
Sample records for barra combustible tipo


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    Lisette Blanco


    Full Text Available La degeneración nigroestriatal que caracteriza a la enfermedad de Parkinson (EP es estudiada en modelos experimentales en roedores por inyección de 6-hidroxidopamina (6-OHDA. El presente estudio presenta una versión modificada del test de la barra transversal (TBT que permite la cuantificación del déficit motor a través de: tiempo que demora la rata en alcanzar una de las plataformas (latencia de escape, LE; tiempo que demora en caer de la barra (latencia de caída, LC; número total de errores cometidos durante la ejecución en cada barra (número de errores, NE. La forma y el diámetro de la sección transversal de la barra se modificaron desde barras rectangulares y circulares de 2.5 cm de diámetro hasta barras con esta misma forma y 1 cm de diámetro respectivamente lo cual impuso la mayor dificultad a la ejecución del test. Tres grupos de ratas Wistar fueron evaluados: no-tratadas (n=15, lesionadas con 6-OHDA (n=14 y falsas operadas (n=14. Todas las variables estudiadas mostraron diferencias significativas entre ratas controles y hemiparkinsonizadas. Para todos los tipos de barras, las variables LE y NE se incrementaron mientras que la LC disminuyó significativamente en las ratas hemiparkinsonizadas en comparación con las ratas controles. La LC mostró diferencias altamente significativas (p

  2. Estructuras espaciales de barras desplegables

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    Escrig, Félix


    Full Text Available From simple expandable plane structures, as the articulated crosses at their midpoint could be, we have established a succession of spacial combinations of growing complexity, with the same conditions of foldability as the original elements. By means of a rational methodology of joints, similar to those used in conventional spatial frame structures, several types of expandable structures had been defined in a classification which intends to be complete and could be resumed in four basical types. These types, moreover, could have a linear, a plane or a spatial growing, increasing formal possibilities and practical uses. If original crosses have any irregularity as excentric joints, struts of different length, more than one intermediate joint or of different size, a distortion of the generated systems, referred above, is produced, which should give us shapes of huge architectural utility. In these cases crosses must be of compatible length to make possible the folding process. Some constructive solutions for joints and for folding and expanding mechanisms are also shown. Finally, we have introduced a short reference to the working way of these structures as well as the stresses acting in their struts.A partir de estructuras desplegables planas muy simples, como pueden ser las aspas articuladas en su punto medio, se plantea una serie sucesiva de combinaciones espaciales de complejidad creciente que mantienen las mismas condiciones de plegabilidad que los elementos de partida. Mediante una metodología razonada de ensamblaje, paralela a la utilizada en estructuras espaciales de barras convencionales, se definen distintos tipos de estructuras desplegables en una clasificación que pretende ser completa y que se resume en cuatro tipos básicos. Estos tipos, a su vez, pueden tener un crecimiento longitudinal superficial o espacial, multiplicando el número de posibilidades formales así como el de aplicaciones. Si las aspas iniciales tienen algún tipo

  3. Eficiência teórica de pilhas a combustível do tipo PaCOS


    Amaral, Alexandre A.; Matos, Francisco F.; Benedicto, João Paulo; Boaventura, Jaime S.


    A célula a combustível do tipo óxido sólido (PaCOS) é um das mais promissoras tecnologias para a produção de energia elétrica, principalmente, devido ao fato de ser virtualmente não poluente. Tipicamente, a PaCOS é constituída de pelo menos sete fases distintas: combustível, ânodo, cátodo, eletrólito (separando os dois eletrodos), ar e interconectores elétricos (dois) para completar o circuito de corrente. É claramente demonstrado que os sistemas eletroquímicos só podem ser reversíveis quando...

  4. Structural analysis of fuel in a vertical drop cask system accident; Análisis estructural del combustible en un accidente de caída vertical del contenedor

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Muñoz Cardador, J.; Cerracín Arranz, A.; Muñoz-Reja Ruiz, C.


    Una de las situaciones más limitantes en el análisis de integridad del combustible gastado durante el transporte, es el de los hipotéticos accidentes de caída del contenedor. El escenario que debe ser analizado en este tipo de accidentes, según especifica el título 10 de las Code Federal Regulations (10 CFR 71.73) de la NRC, es el de la caída libre del sistema combustible-contenedor desde una altura de nueve metros con el posterior impacto contra una superficie plana, rígida y horizontal en la posición más desfavorable. En concreto, en este artículo se realiza el análisis de la respuesta del combustible bajo el supuesto de caída en posición vertical del contenedor. Para este tipo de análisis, Enusa ha desarrollado y presenta en este artículo un modelo elasto-plástico de elementos finitos capaz de simular mediante un cálculo cuasiestático el comportamiento de una barra combustible irradiada durante el accidente postulado y evaluar su integridad estructural. Aproximaciones mediante un cálculo dinámico a este análisis también has sido acometidas y sus resultados podrán ser presentados en futuros artículos.

  5. Influencia del diámetro de la barra y del recubrimiento en las características adherentes del hormigón armado

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    Molina, M.


    Full Text Available The bond mechanism on reinforced concrete structures is analysing in this paper. A state of art review of bond phenomenon and characterisation tests, pull-out and beam tests are included. Experimental modifications of RILEM/CEB/FIP pull-out tests on prismatic specimens with different concrete cover are also studied. The objective of eccentric tests is to estimate the maximum bond stress and the loss of concrete cover influence on the reinforced concrete behaviour. Bars diameter and concrete cover influence on concrete-steel stress transfer and different types of failures are analysed finally.

    En este artículo se estudia el fenómeno de la adherencia en estructuras de hormigón armado. En primer lugar se incluye una revisión del estado del conocimiento sobre la adherencia y sobre los distintos ensayos de caracterización, principalmente tipo pull-out (ensayos de tracción sobre probetas prismáticas con diferentes longitudes de anclaje según el diámetro de la barra y ensayos Beam Test sobre vigas de hormigón armado. En segundo lugar se presentan los resultados de los ensayos tipo pull-out realizados en la nave de ensayos del Instituto de Ciencias de la Construcción Eduardo Torroja, en probetas prismáticas variando el diámetro y el recubrimiento de las barras según el ensayo normalizado por la RILEM/CEB/FIP con algunas modificaciones. Se realizan ensayos tanto con la barra en posición centrada como con diferentes recubrimientos. El objeto de los ensayos con excentricidad es estimar la influencia del escaso o nulo recubrimiento en el comportamiento del hormigón armado. Finalmente se analizan los diferentes tipos de fallo obtenidos en los ensayos y la influencia del diámetro de la armadura y el recubrimiento en la transferencia de tensiones hormigón acero.

  6. Control Rods in high-Flux Swimming-Pool Reactors; Les Barres de Controle dans les Piles Piscines a Haut Flux; Reguliruyushchie sterzhni dlya reaktorov bassejnovogo tipa s vysokoj plotnost'yu nejtronnogo potoka; Las Barras de Control en los Reactores Tipo Piscina de Flujo Elevado

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ageroni, P.; Blum, P.; Denielou, G.; Denis, P.; Meunier, C. [Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires de Grenoble (France)


    etudes en cours sur les barres de controle des piles piscine a coeur ouvert fonctionnant dans la bande de 10 a 30 MW. (author) [Spanish] La memoria examina los problemas planteados por las barras de control en los reactores de investigacion de tipo piscina abierta, de alta potencia especifica y elevado flujo, basandose en calculos y experimentos efectuados durante la construccion del reactor SILOE. Expone asimismo la experiencia adquirida con las barras de control mientras el reactor funcionaba a 13 MW. Examina sucesivamente: a) Los balances de reactividad y los valores de esta para los diversos tipos de barras de control que se han ensayado (cadmio, B4C, tierras raras, y combinaciones de estas sustancias); b) los picos de flujo que la presencia de barras de control crea en el cuerpo del reactor, su influencia sobre la potencia especifica, los flujos rapidos que se pueden obtener y los medios para incrementarlos; c) los problemas tecnologicos planteados por la construccion de las barras; d) los problemas de refrigeracion, vibracion, deformacion y tiempo necesario para introducirlos en el reactor. Para terminar, describe someramente loe estudios que se estan realizando con las barras de control de reactores de tipo piscina de cuerpo abierto cuando funcionan en el intervalo de potencias comprendido entre 10 y 30 MW. (author) [Russian] 1. V svete raschetov i jeksperimentov, provedennyh pri postrojke reaktora STLOE , rassmatrivajutsja problemy, voznikajushhie v svjazi s regulirujushhimi sterzhnjami dlja issledovatel'skih reaktorov otkrytogo bassejnovogo tipa s bol'shoj udel'noj moshhnost'ju i s vysokoj plotnost'ju nejtronnogo potoka. Privodjatsja takzhe rezul'taty ispytanija jetogo reaktora pri .moshhnosti 13 mgvt v svjazi s razlichnymi regulirujushhimi sterzhnjami. 2. Posledov atel'no rassmatrivajutsja sledujushhie problemy: a) balans reaktivnosti i reaktivnaja sposobnost' podvergnutyh ispytanijam regulirujushhih sterzhnej razlichnyh tipov (kadmij, B{sub 4}C , redkie zemli

  7. Membresía a barras bravas y su influencia en el uso de drogas Barras bravas membership and its influence on drug use

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    Catalina López-Quintero


    Full Text Available Objetivos. Identificar los factores asociados con la membresía a las barras bravas, la incidencia del uso de drogas y la asociación entre membresía y uso de drogas. Materiales y métodos. Se analizan los datos reportados por 1303 adolescentes escolares que participaron en dos etapas (T1 y T2 de un estudio longitudinal realizado en 23 colegios de Bogotá, Colombia entre 2006 y 2007, seleccionados a partir de un muestreo probabilístico estratificado por conglomerados. Se implementaron modelos de regresión logística para estudiar las asociaciones de interés. Resultados. En T1, 8,2% de los encuestados reportaron membresía a las barras bravas. Luego de un año de seguimiento, el 14,2% y el 4,6% de los estudiantes que afirmaron y negaron respectivamente pertenecer a una barra brava, iniciaron el consumo de drogas. La asociación entre membresía a las barras bravas e inicio del uso de drogas permanece después de ajustar por múltiples factores de confusión (RRA: 2,4; IC 95%: 1,2 - 4,7. En el análisis estratificado por sexo, esta asociación permanece significativa únicamente en las mujeres (RRA: 6,1; IC 95%: 2,5 - 15,3. Conclusiones. La membresía a las barras bravas mostró incrementar el riesgo de inicio del uso de drogas, particularmente en las mujeres. Los hallazgos implican que se deben focalizar los esfuerzos preventivos hacia las mujeres en dichos contextos.Objectives. To identify the factors associated with barras bravas (soccer fans clubs membership, the incidence in drug use and the association between membership and drug use. Materials and methods. This report analyzed data from 1303 adolescent scholars who participated in two stages (T1 and T2 of a longitudinal study done in 23 schools of Bogota during 2006- 2007, selected through a probabilistic sampling stratified by clusters. Logistic regression models were implemented in order to evaluate the associations of interest. Results. In T1, 8,2% of the surveyed students reported


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    As barras de cereais vêm apresentando crescimento constante junto ao público consumidor. Considerando o crescimento do segmento de barras de cereais no setor de alimentos este trabalho teve como objetivos desenvolver barras de cereais de caju ameixa com alto teor de fi bras utilizando ingredientes funcionais e matéria-prima regional; inovar no uso de ingredientes não utilizados nas formulações convencionais; realizar análises físicas, físicoquímicas e químicas e avaliar as propriedades nutricionais. Formulou-se dois tipos de barras, (F1 e (F2 a partir de uma formulação básica (FB. A FB foi processada utilizando-se aveia, fl ocos de arroz, leite em pó desnatado, açúcar mascavo, glucose de milho, gordura vegetal hidrogenada, canela, lecitina de soja e fl ocos de milho. As formulações F1 e F2 diferiram da FB nas concentrações dos ingredientes, na adição de linhaça, de caju ameixa, de castanha de caju, na substituição da gordura vegetal hidrogenada por óleo de canola e na retirada dos fl ocos de milho. A FB resultou 94,39 kcal e F1 e F2 em 95,69 kcal e 101,06 kcal respectivamente em 25g utilizando os coefi cientes de ATWATER. A modifi - cação dos ingredientes provocou aumento signifi cativo no teor de fi bra alimentar tornando as barras F1 e F2 produtos com alto teor de fi bra alimentar (10,58g e 12,69g/100g, respectivamente. Conclui-se que as barras de cereais F1 e F2 podem ser indicadas para indivíduos com constipação intestinal, dislipidemias e sobrepeso. Além disso, ambas poderiam ser enquadradas no conceito de alimento funcional, devido ao fato de conterem um maior teor de fi bras dietéticas que contribuem para a manutenção da boa saúde.

  9. Hydraulic modelling of the CARA Fuel element; Desarrollo hidraulico del combustible CARA

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Brasnarof, Daniel O; Juanico, Luis [Comision Nacional de Energia Atomica, San Carlos de Bariloche (Argentina). Disenios Avanzados y Evaluacion Economica; Giorgi, M [Comision Nacional de Energia Atomica, General San Martin (Argentina). Dept. de Materiales; Ghiselli, Alberto M; Zampach, Ruben; Fiori, Jose M; Yedros, Pablo A [Comision Nacional de Energia Atomica, General San Martin (Argentina). Dept. de Ensayos no Destructivos


    The CARA fuel element is been developing by the National Atomic Energy Commission for both Argentinean PHWRs. In order to keep the hydraulic restriction in their fuel channels, one of CARA's goals is to keep its similarity with both present fuel elements. In this paper is presented pressure drop test performed at a low-pressure facility (Reynolds numbers between 5x10{sup 4} and 1,5x10{sup 5}) and rational base models for their spacer grid and rod assembly. Using these models, we could estimate the CARA hydraulic performance in reactor conditions that have shown to be satisfactory. (author) [Spanish] Con el objeto de validar la similitud hidraulica del elemento combustible CARA con los actuales combustibles de Atucha y Embalse, se realizaron ensayos de perdida de carga en el circuito CBP del CAC con un nuevo diseno de separador de mejor desempeno hidraulico. Se presenta aqui el analisis de los mismos, de los cuales se validaron modelos de base racional para estimar las restricciones hidraulicas de los distintos componentes estructurales (separadores, grillas y barras combustibles) en funcion del flujo refrigerante. Se estimo asi la caida de presion del CARA dentro del canal combustible Embalse en condiciones nominales de reactor, siendo la misma similar al del combustible actual de 37 barras. (autor)

  10. Desarrollo y validación experimental de un modelo computacional de pilas de combustible tipo PEM y su aplicación al análisis de monoceldas


    Iranzo Paricio, Alfredo


    La presente tesis doctoral tiene como objetivo fundamental el desarrollo de un modelo computacional para pilas de combustible tipo PEM, que suponga un avance con respecto al estado actual del modelado de pilas de combustible. ... * Desarrollo de un model


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    Wesley Saldanha Nogueira Oliveira


    Full Text Available RESUMO. Este trabalho apresenta os resultados iniciais da comparação de alguns parâmetros de funcionamento do protótipo de uma turbina de ação simples, operando com ar comprimido como fluido de trabalho, realizados na unidade do SENAI de Barra do Piraí/RJ. O protótipo foi desenvolvido integralmente no Centro Universitário Geraldo Di Biase - UGB - Campus de Barra do Piraí/RJ, que inicialmente teve como o fluido de trabalho o vapor d’água, que nos testes inicias se mostrou ineficiente. A simulação computacional do sistema foi feita através do software SolidWorks na Universidade Federal Fluminense - UFF - Campus de Volta Redonda/RJ, o que permitiu determinar a faixa de trabalho que apresentou maior eficiência nos resultados experimentais do sistema por meio da relação entre pressão de operação, velocidade angular transmitida pelo fluido ao eixo da turbina e a potência da mesma. Os valores nas simulações em velocidade tangencial na região rotacional apresentaram-se convergentes aos valores experimentais medidos no protótipo.

  12. Elephant grass genotypes for bioenergy production by direct biomass combustion Genótipos de capim-elefante para produção de bioenergia por combustão direta da biomassa

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    Rafael Fiusa de Morais


    Full Text Available The objective of this work was to evaluate elephant grass (Pennisetum purpureum Schum. genotypes for bioenergy production by direct biomass combustion. Five elephant grass genotypes grown in two different soil types, both of low fertility, were evaluated. The experiment was carried out at Embrapa Agrobiologia field station in Seropédica, RJ, Brazil. The design was in randomized complete blocks, with split plots and four replicates. The genotypes studied were Cameroon, Bag 02, Gramafante, Roxo and CNPGL F06-3. Evaluations were made for biomass production, total biomass nitrogen, biomass nitrogen from biological fixation, carbon/nitrogen and stem/leaf ratios, and contents of fiber, lignin, cellulose and ash. The dry matter yields ranged from 45 to 67 Mg ha-1. Genotype Roxo had the lowest yield and genotypes Bag 02 and Cameroon had the highest ones. The biomass nitrogen accumulation varied from 240 to 343 kg ha-1. The plant nitrogen from biological fixation was 51% in average. The carbon/nitrogen and stem/leaf ratios and the contents of fiber, lignin, cellulose and ash did not vary among the genotypes. The five genotypes are suitable for energy production through combustion.O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar genótipos de capim-elefante (Pennisetum purpureum Schum. quanto ao potencial para a produção de bioenergia por combustão direta da biomassa. Avaliaram-se cinco genótipos de capim-elefante, em dois solos com baixa fertilidade. Os experimentos foram conduzidos na estação experimental da Embrapa Agrobiologia, em Seropédica, RJ. O delineamento experimental foi o de blocos ao acaso, em parcelas subdivididas, com quatro repetições. Os genótipos estudados foram Cameroon, Bag 02, Gramafante, Roxo e CNPGL F06-3. Determinaram-se a produção de biomassa, o acúmulo de nitrogênio na biomassa, o nitrogênio da biomassa proveniente da fixação biológica, as relações carbono/nitrogênio e talo/folha, e os teores de fibra, lignina

  13. Determinantes en la elección del tipo de combustible para cocción de alimentos en asentamientos humanos

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    Carlos Meza


    Full Text Available EL ARTÍCULO PRESENTA LOS DETERMINANTES EN LA ELECCIÓN DEL TIPO DE combustible primario para cocción de alimentos en cuatro asentamientos humanos urbanos localizados en los departamentos de Managua y León. Se eligió un modelo logístico binario (Logit que permitió concluir que los factores que inciden en la elecciónson: el ingreso, los niveles de educación, el departamento al que pertenecen los barrios, número de miembros del hogar y la edad del cabeza de familia. Este estudio ofrece un punto de inicio en la discusión de los aspectos de relevancia en la demanda de combustibles a nivel urbano en Managua y León.

  14. Observación de la fracción de agua líquida en pilas de combustible tipo PEM de cátodo abierto


    Luna, Julio; Costa Castelló, Ramón


    En este trabajo se diseña un observador no-lineal basado en modos deslizantes para la estimación de la fracción de agua líquida en una pila de combustible tipo PEM de cátodo abierto. La pila de combustible se modela con dos estados dinámicos: la temperatura de la pila y la saturación de agua líquida. La estrategia de observación se valida en simulación mediante un ciclo de conducción ARTEMIS.

  15. Conhecimento tradicional das marisqueiras de Barra Grande, área de proteção ambiental do delta do Rio Parnaíba, Piauí, Brasil


    Freitas, Simone Tupinambá; Pamplin, Paulo Augusto Zaitune; Legat, Jefferson; Fogaça, Fabíola Helena dos Santos; Barros, Roseli Farias Melo de


    Na comunidade de Barra Grande localizada no litoral do Piauí, as mulheres dos pescadores, conhecidas localmente como marisqueiras, extraem do manguezal vários tipos de moluscos para comercialização e em maior escala para a subsistência. Dados sobre a atividade de mariscagem, conceitos de conservação e aspectos socioeconômicos do contexto em que ocorre a atividade de cata dos moluscos, foram revelados após a aplicação de protocolos estruturados e semiestruturados. O molusco bivalve Anomalocard...

  16. BarraCUDA - a fast short read sequence aligner using graphics processing units

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    Klus Petr


    Full Text Available Abstract Background With the maturation of next-generation DNA sequencing (NGS technologies, the throughput of DNA sequencing reads has soared to over 600 gigabases from a single instrument run. General purpose computing on graphics processing units (GPGPU, extracts the computing power from hundreds of parallel stream processors within graphics processing cores and provides a cost-effective and energy efficient alternative to traditional high-performance computing (HPC clusters. In this article, we describe the implementation of BarraCUDA, a GPGPU sequence alignment software that is based on BWA, to accelerate the alignment of sequencing reads generated by these instruments to a reference DNA sequence. Findings Using the NVIDIA Compute Unified Device Architecture (CUDA software development environment, we ported the most computational-intensive alignment component of BWA to GPU to take advantage of the massive parallelism. As a result, BarraCUDA offers a magnitude of performance boost in alignment throughput when compared to a CPU core while delivering the same level of alignment fidelity. The software is also capable of supporting multiple CUDA devices in parallel to further accelerate the alignment throughput. Conclusions BarraCUDA is designed to take advantage of the parallelism of GPU to accelerate the alignment of millions of sequencing reads generated by NGS instruments. By doing this, we could, at least in part streamline the current bioinformatics pipeline such that the wider scientific community could benefit from the sequencing technology. BarraCUDA is currently available from

  17. BarraCUDA - a fast short read sequence aligner using graphics processing units

    LENUS (Irish Health Repository)

    Klus, Petr


    Abstract Background With the maturation of next-generation DNA sequencing (NGS) technologies, the throughput of DNA sequencing reads has soared to over 600 gigabases from a single instrument run. General purpose computing on graphics processing units (GPGPU), extracts the computing power from hundreds of parallel stream processors within graphics processing cores and provides a cost-effective and energy efficient alternative to traditional high-performance computing (HPC) clusters. In this article, we describe the implementation of BarraCUDA, a GPGPU sequence alignment software that is based on BWA, to accelerate the alignment of sequencing reads generated by these instruments to a reference DNA sequence. Findings Using the NVIDIA Compute Unified Device Architecture (CUDA) software development environment, we ported the most computational-intensive alignment component of BWA to GPU to take advantage of the massive parallelism. As a result, BarraCUDA offers a magnitude of performance boost in alignment throughput when compared to a CPU core while delivering the same level of alignment fidelity. The software is also capable of supporting multiple CUDA devices in parallel to further accelerate the alignment throughput. Conclusions BarraCUDA is designed to take advantage of the parallelism of GPU to accelerate the alignment of millions of sequencing reads generated by NGS instruments. By doing this, we could, at least in part streamline the current bioinformatics pipeline such that the wider scientific community could benefit from the sequencing technology. BarraCUDA is currently available from http:\\/\\/

  18. Avaliação das propriedades elétricas de barras estatóricas fabricadas com resina do tipo éter diglicidílico do bisfenol F (DGEBF contendo nanopartículas de silica

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    Rafael Novaes da Conceição

    Full Text Available Resumo O presente trabalho visa apresentar resultados da aplicação de uma resina epóxi bisfenólica (DGEBF à base de nanopartículas de sílica (RN e comparar suas propriedades com a resina convencional de referência epóxi bisfenólica (DGEBA (RE, atualmente utilizada. Neste sentido fabricaram-se protótipos de barras estatórica, destinadas a hidrogeradores, através do sistema VPI (Vácuo-Pressão-Impregnação e avaliaram-se as propriedades elétricas pelas técnicas de fator de dissipação e envelhecimento acelerado. Dentre os resultados para as resinas observou-se que: (i o fator de dissipação e de envelhecimento são praticamente os mesmos para ambas as resinas; (ii o valor de tip-up resultaram em 0,014% para RE e 0,020% para a resina RN e (iii a estimativa do tempo de vida útil esta em cerca de 40 anos, o que é aplicável para a maioria das aplicações industriais. Neste sentido sugere-se que a resina RN pode ser uma alternativa a resina RE, com um desempenho elétrico equivalente.

  19. PINTURAS RUPESTRES DO SÍTIO TAMBORIL, BARRAS, PIAUÍ, BRASIL (Rock Paintings from the Tamboril Site, Barras, Piauí, Brazil

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    Sônia Maria Campelo Magalhães


    Full Text Available Este artigo apresenta o sítio Tamboril, localizado na área rural do município de Barras, estado do Piauí, Brasil. O sítio arqueológico revelou uma coleção excepcional de grafismos puros, motivos zoomórficos e carimbos de mãos humanas, pintados em diferentes tonalidades de vermelho. Há sobreposições e recorrência dos registros rupestres. A conservação das pinturas é afetada por eflorescências salinas, ação de insetos (particularmente cupins e ninhos de vespas e impacto humano (visitação sem acompanhamento e atividade agrícola nas proximidades. ENGLISH: This paper presents the Tamboril site, located in the rural area of the municipality of Barras, Piauí State, Brazil. The archaeological site revealed an exceptional collection of pure graphisms, zoomorphic motifs, and human handprints, painted in different tonalities of red. There are overlaps and recurrence of rock records. The conservation of these rock paintings is affected by saline efflorescences, insect activity (particularly termites and wasp nests and human impact (unaccompanied visitation and agricultural activity nearby.

  20. Geometría flexible para las estructuras de barras

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    Sánchez-Cuenca López, Luis


    Full Text Available This article brings a geometric proposal which can be applied to the bar structures. The starting point is the substitution of the usual knots in a structural web by a system of combining the bars two by two, which is achieved by twisting the bars in each knot. The tensile forces that appear and the introduction of joints in each of these knots allow the transition from a rigid or undeformable geometry to a new "flexible" one leading to the possibility of one and the same structural web adopting different sizes while preserving its original geometric form. The article analyzes the geometric parameters to be used in order to obtain a coherent process.

    En este artículo se hace una propuesta geométrica que puede ser aplicable a las estructuras de barras. Se parte de sustituir en una trama estructural sus nudos habituales por un sistema de empalmes de barras dos a dos, lo que se consigue girando en cada nudo las barras que en él concurren. La aparición de esfuerzos de flexión y la introducción de articulaciones en cada uno de estos empalmes permiten pasar de una geometría rígida o indeformable a una “flexible”, de manera que una misma trama estructural pueda adoptar diferentes tamaños conservando su forma geométrica original. En el artículo se analizan los parámetros geométricos que han deponerse en juego para que el proceso resulte coherente.





    La degeneración nigroestriatal que caracteriza a la enfermedad de Parkinson (EP) es estudiada en modelos experimentales en roedores por inyección de 6-hidroxidopamina (6-OHDA). El presente estudio presenta una versión modificada del test de la barra transversal (TBT) que permite la cuantificación del déficit motor a través de: tiempo que demora la rata en alcanzar una de las plataformas (latencia de escape, LE); tiempo que demora en caer de la barra (latencia de caída, LC); número total de er...

  2. Nautical studies for new LPG (Liquefied Petroleum Gases) in Barra do Riacho

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Amorim, Anderson B.A.; Biolchini, Luiz C.A. [Petroleo do Brasil S.A. (PETROBRAS), Rio de Janeiro, RJ (Brazil); Antunes, Felippe L. [Petrobras Transporte S/A (TRANSPETRO), Rio de Janeiro, RJ (Brazil); Vieira Neto, Tancredo [Poyry Technology, Sao Paulo, SP (Brazil)


    PETROBRAS is developing projects to increase the natural gas production, supply and allow transportation to the market. LPG and natural gasoline produced in Cacimbas (ES) will be transferred through pipelines to under construction Barra do Riacho Terminal, to be stored and loaded on ships. In Barra do Riacho, a municipality of Aracruz on the northern coast of the Espirito Santo state, a pulp specialized terminal already operates. The new PETROBRAS terminal will monthly load about 30,000 t of refrigerated LPG and 90,000 m{sup 3} of natural gasoline through a new pier with two berths. This pier will be able to receive tankers up to 60,000 dwt. With the challenge to safely maneuver and berth vessels of this size in a restricted area with operating facilities, PETROBRAS developed a basic design with the support of contracted companies to evaluate the minimum area needed to assure operation and design the best location, minimizing wave disturbance over the new jetty as well as over the existing above mentioned berths. This paper presents the port issues analyzed during the basic design of the new marine refrigerated LPG terminal to be located at Barra do Riacho Port. (author)

  3. Calculo de la Barra Antivuelco de un Vehículo Automotor.

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    Javier García de la Figal


    Full Text Available El presente trabajo trata acerca del calculo de la barra antivuelco del FORD modelo A, desarrollado por elInstituto de Desarrollo Automotriz, IDA, teniendo en cuenta las fuerzas que la cinta de seguridad de losautomovilistas, ejerce sobre la citada barra, ante un choque que provoca una aceleración de 20 g en elvehículo. El calculo se hace mediante la confección de un modelo de elementos finitos de la barra y lacarrocería, para lo cual se hace uso de un programa profesional de elementos finitos.Se determinan los esfuerzos máximos y los equivalentes, tanto de las partes metálicas del sistema, queson fundamentalmente tubos de acero, como de las partes de material compuesto (poliéster con fibras devidrio E, propios de la carrocería del vehículo. Todo lo cual permite hacer los cálculos y comprobacionesa resistencia de todo el conjunto. Así mismo, se determinan los desplazamientos en todos los sentidos detodos las partes del sistema, para poder realizar los correspondientes análisis de rigidez.El objetivo final de todos los análisis es determinar lo adecuado o no de las soluciones y materialespropuestos para el sistema, bajo la acción de la citada carga de impacto.

  4. Flexión de Una Barra Delgada Empotrada en un Extremo: Aproximación para Pequeñas Pendientes

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    Beléndez Tarsicio


    Full Text Available En los cursos de Física y Mecánica para estudiantes universitarios de Ciencias e Ingeniería, y dentro del tema dedicado a la elasticidad, se estudian los sólidos deformables, asícomo los fenómenos de tracción, compresión, cizalladura, torsión, exión y pandeo. En el caso de la exión uno de los ejemplos que suele analizarse es el de una barra delgada empotrada en un extremo sobre la que actúa una fuerza concentrada vertical en el extremo libre. El estudio se hace para pequeños desplazamientos o pequeñas pendientes de la barra, lo que permite integrar fácilmente la ecuación diferencial de la barra exionada y calcular la elástica y la echa o desplazamiento vertical del extremo libre. Sin embargo, la aproximación para pequeñas pendientes que se hace en la bibliografía es incompatible con otra consideración que siempre se tiene en cuenta y es que la longitud de la fibra neutra de la barra no cambia cuando la barra exiona. En este trabajo se presenta, para al problema de la exión de una barra delgada en voladizo, una aproximación para pequeños desplazamientos o pequeñas pendientes de la barra menos aproximada de lo común". Para ello se introduce como hipótesis la constancia de la longitud de la fibra neutra de la barra lo que permite obtener unas ecuaciones más precisas que las que aparecen en la bibliografía. Los resultados obtenidos se han comparado con los exactos asícomo con las medidas experimentales realizadas en el laboratorio con una regla de acero empotrada en un extremo. Las ecuaciones de la elástica se obtienen siguiendo un tratamiento análogo al desarrollado por Feynman cuando estudia la viga exionada en su libro de Física, por lo que el desarrollo aquípresentado puede ser seguido sin muchos problemas por cualquier estudiante de Física o Mecánica de los primeros cursos universitarios.

  5. Outbreak of canine visceral leishmaniasis in Barra Mansa, State of Rio de Janeiro

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    Cintia Xavier de Mello


    Full Text Available Introduction In Brazil, visceral leishmaniasis (VL has spread to various regions. This study reports canine cases of VL in Barra Mansa, where human VL cases were recently reported. Methods Using the human index case, a canine survey was performed by dual-path platform immunochromatography and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Seropositive animals were euthanized. Cultures were collected to detect Leishmania parasites. Results Serological tests detected 141 canine VL cases, and Leishmania chagasi were isolated from 82.2% animals. Conclusions Leishmania chagasi is in circulation in Barra Mansa. This study broadens information on the parasite's distribution in the State of Rio de Janeiro.

  6. Barras de fútbol, consumo de drogas y violencia

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    Nicolás Ignacio Uribe Aramburo


    Full Text Available A partir de una investigación descriptiva y analítica, con un diseño metodológico cualitativo, se describen y analizan la coocurrencia entre el consumo de sustancias psicoactivas y los comportamientos agre - sivos y violentos en miembros de algunas de las barras de fútbol de la ciudad de Medellín, Colombia. Mediante la técnica de observación participante se muestra que el consumo de drogas, junto con los fe - nómenos de la identificación, la sugestión y el contagio social, pueden promover la alteración de la conciencia y la abolición temporal de los patrones de pensamiento y comportamiento típicos de los individuos, así como de los preceptos morales y éticos que regulan la actuación en sociedad. Se explica por qué los individuos de la masa (barra de fútbol se vuelven irreflexivos, impulsivos, iracundos y violentos, desde perspectivas de la psicología social, el psicoanálisis y la etología.

  7. Sintaxe X-barra: uma aplicação computacional

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    Gabriel de Ávila Othero


    Full Text Available Neste trabalho, apresentaremos uma aplicação computacional da teoria X-barra (cf. HAEGEMAN, 1994; MIOTO et al., 2004, através do programa Grammar Play, um parser sintático em Prolog. O Grammar Play analisa sentenças declarativas simples do português brasileiro, identificando sua estrutura de constituintes. Sua gramática é implementada em Prolog, com o recurso das DCGs, e é baseada nos moldes propostos pela teoria X-barra. O parser é uma primeira tentativa de expandir a cobertura de analisadores semelhantes, como o esboçado em Pagani (2004 e Othero (2004. Os objetivos que guiam a presente versão do Grammar Play são o de implementar computacionalmente modelos lingüísticos coerentes aplicados à descrição do português e o de criar uma ferramenta computacional que possa ser usada didaticamente em aulas de introdução à sintaxe e lingüística, por exemplo.

  8. Niveles de impulsividad y riesgo de alcoholismo en personas pertenecientes a barras bravas en la ciudad de Ibagué - Colombia

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    José Alonso Andrade Salazar


    Full Text Available El objetivo de este trabajo es determinar la relación entre niveles de impulsividad y riesgo de alcoholismo en adultos pertenecientes a “barras bravas” en la ciudad de Ibagué (Tolima a partir de la aplicación del test de CAGE, la Escala de Impulsividad de Plutchik (EI y una ficha de caracterización sociodemográfica. Se utilizó un modelo correlacional de corte transversal. Los hallazgos evidencian niveles bajos (78% y promedios de impulsividad (20%. El 28% no presenta problemas relacionados con el alcohol, mientras que el 36% tiene indicios de consumo y el restante 36% dependencia alcohólica. Se hallaron correlaciones bajas entre las puntuaciones, la correlación significativa fue de tipo directamente proporcional entre edad y riesgo de alcoholismo (r= 0,287; p= 0.43, lo que indica que a mayor edad mayor es el riesgo de alcoholismo.





    Esta tesis presenta la tecnología de barras intercelda segmentadas para los procesos electrometalúrgicos de cobre, aplicable en electroobtención y en electrorefinación. En estos procesos, la densidad de corriente real de cada electrodo difiere de la densi 126p.

  10. Desempenho na barra de tração de um trator agrícola de pneus, alimentado com misturas de óleo diesel e óleo de soja reutilizado

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    Wagner da Cunha Siqueira


    Full Text Available O petróleo é a principal fonte de energia para motores de combustão interna, possibilitando sua transformação em energia mecânica. A dependência do petróleo conduz à necessidade de alternativas, mediante o cultivo de matérias-primas renováveis. Os problemas atuais são os custos dos biocombustíveis, que são maiores que dos derivados do petróleo, e o fato de que não existem muitos motores de combustão adequados ao uso de óleos vegetais. Em vista disso, são necessárias mais investigações quanto às técnicas de produção e de refino dos biocombustíveis e, ainda, à adequação de motores ao uso de óleos vegetais, para que estes possam ser uma alternativa viável. O objetivo deste trabalho foi caracterizar as diferentes misturas e avaliar o desempenho de um trator agrícola de pneus, utilizando misturas de óleo Diesel (OD com óleo de soja reutilizável (OSR. Primeiramente, foi realizado um estudo de densidade, viscosidade das misturas e comportamento da temperatura do OD no sistema de alimentação de combustível no motor. Após as análises, verificou-se, por meio de ensaios na barra de tração, o desempenho das misturas de OD e OSR. As principais conclusões deste trabalho foram: a densidade e viscosidade das misturas sofrem variações com o aumento da quantidade de OSR e com a variação da temperatura. Para as avaliações na barra de tração, os melhores resultados observados no rendimento do trator foram verificados com o aumento das percentagens de mistura (25% OSR, para carga N, 25, 75 e 100% OSR, para a quarta marcha, como carga, e 75 e 100% OSR, para a terceira, segunda e primeira marcha, como carga.

  11. Trilha ecológica do Cavalo-Marinho: Ecoturismo em Barra Grande/PI

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    Andrea Geisa Pereira Barbosa


    Full Text Available Na comunidade Barra Grande, localidade do município de Cajueiro da Praia - PI existe uma trilha ecológica muito bem planejada pelos moradores locais da própria comunidade: A Trilha do Cavalo - Marinho. Essa trilha consiste em um passeio ecológico, onde se trabalham comutantemente o turismo, a sustentabilidade e a educação ambiental.  A área de estudo - a localidade Barra Grande - pertence à Área de Proteção Ambiental (APA do Delta do Parnaíba (APA do Delta do Parnaíba, que visa proteger os ecossistemas costeiros, localizados nos estados do Maranhão, Piauí e Ceará. A referente pesquisa tem como principal objetivo inter-relacionar o termo ecoturismo, educação ambiental, sustentabilidade, e a trilha do cavalo marinho, realizado na pequena localidade do Piauí, Barra Grande. A metodologia utilizada no trabalho em estudo foi pesquisa bibliográfica: constituída de um conjunto de obras escritas referente ao turismo, desenvolvimento sustentável, desenvolvimento local sustentável, meio ambiente e educação ambiental e pesquisa de campo não participativa: realizada para obtenção das informações sobre a situação da área de estudo e analisar os aspectos trabalhados pelos moradores tanto na questão de educação ambiental como da sustentabilidade.

  12. Aceitabilidade de barra de cereais potencialmente probiótica

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    Gustavo Almeida Bastos


    Full Text Available A utilização de micro-organismos probióticos é uma das mais atrativas opções para consumo humano, devido às suas excelentes propriedades funcionais. Considerando-se que o desenvolvimento de novos produtos tem adquirido crescente importância, objetivou-se, neste trabalho, avaliar a aceitabilidade de barras de cereais com micro-organismos potencialmente probióticos. Utilizou-se a escala hedônica estruturada de nove pontos, que contém os termos descritivos situados entre "gostei extremamente" e "desgostei extremamente". Os atributos avaliados foram: aparência, textura, sabor e impressão global. Foi também realizada uma pesquisa de intenção de consumo, utilizando-se uma escala de cinco pontos situados entre "nunca comeria" e "comeria sempre". A avaliação sensorial foi realizada por uma equipe de 36 indivíduos não treinados: professores, estudantes e funcionários da Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, de ambos os sexos, com idades entre 20 e 40 anos. As amostras foram apresentadas aos provadores em ordem aleatória, de forma monádica, devidamente identificadas com números de três dígitos. A utilização da levedura Saccharomyces boulardii e da bactéria Lactobacillus acidophilus, por meio das diferentes formas de incorporação nas barras de cereais, não interferiu na qualidade sensorial e estrutural do produto. As quatro formulações de barra de cereais apresentaram boa aceitação sensorial quanto a aparência, textura, sabor e impressão global. A pesquisa de intenção de consumo revelou que mais de 60% dos provadores consumiriam o produto sempre ou frequentemente. A viabilidade dos micro-organismos por curto período de tempo torna necessária a realização de novos estudos, com o objetivo de aumentar a estabilidade destes micro-organismos durante a vida de prateleira do produto.

  13. Diseño de una máquina de figuración de barras de acero de refuerzo para hormigón armado


    Palacios Flores, Carlos Pablo


    El diseño de la máquina dobladora de barras de acero utilizado para el refuerzo de hormigón construcciones tiene el propósito de reducir la mano de obra y aumentar el tiempo de producción. lo también está destinado a mejorar la calidad de la flexión en las barras que actualmente se realizan. Como los dobladores manuales, dobladoras mecánicas también doblar barras de alrededor de una matriz, pero la proceso de plegado mecánico se convierte en automático. Esto permite utilizar 42 (60) grados...


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    Andrew J. Crawford


    Full Text Available RESUMEN Los códigos de barra de ADN representan una iniciativa global para acumular cortas secuencias estandarizadas de ADN de la gran mayoría de las especies de eucariotas del planeta, con el propósito de facilitar la identificación y conocimiento de la biodiversidad. Después de ocho años de discusión y producción en la literatura científica, el tema sigue generando controversia, debido en parte a la falta de homogeneidad en la definición y el alcance del método entre los autores. En este artículo enfatizamos la definición y metodología de los códigos de barra de ADN, así como su uso para contestar preguntas nuevas en el campo de la ecología, la evolución y la conservación. Palabras clave: Bases de datos, Bioinformática, Códigos de barras de ADN, Diagnosis molecular, Sistemática filogenética, Genética evolutiva, Taxonomía. ABSTRACT DNA barcode of life is a global initiative to populate a global database of short, standardized DNA fragments from most eukaryotic species to facilitate the identification and understanding of the world’s biodiversity. In the eight years following its proposal, the topic of DNA barcoding remains controversial in the scientific literature due, in part, to a lack of consensus on how DNA barcoding is defined and what activities are included under this title. In the present paper we review the definition, methods and goals of DNA barcoding, and highlight how data generated by various DNA barcode of life campaigns may also be used to address fundamental and novel questions in ecology, evolution and conservation. Keywords: Bioinformatics, Databases, DNA barcode of life, Evolutionary genetics, Molecular diagnosis, Phylogenetic systematics, Taxonomy.


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    Fernando Melgaço da Costa


    Full Text Available

    O presente trabalho relata o diagnóstico da deficiência de cobalto em 2 bezerros mestiços de nelore, provenientes de Barra do Garça, Distrito de Xavantina—MT. As alterações clínicas e resultados laboratoriais encontrados permitiram o diagnóstico que foi confirmado pelo resultado do tratamento empregado com sulfato de cobalto e Vitamina B12. Alterações macro e microscópicas foram determinadas em um dos animais.

    This paper describes the diagnosis of cobalt deficiency in two Nelore claves from Barra do Garça, district of Xavantina - MT. The diagnosis was possible through clinical and laboratory results, and was confirmed by the treatment with cobalt sulphate and B12 vitamin. The macro and microscopical changes presented in the dead animal are also described in this paper.

  16. Structural analysis of fuel in a vertical drop cask system accident

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Muñoz Cardador, J.; Cerracín Arranz, A.; Muñoz-Reja Ruiz, C.


    Una de las situaciones más limitantes en el análisis de integridad del combustible gastado durante el transporte, es el de los hipotéticos accidentes de caída del contenedor. El escenario que debe ser analizado en este tipo de accidentes, según especifica el título 10 de las Code Federal Regulations (10 CFR 71.73) de la NRC, es el de la caída libre del sistema combustible-contenedor desde una altura de nueve metros con el posterior impacto contra una superficie plana, rígida y horizontal en la posición más desfavorable. En concreto, en este artículo se realiza el análisis de la respuesta del combustible bajo el supuesto de caída en posición vertical del contenedor. Para este tipo de análisis, Enusa ha desarrollado y presenta en este artículo un modelo elasto-plástico de elementos finitos capaz de simular mediante un cálculo cuasiestático el comportamiento de una barra combustible irradiada durante el accidente postulado y evaluar su integridad estructural. Aproximaciones mediante un cálculo dinámico a este análisis también has sido acometidas y sus resultados podrán ser presentados en futuros artículos.

  17. Benchmarking BarraCUDA on Epigenetic DNA and nVidia Pascal GPUs


    Langdon, W


    Typically BarraCUDA uses CUDA graphics cards to map DNA reads to the human genome. Previously its software source code was genetically improved for short paired end next generation sequences. On longer, 150 base paired end noisy Cambridge Epigenetix's data, a Pascal GTX 1080 processes about 10000 strings per second, comparable with twin nVidia Tesla K40.

  18. Fauna de mamíferos del yacimiento costero de Herriko Barra (Zarautz, País Vasco).


    K. Mariezkurrena; J. Altuna


    Se cuenta de los restos de Mamíferos hallados en el yacimiento costero al aire libre de Herriko Barra (Zarautz, País Vasco), formado durante el Holoceno (C14:5.810 +170 BP). Aunque algunos elementos de la industria lítica apuntan hacia una tipología neolítica, la economía de los pobladores de Herriko   Barra era mesolítica, ya que no hay ningún indicio de domesticación animal ni de agricultura. La inmensa mayoría de los restos son de ciervo (92,2%). El resto está compuesto por restos de corz...

  19. Study of Fluidized-Bed Control Rods; Etude de Barres de Controle Fluidisees; Izuchenie reguliruyushchej sistemy, ispol'zuyushchej suspenziyu pogloshchayushchikh chastits; Estudio Sobre Barras de Control de Lecho Fluidificado

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Blair, D. J. [General Nuclear Engineering Corporation, Dunedin, FL (United States); Driscoll, M. J.; Dalton, G. R.; Parkinson, T. F. [Department of Nuclear Engineering, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL (United States)


    'obtenir des caracteristiques hydrauliques et nucleaires acceptables. Il s'est avere possible de controler des reacteurs de faible puissance en utilisant des barres de controle fluidisees a transmission ou a reflection. Il est apparu, en outre, que la formule FBCR a de bonnes caracteristiques de controle qui peuvent etre calculees par les methodes theoriques habituelles. Pour les reacteurs de grande puissance et a temperature elevee, il faudra obtenir des renseignements supplementaires sur les caracteristiques du materiau en particules. L'un des grands avantages de la formule FBCR est d'offrir la possibilite de modifier le flux axial soit en utilisant des particules de dimensions ou d'absorption variables soit en donnant une forme appropriee a la section horizontale de la barre. (author) [Spanish] En ocasiones anteriores se habia propuesto regular los reactores nucleares utilizando barras de control de lecho fluidificado (FBCR), pero pese a sus ventajas aparentes con respecto a los sistemas electromecanicos, no se les ha prestado mucha atencion. Con arreglo al concepto FBCR, el sistema de control del reactor se convierte en un dispositivo de regulacion de caudal por medio de bombas de velocidad variable o de valvulas accionadas por motor en el circuito principal de refrigerante. Como alternativa, pueden utilizarse tuberias de desviacion en el cuerpo, analogas a los sistemas de control que ahora se construyen para los reactores de lecho fluidificado. Las barras FBCR ofrecen, entre otras, las siguientes ventajas: 1. Puede suprimirse la mayor parte de los orificios de la parte superior del recipiente de presion y se simplifica la recarga de combustible. 2. Toda disminucion anomala del caudal provoca una interrupcion instantanea de caracter automatico. 3. El flujo axial puede conformarse mediante el empleo de canales de perfil especial o de particulas de tamaflo variable. 4. Es posible reducir la intensificacion del flujo en el espacio de agua al extraer parcialmente la barra de

  20. Análisis cinemático de la trayectoria de la barra en la Arrancada y su relación con el rendimiento

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    José Campos Granell


    Full Text Available El objetivo de este estudio está centrado en la descripción de la trayectoria de la barra en la Arrancada, así como analizar las diferencias entre levantadores de diferente nivel de rendimiento en términos relativos, incorporando como elemento de análisis el desplazamiento de los pies. La muestra está formada por 31 levantadores de categoría masculina de diferentes categorías de peso. Para el estudio comparativo se conforman dos grupos de levantadores en función de la carga relativa, esto es, la carga máxima levantada en función del peso corporal. Se utiliza la metodología Fotogrametría 3D. Los resultados revelan que los levantadores que consiguen una mayor carga relativa desplazan la barra siguiendo una trayectoria más vertical. Estas diferencias se concretan en un menor desplazamiento horizontal de la barra en el instante en que la barra alcanza la máxima elevación y en el instante del encaje (p: 0,030 y p: 0,005, respectivamente y en un menor desplazamiento atrás de los pies (p: 0,012. No se han encontrado diferencias en el recorrido vertical de la barra. Estos hallazgos podrían ser tenidos en cuenta en el entrenamiento individualizado de los levantadores, especialmente de los más jóvenes.

  1. Diagnosis and analysis of water quality and trophic state of Barra Bonita reservoir, SP

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    Giovanna Moreti Buzelli


    Full Text Available As a consequence of the intensification of environmental degradation, we observed a decrease in water availability and a change in water quality. Therefore, the integrated management of watersheds is an issue of extreme importance. Limnological monitoring is an important tool for environmental management, providing information on the quality of inland waters and indicating the main factors responsible for the degradation of water resources. The Barra Bonita reservoir is located in the central region of São Paulo State, in the Superior Middle Tietê Basin, and the adjacent areas of the reservoir are subject to several human activities potentially impacting the environment. In this context, there is a need to determine the nature of negative human impacts on water resources. The present study aimed to analyze and diagnose the water quality of Barra Bonita reservoir using the water quality index (WQI and the trophic state index (TSI. To this end, measurements of specific limnological variables were made in situ and laboratory and an analysis of data from CETESB annual reports was conducted. The results found that the waters of the reservoir were relatively healthy, but hyper eutrophic for the period from2007 to 2012, indicating the importance of environmental management for the restoration and preservation of natural resources in this region. The estimated indices and the land use map of adjacent areas of the Barra Bonita reservoir showed that agriculture was the largest category of land use and that it contributes directly to the degradation of water quality due to contamination by run-off from fertilizers.

  2. Experimental comparison of standard fuel cells PEM in radial configuration, coil and spiral; Comparacion experimental de celdas de combustible tipo PEM en configuracion radial, serpentin y espiral

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Cano Andrade, Sergio


    sustituir al petroleo surge la siguiente pregunta: cual de todas las fuentes posibles es la adecuada? Sin duda se debe tomar en cuenta otro factor importante en la eleccion de dicha fuente, el cual tiene que ver con el gran problema que la humanidad trata a diario: el efecto invernadero. Tomando en cuenta el efecto invernadero, las celdas de combustible en base a hidrogeno son la fuente de energia mas viable para sustituir al petroleo, ya que en su funcionamiento son amigables con el medio ambiente pues no producen contaminantes, reduciendo enormemente el problema del calentamiento global en que esta enfrascado el planeta. Es muy cierto que aun existen muchas desventajas en estas celdas de combustible en base a hidrogeno, pero las arduas investigaciones realizadas hasta la actualidad auguran un excelente futuro donde el plantea podra satisfacer su demanda energetica diaria en base a la tecnologia de hidrogeno. En trabajos futuros se debe tener especial cuidado en el control de la humedad de los gases antes de entrar a la celda de combustible, ya que es un parametro importante en el funcionamiento correcto de las celdas de combustible tipo PEM. En la presente investigacion se ilustra el avance en el estado del arte de la tecnologia de hidrogeno, especificamente con la generacion de electricidad en base a las novedosas configuraciones de celdas de combustible tipo PEM. Hasta el momento no se ha encontrado en bibliografia trabajo semejante donde se experimente con este tipo de configuracion radial para las tecnologias de hidrogeno. La geometria y los resultados presentados en este analisis corresponden a un trabajo de la mas alta categoria en el estado del arte de las celdas de combustible, ademas de que se tiene una amplia expectativa debido a los resultados altamente satisfactorios encontrados tanto numericamente como experimentalmente, en comparacion con otras geometrias.

  3. Modelagem da eletro-oxidação de etanol sobre catalisador PtSn/C aplicada a células a combustível de etanol direto do tipo membrana trocadora de prótons (DEPEMFC)


    Piña, Renzo Fabricio Figueroa


    Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnológico, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia Mecânica, Florianópolis, 2014 Neste trabalho desenvolve-se a modelagem da reação eletroquímica de oxidação de etanol em células a combustível de etanol direto tipo PEM (DEPEMFC). O modelo da célula DEPEMFC considera a cinética de eletro-oxidação de etanol, o transporte de massa e a resistência elétrica dos diversos materiais que formam a célula a combustível. A reação elet...

  4. Variación temporal y espacial de aves playeras en la laguna Barra de Navidad, Jalisco, en tres temporadas no reproductivas


    Salvador Hernández; Sergio Serrano; Xóchitl A. Hernández; María Isabel Robles


    Hay un escaso conocimiento de las aves playeras en los humedales costeros de Jalisco, y en particular en la laguna Barra de Navidad. El presente trabajo contribuye al conocimiento de este grupo de aves y describe su distribución temporal y espacial en la laguna Barra de Navidad durante tres temporadas no reproductivas (1999-2000, 2006-2007 y 2008-2009). Se realizaron censos mensuales de noviembre-abril en las tres temporadas con el fin de registrar todas las especies de aves playeras. Se iden...

  5. Diversidade e potencial biotecnólogico de fungos filamentosos isolados do manguezal Barra das Jangadas, Jaboatão dos Guararapes, Pernambuco


    Neto Ferreira Gomes, Daniela


    Fungos filamentosos de sedimento do manguezal Barra das Jangadas, foram isolados e identificados com objetivo de proceder a caracterização enzimática. Foram coletadas amostras de sedimento do manguezal Barra das Jangadas nos meses de março e abril/2004 e outubro/2005 (período de estiagem); junho e julho/2004 e julho/2005 (período chuvoso). As coletas foram realizadas em quatro pontos em manguezais do estuário formado pelos rios Jaboatão e Pirapama, perfazendo um total de 24 ...


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    Nísia Andrade Villela DESSIMONI-PINTO


    Full Text Available

    A amêndoa de macaúba (Acrocomia aculeata (Jacq. Lodd. tem despertado grande interesse socio-econômico para a população do Cerrado e possui propriedades nutricionais pouco estudadas. O objetivo deste estudo foi caracterizar físico-quimicamente a amêndoa de macaúba e verifi car o valor nutricional e a aceitabilidade de uma barra de cereais elaborada a partir deste material. Os frutos coletados foram lavados, sanitizados, secos e suas amêndoas foram retiradas. As características físico-químicas das amêndoas avaliadas foram massa, diâmetro, pH, SST, ATT e composição centesimal. Elaborou-se uma barra de cereais teste com adição de 15% do fruto e uma controle e determinou-se suas composições centesimais. A avaliação sensorial das formulações foi realizada com 45 participantes em três etapas: teste de aceitação (escala de 5 pontos, teste de preferência e análise descritiva quantitativa (aparência, cor, aroma, sabor, textura e doçura dos produtos. As amêndoas de macaúba estudadas possuem quantidades expressivas de lipídios (29,73%, proteínas (12,28% e energia (524,19kcal/100g. A barra de cereais com macaúba obteve maiores teores de lipídios (7,84% e energia (396,28kcal/100g. O índice de aceitação da barra de cereais formulada com macaúba foi de 88,90% e o teste de preferência evidenciou 71,11% de aprovação pelos participantes da pesquisa. A barra teste obteve atributos mais bem aceitos em relação à controle (p<0,05, na qual o atributo “sabor” alcançou a maior pontuação média (4,62. Dessa forma, conclui-se que as características físico-químicas da amêndoa de macaúba contribuem de forma positiva para a elaboração de barras de cereais, conferindo ao produto final um perfil sensorial de boa aceitabilidade.

  7. Resultados de ensayos de soldadura a tope y por solape, con electrodo, de barras de aceros estirados en frío

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    Calavera Ruiz, José


    Full Text Available The authors report on a series of tests carried out in the welding of reinforced concrete bars. The tested bars were cold drawn, with elastic limits of 4,200 and 5,000 kg/cm2. The tests included butt and overlap welding, involving excentric and axial overlaps, with joint reinforcements. Results of these experiments show that if the indicated method is adopted, including an average standard of workmanship, the weld attains 100 % of the bar strength.Los autores dan cuenta de una serie de ensayos realizados sobre soldadura de barras para hormigón armado. Las barras ensayadas son de acero estirado en frío con límites elásticos de 4.200 y 5.000 kp/cm2. Los ensayos abarcaron la soldadura a tope y la soldadura por solape, con sus variantes de solape excéntrico y solape centrado con cubrejuntas. Los resultados de los ensayos demuestran que siguiendo la técnica indicada, y con una calidad normal de ejecución, la soldadura presenta el 100 % de la resistencia de la barra.

  8. Espécie invasora em unidade de conservação: Achatina fulica (Bowdich, 1822 no Parque Estadual Carlos Botelho, Sete Barras, SP, Brasil (Nota Científica. Invasive species in conservation unit: Achatina fulica (Bowdich, 1822 in Carlos Botelho State Park, Sete Barras, SP, Brazil (Scientific Note.

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    Marilda Rapp de ESTON


    Full Text Available O caramujo-gigante-africano, Achatinafulica (Mollusca-Achatinidae, considerado umadas cem piores espécies invasoras do mundo,causando sérios danos ambientais, é registrado pelaprimeira vez para o Parque Estadual CarlosBotelho, município de Sete Barras, Estado de SãoPaulo, Brasil.The Giant African Snail, Achatina fulica(Mollusca-Achatinidae, considered as one of ahundred worst world’s invasive species, causingserious environmental damages, is registered forthe first time for Carlos Botelho State Park, countyof Sete Barras, state of São Paulo, Brazil.

  9. Geochemical pattern of rare-earth elements from ore deposits of Sete Barras and Volta Grande-PR

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ronchi, L.H.; Dardenne, M.A.


    The fluorite ore deposits of Volta Grande and Sete Barras in Parana show similar REE distribution patterns. Fluorite ores from other regions in Parana e Santa Catarina show marked differences in the REE pattern which suggest different modes of origin. (author) [pt

  10. Determination of the Effectiveness of Control Rods in the VVER Reactor Fuel Assemblies; Determination de l'Efficacite des Barres de Reglage dans les Ensembles Combustibles du reacteur VVER; Opredelenie ehffektivnosti reguliruyushchikh sterzhnej v sborkakh reaktora VVEHR; Determinacion de la Eficacia de las Barras de Control en los Conjuntos de Elementos Combustibles del Reactor VVER

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Semenov, V. N.; Lunin, G. L.; Komissarov, L. V.; Kamyshan, A. N.; Halizev, V. I.; Andrianov, G. Ja.; Voznesenskij, V. A.; Kuz' micheva, V. A.; Lebedev, V. I. [Ordena Lenina Institut Atomnoj Energii Im. I.V. Kurchatova, Moskva, SSSR (Russian Federation)


    The paper describes experiments done in homogeneous mock-ups of the fuel assemblies from the VVER Reactor (at one level of enrichment) to determine the effectiveness of absorbing systems comprising shim fuel assemblies or water cavities and of absorbing rods clad in jackets made of differing materials. The paper also gives data on some experiments that have been done in mock-ups of assemblies with differing levels of enrichment. These experiments make it possible to verify the methods used in calculation and to evaluate the prospects of using them for heterogeneous reactors. (author) [French] Le memoire decrit les experiences qui ont ete faites pour determiner l 'efficacite des absorbants contenus dans les barres de compensation, l'effet cavitaire et l 'efficacite des absorbants gaines de materiaux divers, au moyen d'assemblages homogenes de cartouches de combustible du reacteur VVER (reacteur de puissance ralenti et refroidi a l 'eau ayant le meme taux d'enrichissement. On y trouve en outre des donnees sur certaines experiences executees a l 'aide d'assemblages de cartouches de combustible taux d'enrichissement differents. Ces travaux permettent de verifier la methode de calcul et d'evaluer ses possibilites d'application aux reacteurs non homogenes. (author) [Spanish] Se describen en la memoria experimentos para determinar la eficacia de los materiales absorbentes contenidos en las barras de compensacion, el efecto de cavitacion y la eficacia de los materiales absorbentes revestidos de diversos materiales, realizados con ayuda de los conjuntos homogeneos de elementos combustibles del reactor VVER (reactor de potencia moderado y refrigerado por agua) con un solo grado de enriquecimiento. Ademas, se exponen datos sobre los experimentos efectuados con ayuda de conjuntos de grados de enriquecimientos; variados. Tales experimentos permiten verificar el metodo de calculo teorico, utilizad o y evaluar la posibilidad de aplicarlo a los reactores no homogeneos. (author

  11. Processamento de barras de cereais com adição de farinha de batata-doce (Ipomoea batatas L.) Processing of cereal bars with added sweet potato flour (Ipomea batatas L.)


    Bezerra, José Raniere Mazile Vidal; UNICENTRO; Rigo, Maurício; UNICENTRO; Teixeira, Ângela Moraes; UNICENTRO; Angelo, Mariana Alves; UNICENTRO; Czaikoski, Aline; Graduanda em Engenharia de Alimentos, bolsista Fundação Araucária. BIC/Universidade Estadual do Centro Oeste - UNICENTRO.


    Considerando o crescimento do segmento de barras de cereais, a importância da cultura da batata-doce (Ipomoea batatas L.) e seu valor nutricional, este trabalho teve por objetivo a elaboração de barras de cereais com adição de diferentes teores de farinha de batata-doce e sua avaliação de aceitação sensorial, e ainda, a determinação da composição proximal da formulação melhor avaliada sensorialmente. A farinha da batata-doce e as barras de cereais adicionadas a farinha foram submetidas às det...

  12. Variación temporal y espacial de aves playeras en la laguna Barra de Navidad, Jalisco, en tres temporadas no reproductivas Temporal and spatial variation of shorebirds in Barra de Navidad lagoon, Jalisco, during three non-breeding seasons

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    Salvador Hernández


    Full Text Available Hay un escaso conocimiento de las aves playeras en los humedales costeros de Jalisco, y en particular en la laguna Barra de Navidad. El presente trabajo contribuye al conocimiento de este grupo de aves y describe su distribución temporal y espacial en la laguna Barra de Navidad durante tres temporadas no reproductivas (1999-2000, 2006-2007 y 2008-2009. Se realizaron censos mensuales de noviembre-abril en las tres temporadas con el fin de registrar todas las especies de aves playeras. Se identificaron 19 especies (tres residentes y 16 visitantes de invierno, de las cuales Charadrius wilsonia, Limosa fedoa y Tringa semipalmata presentaron la mayor abundancia. Doce especies son consideradas como prioritarias en la “Estrategia para la Conservación y Manejo de las Aves Playeras y su Hábitat en México”. El mayor número de especies fue registrado en noviembre, diciembre y marzo en la primera y tercera temporada. El mayor número de individuos fue registrado alimentándose en marea baja, principalmente en diciembre, enero y febrero de la primera y tercera temporada. En marea baja hubo un mayor número de especies e individuos alimentándose en la zona C. Esta zona se caracterizó por tener sustratos lodosos expuestos durante marea baja y que fueron aprovechados por las aves para alimentarse. La laguna Barra de Navidad proporcionó hábitats de alimentación y descanso para las aves residentes y migratorias. Sin embargo, estos hábitats se ven amenazados por las actividades humanas realizadas dentro de la laguna, que sin duda tendrán consecuencias negativas para la distribución y abundancia de las aves playeras.Resident and migratory shorebirds inhabit different kinds of wetlands such as lagoons, rivers and seashores among others. In recent years, these areas have been importantly affected by urban, agriculture and touristic activities, such as the Barra de Navidad lagoon, for which little information is available to support conservation

  13. El tratado de Derecho Administrativo del Profesor Rodolfo Carlos Barra

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    Daniel Hugo Martins


    Full Text Available En el "Tratado" cuyos primeros dos tomos han sido públicados recientemente, Barra se propone aplicar la "tesis cuatripartita" al derecho administrativo, con base en la "filosofía perenne" y la interpretación tomista del derecho."Este trabajo -dice- propugna la sistematización y mediatización del Derecho Administrativo, como rama del derecho público que garantiza el cumplimiento del acto justo en las relaciones de justicia distributiva y está referido a la regulación de la relación jurídica Estado (Administración Pública - administrado"

  14. Vespas Sociais (Vespidae: Polistinae em Fitofisionomias Urbanas: um Checklist do Município de Barra Mansa, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil

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    Carlos Alberto Souza


    Checklist of Social Wasps (Vespidae: Polistinae in Two Green Urban Areas in the Municipality of Barra Mansa, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Abstract. New concepts on city planning and urbanization have progressively encouraged the creation and maintenance of public or private green areas, which are important feeding and shelter zones for several species of social wasps. However, in spite of the sampling effort and representativeness of southeastern Brazil, knowledge of richness and abundance of social wasps in Rio de Janeiro is still poor. The present study aimed at inventorying the fauna of social wasps in urban phytophysiognomies in downtown Barra Mansa, state of Rio de Janeiro, within the campus of Barra Mansa University. We sampled two areas for 12 months - a human-modified grassland and a reforested area, through active search with insect nests, Möericke traps, and aromatic traps. We collected 148 wasps of three tribes, four genera, and 17 species. Through active search we recorded 70.7% of the species sampled. The tribe Epiponini showed the highest species richness, and Polybia chrysothorax Lichtenstein and Polybia erythrothoraxla Richards were recorded for the first time in the state of Rio de Janeiro. In the anthropic field it was observed greater diversity (H’ = 1,890, equitability (J = 0,7605, and minor dominance (D(1/D = 0,2124, while in the reforested area was obtained H’ = 1,582, J = 0,6366 e D(1/D = 0,3465. The configuration and size of the reforested area in the campus Barra Mansa (UBM are insufficient elements to restrict the movement of species or segregate communities when considering the anthropic field, thereby still allowing that species could also be sampled between the areas.

  15. Mesozooplankton of the estuarine system of Barra das Jangadas, Pernambuco, Brazil


    Cavalcanti, Eliane A. H.; Neumann-Leitão, Sigrid; Vieira, Dilma A. do N.


    Estudos sobre o mesozooplâncton foram realizados no sistema estuarino de Barra das Jangadas, Pernambuco, Brasil (8º14'36"S, 34º56'28"W) visando analisar a estrutura da comunidade. As amostras foram obtidas com rede de plâncton, com malha de 300 µm, durante os períodos, seco (janeiro/2001) e chuvoso (julho/2001), nas marés de sizígia e de quadratura, em intervalos de três horas. Foram identificados 37 taxa, destacando-se Copepoda com as espécies Pseudodiaptomus acutus (F. Dahl, 1894), Pseudodi...

