeckung des Feuers bis zur Moderne

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Watson, P.


    In this hugely ambitious and exciting book Peter Watson tells the history of ideas from prehistory to the present day, seeking a new way to tell the history of the world. The book begins over a million years ago with a discussion of how the earliest ideas might have originated. Looking at animal behaviour that appears to require some thought tool-making, territoriality, counting, language (or at least sounds), pairbonding Peter Watson moves on to the apeman and the development of simple ideas such as cooking, the earliest language, the emergence of family life. All the obvious areas will be tackled the Ancient Greeks, Christian theology, the ideas of Jesus, astrological thought, the soul, the self, beliefs about the heavens, the ideas of Islam, the Crusades, humanism, the Renaissance, Gutenberg and the book, the scientific revolution, the age of discovery, Shakespeare, the idea of Revolution, the Romantic imagination, Darwin, imperialism, modernism, Freud right up to the present day and the internet. (orig./GL) [German] Beginnt die Ideengeschichte der Menschheit, als die Fruehmenschen erstmals Feuer machen, vor ca. 1,8 Millionen Jahren? Oder schon mit dem ersten Faustkeil vor etwa 2,5 Millionen Jahren? Warum entwickelte sich vor 40 000 Jahren eine komplexe Sprache? Wie kamen das Minus- und das Plus-Zeichen in die Vorstellungswelt, und wie entstand das Bild vom Paradies? Peter Watson laedt ein zu einer Expedition durch die abenteuerliche Welt menschlicher Ideen. Vom ersten Feuer, dem ersten Werkzeug und den ersten Worten ueber die Geburt der Goetter, die ersten Gesetze und die Entwicklung grosser Zentren von Wissen und Weisheit bis hin zu den umwaelzenden Ideen der Moderne: das Groesste und das Kleinste, das Selbst-Bewusstsein des Individuums und die Entdeckung des Unbewussten. Dabei ordnet Watson die riesige Materialfuelle nach drei zentralen Ideen, die fuer ihn die Geschichte der Menschheit praegen: die Seele, mehr als die Idee von einem Gott, Europa, mehr als das

  6. Lassen Veränderungen des Prostata-spezifischen Antigen- (PSA- Spiegels nach Prostatastanzbiopsie Rückschlüsse auf das pathologische Ergebnis zu?

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Volkmer BG


    Full Text Available Einleitung: Die diagnostische Biopsie der Prostata führt bekanntermaßen zum Anstieg des Serum-PSA-Spiegels. Diese prospektive Untersuchung sollte die Frage klären, ob die Änderungen des Serum-PSA-Spiegels nach Stanzbiopsie Rückschlüsse auf das histologische Ergebnis zulassen und so als Entscheidungshilfe bei der Frage der Rebiopsie dienen können. Patienten und Methoden: Insgesamt 79 konsekutive Patienten mit klinischem Verdacht auf das Vorliegen eines Prostatakarzinoms (PCA und einem Gesamt-PSA 50 ng/ml wurden in die Studie eingeschlossen. Ausschlußkriterien waren klinische Hinweise für eine Prostatitis und Prostatabiopsie innerhalb der letzten 3 Monate. Die Serum-PSA-Werte wurden mit einem ultrasensitiven Enzymimmunoassay bestimmt. Die Bestimmung des Gesamt-PSA und des freien PSA im Serum erfolgte unmittelbar vor und 60 Minuten nach der Biopsie. Die Spiegel des Gesamt-PSA und freien PSA, sowie die f/t-PSA-Ratio vor und nach Biopsie wurden in Korrelation zum histologischen Ergebnis gesetzt. Ergebnisse: 86 Biopsieserien wurden bei 79 Patienten durchgeführt. 38 Biopsieserien diagnostizierten ein PCA, 48 eine benigne Prostatahyperplasie (BPH. Die abschließende Histologie nach wiederholter Biopsie war PCA und BPH in je 43 Fällen. Insgesamt fand sich ein Anstieg des durchschnittlichen Gesamt-PSA von 18,39 ng/ml auf 107,8 ng/ml, des durchschnittlichen freien PSA von 3,43 ng/ml auf 33,7 ng/ml und der durchschnittlichen f/t PSA-Ratio von 18,1 % auf 52,0 %. Es fand sich keine Korrelation zwischen dem Anstieg dieser Parameter und der Anzahl der Biopsiezylinder (4–51. Bezüglich des histologischen Befundes ergaben sich statistisch signifikante Unterschiede für das Gesamt-PSA vor und die f/t PSA-Ratio vor und nach Stanzbiopsie. Schlußfolgerung: Die Analyse der PSA-Parameter nach Stanzbiopsie bietet keine zusätzliche Information über die konventionellen PSA-Parameter vor der Biopsie hinaus. Sie korrelieren vor allem nicht mit falsch

  7. Modulare und durchgängige Produktmodelle als Erfolgsfaktor zur Bedienung einer Omni-Channel-Architektur - PLM 4.0 (United States)

    Golovatchev, Julius; Felsmann, Marcus

    Mit der Transformation der Wertschöpfungsstrukturen von Utility 1.0 zu Utility 4.0 erfolgt offensichtlich auch eine Veränderung des Produkts. Vor dem Hintergrund disruptiver Technologien (IoT, Big Data, Cloud, Robotics etc.) und auch gesellschaftlicher Veränderungen entstehen ständig neue Geschäftsmodelle und Produkte, die über die reine Versorgungsdienstleistung (z. B. Strom) hinausgehen. Dabei muss der wertvolle Rohstoff Produktdaten für smarte Produkte durchgängiger und schneller nutzbar gemacht werden. Die modularen und durchgängigen Produktstrukturen leisten einen Beitrag zur Beherrschung von Komplexität und stellen somit einen wesentlichen Hebel für erfolgreiche Produktentwicklung und -management dar. In diesem Beitrag werden Ansätze beschrieben, wie es den vor der Herausforderung Utility 4.0 stehenden Unternehmen gelingen kann, Smart-Energy-Produkte so zu modellieren, dass sie die Interoperabilität der einzelnen Produktionsmodule sicherstellt und ein Ende-zu-Ende-Management ermöglicht.

  8. DEM study of granular flow around blocks attached to inclined walls (United States)

    Samsu, Joel; Zhou, Zongyan; Pinson, David; Chew, Sheng


    Damage due to intense particle-wall contact in industrial applications can cause severe problems in industries such as mineral processing, mining and metallurgy. Studying the flow dynamics and forces on containing walls can provide valuable feedback for equipment design and optimising operations to prolong the equipment lifetime. Therefore, solids flow-wall interaction phenomena, i.e. induced wall stress and particle flow patterns should be well understood. In this work, discrete element method (DEM) is used to study steady state granular flow in a gravity-fed hopper like geometry with blocks attached to an inclined wall. The effects of different geometries, e.g. different wall angles and spacing between blocks are studied by means of a 3D DEM slot model with periodic boundary conditions. The findings of this work include (i) flow analysis in terms of flow patterns and particle velocities, (ii) force distributions within the model geometry, and (iii) wall stress vs. model height diagrams. The model enables easy transfer of the key findings to other industrial applications handling granular materials.

  9. DEM study of granular flow around blocks attached to inclined walls

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    Samsu Joel


    Full Text Available Damage due to intense particle-wall contact in industrial applications can cause severe problems in industries such as mineral processing, mining and metallurgy. Studying the flow dynamics and forces on containing walls can provide valuable feedback for equipment design and optimising operations to prolong the equipment lifetime. Therefore, solids flow-wall interaction phenomena, i.e. induced wall stress and particle flow patterns should be well understood. In this work, discrete element method (DEM is used to study steady state granular flow in a gravity-fed hopper like geometry with blocks attached to an inclined wall. The effects of different geometries, e.g. different wall angles and spacing between blocks are studied by means of a 3D DEM slot model with periodic boundary conditions. The findings of this work include (i flow analysis in terms of flow patterns and particle velocities, (ii force distributions within the model geometry, and (iii wall stress vs. model height diagrams. The model enables easy transfer of the key findings to other industrial applications handling granular materials.

  10. Accuracy assessment of TanDEM-X IDEM using airborne LiDAR on the area of Poland

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    Woroszkiewicz Małgorzata


    Full Text Available The TerraSAR-X add-on for Digital Elevation Measurement (TanDEM-X mission launched in 2010 is another programme – after the Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM in 2000 – that uses space-borne radar interferometry to build a global digital surface model. This article presents the accuracy assessment of the TanDEM-X intermediate Digital Elevation Model (IDEM provided by the German Aerospace Center (DLR under the project “Accuracy assessment of a Digital Elevation Model based on TanDEM-X data” for the southwestern territory of Poland. The study area included: open terrain, urban terrain and forested terrain. Based on a set of 17,498 reference points acquired by airborne laser scanning, the mean errors of average heights and standard deviations were calculated for areas with a terrain slope below 2 degrees, between 2 and 6 degrees and above 6 degrees. The absolute accuracy of the IDEM data for the analysed area, expressed as a root mean square error (Total RMSE, was 0.77 m.

