
Sample records for barn med astma

  1. Barns kommunikasjon med ulike typer kart - en progressiv tilnærming til kartlesing

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Trine Bjerva


    Full Text Available Utgangspunktet for denne studien er en erkjennelse av hvor vanskelig det kan være for barn å samhandle med det symbolske kartet. Hovedmålet for prosjektet var å utvikle sikrere viten om hvordan barn kommuniserer med ulike typer kart. Det er utarbeidet en modell (Bjerva, Græsli, & Sigurjónsson, 2010 som viser hvordan vi kan utvikle ferdigheten kartlesing hos barn. Vi har undersøkt 106 barn i alderen 3 til 12 år om hvordan de mestrer direkte representasjoner (detaljfoto og perspektiv representasjoner (håndtegnet skråkart. Forskningsdesignet har en økologisk tilnærming hvor datainnsamlingen har foregått i terrenget. Resultatene indikerer at selv små barn mestrer antatt kompliserte oppgaver når de blir presentert for enkle hjelpemidler.

  2. Hvordan diagnosticerer man astma hos børn?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hermann, Christian


    Astma og astmatisk bronkit har ens symptomatologi og behandling og kan med vore dages effektive og bivirkningssvage medicin selv i de lettere grader behandles. Symptomerne kender vi i praksis fra op mod 1/3 af småbørnene, kunsten består i at stille behandlingsindikationen. Der opridses overvejende...... udfra kliniske kriterier enkle retningslinier, der nyder konsensus blandt danske almenmedicinere og pædiatere til hjælp i den daglige håndtering af sådanne symptomer i almen praksis. Til slut understreges, at opsporing af astma og astmatisk bronkitis naturligt hører hjemme i almen praksis, og...

  3. Svangerskapskomplikasjoner og risikoen for astma blant nordmenn født 1967-1993

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Per Nafstad


    ødselsår, pluralitet, atopisk sykdom hos mor, utdanningsnivå hos mor og hvor i landet fødselen fant sted.: Undersøkelsespopulasjonen består av levende fødte nordmenn født i perioden 1967-1993(n = 1 548 429. Opplysninger fra Medisinsk fødselsregister (MFR ble koblet med opplysninger fra Rikstrygdeverket om mottatt grunn- og hjelpestønad. Fødselsregisteret inneholder opplysninger om svangerskapskomplikasjoner og sykdommer hos den gravide/fødende mor og Rikstrygdeverkets register inneholder opplysninger og diagnoser over alle nordmenn som har motatt grunn- og hjelpestønad pga. astma i perioden 1967-1996 (n = 5938, 3,9/1000 personer.: Det er mulig at forhold og hendelser i svangerskapet kan påvirke utviklingen av immunog/eller respirasjonssystemet og dermed øke risikoen for å utvikle astma og allergiske lidelser. I denne artikkelen testes hypotesen om hvorvidt svangerskapskomplikasjoner påvirker risikoen for at barn utvikler astma.

  4. Therapietrouw bij astma.

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Heins, M.; Heijmans, M.; Schermer, T.


    In Nederland zijn naar schatting ruim 600.000 mensen met astma die hiervoor zorg van hun huisarts of specialist ontvangen. Mensen met astma hebben last van aanvallen van benauwdheid, piepende ademhaling en hoesten. Deze aanvallen worden afgewisseld met klachtenvrije periodes. Een aanval ontstaat

  5. Ikke alt, der hvæser, hos børn er astma

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hermann, Christian


    Med udgangspunkt i projektet "Opsporing af astma i 5 års alderen i almen praksis" beskrives asthma i barnealderen som en folkesygdom, der fylder meget i praksis. Det vigtige i tidlig diagnosticering understreges, da man i dag har effektiv medicin og viden om forebyggelse, der om ikke kurerer...... sygdommen så forbedrer trivselen betydeligt. Sygdomsbilledet i almen praksis ligger i grænseområdet til banalt luftvejsbesvær, hvorved det adskiller sig betydeligt fra astma sygdomsbilledet, som det optræder i hospitalssektoren og er beskrevet i lærebøgerne, hvilket er baggrunden for ovennævnte projekt...

  6. Barn og diabetes type 1


    Ramstad, Marte Elise; Sagbakken, Sina Bekkelund


    Bacheloroppgave sykepleie, 2017 Bakgrunn: Vi har valgt denne problemstillingen fordi diabetes type 1 er svært utbredt hos barn i Norge. Videre har vi lite erfaringer med barn og ønsket å lære mer om denne pasientgruppen. Vi ønsket videre å se på hvordan vi kan undervise og veilede for å gi god og hensiktsmessig sykepleie til barn og deres familier. Hensikt: Finne ut hvordan sykepleier kan fremme egenomsorg hos barn med diabetes gjennom veiledning og undervisning. Dette er noe som sykepl...

  7. Prescribing of asthma drugs for children 2004-2015. (United States)

    Mikalsen, Ingvild Bruun; Karlstad, Øystein; Furu, Kari; Øymar, Knut


    Astma kan være vanskelig å diagnostisere hos barn. For barn under skolealder finnes det få tilgjengelige objektive diagnostiske undersøkelser, og retningslinjene for diagnose og behandling er basert på sykehistorie og klinisk undersøkelse. Dette kan gi rom for varierende behandlingspraksis. Data fra Reseptregisteret ble brukt til å studere forskrivning av legemidler mot astma til barn i aldersgruppene 0-4 år og 5-9 år fordelt på fylker fra 2004-15. Det var stor variasjon mellom fylkene i andelen per 1 000 barn som fikk forskrevet legemidler mot astma i perioden 2012-14 (aldersgruppen 0-4 år: median: 104/1 000; ekstremverdier: 64-147, aldersgruppen 5-9 år: 68/1000; 46-86). Inhalasjonssteroider var hyppigst forskrevet, og det var her variasjonen mellom fylkene var størst i begge aldersgruppene (aldersgruppen 0-4 år: 85/1 000; 42-116, aldersgruppen 5-9 år: 51/1 000; 31-70). De fleste fikk kun en eller få forskrivninger med inhalasjonssteroider over en treårsperiode. Endring i forskrivningen av inhalasjonssteroider fra 2004 til 2015 varierte betydelig mellom fylkene, mest for aldersgruppen 0-4 år. Stor forskjell i forskrivning av legemidler mot astma fylkene imellom, høy andel sporadisk bruk og endring over tid, særlig i den yngste aldersgruppen, kan tyde på en unaturlig variasjon i behandlingen som ikke kan forklares av forskjeller i astmaforekomst. Uklare retningslinjer som ikke er tilstrekkelig innarbeidet i klinisk praksis kan være én årsak.

  8. De morbiditeit van astma en COPD in Nederland; een inventariserend onderzoek ten behoeve van de beleidsondersteuning van het Nederlands Astma Fonds

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Smit HA; Beaumont M; CZE


    In opdracht van het Nederlands Astma Fonds is een inventarisatie gemaakt van beschikbare kennis over de morbiditeit van astma en COPD in Nederland. De volgende vraagstellingen werden geformuleerd: Inventarisatie: welke gegevensbronnen zijn beschikbaar, welke gegevens zijn daarin aanwezig? In

  9. Problemer med å måle eksponering for passiv røyking blant barn

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Per Nafstad m.fl.


    Full Text Available  SAMMENDRAGVanligvis måles eksponering for passiv røyking blant barn ved spørreskjemaopplysninger omforeldres røykevaner. Etter hvert som det blir mer oppmerksomhet om helseeffekter av passivrøyking, vil det kunne påvirke hvordan foreldre røyker og dermed også barns eksponering. Medhenvisning til innsamlede data om røykeeksponering i en kohort av Oslo-barn og fra en studie avbarn ved to helsestasjoner, diskuteres noen av de metodeproblemene en står overfor når en skal måleeksponering for passiv røyking i epidemiologiske studier. I disse studiene er barns eksponering forpassiv røyking målt ved spørreskjemaopplysninger og ved måling av hårnikotin og kotinin i urin.Det konkluderes med at det er usikkerhet om nøyaktigheten av eksisterende metoder for måling avpassiv røyking. Dette og manglende kunnskap om faktisk eksponeringsnivå kan føre til feilaktigestimering av helseeffekter av passiv røyking i en barnebefolkning.Nafstad P, Botten G, Magnus P. Problems in measuring environmental tobacco smoke exposurein children. Nor J Epidemiol 1995; 5 (2: 141-144.ENGLISH SUMMARYUsually environmental tobacco smoke exposure among children is measuered by questionnaires,recording parental smoking. As the adverse health effects of environmental tobacco smoke exposureare getting more known among the public, this is likely to influence the parents' way of smoking andby that their children's actual exposure. With references to findings in a cohort study of Oslochildren and a study of children attending two of Oslo’s health centers, some methodologicalproblems when measuring environmental tobacco smoke exposure in epidemiological studies arediscussed. The exposure in these studies is measured in questionnaires to the parents and aschildren's hair nicotine concentration and urine cotinine concentration. Furthermore, the paperdiscusses how the uncertainty in actual levels of exposure may lead to false estimates for the totalhealth impact of

  10. Astma bij peuters en kleuters: Resultaten van het PIAMA onderzoek

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Wijga AH; Brussee JE; Smit HA; PZO


    In dit rapport worden resultaten gepresenteerd over het beloop van gediagnosticeerd astma bij kinderen van 0-5 jaar in het PIAMA onderzoek. Specifiek voor deze leeftijdsgroep is het probleem dat astma wel voorkomt, maar medisch niet met zekerheid is vast te stellen. Bij jonge kinderen leiden

  11. Bijnierschorsactiviteit bij CARA (Astma); onderzoek naar de corticosteron en cortisolspiegel in het bloed

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Weller, Herman Hendrik


    SAMENVATTING EN CONCLUSIES Het onderzoek werd opgezet teneinde enkele endocrinologische aspecten van het probleem 'astma' te benaderen, waarbij de bijnierschors activiteit centraal werd gesteld. vVerkhypothese was hierbij de gedachtengang dat er een nauwe verwantschap bestaat tussen het astma

  12. Dødelighed af astma og kronisk bronkitis. 11. Delrapport fra Sundhedsministeriets Middellevetidsudvalg

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Pedersen, P.A.

    Rapporten er resultat af et udvalgsarbejde, hvori der har været deltagelse fra lungemedicin, børne- og voksenallergologi, arbejdsmedicin og almen medicin. Hovedresultaterne: I Danmark dør årligt 2700 personer af kroniske luftvejssygdomme, heraf 10% af astma og næsten alle andre af kronisk bronkitis...... lidt dårligere end i en række vesteuropæiske lande, og dødeligheden lå højt. For danske kvinder var udviklingen i dødelighed af kroniske obstruktive lungesygdomme betydeligt dårligere end i disse lande, og dødeligheden var meget høj.For astma skete en 2-3 dobling af dødeligheden i alderen 10-39 år. Men...... den samlede dødelighed i den alder omfattede kun 10-30 personer årligt.Astmadødeligheden i alder over 50 år steg ifølge dødsårsagsstatistikkerne. Men der er tvivl om afgrænsningen mellem astma og kronisk bronkitis. Da forholdet mellem ældre mænds og ældre kvinders dødelighed af astma synes at være...

  13. Omvårdnadsåtgärder för att minska rädsla, oro och ångest hos barn 0-18 år i samband med en röntgenundersökning : En litteraturstudie


    Mohsen, Nadja; Imsirovic, Amela


    Bakgrund: Att besöka en röntgenavdelning kan vara något nytt och skrämmande för många barn. Den nya miljön kan orsaka rädsla, oro och ångest hos barn. Därför är det viktigt att röntgensjuksköterskan har kunskap om barnets behov för att upplevelsen på röntgenavdelningen ska vara så bra som möjligt. Syfte: Syftet med den här studien är att beskriva omvårdnadsåtgärder för att minska rädsla, oro och ångest hos barn 0-18 år i samband med röntgenundersökning. Metod: Detta arbete är en litteraturstu...

  14. Sensitiv responsivitet i barnehagen: En kvalitativ studie av hvordan profesjonell omsorg i barnehagen påvirkes av personalets empatiske identifikasjon med og relasjoner til det enkelte barn


    Selmer-Olsen, Maria


    Tema for denne masteroppgaven er sensitiv responsivitet i barnehagen, og jeg har undersøkt hvordan profesjonelle omsorgsgiveres relasjoner til enkeltbarn får innvirkning på omsorgen. Problemstillingen er som følger: Hvordan påvirkes den profesjonelle omsorgen i barnehagen av personalets empatiske identifikasjon med og relasjoner til det enkelte barn? For å besvare problemstillingen har jeg gjennomført en kvalitativ undersøkelse med en hermeneutisk tilnærming, bygget på en sosialkonstruktivist...

  15. Att veta när man ska göra det man vet att man ska göra : om barn med ADHD, uppfattning av tid och att komma ihåg att göra det man har planerat


    Hillertz, Anna


    I den här studien undersöks om det är bristande tidsuppfattning som orsakar sämre prospektivt minne hos barn med diagnos ADHD. Studien syftar även till att utreda vad prospektivt minne har för relation till arbetsminne och exekutiva funktioner. Studien har genomförts genom att två grupper, en grupp barn med diagnos ADHD och en kontrollgrupp, har utfört uppgifter som ger mått på prospektivt minne, tidsuppfattning, arbetsminne och exekutiva funktioner. Barnen i ADHD-gruppen har även deltagit i ...

  16. Sammenhæng mellem luftvejssygdomme i den tidlige barndom og astma hos unge. International forskning, udvalgt og kommenteret

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Pedersen, P.A.


    Referat af udenlandsk arbejde vedr. sammenhæng mellem luftvejssygdomme i tidlig barndom og senere astma. Udgivelsesdato: 1994......Referat af udenlandsk arbejde vedr. sammenhæng mellem luftvejssygdomme i tidlig barndom og senere astma. Udgivelsesdato: 1994...

  17. Astma w badaniach spirometrycznych


    Iwona Grzelewska-Rzymowska; Joanna Mikołajczyk; Jadwiga Kroczyńska-Bednarek


    Astma i POChP to choroby charakteryzujące się zmiennym zwężeniem dróg oddechowych określanym jako „obturacja oskrzeli". Obturacja wywołana jest przez zapalenie błony śluzowej i przebudowę, które wynikają z napływu komórek zapalnych oraz działania różnorodnych mediatorów i cytokin. W procesie zapalnym zaangażowane są różne struktury i procesy określane jako „jednostka nabłonkowo-mezenchymalna". Rozpoznanie astmy opiera się na wywiadzie, badaniu alergologicznym i ocenie wskaźników s...

  18. Cryptosporidiumutbrottet i Östersunds kommun 2010 : Påverkan på kommunens barn


    Jansson, Nils-Henrik; Pavlov, Patrik


    Målet med den här studien är att undersöka hur barn under 15 år påverkades av Cryptosporidiumutbrottet i slutet av år 2010 i Östersunds kommun. Datamaterialet utgörs av svar på en enkätundersökning från 514 barn rörande deras hälsa relaterad till utbrottet. Dessa enkäter togs fram av svenska Smittskyddsinstitutet kort efter utbrottet och det är i uppdrag av denna myndighet som studien utförs. Analys av riskfaktorer och följdsymptom utförs med logistiska regressionsmodeller utifrån både ett Ba...

  19. Processeringsoptimering med Canons software

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Precht, Helle


    . Muligheder i software optimering blev studeret i relation til optimal billedkvalitet og kontrol optagelser, for at undersøge om det var muligt at acceptere diagnostisk billedkvalitet og derved tage afsæt i ALARA. Metode og materialer Et kvantitativt eksperimentelt studie baseret på forsøg med teknisk og...... humant fantom. CD Rad fantom anvendes som teknisk fantom, hvor billederne blev analyseret med CD Rad software, og resultatet var en objektiv IQF værdi. Det humane fantom var et lamme pelvis med femur, der via NRPB’ er sammenlignelig med absorptionen ved et femårigt barn. De humane forsøgsbilleder blev...

  20. På leit etter grunnlag for norske barnehagers matematikkdidaktiske arbeid med romforståelse. - Et systematisk søk på forskning om barns utvikling av romforståelse gjort i barnehagekonteksten 1995-2010

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Line Rønning Føsker


    Full Text Available Abstract: A review of research on children’s development of spatial reasoning in  a preschool setting 1995-2010. This study reviews 16 journal articles, books and theses on spatial reasoning in early childhood mathematics education. The data was collected by way of systematical search in several major databases and relevant digital and non-digital journals. The article gives a brief presentation of the main findings and the different methods used and, if applicable, the authors’ focus on didactics in both method and analysis. When it comes  to children’s mathematical learning processes, a main focus for a majority of studies is children’s use of constructional play material. When it comes to preschool teachers’ work with spatial reasoning, most  studies focus on the teachers’ planned and spontaneous communication with the children. The article then goes on to discuss these findings in relation to the Norwegian Framework Plan for Kindergartens. It seems like future research on the teachers’ use of material, on their work with visualization and orientation, and on their general focus on spatial reasoning could gain curriculum practise. Sammendrag: Denne oversiktsartikkelen gir en presentasjon av 16 internasjonale forskningsarbeider som ser på barns romforståelse i en barnehagekontekst. Arbeidene består av 14 vitenskapelige artikler, en bok og en doktorgrad, og disse ble funnet gjennom systematiske søk i flere større databaser og relevante digitale og analoge tidsskrift. Artikkelen gir en kort presentasjon av de ulike arbeidenes metode, hovedfunn og didaktiske vinkling. Når det gjelder barns utvikling av romforståelse har en majoritet av studiene fokus på hvordan dette kan belyses ved å studere og stimulere barns konstruksjonslek. For de studiene som ser på pedagogens rolle i arbeid med romforståelse legges det mest vekt på kommunikasjon, både planlagt og spontan kommunikasjon. Oversiktsartikkelen drøfter deretter

  1. Barns preoperativa rädsla : Litteraturstudie


    Komsi, Matilda


    Syftet med detta examensarbete är att genom en litteraturstudie undersöka barns preoperativa rädsla, vilka faktorer som bidrar till den preoperativa rädslan samt vilka metoder som sjukskötaren kan använda sig av för att minska rädslan inför operation. Forskningsfrågorna som ställs är: Hur kan sjukskötaren handla för att minska den preoperativa rädslan? och Vilka metoder kan sjukskötaren använda sig av för att minska den preoperativa rädslan? Som vårdvetenskapliga utgångspunkter har Katie Erik...

  2. "Jag tror ju på allas lika värde oavsett kön" En studie om hur förskollärares resonemang kring sitt jämställdhetsuppdrag kommer till uttryck i mötet med barn.


    Gisslén, Mia


    Denna studie har som syfte att belysa relationen mellan förskollärares resonemang om sitt jämställdhetsuppdrag och hur det kommer till uttryck i det direkta mötet med barn. Studiens empiri har samlats ihop genom två halvstrukturerade intervjuer med två förskollärare och tre löpande observationer i samlingssituation vid en förskola. Resultatet visar att förskollärarna resonerar kring sitt jämställdhetsuppdrag på ett professionellt sätt. De visar hög medvetenhet när de resonerar om sitt jämstäl...

  3. Barns opplevelse av postoperativ smerte og smertebehandling


    Næss, Torgun


    Master i intensivsykepleie Bakgrunn: Postoperativ smerte hos barn er underbehandlet til tross for mye smerteforskning. Ulike studier har vist at barn opplever moderat til sterk smerte postoperativt. Ubehandlet smerte kan skape unødvendig lidelse for barn og øker risiko for komplikasjoner. Hensikt: Det finnes ingen forskning på norske barns opplevelse av postoperativ smerte og smertebehandling. Studiens hensikt er å få en større forståelse for hvordan barn opplever postoperativ smerte og sm...

  4. Thermodynamic and transport properties of air and its products of combustion with ASTMA-A-1 fuel and natural gas at 20, 30, and 40 atmospheres (United States)

    Poferl, D. J.; Svehla, R. A.


    The isentropic exponent, molecular weight, viscosity, specific heat at constant pressure, thermal conductivity, Prandtl number, and enthalpy were calculated for air, the combustion products of ASTM-A-1 jet fuel and air, and the combustion products of natural gas and air. The properties were calculated over a temperature range from 300 to 2800 K in 100 K increments and for pressures of 20, 30 and 40 atmospheres. The data for natural gas and ASTM-A-1 were calculated for fuel-air ratios from zero to stoichiometric in 0.01 increments.

  5. Forandringslæring med autismediagnoser?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Gustafson, Kari Ingrid; Mørck, Line Lerche


    Artiklen drøfter en række aktuelle spørgsmål omkring læring hos børn og unge med autisme-spektrum-forstyrrelses diagnoser. Der introduceres til en social praksisteoretisk forståelse af forandringslæring, der diskuterer forandring ikke kun i relation til en persons identitet, men også aktuelle og...... potentielle forandringer, når det gælder overskridelse af binær logik i autisme versus normalitet, samt i relation til at overskride individualiserede og dualistiske problem-forståelser af fejl og mangler ved det autistiske barn. Det illustreres, hvordan disse former for dualistisk tænkning er forankret i et...... Rasmus’ ændringer i læring, selvforståelse og tilhørsforhold perspektiveres med andre ASF-diagnostiseredes læring udforsket bl.a. gennem gruppeinterviews i regi af Asperger-foreningen. Artiklen byder således på et alternativ i form af at forstå forandringslæring som overskridende læring, med langt større...

  6. Mellin-Barnes meets Method of Brackets: a novel approach to Mellin-Barnes representations of Feynman integrals

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Prausa, Mario [RWTH Aachen University, Institute for Theoretical Particle Physics and Cosmology, Aachen (Germany)


    In this paper, we present a new approach to the construction of Mellin-Barnes representations for Feynman integrals inspired by the Method of Brackets. The novel technique is helpful to lower the dimensionality of Mellin-Barnes representations in complicated cases, some examples are given. (orig.)

  7. Respiratory symptoms and functions in barn workers

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ege Gulec Balbay


    Full Text Available Introduction and aim. The presented study was undertaken to investigate the respiratory health problems in family barns with one or more cows and at least one family member working in the barn. Methods. 150 workers (128 female, 22 male from 4 villages of Yığılca district near the city of Düzce in north-west Turkey were enrolled in this study between October – December 2011. An Occupational and Environmental Chest Diseases questionnaire developed by the American Thoracic Society, pulmonary function test, physical examination and investigation for nasal eosinophil were performed in all subjects. Results. The mean age of workers was 47.7 ± 14.2 years. Cough was present in 24% of subjects. The rates of phlegm, wheezing, chest tightness and dyspnea were 13.3%, 6%, 6% and 27.3%, respectively. Obstructive ventilatory pattern was observed in 37 workers (24.6%. 43 workers (28.6% showed restrictive ventilatory pattern. Nasal eosinophilia was detected in 47.3% (71/150 of the subjects. Pulmonary functions of workers with nasal eosinophilia did not differ from the other workers. There were statistically significant negative correlations between the duration of working in barns and respiratory functions. Conclusions. Pulmonary functions of barn workers have been found to be decreased related to the duration of barn working. Furthermore, respiratory symptoms increased in relation with both barn working and biomass consumption. Precautions should therefore be taken to ventilate both barns and houses.

  8. Hvordan kan fosterbarns indre arbeidsmodeller positivt påvirkes i relasjon med nære omsorgspersoner? Knyttet opp mot SIP-modellen (Sosial informasjonsprosesserings-modell)


    Sunde, Gunn Karin


    Master's thesis in Special education Sammendrag Det er stadig flere barn som har behov for å bli omplassert i fosterhjem (Aleris, 2012), grunnet bl.a. omsorgssvikt og utrygg tilknytning (Anke, 2007). Det vil ha innflytelse på fosterbarns indre arbeidsmodeller, som er integrerte mønster hos barnet basert på erfaringer fra samspillet med tilknytningspersonene (Bowlby, 1994). SIP-modellen gir kunnskap om barns mentale prosesser og sosiale tilpasning, og viser mulighet for modifisering av f...

  9. Aeroallergens in dairy barns near Cooperstown, New York and Rochester, Minnesota

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Campbell, A.R.; Swanson, M.C.; Fernandez-Caldas, E.; Reed, C.E.; May, J.J.; Pratt, D.S.


    We sampled atmospheric barn air using a volumetric air sampler in ten barns near Cooperstown, NY and six barns near Rochester, MN, and, with radioimmunoassays, measured allergens of Aspergillus fumigatus, Thermoactinomyces vulgaris, Micropolyspori faeni, short ragweed, rye grass group I pollen, Alternaria (Alt-1), Dermatophagoides sp. Lepidoglyphus destructor, common insect allergen, mouse urine, rat urine, and cattle epithelium. The most abundant allergen present was A. fumigatus followed by L. destructor. This study provides initial data on barn aerobiology and demonstrates for the first time the abundance of L. destructor allergens in North American dairy barns. More comprehensive study of barns, poultry houses, confinement houses for swine, and other agricultural environments from various geographic locations is needed to define the allergen levels to which millions of farm workers are exposed each day. While most of the allergens were expected, the presence of airborne allergens reactive with antisera to Dermatophagoides suggests indirectly that substantial amounts of pyroglyphid mites are present in some barns

  10. Barn og fysisk aktivitet i barnehagen: Hvordan kan aktivitetsnivået dokumenteres?

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Anne Stokke


    ørreskjema om barns fysiske aktivitetsnivå i løpet av dagen, og en student eller forsker observerte og registrerte ett barn hver. I løpet av samme dag, ble aktivitetsnivået overvåkt ved hjelp av actigraphy (AC; Actigraf GT3X og kontinuerlig pulsmåling (HR, Team2 Polar ® blant 14 barn (seks gutter og åtte jenter, 38- og 47-måneder gamle, henholdsvis. Forsker-observasjonene definerte de observerte barna som "moderat aktiv", og AC-data viste at alle barna hadde mer enn 60 minutter aktivitet med moderat eller høy intensitet. Våre sammenligninger viser at bruk av HR for å vurdere aktiviteten i barnehager er ikke anbefalt. I gjennomsnitt rapporterte spørreskjemaene lignende aktivitetsverdier for det samme barnet, selv om evalueringene varierte mellom ansatte. Når man sammenlignet et aktivt og et inaktivt barn, viste de ulike metodene lignende resultater. Vi konkluderer derfor at ansattes faglige blikk kan se barns fysiske aktivitetsnivå når de blir bedt om å vurdere det.

  11. Hyldehaven

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kildedal, Karin

    Rapporten omhandler en evaluering af Danmarks første børnehave for børn med astma og/eller allergi oprettet af Aalborg Kommune i 1993. Evalueringen viser, at børnene har fordele af at gå i en specielt indrettet børnhave, der tager højde for deres problemer.......Rapporten omhandler en evaluering af Danmarks første børnehave for børn med astma og/eller allergi oprettet af Aalborg Kommune i 1993. Evalueringen viser, at børnene har fordele af at gå i en specielt indrettet børnhave, der tager højde for deres problemer....

  12. Revitalization of food barns in supporting sustainable food security in Central Java (United States)

    Riptanti, E. W.; Qonita, A.; Suprapti


    Rice barns have been developed in some areas in Central Java, but several problems seem to appear, leading to nonoptimal functions of nonactive food barns. The present article aims to examine revitalization of food barns through systematic, integrated, and sustainable empowerment. The research design is exploratory research to generate data that are in-depth qualitative and quantitative. Survey was applied in four regencies including Wonogiri, Purworejo, Temanggung, and Batang. Key informants comprise caretakers of food barns, village apparatus, public figures, and Food Security Office apparatus. The research results revealed that the food barns have not been managed in professional manners. Active roles of all members and caretakers, village government, and Food Security Agency are, therefore, required in revitalizing the food barns. In order to perform social functions well, the food barns should be profit-oriented to achieve sustainability.

  13. Emission factors of greenhouse gases from layer and broiler barns in Cameroon (United States)

    Ngwabie, N. Martin; Acobta, Ada N.; Manga, Veronica E.; VanderZaag, Andrew C.


    Limited information is available in the literature on greenhouse gas (GHG) quantification from livestock production systems in Africa. Therefore, this project was carried out to generate baseline emission factors of methane (CH4), nitrous oxide (N2O) and carbon dioxide (CO2) from broiler and layer barns with building design typical of Cameroon. Emissions were measured from two broiler barns during the entire production cycles and a layer barn for a limited period using flux chambers. Methane emission factors from the broiler barns with mud and cement floors were 0.96 ± 1.04 and 0.36 ± 0.17 mg bird-1 hr-1 respectively, and 0.76 ± 0.56 mg bird-1 hr-1 from the layer barn with cement floor. Nitrous oxide emission from the broiler barns with mud and cement floors were 12.94 ± 10.11 and 1.68 ± 1.02 mg bird-1 hr-1 respectively, and 0.21 ± 0.28 mg bird-1 hr-1 from the layer barn. Carbon dioxide emission factors from the broiler barns with mud and cement floors were 9327 ± 3508 and 25526 ± 6904 mg bird-1 hr-1 respectively, and 8942 ± 36756 mg bird-1 hr-1 from the layer barn. When scaled per livestock unit (LU), where 1 LU is 500 kg bird weight, CH4 emissions were 0.16 ± 0.17 and 0.06 ± 0.03 g LU-1 hr-1 from the broiler barns, and 0.19 ± 0.14 g LU-1 hr-1 from the layer barn. Nitrous oxide emissions were 2.16 ± 1.69 and 0.28 ± 0.17 g LU-1 hr-1 from the broiler barns, and 0.05 ± 0.07 g LU-1 hr-1 from the layer barn. Broilers reared in management systems with wood shavings on mud floor had relatively high CH4 and N2O emissions compared to broilers on wood shavings and cement floor, with the contrary observed for CO2. The emissions N2O were significantly higher from broiler barns compared to layer barns. Emissions were higher in the mornings compared to later periods of the day. Given the observed results, GHG emission mitigation strategies need to be customised for each building design and management system.

  14. A comparison of free-stall barns used by modernized Wisconsin dairies. (United States)

    Bewley, J; Palmer, R W; Jackson-Smith, D B


    A primary objective of the Wisconsin Dairy Modernization Survey was to compare features of free-stall barns available to dairy producers. This study used data from a large random sample of expanding dairy farms to determine whether the theoretical benefits of particular free-stall configurations bear out under on-farm conditions. Comparisons were made among herds using free-stall barns as their primary housing for new versus remodeled facilities, barn design, bedding used, feed-delivery design, manure removal strategies, animal restraint, maternity areas, overcrowding, and cooling methods. Producers who made the transition from tie-stall housing to free-stall housing were satisfied with this decision. New free-stall barns provided a more desirable environment for the herds than remodeled free-stall barns, although initial investments were higher. When new free-stall barns were compared, herds with four-row barns had higher production, lower somatic cell count, and higher stocking rates than herds with six-row barns. Respondents were more satisfied with four- and six-row barns than with two- and three-row barns. Respondents felt sand provided some advantages for cow comfort, while satisfaction with bedding cost and manure handling was higher with mattresses. Dairy Herd Improvement data showed no difference in milk production or somatic cell count for producers who chose sand or mattress-based free stalls. Respondents were more satisfied with the use of drive-through feeding than other feed-delivery designs. Most producers chose to use tractor scrapers to remove manure; however, producers who used automated systems were more satisfied with manure management. Few differences were observed when comparing self-locking head gates to palpation rails. Overcrowding did not have any adverse affect on production or user satisfaction with feed intake or cow comfort. Using supplemental cooling appeared to facilitate higher production.

  15. Barnes Maze Procedure for Spatial Learning and Memory in Mice. (United States)

    Pitts, Matthew W


    The Barnes maze is a dry-land based rodent behavioral paradigm for assessing spatial learning and memory that was originally developed by its namesake, Carol Barnes. It represents a well-established alternative to the more popular Morris Water maze and offers the advantage of being free from the potentially confounding influence of swimming behavior. Herein, the Barnes maze experimental setup and corresponding procedures for testing and analysis in mice are described in detail.

  16. Design methodology for the robotic milking barn : modelling, simulation, validation and optimization

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Halachmi, I.


    The traditional barn design is a milking parlour oriented. To integrate a milking robot the barn should be redesigned according to the robotic milking concept. The entire system (barn design, feeding and cow-traffic routines, management practices) should encourage 'voluntary milking', i.e.,

  17. Fra radikalt samfunnsportrett til borgerlig idyll? En resepsjonsanalyse av Anne-Cath. Vestlys forfatterskap med hovedvekt på Aurora-bøkene


    Vatnedalen, Mariell Bugge


    I min avhandling gjennomgår jeg utviklingen og tendensene i resepsjonen til Anne-Cath. Vestlys forfatterskap fra samtiden og fram til i dag, med Aurora-serien til å eksemplifisere. Jeg støtter meg til bøkene om Aurora i blokk Z (1966) og Aurora og pappa (1967), som tar for seg en familie som bryter med de tradisjonelle kjønnsrollemønstrene. Far er hjemmeværende student, glad i husarbeid og passer barn. Mor på den annen side er jurist i jobb og kjører bil - alt de...

  18. The development of the food barn in achieving food security of poor household in Wonogiri Regency (United States)



    Food barn has function as food stock which managed by households both individually and collectively. It has important role in food security. This study aims to determine the factors that influence the development of food barns, and formulate alternative strategies in the development of food barns in Wonogiri regency. The samples of this research were determined by random sampling. The data collection technique was done by interview, field observation and focus group discussion (FGD). The data analysis was done quantitatively with multiple regression, and qualitative information. The results showed that the age of respondents included in the category of middle age, their level of education was mostly from elementary school, most of their occupation were farmers, they had narrow knowledge of land management, and their income was around 1-2 million rupiah/month. In fact, the perception of food barns, institutional regulation of food barns, and the Economic institutions of food barn have a positive significant influence toward food barn development, filling the food barn and institutional capacity of food barn groups in realizing the food security of poor household in Wonogiri Regency. In food barn development, there are positive and clear perceptions of the food barn, institutional regulations. It indicates that significant as well as the economic institution of food barn are needed so that the food security can be realized.

  19. Mit barn er anbragt

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nissen Møller, Sanne; Skytte Aalborg Universitet, Marianne

    Anbringelse af etniske minoritetsbørn og -unge udgør en voksende opgave for kommunerne. I denne bog belyses gennem 11 personlige livshistorier de særlige problemer og dilemmaer, som etniske minoritetsforældre står i, når deres barn anbringes. Livshistorierne giver et indblik i, hvordan forældrene...

  20. A Second Look at Douglas Barnes's "From Communication to Curriculum" (United States)

    Yarker, Patrick


    This article revisits Douglas Barnes's book-length exploration of the implications for teachers of a constructivist epistemology, notably in relation to the importance of small-group talk in classrooms. Empirically based consideration of small-group exploratory pupil-pupil talk enabled Barnes to reveal the learning strategies such a context…

  1. Prototheca zopfii genotypes isolated from cow barns and bovine mastitis in Japan. (United States)

    Osumi, Takafumi; Kishimoto, Yuji; Kano, Rui; Maruyama, Haruhiko; Onozaki, Masanobu; Makimura, Koichi; Ito, Takaaki; Matsubara, Kiyoshi; Hasegawa, Atsuhiko


    This study is the first investigation on Japanese isolates of Prototheca zopfii from bovine mastitis and the cow-barn surroundings by molecular characterization to clarify routes of infection for bovine protothecal mastitis. We performed isolation of Prototheca from cow-barn surroundings (drinking water, sewage and feces) and milk samples from cases of bovine mastitis. Genotypes of the 32 isolates of P. zopfii from cow-barn surroundings and 67 isolates from mastitis were analyzed by genotype-specific PCR assays and restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) assays. All mastitis isolates were identified as P. zopfii genotype 2. Conversely, 29 isolates from cow-barn surroundings were identified as P. zopfii genotypes 1 and 3 isolates as genotype 2, respectively. Given these results, both genotypes of P. zopfii could exist in cow-barn surroundings, but no sites were identified as frequent sources of P. zopfii genotype 2. P. zopfii isolates should thus be further explored with regard to genotype to clarify the reservoir of etiological agents in bovine Prototheca mastitis.

  2. Świsty i astma we wczesnym dzieciństwie – raport PRACTALL

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Iwona Grzelewska-Rzymowska


    Full Text Available Astma jest poważnym problemem zdrowotnym na świecie, choroba ta może występować u pacjentów w każ- dym wieku. Wykazano, że jedno dziecko spośród trzech ma przynajmniej jeden epizod świszczącego oddechu do 3. roku życia, stworzono więc zalecenia GINA oraz inne dotyczące postępowania w świstach u dzieci. Jednym z nich jest raport PRACTALL, przedstawiający zalecenia dla klinicznego postępowania w Europie i Ameryce Północnej. Raport ten wyróżnia cztery rodzaje nawracających świstów w populacji dziecięcej: świsty przemijające, świsty nieatopowe, przewlekłą astmę i ciężką nieregularną astmę. PRACTALL podkreśla, że wiek i czynniki wyzwalające świsty są stosowane dla wyróżnienia fenotypów astmy. ERS TASK FORCE (2008 r. wyróżnia świsty epizodyczne i wywołane przez wiele czynników. Świsty epizodyczne to dyskretne epizody, poza którymi dziecko jest w dobrym stanie. Fenotyp ten jest zazwyczaj powiązany w infekcjami wirusowymi układu oddechowego. Wśród wielu czynników wywołujących świsty wymienia się alergeny, wirusy oraz dym tytoniowy. Raport PRACTALL stwierdza, że wiek najsilniej określa fenotyp astmy w dzieciństwie oraz strategię postępowania. U niemowląt (0-2. roku życia wskaźnikami ciężkości procesu są przewlekłe świsty. U dzieci przedszkolnych (3.-5. roku życia fenotyp astmy jest ustalony na podstawie występowania świstów w ostatnim roku. Jeśli świsty znikają między epizodami infekcji wirusowych, to prawdopodobne jest rozpoznanie astmy indukowanej wirusami. U dzieci z dodatnimi testami skórnymi lub testami in vitro powinna być rozpoznana astma indukowana alergenami, ponieważ atopia jest silnym czynnikiem ryzyka astmy. U niektórych dzieci rozpoznaje się fenotyp astmy niealergicznej. Ważnym czynnikiem ryzyka astmy we wczesnym okresie dorosłego życia jest alergiczny nieżyt nosa. Również nadreaktywność oskrzeli u dzieci nieastmatycznych jest czynnikiem ryzyka

  3. Świsty i astma we wczesnym dzieciństwie – raport PRACTALL

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Iwona Grzelewska-Rzymowska


    Full Text Available Astma jest poważnym problemem zdrowotnym na świecie, choroba ta możewystępować u pacjentówwkażdym wieku. Wykazano, że jedno dziecko spośród trzech ma przynajmniej jeden epizod świszczącego oddechu do 3. roku życia, stworzono więc zalecenia GINA oraz inne dotyczące postępowania w świstach u dzieci. Jednym z nich jest raport PRACTALL, przedstawiający zalecenia dla klinicznego postępowania w Europie i Ameryce Północnej. Raport ten wyróżnia cztery rodzaje nawracających świstów w populacji dziecięcej: świsty przemijające, świsty nieatopowe, przewlekłą astmę i ciężką nieregularną astmę. PRACTALL podkreśla, że wiek i czynniki wyzwalające świsty są stosowane dla wyróżnienia fenotypów astmy. ERS TASK FORCE (2008 r. wyróżnia świsty epizodyczne i wywołane przez wiele czynników. Świsty epizodyczne to dyskretne epizody, poza którymi dziecko jest w dobrym stanie. Fenotyp ten jest zazwyczaj powiązany w infekcjami wirusowymi układu oddechowego. Wśród wielu czynników wywołujących świsty wymienia się alergeny, wirusy oraz dym tytoniowy. Raport PRACTALL stwierdza, że wiek najsilniej określa fenotyp astmy w dzieciństwie oraz strategię postępowania. U niemowląt (0-2. roku życia wskaźnikami ciężkości procesu są przewlekłe świsty. U dzieci przedszkolnych (3.-5. roku życia fenotyp astmy jest ustalony na podstawie występowania świstów w ostatnim roku. Jeśli świsty znikają między epizodami infekcji wirusowych, to prawdopodobne jest rozpoznanie astmy indukowanej wirusami. U dzieci z dodatnimi testami skórnymi lub testami in vitro powinna być rozpoznana astma indukowana alergenami, ponieważ atopia jest silnym czynnikiem ryzyka astmy. U niektórych dzieci rozpoznaje się fenotyp astmy niealergicznej. Ważnym czynnikiem ryzyka astmy we wczesnym okresie dorosłego życia jest alergiczny nieżyt nosa. Również nadreaktywność oskrzeli u dzieci nieastmatycznych jest czynnikiem ryzyka astmy

  4. Barnes Ice Cap South Dome Trilateration Net Survey Data 1970-1984 (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — The Barnes Ice Cap data set contains survey measurements of a network of 43 stakes along a 10 km flow line on the northeast flank of the south dome of the Barnes Ice...

  5. Unbiased classification of spatial strategies in the Barnes maze. (United States)

    Illouz, Tomer; Madar, Ravit; Clague, Charlotte; Griffioen, Kathleen J; Louzoun, Yoram; Okun, Eitan


    Spatial learning is one of the most widely studied cognitive domains in neuroscience. The Morris water maze and the Barnes maze are the most commonly used techniques to assess spatial learning and memory in rodents. Despite the fact that these tasks are well-validated paradigms for testing spatial learning abilities, manual categorization of performance into behavioral strategies is subject to individual interpretation, and thus to bias. We have previously described an unbiased machine-learning algorithm to classify spatial strategies in the Morris water maze. Here, we offer a support vector machine-based, automated, Barnes-maze unbiased strategy (BUNS) classification algorithm, as well as a cognitive score scale that can be used for memory acquisition, reversal training and probe trials. The BUNS algorithm can greatly benefit Barnes maze users as it provides a standardized method of strategy classification and cognitive scoring scale, which cannot be derived from typical Barnes maze data analysis. Freely available on the web at as a MATLAB application. information: Supplementary data are available at Bioinformatics online. © The Author 2016. Published by Oxford University Press. All rights reserved. For Permissions, please e-mail:

  6. Barns Society as a Buffer Stock (Case in Nglaris Village Bener District Purworejo Regency) (United States)

    Riptanti, E. W.; Qonita, A.; Suprapti


    Nglaris village is a mountainous area with most of its agricultural lands are used for growing annual crops, while only small agricultural areas are for growing rice. However, the post-harvest storage, in the form of barn society, can supply the people’s needs of rice. Article describes the function of barn society as a buffer for foods supply. Research design was exploratory research, aims to generate in-depth qualitative and contextual data. The technique applied in this research was a case study. The cost for barn society maintenance was collected from the joint venture between farmers united in the barn society group. The barn society has 20 tons capacity for unhulled rice. The farmers obtained the income from working during the harvest time and become a labour harvester to outside Nglaris or called “boro”. The farmer (field owner) gave natura wages (“bawon”). Bawon calculated based on the result of total harvested unhulled. Supply for buffer of foods in the dry season was at least 50% of the capacity barn society’s, so that it can secure the supplies of staple foods. The barn society is specifically advantageous during the dry season because each farmer could lend and should be returned within one year.

  7. Air quality in barns for milk-fed calves

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lavoie, J.


    Seventy per cent of the veal produced in Canada comes from Quebec. This paper reported on the air quality in barns used for milk-fed calves. It is known that air quality inside livestock buildings has an impact on both workers and animals, particularly in winter when air circulation is reduced. In this study, air quality inside barns was studied during the winter, spring and summer. Three types of barns with 3 different types of ventilation typically found in Quebec were evaluated. These included those with preheated corridors, lateral air entries, and central chimneys. Gases were measured in order to determine concentrations and emissions of: ammonia (NH 3 ) which is toxic, colourless and flammable; hydrogen sulfide (H 2 S) which is very toxic, flammable; carbon dioxide (CO 2 ) which is colourless and odourless; nitrous oxide (N 2 O) which is colourless and flammable, but harmless to health in the short-term; carbon monoxide (CO) which is colourless, odourless and flammable; and methane (CH 4 ) which is the principal constituent released by animals, and is also colourless, odourless and extremely flammable. When exposed to air, both methane and carbon monoxide can produce an explosive mix especially in an enclosed area. Bacteria, mold, endotoxins, and dust are also present in barns. Samples of gases were analyzed with the help of different portable apparatuses. Results revealed that there are no significant problems with air quality in barns used for milk-fed calves in Quebec. It was determined that the inside temperature was appropriate even during summer periods, and although the relative humidity was higher than the recommended values for the care and handling of farm animals, it was still acceptable. In winter, ammonia was the only gas present in concentrations that reached values of weighted average exposure. Also, concentrations of bacteria were higher during winter. It was suggested that better air ventilation during the winter period would lower ammonia

  8. Barnehagestyreres opplevelser av forholdet til skolen i spørsmål om barns læring

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Kari Hoås Moen


    Full Text Available This study draws attention to what extent directors of private and municipal Early Childhood Centers (ECCs experience disagreement with school concerning questions about children’s learning in ECCs and the content of this disagreement. Furthermore, it focuses to what extent the directors of these two center categories try to influence school in such questions, and how they possibly may do this. The material derives from a nationwide survey (1310 directors and an interview study (16 directors. The directors experience disagreements to a small extent and least in private centers. However, some disagree about to which extent the adults should lead children’s learning. This study reveals a great variety in how much the directors try to influence school. The municipal directors are most active. Artikkelen retter søkelys på i hvilken grad styrere i kommunale og private barnehager opplever uenighet med skolen i spørsmål om barns læring i barnehagen og eventuelt hva slik uenighet kan handle om. Videre ser den på i hvilken grad styrere i de to barnehagetypene forsøker å påvirke skolen i spørsmål om barns læring og eventuelt på hvilke måter. Datamaterialet kommer fra en landsdekkende survey (1310 styrere og intervjuundersøkelse (16 styrere. Styrerne opplever liten grad av uenighet med skolen og minst i private barnehager. Et tema det kan være uenighet om, er grad av voksenstyring i læringsaktivitetene. Det er stor spredning på i hvilken grad styrerne forsøker å påvirke skolen. Styrere i kommunale barnehager er klart mest aktive. Styrerne forsøker å påvirke skolen på ulike måter.

  9. Paradigmeskift mod en ny livsdueligheds pædagogik

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Holm, Claus


    ene ændring fra pædagogik med fokus på henholdsvis det arvsramte og risikoudsatte barn til en pædagogik med fokus på det resiliente barn. Den anden og højaktuelle ændring foregår fra pædagogik med fokus på det risikoudsatte og resiliente barn til pædagogik med fokus på det såkaldt antifragile og...

  10. Dysfunktionel vejrtrækning hos patienter med astma

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Andreasson, Karen Hjerrild; Skou, Søren T; Porsbjerg, Celeste


    Dysfunctional breathing (DB) is a common comorbidity in adults with incomplete asthma control. The few available large-scale, randomized studies suggest efficacy of physiotherapy on symptom burden. In this article we discuss the current evidence including the need for systematic description...

  11. Animal welfare in cross-ventilated, compost-bedded pack, and naturally ventilated dairy barns in the upper Midwest. (United States)

    Lobeck, K M; Endres, M I; Shane, E M; Godden, S M; Fetrow, J


    The objective of this cohort study was to investigate animal welfare in 2 newer dairy housing options in the upper Midwest, cross-ventilated freestall barns (CV) and compost-bedded-pack barns (CB), compared with conventional, naturally ventilated freestall barns (NV). The study was conducted on 18 commercial dairy farms, 6 of each housing type, in Minnesota and eastern South Dakota. The primary breed in all farms was Holstein; 1 CV and 1 NV herd had approximately 30% Jersey-Holstein crossbreds. All freestall herds used sand for bedding. Farms were visited 4 times (once in each season) between January and November 2008, and approximately 93% of all animals in each pen were visually scored on each visit. Outcome-based measurements of welfare (locomotion, hock lesions, body condition score, hygiene, respiration rates, mortality, and mastitis prevalence) were collected on each farm. Lameness prevalence (proportion of cows with locomotion score ≥3 on a 1 to 5 scale, where 1=normal and 5=severely lame) in CB barns (4.4%) was lower than that in NV (15.9%) and CV (13.1%) barns. Lameness prevalence was similar between CV and NV barns. Hock lesion prevalence (proportion of cows with a lesion score ≥2 on a 1 to 3 scale, where 1=normal, 2=hair loss, and 3=swelling) was lower in CB barns (3.8%) than in CV (31.2%) and NV barns (23.9%). Hygiene scores (1 to 5 scale, where 1=clean and 5=very dirty) were higher for CB (3.18) than CV (2.83) and NV (2.77) barns, with no differences between CV and NV barns. Body condition scores, respiration rates, mastitis prevalence, culling, and mortality rates did not differ among housing systems. The CV and NV barns were evaluated using the cow comfort index (proportion of cows lying down in a stall divided by all animals touching a stall) and the stall usage index (proportion of cows lying divided by all animals in the pen not eating). The CV barns tended to have greater cow comfort index (85.9%) than the NV barns (81.4%) and had greater

  12. Designing the optimal robotic milking barn, Part 1: Quantifying facility usage

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Halachmi, I.; Metz, J.H.M.; Maltz, E.; Dijkhuizen, A.A.; Speelman, L.


    The aim of this paper is to explore the stochastic nature of the usage of facilities in a robotic milking barn, independent of the barn layout. It presents experimental data obtained by monitoring 10 dairy cows over a period of 18 days. To minimize restrictions to the access of cows to the

  13. Annual Report of Monitoring at Barnes, Kansas, in 2012

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    LaFreniere, Lorraine M. [Argonne National Lab. (ANL), Argonne, IL (United States)


    Barnes, Kansas, is a small rural community (population approximately 150) located in Washington County, in north-central Kansas (Figure 1.1). Barnes is located in Section 9, Township 4 South, Range 5 East, at approximate latitude 39°43'0'' north and longitude 96°52'25'' west (USGS 1968). The city lies in a transition zone between the Flint Hills and the glaciated region. The area’s topography consists of gently sloping hills of Pleistocene loess (< 20 ft) overlying a shale unit and interbedded shale, limestone, and siltstone of the Permian Chase Group. Groundwater for the public water supply is obtained from wells PWS2 and PWS3 at reported depths of 155 ft and 160 ft, respectively, located in the northwestern portion of the city. The water is produced from the bedrock aquifer of the Chase Group. Section 2 summarizes the hydrogeologic conceptual site model. This report summarizes findings for groundwater inspection in Barnes.

  14. The open-quotes Barn Bookclose quotes online

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    McLane, V.; Dunford, C.L.


    The open-quotes Barn Bookclose quotes has been a standard reference for neutron cross section data from the first edition published in 1955 as BNL-325 through the last edition published by Academic Press in 1988. With the development of electronic networks over the past decade, most users of nuclear data now have direct access to the most current data through the National Nuclear Data Center (NNDC) Online Data Service and similar services provided by other members of the Nuclear Data Centers Network or through the WorldWideWeb pages maintained by the members of this Network. A planned upgrade in the NNDC Online Data Service allows the user to plot the data in open-quotes Barn Bookclose quotes format

  15. Spatial, road geometric, and biotic factors associated with Barn Owl mortality along an interstate highway (United States)

    Arnold, Erin M.; Hanser, Steven E.; Regan, Tempe; Thompson, Jeremy; Lowe, Melinda; Kociolek, Angela; Belthoff, James R.


    Highway programs typically focus on reducing vehicle collisions with large mammals because of economic or safety reasons while overlooking the millions of birds that die annually from traffic. We studied wildlife‐vehicle collisions along an interstate highway in southern Idaho, USA, with among the highest reported rates of American Barn Owl Tyto furcata road mortality. Carcass data from systematic and ad hoc surveys conducted in 2004–2006 and 2013–2015 were used to explore the extent to which spatial, road geometric, and biotic factors explained Barn Owl‐vehicle collisions. Barn Owls outnumbered all other identified vertebrate species of roadkill and represented > 25% of individuals and 73.6% of road‐killed birds. At a 1‐km highway segment scale, the number of dead Barn Owls decreased with increasing numbers of human structures, cumulative length of secondary roads near the highway, and width of the highway median. Number of dead Barn Owls increased with higher commercial average annual daily traffic (CAADT), small mammal abundance index, and with grass rather than shrubs in the roadside verge. The small mammal abundance index was also greater in roadsides with grass versus mixed shrubs, suggesting that Barn Owls may be attracted to grassy portions of the highway with more abundant small mammals for hunting prey. When assessed at a 3‐km highway segment scale, the number of dead Barn Owls again increased with higher CAADT as well as with greater numbers of dairy farms. At a 5‐km scale, number of dead Barn Owls increased with greater percentage of cropland near the highway. While human conversion of the environment from natural shrub‐steppe to irrigated agriculture in this region of Idaho has likely enhanced habitat for Barns Owls, it simultaneously has increased risk for owl‐vehicle collisions where an interstate highway traverses the altered landscape. We review some approaches for highway mitigation and suggest that reducing wildlife

  16. Drinking and Cleaning Water Use in a Dairy Cow Barn

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Michael Krauß


    Full Text Available Water is used in dairy farming for producing feed, watering the animals, and cleaning and disinfecting barns and equipment. The objective of this study was to investigate the drinking and cleaning water use in a dairy cow barn. The water use was measured on a well-managed commercial dairy farm in North-East Germany. Thirty-eight water meters were installed in a barn with 176 cows and two milking systems (an automatic milking system and a herringbone parlour. Their counts were logged hourly over 806 days. On average, the cows in the automatic milking system used 91.1 (SD 14.3 L drinking water per cow per day, while those in the herringbone parlour used 54.4 (SD 5.3 L per cow per day. The cows drink most of the water during the hours of (natural and artificial light in the barn. Previously published regression functions of drinking water intake of the cows were reviewed and a new regression function based on the ambient temperature and the milk yield was developed (drinking water intake (L per cow per day = −27.937 + 0.49 × mean temperature + 3.15 × milk yield (R2 = 0.67. The cleaning water demand had a mean of 28.6 (SD 14.8 L per cow per day in the automatic milking system, and a mean of 33.8 (SD 14.1 L per cow per day in the herringbone parlour. These findings show that the total technical water use in the barn makes only a minor contribution to water use in dairy farming compared with the water use for feed production.

  17. Astma w badaniach spirometrycznych

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Iwona Grzelewska-Rzymowska


    Full Text Available Astma i POChP to choroby charakteryzujące się zmiennym zwężeniem dróg oddechowych określanym jako „obturacja oskrzeli". Obturacja wywołana jest przez zapalenie błony śluzowej i przebudowę, które wynikają z napływu komórek zapalnych oraz działania różnorodnych mediatorów i cytokin. W procesie zapalnym zaangażowane są różne struktury i procesy określane jako „jednostka nabłonkowo-mezenchymalna". Rozpoznanie astmy opiera się na wywiadzie, badaniu alergologicznym i ocenie wskaźników spirometrycznych. Do podstawowych wskaźników stosowanych do właściwej interpretacji czynności płuc należą: FVC, FEV! i stosunek FEN^ do FVC. Stopień ciężkości zaburzeń wentylacji opiera się na ocenie wartości odsetka FEV! w stosunku do wartości należnej. Charakterystyczną cechą astmy jest zmienność objawów klinicznych i wskaźników spirometrycznych. Najważniejszym wskaźnikiem charakteryzującym obturację jest FEV1/FVC. Typowe wskaźniki spirometryczne to: prawidłowa FVC, obniżone FEV! i FEV1/FVC. Czasami FVC i FEV! są jednocześnie obniżone, a FEV1/FVC pozostaje w normie lub prawie w normie. Częścią badań funkcji płuc jest test odwracalności obturacji. Wzrost FEV! i/lub FVC >12% w stosunku do wartości wyjściowej i >200 ml stanowi dodatnią odpowiedź bronchodylatacyjną. Celem tego testu jest określenie, czy czynność płuc może poprawić się po wziewaniu 400 ^g salbutamolu lub po 2-8-tygodniowym leczeniu wziewnymi glikokortykosteroidami. Wskaźniki spirometryczne pozwalają ocenić ciężkość choroby i możliwość interwencji terapeutycznej. W celu diagnozowania astmy i oceny leczenia należy również dokonywać pomiaru nadreaktywności oskrzeli dróg oddechowych. Nadreaktywność oskrzeli jest bardzo czułym, lecz nieswoistym narzędziem dla celów diagnostycznych. Ujemny wynik testu wziewnego z metacholiną pozwala wykluczyć astmę, dodatni wynik testu potwierdza rozpoznanie astmy w w

  18. The Application of Barnes Filter to Positioning the Center of Landed Tropical Cyclone in Numerical Models

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Haibo Zou


    Full Text Available After a tropical cyclone (TC making landfall, the numerical model output sea level pressure (SLP presents many small-scale perturbations which significantly influence the positioning of the TC center. To fix the problem, Barnes filter with weighting parameters C=2500 and G=0.35 is used to remove these perturbations. A case study of TC Fung-Wong which landed China in 2008 shows that Barnes filter not only cleanly removes these perturbations, but also well preserves the TC signals. Meanwhile, the centers (track obtained from SLP processed with Barnes filter are much closer to the observations than that from SLP without Barnes filter. Based on the distance difference (DD between the TC center determined by SLP with/without Barnes filter and observation, statistics analysis of 12 TCs which landed China during 2005–2015 shows that in most cases (about 85% the DDs are small (between −30 km and 30 km, while in a few cases (about 15% the DDs are large (greater than 30 km even 70 km. This further verifies that the TC centers identified from SLP with Barnes filter are more accurate compared to that directly obtained from model output SLP. Moreover, the TC track identified with Barnes filter is much smoother than that without Barnes filter.

