
Sample records for bardenas reales navarra

  1. Nuevos datos sobre Andegameryx (Mammalia, Ruminantia del Mioceno Inferior de las Bardenas Reales (Navarra, España

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    Morales, J.


    Full Text Available New fossil remains of ruminants from the Lower Miocene (Ramblian, MN3 of the Bardenas Reales (Navarre are studied in this paper. The material, which comprises dentition, is assigned to Andegameryx aff. andegaviensis Ginsburg, 1971. Morphological and metrical similarities exist between these remains and the Spanish population of Andegameryx andegaviensis from Cetina de Aragón (Zaragoza, which is somewhat larger than the French material of this species. However, there are also some affinities with Andegameryx fossils from other Spanish localities as Loranca del Campo (Cuenca. The new material from the Bardenas Reales allows us to confirm certainly the presence of Andegameryx in the area and to provide the evidence that it was a widespread genus of ruminant in Spain during the early Miocene.En este trabajo se describen los nuevos hallazgos de rumiantes fósiles del Mioceno inferior (Rambliense, MN3 de las Bardenas Reales (Navarra. Este material está compuesto por dentición y ha sido clasificado como Andegameryx aff. andegaviensis Ginsburg, 1971. El estudio morfológico y métrico muestra que los restos de las Bardenas son muy semejantes a los de la población española de Andegameryx andegaviensis de Cetina de Aragón (Zaragoza, de talla algo mayor que las poblaciones francesas de esta especie. Sin embargo, también tiene afinidades con material de Andegameryx procedente de otras localidades españolas como Loranca del Campo (Cuenca. Los nuevos hallazgos permiten confirmar sin dudas la presencia de Andegameryx en las Bardenas Reales (Cuenca del Ebro, poniendo de manifiesto que este género de rumiante estuvo ampliamente extendido en las cuencas interiores de España durante el Mioceno inferior.

  2. Mechanisms of erosion in miocene clays from the Tudela formation (Bardenas Reales, Navarra, Spain); Mecanismos de erosion en arcillas miocenas de la Formacion Tudela (Bardenas Reales, Navarra, Espana)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Marin, C.; Desir, G.


    In Bardenas Reales area (located in the central-western part of the Ebro Depression) several erosion rates have been measured along the last years. The mean annual erosion rates are of 32 Tm/Ha/yr. Due to semiarid conditions, precipitation is irregularly distributed along the year with maximums on spring and autumn when the great erosion is produced. There are intensity and quality thresholds below which erosion does not take place. In Bardenas Reales some erosion processes act (mud slides and armoured mud balls among others). Mud slides are mobilised on spring when the sediment have reached its plastic limit and could slide due to heavy rains. Armored mud balls are produced by the enhancement of popcorn cracks that individualize clays cores which are rounded by water. The same kind of strong precipitation that mobilised mud slides is the responsible of armoured mud balls destruction because the conditions to its maintenance are very limited. (Author) 9 refs.

  3. Mamíferos el Mioceno inferior de las Bardenas Reales de Navarra (Cuenca del Ebro, Península Ibérica

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    X. Murelaga, H. Astibia, C. Sese, D. Soria, X. Pereda-Suberbiola


    Full Text Available Las Bardenas Reales de Navarra se encuentran en el borde NW de la cuenca terciaria del Ebro. Los sedimentos que podemos encontrar en la mayor parte del área de estudio pertenecen a facies fluvio-palustres de la Formación Tudela. Las localidades fosilíferas estarían incluidas dentro de la Biozona MN2b-MN· (Biozonas Z-A del Rambliense o Aquitaniense superior-Burdigaliense inforior. En esta área se han encontrado restos fósiles de peces, anfibios, lagartos, anfisbénidos, serpientes, tortugas, cocodrilos, flamencos y los mamíferos que se describen en este trabajo como insectívoros, quirópteros, eomídos, gliridos, esciúridos, cricétidos, lagomorfos, perisodáctilos y artiodáctilos.

  4. Mechanisms of erosion in miocene clays from the Tudela formation (Bardenas Reales, Navarra, Spain)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Marin, C.; Desir, G.


    In Bardenas Reales area (located in the central-western part of the Ebro Depression) several erosion rates have been measured along the last years. The mean annual erosion rates are of 32 Tm/Ha/yr. Due to semiarid conditions, precipitation is irregularly distributed along the year with maximums on spring and autumn when the great erosion is produced. There are intensity and quality thresholds below which erosion does not take place. In Bardenas Reales some erosion processes act (mud slides and armoured mud balls among others). Mud slides are mobilised on spring when the sediment have reached its plastic limit and could slide due to heavy rains. Armored mud balls are produced by the enhancement of popcorn cracks that individualize clays cores which are rounded by water. The same kind of strong precipitation that mobilised mud slides is the responsible of armoured mud balls destruction because the conditions to its maintenance are very limited. (Author) 9 refs.

  5. Evolution and erosion processes in gullies Bardenas Reales (Navarra). Spain

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Desir, G.; Marin, C.


    At the Bardenas Reales site, guilles are developed over Halocene silts and show a great extend. the most typical features is the lack of relief and the presence of many low and narrow guilles, on which the sidewalls are affected by piping and incision processes. Gullies have a U-Shape section and a dendritic pattern with a high sinuosity. Guilles evolution responds to different processes like headcut retreat, scouring, undermining and piping. One of these minor order guilles has evolved from a man made ditch builded in 1997. This dicth acts a as grainpipe of the erosion plot BD1. The main processes was headuct retreat from the outlet point in the main gully, and the deepening and widening of the ditch botoom level. As a consequence of undermining and piping the ditch shows an enlargement and headcut retreat yhat evolve in an unusual speed in comparison with the environment, that let us to stablish a temporal sequence of the gully evolution in these areas. (Author) 8 refs.

  6. Valoración Biogeográfica de los Paisajes Vegetales de Las Bardenas Reales de Navarra a través de la Metodología LANBIOEVA

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    Pedro José Lozano-Valencia


    Full Text Available El territorio de las Bardenas de Navarra configura uno de los paisajes más originales e infrecuentes de Europa. El relieve tabular estructural del Terciario ha sido modelado mayoritariamente en forma de badlands en un contexto climático de precipitaciones escasas y concentradas, temperaturas rigurosas tanto en invierno como en verano y vientos persistentes. Este contexto ambiental configura un paisaje vegetal de carácter estepario y con ciertas reminiscencias de zonas áridas o semiáridas. Es precisamente este interés el que nos lleva a caracterizar y valorar sus agrupaciones vegetales a través de la metodología LANBIOEVA. El método se aplica de forma sistemática de manera que las evaluaciones para cada uno de los criterios y subcriterios puedan ser comparadas con las obtenidas durante más de 25 años en otros ámbitos y formaciones a escala global. Destacan con valoraciones altas el pinar de Pinus halepensis y, sobre todo, el carrascal de Quercus ilex ssp. rotundifolia. Por su parte, las puntuaciones más bajas se registran para el coscojar de Quercus coccifera.

  7. Erosion processes acting in semi-arid climate zone of the Ebro Basin (Bardenas Reales, NE of Spain); Procesos de erosion actuantes en una zona de clima semiarido de la Depresion del Ebro (Bardenas Reales, NE de Espana)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Marin, C.; Desir, G.


    Bardenas Reales is an erosive depression located in the central-western part of the Ebro Depression. May different erosion processes act on this zone: gullying, piping, mud slides and armoured mud balls among others that contribute to export great quantity of material outside the basin. Depending on lithology and physico-chemical properties erosion acting processes differ. The knowledge of that processes help us to understand the great amount of soil loss that take place on the studied zone, bigger than those recommended. (Author) 8 refs.

  8. Erosion processes acting in semi-arid climate zone of the Ebro Basin (Bardenas Reales, NE of Spain)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Marin, C.; Desir, G.


    Bardenas Reales is an erosive depression located in the central-western part of the Ebro Depression. May different erosion processes act on this zone: gullying, piping, mud slides and armoured mud balls among others that contribute to export great quantity of material outside the basin. Depending on lithology and physico-chemical properties erosion acting processes differ. The knowledge of that processes help us to understand the great amount of soil loss that take place on the studied zone, bigger than those recommended. (Author) 8 refs.

  9. Drainage and reclamation of salt-affected soils in the Bardenas area, Spain

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Martinez Beltran, J.


    Chapter 1

    The Ebro basin is situated in north-eastern Spain and forms a geographic unit bounded by high mountains. The Bardenas area lies in the Ebro basin and forms part of the Bardenas Alto - Aragón irrigation scheme, which was designed to make use of the surface water resources from the

  10. Restos de quelonios del Mioceno medio del área de Tarazona de Aragón (Cuenca del Ebro, Aragón, España

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    Astibia, H.


    Full Text Available In this work, turtle remains are described from the Middle-Upper Aragonian sites of Monteagudo, Tarazona de Aragón, El Buste and La Ciesma. The chelonian assemblage is compared with that found in older sites from the same area of the Ebro basin. The differences with the Lower Miocene (biozones Z-A of Bardenas Reales (Navarra could be attributed to either or both the diverse sedimentary environment and to the changes in relative humidity and temperature occurred during the Early-Middle Miocene.En este trabajo se realiza la descripción de los fósiles de tortuga encontrados en los yacimientos del Aragoniense medio-superior de Monteagudo, Tarazona de Aragón, El Buste y La Ciesma. Además, se ha comparado la asociación paleoquelionológica descrita en estas localidades con la descrita en localidades más antiguas del mismo sector de la Cuenca del Ebro. La diferencia entre la asociación de la Biozona Z-A de las Bardenas Reales de Navarra y la descrita en el resto de las localidades puede deberse al medio sedimentario y/o a los cambios de humedad y temperatura relativas acaecidos a lo largo del Mioceno inferior-medio.

  11. Triangular facets of slope in the region of Tudela (Ebro Basin, Navarra, Spain); Facetas triangulares de ladera en la region de Tudela (Depresion del Ebro, Navarra, Espana)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Marin, C.; Desir, G.; Gutierrez, M.


    Some triangular slope facets are localized to the south of Bardenas Reales (central-west of Ebro Basin), elaborated on Tudela Formation deposits, Aragonian in age. Three of them have been dated by OSL resulting on ages of 35,588{+-}2,488 yr. BP, 35,355{+-}2,446 yr. BP and 40.185{+-}2,411 yr. BP. The origin of these facets is ought to an alternation between accumulation and incision phases produced by vegetation cover variation percentage. Those vegetation cover changes are estimated to be due to climatic changes. (Author) 21 refs.

  12. Influence so fusion processes in the evolution of modeling. Bardenas Reales (Navarra); Influencia de los procesos de sofusion (piping) en la evolucion del modelado. Bardenas Reales (Navarra)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Desir, G.; Gutierrez, M.


    Piping processes are controlled by many interacting factors, such as the index of dispersion and the sodium content, SAR and ESP. To it is necessary to join the density of cracking and the slope of the hillsides on which it develops. In the study area climatic characteristics together with soil structure and chemical and mineralogical composition of the substrate has a key role in Pipings formation. Cracking is linked to the presence of dispersive clays with high contents in SAR and ESP, which give the rates of swelling until 12%. The process presence of piping is linked to two concrete situations: the massive intermediate levels of the intermediate Holocene filling sediments and the sediments deposited by the gullies: whereas in the tertiary materials it does not manage to develop. The size and scale of the pipes studied show a clear relationship among the level thickness, slope and hydraulic gradient. In the Holocene landfills the principal bounding factor is the levels thickness since the lower laminated levels do not facilitate the continuity in depth of the process due to the high number of discontinuities, generating centimeter-scale conduits that are always on duty to the drainage network. (Author) 5 refs.

  13. Triangular facets of slope in the region of Tudela (Ebro Basin, Navarra, Spain)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Marin, C.; Desir, G.; Gutierrez, M.


    Some triangular slope facets are localized to the south of Bardenas Reales (central-west of Ebro Basin), elaborated on Tudela Formation deposits, Aragonian in age. Three of them have been dated by OSL resulting on ages of 35,588±2,488 yr. BP, 35,355±2,446 yr. BP and 40.185±2,411 yr. BP. The origin of these facets is ought to an alternation between accumulation and incision phases produced by vegetation cover variation percentage. Those vegetation cover changes are estimated to be due to climatic changes. (Author) 21 refs.

  14. Increased incidence of thyroid cancer in Navarra (Spain). Evolution and clinical characteristics, 1986-2010. (United States)

    Rojo Álvaro, Jorge; Bermejo Fraile, Begoña; Menéndez Torre, Edelmiro; Ardanaz, Eva; Guevara, Marcela; Anda Apiñániz, Emma

    , without ruling out a real increase in the incidence of papillary carcinoma in Navarra. Copyright © 2017 SEEN. Publicado por Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.

  15. La Vasconia de Manuel Risco y la polémica subsiguiente sobre el pasado de Navarra

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    Mikelarena Peña, Fernando


    Full Text Available The publication of La Vasconia, Volume XXXII from the España Sagrada collection, by Manuel Risco generated a controversy about the origins of the kingdom of Navarre. Its contents may be related with ideas about the history of Navarre held by Campomanes. In this controversy took part Juan Antonio Fernández and Miguel de Hualde, who did not get the support of the navarre Diputation. Risco's work would have echoes in the contribution about Navarre made by Traggia in 1802 published in the Dictionary of the Royal Academy of History.La publicación de La Vasconia, volumen XXXII de la colección España Sagrada, de Manuel Risco generó una polémica sobre los orígenes del reino de Navarra. Sus contenidos se pueden relacionar con las ideas sobre la historia de Navarra que sostenía Campomanes. En esa polémica participaron Juan Antonio Fernández y Miguel de Hualde, que no consiguieron el apoyo de la Diputación. La obra de Risco tendría ecos en la aportación realizada sobre Navarra por Traggia en 1802 editada en el Diccionario de la Real Academia de la Historia.

  16. Pharmaceutical ethnobotany in Northern Navarra (Iberian Peninsula). (United States)

    Cavero, R Y; Akerreta, S; Calvo, M I


    This paper provides significant ethnobotanical information on pharmaceutical plant uses in Northern Navarra from an area known both for its high biological diversity and its cultural significance, suggesting the survival of uses lost elsewhere. Collect, analyze and evaluate the ethnobotanical knowledge about medicinal plants in Northern Navarra (Iberian Peninsula) with 4243 km(2) and 71,069 inhabitants. We performed semi-structured interviews with 253 informants (mean age 69; 61% women, 39% men) in 120 locations, identified the plant reported and analyzed the results, comparing them with those from other territories. The informants reported data on 174 medicinal plants belonging to 63 botanical families. This work is focused on human medicinal plant uses, which represent 98% of the pharmaceutical uses (1725 use reports). The species with the highest number of cites are Chamaemelum nobile, Sambucus nigra and Verbena officinalis, with a long tradition of use in The Mountain (Navarra). All different plant parts are used; aerial part is exploited more frequently than other plant parts. Most of the listed remedies use a single ingredient, typically soaked in water. Usually, the administration is primarily oral followed by topical applications. The main ailments treated are digestive troubles, wounds and dermatological problems, and respiratory affections. Informants reported 24 new or scarcely cited uses for 23 medicinal plants. For 35% of the species (8) we have not found bibliographical references in the scientific literature and 48% (11) have only one to three references. Copyright © 2010 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.

  17. Revisión de citas de carricerín cejudo (Acrocephalus paludicola en Navarra

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    Arizaga, J., Alonso, D., Martin, D.


    Full Text Available Se han recopilado las citas de carricerín cejudo (Acrophalus paludicola en Navarra, a partir de datos de anillamiento y citas tanto publicadas como no publicadas. En conjunto, se obtuvieron 7 citas, de las que 6 se produjeron al S de Navarra (la otra en Cirauqui, cerca de Pamplona. Asimismo, se pone de manifiesto que la mayor parte de las citas se deben a la actividad realizada en estaciones de anillamiento, por lo que esta metodología desempeña un papel clave a la hora de detetectar y cuantificar la abundancia de la especie. El número de citas en Navarra es claramente inferior al registrado incluso en regiones próximas, lo cual podría ser debido a que los individuos que entran en España por el W de Pirineos sigan la línea de costa Cantábrica, preferentemente, o bien a un reducido esfuerzo de muestreo en Navarra.

  18. Registro fósil precuaternario de tetrápodos en los Pirineos occidentales

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    Ana Berreteaga


    Full Text Available El estudio de los niveles fosilíferos continentales y marinos del Cretácico Superior y del Terciario de la Región Vasco-Cantabrica (Sinclinorio Subcantábrico y cuencas surpirenaicas adyacentes (Cuenca de Pamplona, Sector Noroccidental de la Depresión del Ebro ha puesto de manifiesto su potencial paleontológico en restos fósiles de vertebrados. Algunos de estos yacimientos son de gran relevancia en el Cretácico final de Europa, incluyendo nuevas especies de tortugas, escamosos, cocodrilos, dinosaurios y mamíferos. En la misma cantera del yacimiento alavés de Zambrana, compuesta principalmente por reptiles y mamíferos, es de gran interés paleontológico y contribuye a un mejor conocimiento de las faunas del Eoceno superior de la Península Ibérica. En Zambrana se ha reconocido hasta la fecha varias nuevas especies de perisodáctilos ecuoideos. En el Neogeno, se han descubierto nuevas localidades del Mioceno (Rambliense, Aragoniense en las Bardenas Reales de Navarra y otras áreas colindantes de la Cuenca del Ebro, que han proporcionado restos de anfibios, escamosos, tortugas, cocodrilos, aves y varios grupos de mamíferos. Por otro lado, una notable variedad de icnofacies de aves y mamíferos ha sido hallada en diferentes afloramientos de los potentes depósitos marinos litorales (Eoceno superior y continentales (Oligoceno-Mioceno inferior de la Alta Navarra.

  19. Los hijos como víctimas: el infanticidio en Navarra (siglos XVI-XVII

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    Mikel Berraondo Piudo


    Full Text Available El fenómeno de la violencia interpersonal ha resultado muy atractivo para los histo-riadores interesados tanto en la cultura popular como en el proceso de formación del estado moderno. De entre todos los casos de violencia, el infanticidio fue uno de los más duramente perseguidos por la justicia, y produjo actitudes en la comunidad que abarcaban desde la incredulidad hasta el desprecio por aquellas mujeres que cometían un acto atroz. También el derecho canónico intervino, condenando duramente a los infanticidas mediante la teología moral. El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar este fenó-meno en la Navarra moderna, comparando los resultados obtenidos con otros lugares de Europa. Navarra, pequeño reino fronterizo, nos permite acercarnos al estudio del infanticidio desde múltiples puntos de vista, aprovechando la documentación conservada en el Archivo General de Navarra, y analizarlo desde un punto de vista tanto cuantitativo como cualitativo.

  20. Evaluating irrigation scheduling of hydroponic tomato in Navarra, Spain

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Lizarraga, H.J.; Boesveld, H.; Huibers, F.P.; Robles, H.


    The correct supply of water and nutrients is important in hydroponic growing systems in order to use water efficiently, avoid stress situations, and control production. The present study was conducted to evaluate two irrigation scheduling techniques for hydroponic tomato production in Navarra,

  1. Pharmaceutical ethnobotany in the Riverside of Navarra (Iberian Peninsula). (United States)

    Calvo, M I; Akerreta, S; Cavero, R Y


    This paper provides significant ethnobotanical information on pharmaceutical plant uses in the Riverside of Navarra. Thereby, it will extend and complement a recent previous study carried out in the Northern Navarra. This paper aim to collect, analyse and evaluate the ethnobotanical knowledge about medicinal plants in the Riverside of Navarra (Iberian Peninsula) with 2554.4km(2) and 144,674 inhabitants. We performed semi-structured interviews with 147 informants (mean age 76 years; the percentage of men and women was almost 50%) in 34 locations, identified the plants reported and analyzed the results, comparing them with those from other territories. The informants reported data on 90 medicinal plants belonging to 39 botanical families. This work is focused on human medicinal plant uses, which represent 99% of the pharmaceutical uses (541). The species with the highest number of cites are Santolina chamaecyparissus ssp. squarrosa, Thymus vulgaris, Rosmarinus officinalis and Urtica dioica. All different plant parts are used; aerial part is exploited more frequently than other plant parts. Most of the listed remedies use a single ingredient, typically soaked in water. The percentage of internal uses is three times higher than external uses. The main ailments treated are digestive troubles, dermatological problems, and respiratory affections. Informants reported 11 new or scarcely cited uses for 8 medicinal plants. For 50% of the species (4) we have not found bibliographical references in the scientific literature and 50% have only one or two references. Copyright © 2011 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.

  2. Mammals in the MZNA Vertebrate Collection of University of Navarra, Spain. (United States)

    Escribano, Nora; Galicia, David; Ariño, Arturo H; Escala, Carmen


    In this paper five datasets are described that provide information about records of mammals in the Vertebrate Collection of the Museum of Zoology of the University of Navarra (MZNA-VERT). The datasets contain 3,466 records belonging to 20 species of mammals sampled across the transition zone between the Atlantic and Mediterranean biogeographical regions (north Iberian Peninsula). The datasets include both distributional data (georeferenced records) and basic biometric data of most of the vouchered specimens stored in the museum facilities. The samples originated mainly within research projects and PhD theses carried out in the former department of Zoology and Ecology of the University of Navarra between 1982 and 2011. The Darwin Core Archive Format datasets are accessible through GBIF.

  3. Un caso de espina bífida en la población del dolmen de Aizibita (Cirauqui, Navarra)


    Beguiristain, M.A. (María Amor)


    Se da a conocer un caso de espina bífida identificado entre los individuos del lecho 7 del dolmen de Aizibita (Cirauqui. Navarra. España) -------------------------------- It gives to know a case of spine bífida between the individuals of the dolmen of Aizibita ( Cirauqui. Navarra. Spain)

  4. Estudio de un episodio de lluvia torrencial en Navarra con efectos de inundación

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    Javier María Pejenaute Goñi


    Full Text Available Los primeros días de octubre de 1992 se caracterizaron por las abundantes precipitaciones que se registraron en los Valles Cantábricos y Pirenaicos de Navarra y que dieron lugar a fuertes crecidas de los ríos y a las inundaciones que afectaron a la mitad Norte de la Comunidad. El objetivo del presente trabajo es el estudio de las inundaciones de octubre de 1992 en Navarra, analizando las causas, repercusiones, intensidad, áreas afectadas y zonas de mayor riesgo. Los resultados, tanto de la dinámica atmosférica como de la cantidad caída y nivel de agua de los ríos, se compara con las últimas inundaciones de diciembre de 1992 y 1993.The first days of october of 1992 were characterized by the heavy rainfall that was reported in the Cantabrian and Pyrenean valleys of Navarra and that gave rise to rivers running in spate and the floods that had an effect on the north in this Community. This piece of work aims to study the floods in Navarra in october of 1992, analysing the reasons, repercussions, intensity, the affected áreas and zones with a bigger risk. The results of the atmospheric dynamic as much as the rainfall and the water level of the rivers are compared to the last floods in december of 1992 and 1993.

  5. Optimización y ampliación de una explotación de equino de carne en Saldise (Navarra)


    Ecay Narvaiz, Martín


    Proyecto de actividad mediante el que se estudia, amplía y optimiza una explotación de equino de carne real emplazada en la localidad navarra de Saldise. La explotación se centra actualmente en la venta de canales de potro lechal a carniceros. Se analiza la situación base (manejo del ganado, infraestructura, comercialización del producto) y el sector cárnico caballar regional, y mediante un estudio de alternativas se plantea la optimización de la explotación. La venta directa d...

  6. Contribuciones al conocimiento de la flora de navarra

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    BALDA, Angel


    Full Text Available Nuevos datos acerca de 58 táxones de plantas de interés, bien por su rareza en el terrirorio navarro o por la ampliación de área que suponen. De ellos, 12 se citan por primera vez para Navarra : Epilobium angustifolium, Fraxinus pennylvanica, Galinsoga quadriradiata, Gamochaeta falcata, Isatis tinctoria subsp. tinctoria, Ludwigia palustris, Lycopodeilla inundata, Pseudorchis albida, Ramonda myconi, Rynchospora alba, Rynchospora fusca y Spiranthes aestivalis

  7. Estudio de la diversidad de culturas musicales presentes en las escuelas municipales de música de Navarra


    Vives de Prada, Aurora


    383 p. En esta tesis doctoral se estudian las diversas culturas musicales presentes en escuelas municipales de música (EMM) de Navarra, lo cual implica no sólo una aproximación al espacio físico y académico de estos centros de enseñanza, sino también a su realidad socio-cultural. Por ello, se ha seleccionado una muestra significativa de las EMM de las tres zonas geográficas en las que se puede dividir Navarra (Norte, Centro y La Ribera), atendiendo a sus peculiaridades culturales. Adiciona...

  8. Pharmaceutical ethnobotany in the Middle Navarra (Iberian Peninsula). (United States)

    Cavero, R Y; Akerreta, S; Calvo, M I


    This paper provides significant ethnobotanical information on pharmaceutical plant uses in the Middle Navarra (Iberian Peninsula). Collect, analyze and evaluate the ethnobotanical knowledge about medicinal plants in this area with 3622.2 km(2) and 404,634 inhabitants. We performed semi-structured interviews with 276 informants (mean age 72; 46% women, 54% men) in 111 locations, identified the plant reported and analyzed the results, comparing them with those from other territories. The informants reported data on 198 medicinal plants belonging to 60 botanical families. This work is focused on human medicinal plant uses, which represent 98% of the pharmaceutical uses (1401 use reports). The species with the highest number of cites are Santolina chamaecyparissus ssp. squarrosa, Jasonia glutinosa and Chamaemelum nobile with a long tradition of use in Navarra. All different plant parts are used; aerial part is exploited more frequently than other plant parts. Most of the listed remedies use a single ingredient, typically soaked in water. The most common mode of administration is oral, while the second most common is topical. The main ailments treated are digestive troubles, wounds and dermatological problems, and respiratory affections. Informants reported 80 new or scarcely cited uses for 14 medicinal plants. For 36% of the species (5) we have not found bibliographical references in the scientific literature and 64% (9) have only one to three references. Copyright © 2011 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.

  9. El Instituto Navarro de Administración Pública y el desarrollo de la Psicología Aplicada en Navarra




    El presente trabajo muestra el desarrollo orgánico del Instituto de Psicología Aplicada de Navarra, creado en 1961, hasta convertirse en la actualidad en el Instituto Navarro de Administración Pública y su vinculación con la aplicación de la Psicología en Navarra. Finalizando la década de los años 60 las funciones propias del Instituto eran la orientación profesional, la selección profesional, la asistencia psiquiátrica y la investigación y promoción de la Psicología. Estas funciones se lleva...

  10. Mark Zuckerberg, fundador de Facebook, en la Universidad de Navarra.


    Torres-Salinas, Daniel


    With more than a hundred million users, Facebook is one of the largest social networks in internet. For its promotion in Europe its founder, Mark Zuckerberg, made a tour of various countries. In this context, we offer a chronicle of the conference held at the University of Navarra in October 2008. During the conference, Zuckerberg talked about the history of Facebook and its main innovations, such as the news feed or its interoperability with other applications. The question and answer ses...

  11. Evaluación del sistema de información de navarra sobre diagnósticos de infección por el VIH, 1985-2003

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    Ana María Caro-Murillo


    Full Text Available Fundamento: Navarra cuenta con un sistema de información sobre los diagnósticos de infección por VIH que abarca desde el comienzo de la epidemia hasta la actualidad. El objetivo de este trabajo es describir y evaluar su funcionamiento y sus atributos, haciendo énfasis en el estudio de su sensibilidad. Métodos: Siguiendo las directrices para la Evaluación de Sistemas de Vigilancia en Salud Pública de los Centros para el Control y Prevención de Enfermedades de Atlanta, describimos el sistema de información sobre diagnósticos de infección por VIH de Navarra (el sistema y analizamos sus atributos cualitativos y cuantitativos entre 1985 y 2003. Para valorar la sensibilidad se utilizó como referencia el registro de dispensación de antirretrovirales de los hospitales de Navarra. Resultados: El sistema de información sobre diagnósticos de infección por VIH de Navarra es nominal y confidencial, e incluye los casos nuevos diagnosticados cada año. Sus fuentes de información son todos los laboratorios que realizan la prueba de confirmación de Western blot en el sistema público, y el registro de altas hospitalarias de la Comunidad Autónoma. Cubre a toda la población de Navarra (584.734 habitantes, y utiliza la definición de caso de infección por VIH del Centro Europeo para la Vigilancia Epidemiológica del VIH y el sida. Es un sistema bien aceptado por la comunidad y por los responsables de suministrar los datos. Hasta diciembre de 2003 se habían incluido 2.302 casos, incluyendo al 98,8% de los pacientes que reciben o han recibido antirretrovirales en Navarra. Conclusiones: Este sistema de información es sencillo, útil, bien aceptado y altamente sensible. La información sobre uso de antirretrovirales ha sido de utilidad para su evaluación.

  12. Nut consumption and incidence of metabolic syndrome after 6-year follow-up: the SUN (Seguimiento Universidad de Navarra, University of Navarra Follow-up) cohort. (United States)

    Fernández-Montero, Alejandro; Bes-Rastrollo, Maira; Beunza, Juan J; Barrio-Lopez, Maria Teresa; de la Fuente-Arrillaga, Carmen; Moreno-Galarraga, Laura; Martínez-González, Miguel Angel


    To assess the long-term relationship between tree nut consumption and the risk of developing metabolic syndrome (MetS). Nut consumption was collected using a validated 136-item FFQ. The MetS was defined according to the International Diabetes Federation and American Heart Association/National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute harmonizing definition. The association between nut consumption and MetS was assessed with logistic regression models adjusting for potential confounders. We compared the incidence of MetS between extreme categories of nut intake (> or = 2 servings/week v. never/almost never) after 6 years of follow-up. The SUN Project (Seguimiento Universidad de Navarra, University of Navarra Follow-up) is a prospective cohort study, formed of Spanish university graduates. Information is gathered by mailed questionnaires collected biennially. Nut consumption and MetS information was collected by self-reported data. Participants (n 9887) initially free of MetS or diabetes and followed up for a minimum of 6 years were included. We observed 567 new cases of MetS during follow-up. Participants who consumed nuts > or = 2 servings/week presented a 32% lower risk of developing MetS than those who never/almost never consumed (adjusted OR = 0.68, 95% CI 0.50, 0.92). The inverse association was stronger among participants who were health professionals. Nut consumption was significantly associated with lower risk of developing MetS after a 6-year follow-up period in a cohort of Spanish graduates.

  13. Fuentes documentales para la historia de la tecnología navarra en el Archivo de la Oficina Española de patentes y marcas: los expedientes de patentes (1878-1939)


    Berzal Tejero, María Jesús


    El presente trabajo ofrece una visión general sobre las fuentes documentales para la historia de la tecnología Navarra conservadas en el Archivo de la Oficina Española de Patentes y Marcas. Se presenta un listado de los expedientes de patentes (1878-1939) solicitados por inventores residentes en Navarra. The present work shows a general view of the sources of the History of the technology in Navarra, which are conserved in the Archives of the Oficina Española de ...

  14. Impacto y efectividad de la vacunación infantil con la vacuna neumocócica conjugada 13-valente en Navarra


    Guevara Eslava, Marcela


    La vacuna neumocócica conjugada 7 valente (VNC7) comenzó a estar disponibles en España en 2001, la 10-valente (VNC10) en 2009 y la 13-valente (VNC13) en 2010. En Navarra, sin estar incluidas en el calendario oficial de vacunaciones, se ha extendido su uso en los niños. Los objetivos de este estudio han sido evaluar el impacto de la vacunación infantil con la VNC13 sobre la epidemiología de la enfermedad neumocócica invasiva (ENI) en la población de Navarra de todas las edade...

  15. Armeros milaneses en Navarra: la producción de Eugui

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    Godoy, José A.


    Full Text Available In 1595, Philip II summoned a group of Milanese armourers to settle in Eugui (Navarre. Their main work was produced under Philip III. This paper studies these armourers, their trademarks. creations, working conditions and relationships.

    Felipe II ordenó en 1595 el establecimiento en Eugui (Navarra de un grupo de armeros milaneses especializados en el arte de la armadura. Las principales obras se produjeron sin embargo durante el reinado de Felipe III. Se estudia detenidamente la manufactura de Eugui, sus marcas, obras, las circunstancias de sus trabajos y sus relaciones laborales.

  16. El proceso de reforma administrativa de la renta del Tabaco en Navarra durante el siglo XVIII

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    Sergio Solbes Ferri


    Full Text Available El presente artículo está centrado en la evolución de la gestión administrativa del monopolio fiscal del tabaco en Navarra durante la centuria dieciochesca. Su inicio se sitúa en el arrendamiento del estanco en 1717 por el Gobierno central a la Hacienda foral de Navarra -propietaria del mismo desde su creación en 1642- y analiza las sucesivas fases a través de las cuáles dicha administración central fue progresivamente adquiriendo el control absoluto de la renta en este territorio.The present paper is specially based in the evolution of the administration of the tobacco state monopoly in the Kingdom of Navarre during the eighteen century. We start in the lease of the income in 1717 to his old owner (the Foral Administration since 1642 and analyse the following phases through the Central Government was getting the control of the monopoly in this territory.

  17. Caracterización estacional del hábitat fluvial del río Erro (Navarra

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    P.M. Leunda, R. Miranda, M.C. Escala


    Full Text Available Se presenta la descripción de catorce tramos representativos del río Erro (Navarra a partir de la caracterización del hábitat fluvial llevada a cabo en invierno, verano y otoño de 2002. Para este estudio se han considerado parámetros tanto del hábitat físico (profundidad, anchura del cauce, pendiente de las orillas, velocidad del agua, tipo de sustrato, vegetación acuática y sombreado como físico-químicos del agua (temperatura, pH, conductividad, sólicos disueltos y oxigeno disuelto. El análisis de las caracteristicas del rio Erro permite considerar su estado general como bueno, aunque se detecta la presencia de un tramo sensible aguas abajo de la localidad de Erro. Si bien este tramo sensible presenta niveles de conservación aceptables, es susceptible de deteriorarse si no de adoptan las medidas oportunas para su conservación. Se sugiere su inclusión en el Lugar de Interés Comunitario (Red Natura 2000 de Navarra de los "Sistemas Fluviales de lis Ríos Irati, Urrobi y Erro".

  18. La “botiga” del hierro. Fiscalidad y producción industrial en Navarra (1362-1404

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    Mugueta Moreno, Iñigo


    Full Text Available The development of the iron industry in the north region of the Kingdom of Navarre was recorded in the fiscal accounts of the royal administration since the second half of the XIII century. However, the Kingdom of Navarre, will not look at this industrial development as a fiscal resource until the second half of the XIV century, with Charles II. The growing needs of his political strategies forced him to increase the fiscal pressure on his citizens, specially since 1362, in the uptake of indirect taxation. The disposed actions of this King will lead him to significantly increase the income earned on the iron industry: first, he seized lordships that were rich in mineral resources and forestry; later he developed a complex tax policy, which even led him to create a monopoly on the iron production in the Kingdom since 1376.

    El origen de la actividad siderúrgica en el norte de Navarra se detecta en los libros de cuentas de la administración real a partir de la segunda mitad del siglo XIII. Sin embargo, no será hasta la segunda mitad del siglo XIV cuando los reyes de Navarra (en concreto Carlos II, vea en este desarrollo industrial una fuente de recursos fiscales. Las crecientes necesidades de sus estrategias políticas le llevaron a un incremento de la presión fiscal sobre sus súbditos, con un especial énfasis desde 1362 en la captación de impuestos indirectos. La acción decidida de este monarca le permitió aumentar notablemente los ingresos percibidos sobre la industria siderúrgica, primero tras la incautación de señoríos nobiliarios ricos en recursos mineros y forestales, y más tarde por medio del desarrollo de un complejo programa fiscal, que incluyó la creación de un monopolio sobre la producción de hierro en el reino desde 1376.

  19. Icnitas de artiodactilos (Mammalia del Paleogeno de Olcoz (Depresion del Ebro, Navarra

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    Murelaga, X.


    Full Text Available A group of fossil mammal ichnites from the proximity of the town of Olcoz (Navarra, Ebro Basin is described herein. The tracks occur on sandstone beds of the Mués Formation of Suevian (Early Oligocene age. Owing to their morphology these ichnites have been assigned to artiodactyl mammals and can be compared to Entelodontipus forms. Moreover, this represents the second known finding of this ichnogenus. Among the tracks of this deposit there is a significant heterogeneity which is due to the variable penetration and displacement of the autopodes on the substrate. On Olcoz the presence of abundant ichnites that follow subparallel tracks allows the establishment of the gregarious behaviour of the producers of such tracks.Se describe un conjunto de icnitas fósiles de mamíferos ubicado en los alrededores de la localidad navarra de Olcoz (Depresión del Ebro. Las huellas se localizan en niveles areniscosos de la «Formación de Mués», de posible edad Sueviense (Oligoceno inferior. Por su morfología pueden asignarse a mamíferos artiodáctilos y resultan comparables a Entelodontipus, constituyendo este hallazgo una segunda cita para dicho icnogénero. En este yacimiento se constata una notable variabilidad morfológica de las huellas, resultado de la distinta penetración y desplazamiento de los autópodos en el sustrato. La presencia en Olcoz de numerosas icnitas formando rastros subparalelos permite inferir el comportamiento gregario de sus productores.

  20. Plan de marketing turístico de la Comunidad Foral de Navarra


    Altarriba García, Beñat Enrique


    Este proyecto consiste en la elaboración de un Plan de Marketing turístico de la Comunidad Foral de Navarra. Hoy en día e históricamente, el turismo es un importante motor económico y de desarrollo a nivel mundial. Es un sector a tener muy en cuenta tanto por los gobiernos como por las empresas ya que de su incentivación depende el empleo de millones de personas y los ingresos y beneficios de muchas empresas y comunidades. Es por esta razón, por lo que decidí realizar este Plan de Marketin...

  1. [Functional dysphonia and vocal cord nodules in teachers in Navarra, Spain]. (United States)

    Palomino Moreno, María Prado; Hoyo Rodríguez, Asier; García López, Vega; Losantos Martínez, Juan Tomás


    To describe teachers treated for dysphonia and vocal cord nodules by the public health system in Navarra (Spain), to describe associated factors and to identify the proportion of these cases registered as occupational diseases. Cases of dysphonia occurring in persons between the age of 18 and 65 years, registered between May 2010 and June 2011, and treated in a specific unit (Speech Unit) of Otorhinolaryngology Services were identified. Information on occupation, sex and clinical diagnosis was collected. For teachers, additional information was obtained on smoking habits, teaching level and prior training in speech disorders and their prevention. Cases declared as occupational diseases were identified from the official Register of Occupational Diseases of Navarra. 135 teachers (18% of all dysphonia patients in the sample) were treated for dysphonia in the Speech Unit (87% women). Being female was 3-fold higher among teachers than other occupations (crude prevalence odds ratio = 3.5; 95% confidence interval, 95%CI, 2.1-5.9). Female teachers were also 6.5 years (95%CI, 1.7-11.4) younger than male teachers. No association was found between smoking and risk of vocal cord nodules or dysphonia. Only 20% of teachers treated had received training on speech disorders and their prevention. Nine out of 83 cases of vocal cord nodules diagnosed in professional voice users were officially declared as occupational diseases; in all cases, these were teachers. Dysphonia in teachers is a frequent reason for visiting a specialty clinic. Among these professionals, women showed a higher risk of suffering from vocal cord nodules. Most cases of vocal cord nodules in our sample were not reported as occupational diseases. Copyright belongs to the Societat Catalana de Seguretat i Medicina del Treball.

  2. Una ciudad de los vascones en el yacimiento de Campo Real/Fillera (Sos del Rey Católico-Sangüesa

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    Andreu Pintado, Javier


    Full Text Available The following paper deals with the detailed and preliminary study of the archaeological site of Campo Real/Fillera (Sos del Rey Católico/Sangüesa, between today Zaragoza and Navarra provinces specially focusing in its Roman period. The paper exposes a review of the archeological and epigraphical material from the site, proposes an urban condition for it and raises some hypothesis on its identification with one of the cities that ancient sources tribued to Vascones.El presente trabajo aborda el estudio detallado y preliminar del yacimiento arqueológico de Campo Real/Fillera (Sos del Rey Católico/Sangüesa, en el límite entre las actuales provincias de Zaragoza y Navarra con especial atención a su etapa romana. Se procede a la revisión del material arqueológico y epigráfico procedente del lugar, se defiende la condición de enclave urbano del yacimiento y se plantea una hipótesis respecto de su identificación con las ciudades que las fuentes antiguas atribuyen a los Vascones.

  3. Programa de prevención del sobrepeso y obesidad infantil en centros educativos de Navarra


    Oses Recalde, Maddi


    El objetivo general de este TFM es disminuir la prevalencia de sobrepeso y obesidad infantil en navarra. Todo ello para mejorar la salud en la población infantil y consecuentemente mejorar la salud en su edad adulta. Para ello se identifican los siguientes objetivos específicos: 1) Mejorar los hábitos alimentarios de los participantes del proyecto. 2) Aumentar la actividad física de los participantes. 3) Disminuir el sobrepeso y la obesidad de los participantes del programa. Para la ...

  4. Las expectativas educativas de la población inmigrante en Navarra. ¿Optimismo inmigrante o efectos de escuela?

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    Cebolla Boado, Héctor


    Full Text Available In this paper we use the Evaluation Survey for Secondary Schooling conducted by the Regional Government of Navarra in 2010 to study migrant-native differentials in the educational expectation of students. Our evidence confirms the existence of what the international literature has labelled “immigrant optimism”, in other words, the fact that immigrantorigin students are more ambitious than what should be expected according to their socioeconomic status or their prior school achievement. Once we identify this regularity, the paper explores the causes of this particular differential between migrants and natives suggesting that individual level characteristics (broadly speaking family level features are the most plausible source of this optimism. The sorting of migrants in the Navarre school map and the school characteristics appears to be less relevant to understand this immigrant optimism.Este trabajo explota los micro-datos de la Encuesta de Evaluación de la Educación Secundaria realizado en Navarra en 2010 para estudiar las expectativas educativas de la población escolar en función de su estatus migratorio. En sintonía con la literatura internacional, identificamos en Navarra la confirmación de lo que otros estudios internacionales han denominado “optimismo inmigrante” es decir, el hecho de que las expectativas de los estudiantes de origen inmigrante sean, en media, superiores a las de los autóctonos, dado su rendimiento educativo previo y la situación socioeconómica de sus familias. Identificada esta regularidad, el trabajo explora las causas de este diferencial inmigrante-autóctono sugiriendo que son las características individuales y/o familiares de los inmigrantes las que producen este desajuste entre expectativas y rendimiento. La distribución de inmigrantes en el mapa escolar navarro o las características de la escuela a las que asisten los estudiantes que forman parte del estudio, parecen argumentos poco útiles para

  5. Estudio energético en el taller de chapistería en Volkswagen Navarra S.A.


    Echavarren Sarasibar, Sergio


    El presente proyecto se ha desarrollado con el objetivo de obtener la titualción de Grado en Tecnología Indistriales de la Univerisdad Pública de Navarra. El proyecto recoge un descripción detallada de las instalaciones de aire comprimido en taller de Chapisteria, una documentación de consumos, equipos, instalaciones con el objetivo de detectar derroches energéticos en la instalación. Con dichos derroches se ha realizado medidas de ahorro que reducen el gasto energético d...

  6. El FEOGA : orientacion y la industria agro-alimentaria navarra

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    Javier María Pejenaute Goñi


    Full Text Available Desde enero de 1986, fecha en que España se integra en la Comunidad Económica Europea, la agricultura navarra y las industrias derivadas de la misma se enfrentan, al igual que el resto de Comunidades Autónomas, a un reto importante. La entrada de España no se produce en un momento óptimo de buen funcionamiento. En efecto, dos problemas principales afectan a la Comunidad: el crecimiento económico se ha visto paralizado y el desequilibrio de las balanzas comerciales es una realidad. Es evidente que la CEE tiene una crisis presupuestaria debida, en cierta manera, a la Política Agraria Comunitaria (PAC que acapara casi el 70 por 100 de los recursos y da lugar a costosos excedentes que el sistema de garantías debe costear. Para hacer frente a esta crisis se intenta modificar el sistema presupuestario actual y reformar tanto la Política Agraria Comunitaria como los fondos estructurales de ayuda a regiones más retrasadas por diferentes conceptos.

  7. Exhumación, identificación y causa de muerte en la fosa común de Aibar-Oibar (Navarra

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    Nuñez, C.,


    Full Text Available Se presentan los resultados de la investigación llevada a cabo en una fosa común situada en la localidad de Aibar (Navarra, en donde fueron inhumadas cuatro personas que fueron asesinadas en 1936. De conformidad a las fuentes documentales existentes así como al estudio antropológico y genético, se establece la identidad y la causa de la muerte relacionada con disparos por arma de fuego.

  8. Efectivos poblacionales de la Rana ágil (Rana dalmatina y uso del hábitat reproductor en Navarra

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    GOSA, Alberto


    Full Text Available La población navarra de Rana dalmatina se encuentra fragmentada en 4 núcleos incomunicados, con baja disponibilidad de humedales para la reproducción (entre 2 y 15 por área. La población de hembras adultas fluctúa anualmente entre 1000 y 1500 individuos, sin considerar de la La Barranca, todavía no investigada. La conservación de la especie depende de la gestión de las zonas húmedas.

  9. Hogares y caseríos en la Navarra cantábrica en el siglo XIX. Un enfoque microanalítico

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    Pilar Erdozáin Azpilicueta


    Full Text Available The object of this article is to analyze the family structures, the size and the composition of the households, as well as the existent relationship in them between producing members and consumers members, in 1824-1894 in two rural neighborhoods of a municipality of the northwest of Navarra. It is used a double perspective, static and dynamics, being analysed the informations of ten serial nominal censuses.

  10. Wind power development in Spain, the model of Navarra

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Miguel Ichaso, A. de [Energia Hidroelectrica de Navarra S.A. (EHN), Pamplona (Spain)


    Wind power implementation in Spain has undergone spectacular growth in recent years. From 834 Megawatts installed at the end of 1998, the figure of 1,500 MW was reached at the end of 1999 and forecasts expect well over 2,500 MW by the end of the year 2000. A favourable legislative framework and tariff structure have brought about this rate of development, which is mainly based on the implementation of large wind farms on high altitude sites in Spain. The region of Navarra (northern Spain) has played a special role in this development, and EHN, a company born in this region, has carried out major projects that have given it 30% of the Spanish wind power sector. The challenges for the sector in Spain over the next few years are: (1) Make its development compatible with the supply guarantees required by the national electricity supply operator, (2) ensure that the implementation of wind farms is done with respect for the environment, (3) harmonise the wind power development of the different Autonomous Communities of Spain, and (4) reduce the investment costs in order to obtain enough profitability with falling energy prices in the coming years. (orig.)

  11. Soil Properties Database of Spanish Soils. Volume XIII.- Navarra and La Rioja; Base de Datos de Propiedades Edafologicas de los Suelos Espanoles. Volumen XIII.- Navarra y La Rioja

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Trueba, C.; Millan, R.; Schmid, T.; Lago, C.; Roquero, C.; Magister, M. [Ciemat, Madrid (Spain)


    The soil vulnerability determines the sensitivity of the soil after an accidental radioactive contamination due to Cs-137 and Sr-90. The Departamento de Impacto Ambiental de la Energia of CIEMAT is carrying out an assessment of the radiological vulnerability of the different Spanish soils found on the Iberian Peninsula. This requires the knowledge of the soil properties for the various types of existing soils. In order to achieve this aim, a bibliographical compilation of soil profiles has been made to characterize the different soil types and create a database of their properties. depending on the year of publication and the type of documentary source the information prior to its incorporation to the database. This volume presents the criteria applied to normalize and process the data as well as the soil properties of the various soil types belonging to the Comunidades Autonomas of Navarra and La Rioja. (Author) 46 refs.