  11. Relationship between oculomotor scanning determined by the DEM test and a contextual reading test in schoolchildren with reading difficulties. (United States)

    Palomo-Alvarez, Catalina; Puell, María C


    The relationship between oculomotor scanning and reading in poor readers of primary school age is not well known. This study was designed to assess this relationship by determining mean Developmental Eye Movement (DEM) test times and reading speeds in a Spanish non-clinical population of children with poor reading skills but without dyslexia. We conducted a cross-sectional study on 81 poor readers (8-11 years of age) in the third to fifth grades recruited from 11 elementary schools in Madrid, Spain. In each subject with best spectacle correction, oculomotor scanning was measured using the DEM test, and reading speed (words per minute) was assessed by a standardized Spanish contextual reading test. Mean horizontal DEM times were higher than normative values for children in the third, fourth and fifth grades, by 20 seconds, 12 seconds, and 3 seconds respectively. Mean reading speeds were 18 words per minute lower than the norm for the third and fourth grades respectively, and 30 words per minute lower than the norm for the fifth grade. Reading speeds were significantly related to horizontal DEM times (r = -0.53, p school children at an early stage.

  12. E-commerce opens up new opportunities for energy trading in the competitive markets; eCommerce: Neue Chancen im Energiewettbewerb

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Titzrath, B. [Anderson Consulting Unternehmensberatung GmbH, Duesseldorf (Germany); Scholtissek, S.


    The article discusses the opportunities opened up for energy supply companies in building or maintaining their competitive edge in the rapidly changing competitive environment. Pitfalls are described, and successful e-commerce strategies employing all available tools are explained, referring to the business-to-business segment as well as customer relationship management. (orig./CB) [German] Die Electronic Economy stellt die Energieversorgungsunternehmen (EVU) nicht nur vor Herausforderungen, sondern eroeffnet auch grosse Chancen. Es ist jedoch Vorsicht geboten. Wer hier nicht seine eigene eCommerce-Strategie entwickelt und implementiert, dem drohen Marktanteilsverluste. (orig./CB)

  13. 3D-Drucker in der Medizin des 21 jahrhunderts




    Vor kurzem war die Idee der 3D-Biotechnologie unsinnig, aber heute ist sie schon Realität. Heutzutage erhöht sich 3D-Druck bedeutend. Vorher war es nie so leicht wie jetzt, viele verschiedenartige Prototypen der Geräte herzustellen. Mit dem 3D-Drucker wurde es möglich maximal persönliche Produkte erstellen.In Oxford Perfomance Materials hat die Operation durchgeführt, wodurch der Patient eine genaue 3D-Kopie des Schädelstückes bekommen hat. Die Operation war erfolgreich. Diese Kopie wurde mit...

  14. Money from the balcony. Plug-in systems provide solar power directly into the socket; Geld vom Balkon. Plug-in-Systeme liefern den Solarstrom direkt in die Steckdose

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Vorsatz, William


    It should be particularly warned against models that deliver electricity from micro solar systems, which are installed on the balcony or outside wall of the apartment, and can be plugged into the outlet of the final circuit in the house, because they involve accident and liability risks. [German] Es wird vor Modellen gewarnt, die Strom von Solar-Kleinstanlagen, die auf dem eigenen Balkon oder der Aussenwand der Mietwohnung installiert sind, liefern und einfach so in die Steckdose des Endstromkreises in der Wohnung gesteckt werden koennen, weil sie Unfall- und Haftungsrisiken berge.

  15. 2012 Oregon Department of Geology and Mineral Industries (DOGAMI) Lidar DEM: Rogue River Oregon (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — The dataset encompasses portions of Coos, Curry, Douglas, Jackson, and Josephine Counties.The bare earth digital elevation model (DEM) represents the earth's surface...

  16. Precise Determination of the Baseline Between the TerraSAR-X and TanDEM-X Satellites (United States)

    Koenig, Rolf; Rothacher, Markus; Michalak, Grzegorz; Moon, Yongjin

    TerraSAR-X, launched on June 15, 2007, and TanDEM-X, to be launched in September 2009, both carry the Tracking, Occultation and Ranging (TOR) category A payload instrument package. The TOR consists of a high-precision dual-frequency GPS receiver, called Integrated GPS Occultation Receiver (IGOR), for precise orbit determination and atmospheric sounding and a Laser retro-reflector (LRR) serving as target for the global Satellite Laser Ranging (SLR) ground station network. The TOR is supplied by the GeoForschungsZentrum Potsdam (GFZ) Germany, and the Center for Space Research (CSR), Austin, Texas. The objective of the German/US collaboration is twofold: provision of atmospheric profiles for use in numerical weather predictions and climate studies from the occultation data and precision SAR data processing based on precise orbits and atmospheric products. For the scientific objectives of the TanDEM- X mission, i.e., bi-static SAR together with TerraSAR-X, the dual-frequency GPS receiver is of vital importance for the millimeter level determination of the baseline or distance between the two spacecrafts. The paper discusses the feasibility of generating millimeter baselines by the example of GRACE, where for validation the distance between the two GRACE satellites is directly available from the micrometer-level intersatellite link measurements. The distance of the GRACE satellites is some 200 km, the distance of the TerraSAR-X/TanDEM-X formation will be some 200 meters. Therefore the proposed approach is then subject to a simulation of the foreseen TerraSAR-X/TanDEM-X formation. The effect of varying space environmental conditions, of possible phase center variations, multi path, and of varying center of mass of the spacecrafts are evaluated and discussed.

  17. La idealización del amor y la mujer en La vorágine The idealization of love and woman in The Vortex

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    Carlos Daniel Ortiz Caraballo


    Full Text Available El trabajo a realizar es un análisis sociocrítico de La vorágine (1924, de José Eustasio Rivera (Neiva, 1888-Nueva York, 1928. Su objetivo es dilucidar una de las tomas de posición presente en esta obra literaria, específicamente, la toma de posición romántica en relación con sus personajes femeninos y los valores socio-económicos de la modernidad y el capitalismo, para establecer su impacto en el campo literario colombiano. El análisis textual se encuentra ordenado a partir de los conceptos de posición romántica (Girard, 1963, cronotopo (Bajtín, 1986: 269 héroe novelesco (Lukács, 1974: 161-162 y sistema de personajes como ejes fundamentales en los que se despliega buena parte de la axiología de la novelaThis essay is a sociocritic analysis of the novel La vorágine (1924, written by José Eustasio Rivera (Neiva, 1888-New York, 1928. Its objective is to elucidate one of the existent axiological position presented in this literary work, specifically, the romantic one (Girard, 1963. The reading of the text is organized in two parts: first, the idealization of love, where it is established the construction of the romantic position taken in terms of love, the socioeconomic values of modernity and capitalism, taking into account the hero of the novel and the idealization of a woman, according to the women characters and their ideological voice.

  18. Investigation of the fluidized bed-chemical vapor deposition (FBCVD) process using CFD-DEM method

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Liu Malin; Liu Rongzheng; Wen Yuanyun; Liu Bing; Shao Youlin


    The CFD-DEM-CVD multiscale coupling simulation concept was proposed based on the mass/momentum/energy transfer involved in the FB-CVD process. The pyrolysis process of the reaction gas in the spouted bed can be simulated by CFD method, then the concentration field and velocity field can be extracted and coupled with the particle movement behavior which can be simulated by DEM. Particle deposition process can be described by the CVD model based on particle position, velocity and neighboring gas concentration. This multiscale coupling method can be implemented in the Fluent@-EDEM@ software with their UDF (User Definition Function) and API (Application Programming Interface). Base on the multiscale coupling concept, the criterion for evaluating FB-CVD process is given. At first, the volume in the coating furnace is divided into two parts (active coating area and non-active coating area) based on simulation results of chemical pyrolysis process. Then the residence time of all particles in the active coating area can be obtained using the CFD-DEM simulation method. The residence time distribution can be used as a criterion for evaluating the gas-solid contact efficiency and operation performance of the coating furnace. At last different coating parameters of the coating furnace are compared based on the proposed criterion. And also, the future research emphasis is discussed. (author)

  19. Wie wichtig ist der Unterricht in Medizinethik und Medizingeschichte im Medizinstudium? Eine empirische Studie zu den Einschätzungen Studierender [How Important is Medical Ethics and History of Medicine Teaching in the Medical Curriculum? An Empirical Approach towards Students' Views