  19. Assessment of long-term gas sampling design at two commercial manure-belt layer barns. (United States)

    Chai, Li-Long; Ni, Ji-Qin; Chen, Yan; Diehl, Claude A; Heber, Albert J; Lim, Teng T


    Understanding temporal and spatial variations of aerial pollutant concentrations is important for designing air quality monitoring systems. In long-term and continuous air quality monitoring in large livestock and poultry barns, these systems usually use location-shared analyzers and sensors and can only sample air at limited number of locations. To assess the validity of the gas sampling design at a commercial layer farm, a new methodology was developed to map pollutant gas concentrations using portable sensors under steady-state or quasi-steady-state barn conditions. Three assessment tests were conducted from December 2008 to February 2009 in two manure-belt layer barns. Each barn was 140.2 m long and 19.5 m wide and had 250,000 birds. Each test included four measurements of ammonia and carbon dioxide concentrations at 20 locations that covered all operating fans, including six of the fans used in the long-term sampling that represented three zones along the lengths of the barns, to generate data for complete-barn monitoring. To simulate the long-term monitoring, gas concentrations from the six long-term sampling locations were extracted from the 20 assessment locations. Statistical analyses were performed to test the variances (F-test) and sample means (t test) between the 6- and 20-sample data. The study clearly demonstrated ammonia and carbon dioxide concentration gradients that were characterized by increasing concentrations from the west to east ends of the barns following the under-cage manure-belt travel direction. Mean concentrations increased from 7.1 to 47.7 parts per million (ppm) for ammonia and from 2303 to 3454 ppm for carbon dioxide from the west to east of the barns. Variations of mean gas concentrations were much less apparent between the south and north sides of the barns, because they were 21.2 and 20.9 ppm for ammonia and 2979 and 2951 ppm for carbon dioxide, respectively. The null hypotheses that the variances and means between the 6- and 20

  20. The influence of bedding materials on bio-aerosol exposure in dairy barns exposure in dairy barns

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Samadi, S.; van Eerdenburg, F.J.C.M.; Jamshidifard, A.R.; Otten, G.P.; Droppert, M.; Heederik, D.J.J.; Wouters, I.M.


    Bio-aerosol is a well-known cause of respiratory diseases. Exposure to bio-aerosols has been reported previously in dairy barns, but little is known about the sources of bio-aerosol. Bedding materials might be a significant source or substrate for bio-aerosol exposure. The aim of this study was to

  1. Analysis of thermal characteristics of electrical wiring for load groups in cattle barns. (United States)

    Kim, Doo Hyun; Yoo, Sang-Ok; Kim, Sung Chul; Hwang, Dong Kyu


    The purpose of the current study is to analyze the thermal characteristics of electrical wirings depending on the number of operating load by connecting four types of electrical wirings that are selected by surveying the conditions for the electric fans, automatic waterers and halogen warm lamps that were installed in cattle barns in different years. The conditions of 64 cattle barns were surveyed and an experimental test was conducted at a cattle barn. The condition-survey covered inappropriate design, construction and misuse of electrical facility, including electrical wiring mostly used, and the mode of load current was evaluated. The survey showed that the mode of load current increased as the installation year of the fans, waterers and halogen lamps became older. Accordingly, the cattle barn manager needed to increase the capacity of the circuit breaker, which promoted the degradation of insulation of the electrical wires' sheath and increased possibility for electrical fires in the long-run. The test showed that the saturation temperature of the wire insulated sheath increased depending on the installation year of the load groups, in case of VCTFK and VFF electric wires, therefore, requiring their careful usage in the cattle barns.

  2. POChP a astma oskrzelowa - podobieństwa i różnice w diagnostyce i leczeniu w pracy Ratownika Medycznego


    Nowak, Jakub


    Nierecenzowany artykuł poglądowy Przewlekła obturacyjna choroba płuc i astma oskrzelowa to choroby rozpowszechnione we współczesnym świecie, szczególnie w krajach o wysokim stopniu cywilizacji. Stopień cywilizacji, który niesie ze sobą zanieczyszczenie środowiska naturalnego, gwałtowny wzrost tempa życia nasila występowanie chorób dających objawy duszności. Duszność spowodowana zaistniałą sytuacją stresową, schorzeniami kardiologicznymi, jak również chorobami dróg oddechowych. POChP, a...

  3. Computer program for obtaining thermodynamic and transport properties of air and products of combustion of ASTM-A-1 fuel and air (United States)

    Hippensteele, S. A.; Colladay, R. S.


    A computer program for determining desired thermodynamic and transport property values by means of a three-dimensional (pressure, fuel-air ratio, and either enthalpy or temperature) interpolation routine was developed. The program calculates temperature (or enthalpy), molecular weight, viscosity, specific heat at constant pressure, thermal conductivity, isentropic exponent (equal to the specific heat ratio at conditions where gases do not react), Prandtl number, and entropy for air and a combustion gas mixture of ASTM-A-1 fuel and air over fuel-air ratios from zero to stoichiometric, pressures from 1 to 40 atm, and temperatures from 250 to 2800 K.

  4. Improvement of directionality and sound-localization by internal ear coupling in barn owls

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Wagner, Hermann; Christensen-Dalsgaard, Jakob; Kettler, Lutz

    Mark Konishi was one of the first to quantify sound-localization capabilities in barn owls. He showed that frequencies between 3 and 10 kHz underlie precise sound localization in these birds, and that they derive spatial information from processing interaural time and interaural level differences....... However, despite intensive research during the last 40 years it is still unclear whether and how internal ear coupling contributes to sound localization in the barn owl. Here we investigated ear directionality in anesthetized birds with the help of laser vibrometry. Care was taken that anesthesia...... time difference in the low-frequency range, barn owls hesitate to approach prey or turn their heads when only low-frequency auditory information is present in a stimulus they receive. Thus, the barn-owl's sound localization system seems to be adapted to work best in frequency ranges where interaural...

  5. John Dewey's Socially Instrumental Practice at the Barnes Foundation and the Role of "Transferred Values" in Aesthetic Experience (United States)

    Johnson, Margaret Hess


    When Albert Barnes established an art education program at the Barnes Foundation in 1924, he asked John Dewey to become the first president and director of education. Barnes and Dewey enjoyed a sustained and fruitful relationship with regard to aesthetic experience and scientific theory as applied to education. Barnes and Dewey shared a serious…

  6. Barnes Ice Cap South Dome Trilateration Net Survey Data 1970-1984, Version 1 (United States)

    National Aeronautics and Space Administration — The Barnes Ice Cap data set contains survey measurements of a network of 43 stakes along a 10 km flow line on the northeast flank of the south dome of the Barnes Ice...

  7. New four-dimensional integrals by Mellin-Barnes transform

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Allendes, Pedro; Guerrero, Natanael; Kondrashuk, Igor; Notte Cuello, Eduardo A.


    This paper is devoted to the calculation of a special class of integrals by Mellin-Barnes transform. It contains double integrals in the position space in d=4-2ε dimensions, where ε is parameter of dimensional regularization. These integrals contribute to the effective action of the N=4 supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory. The integrand is a fraction in which the numerator is the logarithm of the ratio of space-time intervals, and the denominator is the product of powers of space-time intervals. According to the method developed in the previous papers, in order to make use of the uniqueness technique for one of two integrations, we shift exponents in powers in the denominator of integrands by some multiples of ε. As the next step, the second integration in the position space is done by Mellin-Barnes transform. For normalizing procedure, we reproduce first the known result obtained earlier by Gegenbauer polynomial technique. Then, we make another shift of exponents in powers in the denominator to create the logarithm in the numerator as the derivative with respect to the shift parameter δ. We show that the technique of work with the contour of the integral modified in this way by using Mellin-Barnes transform repeats the technique of work with the contour of the integral without such a modification. In particular, all the operations with a shift of contour of integration over complex variables of twofold Mellin-Barnes transform are the same as before the δ modification of indices, and even the poles of residues coincide. This confirms the observation made in the previous papers that in the position space all the Green's function of N=4 supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory can be expressed in terms of Usyukina-Davydychev functions.

  8. MBsums. A Mathematica package for the representation of Mellin-Barnes integrals by multiple sums

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ochman, Michal; Riemann, Tord


    Feynman integrals may be represented by the Mathematica package AMBRE and MB as multiple Mellin-Barnes integrals. With the Mathematica package MBsums we transform these Mellin-Barnes integrals into multiple sums.

  9. For eller imod vaccination? Om forældres beslutningstagen I forbindelse med Calmette-vaccination af deres nyfødte barn

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Thybo Pihl, Gitte

    Sygehus, Rigshospitalet og Hvidovre Hospital, fra oktober 2012 til november 2013. I alt 4184 familier blev randomiseret i Calmette-studiet. Ad formål 1: Før Calmette-studiets begyndelse blev fem fokusgrupper gennemført med formålet at undersøge forældres overvejelser, når de skal tage stilling til, om...... Kolding blev efterfølgende telefon-interviewet med en dansk valideret udgave af "The Decisional Conflict Scale" med det formål at undersøge, hvor trygge de var ved beslutningen og om socio-demografiske faktorer havde betydning for deres oplevelse af tvivl. Ad formål 3: Spørgsmål om forældres...... kvantitativ metode, idet der anvendes statistiske tests af socio-demografiske faktorers betydning for The Decisional Conflict Score, ligesom selve scoren opgøres statistisk. Formål 3 er undersøgt i et miks af statistiske opgørelser af svarene fra telefon-interview kombineret med uddybende perspektiver fra...

  10. Klatring i trær og hyttebygging: - om barns lek og lekesteder ute

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    Merete Lund Fasting


    Full Text Available Abstract: This article describes 10 year old children`s play in nature during school hours. However, my result does equally reflect on children in kindergarden as well. Observation and conversation was used as methods as well as pictures. The children’s play in the trees and building huts was conducted in groups, and their communication was nonverbal with each other and with the nature. However; the girls reveal that they enjoy their conversations while being in the tree. The children often play at the same place over and over. This is significant to the evolution of the play and the children’s communication with their places in nature.Sammendrag: Denne artikkelen omhandler 10 år gamle barns lek på natursteder i skoletida. Selv om studien omhandler 10 åringer så kan kunnskapen den frembringer også være viktig for å forstå barnehagebarns lek og tilknytning til sine lekesteder i barnehagen. Metodene som ble brukt for å undersøke barnas lek var observasjoner og samtaler med barna, i tillegg til fotografier. Barnas lek i trærne og i hyttebyggingen karakteriseres ved at de er flere sammen, og barna har en kroppslig dialog med hverandre og omgivelsene i leken. Barna snakker i liten grad sammen om leken og hvordan de skal leke; deres kommunikasjon er hovedsakelig nonverbal. Men når jentene sitter i treet forteller de meg at de liker å sitte og snakke. Barna leker på steder hvor de har vært mye før, og dette har en betydning for barnas lek og barnas kommunikasjon med deres steder.

  11. A survey of Italian compost dairy barns

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    Lorenzo Leso


    Full Text Available Compost-bedded pack barns (CBPB, generally known as compost dairy barns, are alternative housing systems for dairy cows. In these barns, the whole surface of the resting area is covered with a deepbedded pack that is frequently stirred in order to incorporate fresh manure into the pack and to enhance the evaporation of water. Experiences with CBPB for dairy cows are reported in literature from the US, Israel, the Netherlands and Austria. Potential advantages of these housing systems regard animal welfare and manure management. Since 2006, this housing system has been widely applied in Italy. However, there is still little scientific knowledge available about Italian CBPB. This study aims to describe the housing system, assess producers’ satisfaction and measure performance of dairy cows housed in CBPB. Ten commercial dairy farms in northern Italy were involved in the study. All pens in each farm were surveyed to determine the total available surface area, bedded area and pack depth. A questionnaire was submitted to each farm manager in order to investigate management practices, labour requirement, amount of bedding materials used and producers’ satisfaction. The temperature of the bedded pack was measured in summer and in winter. Data from the Italian Dairy Association were collected for each herd over a period of one year (from September 2011 to September 2012. In the barns involved in the study, the average total available area was 10.9 m2/cow and the average pack area was 6.7 m2/cow. The bedded pack was aerated 1.4 times per day.The most commonly used bedding material in these farms was dry sawdust. The consumption of bedding materials was 8.1 m3/cow per year. A tendency towards inverse correlation was found between the space per cow and the amount of bedding needed per cow (R2=0.395; P=0.051. Operations related to pack management required 4.1 hours of labour per cow per year. A direct relationship was found between the bedded area space

  12. Choroba refluksowa przełyku a astma oskrzelowa

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Iwona Patyk


    Full Text Available Astma oskrzelowa i choroba refluksowa przełyku są często współwystępującymi jednostkami chorobowymi. Uważa się, że refluks stanowi potencjalny czynnik wywołujący lub zaostrzający astmę. Hipoteza ta opiera się zarówno na przesłankach patofizjologicznych, jak i badaniach klinicznych. W badaniach eksperymentalnych wykazano, że zakwaszanie dolnej części przełyku powoduje wzmożoną reaktywność oskrzeli. Powstało kilka teorii wyjaśniających to zjawisko, do najistotniejszych należą teoria nerwowa, zapalna i mikroaspiracji. Wykazano również, że nieswoiste testy nadreaktywności oskrzeli mogą indukować epizody refluksu, co przemawia za udziałem samej astmy w promowaniu GERD. Do osłabienia mechanizmów antyrefluksowych prowadzą związane z zaostrzeniami astmy wzrost ujemnego ciśnienia w klatce piersiowej oraz „pułapka powietrzna”, a także niektóre doustne leki rozszerzające oskrzela, zwłaszcza teofilina. Obie choroby mogą oddziaływać na siebie na zasadzie błędnego koła, co pociąga za sobą implikacje terapeutyczne. Nie ma jednak jednoznacznych danych z badań randomizowanych o skuteczności antyrefluksowej terapii farmakologicznej i chirurgicznej. Najnowsze dane z piśmiennictwa nie potwierdzają pozytywnych rezultatów takiej terapii w grupie astmy trudnej, w której dotąd rekomendowano wdrożenie leczenia dużymi dawkami IPP. Nadal brak jest przekonywają- cych danych dotyczących roli niekwaśnego i/lub żółciowego refluksu w astmie. Konieczne jest udoskonalenie i standaryzacja metod diagnostycznych oraz protokołów terapeutycznych pozwalających wyodrębnić grupę pacjentów, u których terapia antyrefluksowa przyniesie najlepsze efekty dla kontroli astmy.

  13. Air quality in bedded mono-slope beef barns (United States)

    Bedded mono-slope barns are becoming more common in the upper Midwest. Because these are new facilities, little research has been published regarding environmental quality, building management and animal performance in these facilities. A team of researchers from South Dakota State University, USDA ...

  14. Visual search in barn owls: Task difficulty and saccadic behavior. (United States)

    Orlowski, Julius; Ben-Shahar, Ohad; Wagner, Hermann


    How do we find what we are looking for? A target can be in plain view, but it may be detected only after extensive search. During a search we make directed attentional deployments like saccades to segment the scene until we detect the target. Depending on difficulty, the search may be fast with few attentional deployments or slow with many, shorter deployments. Here we study visual search in barn owls by tracking their overt attentional deployments-that is, their head movements-with a camera. We conducted a low-contrast feature search, a high-contrast orientation conjunction search, and a low-contrast orientation conjunction search, each with set sizes varying from 16 to 64 items. The barn owls were able to learn all of these tasks and showed serial search behavior. In a subsequent step, we analyzed how search behavior of owls changes with search complexity. We compared the search mechanisms in these three serial searches with results from pop-out searches our group had reported earlier. Saccade amplitude shortened and fixation duration increased in difficult searches. Also, in conjunction search saccades were guided toward items with shared target features. These data suggest that during visual search, barn owls utilize mechanisms similar to those that humans use.

  15. Barn music at St Donat's castle / Philip Gross

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Gross, Philip, 1952-


    Muusikafestivalist "Vale of Glamorgan", mis oli 2010. a. pühendatud Arvo Pärdile. Eesti kammermuusikaansambli Resonabilis kavas oli ka festivali tellimusel valminud uelsi helilooja Gareth Peredur Churchilli "Vocable", mille teksti kirjutas Philip Gross. Festivalikontsertide muljeid leiab Grossi luuletsüklis "Barn music" (avaldatud samas ajakirjanumbris, lk. 42-43)

  16. Visual-auditory integration for visual search: a behavioral study in barn owls

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Yael eHazan


    Full Text Available Barn owls are nocturnal predators that rely on both vision and hearing for survival. The optic tectum of barn owls, a midbrain structure involved in selective attention, has been used as a model for studying visual- auditory integration at the neuronal level. However, behavioral data on visual- auditory integration in barn owls are lacking. The goal of this study was to examine if the integration of visual and auditory signals contributes to the process of guiding attention towards salient stimuli. We attached miniature wireless video cameras on barn owls' heads (OwlCam to track their target of gaze. We first provide evidence that the area centralis (a retinal area with a maximal density of photoreceptors is used as a functional fovea in barn owls. Thus, by mapping the projection of the area centralis on the OwlCam's video frame, it is possible to extract the target of gaze. For the experiment, owls were positioned on a high perch and four food items were scattered in a large arena on the floor. In addition, a hidden loudspeaker was positioned in the arena. The positions of the food items and speaker were changed every session. Video sequences from the OwlCam were saved for offline analysis while the owls spontaneously scanned the room and the food items with abrupt gaze shifts (head saccades. From time to time during the experiment, a brief sound was emitted from the speaker. The fixation points immediately following the sounds were extracted and the distances between the gaze position and the nearest items and loudspeaker were measured. The head saccades were rarely towards the location of the sound source but to salient visual features in the room, such as the door knob or the food items. However, among the food items, the one closest to the loudspeaker had the highest probability of attracting a gaze shift. This result supports the notion that auditory signals are integrated with visual information for the selection of the next visual search

  17. Animal hygiene assessment of microclimate in semi open free-stall barns for dairy cows

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    D. Dimov


    Full Text Available Abstract. The study was conducted in three semi open free-stall barns (B1, B2, and B3 for dairy cows with capacities for 120, 120 and 500 cows, respectively, from three different dairy farms (F-1, F-2 and F-3, situated in Central Southern Bulgaria. The investigated farms had the same production system – loose housing in semi open free-stall dairy barn. For each of the farms the main microclimatic parameters – air temperature, relative humidity and speed of airflow were recorded twice a month at 10.00 h 12.00 h, 14.00 h, 16.00 h and 18.00 h of the day inside the barns in three main technological zones - above the stalls, above manure and feed alleys and outside the buildings. It was found that: a Microclimatic parameters (air temperature, air relative humidity and speed of airflow in technological zones (above the stalls, the manure and feed alleys of three semi open free-stall dairy barns meet the animal hygienic requirements for all seasons according to Regulation No. 44 (2006. Exceptions are some values of relative humidity in B1 and B2 in the spring, and in B1 in winter and summer, which are lower than the minimum humidity (50% according to the standard. b The investigated barns are characterized with poor insulation and do not provide enough isolation from the external ambient temperatures. With the exception of winter, the temperature of the air inside the buildings was lower than that outside, with minor differences for all seasons. The fans in the barns have no effect on the inside air temperature, especially in summer. There was a risk of higher temperatures mainly during the summer period. c There is no significant difference between the average temperatures, air humidity and speed of airflow in all technological zones of the investigated barns. d The largest and statistically significant is the difference between the relative air humidity outside and inside the building in Farm 3, followed by buildings in Farm 1 and 2, where the

  18. On the barn owl's visual pre-attack behavior: 1. Structure of head movements and motion patterns

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Ohayon, S.; Willigen, R.F. van der; Wagner, H.; Katsman, I.; Rivlin, E.


    Barn owls exhibit a rich repertoire of head movements before taking off for prey capture. These movements occur mainly at light levels that allow for the visual detection of prey. To investigate these movements and their functional relevance, we filmed the pre-attack behavior of barn owls. Off-line

  19. Diet of the Barn Owl (Tyto alba in Ocoyoacac, Estado de Mexico

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Alvaro González-Calderón


    Full Text Available I studied the feeding habits of the Barn Owl (Tyto alba Strigiformes in Ocoyoacac, State of Mexico (Mexico in 2012. On such occasion, its diet was analyzed based on the description of the mass of undigested parts of preys in 732 pellets collected. For such description I resorted to Margalef, Simpson, Shannon-Wiener and Pielou diversity index showing the diversity of preys on which the Barn Owls fed. Based on Levin’s standardized trophic niche index the food niche breadth was estimated as well as the correlation between pellet dimensions and the number of eaten preys. Small mammals were the most frequent source of food, followed by arthropods and birds. The dominance of small mammals was relatively low (λ = 0.20. Rattus rattus was the species most frequently consumed, followed by four other rodent species associated with an abundant frequency of consumption (Microtus mexicanus, Reithrodontomys microdon, R. megalotis and Peromyscus maniculatus. Shannon-Wiener index value (H’ = 1.85 and Levin’s standardized trophic breadth index (Bst = 0.42 showed a relatively low uniformity and a selective tendency in the consumption of small mammals. The diet of the Barn Owl showed that the consumption of arthropods was relevant, including arachnids. A selective tendency was observed in the consumption of birds. The significant correlations between the dimensions of the pellets with the number of preys consumed were discussed. The results show that the Barn Owl plays an important role in the biological control of native and non-native rodents of the region.

  20. Lead concentrations and reproduction in highway-nesting barn swallows (United States)

    Grue, C.E.; O'Shea, T.J.; Hoffman, D.J.


    Swallows (Hirundo rustica) collected within the right-of-way of a major Maryland highway were greater than those found in Barn Swallows nesting within a rural area. Lead concentrations in the feathers of adults from the highway colony were also greater than Lead concentrations in the carcasses and stomach contents of adult and nestling Barn those of rural adults, but concentrations in the feathers of nestlings from the two locations were similar. Activity of u-aminolevulinic acid dehydratase in red blood cells was lower in highway-nesting adults and their young than in their rural counterparts, although hemoglobin concentrations and hematocrits did not differ. The number of eggs, nestlings, and body weights of the latter at 16-18 days of age were similar in the two colonies, as were body weights of adults from the two areas. These results suggest that contamination of roadside habitats by lead from automotive emissions does not pose a serious hazard to birds that are aerial feeders.

  1. Airborne Microorganisms in Tie-stall Dairy Barns from Brasov County

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Silvana Popescu


    Full Text Available The aim of this study was the assessment of the airborne microorganisms in tie-stall dairy cattle barns, through determination of the total number of bacteria (mesophilic bacteria, staphylococci, streptococci and gram-negative bacteria and fungi. We investigated 8 dairy cattle barns with tie-stalls in Brasov County during the winter of 2009. The mean numbers of bacteria and fungi in the morning and in the evening were: 1.02 °— 105 - 1.26 °— 105 CFU/m3 for mesophilic bacteria, 5.34 °— 104 - 5.91 °— 104 CFU/m3 for staphylococci, 2.93 °— 104 - 3.60 °— 104 CFU/m3 for streptococci, 2.17 °— 103 - 3.48 °— 103 CFU/m3 for gram-negative bacteria and 1.54 °— 104 - 2.75 °— 104 CFU/m3 for fungi. In the investigated cattle houses staphylococci represented 52.35 – 46.90%, streptococci were 28.73 – 28.57%, and the gram-negative bacteria were 2.13 – 2.76% within the overall number of mesophilic bacteria. The numbers of bacteria and fungi were slightly elevated in the evening comparative to the morning, but the differences were statistically insignificant (p>0.05. The great numbers of bacteria and fungi in the air of dairy cattle tie-stall barns indicate an elevated risk of disease for animals and human workers.

  2. Comorbidity in childhood asthma


    de Groot, Eric Peter


    Dit proefschrift heeft als focus comorbiditeit bij kinderen met astma en de impact hiervan op de astma. Comorbiditeiten in kinderen met astma zijn allergische rhinitis(AR), dysfunctioneel ademen(DA) en depressieve aandoeningen. De prevalentie van AR in kinderen met astma is 76.2%. AR was vastgesteld in maar 56.1%. Ongecontroleerd astma komt vaker voor bij kinderen met AR. De invloed op de astma controle verdwijnt wanner er behandeld wordt met intra-nasale steroïden. DA in kinderen met astma w...

  3. Longitudinal study of the contamination of air and of soil surfaces in the vicinity of pig barns by livestock-associated methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus. (United States)

    Schulz, Jochen; Friese, Anika; Klees, Sylvia; Tenhagen, Bernd A; Fetsch, Alexandra; Rösler, Uwe; Hartung, Jörg


    During 1 year, samples were taken on 4 days, one sample in each season, from pigs, the floor, and the air inside pig barns and from the ambient air and soil at different distances outside six commercial livestock-associated methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (LA-MRSA)-positive pig barns in the north and east of Germany. LA-MRSA was isolated from animals, floor, and air samples in the barn, showing a range of airborne LA-MRSA between 6 and 3,619 CFU/m(3) (median, 151 CFU/m(3)). Downwind of the barns, LA-MRSA was detected in low concentrations (11 to 14 CFU/m(3)) at distances of 50 and 150 m; all upwind air samples were negative. In contrast, LA-MRSA was found on soil surfaces at distances of 50, 150, and 300 m downwind from all barns, but no statistical differences could be observed between the proportions of positive soil surface samples at the three different distances. Upwind of the barns, positive soil surface samples were found only sporadically. Significantly more positive LA-MRSA samples were found in summer than in the other seasons both in air and soil samples upwind and downwind of the pig barns. spa typing was used to confirm the identity of LA-MRSA types found inside and outside the barns. The results show that there is regular airborne LA-MRSA transmission and deposition, which are strongly influenced by wind direction and season, of up to at least 300 m around positive pig barns. The described boot sampling method seems suitable to characterize the contamination of the vicinity of LA-MRSA-positive pig barns by the airborne route.

  4. The Strategy to Increase Women Farmer's Participation in the Program of Village Food Barn in East Java (United States)

    Yuliatia, Yayuk; Iskaskar, Riyanti


    Food Barn Village Programme is one of the government's efforts in achieving household food security which includes four components. The purpose of this study was to develop a strategy to increase women's participation in the Food Barn Village Programme. This research was conducted in three villages in the district of Malang, namely: Village…

  5. Den komplexa väven Att organisera för barns övergångar till och från förskoleklass

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Helena Ackesjö


    Full Text Available This study focuses on how children's transitions to and from preschool classes are organized in different schools. Principal’s arguments for this organization were sought via a web-based survey and analyzed using the frame factor theory in addition to theories of practical sense and the concept of continuity. The results show that children tend to make more transitions between social communities the younger they are. The distribution of the principal’s answers show that the majority of them, because of external conditions, split the preschool groups to new classes in the transition to preschool class. However, the same movements are not indicated in the transition to first grade. The results show how the work of organizing chidren’s transitions represent a complex web of external actual conditions as the number of children and the recruitment area of the school, the internal logics and ideas about what is best for children and best for continued learning as well as the school's own traditions of working with transitions. Föreliggande studie fokuserar på hur barns övergångar till och från förskoleklass organiseras på olika skolor. Via en webbaserad enkät söks skolledares argument för denna organisering. I analysen nyttjas ett ramfaktorteoretiskt tänkande som kompletteras med teorier om praktiskt förnuft samt kontinuitetsbegreppet. Resultaten visar att barn tenderar att göra fler övergångar mellan barngrupper och sociala gemenskaper ju yngre de är. Fördelningen av skolledarnas svar visar att majoriteten, på grund av yttre villkor, delar förskolegrupperna till nya klasser i övergången till förskoleklass. Däremot indikeras inte samma rörlighet i övergången till årskurs 1. Resultaten visar hur arbetet med att organisera övergångarna utgör en komplex väv av yttre faktiska villkor som barnantal och upptagningsområdets storlek, av inre logiker och föreställningar om vad som är det bästa för barnen och det b

  6. Mass depopulation of laying hens in whole barns with liquid carbon dioxide: evaluation of welfare impact. (United States)

    Turner, P V; Kloeze, H; Dam, A; Ward, D; Leung, N; Brown, E E L; Whiteman, A; Chiappetta, M E; Hunter, D B


    Appropriate emergency disaster preparedness is a key priority for agricultural agencies to allow effective response to serious avian disease outbreaks. There is a need to develop rapid, humane, and safe depopulation techniques for poultry that are widely applicable across a range of farm settings. Whole barn depopulation with carbon dioxide (CO(2)) has been investigated as a humane and efficient means of killing large numbers of birds in the event of a reportable disease outbreak. It has also been considered as a method for depopulating barns containing end-of-lay hens, particularly when there is limited local slaughter and rendering capacity. Determining the best method of humanely killing large flocks of birds remains problematic and is being investigated by a coordinated international effort. While whole barn depopulation using CO(2) inhalation has been explored, physiologic responses of chickens have not been characterized in field settings and assessment of animal welfare is hampered without this information. In this study, 12 cull laying hens were surgically instrumented with telemetry transmitters to record electroencephalographs, electrocardiographs, body temperature, and activity during 2 large-scale field CO(2) euthanasia trials of end-of-lay hens. The day following surgery, instrumented hens were placed in barns with other birds, barns were sealed, and animals were killed by CO(2) inhalation delivered via a specially designed liquid CO(2) manifold. Instrumented birds were monitored by infrared thermography, and ambient temperature, CO(2), and O(2) concentrations were recorded. Results from these studies indicate that instrumented hens lost consciousness within 2 min of CO(2) levels reaching 18 to 20%. Mild to moderate head shaking, gasping, and 1 to 2 clonic muscle contractions were noted in hens before unconsciousness; however, brain death followed rapidly (benefits suggest clear advantages over catching and transporting cull hens for slaughter. The

  7. Stable isotopes as a tool to differentiate eggs laid by caged, barn, free range, and organic hens. (United States)

    Rogers, Karyne M


    Stable carbon and nitrogen isotope values of whole yolk, delipidized yolk, albumen, and egg membrane were analyzed from 18 different brands of chicken eggs laid under caged, barn, free range, and organic farming regimes. In general, free range and organic egg components showed enrichment of (15)N values up to 4‰ relative to caged and barn laid eggs, suggesting a higher animal protein (trophic) contribution to the chicken's diet than pure plant-based foods and/or that the feed was organically manufactured. One sample of free range and two samples of organic eggs had δ(15)N values within the range of caged or barn laid eggs, suggesting either that these eggs were mislabeled (the hens were raised under "battery" or "barn" conditions, and not permitted to forage outside) or that there was insufficient animal protein gained by foraging to shift the δ(15)N values of their primary food source. δ(13)C values of potential food sources are discussed with respect to dietary intake and contribution to the isotopic signature of the eggs to determine mixing of C(3) and C(4) diets, although they did not elucidate laying regimen. The study finds that stable nitrogen isotope analysis of egg components is potentially a useful technique to unravel dietary differences between caged or barn hens and free range hens (both conventional and organic) and could be further developed as an authentication tool in the egg industry.

  8. Is a new version of philosophical pragmatism necessary? A reply to Barnes-Holmes (United States)

    Leigland, Sam


    Barnes-Holmes (2000) discussed certain issues regarding philosophy, pragmatism, and behavior analysis, and offered a “behavioral pragmatism” based on or derived from behavior-analytic perspectives. In a comparison of certain philosophical views, Quine's concept of observation sentences was employed for representing pragmatism, but this concept is not sufficiently representative of the literature of philosophical pragmatism to warrant the broad conclusions drawn by Barnes-Holmes. Further, although the extensive and diverse literature of philosophical pragmatism has been shown by a number of writers to have various themes and perspectives in common with Skinner's radical behaviorism, it is unnecessary to extract a limited, generic version of pragmatism because (a) the latter cannot match the range and depth of the various extant versions and (b) the problems raised by Barnes-Holmes in justification for the new version yield readily to the current versions in philosophy. A set of philosophical views may provide additional verbal support for a given system of science, and the science of behavior analysis may eventually contribute to philosophical discourse. The latter, however, will not be achieved by proposing new versions of old philosophy, but rather by approaching established philosophical issues in new ways. PMID:22478409

  9. Valg av metode for en landsrepresentativ undersøkelse av kostholdet blant sped- og småbarn i Norge - Spedkost og Småbarnskost

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Britt Lande


    Full Text Available  SAMMENDRAGI 1998-99 er den første landsrepresentative kostholdsundersøkelsen blant spedbarn og småbarn gjennomført i Norgefor å beskrive kostholdet blant barn opp til 2 års alder og relatere kostvanene til de kostanbefalingene som gis.Inntaket av både næringsstoffer og fremmedstoffer skal beregnes. Undersøkelsen inngår i Statens råd for ernæringog fysisk aktivitet (SEF sitt system for kartlegging av kostholdet i den norske befolkningen, og er et samarbeidmellom SEF, Statens næringsmiddeltilsyn, Institutt for ernæringsforskning ved Universitetet i Oslo og Statistisksentralbyrå. Hovedmålet er å øke kunnskapen om kostholdet til spedbarn og småbarn i Norge, for å få et bedregrunnlag for å fremme et godt kosthold og forebygge kostholdsrelaterte helseproblemer i denne aldersgruppen.Semikvantitative matvarefrekvensskjema ble vurdert å være den beste metoden å benytte. Det ble utviklet 3 forskjelligeselvadministrerte matvarefrekvensskjema (optisk lesbare for å kartlegge kostholdet blant 6, 12 og 24 månedergamle barn. Bilder av matporsjoner ble inkludert som hjelp til å bestemme mengder. Frekvensskjemaene ble sendtpr. post til mødrene av et landsrepresentativt utvalg av 3000 6 måneder gamle barn. De samme barna ble fulgt oppved 12 måneders alder ved at barnas mødre da mottok et nytt frekvensskjema (Spedkost. Videre ble et frekvensskjemasendt mødrene til et landsrepresentativt utvalg av 3000 24 måneder gamle barn (Småbarnskost. Data forbarnas vekt og lengde ble samlet inn i samarbeid med landets helsestasjoner. Det er gjennomført en pilotundersøkelsefor å prøve ut frekvensskjemaene og undersøkelsesopplegg. Videre blir frekvensskjemaene validert mot veidregistrering over 7 dager. Datainnsamlingen ble avsluttet i juli 1999, og rapporter fra undersøkelsen er ventet i år2000. Hensikten med artikkelen er å beskrive metoden og begrunne valg av metode for Spedkost og Småbarnskost.Lande B, Frost Andersen L, Bærug A

  10. Performance and Health of Group-Housed Calves Kept in Igloo Calf Hutches and Calf Barn

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jerzy Wójcik*, Renata Pilarczyk, Anna Bilska, Ottfried Weiher1 and Peter Sanftleben1


    Full Text Available Group-reared calves are usually housed in common buildings, such as calf barns of all sorts; however, there are concerns about this practice due to problems such as an increased incidence of diseases and poor performance of the calves. Group calf rearing using igloo hutches may be a solution combining the benefits of individual and group housing systems. The aim of this study was to evaluate group-reared calves housed in Igloo-type hutches compared with those housed in common calf barns. The experiment was carried out on a large private dairy farm located in Vorpommern, Germany. A total of 90 Deutsche-Holstein bull calves were assigned to 2 treatment groups: the calf-barn group, with calves grouped in pens in a building, and the Igloo-hutch group, with calves housed in outdoor enclosures with an access to group igloo-style hutches. Calves entering the 84-day experiment were at an average age of about three weeks, with the mean initial body weight of about 50 kg. The calves housed in the group Igloo hutches attained higher daily weight gains compared to those housed in the calf barn (973 vs 721 g/day, consumed more solid feeds (concentrate, corn grain and maize silage: (1.79 vs 1.59 kg/day, and less milk replacer (5.51 vs 6.19 kg/day, had also a lower incidence of respiratory diseases (1.24 vs 3.57% with a shorter persistence of the illness.

  11. Contingency interim measure for the public water supply at Barnes, Kansas.

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    LaFreniere, L. M.; Environmental Science Division


    This document presents a conceptual design for a contingency interim measure (IM) for treatment of the public water supply system at Barnes, Kansas, should this become necessary. The aquifer that serves the public water supply system at Barnes has been affected by trace to low concentrations of carbon tetrachloride and its degradation product, chloroform. Investigations conducted on behalf of the CCC/USDA by Argonne National Laboratory (Argonne 2008a) have demonstrated that groundwater at the Barnes site is contaminated with carbon tetrachloride at concentrations exceeding the Kansas Tier 2 risk-based screening level (RBSL) and the EPA maximum contaminant level (MCL) of 5.0 {micro}g/L for this compound. The Commodity Credit Corporation of the U.S. Department of Agriculture (CCC/USDA) formerly operated a grain storage facility in Barnes, approximately 800 ft east-southeast of the public water supply wells. Carbon tetrachloride was used in the treatment of grain. Another potential source identified in an investigation conducted for the KDHE (PRC 1996) is the site of a former agriculture building owned by the local school district (USD 223). This building is located immediately east of well PWS3. The potential contingency IM options evaluated in this report include the treatment of groundwater at the public water supply wellheads and the provision of an alternate water supply via Washington County Rural Water District No.2 (RWD 2). This document was developed in accordance with KDHE Bureau of Environmental Remediation (BER) Policy No.BER-RS-029 (Revised) (KDHE 2006a), supplemented by guidance from the KDHE project manager. Upon the approval of this contingency IM conceptual design by the KDHE, the CCC/USDA will prepare a treatment system design document that will contain the following elements: (1) Description of the approved contingency IM treatment method; (2) Drawings and/or schematics provided by the contractor and/or manufacturer of the approved technology; (3) A

  12. Prevalence of Salmonella spp. in environmental samples from table egg barns in Alberta. (United States)

    St Amand, Joan A; Cassis, Rashed; King, Robin K; Annett Christianson, Colleen B


    Some Salmonella spp. are zoonotic, a frequent cause of foodborne illness in Canada, and known to infect humans through contaminated poultry and poultry products. Certain serotypes of Salmonella spp. have been demonstrated to be vertically transmitted from hen to egg. The incidence of Salmonella spp. isolation in the flock has been correlated to its isolation from the environment. Twenty-one producers were enrolled in this study to examine the occurrence of Salmonella spp. in 48 table egg layer flocks housed in 35 barns in Alberta. The purpose of this study was to: (i) identify Salmonella serotypes isolated from the environment of table egg layer facilities in Alberta and (ii) record the prevalence of Salmonella spp. across eight defined environmental sampling points. Salmonella spp. were isolated from the environment of 20/35 barns representing 29/48 flocks. The most common serotypes isolated were S. Heidelberg, S. Kentucky and S. Mbandaka. The order of most to least contaminated sample location was manure belts (54.1%), feeders (47.9%), feed motors (45.8%), egg belts and walls (41.7%), fans (35.0%), cage bottoms (31.3%) and lobbies (27.1%). Salmonella spp. were isolated from 7/7 barns post cleaning and disinfection, demonstrating the persistence of this organism in the environment and the need for effective eradication protocols.

  13. An Electronic open-quotes Barn Bookclose quotes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    James, J.Z.


    Electronic publication of a comprehensive compilation of neutron cross sections - an open-quotes electronic barn bookclose quotes - can be of immense value to the practicing nuclear engineer, as well as in nuclear education and training. This paper describes such a publication. The files are published on compact disk-read-only memory (CD-ROM), with automatic updating over the Internet. The current version stores the curves graphically, but a future version will take better advantage of the interactive capabilities of electronic publishing by drawing the curves from ACE files open-quotes on the fly.close quotes

  14. 77 FR 59627 - Federal Property Suitable as Facilities To Assist the Homeless (United States)


    ... agencies or by GSA regarding its inventory of excess or surplus Federal property. This Notice is also...: Main house, garage/shed, med. barn, large apple barn Comments: Documented deficiencies: vacant/abandon...

  15. Fitness loss and germline mutations in barn swallows breeding in Chernobyl

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ellegren, Hans; Lindgren, Gabriella; Primmer, C.R. [Swedish Univ. of Agricultural Sciences, Animal Breeding and Genetics Dept., Uppsala (Sweden); Moeller, A.P. [Universite Pierre et Marie Curie. Lab. d`Ecologie, Paris, 75 (France)


    The severe nuclear accident at Chernobyl in 1986 resulted in the worst reported accidental exposure of radioactive material to free-living organisms. Short-term effects on human populations inhabiting polluted areas include increased incidence of thyroid cancer, infant leukaemia, and congenital malformations in newborns. Two recent studies have reported, although with some controversy, that germline mutation rates were increased in humans and voles living close to Chernobyl, but little is known about the viability of the organisms affected. Here we report an increased frequency of partial albinism, a morphological aberration associated with a loss of fitness, among barn swallows, Hirundo rustica, breeding close to Chernobyl. Heretability estimates indicate that mutations causing albinism were at least partly of germline origin. Furthermore, evidence for an increased germline mutation rate was obtained from segregation analysis at two hypervariable microsatellite loci, indicating that mutation events in barn swallows from Chernobyl were two- to tenfold higher than in birds from control areas in Ukraine and Italy. (author).

  16. Fitness loss and germline mutations in barn swallows breeding in Chernobyl

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ellegren, Hans; Lindgren, Gabriella; Primmer, C.R.; Moeller, A.P.


    The severe nuclear accident at Chernobyl in 1986 resulted in the worst reported accidental exposure of radioactive material to free-living organisms. Short-term effects on human populations inhabiting polluted areas include increased incidence of thyroid cancer, infant leukaemia, and congenital malformations in newborns. Two recent studies have reported, although with some controversy, that germline mutation rates were increased in humans and voles living close to Chernobyl, but little is known about the viability of the organisms affected. Here we report an increased frequency of partial albinism, a morphological aberration associated with a loss of fitness, among barn swallows, Hirundo rustica, breeding close to Chernobyl. Heretability estimates indicate that mutations causing albinism were at least partly of germline origin. Furthermore, evidence for an increased germline mutation rate was obtained from segregation analysis at two hypervariable microsatellite loci, indicating that mutation events in barn swallows from Chernobyl were two- to tenfold higher than in birds from control areas in Ukraine and Italy. (author)

  17. Comorbidity in childhood asthma

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    de Groot, Eric Peter


    Dit proefschrift heeft als focus comorbiditeit bij kinderen met astma en de impact hiervan op de astma. Comorbiditeiten in kinderen met astma zijn allergische rhinitis(AR), dysfunctioneel ademen(DA) en depressieve aandoeningen. De prevalentie van AR in kinderen met astma is 76.2%. AR was vastgesteld

  18. Overvægtige patienter med astma har dårligere astmakontrol

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sivapalan, Pradeesh; Lange, Peter; Ulrik, Charlotte Suppli


    Current literature indicates that asthma is more prevalent among obese individuals. In addition, studies have shown that higher body mass index (BMI), particularly BMI ≥ 30 kg/m2, is associated with poorer asthma control and asthma-related quality of life. Furthermore, growing evidence suggests t...

  19. Morphometric characterisation of wing feathers of the barn owl Tyto alba pratincola and the pigeon Columba livia

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    Klaas Michael


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Owls are known for their silent flight. Even though there is some information available on the mechanisms that lead to a reduction of noise emission, neither the morphological basis, nor the biological mechanisms of the owl's silent flight are known. Therefore, we have initiated a systematic analysis of wing morphology in both a specialist, the barn owl, and a generalist, the pigeon. This report presents a comparison between the feathers of the barn owl and the pigeon and emphasise the specific characteristics of the owl's feathers on macroscopic and microscopic level. An understanding of the features and mechanisms underlying this silent flight might eventually be employed for aerodynamic purposes and lead to a new wing design in modern aircrafts. Results A variety of different feathers (six remiges and six coverts, taken from several specimen in either species, were investigated. Quantitative analysis of digital images and scanning electron microscopy were used for a morphometric characterisation. Although both species have comparable body weights, barn owl feathers were in general larger than pigeon feathers. For both species, the depth and the area of the outer vanes of the remiges were typically smaller than those of the inner vanes. This difference was more pronounced in the barn owl than in the pigeon. Owl feathers also had lesser radiates, longer pennula, and were more translucent than pigeon feathers. The two species achieved smooth edges and regular surfaces of the vanes by different construction principles: while the angles of attachment to the rachis and the length of the barbs was nearly constant for the barn owl, these parameters varied in the pigeon. We also present a quantitative description of several characteristic features of barn owl feathers, e.g., the serrations at the leading edge of the wing, the fringes at the edges of each feather, and the velvet-like dorsal surface. Conclusion The quantitative

  20. Microorganisms associated with feathers of barn swallows in radioactively contaminated areas around chernobyl. (United States)

    Czirják, Gábor Arpád; Møller, Anders Pape; Mousseau, Timothy A; Heeb, Philipp


    The Chernobyl catastrophe provides a rare opportunity to study the ecological and evolutionary consequences of low-level, environmental radiation on living organisms. Despite some recent studies about negative effects of environmental radiation on macroorganisms, there is little knowledge about the effect of radioactive contamination on diversity and abundance of microorganisms. We examined abundance patterns of total cultivable bacteria and fungi and the abundance of feather-degrading bacterial subset present on feathers of barn swallows (Hirundo rustica), a colonial migratory passerine, around Chernobyl in relation to levels of ground level environmental radiation. After controlling for confounding variables, total cultivable bacterial loads were negatively correlated with environmental radioactivity, whereas abundance of fungi and feather-degrading bacteria was not significantly related to contamination levels. Abundance of both total and feather-degrading bacteria increased with barn swallow colony size, showing a potential cost of sociality. Males had lower abundance of feather-degrading bacteria than females. Our results show the detrimental effects of low-level environmental radiation on total cultivable bacterial assemblage on feathers, while the abundance of other microorganism groups living on barn swallow feathers, such as feather-degrading bacteria, are shaped by other factors like host sociality or host sex. These data lead us to conclude that the ecological effects of Chernobyl may be more general than previously assumed and may have long-term implications for host-microbe interactions and overall ecosystem functioning.

  1. Claw health and prevalence of lameness in cows from compost bedded and cubicle freestall dairy barns in Austria. (United States)

    Burgstaller, J; Raith, J; Kuchling, S; Mandl, V; Hund, A; Kofler, J


    Claw health and lameness data from five dairies with compost bedded barns (n = 201 data sets) were evaluated and compared with data from five dairy herds housed in freestall cubicle barns (n = 297 data sets). They were matched for having the same cow numbers, flooring type and similar milk yield. The prevalence of lameness, claw lesions and their severity grades were analysed. Two claw health indicators, the cow claw score (CCS) and the farm claw score (FCS), were calculated using a computerised claw trimming database programme; there was no significant difference in overall lameness prevalence in cows from five compost bedded barns (18.7%) compared to cows from five freestall cubicle herds (14.9%). A cumulative link mixed model (CLMM) did not show significant differences in locomotion between different types of bedding material, flooring system, breed, visit number, observer and time since last trimming, but locomotion was significantly influenced by CCS. Another CLMM tested the impact of parameters mentioned on CCS and showed significant influence of flooring type, visit number and cattle breed. Statistically significant differences in the prevalence of claw disorders between compost bedded and freestall cubicle barns were found for white line disease (WLD; 20.4% and 46.6%, respectively), heel horn erosion (HHE; 26.9% and 59.9%, respectively), concave dorsal wall as a result of chronic laminitis (6.5% and 15.9%, respectively) and for interdigital hyperplasia (0.2% and 3.1%, respectively). The results of this study indicate that compost dairy barns are a good alternative to common cubicle housing systems in terms of lameness, claw health and animal welfare. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  2. Comparisons of management practices and farm design on Australian commercial layer and meat chicken farms: Cage, barn and free range. (United States)

    Scott, Angela Bullanday; Singh, Mini; Toribio, Jenny-Ann; Hernandez-Jover, Marta; Barnes, Belinda; Glass, Kathryn; Moloney, Barbara; Lee, Amanda; Groves, Peter


    There are few published studies describing the unique management practices, farm design and housing characteristics of commercial meat chicken and layer farms in Australia. In particular, there has been a large expansion of free range poultry production in Australia in recent years, but limited information about this enterprise exists. This study aimed to describe features of Australian commercial chicken farms, with particular interest in free range farms, by conducting on-farm interviews of 25 free range layer farms, nine cage layer farms, nine barn layer farms, six free range meat chicken farms and 15 barn meat chicken farms in the Sydney basin bioregion and South East Queensland. Comparisons between the different enterprises (cage, barn and free range) were explored, including stocking densities, depopulation procedures, environmental control methods and sources of information for farmers. Additional information collected for free range farms include range size, range characteristics and range access. The median number of chickens per shed was greatest in free range meat chicken farms (31,058), followed by barn meat chicken (20,817), free range layer (10,713), barn layer (9,300) and cage layer farms (9,000). Sheds had cooling pads and tunnel ventilation in just over half of both barn and free range meat chicken farms (53%, n = 8) and was least common in free range layer farms (16%, n = 4). Range access in free range meat chicken farms was from sunrise to dark in the majority (93%, n = 14) of free range meat chicken farms. Over half of free range layer farms (56%, n = 14) granted range access at a set time each morning; most commonly between 9:00 to 10.00am (86%, n = 12), and chickens were placed back inside sheds when it was dusk.

  3. Characterization of Bioaerosols from Dairy Barns: Reconstructing the Puzzle of Occupational Respiratory Diseases by Using Molecular Approaches


    Blais Lecours, Pascale; Veillette, Marc; Marsolais, David; Duchaine, Caroline


    To understand the etiology of exposure-related diseases and to establish standards for reducing the risks associated with working in contaminated environments, the exact nature of the bioaerosol components must be defined. Molecular biology tools were used to evaluate airborne bacterial and, for the first time, archaeal content of dairy barns. Three air samplers were tested in each of the 13 barns sampled. Up to 106 archaeal and 108 bacterial 16S rRNA genes per m3 of air were detected. Archae...

  4. Biobanken i Den norske mor og barn undersøkelsen

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Kjersti S. Rønningen


    Full Text Available  Biobanker for langtidslagring av biologisk materiale blir en viktigere og viktigere del av epidemiologiske studier. I planleggingen av en biobank er det en rekke avgjørelser som må tas for å sikre best mulig oppslutning både med hensyn til å få inn så mange prøver som mulig og å oppnå best mulig prøvekvalitet både på kort og lang sikt. Den norske mor og barn undersøkelsen (MoBa skal inkludere 100 000 svangerskap og følge mor, far og barn i lang tid fremover. Innsamlingen av data startet i ett fylke i 1999, og omfatter i dag hele landet. Siden det tas blodprøver to ganger fra hver kvinne, blodprøve fra far og navlesnorsblod frabarna, betydde dette at Biobanken for MoBa måtte planlegges for å kunne motta og langtidslagre over 380 000 prøvesett. Ved Biobanken ved Nasjonalt folkehelseinstitutt lagres fullblod, plasma, urin, DNA og spesialrør til senere RNA isolering. Rekruttering til MoBa foregår ved 52 av landets sykehus. Prøvene sendes per post til Biobanken ved Folkehelseinstituttet for prosessering. Per januar 2006 er over 200 000 prøvesett lagret ved Biobanken. Denne artikkelen gir en kortfattet oversikt over oppbyggingen av Biobanken og logistikken knyttet til innsamlingen av biologisk materiale, fra blodet tappes til det er sikkert lagret og klart til å tas ut på et senere tidspunkt, kanskje mange år inn i fremtiden.The biobank in The Norwegian Mother and Child Cohort Study.Long term storage of biological material is becoming a critical component of many epidemiological studies. In designing specimen repositories, efforts need to be made to balance future needs for samples with logistical constraints necessary to process and store samples in a timely fashion. The Norwegian Mother and Child Cohort Study was started in 1999 and aims at including 100,000 pregnancies, and will follow mother, father and child for many years to come. The Biobank was faced with the challenge to receive and store over 380,000 biological

  5. Asymptotic expansions of Feynman diagrams and the Mellin-Barnes representation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Friot, Samuel; Greynat, David


    In this talk, we describe part of our recent work [S. Friot, D. Greynat and E. de Rafael, Phys. Lett. B 628 (2005) 73 [ (arXiv:hep-ph/0505038)] (see also [S. Friot, PhD Thesis (2005); D. Greynat, PhD Thesis (2005)]) that gives new results in the context of asymptotic expansions of Feynman diagrams using the Mellin-Barnes representation

  6. Counting the number of master integrals for sunrise diagrams via the Mellin-Barnes representation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kalmykov, Mikhail Yu.; Kniehl, Bernd A.


    A number of irreducible master integrals for L-loop sunrise and bubble Feynman diagrams with generic values of masses and external momenta are explicitly evaluated via the Mellin-Barnes representation.

  7. Astma łagodna – od patogenezy do leczenia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Iwona Grzelewska-Rzymowska


    Full Text Available Autorzy przedstawiają charakterystykę astmy łagodnej przewlekłej, metody diagnozowania i optymalne leczenie. Globalna Inicjatywa dla Astmy (GINA podaje, że astma łagodna charakteryzuje się objawami występującymi częściej niż raz w tygodniu, lecz rzadziej niż codziennie, objawami nocnymi występującymi częściej niż dwa razy w miesiącu, lecz rzadziej niż co tydzień, prawidłową czynnością płuc (FEV1 lub PEF‡80% między napadami astmy. Pacjenci z łagodną, przewlekłą astmą tworzą dużą grupę chorych, którzy rzadko z powodu swoich dolegliwości korzystają z pomocy lekarzy, chociaż czasami doświadczają ciężkich napadów duszności. Niektóre badania udowodniły, że łagodną astmę jest trudno rozpoznać, ponieważ wskaźniki wentylacji są w normie, a test odwracalności obturacji oskrzeli wypada ujemnie. Badania indukowanej plwociny i bioptatów oskrzeli udowodniły, że wskaźniki zapalenia oraz remodeling dróg oddechowych są związane z ciężkością choroby. W astmie łagodnej następstwa długotrwałego zapalenia często są takie same jak w astmie umiarkowanej. Większość dużych badań, które zajmowały się wpływem wziewnych kortykosteroidów na astmę łagodną, wykazała dużą skuteczność tej terapii. Pierwszą publikacją było badanie OPTIMA. W tym badaniu wyodrębniono dwie grupy chorych, u których przez rok oceniano skuteczność samego budezonidu w porównaniu z połączeniem budezonidu i formoterolu. Obserwowano znaczne zmniejszenie wskaźnika ciężkich zaostrzeń przypadających na jednego pacjenta na rok, dziennych i nocnych objawów astmy. Drugie badanie oceniające leczenie wziewnymi kostykosteroidami określono jako START. Badano w nim wpływ wczesnego leczenia budezonidem w łagodnej przewlekłej astmie, świeżo wykrytej. Leczenie budezonidem znacząco zmniejszyło liczbę zaostrzeń wymagających nagłych interwencji lub leczenia szpitalnego. W ostatnio publikowanej pracy

  8. Non-Perturbative Asymptotic Improvement of Perturbation Theory and Mellin-Barnes Representation

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    Samuel Friot


    Full Text Available Using a method mixing Mellin-Barnes representation and Borel resummation we show how to obtain hyperasymptotic expansions from the (divergent formal power series which follow from the perturbative evaluation of arbitrary ''N-point'' functions for the simple case of zero-dimensional φ4 field theory. This hyperasymptotic improvement appears from an iterative procedure, based on inverse factorial expansions, and gives birth to interwoven non-perturbative partial sums whose coefficients are related to the perturbative ones by an interesting resurgence phenomenon. It is a non-perturbative improvement in the sense that, for some optimal truncations of the partial sums, the remainder at a given hyperasymptotic level is exponentially suppressed compared to the remainder at the preceding hyperasymptotic level. The Mellin-Barnes representation allows our results to be automatically valid for a wide range of the phase of the complex coupling constant, including Stokes lines. A numerical analysis is performed to emphasize the improved accuracy that this method allows to reach compared to the usual perturbative approach, and the importance of hyperasymptotic optimal truncation schemes.