  12. [Meningococcal C conjugate vaccine: Impact of a vaccination program and long-term effectiveness in Navarra, Spain, 2000-2014]. (United States)

    Morales, Desirée; García-Cenoz, Manuel; Moreno, Laura; Bernaola, Enrique; Barricarte, Aurelio; Castilla, Jesús


    Since 2000, when the meningococcal serogroupC conjugate vaccine (MenCC) was introduced in the childhood immunization schedule in Spain, several changes in the schedule and catch-up campaigns have been performed. We aim to estimate the impact and effectiveness of this vaccine in Navarra up to 2014. The impact of the vaccination program was analysed by comparing incidence, mortality and lethality rates of disease before (1995-1999) and after (2004-2014) the introduction of the MenCC. Vaccine effectiveness was estimated using the screening method (Farrington) and the indirect cohort method (Broome). Data on cases were obtained from the active surveillance of meningococcal disease. During 1995-1999 the mean annual incidence of meningococcalC disease was 1.32 per 100,000, and 7.18 per 100,000 in children younger than 15years. The fall of meningococcalC disease incidence was significant in cohorts targeted for vaccination from the beginning and progressive in the general population. No cases were reported between 2011 and 2014. The estimated vaccine effectiveness was 96% by the screening method, and 99% by the indirect cohort method. The MenCC vaccination program has been successful in decreasing the incidence rate of serogroupC meningococcal disease in Navarra, and schedule changes have maintained high vaccine effectiveness throughout the study period. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier España, S.L.U. and Sociedad Española de Enfermedades Infecciosas y Microbiología Clínica. All rights reserved.

  13. Caracterización físico-química del material particulado en la Comunidad Foral de Navarra


    Aldabe-Salinas, J. (Janire); Santamaria, J.M. (Jesús Miguel); Santamaria, C. (Carolina)


    The present work deals with the study of air pollution in Navarra, focusing on the characterisation of particulate matter. To achieve this goal, a sampling study was carried out during 2009 at rural (Bertiz), urban (Iturrama) and traffic (Plaza de la Cruz) stations, located in Bertiz Natural Park and Pamplona respectively. 24-h samples of PM10 and PM2.5 were collected onto quartz fibre filters every three days from January 2009 to December 2009. A total of 561 samples of PM10 and PM2.5 wer...

  14. A prospective study of eating away-from-home meals and weight gain in a Mediterranean population: the SUN (Seguimiento Universidad de Navarra) cohort. (United States)

    Bes-Rastrollo, Maira; Basterra-Gortari, Francisco Javier; Sánchez-Villegas, Almudena; Marti, Amelia; Martínez, José Alfredo; Martínez-González, Miguel Angel


    The traditional Mediterranean food pattern is more easily preserved when meals are eaten at home; however, as a result of recent socio-economic changes, away-from-home meal consumption has increased rapidly in Mediterranean countries. Little research has been conducted so far to investigate the long-term health effects of these changes in the Mediterranean area. In a prospective Spanish dynamic cohort of 9182 university graduates (the SUN Study; Seguimiento Universidad de Navarra, University of Navarra Follow-up) with a mean age of 37 years, followed up for an average of 4.4 years, we assessed the association between the frequency of eating out of home and weight gain or incident overweight/obesity. Dietary habits were assessed with an FFQ previously validated in Spain. During follow-up, eating-out consumers (two times or more per week) had higher average adjusted weight gain (+129 g/year, P obesity. Eating away-from-home meals was significantly associated with a higher risk of becoming overweight/obese (hazard ratio = 1.33; 95 % CI 1.13, 1.57). A higher frequency of meals eaten out of home may play a role in the current obesity epidemic observed in some Mediterranean countries.

  15. Evolución de las temperaturas medias recientes en Navarra

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    Javier M. Pejenaute Goñi


    Full Text Available Se trata del análisis estadístico de las temperaturas medias en las tres comarcas navarras más representativas en el período 1941- 97, para ver hasta qué punto se está dando un incremento térmico en los últimos años. Se estudia la homogeneidad, centralidad, dispersión y variabilidad, frecuencia y probabilidad, y organización y aleatoriedad de tres series cronológicas. Finalmente se analizan los períodos distintos que se dan dentro de las temperaturas medias, el grado de correlación y la tendencia futura anual y estacional mediante el estudio del coeficiente de correlación y la recta de regresión lineal.This study shows the statistical analysis of the average temperatures in the three most representative Navarrese regions between 1941 and 1997 to observe to what extent there has been a thermic rise in recent years. Homogeneity, centrality, dispersión and variability, frequency and probability and organizaron and randomness are studied in three chronological series. Finally, the different periods among the average temperatures, the degree of correlation and the future annual and seasonal tendency are analyzed through the study of the correlation coefficient and the linear regression line.

  16. Snacking between main meals is associated with a higher risk of metabolic syndrome in a Mediterranean cohort: the SUN Project (Seguimiento Universidad de Navarra)


    Martinez-Gonzalez, M.A. (Miguel Ángel); Lopez-Iracheta, R. (Roberto); Zazpe, I. (Itziar); Sayon-Orea, C. (Carmen); Gea, A. (Alfredo); Bes-Rastrollo, M. (Maira); Pimenta, A.M. (Adriano Marçal)


    OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the association of snacking between main meals with the risk of developing metabolic syndrome. DESIGN: A dynamic prospective cohort study (the SUN Project; Seguimiento Universidad de Navarra). Snack consumption was evaluated using the question: 'Do you have the habit of snacking between main meals?' Metabolic syndrome was defined according to the updated harmonizing criteria. We estimated multivariable-adjusted relative risks (RR) of metabolic syndrome and th...

  17. Soil Properties Database of Spanish Soils. Volumen XIII.- Navarra and La Rioja

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Trueba, C; Millan, R.; Schmid, T.; Lago, C.; Roquero, C; Magister, M.


    The soil vulnerability determines the sensitivity of the soil after an accidental radioactive contamination due to Cs-137 and Sr-90. The Departamento de Impacto Ambiental de la Energia of CIEMAT is carrying out an assessment of the radiological vulnerability of the different Spanish soils found on the Iberian Peninsula. This requires the knowledge of the soil properties for the various types of existing soils. In order to achieve this aim, a bibliographical compilation of soil profiles has been made to characterize the different soil types and create a database of their properties. Depending on the year of publication and the type of documentary source, the information compiled from the available bibliography is very heterogeneous. Therefore, an important effort has been made to normalize and process the information prior to its incorporation to the database. This volume presents the criteria applied to normalize and process the data as well as the soil properties of the various soil types belonging to the Comunidades Autonomas of Navarra and La Rioja. (Author) 46 refs

  18. Incidence of eating disorders in Navarra (Spain). (United States)

    Lahortiga-Ramos, Francisca; De Irala-Estévez, Jokin; Cano-Prous, Adrián; Gual-García, Pilar; Martínez-González, Miguel Angel; Cervera-Enguix, Salvador


    To estimate the overall annual incidence and age group distribution of eating disorders in a representative sample of adolescent female residents of Navarra, Spain. We studied a representative sample of 2734 adolescent Navarran females between 13 and 22 years of age who were free of any eating disorder at the start of our study. Eighteen months into the study, we visited the established centers and the eating attitudes test (EAT-40) and eating disorder inventory (EDI) Questionnaires were administered to the entire study population. We obtained a final response of 92%. All adolescents whose EAT score was over 21 points and a randomized sample of those who scored 21 or below, were interviewed. Any person meeting the DSM-IV diagnostic criteria for Anorexia Nervosa (AN), Bulimia Nervosa (BN) or eating disorder not otherwise specified (EDNOS) was considered a case. We detected 90 new cases of eating disorders. Taking into consideration the randomly selected group whose EAT score was 21 points or below, we estimated the overall weighted incidence of eating disorders to be 4.8% (95% CI: 2.8-6.8), after 18 months of observation, in which EDNOS predominated with an incidence of 4.2% (95% CI: 2.0-6.3). The incidence of AN was 0.3% (95% CI: 0.2-0.5), while that of BN was also found to be 0.3% (95% CI: 0.2-0.5). The highest incidence was observed in the group of adolescents between 15 and 16 years of age. The overall incidence of ED in a cohort of 2509 adolescents after 18 months of follow-up was 4.8% (95% CI: 2.8-6.8), with EDNOS outweighing the other diagnoses. The majority of new cases of eating disorders were diagnosed between ages 15 and 16.

  19. Seasonal abundance and biology of sporophagous thrips and notes on other thrips (Insecta, Thysanoptera) on the Mediterranean oak, Quercus rotundifolia L. in Navarra (N Spain)


    Goldarazena, A.; Mound, L. A.


    This paperrecords the seasonal abundance of four species of sporophagous thrips collected on the Mediterranean oak, Quercus rotundifolia L., in the Mediterranean area of Navarra (N Spain). The life cycles of Cornpsothrips albosignatus (Reuter), Priesneriella clavicornis (Knechtel); Megalothrips bonannii Uzel and Cryptohrips nigripes (Reuter) are reported, and notes given about habitat specificity and wing development. Notes about host specific Terebrantia thrips of the Mediterranean oak are a...

  20. Evolución de las poblaciones de Pito Negro (Dryocopus martius y Pico Dorsiblanco (Dendrocopos leucotos lilfordi en los montes de Quinto Real (Navarra y su relación con la gestión forestal

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    Cárcamo Bravo, S.


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    This study try to know the current conservation status of two species: White-backed Woodpecker (Dendrocopos leucotos lilfordi and Black Woodpecker (Dryocopus martius in “Quinto Real” Forest, a beechwood of 3.500 hectares at the west edge of the Pyrenees (Navarra. We study if there is any relation between the forest management and the habitat carrying capacity for the two species. The known areas by previous censuses and other potential zones have been visited when breeding, with the objective to confirm their use at the present time. We study which breeding areas have supported forest interventions, which kind of works and how this works can modify the habitat use of these species.

    Both species show certain sensitivity to logging, more marked for White-backed Woodpecker. This confirms the importance of establishing specific measures of forest management to minimize impacts. We set out some of them in this work

    Los autores pretenden dar a conocer el estado actual de conservación en que se encuentran dos especies de pícidos, el pico dorsiblanco (Dendrocopos leucotos lilfordi y el pito negro (Dryocopus martius en los montes de Quinto Real, un hayedo de 3.500 ha en el extremo occidental del Pirineo (Navarra. Se estudia la posible relación entre la gestión forestal y la capacidad de acogida del hábitat para las dos especies. Se han visitado las áreas de cr

  1. Catálogo y Cartografía de las estaciones megalíticas de Goizueta - Artikutza - Aranaz y Agiña - Lesaka (Navarra.

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    Luis del Barrio


    Full Text Available Este trabajo, realizado en forma de catálogo, describe la totalidad de estructuras megalíticas localizadas hasta la fecha (Agosto 1987, en los entornos geográficos que enmarcan las Estaciones Prehistóricas de Goizueta - Artikutza - Aranaz (36 subsectores: 78 cromlechs pirenaicos, 4 túmulos, y 4 dólmenes y Agiña - Lesaka (6 subsectores: 18 cromlechs pirenaicos, 1 túmulo y 1 dolmen, situadas ambas en el extremo noroccidental de la provincia de Navarra.

  2. Revisión de la incidencia de la Peste Negra (1348 en Navarra a través de un modelo matemático de población

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    Guillermo CASTÁN LANASPA


    Full Text Available RESUMEN: En este artículo se somete a revisión la incidencia de la Peste Negra de 1348 en Navarra, confrontando los datos empíricos que diversos autores han facilitado con un modelo matemático de población. Esta confrontación, así como las informaciones contradictorias que se desprenden de la historiografía actual sobre Navarra, permiten asegurar que la incidencia del morbo en esta zona tuvo que ser necesariamente bastante inferior a la que comúnmente se acepta, sin que esto signifique negar las graves repercusiones que la peste tuvo en el viejo reino pirenaico.ABSTRACT: The paper presents a revision of the impact of the Black Death of 1348 on Navarre by contrasting the empirical data provided by several authors with a mathematical model of population dynamics. This comparison, together with the contradictory information found in present-day historiography about Navarre, leads to the conclusion that the mortality in the area must have been much lower than has traditionally been accepted. This however does not imply underestimating the serious consequences of the plague on the life of the ancient Pyrenean kingdom.

  3. El Instituto Navarro de Administración Pública y el desarrollo de la Psicología Aplicada en Navarra

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    Full Text Available El presente trabajo muestra el desarrollo orgánico del Instituto de Psicología Aplicada de Navarra, creado en 1961, hasta convertirse en la actualidad en el Instituto Navarro de Administración Pública y su vinculación con la aplicación de la Psicología en Navarra. Finalizando la década de los años 60 las funciones propias del Instituto eran la orientación profesional, la selección profesional, la asistencia psiquiátrica y la investigación y promoción de la Psicología. Estas funciones se llevan a cabo en tres unidades: 1 Unidad de Psicología Educativa: En el curso 1962-1963 se inicia el proyecto de exploraciones psicológicas en los centros de educación primaria. En 1981 se instaura el Servicio de Orientación Psicopedagógica a los alumnos de E.G.B., Formación Profesional y Bachillerato, 2 Unidad de Psicología Clínica: En 1975 se instaura la Unidad de Psicología Clínica para ayudar a las personas que sufrían algún desajuste de tipo conductual. Se aportaban servicios de psicodiagnóstico, orientación personal y psicoterapia. Los pacientes podían ser remitidos por los distintos Departamentos de la Diputación o directamente, solicitando dichas prestaciones, 3 Unidad de Psicología del Trabajo: El área de Psicología del Trabajo es la que más se ha consolidado en el instituto, dado que el vertiginoso desarrollo del área educativa aconsejó que esta unidad pasara a depender, ya en 1983, de la Consejería de Educación. De igual forma y finalizando la década de los 70, la Unidad de Psicología Clínica pasó a integrarse en la Consejería de Sanidad. El Instituto de Psicología se convirtió en una verdadera consultoría interna del Gobierno de Navarra aplicando los conocimientos y las técnicas científicas de la Psicología Organizacional a las Administraciones Públicas. La introducción de la selección científica del personal en los procesos de oposición para el ingreso de las Administraciones Públicas comenz

  4. Snacking between main meals is associated with a higher risk of metabolic syndrome in a Mediterranean cohort: the SUN Project (Seguimiento Universidad de Navarra). (United States)

    Pimenta, Adriano M; Bes-Rastrollo, Maira; Gea, Alfredo; Sayón-Orea, Carmen; Zazpe, Itziar; Lopez-Iracheta, Roberto; Martinez-Gonzalez, Miguel A


    To evaluate the association of snacking between main meals with the risk of developing metabolic syndrome. A dynamic prospective cohort study (the SUN Project; Seguimiento Universidad de Navarra). Snack consumption was evaluated using the question: 'Do you have the habit of snacking between main meals?' Metabolic syndrome was defined according to the updated harmonizing criteria. We estimated multivariable-adjusted relative risks (RR) of metabolic syndrome and their 95 % confidence intervals using Poisson regression models. An exploratory factor analysis was also used to identify patterns of snacking. University of Navarra, Spain. The study included 6851 university graduates, initially free of metabolic syndrome, and followed-up them for a median of 8·3 years. Among our participants, 34·6% reported usual snacking between main meals. The cumulative incidence of metabolic syndrome was 5·1 % (9·5% among men and 2·8% among women). Snacking between main meals was significantly associated with higher risk for developing metabolic syndrome after multivariable adjustment (RR=1·44; 95%CI 1·18, 1·77). Higher adherence to an 'unhealthy snacking pattern' was also independently associated with increased incidence of metabolic syndrome (fourth quartile of adherence compared with non-snacking: RR=1·68; 95% CI 1·23, 2·29; P for trend metabolic syndrome development, especially when snacks contain foods of poor nutritional quality.

  5. El arte del bordado en Navarra en los siglos XVI y XVII: Andrés de Salinas

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    Andueza Pérez, Alicia


    Full Text Available Given its classification as a decorative art, and its perception as mere artisanal work, scarce attention has been given to embroidery. Nevertheless, fortunately, in recent years there has been a resurgence of studies on this theme. This article, following these new trends, attempts to clarify certain aspects of this activity in the Navarre region during the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries.

    Dada su condición de arte decorativa, y su consideración como una labor meramente artesanal, la atención que se le ha prestado al bordado es escasa. Por suerte, en los últimos años estamos asistiendo a un resurgir de los estudios sobre el tema. Este artículo, siguiendo estas nuevas tendencias, pretende esclarecer algunos aspectos sobre esta actividad en la Navarra de los siglos XVI y XVII.

  6. La estancia en bibliotecas extranjeras como instrumento de formación bibliotecaria: la experiencia de la Universidad de Navarra (2003-2010

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    Sanz-Santacruz, Víctor


    Full Text Available The changing technological environment and the new learning and research framework require constant updating. The University of Navarra (UN Library established a professional exchange program in 2003 (still on-going. The results of a survey completed by the librarians who participated in this placement program are presented in this article, and the program’s characteristics and means of funding are explained. Moreover, the advantages for the librarians’ professional development are pointed out and the main improvements applied within UN’s Library are detailed. A suitable response from the host libraries together with the the program’s continuity and regularity are crucial for extracting greater advantage of the placements.

    En el entorno actual de continuos cambios tecnológicos y de profundas modificaciones en la docencia e investigación, es necesaria una actualización constante. La Biblioteca de la Universidad de Navarra (en adelante UN inició un programa de estancias de profesionales en bibliotecas extranjeras del Reino Unido y de los Estados Unidos en el año 2003, que continúa en vigor. En el artículo se exponen los resultados de la encuesta llevada a cabo entre los participantes del programa y se describen las principales características del programa, tanto desde el punto de vista de su puesta en práctica, como de su financiación. Asimismo, se señalan las ventajas de esas estancias para el desarrollo profesional de los bibliotecarios y se detallan las principales mejoras aplicadas en la Biblioteca de la UN. La adecuada respuesta de las bibliotecas receptoras y la continuidad y regularidad del programa son decisivos para obtener el mayor provecho de las estancias.

  7. Caracterización de los nidos de Aguila Real (Aquila chrysaëtos) en Navarra.




    Se presentan los datos referentes a 90 nidos de 25 parejas de   Aguila real (A. chrysaëtus) establecidos en el extremo occidental   de la vertiente meridional de los Pirineos. Se obtienen conclusiones sobre: número de nidos utilizables por   pareja, distancias entre nidos, altitud y posición relativa de   los nidos en los cortados, localización de los nidos en los   árboles y cortados, orientaciones predominantes, construcción y   arreglo de los nidos, dimensiones de los ...

  8. Impacto de la vacunación frente a la gripe (H1N1)2009 en Navarra: comparación de diferentes escenarios


    Jesús Castilla; Marcela Guevara; Manuel García Cenoz; Fátima Irisarri; Maite Arriazu; Aurelio Barricarte; Red de Médicos Centinela; Red de Vigilancia Epidemiológica y Microbiológica de Gripe de Navarra


    Fundamento: En 2009 se realizó una campaña de vacunación específica frente a la gripe (H1N1) 2009. El objetivo de este trabajo es evaluar su impacto en Navarra. Métodos: En la cohorte de población no institucionalizada de enfermos crónicos cubiertos por el Servicio Navarro de Salud (N=131.333), asumiendo una efectividad del 100! desde el octavo día tras la administración de la vacuna pandémica, estimamos su impacto en la prevención de casos y de hospitalizaciones por gripe (H1N1) 2009 entre l...

  9. Pioneros de la fotografía turística en Navarra: Santa María del Villar y el conde de la Ventosa


    Latorre-Izquierdo, J. (Jorge)


    Diego Quiroga Losada, marqués de Santa María del Villar y José María Álvarez de Toledo son dos fotógrafos vinculados a Navarra a los que une una común afición por un género de fotografía turística, que se encuentra a medio camino entre lo artístico (en el contexto del Pictorialismo)y lo puramente documental, según la tradición de fotografía de viajes decimonónica. Son fotógrafos de tradición regeneracionista, noventayochista, que rompieron tanto con el academicismo fotográfico como con ...


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    Sergio Solbes Ferri


    Full Text Available El trabajo se organiza desde una doble reflexión. Por un lado, el éxito o el fracaso en la aplicación de los proyectos de reforma fiscal diseñados para su imposición en el conjunto de la Monarquía española en la primera mitad del siglo XVIII. Por otro lado, el éxito o el fracaso en la defensa de los privilegios fiscales de Navarra y de Canarias, territorios en los que Felipe V no pudo, ni quiso, imponer el derecho de conquista tras la guerra de Sucesión. Analizamos estas especificidades con la intención de conocer aquellos aspectos que perduran en el tiempo y aquellos que desaparecen. Finalmente, tratamos de reflexionar sobre si el resultado final es la consecuencia necesaria de un proyecto de reforma preconcebido o de una simple adaptación a las circunstancias propias del devenir histórico. Apostamos por la primera solución, así que tratamos en integrar los cambios implementados con el pensamiento y los programas de reforma diseñados por Alberoni y Patiño.AbstractThis study is organized from a double perspective. Firstly, the success or failure in the implementation of projects designed to reform taxation in the whole Spanish monarchy during the first half of the eighteenth century. On the other hand, the success or failure in defending the fiscal privileges of Navarra and Canarias, territories in which Philip V could not impose the right of conquest after the War of Succession. We analyse these specificities with the intention of meeting those aspects that remain and those that disappear. Lastly, we try to reflect if the final status is the result of a preconceived reform project or a simple adaptation to the circumstances of the historical development. We focus on the first solution, so we try to relate the implemented changes with the Alberoni and Patiño reform programs.

  11. Valoración del dolor en neonatos: propuesta de un modelo de registro en la unidad de neonatología del complejo hospitalario de Navarra


    Preciado Erro, Amaia


    En las unidades de cuidados intensivos de neonatología se expone a los pacientes a un número alto de procedimientos dolorosos que afectan al estado de consciencia y el estado fisiológico de los niños. Este trabajo de fin de grado tiene como objetivo la propuesta de un modelo de registro tanto de la valoración como del manejo del dolor en recién nacidos en la unidad de neonatología del Complejo Hospitalario de Navarra (B), que facilite la monitorización de este como un quinto signo vital m...

  12. Childhood underweight, weight gain during childhood to adolescence/young adulthood and incidence of adult metabolic syndrome in the SUN (Seguimiento Universidad de Navarra) Project. (United States)

    Pimenta, Adriano M; Beunza, Juan-José; Sanchez-Villegas, Almudena; Bes-Rastrollo, Maira; Martinez-Gonzalez, Miguel A


    To assess associations between childhood body weight, weight gain during childhood to adolescence/young adulthood and incidence of adult metabolic syndrome (MetS). A dynamic prospective cohort study (the SUN Project; Seguimiento Universidad de Navarra). Participants were asked to select which of nine body images most closely represented their body shape at ages 5 and 20 years, and it was used as a proxy of BMI. An incident case of MetS was diagnosed according to criteria of the International Diabetes Federation. Associations between childhood body weight, weight gain during childhood to adolescence/young adulthood and incidence of adult MetS were estimated by multiple-adjusted odds ratios and their 95 % confidence intervals. University of Navarra, Spain. The study included 5317 university graduates, followed-up for a median of 6·1 years. The incidence of MetS was 2·9 % (1·7 % in women and 5·1 % in men). Among men, body shape at age 5 years was inversely related to adult MetS (OR = 0·83, 95 % CI 0·72, 0·97), whereas weight gain during childhood to adolescence/young adulthood was directly associated with adult MetS (OR = 1·49, 95 % CI 1·01, 2·18); both childhood underweight (OR = 5·20, 95 % CI 1·87, 14·50) and childhood obesity (OR = 4·66, 95 % CI 1·40, 15·51) increased the likelihood of adult MetS. No association was apparent among women. These results support treating childhood underweight and weight gain during childhood to adolescence/young adulthood as part of comprehensive adult MetS prevention efforts in men.

  13. La neorruralidad y sus significados. El caso de Navarra

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    Rivera, María Jesús


    Full Text Available This paper examines some of the meanings that are sometimes neglected under the generic term of neorurality. From our point of view, moving one’s home from town to countryside is not solely a change of house, but a life venture, bringing together social representations of the rural and the urban, of country life and the urban lifestyle. In the case of people who have moved from Pamplona (county town of Navarre, a northern region of Spain to any rural area of Navarre, these representations, along with the broad heterogeneity of underlying reasons and expectations for the future, have shaped three different types of neo-rurality. They represent, somehow, three ways of constructing differing rural spaces (and ruralities. The paper analyses these types of neo-ruralities and the significance of the move for the migrants in the context of Navarre. To do this, we analyse the discourse expressed in diverse indepth interviews conducted with people who have identified themselves as urban-to-rural migrants.

    El presente artículo tiene como objetivo indagar en los significados que se esconden tras el concepto paraguas de neorruralidad. El cambio residencial de la ciudad al campo es concebido aquí no sólo como un cambio de vivienda, sino como una apuesta vital en la que confluyen una serie de representaciones sociales sobre lo rural y lo urbano, sobre la vida en el pueblo y la vida en la ciudad. En el caso de quienes abandonaron Pamplona e instalaron su hogar en un pueblo de Navarra, estas representaciones y la heterogeneidad de expectativas de futuro subyacentes conforman tres tipos de neorruralidad diferentes que representan, a su vez, distintos modos de construir espacios rurales (y ruralidades diferenciados, más o menos divergentes. A través del discurso expresado en una serie de entrevistas en profundidad, realizadas a personas que se autoidentificaban como migrantes urbano-rurales, exploramos estos tres tipos de neorruralidad y el sentido


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    Yugo Floristán Floristán


    Full Text Available Fundamentos: Existen pocos estudios que analicen los cambios en las estadísticas de mortalidad derivados de la utilización del software IRIS para la codificación automática de la causa de muerte en comparación a la codificación manual. El objetivo de esta investigación fue evaluar el impacto del uso de IRIS en las estadísticas de mortalidad de Navarra. Métodos: Se procedió a una doble codificación de la causa básica de 5.060 boletines de defunción correspondientes a los fallecimientos de residentes en Navarra en 2014. Se establecieron las correspondencias entre ambas codificaciones para los capítulos de la CIE10 y la lista de causas INE-102 y se estimó el cambio en las tasas de mortalidad. Resultados: Con el software IRIS se codificaron automáticamente el 90% de las defunciones. Se observó una coincidencia a 4 caracteres y en el mismo capítulo de la CIE10 en el 79,1 y el 92,0% de los casos. La coincidencia para la lista reducida INE-102 fue del 88,3%. Se encontraron coincidencias más elevadas en las defunciones de personas menores de 65 años. Se observó un incremento de las muertes por enfermedades endocrinas (31%, trastornos mentales (19% y enfermedades del sistema nervioso (9%, mientras que diminuyeron las enfermedades del sistema genitourinario (21%. Conclusiones: La coincidencia a nivel de los capítulos de CIE10 de la codificación con IRIS respecto a la manual se da en 9 de cada 10 defunciones. La implantación de IRIS comporta un incremento de las enfermedades endocrinas, fundamentalmente diabetes mellitus e hiperlipidemias, y de los trastornos mentales, fundamentalmente las demencias.

  15. Characteristics of Hospitalized Cases of Pertussis in Catalonia and Navarra, Two Regions in the North of Spain.

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    Inma Crespo

    Full Text Available Pertussis causes a large number of cases and hospitalizations in Catalonia and Navarra. We made a study of household cases of pertussis during 2012 and 2013 in order to identify risk factors for hospitalization in pertussis cases. Each primary case reported triggered the study of their contacts. Close contacts at home and people who were in contact for >2 hours during the transmission period of cases were included. The adjusted OR and 95% confidence intervals (CI was calculated using logistic regression. A total of 1124 pertussis cases were detected, of which 14.9% were hospitalized. Inspiratory whoop (aOR: 1.64; CI: 1.02-2.65, apnoea (aOR: 2.47; CI: 1.51-4.03 and cyanosis (aOR: 15.51; CI: 1.87-128.09 were more common in hospitalized than in outpatient cases. Hospitalization occurred in 8.7% of correctly-vaccinated cases, 41.1% of non-vaccinated cases and 9.4% of partially-vaccinated cases. In conclusion, inspiratory whoop, apnoea and cyanosis were associated factors to hospitalization while vaccination reduced hospitalizations due to pertussis.

  16. Characteristics of Hospitalized Cases of Pertussis in Catalonia and Navarra, Two Regions in the North of Spain. (United States)

    Crespo, Inma; Toledo, Diana; Soldevila, Núria; Jordán, Iolanda; Solano, Rubén; Castilla, Jesús; Caylà, Joan A; Godoy, Pere; Muñoz-Almagro, Carmen; Domínguez, Ángela


    Pertussis causes a large number of cases and hospitalizations in Catalonia and Navarra. We made a study of household cases of pertussis during 2012 and 2013 in order to identify risk factors for hospitalization in pertussis cases. Each primary case reported triggered the study of their contacts. Close contacts at home and people who were in contact for >2 hours during the transmission period of cases were included. The adjusted OR and 95% confidence intervals (CI) was calculated using logistic regression. A total of 1124 pertussis cases were detected, of which 14.9% were hospitalized. Inspiratory whoop (aOR: 1.64; CI: 1.02-2.65), apnoea (aOR: 2.47; CI: 1.51-4.03) and cyanosis (aOR: 15.51; CI: 1.87-128.09) were more common in hospitalized than in outpatient cases. Hospitalization occurred in 8.7% of correctly-vaccinated cases, 41.1% of non-vaccinated cases and 9.4% of partially-vaccinated cases. In conclusion, inspiratory whoop, apnoea and cyanosis were associated factors to hospitalization while vaccination reduced hospitalizations due to pertussis.

  17. Impacto de la vacunación frente a la gripe (H1N12009 en Navarra: comparación de diferentes escenarios

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    Jesús Castilla


    Full Text Available Fundamento: En 2009 se realizó una campaña de vacunación específica frente a la gripe (H1N1 2009. El objetivo de este trabajo es evaluar su impacto en Navarra. Métodos: En la cohorte de población no institucionalizada de enfermos crónicos cubiertos por el Servicio Navarro de Salud (N=131.333, asumiendo una efectividad del 100! desde el octavo día tras la administración de la vacuna pandémica, estimamos su impacto en la prevención de casos y de hospitalizaciones por gripe (H1N1 2009 entre las semanas 47/2009 y 3/2010. Resultados: En las nueve semanas del estudio se diagnosticaron 973 casos de síndrome gripal (7 por 1000. El 28! fueron debidos a gripe (H1N1 2009. Además hubo 14 personas hospitalizadas con confirmación virológica (11 por 100.000. Con una cobertura de vacuna del 19! (frente al 40! de la estacional se logró prevenir el 7,7! de los casos y el 10,5! de las hospitalizaciones durante el periodo de estudio. Se administraron 1.092 dosis de vacuna pandémica por cada caso prevenido y 15.021 dosis por cada hospitalización evitada. Con una cobertura idéntica a la de la vacuna estacional se habría conseguido prevenir 16,2! de los casos y 22,2! de las hospitalizaciones. Si se hubiese duplicado esta cobertura y adelantado la campaña de vacunación dos semanas se habrían prevenido 70,7! de los casos y 68,0! de los ingresos, necesitando 261 dosis para prevenir un caso y 6206 dosis para evitar una hospitalización. Conclusión: A pesar de la elevada efectividad de la vacuna su impacto en Navarra fue mínimo, debido a la baja cobertura y al inicio tardío de la campaña de vacunación.

  18. Impact of Consuming Extra-Virgin Olive Oil or Nuts within a Mediterranean Diet on DNA Methylation in Peripheral White Blood Cells within the PREDIMED-Navarra Randomized Controlled Trial: A Role for Dietary Lipids


    Arpón, Ana; Milagro, Fermín I.; Razquin, Cristina; Corella, Dolores; Estruch, Ramón; Fitó, Montserrat; Marti, Amelia; Martínez-González, Miguel A.; Ros, Emilio; Salas-Salvadó, Jordi; Riezu-Boj, José-Ignacio; Martínez, J. Alfredo


    DNA methylation could be reversible and mouldable by environmental factors, such as dietary exposures. The objective was to analyse whether an intervention with two Mediterranean diets, one rich in extra-virgin olive oil (MedDiet + EVOO) and the other one in nuts (MedDiet + nuts), was influencing the methylation status of peripheral white blood cells (PWBCs) genes. A subset of 36 representative individuals were selected within the PREvención con DIeta MEDiterránea (PREDIMED-Navarra) trial, wi...

  19. The influence of obesity and weight gain on quality of life according to the SF-36 for individuals of the dynamic follow-up cohort of the University of Navarra. (United States)

    Barcones-Molero, M F; Sánchez-Villegas, A; Martínez-González, M A; Bes-Rastrollo, M; Martínez-Urbistondo, M; Santabárbara, J; Martínez, J A


    The health-related quality of life is an important element for the comprehensive assessment of overweight and obesity. To assess the impact of obesity and weight gain on the health-related quality of life of the dynamic cohort of the Follow-up Program of the University of Navarra. The analysis included 10,033 participants of the prospective dynamic cohort of the Follow-up Project of the University of Navarra, with a response rate of approximately 90%. The quality of life was measured with the Short Form 36 Health Survey (SF-36) (0, worst quality of life; 100, best quality of life). The statistical analysis was performed with generalized lineal models (mean of each SF-36 domain and 95% CI). A difference of 3 points was considered clinically relevant. The SF-36 analysis showed that physical function, general health and the physical component summary were inferior in individuals with excess weight and obesity at the start of the study, compared with individuals with normal weight. The study population with unchanged excess weight or obesity after 2 years of follow-up presented lower scores on the SF-36 domains corresponding to physical function, body pain, physical component summary and general health than individuals who maintained the normal weight category according to BMI (kg/m 2 ). Obesity appears to be associated with a negative impact on health-related quality of life, affecting the physical area more significantly than the psychosocial. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier España, S.L.U. and Sociedad Española de Medicina Interna (SEMI). All rights reserved.

  20. Astrólogos y astrología al servicio de la monarquía navarra durante la Baja Edad Media (1350-1446

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    Serrano Larráyoz, Fernando


    Full Text Available This article provides a general view on astrologers who served at the courts of Carlos II, Carlos III and Blanca I of Navarre. This was a position that combined the foretelling of future events with the medical practice of the moment. Despite the prestige that astrologers seem to achieve, this position was never held long term except in some concrete cases.

    El artículo presenta una visión general de los astrólogos que sirvieron en la corte de Carlos II, Carlos III y Blanca I de Navarra. Un cargo cortesano que unía la adivinación de hechos futuros con la práctica médica del momento. Pese al prestigio que parecen alcanzar, no resulta una ocupación con cierta continuidad, salvo en casos muy concretos.

  1. Análisis de la producción de la Universidad de Navarra en revistas de Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades empleando rankings de revistas españolas y la Web of Science

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    Torres-Salinas, Daniel


    Full Text Available This paper reports a bibliometric analysis of the output of the Faculties of Social Sciences and Humanities of the University of Navarra, as recorded by publications in scholarly journals over the period 1999-2005. Information for the analysis was gathered from Journal Citation Reports (JCR and from the Spanish Índice de Impacto de las Revistas Españolas de Ciencias Sociales (IN-RECS, Índice de Impacto de las Revistas Españolas de Ciencias Jurídicas (IN-REJS and Revistas Españolas de Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades (RESH. The aim of this work was to determine the adequacy of these ranking systems as bibliometric tools for describing the output in Spanish journals of a university. The results show the University of Navarra published 7281 documents during the studied period, 1908 (26 % of which were articles in journals. Just over 39 % of the latter were published in Spanish scientific journals, and 12 % in Web of Science journals. The coverage of the ranking systems varies per faculty: the IN-RECJ best covered articles published by the Law faculty; IN-RECS best represented production from Communication and Economics faculties; and RESH best covered production from Humanities faculties. Some 43 % of the studied articles recorded by IN-RECS were published in the first quartile of journals covered by the index; this figure was 42 % with respect to RESH, and 12 % with respect to JCR. Spanish national ranking systems are therefore useful as a complement to bibliometric information provided via the Web of Science and JCR.

    Se realiza un análisis bibliométrico de la producción en revistas de las facultades de Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades de la Universidad de Navarra durante el período 1999-2005. Se emplean junto al Journal Citation Reports diferentes rankings de revistas españolas: el Índice de Impacto de las Revistas Españolas de Ciencias Sociales (IN-RECS, Índice de Impacto de las Revistas Espa


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    Miguel Ángel Gurbindo Marin


    Full Text Available This paper focuses on analysis of children and adolescents who live in social conflict. Their identity has been formed in a severe and prolonged context of appalling neglect which does not cover their physical-biological, emotional and social needs. Therefore those human beings do not develop their skills to interact with their relatives and ensure the stability of the family unit. The extent of this phenomenon, as one of the many faces of social exclusion, is not so big in Navarra; however it must be taken into account that lack of protection, psychosocial impairment and permanent social conflict increases the risk that pubertal children suffer mental health problems.

  3. Evolución de la composición florística Post-fuego en un carrascal de Navarra (n de España

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    Cavero, R. Y.


    Full Text Available This paper presents results about floristic composition dynamics during four years after controlled fires in a Mediterranean pin-oak wood in Navarra (N Spain. The samples have been taken from eight permanent 1 m2 plots subjected to different treatments: different fire type, different situation on the field, and with or without not fired soil addition. The regeneration strategies of the species and the influence of the different treatments on the flora are analyzed. The floristic composition dynamics follows a general model: the species began to appear progressively. The number of species grows gradually to reach a maximum between one and three years after the fire. Later, the number of species diminishes. Post fire species are those that existed before the fire, that is to say, there is an autosuccession process.

    [es] Se presentan los resultados de cuatro años de estudio sobre la evolución de la composición florística de un carrascal mediterráneo sometido a fuegos controlados en Navarra (N de España. Los muestreos se han llevado a cabo en ocho cuadrados permanentes de 1 m2 de superficie, cada uno sometido a distinto tratamiento: distinto tipo de fuego, distinta situación en la parcela y adición o no de suelo no quemado. Se analizan la estrategia de regeneración de las especies que aparecen después de los fuegos y la influencia de los tratamientos en la regeneración de la flora. La evolución de la composición florística sigue un modelo general: las especies empiezan a aparecer progresivamente, su número crece hasta obtener un máximo entre el año y los cuatro años después de los fuegos, a partir del cual disminuye. Las especies que aparecen son las mismas que había previamente, es decir, se da un proceso de autosucesión. [fr] On présente les résultats de quatre ans d'étude sur l'évolution de la composition floristique d'un bois de chêne vert méditerranéen soumis à des feux contr

  4. [Invasive meningococcal disease in Navarra in the era of a meningococcal C vaccine]. (United States)

    Morales, Desirée; Moreno, Laura; Herranz, Mercedes; Bernaola, Enrique; Martínez-Baz, Iván; Castilla, Jesús


    Systematic childhood vaccination against meningococcus C has had a considerable impact on meningococcal invasive disease (MID). The aim of this study is to perform an analysis on the epidemiology, the clinical features, and the factors associated with a worse prognosis of MID, in the era of a meningococcal C vaccine. The study included confirmed cases of MID in children less than 15 years of age in Navarra, Spain, between 2008 and 2014. The risk of death or permanent sequelae was evaluated according to the presence of clinical features and analytical parameters at diagnosis. The average annual incidence was 7.9 cases per 100,000 children, with the highest attack rate in children < 1 year. Of 53 cases analysed, 87% were due to meningococcus B. Fever (100%), rash (91%), and elevation of procalcitonin (94%) were the most frequent findings at diagnosis. Some sign of shock was observed in 70% upon arrival at the hospital. The case-fatality rate was 3.8% and 10 % survived with permanent sequelae. Glasgow coma scale < 15 (odds ratio [OR]= 9.2), seizure (OR=8.3), sepsis without meningitis (OR=9.1), thrombocytopenia (OR=30.5), and disseminated intravascular coagulation (OR= 10.9) showed a greater association with a worse prognosis. The MID continues to be a significant cause of morbidity and mortality in children. Therefore, new advances are needed in the prevention, early diagnosis, and detection of the factors associated with poor prognosis. Copyright © 2015 Asociación Española de Pediatría. Publicado por Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.

  5. Diferencias entre las ondas gripales de verano y de otoño durante la pandemia de gripe (H1N1 2009 en Navarra

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    Jesús Castilla


    Full Text Available Fundamento: La gripe (H1N1 2009 produjo en Navarra una onda en verano y otra en otoño de 2009. El objetivo de este trabajo es comparar las características de ambas ondas epidémicas. Métodos: Analizamos la notificación individualizada de gripe, las confirmaciones virológicas en la red centinela de atención primaria, y los casos hospitalizados con confirmación de gripe en Navarra y comparamos los periodos de verano (semanas 21 a 39 de 2009 y otoño-invierno (semanas 40 de 2009 a 20 de 2010. Resultados: Durante 2009 hubo dos ondas de gripe A(H1N12009, con picos en julio y noviembre. En verano (semana 21 a 39 se notificaron 4.389 casos de síndrome gripal, siendo los más afectados los adultos jóvenes (58! entre 15 y 44 años. La mayor incidencia se registró tras las fiestas de San Fermín (92 casos por 100.000 en la semana 29 con retorno inmediato a niveles basales. En otoño se produjo una segunda onda que alcanzó tasas 7 veces mayores (667 casos por 100.000 en la semana 45 y se mantuvieron 9 semanas por encima del umbral epidémico, siendo el grupo de edad más afectado el de niños de 5 a 14 años (111 por 1000. En el pico de las dos ondas el porcentaje de frotis confirmados para gripe superó el 60!. Durante el verano se produjeron 66 ingresos con confirmación de gripe (H1N12009, y en otoño 158. La proporción de casos que requirieron ingresos en hospital fue mayor en verano (1,5! que en otoño (0,8!; p<0,0001. Conclusión: La circulación de la gripe fue mucho menor en verano. La aparición de casos graves se produjo tanto en momentos con alta como con baja incidencia de síndromes gripales.

  6. Confirmación de la reproducción de Gomphus graslinii (Rambur, 1844 y odonatofauna fluvial de los Prepirineos del este de Navarra

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    Torralba-Burrial, A., Armendariz, C., Rabina, E., Llamas, A., Nores, C.


    Full Text Available Gomphus graslinii (Rambur, 1844 es una libélula amenazada incluida en el Catálogo Español de Especies Amenazadas y en la Directiva Hábitats de la Unión Europea. Presenta una distribución sumamente fragmentada en la Península Ibérica, siendo muy escasas las poblaciones conocidas y citas publicadas en su cuadrante nororiental, entre ellas dos citas de especímenes adultos en Navarra. Se ha buscado en ríos prepirenaicos del oriente navarro, muestreándose 23 tramos en la zona y aportándose datos sobre su reproducción en dos tramos del río Salazar. Se proporcionan también datos de otras 24 especies de odonatos, incluyendo a Gomphus simillimus Selys, 1840 y Coenagrion caerulescens (Fonscolombe, 1838, consideradas como vulnerables en el Atlas y Libro Rojo de los Invertebrados de España.

  7. Desarrollos innovativos en la asignatura Métodos y Técnicas de Investigación Social: el caso de los estudios de Sociología Aplicada en la Universidad Pública de Navarra

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    Vidal Díaz-de-Rada


    Full Text Available Los actuales planes de estudios de los grados de Sociología están aumentando el componente aplicado de la disciplina, orientándolo hacia el estudio científico de la realidad social. Esta situación genera “desajustes” al considerar el tipo de alumnado que se matricula en Sociología, estudiantes con escaso conocimiento estadístico/matemático, al provenir –en su mayor parte– del bachillerato en Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales. Esta exigua formación matemática y el deseo de estudiar carreras “de letras” precisa de una labor formativa que, en sus primeras etapas, debe estar enfocada a eliminar el hechizo mágico de los números para, en un segundo momento, tratar de transmitir la importancia que tienen los indicadores sociales (con información numérica para el conocimiento de la realidad social. En este texto se presentan las estrategias y los recursos pedagógicos utilizados en la Licenciatura en Sociología (Universidad Pública de Navarra, España en la asignatura Métodos y Técnicas de Investigación Social I. En este documento se muestra que el empleo de metodologías activas de enseñanza, concretamente el Aprendizaje Basado en Problemas, ABP, utilizando casos prácticos reales, ha incrementado el número de estudiantes que siguen la asignatura, aumentando también el número de aprobados y mejorando las calificaciones promedio.

  8. Self-perceived level of competitiveness, tension, and dependency and lifestyles in the 'Seguimiento Universidad de Navarra' cohort study. (United States)

    Unzueta, C R; Lahortiga-Ramos, F; Santiago, S; Zazpe, I; Molero, P; Sánchez-Villegas, A; Martínez-González, M A


    The objective of this study is to assess the differences in lifestyles according to levels of self-perceived competitiveness, psychological tension, and dependency in a Mediterranean cohort of university graduates. Levels of personality traits, food consumption, nutrient intake, eating attitudes, physical activity, sedentary lifestyle, and alcohol and tobacco consumption were assessed through a questionnaire administered at baseline. This was a cross-sectional study in the context of the Seguimiento Universidad de Navarra cohort. Participants are 15,346 Spanish adults. Participants with a high level of self-perceived competitiveness consumed more vegetables and fish but less refined grains; they had higher protein intake and healthier eating attitudes. They were more physically active and less likely to be smokers. Participants with a high level of tension or dependency were less physically active, and participants more dependent also had poorer adherence to the Mediterranean diet. Self-perceived personality traits, especially the trait of competitiveness, are likely to be associated with healthier dietary patterns, better nutrient profile, better eating attitudes, physical activity, and less exposure to smoking. The use of short questions about self-perceived levels of competitiveness, psychological tension, and dependency can contribute to add additional information when assessing lifestyles and diet in adults. Copyright © 2018 The Royal Society for Public Health. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  9. Las aguas termales de Fitero (Navarra y Arnedillo (Rioja. l. Análisis geoquímico de los estados de equilibrio-desequilibrio en las surgencias

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    Tena Calvo, J. M.


    Full Text Available The analysis of the different chemical features between the thermal springs of Fitero (Navarra and Amedillo (Rioja, and between those thermal waters and other non-thermal ones in this area, has completed the geochemical characterization of both thermal manifestations. This characterization appear to confirm the existence of mixture phenomena in Fitero (in low proportions and the narrow compositional range between the thermal springs considered in Amedillo. Taken into account the different geochemical variations of the studied waters, we have related their compositional characters with circulation through different litologies. So, thermal waters are associated to evaporitic materials (Keuper facies with more saline characters for the Arnedillo thermal waters. On the other hand, the speciation-solubility analysis with WATEQ4F (Ba1l et al., 1987 of the spring chemical compositions and the study of associated deposits have allowed to stablish the physicochemical state at spring condition, a previous stage to determinate the thermodynamic water-rock interactions in the reservoir, at depth.El estudio de los caracteres geoquímicos diferenciales de las aguas termales de Fitero (Navarra y Amedillo (Rioja, tanto entre ambos grupos como con respecto a otras surgencias no termales de la zona, ha permitido constatar la existencia de fenómenos de mezcla de aguas en Fitero, y las escasas variaciones composicionales entre las distintas surgencias termales de Amedillo. Los caracteres composicionales distintivos han sido relacionados con la circulación de las aguas a través de distintas litologías, 10 que ha permitido deducir que mientras que las aguas no termales se encuentran relacionadas con materiales calcáreos, las termales 10 están con materiales calcáreo-evaporiticos (facies Keuper, de carácter sulfatado en el caso de Fitero y clorurado, más salino, en Arnedillo. Por último, el análisis del quimismo de las aguas termales mediante un modelo de

  10. Uso de la web 2.0 como herramienta de marketing y difusión de Dadun, el repositorio institucional de la Universidad de Navarra

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    Cózar Santiago, Amparo


    Full Text Available Teniendo presente los continuos cambios que están afectando tanto al personal investigador como a los bibliotecarios, nos vemos en la necesidad de estar en un continuo proceso de aprendizaje. Debemos aprender a establecer una conversación con los usuarios, buscar nuevos canales de comunicación, y proporcionarles las herramientas necesarias para la comprensión del mundo en el que está desarrollando su quehacer profesional o su investigación. Encontramos los repositorios como vías de comunicación de la investigación, así como de difusión y preservación. Pero no hemos de conformarnos con el simple hecho de tener un repositorio en nuestra institución, sino que debemos darlo a conocer a nuestra comunidad. En el presente trabajo se hace un recorrido por las distintas acciones emprendidas en la Biblioteca de la Universidad de Navarra, deteniéndonos en el blog “Investigación Científica en Abierto”.

  11. Reseña de «Lo divino y lo humano: poetas místicos de India y de España en la modernidad temprana», ed. Meenakshi Sundriyal y Juan Manuel Escudero Baztán, New Delhi/Pamplona, CSPILAS-Jawaharlal Nehru University/GRISO-Universidad de Navarra (Friends Digital Color Solutions, 2017, 168 pp., ISBN 181-901849-9-7

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    Sabyasachi Mishra


    Full Text Available Reseña de Lo divino y lo humano: poe­tas místicos de India y de España en la modernidad temprana, ed. Meenakshi Sundriyal y Juan Manuel Escudero Baztán, New Delhi/Pamplona, CSPILAS-Jawaharlal Nehru University/GRISO-Universidad de Navarra (Friends Digital Color Solutions, 2017, 168 pp., ISBN 181-901849-9-7.