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    Schulz, Stefan


    negative impact. Therefore the teaching of GTE should already begin in the 1 semester. The teaching of GTE must take into account that even right at the start of their studies, students judge medical ethics and the history of medicine differently.[german] Zielsetzung: Es wurde untersucht, wie Studierende zu Beginn und im Verlauf ihres Studiums den Unterricht in Medizinethik und Medizingeschichte einschätzen und welchen Einfluss der durchgeführte bzw. fehlende fachspezifische Unterricht in Geschichte, Theorie und Ethik der Medizin (GTE auf die Wertschätzung der Fächer hat.Methodik: Befragt wurden im WS 2005/6 insgesamt 533 Studierende des 1. und 5. Fachsemesters aus dem Bochumer Modell- (GTE-Unterricht ab dem 1. Fachsemester und Regelstudiengang (GTE-Unterricht im 5./6. Fachsemester. Befragt wurde jeweils vor und nach dem 1. bzw. 5. oder 6. Semester. Wir fragten nach der Einschätzung der Bedeutung der Lehre in Medizinethik und Medizingeschichte für die Studierenden, nach der Bedeutung der Fächer für den Arzt sowie nach ihrer Lehr- und Prüfbarkeit (Likert Skala von -2 (stimme überhaupt nicht zu bis +2 (stimme völlig zu.Ergebnisse: 331 Fragebogenpaare wurden in die Studie einbezogen. Zwischen den Studierenden der beiden Studiengänge fanden sich zu Beginn des 1. Semesters keine signifikanten Unterschiede. Die Einschätzungen der Medizinethik und der Medizingeschichte unterschieden sich zu Beginn des Studiums jedoch signifikant: Die Bedeutung der Medizinethik für die eigene Person und für den Arzt wurde als sehr hoch eingeschätzt, deutlich schlechter ihre Lehr- und Prüfbarkeit. Für die Medizingeschichte waren die Ergebnisse genau entgegengesetzt.Durch den GTE-Unterricht verbesserten sich dann in beiden Studiengängen die Einschätzungen in den vorher weniger gut bewerteten Items. Fehlender Unterricht führte zur Verschlechterung der Einschätzung beider Fächer in den vorher gut bewerteten Items.Schlussfolgerung: Im Einklang mit der Literatur unterst

  20. Island of Sylt. A partial project: social representations of developments in the nature and anthroposphere of Sylt with consideration of the global change. Final report; Fallstudie Sylt. Teilvorhaben: Soziale Repraesentationen von Entwicklungen in Natur- und Anthroposphaere auf Sylt vor dem Hintergrund globalen Wandels. Schlussbericht

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Linneweber, V; Hartmuth, G; Deising, S; Fritsche, I; Linneweber, A


    Untersuchungszeitpunkten in halbstrukturierten, offenen Interviews befragt. Die Interviewprotokolle wurden kategorisiert und quantitativ inhaltsanalytisch ausgewertet. Ziel war die mehrfach kontextualisierte Erhebung der sozialen Repraesentationen moeglicher Klimaaenderungen sowie der Nachweis von Gruppenspezifitaet fuer diese mentalen Modelle. Wesentlich mehr als Klimaaenderungen oder auch die Kuestenschutzthematik erwiesen sich der Fremdenverkehr und die Bautaetigkeit auf der Insel als fuer die Befragten bedeutsame Themen. Klimaaenderungen selbst wurden vor allem von ihren Auswirkungen her thematisiert, die eher im Bereich der Natursphaere gesehen wurden. Auf der Ursachenseite spielte fuer die Probanden der Verkehr eine grosse Rolle. Bei den Massnahmen rangierte die Verhinderung des Klimawandels vor der Anpassung an seine Folgen. Unterschiede in den sozialen Repraesentationen der Akteursgruppen entsprachen im Wesentlichen den inhaltlichen Schwerpunkten bzw. Interessen der Gruppen. Ergaenzend zu der Interviewstudie wurden 54 Touristen mittels eines standardisierten Fragebogens zu verschiedenen Aspekten der Hauptuntersuchung befragt. (orig.)

  1. VT Lidar Hydro-flattened DEM (0.7 meter) - 2014 - Chittenden, Lamoille, Orleans, & Washington Counties (United States)

    Vermont Center for Geographic Information — (Link to Metadata) This metadata applies to the following collection area(s): Eastern VT 2014 0.7m and Digital Elevation Model (DEM) dataset of the following...

  2. Production of 17-O-demethyl-geldanamycin, a cytotoxic ansamycin polyketide, by Streptomyces hygroscopicus DEM20745. (United States)

    Baksh, Aron; Kepplinger, Bernhard; Isah, Hadiza A; Probert, Michael R; Clegg, William; Wills, Corinne; Goodfellow, Michael; Errington, Jeff; Allenby, Nick; Hall, Michael J


    The actinomycete DEM20745, collected from non-rhizosphere soil adjacent to Paraserianthes falactaria trees (Cangkringan, Indonesia), is an efficient producer of the anticancer ansamycin polyketide 17-O-demethyl-geldanamycin (17-O-DMG), a biosynthetic precursor of the Hsp90 inhibitor geldanamycin (GDM). In DEM20745, 17-O-DMG is the major ansamycin product observed reaching a maximum titre of 17 mg/L in the fermentation broth. 17-O-DMG has the potential to be a key starting material for the semi-synthesis of GDM analogues for use in anticancer therapy. Thus, this preferential biosynthesis of 17-O-DMG facilitates easy access to this important molecule and provides further insight in the biosynthesis of the geldanamycins.


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    Arief L Nugraha


    Full Text Available Tidal flood is a significant threat for the economic growth rate in the city of Semarang. The threat mitigation requires planning, thereby reducing the impact of the losses. The availability of global data with free access can provide solutions in disaster management, the data are SRTM DEM and Google Earth. With both of these data can be mapped potential economic losses caused by tidal flooding. With the techniques of remote sensing and GIS to handle the SRTM DEM data and Google Earth, the techniques can be generated maps and models of tidal inundation area maps woke up in the city of Semarang. Analysis of potential economic losses can be calculated by doing an overlay of the two maps generated. The results achieved from this study is SRTM DEM and Google Earth can able to produce thematic maps of situational tidal flood disaster so that it can be used as a parameter value calculation of the potential economic losses. This study also obtain the result that the area of ​​land affected by the tidal flood an area of ​​8339.31 hectares and the number of buildings reaching 78 299 pieces, which the district that has the highest impact on the tidal flood that North Semarang.

  4. Dėl lietuviškų vietovardžių prūsinimo Kryžiuočių ordino raštuose

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    I. Steponavičienė


    Full Text Available ZUR PRUSSIFKATION DER LITAUISCHEN ORTSNAMEN IN DEN CHRONIKEN DES KREUZRITTERORDENSZusammenfassungIn dem bekannten deutschen Sprachdenkmal des XIV. Jh. „Wegeberichte“ (Scriptores rerum Prussicarum, Bd. II, S. 664—708 kann man viele litauische Ortsnamen finden, die von den deutschen Schriftführern des Kreuzritterordens aufgeschrieben worden sind. Aus den Wegeberichten wird klar, daß die Preußen die Ordensbrüder nach Litauen geführt und ihnen als Dolmetscher gedient ha­ben. Die Zahl der preußischen Leitsmänner beträgt etwa 130 Personen. Bei dem genannten Um­stand kann in dem vorliegenden Beitrag von einem bestimmten Einfluß der preußischen Sprache auf die Aufschreibung der litauischen Ortsnamen gesprochen werden.Weiterhin werden einige Fälle der Prussifikation erörtert.1. Das Schreiben des Kons. lit. š in den Wegeberichten mit s (ss, cz, sz, z, scz, die den Kons. s bezeichnen, widerspiegelt, unserer Meinung nach, den Wechsel des Kons. lit. š in pr. s.2. Das Ersetzen des Kons. lit. ž in den Wegeberichten durch z, geschrieben s und z, erfolgte unter dem Einfluß der preußischen Sprache [pr. z in den preußischen Sprachdenkmälern entspricht dem lit. ž (und z].3. In den litauischen Ortsnamen der Wegeberichte kommen noch solche Fälle der Prussifi­kation vor, wo einzelne Morpheme nach ihrem Vokalismus und Konsonantismus an die preußische Fonetik angepaßt werden.

  5. Illustrations to “Gespräche in dem Reiche derer Todten zwischen dem vortreflichen Moscowitischen Czaar Petro Magno und dem grossen Tyrannen Ivan Basilowiz II” (Peter the Great and Ivan the Terrible) by David Fassmann (1725)


    Ekaterina A. Skvortcova


    The journal created by David Fassmann (1683–1744), Gespräche in dem Reiche derer Todten, edited in Leipzig, was a huge success. Each of the 240 issues presents a dialogue between two historical figures from the afterworld. In the 83rd–86th Entrevuë, the interlocutors are Peter the Great and Ivan the Terrible. The texts of the four conversations were thoroughly examined by Eckhard Matthes (1987). The present paper explores how the illustrations to the 83rd–86th Entrevuë visualize the texts, w...


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    H. Nonaka


    Full Text Available When a disaster occurs, we must grasp and evaluate its damage as soon as possible. Then we try to estimate them from some kind of photographs, such as surveillance camera imagery, satellite imagery, photographs taken from a helicopter and so on. Especially in initial stage, estimation of decent damage situation for a short time is more important than investigation of damage situation for a long time. One of the source of damage situation is the image taken by surveillance camera, satellite sensor and helicopter. If we can measure any targets in these imagery, we can estimate a length of a lava flow, a reach of a cinder and a sediment volume in volcanic eruption or landslide. Therefore in order to measure various information for a short time, we developed a simplified measurement system which uses these photographs. This system requires DEM in addition to photographs, but it is possible to use previously acquired DEM. To measure an object, we require only two steps. One is the determination of the position and the posture in which the photograph is shot. We determine these parameters using DEM. The other step is the measurement of an object in photograph. In this paper, we describe this system and show the experimental results to evaluate this system. In this experiment we measured the top of Mt. Usu by using two measurement method of this system. Then we can measure it about one hour and the difference between the measurement results and the airborne LiDAR data are less than 10 meter.