  9. A Continent-Wide Migratory Divide in North American Breeding Barn Swallows (Hirundo rustica.

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    Keith A Hobson

    Full Text Available Populations of most North American aerial insectivores have undergone steep population declines over the past 40 years but the relative importance of factors operating on breeding, wintering, or stopover sites remains unknown. We used archival light-level geolocators to track the phenology, movements and winter locations of barn swallows (Hirdundo rustica; n = 27 from populations across North America to determine their migratory connectivity. We identified an east-west continental migratory divide for barn swallows with birds from western regions (Washington State, USA (n = 8 and Saskatchewan, Canada (n = 5 traveling shorter distances to wintering areas ranging from Oregon to northern Colombia than eastern populations (Ontario (n = 3 and New Brunswick (n = 10, Canada which wintered in South America south of the Amazon basin. A single swallow from a stable population in Alabama shared a similar migration route to eastern barn swallows but wintered farther north in northeast Brazil indicating a potential leap frog pattern migratory among eastern birds. Six of 9 (67% birds from the two eastern populations and Alabama underwent a loop migration west of fall migration routes including around the Gulf of Mexico travelling a mean of 2,224 km and 722 km longer on spring migration, respectively. Longer migration distances, including the requirement to cross the Caribbean Sea and Gulf of Mexico and subsequent shorter sedentary wintering periods, may exacerbate declines for populations breeding in northeastern North America.

  10. Annual Report of Monitoring at Barnes, Kansas, in 2016

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    LaFreniere, Lorraine M. [Argonne National Lab. (ANL), Argonne, IL (United States)


    In 2006, the CCC/USDA assumed responsibility for the site investigation relating to potential carbon tetrachloride contamination. Initially, the CCC/USDA developed and implemented a work plan for targeted groundwater sampling and monitoring well installation (KDHE 2009). The investigation and subsequent monitoring (Argonne 2008a-d, 2009a,b, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2015a,b, 2016) were performed by the Environmental Science Division of Argonne National Laboratory. The reports of environmental investigations at Barnes are summarized.

  11. The Air Force Nuclear Engineering Center Structural Activation and Integrity Evaluation (United States)


    ASTMA -212 1433 406 SS-304 927 263 Lead 96 39 42/Core Walls 2󈧎...34 * 6𔃼" * 5" ASTMA -212 4699 1333 SS-304 3435 974 Lead 3350 1373 43/Wing Walls 24" * 6𔃼" * 5" ASTMA -212 15622 4430 SS-304 5541 1571 Lead 15683 6425 44...Wing Ceiling 28" * 6𔃼" * 5" ASTMA -212 4809 1364 SS-304 305 87 Lead 970 397 45/Wing Floor 28" * 6𔃼" * 5" ASTMA -212 5174 1467 SS-304 322 91 Lead

  12. Actometry and Barnes Akathisia Rating Scale in neuroleptic-induced akathisia. (United States)

    Janno, Sven; Holi, Matti M; Tuisku, Katinka; Wahlbeck, Kristian


    We evaluated Barnes Akathisia Rating Scale (BARS) and standardized lower limb actometry in quantifying neuroleptic-induced akathisia (NIA) in 99 schizophrenia patients. Both instruments discriminated well between NIA and non-NIA patients and they correlated weakly but significantly. BARS was superior to actometry in screening DSM-IV diagnosed NIA patients. The results of this methodological study provide BARS with objective validation through movement measuring, that it has been suggested to need.

  13. Characterization of bioaerosols from dairy barns: reconstructing the puzzle of occupational respiratory diseases by using molecular approaches. (United States)

    Blais Lecours, Pascale; Veillette, Marc; Marsolais, David; Duchaine, Caroline


    To understand the etiology of exposure-related diseases and to establish standards for reducing the risks associated with working in contaminated environments, the exact nature of the bioaerosol components must be defined. Molecular biology tools were used to evaluate airborne bacterial and, for the first time, archaeal content of dairy barns. Three air samplers were tested in each of the 13 barns sampled. Up to 10(6) archaeal and 10(8) bacterial 16S rRNA genes per m(3) of air were detected. Archaeal methanogens, mainly Methanobrevibacter species, were represented. Saccharopolyspora rectivirgula, the causative agent of farmer's lung, was quantified to up to 10(7) 16S rRNA genes per m(3) of air. In addition, a wide variety of bacterial agents were present in our air samples within the high airborne bioaerosol concentration range. Despite recommendations regarding hay preservation and baling conditions, farmers still develop an S. rectivirgula-specific humoral immune response, suggesting intense and continuous exposure. Our results demonstrate the complexity of bioaerosol components in dairy barns which could play a role in occupational respiratory diseases.

  14. Advancing PubMed?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Wildgaard, Lorna Elizabeth; Lund, Haakon


    the efficiency of biomedical literature searches. PubMed remains the primary resource for biomedical literature, and as PubMed makes the Medline data and Entrez PubMed Programming utilities freely available, any developer can produce alternative tools to search the database. The authors question if PubMed still...... provides the superior search interface for systematic searches or if the innovativeness of third-party tools provide alternatives worth considering. The paper aims to discuss these issues. Design/methodology/approach In all, 76 third-party tools that build on PubMed content were identified in a PubMed...... search and in published studies known to the authors. Only tools that provided free access to the broad PubMed content and designed specifically to enhance the search were included, reducing the set to 16 tools. The functionality of each tool within the scenario of a systematic search was compared across...

  15. Optimization of Apparatus Design and Behavioral Measures for the Assessment of Visuo-Spatial Learning and Memory of Mice on the Barnes Maze (United States)

    O'Leary, Timothy P.; Brown, Richard E.


    We have previously shown that apparatus design can affect visual-spatial cue use and memory performance of mice on the Barnes maze. The present experiment extends these findings by determining the optimal behavioral measures and test procedure for analyzing visuo-spatial learning and memory in three different Barnes maze designs. Male and female…

  16. Advance Organizers as a Teaching Strategy: A Reply to Barnes and Clawson (United States)

    Lawton, Joseph T.; Wanska, Susan K.


    Barnes and Clawson's presentation of Ausubel's theory of meaningful learning (Review of Educational Research, 45, 1975, pp. 637-59) is misleading, according to the author. He states that Ausubel's crucial point is not that organizers relate new knowledge to an existing cognitive structure, but that new learning materials can only be considered…

  17. Food partitioning between breeding White-tailed Kites (Elanus leucurus; Aves; Accipitridae and Barn Owls (Tyto alba; Aves; Tytonidae in southern Brazil

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    DR. Scheibler

    Full Text Available I examined the diet of breeding White-tailed Kites (Elanus leucurus; Aves; Accipitridae and Barn Owls (Tyto alba; Aves; Tytonidae in an agrarian area of southern Brazil by analyzing regurgitated prey remains. The objective was to evaluate how these raptors, which differ markedly in their hunting activity periods (owls are nocturnal and kites diurnal, share their mammalian food component. 2,087 prey consumed by Barn Owls and 1,276 by White-tailed Kites were identified. They presented a high overlap of food-niches (Pianka’s index was 0.98. Based on the daily activity period of their main small mammal prey, a lower overlap would be expected. The crepuscular/nocturnal Mus musculus was the main prey for the diet of breeding Barn Owls (81% and White-tailed Kites (63%. This small exotic rodent provided 63% of the small mammal biomass ingested by owls and 44% by kites. Larger native small mammals were also considered important for the diet of kites, mainly because of their biomass contribution. Although these raptors differ markedly in their hunting activity periods, Barn Owls and White-tailed Kites are very similar predators in southern Brazil, overlapping their diets.

  18. The Stokes Phenomenon, Borel Summation and Mellin-Barnes Regularisation

    CERN Document Server

    Kowalenko, Victor


    The Stokes phenomenon refers to the emergence of jump discontinuities in asymptotic expansions at specific rays in the complex plane. This book presents a radical theory for the phenomenon by introducing the concept of regularization. Two methods of regularization, Borel summation and Mellin-Barnes regularization, are used to derive general expressions for the regularized values of asymptotic expansions throughout the complex plane. Though different, both yield identical values, which, where possible, agree with the original functions. Consequently, asymptotics has been elevated to a true disc

  19. Food Barn for The Village Community To Strengthen Community Empowerment Program

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    Maulidyah Indira Hasmarini


    Full Text Available This study aimed to assess the achievement level of community empowerment in realizing food security. The result was expected to reveal a model of community empowerment, particularly farmer community institution as an attempt to attain food security. Survey was employed as the research method that involved the farmers (farmer groups as the members of Food Barn for the Village Community (Lumbung Pangan Masyarakat Desa/LPMD. Technique of rapid rural appraisal was selected in the form of quantitative and qualitative analysis. Preliminary survey in study area was carried out to obtain the characteristic and status of food security; and to mapping the potential and role of Lumbung Pangan Masyarakat Desa in the process of community empowerment. Subsequently, study and analysis was done based on the survey. The results demonstrated the active role of stakeholders (A-B-G-C was significant in supporting the farmer institution (food barn. The economic and social aspects were also evidenced to have important role in enhancing the farmer community empowerment. This model is called social engine for rural community and local institution, particularly to attain the regional food security.

  20. Gruppemusikterapi med patienter med borderline-personlighedsforstyrrelse i dagbehandlingsregi

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hannibal, Niels


    Denne artikel er første redegørelse for de erfaringer, som er gjort med gruppemusikterapi (GMT) for patienter med borderline-personlighedsforstyrrelse (BPF) i dagbehandlingsregi på Aalborg Psykiatriske Sygehus. Artiklen indeholder både konkrete anvisninger til aktiviteter og interventioner, liges...

  1. Trompetkonsert med teatralt tilsnitt – Muligheter og utfordringer i en interaktiv konsertforestilling for barnehagebarn

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    Marte Liset


    Full Text Available  Artikkelen tar utgangspunkt i den interaktive konsertforestillingen Trompetkonserten, en teatral konsert utviklet for barn i alderen 3-6 år. Oppmerksomheten rettes mot de interaktive delene av konserten. Det gjøres først rede for hvordan interaktive aspekter kommer til syne i konsertforestillingen som helhet. Deretter fokuseres det på ett konkret eksempel for å undersøke hvilke muligheter og utfordringer som ligger i samspillet mellom barnepublikummet og aktørene på scenen. Mulighetene knyttes spesielt til barnepublikummets opplevelse av å være inkludert i et reelt møte og kunne danne meddiktende relasjoner til andre i konsertsituasjonen. Utfordringene knyttes til aktørenes utfordrende arbeidsoppgave, der de både skal ivareta samspillet med barna og konsertforestillingens planlagte form og fortelling. Artikkelen støtter seg til forskning på interaktivitet både innenfor barnekonsert- og barneteaterfeltet og synliggjør at drama- og teaterfaget kan bidra i utviklingen av interaktive barnekonserter på flere plan.

  2. Fire Resistance Testing of Bulkhead and Deck Penetrations. Phase 2 (United States)



  3. PubMedReco: A Real-Time Recommender System for PubMed Citations. (United States)

    Samuel, Hamman W; Zaïane, Osmar R


    We present a recommender system, PubMedReco, for real-time suggestions of medical articles from PubMed, a database of over 23 million medical citations. PubMedReco can recommend medical article citations while users are conversing in a synchronous communication environment such as a chat room. Normally, users would have to leave their chat interface to open a new web browser window, and formulate an appropriate search query to retrieve relevant results. PubMedReco automatically generates the search query and shows relevant citations within the same integrated user interface. PubMedReco analyzes relevant keywords associated with the conversation and uses them to search for relevant citations using the PubMed E-utilities programming interface. Our contributions include improvements to the user experience for searching PubMed from within health forums and chat rooms, and a machine learning model for identifying relevant keywords. We demonstrate the feasibility of PubMedReco using BMJ's Doc2Doc forum discussions.

  4. Non-planar Feynman diagrams and Mellin-Barnes representations with AMBRE 3.0

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dubovyk, Ievgen; Gluza, Janusz; Riemann, Tord


    We introduce the Mellin-Barnes representation of general Feynman integrals and discuss their evaluation. The Mathematica package AMBRE has been recently extended in order to cover consistently non-planar Feynman integrals with two loops. Prospects for the near future are outlined. This write-up is an introduction to new results which have also been presented elsewhere.

  5. Variation in sperm morphometry and sperm competition among barn swallow (Hirundo rustica) populations

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Laskemoen, T.; Albrecht, Tomáš; Bonisoli-Alquati, A.; Cepák, J.; De Lope, F.; Hermosell, I. G.; Johannessen, L. E.; Kleven, O.; Marzal, A.; Mousseau, T. A.; Moller, A. P.; Robertson, R. J.; Rudolfsen, G.; Saino, N.; Vortman, Y.; Lifjeld, J. T.


    Roč. 67, č. 2 (2013), s. 301-309 ISSN 0340-5443 R&D Projects: GA ČR(CZ) GAP506/12/2472 Institutional support: RVO:68081766 Keywords : Barn swallow * Extrapair paternity * Hirundo rustica * Sperm competition * Sperm size Subject RIV: EG - Zoology Impact factor: 3.049, year: 2013

  6. Selvadministreret ventrikelsondeernaering hos et barn med infantil autisme

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Dyrborg, J


    An example of self-administered gastric tube nutrition in a boy aged 15 years with infantile autism is presented. The boy would neither eat nor drink in the normal manner since the age of eight years and has gradually administered tube-feeding himself. This patient does not fulfill the internatio......An example of self-administered gastric tube nutrition in a boy aged 15 years with infantile autism is presented. The boy would neither eat nor drink in the normal manner since the age of eight years and has gradually administered tube-feeding himself. This patient does not fulfill...... the international criteria for the diagnosis of anorexia nervosa. A possible etiological factor and the education/psychological attitudes to the compulsive symptom are discussed. Udgivelsesdato: 1991-Oct-14...

  7. Emosjonsregulering og motivasjon hos barn med AD/HD

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Høvik, Marie Farstad; Plessen, Kerstin J


    Impaired cognitive control functions have long been regarded as the main problem in the development of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). A more recent model emphasizes the importance of emotional and motivational problems. We have reviewed the evidence for this model, which may have...

  8. Stresshyperglykaemi hos et barn med svaer akut gastroenteritis

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bjerre, Jesper V.


    A case of a two years and ten months old girl with severe acute gastroenteritis, dehydration, and hyperglycaemia is described. Transient hyperglycaemia is a common clinical finding in children under stress. We discuss the distinction between hyperglycaemia as a prediabetic state and that as a phy......A case of a two years and ten months old girl with severe acute gastroenteritis, dehydration, and hyperglycaemia is described. Transient hyperglycaemia is a common clinical finding in children under stress. We discuss the distinction between hyperglycaemia as a prediabetic state...

  9. Emosjonsregulering og motivasjon hos barn med AD/HD

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Høvik, Marie Farstad; Plessen, Kerstin J


    Impaired cognitive control functions have long been regarded as the main problem in the development of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). A more recent model emphasizes the importance of emotional and motivational problems. We have reviewed the evidence for this model, which may have...... important implications for clinical practice....

  10. A dominance hierarchy of auditory spatial cues in barn owls.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ilana B Witten


    Full Text Available Barn owls integrate spatial information across frequency channels to localize sounds in space.We presented barn owls with synchronous sounds that contained different bands of frequencies (3-5 kHz and 7-9 kHz from different locations in space. When the owls were confronted with the conflicting localization cues from two synchronous sounds of equal level, their orienting responses were dominated by one of the sounds: they oriented toward the location of the low frequency sound when the sources were separated in azimuth; in contrast, they oriented toward the location of the high frequency sound when the sources were separated in elevation. We identified neural correlates of this behavioral effect in the optic tectum (OT, superior colliculus in mammals, which contains a map of auditory space and is involved in generating orienting movements to sounds. We found that low frequency cues dominate the representation of sound azimuth in the OT space map, whereas high frequency cues dominate the representation of sound elevation.We argue that the dominance hierarchy of localization cues reflects several factors: 1 the relative amplitude of the sound providing the cue, 2 the resolution with which the auditory system measures the value of a cue, and 3 the spatial ambiguity in interpreting the cue. These same factors may contribute to the relative weighting of sound localization cues in other species, including humans.

  11. A Stiff Man-Child Walking: Derrida’s Economy of Secrecy and Faulkner’s “Barn Burning”

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Michael Wainwright


    Full Text Available Working from Jacques Derrida’s contentions about secrecy and authorial responsibility, and paying brief but specific attention to Charles Baudelaire’s “La fausse monnaie” (1869, as suggested by Derridean concerns over capitalist economics, this article studies the manner in which the inviolable and conditional secrets of William Faulkner’s “Barn Burning” (1938 reveal the poststructural tendencies avant la lettre of this leading American modernist.  While Faulkner scholars have focused on the ambivalent language and metaphors deployed in this short story, they have not formerly traced the manner in which “Barn Burning” incites a sense of deconstructive criticism, and have thereby failed to acknowledge Faulkner’s attendant authorial irresponsibility.  This article redresses this critical imbalance.

  12. Iterated Mellin-Barnes integrals as period on the Calabi-Yau manifolds with several modules

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Passare, M.; Tsikh, A.K.; Cheshel', A.A.


    In superstring compactification theory the representation of periods on the Calabi-Yau manifolds with several modules is given by iterated Mellin-Barnes integrals. By using this representation and multidimensional residues a method of analytic continuation for fundamental period in terms of Gorn series is developed

  13. Properties and cleanability of new and traditional surface materials in cattle barns - a field study

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    Full Text Available In this study surface properties and cleanability of new and traditional surface materials in cattle barns were examined in a field test. The concrete and plastic-coated samples were placed on a walking path on the floor and on a feeding table in a cattle barn. The surfaces were characterized using colorimetric and gloss measurements and determination of topography. In most cases, the colour of the surfaces placed on the floor darkened during the one year study period, whereas the colour changes of the samples placed on the feeding table did not show a similar trend. However, in both locations the plastic-coated surfaces were generally the easiest to clean, and the highest colour changes indicating soil residues were detected on the uncoated and silane-impregnated concrete surfaces. The difference between the locations was also seen in the gloss values, which increased in the samples placed on the floor during the one-year test period but varied considerably between the different materials on the surfaces placed on the feeding table. This field study confirmed the observation from earlier laboratory studies that plastic coatings improved the cleanability of concrete cattle barn surfaces. Silane impregnation was not functionally competitive with the plastic coatings. In general, the cleanability results were in accordance with the results of previous laboratory experiments but the field study provided practical information about the behaviour of the surface materials examined.;

  14. Environmental Assessment for Lake Ashtabula Winter Drawdown, Barnes County, North Dakota (United States)


    as a candidate species. The Sprague’s Pipit may nest in some large native and planted grasslands in the area. 2.4.5 Reptiles and Amphibians ...portion of their life cycle near or in water, and many feed in aquatic areas. However, many reptiles and amphibians hibernate in uplands, away from...turtle are the only three amphibians or reptiles found in Barnes County that hibernate in shallow water. These species may be affected by winter


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    D. P. Andrews


    Full Text Available The great barn at Harmondsworth near London Heathrow airport, United Kingdom (UK, was built in 1426–7 for the Bishop of Winchester. At 58 metres long and 11.4 metres wide, it is one of the largest ever known to have been built in the UK, and the largest intact medieval timber-framed barn in England. The barn is built almost entirely of oak, although the walls rest on a low masonry sill-wall. Internally the space is divided into a central "nave" with a lower aisle to each side, and is divided along its length into 12 bays. There are three doorways on the east side. For an entirely timber-framed barn, the fabric is exceptionally well preserved. Even the external weatherboarding may be partly original. Following years of neglect, however, there are a number of on-going structural and conservation problems, so in 2011 the barn was bought by English Heritage in order to allow these needs to be addressed. English Heritage is the government agency responsible for the historic sites and buildings in the care of the state of England and is also the UK government's lead advisor on the built heritage. As one of the first steps in the conservation process the English Heritage Geospatial Imaging and Imaging & Visualisation teams undertook a four-day campaign of survey data collection. This took the form of laser scanning of the interior and exterior of the barn plus the acquisition of photography of the exterior elevations to be used with structure from motion (SFM software. A comparison of the results of these complimentary yet potentially competing technologies will be given, as well as an evaluation of when they can be successfully used together. This paper will describe the procedures and problems involved with collecting the survey data and its subsequent analysis. The laser scanning was undertaken using a FARO Focus 3D phase based instrument. Approximately 60 scans were acquired in order to provide as comprehensive as possible coverage given the site

  16. Study of $ \\bar{p} $ and $ \\bar{n} $ annihilations at LEAR with OBELIX, a large acceptance and high resolution detector based on the Open Axial Field Spectrometer

    CERN Multimedia


    % PS201 Study of $\\bar{p}$ and $\\bar{n}$ annihilations at LEAR with OBELIX, a large acceptance and high resolution detector based on the Open Axial Field Spectrometer \\\\ \\\\OBELIX is designed to study exclusive final states of antiproton and antineutron annihilations at low energies with protons and nuclei. \\\\ \\\\The physics motivations of the experiment are:\\\\ \\\\\\begin{itemize} \\item (gg, ggg), hybrids ($ q \\bar{q} g $), multiquarks ($ q q \\bar{q} \\bar{q} $) and light mesons ($ q \\bar{q} $) produced in $ N \\bar{N} $ annihilations and study of their spectroscopy and decays. Also broad structures will be searched for by comparing identical decay modes in exclusive final states of the same type occuring from initial states with different angular momentum or isospin. \\item Study of the dynamics of $ N \\bar{N} $ interactions and of the dependence of the final and intermediate resonant states of annihilation upon the quantum numbers of the initial $ N \\bar{N} $ state (angular momentum: S and P-wave in $\\bar{p}p $ at...

  17. Musikterapi med børn med svær autisme - en litteraturgennemgang

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ulla Holck


    Full Text Available Faglitteratur om musikterapi med børn med autisme er omfattende og indeholder såvel kvalitative case-beskrivelser som kvantitative forskningsundersøgelser. I artiklen gennemgås faglitteraturen systematisk med henblik på at specifi cere musikterapiens effekt og virkemåder i forhold til denne målgruppe. Vægten ligger på børn med svær autisme, men litteratur om voksne højtfungerende personer med autisme inddrages også. Forskningslitteraturen viser, at det især er inden for områderne koncentration, visuel opmærksomhed, respons og initiativ, samt brug af stemme og tur-tagning, at musikterapi har en effekt. Case-litteraturen begrunder denne effekt med musikkens evne til at være redundant, anvendelse af imitation og responsfremmende teknikker (overraskelse etc., fælles opbyggede samspilsformer, samt det temporale-interaktive element i improvisatorisk musikterapi. Ud fra en interaktionsteoretisk indfaldsvinkel sammenkobles effekten endvidere med, at den musikalske interaktion hjælper musikterapeuten til at fastholde et dynamisk udtryk, hvilket er afgørende i forhold til en klientgruppe, der ofte giver ´flad´ eller stærkt afvigende feedback.

  18. Nostalgitrip med Pikachu

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Konzack, Lars


    Sommeren 2016 vil blive husket for den omsiggribende dille, Pokémon Go, med over 100 millioner downloads. Tusindvis af især børn og unge, men også forældre med barnevogne og hele familier, kunne pludselig ses på gader og stræder, i parker og grønne områder med en smartphone i hånden på jagt efter...

  19. Interview med børn

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Interview med børn handler om børneinterview i forbindelse med forskning. Bogen er tænkt som inspiration til og afsæt for metodiske refleksioner i forbindelse med inddragelse af børn som informanter.......Interview med børn handler om børneinterview i forbindelse med forskning. Bogen er tænkt som inspiration til og afsæt for metodiske refleksioner i forbindelse med inddragelse af børn som informanter....

  20. Sources of nitrous oxide and other climate relevant gases on surface area in a dairy free stall barn with solid floor and outside slurry storage (United States)

    Schmithausen, Alexander J.; Trimborn, Manfred; Büscher, Wolfgang


    Livestock production systems in agriculture are one of the major emitters of greenhouse gases. So far, the focus of research in the dairy farm sector was primarily on ruminal methane (CH4) emissions. Emissions of nitrous oxide (N2O) usually arise from solid manure or in deep litter free stall barns. Release of N2O occurs as a result of interactions between organic material, nitrogen and moisture. Data of N2O emissions from modern dairy barns and liquid manure management systems are rare. Thus, the goal of this research was to determine the main sources of trace gas emissions at the dairy farm level, including N2O. Areas such as the scraped surface area where dry and wet conditions alternate are interesting. Possible sources of trace gases within and outside the barn were localised by measuring trace gas concentration rates from different dairy farm areas (e.g., areas covered with urine and excrement or slurry storage system) via the closed chamber technique. The results indicate typical emission ratios of carbon dioxide (CO2), CH4 and N2O in the various areas to generate comparable equivalent values. Calculated on the basis of nitrogen excretion from dairy cows, total emissions of N2O were much lower from barns than typically measured in fields. However, there were also areas within the barn with individual events and unexpected release factors of N2O concentrations such as urine patches, polluted areas and cubicles. Emission factors of N2O ranged from 1.1 to 5.0 mg m-2 d-1, respectively, for cleaned areas and urine patches. By considering the release factors of these areas and their proportion of the entire barn, total emission rates of 371 CO2-eq. LU-1 a-1, 36 CO2-eq. LU-1 a-1, and 1.7 kg CO2-eq. LU-1 a-1 for CO2, CH4 and N2O, respectively, were measured for the whole barn surface area. The CH4 emissions from surface area were stronger climate relevant comparing to N2O emissions, but compared to CH4 emissions from slurry storage or ruminal fermentation (not

  1. Numerical integration of massive two-loop Mellin-Barnes integrals in Minkowskian regions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dubovyk, Ievgen


    Mellin-Barnes (MB) techniques applied to integrals emerging in particle physics perturbative calculations are summarized. New versions of AMBRE packages which construct planar and nonplanar MB representations are shortly discussed. The numerical package MBnumerics.m is presented for the first time which is able to calculate with a high precision multidimensional MB integrals in Minkowskian regions. Examples are given for massive vertex integrals which include threshold effects and several scale parameters.

  2. Numerical integration of massive two-loop Mellin-Barnes integrals in Minkowskian regions

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Dubovyk, Ievgen [Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY), Zeuthen (Germany); Hamburg Univ. (Germany). 2. Inst. fuer Theoretische Physik; Gluza, Janusz [Uniwersytet Slaski, Katowice (Poland). Inst. Fizyki; Riemann, Tord [Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY), Zeuthen (Germany); Uniwersytet Slaski, Katowice (Poland). Inst. Fizyki; Usovitsch, Johann [Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY), Zeuthen (Germany)


    Mellin-Barnes (MB) techniques applied to integrals emerging in particle physics perturbative calculations are summarized. New versions of AMBRE packages which construct planar and nonplanar MB representations are shortly discussed. The numerical package MBnumerics.m is presented for the first time which is able to calculate with a high precision multidimensional MB integrals in Minkowskian regions. Examples are given for massive vertex integrals which include threshold effects and several scale parameters.

  3. Virtuelt skrivebord med open office

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nielsen, Kurt Gammelgaard


    SDUs erfaringer med projektet Port 22: en virtuel platform med Open Office som kontorpakke til studerende.......SDUs erfaringer med projektet Port 22: en virtuel platform med Open Office som kontorpakke til studerende....

  4. Mediator Complex Subunits MED2, MED5, MED16, and MED23 Genetically Interact in the Regulation of Phenylpropanoid Biosynthesis. (United States)

    Dolan, Whitney L; Dilkes, Brian P; Stout, Jake M; Bonawitz, Nicholas D; Chapple, Clint


    The phenylpropanoid pathway is a major global carbon sink and is important for plant fitness and the engineering of bioenergy feedstocks. In Arabidopsis thaliana , disruption of two subunits of the transcriptional regulatory Mediator complex, MED5a and MED5b, results in an increase in phenylpropanoid accumulation. By contrast, the semidominant MED5b mutation reduced epidermal fluorescence4-3 ( ref4-3 ) results in dwarfism and constitutively repressed phenylpropanoid accumulation. Here, we report the results of a forward genetic screen for suppressors of ref4-3. We identified 13 independent lines that restore growth and/or phenylpropanoid accumulation in the ref4-3 background. Two of the suppressors restore growth without restoring soluble phenylpropanoid accumulation, indicating that the growth and metabolic phenotypes of the ref4-3 mutant can be genetically disentangled. Whole-genome sequencing revealed that all but one of the suppressors carry mutations in MED5b or other Mediator subunits. RNA-seq analysis showed that the ref4-3 mutation causes widespread changes in gene expression, including the upregulation of negative regulators of the phenylpropanoid pathway, and that the suppressors reverse many of these changes. Together, our data highlight the interdependence of individual Mediator subunits and provide greater insight into the transcriptional regulation of phenylpropanoid biosynthesis by the Mediator complex. © 2017 American Society of Plant Biologists. All rights reserved.

  5. Barn Owl (Tyto alba Diet Composition on Intensively Used Agricultural Land in the Danube Lowland

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Tomáš Veselovský


    Full Text Available Based on pellets analysis from five localities in south western Slovakia (Malá Mužla, Malé Ripňany, Obid, Opatovský Sokolec and Tešedíkovo, we studied the diet composition of Barn Owl (Tyto alba in intensively cultivated agricultural lands. A total of 6218 specimens of prey, 17 mammalian and 7 bird species were identified. The main prey species found in all food samples was the Common Vole (Microtus arvalis, varying between 56 % and 67 %. The proportion of synanthropic species (Rattus norvegicus, Passer domesticus and species inhabiting agricultural landscapes (Crocidura leucodon, Crocidura suaveolens, Mus sp. increases in localities with a lower ratio of the Common Vole. The results suggest land use affects the diet of Barn Owls, confirming conclusions which have been drawn in previous studies. From faunistic point of view, discovering the Pannonian Root Vole (Microtus oeconomus mehelyi in the diet from Malá Mužla was important.

  6. MedSun Reports (United States)

    U.S. Department of Health & Human Services — The Medical Product Safety Network (MedSun) is an adverse event reporting program launched in 2002. The primary goal for MedSun is to work collaboratively with the...

  7. Vem gynnas av föräldraskap? : Ett vinjettexperiment vid Linköpings universitet


    Fahlström, Zara; Askestad, Emil


    Tidigare forskning indikerar att föräldraskap är av betydelse för en individs karriärsutveckling. Stöd finns för löneskillnader, i både Sverige och USA, mellan personer som har barn och personer som inte har barn. Mammor har en lägre löneutveckling än kvinnor utan barn, medan det inte är tydligt om pappor får en bättre eller sämre karriärutveckling än män utan barn. Forskning indikerar att det orsakas av individers attityd, uppfattning och beteende gentemot individer med fa...

  8. The MedDRA paradox. (United States)

    Merrill, Gary H


    MedDRA (the Medical Dictionary for Regulatory Activities Terminology) is a controlled vocabulary widely used as a medical coding scheme. However, MedDRA's characterization of its structural hierarchy exhibits some confusing and paradoxical features. The goal of this paper is to examine these features, determine whether there is a coherent view of the MedDRA hierarchy that emerges, and explore what lessons are to be learned from this for using MedDRA and similar terminologies in a broad medical informatics context that includes relations among multiple disparate terminologies, thesauri, and ontologies.

  9. Vocal Cord Dysfunction Masquerading as Astma Like Symptoms

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sami Ozturk


    Full Text Available Vocal cord dysfunction (VCD is a nonorganic disorder of the larynx that involves unintentional paradoxical adduction of the vocal cords while breathing. VCD is a relatively rare condition that may mimic asthma or upper airway obstruction. VCD often coexists with asthma, and should be suspected in any patient in whom asthma treatment fails. Confirming the diagnosis involves direct visualization of abnormal vocal cord motion, and this usually only occurs during symptoms. In this report, we describe a 65-years-old male patient who has psychological problems due to a relative loss, and a military collage student who experiencing respiratory problems during vigorous exercises. [TAF Prev Med Bull 2007; 6(2.000: 148-150

  10. Analysis of PubMed User Sessions Using a Full-Day PubMed Query Log: A Comparison of Experienced and Nonexperienced PubMed Users (United States)


    Background PubMed is the largest biomedical bibliographic information source on the Internet. PubMed has been considered one of the most important and reliable sources of up-to-date health care evidence. Previous studies examined the effects of domain expertise/knowledge on search performance using PubMed. However, very little is known about PubMed users’ knowledge of information retrieval (IR) functions and their usage in query formulation. Objective The purpose of this study was to shed light on how experienced/nonexperienced PubMed users perform their search queries by analyzing a full-day query log. Our hypotheses were that (1) experienced PubMed users who use system functions quickly retrieve relevant documents and (2) nonexperienced PubMed users who do not use them have longer search sessions than experienced users. Methods To test these hypotheses, we analyzed PubMed query log data containing nearly 3 million queries. User sessions were divided into two categories: experienced and nonexperienced. We compared experienced and nonexperienced users per number of sessions, and experienced and nonexperienced user sessions per session length, with a focus on how fast they completed their sessions. Results To test our hypotheses, we measured how successful information retrieval was (at retrieving relevant documents), represented as the decrease rates of experienced and nonexperienced users from a session length of 1 to 2, 3, 4, and 5. The decrease rate (from a session length of 1 to 2) of the experienced users was significantly larger than that of the nonexperienced groups. Conclusions Experienced PubMed users retrieve relevant documents more quickly than nonexperienced PubMed users in terms of session length. PMID:26139516

  11. Forældres oplevelse af genindlæggelse af deres nyfødte barn efter ambulant fødsel

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Feenstra, Maria Monberg; Nilsson, Ingrid; Danbjørg, Dorthe Boe

    . telefon i døgnets 24 timer. Derudover kommer familien til ambulant opfølgning på sygehuset 48-72 timer efter fødslen. Til trods for den tætte kontakt til sundhedspersonalet, oplever stadig flere familier at blive genindlagt kort tid efter udskrivelsen grundet komplikationer vedrørende deres nyfødte barns...... fødslen og hvis nyfødte barn blev genindlagt på grund af manglende trivsel, blev inviteret til at deltage i undersøgelsen. Forældre, der ikke talte dansk, norsk eller svensk blev ekskluderet. Familierne blev interviewet via telefon efter de havde haft 1. sundhedsplejerskebesøg efter genindlæggelsen. Mødre...

  12. Evaluering af ordning med psykologbehandling af personer med let til moderat depression

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Fjeldsted, Rita; Christensen, Kaj Sparle

    Herværende rapport evaluerer den pr. 1.4.2008 indførte ordning med mulighed for henvisning til psykologbehandling med 60 % tilskud for patienter med let til moderat depression. Evalueringen har betjent sig af flere gensidigt supplerende metoder: spørgeskemaundersøgelser overfor patienter, psykolo......Herværende rapport evaluerer den pr. 1.4.2008 indførte ordning med mulighed for henvisning til psykologbehandling med 60 % tilskud for patienter med let til moderat depression. Evalueringen har betjent sig af flere gensidigt supplerende metoder: spørgeskemaundersøgelser overfor patienter...... tidligere evaluering af forsøgsordning af psykologbehandling af depression i perioden 2005-06. 18.419 personer i alderen 18-37 år blev henvist til psykolog i den undersøgte ordning i perioden 1.2.2009 – 31.1.2010, svarende til en henvisningshyppighed på 1,6 % af baggrundsbefolkningen i samme aldersgruppe....... Ordningen giver mulighed for én rehenvisning, og 9 % blev rehenvist i perioden. Spørgeskemaresultater viser, at kun 33 % af de henviste falder ind under henvisningskriteriet ” let til moderat depression” på tidspunktet for opstart af psykologbehandling, 39 % har ingen tegn på depression, og 28 % har svær...

  13. The diet of wintering Barn Owls (Tyto alba in the region of Histria, the Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    SÁNDOR D. Attila


    Full Text Available The Barn Owl (Tyto alba is a common nocturnal predator of agro-ecosystems and it is widely distributed, especially in European countryside. The species uses human artifacts, ruins, barns, attics, towers for breeding and roosting, these sites can provide researchers with hundreds of pellets, thus its diet is well known. A first assessment of the diet and food selection was made for the southern part of the Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve in the wintering period, in a unique wetland-grassland complex, with large areas of steppes. Mammals dominated the diet spectrum, with the shrews (Soricidae being the most frequent (48.3%, followed by the mice (Muridae, and the voles (Arvicolinae. The mammalian component of the diet is important also in terms of biomass (97.8 %. The most valuable species is the Sibling Vole (Microtus epiroticus equalling 25.5 % of all biomass consumed, followed by the Common White-toothed Shrew (Crocidura suaveolens and the Mound-building Mouse (Mus spicilegus. Birds and amphibians made up a small portion of the diet, both in terms of occurrence and of biomass. Three species of birds were captured, the House Sparrow (Passer domesticus being the most important. The results suggest that the Barn Owl is a specialized feeder relying on small mammals and completing its diet with other prey only occasionally.

  14. Sammensvorne designere med succes

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Dickson, Thomas


    Den danske tegnestue Komplot Design har for nylig oplevet den ære, at to af deres stole bliver brugt i cafeerne på det nyindrettede Museum of Modern Art i New York. Men det er ikke kun med møbler, de har succes - tegnestuen kaster sig med iver over mange slags produkter.......Den danske tegnestue Komplot Design har for nylig oplevet den ære, at to af deres stole bliver brugt i cafeerne på det nyindrettede Museum of Modern Art i New York. Men det er ikke kun med møbler, de har succes - tegnestuen kaster sig med iver over mange slags produkter....

  15. Språkkartlegging av flerspråklige barn i barnehagen - fra kontrovers til kompromiss?

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Nassira Essahli Vik


    Full Text Available Språkkartlegging i barnehagen er et konfliktfylt felt som preges av enten/eller tenkning. På den ene siden ser kartleggingstilhengerne ut til å ha en positivistisk tro på at kartlegging kan bidra til løsninger på alt fra enkeltbarns behov for hjelp, til tilrettelegging for livslang læring og sosial utjevning. På den andre siden ser kartleggingsskeptikerne ut til å befinne seg innenfor den nordiske barnehagemodellen, som tradisjonelt bygger på et helhetlig syn på læring og på en sterk vektlegging av barndommens egenverdi. Spenningen kan ha store konsekvenser for praksisfeltet. I denne artikkelen drøfter jeg språkkartleggingsdiskursen i lys av teori om vitenskapelige kontroverser og konkluderer med at det er åpning for kompromisser, men også at det er tendenser i diskursen som snarere kan forsterke enn redusere uenigheten om språkkartlegging av flerspråklige barn i barnehagen. Mapping of language skills in early childhood education and care (ECEC institutions is controversial. On the one hand, there are those who support language mapping based on a belief that mapping and measuring can help language acquisition and facilitate lifelong learning and social integration. On the other hand, there are skeptics who oppose mapping and emphasize the values of childhood. This article discusses the discourses on language mapping in light of theories on scientific controversies. Based on the analysis I find that although there are openings for compromises, it seems that tendencies in the discourse may amplify rather than reduce the controversy on the language mapping of multilingual children in Norwegian ECEC institutions.

  16. PubMed-EX: a web browser extension to enhance PubMed search with text mining features. (United States)

    Tsai, Richard Tzong-Han; Dai, Hong-Jie; Lai, Po-Ting; Huang, Chi-Hsin


    PubMed-EX is a browser extension that marks up PubMed search results with additional text-mining information. PubMed-EX's page mark-up, which includes section categorization and gene/disease and relation mark-up, can help researchers to quickly focus on key terms and provide additional information on them. All text processing is performed server-side, freeing up user resources. PubMed-EX is freely available at and

  17. The projected demise of Barnes Ice Cap: Evidence of an unusually warm 21st century Arctic (United States)

    Gilbert, A.; Flowers, G. E.; Miller, G. H.; Refsnider, K. A.; Young, N. E.; Radić, V.


    As a remnant of the Laurentide Ice Sheet, Barnes Ice Cap owes its existence and present form in part to the climate of the last glacial period. The ice cap has been sustained in the present interglacial climate by its own topography through the mass balance-elevation feedback. A coupled mass balance and ice-flow model, forced by Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 5 climate model output, projects that the current ice cap will likely disappear in the next 300 years. For greenhouse gas Representative Concentration Pathways of +2.6 to +8.5 Wm-2, the projected ice-cap survival times range from 150 to 530 years. Measured concentrations of cosmogenic radionuclides 10Be, 26Al, and 14C at sites exposed near the ice-cap margin suggest the pending disappearance of Barnes Ice Cap is very unusual in the last million years. The data and models together point to an exceptionally warm 21st century Arctic climate.

  18. Ulykke med hækkesaks

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Leth, Peter Mygind


    Snitsår med blødning fra en overskåret pulsåre på armen forekommer hyppigt ved selvmordsforsøg, men har sjældent et dødeligt forløb. Her gives et eksempel på en isoleret partiel overklipning af a.ulnaris ved en ulykke med en hækkesaks med dødelig forløbende blødning.......Snitsår med blødning fra en overskåret pulsåre på armen forekommer hyppigt ved selvmordsforsøg, men har sjældent et dødeligt forløb. Her gives et eksempel på en isoleret partiel overklipning af a.ulnaris ved en ulykke med en hækkesaks med dødelig forløbende blødning....

  19. The Binaural Interaction Component in Barn Owl (Tyto alba) Presents few Differences to Mammalian Data. (United States)

    Palanca-Castan, Nicolas; Laumen, Geneviève; Reed, Darrin; Köppl, Christine


    The auditory brainstem response (ABR) is an evoked potential that reflects the responses to sound by brainstem neural centers. The binaural interaction component (BIC) is obtained by subtracting the sum of the monaural ABR responses from the binaural response. Its latency and amplitude change in response to variations in binaural cues. The BIC is thus thought to reflect the activity of binaural nuclei and is used to non-invasively test binaural processing. However, any conclusions are limited by a lack of knowledge of the relevant processes at the level of individual neurons. The aim of this study was to characterize the ABR and BIC in the barn owl, an animal where the ITD-processing neural circuits are known in great detail. We recorded ABR responses to chirps and to 1 and 4 kHz tones from anesthetized barn owls. General characteristics of the barn owl ABR were similar to those observed in other bird species. The most prominent peak of the BIC was associated with nucleus laminaris and is thus likely to reflect the known processes of ITD computation in this nucleus. However, the properties of the BIC were very similar to previously published mammalian data and did not reveal any specific diagnostic features. For example, the polarity of the BIC was negative, which indicates a smaller response to binaural stimulation than predicted by the sum of monaural responses. This is contrary to previous predictions for an excitatory-excitatory system such as nucleus laminaris. Similarly, the change in BIC latency with varying ITD was not distinguishable from mammalian data. Contrary to previous predictions, this behavior appears unrelated to the known underlying neural delay-line circuitry. In conclusion, the generation of the BIC is currently inadequately understood and common assumptions about the BIC need to be reconsidered when interpreting such measurements.

  20. Barns beteenden inom barnintensivvård : en fokuserad etnografisk observationsstudie


    Holmgren, Erik; Sandqvist, Oskar


    Bakgrund: När sjukvården till stor del förlitar sig på medicinsk teknik och läkemedelsbehandling är det lätt att omvårdnadsåtgärder som syftar till att förebygga och lindra lidande inte ges tillräckligt utrymme. Intensivvårdsdelirium är ett förhållandevis outforskat område inom barnintensivvården. Idag finns inga riskskattningsinstrument översatta till svenska.   Syfte: Syftet var att studera barns beteenden när de vårdades på en barnintensivvårdsavdelning. Dessutom undersöktes om dessa betee...

  1. The prey composition of the Barn Owl (Tyto alba with respect to landscape structure of its hunting area (Zala County, Hungary

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Szép Dávid


    Full Text Available The prey composition of the Barn Owl (Tyto alba can be monitored indirectly by pellet analysis and we used this method to investigate less known small mammal species of Zala County. The number and abundance of small mammal species depend on the structure of the landscape of Barn Owls’ hunting area, therefore we analysed landscape features in the surrounding circles with 2 km radius around the sampling sites. In 2016 we collected 1106 pellets from 13 sampling localities. From the pellets we identified 21 species of 3022 individuals of small mammals (more than 98% of prey. Among the 21 species there was the rare Parti-colured Bat (Vespertilio murinus and a new species for the county the Steppe Mouse (Mus spicilegus. Positive correlation was found between the diversity of the small mammal fauna of each sampling site and the landscape complexity (number of the landscape patches of the Barn Owl hunting area. Relative abundance of the Wood Mouse (Apodemus sylvaticus showed positive correlation with the number of landscape patches, while the abundance of the Lesser White-toothed Shrew (Crocidura suaveolens, the Miller’s Water Shrew (Neomys anomalus, the Striped Field Mouse (Apodemus agrarius and the Harvest Mouse (Micromys minutus was higher in hunting areas with more homogenous landscapes. Significant correlations were found between the relative abundance of some small mammal species and the landscape structure of the potential hunting area of owls that confirmed the consistency in habitat preference of some species. Our results proved that the prey-composition of Barn Owls reflects the land use through the distribution and abundance of small mammal species, therefore this method is suitable for ecological analyses of landscape.

  2. Mellin-Barnes representations of Feynman diagrams, linear systems of differential equations, and polynomial solutions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kalmykov, Mikhail Yu.; Kniehl, Bernd A.


    We argue that the Mellin-Barnes representations of Feynman diagrams can be used for obtaining linear systems of homogeneous differential equations for the original Feynman diagrams with arbitrary powers of propagators without recourse to the integration-by-parts technique. These systems of differential equation can be used (i) for the differential reductions to sets of basic functions and (ii) for counting the numbers of master-integrals.

  3. A study of KK-bar system produced in the reaction Π-p#-> #KK-barn at 63 GeV

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Palka, H.


    An analysis of KK-bar system produced in the reaction Π - p#-> #KK-barn at 63 GeV and measured by ACCMOR (Amsterdam-CERN-Cracow-Munich-Oxford-Rutherford) collaboration at the CERN SPS accelelator is presented. (author)

  4. Milk urea concentration as an indicator of ammonia emission from dairy cow barn under restricted grazing

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Duinkerken, van G.; Smits, M.C.J.; Andre, G.; Sebek, L.B.J.; Dijkstra, J.


    Bulk milk urea concentration was evaluated to assess its potential as an indicator of ammonia emission from a dairy cow barn in a situation with restricted grazing. An experiment was carried out with a herd of, on average, 52 Holstein-Friesian dairy cows. The cows were housed in a naturally

  5. Low frequency eardrum directionality in the barn owl induced by sound transmission through the interaural canal

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kettler, Lutz; Christensen-Dalsgaard, Jakob; Larsen, Ole Næsbye


    . Significant sound transmission across the interaural canal occurred at low frequencies. The sound transmission induces considerable eardrum directionality in a narrow band from 1.5 to 3.5 kHz. This is below the frequency range used by the barn owl for locating prey, but may conceivably be used for locating...

  6. Relevansen af nyere psykodynamisk teori for det klinisk musikterapeutiske arbejde med psykiatriske patienter med personlighedsforstyrrelser

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hannibal, Niels


    Denne artikel beskriver et rationale for anvendelse af musik i en psykoterapeutisk kontekst. Det eksplicitte og implicitte forandringsniveau i psykoterapi med patienter med borderline-personlighedsforstyrrelse (BPF) diskuteres herpå med henvisning til to forskellige syn på terapeutisk forandring:...

  7. Gruppemusikterapi med patienter med borderline-personlighedsforstyrrelse i dagbehandlingsregi

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Niels Hannibal


    Full Text Available Denne artikel er første redegørelse for de erfaringer, som er gjort med gruppemusikterapi (GMT for patienter med borderline-personlighedsforstyrrelse (BPF i dagbehandlingsregi på Aalborg Psykiatriske Sygehus. Artiklen indeholder både konkrete anvisninger til aktiviteter og interventioner, ligesom den i et teoretisk perspektiv redegør for forskellige processer og reaktioner, der kan iagttages i behandlingen. Artiklen konkluderer, at GMT i sin nuværende form kan bidrage til udvikling af BPF-patienters evne til mentalisering og affektregulering, til opbygning af en gruppefølelse og fremme af interpersonel læring, ligesom GMT kan udvikle alliance til terapi generelt og GMT specifikt.

  8. Evaluating the use of renewable fuel sources to heat flue-cured tobacco barns


    Brown, Robert T


    Evaluating the use of renewable fuel sources to heat flue-cured tobacco barns Robert Taylor Brown ABSTRACT The curing of flue-cured tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) is an energy intensive process and represents a significant portion of the overall cost of production. Given the goal of the industry to reduce the environmental footprint of tobacco production and the energy demand of curing, attention has been directed to explore options for the use of renewable fuels for heating to...

  9. MedPAC Data Book (United States)

    U.S. Department of Health & Human Services — MedPACs Data Book is the result of discussions with congressional staff members regarding ways that MedPAC can better support them. Some of the information it...

  10. The MEDIATOR genes MED12 and MED13 control Arabidopsis root system configuration influencing sugar and auxin responses. (United States)

    Raya-González, Javier; López-Bucio, Jesús Salvador; Prado-Rodríguez, José Carlos; Ruiz-Herrera, León Francisco; Guevara-García, Ángel Arturo; López-Bucio, José


    Arabidopsis med12 and med13 mutants exhibit shoot and root phenotypes related to an altered auxin homeostasis. Sucrose supplementation reactivates both cell division and elongation in primary roots as well as auxin-responsive and stem cell niche gene expression in these mutants. An analysis of primary root growth of WT, med12, aux1-7 and med12 aux1 single and double mutants in response to sucrose and/or N-1-naphthylphthalamic acid (NPA) placed MED12 upstream of auxin transport for the sugar modulation of root growth. The MEDIATOR (MED) complex plays diverse functions in plant development, hormone signaling and biotic and abiotic stress tolerance through coordination of transcription. Here, we performed genetic, developmental, molecular and pharmacological analyses to characterize the role of MED12 and MED13 on the configuration of root architecture and its relationship with auxin and sugar responses. Arabidopsis med12 and med13 single mutants exhibit shoot and root phenotypes consistent with altered auxin homeostasis including altered primary root growth, lateral root development, and root hair elongation. MED12 and MED13 were required for activation of cell division and elongation in primary roots, as well as auxin-responsive and stem cell niche gene expression. Remarkably, most of these mutant phenotypes were rescued by supplying sucrose to the growth medium. The growth response of primary roots of WT, med12, aux1-7 and med12 aux1 single and double mutants to sucrose and application of auxin transport inhibitor N-1-naphthylphthalamic acid (NPA) revealed the correlation of med12 phenotype with the activity of the auxin intake permease and suggests that MED12 acts upstream of AUX1 in the root growth response to sugar. These data provide compelling evidence that MEDIATOR links sugar sensing to auxin transport and distribution during root morphogenesis.

  11. Fan cooling of the resting area in a free stalls dairy barn (United States)

    Calegari, Ferdinando; Calamari, Luigi; Frazzi, Ermes


    This summer study evaluated the effect of providing additional fans (cooling) in the resting area within a free-stall dairy barn that had fans and sprinklers in the feeding area and paddock availability. Thirty cows were divided into two homogenous groups and kept in two pens: one had the resting area equipped with two fans (FAN) while no fans were added to the other resting area (CON). Microclimatic parameters, rectal temperature (RT), breathing rate (BR), milk yield, and milk pH traits were recorded. Time budgeting and the behaviour of the cows (time spent in the feeding area, standing and lying in other areas) were also recorded using digital video technology. Two slight-to-moderate heat waves were observed. During the hottest period the daily maximum temperature recorded was 33.5 °C and the daily maximum THI was 81.6. During this period, the BR and RT increased only slightly in both groups, with lower BR (n.s.) in FAN compared with CON. Milk yield was better maintained (n.s.) in FAN compared with CON during the hottest period. The FAN cows showed a greater ( P FAN and CON, respectively), whereas CON cows made greater ( P fans in the resting area improves cow comfort, which increases use of the resting area. The lying time results also suggest that the benefits of providing ventilation in the resting area might be more evident in barns where there is no paddock.

  12. Spatial variability of mixing ratios of ammonia and tracer gases in a naturally ventilated dairy cow barn

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Mendes, Luciano B.; Edouard, Nadège; Ogink, Nico W.M.; Dooren, van Hendrik Jan C.; Fátima F. TinÔco, de Ilda; Mosquera Losada, Julio


    The use of the tracer gas ratio method to estimate emissions from naturally ventilated (NV) livestock barns excludes the need of monitoring ventilation rates. However, it requires accurate measurement of tracer release rate (QT) and a representative estimate of the mixing ratio between

  13. Leg med vision

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Munk, Mette; Bertelsen, Katrine


    Bogen henvender sig primært til det pædagogiske personale med målgruppen daginstitutioner. Bogen skal stimulere arbejdet med at gøre bevægelse til en integreret del af kulturen i daginstitutioner - at få det pædagogiske personale til - at sætte ord på og spørgsmålstegn ved deres pædagogiske bevæg...

  14. Associations of dairy cow behavior, barn hygiene, cow hygiene, and risk of elevated somatic cell count. (United States)

    Devries, T J; Aarnoudse, M G; Barkema, H W; Leslie, K E; von Keyserlingk, M A G


    Poor dairy cow hygiene has been consistently associated with elevated somatic cell count (SCC) and the risk of subclinical mastitis. The objective of this study was to determine the associations between dairy cow standing and lying behavior, barn hygiene, cow hygiene, and the risk of experiencing elevated SCC. Lactating Holstein dairy cows (n=69; 86 ± 51 DIM; parity: 2.0 ± 1.2; means ± SD), kept in 1 of 2 groups, were monitored over a 4-mo period. Each group contained 61 ± 1 (mean ± SD) cows over the study period; complete data were obtained from 37 and 32 animals within each respective group. Cows were housed in a sand-bedded, freestall barn with 2 symmetrical pens, each with a free cow traffic automatic milking system. To vary barn hygiene, in 4 consecutive 28-d periods, alley manure scrapers in each of the 2 pens were randomly assigned to frequencies of operation of 3, 6, 12, and 24 times per day. During the last 7 d of each period, cow hygiene (upper leg/flank, lower legs, and udder; scale of 1 = very clean to 4 = very dirty) and stall hygiene (number of 0.15×0.15-m squares contaminated with manure in a 1.20×1.65-m grid) were recorded. Standing and lying behavior of the cows were collected during those days using data loggers. Individual-cow SCC was recorded at the beginning and end of each 28-d period. Elevated SCC was used as an indicator of subclinical mastitis; incidence of elevated SCC was defined as having a SCC >200,000 cells/mL at the end of each 28-d period, when SCC was <100,000 cells/mL at the beginning of the period. Less frequent scraping of the barn alleys was associated with cows having poorer hygiene. Poor udder hygiene was associated with poor stall hygiene. Longer lying duration was associated with poor hygiene of the upper legs/flank and udder. Greater premilking standing duration was associated with poor udder hygiene and decreased frequency of lying bouts was associated with poor hygiene of the lower legs. Higher milk yield was

  15. Dit første barn

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Wüst, Miriam; Kristensen, Ida Lykke; Trillingsgaard, Tea


    Frederiksberg Kommunes Sundhedspleje har udviklet forældrekurset ”Dit første barn” til alle førstegangsforældre i kommunen. Kommunes Sundhedspleje har indgået et samarbejde med forskere fra VIVE og Aarhus Universitet i forskningsprojektet CRUNCH – Center for Research on Universal Child Policies o...

  16. Barn av grundsøgum

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Moberg, Bergur Rønne

    Hovedartiklen i bogen kaldes "Der må være en udkant" med undertitlen. "En videnskabelig tese om sted og nation som konstituerende træk ved færøsk litteratur" (50 s.). Stort set hele bogen diskuterer konstruktionsforestillingen i den modernistiske filosofi i forskellige sammenhænge....

  17. Lærere arbejder med landskabsdannelse

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)


    Valg af materiale/medie/form: YOUtube videoklip. Valg af arbejdsform: Lærere der er igang med at afprøve praktisk undersøgende arbejde med danske landskabsformer. Begrundelse for valg af materiale/medie/form/arbejdsform: Ultrakort videoklip valgt så 1) lærerne kan dele med kolleger, 2) øvrige...