  12. Exhumación, identificación y causa de muerte en 1936 de los restos humanos recuperados en la sima El Raso de Urbasa (Navarra

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    Herrasti, L., Ríos, L., Pérez de la Iglesia, L., Baeta, M., Nuñez, C., Martínez de Pancorbo, M., CAstaños, P., Castaños, J., Etxeberria, F.


    Full Text Available Se presentan, en este caso, los resultados de la investigación llevada a cabo en una sima de Urbasa (Navarra, a la que fueron arrojados los cadáveres de diez personas asesinadas en 1936, con el propósito de ocultar el crimen, durante la Guerra Civil española. Se trata de población civil, que fue asesinada con carácter extrajudicial. Como aspecto tafonómico a destacar, los restos humanos presentan marcas de carroñeo provocado por perros que cayeron o fueron echados a la sima en la misma época. A partir del análisis histórico, arqueológico, antropológico y genético, se establece la identidad y la causa de muerte de estas víctimas como parte de las investigaciones desarrolladas en materia de Memoria Histórica. Las evidencias de carácter forense confirman los hechos conocidos históricamente con carácter objetivo, como evidencia del crimen cometido contra víctimas de población civil.

  13. Ultraprocessed food consumption and risk of overweight and obesity: the University of Navarra Follow-Up (SUN) cohort study. (United States)

    Mendonça, Raquel de Deus; Pimenta, Adriano Marçal; Gea, Alfredo; de la Fuente-Arrillaga, Carmen; Martinez-Gonzalez, Miguel Angel; Lopes, Aline Cristine Souza; Bes-Rastrollo, Maira


    Ultraprocessed food consumption has increased in the past decade. Evidence suggests a positive association between ultraprocessed food consumption and the incidence of overweight and obesity. However, few prospective studies to our knowledge have investigated this potential relation in adults. We evaluated the association between ultraprocessed food consumption and the risk of overweight and obesity in a prospective Spanish cohort, the SUN (University of Navarra Follow-Up) study. We included 8451 middle-aged Spanish university graduates who were initially not overweight or obese and followed up for a median of 8.9 y. The consumption of ultraprocessed foods (defined as food and drink products ready to eat, drink, or heat and made predominantly or entirely from processed items extracted or refined from whole foods or synthesized in the laboratory) was assessed with the use of a validated semiquantitative 136-item food-frequency questionnaire. Cox proportional hazards models were used to estimate adjusted HRs and 95% CIs for incident overweight and obesity. A total of 1939 incident cases of overweight and obesity were identified during follow-up. After adjustment for potential confounders, participants in the highest quartile of ultraprocessed food consumption were at a higher risk of developing overweight or obesity (adjusted HR: 1.26; 95% CI: 1.10, 1.45; P-trend = 0.001) than those in the lowest quartile of consumption. Ultraprocessed food consumption was associated with a higher risk of overweight and obesity in a prospective cohort of Spanish middle-aged adult university graduates. Further longitudinal studies are needed to confirm our results. This trial was registered at as NCT02669602. © 2016 American Society for Nutrition.

  14. El testamento de Juan Moliner (†1403: un físico al servicio de la monarquía navarra durante la Baja Edad Media

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    Serrano Larráyoz, Fernando


    Full Text Available This work is an approach to the life and socioeconomic context of Juan Moliner (doctor of kings Carlos II and Carlos III of Navarre, based on the study of his testament. The document provides enlightening information about this figure, quite unknown despite being one of the most important Christian doctors at the service of Carlos III ‘El Noble’. In addition, his last will has a religious and spiritual dimension that allows to have an overall perspective on the mentality and lifestyle of this historical character.

    A través del testamento de Juan Moliner, médico de los reyes Carlos II y Carlos III de Navarra, el presente estudio pretende acercarse a su persona, familia, ámbito social y nivel socioeconómico en el que desarrolla su vida. Los datos que aporta dicho documento arrojan algo de luz sobre su ciclo vital, hasta el momento bastante desconocido, pese a ser uno de los más importantes médicos cristianos que atendieron a Carlos III ‘el Noble’. A todo esto hay que añadir la dimensión espiritual y religiosa de sus últimas voluntades, que vienen a completar la mentalidad y el modo de vida de este personaje.

  15. Ultra-Processed Food Consumption and the Incidence of Hypertension in a Mediterranean Cohort: The Seguimiento Universidad de Navarra Project. (United States)

    Mendonça, Raquel de Deus; Lopes, Aline Cristine Souza; Pimenta, Adriano Marçal; Gea, Alfredo; Martinez-Gonzalez, Miguel Angel; Bes-Rastrollo, Maira


    Some available evidence suggests that high consumption of ultra-processed foods (UPFs) is associated with a higher risk of obesity. Collectively, this association and the nutritional characteristics of UPFs suggest that UPFs might also be associated with hypertension. We prospectively evaluated the relationship between UPF consumption and the risk of hypertension in a prospective Spanish cohort, the Seguimiento Universidad de Navarra project. We included 14,790 Spanish adult university graduates who were initially free of hypertension at baseline who were followed for a mean of 9.1 years (SD, 3.9 years; total person-years: 134,784). UPF (industrial formulations of chemical compounds which, beyond substances of common culinary use such as salt, sugar, oils, and fats, include substances also derived from foods but not used in culinary preparations) consumption was assessed using a validated semi-quantitative 136-item food-frequency questionnaire. Cox proportional hazards models were used to estimate adjusted hazard ratios (HRs) and 95% confidence intervals (CIs) for hypertension incidence. During follow-up, 1,702 incident cases of hypertension were identified. Participants in the highest tertile of UPF consumption had a higher risk of developing hypertension (adjusted HR, 1.21; 95% CI, 1.06, 1.37; P for trend = 0.004) than those in the lowest tertile after adjusting for potential confounders. In this large prospective cohort of Spanish middle-aged adult university graduates, a positive association between UPF consumption and hypertension risk was observed. Additional longitudinal studies are needed to confirm our results. © American Journal of Hypertension, Ltd 2016. All rights reserved. For Permissions, please email:

  16. Added sugars and sugar-sweetened beverage consumption, dietary carbohydrate index and depression risk in the Seguimiento Universidad de Navarra (SUN) Project. (United States)

    Sanchez-Villegas, Almudena; Zazpe, Itziar; Santiago, Susana; Perez-Cornago, Aurora; Martinez-Gonzalez, Miguel A; Lahortiga-Ramos, Francisca


    The association between added sugars or sugar-sweetened beverage consumption and the risk of depression, as well as the role of carbohydrate quality in depression risk, remains unclear. Among 15 546 Spanish university graduates from the Seguimiento Universidad de Navarra (SUN) prospective cohort study, diet was assessed with a validated 136-item semi-quantitative FFQ at baseline and at 10-year follow-up. Cumulative average consumption of added sugars, sweetened drinks and an overall carbohydrate quality index (CQI) were calculated. A better CQI was associated with higher whole-grain consumption and fibre intake and lower glycaemic index and consumption of solid (instead of liquid) carbohydrates. Clinical diagnoses of depression during follow-up were classified as incident cases. Multivariable time-dependent Cox regression models were used to estimate hazard ratios (HR) of depression according to consumption of added sugars, sweetened drinks and CQI. We observed 769 incident cases of depression. Participants in the highest quartile of added sugars consumption showed a significant increment in the risk of depression (HR=1·35; 95 % CI 1·09, 1·67, P=0·034), whereas those in the highest quartile of CQI (upper quartile of the CQI) showed a relative risk reduction of 30 % compared with those in the lowest quartile of the CQI (HR=0·70; 95 % CI 0·56, 0·88). No significant association between sugar-sweetened beverage consumption and depression risk was found. Higher added sugars and lower quality of carbohydrate consumption were associated with depression risk in the SUN Cohort. Further studies are necessary to confirm the reported results.

  17. Adherence to the Mediterranean Dietary Pattern and Incidence of Nephrolithiasis in the Seguimiento Universidad de Navarra Follow-up (SUN) Cohort. (United States)

    Leone, Alessandro; Fernández-Montero, Alejandro; de la Fuente-Arrillaga, Carmen; Martínez-González, Miguel Ángel; Bertoli, Simona; Battezzati, Alberto; Bes-Rastrollo, Maira


    Diet plays an important role in the pathogenesis of nephrolithiasis. Limited data are available to investigate the association between a Mediterranean dietary pattern and risk for nephrolithiasis. Prospective cohort study. 16,094 men and women without a history of nephrolithiasis who participated in the Seguimiento Universidad de Navarra Follow-up (SUN) Project. A validated 136-item food frequency questionnaire was used to assess baseline adherence to a Mediterranean dietary pattern that is high in fruits, vegetables, nuts, fish, and legumes, but moderate in alcohol and low in meats, saturated fats, and sugars. A Mediterranean dietary pattern score was calculated and categorized into 3 groups (0-3, 4-6, and 7-9 points). Additional factors included in statistical models were sex, age, body mass index, smoking, physical activity, time spent watching television, following a medical nutritional therapy, water and energy intake, calcium and vitamin D supplementation, and history of hypertension or diabetes. Incidence of nephrolithiasis. Participants were classified as having incident nephrolithiasis if they reported a physician-made diagnosis of nephrolithiasis during follow-up. After a mean follow-up of 9.6 years, 735 new cases of nephrolithiasis were identified. The multivariable HRs of nephrolithiasis for the 2 highest categories of adherence to the Mediterranean dietary pattern, using the lowest category as the reference, were 0.93 (95% CI, 0.79-1.09) and 0.64 (95% CI, 0.48-0.87); P for trend=0.01. The risk for nephrolithiasis was lower with greater consumption of dairy products and vegetables and greater with higher monounsaturated fatty acid to saturated fatty acid ratio. No information for kidney stone composition. Greater adherence to a Mediterranean dietary pattern was associated with reduced risk for incident nephrolithiasis. Additional longitudinal studies are needed. Copyright © 2017 National Kidney Foundation, Inc. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights

  18. Patrones de distribución espacial de la riqueza de especies de vertebrados en un área de transición biogeografica: de la Navarra pirenaica a la mediterránea

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    Nogués Bravo, D.


    Full Text Available Uneven distribution of biodiversity over the Earth's surface is a consequence of historic, environmental and functional factors. In this paper, spatial patterns of amphibians, reptiles, mammals and birds have been studied in a biogeographical gradient between Pyrenean and Mediterranean environments in Navarra. Also, the relationships between biodiversity, species richness, and biogeographical gradient have been measured with directional semivariograms and GIS. Results show correlations between biogeographical change and spatial patterns of vertebrates: reptiles have the higher values of species richness in the ecotone, while amphibians have an uneven distribution. Mammals and birds show lineal correlations with biogeographical change but in opposite directions.

    La repartition inégale de la biodiverité sur la surface du globe est conséquence de facteurs historiques, environnementaux et fonctionnels. Dans ce travail on analyse les modèles de la répartition dans l'espace des amphibiens, reptiles, oiseaux et mammifères sur un gradient biogéographique de Navarre, et on quantifie les relations parmis la biodiversité (exprimée comme richesse spécifique et les changements biogéographiques en utilisant semivariogrammes et systèmes d'information géographique. Les résultats montrent cette relation parmi le changement biogéographique et la répartition dans l'espace des quatre groupes de vertébrés terrestres: les reptiles ont un plus grand nombre d'espèces dans Vecotone tandis que les amphibiens montrent une répartition plus aléatoire, et les oiseaux et les mammifères présentent una variation linéaire du nombre d'espèces, variation qui est de signe opposé dans un groupe par rapport a l'autre.
    La desigual distribución de la biodiversidad sobre la superficie terrestre es consecuencia de factores históricos, ambientales y funcionales. En el presen trabajo se analizan los patrones de distribuci

  19. Láminas delgadas de (Bi0.5Na0.5)1-xBaxTiO3 en torno a la frontera de fase morfotrópica preparadas por métodos de depósito químico y fotoquímico de disoluciones


    Pérez-Mezcua, Dulce


    Tesis presentada para aspirar al grado de Doctor por la Universidad de Navarra. El presente trabajo ha sido realizado en los Departamentos de Química de la Facultad de Ciencias de la Universidad de Navarra y de Materiales para las Tecnologías de la Información del Instituto de Ciencia de Materiales de Madrid (ICMM-CSIC).

  20. A new dietary strategy for long-term treatment of the metabolic syndrome is compared with the American Heart Association (AHA) guidelines: the MEtabolic Syndrome REduction in NAvarra (RESMENA) project. (United States)

    de la Iglesia, Rocio; Lopez-Legarrea, Patricia; Abete, Itziar; Bondia-Pons, Isabel; Navas-Carretero, Santiago; Forga, Luis; Martinez, J Alfredo; Zulet, M Angeles


    The long-term effects of dietary strategies designed to combat the metabolic syndrome (MetS) remain unknown. The present study evaluated the effectiveness of a new dietary strategy based on macronutrient distribution, antioxidant capacity and meal frequency (MEtabolic Syndrome REduction in NAvarra (RESMENA) diet) for the treatment of the MetS when compared with the American Heart Association guidelines, used as Control. Subjects with the MetS (fifty-two men and forty-one women, age 49 (se 1) years, BMI 36·11 (se 0·5) kg/m²) were randomly assigned to one of two dietary groups. After a 2-month nutritional-learning intervention period, during which a nutritional assessment was made for the participants every 15 d, a 4-month self-control period began. No significant differences were found between the groups concerning anthropometry, but only the RESMENA group exhibited a significant decrease in body weight ( - 1·7%; P= 0·018), BMI ( - 1·7%; P= 0·019), waist circumference ( - 1·8%; P= 0·021), waist:hip ratio ( - 1·4%; P= 0·035) and android fat mass ( - 6·9%; P= 0·008). The RESMENA group exhibited a significant decrease in alanine aminotransferase and aspartate aminotransferase (AST) concentrations ( - 26·8%; P= 0·008 and - 14·0%; P= 0·018, respectively), while the Control group exhibited a significant increase in glucose (7·9%; P= 0·011), AST (11·3%; P= 0·045) and uric acid (9·0%; Ptreatment for the MetS.

  1. Real Language Meets Real Business (United States)

    Muirhead, Muirhead; Schechter, Sarah


    The Real Business Language Challenge was a collaborative pilot project between Coca-Cola Enterprises (CCE) and Routes into Languages East for Year 9 and 10 pupils. It was based on CCE's award-winning Real Business Challenge, part of its highly acclaimed education programme. The Real Business Language Challenge transformed the project into a…

  2. Caracterización de escorias metalúrgicas procedentes de yacimientos arqueológicos de Navarra (Siglos II a.C.- IV d.C.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ros-Latienda, L.


    Full Text Available The Archaeology Section of the Government of Navarre put forward a proposal to undertake research in the characterization of a set of pieces from 2nd century B.C. to 4th century A.D. retrieved from excavations in different archaeological sites in this province, to obtain data related to the manufacturing process of the investigated artefacts and to compare the level of technical skills in different times and places, so as to achieve a better understanding of technological abilities and material culture. The finds discussed in this paper are of interest from an archaeometallurgical point of view, and they consist mainly of metallurgical slags, remains of manufactured pieces, and minerals residues used to obtain various metals. In addition to carrying out their chemical analyses by inductively coupled plasma (ICP, the study of six samples was performed by optical and scanning electron microscopy and energy-dispersive X-ray microanalysis (EDX which revealed the composition of large areas of the slags, and the study was finally completed by the determination of the phases present by X rays diffraction.Desde la Sección de Arqueología del Gobierno de Navarra llegó la propuesta de caracterizar una serie de piezas comprendidas entre el siglo II a.C. y el siglo IV d.C. procedentes de yacimientos arqueológicos de esta provincia con objeto de obtener datos relacionados con la tecnología que las produjo y poder comparar el grado de desarrollo técnico de diferentes épocas y lugares. Interesaba el estudio de estas piezas desde el punto de vista metalúrgico, habiendo entre ellas mayoritariamente escorias metalúrgicas, restos de piezas fabricadas y restos minerales utilizados en la obtención de diversos metales. Además de proceder a su análisis químico mediante técnica de plasma acoplado inductivamente (ICP, se estudiaron seis muestras mediante microscopía óptica, electrónica de barrido y microanálisis por energía dispersiva de rayos X (EDAX

  3. Construir con Madera


    Olabe-Velasco, F. (Fermín); Val-Hernández, Y. (Yolanda); Varela-de-la-Cruz, P. (Perla); Cabrero-Ballarín, J.M. (José Manuel)


    Guía divulgativa ‘Construir con madera’, elaborada por la Cátedra Madera de la Universidad de Navarra y el Gobierno de Navarra. La publicación pretende explicar de forma sencilla los beneficios y posibilidades de este material en la construcción, tanto en lo que respecta a su resistencia, comportamiento frente al fuego, durabilidad, capacidad de aislamiento, propiedades acústicas, estética, respeto al medio ambiente y sostenibilidad como fuente de energía. A modo de ejemplo, en la ...

  4. Desarrollo del proceso de fabricación y análisis estructural de un kit de entibado de pozos de agua potable para situaciones de emergencia


    Subiés Aldunate, Íñigo


    Este proyecto fin de carrera es fruto de un convenio entre la ONG Acción Contra el Hambre (ACH) y la Universidad Pública de Navarra (UPNA), financiado por el Gobierno de Navarra. La UPNA lidera la investigación poniendo a disposición del proyecto las capacidades técnicas y humanas necesarias. ACH por su parte supervisa y dirige el proyecto para alcanzar los objetivos humanitarios propuestos. El objetivo global del proyecto es mejorar la capacidad de las ONG's para la respu...

  5. USCAL mechatronics engineering, a strategic process of innovation and technological competition; USCAL ingenieria mecatronica un proceso estrategico de innovacion y competencia tecnologica

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Carsi Sister, R.; Lopez Perez, R.


    The automobile industry in Navarra got its momentum in 1970 with the launching of the Mini 850 manufactured by British Leyland. Since then, two large automobile brands (SEAT and VOLSKWAGEN) have fueled the introduction of out sourcing practices with local suppliers and have given raise to the building of the automobile auxiliary industry in Navarra. This article describes the growing and internationalization path of a Spanish technological company called USCAL and outlines the importance of keeping innovation as a key element to maintain sustainable business growth. (Author) 15 refs.

  6. Los 'Horizontes poéticos' (1881) de Francisca Sarasate


    Mata-Induráin, C. (Carlos)


    Francisca Sarasate supone una excepción notable en el área de las letras navarras, por la escasez de mujeres en el ámbito literario. Cultivó, entre otros, la novela, el cuento, el teatro y la poesía. Destaca su obra 'Horizontes poéticos'. ------------------ Francisca Sarasate is a notable exception in the area of the letters of Navarra, by the scarcity of women in the literary field. She cultivated the novel, short stories, drama and poetry. She wrote, among others, 'Horizontes poéticos'....

  7. Impact of Consuming Extra-Virgin Olive Oil or Nuts within a Mediterranean Diet on DNA Methylation in Peripheral White Blood Cells within the PREDIMED-Navarra Randomized Controlled Trial: A Role for Dietary Lipids. (United States)

    Arpón, Ana; Milagro, Fermín I; Razquin, Cristina; Corella, Dolores; Estruch, Ramón; Fitó, Montserrat; Marti, Amelia; Martínez-González, Miguel A; Ros, Emilio; Salas-Salvadó, Jordi; Riezu-Boj, José-Ignacio; Martínez, J Alfredo


    DNA methylation could be reversible and mouldable by environmental factors, such as dietary exposures. The objective was to analyse whether an intervention with two Mediterranean diets, one rich in extra-virgin olive oil (MedDiet + EVOO) and the other one in nuts (MedDiet + nuts), was influencing the methylation status of peripheral white blood cells (PWBCs) genes. A subset of 36 representative individuals were selected within the PREvención con DIeta MEDiterránea (PREDIMED-Navarra) trial, with three intervention groups in high cardiovascular risk volunteers: MedDiet + EVOO, MedDiet + nuts, and a low-fat control group. Methylation was assessed at baseline and at five-year follow-up. Ingenuity pathway analysis showed routes with differentially methylated CpG sites (CpGs) related to intermediate metabolism, diabetes, inflammation, and signal transduction. Two CpGs were specifically selected: cg01081346- CPT1B / CHKB-CPT1B and cg17071192- GNAS/GNASAS , being associated with intermediate metabolism. Furthermore, cg01081346 was associated with PUFAs intake, showing a role for specific fatty acids on epigenetic modulation. Specific components of MedDiet, particularly nuts and EVOO, were able to induce methylation changes in several PWBCs genes. These changes may have potential benefits in health; especially those changes in genes related to intermediate metabolism, diabetes, inflammation and signal transduction, which may contribute to explain the role of MedDiet and fat quality on health outcomes.

  8. Real parabolic vector bundles over a real curve

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    Abstract. We define real parabolic structures on real vector bundles over a real curve. Let (X,σX ) be a real curve, and let S ⊂ X be a non-empty finite subset of X such that σX (S) = S. Let N ≥ 2 be an integer. We construct an N-fold cyclic cover p : Y → X in the category of real curves, ramified precisely over each point of S, ...

  9. Real Forestry for Real Estate (United States)

    Gagnon, Jennifer; Fisher, Jason


    Virginia is poised to see an unprecedented change in forest land ownership. To provide new landowners with information on sustainable forest management, we developed a two-part program, Real Forestry for Real Estate. First, we assembled New Landowner Packets, which contain a variety of sustainable forest management resources. Second, two…

  10. Real-time systems


    Badr, Salah M.; Bruztman, Donald P.; Nelson, Michael L.; Byrnes, Ronald Benton


    This paper presents an introduction to the basic issues involved in real-time systems. Both real-time operating sys and real-time programming languages are explored. Concurrent programming and process synchronization and communication are also discussed. The real-time requirements of the Naval Postgraduate School Autonomous Under Vehicle (AUV) are then examined. Autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV), hard real-time system, real-time operating system, real-time programming language, real-time sy...

  11. Las javieradas como caso de estudio

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    Mª Cruz Porcal Gonzalo


    Full Text Available A pesar de su todavía modesta participación en la economía y en el empleo regional, el turismo en Navarra ha mostrado durante los últimos años un significativo dinamismo tal y como, por ejemplo, lo testimonia el incremento del número de visitantes y de las empresas turísticas. Favorecido por una serie de circunstancias de índole variada, este desarrollo turístico se sustenta en una gran diversidad geográfica y cultural patente en los paisajes, el arte, las fiestas, la gastronomía, etc. Pero Navarra es, a su vez, una región que secularmente ha otorgado un gran peso a la tradición y a las creencias religiosas. En este contexto, algunas de las numerosas acciones emprendidas por la administración regional para dinamizar el sector turístico se han encaminado a revalorizar dos importantes legados culturales: el castillo de Javier y el Camino de Santiago. Se aprecia que ambos se hallan estrechamente relacionados con el turismo cultural, el turismo religioso y las peregrinaciones, unos fenómenos que hunden sus raíces en tiempos pasados pero que continúan teniendo en la actualidad una indudable relevancia a escala mundial. La intención primordial del presente trabajo es analizar el turismo de peregrinaciones en Navarra, más concretamente, el que tiene como destino del viaje la cuna de San Francisco Javier. Con dicho afán, se realiza una reflexión conceptual previa y un breve repaso de las fiestas y tradiciones religiosas que forman parte del patrimonio cultural intangible de Navarra, haciendo particular hincapié en las romerías y en el Camino de Santiago. Al hilo de ello, se afronta, a continuación, el estudio de la peregrinación más singular y populosa de Navarra: la Javierada. Su origen, sus principales rasgos, el perfil y las motivaciones de los peregrinos, los caracteres e hitos más importantes del recorrido, las peculiaridades del destino —entendido como lugar sagrado y espacio turístico— constituyen las principales

  12. Getting real with real options


    M. R Grasselli


    We apply a utility-based method to obtain the value of a finite-time investment opportunity when the underlying real asset is not perfectly correlated to a traded financial asset. Using a discrete-time algorithm to calculate the indifference price for this type of real option, we present numerical examples for the corresponding investment thresholds, in particular highlighting their dependence with respect to correlation and risk aversion.

  13. Reflexiones sobre la influencia de los componentes religiosos en el asociacionismo inmigrante

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mata Romeu, Anna


    Full Text Available The text reflects on the importance (real and symbolic religious component in the birth and consolidation of the associations of immigrants from the Maghreb and sub-Saharan Africa. The analysis focuses exclusively on the Islamic religion, as is most common in people from this source. The field work was developed in three Autonomous Communities: Catalonia, Community Valencia and Navarra, between 2009 and 2010. Research shows, among others, shared religious beliefs of the members of the association are important (in some cases decisive to understand both the birth of the partnership, including joint and internal cohesion. As will be seen also throughout the text, the religious component is also useful to understand the relations that these associations together, with those considered similar and the different public administrations.El texto reflexiona sobre la importancia (real y simbólica de los componentes religiosos en el nacimiento y consolidación de las asociaciones de personas inmigrantes procedentes de el Magreb y el África subsahariana. El análisis se centra de forma exclusiva en la religión islámica, dado que es la mayoritaria en las personas de esta procedencia. El trabajo de campo se ha desarrollado en tres comunidades autónomas: Cataluña, Comunidad Valenciana y Navarra, entre los años 2009 y 2010. De la investigación se desprende, entre otras, que las creencias religiosas compartidas de los miembros de la asociación resultan importantes (incluso en algunos casos determinantes para entender tanto el nacimiento de la asociación, como su articulación y cohesión interna. Como se verá también a lo largo del texto, el componente religioso será también de utilidad para comprender las relaciones que sostienen estas asociaciones entre sí, con aquellas consideradas análogas y con las distintas administraciones públicas.

  14. Motivating Young Writers through Write-Talks: Real Writers, Real Audiences, Real Purposes (United States)

    Wilson, Amy Alexandra


    Modeled after the popular teaching technique of book talks, write talks are brief motivational talks designed to engage students in writing. Teachers can invite adults from their communities into their classrooms to give write talks, thereby conveying to students that real people go through different writing processes to write real texts for real…

  15. La transición mediterráneo-eurosiberiana en Navarra: caracterización de los tomillares y aliagares su mediterráneos (Thymelaeo-Aphyllanthetum monspeliensis

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    Peralta, J.


    >Genistion occidentalis, elles se localisent à une moindre altitude, sur des pentes l'Aphyllanthion appartenant au secteur dit somontano-aragonais -aussi présentes en Navarre-, ils se distinguent par l'abondance des taxons atlantiques et eurosihériens, par la plus basse présence de nanophanérophytes et parce qu'ils montrent un préférence pour les localités plus pluvieuses. À vrai dire, entre ces trois types de garrigues s'avèrent des changements floristiques et structurels graduels que l'on peut rapporter aux changements climatiques liés à la transition Mediterranéo-eurosibérienne. Ainsi la composition floristique du Thymelaeo-Aphyllanthetum -avec une plus haute fréquence des espèces de Rosmarinetea et Rosmarinetalia face à ceux de Festuco-Ononidetea striatae et Ononidetalia striatae- et aussi sa physionomie, justifieraient bien l'inclusion de cette association dans l'alliance Aphyllanthion, ce qui montrerait ses relations avec les matorrals somontano-aragonais.
    Se analizan las características fisionómicas, floristicas, dinámicas y ecológicas de los tomillares submediterráneos (Thymelaeo-Aphyllanthetum monspeliensis, y se comparan con otros dos grupos de matorrales basófilos, mediante el análisis de 391 inventarios, procedentes todos ellos de Navarra. Los tomillares del Thymelaeo-Aphyllanthetum son más diversos y cuentan con un mayor porcentaje de hemicriptófitos que los matorrales de Genista occidentalis (Genistion occidentalis, se localizan en altitudes inferiores, con menor pendiente y en posiciones con mayor insolación. Frente a los tomillares somontano-aragoneses presentes en Navarra, que representan fades xerófilas de Aphyllanthion, se diferencian por la mayor abundancia de taxones atlánticos y eurosiberianos, menor presencia de nanofanerófitos y por preferir localidades más lluviosas. Entre los tres grupos de matorral existe un cambio gradual en su

  16. Outsourcing by Real Estate investors: chances for real estate managers?

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Janssen, I.I.; Smits, M.


    In the Netherlands outsourcing real estate management by institutional investors is not generally accepted. Since real estate investment became common use by institutional investors about 1960, investors started their own real estate management departments. Only property management regarding daily

  17. Real Time Revisited (United States)

    Allen, Phillip G.


    The call for abolishing photo reconnaissance in favor of real time is once more being heard. Ten years ago the same cries were being heard with the introduction of the Charge Coupled Device (CCD). The real time system problems that existed then and stopped real time proliferation have not been solved. The lack of an organized program by either DoD or industry has hampered any efforts to solve the problems, and as such, very little has happened in real time in the last ten years. Real time is not a replacement for photo, just as photo is not a replacement for infra-red or radar. Operational real time sensors can be designed only after their role has been defined and improvements made to the weak links in the system. Plodding ahead on a real time reconnaissance suite without benefit of evaluation of utility will allow this same paper to be used ten years from now.

  18. La dinámica de la integración social de los inmigrantes y su impacto en la sociedad de acogida. La perspectiva desde Navarra La dinámica de la integración social de los inmigrantes y su impacto en la sociedad de acogida. La perspectiva desde Navarra

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    Miguel Laparra


    Full Text Available The aim of this article is to analyse, through a dynamic perspective, the way in which social integration processes are being shaped in some settlement areas, as Navarre, marked by a high economic dynamism, a comparatively high social cohesion and a territorial structure preventing concentrated settlement of immigrants. We will see the specific characteristics of this kind of receiving societies and the differences to other territories with different functions within the Spanish map of migrations, and we will assess in this way their integration potential and their specific problems. Paying special attention to these areas with more integration potential, we will be able to establish the correlation between social integration process of migrants and their positive impact in the welcoming society. The further the process of social integration reaches, the bigger is the profit for the welcoming society in demographic, economic, and social terms. That is a crucial consideration in a moment in which we are facing the first period of a long migration process in Spain, and shows the responsibility of social and employment policies on building an integration model that regards immigration as a positive-sum game in which both migrants and the whole society make profit.Tratamos de analizar en este artículo, en una perspectiva dinámica, cómo se están construyendo los procesos de integración social en determinados espacios de asentamiento como Navarra, marcados por el alto dinamismo económico, un nivel comparativamente alto de cohesión social y un modelo territorial que favorece la dispersión residencial de los inmigrantes. Podremos ver las peculiaridades de este tipo de territorios y las diferencias respecto de otros que cumplen otras funciones dentro del conjunto del mapa de las migraciones en España y valorar así su potencial integrador y sus problemáticas específicas. Centrándonos en estos territorios que presentan mayor potencial

  19. A behavioral characterization of the positive real and bounded real characteristic values in balancing

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Trentelman, H.L.

    In passivity preserving and bounded realness preserving model reduction by balanced truncation, an important role is played by the so-called positive real (PR) and bounded real (BR) characteristic values. Both for the positive real as well as the bounded real case, these values are defined in terms

  20. Real analysis and applications

    CERN Document Server

    Botelho, Fabio Silva


    This textbook introduces readers to real analysis in one and n dimensions. It is divided into two parts: Part I explores real analysis in one variable, starting with key concepts such as the construction of the real number system, metric spaces, and real sequences and series. In turn, Part II addresses the multi-variable aspects of real analysis. Further, the book presents detailed, rigorous proofs of the implicit theorem for the vectorial case by applying the Banach fixed-point theorem and the differential forms concept to surfaces in Rn. It also provides a brief introduction to Riemannian geometry. With its rigorous, elegant proofs, this self-contained work is easy to read, making it suitable for undergraduate and beginning graduate students seeking a deeper understanding of real analysis and applications, and for all those looking for a well-founded, detailed approach to real analysis.

  1. The effects of real exchange rate misalignment and real exchange volatility on exports


    Diallo, Ibrahima Amadou


    This paper uses panel data cointegration techniques to study the impacts of real exchange rate misalignment and real exchange rate volatility on total exports for a panel of 42 developing countries from 1975 to 2004. The results show that both real exchange rate misalignment and real exchange rate volatility affect negatively exports. The results also illustrate that real exchange rate volatility is more harmful to exports than misalignment. These outcomes are corroborated by estimations on s...

  2. Brexit: La salida del Reino Unido de la Unión Europea


    Ndlovu Solano, Marcos


    Graduado o Graduada en Administración y Dirección de Empresas/Graduado o Graduada en Derecho por la Universidad Pública de Navarra Enpresen Administrazio eta Zuzendaritzan Graduatua / Zuzenbide Gradua Nafarroako Unibertsitate Publikoan

  3. El utillaje de la ira: las armas del maltratador en los siglos XVI y XVII

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    Rocío García Bourrellier


    Full Text Available El artículo, inscrito en la corriente de análisis histórico del maltrato doméstico, pre-senta ciertos casos ocurridos en Navarra duran-te la Edad Moderna, teniendo como eje los instrumentos utilizados para infligir daño físico o moral. Las fuentes elegidas proceden de la Subsección de Procesos del Archivo General de Navarra (AGN. La bibliografía consultada es específica, referida únicamente al entorno pe-ninsular, ya que el estudio no busca similitudes con otros ámbitos, sino mostrar la facilidad con que puede producirse el maltrato. Así, se con-cluye que cualquier instrumento doméstico, amén del cuerpo del atacante, es susceptible de convertirse en arma mortal.

  4. Long-term data set of small mammals from owl pellets in the Atlantic-Mediterranean transition area. (United States)

    Escribano, Nora; Galicia, David; Ariño, Arturo H; Escala, Carmen


    We describe the pellet sampling data set from the Vertebrate Collection of the Museum of Zoology of the University of Navarra. This data set compiles all information about small mammals obtained from the analysis of owl pellets. The collection consists on skulls, mandibles, and some skeletons of 36 species of more than 72,000 georeferenced specimens. These specimens come from the Iberian Peninsula although most samples were collected in Navarra, a highly diverse transitional area of 10,000 kilometre square sitting across three biogeographical regions. The collection spans more than forty years and is still growing as a result of the establishment of a barn owl pellet monitoring network in 2015. The program will provide critical information about the evolution of the small mammals' community in this transition zone as it changes over time.

  5. Guía para citar y referenciar. Estilo APA


    Ruiz-de-Luzuriaga-Peña, Manuel


    This guide has been written for use by students of the Public University of Navarra in the writing of their academic works, following the guidelines of the "Manual de publicaciones de la American Psychological Association".

  6. Basic real analysis

    CERN Document Server

    Sohrab, Houshang H


    This expanded second edition presents the fundamentals and touchstone results of real analysis in full rigor, but in a style that requires little prior familiarity with proofs or mathematical language. The text is a comprehensive and largely self-contained introduction to the theory of real-valued functions of a real variable. The chapters on Lebesgue measure and integral have been rewritten entirely and greatly improved. They now contain Lebesgue’s differentiation theorem as well as his versions of the Fundamental Theorem(s) of Calculus. With expanded chapters, additional problems, and an expansive solutions manual, Basic Real Analysis, Second Edition, is ideal for senior undergraduates and first-year graduate students, both as a classroom text and a self-study guide. Reviews of first edition: The book is a clear and well-structured introduction to real analysis aimed at senior undergraduate and beginning graduate students. The prerequisites are few, but a certain mathematical sophistication is required. ....

  7. Factores asociados al asma en los niños y adolescentes de la zona rural de Navarra (España

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Itsaso Elizalde-Beiras


    Full Text Available Resumen: Objetivos: Conocer los factores asociados al asma y síntomas relacionados con asma en la población infantil y adolescente en la zona rural de Navarra (España a través de la validación del cuestionario ISAAC. Participantes y métodos: Estudio transversal mediante la realización del cuestionario ISAAC y variables adicionales por 797 niños y adolescentes, a través del cual se obtuvieron datos de prevalencia sobre síntomas de asma y factores asociados sin realizar ninguna prueba diagnóstica adicional. Emplazamiento: Marco de atención primaria. A través de las zonas básicas de salud se hizo la selección de la muestra y en los centros educativos de dichas zonas se realizó el cuestionario. Mediciones y resultados: El análisis estadístico se hizo a través de regresión logística, chi cuadrado e intervalo de confianza al 95%. La prevalencia asma referida es del 11,7% en niños y del 13,4% en adolescentes. En cuanto a los factores relacionados, según los valores de OR destacan: OR = 9,5 entre sibilancias y asma, y OR = 3,5 entre rinitis recientes y asma. Respecto a las sibilancias recientes, hallamos un OR = 11,5 entre despertares y sibilancias recientes, y un OR = 3,4 entre rinitis recientes y sibilancias recientes. Conclusiones: El asma referida es una enfermedad prevalente ligeramente superior en la adolescencia y la población femenina de los escolares de la zona rural. Rinitis y otros síntomas de asma están relacionados con el asma y con las sibilancias, así como la utilización de los servicios de urgencias en el caso del asma y la bronquitis con las sibilancias. Abstract: Objectives: To determine the factors associated with asthma and asthma-related symptoms in children and adolescents in rural areas of Navarre (Spain. Participants and methods: A cross-sectional study using the International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Childhood (ISAAC questionnaire, as well as additional variables, was conducted on 797

  8. The recycling plant of solid urban wastes in La Ribera (Spain); Planta de reciclaje y embalaje de la mancomunidad de residuos solidos de La Ribera

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Corella Ainaga, F.; Ortega Rojas, A.


    The present article describes the technical characteristics and the effects that gave origin to the creation of the new Plant of Treatment of Solid Urban Waste in the Mancomunidad de RSU de la Ribera (Navarra). (Author)

  9. Real-Time and Real-Fast Performance of General-Purpose and Real-Time Operating Systems in Multithreaded Physical Simulation of Complex Mechanical Systems

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Carlos Garre


    Full Text Available Physical simulation is a valuable tool in many fields of engineering for the tasks of design, prototyping, and testing. General-purpose operating systems (GPOS are designed for real-fast tasks, such as offline simulation of complex physical models that should finish as soon as possible. Interfacing hardware at a given rate (as in a hardware-in-the-loop test requires instead maximizing time determinism, for which real-time operating systems (RTOS are designed. In this paper, real-fast and real-time performance of RTOS and GPOS are compared when simulating models of high complexity with large time steps. This type of applications is usually present in the automotive industry and requires a good trade-off between real-fast and real-time performance. The performance of an RTOS and a GPOS is compared by running a tire model scalable on the number of degrees-of-freedom and parallel threads. The benchmark shows that the GPOS present better performance in real-fast runs but worse in real-time due to nonexplicit task switches and to the latency associated with interprocess communication (IPC and task switch.

  10. Dependable Real-Time Systems (United States)


    0196 or 413 545-0720 PI E-mail Address:, stankovic( Grant or Contract Title: Dependable Real - Time Systems Grant...Dependable Real - Time Systems " Grant or Contract Number: N00014-85-k-0398 L " Reporting Period: 1 Oct 87 - 30 Sep 91 , 2. Summary of Accomplishments ’ 2.1 developing a sound approach to scheduling tasks in complex real - time systems , (2) developed a real-time operating system kernel, a preliminary

  11. Effects of different protein content and glycemic index of ad libitum diets on diabetes risk factors in overweight adults

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Goyenechea, Estibaliz; Holst, Claus; Saris, Wim H.M.


    Dpt. Physiology and Nutrition, University of Navarra, Pamplona, Spain (EG, JAM); Institute of Preventive Medicine, Centre for Health and Society, Copenhagen, Denmark (CH), Department of Human Biology, Nutrition and Toxicology Research Institute Maastricht, Maastricht University, Maastricht, the N...

  12. Real economic activity and accounting information in Spanish construction and real estate firms

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Juan Carlos Navarro-García


    Full Text Available The aim of this work is to determine whether the accounting information provided by construction and real estate firms in Spain reflects the real economic activity, during upswings and downturns. A relationship is found between economic conditions and financial reporting in a continental European country such as Spain. Although there is a relationship between real housing price growth and financial accounting measures, real estate companies seem to show an artificial position, since they only present a relationship with Return on Assets (ROA based on low quality income (accruals. Therefore, a different financial position influences a different behaviour in these two similar sectors. In fact, some signs alerting of possible risk in real estate firms are shown.

  13. The effectiveness of the European agricultural quality policy: a price analysis

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bardaji, I.; Iraizoz, B.; Rapun, M.


    The European rural development policy, the second pillar of the Common Agricultural Policy, is currently playing an increasing role. One of its key instruments is the support for quality standards through Protected Geographical Indications (PGI). The analysis presented in this article investigates prices for two varieties of beef (PGI and non- PGI). The research setting is a specific area in northern Spain, where Ternera de Navarra (Navarra beef) is produced. The results show that quality production systems achieve higher and more stable prices in the long term. Another major point emerging from the analysis, given the nature of the beef production sector, is that the PGI product is better able to stand up to consumer confidence crises, such as that triggered by the bovine spongiform encephalopathy outbreak. Additional key words: prices, protected geographical indication, rural development. (Author) 40 refs.

  14. The Real World. (United States)

    Tanner, John Sears


    Relates personal experiences about what constitutes the "real world." Shows how experiences from philosophy, history, literature, art, and the movies add meaning to "reality." Stresses a compromise of imagination and sensation to make the real world palatable. (RL)

  15. On real quadric line complexes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Krasnov, Vyacheslav A


    We describe the topological types of the real parts of the Kummer surfaces associated with real three-dimensional quadric line complexes. The topological type of the real part of such a surface is shown to depend on the number of real singular points: it is determined by the number of such points if any exist, and otherwise the real part of the Kummer surface is either empty or consists of one or two tori.

  16. Sources for the study of collective violence in Early Modern Navarre: the value of the judicial documentation Fuentes para el estudio de la violencia colectiva en la Navarra moderna: el valor de la documentación procesal

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Javier Ruiz Astiz


    Full Text Available During the Old Regime we attended in Kingdom of Navarre of the constant presence of disorders that alter the public order.The assignment of this article is to demonstrate that the study of these phenomena can be realised of a satisfactory way if we resorted to the judicial processes. Thanks to these sources of file the elementary characteristics of these events can be reconstructed helping to the historians to select their true background. Nevertheless, in this work also it is tried to approachthis type of documentation showing not only the advantages that takeimplicit their use, but as well the disadvantages that lock up. Althoughover everything the numerous benefits prevail that allow to obtain this type of sources to the investigators when they decide to confront the studyof past times.Durante el Antiguo Régimen asistimos en el reino de Navarra a la constante presencia de desórdenes que alteran el orden público. El cometido de este artículo es demostrar que el estudio de estos fenómenos se puede realizar de un modo satisfactorio si recurrimos a los procesos judiciales. Gracias a estas fuentes de archivo pueden ser reconstruidas las características elementales de estos sucesos, ayudando a los historiadores a entresacar su verdadero trasfondo. Sin embargo, en este trabajo también se pretende abordar este tipo de documentación mostrando no sólo las ventajas que llevan implícitas su uso, sino a su vez las desventajas que encierran. Aunque por encima de todo priman los numerosos beneficios que permiten obtener este tipo de fuentes a los investigadores cuando deciden afrontar el estudio de épocas pasadas.

  17. Real-time shadows

    CERN Document Server

    Eisemann, Elmar; Assarsson, Ulf; Wimmer, Michael


    Important elements of games, movies, and other computer-generated content, shadows are crucial for enhancing realism and providing important visual cues. In recent years, there have been notable improvements in visual quality and speed, making high-quality realistic real-time shadows a reachable goal. Real-Time Shadows is a comprehensive guide to the theory and practice of real-time shadow techniques. It covers a large variety of different effects, including hard, soft, volumetric, and semi-transparent shadows.The book explains the basics as well as many advanced aspects related to the domain

  18. Analytic real algebras. (United States)

    Seo, Young Joo; Kim, Young Hee


    In this paper we construct some real algebras by using elementary functions, and discuss some relations between several axioms and its related conditions for such functions. We obtain some conditions for real-valued functions to be a (edge) d -algebra.

  19. LabVIEW Real-Time

    CERN Multimedia

    CERN. Geneva; Flockhart, Ronald Bruce; Seppey, P


    With LabVIEW Real-Time, you can choose from a variety of RT Series hardware. Add a real-time data acquisition component into a larger measurement and automation system or create a single stand-alone real-time solution with data acquisition, signal conditioning, motion control, RS-232, GPIB instrumentation, and Ethernet connectivity. With the various hardware options, you can create a system to meet your precise needs today, while the modularity of the system means you can add to the solution as your system requirements grow. If you are interested in Reliable and Deterministic systems for Measurement and Automation, you will profit from this seminar. Agenda: Real-Time Overview LabVIEW RT Hardware Platforms - Linux on PXI Programming with LabVIEW RT Real-Time Operating Systems concepts Timing Applications Data Transfer

  20. Real time expert systems

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Asami, Tohru; Hashimoto, Kazuo; Yamamoto, Seiichi


    Recently, aiming at the application to the plant control for nuclear reactors and traffic and communication control, the research and the practical use of the expert system suitable to real time processing have become conspicuous. In this report, the condition for the required function to control the object that dynamically changes within a limited time is presented, and the technical difference between the real time expert system developed so as to satisfy it and the expert system of conventional type is explained with the actual examples and from theoretical aspect. The expert system of conventional type has the technical base in the problem-solving equipment originating in STRIPS. The real time expert system is applied to the fields accompanied by surveillance and control, to which conventional expert system is hard to be applied. The requirement for the real time expert system, the example of the real time expert system, and as the techniques of realizing real time processing, the realization of interruption processing, dispersion processing, and the mechanism of maintaining the consistency of knowledge are explained. (K.I.)

  1. Towards phronetic knowledge for strategic planning in corporate real estate management: A real options approach

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    van Reedt Dortland, Maartje; Voordijk, Johannes T.; Dewulf, Geert P.M.R.


    Purpose – The objective of this paper is to provide insights about the potential of real option thinking for corporate real estate management (CREM) from the owner-user perspective. A promising approach to classifying and evaluating flexibility in real estate is the real options approach. Most

  2. TRERC-TEA [Texas Real Estate Research Center-Texas Education Agency] Real Estate Curriculum Workshop Committee Report. (United States)

    Lyon, Robert

    The document contains a summary report of a community college real estate teachers' workshop organized to develop course outlines for the various areas in the real estate curriculum. Curriculum outlines are presented, with varying degrees of detail included, for the following eight subjects: real estate appraisal; real estate brokage; real estate…

  3. Real Time Systems

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Christensen, Knud Smed


    Describes fundamentals of parallel programming and a kernel for that. Describes methods for modelling and checking parallel problems. Real time problems.......Describes fundamentals of parallel programming and a kernel for that. Describes methods for modelling and checking parallel problems. Real time problems....

  4. The African Palliative Care Association (APCA Atlas of Palliative Care Development in Africa: a comparative analysis

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    John Y Rhee


    Funding: Arnhold Institute of Global Health at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, the African Palliative Care Association, the International Association for Hospice and Palliative Care, and the Institute for Culture and Society at the University of Navarra.

  5. Concepts of real time and semi-real time material control

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lovett, J.E.


    After a brief consideration of the traditional material balance accounting on an MBA basis, this paper explores the basic concepts of real time and semi-real time material control, together with some of the major problems to be solved. Three types of short-term material control are discussed: storage, batch processing, and continuous processing. (DLC)

  6. Elements of real analysis

    CERN Document Server

    Sprecher, David A


    This classic text in introductory analysis delineates and explores the intermediate steps between the basics of calculus and the ultimate stage of mathematics: abstraction and generalization.Since many abstractions and generalizations originate with the real line, the author has made it the unifying theme of the text, constructing the real number system from the point of view of a Cauchy sequence (a step which Dr. Sprecher feels is essential to learn what the real number system is).The material covered in Elements of Real Analysis should be accessible to those who have completed a course in

  7. Real exchange rate misalignments


    Terra, Maria Cristina T.; Valladares, Frederico Estrella Carneiro


    This paper characterizes episodes of real appreciations and depreciations for a sample of 85 countries, approximately from 1960 to 1998. First, the equilibrium real exchange rate series are constructed for each country using Goldfajn and Valdes (1999) methodology (cointegration with fundamentals). Then, departures from equilibrium real exchange rate (misalignments) are obtained, and a Markov Switching Model is used to characterize the misalignments series as stochastic autor...

  8. Real analysis

    CERN Document Server

    Loeb, Peter A


    This textbook is designed for a year-long course in real analysis taken by beginning graduate and advanced undergraduate students in mathematics and other areas such as statistics, engineering, and economics. Written by one of the leading scholars in the field, it elegantly explores the core concepts in real analysis and introduces new, accessible methods for both students and instructors. The first half of the book develops both Lebesgue measure and, with essentially no additional work for the student, general Borel measures for the real line. Notation indicates when a result holds only for Lebesgue measure. Differentiation and absolute continuity are presented using a local maximal function, resulting in an exposition that is both simpler and more general than the traditional approach. The second half deals with general measures and functional analysis, including Hilbert spaces, Fourier series, and the Riesz representation theorem for positive linear functionals on continuous functions with compact support....