  16. Influência da adição de fibras de aço na tensão de aderência de barras de aço retilíneas

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    D. L. Araújo

    Full Text Available A aderência entre a barra de aço e o concreto permite que haja a compatibilização entre os dois materiais, validando o uso do concreto armado como material de construção. Quanto melhor a aderência, menores são as aberturas das fissuras e mais protegida fica a armadura. Assim, busca-se nessa pesquisa investigar a influência das fibras de aço na aderência aço-concreto. Para tanto, foram ensaiados trinta e três corpos de prova, com dimensões de 200 mm x 300 mm x 150 mm, dos quais foi arrancada uma barra de aço neles concretada. As variáveis analisadas foram o diâmetro da barra (10 mm, 12,5 mm, 16 mm e 20 mm, o comprimento aderente (cinco e dez vezes o diâmetro da barra e o volume de fibras de aço adicionadas ao concreto (1% e 2%. Foram utilizadas fibras de aço com ganchos nas extremidades, comprimento de 35 mm e relação de aspecto igual a 65. Dos ensaios de arrancamento foi determinada a forma e a força de ruptura em cada um dos modelos. Adicionalmente, foram feitas simulações computacionais dos ensaios realizados com barra de 10 mm de diâmetro. Tanto os resultados dos ensaios experimentais quanto da modelagem mostraram que as fibras estudadas exercem pequena influência na tensão de aderência entre a barra e o concreto. Por outro lado, quando a ruptura da aderência se dá pelo fendilhamento do cobrimento de concreto, a influência das fibras é significativa.

  17. Canine visceral leishmaniasis in Barra de Guaratiba, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil: assessment of risk factors

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    Cabrera Maria Alice A.


    Full Text Available Barra de Guaratiba is a coastal area of the city of Rio de Janeiro where American visceral leishmaniasis (AVL is endemic. Although control measures including killing of dogs and use of insecticides have been applied at this locality, the canine seroprevalence remains at 25% and during 1995 and 1997 eight autochthonous human cases were notified. In order to evaluate factors related to the increase of the risk for Leishmania (Leishmania chagasi infection in dogs we have screened 365 dogs by anti-Leishmania immunofluorescent antibody test (IFAT and captured sandflies in the domestic and peridomestic environment. Some variables related to the infection were assessed by uni- and multivariate analysis. The distance of the residence from the forest border, its altitude and the presence of the opossum Didelphis marsupialis in the backyard, were found predictor factors for L. (L. chagasi infection in dogs in Barra de Guaratiba. The presence of Lutzomyia longipalpis in the peridomestic environment indicates the possibility of appearence of new human cases. Our data also suggest the presence of a sylvatic enzootic cycle at this locality.

  18. Curicica, de "fim do mundo" a "Barra Olímpica"


    Sampaio, Lilian Amaral de


    Curicica, de "fim do mundo" à "Barra Olímpica" é um estudo sobre os impactos gerados pelas transformações urbanas em processo no entorno do futuro Parque Olímpico, na Baixada de Jacarepaguá, Rio de Janeiro. O trabalho tem como ponto de partida a elaboração de um diagnóstico feito para a região de Curicica por ocasião do Programa Morar Carioca (2012), para urbanização das favelas da área, posteriormente suspenso. Trata-se de uma exploração sobre a lógica que norteia a (re)ocupação de uma área ...





    Com o intuito de reduzir as emissões e melhorar a combustão em uma maior faixa de rotação e carga de um motor, foi proposto o estudo da combustão por compressão de misturas homogêneas (HCCI), este processo apresenta altas eficiências e baixas emissões, principalmente de NOx e fuligem. Assim, o objetivo do presente trabalho é a determinação das faixas de operação estável em um motor diesel, de alta taxa de compressão (20:1). O combustível utilizado foi gasolina tipo A, tendo em vista a sua gra...

  20. Aceitabilidade e estabilidade físico-química de barras de cereais elaboradas à base de aveia e linhaça dourada

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    Rosana Colussi


    Full Text Available Matérias-primas de elevado valor nutricional e com propriedades funcionais devem ser utilizadas no desenvolvimento de produtos benéficos à saúde do consumidor. Neste trabalho, objetivou-se estudar combinações de aveia e linhaça dourada na elaboração de barras de cereais, sendo avaliadas a composição química, a aceitabilidade sensorial e a estabilidade pelo período de 60 dias de armazenamento. As barras de cereais foram elaboradas com o emprego de ingredientes secos e agentes ligantes, nas proporções de 70% e 30%, respectivamente. O delineamento empregado foi o de mistura binária com variações proporcionais nas formulações, sendo realizadas três repetições no ponto central. As barras de cereais foram avaliadas por 35 provadores não treinados quanto à aceitabilidade e à intenção de compra. A estabilidade foi avaliada pela determinação de acidez graxa, índice de peróxidos e atividade de água, e a composição química, pela determinação de umidade, proteínas, cinzas, lipídios, fibra alimentar e carboidratos. Para a composição química, foi realizada a análise de regressão, obtendo-se os coeficientes de determinação e falta de ajuste. Nas demais determinações, os resultados foram analisados pelo emprego da análise da variância (ANOVA e as médias foram comparadas pelo teste de Tukey a 5% de significância. A aveia combinada com linhaça dourada pode ser utilizada na elaboração de barras de cereais por apresentar características sensoriais adequadas e ser fonte de fibras. A formulação de melhor aceitabilidade sensorial foi o ponto central, com emprego de 50% de aveia e 50% de linhaça dourada. As barras de cereais apresentam boa estabilidade devido à baixa atividade de água e à não formação de peróxidos.

  1. O conhecimento ictiológico tradicional dos pescadores da cidade de Barra, região do médio São Francisco, Estado da Bahia, Brasil The traditional ichthyological knowledge of fishermen from the city of Barra, median region of San Francisco, state of Bahia, Brazil

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    Márcia Nogueira de Melo


    Full Text Available No artigo discute-se o conhecimento ictiológico tradicional de uma comunidade pesqueira da cidade de Barra, localizada na região oeste do Estado da Bahia, nordeste do Brasil. Os pescadores de Barra desenvolvem suas atividades habituais às margens dos rios São Francisco e Grande. O trabalho de campo foi realizado no período de janeiro a junho de 2000. Foram consultados 15 informantes (10 homens e 5 mulheres através de entrevistas livres e semi-estruturadas com o objetivo de registrar os aspectos cognitivos (etnotaxonomia, reprodução, comportamento, ecologia trófica, hábitat e culturais (restrições ao consumo de peixes e usos na medicina popular relacionados com as espécies de peixes locais. Dezoito espécies foram coletadas, identificadas e encontram-se depositadas no Laboratório de Ictiologia da Universidade Estadual de Feira de Santana. Os resultados revelam que os pescadores ainda possuem conhecimentos teóricos e práticos importantes que devem ser considerados em estudos de manejo, conservação e uso sustentável dos recursos pesqueiros. Problemas ecológicos de origem antrópica, tais como pesca predatória e introdução de espécies exóticas, vêm afetando o modo de vida dos pescadores tradicionais, tanto os da cidade de Barra como os das áreas adjacentes.This paper deals with the traditional ichthyological knowledge of fishermen’s community from the city of Barra, which is located in the west region of Bahia State, Northeast Brazil. These fishermen develop their usual activities at the edges of São Francisco and Grande rivers. Fieldwork was carried out from January to June 2000. A total of 15 informants (ten male and five female were consulted through open and semi-structured interviews, with the aim to record both the cognitive (ethnotaxonomy, reproduction, behaviour, food ecology, habitat and cultural aspects (restrictions to the fish eating and their use as folk medicine towards the local fish species. Eighteen

  2. Landscape changes in a coastal system undergoing tourism development: implications for Barra de Navidad Lagoon, Jalisco, Mexico

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    Tara L. Holland


    Full Text Available In this study, changes in land cover and land use patterns that occurred between 1985 and 2000 in the surrounding basin of the Barra de Navidad coastal lagoon in Jalisco, Mexico are quantified and explained. Two satellite images from 1985 (Landsat TM and 2000 (Landsat ETM+ were analyzed with supervised classification and ground truthing to evaluate changes in six land use/cover categories: lagoon, agriculture, urban/tourist, tropical dry forest, mangrove and bare substratum. Changes in land use composition were evaluated using a transition matrix and changes to configuration were interpreted using landscape metrics. Results show that urban and tourist areas expanded between 1985 and 2000, mostly at the expense of forested and bare land. Mangroves showed a large relative decrease in area (-39% and experienced fragmentation. These changes appear to be related to increased sedimentation a fan progradation into Barra de Navidad lagoon. These results may serve as a model for comparison in other systems experiencing multiple stressors, especially changes related to tourism and the intensification of resource extraction.



    Cavero A., Francisco; Fernández A., Víctor


    El metil metacrilato (mmc) es una resina acrílica utilizada en moldes para fabricar prótesis dentales y puede cumplir la función de barra estabilizadora-conectora en la reducción de fracturas, permitiendo la colocación de clavos en planos múltiples. El presente trabajo tuvo como objetivo comprobar que el acrílico dental sirve como barra conectora en la fijación externa esquelética, y demostrar que es posible fijar las fracturas con un método poco traumático, alejado del foco fracturario, para...

  4. Código de barras del ADN y sus posibles aplicaciones en el campo de la Entomología

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    Analía A. LANTERI


    Full Text Available En este artículo se abordan algunos aspectos de la controversia sobre la iniciativa «Código de barras del ADN», y se hace hincapié en sus potenciales aplicaciones en Entomología. Esta iniciativa propone emplear información dentro de una misma región génica (gen mitocondrial de la Citocromo c Oxidasa I = COI, en todas las especies vivientes y con condiciones de secuenciación universalmente aceptadas y estandarizadas. En la actualidad, no pretende sustituir la taxonomía alfa y la filogenia sino agilizar las tareas de identificación, especialmente en el campo de la Biomedicina (identificación de patógenos, parásitos y vectores, el control de plagas (intercepción de especies invasoras, cualquiera sea su estado de desarrollo ontogenético y los estudios sobre conservación de la biodiversidad. Para arribar a una correcta delimitación de las especies biológicas es preciso contar con las secuencias de COI de numerosos individuos a lo largo de todo su rango geográfico y además, secuencias de genes nucleares e información morfológica y biológica detallada. Las «Unidades Evolutivas Significativas», identificadas sobre la base del «código de barras», podrían corresponder tanto a morfoespecies como a especies crípticas y a subespecies o linajes con diferentes preferencias de huéspedes. La integración del «código de barras del ADN», el trabajo de campo, las colecciones de museos y la investigación científica resultan imprescindibles para que esta herramienta redunde en avances significativos en el campo de la Sistemática Entomológica.

  5. La fatiga en las barras de acero corrugado para refuerzo de hormigón


    Avila Kildal, Francisco


    Para conseguir aprovechar los recursos que la sociedad invierte en infraestructuras de manera óptima es imprescindible, para la ingeniería civil, un buen conocimiento de los materiales y de sus propiedades. Partiendo de esta premisa, el objetivo de esta tesina es aportar conocimiento a la caracterización de las barras de acero corrugado para refuerzo de hormigón en su funcionamiento frente a la fatiga. Definimos fatiga como la alteración mecánica de los materiales bajo el ef...

  6. Productive organization of ocean artisan fishing in Sao Joao da Barra, RJ

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    Alcimar das Chagas Ribeiro


    Full Text Available This paper discusses the economic relations found in artisan fishing in the municipality of São João da Barra, RJ, based on the conceptual structure of supply chains, in order to understand the levels of interaction among the different actors, and how this reflects in their competitiveness. The qualitative and exploratory survey was carried by using the action research methodology aiming at the identification of the real problems that weakens the activity and, more specifically, possible regulation alternatives. Such effort is justified by the historical and economic importance of such activity which, in recent years, has suffered a severe depression.

  7. Insect galls of Restinga de Marambaia (Barra de Guaratiba, Rio de Janeiro, RJ). (United States)

    Maia, V C; Silva, L O


    Thirty-one morphotypes of insect galls and two flower damages were found on 16 families, 22 genera and 24 plant species in Restinga de Marambaia (Barra de Guaratiba, Rio de Janeiro, RJ). Fabaceae and Myrtaceae were the plant families with the greatest richness of insect galls (4 and 6 morphotypes, respectively), and the greatest number of galled plants (four and three species, respectively). Galls were mostly found on leaves and stems (77% and 10%, respectively). The galling insects are represented by Diptera, Lepidoptera, and Hemiptera. The majority of the galls (81%) were induced by gall midges (Cecidomyiidae: Diptera).

  8. Application of roasted rice bran in cereal bars Aplicação de farelo de arroz torrado em barras de cereais

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    Marina Costa Garcia


    Full Text Available The objective of this study was to evaluate the viability of using microwave-roasted rice bran as an ingredient in high-fiber cereal bars to obtain a product with good acceptability. The influence of the rice flakes, corn flakes, and roasted rice bran levels on the physical and chemical characteristics of the cereal bars was studied. The overall acceptability of three selected formulations was also evaluated. An increase in the roasted rice bran level in the formulation reduced the force of rupture and water activity, resulted in intermediate density, and caused darkening of the bars. The contents of lipid and total dietary fiber were higher in the formulation with the highest rice bran content, which was therefore classified as functional food. The formulation containing 0.34; 0.32; and 0.34 roasted rice bran, rice flakes, and corn flakes, respectively, seemed to be the best outcome. Cereal bars with roasted rice bran levels between 10 and 20% were accepted by consumers.O objetivo do trabalho foi avaliar a viabilidade da utilização do farelo de arroz torrado, em microondas, como ingrediente de barras de cereais ricas em fibras, para obtenção de um produto com boa aceitabilidade. A influência dos teores de flocos de arroz, flocos de milho e farelo de arroz torrado nas características físicas, químicas de barras de cereais foram estudados. A aceitabilidade global de três formulações selecionadas também foi avaliada. O aumento no teor de farelo de arroz torrado nas formulações reduziu a força de ruptura e atividade de água, a densidade foi intermediária e houve escurecimento das barras. O conteúdo de lipídeos e fibra alimentar total foram maiores nas formulações com maior teor de farelo de arroz, portanto, classificada como alimento funcional. A formulação com a proporção de 0,34/0,32/0,34 de farelo de arroz torrado/flocos de arroz/flocos de milho, se apresentou mais próxima do desejável. Barras de cereais formuladas com

  9. Spatial distribution and secondary production of Copepoda in a tropical reservoir: Barra Bonita, SP, Brazil

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    MJ. Santos-Wisniewski

    Full Text Available The present paper aims to describe the spatial distribution of zooplankton copepods, their biomass and instantaneous secondary production, in Barra Bonita, a large eutrophic, polymitic reservoir (22° 29' S and 48° 34' W on the Tietê River, of the Paraná basin. Sampling was carried out during two seasons: dry winter and rainy summer. Species composition, age structure and numerical density of each copepod species population were analyzed at 25 sampling stations. Secondary production was calculated for Copepoda, the dominant group in zooplankton communities, taking Calanoida and Cyclopoida separately. Copepoda represented the largest portion of the total zooplankton biomass, the dominant species being Notodiaptomus iheringi among the Calanoida and Mesocyclops ogunnus and Thermocyclops decipiens among the Cyclopoida. The production of Copepoda was higher during the rainy summer (23.61 mgDW.m-3.d-1 in January 1995 than during the dry winter season (14 mgDW.m-3.d-1 in August 1995, following the general pattern of abundance for the whole zooplankton community. Among the copepods, Cyclopoida production was higher than that of Calanoida, a pattern commonly observed for tropical lakes and reservoirs. Barra Bonita copepods are very productive, but there was a great degree of spatial heterogeneity, related to the physical and chemical conditions, particularly the level of nutrients and also to phytoplankton biomass.

  10. Analysis of the pre-rift/rifte transition interval (Serraria and Barra de Itiuba formations) from the Sergipe-Alagoas basin; Analise da secao de transicao pre-rifte/rifte (formacoes Serraria e Barra de Itiuba) da Bacia Sergipe-Alagoas

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Barreiro, C.B.; Mizusaki, A.M.P. [Rio Grande do Sul Univ., Porto Alegre, RS (Brazil)]. E-mail:;; Garcia, A.J.V. [Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos (UNISINOS), Sao Leopoldo, RS (Brazil)]. E-mail:


    The pre-rift/rift transition is represented by the Serraria and Barra de Itiuba formations. This interval was analyzed through qualitative and quantitative descriptions of cores, electric log analysis and studies of outcropping sections. The integration of surface and subsurface data allowed the stratigraphic characterization of sandstone bodies in the pre-rift/rift. These sandstones bodies were deposited by fluvial braided, lacustrine and deltaic systems (delta plain, delta front and pro delta). The sedimentary deposits characterized in the Serraria Formation are of channel, flooding of the fluvial system and eolic. The upper interval of this formation is characterized by to coarse medium-grained sandstones identified as the Caioba Sandstone. The Barra de Itiuba Formation contains lake, pro delta, frontal bar, distributary mouth, crevasse and distributary channel deposits. The sandstone units were specifically characterized in terms of their potential reservoir quality, and they were characterized the reservoirs R1 (good to medium quality) and Caioba (good quality) from the pre-rift phase, and reservoirs R2 (medium quality) and R3 (medium to good quality) from the rift phase. The reservoirs from pre-rift phase phase show the better reservoirs quality potential of the pre-rift/rift transition in the Sergipe-Alagoas Basin. (author)

  11. Preliminary characterization of the rare earth ore from the Barra do Itapirapua, Sao Paulo and Parana states, Brazil. Detail 1 area; Caracterizacao preliminar do minerio de terras raras da Barra do Itapirapua, SP/PR - area de detalhe 1

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lorenzi, M.L.B.; Lorenzi, V.E.; Kahn, H


    The main rare earth mineralization on Barra do Itapirapua Alkaline-Carbonatitic Complex is related to the weathering mantle of the Serrana Body carbonatite plug - detail 1 area. The present work describes the preliminary RE ore types established from correlation between geological observations, geochemical weathering profile and mineralogical studies. Mineralogical studies, comprising around 40 thin section analysis, were performed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) with energy dispersive systems (EDS). (author) 5 refs., 2 figs., 1 tab.





    um depósito de solos muito moles da Barra da Tijuca (Baixada de Jacarepaguá), que pertence a uma planície costeira do Rio de Janeiro (RJ). O perfil de solos muito moles de fundação possuía até 17 m de espessura, caracterizados pelo Nspt igual a 0. O aterro foi construído em etapas e os recalques foram acelerados com a instalação de drenos verticais pré-fabricados na fundação. A construção do aterro durou cerca de 1,5 ano e foi monitorada por meio de instrumentação geotécnic...

  13. Utilización del acrílico dental (metil metacrilato) como barra estabilizadora-conectora para reducciones cerradas en fracturas de tibia/peroné o radio/cúbito en caninos


    Cavero A., Francisco; Fernández A., Víctor


    El metil metacrilato (mmc) es una resina acrílica utilizada en moldes para fabricar prótesis dentales y puede cumplir la función de barra estabilizadora-conectora en la reducción de fracturas, permitiendo la colocación de clavos en planos múltiples. El presente trabajo tuvo como objetivo comprobar que el acrílico dental sirve como barra conectora en la fijación externa esquelética, y demostrar que es posible fijar las fracturas con un método poco traumático, alejado del foco fracturario, para...

  14. Optimización de la medida de conductividad en membranas poliméricas para pilas de combustible


    Espeso González, Iván


    El objetivo de este Trabajo de Fin de Grado se centra en la medida de conductividad iónica de membranas poliméricas de intercambio iónico en diferentes celdas de conductividad para poder optimizar este tipo de medidas y evaluar las ventajas e inconvenientes que presenta cada una de las celdas de conductividad utilizadas para poder ser utilizadas con otro tipo de membranas poliméricas utilizadas también como electrolitos sólidos en pilas de combustible. Se han utilizado co...

  15. Crescimento de genótipos de frangos tipo caipira

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    R. C. Veloso


    Full Text Available RESUMOObjetivou-se com este trabalho comparar o padrão de crescimento, mediante ajustes das respectivas curvas de crescimento por modelos não lineares, bem como estudar o desenvolvimento de cortes de carcaça em relação ao peso da carcaça em diferentes genótipos de frangos tipo caipira. Foram utilizados 840 pintos de um dia, machos, distribuídos em delineamento inteiramente ao acaso, dos seguintes genótipos da linhagem Redbro: Caboclo, Carijó, Colorpak, Gigante Negro, Pesadão Vermelho, Pescoço Pelado e Tricolor. As aves foram alojadas em 28 boxes, sendo 30 aves/boxe, em galpão de alvenaria com acesso a um piquete de 45m², com quatro repetições. O peso corporal individual dos frangos foi medido ao nascer, aos 14, 28, 42, 56, 70 e 84 dias de idade. Para a determinação das curvas de crescimento do peso corporal das aves, os dados coletados foram avaliados por meio dos modelos não lineares: Brody, Gompertz, Logístico, Richards e von Bertalanffy. Foi empregado o PROC NLIN do SAS, utilizando-se o método interativo de Gauss-Newton. Os critérios usados para escolha do modelo de melhor ajuste da curva de crescimento foram o coeficiente de determinação, o desvio padrão assintótico, o desvio médio absoluto dos resíduos e o índice assintótico. As análises para obtenção dos coeficientes alométricos foram realizadas por meio do PROC GLM do SAS para os genótipos Carijó, Colorpak, Pesadão Vermelho, Pescoço Pelado e Tricolor. Foram avaliados os pesos da carcaça, do peito, das coxas, das sobrecoxas, das pernas e das asas das aves abatidas aos 85 dias de idade. Apenas as equações propostas por Gompertz, von Bertalanffy e Logístico atingiram a convergência, e o modelo proposto por von Bertalanffy foi o mais adequado para descrever o crescimento dos genótipos de frangos caipiras. Todos os cortes avaliados apresentaram crescimento tardio em relação ao peso da carcaça em genótipos de frangos tipo caipira.

  16. Variación temporal y espacial de aves playeras en la laguna Barra de Navidad, Jalisco, en tres temporadas no reproductivas

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    Salvador Hernández


    Full Text Available Hay un escaso conocimiento de las aves playeras en los humedales costeros de Jalisco, y en particular en la laguna Barra de Navidad. El presente trabajo contribuye al conocimiento de este grupo de aves y describe su distribución temporal y espacial en la laguna Barra de Navidad durante tres temporadas no reproductivas (1999-2000, 2006-2007 y 2008-2009. Se realizaron censos mensuales de noviembre-abril en las tres temporadas con el fin de registrar todas las especies de aves playeras. Se identificaron 19 especies (tres residentes y 16 visitantes de invierno, de las cuales Charadrius wilsonia, Limosa fedoa y Tringa semipalmata presentaron la mayor abundancia. Doce especies son consideradas como prioritarias en la “Estrategia para la Conservación y Manejo de las Aves Playeras y su Hábitat en México”. El mayor número de especies fue registrado en noviembre, diciembre y marzo en la primera y tercera temporada. El mayor número de individuos fue registrado alimentándose en marea baja, principalmente en diciembre, enero y febrero de la primera y tercera temporada. En marea baja hubo un mayor número de especies e individuos alimentándose en la zona C. Esta zona se caracterizó por tener sustratos lodosos expuestos durante marea baja y que fueron aprovechados por las aves para alimentarse. La laguna Barra de Navidad proporcionó hábitats de alimentación y descanso para las aves residentes y migratorias. Sin embargo, estos hábitats se ven amenazados por las actividades humanas realizadas dentro de la laguna, que sin duda tendrán consecuencias negativas para la distribución y abundancia de las aves playeras.

  17. Modeling pollution potential input from the drainage basin into Barra Bonita reservoir, São Paulo – Brazil

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    RB. Prado

    Full Text Available In this study multi-criteria modeling tools are applied to map the spatial distribution of drainage basin potential to pollute Barra Bonita Reservoir, São Paulo State, Brasil. Barra Bonita Reservoir Basin had undergone intense land use/land cover changes in the last decades, including the fast conversion from pasture into sugarcane. In this respect, this study answers to the lack of information about the variables (criteria which affect the pollution potential of the drainage basin by building a Geographic Information System which provides their spatial distribution at sub-basin level. The GIS was fed by several data (geomorphology, pedology, geology, drainage network and rainfall provided by public agencies. Landsat satellite images provided land use/land cover map for 2002. Ratings and weights of each criterion defined by specialists supported the modeling process. The results showed a wide variability in the pollution potential of different sub-basins according to the application of different criterion. If only land use is analyzed, for instance, less than 50% of the basin is classified as highly threatening to water quality and include sub basins located near the reservoir, indicating the importance of protection areas at the margins. Despite the subjectivity involved in the weighing processes, the multi-criteria analysis model allowed the simulation of scenarios which support rational land use polices at sub-basin level regarding the protection of water resources.

  18. Fuel effect on solution combustion synthesis of Co(Cr,Al)2O4 pigments; Efecto del combustible en la síntesis de pigmentos Co(Cr,Al)2O4 por combustión de una disolución

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Gilabert, J.; Palacios, M.D.; Sanz, V.; Mestre, S.


    The fuel effect on the synthesis of a ceramic pigment with a composition CoCr2−2ΨAl2ΨO4 (0≤Ψ≤1) by means of solution combustion synthesis process (SCS) has been studied. Three different fuels were selected to carry out the synthesis (urea, glycine and hexamethylentetramine (HMT)). Highly foamy pigments with very low density were obtained. Fd-3m spinel-type structure was obtained in all the experiments. Nevertheless, crystallinity and crystallite size of the spinels show significant differences with composition and fuel. The use of glycine along with the chromium-richest composition favours ion rearrangement to obtain the most ordered structure. Lattice parameter does not seem to be affected by fuel, although it evolves with Ψ according to Vegard's law. Colouring power in a transparent glaze shows important variations with composition. On the other hand, fuel effect presents a rather low influence since practically the same shades are obtained. However, it exerts certain effect on luminosity (L*). [Spanish] Se ha estudiado el efecto del combustible en la síntesis de pigmentos cerámicos tipo CoCr2-2ΨAl2ΨO4 (0≤Ψ≤1), obtenidos mediante síntesis por combustión de una disolución. Se seleccionaron 3 tipos de combustible diferentes: urea, glicina y hexametilentetramina. Todos los pigmentos obtenidos presentaron una textura altamente esponjosa y con muy baja densidad. Las estructuras cristalinas desarrolladas en todos los casos fueron tipo espinela Fd-3m. Sin embargo, tanto la cristalinidad como el tamaño de cristalito presentaron diferencias significativas dependiendo de la composición y del combustible utilizado. El uso de glicina, junto con las composiciones más ricas en cromo, favorece la reorganización de los iones para obtener estructuras más ordenadas y con mayor cristalinidad. El parámetro de red no parece verse afectado por el combustible, aunque sí evoluciona con Ψ de acuerdo con la Ley de Vegard. El poder colorante desarrollado

  19. Desenvolvimento de barras de cereais à base de aveia com alto teor de fibra alimentar Development of oat based cereal bars with high dietary fiber content

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    Luiz Carlos Gutkoski


    Full Text Available A barra de cereal é um alimento nutritivo de sabor adocicado e agradável, fonte de vitaminas, sais minerais, fibras, proteínas e carboidratos complexos. O trabalho objetivou estudar o efeito da concentração de fibra alimentar e de açúcar na calda em barras de cereais elaboradas à base de aveia com alto teor de fibra alimentar. No estudo foram utilizados flocos, farelo e farinha de aveia, do cultivar UPFA 22, selecionado com base no teor de fibras e beta-glucanas. Os ingredientes secos e ligantes foram adquiridos no comércio local e utilizados na proporção de 70 e 30%, respectivamente, em quantidades definidas a partir de testes laboratoriais. O experimento foi realizado em delineamento composto central rotacional aplicável à metodologia de superfície de resposta, sendo avaliado o efeito da concentração de açúcar na calda (70, 75 e 80 °Brix e do teor de fibra alimentar da formulação (12, 16 e 20% na composição química, valor calórico, atividade de água, microbiologia e características sensoriais das barras de cereais. Os resultados das variáveis respostas foram tratados por análise de regressão múltipla. E foram utilizados no modelo matemático de segunda ordem os termos lineares, quadráticos e de interação, significativos. A aveia pode ser utilizada como ingrediente na elaboração de barras de cereais por apresentar textura, sabor e aparência adequados. O uso de aveia na formulação possibilita produzir barras de cereais com alto teor de fibra alimentar e fonte de beta-glucanas. As barras de cereais apresentam propriedades sensoriais agradáveis, similares às industrializadas e melhor aceitas quando elaboradas com média concentração de açúcar na calda e altos teores de fibra alimentar. As barras de cereais apresentam baixa atividade de água e atendem às especificações sanitárias, sendo estáveis durante 60 dias de armazenamento.Cereal bars are a nutritional food of sweetened and acceptable flavor

  20. Dating of Barra Bonita (Rio Tiete - Sao Paulo State, Brazil) reservoir sediments with 210 Pb: historical distribution of heavy metals

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cazotti, Raul I.; Silverio, Patricia F.; Mozeto, Antonio A.; Nascimento, Marcos R.L. do


    This work presents data on 210 Pb dating and heavy metal contamination of sediment cores collected from the Barra Bonita reservoir, one of the hydroelectric reservoir built in the Tiete River, SE Brazil about 40 years ago. Age calculations were done through the CRS (constant rate of supply) and CIC (constant initial concentration) models. It is well known that dating of lake sediment which are ≥ 100 years old poses no problem as atmospheric 210 Pb activity decreases to almost zero with sediment depth. In this work we present considerations and suggestions towards the applicability of these two models for reservoir dating as a study-case and for lakes in general with ages ≤ 100 years. The results show a good agreement between the CRS and CIC models. In addition, it was also evaluated the historical contamination of heavy metals (total and acid-extractable fraction). Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb and Zn showed an increase in concentration from the bottom to the top part of the cores. This would probably reflect an increase in land use of the Barra Bonita reservoir watershed for the last 40 years. (author)

  1. Redução fechada e fixação esquelética externa tipo I para tratamento de fraturas de tibiotarso em pombos domésticos (Columba livia

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    Alievi M.M.


    Full Text Available Estudaram-se a redução fechada e a fixação esquelética externa tipo I para o tratamento de fraturas de tibiotarso em 10 pombos domésticos (Columba livia adultos. As aves foram anestesiadas com a associação de xilazina e cetamina e em seguida foi realizada fratura do tibiotarso direito por pressão digital sobre a diáfise do membro. Quatro pinos de Kirschner, dois proximais e dois distais à linha da fratura, foram inseridos percutaneamente através de ambas as corticais ósseas e, após redução fechada da fratura, conectados externamente por uma barra de acrílico autopolimerizável na face lateral do membro. Em três aves foi observado radiograficamente desvio ósseo angular, porém, a função do membro não foi afetada. O tempo médio e o desvio-padrão para a cicatrização óssea foram 23,4± 3,0 dias. Os resultados demonstram que a redução fechada e a aplicação de fixador esquelético externo tipo I é um método efetivo para o tratamento de fraturas de tibiotarso em pombos domésticos (Columba livia.

  2. Flujo de carga con armónicos empleando la matriz impedancia de barras

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    José A González Quintero


    Full Text Available Se describe un flujo de armónicos empleando la matriz impedancia de barras. El algoritmo propuesto permite hallar losvoltajes de cada nodo del circuito sin tener que realizar la solución simultánea de todas las ecuaciones no linealescorrespondientes a cada nodo, ni siquiera la solución simultánea de las ecuaciones correspondientes a una redreducida de nodos no lineales solamente.  This work describes a harmonic load flow using the bar impedance matrix. The proposed algorithm permit to findevery node voltage of the circuit without to realize the simultaneous solution of all the non-linear equationscorresponding to each node, not even the simultaneous solution of the equations corresponding to a reducednetwork of only non-linear nodes.

  3. Divergência genética entre genótipos de frangos tipo caipira

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    R. C. Veloso


    Full Text Available RESUMOObjetivou-se com este trabalho verificar a divergência genética entre sete genótipos de frangos tipo caipira da linhagem Redbro utilizando as características de desempenho por meio de técnicas de análise multivariada. Foram utilizados 840 pintos de um dia, machos, distribuídos em delineamento inteiramente ao acaso, dos seguintes genótipos: Caboclo, Carijó, Colorpak, Gigante Negro, Pesadão Vermelho, Pescoço Pelado e Tricolor. Após a consistência dos dados, foram avaliadas as seguintes variáveis: ganho em peso médio diário, consumo de ração médio diário e conversão alimentar, para os períodos: 1 a 28, 1 a 56, 1 a 70 e 1 a 84 dias de idade; peso corporal ao nascimento, aos 28, 56, 70 e aos 84 dias de idade. O desempenho dos genótipos foi avaliado por meio da análise de variância multivariada e da função discriminante linear de Fisher, usando os testes do maior autovalor de Roy e da união-interseção de Roy para as comparações múltiplas. O estudo da divergência genética foi feito por meio da análise por variáveis canônicas e pelo método de otimização de Tocher. Os genótipos Caboclo e Gigante Negro apresentaram médias canônicas diferentes dos demais genótipos. As duas primeiras variáveis canônicas explicaram 97,41% da variação entre os genótipos. A divergência genética entre os genótipos avaliados permitiu a formação de quatro grupos com os seguintes genótipos: grupo 1 - Colorpak; grupo 2 - Pesadão Vermelho e Pescoço Pelado; grupo 3 - Carijó e Tricolor; e grupo 4 - Caboclo e Gigante Negro.

  4. The atomization and the flame structure in the combustion of residual fuel oils; La atomizacion y estructura de flama en la combustion de combustibles residuales

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bolado Estandia, Ramon [Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas, Cuernavaca (Mexico)


    In this article a research on the combustion of heavy residual fuel oils is presented. The type of flames studied were obtained by means of the burning of sprays produced by an atomizer designed and calibrated specially for the research purpose. The flame characteristics that were analyzed are its length, its luminosity, the temperature, the distribution of the droplets size and mainly the burning regime of the droplets in the flame. The experimental techniques that were used for these studies were shadow micro-photography, suction pyrometry and of total radiation, laser diffraction, 35 mm photography, and impact push. The analysis of the experimental results, together with the results of the application of a mathematical model, permitted to establish two parameters, that quantitatively related determine the burning regime of the droplets in a flame of sprays of residual heavy fuel oil. [Espanol] En este articulo se presenta una investigacion sobre la combustion de combustibles residuales pesados. El tipo de flamas estudiadas se obtuvieron mediante el quemado de sprays producidos por un atomizador disenado y calibrado especialmente para el proposito de la investigacion. Las caracteristicas de flama que se analizaron son la longitud, la luminosidad, la temperatura, la distribucion de tamano de gotas y, principalmente, el regimen de quemado de gotas en la flama. Las tecnicas experimentales que se usaron para estos estudios fueron microfotografia de sombras, pirometria de succion y de radiacion total, difraccion laser, fotografia de 35 mm y empuje de impacto. El analisis de resultados experimentales, junto con los resultados de la aplicacion de un modelo matematico, permitio establecer dos parametros, que relacionados cuantitativamente, determinan el regimen de quemado de gotas en una flama de sprays de combustible residual pesado.

  5. The atomization and the flame structure in the combustion of residual fuel oils; La atomizacion y estructura de flama en la combustion de combustibles residuales

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bolado Estandia, Ramon [Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas, Cuernavaca (Mexico)


    In this article a research on the combustion of heavy residual fuel oils is presented. The type of flames studied were obtained by means of the burning of sprays produced by an atomizer designed and calibrated specially for the research purpose. The flame characteristics that were analyzed are its length, its luminosity, the temperature, the distribution of the droplets size and mainly the burning regime of the droplets in the flame. The experimental techniques that were used for these studies were shadow micro-photography, suction pyrometry and of total radiation, laser diffraction, 35 mm photography, and impact push. The analysis of the experimental results, together with the results of the application of a mathematical model, permitted to establish two parameters, that quantitatively related determine the burning regime of the droplets in a flame of sprays of residual heavy fuel oil. [Espanol] En este articulo se presenta una investigacion sobre la combustion de combustibles residuales pesados. El tipo de flamas estudiadas se obtuvieron mediante el quemado de sprays producidos por un atomizador disenado y calibrado especialmente para el proposito de la investigacion. Las caracteristicas de flama que se analizaron son la longitud, la luminosidad, la temperatura, la distribucion de tamano de gotas y, principalmente, el regimen de quemado de gotas en la flama. Las tecnicas experimentales que se usaron para estos estudios fueron microfotografia de sombras, pirometria de succion y de radiacion total, difraccion laser, fotografia de 35 mm y empuje de impacto. El analisis de resultados experimentales, junto con los resultados de la aplicacion de un modelo matematico, permitio establecer dos parametros, que relacionados cuantitativamente, determinan el regimen de quemado de gotas en una flama de sprays de combustible residual pesado.

  6. Avaliação sorológica para detecção de anticorpos anti-Leishmania em cães e gatos no bairro de Santa Rita de Cássia, Município de Barra Mansa, Estado do Rio de Janeiro Serological evaluation for detection of anti-Leishmania antibodies in dogs and cats in the district of Santa Rita de Cássia, municipality of Barra Mansa, State of Rio de Janeiro

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    Fabiano Borges Figueiredo


    Full Text Available A partir de um caso canino de leishmaniose tegumentar americana na localidade de Santa Rita de Cássia, município de Barra Mansa, Rio de Janeiro, foi realizado um inquérito sorológico em 177 cães e 43 gatos. Na avaliação das amostras de soros caninos, 10% foram positivos na reação de imunofluorescência indireta e 10,7% no ensaio imunoenzimático. Entre as amostras de soros felinos testados, nenhum animal foi positivo na reação de imunofluorescência indireta e apenas um (2,4% felino apresentou reação positiva ao ensaio imunoenzimático. A detecção de Leishmania braziliensis, autóctone em Barra Mansa, faz um alerta para a instalação de um possível foco de leishmaniose tegumentar americana nessa região.From a canine case of american cutaneous leishmaniasis in the locality of Santa Rita de Cássia, municipality of Barra Mansa, Rio de Janeiro, a serological survey was performed on 177 dogs and 43 cats. Evaluation of the canine serum samples showed that 10% had a positive reaction in the indirect immunofluorescence test and 10.7% in the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Among the feline serum samples tested, none of the animals had a positive reaction in the indirect immunofluorescence test and only one (2.4% showed a positive reaction in the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. The detection of an autochthonous case of Leishmania braziliensis in Barra Mansa gives warning that a focus of american cutaneous leishmaniasis is possibly becoming established in this region.

  7. Tourism and environmental sustainability in the community of Barra Grande, Cajueiro da Praia, Piauí (PI

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    Anderson Fontenele Vieira


    Full Text Available The community of Barra Grande, tourist destination located in Cajueiro da Praia, Piauí (PI, was the object of investigation of this study. Tourism, in this region, increased creating structural, social and environmental change. The aim of the research was to analyze the environmental impacts of tourism in Barra Grande considering the Environmental Sustainability Indicators of BIGS (Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics. It was conducted a bibliographic and documentary survey about public politics for tourism and environment, besides the application of semi-structured interviews with eighteen hotels diagnosing three indicators: water supply, sewage disposal, and collection and disposal of solid waste which measure pressure parameters (impacts to the natural environment, qualified the state of that environment and the existence of response mechanisms to minimize the impacts. The scientific relevance consists in the analysis of sustainability through indicators based on Model PER (Pressure-State-Response, adopted by OECD (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, in order to conduct strategic actions to solve environmental problems. Regarding the preliminary results, it realizes that the policies have part of their normalizations not carried out in practice. Concerning the field collection in the hotels it was identified that they agree with two of evaluated qualitative parameters, proving that the destination needs to improve as sustainability. Finally, it is expected that data may contribute to tourism planning, as well as building elements to support discussions, new research approaches on the viability and adherence of sustainable tourism segments in Piauí context or in other regions of Brazil.

  8. Fenologia de Lafoensia pacari A.St.-Hil. (Lythraceae em Barra do Garças, Mato Grosso, Brasil Phenology of Lafoensia pacari A.St.-Hil. (Lythraceae in Barra do Garças, Mato Grosso State, Brazil

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    L.W. Santos


    Full Text Available Lafoensia pacari A.St.-Hil. é uma espécie da flora do cerrado usada na medicina popular como anti-úlcera, antifúngica, antibactericida, anti-inflamatória, febrífuga, para emagrecimento e no tratamento de pneumonia, dores de estômago e coceiras. Estudou-se a fenologia de L. pacari no cerrado do Parque Estadual da "Serra Azul", região de Barra do Garças-MT (15º 51' 58" S e 52º 15' 37" W, à 645 m de altitude, durante o período de 24 meses. Verificou-se que as fenofases são sazonais, com floração nos meses de abril a agosto, frutificação de junho a setembro, brotação no início da estação chuvosa de outubro a dezembro e queda de folhas de julho a setembro, no final da estação seca.Lafoensia pacari is a species from the Brazilian cerrado used in folk medicine to control ulcers, fungal and bacterial diseases, inflammations, fevers, pneumonia, stomachaches, and itching, as well as to lose weight. L. pacari phenology was studied for 24 months in the cerrado at "Serra Azul" State Park, in the region of Barra do Garças, Mato Grosso State, Brazil (15º 51' 58" S and 52º 15' 37" W, at 645 m altitude. Phenophases are seasonal, with flowering from April to August, fruiting from June to September, sprouting from October to December, during the beginning of the rainy season, and leaf fall from July to September, at the end of the dry season.

  9. Estabilidade de micro-organismos potencialmente probióticos em barra de cereais - efeito da técnica de incorporação

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    Gustavo Almeida Bastos


    Full Text Available Este trabalho objetivou desenvolver formulações de barras de cereais contendo Lactobacillus acidophilus e Saccharomyces boulardii e avaliar a estabilidade destes micro-organismos potencialmente probióticos no produto elaborado durante o tempo de armazenamento (shelf life. Foram formuladas barras de cereais contendo separadamente os agentes probióticos S. boulardii e L. acidophilus, ambos nas formas liofilizada, granulados com lactose e encapsulados em alginato de cálcio. Foi avaliada a estabilidade dos micro-organismos durante o tempo de armazenamento. Tanto a levedura S. boulardii quanto a bactéria L. acidophilus apresentaram maior sobrevida na forma liofilizada, quando comparado com as outras formas de incorporação, mantendo contagem na faixa de 7 log UFC/g, durante oito semanas e na faixa de 7 log UFC/g, durante seis semanas, respectivamente. Comparando os resultados da incorporação dos dois micro-organismos na forma livre liofilizada observouse que a população de S. boulardii apresentou melhores resultados de viabilidade quando comparada com a população de L. acidophilus. Este estudo mostrou que é possível incorporar micro-organismos potencialmente probióticos em barras de cereais, preferencialmente na forma liofilizada, por proporcionar maior sobrevida dos micro-organismos.Palavras-chave: Barra de cereais. Probiótico. Saccharomyces boulardii. Lactobacillus acidophilus. ABSTRACT This study aims to develop formulations of cereal bars that contain Lactobacillus acidophilus and Saccharomyces boulardii and evaluate the stability of these potentially probiotic microorganisms in the elaborated product during the time of storage (shelf life. Cereal bars were designed containing separately the probiotic agents S. boulardii and L. acidophilus, both in the lyophilized form, granulated with lactose form and encapsulated in calcium alginate form. The stability of microorganisms during storage time was evaluated. Both, the yeast S

  10. Preliminary characterization of the rare earth ore from the Barra do Itapirapua, Sao Paulo and Parana states, Brazil. Detail 1 area

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lorenzi, M.L.B.; Lorenzi, V.E.; Kahn, H.


    The main rare earth mineralization on Barra do Itapirapua Alkaline-Carbonatitic Complex is related to the weathering mantle of the Serrana Body carbonatite plug - detail 1 area. The present work describes the preliminary RE ore types established from correlation between geological observations, geochemical weathering profile and mineralogical studies. Mineralogical studies, comprising around 40 thin section analysis, were performed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) with energy dispersive systems (EDS). (author)

  11. Horta orgânica de ervas medicinais: inclusão social na comunidade da Barra em Muriaé/MG - Brasil

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    José Luiz de Freitas Paixão


    Full Text Available Foi implantada uma horta orgânica de ervas medicinais na comunidade da Barra (Muriaé, MG com o objetivo de inclusão social de pessoas carentes ao permitir acesso ao tratamento por fitoterapia. O início das atividades foi em janeiro de 2006, com a escolha das espécies, obtenção de mudas e instalação da horta. As 40 espécies selecionadas, sob manejo agroecológico, eram indicadas com terapêutica aos 25 principais problemas de saúde levantados na comunidade. O formato didático da horta, representando o corpo humano, serviu como referência às indicações de uso de cada espécie. A horta foi mantida até meados de 2012 na Barra e transferida ao IFMURIAÉ, em área de cultivo agroecológico, no Bairro Sofoco, onde se realizam as práticas do curso de técnico em agroecologia. A comunidade da Barra auxiliou desde as primeiras ações, sendo atuante na colheita das plantas medicinais. As plantas coletadas foram levadas a sala anexa à Paróquia local onde se realizou o processamento pós-colheita e o preparo de fitoterápicos. A dispensação dos preparados foi em outra sala cedida pela Paróquia. As formas fitoterápicas disponibilizadas à população foram de uso interno (erva seca, tintura, xarope e externo (creme, gel, pomada, sendo as mais procuradas: gel, tintura e xarope. De 2006 a 2012 foram  32.400 atendimentos, média de 385 pessoas/mês. O sucesso do projeto se reflete no aumento do número de espécies utilizadas, passando de 40 espécies em 2006 para 170 espécies em 2012, dentre elas: alecrim de jardim (Rosmarinus officinalis, alfavaca (Ocimum basilicum, amora (Morus alba, arnica brasileira (Solidago microglossa, calêndula (Calendula officinalis, camomila (Matricaria chamomilla, capim gordura (Melinis minutiflora, cavalinha (Equisetum arvense, chapéu-de-couro (Echinodorus grandiflorus e espinheira santa (Maytenus aquifolium.

  12. Mesozooplâncton do sistema estuarino de Barra das Jangadas, Pernambuco, Brasil Mesozooplankton of the estuarine system of Barra das Jangadas, Pernambuco, Brazil

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    Eliane A. H. Cavalcanti


    Full Text Available Estudos sobre o mesozooplâncton foram realizados no sistema estuarino de Barra das Jangadas, Pernambuco, Brasil (8º14'36"S, 34º56'28"W visando analisar a estrutura da comunidade. As amostras foram obtidas com rede de plâncton, com malha de 300 µm, durante os períodos, seco (janeiro/2001 e chuvoso (julho/2001, nas marés de sizígia e de quadratura, em intervalos de três horas. Foram identificados 37 taxa, destacando-se Copepoda com as espécies Pseudodiaptomus acutus (F. Dahl, 1894, Pseudodiaptomus richardi (F. Dahl, 1894, Acartia lilljeborgi (Giesbrecht, 1892, Parvocalanus crassirostris (Dahl, 1894, Oithona hebes (Santos, 1973 e Notodiaptomus cearensis Wright, 1936. A densidade total durante o período seco variou de 69,34 a 8.568,34 org.m-3. Para o período chuvoso variou de 261,98 a 10.224,83 org.m-3. Os Crustacea meroplanctônicos (Brachyura zoea foram muito freqüentes e muito abundantes, destacando seu importante papel na cadeia trófica pelágica. A diversidade específica durante o período seco, variou de 0,44 a 3,13 bits.ind-1, e para o período chuvoso de 0,66 a 2,93 bits.ind-1. Os baixos valores de diversidade ocorreram devido à dominância de Brachyura (zoea. A análise de agrupamento revelou a formação de dois grupos. O primeiro formado por espécies marinhas e euri-halinas, e o segundo por espécies indicadoras de ambientes estuarinos.Mesozooplankton studies were carried out at the Barra das Jangadas estuarine system, Pernambuco, Brazil (8º14'36"S, 34º56'28"W, to assess its community structure. Samples were collected with a plankton net (300 µm mesh size during the dry (January, 2001 and rainy (July, 2001 seasons, with three hour intervals between each sampling, both in spring and neap tides. Thirty seven mesozooplankton taxa were identified, from which Copepoda were particularly abundant, including the species Pseudodiaptomus acutus (F. Dahl, 1894, Peudodiaptomus richardi (F. Dahl, 1894, Acartia lilljeborgi

  13. Mass transport in a PEMFC fuel battery using combinations of monopolar plates and reaction-diffusion medium; Transporte de masa en una pila a combustible tipo PEMFC utilizando combinaciones de platos monopolares y medios de difusion de reactivos

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Rosas Paleta, M. G. Araceli [Benemerita Universidad Autonoma de Puebla, Puebla, Puebla (Mexico); Bautista Rodriguez, C. Moises [Alter-Energias Puebla, Puebla (Mexico)] email:; Rivera Marquez, J. Antonio; Tepale Ochoa, Nancy [Benemerita Universidad Autonoma de Puebla, Puebla, Puebla (Mexico)


    The efficiency of a PEMFC fuel battery is limited due to a variety of mass transport-related phenomena that take place while it is operating. The electromotive force of the PEM fuel battery is related to the generation of concentration gradients resulting from the distribution of the reactants on the active sites of the electrode. The reactant gases supplied to the PEMFC are distributed over the diffusion layer of the electrodes through the channels of the polar plates. They then spread toward the active layer where the semi-reactions take place. Another important aspect is the presence of water molecules, a product of the reaction. When they accumulate, they cover the porosity of the electrodes, involving the reduction in the flow of reactants, even at high current density values and, combined with the diffusion phenomena involved, cause the PEMFC to complete cease functioning. The critical parameters for the transport phenomena are porosity, the diameter of the pore in the diffusion layer and the characteristics of the distribution of the reactants. The present works includes an experimental design of two distribution media and two diffusion media of the reactant gases in a PEMFC, involving three case studies. The results show significantly notable interactions between the diameter of the pore, the type of diffusion layer applied and the type of distributor applied. The combination in the second case significantly reduces the ohmic resistance and moderately reduces the diffusion resistances. While the combination in case three notably increases the ohmic resistance, diffusion resistance is significantly reduced. [Spanish] La eficiencia de una pila a combustible tipo PEMFC es limitada por diversos fenomenos de transporte de masa presentes durante su funcionamiento. La fuerza electromotriz de la pila a combustible tipo PEM esta relacionada con la generacion de gradientes de concentracion los cuales se dan como resultado de la distribucion de los reactivos sobre los

  14. Simulation and analysis of the tangential flow in the combustion chamber of a steam generator; Simulacion y analisis del flujo tangencial en la camara de combustion de un generador de vapor

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hernandez Ramirez, Isaias


    supplying ducts, were obtained, with a maximum discrepancy of 5.5 m/s between the data published by McKenty and Gravel (1997) and this analysis, for the case of combustion gases in the interior of the furnace. Temperature profiles were obtained, which were overestimated in the order of 417 Celsius degrees for the case of the temperature of gases in the center of the combustion chamber, when comparing them with the corresponding ones obtained by McKenty and Gravel (1997). It is speculated that this discrepancy must to be due to the omission of the connection of the radiation model to the global computational model and; the contours of concentration of species for the combustion products in the chamber were considered (carbon dioxide, oxygen and nitrogen), obtaining only the qualitative behavior of these. It is proposed as conclusion that the computational model developed in this thesis work can be used for the estimation of flow of fluids patterns, heat transference and transference of mass of a steam generator VU-60 of the tangential type and similar to the one taken as a base for this analysis. One improvement to the computational model developed could be achieved including the radiation effect, which requires a larger memory capacity of the computer hardware than the one available during the elaboration of this thesis. [Espanol] El presente trabajo de tesis describe la simulacion y analisis de la camara de combustion de un generador de vapor VU-60 del tipo tangencial, el cual esta basado en la solucion de la ecuacion generalizada de transporte, empleando modelos matematicos desarrollados para la caracterizacion de fenomenos fisicos para cerrar los sistemas de ecuaciones gobernantes. Para la solucion de los modelos matematicos y ecuaciones gobernantes se empleo el metodo de volumen finito, el cual se basa en el concepto de volumen de control. Se desarrollo un modelo computacional tridimensional por medio del cual se estimaron los perfiles de velocidad, presion, temperatura

  15. Two new species of gall midges (Diptera, Cecidomyiidae) associated with Erythroxylum ovalifolium Peyr. (Erythroxylaceae) from the Barra de Maricá restinga, Maricá, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. (United States)

    Maia, V C; Fernandes, S P C


    Two new species of gall midges (Diptera, Cecidomyiidae) Dasineura ovalifoliae and Clinodiplosis maricaensis are described based on material from the Barra de Maricá restinga, Maricá, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Both species are associated with Erythroxylum ovalifolium Peyr. (Erythroxylaceae). The former is the gall inducer and the latter an inquiline.

  16. Tolerancia al co en celdas de combustible

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    Full Text Available El entendimiento completo del proceso de adsorción y posterior oxidación de moléculas de CO en platino es de fundamental importancia para el desarrollo de celdas de combustible poliméricas que operan a baja temperatura. En este trabajo se presenta una revisión de las cinco estrategias experimentales más importantes en la búsqueda de mejorar la tolerancia al CO: disminución del potencial de inicio de la reacción de oxidación, reducción de la cantidad de CO adsorbido, utilización de pequeñas cantidades de oxígeno en la corriente de alimentación al ánodo, aumento de la temperatura de operación y limpieza del CO a la entrada. Aunque se han desarrollado catalizadores bastante promisorios (PtMo y PdAu, todavía se sigue considerando a la mezcla Pt-Ru como el catalizador anódico más eficiente para combustibles que contienen 10 ppm de CO o más. La estrategia de inyectar oxígeno al ánodo parece promisoria pero requiere el desarrollo de nuevas membranas más resistentes y de la implementación de condiciones más seguras de operación de la celda. El diseño estructural de ánodos especiales con múltiples capas soportando catalizadores específicos para cada tipo de combustible puede ser una estrategia muy atractiva.

  17. Ubicación óptima de generación distribuida en sistemas de energía eléctrica Optimal placement of distributed generation in electric power system

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    Jesús María López–Lezama


    Full Text Available En este artículo se presenta una metodología para la ubicación óptima de generación distribuida en sistemas de energía eléctrica. Las barras candidatas para ubicar la generación distribuida son identificadas basándose en los precios marginales locales. Estos precios son obtenidos al resolver un flujo de potencia óptimo (OPF y corresponden a los multiplicadores de Lagrange de las ecuaciones de balance de potencia activa en cada una de las barras del sistema. Para incluir la generación distribuida en el OPF, ésta se ha modelado como una inyección negativa de potencia activa. La metodología consiste en un proceso no lineal iterativo en donde la generación distribuida es ubicada en la barra con el mayor precio marginal. Se consideraron tres tipos de generación distribuida: 1 motores de combustión interna, 2 turbinas a gas y 3 microturbinas. La metodología propuesta es evaluada en el sistema IEEE de 30 barras. Los resultados obtenidos muestran que la generación distribuida contribuye a la disminución de los precios nodales y puede ayudar a solucionar problemas de congestión en la red de transmisión.This paper presents a methodology for optimal placement of distributed generation (DG in electric power system. The candidate buses for DG placementare identified on the bases of locational marginal prices. These prices are obtained by solving an optimal power flow (OPF and correspond to the Lagrange multipliers of the active power balance equations in every bus of the system.In order to consider the distributed generation in the OPF model, the DG was modeled as a negative injection of active power. The methodology consists ofa nonlinear iterative process in which DG is allocated in the bus with the highest locational marginal price. Three types of DG were considered in the model: 1 internal combustion engines, 2 gas turbines and 3 microturbines.The proposed methodology is tested on the IEEE 30 bus test system. The results obtained

  18. Two new species of gall midges (Diptera, Cecidomyiidae associated with Erythroxylum ovalifolium Peyr. (Erythroxylaceae from the Barra de Maricá restinga, Maricá, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

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    VC Maia

    Full Text Available Two new species of gall midges (Diptera, Cecidomyiidae Dasineura ovalifoliae and Clinodiplosis maricaensis are described based on material from the Barra de Maricá restinga, Maricá, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Both species are associated with Erythroxylum ovalifolium Peyr. (Erythroxylaceae. The former is the gall inducer and the latter an inquiline.

  19. Combustion

    CERN Document Server

    Glassman, Irvin


    Combustion Engineering, a topic generally taught at the upper undergraduate and graduate level in most mechanical engineering programs, and many chemical engineering programs, is the study of rapid energy and mass transfer usually through the common physical phenomena of flame oxidation. It covers the physics and chemistry of this process and the engineering applications-from the generation of power such as the internal combustion automobile engine to the gas turbine engine. Renewed concerns about energy efficiency and fuel costs, along with continued concerns over toxic and particulate emissions have kept the interest in this vital area of engineering high and brought about new developments in both fundamental knowledge of flame and combustion physics as well as new technologies for flame and fuel control. *New chapter on new combustion concepts and technologies, including discussion on nanotechnology as related to combustion, as well as microgravity combustion, microcombustion, and catalytic combustion-all ...

  20. Combustion

    CERN Document Server

    Glassman, Irvin


    This Third Edition of Glassman's classic text clearly defines the role of chemistry, physics, and fluid mechanics as applied to the complex topic of combustion. Glassman's insightful introductory text emphasizes underlying physical and chemical principles, and encompasses engine technology, fire safety, materials synthesis, detonation phenomena, hydrocarbon fuel oxidation mechanisms, and environmental considerations. Combustion has been rewritten to integrate the text, figures, and appendixes, detailing available combustion codes, making it not only an excellent introductory text but also an important reference source for professionals in the field. Key Features * Explains complex combustion phenomena with physical insight rather than extensive mathematics * Clarifies postulates in the text using extensive computational results in figures * Lists modern combustion programs indicating usage and availability * Relates combustion concepts to practical applications.

  1. Elaboración de barras energéticas para escolares a partir de subproductos industriales de soya y maíz


    De La Paz Castro, Viviana; Coello Ojeda, Karín Elizabeth


    El Programa de Alimentación Escolar del Ecuador (PAE) ofrece a escuelas fiscales productos como complemento alimenticio que contienen un adecuado aporte de calorías, proteínas, vitaminas y minerales con el propósito de mejorar la nutrición y por consiguiente la capacidad en el aprendizaje de los niños en edad escolar. Entre los productos que el PAE distribuye se encuentra la granola en barra hecha a base de avena, la cual al ser una materia prima importada eleva el costo del producto final. ...

  2. Estereótipos e mulheres na cultura marroquina




    Estereótipos sobre as mulheres no Marrocos podem ser caracterizados como crenças culturais incompletas e inexatas mantidas por algumas pessoas e que se encontram inscritos em expressões lingüísticas ou em discursos subliminares. A cultura popular marroquina emprega representações poderosas para transmitir e sustentar tais estereótipos. Embora existam alguns estereótipos positivos, a maioria dos estereótipos sobre as mulheres no Marrocos é negativa e reflete ditames patriarcais subliminares qu...

  3. Combustion engineering

    CERN Document Server

    Ragland, Kenneth W


    Introduction to Combustion Engineering The Nature of Combustion Combustion Emissions Global Climate Change Sustainability World Energy Production Structure of the Book   Section I: Basic Concepts Fuels Gaseous Fuels Liquid Fuels Solid Fuels Problems Thermodynamics of Combustion Review of First Law Concepts Properties of Mixtures Combustion StoichiometryChemical EnergyChemical EquilibriumAdiabatic Flame TemperatureChemical Kinetics of CombustionElementary ReactionsChain ReactionsGlobal ReactionsNitric Oxide KineticsReactions at a Solid SurfaceProblemsReferences  Section II: Combustion of Gaseous and Vaporized FuelsFlamesLaminar Premixed FlamesLaminar Flame TheoryTurbulent Premixed FlamesExplosion LimitsDiffusion FlamesGas-Fired Furnaces and BoilersEnergy Balance and EfficiencyFuel SubstitutionResidential Gas BurnersIndustrial Gas BurnersUtility Gas BurnersLow Swirl Gas BurnersPremixed-Charge Engine CombustionIntroduction to the Spark Ignition EngineEngine EfficiencyOne-Zone Model of Combustion in a Piston-...


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    Full Text Available RESUMO O norte de Minas Gerais é grande produtor de banana ‘Prata-Anã’ irrigada, cultura altamente suscetível ao Mal-do-Panamá. O uso de genótipos resistentes é uma alternativa, mas os frutos devem apresentar características pós-colheita o mais próximo possível da ‘Prata-Anã’, para melhor aceitação pelos consumidores. O objetivo do trabalho foi caracterizar frutos em pós-colheita, identificar a preferência e a intenção de compra de diferentes genótipos de bananeira tipo Prata. Os genótipos Prata-Anã, BRS Platina e Fhia-18. foram caracterizados no ponto de colheita (verdes e maduros (estádio seis de maturação, por avaliações químicas, físicas e sensoriais. Quando verde, ‘BRS Platina’ apresentou maior massa fresca e tamanho que ‘Fhia-18’ e ‘Prata-Anã’. ‘Fhia-18.’ teve a tonalidade verde da casca mais intensa que a dos demais genótipos. Madura, ‘BRS Platina’ foi mais firme, mas com a mesma resistência ao despencamento que ‘Fhia-18’ e superior à ‘Prata-Anã’. ‘Fhia-18’ apresentou cor da casca com amarelo mais clara e tão brilhante quanto da ‘Prata-Anã’, mas ‘BRS Platina’ teve a tonalidade de amarelo mais intensa. Bananas ‘Fhia-18’ foram mais ácidas, ‘BRS Platina’, com menor acidez titulável, e ‘Prata-Anã’, o maior teor de sólidos solúveis. Os genótipos Prata-Anã e BRS Platina tiveram maior preferência e intenção de compra pelos consumidores, sendo as bananas ‘Prata-Anã’ em dedos e ‘BRS Platina’ e ‘Fhia-18’ em dedos, buquê e penca, as mais preferidas. Entretanto, a maioria compraria bananas ‘Prata-Anã’ em buquê e ‘BRS Platina’ e ‘Fhia-18’ em penca. Enquanto verdes, os genótipos foram semelhantes à ‘Prata-Anã’, e maiores diferenças químicas e físicas ocorreram quando maduros.

  5. Produção e avaliação da qualidade das barras de cereais elaborada com farinha de facheiro

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    J. N. V. Deodato


    Full Text Available As cactáceas constituem um importante elemento da paisagem, apresentando caules suculentos, cobertos por espinhos de diversas formas, tamanhos e dimensões, junto a outras espécies de cactáceas, formam a paisagem típica da região semiárida do Brasil. O facheiro é uma cactácea xerófila, robusta, pouco ramificada, de cor verde-escura, armada de espinhos agudos; com flores grandes isoladas e altas. A proposta do trabalho foi elaborar barras de cereais com farinhas da casca e da polpa do facheiro e determinar as características microbiológicas e físico-químicas. Foram preparadas quatro formulações (5, 10, 15 e 20% de cada farinha, variando-se a quantidade adicionada à formulação básica das barras de cereais. Os resultados das análises microbiológicas atenderam aos padrões exigidos pela legislação vigente, apresentando resultados negativos para coliforme a 45° C e Salmonella sp. Nos resultados físico-químicos apresentaram baixos valores de umidade e cinzas, elevado teores de lipídeos e sólidos solúveis totais, quantidades razoáveis de proteínas. Dessa forma, as barras de cereais com adição de farinha do facheiro é um alimento que pode ser ingeridos pela população.Production and evaluation of the quality of cereal bars made with flour of facheiroAbstract: The cacti are an important element of the landscape, with succulent stems, covered with spines of different shapes, sizes and dimensions, along with other cactus species, form the typical landscape of the semi-arid region of Brazil. The facheiro is a cactaceous xerófila, rugged, sparsely branched, dark green color, armed with sharp thorns; with large isolated and tall flowers. The purpose of this study was to develop cereal bars with flour peel and facheiro pulp and determine the microbiological and physico-chemical characteristics. Four formulations (5, 10, 15 and 20% for each meal, varying the amount added to the basic formulation of the cereal bars. The

  6. Conhecimento tradicional das marisqueiras de Barra Grande, área de proteção ambiental do delta do Rio Parnaíba, Piauí, Brasil

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    Simone Tupinambá Freitas


    Full Text Available Na comunidade de Barra Grande localizada no litoral do Piauí, as mulheres dos pescadores, conhecidas localmente como marisqueiras, extraem do manguezal vários tipos de moluscos para comercialização e em maior escala para a subsistência. Dados sobre a atividade de mariscagem, conceitos de conservação e aspectos socioeconômicos do contexto em que ocorre a atividade de cata dos moluscos, foram revelados após a aplicação de protocolos estruturados e semiestruturados. O molusco bivalve Anomalocardia brasiliana (Gmelin, 1791, popularmente denominado de marisco, é caracterizado por ser um importante recurso para a subsistência, sendo o mais coletado pela comunidade, seguido da Mytella charruana (d'Orbigny, 1842, o sururu, explorado para a comercialização por ter o maior valor de mercado. O conhecimento das marisqueiras sobre A. brasiliana foi comparado com literatura especializada, muitas vezes mostrando-se em harmonia com esta. Demonstra-se assim que o conhecimento tradicional deve ser valorizado para delineamento de programas de gestão de recursos pesqueiros da região. Quanto aos modos de pensar, foi revelado que 82,81% das marisqueiras praticam manejo para a conservação da A. brasiliana ao coletar apenas os indivíduos de maior tamanho, e 80,86% consideram que não existe poluição nos pontos de coletas. O surgimento de uma Associação exclusiva e cooperativa para as marisqueiras é necessário para a valorização do trabalho por elas desenvolvido, visto que há uma média estimada de 351 kg de carne sendo extraídos mensalmente.En la comunidad de Barra Grande, situada en la costa del estado de Piaui, las esposas de los pescadores, localmente llamadas de "marisqueiras", extraen de los manglares diversos tipos de moluscos para su comercialización, haciendo de esta actividad en una fuente de subsistencia. Informaciones detalladas y sistemáticas sobre la actividad de cosecha de mariscos, del contexto en el que se desarrolla la



    Garcia, Afrânio; UERJ


    O professor Adilson Citelli, em seu excelente livro Linguageme persuasão, apresenta cinco tipos de discurso:§ discurso dominante§ discurso autorizado§ discurso polêmico,§ discurso lúdico§ discurso autoritário.