  18. Testosterone, plumage colouration and extra-pair paternity in male North-American barn swallows.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Cas Eikenaar

    Full Text Available In most monogamous bird species, circulating testosterone concentration in males is elevated around the social female's fertile period. Variation in elevated testosterone concentrations among males may have a considerable impact on fitness. For example, testosterone implants enhance behaviours important for social and extra-pair mate choice. However, little is known about the relationship between natural male testosterone concentration and sexual selection. To investigate this relationship we measured testosterone concentration and sexual signals (ventral plumage colour and tail length, and determined within and extra-pair fertilization success in male North American barn swallows (Hirundo rustica erythrogaster. Dark rusty coloured males had higher testosterone concentrations than drab males. Extra-pair paternity was common (42% and 31% of young in 2009 and 2010, respectively, but neither within- nor extra-pair fertilization success was related to male testosterone concentration. Dark rusty males were less often cuckolded, but did not have higher extra-pair or total fertilization success than drab males. Tail length did not affect within- or extra-pair fertilization success. Our findings suggest that, in North American barn swallows, male testosterone concentration does not play a significant direct role in female mate choice and sexual selection. Possibly plumage colour co-varies with a male behavioural trait, such as aggressiveness, that reduces the chance of cuckoldry. This could also explain why dark males have higher testosterone concentrations than drab males.

  19. ”Å skape forbindelser”. Atelierets plass og atelieristens kompetanse i barnehagene i Reggio Emilia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Kari Carlsen


    Full Text Available Forming har gitt viktige bidrag til det helhetlige kunnskapssyn som lenge har vært dominerende i norsk barnehagepedagogikk, men fagfeltet er nå lavere prioritert i forhold til aktiviteter som er ment å fremme ferdigheter innenfor språk og matematikk. Debatten om kvalitet i norsk barnehage proble-matiserer krav om testing av små barns ferdigheter innenfor avgrensede kunnskapsområder. Med et formingsfaglig fokus er det av interesse å se nærmere på barnehagene i Reggio Emilia, Italia, der barns praktisk skapende virksomhet gis høy prioritet med et atelier i hver barnehage. Den anerkjente kvaliteten i disse barnehagene (Wingert & Kantrowitz, 1991; Gardner, 2001; Gardner, 2006 begrun-ner en nærmere undersøkelse av atelierets betydning i denne pedagogiske praksisen.Målsettingen med artikkelen er å belyse atelierets funksjon i barnehagene i Reggio Emilia, hvilken rolle estetisk skapende virksomhet oppfattes å ha i barns læring, og å undersøke den kompetansen som kreves av atelieristen med ansvar for arbeidet i atelieret. Artikkelens empiriske materiale er hentet inn gjennom et intervju med atelierist Vea Vecchi i april 2010.Med en fenomenologisk-hermeneutisk tilnærming drøftes metodiske spørsmål omkring kvalitativt intervju og behandling av kvalitative data ved hjelp av oversetter. Metodiske valg i forbindelse med intervjuet som er gjennomført diskuteres. Resultater av intervjuet presenteres og analyseres, og atelierets egenart og atelieristens kompetanse diskuteres. Begrepet atelierismen etableres. Katego-riene som er resultat av analysen synes brukbare som utgangspunkt for undersøkelser av atelierismen i ulike kontekster.Søkeord: Atelier, atelierist/atelierista, atelierismen, estetiske læreprosesser, kvalitativt intervju, Reggio Emilia.

  20. Med Kingo på dybt vand

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Arndal, Lars Stubbe


    Tag med digteren Thomas Kingo ud på dybt vand i selskab med lektor og Lars Arndal, der kaster nye perspektiver på Kingos forlisdigt Hierte-Suk. Arndal kommer hermed også med et bud på, hvordan man som lærer kan invitere eleverne med på opdagelse i digtet...

  1. Instrumentation strategies for energy conservation in broiler barns with ventilation air solar pre-heaters

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Cordeau, Sebastien; Barrington, Suzelle [Department of Bioresource Engineering, Macdonald Campus of McGill University, 21 111 Lakeshore, Ste Anne de Bellevue, Quebec H9X 3V9 (Canada)


    At the present consumption rate, world fossil-fuel reserves are expected to be depleted by 2050 unless their consumption is optimized and supplemented with renewable energy sources. The objective of this project was to evaluate the performance of a simple data acquisition system installed to conduct an energy balance and identify energy saving strategies in two commercial broilers barns with ventilation air solar pre-heaters. Located near Montreal, Canada, the two identical barns were instrumented for inside and outside air conditions, ventilation rate and energy recovery by the solar air pre-heaters. Whereas the temperature, relative humidity and radiation sensors were reliable, inside air temperature stratification complicated energy balance analyses and broiler heat production rate calculations. Lack of room air mixing resulted in the loss of 25 and 15% of the generated heater load and recovered solar energy. The proper monitoring of all environmental conditions required their measurement every 5 rather than 20 min. Instead of using a data transmission service found to be unreliable in rural areas, all data loggers were downloaded onto a portable computer every 45 days during regular instrument maintenance. Accordingly, room air mixing is recommended to facilitate energy balance studies and improve the efficient use of heating energies. (author)

  2. An automatic system for the detection of dairy cows lying behaviour in free-stall barns

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Simona M.C. Porto


    Full Text Available In this paper, a method for the automatic detection of dairy cow lying behaviour in free-stall barns is proposed. A computer visionbased system (CVBS composed of a video-recording system and a cow lying behaviour detector based on the Viola Jones algorithm was developed. The CVBS performance was tested in a head-to-head free stall barn. Two classifiers were implemented in the software component of the CVBS to obtain the cow lying behaviour detector. The CVBS was validated by comparing its detection results with those generated from visual recognition. This comparison allowed the following accuracy indices to be calculated: the branching factor (BF, the miss factor (MF, the sensitivity, and the quality percentage (QP. The MF value of approximately 0.09 showed that the CVBS missed one cow every 11 well detected cows. Conversely, the BF value of approximately 0.08 indicated that one false positive was detected every 13 well detected cows. The high value of approximately 0.92 obtained for the sensitivity index and that obtained for QP of about 0.85 revealed the ability of the proposed system to detect cows lying in the stalls.

  3. Continuous measurement of reticuloruminal pH values in dairy cows during the transition period from barn to pasture feeding using an indwelling wireless data transmitting unit. (United States)

    Gasteiner, J; Horn, M; Steinwidder, A


    This study was performed to investigate the effect of the transition from barn feeding to pasture on the pattern of reticuloruminal pH values in 8 multiparous dairy cows. A indwelling wireless data transmitting system for pH measurement was given to 8 multiparous cows orally. Reticuloruminal pH values were measured every 600 s over a period of 42 days. After 7 days of barn feeding (period 1), all of the animals were pastured with increasing grazing times from 2 to 7 h/day over 7 days (period 2). From day 15 to day 21 (period 3), the cows spent 7 h/day on pasture. Beginning on day 22, the animals had 20 h/day access to pasture (day and night grazing). To study reticuloruminal adaptation to pasture feeding, the phase of day and night grazing was subdivided into another 3 weekly periods (periods 4-6). Despite a mild transition period from barn feeding to pasture, significant effects on reticuloruminal pH values were observed. During barn feeding, the mean reticuloruminal pH value for all of the cows was 6.44 ± 0.14, and the pH values decreased significantly (p pH values increased again (pH 6.25 ± 0.22; pH 6.31 ± 0.17; pH 6.37 ± 0.16). Our results showed that the animals had significantly lowered reticuloruminal pH during the periods of feed transition from barn to pasture feeding. Despite these significant changes, the decrease was not harmful, as indicated by data of feed intake and milk production. Journal of Animal Physiology and Animal Nutrition © 2014 Blackwell Verlag GmbH.

  4. Barns tankar om ekologiska processer

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Helldén, Gustav

    Bogen indledes med en oversigt over forskning om læring i naturvidenskab, herunder gennemgås blandt andet Piagets teorier. Herefter følger Helldéns undersøgelser af elevforestillinger om økologiske processer. Helldén har interviewet eleverne om livsbetingelser og vækst, nedbrydning i naturen og om...


    NARCIS (Netherlands)


    The feasibility of using the Barn Owl (Tyto alba guttata) to monitor environmental quality in the Netherlands was investigated, using Cd, Cu, Pb, Mn, and Fe as indicators for environmental contamination. Throughout 1992, bird-watchers, volunteers, and officials submitted 53 birds. The age and

  6. Airborne detection and quantification of swine influenza a virus in air samples collected inside, outside and downwind from swine barns.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Cesar A Corzo

    Full Text Available Airborne transmission of influenza A virus (IAV in swine is speculated to be an important route of virus dissemination, but data are scarce. This study attempted to detect and quantify airborne IAV by virus isolation and RRT-PCR in air samples collected under field conditions. This was accomplished by collecting air samples from four acutely infected pig farms and locating air samplers inside the barns, at the external exhaust fans and downwind from the farms at distances up to 2.1 km. IAV was detected in air samples collected in 3 out of 4 farms included in the study. Isolation of IAV was possible from air samples collected inside the barn at two of the farms and in one farm from the exhausted air. Between 13% and 100% of samples collected inside the barns tested RRT-PCR positive with an average viral load of 3.20E+05 IAV RNA copies/m³ of air. Percentage of exhaust positive air samples also ranged between 13% and 100% with an average viral load of 1.79E+04 RNA copies/m³ of air. Influenza virus RNA was detected in air samples collected between 1.5 and 2.1 Km away from the farms with viral levels significantly lower at 4.65E+03 RNA copies/m³. H1N1, H1N2 and H3N2 subtypes were detected in the air samples and the hemagglutinin gene sequences identified in the swine samples matched those in aerosols providing evidence that the viruses detected in the aerosols originated from the pigs in the farms under study. Overall our results indicate that pigs can be a source of IAV infectious aerosols and that these aerosols can be exhausted from pig barns and be transported downwind. The results from this study provide evidence of the risk of aerosol transmission in pigs under field conditions.

  7. Effect of average diurnal barn airspace temperatures on prediction of their development during the day

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Gustav Chládek


    Full Text Available A year-round (i.e. 365 days experiment was performed at the Mendel University Training Farm in Žabčice, Czech Republic (GPS 49°0’51.967”N and 16°36’14.614”E, the altitude 179 m with the aim to quantify the effect of the variation of average diurnal barn airspace temperatures on prediction of their changes during the day. Barn airspace temperatures were monitored daily in one-hour intervals and the recorded values were used for calculations of average diurnal temperatures. These were classified into 7 categories (i.e. below 0 °C; 0.1 to 5 °C; 5.1 to 10 °C; 10.1 to 15 °C; 15.1 to 20 °C; 20.1 to 25 °C and above 25 °C. Regarding this classification system, all differences between temperatures measured at identical hours but within various limits were statistically highly significant. The statistical analysis involved also the calculation of the third degree polynomial regression equations, which enabled to characterise the relationship between the temperature and the hour of measurement within the aforementioned categories of diurnal temperatures. Individual equations were markedly different and ranged from y = − 0.0019x3 + 0.0596x2 − 0.3797x − 1.2169 (for temperatures below 0 °C to y = − 0.0108x3 + 0.3297x2 − 1.9367x + 24.3931 (for temperatures above 25 °C. Correlation coefficients (r and coefficients of determination (R2 of these regression equations were generally very high and ranged from 0.872 to 0.976 and from 0.760 to 0.953, respectively. Regarding high values of both coefficients it can be concluded that the calculated equations enable a good and reliable prediction of the diurnal development of barn airspace temperatures.

  8. Effect of production system (barn and free range) and slaughter age on some production traits of guinea fowl. (United States)

    Yamak, U S; Sarica, M; Boz, M A; Ucar, A


    A total of 200 guinea fowl was reared in either barn or free-range systems and slaughtered at 14, 16, or 18 wk of age in order to determine the effects of production system on live weight, feed consumption, and some carcass and slaughter traits. Production system had a significant effect on live weight until 14 wk of age. Live weights were similar between free-range and indoor production systems at 16 (1,150 g vs. 1,152 g) and 18 (1,196 g vs. 1,203 g) wk of age. Guinea fowl reared in a free-range system consumed more feed (7,693 g vs. 6,983 g), and guinea fowl reared in a barn had better feed conversion ratio (5.80 vs. 6.43) (P free-range system had significantly less abdominal fat (P < 0.05). © 2017 Poultry Science Association Inc.

  9. Registerstudie om amtslige forskelle i indlaeggelser af børn med astma og bronkitis

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Moth, Grete; Schiøtz, Peter Oluf


    INTRODUCTION: In Denmark, asthma is the most widespread chronic childhood disease, imposing great demands on the health services. Considerable variations exist among Danish counties with respect to the percentage of asthmatic children treated by general practitioners and paediatric specialists, w...

  10. Yrkesforberedelse eller fagopplæring med fagbrev? Med design og håndverk som kontekst

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Bjørn Magne Aakre


    Full Text Available Artikkelen drøfter forholdet mellom yrkesforberedelse og fagopplæring med utgangspunkt i den kombinerte studieretningen formgivingsfag som ble innført i Norge i 1994. I 2006 ble den delt i et programfag under studiespesialiserende fag, og et nytt yrkesfaglig program med betegnelse design og håndverk. Hvilke interesser lå til grunn for endringene, hvor dyptgripende ble de og hvilke overveieleser kan en gjøre i ettertid om forholdet mellom yrkesforberedelse og fagopplæring? Artikkelen søker å svare på spørsmålene ut fra relevante dokumenter og to kvantitative undersøkelser med elever og lærere som informanter. Artikkelen konkluderer med at innholdet forble nokså likt, antall elever ble halvert og at frafallet økte. Det konkluderes videre med at mange forhold bidrar til å legitimere et fag og dets innhold som henholdsvis skolefag, vitenskapsfag eller yrkesfag. Legitimeringen preges ofte av motstridende motiver og interesser, og sjelden bare faglige begrunnelser.

  11. Redox regulation of the MED28 and MED32 mediator subunits is important for development and senescence. (United States)

    Shaikhali, Jehad; Davoine, Céline; Björklund, Stefan; Wingsle, Gunnar


    Mediator is a conserved multi-protein complex that acts as a bridge between promoter-bound transcriptional regulators and RNA polymerase II. While redox signaling is important in adjusting plant metabolism and development, the involvement of Mediator in redox homeostasis and regulation only recently started to emerge. Our previous results show that the MED10a, MED28, and MED32 Mediator subunits form various types of covalent oligomers linked by intermolecular disulfide bonds in vitro. To link that with biological significance we have characterized Arabidopsis med32 and med28 mutants and found that they are affected in root development and senescence, phenotypes possibly associated to redox changes.

  12. DailyMed (United States)

    U.S. Department of Health & Human Services — DailyMed provides high quality information about marketed drugs. This information includes FDA labels (package inserts). This Web site provides health information...

  13. Compliance with NAGCAT work practices recommendations for youth cleaning service alleys in stall barns. (United States)

    Canan, B D; Asti, L; Heaney, C; Ashida, S; Renick, K; Xiang, H; Stallones, L; Jepsen, S D; Crawford, J M; Wilkins, J R


    Unintentional injury is the leading cause of death in the U.S. among persons 1 to 44 years of age. Over one million children and adolescents in the U.S. live, work, and/or play on farms, where injury risk is relatively high compared to other settings. In an attempt to reduce the number of childhood agricultural injuries occurring on farms, the North American Guidelines for Children's Agricultural Tasks (NAGCAT) was developed to assist parents or other caregivers in assigning developmentally appropriate chores to youth exposed to agricultural hazards. The results presented here are from a longitudinal study in which we obtained (self-reported) daily chore, injury, and safety behavior data from children and adolescents. We focused on one NAGCAT chore, cleaning a service alley in a stall barn, in order to estimate the extent of compliance with specific work practice recommendations contained in the NAGCAT. Our results indicated that among the four NAGCAT-recommended safety practices for cleaning service alleys in stall barns (wearing nonskid shoes, leather gloves, a respirator, and eye protection), wearing non-skid shoes was the only safety practice reported with any degree of regularity. Overall, boys were more likely to wear non-skid shoes compared to girls. In addition, older youth were generally more likely to report higher work practice compliance compared to younger youth.

  14. Forældremyndighed i forbindelse med økonomisk kompenseret surrogatmoderskab

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Pedersen, Frank Høgholm


    I artiklen analyseres retstilstanden for, hvornår faderen og en social moder kan få tillagt forældremyndigheden til et barn født qua et surrogati-arrangement. Den gængse udlægning af retstilstanden er, at barnets sociale moder ikke kan få del i forældremyndig¬heden, hvis der er ydet betaling. Art...


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Niels Hannibal


    Full Text Available Denne artikel introducerer et musikterapeutisk behandlingskoncept kaldet: Procesorienteret Musikterapi (PROM. PROM er et forsøg på at formulere en principiel ramme for musikterapi i psykiatrien, som dels tager udgangspunkt i 17 års klinisk erfaring, dels stiler mod at være ”best practice”. PROM indeholder beskrivelser af manualens unikke, essentielle men ikke unikke, acceptable og ikke acceptable dele. Den unikke del af PROM skal kunne implementeres til alle målgrupper, mens de øvrige dele af manualen rettes til i forhold til en specifik målgruppe. Denne udgave af PROM er specifikt rettet i mod musikterapi for patienter med personlighedsforstyrrelser. Manualen indgår også som en del af et pilotprojekt, der har til formål at udvikle en protokol for et internationalt RCT projekt med samme målgruppe

  16. Sociale indsatser til mennesker med ADHD

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bengtsson, Steen; Alim, Winnie; Holmskov, Henriette

    Igennem de seneste år har flere og flere fået stillet diagnosen ADHD, som er en adfærdsmæssig forstyrrelse. Mennesker med ADHD har meget forskelligt støttebehov, og rapportens formål er at skabe overblik over de eksisterende sociale indsatser og tilbud til børn, unge og voksne med ADHD. Langt de...... ansvar for sociale end for terapeutiske tilbud i forhold til gruppen med ADHD. Mange voksne med ADHD beskriver, at det kræver mange ressourcer at få den fornødne støtte fra kommunen, mens forældre til børn med ADHD oplever det som nemmere at få adgang til de rette støttetilbud. Men begge grupper møder...... mange udfordringer som fx manglende koordinering og hyppige sagsbehandlerskift. Rapporten er udarbejdet i tilknytning til Servicestyrelsens projekt ’Ny og forstærket indsats til børn, unge og voksne med ADHD’ og er finansieret af Socialministeriet....


    NARCIS (Netherlands)



    Over the last decades, the Barn Owl population has markedly decreased in range and breeding numbers in The Netherlands as in most western European countries. For effective conservation and population management, it is essential to know which factors are responsible for this decline. The present

  18. PubMed (United States)

    U.S. Department of Health & Human Services — PubMed comprises more than 26 million citations for biomedical literature from MEDLINE, life science journals, and online books. Citations may include links to...

  19. PubMed

    CERN Document Server

    PubMed is the National Library of Medicine's search service that provides access to over 10 million citations in MEDLINE, PreMEDLINE, and other related databases, with links to participating online journals.

  20. Phylogenetic systematics of Barn Owl (Tyto alba (Scopoli, 1769 complex inferred from mitochondrial rDNA (16S rRNA taxonomic implication

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mansour Aliabadian


    Full Text Available The Barn owl, Tyto alba (Scopoli, 1769, occurs worldwide and shows a considerable amount of morphological and geographical variations, leading to the recognition of many subspecies throughout the world. Yet, no comprehensive study has not been done on this species. Data from mitochondrial gene (16S Ribosomal RNA (16S with 569 bp length were analyzed for 41 individuals around the world. Maximum likelihood (ML, maximum parsimony (MP and Bayesian analysis showed two distinct clades including alba clad (old world and furcata clad (new world. The amount of genetic variation within each of these clades ranged from 0.5-1.7 but variation between clades was 3.7. This data may suggest that Barn owls of the Old World may be a separate species from those of the New World.

  1. Praktische handleiding PubMed : hét boek om snel en doeltreffend te zoeken in PubMed

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Etten-Jamaludin, van F.; Deurenberg, H.W.J.


    Praktische handleidng PubMed is de eerste Nederlandstalige gids die op overzichtelijke wijze op de uitgebreide mogelijkheden van PubMed ingaat. PubMed ( biedt gratis toegang tot MEDLINE en is de meest gebruikte medische zoekmachine. In deze geheel herziene derde editie van Praktisch

  2. Towards PubMed 2.0. (United States)

    Fiorini, Nicolas; Lipman, David J; Lu, Zhiyong


    Staff from the National Center for Biotechnology Information in the US describe recent improvements to the PubMed search engine and outline plans for the future, including a new experimental site called PubMed Labs.

  3. Endostatin (EntreMed). (United States)

    Grosios, K


    EntreMed has licensed the worldwide rights to the angiogenesis inhibitor Endostatin, a 20 kDa C-terminal fragment of collagen XVIII, from the Children's Hospital of Boston, a teaching affiliate of Harvard Medical School. It is being developed as a potential cancer treatment and may also be useful in certain types of blindness and arthritis [227427]. EntreMed filed an IND for Endostatin in June 1999 [334125] and as of September 1999, phase I trials were underway [341462]. As of April 2000, the company had initiated plans for testing low doses of Endostatin in cancer patients using continuous infusion and sc administration in a further phase I study to be conducted in Europe [361594]. A phase I trial of Endostatin which will evaluate the safety and efficacy of Endostatin at a range of doses in no more than 100 cancer patients has been initiated. The trial will take place at the University of Texas MD Anderson Medical Center and the University of Wisconsin Cancer Center in Madison. The National Cancer Center will be sponsoring the trial, which is expected to be completed in late 2000. As of March 2000, there had been no serious adverse events attributable to Endostatin administration. The first report from this trial is expected in autumn 2000 [341462], [366312]. The mechanism of action for Endostatin remains unclear, although reports from the 91st AACR Meeting in April 2000 showed that recombinant human endostatin bound to a number of tropomyosin cDNAs in a library screen [362039]. In preclinical studies, repeated administration of Endostatin consistently shrank primary tumors and did not produce any drug resistance. In mice, a variety of tumors which had progressed to 1 to 2% of total body weight, regressed to microscopic, dormant lesions following Endostatin treatment [231418], [231470], [270673]. Types of cancers which respond to Endostatin include lung, skin, vascular and fibrosarcomas. Toxicology studies in cynomolgus monkeys showed that bolus injections of

  4. Trombotisk trombocytopenisk purpura hos barn med lavt ADAMTS13 enzymniveau

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Spangenberg, Katrine Bredsdorff; Clasen-Linde, Erik; Poulsen, Anja


    Thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura (TTP) is a rare condition, but important to consider in case of thrombocytopenia and haemolysis. It is imperative to proceed with the correct treatment, in order to ensure a satisfactory outcome. TTP is either acquired or idiopathic. This case report shows...

  5. Etikk i praksis: Barn med samspillsvansker og medvirkning i barnehagen

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ingvild Åmot


    Full Text Available Title: Ethics in practice: Children who have difficulties interacting and their participation in day-care centres.Abstract: In recent years there has been a trend promoting "children’s right to participation". The point of departure for the article is qualitative data material collected from three day-care centres in Norway. The main objective has been to illuminate the choices the staff have and the dilemmas they face in their day-to-day practice when it comes to children who have interaction difficulties and their opportunities to participate. Findings: The practice is action-oriented. Actions, dilemmas and discretionary assessments are related to consequential- and deontological-ethics reasons.

  6. Hjertetamponade hos et praematurt barn med perkutant anlagt centralt venekateter

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Callesen, Michael T; Nielsen, Peter Ehlert


    We report a case of a premature girl born with a gestational age of 26 weeks who developed cardiac tamponade after displacement of a peripheral inserted central catheter. She recovered completely after an acutely performed pericardiocentesis. The pericardial fluid was consistent with parental...

  7. Toksisk shock syndrom. Et tilfoelde hos et barn med forbroending

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Glazowski, M J; Ostergaard, G Z; Arpi, M


    A case of the toxic shock syndrome (TSS) in a burnt (scalded) child is presented. TSS is a condition most frequently associated with menstruating women using tampons. In recent years, however, increased knowledge of the syndrome has led to an increase in the number of reported cases associated...

  8. Faktorer som påverkar barndödligheten i Etiopien


    Östman, Hanna


    Temat för detta examensarbete är barndödlighet i Etiopien. Syftet är att undersöka den höga småbarnsdödligheten, orsakad av diarré och malaria. Detta är ett beställningsarbete för organisationen PADet, som har ett samarbete med yrkeshögskolan Arcada. Med småbarn menas i denna studie, barn under fem år. Frågeställningarna för arbetet är, Vilka är de främsta orsakerna som påverkar småbarnsdödligheten vid diarré och malaria? Och Vad görs idag för att minska på småbarnsdödligheten vid diarré och ...

  9. Hvordan er det å leve med CRPS?


    Hovind, Thomas


    Hensikten med denne studien er å se på hvordan pasienter med komplekst regionalt smertesyndrom (CRPS) opplever å leve med tilstanden og hvordan disse pasientene har opplevd å bli møtt i helsevesenet. CRPS er en langvarig tilstand med sterke smerter som kan medføre økt smerterespons, redusert funksjon og nedsatt livskvalitet hos pasientene. Studien er en kvalitativ undersøkelse basert på dybdeintervju av fire pasienter med CRPS. Pasientene ble rekruttert fra en smerteavdeling i Nord-Norge og u...

  10. The MedCLIVAR Network (United States)

    Lionello, Piero; Medclivar sg, The


    The MedCLIVAR initiative was first proposed at the 2003 European Geosciences Union assembly in Nice, France. In 2005, it was endorsed by the International Climate Variability and Predictability (CLIVAR) office. Subsequently, the MedCLIVAR Research Network Project was formally approved by the European Science Foundation and launched in May 2006 with the support of funding agencies from 12 countries. Since then, MedCLIVAR has served as a scientific network to promote interaction among different scientific disciplines and to develop a multidisciplinary vision of the evolution of the Mediterranean climate through studies that integrate atmospheric, marine, and terrestrial climate components at time scales ranging from paleoreconstructions to future climate scenarios. Presently, the network continues dealing with scientific issues including past climate variability; connections between the Mediterranean and global climate; the Mediterranean Sea circulation and sea level; feedbacks on the global climate system; and regional responses to greenhouse gas, air pollution, and aerosols. Its present activities include the publication of a newsletter, the organization of the next MedCLIVAR conference in 2014 and the publication of a special issue of Regional Environmental Change devoted to the climate of the Mediterranean region.

  11. Natural selection in a postglacial range expansion: the case of the colour cline in the European barn owl. (United States)

    Antoniazza, Sylvain; Kanitz, Ricardo; Neuenschwander, Samuel; Burri, Reto; Gaigher, Arnaud; Roulin, Alexandre; Goudet, Jérôme


    Gradients of variation--or clines--have always intrigued biologists. Classically, they have been interpreted as the outcomes of antagonistic interactions between selection and gene flow. Alternatively, clines may also establish neutrally with isolation by distance (IBD) or secondary contact between previously isolated populations. The relative importance of natural selection and these two neutral processes in the establishment of clinal variation can be tested by comparing genetic differentiation at neutral genetic markers and at the studied trait. A third neutral process, surfing of a newly arisen mutation during the colonization of a new habitat, is more difficult to test. Here, we designed a spatially explicit approximate Bayesian computation (ABC) simulation framework to evaluate whether the strong cline in the genetically based reddish coloration observed in the European barn owl (Tyto alba) arose as a by-product of a range expansion or whether selection has to be invoked to explain this colour cline, for which we have previously ruled out the actions of IBD or secondary contact. Using ABC simulations and genetic data on 390 individuals from 20 locations genotyped at 22 microsatellites loci, we first determined how barn owls colonized Europe after the last glaciation. Using these results in new simulations on the evolution of the colour phenotype, and assuming various genetic architectures for the colour trait, we demonstrate that the observed colour cline cannot be due to the surfing of a neutral mutation. Taking advantage of spatially explicit ABC, which proved to be a powerful method to disentangle the respective roles of selection and drift in range expansions, we conclude that the formation of the colour cline observed in the barn owl must be due to natural selection. © 2014 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  12. Redefining the MED13L syndrome. (United States)

    Adegbola, Abidemi; Musante, Luciana; Callewaert, Bert; Maciel, Patricia; Hu, Hao; Isidor, Bertrand; Picker-Minh, Sylvie; Le Caignec, Cedric; Delle Chiaie, Barbara; Vanakker, Olivier; Menten, Björn; Dheedene, Annelies; Bockaert, Nele; Roelens, Filip; Decaestecker, Karin; Silva, João; Soares, Gabriela; Lopes, Fátima; Najmabadi, Hossein; Kahrizi, Kimia; Cox, Gerald F; Angus, Steven P; Staropoli, John F; Fischer, Ute; Suckow, Vanessa; Bartsch, Oliver; Chess, Andrew; Ropers, Hans-Hilger; Wienker, Thomas F; Hübner, Christoph; Kaindl, Angela M; Kalscheuer, Vera M


    Congenital cardiac and neurodevelopmental deficits have been recently linked to the mediator complex subunit 13-like protein MED13L, a subunit of the CDK8-associated mediator complex that functions in transcriptional regulation through DNA-binding transcription factors and RNA polymerase II. Heterozygous MED13L variants cause transposition of the great arteries and intellectual disability (ID). Here, we report eight patients with predominantly novel MED13L variants who lack such complex congenital heart malformations. Rather, they depict a syndromic form of ID characterized by facial dysmorphism, ID, speech impairment, motor developmental delay with muscular hypotonia and behavioral difficulties. We thereby define a novel syndrome and significantly broaden the clinical spectrum associated with MED13L variants. A prominent feature of the MED13L neurocognitive presentation is profound language impairment, often in combination with articulatory deficits.

  13. Redefining the MED13L syndrome (United States)

    Adegbola, Abidemi; Musante, Luciana; Callewaert, Bert; Maciel, Patricia; Hu, Hao; Isidor, Bertrand; Picker-Minh, Sylvie; Le Caignec, Cedric; Delle Chiaie, Barbara; Vanakker, Olivier; Menten, Björn; Dheedene, Annelies; Bockaert, Nele; Roelens, Filip; Decaestecker, Karin; Silva, João; Soares, Gabriela; Lopes, Fátima; Najmabadi, Hossein; Kahrizi, Kimia; Cox, Gerald F; Angus, Steven P; Staropoli, John F; Fischer, Ute; Suckow, Vanessa; Bartsch, Oliver; Chess, Andrew; Ropers, Hans-Hilger; Wienker, Thomas F; Hübner, Christoph; Kaindl, Angela M; Kalscheuer, Vera M


    Congenital cardiac and neurodevelopmental deficits have been recently linked to the mediator complex subunit 13-like protein MED13L, a subunit of the CDK8-associated mediator complex that functions in transcriptional regulation through DNA-binding transcription factors and RNA polymerase II. Heterozygous MED13L variants cause transposition of the great arteries and intellectual disability (ID). Here, we report eight patients with predominantly novel MED13L variants who lack such complex congenital heart malformations. Rather, they depict a syndromic form of ID characterized by facial dysmorphism, ID, speech impairment, motor developmental delay with muscular hypotonia and behavioral difficulties. We thereby define a novel syndrome and significantly broaden the clinical spectrum associated with MED13L variants. A prominent feature of the MED13L neurocognitive presentation is profound language impairment, often in combination with articulatory deficits. PMID:25758992

  14. Tang med omtanke

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Schlundt, Jørgen


    Befolkningen bør kende både mulige positive og negative effekter af fødevarer, før de spiser dem. Det mener Jørgen Schlundt, DTU Fødevareinstituttet, med henvisning til Ole G. Mouritsens kritik af instituttets udmeldinger om tang i det seneste nummer af Aktuel Naturvidenskab.......Befolkningen bør kende både mulige positive og negative effekter af fødevarer, før de spiser dem. Det mener Jørgen Schlundt, DTU Fødevareinstituttet, med henvisning til Ole G. Mouritsens kritik af instituttets udmeldinger om tang i det seneste nummer af Aktuel Naturvidenskab....

  15. TwiMed: Twitter and PubMed Comparable Corpus of Drugs, Diseases, Symptoms, and Their Relations. (United States)

    Alvaro, Nestor; Miyao, Yusuke; Collier, Nigel


    Work on pharmacovigilance systems using texts from PubMed and Twitter typically target at different elements and use different annotation guidelines resulting in a scenario where there is no comparable set of documents from both Twitter and PubMed annotated in the same manner. This study aimed to provide a comparable corpus of texts from PubMed and Twitter that can be used to study drug reports from these two sources of information, allowing researchers in the area of pharmacovigilance using natural language processing (NLP) to perform experiments to better understand the similarities and differences between drug reports in Twitter and PubMed. We produced a corpus comprising 1000 tweets and 1000 PubMed sentences selected using the same strategy and annotated at entity level by the same experts (pharmacists) using the same set of guidelines. The resulting corpus, annotated by two pharmacists, comprises semantically correct annotations for a set of drugs, diseases, and symptoms. This corpus contains the annotations for 3144 entities, 2749 relations, and 5003 attributes. We present a corpus that is unique in its characteristics as this is the first corpus for pharmacovigilance curated from Twitter messages and PubMed sentences using the same data selection and annotation strategies. We believe this corpus will be of particular interest for researchers willing to compare results from pharmacovigilance systems (eg, classifiers and named entity recognition systems) when using data from Twitter and from PubMed. We hope that given the comprehensive set of drug names and the annotated entities and relations, this corpus becomes a standard resource to compare results from different pharmacovigilance studies in the area of NLP. ©Nestor Alvaro, Yusuke Miyao, Nigel Collier. Originally published in JMIR Public Health and Surveillance (, 03.05.2017.

  16. Spirometry utilization among Danish adults initiating medication targeting obstructive lung disease

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Koefoed, Mette


    litteraturen, at mange af disse patienter får medicinsk behandling for deres symptomer uden yderligere undersøgelser, selvom symptomer og klinisk undersøgelse ikke med tilstrækkelig sikkerhed kan prædiktere, hvem der har astma og eller KOL. Spirometri er anbefalet som Gold Standard for at bekræfte eller...... den diagnostiske proces og at blive udsat for unødig medicinsk behandling. Litteraturen tyder på, at mange medicinbrugere ikke bliver undersøgt med spirometri og muligvis ikke har obstruktive lungelidelser. Dette kvalitetsproblem bør afdækkes, og associationer med manglende spirometri i denne gruppe...... bør klarlægges, så interventioner kan målrettes. Formål: Blandt nye brugere af obstruktiv lungemedicin var formålet at: • Afdække i hvor høj grad spirometri var udført indenfor det første år, efter at medicineringen var påbegyndt • Afdække om patientkarakteristika såsom socioøkonomisk og demografisk...

  17. Welfare Consequences of Omitting Beak Trimming in Barn Layers

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Riber, Anja Brinch; Hinrichsen, Lena Karina


    Beak trimming is used worldwide as a method of reducing the damage to feathers and skin caused by injurious pecking in laying hens. However, beak trimming also causes some welfare issues as trimming the beak results in pain and sensory loss. Due to this dilemma, there is an ongoing discussion...... in several European countries about whether to ban beak trimming. In this study, we investigated the welfare consequences of keeping layers with intact beaks and examined for links between injurious pecking damage and keel bone damage on an individual level. A study was conducted on 10 commercial farms...... housing laying hens in the barn system. Each farm participated with a flock of beak-trimmed hens (T) and a flock of non-trimmed (NT) hens that were visited around 32 and 62 weeks of age. During visits, the condition of plumage, skin, feet, and keel bone of 100 hens was assessed. Mortality was recorded...

  18. Two-fold Mellin-Barnes transforms of Usyukina-Davydychev functions

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kniehl, Bernd [Hamburg Univ. (Germany). 2. Inst. fuer Theoretische Physik; Kondrashuk, Igor [Univ. del Bio Bio, Chillan (Chile). Dept. de Ciencias Basicas; Bielefeld Univ. (Germany). Fakultaet fuer Physik; Notte-Cuello, Eduardo A. [Univ. de La Serena (Chile). Dept. de Matematicas; Parra-Ferrada, Ivan [Univ. del Bio Bio, Chillan (Chile). Facultad de Educacion y Humanidades; Rojas-Medar, Marko [Univ. del Bio Bio, Chillan (Chile). Dept. de Ciencias Basicas


    In our previous paper (Nucl.Phys.B 870 (2013) 243) we showed that multi-fold Mellin-Barnes (MB) transforms of the Usyukina-Davydychev (UD) functions may be reduced to two-fold MB transforms. The MB transforms were written there as polynomials of logarithms of ratios of squares of the external momenta with certain coefficients. We also showed that these coefficients have a combinatoric origin. In this paper we present an explicit formula for these coefficients. The procedure of recovering the coefficients is based on taking the double uni-form limit in certain series of smooth functions of two variables which is constructed according to a pre-determined iterative way. The result is obtained by using basic methods of mathematical analysis. We observe that the finiteness of the limit of this iterative chain of smooth functions should reflect itself in other mathematical constructions, too, since it is not related in any way to the explicit form of the MB transforms.

  19. Two-fold Mellin-Barnes transforms of Usyukina-Davydychev functions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kniehl, Bernd; Kondrashuk, Igor; Bielefeld Univ.; Notte-Cuello, Eduardo A.; Parra-Ferrada, Ivan; Rojas-Medar, Marko


    In our previous paper (Nucl.Phys.B 870 (2013) 243) we showed that multi-fold Mellin-Barnes (MB) transforms of the Usyukina-Davydychev (UD) functions may be reduced to two-fold MB transforms. The MB transforms were written there as polynomials of logarithms of ratios of squares of the external momenta with certain coefficients. We also showed that these coefficients have a combinatoric origin. In this paper we present an explicit formula for these coefficients. The procedure of recovering the coefficients is based on taking the double uni-form limit in certain series of smooth functions of two variables which is constructed according to a pre-determined iterative way. The result is obtained by using basic methods of mathematical analysis. We observe that the finiteness of the limit of this iterative chain of smooth functions should reflect itself in other mathematical constructions, too, since it is not related in any way to the explicit form of the MB transforms.

  20. Modern embalming, circulation of fluids, and the voyage through the human arterial system: Carl L. Barnes and the culture of immortality in America. (United States)

    Podgorny, Irina


    By considering the work of American embalmer, lawyer, and physician Carl Lewis Barnes (1872-1927), this paper analyzes the emergence of modern embalming in America. Barnes experimented with and exhibited the techniques by which embalming fluids travelled into the most remote cavities of the human body. In this sense, modem embalmers based their skills and methods on experimental medicine, turning the anatomy of blood vessels, physiology of circulation, and composition of blood into a circuit that allowed embalming fluids to move throughout the corpse. Embalmers in the late 19th century took ownership of the laws of hydrodynamics and the physiology of blood circulation to market their fluids and equipment, thus playing the role of physiologists of death, performing and demonstrating physiological experiments with dead bodies.

  1. Sambandet mellan Theory of Mind, språkliga förmågor och exekutiva funktioner hos barn i treårsåldern


    Nilsson, Anna; Sirén, Ellen


    Barns fem första levnadsår präglas av en omfattande utveckling av språkliga förmågor och exekutiva funktioner, vilka är färdigheter som visat sig ha en stor påverkan på hur barn utvecklar förståelse för sina egna och andras tankar, det vill säga deras Theory of Mind. En central aspekt inom forskning har varit att undersöka hur förmågorna samvarierar vid olika åldrar. Syftet i föreliggande studie var att undersöka sambandet mellan Theory of Mind, språkliga förmågor och exekutiva funktioner hos...

  2. The effect of moisture content on solid-state anaerobic digestion of dairy manure from a sawdust-bedded pack barn (United States)

    The effect of moisture content on solid-state anaerobic digestion of dairy manure from a Korean sawdust-bedded pack barn was determined using laboratory-scale digesters operated at three moisture levels (70, 76, and 83% on a wet basis) at 37 C for 85 days. Results showed that digesters containing m...

  3. PubMed Informer: Monitoring MEDLINE/PubMed through E-mail Alerts, SMS, PDA downloads and RSS feeds (United States)

    Muin, Michael; Fontelo, Paul; Ackerman, Michael


    Summary PubMed Informer is a Web-based monitoring tool for topics of interest from MEDLINE/PubMed primarily designed for healthcare professionals. Five tracking methods are available: Web access, e-mail, Short Message Service (SMS), PDA downloads and RSS feeds. PubMed Informer delivers focused search updates and specific information to users with varying information-seeking practices. PMID:16779344

  4. A marvel of precision: MedAustron

    CERN Document Server

    Anaïs Schaeffer


    MedAustron, which is currently being built in Austria, will be one of the most advanced centres for ion beam therapy and research in Europe. It is based on the same design as the Italian National Centre for Oncological Hadrontherapy (CNAO), which in turn is based on the CERN-led Proton Ion Medical Machine Study (PIMMS). MedAustron should welcome its first patient at the end of 2015.   Layout of the MedAustron accelerator complex.  With three ion-sources, a linac, a synchrotron and four irradiation rooms (see picture), MedAustron is a huge accelerator complex. Among other equipment, it comprises 300 magnets of 30 different types, all designed at CERN but produced at different sites: “We are working with five main suppliers from Europe and Russia,” explains Thomas Zickler, leader of the MedAustron magnet group. “All the magnets come to CERN to undergo a series of strict acceptance tests.” From the interfaces, to the electrical insulation, the co...

  5. The Arabidopsis mediator complex subunits MED16, MED14, and MED2 regulate mediator and RNA polymerase II recruitment to CBF-responsive cold-regulated genes. (United States)

    Hemsley, Piers A; Hurst, Charlotte H; Kaliyadasa, Ewon; Lamb, Rebecca; Knight, Marc R; De Cothi, Elizabeth A; Steele, John F; Knight, Heather


    The Mediator16 (MED16; formerly termed SENSITIVE TO FREEZING6 [SFR6]) subunit of the plant Mediator transcriptional coactivator complex regulates cold-responsive gene expression in Arabidopsis thaliana, acting downstream of the C-repeat binding factor (CBF) transcription factors to recruit the core Mediator complex to cold-regulated genes. Here, we use loss-of-function mutants to show that RNA polymerase II recruitment to CBF-responsive cold-regulated genes requires MED16, MED2, and MED14 subunits. Transcription of genes known to be regulated via CBFs binding to the C-repeat motif/drought-responsive element promoter motif requires all three Mediator subunits, as does cold acclimation-induced freezing tolerance. In addition, these three subunits are required for low temperature-induced expression of some other, but not all, cold-responsive genes, including genes that are not known targets of CBFs. Genes inducible by darkness also required MED16 but required a different combination of Mediator subunits for their expression than the genes induced by cold. Together, our data illustrate that plants control transcription of specific genes through the action of subsets of Mediator subunits; the specific combination defined by the nature of the stimulus but also by the identity of the gene induced.

  6. Mødet med det Andet

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Marchwinski, Alena


    Da Christen Købke i 1830 malte sitt bilde fra Kunstakademiets avstøpningssamling på Charlottenborg, skildret han en situasjon som vordende danske kunstnere hadde vært fortrolige med i flere generasjoner: en ung mann betrakter en avstøpning av en antikk skulptur. Med utgangspunkt i kombinasjonen a...

  7. Et felteksperiment med Kærlighed i Kaos

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Christensen, Christiane Præstgaard; Scavenius Sonne-Schmidt, Christoffer

    Som et nyt tilbud til danske forældre med børn med ADHD og ADHD-lignende vanskeligheder har ADHDforeningen udviklet forældretræningsprogrammet Kærlighed i Kaos, hvor frivillige hjælper forældre til børn med ADHD, der står med et særligt vanskeligt opdragelsesarbejde. Denne rapport har til formål......, når forældrene stiller krav til børnene. Resultaterne i denne rapport har interesse for fagpersoner, behandlere, undervisere, beslutningstagere, frivillige organisationer, foreninger og de mange nuværende og kommende familier, som dagligt kæmper med adfærdsvanskeligheder – såsom ADHD. Effektmålingen...

  8. Redefining the MED13L syndrome


    Adegbola, Abidemi; Musante, Luciana; Callewaert, Bert; Maciel, Patricia; Hu, Hao; Isidor, Bertrand; Picker-Minh, Sylvie; Le Caignec, Cedric; Delle Chiaie, Barbara; Vanakker, Olivier; Menten, Björn; Dheedene, Annelies; Bockaert, Nele; Roelens, Filip; Decaestecker, Karin


    Congenital cardiac and neurodevelopmental deficits have been recently linked to the mediator complex subunit 13-like protein MED13L, a subunit of the CDK8-associated mediator complex that functions in transcriptional regulation through DNA-binding transcription factors and RNA polymerase II. Heterozygous MED13L variants cause transposition of the great arteries and intellectual disability (ID). Here, we report eight patients with predominantly novel MED13L variants who lack such complex conge...

  9. Med det sociale som designmateriale

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Brandt, Eva; Binder, Thomas


    Samarbejde, samskabelse og social nysgerrighed er i dag en præmis for den nyskabende designer. Det sociale er det nye designmateriale som unge designere giver sig i kast med når f.eks. Emmy Linde samarbejder med plejehjemsbeboere, deres pårørende, plejepersonale og fysioterapeuter for at designe ...

  10. Pedagogiske lederes erfaringer med og forebygging av begynnende mobbeatferd i barnehagen.


    Alfsvåg, Anna


    Master's thesis in Special education Studiens tema er barns begynnende mobbeatferd, og hvordan dette erfares og forebygges av fire pedagogiske ledere i barnehager. Teoretiske perspektiver som belyser temaets perspektiver og kompleksitet er begrepene vold eller mobbing (Isdal, Andreassen & Thilesen, 2003), mobbing i barnehagen (Falck, 2013 og Størksen, 2013), aggresjonsperspektivet (Roland, 2011 og Olweus, 1993), ulike tiltak som kan iverksettes som tidlig innsats (Tremblay, 2010), verdien ...

  11. Properties of Aircraft Fuels and Related Materials (United States)


    FBP) 276 529 TABLE 30. HYDROCARBON TYPE ANALYSES Weight Percent 84-POSF-1949 ASTMa Monsantob Paraffins 3.3 0 Monocycloparaffirs 0 - Dicycloparaffins...1405 83-POSF-1406 ASTMa Monsantob ASTM Monsanto Paraffins 69.5 53.9 =. 48.3 Monocycloparaffins 12.5 - 39.4 - Dicycloparaffins 0 . 4 d - 1 .3 d - Total

  12. Human melioidosis reported by ProMED

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Katherinn Melissa Nasner-Posso


    Conclusions: Internet-based reporting systems such as ProMED are useful to gather information and synthesize knowledge on emerging infections. Although certain areas need to be improved, ProMED provided good information about melioidosis.

  13. Musikalsk leg med formgivning, timing og vitalitetsformer

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Holck, Ulla


    Ifølge de Udviklingsorienterede Social-Pragmatiske Interventionsformer til børn med Autisme Spektrum Forstyrrelse er en legende indfaldsvinkel, hvor man følger barnets lead, den mest effektive til at engagere yngre børn med autisme eller børn med svær autisme i et gensidigt samspil. Artiklen...

  14. Med-E-Tel

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library

    Lievens, Frank; Jordanova, Malina


    .... The Med-e-Tel 2006 conference program covered over 130 presentations on topics such as homecare and health management, healthcare challenges, tele-education, eHealth in developing countries, telecardiology...

  15. Med-E-Tel

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library

    Lievens, Frank; Jordanova, Malina


    ..., and more. The Med-e-Tel 2006 exhibition showcased products and technologies in the areas of medication compliance, home telehealth and vital sign monitoring, clinical software, electronic medical records...

  16. At lede med latter

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Møller, Mette


    "Det sagde hun også i går!" Platte vitser, der lægger op til den karakteristiske 'bodom-tchi'-trommelyd, behøver ikke være lederens eneste forsøg på at udvise humoristisk sans på talerstolen. For humor kan være meget andet og gøre meget mere for lederen end at score billige point med en spontan s...... spøg. Humor kan skabe klarhed over en pointe, skabe lederens image og skabe sammenhold i organisationen. Uden trommelyd, men med mange andre effekter i spil....

  17. Predicting clicks of PubMed articles. (United States)

    Mao, Yuqing; Lu, Zhiyong


    Predicting the popularity or access usage of an article has the potential to improve the quality of PubMed searches. We can model the click trend of each article as its access changes over time by mining the PubMed query logs, which contain the previous access history for all articles. In this article, we examine the access patterns produced by PubMed users in two years (July 2009 to July 2011). We explore the time series of accesses for each article in the query logs, model the trends with regression approaches, and subsequently use the models for prediction. We show that the click trends of PubMed articles are best fitted with a log-normal regression model. This model allows the number of accesses an article receives and the time since it first becomes available in PubMed to be related via quadratic and logistic functions, with the model parameters to be estimated via maximum likelihood. Our experiments predicting the number of accesses for an article based on its past usage demonstrate that the mean absolute error and mean absolute percentage error of our model are 4.0% and 8.1% lower than the power-law regression model, respectively. The log-normal distribution is also shown to perform significantly better than a previous prediction method based on a human memory theory in cognitive science. This work warrants further investigation on the utility of such a log-normal regression approach towards improving information access in PubMed.

  18. Solution to Bethe-Salpeter equation via Mellin-Barnes transform

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Allendes, Pedro; Kniehl, Bernd; Kondrashuk, Igor; Rojas Medar, Marko; Notte Cuello, Eduardo A.


    We consider Mellin-Barnes transform of triangle ladder-like scalar diagram in d=4 dimensions. It is shown how multi-fold MB transform of the momentum integral corresponding to any number of rungs is reduced to two-fold MB transform. For this purpose we use Belokurov-Usyukina reduction method for four-dimensional scalar integrals in the position space. The result is represented in terms of Euler ψ-function and its derivatives. We derive new formulas for MB two-fold integration in the complex planes of two complex variables. We demonstrate that these formulas solve Bethe-Salpeter equation. We comment on further applications of solution to Bethe-Salpeter equation for vertices in N=4 supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory. We show that the recursive property of MB transforms observed in the present work for that kind of diagrams has nothing to do with quantum field theory, theory of integral transforms, or with theory of polylogarithms in general, but has an origin in a simple recursive property for smooth functions which can be shown by using basic methods of mathematical analysis.

  19. Solution to Bethe-Salpeter equation via Mellin-Barnes transform

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Allendes, Pedro [Concepcion Univ. (Chile). Dept. de Fisica; Kniehl, Bernd [Hamburg Univ. (Germany). 2. Inst. fuer Theoretische Physik; Kondrashuk, Igor; Rojas Medar, Marko [Univ. del Bio-Bio, Chillan (Chile). Dept. de Ciencias Basicas; Notte Cuello, Eduardo A. [Univ. de La Serena (Chile). Facultad de Ciencias


    We consider Mellin-Barnes transform of triangle ladder-like scalar diagram in d=4 dimensions. It is shown how multi-fold MB transform of the momentum integral corresponding to any number of rungs is reduced to two-fold MB transform. For this purpose we use Belokurov-Usyukina reduction method for four-dimensional scalar integrals in the position space. The result is represented in terms of Euler {psi}-function and its derivatives. We derive new formulas for MB two-fold integration in the complex planes of two complex variables. We demonstrate that these formulas solve Bethe-Salpeter equation. We comment on further applications of solution to Bethe-Salpeter equation for vertices in N=4 supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory. We show that the recursive property of MB transforms observed in the present work for that kind of diagrams has nothing to do with quantum field theory, theory of integral transforms, or with theory of polylogarithms in general, but has an origin in a simple recursive property for smooth functions which can be shown by using basic methods of mathematical analysis.

  20. Det sunde, overvægtige barn

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    From, Ditte-Marie


    Kommunale sundhedskurser for overvægtige børn har til formål at knække fedmekurver, men risikerer med deres fokus på mangler i stedet for at knække selvværd, når de sundhedspædagogiske metoder møder det levede hverdagsliv. Korrekt kost og forøget motion er det biomedicinske svar på en sund og sla...

  1. Measurement of heat stress conditions at cow level and comparison to climate conditions at stationary locations inside a dairy barn. (United States)

    Schüller, Laura K; Heuwieser, Wolfgang


    The objectives of this study were to examine heat stress conditions at cow level and to investigate the relationship to the climate conditions at 5 different stationary locations inside a dairy barn. In addition, we compared the climate conditions at cow level between primiparous and multiparous cows for a period of 1 week after regrouping. The temperature-humidity index (THI) differed significantly between all stationary loggers. The lowest THI was measured at the window logger in the experimental stall and the highest THI was measured at the central logger in the experimental stall. The THI at the mobile cow loggers was 2·33 THI points higher than at the stationary loggers. Furthermore, the mean daily THI was higher at the mobile cow loggers than at the stationary loggers on all experimental days. The THI in the experimental pen was 0·44 THI points lower when the experimental cow group was located inside the milking parlour. The THI measured at the mobile cow loggers was 1·63 THI points higher when the experimental cow group was located inside the milking parlour. However, there was no significant difference for all climate variables between primiparous and multiparous cows. These results indicate, there is a wide range of climate conditions inside a dairy barn and especially areas with a great distance to a fresh air supply have an increased risk for the occurrence of heat stress conditions. Furthermore, the heat stress conditions are even higher at cow level and cows not only influence their climatic environment, but also generate microclimates within different locations inside the barn. Therefore climate conditions should be obtained at cow level to evaluate the heat stress conditions that dairy cows are actually exposed to.

  2. Akupunktur til patienten med kvalme og opkastning i forbindelse med kemoterapi - er der evidens for dette?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Pedersen, Birgith; Sørensen, Lene Bundgaard; Stricker, Lisbeth


      Patienter, der får kemoterapi med højemetogene stoffer lider stadig af kvalme og opkastning trods understøttende behandling med moderne antieemtika som 5HT3-antagonister eksempelvis ondansetron. Akupunkturstimulation anvendes for flere lidelser i sundhedsvæsenet og det undersøges om der er evid...

  3. Technical development of PubMed Interact: an improved interface for MEDLINE/PubMed searches


    Muin, Michael; Fontelo, Paul


    Abstract Background The project aims to create an alternative search interface for MEDLINE/PubMed that may provide assistance to the novice user and added convenience to the advanced user. An earlier version of the project was the 'Slider Interface for MEDLINE/PubMed searches' (SLIM) which provided JavaScript slider bars to control search parameters. In this new version, recent developments in Web-based technologies were implemented. These changes may prove to be even more valuable in enhanci...

  4. Grateful Med: getting started. (United States)

    Shearer, B; McCann, L; Crump, W J


    When a local medical library is not available, it is often necessary for physicians to discover alternate ways to receive medical information. Rural physicians, particularly, can make use of a computer program called Grateful Med that provides access to the same literature available to physicians in large cities. This program permits the user to perform database searches on the National Library of Medicine database (MEDLINE), corresponding to the primary index to medical literature, Index Medicus. In this article, we give the procedure for procuring a National Library of Medicine password and for making efficient use of the Grateful Med program.

  5. Human melioidosis reported by ProMED. (United States)

    Nasner-Posso, Katherinn Melissa; Cruz-Calderón, Stefania; Montúfar-Andrade, Franco E; Dance, David A B; Rodriguez-Morales, Alfonso J


    There are limited sources describing the global burden of emerging diseases. A review of human melioidosis reported by ProMED was performed and the reliability of the data retrieved assessed in comparison to published reports. The effectiveness of ProMED was evaluated as a source of epidemiological data by focusing on melioidosis. Using the keyword 'melioidosis' in the ProMED search engine, all of the information from the reports and collected data was reviewed using a structured form, including the year, country, gender, occupation, number of infected individuals, and number of fatal cases. One hundred and twenty-four entries reported between January 1995 and October 2014 were identified. A total of 4630 cases were reported, with death reported in 505 cases, suggesting a misleadingly low overall case fatality rate (CFR) of 11%. Of 20 cases for which the gender was reported, 12 (60%) were male. Most of the cases were reported from Australia, Thailand, Singapore, Vietnam, and Malaysia, with sporadic reports from other countries. Internet-based reporting systems such as ProMED are useful to gather information and synthesize knowledge on emerging infections. Although certain areas need to be improved, ProMED provided good information about melioidosis. Copyright © 2015 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.. All rights reserved.