  7. Qualitative Forschung mit lebenslimitierend erkrankten Kindern und Jugendlichen: Hören wir richtig hin?

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    Claudia Oetting-Roß


    Full Text Available Der nachfolgende Beitrag diskutiert die Herausforderungen des Einbezugs von betroffenen Kindern und Jugendlichen in die qualitative Forschung zum Thema lebenslimitierende Erkrankungen insbesondere unter dem Blickwinkel der methodischen Gestaltung dieses Einbezugs. Hierfür wird zunächst die Lebens- und Versorgungssituation lebenslimitierend erkrankter Kinder und Jugendlicher dargestellt. Anschließend werden Ergebnisse aus empirischen Studien erläutert und im Hinblick auf die Herausforderungen einer Beteiligung erkrankter Kinder, Jugendlicher und ihrer Familien diskutiert. Als Ergebnis dieser Analyse erfolgt eine Zusammenfassung zentraler Diskussionsstränge. Zudem werden Strategien für eine sensible Integration von schwerkranken Kindern und Jugendlichen abgeleitet und auf der Basis bestehender Erfahrungen aus qualitativen Studien konkretisiert. Vor dem Hintergrund einer laufenden Studie mit lebenslimitierend erkrankten Kindern liefert der Beitrag Anregungen für die methodische Planung, Durchführung und Evaluation von entsprechenden Forschungsvorhaben. URN:

  8. Wäre es Dir lieber, ich würde zu Recht verurteilt? - Sokrates Bund und die Frage der Kontrolle

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    Katharina Kaiser-Müller


    Full Text Available Die Ablösung von zweifelhafter menschlicher Kontrolle durch eine zuverlässige Software bietet eindrucksvolle Möglichkeiten. Mit der flächendeckenden Einführung von Sokrates Bund zum Schuljahr 2014/2015 wird endlich die Identifzierung von Pisadurchschnittsverderbern möglich. Die AutorInnen diskutieren die Lage ... Die Situation war dramatisch: Ungerecht angeklagt wegen Verführung der Jugend und Gottlosigkeit, sieht Sokrates dem Tod durch den Schierlingsbecher entgegen und antwortet auf die ob des Fehlurteils durchaus verständliche Klage von Xanthippe mit der titelgebenden Frage. Anschließend verweigert er die Flucht und zieht es vor, sich dem formal korrekt gefällten falschen Urteil zu beugen. Eine legendäre Entscheidung, in der Sokrates die Gesetzestreue mit der Begründung, man müsse schlechte Gesetze ändern, dürfe sie aber nicht übertreten, über das eigene Wohl stellt.

  9. Building automation - terms, guidelines, norms. Regulations for a recent technology; Gebaeudeautomation - Begriffe, Richtlinien, Normen. Regelwerke einer jungen Technik

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kranz, H.R. [Siemens AG, Karlsruhe (Germany)


    In chapter 22 of the anthology about building control the field of building automation with respect to terms, guidelines and norms is described. The following aspects are discussed: digital building automation ranging from the technology to the company, functions as basics of building automation, normative basics of technical building systems, overview of relevant norms in the field of heating, ventilation, climate, contract procedure for building works and supplies, standardisation of building cabling, standardisation ``electric system technology for houses and buildings``. (BWI) [Deutsch] Kapitel 22 des Sammelbandes ueber Building Control ist dem Themenbereich der Gebaeudeautomation vor dem Hintergrund der Begriffe, Richtlinien und Normen gewidmet. In diesem Zusammenhang werden folgende Themen angesprochen: Digitale GA - von der Technologie zum Gewerk; Funktionen als Grundlage der Gebaeudeautomation; Nomenklatur digitaler Gebaeudeautomation; Normative Grundlagen Technischer Gebaeudesysteme; Uebersicht ueber relevante Normen im HLK-Bereich; Verbingungsordnung fuer Bauleistungen; Normung der Gebaeudeverkabelung; Normung `Elektrische Systemtechnik fuer Heim und Gebaeude`. (BWI)

  10. Evaluation of fracturing process of soft rocks at great depth by AE measurement and DEM simulation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Aoki, Kenji; Mito, Yoshitada; Kurokawa, Susumu; Matsui, Hiroya; Niunoya, Sumio; Minami, Masayuki


    The authors developed the stress-based evaluation system of EDZ by AE monitoring and Distinct Element Method (DEM) simulation. In order to apply this system to the soft rock site, the authors try to grasp the relationship between AE parameters, stress change and rock fracturing process by performing the high stiffness tri-axial compression tests including AE measurements on the soft rock samples, and its simulations by DEM using bonded particle model. As the result, it is found that change in predominant AE frequency is effective to evaluate fracturing process in sedimentary soft rocks, and the relationship between stress change and fracturing process is also clarified. (author)

  11. External Validation of the ASTER GDEM2, GMTED2010 and CGIAR-CSI- SRTM v4.1 Free Access Digital Elevation Models (DEMs in Tunisia and Algeria

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    Djamel Athmania


    Full Text Available Digital Elevation Models (DEMs including Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer-Global Digital Elevation Model (ASTER GDEM, Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM, and Global Multi-resolution Terrain Elevation Data 2010 (GMTED2010 are freely available for nearly the entire earth’s surface. DEMs that are usually subject to errors need to be evaluated using reference elevation data of higher accuracy. This work was performed to assess the vertical accuracy of the ASTER GDEM version 2, (ASTER GDEM2, the Consultative Group on International Agriculture Research-Consortium for Spatial Information (CGIAR-CSI SRTM version 4.1 (SRTM v4.1 and the systematic subsample GMTED2010, at their original spatial resolution, using Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS validation points. Two test sites, the Anaguid Saharan platform in southern Tunisia and the Tebessa basin in north eastern Algeria, were chosen for accuracy assessment of the above mentioned DEMs, based on geostatistical and statistical measurements. Within the geostatistical approach, empirical variograms of each DEM were compared with those of the GPS validation points. Statistical measures were computed from the elevation differences between the DEM pixel value and the corresponding GPS point. For each DEM, a Root Mean Square Error (RMSE was determined for model validation. In addition, statistical tools such as frequency histograms and Q-Q plots were used to evaluate error distributions in each DEM. The results indicate that the vertical accuracy of SRTM model is much higher than ASTER GDEM2 and GMTED2010 for both sites. In Anaguid test site, the vertical accuracy of SRTM is estimated 3.6 m (in terms of RMSE 5.3 m and 4.5 m for the ASTERGDEM2 and GMTED2010 DEMs, respectively. In Tebessa test site, the overall vertical accuracy shows a RMSE of 9.8 m, 8.3 m and 9.6 m for ASTER GDEM 2, SRTM and GMTED2010 DEM, respectively. This work is the first study to report the

  12. Pharmakobotanische Untersuchungen von Lavendelsorten auf dem Plattensee- Plateau

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    Tóth, Frida


    Full Text Available Auf dem Hof Dörgicsei Levendula Major GmbH wurden 9 Lavendelsorten (6 Sorten von Lavandula angustifolia und 3 Sorten von Lavandula x intermedia untersucht. Neben den morphologischen und Wachstumseigenschaften wurden auch Frisch- und Trockengewichte bewertet. Quantitative und qualitative Untersuchungen von den Blüten- und Ätherischöldrogen wurden auch durchgeführt. Die statistische Analyse zeigte signifikant höhere Erträge bei den Sorten L. angustifolia ’Essence Purple’ und L. x intermedia ’Edelweiss’. Gehalt und Zusammensetzung von ätherischem Öl war eindeutig bei der Sorte L. angustifolia ’Ellagance Purple’ am günstigsten.

  13. Constructing Palaeo-DEMs in landscape evolution: example of the Geren catchment, Turkey (United States)

    van Gorp, Wouter; Schoorl, Jeroen M.; Veldkamp, Tom; Maddy, Darrel; Demir, Tuncer; Aytac, Serdar


    How to reconstruct the past landscape and how does this influence your modelling results? This is an important paradigma in the soilscape and landscape evolution modelling community. Here an example of Turkey will be presented where a 300 ka LEM simulation requested to the thoroughly think about the initial landscape as an important input. What information can be used to know the morphology of a landscape 300 ka ago? The Geren catchment, a tributary of the upstream Gediz river near Kula, Turkey, has been influenced by base level changes during the Late Pleistocene and Holocene. Different lavaflows have blocked the Gediz and Geren river several times over in the timespan of the last 300 ka -200 Ka and in the recent Holocene. The heavily dissected Geren catchment shows a landscape evolution which is more complex than just a reaction on these base level changes. The steps and inputs of the palaeo DEM reconstruction will be presented and the modelling results will be presented. Keywords: Digital Elevation Model, Palaeo DEMs, Numerical modelling

  14. Creating high-resolution bare-earth digital elevation models (DEMs) from stereo imagery in an area of densely vegetated deciduous forest using combinations of procedures designed for lidar point cloud filtering (United States)

    DeWitt, Jessica D.; Warner, Timothy A.; Chirico, Peter G.; Bergstresser, Sarah E.