  9. Argus developer in practice real estate development modeling in the real world

    CERN Document Server

    Havard, Tim M


    First ""missing manual"" for Argus Developer--case studies show readers how to analyze a development, something Argus manuals don't do. Argus Developer is by far the leading program for real estate developers worldwide The book is an education in real estate finance as well as the program Author teaches seminars and consults with people using the program--back of room sales likely Author has three other books on real estate development Possibility that Argus gets behind the project The book will contain dozens of screenshots

  10. Memory controllers for real-time embedded systems predictable and composable real-time systems

    CERN Document Server

    Akesson, Benny


      Verification of real-time requirements in systems-on-chip becomes more complex as more applications are integrated. Predictable and composable systems can manage the increasing complexity using formal verification and simulation.  This book explains the concepts of predictability and composability and shows how to apply them to the design and analysis of a memory controller, which is a key component in any real-time system. This book is generally intended for readers interested in Systems-on-Chips with real-time applications.   It is especially well-suited for readers looking to use SDRAM memories in systems with hard or firm real-time requirements. There is a strong focus on real-time concepts, such as predictability and composability, as well as a brief discussion about memory controller architectures for high-performance computing. Readers will learn step-by-step how to go from an unpredictable SDRAM memory, offering highly variable bandwidth and latency, to a predictable and composable shared memory...

  11. Real-time radiography

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bossi, R.H.; Oien, C.T.


    Real-time radiography is used for imaging both dynamic events and static objects. Fluorescent screens play an important role in converting radiation to light, which is then observed directly or intensified and detected. The radiographic parameters for real-time radiography are similar to conventional film radiography with special emphasis on statistics and magnification. Direct-viewing fluoroscopy uses the human eye as a detector of fluorescent screen light or the light from an intensifier. Remote-viewing systems replace the human observer with a television camera. The remote-viewing systems have many advantages over the direct-viewing conditions such as safety, image enhancement, and the capability to produce permanent records. This report reviews real-time imaging system parameters and components

  12. Straw quality for its combustion in a straw-fired power plant

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hernandez Allica, J.; Blanco, F.; Garbisu, C. [NEIKER, Instituto Vasco de Investigacion y Desarrollo Agrario, Derio (Spain); Mitre, A.J.; Gonzalez Bustamante, J.A. [IBERDROLA Ingenieria y Consultoria, Bilbao (Spain); Itoiz, C. [Energia Hidroelectrica de Navarra, Pamplona (Spain); Alkorta, I. [Universidad del Pais Vasco, Bilbao (Spain). Facultad de Ciencias


    ENERGIA HIDROELECTRICA DE NAVARRA, S.A. (Navarra, Spain) is erecting a 25 MW power generation plant using straw for electricity generation. Cereal straws have proved to be difficult to burn in most existing combustion systems. During the last two years, a study has been carried out in Navarra to investigate the possibilities of improving the fuel quality of straw by a reduction in its K{sup +} and Cl{sup -} contents. The simple leaching of K{sup +} and Cl{sup -} with water by exposure to natural rainfall in the field resulted in considerable reductions of these two elements. A reduction in the K{sup +} content of the cereal plants caused by exposure to natural rainfall has been observed during plant ripening (before crop harvesting). Some varieties of straw show lower initial K{sup +} contents, making them more suitable for this purpose. There seems to be no clear correlation between the relative decrease in K{sup +} content and the amount of accumulated rainfall. Our results have also shown a very close correlation between K{sup +} content and electrical conductivity. The simplicity of this latter measurement makes this parameter a very interesting option to test the straw quality directly in the field. Structural components of the straw were not decomposed during the time when we left the straw in the field. Finally, the Cl{sup -} content in straw was increased when the Cl{sup -} dose from the fertiliser was increased. On the other hand, the content of K{sup +} was not influenced by the applied amount of K{sup +} fertiliser. (Author)

  13. La siniestralidad laboral en la población inmigrante de Navarra en el 2006: Una aproximación a sus causas

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ángel Parra Osés


    Full Text Available Introducción: El cambio económico y social que está experimentando Navarra en las últimas décadas está asociado con la llegada de un flujo creciente de inmigrantes. El fenómeno migratorio plantea un gran número de desafíos: legislativos, políticos, culturales, sociales, sanitarios y por supuesto laborales. Desde el punto de vista laboral la incorporación de inmigrantes al mercado de trabajo ha supuesto, sin duda, aspectos positivos, pero también algunas disfunciones y problemas, siendo uno de ellos los altos niveles de siniestralidad que presenta este colectivo. Objetivos: Analizar y profundizar en las características y causas de la siniestralidad en este colectivo y los factores que podrían incidir en ella. Metodología: Estudio descriptivo - observacional tomando como base los datos del Registro de Accidentes de Trabajo del año 2006. Resultados: Para un 9,8% de trabajadores extranjeros, éstos sufren el 20% de los accidentes de trabajo( AT. Las mujeres extranjeras se accidentan casi 4 puntos menos en porcentaje relativo que las nacionales. La distribución de AT es similar en ambas poblaciones atendiendo a su gravedad, los trabajadores extranjeros sufrieron el 19,3% de los accidentes graves y el 15,8% de los mortales. En este colectivo los grupos de edades más jóvenes presentan porcentajes más elevados de siniestralidad. Por sectores económicos: una tercera parte de los accidentes en Agricultura y Construcción corresponden a trabajadores emigrantes. Su distribución porcentual es reflejo de la diferente ocupación sectorial de este colectivo, duplicando los porcentajes en los sectores agrícola y construcción en comparación con la población de acogida. En población extranjera la proporción de hombres que se accidentan es superior al de las mujeres en todos los sectores productivos, excepto en Servicios. Cerca de 80% de accidentes en población inmigrante acontece en puestos de baja cualificación o no cualificados y

  14. Economic Effects Real Estate Tax

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Tadić Milan


    Full Text Available The real estate tax is usually a fiscal instrument which performs the property tax. When it comes to real property or immovable this term include: apartments, houses, land, cottages, excess housing landscape and more. The real estate tax as a form of the fiscal charges ownership or use of certain forms of real estate, and the revenue from this tax is levied on the area where the property is located regardless of the place of residence of its owner. The tax base for the calculation of this tax usually consists of the market, estimated or annuity value of certain real estate. This form of taxation in the Republic of Serbian applies from 1.1.2012., and its introduction has been replaced by former property taxes. The differences between the two concepts mentioned taxes are numerous and significant. Among the more important are: subject to taxation under the new concept of the real estate rather than law, a taxpayer is any property owner rather than the holder of rights to immovable property tax base is the market value of real estate which is replaced by the payment of taxes per square meter of usable area, the rate of property tax is determined local government, which can not be lower than 0.05% of the estimated value of the real estate nor higher than 0.5% of the appraised value of real estate. The last change, ie. The new law on Property Tax from 5.11.2015. was determined by the tax rate to 20%. The fact that local governments each of them determines the tax rate on real estate which range from high to low rates of multiple, makes this tax is progressive. Progression is particularly expressed in the distinction applied tax rates of developed and undeveloped municipalities, where we have a case that less developed tolerate a higher tax burden, which leads to negative economic effects. However, real estate tax has its own economic and social characteristics which must be aligned with the objectives of tax policy. This means that the real estate tax

  15. Essays in real-time forecasting


    Liebermann, Joelle


    This thesis contains three essays in the field of real-time econometrics, and more particularlyforecasting.The issue of using data as available in real-time to forecasters, policymakers or financialmarkets is an important one which has only recently been taken on board in the empiricalliterature. Data available and used in real-time are preliminary and differ from ex-postrevised data, and given that data revisions may be quite substantial, the use of latestavailable instead of real-time can s...

  16. Implicit Real Vector Automata

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jean-François Degbomont


    Full Text Available This paper addresses the symbolic representation of non-convex real polyhedra, i.e., sets of real vectors satisfying arbitrary Boolean combinations of linear constraints. We develop an original data structure for representing such sets, based on an implicit and concise encoding of a known structure, the Real Vector Automaton. The resulting formalism provides a canonical representation of polyhedra, is closed under Boolean operators, and admits an efficient decision procedure for testing the membership of a vector.

  17. Real-time vision systems

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Johnson, R.; Hernandez, J.E.; Lu, Shin-yee [Lawrence Livermore National Lab., CA (United States)


    Many industrial and defence applications require an ability to make instantaneous decisions based on sensor input of a time varying process. Such systems are referred to as `real-time systems` because they process and act on data as it occurs in time. When a vision sensor is used in a real-time system, the processing demands can be quite substantial, with typical data rates of 10-20 million samples per second. A real-time Machine Vision Laboratory (MVL) was established in FY94 to extend our years of experience in developing computer vision algorithms to include the development and implementation of real-time vision systems. The laboratory is equipped with a variety of hardware components, including Datacube image acquisition and processing boards, a Sun workstation, and several different types of CCD cameras, including monochrome and color area cameras and analog and digital line-scan cameras. The equipment is reconfigurable for prototyping different applications. This facility has been used to support several programs at LLNL, including O Division`s Peacemaker and Deadeye Projects as well as the CRADA with the U.S. Textile Industry, CAFE (Computer Aided Fabric Inspection). To date, we have successfully demonstrated several real-time applications: bullet tracking, stereo tracking and ranging, and web inspection. This work has been documented in the ongoing development of a real-time software library.

  18. On real structures on rigid surfaces

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kulikov, Vik S; Kharlamov, V M


    We construct examples of rigid surfaces (that is, surfaces whose deformation class consists of a unique surface) with a particular behaviour with respect to real structures. In one example the surface has no real structure. In another it has a unique real structure, which is not maximal with respect to the Smith-Thom inequality. These examples give negative answers to the following problems: the existence of real surfaces in each deformation class of complex surfaces, and the existence of maximal real surfaces in every complex deformation class that contains real surfaces. Moreover, we prove that there are no real surfaces among surfaces of general type with p g =q=0 and K 2 =9. These surfaces also provide new counterexamples to the 'Dif = Def' problem

  19. 12 CFR 541.21 - Nonresidential real estate. (United States)


    ... 12 Banks and Banking 5 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Nonresidential real estate. 541.21 Section 541... REGULATIONS AFFECTING FEDERAL SAVINGS ASSOCIATIONS § 541.21 Nonresidential real estate. The terms nonresidential real estate or nonresidential real property mean real estate that is not residential real estate...

  20. Bounded real and positive real balanced truncation using Σ-normalised coprime factors

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Trentelman, H.L.


    In this article, we will extend the method of balanced truncation using normalised right coprime factors of the system transfer matrix to balanced truncation with preservation of half line dissipativity. Special cases are preservation of positive realness and bounded realness. We consider a half

  1. On real structures on rigid surfaces

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kulikov, Vik S [Steklov Mathematical Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences (Russian Federation); Kharlamov, V M [Institut de Recherche Matematique Avanee Universite Louis Pasteur et CNRS 7 rue Rene Descartes (France)


    We construct examples of rigid surfaces (that is, surfaces whose deformation class consists of a unique surface) with a particular behaviour with respect to real structures. In one example the surface has no real structure. In another it has a unique real structure, which is not maximal with respect to the Smith-Thom inequality. These examples give negative answers to the following problems: the existence of real surfaces in each deformation class of complex surfaces, and the existence of maximal real surfaces in every complex deformation class that contains real surfaces. Moreover, we prove that there are no real surfaces among surfaces of general type with p{sub g}=q=0 and K{sup 2}=9. These surfaces also provide new counterexamples to the 'Dif = Def' problem.

  2. Analysing UK real estate market forecast disagreement


    McAllister, Patrick; Newell, G.; Matysiak, George


    Given the significance of forecasting in real estate investment decisions, this paper investigates forecast uncertainty and disagreement in real estate market forecasts. Using the Investment Property Forum (IPF) quarterly survey amongst UK independent real estate forecasters, these real estate forecasts are compared with actual real estate performance to assess a number of real estate forecasting issues in the UK over 1999-2004, including real estate forecast error, bias and consensus. The re...

  3. An introduction to real analysis

    CERN Document Server

    Ball, Derek G


    An Introduction to Real Analysis presents the concepts of real analysis and highlights the problems which necessitate the introduction of these concepts. Topics range from sets, relations, and functions to numbers, sequences, series, derivatives, and the Riemann integral. This volume begins with an introduction to some of the problems which are met in the use of numbers for measuring, and which provide motivation for the creation of real analysis. Attention then turns to real numbers that are built up from natural numbers, with emphasis on integers, rationals, and irrationals. The chapters tha

  4. VERSE - Virtual Equivalent Real-time Simulation (United States)

    Zheng, Yang; Martin, Bryan J.; Villaume, Nathaniel


    Distributed real-time simulations provide important timing validation and hardware in the- loop results for the spacecraft flight software development cycle. Occasionally, the need for higher fidelity modeling and more comprehensive debugging capabilities - combined with a limited amount of computational resources - calls for a non real-time simulation environment that mimics the real-time environment. By creating a non real-time environment that accommodates simulations and flight software designed for a multi-CPU real-time system, we can save development time, cut mission costs, and reduce the likelihood of errors. This paper presents such a solution: Virtual Equivalent Real-time Simulation Environment (VERSE). VERSE turns the real-time operating system RTAI (Real-time Application Interface) into an event driven simulator that runs in virtual real time. Designed to keep the original RTAI architecture as intact as possible, and therefore inheriting RTAI's many capabilities, VERSE was implemented with remarkably little change to the RTAI source code. This small footprint together with use of the same API allows users to easily run the same application in both real-time and virtual time environments. VERSE has been used to build a workstation testbed for NASA's Space Interferometry Mission (SIM PlanetQuest) instrument flight software. With its flexible simulation controls and inexpensive setup and replication costs, VERSE will become an invaluable tool in future mission development.

  5. Ovation Prime Real-Time (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — The Ovation Prime Real-Time (OPRT) product is a real-time forecast and nowcast model of auroral power and is an operational implementation of the work by Newell et...

  6. From real life to real life

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Svalgaard, Lotte


    In Action Learning programmes, it is held central to work on real business challenges (task) while learning about team and self (process); staying mindful aware of the process is referred to in this paper as ‘double awareness’, and emphasises noticing and acting on process cues while working on t...

  7. E-Real Estate Property Management System


    Majid Shanto, Syed Nurul


    Real estate business is one of the oldest businesses in the business world which is also considered to be associated with the toughest business environment to invest for investment because of its volatile behavior. In order to be competitive in the real estate market, the real estate developer as well as real estate specialist like real estate agent is constantly fighting for achieving marginal profit from the market. 21st century is the century of advance technology and utilizing its power i...

  8. Introduction to real analysis

    CERN Document Server

    Schramm, Michael J


    This text forms a bridge between courses in calculus and real analysis. It focuses on the construction of mathematical proofs as well as their final content. Suitable for upper-level undergraduates and graduate students of real analysis, it also provides a vital reference book for advanced courses in mathematics.The four-part treatment begins with an introduction to basic logical structures and techniques of proof, including discussions of the cardinality concept and the algebraic and order structures of the real and rational number systems. Part Two presents in-depth examinations of the compl

  9. The Generation of 1898 and Cervantes : The invention of Don Quixote as a national symbol

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Storm, H.J.; Achiri, N.; Baraibar, A.; Schmelzer, F.K.E.


    Don Quixote became a Spanish national symbol thanks to the authors the Generation of 1898, such as Miguel de Unamuno, Azorín and Francisco Navarra Ledesma, who published their new interpretations during the 1905 commemoration of the publication of Cervantes', The Ingenious Gentleman Don Quixote of

  10. Economic scenarios for the real estate market: Incorporating uncertainty and risk in real estate appraisals

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Carsten Lausberg


    Full Text Available Real estate appraisal is usually regarded as both a science and an art: “science” because the appraiser uses mathematical calculations and other objective elements, “art” because he also uses his experience and other subjective elements. This dual character requires—among others—that new insights from other disciplines and current trends are taken into account. The central proposition of the article is that this requirement is not met. The author provides evidence that real estate risk management has made tremendous progress since the mid-1990s which has not found its way into appraisal practice, thereby creating a situation where appraisals by risk analysts differ greatly from appraisals by real estate appraisers. According to the author the gap between real estate appraisal and risk analysis should be closed from both sides. The article begins with an overview of the most important trends which will impact real estate values in the future. From these trends, an exemplary economic scenario for European real estate markets is derived in order to demonstrate that scenario writing is a powerful tool for risk management. After that the author discusses some other methods of risk management and their potential benefits for real estate appraisal.

  11. A model of real estate and psychological factors in decision-making to buy real estate

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Bojan Grum


    Full Text Available This article explores the psychological characteristics of potential real estate buyers connected with their decision to buy. Through a review of research, it reveals that most studies of psychological factors in the decision to buy real estate have a partial and dispersed orientation, and examine individual factors independently. It appears that the research area is lacking clearly defined models of psychological factors in the decision to buy real estate that would integrally and relationally explain the role of psychological characteristics of real estate buyers and their expectations in relation to a decision to buy. The article identifies two sets of psychological factors, motivational and emotional, determines their interaction with potential buyers’ expectations when deciding to purchase real estate and offers starting points for forming a model.

  12. El maestro del Pavo Real


    Montalvo Martín, Francisco J


    Este trabajo pretende hacer una primera aproximación al Maestro del Pavo Real, un platero barcelonés del siglo XIX que usó como marca personal la silueta de un pavo real visto de frente con la cola desplegada y todo ello dentro de un círculo. Este trabajo pretende hacer una primera aproximación al Maestro del Pavo Real, un platero barcelonés del siglo XIX que usó como marca personal la silueta de un pavo real visto de frente con la cola desplegada y todo ello dentro de un círculo.

  13. Getting Real Results with Ohio State University Extension’s Real Money. Real World. Program

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Theresa M. Ferrari


    Full Text Available Youth development organizations have a unique opportunity to offer programs that help young people develop financial skills they need to become successful adults. This article describes Ohio State University Extension’s Real Money. Real World. (RMRW and the systematic approach used to evaluate its effectiveness. The RMRW curriculum includes an active, hands-on experience that gives young people the opportunity to make lifestyle and budget choices similar to those they will make as adults. The realistic simulation creates a teachable moment. The outcomes of the statewide evaluation clearly indicate the curriculum accomplishes its goals of raising awareness, changing attitudes, and motivating students to plan for behavior changes concerning financial management, education, and career choices. The article concludes with a discussion of the organizational outcomes of conducting the evaluation.

  14. 33 CFR 211.1 - Real estate defined. (United States)


    ... 33 Navigation and Navigable Waters 3 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Real estate defined. 211.1... DEFENSE REAL ESTATE ACTIVITIES OF THE CORPS OF ENGINEERS IN CONNECTION WITH CIVIL WORKS PROJECTS Real Estate; General § 211.1 Real estate defined. The term real estate as used in this part includes land...

  15. 75 FR 36271 - Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act (RESPA): Home Warranty Companies' Payments to Real Estate... (United States)


    ... Estate Settlement Procedures Act (RESPA): Home Warranty Companies' Payments to Real Estate Brokers and... RESPA and HUD's implementing RESPA regulations, services performed by real estate brokers and agents as additional settlement services in a real estate transaction are compensable if the services are actual...

  16. Real space process algebra

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Bergstra, J.A.; Baeten, J.C.M.


    The real time process algebra of Baeten and Bergstra [Formal Aspects of Computing, 3, 142-188 (1991)] is extended to real space by requiring the presence of spatial coordinates for each atomic action, in addition to the required temporal attribute. It is found that asynchronous communication

  17. Real change in the real world: an achievable goal. (United States)

    Friedman, Robert M


    This commentary builds on the papers presented at the Vanderbilt Conference by emphasizing the importance of better understanding the process of change-making if real change in the real world is to be achieved. The commentary reviews several frameworks and research findings related to achieving large-scale sustainable change that benefits children and families. It calls for the application of systems thinking as a complement to the more micro-level research that was presented at the Vanderbilt conference. Such an approach would have implications for framing of the issue, for the strategies that are taken to try to achieve change, and for research/evaluation methods for studying complex, dynamic, nonlinear systems.

  18. Formación de profesores para la enseñanza musical y artística: Un estudio comparado How to train teachers for Musical and Artistic Education: A compared study

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Hellver Jazzid Ortiz Castro


    Full Text Available En este artículo se presenta una parte de los resultados de la investigación que lleva por título " La Educación Musical y Artística en la formación del Profesorado: estudio comparativo entre la Universidad Pública de Navarra (España y la Universidad de Pamplona (Colombia". Como parte de esta investigación doctoral, el artículo surge del propósito de examinar las convergencias y divergencias de las asignaturas de educación musical y artística que se ofrecen en ambas universidades, en las especialidades de la educación musical infantil: en la UPNA (España, Especialidad de Maestro en Educación Infantil, y en la UP (Colombia, Licenciatura en Pedagogía Infantil. En sintonía con la etnografía y la antropología interpretativa (Geertz, 1989 y su aplicación a la educación musical (Campbell, 1998, se toman en cuenta sobre todo los resultados obtenidos en las entrevistas en grupo e individuales (entrevistas semi-estructuradas realizadas a los estudiantes y profesores. Se concluye que la música y la plástica no gozan de una valoración proporcional a la importancia que tienen, en la práctica real con los niños, en esta etapa educativa.In this article we present one part of the results obtained from an investigation called "Musical and Artistic Education in Teachers Training: a compared study between the Public University of Navarra ( Spain and the University of Pamplona ( Colombia ". The scope of this work is to examinee the concurrences and divergences regarding the Music and Arts Education subjects offered by both Universities, as part of the Specializations related to Children's Musical Education: a Specialization to become a Teacher in Children's Education, at UPNA ( Spain ; and a Degree in Children's Pedagogy at UP ( Colombia . Being very close to Ethnography and Interpretative Anthropology (Geertz, 1989 and to its application into Musical Education as well ( Campbell , 1998, we have taken into account the results of the

  19. Aportaciones a la flora vascular del norte de la Península Ibérica

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Fidalgo, E., Llorente, A., Cadiñanos, J.A., Tarruella, J.


    Full Text Available Se citan varios taxones nuevos o interesantes de la flora vascular del norte de la Península Ibérica, concretamente de las provincias vascas de Álava, Vizcaya y Guipúzcoa y de las comunidades de Cantabria, Asturias, Castilla-León y Navarra.

  20. The species of the genus Pseudoniphargus Chevreux, 1901 (Amphipoda) from northern Spain

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Notenboom, Jos


    Based on new material collected in 1983, 1984, and 1985, the genus Pseudoniphargus proves to be distributed in northern Spain from Asturias, in the western part of the Cordillera Cantabrica, to Navarra and Huesca, in the headlands of the Pyrenees; and from coastal Atlantic regions up to the northern

  1. Modern real analysis

    CERN Document Server

    Ziemer, William P


    This first year graduate text is a comprehensive resource in real analysis based on a modern treatment of measure and integration. Presented in a definitive and self-contained manner, it features a natural progression of concepts from simple to difficult. Several innovative topics are featured, including differentiation of measures, elements of Functional Analysis, the Riesz Representation Theorem, Schwartz distributions, the area formula, Sobolev functions and applications to harmonic functions. Together, the selection of topics forms a sound foundation in real analysis that is particularly suited to students going on to further study in partial differential equations. This second edition of Modern Real Analysis contains many substantial improvements, including the addition of problems for practicing techniques, and an entirely new section devoted to the relationship between Lebesgue and improper integrals. Aimed at graduate students with an understanding of advanced calculus, the text will also appeal to mo...

  2. Real mathematical analysis

    CERN Document Server

    Pugh, Charles C


    Based on an honors course taught by the author at UC Berkeley, this introduction to undergraduate real analysis gives a different emphasis by stressing the importance of pictures and hard problems. Topics include: a natural construction of the real numbers, four-dimensional visualization, basic point-set topology, function spaces, multivariable calculus via differential forms (leading to a simple proof of the Brouwer Fixed Point Theorem), and a pictorial treatment of Lebesgue theory. Over 150 detailed illustrations elucidate abstract concepts and salient points in proofs. The exposition is informal and relaxed, with many helpful asides, examples, some jokes, and occasional comments from mathematicians, such as Littlewood, Dieudonné, and Osserman. This book thus succeeds in being more comprehensive, more comprehensible, and more enjoyable, than standard introductions to analysis. New to the second edition of Real Mathematical Analysis is a presentation of Lebesgue integration done almost entirely using the un...

  3. Real time programming environment for Windows

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    LaBelle, D.R. [LaBelle (Dennis R.), Clifton Park, NY (United States)


    This document provides a description of the Real Time Programming Environment (RTProE). RTProE tools allow a programmer to create soft real time projects under general, multi-purpose operating systems. The basic features necessary for real time applications are provided by RTProE, leaving the programmer free to concentrate efforts on his specific project. The current version supports Microsoft Windows{trademark} 95 and NT. The tasks of real time synchronization and communication with other programs are handled by RTProE. RTProE includes a generic method for connecting a graphical user interface (GUI) to allow real time control and interaction with the programmer`s product. Topics covered in this paper include real time performance issues, portability, details of shared memory management, code scheduling, application control, Operating System specific concerns and the use of Computer Aided Software Engineering (CASE) tools. The development of RTProE is an important step in the expansion of the real time programming community. The financial costs associated with using the system are minimal. All source code for RTProE has been made publicly available. Any person with access to a personal computer, Windows 95 or NT, and C or FORTRAN compilers can quickly enter the world of real time modeling and simulation.

  4. New Schemes for Positive Real Truncation

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Kari Unneland


    Full Text Available Model reduction, based on balanced truncation, of stable and of positive real systems are considered. An overview over some of the already existing techniques are given: Lyapunov balancing and stochastic balancing, which includes Riccati balancing. A novel scheme for positive real balanced truncation is then proposed, which is a combination of the already existing Lyapunov balancing and Riccati balancing. Using Riccati balancing, the solution of two Riccati equations are needed to obtain positive real reduced order systems. For the suggested method, only one Lyapunov equation and one Riccati equation are solved in order to obtain positive real reduced order systems, which is less computationally demanding. Further it is shown, that in order to get positive real reduced order systems, only one Riccati equation needs to be solved. Finally, this is used to obtain positive real frequency weighted balanced truncation.

  5. Studying Real-World Perceptual Expertise

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jianhong eShen


    Full Text Available Significant insights into visual cognition have come from studying real-world perceptual expertise. Many have previously reviewed empirical findings and theoretical developments from this work. Here we instead provide a brief perspective on approaches, considerations, and challenges to studying real-world perceptual expertise. We discuss factors like choosing to use real-world versus artificial object domains of expertise, selecting a target domain of real-world perceptual expertise, recruiting experts, evaluating their level of expertise, and experimentally testing experts in the lab and online. Throughout our perspective, we highlight expert birding (also called birdwatching as an example, as it has been used as a target domain for over two decades in the perceptual expertise literature.

  6. GNSS global real-time augmentation positioning: Real-time precise satellite clock estimation, prototype system construction and performance analysis (United States)

    Chen, Liang; Zhao, Qile; Hu, Zhigang; Jiang, Xinyuan; Geng, Changjiang; Ge, Maorong; Shi, Chuang


    Lots of ambiguities in un-differenced (UD) model lead to lower calculation efficiency, which isn't appropriate for the high-frequency real-time GNSS clock estimation, like 1 Hz. Mixed differenced model fusing UD pseudo-range and epoch-differenced (ED) phase observations has been introduced into real-time clock estimation. In this contribution, we extend the mixed differenced model for realizing multi-GNSS real-time clock high-frequency updating and a rigorous comparison and analysis on same conditions are performed to achieve the best real-time clock estimation performance taking the efficiency, accuracy, consistency and reliability into consideration. Based on the multi-GNSS real-time data streams provided by multi-GNSS Experiment (MGEX) and Wuhan University, GPS + BeiDou + Galileo global real-time augmentation positioning prototype system is designed and constructed, including real-time precise orbit determination, real-time precise clock estimation, real-time Precise Point Positioning (RT-PPP) and real-time Standard Point Positioning (RT-SPP). The statistical analysis of the 6 h-predicted real-time orbits shows that the root mean square (RMS) in radial direction is about 1-5 cm for GPS, Beidou MEO and Galileo satellites and about 10 cm for Beidou GEO and IGSO satellites. Using the mixed differenced estimation model, the prototype system can realize high-efficient real-time satellite absolute clock estimation with no constant clock-bias and can be used for high-frequency augmentation message updating (such as 1 Hz). The real-time augmentation message signal-in-space ranging error (SISRE), a comprehensive accuracy of orbit and clock and effecting the users' actual positioning performance, is introduced to evaluate and analyze the performance of GPS + BeiDou + Galileo global real-time augmentation positioning system. The statistical analysis of real-time augmentation message SISRE is about 4-7 cm for GPS, whlile 10 cm for Beidou IGSO/MEO, Galileo and about 30 cm

  7. Real numbers tell real stories in health services management. (United States)

    Heenan, Michael; Wood, Brady; Taylor, D Wayne


    In the words of one hospital manager, "hospital data is currently indigestible and alien to the average user." Drawing upon the experience of an academic hospital that, contrary to established practice, published real numbers alongside rates and ratios during a Clostridium difficile outbreak, the authors examined the pitfalls of publishing only abstract performance measures and the advantages of releasing real numbers to the public. This article identifies lessons for hospital board governance, media relations, employee communications, and citizen and patient engagement that are applicable across the healthcare industry in many countries. If healthcare is to be a caring industry, then care should be taken in the public reporting of data and information.

  8. Essential real analysis

    CERN Document Server

    Field, Michael


    This book provides a rigorous introduction to the techniques and results of real analysis, metric spaces and multivariate differentiation, suitable for undergraduate courses. Starting from the very foundations of analysis, it offers a complete first course in real analysis, including topics rarely found in such detail in an undergraduate textbook such as the construction of non-analytic smooth functions, applications of the Euler-Maclaurin formula to estimates, and fractal geometry.  Drawing on the author’s extensive teaching and research experience, the exposition is guided by carefully chosen examples and counter-examples, with the emphasis placed on the key ideas underlying the theory. Much of the content is informed by its applicability: Fourier analysis is developed to the point where it can be rigorously applied to partial differential equations or computation, and the theory of metric spaces includes applications to ordinary differential equations and fractals. Essential Real Analysis will appeal t...

  9. Several real variables

    CERN Document Server

    Kantorovitz, Shmuel


    This undergraduate textbook is based on lectures given by the author on the differential and integral calculus of functions of several real variables. The book has a modern approach and includes topics such as: •The p-norms on vector space and their equivalence •The Weierstrass and Stone-Weierstrass approximation theorems •The differential as a linear functional; Jacobians, Hessians, and Taylor's theorem in several variables •The Implicit Function Theorem for a system of equations, proved via Banach’s Fixed Point Theorem •Applications to Ordinary Differential Equations •Line integrals and an introduction to surface integrals This book features numerous examples, detailed proofs, as well as exercises at the end of sections. Many of the exercises have detailed solutions, making the book suitable for self-study. Several Real Variables will be useful for undergraduate students in mathematics who have completed first courses in linear algebra and analysis of one real variable.

  10. Real-time PCR in virology. (United States)

    Mackay, Ian M; Arden, Katherine E; Nitsche, Andreas


    The use of the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) in molecular diagnostics has increased to the point where it is now accepted as the gold standard for detecting nucleic acids from a number of origins and it has become an essential tool in the research laboratory. Real-time PCR has engendered wider acceptance of the PCR due to its improved rapidity, sensitivity, reproducibility and the reduced risk of carry-over contamination. There are currently five main chemistries used for the detection of PCR product during real-time PCR. These are the DNA binding fluorophores, the 5' endonuclease, adjacent linear and hairpin oligoprobes and the self-fluorescing amplicons, which are described in detail. We also discuss factors that have restricted the development of multiplex real-time PCR as well as the role of real-time PCR in quantitating nucleic acids. Both amplification hardware and the fluorogenic detection chemistries have evolved rapidly as the understanding of real-time PCR has developed and this review aims to update the scientist on the current state of the art. We describe the background, advantages and limitations of real-time PCR and we review the literature as it applies to virus detection in the routine and research laboratory in order to focus on one of the many areas in which the application of real-time PCR has provided significant methodological benefits and improved patient outcomes. However, the technology discussed has been applied to other areas of microbiology as well as studies of gene expression and genetic disease.

  11. MARTe: A Multiplatform Real-Time Framework (United States)

    Neto, André C.; Sartori, Filippo; Piccolo, Fabio; Vitelli, Riccardo; De Tommasi, Gianmaria; Zabeo, Luca; Barbalace, Antonio; Fernandes, Horacio; Valcarcel, Daniel F.; Batista, Antonio J. N.


    Development of real-time applications is usually associated with nonportable code targeted at specific real-time operating systems. The boundary between hardware drivers, system services, and user code is commonly not well defined, making the development in the target host significantly difficult. The Multithreaded Application Real-Time executor (MARTe) is a framework built over a multiplatform library that allows the execution of the same code in different operating systems. The framework provides the high-level interfaces with hardware, external configuration programs, and user interfaces, assuring at the same time hard real-time performances. End-users of the framework are required to define and implement algorithms inside a well-defined block of software, named Generic Application Module (GAM), that is executed by the real-time scheduler. Each GAM is reconfigurable with a set of predefined configuration meta-parameters and interchanges information using a set of data pipes that are provided as inputs and required as output. Using these connections, different GAMs can be chained either in series or parallel. GAMs can be developed and debugged in a non-real-time system and, only once the robustness of the code and correctness of the algorithm are verified, deployed to the real-time system. The software also supplies a large set of utilities that greatly ease the interaction and debugging of a running system. Among the most useful are a highly efficient real-time logger, HTTP introspection of real-time objects, and HTTP remote configuration. MARTe is currently being used to successfully drive the plasma vertical stabilization controller on the largest magnetic confinement fusion device in the world, with a control loop cycle of 50 ?s and a jitter under 1 ?s. In this particular project, MARTe is used with the Real-Time Application Interface (RTAI)/Linux operating system exploiting the new ?86 multicore processors technology.

  12. Competent ownership in real estate business


    Timo Sneck


    The real estate businessñproject Competent Ownership (Oskito)î focuses on the role of ownership within the real estate industry. Ownership acts as the core upon which , the competitive advantages of real estate industry are for the most based. The project studies specific real estate business issues, especially îentities of possessionî that are large enough to allow the development of specialised businesses. The project is of current interest as the next phase of growth of the Finnish informa...

  13. An In-Home Digital Network Architecture for Real-Time and Non-Real-Time Communication

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Scholten, Johan; Jansen, P.G.; Hanssen, F.T.Y.; Hattink, Tjalling


    This paper describes an in-home digital network architecture that supports both real-time and non-real-time communication. The architecture deploys a distributed token mechanism to schedule communication streams and to offer guaranteed quality-ofservice. Essentially, the token mechanism prevents

  14. Modular specification of real-time systems

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Inal, Recep


    Duration Calculus, a real-time interval logic, has been embedded in the Z specification language to provide a notation for real-time systems that combines the modularisation and abstraction facilities of Z with a logic suitable for reasoning about real-time properties. In this article the notation...

  15. Hard Real-Time Networking on Firewire

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Zhang, Yuchen; Orlic, Bojan; Visser, Peter; Broenink, Jan


    This paper investigates the possibility of using standard, low-cost, widely used FireWire as a new generation fieldbus medium for real-time distributed control applications. A real-time software subsys- tem, RT-FireWire was designed that can, in combination with Linux-based real-time operating

  16. Software Design Methods for Real-Time Systems (United States)


    This module describes the concepts and methods used in the software design of real time systems . It outlines the characteristics of real time systems , describes...the role of software design in real time system development, surveys and compares some software design methods for real - time systems , and

  17. ISTTOK real-time architecture

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Carvalho, Ivo S., E-mail:; Duarte, Paulo; Fernandes, Horácio; Valcárcel, Daniel F.; Carvalho, Pedro J.; Silva, Carlos; Duarte, André S.; Neto, André; Sousa, Jorge; Batista, António J.N.; Hekkert, Tiago; Carvalho, Bernardo B.


    Highlights: • All real-time diagnostics and actuators were integrated in the same control platform. • A 100 μs control cycle was achieved under the MARTe framework. • Time-windows based control with several event-driven control strategies implemented. • AC discharges with exception handling on iron core flux saturation. • An HTML discharge configuration was developed for configuring the MARTe system. - Abstract: The ISTTOK tokamak was upgraded with a plasma control system based on the Advanced Telecommunications Computing Architecture (ATCA) standard. This control system was designed to improve the discharge stability and to extend the operational space to the alternate plasma current (AC) discharges as part of the ISTTOK scientific program. In order to accomplish these objectives all ISTTOK diagnostics and actuators relevant for real-time operation were integrated in the control system. The control system was programmed in C++ over the Multi-threaded Application Real-Time executor (MARTe) which provides, among other features, a real-time scheduler, an interrupt handler, an intercommunications interface between code blocks and a clearly bounded interface with the external devices. As a complement to the MARTe framework, the BaseLib2 library provides the foundations for the data, code introspection and also a Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) server service. Taking advantage of the modular nature of MARTe, the algorithms of each diagnostic data processing, discharge timing, context switch, control and actuators output reference generation, run on well-defined blocks of code named Generic Application Module (GAM). This approach allows reusability of the code, simplified simulation, replacement or editing without changing the remaining GAMs. The ISTTOK control system GAMs run sequentially each 100 μs cycle on an Intel{sup ®} Q8200 4-core processor running at 2.33 GHz located in the ATCA crate. Two boards (inside the ATCA crate) with 32 analog

  18. ISTTOK real-time architecture

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Carvalho, Ivo S.; Duarte, Paulo; Fernandes, Horácio; Valcárcel, Daniel F.; Carvalho, Pedro J.; Silva, Carlos; Duarte, André S.; Neto, André; Sousa, Jorge; Batista, António J.N.; Hekkert, Tiago; Carvalho, Bernardo B.


    Highlights: • All real-time diagnostics and actuators were integrated in the same control platform. • A 100 μs control cycle was achieved under the MARTe framework. • Time-windows based control with several event-driven control strategies implemented. • AC discharges with exception handling on iron core flux saturation. • An HTML discharge configuration was developed for configuring the MARTe system. - Abstract: The ISTTOK tokamak was upgraded with a plasma control system based on the Advanced Telecommunications Computing Architecture (ATCA) standard. This control system was designed to improve the discharge stability and to extend the operational space to the alternate plasma current (AC) discharges as part of the ISTTOK scientific program. In order to accomplish these objectives all ISTTOK diagnostics and actuators relevant for real-time operation were integrated in the control system. The control system was programmed in C++ over the Multi-threaded Application Real-Time executor (MARTe) which provides, among other features, a real-time scheduler, an interrupt handler, an intercommunications interface between code blocks and a clearly bounded interface with the external devices. As a complement to the MARTe framework, the BaseLib2 library provides the foundations for the data, code introspection and also a Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) server service. Taking advantage of the modular nature of MARTe, the algorithms of each diagnostic data processing, discharge timing, context switch, control and actuators output reference generation, run on well-defined blocks of code named Generic Application Module (GAM). This approach allows reusability of the code, simplified simulation, replacement or editing without changing the remaining GAMs. The ISTTOK control system GAMs run sequentially each 100 μs cycle on an Intel ® Q8200 4-core processor running at 2.33 GHz located in the ATCA crate. Two boards (inside the ATCA crate) with 32 analog

  19. Real Estate Agent Commission Disputes

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Anida Duarte


    Full Text Available The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship among Procuring Cause Law, real estate agent years of experience, and real estate commission disputes. A pilot survey was conducted in the southwestern United States among real estate agents, realtor(s, and brokers. After testing the hypothesis, the decision was made to fail to reject the hypothesis and conclude that real estate agent experience and not Procuring Cause Law produced favorable outcomes in disputes. As a result, the following recommendations were made: (a Agency seller and buyer’s agreements should be used in each transaction to avoid disputes, (b proper expectations and guidelines should be reviewed prior to starting any real estate transaction, (c a checklist may assist in the assurance that all valuable information is reviewed, (d agents could benefit from fully understanding Procuring Cause Law and sharing this information with their clients, (e state and national regulatory requirements of the law could be modified for easier understanding and use, and (f consumers who willfully violate the law could be subject to monetary penalties.

  20. Distributed, Embedded and Real-time Java Systems

    CERN Document Server

    Wellings, Andy


    Research on real-time Java technology has been prolific over the past decade, leading to a large number of corresponding hardware and software solutions, and frameworks for distributed and embedded real-time Java systems.  This book is aimed primarily at researchers in real-time embedded systems, particularly those who wish to understand the current state of the art in using Java in this domain.  Much of the work in real-time distributed, embedded and real-time Java has focused on the Real-time Specification for Java (RTSJ) as the underlying base technology, and consequently many of the Chapters in this book address issues with, or solve problems using, this framework. Describes innovative techniques in: scheduling, memory management, quality of service and communication systems supporting real-time Java applications; Includes coverage of multiprocessor embedded systems and parallel programming; Discusses state-of-the-art resource management for embedded systems, including Java’s real-time garbage collect...

  1. 15 CFR 806.8 - Real estate. (United States)


    ... 15 Commerce and Foreign Trade 3 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Real estate. 806.8 Section 806.8 Commerce and Foreign Trade Regulations Relating to Commerce and Foreign Trade (Continued) BUREAU OF ECONOMIC ANALYSIS, DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE DIRECT INVESTMENT SURVEYS § 806.8 Real estate. Residential real...

  2. Scalable Real-Time Negotiation Toolkit

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library

    Lesser, Victor


    ... to implement an adaptive distributed sensor network. These activities involved the development of a distributed soft, real-time heuristic resource allocation protocol, the development of a domain-independent soft, real time agent architecture...

  3. Advanced real-time manipulation of video streams

    CERN Document Server

    Herling, Jan


    Diminished Reality is a new fascinating technology that removes real-world content from live video streams. This sensational live video manipulation actually removes real objects and generates a coherent video stream in real-time. Viewers cannot detect modified content. Existing approaches are restricted to moving objects and static or almost static cameras and do not allow real-time manipulation of video content. Jan Herling presents a new and innovative approach for real-time object removal with arbitrary camera movements.

  4. 12 CFR 541.23 - Residential real estate. (United States)


    ... 12 Banks and Banking 5 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Residential real estate. 541.23 Section 541.23... AFFECTING FEDERAL SAVINGS ASSOCIATIONS § 541.23 Residential real estate. The terms residential real estate... home used in part for business); (c) Other real estate used for primarily residential purposes other...

  5. Real-time Pricing in Power Markets

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Boom, Anette; Schwenen, Sebastian

    We examine welfare e ects of real-time pricing in electricity markets. Before stochastic energy demand is known, competitive retailers contract with nal consumers who exogenously do not have real-time meters. After demand is realized, two electricity generators compete in a uniform price auction...... to satisfy demand from retailers acting on behalf of subscribed customers and from consumers with real-time meters. Increasing the number of consumers on real-time pricing does not always increase welfare since risk-averse consumers dislike uncertain and high prices arising through market power...

  6. Real-time Pricing in Power Markets

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Boom, Anette; Schwenen, Sebastian

    We examine welfare eects of real-time pricing in electricity markets. Before stochastic energy demand is known, competitive retailers contract with nal consumers who exogenously do not have real-time meters. After demand is realized, two electricity generators compete in a uniform price auction...... to satisfy demand from retailers acting on behalf of subscribed customers and from consumers with real-time meters. Increasing the number of consumers on real-time pricing does not always increase welfare since risk-averse consumers dislike uncertain and high prices arising through market power...

  7. The Significance of Malaysian Real Estate Research Agenda

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Muhammad Najib Razali


    Full Text Available This paper investigates research agenda by the Malaysian real estate researchers (MRERs. This study adopts a deskwork approach by examining research papers published in leading real estate journals, both international and local and papers presented in main real estate conferences from 1997 to 2010. In addition, the number of research papers published and presented were also assessed from several main real estate research journals in the US, UK, Asia/Australia and Malaysia and conferences such as American Real Estate Society (ARES, European Real Estate Society (ERES, Pacific Rim Real Estate Society (PRRES, Asian Real Estate Society (AsRES and local conference; International Real Estate Research Symposium (IRERS. The study indicates that the Malaysian real estate researchers (MRERs have made a positive contribution to the global real estate research. Nevertheless, there is still more effort needed in order to compete in the global real estate research agenda. It is anticipated that this trend will change since the Malaysian government has emphasised on improving the quality of higher learning institutions' for which research and publication will be the main agenda. The contribution from MRERs will significantly improve Malaysian universities standing in global ranking.

  8. Research of real-time communication software (United States)

    Li, Maotang; Guo, Jingbo; Liu, Yuzhong; Li, Jiahong


    Real-time communication has been playing an increasingly important role in our work, life and ocean monitor. With the rapid progress of computer and communication technique as well as the miniaturization of communication system, it is needed to develop the adaptable and reliable real-time communication software in the ocean monitor system. This paper involves the real-time communication software research based on the point-to-point satellite intercommunication system. The object-oriented design method is adopted, which can transmit and receive video data and audio data as well as engineering data by satellite channel. In the real-time communication software, some software modules are developed, which can realize the point-to-point satellite intercommunication in the ocean monitor system. There are three advantages for the real-time communication software. One is that the real-time communication software increases the reliability of the point-to-point satellite intercommunication system working. Second is that some optional parameters are intercalated, which greatly increases the flexibility of the system working. Third is that some hardware is substituted by the real-time communication software, which not only decrease the expense of the system and promotes the miniaturization of communication system, but also aggrandizes the agility of the system.

  9. Aplicación del Aprendizaje Basado en Problemas para el estudio de Funciones Reales de Variables Reales


    Varela Lezeta, María Concepción


    Duración (en horas): De 21 a 30 horas. Nivel educativo: Grado Se presenta una aplicación de la metodología ABP para el estudio de las funciones reales de dos o mas variables reales. A través de una serie de actividades se guía al alumnado a la comprensión del indicador de aprendizaje que quiera trabajar. Es necesario tener claros los conceptos que se trabajan (continuidad, derivabilidad) para función real de una variables real.

  10. 12 CFR 541.27 - Unimproved real estate. (United States)


    ... 12 Banks and Banking 5 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Unimproved real estate. 541.27 Section 541.27... AFFECTING FEDERAL SAVINGS ASSOCIATIONS § 541.27 Unimproved real estate. The term unimproved real estate means real estate that will be improved, as defined in § 541.15 or § 541.16 of this part. ...

  11. Mixed - mode Operating System for Real - time Performance

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Hasan M. M.


    Full Text Available The purpose of the mixed-mode system research is to handle devices with the accuracy of real-time systems and at the same time, having all the benefits and facilities of a matured Graphic User Interface(GUIoperating system which is typicallynon-real-time. This mixed-mode operating system comprising of a real-time portion and a non-real-time portion was studied and implemented to identify the feasibilities and performances in practical applications (in the context of scheduled the real-time events. In this research an i8751 microcontroller-based hardware was used to measure the performance of the system in real-time-only as well as non-real-time-only configurations. The real-time portion is an 486DX-40 IBM PC system running under DOS-based real-time kernel and the non-real-time portion is a Pentium IIIbased system running under Windows NT. It was found that mixed-mode systems performed as good as a typical real-time system and in fact, gave many additional benefits such as simplified/modular programming and load tolerance.

  12. Multiprocessor scheduling for real-time systems

    CERN Document Server

    Baruah, Sanjoy; Buttazzo, Giorgio


    This book provides a comprehensive overview of both theoretical and pragmatic aspects of resource-allocation and scheduling in multiprocessor and multicore hard-real-time systems.  The authors derive new, abstract models of real-time tasks that capture accurately the salient features of real application systems that are to be implemented on multiprocessor platforms, and identify rules for mapping application systems onto the most appropriate models.  New run-time multiprocessor scheduling algorithms are presented, which are demonstrably better than those currently used, both in terms of run-time efficiency and tractability of off-line analysis.  Readers will benefit from a new design and analysis framework for multiprocessor real-time systems, which will translate into a significantly enhanced ability to provide formally verified, safety-critical real-time systems at a significantly lower cost.

  13. Real analysis

    CERN Document Server

    McShane, Edward James


    This text surveys practical elements of real function theory, general topology, and functional analysis. Discusses the maximality principle, the notion of convergence, the Lebesgue-Stieltjes integral, function spaces and harmonic analysis. Includes exercises. 1959 edition.