  6. MED-SUV Data Life Cycle (United States)

    Sangianantoni, Agata; Puglisi, Giuseppe; Spampinato, Letizia; Tulino, Sabrina


    The MED-SUV project aims to implement a digital e-infrastructure for data access in order to promote the monitoring and study of key volcanic regions prone to volcanic hazards, and thus improve hazard assessment, according to the rationale of Supersite GEO initiative to Vesuvius- Campi Flegrei and Mt Etna, currently identified as Permanent Supersites. The present study focuses on the life cycle of MED-SUV data generated in the first period of the project and highlights the managing approach, as well as the crucial steps to be implemented for ensuring that data will be properly and ethically managed and can be used and accessed from both MED-SUV and the external community. The process is conceived outlining how research data being handled as the project progresses, describing what data are collected, processed or generated and how these data are going to be shared and made available through Open Access. Data cycle begins with their generation and ends with the deposit in the digital infrastructure, its key series of stages through which MED-SUV data passes are Collection, Data citation, Categorization of data, Approval procedure, Registration of datasets, Application of licensing models, and PID assignment. This involves a combination of procedures and practices taking into account the scientific core mission and the priorities of the project as well as the potential legal issues related to the management and protection of the Intellectual Property. We believe that the implementation of this process constitutes a significant encouragement in MED-SUV data sharing and as a consequence a better understanding on the volcanic processes, hazard assessment and a better integration with other Supersites projects.

  7. Differential contribution of demographic rate synchrony to population synchrony in barn swallows. (United States)

    Schaub, Michael; von Hirschheydt, Johann; Grüebler, Martin U


    Populations of many species show temporally synchronous dynamics over some range, mostly caused by spatial autocorrelation of the environment that affects demographic rates. Synchronous fluctuation of a demographic rate is a necessary, but not sufficient condition for population synchrony because population growth is differentially sensitive to variation in demographic rates. Little is known about the relative effects of demographic rates to population synchrony, because it is rare that all demographic rates from several populations are known. We develop a hierarchical integrated population model with which all relevant demographic rates from all study populations can be estimated and apply it to demographic data of barn swallows Hirundo rustica from nine sites that were between 19 and 224 km apart from each other. We decompose the variation of the population growth and of the demographic rates (apparent survival, components of productivity, immigration) into global and local temporal components using random effects which allowed the estimation of synchrony of these rates. The barn swallow populations fluctuated synchronously, but less so than most demographic rates. The highest synchrony showed the probability of double brooding, while fledging success was highly asynchronous. Apparent survival, immigration and total productivity achieved intermediate levels of synchrony. The growth of all populations was most sensitive to changes in immigration and adult apparent survival, and both of them contributed to the observed temporal variation of population growth rates. Using a simulation model, we show that immigration and apparent survival of juveniles and adults were able to induce population synchrony, but not components of local productivity due to their low population growth rate sensitivity. Immigrants are mostly first-time breeders, and consequently, their number depends on the productivity of neighbouring populations. Since total productivity was synchronized

  8. The Arabidopsis Mediator Complex Subunits MED16, MED14, and MED2 Regulate Mediator and RNA Polymerase II Recruitment to CBF-Responsive Cold-Regulated Genes[C][W][OPEN (United States)

    Hemsley, Piers A.; Hurst, Charlotte H.; Kaliyadasa, Ewon; Lamb, Rebecca; Knight, Marc R.; De Cothi, Elizabeth A.; Steele, John F.; Knight, Heather


    The Mediator16 (MED16; formerly termed SENSITIVE TO FREEZING6 [SFR6]) subunit of the plant Mediator transcriptional coactivator complex regulates cold-responsive gene expression in Arabidopsis thaliana, acting downstream of the C-repeat binding factor (CBF) transcription factors to recruit the core Mediator complex to cold-regulated genes. Here, we use loss-of-function mutants to show that RNA polymerase II recruitment to CBF-responsive cold-regulated genes requires MED16, MED2, and MED14 subunits. Transcription of genes known to be regulated via CBFs binding to the C-repeat motif/drought-responsive element promoter motif requires all three Mediator subunits, as does cold acclimation–induced freezing tolerance. In addition, these three subunits are required for low temperature–induced expression of some other, but not all, cold-responsive genes, including genes that are not known targets of CBFs. Genes inducible by darkness also required MED16 but required a different combination of Mediator subunits for their expression than the genes induced by cold. Together, our data illustrate that plants control transcription of specific genes through the action of subsets of Mediator subunits; the specific combination defined by the nature of the stimulus but also by the identity of the gene induced. PMID:24415770

  9. Ekstrakorporal membranoxygenering af et barn med svær kemisk pneumoni

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bille, Anders Bastholm; Pedersen, Karen Damgaard; Hertel, Steen


    This case presents a thirteen months old child with severe acute respiratory distress syndrome after ingestion of lamp oil (hydrocarbon). Mechanical ventilation including high-frequency oscillation could not stabilise the course, and the child developed pneumothorax and emphysema. Treatment...... was changed to veno-arterial extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) on the third day. After nine days of ECMO and further two days of conventional ventilatory treatment he was extubated, and four months later the child presented with normal X-ray of the lungs and without any signs of disease....

  10. Ekstrakorporal membranoxygenering af et barn med svær kemisk pneumoni

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bille, Anders Bastholm; Pedersen, Karen Damgaard; Hertel, Steen


    This case presents a thirteen months old child with severe acute respiratory distress syndrome after ingestion of lamp oil (hydrocarbon). Mechanical ventilation including high-frequency oscillation could not stabilise the course, and the child developed pneumothorax and emphysema. Treatment...

  11. Citalopram indtaget under graviditet og barn født med Mb

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nielsen, Sebastian Werngreen; Qvist, Niels


    of SSRI usage. Epidemiological studies confirm a correlation between pregnant women’s use of SSRIs and congenital malformations of their children’s digestive system, but not specifically Hirschsprung’s disease. Certain limitations in these studies might explain this lack of specificity....

  12. Dödsfallsutredningar : med oklar bakgrund och avsikt hos barn och ungdomar


    Sandrehav, Jenny; Björkehed, Johan


    Violence against children and particularly the “Bobby Case” in spring 2006 initiated an unprecedented debate in the Swedish media about child maltreatment and child murder. There are however some children whose death causes never will be solved, and some of these cases are erroneously classified as something else. The present survey is commissioned by the Swedish Rescue Services Agency and the Swedish Centre for Lessons Learned from Incidents & Accidents, and will serve as the basis for a...

  13. AMBRE - a mathematica package for the construction of Mellin-Barnes representations for Feynman integrals

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Gluza, J.; Kajda, K. [Silesia Univ, Katowice (Poland). Dept. of Field Theory and Particle Physics, Inst. of Phsyics; Riemann, T. [Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY), Zeuthen (Germany)


    The Mathematica toolkit AMBRE derives Mellin-Barnes (MB) representations for Feynman integrals in d=4-2{epsilon} dimensions. It may be applied for tadpoles as well as for multi-leg multi-loop scalar and tensor integrals. AMBRE uses a loop-by-loop approach and aims at lowest dimensions of the final MB representations. The present version of AMBRE works fine for planar Feynman diagrams. The output may be further processed by the package MB for the determination of its singularity structure in {epsilon}. The AMBRE package contains various sample applications for Feynman integrals with up to six external particles and up to four loops. (orig.)

  14. Multiple paternity in polyandrous barn owls (Tyto alba.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Isabelle Henry

    Full Text Available In polyandrous species females produce successive clutches with several males. Female barn owls (Tyto alba often desert their offspring and mate to produce a 2(nd annual brood with a second male. We tested whether copulating during chick rearing at the 1(st annual brood increases the male's likelihood to obtain paternity at the 2(nd annual breeding attempt of his female mate in case she deserts their brood to produce a second brood with a different male. Using molecular paternity analyses we found that 2 out of 26 (8% second annual broods of deserting females contained in total 6 extra-pair young out of 15 nestlings. These young were all sired by the male with whom the female had produced the 1(st annual brood. In contrast, none of the 49 1(st annual breeding attempts (219 offspring and of the 20 2(nd annual breeding attempts (93 offspring of non-deserting females contained extra-pair young. We suggest that female desertion can select male counter-strategies to increase paternity and hence individual fitness. Alternatively, females may copulate with the 1(st male to derive genetic benefits, since he is usually of higher quality than the 2(nd male which is commonly a yearling individual.

  15. Tandlæger og personer med en spiseforstyrrelse

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Gehrt, Charlotte Astrid; Christensen, Lisa Bøge; Klinker, Sabine


    Mødet mellem tandlæge og patient med spiseforstyrrelse Introduktion og formål: Det er velkendt, at tandlæger kan spille en rolle i forhold til tidlig identifikation af en spiseforstyrrelse. Der erimidlertid begrænset viden om, hvilke forventninger tandlæger og personer med en spiseforstyrrelse har...... til mødet med hinanden i klinikken, og hvordan dette opleves. Undersøgelsens formål var derfor at få viden om mødet mellem tandlæger og personer med en spiseforstyrrelse. Materialer og metoder: Undersøgelsen var en tværsnitsundersøgelse baseret på to spørgeskemaer udarbejdet til henholdsvis tandlæger...... og personer med en spiseforstyrrelse. I alt 1.405 tandlæger deltog, mens 260 personer med en spiseforstyrrelse besvarede spørgeskemaet. Resultater: Tandlægerne havde større selvrapporteret viden om orale komplikationer ved en spiseforstyrrelse end om spiseforstyrrelser generelt. Størstedelen af...

  16. Hvad skal vi med Etisk Råd?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ploug, Thomas; Gjerris, Mickey


    Det Etiske Råd har for os at se en væsentlig rolle at spille i et åbent og demokratisk samfund som det danske. Vi skal være med til at skabe grobund for de værdidiskussioner, som skal forme fremtidens samfund. Etik er at være i dialog – ikke at kaste med mudder.......Det Etiske Råd har for os at se en væsentlig rolle at spille i et åbent og demokratisk samfund som det danske. Vi skal være med til at skabe grobund for de værdidiskussioner, som skal forme fremtidens samfund. Etik er at være i dialog – ikke at kaste med mudder....

  17. OvidSP Medline-to-PubMed search filter translation: a methodology for extending search filter range to include PubMed's unique content. (United States)

    Damarell, Raechel A; Tieman, Jennifer J; Sladek, Ruth M


    PubMed translations of OvidSP Medline search filters offer searchers improved ease of access. They may also facilitate access to PubMed's unique content, including citations for the most recently published biomedical evidence. Retrieving this content requires a search strategy comprising natural language terms ('textwords'), rather than Medical Subject Headings (MeSH). We describe a reproducible methodology that uses a validated PubMed search filter translation to create a textword-only strategy to extend retrieval to PubMed's unique heart failure literature. We translated an OvidSP Medline heart failure search filter for PubMed and established version equivalence in terms of indexed literature retrieval. The PubMed version was then run within PubMed to identify citations retrieved by the filter's MeSH terms (Heart failure, Left ventricular dysfunction, and Cardiomyopathy). It was then rerun with the same MeSH terms restricted to searching on title and abstract fields (i.e. as 'textwords'). Citations retrieved by the MeSH search but not the textword search were isolated. Frequency analysis of their titles/abstracts identified natural language alternatives for those MeSH terms that performed less effectively as textwords. These terms were tested in combination to determine the best performing search string for reclaiming this 'lost set'. This string, restricted to searching on PubMed's unique content, was then combined with the validated PubMed translation to extend the filter's performance in this database. The PubMed heart failure filter retrieved 6829 citations. Of these, 834 (12%) failed to be retrieved when MeSH terms were converted to textwords. Frequency analysis of the 834 citations identified five high frequency natural language alternatives that could improve retrieval of this set (cardiac failure, cardiac resynchronization, left ventricular systolic dysfunction, left ventricular diastolic dysfunction, and LV dysfunction). Together these terms reclaimed

  18. Ti år med formidlingspligt

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Meyer, Gitte


    Jubilæet blev markeret ved et symposium - men hvor var journalisterne, og hvor var forskerne? For få uger siden lagde TV 2 hus til et symposium om videnskab, formidling, journalistik og spin. Danske Videnskabsjournalister og Akademiet for de Tekniske Videnskaber tog med arrangementet et behjertet...... initiativ. De ville gøre status efter ti år med lovfæstet formidlingspligt på universiteterne. Samtidig lagde de op til et kritisk blik på universitetsverdenens kommunikationsafdelinger...

  19. Bygningsdele med celluloseuld og høruld

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hansen, Ernst Jan de Place


    Resume af rapport med eksempler på bygningsdele med papir- eller hørisolering, der overholder bygningsreglementerne, udarbejdet af Dansk Brandteknisk Institut under Energistyrelsens udviklingsprogram "Miljø- og arbejdsmiljøvenlig isolering"...

  20. Social indsats til borgere med erfaring fra salg af sex

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Mehlsen, Line; Amilon, Anna; Henriksen, Theresa Dyrvig


    Formålet med denne guide er at give endnu flere kommuner inspiration og vejledning til, hvordan man kan implementere og arbejde med CTI-forløb over for borgere med prostitutionserfaring. Manglende viden om borgere med prostitutionserfaringer gør det svært for kommunerne at hjælpe borgerne med de ...

  1. Specifik mutation med nålestiksoperation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Holme, Inger; Wendt, Toni; Brinch-Pedersen, Henrik


    Mutanter af byg er vigtige i forskningen og benyttes også, når der forædles nye sorter til dyrkning. Hidtil har det kun været muligt at inducere mutationer tilfældige steder i genomet. Med helt ny teknologi benyttes proteiner med betegnelsen TALENs til at inducere mutationer i helt specifikke...

  2. Med sjefen på Facebook: En studie av ledere som er "venner" med sine ansatte


    Jensen, Anita


    MR690 Masteroppgave i organisasjon og ledelse - utdanningsledelse Formålet med studien er å belyse hvordan aktiv bruk av sosiale medier, i dette tilfellet Facebook, påvirker relasjoner mellom mennesker. Hva skjer når en tar i bruk en websjanger som i utgangspunktet er umiddelbar og uformell, til jobbrelatert og mer formell kommunikasjon? Er det sjangeren eller relasjonen som endres? Søkelyset rettes mot ledere som er “venner” med sine medarbeidere, og problemstillingen er...

  3. Diabetes mellitus type 1


    Tøraasen, Lisa Vangen; Al-Sultan, Zainab


    Bacheloroppgave i sykepleie, 2014 Hvert år blir rundt 600 nordmenn diagnostisert med sykdommen diabetes type 1, og Norge er et av landene i verden med størst andel av barnediabetes. I dag er det 15 000- 20 000 personer i Norge som har diabetes type 1, og antall barn som får diabetes har fordoblet seg de siste 30 årene (Diabetesforbundet, 2014). Problemstillingen vår gikk ut på hvordan sykepleiere kan veilede og undervise ungdom med nyoppdaget diabetes type på sykehus. Ut i fra litteraturst...

  4. Diabetes mellitus type 1


    Tøraasen, Lisa Vangen; Al-Sultan, Zainab


    Hvert år blir rundt 600 nordmenn diagnostisert med sykdommen diabetes type 1, og Norge er et av landene i verden med størst andel av barnediabetes. I dag er det 15 000- 20 000 personer i Norge som har diabetes type 1, og antall barn som får diabetes har fordoblet seg de siste 30 årene (Diabetesforbundet, 2014). Problemstillingen vår gikk ut på hvordan sykepleiere kan veilede og undervise ungdom med nyoppdaget diabetes type på sykehus. Ut i fra litteraturstudiet har vi arbeidet oss frem for å ...

  5. Dokumentation og forskning

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ridder, Hanne Mette Ochsner


    Udover en liste over de nyeste specialeafhandlinger er der Nyt fra Forskerprogrammet i musikterapi, og bl.a. omtale af effekt-undersøgelser vedr. musik og autisme, immunsystemet samt astma.......Udover en liste over de nyeste specialeafhandlinger er der Nyt fra Forskerprogrammet i musikterapi, og bl.a. omtale af effekt-undersøgelser vedr. musik og autisme, immunsystemet samt astma....

  6. Geograf med GIS som ledetråd

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nielsen, Søren Zebitz


    Fra speciale om kortlægning af luft forurening med NO2 i troposfæren målt fra satellit til PhD studerende med fokus på forståelsen af menneskers bevægelsesmønstre i byer. GIS og geodata er den røde tråd der binder de brede interesser indenfor geografi en sammen for denne forskerlærling.......Fra speciale om kortlægning af luft forurening med NO2 i troposfæren målt fra satellit til PhD studerende med fokus på forståelsen af menneskers bevægelsesmønstre i byer. GIS og geodata er den røde tråd der binder de brede interesser indenfor geografi en sammen for denne forskerlærling....

  7. PubMed searches: overview and strategies for clinicians. (United States)

    Lindsey, Wesley T; Olin, Bernie R


    PubMed is a biomedical and life sciences database maintained by a division of the National Library of Medicine known as the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI). It is a large resource with more than 5600 journals indexed and greater than 22 million total citations. Searches conducted in PubMed provide references that are more specific for the intended topic compared with other popular search engines. Effective PubMed searches allow the clinician to remain current on the latest clinical trials, systematic reviews, and practice guidelines. PubMed continues to evolve by allowing users to create a customized experience through the My NCBI portal, new arrangements and options in search filters, and supporting scholarly projects through exportation of citations to reference managing software. Prepackaged search options available in the Clinical Queries feature also allow users to efficiently search for clinical literature. PubMed also provides information regarding the source journals themselves through the Journals in NCBI Databases link. This article provides an overview of the PubMed database's structure and features as well as strategies for conducting an effective search.

  8. A study on PubMed search tag usage pattern: association rule mining of a full-day PubMed query log. (United States)

    Mosa, Abu Saleh Mohammad; Yoo, Illhoi


    The practice of evidence-based medicine requires efficient biomedical literature search such as PubMed/MEDLINE. Retrieval performance relies highly on the efficient use of search field tags. The purpose of this study was to analyze PubMed log data in order to understand the usage pattern of search tags by the end user in PubMed/MEDLINE search. A PubMed query log file was obtained from the National Library of Medicine containing anonymous user identification, timestamp, and query text. Inconsistent records were removed from the dataset and the search tags were extracted from the query texts. A total of 2,917,159 queries were selected for this study issued by a total of 613,061 users. The analysis of frequent co-occurrences and usage patterns of the search tags was conducted using an association mining algorithm. The percentage of search tag usage was low (11.38% of the total queries) and only 2.95% of queries contained two or more tags. Three out of four users used no search tag and about two-third of them issued less than four queries. Among the queries containing at least one tagged search term, the average number of search tags was almost half of the number of total search terms. Navigational search tags are more frequently used than informational search tags. While no strong association was observed between informational and navigational tags, six (out of 19) informational tags and six (out of 29) navigational tags showed strong associations in PubMed searches. The low percentage of search tag usage implies that PubMed/MEDLINE users do not utilize the features of PubMed/MEDLINE widely or they are not aware of such features or solely depend on the high recall focused query translation by the PubMed's Automatic Term Mapping. The users need further education and interactive search application for effective use of the search tags in order to fulfill their biomedical information needs from PubMed/MEDLINE.

  9. Når mor/barn-relationen bliver teenager

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Gad, Ulrik Pram


    Når danske og grønlandske historier om rigsfællesskabet sammenholdes, bliver det klart, at en fortsættelse af fællesskabet har to paradoksale forudsætninger: Relationen må kunne fremstilles som en fælles proces med afvikling af fællesskabet som mål. Og relationen må kunne fremstilles som en ligev...

  10. Tests of the Aversive Summation Hypothesis in Rats: Effects of Restraint Stress on Consummatory Successive Negative Contrast and Extinction in the Barnes Maze (United States)

    Ortega, Leonardo A.; Prado-Rivera, Mayerli A.; Cardenas-Poveda, D. Carolina; McLinden, Kristina A.; Glueck, Amanda C.; Gutierrez, German; Lamprea, Marisol R.; Papini, Mauricio R.


    The present research explored the effects of restraint stress on two situations involving incentive downshift: consummatory successive negative contrast (cSNC) and extinction of escape behavior in the Barnes maze. First, Experiment 1 confirmed that the restraint stress procedure used in these experiments increased levels of circulating…

  11. Mars 2020 Entry, Descent and Landing Instrumentation (MEDLI2) (United States)

    Bose, Deepak; Wright, Henry; White, Todd; Schoenenberger, Mark; Santos, Jose; Karlgaard, Chris; Kuhl, Chris; Oishi, TOmo; Trombetta, Dominic


    This paper will introduce Mars Entry Descent and Landing Instrumentation (MEDLI2) on NASA's Mars2020 mission. Mars2020 is a flagship NASA mission with science and technology objectives to help answer questions about possibility of life on Mars as well as to demonstrate technologies for future human expedition. Mars2020 is scheduled for launch in 2020. MEDLI2 is a suite of instruments embedded in the heatshield and backshell thermal protection systems of Mars2020 entry vehicle. The objectives of MEDLI2 are to gather critical aerodynamics, aerothermodynamics and TPS performance data during EDL phase of the mission. MEDLI2 builds up the success of MEDLI flight instrumentation on Mars Science Laboratory mission in 2012. MEDLI instrumentation suite measured surface pressure and TPS temperature on the heatshield during MSL entry into Mars. MEDLI data has since been used for unprecedented reconstruction of aerodynamic drag, vehicle attitude, in-situ atmospheric density, aerothermal heating, transition to turbulence, in-depth TPS performance and TPS ablation. [1,2] In addition to validating predictive models, MEDLI data has highlighted extra margin available in the MSL forebody TPS, which can potentially be used to reduce vehicle parasitic mass. MEDLI2 expands the scope of instrumentation by focusing on quantities of interest not addressed in MEDLI suite. The type the sensors are expanded and their layout on the TPS modified to meet these new objectives. The paper will provide key motivation and governing requirements that drive the choice and the implementation of the new sensor suite. The implementation considerations of sensor selection, qualification, and demonstration of minimal risk to the host mission will be described. The additional challenges associated with mechanical accommodation, electrical impact, data storage and retrieval for MEDLI2 system, which extends sensors to backshell will also be described.

  12. Med Antony Beevor i Ardennerne

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Christensen, Claus Bundgård


    Den storsælgende amerikanske historiker Antony Beevor tager i sin gennemgang af Anden Verdenskrigs slag denne gang læserne med til de sneklædte skove i Ardennerne, hvor tyskerne iværksatte deres sidste store offensiv på Vestfronten.......Den storsælgende amerikanske historiker Antony Beevor tager i sin gennemgang af Anden Verdenskrigs slag denne gang læserne med til de sneklædte skove i Ardennerne, hvor tyskerne iværksatte deres sidste store offensiv på Vestfronten....

  13. Ud at se med Erasmus

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Frandsen, Pernille


    Få lidt luft under vingerne, kom ud at møde udenlandske kolleger og se, hvordan man også kan lave uddannelsesbibliotek. Med begejstring fortæller tre bibliotekarer om deres oplevelser i det store udland – alt sammen finansieret af Erasmus.......Få lidt luft under vingerne, kom ud at møde udenlandske kolleger og se, hvordan man også kan lave uddannelsesbibliotek. Med begejstring fortæller tre bibliotekarer om deres oplevelser i det store udland – alt sammen finansieret af Erasmus....

  14. Prey selection by the Barn Owl Tyto alba (Scopoli, 1769 in captivity

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    V. Vanitha


    Full Text Available We investigated prey selection of the Barn Owl Tyto alba under captive conditions where birds were allowed to choose among individuals of varying size from four field rodent species: Bandicota bengalensis, Millardia meltada, Tatera indica and Mus booduga. Owls showed little species preference and a tendency to favour the medium weight class in all prey species except M. booduga. Preference for body parts consumed varied according to prey size, ranging from the head alone in the large weight class to the entire body in the small weight class. Biochemical measurements showed that protein, carbohydrate and lipid levels were higher respectively in the brain, liver and muscles of all three species and weight classes studied. The preference for medium weight prey despite a lower nutrient content compared to large weight prey is attributed to a greater ease of capture.

  15. Ud med Freud, Marx og Lacan

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Clasen, Mathias


    Det er på høje tid, at humanister løsriver sig fra deres forældede teorier. Freud, Marx og Lacan skal erstattes med evolutionspsykologi, biologi og kognitionsvidenskab.......Det er på høje tid, at humanister løsriver sig fra deres forældede teorier. Freud, Marx og Lacan skal erstattes med evolutionspsykologi, biologi og kognitionsvidenskab....

  16. Til julefrokost med Bjørn & Okay

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Smith-Sivertsen, Henrik


    I denne artikel vises med udgangspunkt i en beskrivelse af et specifikt arrangement med det danske danseorkester Bjørn & Okay, hvordan man optræder inden for denne særlige musiktradition. Bjørn & Okays performative udgangspunkt er, at de, trods en status som landskendt orkester med mange hits, i ...... the audience and constantly telling them what to do. At the same time he and the other musicians actively bond with the audience, both onstage and offstage, which helps building the spirit of community, which is the clear goal of the musical performance....

  17. Mellin-Barnes regularization, Borel summation and the Bender-Wu asymptotics for the anharmonic oscillator

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kowalenko, V.; Rawlinson, A.A.


    We introduce the numerical technique of Mellin-Barnes regularization, which can be used to evaluate both convergent and divergent series. The technique is shown to be numerically equivalent to the corresponding results obtained by Borel summation. Both techniques are then applied to the Bender-Wu formula, which represents an asymptotic expansion for the energy levels of the anharmonic oscillator. We find that this formula is unable to give accurate values for the ground state energy, particularly when the coupling is greater than 0.1. As a consequence, the inability of the Bender-Wu formula to yield exact values for the energy level of the anharmonic oscillator cannot be attributed to its asymptotic nature. (authors)

  18. Independence of echo-threshold and echo-delay in the barn owl.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Brian S Nelson

    Full Text Available Despite their prevalence in nature, echoes are not perceived as events separate from the sounds arriving directly from an active source, until the echo's delay is long. We measured the head-saccades of barn owls and the responses of neurons in their auditory space-maps while presenting a long duration noise-burst and a simulated echo. Under this paradigm, there were two possible stimulus segments that could potentially signal the location of the echo. One was at the onset of the echo; the other, after the offset of the direct (leading sound, when only the echo was present. By lengthening the echo's duration, independently of its delay, spikes and saccades were evoked by the source of the echo even at delays that normally evoked saccades to only the direct source. An echo's location thus appears to be signaled by the neural response evoked after the offset of the direct sound.

  19. Selskabsloven med kommentarer

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Schaumburg-Müller, Peer; Werlauff, Erik

    Selskabsloven med kommentarer er bibelen på området for kapitalselskaber. Den er et juridisk arbejdsredskab for praktikere, rådgivere, forskere og studerende. Bogen indeholder en komplet opdatering af kommentarerne i forhold til de mange ændringer i selskabsloven siden 1.-udgaven, men bygger i øv...

  20. How Do You Keep 'Em down on the Farm after They've Seen Technology? The Stone Barns Center for Food and Agriculture (United States)

    Donlevy, Jim


    In an age dominated by technology, teachers are challenged as never before to help students understand the deep connections they share with people from earlier times and nowhere is this more dramatically revealed than in basic farm life. This article discusses the Stone Barns Center for Food and Agriculture and describes technology use that…

  1. Characterization of Prototheca zopfii Genotypes Isolated from Cases of Bovine Mastitis and Cow Barns in China. (United States)

    Shahid, Muhammad; Ali, Tariq; Zhang, Limei; Hou, Rongguang; Zhang, Shiyao; Ding, Laidi; Han, Dandan; Deng, Zhaoju; Rahman, Abdur; Han, Bo


    Protothecal mastitis, caused mostly by Prototheca zopfii (P. zopfii), is increasing in dairy herds and is being reported globally. The present study was aimed at studying the epidemiology of mastitis and at molecular characterization of P. zopfii isolates from dairy herds and their surroundings in three provinces of China using microbiological, biochemical and molecular methods, and antibiotic susceptibility tests. Samples from milk (n = 620) of mastitic cows and their barns sources (n = 410) including feces, feed, bedding materials and drinking water were analyzed. Among other pathogens recovered from mastitic milk, 84 (13.5%) of the isolates were identified as P. zopfii. All of the P. zopfii isolates recovered from milk were recognized as genotype 2, whereas 58 (73.4%) and 21 (26.6%) isolates from environmental sources were found to be P. zopfii genotypes 1 and 2, respectively. The isolates were susceptible to some antibiotics and antifungal agents, including amikacin (78.1%), streptomycin (58.5%), gentamicin (17.8%), amphotericin B (68.6%) and nystatin (64.4%). Additionally, the two genotypes displayed versatile patterns of susceptibility to different antimicrobials agents. Phylogeny of the genotypes on the basis of 18S SSU rDNA and 28S SSU rDNA was also investigated. The isolates of the two genotypes separated into different clades, and no interrelationship was observed among these as shown by phylogenetic analysis. The genotype 1 isolates from cow barn sources were non-pathogenic and may not present any risk of mastitis. We conclude that P. zopfii genotype 2 might play an important role in bovine mastitis in China.

  2. Måling af lungefunktion hos patienter indlagt med akut forvaerring af kronisk obstruktiv lungesygdom eller astma

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lange, Peter; Rasmussen, Lisbeth Kappelgaard; Said, Nihaya Mahmoud


    Acute exacerbation of COPD or asthma leads to many acute hospital admissions every year. Even though the pathogenesis of these diseases differs, in both cases the cardinal manifestation is increased airway obstruction, which can be measured using peak expiratory flow measurement (PEF......) or measurement of forced expiratory volume in one second (FEV1)....

  3. Automation med pneumatiske servodrev - status og fremtid

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sørensen, Paul Haase


    Der er råd for problemer med ulineariteter. Med de nyeste metoder kan der lineære driftsområde udvides. Men pneumatikkomponenter skal være af høj kvalitet, når positionering skal være nøjagtig....

  4. Opfattelser af integration blandt unge med migrantbaggrund

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Skytte, Marianne; Bryderup, Inge


    I artiklen formidles analyser af otte interview med unge med migrantbaggrund. Der er fokus på de unges oplevelser og opfattelser af integration. Der er tale om komplekse processer og vekselvirkninger i forholdet mellem de samfundsmæssige kategoriseringer og individernes selvopfattelser. De unge o...

  5. Personer med handicap

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Larsen, Brian; Jonassen, Anders Bruun; Høgelund, Jan

    Regeringens Arbejdsmarkedskommission kommmer medio 2009 med forslag til, hvordan den samlede arbejdsindsats varigt kan øges gennem reformer på arbejdsmarkedet. En måde det kan ske på, er ved at begrænse antallet af personer, der står uden for arbejdsmarkedet som følge af helbredsproblemer. Rappor...

  6. Juridiske overvejelser i forbindelse med Influence Operationer

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nissen, Thomas Elkjer


    Kapitel 8: Juridiske overvejelser i forbindelse med influence-operationer Af Thomas Elkjer Nissen Dette kapitel fokuserer ligesom kapitel 9 på de juridiske problemstillinger, som den teknologiske udvikling har bragt med sig til væbnede konflikter; i dette kapitel er der fokus på kommunikation....... Kapitlet ser nærmere på det moderne informationsmiljø, dets betydning i moderne konflikter og den stigende anvendelse af information som magtmiddel. Herefter rettes blikket mod de juridiske overvejelser, der er forbundet med influence-operationer, bl.a. tid og rum, chefansvar, mandat og juridisk grundlag....... Afsnittet behandler desuden bl.a. jus in bello’s grundlæggende princippers indflydelse på influence-operationer....

  7. Ukraine i fokus sammen med Georgien

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Fledelius, Karsten


    Der er god grund til at sammenligne Ukraine og Georgien, nu fokuslande for Danmark, og der er god grund til at støtte disse to eks-sovjetiske stater med i høj grad parallelle problemer.......Der er god grund til at sammenligne Ukraine og Georgien, nu fokuslande for Danmark, og der er god grund til at støtte disse to eks-sovjetiske stater med i høj grad parallelle problemer....

  8. Frukt og grønt i mat og helsefaget. En casestudie


    Kristoffersen, Mirjam


    Masteroppgave i fysisk aktivitet og kosthold i et skolemiljø Bakgrunn og hensikt: Studier viser at barn og unge har et for lavt inntak av frukt og grønt i forhold til hva som er anbefalt. Skolen er en arena hvor en kan nå mange med kunnskap om hvorfor en bør spise mer frukt og grønnsaker. Spesielt faget mat og helse kan bidra til å belyse temaet gjennom undervisningen. Hensikten med denne studien er å bidra med kunnskap om hva som blir brukt av frukt og grønnsaker og hvordan det blir benyt...

  9. Survival and reproductive rate of mites in relation to resistance of their barn swallow hosts. (United States)

    Møller, A P


    Parasite resistance may act via a number of different mechanisms that regulate or control the survival and the reproductive rate of parasites. Observations and experiments were used to test for effects of host resistance on parasite survival and rate of reproduction. Natural levels of infestation of barn swallow Hirundo rustica nests by the tropical fowl mite Ornithonyssus bursa were positively related to brood size, inversely related to the length of the outermost tail feathers of male nest owners (a secondary sexual character) and affected by time of reproduction by the host. A mite inoculation experiment, in which 50 adult mites were introduced into nests during the laying period of the host, was used to test for differential survival and reproduction of mites as a function of host resistance. The relationship between survival and reproduction of parasites, male tail length and host resistance was investigated. There was a negative relationship between mite numbers per nest after fledging of nestlings and male tail length. This relationship was mainly caused by a reduction in the number of mites in the first and second nymph stage with increasing tail length of male hosts, implying a reduction in rate of reproduction of mites. The proportion of mites that had recently fed was inversely related to tail length of male hosts. The proportion of nymph stages was positively related to the proportion of mites that had recently had a blood meal. Parasite resistance of barn swallows to the tropical fowl mite thus appeared to act through increased mortality rate of adult and nymph stages of mites, and through reduced reproductive rates of mites on resistant hosts. This is the first study demonstating a direct relationship between fitness components of a parasite and the expression of a secondary sexual character of a host.

  10. Effektivisering av arbetet med rumsbeskrivningar


    Enström, Magnus


    För att ta byggbranschen till nästa steg i utvecklingen är BIM det naturliga steget. Iteorin tycks många av lösningarna som medföljer implementationen av BIM varaenkla att förstå och skapa, i praktiken ligger dock de tekniska lösningarna långt ifrånen full implementation i branschen. I arbetet med olika typer av beskrivningar inomett byggprojekt har utvecklingen med hjälp av BIM stått still länge. Då det inte finnsnågot vedertaget sätt att utnyttja en BIM-modells information för att fylla oli...

  11. Fang CO2 med Aminosyrer

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lerche, Benedicte Mai


    Med såkaldte “carbon capture-teknikker” er det muligt at rense røgen fra kulfyrede kraftværker, således at den er næsten helt fri for drivhusgassen CO2. Kunsten er at gøre processen tilstrækkeligt billig. Et lovende fangstredskab i denne proces er aminosyrer.......Med såkaldte “carbon capture-teknikker” er det muligt at rense røgen fra kulfyrede kraftværker, således at den er næsten helt fri for drivhusgassen CO2. Kunsten er at gøre processen tilstrækkeligt billig. Et lovende fangstredskab i denne proces er aminosyrer....

  12. Mindfulness som smertehåndteringsredskab for kvinder med endometriose

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jensen, Mette Kold; Vedsted-Hansen, Hanne; Hansen, Tia G. B.


    Endometriose er en kronisk underlivssygdom med smerter og en række afledte problemer, som ikke nødvendigvis kan behandles med lægelige tiltag. Artiklen argumenterer for, at en mindfulness-baseret tilgang med fokus på smertehåndtering kan anvendes til denne klientgruppe. I vestlig terapeutisk...... sammenhæng kan mindfulness karakteriseres som nærvær, observation og beskrivelse af sansninger uden vurdering eller reaktion. Mindfulness-træning har effekt mod andre typer stress og kroniske smerter, og artiklen opridser et koncept til anvendelse ved endometriose. Konceptet belyses med en case, hvor...

  13. Morphological and molecular genetic analysis of Synhimantus (Synhimantus laticeps (Rudolphi, 1819 (Nematoda, Acuariidae from the barn owl (Tyto alba and the common kestrel (Falco tinnunculus in Austria

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ebmer D.


    Full Text Available In the framework of the biodiversity initiative and barcoding project “Austrian Barcode of Life” (ABOL post mortem examinations of the gastro-intestinal tracts of different species of wild birds were carried out and several adult helminths were retrieved. In the gizzard of two barn owls (Tyto alba and one common kestrel (Falco tinnuculus acuariid nematodes belonging to the species Synhimantus (Synhimantus laticeps (Rudolphi, 1819 were discovered. This report illustrates the identification of this parasitic nematode by morphometric comparison and scanning electron microscopic photographs. Furthermore, genetic identification of individual parasites based on a fragment of the mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI gene and the nuclear 18S ribosomal RNA gene was carried out. This report constitutes the first COI-based DNA barcoding of S. (S. laticeps and its first record in the barn owl (Tyto alba in Austria.

  14. Frihet & struktur : en kvalitativ studie av skolelivskvalitet hos ungdom med Tourette syndrom


    Siverts, Torstein


    Sammendrag. Tittel: Skolelivskvalitet hos ungdom med Tourette Syndrom Med bakgrunn i egen erfaring fra arbeid med elever med Tourette Syndrom i grunnskolen, og i studier i spesialpedagogisk teori og empiri, etterstrebes det i denne studien å utvikle økt forståelse for hva slags erfaringer fra og perspektiver på sitt skoleliv elever med denne funksjonshemmende lidelsen har. Med grunnlag i analyser av intervjuer med elever om deres erfaringer og perspektiver, har jeg prøvd å b...

  15. Muscular Arrangement and Muscle Attachment Sites in the Cervical Region of the American Barn Owl (Tyto furcata pratincola.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mark L L M Boumans

    Full Text Available Owls have the largest head rotation capability amongst vertebrates. Anatomical knowledge of the cervical region is needed to understand the mechanics of these extreme head movements. While data on the morphology of the cervical vertebrae of the barn owl have been provided, this study is aimed to provide an extensive description of the muscle arrangement and the attachment sites of the muscles on the owl's head-neck region. The major cervical muscles were identified by gross dissection of cadavers of the American barn owl (Tyto furcata pratincola, and their origin, courses, and insertion were traced. In the head-neck region nine superficial larger cervical muscles of the craniocervical, dorsal and ventral subsystems were selected for analysis, and the muscle attachment sites were illustrated in digital models of the skull and cervical vertebrae of the same species as well as visualised in a two-dimensional sketch. In addition, fibre orientation and lengths of the muscles and the nature (fleshy or tendinous of the attachment sites were determined. Myological data from this study were combined with osteological data of the same species. This improved the anatomical description of the cervical region of this species. The myological description provided in this study is to our best knowledge the most detailed documentation of the cervical muscles in a strigiform species presented so far. Our results show useful information for researchers in the field of functional anatomy, biomechanical modelling and for evolutionary and comparative studies.

  16. Spilleregler i musikterapi med børn

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Holck, Ulla


    Artiklen gennemgår udvalgte eksempler på anvendelse af spilleregler i musikterapi med børneklientgrupper. Efter en kort introduktion af Priestleys syn på analytisk musikterapi med børn, præsenteres læseren således for en række caseeksempler fra faglitteraturen, der giver indblik i udformning og a...

  17. Forsøg med Hi-Con altanelement

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hansen, Lars Pilegaard

    Denne rapport beskriver forsøg udført på Laboratoriet for Bærende Konstruktioner, Aalborg Universitet med et altanelement leveret af Hi-Con Aps, Hjallerup. Forsøgene er udført i september 2002. Forsøgene omfatter en statisk prøvning, hvor altanelementet blev belastet med sandsække og nedbøjningerne...

  18. Rutsjende dug - breddeopgave 73 med didaktisk kommentar

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jensen, Jens Højgaard


    Mit formål med artikelserien om breddeopgaver er - udover at gøre opmærksom på RUCs fysikuddannelse - dobbelt: Dels udvælger jeg opgaverne, så de kan have interesse som fysikproblemer i egen ret. Dels udvælger jeg dem med henblik på at kunne knytte didaktiske overvejelser til dem af interesse for...

  19. Digital kommunikation med den offentlige sektor

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Berger, Jesper Bull; Andersen, Kim Normann

    til. I denne undersøgelse sættes der fokus på myndighedernes besvarelse af den digitale post. Digital post blev bl.a. etableret som et alternativ til almindelig e-mail for at det offentlige kan kommunikere med borgere og virksomheder på en sikker måde, dvs. uden at uvedkommende kan få adgang til...... følsomme oplysninger. Fokus for undersøgelsen er hvordan håndterer myndighederne besvarelserne i den digitale postkasse: svarer de på digital post og e-mail, hvor hurtigt svarer de og er svarene brugbare? Undersøgelsen medtager myndighedernes besvarelse af digital post og e-mail, dels for at kunne...... sammenligne de to digitale kanaler og for at kunne sammenligne med en tidligere undersøgelse af digital kommunikation med det offentlige. Herudover er der tidligere gennemført en undersøgelse af e-mail svar og svartider i New Zealand og Australien. De danske resultater fra e-mail undersøgelsen, men ikke...

  20. Population and colony-level determinants of tertiary sex ratio in the declining barn swallow.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Nicola Saino

    Full Text Available Sex ratio of adults (tertiary sex ratio, TSR is a major feature of animal populations with consequences for their behaviour, genetic structure and viability. Spatial and temporal variation in TSR occurs within species but the mechanisms behind it are poorly understood. In this long-term study of a declining population of a socially monogamous, colonial, migratory bird, the barn swallow (Hirundo rustica, we first analyzed population-level variation in TSR ( =  proportion of males of yearlings at sexual maturation in relation to ecological conditions as gauged by annual survival rate of adults. TSR was male-biased both among yearlings and older individuals, but male bias of yearlings was more pronounced after years with larger decline in adult survival. Thus, male offspring were less susceptible to the adverse ecological conditions that cause increased mortality. Dispersal and settling site decisions can have major consequences on fitness via the effects of local TSR on mating and sperm competition. Breeding barn swallows are highly philopatric while natal dispersal is high and, together with mortality, is the main determinant of colony TSR. We thus also investigated the mechanisms of breeding colony choice by yearlings and found that TSR of new-settlers in a given colony and year was negatively predicted by TSR of returning, early arriving older individuals in that year, but not by overall TSR at the colony in the previous year. This suggests that in our male-biased population new-settler males respond to local TSR upon arrival to choose the sites with larger breeding opportunities. Hence, variation in ecological conditions as reflected by adult survival can shift the TSR of individuals recruiting into a local population, with potentially various demographic consequences. However, breeding site choice based on TSR tends to homogenize TSR at a population level likely by facilitating settling of dispersing males in colonies with less male

  1. Fra rocker til akademiker

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Mørck, Line Lerche; Hansen, Peter


    ) at finde et trygt hjem til hans kone og kommende barn og 2) bevæge sig i retning af at blive mere akademiker. Artiklen analyserer, hvordan han sammen med andre formår at overleve og delvist overskride dobbeltheder, dilemmaer og helt umulige doublebind-situationer, som han gennemgår undervejs i exit......-forløbet. Artiklen afrundes med en diskussion af, hvad der er betydningsfuldt, når vi samfundsmæssigt skal skabe bedre og mere meningsfulde bande-exit-processer....

  2. Mellem nyliberalisme og terror - Interview med Chantal Mouffe

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hansen, Allan Dreyer; Sonnichsen, André


    Interview med Chantal Mouffe om Hegemony and Socalist Strategy, modstandere og fjender en ny multipolær verdensorden og demokrati......Interview med Chantal Mouffe om Hegemony and Socalist Strategy, modstandere og fjender en ny multipolær verdensorden og demokrati...

  3. Effektelektronik - teknologi med energibesparelser og forbedret performance

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Blaabjerg, Frede


    Lige siden transistoren blev opfundet, har det altid været ønskeligt at kunne anvende en sådan til at styre store strømme/spændinger i elektriske systemer. Det er teknologisk også sket, først med tyristorer til styring af store effekter, men siden hen også med den bipolare transistor MOSFET, samt...

  4. Citalopram indtaget under graviditet og barn født med mb. Hirschsprung

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nielsen, Sebastian Werngreen; Qvist, Niels


    A woman treated with citalopram during the entirety of her pregnancy bore a child with Hirschsprung's disease. Theories on the development of the enteric nervous system support a possible negative effect of SSRI usage. Epidemiological studies confirm a correlation between pregnant women's use...... of SSRIs and congenital malformations of their children's digestive system, but not specifically Hirschsprung's disease. Certain limitations in these studies might explain this lack of specificity....

  5. Faktorer som påverkar livskvaliten hos barn med typ 1 diabetes


    Chibli, Marjam


    Background: type 1 diabetes has been increasing among children. New methods for treatment like insulin pump, continuous blood glucose monitor and Insuflon has been used to reduce pain. Quantitative research demonstrated lower quality of life among children with type 1 diabetes in comparison with healthy children. Objective: to describe factors that affect the quality of life among children with type 1 diabetes. Method: A literature review based on 15 qualitative research. Result: ...

  6. Ny viden begynder med forhindringer

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Johansen, Martin Blok


    Pædagogik og pædagogisk arbejde diskuteres typisk inden for rammerne af det at hjælpe, støtte, simplificere og kompleksitetsreducere. Hvis man ønsker at vide noget om forhindringer, modstand og vanskeligheder som pædagogiske muligheder, så er udbuddet derimod forsvindende småt. Og når sådanne...... begreber endelig tages op, så benævnes de typisk blot, men bliver sjældent defineret. Hvad menes der med modstand, vanskeligheder eller kompleksitet? Med afsæt i en kort gennemgang af eksisterende forskning på området forsøger denne artikel at give et bud på en mulig definition af begrebet forhindring...

  7. Musik – En viktig del i förskolan : Fyra förskollärares perspektiv på musikverksamheten i förskolan


    Almgren, Josefin


    Syftet med min studie är att undersöka hur fyra förskollärare, verksamma i en musikförskola, uppfattar musikens funktion i förskolan och hur betydelsefull de anser att musikverksamheten är för barn i förskolan. Jag valde att genomföra en semistrukturerad gruppintervju där fyra förskollärare deltog. Jag har valt Vygotskijs sociokulturella perspektiv som teoretisk utgångspunkt i mitt arbete. I mitt resultat kunde jag se ett mönster av samarbete, gemenskap och barns inflytande som något som är v...

  8. Psykomotorisk behandling og wellness til personer med demens

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Stamp, Anne Schinkel; Frausing, Kristian Park

    Rapporten evaluerer projektet Psykomotorisk behandling af personer med demens gennem fokusgruppeinterviews med deltagende studerende og personale fra deltagende centre. Samlet peges der på gavnligt udbytte for de demente beboere samt både personligt og fagligt udbytte for de deltagende studerende...

  9. Inkludering av ungdom med minoritetsbakgrunn i NIF-organisert idrett

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mari Kristin Sisjord


    Full Text Available Norges Idrettsforbund og Olympiske og Paralympiske Komité (NIF har en uttalt målsetting om en åpen og inkluderende idrett. Hvordan kommer dette til uttrykk i den praktiske virksomheten? Denne artikkelen, som bygger på data fra en undersøkelse om likestilling og mangfold i den organiserte idretten (NIF, retter søkelyset mot arbeid med inklusjon av ungdom med minoritetsbakgrunn på ulike organisasjonsnivå i NIF: særforbund, idrettskretser og idrettslag. Datamaterialet er kvalitative intervju med representanter fra ulike organisasjonsnivå. Resultatene viser at NIFs overordnede politikk i varierende grad nedfelles i særforbundenes virksomhet, i idrettskretsene og i idrettslagene. Av særforbundene skiller Fotballforbundet og Klatreforbundet seg ut som aktive pådrivere i arbeidet med inkludering. Mange idrettslag oppfattet slike spørsmål som lite aktuelle i sitt rekrutteringsområde. Representanter for lag som hadde erfaring med inkludering og rekruttering av minoritetsungdom, tilkjennega varierte erfaringer og synspunkter.

  10. Radical and Ethnic Differences in Breast Cancer Risk Factors (United States)


    consumed by San Francisco Bay Area women were analyzed by Dr. Stephen Barnes at the University of Alabama at Birmingham using HPLC -mass spectrometry...Exp Biol Med 1995;208:3-5. 25. Seow A, Shi CY, Franke AA, et al. Isoflavonoid levels in spot 9. Miksicek RJ. Estrogenic flavonoids : structural

  11. Magt og anerkendelse

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Olesen, Carsten Frank


    Kapitlet omhandler dilemmaer i relation til døgnanbringelse af et barn, og samarbejdet/modarbejdet mellem familie og professionelle/system, hvor magt og anerkendelse er de analytiske nøglebegreber. Barnets reform og efterfølgende lovgivning til og med 2013 inddrages i relation, og søger at illust...

  12. Evolutionary divergence in sexual signals: Insights from within and among barn swallow populations (United States)

    Wilkins, Matthew Reed

    A wealth of studies across diverse animal groups indicate the importance of sexual selection in shaping phenotypes within and across breeding populations. In recent decades, much research has focused on how divergent sexual selection pressures among populations may lead to speciation. For my first dissertation chapter, I performed a literature review on the causes and consequences of evolutionary divergence in acoustic signals and developed the acoustic window conceptual framework for understanding the contributions of selection, genetic drift, and evolutionary constraint to signal divergence. Further, I found that sexual selection explains acoustic differences between recently diverged populations of the best-studied taxa. However, the relative contributions of ecological selection, sexual selection, and drift to acoustic divergence have not typically been considered within the same study systems. The remainder of my dissertation used the Northern Hemisphere-distributed barn swallow ( Hirundo rustica) species complex as a model system to study sender-receiver dynamics, intra- and intersexual selection pressures, and visual and acoustic signal interactions at the local scale, and signal divergence across populations at the global scale. From song recordings taken across 19 sampling sites, spanning five of six described subspecies, I demonstrated considerable conservation in song structure. However, temporal traits were highly divergent across subspecies, and in particular, the speed of the terminal trill of songs. In a detailed study of the multimodal communication system of the barn swallow (including visual and acoustic traits), I demonstrated that males and females use different types of signals to mediate competition and mate choice. One of the only exceptions to this rule was trill rate, which was also implicated in song divergence across populations. In order to test the function of trill rate in communication, I performed a two-year playback study within the

  13. A note on linking electrical current, magnetic fields, charges and the pole in a barn paradox in special relativity

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    McGlynn, Enda; Van Kampen, Paul


    We point out the connection between the 'pole in a barn paradox' and the phenomenon of alterations in charge in a segment of a current-carrying conductor as perceived by observers in different inertial reference frames. This connection appears to offer a useful pedagogical strategy helping students to appreciate that the issues which underlie the explanation of the paradox can be important and significant in everyday phenomena such as magnetic forces on moving charges and at the very modest speeds associated with electron drift in conductors. (note)

  14. Professionalisme med innovativt potentiale

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nielsen, Inger Marie

    To teoretiske sværvægtere bliver koblet sammen i Inger Marie Larsen-Nielsen arbejdspapir om professionalisme med innovativt potentiale. De to teoretikere er læringsteoretikeren John Dewey og socialpsykologen Georg Herbert Mead, som er sat sammen i en teoretisk forståelsesramme omkring professionel...

  15. Comparison of PubMed and Google Scholar literature searches. (United States)

    Anders, Michael E; Evans, Dennis P


    Literature searches are essential to evidence-based respiratory care. To conduct literature searches, respiratory therapists rely on search engines to retrieve information, but there is a dearth of literature on the comparative efficiencies of search engines for researching clinical questions in respiratory care. To compare PubMed and Google Scholar search results for clinical topics in respiratory care to that of a benchmark. We performed literature searches with PubMed and Google Scholar, on 3 clinical topics. In PubMed we used the Clinical Queries search filter. In Google Scholar we used the search filters in the Advanced Scholar Search option. We used the reference list of a related Cochrane Collaboration evidence-based systematic review as the benchmark for each of the search results. We calculated recall (sensitivity) and precision (positive predictive value) with 2 x 2 contingency tables. We compared the results with the chi-square test of independence and Fisher's exact test. PubMed and Google Scholar had similar recall for both overall search results (71% vs 69%) and full-text results (43% vs 51%). PubMed had better precision than Google Scholar for both overall search results (13% vs 0.07%, P PubMed searches with the Clinical Queries filter are more precise than with the Advanced Scholar Search in Google Scholar for respiratory care topics. PubMed appears to be more practical to conduct efficient, valid searches for informing evidence-based patient-care protocols, for guiding the care of individual patients, and for educational purposes.

  16. Sex-related effects of an immune challenge on growth and begging behavior of barn swallow nestlings.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Andrea Romano

    Full Text Available Parent-offspring conflicts lead the offspring to evolve reliable signals of individual quality, including parasite burden, which may allow parents to adaptively modulate investment in the progeny. Sex-related variation in offspring reproductive value, however, may entail differential investment in sons and daughters. Here, we experimentally manipulated offspring condition in the barn swallow (Hirundo rustica by subjecting nestlings to an immune challenge (injection with bacterial lipopolysaccharide, LPS that simulates a bacterial infection, and assessed the effects on growth, feather quality, expression of morphological (gape coloration and behavioral (posture begging displays involved in parent-offspring communication, as well as on food allocation by parents. Compared to sham-injected controls, LPS-treated chicks suffered a depression of body mass and a reduction of palate color saturation. In addition, LPS treatment resulted in lower feather quality, with an increase in the occurrence of fault bars on wing feathers. The color of beak flanges, feather growth and the intensity of postural begging were affected by LPS treatment only in females, suggesting that chicks of either sex are differently susceptible to the immune challenge. However, irrespective of the effects of LPS, parents equally allocated food among control and challenged offspring both under normal food provisioning and after a short period of food deprivation of the chicks. These results indicate that bacterial infection and the associated immune response entail different costs to offspring of either sex, but a decrease in nestling conditions does not affect parental care allocation, possibly because the barn swallow adopts a brood-survival strategy. Finally, we showed that physiological stress induced by pathogens impairs plumage quality, a previously neglected major negative impact of bacterial infection which could severely affect fitness, particularly among long

  17. Best, Useful and Objective Precisions for Information Retrieval of Three Search Methods in PubMed and iPubMed

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Somayyeh Nadi Ravandi


    Full Text Available MEDLINE is one of the valuable sources of medical information on the Internet. Among the different open access sites of MEDLINE, PubMed is the best-known site. In 2010, iPubMed was established with an interaction-fuzzy search method for MEDLINE access. In the present work, we aimed to compare the precision of the retrieved sources (Best, Useful and Objective precision in the PubMed and iPubMed using two search methods (simple and MeSH search in PubMed and interaction-fuzzy method in iPubmed. During our semi-empirical study period, we held training workshops for 61 students of higher education to teach them Simple Search, MeSH Search, and Fuzzy-Interaction Search methods. Then, the precision of 305 searches for each method prepared by the students was calculated on the basis of Best precision, Useful precision, and Objective precision formulas. Analyses were done in SPSS version 11.5 using the Friedman and Wilcoxon Test, and three precisions obtained with the three precision formulas were studied for the three search methods. The mean precision of the interaction-fuzzy Search method was higher than that of the simple search and MeSH search for all three types of precision, i.e., Best precision, Useful precision, and Objective precision, and the Simple search method was in the next rank, and their mean precisions were significantly different (P < 0.001. The precision of the interaction-fuzzy search method in iPubmed was investigated for the first time. Also for the first time, three types of precision were evaluated in PubMed and iPubmed. The results showed that the Interaction-Fuzzy search method is more precise than using the natural language search (simple search and MeSH search, and users of this method found papers that were more related to their queries; even though search in Pubmed is useful, it is important that users apply new search methods to obtain the best results.

  18. MedRate: a wearable against child mortality

    CERN Document Server

    CERN. Geneva


    In humanitarian environments, when treating the main causes of child mortality, there are two key vital constants not easily measurable: the heart beat of the foetus and respiration rate of children. During the CERN Medtech:Hack, my team came up with MedRate, an inexpensive wearable able to monitor both. Collaboration is required to make MedRate a reality. Would you join us for a more fair fight against child mortality?