    For areas of the world that do not have access to lidar, fine-scale digital elevation models (DEMs) can be photogrammetrically created using globally available high-spatial resolution stereo satellite imagery. The resultant DEM is best termed a digital surface model (DSM) because it includes heights of surface features. In densely vegetated conditions, this inclusion can limit its usefulness in applications requiring a bare-earth DEM. This study explores the use of techniques designed for filtering lidar point clouds to mitigate the elevation artifacts caused by above ground features, within the context of a case study of Prince William Forest Park, Virginia, USA. The influences of land cover and leaf-on vs. leaf-off conditions are investigated, and the accuracy of the raw photogrammetric DSM extracted from leaf-on imagery was between that of a lidar bare-earth DEM and the Shuttle Radar Topography Mission DEM. Although the filtered leaf-on photogrammetric DEM retains some artifacts of the vegetation canopy and may not be useful for some applications, filtering procedures significantly improved the accuracy of the modeled terrain. The accuracy of the DSM extracted in leaf-off conditions was comparable in most areas to the lidar bare-earth DEM and filtering procedures resulted in accuracy comparable of that to the lidar DEM.

  15. Inferring sediment connectivity from high-resolution DEMs of Difference (United States)

    Heckmann, Tobias; Vericat, Damià


    Topographic changes due to the erosion and deposition of bedrock, sediments and soil can be measured by differencing Digital Elevation Models (DEM) acquired at different points in time. So-called morphological sediment budgets can be computed from such DEMs of Difference (DoD) on an areal rather than a point basis. The advent of high-resolution and highly accurate surveying techniques (e.g. LiDAR, SfM), together with recent advances of survey platforms (e.g. UaVs) provides opportunities to improve the spatial and temporal scale (in terms of extent and resolution), the availability and quality of such measurements. Many studies have used DoD to investigate and interpret the spatial pattern of positive and negative vertical differences in terms of erosion and deposition, or of horizontal movement. Vertical differences can be converted to volumes, and negative (erosion) and positive (deposition) volumetric changes aggregated for spatial units (e.g., landforms, hillslopes, river channels) have been used to compute net balances. We argue that flow routing algorithms common in digital terrain analysis provide a means to enrich DoD-based investigations with some information about (potential) sediment pathways - something that has been widely neglected in previous studies. Where the DoD indicates a positive surface change, flow routing delineates the upslope area where the deposited sediment has potentially been derived from. In the downslope direction, flow routing indicates probable downslope pathways of material eroded/detached/entrained where the DoD shows negative surface change. This material has either been deposited along these pathways or been flushed out of the area of investigation. This is a question of sediment connectivity, a property of a system (i.e. a hillslope, a sub-/catchment) that describes its potential to move sediment through itself. The sediment pathways derived from the DEM are related to structural connectivity, while the spatial pattern of (net

  16. Pre-2014 mudslides at Oso revealed by InSAR and multi-source DEM analysis (United States)

    Kim, J. W.; Lu, Z.; QU, F.


    The landslide is a process that results in the downward and outward movement of slope-reshaping materials including rocks and soils and annually causes the loss of approximately $3.5 billion and tens of casualties in the United States. The 2014 Oso mudslide was an extreme event costing nearly 40 deaths and damaging civilian properties. Landslides are often unpredictable, but in many cases, catastrophic events are repetitive. Historic record in the Oso mudslide site indicates that there have been serial events in decades, though the extent of sliding events varied from time to time. In our study, the combination of multi-source DEMs, InSAR, and time-series InSAR analysis has enabled to characterize the Oso mudslide. InSAR results from ALOS PALSAR show that there was no significant deformation between mid-2006 and 2011. The combination of time-series InSAR analysis and old-dated DEM indicated revealed topographic changes associated the 2006 sliding event, which is confirmed by the difference of multiple LiDAR DEMs. Precipitation and discharge measurements before the 2006 and 2014 landslide events did not exhibit extremely anomalous records, suggesting the precipitation is not the controlling factor in determining the sliding events at Oso. The lack of surface deformation during 2006-2011 and weak correlation between the precipitation and the sliding event, suggest other factors (such as porosity) might play a critical role on the run-away events at this Oso and other similar landslides.

  17. Ingeborg Drewitz im literarischen und politischen Feld Ingeborg Drewitz in the Field of Literature and Politics

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    Regina Schleicher


    Full Text Available Der aus einer Berliner Tagung im November 2003 hervorgegangene Band „Von der Unzerstörbarkeit des Menschen“ versammelt zahlreiche interessante Beiträge zu Leben und Werk der Autorin Ingeborg Drewitz. Der erste Teil des Bandes ist unter dem Titel „Vita activa“ vor allem dem vielfältigen politischen Engagement der Autorin gewidmet, während „Themen und Schreibweisen“ ihres literarischen Werks in einem sehr umfangreichen zweiten Teil behandelt werden. Insgesamt zeichnen die Texte in dem Band ein sehr differenziertes Bild von Ingeborg Drewitz als engagierter Schriftstellerin und von ihrem Werk.The volume “On Human Indestructibility” (“Von der Unzerstörbarkeit des Menschen“, which is based on a conference held in Berlin in November 2003, contains numerous interesting contributions on the life and work of the author Ingeborg Drewitz. The first part of the volume, which is entitled “Vita activa,” is dedicated to the author’s numerous political engagements, while the expansive second section, “Themes and Syntax,” approaches her literary work. In total, the texts in the volume draw a differentiated image of the politically engaged author Ingeborg Drewitz and of her work.

  18. A Review of Discrete Element Method (DEM) Particle Shapes and Size Distributions for Lunar Soil (United States)

    Lane, John E.; Metzger, Philip T.; Wilkinson, R. Allen


    As part of ongoing efforts to develop models of lunar soil mechanics, this report reviews two topics that are important to discrete element method (DEM) modeling the behavior of soils (such as lunar soils): (1) methods of modeling particle shapes and (2) analytical representations of particle size distribution. The choice of particle shape complexity is driven primarily by opposing tradeoffs with total number of particles, computer memory, and total simulation computer processing time. The choice is also dependent on available DEM software capabilities. For example, PFC2D/PFC3D and EDEM support clustering of spheres; MIMES incorporates superquadric particle shapes; and BLOKS3D provides polyhedra shapes. Most commercial and custom DEM software supports some type of complex particle shape beyond the standard sphere. Convex polyhedra, clusters of spheres and single parametric particle shapes such as the ellipsoid, polyellipsoid, and superquadric, are all motivated by the desire to introduce asymmetry into the particle shape, as well as edges and corners, in order to better simulate actual granular particle shapes and behavior. An empirical particle size distribution (PSD) formula is shown to fit desert sand data from Bagnold. Particle size data of JSC-1a obtained from a fine particle analyzer at the NASA Kennedy Space Center is also fitted to a similar empirical PSD function.


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    F. J. Aguilar


    Full Text Available Digital Elevation Models (DEMs are considered as one of the most relevant geospatial data to carry out land-cover and land-use classification. This work deals with the application of a mathematical framework based on a Gaussian Markov Random Field (GMRF to interpolate grid DEMs from scattered elevation data. The performance of the GMRF interpolation model was tested on a set of LiDAR data (0.87 points/m2 provided by the Spanish Government (PNOA Programme over a complex working area mainly covered by greenhouses in Almería, Spain. The original LiDAR data was decimated by randomly removing different fractions of the original points (from 10% to up to 99% of points removed. In every case, the remaining points (scattered observed points were used to obtain a 1 m grid spacing GMRF-interpolated Digital Surface Model (DSM whose accuracy was assessed by means of the set of previously extracted checkpoints. The GMRF accuracy results were compared with those provided by the widely known Triangulation with Linear Interpolation (TLI. Finally, the GMRF method was applied to a real-world case consisting of filling the LiDAR-derived DSM gaps after manually filtering out non-ground points to obtain a Digital Terrain Model (DTM. Regarding accuracy, both GMRF and TLI produced visually pleasing and similar results in terms of vertical accuracy. As an added bonus, the GMRF mathematical framework makes possible to both retrieve the estimated uncertainty for every interpolated elevation point (the DEM uncertainty and include break lines or terrain discontinuities between adjacent cells to produce higher quality DTMs.