  14. Intervention Programmes for Developing Positive Self-Concepts in Hospitalized Children. (United States)

    Lizasoain, Olga; Polaino, Aquilino


    Describes a program implemented in Navarra, Spain, to prepare children for hospitalization and to provide psychopedagogical follow-up to develop positive self-concepts. Describes the effects of the program on 40 hospitalized children between the ages of 8 and 12, reporting a more positive self-concept among the children who received the…

  15. Mindfulness in Art Contemplation. The Story of a Rothko Experience (United States)

    Echarri, Fernando; Urpi, Carmen


    The nature and scope of the experiences offered to museum visitors are varied and changing, given that museums make it possible to explore new methodologies for unleashing and transmitting meaning during visits. In this regard, at the University of Navarra Museum, we researched the possibilities for mindfulness as a contemplative technique to…

  16. Integration of MDSplus in real-time systems

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Luchetta, A.; Manduchi, G.; Taliercio, C.


    RFX-mod makes extensive usage of real-time systems for feedback control and uses MDSplus to interface them to the main Data Acquisition system. For this purpose, the core of MDSplus has been ported to VxWorks, the operating system used for real-time control in RFX. Using this approach, it is possible to integrate real-time systems, but MDSplus is used only for non-real-time tasks, i.e. those tasks which are executed before and after the pulse and whose performance does not affect the system time constraints. More extensive use of MDSplus in real-time systems is foreseen, and a real-time layer for MDSplus is under development, which will provide access to memory-mapped pulse files, shared by the tasks running on the same CPU. Real-time communication will also be integrated in the MDSplus core to provide support for distributed memory-mapped pulse files

  17. Real analysis with economic applications

    CERN Document Server

    Ok, Efe A


    There are many mathematics textbooks on real analysis, but they focus on topics not readily helpful for studying economic theory or they are inaccessible to most graduate students of economics. Real Analysis with Economic Applications aims to fill this gap by providing an ideal textbook and reference on real analysis tailored specifically to the concerns of such students. The emphasis throughout is on topics directly relevant to economic theory. In addition to addressing the usual topics of real analysis, this book discusses the elements of order theory, convex analysis, optimization, correspondences, linear and nonlinear functional analysis, fixed-point theory, dynamic programming, and calculus of variations. Efe Ok complements the mathematical development with applications that provide concise introductions to various topics from economic theory, including individual decision theory and games, welfare economics, information theory, general equilibrium and finance, and intertemporal economics. Moreover, a...

  18. Strange functions in real analysis

    CERN Document Server

    Kharazishvili, AB


    Weierstrass and Blancmange nowhere differentiable functions, Lebesgue integrable functions with everywhere divergent Fourier series, and various nonintegrable Lebesgue measurable functions. While dubbed strange or "pathological," these functions are ubiquitous throughout mathematics and play an important role in analysis, not only as counterexamples of seemingly true and natural statements, but also to stimulate and inspire the further development of real analysis.Strange Functions in Real Analysis explores a number of important examples and constructions of pathological functions. After introducing the basic concepts, the author begins with Cantor and Peano-type functions, then moves to functions whose constructions require essentially noneffective methods. These include functions without the Baire property, functions associated with a Hamel basis of the real line, and Sierpinski-Zygmund functions that are discontinuous on each subset of the real line having the cardinality continuum. Finally, he considers e...

  19. Introduction to Real Analysis An Educational Approach

    CERN Document Server

    Bauldry, William C


    An accessible introduction to real analysis and its connection to elementary calculus Bridging the gap between the development and history of real analysis, Introduction to Real Analysis: An Educational Approach presents a comprehensive introduction to real analysis while also offering a survey of the field. With its balance of historical background, key calculus methods, and hands-on applications, this book provides readers with a solid foundation and fundamental understanding of real analysis. The book begins with an outline of basic calculus, including a close examination of problems illust

  20. Real-world outcomes

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Holmgreen, Lise-Lotte

    -down model of feeding back research findings to subjects” (Roberts and Sarangi 2003, 340) although, arguably, making results applicable to a real-world context ought to be an essential goal of researcher-practitioner studies. This issue forms the background of the presentation, in which it will be discussed...... how the dissemination of research findings may take place to ensure the creation of real-world outcomes for practitioners (cf. e.g. Nørreklit et al. 1987; Puchta & Potter 2004). The presentation will be centered around the interview study of the discursive constructions of culture in a Danish cross...

  1. RealCalc : a real time Java calculation tool. Application to HVSR estimation (United States)

    Hloupis, G.; Vallianatos, F.


    Java computation platform is not a newcomer in the seismology field. It is mainly used for applications regarding collecting, requesting, spreading and visualizing seismological data because it is productive, safe and has low maintenance costs. Although it has very attractive characteristics for the engineers, Java didn't used frequently in real time applications where prediction and reliability required as a reaction to real world events. The main reasons for this are the absence of priority support (such as priority ceiling or priority inversion) and the use of an automated memory management (called garbage collector). To overcome these problems a number of extensions have been proposed with the Real Time Specification for Java (RTSJ) being the most promising and used one. In the current study we used the RTSJ to build an application that receives data continuously and provides estimations in real time. The application consists of four main modules: incoming data, preprocessing, estimation and publication. As an application example we present real time HVSR estimation. Microtremors recordings are collected continuously from the incoming data module. The preprocessing module consists of a window selector tool based on wavelets which is applied on the incoming data stream in order derive the most stationary parts. The estimation module provides all the necessary calculations according to user specifications. Finally the publication module except the results presentation it also calculates attributes and relevant statistics for each site (temporal variations, HVSR stability). Acknowledgements This work is partially supported by the Greek General Secretariat of Research and Technology in the frame of Crete Regional Project 2000- 2006 (M1.2): "TALOS: An integrated system of seismic hazard monitoring and management in the front of the Hellenic Arc", CRETE PEP7 (KP_7).

  2. Real-time data access layer for MDSplus

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Manduchi, G.; Luchetta, A.; Taliercio, C.; Fredian, T.; Stillerman, J.


    Recent extensions to MDSplus allow data handling in long discharges and provide a real-time data access and communication layer. The real-time data access layer is an additional component of MDSplus: it is possible to use the traditional MDSplus API during normal operation, and to select a subset of data items to be used in real time. Real-time notification is provided by a communication layer using a publish-subscribe pattern. The notification covers processes sharing the same data items even running on different machines, thus allowing the implementation of distributed control systems. The real-time data access layer has been developed for Windows, Linux, and VxWorks; it is currently being ported to Linux RTAI. In order to quantify the fingerprint of the presented system, the performance of the real-time access layer approach is compared with that of an ad hoc, manually optimized program in a sample real-time application

  3. Prototyping real-time systems


    Clynch, Gary


    The traditional software development paradigm, the waterfall life cycle model, is defective when used for developing real-time systems. This thesis puts forward an executable prototyping approach for the development of real-time systems. A prototyping system is proposed which uses ESML (Extended Systems Modelling Language) as a prototype specification language. The prototyping system advocates the translation of non-executable ESML specifications into executable LOOPN (Language of Object ...

  4. Real-time Energy Resource Scheduling considering a Real Portuguese Scenario

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Silva, Marco; Sousa, Tiago; Morais, Hugo


    The development in power systems and the introduction of decentralized gen eration and Electric Vehicles (EVs), both connected to distribution networks, represents a major challenge in the planning and operation issues. This new paradigm requires a new energy resources management approach which...... scheduling in smart grids, considering day - ahead, hour - ahead and real - time scheduling. The case study considers a 33 - bus distribution network with high penetration of distributed energy resources . The wind generation profile is base d o n a rea l Portuguese wind farm . Four scenarios are presented...... taking into account 0, 1, 2 and 5 periods (hours or minutes) ahead of the scheduling period in the hour - ahead and real - time scheduling...

  5. Accuracy of the Government-Owned Contractor-Occupied Real Property in the Military Departments' Real Property Databases

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library


    .... Accurate reporting of real property on the Military Departments' real property databases is essential to DoD and the Federal Government receiving favorable audit opinions on their financial statements...

  6. Research in Distributed Real-Time Systems (United States)

    Mukkamala, R.


    This document summarizes the progress we have made on our study of issues concerning the schedulability of real-time systems. Our study has produced several results in the scalability issues of distributed real-time systems. In particular, we have used our techniques to resolve schedulability issues in distributed systems with end-to-end requirements. During the next year (1997-98), we propose to extend the current work to address the modeling and workload characterization issues in distributed real-time systems. In particular, we propose to investigate the effect of different workload models and component models on the design and the subsequent performance of distributed real-time systems.

  7. A Real-Time Systems Symposium Preprint. (United States)


    Real - Time Systems Symposium Preprint Interim Tech...estimate of the occurence of the error. Unclassii ledSECUqITY CLASSIF’ICA T" NO MI*IA If’ inDI /’rrd erter for~~ble. ’Corrputnqg A REAL - TIME SYSTEMS SYMPOSIUM...ABSTRACT This technical report contains a preprint of a paper accepted for presentation at the REAL - TIME SYSTEMS SYMPOSIUM, Arlington,

  8. Exponential rarefaction of real curves with many components


    Gayet , Damien; Welschinger , Jean-Yves


    21 pages; Given a positive real Hermitian holomorphic line bundle L over a smooth real projective manifold X, the space of real holomorphic sections of the bundle L^d inherits for every positive integer d a L^2 scalar product which induces a Gaussian measure. When X is a curve or a surface, we estimate the volume of the cone of real sections whose vanishing locus contains many real components. In particular, the volume of the cone of maximal real sections decreases exponentially as d grows to...

  9. Real analysis an introduction to the theory of real functions and integration

    CERN Document Server

    Dshalalow, Jewgeni H


    Designed for use in a two-semester course on abstract analysis, REAL ANALYSIS: An Introduction to the Theory of Real Functions and Integration illuminates the principle topics that constitute real analysis. Self-contained, with coverage of topology, measure theory, and integration, it offers a thorough elaboration of major theorems, notions, and constructions needed not only by mathematics students but also by students of statistics and probability, operations research, physics, and engineering.Structured logically and flexibly through the author''s many years of teaching experience, the material is presented in three main sections:Part 1, chapters 1through 3, covers the preliminaries of set theory and the fundamentals of metric spaces and topology. This section can also serves as a text for first courses in topology.Part II, chapter 4 through 7, details the basics of measure and integration and stands independently for use in a separate measure theory course.Part III addresses more advanced topics, includin...

  10. The source of real and nominal exchange rate fluctuations in Thailand: Real shock or nominal shock


    Le Thanh, Binh


    This paper examines the source of exchange rate fluctuations in Thailand. We employed a structural vector auto-regression (SVAR) model with the long-run neutrality restriction of Blanchard and Quah (1989) to investigate the changes in real and nominal exchange rates from 1994 to 2015. In this paper, we assume that there are two types of shocks which related to exchange rate movements: real shocks and nominal shocks. The empirical analysis indicates that real shocks are the fundamental compon...


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)



    Full Text Available El objetivo de este trabajo es el estudio del desempeño de la Sociedad Laboral Navarra, a través del análisis de sus resultados económicos y financieros. El período de análisis se refiere a 1994-2003. Compararemos estos resultados con los obtenidos, para el mismo periodo, por la Sociedad Mercantil Navarra, e inferiremos, a partir del estudio comparado, en aquellas características que diferencian, desde el marco de la función financiera, el comportamiento de las Sociedades Laborales (LOFs de las Sociedades Mercantiles (PCFs./The primary purpose of this paper is to assess the performance of the labour-managed firms of Navarre, Spain, through an analysis of their economic and financial measures of performance during the 1994-2003 period. We also conduct a similar analysis of the financial and economic indicators of the mercantile firms of Navarre during the same time frame and identify the indexes that reflect competitive advantage to either type of firm.

  12. Making real-time reactive systems reliable (United States)

    Marzullo, Keith; Wood, Mark


    A reactive system is characterized by a control program that interacts with an environment (or controlled program). The control program monitors the environment and reacts to significant events by sending commands to the environment. This structure is quite general. Not only are most embedded real time systems reactive systems, but so are monitoring and debugging systems and distributed application management systems. Since reactive systems are usually long running and may control physical equipment, fault tolerance is vital. The research tries to understand the principal issues of fault tolerance in real time reactive systems and to build tools that allow a programmer to design reliable, real time reactive systems. In order to make real time reactive systems reliable, several issues must be addressed: (1) How can a control program be built to tolerate failures of sensors and actuators. To achieve this, a methodology was developed for transforming a control program that references physical value into one that tolerates sensors that can fail and can return inaccurate values; (2) How can the real time reactive system be built to tolerate failures of the control program. Towards this goal, whether the techniques presented can be extended to real time reactive systems is investigated; and (3) How can the environment be specified in a way that is useful for writing a control program. Towards this goal, whether a system with real time constraints can be expressed as an equivalent system without such constraints is also investigated.

  13. Storm real-time processing cookbook

    CERN Document Server

    Anderson, Quinton


    A Cookbook with plenty of practical recipes for different uses of Storm.If you are a Java developer with basic knowledge of real-time processing and would like to learn Storm to process unbounded streams of data in real time, then this book is for you.

  14. From real to complex analysis

    CERN Document Server

    Dyer, R H


    The purpose of this book is to provide an integrated course in real and complex analysis for those who have already taken a preliminary course in real analysis. It particularly emphasises the interplay between analysis and topology. Beginning with the theory of the Riemann integral (and its improper extension) on the real line, the fundamentals of metric spaces are then developed, with special attention being paid to connectedness, simple connectedness and various forms of homotopy. The final chapter develops the theory of complex analysis, in which emphasis is placed on the argument, the winding number, and a general (homology) version of Cauchy's theorem which is proved using the approach due to Dixon. Special features are the inclusion of proofs of Montel's theorem, the Riemann mapping theorem and the Jordan curve theorem that arise naturally from the earlier development. Extensive exercises are included in each of the chapters, detailed solutions of the majority of which are given at the end. From Real to...

  15. Real solutions to equations from geometry

    CERN Document Server

    Sottile, Frank


    Understanding, finding, or even deciding on the existence of real solutions to a system of equations is a difficult problem with many applications outside of mathematics. While it is hopeless to expect much in general, we know a surprising amount about these questions for systems which possess additional structure often coming from geometry. This book focuses on equations from toric varieties and Grassmannians. Not only is much known about these, but such equations are common in applications. There are three main themes: upper bounds on the number of real solutions, lower bounds on the number of real solutions, and geometric problems that can have all solutions be real. The book begins with an overview, giving background on real solutions to univariate polynomials and the geometry of sparse polynomial systems. The first half of the book concludes with fewnomial upper bounds and with lower bounds to sparse polynomial systems. The second half of the book begins by sampling some geometric problems for which all ...

  16. Real analysis

    CERN Document Server

    DiBenedetto, Emmanuele


    The second edition of this classic textbook presents a rigorous and self-contained introduction to real analysis with the goal of providing a solid foundation for future coursework and research in applied mathematics. Written in a clear and concise style, it covers all of the necessary subjects as well as those often absent from standard introductory texts. Each chapter features a “Problems and Complements” section that includes additional material that briefly expands on certain topics within the chapter and numerous exercises for practicing the key concepts. The first eight chapters explore all of the basic topics for training in real analysis, beginning with a review of countable sets before moving on to detailed discussions of measure theory, Lebesgue integration, Banach spaces, functional analysis, and weakly differentiable functions. More topical applications are discussed in the remaining chapters, such as maximal functions, functions of bounded mean oscillation, rearrangements, potential theory, a...

  17. Space Weather and Real-Time Monitoring

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    S Watari


    Full Text Available Recent advance of information and communications technology enables to collect a large amount of ground-based and space-based observation data in real-time. The real-time data realize nowcast of space weather. This paper reports a history of space weather by the International Space Environment Service (ISES in association with the International Geophysical Year (IGY and importance of real-time monitoring in space weather.

  18. Research Directions in Real-Time Systems. (United States)


    This report summarizes a survey of published research in real time systems . Material is presented that provides an overview of the topic, focusing on...communications protocols and scheduling techniques. It is noted that real - time systems deserve special attention separate from other areas because of...formal tools for design and analysis of real - time systems . The early work on applications as well as notable theoretical advances are summarized

  19. The real deal: Willingness-to-pay and satiety expectations are greater for real foods versus their images. (United States)

    Romero, Carissa A; Compton, Michael T; Yang, Yueran; Snow, Jacqueline C


    Laboratory studies of human dietary choice have relied on computerized two-dimensional (2D) images as stimuli, whereas in everyday life, consumers make decisions in the context of real foods that have actual caloric content and afford grasping and consumption. Surprisingly, few studies have compared whether real foods are valued more than 2D images of foods, and in the studies that have, differences in the stimuli and testing conditions could have resulted in inflated bids for the real foods. Moreover, although the caloric content of food images has been shown to influence valuation, no studies to date have investigated whether 'real food exposure effects' on valuation reflect greater sensitivity to the caloric content of real foods versus images. Here, we compared willingness-to-pay (WTP) for, and expectations about satiety after consuming, everyday snack foods that were displayed as real foods versus 2D images. Critically, our 2D images were matched closely to the real foods for size, background, illumination, and apparent distance, and trial presentation and stimulus timing were identical across conditions. We used linear mixed effects modeling to determine whether effects of display format were modulated by food preference and the caloric content of the foods. Compared to food images, observers were willing to pay 6.62% more for (Experiment 1) and believed that they would feel more satiated after consuming (Experiment 2), foods displayed as real objects. Moreover, these effects appeared to be consistent across food preference, caloric content, as well as observers' estimates of the caloric content of the foods. Together, our results confirm that consumers' perception and valuation of everyday foods is influenced by the format in which they are displayed. Our findings raise important new insights into the factors that shape dietary choice in real-world contexts and highlight potential avenues for improving public health approaches to diet and obesity. Copyright

  20. Model Checking Real-Time Systems

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bouyer, Patricia; Fahrenberg, Uli; Larsen, Kim Guldstrand


    This chapter surveys timed automata as a formalism for model checking real-time systems. We begin with introducing the model, as an extension of finite-state automata with real-valued variables for measuring time. We then present the main model-checking results in this framework, and give a hint...

  1. The touch of the real. Il New Historicism e il potere del reale psichiatrico in Foucault

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    VARRICCHIO, Francesco


    Full Text Available [The touch of the real. The New Historicism and the power of the psychiatric real in Foucault] What is the meaning of “touch of the real”? This paper connects the new historicist Greenblatt’s phrase to Foucault’s use of the term real during his lecture course on psychiatric power. According to New Historicism, influenced by the French philosopher’s thought, representation links to reality; but this reality is imbued with power relations. Throughout his course, Foucault repeteadly argues that therapeutic asylum imposes on subjectified bodiesthe reality of power and the power of reality thanks to a disciplinary technology. The constant visibility produces individuals also in other fields of the social and institutional life, in which the Panopticon principle is effective. The real springs from this mechanism and its representation.

  2. Benefits of real-time gas management

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nolty, R.; Dolezalek, D. Jr.


    In today's competitive gas gathering, processing, storage and transportation business environment, the requirements to do business are continually changing. These changes arise from government regulations such as the amendments to the Clean Air Act concerning the environment and FERC Order 636 concerning business practices. Other changes are due to advances in technology such as electronic flow measurement (EFM) and real-time communications capabilities within the gas industry. Gas gathering, processing, storage and transportation companies must be flexible in adapting to these changes to remain competitive. These dynamic requirements can be met with an open, real-time gas management computer information system. Such a system provides flexible services with a variety of software applications. Allocations, nominations management and gas dispatching are examples of applications that are provided on a real-time basis. By providing real-time services, the gas management system enables operations personnel to make timely adjustments within the current accounting period. Benefits realized from implementing a real-time gas management system include reduced unaccountable gas, reduced imbalance penalties, reduced regulatory violations, improved facility operations and better service to customers. These benefits give a company the competitive edge. This article discusses the applications provided, the benefits from implementing a real-time gas management system, and the definition of such a system

  3. China; Sources of Real Exchange Rate Fluctuations


    Tao Wang


    This paper reviews the evolution of China's real effective exchange rate between 1980 and 2002, and uses a structural vector autoregression model to study the relative importance of different types of macroeconomic shocks for fluctuations in the real exchange rate. The structural decomposition shows that relative real demand and supply shocks account for most of the variations in real exchange rate changes during the estimation period. The paper also finds that supply shocks are as important ...

  4. 7 CFR 1955.105 - Real property affected (CONACT). (United States)


    ... inventory property. State Directors in consultation with other lenders, real estate agents, auctioneers, and... analyze farm real estate market conditions within the geographic areas of their jurisdiction and determine... real estate conditions. If the analyses of farm real estate conditions indicate that such sales would...

  5. 12 CFR 541.16 - Improved residential real estate. (United States)


    ... 12 Banks and Banking 5 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Improved residential real estate. 541.16... REGULATIONS AFFECTING FEDERAL SAVINGS ASSOCIATIONS § 541.16 Improved residential real estate. The term improved residential real estate means residential real estate containing offsite or other improvements...

  6. 12 CFR 541.15 - Improved nonresidential real estate. (United States)


    ... 12 Banks and Banking 5 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Improved nonresidential real estate. 541.15... REGULATIONS AFFECTING FEDERAL SAVINGS ASSOCIATIONS § 541.15 Improved nonresidential real estate. The term improved nonresidential real estate means nonresidential real estate: (a) Containing a permanent structure...

  7. Castillo del Real. Olocau




    El objetivo que se quiere alcanzar con este proyecto es el de realizar un estudio lo más cercano posible del Catillo del Real, de manera que se pueda conocer su origen, su evolución a lo largo de la historia, así como las diferentes técnicas y sistemas constructivos utilizados en su construcción. Auñón Vallejo, J. (2011). Castillo del Real. Olocau. Archivo delegado

  8. Application of XML in real-time data warehouse (United States)

    Zhao, Yanhong; Wang, Beizhan; Liu, Lizhao; Ye, Su


    At present, XML is one of the most widely-used technologies of data-describing and data-exchanging, and the needs for real-time data make real-time data warehouse a popular area in the research of data warehouse. What effects can we have if we apply XML technology to the research of real-time data warehouse? XML technology solves many technologic problems which are impossible to be addressed in traditional real-time data warehouse, and realize the integration of OLAP (On-line Analytical Processing) and OLTP (Online transaction processing) environment. Then real-time data warehouse can truly be called "real time".

  9. Making fictions sound real

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Langkjær, Birger


    This article examines the role that sound plays in making fictions perceptually real to film audiences, whether these fictions are realist or non-realist in content and narrative form. I will argue that some aspects of film sound practices and the kind of experiences they trigger are related...... to basic rules of human perception, whereas others are more properly explained in relation to how aesthetic devices, including sound, are used to characterise the fiction and thereby make it perceptually real to its audience. Finally, I will argue that not all genres can be defined by a simple taxonomy...... of sounds. Apart from an account of the kinds of sounds that typically appear in a specific genre, a genre analysis of sound may also benefit from a functionalist approach that focuses on how sounds can make both realist and non-realist aspects of genres sound real to audiences....

  10. Lagrangian solution of supersonic real gas flows

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Loh, Chingyuen; Liou, Mengsing


    This paper details the procedure of the real gas Riemann solution in the Lagrangian approach originally proposed by Loh and Hui for perfect gases. The extension to real gases is nontrivial and requires substantial development of an exact real-gas Riemann solver for the Lagrangian form of conservation laws. The first-order Gudonov scheme is enhanced for accuracy by adding limited anti-diffusive terms according to Sweby. Extensive calculations were made to test the accuracy and robustness of the present real gas Lagrangian approach, including complex wave interactions of different types. The accuracy for capturing 2D oblique waves and slip line is clearly demonstrated. In addition, we also show the real gas effect in a generic engine nozzle

  11. Technical life cycle of real estates


    Taina Koskelo


    Real estate business is developing fast. Development needs are challenging because of interdiciplinariness and diverseness of the branch. The main mission of real estate business is to provide premises for its customers. Designers are planning the buildings, contractors are building them and owners are supplying premises for users. During the use the real estate market needs different kinds of facilitating services directed to users or owner of buildings. Facilities Management services (FM) c...

  12. The real-time price elasticity of electricity

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Lijesen, M.G.


    The real-time price elasticity of electricity contains important information on the demand response of consumers to the volatility of peak prices. Despite the importance, empirical estimates of the real-time elasticity are hardly available. This paper provides a quantification of the real-time

  13. A zero-dimensional approach to compute real radicals

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Silke J. Spang


    Full Text Available The notion of real radicals is a fundamental tool in Real Algebraic Geometry. It takes the role of the radical ideal in Complex Algebraic Geometry. In this article I shall describe the zero-dimensional approach and efficiency improvement I have found during the work on my diploma thesis at the University of Kaiserslautern (cf. [6]. The main focus of this article is on maximal ideals and the properties they have to fulfil to be real. New theorems and properties about maximal ideals are introduced which yield an heuristic prepare_max which splits the maximal ideals into three classes, namely real, not real and the class where we can't be sure whether they are real or not. For the latter we have to apply a coordinate change into general position until we are sure about realness. Finally this constructs a randomized algorithm for real radicals. The underlying theorems and algorithms are described in detail.

  14. Caractéristiques analytiques du Txakolí de Bizkaia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ana Escobal


    Full Text Available Cette note présente la comparaison de la constitution des vins de Txakolí avec celle des vins de Navarra, Rioja Alavesa et Galicia, ce qui a permis d'établir des différences importantes, qui doivent empêcher les falsifications du Txakolí, vin assez cher car issu d'une petite production.

  15. A study of real-time content marketing : formulating real-time content marketing based on content, search and social media


    Nguyen, Thi Kim Duyen


    The primary objective of this research is to understand profoundly the new concept of content marketing – real-time content marketing on the aspect of the digital marketing experts. Particularly, the research will focus on the real-time content marketing theories and how to build real-time content marketing strategy based on content, search and social media. It also finds out how marketers measure and keep track of conversion rates of their real-time content marketing plan. Practically, th...

  16. Review of processes for the release of DOE real and non-real property for reuse and recycle

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ranek, N.L.; Kamboj, S.; Hensley, J.; Chen, S.Y.; Blunt, D.


    This report summarizes the underlying historical and regulatory framework supporting the concept of authorizing release for restricted or unrestricted reuse or recycle of real and non-real U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) properties containing residual radioactive material. Basic radiation protection principles as recommended by the International Commission on Radiological Protection are reviewed, and international initiatives to investigate radiological clearance criteria are reported. Applicable requirements of the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, the Environmental Protection Agency, DOE, and the State of Washington are discussed. Several processes that have been developed for establishing cleanup and release criteria for real and non-real DOE property containing residual radioactive material are presented. Examples of DOE real property for which radiological cleanup criteria were established to support unrestricted release are provided. Properties discussed include Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Project sites, Uranium Mill Tailings Remedial Action Project sites, the Shippingport decommissioning project, the south-middle and south-east vaults in the 317 area at Argonne National Laboratory, the Heavy Water Components Test Reactor at DOE's Savannah River Site, the Experimental Boiling Water Reactor at Argonne National Laboratory, and the Weldon Spring site. Some examples of non-real property for which DOE sites have established criteria to support unrestricted release are also furnished. 10 figs., 4 tabs

  17. 12 CFR 614.4265 - Real property evaluations. (United States)


    ....4265 Banks and Banking FARM CREDIT ADMINISTRATION FARM CREDIT SYSTEM LOAN POLICIES AND OPERATIONS Collateral Evaluation Requirements § 614.4265 Real property evaluations. (a) Real estate shall be valued on... property and operation where the transaction value exceeds $250,000 and the real estate taken as collateral...

  18. Archtecture of distributed real-time systems


    Wing Leung, Cheuk


    CRAFTERS (Constraint and Application Driven Framework for Tailoring Embedded Real-time System) project aims to address the problem of uncertainty and heterogeneity in a distributed system by providing seamless, portable connectivity and middleware. This thesis contributes to the project by investigating the techniques that can be used in a distributed real-time embedded system. The conclusion is that, there is a list of specifications to be meet in order to provide a transparent and real-time...

  19. Identifying chiral bands in real nuclei

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Shirinda, O.; Lawrie, E.A.


    The application of the presently used fingerprints of chiral bands (originally derived for strongly broken chirality) is investigated for real chiral systems. In particular the chiral fingerprints concerning the B(M1) staggering patterns and the energy staggering are studied. It is found that both fingerprints show considerable changes for real chiral systems, a behaviour that creates a significant risk for misinterpretation of the experimental data and can lead to a failure to identify real chiral systems. (orig.)

  20. 33 CFR 211.22 - Real estate Claims Officers. (United States)


    ... 33 Navigation and Navigable Waters 3 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Real estate Claims Officers. 211..., DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE REAL ESTATE ACTIVITIES OF THE CORPS OF ENGINEERS IN CONNECTION WITH CIVIL WORKS PROJECTS Real Estate Claims § 211.22 Real estate Claims Officers. In each Division Office the Division...

  1. Real Time Conference 2016 Overview (United States)

    Luchetta, Adriano


    This is a special issue of the IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science containing papers from the invited, oral, and poster presentation of the 20th Real Time Conference (RT2016). The conference was held June 6-10, 2016, at Centro Congressi Padova “A. Luciani,” Padova, Italy, and was organized by Consorzio RFX (CNR, ENEA, INFN, Università di Padova, Acciaierie Venete SpA) and the Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare. The Real Time Conference is multidisciplinary and focuses on the latest developments in real-time techniques in high-energy physics, nuclear physics, astrophysics and astroparticle physics, nuclear fusion, medical physics, space instrumentation, nuclear power instrumentation, general radiation instrumentation, and real-time security and safety. Taking place every second year, it is sponsored by the Computer Application in Nuclear and Plasma Sciences technical committee of the IEEE Nuclear and Plasma Sciences Society. RT2016 attracted more than 240 registrants, with a large proportion of young researchers and engineers. It had an attendance of 67 students from many countries.

  2. Real-time video quality monitoring (United States)

    Liu, Tao; Narvekar, Niranjan; Wang, Beibei; Ding, Ran; Zou, Dekun; Cash, Glenn; Bhagavathy, Sitaram; Bloom, Jeffrey


    The ITU-T Recommendation G.1070 is a standardized opinion model for video telephony applications that uses video bitrate, frame rate, and packet-loss rate to measure the video quality. However, this model was original designed as an offline quality planning tool. It cannot be directly used for quality monitoring since the above three input parameters are not readily available within a network or at the decoder. And there is a great room for the performance improvement of this quality metric. In this article, we present a real-time video quality monitoring solution based on this Recommendation. We first propose a scheme to efficiently estimate the three parameters from video bitstreams, so that it can be used as a real-time video quality monitoring tool. Furthermore, an enhanced algorithm based on the G.1070 model that provides more accurate quality prediction is proposed. Finally, to use this metric in real-world applications, we present an example emerging application of real-time quality measurement to the management of transmitted videos, especially those delivered to mobile devices.

  3. 32 CFR 644.30 - Preliminary real estate work. (United States)


    ... 32 National Defense 4 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 true Preliminary real estate work. 644.30 Section 644... PROPERTY REAL ESTATE HANDBOOK Project Planning Military (army and Air Force) and Other Federal Agencies § 644.30 Preliminary real estate work. (a) Preliminary real estate work is defined as that action taken...

  4. 12 CFR 34.62 - Real estate lending standards. (United States)


    ... 12 Banks and Banking 1 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Real estate lending standards. 34.62 Section 34.62 Banks and Banking COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY, DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY REAL ESTATE LENDING AND APPRAISALS Real Estate Lending Standards § 34.62 Real estate lending standards. (a) Each national bank shall...

  5. Mixed - mode Operating System for Real - time Performance


    Hasan M. M.; Sultana S.; Foo C.K.


    The purpose of the mixed-mode system research is to handle devices with the accuracy of real-time systems and at the same time, having all the benefits and facilities of a matured Graphic User Interface(GUI)operating system which is typicallynon-real-time. This mixed-mode operating system comprising of a real-time portion and a non-real-time portion was studied and implemented to identify the feasibilities and performances in practical applications (in the context of scheduled the real-time e...

  6. Real and complex analysis

    CERN Document Server

    Apelian, Christopher; Taft, Earl; Nashed, Zuhair


    The Spaces R, Rk, and CThe Real Numbers RThe Real Spaces RkThe Complex Numbers CPoint-Set Topology Bounded SetsClassification of Points Open and Closed SetsNested Intervals and the Bolzano-Weierstrass Theorem Compactness and Connectedness Limits and Convergence Definitions and First Properties Convergence Results for SequencesTopological Results for Sequences Properties of Infinite SeriesManipulations of Series in RFunctions: Definitions and Limits DefinitionsFunctions as MappingsSome Elementary Complex FunctionsLimits of FunctionsFunctions: Continuity and Convergence Continuity Uniform Continuity Sequences and Series of FunctionsThe DerivativeThe Derivative for f: D1 → RThe Derivative for f: Dk → RThe Derivative for f: Dk → RpThe Derivative for f: D → CThe Inverse and Implicit Function TheoremsReal IntegrationThe Integral of f: [a, b] → RProperties of the Riemann Integral Further Development of Integration TheoryVector-Valued and Line IntegralsComplex IntegrationIntroduction to Complex Integrals Fu...


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Bujorel FLOREA


    Full Text Available The study presented herein represents a field with good present and future perspectives, especially because real estate property is not under the incidence of a single normative act regarding the sale-purchase agreement of such goods, and given the fact that there are specific legal provisions with respect to various real estate categories and the localization of such property. The article deals with the sale-purchase agreement of various real estate categories, such as fields, buildings, the correspondent lots, urban area, farm, and forests fields, focusing on some particularities. A special care is attributed to examining the applicable laws with regard to the purchase agreements of field lands, the special conditions to be taken into account, the persons that may act as buyers, including foreigners, those without citizenship, and legal persons of a nationality other than Romanian. Finally, a special concern is given to the formalities required for legally exerting the pre-emptive right and the applicable sanctions in that respect.

  8. Towards Real-Time Argumentation

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Vicente JULIÁN


    Full Text Available In this paper, we deal with the problem of real-time coordination with the more general approach of reaching real-time agreements in MAS. Concretely, this work proposes a real-time argumentation framework in an attempt to provide agents with the ability of engaging in argumentative dialogues and come with a solution for their underlying agreement process within a bounded period of time. The framework has been implemented and evaluated in the domain of a customer support application. Concretely, we consider a society of agents that act on behalf of a group of technicians that must solve problems in a Technology Management Centre (TMC within a bounded time. This centre controls every process implicated in the provision of technological and customer support services to private or public organisations by means of a call centre. The contract signed between the TCM and the customer establishes penalties if the specified time is exceeded.

  9. Validation and Assessment of Multi-GNSS Real-Time Precise Point Positioning in Simulated Kinematic Mode Using IGS Real-Time Service

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Liang Wang


    Full Text Available Precise Point Positioning (PPP is a popular technology for precise applications based on the Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS. Multi-GNSS combined PPP has become a hot topic in recent years with the development of multiple GNSSs. Meanwhile, with the operation of the real-time service (RTS of the International GNSS Service (IGS agency that provides satellite orbit and clock corrections to broadcast ephemeris, it is possible to obtain the real-time precise products of satellite orbits and clocks and to conduct real-time PPP. In this contribution, the real-time multi-GNSS orbit and clock corrections of the CLK93 product are applied for real-time multi-GNSS PPP processing, and its orbit and clock qualities are investigated, first with a seven-day experiment by comparing them with the final multi-GNSS precise product ‘GBM’ from GFZ. Then, an experiment involving real-time PPP processing for three stations in the Multi-GNSS Experiment (MGEX network with a testing period of two weeks is conducted in order to evaluate the convergence performance of real-time PPP in a simulated kinematic mode. The experimental result shows that real-time PPP can achieve a convergence performance of less than 15 min for an accuracy level of 20 cm. Finally, the real-time data streams from 12 globally distributed IGS/MGEX stations for one month are used to assess and validate the positioning accuracy of real-time multi-GNSS PPP. The results show that the simulated kinematic positioning accuracy achieved by real-time PPP on different stations is about 3.0 to 4.0 cm for the horizontal direction and 5.0 to 7.0 cm for the three-dimensional (3D direction.

  10. Real Heroes. (United States)

    Denenberg, Dennis


    Presents stories taken from the book, "50 American Heroes Every Kid Should Meet," explaining that children need to learn about the value of real-life human accomplishments (versus those of athletes, television personalities, and rock stars). The heroes include Elizabeth Blackwell, first American woman doctor; George C. Marshall,…

  11. 23 CFR 710.505 - Real property donations. (United States)


    ... 23 Highways 1 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Real property donations. 710.505 Section 710.505...-WAY AND REAL ESTATE Property Acquisition Alternatives § 710.505 Real property donations. (a) Donations..., whichever is greater. All donations of property received prior to the approval of the NEPA document must...

  12. Texas Real Estate Curriculum Workshop Summary Report. (United States)

    Lyon, Robert

    The Texas Real Estate Research Center-Texas Education Agency (TRERC-TEA) curriculum workshop was attended by over 40 participants representing 26 Texas community colleges. These participants divided into eight small groups by real estate specialty area and developed curriculum outlines and learning objectives for the following real estate courses:…

  13. 12 CFR 365.2 - Real estate lending standards. (United States)


    ... 12 Banks and Banking 4 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Real estate lending standards. 365.2 Section... POLICY REAL ESTATE LENDING STANDARDS § 365.2 Real estate lending standards. (a) Each insured state... extensions of credit that are secured by liens on or interests in real estate, or that are made for the...

  14. 12 CFR 34.83 - Disposition of real estate. (United States)


    ... 12 Banks and Banking 1 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Disposition of real estate. 34.83 Section 34.83 Banks and Banking COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY, DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY REAL ESTATE LENDING AND APPRAISALS Other Real Estate Owned § 34.83 Disposition of real estate. (a) Disposition. A national bank may...

  15. Mixed-mode Operating System for Real-time Performance

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    M.M. Hasan


    Full Text Available The purpose of the mixed-mode system research is to handle devices with the accuracy of real-time systems and at the same time, having all the benefits and facilities of a matured Graphic User Interface (GUI operating system which is typically nonreal-time. This mixed-mode operating system comprising of a real-time portion and a non-real-time portion was studied and implemented to identify the feasibilities and performances in practical applications (in the context of scheduled the real-time events. In this research an i8751 microcontroller-based hardware was used to measure the performance of the system in real-time-only as well as non-real-time-only configurations. The real-time portion is an 486DX-40 IBM PC system running under DOS-based realtime kernel and the non-real-time portion is a Pentium III based system running under Windows NT. It was found that mixed-mode systems performed as good as a typical realtime system and in fact, gave many additional benefits such as simplified/modular programming and load tolerance.

  16. Set theoretical aspects of real analysis

    CERN Document Server

    Kharazishvili, Alexander B


    This book addresses a number of questions in real analysis and classical measure theory that are of a set-theoretic flavor. Accessible to graduate students, the beginning of the book presents introductory topics on real analysis and Lebesque measure theory. These topics highlight the boundary between fundamental concepts of measurability and non-measurability for point sets and functions. The remainder of the book deals with more specialized material on set-theoretical real analysis. Problems are included at the end of each chapter.

  17. The multiple reals of workplace learning

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Kerry Harman


    Full Text Available The multiple reals of workplace learning are explored in this paper. Drawing on a Foucauldian conceptualisation of power as distributed, relational and productive, networks that work to produce particular objects and subjects as seemingly natural and real are examined. This approach enables different reals of workplace learning to be traced. Data from a collaborative industry-university research project is used to illustrate the approach, with a focus on the intersecting practices of a group of professional developers and a group of workplace learning researchers. The notion of multiple reals holds promise for research on workplace learning as it moves beyond a view of reality as fixed and singular to a notion of reality as performed in and through a diversity of practices, including the practices of workplace learning researchers.

  18. Real charge according to the current Serbian Draft Law on property rights and other real rights

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Vujović Dragana


    Full Text Available Within reforms of loan security instruments law, Serbian Draft Law on Property Rights and Other Real Rights demonstrates interest for introducing new forms of non-accessory security rights. Real charge is a new institute in our legislation. It is a kind of real right on immovable thing that is regulated after the model of the German and Swiss laws, and which is in practice mostly used to secure a receivable, so that it is, to an extent, a personal hypothec. The most important reason for introduction of this institute into the Law was to allow for a security right on immovables that is more flexible than the accessorial hypothec, thus creating the environment conducive for the development of the secondary market of real loans, facilitating refinancing, and allowing for the extension of the offer of bank products with the reduction of transaction costs.

  19. The FERMI-Elettra distributed real-time framework

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pivetta, L.; Gaio, G.; Passuello, R.; Scalamera, G.


    FERMI-Elettra is a Free Electron Laser (FEL) based on a 1.5 GeV linac. The pulsed operation of the accelerator and the necessity to characterize and control each electron bunch requires synchronous acquisition of the beam diagnostics together with the ability to drive actuators in real-time at the linac repetition rate. The Adeos/Xenomai real-time extensions have been adopted in order to add real-time capabilities to the Linux based control system computers running the Tango software. A software communication protocol based on Gigabit Ethernet and known as Network Reflective Memory (NRM) has been developed to implement a shared memory across the whole control system, allowing computers to communicate in real-time. The NRM architecture, the real-time performance and the integration in the control system are described. (authors)

  20. Real-Time MENTAT programming language and architecture (United States)

    Grimshaw, Andrew S.; Silberman, Ami; Liu, Jane W. S.


    Real-time MENTAT, a programming environment designed to simplify the task of programming real-time applications in distributed and parallel environments, is described. It is based on the same data-driven computation model and object-oriented programming paradigm as MENTAT. It provides an easy-to-use mechanism to exploit parallelism, language constructs for the expression and enforcement of timing constraints, and run-time support for scheduling and exciting real-time programs. The real-time MENTAT programming language is an extended C++. The extensions are added to facilitate automatic detection of data flow and generation of data flow graphs, to express the timing constraints of individual granules of computation, and to provide scheduling directives for the runtime system. A high-level view of the real-time MENTAT system architecture and programming language constructs is provided.

  1. Modeling solvation effects in real-space and real-time within density functional approaches

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Delgado, Alain [Istituto Nanoscienze - CNR, Centro S3, via Campi 213/A, 41125 Modena (Italy); Centro de Aplicaciones Tecnológicas y Desarrollo Nuclear, Calle 30 # 502, 11300 La Habana (Cuba); Corni, Stefano; Pittalis, Stefano; Rozzi, Carlo Andrea [Istituto Nanoscienze - CNR, Centro S3, via Campi 213/A, 41125 Modena (Italy)


    The Polarizable Continuum Model (PCM) can be used in conjunction with Density Functional Theory (DFT) and its time-dependent extension (TDDFT) to simulate the electronic and optical properties of molecules and nanoparticles immersed in a dielectric environment, typically liquid solvents. In this contribution, we develop a methodology to account for solvation effects in real-space (and real-time) (TD)DFT calculations. The boundary elements method is used to calculate the solvent reaction potential in terms of the apparent charges that spread over the van der Waals solute surface. In a real-space representation, this potential may exhibit a Coulomb singularity at grid points that are close to the cavity surface. We propose a simple approach to regularize such singularity by using a set of spherical Gaussian functions to distribute the apparent charges. We have implemented the proposed method in the OCTOPUS code and present results for the solvation free energies and solvatochromic shifts for a representative set of organic molecules in water.

  2. Hostal Aritzaiko Navarra – España

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Guibert Tabar, J.


    Full Text Available The building, constructed on approximately 790 square meters, is devoted to a dining room and lodging for visitors in transit and is situated in Echarri-Aranaz, next to the highway, on a clearing in the woods, It possesses an extensive ground floor and two upper levéis covering smaller areas which rise, as a side body, over one of the building's sides. The overall structure houses a bar, dining room, kitchen, management office and a total of eight double rooms and two single rooms. An important double-pitch roof, which covers the two upper floors, together with another with several pitches which with its different planes conforms to the irregular perimeter of the structure on the ground floor, give the building the distinctive characteristics of the architecture typical of the region, in this way adaptedEl edificio, de aproximadamente 790 m2 construidos, se destina a comedor y hospedaje para personas en tránsito, estando emplazado en Echarri - Aranaz, junto a la carretera, en el calvero de un bosque. Cuenta con una extensa planta baja y dos niveles superiores, de superficie más reducida, que se elevan, a modo de cuerpo lateral, sobre uno de los costados del edificio. El conjunto de la edificación distribuye los servicios de bar, comedor, cocina, administración, y un total de 8 dormitorios dobles y 2 sencillos. Una importante cubierta a dos aguas, que abarca a las dos plantas más altas, junto a otra de varias aguas, que con sus distintos planos se ajusta al perímetro irregular de la construcción en planta baja, imprimen al edificio las características propias de la arquitectura popular de la reglón, que se ve así homologada en un planteamiento arquitectónico moderno.

  3. Performance evaluation of near-real-time accounting systems

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    Examples are given illustrating the application of near-real-time accounting concepts and principles to actual nuclear facilities. Experience with prototypical systems at the AGNS reprocessing plant and the Los Alamos plutonium facility is described using examples of actual data to illustrate the performance and effectiveness of near-real-time systems. The purpose of the session is to enable participants to: (1) identify the major components of near-real-time accounting systems; (2) describe qualitatively the advantages, limitations, and performance of such systems in real nuclear facilities; (3) identify process and facility design characteristics that affect the performance of near-real-time systems; and (4) describe qualitatively the steps necessary to implement a near-real-time accounting and control system in a nuclear facility

  4. Real analysis and probability

    CERN Document Server

    Ash, Robert B; Lukacs, E


    Real Analysis and Probability provides the background in real analysis needed for the study of probability. Topics covered range from measure and integration theory to functional analysis and basic concepts of probability. The interplay between measure theory and topology is also discussed, along with conditional probability and expectation, the central limit theorem, and strong laws of large numbers with respect to martingale theory.Comprised of eight chapters, this volume begins with an overview of the basic concepts of the theory of measure and integration, followed by a presentation of var


    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Eto, Joseph H.; Parashar, Manu; Lewis, Nancy Jo


    The Real Time System Operations (RTSO) 2006-2007 project focused on two parallel technical tasks: (1) Real-Time Applications of Phasors for Monitoring, Alarming and Control; and (2) Real-Time Voltage Security Assessment (RTVSA) Prototype Tool. The overall goal of the phasor applications project was to accelerate adoption and foster greater use of new, more accurate, time-synchronized phasor measurements by conducting research and prototyping applications on California ISO's phasor platform - Real-Time Dynamics Monitoring System (RTDMS) -- that provide previously unavailable information on the dynamic stability of the grid. Feasibility assessment studies were conducted on potential application of this technology for small-signal stability monitoring, validating/improving existing stability nomograms, conducting frequency response analysis, and obtaining real-time sensitivity information on key metrics to assess grid stress. Based on study findings, prototype applications for real-time visualization and alarming, small-signal stability monitoring, measurement based sensitivity analysis and frequency response assessment were developed, factory- and field-tested at the California ISO and at BPA. The goal of the RTVSA project was to provide California ISO with a prototype voltage security assessment tool that runs in real time within California ISO?s new reliability and congestion management system. CERTS conducted a technical assessment of appropriate algorithms, developed a prototype incorporating state-of-art algorithms (such as the continuation power flow, direct method, boundary orbiting method, and hyperplanes) into a framework most suitable for an operations environment. Based on study findings, a functional specification was prepared, which the California ISO has since used to procure a production-quality tool that is now a part of a suite of advanced computational tools that is used by California ISO for reliability and congestion management.

  6. Self-Organization in Embedded Real-Time Systems

    CERN Document Server

    Brinkschulte, Uwe; Rettberg, Achim


    This book describes the emerging field of self-organizing, multicore, distributed and real-time embedded systems.  Self-organization of both hardware and software can be a key technique to handle the growing complexity of modern computing systems. Distributed systems running hundreds of tasks on dozens of processors, each equipped with multiple cores, requires self-organization principles to ensure efficient and reliable operation. This book addresses various, so-called Self-X features such as self-configuration, self-optimization, self-adaptation, self-healing and self-protection. Presents open components for embedded real-time adaptive and self-organizing applications; Describes innovative techniques in: scheduling, memory management, quality of service, communications supporting organic real-time applications; Covers multi-/many-core embedded systems supporting real-time adaptive systems and power-aware, adaptive hardware and software systems; Includes case studies of open embedded real-time self-organizi...

  7. Heterogeneous Embedded Real-Time Systems Environment (United States)



  8. CPR: A Real Lifesaver (For Kids) (United States)

    ... First Aid & Safety Doctors & Hospitals Videos Recipes for Kids Kids site Sitio para niños How the Body Works ... English Español CPR: A Real Lifesaver KidsHealth / For Kids / CPR: A Real Lifesaver What's in this article? ...