  19. The MedAustron project: an example of large-scale technology transfer

    CERN Multimedia

    Antonella Del Rosso & Michael Benedikt


    In January this year, CERN’s Director-General Rolf Heuer handed over the first ion source to the MedAustron therapy centre in the town of Wiener Neustadt in the presence of the Austrian authorities. This milestone marks the beginning of the transition from the development and design phase to the commissioning of the new facility.   Handover of the ion source to MedAustron on 11 January, 2013. From left to right: Michael Benedikt (Project Leader MedAustron at CERN), Karlheinz Töchterle (Austrian Federal Minister of Science and Research), Erwin Pröll (Governor of Lower Austria), Rolf Heuer (Director-General CERN), Klaus Schneeberger (Lower Austrian State Parliament, Head of EBG MedAustron Council). The goal of the MedAustron project is the construction of an ion-therapy and research centre, based on a synchrotron accelerator complex, in Austria (for more about the technical part of the MedAustron project, click here). “MedAustron will be the first large-sca...

  20. Arbejdspladsvurdering i små virksomheder med 1-4 ansatte

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hasle, Peter; Esben, Dalskinn

    En analyse af mulighederne for at gennemføre arbejdspladsvurdering i mikrovirksomheder med 1-4 ansatte.......En analyse af mulighederne for at gennemføre arbejdspladsvurdering i mikrovirksomheder med 1-4 ansatte....

  1. Måleegenskaper ved den norske versjonen av ADHD Rating Scale – IV Hjemmeversjon (ADHD-RS-IV Hjemme)


    Kornør, Hege; Bøe, Tormod


    - Beskrivelse. ADHD-RS-IV Hjemme er et spørreskjema som skal fylles ut av mor, far, verge eller besteforeldre for å fange opp ADHD-symptomer hos barn og ungdom. Spørreskjemaet har 18 ledd med fire svaralternativer. Det tar under 20 minutter å fylle ut. Hovedskalaen og de to delskalaene skåres ved å summere enkeltskårer. Kompetansekrav for bruk av ADHD-RS-IV inkluderer generell opplæring i testbruk, samt yrkesstatus som psykolog, lege, annet helsepersonell med utdanning på ...

  2. PubMed Interact: an Interactive Search Application for MEDLINE/PubMed (United States)

    Muin, Michael; Fontelo, Paul; Ackerman, Michael


    Online search and retrieval systems are important resources for medical literature research. Progressive Web 2.0 technologies provide opportunities to improve search strategies and user experience. Using PHP, Document Object Model (DOM) manipulation and Asynchronous JavaScript and XML (Ajax), PubMed Interact allows greater functionality so users can refine search parameters with ease and interact with the search results to retrieve and display relevant information and related articles. PMID:17238658

  3. En definitionssandhed med modifikationer

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Holtermann, Jakob v. H.; Olsen, Henrik Palmer


    Denne artikel indgår i den debat om retskildebegrebet, der tidligere har været rejst af Jens Ravnkilde. Forfatterne påviser flere svagheder i Ravnkildes argumentation, herunder at han ignorerer hele den internationale diskussion på området, samtidig med at han baserer sit eget angiveligt nyudvikl...

  4. A note on linking electrical current, magnetic fields, charges and the pole in a barn paradox in special relativity

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    McGlynn, Enda [School of Physical Sciences/National Centre for Plasma Science and Technology (NCPST), Dublin City University, Glasnevin, Dublin 9 (Ireland); Van Kampen, Paul [Physics Education Research Group, Centre for the Advancement of Science Teaching and Learning (CASTeL), School of Physical Sciences, Dublin City University, Glasnevin, Dublin 9 (Ireland)], E-mail:


    We point out the connection between the 'pole in a barn paradox' and the phenomenon of alterations in charge in a segment of a current-carrying conductor as perceived by observers in different inertial reference frames. This connection appears to offer a useful pedagogical strategy helping students to appreciate that the issues which underlie the explanation of the paradox can be important and significant in everyday phenomena such as magnetic forces on moving charges and at the very modest speeds associated with electron drift in conductors. (note)

  5. Analys av nickel med ICP-MS


    Wallman, Karin; Löfgren, Stefan; Sonesten, Lars; Demandt, Christian


    Vid en granskning av nickelhalter för perioden 1985-2007 upptäcktes ett nivåskifte i tidsserierna på flera stationer mellan 2001 och 2002. Skiftet visade sig bero på att prover innan 2002 inte korrigerades för kalciuminterferens, medan prover under åren 2002-2007 korrigerades. Syftet med denna rapport är att utreda om resultaten före 2002 i efterhand kan korrigeras för kalciuminterferensen. Från 2002 finns ett antal prover (N=347) med resultat som både är kalciumkorrigerade och som inte är de...

  6. Tur-samspil i musikterapi med børn med svære kommunikationsvanskeligheder

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Holck, Ulla


    Tur-samspil udgør en vigtig grundsten i den tidlige sociale og kommunikative udvikling, og optræder ofte i musikterapeutiske samspil med kommunikationssvage børn. Artiklen præsenterer relevante begreber fra faglitteraturen om tur-samspil i voksendialoger (de såkaldte Konversationsanalyser), som k...

  7. Musikterapi med kontakt- og kommunikationssvage børn

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Frederiksen, Britta Vinkler


    I artiklen beskrives, hvordan musikterapi er med til at støtte en målrettet udviklingsproces hos børn, med diagnoser som Asperger syndrom, autisme, opmærksomhedsforstyrrelser, ADHD o.lign. Musikkens kvaliteter beskrives og illustreres gennem vignetter fra terapiforløb, der alle er foregået i Klinik...

  8. The cervical spine of the American barn owl (Tyto furcata pratincola: I. Anatomy of the vertebrae and regionalization in their S-shaped arrangement.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Markus Krings

    Full Text Available BACKGROUND: Owls possess an extraordinary neck and head mobility. To understand this mobility it is necessary to have an anatomical description of cervical vertebrae with an emphasis on those criteria that are relevant for head positioning. No functional description specific to owls is available. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: X-ray films and micro-CT scans were recorded from American barn owls (Tyto furcata pratincola and used to obtain three-dimensional head movements and three-dimensional models of the 14 cervical vertebrae (C1-C14. The diameter of the vertebral canal, the zygapophyseal protrusion, the distance between joint centers, and the pitching angle were quantified. Whereas the first two variables are purely osteological characteristics of single vertebrae, the latter two take into account interactions between vertebrae. These variables change in characteristic ways from cranial to caudal. The vertebral canal is wide in the cranial and caudal neck regions, but narrow in the middle, where both the zygapophyseal protrusion and the distance between joint centers are large. Pitching angles are more negative in the cranial and caudal neck regions than in the middle region. Cluster analysis suggested a complex regionalization. Whereas the borders (C1 and C13/C14 formed stable clusters, the other cervical vertebrae were sorted into 4 or 5 additional clusters. The borders of the clusters were influenced by the variables analyzed. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: A statistical analysis was used to evaluate the regionalization of the cervical spine in the barn owl. While earlier measurements have shown that there appear to be three regions of flexibility of the neck, our indicators suggest 3-7 regions. These many regions allow a high degree of flexibility, potentially facilitating the large head turns that barn owls are able to make. The cervical vertebral series of other species should also be investigated using statistical criteria to further

  9. Ødelæg alt muligt med et bogstav

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Konzack, Lars


    En gang imellem griber en raptus SoMe-Danmark, og så fyldes alles feed med samme slags indhold. Senest overspringshandlede vi med hashtagget #oedelaeg1filmed1bogstav - og alle mulige afledninger af det....

  10. PubMed Medical Publications From Libya | Bakoush | Libyan ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    We also used the same method to obtain data on the PubMed medical publications from Tunisia, Morocco and Yemen. Tunisia had the largest number of PubMed publications among the studied countries: 20.4 publications per million population per year and 7.2 publications per year per one billion US$ GDP. Libya had ...

  11. MedlinePlus FAQ: MedlinePlus and MEDLINE/PubMed (United States)

    ... What is the difference between MedlinePlus and MEDLINE/PubMed? To use the sharing features on this page, ... latest health professional articles on your topic. MEDLINE/PubMed: Is a database of professional biomedical literature Is ...

  12. GOClonto: an ontological clustering approach for conceptualizing PubMed abstracts. (United States)

    Zheng, Hai-Tao; Borchert, Charles; Kim, Hong-Gee


    Concurrent with progress in biomedical sciences, an overwhelming of textual knowledge is accumulating in the biomedical literature. PubMed is the most comprehensive database collecting and managing biomedical literature. To help researchers easily understand collections of PubMed abstracts, numerous clustering methods have been proposed to group similar abstracts based on their shared features. However, most of these methods do not explore the semantic relationships among groupings of documents, which could help better illuminate the groupings of PubMed abstracts. To address this issue, we proposed an ontological clustering method called GOClonto for conceptualizing PubMed abstracts. GOClonto uses latent semantic analysis (LSA) and gene ontology (GO) to identify key gene-related concepts and their relationships as well as allocate PubMed abstracts based on these key gene-related concepts. Based on two PubMed abstract collections, the experimental results show that GOClonto is able to identify key gene-related concepts and outperforms the STC (suffix tree clustering) algorithm, the Lingo algorithm, the Fuzzy Ants algorithm, and the clustering based TRS (tolerance rough set) algorithm. Moreover, the two ontologies generated by GOClonto show significant informative conceptual structures.

  13. National trivselsdag med fokus på bevægelse

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Holt, Anne-Didde


    breaks”, skriver tre elever. Trivselsdagen gav ligeledes anledning til at dele de gode erfaringer, der indtil nu er udsprunget af ’Trivsel og Bevægelse i Skolen’ - P1 Morgen, P4 Fyn og TV-avisen bragte historier fra dagen på Glamsbjergskolen i Assens, mens P4 Midt og Vest besøgte Haldgård Skole i...... til at fordybe sig i, videreudvikle og vise omverdenen, hvordan der arbejdes med at fremme trivsel gennem bevægelse. Eleverne arbejdede bl.a. med at udvikle og afprøve brain breaks, som er små pauser med bevægelsesaktiviteter, der lægges ind i løbet af den stillesiddende undervisning. Formålet var...... for dem. ”Vi synes brain breaks er vigtige fordi med brain breaks får vi meget mere energi og fordi at man får et bedre forhold til sine klassekammerater, som man måske ikke snakker med så tit. Man kan holde til mere og det er vigtigt at få en pause til at tænke så derfor vil vi gerne have flere brain...

  14. The MedAustron Project at CERN, Status Report, May 2013

    CERN Document Server

    Benedikt, M; Gutleber, J


    MedAustron is a light ion-therapy and research centre based on a synchrotron accelerator complex under construction in Austria. It is the first large-scale accelerator facility in Austria. For the implementation of the required accelerator technologies, the county of Lower Austria and the company EBG MedAustron have set up dedicated agreements with CERN. These cover the assistance of CERN for the design and manufacturing follow-up of accelerator components and training of MedAustron personnel. CERN contributed to the MedAustron construction in particular by providing domain expertise, infrastructure, and manpower in relation with the design, the tendering and procurement processes.\

  15. Orientering og banelægning med Google Earth og Condes

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jørgensen, Henrik Taarsted; Piaster, Thomas Gabriel


    Et e-læringsmodul på Danmarks undervisningsportal, som handler om hvordan man kan arbejde med banelægning indenfor o-løb. Med udgangspunkt i de to gratisprogrammer Google Earth og Condes lærer man gennem modulet, hvordan man indtegner poster og hvordan eleverne kan gøre det samme.......Et e-læringsmodul på Danmarks undervisningsportal, som handler om hvordan man kan arbejde med banelægning indenfor o-løb. Med udgangspunkt i de to gratisprogrammer Google Earth og Condes lærer man gennem modulet, hvordan man indtegner poster og hvordan eleverne kan gøre det samme....

  16. En teoretisk utdyping av rom og materialitet som pedagogisk ressurs i barnehagen

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Solveig Nordtømme


    Full Text Available Abstract: This article is a theoretical exploration with the aim of discussing an ontological basis for space and materiality as educational resources in kindergarten. Attention is directed on children’s play experiences interacting with space and materiality, and how children use and create space. The metaphors front stage, space in between, and backstage (inspired from Erving Goffman, 1969, which form the study's main findings, are used as the backdrop for the issue and analyzes. The empirical material used in this exploration has been collected with an ethnographic methodological approach in two kindergartens. Maurice Merleau-Ponty’s (1962 focus on bodily experience and presence in space, along with concepts from Latour’s (2005 actor-network theory, is used to explore the data. The article contributes with theoretical tools for professionals in kindergarten teaching, to shed light on the importance of space, materiality and play in children's everyday life in kindergarten.Sammendrag: Denne artikkelen diskuterer et ontologisk grunnlag og er en teoretisk utforskning av rom og materialitet som en pedagogisk ressurs i barnehagen. Oppmerksomheten er rettet mot barns lekeerfaringer i samspill med rom og materialitet, og hvordan barn bruker og skaper rom. Metaforene hovedrom, mellomrom, og bakrom (inspirert fra Erving Goffman, 1969, som danner studiens hovedfunn, blir brukt som et bakteppe for problemstilling og analyser av det empiriske materialet fra to barnehager. Maurice Merleau-Ponty publikasjoner The Phenomenology of Perception (Merleau-Ponty, 1962 med sitt fokus på kroppslig erfaring i levd rom, blir brukt sammen med begreper fra Latours aktør-nettverksteori (Latour 2005 til å utforske hvordan rom og materialitet kan være pedagogiske ressurser. Artikkelens kunnskapsbidrag er å presentere et teoretisk verktøy for barnehageprofesjonen og kunnskaper om lekens betydning i barns hverdag i barnehagen.

  17. Poetisk sortsyn med lys for enden

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Larsen, Peter Stein


    Ursula Andkjær Olsens digtsamling " Udgående fartøj" indledes med den følgende prægnante passage, der kan læses i sin helhed som " ugens digt" her på siden: " jeg har brugt tid på at tyde/ sprede dumpe fornemmelser / fra mit fjerne indre (...)......Ursula Andkjær Olsens digtsamling " Udgående fartøj" indledes med den følgende prægnante passage, der kan læses i sin helhed som " ugens digt" her på siden: " jeg har brugt tid på at tyde/ sprede dumpe fornemmelser / fra mit fjerne indre (...)...

  18. Two-fold Mellin–Barnes transforms of Usyukina–Davydychev functions

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kniehl, Bernd A., E-mail: [II. Institut für Theoretische Physik, Universität Hamburg, Luruper Chaussee 149, 22761 Hamburg (Germany); Kondrashuk, Igor [Grupo de Matemática Aplicada, Departamento de Ciencias Básicas, Universidad del Bío-Bío, Campus Fernando May, Casilla 447, Chillán (Chile); Fakultät für Physik, Universität Bielefeld, Universitätsstraße 25, 33615 Bielefeld (Germany); Notte-Cuello, Eduardo A. [Departamento de Matemáticas, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad de La Serena, Av. Cisternas 1200, La Serena (Chile); Parra-Ferrada, Ivan [Carrera de Pedagogia en Matemática, Facultad de Educación y Humanidades, Universidad del Bío-Bío, Campus Castilla, Casilla 447, Chillán (Chile); Rojas-Medar, Marko [Grupo de Matemática Aplicada, Departamento de Ciencias Básicas, Universidad del Bío-Bío, Campus Fernando May, Casilla 447, Chillán (Chile)


    In our previous paper (Allendes et al., 2013 [10]), we showed that multi-fold Mellin–Barnes (MB) transforms of Usyukina–Davydychev (UD) functions may be reduced to two-fold MB transforms. The MB transforms were written there as polynomials of logarithms of ratios of squares of the external momenta with certain coefficients. We also showed that these coefficients have a combinatoric origin. In this paper, we present an explicit formula for these coefficients. The procedure of recovering the coefficients is based on taking the double-uniform limit in certain series of smooth functions of two variables which is constructed according to a pre-determined iterative way. The result is obtained by using basic methods of mathematical analysis. We observe that the finiteness of the limit of this iterative chain of smooth functions should reflect itself in other mathematical constructions, too, since it is not related in any way to the explicit form of the MB transforms. This finite double-uniform limit is represented in terms of a differential operator with respect to an auxiliary parameter which acts on the integrand of a certain two-fold MB integral. To demonstrate that our result is compatible with original representations of UD functions, we reproduce the integrands of these original integral representations by applying this differential operator to the integrand of the simple integral representation of the scalar triangle four-dimensional integral J(1,1,1−ε)

  19. Two-fold Mellin–Barnes transforms of Usyukina–Davydychev functions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kniehl, Bernd A.; Kondrashuk, Igor; Notte-Cuello, Eduardo A.; Parra-Ferrada, Ivan; Rojas-Medar, Marko


    In our previous paper (Allendes et al., 2013 [10]), we showed that multi-fold Mellin–Barnes (MB) transforms of Usyukina–Davydychev (UD) functions may be reduced to two-fold MB transforms. The MB transforms were written there as polynomials of logarithms of ratios of squares of the external momenta with certain coefficients. We also showed that these coefficients have a combinatoric origin. In this paper, we present an explicit formula for these coefficients. The procedure of recovering the coefficients is based on taking the double-uniform limit in certain series of smooth functions of two variables which is constructed according to a pre-determined iterative way. The result is obtained by using basic methods of mathematical analysis. We observe that the finiteness of the limit of this iterative chain of smooth functions should reflect itself in other mathematical constructions, too, since it is not related in any way to the explicit form of the MB transforms. This finite double-uniform limit is represented in terms of a differential operator with respect to an auxiliary parameter which acts on the integrand of a certain two-fold MB integral. To demonstrate that our result is compatible with original representations of UD functions, we reproduce the integrands of these original integral representations by applying this differential operator to the integrand of the simple integral representation of the scalar triangle four-dimensional integral J(1,1,1−ε)

  20. At skrive med video

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Holmboe, Peter


    Det kræver særlige kompetencer at skrive en digital tekst, så modtageren kan læse og bruge den. Derfor er det vigtigt at stimulere og udvikle elevernes skrivekompetence med både viden og værktøjer. Digital skrivedidaktik præsenterer teori om skrivekompetence og digital skrivning. Derudover...

  1. Exome sequencing identifies highly recurrent MED12 somatic mutations in breast fibroadenoma. (United States)

    Lim, Weng Khong; Ong, Choon Kiat; Tan, Jing; Thike, Aye Aye; Ng, Cedric Chuan Young; Rajasegaran, Vikneswari; Myint, Swe Swe; Nagarajan, Sanjanaa; Nasir, Nur Diyana Md; McPherson, John R; Cutcutache, Ioana; Poore, Gregory; Tay, Su Ting; Ooi, Wei Siong; Tan, Veronique Kiak Mien; Hartman, Mikael; Ong, Kong Wee; Tan, Benita K T; Rozen, Steven G; Tan, Puay Hoon; Tan, Patrick; Teh, Bin Tean


    Fibroadenomas are the most common breast tumors in women under 30 (refs. 1,2). Exome sequencing of eight fibroadenomas with matching whole-blood samples revealed recurrent somatic mutations solely in MED12, which encodes a Mediator complex subunit. Targeted sequencing of an additional 90 fibroadenomas confirmed highly frequent MED12 exon 2 mutations (58/98, 59%) that are probably somatic, with 71% of mutations occurring in codon 44. Using laser capture microdissection, we show that MED12 fibroadenoma mutations are present in stromal but not epithelial mammary cells. Expression profiling of MED12-mutated and wild-type fibroadenomas revealed that MED12 mutations are associated with dysregulated estrogen signaling and extracellular matrix organization. The fibroadenoma MED12 mutation spectrum is nearly identical to that of previously reported MED12 lesions in uterine leiomyoma but not those of other tumors. Benign tumors of the breast and uterus, both of which are key target tissues of estrogen, may thus share a common genetic basis underpinned by highly frequent and specific MED12 mutations.

  2. Måleegenskaper ved den norske versjonen av ADHD Rating Scale IV, Skoleversjon (ADHD-RS-IV Skole)


    Kornør, Hege; Bøe, Tormod


    - Beskrivelse. ADHD-RS-IV Skole er et spørreskjema som skal fylles ut av lærere eller førskolelærere for å fange opp ADHD-symptomer hos barn og ungdom. Spørreskjemaet har 18 ledd med fire svaralternativer. Det tar under 20 minutter å fylle ut. Hovedskalaen og de to delskalaene skåres ved å summere enkeltskårer. Kompetansekrav for bruk av ADHD-RS-IV inkluderer generell opplæring i testbruk, samt yrkesstatus som psykolog, lege, annet helsepersonell med utdanning på mastergradsnivå, spesialpe...

  3. Further confirmation of the MED13L haploinsufficiency syndrome

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    van Haelst, M.M.; Monroe, G.R.; Duran, K.J.; van Binsbergen, E.; Breur, J.M.P.J.; Giltay, J.C.; van Haaften, G.W.

    MED13L haploinsufficiency syndrome has been described in two patients and is characterized by moderate intellectual disability (ID), conotruncal heart defects, facial abnormalities and hypotonia. Missense mutations in MED13L are linked to transposition of the great arteries and non-syndromal

  4. Death, dying and informatics: misrepresenting religion on MedLine. (United States)

    Rodríguez Del Pozo, Pablo; Fins, Joseph J


    The globalization of medical science carries for doctors worldwide a correlative duty to deepen their understanding of patients' cultural contexts and religious backgrounds, in order to satisfy each as a unique individual. To become better informed, practitioners may turn to MedLine, but it is unclear whether the information found there is an accurate representation of culture and religion. To test MedLine's representation of this field, we chose the topic of death and dying in the three major monotheistic religions. We searched MedLine using PubMed in order to retrieve and thematically analyze full-length scholarly journal papers or case reports dealing with religious traditions and end-of-life care. Our search consisted of a string of words that included the most common denominations of the three religions, the standard heading terms used by the National Reference Center for Bioethics Literature (NRCBL), and the Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) used by the National Library of Medicine. Eligible articles were limited to English-language papers with an abstract. We found that while a bibliographic search in MedLine on this topic produced instant results and some valuable literature, the aggregate reflected a selection bias. American writers were over-represented given the global prevalence of these religious traditions. Denominationally affiliated authors predominated in representing the Christian traditions. The Islamic tradition was under-represented. MedLine's capability to identify the most current, reliable and accurate information about purely scientific topics should not be assumed to be the same case when considering the interface of religion, culture and end-of-life care.

  5. Hvad SKER der med drikkevandet i USA?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ramsay, Loren Mark


    Forskellige lande har forskellige traditioner indenfor drikkevandsbehandling. Denne beretning fra ”Water Quality Technology Conference” i USA er set med en særlig vinkel, da forfatteren er amerikansk statsborger, men har arbejdet i den danske vandbranche i mere end 25 år.......Forskellige lande har forskellige traditioner indenfor drikkevandsbehandling. Denne beretning fra ”Water Quality Technology Conference” i USA er set med en særlig vinkel, da forfatteren er amerikansk statsborger, men har arbejdet i den danske vandbranche i mere end 25 år....

  6. Food-Dependent Exercise-Induced Anaphylaxis - Kasuistik med hydrolyseret valleprotein

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Junker Christensen, Morten


    Formål / Introduktion: Patienter med Food-Dependent Exercise-Induced Anaphylaxis (FDEIA) eller løbershock kan udvikle livstruende allergiske reaktioner (anafylaksi), når de kombinere fysisk anstrengelse med samtidig indtagelse af et normalt tolereret fødeemne - oftest hvede. Hydrolysering af prot...


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ueliton da Costa Leonidio


    Full Text Available This paper’s objective is to evaluate the perceived quality of the Website of an online bookstore using the Barnes and Vidgen Model. Implemented over the Internet, this empirical research collected data on the perceived quality of the Website, used to sell products and online services. The questionnaire used to gather the data was answered by a convenience sample of 213 respondents. The importance of quality attributes and the dimension of perceived quality were investigated. The results indicate that the three dimensions named Reliability, Usability and Information were the most noticeable.

  8. Beskrivelse af næringsstofomsætning med metabolomics

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hedemann, Mette Skou


    I et forsøg med mink med lav eller høj foderkonvertering er der blevet taget blodprøver på tre tidspunkter. Blodprøverne er blevet taget i en periode, hvor minkene er blevet fodret restriktivt (en prøve) og i en periode med ad libitum fodring (to prøver). Blodprøverne blev analyseret ved hjælp af...... fra restriktivt fodrede mink end i plasma fra ad libitum fodrede mink - betain og carnitin. Derudover er der en lang række andre metabolitter, som også findes i forskellig koncentration som endnu ikke er identificeret....

  9. Retrieval of diagnostic and treatment studies for clinical use through PubMed and PubMed's Clinical Queries filters. (United States)

    Lokker, Cynthia; Haynes, R Brian; Wilczynski, Nancy L; McKibbon, K Ann; Walter, Stephen D


    Clinical Queries filters were developed to improve the retrieval of high-quality studies in searches on clinical matters. The study objective was to determine the yield of relevant citations and physician satisfaction while searching for diagnostic and treatment studies using the Clinical Queries page of PubMed compared with searching PubMed without these filters. Forty practicing physicians, presented with standardized treatment and diagnosis questions and one question of their choosing, entered search terms which were processed in a random, blinded fashion through PubMed alone and PubMed Clinical Queries. Participants rated search retrievals for applicability to the question at hand and satisfaction. For treatment, the primary outcome of retrieval of relevant articles was not significantly different between the groups, but a higher proportion of articles from the Clinical Queries searches met methodologic criteria (p=0.049), and more articles were published in core internal medicine journals (p=0.056). For diagnosis, the filtered results returned more relevant articles (p=0.031) and fewer irrelevant articles (overall retrieval less, p=0.023); participants needed to screen fewer articles before arriving at the first relevant citation (p<0.05). Relevance was also influenced by content terms used by participants in searching. Participants varied greatly in their search performance. Clinical Queries filtered searches returned more high-quality studies, though the retrieval of relevant articles was only statistically different between the groups for diagnosis questions. Retrieving clinically important research studies from Medline is a challenging task for physicians. Methodological search filters can improve search retrieval.

  10. Nye steder med liv og sjæl?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Stender, Marie

    planlæggere, der har skabt dem, udforskes stedernes tilblivelsesproces og sociale liv. Det nye sted opfattes af både beboere og professionelle som en bar mark, og mange kræfter sættes ind på at genfortrylle det med et skær af liv, identitet og historie fra start. Hånd i hånd med branding, virtuelle fora...

  11. Calmettevaccinen tages i brug igen

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Thybo Pihl, Gitte; Stensballe, Lone Graff; Ammentorp, Jette


    Conflict Scale” og bygger bl.a. på spørgeskemainterview. Historier om enkelte uheldige tilfælde og symptomer, som kædes sammen med en vaccination, kan meget let give usikkerhed og bekymring hos dem, der skal tage stilling til, om deres barn skal vaccineres. Det er derfor vigtigt at undersøge, hvad der...

  12. Effects of hatching asynchrony on sibling negotiation, begging, jostling for position and within-brood food allocation in the barn owl Tyto alba


    Roulin, A.


    When siblings differ markedly in their need for food, they may benefit from signalling to each other their willingness to contest the next indivisible food item delivered by the parents. This sib-sib communication system, referred to as 'sibling negotiation', may allow them to adjust optimally to investment in begging. Using barn owl (Two alba) broods. I assessed the role of within-brood age hierarchy on sibling negotiation, and in turn on jostling for position where parents predictably deliv...

  13. Spilleregler i musikterapi med voksne

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Holck, Ulla


    Artiklen gennemgår udvalgt faglitteratur, der på et overordnet plan beskriver typer af spilleregler i musikterapi med (fortrinsvis) voksne klientgrupper. Udgangspunktet er Priestleys anvendelse af begrebet, og hendes inddeling af spilleregler i forhold til forskellige teknikker gennemgås, efterfu...

  14. Forskning i musikterapi - børn med en Autisme Spektrum Forstyrrelse

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Holck, Ulla


    Der er forskningsmæssig evidens for, at musikterapi med børn med en autisme spektrum forstyrrelse (ASF) har en signifikant effekt. Cochrane reviews påviser, at musikterapi fremmer verbal og navnlig nonverbal kommunikation hos børn med ASF. En RCT-undersøgelse viser endvidere en signifikant effekt...

  15. Efter cochlear implant

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Højen, Anders

    Dit barn har netop fået et cochlear implant. Hvad nu? Skal barnet fokusere udelukkende på at lære talt sprog, eller skal det også lære/fortsætte med tegnsprog eller støttetegn? Det er et vanskeligt spørgsmål, og før valget foretages, er det vigtigt at vurdere hvilke konsekvenser valget har, dels...... for den sproglige udvikling isoleret set, og dels for barnets udvikling ud fra en helhedsbetragtning. Dette indlæg fokuserer på, hvilke forventninger man kan have til cochlear implant-brugeres sproglige udvikling med talt sprog alene, hhv. med to sprog (tale og tegn). Disse forventninger er baseret på...

  16. ”They are at dagis!” : En kvalitativ studie om förutsättningar för translanguaging i förskolan


    Säfsten, Felicia; Sjöö, Amanda


    Genom mötet med förhållningssättet translanguaging samt Garcias (2009) definition av det samma, där barns flerspråkighet ses som en resurs i deras språkande, väcktes en nyfikenhet. Mer specifikt kring om och hur det skulle kunna ha en plats i den svenska förskolan. Vid närmare efterforskning visade det sig att translanguaging som förhållningssätt framförallt blivit etablerat i skolvärlden. Därför genomfördes denna studie med syfte att bidra med kunskaper om vilka förutsättningar det finns för...

  17. Death, dying and informatics: misrepresenting religion on MedLine

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Fins Joseph J


    Full Text Available Abstract Background The globalization of medical science carries for doctors worldwide a correlative duty to deepen their understanding of patients' cultural contexts and religious backgrounds, in order to satisfy each as a unique individual. To become better informed, practitioners may turn to MedLine, but it is unclear whether the information found there is an accurate representation of culture and religion. To test MedLine's representation of this field, we chose the topic of death and dying in the three major monotheistic religions. Methods We searched MedLine using PubMed in order to retrieve and thematically analyze full-length scholarly journal papers or case reports dealing with religious traditions and end-of-life care. Our search consisted of a string of words that included the most common denominations of the three religions, the standard heading terms used by the National Reference Center for Bioethics Literature (NRCBL, and the Medical Subject Headings (MeSH used by the National Library of Medicine. Eligible articles were limited to English-language papers with an abstract. Results We found that while a bibliographic search in MedLine on this topic produced instant results and some valuable literature, the aggregate reflected a selection bias. American writers were over-represented given the global prevalence of these religious traditions. Denominationally affiliated authors predominated in representing the Christian traditions. The Islamic tradition was under-represented. Conclusion MedLine's capability to identify the most current, reliable and accurate information about purely scientific topics should not be assumed to be the same case when considering the interface of religion, culture and end-of-life care.

  18. Development of technology to utilize existing tobacco kilns and/or tobacco storage barns for curing (drying) and/or storage of other crops

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    VanHooren, D L; Scott, J J


    This report investigates methods to utilize existing bulk tobacco kilns for curing (drying) of shelled corn, peanuts, and baled hay. In recent years Ontario tobacco producers have had to reduce production levels due to a declining demand for flue-cured tobacco. Many tobacco producers are currently diversifying into other crops. Some of these crops require curing and/or storage. Because of high capital costs to purchase conventional curing and/or storage facilities, tobacco producers wish to reduce their initial diversification costs by modifying their existing tobacco kilns (tobacco drying structures) and/or tobacco storage barns for this purpose. The investigation included high profile and low profile downdraft stick kilns, bulk kilns, and tobacco storage (pack) barns. Corn, peanuts, and hay were considered in relation to bulk kiln specifications and modifications, handling, drying and storage methods, energy requirements, cost, and quality of end product. The conclusions drawn from the study of each product are presented. Results from the projects indicate that: shelled corn can be dried from about 26% moisture content (w.b.) or less; baled hay can be dried from about 27% moisture content (w.b.) or less; and peanuts cured at airflow rates ranging from 169 to 645 l/s/m/sup 3/ of peanuts exhibited no significant differences when evaluated for appearance and flavour. 1 ref., 23 figs., 15 tabs.

  19. Farlig sex med engle

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Mejrup, Kristian


    De fleste af os tænker ikke på engle som kønnede væsner med en seksualitet, og selv om vi er i stand til at acceptere engle i alle mulige afskygninger, fra juletræets tyksakker i glitrende guld til frygtindgydende skikkelser i de bibelske skrifter, så er vi tilbøjelig til at ignorere spørgsmålet ...

  20. Hvad skal vi med Trump-satire?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Møller, Mette


    Trump-satire er et stort hit, og særligt en lang række satiriske videohilsner til Trump fra lande verden over får folk til at trække på smilebåndet. Men hvorfor er det så sjovt at gøre grin med Trump, og hvad kan vi bruge den politiske humor til?......Trump-satire er et stort hit, og særligt en lang række satiriske videohilsner til Trump fra lande verden over får folk til at trække på smilebåndet. Men hvorfor er det så sjovt at gøre grin med Trump, og hvad kan vi bruge den politiske humor til?...

  1. Ion Sources for MedAustron

    CERN Document Server

    Lettry, J; Wallner, J; Sargsyan, E; CERN. Geneva. BE Department


    The MedAustron Ion therapy center will be constructed in Wiener Neustadt (Austria) in the vicinity of Vienna. Its accelerator complex consists of four ion sources, a linear accelerator, a synchrotron and a beam delivery system to the three medical treatment rooms and to the research irradiation room. The ion sources shall deliver beams of H31+, C4+ and light ions with utmost reliability and stability. This paper describes the features of the ion sources presently planned for the MedAustron facility; such as ion source main parameters, gas injection, temperature control and cooling systems. A dedicated beam diagnostics technique is proposed in order to characterize ECR ions beams; in the first drift region after the ion source, a fraction of the mixed beam is selected via moveable aperture. With standard beam diagnostics, we then aim to produce position-dependant observables such as ion-current density, beam energy distribution and emittance for each charge states to be compared to simulations of ECR e-heating...

  2. Investigation into levels of dioxins, furans and PCBs in battery, free range, barn and organic eggs

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Tlustos, C.; Pratt, I. [Food Safety Authority of Ireland, Dublin (Ireland); Moylan, R.; Neilan, R. [Dept. of Agriculture and Food, Maynooth (Ireland); White, S.; Fernandes, A.; Rose, M. [Central Science Lab., York (United Kingdom)


    The Food Safety Authority of Ireland (FSAI) has a statutory responsibility to assure the safety of food consumed, distributed, produced and sold on the Irish market. The results of a targeted surveillance study on levels of dioxins, furans and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in battery, free-range, barn and organic eggs are presented here. The study was undertaken against the background of increased awareness in the European Union of the possible health risks posed by dioxins, furans and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in the food chain, and builds on previous studies undertaken by FSAI into levels of these contaminants in milk, fish and fish oils. The opportunity was taken at the same time to investigate the levels of a number of metals in these eggs, and results of the full study are available on the FSAI website.

  3. Quantitative genetics of migration syndromes: a study of two barn swallow populations. (United States)

    Teplitsky, C; Mouawad, N G; Balbontin, J; De Lope, F; Møller, A P


    Migration is a complex trait although little is known about genetic correlations between traits involved in such migration syndromes. To assess the migratory responses to climate change, we need information on genetic constraints on evolutionary potential of arrival dates in migratory birds. Using two long-term data sets on barn swallows Hirundo rustica (from Spain and Denmark), we show for the first time in wild populations that spring arrival dates are phenotypically and genetically correlated with morphological and life history traits. In the Danish population, length of outermost tail feathers and wing length were negatively genetically correlated with arrival date. In the Spanish population, we found a negative genetic correlation between arrival date and time elapsed between arrival date and laying date, constraining response to selection that favours both early arrival and shorter delays. This results in a decreased rate of adaptation, not because of constraints on arrival date, but constraints on delay before breeding, that is, a trait that can be equally important in the context of climate change. © 2011 The Authors. Journal of Evolutionary Biology © 2011 European Society For Evolutionary Biology.

  4. Hovedpointer fra telefon survey med D&I kandidater og aftagere

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Brodersen, Søsser; Lindegaard, Hanne


    Som en anden fase i D&I evalueringen gennemførtes en telefon survey med alle færdige D&I kandidater (i perioden september til november 2009). Formålet med denne telefon survey var at kortlægge kandidaternes karriereforløb: mønstrer, entre på arbejdsmarkedet og hvor søger de job, beskæftigelsesmøn......Som en anden fase i D&I evalueringen gennemførtes en telefon survey med alle færdige D&I kandidater (i perioden september til november 2009). Formålet med denne telefon survey var at kortlægge kandidaternes karriereforløb: mønstrer, entre på arbejdsmarkedet og hvor søger de job......, beskæftigelsesmønstrer samt hvilke kompetencer de mener at have anvendt og ikke anvendt fra studiet i deres job. Telefon survey formen blev valgt for dermed at få muligheden for at få nogle kvantitative informationer frem. I alt blev 72 D&I kandidater interviewet ud af 78 mulige, dvs. vi opnåede en svarprocent på 92......,3 % . Spørgsmålene var forberedt på forhånd således at kandidaterne blev stillet de samme spørgsmål. Derudover gennemførtes en telefon survey med 14 aftagere af D&I kandidater (identificeret gennem telefon surveyen med kandidaterne, således at de repræsenterede store virksomheder, mindre virksomheder...

  5. Diurnal and seasonal variations of greenhouse gas emissions from a naturally ventilated dairy barn in a cold region (United States)

    Huang, Dandan; Guo, Huiqing


    Carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), and nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions were quantified for a naturally ventilated free-stall dairy barn in the Canadian Prairies climate through continuous measurements for a year from February 2015 to January 2016, with ventilation rate estimated by a CO2 mass balance method. The results were categorized into seasonal emission profiles with monthly data measured on a typical day, and diurnal profiles in cold (January), warm (July), and mild seasons (October) of all three gases. Seasonal CO2, CH4, and N2O concentrations greatly fluctuated within ranges of 593-2433 ppm, 15-152 ppm, and 0.32-0.40 ppm, respectively, with obviously higher concentrations in the cold season. Emission factors of the three gases were summarized: seasonal N2O emission varied between 0.5 and 10 μg s-1 AU-1 with lower emission in the cold season, while seasonal CO2 and CH4 emissions were within narrow ranges of 112-119 mg s-1 AU-1 and 2.5-3.5 mg s-1 AU-1. The result suggested a lower enteric CH4 emission for dairy cows than that estimated by Environment Canada (2014). Significant diurnal effects (P 0.05), but obvious diurnal variations in all seasons. In comparison with previous studies, it was found that the dairy barn in a cold region climate with smaller vent openings had relatively higher indoor CO2 and CH4 concentrations, but comparable CO2 and CH4 emissions to most previous studies. Besides, ventilation rate, temperature, and relative humidity all significantly affected the three gas concentrations with the outdoor temperature being the most relevant factor (P < 0.01); however, they showed less or no statistical relations to emissions.

  6. Software-Enabled Distributed Network Governance: The PopMedNet Experience. (United States)

    Davies, Melanie; Erickson, Kyle; Wyner, Zachary; Malenfant, Jessica; Rosen, Rob; Brown, Jeffrey


    The expanded availability of electronic health information has led to increased interest in distributed health data research networks. The distributed research network model leaves data with and under the control of the data holder. Data holders, network coordinating centers, and researchers have distinct needs and challenges within this model. The concerns of network stakeholders are addressed in the design and governance models of the PopMedNet software platform. PopMedNet features include distributed querying, customizable workflows, and auditing and search capabilities. Its flexible role-based access control system enables the enforcement of varying governance policies. Four case studies describe how PopMedNet is used to enforce network governance models. Trust is an essential component of a distributed research network and must be built before data partners may be willing to participate further. The complexity of the PopMedNet system must be managed as networks grow and new data, analytic methods, and querying approaches are developed. The PopMedNet software platform supports a variety of network structures, governance models, and research activities through customizable features designed to meet the needs of network stakeholders.

  7. Å forske med kunsten kollaborativt i en fortellerforestillingsproduksjon

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mette Bøe Lyngstad


    Full Text Available I denne artikkelen viser forskerne, som også er fortellere, hvordan de i utviklingen av sin egen fortellerforestilling forsket med kunsten. Artikkelforfatterne forsøker å vise en selvrefleksivitet og metodologisk bevissthet gjennom hele kunstproduksjonen. De undersøker hvordan en gjennom å forske med kunsten kollaborativt kan koble historiske fakta, fiksjonsfortelling og livsfortelling i en kunstproduksjon. Forskningsartikkelen tar for seg kunstproduksjonens ulike faser som brainstormfase, innsamlingsfase, fortellertekniske fase og utforskingsfase i scenerommet.

  8. Mediator Subunit Med28 Is Essential for Mouse Peri-Implantation Development and Pluripotency.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Lin Li

    Full Text Available The multi-subunit mammalian Mediator complex acts as an integrator of transcriptional regulation by RNA Polymerase II, and has emerged as a master coordinator of development and cell fate determination. We previously identified the Mediator subunit, MED28, as a cytosolic binding partner of merlin, the Neurofibromatosis 2 (NF2 tumor suppressor, and thus MED28 is distinct in having a cytosolic role as an NF2 interacting protein as well as a nuclear role as a Mediator complex subunit. Although limited in vitro studies have been performed on MED28, its in vivo function remains unknown. Employing a knockout mouse model, we describe for the first time the requirement for Med28 in the developing mouse embryo. Med28-deficiency causes peri-implantation lethality resulting from the loss of pluripotency of the inner cell mass accompanied by reduced expression of key pluripotency transcription factors Oct4 and Nanog. Further, overexpression of Med28 in mouse embryonic fibroblasts enhances the efficiency of their reprogramming to pluripotency. Cre-mediated inactivation of Med28 in induced pluripotent stem cells shows that Med28 is required for their survival. Intriguingly, heterozygous loss of Med28 results in differentiation of induced pluripotent stem cells into extraembryonic trophectoderm and primitive endoderm lineages. Our findings document the essential role of Med28 in the developing embryo as well as in acquisition and maintenance of pluripotency during reprogramming.

  9. Graduating med-peds residents' interest in part-time employment. (United States)

    Fix, Amy L; Kaelber, David C; Melgar, Thomas A; Chamberlain, John; Cull, William; Robbins, Brett W


    As part-time work is becoming more popular among the primary care specialties, we examined the demographic descriptors of med-peds residents seeking and finding part-time employment upon completion of residency training. As part of the 2006 annual American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) Graduating Med-Peds Residents Survey, we surveyed the graduating residents of all med-peds programs about their interest in and plans for part-time employment. A total of 199 (60%) of the residents responded. Of the resident respondents applying for nonfellowship jobs, 19% sought part-time positions and 10% actually accepted a part-time position. Female residents were significantly more likely than male residents to apply for part-time jobs (26% vs. 7%, P = .034). Sixty percent of female residents immediately seeking work and 58% of those going on to fellowship reported an interest in arranging a part-time or reduced-hours position at some point in the next 5 years. Part-time employment among med-peds residents applying for nonfellowship positions after graduation is similar to the current incidence of part-time employment in other fields of primary care. A much higher percentage of med-peds residents are interested in arranging part-time work within 5 years after graduation. This strong interest in part-time work has many implications for the primary care workforce. Copyright © 2011 Academic Pediatric Association. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  10. Time-dependent migration of citations through PubMed and OvidSP subsets: a study on a series of simultaneous PubMed and OvidSP searches. (United States)

    Boeker, Martin; Vach, Werner; Motschall, Edith


    To quantitatively describe (1) differences between search results derived at consecutive time points with the PubMed and OvidSP literature search interfaces over a five day interval, and (2) the migration of citations through different subsets to estimate the timeliness of OvidSP. PubMed-Identifiers (PMIDs) of the following subsets were retrieved from PubMed and OvidSP simultaneously (within 8 h) at 11 days in March and April 2010 including 5 consecutive days: as supplied by publisher, in process, PubMed not MEDLINE, and OLDMEDLINE. Search results were compared for difference and intersection sets. The migration of citations on individual level was determined by comparison of corresponding sets over several days. The "in process" set was stable with about 446,000 - 452,000 citations; a small fraction of up to 3 % of the total subsets were in PubMed only and OvidSP only subsets. About 96 % of the ca. 10,500 citations in the OvidSP only subset migrated within 2 days out of the "in process" subset. The database of OvidSP is updated within a period of two days.

  11. Lærings- og praksisfortællinger. En pædagogisk dokomentations- og evalueringsmetode

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Broström, Stig; Frøkjær, Thorleif

    Pædagogisk udviklingsarbejde udført i Ishøj Kommune som et KiD projekt med henblik på udvikling af en metode til dokumentation og evaluering af såvel det enkelte barns læring som den pædagogiske praksis. Projektet bygger på narrative teorier bl.a. den new zealandske "Learnings stories" og den...... norske "praksisfortelling"....

  12. Høflighed som filter

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Holm, Claus


    Vi elsker det naturlige og uforfalskede. Især når det gælder børn. Men det er ikke altid en fornøjelse at være i selskab med Det naturlige Barn. Der er behov for, at høfligheden kommer ind i pædagogikken igen og sikrer, at naturligheden bliver til at holde ud....

  13. Magkänslans anatomi

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ahlström, Kristoffer

    Varför dog 1500 personer i onödan i biltrafiken efter den 11 september 2001? Vad har FBI-agenter gemensamt med barn till alkoholister? Och vad fick författaren George Orwell att börja utöva svart magi? Magkänslans anatomi är en fascinerande kartläggning av de psykologiska mekanismer som ligger...

  14. Jokar et al., Afr J Tradit Complement Altern Med. (2016) 13(1):40-44 ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    Jokar et al., Afr J Tradit Complement Altern Med. ... Shiraz- Iran.3Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, School of Medicine and maternal- fetal ..... Ann Intern Med 2001; 135(5):344–51. 7. ... Clin Geriatr Med.2008; ... Indian J. Med Res.

  15. Susceptibility of MED-Q1 and MED-Q3 Biotypes of Bemisia tabaci (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae) Populations to Essential and Seed Oils. (United States)

    Samuel Fogné, Drabo; Olivier, Gnankine; Bassolé, Imael H N; Nébié, Roger Charles; Laurence, Mouton


    Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius) (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae) is a major pest of many agricultural and ornamental crops in tropical and subtropical regions causing damages that result in important economic losses. Insecticides are commonly used in greenhouses or fields to control B. tabaci populations leading to rapid evolution of resistance that render treatments inefficient. Therefore, and for environmental and human health concerns, other approaches must be developed for this pest management. In the present study, we compare, using the leaf dip method, the toxicity of three essential oils (Cymbopogon citratus, Ocimum americanum, and Hyptis spicigera) and three seed oils (Lannea microcarpa, Lannea acida, and Carapa procera) with three chemical insecticides (acetamiprid, deltamethrin, and chlorpyrifos-ethyl) on adults. Two B. tabaci biotypes (MED-Q1 and MED-Q3) belonging to the Mediterranean species and collected in Burkina Faso were used. Essential oils were analyzed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry and gas chromatography-flame ionization detector. We showed that these two biotypes have different levels of resistance to the three insecticides, MED-Q3 being more sensitive than MED-Q1. Moreover, they differ in the frequency of resistance alleles to insecticides, especially for organophosphates, as these alleles are almost fixed in MED-Q1. On the other hand, the two biotypes prove to be more susceptible to the plant extracts than to insecticides except for chlorpyrifos-ethyl, with essential oils that showed the highest insecticidal activities. Monoterpenes content were the most abundant and showed the highest insecticidal activities. Our results indicated that essential oils, but also seed oils, have the potential to constitute an alternative strategy of pest management. © The Authors 2017. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of Entomological Society of America. All rights reserved. For Permissions, please email:

  16. Afkølingstid - breddeopgaver 45-46 med didaktisk kommentar

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jensen, Jens Højgaard


    Mit formål med artikelserien om breddeopgaver er – udover at gøre opmærksom på RUCs fysikuddannelse – dobbelt: Dels udvælger jeg opgaverne, så de kan have interesse som fysikproblemer i egen ret. Dels udvælger jeg dem med henblik på at kunne knytte didaktiske overvejelser til dem af interesse...

  17. Virulence potential of filamentous fungi isolated from poultry barns in Cascavel, Paraná, Brazil

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Cleison Ledesma Taira


    Full Text Available Opportunistic fungi are those that normally would not cause diseases in otherwise healthy people, but are able to cause problems under some circumstances, and for this they need to possess a certain virulence potential. The objective of this study was to identify samples of filamentous fungi isolated from poultry barns in Cascavel, Paraná, and also to evaluate their virulence potential by assessing proteinase production, hemolytic activity, urease production, and growth rate at 37 ºC. We have evaluated the following samples: Acremonium hyalinulum (1 sample, Aspergillus sp. (12, Beauveria bassiana (1, Curvularia brachyspora (1, Paecilomyces variotti (1, and Penicillium sp. (2. Out of the 18 samples analyzed, 44.4% showed proteolytic activity using albumin as the substrate versus 66.7% when using casein; 66.7% showed hemolytic activity, 83.3% were positive for urea, and 88.9% grew at a temperature of 37 ºC. The results demonstrated that the majority of the isolates expressed virulence factors. Therefore, these isolates have the potential to harm human hosts, such as those working at poultry barns, especially predisposed or susceptible individuals.Fungos oportunistas são aqueles que normalmente não causariam doenças em pessoas saudáveis, mas eles são capazes de causar problemas sob certas circunstâncias e, para isso, eles necessitam possuir algum potencial de virulência. O objetivo deste trabalho foi identificar amostras de fungos filamentosos isolados de granjas de aves em Cascavel, Paraná, e também avaliar o seu potencial de virulência, verificando a produção de proteinase, atividade hemolítica, produção de urease e crescimento a 37 ºC. Foram avaliados Acremonium hyalinulum (01, Aspergillus sp (12, Beauveria bassiana (01, Curvularia brachyspora (01, Paecylomices variotti (01 e Penicillium sp (02. Das 18 amostras, 44,4% apresentaram atividade proteolítica usando como substrato a albumina e 66,7% com caseína; 66,7% demonstraram

  18. Differential expression of Mediator complex subunit MED15 in testicular germ cell tumors. (United States)

    Klümper, Niklas; Syring, Isabella; Offermann, Anne; Shaikhibrahim, Zaki; Vogel, Wenzel; Müller, Stefan C; Ellinger, Jörg; Strauß, Arne; Radzun, Heinz Joachim; Ströbel, Philipp; Brägelmann, Johannes; Perner, Sven; Bremmer, Felix


    Testicular germ cell tumors (TGCT) are the most common cancer entities in young men with increasing incidence observed in the last decades. For therapeutic management it is important, that TGCT are divided into several histological subtypes. MED15 is part of the multiprotein Mediator complex which presents an integrative hub for transcriptional regulation and is known to be deregulated in several malignancies, such as prostate cancer and bladder cancer role, whereas the role of the Mediator complex in TGCT has not been investigated so far. Aim of the study was to investigate the implication of MED15 in TGCT development and its stratification into histological subtypes. Immunohistochemical staining (IHC) against Mediator complex subunit MED15 was conducted on a TGCT cohort containing tumor-free testis (n = 35), intratubular germ cell neoplasia unclassified (IGCNU, n = 14), seminomas (SEM, n = 107) and non-seminomatous germ cell tumors (NSGCT, n = 42), further subdivided into embryonic carcinomas (EC, n = 30), yolk sac tumors (YST, n = 5), chorionic carcinomas (CC, n = 5) and teratomas (TER, n = 2). Quantification of MED15 protein expression was performed through IHC followed by semi-quantitative image analysis using the Definiens software. In tumor-free seminiferous tubules, MED15 protein expression was absent or only low expressed in spermatogonia. Interestingly, the precursor lesions IGCNU exhibited heterogeneous but partly very strong MED15 expression. SEM weakly express the Mediator complex subunit MED15, whereas NSGCT and especially EC show significantly enhanced expression compared to tumor-free testis. In conclusion, MED15 is differentially expressed in tumor-free testis and TGCT. While MED15 is absent or low in tumor-free testis and SEM, NSGCT highly express MED15, hinting at the diagnostic potential of this marker to distinguish between SEM and NSGCT. Further, the precursor lesion IGCNU showed increased nuclear MED15

  19. Searching PubMed for molecular epidemiology studies: the case of chromosome aberrations

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ugolini, Donatella; Neri, Monica; Knudsen, Lisbeth E


    to environmental pollutants. The search, done on the PubMed/MedLine database, was based on a strategy combining descriptors listed in the PubMed Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) Thesaurus and other available tools (free text or phrase search tools). 178 articles were retrieved by searching the period from January 1...

  20. Ion sources for MedAustron

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lettry, J.; Penescu, L.; Wallner, J.; Sargsyan, E.


    The MedAustron Ion therapy center will be constructed in Wiener Neustadt (Austria) in the vicinity of Vienna. Its accelerator complex consists of four ion sources, a linear accelerator, a synchrotron, and a beam delivery system to the three medical treatment rooms and to the research irradiation room. The ion sources shall deliver beams of H 3 1+ , C 4+ , and light ions with utmost reliability and stability. This paper describes the features of the ion sources presently planned for the MedAustron facility, such as ion source main parameters, gas injection, temperature control, and cooling systems. A dedicated beam diagnostics technique is proposed in order to characterize electron cyclotron resonance (ECR) ion beams; in the first drift region after the ion source, a fraction of the mixed beam is selected via moveable aperture. With standard beam diagnostics, we then aim to produce position-dependant observables such as ion-current density, beam energy distribution, and emittance for each charge states to be compared to simulations of ECR e-heating, plasma simulation, beam formation, and transport.

  1. MedAustron board visits CERN

    CERN Multimedia

    CERN Bulletin

    On 14 October, the board of EBG MedAustron, which is overseeing the construction of Austria’s hadron therapy centre, visited CERN. The visit recognized the relationship of shared knowledge, technology and training between CERN and MedAustron.   Normal.dotm 0 0 1 17 98 cern 1 1 120 12.0 0 false 18 pt 18 pt 0 0 false false false /* Style Definitions */ table.MsoNormalTable {mso-style-name:"Table Normal"; mso-tstyle-rowband-size:0; mso-tstyle-colband-size:0; mso-style-noshow:yes; mso-style-parent:""; mso-padding-alt:0cm 5.4pt 0cm 5.4pt; mso-para-margin-top:0cm; mso-para-margin-right:0cm; mso-para-margin-bottom:10.0pt; mso-para-margin-left:0cm; line-height:115%; mso-pagination:widow-orphan; font-size:12.0pt; font-family:"Times New Roman"; mso-ascii-font-family:Calibri; mso-ascii-theme-font:minor-latin; mso-fareast-font-family:"Times New Roman"; mso-fareast-theme-font:minor-fareast; mso-hansi-font-family:Calibri; mso-hansi-theme-font:minor-latin;} ...

  2. Sex-related effects of reproduction on biomarkers of oxidative damage in free-living barn swallows (Hirundo rustica.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Diego Rubolini

    Full Text Available According to life-history theory, the allocation of limiting resources to one trait has negative consequences for other traits requiring the same resource, resulting in trade-offs among life-history traits, such as reproduction and survival. In vertebrates, oxidative stress is increasingly being considered among the physiological mechanisms forming the currency of life-history trade-offs. In this study of the barn swallow (Hirundo rustica, we focus on the oxidative costs of reproduction, especially egg laying, by investigating the effects of breeding stage (pre- vs. post-laying and progression of the season on three biomarkers of oxidative damage (OD to plasma proteins, namely the concentration of malondialdehyde (MDA-protein adducts and of protein thiol groups (PSH, and the protein carbonyl (PCO content. Moreover, we investigated whether males and females differed in plasma OD levels, because the inherent sex differences in reproductive roles and physiology may originate sex-specific patterns of OD during breeding. We found that MDA-protein adduct levels were higher in the pre-laying than in the post-laying phase, that males had lower levels of MDA-modified proteins than females, and that the decline of MDA-protein adduct concentration between the pre- and the post-laying phase was more marked for females than males. In addition, MDA-protein adduct levels declined with sampling date, but only during the pre-laying phase. On the other hand, plasma PCO levels increased from the pre- to the post-laying phase in both sexes, and females had higher levels of PCO than males. PSH concentration was unaffected by breeding stage, sex or sampling date. On the whole, our findings indicate that biomarkers of protein oxidation closely track the short-term variation in breeding stage of both male and female barn swallows. Moreover, the higher protein OD levels observed among females compared to males suggest that egg laying entails oxidative costs, which might

  3. Barn Owl Productivity Response to Variability of Vole Populations.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Petr Pavluvčík

    Full Text Available We studied the response of the barn owl annual productivity to the common vole population numbers and variability to test the effects of environmental stochasticity on their life histories. Current theory predicts that temporal environmental variability can affect long-term nonlinear responses (e.g., production of young both positively and negatively, depending on the shape of the relationship between the response and environmental variables. At the level of the Czech Republic, we examined the shape of the relationship between the annual sum of fledglings (annual productivity and vole numbers in both non-detrended and detrended data. At the districts' level, we explored whether the degree of synchrony (measured by the correlation coefficient and the strength of the productivity response increase (measured by the regression coefficient in areas with higher vole population variability measured by the s-index. We found that the owls' annual productivity increased linearly with vole numbers in the Czech Republic. Furthermore, based on district data, we also found that synchrony between dynamics in owls' reproductive output and vole numbers increased with vole population variability. However, the strength of the response was not affected by the vole population variability. Additionally, we have shown that detrending remarkably increases the Taylor's exponent b relating variance to mean in vole time series, thereby reversing the relationship between the coefficient of variation and the mean. This shift was not responsible for the increased synchrony with vole population variability. Instead, we suggest that higher synchrony could result from high food specialization of owls on the common vole in areas with highly fluctuating vole populations.