  20. Nagelbefall kann bei Patienten mit Psoriasis auf eine Enthesiopathie hinweisen. (United States)

    Castellanos-González, Maria; Joven, Beatriz Esther; Sánchez, Julio; Andrés-Esteban, Eva María; Vanaclocha-Sebastián, Francisco; Romero, Pablo Ortiz; Díaz, Raquel Rivera


    Obwohl subklinische Enthesiopathie ein gut etabliertes diagnostisches Merkmal der Psoriasisarthritis (PsA) ist, wird sie häufig übersehen, da viele Patienten asymptomatisch sind. Gäbe es klinische Hinweise auf das Vorliegen einer Enthesiopathie, würde dies den Klinikern die Möglichkeit eröffnen, eine PsA frühzeitig zu diagnostizieren. Es wurde eine monozentrische prospektive Studie mit insgesamt 90 Psoriasis-Patienten durchgeführt, um mittels Ultraschall das Vorliegen von Enthesenanomalien zu untersuchen und eine Korrelation mit dem Befall der Nägel festzustellen. Enthesenanomalien wurden bei 23 Patienten (25,5 %) gefunden, von denen 19 (82,6 %) Nagelbefall aufwiesen. Bei 4 Patienten waren die Nägel nicht betroffen. Enthesiopathie lag bei 31,1 % (19/61) der Patienten mit Onychopathie vor, von den Patienten ohne Nagelbefall litten nur 13,8 % (4/29) an Enthesiopathie (p = 0,07). Zwischen dem Target-NAPSI-Score und dem Vorliegen einer Enthesiopathie bestand eine signifikante Korrelation. Eine signifikante Korrelation bestand darüber hinaus auch zwischen dem Vorliegen einer Enthesiopathie und der Anzahl der betroffenen Nägel (p = 0,035). Klinische Belege für eine Onychopathie können der Schlüssel für die frühe Diagnose einer Enthesiopathie bei Psoriasis-Patienten sein. © 2016 Deutsche Dermatologische Gesellschaft (DDG). Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  1. Detailed data set of a large administration building as a validation model for DIN V18599-software; Umfangreicher Validierungsdatensatz eines grossen Verwaltungsgebaeudes fuer Software zur DIN V 18599

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hoettges, Kirsten; Woessner, Simon; de Boer, Jan; Erhorn, Hans [Fraunhofer-Institut fuer Bauphysik (IBP), Abt. Energiesysteme, Kassel (Germany); Fraunhofer-Institut fuer Bauphysik (IBP), Stuttgart (Germany)


    The calculation method of DIN V 18599 represents a very complex model for the estimation of the energy efficiency of buildings. The method is used for certificates too, thus, the number of users is quite high. This fact and the complexity of the method causes high demands on the related software products. Most of the end user software tools work with the calculation engine ibp18599kernel developed by Fraunhofer-Institut for Building Physics. There is a continuous quality control for both, the kernel and the user interfaces, i.e. the end user software. This paper gives an overview of the process of quality control as well as a documentation of a validation model used within this process, i.e. a complex administration building as a sample. (Abstract Copyright [2009], Wiley Periodicals, Inc.) [German] Mit dem Berechnungsverfahren der DIN V 18599 liegt ein umfassendes Berechnungsmodell fuer die energetische Bewertung von Gebaeuden vor. Der grosse Umfang der Verfahren stellt auch an die softwaretechnischen Umsetzungen fuer die Planungspraxis hohe Anforderungen. Das Fraunhofer-Institut fuer Bauphysik hat hierzu den Rechenkern ibp18599kernel entwickelt, der zwischenzeit-lich von zahlreichen Softwarehaeusern fuer Endanwendungsprogramme zur energetischen Bewertung und Erstellung von Energieausweisen eingesetzt wird. Dieser ''Rechenmotor'' unterliegt einer steten Qualitaetskontrolle zur Sicherstellung der Berechnungsgenauigkeit. Der vorliegende Aufsatz stellt den Prozess der Qualitaetssicherung anhand eines neuen Validierungsbeispiels in Form eines komplexen Verwaltungsgebaeudes vor. Die Fallstudie kann auch zur Validierung anderer Berechnungssysteme, die nicht auf dem Rechenkern basieren, genutzt werden. (Abstract Copyright [2009], Wiley Periodicals, Inc.)

  2. Zu einer inhaltsorientierten Theorie des Lernens und Lehrens der biologischen Evolution (United States)

    Wallin, Anita

    Der Zweck dieser Studie (zwecks Überblick siehe dazu Abb. 9.1) war zu untersuchen, wie die Schüler der Sekundarstufe II ein Verständnis von der Theorie der biologischen Evolution entwickeln. Vom Ausgangspunkt "Vorurteile der Schüler“ ausgehend wurden Unterrichtssequenzen entwickelt und drei verschiedene Lernexperimente in einem zyklischen Prozess durchgeführt. Das Wissen der Schüler wurde vor, während und nach den Unterrichtssequenzen mit Hilfe von schriftlichen Tests, Interviews und Diskussionsrunden in kleinen Gruppen abgefragt. Etwa 80 % der Schüler hatten vor dem Unterricht alternative Vorstellungen von Evolution, und in dem Nachfolgetest erreichten circa 75 % ein wissenschaftliches Niveau. Die Argumentation der Schüler in den verschiedenen Tests wurde sorgfältig unter Rücksichtnahme auf Vorurteile, der konzeptionellen Struktur der Theorie der Evolution und den Zielen des Unterrichts analysiert. Daraus konnten Einsichten in solche Anforderungen an Lehren und Lernen gewonnen werden, die Herausforderungen an Schüler und Lehrer darstellen, wenn sie anfangen, evolutionäre Biologie zu lernen oder zu lehren. Ein wichtiges Ergebnis war, dass das Verständnis existierender Variation in einer Population der Schlüssel zum Verständnis von natürlicher Selektion ist. Die Ergebnisse sind in einer inhaltsorientierten Theorie zusammengefasst, welche aus drei verschiedenen Aspekten besteht: 1) den inhaltsspezifischen Aspekten, die einzigartig für jedes wissenschaftliche Feld sind; 2) den Aspekten, die die Natur der Wissenschaft betreffen; und 3) den allgemeinen Aspekten. Diese Theorie kann in neuen Experimenten getestet und weiter entwickelt werden.

  3. Keine Angst vor der Muttersprache – vor den (anderen Fremdsprachen aber auch nicht! Überlegungen zum Verhältnis von Einsprachigkeit und Zweisprachigkeit im Fremdsprachenunterricht

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    Frank G. Königs


    Full Text Available Die heute vorliegenden Forschungsergebnisse erlauben einen differenzierteren Blick auf die Rolle der Muttersprache bei der Aneignung einer fremden Sprache. Im vorliegenden Beitrag wird versucht, dieses differenzierte Bild nachzuzeichnen und die Rolle der Muttersprache aus unterschiedlichen Perspektiven auszuleuchten: Welche Erkenntnisse zur Sprachverarbeitung und zum Spracherwerb und welche vermittlungsmethodische Einsichten erlauben uns, die Rolle der Muttersprache zu bestimmen? Welche Bedeutung haben dabei der Bezug zur außerunterrichtlichen Realität der Lernenden und die dem scheinbar gegenüber-stehende natürliche Künstlichkeit des Fremdsprachenunterrichts? Was bedeutet dies alles für den Umgang mit Sprachen im fremdsprachlichen Klassenzimmer und im bilingualen Sachfachunterricht?  Recent research allows a more nuanced view of the role of the mother tongue in acquiring a foreign language. In this paper, an attempt is made to trace this differentiated image and illuminate the role of the mother tongue from different perspectives: What helps us to determine the role of the mother tongue given findings on language processing, language acquisition and (foreign language teaching methods? How do these results relate to the extracurricular realities of learners and the seemingly opposing natural artificiality of language teaching? What are the implications of this when dealing with languages in the foreign language classroom and CLIL?

  4. Bank gully extraction from DEMs utilizing the geomorphologic features of a loess hilly area in China (United States)

    Yang, Xin; Na, Jiaming; Tang, Guoan; Wang, Tingting; Zhu, Axing


    As one of most active gully types in the Chinese Loess Plateau, bank gullies generally indicate soil loss and land degradation. This study addressed the lack of detailed, large scale monitoring of bank gullies and proposed a semi-automatic method for extracting bank gullies, given typical topographic features based on 5 m resolution DEMs. First, channel networks, including bank gullies, are extracted through an iterative channel burn-in algorithm. Second, gully heads are correctly positioned based on the spatial relationship between gully heads and their corresponding gully shoulder lines. Third, bank gullies are distinguished from other gullies using the newly proposed topographic measurement of "relative gully depth (RGD)." The experimental results from the loess hilly area of the Linjiajian watershed in the Chinese Loess Plateau show that the producer accuracy reaches 87.5%. The accuracy is affected by the DEM resolution and RGD parameters, as well as the accuracy of the gully shoulder line. The application in the Madigou watershed with a high DEM resolution validated the duplicability of this method in other areas. The overall performance shows that bank gullies can be extracted with acceptable accuracy over a large area, which provides essential information for research on soil erosion, geomorphology, and environmental ecology.

  5. Island of Sylt. A partial project: social representations of developments in the nature and anthroposphere of Sylt with consideration of the global change. Final report; Fallstudie Sylt. Teilvorhaben: Soziale Repraesentationen von Entwicklungen in Natur- und Anthroposphaere auf Sylt vor dem Hintergrund globalen Wandels. Schlussbericht

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Linneweber, V.; Hartmuth, G.; Deising, S.; Fritsche, I.; Linneweber, A.