  8. Combustion

    CERN Document Server

    Glassman, Irvin


    Combustion, Second Edition focuses on the underlying principles of combustion and covers topics ranging from chemical thermodynamics and flame temperatures to chemical kinetics, detonation, ignition, and oxidation characteristics of fuels. Diffusion flames, flame phenomena in premixed combustible gases, and combustion of nonvolatile fuels are also discussed. This book consists of nine chapters and begins by introducing the reader to heats of reaction and formation, free energy and the equilibrium constants, and flame temperature calculations. The next chapter explores the rates of reactio

  9. Pulsating combustion - Combustion characteristics and reduction of emissions

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lindholm, Annika


    In the search for high efficiency combustion systems pulsating combustion has been identified as one of the technologies that potentially can meet the objectives of clean combustion and good fuel economy. Pulsating combustion offers low emissions of pollutants, high heat transfer and efficient combustion. Although it is an old technology, the interest in pulsating combustion has been renewed in recent years, due to its unique features. Various applications of pulsating combustion can be found, mainly as drying and heating devices, of which the latter also have had commercial success. It is, however, in the design process of a pulse combustor, difficult to predict the operating frequency, the heat release etc., due to the lack of a well founded theory of the phenomenon. Research concerning control over the combustion process is essential for developing high efficiency pulse combustors with low emissions. Natural gas fired Helmholtz type pulse combustors have been the experimental objects of this study. In order to investigate the interaction between the fluid dynamics and the chemistry in pulse combustors, laser based measuring techniques as well as other conventional measuring techniques have been used. The experimental results shows the possibilities to control the combustion characteristics of pulsating combustion. It is shown that the time scales in the large vortices created at the inlet to the combustion chamber are very important for the operation of the pulse combustor. By increasing/decreasing the time scale for the large scale mixing the timing of the heat release is changed and the operating characteristics of the pulse combustor changes. Three different means for NO{sub x} reduction in Helmholtz type pulse combustors have been investigated. These include exhaust gas recirculation, alteration of air/fuel ratio and changed inlet geometry in the combustion chamber. All used methods achieved less than 10 ppm NO{sub x} emitted (referred to stoichiometric

  10. Lesao óssea em leucemias agudas linfoblásticas tipo T e TIPO nao T / nao B


    Martins, Fernando Lopes



  11. Funcionamiento psicofisiológico y susceptibilidad a la sintomatología premenstrual en mujeres Tipo A y Tipo B

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    Francesc Palmero


    Full Text Available El presente trabajo se centra en explorar el papel que juega el componente emocional del Patrón de Conducta Tipo A (PCTA en diversas áreas relacionadas con la salud. En este contexto nuestra investigación desarrolla dos objetivos diferenciados. El primero trata de constatar la relación entre determinadas características del PCTA y el mecanismo psicofisiológico en una tarea experimental de estrés real (situación de examen, considerando si existen diferencias entre los dos grupos de personas, Tipo A y Tipo B, tanto en la dimensión tónica como en la dimensión fásica de la tasa cardiaca. El segundo de nuestros objetivos trata de establecer la relación existente entre determinadas características del PCTA y la experiencia de sintomatología relacionada con el ciclo menstrual, considerando tanto la sintomatología premenstrual global, como la sintomatología premenstrual específica, diferenciando tres grandes grupos de síntomas: fisiológicos, psicológicos y conductuales. La muestra final estuvo conformada por 28 mujeres Tipo A y 29 mujeres Tipo B. Los instrumentos utilizados fueron el inventario de Actividad de Jenkins (JAS, el calendario menstrual de síntomas de registro diario (CMSRD y un polígrafo que permitió registrar la tasa cardiaca. En cuanto a nuestro primer objetivo, los datos hacen pensar en la existencia de distintos perfiles psicofisiológicos en ambos grupos de mujeres; en el segundo objetivo, parece que las mujeres Tipo A experimentan de forma clara más síntomas psicológicos que las mujeres Tipo B.



    Barbosa, Wallison Carlos de Souza; Chater, Latif C; e Cavalcante, Otávio R de Oliveira; Bezerra, Luciano Mendes


    Resumo. As estruturas mistas apresentam grandes vantagens quanto a aspectos estruturais e construtivos, sendo os conectores de cisalhamento determinantes para a obtenção da interação entre os materiais (aço e concreto). Este trabalho apresenta o desenvolvimento de um conector de cisalhamento com barras de aço CA50-A, proposto para uso em viga mista de aço e concreto. O conector proposto é de fácil execução e pode servir como alternativa viável ao uso dos conectores stud e ‘U’. Foi idealizada ...

  13. A distribuição de velocidades na linha de visada em galáxias barradas vistas de face (United States)

    Gadotti, D. A.; de Souza, R. E.


    Com o objetivo de realizar um estudo cinemático da componente vertical de barras em galáxias, obtivemos espectros de fenda longa de alta razão S/N ao longo dos eixos maior e menor de 14 galáxias barradas vistas de face, nos telescópios de 1.52m do ESO em La Silla, Chile, e de 2.3m do Steward Observatory em Kitt Peak, Arizona. Estes dados nos permitiram determinar a distribuição de velocidades das estrelas ao longo do eixo vertical das barras e discos destes sistemas, tanto no centro como em pontos que distam cerca de 5 e 20 segundos de arco do núcleo, correspondendo a distâncias de cerca de 0.7 e 2.8 kpc, respectivamente. Desta forma, a variação radial da distribuição de velocidades também pôde ser avaliada. Este tipo de análise tem raros exemplos na literatura por ser caro em termos de tempo de telescópio. Entretanto, é de fácil justificativa, considerando que traz novas informações que podem ser utilizadas para aperfeiçoar modelos teóricos acerca da formação e evolução de galáxias. Um algoritmo por nós desenvolvido foi utilizado para obter as distribuições de velocidades como Gaussianas generalizadas (polinômios de Gauss-Hermite), o que traz um ingrediente a mais neste tipo de estudo que, tradicionalmente, se utiliza de Gaussianas puras, uma hipótese nem sempre razoável. Apresentaremos os resultados deste trabalho, que incluem um diagnóstico para a identificação de barras recém formadas, e testes para o modelo isotérmico de discos. Mostraremos que: (i) a escolha das estrelas padrão em velocidade, e dos parâmetros da Gaussiana, deve ser muito bem justificada já que tem influência significativa nos resultados; (ii) muitas galáxias apresentam uma depressão na dispersão de velocidades na região central, que pode estar associada a um disco interno; e (iii) a dispersão de velocidades é constante ao longo da barra, nos eixos maior e menor, mas cai substancialmente quando se passa da barra para o disco.

  14. Reação de resistência tipo I e tipo II a Giberela em cultivares de trigo

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rafael Hansen Alves


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar as reações de resistência tipo I e tipo II à giberela em 28 cultivares de trigo em casa de vegetação. A inoculação de Fusarium graminearum foi realizada no estádio de florescimento. Para a resistência tipo I, a avaliação foi feita 21 dias após a inoculação. Foi determinada a severidade no estádio de espiga seca e a porcentagem de grãos giberelados. A avaliação da severidade foi feita pela porcentagem de espiguetas infectadas, no estádio de espiga verde atribuindo-se uma nota em uma escala linear de zero (nenhuma infecção a 100 (100% de espiguetas infectadas. Para a resistência tipo II, as avaliações foram realizadas aos 7, 14 e 21 dias após a inoculação, contando-se as espiguetas com sintomas da doença, excluindo as duas espiguetas que foram inoculadas. As cultivares Frontana, BRS 177, BRS 179, BRS Umbu, BRS Camboim, Abalone, Ônix, Pampeano e Fundacep 30 apresentaram menor severidade da doença e menor porcentagem de grãos giberelados, demonstrando serem fontes de resistência tipo I. As cultivares BRS Guamirim, CD 120, Onix, Rubi, Fundacep 50, BRS 179, Pampeano, Abalone, CD 114, IPR 85, Safira, BRS Louro, CD 117, CDF 2002116, CD 115, BRS 177, CD 0529 e BRS Camboim apresentaram a menor área abaixo da curva de progresso da doença, demonstrando a presença da resistência do tipo II.

  15. Combustible structural composites and methods of forming combustible structural composites (United States)

    Daniels, Michael A.; Heaps, Ronald J.; Steffler, Eric D.; Swank, W. David


    Combustible structural composites and methods of forming same are disclosed. In an embodiment, a combustible structural composite includes combustible material comprising a fuel metal and a metal oxide. The fuel metal is present in the combustible material at a weight ratio from 1:9 to 1:1 of the fuel metal to the metal oxide. The fuel metal and the metal oxide are capable of exothermically reacting upon application of energy at or above a threshold value to support self-sustaining combustion of the combustible material within the combustible structural composite. Structural-reinforcing fibers are present in the composite at a weight ratio from 1:20 to 10:1 of the structural-reinforcing fibers to the combustible material. Other embodiments and aspects are disclosed.

  16. Método predictivo de volatilidad tipo cambio

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    Jeffrey Viales Abellán


    Full Text Available Las series temporales descritas por precios de ciertos activos financieros tales como el de las acciones y divisas presentan dos principales características, excesos de kurtosis y clustering de volatilidad. Para recoger estas características se han utilizado modelos no lineales tales como los modelos Garch o Volatilidad Condicionada y los modelos de Volatilidad Estocástica, ambos tipos de modelo son empleados para la gestión del riesgo cambiario a corto plazo; el primer tipo de modelos definen la volatilidad en función de la misma volatilidad rezagada y de los shocks (innovaciones de volatilidad; el segundo tipo de modelos son similares a los modelos Garch con la variante de que la volatilidad incluye por si misma un término aleatorio de tipo proceso Wienner2; estos modelos son empleados para simular caminatas aleatorias del tipo de cambio con volatilidades simuladas por las ecuación estocásticas de volatilidad.En el presente trabajo se analizará el desempeño del modelo Garch en comparación a las medidas de volatilidad utilizadas actualmente para la gestión del riesgo cambiario; sus implicaciones para la gestión de riesgos.

  17. Design of the Small Rods Forming the Fuel Element of the First Charge of the EL4 Reactor. Cladding Problems; Etude des crayons constituant l'element combustible du premier jeu d'EL4 - probleme de la gaine; Problema pokrytiya nebol'shikh steeknej, obrazushchikh toplivnyj ehlement pervoj zagruzki reaktora EL.4; Estudio de las barras que constituyen los elementos combustibles de la primera carga del reactor EL4 - el problema de las vainas

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bailly, H.; Ringot, C.; Weisz, M. [Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires de Saclay (France)


    ) [Spanish] Las vainas de los elementos combustibles de la primera carga del reactor EL-4 son de acero inoxidable. La eleccion del grado del acero y del espesor de la vaina depende de la resistencia a la corrosion y de la resistencia mecanica que se deseen. Las tensiones y las temperaturas de funcionamiento no permiten concebir una vaina que resista durante toda la vida util del elemento combustible si no se uti liza un grado de acero muy resistente y un espesor,superior a 0,5 mm. Se admite que la vaina se adhiera al combustible por fluencia: la deformacion por juego en sentido diametral puede producir una ovalizacion y un pliegue; el juego longitudinal puede dar lugar a flexiones de la vaina. Se han realizado muchos ensayos con vainas de 0,3 a 0,4 mm de espesor para estudiar el modo de deformacion en funcion de los juegos. Para estar seguros de que no se produciran ovaliza ciones con los espesores previstos, y para mantener lo mas baja posible la temperatura en el interior de la barra es preciso eliminar completamente el juego durante la fabricacion. (author) [Russian] Dlya pervoj nagruzki toplivnogo ehlementa reaktora EL.4 ispol'zuetsya pokrytie iz nerzhaveyushchej stali. Vybor splava i tolshchiny pokrytiya svyazan s korrozionnymi i mekhanicheskimi svojstvami metalla. Rabochie napryakheniya i temperatury ne dast vozmokhnosti sproektirovat' pokrytie, stojkoe v techenie vsego sroka sluzhby toplivnogo ehlementa; dlya dostikheniya takoj tseli neobkhodimo bylo by ispol'zovat' ochen' stojkoe pokrytie tolshchinoj bolee 0,5 mm. Dopuskaetsya, chto pokrytie v protsesse spekaniya soedinyaetsya s toplivom. Diametral'noe izmenenie toplivnykh ehlementov mokhet privesti k obrazovaniyu oval'noj formy i nerovnostej; prodol'noe izmenenie sistemy toplivnykh ehlementov mokhet privesti k prodol'nomu izgibu pokrytiya. Byli provedeny mnogochislennye opyty v otnoshenii tolshchiny pokrytiya v predelakh' 0,3 - 0,4 mm s tem, chtoby vyyasnit' kharakter izmeneniya toplivnykh ehlementov v zavisimosti

  18. Combustion Stratification for Naphtha from CI Combustion to PPC

    KAUST Repository

    Vallinayagam, R.


    This study demonstrates the combustion stratification from conventional compression ignition (CI) combustion to partially premixed combustion (PPC). Experiments are performed in an optical CI engine at a speed of 1200 rpm for diesel and naphtha (RON = 46). The motored pressure at TDC is maintained at 35 bar and fuelMEP is kept constant at 5.1 bar to account for the difference in fuel properties between naphtha and diesel. Single injection strategy is employed and the fuel is injected at a pressure of 800 bar. Photron FASTCAM SA4 that captures in-cylinder combustion at the rate of 10000 frames per second is employed. The captured high speed video is processed to study the combustion homogeneity based on an algorithm reported in previous studies. Starting from late fuel injection timings, combustion stratification is investigated by advancing the fuel injection timings. For late start of injection (SOI), a direct link between SOI and combustion phasing is noticed. At early SOI, combustion phasing depends on both intake air temperature and SOI. In order to match the combustion phasing (CA50) of diesel, the intake air temperature is increased to 90°C for naphtha. The combustion stratification from CI to PPC is also investigated for various level of dilution by displacing oxygen with nitrogen in the intake. The start of combustion (SOC) was delayed with the increase in dilution and to compensate for this, the intake air temperature is increased. The mixture homogeneity is enhanced for higher dilution due to longer ignition delay. The results show that high speed image is initially blue and then turned yellow, indicating soot formation and oxidation. The luminosity of combustion images decreases with early SOI and increased dilution. The images are processed to generate the level of stratification based on the image intensity. The level of stratification is same for diesel and naphtha at various SOI. When O concentration in the intake is decreased to 17.7% and 14

  19. Parâmetros de desempenho e carcaça de genótipos de frangos tipo caipira

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    R.C. Veloso


    Full Text Available Objetivou-se com este trabalho avaliar as características de desempenho e de carcaça de sete genótipos de frangos tipo caipira da linhagem Redbro. Foram utilizados 840 pintos de um dia, machos, distribuídos em delineamento inteiramente ao acaso, dos seguintes genótipos: Caboclo, Carijó, Colorpak, Gigante Negro, Pesadão Vermelho, Pescoço Pelado e Tricolor. Os frangos foram alojados em 28 boxes, sendo 30 frangos por boxe, em galpão de alvenaria com acesso a um piquete de 45m², em quatro repetições. As características de desempenho (conversão alimentar, ganho em peso médio diário, consumo de ração médio diário foram avaliadas nos períodos: um a 28, um a 56, um a 70 e um a 84 dias de idade. O peso corporal foi avaliado aos 28, 56, 70 e 84 dias de idade. As características de carcaça (peso e rendimento de carcaça, peito e pernas foram obtidas a partir do abate de dois frangos por boxe, aos 85 dias de idade. As análises estatísticas foram realizadas utilizando-se o "proc glm" do SAS. Verificou-se que, em todos os períodos, os frangos do genótipo Colorpak apresentaram maior peso corporal, consumo de ração médio diário, ganho em peso médio diário e melhor conversão alimentar. Entretanto, os genótipos Caboclo e Gigante Negro apresentaram menores consumo de ração médio diário, ganho de peso médio diário e pior conversão alimentar. Quanto ao rendimento de cortes, observou-se que os genótipos Caboclo e Gigante Negro apresentaram os menores valores, e o Carijó, Colorpak, Pesadão Vermelho, Pescoço Pelado e Tricolor obtiveram os melhores rendimentos de pernas. Para o rendimento de peito, o Carijó e o Pesadão Vermelho obtiveram os maiores valores. A escolha do genótipo deve ser feita de acordo com o interesse do mercado, pois há diferenças no desempenho e no rendimento de carcaça e dos cortes.

  20. Aspectos bioecológicos de Arenaeus cribrarius (Lamarck (Decapoda, Portunidae da Praia da Barra da Lagoa, Florianópolis, Santa Catarina, Brasil Bioecological aspects of Arenaeus cribrarius (Lamarck (Decapoda, Portunidae from Praia da Barra da Lagoa, Florianópolis, Santa Catarina, Brasil

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Marcelo Gentil Avila


    Full Text Available The specimens of Arenaeus cribrarius (Lamarck, 1818 used in this study were collected in the locality of Barra da Lagoa beach, Florianópolis, Santa Catarina, Brazil, in the period of April/1991 to March/1992. In this area temperature and salinity values were observed. A total of 341 samples, that 184 were male and 157 were female were collectted. The maturacion sexual stadium were measured (cm and weightied (g. Expression of relation among weight of body (wt and width of carapace (wid was Wt=0,0567 Wid3,0494 on males and wt=0,074 Wid2,8795 on females. The relation length (Lt width (wid of carapace was Lt=0,4322. wid on males and Lt=0,4578. wid on females.


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    Full Text Available Este artículo muestra la importancia de la caracterización de la energía de combustibles líquidos y gaseosos obtenidos del conocido tratamiento térmico de pirolisis a través de un microondas. La caracterización de estos combustibles tomará en cuenta los estándares técnicos tales como ASTM D3452 – 93 para la cromatografía de gases (GC, ASTM D2549 para cromatografía de gas/ espectrometría de masa (GC/MS y ASTM D6370 -99 para termogravimetría en el análisis de la composición de llantas.También muestra que estos combustibles y gases de pirolisis tiene una alta valor calorífico de 42 MJ / Kg y un contenido de azufre entre 0.8 y 1.65 Wt%, dependiendo en el tipo de llanta y las condiciones del proceso.

  2. IEA combustion agreement : a collaborative task on alternative fuels in combustion

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Larmi, M.


    The focus of the alternative fuels in combustion task of the International Energy Agency is on high efficiency engine combustion, furnace combustion, and combustion chemistry. The objectives of the task are to develop optimum combustion for dedicated fuels by fully utilizing the physical and chemical properties of synthetic and renewable fuels; a significant reduction in carbon dioxide, NOx and particulate matter emissions; determine the minimum emission levels for dedicated fuels; and meet future emission standards of engines without or with minimum after-treatment. This presentation discussed the alternative fuels task and addressed issues such as synthetic fuel properties and benefits. The anticipated future roadmap was presented along with a list of the synthetic and renewable engine fuels to be studied, such as neat oxygenates like alcohols and ethers, biogas/methane and gas combustion, fuel blends, dual fuel combustion, high cetane number diesel fuels like synthetic Fischer-Tropsch diesel fuel and hydrogenated vegetable oil, and low CN number fuels. Implementation examples were also discussed, such as fuel spray studies in optical spray bombs; combustion research in optical engines and combustion chambers; studies on reaction kinetics of combustion and emission formation; studies on fuel properties and ignition behaviour; combustion studies on research engines; combustion optimization; implementing the optimum combustion in research engines; and emission measurements. Overall milestone examples and the overall schedule of participating countries were also presented. figs.

  3. DNA barcodes for soil animal taxonomy Código de barras de DNA para a taxonomia de animais do solo

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rodolphe Rougerie


    Full Text Available The biodiversity of soil communities remains very poorly known and understood. Soil biological sciences are strongly affected by the taxonomic crisis, and most groups of animals in that biota suffer from a strong taxonomic impediment. The objective of this work was to investigate how DNA barcoding - a novel method using a microgenomic tag for species identification and discrimination - permits better evaluation of the taxonomy of soil biota. A total of 1,152 barcode sequences were analyzed for two major groups of animals, collembolans and earthworms, which presented broad taxonomic and geographic sampling. Besides strongly reflecting the taxonomic impediment for both groups, with a large number of species-level divergent lineages remaining unnamed so far, the results also highlight a high level (15% of cryptic diversity within known species of both earthworms and collembolans. These results are supportive of recent local studies using a similar approach. Within an impeded taxonomic system for soil animals, DNA-assisted identification tools can facilitate and improve biodiversity exploration and description. DNA-barcoding campaigns are rapidly developing in soil animals and the community of soil biologists is urged to embrace these methods.A biodiversidade das comunidades do solo continua muito pouco conhecida e entendida. A biologia do solo é fortemente afetada pela crise taxonômica, e a maior parte dos grupos de animais dessa biota sofre forte impedimento taxonômico. O objetivo deste trabalho foi determinar como o código de barras de DNA - um método novo que usa uma etiqueta microgenômica para identificação e discriminação de espécies - permite uma melhor avaliação da taxonomia da biota edáfica. Foram analisadas 1.152 sequências de códigos de barras de dois grupos principais de animais, colêmbolos e minhocas, que apresentaram ampla amostragem taxonômica e geográfica. Além de refletir fortemente o impedimento taxonômico de

  4. Internal combustion engine using premixed combustion of stratified charges (United States)

    Marriott, Craig D [Rochester Hills, MI; Reitz, Rolf D [Madison, WI


    During a combustion cycle, a first stoichiometrically lean fuel charge is injected well prior to top dead center, preferably during the intake stroke. This first fuel charge is substantially mixed with the combustion chamber air during subsequent motion of the piston towards top dead center. A subsequent fuel charge is then injected prior to top dead center to create a stratified, locally richer mixture (but still leaner than stoichiometric) within the combustion chamber. The locally rich region within the combustion chamber has sufficient fuel density to autoignite, and its self-ignition serves to activate ignition for the lean mixture existing within the remainder of the combustion chamber. Because the mixture within the combustion chamber is overall premixed and relatively lean, NO.sub.x and soot production are significantly diminished.

  5. Combustion Stratification for Naphtha from CI Combustion to PPC

    KAUST Repository

    Vallinayagam, R.; Vedharaj, S.; An, Yanzhao; Dawood, Alaaeldin; Izadi Najafabadi, Mohammad; Somers, Bart; Johansson, Bengt


    This study demonstrates the combustion stratification from conventional compression ignition (CI) combustion to partially premixed combustion (PPC). Experiments are performed in an optical CI engine at a speed of 1200 rpm for diesel and naphtha (RON

  6. Fuel and combustion stratification study of Partially Premixed Combustion


    Izadi Najafabadi, M.; Dam, N.; Somers, B.; Johansson, B.


    Relatively high levels of stratification is one of the main advantages of Partially Premixed Combustion (PPC) over the Homogeneous Charge Compression Ignition (HCCI) concept. Fuel stratification smoothens heat release and improves controllability of this kind of combustion. However, the lack of a clear definition of “fuel and combustion stratifications” is obvious in literature. Hence, it is difficult to compare stratification levels of different PPC strategies or other combustion concepts. T...

  7. Development of flameless combustion; Desarrollo de la combustion sin flama

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Flores Sauceda, M. Leonardo; Cervantes de Gortari, Jaime Gonzalo [Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, Mexico, D.F. (Mexico)]. E-mail:;


    The paper intends contribute to global warming mitigation joint effort that develops technologies to capture the CO{sub 2} produced by fossil fuels combustion and to reduce emission of other greenhouse gases like the NO{sub x}. After reviewing existing combustion bibliography is pointed out that (a) touches only partial aspects of the collective system composed by Combustion-Heat transfer process-Environment, whose interactions are our primary interest and (b) most specialists think there is not yet a clearly winning technology for CO{sub 2} capture and storage. In this paper the study of combustion is focused as integrated in the aforementioned collective system where application of flameless combustion, using oxidant preheated in heat regenerators and fluent gas recirculation into combustion chamber plus appropriated heat and mass balances, simultaneously results in energy saving and environmental impact reduction. [Spanish] El trabajo pretende contribuir al esfuerzo conjunto de mitigacion del calentamiento global que aporta tecnologias para capturar el CO{sub 2} producido por la combustion de combustibles fosiles y para disminuir la emision de otros gases invernadero como NOx. De revision bibliografica sobre combustion se concluye que (a) trata aspectos parciales del sistema compuesto por combustion-proceso de trasferencia de calor-ambiente, cuyas interacciones son nuestro principal interes (b) la mayoria de especialistas considera no hay todavia una tecnologia claramente superior a las demas para captura y almacenaje de CO{sub 2}. Se estudia la combustion como parte integrante del mencionado sistema conjunto, donde la aplicacion de combustion sin flama, empleando oxidante precalentado mediante regeneradores de calor y recirculacion de gases efluentes ademas de los balances de masa y energia adecuados, permite tener simultaneamente ahorros energeticos e impacto ambiental reducido.


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    Édgar Alfredo Portilla Flores


    Full Text Available En este artículo, se presenta el análisis cinemático y una metodología de diseño paramétrico de la falange proximal para un dedo antropomórfico1 de un grado de libertad. El diseño del mecanismo se lleva a cabo, tomando diez posiciones de la barra de salida del mismo. Se presenta la simulación dinámica, utilizando un modelo de CAD para comprobar la factibilidad de los resultados obtenidos por el mecanismo. Por último, se muestra el análisis comparativo entre los resultados de la cinemática obtenidos numéricamente y los experimentales.

  9. O oraloma da diabetes melitos tipo 1 vs diabetes melitos tipo 2 - um estudo comparativo


    Brás, Vítor Daniel Moreira


    A Diabetes Melitos é uma doença de grande prevalência a nível mundial e os seus mecanismos fisiopatológicos não são ainda totalmente conhecidos. Actualmente, a terapêutica seguida em casos de Diabetes Melitos é eminentemente sintomática consistindo na administração de insulina nos casos de Diabetes Melitos tipo 1 ou quando se verifica a falência das células beta do pâncreas de pacientes com Diabetes Melitos tipo 2, ou no controlo da glicemia nos casos de Diabetes Melitos ...

  10. Measures for a quality combustion (combustion chamber exit and downstream); Mesures pour une combustion de qualite (sortie de chambre de combustion et en aval)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Epinat, G. [APAVE Lyonnaise, 69 (France)


    After a review of the different pollutants related to the various types of stationary and mobile combustion processes (stoichiometric, reducing and oxidizing combustion), measures and analyses than may be used to ensure the quality and efficiency of combustion processes are reviewed: opacimeters, UV analyzers, etc. The regulation and control equipment for combustion systems are then listed, according to the generator capacity level

  11. ANÁLISE ARQUEOMÉTRICA DE PINTURAS RUPESTRES PRÉ-HISTÓRICAS DO SÍTIO TAMBORIL, BARRAS, PIAUÍ, BRASIL (Archaeometric Analysis of Prehistoric Rock Paintings from the Tamboril Site, Barras, Piauí, Brazil

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    Luis Carlos Duarte Cavalcante


    Full Text Available O sítio arqueológico Tamboril, localizado na área rural do município de Barras, estado do Piauí, Brasil, é um bloco arenítico que apresenta um nicho decorado com pinturas rupestres, principalmente grafismos puros, motivos zoomórficos e carimbos de mãos humanas, pintados em diferentes tonalidades de vermelho. A conservação das pinturas é afetada por eflorescências salinas, resíduos decorrentes da atividade de insetos (como cupins e vespas e impacto humano (visitação sem acompanhamento de guias e atividade agrícola nas proximidades. A análise arqueométrica de pigmentos dessas pinturas rupestres foi realizada no laboratório com fluorescência de raios X por dispersão de energia e espectroscopia Mössbauer do 57Fe em geometria de retroespalhamento de raios γ à temperatura ambiente. Os teores de Fe (como Fe2O3 encontrados nas pinturas variam de 2,953(1 massa% a 17,23(1 massa%. Os parâmetros hiperfinos Mössbauer revelaram que o pigmento vermelho-escuro das pinturas rupestres é composto de hematita (αFe2O3 e de um Fe3+ (superparamagnético. Os teores de P (como P2O5 variam de 21,70(1 massa% a 25,92(1 massa% e foram atribuídos às eflorescências salinas e aos resíduos orgânicos de atividades de insetos que cobrem as inscrições pré-históricas. ENGLISH: The archaeological site known as Tamboril, located in the rural area of the municipality of Barras, Piauí State, Brazil, is a sandstone block that contains a niche decorated with rock paintings. These paintings are mainly composed of pure graphisms, zoomorphic motifs, and human handprints, painted in different tonalities of red. Their conservation has been affected by saline efflorescences, residues of insect activities (such as wasps and termites and human impact (unguided visitors and nearby agricultural activity. The archaeometric analysis of pigments from these rock paintings was performed in the laboratory with energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence and room

  12. Phytoindication potential of dune species through predictive modeling at Jatobá beach, Barra dos Coqueiros, Sergipe

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    Sindiany Suelen Caduda Santos


    Full Text Available O artigo objetiva investigar espécies endêmicas de dunas capazes de indicar a situação ambiental da área de Barra dos Coqueiros cogitada para criação de uma Unidade de Conservação, Sergipe, a partir do potencial fitogeográfico revelado pela modelagem de distribuição de espécies. Por meio do software MAXENT foram analisadas sete espécies endêmicas de dunas incipientes e semifixas. Os potenciais distributivos estabeleceram que a R. maritima, por sua taxa de dispersão próxima de um, é importante para recuperação de áreas litorâneas. Todavia, a I. imperati, com taxa de predição próxima de zero  é a fitoindicadora de vulnerabilidade/fragilidade. A pesquisa aponta que novas ações planejadas precisam ser efetivadas para a real conservação da biodiversidade em Sergipe.

  13. Criticality Studies in a Pilot Plant for Processing MTR-Type Irradiated Fuels; Estudios de Criticidad de una Planta Piloto para el Tratamiento de Combustibles Irradiados Tipo ' MTR '

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Pereira Sanchez, G.; Uriarte Hueda, A. [Junta de Energia Nuclear, Division de Materiales Madrid (Spain)


    A number of theoretical studies on nuclear safety have been carried out in a pilot plant being constructed at the Junta de Energia Nuclear in Madrid for processing irradiated fuels from the MTR-type experimental reactor JEN-1. The study was carried out working with aqueous and organic solutions at two levels of {sup 235}U enrichment - 20% and 93%. The paper is divided into two main parts: the first deals with the individual items of equipment, and the interactions between these are studied in the second part. The calculations in this second part have been made using three different methods to make it more certain that the system as a whole can never be critical. The first method employed is based on the solid angle concept and makes it possible to fix the maximum {sup 235}U concentrations within the system. The second method, based on the albedo, supplies the value of the multiplication factor K of the whole assembly as a function of the concentration of {sup 235}U. In the last part, the distribution of the equipment is compared with other similar systems and experimental tests from other sources. Finally, the paper specifies the conditions for working the installation which ensure that a nuclear accident can never occur. (author) [Spanish] Se ha efectuado una serie de estudios teoricos sobre la seguridad nuclear de una planta piloto, que se encuentra en construccion en la Junta de Energfa Nuclear situada en Madrid, para el tratamiento de combustibles irradiados procedentes del reactor experimental JEN-1 del tipo MTR. El estudio se ha realizado utilizando disoluciones, tanto acuosas como organicas, con dos grados de enriquecimiento, 20% y 93% en {sup 235}U. Este trabajo comprende dos partes principales: en la primera se han considerado las distintas unidades del equipo individualmente y en la segunda se han estudiado las interacciones entre ellas. El calculo de esta segunda parte se ha hecho por tres metodos diferentes para tener una mayor seguridad de que el

  14. Combustion stratification for naphtha from CI combustion to PPC

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Vallinayagam, R.; Vedharaj, S.; An, Y.; Dawood, A.; Izadi Najafabadi, M.; Somers, L.M.T.; Johansson, B.H.


    This study demonstrated the change in combustion homogeneity from conventional diesel combustion via partially premixed combustion towards HCCI. Experiments are performed in an optical diesel engine at a speed of 1200 rpm with diesel fuel. Single injection strategy is employed and the fuel is

  15. Caracterização e avaliação sensorial de barra de cereais funcional de alto teor protéico e vitamínico Characterization and sensorial evaluation of functional cereal bar

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    Daniela G.C. Freitas


    Full Text Available Barras de cereais foram introduzidas no mercado há cerca de uma década como alternativa "saudável" de confeito. Concomitantemente, alimentos como a soja, ricos em vitaminas e minerais e com propriedades antioxidantes vêm recebendo grande aplicação em produtos de alegação funcional, pois previnem contra doenças cardiovasculares e crônico-degenerativas. Considerando o crescimento do segmento de barra de cereais no setor de alimentos, desenvolveu-se uma formulação de barra de cereais de alto teor protéico e vitamínico, à base de proteína de soja texturizada, gérmen de trigo e aveia, enriquecida de ácido ascórbico e acetato de -tocoferol. As matérias-primas e a formulação final da barra de cereais foram submetidas a análises para caracterização e três formulações, variando o teor de ácido ascórbico, foram avaliadas quanto à preferência sensorial e intensidade ideal de doçura e acidez. A proteína de soja texturizada utilizada apresentou elevados teores dos oligossacarídeos rafinose e estaquiose (1,92 g/100 g e 4,66 g/100 g e de isoflavonas totais (283,49 mg/100 g se comparados ao grão, farinha integral e isolado protéico. A formulação final da barra de cereais apresentou 15,31% de proteína e elevado teor de vitamina E (118,0 mg/100 g e minerais como fósforo, ferro e manganês. A formulação adicionada de 1,1 g/100 g de ácido ascórbico obteve maior preferência sensorial diferindo das demais amostras (pCereal bars were introduced over a decade ago as a "healthy" alternative confectionery. Concomitantly, foods as soybean, with high vitamin and mineral levels and antioxidants properties come receiving great application in functional products, because they can prevent against chronic-degenerative illnesses of the heart. Considering the growth of the segment of cereal bars in the food sector, it was developed a formulation with high protein and vitamin levels cereal bar based on textured soy protein, wheat germ

  16. Low NOx combustion technologies for high-temperature natural gas combustion

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Flamme, Michael


    Because of the high process temperature which is required for some processes like glass melting and the high temperature to which the combustion air is preheated, NOx emission are extremely high. Even at these high temperatures, NOx emissions could be reduced drastically by using advanced combustion techniques such as staged combustion or flame-less oxidation, as experimental work has shown. In the case of oxy-fuel combustion, the NOx emission are also very high if conventional burners are used. The new combustion techniques achieve similar NOx reductions. (author)

  17. Genótipos de haptoglobina e hipertensão refratária em pacientes com diabete melito tipo 2

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    Vânia Pereira Albuquerque Wobeto


    Full Text Available FUNDAMENTO: Tem sido sugerido que o polimorfismo da haptoglobina pode influenciar na patogênese das complicações microvasculares e macrovasculares em pacientes diabéticos. OBJETIVO: O objetivo principal deste estudo transversal foi de realizar uma investigação da existência ou não de uma associação entre os genótipos de haptoglobina e a prevalência de eventos isquêmicos cardiovasculares (angina estável, angina instável e infarto agudo do miocárdio, hipertensão arterial sistêmica, hipertensão refratária, obesidade e dislipidemia em 120 pacientes com diabete melito tipo 2, seguidos no Hospital Universitário da Unicamp, em Campinas, Estado de São Paulo. MÉTODOS: A genotipagem da haptoglobina foi realizada por reações em cadeia da polimerase alelo-específicas. As frequências dos genótipos de haptoglobina foram comparadas com a presença/ausência de doença cardiovascular, hipertensão arterial sistêmica, hipertensão refratária, obesidade e dislipidemia; medições de pressão arterial sistólica e diastólica; glicemia, colesterol (total, lipoproteínas de alta densidade - HDL e lipoproteínas de baixa densidade - LDL e triglicerídeos; assim como níveis de creatinina sérica. RESULTADOS: Embora nenhuma associação entre o genótipo de haptoglobina e a presença de doença cardiovascular tenha sido identificada, encontramos um excesso significativo de pacientes com o genótipo Hp2-1 entre as pessoas com hipertensão refratária, que também apresentavam uma maior pressão arterial sistólica e diastólica e níveis de colesterol total e LDL. CONCLUSÃO: Nossos resultados sugerem que os pacientes com diabete melito tipo 2 com o genótipo Hp2-1 podem apresentar uma maior chance de desenvolver hipertensão refratária. Estudos adicionais em populações diabéticas são necessários para confirmar esses achados.

  18. Combustion instability control in the model of combustion chamber

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Akhmadullin, A N; Ahmethanov, E N; Iovleva, O V; Mitrofanov, G A


    An experimental study of the influence of external periodic perturbations on the instability of the combustion chamber in a pulsating combustion. As an external periodic disturbances were used sound waves emitted by the electrodynamics. The purpose of the study was to determine the possibility of using the method of external periodic perturbation to control the combustion instability. The study was conducted on a specially created model of the combustion chamber with a swirl burner in the frequency range from 100 to 1400 Hz. The study found that the method of external periodic perturbations may be used to control combustion instability. Depending on the frequency of the external periodic perturbation is observed as an increase and decrease in the amplitude of the oscillations in the combustion chamber. These effects are due to the mechanisms of synchronous and asynchronous action. External periodic disturbance generated in the path feeding the gaseous fuel, showing the high efficiency of the method of management in terms of energy costs. Power required to initiate periodic disturbances (50 W) is significantly smaller than the thermal capacity of the combustion chamber (100 kW)

  19. Modelo de programação linear para seleção de pulverizadores agrícolas de barras Linear programming model to agricultural boom sprayer selection

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    Fábio H. R. Baio


    Full Text Available A seleção de pulverizadores agrícolas que se adaptem às necessidades da propriedade, é um processo trabalhoso, sendo uma das etapas mais importantes dentro do processo produtivo. O objetivo do presente trabalho foi o de desenvolver e utilizar um modelo de programação linear para auxiliar na seleção de pulverizadores agrícolas de barras, baseado no menor custo horário do equipamento. Foram utilizadas as informações técnicas referentes a 20 modelos de pulverizadores disponíveis no mercado, sendo quatro autopropelidos, oito de arrasto e oito do tipo montado. A análise de sensibilidade dos componentes dos custos operacionais mostrou que as taxas de reparo e depreciação foram os fatores que mais interferiram na variação do custo horário do conjunto trator-pulverizador. O modelo matemático desenvolvido facilitou a realização da análise de sensibilidade que foi processada em um tempo muito pequeno.The selection process of agricultural machines is one of the most important stages of the productive process. The purpose of the present work was to develop and to test a linear programming model to aid in the decision of agricultural boom sprayer selection based on the cheapest hour-cost. The technical information about 20 sprayer models available in the market was used, where four were self-propelled, eight were trailed and eight were lift mounted sprayer. The sensibility analysis of the operational cost components showed that the repair and depreciation rates are the factors that most contribute to hour-cost variation of the sprayer-tractor group. The developed mathematical model facilitated the accomplishment of the sensibility analysis, which was processed in a very short time.

  20. Changes in the internal resistance of a single chamber microbial fuel cell associated with architectural changes and inoculation; Cambios en la resistencia interna de una celda de combustible microbiana de una camara asociados a cambios de arquitectura y tipo de inoculo

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Vazquez Larios, A.L.; Vazquez-Huerta, G.; Esparza-Garcia, F.; Solorza-Feria, O.; Poggi Varaldo, H.M. [Centro de Investigacion y de Estudios Avanzados del IPN, Mexico D.F. (Mexico)]. E-mail:;


    The objective of this work was to electrochemically characterize a new type of microbial fuel cell (MFC-A) and evaluate the effect of three inoculated types on internal resistance (Ir). The results were compared with those from a standard fuel cell (MFC-B). The MFC-A consisted of a horizontal acrylate cylinder equipped with two sandwiched electrode systems (each with a anode proton exchange membrane-cathode) at each end of the chamber. The MFC-B consisted of an anode and cathode each placed at opposing faces of the chamber, separated by 78 mm. The Ir of the cells were determined using a polarization curve. The inoculates were from continuous complete-mix reactors, biomass in suspension, at the laboratory scale. The inoculate with the lowest Ir value (1 200 and 3900 {Omega}) was sulfate reduction (SR-In). The second corresponded to methanogen inoculated cells (M-In) with Ir of 5300 and 7500 {Omega}. Aerobic inoculated cells (A-IN) had extremely high Ir values, 100000 and 130000 {Omega} for MFC-A and MFC-B, respectively. The Ir for all the inoculates was the lowest in the MFC-A, attributed to the change in the cell's architecture and the design of the electrodes. These results are encouraging since a decrease in Ir is required to increase the power and efficiency of a microbial fuel cell. [Spanish] El objetivo de este trabajo fue caracterizar electroquimicamente una celda de combustible microbiana de nuevo tipo (CCM-A), y evaluar el efecto de tres tipos de inoculos sobre la resistencia interna (R{sub i}). Los resultados fueron comparados con los de una celda de combustible estandar (CCM-B). La CCM-A consistio de un cilindro horizontal de acrilato, equipado con dos sistemas de electrodos emparedados (cada uno con catodo/membrana de intercambio protonico/anodo) en cada uno de los extremos de la camara. La CCM-B consistio de un anodo y un catodo colocados cada uno en las caras opuestas de la celda, separados por 78 mm. Las Ri de las celdas fueron determinadas por

  1. Reproduction, food dynamics and exploitation level of Oreochromis niloticus (Perciformes: Cichlidae from artisanal fisheries in Barra Bonita Reservoir, Brazil

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    José Luis Costa Novaes


    Full Text Available Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus, which is exotic to South America, is the most common species caught in artisanal fisheries at the Barra Bonita Reservoir, Southeastern Brazil. This species is of great socioeconomic importance for the region and keeps active a population of about 500 fishers. In the present study we assess reproduction, food dynamics and level of exploitation of O. niloticus, caught by artisanal fisheries in the Barra Bonita Reservoir. Specimens were collected monthly, from July 2004-June 2005, and a total of 1 715 specimens were analyzed. Each specimen was examined to obtain biological and biometric data: standard length (cm, total weight (g, reproductive data (sex and stage of maturation, and stomach contents (empty, partly full, and full. We also estimated the sex ratio (by macroscopic observation of gonads, reproductive period (by ovarian development and seasonal average of gonadosomatic index in females, and feeding habits (by stomach contents. The possible relationship between abiotic factors and the reproductive period was statistically verified using Spearman’s Rank Correlation. The FiSAT (ELEFAN I package was used to assess growth parameters, mortality rates and to infer exploitation rate from standard length frequencies. The O. niloticus population had a sex ratio of 1.3:1 (M:F. Results indicated that ripe females were captured throughout the year, with a higher frequency during the winter-2004 (with a frequency of 59%, at a mean temperature of 20.5°C, and in spring-2004 (with a frequency of 60.5% at a mean temperature of 21.18°C. The GSI mean values obtained by season were: winter-2004: 1.71; spring-2004: 1.72; summer-2005: 0.80, and autumn-2005: 1.19. The Spearman correlation indicated positive values with respect to pH, dissolved oxygen, electric conductivity, transparency and chlorophyll a, and negative values with respect to temperature, accumulated rainfall and altimetric benchmark. The main food items

  2. Rotary combustion device

    NARCIS (Netherlands)


    Rotary combustion device (1) with rotary combustion chamber (4). Specific measures are taken to provide ignition of a combustible mixture. It is proposed that a hollow tube be provided coaxially with the axis of rotation (6), so that a small part of the mixture is guided into the combustion chamber.


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    Yuri de Almeida Costa Campos

    Full Text Available RESUMO Introdução: Inúmeras variações de exercícios têm sido aplicadas nas rotinas de treinamento de força, com o objetivo de otimizar os ganhos de força e hipertrofia e, entre os exercícios usados, podemos destacar o pullover. Objetivo: Comparar a atividade eletromiográfica da parte clavicular do músculo peitoral maior (PMC, parte esternocostal do peitoral maior (PME, cabeça longa do tríceps braquial (TBL, do deltoide anterior (DA, deltoide posterior (DP, latíssimo do dorso (LD e serrátil anterior (SA entre os exercícios pullover barra (PB e pullover haltere (PH. Método: Participaram do estudo 11 homens treinados (idade, 24,50 ± 4,34 anos; percentual de gordura = 13,63 ± 1,94; estatura = 1,76 ± 0,04 m; massa corporal total = 73,12 ± 6,10 kg. A primeira fase do estudo consistiu em avaliações antropométricas e teste e re-teste de 10 repetições máximas (RM. A segunda fase do estudo foi composta pela coleta dos sinais eletromiográficos nos exercícios propostos. Para tal, foi realizada uma série com cargas ajustadas a 90% de 10 RM. Para verificar as diferenças na ativação dos respectivos músculos estudados entre os exercícios PB e PH adotou-se o teste t de Student pareado para amostras dependentes. Resultados: Não foram observadas mudanças na ativação de nenhum dos músculos analisados nos exercícios propostos (P > 0,05. Conclusão: Concluiu-se que a realização do exercício pullover com barra ou com o haltere não altera a participação/ativação dos músculos envolvidos.

  4. Combustion physics (United States)

    Jones, A. R.


    Over 90% of our energy comes from combustion. By the year 2000 the figure will still be 80%, even allowing for nuclear and alternative energy sources. There are many familiar examples of combustion use, both domestic and industrial. These range from the Bunsen burner to large flares, from small combustion chambers, such as those in car engines, to industrial furnaces for steel manufacture or the generation of megawatts of electricity. There are also fires and explosions. The bountiful energy release from combustion, however, brings its problems, prominent among which are diminishing fuel resources and pollution. Combustion science is directed towards finding ways of improving efficiency and reducing pollution. One may ask, since combustion is a chemical reaction, why physics is involved: the answer is in three parts. First, chemicals cannot react unless they come together. In most flames the fuel and air are initially separate. The chemical reaction in the gas phase is very fast compared with the rate of mixing. Thus, once the fuel and air are mixed the reaction can be considered to occur instantaneously and fluid mechanics limits the rate of burning. Secondly, thermodynamics and heat transfer determine the thermal properties of the combustion products. Heat transfer also plays a role by preheating the reactants and is essential to extracting useful work. Fluid mechanics is relevant if work is to be performed directly, as in a turbine. Finally, physical methods, including electric probes, acoustics, optics, spectroscopy and pyrometry, are used to examine flames. The article is concerned mainly with how physics is used to improve the efficiency of combustion.

  5. Diseño de proceso para el desarrollo de barras energéticas como subproducto en la obtención de leche saborizada de soya


    Gamboa Valarezo, Vannia; Costa, Ana Maria


    El grano de soya es ampliamente reconocido por su elevado contenido en nutrientes. Durante el proceso de elaboración de la leche de soya el okara o pulpa residual del proceso representó del 20 a 25 por ciento del desperdicio cuyo alto valor nutricional y energético fue aprovechado. En el presente trabajo se propuso aprovechar integralmente el grano de soya, dando valor agregado a la fase líquida donde se obtuvo leche saborizada de soya y, a partir del desperdicio se obtuvieron barras ene...

  6. Some Factors Affecting Combustion in an Internal-Combustion Engine (United States)

    Rothrock, A M; Cohn, Mildred


    An investigation of the combustion of gasoline, safety, and diesel fuels was made in the NACA combustion apparatus under conditions of temperature that permitted ignition by spark with direct fuel injection, in spite of the compression ratio of 12.7 employed. The influence of such variables as injection advance angle, jacket temperature, engine speed, and spark position was studied. The most pronounced effect was that an increase in the injection advance angle (beyond a certain minimum value) caused a decrease in the extent and rate of combustion. In almost all cases combustion improved with increased temperature. The results show that at low air temperatures the rates of combustion vary with the volatility of the fuel, but that at high temperatures this relationship does not exist and the rates depend to a greater extent on the chemical nature of the fuel.

  7. Reduced NOX combustion method

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Delano, M.A.


    This patent describes a method for combusting fuel and oxidant to achieve reduced formation of nitrogen oxides. It comprises: It comprises: heating a combustion zone to a temperature at least equal to 1500 degrees F.; injecting into the heated combustion zone a stream of oxidant at a velocity within the range of from 200 to 1070 feet per second; injecting into the combustion zone, spaced from the oxidant stream, a fuel stream at a velocity such that the ratio of oxidant stream velocity to fuel stream velocity does not exceed 20; aspirating combustion gases into the oxidant stream and thereafter intermixing the aspirated oxidant stream and fuel stream to form a combustible mixture; combusting the combustible mixture to produce combustion gases for the aspiration; and maintaining the fuel stream substantially free from contact with oxidant prior to the intermixture with aspirated oxidant

  8. Experimental study on fuel oil combustion in circulating fluidized bed; Estudio experimental sobre la combustion de combustoleo en lecho fluidizado circulante

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Diaz Rangel, Ricardo [Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas, Cuernavaca (Mexico)


    The Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas (IIE) developed a circulating fluidized bed combustor of 0.5 thermal MW unique in its type in Latin America. The Bachelor`s thesis entitled ``Experimental Study on Fuel Oil Combustion in Circulating Fluidized Bed`` was performed operating this combustor with the purpose of determining the feasibility of burning heavy fuel oil in a stable and sustained form, as well as the effect of the addition of calcium carbonate to the combustor. The results of the experimental trials showed heavy fuel oil can be burned in a circulating fluidized bed, with low sulfur dioxide emissions. During the conduction of the experiments a sulfur retention of 43% was achieved with a Ca/S relationship of 4.5. [Espanol] El Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas (IIE) desarrollo un combustor de lecho fluidizado circulante de 0.5 MW termicos de potencia, unico en su tipo en Latinoamerica. La tesis de licenciatura titulada Estudio Experimental sobre la Combustion de Combustoleo en Lecho Fluidizado Circulante se realizo operando dicho combustor, con el proposito de determinar la factibilidad de quemar combustoleo pesado en forma estable y autosostenida, asi como la influencia que tiene la adicion de carbonato de calcio al lecho. Los resultados de los ensayos experimentales mostraron que se puede quemar combustoleo pesado en un lecho fluidizado circulante, con bajas emisiones de bioxido de azufre. Durante la experimentacion se logro una retencion de azufre del 43%, con una relacion Ca/S de 4.5.

  9. Experimental study on fuel oil combustion in circulating fluidized bed; Estudio experimental sobre la combustion de combustoleo en lecho fluidizado circulante

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Diaz Rangel, Ricardo [Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas, Cuernavaca (Mexico)


    The Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas (IIE) developed a circulating fluidized bed combustor of 0.5 thermal MW unique in its type in Latin America. The Bachelor`s thesis entitled ``Experimental Study on Fuel Oil Combustion in Circulating Fluidized Bed`` was performed operating this combustor with the purpose of determining the feasibility of burning heavy fuel oil in a stable and sustained form, as well as the effect of the addition of calcium carbonate to the combustor. The results of the experimental trials showed heavy fuel oil can be burned in a circulating fluidized bed, with low sulfur dioxide emissions. During the conduction of the experiments a sulfur retention of 43% was achieved with a Ca/S relationship of 4.5. [Espanol] El Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas (IIE) desarrollo un combustor de lecho fluidizado circulante de 0.5 MW termicos de potencia, unico en su tipo en Latinoamerica. La tesis de licenciatura titulada Estudio Experimental sobre la Combustion de Combustoleo en Lecho Fluidizado Circulante se realizo operando dicho combustor, con el proposito de determinar la factibilidad de quemar combustoleo pesado en forma estable y autosostenida, asi como la influencia que tiene la adicion de carbonato de calcio al lecho. Los resultados de los ensayos experimentales mostraron que se puede quemar combustoleo pesado en un lecho fluidizado circulante, con bajas emisiones de bioxido de azufre. Durante la experimentacion se logro una retencion de azufre del 43%, con una relacion Ca/S de 4.5.

  10. Method and device for diagnosing and controlling combustion instabilities in internal combustion engines operating in or transitioning to homogeneous charge combustion ignition mode (United States)

    Wagner, Robert M [Knoxville, TN; Daw, Charles S [Knoxville, TN; Green, Johney B [Knoxville, TN; Edwards, Kevin D [Knoxville, TN


    This invention is a method of achieving stable, optimal mixtures of HCCI and SI in practical gasoline internal combustion engines comprising the steps of: characterizing the combustion process based on combustion process measurements, determining the ratio of conventional and HCCI combustion, determining the trajectory (sequence) of states for consecutive combustion processes, and determining subsequent combustion process modifications using said information to steer the engine combustion toward desired behavior.

  11. The Diesel Combustion Collaboratory: Combustion Researchers Collaborating over the Internet

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    C. M. Pancerella; L. A. Rahn; C. Yang


    The Diesel Combustion Collaborator (DCC) is a pilot project to develop and deploy collaborative technologies to combustion researchers distributed throughout the DOE national laboratories, academia, and industry. The result is a problem-solving environment for combustion research. Researchers collaborate over the Internet using DCC tools, which include: a distributed execution management system for running combustion models on widely distributed computers, including supercomputers; web-accessible data archiving capabilities for sharing graphical experimental or modeling data; electronic notebooks and shared workspaces for facilitating collaboration; visualization of combustion data; and video-conferencing and data-conferencing among researchers at remote sites. Security is a key aspect of the collaborative tools. In many cases, the authors have integrated these tools to allow data, including large combustion data sets, to flow seamlessly, for example, from modeling tools to data archives. In this paper the authors describe the work of a larger collaborative effort to design, implement and deploy the DCC.


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    DRA. M. Gabriela Sanzana G.


    En las “Diabetes Atípicas” (no incluidas en la clasificación ADA, se mencionan la DM tipo 2 en niños y adolescentes, favorecida por el aumento de la obesidad y del sedentarismo; la diabetes propensa a la cetosis, que debutan en cetoacidosis, con etiopatogenia y evolución de DM2; los Latent Autoinmune Diabetes of Adults (LADA, DM tipo 1 de lenta aparición y la diabetes postrasplante.

  13. Sediment failures within the Peach Slide (Barra Fan, NE Atlantic Ocean) and relation to the history of the British-Irish Ice Sheet (United States)

    Owen, Matthew J.; Maslin, Mark A.; Day, Simon J.; Long, David


    The Peach Slide is the largest known submarine mass movement on the British continental margin and is situated on the northern flank of the glacigenic Barra Fan. The Barra Fan is located on the northwest British continental margin and is subject to cyclonic ocean circulation, with distinct differences between the circulation during stadial and inter-stadial periods. The fan has experienced growth since continental uplift during the mid-Pliocene, with the majority of sediments deposited during the Pleistocene when the fan was a major depocentre for the British-Irish Ice Sheet (BIIS). Surface and shallow sub-surface morphology of the fan has been mapped using newly digitised archival paper pinger and deep towed boomer sub-bottom profile records, side scan sonar and multibeam echosounder data. This process has allowed the interpretation and mapping of a number of different seismic facies, including: contourites, hemipelagites and debrites. Development of a radiocarbon based age model for the seismic stratigraphy constrains the occurrence of two periods of slope failure: the first at circa 21 ka cal BP, shortly after the BIIS's maximum advance during the deglaciation of the Hebrides Ice Stream; and the second between 12 and 11 ka cal BP at the termination of the Younger Dryas stadial. Comparison with other mass movement events, which have similar geological and oceanographic settings, suggests that important roles are played by contouritic and glacigenic sedimentation, deposited in inter-stadial and stadial periods respectively when different thermohaline regimes and sediment sources dominate. The effect of this switch in sedimentation is to rapidly deposit thick, low permeability, glacigenic layers above contourite and hemipelagite units. This process potentially produced excess pore pressure in the fan sediments and would have increased the likelihood of sediment failure via reduced shear strength and potential liquefaction.

  14. Catarata e diabetes mellitus tipo 1


    Pizzol,Melissa Manfroi Dal; Esteves,Jorge Freita; Sccoco,Caio Augusto; Roggia,Murilo Felix; Rosa,Carolina Maurente da; Lambert,José Humberto Franco; Canani,Luís Henrique


    OBJETIVO: Avaliar a prevalência de catarata e seus fatores de risco em uma população portadora de diabetes mellitus tipo 1 (DM1). MÉTODOS: Estudo de casos e controles de um banco de dados de 181 pacientes (362 olhos) com diagnóstico de diabetes mellitus tipo 1. Os pacientes foram classificados como casos quando apresentavam diagnóstico de catarata. As variáveis estudadas foram a presença ou não de retinopatia diabética, tratamento com panfotocoagulação, presença de hipertensão arterial sistêm...

  15. New class of combustion processes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Merzhanov, A.G.; Borovinskaya, I.P.


    A short review is given of the results of work carried out since 1967 on studying the combustion processes caused by the interaction of chemical elements in the condensed phase and leading to the formation of refractory compounds. New phenomena and processes are described which are revealed when investigating the combustion of the systems of this class, viz solid-phase combustion, fast combustion in the condensed phase, filtering combustion, combustion in liquid nitrogen, spinning combustion, self-oscillating combustion, and repeated combustion. A new direction in employment of combustion processes is discussed, viz. a self-propagating high-temperature synthesis of refractory nitrides, carbides, borides, silicides and other compounds

  16. Experimental validation for combustion analysis of GOTHIC code in 2-dimensional combustion chamber

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lee, J. W.; Yang, S. Y.; Park, K. C.; Jung, S. H.


    In this study, the prediction capability of GOTHIC code for hydrogen combustion phenomena was validated with the results of two-dimensional premixed hydrogen combustion experiment executed by Seoul National University. The experimental chamber has about 24 liter free volume (1x0.024x1 m 3 ) and 2-dimensional rectangular shape. The test were preformed with 10% hydrogen/air gas mixture and conducted with combination of two igniter positions (top center, top corner) and two boundary conditions (bottom full open, bottom right half open). Using the lumped parameter and mechanistic combustion model in GOTHIC code, the SNU experiments were simulated under the same conditions. The GOTHIC code prediction of the hydrogen combustion phenomena did not compare well with the experimental results. In case of lumped parameter simulation, the combustion time was predicted appropriately. But any other local information related combustion phenomena could not be obtained. In case of mechanistic combustion analysis, the physical combustion phenomena of gas mixture were not matched experimental ones. In boundary open cases, the GOTHIC predicted very long combustion time and the flame front propagation could not simulate appropriately. Though GOTHIC showed flame propagation phenomenon in adiabatic calculation, the induction time of combustion was still very long compare with experimental results. Also, it was found that the combustion model of GOTHIC code had some weak points in low concentration of hydrogen combustion simulation

  17. Evaluación del consumo de los combustibles (GM, E-10 y GNC en un vehículo de combustión interna de servicio público en la ciudad de Cali - Colombia

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    Luis Felipe Granada Aguirre


    Full Text Available En este documento se muestran los rendimientos (consumo de combustible obtenidos por un vehículo de combustión interna de servicio público que fue adaptado para funcionar con diferentes tipos de combustibles como Gasolina Motor (GM, mezcla de GM con 10% de etanol (E-10 y Gas Natural Comprimido (GNC. El vehículo utilizado fue un HYUNDAI ATOS modelo 2005, motor 1000 cc, conducido por un adulto de 23 años de edad. El periodo de evaluación fue entre junio 13 de 2005 y abril 13 de 2006.

  18. Ataxia espinocerebelar tipo 6: relato de caso

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    Bianca Simone Zeigelboim


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste estudo foi verificar as alterações vestibulococleares observadas em um caso de ataxia espinocerebelar tipo 6. O caso foi encaminhado do Hospital de Clínicas para o Laboratório de Otoneurologia de uma Instituição de Ensino e foi submetido aos seguintes procedimentos: anamnese, inspeção otológica, avaliações audiológica e vestibular. O caso retrata uma paciente com diagnóstico genético de ataxia espinocerebelar tipo 6, do sexo feminino, com 57 anos de idade, que referiu desequilíbrio à marcha com tendência a queda para a esquerda, disartria e disfonia. Na avaliação audiológica apresentou configuração audiométrica descendente a partir da frequência de 4kHz e curva timpanométrica do tipo "A" com presença dos reflexos estapedianos bilateralmente. No exame vestibular observou-se na pesquisa da vertigem posicional presença de nistagmo vertical inferior e oblíquo, espontâneo e semiespontâneo múltiplo com características centrais (ausência de latência, paroxismo, fatigabilidade e vertigem, nistagmooptocinético abolido e hiporreflexia à prova calórica. Constataram-se alterações labirínticas que indicaram afecção do sistema vestibular central evidenciando-se a importância dessa avaliação. A existência da possível relação entre os achados com os sintomas vestibulares apresentados pela paciente apontou a relevância do exame labiríntico neste tipo de ataxia uma vez que a presença do nistagmo vertical inferior demonstrou ser frequente neste tipo de patologia.

  19. Preliminary assessment of combustion modes for internal combustion wave rotors (United States)

    Nalim, M. Razi


    Combustion within the channels of a wave rotor is examined as a means of obtaining pressure gain during heat addition in a gas turbine engine. Several modes of combustion are considered and the factors that determine the applicability of three modes are evaluated in detail; premixed autoignition/detonation, premixed deflagration, and non-premixed compression ignition. The last two will require strong turbulence for completion of combustion in a reasonable time in the wave rotor. The compression/autoignition modes will require inlet temperatures in excess of 1500 R for reliable ignition with most hydrocarbon fuels; otherwise, a supplementary ignition method must be provided. Examples of combustion mode selection are presented for two core engine applications that had been previously designed with equivalent 4-port wave rotor topping cycles using external combustion.

  20. Cytogenetics of the Brazilian whiptail lizard Cnemidophorus littoralis (Teiidae) from a restinga area (Barra de Maricá) in Southeastern Brazil. (United States)

    Peccinini-Seale, D; Rocha, C F D; Almeida, T M B; Araújo, A F B; De Sena, M A


    Chromosomes of Cnemidophorus littoralis, a new species of teiid lizard recently described, were studied. The animals are from a restinga area in Barra de Maricá, RJ. The karyotype presents a diploid number of 2n = 46 chromosomes and a chromosomal sex determination mechanism of the type XX:XY. Nucleolar organizer regions, Ag-NORs, are at the sixth pair of chromosomes; there is variability of size and number of the Ag-stained nucleoli on the 50 interphase nuclei for each specimen analyzed. These nucleoli are related to NOR patterns that also demonstrated variability in size and number. This paper presents the first description of the karyotype of Cnemidophorus littoralis and of a chromosomal sex determination mechanism of the XX:XY type in the genus Cnemidophorus from Southeastern Brazil.

  1. Combustion modeling in internal combustion engines (United States)

    Zeleznik, F. J.


    The fundamental assumptions of the Blizard and Keck combustion model for internal combustion engines are examined and a generalization of that model is derived. The most significant feature of the model is that it permits the occurrence of unburned hydrocarbons in the thermodynamic-kinetic modeling of exhaust gases. The general formulas are evaluated in two specific cases that are likely to be significant in the applications of the model.

  2. A predictive model of natural gas mixture combustion in internal combustion engines

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    Henry Espinoza


    Full Text Available This study shows the development of a predictive natural gas mixture combustion model for conventional com-bustion (ignition engines. The model was based on resolving two areas; one having unburned combustion mixture and another having combustion products. Energy and matter conservation equations were solved for each crankshaft turn angle for each area. Nonlinear differential equations for each phase’s energy (considering compression, combustion and expansion were solved by applying the fourth-order Runge-Kutta method. The model also enabled studying different natural gas components’ composition and evaluating combustion in the presence of dry and humid air. Validation results are shown with experimental data, demonstrating the software’s precision and accuracy in the results so produced. The results showed cylinder pressure, unburned and burned mixture temperature, burned mass fraction and combustion reaction heat for the engine being modelled using a natural gas mixture.

  3. Boiler using combustible fluid (United States)

    Baumgartner, H.; Meier, J.G.


    A fluid fuel boiler is described comprising a combustion chamber, a cover on the combustion chamber having an opening for introducing a combustion-supporting gaseous fluid through said openings, means to impart rotation to the gaseous fluid about an axis of the combustion chamber, a burner for introducing a fluid fuel into the chamber mixed with the gaseous fluid for combustion thereof, the cover having a generally frustro-conical configuration diverging from the opening toward the interior of the chamber at an angle of between 15/sup 0/ and 55/sup 0/; means defining said combustion chamber having means defining a plurality of axial hot gas flow paths from a downstream portion of the combustion chamber to flow hot gases into an upstream portion of the combustion chamber, and means for diverting some of the hot gas flow along paths in a direction circumferentially of the combustion chamber, with the latter paths being immersed in the water flow path thereby to improve heat transfer and terminating in a gas outlet, the combustion chamber comprising at least one modular element, joined axially to the frustro-conical cover and coaxial therewith. The modular element comprises an inner ring and means of defining the circumferential, radial, and spiral flow paths of the hot gases.

  4. Tipos de pasteurização e agentes coagulantes na fabricação do queijo tipo prato


    Ramos, Thaís de Melo


    O presente trabalho foi realizado com os objetivos de avaliar a influência do tipo de pasteurização pelos sistemas de aquecimento indireto high temperature short time, ou HTST, e injeção direta de vapor (IDV), e avaliar a influência de duas diferentes enzimas coagulantes na fabricação do queijo tipo prato. O delineamento experimental utilizado neste experimento foi um fatorial 2 x 2 x 5 inteiramente casualizado, sendo dois sistemas de pasteurização (HTST e IDV), duas enzimas coagulantes e cin...

  5. Diabetes tipo 2 en niños: Serie de casos

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    Helard Manrique-Hurtado


    Full Text Available Objetivos: Describir las características clínicas y bioquímicas de un grupo de niños y adolescentes con diagnóstico reciente de diabetes tipo 2. Material y métodos: Estudio descriptivo, retrospectivo, tipo de serie de casos. Se definió caso al niño o adolescente con glucosa plasmática en ayunas mayor a 126 mg/dl, ausencia de antiGAD y péptido C mayor a 1,5 ng/dl. Se excluyeron a los pacientes con diagnóstico previo de diabetes mellitus tipo 1, diabetes tipo MODY o diabetes secundaria a uso de fármacos. Resultados: La edad media fue 14,3 años, 59% fueron mujeres y 43% tenía por lo menos un padre con diabetes tipo 2. Al momento del diagnóstico, el índice de masa corporal fue 32,8 kg/m2, 85% tenía acantosis nigricans y 68% estaba en estadio Tanner IV y V. El tratamiento inicial incluyó el uso de hipoglicemiantes orales en 75% de los casos, siendo más frecuente el uso de metformina (64,3%. Solamente el 41% de los pacientes recibía algún tipo de insulina. Conclusiones: Los niños y adolescentes con diabetes tipo 2, tienen una frecuencia aumentada de obesidad/sobrepeso, acantosis nigricans y antecedente familiar de DM2. En general, tienen mal control metabólico y reciben metformina como tratamiento inicial.

  6. HERCULES Advanced Combustion Concepts Test Facility: Spray/Combustion Chamber

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Herrmann, K. [Eidgenoessische Technische Hochschule (ETH), Labor fuer Aerothermochemie und Verbrennungssysteme, Zuerich (Switzerland)


    This yearly report for 2004 on behalf of the Swiss Federal Office of Energy (SFOE) at the Laboratory for Aero-thermochemistry and Combustion Systems at the Federal Institute of Technology ETH in Zurich, Switzerland, presents a review of work being done within the framework of HERCULES (High Efficiency R and D on Combustion with Ultra Low Emissions for Ships) - the international R and D project concerning new technologies for ships' diesels. The work involves the use and augmentation of simulation models. These are to be validated using experimental data. The report deals with the development of an experimental set-up that will simulate combustion in large two-stroke diesel engines and allow the generation of reference data. The main element of the test apparatus is a spray / combustion chamber with extensive possibilities for optical observation under variable flow conditions. The results of first simulations confirm concepts and shall help in further work on the project. The potential offered by high-speed camera systems was tested using the institute's existing HTDZ combustion chamber. Further work to be done is reviewed.

  7. Gradual combustion - method for nitrogen oxide suppression during brown coal combustion

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kotler, V.P.; Verzakov, V.N.; Lobov, T.V.