  4. MED, COMP, multilayered and NEIN: an overview of multiple epiphyseal dysplasia

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lachman, Ralph S. [International Skeletal Dysplasia Registry, UCLA School of Medicine, Radiological Services, Department of Pediatrics, Los Angeles, CA (United States); International Skeletal Dysplasia Registry, Los Angeles, CA (United States); Krakow, Deborah; Cohn, Daniel H.; Rimoin, David L. [International Skeletal Dysplasia Registry, UCLA School of Medicine, Radiological Services, Department of Pediatrics, Los Angeles, CA (United States)


    This overview covers the group of disorders that presents radiographically as multiple epiphyseal dysplasia (MED). The disorders include ''classic MED'' (Ribbing and Fairbank types): MED that is caused by mutations in the cartilage oligomeric matrix protein (COMP), type IX collagen, and matrilin 3 genes (MATN3); and MED with multilayered patella, brachydactyly, and clubbed feet resultant from mutations in gene defect diastrophic dysplasia (DTDST). The recently identified gene/molecular abnormalities in these disorders have made more exact identification possible in many cases, although clinical testing is not always available. However, there are specific radiographic findings that allow the accurate diagnosis to be made, thus potentially guiding which molecular defect(s) should be investigated. The modes of inheritance of these distinct MED conditions are not identical. When a specific diagnosis is made, proper genetic counseling as well as prognostication, management issues and complications can be delineated to the patient and family. This review will include the mechanics of diagnostic and molecular triage for these disorders. (orig.)

  5. The inclusion of an online journal in PubMed central - a difficult path. (United States)

    Grech, Victor


    The indexing of a journal in a prominent database (such as PubMed) is an important imprimatur. Journals accepted for inclusion in PubMed Central (PMC) are automatically indexed in PubMed but must provide the entire contents of their publications as XML-tagged (Extensible Markup Language) data files compliant with PubMed's document type definition (DTD). This paper describes the various attempts that the journal Images in Paediatric Cardiology made in its efforts to convert the journal contents (including all of the extant backlog) to PMC-compliant XML for archiving and indexing in PubMed after the journal was accepted for inclusion by the database.

  6. Gaps in affiliation indexing in Scopus and PubMed. (United States)

    Schmidt, Cynthia M; Cox, Roxanne; Fial, Alissa V; Hartman, Teresa L; Magee, Martha L


    The authors sought to determine whether unexpected gaps existed in Scopus's author affiliation indexing of publications written by the University of Nebraska Medical Center or Nebraska Medicine (UNMC/NM) authors during 2014. First, we compared Scopus affiliation identifier search results to PubMed affiliation keyword search results. Then, we searched Scopus using affiliation keywords (UNMC, etc.) and compared the results to PubMed affiliation keyword and Scopus affiliation identifier searches. We found that Scopus's records for approximately 7% of UNMC/NM authors' publications lacked appropriate UNMC/NM author affiliation identifiers, and many journals' publishers were supplying incomplete author affiliation information to PubMed. Institutions relying on Scopus to track their impact should determine whether Scopus's affiliation identifiers will, in fact, identify all articles published by their authors and investigators.

  7. Med politiet i ’virkeligheden’: Reality-tv og kriminalitet

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ib Bondebjerg


    Full Text Available Kriminalstoffet på tv bliver ofte anklaget for at spekulere i vore lavere instinkter, og med reality kommer vi tættere end nogensinde på sam- fundets bund og det utrættelige politi, som har til opgave at opretholde lov og orden. Artiklen gennemgår en lang række af de senere års kri- minalprogrammer og diskuterer dokumentarismens former med en særlig belysning af æstetik, retorik og synsvinkel i undergenrerne »reality magasin« og »reality soap«. Lars Engels’ serie »Historier fra en politistation« tages op til særlig debat, fordi Engels – vanen tro – arbejder med en mindre iscenesættelse og ukommenteret virkelig- hedsgengivelse, end vi finder det i andre »reality soaps«.

  8. Planning and scheduling algorithms for the COSMO-SkyMed constellation

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Bianchessi, Nicola; Righini, Giovanni


    The COSMO-SkyMed satellite constellation for the observation of the Earth is made of four satellites equipped with radar instruments and is intended for dual use, i.e. for security as well as for environmental monitoring purpose. The planning and scheduling problem for the COSMO-SkyMed constellation

  9. Vejbygning i områder med permafrost

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jørgensen, Anders Stuhr


    Siden begyndelsen af 1990’erne er der registreret en markant stigning i den årlige middeltemperatur i Nunavik, Québec Canada. Dette har ført til en reduktion i udbredelsen af permafrost, hvilket truer stabiliteten af lufthavne og veje i området. I sommeren 2007 blev en teststrækning opført i...... Tasiujaq Lufthavn for at studere effekten af tre forskellige metoder, som skal være med til at reducere optøningen af permafrost under landingsbanen. De tre metoder, som er blevet undersøgt, er konvektionskøling (air convection embankment), varmeudtrækning (heat drain) samt et forsøg med ændring af...

  10. Grønnere skibsfart med modstandsdygtige motorer

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lassen, Lisbeth


    Udledningen af forurening fra skibsmotorer skal sænkes kraftigt i de kommende år, og derfor står den maritime industri overfor helt nye krav til blandt andet hvilke brændstoffer, man kan bruge. På grund af de nye regler, der begrænser skibenes energiforbrug, er man også begyndt at sejle med nedsa...... foregår i samarbejde med DTU Kemiteknik og MAN Diesel & Turbo....... hastighed. Både de nye brændstoftyper og den nedsatte hastighed giver problemer for skibsmotorerne, problemer som projektet SULCOR, Sulfuric Acid corrosion in Large Marine Diesel Engines, netop har modtaget 16 millioner kr. fra Innovationsfonden til at begynde at løse. Projektet ledes af DTU Mekanik og...

  11. Projekt Frit Sind hjælper mennesker med social angst

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Moutamid, Mina El


    Social angst er en almindelig, men overset lidelse, som ofte er forbundet med isolation. Mange fortæller ikke om den angst, de oplever, til andre og kommer til at leve et liv med begrænsninger, som de kunne være foruden, hvis de fik hjælp. Angsten betyder også, at det kan være svært at komme...... hjemmefra og opsøge hjælp hos SIND eller andre rådgivninger. Frit Sind er et nyt tilbud i København til disse mennesker og har fokus på de specifikke behov, mennesker med social angst har....

  12. Et eller andet med sprog

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Adamsen, Billy; Nielsen, Charlotte Marie Bisgaard; Dam Christensen, Mie


    bedre sted, intet mindre. - Jeg frygter at de kommer til at kede sig på et reklamebureau med fx at lave kampagner og drikke champagne. Så jeg prøver at tale dem fra det. De skal finde ud af, hvem de er og hvad de gerne vil bruge deres liv på. Rådgiver for statsministeren Billy Adamsen har en phd i...

  13. Misting and fan cooling of the rest area in a dairy barn (United States)

    Calegari, Ferdinando; Calamari, Luigi; Frazzi, Ermes


    This summer study aimed to evaluate the effect on dairy cows, kept in a free stall barn equipped with fans and sprinklers in the feeding area, of the delivery rate of misters in a cooling system in rest areas with different bedding materials. Thirty cows were divided into two homogenous groups according to milk yield and kept in two pens: one had beds with sand (SAMM) while the other had straw (STLM). Each pen was equipped with 2 fans (Ø 70 cm, 0.50 kW) and 2 misters (delivery rate of 11.2 and 22.5 L/h in STLM and SAMM, respectively) in the rest area. Microclimatic parameters, rectal temperature (RT), breathing rate (BR), milk yield, and some milk traits were recorded. Behavioural routines of the cows (standing and lying) were also continuously recorded during the hotter days. During the trial, two mild-moderate heat waves were observed. During these hotter periods, the daily maximum temperature recorded in the rest areas was 28.9 in SAMM and 31.2 in STLM, and the daily maximum THI was 78.2 in SAMM and 81.5 in STLM. In these periods, the cows in SAMM compared with those in STLM showed lower BR ( P sand as bedding materials reduces heat stress and improves cow comfort.

  14. A synergetic hybridization of adsorption cycle with the multi-effect distillation (MED)

    KAUST Repository

    Thu, K.


    Multi-effect distillation (MED) systems are proven and energy efficient thermally-driven desalination systems for handling harsh seawater feed in the Gulf region. The high cycle efficiency is markedly achieved by latent energy re-use with minimal stage temperature-difference across the condensing steam and the evaporating saline seawater in each stage. The efficacies of MED system are (i) its low stage-temperature-difference between top brine temperature (TBT) and final condensing temperature, (ii) its robustness to varying salinity and ability to handle harmful algae Blooming (HABs) and (iii) its compact foot-print per unit water output. The practical TBT of MED systems, hitherto, is around 65 C for controllable scaling and fouling with the ambient-limited final condenser temperature, usually from 30 to 45 C. The adsorption (ADC) cycles utilize low-temperature heat sources (typically below 90 C) to produce useful cooling power and potable water. Hybridizing MED with AD cycles, they synergistically improve the water production rates at the same energy input whilst the AD cycle is driven by the recovered waste heat. We present a practical AD + MED combination that can be retrofitted to existing MEDs: The cooling energy of AD cycle through the water vapor uptake by the adsorbent is recycled internally, providing lower temperature condensing environment in the effects whilst the final condensing temperature of MED is as low as 5-10 C, which is below ambient. The increase in the temperature difference between TBT and final condensing temperature accommodates additional MED stages. A detailed numerical model is presented to capture the transient behaviors of heat and mass interactions in the combined AD + MED cycles and the results are presented in terms of key variables. It is observed that the water production rates of the combined cycle increase to give a GOR of 8.8 from an initial value of 5.9. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  15. MedBlock: Efficient and Secure Medical Data Sharing Via Blockchain. (United States)

    Fan, Kai; Wang, Shangyang; Ren, Yanhui; Li, Hui; Yang, Yintang


    With the development of electronic information technology, electronic medical records (EMRs) have been a common way to store the patients' data in hospitals. They are stored in different hospitals' databases, even for the same patient. Therefore, it is difficult to construct a summarized EMR for one patient from multiple hospital databases due to the security and privacy concerns. Meanwhile, current EMRs systems lack a standard data management and sharing policy, making it difficult for pharmaceutical scientists to develop precise medicines based on data obtained under different policies. To solve the above problems, we proposed a blockchain-based information management system, MedBlock, to handle patients' information. In this scheme, the distributed ledger of MedBlock allows the efficient EMRs access and EMRs retrieval. The improved consensus mechanism achieves consensus of EMRs without large energy consumption and network congestion. In addition, MedBlock also exhibits high information security combining the customized access control protocols and symmetric cryptography. MedBlock can play an important role in the sensitive medical information sharing.

  16. Vekst, metabolisme og ølbrygging med melkesyrebakterier og gjær


    Kvam, Guro


    Ølbrygging er et håndverk forbundet med lange tradisjoner, med røtter tilbake til det 12. århundrets Europa. Før dagens mikrobiologiske teknikker ble oppfunnet var all øl spontangjæret med en kompleks sammensetning av ulike gjær- og bakteriestammer. I dag produseres fremdeles enkelte av disse ølsortene under navn som lambic, geuze eller Berliner weisse, og interessen for slike ølsorter har økt betraktelig de siste årene. Mange bryggerier benytter i dag kjente kulturer av gjær og melkesyrebakt...

  17. Role for the MED21-MED7 Hinge in Assembly of the Mediator-RNA Polymerase II Holoenzyme* (United States)

    Sato, Shigeo; Tomomori-Sato, Chieri; Tsai, Kuang-Lei; Yu, Xiaodi; Sardiu, Mihaela; Saraf, Anita; Washburn, Michael P.; Florens, Laurence; Asturias, Francisco J.; Conaway, Ronald C.


    Mediator plays an integral role in activation of RNA polymerase II (Pol II) transcription. A key step in activation is binding of Mediator to Pol II to form the Mediator-Pol II holoenzyme. Here, we exploit a combination of biochemistry and macromolecular EM to investigate holoenzyme assembly. We identify a subset of human Mediator head module subunits that bind Pol II independent of other subunits and thus probably contribute to a major Pol II binding site. In addition, we show that binding of human Mediator to Pol II depends on the integrity of a conserved “hinge” in the middle module MED21-MED7 heterodimer. Point mutations in the hinge region leave core Mediator intact but lead to increased disorder of the middle module and markedly reduced affinity for Pol II. These findings highlight the importance of Mediator conformation for holoenzyme assembly. PMID:27821593

  18. Den fuldt åbne MOOC med afsæt i aktuelle deltagere

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hansbøl, Mikala; Erkmann, Malene; Munksgaard, Marianne Eilsø


    I dette afsnit præsenterer vi nogle af erfaringerne fra arbejdet med fire versioner af Videnskabsteori MOOC’en. Erfaringerne tager afsæt i vores kvalitative undersøgelser af deltagerperspektiver (UCSJ undervisere og MOOC deltagere) på MOOC-understøttet undervisning i, og læring af, anvendt...... videnskabsteori. MOOC litteraturen havde indtil 2013 primært beskæftiget sig med universitetsuddannelse, og der var stort set ikke skrevet noget om MOOCs i en dansk sammenhæng. Kjærgaard et al. (2013) leverede et første dansk bidrag, der kobler MOOCs med professionshøjskolerne i Danmark. Arbejdet med...... Videnskabsteori MOOC’en har især taget afsæt i en interesse i at forstå samspillet mellem deltagerforudsætninger, interesser og behov, og læringsmulighederne med MOOC’en. På den baggrund udpeger vi nogle væsentlige designelementer, der kan medtænkes i fremtidige udviklinger af tilsvarende fuldt åbne MOOCs...

  19. PubMed had a higher sensitivity than Ovid-MEDLINE in the search for systematic reviews. (United States)

    Katchamart, Wanruchada; Faulkner, Amy; Feldman, Brian; Tomlinson, George; Bombardier, Claire


    To compare the performance of Ovid-MEDLINE vs. PubMed for identifying randomized controlled trials of methotrexate (MTX) in patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA). We created search strategies for Ovid-MEDLINE and PubMed for a systematic review of MTX in RA. Their performance was evaluated using sensitivity, precision, and number needed to read (NNR). Comparing searches in Ovid-MEDLINE vs. PubMed, PubMed retrieved more citations overall than Ovid-MEDLINE; however, of the 20 citations that met eligibility criteria for the review, Ovid-MEDLINE retrieved 17 and PubMed 18. The sensitivity was 85% for Ovid-MEDLINE vs. 90% for PubMed, whereas the precision and NNR were comparable (precision: 0.881% for Ovid-MEDLINE vs. 0.884% for PubMed and NNR: 114 for Ovid-MEDLINE vs. 113 for PubMed). In systematic reviews of RA, PubMed has higher sensitivity than Ovid-MEDLINE with comparable precision and NNR. This study highlights the importance of well-designed database-specific search strategies. Copyright © 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  20. Statyny i astma

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Joanna Pawlak


    Full Text Available Statyny należą do leków powszechnie stosowanych w leczeniu hiperlipidemii oraz chorób układu sercowo-naczyniowego. Hamując aktywność reduktazy 3-hydroksy-metyloglutarylo-koenzymu A (HMG-CoA zmniejszają syntezę cholesterolu. Wykazano, że leki te cechują się znacznie szerszym zakresem działania, które określono jako pozalipidowe (plejotropowe. Mimo że korzyści z działania inhibitorów reduktazy HMG-CoA zostały już dowiedzione w leczeniu chorób układu sercowo-naczyniowego, podejmuje się próby ich wykorzystywania w innych dziedzinach medycyny, takich jak neurologia czy reumatologia. Obecnie szczególną uwagę zwraca się na działanie przeciwzapalne i immunomodulujące tych leków. Na podstawie powyższych obserwacji w ostatnich latach podjęto próby zastosowania statyn również w alergologii.W pracy przedstawiono wybrane aspekty wpływu statyn na reakcje immunologiczne i proces zapalny wskazując na możliwość wykorzystania tych leków w leczeniu astmy.

  1. How Complementary and Alternative Medicine Practitioners Use PubMed (United States)

    Quint-Rapoport, Mia


    Background PubMed is the largest bibliographic index in the life sciences. It is freely available online and is used by professionals and the public to learn more about medical research. While primarily intended to serve researchers, PubMed provides an array of tools and services that can help a wider readership in the location, comprehension, evaluation, and utilization of medical research. Objective This study sought to establish the potential contributions made by a range of PubMed tools and services to the use of the database by complementary and alternative medicine practitioners. Methods In this study, 10 chiropractors, 7 registered massage therapists, and a homeopath (N = 18), 11 with prior research training and 7 without, were taken through a 2-hour introductory session with PubMed. The 10 PubMed tools and services considered in this study can be divided into three functions: (1) information retrieval (Boolean Search, Limits, Related Articles, Author Links, MeSH), (2) information access (Publisher Link, LinkOut, Bookshelf ), and (3) information management (History, Send To, Email Alert). Participants were introduced to between six and 10 of these tools and services. The participants were asked to provide feedback on the value of each tool or service in terms of their information needs, which was ranked as positive, positive with emphasis, negative, or indifferent. Results The participants in this study expressed an interest in the three types of PubMed tools and services (information retrieval, access, and management), with less well-regarded tools including MeSH Database and Bookshelf. In terms of their comprehension of the research, the tools and services led the participants to reflect on their understanding as well as their critical reading and use of the research. There was universal support among the participants for greater access to complete articles, beyond the approximately 15% that are currently open access. The abstracts provided by PubMed were

  2. Professionel praksis i botilbud for mennesker med udviklingshæmning

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Engen, Mie

    I dag varetager man i Danmark hovedsageligt omsorgen for mennesker med udviklingshæmning, der har behov for hjælp og støtte på døgnbasis, i § 107/108 boformer oprettet efter Lov om Social Service og Almenboliglovens § 105. Formålet med den professionelle praksis i boformerne er at varetage disse ...

  3. Barn swallows nesting near radioactive leaching ponds in southeastern Idaho

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Millard, J.B.; Whicker, F.W.; Markham, O.D.


    Seasonally occurring populations of barn swallows nest near the Test Reactor Area (TRA) radioactive leaching ponds on the Idaho National Engineering Laboratory (INEL) Site. These birds utilize leaching pond arthropods and are therefore capable of accumulating radioactive materials and exporting them from the INEL Site during migration. The breeding biology is discussed for these swallows and a control group located 100 km away. Total nestling mortality for the controls and a 1977 TRA population was found to be statistically identical. Over 20 fission and activation products have been detected in immature and adult TRA birds. Mean concentrations of detectable radionuclides were used to calculate internal dose rates, and results showed that Na-24 contributed about 72% of the total average of 21.9 mrad/d for adult birds. Concentration factors were also calculated for predominant radionuclides in swallows relative to filtered pond water. Data from LiF dosimeters in swallow nests constructed with contaminated mud indicated average dose rates were 84 mrad/d for eggs and 220 mrad/d for nestlings. Growth curves were constructed for the immature TRA birds and controls. The first clutch of TRA swallows was found to have a significantly lower mean growth rate constant than the first clutch of controls. The statistical difference in growth rate between the control and TRA first clutch populations may have resulted from differences in climate, nesting site habitat, or available food sources, and cannot be solely attributed to radiation exposure as a causative factor. Growth rate parameters for TRA birds were within the range of values reported in the literature

  4. Med-Ro Hybrid desalination as option to supply fresh water in BABEL Islands Province

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Siti Alimah; Sudi Ariyanto; June Mellawati; Budiarto


    Med-Ro hybrid desalination systems are combining both thermal (Med) and membrane (Ro) desalination processes with power generation systems. This configuration has more economical and operational benefits in comparison with single desalination plant. Hybrid configurations are characterized by flexibility in operation, specific energy consumption (33.50 kWh/m 3 ) is lower than Med (36.54 kWh/m 3 ) and high plant availability. The objective of study is to analyze the Med-Ro hybrid desalination as an option to add supply fresh water in Babel Islands Province, in terms of technology and economy aspects. The result of study showed that adopting nuclear power plants as dual-purpose for power generation and producing fresh water is has economic competitiveness than fossil-fired generation plants. Med-Ro hybrid configuration, with feed Ro from heat rejection of Med system is suitable as fresh water supply add option because increase of Ro feed temperature will increase flux. Economic analysis of water cost are performed using the Deep-3.2. Water cost of hybrid Med-Ro desalination with energy of NPP (0.581 $/m ) is lower than that of Med water cost (0.752 $/m ) . Water cost of hybrid Med-Ro with energy of NPP (0.581 $/m ) is lower than that of water cost of energy with fossil-fired generation plants (0.720 $/m 3 ). (author)

  5. Increased utilisation of primary healthcare in persons exposed to severe stress in prenatal life

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Li, Jiong; Yang, Hu; Guldin, Mai-Britt


    Meget tyder på, at stress i graviditeten kan skade det ufødte barn. Dette studie viser, at sorg hos moderen under graviditeten kan betyde, at barnet senere i livet søger læge mere hyppigt sammenlignet med børn, hvor moderen ikke har været i sorg under graviditeten. Det er især, hvis moderen under...... menneskes liv, og at det kan påvirke det ufødte barn, når moderen bliver stresset under graviditeten. Vi ved dog ikke helt, om den øgede lægesøgning hos børnene kun skyldes stress i graviditeten, eller om de også påvirkes af, om moderen fx har mistet sin ægtefælle, og den betydning det kan have for barnets...

  6. Digital kommunikation med den offentlige sektor

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Berger, Jesper; Andersen, Kim Normann


    Denne rapport sammenfatter hovedresultaterne af en undersøgelse gennemført i juni måned 2013 om besvarelse af e-mail og digital post i den statslige, regionale og kommunale sektor. Allerede med eDag3 1. nov. 2010 skulle alle myndigheder have oprettet en digital postkasse, som borgerne kunne skrive...... til. I denne undersøgelse sættes der fokus på myndighedernes besvarelse af den digitale post. Digital post blev bl.a. etableret som et alternativ til almindelig e-mail for at det offentlige kan kommunikere med borgere og virksomheder på en sikker måde, dvs. uden at uvedkommende kan få adgang til...... følsomme oplysninger. Fokus for undersøgelsen er hvordan håndterer myndighederne besvarelserne i den digitale postkasse: svarer de på digital post og e-mail, hvor hurtigt svarer de og er svarene brugbare? Undersøgelsen medtager myndighedernes besvarelse af digital post og e-mail, dels for at kunne...

  7. Digital kommunikation med den offentlige sektor

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Berger, Jesper Bull; Andersen, Kim Normann

    Denne rapport sammenfatter hovedresultaterne for styrelser og statslige organisationer af en undersøgelse gennemført i sommeren 2013 om besvarelse af e-mail og digital post i den statslige, regionale og kommunale sektor. Allerede med eDag3 1. nov. 2010 skulle alle myndigheder have oprettet en...... digital postkasse, som borgerne kunne skrive til. I denne undersøgelse sættes der fokus på myndighedernes besvarelse af den digitale post. Digital post blev bl.a. etableret som et alternativ til almindelig e-mail for at det offentlige kan kommunikere med borgere og virksomheder på en sikker måde, dvs....... uden at uvedkommende kan få adgang til følsomme oplysninger. Fokus for undersøgelsen er hvordan håndterer myndighederne besvarelserne i den digitale postkasse: svarer de på digital post og e-mail, hvor hurtigt svarer de og er svarene brugbare? Vi har også undersøgt besvarelse af e-mail, dels...

  8. Tværsektorielt samarbejde ved behandling af patienter med type 2-diabetes

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Munch, Lene; Røder, Michael E; Hansen, Ida H


    Hovedbudskaber • Sundhedsstyrelsen lægger vægt på tværsektorielt samarbejde omkring patienten med type 2-diabetes, men denne tankegang er dog ikke implementeret i det danske sundhedsvæsen • På organisatorisk niveau kan en stratificerings- og forløbsmodel give anvisninger til opgave- og...... udnyttelse af sundhedsvæsenets ressourcer samtidig med, at behandling af høj kvalitet fastholdes og udvikles for patienter med type 2-diabetes...

  9. MedRapid--medical community & business intelligence system. (United States)

    Finkeissen, E; Fuchs, H; Jakob, T; Wetter, T


    currently, it takes at least 6 months for researchers to communicate their results. This delay is caused (a) by partial lacks of machine support for both representation as well as communication and (b) by media breaks during the communication process. To make an integrated communication between researchers and practitioners possible, a general structure for medical content representation has been set up. The procedure for data entry and quality management has been generalized and implemented in a web-based authoring system. The MedRapid-system supports the medical experts in entering their knowledge into a database. Here, the level of detail is still below that of current medical guidelines representation. However, the symmetric structure for an area-wide medical knowledge representation is highly retrievable and thus can quickly be communicated into daily routine for the improvement of the treatment quality. In addition, other sources like journal articles and medical guidelines can be references within the MedRapid-system and thus be communicated into daily routine. The fundamental system for the representation of medical reference knowledge (from reference works/books) itself is not sufficient for the friction-less communication amongst medical staff. Rather, the process of (a) representing medical knowledge, (b) refereeing the represented knowledge, (c) communicating the represented knowledge, and (d) retrieving the represented knowledge has to be unified. MedRapid will soon support the whole process on one server system.

  10. Improving accuracy for identifying related PubMed queries by an integrated approach. (United States)

    Lu, Zhiyong; Wilbur, W John


    PubMed is the most widely used tool for searching biomedical literature online. As with many other online search tools, a user often types a series of multiple related queries before retrieving satisfactory results to fulfill a single information need. Meanwhile, it is also a common phenomenon to see a user type queries on unrelated topics in a single session. In order to study PubMed users' search strategies, it is necessary to be able to automatically separate unrelated queries and group together related queries. Here, we report a novel approach combining both lexical and contextual analyses for segmenting PubMed query sessions and identifying related queries and compare its performance with the previous approach based solely on concept mapping. We experimented with our integrated approach on sample data consisting of 1539 pairs of consecutive user queries in 351 user sessions. The prediction results of 1396 pairs agreed with the gold-standard annotations, achieving an overall accuracy of 90.7%. This demonstrates that our approach is significantly better than the previously published method. By applying this approach to a one day query log of PubMed, we found that a significant proportion of information needs involved more than one PubMed query, and that most of the consecutive queries for the same information need are lexically related. Finally, the proposed PubMed distance is shown to be an accurate and meaningful measure for determining the contextual similarity between biological terms. The integrated approach can play a critical role in handling real-world PubMed query log data as is demonstrated in our experiments.

  11. A functional portrait of Med7 and the mediator complex in Candida albicans. (United States)

    Tebbji, Faiza; Chen, Yaolin; Richard Albert, Julien; Gunsalus, Kearney T W; Kumamoto, Carol A; Nantel, André; Sellam, Adnane; Whiteway, Malcolm


    Mediator is a multi-subunit protein complex that regulates gene expression in eukaryotes by integrating physiological and developmental signals and transmitting them to the general RNA polymerase II machinery. We examined, in the fungal pathogen Candida albicans, a set of conditional alleles of genes encoding Mediator subunits of the head, middle, and tail modules that were found to be essential in the related ascomycete Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Intriguingly, while the Med4, 8, 10, 11, 14, 17, 21 and 22 subunits were essential in both fungi, the structurally highly conserved Med7 subunit was apparently non-essential in C. albicans. While loss of CaMed7 did not lead to loss of viability under normal growth conditions, it dramatically influenced the pathogen's ability to grow in different carbon sources, to form hyphae and biofilms, and to colonize the gastrointestinal tracts of mice. We used epitope tagging and location profiling of the Med7 subunit to examine the distribution of the DNA sites bound by Mediator during growth in either the yeast or the hyphal form, two distinct morphologies characterized by different transcription profiles. We observed a core set of 200 genes bound by Med7 under both conditions; this core set is expanded moderately during yeast growth, but is expanded considerably during hyphal growth, supporting the idea that Mediator binding correlates with changes in transcriptional activity and that this binding is condition specific. Med7 bound not only in the promoter regions of active genes but also within coding regions and at the 3' ends of genes. By combining genome-wide location profiling, expression analyses and phenotyping, we have identified different Med7p-influenced regulons including genes related to glycolysis and the Filamentous Growth Regulator family. In the absence of Med7, the ribosomal regulon is de-repressed, suggesting Med7 is involved in central aspects of growth control.

  12. Health informatics research in Australia: retrospective analysis using PubMed

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Kumara Mendis


    Discussion Australian HI publications in PubMed increased consistently throughout the period 1970-2005, which is on a par with world trends in HI publications. In Australia, most HI publications are in general medical journals. Lack of consistency in author names and failure to include the country name and even the state are the main obstacles to PubMed bibliometric analysis.

  13. Murværk opmuret med vådmørtler

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hansen, Klavs Feilberg

    Vådmørtler benyttes i størstedelen af det murede nybyggeri. Egenskaberne af murværk opmuret med vådmørtel er i dag kun mangelfuldt dokumenteret. Denne rapport beskriver en metode til bedre dokumentation af de styrkemæssige egenskaber ved murværk opmuret med vådmørtel. Første del af rapporten genn...

  14. Kvalitative Interviews med D&I Censorer, Undervisere, Kandidater og Studerende

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Brodersen, Søsser; Lindegaard, Hanne


    Som en opfølgning på telefon surveys blev der i tredje fase af D&I evalueringen gennemført en række kvalitative interviews med udvalgte censorer, undervisere, kandidater og studerende. Formålet med de kvalitative interviews har været at undersøge om: - D&I studerende og kandidater gennem forløbet i...

  15. Hvad stiller vi op med samfundsneurosen?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jensen, Niels Rosendal


    Pædagogisk og socialt arbejde er som aldrig før udsat for evaluering, accountability, akkreditering m.v.  Det fjerner opmærksomheden fra kerneopgaven, at de professionelles ydelser forbedres. Forhistorien opridses kort, og klummen afrundes med at pege på tre mulige veje ud af samfundsneurosen: et...

  16. Solar-assisted MED treatment of Eskom power station waste water (United States)

    Roos, Thomas H.; Rogers, David E. C.; Gericke, Gerhard


    The comparative benefits of multi-effect distillation (MED) used in conjunction with Nano Filtration (NF), Reverse Osmosis (RO) and Eutectic Freeze Crystallization (EFC) are determined for waste water minimization for inland coal fired power stations for Zero Liquid Effluent Discharge (ZLED). A sequence of technologies is proposed to achieve maximal water recovery and brine concentration: NF - physico-chemical treatment - MED - EFC. The possibility of extending the concentration of RO reject arising from minewater treatment at the Lethabo power station with MED alone is evaluated with mineral formation modelling using the thermochemical modelling software Phreeq-C. It is shown that pretreatment is essential to extend the amount of water that can be recovered, and this can be beneficially supported by NF.

  17. Enabling multi-level relevance feedback on PubMed by integrating rank learning into DBMS. (United States)

    Yu, Hwanjo; Kim, Taehoon; Oh, Jinoh; Ko, Ilhwan; Kim, Sungchul; Han, Wook-Shin


    Finding relevant articles from PubMed is challenging because it is hard to express the user's specific intention in the given query interface, and a keyword query typically retrieves a large number of results. Researchers have applied machine learning techniques to find relevant articles by ranking the articles according to the learned relevance function. However, the process of learning and ranking is usually done offline without integrated with the keyword queries, and the users have to provide a large amount of training documents to get a reasonable learning accuracy. This paper proposes a novel multi-level relevance feedback system for PubMed, called RefMed, which supports both ad-hoc keyword queries and a multi-level relevance feedback in real time on PubMed. RefMed supports a multi-level relevance feedback by using the RankSVM as the learning method, and thus it achieves higher accuracy with less feedback. RefMed "tightly" integrates the RankSVM into RDBMS to support both keyword queries and the multi-level relevance feedback in real time; the tight coupling of the RankSVM and DBMS substantially improves the processing time. An efficient parameter selection method for the RankSVM is also proposed, which tunes the RankSVM parameter without performing validation. Thereby, RefMed achieves a high learning accuracy in real time without performing a validation process. RefMed is accessible at RefMed is the first multi-level relevance feedback system for PubMed, which achieves a high accuracy with less feedback. It effectively learns an accurate relevance function from the user's feedback and efficiently processes the function to return relevant articles in real time.

  18. PubMedPortable: A Framework for Supporting the Development of Text Mining Applications. (United States)

    Döring, Kersten; Grüning, Björn A; Telukunta, Kiran K; Thomas, Philippe; Günther, Stefan


    Information extraction from biomedical literature is continuously growing in scope and importance. Many tools exist that perform named entity recognition, e.g. of proteins, chemical compounds, and diseases. Furthermore, several approaches deal with the extraction of relations between identified entities. The BioCreative community supports these developments with yearly open challenges, which led to a standardised XML text annotation format called BioC. PubMed provides access to the largest open biomedical literature repository, but there is no unified way of connecting its data to natural language processing tools. Therefore, an appropriate data environment is needed as a basis to combine different software solutions and to develop customised text mining applications. PubMedPortable builds a relational database and a full text index on PubMed citations. It can be applied either to the complete PubMed data set or an arbitrary subset of downloaded PubMed XML files. The software provides the infrastructure to combine stand-alone applications by exporting different data formats, e.g. BioC. The presented workflows show how to use PubMedPortable to retrieve, store, and analyse a disease-specific data set. The provided use cases are well documented in the PubMedPortable wiki. The open-source software library is small, easy to use, and scalable to the user's system requirements. It is freely available for Linux on the web at and for other operating systems as a virtual container. The approach was tested extensively and applied successfully in several projects.

  19. AliBaba: PubMed as a graph. (United States)

    Plake, Conrad; Schiemann, Torsten; Pankalla, Marcus; Hakenberg, Jörg; Leser, Ulf


    The biomedical literature contains a wealth of information on associations between many different types of objects, such as protein-protein interactions, gene-disease associations and subcellular locations of proteins. When searching such information using conventional search engines, e.g. PubMed, users see the data only one-abstract at a time and 'hidden' in natural language text. AliBaba is an interactive tool for graphical summarization of search results. It parses the set of abstracts that fit a PubMed query and presents extracted information on biomedical objects and their relationships as a graphical network. AliBaba extracts associations between cells, diseases, drugs, proteins, species and tissues. Several filter options allow for a more focused search. Thus, researchers can grasp complex networks described in various articles at a glance.

  20. Validation of search filters for identifying pediatric studies in PubMed

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Leclercq, Edith; Leeflang, Mariska M. G.; van Dalen, Elvira C.; Kremer, Leontien C. M.


    To identify and validate PubMed search filters for retrieving studies including children and to develop a new pediatric search filter for PubMed. We developed 2 different datasets of studies to evaluate the performance of the identified pediatric search filters, expressed in terms of sensitivity,

  1. Trafikulykker med ældre bilister - litteraturundersøgelse

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Siren, Anu Kristiina

    Andelen af ældre mennesker er i disse år hastigt stigende i de industrialiserede lande, herunder i Danmark. Som følge heraf vokser antallet af ældre bilister, og nutidens ældre forbliver aktive og mobile langt op i årene. Da mobilitet er en vigtig del af dagligdagen, skal transportsystemet blandt...... antal ældre trafikanter vil medføre flere sikkerhedsmæssige problemer. Tværtimod ser det ud, som om sikkerheden generelt vil øges i takt med det voksende antal ældre trafikanter. Denne positive udvikling er dog ikke ensbetydende med, at der ikke fortsat skal fokuseres på ældrevenlige løsninger i...

  2. Mars Science Laboratory (MSL) Entry, Descent, and Landing Instrumentation (MEDLI): Complete Flight Data Set (United States)

    Cheatwood, F. McNeil; Bose, Deepak; Karlgaard, Christopher D.; Kuhl, Christopher A.; Santos, Jose A.; Wright, Michael J.


    The Mars Science Laboratory (MSL) entry vehicle (EV) successfully entered the Mars atmosphere and landed the Curiosity rover safely on the surface of the planet in Gale crater on August 6, 2012. MSL carried the MSL Entry, Descent, and Landing (EDL) Instrumentation (MEDLI). MEDLI delivered the first in-depth understanding of the Mars entry environments and the response of the entry vehicle to those environments. MEDLI was comprised of three major subsystems: the Mars Entry Atmospheric Data System (MEADS), the MEDLI Integrated Sensor Plugs (MISP), and the Sensor Support Electronics (SSE). Ultimately, the entire MEDLI sensor suite consisting of both MEADS and MISP provided measurements that were used for trajectory reconstruction and engineering validation of aerodynamic, atmospheric, and thermal protection system (TPS) models in addition to Earth-based systems testing procedures. This report contains in-depth hardware descriptions, performance evaluation, and data information of the three MEDLI subsystems.

  3. Mediator MED23 regulates basal transcription in vivo via an interaction with P-TEFb. (United States)

    Wang, Wei; Yao, Xiao; Huang, Yan; Hu, Xiangming; Liu, Runzhong; Hou, Dongming; Chen, Ruichuan; Wang, Gang


    The Mediator is a multi-subunit complex that transduces regulatory information from transcription regulators to the RNA polymerase II apparatus. Growing evidence suggests that Mediator plays roles in multiple stages of eukaryotic transcription, including elongation. However, the detailed mechanism by which Mediator regulates elongation remains elusive. In this study, we demonstrate that Mediator MED23 subunit controls a basal level of transcription by recruiting elongation factor P-TEFb, via an interaction with its CDK9 subunit. The mRNA level of Egr1, a MED23-controlled model gene, is reduced 4-5 fold in Med23 (-/-) ES cells under an unstimulated condition, but Med23-deficiency does not alter the occupancies of RNAP II, GTFs, Mediator complex, or activator ELK1 at the Egr1 promoter. Instead, Med23 depletion results in a significant decrease in P-TEFb and RNAP II (Ser2P) binding at the coding region, but no changes for several other elongation regulators, such as DSIF and NELF. ChIP-seq revealed that Med23-deficiency partially reduced the P-TEFb occupancy at a set of MED23-regulated gene promoters. Further, we demonstrate that MED23 interacts with CDK9 in vivo and in vitro. Collectively, these results provide the mechanistic insight into how Mediator promotes RNAP II into transcription elongation.

  4. The performances of standard and ResMed masks during bag-valve-mask ventilation. (United States)

    Lee, Hyoung Youn; Jeung, Kyung Woon; Lee, Byung Kook; Lee, Seung Joon; Jung, Yong Hun; Lee, Geo Sung; Min, Yong Il; Heo, Tag


    A tight mask seal is frequently difficult to obtain and maintain during single-rescuer bag-valve-mask (BVM) ventilation. The ResMed mask (Bella Vista, NSW, Australia) is a continuous-positive-airway-pressure mask (CM) designed for noninvasive ventilation. In this study, we compared the ventilation performances of a standard mask (SM) and a ResMed CM using a simulation manikin in an out-of-hospital single-rescuer BVM ventilation scenario. Thirty emergency medical technicians (EMTs) performed two 2-minute attempts to ventilate a simulation manikin using BVM ventilation, alternatively, with the SM or the ResMed CM in a randomized order. Ventilation parameters including tidal volume and peak airway pressure were measured using computer analysis software connected to the simulation manikin. Successful volume delivery was defined as delivery of 440-540 mL of tidal volume in accord with present cardiopulmonary resuscitation guidelines. BVM ventilation using the ResMed CM produced higher mean (± standard deviation) tidal volumes (452 ± 50 mL vs. 394 ± 113 mL, p = 0.014) and had a higher proportion of successful volume deliveries (65.3% vs. 26.7%, p < 0.001) than that using the SM. Peak airway pressure was higher in BVM ventilation using the ResMed CM (p = 0.035). Stomach insufflation did not occur during either method. Twenty-nine of the participants (96.7%) preferred BVM ventilation using the ResMed CM. BVM ventilations using ResMed CM resulted in a significantly higher proportion of successful volume deliveries meeting the currently recommended range of tidal volume. Clinical studies are needed to determine the value of the ResMed CM for BVM ventilation.

  5. Indsats for forældre til børn med ADHD

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Neubert, Katja


    Et nyt review, udarbejdet af forskergruppen omkring Morris Zwi, undersøger om interventionsprogrammer til forældre til børn med ADHD er effektive, når det gælder reducering af børnenes ADHD-relaterede adfærd og associerede problemer som eksempelvis indlæringsproblemer. Reviewet peger på, at en...... indsats til forældre til børn med ADHD kan have en gavnlig effekt på børnenes adfærd. Interventionen kan også være med til at sænke stressniveauet hos forældre til disse børn, og forbedre forældrenes selvtillid....

  6. CDAPubMed: a browser extension to retrieve EHR-based biomedical literature

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Perez-Rey David


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Over the last few decades, the ever-increasing output of scientific publications has led to new challenges to keep up to date with the literature. In the biomedical area, this growth has introduced new requirements for professionals, e.g., physicians, who have to locate the exact papers that they need for their clinical and research work amongst a huge number of publications. Against this backdrop, novel information retrieval methods are even more necessary. While web search engines are widespread in many areas, facilitating access to all kinds of information, additional tools are required to automatically link information retrieved from these engines to specific biomedical applications. In the case of clinical environments, this also means considering aspects such as patient data security and confidentiality or structured contents, e.g., electronic health records (EHRs. In this scenario, we have developed a new tool to facilitate query building to retrieve scientific literature related to EHRs. Results We have developed CDAPubMed, an open-source web browser extension to integrate EHR features in biomedical literature retrieval approaches. Clinical users can use CDAPubMed to: (i load patient clinical documents, i.e., EHRs based on the Health Level 7-Clinical Document Architecture Standard (HL7-CDA, (ii identify relevant terms for scientific literature search in these documents, i.e., Medical Subject Headings (MeSH, automatically driven by the CDAPubMed configuration, which advanced users can optimize to adapt to each specific situation, and (iii generate and launch literature search queries to a major search engine, i.e., PubMed, to retrieve citations related to the EHR under examination. Conclusions CDAPubMed is a platform-independent tool designed to facilitate literature searching using keywords contained in specific EHRs. CDAPubMed is visually integrated, as an extension of a widespread web browser, within the standard

  7. Tillid – en dansk specialitet og konkurrencefordel

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Svendsen, Gert Tinggaard


    Der er på mange måder idyllisk i Danmark. Om sommeren skyder vejboderne op med frugt og grønt, hvor man selv tager fra hylderne og betaler i en kasse. Et spørgsmål om tillid – men utænkeligt i mange andre lande. F.eks. er der forskel på at efterlade sit barn i en barnevogn uden for en cafe i New...

  8. Observing floods from space: Experience gained from COSMO-SkyMed observations (United States)

    Pierdicca, N.; Pulvirenti, L.; Chini, M.; Guerriero, L.; Candela, L.


    The COSMO-SkyMed mission offers a unique opportunity to obtain all weather radar images characterized by short revisit time, thus being useful for flood evolution mapping. The COSMO-SkyMed system has been activated several times in the last few years in occasion of flood events all over the world in order to provide very high resolution X-band SAR images useful for flood detection purposes. This paper discusses the major outcomes of the experience gained, within the framework of the OPERA Pilot Project funded by the Italian Space Agency, from using COSMO-SkyMed data for the purpose of near real time generation of flood maps. A review of the mechanisms which determine the imprints of the inundation on the radar images and of the fundamental simulation tools able to predict these imprints and help image interpretation is provided. The approach developed to process the data and to generate the flood maps is also summarized. Then, the paper illustrates the experience gained with COSMO-SkyMed by describing and discussing a number of significant examples. These examples demonstrate the potential of the COSMO-SkyMed system and the suitability of the approach developed for generating the final products, but they also highlight some critical aspects that require further investigations to improve the reliability of the flood maps.

  9. Børn med ADHD skaber øget konflikt om morgenen

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lange, Anne-Mette


    Dækning af ny forskning fra videnskabelige præsentationer på den femte Internationale ADHD Congress i Vancouver, 2017.ækning af ny forskning fra videnskabelige præsentationer på den femte Internationale ADHD Congress i Vancouver, 2017.

  10. The medical dictionary for regulatory activities (MedDRA). (United States)

    Brown, E G; Wood, L; Wood, S


    The International Conference on Harmonisation has agreed upon the structure and content of the Medical Dictionary for Regulatory Activities (MedDRA) version 2.0 which should become available in the early part of 1999. This medical terminology is intended for use in the pre- and postmarketing phases of the medicines regulatory process, covering diagnoses, symptoms and signs, adverse drug reactions and therapeutic indications, the names and qualitative results of investigations, surgical and medical procedures, and medical/social history. It can be used for recording adverse events and medical history in clinical trials, in the analysis and tabulations of data from these trials and in the expedited submission of safety data to government regulatory authorities, as well as in constructing standard product information and documentation for applications for marketing authorisation. After licensing of a medicine, it may be used in pharmacovigilance and is expected to be the preferred terminology for international electronic regulatory communication. MedDRA is a hierarchical terminology with 5 levels and is multiaxial: terms may exist in more than 1 vertical axis, providing specificity of terms for data entry and flexibility in data retrieval. Terms in MedDRA were derived from several sources including the WHO's adverse reaction terminology (WHO-ART), Coding Symbols for a Thesaurus of Adverse Reaction Terms (COSTART), International Classification of Diseases (ICD) 9 and ICD9-CM. It will be maintained, further developed and distributed by a Maintenance Support Services Organisation (MSSO). It is anticipated that using MedDRA will improve the quality of data captured on databases, support effective analysis by providing clinically relevant groupings of terms and facilitate electronic communication of data, although as a new tool, users will need to invest time in gaining expertise in its use.

  11. Retrieving clinical evidence: a comparison of PubMed and Google Scholar for quick clinical searches. (United States)

    Shariff, Salimah Z; Bejaimal, Shayna Ad; Sontrop, Jessica M; Iansavichus, Arthur V; Haynes, R Brian; Weir, Matthew A; Garg, Amit X


    Physicians frequently search PubMed for information to guide patient care. More recently, Google Scholar has gained popularity as another freely accessible bibliographic database. To compare the performance of searches in PubMed and Google Scholar. We surveyed nephrologists (kidney specialists) and provided each with a unique clinical question derived from 100 renal therapy systematic reviews. Each physician provided the search terms they would type into a bibliographic database to locate evidence to answer the clinical question. We executed each of these searches in PubMed and Google Scholar and compared results for the first 40 records retrieved (equivalent to 2 default search pages in PubMed). We evaluated the recall (proportion of relevant articles found) and precision (ratio of relevant to nonrelevant articles) of the searches performed in PubMed and Google Scholar. Primary studies included in the systematic reviews served as the reference standard for relevant articles. We further documented whether relevant articles were available as free full-texts. Compared with PubMed, the average search in Google Scholar retrieved twice as many relevant articles (PubMed: 11%; Google Scholar: 22%; PGoogle Scholar: 8%; P=.07). Google Scholar provided significantly greater access to free full-text publications (PubMed: 5%; Google Scholar: 14%; PGoogle Scholar returns twice as many relevant articles as PubMed and provides greater access to free full-text articles.

  12. Multiple Epiphyseal Dysplasia (MED: A Rare Type of Skeletal Dysplasia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mohammad Imnul Islam


    Full Text Available Multiple epiphyseal dysplasia (MED is a congenital disorder of skeletal development that primarily affects the ends of long bones, causing progressive joint and bone inflammation and short stature. Mutations in several genes are responsible for pathogenesis of this disease. We are reporting a case of MED who presented with the complaints of multiple swelling of the joints which was associated with pain during movement for last seven years. The patient had flexion deformity of all the affected joints along with restriction of movement. These were associated with kyphosis, pectus carnitum, knock-knee and short stature. Radiological findings were suggestive of MED. Counseling was done with the parents regarding the etiology, progression and outcome of the disease.DOI: BSMMU J 2012; 5(1:57-60 

  13. Arbetet med arbetsgivarvarumärkets attraktivitet : En kvalitativ intervjustudie i tre företag om hur arbetet med "Employer branding" ser ut och implementeras i företag.


    Drugge, Marie; Bernelind, Diana


    Arbetet med att stärka ett arbetsgivarvarumärkes attraktivitet, både internt och externt, det alltmer välbekanta begreppet “Employer branding”, är ett vanligt förekommande koncept i dagens organisationer. Syftet med studien är att försöka ta reda på vad fenomenet “Employer branding” är och hur organisationer kan bedriva arbetet med att göra sitt arbetsgivarvarumärket attraktiv på den svenska arbetsmarknaden. Tieto, COWI och Klarna AB är de företag som deltar i studien. Begreppen legitimitet o...

  14. Sjuksköterskors upplevelse vid vård av patienter med substansbrukssyndrom


    Hanna, Johansson; Frida, Zetterman


    Bakgrund Tidigare forskning visar att sjuksköterskor har förutfattade meningar om patienter med en stigmatiserande diagnos. Sjuksköterskor stigmatiserar och har negativa attityder som påverkar deras vård av dessa patienter. Individer med substansbrukssyndrom är en grupp som är särskilt utsatt för stigmatisering i samhället. Dessa individer påträffas inom samtliga specialiteter inom vården. Denna studie fokuserar därför på sjuksköterskors upplevelse av patienter med substansbrukssyndrom. Syfte...

  15. [Use of PubMed to improve evidence-based medicine in routine urological practice]. (United States)

    Rink, M; Kluth, L A; Shariat, S F; Chun, F K; Fisch, M; Dahm, P


    Applying evidence-based medicine in daily clinical practice is the basis of patient-centered medicine and knowledge of accurate literature acquisition skills is necessary for informed clinical decision-making. PubMed is an easy accessible, free bibliographic database comprising over 21 million citations from the medical field, life-science journals and online books. The article summarizes the effective use of PubMed in routine urological clinical practice based on a common case scenario. This article explains the simple use of PubMed to obtain the best search results with the highest evidence. Accurate knowledge about the use of PubMed in routine clinical practice can improve evidence-based medicine and also patient treatment.

  16. Enriching PubMed Related Article Search with Sentence Level Co-citations (United States)

    Tran, Nam; Alves, Pedro; Ma, Shuangge


    PubMed related article links identify closely related articles and enhance our ability to navigate the biomedical literature. They are derived by calculating the word similarity between two articles, relating articles with overlapping word content. In this paper, we propose to enrich PubMed with a new type of related article link based on citations within a single sentence (i.e. sentence level co-citations or SLCs). Using different similarity metrics, we demonstrated that articles linked by SLCs are highly related. We also showed that only half of SLCs are found among PubMed related article links. Additionally, we discuss how the citing sentence of an SLC explains the connection between two articles. PMID:20351935

  17. Forord til den danske udgave af bogen rådgivning og terapi med børn

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kragh-Müller, Grethe


    En bog om rådgivning og terapi med børn med en integrativ indfaldsvinkel. Der tages udgangspunkt i forskellige teorier og metoder.......En bog om rådgivning og terapi med børn med en integrativ indfaldsvinkel. Der tages udgangspunkt i forskellige teorier og metoder....

  18. Historien med stort H endte i '89

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Østergaard, Uffe


    Revolution. Uffe Østergaard, Jean Monnet professor i europæisk historie på Copenhagen Business School, tager os med op, og betragter debatten om årsagerne til, og betydningen af, Murens fald i fugleperspektiv. Hvorfor var der ingen, der havde forudset begivenhederne?...

  19. Professor Nukem - et eksperiment med oplevelsesbaseret forskningsformidling

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sandvik, Kjetil; Thorhauge, Anne Mette


    Professor Nukem er resultatet af et forskningsprojekt om oplevelsesbaseret forskningsformidling der har form som et computerspil med tilhørende website, hvor brugeren interaktivt kan engagere sig i forskning omkring sociale og kulturelle aspekter ved computerspil. Professor Nukem kan spilles på...

  20. Prevalence of lameness and associated risk factors in Canadian Holstein-Friesian cows housed in freestall barns. (United States)

    Solano, L; Barkema, H W; Pajor, E A; Mason, S; LeBlanc, S J; Zaffino Heyerhoff, J C; Nash, C G R; Haley, D B; Vasseur, E; Pellerin, D; Rushen, J; de Passillé, A M; Orsel, K


    Lameness is a severe welfare problem and a production-limiting disease in dairy farming. The objectives of this study were to determine prevalence of lameness and investigate cow- and herd-level factors associated with lameness in dairy cows housed in freestall barns in 3 Canadian provinces. A purposive sample of 40 Holstein-Friesian cows was selected from each of 141 dairy farms in Québec, Ontario, and Alberta. In total, 5,637 cows were scored once for lameness (presence of limping when walking). Data collected included information on individual cows (hock lesions, claw length, body condition score, parity, days in milk, and milk production), management practices (floor and stall cleaning routine, bedding routine, and footbath practices), and facility design (stall dimensions, stall base and bedding type, width of feed alley, flooring type, and slipperiness) hypothesized to be risk factors for lameness. Multilevel mixed logistic regression models were constructed (including farm as a random effect and province as a fixed effect). Herd-level lameness prevalence ranged from 0 to 69% (mean = 21%). Lameness prevalence increased with increasing parity; compared with first parity, cows in parity 2, 3, and ≥ 4 had 1.6, 3.3, and 4 times, respectively, higher odds of being lame. Furthermore, the odds of lameness were 1.6 times greater in cows with low body condition score (≤ 2.5) than in cows with a higher body condition score. In addition, injured hocks and overgrown claws were associated with 1.4- and 1.7-fold increased odds of being lame, respectively, whereas every 1 kg increase in daily milk production was associated with a 3% decrease in the odds of being lame. Lameness prevalence was higher in herds with ≤ 100 cows, but lower in barns with a sand or dirt stall base, or with bedding ≥ 2 cm deep. Cows exposed to very slippery floors had 2 times the odds of being lame compared with cows exposed to nonslippery floors. We attributed the wide range of lameness

  1. Digitale medier

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sørensen, Birgitte Holm; Levinsen, Karin


    internetbrugere. Ifølge EU-Kids Online (2011) er børn i Danmark og Sverige syv år, når de har deres internetdebut. En rapport fra Medierådet i Sverige, fra 2010, omfattende svenske børn, Småungar & Medier – Fakta om små barns användning och upplevelser av medier, viser, at debutalderen er endnu lavere, nemlig...... brug af sociale medier, så viser en undersøgelse fra Medierådet for Børn og Unge i Danmark, at mere end hvert fjerde barn på 9-10 år har en profil på internettet, og at Facebook er det mest foretrukne (Medierådet for Børn og Unge 2009). Børnene finder det med andre ord vigtigt at omsætte deres læse- og...

  2. The Contrasting Role of the Mediator Subunit MED30 in the Progression of Bladder Cancer. (United States)

    Syring, Isabella; Weiten, Richard; Müller, Tim; Schmidt, Doris; Steiner, Susanne; Kristiansen, Glen; Müller, Stefan C; Ellinger, Jörg


    The Mediator complex is a key regulator of gene transcription, and several studies have demonstrated altered expression of particular subunits in diverse human diseases, especially cancer. To date, nothing is known about the role of MED30 in bladder cancer. We, therefore, performed an RNA expression and survival analysis of the subunit MED30 in 537 samples of bladder cancer by using the database cBioPortal. To validate these data on the protein level, we practiced immunohistochemical staining against MED30 on a tissue microarray containing 210 samples of all tumour stages and performed survival analyses. For functional analysis, the siRNA-mediated knockdown of MED30 was performed in the cell lines T24 and TCCSUP followed by proliferation, migration, and invasion assays. On the mRNA and protein levels, higher expression of MED30 is associated with better patient survival. In accordance with this, advanced T- and N-stages showed lower expression of MED30. In contrast, knockdown of MED30 led to reduction of the tumour parameters proliferation, migration, and invasion in the BCa cell lines. MED30 appears to be integrated in the progression of the urothelial tumour in the bladder. Copyright© 2017, International Institute of Anticancer Research (Dr. George J. Delinasios), All rights reserved.