  9. From the image of the real to the real of the image: an eulogy of appearances

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Marcos Beccari


    Full Text Available This articles studies different critiques to the conception of appearances as something treacherous and that should always be judged in reference to something transcendental. Based on such authors as Nietzsche, Bergson, Rosset, Lacan and Žižek, among others, we show that the relation between images and the real is a necessary one. The point of view that recognizes this complementarity between image and the real is more likely to affirm life – in Nietzschian terms – than conceptions that seek a metaphysical Real beyond this relation. To illustrate our argument, we make reference to movies such as Vertigo and Synecdoche, New York, among others.

  10. Real-time communication protocols: an overview

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Hanssen, F.T.Y.; Jansen, P.G.


    This paper describes several existing data link layer protocols that provide real-time capabilities on wired networks, focusing on token-ring and Carrier Sense Multiple Access based networks. Existing modifications to provide better real-time capabilities and performance are also described. Finally

  11. Commercial real estate analysis and investments

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Geltner, D.; Miller, N.; Clayton, J.; Eichholtz, P.M.A.


    The well-known and respected authorship team of Geltner and Miller bring you a new edition of what has become the undisputed and authoritative resource on commercial real estate investment. Streamlined and completely updated with expanded coverage of corporate and international real estate

  12. Testing of real-time-software

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Friesland, G.; Ovenhausen, H.


    The situation in the area of testing real-time-software is unsatisfactory. During the first phase of the project PROMOTE (prozessorientiertes Modul- und Gesamttestsystem) an analysis of the momentary situation took place, results of which are summarized in the following study about some user interviews and an analysis of relevant literature. 22 users (industry, software-houses, hardware-manufacturers, and institutes) have been interviewed. Discussions were held about reliability of real-time software with special interest to error avoidance, testing, and debugging. Main aims of the analysis of the literature were elaboration of standard terms, comparison of existing test methods and -systems, and the definition of boundaries to related areas. During the further steps of this project some means and techniques will be worked out to systematically test real-time software. (orig.) [de

  13. Accounting costs of transactions in real estate

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Stubkjær, Erik


    in relating theoretical conceptualizations of transaction costs to national accounting and further to the identification and quantification of actions on units of real estate. The notion of satellite accounting of the System of National Accounts is applied to the segment of society concerned with changes......The costs of transactions in real estate is of importance for households, for investors, for statistical services, for governmental and international bodies concerned with the efficient delivery of basic state functions, as well as for research. The paper takes a multi-disciplinary approach...... in real estate. The paper ends up with an estimate of the cost of a major real property transaction in Denmark....

  14. Real-time simulation of large-scale floods (United States)

    Liu, Q.; Qin, Y.; Li, G. D.; Liu, Z.; Cheng, D. J.; Zhao, Y. H.


    According to the complex real-time water situation, the real-time simulation of large-scale floods is very important for flood prevention practice. Model robustness and running efficiency are two critical factors in successful real-time flood simulation. This paper proposed a robust, two-dimensional, shallow water model based on the unstructured Godunov- type finite volume method. A robust wet/dry front method is used to enhance the numerical stability. An adaptive method is proposed to improve the running efficiency. The proposed model is used for large-scale flood simulation on real topography. Results compared to those of MIKE21 show the strong performance of the proposed model.

  15. Pramana – Journal of Physics | Indian Academy of Sciences

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    We find that our results are close to those obtained with quark exchange models. We also find that the quark condensate gives the main nonperturbative contribution to the cross-section. Author Affiliations. F S Navarra1 M Nielsen1. Instituto de Física, Universidade de São Paulo, C.P. 66318, 05389-970 São Paulo, Brazil ...

  16. Wind energy in Spain. 2000 MW in 2000

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    Spain ranks third in terms of wind energy in Europe. Its wind power capacity has been soaring for the past five years and development of renewable energies is seen as a way to stimulate economy and employment. Two regions are at the forefront in this: Galicia and Navarra. Each autonomous region has its own way to develop wind energy. (A.L.B.)

  17. La validità degli atti giuridici

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Maria Fausta Maternini


    Full Text Available La voce è destinata alla pubblicazione, in lingua spagnola, nel Diccionario general de Derecho canónico edito dall’Instituto Martìn de Azpilcueta, Universidad de Navarra. SOMMARIO: 1. La validità dell’ atto giuridico in ambito privato - 2. Gli atti giuridici pubblici e il procedimento amministrativo che concorre alla loro formazione - 3 Le anormalità dell’atto.

  18. Pedro Calderón de la Barca, Judas Macabeo. Edición crítica de las dos versiones, ed. F. Rodríguez-Gallego

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Fernando Plata


    Full Text Available Review of Pedro Calderón de la Barca, Judas Macabeo. Edición crítica de las dos versiones, ed. F. Rodríguez-Gallego, Universidad de Navarra / Iberoamericana / Vervuert (Biblioteca Áurea Hispánica, 80; Comedias Completas de Calderón, 8, Madrid / Frankfurt, 2012, 501 pp. ISBN: 978-84-8489-692-0.

  19. Claudia Demattè and Alberto del Río, Parodia de la materia caballeresca y teatro áureo. Edición de Las aventuras de Grecia y su modelo serio, el «Don Florisel de Niquea» de Montalbán

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Javier Guijarro Ceballos


    Full Text Available Review of Claudia Demattè and Alberto del Río, Parodia de la materia caballeresca y teatro áureo. Edición de Las aventuras de Grecia y su modelo serio, el «Don Florisel de Niquea» de Montalbán, Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Navarra (Publicaciones digitales del GRISO, Pamplona, 2012, 247 pp. ISBN: 9788480813365.

  20. Real Estate Financing and Interest Rate Hedging : A quantitative real estate investment case study


    van de Wiel, Wimjan; Kristopher Bock, Felix


    Background: The expansive monetary policy of the European Central Bank has been leading to all-time-low interest rates and to a strong move into real estate investment. Low interest rates can work in favor of the investor (due to low interest rate expenditures), but increasing interest rates can jeopardize real estate investments. Since changes in interest rates are unpredictable, an investor needs to deal with this volatility. The capital market offers several financial instruments (so-calle...

  1. Real-time communication for distributed plasma control systems

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Luchetta, A. [Consorzio RFX, Associazione Euratom-ENEA sulla Fusione, Corso Stati Uniti 4, Padova 35127 (Italy)], E-mail:; Barbalace, A.; Manduchi, G.; Soppelsa, A.; Taliercio, C. [Consorzio RFX, Associazione Euratom-ENEA sulla Fusione, Corso Stati Uniti 4, Padova 35127 (Italy)


    Real-time control applications will benefit in the near future from the enhanced performance provided by multi-core processor architectures. Nevertheless real-time communication will continue to be critical in distributed plasma control systems where the plant under control typically is distributed over a wide area. At RFX-mod real-time communication is crucial for hard real-time plasma control, due to the distributed architecture of the system, which consists of several VMEbus stations. The system runs under VxWorks and uses Gigabit Ethernet for sub-millisecond real-time communication. To optimize communication in the system, a set of detailed measurements has been carried out on the target platforms (Motorola MVME5100 and MVME5500) using either the VxWorks User Datagram Protocol (UDP) stack or raw communication based on the data link layer. Measurements have been carried out also under Linux, using its UDP stack or, in alternative, RTnet, an open source hard real-time network protocol stack. RTnet runs under Xenomai or RTAI, two popular real-time extensions based on the Linux kernel. The paper reports on the measurements carried out and compares the results, showing that the performance obtained by using open source code is suitable for sub-millisecond real-time communication in plasma control.

  2. Static Schedulers for Embedded Real-Time Systems (United States)


    Because of the need for having efficient scheduling algorithms in large scale real time systems , software engineers put a lot of effort on developing...provide static schedulers for he Embedded Real Time Systems with single processor using Ada programming language. The independent the Computer Aided Rapid Prototyping for Embedded Real Time Systems so that we determine whether the system, as designed, meets the required

  3. Medical real estate in an age of reform. (United States)

    Hammond, Laca Wong; Camp, Philip J


    The following are four ways healthcare organizations are fulfilling their medical real estate needs in an era of change: Real estate monetization. Renovation of existing facilities. A careful focus on containing materials costs. Joint ventures with real estate organizations.

  4. On Real-Time Systems Using Local Area Networks. (United States)


    87-35 July, 1987 CS-TR-1892 On Real - Time Systems Using Local Area Networks*I VShem-Tov Levi Department of Computer Science Satish K. Tripathit...1892 On Real - Time Systems Using Local Area Networks* Shem-Tov Levi Department of Computer Science Satish K. Tripathit Department of Computer Science...constraints and the clock systems that feed the time to real - time systems . A model for real-time system based on LAN communication is presented in

  5. PPP and the real exchange rate-real interest rate differential puzzle revisited: evidence from non-stationary panel data


    Georgios E. Chortareas; Rebecca L. Driver


    This paper examines the evidence for two of the relationships that underpin (explicitly or implicitly) much of international macroeconomics. The first is purchasing power parity (PPP), or the hypothesis that there exists a constant long-run equilibrium real exchange rate. The second establishes a relationship between real exchange rates and real interest rate differentials. The tests are conducted on a panel of 18 OECD economies using the United States as a numeraire for the post-Bretton Wood...

  6. Design Specifications for Adaptive Real-Time Systems (United States)


    TICfl \\ E CT E Design Specifications for JAN’\\ 1992 Adaptive Real - Time Systems fl Randall W. Lichota U, Alice H. Muntz - December 1991 \\ \\\\/ 0 / r...268-2056 Technical Report CMU/SEI-91-TR-20 ESD-91-TR-20 December 1991 Design Specifications for Adaptive Real - Time Systems Randall W. Lichota Hughes...Design Specifications for Adaptive Real - Time Systems Abstract: The design specification method described in this report treats a software

  7. Design Recovery Technology for Real-Time Systems. (United States)


    RL-TR-95-208 Final Technical Report October 1995 DESIGN RECOVERY TECHNOLOGY FOR REAL TIME SYSTEMS The MITRE Corporation Lester J. Holtzblatt...92 - Jan 95 4. TTTLE AND SUBTITLE DESIGN RECOVERY TECHNOLOGY FOR REAL - TIME SYSTEMS 6. AUTHOR(S) Lester J. Holtzblatt, Richard Piazza, and Susan...behavior of real - time systems in general, our initial efforts have centered on recovering this information from one system in particular, the Modular

  8. 44 CFR 13.31 - Real property. (United States)


    ... original purchase to the fair market value of the property. However, in those situations where a grantee or... purchase of the real property to the current fair market value of the property. ... LOCAL GOVERNMENTS Post-Award Requirements Changes, Property, and Subawards § 13.31 Real property. (a...

  9. Real earnings management activities prior to bond issuance

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Cristhian Mellado-Cid


    Full Text Available We examine real activities manipulation by firms prior to their debt issuances and how such manipulation activities affect bond yield spreads. We find that bond-issuing firms increase their real activities manipulation in the five quarters leading to a bond issuance. We document an inverse association between yield spread and pre-issue real activities manipulation, i.e., firms engaged in abnormally high levels of real activities manipulation are associated with subsequent lower cost of debt.

  10. p-adic analysis compared with real

    CERN Document Server

    Katok, Svetlana


    The book gives an introduction to p-adic numbers from the point of view of number theory, topology, and analysis. Compared to other books on the subject, its novelty is both a particularly balanced approach to these three points of view and an emphasis on topics accessible to undergraduates. In addition, several topics from real analysis and elementary topology which are not usually covered in undergraduate courses (totally disconnected spaces and Cantor sets, points of discontinuity of maps and the Baire Category Theorem, surjectivity of isometries of compact metric spaces) are also included in the book. They will enhance the reader's understanding of real analysis and intertwine the real and p-adic contexts of the book. The book is based on an advanced undergraduate course given by the author. The choice of the topic was motivated by the internal beauty of the subject of p-adic analysis, an unusual one in the undergraduate curriculum, and abundant opportunities to compare it with its much more familiar real...

  11. What is the best way to enter Florida's real estate market in today's economy? : This may serve as a simple guide which offers options for a startup real estate company to enter any real estate market


    Bryan, Paul


    P&I International real estate (PIIRE for short) is a real estate company which left the Florida real estate market in 2006. PIIRE is now seeking the best method to re-enter the Florida’s real estate market within the near future. The owners are seeking the best method to re-establish their real estate business in Florida. At this point the location in Florida has not yet been determined. The determining factors include financing options, business type entry mode, and governmental issues. ...

  12. 7 CFR 1940.406 - Real estate settlement procedures. (United States)


    ... 7 Agriculture 13 2010-01-01 2009-01-01 true Real estate settlement procedures. 1940.406 Section... AGRICULTURE (CONTINUED) PROGRAM REGULATIONS (CONTINUED) GENERAL Truth in Lending-Real Estate Settlement Procedures § 1940.406 Real estate settlement procedures. (a) General. This section provides the instructions...

  13. 24 CFR 100.50 - Real estate practices prohibited. (United States)


    ... 24 Housing and Urban Development 1 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Real estate practices prohibited....50 Real estate practices prohibited. (a) This subpart provides the Department's interpretation of... in, any multiple-listing service, real estate brokers' association, or other service organization or...

  14. The Boom and Gloom of Real Estate Markets

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    D. Brounen (Dirk)


    textabstractReal estate markets around the world have earned a complicated reputation. On the one hand, real estate markets offer investors a wide spectrum of profitable investments opportunities, investments that nowadays can be executed by simply buying shares of stock listed by real estate

  15. 33 CFR 211.2 - Authority to acquire real estate. (United States)


    ... 33 Navigation and Navigable Waters 3 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Authority to acquire real estate..., DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE REAL ESTATE ACTIVITIES OF THE CORPS OF ENGINEERS IN CONNECTION WITH CIVIL WORKS PROJECTS Real Estate; General § 211.2 Authority to acquire real estate. (a) Congressional authority...

  16. Real-time motional Stark effect in jet

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Alves, D.; Stephen, A.; Hawkes, N.; Dalley, S.; Goodyear, A.; Felton, R.; Joffrin, E.; Fernandes, H.


    The increasing importance of real-time measurements and control systems in JET experiments, regarding e.g. Internal Transport Barrier (ITB) and q-profile control, has motivated the development of a real-time motional Stark effect (MSE) system. The MSE diagnostic allows the measurement of local magnetic fields in different locations along the neutral beam path providing, therefore, local measurement of the current and q-profiles. Recently in JET, an upgrade of the MSE diagnostic has been implemented, incorporating a totally new system which allows the use of this diagnostic as a real-time control tool as well as an extended data source for off-line analysis. This paper will briefly describe the technical features of the real-time diagnostic with main focus on the system architecture, which consists of a VME crate hosting three PowerPC processor boards and a fast ADC, all connected via Front Panel Data Port (FPDP). The DSP algorithm implements a lockin-amplifier required to demodulate the JET MSE signals. Some applications for the system will be covered such as: feeding the real-time equilibrium reconstruction code (EQUINOX) and allowing the full coverage analysis of the Neutral Beam time window. A brief comparison between the real-time MSE analysis and the off-line analysis will also be presented

  17. 22 CFR 226.32 - Real property. (United States)


    ... 22 Foreign Relations 1 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Real property. 226.32 Section 226.32 Foreign Relations AGENCY FOR INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT ADMINISTRATION OF ASSISTANCE AWARDS TO U.S. NON-GOVERNMENTAL ORGANIZATIONS Post-award Requirements Property Standards § 226.32 Real property. (a) Unless the agreement...

  18. Towards exascale real-time RFI mitigation

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    van Nieuwpoort, R.V.


    We describe the design and implementation of an extremely scalable real-time RFI mitigation method, based on the offline AOFlagger. All algorithms scale linearly in the number of samples. We describe how we implemented the flagger in the LOFAR real-time pipeline, on both CPUs and GPUs. Additionally,

  19. Linux real-time framework for fusion devices

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Neto, Andre [Associacao Euratom-IST, Instituto de Plasmas e Fusao Nuclear, Av. Rovisco Pais, 1049-001 Lisboa (Portugal)], E-mail:; Sartori, Filippo; Piccolo, Fabio [Euratom-UKAEA, Culham Science Centre, Abingdon, Oxon OX14 3DB (United Kingdom); Barbalace, Antonio [Euratom-ENEA Association, Consorzio RFX, 35127 Padova (Italy); Vitelli, Riccardo [Dipartimento di Informatica, Sistemi e Produzione, Universita di Roma, Tor Vergata, Via del Politecnico 1-00133, Roma (Italy); Fernandes, Horacio [Associacao Euratom-IST, Instituto de Plasmas e Fusao Nuclear, Av. Rovisco Pais, 1049-001 Lisboa (Portugal)


    A new framework for the development and execution of real-time codes is currently being developed and commissioned at JET. The foundations of the system are Linux, the Real Time Application Interface (RTAI) and a wise exploitation of the new i386 multi-core processors technology. The driving motivation was the need to find a real-time operating system for the i386 platform able to satisfy JET Vertical Stabilisation Enhancement project requirements: 50 {mu}s cycle time. Even if the initial choice was the VxWorks operating system, it was decided to explore an open source alternative, mostly because of the costs involved in the commercial product. The work started with the definition of a precise set of requirements and milestones to achieve: Linux distribution and kernel versions to be used for the real-time operating system; complete characterization of the Linux/RTAI real-time capabilities; exploitation of the multi-core technology; implementation of all the required and missing features; commissioning of the system. Latency and jitter measurements were compared for Linux and RTAI in both user and kernel-space. The best results were attained using the RTAI kernel solution where the time to reschedule a real-time task after an external interrupt is of 2.35 {+-} 0.35 {mu}s. In order to run the real-time codes in the kernel-space, a solution to provide user-space functionalities to the kernel modules had to be designed. This novel work provided the most common functions from the standard C library and transparent interaction with files and sockets to the kernel real-time modules. Kernel C++ support was also tested, further developed and integrated in the framework. The work has produced very convincing results so far: complete isolation of the processors assigned to real-time from the Linux non real-time activities, high level of stability over several days of benchmarking operations and values well below 3 {mu}s for task rescheduling after external interrupt. From

  20. Linux real-time framework for fusion devices

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Neto, Andre; Sartori, Filippo; Piccolo, Fabio; Barbalace, Antonio; Vitelli, Riccardo; Fernandes, Horacio


    A new framework for the development and execution of real-time codes is currently being developed and commissioned at JET. The foundations of the system are Linux, the Real Time Application Interface (RTAI) and a wise exploitation of the new i386 multi-core processors technology. The driving motivation was the need to find a real-time operating system for the i386 platform able to satisfy JET Vertical Stabilisation Enhancement project requirements: 50 μs cycle time. Even if the initial choice was the VxWorks operating system, it was decided to explore an open source alternative, mostly because of the costs involved in the commercial product. The work started with the definition of a precise set of requirements and milestones to achieve: Linux distribution and kernel versions to be used for the real-time operating system; complete characterization of the Linux/RTAI real-time capabilities; exploitation of the multi-core technology; implementation of all the required and missing features; commissioning of the system. Latency and jitter measurements were compared for Linux and RTAI in both user and kernel-space. The best results were attained using the RTAI kernel solution where the time to reschedule a real-time task after an external interrupt is of 2.35 ± 0.35 μs. In order to run the real-time codes in the kernel-space, a solution to provide user-space functionalities to the kernel modules had to be designed. This novel work provided the most common functions from the standard C library and transparent interaction with files and sockets to the kernel real-time modules. Kernel C++ support was also tested, further developed and integrated in the framework. The work has produced very convincing results so far: complete isolation of the processors assigned to real-time from the Linux non real-time activities, high level of stability over several days of benchmarking operations and values well below 3 μs for task rescheduling after external interrupt. From being the

  1. Real-time object-oriented programming: studies and proposals

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fouquier, Gilles


    This thesis contributes to the introduction of real-time features in object-oriented programming. Object-oriented programming favours modularity and reusability. Therefore, its application to real-time introduces many theoretical and conceptual problems. To deal with these problems, a new real-time object-oriented programming model is presented. This model is based on the active object model which allows concurrence and maintains the encapsulation property. The real-time aspect is treated by replacing the concept of task by the concept of method processing and by associating a real-time constraint to each message (priority or deadline). The set of all the running methods is scheduled. This model, called ATOME, contains several sub-models to deal with the usual concurrence control integrating their priority and deadline processing. The classical HPF and EDF scheduling avoid priority or deadline inversion. This model and its variants are new proposals to program real-time applications in the object-oriented way, therefore easing reusability and code writing. The feasibility of this approach is demonstrated by extending and existing active object-based language to real-time, in using the rules defined in the ATOME model. (author) [fr

  2. Mixed-mode Operating System for Real-time Performance


    M.M. Hasan; S. Sultana; C.K. Foo


    The purpose of the mixed-mode system research is to handle devices with the accuracy of real-time systems and at the same time, having all the benefits and facilities of a matured Graphic User Interface (GUI) operating system which is typically nonreal-time. This mixed-mode operating system comprising of a real-time portion and a non-real-time portion was studied and implemented to identify the feasibilities and performances in practical applications (in the context of scheduled the real-time...

  3. Listing Specialization and Residential Real Estate Licensee


    Leonard V. Zumpano; Ken Johnson; Randy I. Anderson


    Earlier research has found that specialization by real estate agents creates economies of scope for real estate firms. So far, however, no research has addressed this issue at the agent level. The question this research seeks to answer is whether specialization in one side of the real estate transaction increases agent income. The most important finding is that specialization has an asymmetric impact on earnings. Specializing in listings positively enhances agent income. In contrast, speciali...

  4. Inventory Investment and the Real Interest Rate


    Junayed, Sadaquat; Khan, Hashmat


    The relationship between inventory investment and the real interest rate has been difficult to assess empirically. Recent work has proposed a linear-quadratic inventory model with time-varying discount factor to identify the effects of the real interest rate on inventory investment. The authors show that this framework does not separately identify the effects of real interest rate on inventory investment from variables that determine the expected marginal cost of production. In other words, t...

  5. Practical Implications of Using Real-World Evidence (RWE) in Comparative Effectiveness Research : Learnings from IMI-GetReal

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Makady, Amr; Stegenga, Heather; Ciaglia, Antonio; Debray, Thomas Pa; Lees, Michael; Happich, Michael; Ryll, Bettina; Abrams, Keith; Thwaites, Rob; Garner, Sarah; Jonsson, Páll; Goettsch, Wim G.

    In light of increasing attention towards the use of real-world evidence (RWE) in decision making in recent years, this commentary aims to reflect on the experiences gained in accessing and using RWE for comparative effectiveness research as a part of the Innovative Medicines Initiative GetReal

  6. Mechatronic modeling of real-time wheel-rail contact

    CERN Document Server

    Bosso, Nicola; Gugliotta, Antonio; Somà, Aurelio


    Real-time simulations of the behaviour of a rail vehicle require realistic solutions of the wheel-rail contact problem which can work in a real-time mode. Examples of such solutions for the online mode have been well known and are implemented within standard and commercial tools for the simulation codes for rail vehicle dynamics. This book is the result of the research activities carried out by the Railway Technology Lab of the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering at Politecnico di Torino. This book presents work on the project for the development of a real-time wheel-rail contact model and provides the simulation results obtained with dSpace real-time hardware. Besides this, the implementation of the contact model for the development of a real-time model for the complex mechatronic system of a scaled test rig is presented in this book and may be useful for the further validation of the real-time contact model with experiments on a full scale test rig.

  7. Properties of four real world collaboration--competition networks (United States)

    Fu, Chun-Hua; Xu, Xiu-Lian; He, Da-Ren


    Our research group has empirically investigated 9 real world collaboration networks and 25 real world cooperation-competition networks. Among the 34 real world systems, all the 9 real world collaboration networks and 6 real world cooperation-competition networks show the unimodal act-size distribution and the shifted power law distribution of degree and act-degree. We have proposed a collaboration network evolution model for an explanation of the rules [1]. The other 14 real world cooperation-competition networks show that the act-size distributions are not unimodal; instead, they take qualitatively the same shifted power law forms as the degree and act-degree distributions. The properties of four systems (the main land movie film network, Beijing restaurant network, 2004 Olympic network, and Tao-Bao notebook computer sale network) are reported in detail as examples. Via a numerical simulation, we show that the new rule can still be explained by the above-mentioned model. [1] H. Chang, B. B. Su, et al. Phsica A, 2007, 383: 687-702.

  8. The Real Options Attached to an Investment Project

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mihai-Cristian DINICĂ


    Full Text Available The real options capture the importance of the managerial team’s role in creating value through investment projects. The investments in real assets have a set of options that managers can exercise during the period of the project to increase the value of the assets or to limit the eventual losses. This options have their own value.The traditional methods for investment project evaluatioan, based on discounted cash flows, have some major disadvantages: they assume the irreversibility of a decision, do not take into account the interactions between decisions in several periods and treat the investment as pasive. The evaluation using real options undertake this disadvantage. The paper shows the main types of real options, together with their elements and captures the impact of these options on the value of the investment. The main two models used to evaluate real options, the binomial model and Black-Scholes model, are explained and used to compute the value of real options attached to an investment project.

  9. Systems engineering real estate development projects (United States)

    Gusakova, Elena; Titarenko, Boris; Stepanov, Vitaliy


    In recent years, real estate development has accumulated a wealth of experience in implementing major projects, which requires comprehension and systematization. The scientific instrument of system engineering is studied in the article and is substantively interpreted with reference to real estate development projects. The most perspective approaches and models are substantiated, allowing strategically to plan the life cycle of the project as a whole, and also to solve the engineering butt problems of the project. The relevance of further scientific studies of regularities and specifics of the life cycle of real estate development projects conducted at the Moscow State University of Economics and Management at the ISTA department is shown.

  10. Reflections on "Real-World" Community Psychology (United States)

    Wolff, Tom; Swift, Carolyn


    Reflections on the history of real-world (applied) community psychologists trace their participation in the field's official guild, the Society for Community Research and Action (SCRA), beginning with the Swampscott Conference in 1965 through the current date. Four benchmarks are examined. The issues these real-world psychologists bring to the…

  11. Project Management in Real Time: A Service-Learning Project (United States)

    Larson, Erik; Drexler, John A., Jr.


    This article describes a service-learning assignment for a project management course. It is designed to facilitate hands-on student learning of both the technical and the interpersonal aspects of project management, and it involves student engagement with real customers and real stakeholders in the creation of real events with real outcomes. As…

  12. Natural Water Retention Measures (NWRM): from Design to Implementation through European Projects

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Magdaleno Mas, F.; Dalacamara Andres, G.


    The Centre for Applied Technique Studies (CETA) of CEDEX has been working over the last few years in different European projects related with the design and development of natural water retention measures (NWRM). These are a number of measures, boosted by the Water Unit of the Environment Directorate-General of the European Commission. with close links to green infrastructures, which try to integrate, from a multifunctional approach, different legal and technical requirements aimed at a better adaptation to extreme hydro meteorological events, environmental protection and conservation, and maintenance of ecosystem services. This paper reviews the underpinning foundations of the concept and the mechanisms for designing and implementing NWRM. It also shows the way they can be applied, by presenting different initiatives developed by CETA since 2008 in Navarra (Arga-Aragon rivers system). For fulfilling those works, CETA has collaborated with environmental and hydraulic authorities of Navarra. It has also actively cooperated with research centres, such as the Institute IMDEA Water. specifically in a European project devoted to the diffusion, assessment, and presentation of NWRM within the context of the EU River Basin Districts. (Author)

  13. Language Impairment Resulting from a de novo Deletion of 7q32.1q33. (United States)

    Jiménez-Romero, María S; Barcos-Martínez, Montserrat; Espejo-Portero, Isabel; Benítez-Burraco, Antonio


    We report on a girl who presents with hearing loss, behavioral disturbances (according to the Inventory for Client and Agency Planning) as well as motor and cognitive delay (according to Battelle Developmental Inventories) which have a significant impact on her speech and language abilities [according to the Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test (ed 3), and the Prueba de Lenguaje Oral de Navarra-Revisada (Navarra Oral Language Test, Revised)]. Five copy number variations (CNVs) were identified in the child: arr[hg18] 7q32.1q33(127109685-132492196)×1, 8p23.1(7156900-7359099) ×1, 15q13.1(26215673-26884937)×1, Xp22.33(17245- 102434)×3, and Xp22.33(964441-965024)×3. The pathogenicity of similar CNVs is mostly reported as unknown. The largest deletion is found in a hot spot for cognitive disease and language impairment and contains several genes involved in brain development and function, many of which have been related to developmental disorders encompassing language deficits (dyslexia, speech-sound disorder, and autism). Some of these genes interact with FOXP2 . The proband's phenotype may result from a reduced expression of some of these genes.

  14. Las temperaturas del territorio que se extiende desde el Cantábrico Oriental al Valle del Ebro durante el periodo internacional 1961-90

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Javier M. Pejenaute Goñi


    Full Text Available El presente articulo tiene por objeto el estudio de las temperaturas en el territorio comprendido entre el Cantábrico oriental y el Valle del Ebro, durante el periodo internacional 1961-90. Este territorio está ocupado por las comunidades del País Vasco, Navarra, La Rioja y Aragón. Se estudian las temperaturas medias, las máximas, las mínimas, el coeficiente de variación y las heladas. También se incluye en el análisis anual, el estudio de la amplitud térmica, los quintiles y la tendencia futura.The present article aims at studying the temperatures in an área that goes from the cantábrico oriental and Valle del Ebro, for the international period of time going from 1961- 90. Four autonomous cornmunities. País Vasco, Navarra, La Rioja and Aragón, are included in this territory. The object of study will be the average, máximum and mínimum temperatures, as well as the coefficient of variation and freezes. It will also be included in the annual analysis. the study of thermal amplitude, quintiles, and future trend.

  15. Lenguas en contacto en Vera de Bidasoa

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    García Mouton, Pilar


    Full Text Available By the use of maps from the Linguistic and Ethnographic Atlas of Aragón, Navarra, and Rioja (ALEANR, as well as Julio Caro Baroja's writings, the article discusses the coexistence of Basque and Castilian in Vera de Bidasoa, which is reflected in the presence of loanwords and translation loanwords from one language to the other. In addition, the article deals with the degree of stability of semantic fields: which ones tend to be more receptive, and which ones more averse, to borrowings from the second language.A través de los mapas del ALEANR (Atlas Lingüístico y Etnográfico de Aragón, Navarra y Rioja

  16. ¿Influyen las políticas autonómicas en la utilización de la excedencia por cuidado de hijos? [SPA

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Irene Lapuerta


    Full Text Available Este artículo analiza el impacto de las políticas implementadas por cinco Comunidades Autónomas ?Navarra, Castilla y León, País Vasco, Castilla-La Mancha y La Rioja? en la utilización de la excedencia por cuidado de hijos. Para ello, se plantea un diseño de investigación cuasiexperimental, conocido con el nombre de "dobles diferencias" (difference-in-difference. La investigación está basada en una submuestra extraída de la Muestra Continua de Vidas Laborales (año 2006, compuesta por 94.493 personas que eran titulares del derecho a la excedencia en el periodo 1996-2006. Los resultados refl ejan un efecto positivo de las medidas implementadas por Navarra y Castilla y León y confi rman la relevancia de la cuantía económica frente a otras características en su diseño. Sin embargo, ninguna de las políticas tiene incidencia en el uso de la excedencia por parte de los hombres, incluso en el caso de aquellas Comunidades que han establecido discriminaciones positivas en su diseño.

  17. Natural Water Retention Measures (NWRM): from Design to Implementation through European Projects; Las Medidas Naturales de Retencion de Agua: del diseno a la implementacion a traves de proyectos europeos

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Magdaleno Mas, F.; Dalacamara Andres, G.


    The Centre for Applied Technique Studies (CETA) of CEDEX has been working over the last few years in different European projects related with the design and development of natural water retention measures (NWRM). These are a number of measures, boosted by the Water Unit of the Environment Directorate-General of the European Commission. with close links to green infrastructures, which try to integrate, from a multifunctional approach, different legal and technical requirements aimed at a better adaptation to extreme hydro meteorological events, environmental protection and conservation, and maintenance of ecosystem services. This paper reviews the underpinning foundations of the concept and the mechanisms for designing and implementing NWRM. It also shows the way they can be applied, by presenting different initiatives developed by CETA since 2008 in Navarra (Arga-Aragon rivers system). For fulfilling those works, CETA has collaborated with environmental and hydraulic authorities of Navarra. It has also actively cooperated with research centres, such as the Institute IMDEA Water. specifically in a European project devoted to the diffusion, assessment, and presentation of NWRM within the context of the EU River Basin Districts. (Author)

  18. The real-time price elasticity of electricity

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lijesen, Mark G.


    The real-time price elasticity of electricity contains important information on the demand response of consumers to the volatility of peak prices. Despite the importance, empirical estimates of the real-time elasticity are hardly available. This paper provides a quantification of the real-time relationship between total peak demand and spot market prices. We find a low value for the real-time price elasticity, which may partly be explained from the fact that not all users observe the spot market price. If we correct for this phenomenon, we find the elasticity to be fairly low for consumers currently active in the spot market. If this conclusion applies to all users, this would imply a limited scope for government intervention in supply security issues. (Author)

  19. Modeling Real Exchange Rate Persistence in Chile

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Leonardo Salazar


    Full Text Available The long and persistent swings in the real exchange rate have for a long time puzzled economists. Recent models built on imperfect knowledge economics seem to provide a theoretical explanation for this persistence. Empirical results, based on a cointegrated vector autoregressive (CVAR model, provide evidence of error-increasing behavior in prices and interest rates, which is consistent with the persistence observed in the data. The movements in the real exchange rate are compensated by movements in the interest rate spread, which restores the equilibrium in the product market when the real exchange rate moves away from its long-run benchmark value. Fluctuations in the copper price also explain the deviations of the real exchange rate from its long-run equilibrium value.

  20. Consumo de tabaco en titulados universitarios: El Proyecto SUN (Seguimiento Universidad de Navarra Smoking among a cohort of Spanish university graduates: The SUN Project

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Xabier Adrián García de Albéñiz


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Valorar la asociación de la situación laboral, el tipo de estudios y el estado civil con el consumo de tabaco en una cohorte de licenciados y diplomados universitarios españoles, donde predominan los profesionales sanitarios. Métodos: Se realizó un análisis transversal de los datos basales de los 7.508 primeros participantes del Proyecto SUN (Seguimiento Universidad de Navarra. Los sujetos fueron clasificados según su consumo de tabaco. Las variables independientes fueron: situación laboral, estado civil, nivel más alto de estudios completado, número de hijos, gramos de alcohol ingerido al día, índice de masa corporal y edad. En el análisis multivariante se ajustaron 3 grupos de modelos de regresión logística no condicional: a fumadores frente al conjunto formado por nunca fumadores más ex fumadores; b fumadores frente a nunca fumadores, y c fumadores de 15 o más cigarrillos al día frente al conjunto formado por fumadores de menos de 15 cigarrillos/día, nunca fumadores y ex fumadores. Resultados: En los varones no se encontró ninguna asociación entre la situación laboral y ser fumador en ninguna de las 3 comparaciones. Por el contrario, entre las mujeres se observó que haber cursado la diplomatura de enfermería se asociaba a una mayor prevalencia de tabaquismo, con una prevalencia del 48,5% de fumadoras actuales entre las enfermeras. Entre las mujeres, también era más frecuente el consumo de tabaco en las estudiantes. Para las estudiantes, la prevalencia de grandes fumadoras (≥ 15 cigarrilos/día mostraba una odds ratio de 1,81 (intervalo de confianza del 95%, 1,28-2,57. Haber realizado un doctorado se asociaba inversamente con el tabaquismo en ambos sexos. Conclusiones: Dentro de un gran colectivo español con niveles educativos superiores, la prevalencia de fumadoras actuales es mayor en las mujeres que han completado una diplomatura. Es preocupante, desde el punto de vista sociosanitario, que entre las

  1. Scala for Real-Time Systems?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Schoeberl, Martin


    Java served well as a general-purpose language. However, during its two decades of constant change it has gotten some weight and legacy in the language syntax and the libraries. Furthermore, Java's success for real-time systems is mediocre. Scala is a modern object-oriented and functional language...... with interesting new features. Although a new language, it executes on a Java virtual machine, reusing that technology. This paper explores Scala as language for future real-time systems....

  2. A Programmable Microkernel for Real-Time Systems (United States)


    A Programmable Microkernel for Real - Time Systems Christoph M. Kirsch Thomas A. Henzinger Marco A.A. Sanvido Report No. UCB/CSD-3-1250 June 2003...TITLE AND SUBTITLE A Programmable Microkernel for Real - Time Systems 5a. CONTRACT NUMBER 5b. GRANT NUMBER 5c. PROGRAM ELEMENT NUMBER 6. AUTHOR(S...THIS PAGE unclassified Standard Form 298 (Rev. 8-98) Prescribed by ANSI Std Z39-18 A Programmable Microkernel for Real - Time Systems ∗ Christoph M

  3. Temporal Proof Methodologies for Real-Time Systems, (United States)


    real time systems that communicate either through shared variables or by message passing and real time issues such as time-outs, process priorities (interrupts) and process scheduling. The authors exhibit two styles for the specification of real - time systems . While the first approach uses bounded versions of temporal operators the second approach allows explicit references to time through a special clock variable. Corresponding to two styles of specification the authors present and compare two fundamentally different proof

  4. Equivalences of real submanifolds in complex space.




    PUBLISHED We show that for any real-analytic submanifold M in CN there is a proper real-analytic subvariety V contained in M such that for any p ? M \\ V , any real-analytic submanifold M? in CN, and any p? ? M?, the germs of the submanifolds M and M? at p and p? respectively are formally equivalent if and only if they are biholomorphically equivalent. More general results for k-equivalences are also stated and proved.

  5. Approaching near real-time biosensing: microfluidic microsphere based biosensor for real-time analyte detection. (United States)

    Cohen, Noa; Sabhachandani, Pooja; Golberg, Alexander; Konry, Tania


    In this study we describe a simple lab-on-a-chip (LOC) biosensor approach utilizing well mixed microfluidic device and a microsphere-based assay capable of performing near real-time diagnostics of clinically relevant analytes such cytokines and antibodies. We were able to overcome the adsorption kinetics reaction rate-limiting mechanism, which is diffusion-controlled in standard immunoassays, by introducing the microsphere-based assay into well-mixed yet simple microfluidic device with turbulent flow profiles in the reaction regions. The integrated microsphere-based LOC device performs dynamic detection of the analyte in minimal amount of biological specimen by continuously sampling micro-liter volumes of sample per minute to detect dynamic changes in target analyte concentration. Furthermore we developed a mathematical model for the well-mixed reaction to describe the near real time detection mechanism observed in the developed LOC method. To demonstrate the specificity and sensitivity of the developed real time monitoring LOC approach, we applied the device for clinically relevant analytes: Tumor Necrosis Factor (TNF)-α cytokine and its clinically used inhibitor, anti-TNF-α antibody. Based on the reported results herein, the developed LOC device provides continuous sensitive and specific near real-time monitoring method for analytes such as cytokines and antibodies, reduces reagent volumes by nearly three orders of magnitude as well as eliminates the washing steps required by standard immunoassays. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  6. Temporal Specification and Verification of Real-Time Systems. (United States)


    of concrete real - time systems can be modeled adequately. Specification: We present two conservative extensions of temporal logic that allow for the...logic. We present both model-checking algorithms for the automatic verification of finite-state real - time systems and proof methods for the deductive verification of real - time systems .

  7. ClockWork: a Real-Time Feasibility Analysis Tool

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Jansen, P.G.; Hanssen, F.T.Y.; Mullender, Sape J.

    ClockWork shows that we can improve the flexibility and efficiency of real-time kernels. We do this by proposing methods for scheduling based on so-called Real-Time Transactions. ClockWork uses Real-Time Transactions which allow scheduling decisions to be taken by the system. A programmer does not

  8. 12 CFR 208.51 - Real estate lending standards. (United States)


    ... 12 Banks and Banking 2 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Real estate lending standards. 208.51 Section... MEMBERSHIP OF STATE BANKING INSTITUTIONS IN THE FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM (REGULATION H) Real Estate Lending and Appraisal Standards § 208.51 Real estate lending standards. (a) Adoption of written policies. Each state...

  9. Real-time Avatar Animation from a Single Image. (United States)

    Saragih, Jason M; Lucey, Simon; Cohn, Jeffrey F


    A real time facial puppetry system is presented. Compared with existing systems, the proposed method requires no special hardware, runs in real time (23 frames-per-second), and requires only a single image of the avatar and user. The user's facial expression is captured through a real-time 3D non-rigid tracking system. Expression transfer is achieved by combining a generic expression model with synthetically generated examples that better capture person specific characteristics. Performance of the system is evaluated on avatars of real people as well as masks and cartoon characters.

  10. Real Exchange Rates in Advanced Transition Economies

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sanja Grubacic


    Full Text Available The recent evidence from Eastern Europe suggests that one of the major obstacles towards the adoption of euro may lie in the impact that the recession of 2008 exerted on the trajectory of real exchange rates in new member countries (European Commission, 2015.  This paper aims to establish and explain the relationship between the external shocks derived from the global financial crisis and recession of 2008 and equilibrium real exchange rate in advanced transition economies of Eastern Europe. The interplay between the external and internal balances is explained by developing an inter-temporal optimizing model of the real exchange rate determination in a small open economy with structural distortions. The results of our model suggest that, in the aftermath of recession, if the Eastern European economies attempt to restore and maintain the balance between the consumption, saving, and investment, the equilibrium real exchange rate will tend to reverse its trajectory from appreciation to depreciation over time in order to encourage a greater production in the future. The equilibrium real exchange rate depreciation in the future may obtain either as a result of an increase in the direct subsidies on investment or as a result of reduced subsidies on the "net-of-investment" income.  The deprecation of countries’ real exchange rate, however, may continue to act as an effective constraint against the adoption of euro.

  11. Dutch direct real estate investments in private portfolios

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Berkhout, T.M.; Geer, van der G.


    Direct real estate plays an important role in our daily lives. The place of direct real estate in the portfolio of a private investor is often limited however. The paper attempts to answer the question of how large the allocation to direct real estate should be to attain an optimal risk/return

  12. 24 CFR 266.400 - Property requirements-real estate. (United States)


    ... 24 Housing and Urban Development 2 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Property requirements-real estate... Mortgage and Closing Requirements; HUD Endorsement § 266.400 Property requirements—real estate. The mortgage must be on real estate held: (a) In fee simple; (b) Under a renewable lease of not less than 99...

  13. Establishment Reality vs. Maintenance Reality: How Real Is Real Enough? (United States)

    Lindsay, E. D.; Murray, S.; Liu, D. K.; Lowe, D. B.; Bright, C. G.


    Remote and virtual laboratories are increasingly prevalent alternatives to the face-to-face laboratory experience; however, the question of their learning outcomes is yet to be fully investigated. There are many presumptions regarding the effectiveness of these approaches; foremost amongst these assumptions is that the experience must be "real" to…

  14. Internet-accessible real-time weather information system

    Digital Repository Service at National Institute of Oceanography (India)

    Desai, R.G.P.; Joseph, A.; Desa, E.; Mehra, P.; Desa, E.; Gouveia, A.D.

    An internet-accessible real-time weather information system has been developed. This system provides real-time accessibility to weather information from a multitude of spatially distributed weather stations. The Internet connectivity also offers...

  15. De toekomst van Real Time Intelligence

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Broek, J. van den; Berg, C.H. van den


    Al direct vanaf de start van de Nationale Politie is gewerkt aan het opzetten van tien real-time intelligence centra in Nederland. Van daaruit worden 24 uur per dag en zeven dagen in de week agenten op straat actief ondersteund met real-time informatie bij de melding waar ze op af gaan. In de visie

  16. Compiling models into real-time systems

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dormoy, J.L.; Cherriaux, F.; Ancelin, J.


    This paper presents an architecture for building real-time systems from models, and model-compiling techniques. This has been applied for building a real-time model-based monitoring system for nuclear plants, called KSE, which is currently being used in two plants in France. We describe how we used various artificial intelligence techniques for building it: a model-based approach, a logical model of its operation, a declarative implementation of these models, and original knowledge-compiling techniques for automatically generating the real-time expert system from those models. Some of those techniques have just been borrowed from the literature, but we had to modify or invent other techniques which simply did not exist. We also discuss two important problems, which are often underestimated in the artificial intelligence literature: size, and errors. Our architecture, which could be used in other applications, combines the advantages of the model-based approach with the efficiency requirements of real-time applications, while in general model-based approaches present serious drawbacks on this point

  17. Research into real-option evaluation method

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Shiba, Tsuyoshi; Wakamatsu, Hitoshi


    As an evaluational method for valuation of a corporation, an investment project, a research and development, or the evaluation technique of an enterprise strategy, a real option analysis attracts attention instead of conventional Discount Cash Flow method. The reason is that it can divert the technique for the option valuation in financial engineering to the decision-making process performed according to change in investment environment. Related references, the analysis tools, the application examples, etc. were investigated about the decision-making technique using real option analysis, and this investigation considered the application method to decision-making of the research and development at Japan Nuclear Cycle Development Institute. Consequently, since the feature is in real option analysis being the evaluation technique on condition of that business conditions and business itself also change, the real option analysis fits for evaluation of a research and development that business conditions were opaque and it turns out that the businesses are highly flexible. Moreover, it turns out that it fits also for evaluation of a capital concentration type investment issue like power plants. (author)

  18. Compiling models into real-time systems

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dormoy, J.L.; Cherriaux, F.; Ancelin, J.


    This paper presents an architecture for building real-time systems from models, and model-compiling techniques. This has been applied for building a real-time model-base monitoring system for nuclear plants, called KSE, which is currently being used in two plants in France. We describe how we used various artificial intelligence techniques for building it: a model-based approach, a logical model of its operation, a declarative implementation of these models, and original knowledge-compiling techniques for automatically generating the real-time expert system from those models. Some of those techniques have just been borrowed from the literature, but we had to modify or invent other techniques which simply did not exist. We also discuss two important problems, which are often underestimated in the artificial intelligence literature: size, and errors. Our architecture, which could be used in other applications, combines the advantages of the model-based approach with the efficiency requirements of real-time applications, while in general model-based approaches present serious drawbacks on this point

  19. Distributed Issues for Ada Real-Time Systems (United States)


    NUMBERS Distributed Issues for Ada Real - Time Systems MDA 903-87- C- 0056 S. AUTHOR(S) Thomas E. Griest 7. PERFORMING ORGANiZATION NAME(S) AND ADORESS(ES) 8...considerations. I Adding to the problem of distributed real - time systems is the issue of maintaining a common sense of time among all of the processors...because -omeone is waiting for the final output of a very large set of computations. However in real - time systems , consistent meeting of short-term

  20. Real Estate Investments, Regulation, and Financial Intermediation


    Heinrich, Michael


    Real estate as an asset class can deliver high risk-adjusted returns, which are also low-correlated to the returns of other asset classes, such as stocks and bonds. According to the literature, a well-diversified mixed-asset portfolio should therefore comprise between 10% and 30% of real estate. This holds true for large and medium-sized institutional investors, but also for small retail investors (private investors). However, direct real estate proves to be an unsuitable investment for the v...

  1. Real Time Linux - The RTOS for Astronomy? (United States)

    Daly, P. N.

    The BoF was attended by about 30 participants and a free CD of real time Linux-based upon RedHat 5.2-was available. There was a detailed presentation on the nature of real time Linux and the variants for hard real time: New Mexico Tech's RTL and DIAPM's RTAI. Comparison tables between standard Linux and real time Linux responses to time interval generation and interrupt response latency were presented (see elsewhere in these proceedings). The present recommendations are to use RTL for UP machines running the 2.0.x kernels and RTAI for SMP machines running the 2.2.x kernel. Support, both academically and commercially, is available. Some known limitations were presented and the solutions reported e.g., debugging and hardware support. The features of RTAI (scheduler, fifos, shared memory, semaphores, message queues and RPCs) were described. Typical performance statistics were presented: Pentium-based oneshot tasks running > 30kHz, 486-based oneshot tasks running at ~ 10 kHz, periodic timer tasks running in excess of 90 kHz with average zero jitter peaking to ~ 13 mus (UP) and ~ 30 mus (SMP). Some detail on kernel module programming, including coding examples, were presented showing a typical data acquisition system generating simulated (random) data writing to a shared memory buffer and a fifo buffer to communicate between real time Linux and user space. All coding examples were complete and tested under RTAI v0.6 and the 2.2.12 kernel. Finally, arguments were raised in support of real time Linux: it's open source, free under GPL, enables rapid prototyping, has good support and the ability to have a fully functioning workstation capable of co-existing hard real time performance. The counter weight-the negatives-of lack of platforms (x86 and PowerPC only at present), lack of board support, promiscuous root access and the danger of ignorance of real time programming issues were also discussed. See for the StarOffice overheads

  2. Bundles over Quantum RealWeighted Projective Spaces

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Tomasz Brzeziński


    Full Text Available The algebraic approach to bundles in non-commutative geometry and the definition of quantum real weighted projective spaces are reviewed. Principal U(1-bundles over quantum real weighted projective spaces are constructed. As the spaces in question fall into two separate classes, the negative or odd class that generalises quantum real projective planes and the positive or even class that generalises the quantum disc, so do the constructed principal bundles. In the negative case the principal bundle is proven to be non-trivial and associated projective modules are described. In the positive case the principal bundles turn out to be trivial, and so all the associated modules are free. It is also shown that the circle (coactions on the quantum Seifert manifold that define quantum real weighted projective spaces are almost free.