    Discusses combustion of brown coal in BKZ-500-140-1 boilers and factors that influence emission of nitrogen oxides. Temperature distribution in the furnace was evaluated. Effects of burner position, burner number and burner type as well as air excess ratio on chemical reactions during brown coal combustion, formation of nitrogen oxides and their emission were comparatively evaluated. Analyses showed that by optimum arrangement of burners and selecting the optimum air excess ratio a part of nitrogen oxides formed during the initial phase of combustion was reduced to molecular nitrogen in the second phase. On the basis of evaluations the following recommendations for furnace design are made: use of straight-flow burners characterized by a reduced mixing ratio with secondary air, parallel arrangement of burners which guarantees mixing of the combustion products from the burners with stable and unstable combustion (products of incomplete coal combustion), reducing the air excess ratio to below 1.0. 5 refs.

  8. High visceral leishmaniasis mortality rate in Barra Mansa, a new area of visceral leishmaniasis transmission in the State of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

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    Maria Inês Fernandes Pimentel


    Full Text Available Introduction Nine cases of visceral leishmaniasis occurred recently in Barra Mansa, State of Rio de Janeiro, with a high mortality rate. Methods We reviewed the medical records of the patients. Results Eight were male; 7 were adults. Patients who died progressed to death quickly and presented with aggravating factors: systemic steroid therapy before diagnosis, bleeding, severe liver involvement, infection, and/or refusal to receive transfusion. Conclusions We warn clinicians to be aware of the emergence of visceral leishmaniasis in new areas and to keep in mind the possibility of atypical clinical pictures and aggravating factors, so timely diagnosis can be made and prompt and adequate treatment can be initiated.

  9. Avaliação das emissões gasosas de diferentes tipos de combustíveis utilizados e seus impactos ambientais

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    Waldir Nagel Schirmer


    Full Text Available Este trabalho tem o objetivo de traçar uma revisão sobre os combustíveis utilizados em diferentes processos industriais,com ênfase nos principais gases daí emitidos. A poluição do ar causada por tais poluentes exerce grande influência na saúdehumana e em vários ecossistemas, pois diariamente são liberados altas taxas dos mesmos para a atmosfera. Há alguns anos jáocorrem discussões para que haja a minimização dos problemas ambientais, os acordos internacionais estão sendo fundamentaisnesse contexto uma vez que, entre metas bem definidas, encontram-se a substituição de combustíveis altamente poluidores. Asfontes alternativas de energia têm sido a escolha utilizada pelos países, que além de ambientalmente corretos, possibilitambenefícios para as indústrias.Abstract This work reviews the main fuels used inindustrial processes, emphasizing the gases from theseemissions. The air pollution caused by these pollutants has adirect impact over the human health and ecosystems, due toliberation of these gases to the atmosphere at high rates. Forseveral years, discussions about this theme deal theminimization of the environmental problems andinternational agreements have been done focusing onsubstitution of conventional fuels for another ones. Thealternative energy resources has been chosen by theirbenefits.

  10. Uncertainties in hydrogen combustion

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Stamps, D.W.; Wong, C.C.; Nelson, L.S.


    Three important areas of hydrogen combustion with uncertainties are identified: high-temperature combustion, flame acceleration and deflagration-to-detonation transition, and aerosol resuspension during hydrogen combustion. The uncertainties associated with high-temperature combustion may affect at least three different accident scenarios: the in-cavity oxidation of combustible gases produced by core-concrete interactions, the direct containment heating hydrogen problem, and the possibility of local detonations. How these uncertainties may affect the sequence of various accident scenarios is discussed and recommendations are made to reduce these uncertainties. 40 references

  11. Optimization of enrichment distributions in nuclear fuel assemblies loaded with Uranium and Plutonium via a modified linear programming technique

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Cuevas Vivas, Gabriel Francisco


    number of enrichments is accomplished with this methodology. [Spanish] Se ha desarrollado y probado una metodologia para optimizar las distribuciones de enriquecimiento de ensambles de combustible nuclear en Reactores de Agua Ligera (LWR). La tecnica de optimizacion empleada es el metodo revisado simplex de programacion linear y el desempeno del ensamble de combustible se evalua con un codigo de transporte de neutrones que tambien se utiliza en el calculo de los coeficientes de susceptibilidad. El procedimiento de optimizacion de la distribucion del enriquecimiento empieza desde una distribucion de enriquecimiento de un solo-valor (plano) hasta que se logra una meta factor pico de la maxima potencia local. La distribucion optima de barras para el enriquecimiento, con 1.00 para el factor de pico de maxima potencia local y teniendo cada barra su propio enriquecimiento, se calcula en una etapa intermedia del analisis. Posteriormente, las mejores ubicaciones y valores para un reducido numero de enriquecimiento de barras, se obtiene como una funcion del factor pico de la maxima potencia local, mediante la aplicacion de la sensibilidad al cambio de tecnicas. Finalmente, se lleva a cabo un proceso de barajar que asigna enriquecimiento individual entre los grupos de enriquecimiento de barras. La potencia relativa de distribucion de barras de potencia se modifica entonces ligeramente y se redefine el agrupamiento de barras hasta que se logra una configuracion optima. Para verificar la precision de la disposicion de barras.

  12. The combustion behavior of diesel/CNG mixtures in a constant volume combustion chamber (United States)

    Firmansyah; Aziz, A. R. A.; Heikal, M. R.


    The stringent emissions and needs to increase fuel efficiency makes controlled auto-ignition (CAI) based combustion an attractive alternative for the new combustion system. However, the combustion control is the main obstacles in its development. Reactivity controlled compression ignition (RCCI) that employs two fuels with significantly different in reactivity proven to be able to control the combustion. The RCCI concept applied in a constant volume chamber fuelled with direct injected diesel and compressed natural gas (CNG) was tested. The mixture composition is varied from 0 - 100% diesel/CNG at lambda 1 with main data collection are pressure profile and combustion images. The results show that diesel-CNG mixture significantly shows better combustion compared to diesel only. It is found that CNG is delaying the diesel combustion and at the same time assisting in diesel distribution inside the chamber. This combination creates a multipoint ignition of diesel throughout the chamber that generate very fast heat release rate and higher maximum pressure. Furthermore, lighter yellow color of the flame indicates lower soot production in compared with diesel combustion.

  13. Combustion characteristics and air pollutant formation during oxy-fuel co-combustion of microalgae and lignite. (United States)

    Gao, Yuan; Tahmasebi, Arash; Dou, Jinxiao; Yu, Jianglong


    Oxy-fuel combustion of solid fuels is seen as one of the key technologies for carbon capture to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The combustion characteristics of lignite coal, Chlorella vulgaris microalgae, and their blends under O2/N2 and O2/CO2 conditions were studied using a Thermogravimetric Analyzer-Mass Spectroscopy (TG-MS). During co-combustion of blends, three distinct peaks were observed and were attributed to C. vulgaris volatiles combustion, combustion of lignite, and combustion of microalgae char. Activation energy during combustion was calculated using iso-conventional method. Increasing the microalgae content in the blend resulted in an increase in activation energy for the blends combustion. The emissions of S- and N-species during blend fuel combustion were also investigated. The addition of microalgae to lignite during air combustion resulted in lower CO2, CO, and NO2 yields but enhanced NO, COS, and SO2 formation. During oxy-fuel co-combustion, the addition of microalgae to lignite enhanced the formation of gaseous species. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  14. Estudio de planta piloto para peletización de residuos madereros y su utilización como combustible en hornos ladrilleros

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    Andrés González Hassig


    Full Text Available La biomasa es uno de los materiales más adecuados como combustible alternativo, pero por sus características de humedad, exceso de contenido de oxígeno y bajo poder calorífico, requiere ser sometida a procesos de pretratamiento. La peletización permite acondicionar la biomasa para su utilización directamente en procesos térmicos. El sector ladrillero tiene una gran demanda energética para sus procesos de secado y cocción y el uso de combustibles a partir de biomasa permite obtener reducciones importantes en emisiones atmosféricas. El estudio piloto comparó el desempeño energético y ambiental del uso de combustibles a partir de dos tipos de biomasas peletizadas —residuos de podas de césped, arbustos y árboles de la ciudad y residuos de producción de muebles y aglomerados, aserrín—. La biomasa con mejor desempeño fue el aserrín, debido a su menor consumo energético en el proceso de pretratamiento, aspecto que arroja una mayor productividad en su uso. Adicionalmente, se observó una reducción en los costos de suministro de combustible entre un 7 % y 10 %, sustituyendo un 20 % del carbón utilizado en el proceso.

  15. Satisfaction level and masticatory performance of patient rehabilitated with implant-supported overdentures = Nível de satisfação e performance mastigatória de pacientes reabilitados com sobredentaduras suportada por implantes

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    Pocztaruk, Rafael de Liz


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Comparar o nível de satisfação e a performance mastigatória dos indivíduos com dentição normal e pacientes reabilitados com uma sobredentadura suportada por implantes com dois tipos de conectores diferentes, sistema de retenção bola e barra. Metodologia: Vinte e quatro indivíduos participaram do estudo, sendo 12 pacientes desdentados e 12 indivíduos dentados totais. Os desdentados receberam dois implantes e novas dentaduras, superiores e inferiores. Três meses depois da primeira fase cirúrgica, a dentadura inferior foi conectada aos implantes através do sistema bola. Dois meses depois, uma nova sobredentadura inferior foi realizada, porém desta vez conectado através do sistema barra-clipe. O nível de satisfação (OHIP-EDENT adaptado e escala verbal de medição e a performance mastigatória (mastigação por 40 ciclos mastigatórios foram medidas em vários momentos do tratamento, com as dentaduras antigas, novas não conectadas por implantes, e depois de ter conectado a sobredentadura pelo sistema bola e barra-clipe. O teste de Friedman e o teste qui-quadrado foram aplicado para analisar os resultados. Resultados: O nível de satisfação e a performance mastigatória melhoraram significativamente após a reabilitação com os implantes. Nenhuma diferença foi observada entre as sobredentaduras com sistema bola e barra-clipe. Entretanto, a performance mastigatória ainda permaneceu significativamente menor que a performance dos indivíduos dentados. Conclusão: A reabilitação de pacientes edêntulos reabilitados com sobredentadura com bola ou barra-clipe melhora tanto o nível de satisfação, quanto à performance mastigatória, porém ainda abaixo do nível dos indivíduos com dentição normal

  16. Biometria e armazenamento de sementes de genótipos de cacaueiro

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Lucimara Ribeiro Venial


    Full Text Available Genótipos de Theobroma cacao L. devem ser melhor estudados, para se identificar aqueles que produzem sementes mais desenvolvidas e viáveis após o armazenamento. Objetivou-se com este trabalho estudar a biometria e dois tempos de armazenamento de sementes de genótipos de cacaueiro. A biometria foi avaliada em oito genótipos de cacaueiro (tratamentos. Foram instalados testes de germinação em delineamento inteiramente ao acaso, no esquema fatorial 8 x 2 (genótipos: CCN51, PH16, CEPEC2002, Ipiranga, SJ02, PS1319, TSH1188 e Comum x dois períodos de armazenamento: 0 e dois dias. O genótipo TSH1188 apresentou maior comprimento, relação comprimento/largura, espessura e massa de 100 sementes. A absorção de água das sementes recém-colhidas dos genótipos é lenta, justificada pelos altos teores de água, o que não caracteriza padrão-trifásico. Os teores de água reduziram em média 2,3 vezes nas sementes armazenadas em relação às recém-colhidas. A germinação das sementes recém-colhidas dos genótipos foi de 100%. Após o armazenamento, as sementes do PS1319 apresentaram a menor redução da germinação (39%, enquanto as dos PH16, CEPEC2002 e SJ02 reduziram 96%. A velocidade de germinação foi maior e o tempo médio menor que dois dias nas sementes recém-colhidas do PS1319, indicando serem mais tolerante à dessecação. Sugere-se o uso dos genótipos TSH1188 e PS1319 em programas de melhoramento genético.

  17. Fuel and combustion stratification study of Partially Premixed Combustion

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Izadi Najafabadi, M.; Dam, N.; Somers, B.; Johansson, B.


    Relatively high levels of stratification is one of the main advantages of Partially Premixed Combustion (PPC) over the Homogeneous Charge Compression Ignition (HCCI) concept. Fuel stratification smoothens heat release and improves controllability of this kind of combustion. However, the lack of a

  18. Maximal combustion temperature estimation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Golodova, E; Shchepakina, E


    This work is concerned with the phenomenon of delayed loss of stability and the estimation of the maximal temperature of safe combustion. Using the qualitative theory of singular perturbations and canard techniques we determine the maximal temperature on the trajectories located in the transition region between the slow combustion regime and the explosive one. This approach is used to estimate the maximal temperature of safe combustion in multi-phase combustion models

  19. Effect of Variant End of Injection Period on Combustion Process of Biodiesel Combustion

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    Khalid Amir


    Full Text Available Biodiesel is an alternative fuel as a replacement to the standard diesel fuel in combustion diesel engine. The biodiesel fuel has a significantly influences throughout the combustion process and exhaust emission. The purpose of this research is to investigate the combustion process behavior during the End of Injection (EOI period and operates under variant conditions using Rapid Compression Machine (RCM. Experimental of RCM is used to simulate a combustion process and combustion characteristics of diesel engine combustion. Three types of biodiesel blend which are B5, B10 and B15 were tested at several injection pressures of 80 MPa, 90 MPa and 130 MPa under different ambient temperatures, 750 K to 1100 K. The results of this study showed that the ignition delay slightly reduced with increasing the content of biodiesel blends from B5, B10 and B15 and became more shorten as the injection pressure been enhanced. As the injection pressure increased, the behavior of combustion pressure at end of injection is reduced, radically increased the NOX emission. It is noted that the process of combustion at the end of injection increased as the ambient temperature is rising. In fact, higher initial ambient temperature improved the fuel atomization and mixing process. Under the biodiesel combustion with higher ambient temperature condition, the exhaust emission of CO, O2, and HC became less but increased in NOX emission. Besides, increased in blends of biodiesel ratio are found to enhance the combustion process, resulted a decreased in HC emissions.

  20. Jet plume injection and combustion system for internal combustion engines (United States)

    Oppenheim, Antoni K.; Maxson, James A.; Hensinger, David M.


    An improved combustion system for an internal combustion engine is disclosed wherein a rich air/fuel mixture is furnished at high pressure to one or more jet plume generator cavities adjacent to a cylinder and then injected through one or more orifices from the cavities into the head space of the cylinder to form one or more turbulent jet plumes in the head space of the cylinder prior to ignition of the rich air/fuel mixture in the cavity of the jet plume generator. The portion of the rich air/fuel mixture remaining in the cavity of the generator is then ignited to provide a secondary jet, comprising incomplete combustion products which are injected into the cylinder to initiate combustion in the already formed turbulent jet plume. Formation of the turbulent jet plume in the head space of the cylinder prior to ignition has been found to yield a higher maximum combustion pressure in the cylinder, as well as shortening the time period to attain such a maximum pressure.

  1. Path planning during combustion mode switch (United States)

    Jiang, Li; Ravi, Nikhil


    Systems and methods are provided for transitioning between a first combustion mode and a second combustion mode in an internal combustion engine. A current operating point of the engine is identified and a target operating point for the internal combustion engine in the second combustion mode is also determined. A predefined optimized transition operating point is selected from memory. While operating in the first combustion mode, one or more engine actuator settings are adjusted to cause the operating point of the internal combustion engine to approach the selected optimized transition operating point. When the engine is operating at the selected optimized transition operating point, the combustion mode is switched from the first combustion mode to the second combustion mode. While operating in the second combustion mode, one or more engine actuator settings are adjusted to cause the operating point of the internal combustion to approach the target operating point.

  2. Combustion, detonation, shock waves. Proceedings of the Zel'dovich memorial - International conference on combustion. Volume 1

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Merzhanov, A.G.; Frolov, S.M.


    This book contains lectures by the experts in various fields of modern research in combustion, detonation and shock waves, presented at the Zel'dovich memorial - International conference on combustion dedicated to the 80-th birthday of academician Ya.B. Zel'dovich. There are eight chapters discussing the state-of-the-art in combustion kinetics, ignition and steady-state flame propagation, diffusion and heterogeneous combustion, turbulent combustion, unsteady combustion, detonation, combustion and detonation analogies, intense shock waves and extreme states of matter [ru

  3. Fuels and Combustion

    KAUST Repository

    Johansson, Bengt


    This chapter discusses the combustion processes and the link to the fuel properties that are suitable for them. It describes the basic three concepts, including spark ignition (SI) and compression ignition (CI), and homogeneous charge compression ignition (HCCI). The fuel used in a CI engine is vastly different from that in an SI engine. In an SI engine, the fuel should sustain high pressure and temperature without autoignition. Apart from the dominating SI and CI engines, it is also possible to operate with a type of combustion: autoignition. With HCCI, the fuel and air are fully premixed before combustion as in the SI engine, but combustion is started by the increased pressure and temperature during the compression stroke. Apart from the three combustion processes, there are also a few combined or intermediate concepts, such as Spark-Assisted Compression Ignition (SACI). Those concepts are discussed in terms of the requirements of fuel properties.

  4. Fuels and Combustion

    KAUST Repository

    Johansson, Bengt


    This chapter discusses the combustion processes and the link to the fuel properties that are suitable for them. It describes the basic three concepts, including spark ignition (SI) and compression ignition (CI), and homogeneous charge compression ignition (HCCI). The fuel used in a CI engine is vastly different from that in an SI engine. In an SI engine, the fuel should sustain high pressure and temperature without autoignition. Apart from the dominating SI and CI engines, it is also possible to operate with a type of combustion: autoignition. With HCCI, the fuel and air are fully premixed before combustion as in the SI engine, but combustion is started by the increased pressure and temperature during the compression stroke. Apart from the three combustion processes, there are also a few combined or intermediate concepts, such as Spark-Assisted Compression Ignition (SACI). Those concepts are discussed in terms of the requirements of fuel properties.

  5. Evaluación físico - químico del dulce de leche saborizado en barra a diferentes temperaturas de conservación Empresa de Productos Lácteos Bayamo

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    Adriana Lucia Rodríguez Rodríguez


    Full Text Available La investigación se desarrolló con el propósito de diagnosticar las causas de afectaciones microbiológicas en el dulce de leche saborizado en barra antes de los 7 días de garantía, conservado a temperatura ambiente en los puntos de venta, deteriorando los parámetros de calidad del producto, por lo que se procedió a la realización de un diagnóstico en estos puntos donde se comercializa el surtido, relacionando los factores temperatura – humedad, así como entrevistas realizadas a clientes y trabajadores que allí laboran. En la industria también se realizó un diagnóstico que incluyó desde el estudio minucioso y análisis físicos-químicos, organolépticos y microbiológicos de todas las materias primas y materiales que se utilizan en la elaboración del dulce de leche, hasta el control de calidad del producto terminado expuesto a diferentes valores de temperatura y humedad relativa, con observación diaria de la muestras en vida estate y análisis realizados en intervalos de 7 días, determinando que la exposición del producto a temperatura ambiente propicia el desarrollo microbiano y que el menor valor de temperatura estudiado 18 0C, garantiza una durabilidad en el dulce de leche saborizado en barra de 30 días.

  6. Aprendizaje ubicuo de estadística descriptiva e inferencial.


    Francisco Javier Tapia Moreno; Héctor Antonio Villa Martínez.


    Hemos desarrollado herramientas de enseñanza y aprendizaje para la estadística descriptiva e inferencial para dispositivos móviles que utilizan el sistema operativo Android. Con estas herramientas los estudiantes pueden desarrollar diversas actividades: i) construir y analizar un histograma, un polígono de frecuencias o una gráfica de barras o de sectores, según el tipo de variable aleatoria que se esté procesando; ii) calcular medidas sumarias tales como valores máximos y mínimos, cuartiles,...

  7. Diseño de antenas tipo DRA (Dielectric Resonator Antennas)


    Soria Gallego, Juan


    En este trabajo se va a estudiar un tipo de antenas conocidas como antenas resonantes dieléctricas (DRA) desde el punto de vista de diseño y características radiantes, así como de sus posibles aplicaciones. Las DRAs son un tipo de antenas cada vez más usadas ya que presentan numerosas ventajas respecto a otro tipo de antenas, entre ellas que son fáciles de diseñar, baratas y muy eficientes. Por ello, cada vez aparecen nuevos diseños y nuevas aplicaciones. Entre ellas se ha extendido el uso...

  8. Prevention of criticality accidents. Fuel elements storage; Prevencion de accidentes de criticidad. Almacenamiento de elementos combustibles

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Canavese, S I; Capadona, N M


    Before the need to store fuel elements of the plate type MTR (Materials Testing Reactors), produced with enriched uranium at 20% in U235 for research reactors, it requires the design of a deposit for this purpose, which will give intrinsic security at a great extent and no complaints regarding its construction, is required. (Author). [Espanol] Partiendo de la necesidad de almacenar elementos combustibles tipo placa MTR (Materials Testing Reactors), producidos con uranio enriquecido al 20% en U235 para reactores de investigacion, se requiere el diseno de un deposito para tal fin que brinde esencialmente un alto grado de seguridad intrinseca y que no ofrezca complicaciones en cuanto a su construccion. (Autor).

  9. Lump wood combustion process (United States)

    Kubesa, Petr; Horák, Jiří; Branc, Michal; Krpec, Kamil; Hopan, František; Koloničný, Jan; Ochodek, Tadeáš; Drastichová, Vendula; Martiník, Lubomír; Malcho, Milan


    The article deals with the combustion process for lump wood in low-power fireplaces (units to dozens of kW). Such a combustion process is cyclical in its nature, and what combustion facility users are most interested in is the frequency, at which fuel needs to be stoked to the fireplace. The paper defines the basic terms such as burnout curve and burning rate curve, which are closely related to the stocking frequency. The fuel burning rate is directly dependent on the immediate thermal power of the fireplace. This is also related to the temperature achieved in the fireplace, magnitude of flue gas losses and the ability to generate conditions favouring the full burnout of the fuel's combustible component, which, at once ensures the minimum production of combustible pollutants. Another part of the paper describes experiments conducted in traditional fireplaces with a grate, at which well-dried lump wood was combusted.

  10. Combustion Research Laboratory (United States)

    Federal Laboratory Consortium — The Combustion Research Laboratory facilitates the development of new combustion systems or improves the operation of existing systems to meet the Army's mission for...

  11. Combustion chemistry and formation of pollutants; Chimie de la combustion et formation des polluants

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    This book of proceedings reports on 7 papers on combustion chemistry and formation of pollutants presented during the workshop organized by the `Combustion and Flames` section of the French society of thermal engineers. The chemistry of combustion is analyzed in various situations such as: turbojet engines, spark ignition engines, industrial burners, gas turbines etc... Numerical simulation is used to understand the physico-chemical processes involved in combustion, to describe the kinetics of oxidation, combustion and flame propagation, and to predict the formation of pollutants. (J.S.)

  12. Heavy metals behaviour during mono-combustion and co-combustion of sewage sludge

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lopes, M. Helena; Abelha, Pedro; Olieveira, J.F. Santos; Gulyurtlu, Ibrahim; Cabrita, Isabel [INETI-DEECA, Lisboa (Portugal)


    This paper presents the study of the combustion of granular dry sewage sludge performed on a pilot fluidized bed system. The results of mono-combustion of sludge and co-combustion with coal were compared with those of coal combustion for ash partitioning, the formation of gaseous pollutants and heavy metals behaviour. It was found that the mineral matter of sludge was essentially retained as bottom ashes. The production of fines ashes was small during the mono-combustion due to the tendency of coal to produce fine ashes which also contained unburned char. The degree of heavy metal volatilization was found to be slightly higher during co-combustion than in mono-combustion; however, most of them were retained in ashes and their emissions were found to be below the regulated levels. Hg was completely volatilized; however, during combustion trials involving coal it was captured by cyclone ashes at temperatures below 300 deg C. During sludge mono-combustion the retention of Hg in cyclone ashes containing low LOI was not enough to decrease emissions below the regulated levels; hence, it is necessary to install dedicated flue gas treatment for Hg removal. The leachability and ecotoxicity of sludge and ashes was compared with the new regulatory limits for landfill disposal in the EU. It was found that the release of organic matter and heavy metals found in the sludge was low from granular bed ashes; hence, except for sulphate release, bed ashes were converted into inert and non-ecotoxic materials. Ashes from test with limestone and cyclone ashes seemed to be more problematic because of pH effects and contamination with steel corrosion products. The recovery and reutilization of sludge bed ashes could, therefore, be possible, as long as the release of sulphate do not interfere with the process.

  13. Twenty-fifth symposium (international) on combustion

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    Approximately two-thirds of the papers presented at this conference are contained in this volume. The other one-third appear in special issues of ''Combustion and Flame'', Vol. 99, 1994 and Vol. 100, 1995. Papers are divided into the following sections: Supersonic combustion; Detonations and explosions; Internal combustion engines; Practical aspects of combustion; Incineration and wastes; Sprays and droplet combustion; Coal and organic solids combustion; Soot and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons; Reaction kinetics; NO x ; Turbulent flames; Turbulent combustion; Laminar flames; Flame spread, fire and halogenated fire suppressants; Global environmental effects; Ignition; Two-phase combustion; Solid propellant combustion; Materials synthesis; Microgravity; and Experimental diagnostics. Papers have been processed separately for inclusion on the data base

  14. LES and RANS modeling of pulverized coal combustion in swirl burner for air and oxy-combustion technologies

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Warzecha, Piotr; Boguslawski, Andrzej


    Combustion of pulverized coal in oxy-combustion technology is one of the effective ways to reduce the emission of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. The process of transition from conventional combustion in air to the oxy-combustion technology, however, requires a thorough investigations of the phenomena occurring during the combustion process, that can be greatly supported by numerical modeling. The paper presents the results of numerical simulations of pulverized coal combustion process in swirl burner using RANS (Reynolds-averaged Navier–Stokes equations) and LES (large Eddy simulation) methods for turbulent flow. Numerical simulations have been performed for the oxyfuel test facility located at the Institute of Heat and Mass Transfer at RWTH Aachen University. Detailed analysis of the flow field inside the combustion chamber for cold flow and for the flow with combustion using different numerical methods for turbulent flows have been done. Comparison of the air and oxy-coal combustion process for pulverized coal shows significant differences in temperature, especially close to the burner exit. Additionally the influence of the combustion model on the results has been shown for oxy-combustion test case. - Highlights: • Oxy-coal combustion has been modeled for test facility operating at low oxygen ratio. • Coal combustion process has been modeled with simplified combustion models. • Comparison of oxy and air combustion process of pulverized coal has been done. • RANS (Reynolds-averaged Navier–Stokes equations) and LES (large Eddy simulation) results for pulverized coal combustion process have been compared

  15. High Frequency Combustion Instabilities of LOx/CH4 Spray Flames in Rocket Engine Combustion Chambers

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Sliphorst, M.


    Ever since the early stages of space transportation in the 1940’s, and the related liquid propellant rocket engine development, combustion instability has been a major issue. High frequency combustion instability (HFCI) is the interaction between combustion and the acoustic field in the combustion

  16. Decrease of noxious emissions in the residual fuel oil combustion; Disminucion de emisiones nocivas en la combustion de aceite combustible residual

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Mandoki W, Jorge [Econergia S. de R. L. de C. V. Mexico, D. F. (Mexico)


    The residual fuel oil combustion emits noxious substances such as carbonaceous particulate, nitrogen oxides, and sulfur trioxide at unacceptable levels. Water emulsified in the fuel substantially reduces such emissions, achieving besides, in most of the cases, a net saving in the fuel consumption. The beneficial effects are shown in burning the residual fuel oil as a water emulsion, as well as the method to produce an adequate emulsion. The emulsified fuel technology offers a low cost option to reduce air pollution. The fuel oil quality has been declining during the last decades due to: 1. Increase in the production of crude heavy oils, generally with higher content of asphaltens and sulfur. 2. Less availability of vacuum distillation residues due to its conversion into greater value products. 3. More intensive conversion processes such as catalytic cracking, visbreaking, etc. that increase the asphaltenes concentration in the bottoms, causing instability problems. 4. The increase in the vanadium and other metals content as the concentration of asphaltenes increases. The use of emulsified fuel oil provides an efficient and economical method to substantially reduce the noxious emissions to the atmosphere. The emulsion contains water particles in a diameter between 2 and 20 microns, uniformly distributed in the fuel oil, generally in a proportion generally of 5 to 10%; besides, it contains a tensioactive agent to assure a stable emulsion capable of withstanding the shearing forces of the pumping and distribution systems. When the atomized oil drops get into the combustion chamber, the emulsified water flashes into high pressure steam, originating a violent secondary atomization. The effect of this secondary atomization is the rupture of the oil drops of various hundred microns, producing drops of 5 to 15 microns in diameter. Since the necessary time for combustion is an exponential function of the drop diameter, a very substantial improvement in the combustion is

  17. Otimização conjunta de gráficos de X-barra - S ou X-barra - R: um procedimento de fácil implementação Joint optimization of X-bar - S or X-bar - R charts: an easily implemented procedure

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Eugenio K. Epprecht


    Full Text Available Este trabalho desenvolve um modelo para escolha ótima dos parâmetros de operação de gráficos de X-barra e R (ou de X-barra e S que minimiza a razão entre o custo de amostragem e a rapidez de detecção de desvios na média ou aumentos na dispersão do processo. Admitem-se três formas alternativas para o problema: minimizar os tempos médios de sinalização sob uma restrição ao custo de amostragem; minimizar esse custo sob uma restrição aos tempos de sinalização; e o problema multiobjetivo de minimizar o custo e os tempos de sinalização. Restrições adicionais são permitidas, para tratar de variantes do problema encontráveis na prática. O procedimento evita a complexidade dos modelos de projeto econômico usuais. São detalhados métodos para determinação dos poucos parâmetros de especificação e entrada exigidos pelo modelo. Um exemplo mostra que o procedimento é de fácil aplicação. Tudo isto aumenta sua aplicabilidade para um grande espectro de situações práticas típicas.A model is developed for optimum choice of the operation parameters for X-bar - R (or X-bar - S charts, which minimizes the ratio of sampling costs to detection speed of shifts in the process mean or increases in the process dispersion. Three alternative problem formulations are allowed: minimization of the average time to signal subject to a sampling cost constraint; minimization of the sampling cost subject to a constraint on the average times to signal; and multi-objective optimization of both the average time to signal and the sampling cost. Through optional additional constraints, several practical variants of the problem are admitted. The procedure avoids the complexity of usual economic design models, and methods for determining the values for the few input and specification parameters required are given in detail. An example shows that the procedure is easy to apply. All these features increase its applicability for a wide range of

  18. Comprometimento medular por linfoma tipo Burkitt: relato de um caso

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    Murillo Côrtes Drummond


    Full Text Available Registro de caso de linfoma tipo Burkitt com comprometimento intrarraqueano em criança de três anos de idade. Considerações sobre esse tipo de tumor são feitas em função do caso observado e de dados da literatura.

  19. Combustion Research Facility (United States)

    Federal Laboratory Consortium — For more than 30 years The Combustion Research Facility (CRF) has served as a national and international leader in combustion science and technology. The need for a...

  20. Avaliação fotoelástica de tensões transmitidas por próteses protocolos com barras confeccionadas em diferentes materiais e técnicas


    Danilo Zaparolli


    Com o avanço da implantodontia e da estética, novos materiais estão sendo utilizados para substituir partes metálicas de próteses. Este estudo teve como objetivo comparar as tensões geradas por próteses implantossuportadas totais de mandíbula em função da variação do material utilizado nas barras e do modo de confecção, através de análise fotoelástica qualitativa. Em um modelo mestre simulando a curvatura da mandíbula foram posicionados 4 implantes de conexão locking taper. A partir deste pla...

  1. Method and apparatus for active control of combustion rate through modulation of heat transfer from the combustion chamber wall (United States)

    Roberts, Jr., Charles E.; Chadwell, Christopher J.


    The flame propagation rate resulting from a combustion event in the combustion chamber of an internal combustion engine is controlled by modulation of the heat transfer from the combustion flame to the combustion chamber walls. In one embodiment, heat transfer from the combustion flame to the combustion chamber walls is mechanically modulated by a movable member that is inserted into, or withdrawn from, the combustion chamber thereby changing the shape of the combustion chamber and the combustion chamber wall surface area. In another embodiment, heat transfer from the combustion flame to the combustion chamber walls is modulated by cooling the surface of a portion of the combustion chamber wall that is in close proximity to the area of the combustion chamber where flame speed control is desired.

  2. Fuel Combustion Laboratory | Transportation Research | NREL (United States)

    Fuel Combustion Laboratory Fuel Combustion Laboratory NREL's Fuel Combustion Laboratory focuses on designs, using both today's technology and future advanced combustion concepts. This lab supports the combustion chamber platform for fuel ignition kinetics research, was acquired to expand the lab's

  3. Análisis estadístico exploratorio de dos tipos de secado de quinua


    Mena Reinoso, Angel Patricio


    El presente trabajo “Análisis Estadístico Exploratorio de dos Tipos de Secado de Quinua” permite realizar una validación estadística del tipo de secador que posea una alta eficiencia, rendimiento en el secado de este tipo de cereal (Chenopodium quinoa Willd). Para el efecto se empleó el secador de bandejas y un secador solar tipo invernadero, el experimento se llevó a cabo con tres tipos de muestras, una con cascara y las otras escarificadas. La quinua fue sometida a un secado ...

  4. Sandia Combustion Research: Technical review

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    This report contains reports from research programs conducted at the Sandia Combustion Research Facility. Research is presented under the following topics: laser based diagnostics; combustion chemistry; reacting flow; combustion in engines and commercial burners; coal combustion; and industrial processing. Individual projects were processed separately for entry onto the DOE databases.

  5. Um modelo integrado econométrico+insumo-produto para previsão de longo prazo da demanda de combustíveis no Brasil

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Flaviane Souza Santiago


    Full Text Available O artigo apresenta um modelo integrado de tipo econométrico+insumo-produto para previsões de longo prazo da demanda de combustíveis no Brasil. O modelo é baseado na integração por ligação de um modelo vetorial de correção de erros com um modelo de insumo-produto híbrido para a economia brasileira e permite fazer previsões anuais de consumo para quatro grupos de combustível: gasolina, óleo diesel, óleo combustível e álcool. No processo de desenvolvimento, tanto o modelo econométrico quanto o modelo integrado foram submetidos a testes de desempenho preditivo, com o último sendo calibrado para melhor performance, usando-se dados disponíveis para o período de 2004 a 2007. Posteriormente, o modelo integrado é usado para gerar previsões no período de 2008 a 2017. As previsões são baseadas em dois cenários alternativos, um prevendo duração curta, e o outro, duração longa para a atual crise econômica mundial. Os resultados obtidos indicam que, em ambos os casos, ocorrerá significativo aumento da demanda de combustíveis nos próximos 10 anos.


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    Nureddin Dinler


    Full Text Available Combustion is an important subject of internal combustion engine studies. To reduce the air pollution from internal combustion engines and to increase the engine performance, it is required to increase combustion efficiency. In this study, effects of air/fuel ratio were investigated numerically. An axisymmetrical internal combustion engine was modeled in order to simulate in-cylinder engine flow and combustion. Two dimensional transient continuity, momentum, turbulence, energy, and combustion equations were solved. The k-e turbulence model was employed. The fuel mass fraction transport equation was used for modeling of the combustion. For this purpose a computational fluid dynamics code was developed by using the finite volume method with FORTRAN programming code. The moving mesh was utilized to simulate the piston motion. The developed code simulates four strokes of engine continuously. In the case of laminar flow combustion, Arrhenius type combustion equations were employed. In the case of turbulent flow combustion, eddy break-up model was employed. Results were given for rich, stoichiometric, and lean mixtures in contour graphs. Contour graphs showed that lean mixture (l = 1.1 has longer combustion duration.

  7. Caracterização de Staphylococcus aureus isolados da barra de mão de carrinhos e alças de cestas de supermercados

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Daiane Buzzatto Oliveira


    Full Text Available Staphylococcus aureus é um dos agentes patogênicos mais notórios, sendo responsável por 45% das toxinfecções em todo o mundo. Um dos grandes problemas atuais é o desenvolvimento de cepas resistentes a antibióticos. Considerando a importância da disseminação desses micro-organismos na comunidade, o presente trabalho teve por objetivo determinar a presença de Staphylococcus aureus na barra de mão dos carrinhos e alças de cestas de supermercados da cidade de Campo Mourão - PR, e caracterizar a susceptibilidade dos isolados à oxacilina. Foram analisadas 120 amostras, sendo 60 coletadas das barras de mão de carrinhos e 60 coletadas das alças de cestas. Esse micro-organismo foi isolado em 75 amostras (62,5%, sendo que, desse total, 35 amostras (46,7% foram isoladas de carrinhos e 40 (53,3% de cestas de compras. As amostras positivas para Staphylococcus aureus foram submetidas aos testes de susceptibilidade, pelo método de disco-difusão, à oxacilina (cefoxitina e todas as amostras foram consideradas sensíveis a essa droga. Constatou que as barras de mãos e as alças de cestas de supermercados, podem ser consideradas como fômites, na disseminação de Staphylococcus aureus, sendo de extrema importância a higienização desses objetos, a fim de diminuir os riscos de contaminação na comunidade.Palavras-chave: Staphylococcus aureus. Contaminação. Superfícies. Oxacilina. ABSTRACTCharacterization of Staphylococcus aureus Isolated of shopping carts hand bars and handles of handheld shopping baskets in supermarketsStaphylococcus aureus is one of the most notorious pathogens, accounting for 45% of intoxications worldwide. One of the major problems today is the development of antibiotic-resistant strains. Considering the importance of dissemination of these micro- organisms in the community, this study aimed to determine the presence of Staphylococcus aureus in shopping carts hand bars and handles of handheld shopping baskets in

  8. The Evaluation of Solid Wastes Reduction with Combustion System in the Combustion Chamber

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Prayitno; Sukosrono


    The evaluation of solid wastes reduction with combustion system is used for weight reduction factor. The evaluation was done design system of combustion chamber furnace and the experiment was done by burning a certain weight of paper, cloth, plastic and rubber in the combustion chamber. The evaluation of paper wastes, the ratio of wastes (paper, cloth, plastic and rubber) against the factor of weight reduction (%) were investigated. The condition was dimension of combustion chamber furnace = 0.6 X 0.9 X 1.20 X 1 m with combustion chamber and gas chamber and reached at the wastes = 2.500 gram, oxygen pressure 0.5 Bar, wastes ratio : paper : cloth : plastic : rubber = 55 : 10 : 30 : 5, the reduction factor = 6.36 %. (author)


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Javier Achury Varila


    Full Text Available La inestabilidad en la combustión es una condición indeseada en algunos sistemas de combustión como en turbinas de gas por ejemplo. Se refiere a la presencia autogenerada de oscilaciones en la presión que pueden afectar a la cámara de combustión y de paso llegar a generar ruido. Una reciente tendencia generalizada en los procesos de combustión apunta al uso de mezclas pobres para la reducción de contaminantes, no obstante que este tipo de mezclas son más susceptibles a la inestabilidad en la combustión. Las complicadas relaciones que gobiernan el fenómeno se pueden resumir como el acoplamiento entre la llama y la acústica del sistema. En el presente trabajo se presenta un planteamiento numérico que permite aproximarse al fenómeno a través de la solución de un modelo de combustión básico implementado computacionalmente. En este modelo se simula una autoexcitación del sistema a través de oscilaciones en la entrada de flujos de reactantes. Finalmente, se comparan los resultados de la simulación numérica con otras simulaciones y datos experimentales.The Combustion instability is an undesirable condition reached in some combustion systems, as during the operation of gas turbines. It refers to self-excited oscillations of pressure that may affect the combustion chamber and generate noise. A recent generalized tendency in combustion processes aims to the use of lean combustion (low fuel/air ratios for pollutants reduction, nevertheless this sort of mixtures are more susceptible to combustion instabilities. The complex relationship that generates the phenomenon can be summarized as the coupling between flame and acoustics. In this paper it is outlined a numerical approach to this phenomenon by solving a basic computational combustion model (by Direct Numerical Simulation. In this model a self-excited system is simulated through imposed oscillations in reactants flows. Finally, results for this numerical simulation are compared

  10. Biofuels combustion. (United States)

    Westbrook, Charles K


    This review describes major features of current research in renewable fuels derived from plants and from fatty acids. Recent and ongoing fundamental studies of biofuel molecular structure, oxidation reactions, and biofuel chemical properties are reviewed, in addition to combustion applications of biofuels in the major types of engines in which biofuels are used. Biofuels and their combustion are compared with combustion features of conventional petroleum-based fuels. Two main classes of biofuels are described, those consisting of small, primarily alcohol, fuels (particularly ethanol, n-butanol, and iso-pentanol) that are used primarily to replace or supplement gasoline and those derived from fatty acids and used primarily to replace or supplement conventional diesel fuels. Research efforts on so-called second- and third-generation biofuels are discussed briefly.

  11. Low emission internal combustion engine (United States)

    Karaba, Albert M.


    A low emission, internal combustion compression ignition engine having a cylinder, a piston movable in the cylinder and a pre-combustion chamber communicating with the cylinder near the top thereof and in which low emissions of NO.sub.x are achieved by constructing the pre-combustion chamber to have a volume of between 70% and 85% of the combined pre-chamber and main combustion chamber volume when the piston is at top dead center and by variably controlling the initiation of fuel injection into the pre-combustion chamber.

  12. Alcohol combustion chemistry

    KAUST Repository

    Sarathy, Mani; Oß wald, Patrick; Hansen, Nils; Kohse-Hö inghaus, Katharina


    . While biofuel production and its use (especially ethanol and biodiesel) in internal combustion engines have been the focus of several recent reviews, a dedicated overview and summary of research on alcohol combustion chemistry is still lacking. Besides

  13. Análise experimental de um conector de cisalhamento em chapa de aço endentada para estruturas mistas de aço e concreto


    Veríssimo, G. S.; Valente, Isabel; Paes, J. L. R.; Cruz, Paulo J. S.; Fakury, R. H.


    Este trabalho apresenta o projeto e os resultados de ensaios tipo push-out de um novo conector de cisalhamento constituído por uma chapa de aço endentada. O conector proposto possui saliências e reentrâncias trapezoidais que proporcionam resistência ao cisalhamento longitudinal e previnem a separação transversal entre o perfil metálico e a laje de concreto (uplift). Além disso, as aberturas no conector facilitam a disposição das barras de armadura. A capacidade da conexão pode ser varia...

  14. Diesel oil combustion in fluidized bed; Combustion de aceite diesel en lecho fluidizado

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Rodriguez Cazares, Mario [Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas, Cuernavaca (Mexico)


    The effect of the fluidized bed depth in the combustion in burning diesel oil in a fluidized bed, was analyzed. A self sustained combustion was achieved injecting the oil with an injector that utilized a principle similar to an automobile carburetor venturi. Three different depths were studied and it was found that the deeper the bed, the greater the combustion efficiency. Combustion efficiencies were attained from 82% for a 100mm bed depth, up to 96% for a 200mm bed depth. The diminution in the efficiency was mainly attributed to unburned hydrocarbons and to the carbon carried over, which was observed in the black smoke at the stack outlet. Other phenomena registered were the temperature gradient between the lower part of the bed and the upper part, caused by the fluidization velocity; additionally it was observed that the air employed for the oil injection (carbureting air) is the most important parameter to attain a complete combustion. [Espanol] Se analizo el efecto de la profundidad del lecho en la combustion al quemar aceite diesel en un lecho fluidizado experimental. Se logro combustion autosostenida inyectando el aceite con un inyector que utilizo un principio similar al venturi del carburador de automovil. Se estudiaron tres diferentes profundidades del lecho y se encontro que a mayor profundidad del lecho, mayor eficiencia de la combustion. Se lograron eficiencias de la combustion desde 82% para el lecho de 100 mm de profundidad hasta 96% para el de 200 mm. La disminucion de la eficiencia se atribuyo, principalmente, a los hidrocarburos no quemados y al carbon arrastrado, lo cual se observo en el humo negro a la salida de la chimenea. Otros fenomenos registrados fueron el gradiente de temperatura entre la parte baja del lecho y la parte superior causado por la velocidad de fluidizacion; ademas, se observo que el aire utilizado para inyectar el aceite (aire de carburacion) es el parametro mas importante para lograr una combustion completa.

  15. Controle químico de biótipos de buva (Conyza canadensis e Conyza bonariensis resistentes ao glyphosate Chemical Control of glyphosate-resistant horseweed (Conyza Canadensis and hairy fleabane (Conyza bonariensis biotypes

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Micheli Satomi Yamauti


    Full Text Available Estudos foram conduzidos na Estação Experimental de Citricultura de Bebedouro, SP para avaliar a resposta de biótipos de buva resistentes aos herbicidas glyphosate, bromacil + diuron, diuron e paraquat isolados e em mistura, e o efeito de uma aplicação seqüencial com glyphosate. O delineamento foi o de blocos casualizados com quatro repetições e sete tratamentos.. Os herbicidas foram aplicados com pulverizador costal, à pressão constante (mantido por CO2 comprimido, munido com barra com três bicos do tipo TT110015 com um consumo de calda equivalente a 150 L ha-1. O controle foi avaliado visualmente, através de escala percentual de notas. Para o controle geral das plantas daninhas os melhores resultados foram obtidos com diuron isolado e com glyphosate em mistura com bromacil + diuron, enquanto para o controle da buva não houve diferença entre os tratamentos. Depois da aplicação seqüencial, o melhor tratamento para o controle de buva foi com diuron e bromacil+diuron.Studies were conducted at Estação Experimental de Citricultura de Bebedouro, SP to evaluate the response of glyphosate-resistant horseweed and hairy fleabane biotypes to herbicides glyphosate, bromacil + diuron, diuron e paraquat isolated and in mixture and effect of a sequential application of glyphosate. The experimental design was of complete randomized blocks with four replication and seven treatments. The herbicides were applied with costal sprayer, constant pressure with three nozzles TT110015, the equivalent spray volume was 150 L ha-1. The control was visually evaluated, trough percentile note scale. The best results were obtained to general control of weed with diuron isolated and glyphosate in mixture with bromacil + diuron while to glyphosate-resistant horseweed and hairy fleabane there was no difference between the treatments. After sequential application to Conyza sp control, the best treatment was obtained associated with diuron and bromacil+diuron.

  16. Transient flow combustion (United States)

    Tacina, R. R.


    Non-steady combustion problems can result from engine sources such as accelerations, decelerations, nozzle adjustments, augmentor ignition, and air perturbations into and out of the compressor. Also non-steady combustion can be generated internally from combustion instability or self-induced oscillations. A premixed-prevaporized combustor would be particularly sensitive to flow transients because of its susceptability to flashback-autoignition and blowout. An experimental program, the Transient Flow Combustion Study is in progress to study the effects of air and fuel flow transients on a premixed-prevaporized combustor. Preliminary tests performed at an inlet air temperature of 600 K, a reference velocity of 30 m/s, and a pressure of 700 kPa. The airflow was reduced to 1/3 of its original value in a 40 ms ramp before flashback occurred. Ramping the airflow up has shown that blowout is more sensitive than flashback to flow transients. Blowout occurred with a 25 percent increase in airflow (at a constant fuel-air ratio) in a 20 ms ramp. Combustion resonance was found at some conditions and may be important in determining the effects of flow transients.

  17. Shale oil combustion

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Al-dabbas, M.A.


    A 'coutant' carbon steel combustion chamber cooled by water jacket was conslructed to burn diesel fuel and mixlure of shale oil and diesel fuels. During experimental work nir fuel ratio was determined, temperaturces were measured using Chromel/ Almel thermocouple, finally the gasous combustion product analysis was carricd out using gas chromatograph technique. The constructed combustion chamber was operating salisfactory for several hours of continous work. According to the measurements it was found that: the flame temperature of a mixture of diesel and shale oil fuels was greater than the flame temperature of diesel fuel. and the sulfer emissious of a mixture of diesel and shale oil fuels was higher than that of diesel fuel. Calculation indicated that the dry gas energy loss was very high and the incomplete combustion energy loss very small. (author). 23 refs., 35 figs

  18. Shale oil combustion

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Al-dabbas, M A


    A `coutant` carbon steel combustion chamber cooled by water jacket was conslructed to burn diesel fuel and mixlure of shale oil and diesel fuels. During experimental work nir fuel ratio was determined, temperaturces were measured using Chromel/ Almel thermocouple, finally the gasous combustion product analysis was carricd out using gas chromatograph technique. The constructed combustion chamber was operating salisfactory for several hours of continous work. According to the measurements it was found that: the flame temperature of a mixture of diesel and shale oil fuels was greater than the flame temperature of diesel fuel. and the sulfer emissious of a mixture of diesel and shale oil fuels was higher than that of diesel fuel. Calculation indicated that the dry gas energy loss was very high and the incomplete combustion energy loss very small. (author). 23 refs., 35 figs.

  19. Investigation of the combustion kinetics and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon emissions from polycaprolactone combustion. (United States)

    Chien, Y C; Yang, S H


    Polycaprolactone (PCL) is one of the most attractive biodegradable plastics that has been widely used in medicine and agriculture fields. Because of the large increase in biodegradable plastics usage, the production of waste biodegradable plastics will be increasing dramatically, producing a growing environmental problem. Generally, waste PCL is collected along with municipal solid wastes and then incinerated. This study investigates the combustion kinetics and emission factors of 16 US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) priority polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in the PCL combustion. Experimentally, two reactions are involved in the PCL combustion process, possibly resulting in the emission of carbon dioxide, propanal, protonated caprolactone and very small amounts of PAH produced by incomplete combustion. The intermediate products may continuously be oxidized to form CO2. The emission factors for 16 US EPA priority PAHs are n.d. -2.95 microg/g, which are much lower than those of poly lactic acid and other plastics combustion. The conversion of PCL is 100%. Results from this work suggest that combustion is a good choice for the waste PCL disposal.

  20. The Multi-User Droplet Combustion Apparatus: the Development and Integration Concept for Droplet Combustion Payloads in the Fluids and Combustion Facility Combustion Integrated Rack (United States)

    Myhre, C. A.


    The Multi-user Droplet Combustion Apparatus (MDCA) is a multi-user facility designed to accommodate four different droplet combustion science experiments. The MDCA will conduct experiments using the Combustion Integrated Rack (CIR) of the NASA Glenn Research Center's Fluids and Combustion Facility (FCF). The payload is planned for the International Space Station. The MDCA, in conjunction with the CIR, will allow for cost effective extended access to the microgravity environment, not possible on previous space flights. It is currently in the Engineering Model build phase with a planned flight launch with CIR in 2004. This paper provides an overview of the capabilities and development status of the MDCA. The MDCA contains the hardware and software required to conduct unique droplet combustion experiments in space. It consists of a Chamber Insert Assembly, an Avionics Package, and a multiple array of diagnostics. Its modular approach permits on-orbit changes for accommodating different fuels, fuel flow rates, soot sampling mechanisms, and varying droplet support and translation mechanisms to accommodate multiple investigations. Unique diagnostic measurement capabilities for each investigation are also provided. Additional hardware provided by the CIR facility includes the structural support, a combustion chamber, utilities for the avionics and diagnostic packages, and the fuel mixing capability for PI specific combustion chamber environments. Common diagnostics provided by the CIR will also be utilized by the MDCA. Single combustible fuel droplets of varying sizes, freely deployed or supported by a tether are planned for study using the MDCA. Such research supports how liquid-fuel-droplets ignite, spread, and extinguish under quiescent microgravity conditions. This understanding will help us develop more efficient energy production and propulsion systems on Earth and in space, deal better with combustion generated pollution, and address fire hazards associated with

  1. The Development of Materials for Application to Control Rod Systems in Graphite moderated Reactors; Mise au Point de Materiaux pour les Dispositifs de Controle a Barres, Utilbes dans les Reacteurs Ralentis au Graphite; Razrabotka materialov , primenyaemykh v sistemakh upravlyayushchikh sterzhnej v reaktorakh s grafitovym zamedlitelem; Perfeccionamiento de Materiales Aplicables a las Barras de Control en los Reactores Moderados por Grafito

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Wade, G. E.; Kempf, F. J. [Hanford Atomic Products Operation, General Electric Company, Richland, WA (United States)


    aux fins du controle parce qu'il est possible d'augmenter leur teneur en bore. L'experience acquise au cours d'essais et d'operations de fabrication ont montre que ces divers materiaux peuvent permettre de fabriquer toute une serie de modeles de barres possedant les caracteristiques voulues. A l 'interieur du reacteur, les canaux des barres exigent souvent un garnissage que protege le ralentisseur en graphite qu'ils traversent contre les effets des chocs au moment de l 'insertion des barres et contre l 'usure et contribue a maintenir l 'alignement. Pour ce garnissage, if faut des materiaux qui soient tres resistants, particulierement a l 'abrasion et aux chocs, qui possedent une faible section efficace et qu'on ne soit pas oblige de refroidir. Les auteurs ont donc procede a des essais sur du graphite pyrolytique, des composes de graphite pyrolytique, de l 'oxyde d'aluminium et du carbure de silicium. Les donnees concernant les dommages physiques et les dommages radioinduits indiquent que certains de ces materiaux conviennent pour le garnissage des canaux des barres. (author) [Spanish] Los problemas de materiales relacionados.con, los sistemas de barras de control y seguridad en los reactores moderados por grafito pueden clasificarse en dos categorias: los inherentes a los materiales de control y los de los materiales de revestimiento de los canales de trabajo. Los materiales de control, tales como el boro o el gadolinio, pueden estar incorporados a la camisa de la barra, como ocurre en el caso del acero inoxidable al boro que se usa para las barras de seguridad. Otra solucion consiste en encerrar en una camisa metalica un material sinterizado compacto que contenga boro, tal como el grafito con B{sub 4}C o el aluminio con B{sub 4}C. Las barras de este ultimo tipo se prestan para fines de control, porque admiten mayores' proporciones de boro. La experiencia adquirida en los ensayos y en la produccion indica que es posible diseflar una amplia serie de modelos de barras

  2. Coastal erosion hazard and vulnerability using sig tools. Comparison between "La Barra town, Buenaventura, (Pacific Ocean of Colombia) and Providence - Santa Catalina islands (Colombian Caribbean Sea) (United States)

    Coca-Domínguez, Oswaldo; Ricaurte-Villota, Constanza; Morales-Giraldo, David; Rangel-Buitrago, Nelson


    Analysis of hazards and vulnerability associated to coastal erosion along coastlines is a first issue in order to establish plans for adaptation to climate change in coastal areas. La Barra Town, Buenaventura (Pacific ocean of Colombia) and Providence - Santa Catalina Islands (Colombian Caribbean) were selected to develop a detailed analysis of coastal erosion hazard and vulnerability from different perspectives: i) physical (hazard) , ii) social , iii) conservation approach and iv) cultural heritage (Raizal). The analysis was made by a semi quantitative approximation method, applying variables associated with the intrinsic coastal zone properties (i.e. type of beach, exposure of the coast to waves, etc.). Coastal erosion data and associated variables as well land use; conservation and heritage data were used to carry out a further detailed analysis of the human - structural vulnerability and exposure to hazards. The data shows erosion rates close to -17 m yr-1 in La Barra Town (highlighting their critical condition and urgent relocation process), while in some sectors of Providence Island, such as Old Town, erosion rate was -5 m yr-1. The observed erosion process affects directly the land use and the local and regional economy. The differences between indexes and the structural and physical vulnerability as well the use of methodological variables are presented in the context of each region. In this work, all the information was worked using a GIS environment since this allows editing and updating the information continuously. The application of this methodology generates useful information in order to promote risk management as well prevention, mitigation and reduction plans. In both areas the adaptation must be a priority strategy to be considered, including relocation alternatives and sustainable protection with the support of studies of uses and future outlooks in the coast. The methodology is framed into the use of GIS tools and it highlights their benefits

  3. Large-eddy simulation of ethanol spray combustion using a finite-rate combustion model

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Li, K.; Zhou, L.X. [Tsinghua Univ., Beijing (China). Dept. of Engineering Mechanics; Chan, C.K. [Hong Kong Polytechnic Univ. (China). Dept. of Applied Mathematics


    Large-eddy simulation of spray combustion is under its rapid development, but the combustion models are less validated by detailed experimental data. In this paper, large-eddy simulation of ethanol-air spray combustion was made using an Eulerian-Lagrangian approach, a subgrid-scale kinetic energy stress model, and a finite-rate combustion model. The simulation results are validated in detail by experiments. The LES obtained statistically averaged temperature is in agreement with the experimental results in most regions. The instantaneous LES results show the coherent structures of the shear region near the high-temperature flame zone and the fuel vapor concentration map, indicating the droplets are concentrated in this shear region. The droplet sizes are found to be in the range of 20-100{mu}m. The instantaneous temperature map shows the close interaction between the coherent structures and the combustion reaction.

  4. Impacts of Combustion Conditions and Photochemical Processing on the Light Absorption of Biomass Combustion Aerosol. (United States)

    Martinsson, J; Eriksson, A C; Nielsen, I Elbæk; Malmborg, V Berg; Ahlberg, E; Andersen, C; Lindgren, R; Nyström, R; Nordin, E Z; Brune, W H; Svenningsson, B; Swietlicki, E; Boman, C; Pagels, J H


    The aim was to identify relationships between combustion conditions, particle characteristics, and optical properties of fresh and photochemically processed emissions from biomass combustion. The combustion conditions included nominal and high burn rate operation and individual combustion phases from a conventional wood stove. Low temperature pyrolysis upon fuel addition resulted in "tar-ball" type particles dominated by organic aerosol with an absorption Ångström exponent (AAE) of 2.5-2.7 and estimated Brown Carbon contributions of 50-70% to absorption at the climate relevant aethalometer-wavelength (520 nm). High temperature combustion during the intermediate (flaming) phase was dominated by soot agglomerates with AAE 1.0-1.2 and 85-100% of absorption at 520 nm attributed to Black Carbon. Intense photochemical processing of high burn rate flaming combustion emissions in an oxidation flow reactor led to strong formation of Secondary Organic Aerosol, with no or weak absorption. PM1 mass emission factors (mg/kg) of fresh emissions were about an order of magnitude higher for low temperature pyrolysis compared to high temperature combustion. However, emission factors describing the absorption cross section emitted per kg of fuel consumed (m(2)/kg) were of similar magnitude at 520 nm for the diverse combustion conditions investigated in this study. These results provide a link between biomass combustion conditions, emitted particle types, and their optical properties in fresh and processed plumes which can be of value for source apportionment and balanced mitigation of biomass combustion emissions from a climate and health perspective.

  5. Engine combustion network (Ecn) : characterization and comparison of boundary conditions for different combustion vessels

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Meijer, M.; Somers, L.M.T.; Johnson, J.; Naber, J.; Lee, S.Y.; Malbec, L.M.; Bruneaux, G.; Pickett, L.M.; Bardi, M.; Payri, R.; Bazyn, T.


    The Engine Combustion Network (ECN) is a worldwide group of institutions using combustion vessels and/or performing computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulation, whose aim is to advance the state of spray and combustion knowledge at engine-relevant conditions. A key activity is the use of spray

  6. Plantas aquáticas e nível de infestação das espécies presentes no reservatório de Barra Bonita, no rio Tietê


    Carvalho,F.T.; Galo,M.L.B.T.; Velini,E.D.; Martins,D.


    O monitoramento da vegetação aquática permite avaliar a evolução das comunidades e determinar o potencial de danos associados a essas populações. O objetivo do trabalho foi identificar as plantas aquáticas e os níveis de infestação de cada espécie, presentes no reservatório de Barra Bonita. Foram avaliados todos os focos de vegetação aquática presentes na represa (335 pontos), sendo os pontos demarcados com um aparelho de GPS. As plantas foram identificadas e foi feita uma estimativa visual d...

  7. Optimization of combustion chamber geometry for stoichiometric diesel combustion using a micro genetic algorithm

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Park, Sung Wook


    This paper describes the optimization of combustion chamber geometry and engine operating conditions for stoichiometric diesel combustion, targeting lower gross indicated specific fuel consumption. The KIVA code, coupled with a micro genetic algorithm population of nine for each generation was used. The optimization variables were composed of ten variables related to the combustion chamber geometry and engine operating conditions. In addition, an auto mesh generator was developed for generating various kinds of combustion chambers, such as open-crater, re-entrant, deep, and shallow types. In addition, the computational models were validated against the experimental results for a stoichiometric process in terms of the combustion pressure history and emissions. Through the preset optimization, a 35% improvement in the gross indicated that specific fuel consumption was achieved. In addition, the optimization results showed that the optimum engine operating conditions employed a premixed charge compression ignition combustion regime with early injection and a narrow spray included angle. Furthermore, a higher boost pressure was used to prevent fuel film formation. (author)

  8. Diseño, modelado e implementación de un sistema de alimentación para aplicaciones portátiles basado en pilas de combustible


    Rubio García-Caro, Angel Luis


    Este proyecto fin de carrera se ha realizado dentro del Grupo de Sistemas Electrónicos de Potencia, perteneciente al departamento de Tecnología Electrónica de la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. Este trabajo ha sido desarrollado en el marco de un proyecto de investigación del grupo y está orientado al estudio de sistemas de alimentación basados en pilas de combustible tipo PEM (“Proton Exchange Membrane”). El objetivo principal del presente proyecto es realizar el diseño de un sistema de ...

  9. Multi-stage combustion using nitrogen-enriched air (United States)

    Fischer, Larry E.; Anderson, Brian L.


    Multi-stage combustion technology combined with nitrogen-enriched air technology for controlling the combustion temperature and products to extend the maintenance and lifetime cycles of materials in contact with combustion products and to reduce pollutants while maintaining relatively high combustion and thermal cycle efficiencies. The first stage of combustion operates fuel rich where most of the heat of combustion is released by burning it with nitrogen-enriched air. Part of the energy in the combustion gases is used to perform work or to provide heat. The cooled combustion gases are reheated by additional stages of combustion until the last stage is at or near stoichiometric conditions. Additional energy is extracted from each stage to result in relatively high thermal cycle efficiency. The air is enriched with nitrogen using air separation technologies such as diffusion, permeable membrane, absorption, and cryogenics. The combustion method is applicable to many types of combustion equipment, including: boilers, burners, turbines, internal combustion engines, and many types of fuel including hydrogen and carbon-based fuels including methane and coal.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    S. V. Vorobiev


    Full Text Available The use of thermovision technology to diagnose failure of the combustion flame test tube of the main combustion chamber gas turbine engine is deal with in the article. Join the thermal radiation of the jet of combustion products and the internal elements was carried out using short-wave thermovision system AGA-782 with spectral spectral filters in several ranges from 3.2 to 5.6 microns. Thermovision is mounted on the axis of the flame tube. The output signal was recorded and processed on a computer in real time, allowing monitor the combustion process and the thermal state of the object during the experiment.

  11. High Combustion Research Facility (United States)

    Federal Laboratory Consortium — At NETL's High-Pressure Combustion Research Facility in Morgantown, WV, researchers can investigate new high-pressure, high-temperature hydrogen turbine combustion...


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Adriana Nunes Lacerda e Prestupa


    junguianos analisados por Moore e Gillette (1993 foram relacionados com características de líderes dentro do contexto organizacional. Desta forma foi possível apresentar uma tipologia rica e aplicável, onde o individuo pode se identificar e também entender o processo e a maturação das características dos arquétipos estudados para melhor desempenho dentro das organizações.

  13. Computational Modeling of Turbulent Spray Combustion

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Ma, L.


    The objective of the research presented in this thesis is development and validation of predictive models or modeling approaches of liquid fuel combustion (spray combustion) in hot-diluted environments, known as flameless combustion or MILD combustion. The goal is to combine good physical insight,

  14. Space Station Freedom combustion research (United States)

    Faeth, G. M.


    Extended operations in microgravity, on board spacecraft like Space Station Freedom, provide both unusual opportunities and unusual challenges for combustion science. On the one hand, eliminating the intrusion of buoyancy provides a valuable new perspective for fundamental studies of combustion phenomena. On the other hand, however, the absence of buoyancy creates new hazards of fires and explosions that must be understood to assure safe manned space activities. These considerations - and the relevance of combustion science to problems of pollutants, energy utilization, waste incineration, power and propulsion systems, and fire and explosion hazards, among others - provide strong motivation for microgravity combustion research. The intrusion of buoyancy is a greater impediment to fundamental combustion studies than to most other areas of science. Combustion intrinsically heats gases with the resulting buoyant motion at normal gravity either preventing or vastly complicating measurements. Perversely, this limitation is most evident for fundamental laboratory experiments; few practical combustion phenomena are significantly affected by buoyancy. Thus, we have never observed the most fundamental combustion phenomena - laminar premixed and diffusion flames, heterogeneous flames of particles and surfaces, low-speed turbulent flames, etc. - without substantial buoyant disturbances. This precludes rational merging of theory, where buoyancy is of little interest, and experiments, that always are contaminated by buoyancy, which is the traditional path for developing most areas of science. The current microgravity combustion program seeks to rectify this deficiency using both ground-based and space-based facilities, with experiments involving space-based facilities including: laminar premixed flames, soot processes in laminar jet diffusion flames, structure of laminar and turbulent jet diffusion flames, solid surface combustion, one-dimensional smoldering, ignition and flame

  15. Underground treatment of combustible minerals

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sarapuu, E


    A process is described for treating oil underground, consisting in introducing several electrodes spaced one from the other in a bed of combustibles underground so that they come in electric contact with this bed of combustibles remaining insulated from the ground, and applying to the electrodes a voltage sufficient to produce an electric current across the bed of combustibles, so as to heat it and create an electric connection between the electrodes on traversing the bed of combustibles.

  16. Numerical simulation of combustion and soot under partially premixed combustion of low-octane gasoline

    KAUST Repository

    An, Yanzhao


    In-cylinder combustion visualization and engine-out soot particle emissions were investigated in an optical diesel engine fueled with low octane gasoline. Single injection strategy with an early injection timing (−30 CAD aTDC) was employed to achieve partially premixed combustion (PPC) condition. A high-speed color camera was used to record the combustion images for 150 cycles. The regulated emission of carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides and soot mass concentration were measured experimentally. Full cycle engine simulations were performed using CONVERGE™ and the simulation results matched with the experimental results. The in-cylinder soot particle evolution was performed by coupling a reduced toluene reference fuel mechanism including the PAHs formation/oxidation reactions with particulate size mimic model. The results showed that PPC presents typical stratified combustion characteristics, which is significantly different from the conventional diesel spray-driven combustion. The in-cylinder temperature and equivalence ratio overlaid with soot-NO formation regime revealed that PPC operating condition under study mostly avoided the main sooting conditions throughout the entire combustion. The evaluation of temperature distribution showed formaldehyde could be regarded as an indicator for low temperature reactions, while hydroxyl group represents the high temperature reactions. Soot evolution happened during the combustion process, hydroxyl radicals promoted the soot oxidation.

  17. Numerical simulation of combustion and soot under partially premixed combustion of low-octane gasoline

    KAUST Repository

    An, Yanzhao; Jaasim, Mohammed; Vallinayagam, R.; Vedharaj, S.; Im, Hong G.; Johansson, Bengt.