  3. Brand management og den refleksive forbruger - med semiotik som hjælpedisciplin

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hermansen, Judy


      Kritisk eftertanke er et væsentligt træk ved den refleksive forbruger - ofte parret med en vis negativitet overfor et brand, en reklame eller forbrugerisme i al almindelighed. Den refleksive forbrugertype kommer til udtryk hos for eksempel en anti-branding guru som Naomi Klein og hendes...... bestseller bog "No Logo" eller i græsrodsbevægelsen Adbusters ( ), der efterhånden i mange år har udsendt et månedsmagasin med kritik af forbrugersamfundet og al dets reklame og branding. Disse anti-forbrugs og anti-branding bevægelser udspringer af, og er identifikationspunkter...... - den refleksive forbruger skal have noget, der kan "brande" ham som anderledes end alle mainstreamforbrugerne. Den refleksive forbruger er med andre ord en Feinschmecker og i lighed med - eller måske rettere i endnu højere grad end - alle andre forbrugere signalerer den refleksive forbruger sin...

  4. Use of scientific social networking to improve the research strategies of PubMed readers. (United States)

    Evdokimov, Pavel; Kudryavtsev, Alexey; Ilgisonis, Ekaterina; Ponomarenko, Elena; Lisitsa, Andrey


    Keeping up with journal articles on a daily basis is an important activity of scientists engaged in biomedical research. Usually, journal articles and papers in the field of biomedicine are accessed through the Medline/PubMed electronic library. In the process of navigating PubMed, researchers unknowingly generate user-specific reading profiles that can be shared within a social networking environment. This paper examines the structure of the social networking environment generated by PubMed users. A web browser plugin was developed to map [in Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) terms] the reading patterns of individual PubMed users. We developed a scientific social network based on the personal research profiles of readers of biomedical articles. A browser plugin is used to record the digital object identifier or PubMed ID of web pages. Recorded items are posted on the activity feed and automatically mapped to PubMed abstract. Within the activity feed a user can trace back previously browsed articles and insert comments. By calculating the frequency with which specific MeSH occur, the research interests of PubMed users can be visually represented with a tag cloud. Finally, research profiles can be searched for matches between network users. A social networking environment was created using MeSH terms to map articles accessed through the Medline/PubMed online library system. In-network social communication is supported by the recommendation of articles and by matching users with similar scientific interests. The system is available at

  5. Mining PubMed for Biomarker-Disease Associations to Guide Discovery


    Jessen, Walter; Landschulz, Katherine; Turi, Thomas; Reams, Rachel


    Biomedical knowledge is growing exponentially; however, meta-knowledge around the data is often lacking. PubMed is a database comprising more than 21 million citations for biomedical literature from MEDLINE and additional life science journals dating back to the 1950s. To explore the use and frequency of biomarkers across human disease, we mined PubMed for biomarker-disease associations. We then ranked the top 100 linked diseases by relevance and mapped them to medical subject headings (MeSH)...

  6. Selvforsyning med øko-mineraler og -vitaminer

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sehested, Jakob; Jensen, Søren Krogh; Søegaard, Karen


    Forskere ved DJF har vist, at det er muligt at opnå et tilstrækkeligt indhold af vitaminer og mineraler i foderrationen til økologiske malkekøer ved at anvende hjemmedyrkede grovfodermidler med en høj andel af mineral- og vitaminrige, grønne fodermidler. Udgivelsesdato: oktober......Forskere ved DJF har vist, at det er muligt at opnå et tilstrækkeligt indhold af vitaminer og mineraler i foderrationen til økologiske malkekøer ved at anvende hjemmedyrkede grovfodermidler med en høj andel af mineral- og vitaminrige, grønne fodermidler. Udgivelsesdato: oktober...

  7. A search engine to access PubMed monolingual subsets: proof of concept and evaluation in French. (United States)

    Griffon, Nicolas; Schuers, Matthieu; Soualmia, Lina Fatima; Grosjean, Julien; Kerdelhué, Gaétan; Kergourlay, Ivan; Dahamna, Badisse; Darmoni, Stéfan Jacques


    PubMed contains numerous articles in languages other than English. However, existing solutions to access these articles in the language in which they were written remain unconvincing. The aim of this study was to propose a practical search engine, called Multilingual PubMed, which will permit access to a PubMed subset in 1 language and to evaluate the precision and coverage for the French version (Multilingual PubMed-French). To create this tool, translations of MeSH were enriched (eg, adding synonyms and translations in French) and integrated into a terminology portal. PubMed subsets in several European languages were also added to our database using a dedicated parser. The response time for the generic semantic search engine was evaluated for simple queries. BabelMeSH, Multilingual PubMed-French, and 3 different PubMed strategies were compared by searching for literature in French. Precision and coverage were measured for 20 randomly selected queries. The results were evaluated as relevant to title and abstract, the evaluator being blind to search strategy. More than 650,000 PubMed citations in French were integrated into the Multilingual PubMed-French information system. The response times were all below the threshold defined for usability (2 seconds). Two search strategies (Multilingual PubMed-French and 1 PubMed strategy) showed high precision (0.93 and 0.97, respectively), but coverage was 4 times higher for Multilingual PubMed-French. It is now possible to freely access biomedical literature using a practical search tool in French. This tool will be of particular interest for health professionals and other end users who do not read or query sufficiently in English. The information system is theoretically well suited to expand the approach to other European languages, such as German, Spanish, Norwegian, and Portuguese.

  8. Hinder för utomhusundervisning med fokus på årskurs 4-6


    Petersson, Essi; Carstensen, Linnea


    I den här studien har vi tagit fram de hinder som begränsar möjligheterna för utomhusundervisning för elever i grundskolan, med fokus på årskurs 4-6 och middle school. Syftet med studien var att synliggöra vilka hinder som kan stå i vägen för utomhusundervisning samt visa på behov av vidare forskning i området. Forskningsfrågan som vi har försökt svara på är: Vad utgör hinder för utomhusundervisning med elever i grundskolan, med fokus på årskurs 4-6 och middle school? Studien bygger på den pr...

  9. Fokus på fremme af livskvalitet og trivsel hos personer med demens gennem læringsmodel med musikterapi og Dementia Care Mapping som det fælles omdrejningspunkt

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ottesen, Aase Marie

    . Beskrivelse af den metode som er anvendt Metodisk er projektet tilrettelagt som et casestudie af et musikterapiforløb. I læringsmodellen tages afsæt i Tom Kitwoods teori og værdigrundlag om en personorienteret omsorg. Dementia Care Mapping (DCM) anvendes i læringsforløbet til at belyse de relationelle møder......, der opstår i musikterapien. Samtidig anvendes DCM som pædagogisk metode i feedbackprocessen med omsorgsgiverne, hvor der arbejdes på at give omsorgsgiverne redskaber til at bruge musik aktivt i deres interaktion med personer med demens i forskellige samværssituationer. Projektets teoretiske...

  10. Sydkorea: Teknologiske tigerspring med globale udfordringer

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Brynskov, Martin


    Sydkorea har gennemgået en utrolig udvikling fra u-land til førende i-land i løbet af få årtier. Helt centralt står den teknologiske eksport af elektronik, biler og skibsbyggeri i verdenseliten. Men på trods af de mange succeser er der også udfordringer. Denne analyse viser – med aktuelle eksempl...

  11. MedWatch Safety Alerts for Human Medical Products (United States)

    U.S. Department of Health & Human Services — MedWatch alerts provide timely new safety information on human drugs, medical devices, vaccines and other biologics, dietary supplements, and cosmetics. The alerts...

  12. Quantity and quality assessment of randomized controlled trials on orthodontic practice in PubMed. (United States)

    Shimada, Tatsuo; Takayama, Hisako; Nakamura, Yoshiki


    To find current high-quality evidence for orthodontic practice within a reasonable time, we tested the performance of a PubMed search. PubMed was searched using publication type randomized controlled trial and medical subject heading term "orthodontics" for articles published between 2003 and 2007. The PubMed search results were compared with those from a hand search of four orthodontic journals to determine the sensitivity of PubMed search. We evaluated the precision of the PubMed search result and assessed the quality of individual randomized controlled trials using the Jadad scale. Sensitivity and precision were 97.46% and 58.12%, respectively. In PubMed, of the 277 articles retrieved, 161 (58.12%) were randomized controlled trials on orthodontic practice, and 115 of the 161 articles (71.42%) were published in four orthodontic journals: American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics, The Angle Orthodontist, the European Journal of Orthodontics, and the Journal of Orthodontics. Assessment by the Jadad scale revealed 60 high-quality randomized controlled trials on orthodontic practice, of which 45 (75%) were published in these four journals. PubMed is a highly desirable search engine for evidence-based orthodontic practice. To stay current and get high-quality evidence, it is reasonable to look through four orthodontic journals: American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics, The Angle Orthodontist, the European Journal of Orthodontics, and the Journal of Orthodontics.

  13. PubMed Phrases, an open set of coherent phrases for searching biomedical literature (United States)

    Kim, Sun; Yeganova, Lana; Comeau, Donald C.; Wilbur, W. John; Lu, Zhiyong


    In biomedicine, key concepts are often expressed by multiple words (e.g., ‘zinc finger protein’). Previous work has shown treating a sequence of words as a meaningful unit, where applicable, is not only important for human understanding but also beneficial for automatic information seeking. Here we present a collection of PubMed® Phrases that are beneficial for information retrieval and human comprehension. We define these phrases as coherent chunks that are logically connected. To collect the phrase set, we apply the hypergeometric test to detect segments of consecutive terms that are likely to appear together in PubMed. These text segments are then filtered using the BM25 ranking function to ensure that they are beneficial from an information retrieval perspective. Thus, we obtain a set of 705,915 PubMed Phrases. We evaluate the quality of the set by investigating PubMed user click data and manually annotating a sample of 500 randomly selected noun phrases. We also analyze and discuss the usage of these PubMed Phrases in literature search. PMID:29893755

  14. Mediator MED23 Links Pigmentation and DNA Repair through the Transcription Factor MITF. (United States)

    Xia, Min; Chen, Kun; Yao, Xiao; Xu, Yichi; Yao, Jiaying; Yan, Jun; Shao, Zhen; Wang, Gang


    DNA repair is related to many physiological and pathological processes, including pigmentation. Little is known about the role of the transcriptional cofactor Mediator complex in DNA repair and pigmentation. Here, we demonstrate that Mediator MED23 plays an important role in coupling UV-induced DNA repair to pigmentation. The loss of Med23 specifically impairs the pigmentation process in melanocyte-lineage cells and in zebrafish. Med23 deficiency leads to enhanced nucleotide excision repair (NER) and less DNA damage following UV radiation because of the enhanced expression and recruitment of NER factors to chromatin for genomic stability. Integrative analyses of melanoma cells reveal that MED23 controls the expression of a melanocyte master regulator, Mitf, by modulating its distal enhancer activity, leading to opposing effects on pigmentation and DNA repair. Collectively, the Mediator MED23/MITF axis connects DNA repair to pigmentation, thus providing molecular insights into the DNA damage response and skin-related diseases. Copyright © 2017 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  15. Obamas opgør med Bush låser ham i dronekrig

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ulrich, Philip Christian


    En helt central del af Obamas valgkamp i 2008 var et opgør med dele af Bush administrationens krig mod terror. Obama er dog blevet fanget i en kontroversiel dronepolitik på grund af hans manglende succes med de indenrigspolitiske aspekter af opgøret...

  16. Tracking Australian health and medical research expenditure with a PubMed bibliometric method. (United States)

    Mendis, Kumara; Bailey, Jannine; McLean, Rick


    To assess Australian health and medical research (HMR) investment returns by measuring the trends in HMR expenditure and PubMed publications by Australian authors. Bibliometric analysis collating Australian HMR expenditure reported by the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare and Australian HMR publications indexed in PubMed. Similar methods were applied to data from the United Kingdom and New Zealand. From financial year 2000/01 through 2011/12, HMR investment increased by 232% from $1.49 to $4.94 billion (current prices adjusted for inflation), while PubMed publications increased by 123% from 10,696 to 23,818. The average HMR investment required for a single PubMed publication rose by 49% from $139,304 in 2000/01 to $207,364 in 2011/12. Quality analyses showed an increase in systematic reviews, cohort studies and clinical trials, and a decrease in publications in PubMed's core clinical journal collection. Comparisons with New Zealand and the United Kingdom showed that Australia has had the greatest overall percentage increase in gross publication numbers and publications per capita. Our analyses confirm that increased HMR expenditure is associated with an increase in HMR publications in PubMed. Tracking HMR investment outcomes using this method could be useful for future policy and funding decisions at a federal and specific institution level. © 2015 Public Health Association of Australia.

  17. Per Højholt - Auricula

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hansen, Brian Benjamin


    ikke løftet sig”. Stilheden afsættes i de samlejer, der foregår i dette øjeblik, og 9 måneder efter nedkommer et større antal kvinder med både et barn og – paradoksalt nok – et løst øre! Sådan forløber den anekdote der indleder Per Højholts livsværk Auricula (latin for øre), skrevet i perioden 1978-2001....

  18. An automatic method to generate domain-specific investigator networks using PubMed abstracts

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Gwinn Marta


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Collaboration among investigators has become critical to scientific research. This includes ad hoc collaboration established through personal contacts as well as formal consortia established by funding agencies. Continued growth in online resources for scientific research and communication has promoted the development of highly networked research communities. Extending these networks globally requires identifying additional investigators in a given domain, profiling their research interests, and collecting current contact information. We present a novel strategy for building investigator networks dynamically and producing detailed investigator profiles using data available in PubMed abstracts. Results We developed a novel strategy to obtain detailed investigator information by automatically parsing the affiliation string in PubMed records. We illustrated the results by using a published literature database in human genome epidemiology (HuGE Pub Lit as a test case. Our parsing strategy extracted country information from 92.1% of the affiliation strings in a random sample of PubMed records and in 97.0% of HuGE records, with accuracies of 94.0% and 91.0%, respectively. Institution information was parsed from 91.3% of the general PubMed records (accuracy 86.8% and from 94.2% of HuGE PubMed records (accuracy 87.0. We demonstrated the application of our approach to dynamic creation of investigator networks by creating a prototype information system containing a large database of PubMed abstracts relevant to human genome epidemiology (HuGE Pub Lit, indexed using PubMed medical subject headings converted to Unified Medical Language System concepts. Our method was able to identify 70–90% of the investigators/collaborators in three different human genetics fields; it also successfully identified 9 of 10 genetics investigators within the PREBIC network, an existing preterm birth research network. Conclusion We successfully created a

  19. An automatic method to generate domain-specific investigator networks using PubMed abstracts (United States)

    Yu, Wei; Yesupriya, Ajay; Wulf, Anja; Qu, Junfeng; Gwinn, Marta; Khoury, Muin J


    Background Collaboration among investigators has become critical to scientific research. This includes ad hoc collaboration established through personal contacts as well as formal consortia established by funding agencies. Continued growth in online resources for scientific research and communication has promoted the development of highly networked research communities. Extending these networks globally requires identifying additional investigators in a given domain, profiling their research interests, and collecting current contact information. We present a novel strategy for building investigator networks dynamically and producing detailed investigator profiles using data available in PubMed abstracts. Results We developed a novel strategy to obtain detailed investigator information by automatically parsing the affiliation string in PubMed records. We illustrated the results by using a published literature database in human genome epidemiology (HuGE Pub Lit) as a test case. Our parsing strategy extracted country information from 92.1% of the affiliation strings in a random sample of PubMed records and in 97.0% of HuGE records, with accuracies of 94.0% and 91.0%, respectively. Institution information was parsed from 91.3% of the general PubMed records (accuracy 86.8%) and from 94.2% of HuGE PubMed records (accuracy 87.0). We demonstrated the application of our approach to dynamic creation of investigator networks by creating a prototype information system containing a large database of PubMed abstracts relevant to human genome epidemiology (HuGE Pub Lit), indexed using PubMed medical subject headings converted to Unified Medical Language System concepts. Our method was able to identify 70–90% of the investigators/collaborators in three different human genetics fields; it also successfully identified 9 of 10 genetics investigators within the PREBIC network, an existing preterm birth research network. Conclusion We successfully created a web-based prototype

  20. Bør det være strafbart at have sex med dyr?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Christiansen, Stine Billeschou; Greve, Vagn; Sandøe, Peter


    Artiklen opridser baggrunden for den standende diskussion om, hvorvidt der i Danmark bør være et generelt og absolut forbud mod menneskers seksuelle omgang med dyr. Indledningsvis gives et historisk overblik over udviklingen i den danske regulering af menneskers seksuelle omgang med dyr. Efterføl...

  1. MedEx: a medication information extraction system for clinical narratives (United States)

    Stenner, Shane P; Doan, Son; Johnson, Kevin B; Waitman, Lemuel R; Denny, Joshua C


    Medication information is one of the most important types of clinical data in electronic medical records. It is critical for healthcare safety and quality, as well as for clinical research that uses electronic medical record data. However, medication data are often recorded in clinical notes as free-text. As such, they are not accessible to other computerized applications that rely on coded data. We describe a new natural language processing system (MedEx), which extracts medication information from clinical notes. MedEx was initially developed using discharge summaries. An evaluation using a data set of 50 discharge summaries showed it performed well on identifying not only drug names (F-measure 93.2%), but also signature information, such as strength, route, and frequency, with F-measures of 94.5%, 93.9%, and 96.0% respectively. We then applied MedEx unchanged to outpatient clinic visit notes. It performed similarly with F-measures over 90% on a set of 25 clinic visit notes. PMID:20064797

  2. Mitigation of Volcanic Risk: The COSMO-SkyMed Contribution (United States)

    Sacco, Patrizia; Daraio, Maria Girolamo; Battagliere, Maria Libera; Coletta, Alessandro


    The Italian Space Agency (ASI) promotes Earth Observation (EO) applications related to themes such as the prediction, monitoring, management and mitigation of natural and anthropogenic hazards. The approach generally followed is the development and demonstration of prototype services, using currently available data from space missions, in particular the COSMO-SkyMed (Constellation of Small Satellites for Mediterranean basin observation) mission, which represents the largest Italian investment in Space System for EO and thanks to which Italy plays a key role worldwide. Projects funded by ASI provide the convergence of various national industry expertise, research and institutional reference users. In this context a significant example is represented by the ASI Pilot Projects, recently concluded, dealing with various thematic, such as volcanoes. In this paper a special focus will be addressed to the volcanic risk management and the contribution provided in this field by COSMO-SkyMed satellite constellation during the last years. A comprehensive overview of the various national and international projects using COSMO-SkyMed data for the volcanic risk mitigation will be given, highlighting the Italian contribution provided worldwide in this operational framework.

  3. [Systematic literature search in PubMed : A short introduction]. (United States)

    Blümle, A; Lagrèze, W A; Motschall, E


    In order to identify current (and relevant) evidence for a specific clinical question within the unmanageable amount of information available, solid skills in performing a systematic literature search are essential. An efficient approach is to search a biomedical database containing relevant literature citations of study reports. The best known database is MEDLINE, which is searchable for free via the PubMed interface. In this article, we explain step by step how to perform a systematic literature search via PubMed by means of an example research question in the field of ophthalmology. First, we demonstrate how to translate the clinical problem into a well-framed and searchable research question, how to identify relevant search terms and how to conduct a text word search and a search with keywords in medical subject headings (MeSH) terms. We then show how to limit the number of search results if the search yields too many irrelevant hits and how to increase the number in the case of too few citations. Finally, we summarize all essential principles that guide a literature search via PubMed.

  4. Mediator Med23 deficiency enhances neural differentiation of murine embryonic stem cells through modulating BMP signaling. (United States)

    Zhu, Wanqu; Yao, Xiao; Liang, Yan; Liang, Dan; Song, Lu; Jing, Naihe; Li, Jinsong; Wang, Gang


    Unraveling the mechanisms underlying early neural differentiation of embryonic stem cells (ESCs) is crucial to developing cell-based therapies of neurodegenerative diseases. Neural fate acquisition is proposed to be controlled by a 'default' mechanism, for which the molecular regulation is not well understood. In this study, we investigated the functional roles of Mediator Med23 in pluripotency and lineage commitment of murine ESCs. Unexpectedly, we found that, despite the largely unchanged pluripotency and self-renewal of ESCs, Med23 depletion rendered the cells prone to neural differentiation in different differentiation assays. Knockdown of two other Mediator subunits, Med1 and Med15, did not alter the neural differentiation of ESCs. Med15 knockdown selectively inhibited endoderm differentiation, suggesting the specificity of cell fate control by distinctive Mediator subunits. Gene profiling revealed that Med23 depletion attenuated BMP signaling in ESCs. Mechanistically, MED23 modulated Bmp4 expression by controlling the activity of ETS1, which is involved in Bmp4 promoter-enhancer communication. Interestingly, med23 knockdown in zebrafish embryos also enhanced neural development at early embryogenesis, which could be reversed by co-injection of bmp4 mRNA. Taken together, our study reveals an intrinsic, restrictive role of MED23 in early neural development, thus providing new molecular insights for neural fate determination. © 2015. Published by The Company of Biologists Ltd.

  5. Die EBM-Datenbank DynaMed für PocketPC und Palm

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Dollfuß, Helmut


    Full Text Available DynaMed is a database for Evidence Based Medicine. Licencee can download a stand-alone version of this database onto their Personal Digital Assistant (PDA. Contents and aims of DynaMed will be introduced. Main features of the PDA-version will be presented and illustrated with screenshots.

  6. ProMED-mail: 22 years of digital surveillance of emerging infectious diseases. (United States)

    Carrion, Malwina; Madoff, Lawrence C


    ProMED-mail (ProMED) was launched in 1994 as an email service to identify unusual health events related to emerging and re-emerging infectious diseases and toxins affecting humans, animals and plants. It is used daily by public health leaders, government officials at all levels, physicians, veterinarians and other healthcare workers, researchers, private companies, journalists and the general public. Reports are produced and commentary provided by a global team of subject matter experts in a variety of fields including virology, parasitology, epidemiology, entomology, veterinary and plant disease specialists. ProMED operates 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and has over 83 000 subscribers, representing every country in the world. Additionally, ProMED disseminates information via its website and through social media channels such as Twitter and Facebook as well as through RSS feeds. Over the last 22 years, it has been the first to report on numerous major and minor disease outbreaks including SARS, MERS, Ebola and the early spread of Zika. ProMED is transparent, apolitical, open to all and free of charge, making it an important and longstanding contributor to global health surveillance. © The Author 2017. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene. All rights reserved. For permissions, please e-mail:

  7. A New Method for Weak Fault Feature Extraction Based on Improved MED

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Junlin Li


    Full Text Available Because of the characteristics of weak signal and strong noise, the low-speed vibration signal fault feature extraction has been a hot spot and difficult problem in the field of equipment fault diagnosis. Moreover, the traditional minimum entropy deconvolution (MED method has been proved to be used to detect such fault signals. The MED uses objective function method to design the filter coefficient, and the appropriate threshold value should be set in the calculation process to achieve the optimal iteration effect. It should be pointed out that the improper setting of the threshold will cause the target function to be recalculated, and the resulting error will eventually affect the distortion of the target function in the background of strong noise. This paper presents an improved MED based method of fault feature extraction from rolling bearing vibration signals that originate in high noise environments. The method uses the shuffled frog leaping algorithm (SFLA, finds the set of optimal filter coefficients, and eventually avoids the artificial error influence of selecting threshold parameter. Therefore, the fault bearing under the two rotating speeds of 60 rpm and 70 rpm is selected for verification with typical low-speed fault bearing as the research object; the results show that SFLA-MED extracts more obvious bearings and has a higher signal-to-noise ratio than the prior MED method.

  8. Lærerens dilemma - mellem ideal og praksis: en virksomhedsteoretisk analyse af progressiv undervisning med it

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lorentzen, Rasmus Fink

    Denne ph.d.-afhandling bidrager til det fagdidaktiske forskningsfelt inden for læreruddannelsen med viden om dansklæreres didaktiske praksis med it-understøttet progressiv undervisning i udskolingen. Afhandlingen leverer et svar på spørgsmålet om, hvordan progressiv undervisning med it i dansk ka...

  9. A novel mutation in MED12 causes FG syndrome (Opitz-Kaveggia syndrome)

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Rump, P.; Niessen, R. C.; Verbruggen, K. T.; Brouwer, O. F.; de Raad, M.; Hordijk, R.

    Opitz-Kaveggia syndrome is a rare X-linked multiple congenital anomalies and intellectual disability disorder caused by the recurrent p.R961W mutation in the MED12 gene. Twenty-three affected males from 10 families with this mutation in the MED12 gene have been described so far. Here we report on a

  10. Erfaringer med Journal Club på modul 12

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Koustrup, Pia; Røge Aagaard, Lene


    I Ortopædkirurgisk afdeling, Aarhus Universitets Hospital, har vi i samarbejde med undervisere fra VIA University College udviklet og implementeret studieaktiviteten Journal Club. Studieaktiviteten afvikles indenfor rammerne af den kliniske studiemetode ”Seminar” og den planlagte studieaktivitet ...

  11. EU-retlige og forvaltningsretlige aspekter ved kommunernes tilsyn med taxiførere

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sørensen, Henning Fuglsang


    Afhandlingen gennemgår taxilovens krav til kommunernes tilsyn med førere af taxier, herunder særligt de eu-retlige og forvaltningsretlige problemer i dette tilsyn.......Afhandlingen gennemgår taxilovens krav til kommunernes tilsyn med førere af taxier, herunder særligt de eu-retlige og forvaltningsretlige problemer i dette tilsyn....

  12. Early Start Denver Model - intervention for de helt små børn med autisme

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Brynskov, Cecilia


    Early Start Denver Model (ESDM) er en autismespecifik interventionsmetode, som er udviklet til helt små børn med autisme (0-4 år). Metoden fokuserer på at styrke den tidlige kontakt og barnets motivation, og den arbejder målrettet med de socio-kommunikative forløbere for sprog og med den tidlige...

  13. Notat om arbejdet med innovation i Randers Kommune

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hansen, Morten Balle; Agger Nielsen, Jeppe


    for innovation i Randers Kommune, herunder hvordan politikerne inddrages i innovationsprocessen, 5) Hvor tæt skal økonomi og innovationsdagsorden knyttes? 6) Hvordan er innovationsdagsordenen relateret til en overordnet strategi for Randers Kommune? og 7) selve organiseringen af innovationsprocessen. Notatet...... hovedpunkter er; 1) udarbejdelse af de gode innovationsspørgsmål, 2) dobbeltudfordringen med på den ene side at sikre daglig drift og på den anden side at arbejde innovativt, 3) top-down versus bottom-up processer, dvs. hvor meget skal innovationsprocesserne designes og styres? 4) den særlige kontekst......Dette notat udgør en erfaringsopsamling fra innovationsdag i Randers Kommune, d. 13. november 2012. Notatet fremhæver hovedpointerne fra interne og eksterne oplægsholdere og udpeger en række fokuspunkter/problemstillinger for arbejdet med innovation i Randers Kommune. De syv identificerede...

  14. Oncogenic exon 2 mutations in Mediator subunit MED12 disrupt allosteric activation of cyclin C-CDK8/19. (United States)

    Park, Min Ju; Shen, Hailian; Spaeth, Jason M; Tolvanen, Jaana H; Failor, Courtney; Knudtson, Jennifer F; McLaughlin, Jessica; Halder, Sunil K; Yang, Qiwei; Bulun, Serdar E; Al-Hendy, Ayman; Schenken, Robert S; Aaltonen, Lauri A; Boyer, Thomas G


    Somatic mutations in exon 2 of the RNA polymerase II transcriptional Mediator subunit MED12 occur at high frequency in uterine fibroids (UFs) and breast fibroepithelial tumors as well as recurrently, albeit less frequently, in malignant uterine leimyosarcomas, chronic lymphocytic leukemias, and colorectal cancers. Previously, we reported that UF-linked mutations in MED12 disrupt its ability to activate cyclin C (CycC)-dependent kinase 8 (CDK8) in Mediator, implicating impaired Mediator-associated CDK8 activity in the molecular pathogenesis of these clinically significant lesions. Notably, the CDK8 paralog CDK19 is also expressed in myometrium, and both CDK8 and CDK19 assemble into Mediator in a mutually exclusive manner, suggesting that CDK19 activity may also be germane to the pathogenesis of MED12 mutation-induced UFs. However, whether and how UF-linked mutations in MED12 affect CDK19 activation is unknown. Herein, we show that MED12 allosterically activates CDK19 and that UF-linked exon 2 mutations in MED12 disrupt its CDK19 stimulatory activity. Furthermore, we find that within the Mediator kinase module, MED13 directly binds to the MED12 C terminus, thereby suppressing an apparent UF mutation-induced conformational change in MED12 that otherwise disrupts its association with CycC-CDK8/19. Thus, in the presence of MED13, mutant MED12 can bind, but cannot activate, CycC-CDK8/19. These findings indicate that MED12 binding is necessary but not sufficient for CycC-CDK8/19 activation and reveal an additional step in the MED12-dependent activation process, one critically dependent on MED12 residues altered by UF-linked exon 2 mutations. These findings confirm that UF-linked mutations in MED12 disrupt composite Mediator-associated kinase activity and identify CDK8/19 as prospective therapeutic targets in UFs. © 2018 Park et al.

  15. MED1 independent activation of endogenous target genes by PPARα

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Grøntved, Lars; Bugge, Anne K.; Roeder, Robert G.

    The mediator complex serves as a transcriptional co-activator complex by acting as a bridge between promoter-bound transcription factors and the preinitiation complex. Genetic and biochemical studies indicate that nuclear receptors recruit the mediator complex through direct interaction with the ......The mediator complex serves as a transcriptional co-activator complex by acting as a bridge between promoter-bound transcription factors and the preinitiation complex. Genetic and biochemical studies indicate that nuclear receptors recruit the mediator complex through direct interaction...... derived from TRAP220 KO mice. Interestingly, rescue experiments in confluent TRAP220 KO MEFs with different versions of MED1 indicate that the LXXLL motif is not necessary for PPARgamma mediated gene activation (Ge et al, MCB published online ahead of print 2007). By analogy, we show here that MED1...... is dispensable for PPARalpha transcriptional activity in proliferating but is necessary in confluent AML-12 cells and TRAP220 KO MEFs. Collectively this indicates that the PPARs might have adopted an alternative mediator recruitment mechanism that is dispensable of direct interaction with MED1 on endogenous...

  16. Disrupt dit Mindset og få succes med Big Data

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Rydén, Pernille; Ringberg, Torsten; Østergaard Jacobsen, Per

    Organisationer fokuserer i stigende grad på, hvordan de kan bruge Big Data strategisk. De investerer milliarder af kroner i denne ny teknologi, men værdien og afkastet viser sig tit at være begrænset. Sådanne udfordringer kan meget vel skyldes ledernes mindset, der begrænser hvordan organisationen...... bruger Big Data-teknologi til at styrke interaktionen og samspillet med kunder og andre interessenter. Det første skridt på vejen mod at få succes med Big Data er derfor at identificere og udfordre sit ledelsesmæssige mindset. I denne bog identificerer og diskuterer vi fire dominerende ledelsesmæssige...... mindset, der hver især fører til fire unikke Big Data strategier. Når ledere inden for samme team har forskellige mindset, kan det føre til manglende mental og organisatorisk alignment og problemer med at håndtere disruption. Da mindsets ofte er ubevidste, har vi udviklet en onlinetest, der hjælper dig og...

  17. Global surveillance of emerging diseases: the ProMED-mail perspective

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    John P. Woodall


    Full Text Available The Internet is changing the way global disease surveillance is conducted. Countries and international organizations are increasingly placing their outbreak reports on the Internet, which speeds up distribution and therefore prevention and control. The World Health Organization (WHO has recognized the value of nongovernmental organizations and the media in reporting outbreaks, which it then attempts to verify through its country offices. However, WHO and other official sources are constrained in their reporting by the need for bureaucratic clearance. ProMED-mail has no such constraints, and posts outbreak reports 7 days a week. It is moderated by infectious disease specialists who add relevant comments. Thus, ProMED-mail complements official sources and provides early warning of outbreaks. Its network is more than 20,000 people in over 150 countries, who place their computers and time at the network's disposal and report on outbreaks of which they have knowledge. Regions and countries could benefit from adopting the ProMED-mail approach to complement their own disease surveillance systems.

  18. Hjernen og følelser--fra barn til voksen

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Plessen, Kerstin J; Kabicheva, Galina


    and adolescents. MATERIAL AND METHODS: This article is based on articles identified through a non-systematic search in PubMed and on publications from the authors' own database. RESULTS: Several processes form the biological basis for how children and adolescents regulate their emotions when relating to others......-regulation may explain different behavioural traits that are typical for specific age groups. INTERPRETATION: Emotional regulation develops in a complex interaction between a child's relationships, experiences, activities and underlying biological/genetic factors. Knowledge of these underlying neural constraints......: linear development of white matter, growth and subsequent elimination of gray matter and maturation of various neuronal networks in the brain. Emotional regulation develops discontinuously in children and adolescents, and varying degrees of maturation of specific neural networks involved in self...

  19. Hjernen og følelser--fra barn til voksen

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Plessen, Kerstin J; Kabicheva, Galina


    : linear development of white matter, growth and subsequent elimination of gray matter and maturation of various neuronal networks in the brain. Emotional regulation develops discontinuously in children and adolescents, and varying degrees of maturation of specific neural networks involved in self......BACKGROUND: Contemporary neuroscience relates human behaviour, emotions and cognition to underlying neurobiological processes in the brain. Increased awareness of such processes may improve our understanding of emotional regulatory problems and development of psychopathology in some children...... and adolescents. MATERIAL AND METHODS: This article is based on articles identified through a non-systematic search in PubMed and on publications from the authors' own database. RESULTS: Several processes form the biological basis for how children and adolescents regulate their emotions when relating to others...

  20. 47 CFR 95.628 - MedRadio transmitters. (United States)


    ... bands, or at 403.65 MHz in the 402-405 MHz band. (3) MedRadio stations associated with medical body-worn... applicable to medical implant device operation in the 402-405 MHz band. (d) Authorized bandwidth. The... 401-406 MHz band must operate under the control of a monitoring system that incorporates a mechanism...

  1. Silencing SlMED18, tomato Mediator subunit 18 gene, restricts internode elongation and leaf expansion. (United States)

    Wang, Yunshu; Hu, Zongli; Zhang, Jianling; Yu, XiaoHui; Guo, Jun-E; Liang, Honglian; Liao, Changguang; Chen, Guoping


    Mediator complex, a conserved multi-protein, is necessary for controlling RNA polymerase II (Pol II) transcription in eukaryotes. Given little is known about them in tomato, a tomato Mediator subunit 18 gene was isolated and named SlMED18. To further explore the function of SlMED18, the transgenic tomato plants targeting SlMED18 by RNAi-mediated gene silencing were generated. The SlMED18-RNAi lines exhibited multiple developmental defects, including smaller size and slower growth rate of plant and significantly smaller compound leaves. The contents of endogenous bioactive GA 3 in SlMED18 silenced lines were slightly less than that in wild type. Furthermore, qRT-PCR analysis indicated that expression of gibberellins biosynthesis genes such as SlGACPS and SlGA20x2, auxin transport genes (PIN1, PIN4, LAX1 and LAX2) and several key regulators, KNOX1, KNOX2, PHAN and LANCEOLATE(LA), which involved in the leaf morphogenesis were significantly down-regulated in SlMED18-RNAi lines. These results illustrated that SlMED18 plays an essential role in regulating plant internode elongation and leaf expansion in tomato plants and it acts as a key positive regulator of gibberellins biosynthesis and signal transduction as well as auxin proper transport signalling. These findings are the basis for understanding the function of the individual Mediator subunits in tomato.

  2. MedAustron – Non-Clinical Research Opportunities

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Schreiner, T.


    MedAustron is a synchrotron based light-ion beam therapy centre for cancer treatment as well as for clinical and non-clinical research, currently in the construction phase in Wiener Neustadt. Whilst the choice of basic machine parameters was driven by medical requirements, the accelerator complex design was also optimised to offer flexibility for research operation. The potential of the synchrotron is being exploited to increase the maximum proton energy far beyond the medical needs to up to 800 MeV, for experimental physics applications, mainly in the areas of proton scattering and detector research. The accelerator layout allows for the installation of up to four ion source-spectrometer units, to provide various ion types besides the clinical used protons and carbon ions. To decouple research and medical operation, a dedicated irradiation room for non-clinical research was included providing two isocentres for the installation of different experiments. This presentation provides a status overview over the whole project and highlights the non-clinical research opportunities at MedAustron. (author)

  3. Sundhedsfremmende natur for mennesker med bevægelseshandicap

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Stigsdotter, Ulrika K.; Gramkow, Marie C.; Lygum, Victoria L.

    Rapporten bygger på et forskningsprojekt, der er forankret i et partnerskab med Handicapidrættens Videnscenter, Danske Handicaporganisationer, Bevica Fonden og 15. Juni Fonden og ledes af forskergruppen Natur, Sundhed & Design på Københavns Universitet. Desuden deltager Statens Byggeforskningsins...

  4. Lineær programmering med Excel

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lynggaard, Peter

    Publikationen giver en introduktion til faget "Lineær programmering". Formulering og løsning bygger på, at modellerne opstilles og løses i et Excel-regneark. Fremgangsmåden er forklaret trin for trin, således at hæftet kan bruges som selvstudiemateriale. Indholdsfortegnelse Generelt om styring og...... planlægning Lineær programmering Excel solveren Fortolkning af udskrifter Degeneration Excel tips Opgaver med løsninger...

  5. Effects of biofilter media depth and moisture content on removal of gases from a swine barn. (United States)

    Liu, Tongshuai; Dong, Hongmin; Zhu, Zhiping; Shang, Bin; Yin, Fubin; Zhang, Wanqin; Zhou, Tanlong


    Media depth (MD) and moisture content (MC) are two important factors that greatly influence biofilter performance. The purpose of this study was to investigate the combined effect of MC and MD on removing ammonia (NH 3 ), hydrogen sulfide (H 2 S), and nitrous oxide (N 2 O) from swine barns. Biofiltration performance of different MDs and MCs in combination based on a mixed medium of wood chips and compost was monitored. A 3 × 3 factorial design was adopted, which included three levels of the two factors (MC: 45%, 55%, and 67% [wet basis]; MD: 0.17, 0.33, and 0.50 m). Results indicated that high MC and MD could improve NH 3 removal efficiency, but increase outlet N 2 O concentration. When MC was 67%, the average NH 3 removal efficiency of three MDs (0.17, 0.33, and, 0.50 m) ranged from 77.4% to 78.7%; the range of average H 2 S removal efficiency dropped from 68.1-90.0% (1-34 days of the test period) to 36.8-63.7% (35-58 days of the test period); and the average outlet N 2 O concentration increased by 25.5-60.1%. When MC was 55%, the average removal efficiency of NH 3 , H 2 S, and N 2 O for treatment with 0.33 m MD was 72.8 ± 5.9%, 70.9 ± 13.3%, and -18.9 ± 8.1%, respectively; and the average removal efficiency of NH 3 , H 2 S, and N 2 O for treatment with 0.50 m MD was 77.7 ± 4.2%, 65.8 ± 13.7%, and -24.5 ±12.1%, respectively. When MC was 45%, the highest average NH 3 reduction efficiency among three MDs was 60.7% for 0.5 m MD, and the average N 2 O removal efficiency for three MDs ranged from -18.8% to -12.7%. In addition, the pressure drop of 0.33 m MD was significantly lower than that of 0.50 m MD (p moisture contents (45%, 55%, and 67% [wet basis]) were compared to remove gases from a swine barn. Using wood chips and compost mixture as the biofilters media, the combination of 0.33 m media depth and 55% media moisture content is recommended to obtain good reduction of NH 3 and H 2 S, and to simultaneously prevent elevated emission of N 2 O and large

  6. Validation of search filters for identifying pediatric studies in PubMed. (United States)

    Leclercq, Edith; Leeflang, Mariska M G; van Dalen, Elvira C; Kremer, Leontien C M


    To identify and validate PubMed search filters for retrieving studies including children and to develop a new pediatric search filter for PubMed. We developed 2 different datasets of studies to evaluate the performance of the identified pediatric search filters, expressed in terms of sensitivity, precision, specificity, accuracy, and number needed to read (NNR). An optimal search filter will have a high sensitivity and high precision with a low NNR. In addition to the PubMed Limits: All Child: 0-18 years filter (in May 2012 renamed to PubMed Filter Child: 0-18 years), 6 search filters for identifying studies including children were identified: 3 developed by Kastner et al, 1 developed by BestBets, one by the Child Health Field, and 1 by the Cochrane Childhood Cancer Group. Three search filters (Cochrane Childhood Cancer Group, Child Health Field, and BestBets) had the highest sensitivity (99.3%, 99.5%, and 99.3%, respectively) but a lower precision (64.5%, 68.4%, and 66.6% respectively) compared with the other search filters. Two Kastner search filters had a high precision (93.0% and 93.7%, respectively) but a low sensitivity (58.5% and 44.8%, respectively). They failed to identify many pediatric studies in our datasets. The search terms responsible for false-positive results in the reference dataset were determined. With these data, we developed a new search filter for identifying studies with children in PubMed with an optimal sensitivity (99.5%) and precision (69.0%). Search filters to identify studies including children either have a low sensitivity or a low precision with a high NNR. A new pediatric search filter with a high sensitivity and a low NNR has been developed. Copyright © 2013 Mosby, Inc. All rights reserved.

  7. Mass concentration coupled with mass loading rate for evaluating PM_2_._5 pollution status in the atmosphere: A case study based on dairy barns

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Joo, HungSoo; Park, Kihong; Lee, Kwangyul; Ndegwa, Pius M.


    This study investigated particulate matter (PM) loading rates and concentrations in ambient air from naturally ventilated dairy barns and also the influences of pertinent meteorological factors, traffic, and animal activities on mass loading rates and mass concentrations. Generally, relationships between PM_2_._5 concentration and these parameters were significantly poorer than those between the PM loading rate and the same parameters. Although ambient air PM_2_._5 loading rates correlated well with PM_2_._5 emission rates, ambient air PM_2_._5 concentrations correlated poorly with PM_2_._5 concentrations in the barns. A comprehensive assessment of PM_2_._5 pollution in ambient air, therefore, requires both mass concentrations and mass loading rates. Emissions of PM_2_._5 correlated strongly and positively with wind speed, temperature, and solar radiation (R"2 = 0.84 to 0.99) and strongly but negatively with relative humidity (R"2 = 0.93). Animal activity exhibited only moderate effect on PM_2_._5 emissions, while traffic activity did not significantly affect PM_2_._5 emissions. - Highlights: • Sink PM_2_._5 loading rates correlate well with source PM_2_._5 emission rates. • Sink PM_2_._5 concentrations correlate poorly with source PM_2_._5 concentrations. • Mass loading rate complements mass concentration in appraising sink PM_2_._5 status. • PM_2_._5 emissions is dependent on wind speed, temp, solar strength, and RH. • Cow traffic activity affects PM_2_._5 emissions, while traffic activity does not. - Both PM mass loading rate and concentrations are required for comprehensive assessment of pollution potential of PM released into the atmosphere.

  8. 9 ikke-narkotikapolitiske faktorer med beskyttende indflydelse

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jourdan, Michael


    Sverige er verdensmester i lav prævalens. Det kan skyldes den førte narkotikapolitik. Men det kan i følge Tim Boekhut van Solinge også skyldes ikke narkotikapolitiske faktorer med beskyttende indflydelse. 9 sådanne præsenteres byggende på bogen: 'The Swedish System - an in-depth review and analysis...

  9. Tosprogede børns møde med metafiktion i en postmoderne billedbog

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Daugaard, Line Møller; Johansen, Martin Blok


    casestudium af tosprogede børns møde med en postmoderne billedbog med tydelige metafiktive træk. I vandringerne gennem bogen demonstrerer mange tosprogede børn en høj grad af litterær kompetence. De omgås bogens metafiktive træk med stor faglig sikkerhed og efterspørger bøger, som udfordrer dem og bryder med...... deres forventninger som læsere. På den baggrund opfordres der til, at postmoderne billedbøger udgør en del af tilbuddet til tosprogede børn. When teachers and school librarians choose picture books for bilingual children, they often base their choice on an evaluation of linguistic comprehensibility...... of the bilingual children demonstrate a high level of literary competence. They deal with the book’s metafictional features with great confidence and explicitly call for books which challenge them and break with their expectations as readers. Consequently, it is argued that postmodern picture books should be part...

  10. Med5(Nut1) and Med17(Srb4) Are Direct Targets of Mediator Histone H4 Tail Interactions (United States)

    Liu, Zhongle; Myers, Lawrence C.


    The Mediator complex transmits activation signals from DNA bound transcription factors to the core transcription machinery. In addition to its canonical role in transcriptional activation, recent studies have demonstrated that S. cerevisiae Mediator can interact directly with nucleosomes, and their histone tails. Mutations in Mediator subunits have shown that Mediator and certain chromatin structures mutually impact each other structurally and functionally in vivo. We have taken a UV photo cross-linking approach to further delineate the molecular basis of Mediator chromatin interactions and help determine whether the impact of certain Mediator mutants on chromatin is direct. Specifically, by using histone tail peptides substituted with an amino acid analog that is a UV activatible crosslinker, we have identified specific subunits within Mediator that participate in histone tail interactions. Using Mediator purified from mutant yeast strains we have evaluated the impact of these subunits on histone tail binding. This analysis has identified the Med5 subunit of Mediator as a target for histone tail interactions and suggests that the previously observed effect of med5 mutations on telomeric heterochromatin and silencing is direct. PMID:22693636

  11. Senior medical students' appraisal of CanMEDS competencies.

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Rademakers, J.; Rooy, N. de; Cate, O.T.J. ten


    CONTEXT: In 2003 the Dutch Central College of Medical Specialties presented guidelines for the modernisation of all medical specialty training programmes in the Netherlands. These guidelines are based to a large extent on the CanMEDS (Canadian Medical Education Directives for Specialists) 2000

  12. MED12 exon 2 mutations in phyllodes tumors of the breast

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nagasawa, Satoi; Maeda, Ichiro; Fukuda, Takayo; Wu, Wenwen; Hayami, Ryosuke; Kojima, Yasuyuki; Tsugawa, Ko-ichiro; Ohta, Tomohiko


    Exon 2 of MED12, a subunit of the transcriptional mediator complex, has been frequently mutated in uterine leiomyomas and breast fibroadenomas; however, it has been rarely mutated in other tumors. Although the mutations were also found in uterine leiomyosarcomas, the frequency was significantly lower than in uterine leiomyomas. Here, we examined the MED12 mutation in phyllodes tumors, another biphasic tumor with epithelial and stromal components related to breast fibroadenomas. Mutations in MED12 exon 2 were analyzed in nine fibroadenomas and eleven phyllodes tumors via Sanger sequencing. A panel of cancer- and sarcoma-related genes was also analyzed using Ion Torrent next-generation sequencing. Six mutations in fibroadenomas, including those previously reported (6/9, 67%), and five mutations in phyllodes tumors (5/11, 45%) were observed. Three mutations in the phyllodes tumors were missense mutations at Gly44, which is common in uterine leiomyomas and breast fibroadenomas. In addition, two deletion mutations (in-frame c.133-144del12 and loss of splice acceptor c.100-68-137del106) were observed in the phyllodes tumors. No other recurrent mutation was observed with next-generation sequencing. Frequent mutations in MED12 exon 2 in the phyllodes tumors suggest that it may share genetic etiology with uterine leiomyoma, a subgroup of uterine leiomyosarcomas and breast fibroadenoma

  13. Information architecture: study and analysis of data Public Medical base (PubMed

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Odete Máyra Mesquita Sales


    Full Text Available Objective. Based on principles proposed by Rosenfeld and Morville (2006, the present study examined the PubMed database interface, since a well-structured information architecture contributes to good usability in any digital environment. Method. The research development occurred through the use of literature techniques and empirical study on the analysis of information architecture based on organization, navigation, recommended labeling and search for Rosenfeld and Morville (2006 for the sake of usability base PubMed. For better understanding and description of these principles, we used the technique of content analysis. Results. The results showed that the database interface meets the criteria established by the elements of Information Architecture, such as organization based on hypertext structure, horizontal menu and local content divided into categories, identifying active links, global navigation , breadcrumb, textual labeling and iconographic and highlight the search engine. Conclusions. This research showed that the PubMed database interface is well structured, friendly and objective, with numerous possibilities of search and information retrieval. However, there is a need to adopt accessibility standards on this website, so that it reaches more efficiently its purpose of facilitating access to information organized and stored in the PubMed database.

  14. Global surveillance of emerging diseases: the ProMED-mail perspective Vigilância global de doenças emergentes: a perspectiva da ProMED-mail

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    John P. Woodall


    Full Text Available The Internet is changing the way global disease surveillance is conducted. Countries and international organizations are increasingly placing their outbreak reports on the Internet, which speeds up distribution and therefore prevention and control. The World Health Organization (WHO has recognized the value of nongovernmental organizations and the media in reporting outbreaks, which it then attempts to verify through its country offices. However, WHO and other official sources are constrained in their reporting by the need for bureaucratic clearance. ProMED-mail has no such constraints, and posts outbreak reports 7 days a week. It is moderated by infectious disease specialists who add relevant comments. Thus, ProMED-mail complements official sources and provides early warning of outbreaks. Its network is more than 20,000 people in over 150 countries, who place their computers and time at the network's disposal and report on outbreaks of which they have knowledge. Regions and countries could benefit from adopting the ProMED-mail approach to complement their own disease surveillance systems.A Internet está mudando a condução da vigilância global de doenças. Cada vez mais, os países e as organizações internacionais estão divulgando seus informes na Internet, o que acelera não apenas a distribuição desta informação, como também, consequentemente, a prevenção e controle das doenças. A Organização Mundial da Saúde (OMS já reconheceu a importância das ONGs e da imprensa na notificação de surtos, que procura verificar posteriormente através de suas agências locais. Entretanto, a OMS e outras fontes oficiais sofrem restrições em seus relatórios pela obrigatoriedade da autorização burocrática, além de só publicarem informes nos dias úteis. A ProMED-mail não está sujeita a tais restrições. A rede é moderada por especialistas em doenças infecciosas, que acrescentam comentários relevantes. Assim, a ProMED

  15. [Limiting a Medline/PubMed query to the "best" articles using the JCR relative impact factor]. (United States)

    Avillach, P; Kerdelhué, G; Devos, P; Maisonneuve, H; Darmoni, S J


    Medline/PubMed is the most frequently used medical bibliographic research database. The aim of this study was to propose a new generic method to limit any Medline/PubMed query based on the relative impact factor and the A & B categories of the SIGAPS score. The entire PubMed corpus was used for the feasibility study, then ten frequent diseases in terms of PubMed indexing and the citations of four Nobel prize winners. The relative impact factor (RIF) was calculated by medical specialty defined in Journal Citation Reports. The two queries, which included all the journals in category A (or A OR B), were added to any Medline/PubMed query as a central point of the feasibility study. Limitation using the SIGAPS category A was larger than the when using the Core Clinical Journals (CCJ): 15.65% of PubMed corpus vs 8.64% for CCJ. The response time of this limit applied to the entire PubMed corpus was less than two seconds. For five diseases out of ten, limiting the citations with the RIF was more effective than with the CCJ. For the four Nobel prize winners, limiting the citations with the RIF was more effective than the CCJ. The feasibility study to apply a new filter based on the relative impact factor on any Medline/PubMed query was positive. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.

  16. Kommunikation ved brug af mobile enheder med digital video i idræt

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Langagergaard Rødbro, Lise; Elbæk, Lars


    I artiklen redegøres kort for et projekt, som førte frem til en videoplatform, der er et bud på et ’lukket YouTube’, hvor video filmet med smartphone direkte kan uploades til, og med funktioner specifikt udviklet til skolens idrætsundervisning. Med afsæt i systemisk kommunikationsteori analyseres...... observations- og interviewda-ta for at belyse den kommunikation, der foregår ved brug af platformen. Senere diskuteres resultaterne ud fra kommunikationstrekanten, og der skitseres en model for videostøttet undervisning i idræt ud fra Batesons kommunikations- og læringsniveauer. Gennem analyser af platformens...

  17. Er nogle af de udfordrende aspekter af CanMEDS-rollerne valide uden for Canada? Undersøgelse af validiteten af vaesentlige elementer i CanMEDS-rollebeskrivelserne

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ringsted, Charlotte V; Hansen, Torben Lindskov; Davis, Deborah


    groups' evaluation of importance and confidence were evident. This study provides an outline of the validity of the CanMEDS roles in a non-Canadian setting. More research in how these aspects of competence are best taught across countries and specialties is needed. Udgivelsesdato: 2007-Jun-11......A questionnaire survey among 8749 Danish physicians about how the CanMEDS roles apply in an international context. Response rate 42.8% (3,476). The mean rating of importance of competence was 4.2 (SD 0.6). Ratings of confidence increased from interns to specialists. Differences between specialty...

  18. Management of data from clinical trials using the ArchiMed system. (United States)

    Duftschmid, Georg; Gall, Walter; Eigenbauer, Ernst; Dorda, Wolfgang


    Clinical trials constitute a key source of medical research and are therefore conducted on a regular basis at university hospitals. The professional execution of trials requires, among other things, a repertoire of tools that support efficient data management. Tasks that are essential for efficient data management in clinical trials include the following: the design of the trial database, the design of electronic case report forms, recruiting patients, collection of data, and statistical analysis. The present article reports the manner in which these tasks are supported by the ArchiMed system at the University of Vienna and Graz Medical Schools. ArchiMed is customized for clinical end users, allowing them to autonomously manage their clinical trials without having to consult computer experts. An evaluation of the ArchiMed system in 12 trials recently conducted at the University of Vienna Medical School shows that the individual system functions can be usefully applied for data management in clinical trials.

  19. MET network in PubMed: a text-mined network visualization and curation system. (United States)

    Dai, Hong-Jie; Su, Chu-Hsien; Lai, Po-Ting; Huang, Ming-Siang; Jonnagaddala, Jitendra; Rose Jue, Toni; Rao, Shruti; Chou, Hui-Jou; Milacic, Marija; Singh, Onkar; Syed-Abdul, Shabbir; Hsu, Wen-Lian


    Metastasis is the dissemination of a cancer/tumor from one organ to another, and it is the most dangerous stage during cancer progression, causing more than 90% of cancer deaths. Improving the understanding of the complicated cellular mechanisms underlying metastasis requires investigations of the signaling pathways. To this end, we developed a METastasis (MET) network visualization and curation tool to assist metastasis researchers retrieve network information of interest while browsing through the large volume of studies in PubMed. MET can recognize relations among genes, cancers, tissues and organs of metastasis mentioned in the literature through text-mining techniques, and then produce a visualization of all mined relations in a metastasis network. To facilitate the curation process, MET is developed as a browser extension that allows curators to review and edit concepts and relations related to metastasis directly in PubMed. PubMed users can also view the metastatic networks integrated from the large collection of research papers directly through MET. For the BioCreative 2015 interactive track (IAT), a curation task was proposed to curate metastatic networks among PubMed abstracts. Six curators participated in the proposed task and a post-IAT task, curating 963 unique metastatic relations from 174 PubMed abstracts using MET.Database URL: © The Author(s) 2016. Published by Oxford University Press.

  20. Astma a dym tytoniowy


    Agnieszka Fabisiewicz; Bolesław Kalicki; Anna Grad; Anna Jung; Ludmiła Bartoszewicz; Urszula Pasik


    Szacuje się, że około 10-15% dzieci do 10. roku życia ma rozpoznaną astmę oskrzelową. Wdychanie dymu tytoniowego nasila objawy i utrudnia leczenie astmy. Dotyczy to zarówno palenia czynnego, jak i biernego wdychania dymu tytoniowego. Narażenie na dym tytoniowy może przyczyniać się do rozwoju przewlekłych stanów zapalnych dróg oddechowych i w konsekwencji prowadzić do POChP czy powodować zaostrzenia i cięższy przebieg astmy. Negatywne skutki palenia dotyczą także przebiegu ciąży or...