  3. Real-time quasi-3D tomographic reconstruction (United States)

    Buurlage, Jan-Willem; Kohr, Holger; Palenstijn, Willem Jan; Joost Batenburg, K.


    Developments in acquisition technology and a growing need for time-resolved experiments pose great computational challenges in tomography. In addition, access to reconstructions in real time is a highly demanded feature but has so far been out of reach. We show that by exploiting the mathematical properties of filtered backprojection-type methods, having access to real-time reconstructions of arbitrarily oriented slices becomes feasible. Furthermore, we present , software for visualization and on-demand reconstruction of slices. A user of can interactively shift and rotate slices in a GUI, while the software updates the slice in real time. For certain use cases, the possibility to study arbitrarily oriented slices in real time directly from the measured data provides sufficient visual and quantitative insight. Two such applications are discussed in this article.

  4. Real-time UNIX in HEP data acquisition

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Buono, S.; Gaponenko, I.; Jones, R.; Mapelli, L.; Mornacchi, G.; Prigent, D.; Sanchez-Corral, E.; Skiadelli, M.; Toppers, A.; Duval, P.Y.; Ferrato, D.; Le Van Suu, A.; Qian, Z.; Rondot, C.; Ambrosini, G.; Fumagalli, G.; Aguer, M.; Huet, M.


    Today's experimentation in high energy physics is characterized by an increasing need for sensitivity to rare phenomena and complex physics signatures, which require the use of huge and sophisticated detectors and consequently a high performance readout and data acquisition. Multi-level triggering, hierarchical data collection and an always increasing amount of processing power, distributed throughout the data acquisition layers, will impose a number of features on the software environment, especially the need for a high level of standardization. Real-time UNIX seems, today, the best solution for the platform independence, operating system interface standards and real-time features necessary for data acquisition in HEP experiments. We present the results of the evaluation, in a realistic application environment, of a Real-Time UNIX operating system: the EP/LX real-time UNIX system. ((orig.))

  5. Transformation of Real Spherical Harmonics under Rotations (United States)

    Romanowski, Z.; Krukowski, St.; Jalbout, A. F.


    The algorithm rotating the real spherical harmonics is presented. The convenient and ready to use formulae for l = 0, 1, 2, 3 are listed. The rotation in R3 space is determined by the rotation axis and the rotation angle; the Euler angles are not used. The proposed algorithm consists of three steps. (i) Express the real spherical harmonics as the linear combination of canonical polynomials. (ii) Rotate the canonical polynomials. (iii) Express the rotated canonical polynomials as the linear combination of real spherical harmonics. Since the three step procedure can be treated as a superposition of rotations, the searched rotation matrix for real spherical harmonics is a product of three matrices. The explicit formulae of matrix elements are given for l = 0, 1, 2, 3, what corresponds to s, p, d, f atomic orbitals.

  6. Reviewing real-time performance of nuclear reactor safety systems

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Preckshot, G.G.


    The purpose of this paper is to recommend regulatory guidance for reviewers examining real-time performance of computer-based safety systems used in nuclear power plants. Three areas of guidance are covered in this report. The first area covers how to determine if, when, and what prototypes should be required of developers to make a convincing demonstration that specific problems have been solved or that performance goals have been met. The second area has recommendations for timing analyses that will prove that the real-time system will meet its safety-imposed deadlines. The third area has description of means for assessing expected or actual real-time performance before, during, and after development is completed. To ensure that the delivered real-time software product meets performance goals, the paper recommends certain types of code-execution and communications scheduling. Technical background is provided in the appendix on methods of timing analysis, scheduling real-time computations, prototyping, real-time software development approaches, modeling and measurement, and real-time operating systems

  7. Reviewing real-time performance of nuclear reactor safety systems

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Preckshot, G.G. [Lawrence Livermore National Lab., CA (United States)


    The purpose of this paper is to recommend regulatory guidance for reviewers examining real-time performance of computer-based safety systems used in nuclear power plants. Three areas of guidance are covered in this report. The first area covers how to determine if, when, and what prototypes should be required of developers to make a convincing demonstration that specific problems have been solved or that performance goals have been met. The second area has recommendations for timing analyses that will prove that the real-time system will meet its safety-imposed deadlines. The third area has description of means for assessing expected or actual real-time performance before, during, and after development is completed. To ensure that the delivered real-time software product meets performance goals, the paper recommends certain types of code-execution and communications scheduling. Technical background is provided in the appendix on methods of timing analysis, scheduling real-time computations, prototyping, real-time software development approaches, modeling and measurement, and real-time operating systems.

  8. Real-time particle image velocimetry based on FPGA technology;Velocimetria PIV en tiempo real basada en logica programable FPGA

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Iriarte Munoz, Jose Miguel [Universidad Nacional de Cuyo, Instituto Balseiro, Centro Atomico Bariloche (Argentina)


    Particle image velocimetry (PIV), based on laser sheet, is a method for image processing and calculation of distributed velocity fields.It is well established as a fluid dynamics measurement tool, being applied to liquid, gases and multiphase flows.Images of particles are processed by means of computationally demanding algorithms, what makes its real-time implementation difficult.The most probable displacements are found applying two dimensional cross-correlation function. In this work, we detail how it is possible to achieve real-time visualization of PIV method by designing an adaptive embedded architecture based on FPGA technology.We show first results of a physical field of velocity calculated by this platform system in a real-time approach.;La velocimetria por imagenes de particulas (PIV), basada en plano laser, es una potente herramienta de medicion en dinamica de fluidos, capaz de medir sin grandes errores, un campo de velocidades distribuido en liquidos, gases y flujo multifase.Los altos requerimientos computacionales de los algoritmos PIV dificultan su empleo en tiempo-real.En este trabajo presentamos el diseno de una plataforma basada en tecnologia FPGA para capturar video y procesar en tiempo real el algoritmo de correlacion cruzada bidimensional.Mostramos resultados de un primer abordaje de la captura de imagenes y procesamiento de un campo fisico de velocidades en tiempo real.

  9. Factorials of real negative and imaginary numbers - A new perspective. (United States)

    Thukral, Ashwani K


    Presently, factorials of real negative numbers and imaginary numbers, except for zero and negative integers are interpolated using the Euler's gamma function. In the present paper, the concept of factorials has been generalised as applicable to real and imaginary numbers, and multifactorials. New functions based on Euler's factorial function have been proposed for the factorials of real negative and imaginary numbers. As per the present concept, the factorials of real negative numbers, are complex numbers. The factorials of real negative integers have their imaginary part equal to zero, thus are real numbers. Similarly, the factorials of imaginary numbers are complex numbers. The moduli of the complex factorials of real negative numbers, and imaginary numbers are equal to their respective real positive number factorials. Fractional factorials and multifactorials have been defined in a new perspective. The proposed concept has also been extended to Euler's gamma function for real negative numbers and imaginary numbers, and beta function.

  10. Detection of Histoplasma capsulatum from clinical specimens by cycling probe-based real-time PCR and nested real-time PCR. (United States)

    Muraosa, Yasunori; Toyotome, Takahito; Yahiro, Maki; Watanabe, Akira; Shikanai-Yasuda, Maria Aparecida; Kamei, Katsuhiko


    We developed new cycling probe-based real-time PCR and nested real-time PCR assays for the detection of Histoplasma capsulatum that were designed to detect the gene encoding N-acetylated α-linked acidic dipeptidase (NAALADase), which we previously identified as an H. capsulatum antigen reacting with sera from patients with histoplasmosis. Both assays specifically detected the DNAs of all H. capsulatum strains but not those of other fungi or human DNA. The limited of detection (LOD) of the real-time PCR assay was 10 DNA copies when using 10-fold serial dilutions of the standard plasmid DNA and 50 DNA copies when using human serum spiked with standard plasmid DNA. The nested real-time PCR improved the LOD to 5 DNA copies when using human serum spiked with standard plasmid DNA, which represents a 10-fold higher than that observed with the real-time PCR assay. To assess the ability of the two assays to diagnose histoplasmosis, we analyzed a small number of clinical specimens collected from five patients with histoplasmosis, such as sera (n = 4), formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded (FFPE) tissue (n = 4), and bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF) (n = 1). Although clinical sensitivity of the real-time PCR assay was insufficiently sensitive (33%), the nested real-time PCR assay increased the clinical sensitivity (77%), suggesting it has a potential to be a useful method for detecting H. capsulatum DNA in clinical specimens. © The Author 2015. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of The International Society for Human and Animal Mycology. All rights reserved. For permissions, please e-mail:

  11. Effective Continuing Education for Licensed Real Estate Professionals (United States)

    Tilton, Wendy A.


    Mandatory real estate education has been intensely debated for many years. New Jersey is the only state in the nation that does not require licensed real estate agents to attend an ongoing educational event after securing a license to practice. A bill was proposed to the legislature to mandate real estate education in June of 2001. (It was…

  12. Real topological string amplitudes

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Narain, K.S. [The Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP),Strada Costiera 11, Trieste, 34151 (Italy); Piazzalunga, N. [Simons Center for Geometry and Physics, State University of New York,Stony Brook, NY, 11794-3636 (United States); International School for Advanced Studies (SISSA) and INFN, Sez. di Trieste,via Bonomea 265, Trieste, 34136 (Italy); Tanzini, A. [International School for Advanced Studies (SISSA) and INFN, Sez. di Trieste,via Bonomea 265, Trieste, 34136 (Italy)


    We discuss the physical superstring correlation functions in type I theory (or equivalently type II with orientifold) that compute real topological string amplitudes. We consider the correlator corresponding to holomorphic derivative of the real topological amplitude G{sub χ}, at fixed worldsheet Euler characteristic χ. This corresponds in the low-energy effective action to N=2 Weyl multiplet, appropriately reduced to the orientifold invariant part, and raised to the power g{sup ′}=−χ+1. We show that the physical string correlator gives precisely the holomorphic derivative of topological amplitude. Finally, we apply this method to the standard closed oriented case as well, and prove a similar statement for the topological amplitude F{sub g}.

  13. Verifying real-time systems against scenario-based requirements

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Larsen, Kim Guldstrand; Li, Shuhao; Nielsen, Brian


    We propose an approach to automatic verification of real-time systems against scenario-based requirements. A real-time system is modeled as a network of Timed Automata (TA), and a scenario-based requirement is specified as a Live Sequence Chart (LSC). We define a trace-based semantics for a kernel...... subset of the LSC language. By equivalently translating an LSC chart into an observer TA and then non-intrusively composing this observer with the original system model, the problem of verifying a real-time system against a scenario-based requirement reduces to a classical real-time model checking...

  14. Academic Training: Real Time Process Control - Lecture series

    CERN Multimedia

    Françoise Benz


    ACADEMIC TRAINING LECTURE REGULAR PROGRAMME 7, 8 and 9 June From 11:00 hrs to 12:00 hrs - Main Auditorium bldg. 500 Real Time Process Control T. Riesco / CERN-TS What exactly is meant by Real-time? There are several definitions of real-time, most of them contradictory. Unfortunately the topic is controversial, and there does not seem to be 100% agreement over the terminology. Real-time applications are becoming increasingly important in our daily lives and can be found in diverse environments such as the automatic braking system on an automobile, a lottery ticket system, or robotic environmental samplers on a space station. These lectures will introduce concepts and theory like basic concepts timing constraints, task scheduling, periodic server mechanisms, hard and soft real-time.ENSEIGNEMENT ACADEMIQUE ACADEMIC TRAINING Françoise Benz 73127

  15. Connecting real-time data to algorithms and databases: EarthCube's Cloud-Hosted Real-time Data Services for the Geosciences (CHORDS) (United States)

    Daniels, M. D.; Graves, S. J.; Kerkez, B.; Chandrasekar, V.; Vernon, F.; Martin, C. L.; Maskey, M.; Keiser, K.; Dye, M. J.


    The Cloud-Hosted Real-time Data Services for the Geosciences (CHORDS) project was funded under the National Science Foundation's EarthCube initiative. CHORDS addresses the ever-increasing importance of real-time scientific data in the geosciences, particularly in mission critical scenarios, where informed decisions must be made rapidly. Access to constant streams of real-time data also allow many new transient phenomena in space-time to be observed, however, much of these streaming data are either completely inaccessible or only available to proprietary in-house tools or displays. Small research teams do not have the resources to develop tools for the broad dissemination of their unique real-time data and require an easy to use, scalable, cloud-based solution to facilitate this access. CHORDS will make these diverse streams of real-time data available to the broader geosciences community. This talk will highlight a recently developed CHORDS portal tools and processing systems which address some of the gaps in handling real-time data, particularly in the provisioning of data from the "long-tail" scientific community through a simple interface that is deployed in the cloud, is scalable and is able to be customized by research teams. A running portal, with operational data feeds from across the nation, will be presented. The processing within the CHORDS system will expose these real-time streams via standard services from the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) in a way that is simple and transparent to the data provider, while maximizing the usage of these investments. The ingestion of high velocity, high volume and diverse data has allowed the project to explore a NoSQL database implementation. Broad use of the CHORDS framework by geoscientists will help to facilitate adaptive experimentation, model assimilation and real-time hypothesis testing.

  16. Real-use evaluation of effects

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Simonsen, Jesper; Hertzum, Morten


    quantitative and qualitative methods to address various levels of 'use' from overall politics to actual practice. The project concerns the introduction and use of an electronic whiteboard system to support clinical overview and logistics at emergency departments (EDs). The nurses succeed in getting 'warmer......Embracing real use in an iterative approach calls for systematic formative evaluation. Effects-driven IT Development has been suggested as a way of supporting a Participatory Design (PD) process involving implementations that expose mature prototypes to real work practices. This is followed...

  17. Geomagnetic Observatory Data for Real-Time Applications (United States)

    Love, J. J.; Finn, C. A.; Rigler, E. J.; Kelbert, A.; Bedrosian, P.


    The global network of magnetic observatories represents a unique collective asset for the scientific community. Historically, magnetic observatories have supported global magnetic-field mapping projects and fundamental research of the Earth's interior and surrounding space environment. More recently, real-time data streams from magnetic observatories have become an important contributor to multi-sensor, operational monitoring of evolving space weather conditions, especially during magnetic storms. In this context, the U.S. Geological Survey (1) provides real-time observatory data to allied space weather monitoring projects, including those of NOAA, the U.S. Air Force, NASA, several international agencies, and private industry, (2) collaborates with Schlumberger to provide real-time geomagnetic data needed for directional drilling for oil and gas in Alaska, (3) develops products for real-time evaluation of hazards for the electric-power grid industry that are associated with the storm-time induction of geoelectric fields in the Earth's conducting lithosphere. In order to implement strategic priorities established by the USGS Natural Hazards Mission Area and the National Science and Technology Council, and with a focus on developing new real-time products, the USGS is (1) leveraging data management protocols already developed by the USGS Earthquake Program, (2) developing algorithms for mapping geomagnetic activity, a collaboration with NASA and NOAA, (3) supporting magnetotelluric surveys and developing Earth conductivity models, a collaboration with Oregon State University and the NSF's EarthScope Program, (4) studying the use of geomagnetic activity maps and Earth conductivity models for real-time estimation of geoelectric fields, (5) initiating geoelectric monitoring at several observatories, (6) validating real-time estimation algorithms against historical geomagnetic and geoelectric data. The success of these long-term projects is subject to funding constraints

  18. Virtual timers in hierarchical real-time systems

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Heuvel, van den M.M.H.P.; Holenderski, M.J.; Cools, W.A.; Bril, R.J.; Lukkien, J.J.; Zhu, D.


    Hierarchical scheduling frameworks (HSFs) provide means for composing complex real-time systems from welldefined subsystems. This paper describes an approach to provide hierarchically scheduled real-time applications with virtual event timers, motivated by the need for integrating priority

  19. Failure analysis of real-time systems

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jalashgar, A.; Stoelen, K.


    This paper highlights essential aspects of real-time software systems that are strongly related to the failures and their course of propagation. The significant influence of means-oriented and goal-oriented system views in the description, understanding and analysing of those aspects is elaborated. The importance of performing failure analysis prior to reliability analysis of real-time systems is equally addressed. Problems of software reliability growth models taking the properties of such systems into account are discussed. Finally, the paper presents a preliminary study of a goal-oriented approach to model the static and dynamic characteristics of real-time systems, so that the corresponding analysis can be based on a more descriptive and informative picture of failures, their effects and the possibility of their occurrence. (author)

  20. The Cluster Enterprise of Real Property Business

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Stubkjær, Erik


    others. The paper regards the domain of real property transactions. Drawing on research of European scope, it analyzes the framework of business processes in order to facilitate adoption of service oriented architectures. The paper motivates the notion of a ‘cluster enterprise' and identifies further......In order to apply the potential of available web technology, business processes must be described in a coherent way across organizational boundaries. Business processes include geographical data in the context of constructions, as well as environmental affairs and real property transactions, among...... steps towards a standardization of real estate business....

  1. Real-Time Optimization and Control of Next-Generation Distribution (United States)

    -Generation Distribution Infrastructure Real-Time Optimization and Control of Next-Generation Distribution developing a system-theoretic distribution network management framework that unifies real-time voltage and Infrastructure | Grid Modernization | NREL Real-Time Optimization and Control of Next

  2. Keeping it real: revisiting a real-space approach to running ensembles of cosmological N-body simulations

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Orban, Chris


    In setting up initial conditions for ensembles of cosmological N-body simulations there are, fundamentally, two choices: either maximizing the correspondence of the initial density field to the assumed fourier-space clustering or, instead, matching to real-space statistics and allowing the DC mode (i.e. overdensity) to vary from box to box as it would in the real universe. As a stringent test of both approaches, I perform ensembles of simulations using power law and a ''powerlaw times a bump'' model inspired by baryon acoustic oscillations (BAO), exploiting the self-similarity of these initial conditions to quantify the accuracy of the matter-matter two-point correlation results. The real-space method, which was originally proposed by Pen 1997 [1] and implemented by Sirko 2005 [2], performed well in producing the expected self-similar behavior and corroborated the non-linear evolution of the BAO feature observed in conventional simulations, even in the strongly-clustered regime (σ 8 ∼>1). In revisiting the real-space method championed by [2], it was also noticed that this earlier study overlooked an important integral constraint correction to the correlation function in results from the conventional approach that can be important in ΛCDM simulations with L box ∼ −1 Gpc and on scales r∼>L box /10. Rectifying this issue shows that the fourier space and real space methods are about equally accurate and efficient for modeling the evolution and growth of the correlation function, contrary to previous claims. An appendix provides a useful independent-of-epoch analytic formula for estimating the importance of the integral constraint bias on correlation function measurements in ΛCDM simulations

  3. Can Real-Time Data Also Be Climate Quality? (United States)

    Brewer, M.; Wentz, F. J.


    GMI, AMSR-2 and WindSat herald a new era of highly accurate and timely microwave data products. Traditionally, there has been a large divide between real-time and re-analysis data products. What if these completely separate processing systems could be merged? Through advanced modeling and physically based algorithms, Remote Sensing Systems (RSS) has narrowed the gap between real-time and research-quality. Satellite microwave ocean products have proven useful for a wide array of timely Earth science applications. Through cloud SST capabilities have enormously benefited tropical cyclone forecasting and day to day fisheries management, to name a few. Oceanic wind vectors enhance operational safety of shipping and recreational boating. Atmospheric rivers are of import to many human endeavors, as are cloud cover and knowledge of precipitation events. Some activities benefit from both climate and real-time operational data used in conjunction. RSS has been consistently improving microwave Earth Science Data Records (ESDRs) for several decades, while making near real-time data publicly available for semi-operational use. These data streams have often been produced in 2 stages: near real-time, followed by research quality final files. Over the years, we have seen this time delay shrink from months or weeks to mere hours. As well, we have seen the quality of near real-time data improve to the point where the distinction starts to blur. We continue to work towards better and faster RFI filtering, adaptive algorithms and improved real-time validation statistics for earlier detection of problems. Can it be possible to produce climate quality data in real-time, and what would the advantages be? We will try to answer these questions…

  4. Real-time reactor coolant system pressure/temperature limit system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Newton, D.G.; Schemmel, R.R.; Van Scooter, W.E. Jr.


    This patent describes an system, used in controlling the operating of a nuclear reactor coolant system, which automatically calculates and displays allowable reactor coolant system pressure/temperature limits within the nuclear reactor coolant system based upon real-time inputs. It comprises: means for producing signals representative of real-time operating parameters of the nuclear reactor cooling system; means for developing pressure and temperature limits relating the real-time operating parameters of the nuclear reactor coolant system, for normal and emergency operation thereof; means for processing the signals representative of real-time operating parameters of the nuclear reactor coolant system to perform calculations of a best estimate of signals, check manual inputs against permissible valves and test data acquisition hardware for validity and over/under range; and means for comparing the representative signals with limits for the real-time operating parameters to produce a signal for a real-time display of the pressure and temperature limits and of the real-time operating parameters use an operator in controlling the operation of the nuclear reactor coolant system

  5. A Process For Performance Evaluation Of Real-Time Systems

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Andrew J. Kornecki


    Full Text Available Real-time developers and engineers must not only meet the system functional requirements, but also the stringent timing requirements. One of the critical decisions leading to meeting these timing requirements is the selection of an operating system under which the software will be developed and run. Although there is ample documentation on real-time systems performance and evaluation, little can be found that combines such information into an efficient process for use by developers. As the software industry moves towards clearly defined processes, creation of appropriate guidelines describing a process for performance evaluation of real-time system would greatly benefit real-time developers. This technology transition research focuses on developing such a process. PROPERT (PROcess for Performance Evaluation of Real Time systems - the process described in this paper - is based upon established techniques for evaluating real-time systems. It organizes already existing real-time performance criteria and assessment techniques in a manner consistent with a well-formed process, based on the Personal Software Process concepts.

  6. Real time magnetic resonance guided endomyocardial local delivery (United States)

    Corti, R; Badimon, J; Mizsei, G; Macaluso, F; Lee, M; Licato, P; Viles-Gonzalez, J F; Fuster, V; Sherman, W


    Objective: To investigate the feasibility of targeting various areas of left ventricle myocardium under real time magnetic resonance (MR) imaging with a customised injection catheter equipped with a miniaturised coil. Design: A needle injection catheter with a mounted resonant solenoid circuit (coil) at its tip was designed and constructed. A 1.5 T MR scanner with customised real time sequence combined with in-room scan running capabilities was used. With this system, various myocardial areas within the left ventricle were targeted and injected with a gadolinium-diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid (DTPA) and Indian ink mixture. Results: Real time sequencing at 10 frames/s allowed clear visualisation of the moving catheter and its transit through the aorta into the ventricle, as well as targeting of all ventricle wall segments without further image enhancement techniques. All injections were visualised by real time MR imaging and verified by gross pathology. Conclusion: The tracking device allowed real time in vivo visualisation of catheters in the aorta and left ventricle as well as precise targeting of myocardial areas. The use of this real time catheter tracking may enable precise and adequate delivery of agents for tissue regeneration. PMID:15710717

  7. Un-real Estate

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ulfstjerne, Michael Alexander

    Based on ethnographic fieldwork in Ordos China the dissertation ‘Un-real Estate’ traces a local economic boom into its subsequent bust. It gives an account of how state as well as non-state actors appropriate state development schemes and the unintended effects resulting from the colluding forces...

  8. Real Islamic Logic

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Bergstra, J.A.


    Four options for assigning a meaning to Islamic Logic are surveyed including a new proposal for an option named "Real Islamic Logic" (RIL). That approach to Islamic Logic should serve modern Islamic objectives in a way comparable to the functionality of Islamic Finance. The prospective role of RIL

  9. A step function model to evaluate the real monetary value of man-sievert with real GDP

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Na, Seong H.; Kim, Sun G.


    For use in a cost-benefit analysis to establish optimum levels of radiation protection in Korea under the ALARA principle, we introduce a discrete step function model to evaluate man-sievert monetary value in the real economic value. The model formula, which is unique and country-specific, is composed of real GDP, the nominal risk coefficient for cancer and hereditary effects, the aversion factor against radiation exposure, and average life expectancy. Unlike previous researches on alpha-value assessment, we show different alpha values in the real term, differentiated with respect to the range of individual doses, which would be more realistic and informative for application to the radiation protection practices. GDP deflators of economy can reflect the society's situations. Finally, we suggest that the Korean model can be generalized simply to other countries without normalizing any country-specific factors.

  10. A step function model to evaluate the real monetary value of man-sievert with real GDP

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Na, Seong H. [Korea Institute of Nuclear Safety, 19 Guseong-dong, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon 305-338 (Korea, Republic of)], E-mail:; Kim, Sun G. [School of Business, Daejeon University, Yong Woon-dong, Dong-gu, Daejeon 300-716 (Korea, Republic of)], E-mail:


    For use in a cost-benefit analysis to establish optimum levels of radiation protection in Korea under the ALARA principle, we introduce a discrete step function model to evaluate man-sievert monetary value in the real economic value. The model formula, which is unique and country-specific, is composed of real GDP, the nominal risk coefficient for cancer and hereditary effects, the aversion factor against radiation exposure, and average life expectancy. Unlike previous researches on alpha-value assessment, we show different alpha values in the real term, differentiated with respect to the range of individual doses, which would be more realistic and informative for application to the radiation protection practices. GDP deflators of economy can reflect the society's situations. Finally, we suggest that the Korean model can be generalized simply to other countries without normalizing any country-specific factors.

  11. A step function model to evaluate the real monetary value of man-sievert with real GDP. (United States)

    Na, Seong H; Kim, Sun G


    For use in a cost-benefit analysis to establish optimum levels of radiation protection in Korea under the ALARA principle, we introduce a discrete step function model to evaluate man-sievert monetary value in the real economic value. The model formula, which is unique and country-specific, is composed of real GDP, the nominal risk coefficient for cancer and hereditary effects, the aversion factor against radiation exposure, and average life expectancy. Unlike previous researches on alpha-value assessment, we show different alpha values in the real term, differentiated with respect to the range of individual doses, which would be more realistic and informative for application to the radiation protection practices. GDP deflators of economy can reflect the society's situations. Finally, we suggest that the Korean model can be generalized simply to other countries without normalizing any country-specific factors.

  12. Recent achievements in real-time computational seismology in Taiwan (United States)

    Lee, S.; Liang, W.; Huang, B.


    Real-time computational seismology is currently possible to be achieved which needs highly connection between seismic database and high performance computing. We have developed a real-time moment tensor monitoring system (RMT) by using continuous BATS records and moment tensor inversion (CMT) technique. The real-time online earthquake simulation service is also ready to open for researchers and public earthquake science education (ROS). Combine RMT with ROS, the earthquake report based on computational seismology can provide within 5 minutes after an earthquake occurred (RMT obtains point source information ROS completes a 3D simulation real-time now. For more information, welcome to visit real-time computational seismology earthquake report webpage (RCS).

  13. The real meaning of complex Minkowski-space world-lines

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Adamo, T M [University of Oxford, Mathematical Institute, 24-29 St Giles, Oxford, OX1 3LB (United Kingdom); Newman, E T, E-mail: newman@pitt.ed [University of Pittsburgh, Department of Physics and Astronomy, Pittsburgh, PA 15213 (United States)


    In connection with the study of shear-free null geodesics in Minkowski space, we investigate the real geometric effects in real Minkowski space that are induced by and associated with complex world-lines in complex Minkowski space. It was already known, in a formal manner, that complex analytic curves in complex Minkowski space induce shear-free null geodesic congruences. Here we look at the direct geometric connections of the complex line and the real structures. Among other items, we show, in particular, how a complex world-line projects into the real Minkowski space in the form of a real shear-free null geodesic congruence.

  14. The real meaning of complex Minkowski-space world-lines

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Adamo, T M; Newman, E T


    In connection with the study of shear-free null geodesics in Minkowski space, we investigate the real geometric effects in real Minkowski space that are induced by and associated with complex world-lines in complex Minkowski space. It was already known, in a formal manner, that complex analytic curves in complex Minkowski space induce shear-free null geodesic congruences. Here we look at the direct geometric connections of the complex line and the real structures. Among other items, we show, in particular, how a complex world-line projects into the real Minkowski space in the form of a real shear-free null geodesic congruence.

  15. Real Analysis A Historical Approach

    CERN Document Server

    Stahl, Saul


    A provocative look at the tools and history of real analysis This new edition of Real Analysis: A Historical Approach continues to serve as an interesting read for students of analysis. Combining historical coverage with a superb introductory treatment, this book helps readers easily make the transition from concrete to abstract ideas. The book begins with an exciting sampling of classic and famous problems first posed by some of the greatest mathematicians of all time. Archimedes, Fermat, Newton, and Euler are each summoned in turn, illuminating the utility of infinite, power, and trigonome

  16. Elementary real and complex analysis

    CERN Document Server

    Shilov, Georgi E


    In this book the renowned Russian mathematician Georgi E. Shilov brings his unique perspective to real and complex analysis, an area of perennial interest in mathematics. Although there are many books available on the topic, the present work is specially designed for undergraduates in mathematics, science and engineering. A high level of mathematical sophistication is not required.The book begins with a systematic study of real numbers, understood to be a set of objects satisfying certain definite axioms. The concepts of a mathematical structure and an isomorphism are introduced in Chapter 2,

  17. Automated real-time software development (United States)

    Jones, Denise R.; Walker, Carrie K.; Turkovich, John J.


    A Computer-Aided Software Engineering (CASE) system has been developed at the Charles Stark Draper Laboratory (CSDL) under the direction of the NASA Langley Research Center. The CSDL CASE tool provides an automated method of generating source code and hard copy documentation from functional application engineering specifications. The goal is to significantly reduce the cost of developing and maintaining real-time scientific and engineering software while increasing system reliability. This paper describes CSDL CASE and discusses demonstrations that used the tool to automatically generate real-time application code.

  18. Real-time systems scheduling fundamentals

    CERN Document Server

    Chetto, Maryline


    Real-time systems are used in a wide range of applications, including control, sensing, multimedia, etc.  Scheduling is a central problem for these computing/communication systems since responsible of software execution in a timely manner. This book provides state of knowledge in this domain with special emphasis on the key results obtained within the last decade. This book addresses foundations as well as the latest advances and findings in Real-Time Scheduling, giving all references to important papers. But nevertheless the chapters will be short and not overloaded with confusing details.

  19. Explaining How to Play Real-Time Strategy Games (United States)

    Metoyer, Ronald; Stumpf, Simone; Neumann, Christoph; Dodge, Jonathan; Cao, Jill; Schnabel, Aaron

    Real-time strategy games share many aspects with real situations in domains such as battle planning, air traffic control, and emergency response team management which makes them appealing test-beds for Artificial Intelligence (AI) and machine learning. End user annotations could help to provide supplemental information for learning algorithms, especially when training data is sparse. This paper presents a formative study to uncover how experienced users explain game play in real-time strategy games. We report the results of our analysis of explanations and discuss their characteristics that could support the design of systems for use by experienced real-time strategy game users in specifying or annotating strategy-oriented behavior.

  20. Real-Time Parameter Identification (United States)

    National Aeronautics and Space Administration — Armstrong researchers have implemented in the control room a technique for estimating in real time the aerodynamic parameters that describe the stability and control...

  1. Real-time position reconstruction with hippocampal place cells. (United States)

    Guger, Christoph; Gener, Thomas; Pennartz, Cyriel M A; Brotons-Mas, Jorge R; Edlinger, Günter; Bermúdez I Badia, S; Verschure, Paul; Schaffelhofer, Stefan; Sanchez-Vives, Maria V


    Brain-computer interfaces (BCI) are using the electroencephalogram, the electrocorticogram and trains of action potentials as inputs to analyze brain activity for communication purposes and/or the control of external devices. Thus far it is not known whether a BCI system can be developed that utilizes the states of brain structures that are situated well below the cortical surface, such as the hippocampus. In order to address this question we used the activity of hippocampal place cells (PCs) to predict the position of an rodent in real-time. First, spike activity was recorded from the hippocampus during foraging and analyzed off-line to optimize the spike sorting and position reconstruction algorithm of rats. Then the spike activity was recorded and analyzed in real-time. The rat was running in a box of 80 cm × 80 cm and its locomotor movement was captured with a video tracking system. Data were acquired to calculate the rat's trajectories and to identify place fields. Then a Bayesian classifier was trained to predict the position of the rat given its neural activity. This information was used in subsequent trials to predict the rat's position in real-time. The real-time experiments were successfully performed and yielded an error between 12.2 and 17.4% using 5-6 neurons. It must be noted here that the encoding step was done with data recorded before the real-time experiment and comparable accuracies between off-line (mean error of 15.9% for three rats) and real-time experiments (mean error of 14.7%) were achieved. The experiment shows proof of principle that position reconstruction can be done in real-time, that PCs were stable and spike sorting was robust enough to generalize from the training run to the real-time reconstruction phase of the experiment. Real-time reconstruction may be used for a variety of purposes, including creating behavioral-neuronal feedback loops or for implementing neuroprosthetic control.

  2. An Analysis of Input/Output Paradigms for Real-Time Systems (United States)


    timing and concurrency aspects of real - time systems . This paper illustrates how to build a mathematical model of the schedulability of a real-time...various design alternatives. The primary characteristic that distinguishes real-time system from non- real - time systems is the importance of time. The

  3. Cloud-Hosted Real-time Data Services for the Geosciences (CHORDS) (United States)

    Daniels, M. D.; Graves, S. J.; Vernon, F.; Kerkez, B.; Chandra, C. V.; Keiser, K.; Martin, C.


    Cloud-Hosted Real-time Data Services for the Geosciences (CHORDS) Access, utilization and management of real-time data continue to be challenging for decision makers, as well as researchers in several scientific fields. This presentation will highlight infrastructure aimed at addressing some of the gaps in handling real-time data, particularly in increasing accessibility of these data to the scientific community through cloud services. The Cloud-Hosted Real-time Data Services for the Geosciences (CHORDS) system addresses the ever-increasing importance of real-time scientific data, particularly in mission critical scenarios, where informed decisions must be made rapidly. Advances in the distribution of real-time data are leading many new transient phenomena in space-time to be observed, however real-time decision-making is infeasible in many cases that require streaming scientific data as these data are locked down and sent only to proprietary in-house tools or displays. This lack of accessibility to the broader scientific community prohibits algorithm development and workflows initiated by these data streams. As part of NSF's EarthCube initiative, CHORDS proposes to make real-time data available to the academic community via cloud services. The CHORDS infrastructure will enhance the role of real-time data within the geosciences, specifically expanding the potential of streaming data sources in enabling adaptive experimentation and real-time hypothesis testing. Adherence to community data and metadata standards will promote the integration of CHORDS real-time data with existing standards-compliant analysis, visualization and modeling tools.

  4. Real World Europeanisation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Pedersen, Morten Jarlbæk


    Several studies of the impacts of the EU on modern policies and polities evade investigation of the most detailed level of Europeanisation, i.e. gradual legal changes. This seems odd as it is exactly these small gears turning that constitute perhaps the most real and concrete of all types of Euro...

  5. Introductory real analysis

    CERN Document Server

    Kolmogorov, A N; Silverman, Richard A


    Self-contained and comprehensive, this elementary introduction to real and functional analysis is readily accessible to those with background in advanced calculus. It covers basic concepts and introductory principles in set theory, metric spaces, topological and linear spaces, linear functionals and linear operators, and much more. 350 problems. 1970 edition.

  6. Real Estate Economics, Management and Investments: New Perspectives and Frontiers

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Vincenzo Del Giudice


    Full Text Available New perspectives and frontiers were highlighted in a Special Issue on “Real Estate Economics, Finance and Investments”. The twenty-eight papers that were selected and published emanated from scholars from universities all over the world with the aim to represent more recent advances in building management, mass appraisal methods, real estate risk management, economic evaluation of real estate investment projects, real estate market, property, social housing, real estate economics, real estate finance, building transformation and economic effects on environment. These papers helped to determine a unique and valuable opportunity to experiment with multiple approaches to these ever more crucial topics. This note proposes a brief review of the twenty-eight papers, concluding with some reflections about policy, practice and research on real estate issues.

  7. 7 CFR 767.102 - Leasing non-real estate inventory property. (United States)


    ... 7 Agriculture 7 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Leasing non-real estate inventory property. 767.102..., DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE SPECIAL PROGRAMS INVENTORY PROPERTY MANAGEMENT Lease of Real Estate Inventory Property § 767.102 Leasing non-real estate inventory property. The Agency does not lease non-real estate...

  8. A distributed agent architecture for real-time knowledge-based systems: Real-time expert systems project, phase 1 (United States)

    Lee, S. Daniel


    We propose a distributed agent architecture (DAA) that can support a variety of paradigms based on both traditional real-time computing and artificial intelligence. DAA consists of distributed agents that are classified into two categories: reactive and cognitive. Reactive agents can be implemented directly in Ada to meet hard real-time requirements and be deployed on on-board embedded processors. A traditional real-time computing methodology under consideration is the rate monotonic theory that can guarantee schedulability based on analytical methods. AI techniques under consideration for reactive agents are approximate or anytime reasoning that can be implemented using Bayesian belief networks as in Guardian. Cognitive agents are traditional expert systems that can be implemented in ART-Ada to meet soft real-time requirements. During the initial design of cognitive agents, it is critical to consider the migration path that would allow initial deployment on ground-based workstations with eventual deployment on on-board processors. ART-Ada technology enables this migration while Lisp-based technologies make it difficult if not impossible. In addition to reactive and cognitive agents, a meta-level agent would be needed to coordinate multiple agents and to provide meta-level control.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Dorina KRIPA


    Full Text Available Nowadays investing in Real Estates is one of the main investing alternatives. It has spread fast in all the international markets, and has evolved in other indirect tools of investing, based on the investors’ demands and a country’s economic situation. Investing in Real Estates has become an attractive alternative because it offers protection from Inflation and also diversification. Therefore, the increase in these assets’ prices, and the increase in Inflation at the same time, provides the investor with high rate of returns from his portfolio. Even the periodic income from the rent, reflects the changes in Inflation. As a result, reviewing the literature, we conclude that Real Estates are protective in inflationist periods. The income from Real Estates tends to increase faster in inflationist environments, allowing the investor to keep real rates of returns. Real Estates have always behaved different from bonds, options and stocks. Real Estates have their particular life cycle, which is distinguished by the boom and bust periods, in particular The Commercial Real Estate in the 80’ and The Residential Real Estate in the 2008 crisis. Usually Real Estates have a low correlation with other classes of assets. This makes investors invest more in Real Estates, and now it is normal for an investor with passive or active strategy to own more than one Real Estate for profit intentions. This topic has been chosen in order to understand in details the relationship between Real Estates and Inflation in Albania. To explain this relationship, it has been used the model of a linear regression. It has been identified The House Price Index (a representative of Real Estates in Albania as a dependent variable and Inflation as an independent variable. From this model, we conclude that there is a positive and linear relationship between The Price Index and Inflation. In conclusion, if the economy has Inflation and the GDP Deflator increases by 1 %, then The

  10. Understanding the Value of Real-World Evidence

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Camm, A John; Coleman, Craig I; Larsen, Torben Bjerregaard


    importance, there may be challenges in understanding the relevance of the differing study designs, endpoints and populations. Here, we summarize the value of real-world evidence and considerations pertinent to their use in clinical research. Owing to the variety of analyses being conducted using real...

  11. Investing in European market real property through reits (United States)

    Adamuscin, A.


    For institutional and private investors, investing in real estate represents an attractive form of the consignment of their money. Real estate provides a regular source of income in the form of the rent from or interest on the credit provided. At the same time, real estate is a good investment instrument, because it provides diversified contributions and security against inflation for investors. In their efforts to diversify risk, investors are expressing growing interest in investing in the whole European Union. The success of Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) in the U.S. also opened the door for investing in this market for small investors, which is the reason for the development of this type of investment company in the European arena. One problem concerning the development of European real estate investment funds is the unsolved issue of the harmonization of the legislation and regulatory safety measures, which would enable the creation of a common market for new investment products in Europe.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Edgar V. Hovsepyan


    Full Text Available With the help of the international research literature, and the legislative framework of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Armenia in the article reveals the basic concepts and the essence of the real estate market, as well as given the classification of real estate. Thoroughly explains the difference between the concepts of "real estate" and "real property". In the article considered the main elements which includes the structure of the real estate market.

  13. Prototyping Real-Time Control in the SPS

    CERN Document Server

    Andersson, J; Jensen, L; Jones, R; Lamont, M; Wenninger, J; Wijnands, Thijs; CERN. Geneva. AB Department


    Real-time control of beam related parameters will be required in the LHC. In order to gain experience of the issues involved in implementing distributed real-time control over large distances, a prototype local orbit feedback system is being developed in the SPS. This will use 6 pickups, each equipped with the full LHC acquisition electronics chain and linked to a real-time communication and feedback system. This reports summarises the .rst tests performed with this system in October 2002, where the data from four pickups was successfully acquired and displayed at 10 Hz in the control room.

  14. Formal methods for dependable real-time systems (United States)

    Rushby, John


    The motivation for using formal methods to specify and reason about real time properties is outlined and approaches that were proposed and used are sketched. The formal verifications of clock synchronization algorithms are concluded as showing that mechanically supported reasoning about complex real time behavior is feasible. However, there was significant increase in the effectiveness of verification systems since those verifications were performed, at it is to be expected that verifications of comparable difficulty will become fairly routine. The current challenge lies in developing perspicuous and economical approaches to the formalization and specification of real time properties.

  15. Real time detecting system for turning force

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Xiaobin, Yue [China Academy of Engineering Physics, Mianyang (China). Inst. of Machinery Manufacturing Technology


    How to get the real-time value of forces dropped on the tool in the course of processing by piezoelectric sensors is introduced. First, the analog signals of the cutting force were achieved by these sensors, amplified and transferred into digital signals by A/D transferring card. Then real-time software reads the information, put it into its own coordinate, drew the curve of forces, displayed it on the screen by the real time and saved it for the technicians to analyze the situation of the tool. So the cutting parameter can be optimized to improve surface quality of the pieces.

  16. On the thermodynamic description of real systems

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bernardes, N.


    A new method of approach to the theory of the thermodynamic properties of real systems is proposed, to include interactions among the constituent particles of the system. The method consists in obtaining the entropy of a real system from the entropy of the corresponding ideal system by a translation in the internal energy and other relevant extensive variables. The usefulness of the method is displayed by application to the cases of: (i) real gases, and (ii) spin paramagnetism with interactions among spins. It is shown that this description corresponds to a generalization of the molecular field approximation. (Author) [pt

  17. Lagrangian solution of supersonic real gas flows (United States)

    Loh, Ching-Yuen; Liou, Meng-Sing


    The present extention of a Lagrangian approach of the Riemann solution procedure, which was originally proposed for perfect gases, to real gases, is nontrivial and requires the development of an exact real-gas Riemann solver for the Lagrangian form of the conservation laws. Calculations including complex wave interactions of various types were conducted to test the accuracy and robustness of the approach. Attention is given to the case of 2D oblique waves' capture, where a slip line is clearly in evidence; the real gas effect is demonstrated in the case of a generic engine nozzle.

  18. Real Property Tax - 2017 (United States)

    Montgomery County of Maryland — This data represents all of the County’s residential real estate properties and all of the associated tax charges and credits with that property processed at the...

  19. Real Property Tax - 2016 (United States)

    Montgomery County of Maryland — This data represents all of the County’s residential real estate properties and all of the associated tax charges and credits with that property processed at the...

  20. Advertising Model of Residential Real Estate Object in Lithuania

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jelena Mazaj


    Full Text Available Since the year 2000, during the period of economic growth, the real estate market has been rapidly expanding. During this period advertising of real estate objects was implemented using one set of similar channels (press advertising, Internet advertising, leaflets with contact information of real estate agents and others, however the start of the economic recession has intensified the competition in the market and forced companies to search for new advertising means or to diversify the advertising package. The article presents real estate property, as a product, one of the marketing components – including advertising, conclusions and suggestions based on conducted surveys and a model for advertising the residential real estate objects.Article in Lithuanian

  1. Proceedings of the Real-Time Systems Engineering Workshop (United States)


    real - time systems engineering. The workshop was held as part of the SEI Symposium in...Washington, DC, during September 2000. The objective of the workshop was to identify key issues and obtain feedback from attendees concerning real - time systems engineering...and interoperability. This report summarizes the workshop in terms of foundation, management, and technical topics, and it contains a discussion related to developing a community of interest for real - time systems

  2. [Real time 3D echocardiography (United States)

    Bauer, F.; Shiota, T.; Thomas, J. D.


    Three-dimensional representation of the heart is an old concern. Usually, 3D reconstruction of the cardiac mass is made by successive acquisition of 2D sections, the spatial localisation and orientation of which require complex guiding systems. More recently, the concept of volumetric acquisition has been introduced. A matricial emitter-receiver probe complex with parallel data processing provides instantaneous of a pyramidal 64 degrees x 64 degrees volume. The image is restituted in real time and is composed of 3 planes (planes B and C) which can be displaced in all spatial directions at any time during acquisition. The flexibility of this system of acquisition allows volume and mass measurement with greater accuracy and reproducibility, limiting inter-observer variability. Free navigation of the planes of investigation allows reconstruction for qualitative and quantitative analysis of valvular heart disease and other pathologies. Although real time 3D echocardiography is ready for clinical usage, some improvements are still necessary to improve its conviviality. Then real time 3D echocardiography could be the essential tool for understanding, diagnosis and management of patients.

  3. Real quartic surfaces containing 16 skew lines

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Isidro Nieto


    Full Text Available It is well known that there is an open three-dimensional subvariety Ms of the Grassmannian of lines in ℙ3 which parametrizes smooth irreducible complex surfaces of degree 4 which are Heisenberg invariant, and each quartic contains 32 lines but only 16 skew lines, being determined by its configuration of lines, are called a double 16. We consider here the problem of visualizing in a computer the real Heisenberg invariant quartic surface and the real double 16. We construct a family of points l∈Ms parametrized by a two-dimensional semialgebraic variety such that under a change of coordinates of l into its Plüecker, coordinates transform into the real coordinates for a line L in ℙ3, which is then used to construct a program in Maple 7. The program allows us to draw the quartic surface and the set of transversal lines to L. Additionally, we include a table of a group of examples. For each test example we specify a parameter, the viewing angle of the image, compilation time, and other visual properties of the real surface and its real double 16. We include at the end of the paper an example showing the surface containing the double 16.

  4. Some remarks on real numbers induced by first-order spectra

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jakobsen, Sune; Simonsen, Jakob Grue


    The spectrum of a first-order sentence is the set of natural numbers occurring as the cardinalities of finite models of the sentence. In a recent survey, Durand et al. introduce a new class of real numbers, the spectral reals, induced by spectra and pose two open problems associated to this class...... may occur, and (iv) every right-computable real number between 0 and 1 occurs as the subword entropy of a spectral real. In addition, Durand et al. note that the set of spectral reals is not closed under addition or multiplication. We extend this result by showing that the class of spectral reals...

  5. Real-time software for the COMPASS tokamak plasma control

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Valcarcel, D.F.; Duarte, A.S.; Neto, A.; Carvalho, I.S.; Carvalho, B.B.; Fernandes, H.; Sousa, J.; Sartori, F.; Janky, F.; Cahyna, P.; Hron, M.; Panek, R.


    The COMPASS tokamak has started its operation recently in Prague and to meet the necessary operation parameters its real-time system, for data processing and control, must be designed for both flexibility and performance, allowing the easy integration of code from several developers and to guarantee the desired time cycle. For this purpose an Advanced Telecommunications Computing Architecture based real-time system has been deployed with a solution built on a multi-core x86 processor. It makes use of two software components: the BaseLib2 and the MARTe (Multithreaded Application Real-Time executor) real-time frameworks. The BaseLib2 framework is a generic real-time library with optimized objects for the implementation of real-time algorithms. This allowed to build a library of modules that process the acquired data and execute control algorithms. MARTe executes these modules in kernel space Real-Time Application Interface allowing to attain the required cycle time and a jitter of less than 1.5 μs. MARTe configuration and data storage are accomplished through a Java hardware client that connects to the FireSignal control and data acquisition software. This article details the implementation of the real-time system for the COMPASS tokamak, in particular the organization of the control code, the design and implementation of the communications with the actuators and how MARTe integrates with the FireSignal software.