    In-cylinder combustion visualization and engine-out soot particle emissions were investigated in an optical diesel engine fueled with low octane gasoline. Single injection strategy with an early injection timing (−30 CAD aTDC) was employed to achieve partially premixed combustion (PPC) condition. A high-speed color camera was used to record the combustion images for 150 cycles. The regulated emission of carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides and soot mass concentration were measured experimentally. Full cycle engine simulations were performed using CONVERGE™ and the simulation results matched with the experimental results. The in-cylinder soot particle evolution was performed by coupling a reduced toluene reference fuel mechanism including the PAHs formation/oxidation reactions with particulate size mimic model. The results showed that PPC presents typical stratified combustion characteristics, which is significantly different from the conventional diesel spray-driven combustion. The in-cylinder temperature and equivalence ratio overlaid with soot-NO formation regime revealed that PPC operating condition under study mostly avoided the main sooting conditions throughout the entire combustion. The evaluation of temperature distribution showed formaldehyde could be regarded as an indicator for low temperature reactions, while hydroxyl group represents the high temperature reactions. Soot evolution happened during the combustion process, hydroxyl radicals promoted the soot oxidation.

  18. Fuels and Combustion | Transportation Research | NREL (United States)

    Fuels and Combustion Fuels and Combustion This is the March 2015 issue of the Transportation and , combustion strategy, and engine design hold the potential to maximize vehicle energy efficiency and performance of low-carbon fuels in internal combustion engines with a whole-systems approach to fuel chemistry

  19. Sandia Combustion Research Program

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Johnston, S.C.; Palmer, R.E.; Montana, C.A. (eds.)


    During the late 1970s, in response to a national energy crisis, Sandia proposed to the US Department of Energy (DOE) a new, ambitious program in combustion research. Shortly thereafter, the Combustion Research Facility (CRF) was established at Sandia's Livermore location. Designated a ''user facility,'' the charter of the CRF was to develop and maintain special-purpose resources to support a nationwide initiative-involving US inventories, industry, and national laboratories--to improve our understanding and control of combustion. This report includes descriptions several research projects which have been simulated by working groups and involve the on-site participation of industry scientists. DOE's Industry Technology Fellowship program, supported through the Office of Energy Research, has been instrumental in the success of some of these joint efforts. The remainder of this report presents results of calendar year 1988, separated thematically into eleven categories. Referred journal articles appearing in print during 1988 and selected other publications are included at the end of Section 11. Our traditional'' research activities--combustion chemistry, reacting flows, diagnostics, engine and coal combustion--have been supplemented by a new effort aimed at understanding combustion-related issues in the management of toxic and hazardous materials.

  20. Analysis of sandflies (Diptera: Psychodidae) in Barra do Garças, State of Mato Grosso, Brazil, and the influence of environmental variables on the vector density of Lutzomyia longipalpis (Lutz & Neiva, 1912). (United States)

    Queiroz, Mirian Francisca Martins; Varjão, Jane Ramos; Moraes, Sinara Cristina de; Salcedo, Gladys Elena


    Leishmaniasis is an infectious and parasitic zoonotic, non-contagious, vector-borne disease caused by protozoa of the genus Leishmania. In Brazil, the major vector of Leishmania (Leishmania) infantum chagasi (Cunha & Chagas, 1934) is Lutzomyia longipalpis. Barra do Garças, State of Mato Grosso, was designated as a priority area by the Brazilian Ministry of Health for american visceral leishmaniasis, and it is important to identify the vector species present in this municipality. Our objective was to raise sandflies and study the influence of environmental variables on the vector density of Lutzomyia longipalpis. We performed entomological monitoring in 3 districts using Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) light traps and recorded human cases of american visceral leishmaniasis in the city. We calculated the relative frequency and richness of sandflies and applied a transfer function model to the vector density correlate with relative humidity. The sandfly population was composed of 2 genera and 27 species, totaling 8,097 individuals. Monitoring identified Lutzomyia longipalpis (44%), followed by Lutzomyia lenti (18.9%), Lutzomyia whitmani (13.9%), Lutzomyia carmelinoi (9.1%), Lutzomyia evandroi (5.1%), Lutzomyia termitophila (3.3%), Lutzomyia sordellii (1.9%), and 20 other species (Lutzomyia longipalpis showed occurrence peaks during the rainy season; there was a temporal correlation with humidity, but not with frequency or temperature. The presence of Lutzomyia longipalpis in the urban area of Barra do Garças underscores the changing disease profile, which was previously restricted to the wild environment.

  1. Ultra-low pollutant emission combustion method and apparatus

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Khinkis, M.J.


    This patent describes a method for ultra-low pollutant emission combustion of fossil fuel. It comprises: introducing into a primary combustion chamber a first fuel portion of about 1 percent to about 20 percent of a total fuel to be combusted; introducing primary combustion air into the primary combustion chamber; introducing a first portion of water into the primary combustion chamber, having a first water heat capacity equivalent to a primary combustion air heat capacity of one of a primary combustion air amount of about 10 percent to about 60 percent of the first stoichiometirc requirement for complete combustion of the first fuel portion and an excess primary combustion air amount of about 20 percent to about 150 percent of the first stoichiometric requirement for complete combustion of the first fuel portion; burning the first fuel portion with the primary combustion air in the primary combustion chamber at a temperature abut 2000 degrees F to about 2700 degrees F producing initial combustion products; passing the initial combustion products into a secondary combustion chamber; introducing into the secondary combustion chamber a second fuel portion of about 80 percent to about 99 percent of the total fuel to be combusted; introducing secondary combustion air into the secondary combustion chamber in an amount of about 105 percent to about 130 percent of a second stoichiometric requirement for complete combustion of the second fuel portion; introducing a second portion of water into the secondary combustion chamber; burning the second fuel portion and any remaining fuel in the initial combustion products; passing the final combustion products into a dilution chamber; introducing dilution air into the dilution chamber; discharging the ultra-low pollutant emission vitiated air form the dilution chamber


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    Ashok A Dhale


    Full Text Available At present, the emissions of internal combustion engine can only be improved by catalytic treatments of the exhaust gases. Such treatments, however, result in high costs and relatively low conversion efficiency. This suggests that a new combustion technique should be developed to yield improved primary combustion processes inside the engine with drastically reduced exhaust gas emissions. To fulfill all requirements, Dr. Franz Drust has proposed a new combustion concept to perform homogenous combustion in internal combustion engines. This concept used the porous medium combustion technique and is called "PM-engine". It is shown that the PM combustion technique can be applied to internal combustion engines. Theoretical considerations are presented for internal combustion engines, indicating that an overall improvement in thermal efficiency can be achieved for the PM-engine. This is explained and general performance of the new PM-engines is demonstrated for a single cylinder, water cooled, direct injection diesel engine. Verification of experiments at primary stage is described that were carried out as a part of the present study.

  3. Nutrient budgets (C, N and P and trophic dynamicsof a Brazilian tropical estuary: Barra das Jangadas

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Carlos E. D Noriega


    Full Text Available This paper focuses on the nutrient dynamics of a tropical estuary on the northeastern Brazilian coast, studied using the LOICZ biogeochemical budgeting protocol. We describe the methodology and assumptions underlying this model. Input data (monthly for rainfall, evaporation, river discharge, and concentrations of salt, phosphorus and nitrogen were obtained during field campaigns in the Barra das Jangadas Estuary (BJE over a 5 years period (1999 to 2003. Mass balance results indicate large inputs of nutrients to the system. The model shows that the seasonal variation of the Net Ecosystem Metabolism (NEM indicates that the system passes from a stage of organic matter liquid production and mineralization during the dry season (-0.5 mmoles C m-2 d-1 to liquid mineralization during the rainy season (-19 mmoles C m-2 d-1. We suggest that the system varies slightly between autotrophy and heterotrophy during the year due to the rainfall regime, human activities in the basin (density population and sugarcane plantations, and associated DIP riverine loads. High per capita loads of N and P indicate a high population density and high runoff. The application of flux balance modeling was useful to understand the nutrient dynamics of this typical small tropical estuaryEste trabalho se focalizou na dinâmica de nutrientes de um estuário tropical na costa nordeste brasileira, usando o protocolo LOICZ de balanços biogeoquímicos. Nós descrevemos a metodologia e os pressupostos subjacentes a este modelo. Os dados de entrada (precipitação e evaporação mensal, vazão do rio, e as concentrações de sal, fósforo e nitrogênio foram obtidos durante as campanhas de campo no estuário de Barra das Jangadas - Brasil durante um período de 5 anos (1999 a 2003. Os resultados indicam grandes entradas de nutrientes ao sistema. O modelo mostrou que a variação sazonal do Metabolismo do Ecosistema (NEM indica que o sistema passa de uma fase de produção de l

  4. The Application of Various Nondestructive Testing Methods to Fuel Elements of the Orgel Type; Application des Differentes Methodes d'Essais Non Destructifs aux Elements Combustibles du Type Orgel; Primenenie razlichnykh nedestruktivnykh metodov ispytanij k toplivnym ehlementam tipa ''orgel''; Aplicacion de Distintos Metodos de Ensayo No Destructivo a los Elementos Combustibles de Tipo Orgel

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bonnet, P.; Jansen, J. [EURATOM, C.C.R., Ispra (Italy)


    methode a un capteur montre quelles sont les limites d'utilisation de ces deux methodes. Defauts transversaux; La methode a un capteur appliquee a cette recherche fait l'objet d'une breve description. Entrainement mecanique: Le memoire fait etat d'un banc mecanique, type laboratoire, pour la recherche des criteres d'essais et d'un banc de passage des tubes, de type semi-industriel, pour l'examen en continu avec enregistrement des defauts. Les difficultes rencontrees et les moyens misenceuvrepoury remediersont evoques. c) Tests par radiographie. Cette methode fera l'objet d'un memoire special; seuls sont indiques les resultats obtenus sur tubes de force ou sur tubes de gaines. d) Test divers Les test finaux sur elements combustibles complets peuvent se resumer en deux parties. Tests d'etancheite au moyen du test a l'helium developpe par la SOGEV. Un dispositif permet d'examiner simultanement 4 ou 6 elements combustibles ou separement 2 ou 3. Tests classiques de radiographie; l'accent est mis plus particulierement sur l'etude des soudures; on donne la marge des conditions experimentales pour obtenir une bonne definition. En conclusion, les auteurs presentent un projet de chaine de controle semi-industrielle avec les differentes possibilites de traitements et essaient de degager une certaine philosophie des tests non destructifs appliques aux elements combustibles. (author) [Spanish] La memoria presenta los distintos metodos empleados para deteccion de fallas (de tipo dimensional o estructural) en vainas de elementos combustibles. Los autores describen, asimismo, los ensayos finales con elementos combustibles completos, en particular radiografia de las soldaduras y pruebas de estanqueidad. Este tema se ha tratado ya en forma parcial. El estudio de las caracteristicas dimensionales de las vainas lisas de SAP (producto de aluminio sinterizado) ha sido objeto de trabajos bastante avanzados. La memoria examina en particular los siguientes temas: 1. Medicion de diametros internos

  5. Alcohol combustion chemistry

    KAUST Repository

    Sarathy, Mani


    Alternative transportation fuels, preferably from renewable sources, include alcohols with up to five or even more carbon atoms. They are considered promising because they can be derived from biological matter via established and new processes. In addition, many of their physical-chemical properties are compatible with the requirements of modern engines, which make them attractive either as replacements for fossil fuels or as fuel additives. Indeed, alcohol fuels have been used since the early years of automobile production, particularly in Brazil, where ethanol has a long history of use as an automobile fuel. Recently, increasing attention has been paid to the use of non-petroleum-based fuels made from biological sources, including alcohols (predominantly ethanol), as important liquid biofuels. Today, the ethanol fuel that is offered in the market is mainly made from sugar cane or corn. Its production as a first-generation biofuel, especially in North America, has been associated with publicly discussed drawbacks, such as reduction in the food supply, need for fertilization, extensive water usage, and other ecological concerns. More environmentally friendly processes are being considered to produce alcohols from inedible plants or plant parts on wasteland. While biofuel production and its use (especially ethanol and biodiesel) in internal combustion engines have been the focus of several recent reviews, a dedicated overview and summary of research on alcohol combustion chemistry is still lacking. Besides ethanol, many linear and branched members of the alcohol family, from methanol to hexanols, have been studied, with a particular emphasis on butanols. These fuels and their combustion properties, including their ignition, flame propagation, and extinction characteristics, their pyrolysis and oxidation reactions, and their potential to produce pollutant emissions have been intensively investigated in dedicated experiments on the laboratory and the engine scale

  6. Characterization of food bars manufactured with agroindustrial by-products and waste Caracterização de barras alimentícias elaboradas com subprodutos e resíduos agroindustriais

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Andréa Paolucci Paiva


    Full Text Available Food bars are products obtained from the union of a number of components, standing out in the snack category due to their portability attribute with a focus on convenience and health. Utilization of by-products and agroindustrial food waste as ingredients in the making of food bars is highly important due to the utilization of leftovers of marked nutritional and functional value and decrease of the production cost. This work intended to evaluate the chemical and physicochemical aspects of food bars made with the by-products broken rice (BR and pequi nut (PN, soybean extract residue (SER, and pineapple waste (PW. Distinct proportions of BR: SER respectively were used, amounting to five treatments: 1:0 (A; 3:1 (B; 1:1 (C; 1:3 (D and 0:1(E and fixed amounts of the other components. For the statistical analysis, variance analysis and the Tukey test were performed to 5% significance. The moisture, protein, lipid, ash, mineral, and dietary fiber contents were directly increased as the SER was increased and the amount of BR was decreased. However, the opposite was found with both carbohydrates and calories. The soluble solids, pH and water activity values presented increases with the increased soybean extract residue. All the treatments presented slightly acidic pH and water activity bellow 0.6, favoring microbiological safety. In the chemical score, treatment A presented lysine as the limiting aminoacid in relation to the Food and Agriculture Organization - FAO/WHO reference (1990. The food bars can be considered rich in dietary fiber and with considerable nutritional support. Treatments D and E proved better in the set of the variables studied for human consumption.Barras alimentícias são produtos obtidos a partir da junção de vários componentes, destacando-se na categoria dos snacks em razão do atributo portabilidade com foco em conveniência e saúde. A utilização de subprodutos e de resíduos agroindustriais alimentícios como ingredientes

  7. Indoor combustion and asthma. (United States)

    Belanger, Kathleen; Triche, Elizabeth W


    Indoor combustion produces both gases (eg, nitrogen dioxide, carbon monoxide) and particulate matter that may affect the development or exacerbation of asthma. Sources in the home include both heating devices (eg, fireplaces, woodstoves, kerosene heaters, flued [ie, vented] or nonflued gas heaters) and gas stoves for cooking. This article highlights the recent literature examining associations between exposure to indoor combustion and asthma development and severity. Since asthma is a chronic condition affecting both children and adults, both age groups are included in this article. Overall, there is some evidence of an association between exposure to indoor combustion and asthma, particularly asthma symptoms in children. Some sources of combustion such as coal stoves have been more consistently associated with these outcomes than other sources such as woodstoves.

  8. Numerical investigation of biogas flameless combustion

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hosseini, Seyed Ehsan; Bagheri, Ghobad; Wahid, Mazlan Abdul


    Highlights: • Fuel consumption decreases from 3.24 g/s in biogas conventional combustion to 1.07 g/s in flameless mode. • The differences between reactants and products temperature intensifies irreversibility in traditional combustion. • The temperature inside the chamber is uniform in biogas flameless mode and exergy loss decreases in this technique. • Low O 2 concentration in the flameless mode confirms a complete and quick combustion process in flameless regime. - Abstract: The purpose of this investigation is to analyze combustion characteristics of biogas flameless mode based on clean technology development strategies. A three dimensional (3D) computational fluid dynamic (CFD) study has been performed to illustrate various priorities of biogas flameless combustion compared to the conventional mode. The effects of preheated temperature and wall temperature, reaction zone and pollutant formation are observed and the impacts of combustion and turbulence models on numerical results are discussed. Although preheated conventional combustion could be effective in terms of fuel consumption reduction, NO x formation increases. It has been found that biogas is not eligible to be applied in furnace heat up due to its low calorific value (LCV) and it is necessary to utilize a high calorific value fuel to preheat the furnace. The required enthalpy for biogas auto-ignition temperature is supplied by enthalpy of preheated oxidizer. In biogas flameless combustion, the mean temperature of the furnace is lower than traditional combustion throughout the chamber. Compared to the biogas flameless combustion with uniform temperature, very high and fluctuated temperatures are recorded in conventional combustion. Since high entropy generation intensifies irreversibility, exergy loss is higher in biogas conventional combustion compared to the biogas flameless regime. Entropy generation minimization in flameless mode is attributed to the uniform temperature inside the chamber

  9. Materials for High-Temperature Catalytic Combustion

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ersson, Anders


    Catalytic combustion is an environmentally friendly technique to combust fuels in e.g. gas turbines. Introducing a catalyst into the combustion chamber of a gas turbine allows combustion outside the normal flammability limits. Hence, the adiabatic flame temperature may be lowered below the threshold temperature for thermal NO{sub X} formation while maintaining a stable combustion. However, several challenges are connected to the application of catalytic combustion in gas turbines. The first part of this thesis reviews the use of catalytic combustion in gas turbines. The influence of the fuel has been studied and compared over different catalyst materials. The material section is divided into two parts. The first concerns bimetallic palladium catalysts. These catalysts showed a more stable activity compared to their pure palladium counterparts for methane combustion. This was verified both by using an annular reactor at ambient pressure and a pilot-scale reactor at elevated pressures and flows closely resembling the ones found in a gas turbine combustor. The second part concerns high-temperature materials, which may be used either as active or washcoat materials. A novel group of materials for catalysis, i.e. garnets, has been synthesised and tested in combustion of methane, a low-heating value gas and diesel fuel. The garnets showed some interesting abilities especially for combustion of low-heating value, LHV, gas. Two other materials were also studied, i.e. spinels and hexa aluminates, both showed very promising thermal stability and the substituted hexa aluminates also showed a good catalytic activity. Finally, deactivation of the catalyst materials was studied. In this part the sulphur poisoning of palladium, platinum and the above-mentioned complex metal oxides has been studied for combustion of a LHV gas. Platinum and surprisingly the garnet were least deactivated. Palladium was severely affected for methane combustion while the other washcoat materials were

  10. Large eddy simulation and combustion instabilities; Simulation des grandes echelles et instabilites de combustion

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lartigue, G.


    The new european laws on pollutants emission impose more and more constraints to motorists. This is particularly true for gas turbines manufacturers, that must design motors operating with very fuel-lean mixtures. Doing so, pollutants formation is significantly reduced but the problem of combustion stability arises. Actually, combustion regimes that have a large excess of air are naturally more sensitive to combustion instabilities. Numerical predictions of these instabilities is thus a key issue for many industrial involved in energy production. This thesis work tries to show that recent numerical tools are now able to predict these combustion instabilities. Particularly, the Large Eddy Simulation method, when implemented in a compressible CFD code, is able to take into account the main processes involved in combustion instabilities, such as acoustics and flame/vortex interaction. This work describes a new formulation of a Large Eddy Simulation numerical code that enables to take into account very precisely thermodynamics and chemistry, that are essential in combustion phenomena. A validation of this work will be presented in a complex geometry (the PRECCINSTA burner). Our numerical results will be successfully compared with experimental data gathered at DLR Stuttgart (Germany). Moreover, a detailed analysis of the acoustics in this configuration will be presented, as well as its interaction with the combustion. For this acoustics analysis, another CERFACS code has been extensively used, the Helmholtz solver AVSP. (author)

  11. Manifold methods for methane combustion

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Yang, B.; Pope, S.B. [Cornell Univ., Ithaca, NY (United States)


    Great progresses have been made in combustion research, especially, the computation of laminar flames and the probability density function (PDF) method in turbulent combustion. For one-dimensional laminar flames, by considering the transport mechanism, the detailed chemical kinetic mechanism and the interactions between these two basic processes, today it is a routine matter to calculate flame velocities, extinction, ignition, temperature, and species distributions from the governing equations. Results are in good agreement with those obtained for experiments. However, for turbulent combustion, because of the complexities of turbulent flow, chemical reactions, and the interaction between them, in the foreseeable future, it is impossible to calculate the combustion flow field by directly integrating the basic governing equations. So averaging and modeling are necessary in turbulent combustion studies. Averaging, on one hand, simplifies turbulent combustion calculations, on the other hand, it introduces the infamous closure problems, especially the closure problem with chemical reaction terms. Since in PDF calculations of turbulent combustion, the averages of the chemical reaction terms can be calculated, PDF methods overcome the closure problem with the reaction terms. It has been shown that the PDF method is a most promising method to calculate turbulent combustion. PDF methods have been successfully employed to calculate laboratory turbulent flames: they can predict phenomena such as super equilibrium radical levels, and local extinction. Because of these advantages, PDF methods are becoming used increasingly in industry combustor codes.

  12. Influência do combustível (diesel e biodiesel e das características da frota de veículos do transporte coletivo de Curitiba, Paraná, nas emissões de NOx

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Wellington Ferreira Ribas

    Full Text Available RESUMO: O sistema de transporte coletivo da cidade de Curitiba, no Paraná, é reconhecido pelas suas soluções inovadoras e modelo para o Brasil. Neste trabalho foi analisada a influência do combustível (diesel e biodiesel e das condições da frota de veículos do transporte coletivo de Curitiba nas emissões de NOx, e essa é uma iniciativa pioneira. Foram selecionados 188 veículos (9,7% do total com motores de 7 a 12 L, denominados B7R, B10M, B12M e B215RH, e foram realizadas medições de NO e NO2 na saída dos escapamentos. Com relação ao tipo de combustível, as emissões de NO e NO2 para o biodiesel (B100 foram, respectivamente, 37 e 26% superiores aos valores observados com o combustível diesel (S10. Comparando motores B12M com até 3 e 10 anos de operação, as emissões médias de NOx foram próximas de 40% maior. Assim, foi possível observar que os veículos a biodiesel tiveram maior emissão de NOx quando comparados com veículos a diesel, em condições similares de operação e tempo de uso do motor. Entretanto, embora o uso de biodiesel traga vantagens ambientais, como energia renovável, novas tecnologias e dispositivos devem ser desenvolvidos para controlar emissões de NO e NO2 em motores que utilizam esse tipo de combustível. Para trabalhos futuros, os autores recomendam testes em dinamômetro, para simular emissões de NOx em motores a diesel e biodiesel em diferentes condições de carga e regime de rotação do motor.

  13. Quebrando estereótipos e rompendo preconceitos na sala de aula

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Daniela Jakubaszko


    Full Text Available Este texto se preocupa em contribuir para a reflexão que torna possível a identificação e ruptura dos estereótipos sociais que dão origem a preconceitos e ações discriminatórias. Com base nos estudos de Walter Lippann, Agnes Heller, Adam Shaff e Eclea Bosi, pretende-se discutir os conceitos de estereótipo e preconceito, buscando entender o que são e porque se formam. Para entender melhor o estereótipo temos que refletir sobre três elementos que a ele se ligam: a linguagem, o cotidiano e o senso comum. É no plano da linguagem - do diálogo e das práticas de linguagem - que se deve estudar e se pode romper e desconstruir os estereótipos, tomando consciência da própria formação discursiva. O texto oferece, ainda, algumas sugestões para trabalhar o conceito na sala de aula e para ampliar o repertório de textos e referências a serem debatidas com os alunos.

  14. El modelo estocástico de Vasicek para la predicción de tipos de interés. Aplicación al tipo de interés interbancario EONIA




    [ES] Las variaciones de los tipos de interés ofrecidos por el dinero en bancos y otras entidades financieras afectan directamente a los mercados bursátiles. Así, por ejemplo, cuando los tipos de interés suben, se producen bajadas en las cotizaciones de las acciones en la bolsa. Estos movimientos decrecientes pueden explicarse por diferentes razones. En primer lugar, los altos tipos de interés elevan las cargas financieras de las empresas y, por lo tanto, empeoran los resultados económicos, lo...

  15. Development of a Premixed Combustion Capability for Scramjet Combustion Experiments (United States)

    Rockwell, Robert D.; Goyne, Christopher P.; Rice, Brian E.; Chelliah, Harsha; McDaniel, James C.; Edwards, Jack R.; Cantu, Luca M. L.; Gallo, Emanuela C. A.; Cutler, Andrew D.; Danehy, Paul M.


    Hypersonic air-breathing engines rely on scramjet combustion processes, which involve high speed, compressible, and highly turbulent flows. The combustion environment and the turbulent flames at the heart of these engines are difficult to simulate and study in the laboratory under well controlled conditions. Typically, wind-tunnel testing is performed that more closely approximates engine testing rather than a careful investigation of the underlying physics that drives the combustion process. The experiments described in this paper, along with companion data sets being developed separately, aim to isolate the chemical kinetic effects from the fuel-air mixing process in a dual-mode scramjet combustion environment. A unique fuel injection approach is taken that produces a nearly uniform fuel-air mixture at the entrance to the combustor. This approach relies on the precombustion shock train upstream of the dual-mode scramjet combustor. A stable ethylene flame anchored on a cavity flameholder with a uniformly mixed combustor inflow has been achieved in these experiments allowing numerous companion studies involving coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering (CARS), particle image velocimetry (PIV), and planar laser induced fluorescence (PLIF) to be performed.

  16. La Planta única como tipo resistente a la escala


    Colmenares Vilata, Silvia


    El sistema capitalista ha generado dos de los modelos espaciales de indiferencia funcional más extremos: por un lado, el espacio tecnificado y repetido del edificio de oficinas en altura, encarnado por la ?planta tipo? y, por otro, el espacio diáfano y extenso del gran contendor, que responde a la lógica de lo que llamaremos ?planta única?. En los edificios construidos para la industria automovilística y bélica americana se encuentra el germen de un tipo que servirá de modelo para los nuevos ...

  17. Mathematical Modeling in Combustion Science

    CERN Document Server

    Takeno, Tadao


    An important new area of current research in combustion science is reviewed in the contributions to this volume. The complicated phenomena of combustion, such as chemical reactions, heat and mass transfer, and gaseous flows, have so far been studied predominantly by experiment and by phenomenological approaches. But asymptotic analysis and other recent developments are rapidly changing this situation. The contributions in this volume are devoted to mathematical modeling in three areas: high Mach number combustion, complex chemistry and physics, and flame modeling in small scale turbulent flow combustion.

  18. Molten salt combustion of radioactive wastes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Grantham, L.F.; McKenzie, D.E.; Richards, W.L.; Oldenkamp, R.D.


    The Atomics International Molten Salt Combustion Process reduces the weight and volume of combustible β-γ contaminated transuranic waste by utilizing air in a molten salt medium to combust organic materials, to trap particulates, and to react chemically with any acidic gases produced during combustion. Typically, incomplete combustion products such as hydrocarbons and carbon monoxide are below detection limits (i.e., 3 ) is directly related to the sodium chloride vapor pressure of the melt; >80% of the particulate is sodium chloride. Essentially all metal oxides (combustion ash) are retained in the melt, e.g., >99.9% of the plutonium, >99.6% of the europium, and >99.9% of the ruthenium are retained in the melt. Both bench-scale radioactive and pilot scale (50 kg/hr) nonradioactive combustion tests have been completed with essentially the same results. Design of three combustors for industrial applications are underway

  19. Estimulación de diferentes tipos de inteligencias a través de los videojuegos


    Aliciardi, Agustina; De Cunto, Guillermo; Marcucci, Ricardo Martín


    Existen diferentes tipos de inteligencia (lógico-matemática, verbal-lingüística, corporal-cinestésica, musical, naturalista, visual-espacial, interpersonal, intrapersonal). Conocer las habilidades y capacidades típicas de cada tipo de inteligencia permite saber que tipo de actividades realizar para estimularlas y lograr generar un desarrollo más equilibrado, que le permita a las personas maximizar su potencial aprovechando sus fortalezas. Debido a esto, se investigaron diferentes tipos de jue...

  20. Experimental study of improvement on combustion control of fluidized bed combustion chamber; Ryudosho shokyakuro no nenshosei no kaizen ni tsuite

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Izumiya, T.; Baba, K.; Koshida, H.; Uetani, J.; Furuta, M.


    Nippon Steel Corporation has carried out an experimental study using the Yawata waste incinerator plant in order to improve combustion control of a fluidized bed combustion chamber. For controlling the forming of dioxin, combustion control is very important in addition to conventional methods. In this paper, we report two studies about improvements on combustion control. In the first study, we verified improvement on combustion control by modifying gas flow at the freeboard. The operational results of the experiments were studied using the numerical model of the combustion chamber. The modification of gas flow at freeboard was confirmed to be effective to obtain a compact design of fluidized bed combustion chamber for municipal waste. In the second, study we improved combustion control for sewage combustion with municipal waste. In burning municipal waste and sewage, it is especially required to take combustion control into careful consideration. In this experiment, we developed a new device for supplying sewage for the appropriate controlling combustion, and verified its effectiveness to combustion control and an effective reduction of dioxin. (author)

  1. Catalytic Combustion of Gasified Waste

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kusar, Henrik


    This thesis concerns catalytic combustion for gas turbine application using a low heating-value (LHV) gas, derived from gasified waste. The main research in catalytic combustion focuses on methane as fuel, but an increasing interest is directed towards catalytic combustion of LHV fuels. This thesis shows that it is possible to catalytically combust a LHV gas and to oxidize fuel-bound nitrogen (NH{sub 3}) directly into N{sub 2} without forming NO{sub x} The first part of the thesis gives a background to the system. It defines waste, shortly describes gasification and more thoroughly catalytic combustion. The second part of the present thesis, paper I, concerns the development and testing of potential catalysts for catalytic combustion of LHV gases. The objective of this work was to investigate the possibility to use a stable metal oxide instead of noble metals as ignition catalyst and at the same time reduce the formation of NO{sub x} In paper II pilot-scale tests were carried out to prove the potential of catalytic combustion using real gasified waste and to compare with the results obtained in laboratory scale using a synthetic gas simulating gasified waste. In paper III, selective catalytic oxidation for decreasing the NO{sub x} formation from fuel-bound nitrogen was examined using two different approaches: fuel-lean and fuel-rich conditions. Finally, the last part of the thesis deals with deactivation of catalysts. The various deactivation processes which may affect high-temperature catalytic combustion are reviewed in paper IV. In paper V the poisoning effect of low amounts of sulfur was studied; various metal oxides as well as supported palladium and platinum catalysts were used as catalysts for combustion of a synthetic gas. In conclusion, with the results obtained in this thesis it would be possible to compose a working catalytic system for gas turbine application using a LHV gas.

  2. Combustion means for solid fuels

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Murase, D.


    A combustion device for solid fuel, suitable for coal, coke, charcoal, coal-dust briquettes etc., comprising:- a base stand with an opening therein, an imperforate heat resistant holding board locatable to close said opening; a combustion chamber standing on the base stand with the holding board forming the base of the combustion chamber; a wiper arm pivoted for horizontal wiping movement over the upper surface of the holding board; an inlet means at a lower edge of said chamber above the base stand, and/or in a surrounding wall of said chamber, whereby combustion air may enter as exhaust gases leave the combustion chamber; an exhaust pipe for the exhaust gases; generally tubular gas-flow heat-exchange ducting putting the combustion chamber and exhaust pipe into communication; and means capable of moving the holding board into and out of the opening for removal of ash or other residue. The invention can be used for a heating system in a house or in a greenhouse or for a boiler.

  3. Combustion of Waste Wood. Second phase of the collaboration project on waste wood combustion

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Andersson, Annika; Andersson, Christer; Eriksson, Jan; Hemstroem, Bengt; Jungstedt, Jenny; Kling, Aasa; Bahr, Bo von; Ekvall, Annika; Eskilsson, David; Tullin, Claes; Harnevie, Henrik; Sieurin, Jan; Keihaes, Juha; Mueller, Christian; Berg, Magnus; Wikman, Karin


    Combustion of waste wood has during the last decade increased dramatically and this has resulted in a number of Swedish plants using this fuel, e.g. Handeloe P11 (Norrkoeping) and ldbaecken P3 (Nykoeping), and yet other plants that are under construction (e.g. Nynaeshamn). The experience from these plants are that waste wood combustion results in a number of operational problems. To some extent these problems are different compared with the problems related to combustion of other biofuels but the situation is not directly comparable to waste incinerators. The problems are mainly related to slagging and fouling of heat exchanger surfaces and accelerated corrosion at relatively low temperature compared to the situation for ordinary biofuels. In some cases an increase in the emissions of specific substances can also result in difficulties to fulfil the EC-directive on waste combustion. Within previous projects the main problems related to combustion of waste wood have been identified and to some extent the cause of these problems has been clarified. One result of this reported investigation is a deeper understanding of the actual causes of these problems. However, the most important result is a number of recommendations for different measures on how to achieve disturbance-free combustion of waste wood. These recommendations actually summarises the most important possible solutions on how to achieve a disturbance-free operation and a lower maintenance cost for boilers combusting waste wood and can thereby be regarded as a short summery of the whole project: 1) Improving fuel quality by Improved sorting at the source and Sieving of the fuel -> Reducing the amount of metals and chlorine and Separation of fines and thereby reducing the amount of metals. 2) Combustion modifications by Avoiding reducing conditions at the heat exchanger surfaces -> Minimising slagging, fouling and corrosion. 3) Additives or co-combustion by Addition of sulphur with the fuel; Injection of

  4. Novel approaches in advanced combustion characterization of fuels for advanced pressurized combustion

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Aho, M.; Haemaelaeinen, J. [VTT Energy (Finland); Joutsenoja, T. [Tampere Univ. of Technology (Finland)


    This project is a part of the EU Joule 2 (extension) programme. The objective of the research of Technical Research Centre of Finland (VTT) is to produce experimental results of the effects of pressure and other important parameters on the combustion of pulverized coals and their char derivates. The results can be utilized in modelling of pressurized combustion and in planning pilot-scale reactors. The coals to be studied are Polish hvb coal, French lignite (Gardanne), German anthracite (Niederberg) and German (Goettelbom) hvb coal. The samples are combusted in an electrically heated, pressurized entrained flow reactor (PEFR), where the experimental conditions are controlled with a high precision. The particle size of the fuel can vary between 100 and 300 {mu}m. The studied things are combustion rates, temperatures and sizes of burning single coal and char particles. The latter measurements are performed with a method developed by Tampere University of Technology, Finland. In some of the experiments, mass loss and elemental composition of the char residue are studied in more details as the function of time to find out the combustion mechanism. Combustion rate of pulverized (140-180 {mu}m) Gardanne lignite and Niederberg anthracite were measured and compared with the data obtained earlier with Polish hvb coal at various pressures, gas temperatures, oxygen partial pressures and partial pressures of carbon dioxide in the second working period. In addition, particle temperatures were measured with anthracite. The experimental results were treated with multivariable partial least squares (PLS) method to find regression equation between the measured things and the experimental variables. (author)

  5. Development of High Efficiency Clean Combustion Engine Designs for Spark-Ignition and Compression-Ignition Internal Combustion Engines

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Marriott, Craig; Gonzalez, Manual; Russell, Durrett


    This report summarizes activities related to the revised STATEMENT OF PROJECT OBJECTIVES (SOPO) dated June 2010 for the Development of High-Efficiency Clean Combustion engine Designs for Spark-Ignition and Compression-Ignition Internal Combustion Engines (COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT NUMBER DE-FC26-05NT42415) project. In both the spark- (SI) and compression-ignition (CI) development activities covered in this program, the goal was to develop potential production-viable internal combustion engine system technologies that both reduce fuel consumption and simultaneously met exhaust emission targets. To be production-viable, engine technologies were also evaluated to determine if they would meet customer expectations of refinement in terms of noise, vibration, performance, driveability, etc. in addition to having an attractive business case and value. Prior to this activity, only proprietary theoretical / laboratory knowledge existed on the combustion technologies explored The research reported here expands and develops this knowledge to determine series-production viability. Significant SI and CI engine development occurred during this program within General Motors, LLC over more than five years. In the SI program, several engines were designed and developed that used both a relatively simple multi-lift valve train system and a Fully Flexible Valve Actuation (FFVA) system to enable a Homogeneous Charge Compression Ignition (HCCI) combustion process. Many technical challenges, which were unknown at the start of this program, were identified and systematically resolved through analysis, test and development. This report documents the challenges and solutions for each SOPO deliverable. As a result of the project activities, the production viability of the developed clean combustion technologies has been determined. At this time, HCCI combustion for SI engines is not considered production-viable for several reasons. HCCI combustion is excessively sensitive to control variables

  6. Plasma igniter for internal-combustion engines (United States)

    Breshears, R. R.; Fitzgerald, D. J.


    Hot ionized gas (plasma) ignites air/fuel mixture in internal combustion engines more effectively than spark. Electromagnetic forces propel plasma into combustion zone. Combustion rate is not limited by flame-front speed.

  7. Combustion and co-combustion of biomass in a bubbling fluidized bed boiler

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Khan, A.A.


    This PhD dissertation concerns the study of different aspects of biomass (co)-combustion in small-scale fluidized bed boilers for heat generation. The most renowned gaseous emissions from fluidized bed combustion, namely, CO and NO, are investigated with the help of experimental and theoretical

  8. Combustion from basics to applications

    CERN Document Server

    Lackner, Maximilian; Winter, Franz


    Combustion, the process of burning, is defined as a chemical reaction between a combustible reactant (the fuel) and an oxidizing agent (such as air) in order to produce heat and in most cases light while new chemical species (e.g., flue gas components) are formed. This book covers a gap on the market by providing a concise introduction to combustion. Most of the other books currently available are targeted towards the experienced users and contain too many details and/or contain knowledge at a fairly high level. This book provides a brief and clear overview of the combustion basics, suitable f

  9. Combustion of diesel fuel from a toxicological perspective. I. Origin of incomplete combustion products. (United States)

    Scheepers, P T; Bos, R P


    Since the use of diesel engines is still increasing, the contribution of their incomplete combustion products to air pollution is becoming ever more important. The presence of irritating and genotoxic substances in both the gas phase and the particulate phase constituents is considered to have significant health implications. The quantity of soot particles and the particle-associated organics emitted from the tail pipe of a diesel-powered vehicle depend primarily on the engine type and combustion conditions but also on fuel properties. The quantity of soot particles in the emissions is determined by the balance between the rate of formation and subsequent oxidation. Organics are absorbed onto carbon cores in the cylinder, in the exhaust system, in the atmosphere and even on the filter during sample collection. Diesel fuel contains polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and some alkyl derivatives. Both groups of compounds may survive the combustion process. PAHs are formed by the combustion of crankcase oil or may be resuspended from engine and/or exhaust deposits. The conversion of parent PAHs to oxygenated and nitrated PAHs in the combustion chamber or in the exhaust system is related to the vast amount of excess combustion air that is supplied to the engine and the high combustion temperature. Whether the occurrence of these derivatives is characteristic for the composition of diesel engine exhaust remains to be ascertained. After the emission of the particles, their properties may change because of atmospheric processes such as aging and resuspension. The particle-associated organics may also be subject to (photo)chemical conversions or the components may change during sampling and analysis. Measurement of emissions of incomplete combustion products as determined on a chassis dynamometer provides knowledge of the chemical composition of the particle-associated organics. This knowledge is useful as a basis for a toxicological evaluation of the health hazards of

  10. Internal combustion engine (United States)

    Baker, Quentin A.; Mecredy, Henry E.; O'Neal, Glenn B.


    An improved engine is provided that more efficiently consumes difficult fuels such as coal slurries or powdered coal. The engine includes a precombustion chamber having a portion thereof formed by an ignition plug. The precombustion chamber is arranged so that when the piston is proximate the head, the precombustion chamber is sealed from the main cylinder or the main combustion chamber and when the piston is remote from the head, the precombustion chamber and main combustion chamber are in communication. The time for burning of fuel in the precombustion chamber can be regulated by the distance required to move the piston from the top dead center position to the position wherein the precombustion chamber and main combustion chamber are in communication.

  11. Combustion stratification study of partially premixed combustion using Fourier transform analysis of OH* chemiluminescence images

    KAUST Repository

    Izadi Najafabadi, Mohammad


    A relatively high level of stratification (qualitatively: lack of homogeneity) is one of the main advantages of partially premixed combustion over the homogeneous charge compression ignition concept. Stratification can smooth the heat release rate and improve the controllability of combustion. In order to compare stratification levels of different partially premixed combustion strategies or other combustion concepts, an objective and meaningful definition of “stratification level” is required. Such a definition is currently lacking; qualitative/quantitative definitions in the literature cannot properly distinguish various levels of stratification. The main purpose of this study is to objectively define combustion stratification (not to be confused with fuel stratification) based on high-speed OH* chemiluminescence imaging, which is assumed to provide spatial information regarding heat release. Stratification essentially being equivalent to spatial structure, we base our definition on two-dimensional Fourier transforms of photographs of OH* chemiluminescence. A light-duty optical diesel engine has been used to perform the OH* bandpass imaging on. Four experimental points are evaluated, with injection timings in the homogeneous regime as well as in the stratified partially premixed combustion regime. Two-dimensional Fourier transforms translate these chemiluminescence images into a range of spatial frequencies. The frequency information is used to define combustion stratification, using a novel normalization procedure. The results indicate that this new definition, based on Fourier analysis of OH* bandpass images, overcomes the drawbacks of previous definitions used in the literature and is a promising method to compare the level of combustion stratification between different experiments.

  12. Experimental research on combustion fluorine retention using calcium-based sorbents during coal combustion (II)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Qi, Q.; Ma, X.; Liu, J.; Wu, X.; Zhou, J.; Cen, K. [Liaoning Technical University, Fuxin (China). College of Resource and Environment Engineering


    Fluoride pollution produced by coal burning can be controlled with the calcium-based sorbent combustion fluorine technique in which calcium-based sorbents are mixed with the coal or sprayed into the combustion chamber. In a fixed bed tube furnace combustion experiment using one calcium-based natural mineral, limestone and one calcium-based building material, it was shown that the calcium-based sorbent particle grain size and pore structure have a big influence on the combustion fluorine retention effect. Reducing the calcium-based sorbent particle grain size and improving the calcium sorbent structure characteristics at very high temperature to enhance the fluorine retention effect is the important approach to the fluorine retention agent development. 8 refs., 1 fig., 5 tabs.

  13. Some physics aspects of cermet and ceramic fast systems; Quelques aspects de la physique des reacteurs a neutrons rapides utilisant des cermets et des ceramiques comme combustibles; Nekotorye fizicheskie aspekty kermetnykh i keramicheskikh sistem na bystrykh nejtronakh; Algunos aspectos fisicos de los sistemas rapidos a base de combustibles cermet y ceramicos

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Codd, J; James, M F; Mann, J E [United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority, Reactor Group (United Kingdom)


    The characteristics of a system using an iron-based oxide cermet as fuel material are discussed. A transport theory investigation to develop methods of predicting the effect of core heterogeneity on reactivity and flux distribution is described. Some preliminary calculations are also given of resonance self-shielding and Doppler temperature effects in a cermet system. (author) [French] Les auteurs etudient les caracteristique s d'un reacteur utilisant comme combustible un cermet d'oxydes a armature de fer. Ils exposent une application de la theorie du transport a la mise au point des methodes permettant de prevoir l'effet de l'heterogeneite du coeur sur la reactivite et sur la distribution du flux. Ils donnent egalement quelques calculs preliminaires d'effets d'autoprotection due a la resonance et d'effet Doppler du a la chaleur dans un reacteur utilisant un cermet. (author) [Spanish] La memoria discute las caracteristicas de un sistema que emplea como combustible un oxido tipo cermet a base de hierro. Describe una investigacion de la teoria de transporte con miras a desarrollar metodos para evaluar el efecto de la heterogeneidad del cuerpo sobre la reactividad y la distribucion de flujo. Tambien da algunos calculos preliminares de los efectos del autoblindaje por resonancia y de la temperatura de Doppler en un sistema de tipo cermet. (author) [Russian] Obsuzhdayutsya kharakteristiki sistemy, ispol'zuyushchej v kachestve toplivnogo materiala oksidnye kermety, razrabotannye na osnove zheleza. Opisyvaetsya issledovanie teorii perenosa, chtoby razvit' metody predskazaniya vliyaniya geterogennosti aktivnoj zony na reaktivnost' i raspredelenie potoka. Dayutsya takzhe nekotorye predvaritel'nye raschety ehffektov rezonansnoj samozashchity i temperaturnogo ehffekta Dopplera v kermetnoj sisteme. (author)

  14. Modelo estadístico que permite observar el impacto de los factores que inciden en el rendimiento de combustible

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rosa Amelia Alcántar Ruiz


    Full Text Available El presente trabajo propone un modelo estadístico de regresión lineal múltiple para la toma de decisiones sobre el rendimiento de combustible con aplicación a la industria del autotransporte en México considerando los factores con mayor incidencia en el consumo. El modelo aplicado tiene significancia estadística, así como las variables explicativas: tipo de ruta, antigüedad y cantidad de diésel consumido en baja, esto con un nivel de confianza del 95%, lográndose explicar un 94% del efecto de interés modelado. La contribución fundamental de este artículo es proponer un modelo estadístico como una nueva herramienta de gestión para los tomadores de decisiones del sector, en relación al establecimiento de estándares de combustible y la administración en general de este insumo, puesto que fue determinado a partir de las condiciones operativas de la industria del transporte y no bajo condiciones experimentales (difíciles de replicar empleadas por el fabricante del automotor.

  15. Representaciones mentales sobre los tipos de agresión en escolares

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Yuly Fang Alandette


    Full Text Available Este artículo presenta un estudio descriptivo comparativo de corte transversal acerca de las representaciones mentales de los tipos de agresión en una muestra de 60 niños escolarizados, de 8 a 11 años de edad. Los niños provienen de los niveles socio-económicos alto y bajo de la ciudad de Cartagena. Para recolectar la información, se utilizó la técnica de entrevista clínica piagetiana de tipo semi-estructurada, apoyada con dibujos que permitieron explorar las ideas y sentimientos de los niños y las niñas. Las explicaciones de los niños son más claras y estructuradas respecto a las agresiones directas de tipo físico y verbal, adiferencia de las representaciones de agresiones, tales como la amenaza y exclusión que se muestran menos elaboradas. Aunque se observan diferencias de acuerdo con la edad al identificar los tipos de agresión y las categorías evaluadas, las explicaciones difieren en muchos casos de los resultados de otras investigaciones.

  16. Pressurized Fluidized Bed Combustion of Sewage Sludge (United States)

    Suzuki, Yoshizo; Nojima, Tomoyuki; Kakuta, Akihiko; Moritomi, Hiroshi

    A conceptual design of an energy recovering system from sewage sludge was proposed. This system consists of a pressurized fluidized bed combustor, a gas turbine, and a heat exchanger for preheating of combustion air. Thermal efficiency was estimated roughly as 10-25%. In order to know the combustion characteristics of the sewage sludge under the elevated pressure condition, combustion tests of the dry and wet sewage sludge were carried out by using laboratory scale pressurized fluidized bed combustors. Combustibility of the sewage sludge was good enough and almost complete combustion was achieved in the combustion of the actual wet sludge. CO emission and NOx emission were marvelously low especially during the combustion of wet sewage sludge regardless of high volatile and nitrogen content of the sewage sludge. However, nitrous oxide (N2O) emission was very high. Hence, almost all nitrogen oxides were emitted as the form of N2O. From these combustion tests, we judged combustion of the sewage sludge with the pressurized fluidized bed combustor is suitable, and the conceptual design of the power generation system is available.


    The report discusses air emissions from two types of scrap tire combustion: uncontrolled and controlled. Uncontrolled sources are open tire fires, which produce many unhealthful products of incomplete combustion and release them directly into the atmosphere. Controlled combustion...

  18. Thermogravimetric analysis of biowastes during combustion

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Otero, M.; Sanchez, M.E.; Gomez, X.; Moran, A.


    The combustion of sewage sludge (SS), animal manure (AM) and the organic fraction of municipal solid waste (OFMSW) was assessed and compared with that of a semianthracite coal (SC) and of a PET waste by thermogravimetric (TG) analysis. Differences were found in the TG curves obtained for the combustion of these materials accordingly to their respective proximate analysis. Non-isothermal thermogravimetric data were used to assess the kinetics of the combustion of these biowastes. The present paper reports on the application of the Vyazovkin model-free isoconversional method for the evaluation of the activation energy necessary for the combustion of these biowastes. The activation energy related to SS combustion (129.1 kJ/mol) was similar to that corresponding to AM (132.5 kJ/mol) while the OFMSW showed a higher value (159.3 kJ/mol). These values are quite higher than the one determined in the same way for the combustion of SC (49.2 kJ/mol) but lower than that for the combustion of a PET waste (165.6 kJ/mol).

  19. Straw combustion on slow-moving grates

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kær, Søren Knudsen


    Combustion of straw in grate-based boilers is often associated with high emission levels and relatively poor fuel burnout. A numerical grate combustion model was developed to assist in improving the combustion performance of these boilers. The model is based on a one-dimensional ‘‘walking......-column’’ approach and includes the energy equations for both the fuel and the gas accounting for heat transfer between the two phases. The model gives important insight into the combustion process and provides inlet conditions for a computational fluid dynamics analysis of the freeboard. The model predictions...... indicate the existence of two distinct combustion modes. Combustion air temperature and mass flow-rate are the two parameters determining the mode. There is a significant difference in reaction rates (ignition velocity) and temperature levels between the two modes. Model predictions were compared...

  20. Oxy-fuel combustion of solid fuels

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Toftegaard, Maja Bøg; Brix, Jacob; Jensen, Peter Arendt


    Oxy-fuel combustion is suggested as one of the possible, promising technologies for capturing CO2 from power plants. The concept of oxy-fuel combustion is removal of nitrogen from the oxidizer to carry out the combustion process in oxygen and, in most concepts, recycled flue gas to lower the flame...... provide additional options for improvement of process economics are however likewise investigated. Of particular interest is the change of the combustion process induced by the exchange of carbon dioxide and water vapor for nitrogen as diluent. This paper reviews the published knowledge on the oxy......-fuel process and focuses particularly on the combustion fundamentals, i.e. flame temperatures and heat transfer, ignition and burnout, emissions, and fly ash characteristics. Knowledge is currently available regarding both an entire oxy-fuel power plant and the combustion fundamentals. However, several...


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)



    Full Text Available El articulo muestra, a través del análisis de libros, artículos científicos y algunos estudios existentes, el estado del arte y la relación entre los sistemas e identificación (código de barras y radiofrecuencia y la gestión de la cadena de suministro, en aplicaciones significativas a nivel mundial y de Colombia. Para ello, se compilan conceptos generales de los sistemas de identificación presentando sus definiciones, componentes de hardware/software, aplicaciones en la cadena de suministro y el uso que grandes, medianas y pequeñas empresas le otorgan. El estudio pone en evidencia la importancia que estas tecnologías tienen para mejorar el desempeño y la trazabilidad, simplificar operaciones, reducir costos y agilizar los flujos de información en la cadena de suministro.

  2. Combustion Velocity of Benzine-Benzol-Air Mixtures in High-Speed Internal-Combustion Engines (United States)

    Schnauffer, Kurt


    The present paper describes a device whereby rapid flame movement within an internal-combustion engine cylinder may be recorded and determined. By the aid of a simple cylindrical contact and an oscillograph the rate of combustion within the cylinder of an airplane engine during its normal operation may be measured for gas intake velocities of from 30 to 35 m/s and for velocities within the cylinder of from 20 to 25 m/s. With it the influence of mixture ratios, of turbulence, of compression ratio and kind of fuel on combustion velocity may be determined. Besides the determination of the influence of the above factors on combustion velocity, the degree of turbulence may also be determined. As a unit of reference in estimating the degree of turbulence, the intake velocity of the charge is chosen.

  3. Use of combustible wastes as fuel

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kotler, V.R.; Salamov, A.A.


    Achievements of science and technology in creating and using units for combustion of wastes with recovery of heat of the escaping gases has been systematized and generalized. Scales and outlooks are examined for the use of general, industrial and agricultural waste as fuel, composition of the waste, questions of planning and operating units for combustion of solid refuse, settling of waste water and industrial and agricultural waste. Questions are covered for preparing them for combustion use in special units with recovery of heat and at ES, aspects of environmental protection during combustion of waste, cost indicators of the employed methods of recovering the combustible waste.

  4. Ictiosis congénita tipo laminar, reporte de un caso.


    Joaquín Saavedra D.; María José Sierralta S.; Cristian Saavedra D; Vanesa Rivera C; Francisco Cerda C.


    RESUMEN INTRODUCCIÓN: La ictiosis tipo laminar es una enfermedad dermatológica infrecuente perteneciente al grupo de las llamadas genodermatosis. Es una forma de ictiosis congénita que es evidente desde el nacimiento. PRESENTACIÓN DEL CASO: Recién nacido por cesárea, sexo masculino, de 36 semanas de gestación, adecuado para la edad gestacional y con APGAR 8. Antecedentes familiares: padres no consanguíneos y hermano con ictiosis tipo laminar. Luego de nacer es hospital...

  5. Combustion characteristics and influential factors of isooctane active-thermal atmosphere combustion assisted by two-stage reaction of n-heptane

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lu, Xingcai; Ji, Libin; Ma, Junjun; Zhou, Xiaoxin; Huang, Zhen [Key Lab. for Power Machinery and Engineering of MOE, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, 200240 Shanghai (China)


    This paper presents an experimental study on the isooctane active-thermal atmosphere combustion (ATAC) which is assisted by two-stage reaction of n-heptane. The active-thermal atmosphere is created by low- and high-temperature reactions of n-heptane which is injected at intake port, and isooctane is directly injected into combustion chamber near the top dead center. The effects of isooctane injection timing, active-thermal atmosphere intensity, overall equivalence ratio, and premixed ratio on combustion characteristics and emissions are investigated. The experimental results reveal that, the isooctane ignition and combustion can be classified to thermal atmosphere combustion, active atmosphere combustion, and active-thermal atmosphere combustion respectively according to the extent of n-heptane oxidation as well as effects of isooctane quenching and charge cooling. n-Heptane equivalence ratio, isooctane equivalence ratio and isooctane delivery advance angle are major control parameters. In one combustion cycle, the isooctane ignited and burned after those of n-heptane, and then this combustion phenomenon can also be named as dual-fuel sequential combustion (DFSC). The ignition timing of the overall combustion event is mainly determined by n-heptane equivalence ratio and can be controlled in flexibility by simultaneously adjusting isooctane equivalence ratio. The isooctane ignition regime, overall thermal efficiency, and NO{sub x} emissions show strong sensitivity to the fuel delivery advance angle between 20 CA BTDC and 25 CA BTDC. (author)

  6. Simulation of low temperature combustion mechanism of different combustion-supporting agents in close-coupled DOC and DPF system. (United States)

    Jiao, Penghao; Li, Zhijun; Li, Qiang; Zhang, Wen; He, Li; Wu, Yue


    In the coupled Diesel Oxidation Catalyst (DOC) and Diesel Particular Filter (DPF) system, soot cannot be completely removed by only using the passive regeneration. And DPF active regeneration is necessary. The research method in this paper is to spray different kinds of combustion-supporting agents to the DOC in the front of the DPF. Therefore, the low temperature combustion mechanism of different kinds of combustion-supporting agents in DOC was studied, in order to grasp the law of combustion in DOC, and the influence of follow-up emission on DPF removal of soot. During the study, CH 4 H 2 mixture and diesel (n-heptane + toluene) were used as combustion-supporting agents respectively. The simplified mechanisms of two kinds of gas mixtures used as the combustion-supporting agents in DPF have been constructed and testified in the paper. In this paper, the combustion and emission conditions of the two combustion-supporting agents were analyzed so as to meet the practical requirements of different working conditions. Copyright © 2017 ISA. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  7. Strobes: An oscillatory combustion

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Corbel, J.M.L.; Lingen, J.N.J. van; Zevenbergen, J.F.; Gijzeman, O.L.J.; Meijerink, A.


    Strobe compositions belong to the class of solid combustions. They are mixtures of powdered ingredients. When ignited, the combustion front evolves in an oscillatory fashion, and flashes of light are produced by intermittence. They have fascinated many scientists since their discovery at the

  8. Fifteenth combustion research conference

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The BES research efforts cover chemical reaction theory, experimental dynamics and spectroscopy, thermodynamics of combustion intermediates, chemical kinetics, reaction mechanisms, combustion diagnostics, and fluid dynamics and chemically reacting flows. 98 papers and abstracts are included. Separate abstracts were prepared for the papers

  9. Numerical analysis for controlling mixture heterogeneity to reduce abrupt combustion in diesel PCCI combustion

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Nishiwaki, Kazuie [Ritsumeikan University (Japan); Kojima, Takafumi [Takamatsu National College of Technology (Japan)


    In the energy sector, stringent regulations have been implemented on combustion emissions in order to address health and environmental concerns and help improve air quality. A novel combustion mode, premixed charge compression ignition (PCCI), can improve the emissions performance of an engine over that of conventional diesel. The aim of this research is to develop a model to analyze the mixture formation in the PCCI combustion mode. A numerical model was developed and was applied to an engine and the results were compared to experimental results. It was found that the model results are in agreement with the experimental results. This paper presented a novel LES computer model and demonstrated that it is efficient in predicting the mixture formation in the PCCI combustion mode.

  10. La volatilidad del tipo de cambio paralelo en Venezuela 2005-2015

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Laura Daniela Castillo Paredes


    Full Text Available El tipo de cambio paralelo constituye una de las principales variables económicas para la toma de decisiones en Venezuela. Para analizar el comportamiento de esta variable tomando en cuenta sus características inherentes, exceso de curtosis, persistencia y asimetría, se hace una síntesis teórica de los principales modelos estocásticos de volatilidad y, se estima un conjunto de modelos. El modelo que mejor ajusta el comportamiento de la variable es un EGARCH (1,1, que captura el efecto asimétrico de las perturbaciones estocásticas sobre la serie. Ante choques negativos (depreciación del tipo de cambio paralelo, la volatilidad asociada se incrementa, pero para choques positivos (apreciación del tipo de cambio paralelo, se mantiene constante.

  11. Modeling and simulating combustion and generation of NOx

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lazaroiu, Gheorghe


    This paper deals with the modeling and simulation of combustion processes and generation of NO x in a combustion chamber and boiler, with supplementary combustion in a gas turbine installation. The fuel burned in the combustion chamber was rich gas with a chemical composition more complex than natural gas. Pitcoal was used in the regenerative boiler. From the resulting combustion products, 17 compounds were retained, including nitrogen and sulphur compounds. Using the developed model, the simulation resulted in excess air for a temperature imposed at the combustion chamber exhaust. These simulations made it possible to determine the concentrations of combustion compounds with a variation in excess combustion. (author)

  12. Multi-zone modelling of PCCI combustion

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Egüz, U.; Somers, L.M.T.; Leermakers, C.A.J.; Goey, de L.P.H.


    Early Direct Injection Premixed Charge Compression Ignition (EDI PCCI) combustion is a promising concept for the diesel combustion. Although EDI PCCI assures very low soot and NO xemission levels, the injection is uncoupled from combustion, which narrows down the operating conditions. The main

  13. Combustor nozzle for a fuel-flexible combustion system (United States)

    Haynes, Joel Meier [Niskayuna, NY; Mosbacher, David Matthew [Cohoes, NY; Janssen, Jonathan Sebastian [Troy, NY; Iyer, Venkatraman Ananthakrishnan [Mason, OH


    A combustor nozzle is provided. The combustor nozzle includes a first fuel system configured to introduce a syngas fuel into a combustion chamber to enable lean premixed combustion within the combustion chamber and a second fuel system configured to introduce the syngas fuel, or a hydrocarbon fuel, or diluents, or combinations thereof into the combustion chamber to enable diffusion combustion within the combustion chamber.

  14. Establishment of Combustion Model for Isooctane HCCI Marine Diesel Engine and Research on the Combustion Characteristic

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Li Biao


    Full Text Available The homogeneous charge compression ignition (HCCI combustion mode applied in marine diesel engine is expected to be one of alternative technologies to decrease nitrogen oxide (NOX emission and improve energy utilization rate. Applying the chemical-looping combustion (CLC mechanism inside the cylinder, a numerical study on the HCCI combustion process is performed taking a marine diesel engine as application object. The characteristic feature of combustion process is displayed. On this basis, the formation and emission of NOX are analyzed and discussed. The results indicate that the HCCI combustion mode always exhibit two combustion releasing heats: low-temperature reaction and high-temperature reaction. The combustion phase is divided into low-temperature reaction zone, high-temperature reaction zone and negative temperature coefficient (NTC zone. The operating conditions of the high compression ratio, high intake air temperature, low inlet pressure and small excess air coefficient would cause the high in-cylinder pressure which often leads engine detonation. The low compression ratio, low intake air temperature and big excess air coefficient would cause the low combustor temperature which is conducive to reduce NOX emissions. These technological means and operating conditions are expected to meet the NOX emissions limits in MARPOL73/78 Convention-Annex VI Amendment.

  15. Emission and combustion characteristics of multiple stage diesel combustion; Nidan nensho ni yoru diesel kikan no nensho to haishutsubutsu tokusei

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hashizume, T; Miyamoto, T; Tsujimura, K [New A.C.E. Institute Co. Ltd., Tokyo (Japan); Kobayashi, S; Shimizu, K [Japan Automobile Research Institute, Tsukuba (Japan)


    A new concept of multiple stage diesel combustion was studied by means of engine test, combustion observation and numerical simulation, in order to reduce NOx emissions at high load conditions. With this concept, the premixed combustion occurs under the fuel lean conditions and the diffusion combustion occurs under the high temperature conditions. As seen in the result of combustion observation, a first stage combustion occurs with no luminous flame. A second stage combustion occurs with a luminous flame after very short ignition delay period. However the luminous flame is disappeared immediately. Because cylinder temperature is high, and hence soot oxidizes immediately. 5 refs., 11 figs., 1 tab.

  16. 76 FR 16646 - Circadian, Inc., Clean Energy Combustion, Inc. (n/k/a Clean Energy Combustion Systems, Inc... (United States)


    ... SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION [File No. 500-1] Circadian, Inc., Clean Energy Combustion, Inc. (n/k/a Clean Energy Combustion Systems, Inc.), Collectible Concepts Group, Inc., Communitronics of... is a lack of current and accurate information concerning the securities of Clean Energy Combustion...

  17. Riesgo de tipo de cambio: cobertura con instrumentos financieros


    Gutiérrez Blanco, Vidal


    RESUMEN: En el siguiente trabajo se hace una pequeña aproximación al mercado de divisas, explicando qué es el tipo de cambio y cuál es el riesgo que conlleva operar con monedas de diferentes países. En primer lugar, se define el mercado de divisas, poniendo énfasis sobre el hecho de que es el mercado más grande y líquido del mundo, y se identifican cuáles son las principales operaciones llevadas a cabo en este mercado. Seguidamente, se ha explicado lo que es el tipo de cambio, cuáles son l...

  18. Effect of combustion characteristics on wall radiative heat flux in a 100 MWe oxy-coal combustion plant

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Park, S.; Ryu, C. [Sungkyunkwan Univ., Suwon (Korea, Republic of). School of Mechanical Engineering; Chae, T.Y. [Sungkyunkwan Univ., Suwon (Korea, Republic of). School of Mechanical Engineering; Korea Institute of Industrial Technology, Cheonan (Korea, Republic of). Energy System R and D Group; Yang, W. [Korea Institute of Industrial Technology, Cheonan (Korea, Republic of). Energy System R and D Group; Kim, Y.; Lee, S.; Seo, S. [Korea Electric Power Research Institute (KEPRI), Daejeon (Korea, Republic of). Power Generation Lab.


    Oxy-coal combustion exhibits different reaction, flow and heat transfer characteristics from air-coal combustion due to different properties of oxidizer and flue gas composition. This study investigated the wall radiative heat flux (WRHF) of air- and oxy-coal combustion in a simple hexahedral furnace and in a 100 MWe single-wall-fired boiler using computational modeling. The hexahedral furnace had similar operation conditions with the boiler, but the coal combustion was ignored by prescribing the gas properties after complete combustion at the inlet. The concentrations of O{sub 2} in the oxidizers ranging between 26 and 30% and different flue gas recirculation (FGR) methods were considered in the furnace. In the hexahedral furnace, the oxy-coal case with 28% of O{sub 2} and wet FGR had a similar value of T{sub af} with the air-coal combustion case, but its WRHF was 12% higher. The mixed FGR case with about 27% O{sub 2} in the oxidizer exhibited the WRHF similar to the air-coal case. During the actual combustion in the 100 MWe boiler using mixed FGR, the reduced volumetric flow rates in the oxy-coal cases lowered the swirl strength of the burners. This stretched the flames and moved the high temperature region farther to the downstream. Due to this reason, the case with 30% O{sub 2} in the oxidizers achieved a WRHF close to that of air-coal combustion, although its adiabatic flame temperature (T{sub af}) and WHRF predicted in the simplified hexahedral furnace was 103 K and 10% higher, respectively. Therefore, the combustion characteristics and temperature distribution significantly influences the WRHF, which should be assessed to determine the ideal operating conditions of oxy- coal combustion. The choice of the weighted sum of gray gases model (WSGGM) was not critical in the large coal-fired boiler.

  19. Infrared monitoring of combustion

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bates, S.C.; Morrison, P.W. Jr.; Solomon, P.R.


    In this paper, the use of Fourier Transform Infrared (FT-IR) spectroscopy for combustion monitoring is described. A combination of emission, transmission, and reflection FT-IR spectroscopy yields data on the temperature and composition of the gases, surfaces and suspended particles in the combustion environment. Detection sensitivity of such trace exhaust gases as CO, CO 2 , SO 2 , NO x , and unburned hydrocarbons is at the ppm level. Tomographic reconstruction converts line-of-sight measurements into spatially resolved temperature and concentration data. Examples from various combustion processes are used to demonstrate the capabilities of the technique. Industrial measurements are described that have been performed directly in the combustion zone and in the exhaust duct of a large chemical recovery boiler. Other measurements of hot slag show how FT-IR spectroscopy can determine the temperature and optical properties of surfaces. In addition, experiments with water droplets show that transmission FT-IR data yield spectra that characterize particle size and number density

  20. Control device for combustible gas concentration

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Osawa, Yasuo.


    Purpose: To control the concentration of combustible gases such as hydrogen evolved in a reactor container upon loss-of-coolant accidents. Constitution: Combustible gases evolved from the lower area of a drywell in which a combustible atmosphere is liable to be formed locally are taken out through a take-out pipeway to the outside of a reactor container and processed by a hydrogen-oxygen recombiner. Combustible gases in other areas of the drywell are also introduced to the lower area of the drywell and then taken-out externally for procession. Further, combustible gases in the suppression chamber are introduced by the opening of a vacuum breaking valve through a gas supply pipe to the lower area of the drywell and fluids in the drywell are stirred and diluted with fluids exhausted from the gas supply pipe. Disposition of such take-out pipeway and gas supply pipe can reduce the possibility of forming local combustible atmosphere to improve the integrity of the reactor container. (Kamimura, M.)