    ' zu zwei Untersuchungszeitpunkten in halbstrukturierten, offenen Interviews befragt. Die Interviewprotokolle wurden kategorisiert und quantitativ inhaltsanalytisch ausgewertet. Ziel war die mehrfach kontextualisierte Erhebung der sozialen Repraesentationen moeglicher Klimaaenderungen sowie der Nachweis von Gruppenspezifitaet fuer diese mentalen Modelle. Wesentlich mehr als Klimaaenderungen oder auch die Kuestenschutzthematik erwiesen sich der Fremdenverkehr und die Bautaetigkeit auf der Insel als fuer die Befragten bedeutsame Themen. Klimaaenderungen selbst wurden vor allem von ihren Auswirkungen her thematisiert, die eher im Bereich der Natursphaere gesehen wurden. Auf der Ursachenseite spielte fuer die Probanden der Verkehr eine grosse Rolle. Bei den Massnahmen rangierte die Verhinderung des Klimawandels vor der Anpassung an seine Folgen. Unterschiede in den sozialen Repraesentationen der Akteursgruppen entsprachen im Wesentlichen den inhaltlichen Schwerpunkten bzw. Interessen der Gruppen. Ergaenzend zu der Interviewstudie wurden 54 Touristen mittels eines standardisierten Fragebogens zu verschiedenen Aspekten der Hauptuntersuchung befragt. (orig.)

  6. To the question on accuracy of forest heights’ measurements by the TanDEM-X radar interferometry data

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    T. N. Chimitdorzhiev


    Full Text Available The paper presents the validation results of the InSAR method for determining the forest canopy height, based on TanDEM-X and ALOS PALSAR data. The research conducted on the territory of the Baikal-Kudara forest area of the Republic of Buryatia (52°10'N, 106°48'E. Forest vegetation is represented mainly by conifers – pine, and spruce, with a small admixture of deciduous trees – aspen, birch, etc. The forest vegetation height was determined by subtracting the digital elevation model (DEM of the digital terrain model (DTM. DEM is built according to the L-band (wavelength of 23.5 cm ALOS PALSAR satellite with horizontal co-polarization mode. In the investigation it was assumed that a radar signal of ALOS PALSAR passes all forest thickness and reflected from the underlying surface, made it possible to recover terrain under forest canopy. DTM has been built using the TanDEM-X data (wavelength 3 cm. In this case, it was assumed that the radar echoes scattered from a some virtual phase centers of scattering surface, which characterizes the upper limit of the continuous forest canopy. To check the accuracy of satellite definitions of forest height in study area were made high-precision geodetic measurement of trees heights using electronic total station and the coordinates of geographic control points using differential GPS receivers. The discrepancy between the satellite and ground-based measurements at 11 test sites did not exceed 2 m, which is mainly due to the difference in measurement techniques: height of individual trees by ground methods and continuous forest canopy height using radar interferometry.

  7. La revista Demófilo y la antropología cultural en Andalucía

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    Rodríguez Becerra, Salvador


    Full Text Available Published since 1987 by the Machado Foundation, of Seville, Demófilo represents the resumption of scientific folklore studies in the late 19th century championed by Antonio Machado y Álvarez and published in the journal El Folk-lore Andaluz. The basic objectives of Demófilo are «to rescue, analyze and divulge Andalousia's traditional culture.» The journal is oriented toward high schools, colleges and universities in Andalousia as well as any institution interested in the traditional culture of the area, such as museums and organizations supporting Andalousia's cultural heritage. The authors also include in this article a summary of the journal's monographic issues published to date.

    Publicación de la Fundación Machado, de Sevilla, y nacida en 1987, Demófilo enlaza con su predecesora en el siglo XIX, El Folk-lore Andaluz, del movimiento sevillano de estudio científico del folklore que animara sobre todo Antonio Machado y Álvarez. Demófilo tiene como objetivos básicos «rescatar, analizar y difundir la cultura tradicional andaluza» y va dirigida especialmente a centros de enseñanza media y universidades de Andalucía, así como a instituciones interesadas en la cultura tradicional de la región, como museos y asociaciones de defensa del patrimonio cultural. Los autores incluyen también en este artículo un resumen de los números monográficos de la revista publicados hasta la fecha.

  8. Impact of mesh and DEM resolutions in SEM simulation of 3D seismic response

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Khan, Saad; van der Meijde, M.; van der Werff, H.M.A.; Shafique, Muhammad


    This study shows that the resolution of a digital elevation model (DEM) and model mesh strongly influences 3D simulations of seismic response. Topographic heterogeneity scatters seismic waves and causes variation in seismic response (am-plification and deamplification of seismic amplitudes) at the

  9. 5 Meter Alaska Digital Elevation Models (DEMs) - USGS National Map 3DEP Downloadable Data Collection (United States)

    U.S. Geological Survey, Department of the Interior — This dataset is comprised of 5-meter ifsar-derived Digital Elevation Models (DEMs) over Alaska only. It is distributed as one-degree blocks with overedge. Horizontal...

  10. Aerial photography flight quality assessment with GPS/INS and DEM data (United States)

    Zhao, Haitao; Zhang, Bing; Shang, Jiali; Liu, Jiangui; Li, Dong; Chen, Yanyan; Zuo, Zhengli; Chen, Zhengchao


    The flight altitude, ground coverage, photo overlap, and other acquisition specifications of an aerial photography flight mission directly affect the quality and accuracy of the subsequent mapping tasks. To ensure smooth post-flight data processing and fulfill the pre-defined mapping accuracy, flight quality assessments should be carried out in time. This paper presents a novel and rigorous approach for flight quality evaluation of frame cameras with GPS/INS data and DEM, using geometric calculation rather than image analysis as in the conventional methods. This new approach is based mainly on the collinearity equations, in which the accuracy of a set of flight quality indicators is derived through a rigorous error propagation model and validated with scenario data. Theoretical analysis and practical flight test of an aerial photography mission using an UltraCamXp camera showed that the calculated photo overlap is accurate enough for flight quality assessment of 5 cm ground sample distance image, using the SRTMGL3 DEM and the POSAV510 GPS/INS data. An even better overlap accuracy could be achieved for coarser-resolution aerial photography. With this new approach, the flight quality evaluation can be conducted on site right after landing, providing accurate and timely information for decision making.

  11. DEM modeling of failure mechanisms induced by excavations on the Moon (United States)

    jiang, mingjing; shen, zhifu; Utili, Stefano


    2D Discrete Element Method (DEM) analyses were performed for excavations supported by retaining walls in lunar environment. The lunar terrain is made of a layer of sand (regolith) which differs from terrestrial sands for two main features: the presence of adhesive attractive forces due to van der Waals interactions and grains being very irregular in shape leading to high interlocking. A simplified contact model based on linear elasticity and perfect plasticity was employed. The contact model includes a moment - relative rotation law to account for high interlocking among grains and a normal adhesion law to account for the van der Waals interactions. Analyses of the excavations were run under both lunar and terrestrial environments. Under lunar environment, gravity is approximately one sixth than the value on Earth and adhesion forces between grains of lunar regolith due to van der Waals interactions are not negligible. From the DEM simulations it emerged that van der Waals interactions may significantly increase the bending moment and deflection of the retaining wall, and the ground displacements. Hence this study indicates that an unsafe estimate of the wall response to an excavation on the Moon would be obtained from physical experiments performed in a terrestrial environment, i.e., considering the effect of gravity but neglecting the van der Waals interactions.


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    Ya-Fei Yang


    Full Text Available A major learning difficulty of Japanese foreign language (JFL learners is the complex composition of two syllabaries, hiragana and katakana, and kanji characters adopted from logographic Chinese ones. As the number of Japanese language learners increases, computer-assisted Japanese language education gradually gains more attention. This study aimed to adopt a Japanese word segmentation system to help JFL learners overcome literacy problems. This study adopted MeCab, a Japanese morphological analyzer and part-of-speech (POS tagger, to segment Japanese texts into separate morphemes by adding spaces and to attach POS tags to each morpheme for beginners. The participants were asked to participate in three experimental activities involvingwatching two Japanese videos with general or segmented Japanese captions and complete the Nielsen’s Attributes of Usability (NAU survey and the After Scenario Questionnaire (ASQ to evaluate the usability of the learning activities. The results of the system evaluation showed that the videos with the segmented captions could increase the participants’ learning motivation and willingness to adopt the word segmentation system to learn Japanese.

  13. “Alexander von Humboldt” als Name für Forschungsschiffe vor dem Hintergrund seiner meereskundlichen Arbeiten

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    Gerhard Kortum


    Full Text Available Article in German, Abstract in English. A. v. Humboldt as a Name of Research VesselsA number of special purpose vessels in the world carried or carry the name of Alexander von Humboldt, who had substantial interests in oceanography. However, most of his marine texts are scattered over his major works, and he never finished his manuscript on ocean circulation. But there is a general agreement that A. v. Humboldt was one of the pioneers of marine sciences. He made his own observations on the sailing vessels he used on his expedition to the Neotropics, mainly concerning sea surface temperatures. In 2002 there was a discussion in Germany about the name of a new research vessel which is going to be commissioned in the summer of 2004. It was suggested by the science community to take the name of „Alexander von Humboldt“ again, as the new vessel is replacing a medium-sized ship with this name operated now by the Baltic Sea Research Institute in Rostock-Warnemünde. This vessel has been in service from 1970 to 1990 for the Academy of Sciences of the former German Democratic Republic. The first German research vessel „Alexander von Humboldt“ was a fishing trawler (1939. Furthermore, Peru and Mexico operate research vessels bearing Humboldt’s name. The best known „Alexander von Humboldt“ is an ocean going sailing ship of the International Sail Training Association, based in Bremen. She is engaged in educational programmes and went the South America in 1999 following Humboldt’s route. Thus, Humboldt’s marine legacy is preserved. The proposal to use the undisputed name of this great all-round scientist for the new German vessel under construction now was not successful. A high-ranking jury decided to prefer “Maria Sibylla Merian” (1647-1717, which was suggested by a young student in a nation-wide competition to find a name. As Humboldt 100 years later, she went to South America to study plants and other fields of natural history.