  6. Real-time software for the COMPASS tokamak plasma control

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Valcarcel, D.F., E-mail: [Associacao EURATOM/IST, Instituto de Plasmas e Fusao Nuclear - Laboratorio Associado, Instituto Superior Tecnico, P-1049-001 Lisboa (Portugal); Duarte, A.S.; Neto, A.; Carvalho, I.S.; Carvalho, B.B.; Fernandes, H.; Sousa, J. [Associacao EURATOM/IST, Instituto de Plasmas e Fusao Nuclear - Laboratorio Associado, Instituto Superior Tecnico, P-1049-001 Lisboa (Portugal); Sartori, F. [Euratom-UKAEA, Culham Science Centre, Abingdon, OX14 3DB Oxon (United Kingdom); Janky, F.; Cahyna, P.; Hron, M.; Panek, R. [Institute of Plasma Physics AS CR, v.v.i., Association EURATOM/IPP.CR, Za Slovankou 3, 182 00 Prague (Czech Republic)


    The COMPASS tokamak has started its operation recently in Prague and to meet the necessary operation parameters its real-time system, for data processing and control, must be designed for both flexibility and performance, allowing the easy integration of code from several developers and to guarantee the desired time cycle. For this purpose an Advanced Telecommunications Computing Architecture based real-time system has been deployed with a solution built on a multi-core x86 processor. It makes use of two software components: the BaseLib2 and the MARTe (Multithreaded Application Real-Time executor) real-time frameworks. The BaseLib2 framework is a generic real-time library with optimized objects for the implementation of real-time algorithms. This allowed to build a library of modules that process the acquired data and execute control algorithms. MARTe executes these modules in kernel space Real-Time Application Interface allowing to attain the required cycle time and a jitter of less than 1.5 {mu}s. MARTe configuration and data storage are accomplished through a Java hardware client that connects to the FireSignal control and data acquisition software. This article details the implementation of the real-time system for the COMPASS tokamak, in particular the organization of the control code, the design and implementation of the communications with the actuators and how MARTe integrates with the FireSignal software.

  7. Tourism, real output and real effective exchange rate in Malaysia: a view from rolling sub-samples


    Tang, Chor Foon


    The objective of this study is to examine the tourism-growth nexus for Malaysia with the cointegration and Granger causality tests. This study covers the monthly data from January 1989 to May 2010. The Johansen’s cointegration and the residuals-based test for cointegration with regime shift consistently suggest that tourist arrivals, real output, and real effective exchange rate in Malaysia are cointegrated. In terms of Granger causality, this study finds different sources of causality. In th...

  8. The real butterfly effect

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Palmer, T N; Döring, A; Seregin, G


    Historical evidence is reviewed to show that what Ed Lorenz meant by the iconic phrase ‘the butterfly effect’ is not at all captured by the notion of sensitive dependence on initial conditions in low-order chaos. Rather, as presented in his 1969 Tellus paper, Lorenz intended the phrase to describe the existence of an absolute finite-time predicability barrier in certain multi-scale fluid systems, implying a breakdown of continuous dependence on initial conditions for large enough forecast lead times. To distinguish from ‘mere’ sensitive dependence, the effect discussed in Lorenz's Tellus paper is referred to as ‘the real butterfly effect’. Theoretical evidence for such a predictability barrier in a fluid described by the three-dimensional Navier–Stokes equations is discussed. Whilst it is still an open question whether the Navier–Stokes equation has this property, evidence from both idealized atmospheric simulators and analysis of operational weather forecasts suggests that the real butterfly effect exists in an asymptotic sense, i.e. for initial-time atmospheric perturbations that are small in scale and amplitude compared with (weather) scales of interest, but still large in scale and amplitude compared with variability in the viscous subrange. Despite this, the real butterfly effect is an intermittent phenomenon in the atmosphere, and its presence can be signalled a priori, and hence mitigated, by ensemble forecast methods. (invited article)

  9. Escaping the Real: Baudrillards Object in Education Research

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Madsen, Ulla Ambrosius


    A certain persistent assumption rules the field of education –and can be summarized more or less like this: Education research is and should be about the real, representing the real and for the development and improvement of the real - more reality, better reality to still more children and young...... (Marcus and Clifford), it is a relatively new discussion in education research informed not least by (often a mixture) of social constructivism, poststructuralism and lately posthumanism and new materialism.(Lather, St. Pierre, Maclure). In this article I aim at transgressing modernist and poststructural...... discourses on representation opening up trajectories for education research methodology working with Baudrillard’s concepts related to the object, the real and its disappearance....

  10. Algorithms: economical computation of functions of real matrices

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Weiss, Z.


    An algorithm is presented which economizes on the calculation of F(a), where A is a real matrix and F(x) a real valued function of x, using spectral analysis. Assuming the availability of the software for the calculation of the complete set of eigenvalues and eigen vectors of A, it is shown that the complex matrix arithmetics involved in subsequent operations leading from A to F(A) can be reduced to the size comparable with the analogous problem in real matrix arithmetics. Saving in CPU time and storage has been achieved by utilizing explicitly the property that complex eigenvalues of a real matrix appear in pairs of complex conjugated numbers. (author)

  11. Real Estate Value Tax Based on the Latvian Experience

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Hełdak Maria


    Full Text Available The article deals with the subject of the planned real estate changes in Poland as viewed in relation to the solutions accepted in Latvia. The current basis for real estate tax is a set fee per 1m² of the estate’s area established in a town council resolution, taking into account the maximum fees established by the Minister of Finances. Currently, the owners of real estates with identical area often pay the same tax regardless of the location, condition and function of the real estate formulated in the plan. The cadastral tax currently in preparation addresses these and other features which influence the value of real estate. A set cadastral value approximate to the market value will serve as the basis for determining the cadastral tax. The principles of real estate tax retrieval in Poland are not clearly established which is why it might prove useful to use the experience of other countries undergoing similar governmental changes. The article makes references to tax solutions recognized in Latvia in the domain of tax fees, valuation principles and problems accompanying real estate tax retrieval.

  12. Pengaruh Investment Opportunity Set Berbasis Pada Harga Saham Terhadap Real Growth Perusahaan Properti Dan Real Estate Di Bursa Efek Indonesia


    Silvia, Ditha


    This Study aims to analyze the influence of investment opportunity set (IOS) based on the share price to the real growth of the companies either simultaneously or partially on the real estate and property companies at Indonesian Stock Exchange (IDX). The sampling method used is purposive sampling method with the population of 40 real estate companies and from properties listed on Indonesia Stock Exchange , 28 companies sampled acquired in the period 2009 – 2011 . the data resource in this st...

  13. Real balance effects, timing, and equilibrium determination

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Stoltenberg, C.A.


    By assuming that money balances at the beginning instead of at the end of the period provide transaction services, standard results on nominal and real determinacy in monetary models are overturned. The key is that predetermined real money balances can be a state variable. Whereas the determination

  14. Real time refractive index measurement by ESPI

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Torroba, R.; Joenathan, C.


    In this paper a method to measure refractive index variations in real time is reported. A technique to introduce reference fringes in real time is discussed. Both the theoretical and experimental results are presented and an example with phase shifting is given. (author). 8 refs, 5 figs

  15. The Synthesis of Intelligent Real-Time Systems (United States)


    Synthesis of Intelligent Real - Time Systems . The purpose of the effort was to develop and extend theories and techniques that facilitate the design and...implementation of intelligent real - time systems . In particular, Teleos has extended situated-automata theory to apply to situations in which the system has

  16. 32 CFR 552.16 - Real estate claims founded upon contract. (United States)


    ... 32 National Defense 3 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 true Real estate claims founded upon contract. 552.16... Real Estate Claims Founded Upon Contract § 552.16 Real estate claims founded upon contract. (a) Purpose... interest in real estate for which compensation must be made according to the Fifth Amendment to the...

  17. 12 CFR 560.172 - Re-evaluation of real estate owned. (United States)


    ... 12 Banks and Banking 5 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Re-evaluation of real estate owned. 560.172... of real estate owned. A savings association shall appraise each parcel of real estate owned at the... under the particular circumstances. The foregoing requirement shall not apply to any parcel of real...

  18. Hard Real-Time Linux for Off-The-Shelf Multicore Architectures


    Radder, Dirk


    This document describes the research results that were obtained from the development of a real-time extension for the Linux operating system. The paper describes a full extension of the kernel, which enables hard real-time performance on a 64-bit x86 architecture. In the first part of this study, real-time systems are categorized and concepts of real-time operating systems are introduced to the reader. In addition, numerous well-known real-time operating systems are considered. QNX Neutrino, ...

  19. Real World Connections in High School Mathematics Curriculum and Teaching

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Gökhan Karakoç


    Full Text Available Making real world connections in mathematics curricula and in teaching mathematics is generally viewed favorably within the educational community, however, little empirical research has examined how and why to use real world connections in mathematics education based on the views of experts. This study describes the feasibility of the use of real world connections according to high school mathematics teachers and academicians of mathematics education. Opinions of high school mathematics teachers (n=16 and academicians (n=8 about advantages, disadvantages, and examples of real world connections are elicited and reported. Teachers and academicians report several advantages of the use of real world connections in teaching mathematics as well as its disadvantages and limitations. Suggestions about dealing with limiting factors for using real world connections are also reported. Keywords: Mathematics curriculum, real world connections, mathematics teaching

  20. Real-time video compressing under DSP/BIOS (United States)

    Chen, Qiu-ping; Li, Gui-ju


    This paper presents real-time MPEG-4 Simple Profile video compressing based on the DSP processor. The programming framework of video compressing is constructed using TMS320C6416 Microprocessor, TDS510 simulator and PC. It uses embedded real-time operating system DSP/BIOS and the API functions to build periodic function, tasks and interruptions etcs. Realize real-time video compressing. To the questions of data transferring among the system. Based on the architecture of the C64x DSP, utilized double buffer switched and EDMA data transfer controller to transit data from external memory to internal, and realize data transition and processing at the same time; the architecture level optimizations are used to improve software pipeline. The system used DSP/BIOS to realize multi-thread scheduling. The whole system realizes high speed transition of a great deal of data. Experimental results show the encoder can realize real-time encoding of 768*576, 25 frame/s video images.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Kenneth Weiher


    Full Text Available Prompted by the inflation-adjusted Dow Jones Industrials Average setting its first record high in almost thirty years in 1995, this paper studies the impact of inflation on nominal and real stock prices from a theoretical, historical, and empirical perspective. While stocks are an excellent longterm hedge against inflation, nominal stock prices stagnate and real stock prices fall during a period of rapid inflation. Both nominal and real stockprices then go through a catch-up phase during the subsequent disinflation period. The history for this century is consistent with this pattern. Regression analysis between real and nominal stock prices as the dependent variables and inflation as the independent variable shows statistically significant evidence that (a nominal stock returns are positively related to inflation while real stock returns are not; and (b both nominal and real stock returns are negatively related to accelerations of inflation and positively related to decelerations.

  2. The real estate market as the foundation of the value and forecast as a purpose: trend and real estate cycles

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Paolo Rosasco


    Full Text Available The purpose of this project is that of inquiring around the relations existing among the main variables characterizing the Genovese residential real estate market which determine their performance in time through the data analysis of the two observers of the real estate market: ASSIMIL and OMI. The analysis has developed on five selected market homogeneous areas within the territory of the town of Genoa. The aim is that to test whether it’s possible or not to recognize a cyclical of values in time and how they appear by using two different sources of data. The correct forecast of the real estate market is, in fact, strategic for the valuation of the feasibility of interventions and for the construction of reliable real estate investment scenarios.

  3. Real interest parity decomposition

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Alex Luiz Ferreira


    Full Text Available The aim of this paper is to investigate the general causes of real interest rate differentials (rids for a sample of emerging markets for the period of January 1996 to August 2007. To this end, two methods are applied. The first consists of breaking the variance of rids down into relative purchasing power pariety and uncovered interest rate parity and shows that inflation differentials are the main source of rids variation; while the second method breaks down the rids and nominal interest rate differentials (nids into nominal and real shocks. Bivariate autoregressive models are estimated under particular identification conditions, having been adequately treated for the identified structural breaks. Impulse response functions and error variance decomposition result in real shocks as being the likely cause of rids.O objetivo deste artigo é investigar as causas gerais dos diferenciais da taxa de juros real (rids para um conjunto de países emergentes, para o período de janeiro de 1996 a agosto de 2007. Para tanto, duas metodologias são aplicadas. A primeira consiste em decompor a variância dos rids entre a paridade do poder de compra relativa e a paridade de juros a descoberto e mostra que os diferenciais de inflação são a fonte predominante da variabilidade dos rids; a segunda decompõe os rids e os diferenciais de juros nominais (nids em choques nominais e reais. Sob certas condições de identificação, modelos autorregressivos bivariados são estimados com tratamento adequado para as quebras estruturais identificadas e as funções de resposta ao impulso e a decomposição da variância dos erros de previsão são obtidas, resultando em evidências favoráveis a que os choques reais são a causa mais provável dos rids.

  4. Improving Timeliness in Real-Time Secure Database Systems

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library

    Son, Sang H; David, Rasikan; Thuraisingham, Bhavani


    .... In addition to real-time requirements, security is usually required in many applications. Multilevel security requirements introduce a new dimension to transaction processing in real-time database systems...

  5. Real and étale cohomology

    CERN Document Server

    Scheiderer, Claus


    This book makes a systematic study of the relations between the étale cohomology of a scheme and the orderings of its residue fields. A major result is that in high degrees, étale cohomology is cohomology of the real spectrum. It also contains new contributions in group cohomology and in topos theory. It is of interest to graduate students and researchers who work in algebraic geometry (not only real) and have some familiarity with the basics of étale cohomology and Grothendieck sites. Independently, it is of interest to people working in the cohomology theory of groups or in topos theory.

  6. Real-time ISEE data system (United States)

    Tsurutani, B. T.; Baker, D. N.


    A real-time ISEE data system directed toward predicting geomagnetic substorms and storms is discussed. Such a system may allow up to 60+ minutes advance warning of magnetospheric substorms and up to 30 minute warnings of geomagnetic storms (and other disturbances) induced by high-speed streams and solar flares. The proposed system utilizes existing capabilities of several agencies (NASA, NOAA, USAF), and thereby minimizes costs. This same concept may be applicable to data from other spacecraft, and other NASA centers; thus, each individual experimenter can receive quick-look data in real time at his or her base institution.

  7. Elements of real analysis

    CERN Document Server

    Al-Gwaiz, MA


    PREFACEPRELIMINARIES Sets FunctionsREAL NUMBERSField AxiomsOrder Axioms Natural Numbers, Integers, Rational NumbersCompleteness Axiom Decimal Representation of Real Numbers Countable SetsSEQUENCESSequences and ConvergenceProperties of Convergent Sequences Monotonic SequencesThe Cauchy Criterion Subsequences Upper and Lower Limits Open and Closed Sets INFINITE SERIESBasic Properties Convergence TestsLIMIT OF A FUNCTIONLimit of a Function Basic Theorems Some Extensions of the LimitMonotonic Functions CONTINUITY Continuous Functions Combinations of Continuous Functions Continuity on an IntervalUniformContinuityCompact Sets and ContinuityDIFFERENTIATION The DerivativeTheMean Value TheoremL'Hôpital's RuleTaylor's TheoremTHE RIEMANN INTEGRALRiemann Integrability Darboux's Theorem and Riemann SumsProperties of the Integral The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus Improper IntegralsSEQUENCES AND SERIES OF FUNCTIONSSequences of FunctionsProperties of Uniform ConvergenceSeries of FunctionsPower Series LEBESGUE MEASURE Clas...

  8. The Relationship between Stock Returns and Past Performance of Hotel Real Estate Industry in the US: Is Hotel Real Estate prone to overinvestment


    Minye Zhang; Yongheng Deng


    Hotel real estate industry is an important economy in the U.S. This study examines the return patterns of hotel real estate stocks in the U.S. from 1990 to 2007. This study utilizes an integrated framework which includes the most critical explanatory variables to investigate the determinants of the contrarian or momentum profits of the hotel real estate industry. The study finds that the magnitude and persistence of future returns of hotel real estate stocks can be predicted based on past ret...

  9. Tune in the Net with RealAudio. (United States)

    Buchanan, Larry


    Describes how to connect to the RealAudio Web site to download a player that provides sound from Web pages to the computer through streaming technology. Explains hardware and software requirements and provides addresses for other RealAudio Web sites are provided, including weather information and current news. (LRW)

  10. Validation of RNAi by real time PCR

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Josefsen, Knud; Lee, Ying Chiu


    Real time PCR is the analytic tool of choice for quantification of gene expression, while RNAi is concerned with downregulation of gene expression. Together, they constitute a powerful approach in any loss of function studies of selective genes. We illustrate here the use of real time PCR to verify...

  11. An algorithm for learning real-time automata

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Verwer, S.E.; De Weerdt, M.M.; Witteveen, C.


    We describe an algorithm for learning simple timed automata, known as real-time automata. The transitions of real-time automata can have a temporal constraint on the time of occurrence of the current symbol relative to the previous symbol. The learning algorithm is similar to the redblue fringe

  12. Real Time Grid Reliability Management 2005

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Eto, Joe; Eto, Joe; Lesieutre, Bernard; Lewis, Nancy Jo; Parashar, Manu


    The increased need to manage California?s electricity grid in real time is a result of the ongoing transition from a system operated by vertically-integrated utilities serving native loads to one operated by an independent system operator supporting competitive energy markets. During this transition period, the traditional approach to reliability management -- construction of new transmission lines -- has not been pursued due to unresolved issues related to the financing and recovery of transmission project costs. In the absence of investments in new transmission infrastructure, the best strategy for managing reliability is to equip system operators with better real-time information about actual operating margins so that they can better understand and manage the risk of operating closer to the edge. A companion strategy is to address known deficiencies in offline modeling tools that are needed to ground the use of improved real-time tools. This project: (1) developed and conducted first-ever demonstrations of two prototype real-time software tools for voltage security assessment and phasor monitoring; and (2) prepared a scoping study on improving load and generator response models. Additional funding through two separate subsequent work authorizations has already been provided to build upon the work initiated in this project.

  13. Is Optimism Real? (United States)

    Simmons, Joseph P.; Massey, Cade


    Is optimism real, or are optimistic forecasts just cheap talk? To help answer this question, we investigated whether optimistic predictions persist in the face of large incentives to be accurate. We asked National Football League football fans to predict the winner of a single game. Roughly half (the partisans) predicted a game involving their…

  14. Rt-Space: A Real-Time Stochastically-Provisioned Adaptive Container Environment (United States)


    Real-Time Systems (ECRTS) Conference Location: Toulouse, France Paper Title: Multiprocessor Real-Time Locking Protocols for Replicated Resources...Conference Location: Lille, France Paper Title: A Contention-Sensitive Fine-Grained Locking Protocol for Multiprocessor Real-Time Systems Publication...On the Soft Real-Time Optimality of Global EDF on Multiprocessors: From Identical to Uniform Heterogeneous Publication Type: Conference Paper or

  15. Real Property Tax Rates (United States)

    Montgomery County of Maryland — The Levy Year 2012 real property tax rate dataset reflects all the rates per $100 set each year by the County Council. These rates are applied to the assessed value...

  16. 32 CFR 643.13 - Military requirement for real estate under grant. (United States)


    ... 32 National Defense 4 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 true Military requirement for real estate under grant... (CONTINUED) REAL PROPERTY REAL ESTATE General § 643.13 Military requirement for real estate under grant. When a military requirement arises for real estate which is being used under a grant of non-Army use, the...

  17. Automated Real-Time Clearance Analyzer (ARCA), Phase I (United States)

    National Aeronautics and Space Administration — The Automated Real-Time Clearance Analyzer (ARCA) addresses the future safety need for Real-Time System-Wide Safety Assurance (RSSA) in aviation and progressively...

  18. Design optimization of real estate tax and effect analysis in China

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jingjiuan Guo


    Full Text Available Purpose: The objective of this research is to reform the current real estate tax system and establish the real estate tax system suitable for China’s national conditions.Design/methodology: Based on the necessity of the real estate tax reform, the paper studies the system optimization and its effects analysis of the real estate tax. At last, the paper uses the system dynamics to demonstrate the feasibility of the real estate tax from an empirical point.Findings: With the system dynamics, we can establish the causal relationship of the influence factors and forecast the impact on the future real estate prices. It can also provide some suggestions for China’s real estate tax reform.Research limitations/implications: The establishment of the model might not be very mature, so we need the further study and improvement.Originality/value: This study was the first to use system dynamics to analyze the impact of real estate taxes on real estate prices, and we hope to provide some suggestions for China’s real estate tax reform.

  19. Real time sensor for therapeutic radiation delivery

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bliss, M.; Craig, R.A.; Reeder, P.L.


    The invention is a real time sensor for therapeutic radiation. A probe is placed in or near the patient that senses in real time the dose at the location of the probe. The strength of the dose is determined by either an insertion or an exit probe. The location is determined by a series of vertical and horizontal sensing elements that gives the operator a real time read out dose location relative to placement of the patient. The increased accuracy prevents serious tissue damage to the patient by preventing overdose or delivery of a dose to a wrong location within the body. 14 figs

  20. Perfect sequences over the real quaternions


    Kuznetsov, Oleg


    In this Thesis, perfect sequences over the real quaternions are first considered. Definitions for the right and left periodic autocorrelation functions are given, and right and left perfect sequences introduced. It is shown that the right (left) perfection of any sequence implies the left (right) perfection, so concepts of right and left perfect sequences over the real quaternions are equivalent. Unitary transformations of the quaternion space ℍ are then considered. Using the equivalence of t...

  1. Franchise ownership redirection: real options perspective


    Nugroho, Lukito Adi


    Background: For over 40 years, the franchise ownership redirection hypothesis has attracted the attention of many scholars. This study, differing from previous ones, proposes an alternative approach for this hypothesis using a real options framework with the extension of agency theory. Method: The real options model is built using the least square Monte Carlo method, where the franchisor's decision to franchise is perceived as a deferred investment while maintaining the right of future acquis...

  2. A basic course in real analysis

    CERN Document Server

    Kumar, Ajit


    Real Number SystemAlgebra of the Real Number System Upper and Lower Bounds LUB Property and Its Applications Absolute Value and Triangle Inequality Sequences and Their Convergence Sequences and Their Convergence Cauchy Sequences Monotone Sequences Sandwich Lemma Some Important Limits Sequences Diverging to Subsequences Sequences Defined Recursively Continuity Continuous Functions Definition of Continuity Intermediate Value Theorem .Extreme Value Theorem Monotone Functions Limits Uniform Continuity Continuous Extensions Differentiation Differentiability of Functions Mean Value Theorems L'Hospit

  3. Learning from Dealing with Real World Problems (United States)

    Akcay, Hakan


    The purpose of this article is to provide an example of using real world issues as tools for science teaching and learning. Using real world issues provides students with experiences in learning in problem-based environments and encourages them to apply their content knowledge to solving current and local problems.

  4. Bringing real-world problems into the classroom

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Enserink, B.; De Haan, A.R.C.; Hermans, L.M.


    Real world problems are a challenge and a motivator for students to learn understanding and using the concepts of systems and actors. But using real world problems in the classroom is not without challenges and dilemmas. In the paper we explicitly address the issue of the need for quite intense

  5. PERTS: A Prototyping Environment for Real-Time Systems (United States)

    Liu, Jane W. S.; Lin, Kwei-Jay; Liu, C. L.


    PERTS is a prototyping environment for real-time systems. It is being built incrementally and will contain basic building blocks of operating systems for time-critical applications, tools, and performance models for the analysis, evaluation and measurement of real-time systems and a simulation/emulation environment. It is designed to support the use and evaluation of new design approaches, experimentations with alternative system building blocks, and the analysis and performance profiling of prototype real-time systems.

  6. Estimating the equilibrium real exchange rate in Venezuela


    Hilde Bjørnland


    To determine whether the real exchange rate is misaligned with respect to its long-run equilibrium is an important issue for policy makers. This paper clarifies and calculates the concept of the equilibrium real exchange rate, using a structural vector autoregression (VAR) model. By imposing long-run restrictions on a VAR model for Venezuela, four structural shocks are identified: Nominal demand, real demand, supply and oil price shocks. The identified shocks and their impulse responses are c...

  7. The real estate markets: Players, Institutions ans Territories


    Theurillat Thierry; Rérat Patrick; Crevosier Olivier


    Revealing the parties the processes and the institutions and consequently both the diversity and contingency of the real estate markets the existing increasing literature emphasises the contem porary numerous links and interdependencies between real estate land value planning and town planning policy and even the financial system. This paper is an attempt to understand all the real estate markets from the most peripheral ones where the urban rent is the lowest to the most dense city cent...

  8. The Real Estate Markets : Players, Institutions and Territories


    Theurillat, Thierry; Rérat, Patrick; Crevoisier, Olivier


    Revealing the parties, the processes and the institutions and, consequently, both the diversity and contingency of the real estate markets, the existing increasing literature emphasises the contemporary numerous links and interdependencies between real estate, land value, planning and town planning policy and even the financial system. This paper is an attempt to understand all the real estate markets, from the most peripheral ones, where the urban rent is the lowest, to the most dense city c...

  9. Considerações sobre o feminino e o real na psicanálise Lo femenino y lo real en el psicoanálisis The feminine and the real in psychoanalysis considerations

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Cristina Moreira Marcos


    Full Text Available Em suas considerações sobre o feminino Lacan parte da tese de que é um ser que não se submete inteiramente ao Édipo. Privilegiando menos a castração do que a divisão introduzida na menina pelo primado do falo, ele funda suas interrogações a propósito do feminino na divisão da mulher entre os dois gozos. É na medida em que uma mulher não está completamente submetida à lei do significante que haveria a possibilidade de um gozo não-todo referido ao falo. Permanece um inominável, um real que desfruta um outro gozo, suplementar ao falo. A mulher, não inteiramente no simbólico, teria uma relação privilegiada com o real. Trata-se de se perguntar como podemos ler esta relação. Não pretendemos percorrer exaustivamente a teorização do real no ensino de Lacan, mas buscaremos afirmar alguns aspectos fundamentais deste conceito para melhor delimitar o que significa esta relação privilegiada das mulheres com o real.Al centrarse en la división presentó a la niña por la primacía del falo, Lacan basa sus preguntas sobre el tema de la mujer en la división femenina entre las dos goces. Es en que una mujer no está totalmente sujeto a la ley del significante que habría una posibilidad de un goce otro. La mujer, no del todo en el simbólico, tendría una relación privilegiada con lo real. Hay que preguntar cómo podemos ver esta relación. No es ir al fondo a través de la teoría de lo real en Lacan, pero pensar en cómo algunos aspectos de este concepto puede arrojar luz sobre la relación privilegiada de la mujer con el real.The feminine is considered by Lacan as a being who does not submit entirely to Oedipus. By focusing less on castration than on the division introduced by the rule of the phallus, his questions about women are based on the women's division between the two jouissances. It is in that a woman is not completely subject to the law of the signifier that there would be a possibility of another jouissance. It

  10. Measuring real exchange rate misalignment in Croatia: cointegration approach

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Irena Palić


    Full Text Available The purpose of the paper is to analyze misalignment of the real exchange rate in Croatia. The misalignment analysis is conducted using the permanent equilibrium exchange rate approach. The equilibrium real exchange rate is computed using the cointegration approach whereby the real exchange rate and its fundamentals, namely terms of trade, net foreign assets and the ratio of prices of tradables to non-tradables are included in cointegration analysis. The Hodrick and Prescott filter is used to obtain permanent values of the equilibrium real exchange rate. The real exchange rate misalignment is computed as the deviation of the RER from its permanent equilibrium level. Four overvaluation periods and three undervaluation periods are recorded in Croatia in the observed period. Overvaluation periods are more often and of longer duration than undervaluation periods. However, the real exchange rate does not deviate largely from its estimated equilibrium value in the observed period, and it is neither overvalued nor undervalued constantly, but the periods alternate. Considering the results of the analysis, together with the empirical characteristics of Croatian economy, namely the high foreign currency indebtedness, highly euroized economy and underdeveloped export oriented sector, the depreciation of the real exchange rate is not recommended to economic policy makers and the current Croatian exchange rate policy is appropriate.

  11. A viable real estate economy with disruption and blockchain

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Veuger, Jan


    Two titles in one cover. On page 56-112 there's the English version of the book: 'A viable real estate economy with disruption and blockchain. Does real estate still have the value that it had, or is the valuation of real estate going to change due to surprising products and services, innovative

  12. Real quantum cybernetics (United States)

    Grössing, Gerhard


    It is shown on the basis of quantum cybernetics that one can obtain the usual predictions of quantum theory without ever referring to complex numbered “quantum mechanical amplitudes”. Instead, a very simple formula for transition and certain conditional probabilities is developed that involves real numbers only, thus relating intuitively understandable and in principle directly observable physical quantities.

  13. Visualising the Complex Roots of Quadratic Equations with Real Coefficients (United States)

    Bardell, Nicholas S.


    The roots of the general quadratic equation y = ax[superscript 2] + bx + c (real a, b, c) are known to occur in the following sets: (i) real and distinct; (ii) real and coincident; and (iii) a complex conjugate pair. Case (iii), which provides the focus for this investigation, can only occur when the values of the real coefficients a, b, and c are…

  14. Real Estate Across the United States (REXUS) (Lease) (United States)

    General Services Administration — Real Estate Across the United States (REXUS) is the primary tool used by PBS to track and manage the government's real property assets and to store inventory data,...

  15. Real estate valuation in the Republic of Serbia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Božić Branko S.


    Full Text Available There is no complete and systemized infrastructure for efficient and reliable evaluation of real estates in the Republic of Serbia. This is confirmed by analysis of the applicable regulations which treat valuation of real estates in different ways. This practice contradicting numerous standards and applicable directives (INSPIRE directive, Strategy of the development of geospatial data infrastructure in the Republic of Serbia etc., as well as numerous other examples of good practice governing the activities of collecting and maintaining spatial data infrastructure. By the Law on State Survey and Cadaster of the 2009, the Republic Geodetic Authority is ensured to the jurisdiction of the development of mass appraisal, which should provide real estate market value for all real estates in the territory of the Republic of Serbia. In contrast, the position and the role of local government being increasable stronger in creating the budget, which is closely associated with the values of resources and capital which local government have. Determing the property tax is the responsibility of the local government and therefore its role in the process of valuation of immovable property is of great importance. In addition to local governments, the Tax Administration traditionally determines real estate values. This paper analyzes the current situation and initiate further activities on the development of the system of evaluation of real estates in the Republic of Serbia.

  16. Grupo escolar en Irurzun - Navarra - España

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Guibert Tabar, J.


    Full Text Available The formal characteristics of this school complex are determined by the large roofs and the angled shape of the floorplans. The first is as a consequence of the interest in achieving a unity of concept and volume, at the same time maintaining the architectural tradition of the area. Insofar as the angular shape, this is the response to the idea of obtaining ideal conditions of light in each of the classrooms. The building consists of three upper levels, ground floor and semi-basement. In the last of these are found: the gymnasium, the dressing rooms for students and the technical premises serving the school. The ground floor, where the main access is found, includes a small administrative area, the dining room and kitchen, one classroom for girls, three for pre-school children, four for boys and one multifunctional room. The rest of the floors, with the same arrangement, house eight classrooms for girls and five for boys, along with a series of auxiliary premises, such as teachers' rooms, libraries, classrooms for various uses, archives, rooms for crafts, etc. . The construction is completed with an ample sports area and recreation zone.

    Las características formales de este grupo escolar —proyectado en 1969— vienen determinadas por las grandes cubiertas y la forma dentada de las plantas. La primera de ellas es consecuencia del interés por lograr una unidad de concepto y de volumen, manteniendo, al mismo tiempo, la tradición arquitectónica de la zona. En cuanto a la forma dentada, es la respuesta a la idea de obtener unas óptimas condiciones de iluminación en cada una de las aulas. El edificio se compone de tres niveles superiores, planta baja y semisótano. En este último se hallan: el gimnasio, los vestuarios de alumnos y los locales técnicos que sirven a la escuela. La planta baja, en la que se encuentra el acceso principal, comprende una pequeña zona administrativa, el comedor con su cocina, una clase de niñas, tres de párvulos, cuatro de niños y una multifuncional. El resto de las plantas albergan, con el mismo esquema organizativo, ocho aulas de niñas y cinco de niños, junto a una serie de locales auxiliares tales como salas de profesores, bibliotecas, clases de usos varios, archivos, aulas de trabajos manuales, etc. La construcción se completa con una amplia zona deportiva y de recreo.

  17. [Imported histoplasmosis in Navarra: presentation of four cases]. (United States)

    Navascués, Ana; Rodríguez, Irene; Repáraz, Jesús; Salvo, Soledad; Gil-Setas, Alberto; Martínez Peñuela, José María


    Histoplasmosis is a fungal infection caused by the dimorphic fungi Histoplasma capsulatum. Its incidence in Spain has increased in recent years, mainly due to the increased presence of immigrants from Latin America and increased travel to the continent for tourism and cooperation. Our aim was to review the clinical characteristics of cases of histoplasmosis diagnosed in our hospital during the last six years. We diagnosed 4 cases from 4 patients from South America, 3 of whom were HIV positive and 1 diagnosed with dermatomyositis was treated with immunosuppressive drugs. The laboratory diagnosis was carried out by histological and microbiological study, by culture and specific PCR directly on the sample. As it is an imported infection there needs to be a high level of suspicion and a detailed history taken to get a diagnosis. This infection requires a differential diagnosis between febrile syndrome in immunosuppressed patients, both HIV positive and immunosuppressive therapy, which originate from endemic areas, or who have a history of staying in them. Copyright © 2010 Revista Iberoamericana de Micología. Published by Elsevier Espana. All rights reserved.

  18. Real-Time Forecasting Revisited: Letting the Data Decide


    Jackson Kitchen; John Kitchen


    Real-time GDP forecasting, also often known as “nowcasting,” produces estimates for current-quarter real GDP growth, typically based on a centered value from a set of estimates from incoming indicators. These real-time measures are usually intended to be data-based and to not be based on forecaster judgment or add factors. Even so, estimation methodologies in this research area—and prior versions of the system we use—typically have been constrained by using various “fixed” relationships, such...

  19. Developments in architecture for real-time data systems

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Heath, R.L.; Myers, W.R.


    Real-time data systems typically operate at two levels: a fast-response instrument-oriented level for data acquisition and control, and a slow human-oriented level for interaction and computation. Traditional minicomputer data systems support real-time applications by implementation of background/foreground software. Recent developments in computer technology including microprocessors enable the functional organization of hardware in distributed or hierarchical form to provide new system structures for real-time requirements. Examples of systems with distributed architecture will be discussed in detail

  20. Targeting the Real Exchange Rate; Theory and Evidence


    Carlos A. Végh Gramont; Guillermo Calvo; Carmen Reinhart


    This paper presents a theoretical and empirical analysis of policies aimed at setting a more depreciated level of the real exchange rate. An intertemporal optimizing model suggests that, in the absence of changes in fiscal policy, a more depreciated level of the real exchange can only be attained temporarily. This can be achieved by means of higher inflation and/or higher real interest rates, depending on the degree of capital mobility. Evidence for Brazil, Chile, and Colombia supports the mo...

  1. Real Estate and the Asian Crisis


    Quigley, John M.


    This paper suggests that activities in the real estate markets in Southeast and East Asian economies were an important contributing force to the financial crises of 1997 in the Asian economies. The analysis relies upon unpublished data reported contemporaneously by financial institutions and market watchers to document the extent of the imbalances in the real property market that were evident to informed observers at the time of the financial collapse. The analysis argues that a series of ref...

  2. SignalR real time application development

    CERN Document Server

    Ingebrigtsen, Einar


    This step-by-step guide gives you practical advice, tips, and tricks that will have you writing real-time apps quickly and easily.If you are a .NET developer who wants to be at the cutting edge of development, then this book is for you. Real-time application development is made simple in this guide, so as long as you have basic knowledge of .NET, a copy of Visual Studio, and NuGet installed, you are ready to go.

  3. Real time monitoring of electron processors

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nablo, S.V.; Kneeland, D.R.; McLaughlin, W.L.


    A real time radiation monitor (RTRM) has been developed for monitoring the dose rate (current density) of electron beam processors. The system provides continuous monitoring of processor output, electron beam uniformity, and an independent measure of operating voltage or electron energy. In view of the device's ability to replace labor-intensive dosimetry in verification of machine performance on a real-time basis, its application to providing archival performance data for in-line processing is discussed. (author)

  4. Real-time multiple image manipulations

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Arenson, J.S.; Shalev, S.; Legris, J.; Goertzen, Y.


    There are many situations in which it is desired to manipulate two or more images under real-time operator control. The authors have investigated a number of such cases in order to determine their value and applicability in clinical medicine and laboratory research. Several examples are presented in detail. The DICOM-8 video image computer system was used due to its capability of storing two 512 x 512 x 8 bit images and operating on them, and/or an incoming video frame, with any of a number of real time operations including addition, subtraction, inversion, averaging, logical AND, NAND, OR, NOR, NOT, XOR and XNOR, as well as combinations of these. Some applications involve manipulations of or among the stored images. In others, a stored image is used as a mask or template for positioning or adjusting a second image to be grabbed via a video camera. The accuracy of radiotherapy treatment is verified by comparing port films with the original radiographic planning film, which is previously digitized and stored. Moving the port film on the light box while viewing the real-time subtraction image allows for adjustments of zoom, translation and rotation, together with contrast and edge enhancement

  5. Real-time earthquake data feasible (United States)

    Bush, Susan

    Scientists agree that early warning devices and monitoring of both Hurricane Hugo and the Mt. Pinatubo volcanic eruption saved thousands of lives. What would it take to develop this sort of early warning and monitoring system for earthquake activity?Not all that much, claims a panel assigned to study the feasibility, costs, and technology needed to establish a real-time earthquake monitoring (RTEM) system. The panel, drafted by the National Academy of Science's Committee on Seismology, has presented its findings in Real-Time Earthquake Monitoring. The recently released report states that “present technology is entirely capable of recording and processing data so as to provide real-time information, enabling people to mitigate somewhat the earthquake disaster.” RTEM systems would consist of two parts—an early warning system that would give a few seconds warning before severe shaking, and immediate postquake information within minutes of the quake that would give actual measurements of the magnitude. At this time, however, this type of warning system has not been addressed at the national level for the United States and is not included in the National Earthquake Hazard Reduction Program, according to the report.

  6. Spying on real-time computers to improve performance

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Taff, L.M.


    The sampled program-counter histogram, an established technique for shortening the execution times of programs, is described for a real-time computer. The use of a real-time clock allows particularly easy implementation. (Auth.)

  7. Specification and Automated Verification of Real-Time Behaviour

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kristensen, C.H.; Andersen, J.H.; Skou, A.


    In this paper we sketch a method for specification and automatic verification of real-time software properties.......In this paper we sketch a method for specification and automatic verification of real-time software properties....

  8. Specification and Automated Verification of Real-Time Behaviour

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Andersen, J.H.; Kristensen, C.H.; Skou, A.


    In this paper we sketch a method for specification and automatic verification of real-time software properties.......In this paper we sketch a method for specification and automatic verification of real-time software properties....

  9. The Corporate Real Estate Market in Public Statistics in Poland

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Konowalczuk Jan


    Full Text Available This paper presents theoretical considerations regarding the needs and criteria of creating ownership divisions of real estate markets for the purpose of public surveys and research. The scope of necessary changes to the collection of information in public registers and institutional conditions is indicated, as a necessary aspect towards enabling separate studies for corporate real estate to be conducted. Study results comparing the basic parameters of the real estate market in the Silesian voivodeship (Silesia province in 2004-2012, as per the Central Statistical Office (CSO annual reports, are also presented, as are the results of an analysis of data collected from a database of appraisers and valuers. The market parameters adopted for comparison have in both cases been developed based on the same source data obtained from public documents of the Registers of Real Estate Prices and Values (RREPV. The article presents the detailed results of own research on the real estate market in the Silesian voivodeship for 2012, with regards to the amount of real estate, the transaction values, the area of properties, and selected averages with regards to property type in line with those used in CSO studies. Also included is an assessment of the completeness of the market data presented by the CSO, taking into account the selected types of real estate. This paper also indicates the results of a pilot survey study of office workers of the RREPV in poviat (district council offices. The comparison of the regional real estate market forms a basis for the critical evaluation of the categories of real estate used in official statistics and selected forms of real estate turnover. Proposals regarding the needs and conditions that must be met in order to enable research on the corporate real estate market have also been formulated.

  10. Quantitative (real-time) PCR

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Denman, S.E.; McSweeney, C.S.


    Many nucleic acid-based probe and PCR assays have been developed for the detection tracking of specific microbes within the rumen ecosystem. Conventional PCR assays detect PCR products at the end stage of each PCR reaction, where exponential amplification is no longer being achieved. This approach can result in different end product (amplicon) quantities being generated. In contrast, using quantitative, or real-time PCR, quantification of the amplicon is performed not at the end of the reaction, but rather during exponential amplification, where theoretically each cycle will result in a doubling of product being created. For real-time PCR, the cycle at which fluorescence is deemed to be detectable above the background during the exponential phase is termed the cycle threshold (Ct). The Ct values obtained are then used for quantitation, which will be discussed later

  11. Real-time logo detection and tracking in video (United States)

    George, M.; Kehtarnavaz, N.; Rahman, M.; Carlsohn, M.


    This paper presents a real-time implementation of a logo detection and tracking algorithm in video. The motivation of this work stems from applications on smart phones that require the detection of logos in real-time. For example, one application involves detecting company logos so that customers can easily get special offers in real-time. This algorithm uses a hybrid approach by initially running the Scale Invariant Feature Transform (SIFT) algorithm on the first frame in order to obtain the logo location and then by using an online calibration of color within the SIFT detected area in order to detect and track the logo in subsequent frames in a time efficient manner. The results obtained indicate that this hybrid approach allows robust logo detection and tracking to be achieved in real-time.

  12. A reliable information management for real-time systems

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nishihara, Takuo; Tomita, Seiji


    In this paper, we propose a system configuration suitable for the hard realtime systems in which integrity and durability of information are important. On most hard real-time systems, where response time constraints are critical, the data which program access are volatile, and may be lost in case the systems are down. But for some real-time systems, the value-added intelligent network (IN) systems, e.g., integrity and durability of the stored data are very important. We propose a distributed system configuration for such hard real-time systems, comprised of service control modules and data management modules. The service control modules process transactions and responses based on deadline control, and the data management modules deal the stored data based on information recovery schemes well-restablished in fault real-time systems. (author)

  13. Competitive On-Line Scheduling for Overloaded Real-Time Systems (United States)


    Real - Time Systems by Gilad Koren a dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements...Overloaded Real - Time Systems 5a. CONTRACT NUMBER 5b. GRANT NUMBER 5c. PROGRAM ELEMENT NUMBER 6. AUTHOR(S) 5d. PROJECT NUMBER 5e. TASK NUMBER 5f. WORK...1.1 Introduction : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 2 1.1.1 Real - Time Systems : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :

  14. Real time psychrometric data collection

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    McDaniel, K.H.


    Eight Mine Weather Stations (MWS) installed at the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP) to monitor the underground ventilation system are helping to simulate real-time ventilation scenarios. Seasonal weather extremes can result in variations of Natural Ventilation Pressure (NVP) which can significantly effect the ventilation system. The eight MWS(s) (which previously collected and stored temperature, barometric pressure and relative humidity data for subsequent NVP calculations) were upgraded to provide continuous real-time data to the site wide Central monitoring System. This data can now be utilized by the ventilation engineer to create realtime ventilation simulations and trends which assist in the prediction and mitigation of NVP and psychrometric related events

  15. Autopsies of the real: Resurrecting the dead

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Valis, Noël


    Full Text Available The sense of the real, or the material—the dead body—as an inextricable part of the sacred does not disappear in the secular environment of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. This article analyzes specific humanitarian narratives centered on the practice of autopsy and mummification, in which the traces of Catholicism act as a kind of spectral discourse of the imagination, where the real is configured in forms of the uncanny, the monstrous or the sacred.

    El sentido de lo real, de lo material —el cuerpo sin vida— como una inextricable parte de lo sagrado, no desaparece del ambiente secular de los siglos XIX y XX. En los relatos analizados en este artículo se estudia cómo en determinadas narrativas humanitarias centradas en la práctica de la autopsia y la momificación, las huellas del catolicismo actúan como una suerte de discurso espectral de la imaginación, en que lo real se configura en formas de lo siniestro, lo monstruoso o lo sagrado.

  16. Building Real-Time Collaborative Applications with a Federated Architecture

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Pablo Ojanguren-Menendez


    Full Text Available Real-time collaboration is being offered by multiple libraries and APIs (Google Drive Real-time API, Microsoft Real-Time Communications API, TogetherJS, ShareJS, rapidly becoming a mainstream option for webservices developers. However, they are offered as centralised services running in a single server, regardless if they are free/open source or proprietary software. After re-engineering Apache Wave (former Google Wave, we can now provide the first decentralised and federated free/open source alternative. The new API allows to develop new real-time collaborative web applications in both JavaScript and Java environments.

  17. Real-time advanced nuclear reactor core model

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Koclas, J.; Friedman, F.; Paquette, C.; Vivier, P.


    The paper describes a multi-nodal advanced nuclear reactor core model. The model is based on application of modern equivalence theory to the solution of neutron diffusion equation in real time employing the finite differences method. The use of equivalence theory allows the application of the finite differences method to cores divided into hundreds of nodes, as opposed to the much finer divisions (in the order of ten thousands of nodes) where the unmodified method is currently applied. As a result the model can be used for modelling of the core kinetics for real time full scope training simulators. Results of benchmarks, validate the basic assumptions of the model and its applicability to real-time simulation. (orig./HP)

  18. Robust Real-Time Tracking for Visual Surveillance

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Aguilera Josep


    Full Text Available This paper describes a real-time multi-camera surveillance system that can be applied to a range of application domains. This integrated system is designed to observe crowded scenes and has mechanisms to improve tracking of objects that are in close proximity. The four component modules described in this paper are (i motion detection using a layered background model, (ii object tracking based on local appearance, (iii hierarchical object recognition, and (iv fused multisensor object tracking using multiple features and geometric constraints. This integrated approach to complex scene tracking is validated against a number of representative real-world scenarios to show that robust, real-time analysis can be performed.

  19. Módulo Distribuido de Subasta Java sobre CORBA de Tiempo Real

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    P. Basanta-Val


    Full Text Available Resumen: El uso de infraestructuras middleware que permitan intercomunicar diferentes nodos de un sistema puede aliviar aspectos importantes relacionados con el coste de desarrollo y mantenimiento de dichos sistemas en entornos flexibles. En este contexto el artículo presenta una arquitectura desarrollada dentro del contexto de los sistemas de subasta distribuidos que tienen ciertos requisitos de tiempo real que han de ser satisfechos. Dicha arquitectura implementa un sistema de puja doble (CDA para un sistema de tiempo real industriales. El artículo presenta tanto la arquitectura del sistema con sus diferentes actores así como una evaluación en una plataforma real utilizando middleware de tiempo real ya existente. Abstract: Using middleware infrastructures that enable communication among different nodes in a system may alleviate aspects related to management and development cost in flexible environments. In that context the article presents an auction architecture with certain real-time requirements that have to be satisfied. The architecture implements a continuous double action (CDA algorithm for a real-time middleware. The article describes the architecture (actors and goals and the results obtained by using common-off-the-shelf real-time middleware. Palabras clave: Sistema de Subasta, Informática Industrial, Middleware, Tiempo Real, RT-CORBA, Real-time Java, Keywords: Action Systems, Real-time, Middleware, Industrial informatics, RT-CORBA, Real-time Java

  20. Survey of real-time processing systems for big data

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Liu, Xiufeng; Lftikhar, Nadeem; Xie, Xike


    In recent years, real-time processing and analytics systems for big data–in the context of Business Intelligence (BI)–have received a growing attention. The traditional BI platforms that perform regular updates on daily, weekly or monthly basis are no longer adequate to satisfy the fast......-changing business environments. However, due to the nature of big data, it has become a challenge to achieve the real-time capability using the traditional technologies. The recent distributed computing technology, MapReduce, provides off-the-shelf high scalability that can significantly shorten the processing time...... for big data; Its open-source implementation such as Hadoop has become the de-facto standard for processing big data, however, Hadoop has the limitation of supporting real-time updates. The improvements in Hadoop for the real-time capability, and the other alternative real-time frameworks have been...