  1. Techniques de combustion Combustin Techniques

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Perthuis E.


    Full Text Available L'efficacité d'un processus de chauffage par flamme est étroitement liée à la maîtrise des techniques de combustion. Le brûleur, organe essentiel de l'équipement de chauffe, doit d'une part assurer une combustion complète pour utiliser au mieux l'énergie potentielle du combustible et, d'autre part, provoquer dans le foyer les conditions aérodynamiques les plus propices oux transferts de chaleur. En s'appuyant sur les études expérimentales effectuées à la Fondation de Recherches Internationales sur les Flammes (FRIF, au Groupe d'Étude des Flammes de Gaz Naturel (GEFGN et à l'Institut Français du Pétrole (IFP et sur des réalisations industrielles, on présente les propriétés essentielles des flammes de diffusion aux combustibles liquides et gazeux obtenues avec ou sans mise en rotation des fluides, et leurs répercussions sur les transferts thermiques. La recherche des températures de combustion élevées conduit à envisager la marche à excès d'air réduit, le réchauffage de l'air ou son enrichissement à l'oxygène. Par quelques exemples, on évoque l'influence de ces paramètres d'exploitation sur l'économie possible en combustible. The efficiency of a flame heating process is closely linked ta the mastery of, combustion techniques. The burner, an essential element in any heating equipment, must provide complete combustion sa as to make optimum use of the potential energy in the fuel while, at the same time, creating the most suitable conditions for heat transfers in the combustion chamber. On the basis of experimental research performed by FRIF, GEFGN and IFP and of industrial achievements, this article describesthe essential properties of diffusion flames fed by liquid and gaseous fuels and produced with or without fluid swirling, and the effects of such flames on heat transfers. The search for high combustion temperatures means that consideration must be given to operating with reduced excess air, heating the air or

  2. PDF Modeling of Turbulent Combustion

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library

    Pope, Stephen B


    .... The PDF approach to turbulent combustion has the advantages of fully representing the turbulent fluctuations of species and temperature, and of allowing realistic combustion chemistry to be implemented...


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Regina Maria Fernandes Lopes


    Full Text Available El avance en las condiciones de salud propicia el progresivo aumento de la esperanza de vida. Estudios han identificado la existencia de una conexión entre la Diabetes Mellitus (DM y demencia. La hiperglicemia podría ser un factor importante en la incidencia de la enfermedad de Azheimer, la cual puede ser una causa secundaria de demencia. La diabetes mellitus tipo 2 (DM2 está asociada con déficits cognitivos y funcionales, y el WCST es una de las herramientas que puede ser utilizada para evaluar funcionamiento ejecutivo. El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar los déficits cognitivos de ancianos con diabetes mellitus tipo 2. Los participantes fueron 254 ancianos de ambos sexos, mayores de 60 años; 44 de ellos diagnosticados de DM2 y 210 en un grupo control de población general. El diseño fue un estudio cuantitativo transversal. Los instrumentos utilizados fueron: datos sociodemográficos, WCST, MMSE, BDI, BAI, GD, junto a las Sub pruebas de: Vocabulario, códigos, números y Cubos del WAIS-III. Los resultados mostraron una diferencia significativa en el desempeño de los ancianos con diabetes tipo 2 en comparación con el grupo control en cuatro descriptores de WCST que indicaban un deterioro. Igualmente los ancianos con diabetes tipo 2 mostraron una intensidad de síntomas depresivos y de ansiedad estadísticamente mayor que el grupo control

  4. Sulfur Chemistry in Combustion I

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Johnsson, Jan Erik; Glarborg, Peter


    of the sulphur compounds in fossil fuels and the possibilities to remove them will be given. Then the combustion of sulphur species and their influence on the combustion chemistry and especially on the CO oxidation and the NOx formation will be described. Finally the in-situ removal of sulphur in the combustion...... process by reaction between SO2 and calcium containing sorbents and the influence on the NOx chemistry will be treated....

  5. Parameter changes during gradual flooding of a PEM fuel cell through EIS studies; Cambio en parametros de una celda de combustible PEM durante inundacion gradual mediante estudios de EIS

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Cano Castillo, Ulises; Cruz Manzo, Samuel; Arriaga Hurtado, Gerardo [Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas, Cuernavaca, Morelos (Mexico); Ortiz, Alondra; Orozco, German [Centro de Investigacion y Desarrollo Tecnologico en Electroquimica S.C. (CIDETEQ) (Mexico)


    The gradual flooding of a single PEM fuel cell was produced and Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS) measurements were realized in order to follow changes of the fuel cell impedance parameters. These changes were followed by using two equivalent circuit models: one simple model of the Randles type accounting for cathode and anode interfaces and a more complex model based on distributed elements, more suitable for porous electrodes in order to include protonic resistance of the catalyst layers. [Spanish] La inundacion gradual de una monocelda de combustible tipo PEM fue estudiada empleando espectroscopia de impedancia electroquimica (EIS), con el proposito de seguir cambios en los parametros de impedancia de la celda. Estos cambios fueron estudiados utilizando dos circuitos equivalentes: un modelo simple de tipo Randles, el cual considerara las interfaces del catodo y del anodo, y un modelo mas complejo basado en elementos distribuidos, el cual fuera adecuado para electrodos porosos, a fin de incluir la resistencia protonica de las capas catalizadoras.

  6. In situ high-temperature gas sensors: continuous monitoring of the combustion quality of different wood combustion systems and optimization of combustion process

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    H. Kohler


    Full Text Available The sensing characteristics and long-term stability of different kinds of CO ∕ HC gas sensors (non-Nernstian mixed potential type during in situ operation in flue gas from different types of low-power combustion systems (wood-log- and wood-chip-fuelled were investigated. The sensors showed representative but individual sensing behaviour with respect to characteristically varying flue gas composition over the combustion process. The long-term sensor signal stability evaluated by repeated exposure to CO ∕ H2 ∕ N2 ∕ synthetic air mixtures showed no sensitivity loss after operation in the flue gas. Particularly for one of the sensors (Heraeus GmbH, this high signal stability was observed in a field test experiment even during continuous operation in the flue gas of the wood-chip firing system over 4 months. Furthermore, it was experimentally shown that the signals of these CO ∕ HC sensing elements yield important additional information about the wood combustion process. This was demonstrated by the adaptation of an advanced combustion airstream control algorithm on a wood-log-fed fireplace and by the development of a combustion quality monitoring system for wood-chip-fed central heaters.

  7. Tipos de vegetación del llano de Paletará. Cordillera Central Colombia Tipos de vegetación del llano de Paletará. Cordillera Central Colombia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Restrepo Carla


    Full Text Available We studied the vegetation found in the Llano de Paletará, municipality of Coconuco, department of Cauca, Colombia. Based on the physiognomy and floristic composition of the vegetation we identified 8 paramo vegetation types. These units represent the most extensive azonal paramo vegetation types described up to now for the Cordillera Central. Four of the 8 vegetation types are herbaceous ("frailejonal-pajonal" with Espeletia, "chuscal abierto" with Chusquea,"swamp" with Carex, and "grassland" with Calamagrostis , three are bush tickets (thicket with Hypericum, thicket with Ageratina, and thicket with Diplostephium, and one is a forest of low stature (forest with Escallonia. We analyze some aspects of the ecology and distribution of the vegetation types and evaluate their degree of peril and value of conservation. Se estudiaron los tipos de vegetación del Llano de Paletará, municipio de Coconuco, departamento del Cauca, Colombia. Basados en la fisonomía y composición florística de la vegetación identificamos 8 tipos de vegetación, los cuales representan los tipos de vegetación paramunos de carácter azonal más extensos de la Cordillera Central registrados hasta el momento. De los 8 tipos de vegetación, cuatro son de porte herbáceo (''frailejonalpajonal'' con Espeletia. "chuscal abierto" con Chusquea. "pantano" con Carex y un "pajonal" con Calamagrostis, tres son de porte arbustivo (matorral con Hypericum, matorral con Ageratina y matorral con Diplostephium y uno es de porte arbóreo (bosque con Escallonia. Se analizan algunos aspectos de la ecología y distribución de los tipos de vegetación y se evalúa su grado de amenaza y valor de conservación.

  8. Internal and surface phenomena in metal combustion (United States)

    Dreizin, Edward L.; Molodetsky, Irina E.; Law, Chung K.


    Combustion of metals has been widely studied in the past, primarily because of their high oxidation enthalpies. A general understanding of metal combustion has been developed based on the recognition of the existence of both vapor-phase and surface reactions and involvement of the reaction products in the ensuing heterogeneous combustion. However, distinct features often observed in metal particle combustion, such as brightness oscillations and jumps (spearpoints), disruptive burning, and non-symmetric flames are not currently understood. Recent metal combustion experiments using uniform high-temperature metal droplets produced by a novel micro-arc technique have indicated that oxygen dissolves in the interior of burning particles of certain metals and that the subsequent transformations of the metal-oxygen solutions into stoichiometric oxides are accompanied with sufficient heat release to cause observed brightness and temperature jumps. Similar oxygen dissolution has been observed in recent experiments on bulk iron combustion but has not been associated with such dramatic effects. This research addresses heterogeneous metal droplet combustion, specifically focusing on oxygen penetration into the burning metal droplets, and its influence on the metal combustion rate, temperature history, and disruptive burning. A unique feature of the experimental approach is the combination of the microgravity environment with a novel micro-arc Generator of Monodispersed Metal Droplets (GEMMED), ensuring repeatable formation and ignition of uniform metal droplets with controllable initial temperature and velocity. The droplet initial temperatures can be adjusted within a wide range from just above the metal melting point, which provides means to ignite droplets instantly upon entering an oxygen containing environment. Initial droplet velocity will be set equal to zero allowing one to organize metal combustion microgravity experiments in a fashion similar to usual microgravity

  9. Second law comparison of oxy-fuel combustion and post-combustion carbon dioxide separation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Simpson, Adam P.; Simon, A.J.


    To define 2nd law efficiency targets for novel separation technologies, a simplified model of a power plant with two forms of CO 2 capture was developed. In this investigation, oxy-fuel combustion and post-combustion CO 2 separation were compared on an exergetic basis. Using exergy balances and black-box models of power plant components, multiple scenarios were run to determine the impact of plant configuration and separation unit efficiency on overall plant performance. Second law efficiency values from the literature were used to set the baseline performance of various CO 2 separation configurations. Assumed advances in 2nd law efficiency were used to determine the potential for overall system performance improvement. It was found that the 2nd law efficiency of air separation must reach a critical value before the thermodynamics of oxy-fuel combustion become favorable. Changes in operating equivalence ratio significantly move the tipping-point between post-combustion and oxy-fuel strategies

  10. Investigating co-combustion characteristics of bamboo and wood. (United States)

    Liang, Fang; Wang, Ruijuan; Jiang, Changle; Yang, Xiaomeng; Zhang, Tao; Hu, Wanhe; Mi, Bingbing; Liu, Zhijia


    To investigate co-combustion characteristics of bamboo and wood, moso bamboo and masson pine were torrefied and mixed with different blend ratios. The combustion process was examined by thermogravimetric analyzer (TGA). The results showed the combustion process of samples included volatile emission and oxidation combustion as well as char combustion. The main mass loss of biomass blends occurred at volatile emission and oxidation combustion stage, while that of torrefied biomass occurred at char combustion stage. With the increase of bamboo content, characteristic temperatures decreased. Compared with untreated biomass, torrefied biomass had a higher initial and burnout temperature. With the increase of heating rates, combustion process of samples shifted to higher temperatures. Compared with non-isothermal models, activation energy obtained from isothermal model was lower. The result is helpful to promote development of co-combustion of bamboo and masson pine wastes. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  11. New technologies reducing emissions from combustion of biofuels

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Oravainen, H.


    In reducing CO 2 emissions, bioenergy will be the most important source of renewable energy in the next few decades. In principle, combustion of biomass is friendly to the environment because CO 2 released during combustion is recycled back into natural circulation. Biofuels normally contain little nitrogen and sulphur. However, depending on the combustion technology used, emissions may be quite high. This is true of combustion of biomass fuels in small appliances like wood stoves, fireplaces, small boilers etc. When fuels having high content of volatile matter are burnt in appliances using batch type combustion, the process is rather an unsteady-state combustion. Emissions of carbon monoxide, other combustible gases and particulates are quite difficult to avoid. With continuous combustion processes this is not normally a problem. This conference paper presents some means of reducing emissions from combustion of biofuels. 5 refs., 4 figs

  12. Co-combustion of anthracite coal and wood pellets: Thermodynamic analysis, combustion efficiency, pollutant emissions and ash slagging. (United States)

    Guo, Feihong; Zhong, Zhaoping


    This work presents studies on the co-combustion of anthracite coal and wood pellets in fluidized bed. Prior to the fluidized bed combustion, thermogravimetric analysis are performed to investigate the thermodynamic behavior of coal and wood pellets. The results show that the thermal decomposition of blends is divided into four stages. The co-firing of coal and wood pellets can promote the combustion reaction and reduce the emission of gaseous pollutants, such as SO 2 and NO. It is important to choose the proportion of wood pellets during co-combustion due to the low combustion efficiency caused by large pellets with poor fluidization. Wood pellets can inhibit the volatilization of trace elements, especially for Cr, Ni and V. In addition, the slagging ratio of wood pellets ash is reduced by co-firing with coal. The research on combustion of coal and wood pellets is of great significance in engineering. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  13. Naphtha vs. dieseline – The effect of fuel properties on combustion homogeneity in transition from CI combustion towards HCCI

    KAUST Repository

    Vallinayagam, R.


    The scope of this research study pertains to compare the combustion and emission behavior between naphtha and dieseline at different combustion modes. In this study, US dieseline (50% US diesel + 50% RON 91 gasoline) and EU dieseline (45% EU diesel + 55% RON 97 gasoline) with derived cetane number (DCN) of 36 are selected for experimentation in an optical engine. Besides naphtha and dieseline, PRF60 is also tested as a surrogate fuel for naphtha. For the reported fuel with same RON = 60, the effect of physical properties on combustion homogeneity when moving from homogenized charge compression ignition (HCCI) to compression ignition (CI) combustion is studied.The combustion phasing of naphtha at an intake air temperature of 95 °C is taken as the baseline data. The engine experimental results show that higher and lower intake air temperature is required for dieseline mixtures to have same combustion phasing as that of naphtha at HCCI and CI conditions due to the difference in the physical properties. Especially at HCCI mode, due to wider distillation range of dieseline, the evaporation of the fuel is affected so that the gas phase mixture becomes too lean to auto-ignite. However, at partially premixed combustion (PPC) conditions, all test fuels required almost same intake air temperature to match up with the combustion phasing of baseline naphtha. From the rate of heat release and combustion images, it was found that naphtha and PRF60 showed improved premixed combustion when compared dieseline mixtures. The stratification analysis shows that combustion is more stratified for dieseline whereas it is premixed for naphtha and PRF60. The level of stratification linked with soot emission showed that soot concentration is higher at stratified CI combustion whereas near zero soot emissions were noted at PPC mode.

  14. Comparison of different chemical kinetic mechanisms of methane combustion in an internal combustion engine configuration


    Ennetta Ridha; Hamdi Mohamed; Said Rachid


    Three chemical kinetic mechanisms of methane combustion were tested and compared using the internal combustion engine model of Chemkin 4.02 [1]: one-step global reaction mechanism, four-step mechanism, and the standard detailed scheme GRIMECH 3.0. This study shows good concordances, especially between the four-step and the detailed mechanisms in the prediction of temperature and main species profiles. But reduced schemes were incapables to predict pollutant emissions in an internal combustion...

  15. New evidence of cenozoic tectonism in the southeastern region of Brazil: the Barra de Sao Joao graben in Cabo Frio platform

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mohriak, W.U.


    The western portion of the Campos Basin is limited by a hinge line that limits the deposition of pre-Aptian sediments in the offshore region. The Cabo Frio arch corresponds to a platform with smaller relative subsidence, where Tertiary sediments are deposited directly on shallow basement rocks. A conspicuous asymmetric graben occurs in the offshore region between Buzios and Macae. This rhomb-graben measures 20 km by 40 km, with the longer axis trending NE. The geological and geophysical characteristics of the Barra de Sao Joao graben supports a genetic affiliation with the onshore Taubate, Resende and Volta Redonda basins, rather than with the Campos Basin. The latter basin was formed in the Neocomian by rupturing of the Pangea, while the radiometric age determination of ankaramitic lavas near Volta Redonda suggests that the onshore basins were formed during the Eocene or Early Oligocene. A better understanding of the crustal geometry and the postulation of geodynamic models for these sedimentary basins will result from the integration of the onshore geology with the subsurface data presented in this paper. (author)

  16. Burning Questions in Gravity-Dependent Combustion Science (United States)

    Urban, David; Chiaramonte, Francis P.


    Building upon a long history of spaceflight and ground based research, NASA's Combustion Science program has accumulated a significant body of accomplishments on the ISS. Historically, NASAs low-gravity combustion research program has sought: to provide a more complete understanding of the fundamental controlling processes in combustion by identifying simpler one-dimensional systems to eliminate the complex interactions between the buoyant flow and the energy feedback to the reaction zone to provide realistic simulation of the fire risk in manned spacecraft and to enable practical simulation of the gravitational environment experienced by reacting systems in future spacecraft. Over the past two decades, low-gravity combustion research has focused primarily on increasing our understanding of fundamental combustion processes (e.g. droplet combustion, soot, flame spread, smoldering, and gas-jet flames). This research program was highly successful and was aided by synergistic programs in Europe and in Japan. Overall improvements were made in our ability to model droplet combustion in spray combustors (e.g. jet engines), predict flame spread, predict soot production, and detect and prevent spacecraft fires. These results provided a unique dataset that supports both an active research discipline and also spacecraft fire safety for current and future spacecraft. These experiments have been conducted using the Combustion Integrated Rack (CIR), the Microgravity Science Glovebox and the Express Rack. In this paper, we provide an overview of the earlier space shuttle experiments, the recent ISS combustion experiments in addition to the studies planned for the future. Experiments in combustion include topics such as droplet combustion, gaseous diffusion flames, solid fuels, premixed flame studies, fire safety, and super critical oxidation processes.

  17. Actividad hidráulica de un cemento belítico obtenido a partir de cenizas volantes tipo C: influencia del aditivo y tipo de curado


    Goñi Elizalde, Sara; Guerrero Bustos, Ana María


    En este trabajo se discute la influencia del tipo de curado y de un aditivo reductor de la demanda de agua en la actividad hidráulica de un cemento belítico de cenizas volantes de alto contenido en cal denominado (CBCV-2-A). Este cemento ha sido sintetizado por una ruta húmeda hidrotermal con posterior calcinación, empleando ceniza volante de alto contenido en cal (ASTM tipo C) como materia prima. La actividad hidráulica se ha estudiado en la pasta de cemento, durante un periodo de 180 ...

  18. Experimental study of combustion and emission characteristics of ethanol fuelled port injected homogeneous charge compression ignition (HCCI) combustion engine

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Maurya, Rakesh Kumar; Agarwal, Avinash Kumar [Engine Research Laboratory, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, Kanpur 208 016 (India)


    The homogeneous charge compression ignition (HCCI) is an alternative combustion concept for in reciprocating engines. The HCCI combustion engine offers significant benefits in terms of its high efficiency and ultra low emissions. In this investigation, port injection technique is used for preparing homogeneous charge. The combustion and emission characteristics of a HCCI engine fuelled with ethanol were investigated on a modified two-cylinder, four-stroke engine. The experiment is conducted with varying intake air temperature (120-150 C) and at different air-fuel ratios, for which stable HCCI combustion is achieved. In-cylinder pressure, heat release analysis and exhaust emission measurements were employed for combustion diagnostics. In this study, effect of intake air temperature on combustion parameters, thermal efficiency, combustion efficiency and emissions in HCCI combustion engine is analyzed and discussed in detail. The experimental results indicate that the air-fuel ratio and intake air temperature have significant effect on the maximum in-cylinder pressure and its position, gas exchange efficiency, thermal efficiency, combustion efficiency, maximum rate of pressure rise and the heat release rate. Results show that for all stable operation points, NO{sub x} emissions are lower than 10 ppm however HC and CO emissions are higher. (author)

  19. Influencia del contacto precoz, nacionalidad, tipo de parto y prematuridad en la lactancia materna


    Ana Belén Laviña Castan


    Conocer si en el HUMS existe asociación entre lactancia materna y nacionalidad, prematuridad, tipo de parto, contacto precoz piel con piel. Estudio de cohortes, en una muestra de 541 puérperas del HUMS en octubre-noviembre 2011. Las variables: nacionalidad, tipo de parto, contacto precoz, parto prematuro e inicio lactancia materna se recogieron antes del alta hospitalaria mediante cuestionario. A los dos meses postparto se contactó telefónicamente con las madres para conocer el tipo de lactan...

  20. Materiais cerâmicos para células a combustível Ceramic materials for fuel cells

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    D. Z. de Florio


    Full Text Available A partir da definição de células a combustível, é feita uma introdução sucinta dos tipos de células e dos materiais cerâmicos que são empregados em projeto e fabricação destes dispositivos geradores de energia elétrica. Tomando por base a ampla literatura científica disponível em publicações periódicas internacionais indexadas e arbitradas, bem como patentes, são relatados com detalhes os materiais cerâmicos com comportamento elétrico adequado para uso como eletrólitos, anodos, catodos, interconectores e selantes, que são os componentes básicos de células a combustível de óxidos sólidos. Por fim, é feita uma avaliação do estado da arte na pesquisa e desenvolvimento de materiais cerâmicos para uso em células a combustível de óxidos sólidos.Basic definitions of fuel cells and a brief introduction of different types of fuel cells are given. A review of the most important ceramic materials being considered for the design and fabrication of devices for producing electrical energy is presented. Ceramic materials with suitable electrical behavior to be used as electrolytes, anodes, cathodes, interconnectors, and sealants of solid oxide fuel cells are reported with details, taking into account the large number of available indexed and refereed scientific publications and patents. Finally, an evaluation of the state of the art of the research and development of ceramic materials for solid oxide fuel cells is presented.

  1. Análise termodinâmica de um ciclo de potência com célula a combustível sofc e turbina a vapor - DOI: 10.4025/actascitechnol.v28i1.1287

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    Alexandre Sordi


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste artigo foi realizar a análise termodinâmica de um sistema híbrido, SOFC / ST (célula a combustível tipo SOFC e turbina a vapor ST. O combustível considerado para a análise foi o gás metano (biogás produzido por meio da digestão anaeróbica de resíduos orgânicos. A metodologia utilizada foi o balanço de energia do sistema SOFC / ST, considerando a reforma interna do metano na célula a combustível, de forma a obter a sua eficiência elétrica. O resultado foi comparado a um ciclo combinado convencional de turbina a gás e turbina a vapor (GT / ST para potências entre 10 MW e 30 MW. A eficiência do sistema híbrido SOFC / ST variou de 61% a 66% em relação ao poder calorífico do metano; e a eficiência do ciclo combinado GT / ST variou de 41% a 55% para o mesmo intervalo de potência. Para geração distribuída a célula a combustível SOFC é a tecnologia mais eficiente.

  2. Catalytically enhanced combustion process

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rodriguez, C.


    This patent describes a fuel having improved combustion efficiency. It comprises a petroleum based liquid hydrocarbon; and a combustion catalyst comprising from about 18 to about 21 weight percent naphthalene, from about 75 to about 80 weight percent toluene, and from about 2.8 to about 3.2 weight percent benzyl alcohol

  3. Impact of higher n-butanol addition on combustion and performance of GDI engine in stoichiometric combustion

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chen, Zheng; Yang, Feng; Xue, Shuo; Wu, Zhenkuo; Liu, Jingping


    Highlights: • Effects of 0–50% n-butanol addition on GDI engine are experimentally studied. • Higher n-butanol fractions increase combustion pressure and fasten burning rate. • Higher n-butanol fractions increase BSFC but improve BTE. • Higher n-butanol fractions enhance combustion stability but increase knock intensity. • Higher n-butanol fractions reduce exhaust temperature and NOx emissions. - Abstract: An experimental study was carried out on a turbocharged gasoline direct injection (GDI) engine fueled by n-butanol/gasoline blends. Effects of n-butanol percents (15%, 30%, and 50%) on combustion and performance of the engine operating on stoichiometric combustion condition were discussed and also compared with pure gasoline in this paper. The results indicate that n-butanol/gasoline blends increase combustion pressure and pressure rise rate, fasten burning rate, and shorten ignition delay and combustion duration, as compared to pure gasoline. Moreover, these trends are impacted more evidently with increased n-butanol fraction in the blends. In addition, higher n-butanol percent of gasoline blends increase combustion temperature but decrease the temperature in the later stage of expansion stroke, which contributes to the control of exhaust temperature at high-load. With regards to engine performance, higher n-butanol percent in the blends results in increased brake specific fuel consumption (BSFC) and higher brake thermal efficiency (BTE). However, higher n-butanol addition helps to improve combustion stability but shows slightly higher knock possibility in high-load. In that case, the knock trend could be weakened by retarding ignition timing. Moreover, higher n-butanol addition significantly decreases NOx emissions, but it increases CO emissions obviously.

  4. Spray combustion of Jet-A and diesel fuels in a constant volume combustion chamber

    KAUST Repository

    Jing, Wei; Roberts, William L.; Fang, Tiegang


    This work investigates the spray combustion of Jet-A fuel in an optical constant-volume combustion chamber under different ambient initial conditions. Ambient temperature was varied at 800 K, 1000 K, and 1200 K and five different ambient O2

  5. Estudio del fenotipo de haptoglobinas en pacientes con diabetes mellitus tipo 1, en Lima, Perú


    Arias, Clever; Inga, Miriam; Oré, Raquel; Zapata, Luis; Aquije, Carmen


    Objetivos: Determinar el fenotipo de haptoglobina -1/1, 1/2 y 2/2- predominante en una muestra de 36 pacientes con diabetes mellitus tipo I (DM tipo I). Diseño: Observacional con sistema de medición, descriptivo. Institución: Centro de Investigación de Bioquímica y Nutrición, Facultad de Medicina, UNMSM. Participantes: Pacientes con diagnóstico de diabetes mellitus tipo I Intervenciones: En 36 pacientes con diagnóstico de diabetes mellitus tipo I, se realizó medidas antropométricas, evaluacio...


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    Zilene Moreira Pereira


    Full Text Available The study investigates elementary students’ perception of the species Achatina fulica (African snail and the risks this mollusc may pose to the population of Barra do Piraí – in the state of Rio de Janeiro. The research involved questionnaires, focus groups and field observations, besides A. fulica specimens parasitological analysis. The results indicated the presence of snails infected with nematodes of medical and veterinary interest in the locality. The students have a negative perception of the snail, and there is great difference between their perceptions and scientific knowledge. Based on the contributions of the perceptions study and of Meaningful Learning Theory, guidelines are suggested so that strategies for teaching the content regarding the African snail at school environment can be developed.

  7. Tipos do Herbário Prisco Bezerra - EAC

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    Maria Stela Bezerra da Silva


    Full Text Available Com o presente trabalho pretende-se contribuir para a divulgação dos tipos do Herbário Prisco Bezerra - EAC. Um levantamento realizado no acervo do Herbário revelou o registro de dez tipos. Sete deles pertencentes à família Leguminosae distribuídas entre as subfamilias Caesalpinioideae: Peltogyne crenulata, Sentia dardanoi, Moldenhawera acuminata, Chamaecrista duckeana, Papilionoideae: Aeschynomene monteiroi, Cranocarpus gracilis e Mimosoideae: Mimosa niomarlei; dois, pertencentes à família Erythroxylaceae. As espécies Erythroxylum tianguanum e Erythroxylum bezerrae e um à família Euphorbiaceae: Dalechampia fernandesii recentemente descrita por G. Webster. Os tipos são apresentados na seqüência das indicações: nome das famílias, seguido do epíteto específico, habitat, com a transferência de todas as informações mencionadas na ficha de exsicata do material, bem como, a fotografia correspondente. Citam-se também alguns aspectos característicos das espécies, para melhor visualização dos detalhes fotográficos.The present paper repasts the type specimens in the Herbário Prisco Bezerra (University of Ceará. The Herbário has ten type, of which seven are Leguminosae: Peltoqyne crenulata, Senna dardanoi, Moldenhawera acuminata Chamaecrista duckeana, Aeschynomene monteiroi, Cranocarpus gracilis, Mimosa niomarlei, two the Erythroxylaceae: Erythroxylum tianquanum and Erythroxylum bezerrae and one Euphorbiaceae: Dalechampia fernandesii. Additional informations for these exsicata is presented.

  8. Experimental study on the influence of oxygen content in the combustion air on the combustion characteristics

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bělohradský, Petr; Skryja, Pavel; Hudák, Igor


    This study was focused on the experimental investigation of the very promising combustion technology called as the oxygen-enhanced combustion (OEC), which uses the oxidant containing higher proportion of oxygen than in the atmospheric air, i.e. more than 21%. The work investigated and compared the characteristics of two OEC methods, namely the premix enrichment and air-oxy/fuel combustion, when the overall oxygen concentration was varied from 21% to 46%. The combustion tests were performed with the experimental two-gas-staged burner of low-NO x type at the burner thermal input of 750 kW for two combustion regimes – one-staged and two-staged combustion. The oxygen concentration in the flue gas was maintained in the neighborhood of 3% vol. (on dry basis). The aim of tests was to assess the impact of the oxidant composition, type of OEC method and fuel-staging on the characteristic combustion parameters in detail. The investigated parameters included the concentration of nitrogen oxides (NO x ) in the flue gas, flue gas temperature, heat flux to the combustion chamber wall, and lastly the stability, shape and dimensions of flame. It was observed that NO x emission is significantly lower when the air-oxy/fuel method is used compared to the premix enrichment method. Moreover, when the fuel was staged, NO x emission was below 120 mg/Nm 3 at all investigated oxygen flow rates. Increasing oxygen concentration resulted in higher heating intensity due to higher concentrations of CO 2 and H 2 O. The available heat at 46% O 2 was higher by 20% compared with that at 21% O 2 . - Highlights: • Premix-enrichment and air-oxy/fuel combustion methods were experimentally studied. • NO x increased sharply as oxygen concentration increased during PE tests. • NO x was below 120 mg/Nm 3 for all investigated oxygen flow rates in AO tests. • Radiative heat transfer was enhanced ca. 20% as O 2 concentration was increased. • OEC flames were observed stable, more luminous and


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    Amanda Macedo Facirolli


    Full Text Available Normal 0 21 false false false PT-BR X-NONE X-NONE MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 /* Style Definitions */ table.MsoNormalTable {mso-style-name:"Tabela normal"; mso-tstyle-rowband-size:0; mso-tstyle-colband-size:0; mso-style-noshow:yes; mso-style-priority:99; mso-style-qformat:yes; mso-style-parent:""; mso-padding-alt:0cm 5.4pt 0cm 5.4pt; mso-para-margin:0cm; mso-para-margin-bottom:.0001pt; mso-pagination:widow-orphan; font-size:11.0pt; font-family:"Calibri","sans-serif"; mso-ascii-font-family:Calibri; mso-ascii-theme-font:minor-latin; mso-fareast-font-family:"Times New Roman"; mso-fareast-theme-font:minor-fareast; mso-hansi-font-family:Calibri; mso-hansi-theme-font:minor-latin; mso-bidi-font-family:"Times New Roman"; mso-bidi-theme-font:minor-bidi;} Objetivou-se com este trabalho avaliar o crescimento inicial de genótipos de pinhão manso reproduzidos via propagação assexuada. O experimento constitui-se de dezoito tratamentos (dezoito genótipos de pinhão manso dispostos em blocos casualizados, com quatro repetições. Avaliou-se altura de planta, diâmetro de colmo, índice de pegamento, número de hastes, número de cachos, e índice de clorofila por planta. Houve significância da interação entre os genótipos, ao nível de 1% de probabilidade para todas as características avaliadas. Os genótipo 1, 4, e 17 mostraram-se superiores sobre os demais pois apresentaram maiores número de hastes e de cachos por planta, maior diâmetro do colmo, índice de pegamento e maior índice de clorofila, podendo ser apontados como genótipos promissores para futuros programas de melhoramento genéticos.

  10. Uso de Plantas com Fins Medicinais no Município de Barra – BA

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    Antonia Mirian Nogueira de Moura Guerra


    Full Text Available Este trabalho foi realizado no Assentamento de Reforma Agrária Sítio Novo, Barra–BA, objetivando conhecer as espécies medicinais e suas formas de uso adotadas pela população local. Entre Abril e Maio de 2015 foram realizadas entrevistas com aplicação de questionários estruturados. Todos os entrevistados fazem uso de plantas medicinais e cultivam alguma espécie em suas residências, usam as plantas por tradição familiar e por se tratar de um remédio natural  consomem principalmente quando estão doentes. Foram registradas 258 citações, nas quais foram relatadas a utilização de várias partes vegetais das 41 espécies, em 11 formas de preparo, com diferentes finalidades terapêuticas. As folhas e as cascas foram as partes mais utilizadas e os chás a principal forma de uso. As famílias Lamiaceae, Anacardiaceae, Myrtaceae e Rutaceae foram aquelas com maior representatividade e adoção medicinal. As espécies mais citadas foram a Cymbopogon citratus (Capim Santo – 15,5%, Lantana camara L. (Camará – 10,5%, Mentha sp.  (Hortelã Miúdo – 9,7%, Ocimum basilicum L. (Manjericão – 5,4% e Ruta graveolens L. (Arruda – 4,6% que corresponderam por 45,7% das citações. Entre as indicações terapêuticas citadas, destacam-se: doenças associadas ao sistema respiratório, indicações anti-inflamatórias, hipertensão, calmante e doenças associadas ao sistema digestivo. Nota-se que os moradores são detentores de um vasto conhecimento empírico relacionados à etnobotânica e as condições climáticas relacionadas ao manejo da flora da região e que o uso de plantas medicinais para fins terapêuticos é marcante, evidenciando que o uso popular de plantas medicinais está inserido significativamente nas esferas social e cultural dessa comunidade, o que assegurará a perpetuação dos costumes entre as próximas gerações.Use plants with medicinal purposes in Barra - BA MunicipalityAbstract: This work was carried out in the

  11. Combustion modeling in waste tanks

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mueller, C.; Unal, C.; Travis, J.R.; Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe


    This paper has two objectives. The first one is to repeat previous simulations of release and combustion of flammable gases in tank SY-101 at the Hanford reservation with the recently developed code GASFLOW-II. The GASFLOW-II results are compared with the results obtained with the HMS/TRAC code and show good agreement, especially for non-combustion cases. For combustion GASFLOW-II predicts a steeper pressure rise than HMS/TRAC. The second objective is to describe a so-called induction parameter model which was developed and implemented into GASFLOW-II and reassess previous calculations of Bureau of Mines experiments for hydrogen-air combustion. The pressure time history improves compared with the one-step model, and the time rate of pressure change is much closer to the experimental data

  12. Ignition and wave processes in combustion of solids

    CERN Document Server

    Rubtsov, Nickolai M; Alymov, Michail I


    This book focuses on the application of classical combustion theory to ignition and flame propagation in solid-solid and gas-solid systems. It presents experimental investigations in the areas of local ignition, filtration combustion, self-propagating high temperature synthesis and nanopowders protection. The authors highlight analytical formulas used in different areas of combustion in solids and propose an approach based on classical combustion theory. The book attempts to analyze the basic approaches to understanding of solid-solid and solid - gas combustion presented in contemporary literature in a unified approach based on classical combustion theory. .

  13. Effects of stepwise gas combustion on NOx generation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Woperane Seredi, A.; Szepesi, E.


    To decrease NO x emission from gas boilers, the combustion process of gas has been modified from continuous combustion to step-wise combustion. In this process the combustion temperature, the temperature peaks in the flame, the residence time of combustion products in the high-temperature zone and the oxygen partial pressure are changed advantageously. Experiments were performed using multistage burners, and the NO x emission was recorded. It was found that the air factor of the primary combustion space has a determining effect on the NO x reduction. (R.P.)

  14. Protótipo do primeiro interferômetro brasileiro - BDA (United States)

    Cecatto, J. R.; Fernandes, F. C. R.; Neri, J. A. C. F.; Bethi, N.; Felipini, N. S.; Madsen, F. R. H.; Andrade, M. C.; Soares, A. C.; Alonso, E. M. B., Sawant, H. S.


    A interferometria é uma poderosa ferramenta usada para investigar estruturas espaciais de fontes astrofísicas fornecendo uma riqueza de detalhes inatingível pelas técnicas convencionais de imageamento. Em particular, a interferometria com ondas de rádio abre o horizonte de conhecimento do Universo nesta ampla banda do espectro eletromagnético, que vai de cerca de 20 kHz até centenas de GHz já próximo ao infravermelho, e que está acessível a partir de instrumentos instalados em solo. Neste trabalho, apresentamos o interferômetro designado por Arranjo Decimétrico Brasileiro (BDA). Trata-se do primeiro interferômetro a ser desenvolvido no Brasil e América Latina que já está em operação na fase de protótipo. Apresentamos o desenvolvimento realizado até o momento, o sítio de instalação do instrumento, o protótipo e os principais resultados dos testes de sua operação, as perspectivas futuras e a ciência a ser desenvolvida com o instrumento nas fases II e III. Neste trabalho é dada ênfase ao desenvolvimento, testes de operação e principais resultados do protótipo. É discutida brevemente a ciência que pode ser feita com o instrumento. Tanto os detalhes técnicos quanto os principais parâmetros estimados para o instrumento nas próximas fases de desenvolvimento e o desempenho do protótipo serão publicados em breve.

  15. Fuel Combustion and Engine Performance | Transportation Research | NREL (United States)

    Fuel Combustion and Engine Performance Fuel Combustion and Engine Performance Photo of a gasoline emissions in advanced engine technologies. Photo by Dennis Schroeder, NREL NREL's combustion research and combustion and engine research activities include: Developing experimental and simulation research platforms

  16. Specifics of phytomass combustion in small experimental device (United States)

    Lenhard, Richard; Mičieta, Jozef; Jandačka, Jozef; Gavlas, Stanislav


    A wood pellet combustion carries out with high efficiency and comfort in modern pellet boilers. These facts help to increase the amount of installed pellet boilers in households. The combustion process quality depends besides the combustion conditions also on the fuel quality. The wood pellets, which don`t contain the bark and branches represent the highest quality. Because of growing pellet demand, an herbal biomass (phytomass), which is usually an agricultural by-product becomes economically attractive for pellet production. Although the phytomass has the net calorific value relatively slightly lower than the wood biomass, it is often significantly worse in view of the combustion process and an emission production. The combustion of phytomass pellets causes various difficulties in small heat sources, mainly due to a sintering of fuel residues. We want to avoid the ash sintering by a lowering of temperature in the combustion chamber below the ash sintering temperature of phytomass via the modification of a burner design. For research of the phytomass combustion process in the small boilers is constructed the experimental combustion device. There will investigate the impact of cooling intensity of the combustion chamber on the combustion process and emissions. Arising specific requirements from the measurement will be the basis for the design of the pellet burner and for the setting of operating parameters to the trouble-free phytomass combustion was guaranteed.

  17. Specifics of phytomass combustion in small experimental device

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    Lenhard Richard


    Full Text Available A wood pellet combustion carries out with high efficiency and comfort in modern pellet boilers. These facts help to increase the amount of installed pellet boilers in households. The combustion process quality depends besides the combustion conditions also on the fuel quality. The wood pellets, which don`t contain the bark and branches represent the highest quality. Because of growing pellet demand, an herbal biomass (phytomass, which is usually an agricultural by-product becomes economically attractive for pellet production. Although the phytomass has the net calorific value relatively slightly lower than the wood biomass, it is often significantly worse in view of the combustion process and an emission production. The combustion of phytomass pellets causes various difficulties in small heat sources, mainly due to a sintering of fuel residues. We want to avoid the ash sintering by a lowering of temperature in the combustion chamber below the ash sintering temperature of phytomass via the modification of a burner design. For research of the phytomass combustion process in the small boilers is constructed the experimental combustion device. There will investigate the impact of cooling intensity of the combustion chamber on the combustion process and emissions. Arising specific requirements from the measurement will be the basis for the design of the pellet burner and for the setting of operating parameters to the trouble-free phytomass combustion was guaranteed.

  18. Resgate vegetativo por alporquia de genótipos adultos de urucum (Bixa orellana L.

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    Nilton César Mantovani


    Full Text Available Este trabalho teve por objetivos avaliar a técnica de alporquia visando ao resgate vegetativo de genótipos de urucum (Bixa orellana L. e a obtenção de plantas fornecedoras de propágulos para processos de propagação clonal. Foram utilizadas dez plantas matrizes de urucum, com 12 anos de idade, obtidas partindo do cruzamento artificial entre os genótipos "Fruto Verde Piloso" X "Fruto Vermelho Liso". Os alporques foram realizados em ramos de 1 a 2 cm de diâmetro, utilizando-se como substrato uma mistura de vermiculita e musgo. Foi avaliado o efeito (1 do tipo de anelamento da casca dos ramos (total ou parcial, com 1 cm de comprimento, (2 do AIB (ácido indol-3-butírico a 0 e 4,92 mM aplicado em papel filtro e (3 do tipo de proteção dos alporques (filmes plásticos transparente ou preto ou tecido tencel, no enraizamento de alporque dos dez genótipos. A técnica de alporquia proporcionou o enraizamento de ramos dos dez genótipos avaliados, com eficiência variável de 20 a 100%, havendo efeito do genótipo sobre a frequência de enraizamento. A sobrevivência desses alporques foi de 100% após o plantio quando estes foram produzidos com anelamento total, tratados com AIB e protegidos com plástico transparente. Em casa de vegetação os alporques desenvolveram ramos partindo da brotação de gemas caulinares constituindo estoques de explantes apropriados para serem utilizados como estacas ou como fontes de segmentos nodais para a propagação in vitro desta espécie.

  19. Traveling-Wave Thermoacoustic Engines With Internal Combustion (United States)

    Weiland, Nathan Thomas; Zinn, Ben T.; Swift, Gregory William


    Thermoacoustic devices are disclosed wherein, for some embodiments, a combustion zone provides heat to a regenerator using a mean flow of compressible fluid. In other embodiments, burning of a combustible mixture within the combustion zone is pulsed in phase with the acoustic pressure oscillations to increase acoustic power output. In an example embodiment, the combustion zone and the regenerator are thermally insulated from other components within the thermoacoustic device.

  20. Air-assisted boom sprayer and spray deposition on bean plants Assistência de ar em barra de pulverização e a deposição da calda em feijoeiro

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    Fernando Cesar Bauer


    Full Text Available The development of safe pesticide application techniques with low volume rates, frequency and spray drift, along with the need to obtain better control level of crop pest control levels, justify the air-assistance in boom sprayers. The aim of this research was to evaluate the spray deposition on bean plants with different nozzles and volume rates by air-assisted and non-assisted sprayers. A completely randomized experiment was carried out using copper oxide as a tracer (50% metalic copper for deposit evaluation. The artificial targets were fixed on the upper and under-side of the leaflets, at the top and lower third of the same plants under the spray boom. After application, targets were washed individually with an extracting solution of nitric acid (1.0 mol L-1. The tracer deposition on the artificial targets was quantified by atomic absorption spectrofotometry. The effects of air-assisted spray were not significant in relation to spray deposition 48 days after emergence of the bean plants.A possibilidade do desenvolvimento de técnicas de aplicação de produtos fitossanitários mais seguras, com menores volumes de calda, número de aplicações e deriva, aliados à necessidade de se obter melhores níveis de controle dos agentes nocivos às plantas cultivadas, justificam o uso da assistência de ar junto à barra de pulverização. Com o objetivo de avaliar a deposição da pulverização na cultura do feijoeiro (Phaseolus vulgaris, em presença e ausência da assistência de ar junto à barra de pulverização, com diferentes pontas de pulverização e volumes de calda, foi conduzido um experimento em delineamento inteiramente casualizado, utilizando-se como traçador o óxido cuproso. Alvos artificiais (papel filtro com 3 x 3 cm foram afixados nas superfícies adaxial e abaxial de folíolos posicionados nos terços superior e inferior de plantas, selecionadas ao acaso, distribuídas perpendicularmente ao deslocamento do pulverizador. Ap

  1. Sulfur retention by ash during coal combustion. Part I. A model of char particle combustion

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    Full Text Available A model for the combustion of porous char particles as a basis for modeling the process of sulfur retention by ash during coal combustion is developed in this paper. The model belongs to the microscopic intrinsic models and describes the dynamic behavior of a porous char particle during comustion, taking into account temporal and spatial changes of all important physical properties of the char particle and various combustion parameters. The parametric analysis of the enhanced model shows that the model represents a good basis for the development of a model for the process of sulfur retention by ash during coal combustion. The model enables the prediction of the values of all parameters necessary for the introduction of reactions between sulfur compounds and mineral components in ash, primarily calcium oxide.

  2. The effect of insulated combustion chamber surfaces on direct-injected diesel engine performance, emissions, and combustion (United States)

    Dickey, Daniel W.; Vinyard, Shannon; Keribar, Rifat


    The combustion chamber of a single-cylinder, direct-injected diesel engine was insulated with ceramic coatings to determine the effect of low heat rejection (LHR) operation on engine performance, emissions, and combustion. In comparison to the baseline cooled engine, the LHR engine had lower thermal efficiency, with higher smoke, particulate, and full load carbon monoxide emissions. The unburned hydrocarbon emissions were reduced across the load range. The nitrous oxide emissions increased at some part-load conditions and were reduced slightly at full loads. The poor LHR engine performance was attributed to degraded combustion characterized by less premixed burning, lower heat release rates, and longer combustion duration compared to the baseline cooled engine.

  3. Código de barras del ADN y sus posibles aplicaciones en el campo de la Entomología DNA barcoding and its possible applications to the field of Entomology

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    Analía A. Lanteri


    Full Text Available En este artículo se abordan algunos aspectos de la controversia sobre la iniciativa «Código de barras del ADN», y se hace hincapié en sus potenciales aplicaciones en Entomología. Esta iniciativa propone emplear información dentro de una misma región génica (gen mitocondrial de la Citocromo c Oxidasa I = COI, en todas las especies vivientes y con condiciones de secuenciación universalmente aceptadas y estandarizadas. En la actualidad, no pretende sustituir la taxonomía alfa y la filogenia sino agilizar las tareas de identificación, especialmente en el campo de la Biomedicina (identificación de patógenos, parásitos y vectores, el control de plagas (intercepción de especies invasoras, cualquiera sea su estado de desarrollo ontogenético y los estudios sobre conservación de la biodiversidad. Para arribar a una correcta delimitación de las especies biológicas es preciso contar con las secuencias de COI de numerosos individuos a lo largo de todo su rango geográfico y además, secuencias de genes nucleares e información morfológica y biológica detallada. Las «Unidades Evolutivas Significativas», identificadas sobre la base del «código de barras», podrían corresponder tanto a morfoespecies como a especies crípticas y a subespecies o linajes con diferentes preferencias de huéspedes. La integración del «código de barras del ADN», el trabajo de campo, las colecciones de museos y la investigación científica resultan imprescindibles para que esta herramienta redunde en avances significativos en el campo de la Sistemática Entomológica.This article deals with some of the most controversial issues of the DNA barcode initiative, focusing on its potential applications to Entomology. The barcoding proposes using information within the same gene region (Cytocrome c Oxidase I= COI mitochondrial gene, in all living species and under standard conditions of sequencing. At present, it does not attempt to replace alpha taxonomy or

  4. Actividad hidráulica de un cemento belítico obtenido a partir de cenizas volantes tipo C: influencia del aditivo y tipo de curado


    Goñi, S.; Guerrero, A.


    En este trabajo se discute la influencia del tipo de curado y de un aditivo reductor de la demanda de agua en la actividad hidráulica de un cemento belítico de cenizas volantes de alto contenido en cal denominado (CBCV-2-A). Este cemento ha sido sintetizado por una ruta húmeda hidrotermal con posterior calcinación, empleando ceniza volante de alto contenido en cal (ASTM tipo C) como materia prima. La actividad hidráulica se ha estudiado en la pasta de cemento, durante un periodo de 180 días, ...

  5. Improved Economic Performance of Municipal Solid Waste Combustion Plants by Model Based Combustion Control

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Leskens, M.


    The combustion of municipal solid waste (MSW) is used for its inertisation, reduction of its volume and the conversion of its energy content into heat and/or electricity. Operation and control of modern large scale MSW combustion (MSWC) plants is determined by economic and environmental objectives

  6. Toxicology of Biodiesel Combustion products (United States)

    1. Introduction The toxicology of combusted biodiesel is an emerging field. Much of the current knowledge about biological responses and health effects stems from studies of exposures to other fuel sources (typically petroleum diesel, gasoline, and wood) incompletely combusted. ...

  7. Determinantes del tipo de cambio real en Colombia. Un modelo neokeynesiano

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    Moreno Rivas, Álvaro Martín


    Full Text Available Este artículo presenta un modelo de tipo de cambio real siguiendo los desarrollos de la escuela neokeynesiana. Se estima econométricamente de acuerdo con la metodología de la escuela inglesa de econometría. El modelo empírico incorpora una dinámica interesante y respeta las restricciones de equilibrio de largo plazo entre el tipo de cambio real y los fundamentales macroeconómicos. Se encuentra que el ritmo de apreciación o depreciación del tipo de cambio real está determinado por los cambios en los términos de intercambio, la apertura de la economía, los flujos de capitales y la aceleración de la devaluación nominal. El incremento del gasto público no es significativo a los niveles convencionales de confianza estadística. Finalmente se evalúa si la devaluación cumple con los requisitos de exogeneidad débil, exogeneidad fuerte y superexogeneidad.

  8. Fabrication and Testing of Prototype APM-Clad UO{sub 2} Fuel Elements; Fabrication et essai de prototypes de cartouches de combustible en bioxyde d'uranium gaine d'aluminium (APM); Izgotovlenie i ispytanie prototipa toplivnykh ehlementov na osnove UO{sub 2} s obolochkoj iz alyuminiya metodom poroshkovoj metallurgii; Elaboracion y ensayo de elementos combustibles prototipo de UO{sub 2} con revestimiento de aluminio sinterizado

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ballif, III, J. L.; Friske, W. H.; Gordon, R. B. [Atomics International, Canoga Park, California (United States)


    compatibilidad entre el material PMA y el UO{sub 2} . De estos trabajos, se deduce que, en las condiciones actuales, el metodo de union eutectica es el mas adecuado para cerrar los extremos de los revestimientos; con la compresion vibratoria, se obtuvieron densidades del combustible del orden del 80 al 88% del valor teorico, y no se produjo reaccion alguna entre el material PMA y el UO{sub 2} en el intervalo de temperaturas de funcionamiento del POPR (temperatura maxima de 850{sup o}F en la superficie de separacion entre el combustible y el revestimiento). Como resultado de estos trabajos, se han elaborado cinco elementos combustibles prototipo de UO{sub 2}, revestido con material PMA, para ensayarlos en el reactor experimental de moderador organico (OMRE). Cada elemento esta compuesto por 24 o 25 barras de combustible revestidas de material PMA, dispuestas en grupos de 5 x 5 en una caja para combustible de acero niquelado o de material PMA. Con el proposito de aumentar la superficie, el revestimiento extruido de material PMA lleva ocho aletas dispuestas en espiral con un paso de 45 o 90{sup o}/pie , cuya funcion es mejorar la transmision de calor. Los cierres de los extremos de las barras de combustible se han realizado por union eutectica de tapones de aluminio plateado a los tubos de material PMA. Los elementos combustibles estan dotados de instrumentos para: 1 . Medir las temperaturas de la superficie del revestimiento y del refrigerante; 2. Detectar defectos de las barras de combustible; 3 . Modificar la velocidad del refrigerante (como medio para obtener una temperatura maxima de la superficie del revestimiento de 850{sup o}F); 4. Medir la velocidad del refrigerante; 5. Medir la acumulacion de gases de fision. Dichos elementos se instalaron en e l reactor OMRE con el proposito de obtener grados de combustion de 25 000 a 30 000 MWd/t de uranio. El 1- de abril de 1963 habian alcanzado grados de combustion acumulativos que oscilaban entre 7700 y 12 000 MWd/t de uranio. Dos de

  9. Producer for vegetal combustibles for internal-combustion motors

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)


    A producer is described for internal-combustion motors fed with wood or agricultural byproducts characterized by the fact that its full operation is independent of the degree of wetness of the material used.

  10. Investigation of bluff-body micro-flameless combustion

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hosseini, Seyed Ehsan; Wahid, Mazlan Abdul


    Highlights: • The temperature uniformity of the micro-flameless combustion increases when a triangular bluff-body is applied. • The velocity and temperature of exhaust gases are higher in micro-flameless combustion compared to the conventional mode. • The rate of fuel–oxidizer consumption in micro-flameless mode is lower than conventional micro-combustion. - Abstract: Characteristics of lean premixed conventional micro-combustion and lean non-premixed flameless regime of methane/air are investigated in this paper by solving three-dimensional governing equations. At moderate equivalence ratio (∅ = 0.5), standard k–ε and the eddy-dissipation concept are employed to simulate temperature distribution and combustion stability of these models. The effect of bluff-body on the temperature distribution of both conventional and flameless mode is developed. The results show that in the premixed conventional micro-combustion the stability of the flame is increased when a triangular bluff-body is applied. Moreover, micro-flameless combustion is more stable when bluff-body is used. Micro-flameless mode with bluff-body and 7% O 2 concentration (when N 2 is used as diluent) illustrated better performance than other cases. The maximum temperature in premixed conventional micro-combustion and micro-flameless combustion was recorded 2200 K and 1520 K respectively. Indeed, the flue gas temperature of conventional mode and flameless combustion was 1300 K and 1500 K respectively. The fluctuation of temperature in the conventional micro-combustor wall has negative effects on the combustor and reduces the lifetime of micro-combustor. However, in the micro-flameless mode, the wall temperature is moderate and uniform. The rate of fuel–oxidizer consumption in micro-flameless mode takes longer time and the period of cylinders recharging is prolonged

  11. Numerical analysis on the combustion and emission characteristics of forced swirl combustion system for DI diesel engines

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Su, LiWang; Li, XiangRong; Zhang, Zheng; Liu, FuShui


    Highlights: • A new combustion system named FSCS for DI diesel engines was proposed. • Fuel/air mixture formation was improved for the application of FSCS. • The FSCS showed a good performance on emission characteristics. - Abstract: To optimize the fuel/air mixture formation and improve the environmental effect of direct injection (DI) diesel engines, a new forced swirl combustion system (FSCS) was proposed concerned on unique design of the geometric shape of the combustion chamber. Numerical simulation was conducted to verify the combustion and emission characteristics of the engines with FSCS. The fuel/air diffusion, in-cylinder velocity distribution, turbulent kinetic energy and in-cylinder temperature distribution were analyzed and the results shown that the FSCS can increase the area of fuel/air diffusion and improve the combustion. The diesel engine with FSCS also shown excellent performance on emission. At full load condition, the soot emission was significantly reduced for the improved fuel/air mixture formation. There are slightly difference for the soot and NO emission between the FSCS and the traditional omega combustion system at lower load for the short penetration of the fuel spray

  12. Combustion & Laser Diagnostics Research Complex (CLDRC) (United States)

    Federal Laboratory Consortium — Description: The Combustion and Laser Diagnostics Research Complex (CLRDC) supports the experimental and computational study of fundamental combustion phenomena to...

  13. Análisis del amortiguamiento de oscilaciones de baja frecuencia para un sistema de potencia multimáquina = Analysis of low frequency oscillations damping in electrical power systems.


    Díaz Vanegas, Oscar Emilio


    En este trabajo se presenta un estudio del amortiguamiento de oscilaciones de baja frecuencia en sistemas eléctricos de potencia, basado en un análisis de estabilidad de pequeña señal. Se han considerado los sistemas de control de tensión de las máquinas síncronas así como modelos estáticos y dinámicos de carga y un controlador FACTS tipo shunt (Static Var Compensator) en una barra PQ. Se desarrolló un paquete de simulación usando MatLab®, el cual calcula los valores propios de la matriz de e...

  14. Gráficas y tablas estadísticas en la prueba de selección universitaria chilena


    Díaz-Levicoy, Danilo; Parraguez, Rafael; Sánchez, Juan C.


    En este artículo presentamos los resultados de un análisis de las preguntas en las que intervienen gráficos y tablas de la sección de estadística y probabilidad en los facsímiles de la Prueba de Selección Universitaria (PSU) en los procesos de admisión 2005 al 2015. La metodología seguida en esta investigación es de tipo cualitativa, descriptiva y mediante análisis de contenido. Dentro de los resultados se destacan un predominio de tablas estadísticas, gráficos de barras, nivel de lectura “le...

  15. Incidência de tripes em genótipos de cebola

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    Paulo Antonio de Souza Gonçalves


    Full Text Available Os objetivos deste estudo foram avaliar a incidência de tripes em genótipos de cebola, verificar sua correlação com o teor de clorofila, arquitetura e coloração foliar, e produtividade. O experimento foi conduzido na Epagri, Estação Experimental de Ituporanga, SC, Brasil, na safra de 2015. O número de genótipos comerciais ou em desenvolvimento avaliados foi 48, sendo doze híbridos e 36 de polinização livre. A incidência de tripes foi semelhante na maioria dos genótipos. As exceções foram os híbridos precoces Roxa 10039 e 10160, que apresentaram menores notas de incidência que RDW Luthy e Conesul. A arquitetura foliar mais aberta associada com a cor verde clara favoreceu uma menor incidência de tripes. Os cultivares de polinização livre e com origem no programa de melhoramento da Epagri (Superprecoce-Agroecológica, Bola Precoce-Agroecológica, Juporanga-Agroecológica, Valessul, Bola Suprema e Crioula Alto Vale foram os mais produtivos.

  16. Tipos de tirano y resistencia en Francisco Suárez

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    Pablo Font Oporto


    Full Text Available El presente artículo pretende analizar la discusión que Francisco Suárez mantiene con las tesis contrarias a la distinción entre tipos de tirano en la cuestión del tiranicidio (Defensio fidei, Libro VI, capítulo IV, números 10-13. Para esta visión no le es lícito a una persona privada matar a ninguno de los dos tipos de tirano; sólo es posible darles muerte en legítima defensa, porque se entiende que en tal caso se actúa en ejercicio de autoridad pública. Suárez acaba admitiendo esta tesis en el número 13, lo que parece contradecirse con lo sostenido en el número 7, donde se aceptaba la muerte del usurpador por cualquier particular. Sin embargo, en el fondo mantiene la diferencia entre ambos tipos de tirano, por cuanto que en el caso del usurpador sostiene que siempre se dan las condiciones para alegar legítima defensa. Queda sin aclarar qué ocurre en tal caso con las condiciones dispuestas en los números 8 y 9.

  17. The rheodynamics and combustion of coal-water mixtures

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Burdukov, A.P.; Popov, V.I.; Tomilov, V.G.; Fedosenko, V.D. [Russian Academy of Science, Novosibirsk (Russian Federation). Inst. of Thermophysics (Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Science)


    Investigation methods for characteristics of movement along the tubes, combustion dynamics and gasification of separate drops were developed for the coal-water mixtures (CWM). The following parameters were determined on the basis of laser heating: thermometric, pyrometric and concentration dynamics of single-drop combustion, complete combustion times, duration of temperature phases of combustion, as well as the moment and temperature of ignition. Information on the combustion mass velocity and gasification products was also obtained using laser heating. 6 refs., 13 figs., 1 tab.

  18. Comparação de parâmetros de crescimento e de desenvolvimento de dois biótipos de arroz vermelho com genótipos de arroz irrigado Growth and developmental of red and pad rice genotypes

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    Nereu Augusto Streck


    Full Text Available Caracterizar o crescimento e desenvolvimento de biótipos de arroz vermelho pode ajudar no seu controle e no melhoramento para aumentar a competitividade do arroz cultivado com esta planta daninha. O objetivo deste trabalho foi quantificar parâmetros de crescimento e desenvolvimento de dois biótipos de arroz vermelho e compará-los com genótipos de arroz irrigado. Desenvolveu-se um experimento de campo em Santa Maria (RS, durante o ano agrícola 2004/2005 com cinco épocas de semeadura. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi o inteiramente casualizado com quatro repetições no esquema bifatorial (genótipos e épocas de semeadura. A unidade experimental foi um balde de 12 litros com dez plantas. Os genótipos utilizados foram: IRGA 421, IRGA 416, IRGA 417, IRGA 420, BR-IRGA 409, BRS 7 TAIM e EPAGRI 109 (tipo moderno, EEA 406 (tipo tradicional, um híbrido, arroz vermelho casca amarela com arista (AVCAA e arroz vermelho casca preta com arista (AVCPA. A data dos principais estágios de desenvolvimento da escala de COUNCE, área foliar, comprimento de panícula, estatura de planta, filocrono, número final de folhas no colmo principal e perfilhamento foram avaliados em cinco plantas por balde. Nos biótipos de arroz vermelho geralmente observa-se ciclo de desenvolvimento médio em relação aos genótipos cultivados, sendo o biótipo AVCAA de ciclo mais longo que o biótipo AVCPA. Os biótipos de arroz vermelho tiveram área foliar, estatura, panícula e filocrono maiores que os genótipos modernos de arroz. O perfilhamento dos biótipos de arroz vermelho foi variável e dependente da época de semeadura.The characterization growth and development of red rice biotypes may help controll strategies, the enhancement of competitiveness of cultivated rice with this weed and breeding programs. The objective of this is study was to quantity some growth and development parameters of two red rice biotypes as compared to irrigated genotypes. A field

  19. Avaliação da acurácia de uma barra de luz utilizada na agricultura de precisão, em relação ao marcador de espuma Evaluation of the accuracy of a light bar used in precision farming compared to a foam marker

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    Fábio H. R. Baio


    Full Text Available Alguns equipamentos utilizados na agricultura de precisão têm, por finalidade, a melhoria das condições operacionais. A barra de luz é um equipamento utilizado para a orientação de um veículo em faixas adjacentes, diminuindo a sobreposição da operação agrícola entre passadas consecutivas e otimizando a eficiência da aplicação agrícola. O presente trabalho teve por objetivo a determinação da acurácia da barra de luz em relação ao marcador de espuma e a verificação da adaptação dos operadores à nova tecnologia. Para tanto, foram realizados dois ensaios em locais distintos, com operadores diferentes e foram comparados os erros de sobreposição e falhas nas passadas adjacentes de um pulverizador automotriz. Ocorreu alta adaptação dos operadores à nova tecnologia, devido a uma facilidade operacional maior em relação ao marcador de espuma. Concluiu-se que o marcador de espuma pode ser substituído pela barra de luz na aplicação de defensivos agrícolas.Some equipments are used in precision farming to improve operational conditions. A light bar is an equipment used to guide a vehicle in adjacent bands, reducing the overlap of the parallel swathing and optimizing the efficiency of the agricultural application. The objective of this work was to determine the accuracy of a light bar compared to a foam marker, and to verify the adaptation of the operators to this new technology. Experiments were conducted at two different places with several operators. The overlap errors and missed applications in the parallel swathing system were compared for both systems. There was a high adaptability of the operators to the light bar since this system was easier to operate than the foam marker. It was concluded that the light bar for the application of agricultural chemicals could replace the foam marker.

  20. Bifurcation, pattern formation and chaos in combustion

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bayliss, A.; Matkowsky, B.J.


    In this paper problems in gaseous combustion and in gasless condensed phase combustion are studied both analytically and numerically. In gaseous combustion we consider the problem of a flame stabilized on a line source of fuel. The authors find both stationary and pulsating axisymmetric solutions as well as stationary and pulsating cellular solutions. The pulsating cellular solutions take the form of either traveling waves or standing waves. Transitions between these patterns occur as parameters related to the curvature of the flame front and the Lewis number are varied. In gasless condensed phase combustion both planar and nonplanar problems are studied. For planar condensed phase combustion we consider two models: accounts for melting and does not. Both models are shown to exhibit a transition from uniformly to pulsating propagating combustion when a parameter related to the activation energy is increased. Upon further increasing this parameter both models undergo a transition to chaos: by intermittency and by a period doubling sequence. In nonplanar condensed phase combustion the nonlinear development of a branch of standing wave solutions is studied and is shown to lead to relaxation oscillations and subsequently to a transition to quasi-periodicity

  1. Fundamentals of Turbulent and Multi-Phase Combustion

    CERN Document Server

    Kuo, Kenneth Kuan-yun


    Detailed coverage of advanced combustion topics from the author of Principles of Combustion, Second Edition Turbulence, turbulent combustion, and multiphase reacting flows have become major research topics in recent decades due to their application across diverse fields, including energy, environment, propulsion, transportation, industrial safety, and nanotechnology. Most of the knowledge accumulated from this research has never been published in book form-until now. Fundamentals of Turbulent and Multiphase Combustion presents up-to-date, integrated coverage of the fundamentals of turbulence

  2. An Assessment of Combustion Dynamics in a Low-Nox, Second-Generation Swirl-Venturi Lean Direct Injection Combustion Concept (United States)

    Tacina, K. M.; Chang, C. T.; Lee, P.; Mongia, H.; Podboy, D. P.; Dam, B.


    Dynamic pressure measurements were taken during flame-tube emissions testing of three second-generation swirl-venturi lean direct injection (SV-LDI) combustor configurations. These measurements show that combustion dynamics were typically small. However, a small number of points showed high combustion dynamics, with peak-to-peak dynamic pressure fluctuations above 0.5 psi. High combustion dynamics occurred at low inlet temperatures in all three SV-LDI configurations, so combustion dynamics were explored further at low temperature conditions. A point with greater than 1.5 psi peak-to-peak dynamic pressure fluctuations was identified at an inlet temperature of 450!F, a pressure of 100 psia, an air pressure drop of 3%, and an overall equivalence ratio of 0.35. This is an off design condition: the temperature and pressure are typical of 7% power conditions, but the equivalence ratio is high. At this condition, the combustion dynamics depended strongly on the fuel staging. Combustion dynamics could be reduced significantly without changing the overall equivalence ratio by shifting the fuel distribution between stages. Shifting the fuel distribution also decreased NOx emissions.

  3. Assessment of Literature Related to Combustion Appliance Venting Systems

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Rapp, V. H.; Less, B. D.; Singer, B. C.; Stratton, J. C.; Wray, C. P.