  14. SveDem, the Swedish Dementia Registry - a tool for improving the quality of diagnostics, treatment and care of dementia patients in clinical practice.

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    Dorota Religa

    Full Text Available The Swedish Dementia Registry (SveDem was developed with the aim to improve the quality of diagnostic work-up, treatment and care of patients with dementia disorders in Sweden.SveDem is an internet based quality registry where several indicators can be followed over time. It includes information about the diagnostic work-up, medical treatment and community support ( The patients are diagnosed and followed-up yearly in specialist units, primary care centres or in nursing homes.The database was initiated in May 2007 and covers almost all of Sweden. There were 28 722 patients registered with a mean age of 79.3 years during 2007-2012. Each participating unit obtains continuous online statistics from its own registrations and they can be compared with regional and national data. A report from SveDem is published yearly to inform medical and care professionals as well as political and administrative decision-makers about the current quality of diagnostics, treatment and care of patients with dementia disorders in Sweden.SveDem provides knowledge about current dementia care in Sweden and serves as a framework for ensuring the quality of diagnostics, treatment and care across the country. It also reflects changes in quality dementia care over time. Data from SveDem can be used to further develop the national guidelines for dementia and to generate new research hypotheses.

  15. Pädagogik der sexuellen Differenz

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    Heike Kahlert


    Full Text Available Der von der Freiburger Philosophin und Theologin Andrea Günter herausgegebene Sammelband ist aus einer deutsch-italienischen Tagung zu Kernfragen der Pädagogik hervorgegangen, die im Sommer 2003 an der Evangelischen Akademie Arnoldshain durchgeführt wurde und deren gemeinsames Orientierungsfeld die Einflüsse der politischen Bildungsarbeit der Veroneser Philosophinnengemeinschaft Diotima bilden. Die insgesamt elf Aufsätze von Pädagoginnen, Theologinnen und Politikwissenschaftlerinnen, darunter ein aus dem Italienischen übersetzter Grundlagentext von Anna Maria Piussi, leisten einen wichtigen Beitrag zur „kulturellen Übersetzung“ des italienischen Differenzansatzes in die deutschsprachige politische und vor allem pädagogische Praxis.

  16. Mit Expertenwissen zu Aussagen über künftige Entwicklungen — der Horizon Report Higher Education

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    Rudolf Mumenthaler


    Full Text Available Der Horizon Report Higher Education dient auch für Hochschulbibliotheken als wichtige Referenz zur Bewertung aktueller Trends und künftiger Entwicklungen. Der Autor stellt die dem Report zugrunde liegende Methode vor, beleuchtet diese kritisch und reflektiert die Aussagekraft der Prognosen. Die Stärken des Horizon Report liegen in der breiten Abstützung, der Offenheit des Verfahrens und der Publikation sowie der Ausarbeitung der von Expertinnen und Experten ausgewählten Themen. Gewisse Schwächen sieht der Autor in der Abhängigkeit von anderen Trendstudien sowie beim Auswahlverfahren der Trendthemen.

  17. Die Virtuelle Universität. Idee, Konzepte, Erfahrungen

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    Horst Dichanz


    Full Text Available Der Autor stellt in seinem Beitrag das Projekt der Virtuellen Universität (VU vor. Diese Virtuelle Universität zeichnet sich durch ein System aus, in dem alle Funktionen einer Universität vollständig virtuell integriert sind. Im Anschluss an Erfahrungen aus der Praxis der VU werden bildungspolitische Perspektiven der FernUniversität diskutiert. Auch neue Medien im erziehungswissenschaftlichen Studium an einer Präsenzuniversität sind noch nicht selbstverständlich. Dabei gibt es eine Reihe von Vorteilen und Möglichkeiten des Online-Lehrens und -Lernens. (DIPF/Orig..

  18. Lernen, sich auf Menschen einzulassen

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Mohr, Sebastian; Lindner, Rolf


    and into ethnography’s implicit normative frameworks on the other. 34 years after the publication of this essay, in this interview Rolf Lindner talks about how the essay came about, how it connected to and intervened in dominant academic discourses at the time, and what the essay’s legacy is in regard to methodical......In his 1981 essay Die Angst des Forschers vor dem Feld, Rolf Lindner argues that the ethnographer’s first meeting with the field might cause anxieties that, when reflected upon as part of ethnographic knowledge production, might hold important insights into the field itself on the one hand...

  19. Threshold-Konzepte, das ANCIL-Curriculum und die Metaliteracy – Überlegungen zu Konsequenzen für die Förderung von Informationskompetenz in deutschen Hochschulen

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    Wilfried Sühl-Strohmenger


    Full Text Available Das Verständnis von Informationskompetenz, wie es sich im deutschsprachigen Raum seit etwa 15 Jahren entwickelt hat, steht auch aufgrund neuer Ansätze und Ideen zur Information Literacy aus dem angloamerikanischen Raum zur Diskussion. Vor allem bezieht sich das auf die Threshold-Konzepte sowie das Framework-Modell der US-amerikanischen Association of College & Research Libraries (ACRL, ferner die Metaliteracy-Theorie von Mackey und Jacobson und schließlich auf das neue britische ANCIL-Curriculum. Nun sind aus deutscher bibliothekarischer Sicht nicht alle mit den oben genannten neuen Konzepten verbundenen Gedankengänge und Argumente der Kolleginnen und Kollegen aus den USA und aus Großbritannien ohne weiteres nachvollziehbar gewesen. Und wie verhalten sie sich zu den Standards der Informationskompetenz? Jetzt liegen erste Ansätze in den USA vor, die explizit auf dem Threshold-Modell bzw. dem ACRL-Framework aufbauen, so dass eine konkretere Grundlage für mögliche Übertragungen der Modelle auf Kurs- und Schulungskonzepte zur Förderung von Informationskompetenz im deutschsprachigen Raum gegeben ist.   The concept of information competency, as developed in the German-speaking countries for about 15 years, has recently come up for discussion because of new approaches and ideas about information literacy from the Anglo-American countries. This mostly refers to the threshold concepts as well as the framework model of the US-American ACRL, the Metaliteracy Theory by Mackey and Jacobson and finally the new curriculum of the British ANCIL. From a German librarian's point of view, not all of the ideas and arguments of our American and British colleagues which are connected to the above-mentioned new concepts were easy to understand. Another question is how they relate to the standards of information competency. By now, first approaches in the US, which are explicitly based on the Threshold Model or the ACRL Framework, have been made available

  20. The new German Recycling and Waste management Act (KrWG). Chances and perspectives for the secondary raw materials industry; Das neue Kreislaufwirtschaftsgesetz. Chancen und Perspektiven fuer die Sekundaerrohrstoffwirtschaft

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Landers, Burkhard [Bundesverband Sekundaerrohstoffe und Entsorgung e.V. (BVSE), Bonn (Germany)


    After long discussions concerning wordings, the new German Act on Recycling and Waste Management (KrWG) came into force with the decision of the arbitration panel of 8 February 2012 and the agreement of the German Bundestag and Bundesrat. It took more than two years from the first draft to the new act, and discussions and lawsuits can be expected to continue. The new act still follows the structure of its predecessor, but private industries, especially medium-sized ones, have not been given sufficient scope for action. Politicians were unable to find a fair balance between private and communal interests. Now, with the introduction of a new standard recycling bin, the legislator is held to take account of the interests of the private waste management industry, whose labour and innovative power made a decisive contribution to the success of waste management and recycling in Germany. (orig.) [German] Der letzte Schlusspunkt ist nach zaehem Ringen um einzelne Formulierungen des Kreislaufwirtschaftsgesetzes (KrWG) mit dem Beschluss des Vermittlungsausschusses am 8. Februar 2012 und mit der anschliessenden Zustimmung des Deutschen Bundestages sowie des Bundesrates gesetzt worden. Damit sind seit dem ersten Arbeitsentwurf des Bundesministeriums fuer die Novellierung des Kreislaufwirtschafts- und Abfallrechts mehr als zwei Jahre vergangen, und es bedarf keiner hellseherischen Faehigkeiten um vorherzusagen, dass die Auseinandersetzung ueber einzelne Bestimmungen und nachrangige Verordnungen des Gesetzes vor Gericht und in der Politik noch lange nicht ihren Abschluss gefunden hat. Trotz aller Diskussionen waehrend des Gesetzgebungsverfahrens sind die wesentlichen Grundstrukturen des alten Kreislaufwirtschafts- und Abfallgesetzes auch im neuen KrWG erhalten geblieben. Der Privatwirtschaft, vor allem in der Breite aus vielen mittelstaendischen Unternehmen bestehend, ist jedoch nicht genuegend Handlungsspielraum gewaehrt worden. Der Politik ist es nicht gelungen, einen fairen