    In many residential building retrofit programs, air tightening to increase energy efficiency is often constrained by safety concerns with naturally vented combustion appliances. Tighter residential buildings more readily depressurize when exhaust equipment is operated, making combustion appliances more prone to backdraft or spill combustion exhaust into the living space. Several measures, such as installation guidelines, vent sizing codes, and combustion safety diagnostics, are in place with the intent to prevent backdrafting and combustion spillage, but the diagnostics conflict and the risk mitigation objective is inconsistent. This literature review summarizes the metrics and diagnostics used to assess combustion safety, documents their technical basis, and investigates their risk mitigations. It compiles information from the following: codes for combustion appliance venting and installation; standards and guidelines for combustion safety diagnostics; research evaluating combustion safety diagnostics; research investigating wind effects on building depressurization and venting; and software for simulating vent system performance.

  4. Flow and Combustion in Advanced Gas Turbine Combustors

    CERN Document Server

    Janicka, Johannes; Schäfer, Michael; Heeger, Christof


    With regard to both the environmental sustainability and operating efficiency demands, modern combustion research has to face two main objectives, the optimization of combustion efficiency and the reduction of pollutants. This book reports on the combustion research activities carried out within the Collaborative Research Center (SFB) 568 “Flow and Combustion in Future Gas Turbine Combustion Chambers” funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG). This aimed at designing a completely integrated modeling and numerical simulation of the occurring very complex, coupled and interacting physico-chemical processes, such as turbulent heat and mass transport, single or multi-phase flows phenomena, chemical reactions/combustion and radiation, able to support the development of advanced gas turbine chamber concepts.

  5. Reducing emissions from diesel combustion

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    This paper contains information dealing with engine design to reduce emissions and improve or maintain fuel economy. Topics include: Observation of High Pressure Fuel Spray with Laser Light Sheet Method; Determination of Engine Cylinder Pressures from Crankshaft Speed Fluctuations; Combustion Similarity for Different Size Diesel Engines: Theoretical Prediction and Experimental Results; Prediction of Diesel Engine Particulate Emission During Transient Cycles; Characteristics and Combustibility of Particulate Matter; Dual-Fuel Diesel Engine Using Butane; Measurement of Flame Temperature Distribution in D.I. Diesel Engine with High Pressure Fuel Injection: and Combustion in a Small DI Diesel Engine at Starting

  6. Mechanisms and characteristics of silicon combustion in nitrogen

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Mukasian, A.S.; Martynenko, V.M.; Merzhanov, A.G.; Borovinskaia, I.P.; Blinov, M.IU.


    An experimental study is made of the principal characteristics of combustion in the system silicon-nitrogen associated with phase transitions of the first kind (silicon melting and silicon nitride dissociation). Concepts of the combustion mechanism are developed on the basis of elementary models of combustion of the second kind and filtering combustion theory. In particular, it is shown that, in the pressure range studied (10-20 MPa), filtering does not limit the combustion process. Details of the experimental procedure and results are presented. 22 references.

  7. Review of Membrane Oxygen Enrichment for Efficient Combustion (United States)

    Ariono, Danu; Kusuma Wardani, Anita


    Oxygen enrichment from air is a simple way of increasing the efficiency of combustion process, as in oxy-combustion. Oxy-combustion has become one of the most attracting combustion technologies because of its potential to address both pollutant reduction and CO2 capture. In oxy-combustion, the fuel and recycled flue gas are combusted with oxygen enriched air (OEA). By using OEA, many benefits can be obtained, such as increasing available heat, improving ignition characteristics, flue gas reduction, increasing productivity, energy efficiency, turndown ratio, and flame stability. Membrane-based gas separation for OEA production becomes an attractive technology over the conventional technology due to the some advantages, including low capital cost, low energy consumption, compact size, and modularity. A single pass through membrane usually can enrich O2 concentration in the air up to 35% and a 50% concentration can be achieved with a double pass of membrane. The use of OEA in the combustion process eliminates the presence of nitrogen in the flue gas. Hence, the flue gas is mainly composed of CO2 and condensable water that can be easily separated. This paper gives an overview of oxy-combustion with membrane technology for oxygen enrichment process. Special attention is given to OEA production and the effect of OEA to the efficiency of combustion.

  8. Propiedades y aplicaciones de piezocomposites tipo címbalo

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    Ochoa, P.


    Full Text Available The metal-ceramic composite actuators, moonies and cymbals consist in capped piezoceramic disks with metallic endcaps having cavities inside. These cavities favour the amplification of direct and reverse piezoelectric effects. These actuators fill the gap between high displacement low generative force bimorph actuators and low displacement high generative force multilayer ceramic actuators. The moonie actuator can give displacements greater than 100 mm, maximum generative force of 3N to several N´s, response time of 20 to 100 ms, and low fatigue test response for more than 107 cycles. Cymbals actuators shows twice as big as displacement than moonie for the studied size, much higher generative force and the possibility to avoid the temperature dependence of the displacement for selected materials. Properties of cymbal actuators can be tailored trough the selection of materials. Also, cymbal actuators can be tuned to adopt different resonance frequencies.

    Los composites metal-cerámica tipo luna y címbalo consisten en discos piezoeléctricos encapsulados con cápsulas metálicas que poseen una cavidad. Esta cavidad favorece la amplificación de los efectos piezoeléctricos directo e inverso. Estos actuadores llenan el escalón entre actuadores multicapa, con desplazamientos pequeños y fuerzas generativas elevadas, y actuadores bimorfos, con desplazamientos grandes y fuerzas generativas pequeñas. El actuador tipo luna alcanza desplazamientos de más de 100mm, fuerzas generativas máximas de hasta varios N´s, tiempos de respuesta desde 20 hasta 100ms, y baja respuesta en ensayos de fatiga a más de 107 ciclos. Los actuadores tipo címbalo muestran desplazamientos dos veces mayores que los obtenidos con actuadores tipo luna para el mismo tamaño, fuerzas generativas mucho mayores y la posibilidad de eliminar la dependencia del desplazamiento con la temperatura mediante selección de los materiales. Además poseen unas caracter

  9. Relación del peso máximo con la fuerza aplicada y la potencia producida en un test creciente, en el ejercicio de press de banca plano con barra libre, en levantadores


    Naclerio Ayllón, Fernando; Jiménez Gutiérrez, Alfonso; Forte Fernández, Daniel; Benito Peinado, Pedro J.


    Se evaluaron 9 levantadores que realizaron 2 test, en el ejercicio de press de banca plano con barra libre. Un test progresivo con pesos ligeros a máximos (TPR), y el test de una máxima repetición (1 MRD). Se midió la fuerza (f), velocidad (v) y potencia (p) con cada peso movilizado, se determinó el máximo peso desplazado en una única repetición (1 MR). Se observaron correlaciones significativas entre el valor de la 1 MR obtenida en el test de 1 MRPr y el de 1 MRD, entre la potencia máxima (a...

  10. 14 CFR 25.833 - Combustion heating systems. (United States)


    ... 14 Aeronautics and Space 1 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Combustion heating systems. 25.833 Section... AIRWORTHINESS STANDARDS: TRANSPORT CATEGORY AIRPLANES Design and Construction Ventilation and Heating § 25.833 Combustion heating systems. Combustion heaters must be approved. [Amdt. 25-72, 55 FR 29783, July 20, 1990...

  11. Chemistry and radiation in oxy-fuel combustion

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Yin, Chungen; Rosendahl, Lasse; Kær, Søren Knudsen


    In order to investigate the role of combustion chemistry and radiation heat transfer in oxy-fuel combustion modeling, a computational fluid dynamics (CFD) modeling study has been performed for two different oxy-fuel furnaces. One is a lab-scale 0.8MW oxy-natural gas flame furnace whose detailed in....... Among the key issues in combustion modeling, e.g., mixing, radiation and chemistry, this paper derives useful guidelines on radiation and chemistry implementation for reliable CFD analyses of oxy-fuel combustion, particularly for industrial applications....

  12. FY 1994 annual report. Advanced combustion science utilizing microgravity

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    Researches on combustion in microgravity were conducted to develop combustion devices for advanced combustion techniques, and thereby to cope with the requirements for diversification of energy sources and abatement of environmental pollution by exhaust gases. This project was implemented under the research cooperation agreement with US's NASA, and the Japanese experts visited NASA's test facilities. NASA's Lewis Research Center has drop test facilities, of which the 2.2-sec drop test facilities are useful for researches by Japan. The cooperative research themes for combustion in microgravity selected include interactions between fuel droplets, high-pressure combustion of binary fuel sprays, and ignition and subsequent flame propagation in microgravity. An ignition test equipment, density field measurement equipment and flame propagation test equipment were constructed in Japan to conduct the combustion tests in microgravity for, e.g., combustion and evaporation of fuel droplets, combustion characteristics of liquid fuels mixed with solid particles, combustion of coal/oil mixture droplets, and estimating flammability limits. (NEDO)

  13. Sodium nitrate combustion limit tests

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Beitel, G.A.


    Sodium nitrate is a powerful solid oxidant. Energetically, it is capable of exothermically oxidizing almost any organic material. Rate-controlling variables such as temperature, concentration of oxidant, concentration of fuel, thermal conductivity, moisture content, size, and pressure severely limit the possibility of a self-supported exothermic reaction (combustion). The tests reported in this document were conducted on one-gram samples at atmospheric pressure. Below 380 0 C, NaNO 3 was stable and did not support combustion. At moisture concentrations above 22 wt percent, exothermic reactions did not propagate in even the most energetic and reactive compositions. Fresh resin and paraffin were too volatile to enable a NaNO 2 -supported combustion process to propagate. Concentrations of NaNO 3 above 95 wt percent or below 35 wt percent did not react with enough energy release to support combustion. The influence of sample size and confining pressure, both important factors, was not investigated in this study

  14. Variable compression ratio device for internal combustion engine (United States)

    Maloney, Ronald P.; Faletti, James J.


    An internal combustion engine, particularly suitable for use in a work machine, is provided with a combustion cylinder, a cylinder head at an end of the combustion cylinder and a primary piston reciprocally disposed within the combustion cylinder. The cylinder head includes a secondary cylinder and a secondary piston reciprocally disposed within the secondary cylinder. An actuator is coupled with the secondary piston for controlling the position of the secondary piston dependent upon the position of the primary piston. A communication port establishes fluid flow communication between the combustion cylinder and the secondary cylinder.

  15. Systems and methods of storing combustion waste products (United States)

    Chen, Shen-En; Wang, Peng; Miao, Xiexing; Feng, Qiyan; Zhu, Qianlin


    In one aspect, methods of storing one or more combustion waste products are described herein. Combustion waste products stored by a method described herein can include solid combustion waste products such as coal ash and/or gaseous combustion products such as carbon dioxide. In some embodiments, a method of storing carbon dioxide comprises providing a carbon dioxide storage medium comprising porous concrete having a macroporous and microporous pore structure and flowing carbon dioxide captured from a combustion flue gas source into the pore structure of the porous concrete.

  16. Fuel properties to enable lifted-flame combustion

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kurtz, Eric [Ford Motor Company, Dearborn, MI (United States)


    The Fuel Properties to Enable Lifted-Flame Combustion project responded directly to solicitation DE-FOA-0000239 AOI 1A, Fuels and Lubricants for Advanced Combustion Regimes. This subtopic was intended to encompass clean and highly-efficient, liquid-fueled combustion engines to achieve extremely low engine-out nitrogen oxides (NOx) and particulate matter (PM) as a target and similar efficiency as state-of-the-art direct injection diesel engines. The intent of this project was to identify how fuel properties can be used to achieve controllable Leaner Lifted Flame Combustion (LLFC) with low NOx and PM emissions. Specifically, this project was expected to identify and test key fuel properties to enable LLFC and their compatibility with current fuel systems and to enhance combustion models to capture the effect of fuel properties on advanced combustion. Successful demonstration of LLFC may reduce the need for after treatment devices, thereby reducing costs and improving thermal efficiency. The project team consisted of key technical personnel from Ford Motor Company (FMC), the University of Wisconsin-Madison (UW), Sandia National Laboratories (SNL) and Lawrence Livermore National Laboratories (LLNL). Each partner had key roles in achieving project objectives. FMC investigated fuel properties relating to LLFC and sooting tendency. Together, FMC and UW developed and integrated 3D combustion models to capture fuel property combustion effects. FMC used these modeling results to develop a combustion system and define fuel properties to support a single-cylinder demonstration of fuel-enabled LLFC. UW investigated modeling the flame characteristics and emissions behavior of different fuels, including those with different cetane number and oxygen content. SNL led spray combustion experiments to quantify the effect of key fuel properties on combustion characteristics critical for LLFC, as well as single cylinder optical engine experiments to improve fundamental

  17. Avaliação da opção de troca de combustível no carro brasileiro flex: um estudo por região geográfica usando teoria de opções reais e simulação estocástica

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Carlos Patricio Samanez


    Full Text Available A introdução do carro flex-fuel no mercado brasileiro em 2003 mudou a forma de decisão do consumidor. Se antes era necessário escolher o combustível pelo tipo de veículo, movido somente a gasolina ou somente a álcool, hoje é possível escolher um tipo de carro com duas opções de combustível. Essa flexibilidade gera uma vantagem econômica para o seu proprietário, mas qual o benefício financeiro de um carro flex-fuel em comparação a um carro movido somente a gasolina? Geograficamente, onde se localiza o proprietário que se beneficia mais dessa flexibilidade? Este estudo aplica a teoria de opções reais e a simulação estocástica para valorar a opção do carro flex para as cinco regiões geográficas do Brasil. Considera-se que os preços dos insumos são estocásticos e seguem o movimento de reversão à média. A previsão dos preços e o valor da opção são gerados através da simulação de Monte Carlo. Os resultados indicam que a opção de escolher o combustível mais barato adiciona considerável valor para o proprietário do carro flex em todas as regiões e modelos de carro considerados, sendo a região Sudeste a mais beneficiada pela opção flex.

  18. Oxy-Combustion Boiler Material Development

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Gagliano, Michael; Seltzer, Andrew; Agarwal, Hans; Robertson, Archie; Wang, Lun


    Under U.S. Department of Energy Cooperative Agreement No. DE-NT0005262 Foster Wheeler North America Corp conducted a laboratory test program to determine the effect of oxy-combustion on boiler tube corrosion. In this program, CFD modeling was used to predict the gas compositions that will exist throughout and along the walls of air-fired and oxy-fired boilers operating with low to high sulfur coals. Test coupons of boiler tube materials were coated with deposits representative of those coals and exposed to the CFD predicted flue gases for up to 1000 hours. The tests were conducted in electric tube furnaces using oxy-combustion and air-fired flue gases synthesized from pressurized cylinders. Following exposure, the test coupons were evaluated to determine the total metal wastage experienced under air and oxy-combustions conditions and materials recommendations were made. Similar to air-fired operation, oxy-combustion corrosion rates were found to vary with the boiler material, test temperature, deposit composition, and gas composition. Despite this, comparison of air-fired and oxy-fired corrosion rates showed that oxy-firing rates were, for the most part, similar to, if not lower than those of air-firing; this finding applied to the seven furnace waterwall materials (wrought and weld overlay) and the ten superheater/reheater materials (wrought and weld overlay) that were tested. The results of the laboratory oxy-combustion tests, which are based on a maximum bulk flue gas SO2 level of 3200 ppmv (wet) / 4050 ppmv (dry), suggest that, from a corrosion standpoint, the materials used in conventional subcritical and supercritical, air-fired boilers should also be suitable for oxy-combustion retrofits. Although the laboratory test results are encouraging, they are only the first step of a material evaluation process and it is recommended that follow-on corrosion tests be conducted in coal-fired boilers operating under oxy-combustion to provide longer term (one to two year

  19. Oxy-Combustion Boiler Material Development

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Michael Gagliano; Andrew Seltzer; Hans Agarwal; Archie Robertson; Lun Wang


    Under U.S. Department of Energy Cooperative Agreement No. DE-NT0005262 Foster Wheeler North America Corp conducted a laboratory test program to determine the effect of oxy-combustion on boiler tube corrosion. In this program, CFD modeling was used to predict the gas compositions that will exist throughout and along the walls of air-fired and oxy-fired boilers operating with low to high sulfur coals. Test coupons of boiler tube materials were coated with deposits representative of those coals and exposed to the CFD predicted flue gases for up to 1000 hours. The tests were conducted in electric tube furnaces using oxy-combustion and air-fired flue gases synthesized from pressurized cylinders. Following exposure, the test coupons were evaluated to determine the total metal wastage experienced under air and oxy-combustions conditions and materials recommendations were made. Similar to air-fired operation, oxy-combustion corrosion rates were found to vary with the boiler material, test temperature, deposit composition, and gas composition. Despite this, comparison of air-fired and oxy-fired corrosion rates showed that oxy-firing rates were, for the most part, similar to, if not lower than those of air-firing; this finding applied to the seven furnace waterwall materials (wrought and weld overlay) and the ten superheater/reheater materials (wrought and weld overlay) that were tested. The results of the laboratory oxy-combustion tests, which are based on a maximum bulk flue gas SO{sub 2} level of 3200 ppmv (wet) / 4050 ppmv (dry), suggest that, from a corrosion standpoint, the materials used in conventional subcritical and supercritical, air-fired boilers should also be suitable for oxy-combustion retrofits. Although the laboratory test results are encouraging, they are only the first step of a material evaluation process and it is recommended that follow-on corrosion tests be conducted in coal-fired boilers operating under oxy-combustion to provide longer term (one to

  20. Combustion in a High-Speed Compression-Ignition Engine (United States)

    Rothrock, A M


    An investigation conducted to determine the factors which control the combustion in a high-speed compression-ignition engine is presented. Indicator cards were taken with the Farnboro indicator and analyzed according to the tangent method devised by Schweitzer. The analysis show that in a quiescent combustion chamber increasing the time lag of auto-ignition increases the maximum rate of combustion. Increasing the maximum rate of combustion increases the tendency for detonation to occur. The results show that by increasing the air temperature during injection the start of combustion can be forced to take place during injection and so prevent detonation from occurring. It is shown that the rate of fuel injection does not in itself control the rate of combustion.

  1. CFD analysis of premixed hydrogen/air combustion in an upright, rectangular shaped combustion chamber

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gera, B.; Singh, R.K.; Vaze, K.K.


    Premixed hydrogen/air combustion in an upright, rectangular shaped combustion chamber has been performed numerically using commercial CFD code CFD-ACE+. The combustion chamber had dimensions 1 m X 0.024 m X 1 m. Simulations were carried out for 10% (v/v) hydrogen concentration for which experimental results were available. Effect of different boundary condition and ignition position on flame propagation was studied. Time dependent flame propagation in the chamber was predicted by CFD code. The computed transient flame propagation in the chamber was in good agreement with experimental results. The present work demonstrated that the available commercial CFD codes are capable of modeling hydrogen deflagration in a realistic manner. (author)

  2. Use of the Neutron Die-Away Technique to Test Control Rod Effectiveness Theories; Emploi de la Methode d'Absorption des Neutrons pour Verifier les Theories sur l'Efficacite des Barres de Commande; Ispol'zovanie metoda spada potoka nejtronov dlya proverki teorij ehffektivnosti reguliruyushchikh sterzhnej; Aplicacion de la Tecnica de Extincion Neutronica a la Verificacion de las Teorias sobre la Eficacia de las Barras de Control

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Perez, R. B. [University of Florida, Gainesville, FL (United States); De Saussure, G.; Silver, E. G. [University of Florida, Gainesville, FL (United States); Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN (United States)


    posible referir los resultados a un conjunto experimental limpio y simple. El metodo se basa en el hecho de que, en un experimento de extincion neutronica del tipo descrito por los autores, el laplaciano del conjunto esta relacionado con la constante de desintegracion del modo fundamental por la formula: B{sup 2} = ({lambda} - {lambda}{sub a})/D donde {lambda}{sub a} es la inversa del periodo de los neutrones en el moderador (s{sup -1}) y D es la constante de difusion (cm{sup 2}/s). En estos experimentos se usaron como conjuntos moderadores prismas rectangulares de berilio, de diversos tamaflos, constituidos mediante pequenos bloques (de 2,54 cm de altura y base cuadrada de 7,3 cm de lado). Se utilizaron tres tipos de barras de control de cadmio: barras finas de 0,476 cm de diametro, barras de seccion cruciforme y barras 'gruesas' huecas de 7,3 x 7,3 cm de seccion transversal. Se verificaron los siguientes planteos teoricos: 1. Nordheim-Scalettar. 2. Hurwitz-Roe. 3. Una clave numerica de difusion. Se calculo el efecto de un absorbente cruciforme utilizando la tecnica de transformacion conformai de Hurwitz-Roe y se hallo para el laplaciano el valor 0,0188 cm{sup -2}, mientras que el resultado experimental respectivo era 0,0187 {+-} 0,0006 cm{sup -2}. En el caso de las barras 'gruesas' , los resultados obtenidos con el procedimiento Nordheim-Scalettar y con la clave de difusion superaron a los resultados experimentales en un 10%, aproximadamente. No obstante, la interaccion entre las barras gruesas se calculo correctamente por ambos metodos. Para las barras delgadas, el procedimiento de Nordheim-Scalettar da resultados sumamente exactos. No es sorprendente la discrepancia observada en el caso de las barras gruesas pues es facil que surja cuando se aplica la teoria de la difusion para describir el efecto de los absorbentes cuyas secciones transversales tienen dimensiones de orden comparable al recorrido libre medio de los neutrones en el moderador. Los autores efectuan

  3. Resistência de biótipos de arroz-vermelho aos herbicidas imazapyr + imazapic e alternativas de controle

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rafael Salles Rubin


    Full Text Available O uso intenso de herbicidas com o mesmo mecanismo de ação na cultura do arroz (Oryza sativa L. tem selecionado biótipos resistentes, como, por exemplo, o arroz-vermelho (planta daninha resistente aos herbicidas imidazolinonas. Por essa razão, este trabalho foi desenvolvido com o objetivo de avaliar a resistência de arroz-vermelho ao herbicida imazapyr + imazapic, na região sul do Rio Grande do Sul, e o controle do biótipo resistente de arroz-vermelho com os herbicidas alternativos clethodim e glyphosate. Foram realizados três experimentos, em delineamento casualizado, arranjados em esquema fatorial. No primeiro experimento, o fator A testou biótipos de arroz-vermelho [ORYSA 184 (resistente e ORYSA 188 (susceptível], o fator B comparou herbicidas (imazapyr + imazapic, clethodim e glyphosate e o fator C avaliou doses dos herbicidas (0; 0,5; 1; 2; 4; 8; 16 e 32 vezes a dose recomendada. No segundo, compararam-se biótipos de arroz-vermelho e doses do herbicida imazapyr + imazapic (0; 0,5; 1; 2; 4; 8; 16; 32 e 64 vezes a dose recomendada. No terceiro, testaram-se biótipos de arroz-vermelho e doses diferentes do herbicida imazapyr + imazapic para cada biótipo. O biótipo ORYSA 184 é resistente ao imazapyr + imazapic, quando aplicada a dose máxima de registro e estádio indicado. Os herbicidas clethodim e glyphosate, detentores de mecanismos de ação alternativos, controlam o biótipo resistente ORYSA 184 de arroz-vermelho.

  4. Flex-flame burner and combustion method (United States)

    Soupos, Vasilios; Zelepouga, Serguei; Rue, David M.; Abbasi, Hamid A.


    A combustion method and apparatus which produce a hybrid flame for heating metals and metal alloys, which hybrid flame has the characteristic of having an oxidant-lean portion proximate the metal or metal alloy and having an oxidant-rich portion disposed above the oxidant lean portion. This hybrid flame is produced by introducing fuel and primary combustion oxidant into the furnace chamber containing the metal or metal alloy in a substoichiometric ratio to produce a fuel-rich flame and by introducing a secondary combustion oxidant into the furnace chamber above the fuel-rich flame in a manner whereby mixing of the secondary combustion oxidant with the fuel-rich flame is delayed for a portion of the length of the flame.

  5. Sleep quality in type 2 diabetics Calidad del sueño en diabéticos tipo 2 Qualidade do sono em diabéticos do tipo 2

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Maria Carolina Belo da Cunha


    Full Text Available Sleeping disorders in type 2 diabetic patients constitute risk factors for aggravating diabetes since they can affect the metabolic control through insulin resistance syndrome. This was an observational, cross-sectional study. The majority (52% of subjects had scores indicating poor sleep quality. The Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI scores showed patients with a time after diagnosis over 10 years and hypertension had the poorest sleep quality. For those with hemoglobin A1c > 7% taking sleeping medicines and those who had normal body mass index (BMI, the sleep quality was even poorer. The findings of the present study reinforce the relevance of this topic since there are no specific tools for sleep evaluation of type 2 diabetics making it difficult to make any assertions on the sleep quality of these patients.Los disturbios del sueño en diabéticos del tipo 2, constituyen factores de riesgo para el agravamiento de la diabetes, pues pueden interferir en el control metabólico a través del síndrome de la resistencia a la insulina. El estudio fue del tipo observacional-transversal. La calidad del sueño fue investigada en 50 diabéticos del tipo 2, a quienes se aplicó el Índice de Calidad del Sueño de Pittsburgh (PSQI. La mayoría (52% presentó puntuaciones del PSQI, que indican calidad del sueño mala. Aquellos con tiempo de diagnóstico superior a 10 años y con hipertensión poseían peor calidad del sueño. Para aquellos con valores de Hemoglobina A1c > 7%, que usaban medicamentos para dormir y los que presentaron IMC normal, la calidad del sueño se mostró peor. Lo encontrado en esta investigación refuerza la relevancia de la temática, ya que no existen instrumentos específicos para evaluar el sueño del diabético del tipo 2, dificultando afirmaciones sobre la calidad del sueño del diabético.Distúrbios do sono em diabéticos do tipo 2 constituem fatores de risco para o agravamento do diabetes, pois podem interferir no

  6. Combustion instability modeling and analysis

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Santoro, R.J.; Yang, V.; Santavicca, D.A. [Pennsylvania State Univ., University Park, PA (United States); Sheppard, E.J. [Tuskeggee Univ., Tuskegee, AL (United States). Dept. of Aerospace Engineering


    It is well known that the two key elements for achieving low emissions and high performance in a gas turbine combustor are to simultaneously establish (1) a lean combustion zone for maintaining low NO{sub x} emissions and (2) rapid mixing for good ignition and flame stability. However, these requirements, when coupled with the short combustor lengths used to limit the residence time for NO formation typical of advanced gas turbine combustors, can lead to problems regarding unburned hydrocarbons (UHC) and carbon monoxide (CO) emissions, as well as the occurrence of combustion instabilities. The concurrent development of suitable analytical and numerical models that are validated with experimental studies is important for achieving this objective. A major benefit of the present research will be to provide for the first time an experimentally verified model of emissions and performance of gas turbine combustors. The present study represents a coordinated effort between industry, government and academia to investigate gas turbine combustion dynamics. Specific study areas include development of advanced diagnostics, definition of controlling phenomena, advancement of analytical and numerical modeling capabilities, and assessment of the current status of our ability to apply these tools to practical gas turbine combustors. The present work involves four tasks which address, respectively, (1) the development of a fiber-optic probe for fuel-air ratio measurements, (2) the study of combustion instability using laser-based diagnostics in a high pressure, high temperature flow reactor, (3) the development of analytical and numerical modeling capabilities for describing combustion instability which will be validated against experimental data, and (4) the preparation of a literature survey and establishment of a data base on practical experience with combustion instability.

  7. Combustion characteristics of crude jatropha oil droplets using rhodium liquid as a homogeneous combustion catalyst (United States)

    Nanlohy, Hendry Y.; Wardana, I. N. G.; Hamidi, N.; Yuliati, L.


    Combustion characteristics of crude jatropha oil droplet at room temperature with and without catalyst have been studied experimentally. Its combustion characteristics have been observed by igniting the oil droplet on a junction of a thermocouple, and the combustion characteristics of oil droplets are observed using a high-speed camera. The results show that the uniqueness of crude jatropha oil as alternative fuel is evidenced by the different stages of combustion caused by thermal cracking in burning droplets. The results also show that the role of the catalyst is not only an accelerator agent, but there are other unique functions and roles as a stabilizer. Moreover, the results also found that the catalyst was able to shorten the ignition timing and burnout time. This phenomenon proves that the presence of catalysts alters and weakens the structure of the triglyceride geometry so that the viscosity and flash point is reduced, the fuel absorbs heat well and flammable.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rafael Douglas Cunha-Silva


    Full Text Available Atribuídas a ondas de choque e a ejeções de plasmoide, as emissões solares tipo II são ondaseletromagnéticas geradas a partir de oscilações do plasma coronal. A origem dos choques associados a essasemissões é ainda uma questão em aberto da física solar. Enquanto alguns trabalhos sugerem os flares solarescomo seus acionadores, outros fornecem indícios de serem as ejeções de massa coronal (CMEs sua origemmais provável. Este trabalho apresenta os resultados da análise de duas emissões tipo II, registradas por doisespectrômetros da rede e-CALLISTO (extended-Compound Astronomical Low-cost Low-frequency Instrument forSpectroscopy and Transportable Observatory, os quais operam na faixa de frequências de 45-870 MHz. Oprimeiro evento, observado em 13 de junho de 2010, às 05:38 UT, apresentou uma taxa de deriva em frequênciade -0,2 MHz s-1, correspondente a uma velocidade de choque de 528 km s-1, estando, temporalmente, associadoa uma CME lenta (~320 km s-1 e a um flare solar em raios-X, classe M1.0. O segundo evento, observado em 09de Agosto de 2011, às 08:02 UT, apresentou uma taxa de deriva em frequência de -1,4 MHz s-1, correspondentea uma velocidade de choque de 1375 km s-1, estando, temporalmente, associado a uma CME tipo halo (~1610km s-1 e a um flare solar em raios-X, classe X6.9. Os resultados obtidos, para os parâmetros observacionais dasemissões tipo II e para os parâmetros físicos de suas fontes, são discutidos no contexto de sua relação com seuflares e CMEs associados.

  9. A study of the current group evaporation/combustion theories (United States)

    Shen, Hayley H.


    Liquid fuel combustion can be greatly enhanced by disintegrating the liquid fuel into droplets, an effect achieved by various configurations. A number of experiments carried out in the seventies showed that combustion of droplet arrays and sprays do not form individual flames. Moreover, the rate of burning in spray combustion greatly deviates from that of the single combustion rate. Such observations naturally challenge its applicability to spray combustion. A number of mathematical models were developed to evaluate 'group combustion' and the related 'group evaporation' phenomena. This study investigates the similarity and difference of these models and their applicability to spray combustion. Future work that should be carried out in this area is indicated.

  10. Final report: Prototyping a combustion corridor; FINAL

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rutland, Christopher J.; Leach, Joshua


    The Combustion Corridor is a concept in which researchers in combustion and thermal sciences have unimpeded access to large volumes of remote computational results. This will enable remote, collaborative analysis and visualization of state-of-the-art combustion science results. The Engine Research Center (ERC) at the University of Wisconsin - Madison partnered with Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Argonne National Laboratory, Sandia National Laboratory, and several other universities to build and test the first stages of a combustion corridor. The ERC served two important functions in this partnership. First, we work extensively with combustion simulations so we were able to provide real world research data sets for testing the Corridor concepts. Second, the ERC was part of an extension of the high bandwidth based DOE National Laboratory connections to universities

  11. Combustion of stratified hydrogen-air mixtures in the 10.7 m3 Combustion Test Facility cylinder

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Whitehouse, D.R.; Greig, D.R.; Koroll, G.W.


    This paper presents preliminary results from hydrogen concentration gradient combustion experiments in a 10.7 m 3 cylinder. These gradients, also referred to as stratified mixtures, were formed from dry mixtures of hydrogen and air at atmospheric temperature. Combustion pressures, burn fractions and flame speeds in concentration gradients were compared with combustion of well-mixed gases containing equivalent amounts of hydrogen. The studied variables included the quantity of hydrogen in the vessel, the steepness of the concentration gradient, the igniter location, and the initial concentration of hydrogen at the bottom of the vessel. Gradients of hydrogen and air with average concentrations of hydrogen below the downward propagation limit produced significantly greater combustion pressures when ignited at the top of the vessel than well-mixed gases with the same quantity of hydrogen. This was the result of considerably higher burn fractions in the gradients than in the well-mixed gas tests. Above the downward propagation limit, gradients of hydrogen ignited at the top of the vessel produced nearly the same combustion pressures as under well-mixed conditions; both gradients and well-mixed gases had high burn fractions. Much higher flame speeds were observed in the gradients than the well-mixed gases. Gradients and well-mixed gases containing up to 14% hydrogen ignited at the bottom of the vessel produced nearly the same combustion pressures. Above 14% hydrogen, gradients produced lower combustion pressures than well-mixed gases having the same quantity of hydrogen. This can be attributed to lower burn fractions of fuel from the gradients compared with well-mixed gases with similar quantities of hydrogen. When ignited at the bottom of the vessel, 90% of a gradient's gases remained unburned until several seconds after ignition. The remaining gases were then consumed at a very fast rate. (orig.)

  12. Combustion Modeling with the G-Equation Modélisation de la combustion avec l'équation de G

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    Peters N.


    Full Text Available Numerical investigations concerning the turbulent flame front propagation in Gasoline Direct Injection (GDI engines were made by implementing a flamelet model in the CFD code Fire. The advantage of this combustion model is the decoupling of the chemistry from the turbulent flow. For this purpose the combustion chamber has to be divided into a burned and an unburned area, which is realized by transporting a scalar field (G-Equation. The reference value defines the present averaged flame position. The complete reaction kinetics is calculated interactively with the CFD code in a one dimensional Representative Interactive Flamelet (RIF code. This combustion model was verified by simulating a 2. 0 l-2 V gasoline engine with homogeneous combustion where a parameter study was conducted to check the flamelet model for plausibility. Finally, the potential of this combustion model was investigated by simulating a hypothetical 2. 0 1-4 V GDI engine. Une investigation numérique relative à la propagation des fronts de flammes turbulents dans les moteurs à essence à injection directe (GDI a été menée en implantant un modèle de flameletdans le code 3D Fire. L'avantage de ce modèle de combustion est de découpler la chimie de l'écoulement turbulent en divisant la chambre de combustion en deux zones : brûlée et imbrûlée, à l'aide d'une équation de transport d'un scalaire (équation de G. Une valeur de référence de ce scalaire définit la position moyenne de la flamme. Une chimie complète est calculée interactivement avec le calcul 3D à l'aide d'un code monodimensionnel RIF (Representative Interactive Flamelet. Le modèle de combustion a été validé sur la simulation d'un moteur 2 litres à 2 soupapes en combustion homogène pour vérifier la représentativité de l'approche flamelet . Puis, le potentiel du modèle de combustion a été étudié en simulant un moteur modèle 2 litres 4 soupapes GDI.

  13. Reaction and diffusion in turbulent combustion

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Pope, S.B. [Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Ithaca, NY (United States)


    The motivation for this project is the need to obtain a better quantitative understanding of the technologically-important phenomenon of turbulent combustion. In nearly all applications in which fuel is burned-for example, fossil-fuel power plants, furnaces, gas-turbines and internal-combustion engines-the combustion takes place in a turbulent flow. Designers continually demand more quantitative information about this phenomenon-in the form of turbulent combustion models-so that they can design equipment with increased efficiency and decreased environmental impact. For some time the PI has been developing a class of turbulent combustion models known as PDF methods. These methods have the important virtue that both convection and reaction can be treated without turbulence-modelling assumptions. However, a mixing model is required to account for the effects of molecular diffusion. Currently, the available mixing models are known to have some significant defects. The major motivation of the project is to seek a better understanding of molecular diffusion in turbulent reactive flows, and hence to develop a better mixing model.

  14. Optical Tomography in Combustion

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Evseev, Vadim

    spectral measurements at several line-of-sights with a view to applications for tomographic measurements on full-scale industrial combustion systems. The system was successfully applied on industrial scale for simultaneous fast exhaust gas temperature measurements in the three optical ports of the exhaust......D project, it was also important to investigate the spectral properties of major combustion species such as carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide in the infrared range at high temperatures to provide the theoretical background for the development of the optical tomography methods. The new software....... JQSRT 113 (2012) 2222, 10.1016/j.jqsrt.2012.07.015] included in the PhD thesis as an attachment. The knowledge and experience gained in the PhD project is the first important step towards introducing the advanced optical tomography methods of combustion diagnostics developed in the project to future...

  15. High Pressure Combustion Experimental Facility(HPCEF) for Studies on Combustion in Reactive Flows (United States)


    SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF: 1. REPORT DATE (DD-MM-YYYY) 4. TITLE AND SUBTITLE 13. SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES 12. DISTRIBUTION AVAILIBILITY STATEMENT 6...Report: High Pressure Combustion Experimental Facility (HPCEF) for Studies on Combustion in Reactive Flows The views, opinions and/or findings... contained in this report are those of the author(s) and should not contrued as an official Department of the Army position, policy or decision, unless so

  16. Oxy combustion with CO{sub 2} capture

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    An update for oxyfuel-combustion carbon capture in the power industry is provided. The report was developed by the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) on behalf of the Global CCS Institute. In the oxyfuel-combustion processes, the bulk nitrogen is removed from the air before combustion. The resulting combustion products will have CO2 content up to about 90 per cent (dry basis). The flue gas impurities (predominantly O2, N2, and Ar) may be removed by reducing the flue gas (at moderate pressure) to a temperature at which the CO2 condenses and the impurities do not. Oxyfuel-combustion may be employed with solid fuels such as coal, petroleum coke, and biomass, as well as liquid and gaseous fuels. Some key points raised in the oxyfuel-combustion carbon capture report are: The oxyfuel-combustion/CO2 capture power plant designs being developed and deployed for service in the next four or five years are based on individual component technologies and arrangements which have demonstrated sufficient maturity, with the greatest remaining technical challenge being integrating the systems into a complete steam-electric power plant; By its nature, an oxyfuel-coal power plant is likely to be a 'near zero' emitter of all criteria pollutants; Existing air-fired power plants might be retrofitted with an air separation unit, oxyfuel-fired burners, flue gas recycle, and a CO2 processing unit, with the large fleet of air-fired power plants in service calling for more study of this option; and, Future efficiency improvements to the oxyfuel-combustion process for power generation point toward an oxyfuel-combustion plant with near zero emissions of conventional pollutants, up to 98 per cent CO2 capture, and efficiency comparable to the best power plants currently being built.

  17. Catalytic combustion in small wood burning appliances

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Oravainen, H [VTT Energy, Jyvaeskylae (Finland)


    There is over a million hand fired small heating appliances in Finland where about 5,4 million cubic meters of wood fuel is used. Combustion in such heating appliances is a batch-type process. In early stages of combustion when volatiles are burned, the formation of carbon monoxide (CO) and other combustible gases are difficult to avoid when using fuels that have high volatile matter content. Harmful emissions are formed mostly after each fuel adding but also during char burnout period. When the CO-content in flue gases is, say over 0.5 %, also other harmful emissions will be formed. Methane (CH{sub 4}) and other hydrocarbons are released and the amount of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH)-compounds can be remarkable. Some PAH-compounds are very carcinogenic. It has been estimated that in Finland even more than 90 % of hydrocarbon and PAH emissions are due to small scale wood combustion. Emissions from transportation is excluded from these figures. That is why wood combustion has a net effect on greenhouse gas phenomena. For example carbon monoxide emissions from small scale wood combustion are two fold compared to that of energy production in power plants. Methane emission is of the same order as emission from transportation and seven fold compared with those of energy production. Emissions from small heating appliances can be reduced by developing the combustion techniques, but also by using other means, for example catalytic converters. In certain stages of the batch combustion, temperature is not high enough, gas mixing is not good enough and residence time is too short for complete combustion. When placed to a suitable place inside a heating appliance, a catalytic converter can oxidize unburned gases in the flue gas into compounds that are not harmful to the environment. (3 refs.)

  18. Catalytic combustion in small wood burning appliances

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Oravainen, H. [VTT Energy, Jyvaeskylae (Finland)


    There is over a million hand fired small heating appliances in Finland where about 5,4 million cubic meters of wood fuel is used. Combustion in such heating appliances is a batch-type process. In early stages of combustion when volatiles are burned, the formation of carbon monoxide (CO) and other combustible gases are difficult to avoid when using fuels that have high volatile matter content. Harmful emissions are formed mostly after each fuel adding but also during char burnout period. When the CO-content in flue gases is, say over 0.5 %, also other harmful emissions will be formed. Methane (CH{sub 4}) and other hydrocarbons are released and the amount of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH)-compounds can be remarkable. Some PAH-compounds are very carcinogenic. It has been estimated that in Finland even more than 90 % of hydrocarbon and PAH emissions are due to small scale wood combustion. Emissions from transportation is excluded from these figures. That is why wood combustion has a net effect on greenhouse gas phenomena. For example carbon monoxide emissions from small scale wood combustion are two fold compared to that of energy production in power plants. Methane emission is of the same order as emission from transportation and seven fold compared with those of energy production. Emissions from small heating appliances can be reduced by developing the combustion techniques, but also by using other means, for example catalytic converters. In certain stages of the batch combustion, temperature is not high enough, gas mixing is not good enough and residence time is too short for complete combustion. When placed to a suitable place inside a heating appliance, a catalytic converter can oxidize unburned gases in the flue gas into compounds that are not harmful to the environment. (3 refs.)

  19. Reactivity studies of rice husk combustion using TGA

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ismail, A.F.; Shamsuddin, A.H.; Mahdi, F.M.A.


    The reactivity of rice husks combustion is systematically studied the thermogravimetric analyzer (TGA). The kinetic parameters are determined from the Arrhenius plots based on the data of weight loss over temperature at different combustion heating rates. The results of proximate analysis (the moisture, volatile matters, fixed carbon, and ash contents) are also presented in this paper. The effects of process conditions on the self-ignition phenomenon of rice husk combustion are quantified. Finally, these results and compared with results for coal combustion. This research is part of the work to determine the optimal process conditions of rice husk combustion for energy production. (Author)

  20. Large-eddy simulation of swirling pulverized-coal combustion

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hu, L.Y.; Luo, Y.H. [Shanghai Jiaotong Univ. (China). School of Mechanical Engineering; Zhou, L.X.; Xu, C.S. [Tsinghua Univ., Beijing (China). Dept. of Engineering Mechanics


    A Eulerian-Lagrangian large-eddy simulation (LES) with a Smagorinsky-Lilly sub-grid scale stress model, presumed-PDF fast chemistry and EBU gas combustion models, particle devolatilization and particle combustion models are used to study the turbulence and flame structures of swirling pulverized-coal combustion. The LES statistical results are validated by the measurement results. The instantaneous LES results show that the coherent structures for pulverized coal combustion is stronger than that for swirling gas combustion. The particles are concentrated in the periphery of the coherent structures. The flame is located at the high vorticity and high particle concentration zone.

  1. Efeito da velocidade do ar em barra de pulverização na deposição de produtos fitossanitários em feijoeiro Efect of the air speed in air-assisted sprayer on bean crop pesticide spray deposition

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Carlos Gilberto Raetano


    Full Text Available Com o objetivo de avaliar o efeito da variação da velocidade do ar em barra de pulverização na deposição da calda na cultura do feijoeiro (Phaseolus vulgaris, realizou-se o experimento em 9 e 10 de outubro de 2000, no Centro de Pesquisas Agronômicas - Cyanamid, em Iracemápolis (SP, em delineamento inteiramente casualizado, aos 48 dias após a emergência (DAE. Para isso, convencionou-se que a rotação máxima do ventilador, medida com o auxílio de fototacômetro, possibilitou a obtenção da velocidade máxima do ar na barra de pulverização e, a partir daí, níveis de 50% e 75% da velocidade máxima do ar. Alvos artificiais foram fixados na superfície adaxial e na abaxial de folíolos posicionados, nos terços superior e inferior das plantas selecionadas, ao acaso, e distribuídas perpendicularmente ao deslocamento do pulverizador. O óxido cuproso (50% de cobre metálico foi o traçador utilizado em pulverização e a determinação quantitativa dos depósitos feita com o uso da espectrofotometria de absorção atômica. Os resultados sugerem que a variação da velocidade do ar na barra pulverizadora não influenciou sobre os níveis de depósitos no feijoeiro, aos 48 DAE, nas condições do presente trabalho.The aim of this research was to evaluate the effects of air speed in air-assisted sprayer on bean crop (Phaseolus vulgaris spray deposition. The experiment was carried out at 48 days after crop emergence and the experimental design was randomized. The maximum air speed in spray boom was obtained with the maximum of the fan rotation by a phototachometer. The middle and third air speed were obtained with lower fan rotation. The tracer used in the spray solution was copper oxid (50% of the metalic copper. It was measured by atomic spectrophotometry absorption equipment. The targets were fixed on the under and upper-side of the leaves, in the top and lower third of the same plant under the spray boom. The effects of variation

  2. Boiler for combustion fuel in a fluidized bed

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    Laković Mirjana S.


    Full Text Available Fuel combustion in fluidized bed combustion is a process that is current and which every day gives more attention and there are many studies that have been closely associated with this technology. This combustion technology is widespread and constantly improving the range of benefits it provides primarily due to reduced emissions. This paper presents the boilers for combustion in a fluidized bed, whit characteristics and advantages. Also is shown the development of this type of boilers in Republic of Serbia. In this paper is explained the concept of fluidized bed combustion. Boilers for this type of combustion can be improved and thereby increase their efficiency level. More detailed characteristics are given for boilers with bubbling and circulating fluidized bed as well as their mutual comparison.

  3. Spatio-temporal variation of the pink shrimp Farfantepenaeus paulensis (Crustacea, Decapoda, Penaeidae associated to the seasonal overture of the sandbar in a subtropical lagoon Variação espaço-temporal do camarão rosa Farfantepenaeus paulensis (Crustacea, Decapoda, Penaeidae associado à abertura sazonal da barra de conexão com o mar em uma lagoa subtropical

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Nicolle C Ferreira


    pelos pescadores não são mais eficientes devido aos conflitos com o turismo e a gestão pública e ambiental. A dinâmica de abertura artificial e reestruturação natural do banco de areia no canal de contato da lagoa com o mar é considerada um problema socio-ecológico central no local. Neste estudo foi avaliada a variação na biomassa e abundância do F. paulensis ao longo do ano e em um gradiente espacial a partir do canal da barra e até o interior da lagoa. Foram realizadas coletas mensais de fevereiro de 2004 a fevereiro de 2005 com tarrafa de 27 mm de malha nas quatro lagoas que compõe a Lagoa de Ibiraquera, em três pontos em cada lagoa. Um número pequeno de grandes camarões foi significativamente (p < 0,05 capturado na área mais interna da lagoa, enquanto que maior biomassa e abundância de pequenos camarões foram observadas significativamente (p < 0,05 próximas à barra. Esses resultados sugerem que as áreas mais internas da lagoa funcionam como refúgio para o crescimento das espécies e mostram o papel do canal na migração dos camarões para dentro da lagoa. Os valores de biomassa e abundância foram significativamente (p < 0,05 maiores nos meses mais quentes, independentemente da barra estar aberta ou fechada. O estoque de camarão poderia aumentar caso houvesse uma abertura da barra durante o período natural de entrada de pós-larvas. Além disso, a abertura da barra durante o verão, associada a medidas de conservação das águas do canal da barra, pode implementar os estoques costeiros.

  4. Combustion of drops of Mexican fuel oils with high asphaltenes content; Combustion de gotas de combustoleos mexicanos con alto contenido de asfaltenos

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Garcia Rodriguez, Jose Francisco [Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas, Cuernavaca (Mexico)


    In this work the combustion of fuel drops with a content of 18% of asphaltenes has been studied . The results obtained for this fuel were compared with the ones obtained for another with a content of 12% asphaltenes. The drops were suspended in a platinum filament and burned in an spherical radiant furnace. The drop size varied between 600 and 800 microns. The fuel drops with 12% asphaltenes showed shorter combustion times, a smaller diameter increment of the smaller diameter during the combustion stages and also a shorter burning time of the carbonaceous residue than the fuel drops with a content of 18% asphaltenes. [Espanol] En el presente trabajo se ha estudiado la combustion de gotas de combustible con 18% de contenido de asfaltenos. Los resultados obtenidos para este combustible se compararon con los obtenidos para otro con 12% de contenido de asfaltenos. Las gotas fueron suspendidas en un filamento de platino y quemadas en un horno radiante esferico. El tamano de las gotas vario entre 600 y 800 micras. Las gotas de combustible con 12% de asfaltenos mostraron tiempos de combustion mas cortos, un incremento del diametro menor durante las etapas de combustion y un tiempo de quemado del residuo carbonoso tambien mas corto que las gotas del combustible con 18% de contenido de asfaltenos.

  5. Combustion tests with different pellet qualities

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bachs, A.; Dahlstroem, J.E.; Persson, Henrik; Tullin, C.


    Eight different pellet qualities with the diameters 6, 8 and 10 mm, from eight different producers has been tested in three pellet burners and two pellet stoves. The objective was to investigate how different diameter affect the emissions of CO, OGC and NO x . Previous experience has indicated that the pellet diameter could have significant importance for the combustion. This was not verified in the study. It showed contradictory that the diameter has a minor effect on the combustion result. The study shows that different combustion equipment give different emission. For e g hydrocarbon emissions the difference is a factor 2.2 between the 'best' and the 'worst' equipment fired on full load. The difference increases to 2.7 with lower load. The choice of fuel has a big importance for the quality of the combustion. For hydrocarbons the emissions could in an extreme situation differ with a factor 25 between 'best' and 'worst' fuel. More normally the difference is about a factor of five. Nitrogen oxide emissions are to a major part related to the nitrogen contents in the fuel. The difference between the 'best' and 'worst' fuel is in the range of a factor two. Tests with the same fuel in different equipment gives a variation of 20-30%. The combustion result depends on both the pellet quality and the equipment and there is no fuel that is good in all equipment. The big variation in combustion results shows that there is a big indifference between fuels used for small scale heating Project report from the program: Small scale combustion of biofuels. 2 refs, 15 figs, 5 tabs

  6. Hydrogen combustion modelling in large-scale geometries

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Studer, E.; Beccantini, A.; Kudriakov, S.; Velikorodny, A.


    Hydrogen risk mitigation issues based on catalytic recombiners cannot exclude flammable clouds to be formed during the course of a severe accident in a Nuclear Power Plant. Consequences of combustion processes have to be assessed based on existing knowledge and state of the art in CFD combustion modelling. The Fukushima accidents have also revealed the need for taking into account the hydrogen explosion phenomena in risk management. Thus combustion modelling in a large-scale geometry is one of the remaining severe accident safety issues. At present day there doesn't exist a combustion model which can accurately describe a combustion process inside a geometrical configuration typical of the Nuclear Power Plant (NPP) environment. Therefore the major attention in model development has to be paid on the adoption of existing approaches or creation of the new ones capable of reliably predicting the possibility of the flame acceleration in the geometries of that type. A set of experiments performed previously in RUT facility and Heiss Dampf Reactor (HDR) facility is used as a validation database for development of three-dimensional gas dynamic model for the simulation of hydrogen-air-steam combustion in large-scale geometries. The combustion regimes include slow deflagration, fast deflagration, and detonation. Modelling is based on Reactive Discrete Equation Method (RDEM) where flame is represented as an interface separating reactants and combustion products. The transport of the progress variable is governed by different flame surface wrinkling factors. The results of numerical simulation are presented together with the comparisons, critical discussions and conclusions. (authors)

  7. Verification of Conditions for use of Combustion Products‘ Heat

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    Kažimírová Viera


    Full Text Available Presented contribution deals with the verification of conditions for use of combustion products‘ heat, generated by combustion of wood in a fireplace used in a household. It is necessary to know the temperature behaviour of the fireplace to determine the adequacy of the technical solution for using combustion products‘ heat. The combustion products‘ temperature at the upper part of the chimney is 80-120 °C. The dew point value was established to be below 51 °C. The average observed value of combustion product velocity is 1.6 m s-1. The volume flow rate of combustion products is 12 m3 h-1. Measured values allow for effective solution of the use of combustion products‘ heat.

  8. Separating Direct and Indirect Turbofan Engine Combustion Noise While Estimating Post-Combustion (Post-Flame) Residence Time Using the Correlation Function (United States)

    Miles, Jeffrey Hilton


    A previous investigation on the presence of direct and indirect combustion noise for a full-scale turbofan engine using a far-field microphone at 130 is extended by also examining signals obtained at two additional downstream directions using far-field microphones at 110 deg and 160 deg. A generalized cross-correlation function technique is used to study the change in propagation time to the far field of the combined direct and indirect combustion noise signal as a sequence of low-pass filters are applied. The filtering procedure used produces no phase distortion. As the low-pass filter frequency is decreased, the travel time increases because the relative amount of direct combustion noise is reduced. The indirect combustion noise signal travels more slowly because in the combustor entropy fluctuations move with the flow velocity, which is slow compared to the local speed of sound. The indirect combustion noise signal travels at acoustic velocities after reaching the turbine and being converted into an acoustic signal. The direct combustion noise is always propagating at acoustic velocities. The results show that the estimated indirect combustion noise time delay values (post-combustion residence times) measured at each angle are fairly consistent with one another for a relevant range of operating conditions and demonstrate source separation of a mixture of direct and indirect combustion noise. The results may lead to a better idea about the acoustics in the combustor and may help develop and validate improved reduced-order physics-based methods for predicting turbofan engine core noise.

  9. Síndrome de Waardenburg tipo I: relato de caso

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    Patricia Capua Vieira da Silva


    Full Text Available A síndrome de Waardenburg tipo I é uma desordem auditivo-pigmentária que inclui, entre outros, perda auditiva neurossensorial congênita não progressiva, telecanto, distúrbios pigmentares de íris, cabelo e pele. Indivíduos afetados podem ter maior risco de: defeitos no tubo neural, fendas labial e palatina, anormalidades nos membros e doença de Hirschsprung. O diagnóstico é clínico, sendo necessários dois critérios maiores ou um maior e dois menores. PAX3 é o único gene conhecido associado à síndrome, sendo, entretanto, mais usado no aconselhamento genético. Quanto ao diagnóstico diferencial, podemos citar: outras causas de perda auditiva neurossensorial congênita não progressiva, outros tipo de síndrome de Waardenburg, piebaldismo, albinismo, vitiligo e síndrome de Teitz. Neste trabalho, apresenta-se um paciente masculino de 11 anos com diagnóstico de síndrome de Waardenburg tipo I. Ressalta-se a importância do oftalmologista no auxílio do diagnóstico deste raro quadro sistêmico, uma vez que inclui algumas alterações oftalmológicas. O diagnóstico precoce da síndrome permite estimulação adequada para a perda auditiva, assim como medidas preventivas em caso de gestantes afetadas no aconselhamento genético.

  10. Experimental validation for combustion analysis of GOTHIC 6.1b code in 2-dimensional premixed combustion experiments

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lee, J. Y.; Lee, J. J.; Park, K. C.


    In this study, the prediction capability of GOTHIC code for hydrogen combustion phenomena was validated with the results of two-dimensional premixed hydrogen combustion experiment executed by Seoul National University. In the experimental results, we could confirm the propagation characteristics of hydrogen flame such as buoyancy effect, flame front shape etc.. The combustion time of the tests was about 0.1 sec.. In the GOTHIC analyses results, the GOTHIC code could predict the overall hydrogen flame propagation characteristics but the buoyancy effect and flame shape did not compare well with the experimental results. Especially, in case of the flame propagate to the dead-end, GOTHIC predicted the flame did not affected by the flow and this cause quite different results in flame propagation from experimental results. Moreover the combustion time of the analyses was about 1 sec. which is ten times longer than the experimental result. To obtain more reasonable analysis results, it is necessary that combustion model parameters in GOTHIC code apply appropriately and hydrogen flame characteristics be reflected in solving governing equations

  11. System and method for engine combustion (United States)

    Sczomak, David P.; Gallon, Robert J.; Solomon, Arun S.


    A combustion system for use with one or more cylinder bores of an internal combustion engine includes at least one cylinder head defining first and second intake ports in fluid communication with the one or more cylinder bores. A flap is adjustably connected to the at least one cylinder head. The flap includes a first flap portion cooperating with the first intake port extending from an arm and a second flap portion cooperating with the second intake port extending from the arm and disposed adjacent the first flap portion. A controller in electrical communication with an actuator monitors the condition of the engine and actuates the flap to position the first and second flap portions between first and second positions to create a first combustion condition and a second combustion condition.

  12. Correlações fenotípicas entre tamanho de grãos e outros caracteres em topocruzamentos de soja tipo alimento com tipo grão

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    Full Text Available Este trabalho foi conduzido para avaliar a correlação fenotípica entre vários caracteres em topocruzamentos entre soja tipo alimento e soja tipo grão (Doko e FT-2. Valores de interesse para facilitar a seleção foram obtidos nas correlações entre peso de cem sementes (tamanho de sementes e dias para atingir a maturidade, e entre tamanho de sementes e largura visual da vagem. Na correlação entre produtividade de grãos e tamanho de sementes somente os topocruzamentos com Doko foram significativos. As estimativas de correlações em plantas individuais tenderam a confirmar aquelas obtidas em médias de parcelas. Os valores de correlação foram diferentes entre os tipos (grão, broto/"natto" e hortaliça de soja envolvidos, o que sugere a adoção de estratégias de seleção distintas. O estudo de correlações para cada topocruzamento é importante, pois podem ocorrer diferenças no desempenho das plantas como foi observado nos resultados obtidos.

  13. Techniques for Liquid Rocket Combustion Spontaneous Stability and Rough Combustion Assessments (United States)

    Kenny, R. J.; Giacomoni, C.; Casiano, M. J.; Fischbach, S. R.


    This work presents techniques for liquid rocket engine combustion stability assessments with respect to spontaneous stability and rough combustion. Techniques covering empirical parameter extraction, which were established in prior works, are applied for three additional programs: the F-1 Gas Generator (F1GG) component test program, the RS-84 preburner component test program, and the Marshall Integrated Test Rig (MITR) program. Stability assessment parameters from these programs are compared against prior established spontaneous stability metrics and updates are identified. Also, a procedure for comparing measured with predicted mode shapes is presented, based on an extension of the Modal Assurance Criterion (MAC).

  14. Efectos del tipo de diabetes, estrategias de afrontamiento, sexo y optimismo en el apoyo social


    Rondón, José E.; Lugli, Zoraide


    Se desea conocer el efecto del tipo de diabetes, las estrategias de afrontamiento, el sexo, y el optimismo sobre las redes sociales y el apoyo social percibido por sujetos con diabetes. Participaron 103 hombres y 197 mujeres divididos en diabéticos tipo

  15. Highly time-resolved imaging of combustion and pyrolysis product concentrations in solid fuel combustion: NO formation in a burning cigarette. (United States)

    Zimmermann, Ralf; Hertz-Schünemann, Romy; Ehlert, Sven; Liu, Chuan; McAdam, Kevin; Baker, Richard; Streibel, Thorsten


    The highly dynamic, heterogeneous combustion process within a burning cigarette was investigated by a miniaturized extractive sampling probe (microprobe) coupled to photoionization mass spectrometry using soft laser single photon ionization (SPI) for online real-time detection of molecular ions of combustion and pyrolysis products. Research cigarettes smoked by a smoking machine are used as a reproducible model system for solid-state biomass combustion, which up to now is not addressable by current combustion-diagnostic tools. By combining repetitively recorded online measurement sequences from different sampling locations in an imaging approach, highly time- and space-resolved quantitative distribution maps of, e.g., nitrogen monoxide, benzene, and oxygen concentrations were obtained at a near microscopic level. The obtained quantitative distribution maps represent a time-resolved, movie-like imaging of the respective compound's formation and destruction zones in the various combustion and pyrolysis regions of a cigarette during puffing. Furthermore, spatially resolved kinetic data were ascertainable. The here demonstrated methodology can also be applied to various heterogenic combustion/pyrolysis or reaction model systems, such as fossil- or biomass-fuel pellet combustion or to a positional resolved analysis of heterogenic catalytic reactions.

  16. Environmental optimisation of waste combustion

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Schuster, Robert [AaF Energikonsult, Stockholm (Sweden); Berge, Niclas; Stroemberg, Birgitta [TPS Termiska Processer AB, Nykoeping (Sweden)


    The regulations concerning waste combustion evolve through R and D and a strive to get better and common regulations for the European countries. This study discusses if these rules of today concerning oxygen concentration, minimum temperature and residence time in the furnace and the use of stand-by burners are needed, are possible to monitor, are the optimum from an environmental point of view or could be improved. No evidence from well controlled laboratory experiments validate that 850 deg C in 6 % oxygen content in general is the best lower limit. A lower excess air level increase the temperature, which has a significant effect on the destruction of hydrocarbons, favourably increases the residence time, increases the thermal efficiency and the efficiency of the precipitators. Low oxygen content is also necessary to achieve low NO{sub x}-emissions. The conclusion is that the demands on the accuracy of the measurement devices and methods are too high, if they are to be used inside the furnace to control the combustion process. The big problem is however to find representative locations to measure temperature, oxygen content and residence time in the furnace. Another major problem is that the monitoring of the operation conditions today do not secure a good combustion. It can lead to a false security. The reason is that it is very hard to find boilers without stratifications. These stratifications (stream lines) has each a different history of residence time, mixing time, oxygen and combustible gas levels and temperature, when they reach the convection area. The combustion result is the sum of all these different histories. The hydrocarbons emission is in general not produced at a steady level. Small clouds of unburnt hydrocarbons travels along the stream lines showing up as peaks on a THC measurement device. High amplitude peaks has a tendency to contain higher ratio of heavy hydrocarbons than lower peaks. The good correlation between some easily detected

  17. Mechanisms and kinetics of granulated sewage sludge combustion. (United States)

    Kijo-Kleczkowska, Agnieszka; Środa, Katarzyna; Kosowska-Golachowska, Monika; Musiał, Tomasz; Wolski, Krzysztof


    This paper investigates sewage sludge disposal methods with particular emphasis on combustion as the priority disposal method. Sewage sludge incineration is an attractive option because it minimizes odour, significantly reduces the volume of the starting material and thermally destroys organic and toxic components of the off pads. Additionally, it is possible that ashes could be used. Currently, as many as 11 plants use sewage sludge as fuel in Poland; thus, this technology must be further developed in Poland while considering the benefits of co-combustion with other fuels. This paper presents the results of experimental studies aimed at determining the mechanisms (defining the fuel combustion region by studying the effects of process parameters, including the size of the fuel sample, temperature in the combustion chamber and air velocity, on combustion) and kinetics (measurement of fuel temperature and mass changes) of fuel combustion in an air stream under different thermal conditions and flow rates. The combustion of the sludge samples during air flow between temperatures of 800 and 900°C is a kinetic-diffusion process. This process determines the sample size, temperature of its environment, and air velocity. The adopted process parameters, the time and ignition temperature of the fuel by volatiles, combustion time of the volatiles, time to reach the maximum temperature of the fuel surface, maximum temperature of the fuel surface, char combustion time, and the total process time, had significant impacts. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  18. Effects of streamwise vortex breakdown on supersonic combustion. (United States)

    Hiejima, Toshihiko


    This paper presents a numerical simulation study of the combustion structure of streamwise vortex breakdown at Mach number 2.48. Hydrogen fuel is injected into a combustor at sonic speed from the rear of a hypermixer strut that can generate streamwise vortices. The results show that the burning behavior is enhanced at the points of the shock waves that are incident on the vortex and therefore the vortex breakdown in the subsonic region occurs due to combustion. The breakdown domain in the mainstream is found to form a flame-holding region suited to combustion and to lead to a stable combustion field with detached flames. In this way, streamwise vortex breakdown has an essential role in combustion enhancement and the formation of flames that hold under supersonic inflow conditions. Finally, the combustion property defined here is shown to coincide with the produced-water mass flow. This property shows that the amount of combustion is saturated at equivalence ratios over 0.4, although there is a slight increase beyond 1.

  19. Potencial de vida útil pós-colheita de quatro genótipos de melão tipo Galia Potential of postharvest shelf life of four genotypes of Galia type melons

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Patrícia Lígia Dantas de Morais


    Full Text Available Avaliou-se o potencial de vida útil pós-colheita de melões (Cucumis melo L. tipo Galia (genótipos Primal, Solarking, Total e Vicar. Utilizou-se o delineamento inteiramente casualizado em esquema fatorial 4 (genótipos x 4 (tempos de armazenamento: 0, 3, 6 e 9 dias, com três repetições. Os frutos foram colhidos no estádio de maturação IV (predominantemente amarelo e armazenados à temperatura de 20 ± 1ºC e umidade relativa de 50 ± 2%. O genótipo Solarking apresentou uma firmeza média de polpa superior aos demais, do inicio ao final do período de armazenamento. Em todos os genótipos, os valores de sólidos solúveis no início do armazenamento encontraram-se dentro da faixa aceitável para comercialização no mercado externo, havendo pouca variação com o decorrer do período de armazenamento. A aparência interna limitou o tempo de vida útil pós-colheita do genótipo Total em apenas seis dias. Os genótipos Solarking, Vicar e Primal apresentaram maior potencial na conservação pós-colheita, principalmente o híbrido Solarking, que chegou aos nove dias de armazenamento com boa aparência interna.The postharvest life span of Galia (genotypes Primal, Solarking, Total, and Vicar melons (Cucumis melo L. was evaluated by a four (genotypes x four (storage periods: 0, 3, 6, and 9 days factorial experiment, in a completely randomized design with three replications. The fruits were harvested at maturation stage IV (yellow color predominance, and stored under 20 ± 1ºC and HR 50 ± 2%. Solarking's average firmness was better than that of the other genotypes during the experimental period. At the beginning of the experiment all genotypes had soluble solids contents at the level (eight to ten percent required for exportation, with these levels varying slightly during storage. The internal aspect limited to six days the postharvest life span of genotype Total. Solarking, Vicar, and Primal showed great postharvest conservation potential

  20. Low Temperature Combustion Demonstrator for High Efficiency Clean Combustion

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ojeda, William de


    The project which extended from November 2005 to May of 2010 demonstrated the application of Low Temperature Combustion (LTC) with engine out NOx levels of 0.2 g/bhp-hr throughout the program target load of 12.6bar BMEP. The project showed that the range of loads could be extended to 16.5bar BMEP, therefore matching the reference lug line of the base 2007 MY Navistar 6.4L V8 engine. Results showed that the application of LTC provided a dramatic improvement over engine out emissions when compared to the base engine. Furthermore LTC improved thermal efficiency by over 5% from the base production engine when using the steady state 13 mode composite test as a benchmark. The key enablers included improvements in the air, fuel injection, and cooling systems made in Phases I and II. The outcome was the product of a careful integration of each component under an intelligent control system. The engine hardware provided the conditions to support LTC and the controller provided the necessary robustness for a stable combustion. Phase III provided a detailed account on the injection strategy used to meet the high load requirements. During this phase, the control strategy was implemented in a production automotive grade ECU to perform cycle-by-cycle combustion feedback on each of the engine cylinders. The control interacted on a cycle base with the injection system and with the Turbo-EGR systems according to their respective time constants. The result was a unique system that could, first, help optimize the combustion system and maintain high efficiency, and secondly, extend the steady state results to the transient mode of operation. The engine was upgraded in Phase IV with a Variable Valve Actuation system and a hybrid EGR loop. The impact of the more versatile EGR loop did not provide significant advantages, however the application of VVA proved to be an enabler to further extend the operation of LTC and gain considerable benefits in fuel economy and soot reduction. Finally

  1. Development of a NO/x/-free combustion system (United States)

    Sadakata, M.; Furusawa, T.; Kunii, D.; Imagawa, M.; Nawada, M.


    The development of a NO(x)-free combustion-heating system realizing both pollution control and energy savings is described. An experiment was carried out by using a small model plant. The system consists of a combustion furnace and a new-type multifunctional heat exchanger. The heat exchanger is a rotary continuous type designed for soot collection and for catalytic combustion of CO and H2 as well as for preheating combustion air.

  2. Combustion and Ignition Studies of Nanocomposite Energetic Materials (United States)


    Characterization of a gas burner to simulate a propellant flame and evaluate aluminum particle combustion,” M. Jackson, M. L. Pantoya and W. Gill, Combustion...of a gas burner to simulate a propellant flame and evaluate aluminum particle combustion,” M. Jackson, M. L. Pantoya and W. Gill, Combustion and...changes in parameters such as particle size. The LFA measures these properties for bulk powders, consolidated pellets or even liquid mediums and is

  3. The John Zink Hamworthy combustion handbook

    CERN Document Server

    Baukal, Charles E


    Despite the length of time it has been around, its importance, and vast amounts of research, combustion is still far from being completely understood. Issues regarding the environment, cost, and fuel consumption add further complexity, particularly in the process and power generation industries. Dedicated to advancing the art and science of industrial combustion, The John Zink Hamworthy Combustion Handbook, Second Edition: Volume 3 - Applications offers comprehensive, up-to-date coverage of equipment used in the process and power generation industries. Under the leadership of Charles E. Baukal

  4. Chaotic combustion in spark ignition engines

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wendeker, Miroslaw; Czarnigowski, Jacek; Litak, Grzegorz; Szabelski, Kazimierz


    We analyse the combustion process in a spark ignition engine using the experimental data of an internal pressure during the combustion process and show that the system can be driven to chaotic behaviour. Our conclusion is based on the observation of unperiodicity in the time series, suitable stroboscopic maps and a complex structure of a reconstructed strange attractor. This analysis can explain that in some circumstances the level of noise in spark ignition engines increases considerably due to nonlinear dynamics of a combustion process

  5. Combustion Gases And Heat Release Analysis During Flame And Flameless Combustion Of Wood Pellets

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Horváth Jozef


    Full Text Available With the growing prices of fossil fuels, alternative fuels produced of biomass come to the fore. They are made of waste materials derived from the processing of wood and wood materials. The main objective of this study was to analyse the fire-technical characteristics of wood pellets. The study analysed three dust samples acquired from wood pellets made of various types of wood biomass. Wood pellet dust is produced when manipulating with pellets. During this process a potentially hazardous situations may occur. Biomass is chemically composed mostly of hemicellulose, cellulose and lignin. During straining of the biomass by heat flux, combustion initiation occurs. Also, there was a change in the composition of material throughout combustion gases production, and the amount of heat generated by a flame or flameless combustion. Measurement of fire characteristics was conducted according to ISO 5660-1 standard using a cone calorimeter. Two samples of wood pellet dust were tested under the heat flux of 35 kW.m−2 and 50 kW.m−2. The process of combustion, the time to ignition, the carbon monoxide concentration and the amount of released heat were observed.

  6. Emission characteristics of premixed lean diesel combustion. Effects of injection nozzle and combustion chamber shape on combustion and emission characteristics; Kihaku yokongo diesel nensho no haishutsubutsu tokusei. Funmu keijo oyobi nenshoshitsu keijo ga haishutsu gas tokusei ni oyobosu eikyo

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Harada, A; Sasaki, S; Miyamoto, T; Akagawa, H; Tsujimura, K


    Many articles about low NOx emission combustion are reported. A mixture formation is necessary to success low NOx emission combustion. But, there is few reports about the effect of nozzle and combustion shape on emissions which give influence on mixture. In this paper, the effects on characteristic of combustion and emissions of some land of injection nozzle and combustion chamber shape were investigated. As a result, it was cleared that the influence of combustion chamber shape on characteristic of combustion and emissions was varied by spray shape, and pintle type injection nozzle was suitable for PREDIC. 7 refs., 10 figs., 1 tab.

  7. Resultado a largo plazo de las fusiones largas espinopelvicas en escoliosis: importancia de la edad, la capacidad de marcha y el tipo de fijación ilíaca

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Carlos Eduardo De la Cabada


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Conocer los factores que influyen en los fracasos instrumentales lumbosacros después de fusiones espinopélvicas largas. MÉTODO: Estudio retrospectivo de pacientes diagnosticados con escoliosis, tratados quirúrgicamente por vía posterior, realizándo se fusión espinopélvica de T2 o T3 a ilíaco, utilizando tornillos pediculares e ilíacos. Se analizaron los fracasos instrumentales y su asociación con diferentes parámetros clínicos y radiológicos. RESULTADOS: Se presentan 44 pacientes con edad promedio de 24 años, con diferentes etiologías. El valor promedio preoperatorio de la curva mayor era de 74,2º, y en la revisión final la corrección promedio fue 67%. El desequilibrio anteroposterior y la inclinación pélvica, la cifosis torácica, la lordosis lumbar y el desequilibrio lateral mejoraron significativamente en la revisión final. Hubo 41% de fracasos de instrumentación, todos a nivel lumbosacro. Se encontró asociación significativa con más fracasos instrumentales en mayores de 17 años y en los que tenían deambulación autónoma. En 24 pacientes, se utilizó un solo tornillo ilíaco bilateralmente y en 20 pacientes, dos o más. Los dos grupos tuvieron una incidencia similar de fracasos. En el grupo de dos o más tornillos solo existieron roturas de barras sin desanclajes, ni lisis. El uso de implantes intersomáticos de L3 a S1 o cerclajes sublaminares con una tercera barra disminuyó la incidencia de fracasos. CONCLUSIONES: En esta serie se presentaron un 41% de fracasos instrumentales, todos localizados a nivel lumbosacro. Los pacientes con capacidad de deambulación autónoma y mayores de 17 años presentaron significativamente más fallas instrumentales. En los que se realizó fusión intersomática L3-S1 o una tercera barra con cerclajes sublaminares, disminuyó la incidencia.

  8. A comprehensive study of combustion products generated from pulverized peat combustion in the furnace of BKZ-210-140F steam boiler (United States)

    Kuzmin, V. A.; Zagrai, I. A.


    The experimental and theoretical study of combustion products has been carried out for the conditions of pulverized peat combustion in BKZ-210-140F steam boiler. Sampling has been performed in different parts of the boiler system in order to determine the chemical composition, radiative properties and dispersity of slag and ash particles. The chemical composition of particles was determined using the method of x-ray fluorescence analysis. Shapes and sizes of the particles were determined by means of electron scanning microscopy. The histograms and the particle size distribution functions were computed. The calculation of components of the gaseous phase was based on the combustion characteristics of the original fuel. The software package of calculation of thermal radiation of combustion products from peat combustion was used to simulate emission characteristics (flux densities and emissivity factors). The dependence of emission characteristics on the temperature level and on the wavelength has been defined. On the basis of the analysis of emission characteristics the authors give some recommendations how to determine the temperature of peat combustion products in the furnace of BKZ-210-140F steam boiler. The findings can be used to measure the combustion products temperature, support temperature control in peat combustion and solve the problem of boiler furnace slagging.

  9. Numerical Studies on Controlling Gaseous Fuel Combustion by Managing the Combustion Process of Diesel Pilot Dose in a Dual-Fuel Engine

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mikulski Maciej


    Full Text Available Protection of the environment and counteracting global warming require finding alternative sources of energy. One of the methods of generating energy from environmentally friendly sources is increasing the share of gaseous fuels in the total energy balance. The use of these fuels in compression-ignition (CI engines is difficult due to their relatively high autoignition temperature. One solution for using these fuels in CI engines is operating in a dualfuel mode, where the air and gas mixture is ignited with a liquid fuel dose. In this method, a series of relatively complex chemical processes occur in the engine's combustion chamber, related to the combustion of individual fuel fractions that interact with one another. Analysis of combustion of specific fuels in this type of fuel injection to the engine is difficult due to the fact that combustion of both fuel fractions takes place simultaneously. Simulation experiments can be used to analyse the impact of diesel fuel combustion on gaseous fuel combustion. In this paper, we discuss the results of simulation tests of combustion, based on the proprietary multiphase model of a dual-fuel engine. The results obtained from the simulation allow for analysis of the combustion process of individual fuels separately, which expands the knowledge obtained from experimental tests on the engine.

  10. AKR1C1 as a Biomarker for Differentiating the Biological Effects of Combustible from Non-Combustible Tobacco Products. (United States)

    Woo, Sangsoon; Gao, Hong; Henderson, David; Zacharias, Wolfgang; Liu, Gang; Tran, Quynh T; Prasad, G L


    Smoking has been established as a major risk factor for developing oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC), but less attention has been paid to the effects of smokeless tobacco products. Our objective is to identify potential biomarkers to distinguish the biological effects of combustible tobacco products from those of non-combustible ones using oral cell lines. Normal human gingival epithelial cells (HGEC), non-metastatic (101A) and metastatic (101B) OSCC cell lines were exposed to different tobacco product preparations (TPPs) including cigarette smoke total particulate matter (TPM), whole-smoke conditioned media (WS-CM), smokeless tobacco extract in complete artificial saliva (STE), or nicotine (NIC) alone. We performed microarray-based gene expression profiling and found 3456 probe sets from 101A, 1432 probe sets from 101B, and 2717 probe sets from HGEC to be differentially expressed. Gene Set Enrichment Analysis (GSEA) revealed xenobiotic metabolism and steroid biosynthesis were the top two pathways that were upregulated by combustible but not by non-combustible TPPs. Notably, aldo-keto reductase genes, AKR1C1 and AKR1C2 , were the core genes in the top enriched pathways and were statistically upregulated more than eight-fold by combustible TPPs. Quantitative real time polymerase chain reaction (qRT-PCR) results statistically support AKR1C1 as a potential biomarker for differentiating the biological effects of combustible from non-combustible tobacco products.

  11. Internal Heterogeneous Processes in Aluminum Combustion (United States)

    Dreizin, E. L.


    This paper discusses the aluminum particle combustion mechanism which has been expanded by inclusion of gas dissolution processes and ensuing internal phase transformations. This mechanism is proposed based on recent normal and microgravity experiments with particles formed and ignited in a pulsed micro-arc. Recent experimental findings on the three stages observed in Al particle combustion in air and shows the burning particle radiation, trajectory (streak), smoke cloud shapes, and quenched particle interiors are summarized. During stage I, the radiation trace is smooth and the particle flame is spherically symmetric. The temperature measured using a three-color pyrometer is close to 3000 K. Because it exceeds the aluminum boiling point (2730 K), this temperature most likely characterizes the vapor phase flame zone rather than the aluminum surface. The dissolved oxygen content within particles quenched during stage I was below the detection sensitivity (about 1 atomic %) for Wavelength Dispersive Spectroscopy (WDS). After an increase in the radiation intensity (and simultaneous decrease in the measured color temperature from about 3000 to 2800 K) indicative of the transition to stage II combustion, the internal compositions of the quenched particles change. Both oxygen-rich (approx. 10 atomic %) and oxygen-lean (combustion behavior and the evolution of its internal composition, the change from the spherically symmetric to asymmetric flame shape occurring upon the transition from stage I to stage II combustion could not be understood based only on the fact that dissolved oxygen is detected in the particles. The connection between the two phenomena appeared even less significant because in earlier aluminum combustion studies carried in O2/Ar mixtures, flame asymmetry was not observed as opposed to experiments in air or O2/CO mixtures. It has been proposed that the presence of other gases, i.e., hydrogen, or nitrogen causes the change in the combustion regime.

  12. Science review of internal combustion engines

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Taylor, Alex M.K.P.


    Internal combustion engines used in transportation produce about 23% of the UK's carbon dioxide emission, up from 14% in 1980. The current science described in this paper suggests that there could be 6-15% improvements in internal combustion fuel efficiency in the coming decade, although filters to meet emission legislation reduce these gains. Using these engines as hybrids with electric motors produces a reduction in energy requirements in the order of 21-28%. Developments beyond the next decade are likely to be dominated by four topics: emission legislation and emission control, new fuels, improved combustion and a range of advanced concepts for energy saving. Emission control is important because current methods for limiting nitrogen oxides and particulate emissions imply extra energy consumption. Of the new fuels, non-conventional fossil-derived fuels are associated with larger greenhouse gas emissions than conventional petroleum-based fuels, while a vehicle propelled by fuel cells consuming non-renewable hydrogen does not necessarily offer an improvement in emissions over the best hybrid internal combustion engines. Improved combustion may be developed for both gasoline and diesel fuels and promises better efficiency as well as lower noxious emissions without the need for filtering. Finally, four advanced concepts are considered: new thermodynamic cycles, a Rankine bottoming cycle, electric turbo-compounding and the use of thermoelectric devices. The latter three all have the common theme of trying to extract energy from waste heat, which represents about 30% of the energy input to an internal combustion engine

  13. Espiritualidad e incertidumbre ante la enfermedad: adultos diabéticos tipo 2


    Gómez Palencia, Isabel Patricia; Durán de Villalobos, María Mercedes


    El objetivo principal de este artículo es determinar la relación entre espiritualidad e incertidumbre presente en personas con situación crónica por diabetes mellitus tipo 2 en instituciones de servicio de salud en Cartagena, Colombia. El estudio fue realizado con un método descriptivo transversal, correlacional.Asimismo, la muestra fue de 163 pacientes que tuvieran como mínimo dos meses de haber sido diagnosticados con diabetes mellitus tipo 2; los instrumentos utilizados fueron la escala de...

  14. Fluidized bed combustion: mixing and pollutant limitation

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Leckner, B. [Chalmers Univ. of Technology, Goeteborg (Sweden). Dept. of Energy Conversion


    Fluidized bed combustion (FBC) has been applied commercially during a few decades, and sufficient knowledge is gained to design boilers with sizes of up to several hundreds of megawatt thermal power (MW{sub th}). The knowledge of what goes on inside a large combustion chamber is still limited, however, and this impedes further optimization and efficient solution of problems that might occur. Despite this lack of knowledge the present survey deals with combustion chamber processes and discusses mixing and distribution of fuel and air in the combustion chamber and its importance for sulphur capture and reduction of emissions of nitrogen oxides. It is desirable to present the material in a general way and to cover the entire field of FBC. However, the scarce openly published information deals mostly with coal combustion in atmospheric circulating fluidized bed (CFB) combustors, and therefore this application will receive most attention, but reference is also made to pressurized combustion and to other fuels than coal. In this context the important work made in the LIEKKI project on the analysis of different fuels and on the influence of pressure should be especially pointed out. (orig.)

  15. Research on combustion of black-liquor drops

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Macek, A.


    Black liquor, the major by-product of the kraft process for production of pulp, is one of the most important industrial fuels. It is burned in recovery boilers in the form of large spray drops (mm), with the objective of simultaneous recovery of heat and chemicals (sodium and sulfur). Even though black-liquor combustion in boilers has been practised for over half a century, research efforts toward improvement of combustion efficiency and abatement of environmental emissions are much more recent. The present paper addresses a specific aspect of that research, namely, elucidation of processes which occur during combustion of black-liquor drops in boiler-gas streams. The paper (a) gives a brief description of the kraft process, (b) reviews the experimental and theoretical (modeling) research advances on combustion of kraft-liquor drops during the 1980s and 1990s, (c) re-examines the results of an earlier combustion study in which black-liquor drops were observed in free flight at temperatures near those in recovery boilers, and (d) recommends input for the modeling of in-flight combustion of kraft-liquor drops in recovery boilers. (author)

  16. Low emission turbulent technology for fuel combustion

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Finker, F. Z.; Kubyshkin, I. B.; Zakharov, B. Yu.; Akhmedov, D. B.; Sobchuk, Ch.


    The company 'POLITEKHENERGO' in co-operation and the Russian-Poland firm 'EnergoVIR' have performed investigations for modernization of the current existing boilers. A low emission turbulent technology has been used for the modernization of 10 industrial boilers. The reduction of NO x emissions is based on the following processes: 1) multistage combustion assured by two counter-deviated fluxes; 2) Some of the combustion facilities have an abrupt slope and a reduced air supply which leads to an intense separation of the fuel in the bottom part and a creation of a low-temperature combustion zone where the active restoration of the NO x takes part; 3) The influence of the top high-temperature zone on the NO x formation is small. Thus the 'sandwich' consisting of 'cold' and'hot' combustion layers provides a full rate combustion. This technique permits to: decrease of the NO x and CO x down to the European standard values;increase of the efficiency in 1-2%; obtain a stable coal combustion up to 97-98%; assure the large loading range (30 -100%); modernize and use the old boilers

  17. Simulation of lean premixed turbulent combustion

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bell, J; Day, M; Almgren, A; Lijewski, M; Rendleman, C; Cheng, R; Shepherd, I


    There is considerable technological interest in developing new fuel-flexible combustion systems that can burn fuels such as hydrogen or syngas. Lean premixed systems have the potential to burn these types of fuels with high efficiency and low NOx emissions due to reduced burnt gas temperatures. Although traditional Scientific approaches based on theory and laboratory experiment have played essential roles in developing our current understanding of premixed combustion, they are unable to meet the challenges of designing fuel-flexible lean premixed combustion devices. Computation, with its ability to deal with complexity and its unlimited access to data, has the potential for addressing these challenges. Realizing this potential requires the ability to perform high fidelity simulations of turbulent lean premixed flames under realistic conditions. In this paper, we examine the specialized mathematical structure of these combustion problems and discuss simulation approaches that exploit this structure. Using these ideas we can dramatically reduce computational cost, making it possible to perform high-fidelity simulations of realistic flames. We illustrate this methodology by considering ultra-lean hydrogen flames and discuss how this type of simulation is changing the way researchers study combustion

  18. Solid waste combustion for alpha waste incineration

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Orloff, D.I.


    Radioactive waste incinerator development at the Savannah River Laboratory has been augmented by fundamental combustion studies at the University of South Carolina. The objective was to measure and model pyrolysis and combustion rates of typical Savannah River Plant waste materials as a function of incinerator operating conditions. The analytical models developed in this work have been incorporated into a waste burning transient code. The code predicts maximum air requirement and heat energy release as a function of waste type, package size, combustion chamber size, and temperature. Historically, relationships have been determined by direct experiments that did not allow an engineering basis for predicting combustion rates in untested incinerators. The computed combustion rates and burning times agree with measured values in the Savannah River Laboratory pilot (1 lb/hr) and full-scale (12 lb/hr) alpha incinerators for a wide variety of typical waste materials

  19. Study of experimental validation for combustion analysis of GOTHIC code

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lee, J. Y.; Yang, S. Y.; Park, K. C.; Jeong, S. H.


    In this study, present lumped and subdivided GOTHIC6 code analyses of the premixed hydrogen combustion experiment at the Seoul National University and comparison with the experiment results. The experimental facility has 16367 cc free volume and rectangular shape. And the test was performed with unit equivalence ratio of the hydrogen and air, and with various location of igniter position. Using the lumped and mechanistic combustion model in GOTHIC6 code, the experiments were simulated with the same conditions. In the comparison between experiment and calculated results, the GOTHIC6 prediction of the combustion response does not compare well with the experiment results. In the point of combustion time, the lumped combustion model of GOTHIC6 code does not simulate the physical phenomena of combustion appropriately. In the case of mechanistic combustion model, the combustion time is predicted well, but the induction time of calculation data is longer than the experiment data remarkably. Also, the laminar combustion model of GOTHIC6 has deficiency to simulate combustion phenomena unless control the user defined value appropriately. And the pressure is not a proper variable that characterize the three dimensional effect of combustion

  20. A comprehensive review of oil spill combustion studies

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Walavalkar, A.Y.; Kulkarni, A.K.


    The complex process of in-situ burning of oil or a water-in-oil emulsion floating on top of a water-base, such as the ocean, was discussed. The process was examined before, during and after actual combustion. In general, the success of oil spill combustion is measured in terms of the fraction of the spilled oil or emulsion that is burned away. However, the air and aquatic pollution caused by the combustion should also be considered. The physical conditions such as wind velocity, waves and the presence or absence of a containment device, such as a fire boom, could determine the continuation of the combustion process. An overview of the oil spill combustion techniques was provided. There still remains a need for fundamental studies, especially in mathematical modeling, to understand the basic mechanisms and predict the applicability of the in-situ combustion. 74 refs., 7 tabs., 3 figs

  1. Formation of fuel NOx during black-liquor combustion

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nichols, K.M.; Lien, S.J.


    Fuel NOx and thermal NOx were measured in combustion gases from black liquors in two laboratory furnaces. Combustion at 950 C in air (8% O 2 ) produced NOx concentrations of 40-80ppm. Combustion at 950 C in synthetic air containing no nitrogen (21% 0 2 in Ar) produced the same result, demonstrating that all of the NOx produced during combustion at 950 C was fuel NOx. Formation of fuel NOx increased moderately with increasing temperature in the range of 800-1,000 C, but temperature sensitivity of fuel NOx was much less than that of thermal NOx. The results imply that the major source of NOx in recovery furnace emissions is the fuel NOx in recovery furnace formed by conversion of liquor-bound nitrogen during combustion. This is consistent with thermal NOx theory, which postulates that black-liquor combustion temperatures are too low to generate significant amounts of thermal NOx

  2. Improvement of a combustion model in MELCOR code

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ogino, Masao; Hashimoto, Takashi


    NUPEC has been improving a hydrogen combustion model in MELCOR code for severe accident analysis. In the proposed combustion model, the flame velocity in a node was predicted using five different flame front shapes of fireball, prism, bubble, spherical jet, and plane jet. For validation of the proposed model, the results of the Battelle multi-compartment hydrogen combustion test were used. The selected test cases for the study were Hx-6, 13, 14, 20 and Ix-2 which had two, three or four compartments under homogeneous hydrogen concentration of 5 to 10 vol%. The proposed model could predict well the combustion behavior in multi-compartment containment geometry on the whole. MELCOR code, incorporating the present combustion model, can simulate combustion behavior during severe accident with acceptable computing time and some degree of accuracy. The applicability study of the improved MELCOR code to the actual reactor plants will be further continued. (author)

  3. Key factors of combustion from kinetics to gas dynamics

    CERN Document Server

    Rubtsov, Nikolai M


    This book summarizes the main advances in the mechanisms of combustion processes. It focuses on the analysis of kinetic mechanisms of gas combustion processes and experimental investigation into the interrelation of kinetics and gas dynamics in gas combustion. The book is complimentary to the one previously published, The Modes of Gaseous Combustion.

  4. Sulfur equilibrium desulfurization of sulfur containing products of combustion

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Woodroffe, J.A.; Abichandani, J.S.


    This patent describes the method for the combustion of a carbon- and sulfur-containing fuel for substantially reducing emission of gaseous sulfur compounds formed during combustion of the fuel in a combustion zone. The zone having one or more fuel inlets and one or more oxidizer inlets, and having a combustion products outlet spaced therefrom, and having one or more inorganic sorbent inlets downstream of the fuel inlet(s) and oxidizer inlet(s) and upstream of the combustion products outlet

  5. Carbon Shale Combustion in the Fluidized Bed Reactor

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Olek Małgorzata


    Full Text Available The purpose of this article is to present the possibilities of coal shale combustion in furnaces with bubbling fluidized bed. Coal shale can be autothermally combusted in the fluidized bed, despite the low calorie value and high ash content of fuel. Established concentrations of CO (500 ppm and VOC (30 mg/m3 have indicated a high conversion degree of combustible material during combustion process. Average concentrations of SO2 and NOx in the flue gas were higher than this received from the combustion of high quality hard coal, 600 ppm and 500 ppm, respectively. Optional reduction of SO2 and NOx emission may require the installation of flue gas desulphurization and de-NOx systems.

  6. Enhancement of exergy efficiency in combustion systems using flameless mode

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hosseini, Seyed Ehsan; Wahid, Mazlan Abdul


    Highlights: • Exergy efficiency in flameless combustion mode is 13% more than conventional combustion. • The maximum exergy efficiency in flameless combustion mode is achieved when oxidizer contains 10% oxygen. • Exergy destruction of flameless combustion is maximized when CO 2 is used for dilution of oxidizer. - Abstract: An exergitic-based analysis of methane (CH 4 ) conventional and flameless combustion in a lab-scale furnace is performed to determine the rate of pollutant formation and the effective potential of a given amount of fuel in the various combustion modes. The effects of inlet air temperature on exergy efficiency and pollutant formation of conventional combustion in various equivalence ratios are analyzed. The rate of exergy destruction in different conditions of flameless combustion (various equivalence ratios, oxygen concentration in the oxidizer and the effects of diluent) are computed using three-dimensional (3D) computational fluid dynamic (CFD). Fuel consumption reduction and exergy efficiency augmentation are the main positive consequences of using preheated air temperature in conventional combustion, however pollutants especially NO x formation increases dramatically. Low and moderate temperature inside the chamber conducts the flameless combustion system to low level pollutant formation. Fuel consumption and exergy destruction reduce drastically in flameless mode in comparison with conventional combustion. Exergy efficiency of conventional and flameless mode is 75% and 88% respectively in stoichiometric combustion. When CO 2 is used for dilution of oxidizer, chemical exergy increases due to high CO 2 concentration in the combustion products and exergy efficiency reduces around 2% compared to dilution with nitrogen (N 2 ). Since the rate of irreversibilities in combustion systems is very high in combined heat and power (CHP) generation and other industries, application of flameless combustion could be effective in terms of pollutant

  7. Numerical investigation of spray combustion towards HITAC conditions

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Zhu, Shanglong


    The features of High Temperature Air Combustion (HiTAC), i.e. high-efficiency combustion processes creating a uniform temperature distribution with low NOX and CO emissions, lend itself ideally for the combustion of all sorts of "difficult” fuels, ranging from low-calorific gases such as

  8. Diabetes mellitus tipo 2 y osteoartritis primaria de rodilla

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rubén Daniel Arellano-Pérez Vertti


    Full Text Available Señor editor: Es nuestro interés dar a conocer los resultados del estudio sobre la asociación entre diabetes tipo 2 y osteoartritis primaria de rodilla en una población del norte de México.

  9. Method for storing radioactive combustible waste (United States)

    Godbee, H.W.; Lovelace, R.C.


    A method is described for preventing pressure buildup in sealed containers which contain radioactively contaminated combustible waste material by adding an oxide getter material to the container so as to chemically bind sorbed water and combustion product gases. (Official Gazette)

  10. Combustion and extinction of magnesium fires

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Malet, J.C.; Duverger de Cuy, G.


    The studies made in France on magnesium combustion and extinguishing means are associated at the nuclear fuel of the graphite-gas reactor. Safety studies are made for ameliorate our knowledge on: - magnesium combustion - magnesium fire propagation - magnesium fire extinguishing [fr

  11. Combustion-derived substances in deep basins of Puget Sound: Historical inputs from fossil fuel and biomass combustion

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kuo, Li-Jung; Louchouarn, Patrick; Herbert, Bruce E.; Brandenberger, Jill M.; Wade, Terry L.; Crecelius, Eric


    Reconstructions of 250 years historical inputs of two distinct types of black carbon (soot/graphitic black carbon (GBC) and char-BC) were conducted on sediment cores from two basins of the Puget Sound, WA. Signatures of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) were also used to support the historical reconstructions of BC to this system. Down-core maxima in GBC and combustion-derived PAHs occurred in the 1940s in the cores from the Puget Sound Main Basin, whereas in Hood Canal such peak was observed in the 1970s, showing basin-specific differences in inputs of combustion byproducts. This system showed relatively higher inputs from softwood combustion than the northeastern U.S. The historical variations in char-BC concentrations were consistent with shifts in climate indices, suggesting an influence of climate oscillations on wildfire events. Environmental loading of combustion byproducts thus appears as a complex function of urbanization, fuel usage, combustion technology, environmental policies, and climate conditions. - Research highlights: → We reconstructed the historical inputs of GBC and char-BC in Puget Sound, WA, USA. → Temporal trend of GBC was linked to human activities (urbanization, fuel usage). → Temporal trend of char-BC was more likely driven by regional climate oscillations. → Historical trends of combustion byproducts show the geographical heterogeneities. - Temporal trend of GBC was directly linked to human activities, while the input of char-BC in Puget Sound was more likely driven by regional climate oscillations.

  12. Extended lattice Boltzmann scheme for droplet combustion. (United States)

    Ashna, Mostafa; Rahimian, Mohammad Hassan; Fakhari, Abbas


    The available lattice Boltzmann (LB) models for combustion or phase change are focused on either single-phase flow combustion or two-phase flow with evaporation assuming a constant density for both liquid and gas phases. To pave the way towards simulation of spray combustion, we propose a two-phase LB method for modeling combustion of liquid fuel droplets. We develop an LB scheme to model phase change and combustion by taking into account the density variation in the gas phase and accounting for the chemical reaction based on the Cahn-Hilliard free-energy approach. Evaporation of liquid fuel is modeled by adding a source term, which is due to the divergence of the velocity field being nontrivial, in the continuity equation. The low-Mach-number approximation in the governing Navier-Stokes and energy equations is used to incorporate source terms due to heat release from chemical reactions, density variation, and nonluminous radiative heat loss. Additionally, the conservation equation for chemical species is formulated by including a source term due to chemical reaction. To validate the model, we consider the combustion of n-heptane and n-butanol droplets in stagnant air using overall single-step reactions. The diameter history and flame standoff ratio obtained from the proposed LB method are found to be in good agreement with available numerical and experimental data. The present LB scheme is believed to be a promising approach for modeling spray combustion.

  13. A Computational Fluid Dynamics Study of Turbulence, Radiation, and Combustion Models for Natural Gas Combustion Burner

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Yik Siang Pang


    Full Text Available This paper presents a Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD study of a natural gas combustion burner focusing on the effect of combustion, thermal radiation and turbulence models on the temperature and chemical species concentration fields. The combustion was modelled using the finite rate/eddy dissipation (FR/EDM and partially premixed flame models. Detailed chemistry kinetics CHEMKIN GRI-MECH 3.0 consisting of 325 reactions was employed to model the methane combustion. Discrete ordinates (DO and spherical harmonics (P1 model were employed to predict the thermal radiation. The gas absorption coefficient dependence on the wavelength is resolved by the weighted-sum-of-gray-gases model (WSGGM. Turbulence flow was simulated using Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS based models. The findings showed that a combination of partially premixed flame, P1 and standard k-ε (SKE gave the most accurate prediction with an average deviation of around 7.8% of combustion temperature and 15.5% for reactant composition (methane and oxygen. The results show the multi-step chemistry in the partially premixed model is more accurate than the two-step FR/EDM. Meanwhile, inclusion of thermal radiation has a minor effect on the heat transfer and species concentration. SKE turbulence model yielded better prediction compared to the realizable k-ε (RKE and renormalized k-ε (RNG. The CFD simulation presented in this work may serve as a useful tool to evaluate a performance of a natural gas combustor. Copyright © 2018 BCREC Group. All rights reserved Received: 26th July 2017; Revised: 9th October 2017; Accepted: 30th October 2017; Available online: 22nd January 2018; Published regularly: 2nd April 2018 How to Cite: Pang, Y.S., Law, W.P., Pung, K.Q., Gimbun, J. (2018. A Computational Fluid Dynamics Study of Turbulence, Radiation, and Combustion Models for Natural Gas Combustion Burner. Bulletin of Chemical Reaction Engineering & Catalysis, 13 (1: 155-169 (doi:10.9767/bcrec

  14. A method for determining the completeness of fuel combustion

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Tavger, M.D.; Chepkin, V.M.; Gruzdev, V.N.; Talantov, A.V.


    The current of conductivity (ionization) of gaseous combustion products, which forms with feeding of electric voltage to a special probe, is proposed for determining the completeness of fuel combustion. Here, the charged particles are formed from substances which form in the intermediate stages of the combustion reaction. The volume of charged particles is proportional to the volume of the intermediate substances, whose presence attests to the incompleteness of the combustion reaction. The fullness of fuel combustion is determined from a formula which includes the stoichiometric coefficient, a gas constant, the energy of activation, the characteristics of the chemical activity of the intermediate substances, the coefficient of air excess, the temperature of the combustion products and the conductivity current.

  15. Combustion chemistry - activities in the CHEK research programme

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Dam-Johansen, K.; Johnsson, J.E.; Glarborg, P.; Frandsen, F.; Jensen, A.; Oestberg, M. [Technical Univ. of Denmark, Lyngby (Denmark). Dept. of Chemical Engineering


    The combustion chemistry in the oxidation of fossil fuels and biofuels determines together with mixing and heat transfer the required size of a furnace, the emission of gaseous pollutants, and the formation of ash and deposits on surfaces. This presentation describes technologies for solid fuels combustion and gives a summary of the fuels, the pollutant chemistry and the inorganic chemistry in combustion processes. Emphasis is put on the work carried out in the CHEC (Combustion and Harmful Emission Control) Research Programme. (orig.)

  16. Issues in waste combustion

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Gustavsson, Lennart; Robertson, Kerstin; Tullin, Claes [Swedish National Testing and Research Inst., Boraas (Sweden); Sundquist, Lena; Wrangensten, Lars [AaF-Energikonsult AB, Stockholm (Sweden); Blom, Elisabet [AaF-Processdesign AB, Stockholm (Sweden)


    The main purpose of this review is to provide an overview of the state-of-the-art on research and development issues related to waste combustion with relevance for Swedish conditions. The review focuses on co-combustion in grate and fluidised bed furnaces. It is primarily literature searches in relevant databases of scientific publications with to material published after 1995. As a complement, findings published in different report series, have also been included. Since the area covered by this report is very wide, we do not claim to cover the issues included completely and it has not been possitile to evaluate the referred studies in depth. Basic knowledge about combustion issues is not included since such information can be found elsewhere in the literature. Rather, this review should be viewed as an overview of research and development in the waste-to-energy area and as such we hope that it will inspire scientists and others to further work in relevant areas.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Bonie Johana Restrepo Cuestas

    Full Text Available Este artículo plantea una metodología para la caracterización de luminarias de haluro metálico, ante eventos sag. Inicialmente, se diseñó y construyó un generador de eventos sag. Luego, se planteó un esquema de pruebas, que fue utilizado para analizar el comportamiento de un tipo de luminarias de alta densidad de descarga tipo Metal Halide, ante eventos sag. Finalmente, tomando como referente el estándar SEMI F-47, se realizó la construcción de una curva característica que muestra la región de operación de la luminaria.

  18. Sistemas de identificación por radiofrecuencia, código de barras y su relación con la gestión de la cadena de suministro

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Alexander Correa Espinal


    Full Text Available El articulo muestra, a través del análisis de libros, artículos científicos y algunos estudios existentes, el estado del arte y la relación entre los sistemas de identificación (código de barras y radiofrecuencia y la gestión de la cadena de suministro, en aplicaciones significativas a nivel mundial y de Colombia. Para ello, se compilan conceptos generales de los sistemas de identificación presentando sus definiciones, componentes de hardware/software, aplicaciones en la cadena de suministro y el uso que grandes, medianas y pequeñas empresas le otorgan. El estudio pone en evidencia la importancia que estas tecnologías tienen para mejorar el desempeño y la trazabilidad, simplificar operaciones, reducir costos y agilizar los flujos de información en la cadena de suministro.

  19. 30 CFR 56.4103 - Fueling internal combustion engines. (United States)


    ... 30 Mineral Resources 1 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Fueling internal combustion engines. 56.4103... Prevention and Control Prohibitions/precautions/housekeeping § 56.4103 Fueling internal combustion engines. Internal combustion engines shall be switched off before refueling if the fuel tanks are integral parts of...

  20. 30 CFR 57.4103 - Fueling internal combustion engines. (United States)


    ... 30 Mineral Resources 1 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Fueling internal combustion engines. 57.4103... Prevention and Control Prohibitions/precautions/housekeeping § 57.4103 Fueling internal combustion engines. Internal combustion engines shall be switched off before refueling if the fuel tanks are integral parts of...

  1. 30 CFR 77.1105 - Internal combustion engines; fueling. (United States)


    ... 30 Mineral Resources 1 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Internal combustion engines; fueling. 77.1105 Section 77.1105 Mineral Resources MINE SAFETY AND HEALTH ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF LABOR COAL MINE... COAL MINES Fire Protection § 77.1105 Internal combustion engines; fueling. Internal combustion engines...

  2. Nitrogen enriched combustion of a natural gas internal combustion engine to reduce NO.sub.x emissions (United States)

    Biruduganti, Munidhar S.; Gupta, Sreenath Borra; Sekar, R. Raj; McConnell, Steven S.


    A method and system for reducing nitrous oxide emissions from an internal combustion engine. An input gas stream of natural gas includes a nitrogen gas enrichment which reduces nitrous oxide emissions. In addition ignition timing for gas combustion is advanced to improve FCE while maintaining lower nitrous oxide emissions.

  3. Atividade física na criança com diabetes tipo 1


    Miculis,Cristiane P.; Mascarenhas,Luis P.; Boguszewski,Margaret C. S.; Campos,Wagner de


    OBJETIVO: Abordar os aspectos práticos da realização segura de atividade física e esportes em crianças e adolescentes portadores de diabetes tipo 1. FONTES DOS DADOS: A pesquisa dos artigos foi conduzida em fontes de dados nacionais (SciELO) e internacionais (PubMed/MEDLINE), assim como nas próprias referências dos artigos encontrados, adotando como limites: artigos publicados nos últimos 10 anos, preferencialmente conduzidos em crianças e adolescentes com diabetes tipo 1, sendo em sua maiori...

  4. A rede social e os tipos de apoio recebidos por idosos institucionalizados


    Rodrigues,Adriana Guimarães; Silva,Ailton Amélio da


    Estudo descritivo que teve como objetivo identificar a composição da rede de apoio social de idosos institucionalizados, bem como os tipos e as quantidades de apoios recebidos por eles. O apoio social tem função importante no enfretamento das perdas e limitações da velhice. Participaram 30 idosos institucionalizados com média de idade de 74 anos. Foram aplicadas entrevistas e a escala de apoio social para identificar a composição da rede social e tipos de apoio social que os idosos recebiam. ...

  5. Interactive wood combustion for botanical tree models

    KAUST Repository

    Pirk, Sören


    We present a novel method for the combustion of botanical tree models. Tree models are represented as connected particles for the branching structure and a polygonal surface mesh for the combustion. Each particle stores biological and physical attributes that drive the kinetic behavior of a plant and the exothermic reaction of the combustion. Coupled with realistic physics for rods, the particles enable dynamic branch motions. We model material properties, such as moisture and charring behavior, and associate them with individual particles. The combustion is efficiently processed in the surface domain of the tree model on a polygonal mesh. A user can dynamically interact with the model by initiating fires and by inducing stress on branches. The flames realistically propagate through the tree model by consuming the available resources. Our method runs at interactive rates and supports multiple tree instances in parallel. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach through numerous examples and evaluate its plausibility against the combustion of real wood samples.

  6. Micro-combustion calorimetry employing a Calvet heat flux calorimeter

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rojas-Aguilar, Aaron; Valdes-Ordonez, Alejandro


    Two micro-combustion bombs developed from a high pressure stainless steel vessel have been adapted to a Setaram C80 Calvet calorimeter. The constant of each micro-bomb was determined by combustions with benzoic acid NIST 39j, giving for the micro-combustion bomb in the measurement sensor k m =(1.01112±0.00054) and for the micro-combustion bomb in the reference sensor k r =(1.00646±0.00059) which means an uncertainty of less than 0.06 per cent for calibration. The experimental methodology to get results of combustion energy of organic compounds with a precision also better than 0.06 per cent is described by applying this micro-combustion device to the measurement of the enthalpy of combustion of the succinic acid, giving Δ c H compfn m (cr, T=298.15 K)=-(1492.89 ± 0.77) kJ · mol -1

  7. Flameless Combustion Workshop

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library

    Gutmark, Ephraim


    .... "Flameless Combustion" is characterized by high stability levels with virtually no thermoacoustic instabilities, very low lean stability limits and therefore extremely low NOx production, efficient...

  8. Combustion/particle sizing experiments at the Naval Postgraduate School Combustion Research Laboratory (United States)

    Powers, John; Netzer, David


    Particle behavior in combustion processes is an active research area at NPS. Currently, four research efforts are being conducted: (1) There is a long standing need to better understand the soot production and combustion processes in gas turbine combustors, both from a concern for improved engine life and to minimize exhaust particulates. Soot emissions are strongly effected by fuel composition and additives; (2) A more recent need for particle sizing/behavior measurements is in the combustor of a solid fuel ramjet which uses a metallized fuel. High speed motion pictures are being used to study rather large burning particles; (3) In solid propellant rocket motors, metals are used to improve specific impulse and/or to provide damping for combustion pressure oscillations. Particle sizing experiments are being conducted using diode arrays to measure the light intensity as a function of scattering angle; (4) Once a good quality hologram is attained, a need exists for obtaining the particle distributions from hologram in a short period of time. A Quantimet 720 Image Analyzer is being used to reconstruct images.

  9. Two phase exhaust for internal combustion engine (United States)

    Vuk, Carl T [Denver, IA


    An internal combustion engine having a reciprocating multi cylinder internal combustion engine with multiple valves. At least a pair of exhaust valves are provided and each supply a separate power extraction device. The first exhaust valves connect to a power turbine used to provide additional power to the engine either mechanically or electrically. The flow path from these exhaust valves is smaller in area and volume than a second flow path which is used to deliver products of combustion to a turbocharger turbine. The timing of the exhaust valve events is controlled to produce a higher grade of energy to the power turbine and enhance the ability to extract power from the combustion process.

  10. 30 CFR 56.7807 - Flushing the combustion chamber. (United States)


    ... 30 Mineral Resources 1 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Flushing the combustion chamber. 56.7807 Section 56.7807 Mineral Resources MINE SAFETY AND HEALTH ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF LABOR METAL AND... Rotary Jet Piercing Rotary Jet Piercing § 56.7807 Flushing the combustion chamber. The combustion chamber...

  11. Análisis de la resistencia a la corrosión de barras corrugadas de acero inoxidable en medios acuosos que simulan el hormigón

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Belzunce, F. J.


    Full Text Available The corrosion behaviour of stainless steel reinforced bars used in civil engineering was studied. Different electrochemical tests were performed using several stainless steel bars (austenitic and duplex, hot and cold rolled, in the presence of a solution, which simulates the contact with salt contaminated concrete. The corrosion rates were determined and also their behaviour against localized corrosion (pitting.

    Se ha realizado un estudio sobre la resistencia a la corrosión de barras corrugadas de acero inoxidable utilizadas en construcción civil para armar el hormigón. Con este objeto se han realizado diferentes ensayos electroquímicos en presencia de un medio acuoso básico, que simula el contacto con hormigón contaminado con sal, y se ha determinado la velocidad de corrosión y la resistencia a la formación de picaduras de diferentes calidades de aceros inoxidables (austeníticos y dúplex, tanto conformadas en caliente como en frío.

  12. Combustion chemistry. Activities in the CHEC research programme

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Dam-Johansen, K; Johnsson, J E; Glarborg, P; Frandsen, F; Jensen, A; Oestberg, M [Technical Univ. of Denmark, Dept. of Chemical Engineering, Lyngby (Denmark)


    The combustion chemistry in the oxidation of fossil fuels and biofuels determines together with mixing and heat transfer the required size of a furnace, the emission of gaseous pollutants, and the formation of ash and deposits on surfaces. This paper describes technologies for solid fuels combustion and gives a summary of the fuels, the pollutant chemistry and the inorganic chemistry in combustion processes. Emphasis is put on the work carried out in the CHEC (Combustion and Harmful Emission Control Research Programme). (au) 173 refs.

  13. Quasi-dimensional modeling of a fast-burn combustion dual-plug spark-ignition engine with complex combustion chamber geometries

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Altın, İsmail; Bilgin, Atilla


    This study builds on a previous parametric investigation using a thermodynamic-based quasi-dimensional (QD) cycle simulation of a spark-ignition (SI) engine with dual-spark plugs. The previous work examined the effects of plug-number and location on some performance parameters considering an engine with a simple cylindrical disc-shaped combustion chamber. In order to provide QD thermodynamic models applicable to complex combustion chamber geometries, a novel approach is considered here: flame-maps, which utilizes a computer aided design (CAD) software (SolidWorks). Flame maps are produced by the CAD software, which comprise all the possible flame radiuses with an increment of one-mm between them, according to the spark plug positions, spark timing, and piston position near the top dead center. The data are tabulated and stored as matrices. Then, these tabulated data are adapted to the previously reported cycle simulation. After testing for simple disc-shaped chamber geometries, the simulation is applied to a real production automobile (Honda-Fit) engine to perform the parametric study. - Highlights: • QD model was applied in dual plug engine with complex realistic combustion chamber. • This method successfully modeled the combustion in the dual-plug Honda-Fit engine. • The same combustion chamber is tested for various spark plug(s) locations. • The centrally located single spark-plug results in the fastest combustion

  14. Combustion Research Facility | A Department of Energy Office of Science (United States)

    Collaborative Research Facility Back to Sandia National Laboratory Homepage Combustion Research Search the CRF Combustion Chemistry Flame Chemistry Research.Combustion_Chemistry.Flame_Chemistry Theory and Modeling Theory and Modeling Combustion Kinetics High Pressure Chemistry Chemistry of Autoignition

  15. Internal combustion engines in hybrid vehicles

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Mourad, S.; Weijer, C.J.T. van de; Beckman, D.E.


    In this paper the use of internal combustion engines in hybrid powertrains is investigated. The substantial difference between the use of internal combustion engines in conventional and in hybrid vehicles mean that engines for hybrid vehicles should be designed specifically for the purpose. At the

  16. Incidencia del tipo de gasolinas, aditivos y equipos optimizadores de combustible comercializados en la ciudad de Cuenca, sobre las emisiones contaminantes emitidas al aire


    Encalada Cajisaca, Franklin Rafael; Ñauta Uzhca, Pablo Gustavo


    El cantón Cuenca ubicado en la provincia del Azuay al sur de Ecuador, a una cota media de 2.550 msnm, es la tercera ciudad más grande del país y al igual que otras ciudades del Ecuador y del Mundo, registra altos índices de contaminación de su medio ambiente a causa de la emisión de gases nocivos al aire, por su creciente parque automotor, las industrias y otros sectores de actividad que utilizan combustibles fósiles como los derivados del petróleo, es decir gasolina, diesel y bunker en sus a...

  17. Evaluation of gas radiation models in CFD modeling of oxy-combustion

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rajhi, M.A.; Ben-Mansour, R.; Habib, M.A.; Nemitallah, M.A.; Andersson, K.


    Highlights: • CFD modeling of a typical industrial water tube boiler is conducted. • Different combustion processes were considered including air and oxy-fuel combustion. • SGG, EWBM, Leckner, Perry and WSGG radiation models were considered in the study. • EWBM is the most accurate model and it’s considered to be the benchmark model. • Characteristics of oxy-fuel combustion are compared to those of air–fuel combustion. - Abstract: Proper determination of the radiation energy is very important for proper predictions of the combustion characteristics inside combustion devices using CFD modeling. For this purpose, different gas radiation models were developed and applied in the present work. These radiation models vary in their accuracy and complexity according to the application. In this work, a CFD model for a typical industrial water tube boiler was developed, considering three different combustion environments. The combustion environments are air–fuel combustion (21% O 2 and 79% N 2 ), oxy-fuel combustion (21% O 2 and 79% CO 2 ) and oxy-fuel combustion (27% O 2 and 73% CO 2 ). Simple grey gas (SGG), exponential wide band model (EWBM), Leckner, Perry and weighted sum of grey gases (WSGG) radiation models were examined and their influences on the combustion characteristics were evaluated. Among those radiation models, the EWBM was found to provide close results to the experimental data for the present boiler combustion application. The oxy-fuel combustion characteristics were analyzed and compared with those of air–fuel combustion

  18. Characteristic of combustion of Colombian gases

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gil B, Edison; Maya, Ruben; Andres, Amel A.


    The variety of gas locations in the country, makes that the gas that will be distributed by the net of present gas pipeline a very different composition, what bears to that these they behave in a different way during its use. In this work the main characteristics of the combustion are calculated for the Colombian gases, basically the properties of the combustion and the characteristics of the smoke, as basic information for the design and operation of the gas teams and their certification. These properties were calculated with the special help software for combustion developed by the authors

  19. Plasma assisted combustion of parafin mixture

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nedybaliuk, O.A.; Chernyak, V.Ya.; Martysh, E.V.; Lisitchenko, T.E.; Vergun, O.Yu.; Orlovska, S.G.


    In this work the results of solid paraffin combustion with the aid of the plasma of transverse and rotational gliding arc studies are represented. The question of the additional activation of paraffin based solid fuels is examined. The mixture of n-paraffin and stearin in the solid state as the model of the solid paraffin based fuel is used. The plasma assisted combustion of this model is experimentally investigated. The voltage-current characteristics of discharge at the different regimes are measured. The population temperatures of excited rotational levels are determined. The flame temperature during the combustion of solid paraffin containing mixture is calculated

  20. Para una crítica de investigaciones académicas y periodísticas sobre la violencia en el fútbol, a partir de La doce, la verdadera historia de la barra brava de Boca : Grabia, Gustavo. Sudamericana, Buenos Aires, 2009


    Sodo, Juan Manuel


    Prosa atrapante, reconstrucción de datos seria y rigurosidad informativa mediante, este sesudo trabajo de Grabia, a lo largo de cinco minuciosos capítulos y casi 250 páginas, nos ofrece una exhaustiva cartografía de la red de relaciones que La 12 ha ido tejiendo con dirigentes, punteros políticos, policía, jueces, futbolistas, empresarios, candidatos a elecciones, directores técnicos, hinchas famosos, otras barras... a lo largo de su convulsionada historia, desde que esta hinchada aparece y e...

  1. Combustion of lean hydrogen-air mixtures in the connected compartments

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fan Liu; Yoshio Yoshizawa; Akio Miyori; Kenya Kubota


    A study of combustion experiments with premixed lean hydrogen-air mixtures was conducted in a vessel consisting of two compartments connected by a diameter-variable vent. Effects of various parameters (hydrogen concentration, vent diameter and initial pressure) on mechanical loads of the combustion processes including mainly the peak pressures and the rates of pressure rise were investigated. Relation of flow and combustion was approached. Ignition-combustion processes were discussed, and the combustion types were classified into three patterns according to the pressure-time histories and the flow characteristics in main combustion compartment

  2. 2017 Laser Diagnostics in Combustion GRC/GRS (United States)


    scientists and engineers . The goal of GRC was to bring together scientists and engineers with a strong interest in laser-based combustion diagnostics to...processes. The GRS, held the weekend before the GRC, was organized to bring together emerging leaders in the field at an early stage in their careers ...coupled multi-scale combustion processes. The GRC on Laser Diagnostics in Combustion was designed to bring together scientists and engineers working at

  3. Oxy-coal combustion in an entrained flow reactor: Application of specific char and volatile combustion and radiation models for oxy-firing conditions

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Álvarez, L.; Yin, Chungen; Riaza, J.


    The deployment of oxy-fuel combustion in utility boilers is one of the major options for CO2 capture. However, combustion under oxy-firing conditions differs from conventional air-firing combustion, e.g., in the aspect of radiative heat transfer, coal conversion and pollutants formation....... In this work, a numerical study on pulverised coal combustion was conducted to verify the applicability and accuracy of several sub-models refined for oxy-fuel conditions, e.g., gaseous radiative property model, gas-phase combustion mechanism and heterogeneous char reaction model. The sub-models were...... implemented in CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) simulations of combustion of three coals under air-firing and various oxy-firing (21-35% vol O2 in O2/CO2 mixture) conditions in an EFR (entrained flow reactor). The predicted coal burnouts and gaseous emissions were compared against experimental results...

  4. Co-combustion of waste materials using fluidized bed technology

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    M. Lopes; I. Gulyurtlu; P. Abelha; T. Crujeira; D. Boavida; I. Cabrita [INETI-DEECA, Lisbon (Portugal)


    There is growing interest in using renewable fuels in order to sustain the CO{sub 2} accumulation. Several waste materials can be used as coal substitutes as long as they contain significant combustible matter, as for example MSW and sewage sludge. Besides the outcome of the energetic valorization of such materials, combustion must be regarded as a pre-treatment process, contributing to the safe management of wastes. Landfilling is an expensive management option and requires a previous destruction of the organic matter present in residues, since its degradation generates greenhouse gases and produces acidic organic leachates. Fluidized bed combustion is a promising technology for the use of mixtures of coal and combustible wastes. This paper presents INETI's experience in the co-combustion of coal with this kind of residues performed in a pilot fluidized bed. Both the RDF (from MSW and sewage sludge) and sewage sludge combustion problems were addressed, relating the gaseous emissions, the behaviour of metals and the leachability of ashes and a comparison was made between co-combustion and mono-combustion in order to verify the influence of the utilization of coal. 9 refs., 1 fig., 3 tabs.

  5. Desempenho de um trator agrícola equipado com pneus radiais e diagonais com três níveis de lastros líquidos Performance of an agricultural tractor equipped with radial and bias ply tires on three levels of liquid ballast

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Leonardo de A. Monteiro


    Full Text Available A utilização correta de pneus em tratores, tanto em relação ao seu tipo quanto à calibração de sua pressão interna, e a lastragem ideal para cada condição de carga são fatores que influem significativamente no desempenho do trator. Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo comparar o desempenho de um trator equipado com pneus radiais e com pneus diagonais, para três condições de lastragem líquida (0%, 40% e 75% de água, em três condições superficiais de um Nitossolo Vermelho distrófico (superfície firme, preparada e com cobertura vegetal de resto de milho e em três velocidades teóricas de deslocamento (4 km h-1, 5 km h-1 e 7 km h-1, informadas no painel do trator, correspondendo às marchas B1, B2 e C1. O melhor desempenho do trator, equipado com pneu diagonal, ocorreu na condição de 75% de água nos pneus, apresentando maior velocidade de deslocamento, menor patinhagem do trator, menor consumo horário de combustível e gerando maior potência na barra de tração. Com pneus radiais, o melhor desempenho do trator ocorreu na condição de 40% de água nos pneus, proporcionando maiores velocidades de deslocamento do trator, menores patinhagens, menores consumos, horário e específico de combustível, e maiores potência e rendimento na barra de tração.The correct use of tires, as for its construction type as for internal pressure calibration and the optimal weighting for each load condition are factors that impact significantly on their performance. This study aimed to compare the performance of a tractor equipped with radial tires and bias ply tires in three conditions of liquid ballast (0%, 40% and 75% water, three surface conditions of a Dystrophic Red Alfisol (firm surface, tillage surface and surface with corn residues coverage and three theoretical traveling speeds (4 km h-1, 5 km h-1 and 7 km h-1, as indicated at the tractor display, related to the gear boxes B1, B2 and C1. The best tractor's performance, equipped with

  6. Disturbing effect of free hydrogen on fuel combustion in internal combustion engines (United States)

    Riedler, A


    Experiments with fuel mixtures of varying composition, have recently been conducted by the Motor Vehicle and Airplane Engine Testing Laboratories of the Royal Technical High School in Berlin and at Fort Hahneberg, as well as at numerous private engine works. The behavior of hydrogen during combustion in engines and its harmful effect under certain conditions, on the combustion in the engine cylinder are of general interest. Some of the results of these experiments are given here, in order to elucidate the main facts and explain much that is already a matter of experience with chauffeurs and pilots.

  7. Scramjet Combustion Stability Behavior Modeling, Phase II (United States)

    National Aeronautics and Space Administration — A recent breakthrough in combustion stability analysis (UCDS) offers the potential to predict the combustion stability of a scramjet. This capability is very...

  8. 30 CFR 57.7807 - Flushing the combustion chamber. (United States)


    ... 30 Mineral Resources 1 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Flushing the combustion chamber. 57.7807... and Rotary Jet Piercing Rotary Jet Piercing-Surface Only § 57.7807 Flushing the combustion chamber. The combustion chamber of a jet drill stem which has been sitting unoperated in a drill hole shall be...


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Thiago de Paula Protásio


    Full Text Available In recent years, studies have examined the use of lignocellulosic wastes for energy generation. However, there is a lack of information on the combustibility of the residual biomass, especially the bark and charcoal of babassu nut. In this study, thermogravimetric analysis (TGA, differential thermal analysis (DTA and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC were used to achieve the following objectives: to evaluate the combustion of the residual biomass from the babassu nut; to evaluate the combustion of charcoal produced from this biomass, considering different final carbonization temperatures; and to determine the effect of the final carbonization temperature on the thermal stability of charcoal and on its performance in combustion. Thermal analyses were performed in synthetic air. In order to evaluate the characteristics of charcoal combustion and fresh biomass, the ignition temperature (Ti, the burnout temperature (Tf, characteristic combustion index (S, ignition index (Di, time corresponding to the maximum combustion rate (tp, and ignition time (tig were considered. The combustion of the babassu nutshell occurred in three phases and it was observed that this lignocellulosic material is suitable for the direct generation of heat. The increase in the final carbonization temperature caused an increase in the ignition temperature, as well as in the burnout temperature, the ignition time and the time corresponding to the maximum combustion rate. The results indicate that the increase in the carbonization temperature causes a decrease in combustion reactivity and, consequently, the charcoals produced at lower temperatures are easier to ignite and exhibit better performance in ignition.

  10. Los ejemplares tipo de Cicadellinae y Gyponinae (Hemiptera: Auchenorrhyncha: Cicadellidae depositados en el Museo de La Plata, Argentina

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Susana L. PARADELL


    Full Text Available En la presente contribución, se realizó un relevamiento de los ejemplares tipo de Cicadellidae, depositados en la colección de la División Entomología del Museo de La Plata (MLP. Fueron examinados y listados 86 ejemplares tipo pertenecientes a 32 especies: siete Cicadellinae y 25 Gyponinae, las que fueron descriptas por los siguientes autores: Berg, DeLong, DeLong & Freytag, DeLong & Martinson, Spångberg , Tesón y Young. Para cada ejemplar tipo se brinda información acerca del nombre específico, referencia bibliográfica, categoría de tipo y procedencia.

  11. Staged combustion with piston engine and turbine engine supercharger (United States)

    Fischer, Larry E [Los Gatos, CA; Anderson, Brian L [Lodi, CA; O'Brien, Kevin C [San Ramon, CA


    A combustion engine method and system provides increased fuel efficiency and reduces polluting exhaust emissions by burning fuel in a two-stage combustion system. Fuel is combusted in a piston engine in a first stage producing piston engine exhaust gases. Fuel contained in the piston engine exhaust gases is combusted in a second stage turbine engine. Turbine engine exhaust gases are used to supercharge the piston engine.

  12. Mixing and combustion enhancement of Turbocharged Solid Propellant Ramjet (United States)

    Liu, Shichang; Li, Jiang; Zhu, Gen; Wang, Wei; Liu, Yang


    Turbocharged Solid Propellant Ramjet is a new concept engine that combines the advantages of both solid rocket ramjet and Air Turbo Rocket, with a wide operation envelope and high performance. There are three streams of the air, turbine-driving gas and augment gas to mix and combust in the afterburner, and the coaxial intake mode of the afterburner is disadvantageous to the mixing and combustion. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out mixing and combustion enhancement research. In this study, the numerical model of Turbocharged Solid Propellant Ramjet three-dimensional combustion flow field is established, and the numerical simulation of the mixing and combustion enhancement scheme is conducted from the aspects of head region intake mode to injection method in afterburner. The results show that by driving the compressed air to deflect inward and the turbine-driving gas to maintain strong rotation, radial and tangential momentum exchange of the two streams can be enhanced, thereby improving the efficiency of mixing and combustion in the afterburner. The method of injecting augment gas in the transverse direction and making sure the injection location is as close as possible to the head region is beneficial to improve the combustion efficiency. The outer combustion flow field of the afterburner is an oxidizer-rich environment, while the inner is a fuel-rich environment. To improve the efficiency of mixing and combustion, it is necessary to control the injection velocity of the augment gas to keep it in the oxygen-rich zone of the outer region. The numerical simulation for different flight conditions shows that the optimal mixing and combustion enhancement scheme can obtain high combustion efficiency and have excellent applicability in a wide working range.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    M.M. Noor


    Full Text Available Combustion is still very important to generate energy. Moderate or Intense Low-oxygen Dilution (MILD combustion is one of the best new technologies for clean and efficient combustion. MILD combustion has been proven to be a promising combustion technology in industrial applications with decreased energy consumption due to the uniformity of its temperature distribution. It is clean compared to traditional combustion due to producing low NOx and CO emissions. This article provides a review and discussion of recent research and developments in MILD. The issue and applications are summarized, with some suggestions presented on the upgrading and application of MILD in the future. Currently MILD combustion has been successfully applied in closed furnaces. The preheating of supply air is no longer required since the recirculation inside the enclosed furnace already self-preheats the supply air and self-dilutes the oxygen in the combustion chamber. The possibility of using open furnace MILD combustion will be reviewed. The design consideration for open furnace with exhaust gas re-circulation (EGR was discussed.

  14. High Gravity (g) Combustion (United States)


    UNICORN (Unsteady Ignition and Combustion with Reactions) code10. Flame propagation in a tube that is 50-mm wide and 1000-mm long (similar to that...turbine engine manufacturers, estimating the primary zone space heating rate. Both combustion systems, from Company A and Company B, required a much...MBTU/atm-hr-ft3) Te m pe ra tu re R is e (K ) dP/P = 2% dP/P = 2.5% dP/P = 3% dP/P = 3.5% dP/P = 4% Company A Company B Figure 13: Heat Release Rate

  15. [Species and size composition of fishes in Barra de Navidad lagoon, Mexican central Pacific]. (United States)

    González-Sansón, Gaspar; Aguilar-Betancourt, Consuelo; Kosonoy-Aceves, Daniel; Lucano-Ramírez, Gabriela; Ruiz-Ramírez, Salvador; Flores-Ortega, Juan Ramón; Hinojosa-Larios, Angel; de Asís Silva-Bátiz, Francisco


    Coastal lagoons are considered important nursery areas for many coastal fishes. Barra de Navidad coastal lagoon (3.76km2) is important for local economy as it supports tourism development and artisanal fisheries. However, the role of this lagoon in the dynamics of coastal fish populations is scarcely known. Thus, the objectives of this research were: to characterize the water of the lagoon and related weather conditions, to develop a systematic list of the ichthyofauna, and to estimate the proportion of juveniles in the total number of individuals captured of most abundant species. Water and fish samples were collected between March 2011 and February 2012. Physical and chemical variables were measured in rainy and dry seasons. Several fishing gears were used including a cast net, beach purse seine and gillnets of four different mesh sizes. Our results showed that the lagoon is most of the time euhaline (salinity 30-40ups), although it can be mixopolyhaline (salinity 18-30ups) during short periods. Chlorophyll and nutrients concentrations suggested eutrophication in the lagoon. Mean water temperature changed seasonally from 24.9 degrees C (April, high tide) to 31.4 degrees C (October, low tide). Considering ichthyofauna species, a total of 36 448 individuals of 92 species were collected, 31 of them adding up to 95% of the total of individuals caught. Dominant species were Anchoa spp. (44.6%), Diapterus peruvianus (10.5%), Eucinostomus currani (8.1%), Cetengraulis mysticetus (7.8%), Mugil curema (5.2%) and Opisthonema libertate (4.5%). The lagoon is an important juvenile habitat for 22 of the 31 most abundant species. These included several species of commercial importance such as snappers (Lutjanus argentiventris, L. colorado and L. novemfasciatus), snook (Centropomus nigrescens) and white mullet (Mugil curema). Other four species seem to use the lagoon mainly as adults. This paper is the first contribution on the composition of estuarine ichthyofauna in Jalisco

  16. Publication sites productive uses of combustion ash (United States)

    Publication Sites Productive Uses of Combustion Ash For more information contact: e:mail: Public waste combustion ash in landfills. The new technology brief describes recent studies where ash was used

  17. Scramjet Combustion Stability Behavior Modeling, Phase I (United States)

    National Aeronautics and Space Administration — A recent breakthrough in combustion stability analysis (UCDS) offers the means to accurately predict the combustion stability of a scramjet. This capability is very...

  18. Production of nanocrystalline metal powders via combustion reaction synthesis (United States)

    Frye, John G.; Weil, Kenneth Scott; Lavender, Curt A.; Kim, Jin Yong


    Nanocrystalline metal powders comprising tungsten, molybdenum, rhenium and/or niobium can be synthesized using a combustion reaction. Methods for synthesizing the nanocrystalline metal powders are characterized by forming a combustion synthesis solution by dissolving in water an oxidizer, a fuel, and a base-soluble, ammonium precursor of tungsten, molybdenum, rhenium, or niobium in amounts that yield a stoichiometric burn when combusted. The combustion synthesis solution is then heated to a temperature sufficient to substantially remove water and to initiate a self-sustaining combustion reaction. The resulting powder can be subsequently reduced to metal form by heating in a reducing gas environment.

  19. Torrefaction of empty fruit bunches under biomass combustion gas atmosphere. (United States)

    Uemura, Yoshimitsu; Sellappah, Varsheta; Trinh, Thanh Hoai; Hassan, Suhaimi; Tanoue, Ken-Ichiro


    Torrefaction of oil palm empty fruit bunches (EFB) under combustion gas atmosphere was conducted in a batch reactor at 473, 523 and 573K in order to investigate the effect of real combustion gas on torrefaction behavior. The solid mass yield of torrefaction in combustion gas was smaller than that of torrefaction in nitrogen. This may be attributed to the decomposition enhancement effect by oxygen and carbon dioxide in combustion gas. Under combustion gas atmosphere, the solid yield for torrefaction of EFB became smaller as the temperature increased. The representative products of combustion gas torrefaction were carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide (gas phase) and water, phenol and acetic acid (liquid phase). By comparing torrefaction in combustion gas with torrefaction in nitrogen gas, it was found that combustion gas can be utilized as torrefaction gas to save energy and inert gas. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  20. New combustion, environment regulations: the answers for natural gas; Nouvelles reglementations, combustion, environnement: les reponses pour le gaz naturel

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Le Peltier-Marc, A. [Gaz de France (GDF), 75 - Paris (France)


    This paper reports on the point of view from Gaz de France (GdF) company concerning the potential consequences of the use of natural gas in combustion systems with respect to the new regulations about combustion and environment. Details concerning the measures relative to the limitation of pollutants in small combustion installations (2 - 20 MW) are given (chimney height, SO{sub x}, NO{sub x} and dusts content in exhaust gases). (J.S.)